
Sample records for penal tensiones al

  1. Repensando la libertad de expresión desde el abordaje al art. 213 del Código Penal argentino

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    Matalone, Noelia


    Full Text Available Este ensayo intenta presentar abordajes críticos sobre el delito tipificado en el art. 213 del Código Penal. En tal temperamento, se contrapone el tipo penal de apología del delito con los derechos individuales de las personas, en particular, la libertad de expresión. En este sentido, la autora formula una propuesta de derogación de la norma, como consecuencia de los fundamentos y efectos de esta norma, todo ello en orden a preservar, por sobre los intereses que puedan sostener este tipo de prohibición, la pluralidad de voces en la sociedad. Para ello, apela al sentido de la tolerancia social y a los principios de razonalibidad y de necesidad del sistema penal al momento de investigar y perseguir este tipo de casos.

  2. artículo 9 del Código Penal

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    Sebastián Felipe Sánchez Zapata


    Full Text Available El artículo 9 del Código Penal colombiano define, como norma rectora del sistema penal, la conducta punible. Este texto, cuestionando la recepción acrítica de doctrinas extranjeras al ordenamiento jurídico (y también códi - gos, normas, etc., expone algunos de los puntos más trascendentales de la teoría del delito, entre ellos, el concepto de conducta, desvalor de acción y re - sultado, relación de causalidad e imputación, ubicación sistemática del dolo y el tratamiento penal de los imputables a través de las interpretaciones de la doctrina penal colombiana.

  3. La Corte Penal Internacional: abriendo caminos

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    Alfredo Etcheberry


    Full Text Available A partir del análisis de las decisiones de la Corte Penal Internacional en el Caso Lubanga y la solicitud del Fiscal de detener al Presidente en ejercicio de Sudán, los autores analizan los desafíos y perspectivas del trabajo de la Corte Penal Internacional, particularmente en lo relativo a cómo se ha configurado su labor después de una etapa inicial dedicada a esclarecer su rol y constitución.

  4. Prime note sulla tutela penale dei culti nei Paesi dell’Est Europa

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    Giovanni Cimbalo


    Full Text Available Testo della relazione tenuta al Convegno “La Carta e la Corte” (Ferrara, 27 ottobre 2007 destinata alla pubblicazione negli Atti. SOMMARIO: 1. Alcune considerazioni preliminari sullo status delle Confessioni religiose nei paesi dell’Est Europa - 2. I nuovi orientamenti del diritto penale nell’Est Europa - 3. Le norme statali in materia di tutela penale dei culti e del sentimento religioso. 3. Le norme penali relative ai culti e a al sentimento religioso prima del 1992 nei Paesi dell’Est Europa - 4. Tipologie e tecniche legislative di tutela penale dei culti dopo il 1992 nei Paesi dell’Est Europa - 5. Alcune sommarie considerazioni.

  5. Density-functional calculations of the surface tension of liquid Al and Na (United States)

    Stroud, D.; Grimson, M. J.


    Calculations of the surface tensions of liquid Al and Na are described using the full ionic density functional formalism of Wood and Stroud (1983). Surface tensions are in good agreement with experiment in both cases, with results substantially better for Al than those found previously in the gradient approximation. Preliminary minimization with respect to surface profile leads to an oscillatory profile superimposed on a nearly steplike ionic density disribution; the oscillations have a wavellength of about a hardsphere diameter.

  6. First-principles investigation of mechanical and electronic properties of tetragonal NbAl3 under tension (United States)

    Jiao, Zhen; Liu, Qi-Jun; Liu, Fu-Sheng; Tang, Bin


    Using the density functional theory calculations, the mechanical and electronic properties of NbAl3 under different tensile loads were investigated. The calculated lattice parameters, elastic constants and mechanical properties (bulk modulus, shear modulus, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, Pugh's criterion and Cauchy's pressure) indicated that our results were in agreement with the published experimental and theoretical data at zero tension. With respect to NbAl3 under tension in this paper, the crystal structure was changed from tetragonal to orthorhombic under tension along the [100] and [101] directions. The NbAl3 crystal has been classified as brittle material under tension from 0 to 20 GPa. The obtained Young's modulus and Debye temperature monotonically decreased with increasing tension stress. Combining with mechanical and electronic properties in detail, the decreased mechanical properties were mainly due to the weakening of covalency.

  7. Localismo e non-neutralità culturale del diritto penale ‘sotto tensione’ per effetto dell’immigrazione

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    Fabio Basile


    penale: “il diritto penale è fortemente impregnato di cultura”. - 3. Conclusioni: le implicazioni di ‘localismo’ e ‘non-neutralità culturale’ del diritto penale in ordine al fenomeno dei reati ‘culturalmente motivati’ commessi dagli immigrati.

  8. La legitimidad del derecho penal

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    Francisco Bernate-Ochoa


    Full Text Available El interrogante sobre la legitimidad del derecho penal se ha convertido en un asunto medular dentro de los estudios contemporáneos sobre la materia, dado que hoy en día se reconoce que a partir de la solución a este interrogante teórico se puede asumir la tarea de construir un sistema. El panorama contemporáneo nos ofrece dos soluciones al respecto: por una parte, se sostiene que la legitimación del derecho penal emana de la Constitución, y se prescinde de una construcción sistémica del delito en aras de la obtención de consecuencias acordes con lo planteado en la Carta Política. Por otra, desde una propuesta -de corte normativista- se entiende que la legitimación del derecho penal debe encontrarse en la sociedad, y a partir del entendimiento de ésta se encuentra la necesidad de aquél, lo cual ejerce una influencia en la construcción del sistema del delito.

  9. Penal reform in Africa: The case of prison chaplaincy

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    Abraham K. Akih


    Full Text Available Penal reform is a challenge across the world. In Africa, those who are incarcerated are especially vulnerable and often deprived of basic human rights. Prison conditions are generally dire, resources are limited, and at times undue force is used to control inmates. The public attitude towards offenders is also not encouraging. Reform efforts include finding alternative ways of sentencing such as community service, making use of halfway houses and reducing sentences. These efforts have not yet yielded the desired results. The four principles of retribution, deterrence, incapacitation and rehabilitation guide penal practice in Africa. Retribution and rehabilitation stand in tension. Deterrence and incapacitation aim at forcing inmates to conform to the social order. The article argues that prison chaplaincy can make a valuable contribution to restoring the dignity and humanity of those who are incarcerated. Chaplaincy can contribute to improving attitudes and practices in the penal system and society. In addition to the social objective of rehabilitation, prison ministry can, on a spiritual level, also facilitate repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation. The aim is the holistic restoration of human beings.





    El presente documento tiene por finalidad presentar el trabajo de tesis para magíster, denominada "Una Mirada desde el Género al Discurso de Jueces/zas y otros Actores del Sistema Procesal Penal' E/interés por el tema en cuestión se remite a anteriores investigaciones realizadas a lo largo de tiempo, las cuales desde una perspectiva de género, han estado vinculadas con el consumo de drogas y delictualidad, criminalidad y mundo intrapenitenciario, sexualidad de las mujeres intramuros, y fin...

  11. Feminicidio y derecho penal: herramientas para su mejor aplicación

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    Jhoanna Caterine Prieto Moreno


    Full Text Available El numeral 11 del artículo 104 del Código Penal colombiano introdujo como causal de agravación del homicidio aquella acción que se comete contra una mujer en razón a su condición de género, pero que ello no llega a ser suficiente en razón al desconocimiento que se tiene por parte del aparato jurisdiccional penal para su debida aplicación, en razón a que no se tiene claridad sobre las motivaciones que llevaron al victimario a cometer dicho homicidio (feminicidio.

  12. Effects of Ce concentrations on ignition temperature and surface tension of Mg-9wt.%Al alloy

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    Deng Zhenghua


    Full Text Available Magnesium alloys are well known for their excellent properties, but the potential issues with oxidation and burning during melting and casting largely limit its industrial applications. The addition of Ce in magnesium alloys can significantly raise ignition-proof performance and change the structure of the oxide film on the surface of the molten metal as well as the surface tension values. Surface tension is an important physical parameter of the metal melts, and it plays an important role in the formation of surface oxide film. In this present work, the ignition temperature and the surface tension of Mg-9wt.%Al alloy with different Ce concentrations were studied. Surface tensions was measured using the maximum bubble pressure method (MBPM. Ignition temperature was measured using NiCr-NiSi type thermocouples and was monitored and recorded via a WXT-604 desk recording device. The results show that the ignition point of Mg-9wt.%Al alloy can be effectively elevated by adding Ce. The ignition temperature reaches its highest point of 720 ℃ when the addition of Ce is 1wt.%. The surface tension of the molten Mg-9wt.%Al alloy decreases exponentially with the increase of Ce addition at the same temperature. Similarly, the experiment also shows that the surface tension of Mg-9wt.%Al alloy decreases exponentially with the increase of temperature.


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    Henry Torres Vásquez


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se intenta de manera general abordar el terrorismo desde el punto de vista puramente legal, doctrinal y jurisprudencial. En Colombia es necesario y en ello radica este aporte, generar discusión jurídica respecto a la implementación de los delitos de terrorismo. Aquí se pretende puntualizar los tipos penales nuestros y se estudian algunos aspectos imbricados en los mismos, sin que ello sea un aspecto formal y dogmático, sino que alcontrario, es un análisis a la luz de las actuales interpretaciones sobre el terrorismo, lo cual no obsta para hacer algunos muy breves comentarios al respecto. Los elementos constitutivos de los bienes jurídicos Seguridad Pública y Derecho internacional Humanitario son analizados junto a los ingredientes normativos de los dos tipos penales estipulados en nuestro código penal.

  14. La justicia del menor: edades penales, realidades y expectativas

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    Full Text Available La ley orgánica 4/92, reguladora de la competencia y el procedimiento de los Juzgados de Menores, otorga al Ministerio Fiscal una serie de competencias que, sin duda alguna, pueden calificarse como de protección de menores. Si bien la ley orgánica referida llene como objetivo establecer un procedimiento para aquellos menores de 16 años y mayores de 12 que han infringido las leyes penales (Código Penal y Leyes Penales especiales y, en consecuencia, expresa el reproche social de sus conductas, no cabe duda de que la pretensión procesal que se desprende de una interpretación sistemática de la Ley es evidentemente educativa, por lo que la responsabilidad atribuida al Fiscal, en cuanto que postula ante el Juzgado la imposición de una medida, es necesariamente protectora. El anteproyecto de Ley de Justicia Juvenil avanza en el camino indicado, y así se manifiesta claramente en su Exposición de Motivos; se trata de “una ley sancionadora de naturaleza primordialmente educativa y no propiamente penal”.

  15. Excepciones a la prueba prohibida para garantizar el derecho al debido proceso penal, en la Corte Superior de Justicia del Distrito Judicial de Huánuco, 2014 - 2015


    Flores León, Vilma Felicitas


    La presente investigación ha tenido el objetivo de identificar las excepciones a la prueba prohibida que deben ser admitidas y valoradas para garantizar el derecho al debido proceso penal en la Corte Superior de Justicia del Distrito Judicial de Huánuco, 2014 - 2015, planteándose como una hipótesis que, la investigación de la verdad en el proceso penal, la defensa de los derechos fundamentales de la persona humana y el interés público, son las excepciones a la prueba prohibida que deben ser a...

  16. Funciones del Fiscal en el Sistema Procesal Penal Acusatorio Ecuatoriano


    Guillén, Oscar Medardo


    El art.219 de la Constitución Política vigente, define el nuevo marco legal, para el ejercicio de la acción penal de instancia pública, del Ministerio Público, en concordancia con el Nuevo Código de Procedimiento Penal y la Ley Orgánica del Ministerio Público, instrumentos jurídicos que han permitido el cambio del sistema conocido como inquisitivo , caracterizado por la concentración de funciones en el juez, para dar paso al sistema acusatorio oral que se ha dicho es mas humano, democrático y...

  17. La protección penal del medio ambiente. Análisis del art. 338 del Código Penal colombiano sobre minería ilegal

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    Sebastián Felipe Sánchez Zapata


    Full Text Available El estudio de la criminalidad medio-ambiental comprende todo un elenco de problemas jurídico-penales de muy difícil solución. Basta acudir a las dificultades que sobresalen al momento de definir el bien jurídico protegido, el desvalor de acción y resultado, las leyes penales en blanco, la relación de causalidad, etc. Un acercamiento, aunque sea superficial, a las dificultades ínsitas de estas categorías revela el uso que se está dando, en nuestro contexto, a la retórica apuesta del legislador por proteger concretos objetos materiales como los yacimientos mineros, las aguas y el material de arrastre. El texto, desde una perspectiva penal, expone la realidad de la  minería ilegal en Colombia y las formas institucionales de reacción contra ella.

  18. Seguridad ciudadana y respuesta penal

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    Beatriz Scapusio Minvielle


    Full Text Available El concepto de seguridad ciudadana será empleado en esta comunicación en su sentido restringido, vinculado al sentimiento de confianza de la población de no verse expuesta a hechos de violencia física, tengan origen éstos en actos individuales o sociales.  (...Contenido: Diferentes expresiones de la seguridad ciudadana. La respuesta penal. Evaluación global del problema. El desafío dogmático. Conclusiones

  19. Cultura Política republicana e o Código Penal de 1890 * Cultura Política republicana y el Código Penal de 1890

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    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente artigo buscar estabelecer o conceito de Cultura Política, para compreender a dinâmica da Cultura Política Republicana que se instaurou no Brasil no final do século XIX, como meio de analisar as novas tendências penais da Primeira República (1889-1930, que se codificam no Código Penal de 1890. Ao analisar as condições e contradições desse diploma penal, o artigo convida a fazer uma reflexão sobre a sociedade da época, mostrando que a lei penal é o resultado dos interesses e conflitos que permeia a implantação e consolidação de uma cultural política republicana. A tese central do artigo é mostrar que a elite republicana aproveitou das concepções penais para implantar e justificar mecanismos de repressão e de controle do crime, como uma das formas de dominação e manutenção de poder.Palavras-chave: Cultura Política; República Velha; Direito Penal.Resumen: En este trabajo se busca establecer el concepto de cultura política, para entender la dinámica de la cultura política republicana en Brasil que surgieron a finales del siglo XIX, como una forma de analizar las nuevas tendencias criminales de la Primera República (1889-1930, que están codificadas en el Código Penal de 1890. Al analizar las condiciones y contradicciones de esta ley penal, el artículo llama a una reflexión sobre la sociedad de la época, lo que demuestra que el derecho penal es el resultado de intereses y conflictos que se respira en la implementación y consolidación de una cultura política republicana. La tesis central del artículo es mostrar que la élite republicana aprovechó concepciones penales para implementar y justificar los mecanismos de represión y control de la delincuencia, como una forma de dominación y mantenimiento del poder.Palabras clave: Cultura Política; República Vieja; Derecho Penal.

  20. ¿Es el plagio una conducta reprimida por el derecho penal?

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    Ernesto Rengifo García


    Full Text Available ¿Será que el mensaje de la Sala Penal de la Corte Suprema es el de no activar la última ratio del sistema legal con conductas que deben ser materia de la jurisdicción civil, pero eso sí dependiendo de quién las acometa o ejecute? (se recuerda que el caso en análisis envuelve a una profesora universitaria y ¿será que la dificultad teórica y práctica de adecuación de la conducta a los tipos penales relacionados con el derecho de autor, hace que el derecho penal no sea el instrumento institucional más idóneo para reprimir la infracción a los derechos de esa particular área jurídica? La respuesta a estos interrogantes deben ser el comienzo para pensar o repensar si ese expansionismo del derecho penal que ha llegado al campo de la propiedad intelectual vale la pena revisarlo y mantenerlo. Señalaba Cesare Becaría: “Lo que impide el crimen, no es la cantidad de reprimendas penales, sino la garantía de su punición”. Si no hay certeza o garantía en el castigo, ¿valdrá la pena recurrir a la aplicación judicial de esos tipos penales?, este artículo busca abrir la discusión en este punto.

  1. ¿Es el plagio una conducta reprimida por el derecho penal?

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    Ernesto Rengifo García


    Full Text Available ¿Será que el mensaje de la Sala Penal de la Corte Suprema es el de no activar la ultima ratio del sistema legal con conductas que deben ser materia de la jurisdicción civil, pero eso sí dependiendo de quien las acometa o ejecute? (se recuerda que el caso en análisis envuelve a una profesora universitaria, y ¿será que la dificultad teórica y práctica de adecuación de la conducta a los tipos penales relacionados con el derecho de autor hará que el derecho penal no sea el instrumento institucional más idóneo para reprimir la infracción a los derechos de esa particular área jurídica? La respuesta a estos interrogantes deben ser el comienzo para pensar o repensar si ese expansionismo del derecho penal que ha llegado al campo de la propiedad intelectual vale la pena revisarlo y mantenerlo. Señalaba Cesare Becaría: “Lo que impide el crimen, no es la cantidad de reprimendas penales, sino la garantía de su punición”. Si no hay certeza o garantía en el castigo, ¿valdrá la pena recurrir a la aplicación judicial de esos tipos penales? Este artículo busca abrir la discusión en este punto.

  2. El pensamiento alemán en el derecho penal argentino

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    Guido L. Croxatto


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este ensayo es abordar desde una perspectiva histórica la influencia del pensamiento alemán (la filosofía alemana, la dogmática alemana en el derecho penal argentino, rescatando la forma en que distintos teóricos alemanes fueron leídos y receptados en Argentina. Se pretende pensar la codificación penal argentina como un diálogo – muchas veces como una mera recepción acrítica – entre los juristas y codificadores latinoamericanos y los pensadores alemanes, en sus distintas vertientes y etapas históricas. Se analizan distintos debates –como la polémica entre el causalismo y el finalismo- tanto por la forma en que se sucedieron en Alemania, como por la forma en que se dieron en Argentina (el debate causalismo-finalismo se sucedió en los complejos años setenta en Argentina, tomando en cuenta sobretodo los contextos políticos en que surgieron esas polémicas; qué significado tuvieron estas discusiones – y qué significaba asumir determinadas posiciones – en función de los contextos políticos donde se evidenciaron. De este modo se espera trazar un panorama de la discusión actual en el derecho penal argentino, haciendo énfasis en el análisis histórico de las problemáticas que aún enfrenta el Derecho Penal, tratando de generar, al mismo tiempo, un pensamiento penal crítico, consciente – pero no rehén – de las influencias provenientes de Europa, es decir, un pensamiento penal crítico que tome en cuenta las particulares condiciones sociales e históricas de la región en que se aplica el Derecho.

  3. On Solving Lq-Penalized Regressions

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    Tracy Zhou Wu


    Full Text Available Lq-penalized regression arises in multidimensional statistical modelling where all or part of the regression coefficients are penalized to achieve both accuracy and parsimony of statistical models. There is often substantial computational difficulty except for the quadratic penalty case. The difficulty is partly due to the nonsmoothness of the objective function inherited from the use of the absolute value. We propose a new solution method for the general Lq-penalized regression problem based on space transformation and thus efficient optimization algorithms. The new method has immediate applications in statistics, notably in penalized spline smoothing problems. In particular, the LASSO problem is shown to be polynomial time solvable. Numerical studies show promise of our approach.

  4. Libertad de expresión, redes sociales y derecho penal. Estudio del caso Nicolás Castro

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    Juan Carlos Upegui Mejía


    Full Text Available El autor propone una lectura de la libertad de expresión en la internet a partir del análisis de un caso: la persecución penal de un usuario de Facebook que participa en un grupo que busca asesinar al hijo del presidente de la República. La tesis, al amparo de la Convención americana de derechos humanos, es que ese tipo de discursos esta prohibido, empero, el régimen de responsabilidad aplicable no puede ser de tipo penal. En busca de los límites al ejercicio de dicha libertad el autor intenta perfilar un marco conceptual desde las prácticas, el tipo de discurso, las subjetividades y los valores de la internet. En la autorregulación o en la composición de tipo civil deben fundarse los límites a la libertad de expresión que la resguarden de la autocensura o de la aplicación de un derecho penal del enemigo.

  5. Refractory reverse amblyopia with atropine penalization

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    Preeti Ajit Patil


    Full Text Available Pharmacological penalization with atropine has been shown to be equally effective as conventional occlusion therapy in the treatment of amblyopia in children. Reverse amblyopia of the sound eye with atropine penalization has been reported before, but is more common in cases where the effect is augmented with optical penalization and is mostly reversible. We report a case of reverse amblyopia with atropine penalization, in a 4-year-old girl, which was refractory to treatment. This report highlights the need for strict monitoring of the vision in the sound eye and regular follow-up in children undergoing amblyopia treatment.

  6. El garantismo y el punitivismo en el Código Orgánico Integral Penal


    Sebastián Cornejo Aguiar


    El objetivo del presente artículo es determinar la necesidad de la existencia de una parte punitivista y una garantista dentro del Código Orgánico Integral Penal, partiendo del estudio de la actualización doctrinaria en materia penal dentro del ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano, considerando que al ser el Ecuador un Estado constitucional de derechos y justicia, nos inspira a la construcción de mecanismos que tengan como fundamento y fin la tutela de las libertades del individuo, frente a las ...

  7. A Tutela Penal dos Direitos Humanos

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    Paulo Cesar Correa Borges


    Full Text Available A proteção penal dos direitos humanos tem dois aspectos decorrentes do garantismo penal: 1 limite para a persecução penal; 2 objetividade jurídica das normas incriminadoras. O conceito de direitos humanos para fins de tutela penal prescinde da sua classificação geracional, mas determina o reconhecimento de sua historicidade e, principalmente, a sua construção a partir das mobilizações e movimentos sociais. A vulnerabilidade dos grupos humanos que são difusa e sistematicamente discriminados ou violados deve ser o critério para a definição do objeto jurídico da norma incriminadora, para manter coerência e viabilizar a aplicação do princípio da complementariedade entre a repressão interna e a persecução internacional, compatibilizando o Direito Penal interno e o Internacional.

  8. Tratamiento de la delincuencia organizada en España: en particular, tras la reforma penal del 2010

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    José Luis De la Cuesta Arzamendi


    Full Text Available La reforma operada por la Ley Orgánica 5/2010 en el Código Penal español ha supuesto, en relación con la delincuencia organizada, una completa reestructuración de los tipos penales relativos a las organizaciones y grupos criminales, con lo que se supera la insatisfactoria situación anterior de ausencia de un concepto penal de organización criminal, que aparece ya legalmente establecido. No pocos son los problemas técnicos que suscita la nueva regulación, tanto en lo que se refiere a la extensión de los tipos penales como por el solapamiento de estos con otras modalidades delictivas y actos punibles (v. gr., los delitos de asociación ilícita, que continúan vigentes. Los defectos de técnica legislativa se extienden, igualmente, al campo de las sanciones y demás consecuencias jurídicas del delito, respecto de las que se confirma la tendencia endurecedora del ordenamiento jurídico español, el cual también se caracteriza por la progresiva introducción de regulaciones procesales específicas, dirigidas a favorecer la persecución penal. La presente contribución pasa revista a esta nueva situación normativa, que se analiza en la línea de la dogmática jurídico-penal, al poner de relieve sus contradicciones e insuficiencias desde el prisma políticocriminal en un área de la mayor importancia criminológica y para la seguridad de los ciudadanos.

  9. Race Making in a Penal Institution. (United States)

    Walker, Michael L


    This article provides a ground-level investigation into the lives of penal inmates, linking the literature on race making and penal management to provide an understanding of racial formation processes in a modern penal institution. Drawing on 135 days of ethnographic data collected as an inmate in a Southern California county jail system, the author argues that inmates are subjected to two mutually constitutive racial projects--one institutional and the other microinteractional. Operating in symbiosis within a narrative of risk management, these racial projects increase (rather than decrease) incidents of intraracial violence and the potential for interracial violence. These findings have implications for understanding the process of racialization and evaluating the effectiveness of penal management strategies.

  10. An Iterative Brinkman penalization for particle vortex methods

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Walther, Jens Honore; Hejlesen, Mads Mølholm; Leonard, A.


    We present an iterative Brinkman penalization method for the enforcement of the no-slip boundary condition in vortex particle methods. This is achieved by implementing a penalization of the velocity field using iteration of the penalized vorticity. We show that using the conventional Brinkman...... condition. These are: the impulsively started flow past a cylinder, the impulsively started flow normal to a flat plate, and the uniformly accelerated flow normal to a flat plate. The iterative penalization algorithm is shown to give significantly improved results compared to the conventional penalization...

  11. La inimputabilidad y el tratamiento del disminuido psíquico en el proceso penal

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    José Manuel Rojas Salas


    Full Text Available La Constitución Política colombiana proscribe cualquier tipo de responsabilidad objetiva; en consecuencia, es necesario que la persona a la que se sancione con una pena haya actuado con culpabilidad, cosa que no sucede con los inimputables, personas que no pueden comprender la ilicitud de su conducta o determinarse de acuerdo con dicha comprensión, por lo que el Código Penal establece dos regímenes diferenciados de responsabilidad penal: uno para imputables y otro para inimputables, para quienes no se prevén penas sino medidas de seguridad. Por el contrario, la Ley 906 de 2004 no contempla un tratamiento jurídico diferenciado para quienes no tienen la capacidad de comprender o decidir voluntariamente sobre sus derechos en el proceso penal, por lo que se propone un nuevo enfoque al respecto.


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    Pierre Gilles Bélanger


    Full Text Available Actualmente en Latinoamérica, la mayor parte de los países han modificado sus códigos penales con el objeto de tener una mejor salud procesal. En esta transición, hace falta ayuda internacional real, apoyo, colaboración e intercambio de ideas, programas, experiencias, grupos de trabajo, capacitación a nivel bilateral y multilateral dirigida por expertos para los actores en el sistema penal y para la sociedad. Todos los países de Latinoamérica, han tenido éxitos y todos tienen fallas en las reformas procesales desarrolladas en materia penal. Parece entonces oportuno, empezar el dialogo y la colaboración para contribuir a una mejor comprensión y edificación de los sistemas penales y su evolución. Para ello se requiere compartir las experiencias que han funcionado en otros países, adaptándolas al marco jurídico de cada contexto en particular. Por un lado, esto ayuda a mejorar la comprensión operacional del procedimiento penal y por otro lado, el respeto de las garantías jurídicas establecidas en las Cartas Magnas de cada país y por ende estabilidad institucional, seguridad y desarrollo económico para la sociedad.

  13. Surface tension of liquid Al-Cu binary alloys.


    Schmitz, Julianna; Brillo, Jürgen; Egry, Ivan; Schmid-Fetzer, Rainer


    Surface tension data of liquid Al–Cu binary alloys have been measured contactlessly using the technique of electromagnetic levitation. A digital CMOS-camera (400 fps) recorded image sequences of the oscillating liquid sample and surface tensions were determined from analysis of the frequency spectra. Measurements were performed for samples covering the entire range of composition and precise data were obtained in a broad temperature range. It was found that the surface tensions can ...

  14. La Reforma del Código Penal en Nicaragua

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    María Asunción Moreno Castillo


    Full Text Available La redacción de un nuevo Código Penal podría calificarse de urgente necesidad si tenemos en cuenta que nuestras normas penales no se adecuan a las exigencias jurídicas, sociales y políticas de un Estado Social Democrático y de Derecho, pues el Código Penal vigente (1974 no es más que un texto parchado por todas partes, e incluso en alguna ocasión doblemente parchado, que no aguanta más remiendos. De ahí la necesidad de la redacción y aprobación de un texto penal que obedezca a las nuevas tendencias político criminales y postulados del Derecho penal moderno.

  15. Fundamentos de la detención preventiva en el procedimiento penal colombiano

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    Leonardo Cruz Bolívar


    Full Text Available La contribución se ocupa de analizar en concreto los principios que rigen la privación preventiva de la libertad en el procedimiento penal, desde el punto de vista constitucional, legal y de instrumentos internacionales, buscando armonizar los criterios que utilizan los jueces de garantías al momento de resolver la solicitud del fiscal en esta materia. El principio de proporcionalidad constitucional, los elementos desarrollados legalmente y los pronunciamientos del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos dan base a las interpretaciones que se proponen en el artículo, buscando proteger la libertad, sin renunciar a las necesidades básicas de la justicia y la sociedad que requieren un proceso penal eficiente y que responda a la realidad nacional.

  16. Una historia del delito político. Sedición, traición y rebelión en la justicia penal neogranadina (1832-1842

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    Gilberto Enrique Parada García


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta una investigación contextualizada historiográficamente en la historia social del derecho, cuyo tema de análisis es un tipo de enfrentamiento que se originó a partir del funcionamiento de la justicia penal neogranadina. Concretamente, analiza las resistencias que surgieron en la sociedad neogranadina durante la década de 1830, a partir de la puesta en marcha de leyes penales codificadas para contener delitos políticos. La perspectiva teórica apunta a que el Estado, específicamente representado por los gobiernos de esa década, asume la ley penal como herramienta del control político; esta maniobra genera tensiones que se manifiestan en opiniones jurídicas divergentes. A través de las fuentes estudiadas: leyes, decretos, expedientes, prensa, líbelos, hojas sueltas y panfletos, se evidencia un nuevo campo de batalla de la justicia penal, en el cual se señala un escenario extrajurídico en el que se disuelven litigios, en el marco de las crisis políticas generadas por la sedición y la guerra.


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    Dayana Becerra


    Full Text Available La aproximación que se efectúa en el presente estudio, inicia con un acercamiento al concepto de conciliación como mecanismo alternativo de resolución de conflictos, estableciendo los rasgos generales de esta figura; para posteriormente analizar el antecedente inmediato de la conciliación preprocesal en la ley 600 de 2.000, que abrió camino para concederle en materia penal a este mecanismo mayor importancia. Subsiguientemente se profundiza en la conciliación preprocesal consagrada expresamente en la ley 906 de 2004, y se analizan los cambios generados, para así conocer sus características, y determinar sus principales aportes, en el marco del sistema penal acusatorio.


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    Lucia RUSU


    Full Text Available În legătură cu reformarea sistemului judiciar şi schimbările intervenite în viaţa social-politică a statului nostru, prin­cipiul contradictorialităţii a obţinut o nouă rezonanţă din considerentul că reforma judiciară şi de drept este legată direct de contradictorialitate. Reforma legii procesual penale trebuie să fie fundamentată pe o temelie teoretică solidă. Contra­dictorialitatea, însă, în calitate de noţiune juridică, este insuficient cercetată în doctrina dreptului procesual penal. La ziua de azi, specialişti notorii în domeniul dreptului procesual penal analizează şi studiază importanţa fundamentelor şi principiilor de bază ale procesului penal şi, în primul rând, contradictorialitatea acestuia. Legea procesual penală a Republicii Moldova cunoaşte o evoluţie şi dezvoltate în sensul democratizării şi lărgirii începuturilor contradictoriale în înfăptuirea justiţiei. Aceasta e şi firesc, deoarece contradictorialitatea are o importanţă enormă pentru întregul sistem al procesului penal, determinând în mare parte statutul juridic şi raporturile dintre participanţii la procesul penal, precum şi relaţiile juridice stabilite între participanţii la acest proces şi instanţa de judecată. CONTRADICTION AND ITS CORRELATION WITH OTHER PRINCIPLES OF THE CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGIn connection with the judiciary system reforming and changes in socio-political life of our state, the adversarial principle has gained a new resonance on the grounds that the judicial and legal reform is directly linked to adversariality. The reform of the criminal procedure law must be based on solid theoretical foundation. However, adversariality, as legal concept, is not enough investigated in the doctrine of the criminal procedure law. Currently, notorious specialists in the field of criminal procedure law examine and study the importance of fundamentals and basic principles of the criminal process and

  19. La responsabilidad penal de personas jurídicas como omisión legislativa en Colombia

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    Ingrid Regina Petro González


    Full Text Available La responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas es uno de los temas de estudio que mayor controversia generan en Colombia y en el mundo globalizado, por lo que estudiar sus elementos resulta pertinente, desde el punto de vista académico y práctico. Objetivo. Recopilar algunas nociones sobre responsabilidad penal de entes colectivos, las consideraciones de la Corte Constitucional colombiana al respecto, el estado actual de la discusión en Colombia y el control constitucional por omisión legislativa. Métodos. Análisis bibliográfico y jurisprudencial. Resultados. En Colombia existe un déficit de protección de bienes jurídicos susceptibles de ser afectados por personas jurídicas; pese a ello, la reacción del ordenamiento jurídico colombiano frente a los efectos de esta criminalidad es confusa, por lo cual la producción normativa al respecto bien podría encuadrarse en lo que la doctrina constitucional considera omisión legislativa. Conclusiones. La confusión en cuanto a la naturaleza de las disposiciones normativas que regulan la participación de la persona jurídica en el proceso penal ha obstaculizado el desarrollo normativo de sus derechos fundamentales.

  20. Aporía de la política criminal del exhibicionismo penal en México

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    Alan Jair García Flores


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como fin ulterior, esgrimir las líneas esenciales de la política criminal de exhibicionismo penal contra los presuntos responsables de la comisión de delitos, circunstancia que vulnera el esquema garantista del sistema penal mexicano adoptado a través de la reforma constitucional de 2008 y degrada el constructo social del Estado Democrático de Derecho , robustecido mediante la reforma constitucional en materia de derechos humanos de 2011. A lo larg o de los siguientes apartados, se esgrime un estudio sobre los derechos fundamentales lesionados por la práctica estatal del exhibicionismo penal, hecho que ha significado violaciones tanto al debido proceso legal como a la dignidad y honor de los gobernad os quienes deberían ser los principales sujetos de protección del Estado mexicano.

  1. La protección del medio ambiente a través de los delitos acumulativos en el Derecho penal colombiano

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    Carlos Alberto Jiménez Cabarcas


    Full Text Available El artículo se encuentra dirigido al estudio de los delitos acumulativos, siendo esta una figura jurídico penal, que se erige como una alternativa instituida por el Derecho penal moderno, encaminada a la atribución de responsabilidad penal, desafiando los postulados dispuestos por la ciencia penal clásica, con la finalidad de satisfacer las exigencias sociales, de penalización de sujetos que realicen comportamientos que de cualquier modo atenten contra el medioambiente. Para lo cual, se aborda la importancia que la sociedad posmoderna le ha atribuido al medioambiente, de manera que resulta para los Estados un bien jurídico de tal importancia, que no en pocos eventos, se recurre al empleo del poder punitivo para su resguardo jurídico, destacando que la protección del medioambiente por la vía penal es un fenómeno que ha cobrado importancia a nivel global en las últimas décadas. Así mismo, se cubren los esfuerzos que se deben hacer para que dicha aplicación sancionatoria no resulte en un desconocimiento de derechos fundamentales reconocidos y garantizados por el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano. Para ello, se indaga en los orígenes de esta figura jurídica, en su contexto, contrastándola con las circunstancias jurídicas en las que el poder punitivo se aplica en Colombia, recalcando que en el orden jurídico local existen principios, como el de antijuridicidad material, el cual tiene como núcleo la efectiva protección de bienes jurídicos, que resultan irrenunciables, valorándose las implicaciones que trae consigo la aplicación de sanciones a través de los delitos acumulativos, a la luz de estos principios fundamentales.

  2. LO POLÍTICO Y LAS POLÍTICAS DE LA DELINCUENCIA JUVENIL. Una reflexión sobre el caso de jóvenes vinculados al Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal Adolescente. Bogotá-Colombia

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    Ana Guadalupe Cienfuegos


    Full Text Available El presente artículo ofrece una reflexión en torno a lo político, entendido como dimensión constitutiva de las sociedades humanas, en el fenómeno social de la delincuencia juvenil. La reflexión se enmarca en un estudio realizado por la autora en torno a los sentidos y significados del delito en jóvenes vinculados al Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal Adolescente (SRPA en Bogotá - Colombia y el análisis conceptual realizado en el marco de una investigación sobre Justicia Restaurativa y Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal Adolescente. Se analizan los resultados de talleres investigativos y entrevistas en profundidad realizadas con jóvenes vinculados al SRPA identificando lo que se constituye para ellos como «político», los sentidos y significados sobre las dimensiones y los escenarios de sus vidas asociados con lo político y las recomendaciones frente a las políticas de prevención y atención de la delincuencia juvenil.

  3. Derecho penal, cyberbullying y otras formas de acoso (no sexual en el ciberespacio

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    Fernando Miró Llinares


    Full Text Available

    Las redes sociales, en particular, e internet en general, constituyen hoy en día un nuevo ámbito de desarrollo personal, un nuevo espacio vital en el que cada individuo pasa varias horas al día, se comunica con otros, crea relaciones, y en el que, por tanto, también se cometen ataques contra bienes individuales como el honor, la libertad, la intimidad o la propia dignidad personal. En el presente trabajo se analiza la respuesta del ordenamiento penal español a las distintas formas de acoso no sexual a menores realizado en el ciberespacio. A partir de la descripción y conceptualización de fenómenos como el cyberbullying, o los actos individuales de online harassment, se analiza la concreta incardinación de las distintas modalidades de acoso, continuado o no, a menores, en los diferentes tipos de la parte especial. Al no existir un precepto penal que regule expresamente la mayoría de estas conductas, y pese a haberse convertido el tipo básico de los delitos contra la integridad moral en el delito de referencia para los tribunales, son varios (amenazas, coacciones, injurias, etc. los tipos penales que pueden aplicarse en conductas de acoso, generalmente entre iguales, que, como se verá por el amplísimo repertorio jurisprudencial, están comenzando a proliferar en el ciberespacio.

  4. A Two-Stage Penalized Logistic Regression Approach to Case-Control Genome-Wide Association Studies

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    Jingyuan Zhao


    Full Text Available We propose a two-stage penalized logistic regression approach to case-control genome-wide association studies. This approach consists of a screening stage and a selection stage. In the screening stage, main-effect and interaction-effect features are screened by using L1-penalized logistic like-lihoods. In the selection stage, the retained features are ranked by the logistic likelihood with the smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD penalty (Fan and Li, 2001 and Jeffrey’s Prior penalty (Firth, 1993, a sequence of nested candidate models are formed, and the models are assessed by a family of extended Bayesian information criteria (J. Chen and Z. Chen, 2008. The proposed approach is applied to the analysis of the prostate cancer data of the Cancer Genetic Markers of Susceptibility (CGEMS project in the National Cancer Institute, USA. Simulation studies are carried out to compare the approach with the pair-wise multiple testing approach (Marchini et al. 2005 and the LASSO-patternsearch algorithm (Shi et al. 2007.

  5. Proyecto de reforma del Proceso Penal

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    Beatriz Scapusio


    Full Text Available El Anteproyecto de Código de Proceso PenalExpositora: Beatriz ScapusioLa Imputabilidad Aportes dogmáticos para un tema clave de la responsablidad penalExpositor: Dardo Preza RestucciaEstructuras procesales en el proceso de conocimiento y en el proceso de ejecuciónExpositora: Raquel Landeira

  6. Poverty Control and the Penal System

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    Fernanda Kilduff


    Full Text Available To reflect on the criminalization and penalization of poverty, this article analyzes the neoconservative turn in criminal policy, as an expression of recent changes under contemporary capitalism. In a context characterized by a regression in social policies, the paper discusses the expansion of the penal system as a strategy used by capitalist States to contain and administer in a criminalizing form the growing and increasingly complex manifestations of the “social question” linked to an objective situation of massive and structural unemployment. To conclude the debate, it presents some elements to reflect on the historic function of bourgeois penal law and to analyze its fundamental role in current imperialist strategy.

  7. Criminal responsibility of psychophats in the light of the brazilian penal code Imputabilidade penal dos psicopatas à luz do Código Penal Brasileiro

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    Fernanda Eloise Schmidt Ferreira Feguri


    Full Text Available Justifies the choice of this theme, before the controversy in doctrine and jurisprudence as to what a psychopath is being treated before Article 26 § only the Brazilian Penal Code, and also explain why such barbaric crimes in recidivism. At the beginning of the work, it was demonstrated the concept of crime and the disciplines surrounding the criminal law, followed by the concept of a psychopathic, through history, reporting some types of personality disorders, and when and how did the origin of psychopath and how people who had this disorder were treated in the antiquity. It was then explained what becomes of guilt, how takes its implementation, trought accountability, nonimputability sticking to Article 26 § only the Brazilian Penal Code. Following this came to the institute’s measure of security, through its concept, assumptions and methods, including the application, term and termination of dangerousness being still emphasize on expert opinions. Finally, it was reported that cases involving people who have a type of personality disorder, being described succinctly as they are seen to justice and society. Concluding the study, one comes to the conclusion that such individuals are not they amnestied of the semi-liability provided for in Article 26, § only the Brazilian Penal Code Article 26, § only the Brazilian Penal Code. For what can be seen, with latest research is that the benefit of diminished criminal responsibility, given to those agents who do not have full mental unfair, the fact that some people can stay in jail for long as these recourse to psychiatry may be out of hospitals, if any, within three years, by the grace of the laws that protect them. Thus, endorse, this work, that the arrest or other criminal penalty is more honest, more fair, less socially discriminatory, that the sanction psychiatric.Justifica-se a escolha do presente tema, ante a polêmica na doutrina e na jurisprudência, quanto à forma que um psicopata vem

  8. Evolución del Derecho penal en el ámbito internacional. Pluralismo y garantismo jurídico-penal como criterios orientadores || Evolution Of The Supranational Criminal Law: Pluralism And Protection Of The Civil Liberties As Guiding Criteria

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    Jorge Correcher Mira


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La realidad social internacional presenta un nuevo paradigma que debe ser asumido por el Derecho penal. El contexto social internacional, marcado por la globalización a nivel mundial y el proceso de integración europea en el ámbito comunitario, supone una modificación de las líneas clásicas de recepción de las normas penales, demandando un tratamiento supraestatal del sistema penal. En este trabajo, se analiza desde una perspectiva crítica las propuestas de internacionalización del Derecho penal, en la medida que éstas no han seguido nociones como el pluralismo jurídico y el carácter garantista inherente al Derecho penal.   ABSTRACT The social international reality presents a new paradigm that must be taken up office for the Criminal law. The social international context, marked by the globalization worldwide and the process of European integration in the European area, supposes a modification of the classic lines of receipt of the Criminal law, demanding a supranational treatment of the Criminal System. In this work, the offers of internationalize the Criminal Law will be analyzed from a critical point of view, cause these have not followed notions as the juridical pluralism and the protection of civil liberties inherent in the Criminal Law.

  9. Evolución del Derecho penal en el ámbito internacional. Pluralismo y garantismo jurídico-penal como criterios orientadores || Evolution Of The Supranational Criminal Law: Pluralism And Protection Of The Civil Liberties As Guiding Criteria

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    Jorge Correcher Mira


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La realidad social internacional presenta un nuevo paradigma que debe ser asumido por el Derecho penal. El contexto social internacional, marcado por la globalización a nivel mundial y el proceso de integración europea en el ámbito comunitario, supone una modificación de las líneas clásicas de recepción de las normas penales, demandando un tratamiento supraestatal del sistema penal. En este trabajo, se analiza desde una perspectiva crítica las propuestas de internacionalización del Derecho penal, en la medida que éstas no han seguido nociones como el pluralismo jurídico y el carácter garantista inherente al Derecho penal.   ABSTRACT The social international reality presents a new paradigm that must be taken up office for the Criminal law. The social international context, marked by the globalization worldwide and the process of European integration in the European area, supposes a modification of the classic lines of receipt of the Criminal law, demanding a supranational treatment of the Criminal System. In this work, the offers of internationalize the Criminal Law will be analyzed from a critical point of view, cause these have not followed notions as the juridical pluralism and the protection of civil liberties inherent in the Criminal Law.  

  10. Dilemas y tensiones en torno al Trabajo Social en ciudad de La Plata en los primeros setenta


    Arrúa, Néstor Nicolás


    En este trabajo buscaremos dar cuenta de los debates intelectuales y tensiones políticas en torno al Trabajo Social en los espacios de formación profesional de gestión pública en tiempos de una acelerada politización de sectores juveniles de las clases medias. Nos hemos circunscrito a los debates intelectuales en relación a los significados de la disciplina, en torno a los intentos de presentar una definición y moviliza fuerzas y tensiones en los distintos colectivos profesionales. Abordaremo...

  11. Castigo penal, injusticia social y autoridad moral

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    Eduardo Rivera López


    Full Text Available La pregunta que exploro en este trabajo es si la injusticia social puede socavar la autoridad moral de la sociedad (y los tribunales para castigar al que delinque. La respuesta a esta pregunta depende esencialmente de cuál sea la teoría justificatoria del castigo penal de la que se parte. Analizo diversas teorías de la pena, entre ellas la teoría consensual de Carlos Nino. Mi objetivo es explorar de qué modo las diferentes teorías de la pena enfrentan el desafío que plantea la pregunta y extraer algunas conclusiones tentativas de ese recorrido.

  12. La cuestión de la eficacia del procedimiento penal ambiental: Esquema de un elemento óptimo

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    Jônica Marques Coura Aragão


    Full Text Available La cuestión ambiental traduce como un problema transnacional que acompana la historia de la humanidad demostrándose, a despecho de la visible evolución científica y tecnológica, siempre más agravada. No obstante pretendan los postulados progresistas interpretar el medio ambiente como fuente de admirable capacidad de recuperación, observase que resta probada la fragilidad existencial de la biosfera, cabiendo a la humanidad el deber de preservar el ambiente para la actual y las futuras generaciones. Delante de esa responsabilidad, la Justicia es la institución designada para hacer cumplir lo que la norma ambiental (nacional o supranacional define como conducta obligatoria; debiendo conferir especial atención a las previsiones de crimen, a la vez que son esas las conductas más agravantes al objeto jurídico protegido. Con todo, esta no es una actividad simple; el derecho penal ambiental es polémico, enfrenta variables delicadas; así como el proceso penal ambiental. Se trata de proceso penal poco común. Consiste en una especie del género proceso penal difuso/colectivo. Se muestra el objetivo general: analizar la posibilidad jurídica de la inserción de un elemento optimizador para que haya efectividad en ese sistema procesal penal. Así la investigación que se desenvuelve es de naturaleza explicativa, con la pretensión de identificar la existencia de relaciones entre las variables pertinentes al tema investigado y, además de eso, determinar la naturaleza de esa relación; para tanto emplea los métodos: sistémico y también lo hipotético-deductivo. Se observa la utilización de la técnica de investigación bibliográfica para realizar un abordaje jurídico del recorte espacio-temporal del objeto de la investigación, cual sea, el sistema penal ambiental brasileno planteado em la Constituición Federal de 1998. Por esa perspectiva se observa que para solucionar la cuestión penal/ambiental, para allá de la perspectiva jur

  13. Aspects of nuclear penal liability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faria, N.M. de; Cruz, A.S.C. da


    Topics are treated with reference to articles of the Law 6.453 of october 17, 1977, relating to the nuclear penal liability. At the same time, the Penal Code disposes on illicits which may involve nuclear activity. With regard to the Jurisdiction, mention is made to the Federal Justice competence, due to the constitutional disposal. On the international field, the Convention on Physic Protection on Nuclear Material Transport disposes on illicit fact in which nuclear material may be involved. (Author) [pt

  14. Iterative Brinkman penalization for remeshed vortex methods

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    Hejlesen, Mads Mølholm; Koumoutsakos, Petros; Leonard, Anthony


    We introduce an iterative Brinkman penalization method for the enforcement of the no-slip boundary condition in remeshed vortex methods. In the proposed method, the Brinkman penalization is applied iteratively only in the neighborhood of the body. This allows for using significantly larger time...

  15. Mapping the Conditions of Penal Hope

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    David Brown


    Full Text Available This article examines the conditions of penal optimism behind suggestions that the penal expansionism of the last three decades may be at a ‘turning point’. The article proceeds by outlining David Green’s suggested catalysts of penal reform and considers how applicable they are in the Australian context. Green’s suggested catalysts are: the cycles and saturation thesis; shifts in the dominant conception of the offender; the GFC and budgetary constraints; the drop in crime; the emergence of the prisoner re-entry movement; apparent shifts in public opinion; the influence of evangelical Christian ideas and the Right on Crime initiative. The article then considers a number of other possible catalysts or forces: the role of trade unions; the role of courts; the emergence of recidivism as a political issue; the influence of ’evidence based’/’what works’’ discourse; and the emergence of justice reinvestment (JR. The article concludes with some comments about the capacity of criminology and criminologists to contribute to penal reductionism, offering an optimistic assessment for the prospects of a reflexive criminology that engages in and engenders a wider politics around criminal justice issues.

  16. Limitaciones del Derecho Probatorio contemporáneo en los delitos masivos de conocimiento de los tribunales penales internacionales


    Jiménez Ospina, Alejandro


    El Derecho Penal Internacional como conjunto de normas que regulan la responsabilidad penal individual por violaciones graves al derecho internacional, implica, en el ámbito de la CPI, el juicio y la condena, en caso de proceder, por la comisión de crímenes de genocidio, lesa humanidad, guerra y agresión. La práctica del referido tribunal, establecido para juzgar las situaciones más graves y trascendentes, implica en algunos casos la investigación y juicio de delitos de carácter masivo, es de...

  17. Efectos de la sentencia penal absolutoria en un proceso de responsabilidad civil por el ejercicio de actividades peligrosas


    Londoño Arango, Agustín; Velásquez Hoyos, Sebastián


    En el siguiente trabajo pretendemos mostrar los efectos de la sentencia penal absolutoria en un proceso de responsabilidad civil por el ejercicio de actividades peligrosas. La importancia del tema radica en que “el hecho punible origina no solo consecuencias de orden penal, sino también civil, por lo cual – en principio- toda persona que realice una conducta típica, antijurídica y culpable, trátese de imputable o inimputable, debe restituir las cosas al estado en que se encontraban en el mome...

  18. La impronta genética de Ihering en la dogmática penal

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    Carlos Arturo Gómez Pavajeau


    Full Text Available Se ocupa el presente estudio de dar cuenta de la importancia de Rudolf Von Ihering para el Derecho penal y sus desarrollos dogmáticos. La impronta de su importancia marcó el descubrimiento de un concepto de antijuridicidad independiente de la culpabilidad, inauguró la discusión entre objetivistas y subjetivistas en materia del injusto y visionó un concepto final de acción fundado teleológicamente; lo cual significa que su pensamiento y el núcleo duro de la discusión permanece con plena actualidad, especialmente para el entendimiento de un Derecho Penal Liberal ante las arremetidas de nuevas concepciones que, eludiendo el tema de los cuestionamientos al subjetivismo, legitiman instituciones que son paradigmáticas a dicho pensamiento.

  19. La impronta genética de Ihering en la dogmática penal

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    Carlos Arturo Gómez Pavajeau


    Full Text Available Se ocupa el presente estudio de dar cuenta de la importancia de Rudolf Von Ihering para el Derecho penal y sus desarrollos dogmáticos. La impronta de su importancia marcó el descubrimiento de un concepto de antijuridicidad independiente de la culpabilidad, inauguró la discusión entre objetivistas y subjetivistas en materia del injusto y visionó un concepto final de acción fundado teleológicamente; lo cual significa que su pensamiento y el núcleo duro de la discusión permanece con plena actualidad, especialmente para el entendimiento de un Derecho Penal Liberal ante las arremetidas de nuevas concepciones que, eludiendo el tema de los cuestionamientos al subjetivismo, legitiman instituciones que son paradigmáticas a dicho pensamiento.

  20. El concepto de terrorismo en derecho internacional penal


    Valdés Tomàs, Clàudia


    Este trabajo consiste en el estudio de la incidencia del concepto de terrorismo en la represión efectiva del delito de terrorismo en el marco del derecho internacional. Por ello, ha sido necesario dividir el trabajo en una primera parte sobre el estudio de la definición del terrorismo en derecho penal internacional y una segunda parte sobre su estudio en derecho internacional penal, específicamente en el contexto de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI). En la primera parte analizaremos las def...

  1. Construcción histórica del tratamiento jurídico del adolescente infractor de la ley penal colombiana (1837-2010

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    Guiselle N. Holguín Galvis


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un recuento histórico del tratamiento jurídico que se le otorgaba al adolescente que infringía la ley penal colombiana, desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad, describir el procedimiento y las medidas de corrección que se les aplicaban, así como el surgimiento de los primeros establecimientos de corrección para su tratamiento. En Colombia, en el siglo XIX, cuando los adolescentes infringían la ley penal, no se preveía un tratamiento jurídico ni sancionatorio diferente al que se les otorgaba a los adultos, no se atendía a sus condiciones especiales de desarrollo físico y síquico, era como si la categoría "niño", como sujeto, no existiera. En 1920 se crea una jurisdicción especializada para los adolescentes infractores de la ley penal; a pesar de que se les otorga un tratamiento diferente, son vistos como objetos de protección y no como sujetos de derecho. Finalmente, a partir de la Convención de los Derechos del Niño, ratificada por Colombia por medio de la Ley 12 de 1991, se habla de un sujeto de derecho. Sin embargo, aún se evidencian sistemas de pensamiento que persisten en una visión del sujeto adolescente como objeto de protección y en un tratamiento fundamentado en la disciplina, acompañado de serias violaciones a los derechos fundamentales de los adolescentes infractores de la ley penal. Por medio de esta investigación se mostrará el surgimiento y avance histórico del tratamiento social, legislativo, procedimental y correccional de los adolescentes infractores de la ley penal, y se buscará sacar a la luz sistemas de pensamiento institucionalizados en torno al tratamiento del adolescente, que han persistido a lo largo de la historia y que se consideraban superados.

  2. El garantismo y el punitivismo en el Código Orgánico Integral Penal

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    Sebastián Cornejo Aguiar


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es determinar la necesidad de la existencia de una parte punitivista y una garantista dentro del Código Orgánico Integral Penal, partiendo del estudio de la actualización doctrinaria en materia penal dentro del ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano, considerando que al ser el Ecuador un Estado constitucional de derechos y justicia, nos inspira a la construcción de mecanismos que tengan como fundamento y fin la tutela de las libertades del individuo, frente a las variadas formas del ejercicio arbitrario del poder punitivo del Estado, en donde las garantías y principios establecidos en el Código Orgánico Integral Penal, deben ser considerados como filtros de contención del poder punitivo que impiden que dicho poder se desborde y destruya todo a su paso. Seguidamente se analiza el significado del garantismo y punitivismo. Por último, se toca la relación existente entre garantismo y punitivismo, concluyendo que el garantismo es una corriente que proporciona ideas sustanciales para transformar el procedimiento judicial impidiendo así la arbitrariedad del poder punitivo.

  3. Effect of Al_2O_3 Nanoparticles Additives on the Density, Saturated Vapor Pressure, Surface Tension and Viscosity of Isopropyl Alcohol (United States)

    Zhelezny, Vitaly; Geller, Vladimir; Semenyuk, Yury; Nikulin, Artem; Lukianov, Nikolai; Lozovsky, Taras; Shymchuk, Mykola


    This paper presents results of an experimental study of the density, saturated vapor pressure, surface tension and viscosity of Al_2O_3 nanoparticle colloidal solutions in isopropyl alcohol. Studies of the thermophysical properties of nanofluids were performed at various temperatures and concentrations of Al_2O_3 nanoparticles. The paper gives considerable attention to a turbidimetric analysis of the stability of nanofluid samples. Samples of nanofluids remained stable over the range of parameters of the experiments, ensuring the reliability of the thermophysical property data for the Al_2O_3 nanoparticle colloidal solutions in isopropyl alcohol. The studies show that the addition of Al_2O_3 nanoparticles leads to an increase of the density, saturated vapor pressure and viscosity, as well as a decrease for the surface tension of isopropyl alcohol. The information reported in this paper on the various thermophysical properties for the isopropyl alcohol/Al_2O_3 nanoparticle model system is useful for the development of thermodynamically consistent models for predicting properties of nanofluids and correct modeling of the heat exchange processes.

  4. La reacción penal del Estado frente al terrorismo transnacional = Criminal law and the State’s reaction to international terrorism

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    Mizrahi, Esteban


    Full Text Available El punto de partida de este artículo es la hipótesis de que la transformación contemporánea del papel del Estado en Occidente ha generado una reacción significativa en el derecho penal y esto condujo a una reformulación sustancial de teorías de la pena para explicar la aparición de nuevos delitos. El trabajo está articulado de la siguiente manera: En primer lugar se analiza la relación moderna entre seguridad ciudadana, Estado y pena para mostrar cómo la crisis contemporánea de la soberanía estatal expresa la necesidad de un nuevo marco teórico para explicar la relación entre estos términos (I. En segundo lugar se presenta el modelo desarrollado por Niklas Luhmann para esclarecer el papel del derecho en las sociedades complejas y los desarrollos penales específicos propuestos por Günther Jakobs desde un enfoque funcionalista (II. En tercer lugar se discute el tratamiento del terrorismo transnacional como un fenómeno que permite evaluar tanto los presupuestos como los límites del derecho penal en los actuales estados democráticos de derecho (III. Por último, a modo de conclusión, se ofrecen algunas respuestas tentativas a la cuestión de los límites y presupuestos de la reacción penal del Estado (IV


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    James Hasudungan Hutajulu


      Key words: penal mediation, minor theft case, an alternative penal settlement   Abstrak Penelitian mengenai pelaksanaan mediasi penal pada tindak pidana pencurian ringan oleh Polres Malang Kota bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis digunakannya mediasi penal serta menganalisis pelaksanaan mediasi penal sebagai alternatif penyelesaian perkara. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah yuridis sosiologis atau jenis penelitian hukum sosiologis atau penelitian lapangan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh antara lain: Polres Malang Kota melakukan mediasi penal dengan alasan agar tercipta rasa keadilan terhadap para saksi sehingga masyarakat puas atas pelayanan yang dilakukan penyidik. Selain itu, langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam penerapan mediasi penal ini adalah mempertemukan para pihak, penyidik menyaksikan pengembalian barang yang dicuri oleh pelaku, membantu membuat surat kesepakatan bersama, menerima surat pencabutan perkara serta melakukan gelar perkara.   Kata kunci: mediasi penal, pencurian ringan, alternatif penyelesaian perkara

  6. Arte y derecho penal: El caso Han Van Meegeren

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    Ricardo Medina Moyano


    Full Text Available La temática que abarcan las palabras que sirven de título a estas notas, es ciertamente de inasible amplitud, ya por lo proteíco de la conducta humana, de quienes se colocan al margen de la ley, ora por la riqueza inconmensurable del fenómeno estético. Cabría, pues, en primer término, plantear como hipótesis de trabajo, los muy diversos enfoques desde los cuales sería dable la investigación de las relaciones entre el Arte y el Derecho Penal.

  7. Credibility of psychological and psychiatric skilled procedures made to offended minors within penal procedures


    Mena Baide, Fátima P; Fernández Calvo, Miguel E


    Como parte de la implementación del sistema adversarial al proceso penal costarricense y la inminente eliminación del Consejo Médico Forense, se hace necesario que los psiquiatras y psicólogos forenses conozcan cuales son los nuevos retos a los que se enfrentaran al presentarse a debate y ser cuestionados, en cuanto a la realización de las pericias practicadas a personas menores de edad en delitos de Agresión Sexual. Es importante conocer el sistema de acreditación de peritos y las críticas m...

  8. Cavitation during hot tension testing of Ti-6Al-4V

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Semiatin, S.L.; Ghosh, A.K.; Shell, E.B.; Simon, M.P.


    Cavity initiation, growth, and coalescence phenomena during the hot tension testing of Ti-6Al-4V with several different transformed β-microstructures were established to obtain an understanding of the failure process during subtransus hot working. Samples with either a colony-type microstructure (containing grain-boundary α) or a martensitic, acicular α-microstructure were pulled to failure at strain rates between 0.01 and 3 s -1 and various subtransus temperatures ranging from 540 to 955 C. Metallographic analysis of sectioned tension samples with colony microstructures revealed that cavity initiation occurred at very low strains (< or∼0.2) irrespective of strain rate at temperatures below 900 C due to an apparent incompatibility of deformation between the grain-boundary α-layer and the Widmanstatten side plates. Initiation strains were somewhat higher (∝0.2-0.5) for samples with the acicular α-microstructure tested at temperatures below 900 C; however, failure was still intergranular. Subsequent cavity growth was more rapid for colony microstructures than that for the martensitic α-microstructure at these temperatures. Above 900 C, however, substantially higher cavity initiation strains and lower cavity growth rates were obtained for both microstructures. These latter behaviors were ascribed to the presence of a large volume fraction of ductile β-phase and moderate values of the strain-rate sensitivity of the flow stress, respectively. (orig.)

  9. Penal stress and its manifestations in the convicts, suspects and accused persons

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    Melnikova D.V.


    Full Text Available The paper is devoted to penal stress and its manifestations at the convicts, suspects and accused persons. This topic has been poorly studied. It is necessary to identify the groups of people especially most in need of prevention and correction of stress state and to define the target effects. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the concepts of biological and psychological stress. Our theoretical work is mainly devoted to phenomenon of penal stress and factors affecting its formation. We suggested the definition of penal stress concept on the basis of the analyzed literature. The sample included 69 male persons (31 from predetention center, 38 from penal colony, aged 19 to 47 years old. Experimental psychological method of research was mainly used. In the practical part of the paper presents data on the prevalence of the penal stress in predetention centers and penal colonies. In addition, we have studied the relationship of penal stress with punishment stage, the crime characteristics of subjects, individual psychological characteristics, current state. The study allows us to reveal the groups of people in need of the prevention and correction of the penal stress state. We identified some target corrective action also.


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    Geovana Andrea Vallejo Jiménez


    Full Text Available Este texto pretende describir algunos de los problemas contemporáneos del derecho penal en Colombia, así como las orientaciones que han asumido las líneas de investigación de los grupos de las universidades Eafit, de Antioquia y de Medellín en la búsqueda de soluciones a estos problemas, y la propuesta que se tiene a partir de la fundamentación de línea de investigación en Derecho Penal en la Institución Universitaria de Envigado.

  11. Sobre la internacionalización de la justicia penal o el derecho penal como instrumento de guerra


    Ariza Zapata, Daniel


    Hablar de Derecho Penal es, sin lugar a dudas, una labor compleja en la medida en que, como suele ser habitual en el ámbito jurídico, no resulta sencillo delimitar su horizonte de proyección. Dado que la ciencia jurídica se expresa por medio de convenciones lingüísticas, de ella pueden predicarse las mismas falencias y dificultades de que adolecen los términos y las palabras, razón suficiente para advertir que, si se quiere abordar un problema esencial del Derecho Penal en cualquier espacio a...

  12. Justicia penal en el Estado arbitrario. La reforma procesal penal durante el nacionalsocialismo, de Javier Llobet Rodríguez

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    Camilo Ernesto Bernal Sarmiento


    Full Text Available La obra del profesor Dr. Javier Llobet Rodríguez, catedrático de la Universidad de Costa Rica y abogado litigante, se inserta en una corriente de trabajos surgidos en los últimos diez años en Alemania, España y Latinoamérica relacionados con la identificación del papel que pudieron haber cumplido el derecho penal y la criminología, lo mismo que sus académicos y operadores judiciales, en el proceso de justificación, legitimación formal y aplicación práctica de la barbarie del régimen nacional socialista que lideró Adolf Hitler. En línea de continuidad con sus trabajos de investigación sobre la presunción de inocencia, la detención preventiva y las garantías procesales, Llobet nos propone en Justicia penal en el Estado arbitrario, la reforma procesal penal durante el nacionalsocialismo, analizar la importancia de las garantías del debido proceso estudiando para ello su antítesis, ejemplificada en la actuación meramente policial y la reforma procesal penal que se llevo a cabo durante el nacionalsocialismo   

  13. Aproximación al estudio de la criminalidad y el derecho penal ambiental peruano

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    Pierre Foy Valencia


    Full Text Available   El presente estudio pretende esbozar algunos criterio u orientaciones para una aproximación crítica en relación con las actuales prácticas sociales que afectan o transgreden gravemente un conjunto de valores ambientales, valores pasibles de ser tutelados desde nuestro sistema de control penal. En ese sentido, se postula la necesidad de formular un modelo de análisis sistémico que integre los diferentes componentes que guardan relación con el fenómeno de la criminalidad contemporánea, en su variante ambiental.



    Pilati, Rachel Cardoso


    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar criticamente o Direito Penal do inimigo, verificando sua compatibilidade com o Estado Democrático de Direito e o princípio penal do fato. A primeira parte traz um panorama da política criminal atual no Brasil, situa a teoria do Direito Penal do inimigo nesse contexto, e explica a teoria de Jakobs. No segundo tópico, a teoria de Jakobs é analisada criticamente.Palavras-chave: Direito Penal. Inimigo. Jakobs. Estado Democrático de Direito. Princípio Penal d...


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    Yolanda M. Guerra García


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los lineamientos del Derecho Penal que trascienden los conceptos de trasplantes de órganos y las implicaciones Bioéticas de los mismos. Del mismo modo se establecen algunos de los principales criterios relacionados con el debate bioético en torno al problema de la Donación y Trasplante de Órganos, problemas relacionados con temas como la Muerte Encefálica, el consentimiento informado, Justicia y Distribución, los Xenotrasplantes y la Clonación Embrionaria entre otros.

  16. Teoría de la inflación penal


    Carrasco Jiménez, Edison


    [ES]La tesis en cuestión tiene por objeto la proposición de un modelo teórico, explicativo y crítico sobre la presencia del derecho penal en la vida civil, fundado en un concepto de derecho que integre tanto lo formal como lo informal, y sobre todo, en el concepto de inflación penal. Dicha teoría se asienta sobre la hipótesis: Los aumentos o disminuciones de la legislación penal estatal y positiva se encuentran directamente relacionados(as) y dependientes a causas endógenas y exógenas. Son ca...

  17. El consentimiento en materia penal

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    Camilo Iván Machado Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se plantea un estudio de las diferentes posturas dogmáticas que se han suscitado en la doctrina jurídico-penal en torno a la relevancia del instituto del consentimiento, como su regulación, recorriendo las legislaciones penales española, alemana, italiana y colombiana. Así mismo, se toman en consideración las recientes posturas, en donde se entiende el consentimiento como un supuesto de autopuesta en peligro, o como uno de heteropuesta en peligro de la víctima. Se propone un entendimiento de la figura desde la óptica de la teoría de la imputación objetiva, y para ello se incluye el consentimiento como causa de ausencia de la imputación objetiva.

  18. On the decennium of penal order procedure in Serbia

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    Brkić Snežana


    Full Text Available In this paper, the author defines the notion and explains the penal order procedure and its general characteristics. It is one of the special simplified criminal proceedings, which has got special basis and special structure. This procedural form is ultimately aimed at the rationalization of the criminal procedure. It is achieved by avoiding the main hearing in the trial proceeding. The author presents the evolution of the penal order in Serbia from 2001 to 2011. He points to some legal innovations in this field during that decennium. He compares old and new legal provisions about penal order and finds some differences. There is a constant tendency to expanding the area of criminal offences which can be judged in this procedural form. New legal provisions are, in general, better than previous. However, the practice has shown that application of penal order is too small. The previous practice does not live up to expectations of theory and legislator.

  19. A eutanásia na visão do garantismo penal


    Reicher, Regina Maria


    Num cotejo entre a eutanásia e o garantismo de Luigi Ferrajoli, quanto à proibição penal, os princípios da lesividade e necessidade, e o direito penal mínimo, este estudo faz uma projeção sobre as principais conseqüências desse comportamento em matéria penal, notadamente quanto à sua repercussão sobre o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, que é corolário lógico do Estado Democrático de Direito. Não se justifica, no modelo de direito penal mínimo propugnado pelo garantismo, a penalizaç...

  20. Penalized variable selection in competing risks regression. (United States)

    Fu, Zhixuan; Parikh, Chirag R; Zhou, Bingqing


    Penalized variable selection methods have been extensively studied for standard time-to-event data. Such methods cannot be directly applied when subjects are at risk of multiple mutually exclusive events, known as competing risks. The proportional subdistribution hazard (PSH) model proposed by Fine and Gray (J Am Stat Assoc 94:496-509, 1999) has become a popular semi-parametric model for time-to-event data with competing risks. It allows for direct assessment of covariate effects on the cumulative incidence function. In this paper, we propose a general penalized variable selection strategy that simultaneously handles variable selection and parameter estimation in the PSH model. We rigorously establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed penalized estimators and modify the coordinate descent algorithm for implementation. Simulation studies are conducted to demonstrate the good performance of the proposed method. Data from deceased donor kidney transplants from the United Network of Organ Sharing illustrate the utility of the proposed method.

  1. Contaminación ambiental en el distrito de Simón Bolívar-Cerro de Pasco durante los períodos 2012- 2013 y su tratamiento jurídico penal


    Cabanillas Catalán, Samuel


     OBJETIVO Determinar que el Ordenamiento Jurídico Penal del Estado Peruano, que protege al Medio Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales no contribuye significativamente en protección y la prevención de los delitos ecológicos y en la disminución del índice de dichos delitos en nuestra sociedad.  HIPÓTESIS “Se ha determinado que el Ordenamiento Jurídico Penal del Estado Peruano, no protege al Medio Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales y no contribuye significativamente en la protección y la ...

  2. Sistema penal acusatorio en Veracruz/Adversarial criminal system in Veracruz

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    Jorge Alberto Pérez Tolentino (México


    Full Text Available El estudio y comprensión del nuevo Código de Procedimientos Penales de Veracruz resulta ineludible, en virtud de las nítidas diferencias existentes entre las figuras jurídicas que contiene el actual ordenamiento, en comparación con el anterior. Es preciso sistematizar, describir y analizar la estructura del sistema penal acusatorio, a efecto de estar en condiciones de evaluar y, en su caso, proponer las mejoras al sistema en cuestión. El contenido esquemático y sustancial del código, la visión y recepción que del mismo tienen los operadores jurídicos y la sociedad en general, son aspectos que cubre el presente documento. The study and understanding of the new Code of Criminal Procedure of Veracruz is unavoidable, by reason of the sharp differences between the legal concepts that contains the actual order, compared with the previous. Needs to be systematized, describe and analyze the structure of the adversarial criminal system, in order to be able to evaluate and, if necessary, propose improvements to the system in question. The schematic and substantial content of the code, viewing and welcome that the same have the legal practitioners and society in general, are aspects covered by herein.

  3. Comentarios a determinadas disposiciones establecidas en los títulos VII y IX del anteproyecto de Código Penal

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    José René Orúe Cruz


    Full Text Available Recientemente fue aprobado en lo general el anteproyecto de Código Penal. Al analizar algunos artículos de los Títulos VII y IX, sobre el derecho de autor, propiedad industrial, quiebra, delitos económicos y contra el patrimonio nacional y patrimonio indígena, se observan deficiencias en aspectos elementales: La división de los derechos de propiedad intelectual; el uso de expresiones que no son de uso empresarial; imprecisiones sobre la quiebra, entre otras cosas. Esto obliga a un esfuerzo conjunto para contribuir a que se corrijan aquellos aspectos necesarios para que dispongamos de un nuevo Código Penal que responda a las necesidades de Nicaragua.

  4. Los agresores sexuales de menores: aspectos criminológicos y tratamiento jurídico penal.


    Marco Francia, María Pilar


    Este trabajo pretende realizar una aproximación, desde un punto de vista criminológico y del Derecho Penal, al tema de los delitos sexuales contra niños menores de trece años. Básicamente desde la perspectiva del delincuente y de manera más tangencial desde la de sus víctimas en la medida en que la elección de la víctima cualifica o determina en muchas ocasiones al delincuente. Para ello hemos utilizado una metodología predominantemente documental (aunque sin olvidar metodología de análisis e...


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    Sebastián Betancourt Restrepo


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende hacer algunos cuestionamientos en torno a la implementación de la teoría de la carga dinámica de la prueba en la actuación penal, a partir de los elementos brindados por las Reglas de Mallorca y la teoría del garantismo penal, defendida por el profesor Luigi Ferrajoli en Italia, y en Argentina por el profesor Adolfo Alvarado Velloso, desde la perspectiva de una sistemática procesal penal, reconocedora de garantías universales como el debido proceso.



    Sebastián Betancourt Restrepo


    El presente artículo pretende hacer algunos cuestionamientos en torno a la implementación de la teoría de la carga dinámica de la prueba en la actuación penal, a partir de los elementos brindados por las Reglas de Mallorca y la teoría del garantismo penal, defendida por el profesor Luigi Ferrajoli en Italia, y en Argentina por el profesor Adolfo Alvarado Velloso, desde la perspectiva de una sistemática procesal penal, reconocedora de garantías universales como el debido proceso.

  7. Comparative Analysis for Robust Penalized Spline Smoothing Methods

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    Bin Wang


    Full Text Available Smoothing noisy data is commonly encountered in engineering domain, and currently robust penalized regression spline models are perceived to be the most promising methods for coping with this issue, due to their flexibilities in capturing the nonlinear trends in the data and effectively alleviating the disturbance from the outliers. Against such a background, this paper conducts a thoroughly comparative analysis of two popular robust smoothing techniques, the M-type estimator and S-estimation for penalized regression splines, both of which are reelaborated starting from their origins, with their derivation process reformulated and the corresponding algorithms reorganized under a unified framework. Performances of these two estimators are thoroughly evaluated from the aspects of fitting accuracy, robustness, and execution time upon the MATLAB platform. Elaborately comparative experiments demonstrate that robust penalized spline smoothing methods possess the capability of resistance to the noise effect compared with the nonrobust penalized LS spline regression method. Furthermore, the M-estimator exerts stable performance only for the observations with moderate perturbation error, whereas the S-estimator behaves fairly well even for heavily contaminated observations, but consuming more execution time. These findings can be served as guidance to the selection of appropriate approach for smoothing the noisy data.


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    Alberto Contreras Clunes


    Full Text Available El fallo en el caso Pinochet tiene distintas formas de ser analizado. De partida, desde un punto de vista político, también constitucional, del derecho penal. Sin embargo, nos abocaremos al estudio desde el punto de vista procesal, en especial a lo referido al Debido Proceso. Para ello se analizará los presupuestos, la solución dada por la Excma. Corte Suprema y las consecuencias del mismo. Además, se criticará la solución dada, desde la óptica de las garantías procesales del imputado, contenidas en el nuevo proceso penal y lo dispuesto en la Constitución y la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos. Finalmente, se argumentará en favor de una interpretación finalista y armónica de la Constitución y los tratados internacionales de derechos humanos.The verdict of the Pinochet Case has different ways of being analyzed: from the political, the constitutional, and the penal law points of view. However, we will approach this study from the legal point of view, especially to that referred to as the Proper Process. To do this, the budgets, the solution given by the Most Excellent Supreme Court, and its consequences will be analyzed. Furthermore, the given solution will be criticized from the point of view of the legal guarantees of the accused contained in the new penal process and what is contained in the Constitution and in the American Convention of Human Rights. In conclusion, we will argue in favor of a final and harmonious interpretation of the Constitution and the international agreement of human rights.

  9. Mediación interdisciplinaria en derecho de familia y derecho penal: dos caras de una misma moneda

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    Nilda Susana Gorvein


    Full Text Available Contenido: De los autores de este trabajo. Objetivos del trabajo. El moderno derecho de familia: democratización de las relaciones familiares. Nuevos paradigmas en derecho defamilia: nuevas formas de intervención y modelos de abordaje de los conflictos que atraviesa la familia. ¿Dónde la aplicaríamos.Ley 24.316 que instala la probation. Mediación penal: una alternativa a la violencia. Objetivos. Críticas al sistema actual.  Ser eco del derecho comparado y las normas internacionales. Cuestiones para ir reflexionando. Mediación final.  Propuestas de mediación penal. Lugares posibles de aplicación. Reflexiones comunes a nuestra investigación

  10. Prácticas de control socio-penal dispositivo psi pericial y adolescentes mujeres en el Sistema Penal Juvenil Uruguayo /


    López Gallego, Laura


    La presente tesis doctoral "Prácticas de Control Socio-Penal. Dispositivo Psi Pericial y Adolescentes Mujeres en el Sistema Penal Juvenil Uruguayo" se sitúa en una perspectiva analítica que articula postulados de la Psicología Social Crítica y las Epistemologías Feministas, junto con aportes criminológicos provenientes de la Criminología Crítica y la Criminología Feminista. Los itinerarios de investigación producidos en esta tesis doctoral se descomponen en dos proyectos de investigación. Uno...


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    Vitalie STATI


    Full Text Available Obiectul prezentului studiu îl constituie modificările şi completările operate în Codul penal prin Legea nr.60/2016. Acestea vizează: persoana juridică în calitate de subiect al infracţiunii; confiscarea specială; spălarea banilor; actul terorist; finanţarea terorismului; abuzul de putere sau abuzul de serviciu. În procesul analizei, sunt examinate proiectul care se află la baza Legii nr.60/2016, Nota informativă la acest proiect şi alte asemenea acte preparatorii. De asemenea, se face referire la Convenţia privind spălarea, descoperirea, sechestrarea şi confiscarea produselor infracţiunii şi finan­ţarea terorismului, adoptată la Varşovia la 16.05.2005, precum şi la raportul explicativ la această Convenţie. Scopul prezentului studiu constă în stabilirea efectelor pozitive şi a celor negative ale adoptării modificărilor şi completărilor operate în Codul penal prin Legea nr.60/2016. În rezultatul investigaţiei efectuate se ajunge la concluzia că nu toate amendamentele operate prin legea amintită au tangenţă cu domeniile ce ţin de prevenirea şi combaterea spălării banilor şi a finanţării terorismului. Nu toate aceste amendamente pot asigura armonizarea legislaţiei naţionale penale cu stan­dardele stabilite de Curtea Europeană pentru Drepturile Omului. Unele din aceste amendamente sunt îndoielnice sub aspectul calităţii lor tehnico-legislative şi/sau în ce priveşte aportul lor în planul eficientizării apărării ordinii de drept. Impresia de ansamblu este că nu preocuparea pentru interesul social a constituit scopul principal al adoptării Legii nr.60/2016.SOME REMARKS ON THE AMENDMENTS OPERATED TO THE PENAL CODE BY LAW No.60/2016The object of this study is formed by the modifications and additions operated to the Penal Code by Law No.60/2016. The content of the respective initiatives addresses the following elements: the legal person as the subject of the offence; special confiscation

  12. Necesidad de la creación de una sanción penal especial para ser impuesta al sujeto que padece trastorno antisocial de la personalidad (psicopatía en Colombia

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    María Margarita Tirado-Álvarez


    Full Text Available El propósito del artículo se centra en analizar la necesidad que hay o no de crear una sanción especial para el sujeto con psicopatía, teniendo en cuenta sus particulares características (incurable, ausencia de remordimiento, ausencia de temor al castigo, alto nivel de reincidencia, cosificación del ser humano, y la naturaleza de las sanciones contenidas en la ley penal nacional, en defensa de la justicia, el respeto por los derechos humanos de víctima y victimario, la seguridad de la sociedad y la adecuada punición.


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    César Alejandro Osorio Moreno


    Full Text Available En el contexto del derecho penal moderno y desde una perspectiva comparada entre el derecho penal español y el derecho penal colombiano en cuanto a la protección penal de los derechos morales de autor, se pone en discusión si es necesaria la intervención penal o no, a partir de cuestionar si en verdad se protege un bien jurídico relevante que ameritaría el mecanismo de control social más grave del que dispone el Estado que es el derecho penal, o cómo se planteará, si a partir de la protección de los derechos patrimoniales de autor se cobijan los morales tal como acontece en España en la actualidad.

  14. Juridical-penal aspects of the cesium-137 accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soares, Carolina Chaves


    The study of the juridical-penal aspects of the Cesium-137 accident, has, as a base, the police inquiry and the penal lawsuit concerning to the episode. Due to the lack of a law which typified activities related with radioisotope material as crime, the responsible were sentenced according to the penalties of body injury crime and homicide. Among the 10 investigated people, only 5 were condemned by the Judiciary and only 4 serve the sentence. (author)

  15. Crímenes de “guerra sucia”: derecho penal internacional y jurisdicciones de la memoria

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    Peter Rush


    Full Text Available Argentina es una comunidad asediada por experiencias indescriptibles de sufrimiento e injusticia que no cesan de regresar en fragmentos e imágenes. Es un país poseído por la guerra sucia y sus desaparecidos. Es como si esta comunidad política no hubiese superado su situación traumática; como si dicha comunidad estuviese obligada a enfrentarla como una de sus tareas inmediatas. Este ensayo considera las relaciones entre la memoria del derecho, el crimen y la guerra sucia desde la doble mirada del cine y del derecho. La primera parte reconstruye la memoria narrativa y el contexto socio jurídico de la escena contemporánea de la memoria en Argentina. En este punto, se concentra sobre cómo los procesos judiciales han perfilado las prácticas de reconocimiento de experiencias traumáticas, de injusticia y sufrimiento. La segunda parte está relacionada con la película El secreto de sus ojos, dirigida por Juan José Campanella, filmada en Buenos Aires y que describe la vida del derecho después de la atrocidad. Mi argumento es que esta película ofrece elementos para la reflexión a partir de lo que llamo una “jurisdicción de la memoria”, gracias a que la película conecta el trabajo de la memoria en Argentina al funcionamiento de la jurisdicción penal. Después de reconstruir dos formas de vivir una vida vacía, una vida vivida con el trauma de un caso penal, la coda del ensayo se concentra en los vestigios de una jurisdicción penal de la memoria. Si las decisiones son constitutivas de la justicia penal internacional en tiempos de transición, entonces la jurisdicción penal de la memoria, objeto del presente ensayo, puede ser pensada en sus propios términos: desde sus propios géneros de representación y sus propias taxonomías. Una ética del testimonio y una lógica de la memoria han de permanecer, por lo tanto, vigilantes después de la barbarie generalizada. Por ello es posible afirmar que es este el legado que, hoy por hoy

  16. Advanced colorectal neoplasia risk stratification by penalized logistic regression. (United States)

    Lin, Yunzhi; Yu, Menggang; Wang, Sijian; Chappell, Richard; Imperiale, Thomas F


    Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in the United States. To facilitate the efficiency of colorectal cancer screening, there is a need to stratify risk for colorectal cancer among the 90% of US residents who are considered "average risk." In this article, we investigate such risk stratification rules for advanced colorectal neoplasia (colorectal cancer and advanced, precancerous polyps). We use a recently completed large cohort study of subjects who underwent a first screening colonoscopy. Logistic regression models have been used in the literature to estimate the risk of advanced colorectal neoplasia based on quantifiable risk factors. However, logistic regression may be prone to overfitting and instability in variable selection. Since most of the risk factors in our study have several categories, it was tempting to collapse these categories into fewer risk groups. We propose a penalized logistic regression method that automatically and simultaneously selects variables, groups categories, and estimates their coefficients by penalizing the [Formula: see text]-norm of both the coefficients and their differences. Hence, it encourages sparsity in the categories, i.e. grouping of the categories, and sparsity in the variables, i.e. variable selection. We apply the penalized logistic regression method to our data. The important variables are selected, with close categories simultaneously grouped, by penalized regression models with and without the interactions terms. The models are validated with 10-fold cross-validation. The receiver operating characteristic curves of the penalized regression models dominate the receiver operating characteristic curve of naive logistic regressions, indicating a superior discriminative performance. © The Author(s) 2013.

  17. A Penalization-Gradient Algorithm for Variational Inequalities

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    Abdellatif Moudafi


    Full Text Available This paper is concerned with the study of a penalization-gradient algorithm for solving variational inequalities, namely, find x̅∈C such that 〈Ax̅,y-x̅〉≥0 for all y∈C, where A:H→H is a single-valued operator, C is a closed convex set of a real Hilbert space H. Given Ψ:H→R  ∪  {+∞} which acts as a penalization function with respect to the constraint x̅∈C, and a penalization parameter βk, we consider an algorithm which alternates a proximal step with respect to ∂Ψ and a gradient step with respect to A and reads as xk=(I+λkβk∂Ψ-1(xk-1-λkAxk-1. Under mild hypotheses, we obtain weak convergence for an inverse strongly monotone operator and strong convergence for a Lipschitz continuous and strongly monotone operator. Applications to hierarchical minimization and fixed-point problems are also given and the multivalued case is reached by replacing the multivalued operator by its Yosida approximate which is always Lipschitz continuous.


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    Jean Pierre Matus Acuña


    Full Text Available El presente artículo corresponde al Informe Final del Proyecto FONDECYT 1010206­2001, sobre tratamiento penal de los delitos contra el medio ambiente en Chile. Sus conclusiones se exponen en siete partes: la primera aborda la cuestión de la necesidad de un derecho penal protector del medio ambiente, ante los riesgos a que se encuentra sometido en las sociedades contemporáneas; la segunda, la necesidad de su regulación desde el punto de vista del Derecho Internacional y las obligaciones contraídas en la materia; la tercera, una descripción sucinta de los modelos de regulación de la protección penal del medio ambiente en el derecho comparado; la cuarta, una explicación acerca de las normas de derecho penal ambiental vigentes en Chile; la quinta, el por qué de la insuficiencia legislativa penal para la protección del medio ambiente, a la luz de las obligaciones internacionales contraídas en la materia, el estado del derecho comparado y la necesidad de evitar la burla del Sistema de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental; la sexta, una reseña y crítica científica de los proyectos de ley en materia penal ambiental presentados al Congreso Nacional; y la séptima, las ideas matrices de las soluciones de lege ferenda que se ofrecen a los problemas de las insuficiencias del Derecho nacional en la materia y el texto de la propuesta de Proyecto de Ley elaborado, producto final de nuestras investigaciones.This article argues in favor of an environmental criminal law to respond both to the risks pervasive in contemporary societies and to the requirements of international law and Chile's international obligations in this area. A succint description of environmental crime in comparative law is provided, together with an elaboration of the sparse environmental crimes currently in the books in Chile. Reasons for this legislative deficit are explored in light of international obligations, comparative law, and the need to close loopholes in the

  19. To What Extent are Domestic Penal Laws Retroactive for Crime ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Hard or soft law most countries have at least a piece of statutory enactment, which provides for the non-retroactivity of penal law. Non retroactivity of penal laws also forms part of fundamental rights of the citizens in the Constitution, the supreme law of the country of the Republic of Mauritius which provide in its section 10(4).

  20. Direito penal na era global: garantismo positivo ajustado ao garantismo negativo


    Gomes, Thiago Quintas


    Esta dissertação faz análise da complexa sociedade do pós-industrial, hedonista, de massa e relações objetivas, denominada sociedade de risco, e qual deve ser a postura do direito penal diante dos novos interesses, difusos e coletivos, de um mundo globalizado. O direito penal deve estar preparado para lidar com esta nova realidade, o que significa a adoção de uma nova dogmática jurídica-penal na proteção dos bens meta-individuais (direitos humanos de 3ª dimensão), porém conformada com o...

  1. Responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas


    Montes Castro, Claudia Marcela


    La responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas es un tema que adquiere cada vez mayor relevancia en una sociedad que sufre constantes cambios, y en la que se perfeccionan cada vez más las formas de cometer delitos. En el presente trabajo se realiza el estudio sobre la evolución de la figura de la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas, abarcando desde el derecho romano hasta nuestros días. En el desarrollo del mismo, se expone el recorrido a través de las diferentes alternativas ...

  2. Maritime environmental penal law. International and German legislation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eller, Jan Frederik


    The book on maritime environmental penal law discusses the following issues: part I: introduction into the importance of oceanic environment and its thread, requirement of protective measures,; part II: focus of the study and terminology: oceanic pollution, maritime environmental legislation, international legislation; part 3: international legislative regulations concerning the protection of maritime environment: avoidance of environmental pollution, maritime legislative agreements, existing protective institutions; part 4: state penal power concerning maritime environmental protection; part 5: statutory offense according to German legislation; perspectives for regulations concerning criminal acts on sea.


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    Carlos Vázquez González


    Full Text Available El absentismo y/o el abandono escolar no son tan sólo uno de los principales problemas a los que se debe enfrentar cualquier sistema educativo, sino también un problema social relacionado con la exclusión social, la marginación y la delincuencia, ya que la investigación criminológica ha comprobado como el fracaso escolar o un temprano abandono de los estudios opera como un facilitador de la delincuencia juvenil. Cuando el absentismo o abandono escolar se produce debido a un incumplimiento injustificado por parte de los padres del deber de educar y proporcionar una formación integral a sus hijos, deber legal de asistencia inherente a la patria potestad, el Estado deberá intervenir para garantizar el derecho a la educación de los menores, recurriendo incluso al Derecho penal, mediante la aplicación del delito de abandono de familia del art. 226.1 CP.


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    Elias García Rosas


    Full Text Available El propósito del trabajo es determinar la finalidad perseguida por los procesos penales mexicanos, pues actualmente no existen referentes sustentables, teóricos ni prácticos, para ello. Se empleó la teoría de sistemas autorreferenciales luhmanniana y el método funcional, realizándose una indagación documental mediante la observación de segundo orden, al tenor de una postura constructivista sobre el conocimiento. Se alcanzó como conclusión que el sentido del proceso penal mexicano es exclusivamente la obtención de la decisión judicial definitiva, excluyéndose otros temas tradicionalmente considerados como fines procesales, entre ellos el hallazgo de la "verdad histórica", paradigma que se rompe con los resultados obtenidos.The purpose of the research here described, was to investigate the meaning of the mexican criminal trials' model, that because there are no theorical or practical sustainable references to establish it. In the study, self-steering systems theory of Niklas Luhmann and his functional method were used, developing a documental research and following a second-order observation thecnique, under a constructivistic epistemological view. Was found that the mexican trials' systemic meaning is accomplishing the definitive judicial solution, excluding other themes traditionally considered trial's goals, such as the "historic truth", paradigm which breaks down with the results achieved.

  5. Una apuesta analítica del funcionamiento del dispositivo psi pericial en el campo penal Uma aposta analitica do funcionamento do dispositivo psi pericial inserido no campo penal An analysis of the psy expert assemblage in the penal field

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    Laura López Gallego


    Full Text Available La aproximación al dispositivo psi pericial inserto en el campo penal aquí efectuada, traza un itinerario de análisis que aborda el funcionamiento de dicho dispositivo, poniendo especial énfasis en las imbricadas relaciones entre los saberes jurídicos y lo psi. Para efectuar dicho análisis, se utilizan documentos específicos producidos por los peritos psi en el marco del Poder Judicial del Uruguay. Se entiende a las prácticas psi como el efecto de ciertas confluencias históricas relacionadas con el examen, con las estrategias de objetividad, con la traducción de categorías psi en categorías jurídicas y con la incorporación de la lógica de individualización como eje del dispositivo psi pericial. La pregunta que guía el análisis versa sobre lo que posibilita la incorporación del dispositivo psi pericial en el campo penal.A aproximação ao dispositivo psi pericial inserido no campo penal aqui realizada traça um itinerário de análise que aborda o funcionamento do dispositivo, enfatizando as relações imbricadas entre os saberes jurídicos e psi. Para realizar a análise, utilizam-se documentos específicos produzidos por peritos psi no marco do Poder Judicial do Uruguai. Entendem-se as práticas psi como efeito de certas confluências históricas relacionadas ao exame, às estratégias de objetividade, à tradução de categorias psi em categorias jurídicas e à incorporação da lógica da individualização como um ponto central do dispositivo psi pericial. A pergunta que orienta a análise é o que possibilita a incorporação do dispositivo psi pericial no campo penal.The approach made here about the "expert psy assemblage" inserted into the criminal field draws a path of analysis that considers the operation of this assemblage, highlighting the intertwined relationships between the legal and psychological knowledge. To undertake such analysis, specific documents produced by the psy experts, working under the Judiciary

  6. Ilustrados, leyes penales, control social y Administración de justicia durante la época De las revoluciones modernas en nueva granada. Una mirada desde la obra de gaetano filangieri

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    Juan Camilo Escobar Villegas


    Full Text Available Presentamos nuestras reflexiones en tres acápites: uno sobre el contexto reformista que afectó la cultura penal en los tiempos de Gaetano Filangieri, otro sobre las ideas expuestas en la Ciencia de la legislación en relación con las formas de administrar justicia y sus lectores en Nueva Granada y, finalmente, una historia sobre el código penal neogranadino de 1837 que nos vincula al problema de la formación de los estados modernos y las culturas políticas y en la que se plantea una perspectiva de análisis ampliada gracias al uso de un variado conjunto de fuentes documentales.

  7. Environmental protection - Penal Law. Umweltschutz-Strafrecht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sack, H J


    The 18th Amendment of the Penal Law - Law on the Abatement of Environmental Delinquency - (18. StrAendG) has now been passed. It has been promulgated on March 28, 1980 and has come into force on July 1, 1980. Through this amendment, a large number of the provisions of the environmental law regarding sanctions has been incorporated into the Penal Code. Persons concerned with environmental protection and pollution control will also in future need such a textbook with comments as a guide to the most important provisions on sanctions and fixed penalties. The 18th Amendment of the Penal Code does not cover all the provisions on sanctions to be applied in the field of environmental protection, a number of regulations still remains part of other, special laws. The same applies to the provisions on penalties which are laid down in a variety of individual laws and regulations, as a comprehensive code of environmental laws still remains to be established. This first part of the textbook in loose-leaf form deals mainly with the new provisions of sections 311d, 311e, 324, and 325. The other facts of the 18th Amendment will be discussed in the second part. As the regulations have, for the most part, not been completly revised or newly inserted, parts 1/3 of the first edition of this textbook can still be used as a help in analysing the existing provisions.

  8. Cooperación internacional en materia penal en el MERCOSUR: el cibercrimen


    Santiago Deluca; Enrique Del Carril


    En el Mercosur no existe un derecho penal común, no obstante observarse una creciente corriente orientada a la adopción de normas generales de política criminal tendiente a combatir diversos actos delictivos. Ello se cristaliza en la creación de normas de cooperación internacional en materia penal, con el objeto de lograr la asimilación y adecuación “macro” de las legislaciones penales de los Estados Parte. Es justo reconocer que en este trabajo no se pretende elaborar un corpus iuris por ...

  9. Tutela penal de la vida humana y política criminal. Aborto y eutanasia


    Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, María Angélica


    Al ser la vida humana el derecho fundamental más importante, su tutela penal se ha llevado a cabo históricamente y en la actualidad, con mayor o menor intensidad, en todos los ordenamientos jurídicos del mundo. Dentro de la protección del derecho a la vida, mediante la tipificación del delito de homicidio y de asesinato, con sus distintas modalidades, nos encontramos con dos figuras jurídicas controvertidas por estar estrechamente vinculadas con la moral y, consiguientemente, por tener mucha ...

  10. Garantismo penal para quem? O discurso penal liberal drente à sua desconstrução pela criminologia

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    Marisa Helena D`Arbo Alves de Freitas


    Full Text Available O presente artigo versa sobre a efetividade das garantias individuais e o reflexo dessa problemática no acesso à justiça penal brasileira. Apesar de o discurso idealista-garantista apresentar os instrumentos possíveis para defesa dos acusados e para isonomia de tratamento aos sujeitos do processo, a realidade processual indica que esse discurso é meramente retórico e limitado ao plano teórico-abstrato, com dificuldades de se concretizar no plano prático-reformista. O trabalho é bibliográfico e desenvolve conceitos relativos à seletividade e as formas de controle do poder punitivo. Para abordagem do tema, partiu-se da perspectiva crítica do garantismo penal proposto por Luigi Ferrajoli.

  11. Violencia de género en la familia: perspectiva jurídico penal


    José Julio Nares Hernández; Dulce Gloria Martínez García; Ricardo Colín García


    Se analizan desde una perspectiva garantista la Constitución Federal y los tratados internacionales que obligan al Estado a tutelar penalmente el derecho humano de la mujer a una vida libre de violencia en el hogar. Se concluye que para cumplir con este deber es ineludible la creación legislativa de tipo penal que sancione la violencia familiar asociada a la violencia de género. Esta acción legislativa sería parte de una nueva política criminológica dedicada específicamente a la prevención, s...

  12. A penalized framework for distributed lag non-linear models. (United States)

    Gasparrini, Antonio; Scheipl, Fabian; Armstrong, Ben; Kenward, Michael G


    Distributed lag non-linear models (DLNMs) are a modelling tool for describing potentially non-linear and delayed dependencies. Here, we illustrate an extension of the DLNM framework through the use of penalized splines within generalized additive models (GAM). This extension offers built-in model selection procedures and the possibility of accommodating assumptions on the shape of the lag structure through specific penalties. In addition, this framework includes, as special cases, simpler models previously proposed for linear relationships (DLMs). Alternative versions of penalized DLNMs are compared with each other and with the standard unpenalized version in a simulation study. Results show that this penalized extension to the DLNM class provides greater flexibility and improved inferential properties. The framework exploits recent theoretical developments of GAMs and is implemented using efficient routines within freely available software. Real-data applications are illustrated through two reproducible examples in time series and survival analysis. © 2017 The Authors Biometrics published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Biometric Society.

  13. A Penalization Approach for Tomographic Reconstruction of Binary Axially Symmetric Objects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abraham, R.; Bergounioux, M.; Trelat, E.


    We propose a variational method for tomographic reconstruction of blurred and noised binary images based on a penalization process of a minimization problem settled in the space of bounded variation functions. We prove existence and/or uniqueness results and derive a penalized optimality system. Numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the relevance of the approach

  14. Numerical Simulation of Tension Properties for Al-Cu Alloy Friction Stir-Welded Joints with GTN Damage Model (United States)

    Sun, Guo-Qin; Sun, Feng-Yang; Cao, Fang-Li; Chen, Shu-Jun; Barkey, Mark E.


    The numerical simulation of tensile fracture behavior on Al-Cu alloy friction stir-welded joint was performed with the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN) damage model. The parameters of the GTN model were studied in each region of the friction stir-welded joint by means of inverse identification. Based on the obtained parameters, the finite element model of the welded joint was built to predict the fracture behavior and tension properties. Good agreement can be found between the numerical and experimental results in the location of the tensile fracture and the mechanical properties.


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    Alexe JEFLEA


    Full Text Available În articol sunt abordate unele probleme ce ţin de clarificarea conceptului de extremism religios în legea penală astăzi în vigoare a Republicii Moldova. Cercetarea legii penale în materia identificării şi interpretării extremismului religios începe cu definirea acestui fenomen. S-a precizat că la baza extremismului religios se poziţionează stârnirea discordiei religioase. Autorii au demonstrat că sintagma „extremism religios”, fiind o noţiune criminologică şi politică, nu se regăseşte în nicio normă a Codului penal din Republica Moldova. S-a constatat că mai multe componenţe de infrac­ţiuni implică, într-un fel sau altul, religia. Nu toate aceste fapte sunt de conotaţie extremistă, însă toate au la bază ura sau intoleranţa religioasă ca motiv special al săvârşirii mai multor fapte penale ce implică semne de extremism religios. Totodată, s-a arătat că legea penală a Republicii Moldova nu acoperă toate formele de extremism, lista acestora fiind de fapt mai largă. Prin urmare, autorii au demonstrat necesitatea introducerii unor prevederi noi care ar incrimina şi alte fapte cu caracter extremist.Criminal offences which involve signs of religious extremism: aspects of criminal lawThis scientific research is dedicated to some questions which are linked to the clarification of the concept of religious extremism in the light of criminal legislation of theRepublicofMoldova. Exploration of the criminal legislation in the matter of identification and interpretation of the religious extremism begins from the definition of this phenomenon. There have been summarized that namely the provocation of religious disagreement constitutes the basis on the religious extremism. The authors have demonstrated that the expression “religious extremism” being a criminological and political concept, is absent in the modern criminal legislation of theRepublicofMoldova. There have been observed that a lot of criminal

  16. Sobre el control convencional en la praxis penal internacional y doméstica de los Derechos Fundamentales

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    Duvi Teixidor


    Full Text Available Se trata de una aproximación a la dogmática penal internacional, en el ámbito interamericano y europeo, con especial énfasis en el paradigma normativo asumido en la praxis de derechos humanos. El enfoque discurre desde el principio transversal de imparcialidad a la justificación y aplicación del Derecho Penal Internacional de Derechos humanos, mediante la adopción del espiral hermenéutico. En este plano analítico relacional, se arriba al examen de la teoría del caso asumida en distintos ejemplos que consolidan una jurisprudencia principialista, para la efectiva realización de los derechos fundamentales aquí y ahora (Dasein. A partir de esa expresión de sentido, se hace hincapié en las fases del control de convencionalidad a nivel jurisdiccional doméstico e internacional.


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    Elena CROITOR


    Full Text Available Probatoriul penal presupune etape și elemente de a căror respectare depinde, indubitabil, justa soluționare a cauzei penale. Codul de procedură penală în vigoare reglementează cu titlu de obligație a subiectului oficial, care administrează și apreciază proba, verificarea acesteia din punctul de vedere al veridicității. Totodată, în virtutea varietăților sub care se prezintă purtătorii tehnico-electronici de informație, pe de o parte, și datorită complexității activității de dobândire și introducere în proces, pe de alta, activitatea de verificare depășește limitele procesului penal, realizând incursiuni nu doar în criminalistică, ci și în tehnică.Astfel, pornind de la cele enunțate, verificarea se realizează atât din perspectivă procesuală, cât și din punctul de vedere al condițiilor de ordin tehnic, de care depinde nu doar autenticitatea, cât, mai ales, admisibilitatea probei.Diferite genuri ale expertizei criminalistice permit, la etapa actuală, identificarea existenței unor manipulări de oarecare natură în conținutul înregistrării audio-video fixate pe un anumit suport tehnico-electronic de informație, indiferent dacă au fost realizate prin montaj, prin adăugarea sau excluderea textului, fie prin intervenții de alt fel. Pe de altă parte, falsul intelectual devine detectabil, în principal, prin intermediul unei verificări procesuale, altfel spus – prin aprecierea probelor în colaborare sau prin realizarea unor procedee probatorii. Faptul dat nu exclude posibilitatea identificării unor indicii în acest sens, prin intermediul unor expertize tehnice, fonoscopice, computerizate şi al., care ar pune la îndoială rezonabilă autenticitatea probelor electronice administrate pentru soluționarea cauzei penale.THE AUTHENTICITY VALIDATION OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY ELECTRONIC DATA CARIRERS IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGSFor the fair settlement of the criminal case, the criminal procedural


    Fan, Jianqing; Xue, Lingzhou; Zou, Hui


    Folded concave penalization methods have been shown to enjoy the strong oracle property for high-dimensional sparse estimation. However, a folded concave penalization problem usually has multiple local solutions and the oracle property is established only for one of the unknown local solutions. A challenging fundamental issue still remains that it is not clear whether the local optimum computed by a given optimization algorithm possesses those nice theoretical properties. To close this important theoretical gap in over a decade, we provide a unified theory to show explicitly how to obtain the oracle solution via the local linear approximation algorithm. For a folded concave penalized estimation problem, we show that as long as the problem is localizable and the oracle estimator is well behaved, we can obtain the oracle estimator by using the one-step local linear approximation. In addition, once the oracle estimator is obtained, the local linear approximation algorithm converges, namely it produces the same estimator in the next iteration. The general theory is demonstrated by using four classical sparse estimation problems, i.e., sparse linear regression, sparse logistic regression, sparse precision matrix estimation and sparse quantile regression.

  19. Política de despenalización como medio eficaz para una justicia penal justa

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    Rogelio Barba Álvarez


    Full Text Available El actual sistema de justicia penal en México se encuentra en una grave crisis, derivada de la falta de una adecuada política criminal y técnica legislativa. La política de despenalización serviría para resolver muchos de los problemas que se originan por la pésima justicia penal que actualmente impera en México. Por este medio se podría resolver el problema de la hipertrofia legislativa, la antinomia de tipos penales, el fortalecimiento de un subsistema sancionatorio más benévolo que aquel basado en la amenaza penal, y sobre todo de la unificación de la legislación penal en nuestro país, para lograr la anhelada justicia justa.

  20. (Re)pensando a natureza jurídica do processo penal: para além da concepção de processo como relação jurídica, por meio da linguística


    Reis, Maurício Sant'Anna dos


    Partindo da análise do conteúdo do processo penal, rompendo com a Teoria Geral do Processo, a presente dissertação se debruça sobre o estudo da natureza jurídicado processo penal. Questiona-se, assim, qual seria a natureza jurídica do processo penal. Para tentar responder essa questão, se analisa – superando-a – a Teoria da Relação Jurídica de Oskar Von Bülow, de toda inadequada ao processo penal, por não observar sua complexa fenomenologia. Nessa linha, acompanha-se a Teoria da Situação Jurí...



    Sebástian Borges de Albuquerque Mello


    O presente artigo analisa as manifestações do princípio da proporcionalidade, relacionando-o com diversos princípios fundamentais do Direito Penal. Assim, relaciona-se necessidade com intervenção mínima, adequação com adequação social e a proporcionalidade em sentido estrito com a compatibilização harmônica e axiológica das penas dentro do sistema jurídico-penal.

  2. La prolusione di rocco e le dottrine del processo penale


    Renzo Orlandi


    L’articolo analizza le conseguenze del pensiero giuridico di Arturo Rocco, dal 1910 nella dottrina di procedura penale, ossia, il metodo tecnico-giuridico (esegesi, sistematica e critica). La dogmatica di procedura pena- le inizia con la monografia di Giovanni Conso, nel 1955. L’insoddisfazione con il tecnicismo giuridico e con la mancanza di maturità scientifica si è manifestata con Carnelutti nel 1946 (Cerenterola), sottolineando le peculiarità strutturali del procedimento penale. In questa...

  3. Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation for univariate normal mixture distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ridolfi, A.; Idier, J.


    Due to singularities of the likelihood function, the maximum likelihood approach for the estimation of the parameters of normal mixture models is an acknowledged ill posed optimization problem. Ill posedness is solved by penalizing the likelihood function. In the Bayesian framework, it amounts to incorporating an inverted gamma prior in the likelihood function. A penalized version of the EM algorithm is derived, which is still explicit and which intrinsically assures that the estimates are not singular. Numerical evidence of the latter property is put forward with a test

  4. Recensión a la revista Nova Criminis. Visiones criminológicas de la justicia penal. Número 5, julio de 2013.

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    Klaus Alexander Dreckmann Kimelman


    Full Text Available La revista Nova Criminis es una publicación editada por el Magíster en Criminología y Justicia Penal de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Central de Chile. Su objetivo principal es promover entre los miembros de la comunidad nacional, en particular los estudiantes, académicos y profesionales del Derecho Penal, la importancia de la investigación criminológica vinculada a la justicia penal, así como su debate y la difusión de la interrelación entre el control del delito, la seguridad, la criminalidad emergente y los derechos fundamentales.El Nº 5 de la revista, publicada en el mes de julio del año 2013, está enteramente dedicado al tratamiento de la pena a través del estudio de diversas temáticas que se relacionan con la justificación del castigo y aquellas materias en las que la pena tiene aplicación, como el ámbito de la justicia actuarial, la violencia intrafamiliar y los jóvenes infractores de ley.

  5. Reference Data for the Density, Viscosity, and Surface Tension of Liquid Al-Zn, Ag-Sn, Bi-Sn, Cu-Sn, and Sn-Zn Eutectic Alloys (United States)

    Dobosz, Alexandra; Gancarz, Tomasz


    The data for the physicochemical properties viscosity, density, and surface tension obtained by different experimental techniques have been analyzed for liquid Al-Zn, Ag-Sn, Bi-Sn, Cu-Sn, and Sn-Zn eutectic alloys. All experimental data sets have been categorized and described by the year of publication, the technique used to obtain the data, the purity of the samples and their compositions, the quoted uncertainty, the number of data in the data set, the form of data, and the temperature range. The proposed standard deviations of liquid eutectic Al-Zn, Ag-Sn, Bi-Sn, Cu-Sn, and Sn-Zn alloys are 0.8%, 0.1%, 0.5%, 0.2%, and 0.1% for the density, 8.7%, 4.1%, 3.6%, 5.1%, and 4.0% for viscosity, and 1.0%, 0.5%, 0.3%, N/A, and 0.4% for surface tension, respectively, at a confidence level of 95%.

  6. El concepto de justicia penal restaurativa en la construcción del marco teórico

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    Jorge Pesqueira Leal


    Full Text Available El concepto de justicia restaurativa genera un cambio radical en la común definición de justicia, puesto que enriquece el papel del Estado en el interés y preocupación por todos los actores del conflicto penal, la víctima, victimario y sociedad, además de que se modifica la respuesta punitiva del Estado al infractor, pasando al empleo de los mecanismos readaptadores, sin dejar de lado la concepción del delito como un agravio a toda la sociedad.Así, la justicia restaurativa se ocupa de la satisfacción de las necesidades de las víctimas procurando llevar las cosas a su estado anterior, de la readaptación del victimario y del reconocimiento de sus responsabilidades para con las víctimas al igual que con la sociedad.

  7. Incorporation of punishable offences against the law on protection of the environment into the penal code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moehrenschlager, M.


    The government bill on the sixteenth act amending the penal legislation - act on the prevention of environmental offences - is presented, with comments being given on the most important stipulations. Paragraph 328 of the penal code deals with the unauthorized handling of nuclear fuels and represents an almost complete adoption of Paragraph 45 of the Atomic Energy law. The prohibition of the operation of nuclear facilities laid down in Paragraph 45, par. 1, No.4 of the Atomic Energy law, has been incorporated into the factural characteristics of illegal operation of facilities (Paragraph 327, par. 1,3 No. 1 of the penal code). The illegal handling of other radioactive substances has been dealt with in regard to some important cases: specifically for the case of illegal waste disposal (Paragraph 326, par. 1 No. 2, par. 2 of the penal code), and for the case of irregular transport leading to concrete danger or nuisance (Paragraph 330, par. 1 No. 4 of the penal code), as well as for the case of release of ionizing radiation having any such consequences (Paragraph 330, par. 1 No. 2, item c of the penal code). According to Paragraph 324 of the penal code, radioactive contamination of waters is a punishable offence. The rule of qualification of Paragraph 330 par. 1 of the penal code is to be applied to all these facts. (orig./HP) 891 HP/orig.- 892 MB [de

  8. Environmental protection - Penal Law. 2nd ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sack, H.J.


    The 18th Amendment of the Penal Law - Law on the Abatement of Environmental Delinquency - (18. StrAendG) has now been passed. It has been promulgated on March 28, 1980 and has come into force on July 1, 1980. Through this amendment, a large number of the provisions of the environmental law regarding sanctions has been incorporated into the Penal Code. Persons concerned with environmental protection and pollution control will also in future need such a textbook with comments as a guide to the most important provisions on sanctions and fixed penalties. The 18th Amendment of the Penal Code does not cover all the provisions on sanctions to be applied in the field of environmental protection, a number of regulations still remains part of other, special laws. The same applies to the provisions on penalties which are laid down in a variety of individual laws and regulations, as a comprehensive code of environmental laws still remains to be established. This first part of the textbook in loose-leaf form deals mainly with the new provisions of sections 311d, 311e, 324, and 325. The other facts of the 18th Amendment will be discussed in the second part. As the regulations have, for the most part, not been completly revised or newly inserted, parts 1/3 of the first edition of this textbook can still be used as a help in analysing the existing provisions. (orig./HP) [de

  9. Proceso penal, privacidad y autodeterminación informativa en la persecución penal de la delincuencia organizada. Un análisis desde la perspectiva del derecho procesal penal alemán

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    Angélica Romero Sánchez


    Full Text Available El surgimiento y fortalecimiento de la delincuencia organizada en las últimas décadas del siglo XX determinan un cambio en las herramientas de investigación penal y su regulación en muchos sistemas jurídicos. Estos instrumentos, apoyados en el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, poseen características que los diferencian de las clásicas medidas de investigación. En el presente artículo se describe esta transformación en el proceso penal alemán (I, analizando el contexto en que se ha originado la regulación de estos nuevos instrumentos de investigación penal de la delincuencia organizada (A, estudiando sus características especiales (B y deduciendo las características generales (C. Posteriormente se reseña, desde la perspectiva de la doctrina y jurisprudencia alemanas, el significado de dos libertades fundamentales afectadas con la ejecución de tales mecanismos (II: el derecho a la privacidad (A y el derecho a la autodeterminación informativa (B. Cómo conciliar el uso de estas medidas de investigación y su afectación a las garantías fundamentales mencionadas, constituye el tercer apartado del artículo (III. En este se examinan los diferentes presupuestos desarrollados por la doctrina y la jurisprudencia alemanas, para legitimar este tipo de intervenciones. Seguidamente (IV se describe, de manera general, la estructura desarrollada por el legislador alemán para la regulación de las medidas de investigación aquí tratadas, teniendo en cuenta los presupuestos señalados en el acápite precedente. Finalmente, las conclusiones están dirigidas a reflexionar acerca de la importancia de una regulación estructurada de aquellas medidas de investigación, de carácter secreto y utilizadas en la persecución penal de determinados tipos de criminalidad, como la delincuencia organizada, cuyo empleo acarrea graves injerencias en derechos fundamentales.

  10. La Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo –IVE– como causa de ausencia de responsabilidad penal

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    Camilo Iván Machado Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se analizan los diferentes sistemas que han intentado dar una solución al verdadero problema del aborto, entendido éste como un problema de salud pública. En particular, se estudian los denominados casos típicos del sistema de indicaciones, que se han ido decantando en la doctrina, la jurisprudencia y la ley, eventos que preferimos denominarlos de Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo –IVE–, pues no son constitutivos de aborto. Se argumenta cómo es el propio sistema penal el que nos proporciona las soluciones que conducen a resultados satisfactorios, eventualidades que desde una óptica científica, médica y deontológica, no hacen indispensable una reglamentación al respecto.

  11. La responsabilidad en el derecho penal internacional: una aproximación desde la filosofía de John Searle. Reflexiones a partir del caso Lubanga

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    Rodrigo A. González Fernández


    Full Text Available En este trabajo examinamos el tópico de la responsabilidad en el derecho penal internacional a la luz de la filosofía de John Searle, y del fallo dictado por la Corte Penal Internacional en el caso de Thomas Lubanga. En el primer acápite analizamos la declaración de responsabilidad penal en función de la teoría de actos de habla de Austin y de Searle, tratándola como un acto ilocucionario cuyo significado es dependiente de un marco institucional específico. Luego, en el segundo acápite, mostramos de qué forma tal marco puede reconstruirse como un ejemplo paradigmático de la realidad social construida descrita por Searle, especialmente en virtud del nexo entre mente, lenguaje y sociedad. A nuestro juicio, los conceptos de intencionalidad colectiva, atribución de funciones de estatus y poderes deónticos son fundamentales para entender tal nexo. En efecto, tal como argumentamos en la tercera sección, los sistemas de poderes deónticos asociados al derecho internacional no solo explican la aparición de Tribunales penales internacionales, como la Corte Penal Internacional, sino además el carácter imprescriptible de los crímenes de lesa humanidad. Los acuerdos internacionales que promueven y protegen los derechos humanos, y que tratan la imprescriptibilidad de aquellos crímenes, son objeto de análisis en la sección final, en donde exponemos algunas reflexiones finales a partir del caso Lubanga.

  12. El peritaje antropológico y la defensa penal de imputados indígenas en La Araucanía, 2004-2011

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    Roberto Anselmo Álvarez San Martín


    Full Text Available El presente artículo consiste en la exposición de los principales análisis realizados a partir de la sistematización de peritajes antropológicos solicitados por la Defensoría Penal Pública en la región de La Araucanía en el período 2004 – 2011, con el objeto de identificar los elementos centrales de las razones esgrimidas al recurrir a una defensa penal culturalmente pertinente. Para ello, se toman los fundamentos, las especificaciones técnicas y las justificaciones jurídicas de pericias realizadas en el período. A modo de síntesis se constata que: i en La Araucanía ha existido una subutilización de la pericia cultural en los procesos de defensa penal de imputados indígenas, ii los defensores especializados son quienes han recurrido mayormente a estas pericias, iii el principal argumento esgrimido en la solicitud de estas indagaciones ha sido el de la costumbre indígena, y iv la aprobación de las solicitudes de peritajes antropológicos ha sido justificada en cuanto que son esenciales en la construcción de la teoría del caso. En términos de desafíos actuales para la utilización de los peritajes antropológicos en la defensa de imputados indígenas se deja planteado un conjunto de interrogantes para la defensa penal indígena y las ciencias antropológica y jurídica.

  13. A penalization approach to linear programming duality with application to capacity constrained transport


    Korman, Jonathan; McCann, Robert J.; Seis, Christian


    A new approach to linear programming duality is proposed which relies on quadratic penalization, so that the relation between solutions to the penalized primal and dual problems becomes affine. This yields a new proof of Levin's duality theorem for capacity-constrained optimal transport as an infinite-dimensional application.

  14. Penal symbolism in Serbia in the first half of the 19th century

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    Todorović Miljana


    Full Text Available The author explores a scarce and unusual phenomenon for the 19th century Serbia, of the emphasized nexus between crime and penalty. The author marks that special, symbolical relation of penalty, on the one hand, and sanction on the other, as 'penal symbolism'. This term refers to penalization which reflects the ties between crime and punishment by copying crime in terms of modus or place of execution, or by 'punishing' those body parts which partook in committing a crime. The author classifies the examples of preserved judgments and legislations containing penal symbolism to those referring to modus or place of execution of death penalty, those which are examples of penal symbolism related to other sanctions, and those which are examples of the symbolic talion. The author raises the questions of the origin of this phenomenon, as well as of its justification, and aims at providing answers by reconstructing legal and social framework of Serbia in the first half of the 19th century. With this objective in mind, she discusses the development of Criminal Law and its basic features, as well as the development of judiciary, the systematic institutionalization of the network of criminal courts, and, especially, the composition thereof. In the conclusion, the author rejects the possibility that penal symbolism is a product of legal transplantation or that of the continuity of Serbian medieval law. She asserts that the scarcity of material criminal law sources led to judging by 'justice and fairness', and that those facts created conditions for the primitive sense of justice to find its way into judgments and legislations as penal symbolism.

  15. Los problemas actuales del derecho: justicia, derecho penal, educación cívica y formación profesional

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    César Barrientos Pellecer


    Full Text Available La justicia como valor y razón del derecho implica el cumplimiento voluntario o, en su caso, coactivo de las normas jurídicas, si esto no ocurre no puede cumplir la misión de regular la conducta del hombre en sociedad. Para ser requiere de un derecho penal mínimo, de ciudadanos dispuestos a ceñir su conducta a las leyes y de una formación profesional adecuada de quienes la realizan como servicio público. Dentro de los problemas actuales del derecho encontramos serias limitaciones en el funcionamiento de la administración de justicia, el aumento de la delincuencia, inclinación al derecho penal máximo, poca conciencia ciudadana y débil formación profesional. La solución de estos problemas está en la base de las posibilidades de desarrollo y consolidación del Estado de Derecho.

  16. El pensamiento alemán en el derecho penal argentino


    Guido L. Croxatto; Eugenio R. Zaffaroni


    El objetivo de este ensayo es abordar desde una perspectiva histórica la influencia del pensamiento alemán (la filosofía alemana, la dogmática alemana) en el derecho penal argentino, rescatando la forma en que distintos teóricos alemanes fueron leídos y receptados en Argentina. Se pretende pensar la codificación penal argentina como un diálogo – muchas veces como una mera recepción acrítica – entre los juristas y codificadores latinoamericanos y los pensado...

  17. Sistema de atribución de responsabilidad penal a las personas jurídicas


    Pérez Arias, Jacinto


    La presente tesis aborda el análisis del modelo de atribución de responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídica en el ordenamiento jurídico español, establecido mediante LO 5/2010 de Reforma del Código Penal. Además de unas breves notas sobre la evolución legislativa, histórica y de derecho comparado, se estudian los problemas mas relevantes de la responsabilidad penal corporativa, como la incapacidad de acción y culpabilidad de la persona jurídica, aspectos diferenciadores entre el derecho a...

  18. Delitos que Vulneran la Intimidad de las Personas: Análisis crítico del artículo 161-A del Código Penal Chileno

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    Regina Ingrid Díaz Tolosa


    Full Text Available El artículo 161-A del Código Penal chileno es una muestra de los resultados que se obtienen al legislar materias tan importantes, como lo es la protección penal de la intimidad de las personas, de forma acelerada. La norma en análisis resiste innumerables críticas; su redacción es confusa e imprecisa, lo que conlleva arduas tareas de interpretación. Este trabajo pretende contribuir en esta labor, reflexionando acerca de puntuales problemas asociados a la tipificación de los delitos recogidos en la citada disposición, así respecto al inciso primero se analiza, especialmente, si se penaliza la indiscreción o deslealtad en las comunicaciones y actuaciones privadas, mientras que en cuanto al inciso segundo se medita acerca de si se exige el conocimiento de la obtención subrepticia del material por parte de quien lo difunde. Además, se destaca la necesaria interpretación restrictiva de estos tipos, se analiza el interés público como fundamento de la autorización legal o judicial para ejecutar las conductas tipificadas, y de ¡egeferendae, se indican las ventajas que tendría introducir un elemento subjetivo del tipo distinto del dolo como la finalidad de vulnerar ¡a intimidad de otro, a fin de salvar las incertidumbres que existen en la actual legislaciónThe article 161-A of the Chilean Penal Code is a sample of the results that are obtained when so important matters, like the penal protection of the privacy, are legislated precipitately. The norm in analysis resists innumerable critiques; its draft is confused and vague, giving us an arduous interpretation work. This paper tries to contribute in this analysis, thinking over punctual problems, for example, regarding to the first clause we studied, specially, if the indiscretion or disloyalty is penalized in the communications and private performances, while as for the second clause it is pondered if who diffuse the information must to know about that it was obtained illegally

  19. Penal Policies In Bulgaria And Poland

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    Simona Mihaiu


    Full Text Available The contemporary european studies underline the necessity of adoption of an european model, in order to assure the compliance with the fundamental rights and liberties of people deprived of liberty. But the visions of the model favour one of the two opposite tendencies, which are invariable present in theoretical debates and penal politics

  20. Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies with Multiple Outcomes Using Penalization (United States)

    Liu, Jin; Huang, Jian; Ma, Shuangge


    Genome-wide association studies have been extensively conducted, searching for markers for biologically meaningful outcomes and phenotypes. Penalization methods have been adopted in the analysis of the joint effects of a large number of SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and marker identification. This study is partly motivated by the analysis of heterogeneous stock mice dataset, in which multiple correlated phenotypes and a large number of SNPs are available. Existing penalization methods designed to analyze a single response variable cannot accommodate the correlation among multiple response variables. With multiple response variables sharing the same set of markers, joint modeling is first employed to accommodate the correlation. The group Lasso approach is adopted to select markers associated with all the outcome variables. An efficient computational algorithm is developed. Simulation study and analysis of the heterogeneous stock mice dataset show that the proposed method can outperform existing penalization methods. PMID:23272092

  1. Violencia de género en la familia: perspectiva jurídico penal

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    José Julio Nares Hernández


    Full Text Available Se analizan desde una perspectiva garantista la Constitución Federal y los tratados internacionales que obligan al Estado a tutelar penalmente el derecho humano de la mujer a una vida libre de violencia en el hogar. Se concluye que para cumplir con este deber es ineludible la creación legislativa de tipo penal que sancione la violencia familiar asociada a la violencia de género. Esta acción legislativa sería parte de una nueva política criminológica dedicada específicamente a la prevención, sanción y erradicación de la violencia de género en el hogar.

  2. Las negociaciones en el proceso penal: del procedimiento inquisitivo a la prisionización masiva

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    Julio César Montañez Ruiz


    Full Text Available La presente investigación plantea la problemática de la prisionización masiva que generan las negociaciones en el sistema procesal penal de tendencia acusatoria, con marcada influencia norteamericana; aquí se sostiene que ese mecanismo, mediante el cual la Fiscalía busca la declaratoria masiva de culpabilidad de los imputados en plan de descongestionar el sistema represivo penal, tiene las caraterísticas más inquisitivas de un sistema de enjuiciamiento penal.

  3. Penalized estimation for competing risks regression with applications to high-dimensional covariates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ambrogi, Federico; Scheike, Thomas H.


    of competing events. The direct binomial regression model of Scheike and others (2008. Predicting cumulative incidence probability by direct binomial regression. Biometrika 95: (1), 205-220) is reformulated in a penalized framework to possibly fit a sparse regression model. The developed approach is easily...... Research 19: (1), 29-51), the research regarding competing risks is less developed (Binder and others, 2009. Boosting for high-dimensional time-to-event data with competing risks. Bioinformatics 25: (7), 890-896). The aim of this work is to consider how to do penalized regression in the presence...... implementable using existing high-performance software to do penalized regression. Results from simulation studies are presented together with an application to genomic data when the endpoint is progression-free survival. An R function is provided to perform regularized competing risks regression according...


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    Elías García Rosas


    Full Text Available La finalidad del presente trabajo es determinar si el "principio acusatorio" contenido en el proceso penal mexicano es suficiente para encuadrarlo dentro de los sistemas denominados acusatorios. Esto obedece a que no hay un referente puntual teórico ni práctico, para clasificarle como acusatorio o inquisitorio, con lo cual se origina confusión al momento de su sistematización. Para el estudio se empleó la teoría de sistemas autorreferenciales de Niklas Luhmann y su método funcional, llevándose a cabo una indagación documental mediante la observación de segundo orden, según lo propone dicho autor. Todo esto bajo una concepción epistemológica de índole constructivista. Mediante la observación efectuada se fijan los elementos sistémicos procesales, que son los órganos acusatorio, defensivo y decisorio. A partir de ello se logra la determinación operativa del sistema, apreciación de sus límites, entorno, sentido, contenido estructural, programa y autorreferencia. Sobre la operatividad, se encontra que la estructura sistémica, afectada por la división funcional de los organismos acusatorio y decisorio según el programa legal derivado de la normatividad relacionada, es un indicador suficiente para considerar que el sistema procesal penal mexicano, al ser autorreferente, actúa invariablemente en seguimiento de la directriz acusatoria, lo que permite estimarle un sistema acusatorio.

  5. CMS penalizes 758 hospitals for safety incidents

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    Robbins RA


    Full Text Available No abstract available. Article truncated after 150 words. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS is penalizing 758 hospitals with higher rates of patient safety incidents, and more than half of those were also fined last year, as reported by Kaiser Health News (1. Among the hospitals being financially punished are some well-known institutions, including Yale New Haven Hospital, Medstar Washington Hospital Center in DC, Grady Memorial Hospital, Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, Indiana University Health, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Tufts Medical Center, University of North Carolina Hospital, the Cleveland Clinic, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Parkland Health and Hospital, and the University of Virginia Medical Center (Complete List of Hospitals Penalized 2016. In the Southwest the list includes Banner University Medical Center in Tucson, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Stanford Health Care, Denver Health Medical Center and the University of New Mexico Medical Center (for list of Southwest hospitals see Appendix 1. In total, CMS ...

  6. Estimation of Covariance Matrix on Bi-Response Longitudinal Data Analysis with Penalized Spline Regression (United States)

    Islamiyati, A.; Fatmawati; Chamidah, N.


    The correlation assumption of the longitudinal data with bi-response occurs on the measurement between the subjects of observation and the response. It causes the auto-correlation of error, and this can be overcome by using a covariance matrix. In this article, we estimate the covariance matrix based on the penalized spline regression model. Penalized spline involves knot points and smoothing parameters simultaneously in controlling the smoothness of the curve. Based on our simulation study, the estimated regression model of the weighted penalized spline with covariance matrix gives a smaller error value compared to the error of the model without covariance matrix.

  7. Bayesian Analysis for Penalized Spline Regression Using WinBUGS

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    Ciprian M. Crainiceanu


    Full Text Available Penalized splines can be viewed as BLUPs in a mixed model framework, which allows the use of mixed model software for smoothing. Thus, software originally developed for Bayesian analysis of mixed models can be used for penalized spline regression. Bayesian inference for nonparametric models enjoys the flexibility of nonparametric models and the exact inference provided by the Bayesian inferential machinery. This paper provides a simple, yet comprehensive, set of programs for the implementation of nonparametric Bayesian analysis in WinBUGS. Good mixing properties of the MCMC chains are obtained by using low-rank thin-plate splines, while simulation times per iteration are reduced employing WinBUGS specific computational tricks.

  8. Análisis de los fundamentos jurídicos de la reforma a la legislación penal en materia de aborto en el Distrito Federal

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    Jean Cadet Odimba On'Etambalako Wetshokonda


    Full Text Available En 2007 se aprueba y publica la reforma al Código Penal del Distrito Federal en materia de aborto, con ella se validó la despenalización del delito de aborto, modificando el tipo penal y el mismo concepto de lo que es el aborto, convirtiéndose para el df en legal la práctica de la interrupción del embarazo dentro de las primeras doce semanas de gestación. Este trabajo es un análisis de los fundamentos jurídicos nacionales internacionales que protegen el derecho fundamental a la vida, así como las argumentaciones teóricas, filosóficas, biológicas, teológicas y jurídicas que se sostuvieron en los debates que conllevaron a la aprobación de la reforma a los artículos tanto del Código Penal de Distrito Federal y la Ley de Salud de Distrito Federal. El tema central de discusión y análisis es el derecho fundamental a la vida durante el periodo del embarazo.


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    Diana Isabel Molina Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En América Latina son diversas las figuras penales que consideran como una condición atenuante de punibilidad los casos en que la lesión o los daños han sido causados por el agresor preso, o víctima incluso, de estados emocionales que modifican su voluntad y perturban su comportamiento habitual. Esta figura se complejiza aún más cuando se trata de casos en que se atenúan los homicidios pasionales cuyas víctimas son, en su gran mayoría, población femenina. Lo anterior abre paso al análisis de la responsabilidad penal respecto de las conductas emocionales, de la delgada línea que se traza entre emoción y enfermedad para evaluar el comportamiento de los inculpados con documentaciones forenses y judiciales que ambientan un panorama de invencibilidad sobre la emoción violenta, así como la discrecionalidad de parte de los administradores de justicia cuando deben calificar los hechos que cometió la víctima contra su agresor como “provocadores, graves e injustos” para cumplir con los requisitos que exige el atenuante penal. Esta serie de reflexiones se hacen desde el análisis a tres casos de feminicidio avocados por el Distrito Judicial de Pasto (N, Colombia.

  10. El principio de desvinculación contraviene los principios acusatorio e imparcialidad en el proceso penal peruano


    Ccalla Paredes, Miguel Ángel


    Nuestra Constitución del Perú, desde el año de 1993, al Ministerio Publico, le ha asignado la atribución de conducir desde un inicio la investigación del delito, no obstante colisionar ello con el decreto legislativo 124, de los procesos sumarios y el código de procedimientos penales, que regula los procesos ordinarios, en el que el juez es investigador y juzgador. Por mandato constitucional y mediante el decreto legislativo 957, se establece los roles que le correspondea cada sujeto procesal...

  11. La escritura académica como proceso epistémico en la enseñanza del derecho penal

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    Caviedes Estanislao Escalante-Barreto


    Full Text Available La superación de concepciones pedagógicas basadas en modelos conductistas y la implementación de otras formas metodológicas pueden llevar al "aprendizaje crítico natural". Este es un escenario propicio para generar nuevas formas de construir conocimiento, considerando a los partícipes del acto educativo como sujetos de interacción pedagógica. Este contexto permite identificar la escritura y la alfabetización académica como procesos epistemológicos de construcción y transformación del conocimiento penal. Por lo que se plantea como reto la necesidad de reconocer que la escritura es un proceso que se construye de manera permanente por comunidades académicas y no por individuos aislados. Este proceso se caracteriza por permitir la construcción de conocimiento nuevo, reflexivo y analítico en el aprendizaje/enseñanza, el cual debe ser reconocido como parte del proceso pedagógico y de reflexión sobre el acto educativo para transformar la enseñanza del derecho penal.

  12. Las mercancías falsas jurídico-penal de Políticas de Drogas : Una aproximación crítica

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    Érika Mendes de Carvalho


    Full Text Available El presente estudio realiza una aproximación crítica a las incriminaciones presentes en la Ley 11.343/2006 a partir de la perspectiva de la teoría del bien jurídico para, em primer lugar, demonstrar que – desde el punto de vista de la tutela de bienes individuales – no respetan al principio de la autonomía y expresan la opción del legislador por un inadmisible paternalismo penal. Por otra parte, desde el punto de vista de la protección de un (aparente bien jurídico colectivo, opera la desconstrucción de aquellos comúnmente apuntados como legitimadores de la intervención penal – salud pública, seguridad pública, paz pública -, sea porque no poseen ninguna realidad existencial, sea porque representan la suma de bienes jurídicos individuales. Se desnuda, además, la racionalidad oculta por detrás de la irracional protección conferida a falsos bienes jurídicos, a saber, la mera preservación de la vigencia de las normas penales incriminadoras, totalmente disociadas de la realidad concreta y forjadas para la afirmación de un punitivismo doloroso y sin límites.

  13. Estudio comparativo del rendimiento de las funciones ejecutivas en la corteza prefrontal dorsolateral, orbitofrontal y frontomedial en adolescentes policonsumidores de sustancias psicoactivas, vinculados al sistema de responsabilidad penal en paralelo con adolescentes que no se encuentran bajo esta misma condición


    Diego Alejandro Calle Sandoval; María Alexandra Cuéllar Arias; Paula Andrea Chede García; María Alejandra Quintero Bejarano; Diana Lucía Villamizar Herrera


    La presente investigación se realizó bajo una metodología cuantitativa comparativa y de corte transversal, la cual tuvo como objetivo la realización de un estudio del rendimiento de las funciones ejecutivas en la corteza prefrontal dorsolateral, orbitofrontal y frontomedial en adolescentes, entre los 14 y 18 años de edad, policonsumidores de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) y vinculados al sistema de responsabilidad penal, en paralelo con adolescentes pertenecientes a una institución educativa q...

  14. Construção e identidade da dogmática penal: do garantismo prometido ao garantimo prisioneiro

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    Vera Regina Pereira de Andrade


    Full Text Available Tratamos, neste artigo, da construção eidentidade da Dogmática Penal enquanto paradigmade Ciência Penal dominante na modernidade. E ofazemos através de três passos, a saber: demarcandosuas matrizes e modelos fundacionais (num primeiromomento em nível do saber e, num segundomomento, em nível da relação saber-poder; demarcandoo que é a Dogmática Penal desde suaauto-imagem (desde uma escuta à voz dospenalistas que protagonizam e compartilham seuparadigma para, ao final, problematizá-la em nívelfuncional, apontando a contradição entre suasfunções declaradas (garantismo prometido e asfunções realmente cumpridas na modernidade(garantismo prisioneiro. A Dogmática aparece,nesta perspectiva, como um protagonismo decisivono processo de instrumentalização e legitimaçãodo controle penal moderno e da ordem social queele co-constitui.Abstract: This article deals with the constructionand identity of the Penal Dogmatic, as a paradigmof the Penal Science, dominant in modernity. Thisis done in three steps: delineating their originsand foundational models (at a first moment at thelevel of knowledge and, in a second, in aknowledge power moment determining what isPenal Dogmatic, since its self image (since alistening to a voice of penalists whom have carriedout and shared their paradigm, to, at the end,transform it into a problem at a functional level,pointing out the contradictions between thedeclared functions (promise guarantism and thereal functions promised in modernity (prisonguarantism. The Dogmatic appears, in thisperspective, as a decisive carry out in the processof instrumentalizating and legitimating of themodern penal control, and of the social order,which it constructed.

  15. Domestic violence and Special Criminal Courts: analysis from the legal feminism and penal criticism perspectives


    Campos, Carmen Hein de; Carvalho, Salo de


    Este artigo pretende demonstrar a possibilidade de análise crítica da Lei 9.099/95 a partir de dois discursos considerados marginais no campo do direito penal: o feminismo jurídico e o garantismo penal. Considerando a vítima no momento do crime e o autor do fato durante o processo penal, esses discursos interagem, procurando construir um diálogo para demonstrar a ineficácia da lei em ambas as perspectivas.This article aims at demonstrating the possibility of criticism about the criminal law (...

  16. La función de la costumbre en el Estatuto de la Corte Penal Internacional

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    Noelia Trinidad Núñez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se ocupa de la función de la costumbre como fundamento de la punibilidad en el Estatuto de la Corte Penal Internacional (ECPI. En primer lugar, estudia su lugar en el sistema de fuentes del Estatuto. Luego, investiga específicamente si en el ECPI existe una prohibición de fundamentar la punibilidad en el derecho consuetudinario. Para ello, estudia el alcance del principio de legalidad en el sistema de la CPI y su relación con el derecho consuetudinario. A continuación, analiza si el ECPI admite el recurso al derecho consuetudinario como criterio de interpretación, incluso en perjuicio del imputado. Finalmente, se ocupa de la propuesta de fundamentar la punibilidad directamente en normas consuetudinarias cuando la CPI ejerce jurisdicción sobre crímenes cometidos en el territorio y por nacionales de Estados no parte. El trabajo concluye que aunque el ECPI reconoce a la costumbre una función más marginal que la que tuvo en las experiencias precedentes de derecho internacional penal, existen, sin embargo, ámbitos en los que esta fuente puede tener significado y ello incluso en relación con la fundamentación de la punibilidad.

  17. Flexible and efficient genome tiling design with penalized uniqueness score

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    Du Yang


    Full Text Available Abstract Background As a powerful tool in whole genome analysis, tiling array has been widely used in the answering of many genomic questions. Now it could also serve as a capture device for the library preparation in the popular high throughput sequencing experiments. Thus, a flexible and efficient tiling array design approach is still needed and could assist in various types and scales of transcriptomic experiment. Results In this paper, we address issues and challenges in designing probes suitable for tiling array applications and targeted sequencing. In particular, we define the penalized uniqueness score, which serves as a controlling criterion to eliminate potential cross-hybridization, and a flexible tiling array design pipeline. Unlike BLAST or simple suffix array based methods, computing and using our uniqueness measurement can be more efficient for large scale design and require less memory. The parameters provided could assist in various types of genomic tiling task. In addition, using both commercial array data and experiment data we show, unlike previously claimed, that palindromic sequence exhibiting relatively lower uniqueness. Conclusions Our proposed penalized uniqueness score could serve as a better indicator for cross hybridization with higher sensitivity and specificity, giving more control of expected array quality. The flexible tiling design algorithm incorporating the penalized uniqueness score was shown to give higher coverage and resolution. The package to calculate the penalized uniqueness score and the described probe selection algorithm are implemented as a Perl program, which is freely available at

  18. La prolusione di rocco e le dottrine del processo penale

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    Renzo Orlandi


    Full Text Available L’articolo analizza le conseguenze del pensiero giuridico di Arturo Rocco, dal 1910 nella dottrina di procedura penale, ossia, il metodo tecnico-giuridico (esegesi, sistematica e critica. La dogmatica di procedura pena- le inizia con la monografia di Giovanni Conso, nel 1955. L’insoddisfazione con il tecnicismo giuridico e con la mancanza di maturità scientifica si è manifestata con Carnelutti nel 1946 (Cerenterola, sottolineando le peculiarità strutturali del procedimento penale. In questa prospettiva, il testo sottolinea la conferenza di Franco Cordero nel 1964 (Lecce, così come le lezioni da James Goldschmidt. Inoltre, negli anni sessanta, divennero importanti diritti fondamentali, di fronte alla Costituzione democratica, con un nuovo orientamento dottrinale. Il diritto processuale penale è stato considerato come diritto costituzionale applicato. Si segnalano gli insegnamenti di Amodio, Amato, Chiavario, Ferrua, Grevi, Iluminati, Massa e Nobili. Successivamente, l’articolo mette in evidenza il CPP del 1988, l’internazionalizzazione dei sistemi giuridici, l’importanza del diritto comparato e dei diritti fondamentali. Si conclude con il nuovo ordine mondiale dei diplomi internazionali e tribunali sovranazionali, con nuove esigenze, oltre il tecnicismo giuridico.

  19. La eficacia de la Prueba Indiciaria en el Proceso Penal Ecuatoriano


    Pérez Medina, Lenin


    La eficacia de la prueba Indiciaria en el Proceso Penal Ecuatoriano, a tomado una nueva dimensión en nuestro sistema procesal, ya que a partir de la vigencia del nuevo Código de Procedimiento Penal, se ha orientado a garantizar la aplicación del debido proceso, en todos los parámetros que la constitución establece, en el presente trabajo estudiamos diferentes tópicos como presunción , sospecha , conjetura, vestigio, huella y rastro donde podría aparecer la prueba indiciaria, si...

  20. Direito e Restos Humanos: uma hipótese para o enfrentamento jurídico-penal da tortura no Brasil

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    Pedro Rubim Borges Fortes


    Full Text Available O trabalho discute o problema da tortura no Brasil a partir de uma perspectiva empírica e de uma abordagem funcionalista, analisando a reduzida efetividade do sistema jurídico penal para filtrar episódios de violência policial. A partir da análise de 43 processos criminais e de entrevistas com 12 profissionais, foi constatado um alto número de alegações de violência policial por parte dos acusados e raríssimas determinações de investigações por parte de defensores, promotores e juízes criminais. A partir de uma análise comparativa, a pesquisa sugere que fatores estruturais do processo penal brasileiro induzem a inércia dos atores jurídicos relevantes. O decurso de tempo entre a prisão do acusado e seu interrogatório em juízo é extremamente elevado, dificultando a possibilidade de produção de provas da tortura. A inexistência de um sistema de recompensas (plea bargaining e sanções (perjúrio induz os acusados a não permanecer em silêncio, mas a prestar uma versão dos fatos recebida geralmente como fantasiosa pelos profissionais. Além disso, a inexistência de um mecanismo eficiente de controle da atividade policial leva os atores jurídicos a não terem a iniciativa de investigar as alegações de tortura feitas pelos acusados ao longo do processo criminal. A título de conclusão, é sugerida a realização de pesquisas empíricas mais amplas sobre esta hipótese para o problema da tortura no Brasil, além de reforma legislativa que torne o sistema jurídico penal brasileiro um instrumento mais eficiente de filtragem de episódios de violência policial.

  1. Transfrontier environmental protection and German penal law. Grenzueberschreitende Umweltbelastungen und deutsches Strafrecht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forkel, H.W.


    The author investigates the problem of how far German penal law is valid in case of transfrontier environmental pollution. He distinguishes between cases in which the interests of Germany and the neighbour state are congruent, and cases in which they are not congruent. According to the author, German law should be applied in cases where the other country has no environmental penal legislation, and where the emissions exceed the limits set by German and foreign law. (orig./HSCH).


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    Rogelio Barba Álvarez


    Full Text Available La fe pública en México está depositada en la función del notario, Jalisco como los demás estados del país, cuenta con una legislación local para regular la actividad del notariado, es decir, existen 32 leyes. La cuestión es que como reglamentación especial, ninguna contempla una solución a la invasión notarial de un estado a otro. Quizá resolver el problema con la amenaza penal sea un exceso, sin embargo, en este estudio el objetivo es demostrar su viabilidad. Se propone diseñar un tipo penal autónomo, que detenga la invasión notarial, toda vez que ocasiona, como delito pluriofensivo, distintas afectaciones a bienes jurídicos, el primero de ellos la credibilidad de la fe pública. La creación del tipo penal invasión notarial se sustenta en la teoría del principio personalístico, para fundar un delito que es necesario en una sociedad en evolución respecto al derecho notarial democrático.

  3. Psicología forense y responsabilidad penal en Costa Rica

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    Frank Harbottle-Quirós


    Full Text Available El presente artículo teórico resalta los aportes de la Psicología forense y la importante labor que desempeñan psicólogos forenses en la elaboración de los dictámenes periciales, las cuales deben concluir sobre la capacidad mental de la persona evaluada al momento de los hechos delictivos mediante un análisis retrospectivo. El manuscrito destaca la importancia de que estos dictámenes se desarrollen bajo parámetros de validez y confiabilidad, que sigan estándares internacionales de evaluación y que, a la vez, se adapten a la realidad del país de aplicación, un reto que Costa Rica debe asumir. Se definen los conceptos legales imputabilidad, inimputabilidad e imputabilidad disminuida y se describen las principales causas que pueden llegar a excluir la responsabilidad penal de una persona por trastornos psíquicos que afectan el aspecto intelectual o emocional, el desarrollo mental insuficiente, la grave perturbación de la conciencia u otras alteraciones mentales y su incidencia directa en su ámbito de libertad, por resultar posible que se le imponga una medida de seguridad, como el internamiento en un hospital psiquiátrico en lugar de una pena de prisión. El manuscrito enfatiza que es la o el juzgador –y no la o el perito (psicológico-forense– quien toma la decisión final sobre la responsabilidad penal de la persona acusada. Resalta la necesidad de que quien juzga, además de poseer suficiente conocimiento en Psicología forense, se capacite, como tarea impostergable, de forma permanente en esta disciplina a fin de interpretar correctamente los resultados de las pericias.


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    Jamille Clara Alves Adamczyk


    Full Text Available Considerando que o Direito Penal deve atuar como última via e para tutelar os bens jurídicos mais relevantes, propõe-se a analisar se a imputação da responsabilidade penal ambiental iria de encontro com a premissa da intervenção mínima. Assim, tem-se como objetivo do presente estudo analisar se a responsabilização penal no âmbito do direito ambiental viola o princípio da intervenção mínima.

  5. ¿Garantismo extremo o mesurado? La legitimidad de la función jurisdiccional penal: construyendo el debate Ferrajoli-Laudan


    Edgar R. Aguilera García


    El objetivo del trabajo consiste en revisar dos versiones del argumento que concibe a la averiguación de la verdad como un factor que confiere legitimidad al ejercicio de la función jurisdiccional penal: la de Ferrajoli y la de Laudan. Se sostiene que su estudio minucioso puede proporcionar bases racionales (no meramente emotivas) para decidir sobre la conveniencia de suscribir un garantismo extremo (Ferrajoli) o uno de carácter más mesurado (Laudan). Esta decisión cobra relevancia en el cont...

  6. Comentarios a determinadas disposiciones establecidas en los títulos VII y IX del anteproyecto de Código Penal


    José René Orúe Cruz


    Recientemente fue aprobado en lo general el anteproyecto de Código Penal. Al analizar algunos artículos de los Títulos VII y IX, sobre el derecho de autor, propiedad industrial, quiebra, delitos económicos y contra el patrimonio nacional y patrimonio indígena, se observan deficiencias en aspectos elementales: La división de los derechos de propiedad intelectual; el uso de expresiones que no son de uso empresarial; imprecisiones sobre la quiebra, entre otras cosas. Esto obliga a un esfue...

  7. Influencia del arenado de la aleación Ti6Al4V en la dureza subsuperficial y estado de tensiones residuales

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    Multigner, M.


    Full Text Available Sandblasting of Ti6Al4V alloy is used to enhance mechanical fixation of the implants. Under the mechanical point of view, such treatment yields a decrease of the fatigue resistance. In this work we evaluate by means of synchrotron radiation the residual stress state in sandblasted specimens and the further relaxation process after a thermal oxidation treatment at 500 °C. It has been found a significant compressive stress gradient with a maximum of about 700 MPa near the surface. Despite the severe deformation experienced by the surface during sandblasting microhardness measurements failed to show any sufsurface hardening. A thermal oxidation treatment (500 °C/ 1h of the sandblasted specimen yield the stress relief and a significant subsurface hardening.

    El arenado de la aleación Ti6Al4V es un tratamiento orientado a la mejora de la fijación mecánica de los implantes. Sin embargo, dicho tratamiento contribuye a una disminución de la resistencia a la fatiga del material. En este trabajo se ha determinado, mediante radiación sincrotrón, el estado de tensiones residuales en muestras arenadas de esta aleación y su posterior proceso de relajación tras un recocido a 500 °C. Se observa que el arenado ocasiona un gradiente de tensiones residuales de compresión con valores de hasta unos 700 MPa en las proximidades de la superficie. A pesar de la deformación severa que experimenta el material en esta zona, las medidas de microdureza arrojan valores similares a los obtenidos en el interior del material. Tras el tratamiento térmico se observa una relajación de las tensiones residuales y un importante aumento de la dureza superficial.

  8. Reflection on penal policy in nuclear matters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cisse, A.


    This document expresses ethical reflexions as far as nuclear energy development is concerned. The potential diversion of the peaceful use of nuclear energy results in the necessity of a criminal policy which would control the nuclear regulations. For each potential nuclear infringement, systems of laws are established either to prevent damages or to penalize them. (TEC)

  9. Penal managerialism from within: implications for theory and research. (United States)

    Cheliotis, Leonidas K


    Unlike the bulk of penological scholarship dealing with managerialist reforms, this article calls for greater theoretical and research attention to the often pernicious impact of managerialism on criminal justice professionals. Much in an ideal-typical fashion, light is shed on: the reasons why contemporary penal bureaucracies endeavor systematically to strip criminal justice work of its inherently affective nature; the structural forces that ensure control over officials; the processes by which those forces come into effect; and the human consequences of submission to totalitarian bureaucratic milieus. It is suggested that the heavy preoccupation of present-day penality with the predictability and calculability of outcomes entails the atomization of professionals and the dehumanization of their work. This is achieved through a kaleidoscope of direct and indirect mechanisms that naturalize and/or legitimate acquiescence.

  10. The penalization of migrants: irregularity and prison in the construction of the neoliberal State

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    Ignacio González Sánchez


    Full Text Available In this paper the punitive processes affecting foreigners in Spain are analyzed. After a brief contextualization of the migratory process, and its problematization in terminology related to insecurity and crime, attention is paid to two ways of penalization: the administrative one, linked with laws for foreigners, and the penal one, reinforced by the precarious situation of these collectives. Later, an analysisi of their effects of the material —related to the labor market—, symbolic —in social categorizations— and disciplinary –in the conformation of subjectivities- is provided. The pertinence of studying processes of penalization to discern broader social dynamics and the pertince of giving more importance to these processes in studies about migrant populations is here proposed.

  11. A redução da maioridade penal no Brasil entre outras histórias

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    Laila Maria Domith Vicente


    Full Text Available O presente artigo pretende entrelaçar quatro histórias, trazendo ao texto, por vezes, imagens de filmes e músicas, e compô-las junto às Propostas de Emenda à Constituição Federal que estão em tramitação na Câmara dos Deputados e que visam reduzir a maioridade penal no Brasil. Nesse sentido, pretendemos pensar a discussão política, jurídica e social acerca de tal medida com o embasamento conceitual das relações de poder a partir de Michel Foucault, além dos conceitos de vida nua e estado de exceção de Giogio Agamben.

  12. La Intervención del Derecho Penal en Los Fenómenos Migratorios

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    Thamara Duarte Cunha Medeiros


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene por objetivo analisar la legitimidad de la intervención penal en los actuales flujos migratórios. La premisa principal considera que la utilización del derecho penal como instrumento de gestión para controlar flujos migratório ratifica el discurso del miedo hacia la inmingración y fomenta la criminalidad organizada que se ha estructurado frente a las políticas tolerancia cero contra la inmigración, especialmente, la trata de personas y el contrabando de migrantes. En este sentido, el analisis y la delimitación del bien jurídico “ política migratória” sugiere una reflexión a la luz de las bases principiológicas del Derecho Penal y despierta cuestiones que implican en una redefinición del derecho de punir en la sociedad del riesgo.

  13. Reseñas y Recensiones: Lenis, Karin. (2014). El sistema de responsabilidad penal de menores. Un estudio de las legislaciones de España y Colombia desde la teoría del Derecho Penal del Enemigo.


    Muñetones Rozo, Ingrid Bibiana


    Reseñas y Recensiones: Reseñas y Recensiones: Lenis, Karin. (2014). El sistema de responsabilidad penal de menores. Un estudio de las legislaciones de España y Colombia desde la teoría del Derecho Penal del Enemigo. Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Ibañez, 644 p.

  14. Responsabilidad Penal y Civil de Degradantes Ambiental en Brasil y España: El Medio Ambiente Ecológicamente Equilibrado como Derecho Humano.

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    Luiz Gustavo Gonçalves Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta, con perspectiva de la ley brasileña y española, estudio de la responsabilidad penal y civil que debe asignarse a los que causan daños al medio ambiente. Este texto propone prácticas que consagran una mejor protección del medio ambiente en el contexto penal y civil. La justificación, sentado en el análisis de las fuentes de investigación primaria y secundaria se desarrolla por método lógico-deductivo, es la razón de ser del medio ambiente ecológicamente equilibrado no sólo como derecho fundamental, sino como derecho humano merecedor de amplia protección penal y civil y consistente, que fue objeto de la conclusión.

  15. [Penal institutions in Porto Azzuro]. (United States)

    Ciccotti, R


    Prior to describing the environmental and human situation of the Porto Azzurro penal Institutions, the Author devotes a chapter to the historical part and gives an outline of the most important events that, in 1600 or thereabouts, led to the construction of the Fort S. Giacoma (where the penitentiary is presently sited), which, after a number of vicissitudes and transfers of title, was finally destined for use, in 1900, as a prison establishment. The subsequent and, in particular, the recent building re-structurations, have radically changed the penitentiary in order to make it more in line with the functions required by the present prison policy. After describing the establishment's setup, which includes many institutes, the Author passes on to consider the problems of personnel and, in particular, of the military staff. In the central chapter on intramural life, he makes an in-depth review of the methods and means of treatment, some of which are proper of this particular environment. In illustrating such convicts' activities, as working, leisure time, education, relationship with the extramural world, the Author lays stress on the always present objective: that directed at helping convicts re-enter social life. In conjunction with health services and religious services, the Author deals at length with the delicate moment of the "audience", viewed as a therapeutic means indispensiable for establishing a valid re-educational contribution. The discipline and discharges conclude the description of the Porto Azzurro penal Institutions, whose environment and various treatment methods in use before the implementation of the new penitentiary System, are dealt with in detail by the Author.

  16. Penalized feature selection and classification in bioinformatics


    Ma, Shuangge; Huang, Jian


    In bioinformatics studies, supervised classification with high-dimensional input variables is frequently encountered. Examples routinely arise in genomic, epigenetic and proteomic studies. Feature selection can be employed along with classifier construction to avoid over-fitting, to generate more reliable classifier and to provide more insights into the underlying causal relationships. In this article, we provide a review of several recently developed penalized feature selection and classific...

  17. Responsabilidades en Prevención de riesgos laborales; Especial referencia a la responsabilidad penal


    Fernández Fernández, Cristina


    En este proyecto fin de grado se abordan las responsabilidades empresariales de prevención de riesgos laborales; civiles, administrativos, penales y recargo de prestaciones por incumplimiento de la normativa de prevención de riesgos laborales, con referencias jurisprudenciales y normativa vigente. Se hace especial referencia a la responsabilidad penal detallando los distintos tipos de delito; de peligro y de resultado, con sus distintas modalidades dolosa e imprudente, en su...

  18. La exclusion probatoria de la prueba ilicita como garantía constitucional en el proceso penal peruano


    Muchaypina Rios,Jorge Luis


    La finalidad de la presente investigación se centró en determinar y analizar la conexión o tipo de relación que debe de existir entre la exclusión probatoria de la prueba ilícita y las garantías constitucionales en el proceso penal peruano, esto en relación al tipo de investigación jurídica desarrollada que fue una dogmática teórica y normativa, donde el derecho fue analizado solo en su aspecto formal y abstracto, en base a las teóricas del garantismo procesal, garantías constitucionales, der...

  19. Performance of penalized maximum likelihood in estimation of genetic covariances matrices

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    Meyer Karin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Estimation of genetic covariance matrices for multivariate problems comprising more than a few traits is inherently problematic, since sampling variation increases dramatically with the number of traits. This paper investigates the efficacy of regularized estimation of covariance components in a maximum likelihood framework, imposing a penalty on the likelihood designed to reduce sampling variation. In particular, penalties that "borrow strength" from the phenotypic covariance matrix are considered. Methods An extensive simulation study was carried out to investigate the reduction in average 'loss', i.e. the deviation in estimated matrices from the population values, and the accompanying bias for a range of parameter values and sample sizes. A number of penalties are examined, penalizing either the canonical eigenvalues or the genetic covariance or correlation matrices. In addition, several strategies to determine the amount of penalization to be applied, i.e. to estimate the appropriate tuning factor, are explored. Results It is shown that substantial reductions in loss for estimates of genetic covariance can be achieved for small to moderate sample sizes. While no penalty performed best overall, penalizing the variance among the estimated canonical eigenvalues on the logarithmic scale or shrinking the genetic towards the phenotypic correlation matrix appeared most advantageous. Estimating the tuning factor using cross-validation resulted in a loss reduction 10 to 15% less than that obtained if population values were known. Applying a mild penalty, chosen so that the deviation in likelihood from the maximum was non-significant, performed as well if not better than cross-validation and can be recommended as a pragmatic strategy. Conclusions Penalized maximum likelihood estimation provides the means to 'make the most' of limited and precious data and facilitates more stable estimation for multi-dimensional analyses. It should

  20. Crime and Punishment: Are Copyright Violators Ever Penalized? (United States)

    Russell, Carrie


    Is there a Web site that keeps track of copyright Infringers and fines? Some colleagues don't believe that copyright violators are ever penalized. This question was asked by a reader in a question and answer column of "School Library Journal". Carrie Russell is the American Library Association's copyright specialist, and she will answer selected…

  1. Euthanasia in the Broader Framework of Dutch Penal Policies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groenhuijsen, M.S.; van Laanen, F.; Groenhuijsen, M.S.; van Laanen, F.


    The authors have regarded euthanasia in the broader framework of Dutch penal policies. They present euthanasia as a typical example of the pragmatic - rather than dogmatic - way the Dutch try to tackle difficult moral problems in connection with the criminal justice system. Definitions, statutory

  2. Kebijakan Penal Mengenai Kriminalisasi Di Bidang Keuangan


    Luthan, Salman


    Research of penal policy on criminalization in financial affairs discusses two main problems: regulating policy on criminal offences, and regulating policy on criminal sanction for financial offences. The regulating policy on criminal offences shows an increase of various conducts that have been criminalized by legislator as a consequence of social change, economic and trade globalization, as well as technological development. Justification of criminalization base on liberal individualiatic t...

  3. 27 CFR 24.148 - Penal sums of bonds. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Penal sums of bonds. 24.148 Section 24.148 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU... Vinegar Plant Bond, TTB F 5510.2 Not less than the tax on all wine on hand, in transit, or unaccounted for...

  4. La protección penal a niños y adolescentes víctimas de violencia familiar


    Salazar Mariño, Carlos Rosendo


    La presente investigación titulada "La Protección Penal a Niños y Adolescentes Víctimas de Violencia Familiar" describe los problemas que presentan el sistema de administración de justicia penal respecto a la protección de los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes que sufren violencia en el hogar. Tiene como objetivo principal analizar y describir la protección penal de Jos derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes víctimas de violencia familiar, conocer cómo se aplica los principios ...

  5. Construcciones sociales sobre mujeres desde el discurso jurídico en sentencias penales sobre infanticidio

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    María Eugenia Gastiazoro


    Full Text Available El infanticidio como figura penal se suprime del Código Penal Argentino en 1994, para ser una figura de homicidio agravado por el vínculo con prisión o reclusión perpetua. Diez años después de su última derogación, el caso Romina Tejerina en Jujuy generó una serie de cuestionamientos respecto de su penalización. Otro caso, que tomó estado público fue el de Eli Díaz en la ciudad de Villa Dolores en Córdoba, juzgada en el 2006, siendo (en contraposición al caso Tejerina absuelta por una mayoría compuesta solo de ciudadanos comunes (jurados. En el presente trabajo se analiza la construcción y la producción que desde el discurso jurídico se hace de las diferentes mujeres en los casos de infanticidio. A su vez, estas imágenes se comparan con las representaciones que los legisladores tuvieron en el debate del Congreso del año 2010 cuando se intentó reponer la figura. La sujeción del género centrada en la buena o mala madre, mujer, esposa, en intersección con otras dimensiones de clase social, y edad, se categoriza en el discurso de los tribunales de acuerdo a imaginarios sociales que sostienen una identidad normativa sobre estas mujeres.

  6. [Extramural research funds and penal law--status of legislation]. (United States)

    Ulsenheimer, Klaus


    After decades of smooth functioning, the cooperation of physicians and hospitals with the industry (much desired from the side of the government in the interest of clinical research) has fallen in legal discredit due to increasingly frequent criminal inquires and proceedings for unduly privileges, corruption, and embezzlement. The discredit is so severe that the industry funding for clinical research is diverted abroad to an increasing extent. The legal elements of embezzlement assume the intentional violation of the entrusted funds against the interest of the customer. Undue privileges occur when an official requests an advantage in exchange for a service (or is promised one or takes one) in his or somebody else's interest. The elements of corruption are then given when the receiver of the undue privilege provides an illegal service or takes a discretionary decision under the influence of the gratuity. The tension between the prohibition of undue privileges (as regulated by the penal law) and the granting of extramural funds (as regulated by the administrative law in academic institutions) can be reduced through a high degree of transparency and the start of control possibilities--public announcement and authorization by the officials--as well as through exact documentation and observance of the principles of separation of interests and moderation. With the anti-corruption law of 1997, it is possible to charge of corruption also physicians employed in private institutions. In contrast, physicians in private practice are not considered in the above criminal facts. They can only be charged of misdemeanor, or called to respond to the professional board, on the basis of the law that regulates advertising for medicinal products (Heilmittelwerbegesetz).

  7. Iluminismo e absolutismo no modelo jurídico-penal de Cesare Beccaria

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    Alexander de Castro


    Full Text Available Cesare Beccaria, tido como o autor que,elaborando um sistema de direito penal com base emprincípios iluministas, criou as bases do modernodireito penal de cunho liberal, possuía, entretanto,vínculos muito profundos com o absolutismo austríaco.Assim, no presente trabalho, analisaremosalguns pontos da tessitura política em que Beccariaproduziu a obra Dei Delitti e delle Pene, procurandoaprofundar a compreensão sobre o modo como oIluminismo, no contexto de formação do absolutismohabsbúrgico, funcionaria na elaboração do modelojurídico-penal do jurista italiano.Abstract: Cesare Beccaria, known as the authorwho, elaborating a system of criminal law basedon illuminists principles, has created the bases ofthe modern liberal criminal law, had, however, verydeep bonds with the Austrian absolutism. Thus,in the present paper, we will analyze some pointsof the politic structure where Beccaria producedhis work Dei Delitti e delle Pene, seeking to examinethe understanding about the way Illuminism,in the context of the Habsburg absolutism’sformation, would operate in the elaboration ofthe Italian jurist’s legal criminal model.

  8. Making Abortion Safer in Rwanda: Operationalization of the Penal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Penal code was revised in Rwanda in 2012 allowing legal termination of pregnancy resulting from rape, incest, forced marriage, or on medical grounds. An evaluation was conducted to assess women's access to abortion services as part of an ongoing program to operationalize the new exemptions for legal abortion.

  9. Marginal longitudinal semiparametric regression via penalized splines

    KAUST Repository

    Al Kadiri, M.


    We study the marginal longitudinal nonparametric regression problem and some of its semiparametric extensions. We point out that, while several elaborate proposals for efficient estimation have been proposed, a relative simple and straightforward one, based on penalized splines, has not. After describing our approach, we then explain how Gibbs sampling and the BUGS software can be used to achieve quick and effective implementation. Illustrations are provided for nonparametric regression and additive models.

  10. Marginal longitudinal semiparametric regression via penalized splines

    KAUST Repository

    Al Kadiri, M.; Carroll, R.J.; Wand, M.P.


    We study the marginal longitudinal nonparametric regression problem and some of its semiparametric extensions. We point out that, while several elaborate proposals for efficient estimation have been proposed, a relative simple and straightforward one, based on penalized splines, has not. After describing our approach, we then explain how Gibbs sampling and the BUGS software can be used to achieve quick and effective implementation. Illustrations are provided for nonparametric regression and additive models.

  11. El nuevo tratamiento penal del blanqueo de capitales en el derecho brasileño (ley 12.683/2012)


    Regis Prado, Luiz


    Análisis de los impactos causados por la nueva ley (12.683/2012) sobre el tratamiento penal del blanqueo de capitales This is an analysis of the impacts caused by the law 12.683/2012 concerning the penal treatment of money laudering

  12. Crimen organizado: concepto y posibilidad de tipificación delante del contexto de la expansión del derecho penal

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    André Luis Callegari


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda las dificultades encontradas por el Derecho penal brasileño para la calificación del crimen organizado. En primer lugar se emprende un análisis del panorama actual de la política criminal delante del proceso de expansión del Derecho penal, más específicamente en sus aspectos simbólico y punitivista/eficientista, que, en conjunto, resultan en un modelo de intervención penal que posee vínculos bastante estrechos con el derecho penal del enemigo defendido por el penalista alemán GÜNTHER JAKOBS. En un segundo momento se estudia el tratamiento dispensado por el Derecho penal contemporáneo –en especial el brasileño– en el fenómeno de las organizaciones criminales delante de este contexto de expansión punitiva. En un tercer momento se hacen consideraciones sobre el proyecto de ley nº 150/2006, que busca la calificación penal del crimen organizado en Brasil y dispone sobre la investigación criminal, medios de obtención de prueba, crímenes correlatos y procedimiento criminal a ser aplicado a la referida modalidad delictiva.

  13. Tension Headache (United States)

    ... tight band around your head. A tension headache (tension-type headache) is the most common type of headache, and ... Headache after a head injury, especially if the headache gets worse ... tension or stress. But research suggests muscle contraction isn't the ...

  14. On the use of a penalized least squares method to process kinematic full-field measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moulart, Raphaël; Rotinat, René


    This work is aimed at exploring the performances of an alternative procedure to smooth and differentiate full-field displacement measurements. After recalling the strategies currently used by the experimental mechanics community, a short overview of the available smoothing algorithms is drawn up and the requirements that such an algorithm has to fulfil to be applicable to process kinematic measurements are listed. A comparative study of the chosen algorithm is performed including the 2D penalized least squares method and two other commonly implemented strategies. The results obtained by penalized least squares are comparable in terms of quality to those produced by the two other algorithms, while the penalized least squares method appears to be the fastest and the most flexible. Unlike both the other considered methods, it is possible with penalized least squares to automatically choose the parameter governing the amount of smoothing to apply. Unfortunately, it appears that this automation is not suitable for the proposed application since it does not lead to optimal strain maps. Finally, it is possible with this technique to perform the derivation to obtain strain maps before smoothing them (while the smoothing is normally applied to displacement maps before the differentiation), which can lead in some cases to a more effective reconstruction of the strain fields. (paper)

  15. Evaluation of Penalized and Nonpenalized Methods for Disease Prediction with Large-Scale Genetic Data

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    Sungho Won


    Full Text Available Owing to recent improvement of genotyping technology, large-scale genetic data can be utilized to identify disease susceptibility loci and this successful finding has substantially improved our understanding of complex diseases. However, in spite of these successes, most of the genetic effects for many complex diseases were found to be very small, which have been a big hurdle to build disease prediction model. Recently, many statistical methods based on penalized regressions have been proposed to tackle the so-called “large P and small N” problem. Penalized regressions including least absolute selection and shrinkage operator (LASSO and ridge regression limit the space of parameters, and this constraint enables the estimation of effects for very large number of SNPs. Various extensions have been suggested, and, in this report, we compare their accuracy by applying them to several complex diseases. Our results show that penalized regressions are usually robust and provide better accuracy than the existing methods for at least diseases under consideration.

  16. Delito de Bigamia e Intervención Mínima: ¿Es el Matrimonio, Todavía, un Bien Jurídico-Penal?

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    Gerson Faustino Rosa


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de los delitos contra el matrimonio, y del delito de bigamia como figura central, que no es compatible con la función actual del sistema penal, criticándose los bienes que deberían ser objeto de protección por otras áreas del derecho. Se trata de la política criminal sobre la planificación familiar, criticándose la intervención del Estado en los asuntos familiares. Se destacan los principios de intervención mínima, fragmentaridad, subsidiariedad y proporcionalidade. Se analiza el tipo penal del art. 235 del Código Penal, criticándose dicha penalización, dado que es un tipo penal subsidiario, perfectamente prescindible por el ordenamiento jurídico-penal.

  17. A Postneoliberal Turn? Variants of the Recent Penal Policy in Argentina

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    Maximo Sozzo


    Full Text Available This paper analysed the connection between the emergence and consolidation of a postneoliberal political program and alliance – Kirchnerism – and penal policies in Argentina. Three key moments are identified in this recent period. After the experience of an intense punitive turn during the 1990s and early 2000s, Kirchnerist political alliances tried to deploy a progressive political discourse and agenda on penal issues. Nevertheless, this initially coincided with a strong wave of penal populism ‘from below’ that continued the precedent trend towards increasing punitiviness.  Since 2005, and for a brief moment, this tendency stopped. However, after that and during the presidencies of Fernandez de Kirchner a more volatile and contradictory scenario was generated. The incarceration rate between 2002 and 2014 in Argentina grew substantially as did the rate of convictions. Meanwhile the percentage of suspended sentences as part of the total convictions and the percentage of custodial sanctions both fell. Especially in relation to incarceration, these levels of change are not as stark as those of the preceding decades. However, the trends persist. Therefore, the question of how to transcend the dynamics of the punitive turn remains a pending and urgent political subject. The article argues the importance of analysing why a punitive turn is interrupted and presents an explanation of it.

  18. La teoría del dominio del hecho en la legislación penal colombiana

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    André Scheller D'angelo


    Full Text Available Introducción: La discusión frente a la intervención de las personas en Derecho Penal gira en torno a establecer, si todo aquel que participa en la comisión del delito es autor del mismo, o en su defecto, si cabe la posibilidad de establecer diferencias entre los sujetos que concurren en su producción. Según la dogmática contemporánea, en relación con la Autoría, esto es, con la determinación de quién es el autor de un hecho delictivo es posible distinguir dos puntos de vista: a Abarcar con el concepto de autor a todos los intervinientes en el hecho; o, b Establecer diferenciaciones entre las personas que concurren. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio con enfoque cualitativo, histórico-interpretativo y de alcance descriptivo. Resultados: Una vez revisado el marco teórico que encierra la investigación, se observa que la legislación penal colombiana, ha adoptado el criterio del dominio del hecho para diferenciar la autoría y la participación. No obstante lo anterior, el aplicador de justicia, en muchos casos, se vale de otros criterios para lograr la diferenciación, generando así dificultades para establecer un criterio único y uniforme en la jurisprudencia. Conclusiones: Los diferentes criterios que ha establecido la dogmática no son suficientes para lograr una diferenciación adecuada frente al fenómeno de la autoría y la participación. Estas figuras siguen siendo en todo y en parte, determinadas por la percepción del juez al momento del análisis probatorio. Así mismo, se concluye que en nuestro país, los criterios de la jurisprudencia no son homogéneos a la hora de optar por una teoría diferenciadora.

  19. Problems of causality in environmental penal law. The relevance of causality problems on the environmental sector from the view of penal law. Kausalitaetsprobleme im Umweltstrafrecht. Die strafrechtliche Relevanz der Schwierigkeiten naturwissenschaftlicher Kausalfeststellung im Umweltbereich

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kleine-Cosack, E.


    The 'classic' elements of an offence against human health or property are not applicable in environmental law, owing to problems of causality. The new environmental penal law therefore focuses on the 'capability' of any act to damage human health, animal health, vegetation, water, air, or soil. It remarks doubtful whether this approach is more efficient. Further, there is still the problem of assessing damage. The book discusses causality problems in environmental penal law. Causality in a given case is discussed from the view of general causality laws and problems of proof. Other possible causes of damage must be excluded. The author discusses: Interdependences between scientific and penal causality, the problems of successful and potential offences, the relationship between individual and universal objects of legal protection, and procedural issues (e.g. the binding effect of experts' opinions on a given subject). (orig./HSCH).

  20. Estudio comparativo del rendimiento de las funciones ejecutivas en la corteza prefrontal dorsolateral, orbitofrontal y frontomedial en adolescentes policonsumidores de sustancias psicoactivas, vinculados al sistema de responsabilidad penal en paralelo con adolescentes que no se encuentran bajo esta misma condición

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    Diego Alejandro Calle Sandoval


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se realizó bajo una metodología cuantitativa comparativa y de corte transversal, la cual tuvo como objetivo la realización de un estudio del rendimiento de las funciones ejecutivas en la corteza prefrontal dorsolateral, orbitofrontal y frontomedial en adolescentes, entre los 14 y 18 años de edad, policonsumidores de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA y vinculados al sistema de responsabilidad penal, en paralelo con adolescentes pertenecientes a una institución educativa que no se encuentran bajo esta misma condición; todos ellos del departamento del Quindío. A la población estudio se le aplicó una prueba neuropsicológica de funciones ejecutivas y lóbulos frontales (BANFE 2, cuyos resultados dan cuenta de que el grado de escolaridad –sea alto o inferior– no es un factor influyente en el rendimiento ejecutivo; además, evidencian diferencias significativas en el rendimiento de las funciones ejecutivas en la población bajo responsabilidad penal con antecedentes de policonsumo, encontrándose alteración en la corteza prefrontal dorsolateral, orbitofrontal y frontomedial, a diferencia de la población estudiantil que no cumple con esta condición.

  1. La regulación de los daños informáticos en el código penal italiano

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    Ivan Salvadori


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analiza la regulación de los delitos de daños informáticos introducidos en el Código penal italiano por la Ley nº. 48, de 18 de marzo de 2008, que ratifica y da ejecución al Convenio Cibercrimen del Consejo de Europa. El objetivo es averiguar si la legislación penal italiana en materia de daños informáticos cumple con las recomendaciones internacionales y en particular si se adecua a las técnicas de protección adoptadas por otros legisladores europeos. En primer lugar se analizarán los tipos delictivos de daños a datos y a sistemas informáticos “privados” (art. 635-bis y 635-quater c.p. y de daños a datos y a sistemas informáticos de carácter “publico” (art. 635-ter y 635-quinquies c.p.. Se pasará luego a estudiar su peculiar estructura típica y se determinarán los bienes jurídicos protegidos por los mencionados delitos. Por último, se formularán algunas consideraciones críticas en perspectiva de lege ferenda.

  2. Integrative Analysis of Cancer Diagnosis Studies with Composite Penalization (United States)

    Liu, Jin; Huang, Jian; Ma, Shuangge


    Summary In cancer diagnosis studies, high-throughput gene profiling has been extensively conducted, searching for genes whose expressions may serve as markers. Data generated from such studies have the “large d, small n” feature, with the number of genes profiled much larger than the sample size. Penalization has been extensively adopted for simultaneous estimation and marker selection. Because of small sample sizes, markers identified from the analysis of single datasets can be unsatisfactory. A cost-effective remedy is to conduct integrative analysis of multiple heterogeneous datasets. In this article, we investigate composite penalization methods for estimation and marker selection in integrative analysis. The proposed methods use the minimax concave penalty (MCP) as the outer penalty. Under the homogeneity model, the ridge penalty is adopted as the inner penalty. Under the heterogeneity model, the Lasso penalty and MCP are adopted as the inner penalty. Effective computational algorithms based on coordinate descent are developed. Numerical studies, including simulation and analysis of practical cancer datasets, show satisfactory performance of the proposed methods. PMID:24578589

  3. El Ministerio Público y la “Atención Primaria” de la Conflictividad Penal


    Mendaña, Ricardo J.; Arias Salgado, Alicia


    El artículo revisa la aplicación práctica de los conceptos pertinentes a la mejora de la justicia penal. La adopción de nuevos paradigmas y líneas de acción para intervenir frente a los conflictos penales implica situar la mejora de la atención primaria como una estrategia de intervención superior a las actividades de modelos tradicionales de respuesta judicial. This article looks at the practical application of relevant concepts when improving crime justice. The adoption of new paradigms ...


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    Mónica María Bustamante Rúa


    Full Text Available En el proceso penal colombiano se consagran diferentes estándares de prueba, entre ellos, inferencia razonable (para la formulación de imputación, probabilidad de verdad (para la formulación de la acusación y el conocimiento más allá de toda duda (para la sentencia condenatoria, los cuales permiten identificar la aplicación de conceptos como el de probabilidad en el actual sistema. Al leer el estándar que se exige para dictar sentencia condenatoria desde el garantismo procesal, se encuentra una relación estrecha entre la presunción de inocencia y el umbral a partir del cual el juez puede aceptar una afirmación de hecho o una hipótesis como verdadera dentro del proceso penal, de allí que se proponga el estudio de la presunción de inocencia no solo desde la perspectiva de principio y regla de tratamiento, sino también como regla probatoria y regla de juicio, esto es, cuando no se alcanza el grado de conocimiento exigido al juez para dictar sentencia condenatoria y subsiste la duda debe darse aplicación a la presunción de inocencia como regla de juicio -in dubio pro reo-.


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    Arif Firmansyah


    Full Text Available In Article 33 paragraph (3 of the Constitution of 1945, states earth water and natural resources contained therein controlled by the state and used for the welfare of the people. The realization of such mastery by delegating the authority to manage the natural resources of the state to the company is to provide state Mining Permit or Special Mining Permit. In protecting and overseeing the company that is engaged in coal mining government passed Law Number 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining. In Article 162 of Law Number 4 of 2009 states that every person who impede or interfere mining activities from business license holders of mining and business permit of the mining specifically penalized by fines or imprisonment. The article shows a process of criminalization an action (criminal policy, which aim to protect the companies that already have a Mining Permit, but the criminal policy is contrary to the purpose of the criminal policy is an effort for the welfare of society and policies the protection of society, the existence of Article 162 of Law Minerals coal and coal mining communities can impede convicted. In the case of the counteraction form caused they want to protect the environment or their ancestral lands from exploration activities. So it is activity is not uncommon form of criminal policy by means of criminal law that gives rise to new conflicts. Therefore the criminal policy should be shifted from penal facilities to non-penal policy more accommodating community participation, so that the purpose of the criminal policy, namely the welfare of society and protect the community can be realized.Keywords: Political Criminal, Mining, Non-Penal

  6. A biclustering algorithm for binary matrices based on penalized Bernoulli likelihood

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, Seokho; Huang, Jianhua Z.


    We propose a new biclustering method for binary data matrices using the maximum penalized Bernoulli likelihood estimation. Our method applies a multi-layer model defined on the logits of the success probabilities, where each layer represents a

  7. Orientation dependence and tension/compression asymmetry of shape memory effect and superelasticity in ferromagnetic Co40Ni33Al27, Co49Ni21Ga30 and Ni54Fe19Ga27 single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chumlyakov, Y.; Panchenko, E.; Kireeva, I.; Karaman, I.; Sehitoglu, H.; Maier, H.J.; Tverdokhlebova, A.; Ovsyannikov, A.


    In the present study the effects of crystal axis orientation, stress state (tension/compression) and test temperature on shape memory effect and superelasticity of Ni 54 Fe 19 Ga 27 (I), Co 40 Ni 33 Al 27 (II), Co 49 Ni 21 Ga 30 (III) (numbers indicate at.%) single crystals were investigated. The shape memory effect, the start temperature of superelasticity T 1 and the mechanical hysteresis Δσ were found to be dependent on crystal axis orientation and stress state. Superelasticity was observed at T 1 = A f (A f , reverse transformation-finish temperature) in tension/compression for [0 0 1]-oriented Ni-Fe-Ga crystals and in compression for [0 0 1]-oriented Co-Ni-Ga crystals, which all displayed a small mechanical hysteresis (Δσ ≤ 30 MPa). An increase in Δσ of up to 90 MPa in the Co-Ni-Al and the Co-Ni-Ga crystals lead to stabilization of the stress-induced martensite, and an increase in to T 1 = A f + Δ. The maximal value of Δ (75 K) was found in [0 0 1]-oriented Co-Ni-Al crystals in tension. A thermodynamic criterion describing the dependencies of the start temperature of superelasticity T 1 on crystal axis orientation, stress state and the magnitude of mechanical hysteresis is discussed

  8. Artificial intelligence tools to support the analysis of the high tension insulator flaming; Herramientas de inteligencia artificial de apoyo al analisis de flameos en aisladores de alta tension

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez Ortiz, Guillermo; Mejia Lavalle, Manuel; Montoya Tena, Gerardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Four artificial intelligence tools developed at the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) to support the analysis of high tension insulator flaming are described. The first tool builds up a decision tree departing from historical data, the other 3 tools operate departing from the decision tree previously created to generate production rules, function as an expert system and make tests with many already known cases. These tools could predict the impending occurrence of flaming with enough time allowance for the insulators to be cleaned, since the traditional practice is the periodical cleaning of the insulators and this is not always adequate since the cleaning teams are limited, and the action of the environment is not always constant and for that reason insulators that do not need it are cleaned and vice-versa [Espanol] Se describen 4 herramientas de inteligencia artificial desarrolladas en el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) para apoyar al analisis de flameos en aisladores de alta tension. La primera herramienta construye el arbol de decision a partir de datos historicos; las otras 3 herramientas operan a partir del arbol de decision previamente creado para generar reglas de produccion, funcionar a la manera de un sistema experto y hacer pruebas con muchos casos conocidos. Estas herramientas podrian predecir la ocurrencia inminente del flameo con tiempo suficiente para que los aisladores se limpien, ya que la forma tradicional es limpiar periodicamente los aisladores y esto a veces no es adecuado debido a que las cuadrillas de limpieza son limitadas, ademas de que la accion del medio ambiente no es constante y es por eso que a veces se limpian aisladores que no lo necesitan o viceversa

  9. Artificial intelligence tools to support the analysis of the high tension insulator flaming; Herramientas de inteligencia artificial de apoyo al analisis de flameos en aisladores de alta tension

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez Ortiz, Guillermo; Mejia Lavalle, Manuel; Montoya Tena, Gerardo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Four artificial intelligence tools developed at the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) to support the analysis of high tension insulator flaming are described. The first tool builds up a decision tree departing from historical data, the other 3 tools operate departing from the decision tree previously created to generate production rules, function as an expert system and make tests with many already known cases. These tools could predict the impending occurrence of flaming with enough time allowance for the insulators to be cleaned, since the traditional practice is the periodical cleaning of the insulators and this is not always adequate since the cleaning teams are limited, and the action of the environment is not always constant and for that reason insulators that do not need it are cleaned and vice-versa [Espanol] Se describen 4 herramientas de inteligencia artificial desarrolladas en el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) para apoyar al analisis de flameos en aisladores de alta tension. La primera herramienta construye el arbol de decision a partir de datos historicos; las otras 3 herramientas operan a partir del arbol de decision previamente creado para generar reglas de produccion, funcionar a la manera de un sistema experto y hacer pruebas con muchos casos conocidos. Estas herramientas podrian predecir la ocurrencia inminente del flameo con tiempo suficiente para que los aisladores se limpien, ya que la forma tradicional es limpiar periodicamente los aisladores y esto a veces no es adecuado debido a que las cuadrillas de limpieza son limitadas, ademas de que la accion del medio ambiente no es constante y es por eso que a veces se limpian aisladores que no lo necesitan o viceversa

  10. Comparing implementations of penalized weighted least-squares sinogram restoration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forthmann, Peter; Koehler, Thomas; Defrise, Michel; La Riviere, Patrick


    Purpose: A CT scanner measures the energy that is deposited in each channel of a detector array by x rays that have been partially absorbed on their way through the object. The measurement process is complex and quantitative measurements are always and inevitably associated with errors, so CT data must be preprocessed prior to reconstruction. In recent years, the authors have formulated CT sinogram preprocessing as a statistical restoration problem in which the goal is to obtain the best estimate of the line integrals needed for reconstruction from the set of noisy, degraded measurements. The authors have explored both penalized Poisson likelihood (PL) and penalized weighted least-squares (PWLS) objective functions. At low doses, the authors found that the PL approach outperforms PWLS in terms of resolution-noise tradeoffs, but at standard doses they perform similarly. The PWLS objective function, being quadratic, is more amenable to computational acceleration than the PL objective. In this work, the authors develop and compare two different methods for implementing PWLS sinogram restoration with the hope of improving computational performance relative to PL in the standard-dose regime. Sinogram restoration is still significant in the standard-dose regime since it can still outperform standard approaches and it allows for correction of effects that are not usually modeled in standard CT preprocessing. Methods: The authors have explored and compared two implementation strategies for PWLS sinogram restoration: (1) A direct matrix-inversion strategy based on the closed-form solution to the PWLS optimization problem and (2) an iterative approach based on the conjugate-gradient algorithm. Obtaining optimal performance from each strategy required modifying the naive off-the-shelf implementations of the algorithms to exploit the particular symmetry and sparseness of the sinogram-restoration problem. For the closed-form approach, the authors subdivided the large matrix

  11. Penalized regression procedures for variable selection in the potential outcomes framework. (United States)

    Ghosh, Debashis; Zhu, Yeying; Coffman, Donna L


    A recent topic of much interest in causal inference is model selection. In this article, we describe a framework in which to consider penalized regression approaches to variable selection for causal effects. The framework leads to a simple 'impute, then select' class of procedures that is agnostic to the type of imputation algorithm as well as penalized regression used. It also clarifies how model selection involves a multivariate regression model for causal inference problems and that these methods can be applied for identifying subgroups in which treatment effects are homogeneous. Analogies and links with the literature on machine learning methods, missing data, and imputation are drawn. A difference least absolute shrinkage and selection operator algorithm is defined, along with its multiple imputation analogs. The procedures are illustrated using a well-known right-heart catheterization dataset. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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    Luis Ociel Castaño Zuluaga


    Full Text Available El artículo, desde una perspectiva analítica, se detiene en considerar la posibilidad que tendría el juez penal, en el marco del Estado constitucional contemporáneo (esto es, social, democrático y de derecho para “excepcionalmente” decretar y practicar pruebas de oficio en casos concretos, aún contraviniendo la voluntad del legislador penal e incluso alguna línea jurisprudencial del Tribunal Constitucional. Ello en virtud de la posibilidad que le ofrece, de un lado, el control constitucional incidental (excepción de inconstitucionalidad, y, de otro, la propia principialística constitucional, amparados en la tesis monista del derecho constitucional. Ocupándose del grado de corrección de la SC-396 de 2007, critica la posición mayoritaria de la Corte Constitucional colombiana, al declarar exequible el artículo 361 de la ley 906 de 2004, abogando, en su lugar, por un juez investido de mayores poderes en cuanto a la dirección del proceso.

  13. Teoria da adequação econômica da conduta: significado econômico da conduta em face da tutela penal antitruste


    Luiz da Silva, Ivan


    Essa tese tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento da teoria da adequação econômica da conduta no direito penal econômico. Vale-se de uma abordagem interdisciplinar abrangendo a Economia, o direito econômico e o direito penal. Para alcançar o desiderato a investigação analisou a intervenção do direito penal em face da atividade econômica e, em especial, os fundamentos da tutela penal antitruste, para fins de estabelecer os contornos teóricos necessários à aplicação das premissas fund...


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    Camila Soares Lippi


    Full Text Available Analizaremos como la jurisprudencia de los Tribunales Penales Internacionales ad hoc del post-Guerra Fría representa un cambio de paradigmas en cuestiones de género en el Derecho Penal Internacional y en el Derecho Internacional Humanitario. Para eso, partimos del concepto de género, o sea, las construcciones sociales cuanto a los roles masculino y femenino, como categoría central de análisis. Analizamos, primeramente, el post-Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ese momento histórico, ejemplificado por los Tribunales de Núremberg y de Tokio y por los Convenios de Ginebra de 1949. Después analizase los Tribunales Penales Internacionales ad hoc del post-Guerra Fría. Finalmente, analizamos la definición de género en el Estatuto de Roma, que instituye el Tribunal Penal Internacional.

  15. Análisis penal, psicopatológico y jurisprudencial sobre delitos contra la vida humana independiente perpetrados por sujetos afectos de transtornos mentales


    Al-Fawal Portal, Meriam


    El objeto de la presente tesis doctoral versa sobre el estudio de homicidios y asesinatos perpetrados por sujetos afectos de trastornos mentales catalogados por los manuales diagnósticos CIE-10 (OMS) y DSM-IV (APA). El estudio se ha dividido en dos partes claramente diferenciadas; en primer lugar se ha procedido al estudio teórico de las figuras tipificadas en el Código Penal español de 1995 en los artículos 138 y 139, así como las circunstancias modificativas de la responsa...

  16. Derecho Constitucional, Derechos Humanos y Código Penal en Nicaragua. Una interrelación necesaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Chamorro Fletes


    Full Text Available El nuevo código penal de Nicaragua se ubica dentro del engranaje del ordenamiento jurídico de nuestro país. Todo el ordenamiento se subordina a la Constitución y, por lo tanto, los principios, derechos y obligaciones que en ella se prescriben, informan y limitan las disposiciones de dicho código. Solo en ese caso estaremos en presencia de un Estado democrático de derecho y contaremos con un código penal democrático.

  17. Adaptive rival penalized competitive learning and combined linear predictor model for financial forecast and investment. (United States)

    Cheung, Y M; Leung, W M; Xu, L


    We propose a prediction model called Rival Penalized Competitive Learning (RPCL) and Combined Linear Predictor method (CLP), which involves a set of local linear predictors such that a prediction is made by the combination of some activated predictors through a gating network (Xu et al., 1994). Furthermore, we present its improved variant named Adaptive RPCL-CLP that includes an adaptive learning mechanism as well as a data pre-and-post processing scheme. We compare them with some existing models by demonstrating their performance on two real-world financial time series--a China stock price and an exchange-rate series of US Dollar (USD) versus Deutschmark (DEM). Experiments have shown that Adaptive RPCL-CLP not only outperforms the other approaches with the smallest prediction error and training costs, but also brings in considerable high profits in the trading simulation of foreign exchange market.

  18. Membrane tension controls adhesion positioning at the leading edge of cells. (United States)

    Pontes, Bruno; Monzo, Pascale; Gole, Laurent; Le Roux, Anabel-Lise; Kosmalska, Anita Joanna; Tam, Zhi Yang; Luo, Weiwei; Kan, Sophie; Viasnoff, Virgile; Roca-Cusachs, Pere; Tucker-Kellogg, Lisa; Gauthier, Nils C


    Cell migration is dependent on adhesion dynamics and actin cytoskeleton remodeling at the leading edge. These events may be physically constrained by the plasma membrane. Here, we show that the mechanical signal produced by an increase in plasma membrane tension triggers the positioning of new rows of adhesions at the leading edge. During protrusion, as membrane tension increases, velocity slows, and the lamellipodium buckles upward in a myosin II-independent manner. The buckling occurs between the front of the lamellipodium, where nascent adhesions are positioned in rows, and the base of the lamellipodium, where a vinculin-dependent clutch couples actin to previously positioned adhesions. As membrane tension decreases, protrusion resumes and buckling disappears, until the next cycle. We propose that the mechanical signal of membrane tension exerts upstream control in mechanotransduction by periodically compressing and relaxing the lamellipodium, leading to the positioning of adhesions at the leading edge of cells. © 2017 Pontes et al.

  19. Direct micro-CT observation confirms the induction of embolism upon xylem cutting under tension (United States)

    We used two different Synchrotron-based micro-CT facilities (SLS: Swiss Light Source, Villigen, Switzerland, and ALS: Advanced Light Source, Berkeley, CA USA) to test the excision artifact described by Wheeler et al. (2013). Specifically, we examined the impact of cutting xylem under tension and und...

  20. Matrix stiffness and oxigen tension modulate epigenetic conversion of mouse dermal fibroblasts into insulin producing cells.

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    Alessandro Zenobi


    Full Text Available In vivo, cells are surrounded by a three-dimensional (3-D organization of supporting matrix, neighboring cells and a gradient of chemical and mechanical signals (Antoni, et al., 2015. However, the present understanding of many biological processes is mainly based on two-dimensional (2-D systems that typically provides a static environment. In the present study, we tested two different 3-D culture systems and apply them to the epigenetic conversion of mouse dermal fibroblasts into insulin producing-cells (Pennarossa, et al., 2013; Brevini, et al., 2015, combining also the use of two oxygen tensions. In particular, cells were differentiated using the Polytetrafluoroethylene micro-bioreactor (PTFE and the Polyacrylamide (PAA gels with different stiffness (1 kPa; 4 kPa, maintained either in the standard 20% or in the more physiological 5% oxygen tensions. Standard differentiation performed on plastic substrates was assessed as a control. Cell morphology (Fig.1A, insulin expression and release were analyzed to evaluate the role of both stiffness and oxygen tension in the process. The results obtained showed that 1 kPa PAA gel and PTFE system induced a significantly higher insulin expression and release than plastic and 4 kPa PAA gel, especially in low oxygen condition (Fig.1B. Furthermore, comparing the efficiency of the two systems tested, 1 kPa PAA gel ensured a higher insulin transcription than PTFE (Fig.1C. Recent studies show the direct influence of substrates on lineage commitment and cell differentiation (Engler, et al., 2006; Evans, et al., 2009. The evidence here presented confirm that the use of an appropriate stiffness (similar to the pancreatic tissue, combined with a physiological oxygen tension, promote β-cell differentiation, with beneficial effects on cell functional activity and insulin release. The present results highlight the importance of 3-D cell rearrangement and oxigen tension to promote in vitro epigenetic conversion of

  1. Coulomb string tension, asymptotic string tension, and the gluon chain


    Greensite, Jeff; Szczepaniak, Adam P.


    We compute, via numerical simulations, the non-perturbative Coulomb potential of pure SU(3) gauge theory in Coulomb gauge. We find that that the Coulomb potential scales nicely in accordance with asymptotic freedom, that the Coulomb potential is linear in the infrared, and that the Coulomb string tension is about four times larger than the asymptotic string tension. We explain how it is possible that the asymptotic string tension can be lower than the Coulomb string tension by a factor of four.


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    José Manuel Cabrera Delgado


    Full Text Available This article provides a first approach from the point of view of jurisprudence, to the recurring problem of concurrency sanctions in cases where further intervention of the courts has become necessary for administrative action. In this regard, the main judgments of both the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court is, that have shaped the decisions that must be applied from the administrative level, in particular by educational inspectors, when it is foreseeable that it can produce a duplication of disciplinary procedures in the two areas, penal and administrative.

  3. Julgamento moral sobre pena de morte e redução da maioridade penal Moral judgments on death penalty and reduction of criminal majority

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    Lilian Kelly de Sousa Galvão


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi investigar o julgamento moral de estudantes do ensino médio e de licenciaturas sobre pena de morte e redução da maioridade penal. Para tanto, utilizou-se como suporte teórico e empírico a tipologia do desenvolvimento moral de Lawrence Kohlberg. Participaram deste estudo 200 estudantes que responderam, além de uma lista que solicitava informações de alguns dos seus dados biodemográficos, a questões relacionadas à pena de morte e à redução da maioridade penal. De um modo geral, os participantes opinaram favoravelmente pela pena de morte e pela redução da maioridade penal, e, em defesa de suas opiniões, utilizaram, sobretudo, argumentos típicos dos estágios hierarquicamente inferiores da tipologia kohlberguiana, havendo, contudo, algumas diferenças entre as respostas em função do grau de escolaridade. Esses resultados foram discutidos com base na teoria kohlberguiana e em estudos empíricos que tratam dos temas pena de morte e redução da maioridade penal.The aim of this study was to investigate the moral judgments of students of high school and degrees on the death penalty and the reduction of criminal majority. Thus, it was used to support the theoretical and empirical typology of moral development of Lawrence Kohlberg. The study included 200 students who responded, beyond a list that requested information from some of their bio-demographic data, questions related to death penalty and reduction of criminal majority. In general, participants opined in favor of the death penalty and the reduction of criminal majority, and in defense of their views, used mainly typical arguments hierarchically lower stages of the Kohlberg's typology there, however, some differences between the responses according to level of schooling. These results were discussed taking into consideration the Kohlberg's theory and empirical studies dealing with the issues of death penalty and reduction of criminal

  4. Maritime environmental penal law. International and German legislation; Maritimes Umweltstrafrecht. Voelkerrechtliche Grundlagen und deutsches Recht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eller, Jan Frederik


    The book on maritime environmental penal law discusses the following issues: part I: introduction into the importance of oceanic environment and its thread, requirement of protective measures,; part II: focus of the study and terminology: oceanic pollution, maritime environmental legislation, international legislation; part 3: international legislative regulations concerning the protection of maritime environment: avoidance of environmental pollution, maritime legislative agreements, existing protective institutions; part 4: state penal power concerning maritime environmental protection; part 5: statutory offense according to German legislation; perspectives for regulations concerning criminal acts on sea.

  5. LA PRUEBA DOCUMENTADA EN EL NUEVO SISTEMA DE JUSTICIA PENAL MEXICANO Documented proof in the new Mexican criminal justice system

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    Benavente Chorres Hesbert


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza los supuestos de prueba documentada regulados en aquellos códigos de las entidades federativas mexicanas que han adecuado el proceso penal al sistema acusatorio con tendencia adversarial. En ese sentido, se entiende por prueba documentada aquellas diligencias, principalmente declaraciones, realizadas durante la etapa de investigación que la ley otorga valor probatorio al no poder asistir el órgano de prueba a la audiencia del juicio oral por razones ajenas a su voluntad.This study analyzes the cases of the documented proof in those codes regulated the Mexican states that have appropriate criminal proceedings prone to adversarial system. In that sense, it is understood by those measures documented evidence, primarily statements made during the investigation stage that the law gives the probative value could not attend the court hearing to test the trial for reasons beyond their control.

  6. Environmental penal law - sword of Damocles above public officials?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuehren, K.H.


    An office-holder is subject to punishableness according to art. 324 seq. Penal Code under the same conditions as a citizen. If the office-holder does not intervene in case of environmental delicts, the omission of a required measure is concerned. The constitutional supplement of art. 20 Fundamental Law will have for consequence a further aggravation of the punishableness of office-holders. (CW) [de

  7. Effects of Ce concentrations on ignition temperature and surface tension of Mg-9wt.%Al alloy


    Deng Zhenghua; Li Huaji; Zhao Wanjun


    Magnesium alloys are well known for their excellent properties, but the potential issues with oxidation and burning during melting and casting largely limit its industrial applications. The addition of Ce in magnesium alloys can significantly raise ignition-proof performance and change the structure of the oxide film on the surface of the molten metal as well as the surface tension values. Surface tension is an important physical parameter of the metal melts, and it plays an important role in...

  8. Derecho penal y castigo. Una excusa para la protección de los derechos humanos en la sociedad del riesgo

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    Yennesit Palacios-Valencia


    Full Text Available Este escrito visibiliza la actual tendencia del derecho penal, donde los derechos humanos son utilizados como excusa para legitimar medidas extremas de seguridad ante la moda del “peligro”, soportando así, la base jurídica del modelo de derecho penal de la seguridad ciudadana. Esta tendencia permite activar la justicia penal en diferentes ámbitos cuando se trata de perseguir a los “enemigos”, lo que, en ocasiones, trae como consecuencia directa violentar los derechos humanos, con la creación constante de normativa que paradójicamente también vulnera los mismos por la lógica del castigo. Estos argumentos permitirán concluir, que se acude a un debilita- miento de las garantías penales en detrimento de los derechos humanos, los cuales son utilizados, bien, como herramientas para impulsar procesos emancipadores, o, como instrumentos para manipular el poder y justificar actos de barbarie por la exageración del poder punitivo.

  9. Os indesejáveis no Direito Penal moderno

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    Patrícia Graziela Gonçalves


    Full Text Available

    Este trabalho propõe a fazer uma breve aborfagem da obra "O inimigo no Direito Penal", de Eugênio Raul Zafforni, um dos maiores penalistas da América Latina. Neste obra, o autor ressalta que o poder punitivo sempre classificou e reconheceu um hostis, um estranho ou indesejável, sobre o qual se aplicou um tratamento discriminatório, neutralizante e eliminatório, negando-lhe a sua condição de pessoa e considerando-o em função da sua condição de coisa ou ente perigoso. E mais, tanto as leis quanto a doutrina legitimam esse tratamento, baseadas em saberes pretensamente empíricos sobre a conduta humana. Tal doutrina-penal contradiz os princípios constitucionais do Estado de Direito e mais se aproxima do modelo de Estado absoluto.

  10. Tension Tests On Bored Piles In Sand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krabbenhøft, Sven; Clausen, Johan; Damkilde, Lars


    The lengths of the bored piles varied from 2 m to 6 m and all were of a diameter of 140 mm. The piles were tested to failure in tension and the load-displacement relations were recorded. The investigation has shown pronounced differences between the load bearing capacities obtained by different...... design methods. The methods proposed by Fleming et al. and Reese & O’Neill seem to produce the best match with the test results....

  11. Necessary Tension in Marine Risers Tension des colonnes montantes en mer

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    Lubinski A.


    Full Text Available The tension governing transverse static and dynamic deflections in a riser is not the actual tension but the so-called « effective tension » The concept of effective tension and effective compression is thoroughly explained, and means for calculating effective forces are given. Numerical examples are worked out for risers whose length is between 152 m (520 ft and 920 m (3020 ft. The reciprocal of maximum bending moment of the vicinity of the hall joint is plotted versus the effective tension of the ball joint. Bending moments used were obtained through use of static and dynamic computer programs applied ta a variety of conditions of wave loading, use or non-use of buoyant moterial sleeves, etc. The most important parameters affecting riser performance are the effective La tension régissant les déflections transversales statiques et dynamiques d'une colonne montante n'est pas la tension réelle mais ce qu'on appelle « la tension effective ». Le concept de tension ou de compression effective est expliqué en détail et la façon de calculer les forces effectives est indiquée dans cet article. Des exemples numériques sont développés pour des colonnes montantes de longueur comprise entre 152 m (520 ft et 920 m (3 020 ft. On a tracé la courbe de l'inverse du moment fléchissant en fonction de la tension effective à l'articulation. Les moments fléchissants utilisés ont été calculés par ordinateur en utilisant des programmes dynamiques et statiques pour des conditions variées d'action des vagues, la colonne montante étant ou non munie de manchettes de flottabilité, etc. Les deux paramètres les plus importants qui affectent le bon comportement d'une colonne montante sont la tension effective et la charge latérale.

  12. Performance of Firth-and logF-type penalized methods in risk prediction for small or sparse binary data. (United States)

    Rahman, M Shafiqur; Sultana, Mahbuba


    When developing risk models for binary data with small or sparse data sets, the standard maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) based logistic regression faces several problems including biased or infinite estimate of the regression coefficient and frequent convergence failure of the likelihood due to separation. The problem of separation occurs commonly even if sample size is large but there is sufficient number of strong predictors. In the presence of separation, even if one develops the model, it produces overfitted model with poor predictive performance. Firth-and logF-type penalized regression methods are popular alternative to MLE, particularly for solving separation-problem. Despite the attractive advantages, their use in risk prediction is very limited. This paper evaluated these methods in risk prediction in comparison with MLE and other commonly used penalized methods such as ridge. The predictive performance of the methods was evaluated through assessing calibration, discrimination and overall predictive performance using an extensive simulation study. Further an illustration of the methods were provided using a real data example with low prevalence of outcome. The MLE showed poor performance in risk prediction in small or sparse data sets. All penalized methods offered some improvements in calibration, discrimination and overall predictive performance. Although the Firth-and logF-type methods showed almost equal amount of improvement, Firth-type penalization produces some bias in the average predicted probability, and the amount of bias is even larger than that produced by MLE. Of the logF(1,1) and logF(2,2) penalization, logF(2,2) provides slight bias in the estimate of regression coefficient of binary predictor and logF(1,1) performed better in all aspects. Similarly, ridge performed well in discrimination and overall predictive performance but it often produces underfitted model and has high rate of convergence failure (even the rate is higher than that

  13. El cumplimiento de los parámetros del debido proceso en el procedimiento directo del Código Orgánico Integral Penal


    Grunauer Reinoso, Estefanía Cristina


    Con la evolución del derecho penal, han surgido dos grandes tendencias extremadamente opuestas entre sí y que se han arraigado en el pensamiento penal mundial, y que de acuerdo a la política criminal de cada Estado, para el ejercicio de su poder punitivo, han sido implementadas con el fin de alcanzar los objetivos en materia de delincuencia y seguridad. Estas grandes tendencias son: Eficientismo y Garantismo. El garantismo penal busca controlar el poder punitivo del estado frente a los ciudad...

  14. O excesso como medida: os projetos de enrijecimento penal após os “ataques do PCC” e a cultura punitiva contemporânea

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    Ricardo Sontag


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, pretende-se abordar alguns traços da cultura punitiva contemporânea vinculados à demanda por penas mais rígidas que atravessam os meios de comunicação e, especialmente, o Parlamento. Para tanto, trata das suas próprias condições de enunciação como discurso acadêmico, passando pela especificidade histórica da articulação entre o ideal legado pelo iluminismo de eficiência do sistema penal e a proliferação de “leis-manifesto” (Baratta até chegar ao exemplo brasileiro de projetos de lei que pretendem aumentar a pena para homicídios contra policiais e autoridades; a maioria vinculada aos ataques do PCC em 2006, a partir dos quais, percebe-se, também, além da característica básica das leis-manifesto (a falta de instrumentalidade, a contaminação de traços da elaboração legislativa associada aos crimes políticos, tal como a contingencialização. Palavras-chave: História do direito penal. Ataques PCC. Leis penais. Delito político.

  15. L1-Penalized N-way PLS for subset of electrodes selection in BCI experiments (United States)

    Eliseyev, Andrey; Moro, Cecile; Faber, Jean; Wyss, Alexander; Torres, Napoleon; Mestais, Corinne; Benabid, Alim Louis; Aksenova, Tetiana


    Recently, the N-way partial least squares (NPLS) approach was reported as an effective tool for neuronal signal decoding and brain-computer interface (BCI) system calibration. This method simultaneously analyzes data in several domains. It combines the projection of a data tensor to a low dimensional space with linear regression. In this paper the L1-Penalized NPLS is proposed for sparse BCI system calibration, allowing uniting the projection technique with an effective selection of subset of features. The L1-Penalized NPLS was applied for the binary self-paced BCI system calibration, providing selection of electrodes subset. Our BCI system is designed for animal research, in particular for research in non-human primates.

  16. La implantación del Sistema Penal Acusatorio en Colombia: Un estudio multidisciplinario

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    Alfonso Reyes A


    Full Text Available El Acto Legislativo No. 03 del 19 de diciembre de 2002 modificó la Constitución de 1991 y estableció el Sistema Penal Acusatorio en Colombia. Este es, tal vez, el cambio más complejo sufrido en la administración de justicia durante la última década. La implantación del nuevo sistema implicaba modificaciones de fondo en la rama judicial, la defensoría penal pública, la fiscalía general de la nación y los órganos de policía judicial. Para diseñar el detalle del proceso de cambio, la Comisión Interinstitucional para la Implantación del Sistema Penal Acusatorio abrió un concurso público que fue adjudicado a la Universidad de los Andes en unión temporal con el Instituto Ser de Investigación. Este artículo presenta un escueto recuento de la forma en que se desarrolló este trabajo multidisciplinario dirigido desde el Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial. / On December 19th 2002 the accusatory system was formally introduced in the Colombian Constitution. This is, perhaps, the most complex change that our judicial system has undergone in the last decade. The implementation of the new criminal system implied a profound change in several institutions: a the criminal courts, b the general prosecution office; c the national defense office; and d all other state agencies that support criminal investigations. In order to design this transition the Comisión Interinstitucional para la Implantación del Sistema Penal Acusatorio (a governmental Commission responsible for the implementation of the accusatory system open up a bidding. Uniandes in a temporal Union with the Instituto SER de Investigación, won this call for tenders. This paper briefly describes the way this multidisciplinary effort was done under the direction of the industrial engineering department.

  17. Modeling the surface tension of complex, reactive organic-inorganic mixtures (United States)

    Schwier, A. N.; Viglione, G. A.; Li, Z.; McNeill, V. Faye


    Atmospheric aerosols can contain thousands of organic compounds which impact aerosol surface tension, affecting aerosol properties such as heterogeneous reactivity, ice nucleation, and cloud droplet formation. We present new experimental data for the surface tension of complex, reactive organic-inorganic aqueous mixtures mimicking tropospheric aerosols. Each solution contained 2-6 organic compounds, including methylglyoxal, glyoxal, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, oxalic acid, succinic acid, leucine, alanine, glycine, and serine, with and without ammonium sulfate. We test two semi-empirical surface tension models and find that most reactive, complex, aqueous organic mixtures which do not contain salt are well described by a weighted Szyszkowski-Langmuir (S-L) model which was first presented by Henning et al. (2005). Two approaches for modeling the effects of salt were tested: (1) the Tuckermann approach (an extension of the Henning model with an additional explicit salt term), and (2) a new implicit method proposed here which employs experimental surface tension data obtained for each organic species in the presence of salt used with the Henning model. We recommend the use of method (2) for surface tension modeling of aerosol systems because the Henning model (using data obtained from organic-inorganic systems) and Tuckermann approach provide similar modeling results and goodness-of-fit (χ2) values, yet the Henning model is a simpler and more physical approach to modeling the effects of salt, requiring less empirically determined parameters.

  18. The «Enemy’s Criminal Law»: From current theory to the repressive practice of the Francoist «New State» | El «derecho penal del enemigo»: de la teoría actual a la práctica represiva del «Nuevo Estado» franquista

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    Ignacio Tébar Rubio-Manzanares


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to discard the moral content criticism that has been made to the so-called «The Enemy’s Criminal Law » given its alleged bonds with the interwar’s «Sovereign Decisionism». Rather than entering the debate amongst jurists about whether it is legitimate Law, the suitability of using the jakobsian category will be put forward to characterize totalitarian Criminal Law, in this particular case, early Francoism Criminal law. To start with, some of Franco’s dictatorship punitive techniques will be revised beginning with the elements that nowadays define ‘the Enemy’s Criminal Law in order to defend the usefulness of the concept as a comparable category, not only with today's, but with other historical -isms. | El objetivo de este artículo es descartar las críticas de contenido moral que se le han hecho al llamado «Derecho penal del enemigo» por los supuestos lazos con el «decisionismo soberano» de entreguerras. Sin entrar en el debate entre juristas acerca de si es «Derecho» legítimo o no lo es, se va a defender la idoneidad del uso de la categoría jakobsiana para caracterizar el Derecho penal totalitario, en este caso el Derecho penal del primer franquismo. A modo de aproximación, se van a enumerar algunas de las técnicas punitivas de la dictadura desde los elementos que definen hoy al Derecho penal del enemigo, con el objetivo de defender la utilidad del concepto como categoría comparable, no solamente con el presente, sino entre los distintos -ismos históricos.

  19. Some remarks on the solid surface tension determination from contact angle measurements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zdziennicka, Anna; Szymczyk, Katarzyna; Krawczyk, Joanna; Jańczuk, Bronisław, E-mail:


    Graphical abstract: Surface tension of PE, nylon 6 and quartz from different approaches to the interface tension. - Highlights: • New values of water and formamide surface tension components were established. • Quartz surface tension depends on its crystal face. • Usefulness of different approaches for solid surface tension determination was tested. - Abstract: The measurements of water, formamide and diiodomethane contact angle (θ) on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyethylene (PE), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), nylon 6, quartz and silica were performed. Based on the θ values of these liquids obtained on PTFE, the Lifshitz-van der Waals and acid-base and/or dispersion and polar components of their surface tension (ST) were determined. In turn, the θ values for water, formamide and diiodomethane on PMMA were applied to calculate the electron-acceptor and electron-donor parameters of the Lewis acid-base component of the formamide ST. For this calculation the same values of the electron-acceptor and electron-donor parameters for water ST were used. Taking into account the values of components and parameters of water, formamide and diiodomethane ST obtained by us, van Oss et al. and from the water(formamide)-n-alkane and water-diiodomethane interface tension, the components and parameters of studied solids ST were calculated. To this end different approaches to the interface tension were considered. The obtained values were compared with those in the literature. It was concluded that for determination of solid ST components and parameters, those of water, formamide and diiodomethane ST obtained from the θ measurements on the model solids should be used.

  20. Sistema de responsabilidad penal para adolescentes en la reincidencia de actos delictivos de los adolescentes en conflicto con la ley. caso: centro forjar ciudad bolívar


    Vargas Arteaga, Adriana Marcela


    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el papel del Centro Forjar Ciudad Bolívar en la reincidencia de actos delictivos de los adolescentes infractores, basado en la teoría de la justicia restaurativa que se busca generar desde el Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes en Colombia. De esta manera, se pretende demostrar que, al ser una política pública para generar una justicia restaurativa, su implementación ha sido fundamental dentro de la localidad, pa...

  1. Juridical-penal aspects of the cesium-137 accident; Implicacoes juridico-penais do acidente com o cesio-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soares, Carolina Chaves [Goias Univ., Goiania, GO (Brazil)


    The study of the juridical-penal aspects of the Cesium-137 accident, has, as a base, the police inquiry and the penal lawsuit concerning to the episode. Due to the lack of a law which typified activities related with radioisotope material as crime, the responsible were sentenced according to the penalties of body injury crime and homicide. Among the 10 investigated people, only 5 were condemned by the Judiciary and only 4 serve the sentence. (author) 5 refs.; e-mail: mariliag at

  2. Incoherencias sistemáticas en el examen del acusado en el proceso penal peruano y la necesidad de su compatibilidad con el sistema acusatorio

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    Iván Guerrero López


    Full Text Available En un escenario como el peruano en el que, aún se encuentra sumamente arraigada la ideología inquisitiva en el inconsciente colectivo, consideramos que resulta un eje esencial para el análisis, a propósito de la necesidad de consolidar el principio acusatorio como una institución propia del Estado constitucional de Derecho, la forma en que debe concebirse y producirse la declaración del acusado en el nuevo proceso penal, sobre todo, teniendo en cuenta que, la referida ideología inquisitiva, es una herencia cultural de siglos de malas prácticas, que no será posible cambiar de la noche a la mañana, mucho menos, con la simple promulgación y vigencia del nuevo Código. ¿Cómo hacer entonces para que los abogados, jueces y fiscales, ingresen al “duelo de prácticas”, premunidos de ideas claras que eviten el fracaso de la reforma?; ¿Son adecuadas y compatibles con el Principio acusatorio, las normas contempladas en el nuevo Código Procesal Penal sobre el examen del acusado?; ¿Cuáles deben ser los nuevos parámetros en la lógica del examen del acusado para que los fiscales y abogados realicen objeciones y los jueces resuelvan con predictibilidad al respecto?; ¿Qué problemas y tendencias se están presentando en los distritos judiciales en los que ya está vigente el nuevo Código Procesal Penal?; ¿Será necesario y conveniente proponer algún cambio legislativo?. Como se puede advertir, la problemática planteada tiene que ver con el análisis de la instalación de la oralidad especialmente en el juzgamiento, por lo que el presente trabajo, de acuerdo a las sugerencias del Profesor Mauricio Duce, es básicamente de diagnóstico y descripción del problema con la identificación especifica de aspectos positivos y negativos, de nuestra realidad objetiva; sin embargo, a manera de recomendaciones con cargo a efectuar un trabajo más profundo, intentaremos esbozar algunas propuestas de solución que facilite el cambio cultural

  3. Variational and penalization methods for studying connecting orbits of Hamiltonian systems

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    Chao-Nien Chen


    Full Text Available In this article, we consider a class of second order Hamiltonian systems that possess infinite or finite number of equilibria. Variational arguments will be used to study the existence of connecting orbits joining pairs of equilibria. Applying penalization methods, we obtain various patterns for multibump homoclinics and heteroclinics of Hamiltonian systems.

  4. A second order penalized direct forcing for hybrid Cartesian/immersed boundary flow simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Introini, C.; Belliard, M.; Fournier, C.


    In this paper, we propose a second order penalized direct forcing method to deal with fluid-structure interaction problems involving complex static or time-varying geometries. As this work constitutes a first step toward more complicated problems, our developments are restricted to Dirichlet boundary condition in purely hydraulic context. The proposed method belongs to the class of immersed boundary techniques and consists in immersing the physical domain in a Cartesian fictitious one of simpler geometry on fixed grids. A penalized forcing term is added to the momentum equation to take the boundary conditions around/inside the obstacles into account. This approach avoids the tedious task of re-meshing and allows us to use fast and accurate numerical schemes. In contrary, as the immersed boundary is described by a set of Lagrangian points that does not generally coincide with those of the Eulerian grid, numerical procedures are required to reconstruct the velocity field near the immersed boundary. Here, we develop a second order linear interpolation scheme and we compare it to a simpler model of order one. As far as the governing equations are concerned, we use a particular fractional-step method in which the penalized forcing term is distributed both in prediction and correction equations. The accuracy of the proposed method is assessed through 2-D numerical experiments involving static and rotating solids. We show in particular that the numerical rate of convergence of our method is quasi-quadratic. (authors)

  5. Primera sentencia penal sobre piratería de software analizada a la luz de la informática jurídica

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    Héctor Miguel Delpiano Ascencio


    Full Text Available Comentario a la Sentencia del Juzgado Letrado de 1a. Instancia en lo Penal de 6§ Turno, del 23 de marzo de 1993(Con posterioridad a haberse escrito este artículo, el 20 de noviembre de 1997 el Juzgado Letrado de Primera Instancia en lo Penal de 150 Turno (redistribuido del similar de 60 Turno, a cargo del Dr. Gerardo Peduzzi, dictó, en los mismos autos, Sentencia de 1" instancia condenatoria por un "delito continuado de reproducción ilícita de una obra literaria", la que, en momentos de incorporarse esta nota (abril de 1998, está sienpo objeto de recurso de apelación por el condenado. La Sentencia de 1" instancia será analizada oportunamente una vez resuelto el recurso y en conjunto con la de 2a instancia, si introdujeran elementos innovadores respecto a los contenidos en el presente trabajo.Contenido: Generalidades. Alcance del término "software". Concepto de licencia. Circunstancias de hecho determinantes de la sentencia. Delito tipificado: "piratería de software". Circunstancias que llevaron a la tipificación. Modalidades de pirateríacometidas. Elementos de la comisión del delito. Otros conceptos manejados en lasentencia.  Software de Base. La factura no significa tener licencia. Normativa aplicada al caso. Normativa nacional. Normativa internacional. 

  6. Mechanical properties of laminated composites of Al 1100/Al 2024 in three aging states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pessoa, C.S.


    Laminated composites consisting of alternating layers of Al 2024 were produced by hot rolling, with a volume fraction of 49% of Al 2024. These composites used in nuclear reactor tecnology, were given under-aging, aging and over-aging heat treatments at 448k for 1h, 4h and 96h, respectively. Tests of microhardness, tension and fatigue in the divider orientation were performed. (Author) [pt

  7. Penalized likelihood and multi-objective spatial scans for the detection and inference of irregular clusters

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    Fonseca Carlos M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Irregularly shaped spatial clusters are difficult to delineate. A cluster found by an algorithm often spreads through large portions of the map, impacting its geographical meaning. Penalized likelihood methods for Kulldorff's spatial scan statistics have been used to control the excessive freedom of the shape of clusters. Penalty functions based on cluster geometry and non-connectivity have been proposed recently. Another approach involves the use of a multi-objective algorithm to maximize two objectives: the spatial scan statistics and the geometric penalty function. Results & Discussion We present a novel scan statistic algorithm employing a function based on the graph topology to penalize the presence of under-populated disconnection nodes in candidate clusters, the disconnection nodes cohesion function. A disconnection node is defined as a region within a cluster, such that its removal disconnects the cluster. By applying this function, the most geographically meaningful clusters are sifted through the immense set of possible irregularly shaped candidate cluster solutions. To evaluate the statistical significance of solutions for multi-objective scans, a statistical approach based on the concept of attainment function is used. In this paper we compared different penalized likelihoods employing the geometric and non-connectivity regularity functions and the novel disconnection nodes cohesion function. We also build multi-objective scans using those three functions and compare them with the previous penalized likelihood scans. An application is presented using comprehensive state-wide data for Chagas' disease in puerperal women in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Conclusions We show that, compared to the other single-objective algorithms, multi-objective scans present better performance, regarding power, sensitivity and positive predicted value. The multi-objective non-connectivity scan is faster and better suited for the

  8. The Sections Relating to Death Penalty in Pakistan Penal Code as Compared with Shari'a (Islamic Law (A Comparative Study (Urdu

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    Dr. Abzahir Khan


    Full Text Available Law plays a pivotal role in the establishment of any peaceful society.islam, being proactive, devised important rules about 1400 years back for the safety of Deen, life, wealth, wisdom and Generation. Qatal (murder is a crime of taking soul of a humanbeing, about which Islam has announced Qisas i.e to do with assissinater what he has done it to killed human being. In the same manner Pakistan penal Code has gathered rules about crimes steped out in Pakistan. So Pakistan penal code, under several sections has the same punishment. This artcle throws light on Pakistan penal code sections about death Senctance in perspective of Islamic imperium, order and explanation.

  9. The application of computational thermodynamics and a numerical model for the determination of surface tension and Gibbs-Thomson coefficient of aluminum based alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacome, Paulo A.D.; Landim, Mariana C.; Garcia, Amauri; Furtado, Alexandre F.; Ferreira, Ivaldo L.


    Highlights: → Surface tension and the Gibbs-Thomson coefficient are computed for Al-based alloys. → Butler's scheme and ThermoCalc are used to compute the thermophysical properties. → Predictive cell/dendrite growth models depend on accurate thermophysical properties. → Mechanical properties can be related to the microstructural cell/dendrite spacing. - Abstract: In this paper, a solution for Butler's formulation is presented permitting the surface tension and the Gibbs-Thomson coefficient of Al-based binary alloys to be determined. The importance of Gibbs-Thomson coefficient for binary alloys is related to the reliability of predictions furnished by predictive cellular and dendritic growth models and of numerical computations of solidification thermal variables, which will be strongly dependent on the thermophysical properties assumed for the calculations. A numerical model based on Powell hybrid algorithm and a finite difference Jacobian approximation was coupled to a specific interface of a computational thermodynamics software in order to assess the excess Gibbs energy of the liquid phase, permitting the surface tension and Gibbs-Thomson coefficient for Al-Fe, Al-Ni, Al-Cu and Al-Si hypoeutectic alloys to be calculated. The computed results are presented as a function of the alloy composition.

  10. Debido proceso, sistemas y reforma del proceso penal

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    Teresa Armenta Deu


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone examinar los modelos de procesos penales de los movimientos de reforma que se establecieron en las últimas décadas del siglo XX, en los países iberoamericanos. Para ello, primero se enfatiza las características históricas de cada sistema, poniendo de relieve la importancia de no confundir el acusatorio con el adversarial, rechazando la coincidencia entre los sistemas actuales y mixto inquisitivo histórico. Apoya la importancia de la igualdad de armas y e del contradictoria en la búsqueda de un equilibrio entre los modelos de procedimiento.

  11. Imprudencia inconsciente y derecho penal de la culpabilidad


    Guanais de Aguiar Filho, Oliveiros


    La discusión sobre la compatibilidad entre la imprudencia inconsciente y el principio de culpabilidad ha llamado la atención de la dogmática penal hace más de dos siglos. La primera parte de este trabajo presenta esta polémica histórica de forma crítica desde Feuerbach y sus contemporáneos hasta el finalismo. En la segunda parte del trabajo se tienen en cuenta las críticas a la imprudencia inconsciente y se analizan los fundamentos de esta modalidad de imputación bajo la perspectiva de la teo...

  12. Integrative Analysis of High-throughput Cancer Studies with Contrasted Penalization (United States)

    Shi, Xingjie; Liu, Jin; Huang, Jian; Zhou, Yong; Shia, BenChang; Ma, Shuangge


    In cancer studies with high-throughput genetic and genomic measurements, integrative analysis provides a way to effectively pool and analyze heterogeneous raw data from multiple independent studies and outperforms “classic” meta-analysis and single-dataset analysis. When marker selection is of interest, the genetic basis of multiple datasets can be described using the homogeneity model or the heterogeneity model. In this study, we consider marker selection under the heterogeneity model, which includes the homogeneity model as a special case and can be more flexible. Penalization methods have been developed in the literature for marker selection. This study advances from the published ones by introducing the contrast penalties, which can accommodate the within- and across-dataset structures of covariates/regression coefficients and, by doing so, further improve marker selection performance. Specifically, we develop a penalization method that accommodates the across-dataset structures by smoothing over regression coefficients. An effective iterative algorithm, which calls an inner coordinate descent iteration, is developed. Simulation shows that the proposed method outperforms the benchmark with more accurate marker identification. The analysis of breast cancer and lung cancer prognosis studies with gene expression measurements shows that the proposed method identifies genes different from those using the benchmark and has better prediction performance. PMID:24395534

  13. A Penalized Likelihood Framework For High-Dimensional Phylogenetic Comparative Methods And An Application To New-World Monkeys Brain Evolution. (United States)

    Julien, Clavel; Leandro, Aristide; Hélène, Morlon


    Working with high-dimensional phylogenetic comparative datasets is challenging because likelihood-based multivariate methods suffer from low statistical performances as the number of traits p approaches the number of species n and because some computational complications occur when p exceeds n. Alternative phylogenetic comparative methods have recently been proposed to deal with the large p small n scenario but their use and performances are limited. Here we develop a penalized likelihood framework to deal with high-dimensional comparative datasets. We propose various penalizations and methods for selecting the intensity of the penalties. We apply this general framework to the estimation of parameters (the evolutionary trait covariance matrix and parameters of the evolutionary model) and model comparison for the high-dimensional multivariate Brownian (BM), Early-burst (EB), Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) and Pagel's lambda models. We show using simulations that our penalized likelihood approach dramatically improves the estimation of evolutionary trait covariance matrices and model parameters when p approaches n, and allows for their accurate estimation when p equals or exceeds n. In addition, we show that penalized likelihood models can be efficiently compared using Generalized Information Criterion (GIC). We implement these methods, as well as the related estimation of ancestral states and the computation of phylogenetic PCA in the R package RPANDA and mvMORPH. Finally, we illustrate the utility of the new proposed framework by evaluating evolutionary models fit, analyzing integration patterns, and reconstructing evolutionary trajectories for a high-dimensional 3-D dataset of brain shape in the New World monkeys. We find a clear support for an Early-burst model suggesting an early diversification of brain morphology during the ecological radiation of the clade. Penalized likelihood offers an efficient way to deal with high-dimensional multivariate comparative data.


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    Jorge Arturo Abello Gual


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata el tema de los delitos aplicables a la actividad notarial y del estudio de las figuras especiales de la teoría del delito, que le serían aplicables a la función notarial. En este orden de ideas, queda planteada la discusión en torno a la responsabilidad penal del notario y de sus empleados, en el ejercicio de su función pública.

  15. Stress induced martensitic transformations in tension/torsion of CuAlNi single crystal tube

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šittner, Petr; Hashimoto, K.; Kato, M.; Tokuda, M.


    Roč. 48, - (2003), s. 1153-1159 ISSN 1359-6462 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1048107 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : shape memory alloys(SMAs) * martensitic phase transformation * single crystal tube * tension test * torsion Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.633, year: 2003

  16. Proceso de negociación del tratado sobre el comercio de armas: tensiones y dinámicas de poder


    del Castillo Briceño, Paula Johana


    El interés del presente estudio de caso es analizar la articulación de las dinámicas de poder y estrategias de negociación detrás de un proceso tan complejo como el de la creación del Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas.El estudio examina la evolución de las tensiones principales entre los Estados participantes frente al Tratado y resalta las lógicas de poder al interior de las negociaciónes, así como los factores externos que influyeron para solucionar o agravar dichas tensiones. Con el apoyo...


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    Daniela URSU


    Full Text Available Deoarece unele autorităţi (ca, de exemplu, poliţistul sunt, potrivit literei legii (art.123 alin.(1 şi alin.(2 CP RM, atât persoane publice, cât şi persoane cu funcţie de răspundere, în contextul relelor tratamente incriminate la art.1661 CP RM, unii subiecţi de aplicare în concret a legii penale recunosc poliţistului calitatea de persoană cu funcţie de răspundere, motiv din care reţin circumstanţa agravantă în dependenţă de faptă, prevăzută fie la lit.e alin.(2, fie la lit.e alin.(4 art.1661 CP RM, iar alţii îi reţin calitatea de persoană publică, încadrându-i faptele în acord cu variantele-tip ale infrac­ţiu­nilor de tortură, tratament inuman sau degradant. Pornind de la câteva hotărâri din practica judiciară naţională, pre­zentul studiu îşi propune să ofere răspuns la următoarea întrebare: Care este cea mai potrivită soluţie de calificare în ipo­teza comiterii infracţiunilor de tortură, tratament inuman sau degradant de către autorităţi care deţin dubla calitate: atât de persoană publică, cât şi de persoană cu funcţie de răspundere?THE DIFFERENTIATION DILEMMA OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY REGARDING THE ILL-TREATMENT COMMITTED BY A PERSON WITH PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITIESBecause some authorities, like the policeman, are according to the law (Article 123 para.(1 and para.(2 of the Penal Code of Moldova, both public persons and persons holding responsible positions, in the context of maltreatment incri­minated by the article 1661 of the Penal Code of Moldova, some subjects invested with the power to apply the criminal law treat the police officials as persons holding a responsible positions, the reason why the aggravating circumstance, depending on the offense, is either letter e para.(2, either – letter e para.(4 article 1661 of the Penal Code of Moldova. While others treat them as public persons, stating their crimes as torture, inhuman or degrading treatment. Starting from several

  18. The Role of the Environmental Health Specialist in the Penal and Correctional System (United States)

    Walker, Bailus, Jr.; Gordon, Theodore J.


    Implementing a health and hygiene program in penal systems necessitates coordinating the entire staff. Health specialists could participate in facility planning and management, policy formation, and evaluation of medical care, housekeeping, and food services. They could also serve as liaisons between correctional staff and governmental or…

  19. The application of computational thermodynamics and a numerical model for the determination of surface tension and Gibbs-Thomson coefficient of aluminum based alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jacome, Paulo A.D.; Landim, Mariana C. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluminense Federal University, Av. dos Trabalhadores, 420-27255-125 Volta Redonda, RJ (Brazil); Garcia, Amauri, E-mail: [Department of Materials Engineering, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, PO Box 6122, 13083-970 Campinas, SP (Brazil); Furtado, Alexandre F.; Ferreira, Ivaldo L. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluminense Federal University, Av. dos Trabalhadores, 420-27255-125 Volta Redonda, RJ (Brazil)


    Highlights: {yields} Surface tension and the Gibbs-Thomson coefficient are computed for Al-based alloys. {yields} Butler's scheme and ThermoCalc are used to compute the thermophysical properties. {yields} Predictive cell/dendrite growth models depend on accurate thermophysical properties. {yields} Mechanical properties can be related to the microstructural cell/dendrite spacing. - Abstract: In this paper, a solution for Butler's formulation is presented permitting the surface tension and the Gibbs-Thomson coefficient of Al-based binary alloys to be determined. The importance of Gibbs-Thomson coefficient for binary alloys is related to the reliability of predictions furnished by predictive cellular and dendritic growth models and of numerical computations of solidification thermal variables, which will be strongly dependent on the thermophysical properties assumed for the calculations. A numerical model based on Powell hybrid algorithm and a finite difference Jacobian approximation was coupled to a specific interface of a computational thermodynamics software in order to assess the excess Gibbs energy of the liquid phase, permitting the surface tension and Gibbs-Thomson coefficient for Al-Fe, Al-Ni, Al-Cu and Al-Si hypoeutectic alloys to be calculated. The computed results are presented as a function of the alloy composition.

  20. Penalized Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation of Time-Varying Parameters in Ordinary Differential Equations

    KAUST Repository

    Cao, Jiguo; Huang, Jianhua Z.; Wu, Hulin


    Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are widely used in biomedical research and other scientific areas to model complex dynamic systems. It is an important statistical problem to estimate parameters in ODEs from noisy observations. In this article we propose a method for estimating the time-varying coefficients in an ODE. Our method is a variation of the nonlinear least squares where penalized splines are used to model the functional parameters and the ODE solutions are approximated also using splines. We resort to the implicit function theorem to deal with the nonlinear least squares objective function that is only defined implicitly. The proposed penalized nonlinear least squares method is applied to estimate a HIV dynamic model from a real dataset. Monte Carlo simulations show that the new method can provide much more accurate estimates of functional parameters than the existing two-step local polynomial method which relies on estimation of the derivatives of the state function. Supplemental materials for the article are available online.

  1. Una vez más: sobre el tratamiento jurídico-penal del hecho de conciencia

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    Claus Roxin


    Full Text Available El presente escrito hace referencia a la discusión sobre las consecuencias del derecho fundamental a la libertad de conciencia en el derecho penal. En especial se analizan las diferentes posturas que existen en la doctrina sobre el tratamiento jurídico-penal de los hechos de conciencia: las posibilidades de justificación, de exculpación y de atenuación. Asimismo se presentan nuevos argumentos a favor de una posible exculpación por ausencia de necesidad preventiva de punición (Entschuldigung beim Fehlen einer präventiven Bestrafungsnotwendigkeit y se contrasta esta postura con las sustentadas por Jorge Figueiredo Dias y Wolfgang Frisch.

  2. Reactor vessel stud tensioner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malandra, L.J.; Beer, R.W.; Salton, R.B.; Spiegelman, S.R.; Cognevich, M.L.


    A quick-acting stud tensioner, for facilitating the loosening or tightening of a stud nut on a reactor vessel stud, has gripper jaws which when the tensioner is lowered into engagement with the upper end of the stud are moved inwards to grip the upper end and which when the tensioner is lifted move outward to release the upper end. (author)


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    Full Text Available The legality principle represents a frame principle since its interaction with the other principles exceeds the simple connection with those. The legality represents the frame within and with the compliance with which all the other fundamental principles of the penal trial are realized. No other principle can be placed outside thelegality, in same way in which any principle, no matter how important it may be, does not occur in any other way than according to the forms stipulated by law.Taking into consideration that the enforcement of the law is mandatory in criminal law procedures, as well as the obvious significance of the penal trial’s principle oflegality, it was absolutely necessary for the compliance with this principle to be doubled by numerous guarantees which, in the situations in which this fundamental rule has been violated, would become genuine sanctions referring not only to the procedural acts achieved with the law’s violation, but also to the people who have not complied with the law as far as the procedural penal activities’ unfolding is concerned.

  4. Da necessidade de um tipo penal intermediário no crime de estupro em face da desproporcionalidade da pena


    Tanferri, Andressa Silveira; Universidade Norte do Paraná; Cachapuz, Rozane da Rosa; Universidade Estadual de Londrina


    The article critically talks about the disproportionality of the minimum penalty on the crime of rape, which is in the art. 213 of the Brazilian Penal Code, when this applied to conduct that cause less damage to the well of the victim. The theme includes the need of creating a criminal type that fill the legal gap and be feasible to penalize the less serious conduct, without this violates the fundamental principles inherent to both, the author and the victim of the crime. This study exposes, ...

  5. The Rise and Fall of Supermax: How the US Prison Model and Ultra Punitive Penal Policy Travelled to Colombia


    de Dardel, Julie; Söderström, Ola


    In the context of the US anti-narcotic program, ‘Plan Colombia’, during the first decade of the 21st century, special agents of the US Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) took position in the heart of the Colombian penitentiary administration. Their task was to lead a profound reform of the sector, based on the US ultra-punitive penal regime and its ‘supermax’ housing units. Based on extensive fieldwork with prison architects, inmates and other actors in the penal systems of the US and Colombia, ...

  6. De víctimas a victimarios: sobre la racionalidad mediática-penal

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    Manchado, Mauricio Carlos


    Full Text Available [es] En el presente trabajo nos proponemos, como objetivo general, indagar sobre las construcciones mediáticas en torno a la figura del “individuo peligroso” en el discurso de la prensa gráfica local, tomando como caso de análisis el Diario La Capital de Rosario. Para ello, procuraremos describir un procedimiento discursivo singular en el relato mediático a raíz de los resultados de nuestro trabajo de campo: la víctima de un delito, en caso de tener antecedentes penales, será configurado como victimario. Operación discursiva que cristaliza una de las tantas manifestaciones de una racionalidad mediática-penal neoliberal donde por una parte, se condena justificando la muerte de la víctima por pertenecer a un sector social que no merece vivir y por otro, construye la figura de una víctima que pronto será victimario de si-mismo. [en] In this paper we propose, as a general objective, inquiring about media constructions around the figure of the “dangerous individual” in the discoruse of local press media, taking the case of the newspaper La Capital of Rosario. For that, we will describe a singular process: if a victim of crime have criminal records, will be configured as a victimizer. Discursive operation that cristalice one of the many manifestations of a neo-liberal-penal-media rationality where on the one hand, condemn justifying the death of the victim for belong to a social sector that does not deserve to live and on the other, builds the victim figure that will be soon a victimizer of himself.

  7. Building and toning: An analysis of the institutionalization of mediation in penal matters in Hungary

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    Fellegi Borbála


    Full Text Available Since 1 January 2007, victims of crimes and offenders have been offered the chance to have recourse to mediation in Hungary. This paper will first give a short overview of the current situation of mediation in penal matters in Hungary, then it will discuss some general phenomena and dilemmas concerning the general introduction of mediation. After that, I will present a SWOT analysis1 of the current Hungarian mediation system in penal matters. The main goal of this article is to set up certain criteria for the further development of the restorative approach. The lessons we have learnt, the strengths and opportunities of the system and the identification of weaknesses might prove useful for other countries when they choose to introduce mediation, and in relation to the protection of victims in particular.

  8. Mortality of persons deprived of liberty in the penal system

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    Jovanić Goran


    Full Text Available The main aim of this research is to determine the scope, dynamics, and structure of deaths of persons deprived of their liberty who resided in the penal system due to custody, security measures, serving a prison sentence or an alternative sanction, with regard to their demographic, criminological, penal, and psychological characteristics. Article 111, paragraph b of the United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty (1990 determines that deprivation of liberty refers to any kind of detention, imprisonment, i.e. placement in a public or private institution which the imprisoned person cannot leave, by order of judicial, administrative or other public authority. The data used included information on persons deprived of their liberty who died in the territory of the Republic of Serbia in the period from 2008 to 2012. The data was obtained from The Directorate for Execution of Criminal Sanctions of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia. In the past, researches mainly focused on violence in prisons, death penalty, prison riots, auto-aggressive behavior, i.e. certain forms of mortality such as a suicide. This paper aims to point out the characteristics of deaths which occur while persons deprived of their liberty are under the authority of judicial institutions, both before and after passing a criminal sanction.

  9. Short-Time Structural Stability of Compressible Vortex Sheets with Surface Tension (United States)

    Stevens, Ben


    Assume we start with an initial vortex-sheet configuration which consists of two inviscid fluids with density bounded below flowing smoothly past each other, where a strictly positive fixed coefficient of surface tension produces a surface tension force across the common interface, balanced by the pressure jump. We model the fluids by the compressible Euler equations in three space dimensions with a very general equation of state relating the pressure, entropy and density such that the sound speed is positive. We prove that, for a short time, there exists a unique solution of the equations with the same structure. The mathematical approach consists of introducing a carefully chosen artificial viscosity-type regularisation which allows one to linearise the system so as to obtain a collection of transport equations for the entropy, pressure and curl together with a parabolic-type equation for the velocity which becomes fairly standard after rotating the velocity according to the interface normal. We prove a high order energy estimate for the non-linear equations that is independent of the artificial viscosity parameter which allows us to send it to zero. This approach loosely follows that introduced by Shkoller et al. in the setting of a compressible liquid-vacuum interface. Although already considered by Coutand et al. [10] and Lindblad [17], we also make some brief comments on the case of a compressible liquid-vacuum interface, which is obtained from the vortex sheets problem by replacing one of the fluids by vacuum, where it is possible to obtain a structural stability result even without surface tension.

  10. The rise and fall of supermax: how the US prison model and ultra-punitive penal policy travelled to Colombia


    Julie de Dardel et Ola Söderström


    In the context of the US anti narcotic program ‘Plan Colombia’ during the first decade of the 21st century special agents of the US Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) took position in the heart of the Colombian penitentiary administration. Their task was to lead a profound reform of the sector based on the US ultra punitive penal regime and its ‘supermax’ housing units. Based on extensive fieldwork with prison architects inmates and other actors in the penal systems of the US and Colombia this p...


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    Hernán Fuentes Cubillos


    Full Text Available Frente a la constante tensión entre arbitrio judicial y tasación legal en el proceso de individualización de la pena, y a la ausencia de una sólida teoría que la oriente, nace la necesidad de depurar los criterios que sean idóneos para recoger aquellas circunstancias objetivas y subjetivas que rodearon al hecho, desde un enfoque eminentemente retrospectivo. Aquí el principio de proporcionalidad tiene un fértil terreno para desplegarse, y su incipiente autonomía le otorga la virtualidad de dar concreción a las finalidades retributivas de la norma penal, y de esa forma constituirse en unas de las más relevantes directrices de racionalización en el ejercicio del iuspuniendi.Faced with the constant tension between judicial judgement and Legal valuation in the process of individualization of punishment and the absence of a strong theory guiding it, the need to purge criteria that are suitable for collecting both objective and subjective circumstances surrounding the facts is born, from a predominantly retrospective approach. Here the principle of proportionality is on fertile ground to spread, and its emergent autonomy grants it virtuality to specify the criminal standard, and thus become one of the most important guidelines for rationalization in the exercise of ius puniendi.

  12. Features of financial and economic support of penal system in Ukraine

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    Kravchuk G.V.


    Full Text Available Current economic and social problems in the country are displayed on all areas of functioning of the state. In particular, the absence of stable development of industrial sector and high level of shadowing cause a negative impact on revenues to state and local budgets. The penal system of Ukraine, according to the current legislation, is financed by the general and special funds of the State Budget of Ukraine; but taking into account the general trends of the limited cost of maintenance of this type of objects arises the question about optimization of the level of funding of the whole system. The formation of the required financing system institutions of the penal system is an urgent task today because the level of the financial costs of prisoners in the country is relatively very low and does not meet international standards. The world experience of financial support of institutions of punishment shows the feasibility of shifting costs to the state on the special funds that are generated due to the implementation of productive activities through the employment of prisoners themselves who produce competitive products with its further sale. That question of optimal sources of financing of the penitentiary system is solved in this article.

  13. Survival associated pathway identification with group Lp penalized global AUC maximization

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    Liu Zhenqiu


    Full Text Available Abstract It has been demonstrated that genes in a cell do not act independently. They interact with one another to complete certain biological processes or to implement certain molecular functions. How to incorporate biological pathways or functional groups into the model and identify survival associated gene pathways is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel iterative gradient based method for survival analysis with group Lp penalized global AUC summary maximization. Unlike LASSO, Lp (p 1. We first extend Lp for individual gene identification to group Lp penalty for pathway selection, and then develop a novel iterative gradient algorithm for penalized global AUC summary maximization (IGGAUCS. This method incorporates the genetic pathways into global AUC summary maximization and identifies survival associated pathways instead of individual genes. The tuning parameters are determined using 10-fold cross validation with training data only. The prediction performance is evaluated using test data. We apply the proposed method to survival outcome analysis with gene expression profile and identify multiple pathways simultaneously. Experimental results with simulation and gene expression data demonstrate that the proposed procedures can be used for identifying important biological pathways that are related to survival phenotype and for building a parsimonious model for predicting the survival times.

  14. AucPR: an AUC-based approach using penalized regression for disease prediction with high-dimensional omics data. (United States)

    Yu, Wenbao; Park, Taesung


    It is common to get an optimal combination of markers for disease classification and prediction when multiple markers are available. Many approaches based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) have been proposed. Existing works based on AUC in a high-dimensional context depend mainly on a non-parametric, smooth approximation of AUC, with no work using a parametric AUC-based approach, for high-dimensional data. We propose an AUC-based approach using penalized regression (AucPR), which is a parametric method used for obtaining a linear combination for maximizing the AUC. To obtain the AUC maximizer in a high-dimensional context, we transform a classical parametric AUC maximizer, which is used in a low-dimensional context, into a regression framework and thus, apply the penalization regression approach directly. Two kinds of penalization, lasso and elastic net, are considered. The parametric approach can avoid some of the difficulties of a conventional non-parametric AUC-based approach, such as the lack of an appropriate concave objective function and a prudent choice of the smoothing parameter. We apply the proposed AucPR for gene selection and classification using four real microarray and synthetic data. Through numerical studies, AucPR is shown to perform better than the penalized logistic regression and the nonparametric AUC-based method, in the sense of AUC and sensitivity for a given specificity, particularly when there are many correlated genes. We propose a powerful parametric and easily-implementable linear classifier AucPR, for gene selection and disease prediction for high-dimensional data. AucPR is recommended for its good prediction performance. Beside gene expression microarray data, AucPR can be applied to other types of high-dimensional omics data, such as miRNA and protein data.


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    Henry Torres Vásquez


    Full Text Available En la actualidad en los crímenes considerados de Lesa humanidad, entre otros, se aplica el principio de jurisdicción o de justicia penal universal; de ese modo eventualmente, esta clase de delitos, pueden ser investigados y juzgados en aplicación del Estatuto de la Corte Penal Internacional, o bien en ejercicio de ese mismo principio pero ejercido por cualquier país. Estados como España, Reino Unido, Bélgica, etc., vienen aplicando la jurisdicción universal en mediáticos casos de ex militares argentinos o en el sonado caso de Augusto Pinochet. En este trabajo se hace un análisis de las infracciones que logran transgredir normas con - sideradas protectoras de bienes jurídicos universales. Nuestro objetivo principal radica en explicar este principio en aras de evitar la impunidad en delitos de naturaleza internacional. Por tal razón, se matiza en el Principio de Jurisdicción Universal aplicado en España, en esa perspectiva se analizan recientes crímenes de Lesa humanidad sucedidos en Colombia que se subsumen en la categoría de delitos que podrían ser llevados a la jurisdicción universal; en ese sentido, se estudian las características de la extraterritorialidad de la ley penal colombiana en el plano internacional.

  16. Examination of influential observations in penalized spline regression (United States)

    Türkan, Semra


    In parametric or nonparametric regression models, the results of regression analysis are affected by some anomalous observations in the data set. Thus, detection of these observations is one of the major steps in regression analysis. These observations are precisely detected by well-known influence measures. Pena's statistic is one of them. In this study, Pena's approach is formulated for penalized spline regression in terms of ordinary residuals and leverages. The real data and artificial data are used to see illustrate the effectiveness of Pena's statistic as to Cook's distance on detecting influential observations. The results of the study clearly reveal that the proposed measure is superior to Cook's Distance to detect these observations in large data set.

  17. Differentiation of penal policy in the light of positive paradigm and its confronting challenges

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    Bagher Shamlou


    Full Text Available Positivism is an empirical approach for understanding of human communication and phenomena, which raised firstly French famous thinker “August Comte”. Human and social Sciences were under domination of positive thought for a long time. In criminal law inter alia Italian famous thinkers sought to analyses the crime problem with a positive approach. However, some of their point of view such as born criminal thesis was not respected by penal scientist, but was affected by their idea was assumed that experiment is the only scientific criterion and basis of criminal law. They thought that value judgments and normative sentences have not scientific character. The positivist approach, developed the abstract thought of classic criminal fundamentalism which was before this, the dominate approach of penal policy towards of objectivism at etiology of crime on the basis of separation of objectivism and subjectivism. But it faced with insufficiency in both methodology and efficiency, so that somebody talked about returning punity approach of classic fundamentalism

  18. Evaluating penalized logistic regression models to predict Heat-Related Electric grid stress days

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bramer, L. M.; Rounds, J.; Burleyson, C. D.; Fortin, D.; Hathaway, J.; Rice, J.; Kraucunas, I.


    Understanding the conditions associated with stress on the electricity grid is important in the development of contingency plans for maintaining reliability during periods when the grid is stressed. In this paper, heat-related grid stress and the relationship with weather conditions is examined using data from the eastern United States. Penalized logistic regression models were developed and applied to predict stress on the electric grid using weather data. The inclusion of other weather variables, such as precipitation, in addition to temperature improved model performance. Several candidate models and datasets were examined. A penalized logistic regression model fit at the operation-zone level was found to provide predictive value and interpretability. Additionally, the importance of different weather variables observed at different time scales were examined. Maximum temperature and precipitation were identified as important across all zones while the importance of other weather variables was zone specific. The methods presented in this work are extensible to other regions and can be used to aid in planning and development of the electrical grid.

  19. General definition of gravitational tension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harmark, T.; Obers, N.A.


    In this note we give a general definition of the gravitational tension in a given asymptotically translationally-invariant spatial direction of a space-time. The tension is defined via the extrinsic curvature in analogy with the Hawking-Horowitz definition of energy. We show the consistency with the ADM tension formulas for asymptotically-flat space-times, in particular for Kaluza-Klein black hole solutions. Moreover, we apply the general tension formula to near-extremal branes, constituting a check for non-asymptotically flat space-times. (author)

  20. Structural design significance of tension-tension fatigue data on composites (United States)

    Grimes, G. C.


    Constant cycle tension-tension fatigue and related static tension data have been generated on six single composite material/orientation combinations and twenty-one hybrid composite material/orientation combinations. Anomalies are related to the temperature rise and stopped interval creep, whereas endurance limit stresses (runouts) are associated with static proportional limit values, when they occur, and internal damage. The significance of these room temperature-dry data on the design allowables and weight of aerodynamic structueres is discussed. Such structures are helicopter rotor blades and wing and horizontal stabilizer lower surfaces. Typical criteria for turning these data into preliminary allowables are shown, as are examples of such allowables developed from the data. These values are then compared to those that might be used if the structures were made of metal.

  1. Tension type headache

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    Debashish Chowdhury


    Full Text Available Tension type headaches are common in clinical practice. Earlier known by various names, the diagnosis has had psychological connotations. Recent evidence has helped clarify the neurobiological basis and the disorder is increasingly considered more in the preview of neurologists. The classification, clinical features, differential diagnosis and treatment of tension type headache are discussed in this paper.

  2. Environmental protection and penal law in Greece - a comparison with the German penal code on environmental matters. Der strafrechtliche Umweltschutz in Griechenland unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Deutschen Umweltstrafrechts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karamanidis, G.


    The first chapter outlines the ecological situation of Greece, while the second chapter presents the legal foundations of environmental protection in Greece. Secondary laws are mentioned, as these are generally the laws in which penal liabilities are stated. The present environmental protection regulations are found to be unsatisfactory and unfit for preventing environmental damage. A new legislative structure is proposed on the basis of German environmental protection standards. (orig./HSCH).

  3. La internación psiquiátrica por razón penal en España: ejecución de la medida en el ámbito penitenciario

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    Luis Fernando Barrios Flores


    Full Text Available La inimputabilidad o semiimputabilidad del sujeto aquejado de un trastorno psíquico que comete una infracción penal, es asumida por la mayoría de las naciones desde antiguo, aunque las respuestas penales ante tal tipo de conductas difieren de manera considerable. El objetivo es analizar la ejecución de medidas de seguridad privativas de libertad (internación/internamiento en España, para sujetos inimputables del delito por razón de trastorno psíquico y para aquellos con trastorno psíquico sobrevenido a la sentencia. El Método seguido ha consistido en estudiar la normativa aplicable a dichas medidas y la práctica de su ejecución, con especial mención a la implementación de determinados programas de tratamiento. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de relieve la existencia de un aceptable marco normativo, que incluye numerosas alternativas al internamiento, y el éxito del Programa de "Salidas Terapéuticas". Se concluye que: a el marco legal es el adecuado, aunque demanda reformas en la esfera del control judicial; b es plausible continuar con el programa de salidas de pacientes, y c es preciso reforzar los mecanismos y recursos de rehabilitación social pospenitenciaria.

  4. The development of the penal system in Serbian criminal law

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    Jakšić Dušan


    Full Text Available The continuous development of the penal system in Serbia is reflected in significant changes within the criminal legislative solutions. The most important legal document of the medieval Serbia, 'Dušan's Code' was characterized by harsh corporal and death punishments taken from the Byzantine law. During the Ottoman period 'Dušan's Code' was no longer in use, and with the beginning of the First Serbian Uprising, the adoption of individual legislations began. The Criminal Code of the Principality of Serbia, adopted in 1860, introduced a novelty of major and minor penalties, including, most importantly, several types of detention. The Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was adopted in 1929 and it predicted different types of sanctions other than fines. The main feature of the Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was permanent abolition of the corporal punishment. After the Second World War, the newly formed government adopted new criminal codes and new forms of punishment, which remained unchanged from the Novel in 1959 up until the dissolution of the SFRY. Contemporary criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia is characterized by the abolition of the death penalty, seizure of property and the introduction of new penalties, which should, instead of short prison sentences, serve as an alternative. Throughout its statehood, from the Middle Ages up until today, Serbia has always had a continuity of the penal system development parallel with its development, primarily in Europe.


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    Vitalie STATI


    Full Text Available În prezentul studiu analizei sunt supuse temeiul real şi temeiul juridic ale răspunderii penale pentru faptele incriminate la art.241 CP RM. Sunt stabilite caracteristicile obiectului juridic şi ale obiectului imaterial în cazul infracţiunilor pre­văzute la art.241 CP RM. Se arată că noţiunea „activitate de întreprinzător”, utilizată în art.241 CP RM, are acelaşi înţeles ca şi noţiunea „activitate de întreprinzător” folosită în art.1 al Legii cu privire la antre­pre­no­riat şi întreprinderi. Se relevă forma şi conţinutul faptei prejudiciabile specificate la art.241 CP RM, prin prisma prevederilor de la lit.a-d art.125 CP RM. Se argumentează că calificarea desfăşurării activităţii de întreprinzător fără licenţă în baza art.241 CP RM (coroborat cu lit.b art.125 CP RM ar însemna nu altceva decât aplicarea prin analogie a legii penale, interzisă de alin.(2 art.3 CP RM. Sunt profilate particularităţile ce caracterizează consumarea infracţiunilor prevăzute la art.241 CP RM. Se stabileşte că scopul infracţiunilor prevăzute la art.241 CP RM este cel de asigurare a unei surse perma­nente de venituri. Sunt relevate ipotezele în care subiectul infracţiunilor prevăzute la art.241 CP RM are o calitate specială. Nu în ultimul rând, sunt elucidate criteriile de delimitare a infracţiunilor specificate la art.241 CP RM de infrac­ţiunile prevăzute la art.190, 2411, 244, 2441 şi altele din Codul penal.SOME THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE OFFENCE OF ILLEGAL PRACTICE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY (art.241 OF THE PENAL CODEIn this study there are analyzed both the factual basis and the legal basis of the penal liability for the offences crimi­nalized in art.241 PCRM.There are also established the features of the legal object and the immaterial object of the offenses referred to at art.241 PCRM.It is argued that the concept of "entrepreneurial activity", applied in

  6. El Derecho Penal del enemigo en las reformas constitucionales/The criminal law of the enemy in the constitutional reforms

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    Eduardo Martínez Bastida (México


    Full Text Available A lo largo de la historia se ha realizado un proceso sincrético criminalizador de conductas e individuos; la política criminal incorpora esta tecnología diferenciadora entre ciudadanos y enemigos que se materializa en el Derecho Penal del Enemigo. Este Derecho de emergencias irrumpe en nuestra vida jurídica, de manera manifiesta, mediante la reforma constitucional del 18 de junio de 2008 mostrando la crisis en que se encuentra actualmente el paradigma garantista y pasando por alto que el Derecho Penal del Enemigo se constituye en el riesgo para los Derechos Fundamentales del gobernado.

  7. Regimén Jurídico de la Prescripción en el Código Penal español


    Pastor Alcoy, Francisco José


    La presente tesis tiene como objeto el régimen jurídico de la prescripción en el código penal español para lo cual presenta la evolución legislativa de la misma en el ordenamiento jurídico desde el CP de 1822 hasta la LO 1/2015. Importantes cambios en la prescripción supuso el Código Penal de 1995 a los que se unieron nuevas interpretaciones jurisprudenciales y un diálogo entre el Tribunal Constitucional y el Tribunal Supremo y la doctrina científica que ha germinado en importantes cambio...

  8. Elastic SCAD as a novel penalization method for SVM classification tasks in high-dimensional data. (United States)

    Becker, Natalia; Toedt, Grischa; Lichter, Peter; Benner, Axel


    Classification and variable selection play an important role in knowledge discovery in high-dimensional data. Although Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms are among the most powerful classification and prediction methods with a wide range of scientific applications, the SVM does not include automatic feature selection and therefore a number of feature selection procedures have been developed. Regularisation approaches extend SVM to a feature selection method in a flexible way using penalty functions like LASSO, SCAD and Elastic Net.We propose a novel penalty function for SVM classification tasks, Elastic SCAD, a combination of SCAD and ridge penalties which overcomes the limitations of each penalty alone.Since SVM models are extremely sensitive to the choice of tuning parameters, we adopted an interval search algorithm, which in comparison to a fixed grid search finds rapidly and more precisely a global optimal solution. Feature selection methods with combined penalties (Elastic Net and Elastic SCAD SVMs) are more robust to a change of the model complexity than methods using single penalties. Our simulation study showed that Elastic SCAD SVM outperformed LASSO (L1) and SCAD SVMs. Moreover, Elastic SCAD SVM provided sparser classifiers in terms of median number of features selected than Elastic Net SVM and often better predicted than Elastic Net in terms of misclassification error.Finally, we applied the penalization methods described above on four publicly available breast cancer data sets. Elastic SCAD SVM was the only method providing robust classifiers in sparse and non-sparse situations. The proposed Elastic SCAD SVM algorithm provides the advantages of the SCAD penalty and at the same time avoids sparsity limitations for non-sparse data. We were first to demonstrate that the integration of the interval search algorithm and penalized SVM classification techniques provides fast solutions on the optimization of tuning parameters.The penalized SVM

  9. Relationship between Training Programs being Offered in State and Federal Penal Institutions and the Unfilled Job Openings in the Major Occupations in the United States. (United States)

    Torrence, John Thomas

    Excluding military installations, training programs in state and federal penal institutions were surveyed, through a mailed checklist, to test the hypotheses that (1) training programs in penal institutions were not related to the unfilled job openings by major occupations in the United States, and (2) that training programs reported would have a…

  10. The insulation condition diagnosis of high tension generator stators; Diagnostico del estado de aislamiento de estatores de generadores de alta tension

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robles Pimentel, Edgar Guillermo; Rosales Sedano, Inocente [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The high tension electrical generators are very high cost equipment, therefore they need to be very reliable. The generators preventive maintenance based in diagnosis techniques of the insulation condition might mean substantial savings for the user. In this article the most common techniques employed all over the world are presented, the greatest part of them already implemented in Mexico by the authors. The techniques and the equipment employed are analyzed and are exemplified with the results obtained in some field experiences. [Espanol] Los generadores electricos de alta tension son equipos de muy alto costo, por lo que necesitan ser muy confiables. El mantenimiento preventivo de los generadores basado en tecnicas de diagnostico del estado del aislamiento puede significar ahorros sustanciales al usuario. En este articulo se presentan las tecnicas mas comunes empleadas en el mundo, la mayor parte de ellas ya implantadas en Mexico por los autores. Se analizan las tecnicas y el equipo empleado, y se ejemplifica con resultados obtenidos de algunas de las experiencias en el campo.

  11. The insulation condition diagnosis of high tension generator stators; Diagnostico del estado de aislamiento de estatores de generadores de alta tension

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robles Pimentel, Edgar Guillermo; Rosales Sedano, Inocente [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The high tension electrical generators are very high cost equipment, therefore they need to be very reliable. The generators preventive maintenance based in diagnosis techniques of the insulation condition might mean substantial savings for the user. In this article the most common techniques employed all over the world are presented, the greatest part of them already implemented in Mexico by the authors. The techniques and the equipment employed are analyzed and are exemplified with the results obtained in some field experiences. [Espanol] Los generadores electricos de alta tension son equipos de muy alto costo, por lo que necesitan ser muy confiables. El mantenimiento preventivo de los generadores basado en tecnicas de diagnostico del estado del aislamiento puede significar ahorros sustanciales al usuario. En este articulo se presentan las tecnicas mas comunes empleadas en el mundo, la mayor parte de ellas ya implantadas en Mexico por los autores. Se analizan las tecnicas y el equipo empleado, y se ejemplifica con resultados obtenidos de algunas de las experiencias en el campo.

  12. Phase diagrams of aluminium alloys of Al-Cu-Mg, Al-Mg-Si-Cu, and Al-Mg-Li system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ber, L.B.; Kaputkin, E.Ya.


    Isothermal diagrams of phase transformations (DPT) and temperature-time charts (TTC) of variation of electric conductivity and of mechanical features at tension were plotted following thermal treatment according to the pattern of direct hardening and ageing and according to the pattern of normal aging for D16 commercial alloy, Al-Cu-Mg model alloy of the same system, AD37 commercial alloys of Al-Mg-Si-Cu and 1424 one of Al-Li-Mg system. Phase transformations were studied by means of fluorescence electron microscopy, micro-X-ray spectral analysis, X-ray phase analysis of single crystals and polycrystals and differential scanning calorimetry. For every alloy comparison of TTC and DPT enables to clarity the mechanism of phase composition effect on features and to optimize conditions of hardening cooling and ageing [ru

  13. On relation between the quark-gluon bag surface tension and the colour tube string tension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bugaev, K.A.; Zinovjev, G.M.


    We revisit the bag phenomenology of deconfining phase transition aiming to replenish it by introducing systematically the bag surface tension. Comparing the free energies of such bags and the strings confining the static quark-antiquark pair, we express the string tension in terms of the bag surface tension and the bulk pressure in order to estimate the bag characteristics using the lattice QCD (LQCD) data. Our analysis of the bag entropy density demonstrates that the surface tension coefficient is amazingly negative at the cross-over (continuous transition). The approach developed allows us to naturally account for an origin of a pronounced maximum (observed in the LQCD studies) in the behaviour of heavy quark-antiquark pair entropy. The vicinity of the (tri-)critical endpoint is also analyzed to clarify the meaning of vanishing surface tension coefficient.

  14. O pedido de cooperação do Tribunal Penal Internacional ao Brasil na captura do presidente do Sudão (The request for cooperation on the capture of the president of Sudan submitted to Brazil by the International Criminal Court

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    João Irineu de Resende Miranda


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo tem como tema a relação de cooperação entre o Tribunal Penal Internacional e o Brasil. Partindo das questões levantadas pelo despacho referente à Petição 4625-1, redigido pelo presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, seu objetivo é saber se as dificuldades em harmonizar certas disposições do Estatuto do Tribunal Penal Internacional com a Constituição brasileira podem impedir o Brasil de cooperar com o Tribunal Penal Internacional no tocante à detenção e posterior entrega do presidente do Sudão, Omar al-Bashir. Analisando o fundamento jurídico do pedido de cooperação e os pontos de conflito apontados pela doutrina, conclui-se que não há obstáculo para o atendimento do pedido de cooperação, sendo este, pelo contrário, uma obrigação jurídica do Estado brasileiro.Abstract: This work discusses the cooperation relationship between the International Criminal Court and Brazil. From the issues raised by the order on the Petition 4625-1, as written by the President of the Supreme Court, its goal is to establish whether or not the difficulties in harmonizing certain provisions of the Statute of the International Criminal Court with the Brazilian Constitution may prevent the latter to cooperate with the International Criminal Court in relation to the arrest and surrender of the President of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir. Analyzing the legal basis of the request for cooperation and the conflict points highlighted by the doctrine, our research concludes that there is no obstacle to comply with the request for cooperation, which is actually a legal obligation of the Brazilian state.


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    Josep García-Borés Espí


    Full Text Available El presente artículo surge como resultado de la recopilación de datos llevada a cabo por el equipo investigador del Observatorio del Sistema Penal y los Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Barcelona (OSPDH, en el marco de la investigación: “¿Resocialización o incapacitación?: Sostenibilidad del Sistema Penitenciario español ante las nuevas realidades delictivas y demandas de seguridad”[1]. A lo largo del proceso de recogida de información el equipo investigador del OSPDH, fue constatando la existencia de evidencias estadísticas que ponían de manifiesto la evolución y los cambios experimentados en el sistema penitenciario catalán durante los últimos veinte años, identificándose una estrecha relación entre los mismos y los diversos periodos político-económicos vividos en el conjunto del Estado español desde la reforma del Código Penal de1995 hasta la actualidad[2]. [1] El presente trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación  I+D+i: "¿RESOCIALIZACIÓN O INCAPACITACIÓN? SOSTENIBILIDAD DEL SISTEMA PENITENCIARIO ESPAÑOL ANTE LAS NUEVAS REALIDADES DELICTIVAS Y DEMANDAS DE SEGURIDAD, con referencia DER2011-27337, del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.   [2] Periodos que son desarrollados en este mismo Monográfico en el artículo de Brandariz (2015, titulado: La evolución del sistema penitenciario español, 1995-2014: transformaciones de la penalidad y modificación práctica de la realidad penitenciaria.

  16. Propostas de Redução da Maioridade Penal: a Juventude Brasileira no Fio da Navalha?

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    Mariana Barreto Vavassori

    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho propõe uma reflexão teórica sobre o fenômeno da judicialização da vida, mais especificamente aquele que incide sobre os “adolescentes em conflito com a lei”, a partir das contribuições de Foucault e Derrida. O objetivo é dar visibilidade a alguns dos regimes de verdade sobre “adolescentes em conflito com a lei”, que emergem das/nas propostas de emendas constitucionais (PECs sobre rebaixamento da idade penal, e seus efeitos de subjetivação. Utilizamos como operador metodológico o conceito de problematização proposto por Foucault e sugerimos uma inversão da compreensão dominante sobre a judicialização, entendendo esta como efeito do conflito e não como solução. Observamos que, seguindo a lógica penal, os legisladores procuram um indivíduo consciente, autônomo, pleno de suas capacidades mentais e responsável por seus atos. Entende-se que a judicialização responde a demandas sociais, formalizando conflitos a partir da perspectiva penal, produzindo, assim, dois modos possíveis de configuração de sujeito: o de agressor ou de vítima, tendo como um de seus efeitos a polarização da opinião pública e, também, dos modos de estes adolescentes serem e estarem no mundo.

  17. Algumas marcas inquisitoriais do Código de Processo Penal brasileiro e a resistência às reformas

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    Nereu José Giacomolli


    Full Text Available O perfil inquisitorial do modelo processual penal brasileiro encontra ambientação ideológica na década de quarenta, a qual reflete, por sua vez, a ideologia europeia da década de 1930. O CPP foi gestado em plena ditadura do Estado Novo, com forte influência do Código Rocco italiano, de inspiração fascista. As marcas deste perfil criaram raízes na legislação ordinária, na doutrina, na jurisprudência, no ensino jurídico e na política criminal. Entre as marcas desta raiz inquisitorial estão a possibilidade de o magistrado agir de ofício, assumindo funções da acusação, podendo requisitar a investigação, reconhecer agravantes sem que estivessem descritas ou tivessem sido postuladas, podendo condenar, mesmo que o Estado-acusação tenha pedido a absolvição. Nas reformas parciais do CPP persistiram perspectivas incompatíveis com o modelo constitucional e convencional do processo penal. O artigo faz uma ambientação histórica, cultural e política da década de quarenta e mostra as marcas do perfil inquisitorial do proces- so penal brasileiro e as resistências às reformas.

  18. Soft-tissue tension total knee arthroplasty. (United States)

    Asano, Hiroshi; Hoshino, Akiho; Wilton, Tim J


    It is far from clear how best to define the proper strength of soft-tissue tensioning in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). We attached a torque driver to the Monogram balancer/tensor device and measured soft-tissue tension in full extension and 90 degrees flexion during TKA. In our surgical procedure, when we felt proper soft-tissue tension was being applied, the mean distraction force was noted to be 126N in extension and 121N in flexion. There was no significant correlation between soft-tissue tension and the postoperative flexion angle finally achieved. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to assess the actual distraction forces in relation to soft-tissue tension in TKA. Further study may reveal the most appropriate forces to achieve proper soft-tissue tension in the wide variety of circumstances presenting at knee arthroplasty.

  19. Simulation of impulsively started flow past a sphere and a disc using iterative brinkman penalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spietz, Henrik Juul; Hejlesen, Mads Mølholm; Walther, Jens Honore

    We present an iterative Brinkman penalization scheme to enforce the no-slip condition onsolid boundaries in three-dimensional ow simulations. We use a high-order particle-meshvortex method, where the velocity field is obtained from the vorticity field by solving a Poisson equation on a Cartesian...

  20. Modelo Operativo de gestión de redes sociales para el sistema penal adolescente, Chile

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    Claudio Andradre-Gyllen


    Full Text Available En el artículo analizamos los principales resultados del diseño, implementación y evaluación de un modelo operativo de gestión de redes sociales, utilizando la metodología de investigación acción participante (IAP en programas del sistema de responsabilidad penal adolescente, en la Región de Los Ríos, Chile. Los resultados evidencian cambios favorables en la gestión y en la estructura de la red de actores de los programas participantes. El modelo operativo de gestión de redes sociales nos permitió superar las actuales restricciones de articulación del sistema de responsabilidad penal adolescente, dando énfasis a la capacidad de los actores del sistema para desarrollar nuevas formas de coordinación territorial que favorezcan la integración social de los individuos jóvenes infractores de ley.

  1. Modelo Operativo de gestión de redes sociales para el sistema penal adolescente, Chile

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    Claudio Andradre-Gyllen


    Full Text Available En el artículo analizamos los principales resultados del diseño, implementación y evaluación de un modelo operativo de gestión de redes sociales, utilizando la metodología de investigación acción participante (IAP en programas del sistema de responsabilidad penal adolescente, en la Región de Los Ríos, Chile. Los resultados evidencian cambios favorables en la gestión y en la estructura de la red de actores de los programas participantes. El modelo operativo de gestión de redes sociales nos permitió superar las actuales restricciones de articulación del sistema de responsabilidad penal adolescente, dando énfasis a la capacidad de los actores del sistema para desarrollar nuevas formas de coordinación territorial que favorezcan la integración social de los individuos jóvenes infractores de ley.

  2. Manipulación genética «sensu lato» y Derecho penal: Reflexiones sobre algunos presupuestos dogmáticos


    Peña Guillén, Sandra Catalina


    Esta tesis parte de los avances científicos y tecnológicos que proceden del desarrollo de ciencias como la Genética y la Biotecnología, y de las consideraciones que realiza la Bioética, con el fin de analizar la intervención del Derecho penal en estos temas. El estudio se sustenta en los delitos relativos a la manipulación genética tipificados en el Código penal de España de 1995, (la legislación de la autora -ecuatoriana- no tipifica estos delitos). Dentro de este trabajo se considera el con...

  3. 49 CFR 26.47 - Can recipients be penalized for failing to meet overall goals? (United States)


    ... Goals, Good Faith Efforts, and Counting § 26.47 Can recipients be penalized for failing to meet overall... administer your program in good faith. (b) If you do not have an approved DBE program or overall goal, or if you fail to implement your program in good faith, you are in noncompliance with this part. ...

  4. The penal aspect of the essence of the legal institute

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    Олег Миколайович Кревсун


    Full Text Available Law, like any social phenomenon, can be the object of cognition only if legal norms that is its components, will come into connection with other legal norms, not only to form separate elements of the law. Without a comprehensive study of the interaction between legal norms, their role in the regulation of social relations will be impossible to develop effective legal measures of influence on various spheres of public life. Unfortunately, proper attention to this issue in Ukraine is not given. Examined, in fact, a certain set of interconnected rules of law, but each of them, representing this population, is investigated separately, without necessary connection with other laws. However, as presented in the legal literature, the research results confirmed the existence in law of such legal norms, which are involved in the regulation of certain social relations, being in its totality as an integrated whole. Such laws called legal institutions. Legal institutions, subinstitutes and interdisciplinary subinstitutes of penal law, both from the point of view of legal terminology and from the point of view of defining the content, in domestic science remains thoroughly unexplored and only mentioned in some scientific works of foreign authors. The term “legal institution” is used by scholars more as a term authoritative sound. In this article, we first provide a definition of the legal Institute, subinstitute and cross-subinstitute of penal law, interpret the normative contents of the allocated inherent characteristics, focusing on the absence in domestic science studies on this issue.


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    Full Text Available Competition law seeks to foster competition and innovation through the sanctioning of antitrust behavior, and it especially seeks to discourage the creation of hardcore cartels. To that effect, the European Union imposes administrative sanctions to cartels, whereas the United States use their penal system against them. This paper will analyze the advantages and limitations of each option, and will determine whether it would be more effective for the European Union to also use its penal system against cartels.

  6. Un gigante con pies de barro : breve introducción a los modelos tradicionales de criminalización en derecho penal


    Gómez Bellvís, Ana Belén


    Con la entrada en vigor del nuevo Código Penal reformado por la LO 1/2015, de 30 de marzo, gran cantidad de artículos se han visto modificados, añadiendo nuevas formas delictivas, incrementando considerablemente las penas o introduciendo otros tipos ex novo. Tal y como explica la Exposición de Motivos: «la conciencia de que el transcurso del tiempo y las nuevas demandas sociales evidencian la necesidad de llevar a cabo determinadas modificaciones de nuestra norma penal». Esta última reforma e...

  7. Spontaneous tension haemopneumothorax


    Patterson, Benjamin Oliver; Itam, Sarah; Probst, Fey


    Abstract We present a patient with sudden onset progressive shortness of breath and no history of trauma, who rapidly became haemodynamically compromised with a pneumothorax and pleural effusion seen on chest radiograph. He was treated for spontaneous tension pneumothorax but this was soon revealed to be a tension haemopneumothorax. He underwent urgent thoracotomy after persistent bleeding to explore an apical vascular abnormality seen on CT scanning. To our knowledge this is the first such c...

  8. Reflexiones en torno a una ficción: la premisa de la incapacidad como fundamento político-criminal de la inimputabilidad en el derecho penal de menores

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    Flavio D'Angelo


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda la premisa de la incapacidad como fundamento político criminal de la inimputabilidad en el derecho penal de menores, al tiempo que explora los motivos que le confieren a ésta un carácter de ficción. Para lograr tal objetivo, se revisan los modelos de legislación de menores, así como el papel que juega el concepto de (incapacidad dentro de estas regulaciones, y se indaga la contradicción existente entre la capacidad y el discernimiento. Sobre la base de lo anterior, se propone una interpretación del dispositivo jurídico de incapacidad en clave ficcional (Bentham para, finalmente, presentar un aporte al debate que viene dándose en la República Argentina desde 1989 en relación con la reforma de la legislación de menores

  9. Tension headache. (United States)

    Ziegler, D K


    Headache is an extremely common symptom, and many headaches undoubtedly have a relationship to stressful situations. The clear definition, however, of a "tension headache" complex and its differentiation from migraine in some patients is difficult. The problems are in the identification of a specific headache pattern induced by stress or "tension" and the relationship of the symptom to involuntary contraction of neck and scalp muscles. Treatment consists of analgesics and occasionally mild tranquilizers. Psychotherapy consists of reassurance and often other supportive measures, including modification of life styles. Various feedback techniques have been reported of value, but their superiority to suggestion and hypnosis is still problematic.

  10. ¿El derecho penal puede y debe transformar radicalmente sus contenidos de protección?

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    Luis Felipe Henao-Cardona


    Full Text Available El presente artículo realiza un estudio de la orientación dogmática denominada "funcionalista" o "teleológica", análisis que se preocupa de abordar los postulados teóricos de Luhmann, autor que estudia la complejidad y fragmentación en múltiples subsistemas de la sociedad posmoderna, definiendo la función social del derecho y explicando por qué el mismo es necesario para estabilizar el orden social dado, estudio introductorio de vital importancia  para poder abordar la teoría de Günther Jakobs y su sistema funcional normativista, analizando consecuencias prácticas de los presupuestos metodológicos de este importante autor, el cual construye su teoría a través de una normativación radical o absoluta de la función del derecho penal, rechazando cualquier construcción ontológica que limite el referido criterio funcional. Posteriormente se pretende analizar el funcionamiento moderado de Glaus Roxin  y  Shüneman,  propugnando  por  una  racionalización  de la intervención  penal, recurriendo para el efecto a criterios  axiológicos y funcionales que orienten el sistema del derecho penal a finalidades político-criminales,  con  atención  a  la  institución  dogmática  del bien jurídico y su importancia como criterio de lege ferenda y lege lata para incriminar   o  discriminar  una   determinada  conducta.

  11. Drosophila Big bang regulates the apical cytocortex and wing growth through junctional tension. (United States)

    Tsoumpekos, Giorgos; Nemetschke, Linda; Knust, Elisabeth


    Growth of epithelial tissues is regulated by a plethora of components, including signaling and scaffolding proteins, but also by junctional tension, mediated by the actomyosin cytoskeleton. However, how these players are spatially organized and functionally coordinated is not well understood. Here, we identify the Drosophila melanogaster scaffolding protein Big bang as a novel regulator of growth in epithelial cells of the wing disc by ensuring proper junctional tension. Loss of big bang results in the reduction of the regulatory light chain of nonmuscle myosin, Spaghetti squash. This is associated with an increased apical cell surface, decreased junctional tension, and smaller wings. Strikingly, these phenotypic traits of big bang mutant discs can be rescued by expressing constitutively active Spaghetti squash. Big bang colocalizes with Spaghetti squash in the apical cytocortex and is found in the same protein complex. These results suggest that in epithelial cells of developing wings, the scaffolding protein Big bang controls apical cytocortex organization, which is important for regulating cell shape and tissue growth. © 2018 Tsoumpekos et al.

  12. Tensions in Distributed Leadership (United States)

    Ho, Jeanne; Ng, David


    Purpose: This article proposes the utility of using activity theory as an analytical lens to examine the theoretical construct of distributed leadership, specifically to illuminate tensions encountered by leaders and how they resolved these tensions. Research Method: The study adopted the naturalistic inquiry approach of a case study of an…

  13. La importancia del estudio de la psicosis en el ámbito jurídico penal/The importance of psychosis study in the criminal legal field

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    Agustín Salgado García


    Full Text Available Los sujetos que padecen psicosis, ven a alguien cuando no hay nadie y hasta perciben olores que nadie más huele. Tienen alucinaciones que son hechos falsos, no hablan con ninguna persona y aun así lo hacen, entablando conversaciones fuera de la realidad. La psicosis comprende un grave deterioro de las funciones ejecutivas la personalidad, en especial con relación a la realidad y que se manifiesta por el desajuste de interacción social. La comisión de conductas delictivas pueden originarse en estados psicóticos, lo que deberá considerarse al determinarse la individualización de la sanción penal, lo que es de ingente importancia para la defensa el fiscal y el juzgador.

  14. Tension pneumocephalus: Mount Fuji sign

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    Pulastya Sanyal


    Full Text Available A 13-year-old male was operated for a space occupying lesion in the brain. A noncontrast computed tomography scan done in the late postoperative period showed massive subdural air collection causing compression of bilateral frontal lobes with widening of interhemispheric fissure and the frontal lobes acquiring a peak like configuration - causing tension pneumocephalus-"Mount Fuji sign." Tension pneumocephalus occurs when air enters the extradural or intradural spaces in sufficient volume to exert a mass or pressure effect on the brain, leading to brain herniation. Tension pneumocephalus is a surgical emergency, which needs immediate intervention in the form of decompression of the cranial cavity by a burr hole or needle aspiration. The Mount Fuji sign differentiates tension pneumocephalus from pneumocephalus.


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    Nicolae CORCEA


    Full Text Available Acest articol este consacrat unor probleme juridico-penale, cum ar fi definitivarea și analiza aprofundată a obiectului juridic generic, precum și a obiectului juridic special al faptei infracționale de violență în familie prevăzute la art.2011 CP RM. Ținând cont de modificările recente conceptuale la care a fost supus cadrul incriminator al violenţei în familie, autorii au intervenit cu interpretări noi ale unor categorii juridice care necesită a fi analizate. Cercetarea a fost efectuată în baza propriilor date empirice obținute din analiza practicii judiciare în materie, precum și băzându-se pe cele mai recente surse doctrniare atât din domeniul dreptului penal, cât și din domeniul altor științe (criminologie, psihologie, sociologie, pedagogie. În urma studiului întreprins au fost formulate concluzii și interpretări apte de a fi utilizate în știința dreptului penal, precum și în practica de aplicare a normei juridico-penale privind violența în familie (art.2011 CP RM.The generic legal object and the special legal object of the domestic violence (art.2011 CC RMThis scientific article is dedicated to some problems of penal origin as defining and profound analysis of the generic legal object as well as special legal object of the criminal offence of domestic violence provided by the article 2011 of the Criminal code of the Republic of Moldova. Taking into account the recent conceptual modifications introduced inside the article of domestic violence, the authors have performed several new interpretations of some legal categories which ought to be analyzed. The scientific research has been effectuated on the base of the proper and authentic empirical data obtained from the analysis of the judicial practice in the matter of domestic violence, as well as being based on the most recent scientific issues in the field of the Substantive Criminal Law and other branches of science (criminology, psychology, sociology

  16. Minimalismos, abolucionismos e eficienticismo: a crise do sistema penal entre a deslegitimação e a expansão

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    Vera Regina Pereira de Andrade


    Full Text Available O texto trata de contextualizar oMinimalismo e o Abolicionismo penal nohorizonte de crise de legitimidade oudeslegitimação do sistema penal, apontando parasua complexidade e pluralidade (o que impede sefale de minimalismo e abolicionismo no singulare para sua relação com o Eficientismo penal e aexpansão do sistema penal. Partindo do argumentoda existência de diferentes minimalismos eabolicionismos, tanto no plano teorético quantono plano prático-reformista, e das diferentesformas de pendularismo e cruzamento entreminimalismo-abolicionismo-eficientismo,fundamenta-se a tese de que a antítese doabolicionismo não é o minimalismo, mas oeficientismo penal, e o rumo da política criminal contemporânea que ele protagoniza (associado, paradoxalmente, ao minimalismo reformista. Conseqüentemente, o dilema do nosso tempo nãoé, como corriqueiramente se debate, a escolhabipolar entre minimalismo e abolicionismo, masa concorrência, absolutamente desleal, entre atotalizadora colonização do eficientismo e aaversão ao abolicionismo, mediados pelo pretensoequilíbrio prudente de minimalismos de híbridaidentidade.The text deals with contextualizar theMinimalism and the criminal Abolitionism in thehorizon of legitimacy crisis or non-legitimation ofthe criminal system , pointing with respect to itscomplexity and plurality (what it hinders if saysof minimalism and abolitionism in the singularand with respect to its relation with the criminalefficientism and the expansion of the criminalsystem. Breaking of the argument of the existenceof different minimalisms and abolitionisms, asmuch in the theoretical plan how much in the planpractical-reformist, e of the different forms ofpendularism and crossing between minimalismabolitionism-efficientism, it is based thesis of thatthe antithesis of the abolitionism is not theminimalism, but the criminal efficientism, the route of the criminal politics contemporary who it carries out (associated, paradoxicalally

  17. Martensitic transformations of Cu-Al-Ni single crystals in tension/compression

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Novak, V.; Sittner, P. [Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague (Czech Republic). Inst. of Physics; Humbeeck, J. van [Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague (Czech Republic). Inst. of Physics; Catholic Univ. of Leuven, Heverlee (Belgium). MTM Dept.


    Cu-Al-Ni alloys, similarly as other Cu-base shape memory alloys, transform into more martensitic structures {alpha}{sub 1}' (6R), {beta}{sub 1}' (18R) and {gamma}{sub 1}' (2H), depending on the temperature, stress, load axis orientation, sense of loading and composition. The transformation stress-temperature conditions at which individual transitions take place are beneficially represented in so called non-equilibrium stress-temperature phase diagrams. On the basis of the {sigma}-T diagrams, complex history dependent thermomechanical behaviors of SMA single crystals undergoing sequentially multiple solid state transitions can be easily understood and predicted. Since chemical composition of the alloy crystals affects mainly the equilibrium transformation temperatures, T{sub 0}, and only slightly the slopes of the transformation lines in the {sigma}-T diagrams, the diagrams mainly shift in the temperature range (over {proportional_to}200K) with the compositional variations. The shape of the diagrams, however, may change significantly when the T{sub 0} shifts for individual transitions are different. Knowledge of the compositional dependence of {sigma}-T diagrams would be beneficial for the development of shape memory alloys with specific required thermomechanical properties. The aim of the present work is experimental investigation of the martensitic transformations and construction of the {sigma}-T diagram for Cu-Al-Ni alloy with lower Al content (T{sub 0}>363K) and comparison with our previous results obtained on alloys with higher Al content (T{sub 0}<263K). (orig.)

  18. Teoría del error, antecedentes y panorama de su regulación en el nuevo Código Penal Militar (Ley 1407 de 2010)


    Velásquez Cuervo, Janneth Patricia


    Se analiza en este articulo la teoría del error, sus antecedentes, el desarrollo a través de la dogmática penal con base en los distintos esquemas de la teoría del delito, para terminar en la regulación del error en el nuevo Código Penal Militar (ley 1407 de 2010) aplicable en todos los actos relacionados con el servicio cometidos por los miembros de la Fuerza Pública.

  19. Acusación Pública e Instrucción del Procedimiento Penal


    Alfonso Rodríguez, Adriano Jacinto


    El Ministerio Fiscal es un elemento esencial dentro de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico. Sin embargo carece de un papel claro dentro de nuestro esquema de justicia penal. Por otro lado, el Juez de Instrucción no cumple adecuadamente con su papel de garante dentro de nuestro sistema precisamente por su doble papel de garante e investigador. Por tanto es necesario un cambio que sitúe a cada sujeto en el lugar que le corresponde para tener un procedimiento más garantista en el que cada uno cumpla c...

  20. Violência doméstica e Juizados Especiais Criminais: análise a partir do feminismo e do garantismo Domestic violence and Special Criminal Courts: analysis from the legal feminism and penal criticism perspectives

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    Carmen Hein de Campos


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende demonstrar a possibilidade de análise crítica da Lei 9.099/95 a partir de dois discursos considerados marginais no campo do direito penal: o feminismo jurídico e o garantismo penal. Considerando a vítima no momento do crime e o autor do fato durante o processo penal, esses discursos interagem, procurando construir um diálogo para demonstrar a ineficácia da lei em ambas as perspectivas.This article aims at demonstrating the possibility of criticism about the criminal law (Lei 9.099/95 from two perspectives seen as marginal within penal law studies: the legal feminism and the penal criticism (garantismo. Taking into account the victim's condition and the defendant's rights during the criminal proceedings, such discourses are linked to show the inefficacy of that law towards both the victim and the defendant.

  1. La infracción adolescente a la ley penal en el centro del debate sobre seguridad pública en Uruguay

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    Carolina González-Laurino


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre el debate uruguayo de laseguridad pública centrado en la infracción penal juvenil, en el marco de la presentación de unproyecto que propone bajar la edad de imputabilidad penal de dieciocho a dieciséis años presentadaa plebiscito en 2014, y de las ambigüedades planteadas a nivel legislativo por la izquierda en elgobierno desde 2005, que se debate entre el discurso de la represión y el de la rehabilitación social.Asimismo se propone un debate acerca de la rehabilitación social en contextos de encierro.

  2. Constitución penal y teoría de la pena: apuntes sobre una relación necesaria y propuesta para un posible contenido desde la prevención especial

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    Mario Durán Migliardi


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo postula la existencia, en toda sociedad democrática, de profundas conexiones entre la denominada constitución penal y la necesa - ria justificación teórica del castigo penal. Desde esta perspectiva, y luego de analizar el fundamento constitucional del derecho penal democrático, se estudia, a partir de una visión política-criminal, y en perspectiva constitucional, el posible rol que las teorías de prevención especial y el propio ideario resocializador pueden cumplir en este contexto.

  3. La limitada capacidad del concepto de populismo punitivo como herramienta de interpretación del sistema penal colombiano

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    Fernando León Tamayo Arboleda


    Full Text Available En los intentos por explicar la evolución reciente en la configuración de los sistemas de castigo penal y el reformismo que en esta materia se ha presentado en diversos países del hemisferio occidental, se ha propuesto el concepto de populismo punitivo como herramienta analítica. Sin embargo, su capacidad explicativa parece reducida desde el punto de vista teórico, debido a la dificultad para su determinación y diferenciación de otros conceptos, así como desde el punto de vista práctico, por su insuficiencia para explicar las tendencias recientes en materia de castigo. Por ello, el presente artículo busca problematizar la capacidad analítica que brinda el concepto de populismo punitivo, a partir de un análisis teórico contrastado con las recientes tendencias políticas en Colombia y las reformas penales que mayor impacto han tenido desde la implementación del Código Penal vigente. A partir de lo anterior, se concluye que el concepto de populismo punitivo no representa una novedad frente a otros conceptos previamente utilizados en Colombia, y que su formulación tiene una limitada capacidad para explicar la política criminal en el país.

  4. Computation of optimal transport and related hedging problems via penalization and neural networks


    Eckstein, Stephan; Kupper, Michael


    This paper presents a widely applicable approach to solving (multi-marginal, martingale) optimal transport and related problems via neural networks. The core idea is to penalize the optimization problem in its dual formulation and reduce it to a finite dimensional one which corresponds to optimizing a neural network with smooth objective function. We present numerical examples from optimal transport, martingale optimal transport, portfolio optimization under uncertainty and generative adversa...

  5. Shape accuracy optimization for cable-rib tension deployable antenna structure with tensioned cables (United States)

    Liu, Ruiwei; Guo, Hongwei; Liu, Rongqiang; Wang, Hongxiang; Tang, Dewei; Song, Xiaoke


    Shape accuracy is of substantial importance in deployable structures as the demand for large-scale deployable structures in various fields, especially in aerospace engineering, increases. The main purpose of this paper is to present a shape accuracy optimization method to find the optimal pretensions for the desired shape of cable-rib tension deployable antenna structure with tensioned cables. First, an analysis model of the deployable structure is established by using finite element method. In this model, geometrical nonlinearity is considered for the cable element and beam element. Flexible deformations of the deployable structure under the action of cable network and tensioned cables are subsequently analyzed separately. Moreover, the influence of pretension of tensioned cables on natural frequencies is studied. Based on the results, a genetic algorithm is used to find a set of reasonable pretension and thus minimize structural deformation under the first natural frequency constraint. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to analyze the deployable structure under two kinds of constraints. Results show that the shape accuracy and natural frequencies of deployable structure can be effectively improved by pretension optimization.

  6. Spontaneous tension haemopneumothorax. (United States)

    Patterson, Benjamin Oliver; Itam, Sarah; Probst, Fey


    We present a patient with sudden onset progressive shortness of breath and no history of trauma, who rapidly became haemodynamically compromised with a pneumothorax and pleural effusion seen on chest radiograph. He was treated for spontaneous tension pneumothorax but this was soon revealed to be a tension haemopneumothorax. He underwent urgent thoracotomy after persistent bleeding to explore an apical vascular abnormality seen on CT scanning. To our knowledge this is the first such case reported.Aetiology and current approach to spontaneous haemothorax are discussed briefly.

  7. Estudio mediante difracción de Rayos-X de las tensiones residuales generadas por diferentes tipos de mecanizado

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    García, V.


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work is the measurement of residual stresses using X-ray diffraction in materials subjected to different kinds of machining, to show the relevance of an adequate choice of machining type and parameters on the quality of the generated surface, especially in the residual stress final state. Different materials (stainless steel 17/7 PH, Ti-6Al-4V and F-521 tool steel subjected to hard-turning and grinding have been investigated. In each case the evolution of the residual stress with distance to surface has been obtained. An integral method has been applied to determine the residual stress state by measuring the changes in the diffraction angle position. This method provides the full stress tensor and the stress gradient tensor in the longitudinal and transversal directions and in depth. X-ray diffraction measurements have allowed the evaluation of both macroscopic and microscopic residual stresses (the latter only qualitatively.

    El propósito de este trabajo es la medición de tensiones residuales mediante difracción de rayos‑X en materiales sometidos a diferentes tipos de mecanizado, con el fin de mostrar la importancia que tiene una correcta elección del tipo y parámetros del mecanizado en la calidad de la superficie creada, especialmente en el estado final de tensiones residuales. Se han realizado mediciones sobre distintos materiales (acero inoxidable 17/7 PH, Ti-6Al-4V y acero de herramienta F-521, mecanizados mediante torneado duro o rectificado. En cada caso se ha obtenido la evolución del estado de tensiones con la distancia a la superficie. Se ha aplicado un método integral para deducir las tensiones residuales a partir de medidas de la variación en la posición del pico de difracción. Este método proporciona el tensor de tensiones completo, así como los tensores gradientes de tensiones en dirección longitudinal, transversal y en profundidad. Las medidas de difracción de rayos-X han permitido la

  8. La expectativa razonable de intimidad y el derecho fundamental a la intimidad en el proceso penal

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    Oscar Julián Guerrero Peralta


    Full Text Available El texto tiene el objetivo de ilustrar históricamente la formación de la categoría “expectativa razonable de intimidad” en el derecho procesal penal norteamericano y observar las dificultades de su adaptación a los sistemas continentales que cuentan con la intimidad como un derecho fundamental constitucional. En tal sentido, el artículo muestra la evolución de las discusiones jurisprudenciales de Norteamérica, empezando por la decisión Katz de los años 60’s hasta las modernas interpretaciones que extienden el modelo a la vigilancia aérea de objetos y personas. Frente a la legislación colombiana resulta importante destacar que la noción tiene otras perspectivas interesantes, que inscriben la problemática en una nueva realidad del derecho probatorio que se relaciona con la tecnología del control aplicada a las pruebas penales.

  9. Membrane tension regulates clathrin-coated pit dynamics (United States)

    Liu, Allen


    Intracellular organization depends on close communication between the extracellular environment and a network of cytoskeleton filaments. The interactions between cytoskeletal filaments and the plasma membrane lead to changes in membrane tension that in turns help regulate biological processes. Endocytosis is thought to be stimulated by low membrane tension and the removal of membrane increases membrane tension. While it is appreciated that the opposing effects of exocytosis and endocytosis have on keeping plasma membrane tension to a set point, it is not clear how membrane tension affects the dynamics of clathrin-coated pits (CCPs), the individual functional units of clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Furthermore, although it was recently shown that actin dynamics counteracts membrane tension during CCP formation, it is not clear what roles plasma membrane tension plays during CCP initiation. Based on the notion that plasma membrane tension is increased when the membrane area increases during cell spreading, we designed micro-patterned surfaces of different sizes to control the cell spreading sizes. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy of living cells and high content image analysis were used to quantify the dynamics of CCPs. We found that there is an increased proportion of CCPs with short (<20s) lifetime for cells on larger patterns. Interestingly, cells on larger patterns have higher CCP initiation density, an effect unexpected based on the conventional view of decreasing endocytosis with increasing membrane tension. Furthermore, by analyzing the intensity profiles of CCPs that were longer-lived, we found CCP intensity decreases with increasing cell size, indicating that the CCPs are smaller with increasing membrane tension. Finally, disruption of actin dynamics significantly increased the number of short-lived CCPs, but also decreased CCP initiation rate. Together, our study reveals new mechanistic insights into how plasma membrane tension regulates

  10. Sex offender punishment and the persistence of penal harm in the U.S. (United States)

    Leon, Chrysanthi S


    The U.S. has dramatically revised its approach to punishment in the last several decades. In particular, people convicted of sex crimes have experienced a remarkable expansion in social control through a wide-range of post-conviction interventions. While this expansion may be largely explained by general punishment trends, there appear to be unique factors that have prevented other penal reforms from similarly modulating sex offender punishment. In part, this continuation of a "penal harm" approach to sex offenders relates to the past under-valuing of sexual victimization. In the "bad old days," the law and its agents sent mixed messages about sexual violence and sexual offending. Some sexual offending was mere nuisance, some was treatable, and a fraction "deserved" punishment equivalent to other serious criminal offending. In contrast, today's sex offender punishment schemes rarely distinguish formally among gradations of harm or dangerousness. After examining incarceration trends, this article explores the historical context of the current broad brush approach and reviews the unintended consequences. Altogether, this article reinforces the need to return to differentiation among sex offenders, but differentiation based on science and on the experience-based, guided discretion of experts in law enforcement, corrections, and treatment. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. PIRPLE: a penalized-likelihood framework for incorporation of prior images in CT reconstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stayman, J Webster; Dang, Hao; Ding, Yifu; Siewerdsen, Jeffrey H


    Over the course of diagnosis and treatment, it is common for a number of imaging studies to be acquired. Such imaging sequences can provide substantial patient-specific prior knowledge about the anatomy that can be incorporated into a prior-image-based tomographic reconstruction for improved image quality and better dose utilization. We present a general methodology using a model-based reconstruction approach including formulations of the measurement noise that also integrates prior images. This penalized-likelihood technique adopts a sparsity enforcing penalty that incorporates prior information yet allows for change between the current reconstruction and the prior image. Moreover, since prior images are generally not registered with the current image volume, we present a modified model-based approach that seeks a joint registration of the prior image in addition to the reconstruction of projection data. We demonstrate that the combined prior-image- and model-based technique outperforms methods that ignore the prior data or lack a noise model. Moreover, we demonstrate the importance of registration for prior-image-based reconstruction methods and show that the prior-image-registered penalized-likelihood estimation (PIRPLE) approach can maintain a high level of image quality in the presence of noisy and undersampled projection data. (paper)

  12. The convict’s family as a participant in his penal resocialisation, readaptation and social reintegration

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    Henryk Machel


    Full Text Available One of the elements of penal social rehabilitation procedure is maintaining social ties with criminal’s families. The family bonds of criminal, maintained at an appropriate level, provide the basis for social re-processing, and for safeguarding criminals, freed conditionally or at the end of their sentences, from reoffending. Maintaining proper social ties between inmates and their families is essential for the proper process of penal reintegration and its end effect. The social bonds of prisoners can be classified according to the length of the sentence and depend on the type of sentence. If there is no family relationship (e.g. when someone is serving a sentence for an offense against their family it is not possible to use it in the social rehabilitation process. Weak familial bonds can be reconstructed and treated as one of the process’s important objectives. A strong familial bond can and should be used to support and strengthen that process. The family bond is felt somewhat differently by women (the issue is concern for children, fear of abandonment by life partners, etc. than by men. However, with regard to both categories of convicts, it plays an important role in the process of their rehabilitation and social re-adjustment, and helps prevent stigma. The recommended way of using good family relationships and rebuilding poor ties in penal work was applied with a positive effect for 20 months in a measured social rehabilitation experiment devised by the author, organised and implemented in a prison in Gdańsk-Przeróbka until the introduction of martial law in Poland in 1981. It was very positively evaluated by J. Rejman in his book entitled Change in the Polish penitentiary system – constraints and opportunities, published in 2013. The system operated throughout the entire prison facility and, as noted, was effective both in resocialisation and rehabilitation.

  13. Examination of the anisotropy of the wetting behaviour of liquid Al-Cu alloys on single crystalline oriented Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-substrates; Untersuchung der Anisotropie im Benetzungsverhalten fluessiger Al-Cu Legierungen auf einkristallinen orientierten Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-Substraten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmitz, Julianna


    -dependence of the surface tension of Al-Cu-alloys was also measured. For each alloy composition the temperature-dependence of the surface tension can be described by a linear decrease, which is most pronounced for alloys with lower Al-contents and smallest for medium ones. From the surface tension data and wetting angles the concentration-dependence of the work of adhesion within the Al-Cu/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-system at 1100 C was calculated. On reconstructed C-substrates it decreases, when Al-contents rises up to 50 at.% and remains constant for higher Al-percentages. On all other surfaces, including non-reconstructed C-surfaces, the work of adhesion seems to be independent of alloy composition, but a slight increase might also be identified, again occurring mainly at lower Al-concentrations. The anisotropy of the work of adhesion is about 50% for Al-rich alloys and therefore significant. The observed behaviour of the wetting angle and work of adhesion suggests segregation of Al at surface and interface of the droplet. Due to the strong interaction of Al with O, segregation is most pronounced at interfaces with O-rich Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-surfaces, which are A-, R-, and also non-reconstructed C-planes. (orig.)

  14. Spontaneous tension haemopneumothorax

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    Itam Sarah


    Full Text Available Abstract We present a patient with sudden onset progressive shortness of breath and no history of trauma, who rapidly became haemodynamically compromised with a pneumothorax and pleural effusion seen on chest radiograph. He was treated for spontaneous tension pneumothorax but this was soon revealed to be a tension haemopneumothorax. He underwent urgent thoracotomy after persistent bleeding to explore an apical vascular abnormality seen on CT scanning. To our knowledge this is the first such case reported. Aetiology and current approach to spontaneous haemothorax are discussed briefly.

  15. Effect of liquid surface tension on circular and linear hydraulic jumps; theory and experiments (United States)

    Bhagat, Rajesh Kumar; Jha, Narsing Kumar; Linden, Paul F.; Wilson, David Ian


    The hydraulic jump has attracted considerable attention since Rayleigh published his account in 1914. Watson (1964) proposed the first satisfactory explanation of the circular hydraulic jump by balancing the momentum and hydrostatic pressure across the jump, but this solution did not explain what actually causes the jump to form. Bohr et al. (1992) showed that the hydraulic jump happens close to the point where the local Froude number equals to one, suggesting a balance between inertial and hydrostatic contributions. Bush & Aristoff (2003) subsequently incorporated the effect of surface tension and showed that this is important when the jump radius is small. In this study, we propose a new account to explain the formation and evolution of hydraulic jumps under conditions where the jump radius is strongly influenced by the liquid surface tension. The theory is compared with experiments employing liquids of different surface tension and different viscosity, in circular and linear configurations. The model predictions and the experimental results show excellent agreement. Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, St. John's college, University of Cambridge.


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    Camila Soares Lippi


    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretendeu estudar o caso Akayesu, do Tribunal Penal Internacional para Ruanda, sob uma perspectiva de gênero, mais especificamente a sua decisão, pioneira no Direito Internacional, de considerar que o estupro pode constituir genocídio. Pretendeu-se analisar quais são as implicações desse caso para o Direito Internacional e para as abordagens feministas do Direito, e se elas são adequadas para explicar esse fenômeno. O método escolhido foi o estudo de caso. Isto garante um estudo mais profundo da decisão. A fonte primária utilizada foi o julgado de primeiro grau do caso Akayesu. Além disso, empreendeu-se revisão bibliográfica não somente sobre o caso em tela, mas também sobre o crime de genocídio. Também se empreendeu mapeamento da opinião de autores feministas sobre o caso Akayesu e sobre o estupro enquanto genocídio, de forma a verificar se os conceitos utilizados por essas autoras dão conta de explicar esse fenômeno. Palavras-chave: Tribunal Penal Internacional para Ruanda. Caso Akayesu. Gênero. Genocídio. Estupro.


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    Alejandro Decastro González


    Full Text Available Este trabajo explica en qué consiste el procedimiento de impugnación de la credibilidad de testigos en el sistema penal acusatorio colombiano consagrado en la ley 906 de 2004, analiza algunos de sus aspectos problemáticos desde la perspectiva procesal y probatoria y expone los equívocos del concepto 'impugnación' en nuestro medio y su relación con la sana crítica.

  18. Burocracias penales, administración institucional de conflictos y ciudadanía: Experiencia comparada entre Brasil y Argentina


    Marta Fernández Patallo


    TISCORNIA Sofía, KANT DE LIMA Roberto y EILBAUM, Lucía (comp.). 2009. Burocracias penales, administración institucional de conflictos y ciudadanía. Experiencia comparada entre Brasil y Argentina. Buenos Aires: Antropofagia.

  19. Initial tension loss in cerclage cables. (United States)

    Ménard, Jérémie; Émard, Maxime; Canet, Fanny; Brailovski, Vladimir; Petit, Yvan; Laflamme, George Y


    Cerclage cables, frequently used in the management of fractures and osteotomies, are associated with a high failure rate and significant loosening during surgery. This study compared the capacity to maintain tension of different types of orthopaedic cable systems. Multifilament Cobalt-Chrome (CoCr) cables with four different crimp/clamp devices (DePuy, Stryker, Zimmer and Smith&Nephew) and one non-metallic Nylon (Ny) cable from Kinamed were instrumented with a load cell to measure tension during insertion. Significant tension loss was observed with crimping for all cables (Ptensioner led to an additional unexpected tension loss (CoCr-DePuy: 18%, CoCr-Stryker: 29%, CoCr-Smith&Nephew: 33%, Ny: 46%, and CoCr-Zimmer: 52%). The simple CoCr (DePuy) cable system outperformed the more sophisticated locking devices due to its significantly better ability to prevent tension loss. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Policía Local como Policía Judicial. Intervenciones relevantes en el proceso penal


    Velayos Martínez, Isabel


    Ponencia comparativa de las funciones más habituales de la práctica forense en que la Policía Local actúa en funciones de Policía Judicial. Ponencia presentada en el curso "La reforma del Código Penal", Ayuntamiento de Alicante, Policía Local, 17-18 diciembre 2012. Ayuntamiento de Alicante

  1. Toward a general psychological model of tension and suspense. (United States)

    Lehne, Moritz; Koelsch, Stefan


    Tension and suspense are powerful emotional experiences that occur in a wide variety of contexts (e.g., in music, film, literature, and everyday life). The omnipresence of tension and suspense suggests that they build on very basic cognitive and affective mechanisms. However, the psychological underpinnings of tension experiences remain largely unexplained, and tension and suspense are rarely discussed from a general, domain-independent perspective. In this paper, we argue that tension experiences in different contexts (e.g., musical tension or suspense in a movie) build on the same underlying psychological processes. We discuss key components of tension experiences and propose a domain-independent model of tension and suspense. According to this model, tension experiences originate from states of conflict, instability, dissonance, or uncertainty that trigger predictive processes directed at future events of emotional significance. We also discuss possible neural mechanisms underlying tension and suspense. The model provides a theoretical framework that can inform future empirical research on tension phenomena.

  2. Effects of Al(OH)O nanoparticle agglomerate size in epoxy resin on tension, bending, and fracture properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jux, Maximilian, E-mail: [TU Braunschweig, Institute of Adaptronic and Functional Integration (IAF) (Germany); Finke, Benedikt [TU Braunschweig, Institute for Particle Technology (IPAT) (Germany); Mahrholz, Thorsten [DLR Braunschweig, Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems (FA) (Germany); Sinapius, Michael [TU Braunschweig, Institute of Adaptronic and Functional Integration (IAF) (Germany); Kwade, Arno; Schilde, Carsten [TU Braunschweig, Institute for Particle Technology (IPAT) (Germany)


    Several epoxy Al(OH)O (boehmite) dispersions in an epoxy resin are produced in a kneader to study the mechanistic correlation between the nanoparticle size and mechanical properties of the prepared nanocomposites. The agglomerate size is set by a targeted variation in solid content and temperature during dispersion, resulting in a different level of stress intensity and thus a different final agglomerate size during the process. The suspension viscosity was used for the estimation of stress energy in laminar shear flow. Agglomerate size measurements are executed via dynamic light scattering to ensure the quality of the produced dispersions. Furthermore, various nanocomposite samples are prepared for three-point bending, tension, and fracture toughness tests. The screening of the size effect is executed with at least seven samples per agglomerate size and test method. The variation of solid content is found to be a reliable method to adjust the agglomerate size between 138–354 nm during dispersion. The size effect on the Young’s modulus and the critical stress intensity is only marginal. Nevertheless, there is a statistically relevant trend showing a linear increase with a decrease in agglomerate size. In contrast, the size effect is more dominant to the sample’s strain and stress at failure. Unlike microscaled agglomerates or particles, which lead to embrittlement of the composite material, nanoscaled agglomerates or particles cause the composite elongation to be nearly of the same level as the base material. The observed effect is valid for agglomerate sizes between 138–354 nm and a particle mass fraction of 10 wt%.

  3. Effects of Al(OH)O nanoparticle agglomerate size in epoxy resin on tension, bending, and fracture properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jux, Maximilian; Finke, Benedikt; Mahrholz, Thorsten; Sinapius, Michael; Kwade, Arno; Schilde, Carsten


    Several epoxy Al(OH)O (boehmite) dispersions in an epoxy resin are produced in a kneader to study the mechanistic correlation between the nanoparticle size and mechanical properties of the prepared nanocomposites. The agglomerate size is set by a targeted variation in solid content and temperature during dispersion, resulting in a different level of stress intensity and thus a different final agglomerate size during the process. The suspension viscosity was used for the estimation of stress energy in laminar shear flow. Agglomerate size measurements are executed via dynamic light scattering to ensure the quality of the produced dispersions. Furthermore, various nanocomposite samples are prepared for three-point bending, tension, and fracture toughness tests. The screening of the size effect is executed with at least seven samples per agglomerate size and test method. The variation of solid content is found to be a reliable method to adjust the agglomerate size between 138–354 nm during dispersion. The size effect on the Young’s modulus and the critical stress intensity is only marginal. Nevertheless, there is a statistically relevant trend showing a linear increase with a decrease in agglomerate size. In contrast, the size effect is more dominant to the sample’s strain and stress at failure. Unlike microscaled agglomerates or particles, which lead to embrittlement of the composite material, nanoscaled agglomerates or particles cause the composite elongation to be nearly of the same level as the base material. The observed effect is valid for agglomerate sizes between 138–354 nm and a particle mass fraction of 10 wt%.

  4. La infracción adolescente a la ley penal en el centro del debate sobre seguridad pública en Uruguay

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    Carolina González-Laurino, Uruguay


    Full Text Available (descriptivo Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre el debate uruguayo de la seguridad pública centrado en la infracción penal juvenil, en el marco de la presentación de un proyecto que propone bajar la edad de imputabilidad penal de dieciocho a dieciséis años presentada a plebiscito en 2014, y de las ambigüedades planteadas a nivel legislativo por la izquierda en el gobierno desde 2005, que se debate entre el discurso de la represión y el de la rehabilitación social. Asimismo se propone un debate acerca de la rehabilitación social en contextos de encierro.

  5. A Psycholinguistic Approach to Inmate Argot in Romanian Prisons


    Nădrag, Lavinia; Stroescu, Manuela


    The lexis and structure of prison argot reflect the personalities of inmates who employ them, as well as the conflicts and tensions inherent in prison settings. It is shown in this article that the distinctiveness of prison argot is largely a product of the character of penal context. Its extent of use varies with the extent of penal discipline. Appreciation of this complex relationship might facilitate improved communication between prisoners and custodial authorities. In addition, knowledge...

  6. Penalized discriminant analysis for the detection of wild-grown and cultivated Ganoderma lucidum using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. (United States)

    Zhu, Ying; Tan, Tuck Lee


    An effective and simple analytical method using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to distinguish wild-grown high-quality Ganoderma lucidum (G. lucidum) from cultivated one is of essential importance for its quality assurance and medicinal value estimation. Commonly used chemical and analytical methods using full spectrum are not so effective for the detection and interpretation due to the complex system of the herbal medicine. In this study, two penalized discriminant analysis models, penalized linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) and elastic net (Elnet),using FTIR spectroscopy have been explored for the purpose of discrimination and interpretation. The classification performances of the two penalized models have been compared with two widely used multivariate methods, principal component discriminant analysis (PCDA) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA). The Elnet model involving a combination of L1 and L2 norm penalties enabled an automatic selection of a small number of informative spectral absorption bands and gave an excellent classification accuracy of 99% for discrimination between spectra of wild-grown and cultivated G. lucidum. Its classification performance was superior to that of the PLDA model in a pure L1 setting and outperformed the PCDA and PLSDA models using full wavelength. The well-performed selection of informative spectral features leads to substantial reduction in model complexity and improvement of classification accuracy, and it is particularly helpful for the quantitative interpretations of the major chemical constituents of G. lucidum regarding its anti-cancer effects. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Penalized discriminant analysis for the detection of wild-grown and cultivated Ganoderma lucidum using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (United States)

    Zhu, Ying; Tan, Tuck Lee


    An effective and simple analytical method using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to distinguish wild-grown high-quality Ganoderma lucidum (G. lucidum) from cultivated one is of essential importance for its quality assurance and medicinal value estimation. Commonly used chemical and analytical methods using full spectrum are not so effective for the detection and interpretation due to the complex system of the herbal medicine. In this study, two penalized discriminant analysis models, penalized linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) and elastic net (Elnet),using FTIR spectroscopy have been explored for the purpose of discrimination and interpretation. The classification performances of the two penalized models have been compared with two widely used multivariate methods, principal component discriminant analysis (PCDA) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA). The Elnet model involving a combination of L1 and L2 norm penalties enabled an automatic selection of a small number of informative spectral absorption bands and gave an excellent classification accuracy of 99% for discrimination between spectra of wild-grown and cultivated G. lucidum. Its classification performance was superior to that of the PLDA model in a pure L1 setting and outperformed the PCDA and PLSDA models using full wavelength. The well-performed selection of informative spectral features leads to substantial reduction in model complexity and improvement of classification accuracy, and it is particularly helpful for the quantitative interpretations of the major chemical constituents of G. lucidum regarding its anti-cancer effects.

  8. Elementos de la soberanía y del tribunal penal internacional


    Scalquette, Rodrigo Arnoni


    Com o título de Elementos da Soberania e do Tribunal Penal Internacional procuramos demonstrar a ligação e pontos conflitantes entre o poder soberano e a Corte Internacional Criminal. No capítulo I, abordamos o conceito de soberania e seu enfoque de concepção política, realizado por Jean Bodin. Vimos o Estado-Leviatã de Thomas Hobbes e a soberania inalienável e indivisível de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. A relação entre Umberto Campagnolo e seu professor, Hans Kelsen, também foi abordada, nota...

  9. Tension type headaches: a review

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Location of the pain:There is often a typical location for tension- type headaches, as ... Cranial nerve abnormalities, including papilloedema. • Signs of ... peripheral and central mechanisms underlie tension-type ... Physiotherapy has been shown to be an effective management option for .... Acupuncture in primary headache.

  10. Post-tensioning system surveillance program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drew, G.E.


    Nuclear power plant containment structure post-tensioning system tendon surveillance program is described in detail. Data collected over three yearly post-tensioning system Surveillance Programs is presented and evaluated to correlate anticipated stress losses with actual losses. In addition corrosion protected system performance is analyzed

  11. Surface Tension of Multi-phase Flow with Multiple Junctions Governed by the Variational Principle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsutani, Shigeki; Nakano, Kota; Shinjo, Katsuhiko


    We explore a computational model of an incompressible fluid with a multi-phase field in three-dimensional Euclidean space. By investigating an incompressible fluid with a two-phase field geometrically, we reformulate the expression of the surface tension for the two-phase field found by Lafaurie et al. (J Comput Phys 113:134–147, 1994) as a variational problem related to an infinite dimensional Lie group, the volume-preserving diffeomorphism. The variational principle to the action integral with the surface energy reproduces their Euler equation of the two-phase field with the surface tension. Since the surface energy of multiple interfaces even with singularities is not difficult to be evaluated in general and the variational formulation works for every action integral, the new formulation enables us to extend their expression to that of a multi-phase (N-phase, N ≥ 2) flow and to obtain a novel Euler equation with the surface tension of the multi-phase field. The obtained Euler equation governs the equation for motion of the multi-phase field with different surface tension coefficients without any difficulties for the singularities at multiple junctions. In other words, we unify the theory of multi-phase fields which express low dimensional interface geometry and the theory of the incompressible fluid dynamics on the infinite dimensional geometry as a variational problem. We apply the equation to the contact angle problems at triple junctions. We computed the fluid dynamics for a two-phase field with a wall numerically and show the numerical computational results that for given surface tension coefficients, the contact angles are generated by the surface tension as results of balances of the kinematic energy and the surface energy.

  12. The study and design of tension controller (United States)

    Jun, G.; Lamei, X.


    Tension control is a wide used technology in areas such as textiles, paper and plastic films. In this article, the tension control system release and winding process is analyzed and the mathematical model of tension control system is established, and a high performance tension controller is designed. In hardware design, STM32F130 single chip microcomputer is used as the control core, which has the characteristics of fast running speed and rich peripheral features. In software design, μC/OS-II operating system is introduced to improve the efficiency of single chip microcomputer, and enhance the independence of each module, and make development and maintenance more convenient. The taper tension control is adopted in the winding part, which can effectively solve the problem of rolling shrinkage. The results show that the tension controller has the characteristics of simple structure, easy operation and stable performance.

  13. A thermodynamic perturbation theory for the surface tension and ion density profile of a liquid metal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, R.; Kumaravadivel, R.


    A simple scheme for determining the ion density profile and the surface tension of a liquid metal is described. Assuming that the interaction between metallic pseudo-ions is of the form introduced by Evans, an approximate expression for the excess free energy of the system is derived using the thermodynamic perturbation theory of Weeks, Chandler and Anderson. This excess free energy is then minimized with respect to a parameter which specifies the ion density profile, and the surface tension is given directly. From a consideration of the dependence of the interionic forces on the electron density it is predicted that the ions should take up a very steep density profile at the liquid metal surface. This behaviour is contrasted with that to be expected for rare-gas fluids in which the interatomic forces are density-independent. The values of the surface tension calculated for liquid Na, K and Al from a simplified version of the theory are in reasonable agreement with experiment. (author)

  14. Tension and robustness in multitasking cellular networks.

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    Jeffrey V Wong

    Full Text Available Cellular networks multitask by exhibiting distinct, context-dependent dynamics. However, network states (parameters that generate a particular dynamic are often sub-optimal for others, defining a source of "tension" between them. Though multitasking is pervasive, it is not clear where tension arises, what consequences it has, and how it is resolved. We developed a generic computational framework to examine the source and consequences of tension between pairs of dynamics exhibited by the well-studied RB-E2F switch regulating cell cycle entry. We found that tension arose from task-dependent shifts in parameters associated with network modules. Although parameter sets common to distinct dynamics did exist, tension reduced both their accessibility and resilience to perturbation, indicating a trade-off between "one-size-fits-all" solutions and robustness. With high tension, robustness can be preserved by dynamic shifting of modules, enabling the network to toggle between tasks, and by increasing network complexity, in this case by gene duplication. We propose that tension is a general constraint on the architecture and operation of multitasking biological networks. To this end, our work provides a framework to quantify the extent of tension between any network dynamics and how it affects network robustness. Such analysis would suggest new ways to interfere with network elements to elucidate the design principles of cellular networks.

  15. Mentoring Preservice Teachers: Identifying Tensions and Possible Resolutions (United States)

    Hudson, Peter; Hudson, Sue


    Tensions can occur in the mentor-mentee relationship during school-based professional experiences that require problem solving. What are the tensions for mentor teachers in preservice teacher education and how might these tensions be resolved? This qualitative study collected data from 31 high school mentor teachers about tensions experienced with…

  16. Let’s not forget the critical role of surface tension in xylem water relations (United States)

    Jean-Christophe Domec


    The widely supported cohesion–tension theory of water transport explains the importance of a continuous water column and the mechanism of long-distance ascent of sap in plants (Dixon 1914, Tyree 2003, Angeles et al. 2004). The evaporation of water from the surfaces of mesophyll cells causes the air–water interface to retreat into the cellulose matrix of the plant cell...


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    Ramiro Anzit Guerrero


    Full Text Available O direito penal do inimigo, proposto por Günther Jacobs, representa a antítese do direito penal garantista, de cunho liberal, idealizado e desenvolvido a partir da Revolução Francesa. Contudo, para que seja possível analisá-lo a partir do texto constitucional brasileiro (proposta do presente trabalho faz-se necessária a compreensão de suas características latentes, o que significa mergulhar a fundo no pensamente de seu artífice, Günther Jacobs.

  18. La incidencia del comportamiento de la víctima en la responsabilidad penal del autor (hacia una teoría unívoca

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    Camilo Iván Machado Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se propone el estudio de la incidencia del comportamiento de la víctima en la responsabilidad penal del autor, realizándose una breve descripción de las diferentes posturas dogmáticas que se han suscitado en la doctrina jurídico-penal en torno a la relevancia del comportamiento de la víctima. Esta ponencia pretende unificar criterios, y por tanto, dar una solución unívoca a la incidencia del comportamiento de la víctima en el injusto penal. Dicha solución la encuentro en un criterio común, sustentado en el derecho a la autonomía de la voluntad, con el que se puede sistematizar la figura dogmática clásica del consentimiento, proponiéndose un entendimiento de la misma, desde la óptica de la teoría de la imputación objetiva, y para ello, se incluye el consentimiento como una causa de ausencia de la imputación objetiva, en su modalidad de criterio delimitante del riesgo permitido.

  19. La incidencia del comportamiento de la víctima en la responsabilidad penal del autor (hacia una teoría unívoca

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    Camilo Iván Machado Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se propone el estudio de la incidencia del comportamiento de la víctima en la responsabilidad penal del autor, realizándose una breve descripción de las diferentes posturas dogmáticas que se han suscitado en la doctrina jurídico-penal en torno a la relevancia del comportamiento de la víctima. Esta ponencia pretende unificar criterios, y por tanto, dar una solución unívoca a la incidencia del comportamiento de la víctima en el injusto penal. Dicha solución la encuentro en un criterio común, sustentado en el derecho a la autonomía de la voluntad, con el que se puede sistematizar la figura dogmática clásica del consentimiento, proponiéndose un entendimiento de la misma, desde la óptica de la teoría de la imputación objetiva, y para ello, se incluye el consentimiento como una causa de ausencia de la imputación objetiva, en su modalidad de criterio delimitante del riesgo permitido.

  20. Nicaragua en proceso de creación de Código Procesal Penal

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    César Barrientos Pellecer


    Full Text Available En la elaboración de un Código Procesal Penal, Nicaragua puede hacer acopio de toda la experiencia regional, para avanzar a la sencillez y simplificación de formas y etapas procesales, mediante procedimientos ágiles que no impliquen grandes inversiones, y se apliquen de manera gradual, sin afectar los derechos del imputado, la víctima y la sociedad. También cuenta el país con los recursos humanos suficientes y calificados para elaborar una legislación capaz de enriquecer el desarrollo latinoamericano del sistema acusatorio.

  1. Perceiving the affordance of string tension for power strokes in badminton: expertise allows effective use of all string tensions. (United States)

    Zhu, Qin


    Affordances mean opportunities for action. These affordances are important for sports performance and relevant to the abilities developed by skilled athletes. In racquet sports such as badminton, different players prefer widely different string tension because it is believed to provide opportunities for effective strokes. The current study examined whether badminton players can perceive the affordance of string tension for power strokes and whether the perception of affordance itself changed as a function of skill level. The results showed that string tension constrained the striking performance of both novice and recreational players, but not of expert players. When perceptual capability was assessed, perceptual mode did not affect perception of the optimal string tension. Skilled players successfully perceived the affordance of string tension, but only experts were concerned about saving energy. Our findings demonstrated that perception of the affordance of string tension in badminton was determined by action abilities. Furthermore, experts could adjust the action to maintain a superior level of performance based on the perception of affordance.

  2. Tension waves in tethered satellite cables (United States)

    Lallman, F. J.


    A one-degree-of-freedom simulation of the Tethered Satellite System (TSS) was programmed using a distributed system model of the tether based on the one-dimensional wave equation. This model represents the time varying tension profile along the tether as the sum of two traveling waves of tension moving in opposite directions. A control loop was devised which combines a deployment rate command with the measured tension at the deployer to produce a smooth, stable rate of deployment of the subsatellite. Simulation results show a buildup of periodic bursts of high frequency oscillation in tension. This report covers the mathematical modelling and simulation results and explains the reason for the observed oscillations. The design of a possible vibration damping device is discussed.


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    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como desiderato debater o princípio da legalidade no âmbito do Direito Penal, postulado que se qualifica como direito humano fundamental. Isso porque a legalidade penal reveste-se de caráter garantidor do cidadão, possuindo caráter basilar em qualquer Estado que se pretenda Democrático de Direito, traduzindo ponto nevrálgico dos ordenamentos jurídicos que se fundem na justiça e na racionalidade. Como é indubitável que o princípio da legalidade afigura-se como garantia individual de cunho constitucional, sua análise é imprescindível para a compreensão do Direito Penal em uma visão principiológica. Para tanto, perquire-se sobre o caráter principiológico da legalidade, realiza-se reflexão sobre a íntima relação entre legalidade e Estado Democrático de Direito, perscruta-se acerca da origem histórica e do conteúdo da cláusula de legalidade, raciocina-se sobre os desdobramentos do referido postulado, são formuladas ideias sobre os mandados de criminalização, desenvolvem-se argumentos em torno de polêmicas questões que envolvem a legalidade penal e, finalmente, alguns arremates acerca do tema são realizados.Abstract: This work aims to discuss the principle of legality in criminal law, principle qualified as a fundamental human right. The criminal legality is a natural guarantee of citizens, having basic character in any state that pretends itself democratic, reflecting main feature of the legal systems based on justice and rationality. As it is clear that the principle of legality seems to be a constitutional guarantee of individual, its analysis is essential for understanding a principled view of the criminal law. To do so, it perquires about the character of legality, reflects on the intimate relationship between legality and democratic state, peers up about the historical origin and content of the clause of legality, reasons about the consequences of this postulate, formulates ideas

  4. El trastorno esquizoide de la personalidad en la jurisprudencia penal del Tribunal Supremo español

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    Maria Penado


    Full Text Available El trastorno esquizoide de la personalidad se presenta como un patrón de desconexión del sujeto de las relaciones sociales y fundamentalmente interpersonales, con un serio déficit de su capacidad de expresión emocional. El presente artículo analiza la delictología asociada a las personas que padecen el citado trastorno y la repercusión que dicha dolencia tiene a la hora de determinar la imputabilidad del acusado. Una vez analizadas las 26 sentencias emitidas por el Tribunal Supremo a partir de la entrada en vigor del Código Penal, se puede observar cómo el padecimiento de un trastorno esquizoide de la personalidad no es considerado con suficiente entidad como para eximir de responsabilidad penal (eximente completa, pero sí para disminuir dicha responsabilidad con la consideración de una eximente incompleta o una atenuante analógica, en función de si además del citado trastorno se dan otro tipo de circunstancias como la embriaguez o el consumo de drogas.

  5. La dignidad de la persona como fundamento del orden jurídico. La teoría del sujeto de derecho penal

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    Carlos Arturo Gómez Pavajeau


    Full Text Available La dignidad de la persona ha sido elevada a la categoría de fundamento del orden jurídico por la Carta Política colombiana. Puede afirmarse, sin ninguna duda, que se constituye en el principio de los principios de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, con claras repercusiones en el ámbito de los derechos fundamentales y en la conformación de las categorías jurídico-penales, razón suficiente para presentar su origen, conceptualización e influencia en el fundamento y la estructura de la responsabilidad penal, pues se erige como la norma que norma todo lo jurídico.

  6. Optic nerve oxygen tension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    la Cour, M; Kiilgaard, Jens Folke; Eysteinsson, T


    To investigate the influence of acute changes in intraocular pressure on the oxygen tension in the vicinity of the optic nerve head under control conditions and after intravenous administration of 500 mg of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor dorzolamide.......To investigate the influence of acute changes in intraocular pressure on the oxygen tension in the vicinity of the optic nerve head under control conditions and after intravenous administration of 500 mg of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor dorzolamide....

  7. The use of computational thermodynamics for the determination of surface tension and Gibbs-Thomson coefficient of multicomponent alloys (United States)

    Ferreira, D. J. S.; Bezerra, B. N.; Collyer, M. N.; Garcia, A.; Ferreira, I. L.


    The simulation of casting processes demands accurate information on the thermophysical properties of the alloy; however, such information is scarce in the literature for multicomponent alloys. Generally, metallic alloys applied in industry have more than three solute components. In the present study, a general solution of Butler's formulation for surface tension is presented for multicomponent alloys and is applied in quaternary Al-Cu-Si-Fe alloys, thus permitting the Gibbs-Thomson coefficient to be determined. Such coefficient is a determining factor to the reliability of predictions furnished by microstructure growth models and by numerical computations of solidification thermal parameters, which will depend on the thermophysical properties assumed in the calculations. The Gibbs-Thomson coefficient for ternary and quaternary alloys is seldom reported in the literature. A numerical model based on Powell's hybrid algorithm and a finite difference Jacobian approximation has been coupled to a Thermo-Calc TCAPI interface to assess the excess Gibbs energy of the liquid phase, permitting liquidus temperature, latent heat, alloy density, surface tension and Gibbs-Thomson coefficient for Al-Cu-Si-Fe hypoeutectic alloys to be calculated, as an example of calculation capabilities for multicomponent alloys of the proposed method. The computed results are compared with thermophysical properties of binary Al-Cu and ternary Al-Cu-Si alloys found in the literature and presented as a function of the Cu solute composition.

  8. Alcance de la protección de los sistemas naturales y las bases naturales de la vida humana. Análisis de la legislación penal española y paraguaya


    Balbuena Soto, Lorena Beatriz


    La catástrofe del Prestige ocurrida en España, en el año 2003, motivó a inquirir sobre el alcance del Derecho penal en la protección del medio ambiente, y llevó a confrontar con el alcance del Derecho penal en la protección de medio ambiente en Paraguay. Precisamente, en la confrontación social y jurídica de ambas realidades se constata la existencia del bien jurídico penal protegido ante las intervenciones del hombre en un sistema natural (CPE), sobre el cual el sistema tecnológico – postind...

  9. Urinary incontinence - tension-free vaginal tape (United States)

    ... ency/article/007377.htm Urinary incontinence - tension-free vaginal tape To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Placement of tension-free vaginal tape is surgery to help control stress urinary ...

  10. Justicia penal y medios de comunicación

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    Lic. Iván Gustavo Lello


    Full Text Available Plantearse como objeto de estudio la difusión por la prensa de procesos judiciales penales implica asumir un punto de vista multidisciplinario y multilateral. En un sistema democrático, solo en el cual es posible problematizar acerca de esta cuestión, el principio es la división de poderes y la publicidad de los actos de gobierno. En él, además, la prensa tiene una función tradicionalmente definida en la historia constitucional recogida por la tradición argentina y latinoamericana en general. Pero el espacio real de la comunicación a través de los medios de este tipo de hechos está enmarcada por tratados internacionales, la constitución y leyes positivas, e incluso con mayor minuciosidad en los códigos de procedimiento, y, en menor medida, por la deontología periodística.

  11. Analysis gives the penal treatment in Cuba to the tied infractions to the use and conservation gives radioactive substances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez Gonzalez, F.; Perez Velazquez, R.S.; Fornet, R.O.; Reyes Fajardo, E.


    The work refers the realized analysis to the Law 62 the Cuban penal code that with establishing to the treatment of the infractions referred standard's to the uses and conservation the radioactive substances and other ionizing radiations sources

  12. Repository emplacement costs for Al-clad high enriched uranium spent fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDonell, W.R.; Parks, P.B.


    A range of strategies for treatment and packaging of Al-clad high-enriched uranium (HEU) spent fuels to prevent or delay the onset of criticality in a geologic repository was evaluated in terms of the number of canisters produced and associated repository costs incurred. The results indicated that strategies in which neutron poisons were added to consolidated forms of the U-Al alloy fuel generally produced the lowest number of canisters and associated repository costs. Chemical processing whereby the HEU was removed from the waste form was also a low cost option. The repository costs generally increased for isotopic dilution strategies, because of the substantial depleted uranium added. Chemical dissolution strategies without HEU removal were also penalized because of the inert constituents in the final waste glass form. Avoiding repository criticality by limiting the fissile mass content of each canister incurred the highest repository costs

  13. Effect of Surface Tension Anisotropy and Welding Parameters on Initial Instability Dynamics During Solidification: A Phase-Field Study (United States)

    Yu, Fengyi; Wei, Yanhong


    The effects of surface tension anisotropy and welding parameters on initial instability dynamics during gas tungsten arc welding of an Al-alloy are investigated by a quantitative phase-field model. The results show that the surface tension anisotropy and welding parameters affect the initial instability dynamics in different ways during welding. The surface tension anisotropy does not influence the solute diffusion process but does affect the stability of the solid/liquid interface during solidification. The welding parameters affect the initial instability dynamics by varying the growth rate and thermal gradient. The incubation time decreases, and the initial wavelength remains stable as the welding speed increases. When welding power increases, the incubation time increases and the initial wavelength slightly increases. Experiments were performed for the same set of welding parameters used in modeling, and the results of the experiments and simulations were in good agreement.

  14. Damage development in woven fabric composites during tension-tension fatigue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, U.


    of the operating fatigue damage mechanism(s). Fatigue leads to a degradation of material properties. Consequently, in connection with impact induced local stress raisers, fatigue produces continuously changing non-uniform stress fields because of stress redistribution effects. Other models addressing evolution...... of fatigue damage in composite materials have not been able to simulate evolving nonuniform stress fields. Therefore. in the second part of this paper, an analytical/numerical approach capable of addressing these issues is also proposed.......Impacted woven fabric composites were tested in tension-tension fatigue. In contrast to results from static testing, the effects of low energy impact damage in a fatigue environment were found to be the critical element leading to failure of the specimen. This difference emphasizes the need...

  15. Speaker and Observer Perceptions of Physical Tension during Stuttering. (United States)

    Tichenor, Seth; Leslie, Paula; Shaiman, Susan; Yaruss, J Scott


    Speech-language pathologists routinely assess physical tension during evaluation of those who stutter. If speakers experience tension that is not visible to clinicians, then judgments of severity may be inaccurate. This study addressed this potential discrepancy by comparing judgments of tension by people who stutter and expert clinicians to determine if clinicians could accurately identify the speakers' experience of physical tension. Ten adults who stutter were audio-video recorded in two speaking samples. Two board-certified specialists in fluency evaluated the samples using the Stuttering Severity Instrument-4 and a checklist adapted for this study. Speakers rated their tension using the same forms, and then discussed their experiences in a qualitative interview so that themes related to physical tension could be identified. The degree of tension reported by speakers was higher than that observed by specialists. Tension in parts of the body that were less visible to the observer (chest, abdomen, throat) was reported more by speakers than by specialists. The thematic analysis revealed that speakers' experience of tension changes over time and that these changes may be related to speakers' acceptance of stuttering. The lack of agreement between speaker and specialist perceptions of tension suggests that using self-reports is a necessary component for supporting the accurate diagnosis of tension in stuttering. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  16. The tension of framed membranes from computer simulations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hamkens, Daniel; Jeppesen, Claus; Ipsen, John H.


    the membranes display power-law characteristics for the equation of state, while higher tension levels includes both an extended linear (elastic) as well as a highly non-linear stretching regime. For semi-flexible membranes a transition from extended to buckled conformations takes place at negative frame......Abstract.: We have analyzed the behavior of a randomly triangulated, self-avoiding surface model of a flexible, fluid membrane subject to a circular boundary by Wang-Landau Monte Carlo computer simulation techniques. The dependence of the canonical free energy and frame tension on the frame area...... is obtained for flexible membranes. It is shown that for low bending rigidities the framed membrane is only stable above a threshold tension, suggesting a discontinuous transition from the collapsed (branched polymer) state to a finite tension extended state. In a tension range above this threshold tension...

  17. Assessment and reduction of diaphragmatic tension during hiatal hernia repair. (United States)

    Bradley, Daniel Davila; Louie, Brian E; Farivar, Alexander S; Wilshire, Candice L; Baik, Peter U; Aye, Ralph W


    During hiatal hernia repair there are two vectors of tension: axial and radial. An optimal repair minimizes the tension along these vectors. Radial tension is not easily recognized. There are no simple maneuvers like measuring length that facilitate assessment of radial tension. The aims of this project were to: (1) establish a simple intraoperative method to evaluate baseline tension of the diaphragmatic hiatal muscle closure; and, (2) assess if tension is reduced by relaxing maneuvers and if so, to what degree. Diaphragmatic characteristics and tension were assessed during hiatal hernia repair with a tension gage. We compared tension measured after hiatal dissection and after relaxing maneuvers were performed. Sixty-four patients (29 M:35F) underwent laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair. Baseline hiatal width was 2.84 cm and tension 13.6 dag. There was a positive correlation between hiatal width and tension (r = 0.55) but the strength of association was low (r (2) = 0.31). Four different hiatal shapes (slit, teardrop, "D", and oval) were identified and appear to influence tension and the need for relaxing incision. Tension was reduced by 35.8 % after a left pleurotomy (12 patients); by 46.2 % after a right crural relaxing incision (15 patients); and by 56.1 % if both maneuvers were performed (6 patients). Tension on the diaphragmatic hiatus can be measured with a novel device. There was a limited correlation with width of the hiatal opening. Relaxing maneuvers such as a left pleurotomy or a right crural relaxing incision reduced tension. Longer term follow-up will determine whether outcomes are improved by quantifying and reducing radial tension.

  18. La reforma del Código penal español motivada por la trasposición de la Directiva 2011/36, sobre prevención y lucha contra la trata de seres humanos y protección de las víctimas.

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    Tania García Sedano


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda el análisis del Anteproyecto de Ley Orgánica por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 10/95, de 23 de Noviembre, del Código Penal en lo que atañe al delito de trata de seres humanos, regulado en artículo 177 bis. El análisis se realiza desde el punto de vista del cumplimiento por España de sus obligaciones internacionales, en concreto la incorporación de la Directiva 2011/36/UE.

  19. Density and surface tension of ionic liquids. (United States)

    Kolbeck, C; Lehmann, J; Lovelock, K R J; Cremer, T; Paape, N; Wasserscheid, P; Fröba, A P; Maier, F; Steinrück, H-P


    We measured the density and surface tension of 9 bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide ([Tf(2)N](-))-based and 12 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium ([C(8)C(1)Im](+))-based ionic liquids (ILs) with the vibrating tube and the pendant drop method, respectively. This comprehensive set of ILs was chosen to probe the influence of the cations and anions on density and surface tension. When the alkyl chain length in the [C(n)C(1)Im][Tf(2)N] series (n = 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) is increased, a decrease in density is observed. The surface tension initially also decreases but reaches a plateau for alkyl chain lengths greater than n = 8. Functionalizing the alkyl chains with ethylene glycol groups results in a higher density as well as a higher surface tension. For the dependence of density and surface tension on the chemical nature of the anion, relations are only found for subgroups of the studied ILs. Density and surface tension values are discussed with respect to intermolecular interactions and surface composition as determined by angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ARXPS). The absence of nonvolatile surface-active contaminants was proven by ARXPS.

  20. Age-specific distributions from coarse-count data: An epidemiological and demographic application of a penalized composite link model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rizzi, Silvia

    as realizations of a Poisson process. The latent unobserved distribution with higher resolution is assumed to be smooth and can be estimated from the composite data via maximum likelihood. In the second study the penalized composite link model for ungrouping is compared to alternative well known ungrouping...

  1. Explanatory and Predictor Relationships Between Forgiving Behaviors, Social Anxiety Levels and Values of Convict-Prisoners in Penal Institutions

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    Sidika Isler


    Full Text Available The purpose of the present research is revealing the correlations between social anxiety, forgiveness and values among convict-prisoners in penal institutions. Relational screening model was adopted in the present research. Relational screening is used to reveal the relationships between two or more variables, and cause-and-effect relationships. The universe of the present research consists of convicts and prisoners in Konya penal institutions in 2013-2014 years. The work group of the present research consists of 680 volunteer convicts and prisoners selected randomly among these. The data collection tool in research value scale, the scale of forgiveness and social anxiety scale was used. The results obtained from this study; The findings of the present research showed that the most important independent variable that affected values was forgiveness, In addition, the most important variable that affects social anxiety in the tested model is values variable and Additionally, second most important variable that affects social anxiety indirectly in the tested model is forgiveness variable.

  2. ¿Serían la Guardia, Tutela y Curatela Bienes Jurídicos Penales? Un Análisis Crítico de los Arts. 248 y 249 del CP a la Luz de la Exclusiva Protección de Bienes Jurídicos

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    Gerson Faustino Rosa


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el análisis crítico y la explotación de un importante problema político-criminal de la actualidad: la criminalización de conductas que afrontan la guarda, la tutela y la curatela en el Código Penal, en sus artículos 248 y 249, lo que ya no tiene sentido ante la actual función del sistema penal, criticándose la actividad desenfrenada del Poder Legislativo, que produce ley espenales que no protegen bien jurídico alguno,oque salvaguardan bienes pasibles de protección por otras esferas del Derecho, valiéndose de la fuerza simbólico-comunicativa del Derecho Penal de forma desnecesaria, ampliando demasiadamente el alcance de la pena criminal, hasta el punto de vulgarizar todo el sistema jurídico penalenrazón de su uso indiscriminado. Paraello, enprimer plano,este estudio trata de la política criminal relativa a la libre planificación familiar, criticando la intervención estatal en cuestiones familiares, como ocurre en el Código Penal de 1940, destacando la necesidad de respetarse los principios de intervención mínima y de proporcionalidad antes de que el legislador se valga de la injerencia penal para la protección de cualquier bien jurídico. Más adelante, se presenta la importancia del bien jurídico-penal, con énfasis en la familia como bien jurídico categorial, especialmente la guardia, tutela y curatela, supuestamente lesionadas por los delitos de los artículos 248 y 249 del Código Penal. Así, se analizan brevemente los tipos penales citados, criticándose dicha criminalización, teniéndose en cuenta que tales tipos son subsidiarios, perfectamente prescindibles en el ordenamiento jurídico-penal y pasibles de salvaguardia por el Derecho Civil, que en la solución de los conflictos familiares se muestra mucho más eficaz que la intervención penal.

  3. Traumatic tension pneumocephalus: Two case reports

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    Abubaker Al-Aieb


    Conclusions: These are two rare cases with posttraumatic tension pneumocephalus treated conservatively with a favorable outcome. Early diagnosis of tension pneumocephalus is a crucial step to facilitate early recovery; however, the associated injuries need attention as they could influence the hospital course.

  4. Exploratory experimental investigations on post-tensioned structural glass beams

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Louter, C.; Nielsen, Jens Henrik; Belis, J.


    This paper discusses two projects on post-tensioned glass beams, performed at EPFL and DTU, respectively. In these projects small scale glass beams (length of 1.5m and 1m) are post-tensioned by means of steel threaded rods tensioned at the beam ends. The purpose of post-tensioning glass beams...

  5. Konsensus zur Anwendung der "Tension-free Vaginal Tape" (TVT Operation bei der weiblichen Belastungsinkontinenz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanzal E


    Full Text Available Unter der Patronanz der Medizinischen Gesellschaft für Inkontinenzhilfe Österreich wurde im Juni 2002 in Wien die 2. Auflage eines Österreichischen Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT Konsensus-Meetings abgehalten. TVT ist eine neue Operationstechnik zur Behandlung der weiblichen Stressharninkontinenz, die seit 1998 in Österreich eingesetzt wird. Im Rahmen des Treffens, an dem Experten aus den Fachbereichen Urologie und Gynäkologie teilnahmen, wurde die vorhandene Fachliteratur analysiert und ein Konsensus für die präoperative Abklärung, Durchführung und postoperative Verlaufskontrolle als Basis für eine laufende Qualitätsverbesserung des Verfahrens erarbeitet, dessen Ergebnis in dem vorliegenden Papier als Leitlinie zusammengefaßt ist.

  6. Tension pneumothorax, is it a really life-threatening condition? (United States)


    Background Tension pneumothorax is a life-threatening occurrence that is infrequently the consequence of spontaneous pneumothorax. The aim of this study was to identify the risk factors for the development of tension pneumothorax and its effect on clinical outcomes. Methods We reviewed patients who were admitted with spontaneous pneumothorax between August 1, 2003 and December 31, 2011. Electronic medical records and the radiological findings were reviewed with chest x-ray and high-resolution computed tomography scans that were retrieved from the Picture Archiving Communication System. Results Out of the 370 patients included in this study, tension pneumothorax developed in 60 (16.2%). The bullae were larger in patients with tension pneumothorax than in those without (23.8 ± 16.2 mm vs 16.1 ± 19.1 mm; P = 0.007). In addition, the incidence of tension pneumothorax increased with the lung bulla size. Fibrotic adhesion was more prevalent in the tension pneumothorax group than in that without (P = 0.000). The bullae were large in patients with fibrotic adhesion than in those without adhesion (35.0 ± 22.3 mm vs 10.4 ± 11.5 mm; P = 0.000). On multivariate analysis, the size of bullae (odds ratio (OR) = 1.03, P = 0.001) and fibrotic adhesion (OR = 10.76, P = 0.000) were risk factors of tension pneumothorax. Hospital mortality was 3.3% in the tension pneumothorax group and it was not significantly different from those patients without tension pneunothorax (P = 0.252). Conclusions Tension pneumothorax is not uncommon, but clinically fatal tension pneumothorax is extremely rare. The size of the lung bullae and fibrotic adhesion contributes to the development of tension pneumothorax. PMID:24128176

  7. A Penalized Semialgebraic Deflation ICA Algorithm for the Efficient Extraction of Interictal Epileptic Signals. (United States)

    Becker, Hanna; Albera, Laurent; Comon, Pierre; Kachenoura, Amar; Merlet, Isabelle


    As a noninvasive technique, electroencephalography (EEG) is commonly used to monitor the brain signals of patients with epilepsy such as the interictal epileptic spikes. However, the recorded data are often corrupted by artifacts originating, for example, from muscle activities, which may have much higher amplitudes than the interictal epileptic signals of interest. To remove these artifacts, a number of independent component analysis (ICA) techniques were successfully applied. In this paper, we propose a new deflation ICA algorithm, called penalized semialgebraic unitary deflation (P-SAUD) algorithm, that improves upon classical ICA methods by leading to a considerably reduced computational complexity at equivalent performance. This is achieved by employing a penalized semialgebraic extraction scheme, which permits us to identify the epileptic components of interest (interictal spikes) first and obviates the need of extracting subsequent components. The proposed method is evaluated on physiologically plausible simulated EEG data and actual measurements of three patients. The results are compared to those of several popular ICA algorithms as well as second-order blind source separation methods, demonstrating that P-SAUD extracts the epileptic spikes with the same accuracy as the best ICA methods, but reduces the computational complexity by a factor of 10 for 32-channel recordings. This superior computational efficiency is of particular interest considering the increasing use of high-resolution EEG recordings, whose analysis requires algorithms with low computational cost.

  8. Rapid cable tension estimation using dynamic and mechanical properties (United States)

    Martínez-Castro, Rosana E.; Jang, Shinae; Christenson, Richard E.


    Main tension elements are critical to the overall stability of cable-supported bridges. A dependable and rapid determination of cable tension is desired to assess the state of a cable-supported bridge and evaluate its operability. A portable smart sensor setup is presented to reduce post-processing time and deployment complexity while reliably determining cable tension using dynamic characteristics extracted from spectral analysis. A self-recording accelerometer is coupled with a single-board microcomputer that communicates wirelessly with a remote host computer. The portable smart sensing device is designed such that additional algorithms, sensors and controlling devices for various monitoring applications can be installed and operated for additional structural assessment. The tension-estimating algorithms are based on taut string theory and expand to consider bending stiffness. The successful combination of cable properties allows the use of a cable's dynamic behavior to determine tension force. The tension-estimating algorithms are experimentally validated on a through-arch steel bridge subject to ambient vibration induced by passing traffic. The tension estimation is determined in well agreement with previously determined tension values for the structure.

  9. Oxygen tension level and human viral infections

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morinet, Frédéric, E-mail: [Centre des Innovations Thérapeutiques en Oncologie et Hématologie (CITOH), CHU Saint-Louis, Paris (France); Université Denis Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité Paris, Paris (France); Casetti, Luana [Institut Cochin INSERM U1016, Paris (France); François, Jean-Hugues; Capron, Claude [Institut Cochin INSERM U1016, Paris (France); Laboratoire d' Hématologie, Hôpital Ambroise Paré, Boulogne (France); Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelynes, Versailles (France); Pillet, Sylvie [Laboratoire de Bactériologie-Virologie-Hygiène, CHU de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne (France); Université de Lyon et Université de Saint-Etienne, Jean Monnet, GIMAP EA3064, F-42023 Saint-Etienne, Lyon (France)


    The role of oxygen tension level is a well-known phenomenon that has been studied in oncology and radiotherapy since about 60 years. Oxygen tension may inhibit or stimulate propagation of viruses in vitro as well as in vivo. In turn modulating oxygen metabolism may constitute a novel approach to treat viral infections as an adjuvant therapy. The major transcription factor which regulates oxygen tension level is hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α). Down-regulating the expression of HIF-1α is a possible method in the treatment of chronic viral infection such as human immunodeficiency virus infection, chronic hepatitis B and C viral infections and Kaposi sarcoma in addition to classic chemotherapy. The aim of this review is to supply an updating concerning the influence of oxygen tension level in human viral infections and to evoke possible new therapeutic strategies regarding this environmental condition. - Highlights: • Oxygen tension level regulates viral replication in vitro and possibly in vivo. • Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1α) is the principal factor involved in Oxygen tension level. • HIF-1α upregulates gene expression for example of HIV, JC and Kaposi sarcoma viruses. • In addition to classical chemotherapy inhibition of HIF-1α may constitute a new track to treat human viral infections.

  10. A incidência das falsas memórias no processo penal


    Pritsch, Fabiane Romanzini


    O objeto precípuo deste trabalho monográfco é a análise da incidência do fenômeno psicológico das falsas memórias na produção da prova testemunhal no processo penal. Para tanto, adotou-se o método de abordagem dedutivo, bem como as técnicas bibliográfca e documental. O Estado, por ser o titular exclusivo do jus puniendi, é o responsável por impor uma sanção quando constatar a prática de um crime. Contudo, referida medida somente poderá ser aplicada se houver a instauração de um processo, inst...

  11. Attempts at estimating mixed venous carbon dioxide tension by the single-breath method. (United States)

    Ohta, H; Takatani, O; Matsuoka, T


    The single-breath method was originally proposed by Kim et al. [1] for estimating the blood carbon dioxide tension and cardiac output. Its reliability has not been proven. The present study was undertaken, using dogs, to compare the mixed venous carbon dioxide tension (PVCO2) calculated by the single-breath method with the PVCO2 measured in mixed venous blood, and to evaluate the influence of variations in the exhalation duration and the volume of expired air usually discarded from computations as the deadspace. Among the exhalation durations of 15, 30 and 45 s tested, the 15 s duration was found to be too short to obtain an analyzable O2-CO2 curve, but at either 30 or 45 s, the calculated values of PVCO2 were comparable to the measured PVCO2. A significant agreement between calculated and measured PVCO2 was obtained when the expired gas with PCO2 less than 22 Torr was considered as deadspace gas.

  12. Phase stability of CuAlMn shape memory alloys

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zárubová, Niva; Novák, Václav


    Roč. 378, - (2004), s. 216-221 ISSN 0921-5093 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : CuAlMn * shape memory alloys * martensitic transformation * - stress -strain tests * tension-compression cycling * history dependent phenomena Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.445, year: 2004

  13. The Equilibrium Spreading Tension of Pulmonary Surfactant


    Dagan, Maayan P.; Hall, Stephen B.


    Monomolecular films at an air/water interface coexist at the equilibrium spreading tension (γe) with the bulk phase from which they form. For individual phospholipids, γe is single-valued, and separates conditions at which hydrated vesicles adsorb from tensions at which overcompressed monolayers collapse. With pulmonary surfactant, isotherms show that monolayers compressed on the surface of bubbles coexist with the three-dimensional collapsed phase over a range of surface tensions. γe therefo...


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    Vitalie STATI


    Full Text Available Prezentul articol este consacrat analizei de drept penal a infracţiunilor prevăzute la art.238 şi 239 CP RM. Analiza este efectuată prin prisma Legii pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte legislative din 25.07.2014. În acord cu aceasta, aria de aplicare a art.238 CP RM a fost extinsă asupra ipotezelor presupunând prezentarea cu bună ştiinţă a unor infor-maţii false în scopul obţinerii unui împrumut sau a unei despăgubiri/indemnizaţii de asigurare, ori al majorării sumei acestora, ori al obţinerii unui împrumut în condiţii avantajoase, dacă prin aceasta instituţiei financiare, organizaţiei financiare nebancare, asociaţiei de economii şi împrumut sau asigurătorului i-au fost cauzate daune. De asemenea, art.238 CP RM a fost completat cu alineatul (2: „Aceleaşi acţiuni care au cauzat daune în proporţii deosebit de mari”. Nu în ultimul rând, aria de aplicare a art.239 CP RM a fost extinsă asupra ipotezelor presupunând acordarea unui împru-mut sau a unei despăgubiri/indemnizaţii de asigurare cu încălcarea intenţionată a legii, a politicilor de acordare a împru-muturilor sau normelor de prudenţă financiară, dacă prin aceasta instituţiei financiare, organizaţiei financiare nebancare, asociaţiei de economii şi împrumut sau asigurătorului i-au fost cauzate daune.THE OFFENCES REFFERED TO AT ART.238 AND 239 PC RM IN THE LIGHT OF THE AMENDMENTS OPERATED TO THE PENAL CODE AT 07.25.2014This article is dedicated to the penal law analysis of the offences referred to at art.238 and 239 PC RM. The analysis is carried through the Law on amending and supplementing certain legislative acts from 25.07.2014. In line with these procedures, the application scope of art.238 PC RM was extended over the hypothesis assuming knowingly presenting false information in order to obtain a loan or reparation/insurance claim, or to increase their amount, or to obtain a loan on favorable terms, if all these were caused

  15. Tension perturbations of black brane spacetimes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Traschen, Jennie; Fox, Daniel


    We consider black brane spacetimes that have at least one spatial translation Killing field that is tangent to the brane. A new parameter, the tension of a spacetime, is defined. The tension parameter is associated with spatial translations in much the same way that the ADM mass is associated with the time translation Killing field. In this work, we explore the implications of the spatial translation symmetry for small perturbations around a background black brane. For static-charged black branes we derive a law which relates the tension perturbation to the surface gravity times the change in the horizon area, plus terms that involve variations in the charges and currents. We find that as a black brane evaporates the tension decreases. We also give a simple derivation of a first law for black brane spacetimes. These constructions hold when the background stress-energy is governed by a Hamiltonian, and the results include arbitrary perturbative stress-energy sources

  16. Natural aging and plastic behavior of an Al-Mg-Si Alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giovachini, R; Cuniberti, A


    The effect of prior NA on the mechanical properties of an AlMgSi alloy submitted to artificial aging for 30 min at 180 o C was studied. The NA prior to the AA leads to decreased flow tension and increased deformation at the fracture for t NA ≤ 7 days, while this behavior seems to revert itself for greater t NA . The mechanical behavior is discussed based on the formation processes of MgSi conglomerates, pre-precipitation and precipitation. The different components of the flow tension are evaluated according to a lineal overlap (CW)

  17. Los delitos sexuales: la ley y la práctica judicial en la Provincia de Buenos Aires durante el período de codifcación del derecho penal argentino (1877-1892.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gisela Sedeillan.


    Full Text Available After the passage of the frst penal code in the Province of Buenos Aires in 1877, judges interpreted it in such a way so that the victims of rape and statutory rape had to press charges rather than the state directly seeking justice. This regulation of judicial procedure led to profound transformations in legal practice, operating more as an obstacle than a beneft to the protection of victim’s right by limiting their ability to take part in the legal proceedings as plaintiffs, which made it impossible to punish the accused. The reigning norm in the national Penal Code was reformed in order to reconcile the law with the social reality of the victims and make it possible to effectively protect the rights of those who fled the lawsuit with the state. We confine this work to the period from 1877-1892 in order to analyze the application and interpretation of the provincial penal code and the changes introduced with the sanction of the national Penal Code in the judicial branch.

  18. Sistema penal e violência de gênero: análise sociojurídica da Lei 11.340/06 Penal System and Gender-based violence: a sociojuridical analysis of the Law N. 11.340/06

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    Rodrigo Ghiringhelli de Azevedo


    Full Text Available O presente artigo parte da reflexão acerca do papel da sociologia jurídica na compreensão do funcionamento da atividade legislativa, para analisar a racionalidade e os efeitos prováveis da entrada em vigor da Lei nº 11.340/06 (Lei Maria da Penha. Conclui-se que, ao invés de avançar e desenvolver mecanismos alternativos para a administração de conflitos, possivelmente mais eficazes para alcançar o objetivo de redução da violência, mais uma vez recorreu-se ao mito da tutela penal, neste caso ela própria uma manifestação da mesma cultura que se pretende combater.The present article makes a reflection upon the role of the Sociology of Law on understanding the operation of the legislative activity, in order to analyze rationality and the probable effects of Law N. 11.340/06 (Maria da Penha Law. One concluded that, instead of moving forward and developing alternative mechanisms for the administration of conflicts, possibly more effective to reduce violence, once more, one recurred to the myth of the penal protection, in this case, a manifestation of the same culture one intended to combat.

  19. Measurement for Surface Tension of Aqueous Inorganic Salt

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    Jiming Wen


    Full Text Available Bubble columns are effective means of filtration in filtered containment venting systems. Here, the surface tension has a significant influence on bubble size distribution and bubble deformation, which have a strong impact on the behavior of the bubble column. The influence of aqueous inorganic compounds on the surface tension depends on the electrolytic activity, Debye length, entropy of ion hydration, and surface deficiencies or excess. In this work, the surface tensions of same specific aqueous solutions have been measured by different methods including platinum plate method, platinum ring method, and maximum bubble pressure method. The measured surface tensions of both sodium hydroxide and sodium thiosulfate are less than that of water. As solution temperature ranges from 20 to 75°C, the surface tension of 0.5 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution decreases from 71 to 55 mN/m while that of 1 mol/L solution decreases from 60 to 45 mN/m. Similarly during the same temperature range, the surface tension of 0.5 mol/L sodium thiosulfate decreases from 70 to 38 mN/m, and that of 1 mol/L sodium thiosulfate is between 68 and 36 mN/m. The analysis for the influence mechanism of aqueous inorganic on surface tension is provided. In addition, experimental results show that the surface tension of solid aerosol suspension liquid has no obvious difference from that of distilled water.

  20. Ciencia del Derecho penal y política criminal europea

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    Michael Kubiciel


    Full Text Available La entrada en vigencia del Tratado de Lisboa le ofrece a la ciencia del Derecho penal la oportunidad de retomar algunos problemas que han sido descuidados por largo tiempo. Ella no debería concentrarse tanto en la discusión sobre la legitimación democrática de la Unión Europea o en el análisis de las normas de competencia, sino que más bien debería determinar con qué finalidad se pueden emplear las competencias. La necesaria racionalización de la política criminal europea requiere un debate sobre los fines de la pena. Dicho debate se puede basar en las teorías preventivas y retributivas que fueron elaboradas y discutidas en toda Europa desde el siglo XVII.

  1. Tending the tensions in co-creation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Phillips, Professor MSO Louise; Nordentoft, Helle Merete; Pedersen, Lektor Christina Hee

    -for-granted positive value. In the panel we de-romanticise “co-creation” and explore how it is enacted in particular organisational contexts, concentrating on context-specific tensions arising in the meeting between different knowledge forms and interests. These include tensions BETWEEN dialogic views of knowledge co-creation...

  2. Surface tension in soap films: revisiting a classic demonstration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Behroozi, F


    We revisit a classic demonstration for surface tension in soap films and introduce a more striking variation of it. The demonstration shows how the film, pulling uniformly and normally on a loose string, transforms it into a circular arc under tension. The relationship between the surface tension and the string tension is analysed and presented in a useful graphical form. (letters and comments)

  3. Surface tension in soap films: revisiting a classic demonstration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Behroozi, F [Department of Physics, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614 (United States)], E-mail:


    We revisit a classic demonstration for surface tension in soap films and introduce a more striking variation of it. The demonstration shows how the film, pulling uniformly and normally on a loose string, transforms it into a circular arc under tension. The relationship between the surface tension and the string tension is analysed and presented in a useful graphical form. (letters and comments)

  4. Bending Under Tension Test with Direct Friction Measurement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Jan Lasson; Olsson, David Dam; Chodnikiewicz, K.


    A special Bending-Under-Tension (BUT) transducer has been developed in which friction around the tool radius can be directly measured when drawing a plane sheet strip around a cylindrical tool-pin under constant back tension. The front tension, back tension and torque on the tool-pin are all...... measured directly, thus enabling accurate measurement of friction and direct determination of lubricant film breakdown for varying normal pressure, sliding speed, tool radius and tool preheat temperature. The transducer is applied in an experimental investigation focusing on limits of lubrication...

  5. Magnetic tension and gravitational collapse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsagas, Christos G


    The gravitational collapse of a magnetized medium is investigated by studying qualitatively the convergence of a timelike family of non-geodesic worldlines in the presence of a magnetic field. Focusing on the field's tension, we illustrate how the winding of the magnetic forcelines due to the fluid's rotation assists the collapse, while shear-like distortions in the distribution of the field's gradients resist contraction. We also show that the relativistic coupling between magnetism and geometry, together with the tension properties of the field, lead to a magneto-curvature stress that opposes the collapse. This tension stress grows stronger with increasing curvature distortion, which means that it could potentially dominate over the gravitational pull of the matter. If this happens, a converging family of non-geodesic worldlines can be prevented from focusing without violating the standard energy conditions

  6. Muscle trigger point therapy in tension-type headache. (United States)

    Alonso-Blanco, Cristina; de-la-Llave-Rincón, Ana Isabel; Fernández-de-las-Peñas, César


    Recent evidence suggests that active trigger points (TrPs) in neck and shoulder muscles contribute to tension-type headache. Active TrPs within the suboccipital, upper trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, temporalis, superior oblique and lateral rectus muscles have been associated with chronic and episodic tension-type headache forms. It seems that the pain profile of this headache may be provoked by referred pain from active TrPs in the posterior cervical, head and shoulder muscles. In fact, the presence of active TrPs has been related to a higher degree of sensitization in tension-type headache. Different therapeutic approaches are proposed for proper TrP management. Preliminary evidence indicates that inactivation of TrPs may be effective for the management of tension-type headache, particularly in a subgroup of patients who may respond positively to this approach. Different treatment approaches targeted to TrP inactivation are discussed in the current paper, focusing on tension-type headache. New studies are needed to further delineate the relationship between muscle TrP inactivation and tension-type headache.

  7. Patients with tension-type headaches feel stigmatized

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanjay Prakash


    Full Text Available The author, a sufferer of tension-type headache (TTH, believes that the word "tension" in "tension-type headache" carries a social stigma and that patients do not accept a diagnosis of TTH readily. TTH is the most common primary headache disorder. The disability of TTH as a burden of society is greater than that of migraine. Absenteeism because of TTH is higher than that due to migraine. However, patients with TTH do not go for consultation. Even the prevalence of new daily persistent headache (NDPH is 12 times higher at the headache clinic than that of chronic TTH (CTTH. These points hint that TTH patients probably do not want to visit the clinic. The author believes that it could be because of the stigma attached to "tension." Herein, the author has noted the first responses given by 50 consecutive patients with TTH when they were told that they had been suffering from TTH. The first answer of 64% of patients with TTH was "I do not have any tension/stress ." This denial is similar to the denial declared by patients with depression. Depression and tension are similar in the sense that both are considered as a signs of personal weakness. Such a preconception in the society creates a stigma, and patients deny the diagnosis, conceal symptoms, and become reluctant to seek help and treatment.

  8. Smoothing of X-ray diffraction data and K (alpha)2 elimination using penalized likelihood and the composite link model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Rooi, J.J.; Van der Pers, N.M.; Hendrikx, R.W.A.; Delhez, R.; Bottger, A.J.; Eilers, P.H.C.


    X-ray diffraction scans consist of series of counts; these numbers obey Poisson distributions with varying expected values. These scans are often smoothed and the K2 component is removed. This article proposes a framework in which both issues are treated. Penalized likelihood estimation is used to

  9. Ultrasound Findings in Tension Pneumothorax: A Case Report. (United States)

    Inocencio, Maxine; Childs, Jeannine; Chilstrom, Mikaela L; Berona, Kristin


    Delayed recognition of tension pneumothorax can lead to a mortality of 31% to 91%. However, the classic physical examination findings of tracheal deviation and distended neck veins are poorly sensitive in the diagnosis of tension pneumothorax. Point-of-care ultrasound is accurate in identifying the presence of pneumothorax, but sonographic findings of tension pneumothorax are less well described. We report the case of a 21-year-old man with sudden-onset left-sided chest pain. He was clinically stable without hypoxia or hypotension, and the initial chest x-ray study showed a large pneumothorax without mediastinal shift. While the patient was awaiting tube thoracostomy, a point-of-care ultrasound demonstrated findings of mediastinal shift and a dilated inferior vena cava (IVC) concerning for tension physiology, even though the patient remained hemodynamically stable. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: This case demonstrates a unique clinical scenario of ultrasound evidence of tension physiology in a clinically stable patient. Although this patient was well appearing without hypotension, respiratory distress, tracheal deviation, or distended neck veins, point-of-care ultrasound revealed mediastinal shift and a plethoric IVC. Given that the classic clinical signs of tension pneumothorax are not uniformly present, this case shows how point-of-care ultrasound may diagnose tension pneumothorax before clinical decompensation. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  10. Tension and relaxation in the individual. (United States)

    Newbury, C R


    Increasing materialism in society is resulting in more wide spread nervous tension in all age groups. While some degree of nervous tension is necessary in everyday living, its adverse effects require that we must learn to bring it under control. Total tension is shown to have two components: a controllable element arising from factors in the environment and the inbuilt uncontrollable residue which is basic in the individual temperament. The effects of excessive or uncontrolled stress can be classified as 1) emotional reactions such as neurotic behaviour (anxiety hypochondria, hysteria, phobia, depression obsessions and compulsions) or psychotic behaviour and 2) psychosomatic reactions (nervous asthma, headache, insomnia, heart attack). Nervous energy can be wastefully expended by such factors as loss of temper, wrong attitudes to work, job frustration and marital strains. Relaxation is the only positive way to control undesirable nervous tension and its techniques require to be learned. A number of techniques (progressive relaxation, differential relaxation, hypnosis, the use of biofeedback, Yoga and Transcendental Meditation) are described and their application to dental practice is discussed.

  11. Minoría gitana, Derecho penal y teorías republicanas del castigo || Roma Minority, Criminal Law and Republican Theories of Punishment

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    Oscar Pérez de la Fuente


    Full Text Available Resumen: En primer lugar, este artículo plantea argumentos contra el prejuicio antigitano. En especial, los diversos intentos  de mezclar biología y Derecho penal.   En segundo lugar,  analiza tres elementos que explican mejor la relación entre minoría gitana y justicia penal: a El prejuicio como una profecía que se autocumple; b El Derecho penal como un caso de discriminación indirecta; c El prejuicio como falacia de la generalización.  En tercer lugar, se estudian las teoricle ly this artetribucionista, utilitarista y restaurativa desde las perspectiva de los derechos de los miembros de la minorías del castigo retribucionista, utilitarista y restaurativa desde las perspectiva de los derechos de los miembros de la minoría gitana.  Abstract: Firstly, this article focus on some arguments about the prejudice against Roma people. Specially, different attempts of mixing biology and criminal Law. Secondly, it is analysed three elements that explain better the relationship between Roma minority and criminal justice: a Prejudice as a prophecy that it self-accomplishes; b Criminal Law as a case of indirect discrimination; c The prejudice as a fallacy of generalization. Thirdly, it is studied the retributionist, utilitarian and restorative theories of punishment from the perspective of the rights of the members of Roma minority. 

  12. A premodern legacy: the "easy" criminalization of homosexual acts between women in the Finnish Penal Code of 1889. (United States)

    Löfström, J


    Homosexual acts between women were criminalized in Finland in the 1889 Penal Code which also criminalized men's homosexual acts for the first time explicitly in Finnish legislation. The inclusion of women in the Penal Code took place without much ado. In the article it is argued that the uncomplicated juxtaposing of men and women was due to the legacy of a cultural pattern where man and woman, as categories, were not in an all-pervasive polarity to each other, for example, in sexual subjectivity. A cultural pattern of low gender polarization was typical of preindustrial rural culture, and it can help us apprehend also certain other features in contemporary Finnish social and political life, for example, women obtaining a general franchise and eligibility for the parliament first in the world, in 1906. A modern image of "public man" and "private woman" was only making its way in Finnish society; hence, there was not much anxiety at women's entry in politics, or, for that matter, at their potential for (homo)sexual subjectivity becoming recognized publicly in criminal law.

  13. Are changes to be recommended in environmental penal law, in particular in connection with administrative law. Empfehlen sich Aenderungen im strafrechtlichen Umweltschutz, insbesondere in Verbindung mit dem Verwaltungsrecht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heine, G.; Meinberg, V. (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Auslaendisches und Internationales Strafrecht, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany, F.R.))


    The expert opinion tries to point out basic problems and to make suggestions. It neither deals with every single issue of environmental penal law, nor does it offer an overall 'solution'. The authors have limited themselves to analyzing focal points, to summarizing the present state of discussions, and to adding new aspects, particularly with regard to criminological and comparative law. This results in concentrating on the 28th Section of StGB and its central protective functions; other (possible) regulation areas of substantive law are only considered in those cases where, in the latter context, the lack of them proves to be system-adverse and deficitary. Also, the formulated reform proposal only concerns this central area of environmental penal law. In the interest of what is possible, it centers on the conceptional facts of valid law. After an introduction, part 1 deals with: Stocktaking - basic principles and inadequacies of valid environmental penal law; part 2 with: Necessity and limits of reform. (orig.).

  14. Modern environmental penal law in the light of the jurisdiction - review and tasks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rengier, R.


    The jurisdiction in modern environmental penal law has gone beyond just adopting the ecological tenets of the legislature: it has farthered their development, thus contributing substantially to an ecologically oriented understanding of the offences of water pollution and ecologically harmful waste disposal. This orientation has made prosecution more efficient and through its preventive effects has increased ecological awareness. A good example within the sphere of public interest are communal plant operators. In other areas such as private business and private households the preventive effect is not yet as apparent, but this will probably change in the course of time. (orig.) [de

  15. Emergency percutaneous needle decompression for tension pneumoperitoneum

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    Körner Markus


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Tension pneumoperitoneum as a complication of iatrogenic bowel perforation during endoscopy is a dramatic condition in which intraperitoneal air under pressure causes hemodynamic and ventilatory compromise. Like tension pneumothorax, urgent intervention is required. Immediate surgical decompression though is not always possible due to the limitations of the preclinical management and sometimes to capacity constraints of medical staff and equipment in the clinic. Methods This is a retrospective analysis of cases of pneumoperitoneum and tension pneumoperitoneum due to iatrogenic bowel perforation. All patients admitted to our surgical department between January 2005 and October 2010 were included. Tension pneumoperitoneum was diagnosed in those patients presenting signs of hemodynamic and ventilatory compromise in addition to abdominal distension. Results Between January 2005 and October 2010 eleven patients with iatrogenic bowel perforation were admitted to our surgical department. The mean time between perforation and admission was 36 ± 14 hrs (range 30 min - 130 hrs, between ER admission and begin of the operation 3 hrs and 15 min ± 47 min (range 60 min - 9 hrs. Three out of eleven patients had clinical signs of tension pneumoperitoneum. In those patients emergency percutaneous needle decompression was performed with a 16G venous catheter. This improved significantly the patients' condition (stabilization of vital signs, reducing jugular vein congestion, bridging the time to the start of the operation. Conclusions Hemodynamical and respiratory compromise in addition to abdominal distension shortly after endoscopy are strongly suggestive of tension pneumoperitoneum due to iatrogenic bowel perforation. This is a rare but life threatening condition and it can be managed in a preclinical and clinical setting with emergency percutaneous needle decompression like tension pneumothorax. Emergency percutaneous decompression is no

  16. Improving multisensor estimation of heavy-to-extreme precipitation via conditional bias-penalized optimal estimation (United States)

    Kim, Beomgeun; Seo, Dong-Jun; Noh, Seong Jin; Prat, Olivier P.; Nelson, Brian R.


    A new technique for merging radar precipitation estimates and rain gauge data is developed and evaluated to improve multisensor quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE), in particular, of heavy-to-extreme precipitation. Unlike the conventional cokriging methods which are susceptible to conditional bias (CB), the proposed technique, referred to herein as conditional bias-penalized cokriging (CBPCK), explicitly minimizes Type-II CB for improved quantitative estimation of heavy-to-extreme precipitation. CBPCK is a bivariate version of extended conditional bias-penalized kriging (ECBPK) developed for gauge-only analysis. To evaluate CBPCK, cross validation and visual examination are carried out using multi-year hourly radar and gauge data in the North Central Texas region in which CBPCK is compared with the variant of the ordinary cokriging (OCK) algorithm used operationally in the National Weather Service Multisensor Precipitation Estimator. The results show that CBPCK significantly reduces Type-II CB for estimation of heavy-to-extreme precipitation, and that the margin of improvement over OCK is larger in areas of higher fractional coverage (FC) of precipitation. When FC > 0.9 and hourly gauge precipitation is > 60 mm, the reduction in root mean squared error (RMSE) by CBPCK over radar-only (RO) is about 12 mm while the reduction in RMSE by OCK over RO is about 7 mm. CBPCK may be used in real-time analysis or in reanalysis of multisensor precipitation for which accurate estimation of heavy-to-extreme precipitation is of particular importance.

  17. Decree amending and adding various provisions to the Penal Code for the Federal District with respect to local jurisdiction and to the Penal Code for the whole Republic with respect to federal jurisdiction, 29 December 1988. [Selected provisions]. (United States)


    Mexico's decree amending and adding various provisions to the penal code for the federal district, with respect to local jurisdiction, and to the penal code for the whole republic, with respect to federal jurisdiction, December 29, 1988, among other things, amends the penal code to strengthen provisions relating to sex crimes. Among the provisions are the following: anyone procuring or facilitating the corruption of a minor (under 18) or a person lacking capacity, by means of sexual acts, or who induces him to engage in begging, drunkenness, drug addiction, or some other vice; to form part of an unlawful association; or to commit whatever crimes will be imprisoned for 3-8 years and subjected to a fine. The sentence shall be enhanced if the minor or incapacitated person forms a habit due to repeated acts of corruption. Whoever encourages or facilitates a person's engaging in prostitution or obtains or delivers a person for the purpose of prostitution will be imprisoned for 2-9 years and fined. Pandering will be punished with imprisonment for 2-9 years and a fine. Whoever, without consent and without the purpose of achieving intercourse, performs on her a sexual act with lascivious intent, or forces her to perform it, will be sentenced to "15 days to 1 year's or to 10-40 days' community service work." If physical or moral violence is used, the penalty will be 2-7 years imprisonment. Performing the above act on a person under age 12 or on someone unable to resist increases the punishment. Whoever uses physical or moral violence to have intercourse with a person of whatever sex shall be imprisoned 8-14 years; using an object other than a penis either vaginally or anally on either a male or a female will result in imprisonment of 1-5 years. If the victim is under age 12, unable to resist, or if 2 or more persons commit the crime, an enhanced punishment will result.

  18. [Diagnostic and therapy of tension-type headache]. (United States)

    Straube, A


    Episodic headache of the tension type is the most prevalent primary headache with a lifetime prevalence of about 78 %. Clinical characteristics are a dull, moderate, holocephalic headache without accompanying autonomic or vegetative symptoms. The episodic tension-type headache often lasts only 30 min up to a maximum of a few days. In contrast to this clinically often undemanding headache, chronic tension-type headache can cause considerable disability in patients. The 1-year prevalence is 1-3 % of the population. All therapy strategies combine nonpharmaceutical therapy such as education of the patient, regular aerobic exercise, and psychological treatment (e.g., Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation etc.) with pharmaceutical treatment such as tricyclic antidepressants or combined serotonergic and noradrenergic antidepressants. Combination therapy has been proven to be more effective than singular strategies; however, the chronic tension-type headache still poses a therapeutic problem.

  19. Mitochondrial Respiration and Oxygen Tension. (United States)

    Shaw, Daniel S; Meitha, Karlia; Considine, Michael J; Foyer, Christine H


    Measurements of respiration and oxygen tension in plant organs allow a precise understanding of mitochondrial capacity and function within the context of cellular oxygen metabolism. Here we describe methods that can be routinely used for the isolation of intact mitochondria, and the determination of respiratory electron transport, together with techniques for in vivo determination of oxygen tension and measurement of respiration by both CO 2 production and O 2 consumption that enables calculation of the respiratory quotient [CO 2 ]/[O 2 ].

  20. Surface, dynamic and structural properties of liquid Al-Ti alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novakovic, R.; Giuranno, D.; Ricci, E.; Tuissi, A.; Wunderlich, R.; Fecht, H.-J.; Egry, I.


    The systems containing highly reactive element such as Ti are the most difficult to be determined experimentally and therefore, it is often necessary to estimate the missing values by theoretical models. The thermodynamic data of the Al-Ti system are scarce, its phase diagram is still incomplete and there are very few data on the thermophysical properties of Al-Ti melts. The study on surface, dynamic and static structural properties of liquid Al-Ti alloys has been carried out within the framework of the Compound Formation Model. In spite of the experimental difficulties, the surface tension of liquid Al-2 at.%Ti alloy has been measured over a temperature range by the pinned drop method.

  1. Prediction of tension-type headache risk in adolescents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. A. Stepanchenko


    Full Text Available Tension-type headache is the actual problem of adolescent neurology, which is associated with the prevalence of the disease, the tendency of the disease to the chronic course and a negative impact on performance in education, work capacity and quality of patients’ life. The aim. To develop a method for prediction of tension-type headache occurrence in adolescents. Materials and methods. 2342 adolescent boys and girls at the age of 13-17 years in schools of Kharkiv were examined. We used questionnaire to identify the headache. A group of adolescents with tension-type headache - 1430 people (61.1% was selected. The control group included 246 healthy adolescents. Possible risk factors for tension-type headache formation were divided into 4 groups: genetic, biomedical, psychosocial and social. Mathematical prediction of tension-type headache risk in adolescents was performed using the method of intensive indicators normalization of E.N. Shigan, which was based on probabilistic Bayesian’s method. The result was presented in the form of prognostic coefficients. Results. The most informative risk factors for tension-type headache development were the diseases, from which the teenager suffered after 1 year (sleep disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, autonomic disorders in the family history, traumatic brain injury, physical inactivity, poor adaptation of the patient in the kindergarten and school, stresses. Diagnostic scale has been developed to predict the risk of tension-type headache. It includes 23 prognostic factors with their gradation and meaning of integrated risk indicator, depending on individual factor strength influence. The risk of tension-type headache development ranged from 25,27 to 81,43 values of prognostic coefficient (low probability (25,27-43,99, the average probability (43,99-62,71 and high probability (62,71- 81,43. Conclusion. The study of tension-type headache risk factors, which were obtained by using an assessed and

  2. Problemas en la investigación procesal-penal del feminicidio en el Perú.


    Tuesta, Diego; Mujica, Jaris


    La tipificación del feminicidio en el Perú conlleva diversos problemas para la investigación preparatoria en el campo judicial. Basado en el registro cualitativo de la experiencia de fiscales especializados y el cuerpo de forense de los cuatro distritos judiciales de Lima, este artículo describe los problemas centrales en el uso del tipo penal. El problema central identificado por los fiscales es la poca traductibilidad de la categoría “discriminación de género” a términos operativos en mater...

  3. Planck and the local Universe: quantifying the tension

    CERN Document Server

    Verde, Licia; Protopapas, Pavlos


    We use the latest Planck constraints, and in particular constraints on the derived parameters (Hubble constant and age of the Universe) for the local universe and compare them with local measurements of the same quantities. We propose a way to quantify whether cosmological parameters constraints from two different experiments are in tension or not. Our statistic, T, is an evidence ratio and therefore can be interpreted with the widely used Jeffrey's scale. We find that in the framework of the LCDM model, the Planck inferred two dimensional, joint, posterior distribution for the Hubble constant and age of the Universe is in "strong" tension with the local measurements; the odds being ~ 1:50. We explore several possibilities for explaining this tension and examine the consequences both in terms of unknown errors and deviations from the LCDM model. In some one-parameter LCDM model extensions, tension is reduced whereas in other extensions, tension is instead increased. In particular, small total neutrino masses ...

  4. Effects of surface tension on tray point efficiencies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, G.X.; Afacan, A.; Chuang, K.T. (Alberta Univ., Edmonton, AB (Canada))


    Sieve tray efficiencies for the distillation of methanol/water, acetic acid/water, and cyclohexane/n-heptane mixtures were measured as a function of composition under fixed vapor and liquid rates in a 0.15 m diameter distillation column. The three binary distillation systems used in the study had a wide range of surface tensions measured as a function of composition. From the efficiencies measured, the number of vapor- and liquid-phase transfer units (Ng and Nl) was determined and the effects of surface tension on Ng and Nl were identified. To further verify the results obtained from the distillation column, bubble sizes in froths for air/water, air/methanol, and air/(water + surfactant) systems with different surface tensions were measured. The results show that surface tension has a significant effect on tray efficiency and the number of transfer units. Bubble sizes in the tray froths were mainly determined by surface tension, and bubble breakup and coalescence occur in the froths. 45 refs., 15 figs., 1 tab.


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    Carlos del Valle Rojas


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo muestra cómo el análisis de la valoración de la prueba, usando herramientas de diagramación argumental, puede ayudar a los operadores jurídicos a evaluar la calidad de la argumentación del razonamiento jurídico. Se aplica el Modified Wigmorean Analysis (MWA a un caso penal hipotético y a un caso real, ensayando el proceso de análisis y diagramación y probando su utilidad. La conclusión reseña las ventajas y debilidades del análisis y sugiere ajustes al proceso de diagramación.The present work shows how the analysis of the valuation of the proof, using tools of plot diagramming, can help the juridical operators to evaluate the quality of the argumentation of the juridical reasoning. There is applied the Modified Wigmorean Analysis (MWA to a penal hypothetical case and to a real case, testing the process of analysis and diagramming and proving his utility. The conclusion outlines the advantages and weaknesses of the analysis and suggests adjustments to the process of diagramming.

  6. An automatic tension measurement system of MWPC wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D'Antone, I.; Lolli, M.; Torromeo, G.


    An electronic system is presented for automatic mechanical tension measurement to test wire chambers. The developed system works in the tension range from 50 g to 300 g; this large working range is obtained by using a microcontroller that performs a digital control on the bridge of an oscillator containing the wire of which the tension has to be measured. The microcontroller automatically brings the system towards the oscillation condition and subsequently, measuring the frequency, it evaluates, displays and sends to a host computer the value of the mechanical tension of the wires. The system is precise and allows fast measurements. A description of the hardware and software design is given. (orig.)

  7. A Permutation Approach for Selecting the Penalty Parameter in Penalized Model Selection (United States)

    Sabourin, Jeremy A; Valdar, William; Nobel, Andrew B


    Summary We describe a simple, computationally effcient, permutation-based procedure for selecting the penalty parameter in LASSO penalized regression. The procedure, permutation selection, is intended for applications where variable selection is the primary focus, and can be applied in a variety of structural settings, including that of generalized linear models. We briefly discuss connections between permutation selection and existing theory for the LASSO. In addition, we present a simulation study and an analysis of real biomedical data sets in which permutation selection is compared with selection based on the following: cross-validation (CV), the Bayesian information criterion (BIC), Scaled Sparse Linear Regression, and a selection method based on recently developed testing procedures for the LASSO. PMID:26243050


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    Full Text Available El objetivo perseguido con la realización de este trabajo es conocer la responsabilidad penal derivada del incumplimiento de las obligaciones contables por parte de los órganos sociales de las cooperativas, observando la incidencia de la reforma del Código Penal en la responsabilidad. Para ello, se comienza haciendo una breve descripción de las obligaciones contables, no solo el deber de llevanza de la contabilidad, libros obligatorios,… sino también las obligaciones específicas de las cooperativas recientemente reguladas en la Orden de 21 de diciembre de 2010 sobre los aspectos contables de las sociedades cooperativas (BOE de 29 de diciembre, donde nos encontramos con numerosos cambios en los que parte de las aportaciones de los socios pasarán a calificarse como pasivo. A continuación se analizan los distintos artículos del Código Penal en los que la contabilidad tuviera relevancia, incidiendo en como podría verse afectada la responsabilidad de la empresa con la reciente reforma. / The aim of this work is to know the criminal responsibility for social organs arising from not complying with the accounting obligations and the repercussion of the reform of the Penal Code in the treatment of responsibility. The paper starts with a brief description of the accounting obligations, not only formal but also material obligations, and the specific rules for the valuation of cooperatives that have recently been regulated in the Order of December 21, 2010 (BOE December, 29 of the countable aspects of cooperative companies will be analyzed in this paper. In it we will find numerous changes in whicht parts of the contributions of the partners will be classified as debts.. Finally, this work analyzes various articles of the Criminal Code in which the accounting is most important, highlighting the possibility of responsibility of the companies after the new reform.


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    Alejandra Mera González-Ballesteros


    Full Text Available Hace ya más de tres décadas que se han venido implementando en diversas jurisdicciones programas de justicia restaurativa en el ámbito de la justicia penal, especialmente en los sistemas de justicia penal juvenil, ofreciendo una alternativa de resolución orientada a la reparación, desjudicialización y el diálogo entre los directamente involucrados en el conflicto. Este vertiginoso desarrollo ha precedido generalmente a la regulación legal y al debate sobre estándares y garantías procesales que deben orientar estos programas. Sin embargo, a medida que los programas de justicia restaurativa han ganado terreno y se han propuesto como mecanismos de resolución en casos de mayor gravedad y de criminalidad adulta, la necesidad de establecer estándares legales se ha hecho urgente. Hasta ahora, a nivel comparado, no existe acuerdo sobre la necesidad o el contenido de las garantías procesales aplicables a los programas de justicia restaurativa. Este trabajo propone que es necesario establecer estándares procesales claros en la implementación de estos programas, pero a su vez, que ellos deben adecuarse a los principios y fines que ésta persigue.Since more than thirty years, many countries have implemented restorative justice programmes to deal with criminal matters, especially with young offenders. This programmes offer different ways to deal with the aftermaths of a crime, through diversion, reparation and the active participation of those involved in the conflict. This dramatic development has occurred, though, without broad legal regulations or deep debates regarding procedural safeguards and standards. Nevertheless, as restorative justice programmes grow and are being used to deal with serious offences and adult offenders, the need for the setting of safeguards is pressing. Until now, there is not agreement in the literature regarding the specific content of procedural safeguards for restorative justice. This paper suggests that

  10. Gastrothorax or tension pneumothorax: A diagnostic dilemma

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    Singh Sarvesh


    Full Text Available Gastrothorax, a rare complication following thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair, is reported. The clinical features of a gastrothorax and tension pneumothorax are similar and thus, a gastrothorax can masquerade as a tension pneumothorax. The diagnosis is made by a high level of clinical suspicion, chest X-ray shows a distended stomach with air fluid levels and a computerised tomography is useful in assessing the diaphragm and establishing the positions of the various intra-abdominal organs. Also, the risk of an intercostal drainage tube placement and the role of nasogastric tube in avoiding the development of a tension gastrothorax is highlighted.

  11. Tension Hydrothorax Related to Disseminated Endometriosis

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    AnnaKate Deal, MD


    Full Text Available We present the case of a 34-year-old woman presenting to the emergency department (ED with dyspnea, cough, and fever. She was found to have a tension hydrothorax and was treated with ultrasound-guided thoracentesis in the ED. Subsequent inpatient evaluation showed the patient had disseminated endometriosis. Tension hydrothorax has not been previously described in the literature as a complication of this disease.

  12. LO CIRCUNSTANCIAL EN LOS DELITOS IMPRUDENTES: UNA VISIÓN DESDE EL ORDENAMIENTO PUNITIVO CUBANO The circumstances in the recklees crimes: a sight from the penal cuban system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dayan López Rojas


    Full Text Available La investigación se orienta a un análisis dogmático en torno a la compatibilidad entre algunas circunstancias modificativas de la responsabilidad penal y los delitos imprudentes desde una perspectiva sistemática, a partir de los postulados que ofrece la teoría general de las circunstancias modificativas de la responsabilidad penal. El estudio doctrinal que se lleva a cabo, cuyo propósito es analizar las bases jurídicas esenciales que permitan la justa interpretación y apreciación de lo circunstancial en el delito imprudente, afronta el tratamiento que tradicionalmente ha ofrecido la práctica judicial cubana a la cuestión examinada; y con apoyo en las razones que fundamentan las circunstancias modificativas de la responsabilidad penal, se sustenta la compatibilidad entre los delitos cometidos por imprudencia y aquellas atenuantes que obedezcan a razones de política criminal.The article it finds one's bearings to a dogmatic analysis about compatibility between modifying circumstances of criminal responsibility and reckless crimes from a systematic perspective, as of the postulates that offers the general theory of the modifying circumstances of criminal responsibility. The doctrinal study that it takes to end, faces the treatment that traditionally has offered the judicial Cuban practice to the examined question, and with support in the reasons that lay the foundations of the modifying circumstances of the penal responsibility sustains to him the compatibility between the crimes committed for imprudence and those attenuating that obey reasons of criminal politics.

  13. Rein tension acceptance in young horses in a voluntary test situation. (United States)

    Christensen, J W; Zharkikh, T L; Antoine, A; Malmkvist, J


    During riding, horses are frequently exposed to pressure from the rider, e.g. through the bit and reins, but few studies have investigated at which point rein tension becomes uncomfortable for the horse. To investigate how much rein tension young inexperienced horses are willing to accept in order to obtain a food reward; whether the tension acceptance changes during 3 consecutive test days; and whether rein tension correlates with the expression of conflict behaviour and heart rate. Pressure-naïve horses will apply only little rein tension in the first voluntary trial, but their acceptance will gradually increase. High levels of rein tension will lead to expression of conflict behaviour and increases in heart rate. Fifteen 2-year-old, bridle-naïve mares were encouraged to stretch their head forward (across a 0.95 m high metal bar) to obtain a food reward in a voluntary test situation. On each test day, each horse was exposed to 2 control sessions (loose reins), an intermediate and a short rein session (1 min/session). Rein tension, heart rate and behaviour were recorded. The horses applied significantly more tension on the first day (mean rein tension: 10.2 N), compared to the second and third test day (Day 2: 6.0 and Day 3: 5.7 N). The horses showed significantly more conflict behaviour in the short rein treatment. There was no treatment effect on heart rate. The horses applied the highest rein tension on the first day, and apparently learned to avoid the tension, rather than habituate to it. Rein tension correlated with expression of conflict behaviour, indicating that the horses found the tension aversive. Further studies should focus on the correlation between rein tension and conflict behaviour in ridden horses. © 2010 EVJ Ltd.

  14. Embracing Tensions in Feminist Organizational Communication Pedagogies (United States)

    Linabary, Jasmine R.; Long, Ziyu; Mouton, Ashton; Rao, Ranjani L.; Buzzanell, Patrice M.


    Feminist pedagogies hold potential to create more inclusive and transformative classrooms. Adopting a tension-centered approach, we draw on our individual and collective reflections on the design and instruction of a multi-section undergraduate organizational communication course to build an autoethnographic account of the tensions associated with…

  15. Tension Pneumothorax following an Accidental Kerosene Poisoning ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tension pneumothorax is a rare complication following an accidental kerosene poisoning. In such situation, a bed-side needle thoracocentesis is performed because of its potential of becoming fatal; hence its clinical importance. A case of 15 month old boy with tension pneumothorax following accidental kerosene ...

  16. Apuntes del tipo penal concierto para delinquir en la legislación colombiana

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    Patricia Alonso


    Full Text Available  Resumen La ley en general, específicamente en el desarrollo del presente artículo científico, ley penal, debe po­seer una justificación y razón de ser, que exponga los motivos de su promulgación y en sentido a su existencia legal, toda normal penal que sanciona una conducta delictiva por medio de la aplicación de una pena específica, encuentra su fundamento en la protección de los bienes jurídicos tutelados por la norma, de manera que ante la omisión de llevar a cabo determinadas conductas que los colocan en peli­gro o afectan, se pueda salvaguardar los mismos bienes jurídicos y la integridad social de los diferentes miembros del colectivo, tal como lo expone, como podemos saber toda conducta delictiva sancionada por la ley debe ser un acto o una omisión imputable al hombre, pero en determinados casos como lo son los delitos de mera conducta, el deber de la ley se encuentra estipulado en la protección de conductas que aun cuando no han causado un daño en la sociedad, colocan en peligro la integridad de determi­nados bienes jurídicos, como un acto en potencia destinado a afectarlos, por lo tanto la ley en los casos omite la materialización de la anti juridicidad o el principio de lesividad y se preocupa por la protección anticipada de conductas que lesiones dichos bienes, como lo es la tipificación del delito Concierto para delinquir en la legislación Colombiana.   AbstractEvery law, especifically in the development of this article, criminal law, must have, a justification, that ex­pose the movil of its legal existence, every criminal law sanction that punish a criminal behavior imposing a condemn, find its justification through the protection of legal rights, protected and watched by the norm, saying this way, the omission of realize sort of behaviors, known as dangerous for society, will be possi­ble protect those rights and the social integrity of every member of the collective society, every criminal act should

  17. A biclustering algorithm for binary matrices based on penalized Bernoulli likelihood

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, Seokho


    We propose a new biclustering method for binary data matrices using the maximum penalized Bernoulli likelihood estimation. Our method applies a multi-layer model defined on the logits of the success probabilities, where each layer represents a simple bicluster structure and the combination of multiple layers is able to reveal complicated, multiple biclusters. The method allows for non-pure biclusters, and can simultaneously identify the 1-prevalent blocks and 0-prevalent blocks. A computationally efficient algorithm is developed and guidelines are provided for specifying the tuning parameters, including initial values of model parameters, the number of layers, and the penalty parameters. Missing-data imputation can be handled in the EM framework. The method is tested using synthetic and real datasets and shows good performance. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.

  18. A novel approach to pipeline tensioner modeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    O' Grady, Robert; Ilie, Daniel; Lane, Michael [MCS Software Division, Galway (Ireland)


    As subsea pipeline developments continue to move into deep and ultra-deep water locations, there is an increasing need for the accurate prediction of expected pipeline fatigue life. A significant factor that must be considered as part of this process is the fatigue damage sustained by the pipeline during installation. The magnitude of this installation-related damage is governed by a number of different agents, one of which is the dynamic behavior of the tensioner systems during pipe-laying operations. There are a variety of traditional finite element methods for representing dynamic tensioner behavior. These existing methods, while basic in nature, have been proven to provide adequate forecasts in terms of the dynamic variation in typical installation parameters such as top tension and sagbend/overbend strain. However due to the simplicity of these current approaches, some of them tend to over-estimate the frequency of tensioner pay out/in under dynamic loading. This excessive level of pay out/in motion results in the prediction of additional stress cycles at certain roller beds, which in turn leads to the prediction of unrealistic fatigue damage to the pipeline. This unwarranted fatigue damage then equates to an over-conservative value for the accumulated damage experienced by a pipeline weld during installation, and so leads to a reduction in the estimated fatigue life for the pipeline. This paper describes a novel approach to tensioner modeling which allows for greater control over the velocity of dynamic tensioner pay out/in and so provides a more accurate estimation of fatigue damage experienced by the pipeline during installation. The paper reports on a case study, as outlined in the proceeding section, in which a comparison is made between results from this new tensioner model and from a more conventional approach. The comparison considers typical installation parameters as well as an in-depth look at the predicted fatigue damage for the two methods

  19. A Tutela Penal como Instrumento de Dignidade Ambiental na Perspectiva do Direito Iberoamericano


    Ribeiro, Luiz Gustavo Gonçalves; Costa, Beatriz Souza


    Ainda que se reconheça que o celeiro de produção das normas penais tenha levado em conta, em face da dogmática secular, o paradigma dos conflitos interindividuais, as demandas por tutela de bens jurídicos difusos crescem e reclamam efetividade. À pergunta se, por isso, o meio ambiente pode e deve encontrar-se no campo de atuação do direito penal, a hipótese vestibular é a de que aquele, dotado que é de importância para a vida dos seres, de presentes e futuras gerações, é bem jurídico merecedo...

  20. Length and elasticity of side reins affect rein tension at trot. (United States)

    Clayton, Hilary M; Larson, Britt; Kaiser, LeeAnn J; Lavagnino, Michael


    This study investigated the horse's contribution to tension in the reins. The experimental hypotheses were that tension in side reins (1) increases biphasically in each trot stride, (2) changes inversely with rein length, and (3) changes with elasticity of the reins. Eight riding horses trotted in hand at consistent speed in a straight line wearing a bit and bridle and three types of side reins (inelastic, stiff elastic, compliant elastic) were evaluated in random order at long, neutral, and short lengths. Strain gauge transducers (240 Hz) measured minimal, maximal and mean rein tension, rate of loading and impulse. The effects of rein type and length were evaluated using ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc tests. Rein tension oscillated in a regular pattern with a peak during each diagonal stance phase. Within each rein type, minimal, maximal and mean tensions were higher with shorter reins. At neutral or short lengths, minimal tension increased and maximal tension decreased with elasticity of the reins. Short, inelastic reins had the highest maximal tension and rate of loading. Since the tension variables respond differently to rein elasticity at different lengths, it is recommended that a set of variables representing different aspects of rein tension should be reported. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Flagrando a ambiguidade da dogmática penal com a lupa criminológica: que garantismo é possível do compasso criminologia – penalismo crítico?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera Regina Pereira de Andrade


    Full Text Available Desenvolvemos, neste artigo, umaanálise da funcionalidade da dogmática penalno marco da modernidade e do sistema penal,sob o marco teórico central da Criminologiada reação social e crítica, apontando suaeficácia invertida e crise, bem como aspossibilidades, então entreabertas, de umanova relação entre Criminologia e dogmáticapenal (criminodogmática, potencializadora deum garantismo crítico e criminologicamentefundamentado, assente não mais sobre alegitimidade, mas sobre a deslegitimação dadogmática e do sistema penal moderno. We develop in this article, ananalysis of the functionality of CriminalDogmatic in modernity and the criminaljustice system, in the theoretical framework ofthe reaction center of Criminology and socialcriticism, pointing reversed its effectivenessand crisis, as well as possibilities, then ajarof a new relationship between Criminologyand Criminal Dogmatic (crime dogmaticpotentiated in a critical guarantees criminologyand reasoned, based on no more legitimacy,but on the illegitimacy of the dogmatic and themodern penal system.

  2. Effect of potential attraction term on surface tension of ionic liquids (United States)

    Vaziri, N.; Khordad, R.; Rezaei, G.


    In this work, we have studied the effect of attraction term of molecular potential on surface tension of ionic liquids (ILs). For this purpose, we have introduced two different potential models to obtain analytical expressions for the surface tension of ILs. The introduced potential models have different attraction terms. The obtained surface tensions in this work have been compared with other theoretical methods and also experimental data. Using the calculated surface tension, the sound velocity is also estimated. We have studied the structural effects on the surface tensions of imidazolium-based ionic liquids. It is found that the cation alkyl chain length and the anion size play important roles to the surface tension of the selected ionic liquids. The calculated surface tensions show a good harmony with experimental data. It is clear that the attraction term of molecular potential has an important role on surface tension and sound velocity of our system.

  3. Mental health/illness and prisons as place: frontline clinicians׳ perspectives of mental health work in a penal setting. (United States)

    Wright, Nicola; Jordan, Melanie; Kane, Eddie


    This article takes mental health and prisons as its two foci. It explores the links between social and structural aspects of the penal setting, the provision of mental healthcare in prisons, and mental health work in this environment. This analysis utilises qualitative interview data from prison-based fieldwork undertaken in Her Majesty׳s Prison Service, England. Two themes are discussed: (1) the desire and practicalities of doing mental health work and (2) prison staff as mental health work allies. Concepts covered include equivalence, training, ownership, informal communication, mental health knowledge, service gatekeepers, case identification, and unmet need. Implications for practice are (1) the mental health knowledge and understanding of prison wing staff could be appraised and developed to improve mental healthcare and address unmet need. Their role as observers and gatekeepers could be considered. (2) The realities of frontline mental health work for clinicians in the penal environment should be embraced and used to produce and implement improved policy and practice guidance, which is in better accord with the actuality of the context - both socially and structurally. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Tension Stiffened and Tendon Actuated Manipulator (United States)

    Doggett, William R. (Inventor); Dorsey, John T. (Inventor); Ganoe, George G. (Inventor); King, Bruce D. (Inventor); Jones, Thomas C. (Inventor); Mercer, Charles D. (Inventor); Corbin, Cole K. (Inventor)


    A tension stiffened and tendon actuated manipulator is provided performing robotic-like movements when acquiring a payload. The manipulator design can be adapted for use in-space, lunar or other planetary installations as it is readily configurable for acquiring and precisely manipulating a payload in both a zero-g environment and in an environment with a gravity field. The manipulator includes a plurality of link arms, a hinge connecting adjacent link arms together to allow the adjacent link arms to rotate relative to each other and a cable actuation and tensioning system provided between adjacent link arms. The cable actuation and tensioning system includes a spreader arm and a plurality of driven and non-driven elements attached to the link arms and the spreader arm. At least one cable is routed around the driven and non-driven elements for actuating the hinge.

  5. La protección del bienestar animal a través del Derecho Penal


    Hava García, Esther


    El presente artículo analiza la influencia que los movimientos animalistas están teniendo en el reconocimiento de un estándar de protección a los animales en el ordenamiento jurídico. Tras exponer las principales normas que regulan el bienestar animal en el Derecho europeo y en el Derecho administrativo español, así como la evolución que en los últimos años ha experimentado la tutela penal de los animales, se trata de concretar el bien jurídico protegido tanto en el delito d...

  6. Sparse Adaptive Channel Estimation Based on lp-Norm-Penalized Affine Projection Algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yingsong Li


    Full Text Available We propose an lp-norm-penalized affine projection algorithm (LP-APA for broadband multipath adaptive channel estimations. The proposed LP-APA is realized by incorporating an lp-norm into the cost function of the conventional affine projection algorithm (APA to exploit the sparsity property of the broadband wireless multipath channel, by which the convergence speed and steady-state performance of the APA are significantly improved. The implementation of the LP-APA is equivalent to adding a zero attractor to its iterations. The simulation results, which are obtained from a sparse channel estimation, demonstrate that the proposed LP-APA can efficiently improve channel estimation performance in terms of both the convergence speed and steady-state performance when the channel is exactly sparse.

  7. Cooperación internacional en materia penal en el MERCOSUR: el cibercrimen

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    Santiago Deluca


    Es justo reconocer que en este trabajo no se pretende elaborar un corpus iuris por simple traslación de conceptos o legislación mercosureña, todo lo contrario. Por medio del análisis de las particularidades jurídicas del proceso de integración y sus instrumentos de derecho se busca dejar sentado que el Mercosur se encuentra encaminado en la creación de un espacio integrado de cooperación en materia penal, más allá del aspecto pura y exclusivamente económico. Y, principalmente, analizar cómo se presenta hoy en día la modalidad conocida como cibercrimen y la utilidad de las herramientas señaladas para lograr combatirlo.

  8. Parachute Cord Tension Sensor (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — To design and fabricate a light weight (few oz), very small (~2 inch length) parachute cord tension sensor demonstrator device.A major challenge for the CPAS (The...

  9. Tension-filled Governance?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Celik, Tim Holst

    on the statesituated tension-filled functional relationship between legitimation and accumulation, the study both historically and theoretically reworks this approach and reapplies it for the post-1970s/1990s governance period. It asks whether and to what extent governance has served as a distinctive post- 1970s/1990s...

  10. Focal adhesions, stress fibers and mechanical tension

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burridge, Keith, E-mail: [Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, and Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, 12-016 Lineberger, CB#7295, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (United States); Guilluy, Christophe, E-mail: [Inserm UMR-S1087, CNRS UMR-C6291, L' institut du Thorax, and Université de Nantes, Nantes (France)


    Stress fibers and focal adhesions are complex protein arrays that produce, transmit and sense mechanical tension. Evidence accumulated over many years led to the conclusion that mechanical tension generated within stress fibers contributes to the assembly of both stress fibers themselves and their associated focal adhesions. However, several lines of evidence have recently been presented against this model. Here we discuss the evidence for and against the role of mechanical tension in driving the assembly of these structures. We also consider how their assembly is influenced by the rigidity of the substratum to which cells are adhering. Finally, we discuss the recently identified connections between stress fibers and the nucleus, and the roles that these may play, both in cell migration and regulating nuclear function. - Highlights: • The different types of stress fiber and focal adhesion are described. • We discuss the controversy about tension and assembly of these structures. • We describe the different models used to investigate assembly of these structures. • The influence of substratum rigidity is discussed. • Stress fiber connections to the nucleus are reviewed.

  11. A audiência de custódia como instrumento humanitário no processo penal


    Silva Neto, Aldemar Monteiro da


    RESUMO Por meio do presente trabalho, pretende-se examinar a obrigatoriedade da audiência de custódia, isto é, da apresentação da pessoa presa perante uma autoridade judiciária, sem demora, ou no mais prévio prazo, consagrada em tratados internacionais, dos quais o Estado brasileiro é signatário, mesmo sem previsão no ordenamento interno. Somente o art. 306 do Código de Processo Penal, corroborando o disposto no art. 5º, LXII, da Constituição Federal, determina a comunicação imediata...

  12. Effect of erbium modification on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion characteristics of binary Mg–Al alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seetharaman, Sankaranarayanan, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, 117576 (Singapore); Blawert, Carsten [Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Magnesium Innovation Centre, Max-Planck-Straße 1, D-21502, Geesthacht (Germany); Ng, Baoshu Milton [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, 117576 (Singapore); Wong, Wai Leong Eugene [School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, New Castle University International Singapore, 180 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8, 569830 (Singapore); Goh, Chwee Sim [ITE Technology Development Centre, ITE College Central, 2 Ang Mo Kio Drive, 567720 (Singapore); Hort, Norbert [Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Magnesium Innovation Centre, Max-Planck-Straße 1, D-21502, Geesthacht (Germany); Gupta, Manoj, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, 117576 (Singapore)


    In this study, new erbium modified Mg–Al alloys were developed by integrating trace erbium (in the form of Al{sub 94.67}Er{sub 5.33} master alloy) into pure Mg using disintegrated melt deposition technique. The developed Er- modified Mg–Al alloys were investigated for their microstructural, mechanical and corrosion characteristics in comparison with their unmodified counterparts. Microstructural investigation revealed (i) improved purity, (ii) (marginal) grain refinement, (iii) more uniform second phase distribution and (iv) Al{sub 3}Er phase formation due to Er modification. Mechanical property measurements revealed an overall enhancement under indentation, tension and compression loads. A remarkable improvement in tensile ductility (without adverse effects on strength) by +19%, +29%, and +58% was obtained in Mg–3Al–0.1Er, Mg–6Al–0.3Er and Mg–9Al–0.5Er when compared to Mg–3Al, Mg–6Al and Mg–9Al respectively. While the Mg–6Al–0.3Er alloy exhibited best ductility, the Mg–9Al–0.5Er has the best strength under both tension and compression loads. Corrosion characteristics evaluated by hydrogen evolution, salt spray and electrochemical impedance experiments revealed improved corrosion resistance of Er modified Mg–Al alloys by the enhanced purity levels and the formation of Al–Er phases. - Highlights: • New erbium modified Mg–Al alloys successfully synthesized using DMD method. • Erbium modification promoted Al{sub 3}Er formation and improved the purity. • Remarkable improvement in tensile ductility obtained after erbium modification. • The developed erbium modified Mg–Al alloys exhibit improved corrosion resistance.

  13. Effect of erbium modification on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion characteristics of binary Mg–Al alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seetharaman, Sankaranarayanan; Blawert, Carsten; Ng, Baoshu Milton; Wong, Wai Leong Eugene; Goh, Chwee Sim; Hort, Norbert; Gupta, Manoj


    In this study, new erbium modified Mg–Al alloys were developed by integrating trace erbium (in the form of Al 94.67 Er 5.33 master alloy) into pure Mg using disintegrated melt deposition technique. The developed Er- modified Mg–Al alloys were investigated for their microstructural, mechanical and corrosion characteristics in comparison with their unmodified counterparts. Microstructural investigation revealed (i) improved purity, (ii) (marginal) grain refinement, (iii) more uniform second phase distribution and (iv) Al 3 Er phase formation due to Er modification. Mechanical property measurements revealed an overall enhancement under indentation, tension and compression loads. A remarkable improvement in tensile ductility (without adverse effects on strength) by +19%, +29%, and +58% was obtained in Mg–3Al–0.1Er, Mg–6Al–0.3Er and Mg–9Al–0.5Er when compared to Mg–3Al, Mg–6Al and Mg–9Al respectively. While the Mg–6Al–0.3Er alloy exhibited best ductility, the Mg–9Al–0.5Er has the best strength under both tension and compression loads. Corrosion characteristics evaluated by hydrogen evolution, salt spray and electrochemical impedance experiments revealed improved corrosion resistance of Er modified Mg–Al alloys by the enhanced purity levels and the formation of Al–Er phases. - Highlights: • New erbium modified Mg–Al alloys successfully synthesized using DMD method. • Erbium modification promoted Al 3 Er formation and improved the purity. • Remarkable improvement in tensile ductility obtained after erbium modification. • The developed erbium modified Mg–Al alloys exhibit improved corrosion resistance

  14. The law of corresponding states and surface tension of metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Digilov, R.


    Full Text: Surface tension of liquid metals is one of fundamental and most important quantities in theory and practice of material processing and its temperature dependence leads to the well-known Marangoni convection. Although currently methods are sufficiently precise to measure the surface tension, there are uncertainties in experimental data and its temperature dependence mainly due to impurity, which even a trace of it strongly affects the results of measurements. The theoretical treatment from the first principles is unwieldy and not always permits one to calculate the surface tension with certainty. Another active research field deals with empirical correlation between the surface tension and bulk thermodynamic properties, which we interpret as a simple consequence of the law of corresponding states. In order to relate the surface tension and to bulk properties of liquid metals the reduced formula is derived by scaling with the melting point T m (0) at p = 0 and atomic volume Ω 0 2/3 at T = 0 K as macroscopic parameters for scaling ε and a characterizing the interatomic potential in metals. The reduced surface tension and the reduced surface entropy obtained in high temperature limit are discussed and compared with the experiment. The reduced temperature coefficient of the surface tension found is a universal constant for the metals of the same structure. It is shown that pressure dependence of the surface tension, so called baric coefficient of the surface tension, can be described by pressure dependence of scaling parameters T m (p) and Ω 0 (p). (author)

  15. Influence on cervical MR imaging by tension. Comparison between the picture quality of cervical MR image and tension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iseki, Tadahiro; Okano, Tamotsu; Kanou, Norio; Tanaka, Kazuharu; Kawasaki, Kouichi; Kawachi, Toshiaki


    In our first report, we compared influence on cervical MR image (C-MRI) by fear and anxiety on between the first time and experienced patients, in which the significant difference was not seen between those patients. Then, the present study, we made a comparison of the picture sharpness of C-MRI on between patients who were in states of tension and not, and on among tense patients by several causes. Our study showed the tendency which the good quality pictures were easy to be obtained in the experienced patients who were tensely and the poor quality pictures were in the patients who were not, which could not demonstrated the statistical significant difference. However, as compared the respective cause which induces tension with the picture sharpness, the patients with tenses caused by MR device showed to be difficult to be obtained the good quality pictures. The present study suggested that ''unsuitable tension'', which was overstrung due to fear and anxiety from MR device, was difficult to obtain good quality picture of C-MRI, and that ''suitable tension'', with which could be kept still during the examination, was easy to do it. (author)


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    Péricles Jandyr Zanoni


    Full Text Available No atual curso dos acontecimentos históricos, têm surgido concepçõesde caráter descriminalizante, orientadas por motivações de conveniência elegalidade, em casos de infrações sem vítima, por delitos produzidos por merasconcepções morais, tornadas anacrônicas pelo tempo, como delitos de menorintensidade lesiva contra a propriedade bem como delitos de trânsito, implicamem modificações no Direito Penal Clássico. Delitos assim caracterizados têmsuscitado a adoção de medidas descriminalizadoras e despenalizadoras norteadaspelo princípio da dignidade humana e demais normas constitucionais garantidorasdas liberdades individuais, importando em modificações legislativas a sepautarem por critérios, hoje de difícil determinação, que garantam ao direito penaluma atuação fragmentária e subsidiária, possibilitando a aplicação de sançõesde ordem administrativa.

  17. El aborto y delito de violación sexual en el 44° Juzgado Penal con reos en cárcel del distrito judicial de Lima, 2014


    Mandujano Santivañez, Víctor Edy; Muñoz Gutiérrez, Omar; Zamora Hidalgo, Edwin


    La presente tesis lleva por título “El aborto y el delito de violación sexual en el 44° Juzgado Penal con reos en cárcel del distrito judicial de Lima, 2014” y tiene como propósito describir la percepción de los abogados sobre el aborto y el delito de violación sexual en el 44 Juzgado Penal con reos en cárcel del distrito judicial de Lima. El diseño de investigación es no experimental con un enfoque cuantitativo y tipo de investigación descriptiva, cuyos resultados se eviden...

  18. Tensions between Teams and Their Leaders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. David Johnson


    Full Text Available The intersection of teamwork and leadership results in tensions, dilemmas, and paradoxes for both individuals and for institutions such as simultaneously empowering individuals at the same time it frustrates them when our naive, cultural understanding of leadership centralizes power and values leaders who can impose their will and vision on others. Perhaps the fundamental paradox of teamwork and leadership is that the more leadership is focused on an individual the less likely a team’s potential will be realized. Six specific domains where tensions arise are: at team boundaries; culture; who is in charge, rationality/cognition; diversity; and collaborations. Three approaches - clarifying different levels of analysis, temporal factors, and overarching concepts - to resolving tensions are discussed. New conceptions of leadership and the importance of the larger cultural frame within which they are embedded are needed for the management of technology and innovation.


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    Constantin Tanase


    Full Text Available La principale objection qu’on apporte au droit pénal des affaires consiste à nier son existencecomme branche de droit. On conteste son domaine d’application et ses institutions spécifiques. Dans lalittérature de spécialité européenne et autochtone il y a relativement peu de travaux dédiés à ce domaine. Enéchange, les spécialistes admettent l’existence d’une criminalité des affaires.La matière du droit pénal des affaires se retrouve dans des lois spéciales, par conséquent, la sousbranchede droit en question a une structure originale qui ne suit pas le modèle des codes pénaux classiques.Malgré les dimensions du phénomène criminel des milieux des affaires (dimensions assez étendues, savisibilité dans le paysage des branches de droit et des sciences pénales est réduite. Les choses se présententcomme telles pour des causes diverses, complexes et profondes.En dépit de ses inconvénients, l’existence du droit pénal des affaires est une réalité incontestable. C’estla multitude des normes légales d’incrimination des faits commis dans le domaine des affaires et lapréoccupation de certaines instances européennes et internationales qui l’attestent.

  20. Bending Under Tension Test with Direct Friction Measurement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Jan Lasson; Olsson, David Dam; Chodnikiewicz, K.


    A special BUT-transducer has been developed in which friction around the tool radius can be directly measured when drawing a plane sheet strip around a cylindrical tool-pin under constant back tension. The front tension, back tension and torque on the tool-pin are all measured directly, thus...... enabling accurate measurement of friction and direct determination of lubricant film breakdown for varying normal pressure, sliding speed, tool radius and tool preheat temperature. The transducer is applied in an experimental investigation focusing on limits of lubrication in drawing of stainless steel...

  1. Automated wireless monitoring system for cable tension using smart sensors (United States)

    Sim, Sung-Han; Li, Jian; Jo, Hongki; Park, Jongwoong; Cho, Soojin; Spencer, Billie F.; Yun, Chung-Bang


    Cables are critical load carrying members of cable-stayed bridges; monitoring tension forces of the cables provides valuable information for SHM of the cable-stayed bridges. Monitoring systems for the cable tension can be efficiently realized using wireless smart sensors in conjunction with vibration-based cable tension estimation approaches. This study develops an automated cable tension monitoring system using MEMSIC's Imote2 smart sensors. An embedded data processing strategy is implemented on the Imote2-based wireless sensor network to calculate cable tensions using a vibration-based method, significantly reducing the wireless data transmission and associated power consumption. The autonomous operation of the monitoring system is achieved by AutoMonitor, a high-level coordinator application provided by the Illinois SHM Project Services Toolsuite. The monitoring system also features power harvesting enabled by solar panels attached to each sensor node and AutoMonitor for charging control. The proposed wireless system has been deployed on the Jindo Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge located in South Korea. Tension forces are autonomously monitored for 12 cables in the east, land side of the bridge, proving the validity and potential of the presented tension monitoring system for real-world applications.

  2. Application of a grain refiner and modifier to an Al-12 Si cast alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haro R, Sergio; Goytia R, Rafael E; Santos B, Audel; Dwivedi, D.K


    The refining and modification of an alloy of cast aluminum Al-12Si was studied, using sample alloys of Al-5Ti-1B as a refiner and Al-10Sr as a modifier. Two levels of each one were tested and added separately. The results show that the addition of titanium as well as of strontium favored the improvement of the tension properties of the cast Al-12Si alloy, by modifying the microstructure. But the addition of 0.06% Sr in the form of a master alloy produced a more adequate microstructure and presented the best combination of mechanical properties (au)

  3. Corrosion resistance of grouted post-tensioning systems : [summary]. (United States)


    The increased popularity of post-tensioned bridge construction in the United States has led to concerns about corrosion and its impact on the life cycle of these bridges. Although the vast majority of post-tensioned bridges in the United States have ...

  4. Colonias penales agrícolas de los siglos XIX y XX como sustitución de la pena de prisión tradicional en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar Huertas Díaz


    Full Text Available El artículo desarrolla el tema de la política criminal de los siglos XIX y XX y su influencia en el sistema penitenciario colombiano, concretamente en la isla prisión Gorgona y las colonias penales de Araracuara y de Oriente, dentro del panorama internacional, en el que se incluye tanto el inicio como el cierre de cada uno de estos centros de reclusión; de igual modo, comprende el estudio legislativo, la ubicación geográfica, las características y su estructura penitenciaria para establecer la problemática de las colonias penales y el tratamiento dado a los condenados en el marco de la eficacia de cada una.

  5. El dominio de la organización en Derecho penal. Colección Derecho PUCP. Lima: Palestra Editores, 2008

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iván Meini Méndez


    Full Text Available Esta obra se inserta en la discusión de la responsabilidad penal en elinterior de las organizaciones que se erigen en función de los principiosde jerarquía y división del trabajo, en donde quien controla la estructurade poder se aprovecha de la disposición de sus integrantes a cumplir susdirectivas para cometer delitos.

  6. Job-related tension, self-esteem and psychological distress in rehabilitation professionals. (United States)

    Flett, R; Biggs, H; Alpass, F


    We examined perceptions of job-related tension among a non-random sample of 52 New Zealand rehabilitation service providers. We considered the relations between job tension and psychological distress and the extent to which feelings of self-esteem moderated this relationship. Major findings are that (a) there is a consistent positive relationship between job tension and general psychological distress; (b) there is a consistent negative relationship between self-esteem and both job tension and general distress; (c) self-esteem moderates the effect of job tension on general distress in that high levels of job tension were associated with increases in psychological distress among respondents with low self-esteem while among respondents with high-self esteem, job-related tension had little negative impact on feelings of psychological distress. Despite a number of limitations, the findings have a number of important implications for professional functioning among rehabilitation service providers and highlight the need for appropriate staff development and training initiatives which focus specifically on service provider wellbeing.

  7. Tensioned Fabric Structures with Surface in the Form of Chen-Gackstatter

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    Yee Hooi Min


    Full Text Available Form-finding has to be carried out for tensioned fabric structure in order to determine the initial equilibrium shape under prescribed support condition and prestress pattern. Tensioned fabric structures are normally designed to be in the form of equal tensioned surface. Tensioned fabric structure is highly suited to be used for realizing surfaces of complex or new forms. However, research study on a new form as a tensioned fabric structure has not attracted much attention. Another source of inspiration minimal surface which could be adopted as form for tensioned fabric structure is very crucial. The aim of this study is to propose initial equilibrium shape of tensioned fabric structures in the form of Chen-Gackstatter. Computational form-finding using nonlinear analysis method is used to determine the Chen-Gackstatter form of uniformly stressed surfaces. A tensioned fabric structure must curve equally in opposite directions to give the resulting surface a three dimensional stability. In an anticlastic doubly curved surface, the sum of all positive and all negative curvatures is zero. This study provides an alternative choice for structural designer to consider the Chen-Gackstatter applied in tensioned fabric structures. The results on factors affecting initial equilibrium shape can serve as a reference for proper selection of surface parameter for achieving a structurally viable surface.

  8. Inclusion and Participation: Working with the Tensions

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    Gideon Calder


    Full Text Available Democracy is crucially about inclusion: a theory of democracy must account for who is to be included in the democratic process, how, and on what terms. Inclusion, if conceived democratically, is fraught with tensions. This article identifies three such tensions, arising respectively in: (i the inauguration of the democratic public; (ii enabling equal participation; and (iii the relationship between instrumental and non-instrumental accounts of democracy’s value. In each case, I argue, rather than seeking somehow to dissolve or avoid such tensions, theories of democracy should allow us to live with their implications reflexively: to work with them. Such tensions are counter-democratic to the extent that they derail what Nancy Fraser calls “participatory parity,” under which citizens count as “full partners in social interaction.” But the extent to which they do this is not itself dependent on points of paradox in the very idea of inclusion. Such parity relies on complex factors, social and economic, which democratic institutions and procedures will not by themselves address. To achieve full democratic inclusion we must already have addressed such factors; no account of democracy itself, however finely-tuned, will do this.

  9. Legislación penal de emergencia y sistema de garantías

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz Scapusio Minvielle


    Full Text Available La consideración en estos días por parte del Parlamento del Proyecto de Ley de Urgencia que contiene disposiciones penales insertas en un contenido heterogéneo de regulación legal (...Contenido: Constitución y garantías. La seguridad ciudadana como bien jurídico. El principio de legalidad. La ley de "urgente consideración". La denominada "Obligación de informar". Creación de causales de justificación. La legítima defensa presunta. El cumplimiento de la ley. El agente provocador. Modificación y creación de nuevas figuras delictivas. Modalidades que implican adelantamiento del momento consumativo. Disposiciones que implican aumento en el tratamiento punitivo. Suministro de bebidas alcohólicas. Juego de mosqueta

  10. 33 CFR 147.809 - Mars Tension Leg Platform safety zone. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Mars Tension Leg Platform safety... SECURITY (CONTINUED) OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF ACTIVITIES SAFETY ZONES § 147.809 Mars Tension Leg Platform safety zone. (a) Description. The Mars Tension Leg Platform (Mars TLP) is located at position 28°10′10.29...

  11. Tension bulla: a cause of reversible pulmonary hypertension. (United States)

    Waxman, Michael J; Waxman, Jacob D; Forman, John M


    A tension pneumothorax represents a medical emergency warranting urgent diagnosis and treatment. A rapidly expanding bulla may resemble the same clinical presentation but requires an entirely different treatment. A 53-year-old woman presented with increasing shortness of breath and her physical examination and chest x-ray were interpreted as showing a tension pneumothorax. A chest tube was placed which did not resolve the process. Placement of a second chest tube was likewise unsuccessful. A chest CT was then performed and was interpreted as showing an unresolved tension pneumothorax, despite seemingly adequate placement of the 2 chest tubes. Further review of the CT showed the border of a giant bulla and a tentative diagnosis was made of a rapidly expanding bulla with tension physiology. Echocardiogram revealed significant pulmonary hypertension. The bulla was surgically excised, the patient had marked improvement in her clinical symptoms and signs, and echocardiographic follow-up showed complete resolution of the pulmonary hypertension.

  12. Leadership. Using Creative Tension. (United States)

    Cook, David L.


    Leadership involves maintaining a balance of the variables which comprise leadership. Love and fear, types of power, success and effectiveness, and driving and restraining forces are discussed as sources of the creative tension a leader uses to influence others. (MT)

  13. Do Mensalão à Lava Jato: a ascensão da barganha e da colaboração premiada no Processo Penal


    Renato de Souza Matos Filho



  14. Los Derechos fundamentales en el uso y abuso de las redes sociales en Italia: espectos penales. Parte 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorenzo Picotti


    Full Text Available Este análisis de los comportamientos ilícitos en el uso y el abuso de las redes sociales se centra en primer lugar en los delitos que estas conductas pueden configurar (epígrafes 3-6 - algunos de los cuales de reciente introducción como el de child-grooming - en que los usuarios de las redes pueden ser tanto autores como víctimas de las violaciones de los derechos fundamentales a los que tales conductas afectan (epígrafe 2. En segundo lugar, se trata la cuestión de la posible responsabilidad penal de los gestores de las redes sociales – que se pueden reconducir a la categoría general de los Internet Service Providers - que están asumiendo un papel cada vez más incisivo y protagonista en la evolución del sistema y por tanto, también en las estrategias de prevención y control de las actividades ilícitas en la red (epígrafe. 7. Los principales aspectos críticos surgidos de la presente investigación sugieren algunas indicaciones iniciales para adecuar el Derecho penal que regula esta materia a las necesidades que presenta.

  15. Surface tension of H2O and D2O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vargaftik, N.B.; Voljak, L.D.; Volkov, B.N.


    There is a great number of works on surface tension of clean water (H 2 O) at temperatures up to 100 deg C and very few above the boiling point. Works on surface tension of heavy water (D 2 O) are insufficient. A review of works on surface tension of both kinds of water is given

  16. A robust regression based on weighted LSSVM and penalized trimmed squares

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Jianyong; Wang, Yong; Fu, Chengqun; Guo, Jie; Yu, Qin


    Least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) for nonlinear regression is sensitive to outliers in the field of machine learning. Weighted LS-SVM (WLS-SVM) overcomes this drawback by adding weight to each training sample. However, as the number of outliers increases, the accuracy of WLS-SVM may decrease. In order to improve the robustness of WLS-SVM, a new robust regression method based on WLS-SVM and penalized trimmed squares (WLSSVM–PTS) has been proposed. The algorithm comprises three main stages. The initial parameters are obtained by least trimmed squares at first. Then, the significant outliers are identified and eliminated by the Fast-PTS algorithm. The remaining samples with little outliers are estimated by WLS-SVM at last. The statistical tests of experimental results carried out on numerical datasets and real-world datasets show that the proposed WLSSVM–PTS is significantly robust than LS-SVM, WLS-SVM and LSSVM–LTS.

  17. A wireless smart sensor network for automated monitoring of cable tension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sim, Sung-Han; Cho, Soojin; Li, Jian; Jo, Hongki; Park, Jong-Woong; Jung, Hyung-Jo; Spencer Jr, Billie F


    As cables are primary load carrying members in cable-stayed bridges, monitoring the tension forces of the cables provides valuable information regarding structural soundness. Incorporating wireless smart sensors with vibration-based tension estimation methods provides an efficient means of autonomous long-term monitoring of cable tensions. This study develops a wireless cable tension monitoring system using MEMSIC’s Imote2 smart sensors. The monitoring system features autonomous operation, sustainable energy harvesting and power consumption, and remote access using the internet. To obtain the tension force, an in-network data processing strategy associated with the vibration-based tension estimation method is implemented on the Imote2-based sensor network, significantly reducing the wireless data transmission and the power consumption. The proposed monitoring system has been deployed and validated on the Jindo Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge located in South Korea. (paper)

  18. A wireless smart sensor network for automated monitoring of cable tension (United States)

    Sim, Sung-Han; Li, Jian; Jo, Hongki; Park, Jong-Woong; Cho, Soojin; Spencer, Billie F., Jr.; Jung, Hyung-Jo


    As cables are primary load carrying members in cable-stayed bridges, monitoring the tension forces of the cables provides valuable information regarding structural soundness. Incorporating wireless smart sensors with vibration-based tension estimation methods provides an efficient means of autonomous long-term monitoring of cable tensions. This study develops a wireless cable tension monitoring system using MEMSIC’s Imote2 smart sensors. The monitoring system features autonomous operation, sustainable energy harvesting and power consumption, and remote access using the internet. To obtain the tension force, an in-network data processing strategy associated with the vibration-based tension estimation method is implemented on the Imote2-based sensor network, significantly reducing the wireless data transmission and the power consumption. The proposed monitoring system has been deployed and validated on the Jindo Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge located in South Korea.

  19. Strain Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Members Subjected to Uniaxial Tension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hagsten, Lars German; Rasmussen, Annette Beedholm; Fisker, Jakob


    The aim of this paper is to set up a method to determine the strain capacity of tension bars of reinforced concrete (RC) subjected to pure tension. Due to the interaction between reinforcement and concrete and due to the presence of cracks, the stresses in both reinforcement and concrete...... are varying along the length of the tension bar. The strain capacity of the tension bar is seen as the average strain in the reinforcement at the load level corresponding to the ultimate stress capacity of the reinforcement at the cracks. The result of the approach is in overall good agreement when comparing...

  20. A produção analógica da verdade no processo penal: desvelando a reconstrução narrativa dos rastros do passado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salah Hassan Khaled Jr.


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende discutir o regime da verdade do processo penal, problematizando o conceito de verdade correspondente (real, material, substancial e relativa a partir de uma epistemologia da passeidade, que procura atentar para a complexidade do tempo escoado que é o referencial cognitivo do processo penal: o conhecimento sobre o passado é construído a partir de rastros, conformando uma verdade analógica que é produzida narrativamente. Com isso, visa o rompimento do paradigma da verdade correspondente utilizada como sustentáculo da busca pela verdade real pelo juiz, resultando o famigerado ativismo judicial, maculando a estrutura acusatória do devido processo legal. A análise pretende superar o isolacionismo do discurso jurídico, atualmente deficitário diante dos novos paradigmas dos discursos dos demais campos do saber.

  1. La clonación humana ante la reforma penal y administrativa en España


    Urruela Mora, Asier


    En la esfera de las biotecnologías una de las cuestiones que ha planteado un mayor interés, tanto desde el punto de vista científico como normativo, es la atinente a la clonación humana. En su vertiente reproductiva la misma ha dado lugar en la mayor parte de los estados a la configuración de ilícitos de naturaleza penal avalados por los textos internacionales. Por el contrario, la clonación terapéutica ha abierto nuevas expectativas en relación con patologías actualmente muy grav...

  2. Ductility and fracture of single crystaliine Ni3Al with boron additions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heredia, F.E.; Pope, D.P.


    Low and high temperature tensile tests were performed on single crystals of pure Ni 3 Al and Ni 3 Al+B in order to determine the effect of B additions on the ductility and fracture behavior. Tests were carried out in air at a constant strain rate of 1/3 x 10 -3 s -1 . The orientation tested were [001] for whic the yield stress in tension is always greater than in compression, and those for wich the tension/compression asymmetry is zero ([T=C]) for each particular composition. At room temperature, the results show a positive effect of B additions on both the fracture stress and on the ductility. The ductility at 800K appears to decrease monotonically with B additions. The largest ductilities are found for [T=C] at room temperature where an improvement of about 26% (resolved strain) for an addition of 0.2 at % B was obtained. However, the most dramatic increase in ductility occurs for the [001] oriented samples at room temperature where a 55% improvement was measured over that of pure Ni 3 Al. Fracture surfaces show a combinaton of massive slip, some clevage, and heavily dimpled areas. These observations show that B additions not only increase the ductility of polycrystalline Ni 3 Al, as has been previously observed by many investigators, but also that the already-ductile single crystalline material, indicating that a bulk effect should be added to the grain boundary strengthening effect of B when explaining the improvement in ductility of polycrystalline Ni 3 Al due to B additions

  3. Il diritto all’assistenza linguistica dell’imputato straniero nel procedimento penale. Indagine conoscitiva presso il tribunale di Trieste


    Mometti, Francesca


    Interviste a magistrati in servizio presso il Tribunale di Trieste e a interpreti/traduttori attivi presso la stessa istituzione hanno consentito di far emergere in che misura e attraverso quali pratiche venga garantito il diritto all’assistenza linguistica in ambito penale. L’incrocio tra i dati derivanti dall’analisi di un campione di fascicoli di liquidazione e quelli relativi ad alcuni fascicoli dibattimentali ha rivelato come si concretizzi nella prassi quotidiana la garanzia del diritto...

  4. Tension in the recent Type Ia supernovae datasets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei, Hao


    In the present work, we investigate the tension in the recent Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) datasets Constitution and Union. We show that they are in tension not only with the observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy and the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), but also with other SNIa datasets such as Davis and SNLS. Then, we find the main sources responsible for the tension. Further, we make this more robust by employing the method of random truncation. Based on the results of this work, we suggest two truncated versions of the Union and Constitution datasets, namely the UnionT and ConstitutionT SNIa samples, whose behaviors are more regular.

  5. Tensions in implementing the “energy-conservation/carbon-reduction” policy in Taiwanese culture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiu, Mei-Shiu


    The aim of this study is to investigate the Taiwanese public's perceptions of tensions between the implementation of an energy policy and the practice of traditional culture. The energy policy calls for public actions to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions. The research participants are 94 people, selected by balancing sexes, ages, and residential areas, from a wide range of vocations. The research data were collected by semi-structured interview with the participants individually. Interview questions were designed to elicit the participants' constructs, beliefs, behaviours, and tensions in relation to energy policy and traditional culture. Data analysis was performed based on a qualitative methodology by the procedure of open coding, theme finding, constant comparison, and theory generation. The analysis identifies four tensions: (1) tensions in knowledge bases between energy conservation and carbon reduction, (2) tensions in lifestyles between having and being, (3) tensions in social systems between authority and conformity, and (4) tensions in creation boundaries between technology and nature. The themes underlying the four tensions are uncertainty, pleasure, power, and control, respectively. Solutions to the four tensions may include practical knowledge, pragmatic idealism, hierarchical collaboration, and sustainable innovation. - Highlights: ► Tensions occur between energy policy and traditional culture. ► Tensions occur in knowledge, life, society, and creation in Taiwan. ► The themes of the four tensions are uncertainty, pleasure, power, and control

  6. Las personas con discapacidad intelectual en el sistema penal penitenciario. ¿Un fracaso de las políticas de inclusión?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clarisa Ramos


    Full Text Available La situación de las personas con discapacidad intelectual que se encuentran insertas en el régimen penal penitenciario pone en evidencia la problemática social de un colectivo de alta vulnerabilidad que se encuentra en situación de exclusión social. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las características de la población con discapacidad intelectual que se encuentra dentro del sistema penal penitenciario español, así como los procesos que determinaron su ingreso en él. El análisis se ha abordado desde una perspectiva cualitativa, respondiendo a una pregunta central que intenta saber si el ingreso de las personas en el sistema penal penitenciario supone un fracasode las políticas de inclusión. Los datos se obtienen entre 2001 y 2010 y se centran en el trabajo realizado dentro de instituciones penitenciarias por la red FEAPS, incluido el ámbito de la comunidad autónoma de Cataluña (única con transferencia de competencias en cuestiones penitenciarias. Se realiza también una revisión de la bibliografíasobre la materia. La falta de dispositivos que atiendan a las personas con discapacidad que manifiestan conductas tipificadas como delito pone de manifiesto el fracaso de las políticas de inclusión y prevención que se desarrollan en la sociedad. También queda de manifiesto una carencia de intervenciones integrales en las políticas relativas a inclusión social, que se analizan desde la discusión de resultados.

  7. Propostas de Redução da Maioridade Penal: a Juventude Brasileira no Fio da Navalha?


    Vavassori, Mariana Barreto; Toneli, Maria Juracy Filgueiras


    Resumo Este trabalho propõe uma reflexão teórica sobre o fenômeno da judicialização da vida, mais especificamente aquele que incide sobre os “adolescentes em conflito com a lei”, a partir das contribuições de Foucault e Derrida. O objetivo é dar visibilidade a alguns dos regimes de verdade sobre “adolescentes em conflito com a lei”, que emergem das/nas propostas de emendas constitucionais (PECs) sobre rebaixamento da idade penal, e seus efeitos de subjetivação. Utilizamos como operador metodo...

  8. Un estudio sobre los adolescentes en conflicto con la ley penal A study of adolescents in conflict with the criminal law

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfredo J. Sarmiento


    Full Text Available Las consideraciones que aquí se relejan, son producto de la investigación UBACYT denominada "Estudio de las representaciones en adolescentes en conflicto con la ley penal", la cual se encuentra en desarrollo. En la actualidad los delitos contra las personas en los cuales se hallan involucrados menores han generado gran demanda social, en el sentido de reclamar acciones eicientes y eficaces tendientes a solucionar situaciones emergentes relacionadas a la transgresión de los adolescentes a la ley penal. Así las cosas, para lograr un abordaje adecuado a la problemática de los adolescentes en conflicto con la ley penal, se considera necesario ponderar - además del contexto social, económico, político y psicológico, en el que los adolescentes se desenvuelven- las representaciones que éstos tienen sobre sí mismos y las variables que pueden propiciar y/o evitar que desplieguen conductas adaptadas y/o desadaptadas.The considerations are relected here, are the product of research UBACYT called "Study of representations in adolescents in conlict with the law, " which is in development. Currently, crimes against persons where minors are involved has resulted in great social demand in the sense of claiming eficient and effective actions aimed at addressing emerging situations related to the transgression of adolescents to the criminal law. So, to achieve an adequate approach to the problems of adolescents in conlict with the law, it is considered necessary to balance - in addition to social, economic, political and psychological, in which adolescents are developed, the representations that they about themselves and the variables that can promote and / or prevent deploy adaptive behavior and / or maladaptive.

  9. Rein tension acceptance in young horses in a voluntary test situation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Janne Winther; zharkikh, T.L.; Antoine, A.


    Reasons for performing the study: During riding, horses are frequently exposed to pressure from the rider, e.g. through the bit and reins, but few studies have investigated at which point rein tension becomes uncomfortable for the horse. Objectives: To investigate how much rein tension young...... inexperienced horses are willing to accept in order to obtain a food reward; whether the tension acceptance changes during 3 consecutive test days; and whether rein tension correlates with the expression of conflict behaviour and heart rate. Hypotheses: Pressure-naïve horses will apply only little rein tension...... in the first voluntary trial, but their acceptance will gradually increase. High levels of rein tension will lead to expression of conflict behaviour and increases in heart rate. Methods: Fifteen 2-year-old, bridle-naïve mares were encouraged to stretch their head forward (across a 0.95 m high metal bar...

  10. Tensions in the Parent and Adult Child Relationship: Links to Solidarity and Ambivalence (United States)

    Birditt, Kira S.; Miller, Laura M.; Fingerman, Karen L.; Lefkowitz, Eva S.


    Tensions are normative in the parent and adult child relationship, but there is little research on the topics that cause the most tension or whether tensions are associated with overall relationship quality. Adult sons and daughters, aged 22 to 49, and their mothers and fathers (N = 158 families, 474 individuals) reported the intensity of different tension topics and relationship quality (solidarity and ambivalence) with one another. Tensions varied between and within families by generation, gender and age of offspring. In comparison to tensions regarding individual issues, tensions regarding the relationship were associated with lower affective solidarity and greater ambivalence. Findings are consistent with the developmental schism hypothesis, which indicates that parent-child tensions are common and are the result of discrepancies in developmental needs which vary by generation, gender, and age. PMID:19485648

  11. Optic nerve oxygen tension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiilgaard, Jens Folke; Pedersen, D B; Eysteinsson, T


    The authors have previously reported that carbonic anhydrase inhibitors such as acetazolamide and dorzolamide raise optic nerve oxygen tension (ONPO(2)) in pigs. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether timolol, which belongs to another group of glaucoma drugs called beta...

  12. Cellular control of connective tissue matrix tension. (United States)

    Langevin, Helene M; Nedergaard, Maiken; Howe, Alan K


    The biomechanical behavior of connective tissue in response to stretching is generally attributed to the molecular composition and organization of its extracellular matrix. It also is becoming apparent that fibroblasts play an active role in regulating connective tissue tension. In response to static stretching of the tissue, fibroblasts expand within minutes by actively remodeling their cytoskeleton. This dynamic change in fibroblast shape contributes to the drop in tissue tension that occurs during viscoelastic relaxation. We propose that this response of fibroblasts plays a role in regulating extracellular fluid flow into the tissue, and protects against swelling when the matrix is stretched. This article reviews the evidence supporting possible mechanisms underlying this response including autocrine purinergic signaling. We also discuss fibroblast regulation of connective tissue tension with respect to lymphatic flow, immune function, and cancer. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Fatigue performance of laser additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V in very high cycle fatigue (VHCF regime up to 109 cycles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eric eWycisk


    Full Text Available Additive manufacturing technologies are in the process of establishing themselves as an alternative production technology to conventional manufacturing such as casting or milling. Especially laser additive manufacturing (LAM enables the production of metallic parts with mechanical properties comparable to conventionally manufactured components. Due to the high geometrical freedom in LAM the technology enables the production of ultra-light weight designs and therefore gains increasing importance in aircraft and space industry. The high quality standards of these industries demand predictability of material properties for static and dynamic load cases. However, fatigue properties especially in the very high cycle fatigue regime until 109 cycles have not been sufficiently determined yet. Therefore this paper presents an analysis of fatigue properties of laser additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V under cyclic tension-tension until 107 cycles and tension-compression load until 109 cycles.For the analysis of laser additive manufactured titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V Woehler fatigue tests under tension-tension and tension-compression were carried out in the high cycle and very high cycle fatigue regime. Specimens in stress-relieved as well as hot-isostatic-pressed conditions were analyzed regarding crack initiation site, mean stress sensitivity and overall fatigue performance. The determined fatigue properties show values in the range of conventionally manufactured Ti-6Al-4V with particularly good performance for hot-isostatic-pressed additive-manufactured material. For all conditions the results show no conventional fatigue limit but a constant increase in fatigue life with decreasing loads. No effects of test frequency on life span could be determined. However, independently of testing principle, a shift of crack initiation from surface to internal initiation could be observed with increasing cycles to failure.

  14. Characterization of tillage effects on soil permeability using different measures of macroporosity derived from tension infiltrometry (United States)

    Bodner, G.; Schwen, A.; Scholl, P.; Kammerer, G.; Buchan, G.; Kaul, H.-P.; Loiskandl, W.


    Soil macroporosity is a highly dynamic property influenced by environmental factors, such as raindrop impact, wetting-drying and freezing-thawing cycles, soil biota and plant roots, as well as agricultural management measures. Macroporosity represents an important indicator of soil physical quality, particularly in relation to the site specific water transmission properties, and can be used as a sensitive measure to assess soil structural degradation. Its quantification is also required for the parameterization of dual porosity models that are frequently used in environmental impact studies on erosion and solute (pesticide, nitrate) leaching. The importance of soil macroporosity for the water transport properties of the soil and its complexity due to high spatio-temporal heterogeneity make its quantitative assessment still a challenging task. Tension infiltrometers have been shown to be adequate measurement devices to obtain data in the near-saturated range of water flow where structural (macro)pores are dominating the transport process. Different methods have been used to derive water transmission characteristics from tension infiltrometer measurements. Moret and Arrúe (2007) differentiated between using a minimum equivalent capillary pore radius and a flow weighted mean pore radius to obtain representative macropore flow properties from tension infiltrometer data. Beside direct approaches based on Wooding's equation, also inverse methods have been applied to obtain soil hydraulic properties (Šimůnek et al. 1998). Using a dual porosity model in the inverse procedure allows estimating parameters in the dynamic near-saturated range by numerical optimization to the infiltration measurements, while fixing parameters in the more stable textural range of small pores using e.g. pressure plate data or even pedotransfer functions. The present work presents a comparison of quantitative measures of soil macroporosity derived from tension infiltrometer data by different

  15. Exploring the tensions of being and becoming a medical educator. (United States)

    Sethi, Ahsan; Ajjawi, Rola; McAleer, Sean; Schofield, Susie


    Previous studies have identified tensions medical faculty encounter in their roles but not specifically those with a qualification in medical education. It is likely that those with postgraduate qualifications may face additional tensions (i.e., internal or external conflicts or concerns) from differentiation by others, greater responsibilities and translational work against the status quo. This study explores the complex and multi-faceted tensions of educators with qualifications in medical education at various stages in their career. The data described were collected in 2013-14 as part of a larger, three-phase mixed-methods research study employing a constructivist grounded theory analytic approach to understand identity formation among medical educators. The over-arching theoretical framework for the study was Communities of Practice. Thirty-six educators who had undertaken or were undertaking a postgraduate qualification in medical education took part in semi-structured interviews. Participants expressed multiple tensions associated with both becoming and being a healthcare educator. Educational roles had to be juggled with clinical work, challenging their work-life balance. Medical education was regarded as having lower prestige, and therefore pay, than other healthcare career tracks. Medical education is a vast speciality, making it difficult as a generalist to keep up-to-date in all its areas. Interestingly, the graduates with extensive experience in education reported no fears, rather asserting that the qualification gave them job variety. This is the first detailed study exploring the tensions of educators with postgraduate qualifications in medical education. It complements and extends the findings of the previous studies by identifying tensions common as well as specific to active students and graduates. These tensions may lead to detachment, cynicism and a weak sense of identity among healthcare educators. Postgraduate programmes in medical education

  16. Conducting Qualitative Data Analysis: Managing Dynamic Tensions within (United States)

    Chenail, Ronald J.


    In the third of a series of "how-to" essays on conducting qualitative data analysis, Ron Chenail examines the dynamic tensions within the process of qualitative data analysis that qualitative researchers must manage in order to produce credible and creative results. These tensions include (a) the qualities of the data and the qualitative data…

  17. Las multas y la cláusula penal pecuniaria en la contratación estatal: naturaleza jurídica, pacto, validez, imposición por vía administrativa y control judicial


    Buitrago Vargas, Yohan Manuel


    El presente trabajo busca determinar la naturaleza jurídica de la cláusula penal pecuniaria y las multas contractuales en el sistema contractual estatal actual (Leyes 80/93, 1150/07 y 1474/11), para poder establecer a renglón seguido, si son o no cláusulas excepcionales y determinar sus efectos en la práctica contractual colombiana. La investigación que se llevó a cabo, resuelve el interrogante planteado, afirmando que la cláusula penal pecuniaria y las multas contractuales se constituyen en ...

  18. Coupled Interfacial Tension and Phase Behavior Model Based on Micellar Curvatures

    KAUST Repository

    Torrealba, V. A.


    This article introduces a consistent and robust model that predicts interfacial tensions for all microemulsion Winsor types and overall compositions. The model incorporates film bending arguments and Huh\\'s equation and is coupled to phase behavior so that simultaneous tuning of both interfacial tension (IFT) and phase behavior is possible. The oil-water interfacial tension and characteristic length are shown to be related to each other through the hydrophilic-lipophilic deviation (HLD). The phase behavior is tied to the micelle curvatures, without the need for using the net average curvature (NAC). The interfacial tension model is related to solubilization ratios in order to introduce a coupled interfacial tension-phase behavior model for all phase environments. The approach predicts two- and three-phase interfacial tensions and phase behavior (i.e., tie lines and tie triangles) for changes in composition and HLD input parameters, such as temperature, pressure, surfactant structure, and oil equivalent alkane carbon number. Comparisons to experimental data show excellent fits and predictive capability.

  19. Parametric Studies of Flat Plate Trajectories Using VIC and Penalization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    François Morency


    Full Text Available Flying debris is generated in several situations: when a roof is exposed to a storm, when ice accretes on rotating wind turbines, or during inflight aircraft deicing. Four dimensionless parameters play a role in the motion of flying debris. The goal of the present paper is to investigate the relative importance of four dimensionless parameters: the Reynolds number, the Froude number, the Tachikawa number, and the mass moment of inertia parameters. Flying debris trajectories are computed with a fluid-solid interaction model formulated for an incompressible 2D laminar flow. The rigid moving solid effects are modelled in the Navier-Stokes equations using penalization. A VIC scheme is used to solve the flow equations. The aerodynamic forces and moments are used to compute the acceleration and the velocity of the solid. A database of 64 trajectories is built using a two-level full factorial design for the four factors. The dispersion of the plate position at a given horizontal position decreases with the Froude number. Moreover, the Tachikawa number has a significant effect on the median plate position.

  20. Quantifying the BICEP2-Planck tension over gravitational waves. (United States)

    Smith, Kendrick M; Dvorkin, Cora; Boyle, Latham; Turok, Neil; Halpern, Mark; Hinshaw, Gary; Gold, Ben


    The recent BICEP2 measurement of B-mode polarization in the cosmic microwave background (r = 0.2(-0.05)(+0.07)), a possible indication of primordial gravity waves, appears to be in tension with the upper limit from WMAP (r < 0.13 at 95% C.L.) and Planck (r < 0.11 at 95% C.L.). We carefully quantify the level of tension and show that it is very significant (around 0.1% unlikely) when the observed deficit of large-scale temperature power is taken into account. We show that measurements of TE and EE power spectra in the near future will discriminate between the hypotheses that this tension is either a statistical fluke or a sign of new physics. We also discuss extensions of the standard cosmological model that relieve the tension and some novel ways to constrain them.