
Sample records for patients atteints davc

  1. Neighboring block based disparity vector derivation for multiview compatible 3D-AVC (United States)

    Kang, Jewon; Chen, Ying; Zhang, Li; Zhao, Xin; Karczewicz, Marta


    3D-AVC being developed under Joint Collaborative Team on 3D Video Coding (JCT-3V) significantly outperforms the Multiview Video Coding plus Depth (MVC+D) which simultaneously encodes texture views and depth views with the multiview extension of H.264/AVC (MVC). However, when the 3D-AVC is configured to support multiview compatibility in which texture views are decoded without depth information, the coding performance becomes significantly degraded. The reason is that advanced coding tools incorporated into the 3D-AVC do not perform well due to the lack of a disparity vector converted from the depth information. In this paper, we propose a disparity vector derivation method utilizing only the information of texture views. Motion information of neighboring blocks is used to determine a disparity vector for a macroblock, so that the derived disparity vector is efficiently used for the coding tools in 3D-AVC. The proposed method significantly improves a coding gain of the 3D-AVC in the multiview compatible mode about 20% BD-rate saving in the coded views and 26% BD-rate saving in the synthesized views on average.

  2. Mutation du gène NOD2 chez les patients marocains atteints de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    CARD15 dans un groupe de patients Marocains atteint de Maladie de Crohn et étudier sa corrélation génotype-expression phénotypique. Etude transversale cas témoin menée sur une durée de 16 mois. Ont été inclus 101 patients atteints de la ...

  3. Profil inflammatoire biologique des patients atteints de rhumatismes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Profil inflammatoire biologique des patients atteints de rhumatismes inflammatoires chroniques au Togo. ... des auto-anticorps et la recherche de facteurs génétiques de susceptibilité pourrait permettre la mise en route précoce d'antirhumatismaux modificateurs de la maladie (ARMM) en vue d'une amélioration du pronostic ...

  4. Lupus systémique et atteinte rénale: Apport des anticorps anti-SSA ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    -SSA dans 12 cas (40%).Cinq patients (62.5%) ayant une atteinte rénale avaient des anticorps anti DNA négatifs. Parmi ces patients avec atteinte rénale, 37.5% avaient des anticorps anti SSA sans anticorps anti DNA. La moitié des patients ...

  5. Infection par le VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'objectif était de déterminer la prévalence de l'infection à VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein et de comparer les caractéristiques anatomocliques et thérapeutiques de ces cancers du sein par rapports aux patientes non infectées par le VIH. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective et analytique comparant les ...

  6. Infection par le VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein en Guinée (Afrique de l'Ouest) (United States)

    Traore, Bangaly; Diane, Solomana; Sow, Mamadou Saliou; Keita, Mamady; Conde, Mamoudou; Traore, Fodé Amara; Kourouma, Tidiane


    L'objectif était de déterminer la prévalence de l'infection à VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein et de comparer les caractéristiques anatomocliques et thérapeutiques de ces cancers du sein par rapports aux patientes non infectées par le VIH. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective et analytique comparant les dossiers de patientes atteintes de cancers du sein histologiquement confirmés, infectées ou non par le VIH à l'unité de chirurgie oncologique de Donka, CHU de Conakry, de 2007 à 2012. Nous avons colligé 278 patientes présentant un cancer du sein dont 14 (5,0%) infectées par le VIH et 264 (95,0%) non infectées par le VIH. Les différences observées entre ces deux groupes de patientes étaient respectivement: âge médian (36,8 vs 49,0 ans), la ménopause (21,4% vs 53,4%), le nombre des patientes traitées (50,0% contre 77,1%) et la survenue de décès (78,6% vs 50,8%). Aucune différence n'a été notée dans la présentation clinique, histologique et le retard de consultation. Dans notre étude, la prévalence de l'infection à VIH chez les patients atteints de cancer du sein est élevée. L’âge jeune des patients, la faible accessibilité au traitement et la mortalité élevée doivent être confirmés par une étude sur un échantillon plus large. PMID:26523196

  7. L'atteinte vésicale au cours de la neurofibromatose de Von Recklinghausen (United States)

    Benazzouz, Mohamed Hicham; Hajjad, Tilila; Essatara, Younes; El Sayegh, Hachem; Iken, Ali; Benslimane, Lounis; Nouini, Yassine


    La neurofibromatose de type 1 ou maladie de Von Recklinghausen est une maladie génétique autosomique dominante en rapport avec des mutations dans le gène suppresseur de tumeur NF1. L'atteinte uro-génitale au cours de cette maladie est rare et moins de 80 cas ont été rapportés à ce jour dans la littérature mondiale. Les auteurs rapportent un nouveau cas d'atteinte vésicale découverte fortuitement au cours du suivi d'une patiente atteinte de la maladie de Von Recklinghausen. A travers cette observation et une revue de la littérature les auteurs discutent également les difficultés diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ainsi que les modalités de suivi dans cette maladie. PMID:25328590

  8. La pharmacothérapie du délirium chez les patients atteints de cancer avancé : une étude descriptive


    Rousseau, Mayssa


    Les objectifs de la recherche étaient de décrire prospectivement les comportements de prescriptions des médecins spécialistes en soins palliatifs suivant un delirium diagnostiqué chez les patients atteints de cancer avancé et d'évaluer la conformité de ces médecins aux recommandations pharmacologiques pour le traitement du delirium. Les antipsychotiques, les benzodiazepines, les corticostéroïdes et les opioïdes sont les classes thérapeutiques qui ont été retenues et analysées. L'effectif réel...

  9. Les compétences infirmières forensiques en milieu carcéral face aux patients atteints de troubles mentaux: une revue de littérature étoffée


    Davet, Eloïse; Friedli, Karen; Machuret, Bastien; Reyff, Marie de


    Le but de cette revue de littérature étoffée est de mettre en évidence les compétences des infirmières forensiques travaillant, en milieu carcéral, avec des patients atteints de troubles mentaux.

  10. Exploration fonctionnelle de l'axe corticotrope de la brebis atteinte de tremblante


    Galéa, Jessie


    L'objectif de cette étude expérimentale était d'identifier l'origine de l'augmentation de production de cortisol par les glandes surrénales induite par la tremblante grâce à une exploration fonctionnelle de l'axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien. Pour cela les cinétiques temporelles des concentrations plasmatiques d'ACTH des brebis atteintes de tremblante ont été analysées et le taux de production d'ACTH a été déterminé chez 14 brebis (6 brebis saines et 8 brebis atteintes de tremblante). De...

  11. Mutation du gène NOD2 chez les patients marocains atteints de la maladie de Crohn: prévalence, étude génotypique et corrélation au phénotype de la maladie (United States)

    Tamzaourte, Mouna; Errabih, Ikram; Krami, Hayat; Maha, Fadlouallah; Maria, Lahmiri; Benzzoubeir, Nadia; Ouazzani, Laaziza; Sefiani, Ahmed; Ouazzani, Houria


    L'objectif était de déterminer la prévalence des mutations du gène NOD2/CARD15 dans un groupe de patients Marocains atteint de Maladie de Crohn et étudier sa corrélation génotype-expression phénotypique. Etude transversale cas témoin menée sur une durée de 16 mois. Ont été inclus 101 patients atteints de la maladie de Crohn, entre Janvier 2012 et Avril 2013 ainsi qu'un groupe contrôle de 107 patients. L'analyse génétique a consisté à rechercher 3 variants du gène NOD2: p.Arg702Trp, p.Gly908Arg et p.Leu1007fsins. Puis une étude de corrélation génotype-expression phénotypique a été menée. L'analyse génétique des patients atteint de maladie de crohn a mis en évidence la présence de la mutation NOD2 chez 14 patients (13,77%) contre 7 patients (6,53%) du groupe témoin. L'étude de la fréquence des différents allèles a retrouvé la mutation de p.Gly908Arg dans 6,43%, p.Leu1007fsins dans 0,99% et p.Arg702Trp dans 0,49% contre respectivement 2,80%, 0% et 0,46% dans le groupe témoin. L'étude de la corrélation génotype, expression phénotypique a démontré que la mutation CARD15 est corrélée à une localisation iléo-caecale de la maladie, à une présentation fistulisante et sténosante ainsi qu'à une évolution sévère avec recours fréquent à la chirurgie et aux immunosuppresseurs. La prévalence de la mutation NOD2/ CARD15 dans notre série est faible. Cette mutation est corrélée à une forme grave de la maladie. PMID:28819537

  12. Application of the dynamically allocated virtual clustering management system to emulated tactical network experimentation (United States)

    Marcus, Kelvin


    The U.S Army Research Laboratory (ARL) has built a "Network Science Research Lab" to support research that aims to improve their ability to analyze, predict, design, and govern complex systems that interweave the social/cognitive, information, and communication network genres. Researchers at ARL and the Network Science Collaborative Technology Alliance (NS-CTA), a collaborative research alliance funded by ARL, conducted experimentation to determine if automated network monitoring tools and task-aware agents deployed within an emulated tactical wireless network could potentially increase the retrieval of relevant data from heterogeneous distributed information nodes. ARL and NS-CTA required the capability to perform this experimentation over clusters of heterogeneous nodes with emulated wireless tactical networks where each node could contain different operating systems, application sets, and physical hardware attributes. Researchers utilized the Dynamically Allocated Virtual Clustering Management System (DAVC) to address each of the infrastructure support requirements necessary in conducting their experimentation. The DAVC is an experimentation infrastructure that provides the means to dynamically create, deploy, and manage virtual clusters of heterogeneous nodes within a cloud computing environment based upon resource utilization such as CPU load, available RAM and hard disk space. The DAVC uses 802.1Q Virtual LANs (VLANs) to prevent experimentation crosstalk and to allow for complex private networks. Clusters created by the DAVC system can be utilized for software development, experimentation, and integration with existing hardware and software. The goal of this paper is to explore how ARL and the NS-CTA leveraged the DAVC to create, deploy and manage multiple experimentation clusters to support their experimentation goals.

  13. État de santé, limitations d’activité, restrictions professionnelles et degré d’invalidité chez les Canadiens atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur ou d'anxiété

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Loukine


    Full Text Available Introduction : Cette étude fournit, au moyen d’un échantillon de ménages fondé sur la population, le premier aperçu, chez des Canadiens adultes atteints de troubles de l’humeur ou d'anxiété, de leur état de santé globale et de santé mentale perçu, de leurs limitations fonctionnelles, de leurs restrictions professionnelles et de leur degré d’invalidité, ainsi que des facteurs associés à une invalidité grave. Méthodologie : Nous avons utilisé les données de l’Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada – Composante des troubles de l’humeur et d'anxiété. L’échantillon est composé de Canadiens âgés de 18 ans et plus, atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur ou d’anxiété autodéclaré et habitant l'une des 10 provinces (n = 3 361; taux de réponse 68,9 %. Nous avons mené des analyses de régression logistiques multidimensionnelles multinomiales et descriptives. Résultats : Parmi les Canadiens adultes atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur ou d’anxiété, plus d’un quart ont rapporté un état de santé globale (25,3 % et de santé mentale (26,1 % « passable ou médiocre », plus du tiers (36,4 % ont mentionné avoir une ou plusieurs limitations fonctionnelles, la moitié (50,3 % ont déclaré qu’une modification de leur emploi a été nécessaire pour continuer à travailler et plus du tiers (36,5 % souffrait d'une invalidité grave. Les personnes avec troubles de l’humeur et d'anxiété concomitants ont mentionné de moins bons résultats : 56,4 % avaient une ou plusieurs limitations fonctionnelles, 65,8 % ont mentionné qu’une modification de leur emploi a été nécessaire et 49,6 % souffraient d'une invalidité grave. Après ajustement pour les caractéristiques individuelles, les personnes atteintes d’un trouble de l’humeur ou d’anxiété qui étaient plus âgées, dont le revenu familial était situé dans le quintile du plus faible revenu ou du revenu faible

  14. Étude du profil cytokinique de patients atteints d’hydatidose : une possible application en matière d’immunosurveillance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mezioug D.


    les patients atteints d’hydatidose à localisations fréquentes (hépatiques, pulmonaire ou les deux localisations associées et répondant à une évolution classique, sont nettement supérieures à celles observées chez les porteurs de localisations rares ou secondaires ou des formes “à complications”, chez qui une production substantielle en cytokines marqueurs de la voie Th2, Il-4, Il-10 et Il-13 a été détectée. Ces résultats indiquent que la production des cytokines Th1 est prédictive d’un bon pronostic, celle des cytokines Th2 laisse envisager des formes d’évolution chronique ou des formes “à complications“.

  15. African Journal of Neurological Sciences 2011 - Vol. 30, No 1 http ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Un mode de vie et une alimentation sains doivent faire l'objet d'une sensibilisation permanente des populations. ... modifiables en rapport surtout avec l'alimentation. L'hypertension artérielle (HTA) est .... La prévalence du diabète chez les patients victimes d'AVC a été de 37,3% et 8% respectivement au. Sénégal (22) et au ...

  16. Caractérisation et simulation des mouvements d'atteinte par un opérateur humain en position assise en vue d'applications ergonomiques




    La simulation de mouvements d'atteinte effectués par un opérateur assis est particulièrement utile pour les constructeurs d'automobiles. Elle permet d'améliorer l'ergonomie de l'habitacle et des commandes, le plus en amont possible dans la conception. Elle consiste à simuler un mouvement et à prédire son inconfort. Cependant, ce type de simulation se heurte à des problèmes pratiques et théoriques. Pour la partie pratique, une méthode de simulation générique et stable pour tout type de mouveme...

  17. Travailler auprès de la personne âgée atteinte de démence: observations de huit jours à l'EMS "Les Tilleuls" : travail de Bachelor effectué dans le cadre de la formation à la Haute école de travail social de Genève


    Wissmann, Christine; Armbruster Elatifi, Ulrike


    Ce travail de Bachelor a été distingué par le Prix Marie-Louise Cornaz 2014. À l’heure actuelle, la personne âgée atteinte de démence s’inscrit dans un contexte de peur. En effet, les pouvoirs publics s’alarment quant à l’augmentation incessante de cette maladie incurable ; les statistiques démontrent que les chiffres vont tripler dans les décennies à venir, s’élevant à 300’000 personnes atteintes en Suisse d’ici 2050. Force est de constater que cette thématique touche de près les EMS ; alors...

  18. Original Paper Evaluation de la fonction rénale chez les patients ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation de la fonction rénale chez les patients atteints de maladie cardio vasculaire (MCV) : comparaison entre ... Mots clés : Cystatine C, créatinine, insuffisance rénale, débit de filtration glomérulaire, maladies cardiovasculaires. Evaluation of the ... L'insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) et les maladies cardiovasculaires ...

  19. L’expérience d’une patiente qui reçoit des soins pour la démence (United States)

    Frank, Christopher; Forbes, Rev Faye


    Résumé Objectif Permettre aux médecins de famille de comprendre « l’expérience vécue » de la démence de la bouche d’une personne atteinte de démence—Faye Forbes, ministre anglicane de 64 ans atteinte de la maladie d’Alzheimer, qui donne son point de vue sur comment vivre avec la démence—et utiliser cette information pour améliorer les soins et les résultats. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée dans MEDLINE sur Ovid entre janvier 2005 et février 2015, à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : dementia, caregiver, perspectives et quality of health care. Les articles qui s’adressaient aux médecins de famille ont été sélectionnés. Des revues pertinentes et des articles de recherche originaux ont été utilisés, le cas échéant, s’ils s’appliquaient aux personnes atteintes de démence et à leurs soignants. Message principal Plusieurs cadres de référence organisent les principales expériences décrites par les patients et leurs soignants. Nous avons utilisé une revue de la littérature qualitative pour fournir un cadre de référence résumant l’expérience de Faye, en fonction des thèmes suivants : tenter d’obtenir un diagnostic, accéder au soutien et aux services, besoins en matière d’information, prise en charge de la maladie, et communication et attitudes. Conclusion Les médecins doivent tenir compte de ces thèmes lorsqu’ils planifient la prise en charge des personnes atteintes de démence. Il importe de tenter de comprendre l’expérience et le point de vue des personnes atteintes de démence et de leurs soignants afin de pouvoir dispenser des soins optimaux. PMID:28115451

  20. Evaluation de la rigidité artérielle par la vitesse de progression de l’onde pouls doigt-orteil mesuré par pOpmetre® chez des sujets noirs africains atteints de sclérodermie systémique [Evaluation of arterial stiffness by finger-toe pulse wave velocity measured by pOpmetre® in black africans patients with systemic scleroderma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moussa Diallo


    Full Text Available Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the arterial stiffness (AS in black africans patients with systemic scleroderma. Patients and Methodology: A prospective cross-sectional hospital survey has been performed over a 6-month period, including 55 black african individuals, aged over 16 years and consenting, consisting of 29 patients with systemic scleroderma and 26 hospitalized controls. The finger-toe pulse wave velocity (ft-PWV was recorded by popmetre® and comparaison between the 2 groups has been performed with statistical analysis. Results: The mean ft-PWV was 9,56 m/s ± 3,09 in the patient group and 7,71 m/s ± 2,63 in control group. The ft-PWV was significantly higher in patients with scleroderma compared to controls (p<0.0145. The study of the relationship between AS and independent variables in multivariate analysis demonstrated that having scleroderma increase by 1.81 times the value of the ft-PWV after adjustment for age and systolic blood pressure. Discussion: To our knowledge, this is the first assessment of the AS in black african patients with scleroderma. It shows that ft-PWV was significantly higher in patients with scleroderma compared to controls. Also, this high AS was imputable to the scleroderma. Conclusion: In Africa, the measurement of the AS by popmetre® could be a simple, rapid, non invasive and pratical early detection and follow-up of cardio-vascular involvments in the course of scleroderma. RÉSUMÉ Introduction: L’objectif de notre étude était d’évaluer la résistance artérielle (RA chez les patients noirs africains atteints de SS. Patients et Méthode: Une enquête hospitalière prospective transversale a été réalisée sur une période de 6 mois, portant sur 55 sujets noirs africains, âgés de plus de 18 ans, consentants, composé de 29 malades atteints de SS et 26 témoins hospitalisés. La vitesse de progression de l’onde pouls doigt-orteil (VOPdo a été mesuré par Popmètre dans

  1. Etude relative à la lutte contre les atteintes au droit d’auteur sur internet: rapport pour le SPF économie, P.M.E., classes moyennes et énergie : rapport final


    Dusollier, Séverine; Hallemans, Sandrine; Colin, Caroline


    Les atteintes aux droits d’auteur sur Internet peuvent prendre différentes formes, qu’il s’agisse des échanges illégaux d’oeuvres sur les réseaux peer-to-peer, du streaming illégal, de la diffusion d’oeuvres sur les réseaux sociaux ou tout autre site ou blog sans l’autorisation de leur auteur… Toutes ces pratiques sont très difficiles à enrayer et jusqu’alors, malgré les multiples pistes de réponse explorées par les titulaires de droits (poursuites des utilisateurs individuels à des fins diss...

  2. Osteomyelite atypique ou centrale de la base du crane d'origine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction : L'ostéomyélitede la base du crâne esttypiquement secondaire à une otite externe nécrosante chez des patients âgés, diabétiques. Elle atteint l'os temporal et est habituellement due au pseudomonasaeruginosa. Dans sa forme atypique, l'ostéomyélite atteint les os sphénoïdal ou occipital sans otite externe ...

  3. Arthropathie destructrice des epaules au cours d�une acromegalie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nessrine Akasbi


    Full Text Available L�acromegalie est une maladie endocrinienne rare, en rapport avec une hypersecretion d�hormone de croissance. Elle a des consequences rhumatologiques: l�arthropathie peripherique, l�atteinte rachidienne et les syndromes canalaires. L�atteinte articulaire accompagne une acromegalie active, sa survenue apres un traitement radical et une remission complete est rare. Nous presentons le cas d�une patiente de 70 ans ayant un antecedent d�acromegalie sur adenome hypophysaire il y a 25 ans, traitee chirurgicalement et declaree en remission complete, a developpe une arthropathie destructrice des deux epaules. Le but de notre observation est de mettre le point sur la possibilite d�une atteinte articulaire au cours de l�acromegalie et de son retentissement fonctionnelle.

  4. Anomalies échocardiographiques chez l'hémodialysé chronique: prévalence et facteurs de risqué


    Ezziani, Mariam; Najdi, Adil; Mikou, Souad; Elhassani, Anis; Akrichi, Mohammed Amine; Hanin, Hakim; Arrayhani, Mohammed; Houssaini, Tarik Sqalli


    Introduction Les complications cardio-vasculaires sont la principale cause de mortalité et de morbidité chez les patients hémodialysés chroniques. Le but de cette étude est de décrire les différentes atteintes cardiaques à l’échocardiographie transthoracique et de dégager les facteurs associés aux principales atteintes. Méthodes Etude transversale monocentrique incluant des patients adultes hémodialysés depuis plus d'un an et ayant bénéficié d'une échocardiographie transthoracique durant l'an...

  5. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    5 déc. 2017 ... Résumé. Nous rapportons ici le cas d'un patient âgé de 60 ans présentant une insuffisance cardiaque globale dans le cadre d'une atteinte cardiaque de la maladie de Fabry (MF). Ce cas clinique offre l'opportunité de parcourir la littérature sur l'atteinte cardiaque liée à cette affection ainsi que la.

  6. Au XXIème siècle, qui sont les patients dialysés souffrant d'une hyperparathyroïdie secondaire sévère ? Cohorte prospective, multicentrique de patients dialysés, incidents pour l'hyperparathyroïdie secondaire. EPHEYL (Etude PHarmacoEpidémiologique de l'hYperparathyroïdie secondaire en Lorraine)


    Thomas-Laurain , Emmanuelle


    Non disponible / Not available; L'hyperparathyroïdie secondaire (HPTS) est une complication fréquente de l'insuffisance rénale chronique. Mais son diagnostic et sa prise en charge sont encore complexes et mal codifiés. Dans notre étude, nous faisons l'hypothèse que la population de patients atteints d'HPTS est hétérogène. L'objectif de notre étude était d'identifier des sous-groupes de patients présentant un profil d'HPTS commun à partir des données cliniques, biologiques et thérapeutiques di...

  7. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    hématurie, infections urinaires) que l'atteinte génitale. Nous rapportons un cas exceptionnel de deux GEU successives sur bilharziose tubaire chez une patiente d'origine. Française, sept ans après un voyage touristique au ...

  8. Maladie de Biermer : étude de quatre cas au Centre Hospitalier ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les troubles neurologiques constituaient un tableau de sclérose combinée de la moelle (SCM) dans tous les trois cas, avec un déficit moteur observé chez deux patients, une atteinte des nerfs crâniens chez un patient, et des troubles de la mémoire chez deux patients. Tous les patients avaient reçu une supplémentation en ...

  9. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1 oct. 2013 ... conduit, 23 patients ont eu une atteinte pulmonaire rhumatoïde à type de pneumonie infiltrante diffuse, de nodules rhumatoïdes pulmonaires ou de fibrose pulmonaire, 38 patients avaient un syndrome sec, dont 7 souffraient d'un goujerot sjogren retenu selon les critères de l'American European Consensus ...

  10. The study of the digestive absorption of water in patients suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, by using two hydrogen tracers; etude de l'absorption digestive de l'eau chez les malades atteints de cirrhose du foie a l'aide de deux indicateurs de l'hydrogene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laine-Boszormenyi, M. [Institut National d' Hygiene (France); Fallot, P.; Masson, J.; Calvet, P. [Commissariat a l' energie atomique et aux energies alternatives - CEA, Service de, CEA Saclay (France)


    We have studied the rate of appearance of ingested water in the peripheral blood of four patients suffering from cirrhosis of the liver with ascites. For this purpose, oral administration of deuterium oxide and intravenous administration of tritiated water were made simultaneously. This double experiment enables the phenomenon of diffusion of the tracer outside the vascular regions to be observed and calculation to be made of the amounts absorbed by the digestive tract and transferred to the peripheral circulation. The rate of absorption observed under the above conditions proves to be distinctly less (1.2 percent per minute of the ingested dose) than that observed by Scholer and Code in normal subjects (9 percent per minute of the ingested dose). Hypotheses are advanced which could account for the facts observed and which offer a satisfactory explanation of Gilbert's opsiuria. Reprint of a paper published in International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, vol. 7, p. 233-243, 1960 [French] Nous avons etudie chez quatre malades atteints de cirrhose du foie avec ascite, la vitesse d'apparition dans le sang peripherique de l'eau ingeree. A cet effet, nous avons administre simultanement a nos malades de l'oxyde de deuterium par voie orale et de l'eau tritiee par voie intraveineuse. Cette double epreuve permet de faire la part du phenomene de diffusion de 11 indicateur hors des territoires vasculaires et de calculer les quantites absorbees par le tube digestif et transferees dans la circulation peripherique. La vitesse d'absorption appreciee dans les conditions precedentes (1,2 pour cent par minute de la dose ingeree) s'avere notablement inferieure a celle observee par SCHOLER et CODE chez les sujets normaux (9 pour cent par minute de la dose ingeree). Nous avons evoque des hypotheses susceptibles de rendre compte des faits observes qui apportent une explication satisfaisante a l'opsiurie de Gilbert. Reproduction d'un article publie dans International Journal

  11. Images in medicine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Service de médecine interne, Hôpital Razi, la Manouba 2010,. Tunisie. Key words: Syndrome de Gougerot Sjogren, atteinte neurologique, atteinte du nerf hypoglosse. Received: 23/08/2015 - Accepted: 29/08/2015 - Published: ...

  12. facteurs predictifs d'atteinte ganglionnaire centrale dans les cancers

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    9 mai 2013 ... laire, l'envahissement ganglionnaire latéral, la bilatéralité et l'envahissement ganglionnaire central. un évidemment gan- glionnaire central prophylactique doit donc être particulièrement considéré chez ces patients. Mots clés : carcinome thyroïdien, évidement ganglionnaire, métastase ganglionnaire.

  13. Syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren primitif du sujet âgé ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les objectifs de notre etude est d'etudier les caracteristiques cliniques et immunologiques du syndrome de Gougerot Sjogren primitif (SGSp) du sujet age et les comparer a une population temoin plus jeune. Nous avons analyse retrospectivement les dossiers de 60 patients atteints de SGSp consecutifs, suivis au service de ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    19 déc. 2007 ... té au type histologique permet d'améliorer la survie et la qualité de vie chez les patients atteints de ces tumeurs. Mots-clés ... management of these tumors. Materials ... La durée moyenne d'évolution de la symptomatologie.

  15. Les masques trompeurs de la bipolarité: étude de 100 cas | Nabih ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    C'est une étude descriptive transversale portant sur 100 patients atteints de TB, inclus selon les critères du DSM V, qui ont été vus en consultation ou bien hospitalisés dans le service de psychiatrie de l'hôpital Militaire Avicenne de Marrakech, durant une période de deux ans. L'âge moyen des patients était de 29,5 ans ...

  16. Sarcoidose et spondylarthrite ankylosante

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    14 mars 2011 ... Selon Kremer et al [3], cette atteinte peut avoir trois origines différentes : une manifestation rhumatologique originale de la sarcoïdose; une atteinte infectieuse notamment tuberculeuse; ou une sacro-iliite inflammatoire dans le cadre d´une association à une authentique spondylarthrite ankylosante.

  17. Reaction

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    12 janv. 2012 ... Key words: Métastase, rate, colon, carcinome. Received: 28/12/2011 - Accepted: 09/01/2012 - Published: ... tomodensitométriques au moment du diagnostic du cancer primitif ou lors du suivi radiologique régulier des patients atteints de cancers. Le recours à la TEP-FDG couplée au scanner serait d'un ...

  18. Résultats de recherche | Page 27 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Évaluation d'une intervention intégrée visant à convaincre les patients qu'on pense atteints de tuberculose de cesser de fumer (Pakistan). Dans les pays à faible revenu et les pays à revenu intermédiaire où le tabagisme est répandu, la tuberculose constitue un problème majeur. Projet.

  19. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    23 nov. 2015 ... moyenne de la ventilation des patients atteints de PN était de 10,46 j alors que celle des patients non infectés était de 6,60 j. ... facteurs de risque: l'âge, la durée de la ventilation mécanique, la durée de séjour en réanimation, l'existence d'une .... ventillacion mecanica. Med Intensiva (Spanish). 2010 Jun-.

  20. Ce que nous faisons | Page 22 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet produira des données probantes pour aider à orienter les stratégies de traitement chez les patients atteints de déficits de la mémoire et à réduire les symptômes associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer. PROJECT ... Translating genomic discoveries to cure ultrahypermutant mismatch repair deficient brain tumours.

  1. Canada : tous les projets | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet produira des données probantes pour aider à orienter les stratégies de traitement chez les patients atteints de déficits de la mémoire et à réduire les symptômes associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer. Région: India, Canada, Israel. Programme: Foundations for Innovation. Financement total : CA$ 669,937.00.

  2. 2150-IJBCS-Article-BAGRE Issa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La tuberculose, malgré l'existence d'un traitement efficace, demeure l'une des infections mortelles dans les pays en développement. D'après certaines études, la sensibilité de certains patients aux maladies infectieuses varie en fonction de leur phénotype d'Haptoglobine. Qu'en est-il des malades atteints de la tuberculose ...

  3. Management outcome of pulmonary tuberculosis: A nine year ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Keywords: Pulmonary tuberculosis, Outcome, DTS. Résumé Objectif: Cet étude met en relief le résultat de la prise en charge des patients atteints de tuberculose pulmonaire (PTB) au cours d'une période de neuf ans. Essentiellement, la cadence de la guérison, cadence de la défaillance et la cadence de la fatalité ont été ...

  4. Publications | Page 25 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Renforcer le leadership en matière de politiques parmi les travailleurs de la santé qui œuvrent auprès de patients atteints du VIH/sida. Les travailleurs de la santé doivent posséder ... Coup d'oeil sur la santé mentale des hommes et des femmes dans le milieu de travail au Chili. Des chercheurs chiliens et canadiens ont uni ...

  5. Renal, colonic and retroperitoneal Actinomycosis - a case report ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Il est tout à fait remis apres l'intevention chirurgicale et traité avec la pénicilline pendant une année. Il y a cinq ans depuis présentation sans aucune preuve de la récurrence clinique. On doit se souvenir de la actionomycose, quoique rare, pendant que l'on soigne des patients atteints de la masse abdominale. West African ...

  6. Caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques, histo-pathologiques ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    N. Harir

    Objectifs : Notre étude avait pour objectif d'effectuer une étude épidémiologique rétrospective afin de déterminer les caractéristiques .... nous nous sommes fixé comme objectif d'étudier les différents aspects épidémiologiques, .... A l'issue de notre recrutement, nous avons obtenu 115 patients atteints d'un cancer du rein sur ...

  7. Canada : tous les projets | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet produira des données probantes pour aider à orienter les stratégies de traitement chez les patients atteints de déficits de la mémoire et à réduire les symptômes associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer. Région: Canada, Israel, India. Programme: Programme de recherche en santé Canada-Israël. Financement total ...

  8. india : tous les projets | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet produira des données probantes pour aider à orienter les stratégies de traitement chez les patients atteints de déficits de la mémoire et à réduire les symptômes associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer. Région: Canada, Israel, India. Programme: Programme de recherche en santé Canada-Israël. Financement total ...

  9. : tous les projets | Page 41 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet produira des données probantes pour aider à orienter les stratégies de traitement chez les patients atteints de déficits de la mémoire et à réduire les symptômes associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer. Région: India, Canada, Israel. Programme: Foundations for Innovation. Financement total : CA$ 669,937.00. Établir le ...

  10. Du gris au vert - L'espoir reprend racine dans les hautes terres d ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 déc. 2010 ... Renforcer le leadership en matière de politiques parmi les travailleurs de la santé qui œuvrent auprès de patients atteints du VIH/sida. Les travailleurs de la santé doivent posséder le leadership et les capacités en matière de recherche et d'élaboration de politiques requis pour con.

  11. Portal biliopathy in a 13-year-old Asian girl: A case report and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Portail biliopathy (PB) est une terminologie utilisée pour décrire les biliaire ductal et anomalies de mur de la vésicule biliaire vu chez les patients atteints de portail hypertension. la pathogenèse de PB n'est pas bien connue. Il a été posé que pression extérieure du portail cavernoma et/ou ischaemie peut jouer un rôle. nous ...

  12. Résultats de recherche | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet produira des données probantes pour aider à orienter les stratégies de traitement chez les patients atteints de déficits de la mémoire et à réduire les symptômes associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer. Projet. Déchiffrer les mécanismes cognitifs et neuronaux qui sous-tendent l'apprentissage auditif. Ce projet cherche à ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Au Nigéria, le syndrome de Gélineau est un trouble rare avec une prévalence hospitalière de 0.026%. Nous étudions ici le cas d'un patient nigérien âgé de 14 ans atteint de narcolepsie, de cataplexie, d'hallucinations hypnagogiques visuelles et de paralysie du sommeil hypnopompique. Il a été effectué un test de latence ...

  14. Energie nominale atteinte au SPS

    CERN Multimedia

    * Le 9 juillet les premiers essais du système d'extraction ont permis de réaliser l'extraction rapide sur un tour de la quasi-totalité du faisceau circulant qui a été envoyé sur une décharge externe. Des difficultés entre les dipôles et les quadrupô/es principaux ont été surmontées et, le 15 juillet, plus de 4 x lu'2 protons par impulsion étaient accélérés à 200 GeV.

  15. Gastrodiscoides hominis infection in a Nigerian- case report | Dada ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Il s'agit d'un rapport d'un cas d'un enfant Nigerian âgé de sept ans qui s'est présenté atteints des traits de la sous alimentation et de l'anénue également atteint des gastrodiscoides hominis et ascaris lumbricoides. A la suite de la clairance des vers on a remarqué une enorme amélioration dans le statut de la santé de cet ...

  16. Traumatisme insolite de la région temporale | Lmekki | Journal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Un homme âgé de 37ans était victime d'une agression par coup de couteau. Le patient se présente aux urgences le couteau fiché dans la région temporale sans symptomatologie clinique particulière et avec un score de Glasgow à 15. Le bilan lésionnel n'a pas objectivé d'atteinte vasculaire. Le retrait du couteau a été ...

  17. Résultats de recherche | Page 56 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Établir le profil de la traduction dépendante de l'eIF2a dans la plasticité synaptique et la mémoire. Ce projet produira des données probantes pour aider à orienter les stratégies de traitement chez les patients atteints de déficits de la mémoire et à réduire les symptômes associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer. Projet.

  18. Mandibular segmental reconstruction with iliac crest | Obiechina ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Résumé Vingt patients consistent en 14 mâles et 6 femmes atteints des lésions destructives bénignes dans la mâchoire ont été réparées tout en utilisant la crête iliaque sans vascularisée libre. L'os récolte était courbé et solide avec un fil en acier inoxydable de 0.5mm et renforcé avec une fixation maxillo-mandibulaire.

  19. Les thromboses veineuses cérébrales: étiologies, facteurs de risque, stratégie diagnostique, pronostic et évolution vers les fistules artério-veineuses durales étude rétrospective de 52 cas


    Richard , Sébastien


    Non disponible / Not available; Ce travail décrit et commente les résultats d'une étude rétrospective reprenant l'histoire et l'évolution de 52 patients atteints d'une thrombose veineuse cérébrale (TVC). Les étiologies avérées ne sont trouvées que pour 28% des TVC de notre série dont 20% sont dûes à des troubles de la coagulation. La contraception orale concerne 71% des patientes. Nous suspecton l'insuffisance veineuse (51% des patients) comme étant le témoin d'une anomalie de paroi favorisan...

  20. Ostéite costale tuberculeuse

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    Abdellatif Benosman


    Full Text Available Nous rapportons un cas de tuberculose costale chez une patiente de 44ans ayant des antécédents de miliaire tuberculeuse. L’atteinte costale était pseudotumorale ayant conduit à une biopsie exérèse chirurgicale de la masse costale dont l’étude histologique est revenue en faveur d’une tuberculose. Cette observation ainsi que celles de la littérature, confirment les difficultés diagnostiques de cette forme rare de tuberculose.

  1. La pratique de l’hypnose, de la visualisation ou de l’autohypnose par des personnes atteintes d'un cancer : une transformation de soi ? The Practice of the Hypnosis, the Visualization or the Autohypnosis by Persons Affected with Cancer: a Transformation of the Self?

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    Clémentine Raineau


    Full Text Available Les recours à certaines « médecines douces » comme l’hypnose et la relaxation permettent-ils une reconfiguration des soins du cancer dans les itinéraires thérapeutiques ? À partir d’un travail de terrain ethnographique réalisé en Auvergne avec des personnes atteintes par cette maladie et avec leurs thérapeutes, nous montrons que ces techniques de soins permettent aux patients d’acquérir des compétences pratiques (autohypnose, visualisation et relaxation pratiquées sans guide en solitaire et d’être actifs dans la prise en charge de leur cancer, afin de faire face à certains effets de la maladie et des traitements. L’acquisition de ces techniques d’autonomisation permet la reconfiguration de l’itinéraire thérapeutique du malade en regard du Plan Personnalisé de Soin (PPS qui lui est proposé dans une unité d’oncologie française.L’apprentissage de la visualisation, qui se réalise à travers la découverte lors des séances d’une “matrice de l’imagination” ancrée dans le corps et son exploration (à travers la génération et la manipulation d’images, œuvre de plus à un travail de métamorphose qui tend à transformer les modalités de l’“être-au-monde”.Do hypnosis and relaxation practices allow for a reconfiguration of cancer care within therapeutic itineraries? From our fieldwork in Auvergne (France with persons affected by this disease and with their therapists, we have shown that these care techniques allow the patients to acquire practical skills (autohypnosis, self-visualization and self-relaxation and to be active in the care of their cancer, to face certain side effects of the disease and the treatments. The acquisition of these techniques of empowerment allows for the reconfiguration of the patient’s care paths vis-à-vis the “Plan Personnalisé de Soins” (Personalized Care Program proposed by a French oncology unit. The visualization training, which comes to fruition

  2. Non disponible / Not available


    Claire , Michel


    Non disponible / Not available; Introduction : Les capacités de reconnaissance des expressions faciales s’altèrent avec l’âge et dans certaines pathologies telles que la maladie d’Alzheimer mais aussi, entre autres, dans d’autres démences, maladies neurologiques ou psychiatriques. Les soignants peuvent-ils être assimilés à la population générale en ce qui concerne la reconnaissance des expressions faciales ? Les patients atteints de maladie d’Alzheimer sont-ils capables d’exprimer des émotion...

  3. Epilepsie chez les Enfants Atteints d'Infirmité Motrice Cérébrale : à ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 1, 2004 ... trouvé 62,5% de patients de sexe masculin avec sex ratio de 1,7. Ceci pourrait .... [18] P. A. Schwartzkroin, The electrophysiology of human brain ... [19] R. C. Vannucci, Experimental biology of cerebral hypoxia- ischemia: ...

  4. Prospective study on 12 patients of salivary glands radiotherapy as treatment of salivary stasis in patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; etude prospective sur 12 patients de radiotherapie des glandes salivaires comme traitement de la stase salivaire chez des patients atteints de sclerose laterale amyotrophique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Assouline, A.; Delanian, S. [Oncologie radiotherapie, centre clinique de la Porte-de-Saint-Cloud, Boulogne (France); Lenglet, T.; Bruneteau, G.; Le Forestier, N.; Salachas, F.; Lebouteux, M.; Abdelnour, M.; Meininger, V.; Pradat, P.F. [Departement des maladies du systeme nerveux, groupe hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere, AP-HP, Paris (France)


    The authors report a study which aimed at assessing the efficiency and tolerance of salivary gland radiotherapy in patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Twelve patients have been treated by conformational irradiation after a planning scanography with support mask. Results are discussed in terms of salivary discomfort (almost immediate disappearance in 11 cases), and other minor effects. Although a greater number of patients is still needed, the treatment gives promising results. Short communication

  5. Macrophages/Microglie et formes progressives dans la sclérose en plaques Analyse histologique et moléculaire


    Chanal , Marie


    La sclérose en plaques (SEP) est une pathologie inflammatoire chronique du système nerveux central (SNC) impliquant des interactions neuro-immunologiques de nature et d’intensité variées. Chez les patients atteints d’une forme progressive de SEP, la perte axonale diffuse est actuellement considérée comme l’élément majeur du handicap neurologique irréversible. L’implication de l’inflammation diffuse dans le développement de cette perte axonale est fortement suspectée. Néanmoins la responsabili...

  6. Thrombasthénie de Glanzmann: à propos de 11 cas (United States)

    Mukendi, Jean-Louis Ntumba; Benkirane, Souad; Masrar, Azlarab


    Introduction La thrombasthénie de Glanzmann est une pathologie hémorragique héréditaire rare due à une déficience ou un dysfonctionnement du complexe glycoprotéique IIb/IIIa de la membrane plaquettaire. Le but de notre étude est de décrire les caractéristiques démographiques, cliniques et biologiques d'une série de patients atteints de thrombasthénie de Glanzmann. Méthodes C'est une étude portant sur tous les patients atteints de thrombasthénie de Glanzmann diagnostiqués au Laboratoire Central d'Hématologie du Centre Hospitalier Ibn Sina de Rabat au Maroc pendant la période allant du 1er mars 2011 au 31 mars 2013, soit 25 mois. Après avoir recueilli les données épidémiologiques et cliniques de nos patients, nous avons réalisé une étude biologique comportant une numération plaquettaire et une agrégométrie. Résultats 11 patients ont présenté des profils agrégométriques compatibles à une TG. La majorité de ces malades étaient issus de mariages consanguins (54,5%) et originaires de régions situées dans le nord du Maroc. Le syndrome hémorragique s'est révélé principalement cutanéo-muqueux, avec une prédominance des gingivorragies (72,7%), des épistaxis (63,6%) et des ecchymoses (45,5%). Conclusion Nos résultats ont montré que la thrombasthénie de Glanzmann est une pathologie relativement fréquente au Maroc. PMID:26587119


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    Fatou Barro/Traoré


    Full Text Available Introduction: La pellagre est une carence en vitamine PP qui regroupe l’acide nicotinique ou niacine et le nicotinamide. Elle est encore fréquente dans notre pays. Le but de cette étude était de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques et cliniques de la pellagre dans la région Ouest du Burkina Faso. Patients et Méthodes: Il s’est agi d’une étude rétrospective, descriptive à partir des dossiers des patients ayant consulté ou ayant été hospitalisés dans les services de dermatologie-vénéréologie et de psychiatrie à Bobo-Dioulasso, de 2005 à 2012. Résultats: Durant la période, 223 cas de pellagre ont été enregistrés. L’âge moyen des patients était de 37,7+17,2 ans avec des extrêmes de 6 et 85 ans et un sex-ratio de 1/3. Ces cas ont été observés dans les zones aussi bien rurales qu’urbaines de l’Ouest du Burkina Faso. Les femmes étaient les plus atteintes (76,7%, particulièrement les femmes au foyer (47,1%. Les formes ulcéreuses représentaient 6,3% des cas, les atteintes neurologiques 62% et la diarrhée chronique (6,5%. Trois patients sont décédés (1,3%. Conclusion: La pellagre est une affection fréquente chez les femmes dans l’Ouest du Burkina Faso où le maïs constitue la céréale de base dans l’alimentation des populations. Les formes ulcéreuses pouvaient égarer le diagnostic. Une sensibilisation de la population est indispensable pour prévenir cette affection.

  8. Radiotherapy efficiency for patients of Polynesian origin suffering from localized prostate cancers: a comparative study; Efficacite de la radiotherapie chez les patients d'origine polynesienne atteints de cancers de la prostate localises: etude comparative mono-centrique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levy, A.; Chargari, C.; Mozer, P.; Feuvret, L.; Lang, P.; Assouline, A.; Mazeron, J.J.; Simon, J.M. [CHU Pitie-Salpetriere, 75 - Paris (France); Chargari, C. [Hopital d' instruction des armees du Val-de-Grace, 75 - Paris (France); Desrez, G.; Leroux, S. [Centre hospitalier Mamao, Papeete, Polynesie francaise (France)


    The authors report a comparative study of survival probabilities without biochemical relapse for patients of Polynesian (46 patients) or European (106 patients) origin treated in the same establishment by exclusive conformational irradiation for a localized prostate cancer. Polynesian patients were younger with a greater proportion of low risk cancers. Side effects rates, survival probabilities without biochemical relapse by five years, prognostic with respect to cancer stage are compared with respect to the ethnic origin. Short communication

  9. Recours aux médicaments et aux consultations psychologiques chez les Canadiens atteints d'un trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siobhan O'Donnell


    associé à un âge plus avancé, à un revenu du ménage plus élevé, à une résidence dans la région de l'Atlantique ou au Québec et à un trouble de l'humeur et d'anxiété concomitants ou à un trouble de l'humeur seulement. Le contrôle des symptômes sans l'utilisation de médicaments était la raison le plus souvent invoquée pour ne pas prendre de médicaments, et le désir de se débrouiller seul et la prise de médicaments figuraient parmi les raisons le plus souvent citées pour ne pas avoir bénéficié de consultations psychologiques. Conclusion : La majorité des Canadiens adultes atteints d'un trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété diagnostiqué prenaient des médicaments, mais une moins grande proportion d'entre eux avaient reçu des consultations psychologiques. En dégageant les facteurs associés au recours à ces traitements et les raisons invoquées pour ne pas y recourir, cette étude met en lumière l'importance de discuter avec les patients des options de traitement et des obstacles perçus afin d'offrir un traitement adapté à leurs besoins et leurs préférences.

  10. Restauration fonctionnelle du rachis : effet du niveau initial de douleur sur les performances des sujets lombalgiques chroniques (United States)

    Caby, Isabelle; Olivier, N; Mendelek, F; Kheir, R Bou; Vanvelcenaher, J; Pelayo, P


    HISTORIQUE : La lombalgie chronique est une douleur lombaire persistante d’origine multifactorielle. Le niveau de douleur initial reste faiblement utilisé pour analyser et comparer les réponses des patients lombalgiques au programme de reconditionnement. OBJECTIFS : Apprécier et évaluer les réponses des sujets lombalgiques chroniques très douloureux à une prise en charge dynamique et intensive. MÉTHODOLOGIE : 144 sujets atteints de lombalgie chronique ont été inclus dans un programme de restauration fonctionnelle du rachis de 5 semaines. Les sujets ont été classés en deux groupes de niveau de douleur: un groupe atteint de douleur sévère (n = 28) et un groupe atteint de douleur légère à modérée (n = 106). L’ensemble des sujets ont bénéficié d’une prise en charge identique comprenant principalement de la kinésithérapie, de l’ergothérapie, du reconditionnement musculaire et cardio-vasculaire ainsi qu’un suivi psychologique. Les paramètres physiques (flexibilité, force musculaire) et psychologiques (qualité de vie) ont été mesurés avant (T0) et après le programme (T5sem). RÉSULTATS : L’ensemble des performances physiques et fonctionnelles des sujets très douloureux sont moins bonnes et le retentissement de la lombalgie sur la qualité de vie, pour ces mêmes sujets, est majoré à T0. Toutes les différences significatives constatées à T0 entre les deux groupes s’effacent à T5sem. CONCLUSIONS : Les sujets lombalgiques chroniques très douloureux répondent favorablement au programme dynamique et intensif. L’intensité douloureuse de la lombalgie n’aurait pas d’effet sur les réponses au programme. La restauration fonctionnelle du rachis apporterait aux sujets la possibilité de mieux gérer leur douleur quel que soit son niveau. PMID:25299476

  11. La prise en charge du traumatisé crânien grave : de la littérature au centre d'éveil


    Phelix , Laury


    Non disponible / Not available; Le traumatisme crânien est une pathologie qui se définit par une atteinte cérébrale ou du tronc cérébral suite à un choc direct ou indirect.En France, la principale étiologie recensée est les accidents de la voie publique avec comme population cible des personnes jeunes appartenant à tranche d'âge des 15-25 ans. L'incidence des traumatismes crâniens est de 281 pour 100 000 habitants.Suite à ce traumatisme, le patient peut se trouver dans le coma. Généralement, ...

  12. Le syndrome d’Usher: à propos d’une observation


    Daoudi, Chama; boutimzine, Noureddine; Haouzi, Samia El; Lezrek, Omar; Tachfouti, Samira; Lezrek, Mounir; Laghmari, Mina; Daoudi, Rajae


    Résumé Le syndrome d'Usher est une maladie génétique comportant une double atteinte sensorielle (auditive et visuelle) appelée surdicécité. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient de 50 ans, issue d'un mariage consanguin présentant une surdité congénitale avec une fonction vestibulaire normale et une rétinopathie pigmentaire responsable d'une baisse bilatérale de l'acuité visuelle apparue vers l'âge de 16 ans. Cette association compose le type 2 du syndrome d'Usher, affection rare de trans...

  13. Localisation inhabituelle de la tuberculose: ostéoarthrite tuberculose du pouce (United States)

    Mortaji, Aziz; Koulali, Khalid; Galuia, Farid


    L'ostéoarthrite tuberculose est rare au niveau des doigts. Nous rapportons une observation d'atteinte du pouce chez un patient de 55 ans. Il avait présenté une tuméfaction douloureuse du pouce droit suite à un traumatisme du pouce. L’étude bactériologique et une biopsie avaient permis de confirmer le diagnostic. Un traitement antibacillaire de 12 mois avait donné des résultats satisfaisants. Les particularités de la prise en charge sont discutées par rapport aux données de la littérature. PMID:25932075

  14. Enquête sur l’association entre les habitudes alimentaires, l’anthropométrie et le cancer colorectal: Etude cas-témoins dans une population de l’Est Algérien 2016-2017 [Survey on the association between eating habits, anthropometry and colorectal cancer: Case-control study in a population of eastern Algeria 2016-2017

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    Samira NEGRICHI


    Full Text Available Résumé Introduction. Des facteurs comme l’obésité et l’alimentation sont impliqués dans la carcinogenèse colique. Objectif. Une étude rétrospective cas-témoins est menée afin d’évaluer l’association de ces facteurs avec le cancer colorectal (CCR dans une population de l’Est Algérien. Matériel et méthodes. L’enquête a été réalisée entre avril 2016 et août 2017, au niveau de l'Etablissement Public Hospitalier de Bekaria à Tébessa et des Centres Anti-Cancer de Batna et d’Annaba. Soixante quatre patients atteints de CCR âgés de 51±12 et 64 témoins dont l’âge moyen était de 51±17 ans ont été recrutés. Le questionnaire utilisé a permis de collecter les informations concernant l’âge, le sexe, les mesures anthropométriques, les habitudes alimentaires et la fréquence de consommation de quelques aliments. Résultats. Une association significative est notée entre l’obésité et la prévalence du CCR (37,5 % des patients vs 20,31 % des témoins, p=0,048. L’indice de masse corporelle (IMC moyen des patients était plus élevé que celui des témoins. La prévalence du cancer atteint son maximum entre 50 et 59 ans. La consommation des céréales et des œufs est retenue comme facteur protecteur du CCR (p=0,046 et 0,028. Les témoins consomment plus de pâtes que les patients (P=0,054. Conclusion. Cette étude met en évidence l’association entre le cancer colorectal, l’obésité et la consommation de certains aliments chez les patients atteints de CCR. [Abstract Introduction. Factors such obesity and diet are involved in colon carcinogenesis. Objective. A retrospective case-control study was done to evaluate the association of these factors with colorectal cancer (CRC in eastern Algeria population. Material and methods. This study was conducted between April 2016 and August 2017, at the Bekaria public hospital in Tebessa, and the Anti-Cancer Centers of Batna and Annaba. Sixty four patients with

  15. Mémoire du travail et des expositions professionnelles aux cancérogènes Work account and occupational exposures to carcinogens. Survey in Seine-Saint-Denis (France) Memoria del trabajo y de las exposiciones profesionales a agentes cancerígenos. Encuesta en Seine-Saint-Denis (Francia)


    Annie Thébaud-Mony; Béatrice Leconte


    Selon les estimations officielles, en 2000 environ 32 millions de travailleurs européens (de l’Europe des 15) étaient exposés à des cancérogènes. Depuis 2002, considérant la maladie comme « événement-sentinelle » pour la connaissance des activités de travail exposant aux cancérogènes, le Groupement d’intérêt scientifique sur les cancers d’origine professionnelle (GISCOP93) mène une enquête permanente auprès de patients atteints de cancer en Seine Saint Denis (France). S’appuyant sur les récit...

  16. Simulation de la répartition de température dans un bloc en acier ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The cooling of highly heated metal during manufacturing process exhibits a ... diagnosis in order to optimise cooling systems and also to predict thermophysical behaviour of the studied ...... atteint une phase critique avant de se transformer.

  17. Facteurs predictifs d'atteinte ganglionnaire centrale dans les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les cancers papillaires et vésiculaires de la thyroïde sont les cancers endocriniens les plus fréquents. L'envahissement ganglionnaire semble peu influencer la survie globale, mais majore les risques de récidive locorégionale et de métastases à distance. Cet envahissement est une complication fréquente des cancers ...

  18. Mise en œuvre d'un réseau intégré de prévention et de gestion du risque cardiométabolique en première ligne à Montréal : une plus grande coordination des soins avec les médecins de première ligne a-t-elle un impact sur les résultats de santé?

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    Sylvie Provost


    Full Text Available Introduction : La gestion des maladies chroniques nécessite une grande intégration des services. Un programme de gestion du risque cardiométabolique inspiré du Chronic Care Model a été implanté à Montréal pour les patients atteints de diabète ou d'hypertension. Un des objectifs de notre étude était d'apprécier l'impact de la coordination des soins entre les équipes interdisciplinaires et les médecins sur la participation des patients au programme et sur l'amélioration des habitudes de vie et le contrôle de la maladie. Méthodologie : Nous avons utilisé des données sur les résultats de santé issues d'un registre de données cliniques et de questionnaires aux patients à leur entrée dans le programme et à 12 mois de suivi, ainsi que des données sur les caractéristiques du programme provenant de l'analyse de son implantation. Nous avons réalisé des analyses de régression multiple, contrôlant pour les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et de santé des patients, pour mesurer l'association entre la coordination de l'équipe interdisciplinaire avec les médecins de première ligne et différents résultats de santé. Résultats : Au total, 1689 patients ont participé à l'évaluation (taux de participation 60,1 %. Environ 40 % des patients ont abandonné le programme durant la première année. À 12 mois de suivi (n = 992, nous avons observé une augmentation significative de la proportion des patients atteignant les différentes cibles cliniques. La perception par l'équipe interdisciplinaire d'une meilleure coordination des soins avec les médecins de première ligne était associée à une plus grande participation des patients au programme et à l'atteinte de meilleurs résultats cliniques. Conclusion : Une plus grande coordination des services aux patients entre des équipes interdisciplinaires et les médecins de première ligne se traduit par des effets bénéfiques chez les patients.

  19. Dynamique communautaire autour de la gestion de la sante ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    importance de certains facteurs, en l'occurrence les perceptions culturelles qui rendent pourtant compte de la dimension sociale, culturelle et symbolique de la grossesse. Une telle situation ne peut que compromettre l'atteinte des Objectifs 4 et 5 du ...

  20. Des furoncles résistants aux antibiotiques: penser à la myiase !! (United States)

    Ajili, Faida; Abid, Rim; Bousseta, Najeh; Mrabet, Ali; Karoui, Ghazi; Louzir, Bassem; Battikh, Riadh; Othmani, Salah


    Les myiases sont des infections parasitaires par des larves de mouches. La localisation cutanée doit être évoquée de retour d'un pays tropical devant une évolution inhabituelle de lésions cutanées. Nous rapportons une observation d'un militaire tunisien, ayant séjourné en République Démocratique du Congo. Il était atteint de myiase cutanée simulatrice d'une furonculose résistante aux antibiotiques. L'intérêt de cette observation est de souligner l'importance d’évoquer la myiase dont le traitement est simple et rapide chez un patient de retour de zone d'endémie. PMID:24106569

  1. Preliminary data from {gamma}-cardiography during the abatement of an asthmatic attack (1961); Premieres donnees de la {gamma}-cardiographie au decours de l'etat de mal asthmatique (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Georges, R; Vernejoul, P de; Raynaud, C; Blanchon, P; Kellershohn, C; Turiaf, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The authors used gamma cardiology during the abatement of 16 cases of asthma with a view to detecting heart attacks not otherwise visible with routine methods of examination: clinical, radiological and electro-cardio-graphical. In gamma cardiology, a radioactive indicator is used and its path followed in the cavities of the heart. The method makes it possible to study the circulation in the right heart, the pulmonary crossing, and the left heart, as well as evaluation of the heart-flow. As a result of their investigations the authors, after having discussed the significance of the data obtained with the method, suggest that it is possible by the use of gamma cardiography during the abatement of an asthma attack: 1- To confirm attacks of the right heart which have already been detected by ordinary methods. 2- To confirm the presence of modifications in the recorded curves which suggest, in the case of the left heart, possible attack; such on attack is also indicated, in a small number of cases, by electrocardiography curves. Some considerations are put forward by the authors concerning the physiopathology of attacks on the left heart. (authors) [French] Les auteurs ont fait appel a la gammacardiographie au decours de 16 cas d'etat de mal asthmatique, dans le but d'objectiver des atteintes cardiaques incapables d'etre revelees par les moyens d'exploration de routine: cliniques, radiologiques et electrocardiographiques. La gammacardiographie est un procede qui enregistre a l'aide d'un indicateur radioactif, le trajet de celui-ci dans les cavites cardiaques. Elle permet l'etude de la circulation dans le coeur droit, de la traversee pulmonaire, et le coeur gauche, de meme que le calcul du debit cardiaque. Au terme de leurs investigations, les auteurs apres avoir discute la signification des donnees fournies par la methode admettent que la gammacardiographie objective au secours de l'etat de mal asthmatique: 1- La confirmation de l'atteinte du coeur droit deja etablie

  2. Les tumeurs malignes primitives de l’intestin grèle: Aspects cliniques et thérapeutiques de 27 patients

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    Abahssain Halima


    Full Text Available Les tumeurs malignes de l'intestin grèle (TMPIG sont des tumeurs rares. Elles représentent 1 à 5% de toutes les tumeurs du tube digestif. Elles sont caractérisées par une hétérogénéité anatomopathologique et une symptomatologie pauvre et non spécifique entrainant ainsi un retard diagnostic, des difficultés Thérapeutiques et donc un mauvais pronostic. Nous rapportant les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques ainsi que la survie des patients atteints des TMIG au sein de l’institut national d’oncologie de Rabat. Il s’agit d’une analyse rétrospective des dossiers cliniques des 27 patients ayant le diagnostic de tumeurs malignes de l’intestin grèle admis dans notre institut entre 1998 et 2002. L’âge médian était de 46 ans (15-70 ans. Le délai médian de diagnostic était de 6 mois (0-96 mois. La douleur abdominale était le symptôme le plus fréquent (77.8%. L’étude anatomopathologique a montré 63% de lymphome non Hodgkinie, 14.8% d’adénocarcinome, 7.4% de tumeur stromale, 7.4% de carcinome neuroendocrine et 7.4% de sarcome intestinal. Vingt patients (76. 9% ont eu une résection chirurgicale et 14 patients (53. 8% ont eu une chimiothérapie en fonction du stade de la maladie et du type histologique. Après un recul médian de 11.6 mois, la survie globale après 12 mois était de 44.4% et la médiane de survie était de 11.6 mois. Les tumeurs malignes de l’intestin grèle sont rares. Leur diagnostic est tardif limitant ainsi la prise en charge thérapeutique curative. Les cliniciens doivent ètre avertis des symptômes gastro-intestinaux non spécifiques

  3. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    23 sept. 2013 ... recherche de cette bactérie devrait être alors systématique chez nos malades suspects ... Depuis l'avènement des nouvelles techniques de diagnostic .... immunodéprimés essentiellement les malades atteint de VIH que les.

  4. Long-term quality of life in patients with rectal cancer treated with preoperative (chemo)-radiotherapy within a randomized trial; Evaluation a long terme de la qualite de vie de patients atteints de cancer rectal apras (chimio) radiotherapie dans un essai controle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tiv, M.; Puyraveau, M.; Mercier, M.; Bosset, J.F. [EA3181, Besancon University Hospital, University of Franche-Comte, 25 - Besancon (France); Puyraveau, M. [Clinical Research Management Unit, Besancon University Hospital, 25 - Besancon (France); Mineur, L. [Department of Radiation Therapy, Clinic Sainte-Catherine, 84 - Avignon (France); Calais, G. [Department of Radiation Therapy, University Francois-Rabelais, 37 - Tours (France); Maingon, P. [Department of Radiation Therapy, Cancer Center Dijon, 21 - Dijon (France); Bardet, E. [Department of Radiation Therapy, centre Rene-Gauducheau, 44 - Nantes-Saint-Herblain (France); Mercier, M.; Bosset, J.F. [Department of Radiation Therapy, Besancon University Hospital, 25 - Besancon (France)


    Purpose: Few studies have evaluated the quality of life (QoL) of patients with rectal cancer. This report describes the quality of life of French patients who entered the 22921 EORTC trial that investigated the role and place of chemotherapy (CT) added to preoperative radiotherapy (preop-RT). Patients and Methods: Patients without recurrences were evaluated with EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-CR38 questionnaires, after a median time of 4.6 years from randomization. Results: All the scores of QLQ-C30 functions were high, from 78 up to 88, with those of global health quality of life scale (GHQL) status being 73. The mean scores of symptoms were low except for diarrhea. For QLQ-CR38, the mean scores for 'body image' and 'future perspective' were high at 79.6 and 69.7 respectively. The scores for 'sexual functioning' and 'enjoyment' were low. Men had more sexual problems than females (62.5 vs 25 mean scores respectively). Chemotherapy was associated with more diarrhea complaints, lower 'role', lower 'social functioning' and lower global health quality of life scale. Conclusion: The overall quality of life of patients with rectal cancer is quite good 4.6 years after the beginning preoperative treatments. However, adding chemotherapy to preoperative radiotherapy has a negative effect on diarrhea complaints and some quality of life dimensions. (authors)

  5. Apport des techniques non invasives dans le suivi de l'atteinte cardiaque dans la maladie de Steinert


    Luporsi , Jean-Dominique


    The first part of this personal work is a review focused on epidemiology, genetic bases,clinical description and treatment of Steinert's disease. The second part exposes a personal trial based on the recruitment of 102 patients coming from the orphan diseases and the neurology departments of the Nancy universitary hospital, who are then sent to the cardiology department for systematic non-invasive investigations in the framework of their myotonicdystrophy. A comparison is made between Our res...

  6. Une hanche douloureuse révélatrice d'une histiocytose osseuse multifocale (United States)

    Lahrach, Kamal; Alaoui, Adil; el Kadi, Khalid Ibn; Marzouki, Amine; Boutayeb, Fawzi


    L'histiocytose langerhansienne est une maladie rare qui touche principalement l'enfant et l'adulte jeune. Elle peut prendre plusieurs aspects, L'atteinte osseuse peut être uni- ou multifocale. Nous rapportons une observation d'histiocytose langerhansienne osseuse multifocale, révélée chez un patient âgé de 23 ans et ayant touché le col fémoral droit. La scintigraphie osseuse a permis de retrouver plusieurs localisations: l'os temporal, humérale et scapulaire droite. En raison du risque fracturaire, le patient a bénéficié d'une ostéosynthèse par vis-plaque DHS avec curetage biopsie de la lésion. L'examen histologique a révélé une histiocytose langerhansienne. L'évolution fut favorable après chimiothérapie par voie générale. PMID:25018840

  7. African Journal of Neurological Sciences - 2009 Vol. 28 No 1

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    pharmacorésistance et l'impact sur le développement psychomoteur des enfants atteints. ... This is a retrospective and prospective study from medical records from January ..... de Pharmacie et d'Odonto Stomatologie de l'Université de Bamako;2010 ... VIGEVANO F, MACCAGNANI F, BERTINI E. Encefalopatia mioclonia ...

  8. L'accélérateur du CERN bat un premier record

    CERN Multimedia


    Des protons lancés les uns contre les autres à une vitesse très proche de celle de la lumière sont entrés en collision avec une énergie de 2,36 TeV, la plus haute jamais atteinte dans un laboratoire. (2 pages)

  9. Download this PDF file

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    isolées de femmes enceintes atteintes d'infections urinaires asymptomatiques à Dar es-Salaam, en Tanzanie. 1. 2. *Mwambete KD. , Malaba P. Resume. Objectifs:Les infections des voies urinaires (UTI) sont parmi les principales causes de morbidité chez les femmes enceintes à cause des changements physiologiques ...

  10. Malformations vasculaires au cours du syndrome de Williams ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le syndrome de Williams-Beuren est une maladie génétique rare, il associe classiquement une dysmorphie faciale assez spécifique, des malformations cardiovasculaires et un profil neuropsychologique particulier. Nous rapportons les observations de trois enfants atteints du syndrome de Williams-Beuren en insistant ...

  11. Original Paper Efficacité d'un produit répulsif à base de l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    d'Anthranilate de Methyl ont été réalisés au champ, en station de recherche et au laboratoire. L'essai réalisé à ..... coagulation associés à une atrophie des fibres musculaires ... et c) une atteinte pulmonaire de type d'une pneumopathie.

  12. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2 juil. 2015 ... Abstract. La maladie de Horton (MH) est une vascularite granulomateuse des gros vaisseaux du sujet âgé. L'atteinte cardiaque reste exceptionnelle au cours de cette affection et est souvent la conséquence de l'aortite inflammatoire. Nous rapportons une observation exceptionnelle de bloc auriculo-.

  13. Images in medicine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    6 nov. 2013 ... clinique à type de thromboangéite oblitérante, des lésions très distales, une atteinte ... d'amputation, mais les problèmes de tolérance et de coût limitent ... vasculaires, le dosage des facteurs de coagulation et les examens.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La loi 84-11 du 9 Juin 1984 (JORA n°24 du 12.06.1984) portant code de .... ans) et dans la limite de trois; (iii) il n'est exigé aucune condition d'âge pour le travailleur atteint ..... les secteurs de l'économie (Perret et Chakour, 2007). Les femmes.

  15. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cherti, M. Vol 20, No 1 (2015) - Articles Atteinte cardiaque au cours de la dystrophie myotonique de Steinert: Expérience marocaine, à propos de 18 cas. Abstract · Vol 21, No 1 (2015) - Articles Recurrent myocardial infarction in a young cocaine abuser. Abstract PDF. ISSN: 1937-8688. AJOL African Journals Online.

  16. Le syndrome de Budd-Chiari: une complication rare de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'atteinte hépatique au cours de la sarcoïdose est une localisation fréquente, habituellement asymptomatique. La cholestase anictérique et l'hypertension portale représentent ses principales complications. Le syndrome de Budd-Chiari est une complication peu connue qui demeure exceptionnelle. Nous rapportons un ...

  17. Epanchement pleuro-péricardique liquidien révélant un lymphome lymphoblastique (United States)

    N'goran, Yves N'da Kouakou; Soya, Kossa Esaïe; Beossin, Sylvanus Koui; Angoran, Ines; Traore, Fatou; Tano, Micesse; Afassinou, Yaovi; Ekou, Arnaud; Koffi, Florent; Yao, Hermann; Kramoh, Euloge Kouadio; Kakou, Maurice Guikahue


    L'atteinte cardiaque au cours des lymphomes lymphoblastiques est rare. Il s'agissait d'un patient de 17 ans de race noire qui a été admis pour une douleur médiothoracique. Le patient avait des signes d'insuffisance cardiaque droite; un syndrome d’épanchement pleural liquidien gauche; des adénopathies superficielles et une splénomégalie de type IV de Hackett. La biopsie ganglionnaire a été réalisée pour la confirmation du diagnostic par analyse histologique et immuno-histochimique. Des ponctions pleurale et péricardique ont été effectuées. Le patient a été confié au service d'oncologie pédiatrique pour la chimiothérapie. L’évolution a été marquée par le décès du patient 18 jours après. La manifestation cardiaque est une entité rare et très souvent mé confirmation histologique est parfois difficile à obtenir du vivant de la plupart des patients. Le pronostic est souvent réservé à court terme. PMID:25419294

  18. Le syndrome de fatigue chronique et la fibromyalgie au Canada : prévalence et associations avec six indicateurs de l'état de santé

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    C. Rusu


    Full Text Available Introduction : Peu d'études ont traité, à l'aide de données populationnelles, des facteurs associés de façon indépendante au syndrome de fatigue chronique (SFC et à la fibromyalgie (FM ou des répercussions de ces affections sur l'état de santé. Méthodologie : Nous avons utilisé les données de l'Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes de 2010 (n=59 101, représentative de la population à l'échelle nationale, pour décrire les cas autodéclarés de SFC et de FM diagnostiqués par un professionnel de la santé et pour déterminer les associations de ces affections avec six indicateurs de l'état de santé. Résultats : En 2010, 1,4 % (intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95 % : 1,3 % à 1,6 % des Canadiens de 12 ans ou plus vivant à domicile ont déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de SFC,1,5 % (IC à 95 %: 1,4 % à 1,7 % de FM, et 0,3 % (IC à 95 %: 0,3 % à 0,4 % a déclaré être atteinte à la fois de SFC et de FM. Les cas de SFC comme ceux de FM étaient plus fréquents chez les femmes, les adultes de 40 ans ou plus, les personnes à faible revenu et les personnes présentant certains facteurs de risque de maladie chronique (obésité, sédentarité et tabagisme. Après ajustement en fonction des différences existant entre les groupes, les personnes ayant déclaré être atteintes du SFC ou de FM ou des deux avaient un moins bon état de santé que les personnes atteintes d'aucune de ces affections pour cinq indicateurs de l'état de santé, mais aucune différence n'a été trouvée entre ces groupes par rapport à l'indicateur de santé mentale. Le fait d'être atteint à la fois du SFC et de FM et de présenter de multiples affections comorbides était associé à un moins bon état de santé. Conclusion : La présence concomitante du SFC, de la FM et d'autres affections chroniques était étroitement associée au fait d'avoir un moins bon état de santé, et les différences relatives à l'état de santé

  19. Mise au point de l’analyse par séquençage à haut-débit du microbiote fongique et bactérien respiratoire chez les patients atteints de mucoviscidose


    Nguyen , Do Ngoc Linh


    Chronic pulmonary infection results in an irreversible decline in lung function in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). While several bacteria are known as main causes for these infections (for example: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Burkholderia cepacia, Achromobacter xylosoxidans...), more recently some fungal genera including filamentous fungi (such as Aspergillus, Scedosporium...) have also been identified as emerging or re-emerging pathogens able to cause invasive mycosis....

  20. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    28 nov. 2017 ... anovulation d'origine hypothalamo-hypophysaire. En revanche, chez l'homme, la stérilité par atteinte de la spermatogenèse sous forme d'oligo-astheno-spermie, soit même d'azoospermie, semble beaucoup plus redoutable, faute de moyens thérapeutiques efficaces susceptibles de la corriger [2, 14, 15].

  1. Treatment of patients with unresectable squamous head and neck cancer with induction chemotherapy followed by hyperfractionated radiotherapy; Traitement de patients atteints d'un cancer irresecable de la tete et du cou avec une chimiotherapie d'induction suivie d'une radiotherapie hyperfractionnee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mesia, R.; Majem, M.; Barretina Ginesta, M.P.; Montes, A.; Cardenal, F. [Institut Catala d' Oncologia-Duran i Reynals, Dept. of Medical Oncology, L' Hospitalet de LLobregat-Barcelona (Spain); Galiana, R.; Guedea, F. [Institut Catala d' Oncologia-Duran i Reynals, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, L' Hospitalet de LLobregat-Barcelona (Spain); Manos, M. [Institut Catala d' Oncologia-Duran i Reynals, Dept. of ENT, L' Hospitalet de LLobregat-Barcelona (Spain); Monner, A. [Institut Catala d' Oncologia-Duran i Reynals, Dept. of Dept. of Maxillofacial Surgery, L' Hospitalet de LLobregat-Barcelona (Spain); Perez, J. [Institut Catala d' Oncologia-Duran i Reynals, Clinical Investigation Unit, L' Hospitalet de LLobregat-Barcelona (Spain)


    Purpose: the contribution of induction chemotherapy (CT) followed by hyperfractionated radiotherapy (h.f.R.T.) in unresectable squamous head and neck cancer has been evaluated in a single institution as an assistancial protocol. Patients and methods: from March 1994 to June 2000 all consecutive patients with unresectable disease were treated with four courses of platin plus fluorouracil based CT followed by h.f.R.T.. Tumor resectability and response was assessed by a multidisciplinary committee. Results: ninety-nine patients (pts) were treated. All of them had stage IV-M0 disease: 67 T4, 88 N2-N3. Tumor location: 62 oropharynx, 22 hypopharynx, eight oral cavity and seven larynx. Tumor response at the end of treatment: 61 patients complete response, 17 partial response, two stable disease, 10 progressive disease and nine unevaluated. With a median follow-up of 70 months the 5-year loco-regional control and overall survival was 30.3% (95% CI: 21.9-38.6) and 21.6% (95% CI: 13.4-29.8), respectively. Loco-regional control and overall survival is significantly influenced by prior response to induction CT. Main grade 3-4 toxicity related to CT was stomatitis, but there were five patients with an ischemic event. Grade 3-4 acute toxicity related to h.f.R.T.: 47 stomatitis, 20 epithelitis. Chronic toxicity related to h.f.R.T.: six emergency tracheotomies due to laryngeal edema, five pneumonia and one mucous/soft-tissue necrosis. There were eight toxic related deaths. Conclusion: induction CT followed by h.f.R.T. might increase the overall survival rate in unresectable disease. H.f.R.T. resulted in a high rate of acute toxicity and its use would not be warranted in those patients with no response to induction CT who had a low probability of long-term control. (authors)

  2. Adaptation, eau et résilience dans l'Himalaya | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Comment ce projet appuiera-t-il l'adaptation? Les changements socioéconomiques, combinés aux répercussions des changements climatiques, pourraient porter gravement atteinte aux moyens de subsistance de toute la population de la région. Pour aider les populations du Pakistan, de l'Inde, du Bangladesh et du Népal ...

  3. INTERNET5 : Favoriser l'autonomisation des femmes au moyen d ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 déc. 2017 ... Photo : Visual News Associates / World Bank. Dans de bonnes conditions, les technologies numériques peuvent favoriser l'atteinte des cibles prévues dans les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) d'ici 2030 en stimulant la croissance économique, et en permettant d'améliorer la gouvernance et ...

  4. Résultats de recherche | Page 25 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un projet de santé mobile permet de tendre la main aux populations les plus vulnérables du Burkina Faso, c'est-à-dire les mères, les bébés et les personnes atteintes du VIH. Date de publication. 29 janvier 2018. Research in Action. Health HEALTH EQUITY ACCOUNTABILITY GENDER POLICY Gender ...

  5. 1758-IJBCS-Article-Hoekou Yao

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    albicans, une levure isolée du prélèvement vaginal chez une malade atteinte de candidose au Laboratoire de Microbiologie du Centre. Hospitalier Universitaire Sylvanus Olympio. (Togo). Extraction. L'extraction a été réalisée dans le. Laboratoire de chimie de l'Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Biologiques et Alimentaires.

  6. Résultats de recherche | Page 66 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Parvenir à une réelle égalité entre les sexes en ce qui concerne la santé des adolescents. Le monde n'a jamais compté autant de jeunes (de 10 à 24 ans) ayant atteint l'âge de la reproduction qu'aujourd'hui. Perspectives. Environment CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION Climate change Civil society ...

  7. Tuberculose oculaire a l'Hopital d'Instruction des Armees de Cotonou

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tuberculose oculaire a l'Hopital d'Instruction des Armees de Cotonou. C.O.A. Abouki, S Alamou, C.R.A. Assavedo, M Zannou, R Lawani, S Hounnou-Tchabi. Abstract. La tuberculose peut toucher tous les organes, avec une prépondérance de l'atteinte pulmonaire. La localisation oculaire n'est pas exceptionnelle et peut se ...

  8. Quatre éléments clés pour favoriser la santé et le bien-être pour tous ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    14 sept. 2017 ... Les intervenants impliqués dans la définition des ODD comme les institutions de recherche sur les politiques contribuent grandement à l'atteinte des ODD liés à la santé. Ils sont en mesure de mener des recherches rigoureuses en tenant compte des connaissances contextuelles et de faire participer les ...

  9. Immunoglobulin classes (IgG, IgA and IgM) and acute phase ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The results indicate that USS or pregnancy changes different aspects of humoral immunity, thus the co-existence of pregnancy and S. haematobium infection may ... Résultats et conclusions: IgG, IgA et IgM étaient remarquablement élevés chez les femmes enceintes atteintes de la schistose urinaire par rapport aux femmes ...

  10. Comparative study vagina mould/ fletcher applicator in MRI guided pulsed rate brachytherapy in patients reached by an uterine cervix carcinoma; Etude comparative moule vaginal/applicateur de fletcher en curietherapie de debit pulse guide par IRM chez les patientes atteintes d'un cancer du col uterin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Francois, G.; Dumas, I.; Mazeron, R.; Verezesan, O.; Monnier, L.; Vieillot, S.; Gensse, M.C.; Haie-Meder, C. [Institut Gustave-Roussy, 94 - Villejuif (France)


    This study began in february 2009 and included until today ten patients. twenty patients are planned. The analysis of preliminary results show a much higher tolerance for the vaginal cast device. The dosimetry data were the object of a preliminary study that seems demonstrate an equivalence of the both modalities, with differences concerning the doses to critical organs; The definitive result swill be presented with the data including the twenty planned patients. (N.C.)

  11. L'agriculture urbaine atteint de nouveaux sommets sur les terrasses ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 févr. 2011 ... La plupart des systèmes hydroponiques sont formés de milieux de culture ou de « modules de croissance » remplis d'un « substrat » inerte ou d'un support de culture comme la vermiculite ou la sciure de bois, lesquels remplacent le terreau pour retenir les racines des plantes et l'humidité. Les racines sont ...

  12. L'haptoglobine chez les enfants atteints de paludisme grave a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 avr. 2014 ... 1- Professeur Titulaire d'Immunologie, UFR Sciences Médicales UFHB Cocody, Chef du Service d'Immunologie et d'Hématologie, CHU Cocody. 2- Attaché de ... milliers d'enfants de moins de 5 ans par an, l'haptoglobine pourrait être un excellent marqueur pour le suivi des états inflammatoires et de la ...

  13. Intoxication par la paraphényléne-diamine (takaout au Maroc: à propos de 24 cas

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    Ali Derkaoui


    Full Text Available La paraphénylène-diamine (PPD est une amine aromatique dérivée de l’aniline, utilisée depuis 1863 par les femmes dans un but cosmétique comme teinture capillaire noire ou adjuvant de henné dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique et de Moyen Orient. Le but de notre travail était de décrire les caractéristiques cliniques, paracliniques et évolutives de nos patients et de les comparer avec les données de la littérature. Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective portant sur les cas admis en réanimation (2003-2010. Les critères d’inclusion étaient d’ordre clinique, paraclinique, thérapeutique et évolutif. Durant la période de l’étude 24 patients ont été inclus provenant de la région de Fés-Boulmane. L’intoxication à la (PPD représentait 26% de l’ensemble des intoxications admises au cours de la même période. L âge moyen était de 23,6 plus or minus 11 ,6 ans. Il existait une prédominance féminine avec un sex-ratio de 4,7. L’intoxication était volontaire dans 82,6 %, accidentelle dans 8,6 %, et criminelle dans 4,3%. Le syndrome de rhabdomyolyse caractéristique de cette intoxication était retrouvé chez 60% de nos patients, l’atteinte respiratoire chez 56,5%, l’atteinte cardiaque était présente dans 30% des cas et 17,4% des patients avaient présentés une insuffisance rénale. La prise en charge thérapeutique se basait sur l’apport volémique massif, alcalinisation des urines ainsi que l’administration de corticoïdes et de diurétiques. Le recours à une trachéotomie de sauvetage était nécessaire chez 7 patients. Trois de nos patients avaient bénéficié d’une épuration extra rénale. L’évolution était fatale chez 47,8% des cas. La PPD représente ainsi la principale cause de mortalité toxique dans notre contexte. L’intoxication à la PPD, représente la première cause de rhabdomyolyse toxique dans notre contexte. Elle est responsable d’une mortalité très élevée. Ce qui

  14. Une revue systématique des cibles de tension artérielle sous vasopresseurs chez des adultes gravement malades atteints d’hypotension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hylands, Mathieu; Moller, Morten Hylander; Asfar, Pierre


    pressure targets for vasopressor therapy in critically ill hypotensive adult patients. Two reviewers independently assessed trial eligibility based on titles and abstracts, and they then selected full-text reports. Outcomes, subgroups, and analyses were prespecified. We used GRADE (Grading...... of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) to rate the overall confidence in the estimates of intervention effects. Results: Of 8001 citations, we retrieved 57 full-text articles and ultimately included two randomized-controlled trials (894 patients). Higher blood pressure targets were not associated...

  15. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    18 janv. 2012 ... d'asthme, d'une affection cardiaque préexistante (valvulopathie ou une autre atteinte), de prise d'anorexigènes. Nous avons en outre apprécié les données cliniques (dont les signes fonctionnels cardio-vasculaires, dermatologiques), les signes généraux (constantes hémodynamiques, état général), les ...

  16. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 oct. 2017 ... (1-3%) à triple composante graisseuse, musculaire lisse et vasculaire en proportions variables. Classiquement ce type de tumeur s'inscrit dans le cadre de la Sclérose Tubéreuse de. Bourneville (STB), L'atteinte rénale est alors multiple et bilatérale. Mais, l'angiomyolipome rénal peut être sporadique, isolé ...

  17. Simulation 3D electromagnetique et thermomecanique d'une cavite RF

    CERN Document Server

    Launay, F


    Une etude thermomecanique 3D de l'extremite de lame a l'entree du RFQ d'IPHI a ete menee avec le code I-DEAS. Le but est de comparer les temperatures atteintes, les contraintes et les deformations calculees a partir des densites de puissance RF deposee sur la lame obtenues a partir de deux codes de calcul electromagnetique differents: SOPRANO et MAFIA

  18. comMétastase orbitaire d'un adénocarcinomeprostatique: à propos ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Leur survenue constitue un tournantévolutif défavorable de la maladie et un traitement urgent serait nécessaire vu que le pronostic fonctionnelde l'oeil atteint est mis en jeux.Nous rapportons un cas de métastase orbitaire d'un adénocarcinome prostatique et nous revoyons lesparticularités diagnostiques et thérapeutiques ...

  19. Apport de l'endoscopie digestive dans l'hypertension portale de l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... le rôle de l'endoscopie dans le traitement et la surveillance. Méthodes: Notre étude est une analyse rétrospective de 135 endoscopies digestives hautes effectuées chez 68 enfants atteints d'hypertension portale sur une période de 8 ans. Résultats: L'endoscopie a permis de mettre en évidence les varices oesogastriques ...

  20. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    12 juin 2015 ... majeurs à l'encéphalopathie de Gayet Wernicke et la myélinolyse centropontine en passant par les complications cardiaques et musculaires striées. L'atteinte musculaire striée liée à l'hypokaliémie est rare au cours des vomissements gravidiques; elle doit donc faire rechercher d'autres causes. Elle peut ...

  1. Images in medicine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    12 mai 2015 ... Le torticolis est une contracture d'un ou de plusieurs muscle(s) du cou. Il se manifeste par un tableau plus ou moins douloureux associant inclinaison de la tête du côté atteint, translation et rotation du côté sain. Les étiologies sont nombreuses. Leur gravité est variable, incluant des pathologies musculaires, ...

  2. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    23 nov. 2011 ... Celles du cancer colorectal sont exceptionnelles et surviennent généralement dans le cadre de l'atteinte disséminée. Bien que leur incidence exacte est encore inconnue,. Berge a rapporté une incidence globale de 7,1% tout cancer confondu pour 7165 autopsies et l'incidence de métastase splénique de ...

  3. Ascite fébrile chez la femme, ne pas méconnaitre une tumeur de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La découverte de ces métastases ovariennes était survenue à distance des foyers primitifs. L'atteinte des ovaires était bilatérale dans le premier cas et unilatérale droite dans le second cas. Le diagnostic est apporté par la tomodensitométrie abdominopelvienne dans les deux cas. La fibroscopie oesogastroduodénale avait ...

  4. : tous les projets | Page 42 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les tumeurs malignes au cerveau sont la cause la plus courante de décès chez les enfants atteints du cancer, mais il n'y a pas de traitement connu. Date de début : 1 décembre 2015. Sujet: BRAIN, MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH, CANCER, THERAPY, CANADA. Région: India, Canada. Programme: Fondements pour l' ...

  5. La Carte de Localisation Probable des Avalanches (CPLA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilles BORREL


    Full Text Available La Carte de Localisation Probable des Avalanches (CPLA indique l’enveloppe des limites extrêmes connues atteintes par les avalanches, ainsi que les travaux de protection associés. Il s’agit d’un document informatif et non d’une carte de risque. Depuis 1990, les données thématiques sont numérisées.

  6. Patients particularly exposed: first results of two studies on the premature babies and the children/adolescents suffering of cystic fibrosis;Des patients particulierement exposes: premiers resultats de deux etudes sur les prematures et les enfants/adolescents atteints de mucoviscidose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Donadieu, J.; Roudier, C.; Pirard, Ph. [Institut de veille sanitaire, Saint-Maurice (France); Jarreau, P.H. [Hopital Cochin, Assistance publique, 75 - Paris (France); Chiron, R. [Centre de Ressources et de Competences de la Mucoviscidose, 34 - Montpellier (France); Maccia, C. [Centre d' Assurance de Qualite des Applications Technologiques dans le Domaine de la Sante, 92 - Bourg-la-Reine (France)


    We report two studies that have explored a particular health situation among children. These studies were concerned for one of preterm infants admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit, and for other patients with cystic fibrosis. These studies were limited to a dosimetry evaluation of a existing practice. It is worth noting that such studies are exceptional in literature. They aim to provide a missing information for radiation protection of populations not in good health, but suffering from diseases. (N.C.)

  7. Three-Year Follow-Up Study in Patients with Guillain-Barré Syndrome. (United States)

    Martic, Vesna; Bozovic, Ivo; Berisavac, Ivana; Basta, Ivana; Peric, Stojan; Babic, Milica; Rajic, Sonja Lukic; Bjelica, Bogdan; Stojiljkovic Tamas, Olivera; Stojanov, Aleksandar; Grunauer, Marija; Cobeljic, Mina; Komatina, Nenad; Djuric, Vanja; Petrovic, Milutin; Vujovic, Balsa; Dominovic Kovacevic, Aleksandra; Djordjevic, Gordana; Jovanovic, Dejana; Stevic, Zorica


    A majority of patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) have tendency of a good recovery. Our aim was to evaluate the outcome of the disease 1 and 3 years after GBS symptom onset. During 2014, GBS was diagnosed in 82 patients in seven tertiary healthcare centers. Neurological follow-up was conducted in 57 (70%) patients after 1 year, and in 54 (66%) after 3 years. Functional disability was estimated according to the GBS disability scale (GDS), with a score of 0-3 indicating mild disability and a score of 4-6 indicating severe disability during acute phase, whereas a score >1 indicated poor recovery on follow-ups. Visual analog scale was used to assess sensory symptoms and musculoskelatal pain, and Krupp's Fatigue Severity Scale was used to asses fatigue. Poor functional outcome was found in 39% of GBS patients at year 1 and 30% at year 3. Paresthesias/dysesthesias were detected in 60% of patients after 1 year and 43% after 3 years. Musculoskeletal pain was present in 40% of patients at year 1 and 33% at year 3. Significant fatigue after 1 year was found in 21% of subjects and after 3 years in 7%. Parameters associated with poor functional outcome after 1 year were age >55 years (p=0.05), severe disability at admission (p1 indique une récupération difficile au moment des suivis. L'échelle visuelle analogue (EVA) a aussi été utilisée pour évaluer leurs symptômes sensoriels et leurs douleurs musculo-squelettiques. Enfin, l'échelle de gravité de la fatigue de Krupp a été utilisée pour évaluer leur degré de fatigue. Résultats: La première année, on a observé une piètre amélioration des capacités fonctionnelles chez 39% des patients atteints du SGB; pour la troisième année, cette proportion était de 30%. Au bout d'un an, on a aussi détecté la présence de paresthésie/dysesthésie chez 60% des patients; pour la troisième année, cette proportion était de 43%. Des douleurs musculo-squelettiques ont été rapportées chez 40% des patients

  8. Hematological toxicity of Zevalin1-{sup 90}Y used in mono-therapy or in consolidation among 39 patients suffering of B non Hodgkin lymphomas (B-N.H.L.); Toxicite hematologique du Zevalin1-90Y utilise en monotherapie ou en consolidation chez 39 patients atteints de LNH B

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boin, C.; Barre, E.; Gaillard, I.; Faure, P.; Moretti, J.L. [Hopital Saint-Louis, Service de pharmacie/medecine nucleaire, 75 - Paris (France); Sibon, D.; Brice, P.; Thieblemont, C. [Hopital Saint-Louis, Service d' hemato-oncologie, 75 - Paris (France); Bonnot-Lours, S.; Meignan, M. [Hopital Henri-Mondor, service de pharmacie/medecine nucleaire, 94 - Creteil (France)


    Purpose: an important heterogeneity of hematological toxicity of Zevalin -{sup 90}Y was observed in patients treated in mono-therapy or consolidation. In a context of ambulatory follow-up, it seems interesting to look for predicting this toxicity according to the clinico biological characteristics of patients. This would allow to select and follow in an optimum way the candidates to this treatment. A bi-centric retrospective study was lead for which objective was to enlighten the factors associated to this toxicity. Conclusions: a comprehensive study of clinico biological history and compliance with warnings of product characteristics summary will allow to select at the best the candidates to radioimmunotherapy by Zevalin-{sup 90}Y. this treatment represents an interesting option in some patients (particularly aged patients), stays efficient and well tolerated. (N.C.)

  9. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nov 15, 2012 ... L´agent pathogène est principalement le Mycobacterium tuberculosis ou le bacille de Koch secondairement le Mycobacterium bovis. Il s´agit d´un bacille acido-alcoolo-résistant à croissance lente (temps de dédoublement est de 15à 20 heures), ce qui explique l´évolution lente de la maladie. [5]. L´atteinte ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    7 déc. 2011 ... Le volume de salive déglutie et sa concentration en bicarbonates semblent jouer un rôle primordial dans la clairance œsophagienne (4, 6). vidange gastrique : Des études récentes ont montré qu'il existait une gastro- parésie et des troubles de la motricité gastro-intestinale chez des enfants atteints de RGO ...

  11. Incidence de la hausse des taxes sur le tabac et du prix des produits ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La recherche destinée aux responsables des politiques de l'Ukraine, de la Russie et du Bélarus mettra en évidence la façon dont les mesures de taxation des produits du tabac peuvent contribuer à l'atteinte d'objectifs en matière de santé ... New website will help record vital life events to improve access to services for all.

  12. Étude de l'influence des parlementaires éthiopiennes | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Étude de l'influence des parlementaires éthiopiennes. Le pourcentage de femmes au Parlement de l'Éthiopie n'a cessé d'augmenter au cours des dernières années, et il atteint maintenant un sommet historique (21,2 %). Cette subvention permettra de soutenir l'exécution d'une modeste première étude sur la perception ...

  13. Étude de l'influence des parlementaires éthiopiennes | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Étude de l'influence des parlementaires éthiopiennes. Le pourcentage de femmes au Parlement de l'Éthiopie n'a cessé d'augmenter au cours des dernières années, et il atteint maintenant un sommet historique (21,2 %). Cette subvention permettra de soutenir l'exécution d'une modeste première étude sur la perception ...

  14. Mettre l'information à la portée du personnel infirmier – Glenville ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    9 déc. 2010 ... On cherche à établir comment les ANP peuvent influer sur la prestation des soins infirmiers aux malades atteints de diabète, d'hypertension et de VIH. Dix-sept membres du personnel infirmier ont reçu un ANP contenant des logiciels médicaux (dont un dictionnaire médical et un guide de consultation en ...

  15. Le Rôle du langage de programmation dans la réalisation de code ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le Rôle du langage de programmation dans la réalisation de code de qualité, les cas de Delphi et C++ Nous discutons dans ce papier le rôle du langage de programmation dans la production d'un code de qualité. La qualité d'un code peut être atteinte en respectant certains critères simples au niveau de la programmation ...

  16. Endométrite tuberculeuse post-ménopausique simulant un cancer ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le mode de contamination est dominé par la voie hématogène provenant d'un autre foyer, avec une atteinte initiale des trompes réalisant un tableau de salpingite à partir de laquelle l'infection progresse vers les autres organes génitaux. Des cas exceptionnels sont rapportés durant la ménopause, ils sont le plus souvent ...

  17. Transformation des découvertes en génomique pour soigner les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Transformation des découvertes en génomique pour soigner les tumeurs cérébrales ultrahypermutantes déficientes en système de réparation des mésappariements. Les tumeurs malignes au cerveau sont la cause la plus courante de décès chez les enfants atteints du cancer, mais il n'y a pas de traitement connu.

  18. kyste hydatique du masséter

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    parasite. Le parasite emprunte ensuite le système porte pour se disséminer dans le corps humain, ce qui explique la rareté de l'atteinte extrahépatopulmonaire (1, 2,5). Engin et Sözuêr avancent la théorie d'une voie lympha- tique pour expliquer les localisations atypiques et soli- taires au niveau des parties molles (in6).

  19. Faire et défaire la capacité d’autonomie: Enquête sur la prise en charge des patients atteints de la maladie d’Alzheimer hospitalisés en service gériatrique de soins aigus


    Meuris, Cesar


    La Belgique et la France ont notamment intégré en 2002 dans leurs systèmes législatifs respectifs une loi consacrée aux droits des patients qui met au centre du système de santé le patient et le devoir de respecter son autonomie. Partant de l’idée selon laquelle les concepts et principes ne peuvent être pensés indépendamment de la manière dont ils sont susceptibles de s’articuler au sein de la « vie ordinaire », j’ai adopté une démarche de philosophie empirique impliquant un terrain d’enquête...

  20. Les synovites villonodulaires du genou: à propos de 20 cas (United States)

    Margad, Omar; Boukhris, Jalal; Azriouil, Ouahb; Daoudi, Mohamed; Mortaji, Aziz; Koulali, Khalid


    La synovite villonodulaire pigmentée (SVNP) est une prolifération bénigne rare de la synoviale des articulations, des bourses séreuses et des gaines tendineuses, d'étiopathogénie inconnue. Notre travail porte sur 20 cas de SVN du genou colligés à l'hôpital militaire Avicenne de Marrakech sur une période de 9 ans allant de janvier 2000 au décembre 2009 Il vise à identifier les spécificités de cette lésion, et à étudier ses principaux aspects anatomocliniques et pronostiques. L'incidence annuelle était de 2,2 cas par an. Ils étaient 15 hommes et 5 femmes, d'âge moyen de 32,5 ans, atteints du coté droit dans 55%des cas sous un mode mono articulaire chez 18 patients et bi articulaire chez un seul. La douleur et la tuméfaction étaient présentes dans 80% des cas, une masse palpable dans un cas, un syndrome méniscal a été retenu dans un cas, une mono arthrite septique dans 3 circonstances de même qu'un kyste poplité dans 2 autres. L'atteinte était diffuse dans 14 cas (70%), localisée dans 6 cas. L'imagerie par résonnance magnétique(IRM) pratiquée chez 5 patients était évocatrice chez 3, l'arthroscopie diagnostique a été utilisée chez 2 malades. La confirmation s'est faite à chaque fois à l'examen anatomopathlogique. Le traitement a consisté en une synovectomie subtotale dans 15 cas et en l'exérèse de la tumeur dans les autres formes localisées, 2 cas présentant une destruction ostéocartilagineuse ont nécessité une arthroplastie. L'évolution a été marquée par la survenue de 2 récidives sous la forme diffuse avec un recul de 3, 7 ans. On a noté une raideur avec atrophie quadricipitale chez 3 patients et une arthrolyse a été réalisée. Un cas de SVN confirmé par l'histologie s'est révélé être 5 mois après la synovectomie totale un Synovialosarcome monophasique envahissant l'os d'où l'indication de l'amputation. PMID:29255556

  1. Développement d’un programme multidisciplinaire de diagnostic de l’adrénoleucodystrophie liée à l’X au Maroc: résultats de la mise en œuvre du programme de diagnostic clinique et biologique (United States)

    Benjelloun, Fatima-Zohra Madani; Chabraoui, Layachi; Kriouile, Yamna


    Introduction L'adrénoleucodystrophie liée à l'X (X-ALD) est une maladie neurodégénérative sévère, due à des mutations du gène ABCD1. Elle se manifeste par une atteinte du système nerveux central et périphérique, une insuffisance surrénalienne et une atteinte des testicules chez le garçon. Son diagnostic repose sur le dosage des Acides Gras à Très Longue Chaine. Le diagnostic précoce est d'une grande importance puisque il définit l'accessibilité aux traitements selon le stage de la maladie. Méthodes Nous avons mis en place un programme de diagnostic de l'X-ALD au Maroc au niveau de l'Hôpital d'enfants et du Laboratoire centrale des maladies héréditaires et du métabolisme de Rabat. Le programme s'articule sur trois axes à savoir : le recrutement des patients, le diagnostic et la sensibilisation. Le diagnostic s'effectue selon trois protocoles : un protocole pour les cas symptomatiques, un deuxième pour les cas asymptomatiques et un troisième pour les femmes hétérozygotes. Résultats Durant trois ans après la mise en place de notre programme de diagnostic de l'Adrénoleucodystrophie liée à l'X, nous avons diagnostiqué la maladie chez sept familles, avec neuf garçons et trois femmes hétérozygotes. Tous les enfants diagnostiqués présentaient la forme cérébrale démyélinisante. Toutes les femmes hétérozygotes étaient asymptomatiques. Une prise en charge thérapeutique a été mise place selon la symptomatologie de chaque cas. Conclusion l'X-ALD est une maladie rare. Notre programme de diagnostique a permis de diagnostiquer un nombre important de cas, ce qui montre son importance. Les compagnes de sensibilisation auprès des professionnels permettront de mieux comprendre la maladie et mieux la diagnostiquer et ainsi donner accès à un nombre plus élevé de patients. PMID:29599883

  2. Les leishmanioses cutanées à Leishmania major et à Leishmania tropica au Maroc: aspects épidémio-cliniques comparatifs de 268 cas (United States)

    Chiheb, Soumia; Slaoui, Widad; Mouttaqui, Tarik; Riyad, Meriem; Benchikhi, Hakima


    Introduction Depuis 1995, le Maroc a connu une réactivation des foyers de leishmanioses cutanées (LC) à L. major et une nouvelle répartition géographique des foyers à L. tropica. Le but de cette étude est de comparer les aspects épidémio-cliniques associés aux LC potentiellement dûes à L. major et à L. tropica. Méthodes Une étude rétrospective a colligé 268 cas de LC au service de dermatologie du CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca entre Janvier 1995 et Septembre 2010. Les données étaient analysées par Epi info version 3.5.1. Le test X2 était appliqué (Différence significative = p< 0,05). Résultats Deux cent soixante-huit cas de LC ont été colligés, dont 160 femmes et 108 hommes. Ils ont été répartis en 123 patients originaires des foyers à L.major et 145 patients originaires des foyers à L. tropica. L'aspect ulcéronodulaire, ulcérovégétant ou végétant était retrouvé dans 58 cas (47,2%) des cas de LC à L. major versus 24 cas (16,7%) dans la L.C à L. tropica. L'aspect papulonodulaire était retrouvé dans 84 cas (58%) de LC à L. tropica contre 41 cas (33,3%) de LC à L. major. Conclusion Dans la LC à L. major, l'atteinte des membres et les aspects cliniques végétant ou ulcéro-végétant restent toujours prédominants. Dans la L.C à L. tropica, l'atteinte papulonodulaire unique du visage reste prédominante mais des formes ulcéronodulaires, végétantes ou ulcérovégétantes existent également dans les foyers récents à L. tropica, prêtant à confusion cliniquement avec des LC à L. major. PMID:25810796

  3. Three dimensional conformal irradiation with intensity modulation by tomo-therapy at the skull base in three patients with a acrochordoma and a patient with a chondrosarcoma; Irradiation conformationnelle tridimensionnelle avec modulation d'intensite par tomotherapie de la base du crane chez 3 patients atteints d'un chordome et un patient atteint d'un chondrosarcome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Noel, G.; Meyer, P.; Niederst, C.; Antoni, D.; Karamanoukian, D. [Centre de lutte contre le cancer Paul-Strauss, 67 - Strasbourg (France); Froelich, S.; Boyer, P. [Hopital Universitaire de Hautepierre, 67 - Strasbourg (France); George, B. [Hopital Universitaire Lariboisiere, AP-HP, 75 - Paris (France)


    The tomo-therapy of acrochordomas and chondrosarcomas of the skull base is possible. The dose distribution is satisfying the tolerance is acceptable. A dosimetry comparison with protons is being. (N.C.)

  4. Prévalence et caractéristiques des effets indésirables des antihypertenseurs chez les patients suivis en ambulatoire au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo (United States)

    Millogo, Georges Rosario Christian; Zongo, Ragomzingba Frank Edgard; Benao, Anita; Youl, Estelle Noëla Hoho; Bassoleth, Blaise Alexandre Bazona; Ouédraogo, Moussa; Zabsonré, Patrice; Guissou, Innocent Pierre


    La prise en charge médicamenteuse de l'hypertension artérielle (HTA) entraine des effets indésirables qui peuvent être gênants et ainsi influencer l'observance du patient. Nous avons étudié ces effets indésirables dans le service de cardiologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo afin de déterminer leurs fréquences et leurs caractéristiques. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale de juillet à septembre 2015 chez les patients suivis en ambulatoire pour HTA. Les données ont été obtenues à partir de l'interrogatoire, des carnets de suivi des patients et des fiches de consultations. Au total 278 patients ont été inclus. La population d'étude incluait 69,1% de femmes. L'âge moyen était de 52,2 ans avec des extrêmes de 23 et 86 ans. Quatre vingt et sept virgule huit pourcent (87,8%) vivaient en milieu urbain. Le tabagisme, la dyslipidémie et les antécédents familiaux d'HTA représentaient respectivement 9%, 35,6% et 57,2%. Au plan thérapeutique, 43,2% étaient sous monothérapie, 35,6% sous bithérapie à l'initiation du traitement. Les inhibiteurs calciques (59,7%) étaient la classe thérapeutique la plus utilisée. La prévalence globale des effets indésirables était de 60,1%. Les inhibiteurs calciques étaient impliqués dans 53,6% suivis des diurétiques (48,6%) dans la survenue de l'effet indésirable. La prévalence spécifique par molécule était 28,1% pour l'amlodipine et 24,5% pour l'hydrochlorothiazide. La diurèse excessive (13,7%), la toux (12,9%) et les vertiges (11,5%) étaient les effets indésirables les plus fréquemment évoqués par les patients. Le système nerveux central et périphérique et le système ostéo-musculaire étaient les systèmes les plus atteints. Les effets indésirables sont un déterminant majeur de l'adhésion aux traitements antihypertenseur, car leur impact sur la vie quotidienne des patients peut s'avérer significatif. PMID:29875965

  5. Comparison of two radiotherapy schemes, conventional and fractionated, in elderly patients suffering from a locally advanced rectum cancer; Comparaison de deux schemas de radiotherapie, classique et hypofractionne, chez les patients ages atteints d'un cancer du rectum localement evolue

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guillerme, F.; Clavier, J.B.; Guihard, S.; Schumacher, C.; Nehme-Schuster, H.; Ben Abdelghani, M.; Noel, G. [Centre Paul-Strauss, Strasbourg (France); Kurtz, J.E.; Brigand, C. [Hopitaux universitaires, Strasbourg (France)


    Based on results obtained on 177 patients older than 65 and suffering from T3-4 rectum cancer, and treated either according to a conventional scheme (45 to 50,4 Gy by 1,8 to 2 Gy fractions) or according to a fractionated scheme (39 Gy by 3 Gy fractions), the authors report the comparison of these both methods in terms of toxicity, delay between end of radiotherapy and surgery), histological response, global survival. The hypo-fractionated treatment allows the treatment duration to be reduced, is therefore less constraining and seems more suitable for elderly people. Short communication

  6. Untitled

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    agnelles de la naissance au Sevrage et a la monte, Page de la mere ont un effet significatif sur le poids vif a la puberté. L'âge à la puberté estaussi influence (p < 0.05) par le taux de croissance de la naissance a la monte. 77 a 84% des agnelles Romney nées pendant le printemps (avril) ont atteint la puberté en automne ...

  7. Traumatismes iatrogènes de l'artère fémorale secondaire à la pose ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le recours aux cathéters veineux centraux (CVC) est incontournable en hémodialyse. Comparé aux autres abords vasculaires, il est pourtant associé à une morbidité et une mortalité plus élevées. Selon une étude menée par El Minshawy et coll, l'atteinte de l'artère fémorale représente 5% de ces complications. Nous en ...

  8. Résultats de recherche | Page 13 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

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    La participation de la collectivité aide à améliorer la santé au Burkina Faso. Un projet de santé mobile permet de tendre la main aux populations les plus vulnérables du Burkina Faso, c'est-à-dire les mères, les bébés et les personnes atteintes du VIH. Date de publication. 29 janvier 2018. Research in Action. Health systems ...

  9. Case report

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    6 mai 2016 ... d'hémostase, ou hémopathie associée. Le diagnostic de maladie de. Behcet a été retenu selon les nouveaux critères de l'American. College of Rhumatology de 2007, sur l'association d'un critère majeur qui est l'aphtose buccale, et de 3 critères mineurs que sont : l'aphtose génitale, l'atteinte oculaire, ...

  10. Nouvelles et activités | Page 4 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Recherche pour un monde climato-intelligent. Lors d'une série de conférences présentées dans le cadre de déjeuners parlementaires, le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) présentera les résultats atteints grâce au financement d'adaptation et de développement. Bulletin du CRDI — février ...

  11. Vue d'ensemble de la sécurité en Afrique | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 mars 2011 ... Une fois cet objectif atteint, l'Institut a opté pour une définition plus large de la ... la primauté du droit, la démocratie, la collaboration en matière de sécurité et ... facteurs pouvant laisser présager des troubles de l'ordre public. ... Étude sur les économies émergentes et l'aide au développement international.

  12. Dynamique du peuplement des Oiseaux d'une riziculture et ses ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Au total, 218 espèces appartenant à 51 familles et 17 ordres ont été identifiées. La présente étude révèle 49 espèces nouvellement observées dans la zone humide de Grand-Bassam. Le peuplement d'Oiseaux rencontré renferme un grand nombre d'individus dont le pic annuel est atteint en juillet. Ce peuplement est ...

  13. Souffrance existentielle : de la crise à l’hyperquestionnement

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    Full Text Available Une étude portant sur l’expérience de la souffrance existentielle a été conduite auprès de personnes atteintes d’une maladie grave. L’un des objectifs visait à explorer ce phénomène à partir d’une approche qualitative qui privilégie l’expérience de personnes atteintes de maladies graves. À l’aide d’entrevues non structurées, 14 personnes ont été rencontrées. L’analyse des résultats a conduit à deux grandes thématiques. La première thématique renvoie à une situation de crise et de bouleversements. Elle se décline en divers effets que provoquent les maladies graves dans l’existence. La seconde thématique est intrinsèque à la première et regroupe des énoncés qui font voir un questionnement excessif qui porte sur plusieurs dimensions de l’existence. Finalement, la souffrance est plutôt comprise comme un passage qu’il faut traverser, comme une quête de connaissances et comme une réalité à habiter et à rendre familière. Elle n’est pas forcément négative.


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    Virginia Drummond-Guitel


    Full Text Available La diversité devenue une valeur incontournable adoptée par les grands groupes, encore faut-t-il trouver les moyens concrets pour l’intégrer dans les pratiques des ressources humaines et dans les mentalités des personnes. Le présent papier a pour but de montrer comment les valeurs de la diversité adoptées par la direction générale ont été déclinées et appliquées dans un processus de sélection de candidats pour une formation continue au sein d’une grande organisation internationale. A travers l’application d’une méthode qualitative de recherche, 10 (dix dirigeants ayant conçu la formation et 42 (quarante-deux managers ayant suivi le programme confirment l’atteinte du but stratégique de cette formation, autrement dit, l’atteinte d’une vision partagée (SENGE, 1991, à travers la consolidation d’un fort sentiment d’appartenance à la culture organisationnelle (SCHEIN, 1995. Les managers ont été sélectionnés selon leurs différentes professions, cultures nationales et différents secteurs d’activités, confirmant ainsi une promotion de la diversité au sein de l’organisation.

  15. : tous les projets | Page 209 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La recherche destinée aux responsables des politiques de l'Ukraine, de la Russie et du Bélarus mettra en évidence la façon dont les mesures de taxation des produits du tabac peuvent contribuer à l'atteinte d'objectifs en matière de santé publique et à la réduction de la charge de morbidité et de mortalité liée au tabagisme ...

  16. Ce que nous faisons | Page 76 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La recherche destinée aux responsables des politiques de l'Ukraine, de la Russie et du Bélarus mettra en évidence la façon dont les mesures de taxation des produits du tabac peuvent contribuer à l'atteinte d'objectifs en matière de santé publique et à la réduction de la charge de morbidité et de mortalité liée au tabagisme ...

  17. Croatie: le tourisme avant et après la guerre

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    Snezana PROKIC


    Full Text Available Les conflits armés ont profondément modifié l'espace touristique croate. Par rapport à l'espace touristique de référence (avant 1991, l'article montre les changements dans les lieux, leur capacité d'accueil, la nature et l'ampleur de la fréquentation touristique, et identifie les logiques d'atteintes (spatiales et matérielles qui en modifient la structure.

  18. : tous les projets | Page 162 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Une nouvelle vision de la transition en Syrie. Projet. Le régime syrien ayant exercé un important contrôle sur l'émergence des institutions de la société civile, ces dernières n'ont jamais atteint le degré d'inclusion, de participation et de pluralisme requis afin de donner lieu à une société ouverte et démocratique. Date de ...

  19. Incidence de la hausse des taxes sur le tabac et du prix des produits ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La recherche destinée aux responsables des politiques de l'Ukraine, de la Russie et du Bélarus mettra en évidence la façon dont les mesures de taxation des produits du tabac peuvent contribuer à l'atteinte d'objectifs en matière de santé publique et à la réduction de la charge de morbidité et de mortalité liée au tabagisme ...

  20. L'analogie et le vrai en psychosomatique

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    Pascal-Henri Keller

    Full Text Available Les théories en psychosomatique ont été élaborées dans la confrontation entre la psychanalyse et la médecine. Malgré les progrès de la médecine technoscientifique, les travaux actuels en psychanalyse, poursuivis dans le contexte de cette confrontation féconde, apportent régulièrement de nouveaux éléments de réflexion. La recherche présentée ici propose d’adjoindre à “l’instant de dire”, notion développée par M.-J. Del Volgo, celle d’“analogisation”, fondée sur l’analyse de cette figure du discours qu’est l’analogie. La présentation du cas d’une patiente atteinte d’eczéma permettra de donner toute sa consistance à cette notion, dont les effets peuvent, à terme, renouveler la vision “défectologique” propre au courant dit “psychosomatique”.

  1. Effets sur les patients des variations dans l’implantation d’un programme d’intervention sur le risque cardiométabolique à Montréal

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    Marie-Ève Beauregard


    Full Text Available Introduction : En 2011, l’Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal (ASSSM, en partenariat avec les Centres de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS de la région, a coordonné la mise en oeuvre d’un programme sur le risque cardiométabolique s’inspirant du Chronic Care Model. Ce programme destiné aux patients diabétiques ou hypertendus comporte une séquence de suivis individuels, des cours de groupe et des séances d’activité physique. Notre étude évalue l’impact de la variation dans l’implantation de certains aspects du programme entre les six CSSS participant à l’étude sur les résultats de santé des patients. Méthodologie : L’évaluation a été réalisée à l’aide d’un devis quasi-expérimental « avantaprès ». Des variables d’implantation ont été construites à partir de données colligées lors de l’analyse d’implantation concernant les ressources, la conformité au processus clinique prévu dans le programme régional, l’expérience du programme et la coordination interne au sein de l’équipe de soins. Des différences de différences utilisant des scores de propension ont été calculées pour les résultats d’HbA1c, l’atteinte de la cible de tension artérielle (TA et de deux cibles d’habitudes de vie (niveau d’activité physique et répartition des glucides alimentaires à 6 mois et à 12 mois de suivi, en fonction de l’exposition des patients à un degré plus ou moins important d’implantation de divers aspects du programme à l’étude. Résultats : Les résultats portent sur les 1 185 patients pour lesquels on disposait de données de suivi à 6 mois et les 992 patients pour le suivi à 12 mois. Les analyses de différences de différences ne révèlent aucune association claire entre le degré d’implantation des divers aspects du programme à l’étude et les résultats de santé chez les patients. Conclusion : Le programme produit des effets sur les

  2. Ostéo arthrite tuberculeuse de la cheville et spondylodiscite: une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La TDM et l'IRM rachidienne (A, B, C, D) ont montré: une collection épidurale en regard de D3D4D5D6, une destruction vertébrale de D4 avec recul du mur postérieur responsable d'une déformation dorsale avec compression médullaire, une atteinte D8D9D10D11D12 avec présence d'une collection intra-osseuse, une ...

  3. Untitled

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La forme de résistance de Giardia sp. a été isolée et identifiée dans les eaux usées et les eaux de. Surface du réseau hydrographique du Mfoundi Les kystes de Giardia ont été identifiés apres centrifugation et coloration avec la solution de Lugol ioduréLa densité des kystes de Giardia atteint 891 kystes /L dans l'éffluent du ...

  4. Effets de la perfusion intensive sur quelques paramètres sanguins ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectif: l'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer les effets d'une perfusion intensive chez des veaux atteints de diarrhée aiguë sur les paramètres sanguins notamment l'hématocrite, les protéines totales, la créatinine et l'urée plasmatiques, le pH, l'excès de base (BE) et le bicarbonate dans le sang. Méthodologie et résultats: ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cependant le mode de transmission lié à l'X domi- nant ou récessif est le plus souvent décrit. La mutation au niveau du EDA gêne dont le locus est l'Xq12-13 entraîne ce type de syndrome. (3). Dans la forme récessive liée à l'X, la plus commune, les hommes sont atteints, mais les femmes porteuses hété- rozygotes ont une ...

  6. Hepatitis B virus in Nigerians with Lichen planus | Daramola | West ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La fréquence des cas de HBV chez les Nigerians atteints du lichen planus ne sont pas encore documentés dans la littérature en depit de la fréquence élevée de HBV dans la région et des rapports d'un rapport éventue entre le lichen planus et HBV dans ce centre et dans d'autre régions. L'objet de cette étude était de ...

  7. Poussée de maladie de Kaposi et élévation du CA 19-9: penser à la tuberculose! (United States)

    Ajili, Faida; Hariz, Héla; Souissi, Asmahen; Abid, Rim; Boussetta, Najeh; Laabidi, Besma; Battikh, Riadh; Louzir, Bassem; Othmani, Salah


    La maladie de Kaposi (MK) est une entité pathologique qui peut survenir chez les patients VIH positifs et dans le cadre d'une immunodépression, d'origine tuberculeuse très rarement. On décrit le cas d'une MK chez un patient VIH négatif au décours d'une tuberculose. Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient âgé de 81 ans, VIH négatif, ayant présenté deux nodules angiomateux de l'avant bras gauche dont la biopsie cutanée était en faveur d'une MK. L’évolution était marquée 2 mois plus tard, par l'apparition de placards angiomateux extensifs des deux membres supérieurs et d'adénopathies cervicales jugulo-carotidiennes bilatérales. La biopsie ganglionnaire était en faveur d'une tuberculose ganglionnaire. Par ailleurs, il avait un taux sérique élevé des CA 19-9. La régression de l’étendue des lésions au niveau des membres supérieurs et la normalisation du taux sérique des CA 19-9 ont été obtenues sous traitement anti-tuberculeux. Chez les patients atteints d'une MK avec une élévation des CA 19-9, il faut penser à la tuberculose. PMID:24711871

  8. Complexité phonétique et disfluence dans le vieillissement normal et dans la maladie d’Alzheimer

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    Lee Hyeran


    Full Text Available Les études récentes ont montré que les facteurs linguistiques ont un impact sur les disfluences. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner la relation entre les disfluences et la complexité phonétique dans le vieillissement cognitif normal et dans le vieillissement pathologique de type Alzheimer. 40 patients atteints de la maladie d’Alzheimer et 38 sujets âgés sains appariés en âge, sexe et niveau socioculturel ont participé à cette étude. Les disfluences dans le discours spontané de ces deux groupes de sujets ont été analysées afin d’identifier les mots qui font l’objet de difficultés d’évocation. La complexité phonétique de ces occurrences problématiques et des occurrences non problématiques a été calculée à l’aide de l’Indice de complexité phonétique de Jakielski (2000. Les résultats montrent que les patients atteints de la maladie d’Alzheimer ont tendance à utiliser des mots de complexité phonétique plus faible que les personnes âgées saines et que les disfluences n’apparaissent pas de façon aléatoire, les occurrences problématiques (i.e. précédés d’une disfluence présentent un score de complexité phonétique plus élevé que pour les occurrences non problématiques. Cette étude montre que l’étude du langage dans la démence neurodégénérative, telle que la maladie d’Alzheimer, peut être utile pour affiner la connaissance sur la complexité linguistique et que l’Indice de complexité phonétique peut avoir un apport clinique en orthophonie pour une évaluation précise de la difficulté linguistique en prenant en compte le contexte phonétique de cette difficulté afin d’orienter les patients vers une remédiation adaptée. L’approfondissement et le développement d’un outil de calcul automatique de la complexité phonétique sont en cours afin d’ouvrir des perspectives de recherches sur un large éventail d’études en phonétique (e.g. d

  9. Recommandations nutritionnelles pratiques avec exemples de menus pour personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA en Afrique Noire

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    Estelle Anaelle Nguewo


    Full Text Available L’infection par le VIH (Virus de l’Immunodéficience Humaine est une infection chronique incurable. L’infection au VIH cause jusqu’à présent des millions de morts et entrave l’économie des pays sous développés ou en voie de développement, en l’occurrence les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. Le but principal de la thérapie nutritionnelle en cas d’infection par le VIH est d’assurer au patient un poids normal et une alimentation appropriée couvrant ses besoins nutritionnels pendant les différentes phases de l’infection. Nous proposons des recommandations alimentaires détaillées quant aux apports recommandés en nutriments (macro- et micronutriments pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA. La nutrition joue en général un rôle très important dans le fonctionnement optimal du système immunitaire. Puisque l’infection par le VIH/SIDA est une maladie du système immunitaire, elle influence de plusieurs manières l’état nutritionnel du patient. Une nutrition hyper calorifique et hyper protéinée saine, variée et adaptée aux besoins de l’organisme est une condition indispensable pour rester longtemps en forme en cas d’infection par le VIH/SIDA. Elle permet en outre de garder un poids normal pendant la phase asymptomatique de l’infection et d’augmenter son poids pendant la phase symptomatique. Ceci a pour but de freiner l’évolution de l’infection vers le stade SIDA. Les personnes atteintes par le VIH/SIDA devraient en plus avoir une bonne hygiène de vie et exercer régulièrement une activité sportive modérée. Elles devraient mettre l’accent sur leur protection contre toute intoxication alimentaire et sur le renforcement de leur système immunitaire. Il est en outre important en plus du besoin en nutriments des personnes atteintes par le VIH/SIDA, de tenir compte de leur situation financière et culturelle, car en Afrique il existe sur ce point une très grande différence dans la population. C

  10. Les carcinomes epidermoïdes du scrotum: à propos de 7 cas avec revue de la litterature (United States)

    Halfya, Ayoub; Elmortaji, Khalid; Redouane, Rabii; fethi, Meziane; Rafik, Amine; Mohamed, Ezzoubi; Abdessamad, Chlihi


    Quoique rare le carcinome épidermoïde du scrotum a un mauvais pronostic. Les Carcinomes du scrotum induite et - liées au travail sont moins fréquentes en raison d'une meilleure hygiène, vêtements de protection, et la sensibilisation de la cancérogénicité des huiles industrielles. L’épidémie à l'HPV a induit une augmentation de l'incidence. Le traitement de dépend toujours exérèse locale de la lésion primaire. La radiothérapie a peu de bénéfice thérapeutique dans le traitement d'un carcinome épidermoïde du scrotum. La bléomycine peut être utile comme traitement adjuvant pour les maladies ilio-inguinal généralisée avant la tentative exérèse, même si cela n'a pas encore été prouvé. Entre janvier 2011 au 1er janvier 2013, 7 patients atteints de carcinome épidermoïde ont été pris en charge, Trois patients ont présenté une localisation ganglionnaire. Les sept patients ont eu un traitement chirurgical par exérèse large avec reconstruction, Deux patients ont été adressé pour chimiothérapie.2 patients ont présenté une récidive, dont un est décédé. PMID:26113906

  11. Age at menarche among school girls in Sokoto, Northern Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    et étalonné les murs. Résultats: Filles rurales deux cent vingt huit 228 et quatre cent quatre-vingts 480 des filles urbaines qui avaient atteint l'apparition des premières règles dans l'année ont été étudiées. L'âge moyen à l'apparition des premières règles pour toutes les filles était 15.26 ans. Menstruées âge moyen pour les ...

  12. Glycated haemoglobin and associated variables in diabetics: Ilorin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cent cinquante malades atteints de diabètes mellitus du type 2 ont été examinés afin de décider les conséquence de l'hémoglobine glycosylée et des facteurs qui pourront l'influencer. Des facteurs ainsi notés étaient: âge, sexe, la durée de la maladie et l'indice de la masse. Le HbA1c moyen était 8,0%. Quatre vingt seize ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    été conçue pour déterminer les sous – ensembles de lymphocyte T (CD4 + cellules T, CD8 + cellules T et le rapport CD4/CD8) dans les sujets atteints de cancer de la prostate et sujets témoins. CD4 + cellules T ( l/count) et CD8 + cellules T ont été estimées en utilisant la méthode de cytométrique en flux par Partec tandis ...

  14. Modification of the cerebral perfusion during a chemotherapy by arabinoside cytosine (A.R.A.C.) among patients suffering of an acute myelo-blastic leukemia (A.M.L.); Modification de la perfusion cerebrale au cours d'une chimiotherapie par cytosine arabinoside (ARAC) chez les patients atteints d'une leucemie aigue myeloblastique (LAM)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Modzelewski, R.; Vera, P. [Universite de Medecine de Rouen, QUANT.I.F-LITIS EA4108, departement de medecine nucleaire, 76 (France); Lepretre, S.; Tilly, H. [Centre Henri-Becquerel, departement d' hematologie, 76 - Rouen (France); Martinaud, O.; Hannequin, D. [CHU de Rouen, departement de neurologie, 76 (France); Habert, M.O. [CHU de la Pitie-Salpetriere, departement de medecine nucleaire, 75 - Paris (France)


    Cytosine arabinoside in high doses is a major treatment in acute myelo-blastic leukemia (A.M.L.). This treatment leads to neurological complications in 3-16% of cases, but the EEG, CT or MRI are normal.This prospective study examines brain perfusion in single photon emission tomography (SPECT) for patients receiving high dose arabinoside cytosine (H.D. A.R.A.C.). The SPECT of perfusion with hexamethyl propylene amine oxime (H.M.P.A.O.) for patients suffering of A.M.L. allowed to show a reduction of perfusion at the cerebellum level, of the occipito-parietal cortex and thalami, after conventional doses of A.R.A.C., while the patients had not any neurological accidents. (N.C.)

  15. Formes hémorragiques graves de la fièvre de la vallée du Rift: à propos de 5 cas (United States)

    Salem, Mohamed Lemine Ould; Baba, Sidi El Wafi Ould; Fall-Malick, Fatimetou Zahra; Boushab, Boushab Mohamed; Ghaber, Sidi Mohamed; Mokhtar, Abdelwedoud


    La fièvre de la vallée du Rift (FVR) est une arbovirose due à un virus à ARN appartenant à la famille de Bunyaviridae (genre phlebovirus). C'est une zoonose touchant principalement les animaux mais pouvant aussi contaminer l'homme, soit directement par la manipulation des viandes ou avortons d'animaux malades ou indirectement par la piqure de moustiques infectées (Aèdes sp, anophèles sp, Culex sp). Dans la majorité des cas, l'infection humaine à FVR est asymptomatique, mais elle peut également se manifester par un syndrome fébrile modérée d’évolution favorable. Néanmoins, certains patients peuvent développer un syndrome hémorragique et/ou des lésions neurologiques d’évolution mortelle. Nous décrivons l’évolution de cinq cas de patients atteints de la FVR, admis dans le service de médecine interne du Centre Hospitalier National de Nouakchott (Mauritanie), le mois d'Octobre 2015 et présentant tous, un syndrome hémorragique dans un contexte fébrile. L’évolution n’était favorable que pour 2 des cinq patients. Les 3 autres sont décédés, deux dans un tableau de choc hémorragique et dans un état de choc septique. PMID:27642413

  16. Tourisme durable en zone de montagne : définition et enjeux


    ZEGHNI, Sylvain


    La montagne est depuis longtemps un territoire de tourisme. Paradoxalement, pendant longtemps, la France a connu un déficit d'exploitation touristique hivernale de son massif. Les plans neige des années 60 et 70 eurent pour ambition de rattraper ce retard et de faire de notre pays la première destination de sport d'hiver. Cette ambition ayant été atteinte, le tourisme hivernal en zone de montagne est aujourd'hui un puissant levier économique d'aménagement et de développement. Il n'en reste pa...

  17. La régulation sociale par la violence : le rôle de la criminalité organisée dans l'Italie méridionale


    Catanzaro, Raimondo


    Les activités illicites en Italie semblent avoir atteint, dans la dernière décennie, un niveau "critique". L'Etat italien n'a manifestement plus le monopole de l'usage de la violence sur son propre territoire. Toutefois, le développement de la criminalité dite organisée, qui rentre directement en concurrence avec l'Etat, au titre notamment d'entreprise de protection garante des biens et de la sécurité physique, n'est "possible" que si ce dernier est incapable de tenir et d'assurer sa situatio...

  18. Comparaison de la souche 7784 hypovirulente de Mycoplasma agalactiae à la souche type virulente PG2 par la technique d'hybridation soustractive suppressive


    Bonnefin, Nathalie


    Mycoplasma agalactiae est l'agent principal responsable de l'agalactie contagieuse des ovins et caprins, un syndrome largement répandu dans le monde et regroupant des atteintes mammaires, articulaires et oculaires. Afin de rechercher les bases moléculaires du pouvoir pathogène de M. agalactiae, la technique d'hybridation soustractive suppressive, qui permet l'identification de séquences présentes dans un génome mais absentes d'un autre, a été utilisée. Deux souches de M. agalactiae ont été co...

  19. Corrosion and Maintenance Data Sharing (Partage des Donnees de Corrosion et de Maintenance) (United States)


    Determination of Fracture Types 5-5 5.3.10 Application of Simulation Tools 5-5 5.3.11 Application of Fracture Mechanics Theories 5-5 5.3.12 Simulated...incomplet. L’objectif visant à présenter les meilleures procédures d’analyse de pannes n’a pas été atteint, bien que, dans l’esprit de ses auteurs , il...components. In spite of this limitation, a lot of different forms can be observed and one of the most useful theories that can be used to categorize

  20. « Quelque chose de rouge » : l’esthétique des tableaux vivants dans Salammbô


    Jullien, Dominique


    L’écriture de Flaubert dans Salammbô est gouvernée par un principe analogue au tableau vivant, qui tire le roman vers les arts visuels et les arts du spectacle. Le tableau vivant, pratique culturelle qui atteint sa plus grande popularité au cours du Second Empire, traverse à la fois le théâtre, la peinture, la photographie et la sculpture, arts avec lesquels l’écriture de Flaubert entretient une relation d’imitation ou de rivalité. La question du tableau vivant permet de renouveler la réflexi...

  1. Non disponible / Not available


    Romuald , Bour


    Non disponible / Not available; La prise en charge d'une personne institutionnalisée atteinte de démence est souvent marquée par l'apparition de troubles du comportement perturbateurs pour la vie des autres résidents et la réalisation des soins. Ces situations peuvent amener les Médecins Traitants, en synergie avec le personnel soignant, à recourir aux Consultations Mémoire en vue d'une réévaluation clinique, d'une adaptation thérapeutique ou de la mise en place de traitements non pharmacolog...

  2. L'atteinte nerveuse au cours du syndrome de gougerot - sjögren, a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    -Sjögren se voient dans 8,5 à 70 % des cas. Les données de la littérature concernant le système nerveux périphérique sont nombreuses et assez concordantes. En revanche les données concernant les manifestations centrales sont ...

  3. The recovery of the salivary function in the course of time among patients damaged by a cancer of the O.R.L. sphere treated by conformal irradiation with intensity modulation; La recuperation de la fonction salivaire au cours du temps chez les patients atteints de cancer de la sphere ORL traite par irradiation conformationnelle avec modulation d'intensite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gardner, M.; Valinta, D.; Banal, P.; Roch, P.; Bensaoula, O.; Labib, A. [Centre Rene-Huguenin, 92 - Saint-Cloud (France); Halimi, P.; Hans, S. [Hopital Europeen Georges-Pompidou, 75 - Paris (France)


    The conformal radiotherapy with intensity modulation (R.C.M.I.) has allowed for 8 patients a partial preservation of the salivary production. The salivary production was insufficient to allow a correct quality of life for patients because the decrease of salivary production had a limited clinical translation. (N.C.)

  4. Apport de l’IRM dans la prise en charge des compressions médullaires lentes non traumatiques (United States)

    Badji, Nfally; Deme, Hamidou; Akpo, Geraud; Ndong, Boucar; Toure, Mouhamadou Hamine; Diop, Sokhna Ba; Niang, El Hadji


    Les compressions médullaires lentes sont dues au développement dans le canal médullaire d’une lésion expansive. C’est une pathologie très fréquente dont le diagnostic est essentiellement clinique. L’imagerie par résonnance magnétique occupe une place incontournable dans le diagnostic de localisation et la recherche étiologique. En Europe l’étiologie tumorale est prépondérante. Le but de cette étude était de décrire les aspects IRM des compressions médullaires lentes et de déterminer le profil étiologique. Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective portant sur 97 observations colligées au service de radiologie du CHUN de Fann sur une période de 30 mois (du 08/03/10 au 29/09/12). On été inclus dans l’étude, tous les patients adressés pour un tableau de compression médullaire lente survenu dans un contexte non traumatique. L’âge moyen des patients était de 42,6 ans avec des extrêmes compris entre 04 mois et 85 ans. Nous avons étudié la topographie des lésions (étage rachidien, compartiments canalaires) leur rehaussement et les critères d’orientation étiologique. Le protocole d’examen permettait la réalisation de séquence pondérées T1 sans avec injection de gado, T2, STIR et T2 DRIVE centrées sur les niveaux lésionnels ou les zones suspectes. L’IRM a permis de préciser le siège exact et l’étendue des lésions. L’atteinte du rachis dorsal représentait 42% des cas, suivi du rachis cervical avec 32% des cas. Les atteintes lombo-sacrées et pluri-étagées représentaient respectivement 18% et 08% des cas. Les lésions extradurales représentaient 87% des cas, suivi des lésions intradurales extramédullaires avec 08% des cas et des lésions intramédullaires dans 05% des cas. La particularité du profil étiologique de notre étude est la prédominance des épidurites infectieuses et la fréquence relative des épidurites métastatiques comparée aux séries occidentales. L’IRM vertébro-médullaire occupe

  5. Le principe de l’interdiction du recours à la force a-t-il encore valeur positive ? Is the Prohibition of the Use of Force still a positive Law Rule?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillaume Le Floch


    Full Text Available Le principe de l’interdiction du recours à la force est une pièce maîtresse dans l’édifice du système de sécurité collective mis en place après la seconde guerre mondiale. Transgressé à différentes reprises, la question de sa valeur se pose aujourd’hui. En effet, d’aucuns estiment que les multiples atteintes à ce principe ont eu pour effet d’en altérer sa valeur, de le faire tomber en désuétude. Cette affirmation doit être écartée car si la violation d’une règle de droit a évidemment des conséquences sur son effectivité, cela ne saurait remettre automatiquement en cause son existence. Même s’il y est porté atteinte, le principe de l’interdiction du recours à la force demeure une règle de droit positif.Prohibition of the use of force as a principle is a fundamental element in the structure of the collective security system established after World War II. Since it has been violated on various occasions, the question of its legal effect arises today. Indeed, some argue that multiple violations of this principle have resulted in its falling into disuse. This assertion must be dismissed because, if the breach of a legal rule obviously has an impact on its effectiveness, it does not automatically question its existence. Even when infringed, the principle of the prohibition of the use of force remains a positive law rule.


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    Virginia Drummond-Guitel


    Full Text Available La diversité devenue une valeur incontournable adoptée par les grands groupes, encore faut-t-il trouver les moyens concrets pour lâintégrer dans les pratiques des ressources humaines et dans les mentalités des personnes. Le présent papier a pour but de montrer comment les valeurs de la diversité adoptées par la direction générale ont été déclinées et appliquées dans un processus de sélection de candidats pour une formation continue au sein dâune grande organisation internationale. A travers lâapplication dâune méthode qualitative de recherche, 10 (dix dirigeants ayant conçu la formation et 42 (quarante-deux managers ayant suivi le programme confirment lâatteinte du but stratégique de cette formation, autrement dit, lâatteinte dâune vision partagée (SENGE, 1991, à travers la consolidation dâun fort sentiment dâappartenance à la culture organisationnelle (SCHEIN, 1995. Les managers ont été sélectionnés selon leurs différentes professions, cultures nationales et différents secteurs dâactivités, confirmant ainsi une promotion de la diversité au sein de lâorganisation.

  7. Bien-être animal en élevage de poulets de chair


    Arnould, Cécile; Leterrier, Christine


    L’élevage des poulets de chair s’est intensifié ces dernières décennies et de nombreux problèmes de bien-être animal sont apparus, en particulier chez les poulets standards et les reproducteurs à l’origine de ces croisements. Les poulets standards ont un niveau d’activité très faible et ils sont notamment atteints de troubles locomoteurs, de lésions cutanées et de pathologies cardio-vasculaires. Des solutions à ces altérations du bien-être peuvent être apportées en contrôlant des facteurs lié...

  8. La divulgation de l’origine des ressources génétiques : une contribution du droit des brevets au développement durable?


    Morin, Jean-Frédéric


    La Convention sur la diversité biologique prévoit que les avantages qui résultent de l'utilisation des ressources génétiques doivent être partagés avec les fournisseurs de ces ressources. Pour faciliter l’atteinte de cet objectif et exercer un suivi sur les transferts de ressources génétiques, un nombre croissant de pays imposent aux déposants de divulguer dans leurs demandes de brevets l’origine géographique des ressources génétiques utilisées pour développer l’invention revendiq...

  9. BUGSBY (Russ), Billy Graham,God’s Ambassador. A Life-long Mission of Giving Hope to the World


    Fath, Sébastien


    Cet ouvrage de prestige n’est certes pas un livre d’histoire, encore moins une étude sociologique. Il intéresse pourtant les sciences sociales, dans la mesure où il représente un extraordinaire exemple d’exaltation du charisme personnel en protestantisme. Neuf sections structurent ce livre grand format, dont les admirateurs de Billy Graham feront le fleuron de leur bibliothèque. À l’heure du chant du cygne (Graham a plus de quatre-vingts ans : il est très affaibli et sévèrement atteint – comm...

  10. Les politiques visant la couverture sanitaire universelle et les perceptions de la qualité des soins de santé


    Gautier , Lara; Ridde , Valery


    International audience; Le début de la décennie 2010 a été marqué par l’avènement sur la scène internationale de la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU) comme politique de santé mondiale. La consécration, en 2015, de la CSU comme sous-objectif du nouveau programme de développement mondial – les Objectifs de développement durable 2016-2030 – invite les acteurs de la santé mondiale à se mobiliser en faveur de l’atteinte des trois volets phares de la CSU : assurer la protection du risque finan...

  11. Les paradoxes de la matière

    CERN Document Server


    Si nous devons la multitude d’appareils numériques actuels à l’électronique, celle-ci atteint ses limites. Comment les dépasser ? En explorant les propriétés spectaculaires de la matière ! Et les candidats au remplacement de l’électronique sont nombreux : oxytronique, spintronique, plasmonique, magnonique, graphène... Nous réservant aussi bien d’autres surprises - tels les capes d’invisibilité, les plastiques conducteurs, les polymères autocicatrisants, les protections antisismiques, etc - les études sur la matière n’ont pas fini de nous étonner.

  12. Utilisation de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile comme bio-indicateur de la contamination métallique


    Lafabrie, Céline


    La zone littorale du plateau continental renferme une grande richesse écologique. Or, cette zone présente une grande fragilité vis-à-vis des xénobiotiques ; la pollution de ce milieu peut porter atteinte à la structure des biocénoses et à la productivité des écosystèmes. Les métaux sont des constituants normaux de l'environnement à l'état de traces, contrairement à de nombreux contaminants, et sont tous toxiques au dessus d'un certain seuil. A la fin des années 1970, plusieurs chercheurs prop...

  13. Didier Machu. Lolita ou le tyran confondu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suzanne FRAYSSE


    Full Text Available Voici un livre écrit par l’un des nombreux amoureux de Lolita, par un chasseur manifestement enchanté, un érudit et un poète gravement atteint de nabokolepsie. Nabokov aurait certainement été fier et heureux de voir un lecteur caresser les détails, les divins détails, avec une telle gourmandise, débusquer avec une telle habileté des allusions intertextuelles que personne (et peut-être Nabokov compris n’avait vues avant lui. On sent dans ce travail universitaire une sorte d’exaltation et d’ex...

  14. Modifications de l'hémogramme au cours des maladies virales à expression digestive et/ou respiratoire chez le chien


    Lavernhe, Elise


    Après un rappel bibliographique concernant les modifications de l'hémogramme au cours des trachéo-bronchites virales, de la maladie de Carré, de la pavovirose et des autres gastro-entérites virales, nous avons choisi d'étudier les hémogrammes de chiens atteints par ces maladies, présentés à la consultation de l'ENVT au cours de trois années scolaires successives. Les hémogrammes des chiens présentant une trachéo-bronchite virale sont peu modifiés. Les anomalies rencontrées sont de nombreuses ...

  15. L’actinomycose thoracique multiple chez l’immunocompétent (United States)

    Msougar, Yassine; Fenane, Hicham; Maidi, Mehdi; Benosman, Abdellatif


    L′actinomycose est une affection bactérienne granulomateuse, suppurative, étendue et chronique provoquée par la bactérie anaérobique gram positif Actinomyces israelii. La localisation thoracique est rare, elle peut simuler une pathologie néoplasique ou une tuberculose. Il s’agit d’un patient de 54ans sans antécédents pathologiques, qui s’est présenté avec deux tuméfactions pariétales basithoarciques droites, l’une antérieure et l’autre postérieure s’accompagnant d’une altération de l’état général. L’examen clinique ainsi que le bilan radiologique ont montré deux masses de la paroi thoracique et une atteinte parenchymateuse basale droite. L’examen anatomopathologique de la biopsie de la masse antérieure a montré des foyers d’actinomycose permettant d’établir le diagnostic d’actinomycose thoraco-pulmonaire. Un bilan immunologique s’est révélé normal. Le patient est alors mis sous traitement antibiotique à base d’amoxicilline protégée avec bonne évolution clinique et radiologique. Le but de cette observation est de rappeler les aspects radio-clinique, histologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs ainsi que les difficultés diagnostiques de cette affection. PMID:24672630

  16. Hydrogen, the phenomenon is reaching the Europe; Hydrogene, la deferlante atteint l'Europe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    More and more contracts and research programs are decided in Europe to promote the hydrogen energy. The market is today still moderate but the forecasting are great in many domains. This paper provides some data and trends on the hydrogen market. (A.L.B.)

  17. Soudage de bois feuillus par friction rotationnelle


    Belleville, Benoît


    Les différentes colles utilisées actuellement par l’industrie du meuble au Canada nécessitent des temps de polymérisation constituant un goulot dans la production des meubles et limitant l’atteinte de la production unitaire. Ces adhésifs synthétiques généralement issus de la pétrochimie nécessitent énormément d’énergie lors de leur confection. L’utilisation de connecteurs métalliques ou plastiques, quant à elle, limite les phases de découpage et sablage subséquentes. La présence d’adhésifs et...

  18. Animal performance and carcass quality of milk-fed Assaf lambs


    Landa, Roberto; Lavín, Paz; Frutos, Pilar; Mantecón, Ángel R.; Giráldez, Francisco Javier


    [FR] Croissance et qualité de la carcasse de l'agneau Assaf recevant le lait reconstitué". Cette expérience avait pour l'objectif d'étudier l'effet du sexe et du système d'élevage sur la croissance et la qualité de la carcasse des agneaux de race Assaf. On a utilisé 24 agneaux, 12 de chaque sexe, qui ont été abattus lorsqu'ils ont atteint 10 kg de poids corporel. La moitié des agneaux sont restés avec leur mère pendant toute l'expérience (NR : agneaux avec allaitement naturel). Le reste (12 ;...

  19. Le poids des émotions


    Bihan, Blanche Le; Mallon, Isabelle


    Depuis une quinzaine d’années, les « aidants » des personnes ayant besoin de soins au long cours sont l’objet d’une visibilité nouvelle dans le débat public. S’appuyant sur les résultats d’une enquête qualitative approfondie menée auprès d’aidants familiaux de proches atteints de la maladie d’Alzheimer, cet article s’intéresse à l’expérience des aidants investis au quotidien dans la vie de leur proche – conjoint ou parent – en perte d’autonomie. Après avoir déconstruit la notion d’intensité d...

  20. Salvatore Di Piazza. 2011. Congetture e approssimazioni. Forme del sapere in Aristotele (Milano-Udine : Mimesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Martina Zagarella


    Full Text Available Quel est le statut épistémologique d’une discipline qui, quelquefois, n’atteint pas à ses objectifs ? C’est la question que Di Piazza pose dans Congetture e approssimazioni. Elle concerne la rhétorique et, avec elle, toutes les disciplines qui ont un statut épistémologique comparable, à commencer par la médecine. Trois éléments - disons trois piliers - délimitent le chantier de Di Piazza : la rhétorique, la médecine et la philosophie d’Aristote.Le point de départ est la décision de ne pas se ...

  1. Les directives anticipées des personnes atteintes d’une démence de type Alzheimer : Comment faire pour bien faire?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perreault, Line


    Full Text Available The Law on End of Life Care is now effective in Quebec. This law provides for a system of advanced medical directives. Respecting advanced directives (AD issued in anticipation of incapacity can be a beneficial ethical way to ensure self-determination of the patient in a context where a person’s incapacity is total and of short duration (e.g., terminal cancer. But what about when the loss of decision- making abilities is gradual and spread over a long period of time, as is the case of people with Alzheimer’s type dementia (ATD? Although the cognitive decline associated with ATD legitimizes the use of AD to promote self- determination of these people, relying solely on a person’s wishes expressed verbally or in writing to their relatives or physician to guide care is an approach that can be ethically risky. A review of the literature on AD, a study of the clinical features associated with ATD, and a critical analysis of a fictitious clinical case will help demonstrate the need for developing a gradual approach to revalidate agreements that take into consideration the AD of the person with a ATD while weighing their wishes and views in real time, their current quality of life and that of their caregiver. The beneficial deployment of AD relies on the ability of the actors involved to consider this as a process of revalidation of agreements. This necessary paradigm shift will ensure that actualising the self-determination of people with ATD does not come at the expense of their dignity, safety and integrity. Such an approach remains to be developed and promoted for people with ATD in Quebec. Health policies that move in this direction, as well as specific normative benchmarks for this clientele, are needed rapidly in the current Quebec context, which is joining the development of a system of “advanced medical directives” with a Law on End of Life Care.

  2. Dynamically allocated virtual clustering management system (United States)

    Marcus, Kelvin; Cannata, Jess


    The U.S Army Research Laboratory (ARL) has built a "Wireless Emulation Lab" to support research in wireless mobile networks. In our current experimentation environment, our researchers need the capability to run clusters of heterogeneous nodes to model emulated wireless tactical networks where each node could contain a different operating system, application set, and physical hardware. To complicate matters, most experiments require the researcher to have root privileges. Our previous solution of using a single shared cluster of statically deployed virtual machines did not sufficiently separate each user's experiment due to undesirable network crosstalk, thus only one experiment could be run at a time. In addition, the cluster did not make efficient use of our servers and physical networks. To address these concerns, we created the Dynamically Allocated Virtual Clustering management system (DAVC). This system leverages existing open-source software to create private clusters of nodes that are either virtual or physical machines. These clusters can be utilized for software development, experimentation, and integration with existing hardware and software. The system uses the Grid Engine job scheduler to efficiently allocate virtual machines to idle systems and networks. The system deploys stateless nodes via network booting. The system uses 802.1Q Virtual LANs (VLANs) to prevent experimentation crosstalk and to allow for complex, private networks eliminating the need to map each virtual machine to a specific switch port. The system monitors the health of the clusters and the underlying physical servers and it maintains cluster usage statistics for historical trends. Users can start private clusters of heterogeneous nodes with root privileges for the duration of the experiment. Users also control when to shutdown their clusters.

  3. Effets de la photopériode et de la température nocturne lors de la croissance des transplants de laitue iceberg et romaine (Lactuca Sativa L.) en serre sur l'incidence de la montaison au champ


    Bélanger, Jérôme


    La laitue étant une plante dite ±annuelle de jours longs¿, la floraison est normalement induite durant l'été. Grâce aux nouvelles variétés de laitue plus résistantes à la montaison, ce problème est moins important aujourd'hui que dans le passé. Toutefois, durant l'été très chaud de 2005, on a observé de nombreux champs de laitues dont les coeurs étaient très longs, avant même que la plante ait atteint un poids souhaitable pour le marché. Dans cette étude, nous avons 1) quantifié les effets de...

  4. Chronologie de la vie et des œuvres de Constance Fenimore Woolson Chronology of Constance Fenimore Woolson’s Life and Work

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeannine Hayat


    Full Text Available Français1840Constance Fenimore Woolson est née à Claremont, New Hampshire (5 mars. Elle était le sixième enfant de Charles Jarvis et de Hannah Cooper Pomeroy Woolson. Elle était, par sa mère, une petite-nièce de James Fenimore Cooper.Automne 1840Les Woolson déménagent à Cleveland, Ohio, après le décès de trois de leurs filles, atteintes de la scarlatine. Enfant et jeune fille, Constance voyage en Ohio, dans le Wisconsin et en Nouvelle Angleterre.Eté 1855Elle découvre l’île de Mackinac dans l...

  5. Difficultés de la surveillance épidémiologique de la rougeole en Afrique : exemple de la Côte d'Ivoire


    Rey, Jean-Loup; Trolet, C.; Soro, B.; Cunin, P.; Merouze, F.


    En zone tropicale, les cas de rougeole sont souvent sous-déclarés mais les auteurs exposent deux épidémies qui ont été considérées au début comme des manifestations de rougeole. La première épidémie s'est manifestée comme une épidémie de viroses à Chikungunya avec éruptions, hyperthermie et algies importantes, elle était due à un arbovirus Igbo-Ora. Dans l'autre cas il s'agissait d'enfants atteints d'éruptions avec hyperthermie et adénopathies évoquant la rubéole. Les auteurs évoquent la poss...

  6. Appréciation de l’alimentation en zinc du maïs par la détermination du rapport Fe/Zn dans les parties aériennes du végétal


    Lubet, E.; Soyer, Jean-Pierre; Juste, Catherine


    On a mesuré de 1972 à 1981 le rapport Fe/Zn dans les parties aériennes de maïs atteints ou non de carence en zinc. Les échantillons ont été prélevés, à deux stades de végétation, soit dans des dispositifs expérimentaux de plein champ, soit dans des cultures où se manifestait la carence. Le rapport Fe/Zn apparaît comme beaucoup plus discriminant que la seule détermination de la teneur en zinc pour la prévision de la carence zincique chez les plantes qui se développent en sols non calcaire...

  7. Fréquence et caractéristiques des AVC impliquant les artères perforantes dans le Service de Neurologie de l’Hopital Bafelatanana, Antananarivo (United States)

    Rasaholiarison, Nomena Finiavana; Randrianasolo, Rahamefy Odilon; Rajaonarison, Lala Andriamasinavalona; Rakotomanana, Jenny Larissa; Razafimahefa, Julien; Tehindrazanarivelo, Alain Djacoba


    Introduction Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux des artères perforantes sont surtout des artériolopathies. Ils évoluent vers la démence et la récurrence. Pour mieux prévenir ces complications notre étude avait pour but d'évaluer la fréquence et les caractéristiques de ces AVC. Méthodes c'est une étude descriptive rétrospective du 01 Mars au 25 Septembre 2015 au service de Neurologie CHU-JRB. Ont été inclus les patients présentant un déficit neurologique brutal et un scanner cérébral avec atteinte du territoire profonde. Les caractéristiques des AVC des artères perforantes ont été recueillies. Les données étaient traitées par le logiciel SPSS 20. Résultats Quatre-vingt-trois (48,25%) patients avaient des AVC des artères perforantes sur 172 AVC. Pour les AVC des artères perforantes la population était jeune avec 65,06% moins de 65 ans et à prédominance masculine avec 61,44%. Les formes hémorragiques étaient à 67,46%. Trente et un patients (37,34%) ont connu des récurrences et parmi eux presque le quart avait 2 récurrences avec 38,70% en moins de un an. Tous les patients avec récurrence avaient un trouble dysexécutif (p AVC pendant l'hospitalisation. Conclusion Un suivi spécifique en neurologie est nécessaire dès le premier accident vasculaire cérébral d'artère perforante pour dépister un début de démence et prévenir les récurrences. PMID:29255546

  8. Management of patient with hepatocellular carcinomas by in situ injection of iodine-131 labelled lipiodol solution (Lipiocis) in the Biophysics and Timone APHM University Hospital Central Service; Prise en charge des patients atteints d'hepatocarcinome par injection in situ d'une solution de lipiodol radiomarque a l'iode 131 (Lipiocis) au sein du service central de biophysique et de medecine nucleaire du CHU Timone APHM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sigrist, S


    The aim of this work was to determine what are the prognosis factors in term of global expectation of life at patient receiving a treatment by Lipiocis, to estimate the tolerance at this treatment in order to choose patient which will be the best candidates to this treatment and to define more precisely the criteria of patient inclusion and follow-up. A study including 35 patient having received one or several Lipiocis injections between May 2003 and May 2007 has been carried out. The results of this study are given. Lipiocis seems to be a well tolerated treatment which has proved its efficiency. (O.M.)

  9. Autogestion des troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété par l'activité physique et l'exercice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Louise Pelletier


    'un autre professionnel de la santé constituaient le facteur le plus important associé à la décision de faire de l'exercice. Les obstacles mentionnés le plus souvent à de l'exercice au moins une fois par semaine étaient un problème physique (27,3 %, un manque de temps ou un horaire trop chargé (24,1 % et un manque de volonté ou d'autodiscipline (15,8 %. Conclusion : Malgré les bénéfices de l'activité physique et de l'exercice pour contrer les symptômes de dépression et d'anxiété, un pourcentage important de personnes atteintes d'un trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété ne fait aucun exercice sur une base régulière, particulièrement celles atteintes de trouble de l'humeur et celles présentant des comorbidités physiques. Il est essentiel que les professionnels de la santé recommandent à leurs patients de faire une activité physique ou de l'exercice, discutent avec eux des obstacles rencontrés et les encouragent à persévérer.

  10. Les masques trompeurs de la bipolarité: étude de 100 cas (United States)

    Nabih, Fadoua Oueriagli; Benali, Abdesslam; Adali, Imane; Manoudi, Fatiha; Asri, Fatima


    Le trouble bipolaire (TB) est une pathologie dont la prévalence est estimée à 1-2%. Le diagnostic précoce du trouble constitue un enjeu thérapeutique majeur. L'objectif de ce travail est de déterminer les différents diagnostiques attribués aux patients bipolaires avant de recevoir le diagnostic adéquat et de préciser le délai moyen du retard diagnostique. C'est une étude descriptive transversale portant sur 100 patients atteints de TB, inclus selon les critères du DSM V, qui ont été vus en consultation ou bien hospitalisés dans le service de psychiatrie de l'hôpital Militaire Avicenne de Marrakech, durant une période de deux ans. L’âge moyen des patients était de 29,5 ans avec une prédominance masculine (80%). 40% de nos patients ont reçu au début un autre diagnostic que celui du TB et le premier diagnostic retenu était celui de l’épisode dépressif majeur dans 36% des cas, suivi de l'accès psychotique aigu dans 28% des cas, la schizophrénie dans 16,8% et le trouble de personnalité dans 10,2%. Le délai moyen du retard diagnostic était de 64 mois. 50% des patients ayant reçu un autre diagnostic avaient consulté au moins un psychiatre et 60% des patients avaient été hospitalisés au moins une fois avant le diagnostic du TB. Les errances diagnostiques du TB sont bien établies, conduisant forcément à un retard de prise en charge adéquate. Ces données devraient alerter les psychiatres pour favoriser un meilleur dépistage de la manie et de l'hypomanie qui restent les éléments clé du diagnostic du TB. PMID:26587161

  11. Extraosseous radiotracer uptake on bone scan in beta-thalassemia: report of one case; Fixation extraosseuse du radiotraceur lors de la realisation d'une scintigraphie du squelette chez un patient atteint de beta-thalassemie: a propos d'un cas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guezguez, M.; Nouira, M.; Sfar, R.; Chatti, K.; Ben Fradj, M.; Ben Ali, K.; Ajmi, S.; Essabbah, H. [CHU Sahloul, Service de Medecine Nucleaire, Sousse (Tunisia); Zrour, S. [EPS F. Bourguiba, Service de Rhumatologie, Monastir (Tunisia)


    Red blood cell transfusion, main therapeutic modality of beta-thalassemia, leads to iron overload which may perturb several metabolic ways. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the uptake abnormalities observed on bone scan of thalassaemic patients and to discuss mechanisms of extraosseous accumulation of the radiopharmaceutical in this pathology. We report a 16-year-old child suffering from beta-thalassemia major undergoing transfusion therapy. A bone scan was indicated to look for osseous infection. This study revealed a little skeletal uptake and abnormal liver, splenic and renal accumulation. A repeat bone scan, performed three weeks later showed a better skeletal uptake which enabled the discovery of focal abnormalities and made the diagnostic easier. The effect of iron overload on radiopharmaceuticals uptake in bone scan is known since 1975. Dissociation of {sup 99m}Tc from the carrier ligand due to the presence of iron excess seems the most plausible hypothesis. Free {sup 99m}Tc can be bound to other tissular substrates which can explain extraosseous uptake. The normally available pool for bone is reduced and then the skeletal uptake decreased. This report limits considerably the sensitivity of the bone scan. A well-led iron chelation and eventually the use of diuretic drug may guarantee a better quality of bone scan images. (authors)

  12. Individual attitudes and perceived social norms: Reports on HIV/AIDS-related stigma among service providers in China (United States)

    Li, Li; Liang, Li-Jung; Wu, Zunyou; Lin, Chunqing; Wen, Yi


    personnelles envers les personnes atteintes du VIH/SIDA avec leur perception des normes sociales liées aux personnes atteintes du VIH/SIDA. Nous avons sélectionné au hasard trois hôpitaux provinciaux, quatre hôpitaux de villelpréfecture, dix hôpitaux ruraux, 18 centres hospitaliers de cantons et 54 cliniques de village au Yunnan en Chine. Les médecins et les infirmiéres étaient échantillonés au hasard de maniére proportionnelle au ratio médecin-infirmiére de chaque hôpital ou clinique. Les techniciens de laboratoire ont été suréchantillionnés afin d’inclure une représentation adéquate dans l’analyse. Un total de 1, 101 fournisseurs de soins ont participé à un sondage volontaire et anonyme oú les caractéristiques démographiques, l’attítude individuelle et les normes sociales perçues envers les personnes atteintes du VIH/SIDA, l’intention de discrimination au travail, l’attitude générale de préjugé et les connaissances sur le VIH/SIDA ont été mesurées. Une majorité de l’échantillon a démontré une similarité entre leurs opinions personnelles et qu’ils pensaient que la plupart des gens dans la société croyaient. Des régressions logistiques multiples ont indiqué que les participants qui étaient plus jeunes ou ceux qui ont rapporté un contact personnel avec les personnes atteintes du VIH/SIDA ont été significativement plus enclines á rapporter des attitudes personnelles envers la population qui étaient plus libérales que leurs normes sociales perçues. Avoir une attitude personnelle plus libérale envers les personnes atteintes du VIH/SID A que les normes sociales perçues était significativement et négativement lié au niveau de l’intention de discrimination au travail, à la discrimination perçue au niveau interpersonnel et au niveau de l’attitude générale de préjugé envers les personnes atteintes du VIH/SIDA. Les résultats soulignent l’importance de comprendre les normes sociales et les attitudes

  13. Le traumatisme du colon: l'expérience du CHU Hassan II de Fès (United States)

    Benjelloun, El Bachir; Hafid, Hasnai; Karim, Ibnmajdoub; Ousadden, Abdelmalek; Mazaz, Khalid; Taleb, Kahlid Ait


    Introduction Les traumatismes du colon sont associés à un risque majeur de complications septiques et de mortalité. Le but de notre étude est d’évaluer les circonstances, la prise en charge, le suivi et les facteurs pronostic de morbidité postopératoire des malades victimes d'un traumatisme colique. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective sur une série de 49 patients opérés pour des plaies coliques aux services de chirurgie viscérale du CHU HASSAN II de Fès sur une période de 8 ans de juillet 2003 à juillet 2011. Résultats L’âge moyen de nos patients était de 25ans (16-70) avec une nette prédominance masculine (93.8%). Les plaies coliques secondaires à un traumatisme par arme blanche représentent 85% des cas (42 patients), suivi par les plaies iatrogènes au cours d'une coloscopie chez 6 patients (13%), puis les contusions abdominales chez 1 patient (2%). Les parties du cadre colique les plus touchées étaient le colon transverse chez 19 patients (38%) et le colon descendant chez 12 patients (24, 5%). Le colon sigmoïde était le segment le plus touché au cours d'une coloscopie4/6. Quarante-deux patients (85%) ont eu une suture primaire des plaies coliques, six patients (13%) une diversion fécale et un patient (2%) une résection-anastomose. Deux patients (4%) sont décédés suite à un choc septique. La morbidité globale était de 38,7% dominé essentiellement par l'infection de la paroi chez 14 patients et une péritonite post opératoire chez 3 patients. L'analyse univarié a montré une différence significatif en terme d'infection de la paroi entre le groupe colostomie versus suture simple (50% vs 20,9% p<0,05). L'atteinte du colon gauche et la réalisation d'une colostomie sont associés à un risque plus élevés de complications postopératoires. Conclusion La suture primaire peut être effectuée avec un faible taux de complications postopératoire chez la majorité des patients suite à un traumatisme du colon. PMID

  14. L’évaluation systématique des instruments pour mesurer la douleur chez les personnes âgées ayant des capacités réduites à communiquer* (United States)

    Aubin, Michèle; Giguère, Anik; Hadjistavropoulos, Thomas; Verreault, René


    La douleur chronique est souvent sous-détectée et insuffisamment traitée dans les milieux de soins de longue durée. Les outils d’autorapport (ou autoévaluation) de la douleur, comme l’échelle visuelle analogique, n’ont été validés que partiellement chez les populations âgées, en raison de la prévalence élevée de déficits visuels, auditifs, moteurs et cognitifs que l’on y trouve. Des outils d’observation des patients ont été développés pour pallier ces difficultés d’utilisation des échelles d’autorapport de la douleur. Le présent projet vise l’identification de ces échelles et leur évaluation sur la base de la validité de contenu (12 questions), de la validité de construit (12 questions), de la fiabilité (13 questions) et de l’utilité clinique (10 questions). Parmi les 24 instruments recensés, plusieurs apparaissent prometteurs pour évaluer la douleur chez les personnes âgées atteintes de démence sévère. Des efforts additionnels de validation sont cependant requis avant leur intégration à la pratique régulière en soins de longue durée. PMID:17717611

  15. Nécrologie: Ivan Impens (1935-2014. Celui qui ne dépasse pas son maître est un pauvre disciple

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    Bogaert, J.


    Full Text Available Obituary: Ivan Impens (1935-2014. Poor is the disciple who does not surpass his master. La gale sarcoptique ovine est la forme de gale la plus répandue au Nord-est algérien. Elle est due à Sarcoptes scabiei var. ovis. Une vaste enquête a été entreprise afin de déterminer la prévalence et le profil saisonnier de la maladie. Durant une période d'une année, plusieurs aspects ont été étudiés au Nord-est algérien. La prévalence moyenne de la maladie s'élevait à 12,02% sur les marchés à bestiaux de trois régions (Souk Ahras, Guelma et Tebessa. La période à haut risque s'est étalée de décembre à mars; quant au reste de l'année, le taux d'infestation est faible voire nul. L'infestation clinique a atteint 60% des cheptels de la région d'El-Tarf, et 49,5% des ovins examinés se sont révélés galeux. La maladie frappe les animaux de tout âge avec un taux d'infestation de 50,5% chez les brebis, 37% chez les agneaux et 22,3% chez les béliers. L'étude des aspects lésionnels et cliniques de la population ovine parasitée à El-Tarf a révélé que 55% d'individus présentaient une atteinte du museau, 30% montraient une extension des lésions crouteuses vers le chanfrein et le front, 10% avaient la tête totalement envahie par les croutes et uniquement 5% révélaient une extension vers les extrémités. Il semble que la charge parasitaire totale a une forte corrélation avec l'étendue des lésions.

  16. Apport de l'imagerie dans le diagnostic des sacroiliites infectieuses : à propos de 19 cas (United States)

    Abid, Hanen; Chaabouni, Salim; Frikha, Faten; Toumi, Nozha; Souissi, Basma; Lahiani, Dorra; Bahloul, Zouhir; Ben Mahfoudh, Khaireddine


    Les sacro-iliites infectieuses méritent d’être mieux connues. Leur diagnostic est souvent retardé en raison d'une symptomatologie trompeuse et des diffcultés d'exploration de l'articulation sacro-iliaque. Notre travail est basé sur une étude rétrospective portant sur les cas de SII, recueillis sur une période comprise entre 1997 et 2008 dans notre centre universitaire Sfax-Tunisie. Le diagnostic de sacro-iliite était retenu en présence d'arguments cliniques et radiologiques d'atteinte sacroiliaque. Nous rapportons dix neuf cas de sacroiliites infectieuses (10 hommes et 9 femmes), avec un âge moyen de 32 ans. L'atteinte était unilatérale dans tous les cas. Les radiographies standard faites dans tous les cas ont été suggestives dans 14 cas et normales dans les autres cas. La TDM faite dans 13 cas a montré, un abcès des parties molles dans 8 cas et un séquestre osseux dans 2 cas. L'IRM réalisée dans 8 cas, a objectivé une infiltration des parties molles dans tous les cas et un abcès dans 3 cas. Le germe a été identifié dans 9 cas (3 cas de tuberculose, 3 cas de brucellose, 2 sacro-iliites à pyogène et un cas de candidose). Cette identification était faite par biopsie dans 3 cas, hémocultures dans 2 cas, prélèvement au niveau de la porte d'entrée dans 1 cas et sérodiagnostic dans 3 cas. Pour les autres cas, l'origine pyogène a été retenue sur des arguments cliniques et biologiques. L'imagerie joue un rôle primordial dans le diagnostic précoce et l'orientation étiologique d'une sacroiliite infectieuse. PMID:25120884

  17. Modifications de la coagulation sanguine dans la fièvre jaune

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Vellard


    Full Text Available L'étude des modifications de la coagulation sanguine à l'aide de la technique BRAZIL-VELLARD, réalisée chez 25 malades atteints de formes diverses, mortelles, graves, et bénignes, entre le lléme et le XIIIéme jour de maladie, et chez 12 convalescents, a permis d'arriver aux conclusions suivantes: 1º. Les variations du pouvoir coagulant du serum sont très irrégulières et peu différentes des celles observées chez de sujets normaux. 2º. La coagulabilité du plasma, dès le IIème jour de la maladie, présente une diminution marquée, constante chez tous les malades, atteignant son chiffre le plus bas entre le VIIème et le IXème jour et revenant progressivement á la normale pendant la convalescence. 3º. Cette diminution de la coagulabilité est due principalement á l'apparition de grandes quantités d'antithrombines dans la circulation; la diminution du fibrinogène observée dans quelques cas, est toujours peu accusée. 4º. La diminution de la coagulabilité du plasma, qui n'a jusqu'ici été observée avec cette intensité que dans la fièvre jaune, peut être d'un certain secours pour le diagnostic précoce de cette affection; elle n'a jamais été vérifiée chez des malades atteints d'autres affections fébriles. 5º. Au point de vue du pronostic, la diminution précoce et très accentuée de la coagulabilité est un symptôme grave, indiquant une lésion profonde de la cellule hépatique. 6º. Dans la fièvre jaune expérimentale du Macacus rhesus, les altérations de la coagulation sanguine sont de même nature, mais paraissent plus tardives et moins accusées que chez l'homme.

  18. Safety and radiation-enhancing effect of sodium glycididazole in loco regionally advanced laryngeal cancers previously treated with platinum-containing chemotherapy regimens: a preliminary report; Tolerance et effet radiosensibilisateur du sodium glycididazole chez des patients atteints de cancer du larynx localement evolue ayant prealablement recu une chimiotherapie a base de cisplatine: rapport preliminaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zeng, Y.C.; Wu, R.; Xu, Z.G.; Zhang, X.Y.; Wu, L.N.; Wang, Y.M.; Zheng, W.; Chen, X.D.; Chi, F.; Zhang, Z.Y.; Li, X.; Jin, X.Y.; Chen, W.; Wang, S.L.; Xiao, F.D.; Wang, E.Y.; Dong, X.Q.; Jia, M.X.; Li, Y. [China Medical Univ., Dept. of Medical Oncology, Shengjing Hospital, Shenyang, PR (China); Fan, G.L. [Harbin First Hospital, Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, PR (China); Hao, S.H.; Zhang, L.B.; Zhang, H.B. [General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, Shenyang, PR (China); Xia, H.H.X. [Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, New Jersey (United States)


    Purpose: To determine the safety and radiation-enhancing effect of sodium glycididazole in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (stage T3-4,N0-3,M0) with conventional radiotherapy. Patients and methods: Patients with locoregional advanced laryngeal cancer (stage T3-4,N0-3,M0) were included: group 1(control, n = 30)were not administered of sodium glycididazole; group 2 (test, n = 30) received sodium glycididazole at a dose of 700 mg/m2 intravenous infusion 30 minutes before radiotherapy three times a week. Surrogate end-points of efficacy were tumor and nodal size. Safety parameters were vomiting, nausea, mucositis, laryngeal edema, esophagus and skin reaction, dysphagia, dyspnea, neurological deficit. Patients were evaluated weekly during treatment for 7 weeks and thereafter monthly for 3 months. Results: In the test, the overall response rate was 88.89% (95% CI, 71.00-97.00%) at 7 weeks and 92.59% (95% CI, 76.00 to 99.00%) at 1 month of follow-up. In the control, the overall response rate was 62.5% (95% CI, 41.00 to 81.00%) at 7 weeks and 58.33% (95% CI, 37.00 to 78.00%) at 1 month of follow-up. The short-term locoregional response rate was better in the test group at 7 weeks (p = 0.027) and at 1 month (p = 0.005) of follow-up. The test group had significantly more nausea and vomiting in weeks 1 (p = 0.047), 2 (p = 0.007), and 3 (p = 0.01) of treatment. Conclusions: The study indicates sodium glycididazole is an effective radiation-enhancing agent that improves short-term locoregional control and is well tolerated in patients with loco regionally advanced laryngeal cancer. (authors)

  19. Dégradations des poutres en béton armé atteint de l'Alcali Agrégat ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    variables (CaO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2, MgO, Na2O, K2O, SO3) et 58 individus distribués au tableau 4 qui sont : ciment livré, granulat à l'état pur, granulats en zones a-b-c dans les bétons (A et B) « (zone a) de la surface de moulage sur 9 axes, (zone b) du cœur sur 7 axes et (zone c) à coté des aciers internes sur 9 axes », et ...

  20. Patient participation in patient safety still missing: Patient safety experts' views. (United States)

    Sahlström, Merja; Partanen, Pirjo; Rathert, Cheryl; Turunen, Hannele


    The aim of this study was to elicit patient safety experts' views of patient participation in promoting patient safety. Data were collected between September and December in 2014 via an electronic semi-structured questionnaire and interviews with Finnish patient safety experts (n = 21), then analysed using inductive content analysis. Patient safety experts regarded patients as having a crucial role in promoting patient safety. They generally deemed the level of patient safety as 'acceptable' in their organizations, but reported that patient participation in their own safety varied, and did not always meet national standards. Management of patient safety incidents differed between organizations. Experts also suggested that patient safety training should be increased in both basic and continuing education programmes for healthcare professionals. Patient participation in patient safety is still lacking in clinical practice and systematic actions are needed to create a safety culture in which patients are seen as equal partners in the promotion of high-quality and safe care. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  1. Acute care patients discuss the patient role in patient safety. (United States)

    Rathert, Cheryl; Huddleston, Nicole; Pak, Youngju


    Patient safety has been a highly researched topic in health care since the year 2000. One strategy for improving patient safety has been to encourage patients to take an active role in their safety during their health care experiences. However, little research has shed light on how patients view their roles. This study attempted to address this deficit by inductively exploring the results of a qualitative study in which patients reported their ideas about what they believe their roles should be. Patients with an overnight stay in the previous 90 days at one of three hospitals were surveyed using a mailing methodology. Of 1,040 respondents, 491 provided an open-ended response regarding what they believe the patient role should be. Qualitative analysis found several prominent themes. The largest proportion of responses (23%) suggested that patients should follow instructions given by care providers. Other prominent themes were that patients should ask questions and become informed about their conditions and treatments, and many implied that they should expect competent care. Our results suggest that patients believe they should be able to trust that they are being provided competent care, as opposed to assuming a leadership role in their safety. Our results suggest that engaging patients in safety efforts may be complex, requiring a variety of strategies. Managers must provide environments conducive to staff and patient interactions to support patients in this effort. Different types of patients may require different engagement strategies.

  2. Traitement des séquelles de brûlures de la main dans les pays à ressources limitées ; notre expérience en république démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Kibadi, K.; Moutet, F.


    Summary Les séquelles de brûlures de la main sont encore fréquentes dans les pays à ressources limitées. Trente-deux patients, représentant 38 mains, ont été admis et traités, entre le 1er décembre 2010 et le 1er mai 2014 aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). nous avons observé 22 patients (69 %) dans le groupe de jeunes (patients âgés de moins de 18 ans), et 10 patients (31 %) chez les adultes (18 à 59 ans). Aucun patient dans le groupe de seniors (60 ans et plus) n’a été observé. Dans le groupe de jeunes, la tranche d’âge de 1 à 5 ans a été la plus atteinte avec 13 malades (40 %). l’accident à la maison était le plus fréquent (72 %). le mécanisme de la brûlure était le plus souvent thermique par flammes (51 %) ou par liquide chaud (34 %). les rétractions et brides sont les lésions le plus observées (84 %). la rétraction dorsale globale « main en griffe» est observée chez 40 % de patients traités, associée à des cicatrices hypertrophiques et chéloïdiennes dans 84 % de cas. Chez les 32 mains traitées chirurgicalement, des excision-greffes ont été réalisées dans 43,7 %, des lambeaux locaux dans 43,7 % et des lambeaux à distance dans 12,5 % de cas. A la sortie de l’hôpital, 84 % de « bons » résultats ont été observés. le suivi a été de 18 mois. le traitement des séquelles de brûlures de la main est possible dans ces pays, exemple de la rDC. Mais les défis à surmonter dans ces pays sont nombreux : la faible accessibilité aux techniques actuelles de la chirurgie plastique, la prise en charge initiale inadéquate des brûlures, la pauvreté. PMID:26668560

  3. Five years after the accident, whiplash casualties still have poorer quality of life in the physical domain than other mildly injured casualties: analysis of the ESPARR cohort


    Tournier, Charl?ne; Hours, Martine; Charnay, Pierrette; Chossegros, Laetitia; Tardy, H?l?ne


    Cette étude a pour objectif de comparer l'état de santé et la qualité de vie cinq ans après l'accidents de la route chez des blessés légers atteints d'une part de "coup du lapin", d'autre part de toute autre lésion considérée comme mineure. l'évolution de cet état de santé entre la première année et la cinquième année est également étudiée. L'étude est basée sur les données de la cohorte ESPARR et inclut 167 blessés légers avec coup du lapin et 185 blessés légers sans coup du lapin. la qualit...

  4. Awake craniotomy. A patient`s perspective. (United States)

    Bajunaid, Khalid M; Ajlan, Abdulrazag M


    To report the personal experiences of patients undergoing awake craniotomy for brain tumor resection. We carried out a qualitative descriptive survey of patients` experiences with awake craniotomies for brain tumor resection. The survey was conducted through a standard questionnaire form after the patient was discharged from the hospital. Of the 9 patients who met the inclusion criteria and underwent awake craniotomy, 3 of those patients reported no recollection of the operation. Five patients had auditory recollections from the operation. Two-thirds (6/9) reported that they did not perceive pain. Five patients remembered the head clamp fixation, and 2 of those patients classified the pain from the clamp as moderate. None of the patients reported that the surgery was more difficult than anticipated. Awake craniotomy for surgical resection of brain tumors was well tolerated by patients. Most patients reported that they do not recall feeling pain during the operation. However, we feel that further work and exploration are needed in order to achieve better control of pain and discomfort during these types of operations.

  5. [Not Available]. (United States)

    El Ketani, A; Amir, F; Ali, T B; Hamdani, M; Zaghloul, K


    Les enfants célèbrent la fête de Achoura au Maroc par des jeux de feu, ce qui occasionne des blessures oculaires plus au moins graves. Nous rapportons 15 observations de malades traités au Service d'Ophtalmologie Pédiatrique de l'Hôpital 20 Août 1953 de Casablanca. L'âge moyen des patients était de 12 ans et demi, avec des extrêmes de 3 et 25 ans. Les pétards, la première cause des accidents (50%), ont occasionné des contusions oculaires avec parfois un oedème de Berlin (deux cas). L'atteinte oculaire par fusée a occasionné un éclatement de globe et une plaie de paupière. Les bombes de carbone ont été responsables de brûlures de deuxième degré palpébrales et conjonctivo-cornéennes avec de multiples corps étrangers cornéens profonds. Les «étoiles» et la limaille de fer ont provoqué des brûlures cornéennes moins graves avec des corps étrangers superficiels. Les pistolets à bille ont été responsables de contusions oculaires. La réglementation de vente des jeux de feu et la sensibilisation du grand public par les moyens audiovisuels permettraient de prévenir ces blessures oculaires.

  6. Les Lesions Oculaires Par Jeu de Feu au Cours de Achoura (United States)

    El Ketani, A.; Amir, F.; Ali, T.B.; Hamdani, M.; Zaghloul, K.


    Summary Les enfants célèbrent la fête de Achoura au Maroc par des jeux de feu, ce qui occasionne des blessures oculaires plus au moins graves. Nous rapportons 15 observations de malades traités au Service d'Ophtalmologie Pédiatrique de l'Hôpital 20 Août 1953 de Casablanca. L'âge moyen des patients était de 12 ans et demi, avec des extrêmes de 3 et 25 ans. Les pétards, la première cause des accidents (50%), ont occasionné des contusions oculaires avec parfois un oedème de Berlin (deux cas). L'atteinte oculaire par fusée a occasionné un éclatement de globe et une plaie de paupière. Les bombes de carbone ont été responsables de brûlures de deuxième degré palpébrales et conjonctivo-cornéennes avec de multiples corps étrangers cornéens profonds. Les «étoiles» et la limaille de fer ont provoqué des brûlures cornéennes moins graves avec des corps étrangers superficiels. Les pistolets à bille ont été responsables de contusions oculaires. La réglementation de vente des jeux de feu et la sensibilisation du grand public par les moyens audiovisuels permettraient de prévenir ces blessures oculaires. PMID:21991053

  7. Atteintes amygdaliennes et troubles émotionnels dans la maladie d'Alzheimer : apport de nouvelles pistes pour le diagnostic


    Klein Koerkamp , Yanica ,


    The diagnosis of “Alzheimer's” disease (AD) relies on neuropsychological tests demonstrating massive memory decline, which is mainly associated with hippocampus lesions. In parallel, several neuroimaging studies have suggested that amygdala volume loss could be a neuroanatomical marker of AD. However, previous works dealing with behavioural indices of amygdala activity in AD have been unable to provide a converging profile of emotional impairments. The goal of this work was to corroborate dat...

  8. The pursuit of the genome instability by comet assay (single cell gel electrophoresis) in patients with cancer of the cavum in western Algerian; La recherche de l'instabilite genomique par le test des cometes (single cell gel electrophoresis) chez les malades atteints d'un cancer du cavum dans l'Ouest algerien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boukerche, A.; Dali-Youcef, A.F. [Service de Radiotherapie, Oran (Algeria); Bouali-Youcef, Y. [Laboratoire d' Immunologie, Oran (Algeria); Mehadji, M. [Service d' ORL, Oran (Algeria); Chenal, C. [Rennes-1 Univ., UMR CNRS 6853, 35 (France)


    The analysis of results has shown a constitutional genome instability among the patients with a cavum cancer with a defect in DNA repair where some exogenous factors ( Epstein-Barr virus, EBV) seem play an important part. (N.C.)

  9. Achieving patient satisfaction: resolving patient complaints. (United States)

    Oxler, K F


    Patients demand to be active participants on and partners with the health care team to design their care regimen. Patients bring unique perceptions and expectations and use these to evaluate service quality and satisfaction. If customer satisfaction is not achieved and a patient complaint results, staff must have the skills to respond and launch a service recovery program. Service recovery, when done with style and panache, can retain loyal customers. Achieving patient satisfaction and resolving patient complaints require commitment from top leadership and commitment from providers to dedicate the time to understand their patients' needs.

  10. Patient-centred outcomes research: perspectives of patient stakeholders. (United States)

    Chhatre, Sumedha; Gallo, Joseph J; Wittink, Marsha; Schwartz, J Sanford; Jayadevappa, Ravishankar


    To elicit patient stakeholders' experience and perspectives about patient-centred care. Qualitative. A large urban healthcare system. Four patient stakeholders who are prostate cancer survivors. Experience and perspectives of patient stakeholders regarding patient-centred care and treatment decisions. Our patient stakeholders represented a diverse socio-demographic group. The patient stakeholders identified engagement and dialogue with physicians as crucial elements of patient-centred care model. The degree of patient-centred care was observed to be dependent on the situations. High severity conditions warranted a higher level of patient involvement, compared to mild conditions. They agreed that patient-centred care should not mean that patients can demand inappropriate treatments. An important attribute of patient-centred outcomes research model is the involvement of stakeholders. However, we have limited knowledge about the experience of patient stakeholders in patient-centred outcomes research. Our study indicates that patient stakeholders offer a unique perspective as researchers and policy-makers aim to precisely define patient-centred research and care.

  11. Patients' preferences for patient-centered communication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lau, Sofie Rosenlund; Christensen, Søren Troels; Andreasen T., Jesper


    To investigate patients' preferences for patient-centered communication (PCC) in the encounter with healthcare professionals in an outpatient department in rural Sierra Leone.......To investigate patients' preferences for patient-centered communication (PCC) in the encounter with healthcare professionals in an outpatient department in rural Sierra Leone....

  12. Patient Involvement in Patient Safety: A Qualitative Study of Nursing Staff and Patient Perceptions. (United States)

    Bishop, Andrea C; Macdonald, Marilyn


    The risk associated with receiving health care has called for an increased focus on the role of patients in helping to improve safety. Recent research has highlighted that patient involvement in patient safety practices may be influenced by patient perceptions of patient safety practices and the perceptions of their health care providers. The objective of this research was to describe patient involvement in patient safety practices by exploring patient and nursing staff perceptions of safety. Qualitative focus groups were conducted with a convenience sample of nursing staff and patients who had previously completed a patient safety survey in 2 tertiary hospital sites in Eastern Canada. Six focus groups (June 2011 to January 2012) were conducted and analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. Four themes were identified: (1) wanting control, (2) feeling connected, (3) encountering roadblocks, and (4) sharing responsibility for safety. Both patient and nursing staff participants highlighted the importance of building a personal connection as a precursor to ensuring that patients are involved in their care and safety. However, perceptions of provider stress and nursing staff workload often reduced the ability of the nursing staff and patient participants to connect with one another and promote involvement. Current strategies aimed at increasing patient awareness of patient safety may not be enough. The findings suggest that providing the context for interaction to occur between nursing staff and patients as well as targeted interventions aimed at increasing patient control may be needed to ensure patient involvement in patient safety.

  13. Operational experience of the Marcoule reactors; Experience d'exploitation des reacteurs de Marcoule

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Conte, F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The results obtaining from three years operation of the reactors G-2, G-3 have made it possible to accumulate a considerable amount of operational experience of these reactors. The main original points: - the pre-stressed concrete casing - the possibility of loading while under power - automatic temperature control have been perfectly justified by the results of operation. The author confirms the importance of these original solutions and draws conclusions concerning the study of future nuclear power stations. (author) [French] Les resultats atteints apres trois ans de fonctionnement des reacteurs G-2/G-3 permettent une accumulation considerable de l'experience d'exploitation de ces reacteurs. Les principales originalites: - caisson en beton precontraint - chargement en marche - surveillance automatique des temperatures sont largement justifiees par l'exploitation actuelle. L'auteur confirme l'interet de ces solutions d'avant-garde et en tire des conclusions pour les etudes de futures centrales nucleaires. (auteur)

  14. Synthesis of methyl-2 O-tolyl-3 quinazolone-4 {sup 14}C-2; Synthese de la methyl-2 O-tolyl-3 quinazolone-4 {sup 14}C-2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herbert, M; Pichat, L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Description of the preparation of methyl-2 O-tolyl-3 quinazolone-4 {sup 14}C-2 (abbreviated to M.T.Q.), using N-acetyl {sup 14}C-1 anthranilic acid. The overall yield reaches 72 per cent with respect to acetyl chloride {sup 14}C-1. By applying the same method to acetyl chloride {sup 14}C-2, M.T.Q. labelled on the methyl group could be obtained. (author) [French] Description de la preparation de la methyl-2 O-tolyl-3 quinazolone-4 {sup 14}C-2 (abregee en M.T.Q.) par l'intermediaire de l'acide N-acetyl {sup 14}C-1 anthranilique. Le rendement global atteint 72 pour cent par rapport au chlorure d'acetyle {sup 14}C-1. La meme methode appliquee au chlorure d'acetyle {sup 14}C-2 permettrait d'obtenir la M.T.Q. marquee sur le groupement methyle. (auteur)

  15. Kyste hydatique à localisation costo vertébrale (United States)

    Marouf, Rachid


    L'hydatidose est une affection parasitaire due à la contamination de l'homme par la forme larvaire de ténia échinococcus granulosus, la forme costo vertébrale est une localisation très rare qui représente 0,18 à 1,21% de l'ensemble des localisations hydatiques. Nous rapportons le cas d'une femme de 32 ans qui présente un kyste hydatique multi vésiculaire à localisation costovertébrale, traité par chirurgie radicale associée à un traitement médical anti parasitaire pour une durée de 6 mois, avec bonne évolution. L'atteinte costo-vertébrale par la maladie hydatique est rare et l’évolution est insidieuse. Malgré un traitement chirurgical radical, la fréquence des récidives rend le pronostic sombre. PMID:25922632

  16. Transfer Out Patient Not Abandon The Patient

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    Deepak Gupta


    Full Text Available Physician-patient relationship is unique in some aspects and not-so-unique in other aspects when compared to other human interactions. Until-unless for the sake of health promotional activities, this relationship is almost always conceived in the times of human sufferings and consequently culminated when those sufferings have subsided as well as sought out happiness has ensued/been achieved. However, not all physician-patient relationships follow the normal course and/or meet the natural ends. These abnormal relationships are not inconsequential in terms of numbers and/or their effects (short-term and long term on both patients and physicians. Every country has its own baggage in the wake of why, how and what about these abnormal ends to physician-patient relationships; however, the most common causes are the patients’ inability to pay their medical bills, the conflicting goals of physicians and their patients in regards to patients’ sufferings’ management and finally the behavioral issues (patients’ and/or physicians’ interfering these relationships. Irrespective of any cause, the physicians should never forget that the patient can always discharge their physicians and discontinue their relationship with their physicians without any reason (until unless the physicians deem those patients either incapable/non-consentable to do so and/or potential threat to their own personal safety or other people’s safety. Contrarily, physicians can also discharge patients from their care but cannot abandon these patients (1-3 which mean that physicians have to ensure their discharged patients either are referred to or have sought another physician within appropriate time frame post-relationship-discontinuation. Each country has their own medico-legal liabilities that vary in terms of penalties imposed; however, irrespective of the feared legal concerns, the physicians should not forget that ethical essence of medicine is the art of healing that

  17. Le cancer différencié de la thyroïde chez l’enfant et l’adolescent: à propos de 22 cas (United States)

    Anajar, Said; Tatari, Mohammed; Lakhbal, Adil; Abada, Reda; Rouadi, Sami; Roubal, Mohammed; Mahtar, Mohammed


    L’obectif était de mettre en relief les particularités du cancer de la thyroïde chez l’enfant et l’adolescent, et d’évaluer nos résultats par rapport à la littérature internationale a travers une série de cas la plus représentatif au Maroc: 22 cas. C'est une étude rétrospective descriptive des patients atteints de cancer différencié de la thyroïde, hospitalisés au service d’ORL et de Chirurgie Cervico-faciale de L’hopital 20 Août de Casablanca-Maroc, sur la période qui s’étend de Janvier 1995 à Mars 2015. Nous avons recueilli les données relatives à 22 cas, qui répondaient à nos critères d’inclusion. L’âge moyen de nos patients était de 14 ans, avec une sex-ratio 3,4, la plupart de nos patients ont consulté pour un nodule thyroïdien, associé dans 22,7% des cas à une adénopathie cervicale, et dans 9,1% à des signes de compression. L’ensemble des patients ont bénéficié d’une thyroïdectomie totale, suivie d’un curage ganglionnaire dans 31,82%. Le diagnostic de cancer thyroïdien a reposé sur l’examen anatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire, qui a objectivé un carcinome papillaire dans 95,4% des cas, et un carcinome vésiculaire dans 4,5%. Le traitement par l’iode radioactif 131 a été réalisé dans 100% des cas. Par la suite tous nos patients ont été mis sous hormonothérapie thyroïdienne. Une surveillance étroite et régulière a permis de détecter des métastases ganglionnaires chez 3 patients, et les métastases à distance chez 4 patients. Le cancer différencié de la thyroïde de l’enfant et l’adolescent est une entité rare mais agressive, son traitement se base sur la chirurgie, associée à l’irathérapie donnant un pronostic excellent. PMID:29255541

  18. Patient-oriented health technologies: Patients' perspectives and use. (United States)

    Bauer, Amy M; Rue, Tessa; Munson, Sean A; Ghomi, Reza Hosseini; Keppel, Gina A; Cole, Allison M; Baldwin, Laura-Mae; Katon, Wayne


    For patient-oriented mobile health tools to contribute meaningfully to improving healthcare delivery, widespread acceptance and use of such tools by patients are critical. However, little is known about patients' attitudes toward using health technology and their willingness to share health data with providers. To investigate primary care patients' comfort sharing health information through mobile devices, and patients' awareness and use of patient portals. Patients (n=918) who visited one of 6 primary care clinics in the Northwest US completed a survey about health technology use, medical conditions, and demographics. More patients were comfortable sharing mobile health information with providers than having third parties store their information (62% vs 30%, Somers D=.33, phigher among patients with a chronic condition (AOR= 3.18, p=0.004). Comfort, awareness, and use of health technologies were variable. Practices introducing patient-facing health technologies should promote awareness, address concerns about data security, and provide education and training, especially to older adults and those with health literacy limitations. Patient-facing health technologies provide an opportunity for delivering scalable health education and self-management support, particularly for patients with chronic conditions who are already using patient portals.

  19. Terminally ill patients as customers: the patient's perspective. (United States)

    Seibel, Katharina; Valeo, Sara Celestina; Xander, Carola; Adami, Sandra; Duerk, Thorsten; Becker, Gerhild


    Consumerism in health care defines patients as self-determined, rational customers. Yet, it is questionable whether vulnerable patients, such as the terminally ill, also fulfill these criteria. Vulnerable contexts and the patient's perspective on being a customer remain relatively unexplored. The present study addresses this research gap by analyzing terminally ill patients' views on being customers. To explore the ways in which patients in palliative care refer to themselves as patients/customers, and how the patients' concepts of self-determination are related to their attitudes toward the patient/customer role. Qualitative interviews were conducted. Data were analyzed in three steps: narrative analysis, thematic content analysis, and typology construction. Researchers recruited 25 patients via the Department of Palliative Care, University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany. In many ways, palliative patients contradict the image of a self-determined customer. The palliative patient role is characterized by the concept of relational self-determination rather than an unrestricted self-determination. Self-attribution as a customer still occurs when positively associated with a person-centered, individualized treatment. Thus, the customer and patient role overlap within the palliative care setting because of the focus on the individual. The idealized customer role cannot be arbitrarily applied to all medical fields. Palliative patients are dependent on the physician, regardless of whether the customer or patient role is preferred. Hence, self-determination must be understood in relational terms, and physicians must recognize their crucial role in promoting patients' self-determination in the context of shared decision-making.

  20. Intra-operative implantation of Gliadel (BCNU, carmustine) wafers in patients suffering from a multiform glioblastoma and which are to be submitted to a concomitant radiotherapy and chemotherapy by temozolomide according to the Stupp protocol: efficiency and toxicity; Implanation peroperatoire de pastilles de Gliadel (BCNU, carmustine) chez des patients atteints d'un glioblatome multiforme devant recevoir par la suite une radiotherapie et une chimiotherapie concomitante par temozolomide selon le protocole de Stupp: efficacite et toxicite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miglierini, P.; Bouchekoua, M.; Rousseau, B.; Malhaire, J.P.; Pradier, O. [Service de radiotherapie, ICH, CHU Morvan, 29 - Brest (France)


    The author report a study aimed at assessing the tolerance and efficiency of a technique which has been used for some years and which comprises the implantation of Gliadel wafers in the operative bed before performing a concomitant radiotherapy and chemotherapy with temozolomide, followed by six adjuvant chemotherapy sessions with the Stupp protocol. Four women and seven men have been implanted with Gliadel wafers. Only one patient did not have the concomitant chemo-radiotherapy. The global survival and global survival without progression have been assessed. Even though the obtained results are encouraging, the concomitant chemo-radiotherapy had to be stopped for three patients due to haematological consequences. Short communication

  1. Scanning in Thyroid Cancer; Exploration des tumeurs de la thyroide; Ispol'zovanie radioizotopov pri issledovanii raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy; Exploracion de los tumores tiroideos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bauer, Franz K [Radioisotope Centre, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    Scanning in thyroid cancer is of value in - 1. The preoperative diagnosis of a thyroid nodule; 2. The localization of thyroid cancer metastases; 3. The treatment of thyroidectomize d patients with metastases from thyroid cancer. The appearance of thyroid nodules on the scintigram is described. Some prelimi- nary results of the use of radiophosphoru s and external counting with a Geiger- Mueller tube of ''cold'' nodules are reported. Localization of thyroid cancer metastases with particular emphasis on the use of thyrotropic hormone is described. With this method three-fourths of all patients with metastatic thyroid cancer were found to have functioning metastases. The technique of ablation of normal thyroid remnants following total thyroidectomy and the treatment of metastases is discussed in detail. Scanning of metastases is the best method to follow the patient's progress. (author) [French] L'exploration des tumeurs de la thyroide presente un interet pour: 1. Le diagnostic preoperatoire des nodules de la thyroide; 2. La localisation des metastases du cancer de la thyroide; 3. Le traitement des personnes ayant subi l'ablation de la thyroide et atteintes de metastases du cancer de la thyroide. L'auteur decrit l'aspect des nodules de la thyroide sur le scintigramme. Il donne certains resultats preliminaires obtenus par l'emploi du radiophosphore et par comptage externe des nodules < froids > a l'aide d'un tube de Geiger-Mueller. L'auteur etudie aussi la localisation des metastases du cancer de la thyroide, en particulier par l'utilisation de l'hormone thyrotropique. L'emploi de cette methode a permis de constater que les trois quarts des malades atteints de cancer metastatique de la thyroide souffraient de metastases en activite. Apres avoir evoque la thyroidectomie totale et la methode d'ablation des fragments de thyroide restant normalement apres operation, l'auteur etudie en detail le traitement des metastases. L'exploration des metastases est la meilleure


    Borza, Liana Rada; Gavrilovici, Cristina; Stockman, René


    The present paper revisits the ethical models of patient--physician relationship from the perspective of patient autonomy and values. It seems that the four traditional models of physician--patient relationship proposed by Emanuel & Emanuel in 1992 closely link patient values and patient autonomy. On the other hand, their reinterpretation provided by Agarwal & Murinson twenty years later emphasizes the independent expression of values and autonomy in individual patients. Additionally, patient education has been assumed to join patient values and patient autonomy. Moreover, several authors have noted that, over the past few decades, patient autonomy has gradually replaced the paternalistic approach based on the premise that the physician knows what is best for the patient. Neither the paternalistic model of physician-patient relationship, nor the informative model is considered to be satisfactory, as the paternalistic model excludes patient values from decision making, while the informative model excludes physician values from decision making. However, the deliberative model of patient-physician interaction represents an adequate alternative to the two unsatisfactory approaches by promoting shared decision making between the physician and the patient. It has also been suggested that the deliberative model would be ideal for exercising patient autonomy in chronic care and that the ethical role of patient education would be to make the deliberative model applicable to chronic care. In this regard, studies have indicated that the use of decision support interventions might increase the deliberative capacity of chronic patients.

  3. Patient involvement in patient safety: Protocol for developing an intervention using patient reports of organisational safety and patient incident reporting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armitage Gerry


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Patients have the potential to provide a rich source of information on both organisational aspects of safety and patient safety incidents. This project aims to develop two patient safety interventions to promote organisational learning about safety - a patient measure of organisational safety (PMOS, and a patient incident reporting tool (PIRT - to help the NHS prevent patient safety incidents by learning more about when and why they occur. Methods To develop the PMOS 1 literature will be reviewed to identify similar measures and key contributory factors to error; 2 four patient focus groups will ascertain practicality and feasibility; 3 25 patient interviews will elicit approximately 60 items across 10 domains; 4 10 patient and clinician interviews will test acceptability and understanding. Qualitative data will be analysed using thematic content analysis. To develop the PIRT 1 individual and then combined patient and clinician focus groups will provide guidance for the development of three potential reporting tools; 2 nine wards across three hospital directorates will pilot each of the tools for three months. The best performing tool will be identified from the frequency, volume and quality of reports. The validity of both measures will be tested. 300 patients will be asked to complete the PMOS and PIRT during their stay in hospital. A sub-sample (N = 50 will complete the PMOS again one week later. Health professionals in participating wards will also be asked to complete the AHRQ safety culture questionnaire. Case notes for all patients will be reviewed. The psychometric properties of the PMOS will be assessed and a final valid and reliable version developed. Concurrent validity for the PIRT will be assessed by comparing reported incidents with those identified from case note review and the existing staff reporting scheme. In a subsequent study these tools will be used to provide information to wards/units about their

  4. Ustioni da fuoco / Burn injuries / Les brûlures

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    Liliana Copertino


    Full Text Available Severe burn injuries require high specialistic treatment. Burn injuries are common in disasters and war scenarios, so war medicine has been fundamental to improve treatment protocols for burn patients..Burn injuries are classified according to the etiopathogenetic agent (physical, chemical or radiation, that determines different anatomoisthologic aspects.An estimation of the depth and extension are fundamental for defining the gravity of the burn. Critical burn patients have to be transported in specialistic Centers. There they are treated by multispecialistic teams from the resuscitation phase to the reconstructive surgery and specialist rehabilitation.. This process can continue for two years with the objective to return patients to a quiet normal life. Les brûlures sont des lésions traumatiques qui requièrent un traitement spécialisé. Lors de catastrophes et de guerres, les brûlures sont des lésions très fréquentes et la médecine de guerre a contribué à faire avancer la science de manière importante, dans le traitement de cette pathologie.Les brûlures sont classées en fonction de l'agent étiopathogénique (agents physiques, chimiques ou radiations dont le mécanisme d'action qui provoque la lésion cause des aspects anatomohistologiques caractéristiques.Pour définir la sévérité d'une brûlure, il est aussi fondamental d'éstimer l'extension de la surface corporelle et la profondeur de l'épiderme, et éventuellement du derme, atteints. Les patients gravement brûlés doivent être hospitalisés dans des Centres Spécialisés où des équipes multispécialistes les suivent de la phase initiale de la réanimation aux phases de chirurgie reconstructive et au processus de réhabilitation. Ces dernières phases peuvent se prolonger pendant les deux années suivant le traumatisme avant qu'une réintégration dans une vie sociale acceptable ne puisse être faite.

  5. Patient-centred Prevention among PAD Patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pii, Kathrine Hoffmann


    Intro: This paper discusses a central professional dilemma in patient-centred education: on one hand the concern for ensuring patients autonomy and right to make their own decisions regarding their treatment and, on the other hand, a concern for getting patients to make the “right” decisions......-centredness is thus promoted as a way to organize health more effectively (in terms of cost and treatment outcomes) and as a way to ensure patients’ autonomy and fundamental right to make their own decisions regarding their treatment. Critical voices within social and nursing theory have however argued....... The paper shows that the programme’s attempt to facilitate that patients make their “own” decision is challenged by patients who understand the preventive programme in relational terms and even demand more intervention from the professionals in terms of expert advice, involvement, and discipline. Conclusion...

  6. Le sexe des difformités et la réponse orthopédique (1819-1862

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grégory Quin


    Full Text Available Cet article explore les relations entre les représentations sexuées et les discours médicaux, autour des affections de la colonne vertébrale dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle. L’investigation progressive du dimorphisme sexuel présent parmi les personnes atteintes de difformités de la colonne vertébrale, nous amène à éclaircir les liens entre les discours médicaux et pédagogiques inscrits au sein des processus d’institutionnalisation de l’orthopédie et de construction d’une éducation du physique. Notre contribution souhaite proposer successivement, une lecture des démarches entreprises par les médecins pour comprendre les pathologies de la colonne vertébrale, pour ensuite insister sur les démarches éducatives mises en œuvre, notamment au sein d’établissements privés d’orthopédie et de gymnastique.This article examines how gendered ideologies affected medical discourses concerning individuals with spinal deformities during the first half of the 19th century. The gradual recognition of sexual dimorphism among patients allows us to clarify the entanglement of medical and pedagogical theories that appears in the institutionalization of orthopaedics at this time and the emergence of physical education. The article begins by highlighting doctors' approaches to the understanding of spinal deformities and diseases of the spine; it then explores the different educational approaches elabored within private orthopedic and gymnastic institutions.

  7. Preoperative patient education: evaluating postoperative patient outcomes. (United States)

    Meeker, B J


    Preoperative teaching is an important part of patient care and can prevent complications, as well as promote patient fulfillment during hospitalization. A study was conducted at Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation in New Orleans, LA, in 1989, to determine the impact of a preoperative teaching program on the incidence of postoperative atelectasis and patient satisfaction. Results showed no significant difference of postoperative complications and patient gratification after participating in a structured preoperative teaching program. As part of this study, it was identified that a patient evaluation tool for a preoperative teaching class needed to be developed. The phases of this process are explained in the following article.

  8. Utilisation du phytoplancton pour estimer la production piscicole potentielle des étangs

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    BARBE J.


    Full Text Available Pour faciliter la gestion des étangs de pisciculture, il est nécessaire d'avoir un moyen pour estimer en cours de saison si l'objectif de production sera atteint, et éventuellement, intervenir sur la qualité du milieu. Les méthodes d'estimation et de prévision mentionnées dans la littérature ne sont pas applicables aux étangs de pisciculture, milieux fortement anthropisés. A partir de données (physico-chimie, plancton, production piscicole collectées sur 36 étangs en France, les auteurs proposent une méthode de prévision de la récolte piscicole à partir du phytoplancton (groupe prédominant et teneur en chlorophylle a. A l'usage, cette méthode s'est avérée satisfaisante pour prévoir des productions nettes jusqu'à plus de 500 kg/hectare.

  9. Intense pulsed sources of ions and electrons produced by lasers; Sources pulsees intenses d'ions et d'electrons produites par laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bourrabier, G [Centre de Recherche de la C.S.F., Corbeville (France); Consoli, T; Slama, L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    We describe a device for the acceleration of the plasma burst produced by focusing a laser beam into a metal target. We extract the electrons and the ions from the plasma. The maximum current is around 2000 amperes during few microseconds. The study of the effect of the kind of the target on the characteristics of the current shows the great importance of the initial conditions that is the ionisation potential of the target and the energy laser. (authors) [French] On decrit un dispositif destine a accelerer la bouffee de plasma produite par focalisation d'un faisceau laser sur une cible solide. On extrait du plasma les electrons et les ions. Le courant maximum atteint pres de 2000 amperes pendant quelques microsecondes. L'etude de l'effet de la nature de la cible sur les caracteristiques du courant collecte, met en evidence l'importance des conditions initiales (potentiel d'ionisation de la cible, energie du laser). (auteurs)

  10. Dentist–patient communication: what do patients and dentists remember following a consultation? Implications for patient compliance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Misra S


    Full Text Available Sara Misra, Blánaid Daly, Stephen Dunne, Brian Millar, Mark Packer, Koula AsimakopoulouDental Institute, King's College London, London, UKBackground: There is a lack of information about the extent to which patients recall key facts of dental consultations. Forgetting health advice undermines adherence with such instructions and is a potential problem. This study assessed the quantity and type of information recalled in a dental consultation, dentist–patient agreement over the contents of the consultation, and the relationship of such recall with patient satisfaction.Methods: Using a cross-sectional design, questionnaire data were obtained from patients recruited through a letter and presenting for a routine dental consultation. General issues discussed, specific information about oral health given, dentist-performed procedures, and agreed future actions were reported independently in writing, by patients and also by the treating dentist immediately postconsultation. Additionally, patients completed a dental visit satisfaction questionnaire.Results: Responses (n = 26, 55% response rate were content-analyzed, and data on the number and type of information that was recalled were obtained. Interrater reliability was established. Inferential testing showed differences in dentist–patient recall, dentist–patient agreement, and the association between patient recall and satisfaction. Dentists recalled more information than patients (P = 0.001. Dentists further reported giving more dental health education (P = 0.006 and discussing more future actions (P = 0.002 than patients actually remembered. Technical (eg, crowns/bridges rather than psychosocial (eg, pain/embarrassment issues were reported more often (P = 0.001 by both dentists and patients. Dentist–patient agreement over issues discussed and procedures performed was higher (kappa = 0.210–0.310 than dental health education agreement and agreed future actions (kappa = 0.060–0.110. There

  11. Constructions of the patient in healthcare communications: six patient figures. (United States)

    Pors, Anja Svejgaard


    The purpose of this paper is to examine how strategic, patient-centred communication plays a part in the discursive management of expectations posed to patients and healthcare organizations. The paper provides an analysis of four documents collected as part of an ethnographic case study regarding "The Perspective of the Patient" - a Danish Hospital's patient-centred communication programme. Mapping methods inspired by Grounded Theory are used to qualify the analysis. The paper shows that strategic patient-centred communication addresses both a care-oriented approach to the patient and deploys market perceptions of patients. Market and care is seen as co-existing organizing modes that entail expectations to the patient. In the communication programme the patient is constructed in six information-seeking patient figures: affective patient; target group patient; citizen with rights; patient as a competent resource; user as active partner; and consumer. As a result, the patient-centred communication programme renders the patient as a flexible figure able to fit organizational demands of both care orientation and market concerns. This study contributes to qualitative research in organizational health communication by combining two subfields - patient-centredness and health communication - in an empirical study of how market and care are intertwined in a patient-centred communication programme. The argument goes beyond the prevalent prescriptive approaches to patient-centredness and healthcare communication, instead providing a critical analytical perspective on strategic communication and patient-centredness and showing how expectations are posed to both patient and organization.

  12. Patient satisfaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bhanu Prakash


    Full Text Available Patient satisfaction is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the quality in health care. Patient satisfaction affects clinical outcomes, patient retention, and medical malpractice claims. It affects the timely, efficient, and patient-centered delivery of quality health care. Patient satisfaction is thus a proxy but a very effective indicator to measure the success of doctors and hospitals. This article discusses as to how to ensure patient satisfaction in dermatological practice.

  13. Patient satisfaction. (United States)

    Prakash, Bhanu


    Patient satisfaction is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the quality in health care. Patient satisfaction affects clinical outcomes, patient retention, and medical malpractice claims. It affects the timely, efficient, and patient-centered delivery of quality health care. Patient satisfaction is thus a proxy but a very effective indicator to measure the success of doctors and hospitals. This article discusses as to how to ensure patient satisfaction in dermatological practice.

  14. Patients with epilepsy and patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Turner, Katherine; Piazzini, Ada; Chiesa, Valentina


    and neuropsychological functions among patients with PNES, patients with epilepsy associated with PNES and patients with epilepsy. METHODS: We evaluated 66 consecutive in-patients with video-EEG recordings: 21 patients with epilepsy, 22 patients with PNES and 10 patients with epilepsy associated with PNES; 13 patients....... We observed fewer mood and anxiety disorders in patients with PNES compared with those with epilepsy. We did not find statistically significant differences in neuropsychological profiles among the 3 patient groups. CONCLUSION: This study can help to contribute to a better understanding of the impact...

  15. Effects of the Smartphone Application "Safe Patients" on Knowledge of Patient Safety Issues Among Surgical Patients. (United States)

    Cho, Sumi; Lee, Eunjoo


    Recently, the patient's role in preventing adverse events has been emphasized. Patients who are more knowledgeable about safety issues are more likely to engage in safety initiatives. Therefore, nurses need to develop techniques and tools that increase patients' knowledge in preventing adverse events. For this reason, an educational smartphone application for patient safety called "Safe Patients" was developed through an iterative process involving a literature review, expert consultations, and pilot testing of the application. To determine the effect of "Safe Patients," it was implemented for patients in surgical units in a tertiary hospital in South Korea. The change in patients' knowledge about patient safety was measured using seven true/false questions developed in this study. A one-group pretest and posttest design was used, and a total of 123 of 190 possible participants were tested. The percentage of correct answers significantly increased from 64.5% to 75.8% (P effectively improve patients' knowledge of safety issues. This will ultimately empower patients to engage in safe practices and prevent adverse events related to surgery.

  16. Patients for patient safety in China: a cross sectional study. (United States)

    Zhang, Qiongwen; Li, Yulin; Li, Jing; Mao, Xuanyue; Zhang, Lijuan; Ying, Qinghua; Wei, Xin; Shang, Lili; Zhang, Mingming


    To investigate the baseline status of patients' awareness, knowledge, and attitudes to patient safety in China, and to determine the factors that influence patients' involvement in patient safety. We conducted a cross sectional survey using questionnaires adapted from recent studies on patient safety from outside China. The items included medical errors, infection, medication safety, and other aspects of patient safety. The questionnaire included 17 items and 5 domains. The survey was conducted between Jan. 2009 and Dec. 2010 involving 1000 patients from ten grade-A hospitals in seven provinces or cities in China. Most patients from the surgery departments completed the questionnaires voluntarily and anonymously. Five reviewers independently input the data into Microsoft Excel 2003, and the data were double-checked. Data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 software for differences in the perceptions and attitudes of patients toward patient safety among different genders, ages, and regions. We distributed 1000 questionnaires and collected 959 completed questionnaires (response rate: 96%). Among the respondents, 58% of patients did not know what medical error is. Sixty-five percent of patients wanted disclosure of all medical errors. After errors occurred, 58% of patients wanted explanations of all possible harms that had resulted. Among 187 patients who had experienced medical errors, 83% of patients had sought appropriate legal action. About 52% of patients understood hospital infection, but 28% patients did not know that infections could occur in hospital. Seventy-eight percent of patients thought that medical staff should wash their hands before examining patients. More than half of the patients (68%) were willing to remind the staff of hygiene if they saw unsanitary conditions in a health clinic. Only 14% of patients knew the side effects of medications that they took. The majority of patients surveyed expressed willingness to contribute to patient safety, but their

  17. Patient perspectives of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) and methods for improving pain control and patient satisfaction. (United States)

    Patak, Lance S; Tait, Alan R; Mirafzali, Leela; Morris, Michelle; Dasgupta, Sunavo; Brummett, Chad M


    This study aimed to (1) identify patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) attributes that negatively impact patient satisfaction and ability to control pain while using PCA and (2) obtain data on patient perceptions of new PCA design features. We conducted a prospective survey study of postoperative pain control among patients using a PCA device. The survey was designed to evaluate patient satisfaction with pain control, understanding of PCA, difficulties using PCA, lockout-period management, and evaluation of new PCA design features. A total of 350 eligible patients completed the survey (91%). Patients who had difficulties using PCA were less satisfied (P PCA. Forty-nine percent of patients reported not knowing if they would receive medicine when they pushed the PCA button, and of these, 22% believed that this uncertainty made their pain worse. The majority of patients preferred the proposed PCA design features for easier use, including a light on the button, making it easier to find (57%), and a PCA button that vibrates (55%) or lights up (70%), alerting the patient that the PCA pump is able to deliver more medicine. A majority of patients, irrespective of their satisfaction with PCA, preferred a new PCA design. Certain attributes of current PCA technology may negatively impact patient experience, and modifications could potentially address these concerns and improve patient outcomes.

  18. Patient-centered care requires a patient-oriented workflow model. (United States)

    Ozkaynak, Mustafa; Brennan, Patricia Flatley; Hanauer, David A; Johnson, Sharon; Aarts, Jos; Zheng, Kai; Haque, Saira N


    Effective design of health information technology (HIT) for patient-centered care requires consideration of workflow from the patient's perspective, termed 'patient-oriented workflow.' This approach organizes the building blocks of work around the patients who are moving through the care system. Patient-oriented workflow complements the more familiar clinician-oriented workflow approaches, and offers several advantages, including the ability to capture simultaneous, cooperative work, which is essential in care delivery. Patient-oriented workflow models can also provide an understanding of healthcare work taking place in various formal and informal health settings in an integrated manner. We present two cases demonstrating the potential value of patient-oriented workflow models. Significant theoretical, methodological, and practical challenges must be met to ensure adoption of patient-oriented workflow models. Patient-oriented workflow models define meaningful system boundaries and can lead to HIT implementations that are more consistent with cooperative work and its emergent features.

  19. Cardiac patients' perception of patient-centred care: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Esmaeili, Maryam; Cheraghi, Mohammad A; Salsali, Mahvash


    The aim of this study was to explore cardiac patients' perception of patient-centred care. Despite patient's importance in the process of care, less attention has been paid to experiences and expectations of patients in definitions of patient-centred care. As patients are an important element in process of patient-centred care, organizing care programs according to their perceptions and expectations will lead to enhanced quality of care and greater patient satisfaction. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. Content analysis approach was performed for data analysis. Participants were 18 cardiac patients (10 women and 8 men) hospitalized in coronary care units of teaching hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. We collected the study data through conducting personal face-to-face semi-structured interviews. The participants' perceptions of patient-centred care fell into three main themes including managing patients uncertainty, providing care with more flexibility and establishing a therapeutic communication. The second theme consisted of two sub-themes: empathizing with patients and having the right to make independent decisions. Receiving patient-centred care is essential for cardiac patients. Attention to priorities and preferences of cardiac patients and making decisions accordingly is among effective strategies for achieving patient-centred care. Cardiac care unit nurses ought to be aware that in spite of technological developments and advances, it is still important to pay attention to patients' needs and expectations in order to achieve patient satisfaction. In planning care programs, they should consider accountability towards patients' needs, flexibility in process of care and establishing medical interactions as an effective strategy for improving quality of care. © 2014 British Association of Critical Care Nurses.

  20. [Differences in attitude toward patient-centeredness in patients and physicians]. (United States)

    Kim, Min-Jeong


    There have been studies on the patient-centeredness of medical students and physicians in South Korea, but no result has presented the patient-centered attitude of patients and doctors. So, this study intended to compare the attitudes of patients and doctors toward the roles that patients and physicians should play in the health care process. One hundred and fifteen doctors and 264 patients participated in this survey using a structured questionnaire, including sociodemographic data and Patient Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). The PPOS comprises sharing (sharing information, take part in decision making) and caring (respecting one's feelings, interpersonal relationships) subscales. The PPOS scores of the doctors and patient were 3.02 and 3.20. In detail, the doctors' sharing and caring scores were and 3.02 and 3.48, and the those of patients were 3.14 and 3.12, respectively. This results are enough to demonstrate that patients are likely to be patient-centered with regard to sharing and that doctors tend to be patient-centered in terms of caring. The patients' desire to obtain medical information and take part in decision making (sharing) are greater than those of doctors. Doctors had more patient-centered attitude than patients in terms of respects for one's feelings and interpersonal relationships (caring).

  1. Patient activation and use of an electronic patient portal. (United States)

    Ancker, Jessica S; Osorio, Snezana N; Cheriff, Adam; Cole, Curtis L; Silver, Michael; Kaushal, Rainu


    Electronic patient portals give patients access to personal medical data, potentially creating opportunities to improve knowledge, self-efficacy, and engagement in healthcare. The combination of knowledge, self-efficacy, and engagement has been termed activation. Our objective was to assess the relationship between patient activation and outpatient use of a patient portal. Survey. A telephone survey was conducted with 180 patients who had been given access to a portal, 113 of whom used it and 67 of whom did not. The validated patient activation measure (PAM) was administered along with questions about demographics and behaviors. Portal users were no different from nonusers in patient activation. Portal users did have higher education level and more frequent Internet use, and were more likely to have precisely 2 prescription medications than to have more or fewer. Patients who chose to use an electronic patient portal were not more highly activated than nonusers, although they were more educated and more likely to be Internet users.

  2. [Student patient relationship from the patient's point of view]. (United States)

    Beca, Juan Pablo; Browne, Francisca; Valdebenito, Carolina; Bataszew, Alexander; Martínez, María José


    Patients are becoming increasingly active in their relationship with medical professionals. Their relationship with medical students needing to learn clinical skills, may be specially problematic if patients are not willing to accept their involvement in the medical team. To examine patient's perceptions of their relation with medical students and their agreement to let students be part of the treating team. Qualitative study using taped semi-structured interviews addressed to inpatients from one public and one private hospital in Chile. Both groups of patients acknowledged that students dedicated more time to them, but they expressed their preference to limit student's participation to clinical history taking and physical examination. They also expected them to be observers rather than actors. Patients from the private hospital emphasized that only one student per instructor should participate in their care. Patients from the public hospital were more compliant about student's participation. The right to refuse students' involvement in their care was clearly known by all patients from the private system and by most patients from the public hospital. Patients in Chilean public and private hospitals were in general positive regarding student's participation in their care. Students' clinical practice ought to strictly respect patients's rights, and patients should be considered volunteers who generously agree to cooperate with the education of medical students.

  3. Patient satisfaction and positive patient outcomes in ambulatory anesthesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shah U


    Full Text Available Ushma Shah, David T Wong, Jean Wong Department of Anesthesia, Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Abstract: Most surgeries in North America are performed on an ambulatory basis, reducing health care costs and increasing patient comfort. Patient satisfaction is an important outcome indicator of the quality of health care services incorporated by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA. Patient satisfaction is a complex concept that is influenced by multiple factors. A patient's viewpoint and knowledge plays an influential role in patient satisfaction with ambulatory surgery. Medical optimization and psychological preparation of the patient plays a pivotal role in the success of ambulatory surgery. Postoperative pain, nausea, and vomiting are the most important symptoms for the patient and can be addressed by multimodal drug regimens. Shared decision making, patient–provider relationship, communication, and continuity of care form the main pillars of patient satisfaction. Various psychometrically developed instruments are available to measure patient satisfaction, such as the Iowa Satisfaction with Anesthesia Scale and Evaluation du Vecu de I'Anesthesie Generale, but none have been developed specifically for ambulatory surgery. The ASA has made recommendations for data collection for patient satisfaction surveys and emphasized the importance of reporting the data to the Anesthesia Quality Institute. Future research is warranted to develop a validated tool to measure patient satisfaction in ambulatory surgery. Keywords: patient, satisfaction, anesthesia, outcomes, questionnaire, perspectives

  4. Patient participation in patient safety and nursing input - a systematic review. (United States)

    Vaismoradi, Mojtaba; Jordan, Sue; Kangasniemi, Mari


    This systematic review aims to synthesise the existing research on how patients participate in patient safety initiatives. Ambiguities remain about how patients participate in routine measures designed to promote patient safety. Systematic review using integrative methods. Electronic databases were searched using keywords describing patient involvement, nursing input and patient safety initiatives to retrieve empirical research published between 2007 and 2013. Findings were synthesized using the theoretical domains of Vincent's framework for analysing risk and safety in clinical practice: "patient", "healthcare provider", "task", "work environment", "organisation & management". We identified 17 empirical research papers: four qualitative, one mixed-method and 12 quantitative designs. All 17 papers indicated that patients can participate in safety initiatives. Improving patient participation in patient safety necessitates considering the patient as a person, the nurse as healthcare provider, the task of participation and the clinical environment. Patients' knowledge, health conditions, beliefs and experiences influence their decisions to engage in patient safety initiatives. An important component of the management of long-term conditions is to ensure that patients have sufficient knowledge to participate. Healthcare providers may need further professional development in patient education and patient care management to promote patient involvement in patient safety, and ensure that patients understand that they are 'allowed' to inform nurses of adverse events or errors. A healthcare system characterised by patient-centredness and mutual acknowledgement will support patient participation in safety practices. Further research is required to improve international knowledge of patient participation in patient safety in different disciplines, contexts and cultures. Patients have a significant role to play in enhancing their own safety while receiving hospital care. This

  5. Electrolyte Concentrations of Intra- and Extracellular Compartments in Some Internal Diseases; Concentration des Electrolytes dans les Compartiments Intra- et Extracellulares, dans Certaines Maladies Internes; ВНУТРИКЛЕТОЧНАЯ И ВНЕКЛЕТОЧНАЯ КОНЦЕНТРАЦИЯ ЭЛЕКТРОЛИТОВ ПРИ НЕКОТОРЫХ ВНУТРЕННИХ ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯХ; Concentraciones de Electrolitos en Comp Artimientos Intra y Extracelulares en Algunas Enfermedades Internas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Itahara, K.; Ito, K.; Tominaga, T.; Jimbo, T.; Sato, T. [Tohoku University, Sendai (Japan)


    It was reported by the authors, at the Third Japanese Conference on Radioisotopes, held in 1959, that they had measured the total body water (D{sub 2}O space), extracellular fluid volume (mannitol space) and total exchangeable sodium and potassium in oedematous and hypertensive patients. In the present paper, they report their studies of the sodium and potassium concentrations in extra- and intracellular fluids, using Na{sup 24} and K{sup 42}, in patients with essential hypertension, primary aldosteronism and periodic paralysis. The Na{sub e} (expressed as mEq/kg body weight) in ten hypertensive patients was 45.2 (normal 39.5) on an average, and the average value of Ke in 14 of these cases was 32,5 (normal 42.7). The ratio of intracellular concentration K/Na was 1.8 (normal 2.9) and the ratio of intra- and extracellular potassium concentrations was 26.6 (normal 28.4) on an average. It was therefore considered that in these, patients potassium was excreted from the urine by an increase in K- clearance and its content was thus decreased in the total body. In two cases Of primary aldosteronism, one case with paralytic attacks had an increased value (37.2) of this potassium concentration ratio and the other case without paralytic attack had a normal value (29.5). In another two patients with non-familial periodic paralysis, this concentration ratio of extra- and intracellular potassium was 42.8 and 48.7 respectively, during the induced attack, while potassium excretion in the urine was not increased. It was demonstrated that transmineralization had developed from extra- into intracellular fluids. When a complete or incomplete paralysis was induced by glucose and insulin in five out of eight patients with a paralytic history, this concentration ratio was over 38.0 during each attack. It was also disclosed that an increase in this value was correlated with the severity of the paralysis. The pathogenesis of paralysis therefore seems to be due to the difference in intra

  6. Patients' and healthcare workers' perceptions of a patient safety advisory. (United States)

    Schwappach, David L B; Frank, Olga; Koppenberg, Joachim; Müller, Beat; Wasserfallen, Jean-Blaise


    To assess patients' and healthcare workers' (hcw) attitudes and experiences with a patient safety advisory, to investigate predictors for patients' safety-related behaviors and determinants for staff support for the advisory. Cross-sectional surveys of patients (n= 1053) and hcw (n= 275). Three Swiss hospitals. Patients who received the safety advisory and hcw caring for these patients. Patient safety advisory disseminated to patients at the study hospitals. Attitudes towards and experiences with the advisory. Hcw support for the intervention and patients' intentions to apply the recommendations were modelled using regression analyses. Patients (95%) and hcw (78%) agreed that hospitals should educate patients how to prevent errors. Hcw and patients' evaluations of the safety advisory were positive and followed a similar pattern. Patients' intentions to engage in safety were significantly predicted by behavioral control, subjective norms, attitudes, safety behaviors during hospitalization and experiences with taking action. Hcw support for the campaign was predicted by rating of the advisory (Odds ratio (OR) 3.4, confidence interval (CI) 1.8-6.1, Ppatients (OR 1.9, CI 1.1-3.3, P= 0.034) and experience of unpleasant situations (OR 0.6, CI 0.4-1.0, P= 0.035). The safety advisory was well accepted by patients and hcw. To be successful, the advisory should be accompanied by measures that target norms and barriers in patients, and support staff in dealing with difficult situations.

  7. Patient information in radiooncology. Results of a patient survey

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaefer, C.; Dietl, B.; Putnik, K.; Altmann, D.; Herbst, M.; Marienhagen, J.


    Background: As a result of increased interest and public demand, providing patients with adequate information about radiooncology has become more and more difficult for the doctor. Insufficient patient information can not only cause anxiety for the patient, but can also lead to legal action against the physician. In order to gain a deeper insight into our clinical practice of providing patient information, we developed a special questionnaire. We describe our first experiences in using this questionnaire at our institute. Patients and methods: We examine the amount of information and level of satisfaction, as well as the agreement of assessment between patient and physician after the provision of standard patient information before and at the end of radiotherapy. 51 consecutive patients were interviewed with a newly designed questionnaire. The first questioning with 13 items was carried out before radiotherapy and the second with ten items was done at the end of treatment. Sum scores for information and satisfaction were defined and agreement was measured by the weighted κ coefficient. Results: Global level of information and satisfaction was good, and a significant increase in information level and a significant decline in satisfaction were seen between questionnaire 1 and 2. Agreement between patient and physician was fair, for example intent of treatment resulted in a κ coefficient of 0.34, and poor for the doctor's role with a κ coefficient of -0.002. Only 52% of the patients who received palliative radiotherapy rated correctly the non-curative intent of treatment, whereas 86% of the patients who received curative radiotherapy made a correct statement. Before radiotherapy, emotional state was often both negatively and positively assessed by the patients. Conclusion: Our short questionnaire is simple and easy to understand. It provides insights into patient information with respect to assessment of the information, satisfaction level, and agreement between

  8. Patient participation in transitional care of older patients


    Dyrstad, Dagrunn Nåden


    PhD thesis in Health, medicine and welfare Background: Older patients often have several health challenges, with multiple medications, which leads to a need of treatment and care from diverse healthcare services. These patients are often in need of transitions from different levels of care, specifically during hospital admission and discharge. Patient participation is highlighted and stated in patients’ rights and healthcare directives, with patients being informed and involved in all trea...

  9. Does patient satisfaction affect patient loyalty? (United States)

    Kessler, Daniel P; Mylod, Deirdre


    This paper aims to investigate how patient satisfaction affects propensity to return, i.e. loyalty. Data from 678 hospitals were matched using three sources. Patient satisfaction data were obtained from Press Ganey Associates, a leading survey firm; process-based quality measures and hospital characteristics (such as ownership and teaching status) and geographic areas were obtained from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The frequency with which end-of-life patients return to seek treatment at the same hospital was obtained from the Dartmouth Atlas. The study uses regression analysis to estimate satisfaction's effects on patient loyalty, while holding process-based quality measures and hospital and market characteristics constant. There is a statistically significant link between satisfaction and loyalty. Although satisfaction's effect overall is relatively small, contentment with certain hospitalization experience may be important. The link between satisfaction and loyalty is weaker for high-satisfaction hospitals, consistent with other studies in the marketing literature. RESEARCH LIMITATION/IMPLICATIONS: The US hospitals analyzed are not a random sample; the results are most applicable to large, non-profit teaching hospitals in competitive markets. Satisfaction ratings have business implications for healthcare providers and may be useful as a management tool for private and public purchasers. The paper is the first to show that patient satisfaction affects actual hospital choices in a large sample. Because patient satisfaction ratings are also correlated with other quality measures, the findings suggest a pathway through which individuals naturally gravitate toward higher-quality care.

  10. Using patient acuity data to manage patient care outcomes and patient care costs. (United States)

    Van Slyck, A; Johnson, K R


    This article describes actual reported uses for patient acuity data that go beyond historical uses in determining staffing allocations. These expanded uses include managing patient care outcomes and health care costs. The article offers the patient care executive examples of how objective, valid, and reliable data are used to drive approaches to effectively influence decision making in an increasingly competitive health care environment.

  11. Can "patient keeper" help in-patients? (United States)

    Al-Hinnawi, M F


    The aim of this paper is to present our "Patient Keeper" application, which is a client-server medical application. "Patient Keeper" is designed to run on a mobile phone for the client application and on a PC for the server application using J2ME and JAVA2, respectively. This application can help doctors during visits to their patients in hospitals. The client application allows doctors to store on their mobile phones the results of their diagnoses and findings such as temperature, blood pressure, medications, analysis, etc., and send this information to the server via short message service (SMS) for storage in a database. The server can also respond to any request from the client and send the result via Bluetooth, infrared, or over the air. Experimental results showed a significant improvement of the healthcare delivery and reduction for in-patient stay.

  12. The relationship between physician humility, physician-patient communication, and patient health. (United States)

    Ruberton, Peter M; Huynh, Ho P; Miller, Tricia A; Kruse, Elliott; Chancellor, Joseph; Lyubomirsky, Sonja


    Cultural portrayals of physicians suggest an unclear and even contradictory role for humility in the physician-patient relationship. Despite the social importance of humility, however, little empirical research has linked humility in physicians with patient outcomes or the characteristics of the doctor-patient visit. The present study investigated the relationship between physician humility, physician-patient communication, and patients' perceptions of their health during a planned medical visit. Primary care physician-patient interactions (297 patients across 100 physicians) were rated for the physician's humility and the effectiveness of the physician-patient communication. Additionally, patients reported their overall health and physicians and patients reported their satisfaction with the interaction. Within-physician fluctuations in physician humility and self-reported patient health positively predicted one another, and mean-level differences in physician humility predicted effective physician-patient communication, even when controlling for the patient's and physician's satisfaction with the visit and the physician's frustration with the patient. The results suggest that humble, rather than paternalistic or arrogant, physicians are most effective at working with their patients. Interventions to improve physician humility may promote better communication between health care providers and patients, and, in turn, better patient outcomes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Locoregional recurrence in patients suffering from a triple-negative breast cancer: interest of a systematic adjuvant ganglionary irradiation; Recidives locoregionales chez les patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein triple-negatif: interet d'une irradiation ganglionnaire adjuvante systematique?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clerc, J.; Sunyach, M.P.; Duruisseaux, M.; Mignotte, H.; Bajard, A.; Tredan, O.; Carrie, C.; Arnaud, A. [Centre Leon-Berard, Lyon (France)


    The authors report the assessment of locoregional recurrence percentage within women suffering from a triple-negative breast cancer without ganglionary attack, in order to examine the interest of a systematic adjuvant ganglionary irradiation. Nearly 250 women have been treated for a breast cancer between 1999 and 2009 in the Leon-Berard Centre in Lyons. All had surgery followed or not by a chemotherapy and/or a radiotherapy. The locoregional recurrence rate is not very high, but the authors cannot yet be sure to systematically propose this treatment. Short communication

  14. Three-dimensional brachytherapy optimization techniques in the treatment of patients with cervix cancer; Apport des techniques de curietherapie optimisee grace a l'imagerie tridimensionnelle dans la prise en charge des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du col uterin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haie-Meder, C.; Mazeron, R.; Verezesan, O.; Monnier, L.; Vieillot, S. [Institut Gustave-Roussy, Service de Curietherapie, 94 - Villejuif (France); Dumas, I. [Institut Gustave-Roussy, Service de Physique, 94 - Villejuif (France); Lhomme, C. [Institut Gustave-Roussy, Service d' Ooncologie Gynecologique, 94 - Villejuif (France); Morice, P. [Institut Gustave-Roussy, Service de Chirurgie Oncologique, 94 - Villejuif (France); Barillot, I. [Centre Regional Universitaire de Cancerologie Henry-S.-Kaplan, Hopital Bretonneau, CHU de Tours, 37 - Tours (France); Universite Francois-Rabelais, 37 - Tours (France)


    Traditionally, prescription and treatment planning in intracavitary brachytherapy for cervix cancer have used either reference points (mainly points A and B) or reference isodoses (60 Gy according to ICRU recommendations) to report doses to the target volume. Doses to critical organs were reported at bladder and rectum ICRU points. This practice has been supported by a long-standing clinical experience that has yielded an acceptable therapeutic ratio. The recent development of imaging has contributed to the improvement in target and organs at risk knowledge. In 2005 and 2006, the European group of brachytherapy -European Society for therapeutic radiology and oncology (GEC-E.S.T.R.O.) recommendations publications on 3-D based image brachytherapy have defined the different volumes of interest. These recommendations have been validated with intercomparison delineation studies. With the concomitant development of remote after-loading projectors, provided with miniaturized sources, it is now possible to plan radiation doses by adjusting dwell positions and relative dwell time values. These procedures allow better coverage of the targets while sparing O.A.R.. The recent literature data evidence a significant improvement in local control with no increase in complications. Further studies are needed to better define the dose recommended in both tumour and organs at risk. This is one of the goals of the European study on MRI-guided brachytherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer (E.M.B.R.A.C.E.) protocol (meaning of acronym: an international study on MRI-guided brachytherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer). (authors)

  15. Using Patient Portals to Increase Engagement in Patients with Cancer. (United States)

    Rodriguez, Elizabeth S


    To review patient portals which serve as a tool for patient engagement by increasing access to electronic health care information and expanding ways to communicate with health care providers. Reviews of the literature and first-hand experience. Meaningful Use requirements propelled the design and development of patient portals in recent years. Patient engagement in oncology can improve quality of life and outcomes. Oncology nurses facilitate patient adoption of patient portals and support usage. Patient education helps manage communication expectations and understanding of online medical information. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Corrosion of magnesium and some magnesium alloys in gas cooled reactors; Corrosion du magnesium et de certains de ses alliages dans les piles refroidies par gaz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caillat, R; Darras, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The results of corrosion tests on magnesium and some magnesium alloys (Mg-Zr and Mg-Zr-Zn) in moist air (like G1 reactor) and in CO{sub 2}: (like G2, G3, EDF1 reactors) are reported. The maximum temperature for exposure of magnesium to moist air without any risk of corrosion is 350 deg. C. Indeed, the oxidation rate follows a linear law above 350 deg. C although it reaches a constant level and keeps on very low under 350 deg. C. However, as far as corrosion is concerned this temperature limit can be raised up to 500 deg. C if moist air is very slightly charged with fluorinated compounds. Under pressure of CO{sub 2}, these three materials oxidate much more slowly even if 500 deg. C is reached. The higher is the temperature, the higher is the constant level of the weight increase and the quicker is reached this one. However, Mg-Zr alloy behaves quite better than pure magnesium and especially than Mg-Zr-Zn alloy. (author)Fren. [French] On expose essentiellement les resultats d'etudes sur la corrosion du magnesium et de certains de ses alliages (Mg-Zr et Mg-Zr-Zn) dans l'air humide (cas de la pile G1) et dans le gaz carbonique (cas des piles G2, G3, EDF1, etc...). La temperature limite d'exposition du magnesium dans l'air humide sans risque de corrosion se situe a 350 deg. C; en effet l'oxydation a un caractere lineaire au-dessus de cette temperature, alors qu'elle atteint un palier et reste tres limitee au-dessous de 350 deg. C. Du point de vue de la corrosion, cette temperature limite d'emploi peut cependant etre elevee jusqu'a 500 deg. C si l'on introduit dans l'air humide de tres faibles teneurs de composes fluores. Dans le gaz carbonique sous pression, l'oxydation est beaucoup plus faible, meme jusqu'a 50g. C pour les trois materiaux: l'augmentation de poids atteint un palier d'autant plus eleve et ceci d'autant plus rapidement que la temperature est elle-meme plus elevee. Cependant, l'alliage Mg-Zr se comporte nettement mieux que le magnesium pur et surtout que l

  17. Corrosion of magnesium and some magnesium alloys in gas cooled reactors; Corrosion du magnesium et de certains de ses alliages dans les piles refroidies par gaz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caillat, R.; Darras, R. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The results of corrosion tests on magnesium and some magnesium alloys (Mg-Zr and Mg-Zr-Zn) in moist air (like G1 reactor) and in CO{sub 2}: (like G2, G3, EDF1 reactors) are reported. The maximum temperature for exposure of magnesium to moist air without any risk of corrosion is 350 deg. C. Indeed, the oxidation rate follows a linear law above 350 deg. C although it reaches a constant level and keeps on very low under 350 deg. C. However, as far as corrosion is concerned this temperature limit can be raised up to 500 deg. C if moist air is very slightly charged with fluorinated compounds. Under pressure of CO{sub 2}, these three materials oxidate much more slowly even if 500 deg. C is reached. The higher is the temperature, the higher is the constant level of the weight increase and the quicker is reached this one. However, Mg-Zr alloy behaves quite better than pure magnesium and especially than Mg-Zr-Zn alloy. (author)Fren. [French] On expose essentiellement les resultats d'etudes sur la corrosion du magnesium et de certains de ses alliages (Mg-Zr et Mg-Zr-Zn) dans l'air humide (cas de la pile G1) et dans le gaz carbonique (cas des piles G2, G3, EDF1, etc...). La temperature limite d'exposition du magnesium dans l'air humide sans risque de corrosion se situe a 350 deg. C; en effet l'oxydation a un caractere lineaire au-dessus de cette temperature, alors qu'elle atteint un palier et reste tres limitee au-dessous de 350 deg. C. Du point de vue de la corrosion, cette temperature limite d'emploi peut cependant etre elevee jusqu'a 500 deg. C si l'on introduit dans l'air humide de tres faibles teneurs de composes fluores. Dans le gaz carbonique sous pression, l'oxydation est beaucoup plus faible, meme jusqu'a 50g. C pour les trois materiaux: l'augmentation de poids atteint un palier d'autant plus eleve et ceci d'autant plus rapidement que la temperature est elle-meme plus elevee. Cependant, l

  18. Forced convection of ammonia. 2. part.: gaseous ammonia - very high wall temperatures (1000 to 3000 K); Convection forcee de l'ammoniac. 2. partie: ammoniac gazeux - cas de tres hautes temperatures de paroi (1000 a 3000{sup 0} K)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perroud, P; Rebiere, J; Strittmatter, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop of gaseous ammonia in forced convection are experimentally determined. The fluid flows (mass flow rate 0.6 to 2.4 g/s) in a long tungsten tube (d{sub i} = 2.8 mm, d{sub e} = 5.1 mm, L = 700 mm) electrically heated. The temperature of the wall reaches 3000 deg. K and the fluid 2500 deg. K; maximum heat flux 530 w/cm{sup 2}. Ammonia is completely dissociated and the power necessary for dissociation reaches 30 per cent of the total power exchanged. Inlet pressure varies between 6 and 16 bars and the maximum pressure drop in the tube reaches 15 bars. Two regimes of dissociation have been shown: catalytic and homogeneous and the variation of dissociation along the length of the tube is studied. The measured heat transfer coefficients may be about 10 times these calculated by the means of classical formulae. A correlation of experimental results using enthalpy as a driving force for heat transmission is presented. Pressure drops may be calculated by the means of a classical friction factor. (authors) [French] On determine experimentalement les coefficients d'echange thermique et les pertes de charge de l'ammoniac gazeux en convection forcee. Le fluide circule avec un debit en masse compris entre 0.6 et 2.4 g/s (G = 10 a 40 g/cm{sup 2}.s) dans un tube long en tungstene (d{sub i} = 2.8 mm, d{sub e} = 5.1 mm, L = 700 mm), chauffe electriquement. La temperature de paroi atteint 3000 deg. K, celle du fluide 2500 deg. K et le flux de chaleur maximal est de 530 W/cm{sup 2}. L'ammoniac se dissocie completement, la puissance correspondant a la dissociation atteint 30 pour cent de la puissance totale echangee. La pression d'entree varie entre 6 et 16 bars et la chute de pression maximale dans le canal est de 15 bars. On distingue deux regimes de dissociation, catalytique et homogene, et on etudie la variation du taux de dissociation en fonction de la longueur du tube. Les coefficients d'echange thermique mesures peuvent etre environ 10

  19. Patient-Centeredness as Physician Behavioral Adaptability to Patient Preferences. (United States)

    Carrard, Valérie; Schmid Mast, Marianne; Jaunin-Stalder, Nicole; Junod Perron, Noëlle; Sommer, Johanna


    A physician who communicates in a patient-centered way is a physician who adapts his or her communication style to what each patient needs. In order to do so, the physician has to (1) accurately assess each patient's states and traits (interpersonal accuracy) and (2) possess a behavioral repertoire to choose from in order to actually adapt his or her behavior to different patients (behavioral adaptability). Physician behavioral adaptability describes the change in verbal or nonverbal behavior a physician shows when interacting with patients who have different preferences in terms of how the physician should interact with them. We hypothesized that physician behavioral adaptability to their patients' preferences would lead to better patient outcomes and that physician interpersonal accuracy was positively related to behavioral adaptability. To test these hypotheses, we recruited 61 physicians who completed an interpersonal accuracy test before being videotaped during four consultations with different patients. The 244 participating patients indicated their preferences for their physician's interaction style prior to the consultation and filled in a consultation outcomes questionnaire directly after the consultation. We coded the physician's verbal and nonverbal behavior for each of the consultations and compared it to the patients' preferences to obtain a measure of physician behavioral adaptability. Results partially confirmed our hypotheses in that female physicians who adapted their nonverbal (but not their verbal) behavior had patients who reported more positive consultation outcomes. Moreover, the more female physicians were accurate interpersonally, the more they showed verbal and nonverbal behavioral adaptability. For male physicians, more interpersonal accuracy was linked to less nonverbal adaptability.

  20. Patient opinion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zurita, Laura; Nøhr, Christian


    The paper is based upon a case study and aims to provide information abouit patients values and communication that will be useful in the design of more patient friendly health system.......The paper is based upon a case study and aims to provide information abouit patients values and communication that will be useful in the design of more patient friendly health system....

  1. Remote Patient Management for Home Dialysis Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eric L. Wallace


    Full Text Available Remote patient management (RPM offers renal health care providers and patients with end-stage kidney disease opportunities to embrace home dialysis therapies with greater confidence and the potential to obtain better clinical outcomes. Barriers and evidence required to increase adoption of RPM by the nephrology community need to be clearly defined. Ten health care providers from specialties including nephrology, cardiology, pediatrics, epidemiology, nursing, and health informatics with experience in home dialysis and the use of RPM systems gathered in Vienna, Austria to discuss opportunities for, barriers to, and system requirements of RPM as it applies to the home dialysis patient. Although improved outcomes and cost-effectiveness of RPM have been demonstrated in patients with diabetes mellitus and heart disease, only observational data on RPM have been gathered in patients on dialysis. The current review focused on RPM systems currently in use, on how RPM should be integrated into future care, and on the evidence needed for optimized implementation to improve clinical and economic outcomes. Randomized controlled trials and/or large observational studies could inform the most effective and economical use of RPM in home dialysis. These studies are needed to establish the value of existing and/or future RPM models among patients, policy makers, and health care providers.

  2. Emerging versions of patient involvement with Patient Reported Outcomes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langstrup, Henriette

    It is a central argument in the growing Danish PRO-arena, that a large-scale collection of PRO from patients in the Danish Healthcare system will pave the way for more genuine patient involvement in clinical decision-making, quality management and governance of the health services. In this paper I...... discuss how patient involvement is being (re)configured when increasingly connected to national visions of participatory healthcare. A central discussion centers on ‘meaningful use’ of patient-generated data promoting patients’ expectations and experiences as a criterion for how to proceed...... with the national use of PRO. But how do assumptions of what constitutes meaning for patients interact with the kinds of roles that patients are expected to take on with PROtools? What forms of participation are assumed to be meaningful and thus good and which are not? In sketching emerging versions of patient...

  3. Communication and patient participation influencing patient recall of treatment discussions. (United States)

    Richard, Claude; Glaser, Emma; Lussier, Marie-Thérèse


    Patient recall of treatment information is a key variable towards chronic disease (CD) management. It is unclear what communication and patient participation characteristics predict recall. To assess what aspects of doctor-patient communication predict patient recall of medication information. To describe lifestyle treatment recall, in CD primary care patients. Observational study within a RCT. Community-based primary care (PC) practices. Family physicians (n=18): practicing >5 years, with a CD patient caseload. Patients (n=159): >40 years old, English speaking, computer literate, off-target hypertension, type II diabetes and/or dyslipidaemia. Patient characteristics: age, education, number of CDs. Information characteristics: length of encounter, medication status, medication class. Communication variables: socio-emotional utterances, physician dominance and communication control scores and PACE (ask, check and express) utterances, measured by RIAS. Number of medication themes, dialogue and initiative measured by MEDICODE. Recall of CD, lifestyle treatment and medication information. Frequency of lifestyle discussions varied by topic. Patients recalled 43% (alcohol), 52% (diet) to 70% (exercise) of discussions. Two and a half of six possible medication themes were broached per medication discussion. Less than one was recalled. Discussing more themes, greater dialogue and patient initiative were significant predictors of improved medication information recall. Critical treatment information is infrequently exchanged. Active patient engagement and explicit conversations about medications are associated with improved treatment information recall in off-target CD patients followed in PC. Providers cannot take for granted that long-term off-target CD patients recall information. They need to encourage patient participation to improve recall of treatment information. © 2016 The Authors. Health Expectations Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Le mal de Pott: à propos de 82 cas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Badr Fedoul


    Full Text Available Nous rapportant dans cette étude, les résultats de l’expérience du service de neurochirurgie du CHU Hassan II de Fès dans la prise en charge du mal de pott dans la région de Fès. Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective de quatre-vingt-deux cas; étalée sur une période de cinq ans (janvier 2002 au décembre 2006. L’objectif de ce travail était d’illustrer les différents aspects épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques de la localisation vertébrale de la tuberculose dans notre pratique. L'âge moyen de nos patients était de 43,1 ans, avec une légère prédominance féminine (53,82%. La durée d'évolution de la maladie était longue (dix mois en moyenne; ceci est expliquée par la symptomatologie initiale insidieuse faite de rachialgies (98,78% et une admission des patients au stade de complications neurologiques (41,46%. La radiographie standard était réalisée chez tous nos patients, et complétée par la TDM dans 86.58% des cas ce qui a permis de déceler la prédominance de l'atteinte dorsale et lombaire. L'IRM est l'examen de choix, elle était demandée chez tous les malades déficitaires (37,8%.Tous nos patients ont bénéficié d'un traitement antibacillaire associé à une immobilisation du foyer pottique. Une décompression par voie antérieure était réalisée chez 29 patients (35,36 %; alors que la laminectomie n'était pratiquée que chez 5 patients (6.09 %, tandis que l'évacuation de l'abcès de psoas était réalisée chez 25 patients (30,48 %. Le diagnostic de certitude histologique était posé dans 51 cas (62,19%. Les meilleurs résultats étaient obtenus chez les malades opérés par voie antérieure, 26 cas (89,65% de récupération totale et 3 cas (10,34% partielle. L'évolution vers la consolidation et la fusion vertébrale était la règle chez tous nos malades et ceci au bout de 4 à 18 mois après le traitement.

  5. Importance of doctor-patient relationship for patient adherence with medication regimes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sokolowski, Ineta; Vedsted, Peter

    Aim: It has been supposed that the relation between the doctor and the patient has implications for the adherence to medication. This study explores the effect of patient reported doctor-patient relationship on patient adherence with medication regiments. Methods: Design: Prospective cohort study...... practices. Doctor-patient relationship was measured from The Danish version of the 23-item EUROPEP questionnaire measuring patient evaluation of general practice. From the register data on prescriptions we drew all subsidised drugs redeemed at pharmacies for each patient in 2002-2005. Patients, who did...... was measured as secondary non-compliance and as persistence. The incidence rate ratio of non-adherence was calculated for different levels of the patient evaluated doctor-patient-relationship. Results: A total of 482 patients started new treatment of which 98 were non-compliant and 7 were censored. This study...

  6. Patient satisfaction with doctor-patient interactions: a mixed methods study among diabetes mellitus patients in Pakistan. (United States)

    Jalil, Aisha; Zakar, Rubeena; Zakar, Muhammad Zakria; Fischer, Florian


    Patient satisfaction with doctor-patient interactions is an indicator of physicians' competence. The satisfaction of diabetes patients is rarely studied in public diabetes clinics of Pakistan. Thus, this study aims to analyse the association between patient satisfaction and five dimensions of medical interaction: technical expertise, interpersonal aspects, communication, consultation time, and access/availability. A cross-sectional mixed methods study was conducted during July and August 2015 in the largest public diabetes outpatient clinic in Punjab province. We used the criterion sampling method to identify 1164 patients who: (i) were adult (18 years and above), (ii) had diabetes mellitus, (iii) had made at least three previous visits to the same clinic. The data was collected through face-to-face interviews. The structured part of the questionnaire was based on demographic characteristics and the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ-III). We translated the questionnaire into Urdu and pretested it with 25 patients in a similar context. Data storage and analysis were carried out using SPSS (version 22.0). Bivariate analyses and multinomial logistic regression model were used to generate the quantitative findings. Out of the 1164 eligible patients approached for interviews, 1095 patients completed the structured questionnaire and 186 respondents provided qualitative information in comments section. We conducted a thematic content analysis of qualitative responses in order to explain the quantitative findings. Demographic characteristics such as gender, education and occupation were significantly associated with the levels of patient satisfaction. The dimensions of doctor-patient interaction were significantly associated with patient satisfaction: technical expertise (OR = .87; 95% CI = .84-.91), interpersonal aspects (OR = .82; 95% CI = .77-.87), communication (OR = .83; 95% CI = .78-.89), time dimension (OR = .90; 95% CI = .81

  7. Quality of Doctor-Patient Communication through the Eyes of the Patient: Variation According to the Patient's Educational Level (United States)

    Aelbrecht, Karolien; Rimondini, Michela; Bensing, Jozien; Moretti, Francesca; Willems, Sara; Mazzi, Mariangela; Fletcher, Ian; Deveugele, Myriam


    Good doctor-patient communication may lead to better compliance, higher patient satisfaction, and finally, better health. Although the social variance in how physicians and patients communicate is clearly demonstrated, little is known about what patients with different educational attainments actually prefer in doctor-patient communication. In…



    SMADI, Ahlem


    Le cancer colorectal est de loin le type de cancer le plus facile à prévenir grâce à un régime alimentaire adéquat. Des recherches montrent qu'il existe un lien entre l'alimentation et le risque de cancer colorectal. Le régime nutritionnel, la taille et le tabagisme sont fortement associés à l'incidence du cancer du colon. Bien qu'un caractère héréditaire ait pu être décrit dans certains cas, les principaux facteurs de risque en ce qui concerne le cancer colorectal relèvent tout d...

  9. Clinical use of patient decision-making aids for stone patients. (United States)

    Lim, Amy H; Streeper, Necole M; Best, Sara L; Penniston, Kristina L; Nakada, Stephen Y


    Patient decision-making aids (PDMAs) help patients make informed healthcare decisions and improve patient satisfaction. The utility of PDMAs for patients considering treatments for urolithiasis has not yet been published. We report our experience using PDMAs developed at our institution in the outpatient clinical setting in patients considering a variety of treatment options for stones. Patients with radiographically confirmed urolithiasis were given PDMAs regarding treatment options for their stone(s) based on their clinical profile. We assessed patients' satisfaction, involvedness, and feeling of making a more informed decision with utilization of the PDMAs using a Likert Scale Questionnaire. Information was also collected regarding previous stone passage, history and type of surgical intervention for urolithiasis, and level of education. Patients (n = 43; 18 males, 23 females and two unknown) 53 +/- 14years old were included. Patients reported that they understood the advantages and disadvantages outlined in the PDMAs (97%), that the PDMAs helped them make a more informed decision (83%) and felt more involved in the decision making process (88%). Patients reported that the aids were presented in a balanced manner and used up-to-date scientific information (100%, 84% respectively). Finally, a majority of the patients prefer an expert's opinion when making a treatment decision (98%) with 73% of patients preferring to form their own opinion based on available information. Previous stone surgery was associated with patients feeling more involved with the decision making process (p = 0.0465). PDMAs have a promising role in shared decision-making in the setting of treatment options for nephrolithiasis.

  10. Organizational Processes and Patient Experiences in the Patient-centered Medical Home. (United States)

    Aysola, Jaya; Schapira, Marilyn M; Huo, Hairong; Werner, Rachel M


    There is increasing emphasis on the use of patient-reported experience data to assess practice performance, particularly in the setting of patient-centered medical homes. Yet we lack understanding of what organizational processes relate to patient experiences. Examine associations between organizational processes practices adopt to become PCMH and patient experiences with care. We analyzed visit data from patients (n=8356) at adult primary care practices (n=22) in a large health system. We evaluated the associations between practice organizational processes and patient experience using generalized estimating equations (GEE) with an exchangeable correlation structure to account for patient clustering by practice in multivariate models, adjusting for several practice-level and patient-level characteristics. We evaluated if these associations varied by race/ethnicity, insurance type, and the degree of patient comorbidity MEASURES:: Predictors include overall PCMH adoption and adoption of six organizational processes: access and communications, patient tracking and registry, care management, test referral tracking, quality improvement and external coordination. Primary outcome was overall patient experience. In our full sample, overall PCMH adoption score was not significantly associated with patient experience outcomes. However, among subpopulations with higher comorbidities, the overall PCMH adoption score was positively associated with overall patient experience measures [0.2 (0.06, 0.4); P=0.006]. Differences by race/ethnicity and insurance type in associations between specific organizational processes and patient experience were noted. Although some organizational processes relate to patients' experiences with care irrespective of the background of the patient, further efforts are needed to align practice efforts with patient experience.

  11. Patient-centered medical homes for patients with disabilities. (United States)

    Hernandez, Brigida; Damiani, Marco; Wang, T Arthur; Driscoll, Carolyn; Dellabella, Peter; LePera, Nicole; Mentari, Michael


    The patient-centered medical home is an innovative approach to improve health care outcomes. To address the unique needs of patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs), a large health care provider reevaluated the National Committee for Quality Assurance's 6 medical home standards: (a) enhance access and continuity, (b) identify and manage patient populations, (c) plan and manage care, (d) provide self-care and community support, (e) track and coordinate care, and (f) measure and improve performance. This article describes issues to consider when serving patients with IDDs.


    Snyder, Claire F.; Jensen, Roxanne E.; Segal, Jodi B.; Wu, Albert W.


    Patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) aims to improve care quality and patient outcomes by providing information that patients, clinicians, and family members need regarding treatment alternatives, and emphasizing patient input to inform the research process. PCOR capitalizes on available data sources and generates new evidence to provide timely and relevant information and can be conducted using prospective data collection, disease registries, electronic medical records, aggregated results from prior research, and administrative claims. Given PCOR’s emphasis on the patient perspective, methods to incorporate patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are critical. PROs are defined by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration as “Any report coming directly from patients… about a health condition and its treatment.” However, PROs have not routinely been collected in a way that facilitates their use in PCOR. Electronic medical records, disease registries, and administrative data have only rarely collected, or been linked to, PROs. Recent technological developments facilitate the electronic collection of PROs and linkage of PRO data, offering new opportunities for putting the patient perspective in PCOR. This paper describes the importance of and methods for using PROs for PCOR. We (1) define PROs; (2) identify how PROs can be used in PCOR, and the critical role of electronic data methods for facilitating the use of PRO data in PCOR; (3) outline the challenges and key unanswered questions that need to be addressed for the routine use of PROs in PCOR; and (4) discuss policy and research interventions to accelerate the integration of PROs with clinical data. PMID:23774513

  13. Patient satisfaction after receiving dental treatment among patients ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Patient satisfaction is one of the indicators of the quality of care. Therefore it is one of the tools for evaluating the quality of care. Aim: To determine patient satisfaction after receiving dental treatment among patients attending public dental clinics in Dar-Es-Salaam. Material and methods: Five public dental clinics ...

  14. Learning from patients: students' perceptions of patient-instructors. (United States)

    Henriksen, Ann-Helen; Ringsted, Charlotte


    Prior research on the use of patients as teachers has focused on testing the effectiveness of this practice and exploring its benefits for students. However, very little is known about the added value of patient teaching and how it relates to patient-centred learning. The aim of this study was to explore whether there is added value in using patients as instructors in health professions education and, if there is, to examine how it is constituted. Group interviews were conducted with physiotherapy and occupational therapy students who had attended a 3-hour optional class entitled 'Thoughtful joint examination and respectful patient contact'. This class was delivered by patient-instructors (PIs), who were patients with rheumatism certified to teach. A semi-structured interview guide was used. Interviews continued until data saturation occurred (seven interviews). The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using content analysis. The main finding of this study is that PI sessions facilitate a learning environment in which the content matter is complemented by the provision of realism and individual perspectives on rheumatism, the pedagogical format is characterised by authenticity and intimacy in the style of instruction and feedback, and the PI-student relationship is characterised by balanced teacher-student power relations that support the legitimacy of learning and make space for the asking of questions and the making of mistakes. This study indicates that, in terms of power relations, the PI-student relationship differs from those between faculty teachers and students, and students and patients in the clinic. The formation of a professional identity by students may clash with the fulfilment of their learning tasks in the clinical environment. The study indicates that patient-centredness can be fostered in the PI-student relationship. This is probably supported by the absence of faculty staff involvement in PI teaching sessions

  15. Patient-centered communication strategies for patients with aphasia: discrepancies between what patients want and what physicians do. (United States)

    Morris, Megan A; Clayman, Marla L; Peters, Kaitlin J; Leppin, Aaron L; LeBlanc, Annie


    Communication during clinical encounters can be challenging with patients with communication disabilities. Physicians have the potential to positively affect the encounter by using communication strategies that engage the patient in patient-centered communication. We engaged patients and their physicians in defining their preferences for patient-centered communication strategies, then evaluated the use of the identified strategies during observed clinical encounters. We video-recorded 25 clinical encounters with persons with aphasia. All encounters were previously scheduled with community physicians and a companion was present. Following each encounter, physicians completed a brief questionnaire and the person with aphasia and his or her companion participated in a video elicitation interview. While many of the communication strategies identified and described by physicians, patients and companions were similar, patients and companions identified three additional key communication strategies. These strategies included (1) using visual aids, (2) writing down key words while speaking, and (3) using gestures. In the video recorded clinical encounters, no physicians wrote down key words while speaking and only one used a visual aid during the clinical encounter. The frequency with which physicians used gestures varied greatly, even within the same patient, suggesting the use of gestures was independent of patient or companion characteristics. To maximize patient-centered communication with patients with communication disabilities, physicians should use "disability-specific" communication strategies. Our study suggests that physicians should routinely ask patients and companions about communication preferences and then incorporate identified communication strategies into their communication style. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Patient delay and associated factors among breast cancer patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, M.A.; Khan, M.I.; Andleeb, U.


    Objectives: To stratify patients into various stages, calculate average patient delay and study various causes of delay to presentation. Methodology: This was a one year hospital based cross sectional study at Khyber Teaching Hospital, using non probability consecutive sampling. A simplified staging was used for this study; Early (Stage I), Intermediate (Stage II, III), and Late (Stage IV). A patient was labelled delay when >3 months had elapsed between first symptom perception and first doctor consultation. Results: 80 patients were included with age 21-80 years (mean 45.28+-13.15). 80% of the patients were married, 76.3% (n=61/80) were poor with annual income of <500 US $, 85% of patients were illiterate. The participants from Rural and Urban areas were similar (37 % vs 31%); 15% were from Afghanistan. 80% patients presented with a delay of >3 months. Most common cause of delay was false symptom interpretation in 25.3% (n=17) patients. Conclusion: Late clinical presentation is because of lack of health education, unawareness, misconceptions about treatment and strong belief in traditional medicine resulting in advanced disease. This is worsened by poverty and unavailability of health care services especially in rural areas. (author)

  17. Ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients' emotions when using different patient education methods. (United States)

    Heikkinen, Katja; Salanterä, Sanna; Leppänen, Tiina; Vahlberg, Tero; Leino-Kilpi, Helena


    A randomised controlled trial was used to evaluate elective ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients' emotions during internet-based patient education or face-to-face education with a nurse. The internet-based patient education was designed for this study and patients used websites individually based on their needs. Patients in the control group participated individually in face-to-face patient education with a nurse in the ambulatory surgery unit. The theoretical basis for both types of education was the same. Ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients scored their emotions rather low at intervals throughout the whole surgical process, though their scores also changed during the surgical process. Emotion scores did not decrease after patient education. No differences in patients' emotions were found to result from either of the two different patient education methods.

  18. Medication adherence in type 2 diabetes patients: study of patients ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Medication adherence in type 2 diabetes patients: study of patients in ... impact of medication adherence on the clinical outcomes of type 2 diabetes patients at ... the review of case notes of one-hundred and fifty two randomly selected patients.

  19. The importance of patient-centered care for various patient groups.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, D. de; Delnoij, D.; Rademakers, J.


    Objectives: To assess differences in the importance ascribed to patient-centered care between various patient groups and demographic groups. Methods: Survey data collected using questionnaires were analyzed for patients that underwent hip or knee surgery (n=214), patients suffering from rheumatoid

  20. Communication Skills in Patient-Doctor Interactions: Learning from Patient Complaints

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janine W.Y. Kee


    Full Text Available Purpose: Despite communication skills training in medical school, junior doctors continue to demonstrate poor patient-doctor communication skills, where patient unhappiness from the encounter often manifests as patient complaints. We sought to identify crucial communication skills that should be incorporated in the communications curriculum by learning from patient complaints, to explore how the communication lapses occur. Method: 38 cases of anonymized negative patient feedback about junior doctors were analysed using qualitative content analysis. A two-step fine-coding system involving four researchers was employed. Results: Four main themes of communication errors were identified, namely: non-verbal (eye contact, facial expression and paralanguage, verbal (active listening and inappropriate choice of words, and content (poor quantity and quality of information provided; and poor attitudes (lack of respect and empathy. Discussion: Patient-doctor communication is a complex interpersonal interaction that requires an understanding of each party׳s emotional state. We identified important but overlooked communication lapses such as non-verbal paralinguistic elements that should be incorporated into communications curriculum, with an emphasis on dialectical learning. These include integrating these findings into a simulation-based communications module for training doctors at a post-graduate level as well as monitoring and analyzing patient complaints regularly to iteratively update the content of the training module. Beyond these skills training, there is also a need to highlight negative emotions of doctors in future research, as it influences their communication patterns and attitudes towards patients, ultimately shaping how patients perceive them. Keywords: Communication skills training, Patient complaints, Patient negative feedback, Patient-Doctor communication, Residency training

  1. Transforming Patient Value: Comparison of Hospital, Surgical, and General Surgery Patients. (United States)

    Pitt, Henry A; Tsypenyuk, Ella; Freeman, Susan L; Carson, Steven R; Shinefeld, Jonathan A; Hinkle, Sally M; Powers, Benjamin D; Goldberg, Amy J; DiSesa, Verdi J; Kaiser, Larry R


    Patient value (V) is enhanced when quality (Q) is increased and cost (C) is diminished (V = Q/C). However, calculating value has been inhibited by a lack of risk-adjusted cost data. The aim of this analysis was to measure patient value before and after implementation of quality improvement and cost reduction programs. Multidisciplinary efforts to improve patient value were initiated at a safety-net hospital in 2012. Quality improvement focused on adoption of multiple best practices, and minimizing practice variation was the strategy to control cost. University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) risk-adjusted quality (patient mortality + safety + satisfaction + effectiveness) and cost (length of stay + direct cost) data were used to calculate patient value over 3 fiscal years. Normalized ranks in the UHC Quality and Accountability Scorecard were used in the value equation. For all hospital patients, quality scores improved from 50.3 to 66.5, with most of the change occurring in decreased mortality. Similar trends were observed for all surgery patients (42.6 to 48.4) and for general surgery patients (30.9 to 64.6). For all hospital patients, cost scores improved from 71.0 to 2.9. Similar changes were noted for all surgical (71.6 to 27.1) and general surgery (85.7 to 23.0) patients. Therefore, value increased more than 30-fold for all patients, 3-fold for all surgical patients, and almost 8-fold for general surgery patients. Multidisciplinary quality and cost efforts resulted in significant improvements in value for all hospitalized patients as well as general surgery patients. Mortality improved the most in general surgery patients, and satisfaction was highest among surgical patients. Copyright © 2016 American College of Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. [Influence of patients' attitude on doctors' satisfaction with the doctor-patient relationship]. (United States)

    Xie, Zheng; Qiu, Ze-qi; Zhang, Tuo-hong


    To describe the doctors' satisfaction of the doctor-patient relationship and find out the influencing factors of the patients, gathering evidence to improve the doctor-patient relationship. This study was a cross-sectional study, in which doctors and nurses in 10 hospitals of Beijing, Shandong and Chongqing were surveyed with structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The mean score of the doctors' satisfaction of the doctor-patient relationship was 59.97, which was much lower than the patients'. The patients' socio-demographic characteristics, social economic status (SES) and behavior characteristics influence the interaction of the doctors and the patients. The doctors' satisfaction of the doctor-patient relationship was influenced by the patients' trust. The doctors' perspective is helpful to define the tension and the cause of the doctor-patient relationship. The patients' characteristics have important influence on the doctor-patient relationship. It's necessary to take action on the patients to improve the doctor-patient relationship.

  3. Autoantibody signature differentiates Wilms tumor patients from neuroblastoma patients.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jana Schmitt

    Full Text Available Several studies report autoantibody signatures in cancer. The majority of these studies analyzed adult tumors and compared the seroreactivity pattern of tumor patients with the pattern in healthy controls. Here, we compared the autoimmune response in patients with neuroblastoma and patients with Wilms tumor representing two different childhood tumors. We were able to differentiate untreated neuroblastoma patients from untreated Wilms tumor patients with an accuracy of 86.8%, a sensitivity of 87.0% and a specificity of 86.7%. The separation of treated neuroblastoma patients from treated Wilms tumor patients' yielded comparable results with an accuracy of 83.8%. We furthermore identified the antigens that contribute most to the differentiation between both tumor types. The analysis of these antigens revealed that neuroblastoma was considerably more immunogenic than Wilms tumor. The reported antigens have not been found to be relevant for comparative analyses between other tumors and controls. In summary, neuroblastoma appears as a highly immunogenic tumor as demonstrated by the extended number of antigens that separate this tumor from Wilms tumor.

  4. The evolving concept of "patient-centeredness" in patient-physician communication research. (United States)

    Ishikawa, Hirono; Hashimoto, Hideki; Kiuchi, Takahiro


    Over the past few decades, the concept of "patient-centeredness" has been intensively studied in health communication research on patient-physician interaction. Despite its popularity, this concept has often been criticized for lacking a unified definition and operationalized measurement. This article reviews how health communication research on patient-physician interaction has conceptualized and operationalized patient-centered communication based on four major theoretical perspectives in sociology (i.e., functionalism, conflict theory, utilitarianism, and social constructionism), and discusses the agenda for future research in this field. Each theory addresses different aspects of the patient-physician relationship and communication from different theoretical viewpoints. Patient-centeredness is a multifaceted construct with no single theory that can sufficiently define the whole concept. Different theoretical perspectives of patient-centered communication can be selectively adopted according to the context and nature of problems in the patient-physician relationship that a particular study aims to explore. The present study may provide a useful framework: it offers an overview of the differing models of patient-centered communication and the expected roles and goals in each model; it does so toward identifying a communication model that fits the patient and the context and toward theoretically reconstructing existing measures of patient-centered communication. Furthermore, although patient-centered communication has been defined mainly from the viewpoint of physician's behaviors aimed at achieving patient-centered care, patient competence is also required for patient-centered communication. This needs to be examined in current medical practice. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Ensuring a proactive, evidence-based, patient safety approach to patient assessment. (United States)

    Considine, Julie; Currey, Judy


    To argue that if all nurses were to adopt the primary survey approach (assessment of airway, breathing, circulation and disability) as the first element of patient assessment, they would be more focused on active detection of clinical deterioration rather than passive collection of patient data. Nurses are the professional group that carry the highest level of responsibility for patient assessment, accurate data collection and interpretation. The timely recognition of, and response to deteriorating patients, is dependent on the measurement and interpretation of pertinent physiological data by nurses. Discursive paper. Traditionally taught and commonly used approaches to patient assessment such as 'vital signs' and 'body systems' are not evidence-based nor framed in patient safety. The primary survey approach as the first element in patient assessment has three major advantages: (1) data are collected according to clinical importance; (2) data are collected using the same framework as most organisation's rapid response system activation criteria; and (3) the primary survey acts as a patient safety checklist, thereby decreasing the risk of failure to recognise, and therefore respond to, deteriorating patients. The vital signs and body systems approaches to patient assessment have significant limitations in identifying clinical deterioration. The primary survey approach provides nurses with a consistent, evidence-based and sequenced approach to patient assessment in every clinical setting. All nurses should use a primary survey approach as the first element of patient assessment in every patient encounter as a patient safety strategy. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Labelling patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strudwick, R.M.


    This article looks at how diagnostic radiographers label their patients. An ethnographic study of the workplace culture in one diagnostic imaging department was undertaken using participant observation for four months and semi-structured interviews with ten key informants. One of the key themes; the way in which radiographers label their patients, is explored in this article. It was found from the study that within the department studied the diagnostic radiographers labelled or categorised their patients based on the information that they had. This information is used to form judgements and these judgements were used to assist the radiographers in dealing with the many different people that they encountered in their work. This categorisation and labelling of the patient appears to assist the radiographer in their decision-making processes about the examination to be carried out and the patient they are to image. This is an important aspect of the role of the diagnostic radiographer. - Highlights: • I have studied the culture in one imaging department. • Radiographers label or categorise their patients. • These labels/categories are used to manage the patient. • This is an important aspect of the way in which radiographers work.

  7. Patients' Experiences with and Attitudes towards a Diabetes Patient Web Portal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ronda, Maaike C. M.; Dijkhorst-Oei, Lioe-Ting; Rutten, Guy E. H. M.


    Objective A diabetes patient web portal allows patients to access their personal health record and may improve diabetes outcomes; however, patients' adoption is slow. We aimed to get insight into patients' experiences with a web portal to understand how the portal is being used, how patients

  8. Patient involvement in blood transfusion safety: patients' and healthcare professionals' perspective. (United States)

    Davis, R; Murphy, M F; Sud, A; Noel, S; Moss, R; Asgheddi, M; Abdur-Rahman, I; Vincent, C


    Blood transfusion is one of the major areas where serious clinical consequences, even death, related to patient misidentification can occur. In the UK, healthcare professional compliance with pre-transfusion checking procedures which help to prevent misidentification errors is poor. Involving patients at a number of stages in the transfusion pathway could help prevent the occurrence of these incidents. To investigate patients' willingness to be involved and healthcare professionals' willingness to support patient involvement in pre-transfusion checking behaviours. A cross-sectional design was employed assessing willingness to participate in pre-transfusion checking behaviours (patient survey) and willingness to support patient involvement (healthcare professional survey) on a scale of 1-7. One hundred and ten patients who had received a transfusion aged between 18 and 93 (60 male) and 123 healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses and midwives) involved in giving blood transfusions to patients. Mean scores for patients' willingness to participate in safety-relevant transfusion behaviours and healthcare professionals' willingness to support patient involvement ranged from 4.96-6.27 to 4.53-6.66, respectively. Both groups perceived it most acceptable for patients to help prevent errors or omissions relating to their hospital identification wristband. Neither prior experience of receiving a blood transfusion nor professional role of healthcare staff had an effect on attitudes towards patient participation. Overall, both patients and healthcare professionals view patient involvement in transfusion-related behaviours quite favourably and appear in agreement regarding the behaviours patients should adopt an active role in. Further work is needed to determine the effectiveness of this approach to improve transfusion safety. © 2012 The Authors. Transfusion Medicine © 2012 British Blood Transfusion Society.

  9. Alcohol and drug use disorders, HIV status and drug resistance in a sample of Russian TB patients (United States)

    Fleming, M. F.; Krupitsky, E.; Tsoy, M.; Zvartau, E.; Brazhenko, N.; Jakubowiak, W.; E. McCaul, M.


    emploi d’une combinaison du cliché thoracique, de la bacilloscopie et des cultures d’expectoration. Chez 62% des patients, les critères DSM-IV pour utilisation courante d’alcool ou pour dépendance étaient présents. L’utilisation de drogues est inhabituelle: deux patients seulement ont signalé une utilisation récente de l’héroïne par voie intraveineuse. Il n’y avait qu’un seul cas d’infection VIH. Le score total moyen de la batterie d’évaluation des risques a été de 3,4. Il y avait de la dépression chez 60% de 1’échantillon, dont 17% étaient en dépression sévère. L’utilisation ou la dépendance à l’égard de l’alcool étaient associées avec une multiplication par huit de la résistance aux médicaments (OR 8,58 ; IC95% 2,09-35,32). Les patients atteints de rechute de TB ou de TB chronique sont plus susceptibles de répondre aux critérés d’abus ou de dépendance de l’alcool (OR 2,56; IC95% 1,0-6,54). CONCLUSION: Les maladies liées à l’utilisation d’alcool sont fréquentes chez les patients traités pour TB active et sont associées à une morbidité significative. Des enquêtes complémentaires sont nécessaires pour examiner les relations entre les maladies liées à l’utilisation d’alcool et la résistance à l’égard des médicaments antituberculeux. MARCO DE REFERENCIA: El consumo de alcohol, la tuberculosis (TB) farmacorresistente y los comportamientos de riesgo para la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) constituyen una preocupación creciente en los pacientes con TB en la Fedéración de Rusia. MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de prevalencia del consumo de alcohol y del comportamiento de riesgo para la infección por el VIH en una muestra de 200 adultos, hombres y mujeres, ingresados por TB en dos hospitales de San Petersburgo e Ivanovo en la Federación de Rusia. RESULTADOS: El 72% de los individuos fueron de sexo masculino. La media de la edad fue 41 años. El diagn

  10. Communicating with patients (United States)

    ... Ask your patients about their outlooks, attitudes, and motivations. Learn the patient's perspective. Talk to the patient ... beliefs. This will help you understand the patient's motivation and let you plan the best ways to ...

  11. Patient/Family Education for Newly Diagnosed Pediatric Oncology Patients. (United States)

    Landier, Wendy; Ahern, JoAnn; Barakat, Lamia P; Bhatia, Smita; Bingen, Kristin M; Bondurant, Patricia G; Cohn, Susan L; Dobrozsi, Sarah K; Haugen, Maureen; Herring, Ruth Anne; Hooke, Mary C; Martin, Melissa; Murphy, Kathryn; Newman, Amy R; Rodgers, Cheryl C; Ruccione, Kathleen S; Sullivan, Jeneane; Weiss, Marianne; Withycombe, Janice; Yasui, Lise; Hockenberry, Marilyn

    There is a paucity of data to support evidence-based practices in the provision of patient/family education in the context of a new childhood cancer diagnosis. Since the majority of children with cancer are treated on pediatric oncology clinical trials, lack of effective patient/family education has the potential to negatively affect both patient and clinical trial outcomes. The Children's Oncology Group Nursing Discipline convened an interprofessional expert panel from within and beyond pediatric oncology to review available and emerging evidence and develop expert consensus recommendations regarding harmonization of patient/family education practices for newly diagnosed pediatric oncology patients across institutions. Five broad principles, with associated recommendations, were identified by the panel, including recognition that (1) in pediatric oncology, patient/family education is family-centered; (2) a diagnosis of childhood cancer is overwhelming and the family needs time to process the diagnosis and develop a plan for managing ongoing life demands before they can successfully learn to care for the child; (3) patient/family education should be an interprofessional endeavor with 3 key areas of focus: (a) diagnosis/treatment, (b) psychosocial coping, and (c) care of the child; (4) patient/family education should occur across the continuum of care; and (5) a supportive environment is necessary to optimize learning. Dissemination and implementation of these recommendations will set the stage for future studies that aim to develop evidence to inform best practices, and ultimately to establish the standard of care for effective patient/family education in pediatric oncology.

  12. Patient-controlled hospital admission for patients with severe mental disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Christoffer Torgaard; Benros, Michael Eriksen; Hastrup, Lene Halling


    INTRODUCTION: Patient-controlled hospital admission for individuals with severe mental disorders is a novel approach in mental healthcare. Patients can admit themselves to a hospital unit for a short stay without being assessed by a psychiatrist or contacting the emergency department. Previous...... studies assessing the outcomes of patient-controlled hospital admission found trends towards reduction in the use of coercive measures and length of hospital stay; however, these studies have methodological shortcomings and small sample sizes. Larger studies are needed to estimate the effect of patient-controlled...... hospital admission on the use of coercion and of healthcare services. DESIGN AND METHODS: We aim to recruit at least 315 patients who are offered a contract for patient-controlled hospital admissions in eight different hospitals in Denmark. Patients will be followed-up for at least 1 year to compare...

  13. Patterns of Physician-Patient Communication Associated with Patient Satisfaction. (United States)

    Williams, M. Lee; Clampitt, Phillip G.

    Using data drawn from ten initial physician/patient interviews, an original category system was employed to analyze patterns of physician/patient communication. Static analysis, interaction analysis, and Markov chain analysis were used to discover the underlying communication patterns associated with patient satisfaction. Results revealed that…

  14. Perception of patients accessing out- patient pharmacy on the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion: Patients' overall perception of pharmacy services was above average. There is need for improvement in the quality of services, especially in the availability of essential drugs at competitive prices and provision of adequate counselling and drug information services to patients. Keywords: Patient satisfaction, ...

  15. 'What do patients want?' Tailoring medicines information to meet patients' needs. (United States)

    Young, Amber; Tordoff, June; Smith, Alesha


    Medicines information leaflets can equip patients to be in control of their own healthcare and support the safe and effective use of medicines. The design and content of leaflets influences patients' willingness to read them, and poor examples can cause patient confusion and anxiety. Researchers examined the literature over the past 8 years to determine the content and design of medicine information leaflets that patients prefer in order to read, understand, and use them effectively. It was found that existing leaflets do not meet patients' needs and appear ineffective. Leaflets lack the information patients seek and may contain non-essential material, affecting patients' perception of, and willingness to read them. Additionally, the acceptable leaflet length varies between patients. Application of good design principles improves readability, comprehension, and ability to locate information. Medicine information leaflets must meet patients' needs and be well designed. Tailoring information leaflets to patient characteristics and requirements would enhance effectiveness. Passive provision of pre-printed leaflets is outdated, unvalued and ineffective. Using automated computer systems for leaflet tailoring with the ability to further adapt patients' information might be the best way forward. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Evaluation des indicateurs d’alerte précoce de la résistance du VIH aux ARV en Côte d’Ivoire en 2011 (United States)

    Yao, Kouadio Jean; Damey, Néto Florence; Konan, Diby Jean Paul; Aka, Joseph; Aka-Konan, Sandrine; Ani, Alex; Bonle, Marguerite Te; Kouassi, Dinard


    Introduction En 2001, l'Organisation des Nations Unies recommandait de rendre disponible les médicaments antirétroviraux dans les pays à ressources limitées. Cependant, l'utilisation de ces médicaments à grande échelle s'accompagne du développement de résistance du virus. En Côte d'Ivoire, plusieurs sites prescrivent les antirétroviraux. Cette étude avait pour objectif d'évaluer les facteurs programmatiques associés à un risque élevé d'émergence de résistance du VIH aux antirétroviraux. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une cohorte rétrospective sur 20 sites de prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH. La population d'étude était constituée des personnes ayant initié leur traitement antirétroviral sur les sites en 2008-2009. L'estimation de la taille de l'échantillon a été faite à partir de la stratégie d'échantillonnage de l'OMS. Résultats Sur 20 sites, 98% des prescriptions initiales étaient conformes aux directives nationales et 20% des sites avaient 100% de prescriptions conformes. Au total, 33% des patients étaient perdus de vue au cours des 12 premiers mois de traitement antirétroviral et 20% des sites avaient moins de 20% de perdus de vue. A 12 mois, 51% des patients demeuraient sous traitement de première intention approprié et 11% des sites ont atteint le seuil d'au moins 70% de patients sous traitement de première intention approprié. Un seul site n'a pas connu de rupture d'antirétroviraux sur les 12 mois. Conclusion Des insuffisances relevées dans la prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH traduisent l'existence d'un risque important de résistance du virus aux antirétroviraux en 2008-2009. Pour minimiser ce risque les pratiques de prescription devraient être améliorées, un système de recherche des absents aux rendez-vous devrait être mis en place et la disponibilité constante des antirétroviraux devraient être assurée. PMID:28250876

  17. Patients as educators: interprofessional learning for patient-centred care. (United States)

    Towle, Angela; Godolphin, William


    Patients with chronic conditions have unique expertise that enhances interprofessional education. Although their active involvement in education is increasing, patients have minimal roles in key educational tasks. A model that brings patients and students together for patient-centred learning, with faculty playing a supportive role, has been described in theory but not yet implemented. To identify issues involved in creating an educational intervention designed and delivered by patients and document outcomes. An advisory group of community members, students and faculty guided development of the intervention (interprofessional workshops). Community educators (CEs) were recruited through community organizations with a healthcare mandate. Workshops were planned by teams of key stakeholders, delivered by CEs, and evaluated by post-workshop student questionnaires. Workshops were delivered by CEs with epilepsy, arthritis, HIV/AIDS and two groups with mental health problems. Roles and responsibilities of planning team members that facilitated control by CEs were identified. Ten workshops attended by 142 students from 15 different disciplines were all highly rated. Workshop objectives defined by CEs and student learning both closely matched dimensions of patient-centredness. Our work demonstrates feasibility and impact of an educational intervention led by patient educators facilitated but not controlled by faculty.

  18. Design of a randomised controlled trial of adapted physical activity during adjuvant treatment for localised breast cancer: the PASAPAS feasibility study (United States)

    Touillaud, M; Foucaut, A-M; Berthouze, S E; Reynes, E; Kempf-Lépine, A-S; Carretier, J; Pérol, D; Guillemaut, S; Chabaud, S; Bourne-Branchu, V; Perrier, L; Trédan, O; Fervers, B; Bachmann, P


    Introduction After a diagnosis of localised breast cancer, overweight, obesity and weight gain are negatively associated with prognosis. In contrast, maintaining an optimal weight through a balanced diet combined with regular physical activity appears to be effective protective behaviour against comorbidity or mortality after a breast cancer diagnosis. The primary aim of the Programme pour une Alimentation Saine et une Activité Physique Adaptée pour les patientes atteintes d'un cancer du Sein (PASAPAS) randomised controlled trial is to evaluate the feasibility of implementing an intervention of adapted physical activity (APA) for 6 months concomitant with the prescription of a first line of adjuvant chemotherapy. Secondary aims include assessing the acceptability of the intervention, compliance to the programme, process implementation, patients’ satisfaction, evolution of biological parameters and the medicoeconomic impact of the intervention. Methods and analysis The study population consists of 60 women eligible for adjuvant chemotherapy after a diagnosis of localised invasive breast cancer. They will be recruited during a 2-year inclusion period and randomly allocated between an APA intervention arm and a control arm following a 2:1 ratio. All participants should benefit from personalised dietetic counselling and patients allocated to the intervention arm will be offered an APA programme of two to three weekly sessions of Nordic walking and aerobic fitness. During the 6-month intervention and 6-month follow-up, four assessments will be performed including blood draw, anthropometrics and body composition measurements, and questionnaires about physical activity level, diet, lifestyle factors, psychological criteria, satisfaction with the intervention and medical data. Ethics and dissemination The study was approved by the French Ethics Committee (Comité de Protection des Personnes Sud-Est IV) and the national agencies for biomedical studies and for privacy

  19. Patient Compliance With Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes Following Shoulder Arthroscopy. (United States)

    Makhni, Eric C; Higgins, John D; Hamamoto, Jason T; Cole, Brian J; Romeo, Anthony A; Verma, Nikhil N


    To determine the patient compliance in completing electronically administered patient-reported outcome (PRO) scores following shoulder arthroscopy, and to determine if dedicated research assistants improve patient compliance. Patients undergoing arthroscopic shoulder surgery from January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2014, were prospectively enrolled into an electronic data collection system with retrospective review of compliance data. A total of 143 patients were included in this study; 406 patients were excluded (for any or all of the following reasons, such as incomplete follow-up, inaccessibility to the order sets, and inability to complete the order sets). All patients were assigned an order set of PROs through an electronic reporting system, with order sets to be completed prior to surgery, as well as 6 and 12 months postoperatively. Compliance rates of form completion were documented. Patients who underwent arthroscopic anterior and/or posterior stabilization were excluded. The average age of the patients was 53.1 years, ranging from 20 to 83. Compliance of form completion was highest preoperatively (76%), and then dropped subsequently at 6 months postoperatively (57%) and 12 months postoperatively (45%). Use of research assistants improved compliance by approximately 20% at each time point. No differences were found according to patient gender and age group. Of those completing forms, a majority completed forms at home or elsewhere prior to returning to the office for the clinic visit. Electronic administration of PRO may decrease the amount of time required in the office setting for PRO completion by patients. This may be mutually beneficial to providers and patients. It is unclear if an electronic system improves patient compliance in voluntary completion PRO. Compliance rates at final follow-up remain a concern if data are to be used for establishing quality or outcome metrics. Level IV, case series. Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North

  20. Participation in online patient support groups endorses patients' empowerment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Uden-Kraan, C. F.; Drossaert, Constance H C; Taal, E; Seydel, E. R.; van de Laar, Mart A F J

    Objective: Although much has been expected of the empowering effect of taking part in online patient support groups, there is no direct evidence thus far for the effects of participation on patient empowerment. Hence our exploring to what extent patients feel empowered by their participation in

  1. Patient Safety Culture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Solvejg

    of health care professional’s behaviour, habits, norms, values, and basic assumptions related to patient care; it is the way things are done. The patient safety culture guides the motivation, commitment to and know-how of the safety management, and how all members of a work place interact. This thesis......Patient safety is highly prioritised in the Danish health care system, never the less, patients are still exposed to risk and harmed every day. Implementation of a patient safety culture has been suggested an effective mean to protect patients against adverse events. Working strategically...

  2. Long-term graft and patient survival following renal transplantation in diabetic patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rømming Sørensen, Vibeke; Schwartz Sørensen, Søren; Feldt-Rasmussen, Bo


    . The groups were similar with respect to age and sex. RESULTS: The patient survival rates (diabetic versus non-diabetic patients) were 88% vs 91% (p=NS) at 1 year, 68% vs 73% (p=NS) at 5 years and 31% vs 52% (pnon-diabetic patients) were 72% vs 72...... patients, 55% were smokers. Among the diabetic patients, graft and patient survival were independent of smoking habits, blood pressure, HbA1c and total cholesterol. CONCLUSIONS: Graft survival was similar in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. For the first 5 years following renal transplantation......OBJECTIVE: To study long-term graft and patient survival following renal transplantation in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Over the time period 1985-99, 498 transplantations in 399 non-diabetic patients and 68 transplantations in 62 diabetic patients were performed...

  3. Patients' Experiences with and Attitudes towards a Diabetes Patient Web Portal. (United States)

    Ronda, Maaike C M; Dijkhorst-Oei, Lioe-Ting; Rutten, Guy E H M


    A diabetes patient web portal allows patients to access their personal health record and may improve diabetes outcomes; however, patients' adoption is slow. We aimed to get insight into patients' experiences with a web portal to understand how the portal is being used, how patients perceive the content of the portal and to assess whether redesign of the portal might be needed. A survey among 1500 patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes with a login to a patient portal. 62 primary care practices and one outpatient hospital clinic, using a combined patient portal. We compared patients who requested a login but never used it or once ('early quitters') with patients who used it at least two times ('persistent users'). 632 patients (42.1%) returned the questionnaire. Their mean age was 59.7 years, 63.1% was male and 81.8% had type 2 diabetes. 413 (65.3%) people were persistent users and 34.7% early quitters. In the multivariable analysis, insulin use (OR2.07; 95%CI[1.18-3.62]), experiencing more frequently hyperglycemic episodes (OR1.30;95%CI[1.14-1.49]) and better diabetes knowledge (OR1.02, 95%CI[1.01-1.03]) do increase the odds of being a persistent user. Persistent users perceived the usefulness of the patient portal significantly more favorable. However, they also more decisively declared that the patient portal is not helpful in supporting life style changes. Early quitters felt significantly more items not applicable in their situation compared to persistent users. Both persistent users (69.8%) and early quitters (58.8%) would prefer a reminder function for scheduled visits. About 60% of both groups wanted information about medication and side-effects in their portal. The diabetes patient web portal might be improved significantly by taking into account the patients' experiences and attitudes. We propose creating separate portals for patients on insulin or not.

  4. Improving stroke patients' care: a patient held record is not enough

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lampe Fiona


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Stroke patients' care in hospital tends to be poorly organised, with poor communication and a lack of information being frequent sources of complaint. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a patient-held record (PHR would result in greater patient satisfaction and better care planning for stroke patients. Methods A time series control (6 months - intervention (8 months - control (6 months was used among London teaching hospital general medical and geriatric medicine inpatient wards. All stroke patients admitted to the wards during the intervention phase received a PHR and were instructed in its use. Demographic, stroke severity, social factors and outcomes were collected from all stroke patients during all phases of the study. Results Of 252 stroke patients aged 46 to 98 years entered into the study, by six months after admission 118 (46.8% had died. PHR and control group patients were well matched in terms of socio-demographic characteristics and pre-stroke ability. At six months after admission, 119 (97% patients responded to the questionnaire. Just over half (56%, 13 of intervention group patients recalled receiving a PHR. Of those patients, 59% reported reading the PHR, 27% had lost their PHR, and two-thirds said they had difficulties encouraging staff to write in the PHR. Half felt that possession of the PHR was more trouble than it was worth. PHR group patients were more satisfied with the recovery they had made (79% vs. 59%, p=0.04, but felt less able to talk to staff about their problems (61% vs. 82%, p=0.02. PHR group patients reported receiving fewer explanations about their condition (18% vs. 33%, p=0.12 and treatment (26% vs. 45%, p=0.07, and were more afraid of asking doctors questions (21% vs. 4%, p=0.01 than controls. PHR group patients were no better prepared for hospital discharge than control group patients, and both groups were ill-informed about services and benefits that might have helped

  5. Provider and patient perception of psychiatry patient health literacy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bacon O


    Full Text Available Background: Inadequate health literacy in adults is a nationwide issue that is associated with worse health outcomes. There is a paucity of literacy regarding rates of inadequate health literacy in psychiatric populations. Objective: The aim of the study was to identify an existing tool that would easily identify patients who had inadequate health literacy, so that a targeted intervention could be performed. Secondarily we attempted to compare rates of inadequate health literacy with providers’ perception of patients’ health literacy. Methods: We assessed health literacy in a psychiatric population by administering the Brief Health Literacy Survey (BHLS. Additionally, all psychiatry residents, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and social workers were surveyed to assess their perception of patient health literacy. Differences between patient health literacy and provider expectations of patient health literacy were compared. Results: Inadequate health literacy was identified in 31 out of 61 patients (50.8% using 2 questions from the BHLS. Only 9 (29% of patients who were identified as having inadequate health literacy were identified by both BHLS questions. In contrast, almost 100% of providers identified their patients, in general, as having inadequate health literacy. Conclusions: These results identify a higher rate of health literacy in a psychiatric inpatient population than in the general population. However, providers at this institution likely over-identify health literacy. This highlights the need for a health literacy tool that can easily target patients with inadequate health literacy for an intervention.

  6. Quality of life in patients with dental conditions: comparing patients' and providers' evaluation. (United States)

    Sampogna, F; Johansson, V; Axtelius, B; Abeni, D; Söderfeldt, B


    To measure the agreement between patients and their caregivers in evaluating patients' oral quality of life. Cross-sectional study. Data collected in four Swedish dental clinics in 2004. Consecutive patients. Data were completed for 444 patients. Fifteen dentists and 12 dental hygienists agreed to participate. For each patient, the patient him/herself and his/her caregiver completed the 14-item Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14), a specific instrument used to measure quality of life in oral conditions, with higher scores indicating a worse quality of life. Information on personal and clinical characteristics of patients were also collected. Median OHIP-14 scores given by caregivers and patients were calculated and compared in different subgroups of patients. Cohen's kappa was calculated to measure the agreement between the evaluation of patients and caregivers. OHIP-14 scores median values were 3.0 among patients and 9.0 among caregivers. Caregivers always gave a higher score than patients, especially in older patients and patients with lower education. The concordance between patients' and caregivers' evaluation was very low (for different OHIP-14 cutoffs: Cohen's kappa from 0.10 to 0.15). In this study, great discrepancies were observed between patients and caregivers in the evaluation of patients' oral quality of life, with caregivers overestimating the burden of dental conditions on patients. It is important to improve patient-caregiver communication, in order to increase patient satisfaction and provide better care. A good patient-caregiver relationship is essential for the patients' well-being and their adherence to treatment.

  7. NESB patients. (United States)

    Charles, Janice; Britt, Helena; Fahridin, Salma


    General practitioner consultations with patients of non-English speaking background (NESB) account for one in 10 encounters recorded in the BEACH (Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health) program (NESB is defined as patients who reported that their primary language spoken at home is not English). We present a descriptive comparison of consultations with NESB and English speaking patients recorded between April 2007 and March 2009. Indigenous persons were excluded from the analysis to give a clearer picture of NESB patients of non- Australian origin. Only statistically significant differences with nonoverlapping 95% confidence intervals are reported.

  8. Patients Provide Recommendations for Improving Patient Satisfaction. (United States)

    Moore, Angelo D; Hamilton, Jill B; Krusel, Jessica L; Moore, LeeAntoinette G; Pierre-Louis, Bosny J


    National Committee for Quality Assurance recommends patient-centered medical homes incorporate input from patient populations; however, many health care organizations do not. This qualitative study used two open-ended questions from 148 active duty Army Soldiers and their family members to illicit recommendations for primary care providers and clinic leadership that would improve their health care experiences. Content analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyze responses. Participant responses were related to four major themes: Access to Care, Interpersonal Interaction, Satisfaction of Care, and Quality of Care. Participants were overall satisfied with their care; however, spending less time waiting for appointments and to see the provider or specialist were the most frequently requested improvements related to Access to Care. For Interpersonal Interaction, 82% of the responses recommended that providers be more attentive listeners, courteous, patient, caring, and respectful. Decreasing wait times and improving interpersonal skills would improve health care experiences and patient satisfaction. Reprint & Copyright © 2016 Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S.

  9. Pain management: association with patient satisfaction among emergency department patients. (United States)

    Bhakta, Hemangini C; Marco, Catherine A


    Patient satisfaction with emergency care is associated with timeliness of care, empathy, technical competence, and information delivery. Previous studies have demonstrated inconsistent findings regarding the association between pain management and patient satisfaction. This study was undertaken to determine the association between pain management and patient satisfaction among Emergency Department (ED) patients presenting with acute painful conditions. In this survey study, a standardized interview was conducted at the Emergency Department at the University of Toledo Medical Center in May-July 2011. Participants were asked to answer 18 questions pertaining to patient satisfaction. Additional data collected included demographic information, pain scores, and clinical management. Among 328 eligible participants, 289 (88%) participated. The mean triage pain score on the verbal numeric rating scale was 8.2 and the mean discharge score was 6.0. The majority of patients (52%) experienced a reduction in pain of 2 or more points. Participants received one pain medication dose (44%), two medication doses (14%), three medication doses (5%), or four medication doses (2%). Reduction in pain scores of 2 or more points was associated with a higher number of medications administered. Reduction in pain scores was associated with higher satisfaction as scored on questions of patient perceptions of adequate assessment and response to pain, and treatment of pain. There was a significant association between patient satisfaction and a reduction in pain of 2 or more points and number of medications administered. Effective pain management is associated with improved patient satisfaction among ED patients with painful conditions. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Doctor-patient communication and cancer patients' quality of life and satisfaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ong, L. M.; Visser, M. R.; Lammes, F. B.; de Haes, J. C.


    In this study, the relationship between (a) doctor's and patients' communication and (b) doctors' patient-centredness during the oncological consultation and patients' quality of life and satisfaction was examined. Consultations of 96 consecutive cancer patients were recorded and content analysed by

  11. A good patient?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Campbell, Catherine; Scott, Kerry; Skovdal, Morten


    , physical cleanliness, honesty, gratitude and lifestyle adaptations (taking pills correctly andcoming to the clinic when told). As healthcare workers may decide to punish patients who do not live up the‘good patient persona’, many patients seek to perform within the confines of the ‘good patient persona...

  12. Interrelation between Patient Satisfaction and Patient-Provider Communication in Diabetes Management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayse Basak Cinar


    Full Text Available The present study aims to assess how patient satisfaction with medical provider-patient communication can affect oral health, diabetes, and psychobehavioural measures among type 2 diabetes (T2DM patients. It is part of a prospective intervention study among randomly selected T2DM patients, in Turkey. The data analyzed were Community Periodontal Need Index (CPI, HbA1c, patient satisfaction with communication, and psychobehavioural variables. Data was collected initially and at the end of the intervention. The participants were allocated to either health coaching (HC or health education (HE. At baseline, there were no statistical differences between the HC and the HE groups on any of the measures (P>0.05. Patients in both the HC and the HE groups had low satisfaction with communication. At postintervention, the increase in patient satisfaction with communication in the HC group was significantly higher than that in the HE group (P=0.001. Principal component analysis revealed that patient satisfaction with communication shared the same cluster with clinical measures (CPI and HbA1c and quality of life in the HC group. In conclusion, the present study showed, to our knowledge for the first time, that overall patient satisfaction with medical care provider-patient communication, empowered by HC approach, was interrelated with well-being of T2DM patients, in terms of psychobehavioural and clinical measures.

  13. Doppler transcranien au cours de la drépanocytose chez l'enfant Malagasy (United States)

    Herinirina, Nicolas Fanantenana; Rajaonarison, Lova Hasina Ny Ony Narindra; Herijoelison, Andry Roussel; Rakoto, Olivat Aimée Alson; Ahmad, Ahmad


    Introduction Le doppler transcrânien est un outil efficace permettant de dépister les enfants drépanocytaires à risque d'AVC. Méthodes Nous avons réalisé une étude descriptive transversale sur des enfants Malagasy âgés entre 24 mois et 15 ans (groupe 1: 57 drépanocytaires, groupe 2: 43 témoins) afin d’évaluer le profil vélocimétrique des artères cérébrales chez les drépanocytaires. Un examen Doppler transcrânien a été réalisé avec étude des flux sanguins cérébraux chez les enfants des deux groupes. Résultats Pour les sujets drépanocytaires, la vitesse moyenne (VM) de l'artère cérébrale moyenne était de 100,9 ± 26,8 cm/s, l'indice de pulsatilité (IP) de 0,73 ± 0,20, la différence entre les artères cérébrales moyennes droite et gauche (ACMr) de 19,8 ± 21,5 cm/s, le rapport des vitesses de l'artère cérébrale antérieure/artère cérébrale moyenne (ACA/ACM) de 0,7 ± 0,2. Pour les enfants non drépanocytaires, VM: 80,6 ± 19,3 cm/s, IP: 0,79 ± 0,14, ACMr: 17 ± 20,1 cm/s, ACA/ACM: 0,8 ± 0,2. La vélocité des enfants drépanocytaires était supérieure au groupe contrôle. Les vitesses ont été corrélées avec le taux d'hémoglobine et l’âge et non pas avec le sexe et le volume globulaire moyen. Conclusion Les vitesses circulatoires cérébrales sont élevées chez les drépanocytaires que les enfants non drépanocytaires et sont influencées par le taux d'hémoglobine et l’âge. PMID:27516829

  14. Displacing the patient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pors, Anja Svejgaard


    is not only about disease treatment, but also about ‘information treatment’ for the purpose of increasing patient satisfaction at the hospital. The goal of patient satisfaction addresses both a care-oriented approach to the patient and also deploys market perceptions of patients as homogeneous target groups...... for which information can be standardized. In the latter approach (market orientation), the patient is also a resource for organizational development. Overall, the strategy presents an information-pursuing patient figure that makes it possible to streamline the organization's care orientation on market......Over the past decade, patient communication has become a strategic priority in Danish public hospitals: communication is a focal point of policies, plans and daily work practices. Hospitals today create communication strategies and build communication departments to improve communication...

  15. Dentist-Patient Relationship

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gheorghe Raftu


    In the dentist-patient relationship confidence comes from the assurance that personal information(belonging to the patient will remain confidential; this is in the interest of the patient and the patient'sautonomy is recognized. There were presented several behavioral types which can lead to a physicianpatientrelationship, based on trust.

  16. Implementing Patient Family-Centered Care Grand Rounds Using Patient/Family Advisor Narratives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maureen B Fagan DNP, MHA, FNP-BC


    Full Text Available With the emerging trend of patient family–centered care in health care, it is essential that physicians be exposed to patient and family perspectives of care during medical education and training. Grand Rounds provides an ideal format for physicians to learn about patient family–centered care. At Brigham and Women’s Hospital, we sought to bring the voice of the patient to Patient Family–Centered Grand Rounds in order to expose clinicians to rich narratives describing the medical care received by patients/families and to ultimately change physician practice to reflect patient family–centered principles. We conducted a clinician survey and found promising results indicating that patient/family narratives can be effective at educating physicians about patient family–centered care.

  17. Study of Knowledge and Practice of Patient Self directed Care among Diabetics Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Z. Abedini


    Full Text Available Background and ObjectivesDiabetic patients play the main role in the management of their disease. Adequate knowledge of this disease state and self directed patient care will improve the health of these patients. Some studies have indicated a high prevalence of diabetes complication are due to the lack of knowledge of self directed patient care and practice in diabetic patient group. The objective of this study is to measure the knowledge level of self directed patient care and practice in order to evaluate their effects on improvement of diabetic patients' health in the city of Qom, Iran.MethodsIn this cross sectional study 1004 patients with diabetes participated (During year 2006. Data were collected from patients of General Hospital metabolism and endocrine research center.An interviewing method was used to asses the demographics data, history of disease, and knowledge of self directed patient care in these patients. Data were analyzed using a descriptive statistic, chi-square, and Pearson correlation coefficient, and SPSS software.ResultsOut of 1004 observed case, 154 patients were with Diabetes type I and 850 patients with Diabetes type II. The knowledge of self directed patient care and practice level of with both types of diabetes were determined to be mostly at an intermediate level. In type I diabetic patients there was a significant relation between knowledge level of self directed patient care and gender of the patients (P=0.01. Also, there was a significant correlation between practice and age (P=0.03(, and economical status (P=0.06 of the patients. In type II diabetic patients there was a significant relation between knowledge level of self directed patient care and educational level (P=0.00(, and economical status (P=0.01 of the patients. The practice level of self directed patient care was significantly related to economical status (p=0.03 in this group of patients. ConclusionThese results indicate that an increase in knowledge

  18. Patient-Ventilator Dyssynchrony

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elvira-Markela Antonogiannaki


    Full Text Available In mechanically ventilated patients, assisted mechanical ventilation (MV is employed early, following the acute phase of critical illness, in order to eliminate the detrimental effects of controlled MV, most notably the development of ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction. Nevertheless, the benefits of assisted MV are often counteracted by the development of patient-ventilator dyssynchrony. Patient-ventilator dyssynchrony occurs when either the initiation and/or termination of mechanical breath is not in time agreement with the initiation and termination of neural inspiration, respectively, or if the magnitude of mechanical assist does not respond to the patient’s respiratory demand. As patient-ventilator dyssynchrony has been associated with several adverse effects and can adversely influence patient outcome, every effort should be made to recognize and correct this occurrence at bedside. To detect patient-ventilator dyssynchronies, the physician should assess patient comfort and carefully inspect the pressure- and flow-time waveforms, available on the ventilator screen of all modern ventilators. Modern ventilators offer several modifiable settings to improve patient-ventilator interaction. New proportional modes of ventilation are also very helpful in improving patient-ventilator interaction.

  19. Patient-centered medical home transformation with payment reform: patient experience outcomes. (United States)

    Heyworth, Leonie; Bitton, Asaf; Lipsitz, Stuart R; Schilling, Thad; Schiff, Gordon D; Bates, David W; Simon, Steven R


    To examine changes in patient experience across key domains of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) following practice transformation with Lean quality improvement methodology inclusive of payment reform. Pre-intervention/post-intervention analysis of intervention with a comparison group, a quasi-experimental design. We surveyed patients following office visits at the intervention (n = 2502) and control (n = 1622) practices during the 15-month period before and 14-month period after PCMH Lean transformation (April-October 2009). We measured and compared pre-intervention and post-intervention levels of patient satisfaction and other indicators of patient-centered care. Propensity weights adjusted for potential case-mix differences in intervention and control groups; propensity-adjusted proportions accounted for physician-level clustering. More intervention patients were very satisfied with their care after the PCMH Lean intervention (68%) compared with pre-intervention (62%). Among control patients, there was no corresponding increase in satisfaction (63% very satisfied pre-intervention vs 64% very satisfied post-intervention). This comparison resulted in a statistical trend (P = .10) toward greater overall satisfaction attributable to the intervention. Post-intervention, patients in the intervention practice consistently rated indicators of patient-centered care higher than patients in the control practice, particularly in the personal physician and communication domain. In this domain, intervention patients reported superior provider explanations, time spent, provider concern, and follow-up instructions compared with control participants, whereas control group ratings fell in the post-intervention period (P for difference Lean enhancement with payment reform, patient experience was sustained or improved across key PCMH domains.

  20. Quality of doctor-patient communication through the eyes of the patient: variation according to the patient's educational level. (United States)

    Aelbrecht, Karolien; Rimondini, Michela; Bensing, Jozien; Moretti, Francesca; Willems, Sara; Mazzi, Mariangela; Fletcher, Ian; Deveugele, Myriam


    Good doctor-patient communication may lead to better compliance, higher patient satisfaction, and finally, better health. Although the social variance in how physicians and patients communicate is clearly demonstrated, little is known about what patients with different educational attainments actually prefer in doctor-patient communication. In this study we describe patients' perspective in doctor-patient communication according to their educational level, and to what extent these perspectives lean towards the expert opinion on doctor-patient communication. In a multi-center study (Belgium, The Netherlands, UK and Italy), focus group discussions were organised using videotaped medical consultations. A mixed methods approach was used to analyse the data. Firstly, a difference in perspective in communication style was found between the lower educated participants versus the middle and higher educated participants. Secondly, lower educated participants referred positively most to aspects related to the affective/emotional area of the medical consultation, followed by the task-oriented/problem-focused area. Middle and higher educated participants positively referred most to the task-oriented/problem-focused area. The competency of the physician was an important category of communication for all participants, independent of social background. The results indicate that the preferences of lower educated participants lean more towards the expert opinion in doctor-patient communication than the middle and higher educated participants. Patients' educational level seems to influence their perspective on communication style and should be taken into account by physicians. Further quantitative research is needed to confirm these results.

  1. Patient and Other Stakeholder Engagement in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Funded Studies of Patients with Kidney Diseases. (United States)

    Cukor, Daniel; Cohen, Lewis M; Cope, Elizabeth L; Ghahramani, Nasrollah; Hedayati, S Susan; Hynes, Denise M; Shah, Vallabh O; Tentori, Francesca; Unruh, Mark; Bobelu, Jeanette; Cohen, Scott; Dember, Laura M; Faber, Thomas; Fischer, Michael J; Gallardo, Rani; Germain, Michael J; Ghahate, Donica; Grote, Nancy; Hartwell, Lori; Heagerty, Patrick; Kimmel, Paul L; Kutner, Nancy; Lawson, Susan; Marr, Lisa; Nelson, Robert G; Porter, Anna C; Sandy, Phillip; Struminger, Bruce B; Subramanian, Lalita; Weisbord, Steve; Young, Bessie; Mehrotra, Rajnish


    Including target populations in the design and implementation of research trials has been one response to the growing health disparities endemic to our health care system, as well as an aid to study generalizability. One type of community-based participatory research is "Patient Centered-Research", in which patient perspectives on the germane research questions and methodologies are incorporated into the study. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has mandated that meaningful patient and stakeholder engagement be incorporated into all applications. As of March 2015, PCORI funded seven clinically-focused studies of patients with kidney disease. The goal of this paper is to synthesize the experiences of these studies to gain an understanding of how meaningful patient and stakeholder engagement can occur in clinical research of kidney diseases, and what the key barriers are to its implementation. Our collective experience suggests that successful implementation of a patient- and stakeholder-engaged research paradigm involves: (1) defining the roles and process for the incorporation of input; (2) identifying the particular patients and other stakeholders; (3) engaging patients and other stakeholders so they appreciate the value of their own participation and have personal investment in the research process; and (4) overcoming barriers and challenges that arise and threaten the productivity of the collaboration. It is our hope that the experiences of these studies will further interest and capacity for incorporating patient and stakeholder perspectives in research of kidney diseases. Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Nephrology.

  2. Organizing Patient Involvement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brehm Johansen, Mette

    hospitals. During the last 25 years, patient involvement and quality improvement have become connected in Danish healthcare policy. However, the ideal of involving patients in quality improvement is described in very general terms and with only few specific expectations of how it is to be carried out...... in practice, as I show in the thesis. In the patient involvement literature, the difficulties of getting patient involvement in quality improvement to have in an impact on the planning and development of healthcare services is, for example, ascribed to conceptual vagueness of patient involvement, differences...... in perspectives, values and understandings between patients and healthcare professionals, or the lack of managerial attention and prioritization....

  3. Patient Satisfaction in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Individualized Patient-centered Communication


    John Yeh; Eryn E. Nagel


    Background Patient satisfaction is becoming an increasingly prevalent topic in medicine, but little is known about patient satisfaction in women's health and other specialties. We review current methods of improving patient satisfaction in the field of obstetrics and gynecology with the intent to increase patient satisfaction even further by enhancing and combining previously used strategies. Methods A search from inception to June 2010 for electronic literature was performed using Medline. T...

  4. Role of effective nurse-patient relationships in enhancing patient safety. (United States)

    Conroy, Tiffany; Feo, Rebecca; Boucaut, Rose; Alderman, Jan; Kitson, Alison


    Ensuring and maintaining patient safety is an essential aspect of care provision. Safety is a multidimensional concept, which incorporates interrelated elements such as physical and psychosocial safety. An effective nurse-patient relationship should ensure that these elements are considered when planning and providing care. This article discusses the importance of an effective nurse-patient relationship, as well as healthcare environments and working practices that promote safety, thus ensuring optimal patient care.

  5. chemotherapy patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katarzyna Augustyniuk


    Full Text Available Background . Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM practices for cancer have become popular among oncology patients. An increasing interest in alternative medicine can be explained by the inefficiency of conventional treatment, dissatisfaction with treating patients like objects, and the will to use all available treatment methods. Objectives . The authors assessed how often patients use CAM methods, and which of them are most popular. Material and methods . The study was conducted in Military Hospital no. 109 and the Independent Public Clinical Hospital no. 1 in Szczecin among 100 chemotherapy patients. This survey-based study was performed using an original questionnaire. Results. Most respondents (68% did not use alternative methods to fight the disease. The most popular treatment methods were: herbal medicine (50%, alternative medicine preparations (38% and diet (25%, and the least common: hypnosis (3% and aromatherapy (3%. Analyzed sociodemographic factors had no effects on a choice of a CAM method. Patients obtained information about CAM methods mainly from the Internet (40%, medical staff (37% and literature (31%. Conclusions . 1. Using CAM by patients receiving chemotherapy for neoplasms is quite a common phenomenon. 2. CAM were more often chosen by women. Neither the duration of the disease nor sociodemographic data had effects on making the decision to use CAM methods. 3. The most popular CAM were: herbal medicine, alternative medicine preparations, and diet. 4. Cancer patients should receive special support from nurses and doctors as well as other members of the therapeutic team. Oncology patients should never be left on their own so that they were forced to seek help and support in therapies unconfirmed by scientific investigation.

  6. Patient perception and the barriers to practicing patient-centered communication: A survey and in-depth interview of Chinese patients and physicians. (United States)

    Ting, Xu; Yong, Bao; Yin, Liang; Mi, Tian


    To investigate patient perceptions of patient-centered communication (PCC) in doctor-patient consultations and explore barriers to PCC implementation in China. This study was conducted in public teaching hospital in Guiyang, Guizhou, China. In Phase 1, patient attitudes to PCC were quantitatively assessed in 317 outpatients using modified Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). In Phase 2, we conducted in-depth interviews with 20 outpatients to explore their views on PCC and expose potential barriers to PCC implementation. Participants communicated "patient-centered" preferences, particularly with regard to their doctors' empathy, communication skills, time and information sharing. Patients were more concerned about doctors exhibiting caring perspective than power sharing. Younger and highly educated patients were more likely to prefer PCC and highly educated patients paid more attention to power sharing. Several factors including inadequate time for PCC resulting from doctors' high patient-load, doctor-patient communication difficulties and excessive treatment due to inappropriate medical payment system affected PCC implementation in China. Patients expressed moderate enthusiasm for PCC in China. They expressed strong preferences concerning physician respect for patient perspective, but less concern for power sharing. Government should improve health care system by implementing PCC in daily healthcare practice to improve patient awareness and preferences. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  7. Display methods of electronic patient record screens: patient privacy concerns. (United States)

    Niimi, Yukari; Ota, Katsumasa


    To provide adequate care, medical professionals have to collect not only medical information but also information that may be related to private aspects of the patient's life. With patients' increasing awareness of information privacy, healthcare providers have to pay attention to the patients' right of privacy. This study aimed to clarify the requirements of the display method of electronic patient record (EPR) screens in consideration of both patients' information privacy concerns and health professionals' information needs. For this purpose, semi-structured group interviews were conducted of 78 medical professionals. They pointed out that partial concealment of information to meet patients' requests for privacy could result in challenges in (1) safety in healthcare, (2) information sharing, (3) collaboration, (4) hospital management, and (5) communication. They believed that EPRs should (1) meet the requirements of the therapeutic process, (2) have restricted access, (3) provide convenient access to necessary information, and (4) facilitate interprofessional collaboration. This study provides direction for the development of display methods that balance the sharing of vital information and protection of patient privacy.

  8. Organisation des travaux ST-CV

    CERN Document Server

    Martel, C; CERN. Geneva. ST Division


    Débutée il y a deux ans, la phase de construction des installations de refroidissement du LHC a atteint en 2003 son apogée. De nombreux autres projets sont également gérés par le groupe dans divers secteurs du laboratoire. La spécificité du groupe est de réaliser des installations complexes impliquant des spécificités diverses telles qu’aéraulique, hydraulique, électrique, etc. Pour faire face à ces demandes la section travaux du groupe ST CV a adopté une structure capable de réaliser ces divers projets avec un minimum de personnel. La première partie de ce document décrit l’organisation de la section travaux ST CV. Dans une deuxième partie, les auteurs dressent un état des lieux des chantiers par projet en décrivant plus particulièrement les activités dans les domaines du traitement d’air et de refroidissement par eau.

  9. Synthesis of the arginine labelled by {sup 15}N on the amidine group; Synthese de l'arginine marquee par {sup 15}N dans le groupe amidine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pichat, L; Clement, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay(France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    For some biologic studies, it was necessarily to have (+) arginine marked by nitrogen 15 in the amidine group. This report describes the synthesis of the labelled arginine. The first step is the synthesis of the methyl-isourated hydro-chlorate, the intermediate reactive, from the ClNH{sub 4} isotope. The arginine is obtained from the ornithine which we previously blocked the amino group as cupric complex. The mean yield in arginine reaches 30%, based on the ammonium chloride uses. (M.B.) [French] Pour certaines etudes biologiques, il etait indispensable de disposer de (+) arginine marquee par l'azote 15 dans le groupement amidine. Ce rapport decrit la synthese de l'ariginine marquee. La premiere etape est la synthese du chlorhydrate de methylisouree, intermediaire reactif, a partir du ClNH{sub 4} isotopique. L'obtention de l'arginine est obtenue a partir de l'ornithine dont on a prealablement bloque le groupe amino sous forme de complexe cuivrique. Le rendement global moyen en arginine atteint 30 %, base sur le chlorure d'ammonium utilise. (M.B.)

  10. La finance et le développement économique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ugo Panizza


    Full Text Available Cet article traite de la littérature sur la finance et le développement économique. Il propose tout d’abord une description des rôles de la finance, ainsi qu’une définition de l’efficacité financière. Il poursuit avec une discussion autour de la question suivante : les pays peuvent-ils présenter des secteurs financiers « trop importants » pour la taille de leur économie nationale ? L’article décrit ensuite plusieurs indicateurs du développement financier, puis examine la littérature traitant de la relation entre développement financier et croissance économique. Cet examen de la littérature aborde en détail des indicateurs récents prouvant que la contribution marginale du développement financier à la croissance du PIB devient négative lorsque le crédit au secteur privé atteint 110 % du PIB. L’article propose pour terminer des conclusions politiques à l’intention des pays en développement.

  11. Codification of patients' rights in Poland--the Patients' Rights Act 2008. (United States)

    Bosek, Leszek; Pawliczak, Jakub


    The Act of 6 November 2008 on Patients' Rights and the Commissioner for Patients' Rights collect and safeguard patients' basic rights as well as provide, for the first time in Poland, an original concept for patients' collective rights. In addition, the new Act stipulates the specific mechanism for protecting patients' rights by the newly established body called the Commissioner for Patients' Rights. Polish reform of medical law will undoubtedly contribute to the expected ratification of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. However, the nature of codified rights is relatively abstract, and the Act cannot be read without reference to legislation related to physicians and health care institutions.

  12. Medical terminology in online patient-patient communication: evidence of high health literacy? (United States)

    Fage-Butler, Antoinette M; Nisbeth Jensen, Matilde


    Health communication research and guidelines often recommend that medical terminology be avoided when communicating with patients due to their limited understanding of medical terms. However, growing numbers of e-patients use the Internet to equip themselves with specialized biomedical knowledge that is couched in medical terms, which they then share on participatory media, such as online patient forums. Given possible discrepancies between preconceptions about the kind of language that patients can understand and the terms they may actually know and use, the purpose of this paper was to investigate medical terminology used by patients in online patient forums. Using data from online patient-patient communication where patients communicate with each other without expert moderation or intervention, we coded two data samples from two online patient forums dedicated to thyroid issues. Previous definitions of medical terms (dichotomized into technical and semi-technical) proved too rudimentary to encapsulate the types of medical terms the patients used. Therefore, using an inductive approach, we developed an analytical framework consisting of five categories of medical terms: dictionary-defined medical terms, co-text-defined medical terms, medical initialisms, medication brand names and colloquial technical terms. The patients in our data set used many medical terms from all of these categories. Our findings suggest the value of a situated, condition-specific approach to health literacy that recognizes the vertical kind of knowledge that patients with chronic diseases may have. We make cautious recommendations for clinical practice, arguing for an adaptive approach to medical terminology use with patients. © 2015 The Authors. Health Expectations Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. When doctor becomes patient: challenges and strategies in caring for physician-patients. (United States)

    Domeyer-Klenske, Amy; Rosenbaum, Marcy


    The current study was aimed at exploring the challenges that arise in the doctor-patient relationship when the patient is also a physician and identifying strategies physicians use to meet these challenges. No previous research has systematically investigated primary care physicians' perspectives on caring for physician-patients. Family medicine (n=15) and general internal medicine (n=14) physicians at a large Midwestern university participated in semi-structured interviews where they were asked questions about their experiences with physician-patients and the strategies they used to meet the unique needs of this patient population. Thematic analysis was used to identify common responses. Three of the challenges most commonly discussed by physician participants were: (1) maintaining boundaries between relationships with colleagues or between roles as physician/colleague/friend, (2) avoiding assumptions about patient knowledge and health behaviors, and (3) managing physician-patients' access to informal consultations, personal test results, and opinions from other colleagues. We were able to identify three main strategies clinicians use in addressing these perceived challenges: (1) Ignore the physician-patient's background, (2) Acknowledge the physician-patient's background and negotiate care, and (3) Allow care to be driven primarily by the physician-patient. It is important that primary care physicians understand the challenges inherent in treating physicians and develop a strategy with which they are comfortable addressing them. Explicitly communicating with the physician-patient to ensure boundaries are maintained, assumptions about the physician-patient are avoided, and physician-patient access is properly managed are key to providing quality care to physician-patients.

  14. Patient Satisfaction with Collection of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Routine Care. (United States)

    Recinos, Pablo F; Dunphy, Cheryl J; Thompson, Nicolas; Schuschu, Jesse; Urchek, John L; Katzan, Irene L


    Systematic collection of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) during ambulatory clinic visits can enhance communication between patient and provider, and provide the ability to evaluate outcomes of care. Little is known about patient satisfaction of PROM data collection in routine clinical care. To evaluate patient reaction to the routine collection of PROMs in the ambulatory setting. Before all ambulatory clinic visits at our neurological institute, patients electronically complete health status questionnaires. We administered an 8-question patient satisfaction survey to a sample of patients seen across the institute after their clinical visit. Of 343 patients approached, 323 agreed to participate. The majority responded that the questionnaire system was easy to use, was an appropriate length, and benefited their care overall (strongly agree or agree = 92.3%, 87.6%, and 77.3%, respectively). Provider review of the PROMs with the patient during the clinic visit was associated with significantly higher positive responses to all questions, even those regarding logistical aspects of the collection process. There were significant age and race differences in response to perceived benefit: those in the Black/other race category had a markedly lower probability of viewing the process favorably with increasing age. Systematic collection of PROMs via an electronic questionnaire appears to be well accepted by patients. A minority of patients did not feel the questionnaire content applied to their appointment or that the system was a beneficial feature of the clinical practice. The provider can significantly improve the patient's perception of PROM collection and the patient-physician encounter by reviewing the questionnaire results with the patient.

  15. High patient satisfaction after secondary rhinoplasty in cleft lip patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hens, Greet; Picavet, Valerie A.; Poorten, Vincent Vander; Schoenaers, Joseph; Jorissen, Mark; Hellings, Peter W.


    We surveyed the subjective outcome of secondary rhinoplasty in cleft lip patients. Questionnaires were sent to 38 patients who had undergone a secondary rhinoplasty. A total of 30 questionnaires were returned and analyzed. Patients were asked to score their preoperative and postoperative nasal


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Introduction. One of the characteristic signs of uremic syndrome is anemia. One of major factors that affects on severity of anemia in ESRD is underlying diseas. The porpuse of this study is to compaire anemia between diabetic and non diabetic ESRD patients. Methods. In a case control study we compared the mean valuse of Hb, Het, MCV, MCH, MCHC, BUN, Cr and duration of dialysis between diabetic and nondiabetic patients on chronic hemodialyis. some variables (such as age, sex, use of erythropoietin, nonderolone decaonats, folic acid, ferrous sulfate, transfusion and blood loss in recent three months and acquired kidney cysts were matched between cases and controls. Results. Means of Hb were 9±1.3 and 8 ± 1.7 in diabetic and non diabetic patients (P<0.05. Mean corposcular volume in diabetic patients (91±3.1 fl was more higher than non diabetic ones (87.1 ± 8.9 (P < 0.05. Other indices had no differences between two groups (P > 0.05. Discussion. Severity of anemia in patients with diabetic nephropathy is milder that other patients with ESRD. So, Anemia as an indicator of chronocity of renal disease in diabetics is missleading.

  17. Outpatient management of intensively treated acute leukemia patients-the patients' perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jepsen, Lene Østergaard; Høybye, Mette Terp; Hansen, Dorte Gilså


    , responsibility and the home were performed. Twenty-two patients were interviewed the first time, and 15 of these were interviewed the second time. The data were analyzed in an everyday life relational perspective. RESULTS: Outpatient management facilitates time to be administrated by the patients and thereby...... the possibility of maintaining everyday life, which was essential to the patients. The privacy ensured by the home was important to patients, and they accepted the necessary responsibility that came with it. However, time spent together with fellow patients and their relatives was an important and highly valued...... part of their social life. CONCLUSIONS: Approached from the patient perspective, outpatient management provided a motivation for patients as it ensured their presence at home and provided the possibility of taking part in everyday life of the family, despite severe illness and intensive treatment...

  18. Displacing the patient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pors, Anja Svejgaard

    a care-oriented approach to the patient and also deploys market perceptions of patients as homogeneous target groups to which information can be standardized. In the latter approach (market orientation), the patient is also a resource for organizational development. Overall, the strategy presents...... an information-pursuing patient figure making it possible to streamline the organization's care orientation on market conditions. In contrast to a dichotomy of care and market as mutually exclusive (Mol 2008), care and market appear to be intertwined in political patient figures through which the organization...

  19. Transforming consumer health informatics through a patient work framework: connecting patients to context. (United States)

    Valdez, Rupa S; Holden, Richard J; Novak, Laurie L; Veinot, Tiffany C


    Designing patient-centered consumer health informatics (CHI) applications requires understanding and creating alignment with patients' and their family members' health-related activities, referred to here as 'patient work'. A patient work approach to CHI draws on medical social science and human factors engineering models and simultaneously attends to patients, their family members, activities, and context. A patient work approach extends existing approaches to CHI design that are responsive to patients' biomedical realities and personal skills and behaviors. It focuses on the embeddedness of patients' health management in larger processes and contexts and prioritizes patients' perspectives on illness management. Future research is required to advance (1) theories of patient work, (2) methods for assessing patient work, and (3) techniques for translating knowledge of patient work into CHI application design. Advancing a patient work approach within CHI is integral to developing and deploying consumer-facing technologies that are integrated with patients' everyday lives. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: For numbered affiliations see end of article.

  20. Assessing patient dose in interventional fluoroscopy using patient-dependent hybrid phantoms (United States)

    Johnson, Perry Barnett

    Interventional fluoroscopy uses ionizing radiation to guide small instruments through blood vessels or other body pathways to sites of clinical interest. The technique represents a tremendous advantage over invasive surgical procedures, as it requires only a small incision, thus reducing the risk of infection and providing for shorter recovery times. The growing use and increasing complexity of interventional procedures, however, has resulted in public health concerns regarding radiation exposures, particularly with respect to localized skin dose. Tracking and documenting patient-specific skin and internal organ dose has been specifically identified for interventional fluoroscopy where extended irradiation times, multiple projections, and repeat procedures can lead to some of the largest doses encountered in radiology. Furthermore, inprocedure knowledge of localized skin doses can be of significant clinical importance to managing patient risk and in training radiology residents. In this dissertation, a framework is presented for monitoring the radiation dose delivered to patients undergoing interventional procedures. The framework is built around two key points, developing better anthropomorphic models, and designing clinically relevant software systems for dose estimation. To begin, a library of 50 hybrid patient-dependent computational phantoms was developed based on the UF hybrid male and female reference phantoms. These phantoms represent a different type of anthropomorphic model whereby anthropometric parameters from an individual patient are used during phantom selection. The patient-dependent library was first validated and then used in two patient-phantom matching studies focused on cumulative organ and local skin dose. In terms of organ dose, patient-phantom matching was shown most beneficial for estimating the dose to large patients where error associated with soft tissue attenuation differences could be minimized. For small patients, inherent difference

  1. Neuropathic pain in patients with spinal cord injury: report of 213 patients. (United States)

    Teixeira, Manoel Jacobsen; Paiva, Wellingson Silva; Assis, Maruska Salles; Fonoff, Erich Talamoni; Bor-Seng-Shu, Edson; Cecon, Angelo Daros


    Management of neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury (SCI) can be a frustrating experience for patients since it poses a therapeutic challenge. In this article the authors describe the clinical characteristics of a group of patients with pain after spinal cord injury. In this retrospective study, 213 patients with SCI and neuropathic pain were assessed. We analyzed clinical characteristics, treatment options, and pain intensity for these patients. The main cause of SCI was spine trauma, which occurred in 169 patients, followed by tumors and infection. Complete lesions were verified in 144 patients. In our study, patients with traumatic SCI and partial lesions seem to be presented with more intense pain; however, this was not statistically significant. Neuropathic pain is a common complaint in patients with SCI and presents a treatment challenge. Knowledge of the clinical characteristics of this group of patients may help determine the best approach to intervention.

  2. Understanding patient experience

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Tariq O.; Andersen, Pernille R. D.; Kornum, Anders C.


    , safety) arise from getting feedback on symptoms and from continuous and comforting interaction with clinicians. With this paper, we aim to sensitise UX researchers and designers of patient-centred e-health by proposing three UX dimensions: connectedness, comprehension, and compassion.......The term 'patient experience' is currently part of a global discourse on ways to improve healthcare. This study empirically explores what patient experience is in cardiac remote monitoring and considers the implications for user experience (UX). Through interviews around the deployment of a mobile...... app that enables patients to collaborate with clinicians, we unpack experiences in six themes and present narratives of patients' lifeworlds. We find that patients' emotions are grounded in negative feelings (uncertainty, anxiety, loss of hope) and that positive experiences (relief, reassurance...

  3. Audiology patient fall statistics and risk factors compared to non-audiology patients. (United States)

    Criter, Robin E; Honaker, Julie A


    To compare fall statistics (e.g. incidence, prevalence), fall risks, and characteristics of patients who seek hearing healthcare from an audiologist to individuals who have not sought such services. Case-control study. Two groups of community-dwelling older adult patients: 25 audiology patients aged 60 years or older (M age: 69.2 years, SD: 4.5, range: 61-77) and a control group (gender- and age-matched ±2 years) of 25 non-audiology patients (M age: 69.6, SD: 4.7, range: 60-77). Annual incidence of falls (most recent 12 months) was higher in audiology patients (68.0%) than non-audiology patients (28.0%; p = .005). Audiology patients reported a higher incidence of multiple recent falls (p =.025) and more chronic health conditions (p = .028) than non-audiology patients. Significantly more audiology patients fall on an annual basis than non-audiology patients, suggesting that falls are a pervasive issue in general hearing clinics. Further action on the part of healthcare professionals providing audiologic services may be necessary to identify individuals at risk for falling.

  4. Patient satisfaction among Spanish-speaking patients in a public health setting. (United States)

    Welty, Elisabeth; Yeager, Valerie A; Ouimet, Claude; Menachemi, Nir


    Despite the growing literature on health care quality, few patient satisfaction studies have focused upon the public health setting; where many Hispanic patients receive care. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in satisfaction between English and Spanish-speaking patients in a local health department clinical setting. We conducted a paper-based satisfaction survey of patients that visited any of the seven Jefferson County Department of Health primary care centers from March 19 to April 19, 2008. Using Chi-squared analyses we found 25% of the Spanish-speaking patients reported regularly having problems getting an appointment compared to 16.8% among English-speakers (p speaking patients controlling for center location, purpose of visit, and time spent waiting. Specifically, Spanish speaking patients were more likely to report problems getting an appointment and less likely to report having their medical problems resolved when leaving their visit as compared to those who spoke English. Findings presented herein may provide insight regarding the quality of care received, specifically regarding patient satisfaction in the public health setting. © 2011 National Association for Healthcare Quality.

  5. Involving patients in patient safety programmes: A scoping review and consensus procedure by the LINNEAUS collaboration on patient safety in primary care. (United States)

    Trier, Hans; Valderas, Jose M; Wensing, Michel; Martin, Helle Max; Egebart, Jonas


    Patient involvement has only recently received attention as a potentially useful approach to patient safety in primary care. To summarize work conducted on a scoping review of interventions focussing on patient involvement for patient safety; to develop consensus-based recommendations in this area. Scoping review of the literature 2006-2011 about methods and effects of involving patients in patient safety in primary care identified evidence for previous experiences of patient involvement in patient safety. This information was fed back to an expert panel for the development of recommendations for healthcare professionals and policy makers. The scoping review identified only weak evidence in support of the effectiveness of patient involvement. Identified barriers included a number of patient factors but also the healthcare workers' attitudes, abilities and lack of training. The expert panel recommended the integration of patient safety in the educational curricula for healthcare professionals, and expected a commitment from professionals to act as first movers by inviting and encouraging the patients to take an active role. The panel proposed a checklist to be used by primary care clinicians at the point of care for promoting patient involvement. There is only weak evidence on the effectiveness of patient involvement in patient safety. The recommendations of the panel can inform future policy and practice on patient involvement in safety in primary care.

  6. Testing of a Model with Latino Patients That Explains the Links Among Patient-Perceived Provider Cultural Sensitivity, Language Preference, and Patient Treatment Adherence. (United States)

    Nielsen, Jessica D Jones; Wall, Whitney; Tucker, Carolyn M


    Disparities in treatment adherence based on race and ethnicity are well documented but poorly understood. Specifically, the causes of treatment nonadherence among Latino patients living in the USA are complex and include cultural and language barriers. The purpose of this study was to examine whether patients' perceptions in patient-provider interactions (i.e., trust in provider, patient satisfaction, and patient sense of interpersonal control in patient-provider interactions) mediate any found association between patient-perceived provider cultural sensitivity (PCS) and treatment adherence among English-preferred Latino (EPL) and Spanish-preferred Latino (SPL) patients. Data from 194 EPL patients and 361 SPL patients were obtained using questionnaires. A series of language-specific structural equation models were conducted to test the relationship between patient-perceived PCS and patient treatment adherence and the examined mediators of this relationship among the Latino patients. No significant direct effects of patient-perceived PCS on general treatment adherence were found. However, as hypothesized, several significant indirect effects emerged. Preferred language appeared to have moderating effects on the relationships between patient-perceived PCS and general treatment adherence. These results suggest that interventions to promote treatment adherence among Latino patients should likely include provider training to foster patient-defined PCS, trust in provider, and patient satisfaction with care. Furthermore, this training needs to be customized to be suitable for providing care to Latino patients who prefer speaking Spanish and Latino patients who prefer speaking English.

  7. Current status of patient-controlled analgesia in cancer patients. (United States)

    Ripamonti, C; Bruera, E


    Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is a relatively new technique in which patients are able to self-administer small doses of opioid analgesics when needed. Many different devices are available for opioid infusion, including a syringe pump, disposable plastic cylinder, and battery-operated computer-driven pump. These devices allow patients to choose an intermittent (demand) bolus, continuous infusion, or both modes of administration. Parameters, such as route, drug concentration dose, frequency, and maximum daily or hourly dose, are programmed by the physician. The patient decides whether or not to take a dose. Devices can be used to deliver the drug into a running intravenous infusion, the epidural space, or subcutaneously. Controlled trials indicate that PCA is probably superior to regular opioid administration in postoperative pain. Reported advantages include greater patient satisfaction, decreased sedation and anxiety, and reduced nursing time and hospitalization. Preliminary experience suggests that PCA is also useful and safe for cancer pain, but further research is greatly needed.

  8. Cultural competence: reflections on patient autonomy and patient good. (United States)

    Leever, Martin G


    Terms such as 'cultural competence' and 'transcultural nursing' have comfortably taken their place in the lexicon of health care. Their high profile is a reflection of the diversity of western societies and health care's commitment to provide care that is responsive to the values and beliefs of all who require treatment. However, the relationship between cultural competence and familiar ethical concepts such as patient autonomy has been an uneasy one. This article explores the moral foundations of cultural competence, ultimately locating them in patient autonomy and patient good. The discussion of patient good raises questions about the moral relevance of a value's rootedness in a particular culture. I argue that the moral justification for honoring cultural values has more to do with the fact that patients are strongly committed to them than it does with their cultural rootedness. Finally, I suggest an organizational approach to cultural competence that emphasizes overall organizational preparedness.

  9. Neuropathic pain in patients with spinal cord injury: report of 213 patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira


    Full Text Available Objective Management of neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury (SCI can be a frustrating experience for patients since it poses a therapeutic challenge. In this article the authors describe the clinical characteristics of a group of patients with pain after spinal cord injury. Methods In this retrospective study, 213 patients with SCI and neuropathic pain were assessed. We analyzed clinical characteristics, treatment options, and pain intensity for these patients. Results The main cause of SCI was spine trauma, which occurred in 169 patients, followed by tumors and infection. Complete lesions were verified in 144 patients. In our study, patients with traumatic SCI and partial lesions seem to be presented with more intense pain; however, this was not statistically significant. Conclusions Neuropathic pain is a common complaint in patients with SCI and presents a treatment challenge. Knowledge of the clinical characteristics of this group of patients may help determine the best approach to intervention.

  10. [Doctor-Patient Communication Training in Simulated Situations: Emotions and Perceptions of Simulated Patients during Patient-Centered Conversations]. (United States)

    Butollo, Maria Asisa; Holzinger, Anita; Wagner-Menghin, Michaela


    The use of simulated patients (SPs) for doctor-patient communication training has been established in medical curricula as an important didactic method. The study addresses the question, if patients' emotions and perceptions are represented adequately in patient-centered communication. 22 of 37 SPs of the Medical University of Vienna (12 women, 10 men) were asked openly about their feelings after having acted as an SP in a semi-structured interview, which employed the Critical Incident Technique. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, separated into situational analysis units und analyzed deductively; we used the evidence based qualities of patient-centered communication and the "Nationaler Kompetenzbasierter Lernzielkatalog Medizin" as a guideline. Out of 192 analysis units, 67 were evaluated as positive and 125 as negative. The SPs reported positive feelings, such as perceiving "stability and trust in relationships" (22%), perception of congruence (15%), acceptance (27%) and empathy (36%). As to negative feelings, SPs reported "perceiving instability" (18%), "incongruence" (11%), "lack of acceptance" (40%) and "lack of empathy" (30%). Additionally, 50% of SPs were positively affected when observing students' learning success. When SPs perceived patient-centered communication, they reported positive emotions. A lack of patient centeredness, on the contrary, provoked negative emotions. An empathic attitude, as well as a "lack of acceptance" with contrary effects had the strongest influence on the SPs' mental state. The reaction of SPs to patient centeredness is sufficiently authentic to reach learning objectives, however it is also affected by reactions of SPs to the learning success of students, which is irrelevant for the real-life doctor-patient interaction. SP reactions are affected by students' attitudes. Students should therefore be prepared well before interacting with SPs in a roleplay setting. While SPs' behavior is authentic in patient

  11. Patients' and family members' views on patient-centered communication during cancer care. (United States)

    Mazor, Kathleen M; Beard, Reneé L; Alexander, Gwen L; Arora, Neeraj K; Firneno, Cassandra; Gaglio, Bridget; Greene, Sarah M; Lemay, Celeste A; Robinson, Brandi E; Roblin, Douglas W; Walsh, Kathleen; Street, Richard L; Gallagher, Thomas H


    To explore patients' and family members' views on communication during cancer care and to identify those aspects of clinician-patient communication which were most important to patients and family members. We conducted a secondary data analysis of qualitative data from 137 patients with cancer and family members of patients with cancer. We used a modified version of the constant comparative method and coding paradigm of grounded theory. Patients want sensitive, caring clinicians who provide information that they need, when they need it, in a way that they can understand; who listen and respond to questions and concerns, and who attempt to understand the patient's experience. Effective information exchange and a positive interpersonal relationship with the clinician were of fundamental importance to patients and family members. These were interrelated; for instance, failure to provide information a patient needed could damage the relationship, whereas excellent listening could foster the relationship. Information exchange and relationship were also integral to decision-making, managing uncertainty, responding to emotions, and self-management. Clinicians who were responsive to patients' needs beyond the immediate medical encounter were valued. The complexity of cancer care today suggests that efforts to improve communication must be multilevel, acknowledging and addressing patient, clinician, organizational and policy barriers, and facilitators. Measurement tools are needed to assess cancer patients' and family members' experiences with communication over the course of cancer care to provide meaningful, actionable feedback to those seeking to optimize their effectiveness in communicating with patients with cancer. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  12. Use of a Dog Visitation Program to Improve Patient Satisfaction in Trauma Patients. (United States)

    Stevens, Penelope; Kepros, John P; Mosher, Benjamin D

    Clinical staff members all recognize the importance of attaining high patient satisfaction scores. Although there are many variables that contribute to patient satisfaction, implementation of a dog visitation program has been shown to have positive effects on patient satisfaction in total joint replacement patients. This innovative practice had not previously been studied in trauma patients. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to determine whether dog visitation to trauma inpatients increased patient satisfaction scores with the trauma physicians. A team consisting of a dog and handler visited 150 inpatients on the trauma service. Patient satisfaction was measured using a preexisting internal tool for patients who had received dog visitation and compared with other trauma patients who had not received a visit. This study demonstrated that patient satisfaction on four of the five measured scores was more positive for the patients who had received a dog visit.

  13. Patient life in hospital

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid

    Patient life in hospital.A qualitative study of informal relationships between hospitalised patients Introduction Within a patientology framework, this PhD dissertation is about an empirical study on patient life that provides insight into the nature of informal relationships between patients...... are created through stories about three roughly framed aspects of hospitalisation: A. Being together with fellow patients entails a constant dilemma, B. Relationships between patients are restricted and extended and C. Shifting perspectives in solidarity. Conclusion Patients' hospitalisation is strongly...

  14. Experiences of cancer patients in a patient navigation program: a qualitative systematic review. (United States)

    Tan, Clarice Hwee Hoon; Wilson, Sally; McConigley, Ruth


    A patient navigation program is a model of care which entails trained personnel providing individualized and assistive care to adult oncology patients to help the patients overcome barriers. A further aim of the program is to achieve continuity of care as patients experience the complex healthcare system. Patient navigation is a new model of care in many institutions, and as such the experiences of patients in the patient navigation program remains inconclusive. The review seeks to understand the experiences of adult patients in patient navigation programs and how patient navigators impact the challenges patients encounter in the cancer care continuum. Participants of interest were adult cancer patients more than 18 years of age who are receiving or have received cancer care and are in a patient navigation program or had been in a hospital patient navigation program. Types of intervention(s)/phenomena of interest: The phenomenon of interest was the experiences of adult cancer patients who used patient navigation programs in hospital including how patient navigators impact on the challenges patients encounter in the cancer care continuum. Types of studies: This review considered studies that focused on qualitative data including, but not limited to, designs such as phenomenology, grounded theory, action research and exploratory studies. The review includes patient navigation programs within a hospital setting. Types of outcome: The review sought to understand the experiences of patients with cancer in patient navigation programs in the hospital. A three-step search strategy was used. An initial search to identify keywords was undertaken in PubMed and Science Direct followed by an expanded search using all identified keywords and index terms specific to each included database. The reference lists of included papers were then searched for any other relevant studies. Each paper was assessed independently by two reviewers for methodological quality using the Joanna

  15. Comparing thrombin generation in patients with hemophilia A and patients on vitamin K antagonists. (United States)

    de Koning, M L Y; Fischer, K; de Laat, B; Huisman, A; Ninivaggi, M; Schutgens, R E G


    Essentials It is unknown if hemophilia patients with atrial fibrillation need anticoagulation. Endogenous thrombin potentials (ETP) in hemophilia patients and patients on coumarins were compared. Severe hemophilia patients had comparable ETP to therapeutic international normalized ratio (INR). In non-severe hemophilia, 33% had higher ETP than therapeutic INR and may need anticoagulation. Click to hear Dr Negrier's perspective on global assays for assessing coagulation SUMMARY: Background It is unknown whether patients with hemophilia A with atrial fibrillation require treatment with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) to the same extent as the normal population. Objective To compare hemostatic potential in hemophilia patients and patients on VKAs using thrombin generation (TG). Methods In this cross-sectional study, TG, initiated with 1pM tissue factor, was measured in 133 patients with severe (FVIII hemophilia A, 97 patients on a VKA with an international normalized ratio (INR) ≥ 1.5 and healthy controls. Endogenous thrombin potential (ETP) (nm*min) was compared according to FVIII level (hemophilia patients and patients on VKAs had lower median ETPs at 304 (196-449) and 176 (100-250), respectively. ETP was quite similar in severe hemophilia patients (185 [116-307]) and patients with a therapeutic INR (156 [90-225]). Compared with patients with therapeutic INR, ETP in patients with FVIII 1-19% and patients with FVIII 20-50% was higher at 296 (203-430) and 397 (219-632), respectively. All patients with therapeutic INR had an ETP hemophilia patients, 70% of patients with FVIII 1-19% and 52% of patients with FVIII 20-50% had an ETP hemophilia patients, TG was comparable to that in patients with a therapeutic INR. In one-third of non-severe hemophilia patients, TG was higher. These results suggest that anticoagulation therapy should be considered in a substantial proportion of non-severe hemophilia patients. © 2017 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.

  16. Can patients report patient safety incidents in a hospital setting? A systematic review. (United States)

    Ward, Jane K; Armitage, Gerry


    Patients are increasingly being thought of as central to patient safety. A small but growing body of work suggests that patients may have a role in reporting patient safety problems within a hospital setting. This review considers this disparate body of work, aiming to establish a collective view on hospital-based patient reporting. This review asks: (a) What can patients report? (b) In what settings can they report? (c) At what times have patients been asked to report? (d) How have patients been asked to report? 5 databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, (Kings Fund) HMIC and PsycINFO) were searched for published literature on patient reporting of patient safety 'problems' (a number of search terms were utilised) within a hospital setting. In addition, reference lists of all included papers were checked for relevant literature. 13 papers were included within this review. All included papers were quality assessed using a framework for comparing both qualitative and quantitative designs, and reviewed in line with the study objectives. Patients are clearly in a position to report on patient safety, but included papers varied considerably in focus, design and analysis, with all papers lacking a theoretical underpinning. In all papers, reports were actively solicited from patients, with no evidence currently supporting spontaneous reporting. The impact of timing upon accuracy of information has yet to be established, and many vulnerable patients are not currently being included in patient reporting studies, potentially introducing bias and underestimating the scale of patient reporting. The future of patient reporting may well be as part of an 'error detection jigsaw' used alongside other methods as part of a quality improvement toolkit.

  17. Self-transcendence and nurse-patient interaction in cognitively intact nursing home patients. (United States)

    Haugan, Gørill; Rannestad, Toril; Hanssen, Brith; Espnes, Geir A


    The aim of this study was to test whether nurse-patient interaction affects cognitively intact nursing home patients' interpersonal and intrapersonal self-transcendence, as well as testing the psychometric properties of the Nurse-Patient Interaction Scale (NPIS). Self-transcendence is considered a spiritual developmental process of maturity in adulthood, and a vital resource of well-being at the end of life. The concept of self-transcendence has previously been explored in various populations, yet the nurse-patient interactions' potential influence on self-transcendence in nursing home patients has not been published previously. A cross-sectional design employing the Self-Transcendence Scale and the NPIS was adopted. A sample of 202 cognitively well-functioning nursing home patients in Norway was selected. The statistical analyses were carried out using lisrel 8.8 and structural equation modelling. Structural equation modelling-analysis indicates statistical significant effect of nurse-patient interaction on the patients' self-transcendence. Direct influence on the intrapersonal and indirect influence on the interpersonal self-transcendence aspects was disclosed. Nurse-patient interaction significantly affected both interpersonal and intrapersonal self-transcendence among cognitively intact nursing home patients. Hence, facilitating caring interventions can be significantly beneficial to older patients' self-transcendence and thereby well-being, both emotional and physical. Caring behaviour signifies the vital and ultimate qualitative nursing behaviour, which promotes self-transcendence and thereby well-being. These findings are important for clinical nursing that intends to increase patients' well-being. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  18. Patient perceptions of text-messages, email, and video in dermatologic surgery patients. (United States)

    Hawkins, Spencer D; Barilla, Steven; Williford, Phillip Williford M; Feldman, Steven R; Pearce, Daniel J


    We developed dermatology patient education videos and a post-operative text message service that could be accessed universally via web based applications. A secondary outcome of the study was to assess patient opinions of text-messages, email, and video in the health care setting which is reported here. An investigator-blinded, randomized, controlled intervention was evaluated in 90 nonmelanoma MMS patients at Wake Forest Baptist Dermatology. Patients were randomized 1:1:1:1 for exposure to: 1) videos with text messages, 2) videos only, 3) text messages-only, or 4) standard of care. Assessment measures were obtained by the use of REDCap survey questions during the follow up visit. 1) 67% would like to receive an email with information about the procedure beforehand 2) 98% of patients reported they would like other doctors to use educational videos as a form of patient education 3) 88% of our patients think it is appropriate for physicians to communicate to patients via text message in certain situations. Nearly all patients desired physicians to use text-messages and video in their practice and the majority of patients preferred to receive an email with information about their procedure beforehand.

  19. Factors Associated With Patient-perceived Hoarseness in Spasmodic Dysphonia Patients. (United States)

    Hu, Amanda; Hillel, Al; Meyer, Tanya


    The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Clinical Practice Guidelines on Hoarseness distinguishes between hoarseness, which is a symptom perceived by the patient, and dysphonia, which is a diagnosis made by the clinician. Our objective was to determine factors that are associated with patient-perceived hoarseness in spasmodic dysphonia (SD) patients. Retrospective study. Adductor SD patients who presented for botulinum toxin injections from September 2011 to June 2012 were recruited. The main outcome variable, Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10), was used to quantify patient-perceived hoarseness. Clinical data, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and VHI-10 were collected. Clinician-perceived dysphonia was measured by a speech-language pathologist with Consensus Auditory Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE-V). Statistical analysis included univariate analyses and multiple linear regression. One hundred thirty-nine SD patients had VHI-10 score of 26.0 ± 7.2 (mean ± standard deviation), disease duration of 10.5 + 7.0 years, CAPE-V overall score of 43.2 ± 21.8, HADS anxiety score of 6.7 ± 3.8, and HADS depression score of 3.6 ± 2.8. In univariate analyses, there were positive correlations (P dysphonia are associated with higher levels of patient-perceived hoarseness in SD patients. Hoarseness is a very personal symptom. Multiple factors determine its self-perception. Copyright © 2016 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. The Relationships Between Doctor-Patient Affectionate Communication and Patient Perceptions and Outcomes. (United States)

    Hesse, Colin; Rauscher, Emily A


    The current article combines the literature on doctor-patient communication and affectionate communication. Using Affection Exchange Theory (AET), the study predicts that the need for affection and the benefits of affectionate communication translate to the doctor-patient setting, proposing a series of relationships from both perceived doctor affectionate communication and affection deprivation to several patient outcome variables (patient perception of the doctor, patient communication with the doctor, and patient satisfaction/adherence). The results strongly supported the predictions for both affectionate communication and affection deprivation, with affectionate communication positively relating to most outcome measures and affection deprivation negatively relating to most outcome measures. Affection deprivation served as a moderator for the relationship between provider competence and patient satisfaction, although affectionate communication moderated the relationship between provider competence and patient adherence. Implications and possible directions for future research are discussed.

  1. Patient data and patient rights: Swiss healthcare stakeholders' ethical awareness regarding large patient data sets - a qualitative study. (United States)

    Mouton Dorey, Corine; Baumann, Holger; Biller-Andorno, Nikola


    There is a growing interest in aggregating more biomedical and patient data into large health data sets for research and public benefits. However, collecting and processing patient data raises new ethical issues regarding patient's rights, social justice and trust in public institutions. The aim of this empirical study is to gain an in-depth understanding of the awareness of possible ethical risks and corresponding obligations among those who are involved in projects using patient data, i.e. healthcare professionals, regulators and policy makers. We used a qualitative design to examine Swiss healthcare stakeholders' experiences and perceptions of ethical challenges with regard to patient data in real-life settings where clinical registries are sponsored, created and/or used. A semi-structured interview was carried out with 22 participants (11 physicians, 7 policy-makers, 4 ethical committee members) between July 2014 and January 2015. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, coded and analysed using a thematic method derived from Grounded Theory. All interviewees were concerned as a matter of priority with the needs of legal and operating norms for the collection and use of data, whereas less interest was shown in issues regarding patient agency, the need for reciprocity, and shared governance in the management and use of clinical registries' patient data. This observed asymmetry highlights a possible tension between public and research interests on the one hand, and the recognition of patients' rights and citizens' involvement on the other. The advocation of further health-related data sharing on the grounds of research and public interest, without due regard for the perspective of patients and donors, could run the risk of fostering distrust towards healthcare data collections. Ultimately, this could diminish the expected social benefits. However, rather than setting patient rights against public interest, new ethical approaches could strengthen both

  2. Identifying Patients at Risk and Patients in Need

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Thomas


    korttidssengeafsnit. Det viser sig at sygeplejerskernes anvendelse af patientmonitoreringsudstyret afhænger af tidspunkt på døgnet, og i hvilken sammenhæng systemet bruges. Behandling af patienter er udfordret af hvordan information indhentes og deles imellem klinikerne. Hyppigheden hvormed patienter monitoreres...

  3. A Patient-Specific Airway Branching Model for Mechanically Ventilated Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nor Salwa Damanhuri


    Full Text Available Background. Respiratory mechanics models have the potential to guide mechanical ventilation. Airway branching models (ABMs were developed from classical fluid mechanics models but do not provide accurate models of in vivo behaviour. Hence, the ABM was improved to include patient-specific parameters and better model observed behaviour (ABMps. Methods. The airway pressure drop of the ABMps was compared with the well-accepted dynostatic algorithm (DSA in patients diagnosed with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS. A scaling factor (α was used to equate the area under the pressure curve (AUC from the ABMps to the AUC of the DSA and was linked to patient state. Results. The ABMps recorded a median α value of 0.58 (IQR: 0.54–0.63; range: 0.45–0.66 for these ARDS patients. Significantly lower α values were found for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P<0.001. Conclusion. The ABMps model allows the estimation of airway pressure drop at each bronchial generation with patient-specific physiological measurements and can be generated from data measured at the bedside. The distribution of patient-specific α values indicates that the overall ABM can be readily improved to better match observed data and capture patient condition.

  4. [Verbal patient information through nurses--a case of stroke patients]. (United States)

    Christmann, Elli; Holle, Regina; Schüssler, Dörte; Beier, Jutta; Dassen, Theo


    The article represents results of a theoretical work in the field of nursing education, with the topic: Verbal Patient Information through Nurses--A Case of Stroke Patients. The literature review and analysis show that there is a shortage in (stroke) patient information generally and a lack of successful concepts and strategies for the verbal (stroke) patient information through nurses in hospitals. The authors have developed a theoretical basis for health information as a nursing intervention and this represents a model of health information as a "communicational teach-and-learn process", which is of general application to all patients. The health information takes place as a separate nursing intervention within a non-public, face-to-face communication situation and in the steps-model of the nursing process. Health information is seen as a learning process for patients and nurses too. We consider learning as information production (constructivism) and information processing (cognitivism). Both processes are influenced by different factors and the illness-situation of patients, personality information content and the environment. For a successful health information output, it is necessary to take care of these aspects and this can be realized through a constructivational understanding of didactics. There is a need for an evaluation study to prove our concept of health information.

  5. Validation of self assessment patient knowledge questionnaire for heart failure patients. (United States)

    Lainscak, Mitja; Keber, Irena


    Several studies showed insufficient knowledge and poor compliance to non-pharmacological management in heart failure patients. Only a limited number of validated tools are available to assess their knowledge. The aim of the study was to test our 10-item Patient knowledge questionnaire. The Patient knowledge questionnaire was administered to 42 heart failure patients from Heart failure clinic and to 40 heart failure patients receiving usual care. Construct validity (Pearson correlation coefficient), internal consistency (Cronbach alpha), reproducibility (Wilcoxon signed rank test), and reliability (chi-square test and Student's t-test for independent samples) were assessed. Overall score of the Patient knowledge questionnaire had the strongest correlation to the question about regular weighing (r=0.69) and the weakest to the question about presence of heart disease (r=0.33). There was a strong correlation between question about fluid retention and questions assessing regular weighing, (r=0.86), weight of one litre of water (r=0.86), and salt restriction (r=0.57). The Cronbach alpha was 0.74 and could be improved by exclusion of questions about clear explanation (Chronbach alpha 0.75), importance of fruit, soup, and vegetables (Chronbach alpha 0.75), and self adjustment of diuretic (Chronbach alpha 0.81). During reproducibility testing 91% to 98% of questions were answered equally. Patients from Heart failure clinic scored significantly better than patients receiving usual care (7.9 (1.3) vs. 5.7 (2.2), p<0.001). Patient knowledge questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool to measure knowledge of heart failure patients.

  6. Patient empowerment, patient participation and patient-centeredness in hospital care : A concept analysis based on a literature review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Castro, E.M.; van Regenmortel, T.; Vanhaecht, K.; Sermeus, W.; van Hecke, A.


    Objectives The concepts of patient empowerment, patient participation and patient-centeredness have been introduced as part of the trend towards a more participatory health care and have largely been used interchangeably. Although these concepts have been discussed for a number of years, their exact

  7. Displacing the Patient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pors, Anja Svejgaard

    as an affective care recipient, as a citizen with rights and as an individual need-oriented user on the one hand. On the other hand, the goal of patient satisfaction also deploys market perceptions of patients as homogeneous target groups to which information can be standardised. In the latter (market orientation......), the patient is also a resource for organizational development and a customer with consumer behavior. Overall, the strategy presents an information-pursuing patient figure making it possible to streamline the organization's care orientation on market conditions. In contrast to Annemarie Mol’s dichotomy of care......The analysis is based on an empirical study of a hospital’s communication strategy entitled: 'The Perspective of the Patient'. The paper asks how the strategy organizes communication work as situated displacements of the patient. Based on methodological elements from situational analysis (Clarke...

  8. Survey of a community-based infusion program for Australian patients with rheumatoid arthritis requiring treatment with tocilizumab: patient characteristics and drivers of patient satisfaction and patient-perceived benefits and concerns

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Voight L


    Full Text Available Louisa VoightCoast Joint Care, Maroochydore, Queensland, AustraliaBackground: Tocilizumab is an effective therapy for patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis that is administered by infusion over one hour every 4 weeks. The community-based infusion (ACTiv program was introduced to Australia in August 2010 to provide accessible and convenient treatment for patients with rheumatoid arthritis who require tocilizumab. The primary objectives of this study were to determine the characteristics of patients in the ACTiv program, patient satisfaction, and patient-perceived benefits and concerns with the ACTiv program, and drivers of patient satisfaction and patient-perceived benefits and concerns.Methods: A voluntary self-administered survey was given to all 608 patients in the ACTiv program between January 27, 2011 and March 31, 2011.Results: A total of 351 surveys were returned completed, giving a response rate of 58% (351/608. Most patients in the ACTiv program were women aged 40–64 years, with a mean disease duration of 13.7 years and moderate disability, who had been in the ACTiv program for ≥5 months. Most patients (88%, 302/342 were either very satisfied or satisfied with the ACTiv program and believed that they were very unlikely or somewhat unlikely to switch from the ACTiv program (64%, 214/335. The most important benefit was the reassurance of receiving treatment from a trained nurse in a professional medical environment (33%, 102/309. The most important concern was the fear of side effects (48%, 134/280. The main drivers of patient satisfaction and patient-perceived benefits and concerns of patients were health profile, previous medication experience, and length of treatment time in the program.Conclusion: The ACTiv program is used by patients of various ages, family life situations, and locations. Patient satisfaction with the program is high, which enables patients to benefit from long-term use of tocilizumab

  9. [QR-Code based patient tracking: a cost-effective option to improve patient safety]. (United States)

    Fischer, M; Rybitskiy, D; Strauß, G; Dietz, A; Dressler, C R


    Hospitals are implementing a risk management system to avoid patient or surgery mix-ups. The trend is to use preoperative checklists. This work deals specifically with a type of patient identification, which is realized by storing patient data on a patient-fixed medium. In 127 ENT surgeries data relevant for patient identification were encrypted in a 2D-QR-Code. The code, as a separate document coming with the patient chart or as a patient wristband, has been decrypted in the OR and the patient data were presented visible for all persons. The decoding time, the compliance of the patient data, as well as the duration of the patient identification was compared with the traditional patient identification by inspection of the patient chart. A total of 125 QR codes were read. The time for the decrypting of QR-Code was 5.6 s, the time for the screen view for patient identification was 7.9 s, and for a comparison group of 75 operations traditional patient identification was 27.3 s. Overall, there were 6 relevant information errors in the two parts of the experiment. This represents a ratio of 0.6% for 8 relevant classes per each encrypted QR code. This work allows a cost effective way to technically support patient identification based on electronic patient data. It was shown that the use in the clinical routine is possible. The disadvantage is a potential misinformation from incorrect or missing information in the HIS, or due to changes of the data after the code was created. The QR-code-based patient tracking is seen as a useful complement to the already widely used identification wristband. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  10. The experiences of chronically ill patients and registered nurses when they negotiate patient care in hospital settings: a feminist poststructural approach: A qualitative study that explores negotiation of patient care between patients and chronically ill patients in hospital settings. (United States)

    Griscti, Odette; Aston, Megan; Martin-Misener, Ruth; Mcleod, Deborah; Warner, Grace


    The aim of this study was to understand the experiences of chronically ill patients and registered nurse in negotiating patient care in hospital. Specifically, we explored how social and institutional discourses shaped power relations and negotiation of patient care. Current literature indicates that although nurses embrace this notion, such partnerships are not easily implemented. Most existing studies focus on the role of the nurse as the leader of the partnership with little attention paid to how social and institutional values, beliefs and practices shape nurse/patient power relations; or how these relationships are negotiated between nurses and patients. The theoretical and methodological approaches used in this study are based on the precepts of Foucault and feminist poststructural theorists. In depth interviews were conducted with eight chronically ill patients and 10 registered nurses. Both nurses and patients commented about the relationships that develop between nurses and chronically ill patients and how these relationships facilitate negotiation of patient care. Both parties described challenging moments and how institutional discourses may hinder positive negotiations of care. In this paper we highlight three themes that emerged: getting to know each other, they are not the sickest patients and finding time to listen. This study offers an innovative way of unpacking negotiation of care between chronically ill patients and registered nurses. It exposes how social and institutional discourses play a pivotal role in shaping negotiations between nurses and chronically ill patients. Negotiating care with chronically ill patients is not as asymmetric as portrayed in some of the literature and tends to be based on mutual agreements between nurses and patients. Nurses make it a point to listen to patients' needs and resist institutional discourses that preclude them from spending time with patients. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Effect of the patient-to-patient communication model on dysphagia caused by total laryngectomy. (United States)

    Tian, L; An, R; Zhang, J; Sun, Y; Zhao, R; Liu, M


    The study aimed to evaluate the effect of a patient-to-patient communication model on dysphagia in laryngeal cancer patients after total laryngectomy. Sixty-five patients who had undergone total laryngectomy were randomly divided into three groups: a routine communication group, a patient communication group (that received the patient-to-patient communication model) and a physician communication group. Questionnaires were used to compare quality of life and swallowing problems among all patient groups. The main factors causing dysphagia in total laryngectomy patients were related to fear and mental health. The patient communication group had improved visual analogue scale scores at one week after starting to eat. Quality of life in swallowing disorders questionnaire scores were significantly higher in the patient communication and physician communication groups than in the routine communication group. In addition, swallowing problems were much more severe in patients educated to high school level and above than in others. The patient-to-patient communication model can be used to resolve swallowing problems caused by psychological factors in total laryngectomy patients.

  12. Patient education about cough: effect on the consulting behaviour of general practice patients. (United States)

    Rutten, G; Van Eijk, J; Beek, M; Van der Velden, H


    The aim of this general practice study was to examine how the consulting behaviour of patients with a cough was affected when the tasks and responsibilities of patients, practice nurses and general practitioners were reorganized. In four 'average' single-handed general practices the effects on the consulting behaviour of patients of a rational practice policy on cough and the provision of systematic patient education on cough were compared with patient behaviour in four matched control practices. Changes of behaviour were measured in 548 patients who consulted for cough at least twice, in two successive autumn-winter periods. Significantly more patients in the experimental practice changed their behaviour to follow the practice guidelines than did patients in the control practices (56% versus 30%, P less than 0.001). The proportion of patients who continued to consult in the approved manner was greater among patients receiving intervention (66% versus 29%, P less than 0.001). This was equally true for patients who had suffered less than four episodes of cough or more than four episodes. The more often the patients received the education, the more effective it was. All patients who consulted the general practitioner for cough during the first autumn-winter period filled in a cough diary during the second period. From this it appeared that the intervention did not result in patients delaying consultation when they had a cough lasting longer than three weeks or one with 'serious' symptoms. It would appear that a rational practice policy and the provision of patient education can stimulate patients to modify their consulting behaviour. This could result in a reduction in the costs of health care.

  13. Patient empowerment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eskildsen, Nanna Bjerg; Joergensen, Clara Ruebner; Thomsen, Thora Grothe


    Background There is an increased attention to and demand for patient empowerment in cancer treatment and follow-up programmes. Patient empowerment has been defined as feeling in control of or having mastery in relation to cancer and cancer care. This calls for properly developed questionnaires...... assessing empowerment from the user perspective. The aim of this review was to identify questionnaires and sub-scales measuring empowerment and manifestations of empowerment among cancer patients. Materials and methods We conducted a systematic search of the PubMed, PsycINFO and CINAHL databases....... Empowerment and multiple search terms associated with empowerment were included. We included peer-reviewed articles published in English, which described questionnaires measuring empowerment or manifestations of empowerment in a cancer setting. In addition, the questionnaire had to be a patient...

  14. Hepatitis C Is Less Aggressive in Hemodialysis Patients than in Nonuremic Patients (United States)

    Trevizoli, Jose Eduardo; de Paula Menezes, Raissa; Ribeiro Velasco, Lara Franciele; Amorim, Regina; de Carvalho, Mauro Birche; Mendes, Liliana Sampaio; Neto, Columbano Junqueira; de Deus Macedo, José Roberto; de Assis, Francisco; Neves, Rocha


    Background and objectives: The severity of liver disease among hepatitis C patients on hemodialysis is controversial. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical, biochemical, and liver histologic characteristics of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in hemodialysis patients and in those with normal renal function. Design, setting, participants, & measurements: A case-control study was carried out with 36 HCV patients on hemodialysis and 37 HCV patients with normal renal function matched for gender, age at infection, and estimated time of infection. Results: HCV patients on hemodialysis had lower levels of alanina aminotransferase and lower viral load. Hepatic fibrosis was significantly higher in the patients with normal renal function (73%) than in hemodialysis patients (47.2%, P < 0.025); the same was observed for inflammatory activity (control group 59.5% versus hemodialysis patients 27.7%, P = 0.003). In addition, the risk of tissue inflammation was four times lower in hemodialysis patients (odds ratio = 0.23, P < 0.004), and severe inflammatory activity on biopsy was the only independent risk factor for fibrosis (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The lower biochemical and inflammatory activities observed in hemodialysis patients suggest that hemodialysis and uremia may have a protective role against progression of the disease caused by HCV. PMID:18650408

  15. 76 FR 71345 - Patient Safety Organizations: Voluntary Relinquishment From Child Health Patient Safety... (United States)


    ... Organizations: Voluntary Relinquishment From Child Health Patient Safety Organization, Inc. AGENCY: Agency for... notification of voluntary relinquishment from Child Health Patient Safety Organization, Inc. of its status as a Patient Safety Organization (PSO). The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 (Patient Safety...

  16. 76 FR 79192 - Patient Safety Organizations: Voluntary Relinquishment From HSMS Patient Safety Organization (United States)


    ... Organizations: Voluntary Relinquishment From HSMS Patient Safety Organization AGENCY: Agency for Healthcare... voluntary relinquishment from the HSMS Patient Safety Organization of its status as a Patient Safety Organization (PSO). The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 (Patient Safety Act), Public Law 109...

  17. Infrared-Guided Patient Setup for Lung Cancer Patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyatskaya, Yulia; James, Steven; Killoran, Joseph H.; Soto, Ricardo; Mamon, Harvey J.; Chin, Lee; Allen, Aaron M.


    Purpose: To evaluate the utility of an infrared-guided patient setup (iGPS) system to reduce the uncertainties in the setup of lung cancer patients. Methods and Materials: A total of 15 patients were setup for lung irradiation using skin tattoos and lateral leveling marks. Daily electronic portal device images and iGPS marker locations were acquired and retrospectively reviewed. The iGPS-based shifts were compared with the daily electronic portal device image shifts using both the central axis iGPS marker and all five iGPS markers. For shift calculation using the five markers, rotational misalignment was included. The level of agreement between the iGPS and portal imaging to evaluate the setup was evaluated as the frequency of the shift difference in the range of 0-5 mm, 5-10 mm, and >10 mm. Results: Data were obtained for 450 treatment sessions for 15 patients. The difference in the isocenter shifts between the weekly vs. daily images was 0-5 mm in 42%, 5-10 mm in 30%, and >10 mm in 10% of the images. The shifts seen using the iGPS data were 0-5 mm in 81%, 5-10 mm in 14%, and >10 mm in 5%. Using only the central axis iGPS marker, the difference between the iGPS and portal images was 10 mm in 7% in the left-right direction and 73%, 18%, and 9% in the superoinferior direction, respectively. When all five iGPS markers were used, the disagreements between the iGPS and portal image shifts >10 mm were reduced from 7% to 2% in the left-right direction and 9% to 3% in the superoinferior direction. Larger reductions were also seen (e.g., a reduction from 50% to 0% in 1 patient). Conclusion: The daily iGPS-based shifts correlated well with the daily electronic portal device-based shifts. When patient movement has nonlinear rotational components, a combination of surface markers and portal images might be particularly beneficial to improve the setup for lung cancer patients

  18. Examining chronic care patient preferences for involvement in health-care decision making: the case of Parkinson's disease patients in a patient-centred clinic. (United States)

    Zizzo, Natalie; Bell, Emily; Lafontaine, Anne-Louise; Racine, Eric


    Patient-centred care is a recommended model of care for Parkinson's disease (PD). It aims to provide care that is respectful and responsive to patient preferences, values and perspectives. Provision of patient-centred care should entail considering how patients want to be involved in their care. To understand the participation preferences of patients with PD from a patient-centred care clinic in health-care decision-making processes. Mixed-methods study with early-stage Parkinson's disease patients from a patient-centred care clinic. Study involved a modified Autonomy Preference Index survey (N=65) and qualitative, semi-structured in-depth interviews, analysed using thematic qualitative content analysis (N=20, purposefully selected from survey participants). Interviews examined (i) the patient preferences for involvement in health-care decision making; (ii) patient perspectives on the patient-physician relationship; and (iii) patient preferences for communication of information relevant to decision making. Preferences for participation in decision making varied between individuals and also within individuals depending on decision type, relational and contextual factors. Patients had high preferences for communication of information, but with acknowledged limits. The importance of communication in the patient-physician relationship was emphasized. Patient preferences for involvement in decision making are dynamic and support shared decision making. Relational autonomy corresponds to how patients envision their participation in decision making. Clinicians may need to assess patient preferences on an on-going basis. Our results highlight the complexities of decision-making processes. Improved understanding of individual preferences could enhance respect for persons and make for patient-centred care that is truly respectful of individual patients' wants, needs and values. © 2016 The Authors. Health Expectations Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. CT-docking patient stretcher

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mirvis, S.E.; Owens, E.; Maslyn, J.; Rizutto, M.


    This paper assesses the use of a patient stretcher that directly docks to a CT scanner for acutely injured and/or critically ill patients. The stretcher permits performance of radiography and acts as a platform for critical care monitoring and patient support devices. During a 1-year period, the prototype CT-docking stretcher was used for 35 patients sustaining acute trauma and 25 patients from critical care units. Observations were elicited from physicians, nurses and technologists concerning the advantages or disadvantages of the docking stretcher. Advantages of the CT-docking stretcher included time saved in moving patients to the CT table from the admitting/emergency ward, transfer of critically ill patients onto the stretcher in the controlled environment of the intensive care unit rather than the CT suite, increasing CT throughput by direct docking of the patient stretcher to the CT scanner rather than manual transfer of complex support and monitoring devices with the patient, decreased risk associated with physical movement of patients with potentially unstable spinal injuries or unstable physiologic status, and decrease in potential for injury to medical personnel performing patient transfer


    Caldwell, Hannah D; Minkoff, Neil B; Murthy, Kalyani


    Patient Web portals (PWPs) have been gaining traction as a means to collect patient-reported outcomes and maintain quality patient care between office visits. PWPs have the potential to impact patient-provider relationships by rendering additional channels for communication outside of clinic visits and could help in the management of common chronic medical conditions. Studies documenting their effect in primary care settings are limited. This perspective aims to summarize the benefits and drawbacks of using PWPs in the management of chronic conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and asthma, focusing on communication, disease management, compliance, potential barriers, and the impact on patient-provider dynamic. After a review of these topics, we present potential future directions. We conducted an exploratory PubMed search of the literature published from inception through December 2015, and focused our subsequent searches specifically to assess benefits and drawbacks of using PWPs in the management of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and asthma. Our search revealed several potential benefits of PWP implementation in the management of chronic conditions with regards to patient-provider relationships, such as improved communication, disease management, and compliance. We also noted drawbacks such as potentially unreliable reporting, barriers to use, and increased workload. PWPs offer opportunities for patients to report symptoms and outcomes in a timely manner and allow for secure online communication with providers. Despite the drawbacks noted, the overall benefits from successful PWP implementation could improve patient-provider relationships and help in the management of chronic conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and asthma.

  1. Patients' perceptions of patient care providers with tattoos and/or body piercings. (United States)

    Westerfield, Heather V; Stafford, Amy B; Speroni, Karen Gabel; Daniel, Marlon G


    This study evaluated patients' perceptions of patient care providers with visible tattoos and/or body piercings. As tattooing and body piercing are increasingly popular, research that informs nursing administrators regarding policies on patient care providers having visible tattoos and body piercings is warranted. A total of 150 hospitalized adult patients compared pictures of male and female patient care providers in uniform with and without tattoos and/or nonearlobe body piercings. Patient care providers with visible tattoos and/or body piercings were not perceived by patients in this study as more caring, confident, reliable, attentive, cooperative, professional, efficient, or approachable than nontattooed or nonpierced providers. Tattooed female providers were perceived as less professional than male providers with similar tattoos. Female providers with piercings were perceived as less confident, professional, efficient, and approachable than nonpierced female providers. Nursing administrators should develop and/or evaluate policies regarding patient care providers with visible tattoos and/or body piercings.

  2. What is patient-centered care really? Voices of Hispanic prenatal patients. (United States)

    Bergman, Alicia A; Connaughton, Stacey L


    Variations in patient-centered care (PCC) models and approaches contribute to ambiguity in how PCC is understood and defined, especially with regard to meeting the needs of diverse patient populations. One of the biggest challenges of putting PCC into practice is knowing what elements are the most important to patients. This qualitative study privileges patients' voices and adds a cultural dimension to existing health communication research on PCC through an empirical investigation of 48 Hispanic prenatal care patients' understandings and expectations of PCC. Semistructured interviews with 48 patients revealed five key themes in order of frequency: (a) una relación amable (a friendly relationship), (b) la atencion médica efectiva (effective medical care), (c) Español hablado (the Spanish language spoken), (d) comprensión de la información (understanding of information), and (e) eliminación del racismo (elimination of racism). The themes reflected several different assumptions and expectations with regard to PCC as compared to those espoused in many of the existing models and frameworks, such as the extent to which friendly interpersonal behaviors (e.g., smiling, making eye contact, displaying patience, and engaging in formal greetings, introductions, and farewells) were critical to patient satisfaction with the health care experience. Not only did patients feel better understood, but accompanied by friendly behaviors, information was viewed as more believable and accurate, and thus more patient-centered. The findings suggest that implementing culturally sensitive PCC approaches to caring for Hispanic prenatal care patients can include training health care staff on the importance of displaying friendly communicative behaviors such as smiling.

  3. [Microalbuminuria in diabetic and hypertensive patients: a study of 979 patients]. (United States)

    Roberto Robles, Nicolás; Velasco, Joaquín; Mena, Cándido; Angulo, Enrique; Garrote, Timotea


    Microalbuminuria is a known complication of diabetes mellitus but it is also a cardiovascular risk factor commonly present among hypertensive (non diabetic) population. The prevalence of microalbuminuria is variable and it has been never estimated in our region. The aim of this study has been to determine the prevalence of microalbuminuria in hypertensive (non diabetic) and diabetic population in Extremadura (Spain). The study included diabetic patients and non-diabetic hypertensive ones randomly selected. Microalbuminuria was measured in every patient using albumin/creatinin reactive stick in fasting first morning urine. Whenever possible microalbuminuria was confirmed in laboratory by microalbuminuria/creatinina coefficient in first morning urine samples. A total of 979 patients (mean age [SD], 67.9 [10.8] years; 409 men and 570 women, 505 diabetics) were studied. The presence of microalbuminuria was found in 12.4% of hypertensive patients and in 21.4% of diabetic patients (p < 0.001). Hypertensives and normotensive diabetics showed a similar prevalence of microalbuminuria (13.3%, not significant), but it tripled in hypertensive diabetics (33.8; p < 0.01). Glicemic control was not different for microalbuminuric diabetic patients and non microalbuminuric ones. The patients receiving rennin-angiotensin axis blocking drugs do not showed less prevalence of microalbuminuria (hypertensives 10.5%, diabetics 23.5%). Microalbuminuria was confirmed in 65.4% of patients. The prevalence of microalbuminuria in Extremadura seems to be high either in diabetics or non diabetic hypertensive patients. The finding of microalbuminuria in diabetics patients correlates with hypertension but do not with glicemic control. The prevalence of microalbuminuria is high in spite of using rennin-angiotensin axis blocking drugs.

  4. Development of a patient-reported outcome instrument for patients with lumbar radicular pain


    Ibsen, Charlotte; Schiøttz-Christensen, Berit; Handberg, Charlotte; Nielsen, Claus Vinther; Hørder, Mogens; Maribo, Thomas


    Background Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause to years lived with disability. 10–20% of patients with LBP experience radicular pain (lumbar radiculopathy). Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) play an important role in advancing patient-centered health care. Although patient involvement is essential to develop valid patient-centred PRO instruments patients are not always involved. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) are proposed to facilitate consist...

  5. Patient safety in out-of-hours primary care: a review of patient records

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wensing Michel


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Most patients receive healthcare in primary care settings, but relatively little is known about patient safety. Out-of-hours contacts are of particular importance to patient safety. Our aim was to examine the incidence, types, causes, and consequences of patient safety incidents at general practice cooperatives for out-of-hours primary care and to examine which factors were associated with the occurrence of patient safety incidents. Methods A retrospective study of 1,145 medical records concerning patient contacts with four general practice cooperatives. Reviewers identified records with evidence of a potential patient safety incident; a physician panel determined whether a patient safety incident had indeed occurred. In addition, the panel determined the type, causes, and consequences of the incidents. Factors associated with incidents were examined in a random coefficient logistic regression analysis. Results In 1,145 patient records, 27 patient safety incidents were identified, an incident rate of 2.4% (95% CI: 1.5% to 3.2%. The most frequent incident type was treatment (56%. All incidents had at least partly been caused by failures in clinical reasoning. The majority of incidents did not result in patient harm (70%. Eight incidents had consequences for the patient, such as additional interventions or hospitalisation. The panel assessed that most incidents were unlikely to result in patient harm in the long term (89%. Logistic regression analysis showed that age was significantly related to incident occurrence: the likelihood of an incident increased with 1.03 for each year increase in age (95% CI: 1.01 to 1.04. Conclusion Patient safety incidents occur in out-of-hours primary care, but most do not result in harm to patients. As clinical reasoning played an important part in these incidents, a better understanding of clinical reasoning and guideline adherence at GP cooperatives could contribute to patient safety.

  6. Patient choice modelling: how do patients choose their hospitals? (United States)

    Smith, Honora; Currie, Christine; Chaiwuttisak, Pornpimol; Kyprianou, Andreas


    As an aid to predicting future hospital admissions, we compare use of the Multinomial Logit and the Utility Maximising Nested Logit models to describe how patients choose their hospitals. The models are fitted to real data from Derbyshire, United Kingdom, which lists the postcodes of more than 200,000 admissions to six different local hospitals. Both elective and emergency admissions are analysed for this mixed urban/rural area. For characteristics that may affect a patient's choice of hospital, we consider the distance of the patient from the hospital, the number of beds at the hospital and the number of car parking spaces available at the hospital, as well as several statistics publicly available on National Health Service (NHS) websites: an average waiting time, the patient survey score for ward cleanliness, the patient safety score and the inpatient survey score for overall care. The Multinomial Logit model is successfully fitted to the data. Results obtained with the Utility Maximising Nested Logit model show that nesting according to city or town may be invalid for these data; in other words, the choice of hospital does not appear to be preceded by choice of city. In all of the analysis carried out, distance appears to be one of the main influences on a patient's choice of hospital rather than statistics available on the Internet.

  7. Putting patients first: a novel patient-centered model for medical enterprise success. (United States)

    Dhawan, Naveen


    This article introduces a new way of viewing patient-customers. It encourages a greater emphasis on patients' needs and the importance of considering dimensions of the patient experience to better serve them. It also draws from examples in the general business world as they can be applied to medical enterprises. The author introduces a model that directs all business activities toward the end consumer with an underlying guidance by patient needs. A business is advised to understand its customer, design a patient-directed vision, and focus on creating a unique customer experience. The article delineates key action items for physicians and administrators that will allow them to better meet their patient-customers' needs and develop loyalty. By practicing a patient-centered approach and following these guidelines, one may ensure greater success of the medical enterprise.

  8. Patient representatives' views on patient information in clinical cancer trials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dellson, Pia; Nilbert, Mef; Carlsson, Christina


    of future simplified and more attractive informed consent forms. CONCLUSIONS: The emotional and cognitive responses to written patient information reported by patient representatives provides a basis for revised formats in future trials and add to the body of information that support use of plain language......BACKGROUND: Patient enrolment into clinical trials is based on oral information and informed consent, which includes an information sheet and a consent certificate. The written information should be complete, but at the same time risks being so complex that it may be questioned if a fully informed...... consent is possible to provide. We explored patient representatives' views and perceptions on the written trial information used in clinical cancer trials. METHODS: Written patient information leaflets used in four clinical trials for colorectal cancer were used for the study. The trials included phase I...

  9. Patient representatives' views on patient information in clinical cancer trials. (United States)

    Dellson, Pia; Nilbert, Mef; Carlsson, Christina


    Patient enrolment into clinical trials is based on oral information and informed consent, which includes an information sheet and a consent certificate. The written information should be complete, but at the same time risks being so complex that it may be questioned if a fully informed consent is possible to provide. We explored patient representatives' views and perceptions on the written trial information used in clinical cancer trials. Written patient information leaflets used in four clinical trials for colorectal cancer were used for the study. The trials included phase I-III trials, randomized and non-randomized trials that evaluated chemotherapy/targeted therapy in the neoadjuvant, adjuvant and palliative settings. Data were collected through focus groups and were analysed using inductive content analysis. Two major themes emerged: emotional responses and cognitive responses. Subthemes related to the former included individual preferences and perceptions of effect, while subthemes related to the latter were comprehensibility and layout. Based on these observations the patient representatives provided suggestions for improvement, which largely included development of future simplified and more attractive informed consent forms. The emotional and cognitive responses to written patient information reported by patient representatives provides a basis for revised formats in future trials and add to the body of information that support use of plain language, structured text and illustrations to improve the informed consent process and thereby patient enrolment into clinical trials.

  10. Effects of Program and Patient Characteristics on Retention of Drug Treatment Patients. (United States)

    Hser, Yih-Ing; Joshi, Vandana; Maglione, Margaret; Chou, Chih Ping; Anglin, M. Douglas


    Studied the effects of program and patient characteristics on patient retention in residential, out-patient, and methadone maintenance drug treatment programs. Data for 26,047 patients in 87 programs show that threshold retention rates were generally low for all 3 program types, although program practice and service provision played important…

  11. Patients' evaluations of patient safety in English general practices: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Ricci-Cabello, Ignacio; Marsden, Kate S; Avery, Anthony J; Bell, Brian G; Kadam, Umesh T; Reeves, David; Slight, Sarah P; Perryman, Katherine; Barnett, Jane; Litchfield, Ian; Thomas, Sally; Campbell, Stephen M; Doos, Lucy; Esmail, Aneez; Valderas, Jose M


    Description of safety problems and harm in general practices has previously relied on information from health professionals, with scarce attention paid to experiences of patients. To examine patient-reported experiences and outcomes of patient safety in primary care. Cross-sectional study in 45 general practices across five regions in the north, centre, and south of England. A version of the Patient Reported Experiences and Outcomes of Safety in Primary Care (PREOS-PC) questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 6736 patients. Main outcome measures included 'practice activation' (what a practice does to create a safe environment); 'patient activation' (how proactive are patients in ensuring safe healthcare delivery); 'experiences of safety events' (safety errors); 'outcomes of safety' (harm); and 'overall perception of safety' (how safe patients rate their practice). Questionnaires were returned by 1244 patients (18.4%). Scores were high for 'practice activation' (mean [standard error] = 80.4 out of 100 [2.0]) and low for 'patient activation' (26.3 out of 100 [2.6]). Of the patients, 45% reported experiencing at least one safety problem in the previous 12 months, mostly related to appointments (33%), diagnosis (17%), patient provider communication (15%), and coordination between providers (14%). Twenty-three per cent of the responders reported some degree of harm in the previous 12 months. The overall assessment of level of safety of practices was generally high (86.0 out of 100 [16.8]). Priority areas for patient safety improvement in general practices in England include appointments, diagnosis, communication, coordination, and patient activation. © British Journal of General Practice 2017.

  12. disease patient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Setareh Mamishi


    Full Text Available Background and Purpose: Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD is an inherited disorder of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH oxidase complex. This disorder results in recurrent life-threatening bacterial and fungal infections. Aspergillus species are the most common fungal infections in these patients. Case Report: Herein, we present a case of fungal infection in a girl with CGD. We confirmed aspergillosis through the positive microscopic and macroscopic examinations, as well as radiology results. Invasive aspergillosis in this patient with pneumonia, lung abscess, and osteomyelitis of the ribs was not initially treated with amphotericin B (Am B and recombinant interferon-gamma. Conclusion: Among infectious diseases, fungal infections, in particular aspergillosis, remain a serious problem in CGD patients. Considering poor clinical response and deficient immune system, rapid diagnosis of fungal infection and optimizing the treatment of these patients are recommended.

  13. Ergonomics and patient handling. (United States)

    McCoskey, Kelsey L


    This study aimed to describe patient-handling demands in inpatient units during a 24-hour period at a military health care facility. A 1-day total population survey described the diverse nature and impact of patient-handling tasks relative to a variety of nursing care units, patient characteristics, and transfer equipment. Productivity baselines were established based on patient dependency, physical exertion, type of transfer, and time spent performing the transfer. Descriptions of the physiological effect of transfers on staff based on patient, transfer, and staff characteristics were developed. Nursing staff response to surveys demonstrated how patient-handling demands are impacted by the staff's physical exertion and level of patient dependency. The findings of this study describe the types of transfers occurring in these inpatient units and the physical exertion and time requirements for these transfers. This description may guide selection of the most appropriate and cost-effective patient-handling equipment required for specific units and patients.

  14. Measuring the patient experience. (United States)

    Lees, Carolyn


    This paper examines the complex issues of measuring the patient experience and evaluating the quality of health care. It discusses the use of surveys, patient stories and narrative methods of data collection in an attempt to define quality and how it should be measured. A recent Department of Health (DH) document insists that patients will be at the heart of decision making in the NHS by having greater control in informing strategic commissioning decisions (DH 2010c). The government aims to improve patient experience, enabling patients to rate services according to the quality of care they receive. This will be carried out using information generated by patients. This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using surveys in gathering patient satisfaction data. It considers the value of surveys in measuring quality of care and appraises their usefulness in strengthening patients' collective voice. The paper investigates the use of another source of feedback - it examines the design of qualitative data collection methods as a means of gaining feedback from service users in encouraging providers of health care to be more responsive to their needs. Too often, patients are expected to fit the services, rather than services meeting the patients' needs. The most effective way of exploring and representing the patient's experience is by using a mixed-method approach. In other words, an integrated approach with the use of surveys and more narrative methods, such as patient stories, will effectively define quality and how it should be measured, ensuring that the focus is always on what matters most to patients.

  15. Emergency department team communication with the patient: the patient's perspective. (United States)

    McCarthy, Danielle M; Ellison, Emily P; Venkatesh, Arjun K; Engel, Kirsten G; Cameron, Kenzie A; Makoul, Gregory; Adams, James G


    Effective communication is important for the delivery of quality care. The Emergency Department (ED) environment poses significant challenges to effective communication. The objective of this study was to determine patients' perceptions of their ED team's communication skills. This was a cross-sectional study in an urban, academic ED. Patients completed the Communication Assessment Tool for Teams (CAT-T) survey upon ED exit. The CAT-T was adapted from the psychometrically validated Communication Assessment Tool (CAT) to measure patient perceptions of communication with a medical team. The 14 core CAT-T items are associated with a 5-point scale (5 = excellent); results are reported as the percent of participants who responded "excellent." Responses were analyzed for differences based on age, sex, race, and operational metrics (wait time, ED daily census). There were 346 patients identified; the final sample for analysis was 226 patients (53.5% female, 48.2% Caucasian), representing a response rate of 65.3%. The scores on CAT-T items (reported as % "excellent") ranged from 50.0% to 76.1%. The highest-scoring items were "let me talk without interruptions" (76.1%), "talked in terms I could understand" (75.2%), and "treated me with respect" (74.3%). The lowest-scoring item was "encouraged me to ask questions" (50.0%). No differences were noted based on patient sex, race, age, wait time, or daily census of the ED. The patients in this study perceived that the ED teams were respectful and allowed them to talk without interruptions; however, lower ratings were given for items related to actively engaging the patient in decision-making and asking questions. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Emerging Good Practices for Transforming Value Assessment: Patients' Voices, Patients' Values. (United States)

    Perfetto, Eleanor M; Harris, Jason; Mullins, C Daniel; dosReis, Susan


    Patient engagement is a transformative strategy for improving value assessment. US value framework developers have increased engagement activities, but more needs to be learned about how to best achieve meaningful patient engagement in value assessment. The objective was to glean good practices in patient engagement emerging from patient community experiences, to be used in value assessment. The National Health Council Value Workgroup conducted a survey and held a focus group with its member advocacy organizations to gather experiences with value framework developers and views on emerging good practices. Ten of 13 organizations completed the survey; reporting 13 interactions with four framework developers. Most rated experiences as "good" to "very good." Emerging good practices included (1) engage early; (2) engage a range of patients; (3) leverage patient-provided information, data resources, and outreach mechanisms; (4) be transparent; and (5) appreciate and accommodate resource constraints. Twelve of 13 organizations participated in the focus group, and this produced 30 emerging good practices in four areas: (1) timing; (2) methodology and data; (3) partnering; and (4) characterizing engagement. Patient engagement was limited in early development of value frameworks but has increased in the past few years. Patient groups report positive experiences that can serve as emerging good practices. These groups also reported experienced challenges in their interactions and recommended good practices to mitigate those challenges. The growing pool of patient engagement experiences can be translated into good practices to advance a patient-centered, value-driven health care ecosystem. Lessons learned from these early experiences can help establish recommend emerging good practices that can eventually result in best practices and standards in the field. Copyright © 2018 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc

  17. Learning from patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Ann-Helen; Ringsted, Charlotte


    Prior research on the use of patients as teachers has focused on testing the effectiveness of this practice and exploring its benefits for students. However, very little is known about the added value of patient teaching and how it relates to patient-centred learning. The aim of this study...

  18. Detection of patient psychological distress and longitudinal patient-doctor relationships: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Ridd, Matthew; Lewis, Glyn; Peters, Tim J; Salisbury, Chris


    Psychological distress in patients who attend their GP is thought to be under-recognised. However, it is likely that both disclosure and detection are influenced by how well the patient and doctor know each another. To examine whether patient-doctor depth of relationship is associated with identification of psychological distress. Cross-sectional study in general practices in and around Bristol, England. Patients (aged ≥16 years) were asked to complete a questionnaire and consent to their electronic medical records being reviewed. Study GPs independently assessed patient psychological distress. Multivariable logistic regression was used to look for associations between patient-doctor depth of relationship and GP detection of patient psychological distress (defined according to the 12-item General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-12). There were 643 eligible appointments with 31 GPs. In total, 541 (84.1%) patients returned questionnaires and 490 (76.2%) consented to their records being reviewed. Patient-doctor depth of relationship was not associated with GP detection of mild to severe patient psychological distress (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 0.94, 95% CI = 0.87 to 1.02) but, in secondary analyses, it was associated with the identification of moderate to severe distress (adjusted OR 1.13, 95% CI = 1.02 to 1.26). GPs reported more patient psychological distress in patients who reported a greater depth of relationship but this did not relate to patients' GHQ-12 scores. Evidence to support an association between patient-doctor depth of relationship and improved GP detection of patients with psychological distress was weak, except in those patients who GPs thought were more distressed. GPs may overestimate emotional distress in patients who report deeper patient-doctor relationships.

  19. Depression in Cancer Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beyhan Bag


    Full Text Available It is not enough to consider treatment and care depression in the oncology that is the most common psychiatric illness in cancer patient affects of cancer treatment and the patient`s quality of life negatively, which is determined through researches in the field. With development of psycho-oncology it has been demonstrated to establish an important link between the cancer patient`s treatment as well as psycho-social support for the patient and psychiatric treatment and care for the if it is needed. With this connection between them it has been proposed to use of bio-psycho-social-model in cancer patient to improve their care. To achieve this goal, it is expected from medical personnel to realize patients psychosocial need und if he/she has a psychiatric disorders or syndromes. For the medical personnel that work in oncology services, it is inevitable to organize in order to raise the awareness of depression in the cancer patients. In the present study, it is focused on raising the awareness of depression in cancer patient for the medical personnel. [Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry 2014; 6(2.000: 186-198

  20. Recruiting newly referred lung cancer patients to a patient navigator intervention (PACO)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjær, Trille Kristina; Mellemgaard, Anders; Stensøe Oksen, Marianne


    OBJECTIVES: The incidence of and survival from lung cancer are associated with socioeconomic position, and disparities have been observed in both curative and palliative treatment for lung cancer. 'Patient navigation' is valuable in addressing health disparity, with timely treatment and transitio...... of internal and external obstacles to patients' recruitment. The study provides insight into the barriers to recruitment of socially disadvantaged cancer patients to clinical trials and will inform future trial designs....... to care. We conducted a pilot study to test the feasibility of a patient navigator program (PAtient COach) for newly diagnosed lung cancer. We present the trial, the findings from the pilot study and discuss factors that might have affected recruitment rates. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We invited 24 lung...... of 1 or 2 or be over 65 years of age. The patient navigators targeted four phases of treatment: planning, initiation, compliance and end of treatment. RESULTS: Six months after the start of the study, we had recruited only six patients, due mainly to inherent patient resistance and because only 50...

  1. Patients' communication with doctors: a randomized control study of a brief patient communication intervention. (United States)

    Talen, Mary R; Muller-Held, Christine F; Eshleman, Kate Grampp; Stephens, Lorraine


    In research on doctor-patient communication, the patient role in the communication process has received little attention. The dynamic interactions of shared decision making and partnership styles which involve active patient communication are becoming a growing area of focus in doctor-patient communication. However, patients rarely know what makes "good communication" with medical providers and even fewer have received coaching in this type of communication. In this study, 180 patients were randomly assigned to either an intervention group using a written communication tool to facilitate doctor-patient communication or to standard care. The goal of this intervention was to assist patients in becoming more effective communicators with their physicians. The physicians and patients both rated the quality of the communication after the office visit based on the patients' knowledge of their health concerns, organizational skills and questions, and attitudes of ownership and partnership. The results supported that patients in the intervention group had significantly better communication with their doctors than patients in the standard care condition. Physicians also rated patients who were in the intervention group as having better overall communication and organizational skills, and a more positive attitude during the office visit. This study supports that helping patients structure their communication using a written format can facilitate doctor-patient communication. Patients can become more adept at describing their health concerns, organizing their needs and questions, and being proactive, which can have a positive effect on the quality of the doctor-patient communication during outpatient office visits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved).

  2. Cancer Patients and the Internet: a Survey Among German Cancer Patients. (United States)

    Ebel, Marie-Desiree; Stellamanns, Jan; Keinki, Christian; Rudolph, Ivonne; Huebner, Jutta


    An increasing number of patients and relatives use the Internet to get additional or initial information about their disease. The aim of the study was to reevaluate the Internet usage among German cancer patients. Using a standardized questionnaire, we did an anonymous survey on patients attending a series of lectures on complementary medicine in 2014. We received 255 questionnaires. Nearly 80 % of the participants stated that they used the Internet to read up information about health or medicine issues. There was no significant difference regarding gender, age, or status (patient, current treatment/former treatment; relatives). Most users use the Internet in order to get additional information after a consultation with a physician (82.2 %). Important qualities from the view of the patient are a trustable source (65.3 %), information from experts (59.6 %), and actual information (52.8 %). There is an increasing number of patients in Germany looking for information in the Internet mostly in the intention of getting additional information. Yet, as the quality of information is heterogeneous, false information may lead to distrust in the doctor or wrong decision-making. Accordingly, organizations working on improving quality of cancer care should engage in conveying comprehensive and actual information adapted to the needs of patients. Physicians should know trustful websites for referral of patients.

  3. Hospital pharmacists' and patients' views about what constitutes effective communication between pharmacists and patients. (United States)

    Chevalier, Bernadette A M; Watson, Bernadette M; Barras, Michael A; Cottrell, William N


    The study's objective was to explore hospital pharmacists' and patients' views about what constitutes effective communication exchanges between pharmacists and patients. This was a novel theory-based qualitative study using semi-structured interviews to elicit patients' and pharmacists' perspectives. Pharmacists providing clinical pharmacy services in either inpatient or outpatient settings were recruited first. Eligible patients had been admitted to a study pharmacist's practice area and were prescribed three or more medications to manage a chronic disease(s). Following each pharmacist-patient medication counselling session, semi-structured interviews were held separately with patients and pharmacists. Participants were asked questions intended to explore their views about what constitutes an effective pharmacist-patient conversation. Audio recordings were transcribed verbatim, analysed using a process of inductive thematic analysis and then mapped to Communication Accommodation Theory strategies. Observational notes and reflexive note taking were conducted throughout. Twelve pharmacists each engaged four individual patients for a total of 48 pharmacist-patient conversations (resulting in 48 separate interviews with pharmacists and patients). An overall shared goal was the assurance of patients' confidence in managing their medications at home. Themes included shared colloquialisms/slang, well-explained information, engagement, established rapport and empowerment. Participants provided rich exemplars for each of the themes. Pharmacists and patients provided valuable insights about what makes pharmacist-patient interactions effective. Patient-identified preferences for pharmacist-patient exchanges may help guide pharmacy students and practitioners to engage patients in effective conversations. © 2017 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

  4. Patient-perceived surgical indication influences patient expectations of surgery for degenerative spinal disease. (United States)

    Wilson, Thomas J; Franz, Eric; Vollmer, Carolyn F; Chang, Kate W-C; Upadhyaya, Cheerag; Park, Paul; Yang, Lynda J-S


    Patients frequently have misconceptions regarding diagnosis, surgical indication, and expected outcome following spinal surgery for degenerative spinal disease. In this study, we sought to understand the relationship between patient-perceived surgical indications and patient expectations. We hypothesized that patients reporting appendicular symptoms as a primary surgical indication would report a higher rate of having expectations met by surgery compared to those patients reporting axial symptoms as a primary indication. Questionnaires were administered to patients who had undergone surgery for degenerative spinal disease at 2 tertiary care institutions. Questions assessed perception of the primary indication for undergoing surgery (radicular versus axial), whether the primary symptom improved after surgery, and whether patient expectations were met with surgery. Outcomes of interest included patient-reported symptomatic improvement following surgery and expectations met by surgery. Various factors were assessed for their relationship to these outcomes of interest. There were 151 unique survey respondents. Respondents were nearly split between having a patient-perceived indication for surgery as appendicular symptoms (55.6%) and axial symptoms (44.4%). Patient-perceived surgical indication being appendicular symptoms was the only factor predictive of patient-reported symptomatic improvement in our logistic regression model (OR 2.614; 95% CI 1.218-5.611). Patient-perceived surgical indication being appendicular symptoms (OR 3.300; 95% CI 1.575-6.944) and patient-reported symptomatic improvement (OR 33.297; 95% CI 12.186-90.979) were predictive of patients reporting their expectations met with surgery in both univariate and multivariate logistic regression modeling. We found that patient-reported appendicular symptoms as the primary indication for surgery were associated with a higher rate of both subjective improvement following surgery and having expectations met

  5. [Nutritional support response in critically ill patients; differences between medical and surgical patients]. (United States)

    Zamora Elson, M; Serón Arbeloa, C; Labarta Monzón, L; Garrido Ramírez de Arellano, I; Lander Azcona, A; Marquina Lacueva, M I; López Claver, J C; Escós Orta, J


    To assess the nutritional response of a group of critically ill patients, as well as the differences in the response to nutritional support between medical and surgical patients. One-year long retrospective study including critically ill patients on artificial nutrition for 7 days. Throughout the first week, three nutritional biochemical controls were done that included albumin, prealbumin, transferrin, cholesterol, and electrolytes. Other data gathered were: nutritional risk index, age, gender, weight, height, APACHE, delay of onset of nutritional support, access route, predicted and real caloric intake, medical or surgical patient, hospital stay, duration of the central venous catheter, urinary tube, and/or mechanical ventilation, incidence and density of incidence of nosocomial infections. Sixty-three patients were studied, 30 (47%) medical and 33 (53%) surgical/trauma patients, with a usage of EN higher among medical patients (16/30, 53% vs. 5/33, 15%), PN higher among surgical patients (25/33, 76%), and mixed nutrition similar in both groups (5 medical and 3 surgical patients) (p = 0.001). There were no differences between medical and surgical patients regarding: both predicted and real caloric and nitrogenous intake, APACHE, delay of onset of nutrition, phosphorus, magnesium or glucose levels, mortality and incidence of nosocomial infections. There were no differences either in hospital stay or use of mechanical ventilation, although these tended to be lower in surgical patients. The baseline biochemical parameters did not show differences between both groups, although they were worse among surgical patients. These patients presented during the study period steady albumin levels with improvement in the remaining parameters, whereas medical patients showed a decrease in albumin and transferrin levels, steady prealbumin levels, and slightly improvement in cholesterol levels. We have observed higher usage of PN among surgical patients, which showed worse

  6. Patient life

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid


    Background: The hypothesis for the study is that the informal relationships amongst patients during hospitalisation have more influence on wellbeing, understanding of own illnesses and recovery than we until now have recognised in nursing. Aim: The purpose is to describe patients' experiences of ...

  7. Patient Satisfaction With Health Services At The Out-patient ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal Home > Vol 5, No 1 (2013) > ... Introduction: The patient's view as a recipient of health care service is rarely ... This study was aimed at assessing patient satisfaction with healthcare services received at a tertiary hospital in Nigeria.

  8. Forced convection of ammonia. 2. part.: gaseous ammonia - very high wall temperatures (1000 to 3000 K); Convection forcee de l'ammoniac. 2. partie: ammoniac gazeux - cas de tres hautes temperatures de paroi (1000 a 3000{sup 0} K)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perroud, P.; Rebiere, J.; Strittmatter, R. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop of gaseous ammonia in forced convection are experimentally determined. The fluid flows (mass flow rate 0.6 to 2.4 g/s) in a long tungsten tube (d{sub i} = 2.8 mm, d{sub e} = 5.1 mm, L = 700 mm) electrically heated. The temperature of the wall reaches 3000 deg. K and the fluid 2500 deg. K; maximum heat flux 530 w/cm{sup 2}. Ammonia is completely dissociated and the power necessary for dissociation reaches 30 per cent of the total power exchanged. Inlet pressure varies between 6 and 16 bars and the maximum pressure drop in the tube reaches 15 bars. Two regimes of dissociation have been shown: catalytic and homogeneous and the variation of dissociation along the length of the tube is studied. The measured heat transfer coefficients may be about 10 times these calculated by the means of classical formulae. A correlation of experimental results using enthalpy as a driving force for heat transmission is presented. Pressure drops may be calculated by the means of a classical friction factor. (authors) [French] On determine experimentalement les coefficients d'echange thermique et les pertes de charge de l'ammoniac gazeux en convection forcee. Le fluide circule avec un debit en masse compris entre 0.6 et 2.4 g/s (G = 10 a 40 g/cm{sup 2}.s) dans un tube long en tungstene (d{sub i} = 2.8 mm, d{sub e} = 5.1 mm, L = 700 mm), chauffe electriquement. La temperature de paroi atteint 3000 deg. K, celle du fluide 2500 deg. K et le flux de chaleur maximal est de 530 W/cm{sup 2}. L'ammoniac se dissocie completement, la puissance correspondant a la dissociation atteint 30 pour cent de la puissance totale echangee. La pression d'entree varie entre 6 et 16 bars et la chute de pression maximale dans le canal est de 15 bars. On distingue deux regimes de dissociation, catalytique et homogene, et on etudie la variation du taux de dissociation en fonction de la longueur du tube. Les coefficients d'echange thermique mesures

  9. La ponction biopsie hépatique à Dakar: indications, complications et apport diagnostique - à propos de 70 cas (United States)

    Touré, Papa Souleymane; Léye, Abdoulaye; Diop, Madoky Maguette; Gueye, Mame Daouda; Léye, Yakham Mohamed; Berthé, Adama; Mourtalla Ka, Mamadou


    Introduction Les objectifs de notre travail étaient de déterminer les indications, les complications et l'apport diagnostique de la ponction biopsie hépatique (PBH) transpariétale. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective descriptive allant du janvier 2006 à décembre 2010, réalisée dans le service de Médecine Interne de l'hôpital de Pikine de Dakar. Etaient inclus, tous les malades ayant subi une biopsie hépatique, en ambulatoire ou en hospitalisation. Etaient exclus, tous les patients qui ont bénéficié d'une PBH dont les résultats n'ont pas été retrouvés. Les données suivantes étaient étudié: l’âge, le sexe, les indications, la taille du fragment biopsique, Le nombre de carottes, les complications, la comparaison des diagnostics pré biopsiques avec les comptes rendus histologiques. Résultats Ont été colligées 70 patients atteints d'hépatopathie chronique ayant bénéficiés d'une PBH. Il s'agissait de 46 hommes (65.71%) et 24 femmes (34.29%). L’âge moyen des patients était de 36 ans. Les PBH étaient réalisées en ambulatoire chez 58 patients (82.86%) et chez 12 malades hospitalisés (17,14%). Les indications étaient dominées par les hépatites virales chroniques dans 62,86% (44cas), suivi des processus tumoraux du foie dans 24.29% (17 cas). Les complications survenues chez 15 patients (21.43%) étaient représentées de 14 cas de douleur (20%) et d'un cas de malaise vagal (1.43%). Les 70 PBH effectuées ont ramené une carotte dans 35,71% des cas, 2 à 6 carottes dans 32,87% des cas. La longueur moyenne des fragments biopsiques était de 22 ±8 mm. Soixante-six résultats étaient interprétables et 4 non interprétables soit une performance diagnostique de 94,29%. Conclusion La PBH est de pratique sure, avec un respect des contres indications et une bonne maitrise de la technique. Son acceptabilité a été bonne dans notre pratique et sa rentabilité diagnostique excellente. Elle devrait être beaucoup plus

  10. Grief symptoms and difficult patient loss for oncologists in response to patient death. (United States)

    Granek, Leeat; Ben-David, Merav; Shapira, Shahar; Bar-Sela, Gil; Ariad, Samuel


    The study aimed to explore oncologist's grief symptoms over patient death and to identify why and which losses are particularly challenging when patients die. The grounded theory method was used to collect and analyze the data. Twenty-two oncologists were interviewed between March 2013 and June 2014 from three adult oncology centers in the north, center, and south of Israel. Oncologists were at different stages of their careers and varied in their sub-specialties, gender, and personal and professional backgrounds. Grief begun when the patient died, in anticipation of the patient's death, many days after the death, or when the patient received a poor prognosis. The phenomenological experience of grief for oncologists included behavioral, cognitive, physical, and emotional symptoms in response to patient death. Behavioral symptoms included crying and difficulties sleeping. Cognitive symptoms included self-doubt and rumination about the patient and the care the patient had received before death. Physical symptoms included chest pain, fatigue, and general physical discomfort. Emotional symptoms included sadness, anxiety, helplessness, guilt, relief, irritability, and loss. Difficult patient loss was caused by patient-related factors, family-related factors, and disease-related factors. Patient deaths result in behavioral, cognitive, physical, and emotional symptoms of grief in oncologists. These symptoms become particularly intense in the context of patient, family, and disease-related factors. Educational and supportive interventions for managing grief related to patient death are needed in order to support oncologists in their emotionally and mentally taxing work. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  11. Pacemakers in patients with familial dysautonomia--a review of experience with 20 patients. (United States)

    Gold-von Simson, Gabrielle; Rutkowski, Monika; Berlin, Dena; Axelrod, Felicia B


    Familial dysautonomia (FD) is a genetic disease associated with a high incidence of sudden death. If fatal bradyarrhythmia is an etiological factor then the incidence of sudden death should decrease after pacemaker placement. Retrospective review of 596 registered FD patients revealed that 22 FD patients (3.7%) had pacemakers placed between December 1984 and June 2003. Clinical and electrocardiographic indications for placement and demographic data were assessed for 20 of the 22 patients (10 males, 10 females, ages 4 to 48 years). Two patients were excluded because of insufficient data. Prior to pacemaker placement, presenting symptoms were syncope and cardiac arrest, 16/20 (80%) and 6/20 (30 %), respectively. Asystole was the most frequent electrocardiographic finding and was documented in 17/20 patients (85 %). Other electrocardiographic abnormalities included bradycardia, AV block, prolonged QTc and prolonged JTc. The average duration of pacemaker utilization was 5.7 years (range 5 months to 14.5 years). Complications included infection (1 patient) and wire migration (2 patients). In the one patient with infection, the pacemaker was permanently removed. This patient then experienced multiple syncopal episodes and death. There were 7 other deaths. Three deaths occurred suddenly without preceding events, and 4 patients had non-cardiac causes of death. None of these 7 deceased patients had recurrence of syncope after pacemaker placement. In the 12 surviving patients, 6 had recurrence of syncope but none had cardiac arrest. Pacemaker placement may protect FD patients from fatal bradyarrhythmia and may decrease the incidence of syncope. However, data are limited and prospective analysis is needed.

  12. MR findings of cerebral palsy: comparison between preterm patients and fullterm patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, Yoon Joon; Kim, Dong Ik; Yoon, Pyeong Ho; Jeon, Pyoung; Ryu, Young Hoon; Hwang, Geum Ju; Kim, Eun Kyung [Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Byung Hee [Pundang Cha General Hospital, Sungnam (Korea, Republic of)


    To observe the MR findings of cerebral palsy by evaluating cerebral damage resulting from hypoxic ischemic injury and other variable causes and to compare the findings between preterm and full-term patients. We reviewed the MR findings of 102 cerebral palsy patients (71 full-term and 31 preterm). These were analysed with regard to deep and peripheral white matter, gray matter, basal ganglia, the thalamus, brainstem, cerebellum, corpus callosum and ventricles, according to the pattern of injury such as hypoxic ischemic injury, migration anomaly and early intrauterine injury, the findings of full-term and preterm patients were then compared. MR findings of preterm patients(n=3D31) were as follows;hypoxic ischemic injury(n=3D26),normal(n=3D2), and migration anomaly(n=3D3), while those of full-term patients(n=3D71) were hypoxic ischemic injury(n=3D41), normal(n=3D24), migration anomaly(n=3D4), early uterine injury(n=3D2), and perirolandic ischemic injury(n=3D6);in 5 patients, this latter condition was combined with status marmoratus. Periventricular leukomalacia was the most common finding in both preterm patients and full-term patients;selective neuronal necrosis, parasagittal injury and perirolandic injury were observed only in full-term patients. On MRI, variable findings of cerebral palsy were clearly observed;periventricular leukomalacia was the most common finding in both preterm and full-term patients.=20.

  13. MR findings of cerebral palsy: comparison between preterm patients and fullterm patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, Yoon Joon; Kim, Dong Ik; Yoon, Pyeong Ho; Jeon, Pyoung; Ryu, Young Hoon; Hwang, Geum Ju; Kim, Eun Kyung; Lee, Byung Hee


    To observe the MR findings of cerebral palsy by evaluating cerebral damage resulting from hypoxic ischemic injury and other variable causes and to compare the findings between preterm and full-term patients. We reviewed the MR findings of 102 cerebral palsy patients (71 full-term and 31 preterm). These were analysed with regard to deep and peripheral white matter, gray matter, basal ganglia, the thalamus, brainstem, cerebellum, corpus callosum and ventricles, according to the pattern of injury such as hypoxic ischemic injury, migration anomaly and early intrauterine injury, the findings of full-term and preterm patients were then compared. MR findings of preterm patients(n=3D31) were as follows;hypoxic ischemic injury(n=3D26),normal(n=3D2), and migration anomaly(n=3D3), while those of full-term patients(n=3D71) were hypoxic ischemic injury(n=3D41), normal(n=3D24), migration anomaly(n=3D4), early uterine injury(n=3D2), and perirolandic ischemic injury(n=3D6);in 5 patients, this latter condition was combined with status marmoratus. Periventricular leukomalacia was the most common finding in both preterm patients and full-term patients;selective neuronal necrosis, parasagittal injury and perirolandic injury were observed only in full-term patients. On MRI, variable findings of cerebral palsy were clearly observed;periventricular leukomalacia was the most common finding in both preterm and full-term patients.=20

  14. A Web-based patient information system--identification of patients' information needs. (United States)

    Hassling, Linda; Babic, Ankica; Lönn, Urban; Casimir-Ahn, Henrik


    Research described here was carried out to explore possibilities of creating a web-based patient information system within the areas of thoracic surgery. Data were collected to distinguish and assess the actual information needs of patients (1) prior to surgical treatment, (2) before discharge, and (3) 8 months after the hospitalization using a follow-up questionnaire. Interviews were performed with patients undergoing heart surgery. The study included material of 19 consecutive patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery (12) and valve replacement (7), age 35-74, 13 males and 6 females with nonacademic background. Patient satisfaction with given information was high. Analysis of the interviews held at the hospital resulted in seven different categories describing and giving a picture of the patients' information needs and apprehension of received care. The results found in this study can be used as guidance for developers in their design and development process of a health information system.

  15. Patient participation in the medical specialist encounter: does physicians' patient-centred communication matter?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zandbelt, Linda C.; Smets, Ellen M. A.; Oort, Frans J.; Godfried, Mieke H.; de Haes, Hanneke C. J. M.


    OBJECTIVE: Physicians' patient-centred communication is assumed to stimulate patients' active participation, thus leading to more effective and humane exchange in the medical consultation. We investigated the relationship between physicians' patient-centred communication and patient participation in

  16. Use of Patient-Authored Prehistory to Improve Patient Experiences and Accommodate Federal Law. (United States)

    Warner, Michael J; Simunich, Thomas J; Warner, Margaret K; Dado, Joseph


    Although federal law grants patients the right to view and amend their medical records, few studies have proposed a process for patients to coauthor their subjective history in their medical record. Allowing patients to fully disclose and document their medical history is an important step to improve the diagnostic process. To evaluate patients' office experience before and after they authored their subjective medical history for the electronic health record. Patients were mailed a prehistory form and presurvey to be completed before their family medicine office visit. On arrival to the office, the prehistory form was scanned into the electronic health record while the content was transcribed by hospital staff into the appropriate fields in the history component of the encounter note. Postsurveys were given to patients to be completed after their visit. Pre- and postsurveys measured the patients' perception of office visit quality as well as completeness and accuracy of their electronic health record documentation before and after their appointment. Medical staff surveys were collected weekly to measure the staff's viewpoint of the federal law that allows patients to view and amend their medical records. Of 405 patients who were asked to participate, 263 patients aged 14 to 94 years completed a presurvey and a prehistory form. Of those 263 patients, 134 completed a postsurvey. The pre- and postsurveys showed improved patient satisfaction with the office visit and high scores for documentation accuracy and completeness. Before filling out the prehistory form, 116 of 249 patients (46.6%) agreed or strongly agreed that they felt more empowered in their health care by completing the prehistory form compared with 110 of 131 (84.0%) who agreed or strongly agreed after the visit (Pprehistory form beforehand to improve the patient experience while accommodating federal law.

  17. Patient acceptability and practical implications of pharmacokinetic studies in patients with advanced cancer. (United States)

    Dobbs, N A; Twelves, C J; Ramirez, A J; Towlson, K E; Gregory, W M; Richards, M A


    We have studied the practical implications and acceptability to patients of pharmacokinetic studies in 34 women receiving anthracyclines for advanced breast cancer. The following parameters were recorded: age, ECOG performance status, psychological state (Rotterdam Symptom Checklist), cytotoxic drug and dose, number of venepunctures for treatment and sampling, and time when the sampling cannula was removed. Immediately after finishing pharmacokinetic sampling, patients completed a questionnaire which revealed that (i) all patients understood sampling was for research, (ii) 35% of patients experienced problems with sampling, (iii) benefits from participation were perceived by 56% of patients. Of 20 patients later questioned after completion of their treatment course, 40% recalled difficulties with blood sampling. Factors identifying in advance those patients who tolerate pharmacokinetic studies poorly were not identified but the number of venepunctures should be minimised. Patients may also perceive benefits from 'non-therapeutic' research.

  18. The Angry Dying Patient. (United States)

    Houston, Robert E.


    Over 25 years ago, Kubler-Ross identified anger as a predictable part of the dying process. When the dying patient becomes angry in the clinical setting, all types of communication become strained. Physicians can help the angry dying patient through this difficult time by using 10 rules of engagement. When physicians engage and empathize with these patients, they improve the patient's response to pain and they reduce patient suffering. When physicians educate patients on their normal responses to dying and enlist them in the process of family reconciliation, they can impact the end-of-life experience in a positive way.

  19. Patient satisfaction with cataract surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wasfi Ehab I


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Measuring the patient satisfaction is a very important issue that will help very much in improving the service provided to patients and improve the level of satisfaction. Aim To evaluate patient satisfaction with the cataract surgery service and identify any areas for improvement, determination of patient satisfaction with referral, out-patient consultation, pre-assessment clinic, surgery and post-operative care, also to report patients' comments relating to improvement in service provision. Methodology A retrospective study was undertaken for 150 patients underwent cataract surgery at Barrow General Hospital, UK, the survey sample was by postal questionnaires. We collected our data from the theatre lists for a period of 4 month. Results This study included 150 patients; the response rate was (72% 108 patients, Most patients were referred from their general practitioner 86.1%, 93 (86.1% patients were happy with the time interval from seeing their GP to eye clinic. In the eye out patient department many factors significantly affected the level of patient satisfaction, in general the more information provided for the patient the more the satisfaction. Conclusion Patient satisfaction is on important health outcome old understanding both the domains of satisfaction as well as their relative importance to patients is necessary to improve the overall quality of patient care. Meeting the doctor, presenting all relevant information and giving printed information are very important factors in improving the patient's satisfaction with cataract surgery.

  20. Patient loyalty model. (United States)

    Sumaedi, Sik; Bakti, I Gede Mahatma Yuda; Rakhmawati, Tri; Astrini, Nidya Judhi; Yarmen, Medi; Widianti, Tri


    This study aims to investigate the simultaneous effect of subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and trust on patient loyalty. The empirical data were collected through survey. The respondents of the survey are 157 patients of a health-care service institution in Bogor, Indonesia. Multiple regressions analysis was performed to test the conceptual model and the proposed hypotheses. The findings showed that subjective norm and trust influence patient loyalty positively. However, this research also found that perceived behavioral control does not influence patient loyalty significantly. The survey was only conducted at one health-care service institution in Bogor, Indonesia. In addition, convenience sampling method was used. These conditions may cause that the research results can not be generalized to the other contexts. Therefore, replication research is needed to test the stability of the findings in the other contexts. Health-care service institutions need to pay attention to trust and subjective norm to establish patient loyalty. This study is believed to be the first to develop and test patient loyalty model that includes subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and trust.

  1. Using patients as educators for communication skills: Exploring dental students' and patients' views. (United States)

    Coelho, C; Pooler, J; Lloyd, H


    A qualitative study to explore the issues for patients and students when giving feedback on the communication of dental students. The Department of Health and National Institute for Health Research are committed to involving patients in improving clinical education, research and service delivery. Yet, there is a limited body of evidence on the perceptions of patients when asked to be involved in this way, and specifically when asked to provide feedback on the communication skills of dental students. This study seeks to address this gap and heighten the understanding of the issues faced by patients when asked to be involved in clinical education. Data were collected using focus groups with dental students (n=10) and patients (n=8) being treated by these students. Both groups were asked about their thoughts, feelings and beliefs about patients being asked to provide feedback on the communication skills of dental students. Data analysis involved inductive thematic analysis of transcribed audio recordings. Four themes emerged from the data: "legitimacy," "co-educators," "maintaining the equilibrium of the patient-student relationship" and the "timing of patient feedback." Support for involving patients in giving feedback on students' communication skills was established, with patients considering they were best placed to comment on the communication skills of dental students. Patients and students do not want to provide feedback alone and want support to assist them, especially if feedback was negative. Issues of anonymity, confidentiality and ownership of the feedback process were worrisome, and the positioning of patient feedback in the programme was seen as critical. Patients and students are willing to engage in patient feedback on students' communication skills, and with support and training, the concerns around this are not insurmountable and the benefits could potentially profit both groups. These findings have resonance with other healthcare educators when

  2. User interface and patient involvement. (United States)

    Andreassen, Hege Kristin; Lundvoll Nilsen, Line


    Increased patient involvement is a goal in contemporary health care, and of importance to the development of patient oriented ICT. In this paper we discuss how the design of patient-user interfaces can affect patient involvement. Our discussion is based on 12 semi-structured interviews with patient users of a web-based solution for patient--doctor communication piloted in Norway. We argue ICT solutions offering a choice of user interfaces on the patient side are preferable to ensure individual accommodation and a high degree of patient involvement. When introducing web-based tools for patient--health professional communication a free-text option should be provided to the patient users.

  3. Analyzing differences between patient and proxy on Patient Reported Outcomes in multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Sonder, Judith M; Holman, Rebecca; Knol, Dirk L; Bosma, Libertje V A E; Polman, Chris H; Uitdehaag, Bernard M J


    Proxy respondents, partners of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, can provide valuable information on the MS patients' disease. In an earlier publication we found relatively good agreement on patient reported outcomes (PROs) measuring physical impact and functioning, but we found large differences on (neuro)psychological scales. We aim to identify patient and proxy related variables explaining differences between patients' and proxies' ratings on five PROs. We report on data from 175 MS patients and proxy respondents. Regression analyses were performed, using as dependent variable the mean differences on five scales: Physical and Psychological scale of the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29), the Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale (MSWS), Guy's Neurological Disability Scale (GNDS) and the Multiple Sclerosis Neuropsychological Screening Questionnaire (MSNQ). The independent variables were patient, proxy and disease related variables. Caregiver strain was significantly related to differences between patient and proxy scores for all five PROs. A higher level of patient anxiety on the HADS was linked to larger differences on all PROs except the GNDS. In addition, cognitive functioning, proxy depression, walking ability, proxy gender and MS related disability were contributing to the discrepancies. We found several patient and proxy factors that may contribute to discrepancies between patient and proxy scores on MS PROs. The most important factor is caregiver burden. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. The effect of congruence in patient and therapist alliance on patient's symptomatic levels. (United States)

    Zilcha-Mano, Sigal; Snyder, John; Silberschatz, George


    The ability of alliance to predict outcome has been widely demonstrated, but less is known about the effect of the level of congruence between patient and therapist alliance ratings on outcome. In the current study we examined whether the degree of congruence between patient and therapist alliance ratings can predict symptomatic levels 1 month later in treatment. The sample consisted of 127 patient-therapist dyads. Patients and therapists reported on their alliance levels, and patients reported their symptomatic levels 1 month later. Polynomial regression and response surface analysis were used to examine congruence. Findings suggest that when the congruence level of patient and therapist alliance ratings was not taken into account, only the therapist's alliance served as a significant predictor of symptomatic levels. But when the degree of congruence between patient and therapist alliance ratings was considered, the degree of congruence was a significant predictor of symptomatic levels 1 month later in treatment. Findings support the importance of the level of congruence between patient and therapist alliance ratings in predicting patient's symptomatic levels.

  5. Involving patients in patient safety programmes: A scoping review and consensus procedure by the LINNEAUS collaboration on patient safety in primary care

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trier, H.; Valderas, J.M.; Wensing, M.; Martin, H.M.; Egebart, J.


    BACKGROUND: Patient involvement has only recently received attention as a potentially useful approach to patient safety in primary care. OBJECTIVE: To summarize work conducted on a scoping review of interventions focussing on patient involvement for patient safety; to develop consensus-based

  6. Internet based patient pathway as an educational tool for breast cancer patients. (United States)

    Ryhänen, Anne M; Rankinen, Sirkku; Tulus, Kirsi; Korvenranta, Heikki; Leino-Kilpi, Helena


    The aim of this paper was to describe the process of developing an Internet-based empowering patient education program for breast cancer patients and to evaluate the quality of the program from the perspective of patients. In this program, the patient pathway was used as an educational tool. The Breast Cancer Patient Pathway (BCPP) was developed and tested at one Finnish university hospital in 2005-2007. Thirty-eight newly diagnosed breast cancer patients used the program during their treatment process until the end of all treatments (average 9 months) in 2008-2010. After the treatments the patients evaluated the content, language and structure, instructiveness, external appearance and technical characteristics of the web site as subcategories with the Evaluating Internet Pages of Patient Education instrument, which is a 37-item Likert scale (1-4) questionnaire. Comparison between the subcategories was done with Friedman's test. Dependencies between demographic variables and evaluation values were tested with Pearson correlation coefficients. The mean value of all evaluation criteria was 3.40. However, patients' evaluations between different subcategories varied, being the highest in language and structure (mean 3.48) and lowest in content (mean 3.13). Language and structure, external appearance and technical characteristics were significantly better than content, and language and structure better than instructiveness. Significant correlations were not found between demographic variables and evaluation values. Patients evaluated the quality of the BCPP to be best in language and structure and weakest in content. In terms of future development of the BCPP, the most improvement is needed in content and instructiveness. There is also a need for further development and study of Internet-based patient education. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Patients' views of patient-centred care: a phenomenological case study in one surgical unit. (United States)

    Marshall, Amy; Kitson, Alison; Zeitz, Kathryn


    To report a study of patients' views of patient-centred care. The study aimed to explore patients' understanding and conceptualization of patient-centred care and link it to existing literature on the topic. Patient-centred care currently lacks a widely accepted definition, with much of the literature based on definitions formulated by health professionals and researchers. Qualitative research study grounded in phenomenology. Interpersonal interviews were conducted with ten participants who were patients in a surgical ward in a large metropolitan hospital in South Australia in 2010. Participants were unfamiliar with the concept of patient-centred care, but despite this, were able to describe what the term meant to them and what they wanted from their care. Patients equated the type and quality of care they received with the staff that provided it and themes of connectedness, involvement and attentiveness were prevalent in their descriptions of what they wanted from their care. Ensuring that patients have a voice in the definition and conceptualization of patient-centred care is essential and further and regular consultation with patients about their needs and priorities will ensure an integrated approach to patient-centred care. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  8. Patient representatives? views on patient information in clinical cancer trials


    Dellson, Pia; Nilbert, Mef; Carlsson, Christina


    Background Patient enrolment into clinical trials is based on oral information and informed consent, which includes an information sheet and a consent certificate. The written information should be complete, but at the same time risks being so complex that it may be questioned if a fully informed consent is possible to provide. We explored patient representatives? views and perceptions on the written trial information used in clinical cancer trials. Methods Written patient information leaflet...

  9. HRET patient safety leadership fellowship: the role of "community" in patient safety. (United States)

    Leonhardt, Kathryn Kraft


    Community engagement is widely endorsed but poorly defined as a strategy to improve patient safety. With strong evidence that engaging patients can positively influence health outcomes, it is presumed that community engagement could improve patient safety. Leaning on the models from other disciplines such as public health, the adequate knowledge and application of the principles of community engagement are critical for this approach to be effective. This article provides a description of the theories supporting patient partnership and community engagement, reviews critical elements of successful community-based programs, and identifies the potential for empowering communities to improve patient safety.

  10. 76 FR 7855 - Patient Safety Organizations: Voluntary Delisting From Community Medical Foundation for Patient... (United States)


    ... Organizations: Voluntary Delisting From Community Medical Foundation for Patient Safety AGENCY: Agency for... Medical Foundation for Patient Safety, of its status as a Patient Safety Organization (PSO). The Patient... notification from Community Medical Foundation for Patient Safety, PSO number P0029, to voluntarily relinquish...

  11. 76 FR 60495 - Patient Safety Organizations: Voluntary Relinquishment From the Patient Safety Group (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety Organizations: Voluntary Relinquishment From the Patient Safety Group AGENCY: Agency for Healthcare Research and... voluntary relinquishment from The Patient Safety Group of its status as a Patient Safety Organization (PSO...

  12. Mediating Effects of Patients' Stigma and Self-Efficacy on Relationships Between Doctors' Empathy Abilities and Patients' Cellular Immunity in Male Breast Cancer Patients. (United States)

    Yang, Ningxi; Cao, Yingnan; Li, Xiaoyan; Li, Shiyue; Yan, Hong; Geng, Qingshan


    BACKGROUND Doctors' empathy is closely related to patients' health. This study aimed to examine whether patients' stigma and self-efficacy play a mediating role in the relationship between doctors' empathy abilities and patients' cellular immunity in male patients with breast cancer. MATERIAL AND METHODS Doctors' empathy scores and patients' demographic data, disease condition, stigma, and self-efficacy were measured. Patient T cell subset was tested at admission and 3 months after the operation and was compared by paired t test. The multivariate linear regression model was applied to analyze the factors influencing the immune index. Pearson correlation analysis and structural equation modeling were applied to explore the relationships among patients' stigma, self-efficacy, and cellular immunity and doctors' empathy abilities. RESULTS At the 2 time points, only the change in NK subset was statistically significant, while the changes in percentage of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, and B cells were not statistically significant. The doctors' empathy abilities were negatively correlated with patients' stigma and were positively related to patients' self-efficacy. Patients' stigma was negatively related to NK subset, while self-efficacy was positively associated with NK subset. Patients' stigma and self-efficacy played a mediating role in the relationship between doctors' empathy abilities and patients' NK subset, and stigma had a stronger effect than self-efficacy. CONCLUSIONS Doctors' empathy abilities affected breast cancer patients' NK subset through their stigma and self-efficacy. The mental health of male breast cancer patients need more attention and empathy education needs to be improved.

  13. Importance of patient centred care for various patient groups.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rademakers, J.J.D.J.M.; Delnoij, D.M.J.; Boer, D. de


    Background: Though patient centred care is a somewhat ‘fuzzy’ concept, in general it is considered as something to strive for. However, preliminary evidence suggests that the importance of elements of patient-centred care (PCC), such as communication, information and shared decision making, may vary

  14. Mapping patients' experiences after stroke onto a patient-focused intervention framework. (United States)

    Donnellan, C; Martins, A; Conlon, A; Coughlan, T; O'Neill, D; Collins, D R


    Stroke patients' involvement in the rehabilitation process including decision making has made significant advances clinically over the past two decades. However, development of patient-focused interventions in stroke rehabilitation is a relatively under developed area of research. The aim of this study was to interpret the explanations that patients gave of their experience after stroke and how these may validate an already established patient-focused intervention framework - the Quest for quality and improved performance (QQUIP) (2006) that includes seven quality improvement goals. A random purposive sample of eight stroke patients was interviewed between 3 and 6 months following discharge. Patients' reports of their experience after stroke were obtained using in-dept semi-structured interviews and analysed using Qualitative Content Analysis. Explanations given by patients included both positive and negative reports of the stroke experience. Regardless of consequences as a result of physical, psychological and social impairments, there were other life style disruptions that were reported by all patients such as taking new medication and adverse effects of these, experiencing increasing fatigue, difficulties with social activities and situations and having to make changes in health behaviours and lifestyle. Some of the core themes that emerged reflected the aims of QQUIP improvement goals that include improving health literacy, clinical decision-making, self-care, patient safety, access to health advice, care experience and service development. Further recommendations based on the findings from this study would be to consider using the QQUIP framework for developing intervention studies in stroke rehabilitation care that are person-centred. This framework provides a template that is equipped to address some of the main concerns that people have following the experience of stroke and also focuses on improving quality of care.

  15. Refusal of Treatment by Mentally Competent Patient: The Choice of Doctor-Patient Relationship Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrei M. Beliaev


    Full Text Available Introduction: In modern medicine professional relationship between the clinician and the patient is patient-centered. Patients become actively involved in the treatment decision making process and are encouraged to express their health-related preferences. Some patients may, however, refuse a favorable risk/benefit ratio treatment. This manuscript presents three cases of refusal of treatment by mentally competent surgical patients and discusses differences in their management. Conclusion: To achieve the best medical outcome for patients who possess the Actual Understanding test of mental competence clinicians use the deliberate model of medical professional relationship. For patients demonstrating the Understanding test of mental competence and wishing to utilize their health-related preferences physicians are obliged to deploy the interpretive model of doctor-patient relationship. In mentally competent patients with an illness-induced acute psychological regression the interpretive model of doctor-patient relationship as an initial strategy and cognitive behavior therapy can be useful in modifying treatment rejecting behavior and improving medical outcome.

  16.  Nutritional care of Danish medical in-patients - patients' perspectives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Karin Østergaard; Kruse, Filip; Bjerrum, Merete


    with the nutritional care.The patients includeed a total of 91 medical inpatients at two internal medical wards, aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. Their average age was 72 (+/-) 11 yerars. They were individually interviewed about the fodd service ad the nutritinal care upon discharge.Patients satifaction...... with the meals was overall high (90%). About 80% found the meals to be very important, but they lacked information about the food service, and the patient-staff communication about the food service was poor. The reults indicate that the nursing staff was exercising a 'knowledge monopoly' in relation to the food...... service. In conclusion, a majority of the patients dis not perceive the nutritional care as part of the therapy and nursing care during their hospitalization....

  17. Problem in tracheostomy patient care: recognizing the patient with a displaced tracheostomy tube. (United States)

    Seay, S J; Gay, S L


    There are times when a tracheostomy tube slips out of the trachea. A displaced tracheostomy tube can occur in any patient but is frequently seen in the patient with a full neck. In the overweight patient or patient with a full neck, the tracheostomy tube must pass through a greater amount of soft tissue. Because of this, a smaller portion of the tube is actually within the lumen of the trachea. When the patient coughs excessively or moves the head, the tube can easily slip out of the trachea and into the interstitial tissues of the neck. If the patient has complete obstruction of the upper airway, a displaced tracheostomy tube will result in immediate respiratory distress and can lead to respiratory arrest. If the patient has an intact or at least a partially open upper airway, the displaced tube may not cause an immediate problem. Therefore, displacement of the tracheostomy tube may not be obvious in the patient with a partial airway.

  18. Denying a patient's final will: public safety vs. medical confidentiality and patient autonomy. (United States)

    Gaertner, Jan; Vent, Julia; Greinwald, Ralf; Rothschild, Markus A; Ostgathe, Christoph; Kessel, Rene; Voltz, Raymond


    Especially when caring for patients approaching the end of life, physicians and nursing staff feel committed to fulfilling as many patient desires as possible. However, sometimes a patient's "final will" may threaten public safety. This can lead to severe conflicts, outweighing the physician's obligation and dedication to care for the patient and to respect his autonomy. Yet, public safety can be threatened if confidentiality is not broken. This article provides a concise summary of the medicolegal and ethical fundamentals concerning this difficult situation. If the patient's and others' health and safety are at risk, physicians may (and in some countries must) break medical confidentiality and disclose confidential patient information to the police and other authorities. Physicians should be able to professionally deal with such a conflict in all patients, not only in patients with advanced illness. Copyright © 2011 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. The patient-doctor relationship: a synthesis of the qualitative literature on patients' perspectives. (United States)

    Ridd, Matthew; Shaw, Alison; Lewis, Glyn; Salisbury, Chris


    The patient-doctor relationship is an important but poorly defined topic. In order to comprehensively assess its significance for patient care, a clearer understanding of the concept is required. To derive a conceptual framework of the factors that define patient-doctor relationships from the perspective of patients. Systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Medline, EMBASE, PsychINFO and Web of Science databases were searched. Studies were screened for relevance and appraised for quality. The findings were synthesised using a thematic approach. From 1985 abstracts, 11 studies from four countries were included in the final synthesis. They examined the patient-doctor relationship generally (n = 3), or in terms of loyalty (n = 3), personal care (n = 2), trust (n = 2), and continuity (n = 1). Longitudinal care (seeing the same doctor) and consultation experiences (patients' encounters with the doctor) were found to be the main processes by which patient-doctor relationships are promoted. The resulting depth of patient-doctor relationship comprises four main elements: knowledge, trust, loyalty, and regard. These elements have doctor and patient aspects to them, which may be reciprocally related. A framework is proposed that distinguishes between dynamic factors that develop or maintain the relationship, and characteristics that constitute an ongoing depth of relationship. Having identified the different elements involved, future research should examine for associations between longitudinal care, consultation experiences, and depth of patient-doctor relationship, and, in turn, their significance for patient care.

  20. Radiological protection of patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niroomand-Rad, A.


    The benefits of ionizing radiation in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, as well as other conditions such as cardiac ablation, are well established. However determination, monitoring, and evaluation of patient doses is not as easy task. Furthermore, radiation doses for individual patients may vary greatly from one radiological procedure to another. Attention is needed to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure to patients from All types of radiation producing machines and equipment. The patient risk from radiation injury-stochastic and/or deterministic must be weighted against the benefits of a proper medical examination or treatment as well as the risk of depriving the patient from the necessary medical care. Arbitrary reduction of radiological patient doses without regard to final outcome is determined to proper medical care provided to the patient. Sacrificing image quality in order to reduce patient dose is potentially harmful to the patient as well. Furthermore, the role of radiation exposure incurred from screening procedures such as mammography, needs to be properly considered and differentiated from medically indicated procedures. A known radiation induced risk needs to be balanced against diagnostic efficacy of a screening procedure. In these cases, regulations on standards and guidelines for determination, monitoring, and evaluation of patient doses may be appropriate. In this paper, the technical data collected in the United States have been compared with the corresponding data in Canada. However, even here, it has been recognized that we can not assume that one dose limit fits all. It is advisable to consider individual patient specifics if it means the difference between detection and miss

  1. Shared Decision Making and Effective Physician-Patient Communication: The Quintessence of Patient-Centered Care

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huy Ming Lim


    Full Text Available The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM 2001 landmark report, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, identified patient-centeredness as one of the fundamental attributes of quality health care, alongside safety, effectiveness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity. The IOM defined patient-centeredness as “providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.” This concept of patient-centered care represents a paradigm shift from the traditional disease-oriented and physician-centered care, grounding health care in the subjective experience of illness and the needs and preferences of individual patients rather than the evaluation and treatment of diseases which emphasizes on leveraging clinical expertise and evidence derived from population-based studies. Regrettably, despite the ubiquitous talk about patient-centered care in modern health care, shared decision-making and effective physician-patient communication—the two cruxes of patient-centered care—are yet to become the norms. Strategies to promote and enhance shared decision-making and effective communication between clinicians and patients should be rigorously implemented to establish a health care system that truly values patients as individuals and turn the rhetoric of patient-centered care into reality.

  2. Patient-Centered Prescription Model to improve therapeutic adherence in patients with multimorbidity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier González-Bueno


    Full Text Available To date, interventions to improve medication adherence in patients with multimorbidity have shown modest and inconsistent efficacy among available studies. Thereby, we should define new approaches aimed at improving medication adherence tailored to effective prescribing, with a multidisciplinary approach and patient-centered. In this regard, the Patient-Centered Prescription Model has shown its usefulness on improving appropriateness of drug treatments in patients with clinical complexity. For that, this strategy addresses the following four steps: 1 Patient-Centered assessment; 2 Diagnosis-Centered assessment; 3 Medication-Centered assessment; and 4 Therapeutic Plan. We propose through a clinical case an adaptation of the Patient-Centered Prescription Model to enhance both appropriateness and medication adherence in patients with multimorbidity. To this end, we have included on its first step the Spanish version of a cross-culturally adapted scale for the multidimensional assessment of medication adherence. Furthermore, we suggest a set of interventions to be applied in the three remaining steps of the model. These interventions were firstly identified by an overview of systematic reviews and then selected by a panel of experts based on Delphi methodology. All of these elements have been considered appropriate in patients with multimorbidity according to three criteria: strength of their supporting evidence, usefulness in the target population and feasibility of implementation in clinical practice. The proposed approach intends to lay the foundations for an innovative way in tackling medication adherence in patients with multimorbidity.

  3. Transforming doctor-patient relationships to promote patient-centered care: lessons from palliative care. (United States)

    Yedidia, Michael J


    Palliative care was studied for its potential to yield lessons for transforming doctor-patient relationships to promote patient-centered care. Examination of patient and provider experiences of the transition from curative to palliative care promises valuable insights about establishing and maintaining trust as the goals of care shift and about addressing a broad spectrum of patient needs. The study was guided by a conceptual framework grounded in existing models to address five dimensions of doctor-patient relationships: range of needs addressed, source of authority, maintenance of trust, emotional involvement, and expression of authenticity. Data collection included observation of the care of 40 patients in the inpatient hospice unit and at home, interviews with patients and family members, and in-depth interviews with 22 physicians and two nurses providing end-of-life care. Standard qualitative procedures were used to analyze the data, incorporating techniques for maximizing the validity of the results and broadening their relevance to other contexts. Findings provide evidence for challenging prominent assumptions about possibilities for doctor-patient relationships: questioning the merits of the prohibition on emotional involvement, dependence on protocols for handling difficult communication issues, unqualified reliance on consumer empowerment to assure that care is responsive to patients' needs, and adoption of narrowly defined boundaries between medical and social service systems in caring for patients. Medical education can play a role in preparing doctors to assume new roles by openly addressing management of emotions in routine clinical work, incorporating personal awareness training, facilitating reflection on interactions with patients through use of standardized patients and videotapes, and expanding capacity to effectively address a broad range of needs through teamwork training.

  4. Reconstruction of alveolar defects in patients with cleft lip and palate - 111 consecutive patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kristian


    Reconstruction of alveolar defects in patients with cleft lip and palate - 111 consecutive patients......Reconstruction of alveolar defects in patients with cleft lip and palate - 111 consecutive patients...

  5. Characteristic risk factors in cirrhotic patients for posthepatectomy complications: comparison with noncirrhotic patients. (United States)

    Itoh, Shinji; Uchiyama, Hideaki; Kawanaka, Hirofumi; Higashi, Takahiro; Egashira, Akinori; Eguchi, Daihiko; Okuyama, Toshiro; Tateishi, Masahiro; Korenaga, Daisuke; Takenaka, Kenji


    There seemed to be characteristic risk factors in cirrhotic patients for posthepatectomy complications because these patients have less hepatic reserve as compared with noncirrhotic patients. The aim of the current study was to identify these characteristic risk factors in cirrhotic patients. We performed 419 primary hepatectomies for hepatocellular carcinoma. The patients were divided into the cirrhotic group (n = 198) and the noncirrhotic group (n = 221), and the risk factors for posthepatectomy complications were compared between the groups. Thirty-six cirrhotic patients (18.2%) experienced Clavien's Grade III or more complications. Tumor size, intraoperative blood loss, duration of operation, major hepatectomy (two or more segments), and necessity of blood transfusion were found to be significant risk factors in univariate analyses. Multivariate analysis revealed that major hepatectomy and intraoperative blood loss were independent risk factors for posthepatectomy complications in patients with cirrhosis. On the other hand, the duration of operation was only an independent risk factor for posthepatectomy complication in noncirrhotic patients. Cirrhotic patients should avoid a major hepatectomy and undergo a limited resection preserving as much liver tissue as possible and meticulous surgical procedures to lessen intraoperative blood loss are mandatory to prevent major posthepatectomy complications.

  6. Quality of life and mediating role of patient scar assessment in burn patients. (United States)

    Oh, Hyunjin; Boo, Sunjoo


    In this study, we examined the plausibility of the mediating effect of the levels of patient scar assessment on the relationship between burn severity measured with total body surface area and burn-specific health-related quality of life (HRQL) among patients with burns in South Korea. In this cross sectional descriptive study, we collected data from 100 burn patients in three burn centers specializing in burn care in South Korea. Patient scar assessment, burn specific HRQL, and burn-related characteristics were self-reported with anonymous, paper-based surveys. The findings showed a positive correlation between burn severity, patient scar assessment, and HRQL in burn patients. The evidence of this paper is that quality of life after burns more determined by scar characteristics than burn severity. In the light of the poor HRQL in burn patients, the results of this study support that improving scar status could improve patients' HRQL. Health care providers should keep in mind that patients' perspectives of their scars would be a great indicator of their HRQL, so the providers' focus should be on intensive scar management intervention in their care. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.

  7. Why measure patient satisfaction? (United States)

    Riskind, Patty; Fossey, Leslie; Brill, Kari


    A practice that consistently and continuously measures patient perceptions will be more efficient and effective in its daily operations. With pay-for-performance requirements on the horizon and consumer rating sites already publicizing impressions from physician encounters, a practice needs to know how it is performing through the eyes of the patients. Azalea Orthopedics has used patient feedback to coach its physicians on better patient communication. The Orthopaedic Institute has used patient satisfaction results to reduce wait times and measure the return on investment from its marketing efforts. Patient survey results that are put to work can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of practice operations as well as position the practice for increased profitability.

  8. e effect of nurse-patient language barrier on patients' satisfaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali M. Al-Khathami; Sulieman W. Kojan; Mohammed A. Aljumah; Hussein Alqahtani; Hind Alrwaili


    To study Saudi patients' perception of nursing care delivered by non-Arabic speaking nurses (NASNs). A cross-sectional survey of randomly selected patients admitted to King Abdul-Aziz Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during the summer of 2009. We conducted structured face-to-face interviews, and the Institutional Review Board approved the study. 47% were men. Half was illiterate or had a low level of education. Eighty percent was served by NASNs. Most believed that the Arabic language is important to provide high quality of care. Two thirds reported difficulties in understanding nursing instructions, and felt that NASNs could not understand their concerns on many occasions. Half believed that NASNs are more susceptible to error. Seventy percent felt uncomfortable dealing with a nurse who cannot communicate in the same language, and 30% question the reliability of information delivered by NASNs. Patients noticed that NASN avoid (50%) or end conversation (70%) due to language barriers. Sixty-one percent reported that NASNs never or rarely called the interpreter. Overall satisfaction of nursing care was high (90%), with no significant difference between patients who were served by Arabic versus NASNs. Our patients were concerned about the language barrier during nursing care delivery. It may lead to miscommunication and compromise the patient-nurse relationship. Further exploration of this issue (Author).

  9. Postoperative pain and patient-controlled epidural analgesia-related adverse effects in young and elderly patients: a retrospective analysis of 2,435 patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Koh JC


    Full Text Available Jae Chul Koh, Young Song, So Yeon Kim, Sooyeun Park, Seo Hee Ko, Dong Woo Han Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Anesthesia and Pain Research Institute, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea Abstract: In this retrospective study, data of 2,435 patients who received fentanyl and ropivacaine-based patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA for pain relief after elective surgery under general or spinal anesthesia were reviewed. Differences in postoperative pain, incidence of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA-related adverse effects, and risk factors for the need for rescue analgesics for 48 hours postsurgery in young (age 20–39 years and elderly (age ≥70 years patients were evaluated. Although there were no significant differences in postoperative pain intensity between the two groups until 6 hours postsurgery, younger patients experienced greater postoperative pain intensity compared with older patients 6–48 hours postsurgery. While younger patients exhibited greater incidence of numbness, motor weakness, and discontinuation of PCA postsurgery, elderly patients exhibited greater incidence of hypotension, nausea/vomiting, rescue analgesia, and antiemetic administration. Upon multivariate analysis, low fentanyl dosage and history of smoking were found to be associated with an increased need for rescue analgesia among younger patients, while physical status classification III/IV and thoracic surgery were associated with a decreased need for rescue analgesia among the elderly. Discontinuation of PCA was more frequent among younger patients than the elderly (18.5% vs 13.5%, P=0.001. Reasons for discontinuation of PCA among young and elderly patients, respectively, were nausea and vomiting (6.8% vs 26.6%, numbness or motor weakness (67.8% vs 11.5%, urinary retention (7.4% vs 8.7%, dizziness (2.2% vs 5.2%, and hypotension (3.1% vs 20.3%. In conclusion, PCEA was more frequently associated with numbness, motor

  10. Effects of Patient-centered Medical Home Transformation on Child Patient Experience. (United States)

    Harder, Valerie S; Krulewitz, Julianne; Jones, Craig; Wasserman, Richard C; Shaw, Judith S


    Patient experience, 1 of 3 aims for improving health care, is rarely included in studies of patient-centered medical home (PCMH) transformation. This study examines the association between patient experience and National Committee on Quality Assurance (NCQA) PCMH transformation. This was a cross-sectional study of parent-reported child patient experience from PCMH and non-PCMH practices. It used randomly sampled experience surveys completed by 2599 patients at 29 pediatric and family medicine PCMH (n = 21) and non-PCMH (n = 8) practices in Vermont from 2011 to 2013. Patient experiences related to child development and prevention were assessed using the Consumer Assessment of Health care Providers and Systems (CAHPS). A 10-point increase in NCQA score at PCMH practices is associated with a 3.1% higher CAHPS child prevention score (P = .004). Among pediatric practices, PCMH recognition is associated with 7.7% (P child development and prevention composite scores, respectively. Among family medicine practices, PCMH recognition is associated with 7.4% (P = .001) and 11.0% (P child development and prevention composite scores, respectively. Our results suggest that PCMH recognition may improve child patient experience at pediatric practices and worsen experience at family medicine practices. These findings warrant further investigation into the differential influence of NCQA PCMH transformation on family medicine and pediatric practices. © Copyright 2016 by the American Board of Family Medicine.

  11. Designing User-Centric Patient Portals: Clinician and Patients' Uses and Gratifications. (United States)

    Alpert, Jordan M; Krist, Alex H; Aycock, Rebecca A; Kreps, Gary L


    Legislation mandates that clinicians make patients' medical information available digitally. This has resulted in hurriedly installing patient portals that do not fully meet the needs of patients or clinicians. This study examined a specific portal, MyPreventiveCare (MPC), a patient-centered portal designed to promote preventive care to consumers, to elicit recommendations from patients and clinicians about how it could be more beneficial by uncovering their uses and gratifications (U&G). In-depth interviews with 31 patients and two clinician focus groups were conducted. Multiple methods were utilized, such as grounded theory coding to develop themes and content analysis to classify responses according to the U&G framework. Four main categories emerged that users desire to be included in health portals: integration with technology (27%), coordination of care (27%), incorporation of lifestyle (26%), and increased control (20%). Additional analysis revealed that health portals are mainly utilized to fulfill cognitive and affective needs, with over 80% of recommendations related to the U&G categories of cognitive and affective needs. Cognitive (60%), affective (21%), social integrative (10%), personal integrative (9%), and tension release (0%). Portals will continue to evolve and become important health communication tools if they address the user's perspective and are inclusive of new technological advances. Specifically, portals must become more user centric and incorporate aspects of the patients' lifestyle and integrate health information technology.

  12. Heart failure patients monitored with telemedicine: patient satisfaction, a review of the literature. (United States)

    Kraai, I H; Luttik, M L A; de Jong, R M; Jaarsma, T; Hillege, H L


    Remote monitoring of the clinical status of heart failure patients has developed rapidly and is the subject of several trials. Patient satisfaction is an important outcome, as recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to use in clinical research, and should be included in studies concerning remote monitoring. The objective of this review is to describe the current state of the literature on patient satisfaction with noninvasive telemedicine, regarding definition, measurement, and overall level of patient satisfaction with telemedicine. The Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane, and Cinahl databases were searched using heart failure-, satisfaction-, and telemedicine-related search terms. The literature search identified 193 publications, which were reviewed by 2 independent reviewers. Fourteen articles were included. None of the articles described a clear definition or concept of patient satisfaction with telemedicine. Patient satisfaction with telemedicine was measured with self-developed questionnaires or face-to-face or telephonic interviews. None of the articles used the same questionnaire or telephonic survey to measure patient satisfaction. Only one questionnaire was assessed for validity and reliability. In general, patients seemed to be satisfied or very satisfied with the use of telemedicine. Measurement of patient satisfaction is still underexposed in telemedicine research and the measurement of patient satisfaction with telemedicine underappreciated with poorly constructed questionnaires. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Medication adherence in patients with hypertension: Does satisfaction with doctor-patient relationship work? (United States)

    Mahmoudian, Ahmad; Zamani, Ahmadreza; Tavakoli, Neda; Farajzadegan, Ziba; Fathollahi-Dehkordi, Fariba


    It is assumed that doctor-patient relationship plays an effective role in patients' satisfaction, medication adherence, and health outcomes since exploring different aspects of this relationship, such as addressing medication adherence, has rarely been investigated. Therefore, the main aim of the present study was to assess the impact of patients' satisfaction derived from communicating with doctors on medication adherence in hypertensive patients. This cross-sectional survey was conducted on three hundred patients with hypertension, using multistage sampling technique in health care centers in Isfahan, Iran. Data were collected by two questionnaires comprised (1) patients' satisfaction derived from the relationship with doctors and (2) medication adherence named "Morisky Medication Adherence Scale" with 8 items. Multivariate logistic regression model was applied to test the odds ratio (OR) of patients' satisfaction resulting from the relationship with physicians in numerous aspects in two groups: appropriate and inappropriate medication adherence. A lower level of satisfaction derived from building the relationship (confidence interval [CI] =0.95, 0.06-0.71 and OR = 0.20) and empathy subscales (CI = 0.95, 13-0.80 and OR = 0.33) was associated with nonadherence to treatment after controlling the physicians' gender and patients' age, gender, education, and duration of disease. Patients' satisfaction resulting from building the relationship and empathy with physicians appeared to be associated with medication adherence among hypertensive patients.

  14. Physician-patient communication in HIV disease: the importance of patient, physician, and visit characteristics. (United States)

    Wilson, I B; Kaplan, S


    Although previous work that considered a variety of chronic conditions has shown that higher quality physician-patient communication care is related to better health outcomes, the quality of physician-patient communication itself for patients with HIV disease has not been well studied. To determine the relationship of patient, visit, physician, and physician practice characteristics to two measures of physician-patient communication for patients with HIV disease. Cross-sectional survey of physicians and patients. Cohort study enrolling patients from throughout eastern Massachusetts. 264 patients with HIV disease and their their primary HIV physicians (n = 69). Two measures of physician-patient communication were used, a five-item general communication measure (Cronbach's alpha = 0.93), and a four-item HIV-specific communication measure that included items about alcohol, drug use, and sexual behaviors (Cronbach's alpha = 0.92). The mean age of patients was 39. 5 years, 24% patients were women, 31.1% were nonwhite, and 52% indicated same-sex contact as their principal HIV risk factor. The mean age of physicians was 39.1 years, 33.3% were female, 39.7% were specialists, and 25.0% self-identified as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. In multivariable models relating patient and visit characteristics to general communication, longer reported visit length (pbetter communication. The interaction of patient gender and visit length was also significant (p =.02); longer visit length was more strongly associated with better general communication for male than female patients. In similar models relating patient and visit characteristics to HIV-specific communication, longer visit length (p better communication. In multivariable models relating physician and practice characteristics to general communication no variables were significant. However, both female physician gender (p =.002) and gay/lesbian/bisexual sexual preference (p =.003) were significantly associated with better HIV

  15. Agreement between touch-screen and paper-based patient-reported outcomes for patients with fibromyalgia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wæhrens, Eva Elisabet Ejlersen; Amris, Kirstine; Bartels, Else Marie


    OBJECTIVES: To compare data based on computerized and paper versions of health status questionnaires (HSQs) for sampling patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients with fibromyalgia (FM). In addition, to examine associations between patient characteristics (age, education, computer experience......) and differences between versions. Finally, to evaluate the acceptability of computer-based questionnaires among patients with FM. METHOD: The study population comprised female patients diagnosed with FM. All patients completed six HSQs: the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), the Major Depression Inventory...

  16. Economic Evaluation of a Patient-Directed Music Intervention for ICU Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilatory Support. (United States)

    Chlan, Linda L; Heiderscheit, Annette; Skaar, Debra J; Neidecker, Marjorie V


    Music intervention has been shown to reduce anxiety and sedative exposure among mechanically ventilated patients. Whether music intervention reduces ICU costs is not known. The aim of this study was to examine ICU costs for patients receiving a patient-directed music intervention compared with patients who received usual ICU care. A cost-effectiveness analysis from the hospital perspective was conducted to determine if patient-directed music intervention was cost-effective in improving patient-reported anxiety. Cost savings were also evaluated. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses determined the influence of input variation on the cost-effectiveness. Midwestern ICUs. Adult ICU patients from a parent clinical trial receiving mechanical ventilatory support. Patients receiving the experimental patient-directed music intervention received a MP3 player, noise-canceling headphones, and music tailored to individual preferences by a music therapist. The base case cost-effectiveness analysis estimated patient-directed music intervention reduced anxiety by 19 points on the Visual Analogue Scale-Anxiety with a reduction in cost of $2,322/patient compared with usual ICU care, resulting in patient-directed music dominance. The probabilistic cost-effectiveness analysis found that average patient-directed music intervention costs were $2,155 less than usual ICU care and projected that cost saving is achieved in 70% of 1,000 iterations. Based on break-even analyses, cost saving is achieved if the per-patient cost of patient-directed music intervention remains below $2,651, a value eight times the base case of $329. Patient-directed music intervention is cost-effective for reducing anxiety in mechanically ventilated ICU patients.

  17. Developing lifetime relationships with patients: strategies to improve patient care and build your practice. (United States)

    Levin, Roger P


    The purpose of this article is to describe three strategies to build a thriving, patient-centered practice and promote oral health throughout a patient's lifetime. Compared to previous decades, more dental patients are "shopping around" for dental care and changing dental practices. This trend is due to factors such as acceptance of dental insurance, more comprehensive service offerings by other dentists, and effective marketing campaigns by other dental offices. Delivering customer service exceeding patient expectations ("WOW" service), advocating patient education, and developing customized home care regimens will help lead to long-term patient retention and promote optimal patient care. A dental team making relationship-building a priority conveys respect for their patients' time and well-being. Once trust has been established patients are more likely to be receptive to oral health education and become more compliant with home care regimens. Since a patient's oral health status will likely change over time, it's important to make education and customized treatment planning an integral part of each visit. By demonstrating a strong commitment to customer service, education, and home care, patients recognize the care providers in a dental practice are interested in their well-being rather than simply treating problems. If patients recognize a dental practice is focused on prevention and at-home oral health care, they are more likely to partner with that practice for a lifetime of excellent oral health care.

  18. Toward a patient-centered ambulatory after-visit summary: Identifying primary care patients' information needs. (United States)

    Clarke, Martina A; Moore, Joi L; Steege, Linsey M; Koopman, Richelle J; Belden, Jeffery L; Canfield, Shannon M; Kim, Min S


    The purpose of this study was to determine the information needs of primary care patients as they review clinic visit notes to inform information that should be contained in an after-visit summary (AVS). We collected data from 15 patients with an acute illness and 14 patients with a chronic disease using semi-structured interviews. The acute patients reviewed seven major sections, and chronic patients reviewed eight major sections of a simulated, but realistic visit note to identify relevant information needs for their AVS. Patients in the acute illness group identified the Plan, Assessment and History of Present Illness the most as important note sections, while patients in the chronic care group identified Significant Lab Data, Plan, and Assessment the most as important note sections. This study was able to identify primary care patients' information needs after clinic visit. Primary care patients have information needs pertaining to diagnosis and treatment, which may be the reason why both patient groups identified Plan and Assessment as important note sections. Future research should also develop and assess an AVS based on the information gathered in this study and evaluate its usefulness among primary care patients. The results of this study can be used to inform the development of an after-visit summary that assists patients to fully understand their treatment plan, which may improve treatment adherence.

  19. Hospital based patient coordination for ethnic minority patients - a health technology assessment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sodemann, Morten

    A cross diciplinary, cross specialty, cross sectoral hospital based approach to cultural management of ethnic minority patients is effective in creating more approprite patient flows, better quality of care and increases functional level of patients. Surprisingly the aggregated effect saves...... especially on public medicine expenses and social services. Ethnic minority patients can achieve increased empowerment & Equity in type and quality of hospital care through cross dicplinary cross specialty cultural case management & support between hospital departments and primary sectors...

  20. Clinical characteristics of patients with serrated polyposis syndrome in Korea: comparison with Western patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eun Ran Kim


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Serrated polyposis syndrome (SPS has been shown to increase the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC. However, little is known about the characteristics of Asian patients with SPS. This study aimed to identify the clinicopathological features and risk of CRC in Korean patients with SPS as well as the differences between Korean and Western patients based on a literature review.Methods: This retrospective study included 30 patients with SPS as defined by World Health Organization classification treated at Samsung Medical Center, Korea, between March 1999 and May 2011.Results: Twenty patients (67% were male. The median patient age at diagnosis was 56 years (range, 39–76 years. A total of 702 polyps were identified during a median follow-up of 43 months (range, 0–149 months. Serrated polyps were noted more frequently in the distal colon (298/702, 55%. However, large serrated polyps and serrated adenomas were mainly distributed throughout the proximal colon (75% vs. 25% and 81% vs. 19%, respectively; 73.3% had synchronous adenomatous polyps. The incidence of CRC was 10% (3/30 patients, but no interval CRC was detected. A total of 87% of the patients underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy and 19.2% had significant lesions.Conclusions: The phenotype of SPS in Korean patients is different from that of Western patients. In Korean patients, SPS is more common in men, there were fewer total numbers of serrated adenoma/polyps, and the incidence of CRC was lower than that in Western patients. Korean patients tend to more frequently have abnormal gastric lesions. However, the prevalence of synchronous adenomatous polyps is high in both Western and Korean patients.

  1. Communication barriers in counselling foreign-language patients in public pharmacies: threats to patient safety? (United States)

    Schwappach, David L B; Meyer Massetti, Carla; Gehring, Katrin


    Foreign-language (FL) patients are at increased risk for adverse drug events. Evidence regarding communication barriers and the safety of pharmaceutical care of FL patients in European countries is scarce despite large migrant populations. To investigate Swiss public pharmacists' experiences and current practices in counselling FL patients with a focus on patient safety. In a cross-sectional study heads of public pharmacies in Switzerland were surveyed using an electronic questionnaire. The survey assessed the frequency of communication barriers encountered in medication counselling of FL patients, perceptions of risks for adverse drug events, satisfaction with the quality of counselling provided to FL patients, current strategies to reduce risks, and preferences towards tools to improve safety for FL patients. 498 pharmacists completed the survey (43 % response rate). More than every second pharmacist reported at least weekly encounters at which they cannot provide good medication counselling to FL patients in the regional Swiss language. Ad-hoc interpreting by minors is also common at a considerable number of pharmacies (26.5 % reported at least one weekly occurrence). Approximately 10 % of pharmacies reported that they fail at least weekly to explain the essentials of drug therapy (e.g. dosing of children's medications) to FL patients. 79.8 % perceived the risk of FL patients for adverse drug events to be somewhat or much higher compared to other patients. 22.5 % of pharmacists reported being concerned at least monthly about medication safety when FL patients leave their pharmacy. However, the majority of pharmacists were satisfied with the quality of care provided to FL patients in their pharmacy [78.6 % (very) satisfied]. The main strategy used to improve counselling for FL patients was the employment of multilingual staff. Participants would use software for printing foreign-language labels (41.2 %) and multilingual package inserts (42.0 %) if these were

  2. Medical narratives and patient analogs: the ethical implications of electronic patient records. (United States)

    Kluge, E H


    An electronic patient record consists of electronically stored data about a specific patient. It therefore constitutes a data-space. The data may be combined into a patient profile which is relative to a particular specialty as well as phenomenologically unique to the specific professional who constructs the profile. Further, a diagnosis may be interpreted as a path taken by a health care professional with a certain specialty through the data-space relative to the patient profile constructed by that professional. This way of looking at electronic patient records entails certain ethical implications about privacy and accessibility. However, it also permits the construction of artificial intelligence and competence algorithms for health care professionals relative to their specialties.

  3. Interest of the serous dosage of HER-2/neu, EGFr, VEGF, IL6 and Ac anti-P53 among patients damaged by an esophagus epidermoid carcinoma, type epidermoid carcinoma whom treatment was an exclusive chemoradiotherapy; Interet du dosage serique de HER-2/neu, EGFr, VEGF, IL6 et Ac anti-P53 chez des patients atteints d'un carcinome epidermoide de l'oesophage de type carcinome epidermoide dont le traitement etait une chimioradiotherapie exclusive

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Metges, J.P.; Le Tallec-Jestin, V.; Mahlaire, J.P.; Pradier, O. [Departement de Cancerologie, 29 - Brest (France); Guenet, D.; Volant, A. [Service d' anatomopathologie, 29 - Brest (France); Codet, J.P. [Service de Medecine Nucleaire, 29 - Brest (France)


    The serous concentrations of EGFr and HER2/neu seem to have a potential interest in the framework of the assumption of esophagus epidermoid carcinomas. A next step consists in comparing the serous value of these markers with their tissue expression on biopsies. A prospective study in parallel of a therapeutic trial is starting up to validate these results on a bigger number of patients. (N.C.)

  4. Measuring the quality of patient-centered care: why patient-reported measures are critical to reliable assessment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tzelepis F


    Full Text Available Flora Tzelepis, Robert W Sanson-Fisher, Alison C Zucca, Elizabeth A FradgleyPriority Research Centre for Health Behaviour, University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute, Newcastle, NSW, AustraliaPurpose: The Institute of Medicine (IOM identified patient-centeredness as crucial to quality health care. The IOM endorsed six patient-centeredness dimensions that stipulated that care must be: respectful to patients’ values, preferences, and expressed needs; coordinated and integrated; provide information, communication, and education; ensure physical comfort; provide emotional support; and involve family and friends. Patient-reported measures examine the patient’s perspective and are essential to the accurate assessment of patient-centered care. This article’s objectives are to: 1 use the six IOM-endorsed patient-centeredness dimensions as a framework to outline why patient-reported measures are crucial to the reliable measurement of patient-centered care; and 2 to identify existing patient-reported measures that assess each patient-centered care dimension.Methods: For each IOM-endorsed patient-centeredness dimension, the published literature was searched to highlight the essential role of patients in assessing patient-centered care and informing quality improvement efforts. Existing literature was also searched to identify examples of patient-reported measures that assess each patient-centeredness dimension.Conclusion: Patient-reported measures are arguably the best way to measure patient-centeredness. For instance, patients are best positioned to determine whether care aligns with patient values, preferences, and needs and the Measure of Patient Preferences is an example of a patient-reported measure that does so. Furthermore, only the patient knows whether they received the level of information desired, and if information was understood and can be recalled. Patient-reported measures that examine information provision include

  5. The willingness of patients to pay for intravenous patient-controlled analgesia in Korea. (United States)

    Lim, Hyungsun; Lee, Duck-Hyoung; Lee, Jeongwoo; Han, Young Jin; Choe, Huhn; Son, Ji-Seon


    The use of intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV-PCA) has been increasing because it has advantages such as improved pain relief, greater patient satisfaction, and fewer postoperative complications. However, current research has not considered the patients' thoughts about IV-PCA's cost-effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to investigate the willingness to pay (WTP) for IV-PCA and the relationship between patients' characteristics and WTP in Korea. We enrolled 400 adult patients who were scheduled for elective surgery. The patient was requested to indicate a series of predefined amounts of money (Korean won; 30,000/50,000/100,000/150,000/200,000/300,000/500,000). We also recorded patient characteristics, such as age, sex, type of surgery, IV-PCA history, education level, the person responsible for medical expenses, type of insurance, net annual income, and residential area. Three days after surgery, we asked about the degree of satisfaction and the WTP for IV-PCA. For IV-PCA, the median WTP was 100,000 won (25-75%; 50,000-200,000 won: US$1 = W1078.04; July 19, 2011) before surgery. All patients' characteristics were not related to preoperative WTP for IV-PCA, whereas the increase in WTP after surgery showed a tendency correlated to higher IV-PCA satisfaction. The median WTP was 100,000 won. The satisfaction of IV-PCA increased patients' WTP after surgery, but the WTP may be independent of patient characteristics in Korea.

  6. Medication adherence in patients with hypertension: Does satisfaction with doctor-patient relationship work?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Mahmoudian


    Full Text Available Background: It is assumed that doctor-patient relationship plays an effective role in patients' satisfaction, medication adherence, and health outcomes since exploring different aspects of this relationship, such as addressing medication adherence, has rarely been investigated. Therefore, the main aim of the present study was to assess the impact of patients' satisfaction derived from communicating with doctors on medication adherence in hypertensive patients. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional survey was conducted on three hundred patients with hypertension, using multistage sampling technique in health care centers in Isfahan, Iran. Data were collected by two questionnaires comprised (1 patients' satisfaction derived from the relationship with doctors and (2 medication adherence named “Morisky Medication Adherence Scale” with 8 items. Multivariate logistic regression model was applied to test the odds ratio (OR of patients' satisfaction resulting from the relationship with physicians in numerous aspects in two groups: appropriate and inappropriate medication adherence. Results: A lower level of satisfaction derived from building the relationship (confidence interval [CI] =0.95, 0.06–0.71 and OR = 0.20 and empathy subscales (CI = 0.95, 13–0.80 and OR = 0.33 was associated with nonadherence to treatment after controlling the physicians' gender and patients' age, gender, education, and duration of disease. Conclusion: Patients' satisfaction resulting from building the relationship and empathy with physicians appeared to be associated with medication adherence among hypertensive patients.

  7. Patient risk perceptions for carotid endarterectomy: which patients are strongly averse to surgery? (United States)

    Bosworth, Hayden B; Stechuchak, Karen M; Grambow, Steven C; Oddone, Eugene Z


    Patient risk perception for surgery may be central to their willingness to undergo surgery. This study examined potential factors associated with patient aversion of surgery. This is a secondary data analysis of a prospective cohort study that examined patients referred for evaluation of carotid artery stenosis at five Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. The study collected demographic, clinical, and psychosocial information related to surgery. This analysis focused on patient response to a question assessing their aversion to surgery. Among the 1065 individuals, at the time of evaluation for carotid endarterectomy (CEA), 66% of patients had no symptoms, 16% had a transient ischemic attack, and 18% had stroke. Twelve percent of patients referred for CEA evaluation were averse to surgery. In adjusted analyses, increased age, black race, no previous surgery, lower level of chance locus of control, less trust of physicians, and less social support were significantly related to greater likelihood of surgery aversion among individuals referred for CEA evaluation. Patient degree of medical comorbidity and a validated measure of preoperative risk score were not associated with increased aversion to surgery. In previous work, aversion to CEA was associated with lack of receipt of CEA even after accounting for patient clinical appropriateness for surgery. We identified important patient characteristics associated with aversion to CEA. Interventions designed to assist patient decision making should focus on these more complex factors related to CEA aversion rather than the simple explanation of clinical usefulness.

  8. Decision-making of older patients in context of the doctor-patient relationship: a typology ranging from "self-determined" to "doctor-trusting" patients. (United States)

    Wrede-Sach, Jennifer; Voigt, Isabel; Diederichs-Egidi, Heike; Hummers-Pradier, Eva; Dierks, Marie-Luise; Junius-Walker, Ulrike


    Background. This qualitative study aims to gain insight into the perceptions and experiences of older patients with regard to sharing health care decisions with their general practitioners. Patients and Methods. Thirty-four general practice patients (≥70 years) were asked about their preferences and experiences concerning shared decision making with their doctors using qualitative semistructured interviews. All interviews were analysed according to principles of content analysis. The resulting categories were then arranged into a classification grid to develop a typology of preferences for participating in decision-making processes. Results. Older patients generally preferred to make decisions concerning everyday life rather than medical decisions, which they preferred to leave to their doctors. We characterised eight different patient types based on four interdependent positions (self-determination, adherence, information seeking, and trust). Experiences of a good doctor-patient relationship were associated with trust, reliance on the doctor for information and decision making, and adherence. Conclusion. Owing to the varied patient decision-making types, it is not easy for doctors to anticipate the desired level of patient involvement. However, the decision matter and the self-determination of patients provide good starting points in preparing the ground for shared decision making. A good relationship with the doctor facilitates satisfying decision-making experiences.

  9. Wooing patients with technology. (United States)

    Myers, Michael


    Technologies that can give healthcare organizations a marketing advantage with patients include: Registration kiosks that request payment automatically, in a more comfortable environment for both patients and registration staff. Emails that enable patients to schedule initial visits and follow-up care. Secure online messaging platforms that enable patients to obtain timely answers to questions they have for their providers both before and after receiving services.

  10. Patient-Centered Research (United States)

    Wicki, J; Perneger, TV; Junod, AF; Bounameaux, H; Perrier, A


    PURPOSE We aimed to develop a simple standardized clinical score to stratify emergency ward patients with clinically suspected PE into groups with a high, intermediate, or low probability of PE, in order to improve and simplify the diagnostic approach. METHODS Analysis of a database of 1090 consecutive patients admitted to the emergency ward for suspected PE, in whom diagnosis of PE was ruled in or out by a standard diagnostic algorithm. Logistic regression was used to predict clinical parameters associated with PE. RESULTS 296 out of 1090 patients (27%) were found to have PE. The optimal estimate of clinical probability was based on eight variables: recent surgery, previous thromboembolic event, older age, hypocapnia, hypoxemia, tachycardia, band atelectasis or elevation of a hemidiaphragm on chest X-ray. A probability score was calculated by adding points assigned to these variables. A cut-off score of 4 best identified patients with low probability of PE. 486 patients (49%) had a low clinical probability of PE (score 9). CONCLUSION This clinical score, based on easily available and objective variables, provides a standardized assessment of the clinical probability of PE. Applying this score to emergency ward patients suspected of PE could allow a more efficient diagnostic process.

  11. Understanding polycystic ovary syndrome from the patient perspective: a concept elicitation patient interview study. (United States)

    Martin, Mona L; Halling, Katarina; Eek, Daniel; Krohe, Meaghan; Paty, Jean


    The aim of this study was to explore the need for a new disease-specific patient reported outcome (PRO) measure for use in clinical trials of drugs designed to target the underlying causes of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and in the process contribute to our understanding of the symptoms and impacts that define the patient experience with PCOS. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 20 women diagnosed with PCOS according to the Rotterdam criteria who had not menstruated in the previous month. The relative importance of PCOS symptoms and impact concepts to patients was determined by analyzing the frequency of their expression in the interview transcripts. These insights were compared to clinicians' perceptions of PCOS. Pain- and discomfort-related symptoms accounted for the highest proportion (27.6%) of the 735 patient expressions, although clinicians did not consider pain to be important to patients with PCOS. The most frequently expressed individual symptoms were cramping (70% of patients; 14.7% of concepts), irregular menstruation (95% of patients; 12.2% of concepts), facial hair growth (75% of patients; 10.6% of concepts), heavy bleeding (70% of patients; 8.8% of concepts), infertility (70% of patients; 5.4% of concepts), and bloating (60% of patients; 5.2% of concepts). Cramping, heavy bleeding, and bloating were not identified by clinicians as being important to patients with PCOS. The impacts most frequently reported by patients with PCOS related to emotional well-being (e.g. anxiety/stress) and coping behaviors (e.g. acne medication, hair removal). The only validated PCOS-specific PRO, the PCOSQ, does not capture some key PCOS symptoms and impacts expressed by patients with PCOS, most notably those related to pain and discomfort, bleeding intensity and coping behaviours. Furthermore, some key PCOS symptoms may be under-recognized in the clinic.

  12. Designing User-Centric Patient Portals: Clinician and Patients' Uses and Gratifications (United States)

    Krist, Alex H.; Aycock, Rebecca A.; Kreps, Gary L.


    Abstract Background: Legislation mandates that clinicians make patients' medical information available digitally. This has resulted in hurriedly installing patient portals that do not fully meet the needs of patients or clinicians. This study examined a specific portal, MyPreventiveCare (MPC), a patient-centered portal designed to promote preventive care to consumers, to elicit recommendations from patients and clinicians about how it could be more beneficial by uncovering their uses and gratifications (U&G). Materials and Methods: In-depth interviews with 31 patients and two clinician focus groups were conducted. Multiple methods were utilized, such as grounded theory coding to develop themes and content analysis to classify responses according to the U&G framework. Results: Four main categories emerged that users desire to be included in health portals: integration with technology (27%), coordination of care (27%), incorporation of lifestyle (26%), and increased control (20%). Additional analysis revealed that health portals are mainly utilized to fulfill cognitive and affective needs, with over 80% of recommendations related to the U&G categories of cognitive and affective needs. Cognitive (60%), affective (21%), social integrative (10%), personal integrative (9%), and tension release (0%). Conclusions: Portals will continue to evolve and become important health communication tools if they address the user's perspective and are inclusive of new technological advances. Specifically, portals must become more user centric and incorporate aspects of the patients' lifestyle and integrate health information technology. PMID:27333468

  13. Comparing thrombin generation in patients with hemophilia A and patients on vitamin K antagonists

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Koning, M L Y; Fischer, K; de Laat, B; Huisman, A; Ninivaggi, M; Schutgens, R E G

    Essentials: It is unknown if hemophilia patients with atrial fibrillation need anticoagulation. Endogenous thrombin potentials (ETP) in hemophilia patients and patients on coumarins were compared. Severe hemophilia patients had comparable ETP to therapeutic international normalized ratio (INR). In

  14. Learning the Patient's Story. (United States)

    Ragan, Sandra L; Kanter, Elisa


    To provide a brief history on narrative medicine and highlight its importance in providing quality patient care. Explains narrative medicine using published, peer-reviewed literature and highlights some of the literary, medical, sociological, and communication perspectives that contributed to the narrative medicine movement. A commitment to the patient-provider relationship and knowing the patient's story is a critical aspect in providing quality cancer care. Teaching oncology nurses skills that are grounded in narrative medicine will improve health care by increasing the nurses' knowledge of their patients and strengthening the nurse-patient relationship. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. [Shared decision-making based on equal information. Patient guidelines as a tool for patient counseling]. (United States)

    Sänger, Sylvia; Kopp, Ina; Englert, Gerhard; Brunsmann, Frank; Quadder, Bernd; Ollenschläger, Günter


    In discussions on the quality of cross-sectorial health-care services high importance is attributed to patient education and patient counseling, with guideline-based patient information being considered a crucial tool. Guideline-based patient information is supposed to serve patients as a decision-making basis and, in addition, to also support the implementation of the guidelines themselves. The article highlights how patient guidelines for National Disease Management Guidelines in Germany--within the scope of patient education and patient counseling--may provide a uniform information platform for physicians and patients aiming to promote shared decision-making. The authors will also address the issue which contents should be included in patient guidelines in order to meet these requirements and which measures are required to review their quality. The present paper continues the series of articles on the Program for German National Disease Management Guidelines.

  16. Long-term doctor-patient relationships: patient perspective from online reviews. (United States)

    Detz, Alissa; López, Andrea; Sarkar, Urmimala


    Continuity of patient care is one of the cornerstones of primary care. To examine publicly available, Internet-based reviews of adult primary care physicians, specifically written by patients who report long-term relationships with their physicians. This substudy was nested within a larger qualitative content analysis of online physician ratings. We focused on reviews reflecting an established patient-physician relationship, that is, those seeing their physicians for at least 1 year. Of the 712 Internet reviews of primary care physicians, 93 reviews (13.1%) were from patients that self-identified as having a long-term relationship with their physician, 11 reviews (1.5%) commented on a first-time visit to a physician, and the remainder of reviews (85.4%) did not specify the amount of time with their physician. Analysis revealed six overarching domains: (1) personality traits or descriptors of the physician, (2) technical competence, (3) communication, (4) access to physician, (5) office staff/environment, and (6) coordination of care. Our analysis shows that patients who have been with their physician for at least 1 year write positive reviews on public websites and focus on physician attributes.

  17. High patient satisfaction in 445 patients who underwent fast-track hip or knee replacement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Specht, Kirsten; Kjaersgaard-Andersen, Per; Kehlet, Henrik


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Patient satisfaction is important in fast-track total hip and knee replacement (THR, TKR). We assessed: (1) how satisfied patients were with the treatment; (2) factors related to overall satisfaction; and (3) whether there was a difference between THR and TKR regarding...... length of stay (LOS) and patient satisfaction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this follow-up study, a consecutive series of 445 patients undergoing THR and TKR completed a questionnaire 2 weeks after discharge. LOS and short-term patient satisfaction with the fast-track management were measured. Patient...... satisfaction was measured using a numerical rating scale (NRS; 0-10). RESULTS: For THR, the median satisfaction score was 9-10 and for TKR it was 8.5-10 in all parameters. Older THR patients had higher overall satisfaction. No association was found between overall satisfaction following THR or TKR and sex...

  18. Mental Health and Stressful Life Events in Coronary Heart Disease Patients and Non- Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samaneh Nateghian


    Full Text Available "nObjective: "n The main goal of this study is to compare stressful life events and mental health in coronary heart disease (CHD patients and non-patients. "nMethod: In this research, 120 participants (n=68 male, n= 52 female were divided into two groups of patients (n=60 and non-patients (n=60. They were selected from Vali Asr Hospital of Meshginshahr (Iran and completed the  General Health Questionnaire (GHQ and Stressful Life Events Inventory . "nResults: Data was analyzed using independent t-test. The results showed significant differences between CHD patients and non-patients in mental health and stressful life events. CHD patients showed high rates of physical symptoms and anxiety of GHQ . "nConclusion: CHD patients reported more stressful life events. Therefore, it can be inferred that psychological factors are important in coronary heart disease.

  19. Patients and radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eardley, A.


    The results of interviews with thirty discharged patients who had undergone radical radiotherapy for cancer of the head and neck are presented. Patients were asked whether their side-effects had got worse or had stayed the same, what effect their side effects had had on eating and drinking and whether they had felt depressed during this period. Measures which could be taken to improve patients' experiences of radiotherapy are discussed. (U.K.)

  20. Patient tracking system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chapman, L.J.; Hakimi, R.; Salehi, D.; McCord, T.; Zionczkowski, B.; Churchill, R.


    This exhibit describes computer applications in monitoring patient tracking in radiology and the collection of management information (technologist productivity, patient waiting times, repeat rate, room utilization) and quality assurance information. An analysis of the reports that assist in determining staffing levels, training needs, and patient scheduling is presented. The system is designed to require minimal information input and maximal information output to assist radiologists, quality assurance coordinators, and management personnel in departmental operations