
Sample records for parenteral domiciliaria del

  1. Evaluación del modelo de atención fisioterapéutica domiciliaria en una IPS. Bogotá. Colombia


    Mendoza Castiblanco, Karol Johanna


    El estudio “Evaluación del Modelo actual de Gestión en la Atención Fisioterapéutica Domiciliaria una IPS en la ciudad de Bogotá”, tiene como fin evaluar el modelo tradicional de Atención Primaria Domiciliaria y la labor de la fisioterapeuta en esta clase de servicios profesionales, y así constatar la calidad y eficiencia de la APD. En la primera parte, se plantean los objetivos, marcos de referencia, que lo complementan, metodología utilizada en un marco muestral, tabulación por un instru...


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    Adriana Marcela Vega


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone una aproximación conceptual de un modelo gestión de energía eléctrica domiciliaria denominado GEDE el cual tiene como fin principal contribuir con la eficiencia energética domiciliaria; el modelo involucra protocolos de comunicación, infraestructura y software como herramienta de gestión para la toma de decisiones energéticas, relacionadas con el consumo y/o generación de energía eléctrica por parte del usuario final residencial.

  3. Metodología para la implementación del soporte nutricional enteral personalizado como alternativa de la nutrición enteral domiciliaria

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    Rafael Jiménez García


    Full Text Available Introducción: la nutrición enteral domiciliaria se realiza en la casa del paciente, y permite que disminuyan los costos hospitalarios como consecuencia de largas estadías para lograr la recuperación o mejorar el estado nutricional y su reingreso al medio familiar. Objetivo: mostrar una metodología para la implementación del soporte nutricional enteral personalizado en el hogar con recursos centralizados, como una alternativa para la nutrición domiciliaria en pediatría. Métodos: a partir del diseño de la metodología para las Unidades de Nutrición Enteral Pediátrica con objetivos de actuación de los Grupos de Apoyo Nutricional Hospitalarios, se diseñó una metodología, que, a través de acciones concretas, logra la integración entre los niveles clínico-facultativos y gerenciales. Resultados: la metodología diseñada está basada en la integración de la atención primaria de salud con la secundaria, en una relación de carácter recíproco (desde y hacia, en la que el control centralizado de los recursos permite, no solo economizarlos, sino, a la vez, su registro para organizar la demanda por la estructura administrativa. El diseño metodológico crea, a su vez, un espacio para las funciones educativas de los padres y el control sistemático del soporte, lo cual, a su vez, le da una connotación preventiva acorde con los objetivos de la medicina comunitaria. Conclusiones: la metodología propuesta por nuestro grupo de trabajo constituye una alternativa en pediatría para el desarrollo de la nutrición enteral domiciliaria, como prestación de los servicios nutricionales, con una mayor integración entre los niveles primario y secundario de salud.

  4. Conclusions to the first Baxter-Senpe workshop on: ready-to-use (RTU) products for parenteral nutrition


    García de Lorenzo Mateos, A.; Bermejo Vicedo, T.; Gómez Candela, C.; Planas Vila, M.


    Conclusiones de la Mesa de Trabajo sobre productos listos para su uso (RTU) en nutrición parenteral. Se efectúa una aproximación a la definición y a las ventajas en comparación con otros modelos de nutrición parenteral. Destacan los aspectos relacionados con la gestión, composición de la RTU e indicaciones tanto intrahospitalarias como domiciliarias.Conclusions to the workshop on ready-to use (RTU) products for parenteral nutrition. An approximation is done to the definition and advantages in...


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    Yolanda Agra Varela


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: En este trabajo se evalúa la efectividad de los cuidados paliativos a domicilio con el objetivo de determinar si los enfermos con cáncer terminal tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria presentan mejor calidad de vida que los tratados por Equipos de Atención Primaria. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo cuasi experimental realizado en el Área 4 del Imsalud de Madrid con enfermos referidos desde el hospital a Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria o a Equipos de Atención Primaria. La variable estudiada fue la calidad de vida medida a través del Rotterdam Symptom Check List y el Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó MANOVA, ANOVA de medidas repetidas y el test de Friedman. Resultados: 165 enfermos fueron tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria y 56 por Equipos de Atención Primaria. Los primeros presentaron mejor puntuación en las escalas global (diferencia de medias: 9,5; IC 95%: 2,3-16,67 y dolor (diferencia de medias: 6,4; IC 9%: 1,14-11,43 del Rotterdam Symptom Check List en la primera semana del estudio. El tamaño del efecto fue mayor en el grupo Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria. La prescripción de fármacos y el lugar de la muerte fue diferente en ambos grupos. Conclusiones:Al principio del estudio los enfermos tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria presentaron una mejor percepción del estado de salud que los tratados por Equipos de Atención Primaria. No obstante, el importante número de pérdidas a lo largo del mismo hace que haya que mirar estos resultados con precaución.

  6. Relación de la calidad de vida con diferentes modelos de atención domiciliaria en enfermos oncológicos terminales de un área sanitaria de Madrid

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    Agra Varela Yolanda


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: En este trabajo se evalúa la efectividad de los cuidados paliativos a domicilio con el objetivo de determinar si los enfermos con cáncer terminal tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria presentan mejor calidad de vida que los tratados por Equipos de Atención Primaria. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo cuasi experimental realizado en el Área 4 del Imsalud de Madrid con enfermos referidos desde el hospital a Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria o a Equipos de Atención Primaria. La variable estudiada fue la calidad de vida medida a través del Rotterdam Symptom Check List y el Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó MANOVA, ANOVA de medidas repetidas y el test de Friedman. Resultados: 165 enfermos fueron tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria y 56 por Equipos de Atención Primaria. Los primeros presentaron mejor puntuación en las escalas global (diferencia de medias: 9,5; IC 95%: 2,3-16,67 y dolor (diferencia de medias: 6,4; IC 9%: 1,14-11,43 del Rotterdam Symptom Check List en la primera semana del estudio. El tamaño del efecto fue mayor en el grupo Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria. La prescripción de fármacos y el lugar de la muerte fue diferente en ambos grupos. Conclusiones: Al principio del estudio los enfermos tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria presentaron una mejor percepción del estado de salud que los tratados por Equipos de Atención Primaria. No obstante, el importante número de pérdidas a lo largo del mismo hace que haya que mirar estos resultados con precaución.

  7. La perspectiva de las cuidadoras informales sobre la atención domiciliaria: un estudio cualitativo con ayuda de un programa informático

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    Prieto Rodríguez Mª Ángeles


    Full Text Available Fundamento. Existe en nuestro país un vivo debate sobre los modelos de atención domiciliaria que se deben desarrollar. Este estudio pretende conocer cómo perciben la calidad de la atención domiciliaria los cuidadores familiares de pacientes con cáncer en fase terminal, ancianos con demencia y personas intervenidas en programadas de cirugía mayor ambulatoria. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo de tipo fenomenológico basado en grupos de discusión (9, grupos triangulares (5 y entrevistas en profundidad (22. El estudio se realizó en Andalucía, durante los años 1999 y 2000. Los sujetos del estudio son los cuidadores principales de los pacientes que reciben atención domiciliaria desde los centros de salud. La información se ha analizado mediante análisis de contenido apoyado por el software NUDIST- 4. Las variables de análisis han sido las del modelo SERVQUAL. Resultados. Para las cuidadoras de pacientes con cáncer las dimensiones más importantes de la calidad de la atención domiciliaria son la Capacidad de Respuesta y la Accesibilidad. Elementos negativos que perjudican la accesibilidad son: la falta de cobertura de atención domiciliaria fuera del horario normal, la dificultad de contactar por teléfono, la tardanza en acudir y las visitas sólo a demanda. Las cuidadoras de pacientes intervenidos en cirugía mayor ambulatoria quieren Seguridad y la Fiabilidad. Las cuidadoras de ancianos con demencia consideran prioritario que se les proporcionen los materiales que necesitan para cuidar al enfermo. Conclusiones: Las expectativas de cuidadores y pacientes varían en función del problema de salud. Por lo tanto, las características de la atención domiciliaria tendrán que variar también en función de ello. Se hace necesario un modelo flexible que sea capaz de adaptarse a las necesidades de los diferentes tipos de pacientes y las circunstancias también distintas de sus cuidadores familiares.

  8. Características y análisis de la supervivencia de las personas atendidas en el programa de atención domiciliaria del Área Básica de Salud Raval Nord, Barcelona: 1993-2002

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    Segura Noguera Josep María


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: El aumento de la esperanza de vida ha conducido a un progresivo envejecimiento de la población y a una creciente atención sóciosanitaria a domicilio. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir la población de enfermos crónicos domiciliarios atendidos durante los 10 primeros años de atención domiciliaria por un equipo de atención primaria de un Centro de Salud urbano, estudiar la frecuentación y analizar la supervivencia de las personas atendidas en el mismo. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo. Los sujetos de estudio fueron los 1.357 enfermos crónicos incluidos desde el inicio de un programa de atención domiciliaria (mayo 94-diciembre 2002. En primer lugar se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las características principales de esta población. Posteriormente, mediante el método de los riesgos proporcionales de Cox, se valoraron los factores asociados con la supervivencia, y asimismo se elaboraron las correspondientes curvas de probabilidad de supervivencia acumulada utilizando el método de Kaplan-Meier. Resultados: Predominio de población femenina (68%, y una media de edad de 82 años (DE: 11 años. Destacan la falta de ascensores (76%, y la soledad (18%. Presentan dependencia absoluta para todas las actividades de la vida diaria un 11% de los enfermos, mientras que aproximadamente un 20% muestra severas alteraciones cognitivas. En relación con la atención domiciliaria, se superó el objetivo del programa de 2-3 visitas/enfermo/año para el personal médico y de 4-6 para el personal de enfermería. La vacunación antigripal se mantuvo siempre por encima del objetivo del 70%, mientras que la vacunación antitetánica aumentó anualmente. Conclusiones: La población atendida en este programa se caracteriza por ser muy envejecida, con una alta mortalidad y que requiere atención domiciliaria continuada. Durante los 10 años estudiados se han logrado la mayor parte de los objetivos prefijados.

  9. Gestión logística en la prestación de servicios de hospitalización domiciliaria en el valle del cauca : caracterización y diagnóstico


    Gutiérrez, Elena Valentina; Galvis, Oscar David; López, Diego Alejandro; Mock-Kow, Juan Sebastian; Zapata, Ismael; Vidal, Carlos Julio


    Este artículo presenta el primer diagnóstico de la gestión logística de las instituciones habilitadas por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social para la prestación de servicios de hospitalización domiciliaria (HHC) en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia. El objetivo es caracterizar cómo los proveedores de HHC toman las decisiones logísticas asociadas con el proceso de prestación del servicio, e identificar oportunidades de mejoramiento e investigación. El diagnóstico se construyó mediante la apl...

  10. [Not Available]. (United States)

    Germán Díaz, Marta; Moreno Villares, José Manuel; Gomis Muñoz, Pilar


    Introducción: la nutrición parenteral domiciliaria se ha convertido en un punto clave en el tratamiento de pacientes con fracaso intestinal crónico. A pesar de los importantes avances que se han producido en las últimas décadas, tanto en los accesos vasculares, como en las soluciones empleadas, las infecciones asociadas a catéter venoso central siguen constituyendo una de las complicaciones más importantes. Dentro de las estrategias para la prevención o el tratamiento de estas infecciones se encuentra el empleo de sellados con antisépticos, como el etanol o la taurolidina, o de antibióticos.Objetivo: el objetivo de este artículo es revisar la evidencia disponible sobre el empleo de sellados con antisépticos o antibióticos en el manejo de pacientes pediátricos con nutrición parenteral domiciliaria.Material y métodos: el uso de sellados con etanol o taurolidina para prevenir el desarrollo de infecciones asociadas a catéter central estaría indicado en pacientes con nutrición parenteral domiciliaria que hayan tenido más de una infección en el año anterior o que se consideren pacientes de riesgo. Los sellados con antibióticos están indicados en el tratamiento de bacteriemias asociadas a catéter central producidas por S. coagulasa-negativo o gramnegativos, asociados a un tratamiento sistémico, siempre que sea posible, con el fin de salvar el catéter. Se debería llevar a cabo la retirada del mismo cuando existan signos de infección del punto de entrada o del trayecto subcutáneo, o cuando el germen responsable de la infección sea S. aureus o Cándida.Conclusión: a pesar de que la fuerza de la evidencia sobre la eficacia del sellado en la prevención o el tratamiento de infecciones asociadas al catéter es limitada, tanto en el niño como en el adulto, cada vez existen más datos a usar esta alternativa en pacientes con nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en los que la atención y salvaguarda de los catéteres es primordial.

  11. Efectividad de las visitas domiciliarias en ancianos sobre el estado funcional, mortalidad e ingreso en residencias de larga estancia

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    Miriam Rubio Acuña


    Full Text Available Pregunta clínica: ¿en adultos mayores, las visitas domiciliarias comparadas con el control habitual son efectivas para evitar la declinación de la funcionalidad, disminuir la mortalidad y el ingreso a residencias de larga estancia? Artículo: Huss A, Stuck A, Rubenstein L, Egger M, Clough-Gorr K. Multidimensional Preventive Home Visit Programs for Comunity-Dwelling Olders Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2008; 63 (3: 298-307. Resumen del estudio: revisión sistemática que pretende resumir el efecto de los programas de visitas domiciliarias en el ingreso en residencias de larga estancia, el estado funcional y mortalidad. Las visitas domiciliarias no mostraron efectividad en la admisión en residencias de larga estancia [OR 0,86 (0,68- 1,10]. El deterioro funcional se redujo solo cuando incluía una valoración multidimensional y examen clínico inicial [OR 0,64 (0,48-0,87]. Solo existió una disminución de la mortalidad en los adultos mayores 77 años que recibían visitas domiciliarias [OR 0,74 (0,58 a 0,94]. Comentario: el estudio presenta suficiente validez, la estrategia de búsqueda fue amplia y completa, sin restricción de idioma e incluyó literatura gris. Fue evaluada la calidad de los estudios considerando la randomización, ocultamiento de la secuencia y ciego. Para valorar la heterogeneidad se utilizó un indicador de medición de inconsistencia y el valor p. A pesar de que los resultados de esta RS son bastantes modestos en relación a la funcionalidad y la mortalidad, crear un programa de visitas domiciliarias en ancianos seria beneficioso, considerando la importancia de la funcionalidad en la calidad de vida de estos.

  12. (United States)

    Wanden-Berghe Lozano, Carmina; Campos Martín, Cristina; Cuerda Compes, Cristina; Gómez Candela, Carmen; Burgos Peláez, Rosa; Moreno Villares, José Manuel; Pereira Cunill, José Luis; Pérez de la Cruz, Antonio; Virgili Casas, Nuria; Martinez Faedo, Ceferino; Álvarez Hernández, Julia; Garde Orbaiz, Carmen; Penacho Lázaro, Mª Ángeles; Sánchez Martos, Eva Ángeles; Sanz Paris, Alejandro; Gonzalo Marín, Montserrat; Zugasti Murillo, Ana; Matía Martín, Pilar; Martín Folgueras, Tomás; Carabaña Pérez, Fátima; Díaz Guardiola, Patricia; Tejera Pérez, Cristina; De Luis Román, Daniel; Luengo Pérez, Luis Miguel; Santacruz Carmona, Nieves; Apezetxea Celaya, Antxón; Ponce González, Miguel Ángel; Urgeles Planella, Juan Ramón; Laborda González, Lucía; Martinez Olmos, Miguel Ángel; Sánchez-Vilar Burdiel, Olga; Joaquín Ortiz, Clara; Martínez Costa, Cecilia; Suárez Llanos, José Pablo; Calleja Fernández, Alicia; Leyes García, Pere; Gil Martinez, Mª Carmen; Mauri Roca, Silvia; García Zafra, Maria Victoria; Carrera Santaliestra, María José; Nadya-Senpe, Grupo


    Objetivo: Comunicar los datos del registro de Nutrición Parenteral Domiciliaria (NPD) del grupo de trabajo NADYA-SENPE del años 2015.Material y métodos: Recopilación de los datos de NPD del registro "on-line" del grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria (NADYA) desde el 1 de enero de 2015 al 31 de diciembre de 2015.Resultados: Se registraron 236 pacientes, con 243 episodios de NPD procedentes de 40 hospitales. Lo que representa una tasa de 5,08 pacientes/millón de habitantes/ año 2015. La patología más frecuente en los adultos fue "otros" (26,3%) seguido por "oncológico paliativo" (21,6%).  La complicación más frecuente fue la séptica relacionada con el catéter que presentó una tasa de 0,53 infecciones/1000 días de NPD. Finalizaron 64 episodios, la principal causa fue el fallecimiento (43,7%) y el 'paso a la vía oral' (32,8%).Conclusiones: constatamos el aumento de los centros y profesionales colaboradores, dando respuesta a la cantidad progresivamente mayor de pacientes con soporte nutricional parenteral en domicilio. Se mantienen estables las principales indicaciones para el establecimiento de NPD y las causas de finalización del tratamiento.

  13. Impacto de la visita domiciliaria familiar en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de medicina en el área de Pediatría Social

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    Leonor Angélica Galindo Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Este artículo reporta resultados de una investigación realizada con estudiantes de pregrado de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia para evaluar el impacto de la visita domiciliaria familiar la cual favorece los procesos de formación integral a partir de aprendizajes significativos. La investigación fue cualitativa-interpretativa, estudio de caso, de sistematización y con instrumentos: entrevistas, encuestas, grupos focales, análisis de documentos, observación participante (2006-2011. Los hallazgos demostraron que cuando la consulta medica se complementa con la visita domiciliaria familiar, los estudiantes se sensibilizan, se motivan más y se activa su predisposición de aprender significativamente. Además se evidenció que la visita domiciliaria familiar tiene eslabones de estrategia didáctica activa que al trabajarla intencionadamente impacta el perfil humanístico-social de los estudiantes como futuros profesionales del área de salud. Su aplicación es pertinente para la enseñanza de la pediatría social y de la medicina general.

  14. Asegurar el cuidado: Redes, Inmediatez y Autonomía en un Servicio de Teleasistencia Domiciliaria

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    Daniel López


    Full Text Available Esta tesis es un estudio etnográfico sobre un servicio de teleasistencia domiciliaria en el que se analiza cómo se organiza el cuidado a distancia e inmediato ante cualquier eventualidad, cómo se corporeiza y práctica la autonomía a través del uso de este servicio, y cómo el hogar y su forma de habitarlo se transforma con el uso de la teleasistencia. Estas tres preguntas tienen como objetivo final dilucidar qué desinstitucionalización se abre con la TAD. Concretamente, la tesis que sostiene el trabajo es que la desinstitucionalización puede interpretarse, a la luz de los resultado de la etnografía, como el paso de un disciplinamiento del cuidado a un aseguramiento del cuidado. 

  15. Infestación domiciliaria por triatominos y seroprevalencia humana en el Departamento Empedrado, Corrientes, Argentina

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    Bar Maria Esther


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se investigó la colonización domiciliaria y peridomiciliaria por triatominos, el índice de infección de Triatoma infestans y la presencia de seropositivos humanos al Trypanosoma cruzi, en áreas rurales del Departamento Empedrado, Corrientes, Argentina. La metodología utilizada en la búsqueda, determinación sistemática, obtención de índices de infección de los triatominos y en ta detección de seropositivos fue mencionada en un trabajo previo. El 53,0% de las 100 viviendas estudiadas tenían paredes de "chorizo", el 37,5% de los techos eran de chapas de zinc o cartón, combinadas con otros materiales y el 83,0% tenta pisos de tierra. En el 91,0% de los domicílios los pobladores cohabitaban con animales domésticos. La infestación domiciliaria por triatominos fue del 30,0%, correspondiendo 29,0% a T. infestans y 1,0% a Triatoma sordida. El índice de infección natural de T. infestans por T. cruzi fue 23, el índice de colanizacián fue 75 y el de dispersián alcanzá a 54,5. El 12, 1 % de los peridomicilios estaban infestados por T. sordida y el 2,4% por T. infestans. La prevalencia general de los 298 pacientes analizados, por los tests de Hemaglutinacián Indirecta e Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta, fue del 32,2%, destacándose el alto porcentaje de infectados (23,7%, hallado en el grupo etario de 0-10 años, que representa al de mayor riesgo de transmisión.

  16. Infestación domiciliaria por triatominos y seroprevalencia humana en el Departamento Empedrado, Corrientes, Argentina

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    Maria Esther Bar

    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se investigó la colonización domiciliaria y peridomiciliaria por triatominos, el índice de infección de Triatoma infestans y la presencia de seropositivos humanos al Trypanosoma cruzi, en áreas rurales del Departamento Empedrado, Corrientes, Argentina. La metodología utilizada en la búsqueda, determinación sistemática, obtención de índices de infección de los triatominos y en ta detección de seropositivos fue mencionada en un trabajo previo. El 53,0% de las 100 viviendas estudiadas tenían paredes de "chorizo", el 37,5% de los techos eran de chapas de zinc o cartón, combinadas con otros materiales y el 83,0% tenta pisos de tierra. En el 91,0% de los domicílios los pobladores cohabitaban con animales domésticos. La infestación domiciliaria por triatominos fue del 30,0%, correspondiendo 29,0% a T. infestans y 1,0% a Triatoma sordida. El índice de infección natural de T. infestans por T. cruzi fue 23, el índice de colanizacián fue 75 y el de dispersián alcanzá a 54,5. El 12, 1 % de los peridomicilios estaban infestados por T. sordida y el 2,4% por T. infestans. La prevalencia general de los 298 pacientes analizados, por los tests de Hemaglutinacián Indirecta e Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta, fue del 32,2%, destacándose el alto porcentaje de infectados (23,7%, hallado en el grupo etario de 0-10 años, que representa al de mayor riesgo de transmisión.

  17. Gestión logística en la prestación de servicios de hospitalización domiciliaria en el Valle del Cauca: caracterización y diagnóstico

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    Elena Valentina Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el primer diagnóstico de la gestión logística de las instituciones habilitadas por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social para la prestación de servicios de hospitalización domiciliaria (HHC en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia. El objetivo es caracterizar cómo los proveedores de HHC toman las decisiones logísticas asociadas con el proceso de prestación del servicio, e identificar oportunidades de mejoramiento e investigación. El diagnóstico se construyó mediante la aplicación de una encuesta semiestructurada que evaluó 6 ejes de trabajo y el grado de madurez de los procesos de servicio. Los resultados muestran que se requiere una gestión más integral de las decisiones logísticas, apoyada en el conocimiento del perfil epidemiológico y demográfico de la población atendida.

  18. Costos de medición y redistribución del ingreso en el servicio público de recolección domiciliaria de basuras en Colombia

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    Nu00E9stor Rubiano Pu00E1ez


    Full Text Available En atención a que la vivienda y el agua potable, el alcantarillado, la electricidad, el gas combustible, la telefonía y la recolección domiciliaria de basuras son bienes complementarios, la legislación colombiana de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios entiende por "usuario", y responsable legal por la factura, al propietario o arrendatario del inmueble que recibe los servicios, en tanto que denomina "consumidores" a la totalidad de ocupantes del predio. A diferencia de los restantes servicios, en el de aseo domiciliario a las viviendas no se realizan mediciones cotidianas a los residuos recogidos. La regulación reduce los costos de medición fijando promedios de producción mensual de basura por vivienda, de acuerdo con los cuales se fijan las tarifas. Las empresas han encontrado viviendas informales que albergan a varias familias lo cual conduce a interpretaciones encontradas sobre la correcta facturación del servicio. Este artículo examina las consecuencias de facturar el servicio según promedios, teniendo en cuenta dos fenómenos: el "equilibrio económico contractual" entre empresas y usuarios, y la distribución del ingreso en los seis estratos socioeconómicos establecidos en el Colombia. Concluye que el equilibrio no es alterado por ningún tipo de promedio, mientras que la distribución del ingreso entre estratos sí es afectada por el tipo de promedio utilizado en la facturación, y, en consecuencia, que si los municipios colombianos usaran el mejor promedio, el más adecuado a la estructura del mercado podrían mejorar la distribución del ingreso, sin originar "desequilibrios económicos" para las empresas prestadoras del servicio de aseo.

  19. Internet de los objetos empleando arduino para la gestión eléctrica domiciliaria

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    Adriana Marcela Vega E.


    Full Text Available Rev.esc.adm.neg El presente artículo muestra la importancia de la gestión eléctrica domiciliaria por medio del diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un prototipo de sistema domótico, que permite utilizar de manera remota una bombilla LED a través de las acciones de prender y apagar, según las necesidades del usuario, sin importar en donde se encuentre ubicado, es decir, que su localización geográfica no importa. Para su desarrollo se emplearon elementos de Hardware como el Arduino y de Software como los servicios en la nube de Windows Azure®; con esta aplicación, se pretende observar la interoperabilidad entre un dispositivo ubicado en el hogar y un servidor ubicado en el mundo virtual del Internet. Lo anterior permite hacer un acercamiento a las múltiples modalidades que se pueden desarrollar con el Internet de los objetos y que en un futuro próximo será empleando por las personas de manera permanente en sus residencias.

  20. Antibioticoterapia parenteral en la infección urinaria neonatal Parenteral antibiotic therapy in neonatal urinary infection

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    Manuel Díaz Álvarez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio analítico, retrospectivo, en el que se conformaron dos grupos según el régimen de tratamiento antibiótico parenteral (TAP: corto y largo. Éste fue seguido de antibioticoterapia oral, lo cual generó un ciclo de tratamiento parenteral-oral secuencial al menos de 10 días de duración. Se determinó la tasa de curación de la infección del tracto urinario, las reinfecciones en los primeros 3 meses de edad y la presencia de cicatrices renales. El objetivo fue evaluar la efectividad de un régimen de tratamiento antibiótico parenteral de corta duración (3 días en recién nacidos con infección del tracto urinario alta, de evolución inicial favorable. La tasa de curación de la infección con el TAP corto fue de 93,9 % y con el largo de 97,0 % (p = 0,32. En 5 pacientes del grupo de TAP corto ocurrió reinfección dentro de los 3 meses de edad, mientras que sólo ocurrió en 3 de los que llevaron TAP largo (p = 0,49. En los casos estudiados con gammagrafía con DMSA renal, se constató la presencia de cicatrices renales en 3 de 32 (9,4 % del grupo de TAP corto y en 7 de 33 (21,2 % en los pacientes de TAP largo (p = 0,30. Ambos regímenes de TAP tuvieron similar efectividad.

  1. Nutrición parenteral precoz en el neonato grave

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    Alina González Mustelier


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en el Servicio de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal del Hospital Ginecoobstétrico "Ramón González Coro" de Ciudad de La Habana, desde enero del 2000 hasta enero del 2002, con el objetivo de valorar las ventajas del uso de nutrición parenteral (NP precoz en los neonatos críticamente enfermos, durante la primera semana de vida. Se compararon 2 grupos de 23 recién nacidos críticos, uno de ellos recibió alimentación parenteral (grupo I y el otro no (grupo II. Se encontró homogeneidad en ambos grupos en cuanto a peso, edad gestacional, valoración nutricional al nacer, sexo y morbilidad inicial. La nutrición parenteral se caracterizó por su uso precoz (menos de 72 horas, conjuntamente con alimentación enteral mínima. La media del aporte máximo de macronutrientes fue de 16 g/kg/d de dextrosa, 1,2 g/kg/d de lípidos y 2 g/kg/d de proteínas. El desarrollo nutricional fue más favorable en el grupo con NP, porque le disminuyó a la mitad el tanto por ciento de peso perdido en la primera semana de vida, le sostuvo mayor aporte energético durante ese período y recupó 7 días antes su peso del nacimiento en relación con el grupo II. Las complicaciones fueron similares en ambos grupos, para concluir en que estas no estuvieron relacionadas con el uso de NP.A descriptive study was conducted at the Neonatal Intensive Therapy Service of "Ramón Gonzalez Coro" Gynecoobstetric Hospital, in Havana City, from January 2000, to January 2002, aimed at assessing the advantages of the use of early parenteral nutrition in the critically ill neonates during the first week of life. 2 groups of 23 critical newborn infants each were compared. One of them recieved parenteral nutrition (group 1 and the other one did not (group II. Homogeneity was found in both groups as regards weight, gestational age, nutritional assessment at birth and initial morbidity. The parenteral nutrition was characterized by its early use (less than 72

  2. Determinantes de la gestión clínica en atención médica domiciliaria de personas con secuelas de enfermedad cerebro-vascular


    Sánchez Cárdenas, Miguel Antonio


    La atención domiciliaria constituye hoy una modalidad de atención que permite solventar las dificultades derivadas de la sobreocupación hospitalaria y la cronicidad, los cuales constituyen un problema de interés en salud pública en los países desarrollados y que pueden ser manejados en el domicilio del paciente como una opción costo-efectiva y segura. Para lo cual es necesario buscar estrategias que permitan su desarrollo, gestión de riesgos y modelos de atención, logrando mejorar las condici...

  3. Efecto sobre el consumo de recursos hospitalarios de un programa de atención geriátrica domiciliaria en personas ancianas con patología cardiorrespiratoria muy evolucionada


    Pérez Martín Alejandro; Rol de la Morena M.ª José; Mareque Ortega Manuel; Gómez Gómez Mercedes; Gómez Gómez Carmen; Díaz de Cerio Matilde


    Fundamento: Los equipos de atención geriátrica domiciliaria tienen entre sus objetivos el seguimiento de pacientes ancianos con alto riesgo de reingreso hospitalario. Aunque llevan años funcionando en nuestro país, no se tienen datos sobre la repercusión que dicho seguimiento representa en el consumo de recursos hospitalarios. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el efecto que supone, sobre dichos recursos, el control por una unidad de atención geriátrica domicili...

  4. Aproximación a un servicio de atención domiciliaria (SAD municipal Approach to a local home care service

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    Esperanza Ballesteros Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: El envejecimiento progresivo de la población española y la importancia demográfica de las personas mayores se concreta en que 17 de cada 100 españoles tiene 65 años o más. El descenso de la tasa de mortalidad y aumento de la esperanza de vida hace que exista un crecimiento considerable de la dependencia, fragilidad y necesidad de cuidados de larga duración de este grupo de población. familia es el principal proveedor de cuidados en un 80% de los casos, pudiéndose considerar como un elemento socio-sanitario de primer orden por su faceta de proveedores de atención y cuidados. literatura revisada destaca la importancia de la complementariedad en la distribución de prestación de cuidados y asistencia entre las redes informales y formales. El Servicio de Atención Domiciliaria (SAD del Ayuntamiento de L'Hospitalet de Llobregat cubre diferentes servicios teleasistencia, acompañamiento en diversas gestiones. Objetivos del estudio: Describir el perfil socio-demográfico y situaciones de dependencia de los usuarios del Servicio de Atención Domiciliaria de L'Hospitalet del Llobregat. Conocer el perfil y la situación de salud del cuidador principal de los usuarios del SAD. Material y métodos: La población de estudio estaba formada por 320 usuarios, la mayor parte del total (358 de los usuarios del SAD. Los factores de inclusión fueron ser usuario del SAD durante la realización del estudio y aceptar voluntariamente la participación en el estudio. Para la valoración de los usuarios se utilizaron los siguientes cuestionarios validados: Barber, Barthel, Pfeiffer y Lawton. Se utilizaron también otros cuestionarios de elaboración propia para conocer otras características: problemas de salud, gestión de la medicación, relación con atención primaria de salud. La información se recogió mediante visitas domiciliarias que realizaron alumnos de Enfermería Enfermería. El análisis estadístico consiste en el an

  5. Factores asociados a la infestación domiciliaria por Aedes aegypti en el corregimiento el Manzanillo, municipio de Itagüí (Antioquia año 2015

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    Tito Martin Giraldo-Hurtado


    Full Text Available Introducción: Ae. aegypti es una especie adaptada a ambientes urbanos, es el vector de varias enfermedades virales, entre ellas el dengue, zika y chikungunya. Objetivo: Determinar los factores demográficos, socioeconómicos, ambientales y de conocimientos y costumbres, asociados a la infestación domiciliaria por Ae. aegypti, en el corregimiento El Manzanillo del municipio de Itagüí en el año 2015. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo de tipo observacional entre octubre y diciembre del 2015. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por las viviendas de las ocho veredas del corregimiento. Se realizó una encuesta sobre los factores demográficos, socioeconómicos, ambientales, de conocimientos y costumbres y medición de índices Aedicos con la técnica (LIRAa. Resultados: Se analizaron 400 encuestas. La mayoría de personas encuestadas eran mujeres entre los 18 y 33 años, que convivían en unión libre, afiliadas al régimen contributivo. La mayor proporción de viviendas eran propias entre los estratos 1 y 2, en las cuales habitaban entre 1 y 4 personas. Las personas encuestadas no tenían mayor conocimiento sobre el dengue o participación en campañas de prevención. De las ocho veredas El Ajizal presentó los índices aédicos más altos. Los principales factores potencialmente asociados a la infestación domiciliaria por Ae. aegypti fueron vivir cerca de un sitio de disposición de inservibles, almacenamiento de agua en la vivienda y el control de agua almacenada. Conclusiones: Se requiere concertar programas de educación comunitaria con participación activa y consciente de los habitantes con énfasis en medidas que reduzcan la infestación de las viviendas.

  6. Hydraulic Model for Drinking Water Networks, Including Household Connections; Modelo hidraulico para redes de agua potable con tomas domiciliarias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guerrero Angulo, Jose Oscar [Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa (Mexico); Arreguin Cortes, Felipe [Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua, Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)


    This paper presents a hydraulic simulation model for drinking water networks, including elements that are currently not considered household connections, spatially variable flowrate distribution pipelines, and tee secondary network. This model is determined by solving the equations needed for a conventional model following an indirect procedure for the solution of large equations systems. Household connection performance is considered as dependent of water pressure and the way in which users operate the taps of such intakes. This approach allows a better a acquaintance with the drinking water supply networks performance as well as solving problems that demand a more precise hydraulic simulation, such as water quality variations, leaks in networks, and the influence of home water tanks as regulating devices. [Spanish] Se presenta un modelo de simulacion hidraulica para redes de agua potable en el cual se incluyen elementos que no se toman en cuenta actualmente, como las tomas domiciliarias, los tubos de distribucion con gastos espacialmente variado y la red secundaria, resolviendo el numero de ecuaciones que seria necesario plantear en un modelo convencional mediante un procedimiento indirecto para la solucion de grandes sistemas de ecuaciones. En las tomas domiciliarias se considera que su funcionamiento depende de las presiones y la forma en que los usuarios operan las llaves de las mismas. Este planteamiento permite conocer mejor el funcionamiento de las redes de abastecimiento de agua potable y solucionar problemas que requieren de una simulacion hidraulica mas precisa, como el comportamiento de la calidad del agua, las fugas en las redes y la influencia reguladora de los tinacos de las casas.

  7. Metodología para la implementación del soporte nutricional enteral personalizado como alternativa de la nutrición enteral domiciliaria Methodology for implementation of personalized enteral nutritional support as an alternative for enteral nutrition at home

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    Rafael Jiménez García


    Full Text Available Introducción: la nutrición enteral domiciliaria se realiza en la casa del paciente, y permite que disminuyan los costos hospitalarios como consecuencia de largas estadías para lograr la recuperación o mejorar el estado nutricional y su reingreso al medio familiar. Objetivo: mostrar una metodología para la implementación del soporte nutricional enteral personalizado en el hogar con recursos centralizados, como una alternativa para la nutrición domiciliaria en pediatría. Métodos: a partir del diseño de la metodología para las Unidades de Nutrición Enteral Pediátrica con objetivos de actuación de los Grupos de Apoyo Nutricional Hospitalarios, se diseñó una metodología, que, a través de acciones concretas, logra la integración entre los niveles clínico-facultativos y gerenciales. Resultados: la metodología diseñada está basada en la integración de la atención primaria de salud con la secundaria, en una relación de carácter recíproco (desde y hacia, en la que el control centralizado de los recursos permite, no solo economizarlos, sino, a la vez, su registro para organizar la demanda por la estructura administrativa. El diseño metodológico crea, a su vez, un espacio para las funciones educativas de los padres y el control sistemático del soporte, lo cual, a su vez, le da una connotación preventiva acorde con los objetivos de la medicina comunitaria. Conclusiones: la metodología propuesta por nuestro grupo de trabajo constituye una alternativa en pediatría para el desarrollo de la nutrición enteral domiciliaria, como prestación de los servicios nutricionales, con una mayor integración entre los niveles primario y secundario de salud.Introduction: home enteral nutrition is provided at the patient's house and allows reducing the hospital costs derived from long lengths of stay at hospital to attain the recovery or the improvement of the nutritional status of the patient and his/her return to the family environment

  8. Inspección preliminar de algunas características de toxicidad en el agua potable domiciliaria, Bogotá y Soacha, 2012

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    Elizabeth Silva


    Full Text Available Introducción. La distribución y el almacenamiento del agua después de su potabilización, pueden originar cambios significativos en su calidad, por lo que es necesario conocer las características finales del agua domiciliaria que consumen los usuarios. Objetivo. Evaluar de forma preliminar las sustancias químicas tóxicas en el agua de tanques y grifos de viviendas abastecidas por el acueducto de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio descriptivo en 26 viviendas localizadas en Bogotá y Soacha. Se hicieron dos muestreos: uno en época de lluvias y otro en temporada seca, y en ambos se aplicó una encuesta y se recolectaron muestras de agua de los tanques de almacenamiento y los grifos. Las muestras se sometieron a ensayos fisicoquímicos básicos, a una prueba de tamización de sustancias orgánicas e inorgánicas, y a pruebas de determinación de metales pesados y de residuos de plaguicidas organofosforados y carbamatos. Resultados. La conductividad, el color y los nitratos presentaron valores permisibles; el pH y la turbiedad tuvieron una ligera tendencia a presentar niveles altos y, el cloro residual, niveles bajos. Hubo trazas de aluminio en el 94 % de las muestras. En el período seco, 8 % de las muestras presentó compuestos orgánicos y, en el período lluvioso, 66,7 %. Solo hubo un resultado positivo para las sustancias inorgánicas. En el 11,5 % de las viviendas, el nivel de riesgo fue medio, en el 61,5 %, bajo, y en el 27 % no se registró riesgo. Conclusiones. Se evidenció deterioro de la calidad del agua domiciliaria debido a la presencia de sustancias orgánicas en tanques y sobre todo en las redes, presumiblemente a causa de la formación de biopelículas o a la presencia de polímeros orgánicos. Los niveles de aluminio cercanos al máximo aceptable pueden explicarse por los remanentes de los coagulantes utilizados durante el tratamiento.

  9. Efecto sobre el consumo de recursos hospitalarios de un programa de atención geriátrica domiciliaria en personas ancianas con patología cardiorrespiratoria muy evolucionada

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    Pérez Martín Alejandro


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Los equipos de atención geriátrica domiciliaria tienen entre sus objetivos el seguimiento de pacientes ancianos con alto riesgo de reingreso hospitalario. Aunque llevan años funcionando en nuestro país, no se tienen datos sobre la repercusión que dicho seguimiento representa en el consumo de recursos hospitalarios. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el efecto que supone, sobre dichos recursos, el control por una unidad de atención geriátrica domiciliaria de pacientes con patología cardiorrespiratoria crónica muy evolucionada. Métodos: En el estudio se incluyó a los pacientes con patología cardiorrespiratoria crónica atendidos por la unidad entre enero de 1995 y enero de 1999, habiéndose excluido a los que permanecieron menos de 3 meses en seguimiento. Se comparan el número de visitas al servicio de urgencias hospitalario, ingresos en planta y días de estancia en el año anterior a la atención por la unidad y durante el tiempo de seguimiento por la misma.Resultados: 81 pacientes con una edad media de 80,57 años (DE 7,39 y una mediana de atención por la unidad de 9 meses (5-13,5, fueron incluidos en el estudio. Los consumos por paciente y mes de seguimiento disminuyeron en 0,07 visitas a Urgencias (0,02-0,11 (p=0,04, 0,10 ingresos hospitalarios (0,07-0,14 (p < 0,001, y 2,01 días de ingreso (1,87-2,15 (p < 0,001. Conclusiones: Una unidad especializada de atención geriátrica domiciliaria disminuye el consumo de recursos hospitalarios de población anciana con enfermedad cardiorrespiratoria crónica.

  10. Régimen corto de antibioticoterapia parenteral frente a régimen largo: Análisis de minimización de costes A short-term parenteral antibiotic therapy regime versus a long-term regime: Analysis of cost reduction

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    Martha Medina García


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de análisis económico, del tipo de minimización de costes, con el objetivo de evaluar los costes de un régimen de tratamiento antibiótico parenteral de corta duración (3 días utilizado en recién nacidos con infección del tracto urinario alta, de evolución inicial favorable, en comparación con otro de larga duración (≥ 5 días. Se tuvo como base un estudio analítico, observacional, en el que se conformaron dos grupos según el régimen de tratamiento antibiótico parenteral (corto o largo seguido de antibioticoterapia oral, que generó un ciclo de tratamiento parenteral-oral secuencial de 10 días de duración. Se evaluaron los costes por concepto de tratamiento con antibióticos y de hospitalización. Con el tratamiento corto se habrían ahorrado 29 054,58 CU con respecto a los costes derivados del régimen de tratamiento largo, a lo que se suman otros beneficios en la esfera psico-social familiar. Con los resultados obtenidos concluimos que un régimen de tratamiento antibiótico parenteral de corta duración (3 días para el tratamiento de una infección del tracto urinario alta de evolución inicial favorable, tiene mayor eficiencia que un régimen largo (≥ 5 días, pues se logra minimizar los costes relativos al tratamiento antibiótico y a la hospitalización.

  11. Visita domiciliaria familiar: estrategia didáctica para la formación integral del personal médico

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    Liliana Adela Zuliani-Arango


    Full Text Available La dificultad de abordar el proceso Salud-Enfermedad desde lo biopsicosocial, hapromovido otras estrategias para favorecer la formación integral en el futuro profesional de la salud.En esta investigación buscamos como objetivo comprender la importancia de la visita domiciliariafamiliar como estrategia didáctica para la formación integral de los estudiantes y las estudiantes-años 2006 a 2011-, de pregrado de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.Es un estudio cualitativo histórico hermenéutico fenomenológico, que implica sistematización decaso y revisión documental con análisis ético, efectuado a 36 participantes entre estudiantes ydocentes, en entrevistas, grupos focales y observaciones participantes. Resultados y conclusiones: lavisita domiciliaria familiar es la estrategia didáctica que facilita la mirada integral en la formacióndel estudiante o la estudiante y mejora la relación médico-paciente, genera compromiso social yresponsabilidad en su quehacer médico-puericultor.

  12. Combined enteral and parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Wernerman, Jan


    To review and discuss the evidence and arguments to combine enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition in the ICU, in particular with reference to the Early Parenteral Nutrition Completing Enteral Nutrition in Adult Critically Ill Patients (EPaNIC) study. The EPaNIC study shows an advantage in terms of discharges alive from the ICU when parenteral nutrition is delayed to day 8 as compared with combining enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition from day 3 of ICU stay. The difference between the guidelines from the European Society of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition in Europe and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition/Society of Critical Care Medicine in North America concerning the combination of enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition during the initial week of ICU stay was reviewed. The EPaNIC study clearly demonstrates that early parenteral nutrition in the ICU is not in the best interests of most patients. Exactly at what time point the combination of enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition should be considered is still an open question.

  13. Atención domiciliaria en enfermería: estudio de un centro de atención primaria de Salamanca


    Rosales Tejera, Marta


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es mostrar la importancia que tiene la Atención Domiciliaria y la oportunidad que supone, como medio para mejorar la salud y la calidad de vida de la población

  14. Total parenteral nutrition (United States)

    ... Total parenteral nutrition To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is a method of feeding that bypasses ...

  15. Parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Inayet, N; Neild, P


    Over the last 50 years, parenteral nutrition has been recognised as an invaluable and potentially lifesaving tool in the physician's arsenal in the management of patients with intestinal failure or inaccessibility; however, it may also be associated with a number of potentially life-threatening complications. A recent NCEPOD report (2010) identified a number of inadequacies in the overall provision and management of parenteral nutrition and recommendations were made with the aim of improving clinical practice in the future. This paper focuses on the practical aspects relating to parenteral nutrition for adults, including important concepts, such as patient selection, as well as general management. We also explore the various pitfalls and potential complications and how these may be minimised.

  16. 21 CFR 201.323 - Aluminum in large and small volume parenterals used in total parenteral nutrition. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Aluminum in large and small volume parenterals... for Specific Drug Products § 201.323 Aluminum in large and small volume parenterals used in total parenteral nutrition. (a) The aluminum content of large volume parenteral (LVP) drug products used in total...

  17. Indicaciones no quirúrgicas de la nutrición parenteral periférica Parenteral periferic nutrition: non surgical indications


    A. Ayúcar Ruiz de Galarreta; F. Pita Gutiérrez; F. Mosteiro Pereira; L. Cordero Lorenzana; S. Gómez Canosa; C. Seco Vilariño


    Introducción: La Nutrición Parenteral Perif��rica, definida como la mezcla de macronutrientes, vitaminas y minerales con osmolaridad menor de 800 mOsm/L, permite evitar los riesgos del catéter central. Clásicamente ha sido utilizada en postoperados, pero actualmente la patología médica también puede beneficiarse de ella, bien como única fuente de nutrientes, ya que un alto porcentaje de pacientes precisan menor aporte calórico de lo que se creía, o como complementaria. Objetivo: Evaluación de...

  18. Home parenteral nutrition in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalousova, J.; Rouskova, B.; Styblova, J.


    Parenteral nutrition delivered at home presents a major improvement in the quality of life of children dependent on long term parenteral nutrition. Indications, technical conditions, logistics, complications, prognosis of home parenteral nutrition as well as some health-care issues to be addressed by pediatric practitioner are summarized. (author)

  19. Atención farmacéutica domiciliaria, Una experiencia piloto

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    Bernárdez Zerpa Díaz C


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN La Ley de Garantías y Uso Racional de los Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (29/2006 cita las bases para que el farmacéutico potencie su ejercicio profesional centrado en los pacientes. Algunos no pueden acudir a la farmacia y, a petición de sus cuidadores, se establece una relación directa paciente-farmacéutico-cuidador en el domicilio. OBJETIVO Realizar un pilotaje para valorar las posibilidades de la atención farmacéutica domiciliaria (AFD, sus beneficios y dificultades en el contexto actual. MÉTODO Se realizó un estudio sociológico, descriptivo y prospectivo a dos pacientes pluripatológicos y con deterioro cognitivo, desplazándose el farmacéutico a los respectivos domicilios en visitas programadas durante enero 2006 - abril 2007. Los datos se registraron en un cuestionario semiestructurado y consensuado por expertos en atención farmacéutica. RESULTADOS La revisión de la medicación puso de manifiesto que los medicamentos más utilizados pertenecían a los grupos N02, N05 y N06 (SNC, laxantes y diuréticos. Los motivos de consulta mayoritarios fueron solicitud de consejo y de indicación farmacéutica (25,60% y 33,80%, respectivamente. Las intervenciones mayoritarias fueron consejo e indicación (23,90%, seguimiento farmacoterapéutico (20,40% y educación sanitaria (14,95%. Durante el seguimiento farmacoterapéutico se detectaron veinticinco problemas relacionados con la medicación de los pacientes, de los que se resolvieron veintiuno (84%. Preferentemente fueron de necesidad (56% y se solucionaron través de prescripciones inducidas por el farmacéutico, especialmente de material ortopédico que benefició a los pacientes. CONCLUSIONES Las ventajas experimentadas sugieren que si el farmacéutico estuviera incluido en los equipos de asistencia domiciliaria, se conseguiría más calidad asistencial y se abrirían nuevos campos para el desarrollo profesional.

  20. Total parenteral nutrition - infants (United States)

    ... Total parenteral nutrition - infants To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is a method of feeding that bypasses ...

  1. Modelo de atención familiar en salud bucal a los afiliados del dispensario del Seguro Social campesino la cantera, Parroquia San Plácido, Cantón Portoviejo, Provincia de Manabí. Septiembre/2013-Enero/2014


    Palma Tejena, Juan Carlos


    En la parroquia San Plácido-Portoviejo, se ejecutó un proyecto de investigación, denominado “Modelo de atención familiar en salud bucal a los afiliados del dispensario del Seguro Social Campesino La Cantera, Parroquia San Plácido, Cantón Portoviejo, Provincia de Manabí. Septiembre/2013-Enero 2014” cuyo objetivo principal fue desarrollar una propuesta de modelo de atención domiciliaria en salud bucal, a fin de mejorar las coberturas de atención odontológica. Fue una investigación de tipo expl...

  2. Parenteral nutrition in the critically ill. (United States)

    Gunst, Jan; Van den Berghe, Greet


    Feeding guidelines have recommended early, full nutritional support in critically ill patients to prevent hypercatabolism and muscle weakness. Early enteral nutrition was suggested to be superior to early parenteral nutrition. When enteral nutrition fails to meet nutritional target, it was recommended to administer supplemental parenteral nutrition, albeit with a varying starting point. Sufficient amounts of amino acids were recommended, with addition of glutamine in subgroups. Recently, several large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have yielded important new insights. This review summarizes recent evidence with regard to the indication, timing, and dosing of parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients. One large RCT revealed no difference between early enteral nutrition and early parenteral nutrition. Two large multicenter RCTs showed harm by early supplementation of insufficient enteral nutrition with parenteral nutrition, which could be explained by feeding-induced suppression of autophagy. Several RCTs found either no benefit or harm with a higher amino acid or caloric intake, as well as harm by administration of glutamine. Although unanswered questions remain, current evidence supports accepting low macronutrient intake during the acute phase of critical illness and does not support use of early parenteral nutrition. The timing when parenteral nutrition can be initiated safely and effectively is unclear.

  3. Valoración de enfermería a una persona mayor atendida en atención domiciliaria Nursing assessment for an elder person served in the Program Primary Care

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    Montserrat Puig Llobet


    Full Text Available El programa de Atención Domiciliaria (ATDOM es el elegido en nuestro caso para identificar la función que tienen los profesionales de enfermería en la detección de las necesidades de las personas mayores dependientes. El objetivo es presentar la situación de una persona mayor dependiente que recibe cuidados domiciliarios del servicio ATDOM del Centro de Atención Primaria de Vilafranca del Penedès. La paciente presenta HTA, diabetes no insulinodependiente y artrosis. Tiene una dependencia moderada en las actividades básicas y en las actividades instrumentales de la vida diaria. Según los patrones de Gordon, se han encontrado alterados cinco patrones y según la taxonomía NANDA se han identificado ocho diagnósticos de enfermería.Home care program is chosen in our case to identify the role that nurses in the detection of the needs of elderly dependents. The pourpose to present the status of a dependent elderly receiving home care service of the Center for Primary Care Vilafranca del Penedès. The patient has hypertension, noninsulin-dependent diabetes and arthritis. It has a moderate dependence in basic activities and instrumental activities of daily living. According to Gordon patterns have been found five patterns and altered according to the NANDA taxonomy has identified eight diagnoses.

  4. ESPEN Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition: gastroenterology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    A., Van Gossum; Cabre, E.; Hebuterne, X.


    . There is a lack of data supporting specific nutrients in these conditions. Parenteral nutrition is mandatory in case of intestinal failure, at least in the acute period. In patients with short bowel, specific attention should be paid to water and electrolyte supplementation. Currently, the use of growth hormone......-based recommendations for the indications, application and type of parenteral formula to be used in acute and chronic phases of illness. Parenteral nutrition is not recommended as a primary treatment in CD and UC. The use of parenteral nutrition is however reliable when oral/enteral feeding is not possible...

  5. Intervención desde la farmacia comunitaria a pacientes atendidos en los servicios de ayuda domiciliaria municipal

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    Gastelurrutia MA


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN Se describe el programa para la mejora del uso de la medicación en personas atendidas por los servicios de ayuda domiciliaria y se presentan los resultados económicos, clínicos y humanísticos de su aplicación en dos municipios de Gipuzkoa (Donostia-San Sebastián y Legazpi, durante el año 2008. MÉTODO Las farmacias enviaron al Colegio mensualmente los datos para su evaluación. Se calculó tanto el coste de la preparación de los blísteres como el ahorro producido. También se evaluó el incumplimiento midiendo el número de blísteres devueltos que no estaban completamente vacíos y la situación de polimedicación. Se analizó la satisfacción de los usuarios y cuidadores, y de los auxiliares por el personal del Ayuntamiento de Donostia. El Colegio se encargó de evaluar la satisfacción de los farmacéuticos. En todos los casos se utilizaron cuestionarios no validados elaborados ad hoc. RESULTADOS Se han analizado resultados de 13 farmacias con un máximo de 24 pacientes. El 95,6% estaban polimedicados. El 78,8% de los medicamentos prescritos pudieron ser incluidos en blísteres. Se prepararon 1.129 SPD de los que se inutilizaron 31. Además se retornaron 80 blísteres con algún comprimido en su interior. Durante el año de evaluación, se retiraron del sistema un total de 454 recetas que no fueron dispensadas por no ser necesarias. Ello produjo un ahorro global de 6581,73. El tiempo medio de preparación de los blísteres, por paciente y mes fue de 1hora y 36 minutos, lo que supuso un coste de 27,06al mes. La satisfacción en los tres colectivos estudiados fue buena

  6. Early versus Late Parenteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Children. (United States)

    Fivez, Tom; Kerklaan, Dorian; Mesotten, Dieter; Verbruggen, Sascha; Wouters, Pieter J; Vanhorebeek, Ilse; Debaveye, Yves; Vlasselaers, Dirk; Desmet, Lars; Casaer, Michael P; Garcia Guerra, Gonzalo; Hanot, Jan; Joffe, Ari; Tibboel, Dick; Joosten, Koen; Van den Berghe, Greet


    Recent trials have questioned the benefit of early parenteral nutrition in adults. The effect of early parenteral nutrition on clinical outcomes in critically ill children is unclear. We conducted a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial involving 1440 critically ill children to investigate whether withholding parenteral nutrition for 1 week (i.e., providing late parenteral nutrition) in the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) is clinically superior to providing early parenteral nutrition. Fluid loading was similar in the two groups. The two primary end points were new infection acquired during the ICU stay and the adjusted duration of ICU dependency, as assessed by the number of days in the ICU and as time to discharge alive from ICU. For the 723 patients receiving early parenteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition was initiated within 24 hours after ICU admission, whereas for the 717 patients receiving late parenteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition was not provided until the morning of the 8th day in the ICU. In both groups, enteral nutrition was attempted early and intravenous micronutrients were provided. Although mortality was similar in the two groups, the percentage of patients with a new infection was 10.7% in the group receiving late parenteral nutrition, as compared with 18.5% in the group receiving early parenteral nutrition (adjusted odds ratio, 0.48; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.35 to 0.66). The mean (±SE) duration of ICU stay was 6.5±0.4 days in the group receiving late parenteral nutrition, as compared with 9.2±0.8 days in the group receiving early parenteral nutrition; there was also a higher likelihood of an earlier live discharge from the ICU at any time in the late-parenteral-nutrition group (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.11 to 1.37). Late parenteral nutrition was associated with a shorter duration of mechanical ventilatory support than was early parenteral nutrition (P=0.001), as well as a smaller proportion of patients

  7. Copper and Zinc Deficiency in a Patient Receiving Long-Term Parenteral Nutrition During a Shortage of Parenteral Trace Element Products. (United States)

    Palm, Eric; Dotson, Bryan


    Drug shortages in the United States, including parenteral nutrition (PN) components, have been common in recent years and can adversely affect patient care. Here we report a case of copper and zinc deficiency in a patient receiving PN during a shortage of parenteral trace element products. The management of the patient's deficiencies, including the use of an imported parenteral multi-trace element product, is described. © 2014 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  8. Advantages of enteral nutrition over parenteral nutrition


    Seres, David S.; Valcarcel, Monika; Guillaume, Alexandra


    It is a strong and commonly held belief among nutrition clinicians that enteral nutrition is preferable to parenteral nutrition. We provide a narrative review of more recent studies and technical reviews comparing enteral nutrition with parenteral nutrition. Despite significant weaknesses in the existing data, current literature continues to support the use of enteral nutrition in patients requiring nutrition support, over parenteral nutrition.

  9. Peripheral parenteral nutrition: an option for patients with an indication for short-term parenteral nutrition La nutrición parenteral periférica, alternativa para los pacientes con indicación de nutrición parenteral durante poco tiempo


    M. I. T. D. Correia; J. Guimarâes; L. Cirino de Mattos; K. C. Araújo Gurgel; E. B. Cabral


    Objective: The aim of this study was to examine and describe our experience with the use of peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN). Methods: Patients with an indication for parenteral nutrition for less than 15 days received it via a peripheral vein via a short, 20 or 22 gauge French polyurethane catheter. Parenteral nutrition had a final osmolality of 993 mOsm/l and was administered by infusion pump. The nutritional status of patients was assessed by the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) tec...

  10. Serviços de atenção domiciliar na saúde suplementar e a inserção da enfermagem em Belo Horizonte/MG Servicios de atención domiciliaria en la salud suplementaria y la inserción de la enfermería en Belo Horizonte/MG Supplementary home health care services and the inclusion of nursing in Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais (Brazil

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    Kênia Lara Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar modalidades de serviço de atenção domiciliar discutindo a inserção da enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso qualitativo realizado em quatro operadoras de planos de saúde no município de Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais. Os dados foram obtidos de entrevistas e acompanhamento de casos. RESULTADOS: Os serviços de atenção domiciliar são agrupados em três Modalidades: Cuidados prolongados no domicilio; Atenção provisória no domicilio e Uso intenso de tecnologias e de cuidados. Nas modalidades, a enfermagem assume ações assistenciais e de gestão do cuidado e qualifica a atenção por meio do uso apropriado das tecnologias leves. Há uma tendência à terceirização do serviço de enfermagem na atenção domiciliar. CONCLUSÃO: A inclusão do trabalho do enfermeiro nas modalidades de atenção domiciliar representa ao mesmo tempo um componente de redução de custos e contribui para a transição tecnológica pelo estabelecimento de novas formas de cuidado no domicilio.OBJETIVO: Analizar modalidades de servicio de atención domiciliaria discutiendo la inserción de la enfermería. MÉTODOS: Estudio de caso cualitativo realizado en cuatro operadoras de planes de salud en el municipio de Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais. Los datos fueron obtenidos de entrevistas y acompañamiento de casos. Resultados: Los servicios de atención domiciliaria son agrupados en tres MODALIDADES: Cuidados prolongados en el domicilio; Atención provisional en el domicilio y Uso intenso de tecnologías y de cuidados. En las modalidades, la enfermería asume acciones asistenciales y de gestión del cuidado y cualifica la atención por medio del uso apropiado de las tecnologías leves. Hay una tendencia a la tercerización del servicio de enfermería en la atención domiciliaria. CONCLUSIÓN: La inclusión del trabajo del enfermero en las modalidades de atención domiciliaria representa al mismo tiempo un componente de reducción de costos y contribuye

  11. Home parenteral nutrition in children: the Polish experience. (United States)

    Ksiazyk, J; Lyszkowska, M; Kierkus, J; Bogucki, K; Ratyńska, A; Tondys, B; Socha, J


    Home parenteral nutrition has become routine for management of intestinal failure in patients. In Poland the main obstacle to widespread use of home parenteral nutrition is the lack of interest of commercial companies in delivering feedings and ancillaries to patients. Twenty-five home parenteral nutrition patients aged from 4 months to more than 13 years were reviewed. The mother or both parents were trained in home parenteral nutrition techniques for 4 to 6 weeks and compounded the nutrients themselves at home. The mean duration of home parenteral nutrition was 10,117 patient days. Hospital stays of patients receiving parenteral feedings were significantly shorter than the duration of administration of home parenteral nutrition (p rate of catheter occlusion decreased within the observation period, and in 1997 not one case of occlusion was observed. In 1997 only three catheters were removed during 7.8 patient years, and the overall incidence of catheter-related complications was 0.38 per patient year. The overall occurrence of septicemia was one case in 516 days and of catheter infection was one in 459 days. In 1997 a catheter was infected on average of once every 1419 days. There was significant improvement in the z score for weight during therapy. The average monthly cost of nutrients and ancillary items was approximately $1200 (4200 Polish zlotys [PLN]). These costs are 1.6 to 3 times lower than those recorded in other studies. Home parenteral nutrition in children with nutrients mixed by caregivers in the home setting is a safe and appropriate method of treatment that can be used in countries where home parenteral nutrition solutions are not manufactured or where commercial home parenteral nutrition is not economically feasible.

  12. Diseño y validación de instrumento de evaluación de la satisfacción con los servicios de atención domiciliaria: SATISFAD Design and validation of a home care satisfaction questionnaire: SATISFAD

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    José Miguel Morales Asencio


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Construir y validar un instrumento que evalúe la satisfacción con los servicios de atención domiciliaria en versión autoadministrada y telefónica. Método: Estudio observacional transversal en población con atención domiciliaria de los distritos sanitarios de Málaga, Costa del Sol, Almería y Granada. Se diseñó un cuestionario por parte de expertos en la técnica Delphi. Posteriormente, se evaluó la fiabilidad entre las versiones telefónica y autoadministrada y, por último, se comprobó su validez de constructo y la consistencia interna. Resultados: La fiabilidad entre las versiones telefónica y autoadministrada fue alta (coeficiente de correlación intraclase = 0,876; intervalo de confianza del 95%, 0,726-0,941; p = 0,0001. La consistencia interna también fue adecuada (alfa de Cronbach de 0,853 y 0,799 para las distintas versiones, con o sin cuidadora, respectivamente. El análisis factorial explicaba un 66,80 y un 67,81% de la varianza observada para las distintas versiones (con o sin cuidadora. Se aislaron 2 factores que tenían que ver con la relación interpersonal, el rol de la cuidadora y la toma de decisiones. Conclusiones: La evaluación de la satisfacción con los servicios de atención domiciliaria puede realizarse con dimensiones habitualmente utilizadas en los estudios de satisfacción, aunque han de ser evaluadas mediante instrumentos diseñados al efecto. La accesibilidad, la comunicación y las relaciones interpersonales adquieren un alto valor explicativo en la satisfacción de este tipo de población.Objectives: To design and validate an instrument to assess satisfaction with home care services, in both self-administered and telephone versions. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional observational study of the population using home care services in the health districts of Malaga, Costa del Sol, Almeria and Granada (Spain. A questionnaire was designed by an expert panel using a Deplhi technique

  13. Standardized Competencies for Parenteral Nutrition Prescribing: The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Model. (United States)

    Guenter, Peggi; Boullata, Joseph I; Ayers, Phil; Gervasio, Jane; Malone, Ainsley; Raymond, Erica; Holcombe, Beverly; Kraft, Michael; Sacks, Gordon; Seres, David


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) provision is complex, as it is a high-alert medication and prone to a variety of potential errors. With changes in clinical practice models and recent federal rulings, the number of PN prescribers may be increasing. Safe prescribing of this therapy requires that competency for prescribers from all disciplines be demonstrated using a standardized process. A standardized model for PN prescribing competency is proposed based on a competency framework, the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.)-published interdisciplinary core competencies, safe practice recommendations, and clinical guidelines. This framework will guide institutions and agencies in developing and maintaining competency for safe PN prescription by their staff. © 2015 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  14. 21 CFR 310.509 - Parenteral drug products in plastic containers. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 5 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Parenteral drug products in plastic containers... Parenteral drug products in plastic containers. (a) Any parenteral drug product packaged in a plastic... parenteral drug product for intravenous use in humans that is packaged in a plastic immediate container on or...

  15. Alteraciones hepáticas inducidas por la nutrición parenteral


    J Salas Salvado; A Recaséns Garica


    Liver disorders induced by parenteral nutrition Alteraciones hepáticas inducidas por la nutrición parenteral Liver disorders induced by parenteral nutrition Alteraciones hepáticas inducidas por la nutrición parenteral

  16. Amino acid composition in parenteral nutrition: what is the evidence? (United States)

    Yarandi, Shadi S.; Zhao, Vivian M.; Hebbar, Gautam; Ziegler, Thomas R.


    Purpose of review Complete parenteral nutrition solutions contain mixed amino acid products providing all nine essential amino acids and a varying composition of nonessential amino acids. Relatively little rigorous comparative efficacy research on altered parenteral nutrition amino acid composition has been published in recent years. Recent findings Limited data from randomized, double-blind, adequately powered clinical trials to define optimal doses of total or individual amino acids in parenteral nutrition are available. An exception is the growing number of studies on the efficacy of glutamine supplementation of parenteral nutrition or given as a single parenteral agent. Parenteral glutamine appears to confer benefit in selected patients; however, additional data to define optimal glutamine dosing and the patient subgroups who may most benefit from this amino acid are needed. Although some promising studies have been published, little data are available in the current era of nutrition support on the clinical efficacy of altered doses of arginine, branched chain amino acids, cysteine, or taurine supplementation of parenteral nutrition. Summary Despite routine use of parenteral nutrition, surprisingly little clinical efficacy data are available to guide total or specific amino acid dosing in adult and pediatric patients requiring this therapy. This warrants increased attention by the research community and funding agencies to better define optimal amino acid administration strategies in patient subgroups requiring parenteral nutrition. PMID:21076291

  17. Comparación de la satisfacción de los usuarios de atención domiciliaria: modelo integrado vs. modelo dispensarizado

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    Marta Gorina


    Conclusiones: El grado de satisfacción de los pacientes de atención primaria domiciliaria parece depender de las características propias de cada modelo organizativo, siendo el modelo dispensarizado el que presenta un mayor grado de satisfacción o calidad asistencial percibida. Se debería realizar un mayor número de estudios para generalizar estos resultados a otros centros de atención primaria pertenecientes a otras instituciones.

  18. Modelo integrado de un sistema de biodepuración en origen de aguas residuales domiciliarias. Una propuesta para comunidades periurbanas del Centro Sur de Chile.

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    Izaúl Silvestre Parra Piérart


    Full Text Available El crecimiento acelerado de la población mundial y sus impactos ha llevado a buscar nuevas fuentes de abastecimiento hídrico. Las aguas residuales constituyen una  fuente adicional para satisfacer la demanda de este recurso, razón por la cual se han estado diseñando alternativas para mejorar su tratamiento y potenciar su utilización. Este estudio profundiza en la revisión de algunas alternativas de biodepuración y propone el diseño conceptual de un sistema híbrido de biodepuración en origen de aguas residuales domiciliarias basado en el uso de un biofiltro. Este biofiltro se compone de un lombrifiltro y una combinación de humedales artificiales de flujos subsuperficial y libre. Los resultados de este estudio apuntan al diseño de soluciones ecosistémicas en la gestión de los recursos hídricos, aportando además beneficios medioambientales, paisajísticos y educacionales en la generación de alternativas para el manejo sostenible de nuestros recursos naturales.

  19. Parenteral nutrition in malnourished patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lichvarova, I.


    Parenteral nutrition became a routine therapeutic option in malnourished patients, if conventional nutritional enteral support is not effective. Cachexia and malnutrition prolong the wound healing, contribute to immunosuppression, increase morbidity and the cost of treatment. Using of a malnutrition protocol as a screening tool is necessary to sort out malnourished patients. Parenteral nutrition is therefore an important part of the multimodal therapy and from the medical and the ethical point of view is a great mistake not to feed a patient. (author)

  20. Severe Hypothyroidism From Iodine Deficiency Associated With Parenteral Nutrition. (United States)

    Golekoh, Marjorie C; Cole, Conrad R; Jones, Nana-Hawa Yayah


    Parenteral nutrition is crucial for supply of nutrients in children who cannot tolerate a full enteral diet. In the United States, it is not standard of care to give iodine to children dependent on parenteral nutrition, hence iodine is not routinely included in the micronutrient package. Herein, we present a case of a boy with hypothyroidism secondary to iodine deficiency after prolonged exclusive use of parenteral nutrition. Our case highlights the importance of screening for iodine deficiency and administering timely iodine supplementation in these at-risk children to prevent iatrogenic hypothyroidism. © 2015 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  1. Standardized Competencies for Parenteral Nutrition Order Review and Parenteral Nutrition Preparation, Including Compounding: The ASPEN Model. (United States)

    Boullata, Joseph I; Holcombe, Beverly; Sacks, Gordon; Gervasio, Jane; Adams, Stephen C; Christensen, Michael; Durfee, Sharon; Ayers, Phil; Marshall, Neil; Guenter, Peggi


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a high-alert medication with a complex drug use process. Key steps in the process include the review of each PN prescription followed by the preparation of the formulation. The preparation step includes compounding the PN or activating a standardized commercially available PN product. The verification and review, as well as preparation of this complex therapy, require competency that may be determined by using a standardized process for pharmacists and for pharmacy technicians involved with PN. An American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) standardized model for PN order review and PN preparation competencies is proposed based on a competency framework, the ASPEN-published interdisciplinary core competencies, safe practice recommendations, and clinical guidelines, and is intended for institutions and agencies to use with their staff. © 2016 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  2. Timing of the initiation of parenteral nutrition in critically ill children. (United States)

    Jimenez, Lissette; Mehta, Nilesh M; Duggan, Christopher P


    To review the current literature evaluating clinical outcomes of early and delayed parenteral nutrition initiation among critically ill children. Nutritional management remains an important aspect of care among the critically ill, with enteral nutrition generally preferred. However, inability to advance enteral feeds to caloric goals and contraindications to enteral nutrition often leads to reliance on parenteral nutrition. The timing of parenteral nutrition initiation is varied among critically ill children, and derives from an assessment of nutritional status, energy requirements, and physiologic differences between adults and children, including higher nutrient needs and lower body reserves. A recent randomized control study among critically ill children suggests improved clinical outcomes with avoiding initiation of parenteral nutrition on day 1 of admission to the pediatric ICU. Although there is no consensus on the optimal timing of parenteral nutrition initiation among critically ill children, recent literature does not support the immediate initiation of parenteral nutrition on pediatric ICU admission. A common theme in the reviewed literature highlights the importance of accurate assessment of nutritional status and energy expenditure in deciding when to initiate parenteral nutrition. As with all medical interventions, the initiation of parenteral nutrition should be considered in light of the known benefits of judiciously provided nutritional support with the known risks of artificial, parenteral feeding.

  3. Temporal Trends in the Use of Parenteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Patients (United States)

    Kahn, Jeremy M.; Wunsch, Hannah


    Background: Clinical practice guidelines recommend enteral over parenteral nutrition in critical illness and do not recommend early initiation. Few data are available on parenteral nutrition use or timing of initiation in the ICU or how this use may have changed over time. Methods: We used the Project IMPACT database to evaluate temporal trends in parenteral nutrition use (total and partial parenteral nutrition and lipid supplementation) and timing of initiation in adult ICU admissions from 2001 to 2008. We used χ2 tests and analysis of variance to examine characteristics of patients receiving parenteral nutrition and multilevel multivariate logistic regression models to assess parenteral nutrition use over time, in all patients and in specific subgroups. Results: Of 337,442 patients, 20,913 (6.2%) received parenteral nutrition. Adjusting for patient characteristics, the use of parenteral nutrition decreased modestly over time (adjusted probability, 7.2% in 2001-2002 vs 5.5% in 2007-2008, P nutrition use increased simultaneously (adjusted probability, 11.5% in 2001-2002 vs 15.3% in 2007-2008, P parenteral nutrition declined most rapidly in emergent surgical patients, patients with moderate illness severity, patients in the surgical ICU, and patients admitted to an academic facility (P ≤ .01 for all interactions with year). When used, parenteral nutrition was initiated a median of 2 days (interquartile range, 1-3), after ICU admission and > 90% of patients had parenteral nutrition initiated within 7 days; timing of initiation of parenteral nutrition did not change from 2001 to 2008. Conclusions: Use of parenteral nutrition in US ICUs declined from 2001 through 2008 in all patients and in all examined subgroups, with the majority of parenteral nutrition initiated within the first 7 days in ICU; enteral nutrition use coincidently increased over the same time period. PMID:24233390

  4. Total parenteral nutrition - Problems in compatibility and stability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schroder, A.M.


    Adding calcium, trace elements and vitamins could turn parenteral nutrition into a dangerous product, which could harm the patient. This article focuses on the major pharmaceutical problems of parenteral. nutrition when adding nutritional compounds Udgivelsesdato: 2008...

  5. La modificacion del biotopo perihabitacional en la profilaxis de la enfermedad de Chagas

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    Miguel Eduardo Jörg


    Full Text Available La modification del biotopo perihabitacional consiste en crear alrededor de la vivienda humana, rural, selvática o suburbuna, un espado perimetral limpio, totalmente libre de malezas y chaparral, despojado de nidos, madrigueras o refúgios de animales silvestres y de habitáculos de animales domésticos; de suficiente magnitud para evitar que tras desinsectación, queden focos peridomiciliarios de proliferation de triatomineos, vectores del Trypanosoma cruzi, focos inmediatos y habituales de reinfestación domiciliaria por estos redúvidos hematófagos. Los trabajos de rociado entomicida y aún el mejoramiento de la vivienda se reducen extremadamente si no son complementadas con la modificación del biotopo perihabitacional. Se expone una experiencia piloto sobre un barrio de la ciudad Villa Carlos Paz, provinda Córdoba, Argentina, que en 2 anos de aplicación permitió verificar la desaparición de vinchucas en un area de baja desindad de vectores y hospedadores.

  6. Parenteral nutrition versus enteral nutrition in severe acute pancreatitis Nutrição parenteral versus enteral em pacientes com pancreatite aguda grave

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    Josiel Paiva Vieira


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To compare the effect of parenteral versus enteral nutritional support in severe acute pancreatitis, with respect to efficacy, safety, morbidity, mortality and length of hospitalization. METHODS: The study was comprised of 31 patients, divided into a parenteral group (n=16 and an enteral group (n=15, who met severity criteria for abdominal tomography (Balthazar classes C, D, and E. The patients were compared by demographics, disease etiology, antibiotic prophylaxis, use or not of somatostatin, nutritional support, complications and disease progression. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference in the average duration of nutritional support, somatostatin, or antibiotics in the two groups. Imipenem was the drug of choice for prophylaxis of pancreatic infections in both groups. More complications occurred in the parenteral group, although the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.10. Infectious complications, such as catheter sepsis and infections of the pancreatic tissue, were significantly more frequent in the parenteral group (p=0.006. There was no difference in average length of hospitalization in the two groups. There were three deaths in the parenteral group and none in the enteral group. CONCLUSION: Enteral nutritional support is associated with fewer septic complications compared to parenteral nutritional support.OBJETIVO: Comparar o efeito do suporte nutricional parenteral versus enteral, em pancreatite aguda grave, com relação à eficácia, à segurança, à morbi-mortalidade e ao tempo de internação. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 31 pacientes distribuídos em grupo parenteral (n=16, no período de 1995 a 1998 e grupo enteral (n=15, no período de 1999 a 2002, que preencheram os critérios de gravidade pela tomografia de abdome (Balthazar C,D,E. Os pacientes foram comparados quanto aos dados demográficos, etiologia, antibioticoprofilaxia, somatostatina, suporte nutricional, complicações e evolução. RESULTADOS

  7. O fazer das enfermeiras da estratégia de saúde da família na atenção domiciliária El quehacer de las enfermeras de la estrategia de salud de la familia en la atención domiciliaria The performance of family health nurses in home care

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    Cristiane Dantas Laitano Lionello


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou conhecer o fazer das enfermeiras da Estratégia de Saúde de Família (ESF na atenção domiciliária. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa. Foram entrevistadas seis enfermeiras atuantes da ESF de um distrito sanitário de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As informações foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo temática, resultando em três categorias: a visita domiciliária (VD na ESF, avaliação das demandas de VD e interação com a equipe de saúde na atenção domiciliária. A visita domiciliária (VD tem oportunizado a identificação das necessidades por meio do conhecimento do contexto de vida dos usuários. Esta tem sido realizada no atendimento de doentes crônicos, acamados e idosos, efetuada a partir das informações trazidas pelos agentes comunitários de saúde. Todas as enfermeiras relataram realizar VD, sendo que gostariam de ter mais tempo para se dedicar a essa atividade.Este estudio objetivó conocer el quehacer de las enfermeras de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia (ESF en la atención domiciliaria. Se desarrolló un estudio exploratorio descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo. Se entrevistó a seis enfermeras que actúan en la ESF en un distrito sanitario en Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Las informaciones fueron sometidas al análisis de contenido temático y resutando en tres categorías: visita domiciliaria en la ESF, evaluación de las demandas de la visita domiciliaria e interacción con el equipo en la visita domiciliaria. La visita domiciliaria (VD ha alimentado la identificación de necesidades con conocimiento del contexto de vida de los usuarios. Se la viene realizando en la atención de enfermos crónicos, acamados, ancianos, efectuada a partir de los agentes comunitarios de salud. Todas las enfermeras dicen hacer VD, pero que les gustaría más tiempo para esta actividad.This study aimed at identifying the performance of Family

  8. Infestación domiciliaria por triatominos y seroprevalencia humana en el Departamento Empedrado, Corrientes, Argentina Household infestation by triatomines and human seroprevalence in Empedrado Department, Corrientes, Argentina

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    Maria Esther Bar


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se investigó la colonización domiciliaria y peridomiciliaria por triatominos, el índice de infección de Triatoma infestans y la presencia de seropositivos humanos al Trypanosoma cruzi, en áreas rurales del Departamento Empedrado, Corrientes, Argentina. La metodología utilizada en la búsqueda, determinación sistemática, obtención de índices de infección de los triatominos y en ta detección de seropositivos fue mencionada en un trabajo previo. El 53,0% de las 100 viviendas estudiadas tenían paredes de "chorizo", el 37,5% de los techos eran de chapas de zinc o cartón, combinadas con otros materiales y el 83,0% tenta pisos de tierra. En el 91,0% de los domicílios los pobladores cohabitaban con animales domésticos. La infestación domiciliaria por triatominos fue del 30,0%, correspondiendo 29,0% a T. infestans y 1,0% a Triatoma sordida. El índice de infección natural de T. infestans por T. cruzi fue 23, el índice de colanizacián fue 75 y el de dispersián alcanzá a 54,5. El 12, 1 % de los peridomicilios estaban infestados por T. sordida y el 2,4% por T. infestans. La prevalencia general de los 298 pacientes analizados, por los tests de Hemaglutinacián Indirecta e Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta, fue del 32,2%, destacándose el alto porcentaje de infectados (23,7%, hallado en el grupo etario de 0-10 años, que representa al de mayor riesgo de transmisión.Domestic and peridomestic triatomine colonization, T. infestans infection rate and human seropositives to Trypanosoma cruzi in rural areas of Empedrado Department, Corrientes, Argentina, were carried out. Methods used in order to search the triatomines, to determine them systematically, to obtain their infection rates and the human seropositives, were the same applied in a previous report. From 100 households characterized, 53.0% had mud walls, laminated zinc or cardboard combined with other elements were used in 37.5% of the roofs, and 83.0% had earthen

  9. Phytosterols, Lipid Administration, and Liver Disease During Parenteral Nutrition. (United States)

    Zaloga, Gary P


    Phytosterols are plant-derived sterols that are structurally and functionally analogous to cholesterol in vertebrate animals. Phytosterols are found in many foods and are part of the normal human diet. However, absorption of phytosterols from the diet is minimal. Most lipid emulsions used for parenteral nutrition are based on vegetable oils. As a result, phytosterol administration occurs during intravenous administration of lipid. Levels of phytosterols in the blood and tissues may reach high levels during parenteral lipid administration and may be toxic to cells. Phytosterols are not fully metabolized by the human body and must be excreted through the hepatobiliary system. Accumulating scientific evidence suggests that administration of high doses of intravenous lipids that are high in phytosterols contributes to the development of parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease. In this review, mechanisms by which lipids and phytosterols may cause cholestasis are discussed. Human studies of the association of phytosterols with liver disease are reviewed. In addition, clinical studies of lipid/phytosterol reduction for reversing and/or preventing parenteral nutrition associated liver disease are discussed. © 2015 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  10. Pharmaceutical Point of View on Parenteral Nutrition

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    M. Stawny


    Full Text Available Parenteral nutrition—a form of administering nutrients, electrolytes, trace elements, vitamins, and water—is a widely used mode of therapy applied in many diseases, in patients of different ages both at home and in hospital. The success of nutritional therapy depends chiefly on proper determination of the patient’s energetic and electrolytic needs as well as preparation and administration of a safe nutritional mixture. As a parenterally administered drug, it is expected to be microbiologically and physicochemically stable, with all of the components compatible with each other. It is very difficult to obtain a stable nutritional mixture due to the fact that it is a complex, two-phase drug. Also, the risk of incompatibility between mixture components and packaging should be taken into consideration and possibly eliminated. Since parenteral nutrition is a part of therapy, simultaneous use of drugs may cause pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions as well as those with the pharmaceutical phase. The aim of this paper is to discuss such aspects of parenteral nutrition as mixture stability, methodology, and methods for determining the stability of nutritional mixtures and drugs added to them.

  11. Pharmaceutical Point of View on Parenteral Nutrition (United States)

    Stawny, M.; Olijarczyk, R.; Jaroszkiewicz, E.; Jelińska, A.


    Parenteral nutrition—a form of administering nutrients, electrolytes, trace elements, vitamins, and water—is a widely used mode of therapy applied in many diseases, in patients of different ages both at home and in hospital. The success of nutritional therapy depends chiefly on proper determination of the patient's energetic and electrolytic needs as well as preparation and administration of a safe nutritional mixture. As a parenterally administered drug, it is expected to be microbiologically and physicochemically stable, with all of the components compatible with each other. It is very difficult to obtain a stable nutritional mixture due to the fact that it is a complex, two-phase drug. Also, the risk of incompatibility between mixture components and packaging should be taken into consideration and possibly eliminated. Since parenteral nutrition is a part of therapy, simultaneous use of drugs may cause pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions as well as those with the pharmaceutical phase. The aim of this paper is to discuss such aspects of parenteral nutrition as mixture stability, methodology, and methods for determining the stability of nutritional mixtures and drugs added to them. PMID:24453847

  12. Hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia among preterm infants receiving aggressive parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Brener Dik, Pablo H; Galletti, María F; Bacigalupo, Leticia T; Fernández Jonusas, Silvia; L Mariani, Gonzalo


    Aggressive parenteral nutrition is the standard of care among very-low-birth weight preterm infants. However, in recent studies, its impact on short-term outcomes, has been evaluated. The objective was to compare the prevalence of hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia among preterm infants receiving aggressive or standard parenteral nutrition. Observational, retrospective study comparing a group of preterm infants weighing less than 1250 grams who received aggressive parenteral nutrition with a historical control group. The prevalence of hypercalcemia was estimated and its association with aggressive parenteral nutrition was searched adjusting by confounders. The mean phosphate level was estimated for the control group by linear regression and was compared to the value in the other group. Forty patients per group were included. The prevalence of hypercalcemia was higher in the group who received aggressive parenteral nutrition (87.5% versus 35%, p= 0.001). Aggressive parenteral nutrition was associated with hypercalcemia when adjusting by birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, amino acid, and calorie intake (adjusted odds ratio: 21.8, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.7-128). The mean calcium level was different between both groups (p= 0.002). Infants who received aggressive parenteral nutrition had more sepsis without reaching statistical significance and the mean phosphate level was lower than that estimated for the control group (p= 0.04). The prevalence of hypophosphatemia in this group was 90% (95% CI: 76-97%). Our data show an association between hypercalcemia/hypophosphatemia and aggressive parenteral nutrition. It is recommended to frequently monitor calcium and phosphate levels since they might be associated with adverse clinical outcomes. Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría.

  13. Parenteral nutrition in patients with inborn errors of metabolism - a therapeutic problem. (United States)

    Kaluzny, L; Szczepanik, M; Siwinska-Mrozek, Z; Borkowska-Klos, M; Cichy, W; Walkowiak, J


    Parenteral nutrition is now a standard part of supportive treatment in pediatric departments. We describe four cases in which parenteral nutrition was extremely difficult due to coincidence with inborn errors of metabolism. The first two cases was fatty acid beta-oxidation disorders associated with necrotizing enterocolitis and congenital heart disease. Thus, limitations of intravenous lipid intake made it difficult to maintain a good nutritional status. The third case was phenylketonuria associated with a facial region tumour (rhabdomyosarcoma), in which parenteral nutrition was complicated because of a high phenylalanine content in the amino acid formulas for parenteral nutrition. The fourth patient was a child with late-diagnosed tyrosinemia type 1, complicated with encephalopathy - during intensive care treatment the patient needed nutritional support, including parenteral nutrition - we observed amino acid formula problems similar to those in the phenylketonuria patient. Parenteral nutrition in children with inborn errors of metabolism is a rare, but very important therapeutic problem. Total parenteral nutrition formulas are not prepared for this group of diseases.

  14. Potential of polymeric particles as future vaccine delivery systems/adjuvants for parenteral and non-parenteral immunization against tuberculosis: A systematic review

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    Farzad Khademi


    Full Text Available Objective(s: Production of effective tuberculosis (TB vaccine is necessity. However, the development of new subunit vaccines is faced with concerns about their weak immunogenicity. To overcome such problems, polymers-based vaccine delivery systems have been proposed to be used via various routes. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of polymeric particles as future vaccine delivery systems/adjuvants for parenteral and non-parenteral immunization against TB. Materials and Methods: PubMed, Scopus, Science-Direct, and the ISI web of knowledge databases were searched for related keywords. A total of 420 articles, written up to June 25, 2016, were collected on the potential of polymeric particles as TB vaccine delivery systems after parenteral and non-parenteral immunization. Thirty-one relevant articles were selected by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: It was shown that the immunogenicity of TB vaccines had been improved by using biodegradable and non-biodegradable synthetic polymers as well as natural polymers and they are better able to enhance the humoral and cellular immune responses, compared to TB vaccines alone. The present study revealed that various polymeric particles, after M. tuberculosis challenge in animal models, provide long-lasting protection against TB. PLGA (poly (lactide-co-glycolide and chitosan polymers were widely used as TB vaccine delivery systems/adjuvants. Conclusion: It seems that PLGA and chitosan polymers are well-suited particles for the parenteral and non-parenteral administration of TB vaccines, respectively. Non-biodegradable synthetic polymers in comparison with biodegradable synthetic and natural polymers have been used less frequently. Therefore, further study on this category of polymers is required.

  15. Impact of Early Parenteral Nutrition on Metabolism and Kidney Injury


    Gunst, Jan; Vanhorebeek, Ilse; Casaer, Michaël P.; Hermans, Greet; Wouters, Pieter J.; Dubois, Jasperina; Claes, Kathleen; Schetz, Miet; Van den Berghe, Greet


    A poor nutritional state and a caloric deficit associate with increased morbidity and mortality, but a recent multicenter, randomized controlled trial found that early parenteral nutrition to supplement insufficient enteral nutrition increases morbidity in the intensive care unit, including prolonging the duration of renal replacement therapy, compared with withholding parenteral nutrition for 1 week. Whether early versus late parenteral nutrition impacts the incidence and recovery of AKI is ...

  16. Hidrotórax secundário à nutrição parenteral: relato de caso Hydrothorax due to parenteral nutrition: a case report

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    José Henrique Silvah


    Full Text Available Hidrotórax secundário à infusão de nutrição parenteral é uma condição rara, embora se apresente cada vez mais comum. Neste relato de caso, uma paciente com síndrome do intestino curto desenvolveu instabilidade hemodinâmica e insuficiência respiratória algumas horas após o início da infusão de nutrição parenteral. Ressaltamos também as manobras para evitar e tratar tal complicação.Hydrothorax due to parenteral nutrition infusion is a rare, although increasingly common event. This report shows a short bowel patient who developed hemodynamic instability and respiratory failure few hours after parenteral nutrition infusion's start. We also emphasize the maneuvers to avoid and treat such complication.

  17. Use of parenteral testosterone in hypospadias cases

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    Vikram Satav


    Full Text Available Objectives: The aim was to evaluate the effect of parenteral testosterone on penile length, preputial hood, vascularity of dartos pedicle in patients with hypospadias. Materials and Methods: A total of 42 patients with hypospadias were included in this study. Injection aquaviron (oily solution each ml containing testosterone propionate 25 mg was given deep intramuscularly in three doses with an interval of 3 weeks before reconstructive surgery at the dose of 2 mg/kg body weight. Preoperatively penile length, transverse preputial width and diameter at the base of the penis were measured. Basal testosterone levels were obtained before the institution of therapy and on the day of operation. Results: Following parenteral testosterone administration, the mean increase in penile length, transverse preputial width and diameter at the base of penis was 1.01 ± 0.25 cm (P < 0.001, 1.250 ± 0.52 cm and 0.61 ± 0.35 cm, respectively, (P < 0.001. Serum testosterone level after injection was well within normal range for that age. Conclusion: Parenteral testosterone increased phallus size, diameter and prepuce hypertrophy without any adverse effects. However, due to lack of a control group we cannot make any inferences. Controlled studies are required to establish the benefits of parenteral testosterone.

  18. Parenteral nutrition in intestinal failure

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    Kurkchubasche AG


    Full Text Available Arlet G Kurkchubasche,1 Thomas J Herron,2 Marion F Winkler31Department of Surgery and Pediatrics, 2Department of Surgery, Alpert Medical School of Brown University, 3Department of Surgery/Nutritional Support Service, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, USAAbstract: Intestinal failure is a consequence of extensive surgical resection resulting in anatomic loss and/or functional impairment in motility or absorptive capacity. The condition is clinically characterized by the inability to maintain fluid, energy, protein, electrolyte, or micronutrient balance when on a conventionally accepted, normal diet. Parenteral nutrition (PN is the cornerstone of management until intestinal adaptation returns the patient to a PN-independent state. Intestinal length, residual anatomic segments and motility determine the need for and duration of parenteral support. The goals of therapy are to provide sufficient nutrients to enable normal growth and development in children, and support a healthy functional status in adults. This review addresses indications for PN, the formulation of the PN solution, patient monitoring, and considerations for prevention of PN-associated complications. With the ultimate goal of achieving enteral autonomy, the important role of diet, pharmacologic interventions, and surgery is discussed.Keywords: intestinal failure, short-bowel syndrome, parenteral nutrition, home nutrition support, intestinal rehabilitation

  19. Total parenteral nutrition in diabetic rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Norcross, E.D.; Stein, T.P.


    Parenteral Nutrition with hypertonic glucose is frequently given to diabetic patients. Large amounts of insulin can be required. The purpose of this investigation was to develop a totally parenterally nourished diabetic rat model. 200 g Female Sprague Dawley rats were made diabetic by i.v. injection of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg). Rats were then allowed to recover for at least 1 week before undergoing surgical insertion of a central venous catheter for parenteral feeding. TPN was begun 3 days after surgery. Prior to this they were allowed unlimited access to food and water. Control (non-streptozotocin treated) rats were run at the same time. Protein turnover was investigated by using 15 N glycine. Preliminary results: diabetic rats given mostly fat as a calorie source survived well in the absence of exogenous insulin whereas those that were given glucose only as their non-protein calorie source showed poor survival even with exogenous insulin. N balance and protein turnover in the lipid treated diabetic rats were comparable to the non-diabetic control rats

  20. Parenteral nutrition in the ICU setting: need for a shift in utilization. (United States)

    Oshima, Taku; Hiesmayr, Michael; Pichard, Claude


    The difficulties to feed the patients adequately with enteral nutrition alone have drawn the attention of the clinicians toward the use of parenteral nutrition, although recommendations by the recent guidelines are conflicting. This review focuses on the intrinsic role of parenteral nutrition, its new indication, and modalities of use for the critically ill patients. A recent trial demonstrated that selecting either parenteral nutrition or enteral nutrition for early nutrition has no impact on clinical outcomes. However, it must be acknowledged that the risk of relative overfeeding is greater when using parenteral nutrition and the risk of underfeeding is greater when using enteral nutrition because of gastrointestinal intolerance. Both overfeeding and underfeeding in the critically ill patients are associated with deleterious outcomes. Thus, early and adequate feeding according to the specific energy needs can be recommended as the optimal feeding strategy. Parenteral nutrition can be used to substitute or supplement enteral nutrition, if adequately prescribed. Testing for enteral nutrition tolerance during 2-3 days after ICU admission provides the perfect timing to start parenteral nutrition, if needed. In case of absolute contraindication for enteral nutrition, consider starting parenteral nutrition carefully to avoid overfeeding.

  1. Parenteral nutrition in radiation injuries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glants, R.M.


    Basing on the results of experiments on mice and rats and their clinical use in oncological patients treatment recommendations are given on use of parenteral nutrition in treatment of radiation disease

  2. Parenteral nutrition in the elderly cancer patient. (United States)

    Orrevall, Ylva


    Parenteral nutrition may be considered when oral intake and/or enteral nutrition are not sufficient to maintain nutritional status and the patient is likely to die sooner from starvation than from the cancer. A detailed assessment should be made prior to the decision about whether parenteral nutrition should be started. A follow up plan should be documented with objective and patient centred treatment goals as well as specific time points for evaluation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Rapid parenteral rehydration in children with dehydration due to acute diarrheal disease Hidratación parenteral rápida en pacientes deshidratados por enfermedad diarreica aguda

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    Myriam Bastidas


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    Between May and July 1987, we studied 36 children with second or third degree dehydration secondary to acute diarrheal disease of less than one week duration; they had no serious associated problems. Parenteral rehydration was carried out with a solution similar in composition to the one recommended by the World Health Organization for Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT. Rehydration was achieved in 30 patients within 6 hours and In 3 more within 12 hours; there were no cases of hypernatremia or hyperkalemia. It is concluded that parenteral rehydration with a solution similar to the one employed for ORT is an adequate alternative when oral rehydration is not indicated in children with diarrheal disease.

    Entre mayo y julio de 1987 se estudiaron 36 niños que ingresaron al Hospital Infantil de Medellín con deshidratación de segundo o tercer grado, secundaria a enfermedad diarreica de evolución menor de una semana y sin enfermedad grave asociada. La hidratación se llevó a cabo parenteralmente empleando una mezcla de composición similar a la que recomienda la Organización Mundial de la Salud para la Terapia de Rehidratación Oral (TRO. Se logró la hidratación en un lapso de 6 horas en 30 de los 36 pacientes y en 3 más en las siguientes 6 horas; no se produjeron casos de hipernatremia ni de hiperkalemia. Se concluye que la hidratación parenteral, con una solución de composición similar a la de la TRO, es una alternativa adecuada cuando no está indicada la hidratación oral del niño con enfermedad diarreica.

  4. Tratamento da endometrite puerperal com antibioticoterapia parenteral exclusiva Treatment of puerperal endometritis using a regimen with exclusive parenteral antibiotics

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    Geraldo Duarte


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar a efetividade e segurança da antibioticoterapia parenteral hospitalar exclusiva para tratamento da endometrite puerperal, em população de baixo nível socioeconômico. MÉTODOS: estudo clínico prospectivo, que avaliou 21 puérperas com diagnóstico de endometrite puerperal, cujas gestações foram resolvidas em hospital universitário por cesárea (52,4% ou parto normal (47,6. A amostra caracterizou-se por baixo nível socioeconômico e de escolaridade. Foram submetidas ao regime de antibioticoterapia parenteral exclusiva, apenas durante o período de internação (grupo ATP-EX. Os resultados foram comparados com aqueles obtidos de série histórica do mesmo serviço (20 casos submetidas a antibioticoterapia parenteral hospitalar, complementada por terapia via oral ambulatorial (grupo ATP+VO. As pacientes foram avaliadas clinicamente em retornos periódicos visando identificar casos de recidivas e complicações infecciosas. RESULTADOS: uma paciente do grupo ATP+VO necessitou de reinternação no 6º dia após a alta por recrudescência da endometrite. Não foi observada nenhuma complicação entre as pacientes do grupo ATP-EX. CONCLUSÃO: para o tratamento de endometrite puerperal, não foi observado benefício adicional com a adição da antibioticoterapia oral complementar após a alta. Os resultados com o uso da antibioticoterapia parenteral exclusiva durante a internação indicam que esse esquema pode ser utilizado com segurança em população de baixo nível socioeconômico.PURPOSE: to analyze the effectiveness and safety of exclusive hospital parenteral antibiotic therapy to treat puerperal endometritis in a population of low socioeconomic level. METHODS: a prospective clinical trial evaluated 21 puerperae with a diagnosis of postpartum endometritis, whose deliveries occurred at a university hospital by cesarean section (52.4% or normal delivery (47.6%. The sample was characterized by low socioeconomic and

  5. Clinical significance of changes of serum TBA, CG, HA levels in neonate with parenteral nutrition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Weiliang; Zhou Jiongying; Zhang Xiaoyi; Lv Weihua; Ma Yunbao; He Qizhi


    Objective: To study the clinical significance of changes of serum levels of TBA, CG, HA in neonate with parenteral nutrition. Methods: Serum total bile acid (TBA, with biochemistry) and CG, HA (with RIA) contents were measured in 52 neonates (full-term 32, preterm 20) with parenteral nutrition and 28 neonates (full-term 16, preterm 12) without parenteral nutrition (as controls). Results: Before parenteral nutrition,the serum TBA, CG and HA levels in full-term neonates were not significantly different from those in the controls (P>0.05). After parenteral nutrition,serum levels were significantly higher than those before parenteral nutrition (P<0.01). The levels in pre-term neonates were significantly higher after parenteral nutrition than those in full-term neonates (P<0.05). Conclusion: Long term parenteral nutrition might be harmful to hepatic and gall bladder function in neonates especially in premature ones. (authors)

  6. Features of liver tissue remodeling in intestinal failure during and after weaning off parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Mutanen, Annika; Lohi, Jouko; Sorsa, Timo; Jalanko, Hannu; Pakarinen, Mikko P


    Intestinal failure is associated frequently with liver injury, which persists after weaning off parenteral nutrition. We compared features of liver remodeling in intestinal failure during and after weaning off parenteral nutrition. Liver biopsies and serum samples were obtained from 25 intestinal failure patients at a median age of 9.7 years (interquartile range: 4.6-18) and from age-matched control patients. Seven patients had been receiving parenteral nutrition for 53 months (22-160), and 18 patients had been weaned off parenteral nutrition 6.3 years (2.4-17) earlier, after having received parenteral nutrition for 10 months (3.3-34). Expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin, collagen 1, proinflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) was measured. Significant increases in immunohistochemical expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin and collagen 1 were observed predominantly in portal areas and were similar to increases seen in patients currently receiving parenteral nutrition and in patients weaned off parenteral nutrition. Gene and protein expressions of alpha-smooth muscle actin and collagen were interrelated. Gene expression of ACTA2, encoding alpha-smooth muscle actin, was increased only in patients who were receiving parenteral nutrition currently. Comparable upregulation of interleukin-1 (α and ß), epidermal growth factor, integrin-ß6, and MMP9 gene expression was observed in both patient groups, irrespective of whether they were receiving parenteral nutrition currently. Liver expression and serum levels of TIMP1 and MMP7 were increased only in the patients on parenteral nutrition currently but were not increased after weaning off parenteral nutrition. Intestinal failure is characterized by abnormal activation of hepatic myofibroblast and accumulation of collagen both during and after weaning off parenteral nutrition. Persistent transcriptional upregulation of proinflammatory and fibrogenic cytokines after weaning off

  7. La cuidadora domiciliaria de ancianos: de la poca visibilidad de su desempeño laboral The home carer for the elderly people: on the little visibility of their work performance

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    Natacha Borgeaud-Garciandía


    Full Text Available Nuestro objetivo es incurrir en el tema de la poca visibilidad social que caracteriza el desempeño del trabajo de la cuidadora domiciliaria de ancianos. Se trata generalmente de trabajadoras mujeres y, particularmente en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA, de trabajadoras migrantes provenientes de países latinoamericanos. En una primera parte retomamos, en base a la literatura existente, datos sobre las migraciones laborales femeninas que han llegado a la Argentina para desempeñarse en empleos domésticos y de cuidados. La idea es ver algunos rasgos socioeconómicos laborales y modificaciones que se dieron en el sector, acompañados por movimientos migratorios laborales feminizados provenientes de países de la región. En una segunda parte, siempre en vistas de reflexionar sobre la invisibilidad laboral de ciertos empleos, incurrimos en las definiciones legales de los trabajadores del sector. Resaltamos brevemente, como aspectos que reflejan percepciones e impactan la realidad, algunos puntos legales particulares, ya sea desde el estatus laboral o de la migración, que jerarquizan los trabajadores y crean vacíos legales que dificultan su reconocimiento. Finalmente, nos aproximaremos en una tercera parte a diferentes elementos propios del empleo de cuidadora domiciliaria para ancianos que convergen hacia la invisibilización social de su labor. Estos elementos se compenetran y refuerzan mutuamente, aunque para mayor claridad en la exposición, los reagrupamos bajo diferentes temáticas, como las poblaciones concernidas, las condiciones de empleo, el espacio de desempeño, las actividades desarrolladas, y finalmente el tipo de relaciones que implica. A modo de conclusión, propondremos una breve reflexión en torno a los esfuerzos de profesionalización del cuidado domiciliario, particularmente tal como se están desarrollando en Francia.Our goal is to engage in the issue regarding the little social visibility that characterizes the

  8. Safety of parenteral nutrition in newborns: Results from a nationwide prospective cohort study. (United States)

    Lapillonne, Alexandre; Berleur, Marie-Pierre; Brasseur, Yvette; Calvez, Sophie


    Limited or delayed availability of parenteral nutrition (PN) solutions, as well as difficulties in ordering are often identified as reasons for non-compliance with international guidelines in newborns. This study aims at assessing the modality of use and safety of premixed standardized PN solutions in a nationwide prospective cohort of newborns treated in clinical practice. Two premixed fixed formulations with respective osmolarity of 715 and 790 mOsm/L specifically designed for neonates were made available throughout the country for clinical use from birth onwards. Descriptive data and modality of use were prospectively collected in a case report form, whereas all related and unrelated adverse events were recorded on a separate adverse event form. A total of 14,167 infants were prospectively included and 16,640 parenteral nutrition periods were analyzed. Mean age was 33 weeks of gestation, and mean weight was 2086 g. The majority of infants (81%) started the parenteral nutrition the first day of life or the day after. The route of parenteral nutrition delivery was peripheral in 47% of the parenteral nutrition periods. During the whole study, a total of 72 adverse events occurring in 68 infants were reported. Of these adverse events, 59 (0.37% of the nutrition periods), among which 19 serious adverse events, were reported as related to the parenteral nutrition solutions. The events related to parenteral nutrition solutions were general disorders and administration site conditions (n = 42 including 9 cases of cutaneous necrosis), and nutrition and metabolism disorders (n = 17). There was no case of thrombophlebitis. Six of the 19 serious events related to the parenteral nutrition solutions (32%) were due to the misuse of the infusion bag. These data support the concept that ready-to-use parenteral nutrition formulations can safely provide parenteral nutrition from birth onwards. They further support that parenteral solutions with an osmolarity up to 800


    Willard, Devina L; Young, Lorraine S; He, Xuemei; Braverman, Lewis E; Pearce, Elizabeth N


    Iodine is essential for thyroid hormone synthesis, and iodine deficiency may result in thyroid disorders including goiter and hypothyroidism. Patients on long-term enteral nutrition (EN) or parenteral nutrition (PN) may be at risk for micronutrient deficiencies. The recommended daily allowance for iodine intake is 150 μg for nonpregnant adults. However, there is no current consensus among scientific societies regarding the quantity of iodine to be added in adult EN and PN formulations. The objective of this study was to determine the iodine content of U.S. adult enteral and parenteral nutrition solutions. This study also aimed to determine whether adult patients in the United States who are receiving long-term artificial nutrition may be at risk for iodine deficiency. Ten enteral nutrition solutions and 4 parenteral nutrition solutions were evaluated. The iodine contents of these solutions were measured spectrophotometrically and compared to the labeled contents. Measured and labeled EN iodine contents were similar (range 131-176 μg/L and 106-160 μg/L, respectively). In contrast, PN formulas were found to contain small, unlabeled amounts of iodine, averaging 27 μg/L. Typical fluid requirements are 30 to 40 mL/kg/day for adults receiving either total EN (TEN) or total PN (TPN). Adults on long-term TEN likely consume enough servings to meet their daily iodine requirements. However, patients on long-term TPN would require on average 5.6 L PN/day to meet the recommended daily allowance of iodine. This volume of PN is far in excess of typical consumption. Thus, U.S. patients requiring long-term TPN may be at risk for iodine deficiency. EN = enteral nutrition; PN = parenteral nutrition; TEN = total enteral nutrition; TPN = total parenteral nutrition; UIC = urinary iodine concentration.


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    Coma del Corral MJ


    Full Text Available RESUMEN:Estudios recientes, relacionan el SAHS con mayor morbimortalidad cardiovascular y por otro lado, sabemos que aún hoy en día, el SAHS sigue estando infradiagnosticado. Este infradiagnóstico supone, por un lado, un déficit o perdida de salud y por otro lado, un aumento de costes, ya que está demostrado que los pacientes con SAHS no diagnosticados ni tratados, son mayores consumidores de los servicios de salud y presentan mayor absentismo laboral, mientras que estos costes se reducen en los pacientes con SAHS tratados con CPAP. Por tanto, nos encontramos ante la necesidad de diagnosticar y tratar adecuadamente al mayor número posible de pacientes que padezcan un SAHS.El método diagnóstico de elección, sigue siendo la PSG nocturna vigilada en el laboratorio de sueño, sin embargo, el futuro del diagnóstico del SAHS pasa indefectiblemente por el empleo de sistemas simplificados con alta sensibilidad y especificidad. En este sentido, la Poligrafía Respiratoria, representa una alternativa útil para el diagnóstico del SAHS, pudiendo ser realizada en el domicilio del paciente, al igual que los sistemas Auto-CPAP. De esta forma, el abordaje actual del SAHS ha cambiado y así, un paciente con alta probabilidad de padecer un SAHS, se le puede realizar una PR domiciliaria que diagnostique el SAHS y posteriormente para ajustar el nivel de presión óptima de CPAP, se le podría hacer un registro domiciliario de Auto-CPAP.Con este nuevo abordaje del SAHS, se podrán disminuir las listas de espera y por tanto disminuir el infradiagnóstico. Todo ello conlleva implícitamente un ahorro de recursos. El lugar del diagnóstico, será fundamentalmente el domicilio, y en este sentido, el desarrollo de aplicaciones telemáticas contribuirá de forma importante a la modificación de las estrategias diagnósticas.El éxito de esta forma de abordaje del SAHS, vendrá marcado por una adecuada selección de los pacientes subsidiarios de diagnóstico y

  11. Prevalencia del consumo de hipnosedantes en población ocupada y factores de estrés laboral asociados


    Colell Ortega, Esther, 1961-; Sánchez Niubò, Albert; Domingo i Salvany, Antònia; Delclòs i Clanchet, Jordi, 1956-; Benavides, Fernando G. (Fernando García)


    Objetivo: Explorar la prevalencia de consumo de ansiolíticos y somníferos (hipnosedantes) en una muestra de la población ocupada en España y evaluar su asociación con determinados factores de estrés relacionados con el trabajo. Métodos: Con datos de la Encuesta Domiciliaria sobre Alcohol y Drogas en España (EDADES) 2007 se analizó la distribución del consumo de hipnosedantes en el último mes entre la población ocupada de 16 a 64 años de edad (n = 13.005). Mediante regresión logística se ex...

  12. Reconciling divergent results of the latest parenteral nutrition studies in the ICU. (United States)

    Singer, Pierre; Pichard, Claude


    Recent studies on the optimal modalities to feed patients during the ICU stay show divergent results. The level and the timing of energy provision is a critical issue, associated with the clinical outcome. These results questioned the clinical relevance of the recent guidelines issued by American, Canadian and European academic societies. Four recent prospective randomized studies enrolled critically ill patients who received various nutritional regimens and tested the effect of nutritional support on outcome. The Tight Calorie balance Control Study (TICACOS) targeted on calorie administration according to measured energy expenditure and found increased ICU morbidity but improved hospital mortality. The large EpaNIC study compared 'early' with 'late' (parenteral nutrition) nutrition, mostly in patients after cardiac surgery, and found an increased morbidity associated with early parenteral nutrition. The supplemental parenteral nutrition (SPN) study randomized the patients after 3 days and targeted the calories administered by parenteral nutrition as a complement to unsuccessful enteral nutrition using indirect calorimetry. The SPN resulted in less nosocomial infections and shorter duration of mechanical ventilation. Finally, a recent Australian study enrolled patients unable to be early fed enterally to receive, or not, parenteral nutrition targeted at 1500 kcal. No complications were noted in the parenteral nutrition group. Lessons from all these studies are summarized and should help in designing better studies and guidelines. The critical analysis of recent prospective studies comparing various levels of calorie administration, enteral versus parenteral nutrition and enteral versus SPN confirms the recommendations to avoid underfeeding and overfeeding. Parenteral nutrition, required if enteral feeding is failing, and if adjusted up to a measured optimal level, may improve outcome. More studies on the optimal level of energy and protein administration to

  13. Parenteral Opioid Analgesics Utilization Pattern in Amir-al-Momenin Hospital, Zabol-IRAN

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    Hossein Vatanpour


    Full Text Available Opioids are the most available medicines to get rid of any general severe pain and avoiding of any deleterious sequential that can worsen patient outcomes. Rational prescription of opioid analgesics with respect to the possibility of abuse is a big concern in the medical care costs. Zabol, where is located in eastern part of Iran and has common border with Afghanistanhas the most opioid traffic in the region. In this study the rational prescription of parenteral opioid in Amir-al-Momenin general hospital was investigated. A retrospective drug utilization review was performed on 509 in-patients who received parenteral opioids including Morphine, Pethidin, Pentazocin, Fentanyl, Alfentanil, Sufentanil and Methadone from March 21sttoSeptember 23rd, 2011. Multivariate conditional regression modeling was used to determine independent predictors for daily parenteral opioid consumption. Total daily parenteral opioid consumption was 38.63 DDDs/100bed-days for Morphine, Pethidine and Pentazocin and 84564.78 PFEQs/100bed-days for Fentanyl, Alfentanil and Sufentanil and 766 mg for Methadone. Pethidine was the most frequently prescribed parenteral opioid. Most patients who were prescribed by the intramuscular routes, ordered PRN. Daily parenteral opioid consumption was the highest in the emergency ward whereas it was considered as the lowest in the intensive care unit[ICU]. According to our findings, total daily parenteral opioid consumption was almost high in Amir-al-Momenin Hospital. Unlike to some relevant factors that can effect on the consumption of analgesic opioids like gender, age, drug-drug interaction and etc, we found no rational prescription and consumption in the mentioned hospital.

  14. Diazepam parenteral no tratamento de epilepsias graves Treatment of severe epilepsies with parenteral diazepam

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    José Geraldo Speciali


    Full Text Available As modificações dos quadros clínico e EEG foram estudadas em 9 pacientes com manifestações epilépticas rebeldes às medicações anticonvulsivantes habituais, quando submetidos à administração parenteral diária de diazepam (Valium e após sua interrupção. Houve diminuição do número e da duração das crises, superior a 75%, em três pacientes. Esses resultados são satisfatórios, considerando a gravidade dos quadros epilépticos e foram obtidos em pacientes com predomínio de alterações EEG lentas antes de iniciar o esquema terapêutico. Não se verificaram efeitos colaterais relevantes na época da administração parenteral. Em dois pacientes foi observado o aparecimento de crises tônicas coincidindo com o aumento de elementos EEG paroxísticos rápidos, localizados ou difusos.Changes of the clinical pictures and electroencephalographic patterns were studied in 9 patients suffering from epileptic seizures non responsive to common anticonvulsivants, when submitted to daily parenteral administration of diazepam (Valium and after its interruption. There was decrease of the number and duration of seizures, over to 75%, in 3 patients. These results can be considered as satisfatory, considering the intensity of the seizures. The best results were obtained in those patients which showed predominance of slow waves in the EEGs prior to the begin of the treatment. No side effects were observed during the treatment. Two patients developed tonic seizures coincident with the increasing of fast paroxistic EEG patterns, of localized or diffuse type.

  15. Parenteral nutrition in childhood and consequences for dentition and gingivae. (United States)

    Olczak-Kowalczyk, D; Danko, M; Banaś, E; Gozdowski, D; Popińska, K; Krasuska-Sławińska, E; Książyk, J


    Assessment of dentition in children under parenteral nutrition, risk factors for caries, and dental developmental abnormalities. The study involved 63 patients (aged 2.25-16.6 years), i.e. 32 subjects receiving parenteral nutrition for a mean period of 5.6±2.94 years, and 31 healthy control subjects. Oral hygiene (OHI-S, PL-I), gingival (GI), and dentition status (caries, DMFT/dmft, enamel defects, shape alterations), frequency of oral meals and frequency of cariogenic snacks consumption were evaluated. Medical records provided information on parenteral meals per week, age parenteral nutrition started, birth body mass, Apgar score, weight deficiency, and antibiotic therapy until aged 1 year. The Mann-Whitney test, chi-squared test, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient were used (p≤0.05). Dental developmental abnormalities occurred more often in PN subjects (71.87% vs. 25.80%). The prevalence of caries in PN (56.25% vs. 90.32%) and dmft (2.00±3.30 vs. 4.21±3.33) and DMFT (2.47±4.08 vs. 3.33±3.50) were lower. Positive caries Spearman's rank correlation coefficients: frequency of oral meals and frequency of cariogenic snacks consumption, and GI. Negative correlation coefficients: low birth body mass, antibiotic therapy, and low body mass in the first year of life. Positive dental developmental abnormality Spearman's coefficients: low birth body mass, Apgar score parenteral nutrition duration, low body mass and antibiotic therapy in the first year of life. Beta- lactam, aminoglycoside, glycopeptide and nitroimidazole treatments were related to enamel hypoplasia. Parenteral nutrition in childhood is related to the risk of dental developmental abnormalities, promoted by malnutrition and antibiotic therapy in infancy. Limiting the number of meals and cariogenic snacks, and most probably administration of antibiotics, decreases the risk of caries.

  16. Plasma trace metals during total parenteral alimentation. (United States)

    Solomons, N W; Layden, T J; Rosenberg, I H; Vo-Khactu, K; Sandstead, H H


    The plasma concentrations of the trace metals zinc and copper were studied prospectively in 13 patients with gastrointestinal diseases treated with parenteral alimentation (TPA) for periods of from 8 days to 7 1/2 weeks. Plasma copper levels fell rapidly and consistently in all patients, with an overall rate of - 11 mug per 100 ml per week. Zinc concentrations declined in 10 of 13 patients at a more gradual rate. Analysis of the standard parenteral alimentation fluids revealed zinc content equivalent to 50% of the daily requirement and a negligible content of copper. From combined analysis of plasma zinc, hair zinc, and taste acuity, there is evidence that increased utilization or redistribution within the body may effect plasma concentrations in some patients. Neither an increase in urinary excretion nor a primary decrease in plasma binding proteins appeared to be a major factor in lowering plasma trace metal concentrations. These findings indicate that a marked decrease in plasma copper is regular and a decline in plasma zinc is common during TPA using fluids unsupplemented with trace metals. Supplementation of parenteral alimentation fluids with the trace metals zinc and copper is recommended.


    Aría Guerra, Eva; Cortés-Salgado, Alfonso; Mateo-Lobo, Raquel; Nattero, Lía; Riveiro, Javier; Vega-Piñero, Belén; Valbuena, Beatriz; Carabaña, Fátima; Carrero, Carmen; Grande, Enrique; Carrato, Alfredo; Botella-Carretero, José Ignacio


    the precise role of parenteral nutrition in the management of oncologic patients with intestinal occlusion is not well defined yet. We aimed to identify the effects of parenteral nutrition in these patients regarding prognosis. 55 patients with intestinal occlusion and peritoneal carcinomatosis were included. Parenteral nutrition aimed at 20-35 kcal/Kg/day, and 1.0 g/kg/day of amino-acids. Weight, body mass index, type of tumor, type of chemotherapy, and ECOG among others were recorded and analyzed. 69.1% of the patients had gastrointestinal tumors, 18.2% gynecologic and 12.7% others. Age was 60 ± 13y, baseline ECOG 1.5 ± 0.5 and body mass index 21.6 ± 4.3. Malnutrition was present in 85%. Survival from the start of parenteral nutrition was not significant when considering baseline ECOG (log rank = 0.593, p = 0.743), previous lines of chemotherapy (log rank = 2.117, p = 0.548), baseline BMI (log rank = 2.686, p = 0.261), or type of tumor (log rank = 2.066, p = 0.356). Survival in patients who received home parenteral nutrition after hospital discharge was higher than those who stayed in-hospital (log rank = 7.090, p = 0.008). Survival in patients who started chemotherapy during or after parenteral nutrition was higher than those who did not so (log rank = 17.316, p Parenteral nutrition in patients with advanced cancer and intestinal occlusion is safe, and in tho se who respond to chemotherapy, further administration of home parenteral nutrition together with chemotherapy may enhance prolonged survival. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2014. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  18. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition in the Perioperative Period: State of the Art (United States)

    Abunnaja, Salim; Cuviello, Andrea; Sanchez, Juan A.


    Nutritional support of surgical and critically ill patients has undergone significant advances since 1936 when Studley demonstrated a direct relationship between pre-operative weight loss and operative mortality. The advent of total parenteral nutrition followed by the extraordinary progress in parenteral and enteral feedings, in addition to the increased knowledge of cellular biology and biochemistry, have allowed clinicians to treat malnutrition and improve surgical patient’s outcomes. We reviewed the literature for the current status of perioperative nutrition comparing parenteral nutrition with enteral nutrition. In a surgical patient with established malnutrition, nutritional support should begin at least 7–10 days prior to surgery. Those patients in whom eating is not anticipated beyond the first five days following surgery should receive the benefits of early enteral or parenteral feeding depending on whether the gut can be used. Compared to parenteral nutrition, enteral nutrition is associated with fewer complications, a decrease in the length of hospital stay, and a favorable cost-benefit analysis. In addition, many patients may benefit from newer enteral formulations such as Immunonutrition as well as disease-specific formulations. PMID:23429491

  19. Ceramide in lipid emulsions used in parenteral nutrition: an innocent bystander?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groener, Johanna E.; Serlie, Mireille J.; Poppema, Aldi; Mirzaian, Mina; Aerts, Johannes M.


    Parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease is a prevalent and severe complication of long term parenteral nutrition. We present here for the first time data on the presence of ceramide, a bioactive compound involved in a variety of metabolic processes, in different lipid emulsions used in

  20. Nutrición enteral total vs. nutrición parenteral total en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave Total enteral nutrition vs. total parenteral nutrition in patients with severe acute pancreatitis

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    M. Casas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar la eficacia de la instauración precoz de nutrición enteral total (NET frente a nutrición parenteral total (NPT en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave (PAG. Métodos: estudio prospectivo aleatorio. Se incluyeron consecutivamente 22 pacientes con PAG aplicando los criterios APACHE II, valores de PCR y graduación de Balthazar en la TC. El grupo I (n = 11 recibió NPT y el grupo II (n = 12 NET. Se valoró la respuesta inflamatoria (PCR, TNF-alfa, IL-6, las proteínas viscerales (pre-albúmina, albúmina, la tasa de complicaciones (síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, fallo multiorgánico, infecciones, las intervenciones quirúrgicas, la estancia hospitalaria y la mortalidad. Resultados: no hubo diferencias significativas en los primeros 10 días entre los dos grupos en la evolución de los criterios APACHE II, en las concentraciones de PCR, TNF-alfa e IL-6 ni tampoco en los valores de pre-albúmina y albúmina. Siete pacientes del grupo I presentaron complicaciones graves frente a 4 del grupo II. Requirieron intervención quirúrgica 3 pacientes del grupo I. La estancia hospitalaria fue similar en los dos grupos. Dos pacientes del grupo I fallecieron. Conclusiones: se ha observado una tendencia a una mejor evolución de los pacientes con PAG que utilizaron NET frente a los que utilizaron NPT.Objective: to compare the efficacy of early total enteral nutrition (TEN vs. total parenteral nutrition (TPN in patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP. Methods: a total of 22 consecutive patients with SAP were randomized to receive TPN (group I or TEN (group II. SAP was defined applying APACHE II score, C-reactive protein (CRP measurements and/or Balthazar CT scan score. Acute inflammatory response (CRP, TNF-alpha, IL-6, visceral proteins (pre-albumin, albumin, complications (systemic inflammatory response syndrome, multiorgan failure, infections, surgical interventions, length of hospital stay and mortality were

  1. Parenteral nutrition in short bowel syndrome patients, regardless of its duration, increases serum proinflammatory cytokines. (United States)

    Bizari, Letícia; da Silva Santos, Andressa Feijó; Foss, Norma Tiraboschi; Marchini, Júlio Sérgio; Suen, Vivian Marques Miguel


    Short bowel syndrome is a severe malabsorption disorder, and prolonged parenteral nutrition is essential for survival in some cases. Among the undesirable effects of long-term parenteral nutrition is an increase in proinflammatory cytokines. The aim of the present study was to measure the serum levels of interleukin-6, interleukin-10, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and transforming growth factor beta, in patients with short bowel syndrome on cyclic parenteral nutrition and patients who had previously received but no longer require parenteral nutrition. The study was cross-sectional and observational. Three groups were studied as follows: Parenteral nutrition group, 9 patients with short bowel syndrome that receive cyclic parenteral nutrition; Oral nutrition group, 10 patients with the same syndrome who had been weaned off parenteral nutrition for at least 1 year prior to the study; Control group, 13 healthy adults, matched for age and sex to parenteral and oral groups. The following data were collected: age, tobacco use, drug therapies, dietary intake, body weight, height, blood collection. All interleukins were significantly higher in the parenteral group compared with the control group as follows: interleukin-6: 22 ± 19 vs 1.5 ± 1.4 pg/mL, P= .0002; transforming growth factor β: 854 ± 204 vs 607 ± 280 pg/mL, P= .04; interleukin-10: 8 ± 37 vs 0.6 ± 4, P= .03; tumor necrosis factor α: 20 ± 8 vs 8 ± 4 pg/mL, Pparenteral nutrition in short bowel syndrome patients, regardless of its duration, increases serum proinflammatory cytokines. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Comparison Between Premixed and Compounded Parenteral Nutrition Solutions in Hospitalized Patients Requiring Parenteral Nutrition. (United States)

    Beattie, Colleen; Allard, Johane; Raman, Maitreyi


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) may be provided through compounded or premixed solutions. To determine the proportion of stable custom-compounded PN prescriptions that would fit within a 20% deviance of an existing premixed PN solution. A retrospective study design was used. Inpatients who received PN in non-critical care units in the preceding year were screened for eligibility. Results are reported descriptively as means (95% confidence intervals) and proportions. We reviewed 97 PN prescriptions that met inclusion criteria. Stable hospital PN prescriptions compared with the reference premixed prescription provided 1838 (1777-1898) vs 1843 (1781-1905) kcal/d, P = .43; dextrose, 266 (254-277) vs 225 (216-234) g/d, P magnesium, 5.4 (4.8-5.4) vs 7.6 (7.4-7.9) mmol/L. Calories and protein were remarkably similar, but dextrose, lipid, and electrolytes differed between hospital PN and the reference premixed prescription. We believe that there may be a role for premixed solutions in quaternary centers in stable non-critically ill patients. © 2016 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  3. Intensive medicine - Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 14. (United States)

    Kreymann, G; Adolph, M; Druml, W; Jauch, K W


    In intensive care patients parenteral nutrition (PN) should not be carried out when adequate oral or enteral nutrition is possible. Critically ill patients without symptoms of malnutrition, who probably cannot be adequately nourished enterally for a period of <5 days, do not require full PN but should be given at least a basal supply of glucose. Critically ill patients should be nourished parenterally from the beginning of intensive care if they are unlikely to be adequately nourished orally or enterally even after 5-7 days. Critically ill and malnourished patients should, in addition to a possible partial enteral nutrition, be nourished parenterally. Energy supply should not be constant, but should be adapted to the stage, the disease has reached. Hyperalimentation should be avoided at an acute stage of disease in any case. Critically ill patients should be given, as PN, a mixture consisting of amino acids (between 0.8 and 1.5 g/kg/day), carbohydrates (around 60% of the non-protein energy) and fat (around 40% of the non-protein energy) as well as electrolytes and micronutrients.

  4. [Clinical outcomes of parenterally administered shuxuetong--analysis of hospital information system data]. (United States)

    Zhi, Ying-Jie; Zhang, Hui; Xie, Yan-Ming; Yang, Wei; Yang, Hu; Zhuang, Yan


    Hospital information system data of cerebral infaction patients who received parenterally administered Shuxuetong was analyzed. This provided frequency data regarding patients' conditions and related information in order to provide a clinical reference guide. In this study, HIS data from 18 hospitals was analyzed. Patients receiving parenterally administered Shuxuetong for the treatment of cerebral infarction were included. Information on age, gender, costsand route of administration were collated. The average age of patients was 66 years old. Days of hospitalization ranged from 15 to 28 days. The majority of patients were classified as having phlegm and blood stasis syndrome, which is inaccordance with the indications for this drug. The most commonly used drugs used in combination with parenterally administered Shuxuetong were: aspirin, insulin and heparin. Patients with cerebral infarction crowd using parenterally administered Shuxuetong were a mostly elderly population, with an average age of 66. Although generally use was in accordance with indications, dosage, and route of administration, there were however some discrepancies. Therefore, doctors need to pay close attention to guidelines and closely observe patients when using parenterally administered Shuxuetong and to consider both the clinical benefits and risks.

  5. Accelerated in-vitro release testing methods for extended-release parenteral dosage forms. (United States)

    Shen, Jie; Burgess, Diane J


    This review highlights current methods and strategies for accelerated in-vitro drug release testing of extended-release parenteral dosage forms such as polymeric microparticulate systems, lipid microparticulate systems, in-situ depot-forming systems and implants. Extended-release parenteral dosage forms are typically designed to maintain the effective drug concentration over periods of weeks, months or even years. Consequently, 'real-time' in-vitro release tests for these dosage forms are often run over a long time period. Accelerated in-vitro release methods can provide rapid evaluation and therefore are desirable for quality control purposes. To this end, different accelerated in-vitro release methods using United States Pharmacopeia (USP) apparatus have been developed. Different mechanisms of accelerating drug release from extended-release parenteral dosage forms, along with the accelerated in-vitro release testing methods currently employed are discussed. Accelerated in-vitro release testing methods with good discriminatory ability are critical for quality control of extended-release parenteral products. Methods that can be used in the development of in-vitro-in-vivo correlation (IVIVC) are desirable; however, for complex parenteral products this may not always be achievable. © 2012 The Authors. JPP © 2012 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

  6. Accelerated in vitro release testing methods for extended release parenteral dosage forms (United States)

    Shen, Jie; Burgess, Diane J.


    Objectives This review highlights current methods and strategies for accelerated in vitro drug release testing of extended release parenteral dosage forms such as polymeric microparticulate systems, lipid microparticulate systems, in situ depot-forming systems, and implants. Key findings Extended release parenteral dosage forms are typically designed to maintain the effective drug concentration over periods of weeks, months or even years. Consequently, “real-time” in vitro release tests for these dosage forms are often run over a long time period. Accelerated in vitro release methods can provide rapid evaluation and therefore are desirable for quality control purposes. To this end, different accelerated in vitro release methods using United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) apparatus have been developed. Different mechanisms of accelerating drug release from extended release parenteral dosage forms, along with the accelerated in vitro release testing methods currently employed are discussed. Conclusions Accelerated in vitro release testing methods with good discriminatory ability are critical for quality control of extended release parenteral products. Methods that can be used in the development of in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) are desirable, however for complex parenteral products this may not always be achievable. PMID:22686344

  7. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition in the Perioperative Period: State of the Art

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan A. Sanchez


    Full Text Available Nutritional support of surgical and critically ill patients has undergone significant advances since 1936 when Studley demonstrated a direct relationship between pre-operative weight loss and operative mortality. The advent of total parenteral nutrition followed by the extraordinary progress in parenteral and enteral feedings, in addition to the increased knowledge of cellular biology and biochemistry, have allowed clinicians to treat malnutrition and improve surgical patient’s outcomes. We reviewed the literature for the current status of perioperative nutrition comparing parenteral nutrition with enteral nutrition. In a surgical patient with established malnutrition, nutritional support should begin at least 7–10 days prior to surgery. Those patients in whom eating is not anticipated beyond the first five days following surgery should receive the benefits of early enteral or parenteral feeding depending on whether the gut can be used. Compared to parenteral nutrition, enteral nutrition is associated with fewer complications, a decrease in the length of hospital stay, and a favorable cost-benefit analysis. In addition, many patients may benefit from newer enteral formulations such as Immunonutrition as well as disease-specific formulations.

  8. Intestine, immunity, and parenteral nutrition in an era of preferred enteral feeding. (United States)

    Barrett, Meredith; Demehri, Farokh R; Teitelbaum, Daniel H


    To review the benefits of enteral nutrition in contrast to the inflammatory consequences of administration of parenteral nutrition and enteral deprivation. To present the most recent evidence for the mechanisms of these immunologic changes and discuss potential areas for modification to decrease infectious complications of its administration. There is significant data supporting the early initiation of enteral nutrition in both medical and surgical patients unable to meet their caloric goals via oral intake alone. Despite the preference for enteral nutrition, some patients are unable to utilize their gut for nutritious gain and therefore require parenteral nutrition administration, along with its infectious complications. The mechanisms behind these complications are multifactorial and have yet to be fully elucidated. Recent study utilizing both animal and human models has provided further information regarding parenteral nutrition's deleterious effect on intestinal epithelial barrier function along with the complications associated with enterocyte deprivation. Changes associated with parenteral nutrition administration and enteral deprivation are complex with multiple potential areas for modification to allow for safer administration. Recent discovery of the mechanisms behind these changes present exciting areas for future study as to make parenteral nutrition administration in the enterally deprived patient safer.

  9. PIPIDA scintigraphy for cholecystitis: false positives in alcoholism and total parenteral nutrition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shuman, W.P.; Gibbs, P.; Rudd, T.G.; Mack, L.A.


    A review of gallbladder scintigraphy in patients with potentially compromised hepatobiliary function revealed two groups in whom cholecystitis might be mistakenly diagnosed. In 200 consecutive hospitalized patients studied with technetium-99m-PIPIDA for acute cholecystitis or cholestasis, there were 41 alcoholics and 17 patients on total parenteral nutrition. In 60% of the alcoholics and 92% of those on parenteral nutrition, absent or delayed visualization of the gallbladder occurred without physical or clinical evidence of cholecystitis. A cholecystagogue, sincalide, did not prevent the false-positive features which presumably are due to altered bile flow kinetics related to alcoholism and parenteral nutrition. Four patients on parenteral nutrition undergoing cholecystectomy for suspected cholecystitis had normal gallbladders filled with jellylike viscous thick bile. A positive (nonvisualized or delayed visualized) gallbladder PIPIDA scintigram in these two populations should not be interpreted as indicating a need for cholecystectomy

  10. Evidence for the use of parenteral nutrition in the pediatric intensive care unit. (United States)

    Fivez, Tom; Kerklaan, Dorian; Mesotten, Dieter; Verbruggen, Sascha; Joosten, Koen; Van den Berghe, Greet


    During hospitalization in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), critically ill children are fed artificially. Administered via the preferred enteral route, caloric targets are often not reached. Hence, parenteral nutrition is given to this patient population. In this review we analyzed the available evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that supports the use of parenteral nutrition in children during critical illness. A search strategy in Ovid MEDLINE and Ovid EMBASE was created and trial registries were screened to identify the relevant RCTs. Studies were included if they were randomized controlled trials, involved pediatric patients admitted to PICU, and compared different dosing/compositions of parenteral nutrition. Descriptive studies and reviews were excluded. Of the 584 articles identified by the search strategy, only 114 articles were retained after title screening. Further abstract and full text screening identified 6 small RCTs that compared two dosing/composition strategies of parenteral nutrition. These trials reported differences in surrogate endpoints without an effect on hard clinical endpoints. The RCTs observed improvements in these surrogate endpoints with the use of more calories or when parenteral glutamine or fish oil was added. The few RCTs suggest that surrogate endpoints can be affected by providing parenteral nutrition to critically ill children, but the studies were not statistically powered to draw meaningful clinical conclusions. Large RCTs with clinically relevant outcome measures are urgently needed to support the current nutritional guidelines that advise the use of parenteral nutrition in the PICU. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

  11. Steroidal Compounds in Commercial Parenteral Lipid Emulsions (United States)

    Xu, Zhidong; Harvey, Kevin A.; Pavlina, Thomas; Dutot, Guy; Hise, Mary; Zaloga, Gary P.; Siddiqui, Rafat A.


    Parenteral nutrition lipid emulsions made from various plant oils contain steroidal compounds, called phytosterols. During parenteral administration of lipid emulsions, phytosterols can reach levels in the blood that are many fold higher than during enteral administration. The elevated phytosterol levels have been associated with the development of liver dysfunction and the rare development of liver failure. There is limited information available in the literature related to phytosterol concentrations in lipid emulsions. The objective of the current study was to validate an assay for steroidal compounds found in lipid emulsions and to compare their concentrations in the most commonly used parenteral nutrition lipid emulsions: Liposyn® II, Liposyn® III, Lipofundin® MCT, Lipofundin® N, Structolipid®, Intralipid®, Ivelip® and ClinOleic®. Our data demonstrates that concentrations of the various steroidal compounds varied greatly between the eight lipid emulsions, with the olive oil-based lipid emulsion containing the lowest levels of phytosterols and cholesterol, and the highest concentration of squalene. The clinical impression of greater incidences of liver dysfunction with soybean versus MCT/LCT and olive/soy lipid emulsions may be reflective of the levels of phytosterols in these emulsions. This information may help guide future studies and clinical care of patients with lipid emulsion-associated liver dysfunction. PMID:23016123

  12. Steroidal compounds in commercial parenteral lipid emulsions. (United States)

    Xu, Zhidong; Harvey, Kevin A; Pavlina, Thomas; Dutot, Guy; Hise, Mary; Zaloga, Gary P; Siddiqui, Rafat A


    Parenteral nutrition lipid emulsions made from various plant oils contain steroidal compounds, called phytosterols. During parenteral administration of lipid emulsions, phytosterols can reach levels in the blood that are many fold higher than during enteral administration. The elevated phytosterol levels have been associated with the development of liver dysfunction and the rare development of liver failure. There is limited information available in the literature related to phytosterol concentrations in lipid emulsions. The objective of the current study was to validate an assay for steroidal compounds found in lipid emulsions and to compare their concentrations in the most commonly used parenteral nutrition lipid emulsions: Liposyn(®) II, Liposyn(®) III, Lipofundin(®) MCT, Lipofundin(®) N, Structolipid(®), Intralipid(®), Ivelip(®) and ClinOleic(®). Our data demonstrates that concentrations of the various steroidal compounds varied greatly between the eight lipid emulsions, with the olive oil-based lipid emulsion containing the lowest levels of phytosterols and cholesterol, and the highest concentration of squalene. The clinical impression of greater incidences of liver dysfunction with soybean versus MCT/LCT and olive/soy lipid emulsions may be reflective of the levels of phytosterols in these emulsions. This information may help guide future studies and clinical care of patients with lipid emulsion-associated liver dysfunction.

  13. Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy: The role of parenteral iron. (United States)

    Esen, Umo I


    Maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality remain major challenges in the delivery of safe maternity care worldwide. Anaemia in pregnancy is an important contributor to this dismal picture, especially where blood transfusion services are poorly developed. An early diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy using the new generation dextran-free parenteral iron preparations can save lives and reduce morbidity in selected pregnancies. It is time to cast aside the fears associated with the use of the old parenteral iron preparations which were associated a high incidence of anaphylaxis, and embrace the use of new parenteral iron products which have better side effect profiles and can deliver total dose infusions without the need for test dosing. In selected women, the benefits of this treatment far outweigh any disadvantages.

  14. Incremento de la participación de Atención Primaria en la asistencia al virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana: opinan los profesionales de las unidades hospitalarias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángela Ortega López


    Conclusiones: Los facultativos perciben dificultades en el seguimiento del VIH en AP, incluso para usuarios con buen control del VIH. Enfermeras y auxiliares de enfermería se muestran más abiertos a esta posibilidad por la cercanía domiciliaria y la promoción de la salud de AP.

  15. Clinical relevance of trace element measurement in patients on initiation of parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Salota, Rashim; Omar, Sohail; Sherwood, Roy A; Raja, Kishor; Vincent, Royce P


    Background and Aims Serum zinc, copper and selenium are measured in patients prior to commencing on parenteral nutrition; however, their interpretation can be difficult due to acute phase reactions. We assessed (i) the relationship of raised C-reactive protein with trace elements and albumin (ii) benefits of measuring trace elements when C-reactive protein is raised in patients requiring short-term parenteral nutrition. Methods Samples were collected for zinc, copper, selenium and albumin at baseline and then every two weeks and correlated with C-reactive protein results in patients on parenteral nutrition. Results were categorized into four groups based on the C-reactive protein concentrations: (i)  0.05), whereas selenium and albumin were lower in the group with C-reactive protein > 40 mg/L ( P parenteral nutrition, measurement of C-reactive protein is essential when interpreting zinc and selenium but not copper results. Routine measurement of trace elements prior to commencing parenteral nutrition has to be considered on an individual basis in patients with inflammation.

  16. Management of Hyperglycemia During Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Therapy (United States)

    Umpierrez, Guillermo E.


    Hyperglycemia is a frequent complication of enteral and parenteral nutrition in hospitalized patients. Extensive evidence from observational studies indicates that the development of hyperglycemia during parenteral and enteral nutrition is associated with an increased risk of death and infectious complications. There are no specific guidelines recommending glycemic targets and effective strategies for the management of hyperglycemia during specialized nutritional support. Managing hyperglycemia in these patients should include optimization of carbohydrate content and administration of intravenous or subcutaneous insulin therapy. The administration of continuous insulin infusion and insulin addition to nutrition bag are efficient approaches to control hyperglycemia during parenteral nutrition. Subcutaneous administration of long-acting insulin with scheduled or corrective doses of short-acting insulin is superior to the sliding scale insulin strategy in patients receiving enteral feedings. Randomized controlled studies are needed to evaluate safe and effective therapeutic strategies for the management of hyperglycemia in patients receiving nutritional support. PMID:23065369

  17. Reversal of growth arrest in adolescents with Crohn's disease after parenteral alimentation. (United States)

    Layden, T; Rosenberg, F; Nemchausky, G; Elson, C; Rosenberg, I


    Growth arrest and delayed onset of puberty often complicate childhood onset Crohn's disease of the small bowel (granulomatous enteritis). Nutritional deficits arising from inadequate dietary intake, malabsorption, and increased caloric needs may contribute to growth retardation. To assess whether a sustained high caloric and nitrogen intake could reestablish growth, 4 children with extensive Crohn's disease of the small bowel were studied before and after parenteral alimentation which was instituted for symtomatic disease control. Weight gain, positive nitrogen balance, and improved nutritional status were achieved during parenteral alimentation in each patient. In 2 patients weight gain was sustained using oral nutritional supplements, and a substantial increase in linear skeletal growth continued in the ensuing months. One patient entered puberty within 4 months of parenteral alimentation and another had the onset of menarche and the development of secondary sex characteristics 4 months after parenteral alimentation and resection of diseased bowel. Growth may be reestablished in some growth-arrested children if intake is sufficient to establish a sustained positive caloric and nitrogen balance. Nutritional requirements imposed by the demands of growth and active disease and often compounded by the catabolic effects of corticosteroids may be excessive; growth may occur only if these needs are met orally and/or parenterally.

  18. Chemical Incompatibility of Parenteral Drug Admixtures

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Sep 21, 1974 ... made of a single drug injection at a separate locus. S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1951 ... and nursing staff with the difficulties of administering safe parenteral ... needle and infusion bottle, but this practice is not common in South Africa.

  19. Sterilization of solutions for parenterals products. Problem analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanelys Montes-González


    Full Text Available The solutions for the formulation of parenteral products must be sterile before the aseptic formulation process. For this reason, different methods of sterilization referred in the literature are analyzed. Thermodynamic criteria that rule the sterilization are presented. Furthermore, previous experiences in the sterilization of solutions for the formulation of parental products in an autoclave are analyzed, that take large time of processing and only low volumes of solution can be handled. Using jacketed stirred tanks for the sterilization may solve the problem and, therefore, criteria for the design of the later that allow to process high volumes of solution for the formulation of parenteral products are shown.

  20. Steroidal Compounds in Commercial Parenteral Lipid Emulsions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafat A. Siddiqui


    Full Text Available Parenteral nutrition lipid emulsions made from various plant oils contain steroidal compounds, called phytosterols. During parenteral administration of lipid emulsions, phytosterols can reach levels in the blood that are many fold higher than during enteral administration. The elevated phytosterol levels have been associated with the development of liver dysfunction and the rare development of liver failure. There is limited information available in the literature related to phytosterol concentrations in lipid emulsions. The objective of the current study was to validate an assay for steroidal compounds found in lipid emulsions and to compare their concentrations in the most commonly used parenteral nutrition lipid emulsions: Liposyn® II, Liposyn® III, Lipofundin® MCT, Lipofundin® N, Structolipid®, Intralipid®, Ivelip® and ClinOleic®. Our data demonstrates that concentrations of the various steroidal compounds varied greatly between the eight lipid emulsions, with the olive oil-based lipid emulsion containing the lowest levels of phytosterols and cholesterol, and the highest concentration of squalene. The clinical impression of greater incidences of liver dysfunction with soybean versus MCT/LCT and olive/soy lipid emulsions may be reflective of the levels of phytosterols in these emulsions. This information may help guide future studies and clinical care of patients with lipid emulsion-associated liver dysfunction.

  1. Home parenteral nutrition in treatment of severe radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, D.G.; Ivey, M.; Young, J.


    Ten patients with radiation enteritis unresponsive to conventional medical and surgical therapy were put on long-term parenteral nutrition at home. Six of the patients are alive at home; four patients died, two from recurrent cancer. Some of the patients have been able to resume oral intake, but none have been able to discontinue parenteral nutrition. Fistulas healed or had a marked decrease in output. Two patients in our series were given prednisone and sulfasalazine without significant benefit, in contrast to previously reported clinical improvement of radiation enteritis with this therapy


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danielli Piatti Carvalho


    Full Text Available : Investigación exploratoria descriptiva de abordaje cualitativo, con el objetivo de aprehender la experiencia de los cuidadores, la práctica de los equipos de atención domiciliaria y la contribución de asistencia domiciliaria a la continuidad de la atención. Los datos fueron colectados por medio de entrevista semiestructurada, aplicada a diez cuidadores. Los testimonios fueran sometidos a un análisis de contenido en la modalidad de análisis temática, acerca de la cual se emergió tres temáticas: decisión para el cuidado, cotidiano de los cuidados y la dimensión social del cuidado en el contexto de la atención domiciliaria. Entre los cuidadores se identificó baja renta y escolaridad, dependencia severa de los sujetos cuidados y dificultades de los equipos de Atención Domiciliaria para suministrar los recursos materiales. Hubo sobrecarga moderada y de moderada a severa en 60% y 40% de los cuidadores, respectivamente, y privación de actividades sociales. Por las condiciones socioeconómicas el cuidado presentó fragilidades y falta de dominios.

  3. La interface del cuidado de enfermería con las políticas de atención al anciano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan José Tirado Darder


    Full Text Available Se objetivó hacer una explanación sobre la interface del cuidado de enfermería con las políticas de atención al anciano. Presenta-se el envejecimiento como una realidad mundial y una victoria de la sociedad moderna; la situación de las personas ancianas en España y las consecuencias sociales del envejecimiento en España; dependencia y necesidades de asistencia; situación de las personas ancianas en Brasil; comparación entre España y Brasil; niveles de dependencia; las soluciones que suministran las enfermeras y atención domiciliaria como base de un mejor futuro. Las consideraciones apuntadas son: La atención a la dependencia debe ser abordada de inmediato, considerar los fracasos en otros países, para no caer en los mismos errores, instar a la población mayor al mantenimiento de su independencia con promoción de la salud.

  4. La interface del cuidado de enfermería con las políticas de atención al anciano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan José Tirado Darder

    Full Text Available Se objetivó hacer una explanación sobre la interface del cuidado de enfermería con las políticas de atención al anciano. Presenta-se el envejecimiento como una realidad mundial y una victoria de la sociedad moderna; la situación de las personas ancianas en España y las consecuencias sociales del envejecimiento en España; dependencia y necesidades de asistencia; situación de las personas ancianas en Brasil; comparación entre España y Brasil; niveles de dependencia; las soluciones que suministran las enfermeras y atención domiciliaria como base de un mejor futuro. Las consideraciones apuntadas son: La atención a la dependencia debe ser abordada de inmediato, considerar los fracasos en otros países, para no caer en los mismos errores, instar a la población mayor al mantenimiento de su independencia con promoción de la salud.

  5. Parenteral nutrition facilitates activation of coagulation but not of fibrinolysis during human endotoxemia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Poll, T.; Levi, M. [=Marcel M.; Braxton, C. C.; Coyle, S. M.; Roth, M.; ten Cate, J. W.; Lowry, S. F.


    Venous thrombosis and bacterial infections are common complications of parenteral nutrition. To test the hypothesis that infection facilitates activation of coagulation during parenteral nutrition, healthy subjects were intravenously injected with endotoxin (2 ng/kg) after they had received either 1

  6. Compatibility of 5-fluorouracil and total parenteral nutrition solutions. (United States)

    Hardin, T C; Clibon, U; Page, C P; Cruz, A B


    The physicochemical stability and availability of 0.1% 5-fluorouracil solutions in D5W and a typical total parenteral nutrition solution (hypertonic dextrose and crystalline amino acids) were studied in both glass and Viaflex delivery systems. Serial samples collected over a 48-hour period were assayed for 5-fluorouracil concentration using a high performance liquid chromatographic technique. Changes in the pH as well as precipitate formation were also investigated. There was no reduction in the amount of 5-fluorouracil at 48 hours in either the glass or plastic system, regardless of whether the drug was added to D5W or to the total parenteral nutrition solution. No pH changes or precipitates were observed. These findings indicate that 5-fluorouracil is compatible with and available from total parenteral solutions of hypertonic dextrose and amino acid in both plastic and glass containers. Use of such a system would allow for (1) a reduction in vascular access in patients receiving both treatments and (2) continued administration of nutritional support without the requirement for additional fluid volume.

  7. Intensive medicine – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 14

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    Kreymann, G.


    Full Text Available In intensive care patients parenteral nutrition (PN should not be carried out when adequate oral or enteral nutrition is possible. Critically ill patients without symptoms of malnutrition, who probably cannot be adequately nourished enterally for a period of <5 days, do not require full PN but should be given at least a basal supply of glucose. Critically ill patients should be nourished parenterally from the beginning of intensive care if they are unlikely to be adequately nourished orally or enterally even after 5–7 days. Critically ill and malnourished patients should, in addition to a possible partial enteral nutrition, be nourished parenterally. Energy supply should not be constant, but should be adapted to the stage, the disease has reached. Hyperalimentation should be avoided at an acute stage of disease in any case. Critically ill patients should be given, as PN, a mixture consisting of amino acids (between 0.8 and 1.5 g/kg/day, carbohydrates (around 60% of the non-protein energy and fat (around 40% of the non-protein energy as well as electrolytes and micronutrients.

  8. O significado da nutrição parenteral para o cliente no contexto hospitalar

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    Consuelo Helena Aires de Freitas Lopes


    Full Text Available A necessidade de compreender o significado da nutrição parenteral para o cliente no contexto hospitalar surgiu das nossas inquietações diante do cuidado de enfermagem. Realizaram-se observações participantes, entrevistas e anotações de campo junto a sete clientes hospitalizados, que se encontravam sob nutrição parenteral. O sentido das investigações foi centrado na indagação: como você está se sentindo com a nutrição parenteral? Os dados foram analisados numa abordagem interacionista, mostrando as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos clientes na assistência hospitalar, como percebiam eles a nutrição parenteral e que significados eram atribuídos a essa terapêutica. O estudo revelou os sentimentos, comportamentos e atitudes relacionados aos aspectos biológico, emocional e sócio-cultural do cliente, ligados à nutrição parenteral, demonstrando, também as limitações impostas ao cliente sob esse tratamento, bem como as dificuldades na assistência de enfermagem.

  9. Pulmonary nodules secondary to total parenteral alimentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Landry, B.A.; Melhem, R.E.


    A seven-year-old male, who had a retroperitoneal alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma and was on total parenteral alimentation (TPN) developed muliple pulmonary nodules, indistinguishable from metastases. These proved to be multiple lipid emboli on open biopsy. (orig.)

  10. Minimizing systemic infection during complete parenteral alimentation of small infants (United States)

    Nelson, R.


    A regimen of parenteral alimentation for infants was designed to eliminate as many factors responsible for infection as possible. The most important features of the feeding regimen were as follows. (1) Infants were fed via indwelling silastic catheters inserted into the superior vena cava or the right atrium by a cutdown operation. (2) The parenteral feeding was fat free to simplify the administration system. Y connectors and 2- or 3-way taps were avoided. (3) Extreme care was taken of junctions within the infusion system. Only certain members of the hospital staff were allowed to break such junctions, e.g. during the changing of packs of solution or of the giving sets. These junctions were sprayed with antibacterial aerosols. (4) The hypertonic solutions of nutrients were prepared in plastic packs, which do not require ventilation. The infusion system was therefore not contaminated by the entry of unsterile outside air. (5) The infused solutions were passed through 0·22 μm millipore filters before entering the patient's blood stream. There was an infection rate of 9% which was less than the 25 to 45% infection rate previously reported during parenteral feeding through indwelling venous catheters, and is also less than that associated with ventriculoatrial shunts for hydrocephalus. There was no case of systemic candidiasis, which is the most frequent and most serious infection associated with parenteral feeding. PMID:4206445

  11. Parenteral nutrition in malnourished patients; Parenteralna vyziva u malnutricnych pacientov

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lichvarova, I. [OAIM, Narodny onkologicky ustav, Bratislava (Slovakia)


    Parenteral nutrition became a routine therapeutic option in malnourished patients, if conventional nutritional enteral support is not effective. Cachexia and malnutrition prolong the wound healing, contribute to immunosuppression, increase morbidity and the cost of treatment. Using of a malnutrition protocol as a screening tool is necessary to sort out malnourished patients. Parenteral nutrition is therefore an important part of the multimodal therapy and from the medical and the ethical point of view is a great mistake not to feed a patient. (author)

  12. Prolonged parenteral nutrition after neonatal gastrointestinal surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Estmann, Anne; Qvist, Niels; Husby, Steffen


    to diagnosis and clinical course. METHODOLOGY: This study reviews the clinical course of infants with gastrointestinal disease (gastroschisis, intestinal atresia, omphalocele, volvulus, Hirschsprung's disease and necrotizing enterocolitis) with a prolonged need for parenteral nutrition in the Western part...

  13. ESPEN Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition: home parenteral nutrition (HPN) in adult patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Staun, M.; Pironi, L.; Bozzetti, F.


    Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) was introduced as a treatment modality in the early 1970s primarily for the treatment of chronic intestinal failure in patients with benign disease. The relatively low morbidity and mortality associated with HPN has encouraged its widespread use in western countries....... Thus there is huge clinical experience, but there are still few controlled clinical studies of treatment effects and management of complications. The purpose of these guidelines is to highlight areas of good practice and promote the use of standardized treatment protocols between centers...

  14. New perspective for nutritional support of cancer patients: Enteral/parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Akbulut, Gamze


    Cancer and its treatment result in severe biochemical and physiological alterations associated with a deterioration of quality of life (QoL). Cancer-related malnutrition may evolve into cancer cachexia due to complex interactions between pro-inflammatory cytokines and the host metabolism. Depending on the type of cancer treatment (either curative or palliative), the clinical condition of the patient and nutritional status, adequate and patient-tailored nutritional intervention should be prescribed (diet counseling, oral supplementation, enteral or total parenteral nutrition). Nutritional support has been widely advocated as adjunctive therapy for a variety of underlying illnesses, including surgery and medical oncotherapy (radiation or chemotherapy for cancer). Glutamine, n-3 fatty acids and probiotics/prebiotics are therapeutic factors that potentially modulate gastrointestinal toxicity related to cancer treatments. Enteral and parenteral nutrition may help improve patient survival, functional status and QoL, yet the benefits appear to be primarily limited to patients with good functional status and with gastrointestinal disease affecting nutritional intake. Parenteral nutrition offers the possibility of increased or maintenance of the nutrient intake in patients for whom normal food intake is inadequate and for whom enteral nutrition is not feasible, is contraindicated or is not accepted by the patient. This article reviews evidence on issues relevant to enteral and parenteral nutrition in patients with cancer.

  15. Solid lipid nanoparticles for parenteral drug delivery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wissing, S.A.; Kayser, Oliver; Muller, R.H.


    This review describes the use of nanoparticles based on solid lipids for the parenteral application of drugs. Firstly, different types of nanoparticles based on solid lipids such as "solid lipid nanoparticles" (SLN), "nanostructured lipid carriers" (NLC) and "lipid drug conjugate" (LDC)

  16. La hospitalización domiciliaria ante los cambios demográficos y nuevos retos de salud

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    Rosângela Minardi Mitre Cotta


    Full Text Available Objetivos. En la actualidad, el fenómeno demográfico más importante es el rápido envejecimiento de la población, que tiene un creciente y profundo impacto en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, aunque su mayor trascendencia es en la sanidad, tanto por su repercusión en todos los niveles asistenciales como por la necesidad de nuevos recursos y estructuras. De ahí que se hayan desarrollado en muchos países diferentes alternativas y programas institucionales, ambulatorios y domiciliarios, encaminados a mejorar la situación sanitaria y a auxiliar en el proceso de establecer prioridades. La hospitalización domiciliaria (HD es una de ellas. El objetivo de este estudio consistió en describir y analizar las características de la población asistida en HD, y en comentar el papel de la HD como mecanismo de integración y coordinación entre niveles, frente al reto de la reorganización de políticas y proyectos de atención sanitaria, especialmente los dirigidos a la población anciana. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, de una serie de pacientes asistidos en HD en el área sanitaria número 9 de la Comunidad Valenciana, España, con una población de referencia de 321 361 habitantes, de los cuales 60 079 (18,7% son personas de 60 años o más, y 43 044 (13,4%, de 65 años o más. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de las variables analizadas, calculándose la media y la desviación estándar para las variables cuantitativas, y las frecuencias absoluta y relativa (porcentaje para las variables cualitativas. Resultados. El perfil de los pacientes estudiados corresponde a ancianos (el 78% con 65 años o más; media de 73 años, predominantemente del sexo femenino, con enfermedades crónicas (72% y múltiples enfermedades asociadas (el 67% tenía al menos un diagnóstico secundario asociado. Se constató la existencia de un importante problema de comunicación entre los dos principales niveles de atención (primaria y

  17. Selected pharmacokinetic issues of the use of antiepileptic drugs and parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients. (United States)

    Salih, Muhannad R M; Bahari, Mohd Baidi; Abd, Arwa Y


    To conduct a systematic review for the evidence supporting or disproving the reality of parenteral nutrition- antiepileptic drugs interaction, especially with respect to the plasma protein-binding of the drug. The articles related to the topic were identified through Medline and PubMed search (1968-Feburary 2010) for English language on the interaction between parenteral nutrition and antiepileptic drugs; the search terms used were anti-epileptic drugs, parenteral nutrition, and/or interaction, and/or in vitro. The search looked for prospective randomized and nonrandomized controlled studies; prospective nonrandomized uncontrolled studies; retrospective studies; case reports; and in vitro studies. Full text of the articles were then traced from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) library subscribed databases, including Wiley-Blackwell Library, Cochrane Library, EBSCOHost, OVID, ScienceDirect, SAGE Premier, Scopus, SpringerLINK, and Wiley InterScience. The articles from journals not listed by USM library were traced through inter library loan. There were interactions between parenteral nutrition and drugs, including antiepileptics. Several guidelines were designed for the management of illnesses such as traumatic brain injuries or cancer patients, involving the use of parenteral nutrition and antiepileptics. Moreover, many studies demonstrated the in vitro and in vivo parenteral nutrition -drugs interactions, especially with antiepileptics. There was no evidence supporting the existence of parenteral nutrition-antiepileptic drugs interaction. The issue has not been studied in formal researches, but several case reports and anecdotes demonstrate this drug-nutrition interaction. However, alteration in the drug-free fraction result from parenteral nutrition-drug (i.e. antiepileptics) interactions may necessitate scrupulous reassessment of drug dosages in patients receiving these therapies. This reassessment may be particularly imperative in certain clinical situations

  18. Iron Deficiency in Long-Term Parenteral Nutrition Therapy. (United States)

    Hwa, Yi L; Rashtak, Shahrooz; Kelly, Darlene G; Murray, Joseph A


    Iron is not routinely added to parenteral nutrition (PN) formulations in the United States because of the risk of anaphylaxis and concerns about incompatibilities. Studies have shown that iron dextran in non-lipid-containing PN solutions is safe. Data are limited on iron status, prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (IDA), and efficacy of intravenous iron infusion in long-term home PN (HPN). We aimed to determine the incidence of IDA and to examine the effectiveness of parenteral iron replacement in patients receiving HPN. Medical records of patients receiving HPN at the Mayo Clinic from 1977 to 2010 were reviewed. Diagnoses, time to IDA development, and hemoglobin, ferritin, and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) values were extracted. Response of iron indices to intravenous iron replacement was investigated. Of 185 patients (122 women), 60 (32.4%) were iron deficient. Five patients were iron deficient, and 18 had unknown iron status before HPN. Of 93 patients who had sufficient iron storage, 37 had IDA development after a mean of 27.2 months (range, 2-149 months) of therapy. Iron was replaced by adding maintenance iron dextran to PN or by therapeutic iron infusion. Patients with both replacement methods had significant improvement in iron status. With intravenous iron replacement, mean ferritin increased from 10.9 to 107.6 mcg/L (P Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  19. Home parenteral nutrition in management of patients with severe radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lavery, I.C.; Steiger, E.; Fazio, V.W.


    Five patients who would have been unable to survive because of intestinal complications of radiation therapy were able to lead an otherwise normal life with the use of parenteral nutrition administered at home. One patient died of recurrent carcinoma of the cervix after 14 months. Another patient died as the result of a totally avoidable pharmaceutical error after 2 1/2 years. The remaining three are still disease free without morbidity relating to the parenteral nutrition

  20. Brief Parenteral Nutrition Accelerates Weight Gain, Head Growth Even in Healthy VLBWs (United States)

    Morisaki, Naho; Belfort, Mandy B.; McCormick, Marie C.; Mori, Rintaro; Noma, Hisashi; Kusuda, Satoshi; Fujimura, Masanori


    Introduction Whether parenteral nutrition benefits growth of very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants in the setting of rapid enteral feeding advancement is unclear. Our aim was to examine this issue using data from Japan, where enteral feeding typically advances at a rapid rate. Methods We studied 4005 hospitalized VLBW, very preterm (23–32 weeks' gestation) infants who reached full enteral feeding (100 ml/kg/day) by day 14, from 75 institutions in the Neonatal Research Network Japan (2003–2007). Main outcomes were weight gain, head growth, and extra-uterine growth restriction (EUGR, measurement parenteral nutrition. Adjusting for maternal, infant, and institutional characteristics, infants who received parenteral nutrition had greater weight gain [0.09 standard deviation (SD), 95% CI: 0.02, 0.16] and head growth (0.16 SD, 95% CI: 0.05, 0.28); lower odds of EUGR by head circumference (OR 0.66, 95% CI: 0.49, 0.88). No statistically significant difference was seen in the proportion of infants with EUGR at discharge. SGA infants and infants who took more than a week until full feeding had larger estimates. Discussion Even in infants who are able to establish enteral nutrition within 2 weeks, deprivation of parenteral nutrition in the first weeks of life could lead to under nutrition, but infants who reached full feeding within one week benefit least. It is important to predict which infants are likely or not likely to advance on enteral feedings within a week and balance enteral and parenteral nutrition for these infants. PMID:24586323

  1. Early Post Operative Enteral Versus Parenteral Feeding after Esophageal Cancer Surgery

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    Mohammadtaghi Rajabi Mashhadi


    Full Text Available Introduction: The incidence of malnutrition in hospitalized patients is reported to be high. In particular, patients with esophageal cancer are prone to malnutrition, due to preoperative digestive system dysfunctions and short-term non-oral feeding postoperatively. Selection of an appropriate method for feeding in the postoperative period is important in these patients.   Materials and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, 40 patients with esophageal cancer who had undergone esophagectomy between September 2008 and October 2009 were randomly assigned into either enteral feeding or parenteral feeding groups, with the same calorie intake in each group. The level of serum total protein, albumin, prealbumin, transferrin, C3, C4 and hs-C-reactive protein          (hs-CRP, as well as the rate of surgical complications, restoration of bowel movements and cost was assessed in each group.   Results: Our results showed that there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of serum albumin, prealbumin or transferrin. However, C3 and C4 levels were significantly higher in the enteral feeding group compared with the parenteral group, while hs-CRP level was significantly lower in the enteral feeding group. Bowel movements were restored sooner and costs of treatment were lower in the enteral group. Postoperative complications did not differ significantly between the groups. There was one death in the parenteral group 10 days after surgery due to myocardial infarction.   Conclusion:  The results of our study showed that enteral feeding can be used effectively in the first days after surgery, with few early complications and similar nutritional outcomes compared with the parenteral method. Enteral feeding was associated with reduced inflammation and was associated with an improvement in immunological responses, quicker return of bowel movements, and reduced costs in comparison with parenteral feeding.

  2. Living arrangements of the elderly and the sociodemographic and health determinants: a longitudinal study. (United States)

    Bolina, Alisson Fernandes; Tavares, Darlene Mara Dos Santos


    to describe the sociodemographic characteristics and the number of morbidities in the elderly, according to the dynamics of living arrangements and evaluate the sociodemographic and health determinants of the living arrangements. this is a household longitudinal survey (2005-2012), carried out with 623 elderly people. Descriptive statistical analysis and multinomial logistic regression were performed (pde morbidades de idosos, segundo a dinâmica do arranjo domiciliar; e verificar os determinantes sociodemográficos e de saúde do arranjo domiciliar. trata-se de uma pesquisa domiciliar e longitudinal (2005-2012), conduzida com 623 idosos. Foi realizada análise estatística descritiva e regressão logística multinomial (pde estudo e com renda entre 1├┤ 3 salários mínimos. Durante o desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa, identificou-se uma elevação da distribuição de idosos com 1├┤3 salários mínimos. O número de morbidades aumentou nos três grupos ao longo do estudo, com maiores taxas entre os idosos que mudaram a dinâmica do arranjo domiciliar. Verificou-se que idosos do sexo masculino apresentaram menores chances de morar sozinhos (p=0,007) e mudar o arranjo domiciliar comparados às mulheres (p = 0,005). Ganhar menos de um salário mínimo diminuiu as chances de mudança do arranjo domiciliar em relação aos que ganham mais de três salários (p=0,034). os fatores determinantes do arranjo domiciliar foram o sexo e a renda, sendo que as variáveis capacidade funcional e número de morbidades não estiveram associadas ao desfecho analisado. describir las características sociodemográficas y el número de enfermedades concomitantes de ancianos, según la dinámica de la acomodación domiciliaria; y verificar los determinantes sociodemográficos y de salud del espacio domiciliario. se trata de una investigación domiciliaria y longitudinal (2005-2012), realiza con 623 ancianos. Fue realizado análisis estadístico descriptivo y regresión log

  3. Comportamiento de la Tecnología PLC en la Red Eléctrica


    García Guibout, J.; García Garino, Carlos; Fusario, Rubén J.; Castro Lechtaler, Antonio; Sevilla, Guillermo


    La tecnología PLC1 - PowerLine Communications- está referida a la transmisión de datos utilizando la red eléctrica, tanto domiciliaria, como la red de distribución de baja tensión. Dependiendo del tipo de red que se utilice como soporte esta tecnología se divide en PLC indoor y outdoor. La primera se refiere a la utilización de la red domiciliaria y utiliza las frecuencias más altas de 5 MHz a 30 ó 40 MHz. La segunda, outdoor, usa la red de distribución y las frecuencias bajas de 1 MHz a 5 ó ...

  4. Delivery of vitamins E and C from parenteral alimentation solution. (United States)

    Shenai, J P; Borum, P R; Duke, E A


    We have previously shown that substantial losses of fat-soluble (FS) vitamin A from parenteral alimentation solution occur due to adsorption in the intravenous tubing and photodegradation in the bottle. This study assessed the delivery of other vitamins, viz, FS vitamin E and water-soluble (WS) vitamin C, from parenteral alimentation solution. The solution containing 2.0 ml/L of an aqueous multivitamin infusion was infused at a constant rate of 10 ml/h using a standard intravenous administration set. Multiple aliquots of the solution from the bottle and the effluent obtained sequentially in a 24-h period were analyzed for concentrations of vitamins E and C. Both vitamins remained relatively stable in the bottle. A significant amount (12%) of vitamin E was lost in the intravenous tubing. No losses of vitamin C were incurred in the intravenous tubing. The data suggest that delivery of FS vitamin E from parenteral alimentation solutions is less than optimum because of adsorptive losses. Similar losses are not encountered with WS vitamin C.

  5. Selected pharmacokinetic issues of the use of antiepileptic drugs and parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients

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    Abd Arwa Y


    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives To conduct a systematic review for the evidence supporting or disproving the reality of parenteral nutrition- antiepileptic drugs interaction, especially with respect to the plasma protein-binding of the drug. Methods The articles related to the topic were identified through Medline and PubMed search (1968-Feburary 2010 for English language on the interaction between parenteral nutrition and antiepileptic drugs; the search terms used were anti-epileptic drugs, parenteral nutrition, and/or interaction, and/or in vitro. The search looked for prospective randomized and nonrandomized controlled studies; prospective nonrandomized uncontrolled studies; retrospective studies; case reports; and in vitro studies. Full text of the articles were then traced from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM library subscribed databases, including Wiley-Blackwell Library, Cochrane Library, EBSCOHost, OVID, ScienceDirect, SAGE Premier, Scopus, SpringerLINK, and Wiley InterScience. The articles from journals not listed by USM library were traced through inter library loan. Results There were interactions between parenteral nutrition and drugs, including antiepileptics. Several guidelines were designed for the management of illnesses such as traumatic brain injuries or cancer patients, involving the use of parenteral nutrition and antiepileptics. Moreover, many studies demonstrated the in vitro and in vivo parenteral nutrition -drugs interactions, especially with antiepileptics. Conclusions There was no evidence supporting the existence of parenteral nutrition-antiepileptic drugs interaction. The issue has not been studied in formal researches, but several case reports and anecdotes demonstrate this drug-nutrition interaction. However, alteration in the drug-free fraction result from parenteral nutrition-drug (i.e. antiepileptics interactions may necessitate scrupulous reassessment of drug dosages in patients receiving these therapies. This

  6. New perspective for nutritional support of cancer patients: Enteral/parenteral nutrition (United States)



    Cancer and its treatment result in severe biochemical and physiological alterations associated with a deterioration of quality of life (QoL). Cancer-related malnutrition may evolve into cancer cachexia due to complex interactions between pro-inflammatory cytokines and the host metabolism. Depending on the type of cancer treatment (either curative or palliative), the clinical condition of the patient and nutritional status, adequate and patient-tailored nutritional intervention should be prescribed (diet counseling, oral supplementation, enteral or total parenteral nutrition). Nutritional support has been widely advocated as adjunctive therapy for a variety of underlying illnesses, including surgery and medical oncotherapy (radiation or chemotherapy for cancer). Glutamine, n-3 fatty acids and probiotics/prebiotics are therapeutic factors that potentially modulate gastrointestinal toxicity related to cancer treatments. Enteral and parenteral nutrition may help improve patient survival, functional status and QoL, yet the benefits appear to be primarily limited to patients with good functional status and with gastrointestinal disease affecting nutritional intake. Parenteral nutrition offers the possibility of increased or maintenance of the nutrient intake in patients for whom normal food intake is inadequate and for whom enteral nutrition is not feasible, is contraindicated or is not accepted by the patient. This article reviews evidence on issues relevant to enteral and parenteral nutrition in patients with cancer. PMID:22977559

  7. [Routine comparison of trace element deficiencies during parenteral alimentation]. (United States)

    du Cailar, J; Mathieu-Daudé, J C; Kienlen, J; Béssou, D; Griffe, O; Bélé-Binda


    In 50 patients aged between 3 and 84 years treated in a multidisciplinary Intensive Care Unit and receiving parenteral alimentation, deficiency in certain trace elements or electrolytes (Cu++, Zn++, Mn++, Co++, PO-4, Mg++) was prevented or treated by the administration of a glucose solution (MB 147 G) enriched in trace elements. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate, on the basis of assay of serum levels of the trace elements involved, with the exception of Mn and Co, the effectiveness of treatment. Reference values were determined on the one hand in healthy individuals for normal figures and secondly on subjects included in the study, already on parenteral alimentation for several days, before treatment with MB 147 G, in order to demonstrate the existence of a deficiency (patient control values). In the case of PO--4, however, the patient control values concerned at one and the same time subjects in the study before treatment with MB 147 G and other patients receiving parenteral alimentation who were not part of the trial. MB 147 G solution was presented in units of 500 ml associated with glucose of varying concentrations (15 p. 100, 30 p. 100, 50 p. 100). The average daily amount administered, over a period of 236 days, was 3 unites per 24 hours, corresponding to an intake of copper of 3.78 mg, 3.90 mg of zinc, 0.20 mg of manganese, 0.24 mg of cobalt, 363 mg of magnesium, 240 mg of calcium and 15 mEz of phosphates. The results show that levels of copper, zinc, magnesium and phosphates were low during parenteral alimentation. The administration of MB 147 G resulted in a significant increase in these values, without there being any evidence of accumulation.

  8. MRI in children receiving total parenteral nutrition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quaghebeur, G.; Taylor, W.J.; Kingsley, D.P.E.; Fell, J.M.E.; Reynolds, A.P.; Milla, P.J.


    Cranial MRI was obtained in 13 of a group of 57 children receiving long-term parenteral nutrition, who were being investigated for hypermanganasaemia. Increased signal intensity on T1-weighted images has been reported in adult patients on long-term parenteral nutrition and with encephalopathy following chronic manganese exposure in arc welding. It has been postulated that these changes are due to deposition of the paramagnetic trace element manganese. In excess manganese is hepato- and neurotoxic and we present the correlation of whole blood manganese levels with imaging findings. The age range of our patients was 6 months to 10 years, and the duration of therapy 3 months to 10 years. In 7 children we found characteristic increased signal intensity on T1-weighted images, with no abnormality on T2-weighted images. All patients had elevated whole blood manganese levels, suggesting that the basis for this abnormality is indeed deposition of manganese within the tissues. (orig.). With 3 figs

  9. Protección del derecho a la inviolabilidad del domicilio y las perturbaciones acústicas

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    Pilar Domínguez Martinez


    Full Text Available El ruido es, sin lugar a dudas, un factor de perturbación ambientalreconocido en las modernas legislaciones vigentes. El artículo 45.1 dela Constitución española reconoce el derecho a disfrutar de un medioambiente adecuado para el desarrollo de la persona. En consecuencia,se reconoce el derecho a disfrutar de un ambiente acústico que noexceda de los límites impuestos por las normas reglamentarias encada caso concreto. A pesar de que el derecho al medio ambiente no se configura en la Constitución como un derecho fundamental, es precisamente la vertinente acústica y su agresión la que ha permitido su vinculación con derechos fundamentales, tales como la intimidad y la inviolabilidad del domicilio. En el presente trabajo se analizará laprotección del ruido como bien medioambiental por la vía de considerarque determinados daños al medioambiente pueden suponer un dañoa los derechos de la personalidad (intimidad, inviolabilidad deldomicilio. Será inevitable una referencia a la STS (Sala 3ª 13 de octubre2008 (RJ 2008, 7142, referente en nuestro derecho en la proteccióndel derecho a la intimidad domiciliaria en un caso de contaminaciónacústica procedente de la aviación. Siguiendo la línea que marca el Tribunal de Estrasburgo y después el Tribunal Constitucional serátratado como los Tribunales civiles españoles aplican directamente losaludidos derechos fundamentales para condenar a los responsablesde emisiones ruidosas.

  10. Parenteral treatment of episodic tension-type headache: a systematic review. (United States)

    Weinman, Danielle; Nicastro, Olivia; Akala, Olabiyi; Friedman, Benjamin W


    Tension-type headache is highly prevalent in the general population and is a consistent if not frequent cause of visits to acute care settings. Analgesics such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, and salicylates are considered first-line therapy for treatment of tension-type headache. For patients who present to an acute care setting with persistent tension-type headache despite analgesic therapy, it is not clear which parenteral agent should be administered. We performed a systematic review of the medical literature to determine whether parenteral therapies other than salicylates or nonsteroidals are efficacious for acute tension-type headache. We performed a systematic review of Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, Google scholar, and the Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials from inception through August, 2012 using the search terms "tension-type headache" and "parenteral or subcutaneous or intramuscular or intravenous." Our goal was to identify randomized trials in which one parenteral treatment was compared to another active comparator or to placebo for the acute relief of tension-type headache. Parenteral was defined as intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous administration. We only included studies that distinguished tension-type headache from other primary headache disorders, such as migraine. The primary outcome for this review was measures of efficacy one hour after medication administration. Data abstraction was performed by two authors. Disagreements were resolved by a third author. We assessed the internal validity of trials using the Cochrane Collaboration risk of bias tool. Because of the small number of trials identified, and the substantial heterogeneity among study design and medications, we decided that combining data and reporting summary statistics would serve no useful function. The results of individual studies are presented using Number Needed to Treat (NNT) with 95%CI when dichotomous outcomes were available and

  11. Zinc: physiology, deficiency, and parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Livingstone, Callum


    The essential trace element zinc (Zn) has a large number of physiologic roles, in particular being required for growth and functioning of the immune system. Adaptive mechanisms enable the body to maintain normal total body Zn status over a wide range of intakes, but deficiency can occur because of reduced absorption or increased gastrointestinal losses. Deficiency impairs physiologic processes, leading to clinical consequences that include failure to thrive, skin rash, and impaired wound healing. Mild deficiency that is not clinically overt may still cause nonspecific consequences, such as susceptibility to infection and poor growth. The plasma Zn concentration has poor sensitivity and specificity as a test of deficiency. Consequently, diagnosis of deficiency requires a combination of clinical assessment and biochemical tests. Patients receiving parenteral nutrition (PN) are susceptible to Zn deficiency and its consequences. Nutrition support teams should have a strategy for assessing Zn status and optimizing this by appropriate supplementation. Nutrition guidelines recommend generous Zn provision from the start of PN. This review covers the physiology of Zn, the consequences of its deficiency, and the assessment of its status, before discussing its role in PN. © 2015 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  12. Product quality of parenteral vancomycin products in the United States. (United States)

    Nambiar, S; Madurawe, R D; Zuk, S M; Khan, S R; Ellison, C D; Faustino, P J; Mans, D J; Trehy, M L; Hadwiger, M E; Boyne, M T; Biswas, K; Cox, E M


    In response to concerns raised about the quality of parenteral vancomycin products, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating the product quality of all FDA-approved parenteral vancomycin products available in the United States. Product quality was evaluated independently at two FDA Office of Testing and Research (FDA-OTR) sites. In the next phase of the investigation, being done in collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the in vivo activity of these products will be evaluated in an appropriate animal model. This paper summarizes results of the FDA investigation completed thus far. One site used a validated ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography method (OTR-UPLC), and the second site used the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for related substances provided in the British Pharmacopeia (BP) monograph for vancomycin intravenous infusion. Similar results were obtained by the two FDA-OTR laboratories using two different analytical methods. The products tested had 90 to 95% vancomycin B (active component of vancomycin) by the BP-HPLC method and 89 to 94% vancomycin by OTR-UPLC methods. Total impurities were 5 to 10% by BP-HPLC and 6 to 11% by OTR-UPLC methods. No single impurity was >2.0%, and the CDP-1 level was ≤ 2.0% across all products. Some variability in impurity profiles of the various products was observed. No adverse product quality issues were identified with the six U.S. vancomycin parenteral products. The quality parameters of all parenteral vancomycin products tested surpassed the United States Pharmacopeia acceptance criteria. Additional testing will characterize in vivo performance characteristics of these products.

  13. 76 FR 50741 - 2011 Parenteral Drug Association/Food and Drug Administration Joint Public Conference; Quality... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2011-N-0002] 2011 Parenteral Drug Association/Food and Drug Administration Joint Public Conference; Quality and...: Notice of public conference. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in cosponsorship with Parenteral...

  14. Parenteral Nutrition Basics for the Clinician Caring for the Adult Patient. (United States)

    Derenski, Karrie; Catlin, Jennifer; Allen, Livia


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a life-sustaining therapy providing nutrients to individuals with impaired intestinal tract function and enteral access challenges. It is one of the most complex prescriptions written routinely in the hospital and home care settings. This article is to aid the nutrition support clinician in the safe provision of PN, including selecting appropriate patients for PN, vascular access, development of a PN admixture, appropriate therapy monitoring, recognition of preparation options, and awareness of preparation and stability concerns. © 2016 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  15. Iodine Supplementation for Pediatric Patients Receiving Long-Term Parenteral Nutrition. (United States)

    Santoro, Jonathan D; Nespor, Colleen; Poole, Robert L; Kerner, John A


    Patients dependent on parenteral nutrition (PN) are among a group at risk of developing iodine deficiency. Supplementation with iodine in this population has been debated in a number of studies, resulting in variable clinical practices. The Committee on Clinical Practice Issues of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition recommends a dose of 1 mcg/kg/d of parenteral iodine for patients receiving PN. At our institution, PN trace elements do not include iodine, although this is not the case internationally. Our study sought to assess iodine levels and thyroid function in a cohort of PN-dependent pediatric patients. A retrospective analysis studied 32 pediatric patients with a variety of medical diagnoses who received PN as a primary means of nutrition for 6 months or longer. Patients received variable proportions of their total caloric intake as PN, which ranged from 14%-100%. Iodine and thyroid function levels were obtained by serum sampling. No patient in our cohort of 32 demonstrated thyroid dysfunction or developed iodine deficiency. The length of time on PN and the percentage of total nutrition intake as PN were not associated with iodine levels (P Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  16. Parenteral and oral antibiotic duration for treatment of pediatric osteomyelitis: a systematic review protocol (United States)


    Background Pediatric osteomyelitis is a bacterial infection of bones requiring prolonged antibiotic treatment using parenteral followed by enteral agents. Major complications of pediatric osteomyelitis include transition to chronic osteomyelitis, formation of subperiosteal abscesses, extension of infection into the joint, and permanent bony deformity or limb shortening. Historically, osteomyelitis has been treated with long durations of antibiotics to avoid these complications. However, with improvements in management and antibiotic treatment, standard of care is moving towards short durations of intravenous antibiotics prior to enteral antibiotics. Methods/Design The authors will perform a systematic review based on PRISMA guidelines in order to evaluate the literature, looking for evidence to support the optimal duration of parenteral and enteral therapy. The main goals are to see if literature supports shorter durations of either parenteral antibiotics and/or enteral antibiotics. Multiple databases will be investigated using a thorough search strategy. Databases include Medline, Cochrane, EMBASE, SCOPUS, Dissertation Abstracts, CINAHL, Web of Science, African Index Medicus and LILACS. Search stream will include medical subject heading for pediatric patients with osteomyelitis and antibiotic therapy. We will search for published or unpublished randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Two authors will independently select articles, extract data and assess risk of bias by standard Cochrane methodologies. We will analyze comparisons between dichotomous outcomes using risk ratios and continuous outcomes using mean differences. 95% confidence intervals will be computed. Discussion One of the major dilemmas of management of this disease is the duration of parenteral therapy. Long parenteral therapy has increased risk of serious complications and the necessity for long therapy has been called into question. Our study aims to review the currently available

  17. Aplicación del modelo Balance of Care en la toma de decisiones acerca del mejor cuidado para las personas con demencia

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    Ester Risco


    Discusión: El modelo Balance of Care permite evaluar de manera sistemática, objetiva y mediante un equipo multidisciplinario el emplazamiento más adecuado para las personas con demencia. Se deberían incluir otras intervenciones coste-eficientes para mejorar la situación domiciliaria de estas personas.

  18. [Staff accreditation in parenteral nutrition production in hospital pharmacy]. (United States)

    Vrignaud, S; Le Pêcheur, V; Jouan, G; Valy, S; Clerc, M-A


    This work aims to provide staff accreditation methodology to harmonize and secure practices for parenteral nutrition bags preparation. The methodology used in the present study is inspired from project management and quality approach. Existing training supports were used to produce accreditation procedure and evaluation supports. We first defined abilities levels, from level 1, corresponding to accredited learning agent to level 3, corresponding to expert accredited agent. Elements assessed for accreditation are: clothing assessment either by practices audit or by microbiologic test, test bags preparation and handling assessment, bag production to assess aseptic filling for both manual or automatized method, practices audit, number of days of production, and non-conformity following. At Angers Hospital, in 2014, production staff is composed of 12 agents. Staff accreditation reveals that 2 agents achieve level 3, 8 agents achieve level 2 and 2 agents are level 1. We noted that non-conformity decreased as accreditation took place from 81 in 2009 to 0 in 2014. To date, there is no incident due to parenteral bag produced by Angers hospital for neonatal resuscitation children. Such a consistent study is essential to insure a secured nutrition parenteral production. This also provides a satisfying quality care for patients. Copyright © 2016 Académie Nationale de Pharmacie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  19. Parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease and lipid emulsions. (United States)

    Zugasti Murillo, Ana; Petrina Jáuregui, Estrella; Elizondo Armendáriz, Javier


    Parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD) is a particularly important problem in patients who need this type of nutritional support for a long time. Prevalence of the condition is highly variable depending on the series, and its clinical presentation is different in adults and children. The etiology of PNALD is not well defined, and participation of several factors at the same time has been suggested. When a bilirubin level >2 mg/dl is detected for a long time, other causes of liver disease should be ruled out and risk factors should be minimized. The composition of lipid emulsions used in parenteral nutrition is one of the factors related to PNALD. This article reviews the different types of lipid emulsions and the potential benefits of emulsions enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. Copyright © 2014 SEEN. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. Sistema de classificação de pacientes em assistência domiciliária Sistema de classificación de pacientes en atención domiciliaria Patients classification system in home care

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    Luiza Watanabe Dal Ben


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os Sistemas de Classificação de Pacientes (SCP existentes nessa área. MÉTODOS: revisão bibliográfica. RESULTADOS: Os instrumentos encontrados foram: de Garrard et al, Home Health Care Classification System4.4 Método Home Health Care Classification System (HHCC, segundo Saba (1991, Escala Katz, as tabelas utilizadas pela Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Medicina de Internação Domiciliar e pelo Núcleo Nacional das Empresas de Assistência Domiciliar, o TISS-Intermediário adaptado por Dal Ben e o catálogo de prestação de serviços da "Fondation des Services d'aide et de Soins à Domicile". Desses instrumentos os dois últimos mensuram a carga de trabalho e os demais apresentam indicadores para obter recursos humanos e financeiros. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: Quanto ao tempo despendido na assistência ao paciente considera-se como dependência total 24 horas; dependência parcial 12 horas; dependência moderada 6 horas de assistência / dia / paciente.OBJETIVO: el objetivo de este articulo es presentar los sistemas de clasificación de pacientes existentes en esta area. METODOS: revisión bibliográfica. RESULTADOS: Los instrumentos encuentrados fueron: de Garrard et al, Home Health Care Classification System, Escala Katz, las tablas utilizadas por la Asociación Brasileña de Empresas de Medicina de Atencion Domiciliaria y por el Nucleo Nacional de Empresas de Atención Domiciliaria, el TISS-Intermediário adaptado por Dal Ben y el catálogo de la prestación de servicios de la "Fundación de servicios de ayuda y atención domiciliária". De eses instrumentos los dos ultimos miden la carga del trabajo y los demás presentan indicadores para obtener los recursos humanos y financieros. CONSIDERACIONES FINALES: Cuanto al tiempo gasto en la atención del paciente se considera de 24 horas para los que tienen dependencia total, de 12 horas para los que tienen dependencia parcial y de 6

  1. Changes in intestinal absorption of nutrients and brush border glycoproteins after total parenteral nutrition in rats. (United States)

    Miura, S; Tanaka, S; Yoshioka, M; Serizawa, H; Tashiro, H; Shiozaki, H; Imaeda, H; Tsuchiya, M


    The effect of total parenteral nutrition on nutrients absorption and glycoprotein changes of brush border membrane was examined in rat small intestine. In total parenteral nutrition rats, a marked decrease in activity of brush border enzymes was observed mainly in the proximal and middle segments of the intestine. Galactose perfusion of jejunal segment showed that hexose absorption was significantly inhibited, while intestinal absorption of glycine or dipeptide, glycylglycine was not significantly affected by total parenteral nutrition treatment. When brush border membrane glycoprotein profile was examined by [3H]-glucosamine or [3H]-fucose incorporation into jejunal loops, significant changes were observed in the glycoprotein pattern of brush border membrane especially in the high molecular weight range over 120 kDa after total parenteral nutrition treatment, suggesting strong dependency of glycoprotein synthesis on luminal substances. Molecular weight of sucrase isomaltase in brush border membrane detected by specific antibody showed no significant difference, however, in total parenteral nutrition and control rats. Also, molecular weight of specific sodium glucose cotransporter of intestinal brush border membrane detected by selective photoaffinity labelling was not altered in total parenteral nutrition rats. It may be that prolonged absence of oral food intake may produce significant biochemical changes in brush border membrane glycoprotein and absorptive capacity of small intestine, but these changes were not observed in all brush border membrane glycoproteins. Images Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 PMID:1582592

  2. Quality of Life and Nutrition Condition of Patients Improve Under Home Parenteral Nutrition: An Exploratory Study. (United States)

    Girke, Jutta; Seipt, Claudia; Markowski, Andrea; Luettig, Birgit; Schettler, Anika; Momma, Michael; Schneider, Andrea S


    Patients with end-stage cancer and advanced chronic bowel disease are often malnourished, which has a negative effect on patients' outcome, well-being, and activity. It is inconclusive whether these patients benefit from home parenteral nutrition. This prospective exploratory study investigates its influence on nutrition state, muscle strength, mobility, and quality of life. Patients ≥18 years old with an indication for home parenteral nutrition were included and followed for 2-24 months. Nutrition parameters, activity, and quality of life were assessed. Forty-eight patients participated (mean age 11.5 years), and 85% were severely malnourished (subjective global assessment score, class C). Four weeks after parenteral nutrition, patients with tumors demonstrated a deterioration in phase angle (from 3.9 to 3.4) and extracellular mass:body cell mass ratio (from 1.6 to 2.1), while patients with bowel disease improved (from 3.4 to 4.0 and 2.1 to 1.6, respectively); grip strength remained constant in both groups (difference: 1.11 and -2.11, respectively). Activity improved in patients with bowel disease but stayed the same in the tumor group (P = .02 and P = .33, respectively). When the groups were pooled, emotional and social functioning domain scores (P parenteral nutrition. Both groups seem to benefit from home parenteral nutrition without harmful side effects. If the indication is determined early, the patients' disease course could perhaps be improved. © 2016 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  3. Envejecer en casa con teleasistencia en España. Un análisis del discurso

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    Juan C. Aceros

    Full Text Available Resumen El cuidado de las personas mayores está dando un giro hacia modalidades de atención comunitaria y domiciliaria. La teleasistencia es una de dichas modalidades. Este artículo se propone explorar los significados que las personas mayores asocian a la experiencia de permanecer en el hogar a edades avanzadas con ayuda de la teleasistencia. Se utiliza el análisis del discurso para examinar un conjunto de grupos de discusión con y de entrevistas a usuarios de teleasistencia de diferentes ciudades de Cataluña (España. Como resultado se presentan tres repertorios interpretativos denominados: “envejecimiento en casa”, “envejecimiento normal” y “envejecimiento inseguro”. Para cada uno se examina la forma como describen la permanencia de las personas mayores en sus hogares, así como el papel que la teleasistencia juega en dicha experiencia.

  4. Vitamin E in new-generation lipid emulsions protects against parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease in parenteral nutrition-fed preterm pigs (United States)

    Parenteral nutrition (PN) in preterm infants leads to PN-associated liver disease (PNALD). PNALD has been linked to serum accumulation of phytosterols that are abundant in plant oil but absent in fish oil emulsions. Whether modifying the phytosterol and vitamin E composition of soy and fish oil lipi...

  5. Utilización de recursos sociosanitarios y características del cuidado informal de los pacientes inmovilizados en atención domiciliaria

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    Francisco García Alcaraz


    Conclusiones: Las enfermedades del aparato locomotor constituyen los principales motivos de inmovilización en pacientes domiciliarios. La mayoría de los cuidadores informales son mujeres de edad avanzada. La duración e intensidad del cuidado son elevadas y los principales apoyos provienen de los profesionales sanitarios. Los pacientes hacen un uso reducido de recursos sociosanitarios.

  6. Standardised neonatal parenteral nutrition formulations – an Australasian group consensus 2012 (United States)


    Standardised parenteral nutrition formulations are routinely used in the neonatal intensive care units in Australia and New Zealand. In 2010, a multidisciplinary group was formed to achieve a consensus on the formulations acceptable to majority of the neonatal intensive care units. Literature review was undertaken for each nutrient and recommendations were developed in a series of meetings held between November 2010 and April 2011. Three standard and 2 optional amino acid/dextrose formulations and one lipid emulsion were agreed by majority participants in the consensus. This has a potential to standardise neonatal parenteral nutrition guidelines, reduce costs and prescription errors. PMID:24548745

  7. [When enteral nutrition is not possible in intensive care patients: whether to wait or use parenteral nutrition? (United States)

    Habes, Q L M; Pickkers, P


    - Overfeeding of critically ill patients is associated with a higher incidence of infections and an increased length of ventilation. However, trophic nutrition or permissive underfeeding appears to have no negative effect on the patient and may even provide a survival benefit.- Initiation of enteral nutrition within 24-48 hours after Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission may reduce the number of complications and increase the chance of survival.- Total parenteral nutrition is associated with a higher risk of infections than enteral nutrition. This seems to be related to the higher calorie intake with parenteral nutrition rather than the route of administration.- In previously well-nourished patients, in whom enteral nutrition is only partially successful, it is safe to wait for up to 8 days before initiating supplemental parenteral nutrition.- In critically ill children, it is also safe to start supplemental parenteral nutrition at a late (on the 8th day after admission) rather than an early stage (within 24 hours of admission). Late supplemental parenteral nutrition may even result in fewer infectious complications and shorter hospitalisation.

  8. Parenteral nutrition dysregulates bile salt homeostasis in a rat model of parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease. (United States)

    Koelfat, Kiran V K; Schaap, Frank G; Hodin, Caroline M J M; Visschers, Ruben G J; Svavarsson, Björn I; Lenicek, Martin; Shiri-Sverdlov, Ronit; Lenaerts, Kaatje; Olde Damink, Steven W M


    Parenteral nutrition (PN), a lifesaving therapy in patients with intestinal failure, has been associated with hepatobiliary complications including steatosis, cholestasis and fibrosis, collectively known as parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD). To date, the pathogenesis of PNALD is poorly understood and therapeutic options are limited. Impaired bile salt homeostasis has been proposed to contribute PNALD. The objective of this study was to establish a PNALD model in rats and to evaluate the effects of continuous parenteral nutrition (PN) on bile salt homeostasis. Rats received either PN via the jugular vein or received normal diet for 3, 7 or 14 days. Serum biochemistry, hepatic triglycerides, circulating bile salts and C4, IL-6 and TNF-alpha, and lipogenic and bile salt homeostatic gene expression in liver and ileum were assessed. PN increased hepatic triglycerides already after 3 days of administration, and resulted in conjugated bilirubin elevation after 7 or more days. This indicates PN-induced steatosis and impaired canalicular secretion of bilirubin, the latter which is in line with reduced hepatic expression of Mrp2 mRNA. There was no histological evidence for liver inflammation after PN administration, and circulating levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α, were comparable in all groups. Hepatic expression of Fxr mRNA was decreased after 7 days of PN, without apparent effect on expression of Fxr targets Bsep and Shp. Nonetheless, Cyp7a1 expression was reduced after 7 days of PN, indicative for lowered bile salt synthesis. Circulating levels of C4 (marker of bile salt synthesis) were also decreased after 3, 7 and 14 days of PN. Levels of circulating bile salts were not affected by PN. This study showed that PN in rats caused early mild steatosis and cholestasis, while hepatic and systemic inflammation were not present. The onset of these abnormalities was associated with alterations in bile salt synthesis and transport. This

  9. Central venous catheter infections in home parenteral nutrition patients: Outcomes from Sustain: American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition's National Patient Registry for Nutrition Care. (United States)

    Ross, Vicki M; Guenter, Peggi; Corrigan, Mandy L; Kovacevich, Debra; Winkler, Marion F; Resnick, Helaine E; Norris, Tina L; Robinson, Lawrence; Steiger, Ezra


    Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) is a high-cost, complex nutrition support therapy that requires the use of central venous catheters. Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) are among the most serious risks of this therapy. Sustain: American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition's National Patient Registry for Nutrition Care (Sustain registry) provides the most current and comprehensive data for studying CLABSI among a national cohort of HPN patients in the United States. This is the first Sustain registry report detailing longitudinal data on CLABSI among HPN patients. To describe CLABSI rates for HPN patients followed in the Sustain registry from 2011-2014. Descriptive, χ 2 , and t tests were used to analyze data from the Sustain registry. Of the 1,046 HPN patients from 29 sites across the United States, 112 (10.7%) experienced 194 CLABSI events during 223,493 days of HPN exposure, for an overall CLABSI rate of 0.87 episodes/1,000 parenteral nutrition-days. Although the majority of patients were female (59%), adult (87%), white (75%), and with private insurance or Medicare (69%), CLABSI episodes per 1,000 parenteral nutrition-days were higher for men (0.69 vs 0.38), children (1.17 vs 0.35), blacks (0.91 vs 0.41), and Medicaid recipients (1.0 vs 0.38 or 0.39). Patients with implanted ports or double-lumen catheters also had more CLABSIs than those with peripherally inserted or central catheters or single-lumen catheters. Staphylococci were the most commonly reported pathogens. These data support findings of smaller studies about CLABSI risk for children and by catheter type and identify new potential risk factors, including gender, race, and insurance type. Additional studies are needed to determine effective interventions that will reduce HPN-associated CLABSI. Copyright © 2016 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. A Review of the Parenteral Nutrition Supply Service in an Irish Neonatal Unit

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Smith, A


    Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) patients have individual nutritional requirements often requiring Patient Specific Parenteral Nutrition (PSPN). From October 2015, the national PSPN compounding service availability changed from 7 days per week service to 5 days per week (i.e. no weekend and limited bank holiday ordering available). The aim of this study was to examine the introduction of a 5 day only PSPN supply on neonatal patient parenteral nutrition availability in a tertiary NICU.

  11. Planes de seguridad del agua. Fundamentos y perspectivas de implementación en Colombia

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    Andrea Pérez Vidal


    Full Text Available El agua para consumo humano debe estar libre de organismos patógenos, sustancias químicas, impurezas y cualquier contami- nante que cause problemas a la salud humana. América Latina y el Caribe (ALC presentan problemas de calidad por deficien- cias en la operación, mantenimiento y continuidad de los servicios, incorrecto funcionamiento de las plantas de tratamiento y precariedad de las redes de distribución e instalaciones domiciliarias. Las tendencias mundiales del sector agua potable están o- rientadas al desarrollo de metodologías para evaluación y gestión del riesgo en los sistemas de abastecimiento para proteger la salud pública. La aplicación de los Planes de Seguridad del Agua (PSA es una práctica orientada al suministro de agua de cali- dad, cuya estructura se basa en principios de barreras múltiples, análisis de peligros, puntos críticos de control (APPCC y hacer- camientos sistemáticos de gestión como la ISO 9001:2000. Experiencias internacionales han demostrado los beneficios de im- plementarlos como estrategia para garantizar la calidad del agua potable y la protección de la salud pública. En Colombia, la actual normatividad sobre agua potable exige la implementación de mapas de riesgos y evaluación de índices de calidad, lo que posibilitará que los PSA tengan gran perspectiva de implementación en el corto plazo.

  12. Parenteral nutrition following intensive cytotoxic therapy: an exploratory study on the need for parenteral nutrition after various treatment approaches for haematological malignancies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Iestra, J. A.; Fibbe, W. E.; Zwinderman, A. H.; Romijn, J. A.; Kromhout, D.


    Patients receiving intensive cytotoxic therapy are traditionally supported with parenteral nutrition (PN), although it is unclear whether all patients benefit from PN. This study aimed to identify regimen-associated differences in PN requirements, to reveal discrepancies between the number of PN

  13. Higher versus lower amino acid intake in parenteral nutrition for newborn infants. (United States)

    Osborn, David A; Schindler, Tim; Jones, Lisa J; Sinn, John Kh; Bolisetty, Srinivas


    Sick newborn and preterm infants frequently are not able to be fed enterally, necessitating parenteral fluid and nutrition. Potential benefits of higher parenteral amino acid (AA) intake for improved nitrogen balance, growth, and infant health may be outweighed by the infant's ability to utilise high intake of parenteral AA, especially in the days after birth. The primary objective is to determine whether higher versus lower intake of parenteral AA is associated with improved growth and disability-free survival in newborn infants receiving parenteral nutrition.Secondary objectives include determining whether:• higher versus lower starting or initial intake of amino acids is associated with improved growth and disability-free survival without side effects;• higher versus lower intake of amino acids at maximal intake is associated with improved growth and disability-free survival without side effects; and• increased amino acid intake should replace non-protein energy intake (glucose and lipid), should be added to non-protein energy intake, or should be provided simultaneously with non-protein energy intake.We conducted subgroup analyses to look for any differences in the effects of higher versus lower intake of amino acids according to gestational age, birth weight, age at commencement, and condition of the infant, or concomitant increases in fluid intake. We used the standard search strategy of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group to search the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (2 June 2017), MEDLINE (1966 to 2 June 2017), Embase (1980 to 2 June 2017), and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) (1982 to 2 June 2017). We also searched clinical trials databases, conference proceedings, and citations of articles. Randomised controlled trials of higher versus lower intake of AAs as parenteral nutrition in newborn infants. Comparisons of higher intake at commencement, at maximal intake, and at both commencement and maximal

  14. Quality assessment of total parenteral nutrition admixtures by the use of fractional factorial design

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    Mirković Dušica


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. Parenteral nutrition as a specific aspect of providing nutritients still remains a permanent topic of both theoretical and experimental research. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN admixtures have complex contents making difficult to maintain their stability. The most critical parameter is the diameter of a lipid droplet, i.e. droplet size distribution. It is recommended that droplet size should not be more than 5

  15. Prevalencia de hiperglucemia y diabetes en pacientes no críticos con nutrición parenteral en España: estudio multicéntrico


    Tapia Guerrero, María José


    Esta tesis se centra en el estudio de las alteraciones del metabolismo hidrocarbonado en pacientes ingresados no críticos que reciben nutrición parenteral total (NPT) en hospitales públicos españoles, bajo condiciones de la práctica clínica habitual y en seguimiento por médicos especialistas en Endocrinología y Nutrición que trabajan en Unidades de Nutrición Clínica y Dietética. OBJETIVOS. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: 1) describir las características de estos los pacientes y tipo...

  16. Plasma Aluminum Concentrations in Pediatric Patients Receiving Long-Term Parenteral Nutrition. (United States)

    Courtney-Martin, Glenda; Kosar, Christina; Campbell, Alison; Avitzur, Yaron; Wales, Paul W; Steinberg, Karen; Harrison, Debra; Chambers, Kathryn


    Patients receiving long-term parenteral nutrition (PN) are at increased risk of aluminium (Al) toxicity because of bypass of the gastrointestinal tract during PN infusion. Complications of Al toxicity include metabolic bone disease (MBD), Al-associated encephalopathy in adults, and impaired neurological development in preterm infants. Unlike the United States, there are no regulations regarding Al content of large- and small-volume parenterals in Canada. We, therefore, aimed to present our data on plasma Al concentration and Al intake from our cohort of pediatric patients receiving long-term PN. Plasma Al concentration was retrospectively gathered from the patient charts of all 27 patients with intestinal failure (IF) receiving long-term PN at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, and compared with age- and sex-matched controls recruited for comparison. In addition, Al concentration was measured in PN samples collected from 10 randomly selected patients with IF and used to determine their Al intake. The plasma Al concentration of patients with IF receiving long-term PN was significantly higher than that of control participants (1195 ± 710 vs 142 ± 63 nmol/L; P Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  17. Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Liver Disease: The Role of the Gut Microbiota. (United States)

    Cahova, Monika; Bratova, Miriam; Wohl, Petr


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) provides life-saving nutritional support in situations where caloric supply via the enteral route cannot cover the necessary needs of the organism. However, it does have serious adverse effects, including parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD). The development of liver injury associated with PN is multifactorial, including non-specific intestine inflammation, compromised intestinal permeability, and barrier function associated with increased bacterial translocation, primary and secondary cholangitis, cholelithiasis, short bowel syndrome, disturbance of hepatobiliary circulation, lack of enteral nutrition, shortage of some nutrients (proteins, essential fatty acids, choline, glycine, taurine, carnitine, etc.), and toxicity of components within the nutrition mixture itself (glucose, phytosterols, manganese, aluminium, etc.). Recently, an increasing number of studies have provided evidence that some of these factors are directly or indirectly associated with microbial dysbiosis in the intestine. In this review, we focus on PN-induced changes in the taxonomic and functional composition of the microbiome. We also discuss immune cell and microbial crosstalk during parenteral nutrition, and the implications for the onset and progression of PNALD. Finally, we provide an overview of recent advances in the therapeutic utilisation of pro- and prebiotics for the mitigation of PN-associated liver complications.


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    Raquel Dully Andrade


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar elementos de cuidado favorables a la infancia en la visita domiciliaria, desde las narrativas de enfermeros, en la perspectiva de la atención y de la defensa del derecho a la salud de los niños. Estudio exploratorio con análisis temático cualitativo, basado en aspectos conceptuales del cuidado y derecho a la salud, a través de entrevistas con 14 enfermeros que trabajan en la Estrategia de Salud Familiar. Narrativas muestran las medidas de protección de la salud infantil, organizada por temas: Observación e intervención para el cuidado del niño en el hogar; Incautación de situaciones de violación de derechos; La vulnerabilidad en la infancia con padres usuarios de alcohol y otras drogas. La visita domiciliaria es una herramienta esencial de la práctica clínica en la atención primaria de salud, que constituye un espacio privilegiado para los cuidados de enfermería al niño y al contexto familiar en la defensa de la salud infantil.

  19. Phylodynamic and Phylogeographic Patterns of the HIV Type 1 Subtype F1 Parenteral Epidemic in Romania (United States)

    Hué, Stéphane; Buckton, Andrew J.; Myers, Richard E.; Duiculescu, Dan; Ene, Luminita; Oprea, Cristiana; Tardei, Gratiela; Rugina, Sorin; Mardarescu, Mariana; Floch, Corinne; Notheis, Gundula; Zöhrer, Bettina; Cane, Patricia A.; Pillay, Deenan


    Abstract In the late 1980s an HIV-1 epidemic emerged in Romania that was dominated by subtype F1. The main route of infection is believed to be parenteral transmission in children. We sequenced partial pol coding regions of 70 subtype F1 samples from children and adolescents from the PENTA-EPPICC network of which 67 were from Romania. Phylogenetic reconstruction using the sequences and other publically available global subtype F sequences showed that 79% of Romanian F1 sequences formed a statistically robust monophyletic cluster. The monophyletic cluster was epidemiologically linked to parenteral transmission in children. Coalescent-based analysis dated the origins of the parenteral epidemic to 1983 [1981–1987; 95% HPD]. The analysis also shows that the epidemic's effective population size has remained fairly constant since the early 1990s suggesting limited onward spread of the virus within the population. Furthermore, phylogeographic analysis suggests that the root location of the parenteral epidemic was Bucharest. PMID:22251065

  20. Adherencia de planes caseros de terapia respiratoria en pacientes con enfermedades crónicas del programa de atención domiciliaria, Cali, 2014 / Adherence to home respiratory therapy plans among patients with chronic diseases from the home care program, Cali, 2014

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    Anisbed Naranjo-Rojas


    Full Text Available Resumen Objetivo: Determinar la adherencia de los planes caseros de terapia respiratoria en pacientes con enfermedades crónicas de un programa de atención domiciliaria, cuyos tratamientos incluyen prácticas de terapias respiratorias en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali – Colombia. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal. La población de estudio correspondió a 83 adultos entre 45 y 85 años con patologías crónicas, no alterara las funciones cognitivas, pertenecientes al programa de terapia respiratoria de la ips sisanar. Se diseñó una encuesta dirigida al paciente y cuidadores primarios. Resultados: El comportamiento entre las variables analizadas no fue paralelo, en ambas variables bien sea por factores como el tipo de afiliación, caso que correspondería al Plan casero Vs sgsss, mientras que el segundo de ellos presenta un comportamiento que refleja una diferencia en el número de sesiones realizadas por mes y las actividades registradas en el plan casero. Discusión: Este estudio encontró que los planes caseros muestran que la adherencia es efectiva pero depende del alto grado del manejo que se dé inicialmente desde los Sistemas de Seguridad Social al que pertenezcan los pacientes y al cumplimiento de las actividades. / Abstract Objective: to assess the adherence to home respiratory therapy plans in patients with chronic diseases from a home care program whose treatments include respiratory therapy practice in the city of Santiago de Cali, Colombia. This study focused mainly on the patients affiliated to the home care program of the SISANAR health care providing institution. Methodology: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted. The studied population consisted of 83 adults aged 45 to 85 with chronic pathologies which did not alter cognitive functions. These patients were part of the respiratory therapy program of the SISANAR health care providing institution

  1. Preventing errors in administration of parenteral drugs: the results of a four-year national patient safety program.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blok, C. de; Schilp, J.; Wagner, C.


    Objectives: To evaluate the implementation of a four-year national patient safety program concerning the parenteral drug administration process in the Netherlands. Methods: Structuring the preparation and administration process of parenteral drugs reduces the number of medication errors. A

  2. Long-term follow-up of patients on home parenteral nutrition in Europe: implications for intestinal transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pironi, Loris; Joly, Francisca; Forbes, Alastair


    The indications for intestinal transplantation (ITx) are still debated. Knowing survival rates and causes of death on home parenteral nutrition (HPN) will improve decisions.......The indications for intestinal transplantation (ITx) are still debated. Knowing survival rates and causes of death on home parenteral nutrition (HPN) will improve decisions....

  3. ¿Inviolabilidad o intimidad domiciliaria? : a propósito de la jurisprudencia constitucional sobre el derecho fundamentala la inviolabilidad del domicilio

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    María del Mar Navas Sánchez


    Full Text Available Del análisis de la jurisprudencia constitucional se desprende que el Tribunal Constitucional sostiene una concreta y determinada concepción del derecho fundamental a la inviolabilidad del domicilio (art. 18.2 CE. Se trata de una configuración caracterizada por su fuerte interrelación y dependencia respecto del derecho a la intimidad personal y familiar (art. 18.1 CE siendo además, destacable que el Tribunal Constitucional interpreta aquí la noción de intimidad en un sentido estricto y personalista, alejada de la noción amplia de intimidad que maneja el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos. A su vez, el reconocimiento de este derecho a las personas jurídicas, a las que sin embargo no se les reconoce intimidad alguna digna de protección constitucional, no sólo no ha contribuido a resolver la cuestión anterior sino que, por el contrario, ha venido justamente a romper la coherencia interna del derecho a la inviolabilidad del domicilio, imponiéndole una estructura dual, altamente disfuncional para su adecuada comprensión y que da lugar a resultados paradójicos, como la mayor protección, en ciertos casos, de los domicilios de las personas jurídicas. Frente a esta concepción, se propone otra diferente que, al no pivotar sobre la intimidad strictu sensu, sea capaz de superar las objeciones anteriores, con especial atención al caso de las personas físicas al ser aquí donde, a nuestro juicio, la configuración actual del derecho resulta más insatisfactoria. From an analysis of the jurisprudence of the Spanish Constitutional Court it can be deduced that the Spanish Constitutional Court upholds a concrete and particular concept of the fundamental right to the inviolability of the home (Article 18.2 CE. This concept is characterized by the close interrelationship and dependence on the right to personal and family privacy (Article 18.1CE. Moreover, it is notable that the Spanish Constitutional Court considers the idea of privacy in a

  4. Nutritional requirements and parenteral nutrition in preterm infants ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Provision of appropriate nutritional requirements soon after birth is critical for normal development and growth of preterm infants. Preterm infants are often not able to tolerate volumes of oral feeds that will provide adequate daily requirements for growth within the first week or two of life, therefore parenteral nutrition is often ...

  5. Protocol compliance of administering parenteral medication in Dutch hospitals: an evaluation and cost-estimation of the implementation.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schilp, J.; Boot, S.; Blok, C. de; Spreeuwenberg, P.; Wagner, C.


    Objectives: Preventable adverse drug events (ADEs) are closely related to administration processes of parenteral medication. The Dutch Patient Safety Program provided a protocol for administering parenteral medication to reduce the amount of ADEs. The execution of the protocol was evaluated and a

  6. Pediatric parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease and cholestasis: Novel advances in pathomechanisms-based prevention and treatment. (United States)

    Orso, Giuseppe; Mandato, Claudia; Veropalumbo, Claudio; Cecchi, Nicola; Garzi, Alfredo; Vajro, Pietro


    Parenteral nutrition constitutes a life-saving therapeutic tool in patients unable to ingest/absorb oral or enteral delivered nutrients. Liver function tests abnormalities are a common therapy-related complication, thus configuring the so-called Parenteral Nutrition Associated Liver Disease (PNALD) or cholestasis (PNAC). Although the damage is frequently mild, and resolves after discontinuation of parenteral nutrition, in some cases it progresses into cirrhotic changes, especially in neonates and infants. We present a literature review focusing on the pathogenetic mechanisms-driven prevention and therapies for the cases where parenteral nutrition cannot be discontinued. Ursodeoxycholic acid has been proposed in patients with cholestatic hepatopathy, but its efficacy needs to be better established. Little evidence is available on efficacy of anti-oxidants, antibiotics, probiotics and anti TNFα. Lipid emulsions based on fish oil with a high content of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids ω-3 appear effective both in decreasing intrahepatic inflammation and in improving biliary flow. Most recent promising variations such as soybean/MCT/olive/fish oil emulsion [third generation lipid emulsion (SMOFlipid)] are under investigation. In conclusion, we remark the emergence of a number of novel pathomechanisms underlying the severe liver impairment damage (PNALD and PNAC) in patients treated with parenteral nutrition. Only few traditional and innovative therapeutic strategies have hitherto been shown promising. Copyright © 2015 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Differences in essential fatty acid requirements by enteral and parenteral routes of administration in patients with fat malabsorption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Palle B; Høy, Carl-Erik; Mortensen, Per B


    Background: Essential fatty acid (EFA) requirements of patients receiving home parenteral nutrition (HPN) are uncertain. Objective: The objective was to evaluate the influence of the route of administration (enteral compared with parenteral) on plasma phospholipid EFA concentrations. Design......: Intestinal absorption, parenteral supplement of EFAs, and plasma phospholipid EFA concentrations were investigated in balance studies in 4 groups (A, B, C, and D) of 10 patients with short-bowel syndrome and a fecal loss of >2000 kJ/d. Groups A (fat malabsorption 50%) did...... absorption was negligible in groups C and D. Thus, intestinal absorption of EFAs in group A. corresponded to parenteral EFA supplements in group C, whereas group D was almost totally deprived of EFAs. The median plasma phospholipid concentration of linoleic acid decreased by 21.9%, > 16.3%, >13.8%, 11...

  8. Adverse effects of parenteral dexamethasone in the treatment of pemphigus vulgaris

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    Mohammad Jamal Uddin


    Full Text Available Background: Pemphigus vulgaris is associated with high morbidity as well as significant mortality rate. Today the risk of death in pemphigus from the side effect of oral prednisolone is greater than risk of death from the disease itself. Objec­tive: To observe the adverse effects of parenteral dexamethasone compared with oral prednisolone in the treatment of pemphigus vulgaris. Methods: An interventional study was carried out in the department of Dermatology and Venereol­ogy, Bangabandu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Total number of patients was thirty and among them fifteen patients were treated with parenteral dexamethasone (Group-A and other fifteen were treated with oral prednisolone (Group-B. Results: The study showed statistically significant differences of skin lesion as well as mucosal lesion of pemphigus after 6 weeks of therapy between of two groups (P<0.05. The most common adverse effects were increased body weight(40%, increased appetite(40%, and puffy face(40% in dexamethasone group. In prednisolone group, these side effects were 60% of the subjects. Other side effects in dexamethasone group were hyperglycemia (33.33%, hypertension (26.66%, and sleep disturbance (13.33%. In prednisolone group, other side effects were hyperglycemia(33.33%, hypertension(40%, gastritis (33.33%, nausea, vomiting (13.33% in each , reactivation of tuberculosis, herpes zoster infection, sleep disturbance, and mood change were 6.66% in each group. Conclusion: In the light of the findings of the study, we conclude that each of the treatment of dexamethasone group and prednisolone group is individually effective and safe in the treatment of pemphigus vulgaris but adverse effects are less in parenteral dexamethasone group than oral prednisolone group. So parenteral dexamethasone can be used as an alternative drug in the treatment of pemphigus vulgaris.

  9. Introduction and methodology – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 1

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    Jauch, K. W.


    Full Text Available Guidelines for Parenteral Nutrition were prepared by the German Society for Nutritional Medicine (, in collaboration with other medical associations to provide guidance for quality assurance for parenteral nutrition (PN practice, and to promoting health and quality of life of patients concerned. A coordination team proposed topics, working group leaders who along with working group members performed systematic literatur searches and drafted recommendations in a nominal group process. Recommendations were discussed and agreed upon in a structured consensus conference process, followed by a Delphi consensus. The current English version of the guidelines was written and updated during the period between the last quarter of 2007 and the first quarter of 2009. The recommendations of the guidelines should be reviewed, and if necessary updated five years after publication.

  10. Assistência domiciliar a idosos: fatores associados, características do acesso e do cuidado Asistencia domiciliaria a ancianos: factores asociados, características del acceso y del cuidado Home health care for the elderly: associated factors and characteristics of access and health care

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    Elaine Thumé


    ón anciana y sus características, según modelos de atención Estrategia Salud de la Familia y modelo tradicional. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal de base poblacional, con muestra representativa de 1.593 individuos con 60 años o más, residentes en la región urbana de Bagé, Sur de Brasil, en 2008. El muestreo fue realizado en múltiples fases. Los datos fueron colectados en entrevistas individuales. Se analizaron las formas de acceso a los servicios, participación de los profesionales, satisfacción y situación de salud de los usuarios posterior a la atención. Fue utilizado modelo de regresión de Poisson para estimar las tasas de prevalencia bruta y ajustada, los respectivos intervalos con 95% de confianza y p-valor (prueba de Wald. RESULTADOS: Asistencia domiciliaria fue estadísticamente asociada a la historia previa de enfermedad vascular cerebral, a la presencia de señales de demencia y a la incapacidad para las actividades de la vida diaria. La familia fue responsable por 75% de las solicitudes de cuidado. En las áreas de la atención tradicional, los médicos respondieron por la mayor promoción de cuidados, mientras que en las áreas de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia, se destacó la participación del equipo de enfermeras. Aproximadamente 78% de las solicitudes fueron atendidas en hasta 24 horas y 95% de los usuarios evaluaron positivamente el cuidado recibido. Dos tercios de los ancianos refirieron mejoría en las condiciones de salud. CONCLUSIONES: Las variables asociadas al recibimiento de asistencia domiciliaria reiteran los indicadores de fragilidad destacados en la Política Nacional de Salud de la Persona Anciana y fortalece la importancia de la estrategia en la promoción de la equidad en el cuidado de los ancianos. La evaluación positiva y el impacto en la situación de salud refuerzan el domicilio como ambiente terapéutico.OBJECTIVE: To assess factors associated with home health care for the elderly and its characteristics based on different

  11. Infestacion domestica por triatoma infestans y prevalencia de seropositivos al Trypanosoma cruzi en un area rural del nordeste argentino

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    M. Esther Bar


    Full Text Available Se llevó a cabo un estúdio epidemiológicopara obtener unpanorama general de la transmisión doméstica del Trypanosoma cruzi en áreas rurales del Departamento San Miguel, Conientes, Argentina. Se investigaron 100 viviendas precarias, 50,0% de las mismas resultó infestado por Triatoma infestans y 1,0% por T. sórdida, citãndose por primera vez para la provinda de Comentes la colonización domiciliaria de esta especie. El 23,1% de T. infestans estaba infectado por T. cruzi. La seroprevalencia de 388 pacientes analizados por hemaglutinacíôn indirecta e inmunofluorescencia indirecta fue 23,4%, destacándose el alto índice (12,9% constatado en menores de 10 anos. Losporcentajes de seropositividad aumentaron con la edad, alcanzándose 50,0% de infectados entre los 31-40 anos. La infestación doméstica por T. infestans, la prevalencia humana de seropositivos al T. cruzi y las condiciones deprecariedad en que se desenvuelve la vida de los pobladores revelan la vigência de la endemia chagãsica en el área estudiada.

  12. Quality assessment of total parenteral nutrition admixtures by the use of fractional factorial design


    Mirković, Dušica; Ibrić, Svetlana; Antunović, Mirjana


    Background/Aim. Parenteral nutrition as a specific aspect of providing nutritients still remains a permanent topic of both theoretical and experimental research. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) admixtures have complex contents making difficult to maintain their stability. The most critical parameter is the diameter of a lipid droplet, i.e. droplet size distribution. It is recommended that droplet size should not be more than 5 m and that the presence of greater droplets should not exceed th...

  13. Gluconeogenesis continues in premature infants receiving total parenteral nutrition (United States)

    To determine the contribution of total gluconeogenesis, to glucose production in preterm infants receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) providing glucose exceeding normal infant glucose turnover rate, eight infants (0.955 +/- 0.066 kg, 26.5 - 0.5 wks, 4-1 d) were studied while receiving routine ...

  14. Anticoagulants for the prevention and treatment of catheter-related thrombosis in adults and children on parenteral nutrition: a systematic review and critical appraisal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barco, Stefano; Atema, Jasper J.; Coppens, Michiel; Serlie, Mireille J.; Middeldorp, Saskia


    Patients on parenteral nutrition require a central venous access and are at risk of catheter-related thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and vena cava syndrome. Parenteral nutrition guidelines suggest anticoagulation for the primary prevention of catheter-related thrombosis during long-term parenteral

  15. Parenteral Antibiotics Reduce Bifidobacteria Colonization and Diversity in Neonates

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    Séamus Hussey


    Full Text Available We investigated the impact of parenteral antibiotic treatment in the early neonatal period on the evolution of bifidobacteria in the newborn. Nine babies treated with intravenous ampicillin/gentamicin in the first week of life and nine controls (no antibiotic treatment were studied. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was used to investigate the composition of Bifidobacterium in stool samples taken at four and eight weeks. Bifidobacteria were detected in all control infants at both four and eight weeks, while only six of nine antibiotic-treated infants had detectable bifidobacteria at four weeks and eight of nine at eight weeks. Moreover, stool samples of controls showed greater diversity of Bifidobacterium spp. compared with antibiotic-treated infants. In conclusion, short-term parenteral antibiotic treatment of neonates causes a disturbance in the expected colonization pattern of bifidobacteria in the first months of life. Further studies are required to probiotic determine if supplementation is necessary in this patient group.

  16. Effects of parenteral administration of enrofloxacin on electrocardiographic parameters in hospitalized dogs

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    Carlos Fernando Agudelo Ramírez


    Full Text Available The effect of enrofloxacin on the QT interval of the electrocardiogram was studied in 30 hospitalized dogs. The experimental group (n = 15 received enrofloxacin parenterally (subcutaneously at a dose of 5 mg/kg twice daily and amoxicillin-clavulanate intravenously at a dose of 22 mg/kg three times daily. The control group (n = 15 received only amoxicillin-clavulanate. Electrocardiography was carried out for 5 min once daily for 6 days. The QT interval was corrected by four different formulae. No differences were found between the two groups or within each group for the duration of the study. On the last day of the study the average QT interval for the control and experimental groups was 213.2 ms and 202.9 ms, respectively. Enrofloxacin did not cause prolongation of the QT or corrected QT intervals. We can conclude that the parenteral administration of enrofloxacin in non-cardiac dogs does not adversely affect the electrocardiographic indicators (no prolongation of the QT or corrected QT interval and does not induce ventricular arrhythmias. Parenteral use of enrofloxacin is thus safe and effective in non-cardiac dogs.

  17. Induration at Injection or Infusion Site May Reduce Bioavailability of Parenteral Phenobarbital Administration. (United States)

    Nakayama, Hirokazu; Echizen, Hirotoshi; Ogawa, Ryuichi; Akabane, Atsuya; Kato, Toshiaki; Orii, Takao


    Phenobarbital is well tolerated and effective for controlling agitation or preventing convulsion at the end of life. No information is available concerning parenteral bioavailability of phenobarbital when induration develops at the injection or infusion site. We investigated whether induration at injection or infusion site is related to phenobarbital bioavailability via parenteral routes of continuous subcutaneous infusion and intermittent subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. A retrospective analysis was conducted on the medical data obtained from 18 patients who received chronic subcutaneous or intramuscular injections of phenobarbital for the prevention of convulsions and underwent plasma concentration monitoring of the drug. Patients whose concomitant medications were altered during the observation periods were excluded from the analysis. Comparisons were performed for concentration/dose (C/D) ratios obtained from patients with induration at injection or infusion sites (induration group, n = 6) and those without induration (noninduration group, n = 12). P phenobarbital may be reduced when induration develops at the injection or infusion site in patients treated parenterally by continuous subcutaneous infusion or intramuscular injection.

  18. Parenteral Nutrition in Liver Resection

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    Carlo Chiarla


    Full Text Available Albeit a very large number of experiments have assessed the impact of various substrates on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy, a limited number of clinical studies have evaluated artificial nutrition in liver resection patients. This is a peculiar topic because many patients do not need artificial nutrition, while several patients need it because of malnutrition and/or prolonged inability to feeding caused by complications. The optimal nutritional regimen to support liver regeneration, within other postoperative problems or complications, is not yet exactly defined. This short review addresses relevant aspects and potential developments in the issue of postoperative parenteral nutrition after liver resection.

  19. Taurolidine in Pediatric Home Parenteral Nutrition Patients. (United States)

    Hulshof, Emma Claire; Hanff, Lidwien Marieke; Olieman, Joanne; de Vette, Susanna; Driessen, Gert-Jan; Meeussen, Conny; Escher, Johanna Caroline


    To reduce the incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infections in home parenteral nutrition patients, the use of taurolidine was introduced in the Sophia Children's Hospital in 2011. This introduction led to a reduction in catheter-related bloodstream infections: 12.7/1000 catheter days before the use of taurolidine, compared with 4.3/1000 catheter days afterwards (n = 7) [relative risk = 0.36, 95% confidence interval: 0.20-0.65 (P = 0.018)].

  20. Percepções e sentimentos do familiar/cuidador expressos diante do ente em internação domiciliar

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    Naianny Jonas Fogaça


    Full Text Available Objetivos: analizar percepciones y sentimientos expresados por los familiares en relación al paciente sometido a la atención domiciliaria. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, cualitativo, cuya recolección de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas en el hogar, desarrollado con catorce familiares de pacientes atendidos por una empresa de atención domiciliaria. Datos fueron organizados por la técnica de análisis de contenido. Resultados: percepciones y sentimientos expresados fueron: inseguridad, miedo, ansiedad, preocupación, sentimientos de privación de libertad y, al mismo tiempo, gratitud por la atención, comodidad, seguridad y proximidad a controlar cuidadosamente. Prefiriendo ser admitidos en domicilio y evaluaron la atención como satisfactoria. Conclusión: la atención domiciliaria debe ser vista como innovadora modalidad de atención humanizada que tiene como objetivo revertir la lógica del labor de los profesionales de salud, que no se limita sólo a satisfacer las necesidades clínicas de pacientes, sino también proporcionan apoyo necesario a las familias involucradas.

  1. Complications relating to enteral and parenteral nutrition in trauma ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare the incidence of complications in patients receiving enteral and parenteral nutrition (PN), and review how the early initiation of enteral feeding and early achievement of caloric goal would affect the incidence of complications. Design: The design was a retrospective audit of ...

  2. Síndrome do intestino curto na criança: tratamento com nutrição parenteral domiciliar Short bowel syndrome in children: treatment with home parenteral nutrition

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    Uenis Tannuri


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Em 1979 o autor utilizou, pela primeira vez no Brasil, a nutrição parenteral prolongada domiciliar em criança. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de apresentar a experiência da utilização deste método no tratamento de crianças com síndrome do intestino curto nos últimos 23 anos. MÉTODOS: Dezenove crianças com esta afecção (ressecção de mais de 75% do comprimento intestinal foram tratadas inicialmente em hospital e a seguir no próprio domicílio. Os períodos totais de terapia nutricional variaram de quatro meses a quatro anos e meio, enquanto que as crianças permaneceram em nutrição parenteral domiciliar por períodos que variaram de uma semana a quatro anos, com mediana de oito meses. As soluções nutrientes completas, contendo aminoácidos, glicose, emulsão lipídica, eletrólitos, vitaminas e micro-elementos foram administradas através de catéteres venosos centrais do tipo Broviac ou Hickman. No domicílio, as soluções foram administradas durante o período diurno ou noturno, segundo a preferência dos familiares. RESULTADOS: Em todos os casos verificou-se ganho ponderal, crescimento e desenvolvimento satisfatórios, semelhantes aos obtidos durante nutrição oral. Obstruções do cateter, alterações hepáticas e infecção devida ao cateter foram as complicações mais freqüentes. Sete crianças (37% sobreviveram e estão fora de tratamento. Doze crianças faleceram (dez com resecção total do intestino delgado, sendo 11 por complicações relacionadas à nutrição parenteral (nove por infecção sistêmica e dois por embolia pulmonar maciça e uma por complicação neurológica, dois meses após transplante duplo de intestino e fígado. CONCLUSÃO: A nutrição parenteral domiciliar em crianças com síndrome do intestino curto traz indiscutíveis benefícios, permite redução do período de internação hospitalar, tornando possível a adaptação funcional do intestino remanescente e manutenção do

  3. Impacto de un programa de atención domiciliaria al enfermo crónico en ancianos: calidad de vida y reingresos hospitalarios Impact of the program home care for the chronically ill for elderly: quality of life and hospital readmissions

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    María Claudia Espinel-Bermúdez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar el impacto del programa Atención Domiciliaria al Enfermo Crónico (ADEC comparado con la atención habitual (AH a ancianos con dependencia funcional, derechohabientes del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Cohorte prospectiva a tres meses a partir del egreso hospitalario en dos hospitales de la Ciudad de México. Se ingresaron 130 ancianos con dependencia funcional, 70 insertados al programa ADEC y 60 con atención habitual. Se midió impacto en reingresos hospitalarios y calidad de vida a partir de la escala Perfil de Impacto de la Enfermedad (SIP, por sus siglas en inglés. RESULTADOS: La edad promedio de los ancianos fue de 74 años (61/103 y 60% fueron mujeres. El principal diagnóstico fue enfermedad vascular cerebral (EVC (30.77%. El grupo de ADEC mejoró la calidad de vida en la dimensión psicosocial [46.26 (±13.85 comparado con 29.45 (±16.48 vs. 47.03 (±16.47 a 42.36 (±16.35 p0.05. CONCLUSIONES: El programa mejoró la dimensión psicosocial de calidad de vida.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the ADEC program (acronym in Spanish as compared with the typical care provided to disabled elderly affiliated with the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Prospective cohort at three months after discharge from two general hospitals in Mexico City. A total of 130 patients with functional dependency were studied, 70 in the ADEC program and 60 with typical care. Impact was measured using hospital readmissions and quality of life based on the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP. RESULTS: Average age was 74 (61/103 years and 60% were women. The main diagnosis was cerebrovascular disease (30.77%. The quality of life in the psychosocial dimension improved for the ADEC group (from 46.26 (±13.85 to 29.45(±16.48 as compared with 47.03 (±16.47 to 42.36 (±16.35 for those receiving typical care (p0.05. CONCLUSIONS: HC program improved the psychosocial dimension of quality of

  4. Pacientes assintomáticos apresentam infecção relacionada ao cateter venoso utilizado para terapia nutricional parenteral Asymptomatic patients present infection related to the central venous catheter used for total parenteral nutrition

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    Juliana Deh Carvalho Machado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência de infecção relacionada ao cateter venoso central em pacientes submetidos a terapia nutricional parenteral. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados os cateteres venosos centrais de pacientes em terapia nutricional parenteral que tiveram a indicação de retirada do cateter venoso central por infecção, alta hospitalar, ou trombose. Os pacientes com infecção foram denominados de Grupo 1 e os demais de Grupo 2. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quanto ao estado nutricional dos 18 pacientes analisados. Foram analisados 28 cateteres e destes 68% estavam infectados, sendo 72% do Grupo 1 e 28% do Grupo 2 (assintomáticos. No Grupo 1, houve infecção sistêmica em 70% dos casos, já no Grupo 2 a hemocultura foi positiva em 17% dos casos. A colonização por Staphylococcus sp. ocorreu em 48% dos casos, seguida de Candida sp. (21%, Enterococcus faecalis (16%, Pseudomonas aerurginosa (10% e Proteus sp.(5%. CONCLUSÃO: A contaminação de cateter venoso central utilizado para terapia nutricional parenteral é freqüente. Mesmo pacientes assintomáticos recebendo nutrição parenteral têm uma incidência maior de infecção por Candida sp. Portanto é necessária a criação de barreiras que impeçam a colonização destes cateteres venosos centrais, a fim de diminuir a morbimortalidade de pacientes dependentes deste tipo de terapia.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of central venous catheter-related infections in hospitalized patients receiving total parenteral nutrition. METHODS: Central venous catheters were analyzed immediately after removal due to infection, hospital discharge or thrombosis. The patients with catheter-related infection were named Group 1 and the other patients were named Group 2. RESULTS: Eighteen patients were studied. There was no statistically significant difference in nutritional status between the two groups. A total of 28 catheters were analyzed

  5. Alteration of lipid metabolism in rats with intestinal syndrome of raiation sickness in conditions of parenteral feeding with lipofundfin and infusolipol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stepanov, S.A.; Yusupova, I.U.; Grozdov, S.P.


    Local X-irradiation of rat abdomen (13.5 Gy) caused a pronounced intestinal syndrome which was partially coped with by parenteral feeding. The results indicate (1) a satisfactory assimilation of fatty emulsions used at certain doses and with certain parenteral diet composition, (2) a favourable effect of fatty emulsions on lipid metabolism in irradiated rats, and (3) some advantages of the parenteral feeding with infusolipol over lipofundin S

  6. Safety, cost, and clinical considerations for the use of premixed parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Hall, Jacob W


    Premixed parenteral nutrition (PN) can be used for PN therapy in place of traditional compounded or customized PN. Premixed PN may have a number of advantages over compounded PN such as decreased costs, decreased compounding time, reduced chance for error, and reduced incidence of bloodstream infections. However, premixed PN may not be appropriate for all patients and may have other additional costs associated with its use. This article discusses the data available with regard to the use of premixed PN, focusing on the potential advantages and disadvantages of using premixed PN, and also discusses the implementation of premixed PN in a large tertiary cancer center. © 2015 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.






  8. Surgery and transplantation – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 18

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    Holland-Cunz, S.


    Full Text Available In surgery, indications for artificial nutrition comprise prevention and treatment of catabolism and malnutrition. Thus in general, food intake should not be interrupted postoperatively and the re-establishing of oral (e.g. after anastomosis of the colon and rectum, kidney transplantation or enteral food intake (e.g. after an anastomosis in the upper gastrointestinal tract, liver transplantation is recommended within 24 h post surgery. To avoid increased mortality an indication for an immediate postoperatively artificial nutrition (enteral or parenteral nutrition (PN also exists in patients with no signs of malnutrition, but who will not receive oral food intake for more than 7 days perioperatively or whose oral food intake does not meet their needs (e.g. less than 60–80% for more than 14 days. In cases of absolute contraindication for enteral nutrition, there is an indication for total PN (TPN such as in chronic intestinal obstruction with a relevant passage obstruction e.g. a peritoneal carcinoma. If energy and nutrient requirements cannot be met by oral and enteral intake alone, a combination of enteral and parenteral nutrition is indicated. Delaying surgery for a systematic nutrition therapy (enteral and parenteral is only indicated if severe malnutrition is present. Preoperative nutrition therapy should preferably be conducted prior to hospital admission to lower the risk of nosocomial infections. The recommendations of early postoperative re-establishing oral feeding, generally apply also to paediatric patients. Standardised operative procedures should be established in order to guarantee an effective nutrition therapy.

  9. [Domiciliary parenteral antibiotic therapy: a prospective analysis of the last 12 years]. (United States)

    Peláez Cantero, M J; Madrid Rodríguez, A; Urda Cardona, A L; Jurado Ortiz, A


    Parenteral antibiotic treatment has been classically developed in hospitals and is considered as a hospital procedure. The development of Hospital at Home Units (HHU) has led to an increase in outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) in paediatrics patients. The objective of this study is to describe our experience, as an HHU integrated within a Paediatric Department, in home antimicrobial therapy over a period of 12 years. This prospective and descriptive study included every patient with a disease requiring parenteral antimicrobial therapy who was admitted to our HHU from January 2000 to December 2012. During the study there were 163 cases on OPAT. The mean age of the patients was 11.1 years, and the sample group was comprised of 33 males and 22 feamales. The main sources of the treated infections were respiratory tract (76%), catheter-related bloodstream (9.2%), and urinary tract infections (5.5%). Amikacin was the most widely used antibiotic. Almost all treatments (96.6%) were via an intravenous route. Catheter-associated complications were more common than drug-associated complications. Successful at-home treatment was observed in 90.2% of cases. OPAT is a good and safe alternative in many paediatric diseases. Copyright © 2013 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  10. Cost analysis of premixed multichamber bags versus compounded parenteral nutrition: breakeven point. (United States)

    Bozat, Erkut; Korubuk, Gamze; Onar, Pelin; Abbasoglu, Osman


    Industrially premixed multichamber bags or hospital-manufactured compounded products can be used for parenteral nutrition. The aim of this study was to compare the cost of these 2 approaches. Costs of compounded parenteral nutrition bags in an university hospital were calculated. A total of 600 bags that were administered during 34 days between December 10, 2009 and February 17, 2010 were included in the analysis. For quality control, specific gravity evaluation of the filled bags was performed. It was calculated that the variable cost of a hospital compounded bag was $26.15. If we take the annual fixed costs into consideration, the production cost reaches $36.09 for each unit. It was estimated that the cost for the corresponding multichamber bag was $37.79. Taking the fixed and the variable costs into account, the breakeven point of the hospital compounded and the premixed multichamber bags was seen at 5,404 units per year. In specific gravity evaluation, it was observed that the mean and interval values were inside the upper and lower control margins. In this analysis, usage of hospital-compounded parenteral nutrition bags showed a cost advantage in hospitals that treat more than 15 patients per day. In small volume hospitals, premixed multichamber bags may be more beneficial.

  11. Acute impact of home parenteral nutrition in patients with late-stage cancer on family caregivers: preliminary data. (United States)

    Santarpia, Lidia; Bozzetti, Federico


    Since there is no information regarding quality of life of caregivers assisting patients with advanced malignancy on home parenteral nutrition, herewith we report a preliminary series of 19 patients who received total parenteral nutrition at home under the strict supervision of their relatives. The relatives of 19 incurable patients with cancer-related cachexia, discharged from the hospital with a home parenteral nutrition program, were prospectively studied. They filled out a validated questionnaire, the Family Strain Questionnaire Short Form, prior to patient discharge and after 2 weeks of home care. The questionnaire included 30 items, which explored different domains regarding the superimposed burden on caregivers in relation to the assistance given to their relatives. Our findings show that the basal level of strain was relatively high (about three quarters of positive answers) but did not increase after 2 weeks of home care. Similarly, there was no difference in the nutritional status and quality of life of the patients. Eight patients and their relatives could be also analyzed after 2 months and the results maintained unchanged. This preliminary investigation shows that home parenteral nutrition does not exacerbate the level of strain on caregivers involved in surveillance of such a supportive intervention. It is possible that the perception of an active contribution to the benefit of patients, who maintained unchanged their nutritional status and quality of life, could gratify caregivers despite the objective burden in the constant supervision of administering Parenteral Nutrition.

  12. Home Parenteral Nutrition in Adult Patients With Chronic Intestinal Failure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Christopher Filtenborg; Tribler, Siri; Hvistendahl, Mark


    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Catheter-related complications (CRCs) cause mortality and morbidity in patients dependent on parenteral support at home (HPN) due to intestinal failure (IF). This study describes the incidences of CRCs in an adult IF cohort over 40 years. It illustrates the evolution and conseque...

  13. Behavioral and dermatologic changes and low serum zinc and copper concentrations in two premature infants after parenteral alimentation. (United States)

    Sivasubramanian, K N; Henkin, R I


    Two premature infants were observed to develop behavioral and dermatologic changes and low serum zinc and copper concentrations following cessation of prolonged parenteral alimentation, while being fed exclusively with human milk. Following treatment with exogenous oral zinc supplementation, prompt relief of symptoms and increases of serum zinc and copper concentrations were observed in both infants. These patients comprise about 5% of our premature infants who are treated with parenteral alimentation for more than two weeks. We recommend that premature infants on prolonged parenteral alimentation should be monitored for changes in serum zinc and copper concentrations and, if a marked fall is observed, supplementation should be considered.

  14. Results of home parenteral nutrition in patients with severe inflammatory bowel disease - an alternative for surgery of malnourished patients. (United States)

    Turkot, Maryla; Sobocki, Jacek


    In the world, the inflammatory bowel disease affects an increasing number of younger and younger patients, and in some of them parenteral nutrition is an alternative to high-risk surgical intervention due to advancement of the disease and malnutrition. The aim of the study was to assess the results of home parenteral nutrition in patients with severe bowel inflammatory disease, in whom surgical treatment is associated with high risk of complications. A retrospective analysis was conducted on 46 patients, who received home parenteral nutrition instead of another surgical intervention. The inclusion criteria included home parenteral nutrition and diagnosis of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Mean number of complications requiring hospital admission per patient was 1.76, the BMI increased by 4.3 on average [kg/m2]. During parenteral nutrition, the percentage of patients, in whom anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressant drugs were completely discontinued, was 17.4%. In the whole group, at least one immunosuppressive drug was discontinued in onefifth of patients. Mean albumin level increased by 2.4 g/L, lymphocyte count dropped by 474 lymphocytes/mm3, and leukocyte count increased by 747.6/mm3. The patients described their condition as good in 87%, and 7.4% of patients were able to work. Home parenteral nutrition positively affects patient's general condition by increasing BMI and normalizing biochemical test results. The results indicate the need to consider this method as an alternative to surgical intervention in severe bowel inflammatory disease with high perioperative risk, which could reduce the complication rate.

  15. Prevalencia de hemoptisis luego de la cura bacteriológica en pacientes dados de alta del Programa de Control de Tuberculosis del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia

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    Javier Antonio Aguilar Aragón


    Full Text Available La tuberculosis produce alteraciones estructurales y de función pulmonar que persisten pese a la cura bacteriológica (secuelas. La hemoptisis es frecuente y causa gran morbilidad y demanda a los servicios de salud. Objetivo: Con el propósito de conocer sus características epidemiológicas y sus factores de riesgo, se diseñó un estudio descriptivo, analítico, con metodología de cohorte única de casos en el Programa de Control de Tuberculosis (PCT, en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH entre enero de 1984 y diciembre de 1996. Material y Método : Se programó visitas domiciliarias evaluando 109. Se realizó una prueba de baciloscopía en los pacientes sintomáticos. Resultados: Hemoptisis estuvo presente en 15 casos (13.76%, de los cuales 7 experimentaron recaída bacteriológica. Todos los casos tuvieron baciloscopía negativa al momento de la encuesta. Se encontró mayor frecuencia en varones (p = 0.0017 RR = 10.61 y en el grupo etáreo < 28 años (p = 0.022 RR = 2.92. Se tuvo mayor incidencia en el primer y cuarto año luego del alta. Doce casos (80% aparecieron en los primeros tres años. Ningún factor previo al diagnóstico se asoció con hemoptisis luego del alta. Esputo hemoptoico en el cuadro inicial de tuberculosis se asoció con la presencia de hemoptisis luego del alta (p = 0.036 RR = 2.75. Hemoptisis fue estadísticamente más frecuente en pacientes que persisten sintomáticos luego del alta (tos y expectoración crónicas y ataques de sibilancias y disnea. Se observó una fuerte asociación entre recaída bacteriológica y presencia de hemoptisis luego del alta (p < 0.0001 RR = 7.8. Conclusiones: En pacientes dados de alta del PCT del HNCH, la prevalencia de hemoptisis es 13.76%, teniendo más riesgo los varones, el grupo etáreo menor de 28 años, los pacientes que presentan esputo hemoptoico en el cuadro inicial de tuberculosis, los que permanecen sintomáticos luego del alta y los que experimentan al menos un

  16. Use of parenteral glucocorticoids and the risk of new onset type 2 diabetes mellitus : A case-control study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keyany, Ala; Nielen, Johannes T H; Souverein, Patrick C.; de Vries, Frank; van den Bemt, Bart


    Background: Use of oral glucocorticoids (GCs) has been associated with hyperglycaemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). However, unlike oral GCs, there is minimal or no data on the effect of parenteral GC use on T2DM. Objective: To assess the association between use of parenteral GCs and the risk

  17. Lipid emulsions in parenteral nutrition: does one size fits all ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dietary lipids significantly contribute to preserve the efficiency of human metabolism and restore it during disease. Therefore, in the absence of absolute contraindications, it would not appear reasonable to exclude lipid emulsions when prescribing parenteral nutrition (PN). The metabolic role of lipids has been elucidated, ...

  18. El sistema de salud del Canadá y su financiamiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Xavier Solórzano


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo es el fruto de una breve visita realizada en 1993 a los servicios de salud de Canadá como parte del Programa de Formación en Salud Internacional de la OPS, y de un subsiguiente ejercicio de investigación, discusión y análisis. No pretende en modo alguno ser exhaustivo, sino más bien aproximarse a uno de los aspectos relevantes del sistema: su financiamiento. El objetivo central es identificar algunas de las virtudes y limitaciones de un sistema de salud que se considera de los más eficientes, efectivos y equitativos del mundo. A pesar de que el gobierno federal y los gobiernos provinciales financian el sistema de salud canadiense, la contención de costos es una preocupación constante, ya que factores como el uso creciente de tecnologías de alta complejidad, la atención hospitalaria y el tratamiento prolongado de las enfermedades crónicas y degenerativas contribuyen a aumentar los costos. La progresiva reducción del presupuesto federal ha llevado a un uso más eficiente de los recursos y a la racionalización de la capacidad instalada. Asimismo, la relativa sencillez con que funciona el sistema ha permitido mantener bajos los costos administrativos. Además, se han ideado otras formas de atención, como los centros locales de atención comunitaria, la atención domiciliaria y en asilos para promover la autosuficiencia en la medida de lo posible, y el uso de personal voluntario, para controlar parcialmente el incremento de los costos. La participación de la población en la planificación de los servicios de salud y en la toma de decisiones le permite orientar su desarrollo. Dada la situación actual, resulta imprescindible, sin embargo, modificar el sistema para adecuarlo a los desafíos planteados por el siglo XXI.

  19. Instrumento para a abordagem psicossocial do indivíduo e da família na assistência domiciliar: condições de aplicabilidade Instrumento para el abordaje psicosocial del indivíduo y familia en la asistencia domiciliaria: las condiciones de aplicabilidad Psychosocial instrument to approach person and family in home care: conditions of applicability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vilanice Alves de Araújo Püschel


    Full Text Available Na Assistência Domiciliar (AD, o modelo clínico e hospitalar tem sido hegemônico. A abordagem psicossocial mostra-se necessária para os problemas identificados no âmbito domiciliar. Este artigo tem como objetivos: apresentar um instrumento de abordagem psicossocial do indivíduo e da família na assistência domiciliar e mostrar as condições de aplicabilidade do modelo psicossocial no domicílio, a partir da utilização desse instrumento. Esse instrumento foi aplicado pelas participantes de um curso de capacitação para a AD numa abordagem psicossocial, em pessoas doentes e familiares que estavam recebendo o cuidado no domicílio. Verificou-se que este é viável, porém à onipotência própria da clínica se sobrepõe uma impotência quase absoluta de raciocínio clínico-psicossocial. Há necessidade de validação desse instrumento e da composição de um campo de pesquisa significativo para a qualificação do ensino e da prática assistencial na AD.En la asistencia domiciliaria (AD el modelo clínico y hospitalario ha sido hegemónico. El abordaje psicosocial muestra que es necesario para los problemas identificados en el ámbito domiciliario. Este artículo tiene como objetivos: presentar un instrumento de abordaje psicosocial al individuo y a la familia en la asistencia domiciliaria y mostrar las condiciones de aplicabilidad del modelo psicosocial en el domicilio a partir de la utilización de ese instrumento. El instrumento fue aplicado, por las participantes de un curso de capacitación para la AD con abordaje psicosocial, en personas enfermas y familiares que estaban recibiendo el cuidado en el domicilio. Se verificó que éste es viable, sin embargo la omnipotencia propia de la clínica se sobrepone a una impotencia casi absoluta de raciocinio clínico-psicosocial. Hay necesidad de validar el instrumento y de la composición de un campo de investigación significativo para la calificación de la enseñanza y de la pr

  20. Management of Ready-to-Use Parenteral Nutrition in Newborns: Systematic Review. (United States)

    Mena, Karen Daniela Romero; Espitia, Olga Lucia Pinzón; Vergara, José Alejandro Daza


    Parenteral support has increased the possibility of neonatal recovery. However, complications associated with its use have been documented. One commercial method developed to decrease the complications of this type of support is the ready-to-use parenteral nutrition (PN), a 3-chamber bag that provides a complete nutrient mix. This systematic review seeks, through the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses methodology, to establish the benefits in newborns. Seven databases and gray literature were used. The search was limited to publications from 2007-2017 and to articles written in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria and studies with low quality evaluated with the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network guidelines, which were without information about the study or analytical methods, were excluded. A total of 24,193 articles were obtained, which were initially evaluated by title and abstract according to the inclusion criteria. A total of 24,167 articles were discarded, obtaining 27 eligible for follow-up evaluation. After a detailed evaluation of the full text, 13 articles were selected. It was found that ready-to-use PN has the potential benefit to reduce the risks for infections, provide an adequate supply of nutrients, generate growth within the expected range, provide ease of use, decrease prescription errors, and potentially reduce costs. It is necessary to evaluate the short- and long-term impact of its use. © 2018 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  1. Comparison of the effects of enteral feeding with continuous and intermittent parenteral nutrition on hepatic triglyceride secretion in human beings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isabel-Martinez, L.; Skinner, C.; Parkin, A.; Hall, R.I.


    Plasma triglyceride turnover was measured during steady-state conditions in 22 postoperative patients. Nine had received nutritional support with an enteral regimen, seven had received an equivalent regimen as continuous parenteral nutrition, and six received the same parenteral regimen as a cyclical infusion. After 5 days of nutritional support, each patient received an intravenous bolus of tritiated glycerol. Plasma radiolabeled triglyceride content was measured during the subsequent 24 hours. The data were analyzed by means of a simple deterministic model of plasma triglyceride kinetics and compared with the results obtained by stochastic analysis. The rates of hepatic triglyceride secretion obtained by deterministic analysis were higher than those obtained by the stochastic approach. However, the mode of delivery of the nutritional regimen did not affect the rate of hepatic triglyceride secretion regardless of the method of analysis. The results suggest that neither complete nutritional bypass of the gastrointestinal tract nor interruption of parenteral nutrition in an attempt to mimic normal eating has any effect on hepatic triglyceride secretion. Any beneficial effect that enteral feeding or cyclical parenteral nutrition may have on liver dysfunction associated with standard parenteral nutrition appears to be unrelated to changes in hepatic triglyceride secretion

  2. Hepatology – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 16

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Plauth, M.


    Full Text Available Parenteral nutrition (PN is indicated in alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH and in cirrhotic patients with moderate or severe malnutrition. PN should be started immediately when sufficientl oral or enteral feeding is not possible. ASH and cirrhosis patients who can be sufficiently fed either orally or enterally, but who have to abstain from food over a period of more than 12 hours (including nocturnal fasting should receive basal glucose infusion (2–3 g/kg/d. Total PN is required if such fasting periods last longer than 72 h. PN in patients with higher-grade hepatic encephalopathy (HE; particularly in HE IV° with malfunction of swallowing and cough reflexes, and unprotected airways. Cirrhotic patients or patients after liver transplantation should receive early postoperative PN after surgery if they cannot be sufficiently rally or enterally nourished. No recommendation can be made on donor or organ conditioning by parenteral administration of glutamine and arginine, aiming at minimising ischemia/reperfusion damage. In acute liver failure artificial nutrition should be considered irrespective of the nutritional state and should be commenced when oral nutrition cannot be restarted within 5 to 7 days. Whenever feasible, enteral nutrition should be administered via a nasoduodenal feeding tube.

  3. Characteristics of medication errors with parenteral cytotoxic drugs


    Fyhr, A; Akselsson, R


    Errors involving cytotoxic drugs have the potential of being fatal and should therefore be prevented. The objective of this article is to identify the characteristics of medication errors involving parenteral cytotoxic drugs in Sweden. A total of 60 cases reported to the national error reporting systems from 1996 to 2008 were reviewed. Classification was made to identify cytotoxic drugs involved, type of error, where the error occurred, error detection mechanism, and consequences for the pati...

  4. El soporte nutrimental y su relación con algunos indicadores pronósticos del niño quemado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Torres Amaro


    Full Text Available Introducción: las quemaduras constituyen una de las principales causas de accidentes en el niño. El tamaño de estas y el estado hipercatabólico son determinantes de la dinámica del tratamiento y la supervivencia del niño con grandes quemaduras. Objetivo: buscar la posible relación entre el soporte nutrimental establecido en las primeras horas después de la reanimación, y algunos indicadores pronósticos en niños quemados. Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, de carácter analítico, que incluyó a 252 niños que tuvieron un ingreso en el servicio de quemados del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "Juan Manuel Márquez"de Marianao, en La Habana, con estadía superior a los 7 días, durante el decenio 2000-2009. A partir de la auditoría de las historias clínicas se obtuvieron los indicadores siguientes del pronóstico del niño quemado: superficie corporal quemada, tiempo de estadía, por ciento de pérdida de peso y mortalidad. De la misma forma se obtuvo la información acerca del tipo de soporte nutrimental metabólico empleado durante el tratamiento. Resultados: el tipo de soporte nutrimental metabólico más empleado fue el mixto, en el que se combinan las modalidades enteral y parenteral periférica, que abarcó al 52 % de los pacientes tratados. Los niños con menor por ciento de pérdida de peso (inferior al 10 % recibieron la forma enteral exclusiva (53,1 % de los casos tratados; en el 37,4 % el soporte fue mixto, pero usando la modalidad periférica de uso parenteral. Conclusiones: la estrategia nutrimental empleada en el niño quemado puede modificar algunos indicadores del pronóstico y debe ser una prioridad terapéutica para prevenir el deterioro clínico de estos pacientes.

  5. Comparison between Total Parenteral Nutrition Vs. Partial Parenteral Nutrition on Serum Lipids Among Chronic Ventilator Dependent Patients; A Multi Center Study. (United States)

    Radpay, Rojan; Poor Zamany Nejat Kermany, Mahtab; Radpay, Badiozaman


    Malnutrition is very common among chronically hospitalized patients, especially those in the intensive care unit (ICU). Identifying the patients at risk and providing suitable nutritional support can prevent and/or overcome malnutrition in them. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and partial parenteral nutrition (PPN) are two common routes to deliver nutrition to hospitalized patients. We conducted a multicenter, prospective double blind randomized controlled trial to evaluate the benefits and compare their adverse effects of each method. 97 patients were enrolled and divided into two groups based on the inclusion criteria. Serum protein, serum albumin, serum transferrin, and total lymphocyte count were measured on days 7 and 14. We did not find any statistically significant differences in clinical status or laboratory values between the two groups but there were significant improvements in measured lab values between days 7 and 14 (pnutritional status in each groups. This study shows that both TPN and PPN can be used safely in chronic ICU patients to provide nutritional support and prevent catabolic state among chronic critically ill patients. We need to develop precise selection criteria in order to choose the patients who would benefit the most from TPN and PPN. In addition, appropriate laboratory markers are needed to monitor the metabolic requirements of the patients and assess their progress.

  6. An Overview of Chitosan Nanoparticles and Its Application in Non-Parenteral Drug Delivery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Munawar A. Mohammed


    Full Text Available The focus of this review is to provide an overview of the chitosan based nanoparticles for various non-parenteral applications and also to put a spotlight on current research including sustained release and mucoadhesive chitosan dosage forms. Chitosan is a biodegradable, biocompatible polymer regarded as safe for human dietary use and approved for wound dressing applications. Chitosan has been used as a carrier in polymeric nanoparticles for drug delivery through various routes of administration. Chitosan has chemical functional groups that can be modified to achieve specific goals, making it a polymer with a tremendous range of potential applications. Nanoparticles (NP prepared with chitosan and chitosan derivatives typically possess a positive surface charge and mucoadhesive properties such that can adhere to mucus membranes and release the drug payload in a sustained release manner. Chitosan-based NP have various applications in non-parenteral drug delivery for the treatment of cancer, gastrointestinal diseases, pulmonary diseases, drug delivery to the brain and ocular infections which will be exemplified in this review. Chitosan shows low toxicity both in vitro and some in vivo models. This review explores recent research on chitosan based NP for non-parenteral drug delivery, chitosan properties, modification, toxicity, pharmacokinetics and preclinical studies.

  7. [Indication and effectiveness of endoscopic percutaneous gastrostomy as a route of parenteral alimentation for the home care patient]. (United States)

    Ueda, T; Hida, S; Higasa, K; Shinomiya, S; Matsumoto, T; Fukuoka, K; Yamanaka, E; Ozaki, S; Takayama, E


    We are managing 8 home care patients who have a gastrostomy made using an endoscopic percutaneous technique as a route of parenteral alimentation. Based on our experience, the preconditions for an endoscopic percutaneous gastrostomy as a route of parenteral alimentation are 1. normal gastrointestinal function, 2. difficulty in swallowing, 3. possibility that the caregiver can manage the gastrostomy. When we performed an endoscopic percutaneous gastrostomy as a route of parenteral alimentation for 8 home care patients, we obtained the several advantages mentioned below. 1. Swallowing pneumonia was prevented. 2. Adequate amount of alimental liquid could be infused. 3. Patient could take a bath or shower with the gastrostomy, and good QOL was realized. 4. The home care patient with the gastrostomy could have a satisfactorily long life.

  8. Recent developments in protein and peptide parenteral delivery approaches (United States)

    Patel, Ashaben; Cholkar, Kishore; Mitra, Ashim K


    Discovery of insulin in the early 1900s initiated the research and development to improve the means of therapeutic protein delivery in patients. In the past decade, great emphasis has been placed on bringing protein and peptide therapeutics to market. Despite tremendous efforts, parenteral delivery still remains the major mode of administration for protein and peptide therapeutics. Other routes such as oral, nasal, pulmonary and buccal are considered more opportunistic rather than routine application. Improving biological half-life, stability and therapeutic efficacy is central to protein and peptide delivery. Several approaches have been tried in the past to improve protein and peptide in vitro/in vivo stability and performance. Approaches may be broadly categorized as chemical modification and colloidal delivery systems. In this review we have discussed various chemical approaches such as PEGylation, hyperglycosylation, mannosylation, and colloidal carriers including microparticles, nanoparticles, liposomes, carbon nanotubes and micelles for improving protein and peptide delivery. Recent developments on in situ thermosensitive gel-based protein and peptide delivery have also been described. This review summarizes recent developments on some currently existing approaches to improve stability, bioavailability and bioactivity of peptide and protein therapeutics following parenteral administration. PMID:24592957

  9. Alterations in pentobarbital pharmacokinetics in response to parenteral and enteral alimentation in the rat. (United States)

    Knodell, R G; Spector, M H; Brooks, D A; Keller, F X; Kyner, W T


    Recent in vitro observations suggest that the intestine, in addition to the liver, may be an important organ of first-pass drug metabolism. While a variety of changes in intestinal morphology and function in response to continuous parenteral and enteral nutrition have been documented, the effect of different routes of alimentation on intestinal drug metabolism has not been previously investigated. Objectives of this study were to assess the contribution of intestinal pentobarbital metabolism to overall in vivo pentobarbital pharmacokinetics in the rat and to determine if differences in pentobarbital pharmacokinetics were seen between parenterally and enterally nourished animals. After 7 days of continuous infusion of amino acid-glucose mixture via a gastric or jugular vein catheter, pharmacokinetic parameters were determined after 40 mg/kg of pentobarbital was given orally or into the portal or femoral vein. Reduced systemic availability of pentobarbital after oral administration as compared to portal vein injection was seen in both alimentation groups indicating that significant intestinal metabolism of pentobarbital occurred in vivo. Total area under the pentobarbital plasma concentration-time curve was significantly greater in parenterally nourished animals as compared with enterally alimented animals after oral, portal vein and systemic vein drug administration. Differences in pentobarbital, pharmacokinetics between the two alimentation groups appeared to be primarly due to effects on hepatic pentobarbital metabolism. While the mechanism producing these changes has not been defined, differences in gut hormones release and/or pancreatic secretion in response to the two routes of alimentation may be contributory. The widespread use of enteral and parenteral alimentation in clinical medicine suggests that studies to determine if nutrition route of administration similarly influences drug metabolism in humans may be indicated.

  10. Representações sociais do cuidado de doentes terminais no domicílio: o olhar do cuidador familiar

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    Stefanie Griebeler Oliveira


    Full Text Available Objetivo: conocer las representaciones sociales construidas por los cuidadores familiares de pacientes terminales sobre el cuidado en el domicilio. Método: estudio cualitativo con once cuidadores familiares de enfermos terminales, registrados en el servicio de internación domiciliaria de un hospital universitario del sur de Brasil. Realizaron entrevistas narrativas, analizadas por medio del análisis de contenido. Se definieron cuatro categorías: cuidadores hombres y mujeres, una visión diferente; la inversión de roles y los cambios en el cuidado; experiencias como fuente de conocimiento para el cuidado en el hogar; y desafíos del cuidado. Resultados: para los cuidadores hombres, las representaciones difieren de las de las mujeres debido a que el cuidado incluye su entorno. Los hombres no atribuyen la angustia a la sobrecarga, pero sí al temor de perder un ser. Otras representaciones remiten a la imposibilidad de elección para asumir el papel de cuidador y a la inversión de roles, lo que vuelve al paciente sometido al cuidador. Conclusión: esta investigación permitió conocer cómo los cuidadores familiares construyen los significados e interpretan el cuidado que realizan en el domicilio por medio del Programa de Hospitalización Domiciliaria. Se destaca la función de los profesionales de la salud en orientar al cuidador familiar para realizar el cuidado.

  11. Validation of the aseptic filling at the Parenteral Products Plant 3 in BioCen

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    Marisol Álvarez-González


    Full Text Available As part of the continuous improvement process, a new parenterals production plant (PPP3 was constructed at the National Center for Bioproducts. The validation of the aseptic filling process is a key element to carry out before manufacturing products. Therefore, the aim of this work was to obtain documented evidence that all the operations were carried out according the regulations of Good Manufacturing Practices for liquid and lyophilized sterile products during the aseptic filling at the Parenterals Product Plant 3. The study was designed for lyophilized products connected to the manifold of the peristaltic pump and to the four rotary piston pumps. Besides, during the filling operation four interventions were planned. The validation was carried out with three consecutive batches of media fill. In the first processed lot no vial was contaminated, but in the second and third lots there was one contaminated vial. For that reason, an investigation was performed in order to know the cause of the contamination. Finally, with this wok the validated condition was obtained, following the regulations of Good Manufacturing Practices for sterile liquids and lyophilizes products during the aseptic filling process at the Parenterals Products Plant 3.

  12. Continuous parenteral and enteral nutrition induces metabolic dysfunction in neonatal pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stoll, Barbara; Puiman, Patrycja Jolanta; Cui, Liwei


    We previously showed that parenteral nutrition (PN) compared with formula feeding results in hepatic insulin resistance and steatosis in neonatal pigs. The current aim was to test whether the route of feeding (intravenous [IV] vs enteral) rather than other feeding modalities (diet, pattern) had...

  13. The prognosis of incurable cachectic cancer patients on home parenteral nutrition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bozzetti, F; Santarpia, L; Pironi, L


    BACKGROUND: The role of home parenteral nutrition (HPN) in incurable cachectic cancer patients unable to eat is extremely controversial. The aim of this study is to analyse which factors can influence the outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We studied prospectively 414 incurable cachectic (sub)obstruc...

  14. Administración oral de preparado parenteral de vitamina K en anticoagulación excesiva por warfarina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoleima Lozada


    Full Text Available La warfarina es frecuentemente usada en la terapia anticoagulante actual, su acción debe ser monitorizada usando el tiempo de protrombina expresado como International Normalized Ratio (INR; cuando se excede el rango de seguridad se puede administrar vitamina K (Vit-K, preferentemente por vía oral. Dicha presentación no está disponible en Venezuela. Se realizó un ensayo clínico, doble ciego, donde a 20 pacientes, edad 18-60 años, sin sangrado e INR inicial de 6 a 10 inclusive; les fue suspendida la warfarina e inmediatamente agrupados al azar a recibir dosis única de Vit-K (oral 1.25mg de Vit-K fraccionada de una presentación parenteral o placebo. El punto final primario, INR < 3.5 a las 24 horas de administrar la dosis, se alcanzó en 70% de los pacientes en Vit-K y 20% en placebo. La reducción absoluta del riesgo y su intervalo de confianza de 95%: RAR (IC95% = 50% (14.4 a 85.6 ρ = 0.028; NNT (IC95% = 2(1.3 a 6.9; no se registraron eventos adversos, ni INR < 2 luego de 24 horas de tratamiento. Los resultados obtenidos son consistentes con estudios donde se administró Vit-K en preparación específica para vía oral. Así la Vit-K en presentación parenteral, administrada por vía oral, es más efectiva y segura que simplemente detener la administración de warfarina para revertir la excesiva anticoagulación, en donde no exista presentación específica oral de Vit-K o ésta sea muy costosa.

  15. Nutrition quality control in the prescription and administration of parenteral nutrition therapy for hospitalized patients. (United States)

    Shiroma, Glaucia Midori; Horie, Lilian Mika; Castro, Melina Gouveia; Martins, Juliana R; Bittencourt, Amanda F; Logullo, Luciana; Teixeira da Silva, Maria de Lourdes; Waitzberg, Dan L


    Nutrition quality control in parenteral nutrition therapy (PNT) allows the identification of inadequate processes in parenteral nutrition (PN). The objective of this study was to assess the quality of PNT at a hospital with an established nutrition support team (NST). This observational, longitudinal, analytical, and prospective study examined 100 hospitalized PNT adult patients under the care of an NST for 21 days or until death/hospital discharge. The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) 2007 guidelines for PNT prescription were followed. PNT indications were not in accordance with the A.S.P.E.N. 2007 guidelines in 15 patients. Among the remaining 85 patients, 48 (56.5%) did not receive adequate PNT (≥80% of the total volume prescribed). Non-NST medical orders, progression to and from enteral nutrition, changes in the central venous catheter, unknown causes, and operational errors (eg, medical prescription loss, PN nondelivery, pharmacy delays, inadequate PN bag temperature) were associated with PNT inadequacy (P nutrition therapy related to estimated energy expenditure and protein requirements and glycemia levels reached the expected targets; however, the central venous catheter infection rate was higher than 6 per 1000 catheters/d and did not meet the expected targets. Despite an established NST, there was a moderate level of PNT inadequacy in indications, administration, and monitoring. It is important to establish periodic meetings among different health professionals who prescribe and deliver PNT to define responsibilities and protocols. © 2015 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  16. Parenteral nutrition in radiation therapy and combined treatment of patients with esophageal cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sudzhyan, A.V.; Buzovkina, L.P.; Biletov, B.V.; Breusenko, E.Ya.; Krasnova, A.I.; Tsaryuk, V.F.


    Results obtained while studying 165 patients with esophageal cancer are presented. It is shown that radiation therapy and combined treatment result in the body mass loss, in the increase of katabolic processes in organism, in the negative nitrogen balance. Weaken patients, being under starvation conditions, are subjected more often to reaction changes and complications developing during the treatment. A comparison characteristics of two methods providing the organism with nutrition is given, i.e. gastrostomy and parenteral nutrition. Shown is the advantage of the adequate parenteral nutrition preventing the appearence of reaction changes and complications, improving the subjective state of patients, homeostasis indices, promoting the elimination of esophagitis phenomena, general radiation response and reaction to chemical preparations; resulting in the increase of quantity of leucocytes at leukopenia

  17. Recent advances in polymeric microspheres for parenteral drug delivery--part 1. (United States)

    Mao, Shirui; Guo, Chunqiang; Shi, Yi; Li, Luk Chiu


    Polymeric microspheres have been established as a valuable parenteral drug delivery system for sustained release of therapeutic agents via subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. Biodegradable polymers which are either synthetic or from natural sources are reviewed with respect to recent advances in exploring their applications for microsphere fabrications. New information on the impact of formulation variables on the properties of microspheres formed by an emulsion method was also presented. The characterization of microspheres using advanced physical analytical techniques was also reviewed and the utilization of the information in assessing in vivo performance of the product was also highlighted. The broad clinical use of microspheres for delivery of therapeutic agents in particular biologics such as proteins has not been realized commercially. The limited availability of biodegradable polymers with a long history of regulatory approval and the challenges in gaining regulatory approval of a new polymer have hindered the development of microspheres for parenteral drug delivery.

  18. Supplemental parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients: a study protocol for a phase II randomised controlled trial. (United States)

    Ridley, Emma J; Davies, Andrew R; Parke, Rachael; Bailey, Michael; McArthur, Colin; Gillanders, Lyn; Cooper, David J; McGuinness, Shay


    Nutrition is one of the fundamentals of care provided to critically ill adults. The volume of enteral nutrition received, however, is often much less than prescribed due to multiple functional and process issues. To deliver the prescribed volume and correct the energy deficit associated with enteral nutrition alone, parenteral nutrition can be used in combination (termed "supplemental parenteral nutrition"), but benefits of this method have not been firmly established. A multi-centre, randomised, clinical trial is currently underway to determine if prescribed energy requirements can be provided to critically ill patients by using a supplemental parenteral nutrition strategy in the critically ill. This prospective, multi-centre, randomised, stratified, parallel-group, controlled, phase II trial aims to determine whether a supplemental parenteral nutrition strategy will reliably and safely increase energy intake when compared to usual care. The study will be conducted for 100 critically ill adults with at least one organ system failure and evidence of insufficient enteral intake from six intensive care units in Australia and New Zealand. Enrolled patients will be allocated to either a supplemental parenteral nutrition strategy for 7 days post randomisation or to usual care with enteral nutrition. The primary outcome will be the average energy amount delivered from nutrition therapy over the first 7 days of the study period. Secondary outcomes include protein delivery for 7 days post randomisation; total energy and protein delivery, antibiotic use and organ failure rates (up to 28 days); duration of ventilation, length of intensive care unit and hospital stay. At both intensive care unit and hospital discharge strength and health-related quality of life assessments will be undertaken. Study participants will be followed up for health-related quality of life, resource utilisation and survival at 90 and 180 days post randomisation (unless death occurs first). This trial

  19. Influencia de la consulta de enfermedad renal crónica avanzada en la elección de modalidad de terapia renal sustitutiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Caro Domínguez

    Full Text Available Introducción: La enfermedad renal crónica constituye un problema de salud pública por su elevada incidencia y prevalencia, importante morbimortalidad y coste asistencial. Un aspecto fundamental para el paciente es la elección de modalidad de terapia sustitutiva renal. En este sentido, la consulta de enfermedad renal crónica avanzada o prediálisis, puede jugar un papel fundamental. Objetivo: Conocer producción científica sobre la influencia de la consulta de enfermedad renal crónica avanzada en la elección de modalidad de diálisis por parte del paciente. Metodología: Revisión bibliográfica para la que se realizaron búsquedas en las bases de datos de PubMed, Scielo, Science Direct, Proquest y Google Académico. Se analizaron los artículos que trataban la consulta prediálisis, variables que influyeran en la elección de modalidad de diálisis y satisfacción del paciente. Resultados: Se han revisado 25 artículos publicados en los años 2002-2014, de diseño observacional descriptivo y de cohortes. Se ha encontrado relación en la elección de las técnicas domiciliarias con la existencia de un programa de educación prediálisis, la información que ofrece enfermería, la entrada programada en diálisis, menor edad, menor comorbilidad y factores socioeconómicos o estructurales. Conclusion: Los factores que favorecen la elección de las técnicas de diálisis domiciliarias son la existencia de consulta de enfermedad renal crónica avanzada y la referencia oportuna del paciente a dicha consulta, ser joven, menor comorbilidad y la necesidad de contención de costes. Esta elección se ve perjudicada por factores estructurales. Las terapias domiciliarias producen mayor satisfacción en los pacientes.

  20. Essential fatty acid deficiency in patients receiving home parenteral nutrition 1,2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, P. B.; Høy, Carl-Erik; Mortensen, Per B


    Home parenteral nutrition (HPN), initiated in patients with severe malabsorption or decreased oral intake, may exhaust stores of essential fatty acids and cause clinical manifestations, mainly dermatitis. Plasma fatty acid profiles were measured by gas-liquid chromatography in 37 healthy control...

  1. Paracoccidioidomicose subaguda progressiva: tratamento de um doente com anfotericina B e nutrição parenteral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Camara Marques Pereira


    Full Text Available Os Autores descrevem um caso de paracoccidioidomicose subaguda progressiva, com quadro clínico sugestivo de síndrome de má absorção, em que o doente não se beneficiara apenas com o tratamento antifúngico convencional. Ao se introduzir como medida auxiliar a nutrição parenteral houve evidente melhora clínica e laboratorial. Desta maneira os Autores propõe o uso associado da nutrição parenteral no tratamento de doentes com esta forma clínica de paracoccidioidomicose.

  2. Independence From Parenteral Nutrition and Intravenous Fluid Support During Treatment With Teduglutide Among Patients With Intestinal Failure Associated With Short Bowel Syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iyer, Kishore R; Kunecki, Marek; Boullata, Joseph I


    BACKGROUND: In phase III clinical studies, treatment with teduglutide was associated with clinically meaningful reductions (≥20% from baseline) in parenteral support (PS; parenteral nutrition and/or intravenous fluids) requirements in adult patients with intestinal failure associated with short...

  3. Cost of goods sold and total cost of delivery for oral and parenteral vaccine packaging formats. (United States)

    Sedita, Jeff; Perrella, Stefanie; Morio, Matt; Berbari, Michael; Hsu, Jui-Shan; Saxon, Eugene; Jarrahian, Courtney; Rein-Weston, Annie; Zehrung, Darin


    Despite limitations of glass packaging for vaccines, the industry has been slow to implement alternative formats. Polymer containers may address many of these limitations, such as breakage and delamination. However, the ability of polymer containers to achieve cost of goods sold (COGS) and total cost of delivery (TCOD) competitive with that of glass containers is unclear, especially for cost-sensitive low- and lower-middle-income countries. COGS and TCOD models for oral and parenteral vaccine packaging formats were developed based on information from subject matter experts, published literature, and Kenya's comprehensive multiyear plan for immunization. Rotavirus and inactivated poliovirus vaccines (IPV) were used as representative examples of oral and parenteral vaccines, respectively. Packaging technologies evaluated included glass vials, blow-fill-seal (BFS) containers, preformed polymer containers, and compact prefilled auto-disable (CPAD) devices in both BFS and preformed formats. For oral vaccine packaging, BFS multi-monodose (MMD) ampoules were the least expensive format, with a COGS of $0.12 per dose. In comparison, oral single-dose glass vials had a COGS of $0.40. BFS MMD ampoules had the lowest TCOD of oral vaccine containers at $1.19 per dose delivered, and ten-dose glass vials had a TCOD of $1.61 per dose delivered. For parenteral vaccines, the lowest COGS was achieved with ten-dose glass vials at $0.22 per dose. In contrast, preformed CPAD devices had the highest COGS at $0.60 per dose. Ten-dose glass vials achieved the lowest TCOD of the parenteral vaccine formats at $1.56 per dose delivered. Of the polymer containers for parenteral vaccines, BFS MMD ampoules achieved the lowest TCOD at $1.89 per dose delivered, whereas preformed CPAD devices remained the most expensive format, at $2.25 per dose delivered. Given their potential to address the limitations of glass and reduce COGS and TCOD, polymer containers deserve further consideration as alternative

  4. Third-Generation Fatty Emulsions as Part of Parenteral Feeding in Operated Cancer Patients

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    S. V. Lomidze


    Full Text Available Objective: to study the efficacy of third- versus secondary-generation fatty emulsions as part of parenteral nutrition in patients operated on for gastric cancer. Subjects and methods. Envelope randomization was used to make up two groups, each comprising 10 patients, operated on for gastric cancer in the scope of gastrectomy. A control group received parenteral nutrition having the following components: Lipofundin MST/LST 20%, (500 ml daily + Nutriflex 48/150 (B. Braun (1000 ml daily, 1744 kcal/day. The study group patients were given Lipoplus 20% (500 ml daily + Nutriflex 48/150 (1000 ml daily, 1745 kcal/day. Parenteral nutrition was used on postoperative days 1 to 5. Results. Nutritional status evaluation revealed a significant increase in the concentration of total protein and albumin in the control and study group patients on postoperative day 6. The use of both second- and third-generation fatty emulsions caused a significant increase in the concentration of triglycerides on day 6 after surgery; no differences were found between the groups. On day 6 following surgery, there was a significant decrease in IL-4 in both groups (p<0.05. At the same time the Lipofundin MST/LST group showed a significantly lower concentration of IL-4 than did the study group (p<0.05. After termination of a parenteral nutrition course, the study and control groups showed a significant decrease in one of the major pro-inflammatory cytokines — IL-6. Conclusion. In the study group, the serum anti-inflammatory activity of IL-4 was more evident than that in the control group and the proinflammatory activity (IL-6 concentration decreased, which can support that as compared with the second-generation fatty emulsions, third-generation ones with a balanced omega 3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio (1:2.7 had a normalizing effect on systemic inflammatory processes and cytokine balance with increased anti-inflammatory and reduced proinflammatory activities. Key words: third

  5. Transition from parenteral to enteral nutrition induces immediate diet-dependent gut histological and immunological responses in preterm neonates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Siggers, Jayda; Sangild, Per T.; Jensen, Tim Kåre


    bacterial groups (Clostridium, Enterococcus, Streptococcus species) increased with time. We conclude that a switch from parenteral to enteral nutrition rapidly induces diet-dependent histopathological, functional, and proinflammatory insults to the immature intestine. Great care is required when introducing......-six preterm pigs were fed total parenteral nutrition (TPN) for 48 h followed by enteral feeding for 0, 8, 17, or 34 h with either colostrum (Colos, n = 20) or formula (Form, n = 31). Macroscopic NEC lesions were detected in Form pigs throughout the enteral feeding period (20/31, 65%), whereas most Colos pigs...... no histopathological lesions, increased maltase activity, and induced changes in gene expressions related to tissue development. Total bacterial density was high after 2 days of parenteral feeding and was not significantly affected by diet (colostrum, formula) or length of enteral feeding (8–34 h), except that a few...

  6. Nitrogen sparing by 2-ketoisocaproate in parenterally fed rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yagi, M.; Matthews, D.E.; Walser, M.


    In rats receiving total parenteral nutrition with or without sodium 2-ketoisocaproate (KIC; 2.48, L-[1- 13 C]leucine and [1- 14 C]KIC were constantly infused for 6 h. CO 2 production, 14 CO 2 production, 13 CO 2 enrichment, urinary urea nitrogen (N) plus ammonia N and total urinary N were measured. Whole body protein synthesis (S) was calculated in non-KIC-infused rats and also in unfed rats infused with [1- 14 C]leucine from fractional oxidation of labeled leucine (1-F), where F is fractional utilization for protein synthesis, and urea N plus ammonia N excretion (C) as S = C x F/(1-F). Addition of KIC caused a significant reduction in N excretion and a significant improvement in N balance. Fractional oxidation of labeled KIC increased, whereas fractional utilization of labeled KIC for protein synthesis decreased, but the extent of incorporation of infused KIC into newly synthesized protein (as leucine) amounted to at least 40% of the total rate of leucine incorporation into newly synthesized whole body protein. We conclude that addition of KIC spares N in parenterally fed rats and becomes a major source of leucine for protein synthesis

  7. Validation of cold chain during distribution of parenteral nutrition

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    Federico Tuan


    Full Text Available Objective: this study aims to demonstrate the suitability of the process used to condition the extemporaneous mixtures of parenteral nutrition for distribution, considering the objective of preserving the cold chain during transport until it reaches the patient, necessary to ensure stability, effectiveness and safety of these mixtures. Method: concurrent validation, design and implementation of a protocol for evaluating the process of packaging and distribution of MNPE developed by a pharmaceutical laboratory. Running tests, according to predefined acceptance criteria. It is performed twice, in summer and on routes that require longer transfer time. Evaluation of conservation of temperature by monitoring the internal temperature values of each type of packaging, recorded by data loggers calibrated equipment. Results: the different tests meet the established criteria. The collected data ensure the maintenance of the cold chain for longer than the transfer time to the most distant points. Conclusions: this study establishes the suitability of the processes to maintaining the cold chain for transfer from the laboratory to the patient pharmacist. Whereas the breaking of cold chain can cause changes of compatibility and stability of parenteral nutrition and failures nutritional support, this study contributes to patient safety, one of the relevant dimensions of quality of care the health.



    Anuradha; Malini; Sumit


    OBJECTIVES: To see whether parenteral nutritional supplementation of women with oligohydramnios/IUGR can improve the amount of liquor and to evaluate the role of pareneral therapy in improving maternal and perinatal outcome and to correlate between the occurrence of oligohydramnios and IUGR among women of different age, parity, education and socioe...

  9. Managing an outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy team: challenges and solutions. (United States)

    Halilovic, Jenana; Christensen, Cinda L; Nguyen, Hien H


    Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) programs should strive to deliver safe, cost effective, and high quality care. One of the keys to developing and sustaining a high quality OPAT program is to understand the common challenges or barriers to OPAT delivery. We review the most common challenges to starting and managing an OPAT program and give practical advice on addressing these issues.

  10. Responses of Preterm Pigs to an Oral Fluid Supplement During Parenteral Nutrition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berding, Kirsten; Makarem, Patty; Hance, Brittany


    Background: Nutrients and electrolytes in amniotic fluid swallowed by fetuses are important for growth and development. Yet, preterm infants requiring parenteral nutrition (PN) receive minimal or no oral inputs. With the limited availability of amniotic fluid, we evaluated the responses of preterm...

  11. La modificacion del biotopo perihabitacional en la profilaxis de la enfermedad de Chagas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Eduardo Jörg


    Full Text Available La modification del biotopo perihabitacional consiste en crear alrededor de la vivienda humana, rural, selvática o suburbuna, un espado perimetral limpio, totalmente libre de malezas y chaparral, despojado de nidos, madrigueras o refúgios de animales silvestres y de habitáculos de animales domésticos; de suficiente magnitud para evitar que tras desinsectación, queden focos peridomiciliarios de proliferation de triatomineos, vectores del Trypanosoma cruzi, focos inmediatos y habituales de reinfestación domiciliaria por estos redúvidos hematófagos. Los trabajos de rociado entomicida y aún el mejoramiento de la vivienda se reducen extremadamente si no son complementadas con la modificación del biotopo perihabitacional. Se expone una experiencia piloto sobre un barrio de la ciudad Villa Carlos Paz, provinda Córdoba, Argentina, que en 2 anos de aplicación permitió verificar la desaparición de vinchucas en un area de baja desindad de vectores y hospedadores.In zones endemic for the American trypanosomiasis the modification of the biotopes surrounding human, rural, sylvatic or suburban housing, involves the arrangement of a clean perimetral area completely free of shrubs and chaparral, devoid of dens of wild animals and dwellings of domestic animals, to hinder the persistence of peridomestic foci where the proliferation of Triatomine bugs encourage the reinfestation of the human lodgings. The success of insecticide spraying campaigns, even with simultaneous amelioration of housing, are enhanced by tne modification of the biotopes. A pilot field experience is presented; a 2 year active campaign in a suburban area of Villa Carlos Paz, province Cordoba, Argentina, confirming the methods to eliminate reinfestation of houses from peridomestic sites, in an area of low vector density.

  12. Relationship between turnover rate and oxidation rate of alanine in the post-absorptive state and during parenteral nutrition before and after surgery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sauerwein, H. P.; Michels, R. P.; Cejka, V.


    The influence of total parenteral nutrition and stomach resection on alanine turnover rate and alanine oxidation rate was measured in ten patients after single injection of U-14 C-alanine. Sequential studies were done in three patients. During parenteral nutrition alanine turnover was significantly

  13. Femoral venous catheters: a safe alternative for delivering parenteral alimentation. (United States)

    Friedman, B; Kanter, G; Titus, D


    Femoral vein catheterization is an alternative method of obtaining central venous access. Placement of femoral venous catheters (FVCs) is possible in the majority of patients, suitable for most indications, and associated with a low complication rate during insertion. We wished to determine the incidence of infections or other complications resulting when parenteral nutrition was delivered through FVCs. Fifty-two patients were followed from a hospital-wide population including patients in the critical care units. Triple-lumen catheters were placed by using the sterile Seldinger technique, and sites were examined daily for inflammation. Bacteriologic surveillance was accomplished by submitting the catheter tip for semiquantitative cultures. If catheter line sepsis was suspected, blood samples for cultures were drawn through the catheter and peripherally. The rate of occurrence of colonized catheters was 9.6% (five of 52), and catheter sepsis was found in one case (1.9%). Other than inflammation at six (11.5%) of 52 catheter sites, noninfectious complications of FVCs were not found. On the basis of these findings, we consider FVC-delivered parenteral alimentation a safe and effective alternative to other forms of central venous access.

  14. Subunit Rotavirus Vaccine Administered Parenterally to Rabbits Induces Active Protective Immunity (United States)

    Ciarlet, Max; Crawford, Sue E.; Barone, Christopher; Bertolotti-Ciarlet, Andrea; Ramig, Robert F.; Estes, Mary K.; Conner, Margaret E.


    Virus-like particles (VLPs) are being evaluated as a candidate rotavirus vaccine. The immunogenicity and protective efficacy of different formulations of VLPs administered parenterally to rabbits were tested. Two doses of VLPs (2/6-, G3 2/6/7-, or P[2], G3 2/4/6/7-VLPs) or SA11 simian rotavirus in Freund’s adjuvants, QS-21 (saponin adjuvant), or aluminum phosphate (AlP) were administered. Serological and mucosal immune responses were evaluated in all vaccinated and control rabbits before and after oral challenge with 103 50% infective doses of live P[14], G3 ALA lapine rotavirus. All VLP- and SA11-vaccinated rabbits developed high levels of rotavirus-specific serum and intestinal immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies but not intestinal IgA antibodies. SA11 and 2/4/6/7-VLPs afforded similar but much higher mean levels of protection than 2/6/7- or 2/6-VLPs in QS-21. The presence of neutralizing antibodies to VP4 correlated (P < 0.001, r = 0.55; Pearson’s correlation coefficient) with enhanced protection rates, suggesting that these antibodies are important for protection. Although the inclusion of VP4 resulted in higher mean protection levels, high levels of protection (87 to 100%) from infection were observed in individual rabbits immunized with 2/6/7- or 2/6-VLPs in Freund’s adjuvants. Therefore, neither VP7 nor VP4 was absolutely required to achieve protection from infection in the rabbit model when Freund’s adjuvant was used. Our results show that VLPs are immunogenic when administered parenterally to rabbits and that Freund’s adjuvant is a better adjuvant than QS-21. The use of the rabbit model may help further our understanding of the critical rotavirus proteins needed to induce active protection. VLPs are a promising candidate for a parenterally administered subunit rotavirus vaccine. PMID:9765471

  15. Principles of feeding cancer patients via enteral or parenteral nutrition during radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fietkau, R.


    Background: The nutritional status of cancer patients is frequently impaired already before any therapy starts and may deteriorate even more by radio(chemo)therapy. Methods: This review describes the possibilities and risks of enteral and parenteral nutrition during radiotherapy. The indications of enteral nutrition will be derived from own results. Results: Enteral nutrition is the most preferable way of artificial long-term nutrition. In a prospective non-randomized trial we demonstrated that enteral nutrition via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) not only improves the anthropometric and biochemical parameters during radio(chemo)therapy but also the quality of life of patients with advanced cancers of the head and neck. Moreover supportive use of megestrolacetate can improve the nutritional status. Parenteral nutrition is only recommended if enteral nutrition is not possible e.g. during radio(chemo)therapy of tumors of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Conclusions: Today adequate nutritional support is feasible during intensive radio(chemo)therapy. (orig.) [de

  16. Nitrite and nitrate concentrations and metabolism in breast milk, infant formula, and parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Jones, Jesica A; Ninnis, Janet R; Hopper, Andrew O; Ibrahim, Yomna; Merritt, T Allen; Wan, Kim-Wah; Power, Gordon G; Blood, Arlin B


    Dietary nitrate and nitrite are sources of gastric NO, which modulates blood flow, mucus production, and microbial flora. However, the intake and importance of these anions in infants is largely unknown. Nitrate and nitrite levels were measured in breast milk of mothers of preterm and term infants, infant formulas, and parenteral nutrition. Nitrite metabolism in breast milk was measured after freeze-thawing, at different temperatures, varying oxygen tensions, and after inhibition of potential nitrite-metabolizing enzymes. Nitrite concentrations averaged 0.07 ± 0.01 μM in milk of mothers of preterm infants, less than that of term infants (0.13 ± 0.02 μM) (P milk. Concentrations in parenteral nutrition were equivalent to or lower than those of breast milk. Freeze-thawing decreased nitrite concentration ~64%, falling with a half-life of 32 minutes at 37°C. The disappearance of nitrite was oxygen-dependent and prevented by ferricyanide and 3 inhibitors of lactoperoxidase. Nitrite concentrations in breast milk decrease with storage and freeze-thawing, a decline likely mediated by lactoperoxidase. Compared to adults, infants ingest relatively little nitrite and nitrate, which may be of importance in the modulation of blood flow and the bacterial flora of the infant GI tract, especially given the protective effects of swallowed nitrite. © 2013 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  17. [Role of parenteral cephalosporins for outpatients treatment of infections]. (United States)

    Esposito, S; Mazzei, T; Novelli, A


    OPAT (Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy) arose in the early 1980s in the USA and later in many other countries from the primary consideration that outpatient treatment is more cost-effective than hospitalisation. Currently, several thousand patients undergo OPAT programmes all over the world and several different bacterial infections are included in the list of treatable diseases, especially those requiring long-term parenteral treatment such as osteomyelitis and soft tissue infections. All injectable antibiotics are suitable for OPAT according to their microbiological spectrum, although clearly some pharmacological properties make one antibiotic more preferable than another. Beta-lactams represent more than half of the antibiotic world market and two-thirds of them are cephalosporins. Such a widespread use of cephalosporins is certainly due to their wide antibacterial spectrum and good tolerability. Among third-generation cephalosporins, covering the majority of micro-organisms responsible for community-acquired infections, ceftriaxone is the only one with an 8-hour half-life, thereby permitting a single daily dose, which represents a great advantage when undertaking an OPAT programme. Analysis of antibiotic consumption used for OPAT therapies, based on data collected from the International OPAT Registry project, with the participation of many countries (USA, Canada, Britain, Argentina, etc.) including Italy, shows that ceftriaxone is the most widely used antibiotic for home therapy, clearly due to the above-mentioned properties.

  18. Managing an outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy team: challenges and solutions


    Nguyen, Hien; Halilovic,Jenana; Christensen,Cinda


    Jenana Halilovic,1 Cinda L Christensen,2 Hien H Nguyen31University of the Pacific Thomas J Long School of Pharmacy, Stockton, CA, USA; 2Department of Pharmaceutical Services, University of California, Davis Health System, Sacramento, CA, USA; 3Division of Infectious Diseases, Section of Hospital Medicine, University of California, Davis Health System, Sacramento, CA, USAAbstract: Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) programs should strive to deliver safe, cost effective, and hig...

  19. Review of macronutrients in parenteral nutrition for neonatal intensive care population. (United States)

    Johnson, Patricia J


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) has become essential in the management of sick and growing newborn populations in the NICU. In the past few decades, PN has become fundamental in the nutritional management of the very low birth weight infant (macronutrients in PN, including carbohydrates, protein, and fat. A subsequent article will review the micronutrients in PN, including electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins.

  20. A case of organophosphate poisoning presenting with seizure and unavailable history of parenteral suicide attempt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pandit Vinay


    Full Text Available Organophosphate (OP poisoning is common in India. Only few case reports of parenteral OP poisoning have been described. We report a case of self-injected methyl parathion poisoning, presenting after four days with seizure, altered sensorium, and respiratory distress which posed a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. Despite nonavailability of history of OP poisoning, he was treated based on suspicion and showed a good clinical response to treatment trial with atropine and pralidoxime, and had a successful recovery. Atypical presentations may be encountered following parenteral administration of OP poison, and even a slight suspicion of this warrants proper investigations and treatment for a favorable outcome. Persistently low plasma cholinesterase level is a useful marker for making the diagnosis.

  1. Low-fat, high-carbohydrate parenteral nutrition (PN) may potentially reverse liver disease in long-term PN-dependent infants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Marianne Skytte; Jørgensen, Marianne Hørby; Husby, Steffen


    INTRODUCTION: Parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis (PNAC) is a complication of long-term parenteral nutrition (PN). Removal of lipids may reverse PNAC but compromises the energy to ensure infant growth. The purpose of this study was to test whether a low-fat, high-carbohydrate PN regimen......, which prevents and reverses PNAC in adults, could do the same in infants. This regimen could potentially avoid the problem of diminished energy input after removing nutritional lipids. METHODS: Infants developing PNAC over a 2-year period were started on a low-fat PN regimen with calories primarily from...

  2. Enteral nutrients potentiate glucagon-like peptide-2 action and reduce dependence on parenteral nutrition in a rat model of human intestinal failure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brinkman, Adam S; Murali, Sangita G; Hitt, Stacy


    human SBS and requires parenteral nutrition (PN). Male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to one of five groups and maintained with PN for 18 days: total parenteral nutrition (TPN) alone, TPN + GLP-2 (100 μg·kg(-1)·day(-1)), PN + EN + GLP-2(7 days), PN + EN + GLP-2(18 days), and a nonsurgical oral...

  3. Parenteral nutrition including polyamine under experimental irradiation of the abdomen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moroz, B.B.; Fedorovskij, L.L.; Lyashchenko, Yu.N.


    White rats-males were used in experiments. Irradiation dose of abdomen area is 13.5 Gy (1400 R). Parenteral nutrition using aminoacid preparation of polyamine affects favourably during radiation damage resulted from local irradiation of abdomen area. This was manifested in weakening of gastroenteric syndrom, reduction of 3.5 day death of animals and increase of their 30 day survival rate, intensification of recovery processes in small intestine, decrease of cell devastation in bone marrow

  4. Parenteral corticosteroids followed by early surgical resection of large amblyogenic eyelid hemangiomas in infants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    El Essawy R


    Full Text Available Rania El Essawy,1 Rasha Essameldin Galal21Department of Ophthalmology, 2Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, EgyptBackground: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results and complications of early surgical resection of large amblyogenic subdermal eyelid hemangiomas in infants after prior short-term parenteral administration of corticosteroids.Methods: Sixteen infants were given dexamethasone 2 mg/kg/day in two divided doses for three consecutive days prior to scheduled surgical excision of large eyelid hemangiomas. The lesions were accessed via an upper eyelid crease, subeyebrow incision, or a lower eyelid subciliary incision.Results: In all cases, surgical excision of the entire lesion was possible with no significant intraoperative or postoperative complications. The levator muscle/aponeurosis complex was involved in 31.25% of cases and was managed by reinsertion or repositioning without resection. A satisfactory lid position and contour with immediate clearing of the visual axis was achieved in all but one case (93.8%.Conclusion: Parenteral corticosteroids helped in reducing volume and blood flow from the hemangiomas, allowing for very early total excision of large subdermal infantile hemangiomas without significant intraoperative hemorrhage. This resulted in immediate elimination of any reason for occlusion amblyopia. Long-term follow-up of visual development in these patients would help to demonstrate the effectiveness of this strategy compared with more conservative measures.Keywords: large eyelid hemangiomas, early surgical resection, parenteral corticosteroids

  5. Lipid emulsions in parenteral nutrition of intensive care patients: current thinking and future directions (United States)

    Jensen, Gordon L.; Koletzko, Berthold V.; Singer, Pierre; Wanten, Geert J. A.


    Background Energy deficit is a common and serious problem in intensive care units and is associated with increased rates of complications, length of stay, and mortality. Parenteral nutrition (PN), either alone or in combination with enteral nutrition, can improve nutrient delivery to critically ill patients. Lipids provide a key source of calories within PN formulations, preventing or correcting energy deficits and improving outcomes. Discussion In this article, we review the role of parenteral lipid emulsions (LEs) in the management of critically ill patients and highlight important biologic activities associated with lipids. Soybean-oil-based LEs with high contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were the first widely used formulations in the intensive care setting. However, they may be associated with increased rates of infection and lipid peroxidation, which can exacerbate oxidative stress. More recently developed parenteral LEs employ partial substitution of soybean oil with oils providing medium-chain triglycerides, ω-9 monounsaturated fatty acids or ω-3 PUFA. Many of these LEs have demonstrated reduced effects on oxidative stress, immune responses, and inflammation. However, the effects of these LEs on clinical outcomes have not been extensively evaluated. Conclusions Ongoing research using adequately designed and well-controlled studies that characterize the biologic properties of LEs should assist clinicians in selecting LEs within the critical care setting. Prescription of PN containing LEs should be based on available clinical data, while considering the individual patient’s physiologic profile and therapeutic requirements. PMID:20072779

  6. Effect of early enteral combined with parenteral nutrition in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy. (United States)

    Zhu, Xin-Hua; Wu, Ya-Fu; Qiu, Yu-Dong; Jiang, Chun-Ping; Ding, Yi-Tao


    To investigate the effect of early enteral nutrition (EEN) combined with parenteral nutritional support in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). From January 2006, all patients were given EEN combined with parenteral nutrition (PN) (EEN/PN group, n = 107), while patients prior to this date were given total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (TPN group, n = 67). Venous blood samples were obtained for a nutrition-associated assessment and liver function tests on the day before surgery and 6 d after surgery. The assessment of clinical outcome was based on postoperative complications. Follow-up for infectious and noninfectious complications was carried out for 30 d after hospital discharge. Readmission within 30 d after discharge was also recorded. Compared with the TPN group, a significant decrease in prealbumin (PAB) (P = 0.023) was seen in the EEN/PN group. Total bilirubin (TB), direct bilirubin (DB) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were significantly decreased on day 6 in the EEN/PN group (P = 0.006, 0.004 and 0.032, respectively). The rate of grade I complications, grade II complications and the length of postoperative hospital stay in the EEN/PN group were significantly decreased (P = 0.036, 0.028 and 0.021, respectively), and no hospital mortality was observed in our study. Compared with the TPN group (58.2%), the rate of infectious complications in the EEN/PN group (39.3%) was significantly decreased (P = 0.042). Eleven cases of delayed gastric emptying were noted in the TPN group, and 6 cases in the EEN/PN group. The rate of delayed gastric emptying and hyperglycemia was significantly reduced in the EEN/PN group (P = 0.031 and P = 0.040, respectively). Early enteral combined with PN can greatly improve liver function, reduce infectious complications and delayed gastric emptying, and shorten postoperative hospital stay in patients undergoing PD.

  7. Chronic parenteral nutrition induces hepatic inflammation, steatosis and insulin resistance in neonatal pigs (United States)

    Prematurity and overfeeding in infants are associated with insulin resistance in childhood and may increase the risk of adult disease. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is a major source of infant nutrition support and may influence neonatal metabolic function. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that...

  8. The parenteral nutritional regimen in pigs for basic studies in physiology of nutrition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matkowitz, R.; Harting, W.; Souffrant, W.B.; Junghans, P.; Boerner, P.


    Experimental studies concerning a parenteral nutritional regimen were performed in pigs aiming at comparative metabolic investigations to evaluate clinically relevant problems within nutritional research. By means of the 15 N tracer technique the evaluation of the postoperative protein turnover was rendered possible by this animal model

  9. Validation of doubly labeled water for measuring energy expenditure during parenteral nutrition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schoeller, D.A.; Kushner, R.F.; Jones, P.J.


    The doubly labeled water method was compared with intake-balance for measuring energy expenditure in five patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Because parenteral solutions were isotopically different from local water, patients had to be placed on TPN at least 10 days before the metabolic period. Approximately 0.1 g 2H2O and 0.25 g H2(18)O per kg total body water were given orally. We collected saliva before, 3 h, and 4 h after the dose for measurement of total body water and urine before, 1 day, and 14 days after the dose for measurement of isotope eliminations. On day 14, total body weight was remeasured and change in body energy stores was calculated, assuming constant hydration. Intake was assessed from weights of TPN fluids plus dietary record for any oral intake. Energy expenditure from doubly labeled water (+/- SD) averaged 3 +/- 6% greater than intake-balance. Doubly labeled water method is a noninvasive, nonrestrictive method for measuring energy expenditure in patients receiving TPN

  10. Investigation of Possible Maillard Reaction Between Acyclovir and Dextrose upon Dilution Prior to Parenteral Administration. (United States)

    Siahi Shadbad, Mohammad Reza; Ghaderi, Faranak; Hatami, Leila; Monajjemzadeh, Farnaz


    In this study the stability of parenteral acyclovir (ACV) when diluted in dextrose (DEX) as large volume intravenous fluid preparation (LVIF) was evaluated and the possible Maillard reaction adducts were monitored in the recommended infusion time. Different physicochemical methods were used to evaluate the Maillard reaction of dextrose with ACV to track the reaction in real infusion condition. Other large volume intravenous fluids were checked regarding the diluted drug stability profile. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and mass data proved the reaction of glucose with dextrose. A Maillard-specific high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was used to track the reaction in real infusion condition in vitro. The nucleophilic reaction occurred in diluted parenteral preparations of acyclovir in 5% dextrose solutions. The best diluent solution was also selected as sodium chloride and introduced based on drug stability and also its adsorption onto different infusion sets (PVC or non PVC) to provide an acceptable administration protocol in clinical practices. Although, the Maillard reaction was proved and successfully tracked in diluted solutions, and the level of drug loss when diluted in dextrose was reported to be between 0.27 up to 1.03% of the initial content. There was no drug adsorption to common infusion sets. The best diluent for parenteral acyclovir is sodium chloride large volume intravenous fluid.

  11. Early optimal parenteral nutrition and metabolic acidosis in very preterm infants.

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    Francesco Bonsante

    Full Text Available It is currently recognized that an optimized nutritional approach, consisting of an early and substantial supply of protein and energy by parenteral route, may be beneficial for very low birth weight infants and recent guidelines endorse this strategy. However, the impact of the enhanced parenteral nutrition (PN on acid-basic balance has never been investigated. The aim of the present study is to assess the effect of nutrient intake on acid-base homeostasis in a large population of preterm infants on PN.This observational study described the acid-base profile of very preterm infants (≤29 week's gestation receiving PN during the first week of life. For this purpose three different cohorts of infants who received increasing (group 1 to group 3 nutritional intakes were considered. Nutrition data were recorded daily and correlated to acid-base data (pH, base excess, and lactate. The outcome measure to assess metabolic acidosis was the base excess (BE.161 infants were included. 1127 daily nutritional records and 795 blood gas data were analyzed. The three groups were different with regard to nutritional intravenous intakes. Group 3 in particular had a higher mean intake of both amino acids (3.3 ± 0.8 g/kg/d and lipids (2.8 ± 1.4 g/kg/d during the first week of life. Metabolic acidosis was more severe in the group with the highest parenteral intake of amino acids and lipids: mean BE = -8.7 ± 3.4 (group 3; -6.4 ± 3.4 (group 2; -5.1 ± 3.0 (group 1]. At the multivariate analysis the significant risk factors for metabolic acidosis were: gestational age, initial base excess, amino acid and lipid intravenous intakes.Acid-base homeostasis was influenced by the nutritional intake. Earlier and higher intravenous amino acid and lipid intakes particularly increased the risk of metabolic acidosis. The nutritional tolerance was different depending on gestational age, and the smaller infants (24-26 week's gestation displayed greater acidotic disequilibrium

  12. [Studies on calf salmonellosis. 4. Oral and parenteral immunization with live (Smd) and killed antigens]. (United States)

    Meyer, H; Steinbach, G; Hartmann, H; Hauke, H; Koch, H; Stelzner, A; Linde, K; Schmerbauch, A; Kiupel, H


    Reported are results obtained from studies into oral and parenteral immunisation of calf. The approaches had included the use of live (Smd) or dead antigen from Salmonella (S.) dublin and a combination of the two immunisation methods. Live antigen (Smd) was superior to thermally activated dead antigen, when the oral route was used to prevent S.-dublin injection of calves. The above findings were supported by results from analogous studies in which S. typhimurium and S. dublin or live antigen (Smd) or dead antigen, made of the two, had been applied to mice. (One single subcutaneous) parenteral administration did hardly reveal any difference in favour of live vaccine (Smd). Parenteral administration of live or dead antigen proved to be less effective than repeated oral immunisation, particularly when live vaccine (Smd) was used. Immunity not less than up to six months of age against S. dublin wild strain infection can be provided for young calves by oral immunisation, with Smd vaccine (5. 1010 to 1. 1011 live germs/d) being given on ten consecutive days. Calves orally immunised with live antigen (ten repetitive applications of Smd mutants) are likely to develop an antibody titre (H-agglutinins) against S. dublin. Parenteral boostering,using live antigen, has been accompanied by sensitisation due to oral live antigen administration as well as by dose dependence, as was seen from the bactericidal values. Sensitisation was established from orally immunised calves up to three months old (typical booster reaction). Some of it was attributabale to confrontation with wild strains of Salmonella. The H-agglutinin titres of animals aged threemonths in a calf herd with salmonelloses in which all animals had been orally Smd-immunised were close to those recorded from calves in stocks with no salmonellosis occurrence. Under the conditions of oral immunisation, there had obviously been no action of the wild strain which might have triggered intensive antibody formation.

  13. Preventive effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease in infants

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    Simić Dušica


    Full Text Available Introduction. Parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis is well recognized phenomenon in the term and preterm infant receiving long-term parenteral nutrition. Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA use on cholestasis in newborns on prolonged TPN. Methods. A total of 56 infants were enrolled in this retrospective study: control group consisted of lower (1500 g birth weight infants (n=30, as well as the group of pediatric (n=11 and surgical patients (n=15 treated with UDCA. Blood chemistries were obtained two times weekly. Results. All of 56 newborns developed cholestasis but duration of parenteral nutrition (PN before onset of cholestasis was significantly longer in UDCA treated patients. Average duration of PN before the onset of cholestasis in control group of patients was 25 days in distinction from treated pediatric and surgical patients (39 and 34 days, respectively. The peak serum conjugated bilirubin (CB, AST, ALT and alkaline phosphatase (AP levels were significantly lower in the treated groups. There was no significant difference among treated pediatric and surgical patients and between lower and higher birth weight infants considering the CB, ALT, AST and AP peak. Duration of cholestasis was significantly decreased in all treated groups. There was a significant difference in time needed to achieve complete enteral intake between pediatric and surgical patient group. Conclusion. Cholestasis developed significantly later in treated groups than in the controls. UDCA appears to be very successful in reducing the symptoms of cholestasis. The difference in efficacy of UDCA treatment between lower and higher birth weight infants could not be proven.

  14. Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia in infancy associated with parenteral alimentation. (United States)

    Bernstein, J; Chang, C H; Brough, A J; Heidelberger, K P


    Liver biopsy was performed to exclude anatomic obstruction of the biliary tract in five prematurely born infants who had developed conjugated hyperbilirubinemia during intravenous alimentation with a protein hydrolysate. Each was being treated after having undergone a segmental intestinal resection for necrotizing enterocolitis. Bacterial and viral infections, metabolic disorders, and isoimmune hemolytic disease were excluded as possible causes of jaundice. Light microscopic and ultrastructural analysis disclosed cholestasis and hepatocellular injury without significant inflammatory reaction. Jaundice abated following permanent discontinuation of parenteral alimentation. The jaundice and cholestasis are interpreted to be hepatotoxic effects because of (1) their temporal relationship to the treatment and (2) the presence of hepatocellular damage.

  15. Studies with a safflower oil emulsion in total parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Wong, K. H.; Deitel, M.


    The prevention of essential fatty acid deficiency and the provision of adequate amounts of energy are two major concerns in total parenteral nutrition. Since earlier preparations of fat emulsion used to supplement the usual regimen of hypertonic glucose and amino acids have widely varying clinical acceptability, a new product, a safflower oil emulsion available in two concentrations (Liposyn), was evaluated. In four clinical trials the emulsion was used as a supplement to total parenteral nutrition. In five surgical patients 500 ml of the 10% emulsion infused every third day prevented or corrected essential fatty acid deficiency; however, in some cases in infusion every other day may be necessary. In 40 patients in severe catabolic states the emulsion provided 30% to 50% of the energy required daily: 10 patients received the 10% emulsion for 14 to 42 days, 9 patients received each emulsion in turn for 7 days, and 21 patient received the 20% emulsion for 14 to 28 days. All the patients survived and tolerated the lipid well; no adverse clinical effects were attributable to the lipid infusions. Transient mild, apparently clinically insignificant abnormalities in the results of one or more liver function tests and eosinophilia were observed in some patients. Thus, the safflower oil emulsion, at both concentrations, was safe and effective as a source of 30% to 50% of the energy required daily by seriously ill patients. PMID:6799182

  16. Hyperintense brain lesions on T1-weighted MRI after parenteral nutrition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saitoh, Yoshiaki; Kimura, Seiji; Nezu, Atsuo; Ohtsuki, Noriyuki; Kobayashi, Takuya; Osaka, Hitoshi; Uehara, Saori


    We experienced five children having T 1 -shortening lesions in basal ganglia or thalami on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which were supposed to be caused by manganese (Mn) overdoses. Instead of the presence of above-mentioned lesions, no neurological manifestations corresponding to them had developed in all patients. This observation suggests that MRI is useful for detecting side effects caused by overdoses of Mn in patients having parenteral nutrition. (author)

  17. Five-year survival and causes of death in patients on home parenteral nutrition for severe chronic and benign intestinal failure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Joly, Francisca; Baxter, Janet; Staun, Michael


    BACKGROUND & AIM: Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) is the primary treatment for chronic intestinal failure (IF). Intestinal transplantation (ITx) is indicated when there is an increased risk of death due to HPN complications or to the underlying disease. Age, pathophysiologic conditions and underl......BACKGROUND & AIM: Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) is the primary treatment for chronic intestinal failure (IF). Intestinal transplantation (ITx) is indicated when there is an increased risk of death due to HPN complications or to the underlying disease. Age, pathophysiologic conditions...

  18. Vitamin E in new Generation Lipid Emulsions Protects Against Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Liver disease in Parenteral Nutrition-Fed Preterm Pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kenneth, Ng; Stoll, Barbara; Chacko, Shaji


    Introduction: Parenteral nutrition (PN) in preterm infants leads to PN-associated liver disease (PNALD). PNALD has been linked to serum accumulation of phytosterols that are abundant in plant oil but absent in fish oil emulsions. Hypothesis: Whether modifying the phytosterol and vitamin E...... composition of soy and fish oil lipid emulsions affects development of PNALD in preterm pigs. Methods: We measured markers of PNALD in preterm pigs that received 14 days of PN that included 1 of the following: (1) Intralipid (IL, 100% soybean oil), (2) Intralipid + vitamin E (ILE, d-α-tocopherol), (3......, OV, and PS compared to IL. Hepatic cholesterol 7-hydroxylase and organic solute transporter-α expression was lower (P E1 fatty acid...

  19. Ready-to-use parenteral amiodarone : A feasibility study towards a long-term stable product formulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jacobs, Maartje S.; Luinstra, Marianne; Moes, Jan Reindert; Chan, Tiffany C. Y.; Minovic, Isidor; Frijlink, Henderik W.; Woerdenbag, Herman J.

    Objectives To determine the feasibility of preparing a long-term stable ready-to-use parenteral amiodarone formulation using cyclodextrins as dissolution enhancer. Methods A preformulation study was performed with different molar ratios of hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-BCD) or

  20. Alanine turnover in the postabsorptive state and during parenteral hyperalimentation before and after surgery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sauerwein, H. P.; Michels, R. P.; Cejka, V.


    Influence of total parenteral nutrition and operation on alanine turnover and venous alanine concentration was determined in 5 patients with stomach carcinoma using single technique of U-14C alanine. Every patient served at his own control. In the postabsorptive state alanine turnover was 1.63 +/-


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    Maria Isabel Pedreira de Freitas Ceribelli


    Full Text Available RESUMO A hiperalimentação parenteral consiste no fornecimento de alta dosagem de glicose hipertónica, soluções de aminoácidos, sais minerais e vitaminas para garantir anabolismo proteico e síntese tissular em pacientes debitados. Está indicada em casos em que a via digestiva não pode ser utilizada ou não é suficiente para manter as necessidades metabólicas. Este procedimento requer conduta especializada com cuidadosa assistência de enfermagem relacionada ao preparo do paciente, do material para punção e da solução de hiperalimentação parenteral. Uma vez instalada, há necessidade de verificação sistemática quanto ao fluxo da solução, quanto às manifestações do paciente e quanto aos cuidados com o catéter de infusão. Os resultados obtidos são altamente significativos, mas o riscos a que o paciente está sujeito também são numerosos. Seu sucesso dependerá grandemente das disponibilidades econômicas locais e da especialização da equipe de saúde.

  2. Development of cyclosporine A microemulsion for parenteral delivery. (United States)

    Yuan, Yue; Che, Xin; Zhao, Mingyi; Wang, Yan; Liu, Yajun; Schwendeman, Anna; Li, Sanming


    The goal of this study was to develop a parenteral microemulsion formulation of cyclosporine A (CyA). The CyA solubility in caprylic capric triglyceride (GTCC), ethyl oleate and soybean oil were determined. The pseudo-ternary diagrams of oil (GTCC), surfactant (Solutol® HS-15), cosurfactants (ethanol/polyethylene glycol 400 [PEG 400] mixture) and water were constructed to identify boundaries for microemulsion existence. The CyA was added at 3, 6 and 9% w/w to the optimal microemulsion composition. Microemulsion particle size, solution viscosity and conductivity were examined. The microemulsion stability and haemolytic potential were examined after dilution in 5% dextrose solution for injection to 1 mg/mL CyA. Microemulsion stability was examined after a three-month storage at 4 and 25 °C. The GTCC was selected as an oil phase for CyA microemulsion based on solubility results. The optimum CyA microemulsion formulation consisted of 2.5% CyA, 9% GTCC, 24% Solutol® HS 15, 8% PEG 400, 4% ethanol and 52.5% water based on weight percent. The average particle sizes of the optimized blank and drug-loaded microemulsions were 68.7 nm and 71.6 nm, respectively and remained unchanged upon 25-fold dextrose dilution. The results of microemulsion physical and CyA chemical were confirmed by a three-month stability study at 4 and 25 °C. In vitro haemolysis studies indicated that CyA microemulsions were well tolerated by erythrocytes. The novel microemulsion formulation of CyA was developed that is suitable for parenteral administration. This new formulation could potentially have less vehicle-associated side effects that current commercial formulation of CyA based on Cremophor® EL and ethanol solution.

  3. El soporte nutrimental y su relación con algunos indicadores pronósticos del niño quemado Nutritional support and its relation to some prognostic indicators of burnt child

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    Alejandro Torres Amaro


    Full Text Available Introducción: las quemaduras constituyen una de las principales causas de accidentes en el niño. El tamaño de estas y el estado hipercatabólico son determinantes de la dinámica del tratamiento y la supervivencia del niño con grandes quemaduras. Objetivo: buscar la posible relación entre el soporte nutrimental establecido en las primeras horas después de la reanimación, y algunos indicadores pronósticos en niños quemados. Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, de carácter analítico, que incluyó a 252 niños que tuvieron un ingreso en el servicio de quemados del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "Juan Manuel Márquez"de Marianao, en La Habana, con estadía superior a los 7 días, durante el decenio 2000-2009. A partir de la auditoría de las historias clínicas se obtuvieron los indicadores siguientes del pronóstico del niño quemado: superficie corporal quemada, tiempo de estadía, por ciento de pérdida de peso y mortalidad. De la misma forma se obtuvo la información acerca del tipo de soporte nutrimental metabólico empleado durante el tratamiento. Resultados: el tipo de soporte nutrimental metabólico más empleado fue el mixto, en el que se combinan las modalidades enteral y parenteral periférica, que abarcó al 52 % de los pacientes tratados. Los niños con menor por ciento de pérdida de peso (inferior al 10 % recibieron la forma enteral exclusiva (53,1 % de los casos tratados; en el 37,4 % el soporte fue mixto, pero usando la modalidad periférica de uso parenteral. Conclusiones: la estrategia nutrimental empleada en el niño quemado puede modificar algunos indicadores del pronóstico y debe ser una prioridad terapéutica para prevenir el deterioro clínico de estos pacientes.Introduction: burns are one of the major causes of accidents in child. Its size and the hypercatabolic status are determinant factors of treatment dynamics and the survival of child with large burns. Objective: to look for the possible relation

  4. Percutaneous central venous catheters versus peripheral cannulae for delivery of parenteral nutrition in neonates. (United States)

    Ainsworth, S B; Clerihew, L; McGuire, W


    Parenteral nutrition for neonates may be delivered via a short peripheral cannula or a central venous catheter. The latter may either be inserted via the umbilicus or percutaneously. Because of the complications associated with umbilical venous catheter use, many neonatal units prefer to use percutaneously inserted catheters following the initial stabilisation period. The method of parenteral nutrition delivery may affect nutrient input and consequently growth and development. Although potentially more difficult to place, percutaneous central venous catheters may be more stable than peripheral cannulae, and need less frequent replacement. These delivery methods may also be associated with different risks of adverse events, including acquired systemic infection and extravasation injury. To determine the effect of infusion via a percutaneous central venous catheter versus a peripheral cannula on nutrient input, growth and development, and complications including systemic infection, or extravasation injuries in newborn infants who require parenteral nutrition. The standard search strategy of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group was used. This included searches of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2007), MEDLINE (1966 - February 2007), EMBASE (1980 - February 2007), conference proceedings, and previous reviews. Randomised controlled trials that compared the effect of delivering parenteral nutrition via a percutaneous central venous catheter versus a peripheral cannulae in neonates. Data were extracted the data using the standard methods of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group, with separate evaluation of trial quality and data extraction by each author, and synthesis of data using relative risk, risk difference and mean difference. Four trials eligible for inclusion were found. These trials recruited a total of 368 infants and reported a number of different outcomes. One study showed that the use of a percutaneous

  5. n-3 fatty acid-based parenteral nutrition improves postoperative recovery for cirrhotic patients with liver cancer: A randomized controlled clinical trial. (United States)

    Zhang, Binhao; Wei, Gang; Li, Rui; Wang, Yanjun; Yu, Jie; Wang, Rui; Xiao, Hua; Wu, Chao; Leng, Chao; Zhang, Bixiang; Chen, Xiao-Ping


    A new lipid emulsion enriched in n-3 fatty acid has been reported to prevent hepatic inflammation in patients following major surgery. However, the role of n-3 fatty acid-based parenteral nutrition for postoperative patients with cirrhosis-related liver cancer is unclear. We investigated the safety and efficacy of n-3 fatty acid-based parenteral nutrition for cirrhotic patients with liver cancer followed hepatectomy. A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial (Registered under Identifier no. NCT02321202) was conducted for cirrhotic patients with liver cancer that underwent hepatectomy between March 2010 and September 2013 in our institution. We compared isonitrogenous total parenteral nutrition with 20% Structolipid and 10% n-3 fatty acid (Omegaven, Fresenius-Kabi, Germany) (treatment group) to Structolipid alone (control group) for five days postoperatively, in the absence of enteral nutrition. We enrolled 320 patients, and 312 (97.5%) were included in analysis (155 in the control group and 157 in the treatment group). There was a significant reduction of morbidity and mortality in the treatment group, when compared with the control group (total complications 78 [50.32%] vs. 46 [29.30%]; P parenteral nutrition significantly improved postoperative recovery for cirrhotic patients with liver cancer following hepatectomy, with a significant reduction in overall mortality and length of hospital stay. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

  6. Usefulness of gram staining of blood collected from total parenteral nutrition catheter for rapid diagnosis of catheter-related sepsis. (United States)

    Moonens, F; el Alami, S; Van Gossum, A; Struelens, M J; Serruys, E


    The accuracy of Gram staining of blood drawn from catheters used to administer total parenteral nutrition was compared with paired quantitative blood cultures for the diagnosis of catheter-related sepsis. Gram staining was positive in 11 of 18 episodes of catheter-related sepsis documented by quantitative culture (sensitivity, 61%) but in none of the 5 episodes of fever unrelated to catheter infection. Thus, this procedure enabled the rapid presumptive diagnosis and guidance of antimicrobial therapy for total parenteral nutrition catheter sepsis, with a positive predictive value of 100% and a negative predictive value of 42%. PMID:7521359

  7. A clinical trial comparing parenteral oxytetracyline and enrofloxacin on time to recovery in sheep lame with acute or chronic footrot in Kashmir, India

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    Kaler J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background No clinical trials have been conducted in India on the efficacy of parenteral antibacterials to treat footrot in sheep. In addition, there are no studies worldwide on the efficacy of parenteral antibacterials to treat chronic footrot. Sixty two sheep with acute footrot and 30 sheep with chronic footrot from 7 villages in Kashmir, India were recruited into two separate trials. Sheep with acute footrot were allocated to one of three treatments using stratified random sampling: long acting parenteral oxytetracycline, long acting parenteral enrofloxacin and topical application of potassium permanganate solution (a traditional treatment used by sheep farmers in India. In a quasi pre-post intervention design, sheep with chronic footrot that had not responded to treatment with potassium permanaganate were randomly allocated to treatment with one of the two parenteral antibacterials mentioned above. Sheep with acute footrot were treated on day 0 and those with chronic footrot on days 0, 3, 6 and 9. Sheep were monitored for up to 28 days after treatment. Time to recovery from lameness and initial healing of lesions was assessed using Kaplan-Meier survival curves, nonparametric log-rank and Wilcoxon sign-rank tests. Results There was significant correlation in recovery from lameness and presence of healing lesions in sheep with acute (r = 0.94 or chronic (r = 0.98 footrot. Sheep with acute footrot which were treated with parenteral antibacterials had a significantly more rapid recovery from lameness and had healing lesions (median = 7 days compared with those treated with topical potassium permanganate solution (less than 50% recovered in 28 days. The median time to recovery in sheep with chronic footrot treated with either antibacterial was 17 days; this was significantly lower than the median of 75 days lame before treatment with antibacterials. The median time to recovery for both acute and chronic footrot increased as the severity

  8. Blood glucose control in healthy subject and patients receiving intravenous glucose infusion or total parenteral nutrition using glucagon-like peptide 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nauck, Michael A; Walberg, Jörg; Vethacke, Arndt


    It was the aim of the study to examine whether the insulinotropic gut hormone GLP-1 is able to control or even normalise glycaemia in healthy subjects receiving intravenous glucose infusions and in severely ill patients hyperglycaemic during total parenteral nutrition.......It was the aim of the study to examine whether the insulinotropic gut hormone GLP-1 is able to control or even normalise glycaemia in healthy subjects receiving intravenous glucose infusions and in severely ill patients hyperglycaemic during total parenteral nutrition....

  9. Visita domiciliária sob o olhar de usuários do programa saúde da família

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    Edir Nei Teixeira Mandú


    Full Text Available Por medio de un estudio cualitativo son analizados los significados atribuidos por las familias a la visita domiciliaria realizada por el Programa Salud de la Familia, con el objetivo de reconocer las dificultades y los potenciales relacionados con esta práctica. Entre octubre y diciembre de 2005 fueron hechas treinta entrevistas abiertas con las mujeres y diez con los hombres, todos ellos entre 18 y 79 años, residentes por más de seis meses en una regional de salud de Cuiabá - MT. La categorización de los datos se hizo por medio del análisis del contenido. Se considera la visita como una importante forma de aproximación entre el Programa Salud de la Família y las familias, favoreciendo el acceso a los servicios, la construcción de nuevas relaciones entre los usuarios y el equipo de salud, y, la formación de un vínculo entre ellos. La visita domiciliaria se presenta como una alternativa importante para el acceso a los cuidados clínicos y de vigilancia a la salud, reiterando la práctica de la visita tal como recibida. Al mismo tiempo, se espera que ella promueva respuestas más amplias a las necesidades vividas.

  10. [Applied studies of structured triglycerides for parenteral nutrition in severe hemorrhagic shock patients after resuscitation]. (United States)

    Su, Mao-sheng; He, Lei; Liu, Zhi-wei; Ma, Huan-xian; Zhao, Qing-hua; Zhang, Wen-zhi


    To evaluate the effects of structured triglycerides in parenteral nutrition versus a physical medium-chain triglycerides (MCT)/long-chain triglycerides (LCT) mixture on severe hemorrhagic shock patients after resuscitation. In a randomized trial, we studied 20 critical patients with a total blood loss of over 3000 ml perioperatively and/or intraoperatively. The use of triglycerides started from Day 3 postoperation and parenteral nutrition lasted for no less than 5 days. They were allocated to receive one of two nutrition regiments: structured triglycerides in Group A (n = 10) and MCT/LCT in Group B (n = 10). There were no significant differences of general conditions in two groups. Before the start of parenteral nutrition (d0), d1 d3 and d5 after start of infusion, the following parameters were measured: hemoglobin (Hb), platelet count (Plt), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), total bilirubin (TB), direct bilirubin (DB), serum triglycerides (TG), prealbumin (PA) and transferrin (TF). And mean artery pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and central vein pressure (CVP) were also recorded at the same time-points. Then the post-TG changes of the above data were compared in both groups. After the use of triglycerides, there were no significant differences of MAP, HR, CVP, Hb and Plt in both groups (P > 0.05). At D3 and D5, the serum levels of TG ((2.1 ± 0.4) vs (1.6 ± 0.6) mg/L, (2.3 ± 0.7) vs (1.5 ± 0.3) mg/L) and alanine aminotransferase ((133 ± 58) vs (97 ± 26) U/L; (116 ± 48) vs (77 ± 31) U/L) were significantly higher in Group B versus those receiving structured triglycerides in Group A (P 0.05). The serum levels of such nutrition markers as PA ((195 ± 55) vs (166 ± 55) mg/L,(245 ± 53) vs (195 ± 58) mg/L) and TF ((2.6 ± 0.5) vs (2.5 ± 0.6) g/L, (3.3 ± 0.8) vs (2.9 ± 0.6) g/L)were significantly higher in Group A than those in Group B (P synthesis and hepatocyte protection, structured triglycerides in parenteral nutrition is advantageous to standard MCT

  11. 76 FR 25358 - 2011 Parenteral Drug Association/Food and Drug Administration Glass Quality Conference; Public... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2011-N-0002] 2011 Parenteral Drug Association/Food and Drug Administration Glass Quality Conference; Public Conference AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Notice of public conference. SUMMARY: The Food...

  12. No Clinical or Biochemical Evidence for Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency in Home Patients Who Depend on Long-Term Mixed Olive Oil- and Soybean Oil-Based Parenteral Nutrition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Olthof, E.D.; Roelofs, H.M.J.; Fisk, H.L.; Calder, P.C.; Wanten, G.J.A.


    BACKGROUND: Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) patients depend on lipid emulsions as part of their parenteral nutrition regimen to provide essential fatty acids (EFAs). Mixed-oil sources are used in modern lipid emulsions to decrease the amount of proinflammatory EFAs, mainly linoleic acid, which is

  13. Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections in Adults Receiving Home Parenteral Nutrition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tribler, Siri; Brandt, Christopher F; Hvistendahl, Mark


    BACKGROUND: A common complication in patients receiving home parenteral nutrition (HPN) is catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs). The CRBSI incidence has been advocated as an outcome parameter assessing the quality of care. This study aimed to illustrate how the use of different CRBSI......) and European Society for Clinical Nutrition (ESPEN) CRBSI criteria. Employing a catheter-salvaging strategy, 40% of the CRBSI diagnoses were supported by the paired blood culture positivity criteria and only 6% by a positive catheter tip. In 53%, CRBSIs were categorized as a clinical or "probable CRBSI...

  14. Home Parenteral Nutrition in Adult Patients with Chronic Intestinal Failure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Christopher Filtenborg; Hvistendahl, Mark; Naimi, Rahim M.


    in treating IF with home parenteral nutrition (HPN), this study documents the HPN evolution and describes the demographics and outcome in one of the world's largest single-center cohorts. Methods: We included patients with IF discharged with HPN from 1970-2010. Data were extracted according to European...... Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism classifications from the Copenhagen IF database. Results: Over the decades, we observed an exponential increase in the number of HPN patients. The 508 patients with IF collectively received HPN for 1751 years. While receiving HPN, 211 patients with IF (42...

  15. Continuous intravenous infusion of ampicillin and gentamicin during parenteral nutrition in 88 newborn infants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Colding, H; Møller, S; Andersen, G E


    Ampicillin and gentamicin were dissolved once a day in an L-amino acid solution especially prepared for parenteral nutrition of newborn infants and infused continuously to 88 infants in whom septicaemia was suspected or had been proved. The mean dosages were 162 and 5.3 mg/kg per 24 hours...

  16. Estandarización del ensayo del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL:: método de gelificación

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    Rolando Perdomo Morales


    Full Text Available Entre las principales aplicaciones del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL está el control de endotoxinas en producto final de drogas parenterales. Para la aplicación exitosa del ensayo se requiere del dominio de un conjunto de habilidades, por lo que usualmente se corre en laboratorios especializados que ya cuentan con una basta experiencia. Aunque ya es un método ampliamente establecido y conocido, la aplicación del ensayo puede ser laborioso, consumir tiempo y reactivos hasta la obtención de resultados correctos. En el presente trabajo se describe la estandarización del ensayo del LAL por el método de gelificación. Se evalúan varias estrategias con la finalidad de optimizar y/o reducir el tiempo total de ensayo, el empleo de materiales como puntas certificadas libres de endotoxinas, tubos de ensayo y la sustitución de agua libre de endotoxinas suministrada por los fabricantes de reactivo LAL por agua para inyección. El procedimiento estandarizado produce resultados válidos según los criterios de la Farmacopea de EE.UU.The control of endotoxins in the final product of parenteral drugs is among the main applications of the limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL. For the successful application of this test, it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of a series of abilities. That's why, it is usually made at specialized laboratories having a vast experience. In spite of the fact that it is already a widely established and known method, the application of the assay may be laborious, take time and consume reagents until the obtention of the right results. In the present paper, it is described the standardization of the LAL assay by the gelification method. Various strategies are evaluated in order to optimize and/or reduce the total time of the assay, the use of materials as certified endotoxin-free points, test tubes, and the substitution of endotoxin-free water, supplied by the manufacturers of LAL reagent, by injection water

  17. Parenteral structured triglyceride emulsion improves nitrogen balance and is cleared faster from the blood in moderately catabolic patients. (United States)

    Kruimel, J W; Naber, T H; van der Vliet, J A; Carneheim, C; Katan, M B; Jansen, J B


    Most postoperative patients lose net protein mass, which reflects loss of muscle tissue and organ function. Perioperative parenteral nutrition may reduce the loss of protein, but in general, with conventional lipid emulsions a waste of protein still remains. We compared the effects on nitrogen balance of an emulsion containing structured triglycerides, a new type of synthesized triglycerides, with an emulsion of a physical mixture of medium- and long-chain triglycerides as part of parenteral feeding in moderately catabolic patients. The first 5 days after placement of an aortic prosthesis patients received total parenteral nutrition (TPN) providing 0.2 g of nitrogen per kg body weight per day; energy requirement was calculated using Harris and Benedict's equation, adding 300 kcal per day for activity. Twelve patients were treated with the structured triglyceride emulsion and 13 patients with the emulsion of the physical mixture of medium- and long-chain triglycerides. The design was a randomized, double-blind parallel study. In the patients who completed the study, the mean cumulative nitrogen balance over the first 5 postoperative days was -8+/-2 g in 10 patients on the structured triglyceride emulsion and -21+/-4 g in 9 patients on the emulsion of the physical mixture of medium- and long-chain triglycerides; the mean difference was 13 g of nitrogen (95% confidence interval 4 to 22, p = .015) in favor of the structured triglyceride emulsion. On the first postoperative day serum triglyceride and plasma medium-chain free fatty acid levels increased less during infusion of the structured triglyceride emulsion than with the physical mixture emulsion. The parenteral structured triglyceride emulsion improves the nitrogen balance and is cleared faster from the blood, compared with the emulsion of the physical mixture of medium- and long-chain triglycerides, in moderately catabolic patients.

  18. Tuberculosis and parenteral viral hepatitides: incidence of mixed forms

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    A. A. Asratyan


    Full Text Available Objective: to estimate the frequency of parenteral viral hepatitides (HB and HC (PVH in patients with tuberculosis in Moscow in relation to data on their incidence in the aggregate population of the capital.Materials and methods. The authors analyzed the incidence of (acute, chronic HB and HC (carriage and tuberculosis in Moscow in 2009. A total of 24,220 cards for infectious patients (No. 089/y and federal statistical follow-up forms (No. 2 were first processed to compare and search for personal data among the patients with tuberculosis and all forms of PVH and to establish the evidence of PVH and tuberculosis comorbidity.Results. The infection of tuberculosis patients with parenteral hepatitis B and C viruses was ascertained to be 5.5 to 284.9 times higher (in relation to the form of a hepatitis course than that in the aggregation population of Moscow, which suggests that PVH is of high significance for the tuberculosis patients and that it is necessary to improve a PVH prevention program among this cohort patients. Analysis of the sex-age structure shows that male tuberculosis patients in the 20-39-year-old group should be considered to be a special risk group that should attract special attention when implementing preventive measures. The tuberculosis mortality rate among mixed infected patients was 1.8-fold higher than among those who had PVH-uncomplicated tuberculosis.Conclusion. The results of the investigations are suggestive of the evidence of PVH and tuberculosis comorbidity. The mixed forms of these infections in different combinations have been established to be accompanied by their severer clinical course and high death rates. 


    Germano Borges de Oliveira Nascimento Freitas, Renata; Negrão Nogueira, Roberto José; Hessel, Gabriel


    assess whether the current protein intake recommendations may improve the biochemical parameters of critical patients receiving parenteral nutrition. longitudinal study with three evaluations made (during the first 72 hours, on the 7th and the 14th days of PN). The following tests were applied: albumin, C-reactive protein, prealbumin, total cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, lymphocytes, and glutathione peroxidase. The severity was determined by SOFA. The statistical analysis included the Spearman and Mann-Whitney tests, as well as ANOVA (analysis of variance). among the 53 patients evaluated, 20 (37.74%) died. The mean calorie was 24.68 ± 9.78 kcal/kg (beginning of PN), 26.49 ± 8.89 kcal/kg (3rd to 7th days of PN), and 30.9 ± 12.19 kcal/kg (7th to 14th days of PN). The mean protein was 1.19 ± 0.44 g/kcal/kg (first 72 hours of PN), 1.29 ± 0.44 g/kcal/kg (3rd to 7th days of PN) and 1.49 ± 0.69 g/kcal/kg (7th to 14th days of PN). Prealbumin, albumin, total cholesterol and HDL were below the reference values, while the CRP levels were high. Throughout the three evaluation times, there was no a significant improvement on the levels of laboratory examinations. A strong and negative correlation was found between SOFA and prealbumin (r = -0.64, p = 0.05). the protein offer, according to the traditional recommendations, was not enough to improve the biochemical parameters of critical patients undergoing parenteral nutrition. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2014. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  20. [Treatment of children with intestinal failure: intestinal rehabilitation, home parenteral nutrition or small intestine transplantation?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neelis, E.G.; Oers, H.A. van; Escher, J.C.; Damen, G.M.; Rings, E.H.; Tabbers, M.M.


    Intestinal failure is characterised by inadequate absorption of food or fluids, which is caused by insufficient bowel surface area or functioning. Children with chronic intestinal failure are dependent on parenteral nutrition (PN), which can be provided at home (HPN). In the Netherlands, HPN for

  1. Effect of parenteral serum plant sterols on liver enzymes and cholesterol metabolism in a patient with short bowel syndrome. (United States)

    Hallikainen, Maarit; Huikko, Laura; Kontra, Kirsi; Nissinen, Markku; Piironen, Vieno; Miettinen, Tatu; Gylling, Helena


    Hepatobiliary complications are common during parenteral nutrition. Lipid moiety in commercially available solutions contains plant sterols. It is not known whether plant sterols in parenteral nutrition interfere with hepatic function in adults. We detected how different amounts of plant sterols in parenteral nutrition solution affected serum plant sterol concentrations and liver enzymes during a 1.5-year follow-up in a patient with short bowel syndrome. Serum lipid, plant sterol, and liver enzyme levels were measured regularly during the transition from Intralipid (100% soy-based intravenous fat emulsion) to ClinOleic (an olive oil-based intravenous fat emulsion with 80% olive oil, 20% soy oil and lower plant sterols); the lipid supply was also gradually increased from 20 to 35 g/d. Plant sterols in parenteral nutrition solution and serum were measured with gas-liquid chromatography. During infusion of soy-based intravenous fat emulsion (30 g/d, total plant sterols 87 mg/d), the concentrations of sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol were 4361, 1387, and 378 microg/dL, respectively, and serum liver enzyme values were >or= 2.5 times above upper limit of normal. After changing to olive oil-based intravenous fat emulsion (20-35 g/d, plant sterols 37-65 mg/d), concentrations decreased to 2148 to 2251 microg/dL for sitosterol, 569-297 microg/dL for campesterol, and 95-55 microg/dL for stigmasterol. Concomitantly, liver enzyme values decreased to 1.4 to 1.8 times above upper limit of normal at the end of follow-up. The nutrition status of the patient improved. The amount of plant sterols in lipid emulsion affects serum liver enzyme levels more than the amount of lipid.

  2. Impact of Complete Parenteral Nutrition on Metabolic Processes in Cancer Patients in the Early Postoperative Period

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    O. A. Obukhova


    Full Text Available Objective: to estimate blood glucose levels during complete parenteral nutrition (CPN, by using the three-in-one system with a high glucose level. Subjects and methods. Thirty adult patients without diabetes mellitus (including 18 men were examined. Twelve and 18 patients were operated on for colonic and gastric cancers, respectively. CPN (Oliclinomel No. 7 — 1000, 1500 ml; glucose, 240 g in 1500 ml, Baxter, Belgium was carried out at the Surgery Department in the early postoperative period (3-5 postoperative days with stable hemodynamics and no organ dysfunction (acute respiratory, renal, hepatic failure. The preparation was administered at a rate of about 83 ml/h over 18 hours. Insulin was not used. Serum glucose concentrations were measured before the study and then for 24 hours at an interval of 6 hours. Results. Glucose concentrations were not found to exceed the allowable values in the majority of patients during CPN at the given rate. In 5 (16.7% patients, short-term glucose increases up to 13.3 mmol/l were corrected, by decreasing the infusion rate. There was no hypoglycemia or other complications during CPN. Conclusion. Our findings suggest that three-in-one parenteral feeding is safe and causes no metabolic disturbances if simple principles are followed, the basic ones of which are to observe the intake of an adequate total dose and the rate of administration of nutrients. Key words: parenteral feeding, hyperglycemia, metabolic disturbances.

  3. Intranasal boosting with an adenovirus-vectored vaccine markedly enhances protection by parenteral Mycobacterium bovis BCG immunization against pulmonary tuberculosis. (United States)

    Santosuosso, Michael; McCormick, Sarah; Zhang, Xizhong; Zganiacz, Anna; Xing, Zhou


    Parenterally administered Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine confers only limited immune protection from pulmonary tuberculosis in humans. There is a need for developing effective boosting vaccination strategies. We examined a heterologous prime-boost regimen utilizing BCG as a prime vaccine and our recently described adenoviral vector expressing Ag85A (AdAg85A) as a boost vaccine. Since we recently demonstrated that a single intranasal but not intramuscular immunization with AdAg85A was able to induce potent protection from pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge in a mouse model, we compared the protective effects of parenteral and mucosal booster immunizations following subcutaneous BCG priming. Protection by BCG prime immunization was not effectively boosted by subcutaneous BCG or intramuscular AdAg85A. In contrast, protection by BCG priming was remarkably boosted by intranasal AdAg85A. Such enhanced protection by intranasal AdAg85A was correlated to the numbers of gamma interferon-positive CD4 and CD8 T cells residing in the airway lumen of the lung. Our study demonstrates that intranasal administration of AdAg85A represents an effective way to boost immune protection by parenteral BCG vaccination.

  4. Refeeding syndrome in a small-for-dates micro-preemie receiving early parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Mizumoto, Hiroshi; Mikami, Masamitsu; Oda, Hirotsugu; Hata, Daisuke


    This report describes a small-for-date extremely low birth weight infant who manifested bradycardic events, respiratory failure, and hemolytic jaundice during her first week of life. These complications were attributed to severe hypophosphatemia and hypokalemia. Inadequate supply and refeeding syndrome triggered by early aggressive parenteral nutrition were responsible for electrolyte abnormalities. © 2012 The Authors. Pediatrics International © 2012 Japan Pediatric Society.

  5. Parenteral Nutrition and Intestinal Failure. (United States)

    Bielawska, Barbara; Allard, Johane P


    Severe short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a major cause of chronic (Type 3) intestinal failure (IF) where structural and functional changes contribute to malabsorption and risk of micronutrient deficiencies. Chronic IF may be reversible, depending on anatomy and intestinal adaptation, but most patients require long-term nutritional support, generally in the form of parenteral nutrition (PN). SBS management begins with dietary changes and pharmacologic therapies taking into account individual anatomy and physiology, but these are rarely sufficient to avoid PN. New hormonal therapies targeting intestinal adaptation hold promise. Surgical options for SBS including intestinal transplant are available, but have significant limitations. Home PN (HPN) is therefore the mainstay of treatment for severe SBS. HPN involves chronic administration of macronutrients, micronutrients, fluid, and electrolytes via central venous access in the patient's home. HPN requires careful clinical and biochemical monitoring. Main complications of HPN are related to venous access (infection, thrombosis) and metabolic complications including intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD). Although HPN significantly impacts quality of life, outcomes are generally good and survival is mostly determined by the underlying disease. As chronic intestinal failure is a rare disease, registries are a promising strategy for studying HPN patients to improve outcomes.

  6. Patient Characteristics and Outcomes of Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy: A Retrospective Study

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    Marie Yan


    Full Text Available Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT is a safe and effective alternative to hospitalization for many patients with infectious diseases. The objective of this study was to describe the OPAT experience at a Canadian tertiary academic centre in the absence of a formal OPAT program. This was achieved through a retrospective chart review of OPAT patients discharged from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre within a one-year period. Between June 2012 and May 2013, 104 patients (median age 63 years were discharged home with parenteral antimicrobials. The most commonly treated syndromes included surgical site infections (33%, osteoarticular infections (28%, and bacteremia (21%. The most frequently prescribed antimicrobials were ceftriaxone (21% and cefazolin (20%. Only 56% of the patients received follow-up care from an infectious diseases specialist. In the 60 days following discharge, 43% of the patients returned to the emergency department, while 26% required readmission. Forty-eight percent of the return visits were due to infection relapse or treatment failure, and 23% could be attributed to OPAT-related complications. These results suggest that many OPAT patients have unplanned health care encounters because of issues related to their infection or treatment, and the creation of a formal OPAT clinic may help improve outcomes.

  7. Aluminum Exposure from Parenteral Nutrition: Early Bile Canaliculus Changes of the Hepatocyte

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    Amanda R. Hall


    Full Text Available Background: Neonates on long-term parenteral nutrition (PN may develop parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD. Aluminum (Al is a known contaminant of infant PN, and we hypothesize that it substantially contributes to PNALD. In this study, we aim to assess the impact of Al on hepatocytes in a piglet model. Methods: We conducted a randomized control trial using a Yucatan piglet PN model. Piglets, aged 3–6 days, were placed into two groups. The high Al group (n = 8 received PN with 63 µg/kg/day of Al, while the low Al group (n = 7 received PN with 24 µg/kg/day of Al. Serum samples for total bile acids (TBA were collected over two weeks, and liver tissue was obtained at the end of the experiment. Bile canaliculus morphometry were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM and ImageJ software analysis. Results: The canalicular space was smaller and the microvilli were shorter in the high Al group than in the low Al group. There was no difference in the TBA between the groups. Conclusions: Al causes structural changes in the hepatocytes despite unaltered serum bile acids. High Al in PN is associated with short microvilli, which could decrease the functional excretion area of the hepatocytes and impair bile flow.

  8. Influence of preoperative peripheral parenteral nutrition with micronutrients after colorectal cancer patients. (United States)

    Liu, Ming-Yi; Tang, Hsiu-Chih; Hu, Shu-Hui; Yang, Hui-Lan; Chang, Sue-Joan


    The inflammatory reactions are stronger after surgery of malnourished preoperative patients. Many studies have shown vitamin and trace element deficiencies appear to affect the functioning of immune cells. Enteral nutrition is often inadequate for malnourished patients. Therefore, total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is considered an effective method for providing preoperative nutritional support. TPN needs a central vein catheter, and there are more risks associated with TPN. However, peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN) often does not provide enough energy or nutrients. This study investigated the inflammatory response and prognosis for patients receiving a modified form of PPN with added fat emulsion infusion, multiple vitamins (MTV), and trace elements (TE) to assess the feasibility of preoperative nutritional support. Methods. A cross-sectional design was used to compare the influence of PPN with or without adding MTV and TE on malnourished abdominal surgery patients. Both preoperative groups received equal calories and protein, but due to the lack of micronutrients, patients in preoperative Group B exhibited higher inflammation, lower serum albumin levels, and higher anastomotic leak rates and also required prolonged hospital stays. Malnourished patients who receive micronutrient supplementation preoperatively have lower postoperative inflammatory responses and better prognoses. PPN with added fat emulsion, MTV, and TE provides valid and effective preoperative nutritional support.

  9. Parenteral medium-chain triglyceride-induced neutrophil activation is not mediated by a Pertussis Toxin sensitive receptor.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Versleijen, M.W.J.; Esterik, J.C. van; Schaap-Roelofs, H.M.J.; Emst-de Vries, S.E. van; Willems, P.H.G.M.; Wanten, G.J.A.


    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Lipid-induced immune modulation might contribute to the increased infection rate that is observed in patients using parenteral nutrition. We previously showed that emulsions containing medium-chain triglycerides (LCT/MCTs or pure MCTs), but not pure long-chain triglycerides

  10. Hypophosphatemia occurs with insulin administration during refeeding by total parenteral nutrition in rats. (United States)

    Kawamura, Hiromi; Tanaka, Sarasa; Uenami, Yuri; Tani, Mariko; Ishitani, Midori; Morii, Saeko; Sakaue, Motoyoshi; Ito, Mikiko


    Refeeding syndrome (RFS) is characterized by the metabolic and clinical changes that occur following aggressive nutritional supplementation in malnourished patients. Hypophosphatemia is the hallmark of RFS and is key to its prevention and treatment in clinical practice. However, the mechanism of hypophosphatemia during RFS is unclear because of the lack of an animal model. In this study, we developed a rat RFS model as a first step to clarifying the molecular mechanism. After establishing the parenteral route, rats were fasted for 5 days and refeeding was started using total parenteral nutrition. The animals were infused with a high calorie solution with or without insulin administration. Results showed that plasma phosphate levels did not decrease in rats infused with the high calorie solution alone;in contrast, a 20% reduction compared to baseline was observed in rats administered insulin. In addition, rats infused with the high calorie solution containing added phosphate did not present with hypophosphatemia. Thus, we developed a rat RFS model with hypophosphatemia by tube feeding and insulin administration, and demonstrated the importance of phosphate in preventing refeeding hypophosphatemia. J. Med. Invest. 65:50-55, February, 2018.

  11. Nursing workload predictors in Catalonia (Spain: a home care cohort study Variables predictoras de las cargas de trabajo de enfermería en Cataluña: seguimiento de una cohorte de atención domiciliaria

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    Joan Gené Badia


    y situación social (test de Charlson, Barthel, Pfeiffer, Braden y Gijón; sobrecarga del cuidador (Test de Zarit; ingresos hospitalarios y visitas a urgencias; estado subjetivo de salud (SF-12; visitas de los profesionales de salud. Resultados: Los pacientes recibieron 7,2 (DE: 10,4 visitas anuales de su enfermera habitual. Observamos que tienen más riesgo de recibir visitas de enfermería los pacientes varones (IRR=1,42, IC95%: 1,20-1,67, con dependencia para las actividades de la vida diaria (IRR=1,65, IC95%: 1,29-2,13, afectados por úlceras por decúbito (IRR=4,03, IC95%: 2,27-7,14 y que precisaron servicios de atención de urgencia a domicilio (IRR=1,65, IC95%: 1,31-2,07. Por otro lado, los pacientes con deterioro cognitivo importante tienen menos probabilidad de recibir visitas de su enfermera (IRR=0,78, IC95%: 0,63-0,98. Conclusiones: Las características clínicas de los pacientes permiten predecir la carga de trabajo de enfermería. Esta relación positiva de la carga de trabajo con las variables relacionadas con la gravedad de la enfermedad y la relación negativa con el deterioro cognitivo muestra que la enfermería domiciliaria en Cataluña está básicamente orientada a la demanda.

  12. Standardized Parenteral Nutrition for the Transition Phase in Preterm Infants: A Bag That Fits (United States)

    Brennan, Ann-Marie; Fenton, Sarah; Murphy, Brendan P.


    The optimal composition of standardized parenteral nutrition (SPN) is not yet known, contributing to nutrient deficit accrual and growth failure, with the period of parenteral nutrition weaning, i.e., transition (TN) phase, being identified as particularly vulnerable. We created a comprehensive nutrition database, representative of the nutritional course of a diverse range of preterm infants (n = 59, birth weight ≤ 1500 g, gestation nutritional contribution from enteral feeds until target AA intakes were consistently achieved. From the modeling, the AA composition of SPN was determined at 3.5 g/100 mL, which was the maximum to avoid exceeding target intakes at any point in the TN phase. However, in order to consistently achieve target AA intakes, additional nutritional strategies were required, which included increasing the exclusion of enteral feeds in fluid and nutrient calculations from <20 mL/kg/day to <40 mL/kg/day, and earlier fortification of breastmilk at 80 mL/kg/day. This data-driven nutrient modeling process supported the development of an improved SPN regimen for our preterm population in the TN phase. PMID:29393903

  13. Programmed home visits by nursing professionals to older adults: prevention or treatment?

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    Caridad Dios-Guerra


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: conocer la repercusión de la visita domiciliaria de los profesionales en enfermería a personas de 65 años o más, pluripatológicas, en morbimortalidad.MÉTODO: estudio retrospectivo caso-control por auditoria de historias clínicas. Muestreo aleatorio. Variables principales morbilidad, mortalidad; descriptivas: visitas de la enfermera, filiación, datos clínicos y socio sanitarios. Análisis por medidas de tendencia central, dispersión, posición, tabulación, frecuencias relativas, absolutas; no paramétricas, contrastes χ2; Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney.RESULTADOS: se estudiaron a 1743 pacientes, de ellos 199 recibieron visita domiciliaria; la edad media de quien recibe visita es de 81,99 años; estos presentan mayor número de patologías de media 3,76; habitan en domicilio particular, si bien en conjunto presentan más institucionalización que los controles; el 50% no tiene identificado el Cuidador Principal; es mayor el número de visitas de las enfermeras a los pacientes que viven en residencias (p < 0,001. El 50% de casos no tiene plan de cuidados, con relación significativa (p < 0,001. No existen diferencias significativas en tiempo de vida entre los casos y los controles.CONCLUSIÓN: la visita domiciliaria del profesional en enfermería no repercute en la morbimortalidad; visita a los pacientes cuando ya ha aparecido el problema de salud, no hay datos de prevención.

  14. Programmed home visits by nursing professionals to older adults: prevention or treatment?1 (United States)

    Dios-Guerra, Caridad; Carmona-Torres, Juan Manuel; Ruíz-Gándara, África; Muñoz-Alonso, Adoración; Rodríguez-Borrego, María-Aurora


    OBJETIVOS: conocer la repercusión de la visita domiciliaria de los profesionales en enfermería a personas de 65 años o más, pluripatológicas, en morbimortalidad. MÉTODO: estudio retrospectivo caso-control por auditoria de historias clínicas. Muestreo aleatorio. Variables principales morbilidad, mortalidad; descriptivas: visitas de la enfermera, filiación, datos clínicos y socio sanitarios. Análisis por medidas de tendencia central, dispersión, posición, tabulación, frecuencias relativas, absolutas; no paramétricas, contrastes χ2; Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: se estudiaron a 1743 pacientes, de ellos 199 recibieron visita domiciliaria; la edad media de quien recibe visita es de 81,99 años; estos presentan mayor número de patologías de media 3,76; habitan en domicilio particular, si bien en conjunto presentan más institucionalización que los controles; el 50% no tiene identificado el Cuidador Principal; es mayor el número de visitas de las enfermeras a los pacientes que viven en residencias (p < 0,001). El 50% de casos no tiene plan de cuidados, con relación significativa (p < 0,001). No existen diferencias significativas en tiempo de vida entre los casos y los controles. CONCLUSIÓN: la visita domiciliaria del profesional en enfermería no repercute en la morbimortalidad; visita a los pacientes cuando ya ha aparecido el problema de salud, no hay datos de prevención. PMID:26312638

  15. Parenteral adjuvant potential of recombinant B subunit of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin

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    Carlos Eduardo Pouey da Cunha

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND The B subunit of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LTB is a potent mucosal immune adjuvant. However, there is little information about LTB's potential as a parenteral adjuvant. OBJECTIVES We aimed at evaluating and better understanding rLTB's potential as a parenteral adjuvant using the fused R1 repeat of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae P97 adhesin as an antigen to characterise the humoral immune response induced by this construct and comparing it to that generated when aluminium hydroxide is used as adjuvant instead. METHODS BALB/c mice were immunised intraperitoneally with either rLTBR1 or recombinant R1 adsorbed onto aluminium hydroxide. The levels of systemic anti-rR1 antibodies (total Ig, IgG1, IgG2a, and IgA were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. The ratio of IgG1 and IgG2a was used to characterise a Th1, Th2, or mixed Th1/Th2 immune response. FINDINGS Western blot confirmed rR1, either alone or fused to LTB, remained antigenic; anti-cholera toxin ELISA confirmed that LTB retained its activity when expressed in a heterologous system. Mice immunised with the rLTBR1 fusion protein produced approximately twice as much anti-rR1 immunoglobulins as mice vaccinated with rR1 adsorbed onto aluminium hydroxide. Animals vaccinated with either rLTBR1 or rR1 adsorbed onto aluminium hydroxide presented a mixed Th1/Th2 immune response. We speculate this might be a result of rR1 immune modulation rather than adjuvant modulation. Mice immunised with rLTBR1 produced approximately 1.5-fold more serum IgA than animals immunised with rR1 and aluminium hydroxide. MAIN CONCLUSIONS The results suggest that rLTB is a more powerful parenteral adjuvant than aluminium hydroxide when administered intraperitoneally as it induced higher antibody titres. Therefore, we recommend that rLTB be considered an alternative adjuvant, even if different administration routes are employed.

  16. Amino acids – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 4

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    Working group for developing the guidelines for parenteral nutrition of The German Association for Nutritional Medicine


    Full Text Available Protein catabolism should be reduced and protein synthesis promoted with parenteral nutrion (PN. Amino acid (AA solutions should always be infused with PN. Standard AA solutions are generally used, whereas specially adapted AA solutions may be required in certain conditions such as severe disorders of AA utilisation or in inborn errors of AA metabolism. An AA intake of 0.8 g/kg/day is generally recommended for adult patients with a normal metabolism, which may be increased to 1.2–1.5 g/kg/day, or to 2.0 or 2.5 g/kg/day in exceptional cases. Sufficient non-nitrogen energy sources should be added in order to assure adequate utilisation of AA. A nitrogen calorie ratio of 1:130 to 1:170 (g N/kcal or 1:21 to 1:27 (g AA/kcal is recommended under normal metabolic conditions. In critically ill patients glutamine should be administered parenterally if indicated in the form of peptides, for example 0.3–0.4 g glutamine dipeptide/kg body weight/day (=0.2–0.26 g glutamine/kg body weight/day. No recommendation can be made for glutamine supplementation in PN for patients with acute pancreatitis or after bone marrow transplantation (BMT, and in newborns. The application of arginine is currently not warranted as a supplement in PN in adults. N-acetyl AA are only of limited use as alternative AA sources. There is currently no indication for use of AA solutions with an increased content of glycine, branched-chain AAs (BCAA and ornithine-α-ketoglutarate (OKG in all patients receiving PN. AA solutions with an increased proportion of BCAA are recommended in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy (III–IV.

  17. [Value of early application of different doses of amino acids in parenteral nutrition among preterm infants]. (United States)

    Liu, Zhi-Juan; Liu, Guo-Sheng; Chen, Yong-Ge; Zhang, Hui-Li; Wu, Xue-Fen


    To study the short-term response and tolerance of different doses of amino acids in parenteral nutrition among preterm infants. This study included 86 preterm infants who had a birth weight between 1 000 to 2 000 g and were admitted to the hospital within 24 hours of birth between March 2013 and June 2014. According to the early application of different doses of amino acids, they were randomized into low-dose group (n=29, 1.0 g/kg per day with an increase of 1.0 g/kg daily and a maximum of 3.5 g/kg per day), medium-dose group (n=28, 2.0 g/kg per day with an increase of 1.0 g/kg daily and a maximum of 3.7 g/kg per day), and high-dose group (n=29, 3.0 g/kg per day with an increase of 0.5-1.0 g/kg daily and a maximum of 4.0 g/kg per day). Other routine parenteral nutrition and enteral nutrition support were also applied. The maximum weight loss was lower and the growth rate of head circumference was greater in the high-dose group than in the low-dose group (Pnutrition, shorter duration of hospital stay, and less hospital cost than those in the low-dose group (P0.05). Parenteral administration of high-dose amino acids in preterm infants within 24 hours after birth can improve the short-term nutritional status of preterm infants, but there is a transient increase in BUN level.

  18. [Should pediatric parenteral nutrition be individualized?]. (United States)

    Freitas, Renata Germano Borges de Oliveira Nascimento; Nogueira, Roberto José Negrão; Saron, Margareth Lopes Galvão; Lima, Alexandre Esteves Souza; Hessel, Gabriel


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) formulations are commonly individualized, since their standardization seem inadequate for the pediatric population. This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional state and the reasons for PN individualization in pediatric patients using PN hospitalized in a tertiary hospital in Campinas, São Paulo. This longitudinal study comprised patients using PN followed by up to 67 days. Nutritional status was classified according to the criteria established by the World Health Organization (WHO) (2006) and WHO (2007). The levels of the following elements on blood were analyzed: sodium, potassium, ionized calcium, chloride, magnesium, inorganic phosphorus and triglycerides (TGL). Among the criteria for individualization, were considered undeniable: significant reduction in blood levels of potassium (nutritional state of patients was considered critical in most cases. Thus, the individualization performed in the beginning of PN for energy protein adequacy was indispensable. In addition, the individualized PN was indispensable in at least 29.2% of PN for correction of alterations found in biochemical parameters. Copyright © 2014 Associação de Pediatria de São Paulo. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  19. Kinetics of phytosterol metabolism in neonates receiving parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Nghiem-Rao, T Hang; Tunc, Ilker; Mavis, Alisha M; Cao, Yumei; Polzin, Elizabeth M; Firary, Mary F; Wang, Xujing; Simpson, Pippa M; Patel, Shailendra B


    Phytosterols in soybean oil (SO) lipids likely contribute to parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD) in infants. No characterization of phytosterol metabolism has been done in infants receiving SO lipids. In a prospective cohort study, 45 neonates (36 SO lipid vs. 9 control) underwent serial blood sample measurements of sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol. Mathematical modeling was used to determine pharmacokinetic parameters of phytosterol metabolism and phytosterol exposure. Compared to controls, SO lipid-exposed infants had significantly higher levels of sitosterol and campesterol (P Phytosterols in SO lipid accumulate rapidly in neonates. Very preterm infants receiving SO lipid have higher sitosterol exposure, and may have poorly developed mechanisms of eliminating phytosterols that may contribute to their vulnerability to PNALD.

  20. Calcium Chloride and Calcium Gluconate in Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition Solutions without Cysteine: Compatibility Studies Using Laser Light Obscuration Methodology

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    Robert K. Huston


    Full Text Available There are no compatibility studies for neonatal parenteral nutrition solutions without cysteine containing calcium chloride or calcium gluconate using light obscuration as recommended by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP. The purpose of this study was to do compatibility testing for solutions containing calcium chloride and calcium gluconate without cysteine. Solutions of TrophAmine and Premasol (2.5% amino acids, containing calcium chloride or calcium gluconate were compounded without cysteine. Solutions were analyzed for particle counts using light obscuration. Maximum concentrations tested were 15 mmol/L of calcium and 12.5 mmol/L of phosphate. If the average particle count of three replicates exceeded USP guidelines, the solution was determined to be incompatible. This study found that 12.5 and 10 mmol/L of calcium and phosphate, respectively, are compatible in neonatal parenteral nutrition solutions compounded with 2.5% amino acids of either TrophAmine or Premasol. There did not appear to be significant differences in compatibility for solutions containing TrophAmine or Premasol when solutions were compounded with either CaCl2 or CaGlu-Pl. This study presents data in order to evaluate options for adding calcium and phosphate to neonatal parenteral nutrition solutions during shortages of calcium and cysteine.

  1. Enteral bile acid treatment improves parenteral nutrition-related liver disease and intestinal mucosal atrophy in neonatal pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jain, Ajay Kumar; Stoll, Barbara; Burrin, Douglas G


    Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is essential for patients with impaired gut function but leads to parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD). TPN disrupts the normal enterohepatic circulation of bile acids, and we hypothesized that it would decrease intestinal expression of the newly...... described metabolic hormone fibroblast growth factor-19 (FGF19) and also glucagon-like peptides-1 and -2 (GLP-1 and GLP-2). We tested the effects of restoring bile acids by treating a neonatal piglet PNALD model with chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA). Neonatal pigs received enteral feeding (EN), TPN, or TPN...... + CDCA for 14 days, and responses were assessed by serum markers, histology, and levels of key regulatory peptides. Cholestasis and steatosis were demonstrated in the TPN group relative to EN controls by elevated levels of serum total and direct bilirubin and also bile acids and liver triglyceride (TG...

  2. Vitamin E in New-Generation Lipid Emulsions Protects Against Parenteral Nutrition–Associated Liver Disease in Parenteral Nutrition–Fed Preterm Pigs (United States)

    Ng, Kenneth; Stoll, Barbara; Chacko, Shaji; de Pipaon, Miguel Saenz; Lauridsen, Charlotte; Gray, Matthew; Squires, E. James; Marini, Juan; Zamora, Irving J.; Olutoye, Oluyinka O.; Burrin, Douglas G.


    Introduction Parenteral nutrition (PN) in preterm infants leads to PN-associated liver disease (PNALD). PNALD has been linked to serum accumulation of phytosterols that are abundant in plant oil but absent in fish oil emulsions. Hypothesis Whether modifying the phytosterol and vitamin E composition of soy and fish oil lipid emulsions affects development of PNALD in preterm pigs. Methods We measured markers of PNALD in preterm pigs that received 14 days of PN that included 1 of the following: (1) Intralipid (IL, 100% soybean oil), (2) Intralipid + vitamin E (ILE, d-α-tocopherol), (3) Omegaven (OV, 100% fish oil), or (4) Omegaven + phytosterols (PS, β-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol). Results Serum levels of direct bilirubin, gamma glutamyl transferase, serum triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein, and hepatic triglyceride content were significantly lower (P phytosterols to Omegaven did not produce evidence of PNALD. PMID:25596209

  3. crônicos: mapeamento cruzado

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    Talita do Nascimento da Silva


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue analizar las intervenciones de Enfermería en registros médicos de ancianos en atención en programa de gestión de pacientes crónicos, comparándolas con la Clasificación de las Intervenciones de Enfermería. Investigación llevada a cabo en servicio de salud privado del Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, en marzo del 2014. Estudio de mapeo cruzado, con enfoque cuantitativo. Muestra compuesta por 80 registros, según los siguientes criterios: asistidos en 2013; media complejidad II; edad mayor de 64 años; recibieron más de cinco visitas domiciliarias; y activos en diciembre del 2013 en baja complejidad I. Intervenciones frecuentemente mapeadas: educación – proceso de la enfermedad (98%; asesoramiento nutricional (98%; control del ambiente (95%; y promoción del ejercicio (94%. La disminución del estado funcional del programa indica que las directrices eran eficaces, pero aún no estandarizadas. Se recomienda adopción de lenguaje estandarizado.

  4. Effectiveness and tolerability of parenteral testosterone undecanoate: a post-marketing surveillance study. (United States)

    Wolf, Jan; Keipert, Dieter; Motazedi, Heiko; Ernst, Michael; Nettleship, Joanne; Gooren, Louis


    This observational post-marketing study of parenteral testosterone undecanoate (TU) in a non-selected population aimed to: examine the effectiveness of TU as treatment of hypogonadism; record adverse drug reactions (ADR) quantitatively particularly regarding polycythemia, prostate safety and cardiovascular-related metabolic risk factors; and verify whether recommended injection intervals apply to routine clinical practice. Eight hundred and seventy subjects from 259 outpatient units scheduled to visit the clinic six times were included. Effectiveness and tolerability of TU administration were assessed on a 4-point scale. Body weight, waist girth, blood pressure, hemoglobin levels, hematocrit, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and digital rectal prostate examination were assessed. Over 90% of subjects completed the observational duration of 52.8 ± 9.7 weeks (mean ± SD) and 56% judged effectiveness as very good, 30.8% as good. 63.1% judged tolerability as very good, and 24.4% as good. No adverse effects on indicators of cardiovascular risk were observed. Polycythemia occurred in one subject and a supranormal hematocrit in one subject. Four subjects developed supranormal PSA levels. Prostate carcinoma was found in one subject, one subject had recurrence of a previously surgically treated prostate carcinoma, and the other two showed no indication of malignancy. Parenteral TU is safe, effective, and well-tolerated in clinical practice proving a good therapeutic option for hypogonadism.

  5. Costo de un sistema de atención de adultos mayores dependientes en Chile, 2012 - 2020

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauricio Matus-López


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Obtener una estimación de los costos relativo y absoluto de un sistema de atención domiciliaria para los adultos mayores dependientes en Chile y reflexionar sobre las consideraciones metodológicas a tener en cuenta en estimaciones para otros modelos en otros países. MÉTODOS: Se utilizaron tasas de prevalencia por sexo y edad con base en los microdatos de la Encuesta Nacional de Dependencia (ENDPM 2009 y se proyectaron tres escenarios para 2012 - 2020. Se estimó la población beneficiaria y la demanda de 12 programas de servicios de atención domiciliaria. Las características de los programas, en horas y tipo de atención se obtuvieron del juicio de expertos, ajustados por la revisión bibliográfica. Se utilizaron salarios/hora del sistema público y privado. RESULTADOS: Entre los mayores de 65 años, 20,3% sería beneficiario del sistema; 21,7% sobre el total de mujeres y 18,4% sobre el total de hombres. Su número asciende a 336 874 personas para 2012. El costo anual del sistema alcanza los 1 214 millones de dólares para 2012. Esto equivale a 0,45% del PIB (producto interior bruto, que se podría incrementar entre 32,1% y 33,1% hasta 2020. CONCLUSIONES: El costo de un sistema inicial para adultos mayores dependientes en Chile es relativamente bajo en comparación con los modelos de los países industrializados. En términos metodológicos, se destaca la importancia de la discusión previa sobre el tipo de modelo que se desee implementar y las posibilidades financieras de llevarlo a cabo. Además, se valida la opción de utilizar juicios de expertos para la evaluación, aunque se aconseja ampliarla.

  6. Access technique and its problems in parenteral nutrition - Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 9. (United States)

    Jauch, K W; Schregel, W; Stanga, Z; Bischoff, S C; Brass, P; Hartl, W; Muehlebach, S; Pscheidl, E; Thul, P; Volk, O


    Catheter type, access technique, and the catheter position should be selected considering to the anticipated duration of PN aiming at the lowest complication risks (infectious and non-infectious). Long-term (>7-10 days) parenteral nutrition (PN) requires central venous access whereas for PN 3 weeks subcutaneous tunnelled catheters or port systems are appropriate. CVC (central venous catheter) should be flushed with isotonic NaCl solution before and after PN application and during CVC occlusions. Strict indications are required for central venous access placement and the catheter should be removed as soon as possible if not required any more. Blood samples should not to be taken from the CVC. If catheter infection is suspected, peripheral blood-culture samples and culture samples from each catheter lumen should be taken simultaneously. Removal of the CVC should be carried out immediately if there are pronounced signs of local infection at the insertion site and/or clinical suspicion of catheter-induced sepsis. In case PN is indicated for a short period (max. 7-10 days), a peripheral venous access can be used if no hyperosmolar solutions (>800 mosm/L) or solutions with a high titration acidity or alkalinity are used. A peripheral venous catheter (PVC) can remain in situ for as long as it is clinically required unless there are signs of inflammation at the insertion site.

  7. Use of Piggyback Electrolytes for Patients Receiving Individually Prescribed vs Premixed Parenteral Nutrition. (United States)

    Busch, Rebecca A; Curtis, Caitlin S; Leverson, Glen E; Kudsk, Kenneth A


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) is available as individualized prescriptions frequently prepared with an automated compounding device or as commercially prepared premixed solutions. Our institution exclusively used individualized PN until an amino acid shortage forced a temporary switch to premixed solutions. In general, premixed solutions contain lower electrolyte levels than individualized formulations prescribed for patients with normal organ function. We aimed to quantify supplemental intravenous piggyback (IVPB) electrolyte use in adult patients receiving individualized and premixed PN and to quantify any effect on difference in the cost of therapy. We compared use of supplemental IVPB electrolytes administered to patients receiving PN during consecutive periods prior to and during the amino acid shortage. Electrolyte IVPBs tabulated were potassium chloride, 10 and 20 mEq; magnesium sulfate, 2 g and 4 g; potassium phosphate, 7.5 and 15 mmol; and sodium phosphate, 7.5 and 15 mmol IVPB. There was no statistical difference in the number of PN formulations administered per day during each period (14.7 ± 3.9 vs 14.0 ± 2.6, individualized vs premixed, respectively). Total IVPB electrolytes prescribed per day increased significantly from the individualized PN period to the premixed PN period (7.03 ± 3.8 vs 13.8 ± 6.8; P Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  8. Parenteral magnesium load testing with 28Mg in weanling and young adult rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caddell, J.L.; Calhoun, N.R.; Howard, M.P.; Patterson, K.Y.; Smith, J.C. Jr.


    A sound diagnostic test for Mg deficiency is needed. This is a report of the parenteral Mg load test conducted in weanling and young adult rats fed a purified basal diet containing 3 mg magnesium/100 g with 150 mg of added magnesium/100 g (control) or 0 added magnesium (deficient). Weanlings were studied at about 1 week of dietary treatment and young adults at 2 weeks. The protocol included: a) a 6-hour preload urinary collection; b) an intraperitoneal load of 15 mg of magnesium/kg (weanlings) or 12 mg/kg (young adults) with 2 microCi 28Mg given simultaneously with each load; c) a 6-hour postload urinary collection; d) chemical analysis of selected tissues and urine for Mg; and e) 28Mg counting 6 and 24 hours postload. Controls all excreted large amounts of Mg pre- and postload, retaining less than 26% of nonradioactive loads. They had high urinary 28Mg counts. In Mg-deficient animals, the concentration of Mg in bone more than halved. These animals avidly conserved Mg and retained over 85% of nonradioactive Mg loads. Their 28Mg activity in vital organs was 3--6 times greater than in controls. We concluded that the parenteral Mg load test reliably identifies severe Mg deficiency

  9. Construction and characterization of human rotavirus recombinant VP8* subunit parenteral vaccine candidates. (United States)

    Wen, Xiaobo; Cao, Dianjun; Jones, Ronald W; Li, Jianping; Szu, Shousun; Hoshino, Yasutaka


    Two currently licensed live oral rotavirus vaccines (Rotarix® and RotaTeq®) are highly efficacious against severe rotavirus diarrhea. However, the efficacy of such vaccines in selected low-income African and Asian countries is much lower than that in middle or high-income countries. Additionally, these two vaccines have recently been associated with rare case of intussusception in vaccinated infants. We developed a novel recombinant subunit parenteral rotavirus vaccine which may be more effective in low-income countries and also avert the potential problem of intussusception. Truncated recombinant VP8* (ΔVP8*) protein of human rotavirus strain Wa P[8], DS-1 P[4] or 1076 P[6] expressed in Escherichia coli was highly soluble and was generated in high yield. Guinea pigs hyperimmunized intramuscularly with each of the ΔVP8* proteins (i.e., P[8], P[4] or P[6]) developed high levels of homotypic as well as variable levels of heterotypic neutralizing antibodies. Moreover, the selected ΔVP8* proteins when administered to mice at a clinically relevant dosage, route and schedule, elicited high levels of serum anti-VP8* IgG and/or neutralizing antibodies. Our data indicated that the ΔVP8* proteins may be a plausible additional candidate as new parenteral rotavirus vaccines. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. [Evaluation of central parenteral alimentation in critically ill newborn infants at a provincial pediatric hospital]. (United States)

    Yunes-Zárraga, J L; de la Garza-Garza, G; Velázquez-Quintana, N


    A revision was made on files of newborns whom received total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in the neonatal intensive care unit of the Hospital Infantil de Tamaulipas during a two and a half years period. We try to correlate dosage and caloric intake with weight gain, survival and complications. We reviewed the principal indications that motivated the use of total parenteral nutrition. The average period of administration was 15 days and caloric intake average 75 cal. There was significance in weight gain in newborns older than 35 weeks (14.6 g/kg/day) compared with younger than 34 weeks (9.2 g/kg/day) (p less than 0.001). There was no relation between days and dosage in both groups. Only one case showed cholestatic jaundice. Hyperglycemia was present statistically more frequent in the group lesser gestational age. There were no important electrolytic disturbances. Necrotizing enterocolitis was present more frequent in the older group. Some comments are made in relation to sepsis and a discussion of possible causes that do no permit a better assimilation of nutrients in these babies.

  11. Changes in Parenteral Nutrition During the First Week of Life Influence Early but Not Late Postnatal Growth in Very Low-Birth-Weight Infants. (United States)

    Izquierdo, Montserrat; Martínez-Monseny, Antonio Federico; Pociello, Neus; Gonzalez, Paloma; Del Rio, Ruth; Iriondo, Martin; Iglesias-Platas, Isabel


    Postnatal growth restriction remains a serious problem in very low-birth-weight infants. Enhanced parenteral supply of nutrients as soon as possible after birth is one of the strategies addressed to avoid extrauterine growth restriction. We aimed to analyze changes in growth patterns and in clinical outcomes in our unit after a change in our parenteral nutrition (PN) protocol. We collected data from 2 time periods, comprising the 2 years before (period I) and the 2 years after (period II) the change of protocol. We included 142 very low-birth-weight infants ≤32 weeks of gestation with a birth weight ≤1500 g. Data regarding nutrition intakes (parenteral and enteral) in the first week of life, growth during admission, and clinical outcomes were retrieved from clinical charts. Babies in period II received a higher nutrition supply during the first week of life, but no further differences were found after this period. Weight at 14 days of life was significantly higher in period II but not at day 28 of life or discharge. In our population, an enhanced PN regimen for very low-birth-weight infants led to a better growth at 14 days of life. However, this positive effect had disappeared at day 28 of life. Strategies to improve nutrient supply once the preterm baby is stable and on full enteral feeds should be implemented and analyzed. © 2016 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  12. Drug Utilization Review of parenteral opioid analgesics in cardiovascular surgery department of Shahid Modarres Hospital, Tehran

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    Vatanpour H, Soltani M,


    Full Text Available Persistent pain continues to be a common problem among patients undergoing cardiac operations and the need for controlling such pain is believed to be as a prime necessity in terms of the patient’s well being, health care costs and avoiding negative consequences provoked by the pain itself. Regarding to the newly established guidelines, opioid analgesic agents are considered as the mainstay of moderate to severe acute pain. Nonetheless, the underutilization of opioids for pain relief is still a persisting huge challenge. This survey, applying as a concurrent Drug Utilization Review using ATC/DDD system provided and recommended by the DUR group of the World Health Organization, conducted on 108 inpatients who received opioid drugs by parenteral route during 9 months from February to November 2013 at the post-ICU ward of Shahid Modarres Cardiovascular Hospital, affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science, in Tehran. Our findings revealed that morphine was the most commonly prescribed parenteral opioid in the hospitalized patients and pethidine usage was in the lowest level for the geriatric patients, resulting in satisfaction with the analgesic procedure among most of the cases in our study. Both of the mentioned drugs were prescribed by intramuscular route, regarding PRN way of injecting as well. Comparative results of our study with the literature revealed relatively moderate and roughly rational consumption of morphine (10.282 DDD/100bed-days and pethidine (0.013 DDD/100bed-days. Applying multivariate conditional regression modeling on the question of determining independent predictors for opioid usage, disclosed a direct correlation between the patient’s weight and daily dose of parenteral opioid consumption.

  13. Concomitant parenteral nutrition and systemic cytotoxic therapy in a metastatic colorectal cancer patient

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    A. A. Popov


    Full Text Available Pathologic nutrients metabolism presents a severe problem in metastatic colorectal cancer patients, especially those with canceromatosis. A hypermetabolism-catabolism syndrome frequently develops in in patients with progressing canceromatosis. This leads to cachexia anorexia syndrome, which significantly impedes available treatment options. Artificial nutrition allows to improve available treatment in such patients. We present a successful case of concomitant parenteral nutrition and systemic cytotoxic therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer patient with peritoneal canceromatosis.

  14. Parenteral opioids for maternal pain management in labour. (United States)

    Smith, Lesley A; Burns, Ethel; Cuthbert, Anna


    Parenteral opioids (intramuscular and intravenous drugs including patient-controlled analgesia) are used for pain relief in labour in many countries throughout the world. This review is an update of a review first published in 2010. To assess the effectiveness, safety and acceptability to women of different types, doses and modes of administration of parenteral opioid analgesia in labour. A second objective is to assess the effects of opioids in labour on the baby in terms of safety, condition at birth and early feeding. We searched Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Trials Register,, the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (11 May 2017) and reference lists of retrieved studies. We included randomised controlled trials examining the use of intramuscular or intravenous opioids (including patient-controlled analgesia) for women in labour. Cluster-randomised trials were also eligible for inclusion, although none were identified. We did not include quasi-randomised trials. We looked at studies comparing an opioid with another opioid, placebo, no treatment, other non-pharmacological interventions (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)) or inhaled analgesia. Two review authors independently assessed trials for inclusion and risk of bias, extracted data and checked them for accuracy. We assessed the quality of each evidence synthesis using the GRADE approach. We included 70 studies that compared an opioid with placebo or no treatment, another opioid administered intramuscularly or intravenously or compared with TENS applied to the back. Sixty-one studies involving more than 8000 women contributed data to the review and these studies reported on 34 different comparisons; for many comparisons and outcomes only one study contributed data. All of the studies were conducted in hospital settings, on healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies at 37 to 42 weeks' gestation. We excluded studies focusing on women with pre

  15. Factores asociados a la utilización de servicios de salud odontológicos


    Dho, María Silvina


    Resumen El presente trabajo se propone analizar los factores asociados a la utilización de servicios de salud odontológicos (USSO) en individuos adultos de la Ciudad de Corrientes; Argentina. Se realizó un estudio transversal. A través de una encuesta domiciliaria se recolectó información de las variables de estudio. Se determinó el tamaño de la muestra estableciéndose un nivel de confianza del 95% (381 individuos). Se aplicó un diseño muestral aleatorio simple, que se complementó con un mues...

  16. Programa interdisciplinar de internação domiciliar de Marília-SP: custos de recursos materiais consumidos Programa interdisciplinar de internación domiciliaria de Marília-SP: costos de los recursos materiales consumidos Interdisciplinary home hospitalization program of Marília-SP: material resource costs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Renata Albino Marques Mesquita


    Full Text Available Este estudo estimou o custo médio direto total de alguns fatores produtivos (recursos materiais como material de consumo, dietas, medicamentos e soluções utilizados por dois grupos de pacientes internados no Programa Interdisciplinar de Internação Domiciliar de Marília-SP. A amostra foi constituída de 27 pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral (AVC e 18 com neoplasia. Os dados foram coletados do momento da internação até a saída do Programa. O custo médio direto total foi de R$ 52,72 para cada paciente com AVC e de R$ 65,13 para aqueles com neoplasia. Para ambos os grupos de pacientes, a subcategoria de material - dietas - respondeu, em termos de custos, pelo maior percentual.Este estudio estimó el promedio del costo directo total de algunos factores productivos (recursos materiales, tales como material de consumo, dietas, medicamentos y soluciones usados por dos grupos de pacientes durante el periodo de internación en el Programa Interdisciplinario de Internación Domiciliaria desarrollado en el municipio de Marilia-SP, Brasil. La muestra se constituyó de 27 pacientes con diagnóstico de accidente vascular cerebral (AVC y 18 pacientes con diagnóstico de Neoplasia. Los datos fueron recopilados desde el momento de la internación hasta la salida del Programa. El promedio del costo directo total correspondió a R$ 52,72 para los pacientes con AVC y R$ 65,13 para aquellos con Neoplasia. Para ambos grupos, la subcategoría de material - dieta fue responsable por el mayor porcentual de los costos.This study estimated the mean total direct cost of some production factors (material resources, including consumption materials, diets, medication and solutions used by two patient groups during hospitalization in the Interdisciplinary Home Hospitalization Program (PROIID of Marília-SP, Brazil. The sample consisted of 27 patients with a diagnosis of cerebral vascular accident (CVA and 18 with Neoplasm. Data were collected from the moment of

  17. Effect of parenteral nutrition on postradiational metabolic changes under experimental conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grozdov, S.P.; Moroz, B.B.; Fedorovskij, L.L.; Vasil'evskaya, V.V.; Lyrshchikova, A.V.


    The assimilation of carbohydrates, nitrogen compounds, fat and electrolytes during parenteral feeding (PF) of irradiated animals was studied. Rats were subjected to PF from 2nd to 5th day after total gamma irradiation at 750 R, dogs - from 8th to 11th day after irradiation at 300 R. The results are indicative of a satisfactory assimilation of carbohydrates, nitrogen compounds, fat and electrolytes by animals in the cource of PF. The negative nitrogen balance characteristic of irradiated animals was expressed to a lesser degree. A trend to a lower sodium excretion has been observed during PF period

  18. Taurolidine-citrate-heparin lock reduces catheter-related bloodstream infections in intestinal failure patients dependent on home parenteral support

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tribler, Siri; Brandt, Christopher F.; Petersen, Anne H.


    Background: In patients with intestinal failure who are receiving home parenteral support (HPS), catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs) inflict health impairment and high costs.Objective: This study investigates the efficacy and safety of the antimicrobial catheter lock solution, taurol...

  19. Suplementação enteral e parenteral com glutamina em neonatos pré-termo e com baixo peso ao nascer Enteral and parenteral supplementation with glutamine in preterm and low-birth-weight neonates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Carolina Borges


    Full Text Available A glutamina é o aminoácido livre mais abundante no sangue e no músculo esquelético, bem como é o principal substrato energético para células de elevado turnover, como enterócitos e leucócitos. Adicionalmente, a glutamina representa o principal aminoácido transferido para o feto pela placenta e, juntamente com o glutamato, constituem os aminoácidos mais abundantes no leite materno. Todavia, bebês nascidos prematuramente sofrem interrupção abrupta do fornecimento placentário de glutamina, o que acarreta em dependência exclusiva da síntese endógena ou do fornecimento exógeno deste aminoácido. Aliado a isso, neonatos pré-termo (PT e com baixo peso ao nascer (BPN, freqüentemente, recebem apenas nutrição parenteral total nas primeiras semanas de vida, a qual não contém glutamina. Cabe ainda destacar que esses bebês possuem pouca massa muscular e, portanto, seus estoques de glutamina são limitados. Uma vez que neonatos PT e com BPN estão sujeitos a intenso crescimento e a inúmeros estresses fisiológicos, é possível que a glutamina seja um nutriente condicionalmente essencial nessa fase da vida, fato que estimulou a realização de estudos com a finalidade de avaliar os possíveis benefícios clínicos da suplementação enteral e parenteral com glutamina em neonatos PT e com BPN.Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in the blood and skeletal muscle, and is the principal energetic substrate for cells with a high turnover, such as enterocytes and leucocytes. Furthermore, glutamine is the most important amino acid that is passed to the foetus via the placenta, and together with glutamate, is the most abundant amino acid in maternal milk. Preterm infants suffer an abrupt interruption in the supply of glutamine via the placenta, which leads to an exclusive dependence on the endogenous synthesis or the exogenous supply of this amino acid. Preterm neonates (PT as well as low-birth-weight neonates (LBW frequently

  20. Pediatric parenteral nutrition: clinical practice guidelines from the Spanish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SENPE), the Spanish Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SEGHNP) and the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH) (United States)

    Pedrón Giner, Consuelo; Cuervas-Mons Vendrell, Margarita; Galera Martínez, Rafael; Gómez López, Lilianne; Gomis Muñoz, Pilar; Irastorza Terradillos, Iñaki; Martínez Costa, Cecilia; Moreno Villares, José Manuel; Pérez-Portabella Maristany, Cleofé; Pozas Del Río, M ª Teresa; Redecillas Ferreiro, Susana E; Prieto Bozano, Gerardo; Grupo de Estandarización de la Senpe, Senpe


    Introduction:Parenteral nutrition (PN) in childhood is a treatment whose characteristics are highly variable depending on the age and pathology of the patient. Material and methods: The Standardization and Protocols Group of the Spanish Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SENPE) is an interdisciplinary group formed by members of the SENPE, the Spanish Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (SEGHNP) and the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH) that intends to update this issue. For this, a detailed review of the literature has been carried out, looking for the evidences that allow us to elaborate a Clinical Practice Guide following the criteria of the Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. Results: This manuscript summarizes the recommendations regarding indications, access routes, requirements, modifi cations in special situations, components of the mixtures, prescription and standardization, preparation, administration, monitoring, complications and home NP. The complete document is published as a monographic number. Conclusions: This guide is intended to support the prescription of pediatric PN. It provides the basis for rational decisions in the context of the existing evidence. No guidelines can take into account all of the often compelling individual clinical circumstances.

  1. Patients' experiences with home parenteral nutrition: A grounded theory study. (United States)

    Wong, Christina; Lucas, Beverley; Wood, Diana


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) provides nourishment and hydration as an intravenous infusion to patients with intestinal failure (IF). The aim of the study is to generate theory that explains the experiences of adult patients living with home parenteral nutrition (HPN) and complex medication regimens. A grounded theory methodology was used to explore the experiences of twelve patients receiving HPN. A semi-structured interview was conducted and recorded in each participant's home setting. Each interview was transcribed verbatim. The simultaneous process of data collection and analysis was followed reflecting the principles of the constant comparative approach. A total of 15 patients gave written consent, with 12 of them agreeing to be interviewed. All the participants had previously undergone surgery as a result of chronic ill health or sudden illness. Analysis revealed two core categories: stoma and HPN, and these were supported by the subcategories: maintaining stoma output, access to toilets, managing dietary changes, maintaining the HPN infusion routine, access to technical help to set up an HPN infusion, mobility with HPN equipment and general health changes. The strategy of living with loss was demonstrated by all the participants, and this was supported by the action strategies of maintaining daily activities and social interactions. This study generates new understanding and insight into the views and experiences of patients receiving HPN in the UK. The findings from these participants have been shown to resonate with the Kubler-Ross Model [1] of the five stages of grief. The theory of living with loss was generated by the use of a grounded theory methodology. This small scale exploratory study reveals opportunities for improvements in practice to be considered by the nutrition support team (NST) and other healthcare professionals involved in the patient's hospital stay prior to discharge on HPN. Copyright © 2018 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and

  2. Administering different levels of parenteral phosphate and amino acids did not influence growth in extremely preterm infants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Katrine Moe; Beck-Nielsen, Signe Sparre; Lando, Ane


    AIM: When a new high amino acid parenteral nutrition (PN) solution was introduced to our hospital, a design error led to decreased phosphate levels. This prompted us to examine the effect of three different PN solutions on plasma phosphate, plasma calcium and weight increases on extremely preterm...

  3. Phytosterol Esterification is Markedly Decreased in Preterm Infants Receiving Routine Parenteral Nutrition. (United States)

    Savini, Sara; Correani, Alessio; Pupillo, Daniele; D'Ascenzo, Rita; Biagetti, Chiara; Pompilio, Adriana; Simonato, Manuela; Verlato, Giovanna; Cogo, Paola; Taus, Marina; Nicolai, Albano; Carnielli, Virgilio Paolo


    Several studies reported the association between total plasma phytosterol concentrations and the parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis (PNAC). To date, no data are available on phytosterol esterification in animals and in humans during parenteral nutrition (PN). We measured free and esterified sterols (cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, and sitosterol) plasma concentrations during PN in 16 preterm infants (500-1249 g of birth weight; Preterm-PN), in 11 term infants (Term-PN) and in 12 adults (Adult-PN). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used for measurements. Plasma concentrations of free cholesterol (Free-CHO), free phytosterols (Free-PHY) and esterified phytosterols (Ester-PHY) were not different among the three PN groups. Esterified cholesterol (Ester-CHO) was statistically lower in Preterm-PN than Adult-PN. Preterm-PN had significantly higher Free-CHO/Ester-CHO and Free-PHY/Ester-PHY ratios than Adult-PN (Free-CHO/Ester-CHO: 1.1 ± 0.7 vs. 0.6 ± 0.2; Free-PHY/Ester-PHY: 4.1 ± 2.6 vs. 1.3 ± 0.8; *P phytosterol intake in Preterm-PN. Free-PHY/Ester-PHY of Preterm-PN was positively correlated with the Free-CHO/Ester-CHO and negatively correlated with gestational age and birth weight. In conclusion, PHY were esterified to a lesser extent than CHO in all study groups; the esterification was markedly decreased in Preterm-PN compared to Adult-PN. The clinical consequences of these findings warrant further investigations.

  4. Assessing Selenium, Manganese, and Iodine Status in Pediatric Patients Receiving Parenteral Nutrition. (United States)

    Johnsen, Jacob Clarke; Reese, Susan Anne; Mackay, Mark; Anderson, Collin R; Jackson, Daniel; Paul, Irasema Libertad


    Pediatric patients who are receiving parenteral nutrition (PN) unsupplemented with trace minerals can become deficient. Due to shortages in trace mineral products and the 2004 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition report stating that individualized trace element supplementation may be warranted, a review was conducted concerning the trace minerals selenium (Se), manganese (Mn), and iodine (I). A retrospective review of pediatric patients receiving PN that contained Se and Mn was conducted to determine if a difference existed between them and patients receiving PN without Se and Mn. Statistical analysis was done to assess a difference between trace mineral levels and the time to deficiency between supplemented and unsupplemented patients. Unsupplemented I patients had urine I levels assessed to determine deficiencies in patients receiving PN. Plasma Se levels were measured at a mean of 20 days for supplemented patients (n = 131) and 19 days for nonsupplemented patients (n = 57) with no difference between groups ( P = .2973). Plasma Mn levels were measured at a mean of 28 days, showing no statistical difference ( P = .721). Of the 177 nonsupplemented I patients, 74% demonstrated I deficiencies without supplementation. Time to the development of a Se, Mn, or I deficiency is important to guide supplementation of exclusive PN in children when trace mineral products are short in supply. Our retrospective experience supports assessment of the trace minerals Se at 21 days and Mn at 30 days. It also suggests that some pediatric patients receiving PN are deficient in I.

  5. Serum immunoglobulin and complement levels in prematures with parenteral feeding--preliminary results. (United States)

    Tamaro, G; Morena, C; Uxa, F; Candusso, M; Trappan, A; de Vonderweid, U


    Immunoglobulins IgA, IgG and IgM and complement factors C3 and C4 have been measured in a population of premature infants to evaluate their degree of immunological maturity. All the infants were receiving complete parenteral nutrition. In parallel, the same parameters were measured in twenty two full term, healthy neonates. To explore maturation and liver function, the authors used other proteins as nutritional markers. Differences in the immunoglobulins, but not in the complement fractions were seen between the two groups. Two applications are suggested: incidence of infections and post partum maturation.

  6. A Pilot Project Demonstrating that Combat Medics Can Safely Administer Parenteral Medications in the Emergency Department. (United States)

    Schauer, Steven G; Cunningham, Cord W; Fisher, Andrew D; DeLorenzo, Robert A


    Introduction Select units in the military have improved combat medic training by integrating their functions into routine clinical care activities with measurable improvements in battlefield care. This level of integration is currently limited to special operations units. It is unknown if regular Army units and combat medics can emulate these successes. The goal of this project was to determine whether US Army combat medics can be integrated into routine emergency department (ED) clinical care, specifically medication administration. Project Design This was a quality assurance project that monitored training of combat medics to administer parenteral medications and to ensure patient safety. Combat medics were provided training that included direct supervision during medication administration. Once proficiency was demonstrated, combat medics would prepare the medications under direct supervision, followed by indirect supervision during administration. As part of the quality assurance and safety processes, combat medics were required to document all medication administrations, supervising provider, and unexpected adverse events. Additional quality assurance follow-up occurred via complete chart review by the project lead. Data During the project period, the combat medics administered the following medications: ketamine (n=13), morphine (n=8), ketorolac (n=7), fentanyl (n=5), ondansetron (n=4), and other (n=6). No adverse events or patient safety events were reported by the combat medics or discovered during the quality assurance process. In this limited case series, combat medics safely administered parenteral medications under indirect provider supervision. Future research is needed to further develop this training model for both the military and civilian setting. Schauer SG , Cunningham C W, Fisher AD , DeLorenzo RA . A pilot project demonstrating that combat medics can safely administer parenteral medications in the emergency department. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2017;32(6):679-681.

  7. Water, electrolytes, vitamins and trace elements – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 7

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    Working group for developing the guidelines for parenteral nutrition of The German Association for Nutritional Medicine


    Full Text Available A close cooperation between medical teams is necessary when calculating the fluid intake of parenterally fed patients. Fluids supplied parenterally, orally and enterally, other infusions, and additional fluid losses (e.g. diarrhea must be considered. Targeted diagnostic monitoring (volume status is required in patients with disturbed water or electrolyte balance. Fluid requirements of adults with normal hydration status is approximately 30–40 ml/kg body weight/d, but fluid needs usually increase during fever. Serum electrolyte concentrations should be determined prior to PN, and patients with normal fluid and electrolyte balance should receive intakes follwing standard recommendations with PN. Additional requirements should usually be administered via separate infusion pumps. Concentrated potassium (1 mval/ml or 20% NaCl solutions should be infused via a central venous catheter. Electrolyte intake should be adjusted according to the results of regular laboratory analyses. Individual determination of electrolyte intake is required when electrolyte balance is initially altered (e.g. due to chronic diarrhea, recurring vomiting, renal insufficiency etc.. Vitamins and trace elements should be generally substituted in PN, unless there are contraindications. The supplementation of vitamins and trace elements is obligatory after a PN of >1 week. A standard dosage of vitamins and trace elements based on current dietary reference intakes for oral feeding is generally recommended unless certain clinical situations require other intakes.

  8. Access technique and its problems in parenteral nutrition – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 9

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    Bischoff, S. C.


    Full Text Available Catheter type, access technique, and the catheter position should be selected considering to the anticipated duration of PN aiming at the lowest complication risks (infectious and non-infectious. Long-term (>7–10 days parenteral nutrition (PN requires central venous access whereas for PN 3 weeks subcutaneous tunnelled catheters or port systems are appropriate. CVC (central venous catheter should be flushed with isotonic NaCl solution before and after PN application and during CVC occlusions. Strict indications are required for central venous access placement and the catheter should be removed as soon as possible if not required any more. Blood samples should not to be taken from the CVC. If catheter infection is suspected, peripheral blood-culture samples and culture samples from each catheter lumen should be taken simultaneously. Removal of the CVC should be carried out immediately if there are pronounced signs of local infection at the insertion site and/or clinical suspicion of catheter-induced sepsis. In case PN is indicated for a short period (max. 7–10 days, a peripheral venous access can be used if no hyperosmolar solutions (>800 mosm/L or solutions with a high titration acidity or alkalinity are used. A peripheral venous catheter (PVC can remain in situ for as long as it is clinically required unless there are signs of inflammation at the insertion site.

  9. Parenteral structured triglyceride emulsion improves nitrogen balance and is cleared faster from the blood in moderately catabolic patients.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kruimel, J.W.; Naber, A.H.J.; Vliet, J.A. van der; Carneheim, C.; Katan, M.B.; Jansen, J.B.M.J.


    BACKGROUND: Most postoperative patients lose net protein mass, which reflects loss of muscle tissue and organ function. Perioperative parenteral nutrition may reduce the loss of protein, but in general, with conventional lipid emulsions a waste of protein still remains. METHODS: We compared the

  10. Perioperative Parenteral Nutrition in Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Review of the Literature. (United States)

    Schwartz, Emily


    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory condition with numerous nutrition implications, including an increased risk of malnutrition and various nutrient deficiencies. Surgical interventions are often necessary in the treatment of IBD, and patients with IBD presenting for surgery often have multiple issues, including acute inflammatory processes, malnutrition, anemia, and infections, which may increase the likelihood of poor surgical outcomes. Thus, determining adjunctive treatments that may decrease postoperative complications is paramount. Although enteral nutrition (EN) is considered the preferred nutrition support modality when the gastrointestinal tract is accessible and functional, parenteral nutrition (PN) may provide a suitable alternative when the use of EN is not feasible. The aim of this review is to evaluate the currently available literature on the impact of perioperative PN on postoperative complications, disease severity, and nutrition status in adults with IBD. Six studies within the past 10 years investigated this topic and are analyzed here. Results indicate general trends toward improvements in postoperative outcomes, disease severity, and nutrition status associated with perioperative PN use. Although results appear promising, additional, larger studies with an emphasis on PN composition will improve our understanding of the benefits of perioperative PN in adults with IBD. © 2015 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  11. Biological and physicochemical stability of ceftazidime and aminophylline on glucose parenteral solution

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    Carolina Alves dos Santos


    Full Text Available Ceftazidime is a broad spectrum antibiotic administered mainly by the parenteral route, and it is especially effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The period of time in which serum levels exceed the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC is an important pharmacodynamic parameter for its efficacy. One of the forms to extend this period is to administer the antibiotic by continuous infusion, after prior dilution in a Parenteral Solution (PS. The present work assessed the stability of ceftazidime in 5% glucose PS for 24 hours, combined or not with aminophylline, through High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC. The physicochemical evaluation was accompanied by in vitro antimicrobial activity compared MIC test in the 24-hour period. Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the microorganisms chosen for the MIC comparison. The HPLC analysis confirmed ceftazidime and aminophylline individual stability on PS, while the MIC values were slightly higher than the mean described in the literature. When both drugs were associated in the same PS, the ceftazidime concentration by HPLC decreased 25% after 24 hours. Not only did the MIC values show high loss of antibiotic activity within the same period, but also altered MIC values immediately after the preparation, which was not detected by HPLC. Our results indicate that this drug combination is not compatible, even if used right away, and that PS might not be the best vehicle for ceftazidime, emphasizing the importance of the MIC evaluation for drug interactions.Ceftazidima é um antimicrobiano administrado por via parenteral, que apresenta amplo espectro de ação, principalmente contra Pseudomonas aeruginosa. O tempo em que a concentração sérica de ceftazidima permanece acima da concentração mínima inibitória (MIC é um importante parâmetro farmacodinâmico para a determinação da eficácia antimicrobiana e pode ser potencializado através da utilização de infusão contínua em

  12. Improvement in Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Cholestasis With the Use of Omegaven in an Infant With Short Bowel Syndrome. (United States)

    Strang, Brian J; Reddix, Bruce A; Wolk, Robert A


    Parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis (PNAC) and liver disease have been associated with soybean oil-based intravenous fat emulsions (IVFEs). The benefit of fish oil-based IVFEs in the reversal of parenteral nutrition (PN)-associated liver damage includes allowing for longer PN duration without immediate need for bowel or liver transplantation. The present case involves an infant born with short bowel syndrome (SBS) requiring long-term PN with development of PNAC and subsequent administration of a fish oil-based IVFE. An infant born with SBS was initiated on PN and enteral feeds. After failed enteral progression, bowel lengthening by serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP) resulted in postoperative ileus with delayed enteral feeding for 4 weeks. The administration of long-term PN led to development of PNAC, resulting in initiation of a fish oil-based IVFE. After 4 months, the cholestasis had resolved. Despite the STEP, at 16 months, the child required bowel tapering due to inability to advance enteral feeding. Fish oil-based IVFE was effectively used to reverse PNAC in a child with SBS. Despite early STEP, the patient was not able to tolerate enteral feedings and required bowel tapering. This case illustrates that early surgical intervention did not allow for improved feed tolerance. This resulted in a significant period without enteral nutrition, leading to development of cholestasis. The use of fish oil-based IVFE may permit a longer duration of PN administration without the development of cholestasis or liver disease, allowing for longer time for bowel adaptation prior to the need for surgical intervention. © 2016 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  13. Mortalidade materna na perspectiva do familiar Mortalidad materna en la perspectiva del familiar Maternal mortality on the family members' perspective

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    Flávia Azevedo Gomes


    Full Text Available A mortalidade materna é um dos indicadores do desenvolvimento de saúde e social de um país. É uma tragédia para a família, pois a morte da mãe priva a criança da amamentação e do contato materno, e pelo fato de caber à mulher manter a unidade da família. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender o significado da morte atribuído por familiares das mulheres falecidas por causas maternas. A população foi constituída por dez familiares de sete mulheres que morreram durante o ciclo grávido-puerperal no município de Ribeirão Preto. Realizamos visitas domiciliares e a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista dada pelo familiar da mulher. Para a análise dos dados, utilizamos a análise temática, em que depreendemos três categorias temáticas: significado da morte materna, vivenciando a mortalidade materna na família e vivenciando a mortalidade materna na instituição de saúde. As visitas domiciliares confirmaram que existem fatores coadjuvantes que influenciaram na ocorrência das mortes maternas.La mortalidad materna es uno de los indicadores del desarrollo en salud y social de un país. Es una tragedia para la familia, pues la muerte de la madre priva al niño del amamantamiento y del contacto materno, y por el hecho de que cabe a la mujer mantener la unidad de la familia. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender el significado de la muerte atribuido por familiares de las mujeres fallecidas por causas maternas. La población estuvo constituida por diez familiares de siete mujeres que murieron durante el ciclo grávido-puerperal en el municipio de Ribeirão Preto. Se efectuaron visitas domiciliarias y la recolección de datos fue realizada por medio de entrevista al familiar de la mujer. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó el análisis temático, desprendiéndose tres categorías temáticas: significado de la muerte materna, vivenciando la mortalidad materna en la familia y vivenciando la mortalidad

  14. Comparación entre encuestas telefónicas y encuestas «cara a cara» domiciliarias en la estimación de hábitos de salud y prácticas preventivas Telephone versus face-to-face household interviews in the assessment of health behaviors and preventive practices

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    Iñaki Galán


    Full Text Available Objetivo: En este estudio se examina la influencia del método de encuesta, telefónica y «cara a cara» domiciliaria, sobre la estimación de los factores de riesgo para la salud asociados al comportamiento y la realización de prácticas preventivas. Material y método: El mismo cuestionario fue administrado en 2 muestras independientes de población de 18-64 años residente en el municipio de Madrid. Una muestra (n = 1.391 realizó la entrevista telefónica y la otra (n = 739, la entrevista «cara a cara» domiciliaria. Se compararon los resultados de las 2 muestras para 28 variables relacionadas con la antropometría, la actividad física, el consumo de alimentos, el consumo de tabaco y alcohol, las prácticas preventivas y la accidentabilidad. Resultados: La muestra telefónica obtuvo una mayor tasa de no contactos (31,8 frente a 22,2% pero un mayor grado de cooperación que la muestra con entrevista «cara a cara» (83 frente a 74%. En total, 19 de las 28 variables mostraron una variación relativa entre ambas encuestas Objective: This study examines the influence of the interview method (telephone or face-to-face in households on the assessment of health behaviors and preventive practices. Material and method: The same questionnaire was completed by two independent samples of the population aged 18-64 years living in the municipality of Madrid. One sample (n = 1,391 subjects completed the questionnaire by telephone interview and the other (n = 739 by face-to-face interview in households. The results of the two samples for 28 variables related to anthropometry, physical activity, food consumption, tobacco and alcohol use, preventive practices and injuries were compared. Results: The telephone sample had a higher rate of failed contact (31.8% vs. 22.2% but a greater degree of cooperation than the sample for the face-to-face interview (83.0% vs. 74.0%. In total, 19 of the 28 variables showed a relative variation of less than 10% between the

  15. Perioperative Alanyl-Glutamine-Supplemented Parenteral Nutrition in Chronic Radiation Enteritis Patients With Surgical Intestinal Obstruction: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study. (United States)

    Yao, Danhua; Zheng, Lei; Wang, Jian; Guo, Mingxiao; Yin, Jianyi; Li, Yousheng


    A prospective, randomized, controlled study was performed to evaluate the effects of perioperative alanyl-glutamine-supplemented parenteral nutrition (PN) support on the immunologic function, intestinal permeability, and nutrition status of surgical patients with chronic radiation enteritis (CRE)-induced intestinal obstruction. Patients who received 0.4 g/kg/d alanyl-glutamine and isonitrogenous PN were assigned to an alanyl-glutamine-supplemented PN (Gln-PN) group and a control group, respectively. Serum levels of alanine aminotransferase and glutamine, body fat mass (FM), immunologic function, and intestinal permeability were measured before and after surgery. Serum glutamine levels of the Gln-PN group significantly exceeded that of the control group (P nutrition state and intestinal motility of surgical patients with CRE-induced intestinal obstruction. © 2015 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  16. Enteral versus parenteral nutrition and enteral versus a combination of enteral and parenteral nutrition for adults in the intensive care unit. (United States)

    Lewis, Sharon R; Schofield-Robinson, Oliver J; Alderson, Phil; Smith, Andrew F


    Critically ill people are at increased risk of malnutrition. Acute and chronic illness, trauma and inflammation induce stress-related catabolism, and drug-induced adverse effects may reduce appetite or increase nausea and vomiting. In addition, patient management in the intensive care unit (ICU) may also interrupt feeding routines. Methods to deliver nutritional requirements include provision of enteral nutrition (EN), or parenteral nutrition (PN), or a combination of both (EN and PN). However, each method is problematic. This review aimed to determine the route of delivery that optimizes uptake of nutrition. To compare the effects of enteral versus parenteral methods of nutrition, and the effects of enteral versus a combination of enteral and parenteral methods of nutrition, among critically ill adults, in terms of mortality, number of ICU-free days up to day 28, and adverse events. We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, and Embase on 3 October 2017. We searched clinical trials registries and grey literature, and handsearched reference lists of included studies and related reviews. We included randomized controlled studies (RCTs) and quasi-randomized studies comparing EN given to adults in the ICU versus PN or versus EN and PN. We included participants that were trauma, emergency, and postsurgical patients in the ICU. Two review authors independently assessed studies for inclusion, extracted data, and assessed risk of bias. We assessed the certainty of evidence with GRADE. We included 25 studies with 8816 participants; 23 studies were RCTs and two were quasi-randomized studies. All included participants were critically ill in the ICU with a wide range of diagnoses; mechanical ventilation status between study participants varied. We identified 11 studies awaiting classification for which we were unable to assess eligibility, and two ongoing studies.Seventeen studies compared EN versus PN, six compared EN versus EN and PN, two were multi-arm studies comparing EN versus PN

  17. Hepatocellular integrity in patients requiring parenteral nutrition: comparison of structured MCT/LCT vs. a standard MCT/LCT emulsion and a LCT emulsion. (United States)

    Piper, S N; Röhm, K D; Boldt, J; Odermatt, B; Maleck, W H; Suttner, S W


    The aetiology of parenteral nutrition-associated hepatic injury remains unresolved. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of structured triglycerides in parenteral nutrition compared either to a physical medium-chain triglycerides (MCT)/long-chain triglcerides (LCT) mixture or to a LCT emulsion on hepatic integrity. In a randomized, double-blinded trial, we studied 45 patients undergoing abdominal surgery, who were expected to receive parenteral nutrition for 5 days. Patients were allocated to one of three nutrition regimens: Group A (n = 15) received structured triglycerides, Group B (n = 15) a MCT/LCT and Group C (n = 15) a LCT lipid emulsion. Before the start of parenteral nutrition (T0), 24 h (T1), 48 h (T2), 72 h (T3) and 120 h (T4) after start of infusion the following parameters were measured: Alpha-glutathione S-transferase (alpha-GST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glucose and serum triglycerides. At T3 and T4, alpha-GST levels were significantly higher in Group B (T3: 9.4 +/- 9.9; T4: 14.6 +/- 19.5 microg L-1) and Group C (T3: 14.2 +/- 20.8; T4: 22.4 +/- 39.3 microg L-1) compared with the patients receiving structured triglycerides (T3: 1.9 +/- 1.8; T4: 3.2 +/- 2.7 microg L-1). Whereas the mean alpha-GST-levels in structured triglycerides group always remained in the normal range, this was not the case in both other groups at T3 and T4. There were no significant differences concerning ALT, AST and glucose levels. At T3 and T4, triglyceride levels were significantly lower in Group A than in Groups B and C. Hepatic integrity was well retained with the administration of structured triglycerides, whereas both MCT/LCT emulsion and LCT emulsion caused subclinical hepatic injury.

  18. Safety of home parenteral nutrition during pregnancy. (United States)

    Theilla, Miriam; Ławiński, Michał; Cohen, Jonathan; Hadar, Eran; Kagan, Ilya; Perkewick, Marek; Singer, Pierre


    Few studies have examined the effect of total parenteral nutrition which is lipid-based given throughout pregnancy to patients unable to obtain adequate nutrition by the oral route. In this study we examined the use of lipid-based home parenteral nutrition (HPN) in 7 pregnant women, commenced either before or during pregnancy, and their intra-pregnant course as well as a 2-year follow-up of their offspring is described. HPN was formulated on an individual basis and protein administered in a dose of 0.8-1.1 g/kg during the three trimesters. Lipid emulsions included long chain triglycerides or olive-oil based formulae and all patients received trace elements. Data were collected during the course of pregnancy and at birth while infants were followed for a period of between 6 months and 2 years using medical records and questionnaires. In total, we studied 9 pregnancies (in 7 women). HPN was administered for a median of 9 months (range 3-9 months). The mean energy provided during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester was 9297 ± 2797 kcal/week, 9148 ± 2629 kcal/week and 8564 ± 4059 kcal/week resp. The mean increase in weight during the pregnancy was 9 ± 5 Kg. The only complications noted during the pregnancy consisted of 3 episodes of catheter-related infections which were successfully treated by antibiotics. The infants were born after a mean of 38.00 ± 1.55 weeks of gestation, with a mean first minute Apgar score of 8.7 ± 1.8 which increased to 9.8 ± 0.4 after 10 min. The mean infant birth weight was 2.45 ± 0.37 kg. No complications were noted at birth apart from one infant who suffered from torticollis which resolved spontaneously. During follow up, a decrease in hemoglobin related to low iron levels was noted in 1 infant, 2 infants were noted to be allergic to pollen and one underwent a scrotal hernia reduction. No developmental problems have been observed, neither physiological nor psychomotor, over the 2-year follow-up period. The authors

  19. Vegetable Oil-Loaded Nanocapsules: Innovative Alternative for Incorporating Drugs for Parenteral Administration. (United States)

    Venturinil, C G; Bruinsmann, A; Oliveira, C P; Contri, R V; Pohlmann, A R; Guterres, S S


    An innovative nanocapsule formulation for parenteral administration using selected vegetable oils (mango, jojoba, pequi, oat, annatto, calendula, and chamomile) was developed that has the potential to encapsulate various drugs. The vegetable oil-loaded nanocapsules were prepared by interfacial deposition and compared with capric/caprylic triglyceride-loaded lipid core nanocapsules. The major objective was to investigate the effect of vegetable oils on particle size distribution and physical stability and to determine the hemolytic potential of the nanocapsules, considering their applicability for intravenous administration. Taking into account the importance of accurately determining particle size for the selected route of administration, different size characterization techniques were employed, such as Laser Diffraction, Dynamic Light Scattering, Multiple Light Scattering, Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, and Transmission Electronic Microscopy. Laser diffraction studies indicated that the mean particle size of all nanocapsules was below 300 nm. For smaller particles, the laser diffraction and multiple light scattering data were in agreement (D[3,2]-130 nm). Dynamic light scattering and nanoparticle tracking analysis, two powerful techniques that complement each other, exhibited size values between 180 and 259 nm for all nanoparticles. Stability studies demonstrated a tendency of particle creaming for jojoba-nanocapsules and sedimentation for the other nanoparticles; however, no size variation occurred over 30 days. The hemolysis test proved the hemocompatibility of all nanosystems, irrespective of the type of oil. Although all developed nanocapsules presented the potential for parenteral administration, jojoba oil-loaded nanocapsules were selected as the most promising nanoformulation due to their low average size and high particle size homogeneity.

  20. Managing an outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy team: challenges and solutions

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    Halilovic J


    Full Text Available Jenana Halilovic,1 Cinda L Christensen,2 Hien H Nguyen31University of the Pacific Thomas J Long School of Pharmacy, Stockton, CA, USA; 2Department of Pharmaceutical Services, University of California, Davis Health System, Sacramento, CA, USA; 3Division of Infectious Diseases, Section of Hospital Medicine, University of California, Davis Health System, Sacramento, CA, USAAbstract: Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT programs should strive to deliver safe, cost effective, and high quality care. One of the keys to developing and sustaining a high quality OPAT program is to understand the common challenges or barriers to OPAT delivery. We review the most common challenges to starting and managing an OPAT program and give practical advice on addressing these issues.Keywords: OPAT, quality, safety, program management

  1. Trace Elements in Parenteral Nutrition: Considerations for the Prescribing Clinician. (United States)

    Jin, Jennifer; Mulesa, Leanne; Carrilero Rouillet, Mariana


    Trace elements (TEs) are an essential component of parenteral nutrition (PN). Over the last few decades, there has been increased experience with PN, and with this knowledge more information about the management of trace elements has become available. There is increasing awareness of the effects of deficiencies and toxicities of certain trace elements. Despite this heightened awareness, much is still unknown in terms of trace element monitoring, the accuracy of different assays, and current TE contamination of solutions. The supplementation of TEs is a complex and important part of the PN prescription. Understanding the role of different disease states and the need for reduced or increased doses is essential. Given the heterogeneity of the PN patients, supplementation should be individualized.

  2. Parenteral nutrition in patients with renal failure – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 17

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    Druml, W.


    Full Text Available Partial EN (enteral nutrition should always be aimed for in patients with renal failure that require nutritional support. Nevertheless PN (parenteral nutrition may be necessary in renal failure in patient groups with acute or chronic renal failure (ARF or CRF and additional acute diseases but without extracorporeal renal replacement therapy, or in patients with ARF or CRF with additional acute diseases on extracorporeal renal replacement therapy, haemodialysis therapy (HD, peritoneal dialysis (PD or continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT, or in patients on HD therapy with intradialytic PN. Patients with renal failure who show marked metabolic derangements and changes in nutritional requirements require the use of specifically adapted nutrient solutions. The substrate requirements of acutely ill, non-hypercatabolic patients with CRF correspond to those of patients with ARF who are not receiving any renal replacement patients therapy (utilisation of the administered nutrients has to be monitored carefully. In ARF patients and acutely ill CRF patients on renal replacement therapy, substrate requirements depend on disease severity, type and extent/frequency of extracorporeal renal replacement therapy, nutritional status, underlying disease and complications occurring during the course of the disease. Patients under HD have a higher risk of developing malnutrition. Intradialytic PN (IDPN should be used if causes of malnutrition cannot be eliminated and other interventions fail. IDPN should only be carried out when modifiable causes of malnutrition are excluded and enhanced oral (like i.e. additional energy drinks or enteral supply is unsuccessful or cannot be carried out.

  3. The Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI) Leachables and Extractables Working Group Initiatives for Parenteral and Ophthalmic Drug Product (PODP). (United States)

    Paskiet, Diane; Jenke, Dennis; Ball, Douglas; Houston, Christopher; Norwood, Daniel L; Markovic, Ingrid


    The Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI) is a non-profit consortium of organizations working together to generate and share timely, relevant, and impactful information that advances drug product quality and development. The collaborative activities of PQRI participants have, in the case of orally inhaled and nasal drug products (OINDPs), resulted in comprehensive and widely-accepted recommendations for leachables assessments to help ensure patient safety with respect to this class of packaged drug products. These recommendations, which include scientifically justified safety thresholds for leachables, represent a significant milestone towards establishing standardized approaches for safety qualification of leachables in OINDP. To build on the success of the OINDP effort, PQRI's Parenteral and Ophthalmic Drug Products (PODP) Leachables and Extractables Working Group was formed to extrapolate the OINDP threshold concepts and best practice recommendations to other dosage forms with high concern for interaction with packaging/delivery systems. This article considers the general aspects of leachables and their safety assessment, introduces the PODP Work Plan and initial study Protocol, discusses the laboratory studies being conducted by the PODP Chemistry Team, outlines the strategy being developed by the PODP Toxicology Team for the safety qualification of PODP leachables, and considers the issues associated with application of the safety thresholds, particularly with respect to large-volume parenterals. Lastly, the unique leachables issues associated with biologics are described. The Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI) is a non-profit consortium involving industry organizations, academia, and regulatory agencies that together provide recommendations in support of regulatory guidance to advance drug product quality. The collaborative activities of the PQRI Orally Inhaled and Nasal Drug Products Leachables and Extractables Working Group resulted in a

  4. Mejoramiento de Vivienda como Estrategia de Control de la Enfermedad de Chagas.

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    Victor Manuel Ángulo


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    El Proceso en Colombia.

    La Constitución Política de 1991 en el artículo 51 estableció que todos los colombianos tienen derecho a una vivienda digna. Para dar cum-plimiento a este mandato se instituyó la ley 3 de 1991 que creó el subsidio de vivienda y el sistema SISBEN. El desarrollo estatutario de esta ley dejó en manos de la Red de Solidaridad Social (RSS y la Caja Agraria (CA la metodología para que las comunidades de los diferentes entes territoriales puedan acceder a los recursos del subsidio. Esta metodología permite a la colectividad formular los proyectos destinados a la consecución de recursos para los departamentos o regiones y concertar en una mesa colegiada de alcaldes, la focalización de éstos.

    Por otro lado, en 1994 se comenzó a diseñar el plan para la elaboración del Programa Nacional de Promoción, Prevención y Control de la Enfermedad de Chagas, al tiempo que en el departamento de Santander a través del CINTROP-UIS y la Secretaría de Salud, se realizaban estudios sobre la situación de infestación domiciliaria por triatominos y las características físicas de las viviendas en las comunidades rurales, con el fin de ejecutar un proyecto que le permitiera evaluar las estrategias de control del vector.

    Estos estudios mostraron la alta prevalencia de infestación domiciliaria por triatominos que aún existe en amplias zonas rurales. De igual manera, se pudo conocer la influencia que tiene la calidad de la vivienda como factor de riesgo para la domiciliación de triatominos. El desarrollo de la ley de descentralización municipal y el enfoque intersectorial e interinstitucional permitieron incluir dentro de la evaluación de estrate-gias para el control de triatominos, el mejoramiento de vivienda y dentro de los proyectos de mejoramiento de vivienda el concepto de salud: vivienda buena, salud para la familia.

    Los alcaldes como responsables de la focali-zación de los

  5. Quality of newborn care: adherence to guidelines for parenteral nutrition in preterm infants in four European countries. (United States)

    Lapillonne, Alexandre; Carnielli, Virgilio Paolo; Embleton, Nicholas David; Mihatsch, Walter


    The level of adherence to guidelines should be explored particularly in preterm infants for whom poor nutrition has major effects on outcomes in later life. The objective was to evaluate compliance to international guidelines for parenteral nutrition (PN) in preterm infants across neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) of four European countries. Clinical practice survey by means of a questionnaire addressing routine PN protocols, awareness and implementation of guidelines. NICUs in the UK, Italy, Germany and France. One senior physician per unit; 199 units which represent 74% of the NICUs of the four countries. Adherence of unit protocol to international guidelines. Factors that influence adherence to guidelines. 80% of the respondents stated that they were aware of some PN clinical practice guidelines. For amino acid infusion (AA), 63% of the respondents aimed to initiate AA on D0, 38% aimed to administer an initial dose ≥1.5 g/kg/day and 91% aimed for a target dose of 3 or 4 g/kg/day, as recommended. For parenteral lipids, 90% of the respondents aimed to initiate parenteral lipids during the first 3 days of life, 39% aimed to use an initial dose ≥1.0 g/kg/day and 76% defined the target dose as 3-4 g/kg/day, as recommended. Significant variations in PN protocols were observed among countries, but the type of hospital or the number of admissions per year had only a marginal impact on the PN protocols. Most respondents indicated that their clinical practice was based on common guidelines. However, the initiation of PN is frequently not compliant with current recommendations, with the main differences being observed during the first days of life. Continuous education focusing on PN practice is needed, and greater efforts are required to disseminate and implement international guidelines.

  6. Response to parenteral iron therapy distinguish unexplained refractory iron deficiency anemia from iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia. (United States)

    Akin, M; Sarbay, H; Guler, S; Balci, Y I; Polat, A


    We evaluated that response to parenteral iron therapy could be helpful in distinguishing the types of iron deficiency anemia. This study analyzed responses to IV iron sucrose therapy of 15 children with unexplained refractory iron deficiency anemia (URIDA). We compared the results at diagnosis, 6 weeks and 6 months after the therapy. Results were compared with responses of 11 patients' results with iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia (IRIDA) from our previous study. Six weeks after the start of treatment, ferritin, MCV, MCH and Hb values were in normal range in 10 patients. The increase in Hb, MCH, MCV, and ferritin values ranged 2.6-3.5 g/dL, 1.7-4.2 pg, 2-9 fL, and 13-25 ng/mL, respectively. In five patients, Hb, MCH, and MCV mean (range) values [11.2 g/dL (11-12.2), 24.5 pg (24-25.6), and 67 fL (65-70)] were nearly normal but ferritin mean (range) values [9.8 ng/mL (8-11)] were below normal. Six weeks after the start of treatment, Hb, MCH, MCV and ferritin values of patients with IRIDA were increased. The increase in Hb, MCH, MCV, and ferritin values ranged 0.8-2.7 g/dL, 1.7-4.2 pg, 2-9 fL, and 13-25 ng/mL, respectively. IRIDA is only partially responsive to parenteral iron supplementation. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the response to intravenous iron therapy for the URIDA cases improved blood parameters more effectively than hereditary IRIDA. Response to parenteral iron therapy would be helpful to distinguish unexplained refractory IDA from hereditary IRIDA for clinicians who do not have access to hepcidin or TMPRS6 mutation analysis. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Ethical and legal points of view in parenteral nutrition - Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 12. (United States)

    Rothaermel, S; Bischoff, S C; Bockenheimer-Lucius, G; Frewer, A; Wehkamp, K H; Zuercher, G


    Adequate nutrition is a part of medical treatment and is influenced by ethical and legal considerations. Patients, who cannot be sufficiently fed via the gastrointestinal tract, have the fundamental right to receive PN (parenteral nutrition) even so patients who are unable to give their consent. General objectives in nutrition support are to supply adequate nutrition with regards to the prevention of malnutrition and its consequences (increased morbidity and mortality), and thereby promoting improved outcome and/or quality of life for the patient considering always the patient's needs and wishes. The requests of the patient to renounce PN should be respected where a signed living will is helpful. During the course of a terminal illness the nutrition has to be adapted individually according to the needs and wishes of a patient in the corresponding phase. Capability of consent should be checked in each individual case and for each measure on an individual basis. Consent should only be accepted if the patient is capable of recognizing the nature, meaning and importance of the intervention as well as the consequences of relinquishment of such an intervention, and is capable to make a self-determined decision. If the patient is not capable of consenting, the patient's living will is the most important document when determining their assumed will and legally binding. Otherwise a guardian appointed by the patient, or the representative appointed by the court (if the patient has made no provisions) can make the decision.

  8. Effects of luminal nutrient absorption, intraluminal physical stimulation, and intravenous parenteral alimentation on the recovery responses of duodenal villus morphology following feed withdrawal in chickens. (United States)

    Tarachai, P; Yamauchi, K


    The aim of this study was to clarify which of the following three factors induces villus morphological recovery best: enteral nutrient absorption, intraluminal physical stimulation, or intravenous parenteral alimentation. At 142 d, male White Leghorn chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) were divided into eight groups of five birds each as follows: 1) access given ad libitum to a commercial layer mash diet (CP, 17.5%; ME, 2,830 kcal/kg) (control), 2) 5-d feed withdrawal (feed withdrawal), 3) 3-d feed withdrawal (3-FW), followed by refeeding the same diet as the control for 2 d (refeeding), 4) 3-FW followed by force-feeding enteral hyperalimentation (enteral), 5) 3-FW followed by force-feeding an indigestible (nonabsorbable) substance (kaolin), 6) 3-FW followed by force-feeding water for 2 d (force-fed control), 7) 3-FW followed by parenteral hyperalimentation (parenteral), and 8) 3-FW followed by no alimentation (sham control) for 2 d. In the refeeding and enteral groups, BW significantly recovered (P alimentation, but by enteral nutrient absorption.

  9. High Protein Intake Does Not Prevent Low Plasma Levels of Conditionally Essential Amino Acids in Very Preterm Infants Receiving Parenteral Nutrition. (United States)

    Morgan, Colin; Burgess, Laura


    We have shown that increasing protein intake using a standardized, concentrated, added macronutrients parenteral (SCAMP) nutrition regimen improves head growth in very preterm infants (VPIs) compared with a control parenteral nutrition (PN) regimen. VPIs are at risk of conditionally essential amino acid (CEAA) deficiencies because of current neonatal PN amino acid (AA) formulations. We hypothesized that the SCAMP regimen would prevent low plasma levels of CEAAs. To compare the plasma AA profiles at approximately day 9 of life in VPIs receiving SCAMP vs a control PN regimen. VPIs (parenteral and enteral protein, energy, and individual AA intake and the first plasma AA profile. Plasma profiles of the 20 individual protogenic AA levels were measured using ion exchange chromatography. Plasma AA profiles were obtained at median (interquartile range [IQR]) age of 9 (8-10) days in both SCAMP (n = 59) and control (n = 67) groups after randomizing 150 VPIs. Median (IQR) plasma levels of individual essential AAs were higher than the reference population mean (RPM) in both groups, especially for threonine. SCAMP infants had higher plasma levels of essential AAs than did the controls. Median (IQR) plasma levels of glutamine, arginine, and cysteine (CEAAs) were lower than the RPM in both groups. Plasma AA levels in PN-dependent VPIs indicate there is an imbalance in essential and CEAA provision in neonatal PN AA formulations that is not improved by increasing protein intake.

  10. Dimensiones del cuidado familiar en la depresión: Un estudio etnográfico Dimensions of family care during depression: An ethnographic study

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    Carme Ferré Grau


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, entre las enfermedades con una mayor incidencia se encuentran los trastornos depresivos. Por ello la participación de la familia en la atención de las personas que la han padecido es de gran relevancia para el cuidado integral del paciente en su entorno familiar. El objetivo general de este artículo es profundizar en el conocimiento de la dinámica que se establece entre las personas que tienen la responsabilidad familiar del cuidado del paciente depresivo y especialmente de las relaciones entre la persona que cuida y la que es cuidada por un trastorno depresivo. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, prospectivo y observacional. La investigación se llevó a cabo en un Centro de Salud Mental de Tarragona (Cataluña. La muestra la constituyen un total de cincuenta familiares de pacientes depresivos. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante un proceso inductivo del contenido de las entrevistas y visitas domiciliarias que permitió objetivar las tareas del cuidar y el rol del cuidador familiar, las necesidades, motivaciones, dificultades de los familiares de pacientes depresivos desde una perspectiva evolutiva.At the present time, among the illnesses with a bigger incidence are the depressive dysfunctions. In and of itself the participation of the family in the attention of people that you/they have suffered it is of great relevance for the patient's integral care in its family environment. The general objective of this I articulate it is to deepen in the knowledge of the dynamics that settles down among people that have the family responsibility of the care of the depressive patient and especially of the relationships among the person that takes care and the one of that it is taken care by a depressive dysfunction. It is a qualitative, prospective and observational study. The investigation is carried out in a Center of Mental Health of Tarragona (Catalonia. The sample constitutes it a total of fifty relatives of patient

  11. Improved outcome in neonatal short bowel syndrome using parenteral fish oil in combination with ω-6/9 lipid emulsions. (United States)

    Angsten, Gertrud; Finkel, Yigael; Lucas, Steven; Kassa, Ann-Marie; Paulsson, Mattias; Lilja, Helene Engstrand


    Newborn infants with short bowel syndrome (SBS) represent a high-risk group of developing intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD), which may be fatal. However, infants have a great capacity for intestinal growth and adaptation if IFALD can be prevented or reversed. A major contributing factor to IFALD may be the soybean oil-based intravenous lipid emulsions used since the introduction of parenteral nutrition (PN) 40 years ago. This retrospective study compares the outcome in 20 neonates with SBS treated with parenteral fish oil (Omegaven) in combination with ω-6/9 lipid emulsions (ClinOleic) with the outcome in a historical cohort of 18 patients with SBS who received a soybean oil-based intravenous lipid emulsion (Intralipid). Median gestational age was 26 weeks in the treatment group and 35.5 weeks in the historical group. All patients were started on PN containing Intralipid that was switched to ClinOleic/Omegaven in the treatment group at a median age of 39 gestational weeks. In the treatment group, direct bilirubin levels were reversed in all 14 survivors with cholestasis (direct bilirubin >50 umol/L). Median time to reversal was 2.9 months. Only 2 patients died of liver failure (10%). In the historical cohort, 6 patients (33%) died of liver failure, and only 2 patients showed normalization of bilirubin levels. Parenteral fish oil in combination with ω-6/9 lipid emulsions was associated with improved outcome in premature neonates with SBS. When used instead of traditional soybean-based emulsions, this mixed lipid emulsion may facilitate intestinal adaptation by increasing the IFALD-free period.

  12. Choline Alleviates Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Duodenal Motility Disorder in Infant Rats. (United States)

    Zhu, Jie; Wu, Yang; Guo, Yonggao; Tang, Qingya; Lu, Ting; Cai, Wei; Huang, Haiyan


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) has been found to influence duodenal motility in animals. Choline is an essential nutrient, and its deficiency is related to PN-associated organ diseases. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the role of choline supplementation in an infant rat model of PN-associated duodenal motility disorder. Three-week-old Sprague-Dawley male rats were fed chow and water (controls), PN solution (PN), or PN plus intravenous choline (600 mg/kg) (PN + choline). Rats underwent jugular vein cannulation for infusion of PN solution or 0.9% saline (controls) for 7 days. Duodenal oxidative stress status, concentrations of plasma choline, phosphocholine, and betaine and serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α were assayed. The messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein expression of c-Kit proto-oncogene protein (c-Kit) and membrane-bound stem cell factor (mSCF) together with the electrophysiological features of slow waves in the duodenum were also evaluated. Rats on PN showed increased reactive oxygen species; decreased total antioxidant capacity in the duodenum; reduced plasma choline, phosphocholine, and betaine; and enhanced serum TNF-α concentrations, which were reversed by choline intervention. In addition, PN reduced mRNA and protein expression of mSCF and c-Kit, which were inversed under choline administration. Moreover, choline attenuated depolarized resting membrane potential and declined the frequency and amplitude of slow waves in duodenal smooth muscles of infant rats induced by PN, respectively. The addition of choline to PN may alleviate the progression of duodenal motor disorder through protecting smooth muscle cells from injury, promoting mSCF/c-Kit signaling, and attenuating impairment of interstitial cells of Cajal in the duodenum during PN feeding. © 2015 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  13. Standardized Parenteral Nutrition for the Transition Phase in Preterm Infants: A Bag That Fits.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Brennan, Ann-Marie


    The optimal composition of standardized parenteral nutrition (SPN) is not yet known, contributing to nutrient deficit accrual and growth failure, with the period of parenteral nutrition weaning, i.e., transition (TN) phase, being identified as particularly vulnerable. We created a comprehensive nutrition database, representative of the nutritional course of a diverse range of preterm infants (n = 59, birth weight ≤ 1500 g, gestation < 34 weeks) by collecting hourly macronutrient intake data as part of a prospective, observational study over 19 months. Using a nutrient modeling technique for the TN phase, various amino acid (AA) concentrations of SPN were tested within the database, whilst acknowledging the nutritional contribution from enteral feeds until target AA intakes were consistently achieved. From the modeling, the AA composition of SPN was determined at 3.5 g\\/100 mL, which was the maximum to avoid exceeding target intakes at any point in the TN phase. However, in order to consistently achieve target AA intakes, additional nutritional strategies were required, which included increasing the exclusion of enteral feeds in fluid and nutrient calculations from <20 mL\\/kg\\/day to <40 mL\\/kg\\/day, and earlier fortification of breastmilk at 80 mL\\/kg\\/day. This data-driven nutrient modeling process supported the development of an improved SPN regimen for our preterm population in the TN phase.

  14. Standardized Parenteral Nutrition for the Transition Phase in Preterm Infants: A Bag That Fits

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    Ann-Marie Brennan


    Full Text Available The optimal composition of standardized parenteral nutrition (SPN is not yet known, contributing to nutrient deficit accrual and growth failure, with the period of parenteral nutrition weaning, i.e., transition (TN phase, being identified as particularly vulnerable. We created a comprehensive nutrition database, representative of the nutritional course of a diverse range of preterm infants (n = 59, birth weight ≤ 1500 g, gestation < 34 weeks by collecting hourly macronutrient intake data as part of a prospective, observational study over 19 months. Using a nutrient modeling technique for the TN phase, various amino acid (AA concentrations of SPN were tested within the database, whilst acknowledging the nutritional contribution from enteral feeds until target AA intakes were consistently achieved. From the modeling, the AA composition of SPN was determined at 3.5 g/100 mL, which was the maximum to avoid exceeding target intakes at any point in the TN phase. However, in order to consistently achieve target AA intakes, additional nutritional strategies were required, which included increasing the exclusion of enteral feeds in fluid and nutrient calculations from <20 mL/kg/day to <40 mL/kg/day, and earlier fortification of breastmilk at 80 mL/kg/day. This data-driven nutrient modeling process supported the development of an improved SPN regimen for our preterm population in the TN phase.

  15. A single-blinded randomised clinical trial of permissive underfeeding in patients requiring parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Owais, Anwar Elias; Kabir, Syed Irfan; Mcnaught, Clare; Gatt, Marcel; MacFie, John


    The importance of adequate nutritional support is well established, but characterising what 'adequate nutrition' represents remains contentious. In recent years there has been increasing interest in the concept of 'permissive underfeeding' where patients are intentionally prescribed less nutrition than their calculated requirements. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of permissive underfeeding on septic and nutrition related morbidity in patients requiring short term parenteral nutrition (PN). This was a single-blinded randomised clinical trial of 50 consecutive patients requiring parenteral nutritional support. Patients were randomized to receive either normocaloric or hypocaloric feeding (respectively 100% vs. 60% of estimated requirements). The primary end point was septic complications. Secondary end points included the metabolic, physiological and clinical outcomes to the two feeding protocols. Permissive underfeeding was associated with fewer septic complications (3 vs. 12 patients; p = 0.003), and a lower incidence of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (9 vs. 16 patients; p = 0.017). Permissively underfed patients had fewer feed related complications (2 vs. 9 patients; p = 0.016). Permissive underfeeding in patients requiring short term PN appears to be safe and may results in reduced septic and feed-related complications. NCT01154179 TRIAL REGISTRY: Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

  16. Experiences with Lean Six Sigma as improvement strategy to reduce parenteral medication administration errors and associated potential risk of harm

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Plas, Afke; Slikkerveer, Mariëlle; Hoen, Saskia; Schrijnemakers, Rick; Driessen, Johanna; de Vries, Frank; van den Bemt, Patricia


    In this controlled before-after study the effect of improvements, derived from Lean Six Sigma strategy, on parenteral medication administration errors and the potential risk of harm was determined. During baseline measurement, on control versus intervention ward, at least one administration error

  17. Gluconeogenesis is not regulated by either glucose or insulin in extremely low birth weight infants receiving total parenteral nutrition (United States)

    The objective was to determine potential factors regulating gluconeogenesis (GNG) in extremely low birth weight infants receiving total parenteral nutrition. Seven infants (birth weight, 0.824 +/- 0.068 kg; gestational age, 25.4 +/- 0.5 weeks; postnatal age, 3.3 +/- 0.2 days) were studied for 11 hou...

  18. Four-week parenteral nutrition using a third generation lipid emulsion (SMOFlipid)--a double-blind, randomised, multicentre study in adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klek, Stanislaw; Chambrier, Cecile; Singer, Pierre


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and tolerance of a soybean/MCT/olive/fish oil emulsion in intestinal failure patients on long-term parenteral nutrition. 73 patients took part in a randomized, double-blind, multi-centre study. The study demonstrates that the lipid emulsion...

  19. Ethical and legal points of view in parenteral nutrition – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 12

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rothaermel, S.


    Full Text Available Adequate nutrition is a part of medical treatment and is influenced by ethical and legal considerations. Patients, who cannot be sufficiently fed via the gastrointestinal tract, have the fundamental right to receive PN (parenteral nutrition even so patients who are unable to give their consent. General objectives in nutrition support are to supply adequate nutrition with regards to the prevention of malnutrition and its consequences (increased morbidity and mortality, and thereby promoting improved outcome and/or quality of life for the patient considering always the patient’s needs and wishes. The requests of the patient to renounce PN should be respected where a signed living will is helpful. During the course of a terminal illness the nutrition has to be adapted individually according to the needs and wishes of a patient in the corresponding phase. Capability of consent should be checked in each individual case and for each measure on an individual basis. Consent should only be accepted if the patient is capable of recognizing the nature, meaning and importance of the intervention as well as the consequences of relinquishment of such an intervention, and is capable to make a self-determined decision. If the patient is not capable of consenting, the patient’s living will is the most important document when determining their assumed will and legally binding. Otherwise a guardian appointed by the patient, or the representative appointed by the court (if the patient has made no provisions can make the decision.

  20. Rumenotomia em bovinos: uso da paramentação e de oxitetraciclina parenteral na profilaxia de complicações pós-operatórias

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    Silva Luiz Antônio Franco da


    Full Text Available Utilizou-se a paramentação e a oxitetraciclina parenteral na profilaxia de complicações pós-operatórias em 28 bovinos fêmeas submetidos à rumenotomia, distribuídos em quatro grupos de sete animais. Nos bovinos dos grupos I (GI e II (GII, as rumenotomias foram realizadas seguindo normas de paramentação do cirurgião e do auxiliar, enquanto que, nos animais dos grupos III (GIII e IV (GIV essa conduta não foi adotada. No pós-operatório, utilizou-se antibiotico parenteral à base de oxitetraciclina nos animais do GI e GIII. As principais complicações observadas no pós-operatório foram: edema, enfisema subcutâneo, deiscência de pontos da ferida de sutura e peritonite. Verificou-se que a paramentação contribuiu positivamente na redução do tempo de cicatrização. O uso parenteral de antibiótico não influenciou no tempo de recuperação dos animais, quando o cirurgião e o auxiliar não se paramentaram.

  1. Validación del método LAL para determinar endotoxinas bacterianas en el inyectable heparina sódica

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    Nancy Burguet


    Full Text Available Dentro del control de la calidad de los productos farmacéuticos, la United State Pharmacopeia establece la cuantificación de endotoxinas bacterianas por el método de lisado de amebocito de Limulus , como monitor de pirógenos para más del 90% de los parenterales que regula. Este método se aplicó de forma específica a vacunas bacterianas y virales, agentes antineoplásicos, radiofármacos y parenterales que se producen en la industria médico farmacéutica. En el presente trabajo se mostró la metodología a seguir para realizar la validación de la técnica de determinación de endotoxinas bacterianas por el método de gelificación. Para ello se confirmó la sensibilidad del reactivo utilizado (0,03125 UE/mL y la validez de los analistas para poder obtener resultados confiables. Las pruebas preliminares para el producto ensayado, heparina sódica 5000 UI/mL, demostraron que este producto no potencia ni inhibe la reacción del reactivo. Se escogió la dilución de trabajo (1/128 para la validación del método. De esta manera quedaron estandarizadas las condiciones para la validación del test de lisado de amebocito de Limulus por gelificación en este producto parenteral, método que se hace extensivo a la determinación de endotoxinas bacterianas en vacunas y en otros medicamentos por vía de administración intravenosa.

  2. Infarto del ventrículo derecho Right ventricular infarction

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    Alberto Barón C

    Full Text Available Por lo general, el infarto del ventrículo derecho se asocia con infarto de la pared inferior del ventrículo izquierdo. La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica y la hipertrofia del ventrículo derecho, son factores que lo predisponen. Casi siempre ocurre como consecuencia de obstrucción proximal de la arteria coronaria derecha que conduce a disfunción sistólica y diastólica del ventrículo derecho. El volumen latido disminuye y el volumen diastólico y la presión de llenado del ventrículo derecho aumentan, con lo que se ocasiona hipotensión y congestión periférica. Se disminuyen el flujo sanguíneo pulmonar y el retorno venoso para el ventrículo izquierdo que puede llevar a estado de choque. Además, se pueden presentar complicaciones como bloqueo aurículo-ventricular, disfunción sinusal y aneurisma ventricular. El electrocardiograma muestra supradesnivel del ST en las derivaciones III, V1 a V3 y en V4R. El ecocardiograma muestra hipoquinesia o aquinesia de la pared libre del ventrículo derecho y hay dilatación de las cavidades derechas e insuficiencia tricúspide. El Doppler demuestra aumento en la duración de los intervalos de contracción y relajación isovolumétrica; el período eyectivo se acorta y el índice de desempeño miocárdico aumenta a valores anormales. El Doppler tisular es anormal por la disminución de la velocidad sistólica del anillo tricúspide. Una parte importante del tratamiento es optimizar el ritmo y la frecuencia cardiaca por lo que se debe evitar el uso de beta-bloqueadores; dependiendo de la severidad de la bradicardia se puede usar atropina, aminofilina o marcapasos transitorio, con la finalidad de asegurar una frecuencia adecuada. En caso de fibrilación auricular se pueden usar antiarrítmicos o cardioversión eléctrica. Se debe asegurar un adecuado volumen de llenado, para mantener la presión venosa central mayor de 15 mm Hg. El uso de vasodilatadores o diuréticos está contraindicado. Es

  3. Modelo de previsión del tráfico en Santander: Año 2020


    Campollo Canduela, Alfonso


    El presente trabajo consiste en un análisis de la previsión de la demanda de tráfico en transporte privado de viajeros en la ciudad de Santander (Cantabria, España) para el año 2020, entre las 8 y las 9 de la mañana de un día laborable, a partir de los datos procedentes de una encuesta domiciliaria, realizada por el Grupo de Investigación de Sistemas de Transporte (GIST) de la Universidad de Cantabria para un estudio previo, y el modelo de ordenación que el Plan General de Ordenación Urbana v...

  4. On-line preconcentration and determination of chromium in parenteral solutions by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gil, R.A.; Cerutti, S.; Gasquez, J.A.; Olsina, R.A.; Martinez, L.D.


    A method for the preconcentration and speciation of chromium was developed. On-line preconcentration and determination were obtained using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) coupled with flow injection. To determinate the chromium (III) present in parenteral solutions, chromium was retained on activated carbon at pH 5.0. On the other hand, a step of reduction was necessary in order to determine total chromium content. The Cr(VI) concentration was then determined by difference between the total chromium concentration and that of Cr(III). A sensitivity enrichment factor of 70-fold was obtained with respect to the chromium determination by ICP-OES without preconcentration. The detection limit for the preconcentration of 25 ml of sample was 29 ng l -1 . The precision for the 10 replicate determinations at the 5 μg l -1 Cr level was 2.3% relative standard deviation, calculated with the peak heights. The calibration graph using the preconcentration method for chromium species was linear with a correlation coefficient of 0.9995 at levels near the detection limits up to at least 60 μg l -1 . The method can be applied to the determination and speciation of chromium in parenteral solutions

  5. Contemporary Parenteral Antiplatelet Bridging Strategies: A Single-Center Real-World Experience at a Tertiary Care Center. (United States)

    Stern, Gretchen; Rimsans, Jessica; Qamar, Arman; Vaduganathan, Muthiah; Bhatt, Deepak L


    Oral antiplatelet therapy may require interruption soon after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or acute coronary syndrome. The optimal parenteral antiplatelet bridge strategy with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors or cangrelor, a P2Y12 inhibitor, is unclear. We explore real-world use of cangrelor or eptifibatide for antiplatelet bridging at a large tertiary-care center. Thirty-one patients (9 eptifibatide, 20 cangrelor, and 2 both) received bridge therapy from October 2015 to June 2017. Primary bridge therapy indications included surgery (68%), limited enteral access/absorption (16%), and high-perceived bleed risk (16%). Median duration of bridge therapy was 61 (20-100) hours for cangrelor and 83 (19-98) hours for eptifibatide. Severe/life-threatening bleeding or stent thrombosis was not observed. GUSTO-defined bleeding occurred in 30% (cangrelor) and 27% (eptifibatide). Initial dosing errors occurred in 23% of patients. Death during hospitalization occurred in 16% of patients. Parenteral antiplatelet bridging was used for ~3 days in this single-center, tertiary care experience, commonly for unplanned surgery following PCI. Despite high-risk presentations with >15% in-hospital mortality, efficacy profiles were reassuring with no identified stent thrombosis, but bleeding and dosing errors were common. Antiplatelet bridging should only be used in well-selected patients at the appropriate dose for the minimal necessary duration.

  6. Stability investigation of total parenteral nutrition admixture prepared in a hospital pharmacy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirković Dušica


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. In the cases when nutrition of patients can not be orally nor enterally performed, parenteral nutrition is a method of the therapy that provides more successful and rapid recovery. In that way, hospitalization can be significantly shorter, healing costs reduced and mortality minimized. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN admixtures are the most complex systems which contain amino acids, carbohydrates, lipid emulsion, macroelectrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO42-, PO43-, oligoelements, hydro- and liposoluble vitamines, heparin, insulin and water. Concerning the mentioned complexity, special attention should be payed to physicochemical and microbiological stability of a mixture, because of interactions among components, that can be very hard to analyze. The aim of this study was to investigate the problem of stability of TPN admixtures prepared in a hospital pharmacy. Methods. Admixture TPN was aseptically prepared in laminar air - flow environment on the basis of the specified order in supplementing components and additives to basic solutions. Solutions were kept in sterile multicompartment ethylene-vinyl-acetate bags. After preparation and slow homogenization, TPN admixtures were submitted to physicochemical and microbiological stability analyses in various period of time. The assessment of physical stability of TPN admixture was done on the basis of visual inspection, determination of pH value and measuring of particle size. The investigation of sterility and pyrogenic test were performed according to Ph. Yug. V regulations. Results. Physico-chemical and microbiological analyses were applied and no significant changes in visual sense, pH value and droplet size stability of the TPN admixture were observed during the period of 60 hours. The lipid droplets were smaller in size than 5 μm, that is the most common pharmacopoeia requirement. Conclusion. The results of our study confirmed that a TPN admixture prepared in a hospital

  7. Principles of feeding cancer patients via enteral or parenteral nutrition during radiotherapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fietkau, R. [Strahlentherapeutische Klinik und Poliklinik, Rostock Univ. (Germany)]|[Strahlentherapeutische Klinik und Poliklinik, Erlangen Univ. (Germany)


    Background: The nutritional status of cancer patients is frequently impaired already before any therapy starts and may deteriorate even more by radio(chemo)therapy. Methods: This review describes the possibilities and risks of enteral and parenteral nutrition during radiotherapy. The indications of enteral nutrition will be derived from own results. Results: Enteral nutrition is the most preferable way of artificial long-term nutrition. In a prospective non-randomized trial we demonstrated that enteral nutrition via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) not only improves the anthropometric and biochemical parameters during radio(chemo)therapy but also the quality of life of patients with advanced cancers of the head and neck. Moreover supportive use of megestrolacetate can improve the nutritional status. Parenteral nutrition is only recommended if enteral nutrition is not possible e.g. during radio(chemo)therapy of tumors of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Conclusions: Today adequate nutritional support is feasible during intensive radio(chemo)therapy. (orig.) [Deutsch] Hintergrund: Der Ernaehrungsstatus von Tumorpatienten ist haeufig bereits vor jeder antitumoroesen Therapie reduziert und kann sich durch die notwendige Radio(chemo)therapie weiter verschlechtern. Methode: Im Rahmen dieses Uebersichtsartikels werden die Moeglichkeiten und Risiken der enteralen und parenteralen Ernaehrung waehrend einer Radiotherapie besprochen. Die Indikationen der enteralen Ernaehrung werden anhand von eigenen Ergebnissen begruendet. Ergebnisse: Die Langzeiternaehrung wird am besten ueber einen enteralen Zugang durchgefuehrt. In einer prospektiven, nichtrandomisierten Studie konnten wir zeigen, dass eine enterale Ernaehrung mittels perkutaner endoskopisch kontrollierter Gastrostomie (PEG) nicht nur die anthropometrischen und biochemischen Parameter waehrend einer Radio(chemo)therapie verbessert, sondern auch die Lebensqualitaet. Eine weitere Moeglichkeit besteht in der

  8. Problems concerning the parenteral nutrition within the complex therapy of radiation injuries of the intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sloventantor, V.Yu.; Kurpesheva, A.K.; Kaplan, M.A.; Bardychev, M.S.; Khmelevskij, Ya.M.


    The treatment results of 52 patients with radiation enterocolitis and rectosygmoiditis are reported. The complex therapy included a partial or a complete parenteral nutrition according to the indication. The treatment caused an improvement in 86.7% of the cases, no changes in 5.7% and a deterioration of the condition in 7.6%. The additional nutritive therapy rendered it possible to hold the cell mass of the body constant and to decrease the protein losses of the gastrointestinal tract significantly. (author)

  9. A new glass option for parenteral packaging. (United States)

    Schaut, Robert A; Peanasky, John S; DeMartino, Steven E; Schiefelbein, Susan L


    Glass is the ideal material for parenteral packaging because of its chemical durability, hermeticity, strength, cleanliness, and transparency. Alkali borosilicate glasses have been used successfully for a long time, but they do have some issues relating to breakage, delamination, and variation in hydrolytic performance. In this paper, alkali aluminosilicate glasses are introduced as a possible alternative to alkali borosilicate glasses. An example alkali aluminosilicate glass is shown to meet the compendial requirements, and to have similar thermal, optical, and mechanical attributes as the current alkali borosilicate glasses. In addition, the alkali aluminosilicate performed as well or better than the current alkali borosilicates in extractables tests and stability studies, which suggests that it would be suitable for use with the studied liquid product formulation. The physical, mechanical, and optical properties of glass make it an ideal material for packaging injectable drugs and biologics. Alkali borosilicate glasses have been used successfully for a long time for these applications, but there are some issues. In this paper, alkali aluminosilicate glasses are introduced as a possible alternative to alkali borosilicate glasses. An example alkali aluminosilicate glass is shown to meet the requirements for packaging injectable drugs and biologics, and to be suitable for use with a particular liquid drug. © PDA, Inc. 2014.

  10. Prospective randomized double-blind trial of branched chain amino acid enriched versus standard parenteral nutrition solutions in traumatized and septic patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vente, J. P.; Soeters, P. B.; von Meyenfeldt, M. F.; Rouflart, M. M.; van der Linden, C. J.; Gouma, D. J.


    The addition of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) to total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solutions of balanced aminoacid composition has been reported to result in improved nitrogen balance, preservation of plasma protein levels, and improved immune function; however, only a few large clinical studies

  11. Comparative effects of pulmonary and parenteral Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure on extinction of opiate-induced conditioned aversion in rats. (United States)

    Manwell, Laurie A; Mallet, Paul E


    Evidence suggesting that the endogenous cannabinoid (eCB) system can be manipulated to facilitate or impair extinction of learned behaviours has important consequences for opiate withdrawal and abstinence. We demonstrated that the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) inhibitor URB597, which increases eCB levels, facilitates extinction of a naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal-induced conditioned place aversion (CPA). The potential of the exogenous CB1 ligand, Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ(9)-THC), to facilitate extinction of this CPA was tested. Effects of both pulmonary and parenteral Δ(9)-THC exposure were evaluated using comparable doses previously determined. Rats trained to associate a naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal with a floor cue were administered Δ(9)-THC-pulmonary (1, 5, 10 mg vapour inhalation) or parenteral (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 mg/kg intraperitoneal injection)-prior to each of 20 to 28 extinction/testing trials. Vapourized Δ(9)-THC facilitated extinction of the CPA in a dose- and time-dependent manner: 5 and 10 mg facilitated extinction compared to vehicle and 1 mg Δ(9)-THC. Injected Δ(9)-THC significantly impaired extinction only for the 1.0-mg/kg dose: it prolonged the CPA fourfold longer than the vehicle and 0.5- and 1.5-mg/kg doses. These data suggest that both dose and route of Δ(9)-THC administration have important consequences for its pharmacokinetic and behavioural effects; specifically, pulmonary exposure at higher doses facilitates, whereas pulmonary and parenteral exposure at lower doses impairs, rates of extinction learning for CPA. Pulmonary-administered Δ(9)-THC may prove beneficial for potentiation of extinction learning for aversive memories, such as those supporting drug-craving/seeking in opiate withdrawal syndrome, and other causes of conditioned aversions, such as illness and stress.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andressa da Silveira


    Full Text Available Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, tuvo como objetivo describir el proceso de atención desarrollado por la familia y cuidadores de niños con necesidades especiales de salud. Los sujetos fueron 10 cuidadores de niños en una unidad pediátrica. La producción de datos se dio a través del método creativo y sensible mediada por la dinámica de la creatividad y la sensibilidad, sometida al análisis del discurso. Los resultados mostraron una atención (sobrenatural y (súperprotección de la actividades comunes de la vida diaria con el fin de protegerlo de posibles problemas de salud. El estudio encontró la abnegación personal del familiar a favor de la atención requerida por el niño, y la presencia del padre como cuidador principal. Se recomienda el desarrollo de actividades de divulgación específicas para estos familiares, la creación de programas dirigidas para la atención en el hogar del niño y actividades que beneficien a la mejora de la práctica domiciliaria.

  13. Managing children and adolescents on parenteral nutrition: Challenges for the nutritional support team. (United States)

    Johnson, Tracey; Sexton, Elaine


    Managing infants, children and adolescents, ranging from premature infants to 18-year-old adolescents, on parenteral nutrition (PN) is a challenge. The ability of children to withstand starvation is limited and, unlike adults, children require nutrition for growth. PN in children is often required secondary to a congenital bowel problem rather than because of an acquired condition. Conditions requiring PN include motility disorders, congenital disorders of the intestinal epithelium and short-bowel syndrome (SBS). Intestinal failure may be temporary and children with SBS may be weaned from PN. However, other children require permanent PN. There are no comprehensive guidelines for the nutritional requirements of children and adolescents requiring PN. Practice in individual centres is based on clinical experience rather than clinical trials. Requirements are assessed on an individual basis according to age, nutritional status and clinical condition. These requirements need regular review to ensure that they remain appropriate for the changing age and weight of the child. Assessments of intakes use different methods, e.g. reference tables and predictive equations. Complications of PN include infection, accidental damage to, or removal of, the line and cholestatic liver disease. Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) is associated with fewer line infections and allows continuation of nutritional support in a more normal environment, encouraging normal development and participation in family activities. However, having a child at home on HPN is associated with physical and psychological stresses. A feeling of depression, loneliness and social isolation is common amongst children and their families. Home-care services are essential to supporting children at home and should be tailored to, and sensitive to, the individual needs of each family.

  14. Risk of new acute myocardial infarction hospitalization associated with use of oral and parenteral non-steroidal anti-inflammation drugs (NSAIDs: a case-crossover study of Taiwan's National Health Insurance claims database and review of current evidence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shau Wen-Yi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Previous studies have documented the increased cardiovascular risk associated with the use of some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs. Despite this, many old NSAIDs are still prescribed worldwide. Most of the studies to date have been focused on specific oral drugs or limited by the number of cases examined. We studied the risk of new acute myocardial infarction (AMI hospitalization with current use of a variety of oral and parenteral NSAIDs in a nationwide population, and compared our results with existing evidence. Methods We conducted a case-crossover study using the Taiwan's National Health Insurance claim database, identifying patients with new AMI hospitalized in 2006. The 1-30 days and 91-120 days prior to the admission were defined as case and matched control period for each patient, respectively. Uses of NSAIDs during the respective periods were compared using conditional logistic regression and adjusted for use of co-medications. Results 8354 new AMI hospitalization patients fulfilled the study criteria. 14 oral and 3 parenteral NSAIDs were selected based on drug utilization profile among 13.7 million NSAID users. The adjusted odds ratio, aOR (95% confidence interval, for risk of AMI and use of oral and parenteral non-selective NSAIDs were 1.42 (1.29, 1.56 and 3.35 (2.50, 4.47, respectively, and significantly greater for parenteral than oral drugs (p for interaction Conclusions The collective evidence revealed the tendency of increased AMI risk with current use of some NSAIDs. A higher AMI risk associated with use of parenteral NSAIDs was observed in the present study. Ketorolac had the highest associated risk in both oral and parenteral NSAIDs studied. Though further investigation to confirm the association is warranted, prescribing physicians and the general public should be cautious about the potential risk of AMI when using NSAIDs.

  15. Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) in patients with post-bariatric surgery complications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Van Gossum, A; Pironi, L; Chambrier, C


    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Obesity is a worldwide health problem. Bariatric surgery (BS) is becoming one of the most commonly used methods for fighting obesity and its associated comorbidities. However, current BS techniques can be associated with early or late complications that may require nutritional...... support. The aim of this retrospective observational study was to determine the indications and outcomes for patients on Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) due to post-bariatric surgery complications. METHODS: A specific questionnaire was designed by the ESPEN HAN/CIF working group and submitted to HPN...... centers. This questionnaire included: patient demographics, type of surgery, BMI before surgery and at start of HPN, indications for HPN including technical and nutritional complications (early within 2 months after surgery or late), outcome, PN regimen, and HPN complications. Patients were...

  16. Effect of parenteral nutrition on the bone marrow recovery under exsperimental conditions of uneven irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moroz, B.B.; Fedorovskij, L.L.; Deshevoj, Yu.B.


    Using white rats-males the effect of parenteral nutrition (PN) on blood formation (hemopoiesis) recovery under the conditions of total (control), subtotal (shielding of animal hind limb) with 7.5 Gy and X-ray partial irradiation of abdomen region with the 13.5 Gy has been studied. It has been found that bone marrow recovery increases either at subtotal or partial irradiation under the conditions of PN. Mechanisms of PN favourable effect are discussed. The advisability of using PN under uneven irradiations of organism is indicated

  17. Eficacia y seguridad de la terapia tópica con capsaicina 0,075% versus mentol 1%, en el tratamiento del prurito de la foliculitis eosinofílica asociada al virus de la inmunodeficiencia adquirida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Galarza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia y seguridad de la terapia tópica con capsaicina 0,075% versus mentol 1% en el tratamiento del prurito de la foliculitis eosinofílica asociada al virus de la inmunodeficiencia adquirida (VIH. Diseño: Estudio clínico aleatorizado y doble ciego. Lugar: Servicios de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales (SEIT y Dermatología, Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Pacientes con foliculitis eosinofílica asociada al VIH. Intervenciones: La muestra estuvo constituida por 40 pacientes con foliculitis eosinofílica asociada al VIH, quienes fueron distribuidos mediante muestreo aleatorio sistemático en dos grupos: el grupo 1 conformado por 20 pacientes que recibieron la terapia 1; y el grupo 2, conformado por 20 pacientes que recibieron la terapia 2. Los pacientes recibieron tratamiento con capsaicina al 0,075% y mentol 1%; la aplicación se realizó en el área afectada, cada 6 horas, durante 45 días. Se implementó un sistema de visitas (domiciliarias u hospitalarias, se evaluó la eficacia en la reducción del prurito (escala de Likert y se registró los eventos. Principales medidas de resultados: Respuesta clínica a la administración de capsaicina y mentol. Resultados: La respuesta fue buena en 90% de los pacientes que recibieron capsaicina 0,075%, en comparación con 40% en el grupo que recibió mentol al 1% (p = 0,001, con OR = 0,074 (IC 95 %: 0,013 - 0,411. La eficacia de las terapias tópicas fue modificada por el recuento de linfocitos CD4 (p 0,05. Conclusiones: La terapia tópica con capsaicina es eficaz y segura en el tratamiento del prurito, en la foliculitis eosinofílica asociada al VIH.

  18. Decentralized electrification of an isolated town by means of photovoltaic solar energy; Electrificacion descentralizada de una poblacion aislada mediante energia solar fotovoltaica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horn, Manfred [Universidad Nacional de Energia, Lima (Peru)


    The insular community of Taquile in the Titicaca Lake is performing a pilot project of domiciliary electrification with photovoltaic systems. The project wants to evaluate the feasibility of a basic rural electrification with photovoltaic systems based in private initiatives, under the frame of the free market economy, in vogue in Peru. [Espanol] En la comunidad insular de Taquile en el Lago Titicaca se esta ejecutando un proyecto piloto de electrificacion domiciliaria con sistemas fotovoltaicos. El proyecto quiere evaluar la posibilidad de una electrificacion rural basica con sistemas fotovoltaicos en base a iniciativas privadas, dentro del marco de la economia de mercado libre, vigente en el Peru.

  19. Decentralized electrification of an isolated town by means of photovoltaic solar energy; Electrificacion descentralizada de una poblacion aislada mediante energia solar fotovoltaica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horn, Manfred [Universidad Nacional de Energia, Lima (Peru)


    The insular community of Taquile in the Titicaca Lake is performing a pilot project of domiciliary electrification with photovoltaic systems. The project wants to evaluate the feasibility of a basic rural electrification with photovoltaic systems based in private initiatives, under the frame of the free market economy, in vogue in Peru. [Espanol] En la comunidad insular de Taquile en el Lago Titicaca se esta ejecutando un proyecto piloto de electrificacion domiciliaria con sistemas fotovoltaicos. El proyecto quiere evaluar la posibilidad de una electrificacion rural basica con sistemas fotovoltaicos en base a iniciativas privadas, dentro del marco de la economia de mercado libre, vigente en el Peru.

  20. Nutritional status and hyperglycemia in the peritransplant period: a review of associations with parenteral nutrition and clinical outcomes

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    Marina Verdi Schumacher

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is an established treatment option for various hematological diseases. This therapy involves complex procedures and is associated with several systemic complications. Due to the toxic effects of the conditioning regimen used in allogeneic transplantations, patients frequently suffer from severe gastrointestinal complications and are unable to feed themselves properly. This complex clinical scenario often requires specialized nutritional support, and despite the increasing number of studies available, many questions remain regarding the best way to feed these patients. Parenteral nutrition has been traditionally indicated when the effects on gastrointestinal mucosa are significant; however, the true benefits of this type of nutrition in reducing clinical complications have been questioned. Hyperglycemia is a common consequence of parenteral nutrition that seems to be correlated to poor transplantation outcomes and a higher risk of infections. Additionally, nutrition-related pre-transplantation risk factors are being studied, such as impaired nutritional status, poorly controlled diabetes mellitus and obesity. This review aims to discuss some of these recent issues. A real case of allogeneic transplant was used to illustrate the scenario and to highlight the most important topics that motivated this literature review.

  1. Early Parenteral Nutrition in Patients with Biliopancreatic Mass Lesions, a Prospective, Randomized Intervention Trial.

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    Janine Krüger

    Full Text Available Patients with biliopancreatic tumors frequently suffer from weight loss and cachexia. The in-hospital work-up to differentiate between benign and malignant biliopancreatic lesions requires repeated pre-interventional fasting periods that can aggravate this problem. We conducted a randomized intervention study to test whether routine in-hospital peripheral intravenous nutrition on fasting days (1000 ml/24 h, 700 kcal has a beneficial effect on body weight and body composition.168 patients were screened and 100 enrolled in the trial, all undergoing in-hospital work-up for biliopancreatic mass lesions and randomized to either intravenous nutrition or control. Primary endpoint was weight loss at time of hospital discharge; secondary endpoints were parameters determined by bioelectric impedance analysis and quality of life recorded by the EORTC questionnaire.Within three months prior to hospital admission patients had a median self-reported loss of 4.0 kg (25*th: -10.0 kg and 75*th* percentile: 0.0kg of body weight. On a multivariate analysis nutritional intervention increased body weight by 1.7 kg (95% CI: 0.204; 3.210, p = 0.027, particularly in patients with malignant lesions (2.7 kg (95% CI: 0.71; 4.76, p < 0.01.In a hospital setting, patients with suspected biliopancreatic mass lesions stabilized their body weight when receiving parenteral nutrition in fasting periods even when no total parenteral nutrition was required. Analysis showed that this effect was greatest in patients with malignant tumors. Further studies will be necessary to see whether patient outcome is affected as NCT02670265.

  2. Quantitative Ultrasound for Staging of Hepatic Steatosis in Patients on Home Parenteral Nutrition Validated with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: A Feasibility Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weijers, G.; Wanten, G.J.A.; Thijssen, J.M.; Graaf, M. van der; Korte, C.L. de


    Patients on home parenteral nutrition are at risk for developing liver dysfunction, which is due partly to the accumulation of lipids in the liver (steatosis) and may progress to end-stage liver disease with overt liver failure. Therefore, a timely diagnosis with easy access to repeated assessment

  3. Parenteral estrogen versus combined androgen deprivation in the treatment of metastatic prostatic cancer -- Scandinavian Prostatic Cancer Group (SPCG) Study No. 5

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedlund, Per Olov; Ala-Opas, Martti; Brekkan, Einar


    In the mid-1980s, interest in parenteral estrogen therapy for prostate cancer was renewed when it was found that it influenced liver metabolism only marginally and had very few cardiovascular side-effects. In this study high-dose polyestradiol phosphate (PEP; Estradurin) was compared to combined...

  4. Self-administered outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy: a report of three years experience in the Irish healthcare setting.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kieran, J


    Outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) was first reported in 1972. OPAT programmes are not well established in Ireland, with no reported outcomes in the literature. An OPAT programme was established at St. James Hospital in 2006. Demographics, diagnoses and outcomes of the first 60 courses are reported. A retrospective analysis of prospectively recorded data was performed on patients treated from March 2006 to February 2009. The data was analysed using SPSS v.17. Sixty OPAT courses were administered to 56 patients, 57 percent of which were male. The median age was 50 years, the median inpatient stay was 19 days, the median duration of OPAT was 16 days and 1,289 inpatient bed days were saved. The additional cost per day of OPAT was 167.60 euros. Vancomycin was the most prescribed antimicrobial, administered to 35%. Musculoskeletal infection was the indication for treatment in 50%. Confirmatory microbiological diagnosis was identified in 72%, most frequently due to Staphylococcus aureus (68%). Only minor adverse events were recorded. Clinical cure was achieved in 92.8%. A patient satisfaction survey showed high satisfaction. OPAT is a safe and effective way of providing parenteral antibiotic therapy in the Irish healthcare system. Better integration of funding and the appointment of Infectious Diseases specialists will facilitate its expansion.

  5. Incidence and Risk Factors of Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Cholestasis in Omani Neonates; Single centre experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sharef W. Sharef


    Full Text Available Objectives: Parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis (PNAC is one of the most challenging complications of prolonged parenteral nutrition (PN in neonates. There is a lack of research investigating its incidence in newborn infants in Oman and the Arab region. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the incidence of PNAC and its risk factors in Omani neonates. Methods: This retrospective study took place between January and April 2014. All neonates who received PN for ≥14 days during a four-year period (June 2009 to May 2013 at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU in Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman, were enrolled. Results: A total of 1,857 neonates were admitted to the NICU over the study period and 135 neonates (7.3% received PN for ≥14 days. Determining the incidence of PNAC was only possible in 97 neonates; of these, 38 (39% had PNAC. The main risk factors associated with PNAC were duration of PN, duration of enteral starvation, gastrointestinal surgeries, blood transfusions and sepsis. Neonates with PNAC had a slightly higher incidence of necrotising enterocolitis in comparison to those without PNAC. Conclusion: This study found a PNAC incidence of 39% in Omani neonates. There were several significant risk factors for PNAC in Omani neonates; however, after logistic regression analysis, only total PN duration remained statistically significant. Preventive strategies should be implemented in NICUs so as to avoid future chronic liver disease in this population.

  6. Nanoemulsões como sistemas de liberação parenteral de fármacos

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    Fernanda Bruxel


    Full Text Available Lipid nanoemulsions have recently been proposed as parenteral delivery systems for poorly-soluble drugs. These systems consist of nanoscale oil/water dispersions stabilized by an appropriate surfactant system in which the drug is incorporated into the oil core and/or adsorbed at the interface. This article reviews technological aspects of such nanosystems, including their composition, preparation methods, and physicochemical properties. From this review, it was possible to identify five groups of nanoemulsions based on their composition. Biopharmaceutical aspects of formulations containing some commercially available drugs (diazepam, propofol, dexamethasone, etomidate, flurbiprofen and prostaglandin E1 were then discussed.

  7. Proposta de modelo para dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem em assistência domiciliária Propuesta de modelo para la provisión de personal de enfermería en asistencia domiciliaria Proposal for a model for calculating the size of nursing staff in home care

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    Luiza Watanabe Dal Ben


    Full Text Available A assistência domiciliária (AD suscita questionamentos sobre a necessidade do número de horas diárias e dos dias de assistência de enfermagem por parte dos compradores da prestação de serviços à saúde em domicílio. Identificar os critérios adotados por gerentes e enfermeiras para o dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada e analisados segundo o método de análise de conteúdo. Identificaram-se três categorias: elegibilidade do paciente; tempo despendido na assistência e perfil de competência do profissional. As etapas consideradas foram: identificação da carga média diária de trabalho; determinação da proporção das categorias profissionais; jornada de trabalho dos profissionais de enfermagem e identificação do índice de segurança técnica para cobertura de ausências previstas e de não previstas. Com base nessas variáveis, propusemos um modelo para calcular o quadro de profissionais de enfermagem em AD, agilizando o processo de tomada de decisão.La asistencia domiciliaria (AD suscita interrogantes sobre la necesidad del número de horas diarias y de los días de asistencia de enfermería por parte de los compradores de prestación de servicios a la salud en domicilio. Tuvo por objetivo identificar los criterios adoptados por gerentes y enfermeras para el cálculo del personal de enfermería. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de una entrevista semi-estructurada y analizados según el método de análisis de contenido. Se identificaron tres categorías: elegibilidad del paciente, tiempo invertido en la asistencia y perfil de competencia del profesional. Las etapas consideradas fueron: identificación de la carga promedio diario de trabajo; determinación de la proporción de las categorías profesionales; jornada de trabajo de los profesionales de enfermería e identificación del índice de seguridad técnica para la cobertura de ausencias

  8. Enteral feeding induces diet-dependent mucosal dysfunction, bacterial proliferation, and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm pigs on parenteral nutrition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjørnvad, Charlotte R.; Thymann, Thomas; Deutz, Nicolaas E.


    Preterm neonates have an immature gut and metabolism and may benefit from total parenteral nutrition (TPN) before enteral food is introduced. Conversely,delayed enteral feeding may inhibit gut maturation and sensitize to necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Intestinal mass and NEC lesions were first...... formula after TPN. Conversely, colostrum milk diets improve gut maturation and NEC resistance in preterm pigs subjected to a few days of TPN after birth....

  9. Modelo experimental de perfusão pulmonar ex vivo em ratos: avaliação de desempenho de pulmões submetidos à administração de prostaciclina inalada versus parenteral An experimental rat model of ex vivo lung perfusion for the assessment of lungs after prostacyclin administration: inhaled versus parenteral routes

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    Paulo Francisco Guerreiro Cardoso


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar um modelo experimental de administração de prostaglandina I2 (PGI2 por via inalatória vs. parenteral e avaliar o desempenho funcional dos pulmões em um sistema de perfusão pulmonar ex vivo. MÉTODOS: Quarenta ratos Wistar foram anestesiados, ventilados, submetidos a laparotomia com ressecção do esterno e anticoagulados. O tronco da artéria pulmonar foi canulado. Todos os animais foram submetidos a ventilação mecânica. Os animais foram randomizados em quatro grupos (10 ratos/grupo: salina nebulizada (SN; salina parenteral (SP; PGI2 nebulizada (PGI2N; e PGI2 parenteral (PGI2P. A dose de PGI2 nos grupos PGI2N e PGI2P foi de 20 e 10 µg/kg, respectivamente. Os blocos cardiopulmonares foram submetidos in situ a perfusão anterógrada com solução de baixo potássio e dextrana a 4ºC via artéria pulmonar, extraídos em bloco e armazenados a 4ºC por 6 h. Os blocos foram ventilados e perfundidos em um sistema ex vivo por 50 min, sendo obtidas medidas de mecânica ventilatória, hemodinâmica e trocas gasosas. RESULTADOS: Houve redução da pressão arterial pulmonar média após a nebulização em todos os grupos (p OBJECTIVE:To present a model of prostaglandin I2 (PGI2 administration (inhaled vs. parenteral and to assess the functional performance of the lungs in an ex vivo lung perfusion system. METHODS: Forty Wistar rats were anesthetized and placed on mechanical ventilation followed by median sterno-laparotomy and anticoagulation. The main pulmonary artery was cannulated. All animals were maintained on mechanical ventilation and were randomized into four groups (10 rats/group: inhaled saline (IS; parenteral saline (PS; inhaled PGI2 (IPGI2; and parenteral PGI2 (PPGI2. The dose of PGI2 used in the IPGI2 and PPGI2 groups was 20 and 10 µg/kg, respectively. The heart-lung blocks were submitted to antegrade perfusion with a low potassium and dextran solution via the pulmonary artery, followed by en bloc extraction and

  10. Solicitud y realización del test del VIH en atención primaria: Estudio de la Red de Médicos Centinelas de Castilla y León 1990-1996

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    Redondo Martín S.


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir los patrones de solicitud y realización del test del VIH en atención primaria (AP y las características epidemiológicas de la población con serología realizada. Método: Estudio descriptivo de solicitudes del test del VIH en la población cubierta por la Red de Médicos Centinelas de Castilla y León (RMCCyL entre los años 1991 y 1996. La validez de los resultados se aseguró mediante un estudio inicial de representatividad geográfica y poblacional y ajustes periódicos. La información se obtuvo de declaraciones semanales efectuadas por médicos centinelas. Resultados: Las tasas de solicitudes por 100.000 habitantes presentaron tendencia creciente hasta 1993, estabilizándose en 1995 y 1996. Existieron diferencias significativas entre los porcentajes de los tests solicitados por el médico (55,9% y por los pacientes (40%, así como entre sexos y la media de edad varones/mujeres. El 63,1% de los pacientes con test realizado tenía alguna práctica de riesgo: 17,5% uso de drogas por vía parenteral (UDVP y 11,2% contacto heterosexual de riesgo. En los varones predominaron el contacto heterosexual (31,3% y el consumo de drogas inyectadas (27,9%, siendo las proporciones en mujeres del 22,7 y el 6,9%, respectivamente. El 3,2% de tests VIH fueron positivos. Conclusiones: Se detectó un aumento de las solicitudes y tests realizados en los primeros años (1991-1993 para posteriormente estabilizarse, siendo las cifras inferiores a las de otros estudios. El médico es quien realiza principalmente la solicitud, determinando una baja percepción del riesgo. Se detectó un descenso de los individuos con UDVP y un aumento porcentual de los contactos heterosexuales de riesgo. AP ocupa un lugar privilegiado en la detección temprana de prácticas de riesgo, en la intervención informativa, educativa y preventiva.

  11. Supplementation of total parenteral nutrition with butyrate acutely increases structural aspects of intestinal adaptation after an 80% jejunoileal resection in neonatal piglets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bartholome, Anne L; Albin, David M; Baker, David H


    BACKGROUND: Supplementation of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) with a mixture of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) enhances intestinal adaptation in the adult rodent model. However, the ability and timing of SCFA to augment adaptation in the neonatal intestine is unknown. Furthermore, the specific...

  12. High signal in the adenohypophysis on T1-weighted images presumably due to manganese deposits in patients on long-term parenteral nutrition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dietemann, J.L.; Diniz, R.L.F.C.; Reis, M. Jr.; Neugroschl, C.; Soehsten, S. von; Reimund, J.M.; Baumann, R.; Warter, J.M.


    Hypermanganesaemia is reported in patients on long-term parenteral nutrition. Deposition of manganese, giving high signal on T1-weighted images, may involve the basal ganglia. MRI in nine patients (mean age 51 years, range 31-75 years) on long-term parenteral nutrition (mean duration 30 months, range 6-126 months), demonstrated high signal in the anterior pituitary gland on T1-weighted sagittal and coronal images. The gland appeared normal on T2-weighted images. Signal intensity in the basal ganglia on T1-weighted images was increased in all patients. Endocrine assessment showed no significant abnormality. Neurological examination showed a mild parkinsonian movement disorder in one patient. Hypermanganaesemia was present in all nine (1.3-2.8 μmol/l, mean 1.87 μmol/l). The high signal in the anterior pituitary gland was probably related to deposition of paramagnetic substances, especially manganese. (orig.)

  13. Depression of hyperglycemic response to glucagon by parenteral lead administration in sheep

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brockman, R P


    The insulin and glucose responses to glucagon infusions (27 were determined in sheep before and after parenteral lead treatment (6 mg/kg intravenously). Glucose production was measured by primed continuous infusion of (6-/sup 3/H)glucose. Glucagon and insulin concentrations before and during glucagon infusions were not significantly different between lead treatment and control experiments. Lead administration did not affect the concentration or production of glucose in the preinfusion period. However, depressed hyperglycemia during glucagon infusion in lead treated experiments tended to be associated with decreased glucose production. The reduced glucogenic response to glucagon may be the result of reduced function of pyruvate carboxylase, a key hepatic gluconeogenic enzyme in sheep, from lead induced impairment of mitochondrial function. 21 references, 1 figure.

  14. Modelos clínico e psicossocial de atenção ao indivíduo e à família na assistência domiciliar: bases conceituais Modelos clínico y psicosocial de atención al individuo y la familia en la asistencia domiciliaria: bases conceptuales Clinical and psychosocial models of attention to the individual and the family in home care: conceptual frameworks

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    Vilanice Alves de Araújo Püschel


    Full Text Available Prestar assistência no domicílio tem sido uma prática em expansão no Brasil. No entanto, o modelo de assistência tem se baseado no modelo clínico e hospitalar. Este artigo tem como objetivo propor referenciais teóricos para um modelo de atenção voltado à assistência domiciliar, considerando a dimensão psicossocial. São apresentadas, didaticamente separadas, as bases conceituais dos modelos clínico e psicossocial, apesar de serem indissociáveis, de modo a contribuir para o aprimoramento de uma prática que seja capaz de agregar expressões da pessoa e do contexto enquanto elementos de uma dinâmica psicossocial.Prestar asistencia en el domicilio ha sido una práctica en expansión en el Brasil. No obstante, el modelo de asistencia se ha basado en el modelo clínico y hospitalario. Este artículo tiene como objetivo proponer referenciales teóricos para un modelo de atención volcada a la asistencia domiciliaria, considerando la dimensión psicosocial. Se presentan las bases conceptuales del modelo clínico y psicosocial, didácticamente separados, a pesar de no ser disociables, como una contribución al perfeccionamiento de una práctica capaz de agregar expresiones de la persona y del contexto en cuanto elemento de una dinámica psicosocial.Home care is a rapidly expanding segment in Brazil. The model currently applied to home care is based on clinical and hospital models. The objective of this article is to propose theoretical frameworks that can be applied to home care by taking into account its psychosocial dimension. Although indivisible, the conceptual frameworks of the clinical and the psychosocial models are broken down, for clarity purposes, in order to contribute to the improvement of practices, so as to add personal expressions and contexts as elements of psychosocial dynamics.

  15. [Home parenteral nutrition for terminal stage of cancer patient]. (United States)

    Takamura, S; Sakuyama, T; Nakamura, Y; Takahashi, N; Hattori, M


    In the last 6 years, we have experienced 20 cancer patients who received home parenteral nutrition for terminal stage. The patients had 13 gastric cancers, 3 esophageal cancers and 5 others. The prognosis of upper G-I cancer is known to be poorer than that of colon cancer. The home care of our cases, the gastric cancer lasted 25 days on average, which was shorter than others. So the home care for patients in the terminal stage of gastric cancer is very short. Therefore we decide the home care for the terminal stage of gastric cancer as soon as possible. We conducted a questionnaire survey of our cases and family. We finally found that the most important thing is the safety of patient for the maintenance of home care. Our home care system is made up of a 3-way relationship among the patient, support system and doctor. The doctor is on call for the problems of the patient for 24 hours. Therefore, we believe that this system is comfortable for both the patient and family.

  16. Standardised versus Individualised Parenteral Nutrition. Further Food for Thought. (United States)

    McCarthy, R; Segurado, R; Crealey, M; Twomey, A


    Parenteral Nutrition may be prescribed as a standard PN (SPN) formulation or as an individualised PN (IPN) formulation. SPN may have advantages in terms of rapid availability, less prescription errors, decreased risk of infection and cost savings but IPN, specifically tailored to an infants needs, may achieve better outcomes in terms of nutrient intake and weight gain. The aim of our study was to determine if VLBW infants in our NICU benefited from receiving IPN over currently available SPN solutions. Our findings were that VLBW infants prescribed IPN received significantly more amino acid (28%), glucose (6%), energy (11%) and calcium (8%) from the aqueous phase of PN than had they received a similar volume of SPN. The benefits were seen over all the days for which PN was administered. In conclusion, IPN was found to offer significant benefits to our VLBW infants. Modifications to currently available SPN would result in better SPN formulations. Our study also supported the recent recommendation to reduce the calcium:phosphate ratio in PN solutions to avoid early hypophosphataemia.

  17. Organization of managed clinical networking for home parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Baxter, Janet P; McKee, Ruth F


    Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) is an established treatment for intestinal failure, and organization of HPN is variable throughout the UK and Europe. Managed clinical networking is the single most important feature of the UK National Health Service strategy for acute services in Scotland and has the potential to improve the management of HPN patients. This review addresses the role of managed clinical networking in HPN and compares outcome data between centres. The Scottish HPN Managed Clinical Network has published the main body of the current literature supporting the concept of managed clinical networking in this context. The Network is responsible for the organization and quality assurance of HPN provision in Scotland, and has been established for 5 years. It has captured significant patient data for the purpose of clinical audit and illustrates that this is an effective model for the management of this patient population. This review provides advice for other areas wishing to improve equity of access, and to smooth the patient journey between primary, secondary and tertiary health care in the context of artificial nutrition support.

  18. Standardised versus Individualised Parenteral Nutrition. Further Food for Thought

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McCarthy, R


    Parenteral Nutrition may be prescribed as a standard PN (SPN) formulation or as an individualised PN (IPN) formulation. SPN may have advantages in terms of rapid availability, less prescription errors, decreased risk of infection and cost savings but IPN, specifically tailored to an infant’s needs, may achieve better outcomes in terms of nutrient intake and weight gain. The aim of our study was to determine if VLBW infants in our NICU benefited from receiving IPN over currently available SPN solutions. Our findings were that VLBW infants prescribed IPN received significantly more amino acid (28%), glucose (6%), energy (11%) and calcium (8%) from the aqueous phase of PN than had they received a similar volume of SPN. The benefits were seen over all the days for which PN was administered. In conclusion, IPN was found to offer significant benefits to our VLBW infants. Modifications to currently available SPN would result in better SPN formulations. Our study also supported the recent recommendation to reduce the calcium:phosphate ratio in PN solutions to avoid early hypophosphataemia

  19. Recomendaciones para la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de LA EPOC en la Argentina

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    Juan Carlos Figueroa Casas


    Full Text Available La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC está aumentando marcadamente su morbimortalidad, costos e indicadores epidemiológicos. Por ello la Asociación Argentina de Medicina Respiratoria (AAMR convocó a un grupo de especialistas para actualizar conocimientos básicos y efectuar recomendaciones para su diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento. Se revisan definición, avances en fisiopatología, presentación clínica, diagnóstico por imágenes y evaluación funcional. Se enfatiza su diagnóstico temprano mediante exploración funcional -esencialmente espirometría- y la prevención a través de la cesación del tabaquismo. Se describen estrategias para dejar de fumar, tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico. La administración de broncodilatadores, preferentemente de acción prolongada, es la primera opción de tratamiento farmacológico. Los corticoides inhalados se indican en combinación con los broncodilatadores en pacientes con obstrucción al flujo aéreo persistente asociada con exacerbaciones frecuentes, si bien se requieren estudios que confirmen su relación costo/beneficio. La vacuna antigripal es recomendada en todos los pacientes. Con respecto a las intervenciones no farmacológicas, la cirugía del enfisema solo se recomienda en circunstancias especiales. La rehabilitación respiratoria es una herramienta útil en pacientes con limitación en la actividad física habitual. La oxígenoterapia crónica domiciliaria mejora la supervivencia en pacientes con hipoxemia crónica grave. La ventilación no invasiva domiciliaria fuera de las exacerbaciones, tiene indicaciones en pacientes seleccionados. Las exacerbaciones agudas deben tratarse con broncodilatadores, oxígeno, corticoides, antibióticos y, bajo ciertas circunstancias, asistencia respiratoria mecánica tanto no invasiva como invasiva. El papel de la educación pública, del paciente y su familia, es considerada esencial en la prevención y tratamiento.

  20. Microbial shifts in the swine nasal microbiota in response to parenteral antimicrobial administration. (United States)

    Zeineldin, Mohamed; Aldridge, Brian; Blair, Benjamin; Kancer, Katherine; Lowe, James


    The continuous administration of antimicrobials in swine production has been widely criticized with the increase of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and dysbiosis of the beneficial microbial communities. While an increasing number of studies investigate the effects of antimicrobial administration on swine gastrointestinal microbiota biodiversity, the impact of their use on the composition and diversity of nasal microbial communities has not been widely explored. The objective of this study was to characterize the short-term impact of different parenteral antibiotics administration on the composition and diversity of nasal microbial communities in growing pigs. Five antimicrobial treatment groups, each consisting of four, eight-week old piglets, were administered one of the antimicrobials; Ceftiofur Crystalline free acid (CCFA), Ceftiofur hydrochloride (CHC), Tulathromycin (TUL), Oxytetracycline (OTC), and Procaine Penicillin G (PPG) at label dose and route. Individual deep nasal swabs were collected immediately before antimicrobial administration (control = day 0), and again on days 1, 3, 7, and 14 after dosing. The nasal microbiota across all the samples were dominated by Firmicutes, proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. While, the predominant bacterial genera were Moraxella, Clostridium and Streptococcus. Linear discriminant analysis, showed a pronounced, antimicrobial-dependent microbial shift in the composition of nasal microbiota and over time from day 0. By day 14, the nasal microbial compositions of the groups receiving CCFA and OTC had returned to a distribution that closely resembled that observed on day 0. In contrast, pigs that received CHC, TUL and PPG appeared to deviate away from the day 0 composition by day 14. Based on our results, it appears that the impact of parenteral antibiotics on the swine nasal microbiota is variable and has a considerable impact in modulating the nasal microbiota structure. Our results will aid in developing alternative

  1. Use of Subjective Global Assessment, Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment and Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 to evaluate the nutritional status of non-critically ill patients on parenteral nutrition. (United States)

    Badia-Tahull, M B; Cobo-Sacristán, S; Leiva-Badosa, E; Miquel-Zurita, M E; Méndez-Cabalerio, N; Jódar-Masanés, R; Llop-Talaverón, J


    To evaluate the nutritional status of non-critically ill digestive surgery patients at the moment of parenteral nutrition initiation using three different nutritional test tools and to study their correlation. To study the association between the tests and the clinical and laboratory parameters used in the follow-up of PN treatment. Prospective study over 4 months. Anthropometric and clinical variables were recorded. Results of Subjective Global Assessment; Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment; and Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 were compared applying kappa test. Relationship between the clinical and laboratory parameters with Subjective Global Assessment was studied by multinominal regression and with the other two tests by multiple linear regression models. Age and sex were included as adjustment variables. Malnutrition in 45 studied patients varied from 51% to 57%. Subjective Global Assessment correlated well with Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment and Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (κ = 0531 p = 0.000). The test with the greatest correlation with the clinical and analytical variables was the Nutritional Risk Screening 2002. Worse nutritional state in this test was associated with worse results in albumin (B = -0.087; CI = -0.169/-0.005], prealbumin (B = -0.005; CI = [-0.011/-0.001]), C-reactive protein (B = 0.006;CI = [0.001/ 0.011]) and leukocytes (B = 0.134; CI = [0.031/0.237]) at the en of parenteral nutrition treatment. Half of the digestive surgery patients were at malnutritional risk at the moment of initiating parenteral nutrition. Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 was the test with best association with the parameters used in the clinical follow-up of parenteral nutrition treated patients. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2014. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  2. Effect of early supplemental parenteral nutrition in the paediatric ICU: a preplanned observational study of post-randomisation treatments in the PEPaNIC trial. (United States)

    Vanhorebeek, Ilse; Verbruggen, Sascha; Casaer, Michaël P; Gunst, Jan; Wouters, Pieter J; Hanot, Jan; Guerra, Gonzalo Garcia; Vlasselaers, Dirk; Joosten, Koen; Van den Berghe, Greet


    Large randomised controlled trials have shown that early supplemental parenteral nutrition in patients admitted to adult and paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) is harmful. Overdosing of energy with too little protein was suggested as a potential reason for this. This study analysed which macronutrient was associated with harm caused by early supplemental parenteral nutrition in the Paediatric Early versus Late Parenteral Nutrition In Critical Illness (PEPaNIC) randomised trial. Patients in the initial randomised controlled trial were randomly assigned to receive suppplemental parenteral nutrition (PN) within 24 h of PICU admission (early PN) or to receive such PN after 1 week (late PN) when enteral nutrition was insufficient. In this post-randomisation, observational study, doses of glucose, lipids, and aminoacids administered during the first 7 days of PICU stay were expressed as % of reference doses from published clinical guidelines for age and weight. Independent associations between average macronutrient doses up to each of the first 7 days and likelihood of acquiring an infection in the PICU, of earlier live weaning from mechanical ventilation, and of earlier live PICU discharge were investigated using multivariable Cox proportional hazard analyses. The three macronutrients were included in the analysis simultaneously and baseline risk factors were adjusted for. From June 18, 2012, to July 27, 2015, 7519 children aged between newborn and 17 years were assessed for eligibility. 6079 patients were excluded, and 1440 children were randomly assigned to receive either early PN (n=723) or late PN (n=717). With increasing doses of aminoacids, the likelihood of acquiring a new infection was higher (adjusted hazard ratios [HRs] per 10% increase between 1·043-1·134 for days 1-5, p≤0·029), while the likelihood of earlier live weaning from mechanical ventilation was lower (HRs 0·950-0·975 days 3-7, p≤0·045), and the likelihood of earlier live PICU

  3. Extravasation of parenteral alimentation fluid into the renal pelvis--a complication of central venous catheter in a neonate. (United States)

    Nadroo, A M; al-Sowailem, A M


    Many complications of central venous catheters, which include perforation of the vessel walls and extravasation of the infusate into pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal cavities, have been reported. We report an infant with a central venous catheter in inferior vena cava who experienced extravasation of parenteral alimentation fluid into the right renal pelvis secondary to perforation of the renal vein. To our knowledge, this rare complication has not been reported earlier.

  4. Parenteral nutrition combined with rice soup can be a safe and effective intervention for congenital chylous ascites. (United States)

    Cao, Yi; Yan, Weihui; Lu, Lina; Tao, Yijing; Lu, Wei; Chen, Yingwei; Tang, Qingya; Cai, Wei


    Congenital chylous ascites in the neonatal period is a rare entity. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), medium chain triglyceride (MCT)-based diet, octreotide and repeated paracentesis are regarded as appropriate medical treatment for congenital chylous ascites, and surgery is recommended when conservative therapy has failed. We present two cases in which ascites were confirmed via an abdominal sonogram and diagnostic paracentesis. In our clinical experience, rice soup combined with PN can be a safe and effective intervention.

  5. High signal in the adenohypophysis on T1-weighted images presumably due to manganese deposits in patients on long-term parenteral nutrition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dietemann, J.L.; Diniz, R.L.F.C.; Reis, M. Jr.; Neugroschl, C.; Soehsten, S. von [Department of Radiology 2, University Hospital of Strasbourg (France); Reimund, J.M.; Baumann, R. [Department of Hepatogastroenterology, University Hospital of Strasbourg (France); Warter, J.M. [Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Strasbourg (France)


    Hypermanganesaemia is reported in patients on long-term parenteral nutrition. Deposition of manganese, giving high signal on T1-weighted images, may involve the basal ganglia. MRI in nine patients (mean age 51 years, range 31-75 years) on long-term parenteral nutrition (mean duration 30 months, range 6-126 months), demonstrated high signal in the anterior pituitary gland on T1-weighted sagittal and coronal images. The gland appeared normal on T2-weighted images. Signal intensity in the basal ganglia on T1-weighted images was increased in all patients. Endocrine assessment showed no significant abnormality. Neurological examination showed a mild parkinsonian movement disorder in one patient. Hypermanganaesemia was present in all nine (1.3-2.8 {mu}mol/l, mean 1.87 {mu}mol/l). The high signal in the anterior pituitary gland was probably related to deposition of paramagnetic substances, especially manganese. (orig.) With 2 figs., 1 tab., 17 refs.


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    Ítala Thaise Aguiar Holanda


    Full Text Available Estudio exploratório y descriptivo cujo objetivo fue clasificar el grado de demencia en ancianos afectados por la enfermedad de Alzheimer mediante el Clinical Dementia Rating y describir el perfil de estos a partir de informaciones del cuidador familiar. El Clinical Dementia Rating fue aplicado a 30 pacientes durante visita domiciliaria y sus miembros cuidadores integrantes de la Asociación de Alzheimer de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, en 2009. Los resultados señalaron que los pacientes eran en su mayoría mujeres, casadas, de bajo nivel de educación y com grado de demencia grave. Se entiende la importancia de implementar programas multiprofesionales para pacientes y famílias, así como establecer acciones específicas de educación en salud y aplicación del Clinical Dementia Rating en la evaluación de estos.

  7. Nutritional status and hyperglycemia in the peritransplant period: a review of associations with parenteral nutrition and clinical outcomes. (United States)

    Verdi Schumacher, Marina; Moreira Faulhaber, Gustavo Adolpho

    Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is an established treatment option for various hematological diseases. This therapy involves complex procedures and is associated with several systemic complications. Due to the toxic effects of the conditioning regimen used in allogeneic transplantations, patients frequently suffer from severe gastrointestinal complications and are unable to feed themselves properly. This complex clinical scenario often requires specialized nutritional support, and despite the increasing number of studies available, many questions remain regarding the best way to feed these patients. Parenteral nutrition has been traditionally indicated when the effects on gastrointestinal mucosa are significant; however, the true benefits of this type of nutrition in reducing clinical complications have been questioned. Hyperglycemia is a common consequence of parenteral nutrition that seems to be correlated to poor transplantation outcomes and a higher risk of infections. Additionally, nutrition-related pre-transplantation risk factors are being studied, such as impaired nutritional status, poorly controlled diabetes mellitus and obesity. This review aims to discuss some of these recent issues. A real case of allogeneic transplant was used to illustrate the scenario and to highlight the most important topics that motivated this literature review. Copyright © 2017 Associação Brasileira de Hematologia, Hemoterapia e Terapia Celular. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  8. Nutrition and Hyperglycemia Management in the Inpatient Setting (Meals on Demand, Parenteral, or Enteral Nutrition). (United States)

    Drincic, Andjela T; Knezevich, Jon T; Akkireddy, Padmaja


    The goal of this paper is to provide the latest evidence and expert recommendations for management of hospitalized patients with diabetes or hyperglycemia receiving enteral (EN), parenteral (PN) nutrition support or, those with unrestricted oral diet, consuming meals on demand. Patients with and without diabetes mellitus commonly develop hyperglycemia while receiving EN or PN support, placing them at increased risk of adverse outcomes, including in-hospital mortality. Very little new evidence is available in the form of randomized controlled trials (RCT) to guide the glycemic management of these patients. Reduction in the dextrose concentration within parenteral nutrition as well as selection of an enteral formula that diminishes the carbohydrate exposure to a patient receiving enteral nutrition are common strategies utilized in practice. No specific insulin regimen has been shown to be superior in the management of patients receiving EN or PN nutrition support. For those receiving oral nutrition, new challenges have been introduced with the most recent practice allowing patients to eat meals on demand, leading to extreme variability in carbohydrate exposure and risk of hypo and hyperglycemia. Synchronization of nutrition delivery with the astute use of intravenous or subcutaneous insulin therapy to match the physiologic action of insulin in patients receiving nutritional support should be implemented to improve glycemic control in hospitalized patients. Further RCTs are needed to evaluate glycemic and other clinical outcomes of patients receiving nutritional support. For patients eating meals on demand, development of hospital guidelines and policies are needed, ensuring optimization and coordination of meal insulin delivery in order to facilitate patient safety.

  9. Parenteral nutrition improves nutritional status, autonomic symptoms and quality of life in transthyretin amyloid polyneuropathy. (United States)

    Russo, Massimo; Vita, Gian Luca; Stancanelli, Claudia; Mazzeo, Anna; Vita, Giuseppe; Messina, Sonia


    Transthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP) is an inherited amyloidosis, leading to death in about ten years in most cases due to cardiac failure or wasting syndrome. Previous studies showed that modified body mass index was related to time before death, duration of gastrointestinal disturbances, malabsorption and functional capacity. We report two patients in whom nutritional status worsened despite diet modification, hypercaloric supplement and two relevant therapeutic approaches such as liver transplant and tafamidis meglumine, respectively. The first patient, a 52-year-old lady carrying Thr49Ala mutation, had a disease duration of twelve years and had lost weight up to 35 kg because of daily diarrhea. The second patient, a 63-year-old man with Glu89Gln mutation and a disease duration of fifteen years, was in the New York Heart Association (NYHA) Functional Classification class III and his weight was 39 kg. In both cases, a peripherally inserted central catheter was placed for parenteral nutrition. It allowed to improve their nutritional status and clinical conditions, with body weight gains of 11 and 8 kg in a one year follow-up, respectively. Moreover, reduction of autonomic symptoms including postural hypotension, nausea and diarrhoea was recorded with ameliorated quality of life. Our experience suggests that parenteral nutrition may be useful in reducing complications and disabilities in TTR-FAP patients, even when all dietary adjustments have been ineffective. Reasonably, the improvement in nutritional status may prolong survival in TTR-FAP patients. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Serum concentrations of buprenorphine after oral and parenteral administration in male mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kalliokoski, Otto; Jacobsen, Kirsten R; Hau, Jann


    Buprenorphine is the most commonly used drug for peri-operative pain relief in laboratory rodents. The systemic concentrations of buprenorphine were measured in mice following administration intravenously (IV), subcutaneously (SC), orally by gavage and by voluntary ingestion, to determine the post-administration...... serum concentration of buprenorphine. Voluntarily ingested buprenorphine resulted in long-lasting high serum concentrations, as did oral gavage administration (24h serum concentration: 110ngh/mL for both routes of administration). In contrast, buprenorphine administered parenterally remained...... in the circulation for a substantially shorter time (24h serum concentration for IV and SC were 40ngh/mL and 30ngh/mL, respectively). This marked difference was probably due to the higher dose used for oral administration, which is regarded necessary for sufficient analgesic effect, and to the slower absorption...

  11. Short-term parenteral and peroral testosterone administration in men with alcoholic cirrhosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gluud, C; Bennett, Patrick; Dietrichson, O


    other day, rather constant serum concentrations with median values of about 30 ng/ml were reached after 4 days. Peroral testosterone administration (800 mg micronized free testosterone) each day also resulted in fairly constant serum concentrations after 4 days, and the median values were about 50 ng......Serum concentrations of testosterone were measured in 24 male patients with alcoholic cirrhosis during testosterone administration. The purpose was to compare serum concentrations of testosterone during peroral with those during parenteral testosterone administration in these patients. Patients who...... were injected intramuscularly with a combination of short- and long-acting testosterone (Triolandren, 348 mg testosterone) had median peak values of serum testosterone of about 40 ng/ml, which fell to basal levels after a fortnight. During testosterone propionate injections (84 mg testosterone) every...

  12. Carbohydrates – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 5 (United States)

    Bolder, U.; Ebener, C.; Hauner, H.; Jauch, K. W.; Kreymann, G.; Ockenga, J.; Traeger, K.


    The main role of carbohydrates in the human body is to provide energy. Carbohydrates should always be infused with PN (parenteral nutrition) in combination with amino acids and lipid emulsions to improve nitrogen balance. Glucose should be provided as a standard carbohydrate for PN, whereas the use of xylite is not generally recommended. Fructose solutions should not be used for PN. Approximately 60% of non-protein energy should be supplied as glucose with an intake of 3.0–3.5 g/kg body weight/day (2.1–2.4 mg/kg body weight/min). In patients with a high risk of hyperglycaemia (critically ill, diabetes, sepsis, or steroid therapy) an lower initial carbohydrate infusion rate of 1–2 g/kg body weight/day is recommended to achieve normoglycaemia. One should aim at reaching a blood glucose level of 80–110 mg/dL, and at least a glucose level <145 mg/dL should be achieved to reduce morbidity and mortality. Hyperglycaemia may require addition of an insulin infusion or a reduction (2.0–3.0 g/kg body weight/day) or even a temporary interruption of glucose infusion. Close monitoring of blood glucose levels is highly important. PMID:20049080

  13. Carbohydrates – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 5

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Working group for developing the guidelines for parenteral nutrition of The German Association for Nutritional Medicine


    Full Text Available The main role of carbohydrates in the human body is to provide energy. Carbohydrates should always be infused with PN (parenteral nutrition in combination with amino acids and lipid emulsions to improve nitrogen balance. Glucose should be provided as a standard carbohydrate for PN, whereas the use of xylite is not generally recommended. Fructose solutions should not be used for PN. Approximately 60% of non-protein energy should be supplied as glucose with an intake of 3.0–3.5 g/kg body weight/day (2.1–2.4 mg/kg body weight/min. In patients with a high risk of hyperglycaemia (critically ill, diabetes, sepsis, or steroid therapy an lower initial carbohydrate infusion rate of 1–2 g/kg body weight/day is recommended to achieve normoglycaemia. One should aim at reaching a blood glucose level of 80–110 mg/dL, and at least a glucose level <145 mg/dL should be achieved to reduce morbidity and mortality. Hyperglycaemia may require addition of an insulin infusion or a reduction (2.0–3.0 g/kg body weight/day or even a temporary interruption of glucose infusion. Close monitoring of blood glucose levels is highly important.

  14. Influence of ADP on the course of radiation sickness and some metabolic processes in rats after irradiation of abdomen and parenteral feeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grozdov, S.P.; Fedorovskij, L.L.; Protserova, T.K.


    The intrapertitoneal administration of ADP (150-75 mg/kg/day) to rats on days 1-3 after exposure of abdomen to X-rays (13.5 Gy) enhanced the assimilation of glucose, amino acids and electrolytes introduced with the parenteral feeding and increased considerably the survival rate of animals

  15. The prognosis of incurable cachectic cancer patients on home parenteral nutrition: a multi-centre observational study with prospective follow-up of 414 patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bozzetti, F.; Santarpia, L.; Pironi, L.; Thul, P.; Klek, S.; Gavazzi, C.; Tinivella, M.; Joly, F.; Jonkers, C.; Baxter, J.; Gramlich, L.; Chicharro, L.; Staun, M.; van Gossum, A.; Lo Vullo, S.; Mariani, L.


    The role of home parenteral nutrition (HPN) in incurable cachectic cancer patients unable to eat is extremely controversial. The aim of this study is to analyse which factors can influence the outcome. We studied prospectively 414 incurable cachectic (sub)obstructed cancer patients receiving HPN and

  16. Estudo de utilização de medicamentos parenterais em uma unidade de internação pediátrica de um hospital universitário Study utilization of parenteral medications in pediatric unit of universitary hospital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Clara Padovani de Souza


    Full Text Available A administração de medicamentos parenterais tem grande importância na assistência pediátrica e no risco para aquisição de infecções hospitalares. Este estudo observacional transversal visou descrever a utilização de medicamentos em uma unidade de internação pediátrica. Elaborou-se um instrumento de coleta de dados, as variáveis relativas à farmacoterapia foram coletadas da prescrição médica e a análise estatística descritiva foi realizada no SPSS. A amostra foi constituída de 75 pacientes pediátricos, sendo 56,0 % do sexo masculino; apresentando como predominante a faixa etária de lactentes. O tempo de internação mais freqüente foi maior que 20 dias (24,0% seguida de 6 a 10 dias (21,3% e menos de 3 dias (17,3%. A via parenteral foi prescrita para 56 pacientes (74,7% e 19 (25,3% utilizaram outras vias ou não utilizaram medicamentos; sendo que a via parenteral endovenosa foi utilizada por 52 (92,9% dos pacientes. O número de medicamentos parenterais prescritos abrangeu 47 fármacos. A média do número de medicamentos por paciente foi quatro, o que implica em exigência de maior tempo da equipe de enfermagem em atividades relacionadas à administração de medicamentos. O número elevado de medicamentos prescritos desperta preocupações em relação à segurança. O farmacêutico deve estimular a conversão da via de administração parenteral para a oral.Parenteral drug administration has clinical relevance in pediatric care and the risk of acquire nosocomial infection. The purpose of this observational cross-sectional study was to describe the utilization of parenteral drugs in a pediatric unit. A research questionnaire was created. The variables about pharmacotherapy were collect in prescriptions. The descriptive statistical analysis was performed using SPSS A total of 75 patients were admitted, 56% were male. The age range most frequently was the infants. The length of hospitalization was over 20 days (24.0%, 6 to

  17. O seguimento da saúde da criança pré-termo e de baixo peso egressa da terapia intensiva neonatal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudia Silveira Viera


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es describir cómo ocurre el cuidado del niño prematuro y de bajo peso después de ser dado de alta de la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal, en lo que se refiere a su seguimiento y el de su familia en el hogar. Es un estudio descriptivo, con abordaje hermenéutico y comprensión de los datos a partir del análisis temático. La investigación se realizó en la ciudad de Cascavel-PR, con seis familias cuyos hijos fueron dados de alta de la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal, siendo acompañados por medio de visitas domiciliarias en los tres primeros meses después de haber sido dados de alta. Los relatos señalan aspectos del cuidado del niño en el hogar y las experiencias con los servicios de salud en la atención basica y especializada. Las familias mostraron su itinerario en los servicios de salud disponibles, en busca de la continuidad del cuidado del niño después de ser dado de alta. Ese itinerario se caracterizó por barreras de acceso, vínculo frágil y vulnerabilidad institucional, produciendo inseguridad, insatisfacción y falta de afecto en el seguimiento del niño.

  18. Estudio folklórico de algunas plantas medicamentosas y tóxicas de la región norte del Perú

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    Guillermo Cruz Sánchez


    Full Text Available El estudio de nuestro plant-lore expuesto en esta nota nos ha dado el conocimiento de especies botánicas de valor inapreciable para la Farmacoetrapéutica. Entre ésta se han encontrado algunas plantas, cuyos principios, activos tienen acciones metabólicas, otras que producen gran aumento de la coagulación de la sangre y del tiempo de sangría, sin producir trombosis, ni homólisis, aún otras que producen acciones catatónicas, farmaconeurológicas y farmacopsiquiátricas muy intensas. Todas estas drogas pueden administrarse por vía oral, parenteral o tópica; algunas de estas plantas medicamentosas y tóxicas se encuentran actualmente en estudio Farmacológico y clínico.

  19. Parenteral lipids and partial enteral nutrition affect hepatic lipid composition but have limited short term effects on formula-induced necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm piglets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vegge, Andreas; Thymann, Thomas; Lauritzen, Lotte


    Rapid transition from total parenteral nutrition (TPN) to enteral feeding is a risk factor for necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in preterm infants. We hypothesized that partial enteral nutrition with colostrum, increased proportion of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), or exclusion of lipid...

  20. Provision of Amniotic Fluid During Parenteral Nutrition Increases Weight Gain With Limited Effects on Gut Structure, Function, Immunity, and Microbiology in Newborn Preterm Pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Mette Viberg; Liang Shen, Rene; Støy, Ann Cathrine Findal


    Background: Small enteral boluses with human milk may reduce the risk of subsequent feeding intolerance and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants receiving parenteral nutrition (PN). We hypothesized that feeding amniotic fluid, the natural enteral diet of the mammalian fetus, will have sim...

  1. Significance of pretreatment cardiovascular morbidity as a risk factor during treatment with parenteral oestrogen or combined androgen deprivation of 915 patients with metastasized prostate cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansson, Robert; Damber, Jan Erik; Hagerman, Inger


    This study aimed to evaluate prognostic risk factors for cardiovascular events during treatment of metastatic prostate cancer patients with high-dose parenteral polyoestradiol phosphate (PEP, Estradurin®) or combined androgen deprivation (CAD) with special emphasis on pretreatment cardiovascular...

  2. Polymer based microspheres of aceclofenac as sustained release parenterals for prolonged anti-inflammatory effect

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaur, Manpreet; Sharma, Sumit; Sinha, VR, E-mail:


    Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) (75:25) and polycaprolactone (PCL) microspheres were fabricated for prolonged release of aceclofenac by parenteral administration. Microspheres encapsulating aceclofenac were designed to release the drug at controlled rate for around one month. Biodegradable microspheres were prepared by solvent emulsification evaporation method in different polymer:drug ratios (1:1, 2:1 and 3:1). After drug loading, PLGA and PCL microspheres showed a controlled size distribution with an average size of 11.75 μm and 3.81 μm respectively and entrapment efficiency in the range of 90 ± 0.72% to 91.06 ± 4.01% with PLGA and 83.01 ± 2.13% to 90.4 ± 2.11% with PCL. Scanning electron microscopy has confirmed good spherical structures of microspheres. The percent yield of biodegradable polymeric microspheres ranged between 30.95 ± 10.14% to 92.84 ± 3.15% and 47.33 ± 4.72% to 80 ± 3.60% for PLGA and PCL microspheres respectively. PLGA microspheres followed Higuchi release pattern while Korsmeyer-Peppas explained the release pattern of PCL microspheres. Stability studies of microspheres were also carried out by storing the preparations at 2-8 °C for 30, 60 and 90 days and evaluating them for entrapment efficiency, residual drug content and polymer drug compatability. In-vivo studies showed significant anti-inflammatory activity of microspheres upto 48 hours using the carrageenan induced rat paw oedema model. - Highlights: • PLGA and PCL polymeric microspheres for parenteral prolonged drug delivery system were formulated. • Polymeric microspheres were characterized physically and drug excipient incompatability. • Three months accelerated stability studies were carried for drug loaded polymeric microspheres. • Pharmacodynamic studies prove the rationality of sustained therapeutic effect of designed drug delivery system.

  3. The effect of enteral and parenteral feeding on secretion of orexigenic peptides in infants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sztefko Krystyna


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The feeding in the first months of the life seems to influence the risks of obesity and affinity to some diseases including atherosclerosis. The mechanisms of these relations are unknown, however, the modification of hormonal action can likely be taken into account. Therefore, in this study the levels of ghrelin and orexin A - peripheral and central peptide from the orexigenic gut-brain axis were determined. Methods Fasting and one hour after the meal plasma concentrations of ghrelin and orexin were measured in breast-fed (group I; n = 17, milk formula-fed (group II; n = 16 and highly hydrolyzed, hypoallergic formula-fed (group III; n = 14 groups, age matched infants (mean 4 months as well as in children with iv provision of nutrients (glucose - group IV; n = 15; total parenteral nutrition - group V; n = 14. Peptides were determined using EIA commercial kits. Results Despite the similar caloric intake in orally fed children the fasting ghrelin and orexin levels were significantly lower in the breast-fed children (0.37 ± 0.17 and 1.24 ± 0.29 ng/ml, respectively than in the remaining groups (0.5 ± 0.27 and 1.64 ± 0.52 ng/ml, respectively in group II and 0.77 ± 0.27 and 2.04 ± 1.1 ng/ml, respectively, in group III. The postprandial concentrations of ghrelin increased to 0.87 ± 0.29 ng/ml, p Conclusion The highly hydrolyzed diet strongly affects fasting and postprandial ghrelin and orexin plasma concentrations with possible negative effect on short- and long-time effects on development. Also total parenteral nutrition with the continuous stimulation and lack of fasting/postprandial modulation might be responsible for disturbed development in children fed this way.

  4. Parenteral nutrition in experimental acute radiation injury of the abdominal cavity organs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grozdov, S.P.; Moroz, B.B.; Fedorovskij, L.L.; Kendysh, I.N.; Vasilevskaya, V.V.


    The peculiarities of metabolism in rats after partial body irradiation of the abdomen in a high dose and the effect of parenteral nutrition (PN) with various compositions of diagrams on metabolic indexes with the aim of explaining diagram under conditions of intensive radiation injury of gastrointestinal tract, are investigated. Experiments have been carried out on male rats of the Vistar line, subjected to partial-body X-ray irradiation of the abdomen with the dose of 1400 R. It is shown that under conditions of radiation effect with predominnt unjury of the abdomen, considerable suppression of oxidation processes limits metabolism of nutritious substances. A decrease of glucose and amino acid content in PN produces a pronounced therapeutic effect under these conditions. The increase of lipid component in the PN composition and retabolile introduction increases PN therapeutic effect [ru

  5. Parenteral Nutrition Supplementation in Biliary Atresia Patients Listed for Liver Transplantation” (United States)

    Sullivan, Jillian S; Sundaram, Shikha S; Pan, Zhaoxing; Sokol, Ronald J


    Objective To determine the impact of parenteral nutrition (PN) on outcomes in biliary atresia (BA) patients listed for liver transplantation (LTx). Study Design We retrospectively reviewed charts of all BA patients from 1990 through 2010 at our institution, s/p hepatoportoenterostomy, ≤ 36 months old, and listed for LTx. Initiation of PN was based on clinical indications. Results 25 PN and 22 non-PN subjects (74% female) were studied. Median PN initiation age was 7.7 months, mean duration 86 days, and mean PN energy supplied 77 kcal/kg/day. Prior to PN, triceps skinfold thickness (TSF) and mid-arm circumference (MAC) Z-scores were decreasing. After PN, TSF (p=0.003) and MAC (pnutritional status in malnourished BA patients awaiting LTx, which is associated with post-LTx outcomes comparable to those not requiring PN. PMID:21987426

  6. The use of fulvestrant, a parenteral endocrine agent, in intestinal obstruction due to metastatic lobular breast carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rampaul Rajendra Singh


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The role of fulvestrant in the management of intestinal obstruction associated with lobular carcinoma has not been specifically described. Case presentation Herein we present two cases where fulvestrant, as the only available parenteral endocrine agent for postmenopausal advanced breast cancer has the opportunity to provide a means to initiate treatment in those patients who present with varying degrees of intestinal obstruction. Conclusion Fulvestrant may obviate the use of chemotherapy while achieving sustained clinical benefit with less toxicity, in appropriately selected patients.

  7. Nutritional intake of gut failure patients on home parenteral nutrition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DiCecco, S.; Nelson, J.; Burnes, J.; Fleming, C.R.


    Nutrient intake patterns were analyzed in 23 patients with gut failure who were receiving home parenteral nutrition (HPN). All patients had stable weights without changes in intravenous calories or protein for 3 consecutive months. Our objectives were to assess oral intake of calories, carbohydrates, fat, and protein, to examine relationships between oral nutrient intakes and disease categories, and to compare oral and intravenous intakes to calculated resting energy expenditure (REE). Two patterns of oral nutrient intake were identified among the patients. Patients with short bowel syndrome, regardless of the underlying disease, consumed calories by mouth that clearly exceeded calculated resting energy expenditure (short bowel, non-Crohn's, 170% of REE; short bowel, Crohn's, 200 of REE); however, calories approximating the REE had to be given via HPN, suggesting that efficiency of absorption was at a very low level. Patients with diffuse gut diseases (radiation enteritis or pseudo-obstruction syndromes) had very low intakes of oral nutrients. The distribution of oral calories among carbohydrate, protein, and fat did not differ among the disease categories

  8. Comparison of Effects of Soy Oil, Olive Oil, Mct-Lct Based Nutrition Solutions in Parenterally Fed Intensive Care Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nurşen Gürsoy


    Full Text Available Objective: In this study, we aimed to compare the changes in biochemical parameters and efficacy of nutrition by using parenteral nutrition solutions with different lipid content in critically ill patients. Material and Method: Fourty-five intensive care patients were randomized into three groups to receive either soy bean based (Group 1 or olive oil based (Group 2 or MCT/LCT based (Group 3 nutrition solutions. The calorie requirement was calculated using Schofield equation day. The levels of albumin, total protein, AST, ALT, LDH, GGT, ALP, glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol, LDL, HDL, aPTT, PT, INR, CRP, transferin and prealbumin were measured on days 1, 7 and 14. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between groups according to glucose, liver function tests, triglyceride, cholesterol, LDL, HDL, aPTT, PT, INR levels. CRP and prealbumin were similar within-group and between-group comparisons. In groups II and III, CRP levels decreased while prealbumin levels were increasing. Conclusion: As a conclusion, no difference was found comparing the biochemical parameters and efficacy of nutrition, in ICU patients fed with soy oil, olive oil or MCT/LCT based parenteral nutrition solutions. (Journal of the Turkish Society Intensive Care 2012; 10: 52-8

  9. Preoperative overnight parenteral nutrition (TPN) improves skeletal muscle protein metabolism indicated by microarray algorithm analyses in a randomized trial. (United States)

    Iresjö, Britt-Marie; Engström, Cecilia; Lundholm, Kent


    Loss of muscle mass is associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients. Uncertainties of treatment efficiency by short-term artificial nutrition remain, specifically improvement of protein balance in skeletal muscles. In this study, algorithmic microarray analysis was applied to map cellular changes related to muscle protein metabolism in human skeletal muscle tissue during provision of overnight preoperative total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Twenty-two patients (11/group) scheduled for upper GI surgery due to malignant or benign disease received a continuous peripheral all-in-one TPN infusion (30 kcal/kg/day, 0.16 gN/kg/day) or saline infusion for 12 h prior operation. Biopsies from the rectus abdominis muscle were taken at the start of operation for isolation of muscle RNA RNA expression microarray analyses were performed with Agilent Sureprint G3, 8 × 60K arrays using one-color labeling. 447 mRNAs were differently expressed between study and control patients (P nutrition; particularly anabolic signaling S6K1 (P parenteral nutrition is effective to promote muscle protein metabolism. © 2016 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American Physiological Society and The Physiological Society.

  10. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  11. Total parenteral alimentation via indwelling umbilical catheters in the newborn period. (United States)

    Hall, R T; Rhodes, P G


    Total parenteral alimentation (TPA) was delivered to 80 infants via indwelling umbilical artery and to 9 via indwelling umbilical venous catheters. The primary indication for catheter placement and maintenance was monitoring of arterial blood gases (umbilical venous catheter tip in left atrium) in a group of sick neonates requiring increased inspired oxygen or assisted ventilation. Results were compared with those from 23 infants who had tunnelled jugular catheters for a variety of chronic medical and surgical problems preventing gastric or intestinal feeding. A mean weight gain was achieved in both groups. Mortality and morbidity rates were similar in both groups. The most common complications were infection and thrombotic phenomena. Metabolic complications were few. It is concluded that infusing TPA solutions via indwelling umbilical catheters presents no greater risk than infusion via tunnelled jugular catheters, and provides a method for supplying adequate caloric intake for growth during the acute stage of illness. PMID:827978

  12. [Intrahepatic cholestasis associated with parenteral nutrition: an experimental study in rats]. (United States)

    Salas Martínez, J; Morán Penco, J M; Mahedero Ruiz, G; García Gamito, F; Limón Mora, M; Maciá Botejara, E; Vinagre Velasco, L M


    Intrahepatic cholestasis is a condition often observed in patients receiving parenteral nutrition, especially in new born babies who are underweight (taurina. This makes it impossible to achieve a correct conjugation of toxic biliary acids. The access of nutrients to the liver may have an effect on this. An experimental study on rats was performed, administering an oral diet at the expense of lipids (20% Intralipid, 60% of caloric needs) and glucose (40% of caloric needs) in one group, another group received amino acid supplements to this diet (16N) at a proteic rate of 2 gr/kg of weight and day orally, with an identical diet to the above, except that the proteic intake was intraperitoneal. Two control groups were established. We found a microvacuolization in hepatic fat with the help of an electronic microscope in the groups lacking proteins and those with oral or intraperitoneal supplements of amino acids, as well as an increase in plasmatic AST.

  13. Management of Parenteral Nutrition in Hospitalized Adult Patients [Formula: see text]. (United States)

    Mundi, Manpreet S; Nystrom, Erin M; Hurley, Daniel L; McMahon, M Molly


    Despite the high prevalence of malnutrition in adult hospitalized patients, surveys continue to report that many clinicians are undertrained in clinical nutrition, making targeted nutrition education for clinicians essential for best patient care. Clinical practice models also continue to evolve, with more disciplines prescribing parenteral nutrition (PN) or managing the cases of patients who are receiving it, further adding to the need for proficiency in general PN skills. This tutorial focuses on the daily management of adult hospitalized patients already receiving PN and reviews the following topics: (1) PN basics, including the determination of energy and volume requirements; (2) PN macronutrient content (protein, dextrose, and intravenous fat emulsion); (3) PN micronutrient content (electrolytes, minerals, vitamins, and trace elements); (4) alteration of PN for special situations, such as obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, refeeding, and hepatic/renal disease; (5) daily monitoring and adjustment of PN formula; and (6) PN-related complications (PN-associated liver disease and catheter-related complications).

  14. Uso de cateteres venosos totalmente implantados para nutrição parenteral: cuidados, tempo de permanência e ocorrência de complicações infecciosas Long-term central venous catheter for total parenteral nutrition: catheter care, permanence period, and incidence of infections

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria do Rosário Del Lama de Unamuno


    Full Text Available Cateteres venosos totalmente implantados são utilizados em pacientes com síndrome do intestino curto, para realizar o suporte nutricional parenteral, o qual mantém estes pacientes vivos, pois fornece-lhes nutrientes que são absorvidos pela via digestiva. No entanto, estes cateteres não são isentos de complicações. As infecções relacionadas aos cateteres venosos são as complicações mais temidas e sua incidência varia de 3% a 20%, aumentando em pacientes mais graves. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever as complicações infecciosas em pacientes recebendo nutrição parenteral por meio de cateteres venosos totalmente implantados. Tais cateteres são utilizados pela Divisão de Nutrição Clínica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, para realizar o suporte nutricional parenteral em pacientes submetidos a ressecções extensas de intestino delgado. Foram avaliadas as complicações infecciosas ocorridas com 21 cateteres, implantados em 16 pacientes. O tempo de permanência dos cateteres foi de 768±664,3 dias (mediana 529 dias e a taxa de infecção foi de 0,029 infecções/paciente/ano, resultados que se comparam às taxas de infecção observadas em países desenvolvidos. Concluiu-se que os cuidados observados no manuseio destes cateteres foram de fundamental importância para diminuir a incidência de infecção nestes pacientes.Long-term venous catheters are used for the total parenteral nutrition infusion, which is essential for feeding short-bowel syndrome patients. However, complications are likely to occur. The incidence of catheter related infections ranges from 3 to 20% in hospitalized patients. The Divisão de Nutrição Clínica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Brazil, has been providing nutrition support to short-bowel syndrome patients, using totally implantable venous catheters. This is a

  15. The influence of glutathione on the course of radiation sickness with the developed gastrointestinal syndrome and on the effectiveness of parenteral feeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grozdov, S.P.


    Injections of oxidized glutathione (40 mg/kg, 5-7 days) combined with the parenteral nutrition (PN) of rats after local X-irradiation of abdomen (13-14.5 Gy) increased significantly the survival rate, decreased the gastrointestinal syndrome manifestations, and intensified the assimilation of a PF amino acid component. The reduced glutathione had no effect

  16. Parenteral Lipid Dose Restriction With Soy Oil, Not Fish Oil, Preserves Retinal Function in Neonatal Piglets. (United States)

    Lansing, Marihan; Sauvé, Yves; Dimopoulos, Ioannis; Field, Catherine J; Suh, Miyoung; Wizzard, Pamela; Goruk, Susan; Lim, David; Muto, Mitsuru; Wales, Paul; Turner, Justine


    A dietary supply of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA) is critical for neonatal retinal development. Both are absent/minimal in parenteral nutrition (PN) using soy-oil emulsions ([SO] Intralipid®) traditionally used for neonatal intestinal failure. In contrast, fish-oil emulsions ([FO] Omegaven®) are enriched in DHA/AA. The aim of this study was to compare retinal function and fatty acid content in neonatal piglets fed PN with SO or FO. Two-5-day-old piglets were randomly allocated to SO (n = 4) or FO (n = 4), provided at equivalent doses (5g/kg/d). After 14 days of PN, retinal function was assessed by electroretinography and retinas were harvested for fatty acid content analysis. Sow-fed piglets served as a reference (REF). Light flash-elicited stoppage of cone and rod dark-currents (a-waves) and the ensuing postsynaptic activation of cone and rod ON bipolar cells (b-waves) were comparable between SO and REF. Responses recorded from FO were subnormal (P DHA content was similar in both groups (FO, 14.59% vs SO, 12.22%; P = 0.32); while AA was lower in FO (FO, 6.01% vs SO, 8.21%; P = .001). Paradoxically, FO containing more DHA and AA did not preserve retinal function when compared with the same low dose of SO. This may be due to the reduced AA enrichment in the retina with FO treatment. Further investigation into the ideal amounts of DHA and AA for optimal neonatal retinal function is required. © 2018 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  17. Impact of clinical pharmacist-based parenteral nutrition service for bone marrow transplantation patients: a randomized clinical trial. (United States)

    Mousavi, Maryam; Hayatshahi, Alireza; Sarayani, Amir; Hadjibabaie, Molouk; Javadi, Mohammadreza; Torkamandi, Hassan; Gholami, Kheirollah; Ghavamzadeh, Ardeshir


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a well-documented supportive care which maintains the nutritional status of patients. Clinical pharmacists are often involved in providing PN services; however, few studies have investigated the effect of a clinical pharmacy-based PN service in resource-limited settings. We designed a randomized clinical trial to compare the clinical pharmacist-based PN service (intervention group) with the conventional method (control group) for adult patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Iran (2011-2012). In the intervention group, the clinical pharmacists implemented standard guidelines of nutrition support. The conventional method was a routine nutrition support protocol which was pursued for all patients in the bone marrow transplantation wards. Main study outcomes included nutritional status (weight, albumin, total protein, pre-albumin, and nitrogen balance), length of hospital stay, time to engraftment, rate of graft versus host disease, and mortality rate. Patients were followed for 3 months. Fifty-nine patients were randomly allocated to a study group. The overall intake (oral and parenteral) in the control group was significantly lower than standard daily needed calories (P nutritional outcomes were either preserved or improved in the intervention group while the nutritional status in the control group was deteriorated (P values nutrition support service significantly improved nutritional status and clinical outcomes in comparison with the suboptimal conventional method. Future studies should assess the cost effectiveness of clinical pharmacists' PN services.

  18. Randomised placebo-controlled trial of teduglutide in reducing parenteral nutrition and/or intravenous fluid requirements in patients with short bowel syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, P B; Gilroy, R; Pertkiewicz, M


    Teduglutide, a GLP-2 analogue, may restore intestinal structural and functional integrity by promoting repair and growth of the mucosa and reducing gastric emptying and secretion, thereby increasing fluid and nutrient absorption in patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS). This 24-week placebo-co......-controlled study evaluated the ability of teduglutide to reduce parenteral support in patients with SBS with intestinal failure....

  19. Do parto institucionalizado ao parto domiciliar

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    Clara Fróes de Oliveira Sanfelice


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue describir la experiencia vivida por un grupo de enfermeras en Campinas, SP, Brasil, acerca del proceso de transición de la atención institucionalizada para el parto domiciliario, en el período de 2011 a 2013. Relato de experiencia, cuyas reflexiones, percepciones y problemas enfrentados en este proceso fueron recolectados mediante la técnica lluvia de ideas. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido propuesto por Bardin, que emergieron cuatro categorías temáticas: experiencia del hospital, convivir con la violencia obstétrica; de vuelta a casa y desafíos de la atención domiciliaria. En conclusión, atender el parto en el hogar tiene ofrecido mayor satisfacción a las enfermeras, a pesar de diversos obstáculos, ya que es posible prestar asistencia a las mujeres y los recién nacidos que abarca tanto el concepto de integralidad como recomendaciones científicas actuales.

  20. Dolor y sufrimiento en el paciente con SIDA Pain and suffering of AIDS' patients

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    Martha Lucía Arroyave


    Full Text Available

    Se analizan algunos aspectos relacionados con el dolor y el sufrimiento de los pacientes con SIDA, así como su manejo médico y ético; se explican, además, los componentes del cuidado paliativo, a saber: control de la sintomatología, manejo administrativo, atención domiciliaria, atención hospitalaria, acción del voluntariado, ayuda espiritual, manejo de la aflicción y aspectos educativos y evaluativos.

    Pain and suffering of AIDS' patients are analyzed including medical and ethical implications; the following aspects of palliative care are reviewed: control of symptoms, administrative handling of the problem, home and hospital care, volunteer help, spiritual needs, management of affliction, as well as educational and evaluative Issues related with AIDS.

  1. Estudio de hiperglicemia en pacientes no críticos tratados con nutrición parenteral: incidencia y factores de riesgo


    Llop, J. M.; Leiva, E.; Mateu-de Antonio, J.; Berlana, D.; Badia, M.; Casasín, T.; Miana, M.; Pons, M.; Maroto, M.; Chicharro, L.; López-Suñé, E.; Díaz-Munio, E.; Sevilla, D.; Martínez, I.; Vitales, M.


    Background: The objectives of our study on non-critically ill patients receiving parenteral nutrition (PN) are to assess the incidence of hyperglycemia, the risk factors associated to its development and its influence in patient's evolution. Methods: A multicentric prospective observational study was performed in 9 hospitals. Four multivariate studies were developed to study the temporal risk in the occurrence of hyperglycemia (endpoint), intensive care unit (ICU) admission, length of stay (L...

  2. Nutritional support and parenteral nutrition in cancer patients: An expert consensus report. (United States)

    Ocón Bretón, María Julia; Luengo Pérez, Luis Miguel; Virizuela, Juan Antonio; Álvarez Hernández, Julia; Jiménez Fonseca, Paula; Cervera Peris, Mercedes; Sendrós Madroño, María José; Grande, Enrique; Camblor Álvarez, Miguel


    Malnutrition is a common medical problem in cancer patients with a negative impact on quality of life. The aim of this study was to address different issues related to nutritional management of cancer patients in clinical practice. A multidisciplinary group of experts in Medical Oncology, Pharmacy, and Endocrinology and Nutrition prepared a list of topics related to the nutritional status of cancer patients and grouped them into three blocks: nutritional support, parenteral nutrition (PN), and home PN (HPN). A literature review was made of articles published in Spanish, English and French until April 2017. This consensus emphasizes several key elements that help physicians standardize management of the nutritional status of cancer patients in clinical practice, and establishes common guidelines for indication, monitoring, nutritional requirements, and access routes to PN. Copyright © 2017 SEEN y SED. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  3. Metabolism of oral trefoil factor 2 (TFF2) and the effect of oral and parenteral TFF2 on gastric and duodenal ulcer healing in the rat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Steen Seier; Thulesen, J; Christensen, L


    Trefoil factors (TFFs) are peptides produced by mucus-secreting cells in the gastrointestinal tract. A functional association between these peptides and mucus, leading to stabilisation of the viscoelastic gel overlying the epithelia, has been suggested. Both oral and parenteral administration of ...

  4. Parenteral lipid administration to very-low-birth-weight infants-early introduction of lipids and use of new lipid emulsions: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vlaardingerbroek, Hester; Veldhorst, Margriet A. B.; Spronk, Sandra; van den Akker, Chris H. P.; van Goudoever, Johannes B.


    Background: The use of intravenous lipid emulsions in preterm infants has been limited by concerns regarding impaired lipid tolerance. As a result, the time of initiation of parenteral lipid infusion to very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants varies widely among different neonatal intensive care units.

  5. Glucocorticoids in the treatment of asthma in children Los glucocorticoides en el tratamiento del asma en pediatría

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    Olga Francisca Salazar Blanco


    Full Text Available Today, asthma is considered an inflammatory disease; steroids could be the drugs of choice for its treatment since they work at different points of the asthmatic reaction, decreasing the infiltration of inflammatory cells, and inhibiting the production of some of them and the release of citokines and other proinflammatory agents; they also diminish mucus secretion in the submucosal glands, improve the response of B2 receptors to bronchodilators and reduce vascular permeability. These and other actions manifest themselves in clinical improvement, less frequent acute crises, hospitalizations and consultations, and lesser deterioration of pulmonary function. Though inhaled corticosteroids are safe and effective drugs in children, they must be used at minimal doses and during the shortest time required by patients. Inadequate use of systemic corticosteroids, either oral or parenteral, can have undesirable effects, some of them irreversible. Corticosteroids neither cure asthma nor reduce its mortality; that is the reason for the active search of other substances or strategies to reduce or block the inflammatory process or the disease itself. El asma se considera hoy una enfermedad inflamatoria para la cual los esteroides podrían ser fármacos de primera elección. Ellos actúan en diferentes puntos de la reacción asmática, disminuyen el infiltrado de células inflamatorias e inhiben la producción de algunas de ellas, así como la liberación de citoquinas y agentes proinflamatorios; reducen la secreción de moco en las glándulas submucosas, mejoran la respuesta de los receptores 82 a los broncodilatadores y controlan la permeabilidad vascular; éstas y otras acciones se traducen en una mejoría clínica de los pacientes que sufren crisis agudas, en disminución del número de hospitalizaciones y consultas y, a largo plazo, en un menor deterioro de la función pulmonar. Los esteroides por vía inhalatoria para el tratamiento del asma son f

  6. What are the factors that influence the attainment of satisfactory energy intake in pediatric intensive care unit patients receiving enteral or parenteral nutrition? (United States)

    de Menezes, Fernanda Souza; Leite, Heitor Pons; Nogueira, Paulo Cesar Koch


    Children admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) are at risk of inadequate energy intake. Although studies have identified factors contributing to an inadequate energy supply in critically ill children, they did not take into consideration the length of time during which patients received their estimated energy requirements after having achieved a satisfactory energy intake. This study aimed to identify factors associated with the non-attainment of estimated energy requirements and consider the time this energy intake is maintained. This was a prospective study involving 207 children hospitalized in the ICU who were receiving enteral and/or parenteral nutrition. The outcome variable studied was whether 90% of the estimated basal metabolic rate was maintained for at least half of the ICU stay (satisfactory energy intake). The exposure variables for outcome were gender, age, diagnosis, use of vasopressors, malnutrition, route of nutritional support, and Pediatric Index of Mortality and Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction scores. Satisfactory energy intake was attained by 20.8% of the patients, within a mean time of 5.07 ± 2.48 d. In a multivariable analysis, a diagnosis of heart disease (odds ratio 3.62, 95% confidence interval 1.03-12.68, P = 0.045) increased the risk of insufficient energy intake, whereas malnutrition (odds ratio 0.43, 95% confidence interval 0.20-0.92, P = 0.030) and the use of parenteral nutrition (odds ratio 0.34, 95% confidence interval 0.15-0.77, P = 0.001) were protective factors against this outcome. A satisfactory energy intake was reached by a small proportion of patients during their ICU stay. Heart disease was an independent risk factor for the non-attainment of satisfactory energy intake, whereas malnutrition and the use of parenteral nutrition were protective factors against this outcome. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Magnetic resonance venography to assess thrombus resolution with edoxaban monotherapy versus parenteral anticoagulation/warfarin for symptomatic deep vein thrombosis: A multicenter feasibility study. (United States)

    Piazza, Gregory; Mani, Venkatesh; Goldhaber, Samuel Z; Grosso, Michael A; Mercuri, Michele; Lanz, Hans J; Schussler, Steven; Hsu, Ching; Chinigo, Amy; Ritchie, Bruce; Nadar, Venkatesh; Cannon, Kevin; Pullman, John; Concha, Mauricio; Schul, Marlin; Fayad, Zahi A


    The feasibility of magnetic resonance venography (MRV) for measuring change in thrombus volume with a novel anticoagulation regimen versus standard anticoagulation in patients with symptomatic deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has not been assessed. Our aim was to study the feasibility of MRV to measure change in thrombus volume in patients with acute symptomatic objectively confirmed proximal DVT in an open-label multicenter trial (edoxaban Thrombus Reduction Imaging Study, eTRIS). We randomized patients in a 2:1 allocation ratio to edoxaban 90 mg/day for 10 days followed by 60 mg/day versus parenteral anticoagulation bridging to warfarin for 3 months. The primary efficacy outcome was a surrogate end point of the relative change in MRV-quantified thrombus volume from baseline to Day 14-21. A total of 85 eligible patients from 26 study sites were randomized to edoxaban monotherapy (n=56) versus parenteral anticoagulation as a 'bridge' to warfarin (n=29). The mean relative change in MRV-quantified thrombus volume from baseline to Day 14-21 was similar in patients treated with edoxaban and parenteral anticoagulation as a 'bridge' to warfarin (-50.1% vs -58.9%; 95% confidence interval of treatment difference, -12.7%, 30.2%). However, thrombus extension was observed in eight patients in the edoxaban monotherapy group and in none in the warfarin group. Rates of recurrent venous thromboembolism (3.6% vs 3.6%, p=0.45) and clinically relevant non-major bleeding (5.4% vs 7.1%, p=0.34) were also similar. No major bleeds occurred in either on-treatment group during the study period. In conclusion, MRV can assess change in thrombus volume in patients with acute DVT randomized to two different anticoagulant IDENTIFIER NCT01662908: INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG IND APPLICATION EDOXABAN IND # 63266. © The Author(s) 2016.

  8. Oral nutritional support can shorten the duration of parenteral hydration in end-of-life cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Ishiki, Hiroto; Iwase, Satoru; Gyoda, Yasuaki; Kanai, Yoshiaki; Ariyoshi, Keisuke; Miyaji, Tempei; Tahara, Yukiko; Kawaguchi, Takashi; Chinzei, Mieko; Yamaguchi, Takuhiro


    Tube feeding or hydration is often considered for end-of-life cancer patients despite the negative effects on quality of life. The efficacy of oral nutritional support in this setting is unknown. We conducted a randomized trial to compare the efficacies of an amino acid jelly, Inner Power® (IP), and a liquid enteral product, Ensure Liquid® (EL), in terminally ill cancer patients. We randomly assigned patients to 3 arms: EL, IP, and EL+IP. The primary endpoint was drip infusion in vein (DIV)-free survival, which was defined as the duration from nutritional support initiation to administration of parenteral hydration. Twenty-seven patients were enrolled in the study, of whom 21 were included in the intention-to-treat analysis. The median age of the subjects was 69 yr. There were significant differences between the arms with regard to the median DIV-free survival (0.5, 6.0, and 4.5 days in the EL, IP, and EL + IP arms, respectively; P = 0.05). The median overall survival was 7, 9, and 8 days in the EL, IP, and EL + IP arms, respectively. IP may shorten the duration of parenteral hydration in terminally ill cancer patients and does not affect their survival.

  9. Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy for orthopedic infections – a successful public healthcare experience in Brazil

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    Priscila Rosalba Oliveira


    Full Text Available Treatment of orthopedic infections usually requires prolonged antimicrobial therapy, ranging from 14 days up to 6 months. Nowadays, rising levels of antimicrobial resistance demands parenteral therapy for many patients. Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT is a modality that allows treatment out of hospital in these situations. In Brazil, where a public universal healthcare system allows full coverage for all citizens, implantation and dissemination of OPAT programs would be beneficial for patients and for the system, because it would allow a better allocation of health resources. The Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (IOT started, in July 2013, a partnership with municipal health authorities in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in order to initiate an OPAT program in which patients discharged from that hospital would be able to continue antimicrobial therapy at primary care facilities. When necessary, patients could also receive their therapy at the day-hospital located at IOT. Primary care nursing and physician staff were trained about antimicrobial infusion and peripherally inserted central catheter manipulation. An OPAT specific antimicrobial protocol was designed and a special reference and counter-reference organized. As a result, 450 primary healthcare professionals were trained. In the first year of this program, 116 patients were discharged for OPAT. Chronic and acute osteomyelitis were most frequent diagnosis. Teicoplanin, ertapenem and tigecycline were the most used drugs. Duration of treatment varied from 10 to 180 days (average 101, median 42. Total sum of days in OPAT regimen was 11,698. Only 3 patients presented adverse effects. Partnership between services of different levels of complexity allowed implantation of a safe and effective public healthcare OPAT program for treatment of orthopedic infections. This program can serve as a model for developing similar strategies

  10. Nucleic acid labeling with [3H]orotic acid and nucleotide profile in rats in protein deprivation, enteral and parenteral essential amino acid administration, and 5-fluorouracil treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jakobsson, B.; el Hag, I.A.; Andersson, M.; Christensson, P.I.; Stenram, U.


    Rats were fed a 0% casein diet for 1 week, with or without enteral or parenteral administration of essential amino acids, or a 25% casein diet, in one group supplemented with 5-fluorouracil treatment. Ninety minutes before sacrifice the rats were given a tracer of [3H]orotic acid. Incorporation into the acid soluble fraction, RNA, and DNA was determined in liver, small intestine, bone marrow, and kidney. Nucleotide profile was examined in liver and intestine. Protein deficiency caused inter alia a decrease in body weight; a decrease in RNA/DNA ratio and an increase in the specific RNA labeling in liver and kidney; an altered nucleotide profile in the liver; an increase in the nucleotide/DNA and RNA/DNA ratios and a decrease in the specific labeling of the acid soluble fraction, RNA, and DNA in the bone marrow. These changes were prevented to the same extent by giving essential amino acids, either orally or intravenously. The minor changes in intestinal nucleotide profile in protein deprivation were prevented to a slightly larger extent by amino acids orally than parenterally. 5-Fluorouracil treatment gave a decrease in the RNA/DNA ratio in the liver and kidney but an increase in the nucleotide/DNA and RNA/DNA ratios in the bone marrow. Nucleotide profiles were unaltered. The amount of DNA per gram of tissue decreased in bone marrow and increased in kidney. Parenteral administration per se resulted in almost no changes

  11. Parenteral Fish-Oil Lipid Emulsions in the Prevention of Severe Retinopathy of Prematurity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Vayalthrikkovil, Sakeer; Bashir, Rani A; Rabi, Yacov; Amin, Harish; Spence, Jill-Marie; Robertson, Helen Lee; Lodha, Abhay


    Objective  Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for brain and retinal maturation. It is not clear if early use of ω-3 fatty acids in the form of fish-oil lipid emulsions (FLEs) prevents retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in preterm infants. The aim of this meta-analysis is to evaluate whether early administration of parenteral FLEs reduces ROP requiring laser therapy or severe ROP ≥stage 3 in preterm infants. Methods  A literature search was performed to identify studies comparing parenteral FLEs with soybean-based lipid emulsions (SLEs) in preventing ROP. The main outcome was incidence of severe ROP or ROP requiring laser therapy. Results  Studies met the inclusion criteria (four RCTs and two observational studies). The pooled relative risk of ROP requiring laser therapy or severe ROP ≥ stage 3 in FLEs group was 0.47 [95% CI: 0.24-0.90] and 0.40 [95% CI: 0.22-0.76] in RCTs and observational studies, respectively. FLEs also reduced cholestasis; however, other secondary outcomes of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), sepsis, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), and mortality were similar. Conclusion  The use of FLEs may reduce the incidence of severe ROP or need for laser therapy in preterm infants. A large multicenter RCT is required to confirm this. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.


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    Samina Shiekh


    Full Text Available Total parenteral nutrition (TPN replaces and maintains essential nutrients in patients in whom oral or tube feedings are contraindicated or inadequate. A nutritional assessment must be carried out before initiating TPN in order to determine nutritional needs and any metabolic changes due to the patient’s underlying condition, medications or concurrent therapies. In addition to carbohydrates, proteins and fats, certain amounts of micronutirents are also added to TPN solutions. These micronutrients include electrolytes, vitamins, and trace minerals. This review highlights some basic concepts regarding the use and formulation of TPNs along with their advantages and disadvantages and the importance of water soluble vitamins B2 and B12 in human nutrition.

  13. Hematologic disorders in trauma patients during parenteral alimentation with lipids. (United States)

    Faintuch, J; Machado, F K; Freire, A N; Reis, J R; Machado, M; Pinto, L P; Ramos, S M; Loebens, M; Jovchelevich, V; Pinotti, H W


    Total parenteral nutrition with lipids is a well-accepted modality of metabolic support in seriously ill trauma patients. Intolerance to lipid administration is unusual when dosage limits are not exceeded, and few hematologic disturbances have been recorded with modern fat emulsions. In the course of intravenous alimentation of six adults admitted for traumatic lesions, eosinophilia with or without leukocytopenia was noticed after periods of four days to five weeks. Principal clinical events and hematologic derangements were documented in this population. Sepsis was not always present in the patients by the time of the complication, and in those that did require antibiotics and other drugs, the prescription remained unchanged along the episode. Discontinuation of the nutritional regimen with lipids was followed by normalization of the hematologic profile, suggesting that an acute or sub-acute allergic reaction was responsible. The appearance of skin rash in two occasions reinforces this hypothesis, and the possibility of hemophagocytosis merits consideration in two of the cases who displayed reversible acute leukocytopenia. It is concluded that blood cell aberrations are possible during intravenous feeding with lipids in trauma subjects, but tend to respond to suppression of the lipid-containing nutritional prescription.

  14. A prospective observational study assessing home parenteral nutrition in patients with gastrointestinal cancer: benefits for quality of life. (United States)

    Senesse, Pierre; Tadmouri, Abir; Culine, Stéphane; Dufour, Patrick R; Seys, Patrick; Radji, Abderraouf; Rotarski, Maciej; Balian, Axel; Chambrier, Cecile


    Patients with gastrointestinal cancer are at high risk for deterioration of nutrition. Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) could improve nutritional status and quality of life (QoL). The purpose of this study was 1) to evaluate the impact of HPN on QoL, 2) to assess changes in nutritional status, and 3) to assess proxy perception of patient well-being. We conducted a prospective, observational, and a multicenter study. Inclusion criteria were adult patients with gastrointestinal cancer, for whom HPN was indicated and prescribed for at least 14 days. The physician, the patient, and a family member completed questionnaires at inclusion and 28 days later. The QoL was assessed by the patients using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General questionnaire, at inclusion and 28 days later. The study included 370 patients with gastrointestinal cancer. The HPN was indicated for cancer-related undernutrition in 89% of the patients and was used as a complement to oral intake in 84%. After 28 days of parenteral intake, global QoL was significantly increased (48.9 at inclusion vs. 50.3, P=0.007). The patients' weight improved significantly by 2.7% (Pnutrition risk screening also decreased significantly (3.2±1.1 vs. 2.8±1.3, P=0.003). HPN could provide benefit for malnourished patients with gastrointestinal cancer. However, randomized controlled studies are required to confirm this benefit and the safety profile. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  15. [Description of the ISO 9001/2000 certification process in the parenteral nutrition area]. (United States)

    Miana Mena, M T; Fontanals Martínez, S; López Púa, Y; López Suñé, E; Codina Jané, C; Ribas Sala, J


    In order to guarantee quality and safety and to increase user satisfaction, healthcare organisations have integrated quality management systems into their structures. This study describes the process for introducing the UNE-EN-ISO-9001/2000 standard in the parenteral nutrition area. A multidisciplinary group established the scope of the standard, focusing on transcription, preparation, dispensation and microbiological control. A detailed procedure describing the sequences of circuits and associated activities, the responsible staff and the action guidelines to be followed was established. Quality and activity markers were also established. This process has enabled a standard system to be implemented, with its operation perfectly described and documented, allowing its stages to be traceable and supervised. As there is no record of the data obtained beforehand, no direct comparison can be made; its evolution must therefore be analysed in the future.

  16. Can We Rely on Predicted Basal Metabolic Rate in Patients With Intestinal Failure on Home Parenteral Nutrition? (United States)

    Skallerup, Anders; Nygaard, Louis; Olesen, Søren Schou; Vinter-Jensen, Lars; Køhler, Marianne; Rasmussen, Henrik Højgaard


    Intestinal failure (IF) is a serious and common complication of short bowel syndrome with patients depending on parenteral nutrition (PN) support. Effective nutrition management requires an accurate estimation of the patient's basal metabolic rate (BMR) to avoid underfeeding or overfeeding. However, indirect calorimetry, considered the gold standard for BMR assessment, is a time- and resource-consuming procedure. Consequently, several equations for prediction of BMR have been developed in different settings, but their accuracy in patients with IF are yet to be investigated. We evaluated the accuracy of predicted BMR in clinically stable patients with IF dependent on home parenteral nutrition (HPN). In total, 103 patients with IF were included. We used indirect calorimetry for assessment of BMR and calculated predicted BMR using different equations based on anthropometric and/or bioelectrical impedance parameters. The accuracy of predicted BMR was evaluated using Bland-Altman analysis with measured BMR as the gold standard. The average measured BMR was 1272 ± 245 kcal/d. The most accurate estimations of BMR were obtained using the Harris-Benedict equation (mean bias, 14 kcal/d [ P = .28]; limits of agreement [LoA], -238 to 266 kcal/d) and the Johnstone equation (mean bias, -16 kcal/d [ P = .24]; LoA, -285 to 253 kcal/d). For both equations, 67% of patients had a predicted BMR from 90%-110% All other equations demonstrated a statistically and clinically significant difference between measured and predicted BMR. The Harris-Benedict and Johnstone equations reliably predict BMR in two-thirds of clinically stable patients with IF on HPN.

  17. Prediction of parenteral nutrition osmolarity by digital refractometry. (United States)

    Chang, Wei-Kuo; Yeh, Ming-Kung


    Infusion of high-osmolarity parenteral nutrition (PN) formulations into a peripheral vein will damage the vessel. In this study, the authors developed a refractometric method to predict PN formulation osmolarity for patients receiving PN. Nutrients in PN formulations were prepared for Brix value and osmolality measurement. Brix value and osmolality measurement of the dextrose, amino acids, and electrolytes were used to evaluate the limiting factor of PN osmolarity prediction. A best-fit equation was generated to predict PN osmolarity (mOsm/L): 81.05 × Brix value--116.33 (R(2) > 0.99). To validate the PN osmolarity prediction by these 4 equations, a total of 500 PN admixtures were tested. The authors found strong linear relationships between the Brix values and the osmolality measurement of dextrose (R(2) = 0.97), amino acids (R(2) = 0.99), and electrolytes (R(2) > 0.96). When PN-measured osmolality was between 600 and 900 mOsm/kg, approximately 43%, 29%, 43%, and 0% of the predicted osmolarity obtained by equations 1, 2, 3, and 4 were outside the acceptable 90% to 110% confidence interval range, respectively. When measured osmolality was between 900 and 1,500 mOsm/kg, 31%, 100%, 85%, and 15% of the predicted osmolarity by equations 1, 2, 3, and 4 were outside the acceptable 90% to 110% confidence interval range, respectively. The refractive method permits accurate PN osmolarity prediction and reasonable quality assurance before PN formulation administration.

  18. Conocimiento teórico y apego al procedimiento de diálisis peritoneal del paciente o su familiar

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    Wendy Juana María García Meza

    Full Text Available Introducción: Paciente y familiar deben conocer los conceptos esenciales y poseer habilidades motoras para la realización de diálisis peritoneal continua ambulatoria, por esto, enfermería brinda educación al paciente y familiar sobre los cuidados de diálisis en el hogar, sin embargo, continúan acudiendo pacientes con alguna complicación al hospital. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento teórico y apego al procedimiento dialítico del paciente o familiar. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo. Se efectuó una visita domiciliaria, en donde se aplicaron: una lista de cotejo para evaluar el apego al procedimiento, un cuestionario para evaluar los conocimientos teóricos y una cédula de variables clínicas y sociodemográficas. Participaron 24 sujetos, se dividieron en grupo pacientes (GP, donde los pacientes se auto-realizan el procedimiento y familiar (GF, donde los familiares realizan la técnica. Resultados: El nivel de conocimiento teórico en general fue moderado (73.24%, el GP obtuvo un índice más elevado (75.35% que el GF (71.45%. En la técnica, en general, se adhirieron al 80.3% de los pasos, el GF obtuvo mayor índice correcto (81.92% que el GP (78.63%. Conclusión: Los pacientes y familiares demuestran un déficit en ambas áreas, por esto, es necesario evaluarlos periódicamente para detectar fallos en la técnica y en el conocimiento, que predispongan al paciente a una complicación prevenible.

  19. Erlotinib plus parenteral nutrition: an opportunity to get through the hardest days of advanced non-small cell lung cancer with cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome. (United States)

    Zang, Yuan-Sheng; Fang, Zheng; Li, Bing


    This case study details the poor performance status of a patient with non-small cell lung cancer and cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome got through the hardest days of high tumor burden and malnutrition, by using a combined therapy of lung cancer-targeted therapy drug and parenteral nutrition. The related literatures were reviewed.

  20. A Rare Case of Central Pontine Myelinolysis in Overcorrection of Hyponatremia with Total Parenteral Nutrition in Pregnancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kalyana C. Janga


    Full Text Available A 42-year-old high risk pregnant female presented with hyponatremia from multiple causes and was treated with total parenteral nutrition. She developed acute hypernatremia due to the stage of pregnancy and other comorbidities. All the mechanisms of hyponatremia and hypernatremia were summarized here in our case report. This case has picture (graph representation of parameters that led to changes in serum sodium and radiological findings of central pontine myelinolysis on MRI. In conclusion we present a complicated case serum sodium changes during pregnancy and pathophysiological effects on serum sodium changes during pregnancy.

  1. FOCUS-PDCA循环管理在降低肠外营养不合理医嘱发生率中的应用%Application of FOCUS-PDCA Cycle Management in Reducing the Incidence of Irrational Medical Orders of Parenteral Nutrition

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    贺银丽; 封卫毅; 施秉银; 罗秦英; 董乐乐; 庞成森; 鲁会侠; 张亚婷; 张晓霞; 董卫华; 王曙逢


    目的:降低我院肠外营养不合理医嘱的发生率,促进肠外营养的合理使用.方法:收集我院普通外科2016年第一季度的肠外营养医嘱,统计其不合理医嘱数量及发生类型,然后运用FOCUS-PDCA(Find-organize-clarify-understand-select-plan-do-check-act)循环管理对肠外营养医嘱开具过程中存在的问题进行分析和改善,再收集改善后(2016年第三季度)的肠外营养医嘱对其不合理医嘱数量及发生类型进行统计,评价管理效果.结果:我院通过采取成立营养支持小组、加强对医护人员的培训与沟通、在医院信息系统中加入肠外营养审方模块等多项措施进行持续改进,使普通外科肠外营养的不合理医嘱发生率由改善前的48.25%(1433/2970)下降至改善后的5.67%(120/2118),不合理类型中阳离子超量、遴选药品不适宜、配伍不适宜发生率降为0.结论:采用FOCUS-PDCA循环管理可降低肠外营养不合理医嘱发生率,促进医院肠外营养的合理使用.%OBJECTIVE:To reduce the incidence of irrational medical orders for parenteral nutrition,and promote the rational use of parenteral nutrition. METHODS:The medical orders for parenteral nutrition of the first quarter of 2016 in general surgery de-partment of our hospital were collected,and the number and types of its irrational medical orders were summed up. Then FO-CUS-PDCA(Find-organize-clarify-understand-select-plan-do-check-act)cycle management was adopted to analyze and improve the existing problems in issuing medical orders for parenteral nutrition. The improved(the third quarter of 2016)medical orders for par-enteral nutrition were collected,the number and types of its irrational medical orders were summed up,and management effect was evaluated. RESULTS:Establishing nutrition support group,strengthening the training and communication of medical staff,adding prescription evaluation module for parenteral nutrition in hospital information system and a

  2. Benefits of a new pediatric triple-chamber bag for parenteral nutrition in preterm infants. (United States)

    Rigo, Jacques; Marlowe, Monica L; Bonnot, Denis; Senterre, Thibault; Lapillonne, Alexandre; Kermorvant-Duchemin, Elsa; Hascoet, Jean Michel; Desandes, Roxane; Malfilâtre, Geneviève; Pladys, Patrick; Beuchée, Alain; Colomb, Virginie


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy, safety, flexibility, and ease of handling and use of the Ped3CB-A 300  mL, the first ready-to-use multichamber parenteral nutrition (PN) system, with optional lipid bag activation, specially designed for administration to preterm infants. In this prospective, open-label, multicenter, noncomparative, phase III clinical trial, preterm infants were treated with Ped3CB-A for 5 to 10 consecutive days. A total of 113 preterm infants were enrolled in the study and 97 (birth weight 1382 ± 520 g; gestational age 31.2 ± 2.5 weeks; postnatal age administration 5.6 ± 6.1 days) were included in the per protocol analysis accounting for 854 perfusion days. Double-chamber bag activation was used for 32 perfusion days. Macronutrient, electrolyte, and mineral supplements were primarily administered through a Y-line or directly in the activated bag. In all, 199 additions (mainly sodium, 95%) were made to the Ped3CB-A bags on 197 infusion days (23.1%) in 43 infants (44.3%). More than 1 of these nutrients was added to the bag on only 1 perfusion day. Mean and maximum parenteral nutrient intakes were 2.8 ± 0.7 and 3.6 ± 0.8  g amino acids per kilogram per day, and 80 ± 20 and 104 ± 22  kcal · kg(-1) · day(-1). Mean weight gain represented 10.0, 21.5, and 22. 6 g · kg(-1) · day(-1) according to age at inclusion (0-3, 4-7, or >7 days of life). A visual analog scale was completed and produced positive results. No adverse events were attributable to the design of the Ped3CB-A system. Ped3CB-A provides easy-to-use, well-balanced, and safe nutritional support. Nutritional intakes and weight gain were within the recent PN recommendations in preterm infants.

  3. Parenteral nutrition support for patients with pancreatic cancer. Results of a phase II study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riess Hanno


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cachexia is a common problem in patients (pts suffering from upper gastrointestinal cancer. In addition, most of these patients suffer from malabsorption and stenosis of the gastrointestinal tract due to their illness. Various methods of supplementary nutrition (enteral, parenteral are practised. In patients with advanced pancreatic cancer (APC, phase angle, determined by bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA, seems to be a survival predictor. The positive influence of BIA determinate predictors by additional nutrition is currently under discussion. Methods To examine the impact of additional parenteral nutrition (APN we assessed outpatients suffering from APC and progressive cachexia. The assessment based on the BIA method. Assessment parameters were phase angle, ECM/BCM index (ratio of extracellular mass to body cell mass, and BMI (body mass index. Patients suffering from progressive weight loss in spite of additional enteral nutritional support were eligible for the study. Results Median treatment duration in 32 pts was 18 [8-35] weeks. Response evaluation showed a benefit in 27 pts (84% in at least one parameter. 14 pts (43.7% improved or stabilised in all three parameters. The median ECM/BCM index was 1.7 [1.11-3.14] at start of APN and improved down to 1.5 [1.12-3.36] during therapy. The median BMI increased from 19.7 [14.4-25.9] to 20.5 [15.4-25.0]. The median phase angle improved by 10% from 3.6 [2.3-5.1] to 3.9 [2.2-5.1]. Conclusions We demonstrated the positive impact of APN on the assessed parameters, first of all the phase angle, and we observed at least a temporary benefit or stabilisation of the nutritional status in the majority of the investigated patients. Based on these findings we are currently investigating the impact of APN on survival in a larger patient cohort. Trial registration Identifier: NCT00919659

  4. Wernicke's encephalopathy induced by total parenteral nutrition in patient with acute leukaemia: unusual involvement of caudate nuclei and cerebral cortex on MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D' Aprile, P.; Tarantino, A.; Carella, A. [Division of Neuroradiology, Policlinico, Univ. of Bari (Italy); Santoro, N. [Inst. of Paediatric Clinic I, Policlinico, University of Bari, Bari (Italy)


    We report a 13-year-old girl with leukaemia and Wernicke's encephalopathy induced by total parenteral nutrition. MRI showed unusual bilateral lesions of the caudate nuclei and cerebral cortex, as well as typical lesions surrounding the third ventricle and aqueduct. After intravenous thiamine, the patient improved, and the abnormalities on MRI disappeared. (orig.)

  5. de Uberaba, Minas Gerais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darlene Mara dos Santos Tavares


    Full Text Available Este estudio, del tipo investigación domiciliaria, tiene como objetivo comparar las condiciones de salud de las personas mayores con diabetes mellitus de acuerdo a las variables sexo y área de edad. Participaron del estudio 417 ancianos, entrevistado en su casa, en el período comprendido entre diciembre de 2005 a febrero de 2006. Los datos fueron analizados a través de frecuencia simple y del teste qui-cuadrado (p < 0,05. La mayoría de los ancianos tenían un 60 a 70 años (50,1%, es la mujer (71,2% e hicieron uso de medicamentos (96,1%. Los principales problemas de salud fueron la hipertensión (75,5%, los problemas de visión (73,6% y la columna (56,4%. Las mujeres consideran la salud mala o muy mala y refieren el costo de medicamentos como un problema para su compra, en comparación con los hombres, diferencia estadísticamente significativa. Como ascendió a la edad, encontró mayor proporción de ancianos que utilizan los equipos, problemas de columna y que utilizan diuréticos.

  6. Parenteral estrogen versus combined androgen deprivation in the treatment of metastatic prostatic cancer: part 2. Final evaluation of the Scandinavian Prostatic Cancer Group (SPCG) Study No. 5

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedlund, P.O.; Damber, J.E.; Hagerman, I.


    To compare parenteral estrogen therapy in the form of high-dose polyestradiol phosphate (PEP; Estradurin) with combined androgen deprivation (CAD) in the treatment of prostate cancer patients with skeletal metastases. The aim of the study was to compare anticancer efficacy and adverse events...

  7. Assessing impact and sustainability of health, water, and sanitation interventions in Bolivia six years post-project Evaluación de la repercusión y la sostenibilidad a seis años de las intervenciones relacionadas con salud, agua y saneamiento en Bolivia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clara Eder


    .OBJETIVO: Evaluar la repercusión y la sostenibilidad de las intervenciones relacionadas con la salud, el abastecimiento de agua y el saneamiento en Bolivia seis años después de la realización del proyecto. MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de metodología mixta (cualitativa y cuantitativa en 12 comunidades rurales donde se efectuó la intervención y 2 de control en Bolivia en noviembre del 2008, seis años después de la finalización de las intervenciones enfocadas a mejorar el conocimiento y las prácticas relacionadas con la salud y la nutrición maternoinfantil, los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua comunitarios y las instalaciones de abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento domiciliarias. Se estudió, en particular, el grado en el cual los participantes continuaban realizando las prácticas domiciliarias y comunitarias promovidas por las intervenciones. Se efectuaron visitas a sitios de la comunidad para evaluar el estado (condición funcional y la sostenibilidad (estado de mantenimiento y reparación de la infraestructura de abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento domiciliaria y comunitaria. Se llevaron a cabo entrevistas a informantes clave y análisis basados en grupos de discusión para evaluar el conocimiento, las prácticas y las percepciones acerca del valor de las intervenciones comunitarias. RESULTADOS: Seis años después del proyecto, los participantes continuaban llevando a cabo las prácticas promovidas en las intervenciones. La calificación promedio para la condición funcional de los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua comunitarios fue 42% más alta que la calificación promedio en las comunidades de control. Además, en más de dos terceras partes de los hogares se seguían poniendo en práctica ciertos hábitos relacionados con la salud maternoinfantil promovidos en las intervenciones (en comparación con menos de la mitad de los hogares en las comunidades de control. Las comunidades que recibieron inversiones integradas (desarrollo y salud parec

  8. Efectos sobre la función hepática de la emulsión lipídica con Omega 3 en la nutrición parenteral en recién nacidos. Estudio Descriptivo. Bogotá 2014-2015


    Coello Alvarado, Karicia María


    Se ha sugerido que las emulsiones de lípidos para nutrición parenteral que contienen omega 3 son superiores a otras ya que ocasionan menos complicaciones. Evaluar los cambios en la función hepática de los recien nacidos que recibieron nutrición parenteral prolongada con emulsión lipidica con omega-3. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo longitudinal de naturaleza retrospectiva con información recolectada de las historias clínicas de los recién nacidos atendidos en la Funda...

  9. Studies on adjuvant parenteral nutrition during chemotherapeutic and radiotherapeutic measures in haematological disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heim, F.


    In patients subjected to bone marrow transplantation the aggressive measures necessarily preceding this treatment lead to drastic metabolic changes which, in turn, are a cause of marked disturbances of homeostasis. The general preparatory measures in the form of cytoreduction by cytostatic drugs are broadened for leukaemic patients to include wholebody irradiation. During the study described here investigations were carried out into the resulting strain on the metabolism. One of the most essential changes observed in those patients was a nitrogen loss of up to approx. 20 g/day that occurred during the immunosuppressive phase. This was accompanied by markedly pronounced variations in fluid elimination, which partly were of an iatrogenic nature. An immediate and sufficient substitution of amino acids in connection with complete parenteral nutrition rapidly acted to compensate for the nitrogen losses, even though these could not be totally reversed to achieve a positive nitrogen balance. (orig./MG) [de

  10. Medicare program; replacement of reasonable charge methodology by fee schedules for parenteral and enteral nutrients, equipment, and supplies. Final rule. (United States)


    This final rule implements fee schedules for payment of parenteral and enteral nutrition (PEN) items and services furnished under the prosthetic device benefit, defined in section 1861(s)(8) of the Social Security Act. The authority for establishing these fee schedules is provided by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, which amended the Social Security Act at section 1842(s). Section 1842(s) of the Social Security Act specifies that statewide or other area wide fee schedules may be implemented for the following items and services still subject to the reasonable charge payment methodology: medical supplies; home dialysis supplies and equipment; therapeutic shoes; parenteral and enteral nutrients, equipment, and supplies; electromyogram devices; salivation devices; blood products; and transfusion medicine. This final rule describes changes made to the proposed fee schedule payment methodology for these items and services and provides that the fee schedules for PEN items and services are effective for all covered items and services furnished on or after January 1, 2002. Fee schedules will not be implemented for electromyogram devices and salivation devices at this time since these items are not covered by Medicare. In addition, fee schedules will not be implemented for medical supplies, home dialysis supplies and equipment, therapeutic shoes, blood products, and transfusion medicine at this time since the data required to establish these fee schedules are inadequate.

  11. Parenteral safflower oil emulsion (Liposyn 10%): safety and effectiveness in treating or preventing essential fatty acid deficiency in surgical patients. (United States)

    Bivins, B A; Rapp, R P; Record, K; Meng, H C; Griffen, W O


    The safety and effectiveness of a 10% safflower oil emulsion in treating or preventing essential fatty acid deficiency was tested in a prospective study of 15 surgical patients requiring total parenteral nutrition for two to four weeks. Three dosage regimens were evaluated including: Group I: 4% of calories as linoleate daily (five patients), Group II: 4% of calories as linoleate every other day (two patients), and Group III: 8% of calories every other day (eight patients). Patients were monitored for laboratory changes from baseline specifically in those areas where previous fat emulsions have caused serious deviations. No significant changes were noted in hematologic parameters, coagulation studies, cholesterol and triglyceride serum levels. Although there were sporadic mild deviations in liver function changes in several patients, no clinically significant adverse effects could be directly attributed to infusion of the fat emulsion. Three patients had baseline triene/tetraene ratios of 0.4 or greater, indicative of essential fatty/acid deficiency, and these ratios dropped to less than 0.4 within eight days of beginning therapy with the parenteral fat emulsion. The remaining 12 patients maintained a normal triene/tetraene ratio of less than 0.4 throughout the 28 day study period. All three dosage regimens were considered effective for treatment and prevention of essential fatty acid deficiency. Images Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. PMID:6767452

  12. Early enteral nutrition compared with parenteral nutrition for esophageal cancer patients after esophagectomy: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Peng, J; Cai, J; Niu, Z-X; Chen, L-Q


    Early postoperative enteral nutrition (EN) after esophagectomy in esophageal cancer patient has been reported to be correlated with a better rehabilitation than parenteral nutrition (PN). However, a robust conclusion has not been achieved. Therefore, we performed a meta-analysis to compare the postoperative EN and PN in patients with esophageal cancer undergoing esophagectomy. Three electronic databases were searched for eligible studies to be included in the meta-analysis. The summary relative risk/weighted mean difference (RR/WMD) estimates and corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated using fixed- and random-effects models. Ten studies met the inclusion criteria. The analysis demonstrated that the early postoperative EN could significantly decrease the pulmonary complications (RR = 0.37, 95% CI = 0.22-0.62, P = 0.00, test for heterogeneity: I(2) = 0.0%, P = 0.89) and anastomotic leakage (RR = 0.46, 95% CI = 0.22-0.96, P = 0.04, test for heterogeneity: I(2) = 0.0%, P = 0.66) compared with PN. On the eighth postoperative day, the EN group had a higher levels of albumin (WMD = 1.84, 95% CI = 0.47-3.21, P = 0.01, test for heterogeneity: I(2) = 84.5%, P = 0.00) and prealbumin (WMD = 12.96, 95% CI = 3.63-22.29, P = 0.01, test for heterogeneity: I(2) = 0.0%, P = 0.63) compared with the PN group. However, there was no difference in digestive complications between these two approaches (RR = 1.30, 95% CI = 0.79-2.13, P = 0.30, test for heterogeneity: I(2) = 0.0%, P = 0.97). For patients with esophageal cancer following esophagectomy, the early postoperative EN support could decrease the morbidity of severe complications, such as pulmonary complications and anastomotic leakage, and maintain patients at a better nutritional status than parenteral nutrion support. © 2015 International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus.

  13. Glutamine supplementation of parenteral nutrition does not improve intestinal permeability, nitrogen balance, or outcome in newborns and infants undergoing digestive-tract surgery: results from a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    E.W. Steyerberg (Ewout); F.W.J. Hazebroek (Frans); M. Mourik; G.J.J.M. Borsboom (Gerard); T. Rietveld (Trinet); J.G.M. Huijmans (Jan); D. Tibboel (Dick); M.J.I.J. Albers (Marcel)


    textabstractOBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of isocaloric isonitrogenous parenteral glutamine supplementation on intestinal permeability and nitrogen loss in newborns and infants after major digestive-tract surgery. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Glutamine supplementation in critically

  14. La provisión de agua potable en la periferia del AMBA, Argentina

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    Veronica Caceres


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza la problemática de la provisión de agua potable domiciliaria en territorios con escasa cobertura de las redes, en el principal aglomerado urbano de la Argentina denominado Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Se recuperan los aportes de una investigación exploratoria que recurrió al estudio de caso y el análisis de fuentes primarias y secundarias. Principalmente centra la atención en la caracterización de los circuitos mercantiles que emergen ante la ausencia de las redes, comprendidos por la presencia de empresas formales e informales que realizan perforaciones e instalan equipos para la explotación individual de los acuíferos por parte de hogares que no acceden a las redes de agua. También se analiza la exigua regulación, control y fiscalización estatal.  

  15. Estimating the oligoelement requirements of children subject to exclusively parenteral nutrition by means of neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maziere, B.; Gros, J.; Comar, D.


    Because of the rich and varied food he eats, deficiencies in oligoelements of dietary origin are very rarely found in man. However, several cases of zinc and copper deficiency have been reported in adults and children subject to prolonged entirely parenteral nutrition. In the present case ten children (eight infants of less than 18 months and two children aged between 2 and 8 years) fed exclusively by intracardiac catheter on a reconstituted diet were studied. The serum concentrations of copper, manganese, selenium and zinc in the children fed on this artificial diet were measured by neutron activation and gamma spectrometry, both with and without chemical separation. The values obtained in the young patients and in controls of the same age were compared. The result of these comparisons and a study of the kinetics of serum concentrations in the patients (one analysis every 20 days for 90 days) enabled us to determine that there was a balanced intake of copper, an excess of manganese and a considerable deficiency in zinc and selenium. In view of these observations, the diet was modified and it was established that the serum oligoelement content followed changes in oligoelement intake. Thus the serum concentrations of selenium and zinc were restored in a few weeks - completely in the case of selenium with an intake three times higher (3 μg/kg/24 h) and incompletely in the case of zinc with the intake doubled (50 μg/kg/24 h). On the basis of these results and kinetic data on the mineral metabolism, we have been able to estimate the copper, manganese, selenium and zinc requirements of children undergoing parenteral nutrition. (author)

  16. Stability-indicating HPLC method for the determination of the stability of oxytocin parenteral solutions prepared in polyolefin bags. (United States)

    Kaushal, G; Sayre, B E; Prettyman, T


    Oxytocin is very commonly used in clinical settings and is a nonapeptide hormone that stimulates the contraction of uterine smooth muscles. In this study the stability of extemporaneously compounded oxytocin solutions was investigated in polyolefin bags. The sterile preparations of oxytocin were compounded to the strength of 0.02 U/mL in accordance with United States Pharmacopeia (USP) standards. In order to carry out the stability testing of these parenteral products, the solutions were stored under three different temperature conditions of -20°C (frozen), 2-6°C (refrigerated), and 22-25°C (room temperature). Three solutions from each temperature were withdrawn and were assessed for stability on days 0, 7, 15, 21, and 30 as per the USP guidelines. The assay of oxytocin was examined by an HPLC method at each time point. No precipitation, cloudiness or color change was observed during this study at all temperatures. The assay content by HPLC revealed that oxytocin retains greater than at least 90% of the initial concentrations for 21 days. There was no significant change in pH and absorbance values for 21 days under all the conditions of storage. Oxytocin parenteral solutions in the final concentration of 0.02 U/mL and diluted in normal saline are stable for at least 30 days under frozen and refrigerated conditions for 30 days. At the room temperature, the oxytocin solutions were stable for at least 21 days. The stability analysis results show that the shelf-life of 21 days observed in this study was far better than their recommended expiration dates.

  17. A parenteral nutrition use survey with gap analysis. (United States)

    Boullata, Joseph I; Guenter, Peggi; Mirtallo, Jay M


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a high-alert medication for which safe practice guidelines are available. Recent adverse events associated with PN have been widely reported. A survey of current practices was indicated as new guidelines are being considered. A web-based survey consisting of 70 items was made available for the month of August 2011. Respondents provided answers to questions that addressed all aspects of the PN use process. There were a total of 895 respondents to the survey, including dietitians, nurses, pharmacists, and physicians. They predominantly represented hospital settings (89%), with 44% from academic institutions. Most organizations use a once-daily PN admixture with 21% outsourcing preparation. Electronic PN order entry is available in one-third of organizations, and the use of standardized order sets prevails. Unfortunately, electronic interfaces between computer systems remain infrequent, meaning that at least one transcription step is required by most in the PN use process. There are a wide variety of methods for ordering PN components, many of which are inconsistent with safe practices. Most organizations dedicate a pharmacist to review the PN orders, many of which require clarifications. Documentation at each step of the PN use process with oversight to identify deviations from best practice recommendations is infrequent. A significant proportion (44%) does not track PN-related medication errors. The survey data are a valuable snapshot of current practices with PN. Poor compliance with some of the safe practice guidelines continues. This will help guide new safety initiatives for the PN use process.

  18. Preliminary study on the effect of parenteral naloxone, alone and in association with calcium gluconate, on bone healing in an ovine "drill hole" model system

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    Langhoff Jens D


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Several diseases affect bone healing and physiology. Many drugs that are commonly used in orthopaedics as "analgesics" or anti-inflammatory agents impair bone healing. Stressful conditions are associated with decreased serum osteocalcin concentration. High endorphin levels alter calcium metabolism, blocking the membrane channels by which calcium normally enters cells. The consequent decrease of intracellular calcium impairs the activities of calcium-related enzymes. Naloxone is a pure opioid antagonist. Morphine-induced osteocalcin inhibition was abolished when osteoblasts were incubated with naloxone. Naloxone restored the altered cellular and tissue physiology by removing β-endorphins from specific receptors. However, this is only possible if the circulating Ca concentration is adequate. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of parenteral naloxone administration in inducing fast mineralization and callus remodelling in a group of sheep with a standardised bone lesion. Methods Twenty ewes were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups. Group A acted as control, group B received a solution of calcium gluconate, group C a solution of naloxone, and group D a solution of calcium gluconate and naloxone. A transverse hole was drilled in the left metacarpus, including both cortices, then parenteral treatment was administered intramuscularly, daily for four weeks. Healing was evaluated by weekly radiographic examination for eight weeks. For quantitative evaluation, the ratio of the radiographic bone density between the drill area and the adjacent cortical bone was calculated. After eight weeks the sheep were slaughtered and a sample of bone was collected for histopathology Results Group D showed a higher radiographic ratio than the other groups. Sheep not treated with naloxone showed a persistently lower ratio in the lateral than the medial cortex (P Conclusion A low-dose parenteral regimen of naloxone enhances

  19. Complications and Monitoring – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 11

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    Working group for developing the guidelines for parenteral nutrition of The German Association for Nutritional Medicine


    Full Text Available Compared to enteral or hypocaloric oral nutrition, the use of PN (parenteral nutrition is not associated with increased mortality, overall frequency of complications, or longer length of hospital stay (LOS. The risk of PN complications (e.g. refeeding-syndrome, hyperglycaemia, bone demineralisation, catheter infections can be minimised by carefully monitoring patients and the use of nutrition support teams particularly during long-term PN. Occuring complications are e.g. the refeeding-syndrome in patients suffering from severe malnutrition with the initiation of refeeding or metabolic, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperglycaemia, osteomalacia and osteoporosis, and hepatic complications including fatty liver, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, cholestasis, cholecystitis, and cholelithiasis. Efficient monitoring in all types of PN can result in reduced PN-associated complications and reduced costs. Water and electrolyte balance, blood sugar, and cardiovascular function should regularly be monitored during PN. Regular checks of serum electrolytes and triglycerides as well as additional monitoring measures are necessary in patients with altered renal function, electrolyte-free substrate intake, lipid infusions, and in intensive care patients. The metabolic monitoring of patients under long-term PN should be carried out according to standardised procedures. Monitoring metabolic determinants of bone metabolism is particularly important in patients receiving long-term PN. Markers of intermediary, electrolyte and trace element metabolism require regular checks.

  20. Interdependency of EGF and GLP-2 Signaling in Attenuating Mucosal Atrophy in a Mouse Model of Parenteral Nutrition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feng, Yongjia; Demehri, Farok R; Xiao, Weidong


    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), a crucial treatment for patients who cannot receive enteral nutrition, is associated with mucosal atrophy, barrier dysfunction, and infectious complications. Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) improve intestinal...... deprived of enteral nutrition. METHODS: Adult C57BL/6J, IEC-Egfr(knock out (KO)) and IEC-pik3r1(KO) mice receiving TPN or enteral nutrition were treated with EGF or GLP-2 alone or in combination with reciprocal receptor inhibitors, GLP-2(3-33) or gefitinib. Jejunum was collected and mucosal atrophy and IEC...