
Sample records for para responder ante


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    Rafael Castro Delgado


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Para responder a los accidentes industriales, de cara a minimizar sus consecuencias, es necesaria una correcta preparación del personal sanitario que trabaja en zonas de riesgo. El objetivo de este estudio es establecer el grado de percepción subjetiva que tienen los profesionales sanitarios sobre su preparación para actuar en un accidente industrial con múltiples víctimas, así como su conocimiento sobre los riesgos industriales propios de la zona. Métodos: Se diseñó un cuestionario para medir cinco dimensiones relacionadas con la respuesta ante accidentes industriales (conocimiento técnicos, conocimientos del Área, habilidades prácticas, actitudes y formación. La muestra estaba formada por todos los médicos y personal de enfermería de Atención Primaria del Área y del Servicio de Urgencias del hospital de referencia. Resultados: La tasa de respuesta fue del 61,2%. Los resultados en las cuestiones de cada dimensión, con un valor máximo de 4, fueron: Conocimientos técnicos (µ=1,3; d=0,81; Conocimientos del Área (µ=0,75; d=0,96; Habilidades prácticas (µ=0,9; d=0,8; Actitudes (µ=3,25; d=0,73; y Formación (µ=0,75; d=0,88. Obtienen mejores puntuaciones los trabajadores del servicio de urgencias hospitalario y aquellos con contratos indefinidos o temporales, por encima de los trabajadores con contrato fijo. Conclusiones: Existe un déficit de información y de formación entre los profesionales sanitarios que contrasta con el interés mostrado por subsanar estas carencias. Es necesario establecer un programa de información y formación básica para responder ante desastres industriales en nuestra Área de Salud.

  2. Preparación del personal sanitario en un área de salud de Asturias altamente industrializada para responder ante un desastre industrial

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    Castro Delgado Rafael


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Para responder a los accidentes industriales, de cara a minimizar sus consecuencias, es necesaria una correcta preparación del personal sanitario que trabaja en zonas de riesgo. El objetivo de este estudio es establecer el grado de percepción subjetiva que tienen los profesionales sanitarios sobre su preparación para actuar en un accidente industrial con múltiples víctimas, así como su conocimiento sobre los riesgos industriales propios de la zona. Métodos: Se diseñó un cuestionario para medir cinco dimensiones relacionadas con la respuesta ante accidentes industriales (conocimiento técnicos, conocimientos del Área, habilidades prácticas, actitudes y formación. La muestra estaba formada por todos los médicos y personal de enfermería de Atención Primaria del Área y del Servicio de Urgencias del hospital de referencia. Resultados: La tasa de respuesta fue del 61,2%. Los resultados en las cuestiones de cada dimensión, con un valor máximo de 4, fueron: Conocimientos técnicos (µ=1,3; delta=0,81; Conocimientos del Área (µ=0,75; d=0,96; Habilidades prácticas (µ=0,9; delta=0,8; Actitudes (µ=3,25; delta=0,73; y Formación (µ=0,75; d=0,88. Obtienen mejores puntuaciones los trabajadores del servicio de urgencias hospitalario y aquellos con contratos indefinidos o temporales, por encima de los trabajadores con contrato fijo. Conclusiones: Existe un déficit de información y de formación entre los profesionales sanitarios que contrasta con el interés mostrado por subsanar estas carencias. Es necesario establecer un programa de información y formación básica para responder ante desastres industriales en nuestra Área de Salud.

  3. Antígona y la muerte


    Pérez Alcolea, Simona Micaela


    La ponencia analiza la muerte de Antígona en la obra de Sófocles. Se propone que su suicidio es un acto consciente de voluntad preanunciado a lo largo de toda la obra y no una medida desesperada. Con ese fin se exploran las posibles motivaciones de Antígona para poner fin a su vida. En el análisis se proponen tres respuestas (no necesariamente excluyentes): -Antígona responde a la ética homérica. Está en lucha con Creón, y su suicidio es su golpe de gracia al poder del rey. -Antígona...

  4. Antártica: fuente de recursos biológicos para la biotecnología nacional


    Blamey, J.


    En diciembre del 2007, Innova-Chile de CORFO aprobó el financiamiento del proyecto “Antártica: Fuente de recursos biológicos para la biotecnología nacional”. Este proyecto tiene como fin crear una plataforma que facilite el acceso a los recursos antárticos de microorganismos y plantas, de una forma que permitirá su valorización para la biotecnología chilena y su desarrollo científico en el área. Por sus únicas condiciones de aislamiento y bajas temperaturas, la Antártica alberga un potencial ...

  5. Is phenotypic plasticity a key mechanism for responding to thermal stress in ants? (United States)

    Oms, Cristela Sánchez; Cerdá, Xim; Boulay, Raphaël


    Unlike natural selection, phenotypic plasticity allows organisms to respond quickly to changing environmental conditions. However, plasticity may not always be adaptive. In insects, body size and other morphological measurements have been shown to decrease as temperature increases. This relationship may lead to a physiological conflict in ants, where larger body size and longer legs often confer better thermal resistance. Here, we tested the effect of developmental temperature (20, 24, 28 or 32 °C) on adult thermal resistance in the thermophilic ant species Aphaenogaster senilis. We found that no larval development occurred at 20 °C. However, at higher temperatures, developmental speed increased as expected and smaller adults were produced. In thermal resistance tests, we found that ants reared at 28 and 32 °C had half-lethal temperatures that were 2 °C higher than those of ants reared at 24 °C. Thus, although ants reared at higher temperatures were smaller in size, they were nonetheless more thermoresistant. These results show that A. senilis can exploit phenotypic plasticity to quickly adjust its thermal resistance to local conditions and that this process is independent of morphological adaptations. This mechanism may be particularly relevant given current rapid climate warming.

  6. Evaluación de un antígeno purificado para el diagnóstico de toxocariosis

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    Graciela Santillán

    Full Text Available La toxocariosis es una zoonosis causada por la ingestión de huevos infectivos de Toxocara spp. El diagnóstico de la enfermedad se basa en la detección de anticuerpos en el suero u otros fluidos biológicos. La técnica serológica más utilizada es el ELISA, que usa como antígeno los productos de excreción-secreción de larvas de tercer estadio (ES/L3. Estos productos antigénicos son glicoproteínas que se originan en los órganos secretorios del parásito y no son específicos de especie. Para evaluar la especificidad de la técnica de ELISA con el antígeno ES/L3, se emplearon sueros de personas con otras helmintiasis y con patologías no parasitarias. Se observó que estos sueros presentaron reactividad entre el 11 y el 70 % de los casos. El Western blot con suero de los mismos pacientes reveló que la glicoproteína que corresponde al triplete de 120 kDa fue la más inespecífica. Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados y con el propósito de purificar el antígeno se realizó una cromatografía de intercambio iónico. Cuando se analizaron los sueros de los pacientes con diferentes enfermedades parasitarias y no parasitarias con el antígeno ES/L3 purificado, solo fueron reactivos entre un 10 y un 20 % de ellos. La sensibilidad del test de ELISA determinada por el programa Epidat 3. 0 para los dos antígenos fue del 100 %, pero se observaron diferencias en la especificidad: para el antígeno ES/L3 total esta fue del 84 % y para el ES/L3 purificado del 99 %. Empleando el antígeno ES/L3 purificado se puede considerar que los sueros que son reactivos, en presencia de una sintomatología compatible, corresponden a pacientes que fueron o están parasitados con Toxocara canis.

  7. Purificación de antígeno de Candida albicans para pruebas cutáneas: estudio preliminar

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    Miriam Díaz


    Full Text Available La evaluación de la inmunidad celular mediante la respuesta producida por los linfocitos T, que son estimulados por la presencia de un antígeno determinado, es de sumo interés para el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades infecciosas que se producen durante el transcurso de quemaduras, lesiones, traumatismos, etcétera, por lo que la obtención de antígenos purificados para su uso en pruebas cutáneas que se emplean para dicha evaluación es de gran importancia. En nuestro trabajo nos dimos a la tarea de desarrollar un método de purificación para la obtención de uno de estos antígenos, a partir de la Candida albicans. El método utilizado fue el descrito por Buckley et al., al cual se le realizaron modificaciones. Se encontró que la metodología era adecuada y reproducible, pues el antígeno obtenido tenía características similares al antígeno de referencia.The assessment of cellular immunity by means of the response produced by T-lymphocytes stimulated by the presence of a determined antigen, is of great interest in the treatment of several infectious diseases during the course of burns, lesions, traumas, etc., and due to this it is very important to obtain purified antigens for their usage in the skin tests used in such assessment. The authors developed a purification method to obtain one of these antigens, from Candida albicans. They carried out modifications on the method described by Buckley et al., and found that the methodology was adequate and reproducible, since the antigen obtained had similar characteristics to those of the reference antigen.

  8. La política nacional del Ecuador para la Antártica y sus mecanismos de aplicación


    Moreano, H.R.


    La Primera Expedición Ecuatoriana a la Antártica condujo una serie de observaciones científicas en el Paso Drake y Estrecho Bransfield durante el verano austral 1987-88, cuyos resultados se prublicaron en el "Acta Antártica Ecuatoriana" en marzo 89, de esta manera el Ecuador hacía realidad sus intereses en la Antártica. Se propone un concepto de la Política Nacional para la Antártica, basada en los lineamientos y consideraciones del Tratado Antártico y sus convenciones, así como también sus m...

  9. Modelos de cinemática de placas para Antártida durante la ruptura de Gondwana: una revisión


    M.E. Ghidella; L.A. Lawver; S. Marenssi; L.M. Gahagan


    La historia de apertura del mar de Weddell y del Oc éano Atlántico Sur es crítica para comprender la ruptura de Gondwana y la evolución geológica de Antártida desde el Jurásico temprano. La dispersión de los fragmentos gondwánicos es importante para entender la circulación oceánica del pasado, descifrar la historia de las cuencas sedimentarias ubicadas al Este de la Península Antártica y establecer posibles rutas de dispersión de flora y fauna entre los continentes australes. Desafortunadamen...

  10. Sensibilización de placas para ensayos inmunoenzimáticos con antígenos vacunales

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    Rolando Ochoa


    Full Text Available Se describe un procedimiento de sensibilización de placas para ensayos inmunoenzimáticos (ELISA con antígenos vacunales. Se define como concentración óptima de sensibilización aquella donde se alcanza la mayor densidad óptica con los sueros estándares y la menor con los sueros negativos y el blanco reactivo. Como modelo se emplean ensayos indirectos correspondientes a los antígenos de captura: toxoide tetánico, diftérico y la vesícula de membrana externa de meningococo B, materia prima activa de la vacuna antimeningocócica VA-MENGOC-BC. Esta metodología permite alcanzar un mayor recubrimiento de la fase sólida, lo cual incrementa la sensibilidad de los ensayos. La ocupación de espacios libres en la placa se hizo más evidente con antígenos de menor peso molecular, como los toxoides diftérico y tetánico.

  11. Evaluación de la técnica Western blot para la detección de antígenos de Hymenolepis nana

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    Flora Chávez-Salas


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la técnica de inmunoelectrotransferencia (Western Blot para detectar los antígenos específicos de excreción/secreción de Hymenolepis nana en sueros de pacientes con himenolepiosis y con otras helmintiosis confirmadas. Se utilizó a Mesocricetus auratus “hamster” para obtener ejemplares adultos de H. nana. Los antígenos de excreción/secreción fueron obtenidos en el medio MEM (Minimum Essential Medium Eagle, y enfrentados con un grupo de sueros de pacientes con himenolepiosis confirmada para evaluar su calidad inmunológica y con sueros individuales de pacientes con himenolepiosis y con otras helmintiosis confirmadas para detectar mediante la técnica de “Western Blot”, los antígenos específicos de este cestode. El grupo de sueros de pacientes con himenolepiosis confirmada reconoció las bandas antigénicas de 50,1; 42,6; 38,9; 32,9; 26,3; 22,4 y 18,6 kDa; sin embargo, los sueros individuales reconocieron diferente número de bandas, siendo la de 50,1 KDa la que fue reconocida por todos ellos. Los sueros de pacientes con helmintiosis confirmadas no reconocieron la banda de 50,1 kDa; sin embargo, dieron reacción cruzada con algunas de las demás bandas, a excepción de los sueros de pacientes con cisticercosis que no reconocieron a ninguna de las bandas de estos antígenos. Se concluye que el antígeno de excreción/secreción de H. nana de 50,1 kDa es específico de este cestode por ser reconocido por todos los sueros de pacientes con himenolepiosis confirmada y no por sueros de pacientes con otras helmintiosis utilizando la técnica de “Western Blot”.

  12. Solución de conectividad ante fallos para una red WAN empresarial


    Martín Manjón-Cabeza, José María


    El proyecto propone una solución bajo demanda y de bajo coste para poder mantener la disponibilidad de las comunicaciones de las distintas sedes de una empresa hacia el resto de la WAN corporativa ante un fallo de alguno de sus enlaces principales de la WAN contratada a la operadora. El projecte proposa una solució a la carta i de baix cost per poder mantenir la disponibilitat de les comunicacions de les diferents seus d'una empresa cap a la resta de la WAN corporativa davant una fallida d...

  13. Correlatos valorativos das motivações para responder sem preconceito Value correlates of the motivations to respond without prejudice

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    Valdiney V. Gouveia


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal conhecer em que medida as motivações interna e externa para responder sem preconceito frente aos negros se correlacionam com os valores humanos. Para tanto, contou-se com a participação de 308 pessoas da cidade de João Pessoa (PB, distribuídas entre estudantes do ensino médio e universitário, bem como pessoas da população geral. Estes responderam, além de questões demográficas, o Questionário dos Valores Básicos, Escala de Desejabilidade Social e a Escala de Motivação Interna e Externa para Responder sem Preconceito. De acordo com os resultados, a motivação interna se correlacionou de modo positivo principalmente com os valores suprapessoais, como maturidade, beleza e conhecimento. No caso da motivação externa, esta o fez unicamente com os valores de realização, destacando-se entre eles prestígio e privacidade. Estes resultados são coerentes com aqueles apresentados na literatura, que indicam a oposição entre os valores de igualitarismo (suprapessoais vs. ética protestante (realização para explicar o preconceito e as motivações para não apresentar este tipo de atitude.The current study aimed at establishing to what extent both internal and external motivations to respond without prejudice towards Blacks would correlate with human values. As many as 308 subjects from João Pessoa - comprising high school and university students as well as individuals from the community as a whole - were considered. The Basic Values Questionnaire, the Impression Management Scale and the Scale of Internal and External Motivation to Respond without Prejudice, and also demographic questions were applied. Results showed that the internal motivation was positively correlated with the suprapersonal values, specifically maturity, beauty and knowledge. Moreover, the external motivation did correlate, predominantly, with the achievement values, specifically those of prestige and privacy. Such

  14. Las pruebas intradérmicas de evaluación de competencia celular Estudio comparativo entre antígenos clásicos y otros antígenos

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    Miguel Guzmán


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio comparativo en la respuesta de hipersensibilidad demorada frente a 4 antígenos universalmente recomendados. Tuberculina (TU. Candidina (CA, Streptokinasa/Streptodornasa (SK/SD y virus de Parotiditis (PA con otros antígenos de uso menos común tal como Antígeno-Respiratorio-Mixto (ARM y lisado de Staphylococcus aureus 80/81 (LS. De igual manera se estudió la respuesta al Dinitroclorobenceno (DNCB. La población probada fue de 49 personas normales con edades entre 18-23 años. Los resultados mostraron que la reactividad para ARM es de 91,8%, para LS 91.8%. para Candidina 75%. para TU (10U 24.4%. pare SK/SD de solo 6.8% y para Parotiditis 6,1%. Los estudios con DNCB permiten aconsejar su uso solo en casos muy especiales. El trabajo presentado sugiere una normalización en la lectura y el uso de 4 antígenos con la más alta frecuencia de positividad dentro del grupo probado así: ARM, LS, CA, y TU.

  15. Ants defend aphids against lethal disease (United States)

    Nielsen, Charlotte; Agrawal, Anurag A.; Hajek, Ann E.


    Social insects defend their own colonies and some species also protect their mutualist partners. In mutualisms with aphids, ants typically feed on honeydew produced by aphids and, in turn guard and shelter aphid colonies from insect natural enemies. Here we report that Formica podzolica ants tending milkweed aphids, Aphis asclepiadis, protect aphid colonies from lethal fungal infections caused by an obligate aphid pathogen, Pandora neoaphidis. In field experiments, bodies of fungal-killed aphids were quickly removed from ant-tended aphid colonies. Ant workers were also able to detect infective conidia on the cuticle of living aphids and responded by either removing or grooming these aphids. Our results extend the long-standing view of ants as mutualists and protectors of aphids by demonstrating focused sanitizing and quarantining behaviour that may lead to reduced disease transmission in aphid colonies. PMID:19923138

  16. Uso del Instrumento Militar en la Política Antártica – Elementos para el Análisis y su Aplicación en el Caso de Argentina

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    Gabriel De Paula


    Full Text Available En la mayor parte de los países con intereses en la Antártida, las Fuerzas Armadas (el instrumento militar realizan funciones logísticas, como el abastecimiento o el movimiento de personal. Incluso, en algunos países, como en Argentina, la campaña antártica es planificada por las Fuerzas Armadas. Por otro lado, en algunos casos, encontramos en la Antártida países donde las Fuerzas Armadas pueden desarrollar, además de la función logística, una función que denominaremos "ocupación efectiva". Esta última está relacionada a las reclamaciones de soberanía en suspenso por el Tratado Antártico. Se estudian ambas funciones desde el marco jurídico del sistema del Tratado Antártico y desde los ejemplos de la política antártica de algunos países. En particular, dada la superposición de áreas reclamadas, se analizarán componentes de la política antártica argentina, chilena y británica. En el plano específicamente militar, se desarrollan aspectos del diseño de fuerzas para llevar a cabo las misiones en la campaña antártica. Estos son: adaptación, especialización y preparación. Los tres conceptos tienen que ver con las capacidades necesarias para operar en el ambiente antártico. Se realiza también una breve mención a la cooperación militar en el plano logístico. Por último, se lleva a cabo una comparación entre las relaciones internacionales en el Ártico y las "relaciones antárticas", dado que hay actores (como Rusia y EE.UU. con intereses en ambos polos.

  17. Evaluación de Electroinmunotransferencia utilizando antígeno mix nativo purificado de líquido de cisticerco de Taenia solium para el diagnóstico de cisticercosis humana

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    Eduardo Ayala-Sulca

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar la eficacia de la prueba electroinmunotransferencia (EITB para la detección de cisticercosis humana utilizando antígeno mix nativo purificado de líquido de cisticerco de Taenia solium. Material y métodos. Estudio observacional de evaluación de prueba diagnóstica. El antígeno mix nativo purificado se extrajo del líquido de cisticerco de cerdos naturalmente parasitados de áreas consideradas endémicas, se evaluó y seleccionó uno de los cuatro métodos de purificación: sulfato de amonio, lecitina de lentejas-sefarosa, Sephadex G-75 y electro-elución. La sensibilidad del antígeno purificado se determinó con EITB y fue evaluada con 50 sueros positivos a cisticercosis y la especificidad con 50 sueros negativos a cisticercosis (20 libres de infección parasitaria y 30 positivos a diferentes parasitosis. Resultados. La concentración óptima del antígeno mix nativo purificado para preparar las tiras EITB fue de 0,82 µg/mm. Por cromatografía de afinidad con lectina de lentejas- sefarosa se visualizaron y purificaron ocho glicoproteínas antigénicas específicas, siendo sus masas relativas de: 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24, 31 y 35 kDa; los antígenos purificados obtenidos por los otros métodos no fueron evaluados por EITB, porque no correspondieron a las proteínas antigénicas específicas consideradas entre 13 y 35 KDa. La prueba de EITB utilizando antígeno mix nativo purificado presentó 100% de sensibilidad y 100% de especificidad. Conclusiones. El antígeno mix nativo purificado mejora la eficiencia diagnóstica de la prueba de EITB. Recomendamos la preparación de un kit in house y su validación en campo para que pueda transferirse e implementarse en laboratorios de zonas endémicas del Perú

  18. In vitro studies of ante-mortem proliferation kinetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McBride, W.H.; Withers, H.R.


    Using K562 human erythroblastoid cells, it was concluded that dose fractionation has no discrepant effect on the ante-mortem proliferation kinetics of doomed cells as opposed to clonogenic cell survival and that effects on ante-mortem proliferation kinetics cannot be solely responsible for the differences in fractionation response between early and late responding tissues. (UK)

  19. Modelling Vulnerability and Range Shifts in Ant Communities Responding to Future Global Warming in Temperate Forests. (United States)

    Kwon, Tae-Sung; Li, Fengqing; Kim, Sung-Soo; Chun, Jung Hwa; Park, Young-Seuk


    Global warming is likely leading to species' distributional shifts, resulting in changes in local community compositions and diversity patterns. In this study, we applied species distribution models to evaluate the potential impacts of temperature increase on ant communities in Korean temperate forests, by testing hypotheses that 1) the risk of extinction of forest ant species would increase over time, and 2) the changes in species distribution ranges could drive upward movements of ant communities and further alter patterns of species richness. We sampled ant communities at 335 evenly distributed sites across South Korea and modelled the future distribution range for each species using generalized additive models. To account for spatial autocorrelation, autocovariate regressions were conducted prior to generalized additive models. Among 29 common ant species, 12 species were estimated to shrink their suitable geographic areas, whereas five species would benefit from future global warming. Species richness was highest at low altitudes in the current period, and it was projected to be highest at the mid-altitudes in the 2080s, resulting in an upward movement of 4.9 m yr-1. This altered the altitudinal pattern of species richness from a monotonic-decrease curve (common in temperate regions) to a bell-shaped curve (common in tropical regions). Overall, ant communities in temperate forests are vulnerable to the on-going global warming and their altitudinal movements are similar to other faunal communities.

  20. Hospitales seguros ante desastres


    Celso Vladimir Bambaren Alatrista; María Del Socorro Alatrista Gutierrez


    Entre 1982 a 2005 se registraron daños en 1 143 establecimientos de salud en el Perú, generalmente debido a sismos, lluvias e inundaciones. Los daños en los servicios de salud producen la interrupción de la atención de la población y de los programas de salud, así como generan un gran gasto para la rehabilitación y reconstrucción. Por ello, se requiere proteger a los establecimientos de salud y desarrollar una política de hospitales seguros ante desastres que incluya medidas para prevenir o r...

  1. Polarized light use in the nocturnal bull ant, Myrmecia midas. (United States)

    Freas, Cody A; Narendra, Ajay; Lemesle, Corentin; Cheng, Ken


    Solitary foraging ants have a navigational toolkit, which includes the use of both terrestrial and celestial visual cues, allowing individuals to successfully pilot between food sources and their nest. One such celestial cue is the polarization pattern in the overhead sky. Here, we explore the use of polarized light during outbound and inbound journeys and with different home vectors in the nocturnal bull ant, Myrmecia midas . We tested foragers on both portions of the foraging trip by rotating the overhead polarization pattern by ±45°. Both outbound and inbound foragers responded to the polarized light change, but the extent to which they responded to the rotation varied. Outbound ants, both close to and further from the nest, compensated for the change in the overhead e-vector by about half of the manipulation, suggesting that outbound ants choose a compromise heading between the celestial and terrestrial compass cues. However, ants returning home compensated for the change in the e-vector by about half of the manipulation when the remaining home vector was short (1-2 m) and by more than half of the manipulation when the remaining vector was long (more than 4 m). We report these findings and discuss why weighting on polarization cues change in different contexts.

  2. Reprodutibilidade e estabilidade de antígenos preparados de culturas de Trypanosoma cruzi para reações de fixação do complemento

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    José Oliveira de Almeida


    Full Text Available Antígenos preparados de culturas de Trypanosoma cruzi foram experimentados com um sôro chagásico de referência, em reações quantitativas de fixação do complemento. Quatro deles foram liofilizados em pequenos volumes e mantidos em geladeira. Um outro foi mantido em estado líquido, com az ida sódica e a 3-6º C. Os títulos do complexo-imune, em termos de sôro ou de antígeno foram determinados como a inclinação da linha de regressão traçada quando se projetam as quantidades de complexo (em termos de sôro ou de antígeno necessárias para 50% de hemólise contra o número de unidades de complemento usadas na reação. Dividindo-se o título do antígeno pelo título do sôro, obtem-se um índice de reatividade específica (I.R.E., que informa sobre a reprodutibilidade e estabilidade do antígeno. Examinando os antígenos, de frascos colhidos ao acaso, verificou-se que os antígenos B.W. 89 e CDC 10-75 apresentaram um I.R.E. com pequena diferença entre as amostras, enquanto maior variação foi observada com os antígenos B.W. 105 e 760130. Antígenos reconstituídose mantidos em geladeira, até oito meses, perdiam lentamente sua capacidade reativa, com exceção do antígeno B.W. 89 e CDC 10-75. Os dados sugerem que o uso de antígenos de para reações de fixação do complemento devem ser empregados quando reconstituídos, evitando-se sua manutenção em estado líquido, pela queda do seu poder fixador.Antigens prepared from cultures of Trypanosoma cruzi were tested by the quantitative complemento fixation test, with a Chagasic reference serum. The titer was computed as the slope of the linear relatioship between antigen (or serum required for 50% hemolysis and the amount of complement present. When the antigen titer was divided by the serum titer, an index of specific reactivity was obtained. From the values of this index the reprodutibility of antigens was evaluated and also the decay of the capacity of the reativity against

  3. Evaluación de un antígeno de Brucella abortus para aglutinación en placa como prueba tamiz en el diagnóstico de la brucelosis bovina

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    David Rajme-Manzur


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo obtener y validar un antígeno buferado de Brucella abortus para la prueba de aglutinación en placa como prueba diagnóstica de base de la brucelosis bovina. Se formularon tres lotes de antígeno a partir de la multiplicación de la cepa 99 de Brucella abortus. Se realizaron los controles de calidad correspondientes (determinación de pH, volumen celular, esterilidad, capacidad buferante y las pruebas serológicas para la evaluación del desempeño. Se emplearon 1070 muestras de suero bovino (350 positivas y 720 negativas previamente controladas con las pruebas de diagnóstico establecidas. Se determinó la sensibilidad y especificidad diagnóstica y relativa, los valores predictivos positivos y negativos, la eficacia y la concordancia. En los tres lotes todas las características evaluadas resultaron estar dentro de los parámetros establecidos para este tipo de producto. La especificidad y sensibilidad diagnósticas fueron de 99,5% y 100% respectivamente. El valor predictivo positivo fue de 99,1%, el valor predictivo negativo fue de 100% y la eficacia de un 99,7%. El antígeno mostró una sensibilidad y especificidad relativas de un 100% y la concordancia resultó ser clasificada como muy buena. La evaluación del desempeño arrojó resultados satisfactorios, demostrando que el método de producción empleado es factible para la obtención de un producto con adecuada eficacia.

  4. Evaluación del Cisticerco Longicollis de Taenia Crassiceps como Fuente de Antígeno para el Diagnóstico de la Neurocisticercosis.

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    Jorge Humberto Botero Garcés



    La sensibilidad del inmunoblot se ha visto afectada por el diseño metodológico, la evolución de la enfermedad y principalmente el tipo de antígeno utilizado Para evitar estos inconvenientes, algunos grupos de investigadores han realizado un gran esfuerzo por buscar cisticercos de otras Taenias que compartan moléculas con T. solium y puedan ser utilizados como antígenos heterólogos para las pruebas inmunológicas, por lo que se ha planteado la posibilidad de emplear el cisticerco longicollis de Taenia crassiceps. Taenia crassiceps es un metacéstodo que infecta de forma natural a los zorros rojos (Vulpes vulpes, lobos (Canis lupuis y otros pequeños roedores hasta ahora reportados en Europa y Ontario (20, presenta una alta tasa de reproducción, la cual se debe a la propiedad de reproducirse asexualmente por gemación en la zona opuesta al éscolex tanto en la parte externa como en la parte interna del cisticerco, una característica que muy pocos parásitos pueden desarrollar (4.

    Cuando se realizan infecciones orales experimentales de hospederos intermediarios incluyendo al ratón, los huevos ingeridos se desarrollan como metacéstodos en la fascia, el tejido muscular, el tejido peritoneal, el riñón, el pericardio, etc, mientras que cuando se realizan infecciones por inoculación intraperitoneal, los cisticercos se quedan confinados en la cavidad abdominal (4.

    Algunos estudios comparativos entre cisiticerco longicollis y cisticerco cellulosae han demostrado que los antígenos de T. crassiceps pueden ser tan sensibles y específicos como los de T. solium (1,9-12. García y colaboradores sugieren que el antígeno obtenido de T. solium puede ser sustituido por el antígeno obtenido de T. crassiceps pues además de reaccionar cruzadamente con los péptidos de c. cellulosae en las pruebas inmunológicas y de obtenerse una muy buena reproducibilidad, ofrece varias ventajas por cuanto puede ser fácilmente mantenido en animales de laboratorio, lo que representa la

  5. Los medios ante las catástrofes y crisis humanitarias: propuestas para una función social del periodismo


    Toledano, S. (Samuel); Ardévol-Abreu, A. (Alberto)


    Los medios de comunicación deben desempeñar una función social, al servicio del público al que se dirigen. Esta labor es especialmente importante ante determinados acontecimientos de gran impacto social, como las catástrofes y las crisis humanitarias. En este estudio se llevó a cabo un análisis de códigos deontológicos, libros de estilo y otras herramientas de autorregulación, sin que hallaran recomendaciones específicas para la cobertura adecuada de estas situaciones. Un análisis...

  6. Extracción y caracterización de antígeno micelial de Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Bernarda Cuadrado


    Full Text Available Este estudio presenta la estandarización y caracterización antigénica de un extracto micelial de Aspergillus fumigatus, con el fin de utilizarlo posteriormente en pruebas diagnósticas de aspergilosis pulmonar. Para la evaluación del antígeno micelial, se emplearon técnicas de doble inmunodifusión (DD, contra inmunoelectroforesis (CIE+ ID y enzimoinmuno ensayo (ELISA, comparando sus resultados con un antígeno de referencia. La concentración de proteínas y carbohidratos del antígeno estudiado fue de 8.800pglmL y 2.452 pg/mL respectivamente, muy similares a los encontrados en el antígeno de referencia. Los antígenos analizados presentaron bandas de identidad total y parcial en la DD. No hubo bandas de precipitinas al enfrentar ambos antígenos con 20 sueros negativos, utilizando las pruebas de DD y CIE+ID. En la ClE+lD se presentaron precipitinas en los lados anódico y catódico de ambos antígenos. El punto de corte determinado en la prueba de ELlSA para el antígeno del estudio fué de 0,352, con un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Es posible concluir que el antígeno micelial estudiado puede ser empleado en pruebas serológicas diagnósticas.

  7. Michael Jackson antes del caos


    Juan Luciano Nieves


    Michael Jackson es un buen ejemplo de cómo utilizar las relaciones públicas para realizar o manipular la imagen de un producto a través de los medios de comunicación. Este ensayo pretende analizar los eventos que tuvieron lugar antes de que el cantante fuera acusado de abuso sexual contra un menor. Dichos eventos formaron parte de un plan muy bien delineado para disminuir los efectos de la inminente crisis que se acercaba. Este trabajo combina la crítica retórica de temas de fantasía con teor...

  8. The Pied Piper: A Parasitic Beetle's Melodies Modulate Ant Behaviours.

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    Andrea Di Giulio

    Full Text Available Ants use various communication channels to regulate their social organisation. The main channel that drives almost all the ants' activities and behaviours is the chemical one, but it is long acknowledged that the acoustic channel also plays an important role. However, very little is known regarding exploitation of the acoustical channel by myrmecophile parasites to infiltrate the ant society. Among social parasites, the ant nest beetles (Paussus are obligate myrmecophiles able to move throughout the colony at will and prey on the ants, surprisingly never eliciting aggression from the colonies. It has been recently postulated that stridulatory organs in Paussus might be evolved as an acoustic mechanism to interact with ants. Here, we survey the role of acoustic signals employed in the Paussus beetle-Pheidole ant system. Ants parasitised by Paussus beetles produce caste-specific stridulations. We found that Paussus can "speak" three different "languages", each similar to sounds produced by different ant castes (workers, soldiers, queen. Playback experiments were used to test how host ants respond to the sounds emitted by Paussus. Our data suggest that, by mimicking the stridulations of the queen, Paussus is able to dupe the workers of its host and to be treated as royalty. This is the first report of acoustic mimicry in a beetle parasite of ants.

  9. Ant- and Ant-Colony-Inspired ALife Visual Art. (United States)

    Greenfield, Gary; Machado, Penousal


    Ant- and ant-colony-inspired ALife art is characterized by the artistic exploration of the emerging collective behavior of computational agents, developed using ants as a metaphor. We present a chronology that documents the emergence and history of such visual art, contextualize ant- and ant-colony-inspired art within generative art practices, and consider how it relates to other ALife art. We survey many of the algorithms that artists have used in this genre, address some of their aims, and explore the relationships between ant- and ant-colony-inspired art and research on ant and ant colony behavior.

  10. Valores e motivações para responder sem preconceito frente a homossexuais

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    Valdiney Veloso Gouveia


    Full Text Available Neste artigo se objetivou conhecer os correlatos valorativos das motivações interna e externa para encarar sem preconceito a homossexualidade. Foram realizados dois estudos. No Estudo 1 participaram 234 pessoas de João Pessoa, com idade média de 26 anos, que responderam à Escala de Motivações para Responder sem Precocietos Frente a Gays e ao Questionário dos Valores Básicos e perguntas demográficas. A motivação interna se correlacionou com as subfunções suprapessoal (+ e normativa (-, enquanto a motivação externa o fez com existência (+ e normativa (+. O Estudo 2 reuniu 202 pessoas da mesma população, com idade média de 25 anos. Elas responderam os mesmos instrumentos, tendo as lésbicas como grupo-alvo. As motivações interna e externa se correlacionaram com a subfunção normativa (- e +, respectivamente. Concluindo, os valores predisseram adequadamente as motivações para olhar sem preconceito a homossexualidade e os achados foram discutidos a partir do modelo dual de valores.


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    Bonie Johana Restrepo Cuestas

    Full Text Available Este artículo plantea una metodología para la caracterización de luminarias de haluro metálico, ante eventos sag. Inicialmente, se diseñó y construyó un generador de eventos sag. Luego, se planteó un esquema de pruebas, que fue utilizado para analizar el comportamiento de un tipo de luminarias de alta densidad de descarga tipo Metal Halide, ante eventos sag. Finalmente, tomando como referente el estándar SEMI F-47, se realizó la construcción de una curva característica que muestra la región de operación de la luminaria.

  12. ANT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van der Duim, René; Ren, Carina Bregnholm; Jóhannesson, Gunnar Thór


    Ten years ago actor-network theory (ANT) entered this journal. To illustrate how the relational ontology and sensibilities of ANT lend themselves to particular kinds of research, we first interrogate the main controversies as a way to open up and discuss the main premises of ANT. These debates...... concern the status and agency of objects and non-humans, ANT’s denial of the explanatory power of social structures, and the political implications of ANT. Second we present ANT’s relevance for tourism studies and discuss what ANT ‘does’ in practice. After summarizing a decade of relations between ANT...... and tourism, we conclude by tracing three future trajectories of how we have ‘moved away with’ ANT into new areas of discovery....

  13. The invasive ant, Solenopsis invicta, reduces herpetofauna richness and abundance (United States)

    Allen, Craig R.; Birge, Hannah E.; Slater, J.; Wiggers, E.


    Amphibians and reptiles are declining globally. One potential cause of this decline includes impacts resulting from co-occurrence with non-native red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Although a growing body of anecdotal and observational evidence from laboratory experiments supports this hypothesis, there remains a lack of field scale manipulations testing the effect of fire ants on reptile and amphibian communities. We addressed this gap by measuring reptile and amphibian (“herpetofauna”) community response to successful fire ant reductions over the course of 2 years following hydramethylnon application to five 100–200 ha plots in southeastern coastal South Carolina. By assessing changes in relative abundance and species richness of herpetofauna in response to fire ant reductions, we were able to assess whether some species were particularly vulnerable to fire ant presence, and whether this sensitivity manifested at the community level. We found that herpetofauna abundance and species richness responded positively to fire ant reductions. Our results document that even moderate populations of red imported fire ants decrease both the abundance and diversity of herpetofauna. Given global herpetofauna population declines and continued spread of fire ants, there is urgency to understand the impacts of fire ants beyond anecdotal and singles species studies. Our results provides the first community level investigation addressing these dynamics, by manipulating fire ant abundance to reveal a response in herpetofauna species abundance and richness.

  14. La Enfermera Comunitaria focaliza la resiliencia del escolar ante la violencia para el fomento de la salud escolar y familiar


    Marina Sánchez-Sanabria


    La misión educativa institucional es cada vez mas imposible de lograr ante los problemas de violencia intrafamiliar y escolar, situación que es retomada por el grupo de investigación Control de Calidad de los Procesos en Salud para promover el entorno cultural saludable en la promoción de la Resiliencia que incida en la adopción de comportamientos saludables y prósperos. El estudio se realizó en una escuela de la comuna cinco de Valledupar-Colombia. Es una investigación cualitativa etnográfic...


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    Zúñiga Vargas Juan Pablo


    Full Text Available Resumen:El presente artículo reporta las conclusiones obtenidas en un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo fue determinar la eficacia de responder a los escritos de los estudiantes por medio de la conferencia vía correo electrónico. Dicho proyecto de investigación se realizó con nueve profesores de la facultad de ingeniería y un estudiante avanzado de ingeniería de una universidad pública de Costa Rica durante el segundo semestre del año 2008. Para reunir información para tal proyecto se utilizaron dos cuestionarios, formularios para conferencia, reflexiones del instructor y reflexiones de los estudiantes. Un número reducido de los estudiantes completó los instrumentos y participó en la interacción por medio de conferencias que se esperaba de ellos. Aún así, los estudiantes encuestados y el instructor consideraron que el método de la conferencia fue eficaz. No obstante, es necesario realizar más investigación con el fin de obtener resultados concluyentes sobre la efectividad de la conferencia vía correo electrónico para responder a los escritos de los estudiantes. Se ofrecen sugerencias para investigaciones futuras.Abstract:This article reports the findings obtained in a research project that aimed at determining the efficiency of responding to student writing by means of conferencing via e-mail. Such research project was carried out with nine professors from the faculty of engineering and one advanced engineering student at a public university in Costa Rica during the second semester in the year 2008. To collect information for this project, two questionnaires, conferencing forms, instructors’ reflections, and student reflections were used. A reduced number of the students completed the instruments and took part in the conferencing exchanges expected of them, yet both the surveyed students and the instructor found conferencing efficient. Still, more research is needed in order obtain conclusive results about the

  16. Michael Jackson antes del caos

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    Juan Luciano Nieves


    Full Text Available Michael Jackson es un buen ejemplo de cómo utilizar las relaciones públicas para realizar o manipular la imagen de un producto a través de los medios de comunicación. Este ensayo pretende analizar los eventos que tuvieron lugar antes de que el cantante fuera acusado de abuso sexual contra un menor. Dichos eventos formaron parte de un plan muy bien delineado para disminuir los efectos de la inminente crisis que se acercaba. Este trabajo combina la crítica retórica de temas de fantasía con teoría de comunicación.

  17. Frequência dos antígenos eritrocitários do sistema AB em felinos domésticos no estado da Paraíba

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    Rodrigo de S. Mendes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo determinar a frequência de antígenos eritrocitários do sistema AB em felinos domésticos da Paraíba, Brasil. Foram selecionados aleatoriamente 178 gatos, clinicamente saudáveis, sem pré-requisitos quanto a sexo ou raça, com peso corporal acima de 1,5 kg e faixa etária acima de um ano de idade, abordados no ato da consulta ambulatorial em clínicas médicas de pequenos animais distribuídas entre três cidades da Paraíba (João Pessoa, Campina Grande e Patos. A determinação dos tipos sanguíneos foi realizada através do teste de hemaglutinação em tubo de ensaio e, a tipagem reversa foi realizada para as amostras tipos B e AB para confirmação e evidenciação de aloanticorpos naturais. Neste estudo a frequência relativa de antígenos eritrocitários A, B e AB em sua totalidade para felinos sem raça foram 98,1%, 1,21% e 0,69%, respectivamente. Todos os felinos com definição racial foram do tipo sanguíneo A. Diante destes, a probabilidade de ocorrência de reações transfusionais aleatórias obtidas foi de 2,78%, sendo cerca 40% (1,11% potencialmente fatais. Desta forma, dado o conhecimento da frequência dos diferentes tipos sanguíneos em felinos, de uma determinada região, conclui-se que a tipagem sanguínea e o teste de compatibilidade, são importantes ferramentas que permitem ao médico veterinário tomar medidas preventivas que minimizem riscos de ocorrência de reações transfusionais e isoeletrólise neonatal e, estabelece pré-requisitos a respeito dos riscos de procedimentos hemoterápicos em felinos que circunstancialmente necessitem serem conduzidos de forma aleatória.

  18. Mecanismos de procesamiento y presentación de antígeno en el sistema inmune

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    Jean Paul Vernot


    Full Text Available El sistema inmune muestra una gran versatilidad para reconocer y responder a una gran cantidad de macromoléculas extrañas o antígenos (Ag, eliminándolos y evitando a la vez reaccionar con constituyentes propios (1. Esto se realiza por la colaboración de linfocitos B (LB y de linfocitos T (LT que expresan un conjunto diferente de receptores. Aunque el receptor del LB (Inmunoglobulina y el del LT (TCR son similares en algunos aspectos y son codificados por secuencias de la misma familia de genes (2, difieren en la manera como reconocen el Ag. Mientras los LB reaccionan con el Ag en forma nativa, los LT son incapaces de discriminar entre la forma nativa y la denaturada (3.

  19. Urban physiology: city ants possess high heat tolerance.

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    Michael J Angilletta

    Full Text Available Urbanization has caused regional increases in temperature that exceed those measured on a global scale, leading to urban heat islands as much as 12 degrees C hotter than their surroundings. Optimality models predict ectotherms in urban areas should tolerate heat better and cold worse than ectotherms in rural areas. We tested these predications by measuring heat and cold tolerances of leaf-cutter ants from South America's largest city (São Paulo, Brazil. Specifically, we compared thermal tolerances of ants from inside and outside of the city. Knock-down resistance and chill-coma recovery were used as indicators of heat and cold tolerances, respectively. Ants from within the city took 20% longer to lose mobility at 42 degrees C than ants from outside the city. Interestingly, greater heat tolerance came at no obvious expense of cold tolerance; hence, our observations only partially support current theory. Our results indicate that thermal tolerances of some organisms can respond to rapid changes in climate. Predictive models should account for acclimatory and evolutionary responses during climate change.

  20. Avaliação do antígeno SAG2a recombinante de Toxoplasma gondii como um potencial marcador diagnóstico para Toxoplasmose humana aguda


    Béla, Samantha Ribeiro


    Proteínas recombinantes têm sido utilizadas para o diagnóstico sorológico da infecção por Toxoplasma gondii para diferenciar entre as fases aguda e crônica da toxoplasmose. Neste estudo, foi avaliada a reatividade de anticorpos IgG e IgG1 através de imunoensaios em soros de pacientes com toxoplasmose aguda e crônica dirigidos contra dois antígenos recombinantes clonados e expressos em E. coli, SAG2A (molécula recombinante total) e SAG2A(DELTA) (molécula recombinante deletada do...

  1. Evaluación de las medidas de eficiencia energética para la estación antártica ecuatoriana Pedro Vicente Maldonado a través del modelo de energía calibrada para edificaciones

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    Isabel Miño


    Full Text Available En la Antártica, un continente sensible a las actividades humanas y un lugar estratégico para la investigación de los efectos producidos por el cambio climático, es importante que los proyectos desarrollados ahí minimicen su impacto medioambiental. Bajo este concepto, la estación antártica Pedro Vicente Maldonado, construida en 1990 y operada por Ecuador durante el verano austral, se convertirá dentro de pocos años en una estación permanente. Por ello y con el fin de optimizar el consumo energético, se han analizado diversas medidas de eficiencia energética de acuerdo a un modelo energético basado en el actual consumo de diésel para calefacción. Los resultados de este estudio demuestran que los elementos de la envolvente del edificio, por donde se pierde gran parte de la energía, son el piso y el techo. Por otro lado, debido a la baja relación ventana-paredes de la estación, la reducción en el consumo de diésel generado por el uso de vidrios triple y cuádruple no es significativa. Al combinar diferentes medidas de eficiencia energética, se puede ahorrar hasta un 50% del consumo anual de diésel para calefacción si se compara con el consumo que tendría la estación actual operando en forma permanente. Este estudio servirá de referencia para implementar los cambios necesarios en dicha estación.

  2. Hospitales seguros ante desastres

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    Celso Vladimir Bambaren Alatrista


    Full Text Available Entre 1982 a 2005 se registraron daños en 1 143 establecimientos de salud en el Perú, generalmente debido a sismos, lluvias e inundaciones. Los daños en los servicios de salud producen la interrupción de la atención de la población y de los programas de salud, así como generan un gran gasto para la rehabilitación y reconstrucción. Por ello, se requiere proteger a los establecimientos de salud y desarrollar una política de hospitales seguros ante desastres que incluya medidas para prevenir o reducción de la vulnerabilidad estructural, no estructural y funcional en los nuevos establecimientos y en los existentes.(Rev Med Hered 2007;18:149-154.

  3. A influência dos modos de variabilidade climática na temperatura em superfície na Antártica

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    Douglas da Silva Lindemann


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa a variação sazonal da temperatura do ar à superfície (Tar na Antártica, e sua relação com os modos de variabilidade climática El Niño-Oscilação Sul (ENOS e Oscilação Antártica (OA. Os resultados indicam que para os 4 períodos sazonais as Tar nas estações localizadas no setor oriental da Antártica apresentaram significativas correlações negativas (nível de significância de 1% na maioria das estações com a OA. Todavia o único período sazonal, em que o setor continental (Amundsen-Scott, Dome C apresentou forte correlação negativa com a OA, foi durante o inverno (significativa a 1%. Correlações positivas foram encontradas (significâncias entre 1% e 5% entre as Tar da Península Antártica e Shetland do Sul com a OA para os períodos de outono, inverno e primavera. Os resultados demonstram a influência que a OA exerce sobre a climatologia da Tar na Antártica. É importante notar um dipolo entre as regiões oriental da Antártica e da Península Antártica, no que concerne as influências da OA. O modo de variabilidade ENOS apresentou correlação negativa significativa com as três estações da Península Antártica somente durante a primavera, enquanto que para a estação Rothera, à oeste da Península, a correlação foi significativa também para o outono e inverno. A correlação entre ENOS e Tar foi positiva e significativa no setor do Mar de Ross durante a primavera, e com o setor oriental da Antártica durante o verão, com nível de significância chegando a 5%.





    Se presentan los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivos: explorar la utilidad de la terapia grupal para hacer frente a los efectos de las experiencias paranormales y explorar cómo la terapia humanista produce cambios positivos hacia las experiencias anómalo/paranormales. Se les pidió a la muestra (N= 20, rango 22-71 años, M= 45,65, DT= 12,52), 65 % mujeres y 35 % varones, responder un cuestionario autoadministrado de siete preguntas antes y al finalizar su participación en un...

  5. La vivienda ante emergencias

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    Arq. María Eugenia Gonzàlez Chipont


    Full Text Available Este trabajo propone analizar la evolución de la vivienda como respuesta ante emergencias desde principios del siglo XX hasta nuestros días. La secuencia de casos a analizar no sigue una cronología estricta sino que se organiza en función de un creciente grado de complejidad. Comienza con los aportes fundamentales de la vivienda mínima del movimiento moderno, con un fuerte acento en lo tecnológico, para ir profundizando, mientras avanzamos en el siglo, en los aspectos sociales de la arquitectura. Sin intentar oponer lo tecnológico y lo social, la estructura propuesta expresa un enriquecimiento de la cuestión técnica conforme se van ampliando sus objetivos sociales. Mientras los requerimientos tecnológicos como la inmediatez y la masividad de la respuesta, permanecen a lo largo del tiempo, la vivienda ante emergencias puede plantearse objetivos sociales cada vez más profundos. Los casos fueron elegidos a partir de autores renombrados de la Historia de la Arquitectura partiendo de ejemplos cercanos a la génesis del movimiento moderno para acercarnos cada vez más hacia el contexto actual de Latinoamérica. Se logra así un barrido geográfco pero principalmente cultural: desde las fuentes de la modernidad, bajo el paradigma sólido de la industrialización, hasta la inestabilidad de la ciudad posindustrial latinoamericana

  6. El desarrollo de las competencias emocionales como medio para promover la conciencia crítica ante los medios de comunicación


    Carreño Gutiez, Laura


    Esta comunicación presenta una revisión de las teorías cognitivas sobre emociones e Inteligencia emocional. Los estudios señalan la existencia de metahabilidades que pueden ser categorizadas en cinco competencias o dimensiones emocionales. Cada una de ellas, se puede trabajar por separado en el aula mediante el uso de los medios de comunicación. Formar al alumnado en educación emocional facilitará una conciencia crítica ante los medios de comunicación. Se aportan varias propuestas para que lo...

  7. La Enfermera Comunitaria focaliza la resiliencia del escolar ante la violencia para el fomento de la salud escolar y familiar

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    Marina Sánchez-Sanabria


    Full Text Available La misión educativa institucional es cada vez mas imposible de lograr ante los problemas de violencia intrafamiliar y escolar, situación que es retomada por el grupo de investigación Control de Calidad de los Procesos en Salud para promover el entorno cultural saludable en la promoción de la Resiliencia que incida en la adopción de comportamientos saludables y prósperos. El estudio se realizó en una escuela de la comuna cinco de Valledupar-Colombia. Es una investigación cualitativa etnográfico con diseño de “Grupo Focal,” para analizar todo el contexto del escolar afectado en las áreas social, afectiva y personal permitiendo develar el dignificado de la Resiliencia El rol de enfermería comunitaria debe favorecer el desarrollo de la capacidad humana del niño que vive en violencia continua para enfrentar, sobreponerse y ser fortalecido o transformado por las experiencias de adversidad” (Grotberg, 1995, como tema central del presente estudio, precisando posibles mecanismos que apuntaron al desarrollo de la autonomía para su autocuidado y adaptación de la disciplina, la mediación, la competencia social, entre las más relevantes , favorece la funcionalidad del hogar, entornos saludables y escuela saludable por parte de un equipo transdisciplinar.

  8. Reaction of mutualistic and granivorous ants to ulex elaiosome chemicals. (United States)

    Gammans, Nicola; Bullock, James M; Gibbons, Hannah; Schönrogge, Karsten


    It has been proposed that chemicals on plant elaiosomes aid seed detection by seed-dispersing ants. We hypothesized that the chemical interaction between ants and elaiosomes is more intimate than a generic attraction, and that elaiosome chemicals will attract mutualistic but not granivorous ant species. We investigated this by using two gorse species, Ulex minor and U. europaeus, and two associated ant species from European heathlands, the mutualist Myrmica ruginodis and the granivore Tetramorium caespitum. Behavioral studies were conducted with laboratory nests and foraging arenas. Both ants will take Ulex seeds, but while M. ruginodis showed increased antennation toward ether extracts of elaiosome surface chemicals compared with controls, T. caespitum showed no response. Elaiosome extracts were separated into seven lipid fractions. M. ruginodis showed increased antennation only toward the diglyceride fractions of both Ulex species, whereas T. caespitum showed no consistent reaction. This indicates that M. ruginodis can detect the elaiosome by responding to its surface chemicals, but T. caespitum is unresponsive to these chemicals. Responses to surface chemicals could increase the rate of seed detection in the field, and so these results suggest that Ulex elaiosomes produce chemicals that facilitate attraction of mutualistic rather than granivorous ant species. This could reduce seed predation and increase Ulex fitness.

  9. Examen de post-efecto para experiencias anómalo/ paranormales con un abordaje humanista


    Alejandro Parra; Juan Manuel Corbetta


    Se presentan los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivos: explorar la utilidad de la terapia grupal para hacer frente a los efectos de las experiencias paranormales y explorar cómo la terapia humanista produce cambios positivos hacia las experiencias anómalo/paranormales. Se les pidió a la muestra (N= 20, rango 22-71 años, M= 45,65, DT= 12,52), 65 % mujeres y 35 % varones, responder un cuestionario autoadministrado de siete preguntas antes y al finalizar su participación en un...

  10. La ética de la liberación ante la ética del discurso

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    Dussel, Enrique


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    En este artículo el autor responde a cuatro objeciones que Karí-Otto Apel desarrolla en el trabajo: «La ética del Discurso ante el desafío de la Filosofía de la Liberación» (lsegoría 11, pp. 108•125. 1 La miseria, que es una evidencia de exigencia ética, necesita para alcanzar validez intersubjetiva de la mediación hermenéutica de las ciencias sociales criticas. 2 En el nivel ideológico la Filosofía de la Liberación no acepta ser criticada de historicisrno y de un cierto econornicismo marxista Standard, ya que reconstruye el pensamiento de Marx de manera original. 3 La trascendentalidad trans-ontológica que propone la Filosofía de la Liberación es propia de la alteridad de tipo levínasíano, 4 Aunque se acepta la necesidad de efectuar una fundamentación formal antiescéptica, lo que importa ética y materialmente es la demostración ante el cínico que pretende justificar la muerte de la verdad ética de la praxis de liberación.

  11. Emprego do antígeno tríplice, em fixação do complemento em placa para exclusão sorológica da moléstia de Chagas, Sífilis e Brucelose

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    Therezinha Aparecida Cunha


    Full Text Available O método de fixação de complemento em gotas, sobre placas de plástico, usando antígeno misto de cardiolipina, suspensão de brucelas e extrato de T. cruzi, foi utilizado no exame de 112.365 soros provenientes de bancos de sangue e do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto. Os 18.279 soros que reagiram com o antígeno tríplice foram re-examinados com cada um dos antígenos, verificando-se que 77% a 88% deles eram chagásicos, de 8% a 23% eram sifilíticos e que 1% a 3% reagiam com o antígeno de brucelas. Pela sua simplicidade, economia de tempo e de material, a técnica de fixação de complemento, com antígeno tríplice, se recomenda para a rotina dos bancos de sangue, hospitais e laboratórios de saúde pública, quando número elevado de sangue deve ser examinado.

  12. Simultaneous identification of Trypanosoma cruzi surface and internal antigens reactive to different immunoglobulin classes (radio-immunoblotting Identificação simultânea de antígenos internos e de superfície de Trypanosoma cruzi reativos para diferentes classes de imunoglobulinas (radio-immunoblotting

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    Anna Maria Simonsen Stolf


    Full Text Available A radioactive Western-blotting technique was developed by which the reactivity of Immunoglobulins (Igs from different classes to both membrane radiolabelled and internal parasite antigens is simultaneously identified. The method includes radioiodination of parasites, polypeptide fractionation by SDS-PAGE, Western-blot transfer and autoradiography of the immunoblots developed with anti-Igs conjugates labelled with enzymes. The analysis is then performed by the comparison of common bands on the autoradiograms and the respective substrate stained nitrocellulose blots. This technique was used to analyse T. cruzi trypomastigote surface labelled antigens reactive to IgM, IgA and IgG specific antibodies. A different pattern of reactivity with acute Chagas' disease patients sera was thus obtained.Classes e subclasses de anticorpos apresentam diferentes funções, influenciando a resposta imune humoral de um hospedeiro, frente a um agente infeccioso. Na maioria dos sistemas, o alvo principal é representado pelos antígenos de membrana do parasita. Entretanto, a identificação de antígenos de superfície de parasitas, reativos para classe (e subclasse de imunoglobulinas que não se ligam a proteína-A implica em imunoprecipitações sucessivas, que levam a perda de antígenos e/ou reações inespecíficas. Visando esse estudo, foi desenvolvida uma técnica denominada "radio-immunoblotting", através da qual a reatividade de imunoglobulinas de diferentes classes para antígenos de membrana (e/ou internos foi analisada simultaneamente. O método constitui na marcação prévia da superfície dos parasitas por radioiodação, fracionamento dos polipeptídeos por SDS/PA-GE, transferência das frações para nitrocelulose, reação com soros e conjugados anti-Igs - peroxidase e autoradiografia dos mesmos, a análise é feita comparando-se os antígenos comuns evidenciados na autoradiografia e nas tiras de nitrocelulose coradas com o substrato da peroxidase

  13. Enfermería ante la muerte: Importancia de la formación ante este proceso. Revisión Bibliográfica


    Peláez Arnillas, Elena


    Introducción: La muerte es la consecuencia inevitable de la vida e inherente al ser humano, sin embargo sigue siendo un tema tabú en muchas culturas. Los profesionales de enfermería deben mostrar una correcta actitud ante la muerte para así, poder apoyar y acompañar a los pacientes moribundos y a sus familiares, facilitando el proceso de duelo. La formación en este tema es fundamental y necesaria para proporcionar unos cuidados de calidad, puesto que, es la enfermera la que ...


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    Pablo Ortega


    Full Text Available The vehicle routing problem with time windows and scheduled loading [VRPTWSL] requires not only the design of routes with time windows and capacity constraints, but also a schedule of the departures of vehicles from the depot given a load time due to the limited resources available to load the demand in the vehicles. A mathematical formulation of the vehicle routing problem with time windows and scheduled loading is presented and a metaheuristics based on Multiple Ant Colony System is proposed and implemented where two ant colonies, each with a single objective function, are organized in a hierarchical way. A time update procedure is incorporated into the ant constructive procedure to update and schedule the departure of a vehicle from the depot when each ant moves to a new customer-node. Constraint programming is used to determine a feasible move to a new customer-node. As [VRPTWSL] incorporates the vehicle departure scheduling, the algorithm presented in this paper has a direct application to real problems, in this way [VRPTWSL] can be taken as an important advance for practical vehicle routing problems.El problema de rutas para vehículos con ventanas de tiempo y programación de la carga no solo requiere el diseño de las rutas que satisfagan las restricciones temporales y de capacidad de los vehículos sino que también la programación de las salidas de los vehículos desde un terminal dado un tiempo de carga debido a los recursos limitados disponibles para cargar las demandas de los clientes en los vehículos. No solo se presenta una formulación del problema de diseño de rutas para vehículos con ventanas de tiempo y programación de la carga, sino que también se propone e implementa una metaheurística basada en múltiples sistemas de colonias de hormigas, cada una con una sola función objetivo, organizadas de manera jerárquica. Se incorpora una forma de actualización de tiempo dentro del procedimiento constructivo para actualizar

  15. Respuestas psicofisiológicas ante estímulos asociados al tabaco: Diferencias entre fumadores y no fumadores

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    Carlos Gantiva


    Full Text Available Las respuestas emocionales y motivacionales son fundamentales para explicar el inicio y mantenimiento del consumo de tabaco; sin embargo, las diferencias en fumadores y no fumadores de las respuestas psicofisiológicas que sirven como marcadores neurofisiológicos de procesos emocionales y motivacionales presentan resultados contradictorios. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar las diferencias en las respuestas psicofisiológicas ante estímulos asociados al tabaco en fumadores y no fumadores. Para esto se registró el reflejo de sobresalto y la respuesta galvánica de la piel mientras observaban imágenes apetitivas, neutrales, aversivas y asociadas al tabaco. Los resultados muestran que los fumadores inhiben el reflejo de sobresalto ante las imágenes asociadas al tabaco de forma similar que ante las imágenes apetitivas; así mismo, se encontró en los fumadores una mayor inhibición del reflejo de sobresalto ante las imágenes de tabaco. No se encontraron diferencias en la respuesta galvánica de la piel. Estos resultados sugieren que los fumadores activan el sistema motivacional apetitivo ante los estímulos asociados al tabaco.

  16. El Sistema del Tratado Antártico, Posición de Chile como País Puente

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    Javier Urbina Paredes


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta al Tratado Antártico y al sistema y régimen internacional a que da lugar, a cincuenta años de su firma en Washington, Estados Unidos, el 1 de diciembre de 1959. Los retos de la época y los propósitos del Tratado fueron satisfactoriamente superados, pero hoy se enfrenta a nuevos problemas y desafíos, no tanto de carácter político, sino científico, derivados sobre todo del cambio climático, la creciente actividad turística, el daño al medio ambiente y la seguridad de la navegación marítima y aérea. Chile es un actor clave en la Antártida y en el sistema del Tratado Antártico y ofrece sus potencialidades como país puente al ser el más cercano al continente para el desarrollo de las actividades antárticas en general. En su vinculación internacional sobre la materia, lo hace bajo el marco del Tratado Antártico, pero más aún, desarrolla capacidades concretas de acuerdo con las mayores y nuevas demandas que el sistema antártico deberá enfrentar para ponerlas a disposición de la comunidad internacional.

  17. Modelo de intervención social sostenible para mejorar la salud infantil ante el efecto de la parasitosis intestinal en el Centro Poblado Pacherrez, Lambayeque, Perú, 2008-2009


    Malca Tello, Nancy Llalud


    Problema científico: La presencia de helmintos parásitos en niños es crónico en pueblos rurales, debido a que sólo se aplican programas para aliviar la salud infantil, por lo que se plantea la interrogante ¿Cómo influye un modelo de intervención social sostenible para mejorar la salud infantil ante el efecto de la parasitosis intestinal en el Centro Poblado de Pacherrez del Distrito de Pucalá en la Provincia de Chiclayo, Departamento de Lambayeque-Perú, durante 2008 y 2009? Hipótesis: La apli...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wike, L; Doug Martin, D; Michael Paller, M; Eric Nelson, E


    Ecosystem health with its near infinite number of variables is difficult to measure, and there are many opinions as to which variables are most important, most easily measured, and most robust, Bioassessment avoids the controversy of choosing which physical and chemical parameters to measure because it uses responses of a community of organisms that integrate all aspects of the system in question. A variety of bioassessment methods have been successfully applied to aquatic ecosystems using fish and macroinvertebrate communities. Terrestrial biotic index methods are less developed than those for aquatic systems and we are seeking to address this problem here. This study had as its objective to examine the baseline differences in ant communities at different seral stages from clear cut back to mature pine plantation as a precursor to developing a bioassessment protocol. Comparative sampling was conducted at four seral stages; clearcut, 5 year, 15 year and mature pine plantation stands. Soil and vegetation data were collected at each site. All ants collected were preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol and identified to genus. Analysis of the ant data indicates that ants respond strongly to the habitat changes that accompany ecological succession in managed pine forests and that individual genera as well as ant community structure can be used as an indicator of successional change. Ants exhibited relatively high diversity in both early and mature seral stages. High ant diversity in the mature seral stages was likely related to conditions on the forest floor which favored litter dwelling and cool climate specialists.

  19. A Keystone Ant Species Provides Robust Biological Control of the Coffee Berry Borer Under Varying Pest Densities. (United States)

    Morris, Jonathan R; Vandermeer, John; Perfecto, Ivette


    Species' functional traits are an important part of the ecological complexity that determines the provisioning of ecosystem services. In biological pest control, predator response to pest density variation is a dynamic trait that impacts the provision of this service in agroecosystems. When pest populations fluctuate, farmers relying on biocontrol services need to know how natural enemies respond to these changes. Here we test the effect of variation in coffee berry borer (CBB) density on the biocontrol efficiency of a keystone ant species (Azteca sericeasur) in a coffee agroecosystem. We performed exclosure experiments to measure the infestation rate of CBB released on coffee branches in the presence and absence of ants at four different CBB density levels. We measured infestation rate as the number of CBB bored into fruits after 24 hours, quantified biocontrol efficiency (BCE) as the proportion of infesting CBB removed by ants, and estimated functional response from ant attack rates, measured as the difference in CBB infestation between branches. Infestation rates of CBB on branches with ants were significantly lower (71%-82%) than on those without ants across all density levels. Additionally, biocontrol efficiency was generally high and did not significantly vary across pest density treatments. Furthermore, ant attack rates increased linearly with increasing CBB density, suggesting a Type I functional response. These results demonstrate that ants can provide robust biological control of CBB, despite variation in pest density, and that the response of predators to pest density variation is an important factor in the provision of biocontrol services. Considering how natural enemies respond to changes in pest densities will allow for more accurate biocontrol predictions and better-informed management of this ecosystem service in agroecosystems.

  20. Symmetry breaking on density in escaping ants: experiment and alarm pheromone model.

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    Geng Li

    Full Text Available The symmetry breaking observed in nature is fascinating. This symmetry breaking is observed in both human crowds and ant colonies. In such cases, when escaping from a closed space with two symmetrically located exits, one exit is used more often than the other. Group size and density have been reported as having no significant impact on symmetry breaking, and the alignment rule has been used to model symmetry breaking. Density usually plays important roles in collective behavior. However, density is not well-studied in symmetry breaking, which forms the major basis of this paper. The experiment described in this paper on an ant colony displays an increase then decrease of symmetry breaking versus ant density. This result suggests that a Vicsek-like model with an alignment rule may not be the correct model for escaping ants. Based on biological facts that ants use pheromones to communicate, rather than seeing how other individuals move, we propose a simple yet effective alarm pheromone model. The model results agree well with the experimental outcomes. As a measure, this paper redefines symmetry breaking as the collective asymmetry by deducing the random fluctuations. This research indicates that ants deposit and respond to the alarm pheromone, and the accumulation of this biased information sharing leads to symmetry breaking, which suggests true fundamental rules of collective escape behavior in ants.

  1. Simulación de un algoritmo para controlar el nivel en tolva ante alimentación discontinua de caña

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    Fabricio Garelli


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los actuales métodos de control del transporte y preparación de la materia prima provocan graves problemas de discontinuidad en la alimentación al tren de molinos de caña en la industria azucarera en Cuba. La introducción masiva de la tecnología de convertidores de frecuencia para el control de velocidad de motores asincrónicos permite proponer la utilización de la velocidad de las esteras como variable manipulada para el control del nivel de la tolva. Este trabajo presenta una variante de control por velocidad considerando la altura del colchón de caña en la estera elevadora como una perturbación multiplicativa a la entrada de la planta. Se propone un algoritmo de adaptación de set-point por modo deslizante para limitar los transitorios en el nivel de caña en tolva provocados por las fluctuaciones en la alimentación de caña. El método propuesto requiere realimentar únicamente variables accesibles y es robusto ante cambios en la densidad de caña y/o ruido de medición. Su implementación es extremadamente sencilla para lazos de control por velocidad tipo PID. Palabras Clave: molienda de caña de azúcar, estera transportadora, molinos de caña, control PID, control de velocidad, modo deslizante, set-point adaptivo

  2. O cultivo de valores exemplares: "galeria dos patronos de escolas", de Antônio d’Ávila (1980-1989 - Exemplary values cultivation: "galeria dos patronos de escolas", by Antônio d´Ávila (1980-1989

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    Thabatha Aline Trevisan


    Full Text Available Resumo Com o objetivo de contribuir para a história da educação brasileira e para o campo da imprensa periódica pedagógica, apresentam-se resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas por meio de abordagem histórica do tema, centradas em pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Neste artigo, destacam-se a produção de biografias, uma contribuição do educador Antônio d´Ávila para o periódico Jornal dos Professores, publicação do Centro do Professorado Paulista (CPP. Os resultados enfatizam o que era levado em conta para a elaboração das biografias e a constituição da representação ideal de ser professor. Palavras-chave: imprensa pedagógica; biografia; Antônio d’Ávila; pesquisa histórica em educação.   EXEMPLARY VALUES CULTIVATION: "GALERIA DOS PATRONOS DE ESCOLAS", BY ANTÔNIO D´ÁVILA (1980-1989 Abstract In order to contribute for the comprehension of the History of Education in Brazil and to the research on pedagogical periodic press, they are presented the results of the research developed through the historical approach of the theme, focused on documented and bibliographic research. In this paper, the key feature is the production of biographies, a contribution from Antônio d´Ávila, an educator from São Paulo State, for the periodical Jornal dos Professores, published by the Centro do Professorado Paulista. The results emphasize what was taken into account in the making of biographies and what would be the ideal representation of being a teacher. Keywords: pedagogical press; biography, Antônio d´Ávila; historical research on education.   El CULTIVO DE VALORES EJEMPLARES: "GALERIA DE LOS PATRONOS DE ESCUELAS", DE ANTÔNIO D’ÁVILA (1980-1989 Resumen Con el objetivo de contribuir para la historia de la educación brasilera y para el campo de la imprensa periódica pedagógica, se presentan resultados de pesquisas desarrolladas por medio de un abordaje histórico del tema, centradas en pesquisa documental y bibliogr

  3. Ant-plant mutualism: a dietary by-product of a tropical ant's macronutrient requirements. (United States)

    Arcila Hernández, Lina M; Sanders, Jon G; Miller, Gabriel A; Ravenscraft, Alison; Frederickson, Megan E


    Many arboreal ants depend on myrmecophytic plants for both food and shelter; in return, these ants defend their host plants against herbivores, which are often insects. Ant-plant and other mutualisms do not necessarily involve the exchange of costly rewards or services; they may instead result from by-product benefits, or positive outcomes that do not entail a cost for one or both partners. Here, we examined whether the plant-ant Allomerus octoarticulatus pays a short-term cost to defend their host plants against herbivores, or whether plant defense is a by-product benefit of ant foraging for insect prey. Because the food offered by ant-plants is usually nitrogen-poor, arboreal ants may balance their diets by consuming insect prey or associating with microbial symbionts to acquire nitrogen, potentially shifting the costs and benefits of plant defense for the ant partner. To determine the effect of ant diet on an ant-plant mutualism, we compared the behavior, morphology, fitness, stable isotope signatures, and gaster microbiomes of A. octoarticulatus ants nesting in Cordia nodosa trees maintained for nearly a year with or without insect herbivores. At the end of the experiment, ants from herbivore exclosures preferred protein-rich baits more than ants in the control (i.e., herbivores present) treatment. Furthermore, workers in the control treatment were heavier than in the herbivore-exclusion treatment, and worker mass predicted reproductive output, suggesting that foraging for insect prey directly increased ant colony fitness. The gaster microbiome of ants was not significantly affected by the herbivore exclusion treatment. We conclude that the defensive behavior of some phytoecious ants is a by-product of their need for external protein sources; thus, the consumption of insect herbivores by ants benefits both the ant colony and the host plant. © 2017 by the Ecological Society of America.

  4. Ant Larval Demand Reduces Aphid Colony Growth Rates in an Ant-Aphid Interaction

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    James M. Cook


    Full Text Available Ants often form mutualistic interactions with aphids, soliciting honeydew in return for protective services. Under certain circumstances, however, ants will prey upon aphids. In addition, in the presence of ants aphids may increase the quantity or quality of honeydew produced, which is costly. Through these mechanisms, ant attendance can reduce aphid colony growth rates. However, it is unknown whether demand from within the ant colony can affect the ant-aphid interaction. In a factorial experiment, we tested whether the presence of larvae in Lasius niger ant colonies affected the growth rate of Aphis fabae colonies. Other explanatory variables tested were the origin of ant colonies (two separate colonies were used and previous diet (sugar only or sugar and protein. We found that the presence of larvae in the ant colony significantly reduced the growth rate of aphid colonies. Previous diet and colony origin did not affect aphid colony growth rates. Our results suggest that ant colonies balance the flow of two separate resources from aphid colonies- renewable sugars or a protein-rich meal, depending on demand from ant larvae within the nest. Aphid payoffs from the ant-aphid interaction may change on a seasonal basis, as the demand from larvae within the ant colony waxes and wanes.

  5. Bioterrorismo: apuntes para una agenda de lo inesperado Preparedness against bioterrorist attacks in Mexico

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    Samuel Ponce de León-Rosales


    Full Text Available La vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones humanas a terrorismo químico, biológico, radiológico y nuclear ha sido ampliamente discutida pero insuficientemente analizada. Las políticas de salud pública carecen de información sólida y relevante para diseñar programas costo-efectivos para prevenir o mitigar este tipo de incidentes en el futuro. Los gobiernos tienen insuficiencia presupuestal para hacer frente a este tipo de ataques. Por lo anterior, en países en desarrollo, como México, es conveniente reflexionar sobre las acciones preventivas particulares, los agentes potenciales y la prevención de la transmisión. Propuestas. La respuesta internacional ante un ataque biológico debe basarse en acuerdos internacionales que prohiben el uso de agentes biológicos con fines de guerra o defensa; así como intercambio académico y tecnológico para la prevención de ataques bioterroristas. Las recomendaciones, a escala nacional, ante un ataque biológico son: a una estrategia legal de defensa contra bioterrorismo; b educación, como clave para defensa contra bioterrorismo; c creación de un programa nacional de coordinación interinstitucional antibioterrorista, que incluya asistencia de urgencias médicas y la obtención de evidencia médica forense; d instalación de un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica ante el uso de armas biológicas; e instauración de un laboratorio de análisis de material biológico asociado con incidentes terroristas; f preparación de campañas públicas de información; g garantía de abasto de material diagnóstico, protección especial y tratamiento de urgencias ante ataques biológicos; h descentralización de sistemas de alerta para detección oportuna de terrorismo biológico; i respuesta a acciones bioterroristas dirigidas contra animales y plantas, y j creación de Comités de Etica ante situaciones de urgencia por un ataque biológico. Conclusiones. El cambiante panorama epidemiológico requiere de una

  6. La tecnificación del riego ante la escasez del agua para la generación de alimentos. Estudio de caso en Chihuahua, México


    Olvera-Salgado, Maria Dolores; Investigadora del Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, México.; Bahena-Delgado, Gregorio; Profesor de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos-ipro. México.; Alpuche Garcés, Óscar; Profesor investigador de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos; García Matías, Francisco; Profesor de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos


    La investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la productividad del agua y el impactode la tecnificación del riego sobre ella y el rendimiento de los cultivos comoprincipales aportadores de alimentos. Se realizó en el Distrito de Riego 005, Delicias,Chihuahua. Se usó el método comparativo para dos escenarios: el antes, como lacondición previa a la tecnificación del riego en el año 2003, caracterizada por unasuperficie con riego por gravedad, y el después en 2012-2013, en la superficie conriego ...

  7. Fire Ant Bites (United States)

    ... Favorite Name: Category: Share: Yes No, Keep Private Fire Ant Bites Share | Fire ants are aggressive, venomous insects that have pinching ... across the United States, even into Puerto Rico. Fire ant stings usually occur on the feet or ...

  8. Eficacia de la administración de betametasona antes de la cesárea electiva para prevenir el síndrome de distres respiratorio en recién nacidos a término


    Guerrero Domínguez, Lorena Janeth


    Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia de la administración de Betametasona antes de la cesárea electiva para reducir el Síndrome de Distres Respiratorio, en recién nacidos a término. Materiales y Método: Con un estudio clínico experimental aleatorizado, simple ciego, se determinó la eficacia de Betametasona, para reducir la frecuencia de Distres Respiratorio en recién nacidos a término por cesárea electiva. Un total de 166 mujeres embarazadas fueron aleatorizadas a dos grupos: Grupo A o tratami...

  9. Dois marranos e um bruxo: Antônio José e Baruch Espinosa na poesia de Machado de Assis


    Kênia Maria de Almeida Pereira


    A poesia de Machado de Assis ainda é pouco estudada e compreendida nas pesquisas acadêmicas. Dentre as dezenas de poemas homenageando importantes escritores canônicos, presentes no livro Ocidentais, interessa-nos dois em especial para nossos comentários: “Antônio José” e “Espinosa”. Machado de Assis dialoga com a obra desses dois escritores, apontando também para o fato de que tanto Antônio José como Espinosa pertenceram a famílias de cristãos-novos e foram perseguidos pela intolerância relig...

  10. Atratividade da isca granulada de polpa de fruto do jatobá para saúva-limão, no campo Attractiveness of the granulated bait of jatobá's fruit pulp to the leaf- cutting ant, in the field

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    Maria Lucia França Teixeira


    Full Text Available A atratividade da polpa do fruto de jatobá para saúva-limão foi avaliada tendo como parâmetro comparativo a polpa cítrica desidratada, utilizada como veículo por diversas marcas comerciais. O experimento foi conduzido em quatro formigueiros de saúva-limão em canteiros gramados com espécies arbóreas. As iscas de jatobá e de polpa cítrica desidratada, ambas sem princípio ativo, foram confeccionadas em grânulos com formato e diâmetro semelhantes aos das iscas granuladas comerciais. As iscas de jatobá foram mais atrativas para as operárias de saúva-limão, que fizeram o primeiro contato aos 17s, em contraste com os 29s gastos para o primeiro contato com as iscas de polpa cítrica. As iscas de jatobá também começaram a ser carregadas mais cedo, aos 26s, sendo que as iscas de polpa cítrica foram carregadas 48s mais tarde. A grande aceitação do jatobá foi reforçada pelo menor tempo para o encerramento dos testes, 5min 39s, contrastando com os 11min 17s necessários para o encerramento do teste com a polpa cítrica. A polpa do fruto do jatobá foi mais atrativa para saúva-limão do que a polpa cítrica desidratada.Attractiveness of the leaf-cutting ant, Atta sexdens rubropilosa to jatobá's fruit pulp was evaluated, having the dehydrated citrus pulp as comparative parameter, used as vehicle by several commercial brands. The experiment was conducted on four nests of leaf-cutting ants on lawns with arboreal species. Jatobá baits and dehydrated citric pulp both without active principle were made into granules with form and diameter similar to the commercial granulated baits. Jatobá baits were more attractive to the laborers of leaf-cutting ants which made the first contact after 17s, contrasting with 29s before the first contact with citric pulp baits. Jatobá baits were also carried earlier, after 26s, while citric pulp baits were carried 48s later. The great acceptance of jatobá baits was strengthened by the short time to

  11. Determinação de autoanticorpos para antígenos da mielina no soro de pacientes HLA - DQB1*0602 com esclerose múltipla

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    Carvalho Adriana


    Full Text Available Esclerose múltipla (EM é doença inflamatória desmielinizante do sistema nervoso central (SNC de natureza autoimune, mediada por linfócitos Th1. A produção de autoanticorpos séricos para proteína básica da mielina (MBP, proteolipídeo PLP e sequência da glicoproteína de oligodendrócito MOG 92-106, foi determinada em 54 indivíduos saudáveis e 26 pacientes com EM expressando ou não o alelo de suscetibilidade HLA-DQB1*0602. Independentemente da expressão do alelo DQB1*0602, todos os pacientes apresentaram produção marcante (p< 0,0001 de autoanticorpos isotipo IgG para MBP e MOG 92-106, e do isotipo IgA para PLP e MOG 92-106. Os resultados sugerem que outros alelos HLA da classe II exerçam influência na suscetibilidade à EM e no reconhecimento imunológico dos antígenos encefalitogênicos, determinando o padrão de resposta autoimune e contribuindo na manutenção e/ou controle da inflamação no SNC.

  12. Ant aggression and evolutionary stability in plant-ant and plant-pollinator mutualistic interactions. (United States)

    Oña, L; Lachmann, M


    Mutualistic partners derive a benefit from their interaction, but this benefit can come at a cost. This is the case for plant-ant and plant-pollinator mutualistic associations. In exchange for protection from herbivores provided by the resident ants, plants supply various kinds of resources or nests to the ants. Most ant-myrmecophyte mutualisms are horizontally transmitted, and therefore, partners share an interest in growth but not in reproduction. This lack of alignment in fitness interests between plants and ants drives a conflict between them: ants can attack pollinators that cross-fertilize the host plants. Using a mathematical model, we define a threshold in ant aggressiveness determining pollinator survival or elimination on the host plant. In our model we observed that, all else being equal, facultative interactions result in pollinator extinction for lower levels of ant aggressiveness than obligatory interactions. We propose that the capacity to discriminate pollinators from herbivores should not often evolve in ants, and when it does it will be when the plants exhibit limited dispersal in an environment that is not seed saturated so that each seed produced can effectively generate a new offspring or if ants acquire an extra benefit from pollination (e.g. if ants eat fruit). We suggest specific mutualism examples where these hypotheses can be tested empirically. © 2010 The Authors. Journal of Evolutionary Biology © 2010 European Society For Evolutionary Biology.

  13. Protocolo de actuación psicológica ante IMV.


    Fernández Mariño, Silvia


    Se ha realizado la propuesta de un protocolo de actuación psicológica ante un incidente con múltiples víctimas. Este protocolo está orientado a proporcionar una guía de intervención para los profesionales de la salud mental en el caso de que se produzca un IMV en Asturias. Para ello, se han estudiado los primeros auxilios psicológicos, considerados como una respuesta, cuyo objetivo es proporcionar ayuda y apoyo prácticos a los afectados. Están compuestos de seis actitudes y seis acciones fun...

  14. Densidade energética da dieta e ingestão energética total segundo consumo de adoçantes e/ou alimentos processados com adoçantes


    Carolina Faria Tavares


    Introdução. O consumo de açúcares aumentou consideravelmente nas últimas décadas, bem como a incidência e a prevalência da obesidade, gerando a elaboração de recomendações para moderá-lo. Os açúcares contribuem para a palatabilidade dos alimentos, podendo também aumentar sua densidade energética (DE), outro fator de risco para obesidade. Uma alternativa seria a substituição por adoçantes não calóricos, que também aumentam a palatabilidade dos alimentos, porém são isentos calorias. No entanto,...

  15. Actitud ante la muerte en los Médicos de Familia

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    Gisela Hernández Cabrera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo para caracterizar las actitudes ante la muerte en una muestra de 50 Médicos de Familia del Policlínico "Plaza". Se utilizó una versión cubana de un instrumento diseñado anteriormente para estudiar las actitudes ante la muerte. Se intentaba a su vez, establecer los primeros indicadores de validez y confiabilidad de esta versión denominada convencionalmente: cuestionario de actitudes ante la muerte (CAM, que incluía 33 reactivos, agrupados para su interpretación en 6 subescalas: evitación, aceptación, temor, pasaje, salida y perspectiva profesional. El procesamiento de las respuestas incluyó estadísticas descriptivas y pruebas de decisión con ayuda del sistema SSPS-PC+. Las actitudes prevalentes en los médicos eran de evitación y temor, en un contexto ambivalente dado por las actitudes positivas de aceptación de la muerte como un hecho natural, que se traduce en afrontamiento profesional no consecuente. En general, se encuentran actitudes que revelan la insuficiente preparación de los Médicos de Familia investigados para la aproximación realista a la muerte.A descriptive study of attitudes to death was carried out in a sample of 50 family physicians from "Plaza" polyclinics. A Cuban version of a previously designed instrument to study attitudes to death was used. At the same time, it was intended to establish the first indicators of validation and reliability of this version which is conventionally called: Questionnaire of Attitudes to Death (QAD that includes 33 reactions grouped into 6 subclasses for the purpose of interpretation: avoidance, acceptance, fear, passage, exit and professional perspective. The processing of responses covered descriptive statistics and decision-making tests assisted by the SSPS-PC+ system. The prevailing attitudes to death found in the physicians were: avoidance and fear in an ambivalent environment given by positive attitudes of death acceptance as a natural fact

  16. Plan de mercadeo para una promotora de eventos corporativos


    Burbano Zhindon, Andrea Cristina; Chavez Lopez, Maria Cecilia; Orlando Haro, Sofia Pierina; Miranda, Jorge Luis


    Este proyecto presenta una alternativa para todas aquellas empresas que realizan eventos frecuentemente, ofreciéndoles un servicio personalizado para la coordinación de cada uno de los detalles que conlleva la organización de un evento. El objetivo fundamental de este estudio es desarrollar un plan de mercadeo para el servicio antes mencionado, aplicando los principios del marketing para su correcta implementación.

  17. AntStar: Enhancing Optimization Problems by Integrating an Ant System and A⁎ Algorithm

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    Mohammed Faisal


    Full Text Available Recently, nature-inspired techniques have become valuable to many intelligent systems in different fields of technology and science. Among these techniques, Ant Systems (AS have become a valuable technique for intelligent systems in different fields. AS is a computational system inspired by the foraging behavior of ants and intended to solve practical optimization problems. In this paper, we introduce the AntStar algorithm, which is swarm intelligence based. AntStar enhances the optimization and performance of an AS by integrating the AS and A⁎ algorithm. Applying the AntStar algorithm to the single-source shortest-path problem has been done to ensure the efficiency of the proposed AntStar algorithm. The experimental result of the proposed algorithm illustrated the robustness and accuracy of the AntStar algorithm.

  18. Runtime analysis of the 1-ANT ant colony optimizer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Doerr, Benjamin; Neumann, Frank; Sudholt, Dirk


    The runtime analysis of randomized search heuristics is a growing field where, in the last two decades, many rigorous results have been obtained. First runtime analyses of ant colony optimization (ACO) have been conducted only recently. In these studies simple ACO algorithms such as the 1-ANT...... that give us a more detailed impression of the 1-ANT’s performance. Furthermore, the experiments also deal with the question whether using many ant solutions in one iteration can decrease the total runtime....

  19. Evaluación de dos pruebas de inmunoblot con antígeno hidatídico de caprino y ovino para el diagnóstico de equinococosis humana Evaluation of two immunoblot tests with goat and sheep hydatid antigen for human echinococcosis diagnosis

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    Eduardo Miranda


    Full Text Available Para estimar el valor diagnóstico del antígeno hidatídico de caprino y de ovino en la prueba de inmunoblot para echinococosis quística, se usó 135 sueros, de los cuales 70 procedían de pacientes con hidatidosis confirmada por el hallazgo de protoescólices y membrana en el estudio anatomopatológico con la pieza quirúrgica; 45 a pacientes con otras enfermedades parasitarias y 20 a personas aparentemente sanas. La sensibilidad, la especificidad, el valor predictivo positivo y negativo de la prueba de inmunoblot, con antígeno hidatídico de caprino fue de 92,8%, 100%, 100% y 92,8%, respectivamente; mientras que de ovino fueron 91,4%, 95,3%, 95,5% y 91,1 %, respectivamente. El índice kappa fue de 0,93 para el antígeno caprino y de 0,86 con el ovino en relación con el estudio anatomopatológico. Se recomienda el uso de ambos antígenos para el diagnóstico serológico de la equinococosis quística humana.To estimate the diagnosis value of goat and ovine antigen for echinococcosis immunoblot test, 135 serums were used, of which 70 were coming from patients with hydatid disease confirmed by the finding of proto scolex and membrane in the pathology study of surgical piece, 45 from patients with other parasitic diseases and 20 apparently healthy people. The sensitivity, the specificity, positive and negative predictive value of immunoblot test, with hidatyd antigen of goat was of 92.8%, 100%, 100%, 92.8%, respectively, than for ovine antigen was 91.4%, 95.3%, 95.5%, 91.1%, respectively. Kappa index was 0.93 for goat antigen and 0.86 with sheep in relation to the pathological study. We recommended the use of both antigens for the serologic diagnosis of human echinococcosis.

  20. Microorganisms transported by ants induce changes in floral nectar composition of an ant-pollinated plant. (United States)

    de Vega, Clara; Herrera, Carlos M


    Interactions between plants and ants abound in nature and have significant consequences for ecosystem functioning. Recently, it has been suggested that nectar-foraging ants transport microorganisms to flowers; more specifically, they transport yeasts, which can potentially consume sugars and alter nectar composition. Therefore, ants could indirectly change nectar sugar profile, an important floral feature involved in the plant-pollinator mutualism. But this novel role for ants has never been tested. We here investigate the effects of nectarivorous ants and their associated yeasts on the floral nectar sugar composition of an ant-pollinated plant. Differences in the nectar sugar composition of ant-excluded and ant-visited flowers were examined in 278 samples by using high-performance liquid-chromatography. The importance of the genetic identity and density of ant-transported basidiomycetous and ascomycetous yeasts on the variation of nectar traits was also evaluated. Ant visitation had significant effects on nectar sugar composition. The nectar of ant-visited flowers contained significantly more fructose, more glucose, and less sucrose than the nectar of ant-excluded flowers, but these effects were context dependent. Nectar changes were correlated with the density of yeast cells in nectar. The magnitude of the effects of ant-transported ascomycetes was much higher than that of basiodiomycetes. Ants and their associated yeasts induce changes in nectar sugar traits, reducing the chemical control of the plant over this important floral trait. The potential relevance of this new role for ants as indirect nectar modifiers is a rich topic for future research into the ecology of ant-flower interactions.

  1. Ant-caterpillar antagonism at the community level: interhabitat variation of tritrophic interactions in a neotropical savanna. (United States)

    Sendoya, Sebastián F; Oliveira, Paulo S


    host plant use by lepidopterans. The magnitude of ant-induced effects on caterpillar occurrence across the cerrado landscape may depend on how ants use plants locally and how they respond to liquid food on plants at different habitats. This study enhances the relevance of plant-ant and ant-herbivore interactions in cerrado and highlights the importance of a tritrophic perspective in this ant-rich environment. © 2014 The Authors. Journal of Animal Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society.

  2. Stimulation of the young poor responder: comparison of the luteal estradiol/gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist priming protocol versus oral contraceptive microdose leuprolide. (United States)

    Shastri, Shefali M; Barbieri, Elizabeth; Kligman, Isaac; Schoyer, Katherine D; Davis, Owen K; Rosenwaks, Zev


    To evaluate in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle outcomes in young poor responders treated with a luteal estradiol/gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist (E(2)/ANT) protocol versus an oral contraceptive pill microdose leuprolide protocol (OCP-MDL). Retrospective cohort. Academic practice. Poor responders: 186 women, aged <35 years undergoing IVF with either E(2)/ANT or OCP-MDL protocols. None. Clinical pregnancies, oocytes retrieved, cancellation rate. Patients in the E(2)/ANT group had a greater gonadotropin requirement (71.9 ± 22.2 vs. 57.6 ± 25.7) and lower E(2) level (1,178.6 ± 668 vs. 1,627 ± 889), yet achieved similar numbers of oocytes retrieved and fertilized, and a greater number of embryos transferred (2.3 ± 0.9 vs. 2.0 ± 1.1) with a better mean grade (2.14 ± .06 vs. 2.7 ± 1.8) compared with the OCP/MDL group. The E2/ANT group exhibited a trend toward improved implantation rates (30.5% vs. 21.1%) and ongoing pregnancy rates per started cycle: 44 out of 117 (37%) versus 17 out of 69 (25%). Poor responders aged <35 years may be treated with the aggressive E(2)/ANT protocol to improve cycle outcomes. Both protocols remain viable options for this group. Adequately powered, randomized clinical comparison appears justified. Copyright © 2011 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Propuesta de infraestructura técnica de seguridad para un Equipo de Respuesta ante Incidentes de Seguridad (CSIRT

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    Heltton Emmanuel Ramírez Luna


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describe una propuesta creada para proteger la información y la infraestructura de un equipo de respuestas ante incidentes de seguridad (CSIRT, el cual es una organización dedicada a dar respuesta a incidencias de seguridad en tecnologías de la información. Un CSIRT está conformado por un grupo de expertos en seguridad de la información la cual provee de servicios como alertas y advertencias, tratamiento de incidentes, observatorio de tecnología, auditorías de seguridad, cómputo forense, entre otros. Por lo tanto, se hace uso de información sensible como datos de usuarios y de empresas que deberá tener fuertes métodos de seguridad. En este artículo se aborda una propuesta de los aspectos de seguridad que debe tener un CSIRT abarcando las áreas de Telecomunicaciones, Equipo hardware y Sistemas SIEM (Security Information and Event Management. Esta propuesta no toma en consideración la tipología en la que un CSIRT puede establecerse.

  4. Harnessing ant defence at fruits reduces bruchid seed predation in a symbiotic ant-plant mutualism. (United States)

    Pringle, Elizabeth G


    In horizontally transmitted mutualisms, mutualists disperse separately and reassemble in each generation with partners genetically unrelated to those in the previous generation. Because of this, there should be no selection on either partner to enhance the other's reproductive output directly. In symbiotic ant-plant mutualisms, myrmecophytic plants host defensive ant colonies, and ants defend the plants from herbivores. Plants and ants disperse separately, and, although ant defence can indirectly increase plant reproduction by reducing folivory, it is unclear whether ants can also directly increase plant reproduction by defending seeds. The neotropical tree Cordia alliodora hosts colonies of Azteca pittieri ants. The trees produce domatia where ants nest at stem nodes and also at the node between the peduncle and the rachides of the infloresence. Unlike the stem domatia, these reproductive domatia senesce after the tree fruits each year. In this study, I show that the tree's resident ant colony moves into these ephemeral reproductive domatia, where they tend honeydew-producing scale insects and patrol the nearby developing fruits. The presence of ants significantly reduced pre-dispersal seed predation by Amblycerus bruchid beetles, thereby directly increasing plant reproductive output.

  5. "Ant-egg" cataract revisited

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clemmensen, Kåre; Enghild, Jan J; Ivarsen, Anders


    -ray scans and electron microscopy. The purpose of this study was to further characterize "ant-egg" cataract using modern technology and display the history of the "ant-eggs" after cataract extraction. METHODS: "Ant-eggs" were examined using Heidelberg SPECTRALIS Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT...

  6. Importancia de la heterogeneidad de hábitats para la biodiversidad de hormigas en los Andes de Colombia Importance of habitat heterogeneity for ant biodiversity in the Colombian Andes

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    Mónica Ramírez Ramírez


    Full Text Available Entre marzo y octubre de 2002 se compararon los ensamblajes de hormigas que forrajean en el suelo en un sistema no manejado (reserva natural El Ciprés y en algunas fincas vecinas. En dos transectos de 100 m se instalaron estaciones de muestreo cada 10 m con trampa de caída (pitfall y cebo de atún epígeo durante 880 h y 92 días respectivamente. En 1471 eventos de captura se determinaron 68 especies distribuidas en 26 géneros y 8 subfamilias. En el sistema silvopastoril- guayaba y en monocultivo de granadilla (Passiflora ligularis dominaron las especies de hormigas mientras que la distribución fue más equitativa en los usos del terreno con estructura vegetal más compleja (bosque, café, sucesión temprana y banco de forrajes. El sistema silvopastoril-guayaba fue el más rico en especies (31 seguido por café (30 y por el bosque y la sucesión temprana (29. El flujo de especies fue alto en bosque, café y sucesión temprana, indicando que la calidad de la matriz es factor importante para el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad.In order to compare the ant assamblages in the Natural Reserve El Ciprés (Valle- Colombia and its neighboring farms, periodical ant sampling was carried out between March and October 2002. Each site had two transects of 100m with 10 sampling points. Each sampling point contained a pitfall trap and epigeal tuna bait established for 880 h and 92 days, respectively. In addition, the vegetal structure of each place was characterised. A total of 1471 ants were collected representing 68 species in 26 genera and 8 subfamilies. Two agricultural systems, the silvopastoral guava and passion fruit (Passiflora ligularis monoculture, typically presented ant species that over numbered other species whereas sites with more complex vegetation structure (i.e. forest, coffee, early succession and fodder banks had a more equitable distribution for the ant species. In terms of ant richness, the guava system was the richest (31 spp

  7. How ants drop out: ant abundance on tropical mountains. (United States)

    Longino, John T; Branstetter, Michael G; Colwell, Robert K


    In tropical wet forests, ants are a large proportion of the animal biomass, but the factors determining abundance are not well understood. We characterized ant abundance in the litter layer of 41 mature wet forest sites spread throughout Central America (Chiapas, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica) and examined the impact of elevation (as a proxy for temperature) and community species richness. Sites were intentionally chosen to minimize variation in precipitation and seasonality. From sea level to 1500 m ant abundance very gradually declined, community richness declined more rapidly than abundance, and the local frequency of the locally most common species increased. These results suggest that within this elevational zone, density compensation is acting, maintaining high ant abundance as richness declines. In contrast, in sites above 1500 m, ant abundance dropped abruptly to much lower levels. Among these high montane sites, community richness explained much more of the variation in abundance than elevation, and there was no evidence of density compensation. The relative stability of abundance below 1500 m may be caused by opposing effects of temperature on productivity and metabolism. Lower temperatures may decrease productivity and thus the amount of food available for consumers, but slower metabolisms of consumers may allow maintenance of higher biomass at lower resource supply rates. Ant communities at these lower elevations may be highly interactive, the result of continuous habitat presence over geological time. High montane sites may be ephemeral in geological time, resulting in non-interactive communities dominated by historical and stochastic processes. Abundance in these sites may be determined by the number of species that manage to colonize and/or avoid extinction on mountaintops.

  8. How ants drop out: ant abundance on tropical mountains.

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    John T Longino

    Full Text Available In tropical wet forests, ants are a large proportion of the animal biomass, but the factors determining abundance are not well understood. We characterized ant abundance in the litter layer of 41 mature wet forest sites spread throughout Central America (Chiapas, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica and examined the impact of elevation (as a proxy for temperature and community species richness. Sites were intentionally chosen to minimize variation in precipitation and seasonality. From sea level to 1500 m ant abundance very gradually declined, community richness declined more rapidly than abundance, and the local frequency of the locally most common species increased. These results suggest that within this elevational zone, density compensation is acting, maintaining high ant abundance as richness declines. In contrast, in sites above 1500 m, ant abundance dropped abruptly to much lower levels. Among these high montane sites, community richness explained much more of the variation in abundance than elevation, and there was no evidence of density compensation. The relative stability of abundance below 1500 m may be caused by opposing effects of temperature on productivity and metabolism. Lower temperatures may decrease productivity and thus the amount of food available for consumers, but slower metabolisms of consumers may allow maintenance of higher biomass at lower resource supply rates. Ant communities at these lower elevations may be highly interactive, the result of continuous habitat presence over geological time. High montane sites may be ephemeral in geological time, resulting in non-interactive communities dominated by historical and stochastic processes. Abundance in these sites may be determined by the number of species that manage to colonize and/or avoid extinction on mountaintops.

  9. Pest repelling properties of ant pheromones

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offenberg, Joachim


    Ants control pests via predation and physical deterrence; however, ant communication is based on chemical cues which may serve as warning signals to potential prey and other intruders. The presence of ant pheromones may, thus, be sufficient to repel pests from ant territories. This mini-review sh......-review shows that four out of five tested ant species deposit pheromones that repel herbivorous prey from their host plants.......Ants control pests via predation and physical deterrence; however, ant communication is based on chemical cues which may serve as warning signals to potential prey and other intruders. The presence of ant pheromones may, thus, be sufficient to repel pests from ant territories. This mini...

  10. Nectar Theft and Floral Ant-Repellence: A Link between Nectar Volume and Ant-Repellent Traits? (United States)

    Ballantyne, Gavin; Willmer, Pat


    As flower visitors, ants rarely benefit a plant. They are poor pollinators, and can also disrupt pollination by deterring other flower visitors, or by stealing nectar. Some plant species therefore possess floral ant-repelling traits. But why do particular species have such traits when others do not? In a dry forest in Costa Rica, of 49 plant species around a third were ant-repellent at very close proximity to a common generalist ant species, usually via repellent pollen. Repellence was positively correlated with the presence of large nectar volumes. Repellent traits affected ant species differently, some influencing the behaviour of just a few species and others producing more generalised ant-repellence. Our results suggest that ant-repellent floral traits may often not be pleiotropic, but instead could have been selected for as a defence against ant thieves in plant species that invest in large volumes of nectar. This conclusion highlights to the importance of research into the cost of nectar production in future studies into ant-flower interactions. PMID:22952793

  11. Bioterrorismo: apuntes para una agenda de lo inesperado

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    Ponce de León-Rosales Samuel


    Full Text Available La vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones humanas a terrorismo químico, biológico, radiológico y nuclear ha sido ampliamente discutida pero insuficientemente analizada. Las políticas de salud pública carecen de información sólida y relevante para diseñar programas costo-efectivos para prevenir o mitigar este tipo de incidentes en el futuro. Los gobiernos tienen insuficiencia presupuestal para hacer frente a este tipo de ataques. Por lo anterior, en países en desarrollo, como México, es conveniente reflexionar sobre las acciones preventivas particulares, los agentes potenciales y la prevención de la transmisión. Propuestas. La respuesta internacional ante un ataque biológico debe basarse en acuerdos internacionales que prohiben el uso de agentes biológicos con fines de guerra o defensa; así como intercambio académico y tecnológico para la prevención de ataques bioterroristas. Las recomendaciones, a escala nacional, ante un ataque biológico son: a una estrategia legal de defensa contra bioterrorismo; b educación, como clave para defensa contra bioterrorismo; c creación de un programa nacional de coordinación interinstitucional antibioterrorista, que incluya asistencia de urgencias médicas y la obtención de evidencia médica forense; d instalación de un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica ante el uso de armas biológicas; e instauración de un laboratorio de análisis de material biológico asociado con incidentes terroristas; f preparación de campañas públicas de información; g garantía de abasto de material diagnóstico, protección especial y tratamiento de urgencias ante ataques biológicos; h descentralización de sistemas de alerta para detección oportuna de terrorismo biológico; i respuesta a acciones bioterroristas dirigidas contra animales y plantas, y j creación de Comités de Etica ante situaciones de urgencia por un ataque biológico. Conclusiones. El cambiante panorama epidemiológico requiere de una

  12. ELISA test for the diagnosis of cysticercosis in pigs using antigens of Taenia solium and Taenia crassiceps cysticerci Teste ELISA para diagnóstico da cisticercose suína usando antígenos de larvas de Taenia solium e Taenia crassiceps

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    Paulo Sérgio de Arruda PINTO


    Full Text Available In the present study ELISA was standardized for the diagnosis of swine cysticercosis based on necropsy parameters and confirmed positive and negative control sera. Serum samples from pigs with other infections were also assayed to determine possible cross-reactions. Four antigens were assayed: from Taenia crassiceps vesicular fluid (VF-Tcra and crude larvae extract (T-Tcra, and from Taenia solium extracts of scolex (S-Ts and of larvae (T-Ts. A checkerboard evaluation of antigen, serum and conjugate dilutions, as well as the use of Tween-20 and skim cow milk in wash and blocking solution had a marked effect on improving ELISA performance. All the antigens showed a good performance, but VF-Tcra was the best, with 96.0% and 80.0% sensitivities for cut-offs respectively at 2sd and 3sd, and corresponding specificities of 97.5% and 100.0%. Cross-reactivity was observed only with hydatidosis and ascaridiosis. In view of the high performance observed, the ELISA test should be recommended for the diagnosis of cysticercosis in suspected swine in slaughterhouses and for the screening of cysticercosis in swine production. These results will support integrated measures of cysticercosis control throughout the chain of swine production, effectively contributing to public health.Foi padronizado o teste ELISA para o diagnóstico da cisticercose suína. Após confirmação por exame post-mortem, os soros dos respectivos animais foram empregados como controles positivos e negativos. Soros de suínos portadores de infecções heterólogas foram ensaiados para determinação de reações cruzadas. Os quatro antígenos testados na fase de padronização foram líquido vesicular (VF e extrato total (T de larvas de Taenia crassiceps (Tcra e de extrato de escólex (S e de cisticercos (T de Taenia solium (Tso. A titulação em bloco das ótimas concentrações de antígenos e diluições de soros e de conjugado, bem como o emprego de Tween-20 e de leite desnatado nas

  13. Pest repellent properties of ant pheromones

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offenberg, Joachim


    of ant pheromones may be sufficient to repel pest insects from ant territories. The study of ant semiochemicals is in its infancy, yet, evidence for their potential use in pest management is starting to build up. Pheromones from four of five tested ant species have been shown to deter herbivorous insect...... prey and competing ant species are also deterred by ant deposits, whereas ant symbionts may be attracted to them. Based on these promising initial findings, it seems advisable to further elucidate the signaling properties of ant pheromones and to test and develop their use in future pest management....


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    Luis Alberto Furlan


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la efectividad de un programa para disminuir la ansiedad ante los exámenes, la procrastinación académica e incrementar la autoeficacia regulatoria, con 19 estudiantes universitarios de Argentina. El programa estimula el automonitoreo de las estrategias de aprendizaje implementadas, el aprendizaje de técnicas cognitivo-conductuales de control de la ansiedad y el ensayo anticipado de exámenes. Al comparar los resultados pre- y posintervención, se constataron mejorías moderadas. Se deben revisar los procedimientos para incrementar la adherencia al programa y la validez de los resultados.

  15. Células de córnea fetal caprina naturalmente imortalizada para produção de antígenos do vírus da artrite encefalite caprina.


    Sérgio Alves do Nascimento


    As células que crescem em cultivo in vitro estão divididas em três classes: primárias, de linhagem finita ou cultivos secundários e de linhagem contínua, que podem ser multiplicadas indefinidamente. Estas derivam de tumores ou células transformadas artificial ou naturalmente. Neste trabalho é descrita uma linhagem de células de córnea de feto caprino (CorFC) e seu cultivo em meios suplementados com baixo teor de SFB visando à produção de antígenos do vírus da artrite-encefalite caprina para p...

  16. Efímero Festín, el video danza antártico


    Pombo, Ernesto; Costa Chimene


    Efímero Festín es un video danza pensado específicamente para ser realizado en la Antártida argentina. Pretende a través del arte y de una forma poética, colaborar con la concientización del cuidado del medio ambiente.

  17. Biodiversity on Broadway--enigmatic diversity of the societies of ants (Formicidae on the streets of New York City.

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    Marko Pećarević


    Full Text Available Each year, a larger proportion of the Earth's surface is urbanized, and a larger proportion of the people on Earth lives in those urban areas. The everyday nature, however, that humans encounter in cities remains poorly understood. Here, we consider perhaps the most urban green habitat, street medians. We sampled ants from forty-four medians along three boulevards in New York City and examined how median properties affect the abundance and species richness of native and introduced ants found on them. Ant species richness varied among streets and increased with area but was independent of the other median attributes measured. Ant assemblages were highly nested, with three numerically dominant species present at all medians and additional species present at a subset of medians. The most common ant species were the introduced Pavement ant (Tetramorium caespitum and the native Thief ant (Solenopsis molesta and Cornfield ant (Lasius neoniger. The common introduced species on the medians responded differently to natural and disturbed elements of medians. Tetramorium caespitum was most abundant in small medians, with the greatest edge/area ratio, particularly if those medians had few trees, whereas Nylanderia flavipes was most abundant in the largest medians, particularly if they had more trees. Many of the species encountered in Manhattan were similar to those found in other large North American cities, such that a relatively small subset of ant species probably represent most of the encounters humans have with ants in North America.

  18. Programa de Intervención para mejorar la Estabilidad Emocional

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    Full Text Available Se propone un modelo de intervención terapéutica para aquellas personas que muestran cierta inestabilidad emocional, y que suelen reaccionar ante situaciones de frustración bien de forma violenta, bien con evitación, o bien autobloqueándose y en cualquier caso, mostrando conductas inadecuadas que lejos de ser resolutivas, les pueden acarrear consecuencias indeseables. En esta terapia se trabaja el autoconocimiento, esquemas cognitivos para la autorregulación de conducta, y estrategias de afrontamiento. Con ello se capacita al sujeto para emitir conductas más resolutivas y adecuadas ante situaciones de frustración, y a recuperarse de dicha frustración en lugar de dejarse llevar por las emociones negativas queésta pueda despertar. En definitiva este p rograma fomenta la "resilience" (capacidad para recuperarse de la frustración y la aplicación de estrategias de afrontamiento que permitan su autodirección.

  19. El compromiso personal hacia la organización y la intención de permanenencia: algunos factores para su incremento

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    Fernando Arias Galicia


    Full Text Available Ante la intensa competencia mundial, las organizaciones de los países subdesarrollados no invierten lo suficiente en incrementar el conocimiento conducente a la alta tecnología. Pero pueden competir con el Compromiso de su Personal. Así, surge una pregunta ¿cuáles factores pueden propiciar las organizaciones para aumentar dicho Compromiso? Otro de los aspectos importantes en este tenor es el relativo a la Intención de Permanencia en la organización. Los altos índices de rotación acarrean costos cuya importancia se diluye en los estados financieros. Por ello se efectuó una investigación tendiente a responder a esta pregunta. Se aplicaron cuestionarios a 177 empleados de una institución privada de beneficencia. Se sometió a prueba un modelo con base en ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados indican que el factor más importante para lograr el Compromiso e incrementar la Intención de Permanencia es el Apoyo Organizacional; es decir, el hecho de que la organización brinde un soporte en caso de que los empleados necesiten ayuda ante emergencias, además se les considere como personas, etcétera.

  20. Subterranean ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae as prey of fossorial reptiles (Reptilia, Squamata: Amphisbaenidae in Central Brazil

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    Flávia de Araújo Esteves


    Full Text Available The ant diversity observed in stomach contents of fossorial reptiles was compared to the subterranean ant richness collected using traditional and modern techniques of ant collections. We analyzed the alimentary tract of 64 specimens of amphisbaenians (4 Amphisbaena alba, 10 A. fuliginosa, 25 A. vermicularis, and 25 Leposternon infraorbitale collected during the fauna rescue for the construction of Serra da Mesa hydroelectric dam in the Tocantins River (from 1992 to 1997, in Minaçu County, Goiás, Brazil. We found only five ant species present in the stomach contents, all belonging to the army ants subfamily Ecitoninae. In contrast, the traditional techniques for subterranean ants' collection are far more efficient than the exam of fossorial reptile's stomach contents, collecting a much richer and diverse ant fauna. The exclusive occurrence of army ants in the alimentary tract of these fossorial reptiles suggests that they trace the chemical trails laid by the ants while moving inside and over the soil. Further, the occurrence of the epigaeic army ants Eciton and Labidus in the stomach contents suggests that amphisbaenians may forage on the soil surface as well.A diversidade de formigas no conteúdo estomacal de répteis fossoriais foi comparada à riqueza de formigas subterrâneas coletadas com o uso de técnicas tradicionais e modernas para sua coleta. Analisamos o trato alimentar de 64 espécimes de anfisbenídeos (4 Amphisbaena alba, 10 A. fuliginosa, 25 A. vermicularis e 25 Leposternon infraorbitale coletados durante o resgate da fauna para a construção da represa da Hidroelétrica da Serra da Mesa no Rio Tocantins (de 1992 a 1997, na cidade de Minaçu, Goiás, Brasil. Encontramos apenas cinco espécies de formigas presentes nos conteúdos estomacais aqui examinados, todas pertencentes à subfamília das formigas-de-correição, Ecitoninae. Ao contrário, as técnicas tradicionais de coleta de formigas subterrâneas são muito mais

  1. Um olhar sobre o ensino da matemática guiado por António Augusto Lopes


    Almeida, Mária Cristina Ribeiro Correia de


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências da Educação Este trabalho pretende contribuir para História do Ensino da Matemática, em Portugal, no período compreendido entre 1939 e 1986, nomeadamente, no que concerne à formação inicial para professor de Matemática do ensino liceal, à reforma da Matemática Moderna, à Matemática na Telescola e ao desenvolvimento de livros para o ensino da Matemática. Um segundo objectivo foi a constituição do Arquivo Pessoal António Augusto Lope...

  2. Hemodiálisis para remover el anticoagulante dabigatrán en situaciones de urgencia

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    Aldo Carrizo


    Full Text Available El dabigatrán es un nuevo inhibidor directo de la trombina, de administración oral, empleado para la prevención de eventos tromboembólicos en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular. A diferencia de la warfarina, no se dispone de un antídoto conocido. La hemodiálisis ha sido sugerida como un método para remover el dabigatrán y reducir el efecto anticoagulante. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con antecedente de fibrilación auricular y medicado con dabigatrán, que fue admitido en el hospital para una cirugía abdominal de urgencia. A las seis horas de la última dosis recibida, los estudios de coagulación mostraban alteración. Ante la falta de antídoto para revertir los efectos, se decidió realizar hemodiálisis. Luego de tres horas de diálisis los parámetros de coagulación tendieron a normalizarse y el paciente fue operado sin presentar hemorragias anormales durante la cirugía o en el postoperatorio.

  3. Migración en Chile: nuevo desafío para la formación de competencias culturales en estudiantes de enfermería


    Jofré, Soledad; Sepúlveda, Claudia


    ResumenEn las últimas dos décadas, Chile ha incrementado su tasa de inmigración nacional: la última estimación determinó que, para el año 2014, el 2,3 % de la población nacional correspondería a migrantes permanentes, lo cual se ha duplicado en los últimos 12 años. Ante este panorama, es necesario que la formación de profesionales de enfermería se adapte con el fin de responder a las nuevas necesidades sociales del país y, consecuentemente, brindar cuidados considerando la diversidad cultural...

  4. Plant lock and ant key: pairwise coevolution of an exclusion filter in an ant-plant mutualism. (United States)

    Brouat, C; Garcia, N; Andary, C; McKey, D


    Although observations suggest pairwise coevolution in specific ant-plant symbioses, coevolutionary processes have rarely been demonstrated. We report on, what is to the authors' knowledge, the strongest evidence yet for reciprocal adaptation of morphological characters in a species-specific ant-plant mutualism. The plant character is the prostoma, which is a small unlignified organ at the apex of the domatia in which symbiotic ants excavate an entrance hole. Each myrmecophyte in the genus Leonardoxa has evolved a prostoma with a different shape. By performing precise measurements on the prostomata of three related myrmecophytes, on their specific associated ants and on the entrance holes excavated by symbiotic ants at the prostomata, we showed that correspondence of the plant and ant traits forms a morphological and behavioural filter. We have strong evidence for coevolution between the dimensions and shape of the symbiotic ants and the prostoma in one of the three ant-Leonardoxa associations.

  5. Beyond ANT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jansen, Till


    Actor-Network-Theory (ANT) offers an ‘infra-language’ of the social that allows one to trace social relations very dynamically, while at the same time dissolving human agency, thus providing a flat and de-centred way into sociology. However, ANT struggles with its theoretical design that may lead...... us to reduce agency to causation and to conceptualize actor-networks as homogeneous ontologies of force. This article proposes to regard ANT’s inability to conceptualize reflexivity and the interrelatedness of different ontologies as the fundamental problem of the theory. Drawing on Günther......, it offers an ‘infra-language’ of reflexive relations while maintaining ANT’s de-centred approach. This would enable us to conceptualize actor-networks as non-homogeneous, dynamic and connecting different societal rationales while maintaining the main strengths of ANT....

  6. Dynamics of an ant-plant-pollinator model (United States)

    Wang, Yuanshi; DeAngelis, Donald L.; Nathaniel Holland, J.


    In this paper, we consider plant-pollinator-ant systems in which plant-pollinator interaction and plant-ant interaction are both mutualistic, but there also exists interference of pollinators by ants. The plant-pollinator interaction can be described by a Beddington-DeAngelis formula, so we extend the formula to characterize plant-pollinator mutualisms, including the interference by ants, and form a plant-pollinator-ant model. Using dynamical systems theory, we show uniform persistence of the model. Moreover, we demonstrate conditions under which boundary equilibria are globally asymptotically stable. The dynamics exhibit mechanisms by which the three species could coexist when ants interfere with pollinators. We define a threshold in ant interference. When ant interference is strong, it can drive plant-pollinator mutualisms to extinction. Furthermore, if the ants depend on pollination mutualism for their persistence, then sufficiently strong ant interference could lead to their own extinction as well. Yet, when ant interference is weak, plant-ant and plant-pollinator mutualisms can promote the persistence of one another.

  7. Using Ants as bioindicators: Multiscale Issues in Ant Community Ecology

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    Alan Andersen


    Full Text Available Ecological patterns and processes are characteristically scale dependent, and research findings often cannot be translated easily from one scale to another. Conservation biology is challenged by a lack of congruence between the spatial scales of ecological research (typically involving small plots and land management (typically involving whole landscapes. Here, I discuss spatial scaling issues as they relate to an understanding of ant communities and, consequently, their use as bioindicators in land management. Our perceptions of fundamental patterns and processes in ant communities depend on scale: taxa that are behaviorally dominant at one scale are not necessarily so at others, functional groups recognized at one scale are often inappropriate for others, and the role of competition in community structure depends on the scale of analysis. Patterns of species richness and composition, and the ability of total richness to be estimated by surrogates, are all also scale dependent. Ant community ecology has a tradition of detailed studies in small plots, but the use of ants as bioindicators requires a predictive understanding of community structure and dynamics at a range of spatial scales. Such an appreciation of ant communities and their most effective use as bioindicators is best served by studies integrating results from plot-scale research with the broad-scale paradigms of biogeography, systematics, and evolutionary biology.

  8. Ecosystem services delivered by weaver ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offenberg, Joachim

    Weaver ants (Oecopgylla spp.) are increasingly being utilized as efficient biocontrol agents in a number of tropical tree crops, as they prey on pest insects and increase yields. However, recent studies and a review of the literature reveal that a number of other services may derive from the pres......Weaver ants (Oecopgylla spp.) are increasingly being utilized as efficient biocontrol agents in a number of tropical tree crops, as they prey on pest insects and increase yields. However, recent studies and a review of the literature reveal that a number of other services may derive from...... the presence of these ants. First of all, the chemical footprint left by the high density of ants in managed host trees may results in additional benefits. (i) Ant deposits may lead to improved fruit quality, e.g. increased sugar content, (ii) ant deposits may deter important pests (chemical deterrence) from...... crops, and lastly, (iii) ant waste products deposited ias anal spots contain urea that may be taken up by plant leaves and in this way fertilize ant-plants. On top of chemical services, weaver ants have been shown to reduce plant disease incidence via competitive exclusion of other ant species because...

  9. Ant-lepidopteran associations along African forest edges (United States)

    Dejean, Alain; Azémar, Frédéric; Libert, Michel; Compin, Arthur; Hérault, Bruno; Orivel, Jérôme; Bouyer, Thierry; Corbara, Bruno


    Working along forest edges, we aimed to determine how some caterpillars can co-exist with territorially dominant arboreal ants (TDAAs) in tropical Africa. We recorded caterpillars from 22 lepidopteran species living in the presence of five TDAA species. Among the defoliator and/or nectarivorous caterpillars that live on tree foliage, the Pyralidae and Nymphalidae use their silk to protect themselves from ant attacks. The Notodontidae and lycaenid Polyommatinae and Theclinae live in direct contact with ants; the Theclinae even reward ants with abundant secretions from their Newcomer gland. Lichen feeders (lycaenid; Poritiinae), protected by long bristles, also live among ants. Some lycaenid Miletinae caterpillars feed on ant-attended membracids, including in the shelters where the ants attend them; Lachnocnema caterpillars use their forelegs to obtain trophallaxis from their host ants. Caterpillars from other species live inside weaver ant nests. Those of the genus Euliphyra (Miletinae) feed on ant prey and brood and can obtain trophallaxis, while those from an Eberidae species only prey on host ant eggs. Eublemma albifascia (Erebidae) caterpillars use their thoracic legs to obtain trophallaxis and trophic eggs from ants. Through transfer bioassays of last instars, we noted that herbivorous caterpillars living in contact with ants were always accepted by alien conspecific ants; this is likely due to an intrinsic appeasing odor. Yet, caterpillars living in ant shelters or ant nests probably acquire cues from their host colonies because they were considered aliens and killed. We conclude that co-evolution with ants occurred similarly in the Heterocera and Rhopalocera.

  10. The metapleural gland of ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yek, Sze Huei; Mueller, Ulrich G


    The metapleural gland (MG) is a complex glandular structure unique to ants, suggesting a critical role in their origin and ecological success. We synthesize the current understanding of the adaptive function, morphology, evolutionary history, and chemical properties of the MG. Two functions......-compressible invagination of the integument and the secretion is thought to ooze out passively through the non-closable opening of the MG or is groomed off by the legs and applied to target surfaces. MG loss has occurred repeatedly among the ants, particularly in the subfamilies Formicinae and Myrmicinae, and the MG...... is more commonly absent in males than in workers. MG chemistry has been characterized mostly in derived ant lineages with unique biologies (e.g. leafcutter ants, fire ants), currently precluding any inferences about MG chemistry at the origin of the ants. A synthetic approach integrating functional...

  11. Europa y Estados Unidos ante los Derechos Humanos en Cuba

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    Susanne Gratius


    de la UE no han sido estrategias eficaces para promover los derechos humanos en la isla. Al ser diferentes, las políticas de la UE y EEUU incluso han contribuido a mantener el régimen castrista en el poder: la UE por su reconocimiento diplomático y la cooperación económica; EEUU, al proporcionar una imagen de enemigo externo. Por ello, y ante el nuevo panorama que ofrece el cambio de gobierno en Cuba, la próxima revisión de la Posición Común de la UE y las elecciones presidenciales en EEUU, es necesario replantearse los objetivos y estrategias políticas para incentivar los derechos humanos en Cuba.

  12. Foliar uptake of nitrogen from ant fecal droplets: an overlooked service to ant plants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinkalski, Christian Alexander Stidsen; Jensen, Karl-Martin Vagn; Damgaard, Christian Frølund


    and subsequently deposited fecal droplets on the seedlings, coffee leaves showed increased levels of 15N and total N compared to control plants without ants. This was evident for both exposed leaves and leaves covered in plastic bags (i.e. not directly exposed to ants). Thus, N from ant excretions was absorbed...

  13. Reacciones de profesoras y profesores de la universidad de Costa Rica ante la flexibilización del currículum para estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales

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    Irma Arguedas Negrini


    Full Text Available La Universidad de Costa Rica ha asumido el compromiso de garantizar la accesibilidad a los procesos de aprendizaje cuando esto sea requerido por estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales. El presente trabajo se realizó con el propósito de recolectar información que favorezca que los procesos de igualdad de oportunidades se cumplan de la forma que aporte mayores beneficios para todos los involucrados y de proporcionar un espacio para que el personal docente manifestara sus reacciones ante sus experiencias con la flexibilización del currículum. Se analizan elementos que contribuyen a hacer la accesibilidad una realidad y se reportan las reacciones de diez profesoras y profesores de la Sede Rodrigo Facio quienes han impartido cursos a estudiantes que han solicitado la aplicación del Artículo 37 del Reglamento de Régimen Académico Estudiantil. Se concluye que la aplicación de adecuaciones curriculares o de acceso y la aceptación de la diversidad en el medio universitario pueden ser una fuente de aprendizaje y enriquecimiento.

  14. Odorous house ants (Tapinoma sessile as back-seat drivers of localized ant decline in urban habitats.

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    Adam Salyer

    Full Text Available Invasive species and habitat disturbance threaten biodiversity worldwide by modifying ecosystem performance and displacing native organisms. Similar homogenization impacts manifest locally when urbanization forces native species to relocate or reinvade perpetually altered habitat. This study investigated correlations between ant richness and abundance in response to urbanization and the nearby presence of invasive ant species, odorous house ants (Tapinoma sessile, within its native region. Surveying localized ant composition within natural, semi-natural, and urban habitat supported efforts to determine whether T. sessile appear to be primary (drivers threats as instigators or secondary (passengers threats as inheritors of indigenous ant decline. Sampling 180 sites, evenly split between all habitats with and without T. sessile present, yielded 45 total species. Although urbanization and T. sessile presence factors were significantly linked to ant decline, their interaction correlated to the greatest reduction of total ant richness (74% and abundance (81%. Total richness appeared to decrease from 27 species to 18 when natural habitat is urbanized and from 18 species to 7 with T. sessile present in urban plots. Odorous house ant presence minimally influenced ant communities within natural and semi-natural habitat, highlighting the importance of habitat alteration and T. sessile presence interactions. Results suggest urbanization releases T. sessile from unknown constraints by decreasing ant richness and competition. Within urban environment, T. sessile are pre-adapted to quickly exploit new resources and grow to supercolony strength wherein T. sessile drive adjacent biodiversity loss. Odorous house ants act as passengers and drivers of ecological change throughout different phases of urban 'invasion'. This progression through surviving habitat alteration, exploiting new resources, thriving, and further reducing interspecific competition supports a

  15. Microsatellite primers for fungus-growing ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villesen, Palle; Gertsch, P J; Boomsma, JJ


    We isolated five polymorphic microsatellite loci from a library of two thousand recombinant clones of two fungus-growing ant species, Cyphomyrmex longiscapus and Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki. Amplification and heterozygosity were tested in five species of higher attine ants using both the newly...... developed primers and earlier published primers that were developed for fungus-growing ants. A total of 20 variable microsatellite loci, developed for six different species of fungus-growing ants, are now available for studying the population genetics and colony kin-structure of these ants....

  16. Microsatellite Primers for Fungus-Growing Ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villesen Fredsted, Palle; Gertsch, Pia J.; Boomsma, Jacobus Jan (Koos)


    We isolated five polymorphic microsatellite loci from a library of two thousand recombinant clones of two fungus-growing ant species, Cyphomyrmex longiscapus and Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki. Amplification and heterozygosity were tested in five species of higher attine ants using both the newly...... developed primers and earlier published primers that were developed for fungus-growing ants. A total of 20 variable microsatellite loci, developed for six different species of fungus-growing ants, are now available for studying the population genetics and colony kin-structure of these ants....

  17. Influencia del rechazo escolar sobre la alta ansiedad ante el castigo escolar en educación primaria

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    María Isabel Gómez-Núñez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio consistió en analizar la capacidad predictiva del rechazo escolar sobre los altos niveles de ansiedad ante el castigo escolar (ACE. Para ello, se reclutó una muestra de 1,003 estudiantes de Educación Primaria con edades comprendidas entre los 8 y los 12 años. Los instrumentos empleados fueron el Inventario de Ansiedad Escolar para Educación Primaria (IAEP y el School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children (SRAS-R-C. Los resultados del análisis de regresión logística revelaron que el rechazo escolar para evitar estímulos que provocan emociones negativas actuaba como una variable predictora estadísticamente significativa de la ACE en la muestra total, en las muestras por sexo (chicos y chicas y en las muestras por curso académico (3.°, 4.°, 5.° y 6.° de Educación Primaria. Por otro lado, el rechazo escolar para evitar situaciones sociales aversivas y/o de evaluación y el rechazo escolar para llamar la atención influían positivamente sobre la alta ACE en la muestra de chicos y en 4.° de Educación Primaria, respectivamente. Estos resultados muestran la importancia de valorar el rechazo escolar, por la influencia que podría ejercer en la aparición de altos niveles de ansiedad ante el castigo escolar.

  18. Formigas como veiculadoras de microrganismos em ambiente hospitalar Ants as carriers of microorganisms in hospital environments

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    Rogério dos Santos Pereira


    Full Text Available Existe preocupação sobre as reais possibilidades de agravos à saúde pública que possam ser causados pela veiculação de agentes patogênicos através de formigas urbanas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo isolar e identificar os microrganismos associados às formigas em ambiente hospitalar. Foram coletadas 125 formigas, da mesma espécie, em diferentes unidades de um Hospital Universitário. Cada formiga foi coletada com swab embebido em solução fisiológica e transferida para um tubo com caldo Brain Heart Infusion e incubados 35ºC por 24 horas. A partir de cada tubo, com crescimento, foram realizadas inoculações, em meios específicos, para isolamento dos microrganismos. As formigas apresentaram alta capacidade de veiculação de grupos de microrganismos, sendo que 63,5% das cepas eram bacilos Gram positivos produtores de esporos, 6,3% eram bacilos Gram negativos, cocos Gram positivos corresponderam a 23,1% das cepas, 6,7% eram fungos filamentosos e 0,5% eram leveduras. Desta forma, pode-se inferir que as formigas podem ser um dos responsáveis pela disseminação de microrganismos em ambientes hospitalares.Concern exists regarding the real possibility of public health threats caused by pathogenic agents that are carried by urban ants. The present study had the objective of isolating and identifying the microorganisms that are associated with ants in hospital environments. One hundred and twenty-five ants of the same species were collected from different units of a university hospital. Each ant was collected using a swab soaked with physiological solution and was transferred to a tube containing brain heart infusion broth and incubated at 35ºC for 24 hours. From each tube, with growth, inoculations were made into specific culturing media, to isolate any microorganisms. The ants presented a high capacity for carrying microorganism groups: spore-producing Gram-positive bacilli 63.5%, Gram-negative bacilli 6.3%, Gram-positive cocci

  19. Integración de un sistema de pago para móvil mediante un intermediario para una aplicación WAP


    Paradell Cases, David


    Nou sistema de pagament per mòbil. [ANGLÈS] Integration of a mobile payment system using Mobile 365 company to a WAP application. [CASTELLÀ] Integración de un sistema de pago para móvil mediante Mobile 365 para una aplicación WAP. [CATALÀ] Integració d'un sistema de pagament per mòbil mitjançant Mobile 365 per a una aplicació WAP.

  20. Ant Colony Optimization for Control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Ast, J.M.


    The very basis of this thesis is the collective behavior of ants in colonies. Ants are an excellent example of how rather simple behavior on a local level can lead to complex behavior on a global level that is beneficial for the individuals. The key in the self-organization of ants is communication

  1. Tipologias e Arquétipos: a Psicologia Profunda como base para uma hermenêutica


    Jactania Marques Muller; Patricia de Sá Freire

    2015-01-01, Ermelinda Ganem; FIALHO, Francisco Antônio Pereira. Tipologias e arquétipos: a Psicologia Profunda como base para uma hermenêutica - Coleção Jung sai pra rua. v. 1. Florianópolis: Insular, 2014. 264 p. FERNANDES, Ermelinda Ganem; FIALHO, Francisco Antônio Pereira. Tipologias e arquétipos: a Psicologia Profunda como base para uma hermenêutica - Coleção Jung sai pra rua. v. 1. Florianópolis: Insular, 2014. 264 p. FERNANDES, Ermel...

  2. Modelo Vectorial para la Inferencia del Estado Cognitivo de Pacientes en Estados Derivados del Coma

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    Esteban Velásquez R.


    Full Text Available La forma tradicional de evaluar el estado de conciencia de un individuo, ha sido mediante la aplicación de estímulos y el análisis de sus respuestas, sin embargo, esta técnica se ve limitada cuando el individuo es incapaz de responder evidentemente ante un estímulo, como es el caso de los pacientes en estados derivados del coma. En estos casos, se requiere de una conexión directa con el cerebro del paciente para detectar una respuesta. Por consiguiente, en este artículo se desarrolla y analiza un modelo computacional basado en los principios de las máquinas de soporte vectorial (MSV, para inferir el estado cognitivo de pacientes en estados derivados del coma, mediante la utilización de un equipo de electroencefalografía comercial. Los resultados obtenidos, mostraron que el modelo logró clasificar correctamente una tarea cognitiva en al menos cuatro de cada cinco pruebas en pacientes de control, lo que se traduce en la obtención de un sistema de bajo costo para el análisis del estado de conciencia y para la posible comunicación con algunos pacientes en estados derivados del coma mediante protocolos médicos definidos. De esta manera, este sistema se presenta como un gran aporte para las clínicas y centros hospitalarios, como herramienta potencial de diagnóstico para este tipo de pacientes.

  3. Partial incompatibility between ants and symbiotic fungi in two sympatric species of Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants. (United States)

    Bot, A N; Rehner, S A; Boomsma, J J


    We investigate the nature and duration of incompatibility between certain combinations of Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants and symbiotic fungi, taken from sympatric colonies of the same or a related species. Ant-fungus incompatibility appeared to be largely independent of the ant species involved, but could be explained partly by genetic differences among the fungus cultivars. Following current theoretical considerations, we develop a hypothesis, originally proposed by S. A. Frank, that the observed incompatibilities are ultimately due to competitive interactions between genetically different fungal lineages, and we predict that the ants should have evolved mechanisms to prevent such competition between cultivars within a single garden. This requires that the ants are able to recognize unfamiliar fungi, and we show that this is indeed the case. Amplified fragment length polymorphism genotyping further shows that the two sympatric Acromyrmex species share each other's major lineages of cultivar, confirming that horizontal transfer does occasionally take place. We argue and provide some evidence that chemical substances produced by the fungus garden may mediate recognition of alien fungi by the ants. We show that incompatibility between ants and transplanted, genetically different cultivars is indeed due to active killing of the novel cultivar by the ants. This incompatibility disappears when ants are force-fed the novel cultivar for about a week, a result that is consistent with our hypothesis of recognition induced by the resident fungus and eventual replacement of incompatibility compounds during force-feeding.

  4. Sick ants become unsociable

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bos, Nicky Peter Maria; Lefevre, T.; Jensen, A.B.


    Parasites represent a severe threat to social insects, which form high-density colonies of related individuals, and selection should favour host traits that reduce infection risk. Here, using a carpenter ant (Camponotus aethiops) and a generalist insect pathogenic fungus (Metarhizium brunneum), we...... show that infected ants radically change their behaviour over time to reduce the risk of colony infection. Infected individuals (i) performed less social interactions than their uninfected counterparts, (ii) did not interact with brood anymore and (iii) spent most of their time outside the nest from...... day 3 post-infection until death. Furthermore, infected ants displayed an increased aggressiveness towards non-nestmates. Finally, infected ants did not alter their cuticular chemical profile, suggesting that infected individuals do not signal their physiological status to nestmates. Our results...

  5. Ansiedad ante los exámenes en alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria || Anxiety in students from junior high-school

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    Alba Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar el grado de ansiedad ante los exámenes. Para llevar a cabo el estudio se ha utilizado el Cuestionario de Evaluación de Ansiedad ante los Exámenes (CAEX administrado a 325 estudiantes de ESO. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que el perfil de estudiante que posee mayores niveles de ansiedad ante los exámenes es una mujer de 12 años, que estudia 1º ESO en un colegio privado-concertado y aprueba todas las asignaturas. Se puede concluir en primer lugar que la ansiedad ante los exámenes afecta significativamente a los estudiantes de la muestra, y en segundo lugar, se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las variables edad, sexo, tipo de centro, curso y rendimiento académico.

  6. Interactive effects of soil-dwelling ants, ant mounds and simulated grazing on local plant community composition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veen, G.F.; Olff, H.


    Interactions between aboveground vertebrate herbivores and subterranean yellow meadow ants (Lasius flavus) can drive plant community patterns in grassland ecosystems. Here, we study the relative importance of the presence of ants (L. flavus) and ant mounds under different simulated grazing regimes

  7. Roadside Survey of Ants on Oahu, Hawaii (United States)

    Tong, Reina L.; Grace, J. Kenneth; Krushelnycky, Paul D.


    Hawaii is home to over 60 ant species, including five of the six most damaging invasive ants. Although there have been many surveys of ants in Hawaii, the last island-wide hand-collection survey of ants on Oahu was conducted in 1988–1994. In 2012, a timed hand-collection of ants was made at 44 sites in a systematic, roadside survey throughout Oahu. Ants were identified and species distribution in relation to elevation, precipitation and soil type was analyzed. To assess possible convenience sampling bias, 15 additional sites were sampled further from roads to compare with the samples near roads. Twenty-four species of ants were found and mapped; Pheidole megacephala (F.), Ochetellus glaber (Mayr), and Technomyrmex difficilis Forel were the most frequently encountered ants. For six ant species, a logistic regression was performed with elevation, average annual precipitation, and soil order as explanatory variables. O. glaber was found in areas with lower precipitation around Oahu. Paratrechina longicornis (Latrielle) and Tetramorium simillimum (Smith, F.) were found more often in lower elevations and in areas with the Mollisol soil order. Elevation, precipitation, and soil type were not significant sources of variation for P. megacephala, Plagiolepis alluaudi Emery, and T. difficilis. P. megacephala was associated with fewer mean numbers of ants where it occurred. Ant assemblages near and far from roads did not significantly differ. Many species of ants remain established on Oahu, and recent invaders are spreading throughout the island. Mapping ant distributions contributes to continued documentation and understanding of these pests. PMID:29439503

  8. Plan de marketing para la herramienta de inteligencia artificial Parlakuy


    Farro Flores, César Augusto; Gonzales Gaspar, Juan Francisco


    Parlakuy es una empresa tecnológica en formación dedicada a utilizar herramientas de inteligencia artificial, específicamente machine learning, en las redes sociales. Tiene por objetivo ayudar a resolver las necesidades de las empresas y personas para que puedan entender a sus clientes en redes sociales, identificar temas importantes para su estudio y tomar acciones preventivas ante un suceso o acontecimiento en tiempo real. Para esto crea la herramienta Parlakuy, que tiene el mismo nombre...

  9. Dealing with water deficit in Atta ant colonies: large ants scout for water while small ants transport it

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    Antonio Carlos Da-Silva


    Leafcutter ants (Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Forel 1908 have an elaborate social organization, complete with caste divisions. Activities carried out by specialist groups contribute to the overall success and survival of the colony when it is confronted with environmental challenges such as dehydration. Ants detect variations in humidity inside the nest and react by activating several types of behavior that enhance water uptake and decrease water loss, but it is not clear whether or not a single caste collects water regardless of the cost of bringing this resource back to the colony. Accordingly, we investigated water collection activities in three colonies of Atta sexdens rubropilosa experimentally exposed to water stress. Specifically, we analyzed whether or not the same ant caste foraged for water, regardless of the absolute energetic cost (distance of transporting this resource back to the colony. Our experimental design offered water sources at 0 m, 1 m and 10 m from the nest. We studied the body size of ants near the water sources from the initial offer of water (time  =  0 to 120 min, and tested for specialization. We observed a reduction in the average size and variance of ants that corroborated the specialization hypothesis. Although the temporal course of specialization changed with distance, the final outcome was similar among distances. Thus, we conclude that, for this species, a specialist (our use of the word “specialist” does not mean exclusive task force is responsible for collecting water, regardless of the cost of transporting water back to the colony.

  10. The evolution of genome size in ants

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    Spagna Joseph C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Despite the economic and ecological importance of ants, genomic tools for this family (Formicidae remain woefully scarce. Knowledge of genome size, for example, is a useful and necessary prerequisite for the development of many genomic resources, yet it has been reported for only one ant species (Solenopsis invicta, and the two published estimates for this species differ by 146.7 Mb (0.15 pg. Results Here, we report the genome size for 40 species of ants distributed across 10 of the 20 currently recognized subfamilies, thus making Formicidae the 4th most surveyed insect family and elevating the Hymenoptera to the 5th most surveyed insect order. Our analysis spans much of the ant phylogeny, from the less derived Amblyoponinae and Ponerinae to the more derived Myrmicinae, Formicinae and Dolichoderinae. We include a number of interesting and important taxa, including the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile, Neotropical army ants (genera Eciton and Labidus, trapjaw ants (Odontomachus, fungus-growing ants (Apterostigma, Atta and Sericomyrmex, harvester ants (Messor, Pheidole and Pogonomyrmex, carpenter ants (Camponotus, a fire ant (Solenopsis, and a bulldog ant (Myrmecia. Our results show that ants possess small genomes relative to most other insects, yet genome size varies three-fold across this insect family. Moreover, our data suggest that two whole-genome duplications may have occurred in the ancestors of the modern Ectatomma and Apterostigma. Although some previous studies of other taxa have revealed a relationship between genome size and body size, our phylogenetically-controlled analysis of this correlation did not reveal a significant relationship. Conclusion This is the first analysis of genome size in ants (Formicidae and the first across multiple species of social insects. We show that genome size is a variable trait that can evolve gradually over long time spans, as well as rapidly, through processes that may

  11. Occurrence and abundance of ants, reptiles, and mammals: Chapter 7 (United States)


    Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.)- associated wildlife are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation and by impacts associated with anthropogenic disturbances, including energy development. Understanding how species of concern as well as other wildlife including insects, reptiles, and mammals respond to type and spatial scale of disturbance is critical to managing future land uses and identifying sites that are important for conservation. We developed statistical models to describe species occurrence or abundance, based on area searches in 7.29-ha survey blocks, across the Wyoming Basins Ecoregional Assessment (WBEA) area for six shrub steppe-associated species: harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex spp.), thatch ant (Formica spp.), short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma hernandesi), white-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus townsendii), cottontail (Sylvilagus spp.) and least chipmunk (Tamius minimus). We modeled patterns in occupancy or abundance relative to multi-scale measures of vegetation type and pattern, abiotic site characteristics, and anthropogenic disturbance factors. Sagebrush habitat was a strong predictor of occurrence for shorthorned lizards and white-tailed jackrabbits, but weak for the other four species. Vegetation and abiotic characteristics were strong determinants of species occurrence, although the scale of response was not consistent among species. All species, with the exception of the short-horned lizard, responded to anthropogenic disturbance, although responses again varied as a function of scale and direction (negative and positive influences). Our results improve our understanding of how environmental and anthropogenic factors affect species distributions across the WBEA area and facilitate a multi-species approach to management of this sagebrush ecosystem.

  12. Are ant feces nutrients for plants? A metabolomics approach to elucidate the nutritional effects on plants hosting weaver ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vidkjær, Nanna Hjort; Wollenweber, Bernd; Gislum, René


    Weaver ants (genus Oecophylla) are tropical carnivorous ant species living in high numbers in the canopies of trees. The ants excrete copious amounts of fecal matter on leaf surfaces, and these feces may provide nutrients to host trees. This hypothesis is supported by studies of ant......-plant interactions involving other ant species that have demonstrated the transfer of nutrients from ants to plants. In this 7-months study, a GC–MS-based metabolomics approach along with an analysis of total nitrogen and carbon levels was used to study metabolic changes in ant-hosting Coffea arabica plants compared...... with control plants. The results showed elevated levels of total nitrogen, amino acids, fatty acids, caffeine, and secondary metabolites of the phenylpropanoid pathway in leaves from ant-hosting plants. Minor effects were observed for sugars, whereas little or no effect was observed for organic acids, despite...

  13. The interactions of ants with their biotic environment. (United States)

    Chomicki, Guillaume; Renner, Susanne S


    This s pecial feature results from the symposium 'Ants 2016: ant interactions with their biotic environments' held in Munich in May 2016 and deals with the interactions between ants and other insects, plants, microbes and fungi, studied at micro- and macroevolutionary levels with a wide range of approaches, from field ecology to next-generation sequencing, chemical ecology and molecular genetics. In this paper, we review key aspects of these biotic interactions to provide background information for the papers of this s pecial feature After listing the major types of biotic interactions that ants engage in, we present a brief overview of ant/ant communication, ant/plant interactions, ant/fungus symbioses, and recent insights about ants and their endosymbionts. Using a large molecular clock-dated Formicidae phylogeny, we map the evolutionary origins of different ant clades' interactions with plants, fungi and hemiptera. Ants' biotic interactions provide ideal systems to address fundamental ecological and evolutionary questions about mutualism, coevolution, adaptation and animal communication. © 2017 The Author(s).

  14. Comparação entre diversos antígenos para o diagnóstico de Anaplasma marginale por ELISA Comparison between several antigens for diagnosis of Anaplasma marginale by ELISA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos A.N. Ramos


    Full Text Available Anaplasmose bovina é uma doença com grande importância nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais do mundo por determinar perdas econômicas devido à mortalidade e redução da produtividade. É causada por Anaplasma marginale, uma riquétsia intraeritrocítica obrigatória cujo controle requer, além de uma vacina eficiente, uma acurada identificação de bovinos cronicamente infectados. Apesar de existirem atualmente diversos métodos de diagnóstico dessa riquétsia, os métodos sorológicos, em particular o ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimática-ELISAs, são os mais utilizados devido à sua versatilidade e praticidade. No entanto, devido ao grande número de antígenos disponíveis, atualmente torna-se necessária uma avaliação para definir quais antígenos apresentam um melhor desempenho no diagnóstico da anaplasmose. Soros de bovinos positivos e negativos para A. marginale por PCR, e soros de animais provenientes do Brasil e Costa Rica, foram testados em ELISAs baseados em MSP1a, MSP2 e MSP5 recombinantes, um pool das três proteínas recombinantes, e antígeno de lisado de corpúsculos iniciais da riquétsia (CI. Utilizando soro de bovinos positivos para A. marginale por PCR, uma maior sensibilidade foi observada no ELISA CI. No entanto, uma maior especificidade, com soro de bovinos negativos a PCR, foi observada com os ELISAs recombinantes. O porcentual de bovinos positivos do Brasil e Costa Rica foi maior com ELISA CI. Razões para essas diferenças são discutidas.Bovine anaplasmosis is a major disease in tropical and subtropical regions of the world by determine economical loss due mortality and productive reduction. The disease is caused by Anaplasma marginale, an intraerythrocytic rickettsia whose control requires, besides an efficient vaccine, the accurate identification of chronically infected cattle. Although the existence of diverse methods of diagnosis of this rickettsia, the serological methods, in particular the enzyme

  15. El sentir enfermero ante la muerte de un ser querido O sentir enfermeiro ante a morte de um ser querido Feeling nurse after the passing of a loved one

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    Alba Rosa Fernández


    Full Text Available Con 14 años de egresada de la universidad como enfermera, la autora experimentó el sufrimiento, la tristeza, la pérdida y la incertidumbre ante la enfermedad y muerte de un ser querido. El conocimiento y la práctica adquiridos en su vida profesional no fueron suficientes para enfrentar estos sentimientos, que se transformaron en dolor, culpa y no aceptación de la realidad. A partir de la experiencia personal reconstruyó el sentir enfermero ante la muerte de su madre: esa una mujer menuda pero de gran carácter y con mucha fortaleza, que con solo tenía 54 años de edad se enfrentaba a un cáncer terminal. La impotencia en el actuar ante la enfermedad, la pérdida, el duelo, la negación, el enojo, la depresión, la aceptación y la muerte le hicieron comprender el papel de enfermería en situaciones críticas y que comprometen a seres queridos.Com 14 anos de formada da universidade como enfermeira, a autora experimentou o sofrimento, a tristeza, a perda e a incerteza ante a doença e morte de um ser querido. O conhecimento e a prática adquiridos em sua vida profissional não foram suficientes para enfrentar estes sentimentos, que se transformaram em dor, culpa e não aceitação da realidade. A partir da experiência pessoal reconstruiu o sentir enfermeiro ante a morte de sua mãe: essa uma mulher miúda mas, de grande caráter e com muita fortaleza, que com só tinha 54 anos de idade se enfrentava a um câncer terminal. A impotência no atuar ante a doença, a perda, o duelo, a negação, o agastamento, a depressão, a aceitação e a morte lhe fizeram compreender o papel de enfermaria em situações críticas e que comprometem a seres queridos.With 14 years of university graduate as a nurse, the author experienced the pain, sorrow, loss, and uncertainty in illness and death of a loved one. Knowledge and experience gotten in her professional life were not enough to face these feelings which became pain, guilt, and reality denial. From

  16. Frecuencia fenotípica y génica de los antígenos HLA en una muestra de la población cubana


    Morera Barrios, Luz M; R, Catalino; García, Ustáriz; García García, María A.; Díaz Báez, Nelioska; Lam Díaz, Rosa M; Guerreiro Hernández, Ana M; Hernández Ramírez, Porfirio; Ballester Santovenia, José M


    Se realizó un estudio de la frecuencia fenotípica y génica de los antígenos del sistema principal de histocompatibilidad HLA en personas no relacionadas, supuestamente sanas, tomadas como muestra de la población cubana. Se analizó la distribución de 87 antígenos HLA clase I ( loci A, B y C) y 25 clase II ( loci DR y DQ). Se emplearon las técnicas de microlinfocitotoxicidad (serológica) descrita por Terasaki y modificada por el NIH para los antígenos de clase I, y las técnicas de biología mole...

  17. A Non-lethal water-based removal-reapplication technique for behavioral analysis of cuticular compounds of ants. (United States)

    Roux, Olivier; Martin, Jean-Michel; Ghomsi, Nathan Tene; Dejean, Alain


    Interspecific relationships among insects are often mediated by chemical cues, including non-volatile cuticular compounds. Most of these compounds are hydrocarbons that necessitate the use of solvents for their extraction, identification, and manipulation during behavioral assays. The toxicity of these solvents often precludes the removal and reapplication of hydrocarbons from and to live insects. As a consequence, dummies often are used in behavioral assays, but their passivity can bias the behavior of the responding insects. To overcome these limitations, we propose a method where cuticular compounds are extracted from live ants by placing them into glass vials half-filled with tepid water (ca. 34 degrees C) and vigorously shaking the vials to form an emulsion whose supernatant can be analyzed and/or reapplied to other ants. We demonstrate that cuticular compounds can be extracted from workers of the red fire ant, Solenopsis saevissima, and reapplied to the cuticle of workers from a sympatric species, Camponotus blandus (both Hymenoptera: Formicidae), while keeping the ants alive. Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis and behavioral assays were used to confirm the successful transfer of the behaviorally active compounds.

  18. Estilos de afrontamiento ante eventos estresantes en la infancia


    Hernández Altamirano,Sheila Viridiana; Gutiérrez Lara,Mariana


    El afrontamiento es una variable mediadora de la adaptación y de los eventos estresantes de la vida diaria de un individuo. En el caso del infante le permite lidiar con los cambios físicos, psicológicos, familiares, sociales y académicos típicos de su edad. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar los estilos de afrontamiento utilizados por niños de 10 a 13 años de edad ante eventos estresantes. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo en el cual los estilos de afrontamiento fuero...

  19. Educación emprendedora y metodologías activas para su fomento

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    Jessica Paños Castro


    Full Text Available El emprendimiento no solo se refiere a la creación de nuevas empresas y/o negocios. Hoy en día a su vez es entendida como una competencia que engloba un conjunto de habilidades y destrezas como son la creatividad, el liderazgo, el trabajo en equipo, la innovación, la toma de decisiones…; todas ellas demandadas en el ámbito personal, social y profesional. Las instituciones educativas deberían promover está competencia al verse contemplada en las leyes educativas (Ley 2/2006; Ley 8/2013 y planes de estudios universitarios. Ahora bien, ¿qué metodologías se deberían emplear para desarrollar está competencia?, ¿En qué consisten? y ¿qué competencias fomenta cada una de ellas? El objetivo de este artículo es responder a estos interrogantes realizando una revisión bibliográfica de los últimos artículos publicados, pero antes se hace un recorrido por el término emprendimiento para a continuación señalar las habilidades y destrezas que engloba esta competencia, y el objetivo de la educación emprendedora.

  20. Chemically armed mercenary ants protect fungus-farming societies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adams, Rachelle Martha Marie; Liberti, Joanito; Illum, Anders A.


    guest ants are sufficient to kill raiders that invariably exterminate host nests without a cohabiting guest ant colony. We also show that the odor of guest ants discourages raider scouts from recruiting nestmates to host colonies. Our results imply that Sericomyrmex fungus-growers obtain a net benefit......The ants are extraordinary in having evolved many lineages that exploit closely related ant societies as social parasites, but social parasitism by distantly related ants is rare. Here we document the interaction dynamics among a Sericomyrmex fungus-growing ant host, a permanently associated...... parasitic guest ant of the genus Megalomyrmex, and a raiding agro-predator of the genus Gnamptogenys. We show experimentally that the guest ants protect their host colonies against agro-predator raids using alkaloid venom that is much more potent than the biting defenses of the host ants. Relatively few...

  1. A cellular automata model for ant trails

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In this study, the unidirectional ant traffic flow with U-turn in an ant trail was inves- tigated using ... the literature, it was considered in the model that (i) ant colony consists of two kinds of ants, good- ... ponents without a central controller [8].

  2. Using pleometrosis (multiple queens) and pupae transplantation to boost weaver ant (Oecophylla smaragdina) colony growth in ant nurseries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offenberg, Hans Joachim; Nielsen, Mogens Gissel; Peng, Renkang


    Weaver ants (Oecophylla spp.) are increasingly being used for biocontrol and are targeted for future production of insect protein in ant farms. An efficient production of live ant colonies may facilitate the utilization of these ants but the production of mature colonies is hampered by the long...... and no transplantation. Thus, in ant nurseries the use of multiple queens during nest founding as well as transplantation of pupae from foreign colonies may be utilised to decrease the time it takes to produce a colony ready for implementation....

  3. Ant-plants and fungi: a new threeway symbiosis. (United States)

    Defossez, Emmanuel; Selosse, Marc-André; Dubois, Marie-Pierre; Mondolot, Laurence; Faccio, Antonella; Djieto-Lordon, Champlain; McKey, Doyle; Blatrix, Rumsaïs


    Symbioses between plants and fungi, fungi and ants, and ants and plants all play important roles in ecosystems. Symbioses involving all three partners appear to be rare. Here, we describe a novel tripartite symbiosis in which ants and a fungus inhabit domatia of an ant-plant, and present evidence that such interactions are widespread. We investigated 139 individuals of the African ant-plant Leonardoxa africana for occurrence of fungus. Behaviour of mutualist ants toward the fungus within domatia was observed using a video camera fitted with an endoscope. Fungi were identified by sequencing a fragment of their ribosomal DNA. Fungi were always present in domatia occupied by mutualist ants but never in domatia occupied by opportunistic or parasitic ants. Ants appear to favour the propagation, removal and maintenance of the fungus. Similar fungi were associated with other ant-plants in Cameroon. All belong to the ascomycete order Chaetothyriales; those from L. africana formed a monophyletic clade. These new plant-ant-fungus associations seem to be specific, as demonstrated within Leonardoxa and as suggested by fungal phyletic identities. Such tripartite associations are widespread in African ant-plants but have long been overlooked. Taking fungal partners into account will greatly enhance our understanding of symbiotic ant-plant mutualisms.

  4. Estrategia para responder a incidentes de inseguridad informática ambientado en la legalidad ecuatoriana

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    Rodrigo Arturo Proaño


    Full Text Available Garantizar la seguridad de la información, los sistemas de información, servicios y redes implica socializar, también conocer cómo responder ante un evento donde se ha vulnerado dicha seguridad informática y como gestionar la evidencia digital identificada, fruto de una vulnerabilidad de seguridad informática. El presente trabajo entrega una solución, basada en estándares internacionales y acatando la legalidad ecuatoriana vigente. Los indicios digitales serán identificados en la escena de un incidente informático por parte de los peritos autorizados. La autorización debe señalar lo que motiva, faculta y limita la identificación de pruebas. La fase de obtención de los indicios digitales identificados dependerá de las circunstancias y políticas internas establecidas. La preservación de las pruebas objetivas se la realiza mediante la cadena de custodia y se reportan los resultados verificables, íntegros y confiables.    Se aplicó́ la estrategia descrita previamente como caso de estudio a los incidentes de violación de seguridades lógicas. En este sitio se reconoció́, extrajo, custodio e informó acerca de la evidencia digital hallada en el lugar. Durante todo el proceso se implementó́ la cadena de custodia, la cual garantizó la integridad, confiabilidad de los datos. En cada fase se registró́ como, cuando, donde y quien manipuló tanto los indicios digitales como los dispositivos digitales.

  5. Food source quality and ant dominance hierarchy influence the outcomes of ant-plant interactions in an arid environment (United States)

    Flores-Flores, Rocío Vianey; Aguirre, Armando; Anjos, Diego V.; Neves, Frederico S.; Campos, Ricardo I.; Dáttilo, Wesley


    In this study, we conducted a series of experiments in a population of Vachellia constricta (Fabaceae) in the arid Tehuacan-Cuicatláan valley, Mexico, in order to evaluate if the food source quality and ant dominance hierarchy influence the outcomes of ant-plant interactions. Using an experiment with artificial nectaries, we observed that ants foraging on food sources with higher concentration of sugar are quicker in finding and attacking potential herbivorous insects. More specifically, we found that the same ant species may increase their defence effectiveness according to the quality of food available. These findings indicate that ant effectiveness in plant protection is context-dependent and may vary according to specific individual characteristics of plants. In addition, we showed that competitively superior ant species tend to dominate plants in periods with high nectar activity, emphasizing the role of the dominance hierarchy structuring ant-plant interactions. However, when high sugar food sources were experimentally available ad libitum, the nocturnal and competitively superior ant species, Camponotus atriceps, did not dominate the artificial nectaries during the day possibly due to limitation of its thermal tolerance. Therefore, temporal niche partitioning may be allowing the coexistence of two dominant ant species (Camponotus rubritorax during the day and C. atriceps at night) on V. constricta. Our findings indicate that the quality of the food source, and temporal shifts in ant dominance are key factors which structure the biotic plant defences in an arid environment.

  6. El sitio de instalación de la Estación Científica Ecuatoriana en la Antártida


    Horn, H.; Arrellano, H.


    La Punta Fort Williams, en la Isla Greenwich, fue el lugar seleccionado por el Programa Antártico Ecuatoriano para la construcción de la Estación Científica "Pedro Vicente Maldonado", proyecto que representa la decisión del Estado Ecuatoriano por incorporar la región Antártica al quehacer científico nacional. La estación, de tipo modular, está localizada en una plataforma plana y reciente, de terreno suelto a una altitud de 20 metros aproximadamente, constituida de sedimentos consolidados ...

  7. Persistence of pollination mutualisms in the presence of ants. (United States)

    Wang, Yuanshi; Wang, Shikun


    This paper considers plant-pollinator-ant systems in which the plant-pollinator interaction is mutualistic but ants have both positive and negative effects on plants. The ants also interfere with pollinators by preventing them from accessing plants. While a Beddington-DeAngelis (BD) formula can describe the plant-pollinator interaction, the formula is extended in this paper to characterize the pollination mutualism under the ant interference. Then, a plant-pollinator-ant system with the extended BD functional response is discussed, and global dynamics of the model demonstrate the mechanisms by which pollination mutualism can persist in the presence of ants. When the ant interference is strong, it can result in extinction of pollinators. Moreover, if the ants depend on pollination mutualism for survival, the strong interference could drive pollinators into extinction, which consequently lead to extinction of the ants themselves. When the ant interference is weak, a cooperation between plant-ant and plant-pollinator mutualisms could occur, which promotes survival of both ants and pollinators, especially in the case that ants (respectively, pollinators) cannot survive in the absence of pollinators (respectively, ants). Even when the level of ant interference remains invariant, varying ants' negative effect on plants can result in survival/extinction of both ants and pollinators. Therefore, our results provide an explanation for the persistence of pollination mutualism when there exist ants.

  8. Riding with the ants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Duarte, A. P. M.; Attili-Angelis, D.; Baron, N. C.; Groenewald, Johannes Z.; Crous, Pedro W.; Pagnocca, F. C.

    Isolates of Teratosphaeriaceae have frequently been found in the integument of attine ants, proving to be common and diverse in this microenvironment. The LSU phylogeny of the ant-isolated strains studied revealed that they cluster in two main lineages. The first was associated with the genus

  9. Tiempo para un cambio (United States)

    Woltjer, L.


    En la reunion celebrada en diciembre dei ano pasado informe al Consejo de mi deseo de terminar mi contrato como Director General de la ESO una vez que fuera aprobado el proyecto dei VLT, que se espera sucedera hacia fines de este aAo. Cuando fue renovada mi designacion hace tres aAos, el Consejo conocia mi intencion de no completar los cinco aAos dei contrato debido a mi deseo de disponer de mas tiempo para otras actividades. Ahora, una vez terminada la fase preparatoria para el VLT, Y habiendose presentado el proyecto formalmente al Consejo el dia 31 de marzo, y esperando su muy probable aprobacion antes dei termino de este ano, me parece que el 10 de enero de 1988 presenta una excelente fecha para que se produzca un cambio en la administracion de la ESO.

  10. The importance of ants in cave ecology, with new records and behavioral observations of ants in Arizona caves

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    Robert B. Pape


    Full Text Available The importance of ants as elements in cave ecology has been mostly unrecognized. A global list of ant species recorded from caves, compiled from a review of existing literature, is presented. This paper also reviews what is currently known about ants occurring in Arizona (USA caves. The diversity and distribution represented in these records suggests ants are relatively common cave visitors (trogloxenes. A general utilization of caves by ants within both temperate and tropical latitudes may be inferred from this combined evidence. Observations of ant behavior in Arizona caves demonstrate a low level and sporadic, but persistent, use of these habitats and their contained resources by individual ant colonies. Documentation of Neivamyrmex sp. preying on cave-inhabiting arthropods is reported here for the first time. Observations of hypogeic army ants in caves suggests they may not penetrate to great vertical depth in search of prey, but can be persistent occupants in relatively shallow, horizontal sections of caves where they may prey on endemic cave animals. First cave records for ten ant species are reported from Arizona caves. These include two species of Neivamyrmex (N. nigrescens Cresson and Neivamyrmex sp.; Formicidae: Dorylinae, four myrmicines (Pheidole portalensis Wilson, Pheidole cf. porcula Wheeler, Solenopsis aurea Wheeler and Stenamma sp. Westwood, one dolichoderine (Forelius keiferi Wheeler and three formicines (Lasius arizonicus Wheeler, L. sitiens Wilson, and Camponotus sp. Mayr.

  11. Experimental winter warming modifies thermal performance and primes acorn ants for warm weather

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    MacLean, Heidi J.; Penick, Clint A.; Dunn, Robert R.


    The frequency of warm winter days is increasing under global climate change, but how organisms respond to warmer winters is not well understood. Most studies focus on growing season responses to warming. Locomotor performance is often highly sensitive to temperature, and can determine fitness...... outcomes through a variety of mechanisms including resource acquisition and predator escape. As a consequence, locomotor performance, and its impacts on fitness, may be strongly affected by winter warming in winter-active species. Here we use the acorn ant, Temnothorax curvispinosus, to explore how thermal...... performance (temperature-driven plasticity) in running speed is influenced by experimental winter warming of 3–5 °C above ambient in a field setting. We used running speed as a measure of performance as it is a common locomotor trait that influences acquisition of nest sites and food in acorn ants...

  12. Ant-plant-homopteran mutualism: how the third partner affects the interaction between a plant-specialist ant and its myrmecophyte host (United States)

    Gaume, L.; McKey, D.; Terrin, S.


    By estimating relative costs and benefits, we explored the role of the homopteran partner in the protection mutualism between the myrmecophyte Leonardoxa africana T3, the ant Aphomomyrmex afer, and sap-sucking homopterans tended by ants in the tree's swollen hollow twigs. The ants obtain nest sites and food from their host-plant (food is obtained either directly by extrafloral nectar or indirectly via homopterans). Aphomomyrmex workers patrol the young leaves of L. africana T3 and protect them against phytophagous insects. Because ants tended, either solely or primarily, coccids in some trees and pseudococcids in others, we were able to study whether the nature of the interaction was dependent on the identity of the third partner. First, the type of homopteran affects the benefits to the tree of maintaining a large ant colony. Larger colony size (relative to tree size) confers greater protection against herbivory; this relationship is more pronounced for trees whose ants tend pseudococcids than for those in which ants tend coccids. Second, for trees (and associated ant colonies) of comparable size, homopteran biomass was much larger in trees harbouring coccids than in trees with pseudococcids. Thus, the cost to the tree of maintaining ants may be greater when ants are associated with coccids. The net benefits to the plant of maintaining ants appear to be much greater with pseudococcids as the third partner. To explore how the type of homopteran affects functioning of the system, we attempted to determine which of the resources (nest sites, extrafloral nectar, and homopterans) is likely to limit ant colony size. In trees where ants tended coccids, ant-colony biomass was strongly dependent on the number of extrafloral nectaries. In contrast, in trees whose ants tended only pseudococcids, colony biomass was not related to the number of nectaries and was most strongly determined by the volume of available nest sites. We present hypotheses to explain how the type of

  13. Filosofa y ética gerencial para las empresas del siglo XXI

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    Elsa Fernandez


    Full Text Available El artículo desarrolla a manera de ensayo una visión general sobre el valor y al- cance de la filosofía y ética gerencial para las empresas del siglo XXI, así como de las consideraciones administrativas para asumir este enfoque como modelo para el desa- rrollo empresarial. Mediante este análisis, se reflexiona acerca de la introducción de la ética gerencial ante los nuevos escenarios organizacionales, se describen los factores que ejercen influencia sobre el surgimiento de un nuevo formato corporativo en las empresas que deciden renovar su capacidad de acción dentro del ámbito de la filoso- fía y ética gerencial, que estimule a los empresarios a asumir los cambios necesarios para establecer nuevas formas de hacer negocios dentro del contexto económico y ante el mercado, asegurando una eficaz optimización de sus procesos administrativos, especialmente de la toma de decisiones, consolidar una visión moral y con responsabilidad social de la empresa, siendo sus premisas fundamentales la excelencia, la justicia, la equidad, la oportunidad, la confianza, la confiabilidad, el flujo de información y la comunicación y cuyo funcionamiento describa su personalidad definitoria,tanto para sus integrantes como para los agentes externos con los cuales se relaciona.

  14. Comportamento de formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae inquilinas de cupins (Isoptera: Termitidae em pastagem

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    Carla Cristina Dutra


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o tipo de interação entre formigas e os cupins os quais habitam o mesmo ninho. Os experimentos foram de duas maneiras: A- para testar a relação de predação, os tratamentos usados foram: três formigas e um cupim, três formigas e três cupins, e três formigas e doze cupins; B- para testar a relação de proteção os tratamentos foram: três formigas e três cupins de um mesmo ninho e três formigas de um ninho diferente. Para verificar predação foram testadas diferentes origens de formigas e cupins. Os testes foram em arenas e placas de Petri. Os comportamentos observados foram: não responde; contato e abandono; agarra o cupim e luta. As espécies estudadas foram Camponotus sp. e Cornitermes silvestrii Emerson. No experimento A, nas arenas foi observado o comportamento de contato e abandono das formigas sobre um cupim significativamente diferente para formigas que não co-habitava com o cupim, já para um grupo de cupins o comportamento foi não responde. Na placa de Petri as formigas responderam ao contato com os cupins com comportamento de contato e abandono, morder e luta com o cupim, mas não houve diferença estatística entre os comportamentos. No experimento B observou-se luta entre as formigas de ninhos diferentes. Os experimentos mostraram que as formigas que co-habitam cupinzeiros não tiveram nenhuma resposta agressiva ou de predação com relação aos cupins dos quais co-habitam, mas também não tiveram comportamento de proteção com os mesmos, sugerindo que esta interação entre formigas e cupins é de inquilinismo.Behavior of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae Co-inhabit of Termites (Isoptera: Termitidae in grassland.Abstract. The aim of this study was to verify the kind of interactions between ants and termites that habit the same nest. Two kinds of experiments were done: A- to test the relation of predation, we used three ants and one termite, three ants and three termites and

  15. The distribution of weaver ant pheromones on host trees

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offenberg, Joachim


    The visible anal spots deposited by Oecophylla smaragdina ants have been suggested to deter ant prey, affect interspecific competition and facilitate mutualists and parasites in tracking down Oecophylla ants. I measured the density of anal spots on host trees with and without ants and tested for ...... to leaves. Also there was a positive correlation between spot density and the likelihood of being detected by ants. Anal spots may thus function as reliable cues to interacting species and be an important factor in shaping the community around Oecophylla colonies.......The visible anal spots deposited by Oecophylla smaragdina ants have been suggested to deter ant prey, affect interspecific competition and facilitate mutualists and parasites in tracking down Oecophylla ants. I measured the density of anal spots on host trees with and without ants and tested...... for correlations between spot density, ant activity and the likelihood of being detected by an ant. Spots were only found on trees with ants. On ant-trees, spots were distributed throughout the trees but with higher densities in areas with high ant activity and pheromone densities were higher on twigs compared...

  16. Relative effects of disturbance on red imported fire ants and native ant species in a longleaf pine ecosystem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stuble, Katharine L.; Kirkman, L. Katherine; Carroll, C. Ronald


    and cases in which non-native species become established in intact (lacking extensive anthropogenic soil disturbance) communities and subsequently diminish the abundance and richness of native species is challenging on the basis of observation alone. The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta......), an invasive species that occurs throughout much of the southeastern United States, is such an example. Rather than competitively displacing native species, fire ants may become established only in disturbed areas in which native species richness and abundance are already reduced. We used insecticide to reduce......, the abundance of native ants increased to levels comparable to those in control plots after 1 year. Our findings suggest that factors other than large reductions in ant abundance and species density (number of species per unit area) may affect the establishment of fire ants and that the response of native ants...

  17. Chemically armed mercenary ants protect fungus-farming societies (United States)

    Adams, Rachelle M. M.; Liberti, Joanito; Illum, Anders A.; Jones, Tappey H.; Nash, David R.; Boomsma, Jacobus J.


    The ants are extraordinary in having evolved many lineages that exploit closely related ant societies as social parasites, but social parasitism by distantly related ants is rare. Here we document the interaction dynamics among a Sericomyrmex fungus-growing ant host, a permanently associated parasitic guest ant of the genus Megalomyrmex, and a raiding agro-predator of the genus Gnamptogenys. We show experimentally that the guest ants protect their host colonies against agro-predator raids using alkaloid venom that is much more potent than the biting defenses of the host ants. Relatively few guest ants are sufficient to kill raiders that invariably exterminate host nests without a cohabiting guest ant colony. We also show that the odor of guest ants discourages raider scouts from recruiting nestmates to host colonies. Our results imply that Sericomyrmex fungus-growers obtain a net benefit from their costly guest ants behaving as a functional soldier caste to meet lethal threats from agro-predator raiders. The fundamentally different life histories of the agro-predators and guest ants appear to facilitate their coexistence in a negative frequency-dependent manner. Because a guest ant colony is committed for life to a single host colony, the guests would harm their own interests by not defending the host that they continue to exploit. This conditional mutualism is analogous to chronic sickle cell anemia enhancing the resistance to malaria and to episodes in human history when mercenary city defenders offered either net benefits or imposed net costs, depending on the level of threat from invading armies. PMID:24019482

  18. Chemically armed mercenary ants protect fungus-farming societies. (United States)

    Adams, Rachelle M M; Liberti, Joanito; Illum, Anders A; Jones, Tappey H; Nash, David R; Boomsma, Jacobus J


    The ants are extraordinary in having evolved many lineages that exploit closely related ant societies as social parasites, but social parasitism by distantly related ants is rare. Here we document the interaction dynamics among a Sericomyrmex fungus-growing ant host, a permanently associated parasitic guest ant of the genus Megalomyrmex, and a raiding agro-predator of the genus Gnamptogenys. We show experimentally that the guest ants protect their host colonies against agro-predator raids using alkaloid venom that is much more potent than the biting defenses of the host ants. Relatively few guest ants are sufficient to kill raiders that invariably exterminate host nests without a cohabiting guest ant colony. We also show that the odor of guest ants discourages raider scouts from recruiting nestmates to host colonies. Our results imply that Sericomyrmex fungus-growers obtain a net benefit from their costly guest ants behaving as a functional soldier caste to meet lethal threats from agro-predator raiders. The fundamentally different life histories of the agro-predators and guest ants appear to facilitate their coexistence in a negative frequency-dependent manner. Because a guest ant colony is committed for life to a single host colony, the guests would harm their own interests by not defending the host that they continue to exploit. This conditional mutualism is analogous to chronic sickle cell anemia enhancing the resistance to malaria and to episodes in human history when mercenary city defenders offered either net benefits or imposed net costs, depending on the level of threat from invading armies.

  19. El desarrollo de la competencia para hablar en público en el aula a través de la reducción de la ansiedad ante esta situación. Estudio previo

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    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados iniciales de un proyecto para el desarrollo de la competencia de hablar en público a través de la intervención sobre la ansiedad manifestada al enfrentarse a esta situación. Se ha evaluado a un total de 430 estudiantes universitarios de Zaragoza con el Cuestionario de confianza para hablar en público y otras variables predictoras de tipo personal, académico y psicológico. Los resultados indican que las mujeres experimentan más ansiedad ante esta situación, igual que los estudiantes menores de 23 años. La regresión muestra que la autoeficacia específica, la autoeficacia general, el sexo, la motivación de logro y la deseabilidad social llegan a explicar hasta el 64,8% de la varianza del miedo a hablar en público.

  20. Nota sobre o transporte de krill (euphausia superba Dana vivo da antártica para o Brasil Note on the transportation of a live krill (Euphausia superba Dana from Antartic to Brazil

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    Van Ngan Phan


    Full Text Available É apresentado nesta nota experimento sobre o transporte do krill vivo da Antartica para o Brasil, realizado durante a V Expedição Brasileira à Antártica, verão 1986-1987. O sistema de aquário utilizado e a mortalidade do krill em função do tempo e de outros eventos durante o experimento são descritos. A importância deste experimento para o desenvolvimento do estudo experimental do krill é discutida.In this note an experiment on transportation of alive krill from the Antarctica to Brazil during the V Brazilian Expedition to the Antarcticas austral summer 1986-198?3 was reported. The aquarium system and the krill mortality in function of time and other events dur-lng the experiment were described. The importance of this experiment for the development of experimental studies of krill was discussed.

  1. Monoculture of leafcutter ant gardens.

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    Ulrich G Mueller


    Full Text Available Leafcutter ants depend on the cultivation of symbiotic Attamyces fungi for food, which are thought to be grown by the ants in single-strain, clonal monoculture throughout the hundreds to thousands of gardens within a leafcutter nest. Monoculture eliminates cultivar-cultivar competition that would select for competitive fungal traits that are detrimental to the ants, whereas polyculture of several fungi could increase nutritional diversity and disease resistance of genetically variable gardens.Using three experimental approaches, we assessed cultivar diversity within nests of Atta leafcutter ants, which are most likely among all fungus-growing ants to cultivate distinct cultivar genotypes per nest because of the nests' enormous sizes (up to 5000 gardens and extended lifespans (10-20 years. In Atta texana and in A. cephalotes, we resampled nests over a 5-year period to test for persistence of resident cultivar genotypes within each nest, and we tested for genetic differences between fungi from different nest sectors accessed through excavation. In A. texana, we also determined the number of Attamyces cells carried as a starter inoculum by a dispersing queens (minimally several thousand Attamyces cells, and we tested for genetic differences between Attamyces carried by sister queens dispersing from the same nest. Except for mutational variation arising during clonal Attamyces propagation, DNA fingerprinting revealed no evidence for fungal polyculture and no genotype turnover during the 5-year surveys.Atta leafcutter ants can achieve stable, fungal monoculture over many years. Mutational variation emerging within an Attamyces monoculture could provide genetic diversity for symbiont choice (gardening biases of the ants favoring specific mutational variants, an analog of artificial selection.

  2. Alarm pheromone processing in the ant brain: an evolutionary perspective

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    Makoto Mizunami


    Full Text Available Social insects exhibit sophisticated communication by means of pheromones, one example of which is the use of alarm pheromones to alert nestmates for colony defense. We review recent advances in the understanding of the processing of alarm pheromone information in the ant brain. We found that information about formic acid and n-undecane, alarm pheromone components, is processed in a set of specific glomeruli in the antennal lobe of the ant Camponotus obscuripes. Alarm pheromone information is then transmitted, via projection neurons, to the lateral horn and the calyces of the mushroom body of the protocerebrum. In the lateral horn, we found a specific area where terminal boutons of alarm pheromone-sensitive projection neurons are more densely distributed than in the rest of the lateral horn. Some neurons in the protocerebrum responded specifically to formic acid or n-undecane and they may participate in the control of behavioral responses to each pheromone component. Other neurons, especially those originating from the mushroom body lobe, responded also to non-pheromonal odors and may play roles in integration of pheromonal and non-pheromonal signals. We found that a class of neurons receive inputs in the lateral horn and the mushroom body lobe and terminate in a variety of premotor areas. These neurons may participate in the control of aggressive behavior, which is sensitized by alarm pheromones and is triggered by non-pheromonal sensory stimuli associated with a potential enemy. We propose that the alarm pheromone processing system has evolved by differentiation of a part of general odor processing system.

  3. Resistencia de dientes restaurados con postes prefabricados ante cargas de máxima intercuspidación, masticación y bruxismo

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    Santiago Correa Vélez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar por el método de los elementos finitos la resistencia de dientes restaurados con postes prefabricados ante cargas estáticas de máxima intercuspidación y cargas cíclicas de masticación y bruxismo y analizar el efecto de la pérdida periodontal en la resistencia de las restauraciones. Métodos: se realizó una investigación in vitro mediante el método de los elementos finitos de dientes con pérdida periodontal, rehabilitados con postes prefabricados en fibra de vidrio, carbono y titanio. Los dientes fueron reconstruidos a partir de imágenes tomográficas de un paciente periodontalmente sano. Resultados: se muestra que ante cargas estáticas las rehabilitaciones no presentan tendencia a la falla, independientemente del material del poste o del grado de pérdida periodontal. En el caso de bruxismo y pérdida periodontal de 4 mm, la dentina presenta una durabilidad de 60 000 ciclos independiente del material del poste. Para cargas de masticación y periodonto sano, la falla en la dentina ocurre a los 100 000 ciclos con poste en titanio, 200 000 ciclos con poste en fibra de carbono y 1 100 000 ciclos con poste en fibra de vidrio. Para una pérdida periodontal de 2 mm la durabilidad de la dentina se reduce a 4 000 ciclos con poste en titanio, 5 000 ciclos con poste en fibra de carbono y 7 000 ciclos con poste en fibra de vidrio. Para pérdida periodontal de 4 mm, la durabilidad de la dentina se estima en 1 000 ciclos, independientemente del material del poste utilizado. Conclusiones: ante carga estática de máxima intercuspidación las rehabilitaciones con postes prefabricados en fibra de vidrio, carbono y titanio no presentan tendencia a la falla, independientemente del grado de pérdida periodontal. Ante cargas cíclicas, los postes prefabricados presentan una vida útil infinita, y es la dentina la estructura más afectada ante dichos eventos.

  4. The distribution and diversity of insular ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roura-Pascual, Núria; Sanders, Nate; Hui, Cang


    Aim: To examine the relationship between island characteristics (area, distance to the nearest continent, climate and human population size) and ant species richness, as well as the factors underlying global geographical clustering of native and exotic ant composition on islands. Location: One...... hundred and two islands from 20 island groups around the world. Methods: We used spatial linear models that consider the spatial structure of islands to examine patterns of ant species richness. We also performed modularity analyses to identify clusters of islands hosting a similar suite of species...... and constructed conditional inference trees to assess the characteristics of islands that explain the formation of these island-ant groups. Results: Island area was the best predictor of ant species richness. However, distance to the nearest continent was an important predictor of native ant species richness...

  5. From Ant Trails to Pedestrian Dynamics

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    Andreas Schadschneider


    Full Text Available This paper presents a model for the simulation of pedestrian dynamics inspired by the behaviour of ants in ant trails. Ants communicate by producing a pheromone that can be smelled by other ants. In this model, pedestrians produce a virtual pheromone that influences the motion of others. In this way all interactions are strictly local, and so even large crowds can be simulated very efficiently. Nevertheless, the model is able to reproduce the collective effects observed empirically, eg the formation of lanes in counterflow. As an application, we reproduce a surprising result found in experiments of evacuation from an aircraft.

  6. Presencia de Spiroplasma penaei en plancton, bentos y fauna acompañante en fincas camaroneras de Colombia

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    José Altamiranda M.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la presencia de Spiroplasma penaei en el plancton, bentos y fauna acompañante en 2 fincas comerciales de camarones. Materiales y métodos. Fueron colectadas 200 muestras para identificación de lesiones características de Spiroplasma, a través de la técnica de histología, mientras que para la técnica de PCR se tomaron 326 muestras de plancton, bentos y fauna acompañante. Las muestras colectadas fueron preservadas en tubos estériles con etanol al 95% para análisis de PCR y en solución Davidson para análisis histológicos. Resultados. En los muestreos realizados en las dos fincas camaroneras fue detectada la presencia de Spiroplasma en una muestra de un representante de los dípteros (mosca de agua a través de la técnica de PCR en tiempo real, el cual arrojo una Tm=84, similar a la del control positivo de Spiroplasma utilizado. Esta muestra fue secuenciada y comparada con secuencias de bacterias almacenadas en el banco de datos GenBank usando el algoritmo BLAST, encontrando 100% de homología con un fragmento de los genes ribosomales 16S de la bacteria Spiroplasma penaei. Conclusiones. La mosca de agua es portadora de Spiroplasma penaei, sin embargo no se puede afirmar que este organismo sea el transmisor de la infección, por lo que se recomienda realizar ensayos de tipo experimental con moscas de agua infectadas con Spiroplasma penaei, en camarones libres de patógenos, para evaluar si en realidad es el vector de infección.

  7. Collective search by ants in microgravity

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    Stefanie M. Countryman


    Full Text Available The problem of collective search is a tradeoff between searching thoroughly and covering as much area as possible. This tradeoff depends on the density of searchers. Solutions to the problem of collective search are currently of much interest in robotics and in the study of distributed algorithms, for example to design ways that without central control robots can use local information to perform search and rescue operations. Ant colonies operate without central control. Because they can perceive only local, mostly chemical and tactile cues, they must search collectively to find resources and to monitor the colony's environment. Examining how ants in diverse environments solve the problem of collective search can elucidate how evolution has led to diverse forms of collective behavior. An experiment on the International Space Station in January 2014 examined how ants (Tetramorium caespitum perform collective search in microgravity. In the ISS experiment, the ants explored a small arena in which a barrier was lowered to increase the area and thus lower ant density. In microgravity, relative to ground controls, ants explored the area less thoroughly and took more convoluted paths. It appears that the difficulty of holding on to the surface interfered with the ants’ ability to search collectively. Ants frequently lost contact with the surface, but showed a remarkable ability to regain contact with the surface.

  8. Impacto do fluoreto na resposta metabólica do peixe antártico Notothenia Rossii (Richardson, 1844) aclimatado sob condições de estresse térmico e hiposmótico


    Rodrigues Júnior, Édson


    Resumo: A Antártica é considerada a região mais preservada do planeta e apresenta características de um ambiente único. A extinção da antiga fauna antártica e o estabelecimento da atual ocorreu sob a pressão seletiva das baixas temperaturas. Durante o inverno austral, a baixa produtividade primária do ambiente marinho antártico restringe a disponibilidade de alimento na coluna d'água e a sua transferência para o sistema bentônico. A Península Antártica é uma das três regiões do planeta que so...

  9. Pericarpial nectary-visiting ants do not provide fruit protection against pre-dispersal seed predators regardless of ant species composition and resource availability.

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    Priscila Andre Sanz-Veiga

    Full Text Available Extrafloral nectaries can occur in both vegetative and reproductive plant structures. In many Rubiaceae species in the Brazilian Cerrado, after corolla abscission, the floral nectary continues to secret nectar throughout fruit development originating post-floral pericarpial nectaries which commonly attract many ant species. The occurrence of such nectar secreting structures might be strategic for fruit protection against seed predators, as plants are expected to invest higher on more valuable and vulnerable parts. Here, we performed ant exclusion experiments to investigate whether the interaction with ants mediated by the pericarpial nectaries of Tocoyena formosa affects plant reproductive success by reducing the number of pre-dispersal seed predators. We also assessed whether ant protection was dependent on ant species composition and resource availability. Although most of the plants were visited by large and aggressive ant species, such as Ectatomma tuberculatum and species of the genus Camponotus, ants did not protect fruits against seed predators. Furthermore, the result of the interaction was neither related to ant species composition nor to the availability of resources. We suggest that these results may be related to the nature and behavior of the most important seed predators, like Hemicolpus abdominalis weevil which the exoskeleton toughness prevent it from being predated by most ant species. On the other hand, not explored factors, such as reward quality, local ant abundance, ant colony characteristics and/or the presence of alternative energetic sources could also account for variations in ant frequency, composition, and finally ant protective effects, highlighting the conditionality of facultative plant-ant mutualisms.

  10. Momentos para higienizar as mãos em Centro de Material e Esterilização

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    Francine Vieira Pires


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: caracterizar os momentos nos quais há necessidade de higienização das mãos (HM por trabalhadores que atuam em Centro de Material e Esterilização (CME. Método: foi realizado um estudo transversal, descritivo, no CME de um hospital de grande porte, de julho a novembro de 2012, em Goiânia - GO. Dados obtidos por observação dos trabalhadores, seguindo check list, previamente avaliado e testado. Resultados: para a área suja, momentos de HM padronizados foram suficientes. Na área limpa, foram necessários "Momentos adicionais com indicação" para HM, apreendidos do processo de trabalho como: após desinfecção de bancadas, após conferência e registro de material consignado, antes de montar caixas/bandejas, antes de carregar e descarregar a autoclave, antes de manusear e distribuir os produtos para saúde, entre outros. Conclusão: os momentos de HM na área suja coincidem com indicações da prática clínica; e, na área limpa, apreenderam-se momentos característicos do processo de trabalho.

  11. The Biochemical Toxin Arsenal from Ant Venoms

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    Axel Touchard


    Full Text Available Ants (Formicidae represent a taxonomically diverse group of hymenopterans with over 13,000 extant species, the majority of which inject or spray secretions from a venom gland. The evolutionary success of ants is mostly due to their unique eusociality that has permitted them to develop complex collaborative strategies, partly involving their venom secretions, to defend their nest against predators, microbial pathogens, ant competitors, and to hunt prey. Activities of ant venom include paralytic, cytolytic, haemolytic, allergenic, pro-inflammatory, insecticidal, antimicrobial, and pain-producing pharmacologic activities, while non-toxic functions include roles in chemical communication involving trail and sex pheromones, deterrents, and aggregators. While these diverse activities in ant venoms have until now been largely understudied due to the small venom yield from ants, modern analytical and venomic techniques are beginning to reveal the diversity of toxin structure and function. As such, ant venoms are distinct from other venomous animals, not only rich in linear, dimeric and disulfide-bonded peptides and bioactive proteins, but also other volatile and non-volatile compounds such as alkaloids and hydrocarbons. The present review details the unique structures and pharmacologies of known ant venom proteinaceous and alkaloidal toxins and their potential as a source of novel bioinsecticides and therapeutic agents.

  12. The Biochemical Toxin Arsenal from Ant Venoms (United States)

    Touchard, Axel; Aili, Samira R.; Fox, Eduardo Gonçalves Paterson; Escoubas, Pierre; Orivel, Jérôme; Nicholson, Graham M.; Dejean, Alain


    Ants (Formicidae) represent a taxonomically diverse group of hymenopterans with over 13,000 extant species, the majority of which inject or spray secretions from a venom gland. The evolutionary success of ants is mostly due to their unique eusociality that has permitted them to develop complex collaborative strategies, partly involving their venom secretions, to defend their nest against predators, microbial pathogens, ant competitors, and to hunt prey. Activities of ant venom include paralytic, cytolytic, haemolytic, allergenic, pro-inflammatory, insecticidal, antimicrobial, and pain-producing pharmacologic activities, while non-toxic functions include roles in chemical communication involving trail and sex pheromones, deterrents, and aggregators. While these diverse activities in ant venoms have until now been largely understudied due to the small venom yield from ants, modern analytical and venomic techniques are beginning to reveal the diversity of toxin structure and function. As such, ant venoms are distinct from other venomous animals, not only rich in linear, dimeric and disulfide-bonded peptides and bioactive proteins, but also other volatile and non-volatile compounds such as alkaloids and hydrocarbons. The present review details the unique structures and pharmacologies of known ant venom proteinaceous and alkaloidal toxins and their potential as a source of novel bioinsecticides and therapeutic agents. PMID:26805882

  13. Aphid egg protection by ants: a novel aspect of the mutualism between the tree-feeding aphid Stomaphis hirukawai and its attendant ant Lasius productus (United States)

    Matsuura, Kenji; Yashiro, Toshihisa


    Aphids often form mutualistic associations with ants, in which the aphids provide the ants with honeydew and the ants defend the aphids from predators. In this paper, we report aphid egg protection by ants as a novel aspect of the deeply interdependent relationship between a tree-feeding aphid and its attendant ant. The ant Lasius productus harbours oviparous females, males, and eggs of the hinoki cypress-feeding aphid Stomaphis hirukawai in its nests in winter. We investigated the behaviour of ants kept with aphid eggs in petri dishes to examine whether the ants recognise the aphid eggs and tend them or only provide a refuge for the aphids. Workers carried almost all of the aphid eggs into the nest within 24 h. The ants indiscriminately tended aphid eggs collected from their own colonies and those from other ant colonies. The ants cleaned the eggs and piled them up in the nest, and egg tending by ants dramatically increased aphid egg survival rates. Starving the ants showed no significant effect on aphid egg survivorship. Without ants, aphid eggs were rapidly killed by fungi. These results suggested that grooming by the ants protected the aphid eggs, at least, against pathogenic fungi. This hygienic service afforded by the ants seems indispensable for egg survival of these aphids in an environment rich in potentially pathogenic microorganisms.

  14. Fire ants perpetually rebuild sinking towers (United States)

    Phonekeo, Sulisay; Mlot, Nathan; Monaenkova, Daria; Hu, David L.; Tovey, Craig


    In the aftermath of a flood, fire ants, Solenopsis invicta, cluster into temporary encampments. The encampments can contain hundreds of thousands of ants and reach over 30 ants high. How do ants build such tall structures without being crushed? In this combined experimental and theoretical study, we investigate the shape and rate of construction of ant towers around a central support. The towers are bell shaped, consistent with towers of constant strength such as the Eiffel tower, where each element bears an equal load. However, unlike the Eiffel tower, the ant tower is built through a process of trial and error, whereby failed portions avalanche until the final shape emerges. High-speed and novel X-ray videography reveal that the tower constantly sinks and is rebuilt, reminiscent of large multicellular systems such as human skin. We combine the behavioural rules that produce rafts on water with measurements of adhesion and attachment strength to model the rate of growth of the tower. The model correctly predicts that the growth rate decreases as the support diameter increases. This work may inspire the design of synthetic swarms capable of building in vertical layers.

  15. Ants Orase kultuurisõnum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    26. jaanuaril toimub Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemilises Raamatukogus seminar silmapaistvast Eesti teadlasest ja tõlkijast Ants Orasest. Esinevad kirjandusteadlased Tallinna Ülikoolist, Tartu Ülikoolist ja Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumist. Avaettekandeks on sõna Oklahoma Ülikooli professoril Vincent B. Leitchil, kes oli Ants Orase viimaseks juhendatavaks doktorandiks. Seminari korraldavad Tallinna Ülikool ja Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum. Vt ka Postimees, 26, jaan., lk. 18

  16. Ant-plant symbioses: Stalking the chuyachaqui. (United States)

    Davidson, D W; McKey, D


    According to Quechua-speaking peoples, orchard-like stands ('Supay Chacras') of two Amazonian ant-plant species are cultivated by the devil, or 'Chuyachaqui'. These "devil gardens" offer extreme examples of specializations that have evolved repeatedly in ant-plant associations. Numerous investigations are beginning to disclose the identity of the Chuyachaqui - the forces behind evolutionary specialization in ant-plant symbioses. These developments have important implications for our understanding of modes of coevolution in symbiotic mutualism, remarkable convergent similarities in the form of ant-plant symbioses on different continents, and pronounced intercontinental differences in the diversity and taxonomic composition of associates. Copyright © 1993. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  17. Los docentes ante las demandas de las políticas de educación inclusiva para la atención de niños con diferentes discapacidades: casos de México y Brasil

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    Débora Dainez


    Full Text Available Resumen Este artículo analiza la forma en que dos docentes de escuela regular, uno de México y otro de Brasil, respondieron ante las demandas de las políticas de educación inclusiva relacionadas con la atención de alumnos con discapacidad. El análisis de los casos permite evidenciar que los desafíos que dichas políticas imponen a los docentes no consideran las condiciones concretas en que desarrollan su labor, entre ellas, destaca la heterogeneidad de posibilidades en que puede presentarse la propia discapacidad, lo cual implica retos diferenciales para el desarrollo de la enseñanza. Aún así, los docentes asumen con un gran compromiso y desde su propia experiencia la responsabilidad de brindar una educación de calidad a estos alumnos, buscando activamente las estrategias más pertinentes para lograrlo.

  18. To drink or grasp? How bullet ants ( Paraponera clavata) differentiate between sugars and proteins in liquids (United States)

    Jandt, Jennifer; Larson, Hannah K.; Tellez, Peter; McGlynn, Terrence P.


    Flexibility in behavior can increase the likelihood that a forager may respond optimally in a fluctuating environment. Nevertheless, physiological or neuronal constraints may result in suboptimal responses to stimuli. We observed foraging workers of the giant tropical ant (also referred to as the "bullet ant"), Paraponera clavata, as they reacted to liquid solutions with varying concentrations of sugar and protein. We show that when protein/sucrose concentration is high, many bullet ants will often try to grasp at the droplet, rather than gather it by drinking. Because P. clavata actively hunt for prey, fixed action patterns and rapid responses to protein may be adaptively important, regardless of the medium in which it is presented. We conclude that, in P. clavata, food-handling decisions are made in response to the nutrient content of the food rather than the texture of the food. Further, we suggest that colonies that maintain a mixture of individuals with consistent fixed or flexible behavioral responses to food-handling decisions may be better adapted to fluctuating environmental conditions, and we propose future studies that could address this.

  19. Motivações para responder sem preconceito: evidências de uma medida frente a gays e lésbicas Motivation to respond without prejudice: evidences of a measure toward gays and lesbians

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    Valdiney V. Gouveia


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetivou conhecer evidências psicométricas da Escala de Motivações Externa e Interna para Responder sem Preconceito ([EMEI], Plant & Devine, 1998, considerando dois grupos-alvo: gays e lésbicas. Realizaram-se dois estudos. No Estudo 1 participaram 234 pessoas da população geral de João Pessoa (PB, com média de idade de 26 anos, a maioria do sexo feminino (54,3% e heterossexual (95%. Eles responderam a versão da EMEI para gays. Análises fatoriais confirmatórias revelaram como mais adequado o modelo bifatorial (AGFI = 0,94, CFI = 0,98 e RMSEA = 0,05. Os Alfas de Cronbach dos fatores foram 0,74 (motivação interna e 0,76 (motivação externa. No Estudo 2 participaram 202 pessoas da população geral da mesma cidade, com idade média de 25 anos, a maioria do sexo feminino (60,9% e heterossexual (95%. Eles responderam a versão da EMEI para lésbicas. Corroborando o estudo anterior, uma estrutura bifatorial se mostrou mais adequada (AGFI = 0,90, CFI = 0,95 e RMSEA = 0,08. Os Alfas de Cronbach para os dois fatores foram 0,71 (motivação interna e 0,84 (motivação externa. Reuniram-se evidências complementares de validade de construto destas versões. Concluindo, os resultados apoiaram a adequação psicométrica (validade fatorial, validade convergente-discriminante e consistência interna da EMEI, que poderá ser empregada em pesquisas futuras sobre preconceito frente a gays e lésbicas.The current article aimed to find psychometric evidences in the Internal and External Motivation to Respond without Prejudice Scale (Plant & Devine, 1998 taking into account two target-groups: gays and lesbians. Two studies were carried out. In Study 1 participants were 234 subjects from the general population of João Pessoa-PB, with mean age of 26 years old, most of them female (54.3% and heterosexual (95%. They answered the gay version of the Internal and External Motivation to Respond without Prejudice Scale (IEM Scale. Confirmatory

  20. Pollination and facultative ant-association in the African leopard ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The role of extra-floral nectar appears to be recruitment of foraging ants to tend the flowers resulting in a facultative ant-association between the orchid and gregarious ants. Four different ant species were found to forage on A. africana's inflorescences. Ant-tended inflorescences suffered significantly less damage by insects.

  1. ANT, tourism and situated globality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jóhannesson, Gunnar Thór; Ren, Carina Bregnholm; van der Duim, René


    viable descriptions of the collective condition of humans and more-than-humans in the Anthropocene. Also and moving past a merely descriptive approach, it discusses it as a useful tool to engage with the situated globalities which come into being through the socio-spatial coupling of tourism......In recent years Actor-network theory (ANT) has increasingly been felt in the field of tourism studies (Van der Duim, Ren, & Jóhannesson, 2012). An important implication of the meeting between ANT and tourism studies is the notion of tourism being described as a heterogeneous assemblage of what we...... are used to define as the separate spheres of nature and culture. This paper explores and relates the central tenets of ANT in tourism with regard to the concept of the Anthropocene. It presents the ANT approach as a flat and object-oriented ontology and methodology and explores its potentials to carve out...

  2. Recurrence analysis of ant activity patterns.

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    Felipe Marcel Neves

    Full Text Available In this study, we used recurrence quantification analysis (RQA and recurrence plots (RPs to compare the movement activity of individual workers of three ant species, as well as a gregarious beetle species. RQA and RPs quantify the number and duration of recurrences of a dynamical system, including a detailed quantification of signals that could be stochastic, deterministic, or both. First, we found substantial differences between the activity dynamics of beetles and ants, with the results suggesting that the beetles have quasi-periodic dynamics and the ants do not. Second, workers from different ant species varied with respect to their dynamics, presenting degrees of predictability as well as stochastic signals. Finally, differences were found among minor and major caste of the same (dimorphic ant species. Our results underscore the potential of RQA and RPs in the analysis of complex behavioral patterns, as well as in general inferences on animal behavior and other biological phenomena.

  3. Willingness to pay for rapid diagnostic tests for the diagnosis and treatment of malaria in southeast Nigeria: ex post and ex ante

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    Uguru Nkoli P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The introduction of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs has improved the diagnosis and treatment of malaria. However, any successful control of malaria will depend on socio-economic factors that influence its management in the community. Willingness to pay (WTP is important because consumer responses to prices will influence utilization of services and revenues collected. Also the consumer's attitude can influence monetary valuation with respect to different conditions ex post and ex ante. Methods WTP for RDT for Malaria was assessed by the contingent valuation method using a bidding game approach in rural and urban communities in southeast Nigeria. The ex post WTP was assessed at the health centers on 618 patients immediately following diagnosis of malaria with RDT and the ex ante WTP was assessed by household interviews on 1020 householders with a prior history of malaria. Results For the ex ante WTP, 51% of the respondents in urban and 24.7% in rural areas were willing to pay for RDT. The mean WTP (235.49 naira in urban is higher than WTP (182.05 Naira in rural areas. For the ex post WTP, 89 and 90.7% of the respondents in urban and rural areas respectively were WTP. The mean WTP (372.30 naira in urban is also higher than (296.28 naira in rural areas. For the ex post scenario, the lower two Social Economic Status (SES quartiles were more willing to pay and the mean WTP is higher than the higher two SES while in the ex ante scenario, the higher two SES quartiles were more WTP and with a higher WTP than the lower two SES quartile. Ex ante and ex post WTP were directly dependent on costs. Conclusion The ex post WTP is higher than the ex ante WTP and both are greater than the current cost of RDTs. Urban dwellers were more willing to pay than the rural dwellers. The mean WTP should be considered when designing suitable financial strategies for making RDTs available to communities.

  4. Vacuna atenuada de Salmonella como vector de antígenos heterólogos

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    Oscar G. Gómez


    Full Text Available Salmonella enterica, serotipo Typhi, es el agente etiológico de la fiebre tifoidea de los habitantes de las regiones más pobres del mundo y es, además. el centro de atención de muchos investigadores dados sus fascinantes mecanismos de invasión, multiplicación intracelular y diseminación intercelular que expresa in vivo e in vitro. Aunque estos mecanismos se asocian directamente con la patogenicidad y la severidad de la enfermedad, las mutaciones definidas en el cromosoma de Salmonella han permitido que estos mecanismos de virulencia se puedan utilizar en beneficio del hospedero. Las mutantes atenuadas de Salmonella son capaces de invadir las células M de la mucosa intestinal y de migrar a las células linfoides del sistema reticuloendotelial donde, en lugar de causar enfermedad, activan eficazmente las respuestas inmunes humoral y celular no sólo contra el microorganismo mismo sino también contra aquellos antigenos heterólogos recombinantes que la bacteria pueda expresar y transportar. En la presente revisión, se discutirán los avances más recientes en el campo de las vacunas vivas atenuadas de Salmonella, su evaluación preclinica y clinica y, también, su aplicación como vector de antigenos. Se darán a conocer las técnicas biomoleculares de clonación y expresión procariótica de las toxinas diftérica, tetánica y de pertusis. así como de los antígenos de Helicobacterpylori y de Plasmodium falciparum. Finalmente, se propone el uso de Salmonella atenuada como vector de vacunas de ADN para expresión eucariótica de los antígenos recombinantes. Los continuos esfuerzos cientificos y tecnológicos en el campo de la vacunación con vectores vivos atenuados sugieren que Salmonella es una herramienta potencialmente útil para enfrentar el constante reto de la fiebre tifoidea. Igualmente, los estudios preclínicos y clínicos de fase I demuestran la eficacia de la vacuna de Salmonella viva atenuada como vector de antígenos heter

  5. Symbiotic mutualism with a community of opportunistic ants: protection, competition, and ant occupancy of the myrmecophyte Barteria nigritana (Passifloraceae) (United States)

    Djiéto-Lordon, Champlain; Dejean, Alain; Gibernau, Marc; Hossaert-McKey, Martine; McKey, Doyle


    Barteria nigritana is a myrmecophyte tree of Lower Guinea coastal vegetation. Unlike the more specialised B. fistulosa, which harbours a single host-specific mutualistic ant, B. nigritana is associated with several opportunistic ants. Such symbiotic, yet opportunistic, ant-plant associations have been little studied. On 113 clumps of B. nigritana, we censused ant associates and herbivores and compared herbivory on plants occupied by different ants. In addition to these correlative data, protection conferred by different ant species was compared by herbivore-placement experiments. Identity of ant associate changed predictably over plant ontogeny. Pheidole megacephala was restricted to very small plants; saplings were occupied by either Oecophylla longinoda or Crematogaster sp., and the latter species was the sole occupant of larger trees. Damage by caterpillars of the nymphalid butterfly Acraea zetes accounted for much of the herbivory to leaves. Ant species differed in the protection provided to hosts. While P. megacephala provided no significant protection, plants occupied by O. longinoda and Crematogaster sp. suffered less damage than did unoccupied plants or those occupied by P. megacephala. Furthermore, O. longinoda provided more effective protection than did Crematogaster sp. Herbivore-placement experiments confirmed these results. Workers of O. longinoda killed or removed all larval instars of A. zetes. Crematogaster preyed on only the two first larval instars, and P. megacephala preyed mainly on eggs, only rarely attacking the two first larval instars. Opportunistic ants provided significant protection to this relatively unspecialised myrmecophyte. The usual associate of mature trees was not the species that provided most protection.

  6. Plant-ants use symbiotic fungi as a food source: new insight into the nutritional ecology of ant-plant interactions. (United States)

    Blatrix, Rumsaïs; Djiéto-Lordon, Champlain; Mondolot, Laurence; La Fisca, Philippe; Voglmayr, Hermann; McKey, Doyle


    Usually studied as pairwise interactions, mutualisms often involve networks of interacting species. Numerous tropical arboreal ants are specialist inhabitants of myrmecophytes (plants bearing domatia, i.e. hollow structures specialized to host ants) and are thought to rely almost exclusively on resources derived from the host plant. Recent studies, following up on century-old reports, have shown that fungi of the ascomycete order Chaetothyriales live in symbiosis with plant-ants within domatia. We tested the hypothesis that ants use domatia-inhabiting fungi as food in three ant-plant symbioses: Petalomyrmex phylax/Leonardoxa africana, Tetraponera aethiops/Barteria fistulosa and Pseudomyrmex penetrator/Tachigali sp. Labelling domatia fungal patches in the field with either a fluorescent dye or (15)N showed that larvae ingested domatia fungi. Furthermore, when the natural fungal patch was replaced with a piece of a (15)N-labelled pure culture of either of two Chaetothyriales strains isolated from T. aethiops colonies, these fungi were also consumed. These two fungi often co-occur in the same ant colony. Interestingly, T. aethiops workers and larvae ingested preferentially one of the two strains. Our results add a new piece in the puzzle of the nutritional ecology of plant-ants.

  7. Ecología química en el bentos antártico


    Ballesteros, Manuel (Ballesteros Vázquez); Núñez Pons, Laura; Vázquez, J.; Cristobo, F.J.; Taboada Moreno, Sergio; Figuerola Balañá, Blanca; Ávila Escartín, Conxita


    El estudio de las interacciones entre los organismos mediadas por sustancias químicas, lo que se denomina ecología química, nos da información sobre la biología de las especies implicadas, el funcionamiento de la comunidad en que viven y nos puede proporcionar además el conocimiento de nuevas sustancias que pueden ser útiles para el ser humano. En el marco de nuestros estudios sobre la ecología química de los invertebrados antárticos, en el proyecto ECOQUIM (2003-2006) se recolectaron numeros...

  8. Las redes sociales de migrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos: una estrategia para la sobrevivencia

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    Adrián González Romo


    Full Text Available l migrante mexicano indocumentado en los Estados Unidos, busca nuevos mecanismos de sobrevivencia y ante cambios en la política migratoria se adapta y busca otras estrategias para salir adelante. A partir del año 2001 con los atentados terroristas la política migratoria se endureció y muchos mexicanos salieron perjudicados ante las deportaciones masivas por la autoridades federales y el nuevo papel que comenzaron a jugar las autoridades locales que bajo argumentos de seguridad comenzaron a tomarse atribuciones, ocasionando racismo, desempleo y deportaciones masivas, separando familias. Para sortear éstas dificultades los migrantes utilizan su redes sociales, tal que les permite ayudarse en su supervivencia, reafirmando la importancia de los nexos con la familia y la comunidad, que sin ellos sería imposible lograr el sueño americano, donde las relaciones se vuelven indispensables para realizar el viaje, cuidar sus derechos y sobrevivir en las circunstancias tan adversas que se han establecido en los Estados Unidos

  9. La educación popular en la antigua Grecia: Antígona y la discusión por la ley

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    María Florencia Fernández


    Full Text Available En este trabajo intentaremos dar algunas pistas de la relación entre educación y política en la Antigua Grecia. Más precisamente, nos centraremos en cómo el discurso trágico interviene a los fines de que el pueblo, el demos (δῆμος, intente regular su propia actividad política. En otras palabras, las tragedias emergen en aquella época para que los habitantes de la polis puedan discutir y darse su propia ley. En este punto, la tragedia es el resultado de la relación entre el arte, la educación y la política. Pensamos, pues, que puede leerse esa situación como una forma específica de educación popular. Para visibilizar estas cuestiones, retomaremos la tragedia Antígona, de Sófocles, a la luz de las reflexiones de algunos pensadores contemporáneos. El proceso por el cual la tragedia hace visible la conquista del reconocimiento que Antígona logra –como igual– sirve, por un lado, para mostrar los límites de la ley y, por otro lado, para dar lugar a una reflexión sobre los contornos del espacio público. Es decir, para mostrar cómo el discurso trágico señala el punto en el que la ley es injusta porque no es debatida por todos; y el punto en que el espacio público excluye a las mujeres.

  10. Pheromone disruption of Argentine ant trail integrity (United States)

    Suckling, D.M.; Peck, R.W.; Manning, L.M.; Stringer, L.D.; Cappadonna, J.; El-Sayed, A. M.


    Disruption of Argentine ant trail following and reduced ability to forage (measured by bait location success) was achieved after presentation of an oversupply of trail pheromone, (Z)-9-hexadecenal. Experiments tested single pheromone point sources and dispersion of a formulation in small field plots. Ant walking behavior was recorded and digitized by using video tracking, before and after presentation of trail pheromone. Ants showed changes in three parameters within seconds of treatment: (1) Ants on trails normally showed a unimodal frequency distribution of walking track angles, but this pattern disappeared after presentation of the trail pheromone; (2) ants showed initial high trail integrity on a range of untreated substrates from painted walls to wooden or concrete floors, but this was significantly reduced following presentation of a point source of pheromone; (3) the number of ants in the pheromone-treated area increased over time, as recruitment apparently exceeded departures. To test trail disruption in small outdoor plots, the trail pheromone was formulated with carnuba wax-coated quartz laboratory sand (1 g quartz sand/0.2 g wax/1 mg pheromone). The pheromone formulation, with a half-life of 30 h, was applied by rotary spreader at four rates (0, 2.5, 7.5, and 25 mg pheromone/m2) to 1- and 4-m2 plots in Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. Ant counts at bait cards in treated plots were significantly reduced compared to controls on the day of treatment, and there was a significant reduction in ant foraging for 2 days. These results show that trail pheromone disruption of Argentine ants is possible, but a much more durable formulation is needed before nest-level impacts can be expected. ?? 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

  11. Congestion and communication in confined ant traffic (United States)

    Gravish, Nick; Gold, Gregory; Zangwill, Andrew; Goodisman, Michael A. D.; Goldman, Daniel I.


    Many social animals move and communicate within confined spaces. In subterranean fire ants Solenopsis invicta, mobility within crowded nest tunnels is important for resource and information transport. Within confined tunnels, communication and traffic flow are at odds: trafficking ants communicate through tactile interactions while stopped, yet ants that stop to communicate impose physical obstacles on the traffic. We monitor the bi-directional flow of fire ant workers in laboratory tunnels of varied diameter D. The persistence time of communicating ant aggregations, τ, increases approximately linearly with the number of participating ants, n. The sensitivity of traffic flow increases as D decreases and diverges at a minimum diameter, Dc. A cellular automata model incorporating minimal traffic features--excluded volume and communication duration--reproduces features of the experiment. From the model we identify a competition between information transfer and the need to maintain jam-free traffic flow. We show that by balancing information transfer and traffic flow demands, an optimum group strategy exists which maximizes information throughput. We acknowledge funding from NSF PoLS #0957659 and #PHY-1205878.

  12. Software educativo para el desarrollo de habilidades práctico-profesionales en la asignatura de Ginecología y Obstetricia

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    Migdalia de las Mercedes Peña Abraham


    Full Text Available Introducción: las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones ocupan un lugar relevante en este nuevo modelo de formación médica. Objetivo: validar un software educativo diseñado para el desarrollo de habilidades práctico-profesionales para la asignatura de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Material y método: se realizó una investigación observacional y prospectiva de estudiantes de pregrado de la carrera de Medicina que rotaron en el primer semestre por la asignatura de Ginecología y Obstetricia en el Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" de Pinar del Río, durante el curso escolar 2012-2013. La muestra estuvo constituida por 288 estudiantes de cuarto y sexto año a quienes se les realizó una encuesta antes y después de la aplicación del software. Resultados: se diseñó un software educativo constituido por tres partes fundamentales que incluye contenidos de Obstetricia, Ginecología y preguntas de autoevaluación con sus respuestas. La evaluación fue "antes" y "después" del software, la totalidad de los estudiantes refirieron comprensión de los contenidos presentados. Los estudiantes y profesores, con relación a la informatización de la asignatura, coinciden en que permite flexibilidad en el aprendizaje, es motivador y estimulador para el estudio, como medio de enseñanza ayuda a comprender la práctica habitual de la especialidad y la comunicación entre estudiantes y profesores. Conclusiones: el software diseñado proporciona a los estudiantes aprendizaje y autoevaluación continuos con un enfoque metodológico y didáctico útiles para reforzar el aprendizaje teórico y práctico de la asignatura. Su creación responde a una necesidad real que se satisface con la utilización de este medio de enseñanza.

  13. Selenium exposure results in reduced reproduction in an invasive ant species and altered competitive behavior for a native ant species

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De La Riva, Deborah G.; Trumble, John T.


    Competitive ability and numerical dominance are important factors contributing to the ability of invasive ant species to establish and expand their ranges in new habitats. However, few studies have investigated the impact of environmental contamination on competitive behavior in ants as a potential factor influencing dynamics between invasive and native ant species. Here we investigated the widespread contaminant selenium to investigate its potential influence on invasion by the exotic Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, through effects on reproduction and competitive behavior. For the fecundity experiment, treatments were provided to Argentine ant colonies via to sugar water solutions containing one of three concentrations of selenium (0, 5 and 10 μg Se mL −1 ) that fall within the range found in soil and plants growing in contaminated areas. Competition experiments included both the Argentine ant and the native Dorymyrmex bicolor to determine the impact of selenium exposure (0 or 15 μg Se mL −1 ) on exploitation- and interference-competition between ant species. The results of the fecundity experiment revealed that selenium negatively impacted queen survival and brood production of Argentine ants. Viability of the developing brood was also affected in that offspring reached adulthood only in colonies that were not given selenium, whereas those in treated colonies died in their larval stages. Selenium exposure did not alter direct competitive behaviors for either species, but selenium exposure contributed to an increased bait discovery time for D. bicolor. Our results suggest that environmental toxins may not only pose problems for native ant species, but may also serve as a potential obstacle for establishment among exotic species. - Highlights: • Argentine ant colonies exposed to selenium had reduced fecundity compared to unexposed colonies. • Viability of offspring was negatively impacted by selenium. • Queen survival was reduced in colonies

  14. Improved Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm and Its Performance Study (United States)

    Gao, Wei


    Clustering analysis is used in many disciplines and applications; it is an important tool that descriptively identifies homogeneous groups of objects based on attribute values. The ant colony clustering algorithm is a swarm-intelligent method used for clustering problems that is inspired by the behavior of ant colonies that cluster their corpses and sort their larvae. A new abstraction ant colony clustering algorithm using a data combination mechanism is proposed to improve the computational efficiency and accuracy of the ant colony clustering algorithm. The abstraction ant colony clustering algorithm is used to cluster benchmark problems, and its performance is compared with the ant colony clustering algorithm and other methods used in existing literature. Based on similar computational difficulties and complexities, the results show that the abstraction ant colony clustering algorithm produces results that are not only more accurate but also more efficiently determined than the ant colony clustering algorithm and the other methods. Thus, the abstraction ant colony clustering algorithm can be used for efficient multivariate data clustering. PMID:26839533

  15. Current and potential ant impacts in the Pacific region (United States)

    Loope, Lloyd L.; Krushelnycky, Paul D.


    Worldwide, ants are a powerful ecological force, and they appear to be dominant components of animal communities of many tropical and temperate ecosystems in terms of biomass and numbers of individuals (Bluthgen et al. 2000). For example, ants comprise up to 94% of arthropod individuals in fogging samples taken from diverse lowland tropical rainforest canopies, and 86% of the biomass (Davidson et al. 2003). The majority of these ant species and individuals obtain carbohydrates either from extrafloral nectaries or from sap-feeding Hemiptera that pass carbohydrate-rich “honeydew” to attending ants while concentrating nitrogen (N) from N-poor plant sap (Davidson et al. 2003). Honeydew and nectar represent key resources for arboreal ant species, although most ant species are at least partly carnivorous or scavengers (Bluthgen et al. 2004). In contrast to most of the terrestrial world, the biotas of many Pacific islands evolved without ants. Whereas endemic ant species are found in New Zealand (ca. 10 spp.), Tonga (ca. 10 spp.), and Samoa (ca. 12 spp.), other islands of Polynesia and parts of Micronesia likely lack native ants (Wilson and Taylor 1967, Wetterer 2002, Wetterer and Vargo 2003). About 20 Indo-Australian and western Pacific ant species range to the east and north of Samoa, but it is unclear how many of these were transported there by humans at some time (Wilson and Taylor 1967). Most of the remainder of the ant species currently found on Pacific islands are widespread species that fall in the category of “tramp species,” dispersed by recent human commerce and generally closely tied to human activity and urban areas (Wilson and Taylor 1967, McGlynn 1999). In Pacific island situations, some of these tramp ant species are able to thrive beyond areas of human activity. Relatively few ant species have been successful invaders of native communities on continents, and these include most of the species that pose the greatest problems for Pacific islands

  16. Oecophylla smaragdina food conversion efficiency: prospects for ant farming

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offenberg, Hans Joachim


    can be combined with the use of the ants in biological control programmes in tropical plantations where pest insects are converted into ant biomass. To assess the cost-benefits of ant farming based on artificial feeding, food consumption and food conversion efficiency (ECI) of Oecophylla smaragdina......Oecophylla ants are sold at high prices on several commercial markets as a human delicacy, as pet food or as traditional medicine. Currently markets are supplied by ants collected from the wild; however, an increasing interest in ant farming exists as all harvest is easily sold and as ant farming...... selling prices these efficiencies led to rates of return from 1.52 to 4.56, respectively, if: (i) protein is supplied from commercial products; or (ii) alternatively supplied from free sources such as insects and kitchen waste. These results suggest that Oecophylla ant farming may become highly profitable...

  17. A cellular automata model for ant trails

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In this study, the unidirectional ant traffic flow with U-turn in an ant trail was investigated using one-dimensional cellular automata model. It is known that ants communicate with each other by dropping a chemical, called pheromone, on the substrate. Apart from the studies in the literature, it was considered in the model that ...

  18. Sangrado transvaginal durante el embarazo, como factor de riesgo para isoinmunización al antígeno Rhesus-D Transvaginal bleeding during pregnancy associated with Rhesus-D isoimmunization

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    Edgar Hernández-Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar el sangrado transvaginal en cualquier etapa del embarazo como factor de riesgo para la sensibilización al antígeno eritrocitario Rhesus-D en mujeres previamente no isoinmunizadas (Rh(-NI, como una alternativa para la aplicación rutinaria de gama-globulina anti-D a la semana 28 de gestación. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de casos y controles consecutivos, efectuado en el Instituto Nacional de Perinatología de la Ciudad de México, en el periodo de 1995 a 2001.Casos (n=24, pacientes Rh(-NI que mostraron seroconversión positiva de anticuerpos contra el componente D del antígeno Rh durante el embarazo o en el puerperio inmediato. Controles (n=24, mujeres Rh(-NI, captadas consecutivamente y que no presentaron seroconversión positiva de anticuerpos Anti-D. En todos los casos los recién nacidos fueron Rh positivos. Ninguna de las pacientes recibió inmunoprofilaxis Anti-D a la semana 28 de gestación. Se evaluaron periodos de sangrado transvaginal en cualquier etapa del embarazo y antes del inicio del trabajo de parto. Se estimaron razones de probabilidad e intervalos de confianza de 95%. RESULTADOS: La presencia de sangrado transvaginal se observó en 18/24 (75% de los casos y en 5/24 de los controles (20%. La actividad uterina pretérmino y la amenaza de aborto fueron las causas más frecuentes identificadas como causa de este sangrado. La presencia de uno solo de estos eventos durante cualquier etapa del embarazo aumentó 11.4 veces (IC 95% 2.9-44.0 el riesgo de sensibilización al antígeno eritrocitario Rh-D, y si el sangrado se presentó después de la semana 20 el riesgo se incrementó 5.0 veces (IC 95% 1.3-19.1. La presencia de sangrado antes de la semana 20 no se asoció con un incremento significativo en el riesgo de sensibilización (OR=7.6, IC 95% 0.8-69.5. CONCLUSIONES: En presencia de cualquier sangrado transvaginal durante el embarazo en una paciente Rh-NI se recomienda la aplicación profiláctica de gama

  19. Ant-Related Oviposition and Larval Performance in a Myrmecophilous Lycaenid

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    Matthew D. Trager


    Full Text Available We experimentally assessed ant-related oviposition and larval performance in the Miami blue butterfly (Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri. Ant tending had sex-dependent effects on most measures of larval growth: female larvae generally benefitted from increased tending frequency whereas male larvae were usually unaffected. The larger size of female larvae tended by ants resulted in a substantial predicted increase in lifetime egg production. Oviposition by adult females that were tended by C. floridanus ants as larvae was similar between host plants with or without ants. However, they laid relatively more eggs on plants with ants than did females raised without ants, which laid less than a third of their eggs on plants with ants present. In summary, we found conditional benefits for larvae tended by ants that were not accompanied by oviposition preference for plants with ants present, which is a reasonable result for a system in which ant presence at the time of oviposition is not a reliable indicator of future ant presence. More broadly, our results emphasize the importance of considering the consequences of variation in interspecific interactions, life history traits, and multiple measures of performance when evaluating the costs and benefits of mutualistic relationships.

  20. Ants as tools in sustainable agriculture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offenberg, Joachim


    1. With an expanding human population placing increasing pressure on the environment, agriculture needs sustainable production that can match conventional methods. Integrated pest management (IPM) is more sustainable, but not necessarily as efficient as conventional non-sustainable measures. 2...... in multiple crops. Their efficiency is comparable to chemical pesticides or higher, while at lower costs. They provide a rare example of documented efficient conservation biological control. 3. Weaver ants share beneficial traits with almost 13 000 other ant species and are unlikely to be unique...... of agricultural systems, this review emphasizes the potential of managing ants to achieve sustainable pest management solutions. The synthesis suggests future directions and may catalyse a research agenda on the utilization of ants, not only against arthropod pests, but also against weeds and plant diseases...



    Pacheco, Angel Jesús; Siancas, Javier


    La gestión del talento humano es pieza clave en toda organización, debido a que esta permite atraer y retener a trabajadores que representan una ventaja ante la competencia o que han demostrado tener potencial. Para realizar esta labor, se debe contemplar diversos factores, como estudios, competencias, responsabilidades e ingresos económicos, es por eso que se propone la implementacion de un sistema de información el cual permita realizar evaluaciones al personal para determinar la necesidad ...

  2. Papel de la Universidad para elevar la preparación de la población ante la ocurrencia de desastres

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    Yarileisy Medina-De la Paz


    Full Text Available La universidad cubana juega un papel determinante en la formación y educación de una cultura ambiental en la reducción de riesgos ante el cambio climático. En función de elevar la capacidad de respuesta de la población ante la ocurrencia de un desastre hidrometeorológico, la sede universitaria de Yateras, a través de su labor de extensión, desarrolla un trabajo que se sustenta en el diseño de un conjunto de actividades organizadas en talleres, conferencias, videos debates, las que se explican en el presente trabajo.


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    Febri Liantoni


    Full Text Available Ant Colony Optimization (ACO is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm which is motivated by ants foraging behavior. Due to its favorable advantages, ACO has been widely used to solve several NP-hard problems, including edge detection. Since ACO initially distributes ants at random, it may cause imbalance ant distribution which later affects path discovery process. In this paper an adaptive ACO is proposed to optimize edge detection by adaptively distributing ant according to gradient analysis. Ants are adaptively distributed according to gradient ratio of each image regions. Region which has bigger gradient ratio, will have bigger number of ant distribution. Experiments are conducted using images from various datasets. Precision and recall are used to quantitatively evaluate performance of the proposed algorithm. Precision and recall of adaptive ACO reaches 76.98 % and 96.8 %. Whereas highest precision and recall for standard ACO are 69.74 % and 74.85 %. Experimental results show that the adaptive ACO outperforms standard ACO which randomly distributes ants.

  4. Anemia em gestantes brasileiras antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ferro

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    Elizabeth Fujimori


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar prevalência de anemia e valores de hemoglobina (Hb em gestantes brasileiras, antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ferro. MÉTODOS: Estudo de avaliação de painéis repetidos, desenvolvido em serviços públicos de saúde de municípios das cinco regiões brasileiras. Dados retrospectivos foram obtidos de 12.119 prontuários de gestantes distribuídas em dois grupos: antes da fortificação, com parto anterior a junho de 2004, e após a fortificação, com última menstruação após junho de 2005. Anemia foi definida como Hb < 11,0 g/dL. Valores de Hb/idade gestacional foram avaliados segundo dois referenciais da literatura. Foram utilizados teste qui-quadrado, t de Student e regressão logística, com nível de 5% de significância. RESULTADOS: Na amostra total, anemia caiu de 25% para 20% após fortificação (p < 0,001, com médias de Hb significativamente maiores no grupo "após" (p < 0,001. Observaram-se, entretanto, diferenças regionais importantes: reduções significativas nas regiões Nordeste (37% para 29% e Norte (32% para 25%, onde as prevalências de anemia eram elevadas antes da fortificação, e reduções menores nas regiões Sudeste (18% para 15% e Sul (7% para 6%, onde as prevalências eram baixas. Os níveis de Hb/idade gestacional de ambos os grupos se mostraram discretamente mais elevados nos primeiros meses, porém bem mais baixos após o terceiro ou quarto mês, dependendo da referência utilizada para comparação. Análise de regressão logística mostrou que grupo, região geográfica, situação conjugal, trimestre gestacional, estado nutricional inicial e gestação anterior associaram-se com anemia (p < 0,05. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de anemia diminuiu após a fortificação, porém continua elevada nas regiões Nordeste e Norte. Embora a fortificação possa ter tido papel nesse resultado favorável, há que se considerar a contribuição de outras políticas p

  5. Fungal Adaptations to Mutualistic Life with Ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kooij, Pepijn Wilhelmus

    Fungus-growing ants (Attini) feed off a fungus they cultivate in a mutualistic symbiosis in underground chambers by providing it substrate they collect outside the colony. The tribe of Attine ants ranges from small colonies of the paleo- and basal Attine species with a few hundred workers that fo...... that the fungus evolved some incredible adaptations to a mutualistic life with the ants....

  6. Fast and flexible: argentine ants recruit from nearby trails. (United States)

    Flanagan, Tatiana P; Pinter-Wollman, Noa M; Moses, Melanie E; Gordon, Deborah M


    Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) live in groups of nests connected by trails to each other and to stable food sources. In a field study, we investigated whether some ants recruit directly from established, persistent trails to food sources, thus accelerating food collection. Our results indicate that Argentine ants recruit nestmates to food directly from persistent trails, and that the exponential increase in the arrival rate of ants at baits is faster than would be possible if recruited ants traveled from distant nests. Once ants find a new food source, they walk back and forth between the bait and sometimes share food by trophallaxis with nestmates on the trail. Recruiting ants from nearby persistent trails creates a dynamic circuit, like those found in other distributed systems, which facilitates a quick response to changes in available resources.

  7. Las redes sociales de migrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos: una estrategia para la sobrevivencia


    Adrián González Romo; Yolanda Sánchez Torres


    l migrante mexicano indocumentado en los Estados Unidos, busca nuevos mecanismos de sobrevivencia y ante cambios en la política migratoria se adapta y busca otras estrategias para salir adelante. A partir del año 2001 con los atentados terroristas la política migratoria se endureció y muchos mexicanos salieron perjudicados ante las deportaciones masivas por la autoridades federales y el nuevo papel que comenzaron a jugar las autoridades locales que bajo argumentos de seguridad comenzaron a to...

  8. A inter-relação das sialomucinas (antígenos Tn e Stn com o adenocarcinoma no esôfago de Barrett Relationship of the sialomucins (Tn and Stn antigens with adenocarcinoma in Barrett's esophagus

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    Plínio Conte de Faria Júnior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O esôfago de Barrett (EB é conseqüência do refluxo gastroesofágico crônico e considerado fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de adenocarcinoma. Estudos do muco, em especial das mucinas ácidas representadas pelas sialomucinas presentes nas células caliciformes, mostraram que na metaplasia do tipo intestinal, o epitélio do órgão pode expressar antígenos denominados Tn e Stn. Estes antígenos já foram analisados em tumores gástricos e colônicos, porém não foram encontradas referências à sua utilização no EB. Este trabalho objetivou analisar estes antígenos em doentes com EB e em adenocarcinoma associado ao EB. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados, utilizando testes imunohistoquímicos, os antígenos Tn e Stn, nas biópsias endoscópicas de 29 doentes com EB, sete com adenocarcinoma no EB, além de oito indivíduos com epitélio esofágico normal. RESULTADOS: Nas células caliciformes, foi observada positividade para Stn em 100% dos casos e para Tn em 48% dos casos. Nas células colunares, o Stn foi sempre negativo, enquanto o Tn foi positivo em 100% dos casos. Entretanto, nos doentes com adenocarcinoma no EB, a positividade para ambos os antígenos foi de 100%. Nos indivíduos normais, houve positividade para o antígeno Tn e negatividade para Stn em todos os casos (100%. CONCLUSÃO: É provável que nos doentes com EB a positividade para o Tn, à semelhança do ocorrido quanto à positividade do mesmo antígeno nos portadores de adenocarcinoma, possa significar maior suscetibilidade para ocorrência futura de câncer. Assim, a pesquisa das sialomucinas poderá ser rotineiramente utilizada, contribuindo como fator prognóstico para desenvolvimento de adenocarcinoma no EB.OBJECIVE: Barrett's esophagus (BE is a consequence of chronic gastroesophageal reflux and is considered a risk factor for adenocarcinoma. The study of the mucus, especially acid mucins, such as the sialomucins in the goblet cells which characterize BE, showed

  9. Hey! A Fire Ant Stung Me! (United States)

    ... Videos for Educators Search English Español Hey! A Fire Ant Stung Me! KidsHealth / For Kids / Hey! A ... Me picó una roja o colorada! What's a Fire Ant? There are many different types of fire ...

  10. Examination of the immune responses of males and workers of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior and the effect of infection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baer, Boris; Krug, A.; Boomsma, Jacobus Jan


    -cutting ant workers being more variable in age or more genetically diverse within colonies. When exposed to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium, workers expressed a substantially reduced immune response 96 h after infection, suggesting that the immune system was either depleted by having to respond...

  11. Los desafíos actuales para consolidar la paz en Colombia


    Pizarro Leongómez, Eduardo


    El 2 de octubre de 2016 se votó en Colombia el plebiscito para ratificar el «Acuerdo final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera», firmado días antes en una ceremonia en la ciudad de Cartagena entre el presidente Juan Manuel Santos y el máximo dirigente de las FARC, Rodrigo Londoño, «Timochenko». Pero para sorpresa tanto de la comunidad nacional como internacional, el NO triunfó por una ventaja mínima. Colombia enfrentó, entonces, una situación muy ...

  12. Un mundo empresarial para el bachiller

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    Melquicedec Lozano Posso


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Ante las dificultades a que se ve enfrentado el bachiller colombiano, existen alternativas que es necesario estudiar e implementar a la mayor brevedad, con el ánimo de reducir los conflictos que se derivan, cuando los cupos en las universidades son cada vez más reducidos frente a la demanda. Las políticas educativas deben estar en consonancia con el desarrollo empresarial Hoy no es recomendable desde ningún punto de vista, económico, político y social, preparar para el empleo. Desde la primaria al bachillerato se debe inculcar en el  niño y en el joven la necesidad imperante de educarse para generar trabajo independientemente y productivo.

  13. Preparar para el futuro: el rol del educador

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    Myrna A. Cuevas Ruiz


    Full Text Available El artículo aborda el problema de la educación a la luz de las esperanzas y exigencias que se le plantean y de sus posibilidades reales para responder a los retos. En este marco, ubica la figura del educador, las cualidades que deben caracterizarlo para responder a las demandas de los retos educativos y los requerimientos que, en el contexto de la profesión docente, deben satisfacerse para impulsar los cambios.

  14. Exposure to creosote bush phenolic resin causes avoidance in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis (Formicidae: Attini La exposición a la resina fenólica de jarilla causa deterrencia en la hormiga cortadora de hojas Acromyrmex lobicornis (Formicidae: Attini

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    Full Text Available We focused our study on the effects of Larrea cuneifolia phenolic resin on leaf-cutting ants from two populations (Sierra de las Quijadas National Park and San Roque of Acromyrmex lobicornis in San Luis, Argentina. We conducted two bioassays of food choice (field and laboratory to compare the effects of phenolic resin on ant workers from these two populations. Results of the field experiment indicated that there were no differences in preference for either leaves treated with resin or untreated leaves among colonies from both localities. However, results of the laboratory experiments with individual ants indicated a significant effect of population and treatment on the time spent in different treatments. While leaf-cutting individual workers from Quijadas preferred the phenolic resin, workers from San Roque avoided it. These results evidence that ants respond according to time of exposure to chemicals from plants (presence or absence and that the effects of resin among a population can be observed and measured on individual ant workers, even in the absence of fungus garden influences in the nest.Este estudio se ha centrado en los efectos que produce la resina fenólica de Larrea cuneifolia sobre dos poblaciones distintas (Parque Nacional de Sierra de las Quijadas y la localidad de San Roque de Acromyrmex lobicornis en San Luis, Argentina. Se disenaron dos tipos de bioensayos (a campo y en laboratorio para comparar los efectos de la resina fenólica sobre las hormigas obreras de estas dos poblaciones. Los resultados de los experimentos de elección de la oferta alimentaria en el campo, indicaron que no hubo ninguna diferencia de preferencia entre las colonias, ni por las hojas tratadas con resina ni por las hojas sin tratar para ambas localidades. Sin embargo, los resultados de los experimentos de laboratorio con las hormigas obreras individualmente indicaron efectos significativos entre las poblaciones y entre los tratamientos. Mientras que las

  15. Fast and flexible: argentine ants recruit from nearby trails.

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    Tatiana P Flanagan

    Full Text Available Argentine ants (Linepithema humile live in groups of nests connected by trails to each other and to stable food sources. In a field study, we investigated whether some ants recruit directly from established, persistent trails to food sources, thus accelerating food collection. Our results indicate that Argentine ants recruit nestmates to food directly from persistent trails, and that the exponential increase in the arrival rate of ants at baits is faster than would be possible if recruited ants traveled from distant nests. Once ants find a new food source, they walk back and forth between the bait and sometimes share food by trophallaxis with nestmates on the trail. Recruiting ants from nearby persistent trails creates a dynamic circuit, like those found in other distributed systems, which facilitates a quick response to changes in available resources.

  16. El culpable de la imagen. Genealogía del acto de anteponer un culpable para testimoniar el horror en el cine


    Fillol, S. (Santiago)


    En 1945 el batallón que integraba el futuro cineasta Samuel Fuller entró en el campo de concentración de Falkenau. Ante el descubrimiento del horror, el capitán americano ordenó a Fuller esconderse para rodar cómo los soldados aleccionaban a los pobladores civiles alemanes, enfrentándolos antes las montañas de cadáveres. El gesto de anteponer un culpable como figura del plano, para poder mirar el agujero de sentido que provoca el horror de fondo, es una marca definitoria de dos polémicos docu...

  17. Annual and Seasonal Changes in the Structure of Litter-Dwelling Ant Assemblages (Hymenoptera: Formicidae in Atlantic Semideciduous Forests

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    Flávio Siqueira de Castro


    Full Text Available We surveyed ant fauna in the leaf litter in an Atlantic Semideciduous forest in the State Park of Rio Doce (PERD. The work aimed to produce basic information about habitat effects on diversity, as well as about how the ant fauna in a such buffered forest habitat, as the litter layer, could respond the climate variation in a short and long term. We sampled two years in two distinct forest physiognomies, which respond to different geomorphologic backgrounds, in dry and rainy seasons. Species composition, richness and abundance of these forests were distinct. However, both forests hosted similar numbers of rare and specialized, habitat demanding species, thus suggesting both are similarly well preserved, despite distinct physiognomies. However, the lower and more open forest was, more susceptible to dry season effects, showing a steeper decline in species numbers in such season, but similar numbers in the wet seasons. The pattern varied between years, which corroborates the hypothesis of a strongly variable community in response to subtle climatic variation among years. The present results are baselines for future long term monitoring projects, and could support protocols for early warnings of global climatic changes effects on biodiversity.

  18. Cryptococcus neoformans carried by Odontomachus bauri ants

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    Mariana Santos de Jesus


    Full Text Available Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common causative agent of cryptococcosis worldwide. Although this fungus has been isolated from a variety of organic substrates, several studies suggest that hollow trees constitute an important natural niche for C. neoformans. A previously surveyed hollow of a living pink shower tree (Cassia grandis positive for C. neoformans in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was chosen for further investigation. Odontomachus bauri ants (trap-jaw ants found inside the hollow were collected for evaluation as possible carriers of Cryptococcus spp. Two out of 10 ants were found to carry phenoloxidase-positive colonies identified as C. neoformans molecular types VNI and VNII. The ants may have acted as a mechanical vector of C. neoformans and possibly contributed to the dispersal of the fungi from one substrate to another. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the association of C. neoformans with ants of the genus Odontomachus.

  19. [Ants as carriers of microorganisms in hospital environments]. (United States)

    Pereira, Rogério Dos Santos; Ueno, Mariko


    Concern exists regarding the real possibility of public health threats caused by pathogenic agents that are carried by urban ants. The present study had the objective of isolating and identifying the microorganisms that are associated with ants in hospital environments. One hundred and twenty-five ants of the same species were collected from different units of a university hospital. Each ant was collected using a swab soaked with physiological solution and was transferred to a tube containing brain heart infusion broth and incubated at 35 degrees C for 24 hours. From each tube, with growth, inoculations were made into specific culturing media, to isolate any microorganisms. The ants presented a high capacity for carrying microorganism groups: spore-producing Gram-positive bacilli 63.5%, Gram-negative bacilli 6.3%, Gram-positive cocci 23.1%, filamentous fungi 6.7% and yeast 0.5%. Thus, it can be inferred that ants may be one of the agents responsible for disseminating microorganisms in hospital environments.

  20. Cuando dialogan dos Antígonas: La tumba de Antígona de María Zambrano y Antígona furiosa de Griselda Gambaro

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    Rose Duroux


    Full Text Available Antígona ha sido un tópico por más de 2.000 años, participando de una historia que siempre puede ser reconocida. Tanto la Guerra Civil española como la dictadura argentina vieron surgir Antígonas en busca de justicia. A partir de los trabajos de María Zambrano y Griselda Gambaro, este artículo busca rehabilitar discursivamente estas versiones. Por un lado, la filósofa española nunca regresó del exilio iniciado en 1939 y defendió hasta el final los valores republicanos. Cuando asumió que su expatriación era irreversible, ingresó en un exilio profundo del cual Antígona revela lo esencial, pasando de la "privación" a la "revelación" tanto en un modo filosófico como en el poético, tanto en sus ensayos como en su única pieza teatral, La Tumba de Antígona [1967], una significativa metáfora de la guerra fratricida y del exilio. Por otro, Antígona furiosa [1986] de Gambaro, reescribe la tragedia de Sófocles cuando denuncia el terrorismo de estado argentino en una furiosa Antígona. Gambaro, hermana y madre de desaparecidos de la guerra sucia eleva su grito por justicia en nombre de la fraternidad humanaAntigone has been a topical figure for more than 2,000 years. She plays a part in a story that one can always identify. Spanish Civil War and Argentine dictatorship saw the birth of many Antigones seeking justice. Starting from the M. Zambrano and G. Gambaro's creations, this work rehabilitates the speech and the incarnations of the Iberian and Ibero-american Antigone. On the one hand, Spanish philosopher María Zambrano never came out of the exodus which began in 1939, and she defended the values of the Republic all the way. Once she acknowledged that expatriation was irreversible, she entered a profound exile of which Antigone reveals the essence, going from "deprivation" to "revelation" in a philosophical as well as a poetical manner, both in her essays and in her unique play, La Tumba de Antígona [1967], a striking metaphor

  1. Predaceous ants, beach replenishment, and nest placement by sea turtles. (United States)

    Wetterer, James K; Wood, Lawrence D; Johnson, Chris; Krahe, Holly; Fitchett, Stephanie


    Ants known for attacking and killing hatchling birds and reptiles include the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren), tropical fire ant [Solenopsis geminata (Fabr.)], and little fire ant [Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger)]. We tested whether sea turtle nest placement influenced exposure to predaceous ants. In 2000 and 2001, we surveyed ants along a Florida beach where green turtles (Chelonia mydas L.), leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea Vandelli), and loggerheads (Caretta caretta L.) nest. Part of the beach was artificially replenished between our two surveys. As a result, mean beach width experienced by nesting turtles differed greatly between the two nesting seasons. We surveyed 1,548 sea turtle nests (2000: 909 nests; 2001: 639 nests) and found 22 ant species. S. invicta was by far the most common species (on 431 nests); S. geminata and W. auropunctata were uncommon (on 3 and 16 nests, respectively). In 2000, 62.5% of nests had ants present (35.9% with S. invicta), but in 2001, only 30.5% of the nests had ants present (16.4% with S. invicta). Turtle nests closer to dune vegetation had significantly greater exposure to ants. Differences in ant presence on turtle nests between years and among turtle species were closely related to differences in nest placement relative to dune vegetation. Beach replenishment significantly lowered exposure of nests to ants because on the wider beaches turtles nested farther from the dune vegetation. Selective pressures on nesting sea turtles are altered both by the presence of predaceous ants and the practice of beach replenishment.

  2. Ex post and ex ante willingness to pay (WTP) for the ICT Malaria Pf/Pv test kit in Myanmar. (United States)

    Cho-Min-Naing; Lertmaharit, S; Kamol-Ratanakul, P; Saul, A J


    Willingness to pay (WTP) for the ICT Malaria Pf/Pv test kit was assessed by the contingent valuation method using a bidding game approach in two villages in Myanmar. Kankone (KK) village has a rural health center (RHC) and Yae-Aye-Sann (YAS) is serviced by community health worker (CHW). The objectives were to assess WTP for the ICT Malaria Pf/Pv test kit and to determine factors affecting the WTP. In both villages WTP was assessed in two different conditions, ex post and ex ante. The ex post WTP was assessed at an RHC in the KK village and at the residence of a CHW in the YAS village on patients immediately following diagnosis of malaria. The ex ante WTP was assessed by household interviews in both villages on people with a prior history of malaria. Ordinary least squares (OLS) multiple regression analysis was used to analyze factors affecting WTP. The WTP was higher in ex post conditions than ex ante in both villages. WTP was significantly positively associated with the average monthly income of the respondents and severity of illness in both ex post and ex ante conditions (p WTP (p < 0.05) in the ex post condition in the RHC survey in KK village.

  3. Reparación simbólica para mujeres trans víctimas del conflicto armado: ¿por qué no se ha iniciado?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Catalina Tovar Bohorquez


    Full Text Available A partir de la creación y divulgación de la ley 1448 del año 2011, se han desarrollado iniciativas encaminadas a garantizar el derecho a la verdad, justicia y reparación de las víctimas del conflicto armado. Sin embargo, no se ha desarrollado una sección destinada a la población LGBTI (o de orientaciones sexuales no normativas, que muestre las formas de reparación a la que tienen derecho. Dentro de esta población, las mujeres trans (transexuales, travestis y transformistas son una población fuertemente afectada por el conflicto por su apariencia, tipos de trabajo y rechazo social. Por esto, el artículo busca trabajar el tema de reparación en mujeres trans víctimas del conflicto armado. Debido a su situación particular se considera importante trabajar inicialmente en la reparación simbólica, pues es el mejor camino para disminuir los niveles de exclusión antes, durante y después de la victimización, y reconstruir su proyecto de vida. Por lo anterior, la pregunta a resolver es ¿por qué no se han creado medidas de reparación simbólica para las mujeres trans víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano? Para responder, se hará un análisis documental y entrevistas a mujeres trans víctimas y a tomadores de decisiones de políticas públicas y, aunque la respuesta no es final, se mostrará que las peticiones de estas mujeres se relacionan con una reparación que responda a la situación antes y después de su victimización.

  4. Studies on the environmental implications of ants (Hymenoptera ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A study of ants associated wh two synanthropcenvironments in Awka was carried out in 2008 using pitfall and bait traps. The study yelded a total of 561 ants wth 409 obtaned from the hemisynanthrophic environment while 192 ants were collected from the endophilic environment. The percentage occurrence, total dstribution ...

  5. Un reto para las publicaciones científicas en Colombia

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    Mónica Alejandra Enríquez García


    Full Text Available Ante el anuncio de un nuevo modelo propuesto por Colciencias para la indexación de revistas colombianas, las instituciones se vieron en la necesidad de iniciar un proceso de ajustes en las políticas editoriales con base en parámetros de medición que hasta ese momento no constituían información oficial; a fin de que sus revistas continuaran indexadas por el IBN - Publindex de Colciencias. Como se avizoraba, muchas revistas no cumplieron con los requisitos mínimos debido a varios factores que enmarcan el contexto de la labor editorial de la revistas científicas, entre ellos, los costos que implica dicha labor, la mínima cantidad de horas semanales que se asigna al editor para esta función, la exigencia de que las revistas estén incluidas en diversas bases de datos del conocimiento, como una estrategia para incrementar su visibilidad ante la comunidad científica internacional, la imperante necesidad de publicar en un segundo idioma, entre otros, constituyeron la antesala de argumentos para que más del 50% de las revistas en el país perdieran la indexación; que más que una categoría, representa el esfuerzo de equipos editoriales por mantener vivo un proyecto que generalmente nació con el propósito de publicar resultados de investigación de la región donde pertenecen.

  6. Tracing the rise of ants - out of the ground.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Lucky

    Full Text Available The evolution of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae is increasingly well-understood due to recent phylogenetic analyses, along with estimates of divergence times and diversification rates. Yet, leading hypotheses regarding the ancestral habitat of ants conflict with new findings that early ant lineages are cryptic and subterranean. Where the ants evolved, in respect to habitat, and how habitat shifts took place over time have not been formally tested. Here, we reconstruct the habitat transitions of crown-group ants through time, focusing on where they nest and forage (in the canopy, litter, or soil. Based on ancestral character reconstructions, we show that in contrast to the current consensus based on verbal arguments that ants evolved in tropical leaf litter, the soil is supported as the ancestral stratum of all ants. We also find subsequent movements up into the litter and, in some cases, into the canopy. Given the global importance of ants, because of their diversity, ecological influence and status as the most successful eusocial lineage on Earth, understanding the early evolution of this lineage provides insight into the factors that made this group so successful today.

  7. Insecticide transfer efficiency and lethal load in Argentine ants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hooper-Bui, L.M. [Department of Environmental Science, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States); Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 (United States); Kwok, E.S.C. [Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 (United States); Buchholz, B.A., E-mail: [Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94551 (United States); Department of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 (United States); Rust, M.K. [Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 (United States); Eastmond, D.A. [Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 (United States); Vogel, J.S. [Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94551 (United States)


    Trophallaxis between individual worker ants and the toxicant load in dead and live Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) in colonies exposed to fipronil and hydramethylnon experimental baits were examined using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). About 50% of the content of the crop containing trace levels of {sup 14}C-sucrose, {sup 14}C-hydramethylnon, and {sup 14}C-fipronil was shared between single donor and recipient ants. Dead workers and queens contained significantly more hydramethylnon (122.7 and 22.4 amol/μg ant, respectively) than did live workers and queens (96.3 and 10.4 amol/μg ant, respectively). Dead workers had significantly more fipronil (420.3 amol/μg ant) than did live workers (208.5 amol/μg ant), but dead and live queens had equal fipronil levels (59.5 and 54.3 amol/μg ant, respectively). The distribution of fipronil differed within the bodies of dead and live queens; the highest amounts of fipronil were recovered in the thorax of dead queens whereas live queens had the highest levels in the head. Resurgence of polygynous ant colonies treated with hydramethylnon baits may be explained by queen survival resulting from sublethal doses due to a slowing of trophallaxis throughout the colony. Bait strategies and dose levels for controlling insect pests need to be based on the specific toxicant properties and trophic strategies for targeting the entire colony.

  8. Insecticide transfer efficiency and lethal load in Argentine ants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hooper-Bui, L.M.; Kwok, E.S.C.; Buchholz, B.A.; Rust, M.K.; Eastmond, D.A.; Vogel, J.S.


    Trophallaxis between individual worker ants and the toxicant load in dead and live Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) in colonies exposed to fipronil and hydramethylnon experimental baits were examined using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). About 50% of the content of the crop containing trace levels of 14 C-sucrose, 14 C-hydramethylnon, and 14 C-fipronil was shared between single donor and recipient ants. Dead workers and queens contained significantly more hydramethylnon (122.7 and 22.4 amol/μg ant, respectively) than did live workers and queens (96.3 and 10.4 amol/μg ant, respectively). Dead workers had significantly more fipronil (420.3 amol/μg ant) than did live workers (208.5 amol/μg ant), but dead and live queens had equal fipronil levels (59.5 and 54.3 amol/μg ant, respectively). The distribution of fipronil differed within the bodies of dead and live queens; the highest amounts of fipronil were recovered in the thorax of dead queens whereas live queens had the highest levels in the head. Resurgence of polygynous ant colonies treated with hydramethylnon baits may be explained by queen survival resulting from sublethal doses due to a slowing of trophallaxis throughout the colony. Bait strategies and dose levels for controlling insect pests need to be based on the specific toxicant properties and trophic strategies for targeting the entire colony.

  9. Ant species confer different partner benefits on two neotropical myrmecophytes. (United States)

    Frederickson, Megan E


    The dynamics of mutualistic interactions involving more than a single pair of species depend on the relative costs and benefits of interaction among alternative partners. The neotropical myrmecophytes Cordia nodosa and Duroia hirsuta associate with several species of obligately symbiotic ants. I compared the ant partners of Cordia and Duroia with respect to two benefits known to be important in ant-myrmecophyte interactions: protection against herbivores provided by ants, and protection against encroaching vegetation provided by ants. Azteca spp., Myrmelachista schumanni, and Allomerus octoarticulatus demerarae ants all provide the leaves of Cordia and Duroia some protection against herbivores. However, Azteca and Allomerus provide more protection than does Myrmelachista to the leaves of their host plants. Although Allomerus protects the leaves of its hosts, plants occupied by Allomerus suffer more attacks by herbivores to their stems than do plants occupied by other ants. Relative to Azteca or Allomerus, Myrmelachista ants provide better protection against encroaching vegetation, increasing canopy openness over their host plants. These differences in benefits among the ant partners of Cordia and Duroia are reflected in the effect of each ant species on host plant size, growth rate, and reproduction. The results of this study show how mutualistic ant partners can differ with respect to both the magnitude and type of benefits they provide to the same species of myrmecophytic host.

  10. Life-Histories of Sub-Arctic Ants


    Heinze, Jürgen


    Ant species belonging to seven genera occur in habitats near the tree line in the Northern Hemisphere. An analysis of colony founding strategies suggests that in addition to physiological cold resistance, behavioral and sociometric adaptations might be important for survival and propagation of ants in subarctic biomes.


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    Helen Caroline Raksa


    O acúmulo da PrPSc em tecidos linfoides levou ao desenvolvimento de procedimentos de biopsia para o diagnóstico ante mortem da scrapie em ovinos, utilizando tecidos acessíveis como a tonsila(5 e terceira pálpebra(6, e a técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ. Por outro lado, a grande área de folículos linfoides presente no reto de ovinos(7 tornou a biopsia retal uma possibilidade de diagnóstico ante mortem da scrapie. Amostras da mucosa retal têm sido colhidas e analisadas por meio de provas de IHQ para avaliar a presença de PrPSc no tecido linfoide associado à mucosa retoanal (RAMALT, do inglês Recto-Anal Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue(8,9. No Brasil, o primeiro relato de scrapie foi em 1978, em um ovino Hampshire Down, importado da Inglaterra(10. Segundo a OIE, de 2008 a 2014 foram sacrificados 41 animais no país, em surtos de scrapie(11. Desde 2008, o diagnóstico de scrapie é realizado por meio da técnica de IHQ a partir de amostras do SNC e tecidos linfoides(12. Porém, no caso de tecidos linfoides associados à mucosa retal, pode haver necessidade de novas colheitas em curtos intervalos de tempo devido à escassez de tecido para o diagnóstico da doença que, segundo Leal et al.(13, deve ser de no mínimo três folículos linfoides (FL por amostra. Visando ao reconhecimento de boas técnicas para o monitoramento e o diagnóstico ante mortem da scrapie, o presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a quantidade de tecido linfoide associado à mucosa retal obtido pela técnica de biopsia retal e com vistas à avaliação imuno-histoquímica, bem como a possibilidade de se realizarem dois procedimentos de biopsia consecutivos, em diferentes intervalos de tempo, em ovinos e caprinos.

  12. Edge detection in digital images using Ant Colony Optimization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani


    Full Text Available Ant Colony Optimization (ACO is an optimization algorithm inspired by the behavior of real ant colonies to approximate the solutions of difficult optimization problems. In this paper, ACO is introduced to tackle the image edge detection problem. The proposed approach is based on the distribution of ants on an image; ants try to find possible edges by using a state transition function. Experimental results show that the proposed method compared to standard edge detectors is less sensitive to Gaussian noise and gives finer details and thinner edges when compared to earlier ant-based approaches.

  13. Stealthy invaders: the biology of Cardiocondyla tramp ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heinze, J.; Cremer, Sylvia; Eckl, N.


    Many invasive ant species, such as the Argentine ant or the red imported fire ant, have huge colonies with thousands of mass-foraging workers, which quickly monopolise resources and therefore represent a considerable threat to the native ant fauna. Cardiocondyla obscurior and several other specie...

  14. The AINTEGUMENTA genes, MdANT1 and MdANT2, are associated with the regulation of cell production during fruit growth in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.). (United States)

    Dash, Madhumita; Malladi, Anish


    Fruit growth in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) is mediated by cell production and expansion. Genes involved in regulating these processes and thereby fruit growth, are not well characterized. We hypothesized that the apple homolog(s) of AINTEGUMENTA (ANT), an APETALA2-repeat containing transcription factor, regulates cell production during fruit growth in apple. Two ANT genes, MdANT1 and MdANT2, were isolated from apple and their expression was studied during multiple stages of fruit development. MdANT1 and MdANT2 expression was high during early fruit growth coincident with the period of cell production, rapidly declined during exit from cell production, and remained low during the rest of fruit development. The effects of increase in carbohydrate availability during fruit growth were characterized. Increase in carbohydrate availability enhanced fruit growth largely through an increase in cell production. Expression of MdANT1 and MdANT2 increased sharply by up to around 5-fold in response to an increase in carbohydrate availability. Expression of the ANT genes was compared across two apple genotypes, 'Gala' and 'Golden Delicious Smoothee' (GS), which differ in the extent of fruit growth, largely due to differences in cell production. In comparison to 'Gala', the larger fruit-size genotype, GS, displayed higher levels and a longer duration of MdANT1 and MdANT2 expression. Expression of the ANTs and cell cycle genes in the fruit core and cortex tissues isolated using laser capture microdissection was studied. During early fruit growth, expression of the MdANTs was higher within the cortex, the tissue that constitutes the majority of the fruit. Additionally, MdANT1 and MdANT2 expression was positively correlated with that of A- and B-type CYCLINS, B-type CYCLIN-DEPENDENT-KINASES (CDKBs) and MdDEL1. Multiple lines of evidence from this study suggest that MdANT1 and MdANT2 regulate cell production during fruit growth in apple. ANTs may coordinate the expression of

  15. Current issues in the evolutionary ecology of ant-plant symbioses. (United States)

    Mayer, Veronika E; Frederickson, Megan E; McKey, Doyle; Blatrix, Rumsaïs


    Ant-plant symbioses involve plants that provide hollow structures specialized for housing ants and often food to ants. In return, the inhabiting ants protect plants against herbivores and sometimes provide them with nutrients. Here, we review recent advances in ant-plant symbioses, focusing on three areas. First, the nutritional ecology of plant-ants, which is based not only on plant-derived food rewards, but also on inputs from other symbiotic partners, in particular fungi and possibly bacteria. Food and protection are the most important 'currencies' exchanged between partners and they drive the nature and evolution of the relationships. Secondly, studies of conflict and cooperation in ant-plant symbioses have contributed key insights into the evolution and maintenance of mutualism, particularly how partner-mediated feedbacks affect the specificity and stability of mutualisms. There is little evidence that mutualistic ants or plants are under selection to cheat, but the costs and benefits of ant-plant interactions do vary with environmental factors, making them vulnerable to natural or anthropogenic environmental change. Thus, thirdly, ant-plant symbioses should be considered good models for investigating the effects of global change on the outcome of mutualistic interactions. © 2014 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2014 New Phytologist Trust.

  16. Competencias docentes para enfrentar la sociedad del conocimiento

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    Yajaira del Carmen Oviedo G.


    Full Text Available Los avances científicos y la nueva economía global gestan la necesidad de adquirir nuevas competencias, en particular personales y profesionales, en los futuros ciudadanos y ciudadanas. Ante ello, es urgente la formación de actitudes, conocimientos y habilidades en el docente para afrontar exigencias y requerimientos de una sociedad del conocimiento que otorga un valor distinto a la información más allá de la mera transmisión. Esta reflexión de naturaleza documental hace un aporte a las instituciones formadoras del docente en este siglo XXI, ante el apremio de hacer frente a nuevos retos; asimismo, es viable como una alternativa al requisito de diseñar un perfil complejo que parta de la construcción, manejo y difusión de saberes y haceres vinculados al uso de las TIC. Desde este ámbito, el propósito es generar una visión holística de las perspectivas que constituyen la formación de este profesional (constructiva, reflexiva y humana para dar respuesta a los requerimientos de una sociedad que se transforma en todos los órdenes y, por ende, demanda nuevas formas de pensamiento para manejar el cúmulo de información a la cual está expuesta; implica el manejo y posicionamiento de estrategias y herramientas para mediar entre la tecnología y el estudiante. Estos aportes brindarán espacios para generar aproximaciones a un perfil del docente venezolano desde una dimensión ética, participativa, comprometida y consustanciada con su quehacer pedagógico mediado por las TIC. Se requiere una formación en las dimensiones del ser y el convivir, en las cuales la formación de principios como autonomía, libertad, respeto, responsabilidad, tolerancia, equidad, compromiso y solidaridad con sus pares, sean considerados rasgos fundamentales. Dejar de lado al profesional de la docencia desde concepciones mecanicistas, para entenderlo a partir de una visión integradora.

  17. Día mundial del sonido, 22 de octubre: Una iniciativa nacional para una efeméride mundial


    DAUMAL DOMÈNECH, FRANCESC; Cerdà i Ferrer, Josep; Luceño Ramos, Marisa; Giménez Pérez, Alicia


    El Día Mundial del Sonido es el día del Sonido Positivo y se entiende por sonido positivo el que sirve al ser humano para conocerse mejor a sí mismo y a su especie, para sobrevivir, para inspeccionar su entorno, obteniendo toda una variada gama de información. Como sabemos, el sonido positivo está presente en nuestras vidas en todos sus aspectos. Es percibido desde antes del nacimiento por el ser humano, preparado desde entonces para distinguir una cantidad infinita de...

  18. The use of weaver ants (Oecophylla spp.) in tropical agriculture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offenberg, Hans Joachim


    by the consumed pest insects, can be harvested and utilised for nutrition as they are tasty and high in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Thus, plantations may function as ant farms and in addition to plant production also hosts the production of edible animal protein. In this setup harmful pest insects are turned...... farming as a way forward to solve an increasing future demand for protein. Weaver ant farming may build on natural food collected by the ants or alternatively be boosted by feeding the ant colonies actively with protein and sugar. In both cases, when ant biocontrol is combined with ant farming......, the environmental cost of protein production may fall even lower than for other insects as the ants feed on pests that would otherwise reduce the plant yield and since the farming area is simultaneously in use for plant production. In this presentation I provide data showing (i) how the harvest of ants can...

  19. Toxic industrial deposit remediation by ant activity (United States)

    Jilkova, Veronika; Frouz, Jan


    Toxic industrial deposits are often contaminated by heavy metals and the substrates have low pH values. In such systems, soil development is thus slowed down by high toxicity and acidic conditions which are unfavourable to soil fauna. Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) are considered tolerant to heavy metal pollution and are known to increase organic matter content and microbial activity in their nests. Here, we focused on soil remediation caused by three ant species (Formica sanguinea, Lasius niger, and Tetramorium sp.) in an ore-washery sedimentation basin near Chvaletice (Czech Republic). Soil samples were taken from the centre of ant nests and from the nest surroundings (>3 m from nests). Samples were then analyzed for microbial activity and biomass and contents of organic matter and nutrients. As a result, ant species that most influenced soil properties was F. sanguinea as there were higher microbial activity and total nitrogen and ammonia contents in ant nests than in the surrounding soil. We expected such a result because F. sanguinea builds conspicuous large nests and is a carnivorous species that brings substantial amounts of nitrogen in insect prey to their nests. Effects of the other two ant species might be lower because of smaller nests and different feeding habits as they rely mainly on honeydew from aphids or on plant seeds that do not contain much nutrients.

  20. Heat-induced symmetry breaking in ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae escape behavior.

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    Yuan-Kai Chung

    Full Text Available The collective egress of social insects is important in dangerous situations such as natural disasters or enemy attacks. Some studies have described the phenomenon of symmetry breaking in ants, with two exits induced by a repellent. However, whether symmetry breaking occurs under high temperature conditions, which are a common abiotic stress, remains unknown. In our study, we deposited a group of Polyrhachis dives ants on a heated platform and counted the number of escaping ants with two identical exits. We discovered that ants asymmetrically escaped through two exits when the temperature of the heated platform was >32.75°C. The degree of asymmetry increased linearly with the temperature of the platform. Furthermore, the higher the temperature of heated platform was, the more ants escaped from the heated platform. However, the number of escaping ants decreased for 3 min when the temperature was higher than the critical thermal limit (39.46°C, which is the threshold for ants to endure high temperature without a loss of performance. Moreover, the ants tended to form small groups to escape from the thermal stress. A preparatory formation of ant grouping was observed before they reached the exit, indicating that the ants actively clustered rather than accidentally gathered at the exits to escape. We suggest that a combination of individual and grouping ants may help to optimize the likelihood of survival during evacuation.

  1. El problema del entrenamiento de internado para estudiantes de psicología profesional en la américa latina


    Núñez, Rafael


    Ponencia para el Primer Congreso de Estudiantes de Psicología Profesional en Latinoamérica.Elegí este tópico para discutirlo ante este grupo interesado en el porvenir de la psicología en la América Latina, con la esperanza de que sea motivo de posteriores reuniones para tratar de solucionar en forma adecuada el problema del entrenamiento clínico para los estudiantes de psicología en la América Latina.

  2. Ants Orasest ja Anne Lange monograafiast / Jüri Talvet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talvet, Jüri, 1945-


    Arvustus: Oras, Ants. Luulekool. I, Apoloogia / koostajad Hando Runnel ja Jaak Rähesoo. Tartu : Ilmamaa, 2003 ; Oras, Ants. Luulekool II, Meistriklass. Tartu : Ilmamaa, 2004 ; Lange, Anne. Ants Oras : [kirjandusteadlane, -kriitik ja tõlkija (1900-1982)]. Tartu : Ilmamaa, 2004

  3. Ant tending influences soldier production in a social aphid. (United States)

    Shingleton, A W; Foster, W A


    The aphid Pseudoregma sundanica (Van der Goot) (Homoptera: Aphididae) has two defence strategies. It is obligatorily tended by various species of ant and also produces sterile soldiers. We investigated how they allocate their investment in these two strategies. We measured the size, number of soldiers, number and species of tending ant, and number and species of predators in P. sundanica populations. We found that the level of ant tending correlated negatively with soldier investment in P. sundanica. The species of tending ant also influenced soldier investment. We excluded ants from aphid populations and recorded changes in population size and structure over four weeks. Ant exclusion led to population decline and extinction. At the same time, surviving populations showed a significant increase in soldier investment. The data demonstrate that social aphids can adjust their investment in soldiers in direct response to environmental change.

  4. Siete retos en edición digital para las fuentes documentales


    Spence, Paul


    Este artículo examinará los retos principales para la edición digital de fuentes documentales, empezando por los conceptos fluidos de editor/lector y edición/recurso que la era digital ha favorecido, aunque han sido frenados en cierta medida por las realidades institucionales y el recelo de algunos investigadores ante cambios que cuanto menos ponen en debate los modos tradicionales de editar. Estos cambios suponen un arma de doble filo: un cuestionamiento, pero también una oportunidad para cr...

  5. Do herbivores eavesdrop on ant chemical communication to avoid predation?

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    David J Gonthier

    Full Text Available Strong effects of predator chemical cues on prey are common in aquatic and marine ecosystems, but are thought to be rare in terrestrial systems and specifically for arthropods. For ants, herbivores are hypothesized to eavesdrop on ant chemical communication and thereby avoid predation or confrontation. Here I tested the effect of ant chemical cues on herbivore choice and herbivory. Using Margaridisa sp. flea beetles and leaves from the host tree (Conostegia xalapensis, I performed paired-leaf choice feeding experiments. Coating leaves with crushed ant liquids (Azteca instabilis, exposing leaves to ant patrolling prior to choice tests (A. instabilis and Camponotus textor and comparing leaves from trees with and without A. instabilis nests resulted in more herbivores and herbivory on control (no ant-treatment relative to ant-treatment leaves. In contrast to A. instabilis and C. textor, leaves previously patrolled by Solenopsis geminata had no difference in beetle number and damage compared to control leaves. Altering the time A. instabilis patrolled treatment leaves prior to choice tests (0-, 5-, 30-, 90-, 180-min. revealed treatment effects were only statistically significant after 90- and 180-min. of prior leaf exposure. This study suggests, for two ecologically important and taxonomically diverse genera (Azteca and Camponotus, ant chemical cues have important effects on herbivores and that these effects may be widespread across the ant family. It suggests that the effect of chemical cues on herbivores may only appear after substantial previous ant activity has occurred on plant tissues. Furthermore, it supports the hypothesis that herbivores use ant chemical communication to avoid predation or confrontation with ants.

  6. Consuming fire ants reduces northern bobwhite survival and weight gain (United States)

    Myers, P.E.; Allen, Craig R.; Birge, Hannah E.


    Northern bobwhite quail, Colinus virginianus (L.) (Galliformes: Odontophoridae), population declines are well documented, but pinpointing the reasons for these decreases has proven elusive. Bobwhite population declines are attributed primarily to loss of habitat and land use changes. This, however, does not entirely explain population declines in areas intensively managed for bobwhites. Although previous research demonstrates the negative impact of red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on northern bobwhites, the mechanisms underlying this effect are largely unknown. To meet the protein demands of early growth and development, bobwhite chicks predominantly consume small insects, of which ants are a substantial proportion. Fire ants alter ant community dynamics by often reducing native ant diversity and abundance while concurrently increasing the abundance of individuals. Fire ants have negative effects on chicks, but they are also a large potential protein source, making it difficult to disentangle their net effect on bobwhite chicks. To help investigate these effects, we conducted a laboratory experiment to understand (1) whether or not bobwhites consume fire ants, and (2) how the benefits of this consumption compare to the deleterious impacts of bobwhite chick exposure to fire ants. Sixty bobwhite chicks were separated into two groups of 30; one group was provided with starter feed only and the second group was provided with feed and fire ants. Bobwhite chicks were observed feeding on fire ants. Chicks that fed on fire ants had reduced survival and weight gain. Our results show that, while fire ants increase potential food sources for northern bobwhite, their net effect on bobwhite chicks is deleterious. This information will help inform land managers and commercial bobwhite rearing operations.

  7. Efeitos da exposição crônica a adoçantes artificiais durante a gestação sobre o desenvolvimento, metabolismo energético e parâmetros comportamentais de ratos na vida adulta


    Eduardo von Poser Toigo


    Ao longo das últimas décadas tem se verificado um aumento concomitante no consumo de adoçantes artificias e na epidemia da obesidade. Adicionalmente ao seu disseminado uso em bebidas dietéticas, os adoçantes artificias são utilizados em milhares de outros produtos, desde comidas congeladas, iogurtes até papinhas para bebês. Apesar de ser muito utilizado por pessoas que visam um estilo de vida mais saudável, vários estudos têm demonstrado que o consumo de adoçantes artificiais pode levar a gan...

  8. Extended phenotype: nematodes turn ants into bird-dispersed fruits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hughes, D P; Kronauer, D J C; Boomsma, J J


    A recent study has discovered a novel extended phenotype of a nematode which alters its ant host to resemble ripe fruit. The infected ants are in turn eaten by frugivorous birds that disperse the nematode's eggs.......A recent study has discovered a novel extended phenotype of a nematode which alters its ant host to resemble ripe fruit. The infected ants are in turn eaten by frugivorous birds that disperse the nematode's eggs....

  9. Fungal enzymes in the attine ant symbiosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Fine Licht, Henrik Hjarvard; Schiøtt, Morten; Boomsma, Jacobus Jan

    the more basal attine genera use substrates such as flowers, plant debris, small twigs, insect feces and insect carcasses. This diverse array of fungal substrates across the attine lineage implies that the symbiotic fungus needs different enzymes to break down the plant material that the ants provide...... or different efficiencies of enzyme function. Fungal enzymes that degrade plant cell walls may have functionally co-evolved with the ants in this scenario. We explore this hypothesis with direct measurements of enzyme activity in fungus gardens in 12 species across 8 genera spanning the entire phylogeny...... and diversity of life-styles within the attine clade. We find significant differences in enzyme activity between different genera and life-styles of the ants. How these findings relate to attine ant coevolution and crop optimization are discussed....

  10. Juan Pablo II: Portador de Esperanza ante el Dolor y el Sufrimiento

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    Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez


    Full Text Available El Santo Papa Juan Pablo II centrado en la pregunta por el hombre y la defensa de su dignidad, se preocupó por dejar una sólida y significativa enseñanza sobre esta realidad del ser humano. Padeció el dolor y el sufrimiento en muchos momentos de su vida y, como filósofo, teólogo y Pastor, manifestó esta gran preocupación en casi todas sus encíclicas, en las que buscó transmitir, a lo largo de todo su pontificado, la fe de la Iglesia Católica recogiendo las enseñanzas de la Sagrada Escritura y la Sagrada Tradición. A través de una revisión de las encíclicas que escribió, ilustramos cómo el Santo Padre evidencia, ante todo, un profundo interés de que el hombre de hoy se entienda principalmente a sí mismo y de esta manera, comprenda el dinamismo del dolor, para que, antes que desesperar en los momentos difíciles, viva la esperanza y pueda así llenar de sentido su vida entera

  11. Evaluation of a recombinant p24 antigen for the detection of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus-specific antibodies Avaliação do antígeno recombinante p24 para a detecção de anticorpos específicos do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina

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    Carlos Mazur


    Full Text Available Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is a worldwide infection and is considered a significant pathogen. The diagnosis of FIV infections is mainly based on commercially available rapid tests that are highly expensive in Brazil, hence it is rarely performed in the country. Furthermore, lentiviruses grow slowly and poorly in tissue cultures, making the production of viral antigen by classic means and thus the establishment of FIV immunodiagnosis impracticable. In order to deal with this, recombinant DNA techniques were adopted to produce the protein p24, a viral capsid antigen. The protein's reactivity evaluation analyzed by Western blot indicated that this recombinant antigen can be a useful tool for the immunodiagnostic of FIV infections.O vírus da imunodeficiência felina tem distribuição mundial e é considerado um patógeno significativo. No Brasil, a prática diagnóstica é baseada principalmente em teste rápidos, importados e de custo elevado, disponíveis comercialmente. Devido ao seu custo proibitivo em nosso país, o diagnóstico da infecção pelo FIV é raramente realizado. Ademais, os lentivírus se multiplicam lenta e pobremente em cultura de células, o que torna a produção de antígeno por meios clássicos e o estabelecimento do imunodiagnóstico impraticável. Com o objetivo de lidar com esta questão, técnicas de DNA recombinante foram utilizadas para produção de um antígeno do capsídeo viral, a proteína p24. A avaliação da reatividade realizada por Western blot indicou que este antígeno recombinante pode ser útil para o imunodiagnóstico de infecções pelo FIV.

  12. Apoyo a la parturiente por su acompañante escogido en una maternidad brasileña: ensayo clínico controlado randomizado

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    Odaléa Maria BRÜGGEMANN


    Full Text Available El apoyo por acompañante escogido por la parturiente es una das recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Se trata de un relato de experiencia acerca de la realización de un ensayo clínico controlado randomizado, que buscó conocer la influencia de este proveedor de apoyo sobre la satisfacción de la mujer con la experiencia del trabajo de parto/parto y sobre los resultados maternos, perinatales y de lactancia, en las primeras 12 horas después del parto. Se realizó en un hospital de la Universidade Estadual de Campinas, de febrero/2004 a marzo/2005 con una muestra de 212 primíparas (105 no grupo de intervención - con acompañante y 107 en el del control - sin acompañante. Para análisis estadística se utilizó los testes t de Student o Wilcoxon, chi-cuadrado o exacto de Fisher, razones de riesgo e intervalos de confianza a 95% y escala tipo Likert. Los resultados fueron publicados en el artículo Support to woman by a companion of her choice during childbirth: a randomized controlled trial en la revista Reproductive Health, en 2007. Las parturientas del grupo de intervención estuvieron más satisfechas con la experiencia del trabajo de parto/parto que las del grupo-control. De los eventos del trabajo de parto/parto analizados, apenas la presencia de líquido meconial fue significativamente menor en el grupo de intervención lo que puede haber sido por el contexto asistencial en que la investigación se realizó. Este estudio representa una contribución importante para implementar la legislación actualmente vigente en el Brasil, conocida como “Ley del acompañante”.

  13. Dot Blot para determinar la identidad antigénica en vacunas conjugadas contra Streptococcus pneumoniae serotipo 19F

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    Osmir Cabrera-Blanco


    Full Text Available Las autoridades regulatorias recomiendan el uso de técnicas de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear o técnicas serológicas para la determinación de la identidad de los antígenos presentes en las vacunas conjugadas. Con la aparición de las vacunas conjugadas multivalentes, se ha hecho necesario recurrir a técnicas inmunoquímicas con la utilización de anticuerpos monoclonales para aumentar la sensibilidad en la determinación de la identidad de los antígenos en dichas vacunas conjugadas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue establecer las condiciones óptimas de trabajo que permitieran utilizar la técnica del Dot Blot para determinar la identidad de los antígenos en vacunas conjugadas de Streptococcus pneumoniae serotipo 19F. Para ello se estudiaron los tiempos de incubación, la influencia del reactivo en la solución de bloqueo; también las concentraciones óptimas del anticuerpo monoclonal y de los ingredientes farmacéuticos activos, así como los volúmenes de aplicación óptimos para estos y vacunas. Se utilizó un anticuerpo monoclonal contra el polisacárido capsular del serotipo 19F de neumococo. Las muestras empleadas en este trabajo fueron lotes de ingredientes farmacéuticos activos de conjugados de polisacárido capsular 19F y lotes de un candidato vacunal cubano conjugado heptavalente contra neumococos. Los resultados mostraron que para la determinación de la identidad antigénica fueron suficientes 10 µL de muestras de los principios activos a una concentración de 125 µg/mL e igual volumen para las vacunas heptavalentes. Quedó demostrado que una concentración de 1 µg/mL para el anticuerpo monoclonal y tiempos de incubación de 30 min a 37 °C fueron suficientes para la determinación. Estos resultados permiten concluir que quedaron establecidas las condiciones óptimas de trabajo para determinar la identidad antigénica por Dot Blot del polisacárido capsular de S. pneumoniae serotipo 19F presente en las vacunas

  14. Red imported fire ant impacts on upland arthropods in Southern Mississippi (United States)

    Epperson, D.M.; Allen, Craig R.


    Red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) have negative impacts on a broad array of invertebrate species. We investigated the impacts of fire ants on the upland arthropod community on 20???40 ha study sites in southern Mississippi. Study sites were sampled from 19972000 before, during, and after fire ant bait treatments to reduce fire ant populations. Fire ant abundance was assessed with bait transects on all sites, and fire ant population indices were estimated on a subset of study sites. Species richness and diversity of other ant species was also assessed from bait transects. Insect biomass and diversity was determined from light trap samples. Following treatments, fire ant abundance and population indices were significantly reduced, and ant species diversity and richness were greater on treated sites. Arthropod biomass, species diversity and species richness estimated from light trap samples were negatively correlated with fire ant abundance, but there were no observable treatment effects. Solenopsis invicta has the potential to negatively impact native arthropod communities resulting in a potential loss of both species and function.

  15. Host ant independent oviposition in the parasitic butterfly Maculinea alcon

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fürst, Matthias A; Nash, David Richard


    to host-ant nests and non-host-ant nests, and the number and position of eggs attached were assessed. Our results show no evidence for host-ant-based oviposition in M. alcon, but support an oviposition strategy based on plant characteristics. This suggests that careful management of host-ant distribution......Parasitic Maculinea alcon butterflies can only develop in nests of a subset of available Myrmica ant species, so female butterflies have been hypothesized to preferentially lay eggs on plants close to colonies of the correct host ants. Previous correlational investigations of host......-ant-dependent oviposition in this and other Maculinea species have, however, shown equivocal results, leading to a long-term controversy over support for this hypothesis. We therefore conducted a controlled field experiment to study the egg-laying behaviour of M. alcon. Matched potted Gentiana plants were set out close...



    Francisco Cuadrado Muñoz; María Trinidad Martínez García


    COMPARECENCIA ANTE LA COMISIÓN DE EDUCACIÓN DEL PARLAMENTO DE ANDALUCÍA, EN EL GRUPO DE TRABAJO PARA LA CONVERGENCIA EDUCATIVA, DE LA  ASOCIACIÓN DE INSPECTORES DE EDUCACIÓN ADIDE-ANDALUCÍA. La Asociación de inspectoras e inspectores de Educación, ADIDE-Andalucía, agradece la invitación de la Comisión de Educación del Parlamento Andaluz y la oportunidad de expresar nuestra opinión sobre las causas que motivan la actual situación de rendimiento educativo en Andalucía y las medidas que se co...

  17. Plan de actuación municipal ante el riesgo de inundaciones de Cullera




    La Guía sobre el Plan de Actuación Municipal ante el riesgo de Inundaciones es un documento redactado por parte de los municipios afectados por este tipo de riesgo, como es el caso de Cullera, para afrontar las necesidades de organización y planificación en caso de inundación. La importancia de esta guía reside en las características climáticas de la Comunidad Valencia, ya que es un territorio con numerosos episodios de inundaciones. Esto implica la realización de actuaciones de c...


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    Juan Pablo Zúñiga Vargas


    Full Text Available El presente artículo reporta las conclusiones obtenidas en un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo fue determinar la eficacia de responder a los escritos de los estudiantes por medio de la conferencia vía correo electrónico. Dicho proyecto de investigación se realizó con nueve profesores de la facultad de ingeniería y un estudiante avanzado de ingeniería de una universidad pública de Costa Rica durante el segundo semestre del año 2008. Para reunir información para tal proyecto se utilizaron dos cuestionarios, formularios para conferencia, reflexiones del instructor y reflexiones de los estudiantes. Un número reducido de los estudiantes completó los instrumentos y participó en la interacción por medio de conferencias que se esperaba de ellos. Aún así, los estudiantes encuestados y el instructor consideraron que el método de la conferencia fue eficaz. No obstante, es necesario realizar más investigación con el fin de obtener resultados concluyentes sobre la efectividad de la conferencia vía correo electrónico para responder a los escritos de los estudiantes. Se ofrecen sugerencias para investigaciones futuras.

  19. Underground anemotactic orientation in leaf-cutting ants: perception of airflow and experience-dependent choice of airflow direction during digging (United States)

    Halboth, Florian; Roces, Flavio


    Air exchange between the large nests of Atta vollenweideri leaf-cutting ants and the environment strongly relies on a passive, wind-induced ventilation mechanism. Air moves through nest tunnels and airflow direction depends on the location of the tunnel openings on the nest mound. We hypothesized that ants might use the direction of airflow along nest tunnels as orientation cue in the context of climate control, as digging workers might prefer to broaden or to close tunnels with inflowing or outflowing air in order to regulate nest ventilation. To investigate anemotactic orientation in Atta vollenweideri, we first tested the ants' ability to perceive air movements by confronting single workers with airflow stimuli in the range 0 to 20 cm/s. Workers responded to airflow velocities ≥ 2 cm/s, and the number of ants reacting to the stimulus increased with increasing airflow speed. Second, we asked whether digging workers use airflow direction as an orientation cue. Workers were exposed to either inflow or outflow of air while digging in the nest and could subsequently choose between two digging sites providing either inflow or outflow of air, respectively. Workers significantly chose the side with the same airflow direction they experienced before. When no airflow was present during initial digging, workers showed no preference for airflow directions. Workers developed preferences for airflow direction only after previous exposure to a given airflow direction. We suggest that experience-modified anemotaxis might help leaf-cutting ants spatially organize their digging activity inside the nest during tasks related to climate control.

  20. What do myrmecophagous geckos eat when ants are not available ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Like other Pristurus species, P. samhaensis on Samha and P. sokotranus on Socotra were highly myrmecophagous (76.7% and 38.6% ants, respectively). However, ants were absent from the diet of P. samhaensis on Darsa. In contrast to the rich native ant fauna of the other islands, only one ant species was reported for ...

  1. Urban assemblages: ANT and the examination of the city Ensamblajes urbanos: la TAR y el examen de la ciudad

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    Ignacio Farías


    Full Text Available

    This article presents new research perspectives and analytical challenges that actor-network theory opens for urban studies. First, it reviews how the ANT principles of hybrid relationality and flat associativity are being adopted in urban studies to symmetrically expand the urban ecology to nonhumans and contest scalar conceptions of urban space and economy. Second, it proposes that ANT brings along an even more fundamental challenge related to the understanding of the city as a research object. While common understandings as a spatial object, political-economical entity and/or sociocultural form underlie its singular, stable and bounded character, ANT allows thinking the city as a multiple and decentered object. The notion of urban assemblages is introduced to account for the circulation and becoming of the city in multiple hybrid and translocal networks. Finally, it concludes by discussing some consequences of this examination of the city, especially the reassertion of the problem of complexity, especially urban complexity, if not as a starting point, then at least as a point of arrival for ANT.

    Este artículo presenta nuevas perspectivas de investigación y desafíos analíticos que la teoría del actor-red (TAR abre para los estudios urbanos. En primer lugar, se revisan cómo los principios de relacionalidad híbrida y asociatividad plana de la TAR están siendo adoptados en los estudios urbanos para ampliar simétricamente la ecología urbana a no-humanos e impugnar concepciones escalares del espacio y economías urbanas. A continuación, se propone que la TAR trae consigo un desafío más fundamental relativo a la

  2. Signals can trump rewards in attracting seed-dispersing ants.

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    Kyle M Turner

    Full Text Available Both rewards and signals are important in mutualisms. In myrmecochory, or seed dispersal by ants, the benefits to plants are relatively well studied, but less is known about why ants pick up and move seeds. We examined seed dispersal by the ant Aphaenogaster rudis of four co-occurring species of plants, and tested whether morphology, chemical signaling, or the nutritional quality of fatty seed appendages called elaiosomes influenced dispersal rates. In removal trials, ants quickly collected diaspores (seeds plus elaiosomes of Asarum canadense, Trillium grandiflorum, and Sanguinaria canadensis, but largely neglected those of T. erectum. This discrepancy was not explained by differences in the bulk cost-benefit ratio, as assessed by the ratio of seed to elaiosome mass. We also provisioned colonies with diaspores from one of these four plant species or no diaspores as a control. Colonies performed best when fed S. canadensis diaspores, worst when fed T. grandiflorum, and intermediately when fed A. canadense, T. erectum, or no diaspores. Thus, the nutritional rewards in elaiosomes affected colony performance, but did not completely predict seed removal. Instead, high levels of oleic acid in T. grandiflorum elaiosomes may explain why ants disperse these diaspores even though they reduce ant colony performance. We show for the first time that different elaiosome-bearing plants provide rewards of different quality to ant colonies, but also that ants appear unable to accurately assess reward quality when encountering seeds. Instead, we suggest that signals can trump rewards as attractants of ants to seeds.

  3. Fuzzy Rules for Ant Based Clustering Algorithm

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    Amira Hamdi


    Full Text Available This paper provides a new intelligent technique for semisupervised data clustering problem that combines the Ant System (AS algorithm with the fuzzy c-means (FCM clustering algorithm. Our proposed approach, called F-ASClass algorithm, is a distributed algorithm inspired by foraging behavior observed in ant colonyT. The ability of ants to find the shortest path forms the basis of our proposed approach. In the first step, several colonies of cooperating entities, called artificial ants, are used to find shortest paths in a complete graph that we called graph-data. The number of colonies used in F-ASClass is equal to the number of clusters in dataset. Hence, the partition matrix of dataset founded by artificial ants is given in the second step, to the fuzzy c-means technique in order to assign unclassified objects generated in the first step. The proposed approach is tested on artificial and real datasets, and its performance is compared with those of K-means, K-medoid, and FCM algorithms. Experimental section shows that F-ASClass performs better according to the error rate classification, accuracy, and separation index.

  4. The direct and ecological costs of an ant-plant symbiosis. (United States)

    Frederickson, Megan E; Ravenscraft, Alison; Miller, Gabriel A; Arcila Hernández, Lina M; Booth, Gregory; Pierce, Naomi E


    How strong is selection for cheating in mutualisms? The answer depends on the type and magnitude of the costs of the mutualism. Here we investigated the direct and ecological costs of plant defense by ants in the association between Cordia nodosa, a myrmecophytic plant, and Allomerus octoarticulatus, a phytoecious ant. Cordia nodosa trees produce food and housing to reward ants that protect them against herbivores. For nearly 1 year, we manipulated the presence of A. octoarticulatus ants and most insect herbivores on C. nodosa in a full-factorial experiment. Ants increased plant growth when herbivores were present but decreased plant growth when herbivores were absent, indicating that hosting ants can be costly to plants. However, we did not detect a cost to ant colonies of defending host plants against herbivores. Although this asymmetry in costs suggests that the plants may be under stronger selection than the ants to cheat by withholding investment in their partner, the costs to C. nodosa are probably at least partly ecological, arising because ants tend scale insects on their host plants. We argue that ecological costs should favor resistance or traits other than cheating and thus that neither partner may face much temptation to cheat.

  5. Competitive assembly of South Pacific invasive ant communities

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    Sarty Megan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The relative importance of chance and determinism in structuring ecological communities has been debated for nearly a century. Evidence for determinism or assembly rules is often evaluated with null models that randomize the occurrence of species in particular locales. However, analyses of the presence or absence of species ignores the potential influence of species abundances, which have long been considered of major importance on community structure. Here, we test for community assembly rules in ant communities on small islands of the Tokelau archipelago using both presence-absence and abundance data. We conducted three sets of analyses on two spatial scales using three years of sampling data from 39 plots on 11 islands. Results First, traditional null model tests showed support for negative species co-occurrence patterns among plots within islands, but not among islands. A plausible explanation for this result is that analyses at larger spatial scales merge heterogeneous habitats that have considerable effects on species occurrences. Second, analyses of ant abundances showed that samples with high ant abundances had fewer species than expected by chance, both within and among islands. One ant species, the invasive yellow crazy ant Anoplolepis gracilipes, appeared to have a particularly strong effect on community structure correlated with its abundance. Third, abundances of most ant species were inversely correlated with the abundances of all other ants at both spatial scales. This result is consistent with competition theory, which predicts species distributions are affected by diffuse competition with suites of co-occurring species. Conclusion Our results support a pluralistic explanation for ant species abundances and assembly. Both stochastic and deterministic processes interact to determine ant community assembly, though abundance patterns clearly drive the deterministic patterns in this community. These deterministic

  6. La actuación de enfermería ante las enfermedades infecciosas en la urgencias hospitalarias


    Suárez Domínguez, Sara


    [EN] Una enfermedad infecciosa se define como aquella enfermedad producida por microorganismos patógenos como bacterias, hongos, virus o parásitos, la cual puede contagiarse por contacto con animales, insectos o de una persona a otra. A lo largo de este trabajo estudiaremos las Enfermedades Infecciosas Hospitalarias, concretamente en la enfermedad por virus Ébola y en las diferentes actuaciones de enfermería ante la misma. Para ello, se realizará un repaso en la historia y el desarrollo de...

  7. Exploring with PAM: Prospecting ANTS Missions for Solar System Surveys (United States)

    Clark, P. E.; Rilee, M. L.; Curtis, S. A.


    ANTS (Autonomous Nano-Technology Swarm), a large (1000 member) swarm of nano to picoclass (10 to 1 kg) totally autonomous spacecraft, are being developed as a NASA advanced mission concept. ANTS, based on a hierarchical insect social order, use an evolvable, self-similar, hierarchical neural system in which individual spacecraft represent the highest level nodes. ANTS uses swarm intelligence attained through collective, cooperative interactions of the nodes at all levels of the system. At the highest levels this can take the form of cooperative, collective behavior among the individual spacecraft in a very large constellation. The ANTS neural architecture is designed for totally autonomous operation of complex systems including spacecraft constellations. The ANTS (Autonomous Nano Technology Swarm) concept has a number of possible applications. A version of ANTS designed for surveying and determining the resource potential of the asteroid belt, called PAM (Prospecting ANTS Mission), is examined here.

  8. Oscilador para biosensores basado en microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo (QCM

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    Yeison Javier Montagut Ferizzola


    Full Text Available El cristal de cuarzo generalmente es usado en aplicaciones como microbalanza, aprovechando la capacidad que presenta éste para variar su frecuencia de resonancia de acuerdo a los cambios de la densidad superficial de masa depositada en la superficie del resonador. De esta manera, un cristal de cuarzo puede ser utilizado como transductor en un sistema de inmunosensor piezoeléctrico, para detectar uniones antígeno - anticuerpo. En este artículo se presenta una interfaz para microbalanzasde cristal de cuarzo, QCM (del inglés Quartz Crystal Microbalance basado en una versión mejorada de oscilador en configuración diferencial equilibrado y su validación como sistema de caracterización para biosensores. El sistema fue probado con éxito en un inmunosensor piezoeléctrico para la detección del plaguicida Carbaryl.

  9. La animación a la lectura en el segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil. Géneros literarios, actividades, estrategias y técnicas para fomentar el gusto y hábito lector antes de saber leer.


    Pajares Paredes, Beatriz


    Con este Trabajo Fin de Grado dirigido al primer curso del Segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil (3 años), pretendo presentar una propuesta de intervención de animación a la lectura a través de estrategias, técnicas y actividades; utilizando la literatura infantil más apropiada para estas edades, manejando especialmente, el cuento y la poesía. En un primer momento, hablaré de los beneficios que comporta desarrollar el gusto por la lectura en los niños y en las niñas, antes incluso de que é...

  10. Collective defence portfolios of ant hosts shift with social parasite pressure. (United States)

    Jongepier, Evelien; Kleeberg, Isabelle; Job, Sylwester; Foitzik, Susanne


    Host defences become increasingly costly as parasites breach successive lines of defence. Because selection favours hosts that successfully resist parasitism at the lowest possible cost, escalating coevolutionary arms races are likely to drive host defence portfolios towards ever more expensive strategies. We investigated the interplay between host defence portfolios and social parasite pressure by comparing 17 populations of two Temnothorax ant species. When successful, collective aggression not only prevents parasitation but also spares host colonies the cost of searching for and moving to a new nest site. However, once parasites breach the host's nest defence, host colonies should resort to flight as the more beneficial resistance strategy. We show that under low parasite pressure, host colonies more likely responded to an intruding Protomognathus americanus slavemaker with collective aggression, which prevented the slavemaker from escaping and potentially recruiting nest-mates. However, as parasite pressure increased, ant colonies of both host species became more likely to flee rather than to fight. We conclude that host defence portfolios shift consistently with social parasite pressure, which is in accordance with the degeneration of frontline defences and the evolution of subsequent anti-parasite strategies often invoked in hosts of brood parasites. © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

  11. Species diversity and distribution patterns of the ants of Amazonian Ecuador.

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    Kari T Ryder Wilkie


    Full Text Available Ants are among the most diverse, abundant and ecologically significant organisms on earth. Although their species richness appears to be greatest in the New World tropics, global patterns of ant diversity and distribution are not well understood. We comprehensively surveyed ant diversity in a lowland primary rainforest in Western Amazonia, Ecuador using canopy fogging, pitfall traps, baits, hand collecting, mini-Winkler devices and subterranean probes to sample ants. A total of 489 ant species comprising 64 genera in nine subfamilies were identified from samples collected in only 0.16 square kilometers. The most species-rich genera were Camponotus, Pheidole, Pseudomyrmex, Pachycondyla, Brachymyrmex, and Crematogaster. Camponotus and Pseudomyrmex were most diverse in the canopy, while Pheidole was most diverse on the ground. The three most abundant ground-dwelling ant genera were Pheidole, Solenopsis and Pyramica. Crematogaster carinata was the most abundant ant species in the canopy; Wasmannia auropunctata was most abundant on the ground, and the army ant Labidus coecus was the most abundant subterranean species. Ant species composition among strata was significantly different: 80% of species were found in only one stratum, 17% in two strata, and 3% in all three strata. Elevation and the number of logs and twigs available as nest sites were significant predictors of ground-dwelling ant species richness. Canopy species richness was not correlated with any ecological variable measured. Subterranean species richness was negatively correlated with depth in the soil. When ant species were categorized using a functional group matrix based on diet, nest-site preference and foraging ecology, the greatest diversity was found in Omnivorous Canopy Nesters. Our study indicates ant species richness is exceptionally high at Tiputini. We project 647-736 ant species in this global hotspot of biodiversity. Considering the relatively small area surveyed, this

  12. Egg-laying butterflies distinguish predaceous ants by sight. (United States)

    Sendoya, Sebastián F; Freitas, André V L; Oliveira, Paulo S


    Information about predation risks is critical for herbivorous insects, and natural selection favors their ability to detect predators before oviposition and to select enemy-free foliage when offspring mortality risk is high. Food plants are selected by ovipositing butterflies, and offspring survival frequently varies among plants because of variation in the presence of predators. Eunica bechina butterflies oviposit on Caryocar brasiliense, an ant-defended plant. Experiments with dried Camponotus and Cephalotes ants pinned to leaves revealed that butterflies use ant size and form as visual cues to avoid ovipositing on plant parts occupied by ants more likely to kill larval offspring. Presence of sap-sucking bugs did not affect butterfly oviposition. This is the first demonstration that visual recognition of predators can mediate egg-laying decisions by an insect herbivore and that an insect will discriminate among different species of potential predators. This unusual behavioral capability permits specialization on a risky, ant-defended food plant.

  13. Consideraciones éticas para la realización de investigaciones en comunidades nativas de la selva amazónica del Perú

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    Duilio Fuentes D


    Full Text Available El progreso de la medicina se ha debido al desarrollo de investigaciones, en ese contexto, conciente o inconcientemente algunos investigadores en su afán de responder a sus inquietudes han atropellado los intereses del ser humano, dando origen a documentos internacionales de ética en investigación. En todos estos casos éticamente escandalosos y controversiales, los participantes involucrados fueron personas vulnerables. Dentro de ellos se puede incluir a las minorías étnicas comprendidas por las llamadas comunidades indígenas, nativas o aborígenes, que son numerosas tanto en la región andina como en la selva amazónica de nuestro país. Ante esta realidad, para realizar una investigación que tenga validez científica y ética debemos tratar de responder las siguientes preguntas: ¿es ético investigar en una comunidad nativa problemas que no son prevalentes o no son beneficiosos para ellos? ¿qué riesgos puede haber al investigar en una comunidad indígena? ¿cómo debe formularse el proceso de consentimiento informado? ¿a quién se le pide el consentimiento? ¿qué beneficios durante y después de la investigación deberían tener estas comunidades nativas? ¿es ético aprovechar las muestras biológicas de una investigación en una comunidad nativa para poder investigar otros problemas que no estaban estipulados en el consentimiento informado del estudio original? ¿debería crearse una guía normativa de investigación ética en estas comunidades?

  14. Protection of Vochysia elliptica (Vochysiaceae by a nectar-thieving ant

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    G. Q. ROMERO

    Full Text Available Vochysia elliptica (Vochysiaceae is a shrubby plant, which does not have EFNs. Camponotus ants thieve nectar, and can decrease plant fitness by making flowers less attractive to pollinators. However, ants remove herbivores, wich can be beneficial. Results show that plants from which ants were excluded had lower rates of termite (simulated herbivore removal than did plants visited by ants. Plants accessible to ants showed higher rates of termite removal in the base of leaves and in the inflorescence, than in the tip of leaves. This occurs because ants must pass through the principal axis to reach the inflorescence. Conclusive results of this cost/benefit analysis of the Camponotus sp. presence for V. elliptica can be obtained, with experimental manipulations.

  15. Benefits conferred by "timid" ants: active anti-herbivore protection of the rainforest tree Leonardoxa africana by the minute ant Petalomyrmex phylax. (United States)

    Gaume, Laurence; McKey, Doyle; Anstett, Marie-Charlotte


    In this study, we demonstrate that an important benefit provided by the small host-specific ant Petalomyrmex phylax to its host plant Leonardoxa africana is efficient protection against herbivores. We estimate that in the absence of ants, insect herbivory would reduce the leaf area by about one-third. This contributes considerably to the fitness of the plant. Our estimates take into account not only direct damage, such as removal of leaf surface by chewing insects, but also the effects of sucking insects on leaf growth and expansion. Sucking insects are numerically predominant in this system, and the hitherto cryptic effects of ant protection against the growth-reducing effects of sucking insects accounted for half of the total estimated benefit of ant protection. We propose that the small size of workers confers a distinct advantage in this system. Assuming that resource limitation implies a trade off between size and number of ants, and given the small size of phytophagous insects that attack Leonardoxa, we conclude that fine-grained patrolling by a large number of small workers maximises protection of young leaves of this plant. Since herbivores are small and must complete their development on the young leaves of Leonardoxa, and since a high patrolling density is required for a fine-grained search for these enemies, numerous small ants should provide the most effective protection of young leaves of Leonardoxa. We also discuss other factors that may have influenced worker size in this ant.

  16. Algoritmo para el 4ap haciendo uso de la metaheuristica sistema hormiga

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    Manuel Vicente Centeno Romero


    Full Text Available La metaheurística sistema hormiga consiste en la analogía entre el procedimiento que utilizan las hormigas reales para la búsqueda de alimentos, encontrando la ruta más corta, y los problemas de optimización combinatoria para encontrar la mejor solución. Entre estos problemas se encuentra el de asignación multidimensional (mAP, el cual es un problema NP-difícil para m > 2. En la actualidad no se ha desarrollado trabajo alguno sobre el 4AP (mAP con m=4, tampoco existe publicación sobre la aplicación del sistema hormiga para el mAP. En este trabajo se desarrolló un software que hace uso de la metaheurística sistema hormiga para encontrar la mejor solución o aproximada al 4AP, con problemas generados aleatoriamente. Se implementó una metodología híbrida entre la metodología de Investigación de Operaciones descrita por Taha (1991 y la ingeniería de software (1990. El número de asignaciones tomadas en cuenta para verificar qué tan buenas son las soluciones arrojadas por el software, varía desde n=2 hasta n=25, obteniéndose soluciones exactas para 2 £ n £ 6, ya que al compararse dichas soluciones con las dadas por XPRESS (software de programación lineal que se usa para resolver modelos matemáticos se observa la igualdad en los resultados. Para n _ 7, XPRESS (la versión utilizada no ofrece respuesta alguna, pero el software desarrollado arroja buenos resultados en un tiempo computacional razonable, considerando el número de asignaciones que se procesan en cada n. The metaheuristic ant system consists on the analogy among the procedure used by the real ants for searching food, for finding the shortest route; and the problems of combinatoria optimization to find the best solution. Among these problems we can find the multidimensional assignment problem (mAP, which is a NP-difficult problem for m > 2. At the present time, there isn‘t any work that has been developed, on this topic about the 4AP (mAP with m=4, neither


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    Nohora Vega


    Full Text Available Las inmunoglobulinas aisladas de la yema de huevo (IgY son muy utilizadas actualmente en diversos campos de las ciencias biológicas, dadas sus ventajas frente a las IgG séricas de mamíferos. En un trabajo previo establecimos las condiciones de obtención de IgY dirigidas contra la lectinas de Salvia bogotensis; su utilización en estudios inmunocitoquímicos requiere conocer sus principales características moleculares y las condiciones para la interacción IgY-lectina. La lectina de Salvia bogotensis (SBoL reconoce específicamente el antígeno Tn, marcador tumoral en muchos tipos de cáncer, pero se requieren herramientas adicionales para evidenciar esta interacción a nivel celular. Dada la disponibilidad de IgY anti-lectina de S. bogotensis, se realizó este trabajo con el objeto de caracterizar molecularmente estas IgY y evaluar su utilización en estudios inmunocitoquímicos para la detección del antígeno Tn en células tumorales. A las IgY purificadas se les determinó su punto isoeléctrico, peso molecular y contenido de carbohidratos. Para establecer la especificidad de interacción IgY-SBoL se obtuvieron lectinas homólogas y heterólogas y se ensayaron por ELLSA. La detección del antígeno Tn en las líneas celulares MCF-7 y HeLa con la lectina y las IgYs marcadas con biotina o peroxidasa se realizó por CELISA e inmunocitoquímica. Los resultados mostraron que los anticuerpos IgY anti-SBoL son una herramienta de una alta sensibilidad para los ensayos de reconocimiento específico del antígeno Tn.

  18. Estandarización de modelo experimental porcino para defectos óseos maxilares


    A.F. Aguilera-Salgado; M.R. Pérez-Dosal


    Para evaluar la eficacia y seguridad de cualquier sustituto óseo es necesario probarlo en modelos experimentales antes de iniciar estudios clínicos. En la literatura encontramos distintos modelos experimentales que no han tenido una estandarización adecuada para su evaluación. Nuestro proyecto forma parte de una línea de investigación cuya finalidad es desarrollar un implante óseo mediante técnicas de ingeniería de tejidos. Presentamos la primera etapa del mismo que consiste en estandarizar u...

  19. Competence of Litter Ants for Rapid Biodiversity Assessments

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    T. H. Saumya E. Silva


    Full Text Available Rapid Biodiversity Assessment approaches associated with focusing taxa have overcome many of the problems related to large scale surveys. This study examined the suitability of litter ants as a focusing taxon by checking whether diversity and species assemblages of litter ants reflect the overall picture of arthropod diversity and assemblages in leaf litter in two vegetation types: secondary forest and pine plantation in Upper Hanthana forest reserve, Sri Lanka. In each vegetation type, arthropods were sampled using three sampling methods (Winkler extraction, hand collection, and pitfall traps along three 100 m line transects. From the two sites, 1887 litter ants (34 species and 3488 litter arthropods (52 species were collected. Species assemblages composition of both ants and other arthropods differed significantly between the two sites (ANOSIM, p=0.001 with both groups generating distinct clusters for the two sites (SIMPROF, p=0.001. But there was no significant correlation (p>0.05 between abundance and richness of litter ants and those of other arthropods in both vegetation types. The overall finding suggests that the litter ants do not reflect the holistic picture of arthropod diversity and assemblages in leaf litter, but the quality of the habitat for the survival of all litter arthropods.

  20. El coaching, una estrategia pedagógica para impactar la práctica en el aula


    Rueda Sabogal, Liber Ximena; Wells Lascano, Marsa Kamala


    El coaching, como estrategia de evolución personal, brinda una manera distinta para relacionarse, su aplicación no consiste en enseñar, sino en crear las condiciones necesarias para aprender, crecer, y verse a sí mismo como un ser en constante aprendizaje, capitaliza los ejercicios pedagógicos y educativos de los maestros para su uso en las aulas. Modela actitudes preocupadas ante la enseñanza de acciones que ejemplifican los aciertos que produce al involucrar y responsabilizar a las personas...

  1. Asymmetric dispersal and colonization success of Amazonian plant-ants queens.

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    Emilio M Bruna

    Full Text Available The dispersal ability of queens is central to understanding ant life-history evolution, and plays a fundamental role in ant population and community dynamics, the maintenance of genetic diversity, and the spread of invasive ants. In tropical ecosystems, species from over 40 genera of ants establish colonies in the stems, hollow thorns, or leaf pouches of specialized plants. However, little is known about the relative dispersal ability of queens competing for access to the same host plants.We used empirical data and inverse modeling--a technique developed by plant ecologists to model seed dispersal--to quantify and compare the dispersal kernels of queens from three Amazonian ant species that compete for access to host-plants. We found that the modal colonization distance of queens varied 8-fold, with the generalist ant species (Crematogaster laevis having a greater modal distance than two specialists (Pheidole minutula, Azteca sp. that use the same host-plants. However, our results also suggest that queens of Azteca sp. have maximal distances that are four-sixteen times greater than those of its competitors.We found large differences between ant species in both the modal and maximal distance ant queens disperse to find vacant seedlings used to found new colonies. These differences could result from interspecific differences in queen body size, and hence wing musculature, or because queens differ in their ability to identify potential host plants while in flight. Our results provide support for one of the necessary conditions underlying several of the hypothesized mechanisms promoting coexistence in tropical plant-ants. They also suggest that for some ant species limited dispersal capability could pose a significant barrier to the rescue of populations in isolated forest fragments. Finally, we demonstrate that inverse models parameterized with field data are an excellent means of quantifying the dispersal of ant queens.

  2. Disease dynamics in a specialized parasite of ant societies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Sandra Breum; Ferrari, Matthew; Evans, Harry C.


    Coevolution between ant colonies and their rare specialized parasites are intriguing, because lethal infections of workers may correspond to tolerable chronic diseases of colonies, but the parasite adaptations that allow stable coexistence with ants are virtually unknown. We explore the trade......-offs experienced by Ophiocordyceps parasites manipulating ants into dying in nearby graveyards. We used field data from Brazil and Thailand to parameterize and fit a model for the growth rate of graveyards. We show that parasite pressure is much lower than the abundance of ant cadavers suggests...

  3. Density-dependent benefits in ant-hemipteran mutualism? The case of the ghost ant Tapinoma melanocephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae and the invasive mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae.

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    Aiming Zhou

    Full Text Available Although density-dependent benefits to hemipterans from ant tending have been measured many times, few studies have focused on integrated effects such as interactions between ant tending, natural enemy density, and hemipteran density. In this study, we tested whether the invasive mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis is affected by tending by ghost ants (Tapinoma melanocephalum, the presence of parasitoids, mealybug density, parasitoid density and interactions among these factors. Our results showed that mealybug colony growth rate and percentage parasitism were significantly affected by ant tending, parasitoid presence, and initial mealybug density separately. However, there were no interactions among the independent factors. There were also no significant interactions between ant tending and parasitoid density on either mealybug colony growth rate or percentage parasitism. Mealybug colony growth rate showed a negative linear relationship with initial mealybug density but a positive linear relationship with the level of ant tending. These results suggest that benefits to mealybugs are density-independent and are affected by ant tending level.

  4. Ant exclusion in citrus over an 8-year period reveals a pervasive yet changing effect of ants on a Mediterranean spider assemblage. (United States)

    Mestre, L; Piñol, J; Barrientos, J A; Espadaler, X


    Ants and spiders are ubiquitous generalist predators that exert top-down control on herbivore populations. Research shows that intraguild interactions between ants and spiders can negatively affect spider populations, but there is a lack of long-term research documenting the strength of such interactions and the potentially different effects of ants on the diverse array of species in a spider assemblage. Similarly, the suitability of family-level surrogates for finding patterns revealed by species-level data (taxonomic sufficiency) has almost never been tested in spider assemblages. We present a long-term study in which we tested the impact of ants on the spider assemblage of a Mediterranean citrus grove by performing sequential 1-year experimental exclusions on tree canopies for 8 years. We found that ants had a widespread influence on the spider assemblage, although the effect was only evident in the last 5 years of the study. During those years, ants negatively affected many spiders, and effects were especially strong for sedentary spiders. Analyses at the family level also detected assemblage differences between treatments, but they concealed the different responses to ant exclusion shown by some related spider species. Our findings show that the effects of experimental manipulations in ecology can vary greatly over time and highlight the need for long-term studies to document species interactions.

  5. Percepción del profesorado sobre concepciones profesionales ante la diversidad cultural escolar

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    Rita María Matencio-López


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio cuya finalidad ha sido conocer la percepción sobre las concepciones profesionales que poseen los docentes de educación primaria ante la educación intercultural. La diversidad cultural es una característica de nuestra sociedad que se manifiesta en nuestras escuelas, por ello es necesario optar por una educación intercultural como enfoque pedagógico más adecuado para atender dicha realidad, siendo el profesor el agente nuclear para implementar el modelo intercultural. Este estudio se ha realizado a partir de una muestra de 107 profesores de 15 centros de educación primaria (Región de Murcia, España. Se ocupó un planteamiento metodológico descriptivo de corte cuantitativo y de tipo encuesta, además de un cuestionario (escala Likert como instrumento para recoger información. El estudio revela que existen múltiples formas de entender y acometer la educación intercultural, según la perspectiva de los docentes, desde las aulas y los centros, con diferentes aspectos problemáticos y controvertidos.

  6. Just follow your nose: homing by olfactory cues in ants. (United States)

    Steck, Kathrin


    How is an ant-equipped with a brain that barely exceeds the size of a pinhead-capable of achieving navigational marvels? Even though evidences suggest that navigation is a multimodal process, ants heavily depend on olfactory cues-of pheromonal and non-pheromonal nature-for foraging and orientation. Recent studies have directed their attention to the efficiency of pheromone trail networks. Advances in neurophysiological techniques make it possible to investigate trail pheromone processing in the ant's brain. In addition to relying on pheromone odours, ants also make use of volatiles emanating from the nest surroundings. Deposited in the vicinity of the nest, these home-range markings help the ants to home after a foraging run. Furthermore, olfactory landmarks associated with the nest enhance ants' homing abilities. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Behind every great ant, there is a great gut

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Michael; Sapountzis, Panagiotis


    on the potential contribution of the ants’ gut symbionts. This issue of Molecular Ecology contains a study by Anderson et al. (2012), who take a comparative approach to explore the link between trophic levels and ant microbiomes, specifically, to address three main questions: (i) Do closely related herbivorous...... conserved gut microbiomes, suggesting symbiont functions that directly relate to dietary preference of the ant host. These findings suggest an ecological role of gut symbionts in ants, for example, in metabolism and/or protection, and the comparative approach taken supports a model of co-evolution between...... ant species and specific core symbiont microbiomes. This study, thereby, highlights the omnipresence and importance of gut symbioses—also in the Hymenoptera—and suggests that these hitherto overlooked microbes likely have contributed to the ecological success of the ants....

  8. Arboreal ant colonies as 'hot-points' of cryptic diversity for myrmecophiles: the weaver ant Camponotus sp. aff. textor and its interaction network with its associates. (United States)

    Pérez-Lachaud, Gabriela; Lachaud, Jean-Paul


    Systematic surveys of macrofaunal diversity within ant colonies are lacking, particularly for ants nesting in microhabitats that are difficult to sample. Species associated with ants are generally small and rarely collected organisms, which makes them more likely to be unnoticed. We assumed that this tendency is greater for arthropod communities in microhabitats with low accessibility, such as those found in the nests of arboreal ants that may constitute a source of cryptic biodiversity. We investigated the invertebrate diversity associated with an undescribed, but already threatened, Neotropical Camponotus weaver ant. As most of the common sampling methods used in studies of ant diversity are not suited for evaluating myrmecophile diversity within ant nests, we evaluated the macrofauna within ant nests through exhaustive colony sampling of three nests and examination of more than 80,000 individuals. We identified invertebrates from three classes belonging to 18 taxa, some of which were new to science, and recorded the first instance of the co-occurrence of two brood parasitoid wasp families attacking the same ant host colony. This diversity of ant associates corresponded to a highly complex interaction network. Agonistic interactions prevailed, but the prevalence of myrmecophiles was remarkably low. Our data support the hypothesis of the evolution of low virulence in a variety of symbionts associated with large insect societies. Because most myrmecophiles found in this work are rare, strictly specific, and exhibit highly specialized biology, the risk of extinction for these hitherto unknown invertebrates and their natural enemies is high. The cryptic, far unappreciated diversity within arboreal ant nests in areas at high risk of habitat loss qualifies these nests as 'hot-points' of biodiversity that urgently require special attention as a component of conservation and management programs.

  9. Arboreal ant colonies as 'hot-points' of cryptic diversity for myrmecophiles: the weaver ant Camponotus sp. aff. textor and its interaction network with its associates.

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    Gabriela Pérez-Lachaud

    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Systematic surveys of macrofaunal diversity within ant colonies are lacking, particularly for ants nesting in microhabitats that are difficult to sample. Species associated with ants are generally small and rarely collected organisms, which makes them more likely to be unnoticed. We assumed that this tendency is greater for arthropod communities in microhabitats with low accessibility, such as those found in the nests of arboreal ants that may constitute a source of cryptic biodiversity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated the invertebrate diversity associated with an undescribed, but already threatened, Neotropical Camponotus weaver ant. As most of the common sampling methods used in studies of ant diversity are not suited for evaluating myrmecophile diversity within ant nests, we evaluated the macrofauna within ant nests through exhaustive colony sampling of three nests and examination of more than 80,000 individuals. RESULTS: We identified invertebrates from three classes belonging to 18 taxa, some of which were new to science, and recorded the first instance of the co-occurrence of two brood parasitoid wasp families attacking the same ant host colony. This diversity of ant associates corresponded to a highly complex interaction network. Agonistic interactions prevailed, but the prevalence of myrmecophiles was remarkably low. CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the hypothesis of the evolution of low virulence in a variety of symbionts associated with large insect societies. Because most myrmecophiles found in this work are rare, strictly specific, and exhibit highly specialized biology, the risk of extinction for these hitherto unknown invertebrates and their natural enemies is high. The cryptic, far unappreciated diversity within arboreal ant nests in areas at high risk of habitat loss qualifies these nests as 'hot-points' of biodiversity that urgently require special attention as a component of conservation and management

  10. Antón Perulero: Un cuento inédito de María Teresa León

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    Marina Bedia, Marta


    Full Text Available This article offers a short story, apparently unpublished, by Maria Teresa León: «Antón Perulero», wich was not collected in any book of stories. Probably written in Argentina, at the beginning of the 40's, it has been found in a notebook of this authoress, wich is kept in the National Library (Madrid. The story is destined to a readership of children, and its characters (Maricastaña, Mátalas Callando, Antón Perulero himself are taken from the world of proverbs, set phrases and children's songs; the interest in children's literature and in folklore had been present in Maria Teresa Leon's writing from its beginning.Este artículo presenta un cuento, al parecer inédito, de María Teresa León: «Antón Perulero», no recogido en ninguna de sus colecciones de relatos. Escrito probablemente en Argentina, a principios de los años 40, ha sido encontrado en un cuaderno manuscrito de la autora, que se conserva en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. El relato está destinado al público infantil, y sus personajes (Maricastaña, Mátalas Callando o el propio Antón Perulero están extraídos del mundo de los refranes, las frases hechas y las canciones para niños; el interés por la literatura infantil y por el folklore había estado presente en la escritura de María Teresa León desde sus inicios.

  11. Histrionicotoxin alkaloids finally detected in an ant

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jones, Tappey H.; Adams, Rachelle Martha Marie; Spande, Thomas F.


    Workers of the ant Carebarella bicolor collected in Panama were found to have two major poison-frog alkaloids, cis- and trans-fused decahydroquinolines (DHQs) of the 269AB type, four minor 269AB isomers, two minor 269B isomers, and three isomers of DHQ 271D. For the first time in an ant, however......) sp., were found to have a very similar DHQ complex but failed to show HTXs. Several new DHQ alkaloids of MW 271 (named in the frog as 271G) are reported from the above ants that have both m/z 202 and 204 as major fragment ions, unlike the spectrum seen for the poison-frog alkaloid 271D, which has...... only an m/z 204 base peak. Found also for the first time in skin extracts from the comparison frog Oophaga granulifera of Costa Rica is a trace DHQ of MW 273. It is coded as 273F in the frog; a different isomer is found in the ant....

  12. Mitigación del colapso de las cubiertas ligeras de fibrocemento ante vientos huracanados


    Estrada Cingualbres, R. A.; Rodríguez Peña, J. C.; Lengarán Ávila, Y.; Campos Mobilla, S.


    La región del Caribe, el Golfo de México y el Estrecho de la Florida es una zona de alta vulnerabilidad ante huracanes de altas categorías. Las cubiertas ligeras son los elementos más vulnerables durante la ocurrencia de estos fenómenos, su colapso genera un gran peligro para la vida de los habitantes de estas viviendas, así como un alto impacto económico y social en las mismas y en obras sociales e industriales. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido la caracterización de las cubiertas li...

  13. Neuromodulation of Nestmate Recognition Decisions by Pavement Ants. (United States)

    Bubak, Andrew N; Yaeger, Jazmine D W; Renner, Kenneth J; Swallow, John G; Greene, Michael J


    Ant colonies are distributed systems that are regulated in a non-hierarchical manner. Without a central authority, individuals inform their decisions by comparing information in local cues to a set of inherent behavioral rules. Individual behavioral decisions collectively change colony behavior and lead to self-organization capable of solving complex problems such as the decision to engage in aggressive societal conflicts with neighbors. Despite the relevance to colony fitness, the mechanisms that drive individual decisions leading to cooperative behavior are not well understood. Here we show how sensory information, both tactile and chemical, and social context-isolation, nestmate interaction, or fighting non-nestmates-affects brain monoamine levels in pavement ants (Tetramorium caespitum). Our results provide evidence that changes in octopamine and serotonin in the brains of individuals are sufficient to alter the decision by pavement ants to be aggressive towards non-nestmate ants whereas increased brain levels of dopamine correlate to physical fighting. We propose a model in which the changes in brain states of many workers collectively lead to the self-organization of societal aggression between neighboring colonies of pavement ants.

  14. Antílope

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    Pedro Anderson Martinho Moçambique


    Full Text Available Essa espécie de antílope só é encontrada em território angolano, sendo assim um símbolo nacional. Segundo a mitologia africana é símbolo de vivacidade, velocidade e beleza - Angola.

  15. Antílope

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    Pedro Anderson Martinho Moçambique


    Full Text Available Essa espécie de antílope só é encontrada em território angolano, sendo assim um símbolo nacional. Segundo a mitologia africana é símbolo de vivacidade, velocidade e beleza - Angola.

  16. Application of an Image Tracking Algorithm in Fire Ant Motion Experiment

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    Lichuan Gui


    Full Text Available An image tracking algorithm, which was originally used with the particle image velocimetry (PIV to determine velocities of buoyant solid particles in water, is modified and applied in the presented work to detect motion of fire ant on a planar surface. A group of fire ant workers are put to the bottom of a tub and excited with vibration of selected frequency and intensity. The moving fire ants are captured with an image system that successively acquires image frames of high digital resolution. The background noise in the imaging recordings is extracted by averaging hundreds of frames and removed from each frame. The individual fire ant images are identified with a recursive digital filter, and then they are tracked between frames according to the size, brightness, shape, and orientation angle of the ant image. The speed of an individual ant is determined with the displacement of its images and the time interval between frames. The trail of the individual fire ant is determined with the image tracking results, and a statistical analysis is conducted for all the fire ants in the group. The purpose of the experiment is to investigate the response of fire ants to the substrate vibration. Test results indicate that the fire ants move faster after being excited, but the number of active ones are not increased even after a strong excitation.

  17. Interactions Increase Forager Availability and Activity in Harvester Ants.

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    Evlyn Pless

    Full Text Available Social insect colonies use interactions among workers to regulate collective behavior. Harvester ant foragers interact in a chamber just inside the nest entrance, here called the 'entrance chamber'. Previous studies of the activation of foragers in red harvester ants show that an outgoing forager inside the nest experiences an increase in brief antennal contacts before it leaves the nest to forage. Here we compare the interaction rate experienced by foragers that left the nest and ants that did not. We found that ants in the entrance chamber that leave the nest to forage experienced more interactions than ants that descend to the deeper nest without foraging. Additionally, we found that the availability of foragers in the entrance chamber is associated with the rate of forager return. An increase in the rate of forager return leads to an increase in the rate at which ants descend to the deeper nest, which then stimulates more ants to ascend into the entrance chamber. Thus a higher rate of forager return leads to more available foragers in the entrance chamber. The highest density of interactions occurs near the nest entrance and the entrances of the tunnels from the entrance chamber to the deeper nest. Local interactions with returning foragers regulate both the activation of waiting foragers and the number of foragers available to be activated.

  18. Los ritmos como terapia para la impulsividad

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    Mónica Triviño


    Full Text Available Investigaciones recientes muestran que el uso de patrones rítmicos facilita la respuesta óptima en el tiempo, por lo que el entrenamiento mediante ritmos podría proponerse como terapia novedosa ante problemas como la impulsividad. Esto podría beneficiar a pacientes con daño prefrontal o personas con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH, que suelen mostrar conductas impulsivas, así como dificultad para estimar el paso del tiempo.

  19. Imported fire ants near the edge of their range: disturbance and moisture determine prevalence and impact of an invasive social insect. (United States)

    LeBrun, Edward G; Plowes, Robert M; Gilbert, Lawrence E


    1. Habitat disturbance and species invasions interact in natural systems, making it difficult to isolate the primary cause of ecosystem degradation. A general understanding requires case studies of how disturbance and invasion interact across a variety of ecosystem - invasive species combinations. 2. Dramatic losses in ant diversity followed the invasion of central Texas by red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta). However, recent manipulative studies in Florida revealed no effect on ant diversity following the removal of S. invicta from a disturbed pasture habitat, but moderate loss of diversity associated with their introduction into undisturbed habitat and no invasion occurred without disturbance. Thus, the importance of S. invicta in driving diversity loss and its ability to invade undisturbed systems is unresolved. 3. We examine the distribution and abundance of a large monogyne S. invicta population and its association with the co-occurring ant assemblage at a site in south Texas close to the aridity tolerance limit of S. invicta. 4. We document that moisture modulates S. invicta densities. Further, soil disturbing habitat manipulations greatly increase S. invicta population densities. However, S. invicta penetrates all habitats regardless of soil disturbance history. In contrast, controlled burns depress S. invicta densities. 5. In habitats where S. invicta is prevalent, it completely replaces native fire ants. However, S. invicta impacts native ants as a whole less strongly. Intriguingly, native ants responded distinctly to S. invicta in different environments. In wet, undisturbed environments, high S. invicta abundance disrupts the spatial structure of the ant assemblage by increasing clumping and is associated with reduced species density, while in dry-disturbed habitats, sites with high S. invicta abundance possess high numbers of native species. Analyses of co-occurrence indicate that reduced species density in wet

  20. Fluid intake rates in ants correlate with their feeding habits. (United States)

    Paul, J; Roces, F


    This study investigates the techniques of nectar feeding in 11 different ant species, and quantitatively compares fluid intake rates over a wide range of nectar concentrations in four species that largely differ in their feeding habits. Ants were observed to employ two different techniques for liquid food intake, in which the glossa works either as a passive duct-like structure (sucking), or as an up- and downwards moving shovel (licking). The technique employed for collecting fluids at ad libitum food sources was observed to be species-specific and to correlate with the presence or absence of a well-developed crop in the species under scrutiny. Workers of ponerine ants licked fluid food during foraging and transported it as a droplet between their mandibles, whereas workers of species belonging to phylogenetically more advanced subfamilies, with a crop capable of storing liquids, sucked the fluid food, such as formicine ants of the genus Camponotus. In order to evaluate the performance of fluid collection during foraging, intake rates for sucrose solutions of different concentrations were measured in four ant species that differ in their foraging ecology. Scaling functions between fluid intake rates and ant size were first established for the polymorphic species, so as to compare ants of different size across species. Results showed that fluid intake rate depended, as expected and previously reported in the literature, on sugar concentration and the associated fluid viscosity. It also depended on both the species-specific feeding technique and the extent of specialization on foraging on liquid food. For similarly-sized ants, workers of two nectar-feeding ant species, Camponotus rufipes (Formicinae) and Pachycondyla villosa (Ponerinae), collected fluids with the highest intake rates, while workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens (Myrmicinae) and a predatory ant from the Rhytidoponera impressa-complex (Ponerinae) did so with the lowest rate. Calculating the



    Ocaña Coronel, Juana Yackeline; Universidad Señor de Sipán


    Elaboramos esta investigación ante la necesidad de conocer los costos de producción realizados en la producción de ternos para caballeros de la empresa Ternos Junior S.R.Ltda., la misma que no lleva un sistema de costos que le permita conocer su verdadera utilidad, determinándose sus costos empíricamente; ante esta situación se ha planteado el siguiente problema ¿Cuál sería el diseño de un sistema de costos por órdenes específicas de trabajo en la empresa Ternos Junior S.R.Ltda., para mejorar...

  2. The regulation of ant colony foraging activity without spatial information.

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    Balaji Prabhakar

    Full Text Available Many dynamical networks, such as the ones that produce the collective behavior of social insects, operate without any central control, instead arising from local interactions among individuals. A well-studied example is the formation of recruitment trails in ant colonies, but many ant species do not use pheromone trails. We present a model of the regulation of foraging by harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex barbatus colonies. This species forages for scattered seeds that one ant can retrieve on its own, so there is no need for spatial information such as pheromone trails that lead ants to specific locations. Previous work shows that colony foraging activity, the rate at which ants go out to search individually for seeds, is regulated in response to current food availability throughout the colony's foraging area. Ants use the rate of brief antennal contacts inside the nest between foragers returning with food and outgoing foragers available to leave the nest on the next foraging trip. Here we present a feedback-based algorithm that captures the main features of data from field experiments in which the rate of returning foragers was manipulated. The algorithm draws on our finding that the distribution of intervals between successive ants returning to the nest is a Poisson process. We fitted the parameter that estimates the effect of each returning forager on the rate at which outgoing foragers leave the nest. We found that correlations between observed rates of returning foragers and simulated rates of outgoing foragers, using our model, were similar to those in the data. Our simple stochastic model shows how the regulation of ant colony foraging can operate without spatial information, describing a process at the level of individual ants that predicts the overall foraging activity of the colony.

  3. Dot-ELISA for the detection of anti-Cysticercus cellulosae antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid using a new solid phase (resin-treated polyester fabric and Cysticercus longicollis antigens Teste dot-ELISA para detecção de anticorpos anti-Cysticercus cellulosae em líquido cefalorraquiano utilizando um novo suporte (tecido de poliéster-resina e antígenos de Cysticercus longicollis

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    Adelaide José Vaz


    Full Text Available A dot-ELISA was developed for the detection of antibodies in CSF in the immunologic diagnosis of human neurocysticercosis, using antigen extracts of the membrane and scolex of Cysticercus cellulosae (M+S-Cc and, alternately, membrane (M and vesicular fluid (VF of Cysticercus longicollis (Cl covalently bound to a new solid phase consisting of polyester fabric treated with N-methylol-acrylamide resin (dot-RT. The test was performed at room temperature, with reduced incubation times and with no need for special care in the manipulation of the support. The sensitivity rates obtained were 95.1% for antigen Cc and 97.6% for antigen Cl. Specificity was 90.6% when Cc was used, and 96.9% and 100% when M-Cl and VF-Cl were used, respectively. No significant differences in titer were observed between tests carried out with homologous and heterologous antigens. The low cost and easy execution of the dot-RT test using antigen extracts of Cysticercus longicollis indicate the test for use in the immunodiagnosis of human neurocysticercosis.Foi desenvolvido o teste dot-ELISA para detecção de anticorpos em líquido cefalorraquiano (LCR no diagnóstico imunológico da neurocisticercose humana, utilizando antígenos de membrana e escólex de Cysticercus cellulosae (M+E-Cc e, alternativamente, membrana (M e líquido vesicular (LV de Cysticercus longicollis (Cl covalentemente ligados a um novo suporte constituído de tecido de poliéster-resina de N-metilol-acrilamida (dot-TR. O teste foi realizado à temperatura ambiente, com tempos de incubação reduzidos e sem necessidade de cuidados na manipulação do suporte. A sensibilidade obtida foi de 95,1% para o antígeno Cc e 97,6% para o Cl. A especificidade foi de 90,6% quando o antígeno Cc foi usado, e 96,9% e 100% para M-Cl e LV-Cl, respectivamente. Não foi observada diferença significativa entre os antígenos homólogo e heterólogo. O baixo custo e a fácil execução do teste dot-TR empregando extratos antig

  4. RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS: diagnóstico e proposições para o bairro de Redenção, no município de Vitória de Santo Antão/PE

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    David dos Santos Azevedo


    Los residuos sólidos generados por las diversas actividades urbanas se presentan como una de las principales preocupaciones de la sociedad, a la vista de las consecuencias perjudiciales que pueden causar al medio ambiente cuando no se manejan correctamente. Hoy en día, es muy común ver a los grandes volúmenes de residuos sólidos en terrenos baldíos, los cursos de agua e incluso lugares públicos como aceras y plazas. El artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un diagnóstico sobre la eliminación incorrecta de los residuos sólidos en el barrio de Redenção, municipio de Vitória de Santo Antão-PE, ya partir de ese diagnóstico hacen propuestas para la educación ambiental y un sistema de recogida selectiva que hacen posible la correcta gestión de los residuos sólidos allí. Para ello, se realizaron visitas a la zona de la Redenção, hicieron registros fotográficos y descriptivos para destacar los puntos críticos de los residuos, el momento de la recogida convencional, los principales generadores de residuos y la disposición inadecuada de los residuos en esa comunidad. Los principales problemas observados fueron: construcción deposición de residuos en las carreteras locales, eliminación de residuos domésticos en los canales de agua de lluvia, los animales vagan cerca de acumulación de puntos críticos, la eliminación de desechos peligrosos terrenos baldíos. Frente a este diagnóstico se propusieron acciones de educación ambiental que implican comerciantes, escuelas y guarderías, líderes comunitarios y otros residentes. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se puede concluir que existe una urgencia en extensión a la comunidad y el gobierno local, de modo que proporciona una mejor calidad de vida de la población y hacer cumplir las que determinan las políticas federales y estatales de los residuos sólidos. Palabras clave: Gestión de Residuos Sólidos; Educación Ambiental; Recogida Selectiva; Redencão; Vitória de Santo Antão/PE.

  5. Modificación de actitudes ante el Sida en estudiantes de enfermería: Resultados de una experiencia pedagógica

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    Lidia Fernández Donaire

    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue comprobar si una intervención pedagógica fundamentada en una metodología activa, que incluye el trabajo cooperativo y el fomento de la discusión, era capaz de modificar en sentido positivo la actitud de los estudiantes ante el VIH/SIDA. Participaron en el estudio un total de 80 estudiantes de enfermería, divididos en dos grupos; el primero de ellos, formado por 39 estudiantes, constituía el grupo de intervención, donde se llevó a cabo la experiencia pedagógica. El segundo grupo, de 41 sujetos, constituyó el grupo control. Todos los estudiantes respondieron a la Escala de Actitud ante el Sida para Enfermería (EASE antes y después de la intervención. Los resultados muestran que se produjo un aumento positivo de la actitud ante el Sida estadísticamente significativo en el grupo de intervención, después de haber pasado por el período de formación. Por el contrario, en el grupo control, no se observaron diferencias significativas entre las dos medidas. Estos resultados confirman la eficacia de la metodología pedagógica utilizada en el cambio positivo de las actitudes de los estudiantes ante cuestiones que, como el Sida, están mediatizadas por el contexto social y cultural y que son determinantes en la calidad de su futuro trabajo como profesionales de la salud.

  6. Programa para el cálculo de los regímenes de operación de la red soterrada

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    Manuel Barroso Baeza


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de software para el análisis de los regímenes de trabajo normalesde la red soterrada; específicamente abarca el desarrollo y adecuación de algoritmos para flujo de carga,elaborando el producto informático propuesto empleando las técnicas de la programación visual. El programaobtenido permite analizar estudios completos del comportamiento de la red soterrada, nunca antes posible,pues se carecía de la herramienta adecuada para realizar tales estudios, o bien por falta de capacidadsuficiente en cuanto a memoria requerida para modelar la red completa , lo cual sucedió en las décadasanteriores o porque los programas que existían entonces eran desarrollados para la transmisión.  This work has as objectives the software development for the analysis of the normal load flow of the undergroundsecondary network, specifically sandal the development and adaptation of algorithms for load flow, elaborating theproposed computer product using the techniques of the visual programming. The obtained program allows toanalyze complete studies of the net behavior it was never before possible, because you lacked the appropriatetool to carry out such studies, or for lack of enough capacity as for memory required to model the complete net,that which happened in the previous decades or because the programs that existed then were developed for thetransmission. As a result final of this project a software will be reached that using a base data common to othertechnical studies, facilitate to make any of the mentioned analysis, responding to the particularities of the undergroundsecondary network.

  7. Diseño y Operación de un Secador Solar de Madera para Países Tropicales (United States)

    Brian Bond; Omar Espinoza; Philip Araman


    La madera es usualmente secada a un contenido de humedad específico antes de ser transformada en productos finales. A pesar de que la madera puede ser secada al aire, la humedad ambiental en la mayoría de las ubicaciones previene a la madera alcanzar el contenido de humedad necesario para su estabilidad dimensional y adecuado procesamiento, especialmente para usos de...

  8. Arboreal Ant Colonies as ‘Hot-Points’ of Cryptic Diversity for Myrmecophiles: The Weaver Ant Camponotus sp. aff. textor and Its Interaction Network with Its Associates (United States)

    Pérez-Lachaud, Gabriela; Lachaud, Jean-Paul


    Introduction Systematic surveys of macrofaunal diversity within ant colonies are lacking, particularly for ants nesting in microhabitats that are difficult to sample. Species associated with ants are generally small and rarely collected organisms, which makes them more likely to be unnoticed. We assumed that this tendency is greater for arthropod communities in microhabitats with low accessibility, such as those found in the nests of arboreal ants that may constitute a source of cryptic biodiversity. Materials and Methods We investigated the invertebrate diversity associated with an undescribed, but already threatened, Neotropical Camponotus weaver ant. As most of the common sampling methods used in studies of ant diversity are not suited for evaluating myrmecophile diversity within ant nests, we evaluated the macrofauna within ant nests through exhaustive colony sampling of three nests and examination of more than 80,000 individuals. Results We identified invertebrates from three classes belonging to 18 taxa, some of which were new to science, and recorded the first instance of the co-occurrence of two brood parasitoid wasp families attacking the same ant host colony. This diversity of ant associates corresponded to a highly complex interaction network. Agonistic interactions prevailed, but the prevalence of myrmecophiles was remarkably low. Conclusions Our data support the hypothesis of the evolution of low virulence in a variety of symbionts associated with large insect societies. Because most myrmecophiles found in this work are rare, strictly specific, and exhibit highly specialized biology, the risk of extinction for these hitherto unknown invertebrates and their natural enemies is high. The cryptic, far unappreciated diversity within arboreal ant nests in areas at high risk of habitat loss qualifies these nests as ‘hot-points’ of biodiversity that urgently require special attention as a component of conservation and management programs. PMID:24941047

  9. Estandarización de la técnica de ELISA para el diagnóstico de Toxocariasis humana

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    Yrma Espinoza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estandarizar la técnica ELISA para el diagnóstico de infección humana por Toxocara canis con antígeno excretado-secretado preparado en nuestro medio. Material y Métodos: Se colectó huevos de T. canis y se les incubó con formol (2% a 28°C hasta obtener larvas de tercer estadio, las que luego de ser liberadas fueron incubadas en RPMI a 37°C por 7 días; se reemplazó el medio por otro similar y almacenó a -20°C. Se concentró el antígeno y se dosó proteínas. Para la técnica de ELISA se utilizó sueros de pacientes con toxocariasis y de niños recién nacidos, como controles positivos y negativos, respectivamente, diluidos desde ¼ hasta 1/1024. Se sensibilizó placas de poliestireno con varias concentraciones de antígeno, utilizándose conjugado de peroxidasa e IgG de carnero anti IgG humana y sustrato OPD. Se realizó lectura de absorbancia a 492 nm con espectrofotómetro (Multiskan plus labsystems, siendo el punto de corte el promedio aritmético de la absorbancia de los sueros negativos más 3 desviaciones estándar. Resultados: La concentración óptima del antígeno fue 50 ug/mL, la dilución del suero 1/128, la dilución del conjugado 1/1000 con densidad óptica mayor a 0,241. Conclusiones: La técnica de ELISA para diagnóstico serológico de infección humana por Toxocara canis podría ser utilizada en estudios epidemiológicos en nuestro país. Queda pendiente la evaluación de su eficacia en futuros estudios.

  10. Endophytic fungi reduce leaf-cutting ant damage to seedlings (United States)

    Bittleston, L. S.; Brockmann, F.; Wcislo, W.; Van Bael, S. A.


    Our study examines how the mutualism between Atta colombica leaf-cutting ants and their cultivated fungus is influenced by the presence of diverse foliar endophytic fungi (endophytes) at high densities in tropical leaf tissues. We conducted laboratory choice trials in which ant colonies chose between Cordia alliodora seedlings with high (Ehigh) or low (Elow) densities of endophytes. The Ehigh seedlings contained 5.5 times higher endophyte content and a greater diversity of fungal morphospecies than the Elow treatment, and endophyte content was not correlated with leaf toughness or thickness. Leaf-cutting ants cut over 2.5 times the leaf area from Elow relative to Ehigh seedlings and had a tendency to recruit more ants to Elow plants. Our findings suggest that leaf-cutting ants may incur costs from cutting and processing leaves with high endophyte loads, which could impact Neotropical forests by causing variable damage rates within plant communities. PMID:20610420

  11. Sharing of antigens between Plasmodium falciparum and Anopheles albimanus Antígenos compartidos entre Plasmodium falciparum y Anopheles albimanus

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    Albina Wide


    P. falciparum por los sueros autólogos. El patrón electroforético por SDS-EGPA fue diferente para los tres antígenos evaluados. La reactividad cruzada de moléculas entre An. albimanus y P. falciparum fue demostrada por ELISA, MABA e Immunoblotting. Anticuerpos anti-P. falciparum y anti-SPf66 reconocieron diez y cinco componentes respectivamente en el extracto crudo de anofelinos (EAaH. Asimismo, sueros inmunes contra An. albimanus hembra identificaron cuatro moléculas en el extracto del antígeno de P. falciparum. Hasta el presente, este es el primer estudio en el que se demuestra la presencia de antígenos compartidos entre anofelinos y los parásitos de malaria. Este hallazgo podría ser de relevancia para el diagnóstico, vacunas e interpretación de la fisiopatología de la respuesta inmunitaria en malaria.

  12. Nuevas tendencias poéticas en el aula. ‘Poesía ante la incertidumbre’ como herramienta didáctica

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    Bianca Estela Sánchez Pacheco


    Full Text Available La publicación de Poesía ante la incertidumbre (Antología de nuevos poetas en español en 2011, abrió un nuevo camino para el diálogo sobre la poesía. En ella se integró gran parte de los nuevos poetas entre España e Hispanoamérica, dando lugar a una serie de principios fundamentales que parecían olvidados, y que el lector necesitaba para poder reconciliarse con este género. Partiendo de una poesía que comunica y es cercana, hemos querido realizar una aplicación didáctica para hacer patente la necesidad de renovación que nos pide la educación. Los tiempos están cambiando y no podemos estancarnos en los mismos patrones de enseñanza de siempre, existen otras posibilidades que pueden ser muy atractivas para el adolescente del siglo XXI.

  13. Diversity of Species and Behavior of Hymenopteran Parasitoids of Ants: A Review

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    Jean-Paul Lachaud


    Full Text Available Reports of hymenopterans associated with ants involve more than 500 species, but only a fraction unambiguously pertain to actual parasitoids. In this paper, we attempt to provide an overview of both the diversity of these parasitoid wasps and the diversity of the types of interactions they have formed with their ant hosts. The reliable list of parasitoid wasps using ants as primary hosts includes at least 138 species, reported between 1852 and 2011, distributed among 9 families from 3 superfamilies. These parasitoids exhibit a wide array of biologies and developmental strategies: ecto- or endoparasitism, solitary or gregarious, and idio- or koinobiosis. All castes of ants and all developmental stages, excepting eggs, are possible targets. Some species parasitize adult worker ants while foraging or performing other activities outside the nest; however, in most cases, parasitoids attack ant larvae either inside or outside their nests. Based on their abundance and success in attacking ants, some parasitoid wasps like diapriids and eucharitids seem excellent potential models to explore how parasitoids impact ant colony demography, population biology, and ant community structure. Despite a significant increase in our knowledge of hymenopteran parasitoids of ants, most of them remain to be discovered.

  14. Entomopathogens Isolated from Invasive Ants and Tests of Their Pathogenicity

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    Maria Fernanda Miori de Zarzuela


    Full Text Available Some ant species cause severe ecological and health impact in urban areas. Many attempts have been tested to control such species, although they do not always succeed. Biological control is an alternative to chemical control and has gained great prominence in research, and fungi and nematodes are among the successful organisms controlling insects. This study aimed to clarify some questions regarding the biological control of ants. Invasive ant species in Brazil had their nests evaluated for the presence of entomopathogens. Isolated entomopathogens were later applied in colonies of Monomorium floricola under laboratory conditions to evaluate their effectiveness and the behavior of the ant colonies after treatment. The entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis sp. and Steinernema sp. and the fungi Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, and Paecilomyces sp. were isolated from the invasive ant nests. M. floricola colonies treated with Steinernema sp. and Heterorhabditis sp. showed a higher mortality of workers than control. The fungus Beauveria bassiana caused higher mortality of M. floricola workers. However, no colony reduction or elimination was observed in any treatment. The defensive behaviors of ants, such as grooming behavior and colony budding, must be considered when using fungi and nematodes for biological control of ants.

  15. O efeito da terapia comportamental para enurese sobre outros problemas de comportamento

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    Rodrigo Fernando Pereira

    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi investigar o efeito do tratamento para enurese sobre os escores de outros problemas de comportamento. Foram coletadas as informações de 97 prontuários de crianças e adolescentes atendidos no período de 2002 a 2006 em uma clínica-escola de psicologia, em programa específico para enurese com uso do alarme de urina. Os dados sobre problemas de comportamento foram avaliados por meio do Child Behavior Checklist, respondido pelas mães antes e depois do tratamento. Foi encontrada uma redução significativa nos escores de problemas de comportamento, independentemente do sucesso ou não no tratamento para enurese.

  16. Kin-informative recognition cues in ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nehring, Volker; Evison, Sophie E F; Santorelli, Lorenzo A


    behaviour is thought to be rare in one of the classic examples of cooperation--social insect colonies--because the colony-level costs of individual selfishness select against cues that would allow workers to recognize their closest relatives. In accord with this, previous studies of wasps and ants have...... found little or no kin information in recognition cues. Here, we test the hypothesis that social insects do not have kin-informative recognition cues by investigating the recognition cues and relatedness of workers from four colonies of the ant Acromyrmex octospinosus. Contrary to the theoretical...... prediction, we show that the cuticular hydrocarbons of ant workers in all four colonies are informative enough to allow full-sisters to be distinguished from half-sisters with a high accuracy. These results contradict the hypothesis of non-heritable recognition cues and suggest that there is more potential...

  17. Regulation and specificity of antifungal metapleural gland secretion in leaf-cutting ants

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    Yek, Sze Huei; Nash, David Richard; Jensen, Annette Bruun


    significantly larger for ants challenged with virulent and mild pathogens/weeds than for controls and Escovopsis-challenged ants. We conclude that the MG defence system of leaf-cutting ants has characteristics reminiscent of an additional cuticular immune system, with specific and non-specific components......Ants have paired metapleural glands (MGs) to produce secretions for prophylactic hygiene. These exocrine glands are particularly well developed in leaf-cutting ants, but whether the ants can actively regulate MG secretion is unknown. In a set of controlled experiments using conidia of five fungi...


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    Emanuella Silva Joventino


    Full Text Available El estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la correlación entre el consumo de agua de los tanques y el comportamiento de la diarrea infantil. Es un estudio cuantitativo, transversal, realizado en Canindé-CE, Brasil, con 56 familias. Las principales fuentes de agua utilizadas antes de la construcción de los tanques, fueron "cacimbão" (21-37,5% y presa (17-30,4%. Se verificó una correlación linear inversa y estadísticamente significativa entre las tasas de diarrea infantil y el número de tanques construidos por año (r= -0,943; p=0,001 y estadísticamente significativa (p= 0,001. La cloración fue el principal tratamiento del agua antes (46-82,1% y después (37-66% de la adquisición del tanque, pero con dilución incorrecta (41-89,2%. El uso de las cisternas para captar el agua de la lluvia se refleja en la mejora de la salud infantil en la región, sin embargo, las personas todavía necesitan mejorar las medidas para el tratamiento del agua potable.

  19. Evaluación de la respuesta de anticuerpos hacia antígenos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    Aniel Moya


    Full Text Available Pseudomonas aeruginosa es un patógeno extracelular que genera una respuesta de anticuerpos específicos con utilidad para el diagnóstico y vacunas. En el presente estudio nos propusimos evaluar en suero humano los niveles de anticuerpos contra antígenos relevantes de P. aeruginosa. Realizamos la determinación de anticuerpos IgG contra tres exoenzimas, consideradas como factores de virulencia de mayor importancia en infecciones. Este resultado dio paso a la evaluación del reconocimiento de IgG e IgA hacia antígenos de la envoltura celular bacteriana por ELISA de células enteras. Todos los sueros evaluados mostraron títulos de IgG e IgA superiores a los individuos sanos, con excepción de dos muestras de pacientes que no mostraron alto título. Este ensayo permitió analizar el nivel de reconocimiento hacia los antígenos más expuestos de la bacteria que incluyen principalmente LPS y proteínas de membrana externa. Se encontró diferencias entre los valores de densidad óptica a 450 nm de individuos sanos y enfermos. El método usado permitió seleccionar dos sueros de pacientes de diferentes tipos de infecciones que fueron comparados por Western blot. Se observó que aunque los sueros tenían reacción hacia distintos serotipos de P. aeruginosa, la intensidad del reconocimiento variaba según el tipo de infección.

  20. Hidden diversity behind the zombie-ant fungus Ophiocordyceps unilateralis: four new species described from carpenter ants in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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    Harry C Evans

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Ophiocordyceps unilateralis (Clavicipitaceae: Hypocreales is a fungal pathogen specific to ants of the tribe Camponotini (Formicinae: Formicidae with a pantropical distribution. This so-called zombie or brain-manipulating fungus alters the behaviour of the ant host, causing it to die in an exposed position, typically clinging onto and biting into the adaxial surface of shrub leaves. We (HCE and DPH are currently undertaking a worldwide survey to assess the taxonomy and ecology of this highly variable species. METHODS: We formally describe and name four new species belonging to the O. unilateralis species complex collected from remnant Atlantic rainforest in the south-eastern region (Zona da Mata of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Fully illustrated descriptions of both the asexual (anamorph and sexual (teleomorph stages are provided for each species. The new names are registered in Index Fungorum ( and have received IF numbers. This paper is also a test case for the electronic publication of new names in mycology. CONCLUSIONS: We are only just beginning to understand the taxonomy and ecology of the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis species complex associated with carpenter ants; macroscopically characterised by a single stalk arising from the dorsal neck region of the ant host on which the anamorph occupies the terminal region and the teleomorph occurs as lateral cushions or plates. Each of the four ant species collected--Camponotus rufipes, C. balzani, C. melanoticus and C. novogranadensis--is attacked by a distinct species of Ophiocordyceps readily separated using traditional micromorphology. The new taxa are named according to their ant host.

  1. Las rutinas de pensamiento ambiental : estrategias pedagógicas para visibilizar la realidad ambiental del entorno escolar


    Barreto Tovar, Carlos Humberto


    Ante la constante preocupación por aportar desde el trabajo de aula a los objetivos de la Educación Ambiental en la escuela, surgió la propuesta de visibilizar el pensamiento científico de los estudiantes frente a las realidades ambientales de su contexto como una estrategia pedagógica que permitiera involucrar más a los niños, niñas y jóvenes en la lectura de su entorno y fueran ellos quienes identificaran, analizaran y propusieran alternativas de solución ante situaciones cotidianas para el...

  2. Aversive learning of odor-heat associations in ants. (United States)

    Desmedt, Lucie; Baracchi, David; Devaud, Jean-Marc; Giurfa, Martin; d'Ettorre, Patrizia


    Ants have recently emerged as useful models for the study of olfactory learning. In this framework, the development of a protocol for the appetitive conditioning of the maxilla-labium extension response (MaLER) provided the possibility of studying Pavlovian odor-food learning in a controlled environment. Here we extend these studies by introducing the first Pavlovian aversive learning protocol for harnessed ants in the laboratory. We worked with carpenter ants Camponotus aethiops and first determined the capacity of different temperatures applied to the body surface to elicit the typical aversive mandible opening response (MOR). We determined that 75°C is the optimal temperature to induce MOR and chose the hind legs as the stimulated body region because of their high sensitivity. We then studied the ability of ants to learn and remember odor-heat associations using 75°C as the unconditioned stimulus. We studied learning and short-term retention after absolute (one odor paired with heat) and differential conditioning (a punished odor versus an unpunished odor). Our results show that ants successfully learn the odor-heat association under a differential-conditioning regime and thus exhibit a conditioned MOR to the punished odor. Yet, their performance under an absolute-conditioning regime is poor. These results demonstrate that ants are capable of aversive learning and confirm previous findings about the different attentional resources solicited by differential and absolute conditioning in general. © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  3. Value correlates of the motivations to respond without prejudice / Correlatos valorativos das motivações para responder sem preconceito

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    Valdiney V. Gouveia


    Full Text Available The current study aimed at establishing to what extent both internal and external motivations to respond without prejudice towards Blacks would correlate with human values. As many as 308 subjects from João Pessoa – comprising high school and university students as well as individuals from the community as a whole – were considered. The Basic Values Questionnaire, the Impression Management Scale and the Scale of Internal and External Motivation to Respond without Prejudice, and also demographic questions were applied. Results showed that the internal motivation was positively correlated with the suprapersonal values, specifically maturity, beauty and knowledge. Moreover, the external motivation did correlate, predominantly, with the achievement values, specifically those of prestige and privacy. Such results are in line with those found in the literature, which indicate the opposition between egalitarianism (suprapersonal vs. protestant ethic (achievement values so as to explicate the prejudice and the motivations that would prevent such attitude.

  4. Neuromodulation of Nestmate Recognition Decisions by Pavement Ants.

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    Andrew N Bubak

    Full Text Available Ant colonies are distributed systems that are regulated in a non-hierarchical manner. Without a central authority, individuals inform their decisions by comparing information in local cues to a set of inherent behavioral rules. Individual behavioral decisions collectively change colony behavior and lead to self-organization capable of solving complex problems such as the decision to engage in aggressive societal conflicts with neighbors. Despite the relevance to colony fitness, the mechanisms that drive individual decisions leading to cooperative behavior are not well understood. Here we show how sensory information, both tactile and chemical, and social context-isolation, nestmate interaction, or fighting non-nestmates-affects brain monoamine levels in pavement ants (Tetramorium caespitum. Our results provide evidence that changes in octopamine and serotonin in the brains of individuals are sufficient to alter the decision by pavement ants to be aggressive towards non-nestmate ants whereas increased brain levels of dopamine correlate to physical fighting. We propose a model in which the changes in brain states of many workers collectively lead to the self-organization of societal aggression between neighboring colonies of pavement ants.

  5. Sperm length evolution in the fungus-growing ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baer, B.; Dijkstra, M. B.; Mueller, U. G.


    -growing ants, representing 9 of the 12 recognized genera, and mapped these onto the ant phylogeny. We show that average sperm length across species is highly variable and decreases with mature colony size in basal genera with singly mated queens, suggesting that sperm production or storage constraints affect...... the evolution of sperm length. Sperm length does not decrease further in multiply mating leaf-cutting ants, despite substantial further increases in colony size. In a combined analysis, sexual dimorphism explained 63.1% of the variance in sperm length between species. As colony size was not a significant...... predictor in this analysis, we conclude that sperm production trade-offs in males have been the major selective force affecting sperm length across the fungus-growing ants, rather than storage constraints in females. The relationship between sperm length and sexual dimorphism remained robust...

  6. Purificación de la fracción antigénica 27-28 KDa a partir del antígeno metabólico secretado-excretado de Fasciola hepatica

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    Isidro Antitupa

    Full Text Available En el presente estudio, las fracciones antigénicas de 27-28 KDa de Fasciola hepatica fueron purificadas por cromatografía de exclusión molecular para su aplicación en el diagnóstico de la fascioliasis humana. Se obtuvieron antígenos de excreción y secreción a partir de fasciolas adultas vivas obtenida de hígado de ovino y bovino, y cultivados en medio mínimo esencial. La reactividad y eficacia del antígeno purificado fueron evaluadas por la prueba de inmunoblot empleando cuatro sueros con fascioliasis humana; cuatro sueros con otras parasitosis, y dos sueros negativos. Se concluye que las fracciones antigénicas purificadas no presentan reacción cruzada con otras parasitosis, por inmunoblot, por lo que se considera a las proteínas purificadas como potenciales candidatas a ser utilizadas para el diagnóstico de fascioliasis humana

  7. Correlación de la respuesta a antígenos de Mycobacterium tuberculosis y la prueba cutánea de tuberculina en pacientes con artritis reumatoide

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    Yurika López


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los pacientes con artritis reumatoide bajo tratamiento con anti-TNFα están en alto riesgo de desarrollar tuberculosis activa, por lo cual se recomienda hacer la tamización para infección latente de tuberculosis, antes de iniciar el tratamiento. Objetivo. Comparar la prueba de tuberculina y la producción de IFNγ inducida por antígenos CFP (Culture Filtrate Protein y antígenos específicos de Mycobacterium tuberculosis (CFP-10 para el diagnóstico de infección latente de tuberculosis en pacientes con artritis reumatoide. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal analítico en pacientes con artritis reumatoide atendidos en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación, entre enero y diciembrede 2007, a los cuales se les determinó la producción de IFNγ en respuesta a CFP y CFP-10 en sobrenadantes de cultivos de sangre total, y se correlacionó con la reacción en la prueba de tuberculina. Además, se estableció el grado de concordancia entre ambas pruebas. Resultados. Se incluyeron 45 pacientes, de los cuales, 14 (31,1 % tuvieron un diámetro de induración≥10 mm (tuberculina positiva, nueve (20 % produjeron IFNγ en respuesta a CFP-10, y siete fueron positivos para ambas pruebas. La correlación entre las pruebas fue de r=0,53 (IC95%: 0,28-0,72 y la concordancia global entre pruebas fue de 80 %, con un coeficiente kappa de 0,48 (IC95%: 0,20-0,76. Conclusiones. Solo se observaron dos pacientes con tuberculina positiva y CFP-10 positivo “anérgicos”y se encontraron seis pacientes con tuberculina positiva y CFP-10 negativa “falsos positivos paratuberculina”, lo cual sugiere que la prueba de la tuberculina no es la más adecuada para indicar profilaxispara tuberculosis.   doi:

  8. The invasion biology and sociogenetics of pharaoh ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Anna Mosegaard

    Social insect colonies perform a number of tasks affecting the environments they live in. Some unintentionally introduced species have attracted the attention of scientists and general public alike when causing a number of changes to the composition and functioning of ecosystems. Such ?invaders...... laboratory lineages, thus building the foundation for future research on the species. In addition, I have started a selection experiment (still ongoing in collaboration with Dr. T. Linksvayer) using pharaoh ants, which is the first time artificial selection is attempted in an ant species. Pharaoh ants have...

  9. Desert ants learn vibration and magnetic landmarks.

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    Cornelia Buehlmann

    Full Text Available The desert ants Cataglyphis navigate not only by path integration but also by using visual and olfactory landmarks to pinpoint the nest entrance. Here we show that Cataglyphis noda can additionally use magnetic and vibrational landmarks as nest-defining cues. The magnetic field may typically provide directional rather than positional information, and vibrational signals so far have been shown to be involved in social behavior. Thus it remains questionable if magnetic and vibration landmarks are usually provided by the ants' habitat as nest-defining cues. However, our results point to the flexibility of the ants' navigational system, which even makes use of cues that are probably most often sensed in a different context.

  10. Population Development of Several Species of Ants on the Cocoa Trees in South Sulawesi

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    Fatahuddin Fatahuddin


    Full Text Available Several species of ants with different behavior have been found in cocoa plantations and their behavior is important to be considered because it might be correlated with the degree of protection of cocoa plant from cocoa pests. The aim of this research is to manipulate and to develop ants population in environment, so they are able to establish permanently in cocoa trees. This research was conducted in Papakaju Regions Luwu Regency in Juli to November 2009. In this study, 10 cocoa trees with ants were sampled (each species of ant in 10 cocoa trees. A control of 10 tree samples without ant was also taken. In order to assess the abundance of ant population, it was grouped based on scoring, which score 1 for less than 20 ants, score 2 for 21–50 ants, score 3 for 51–200 ants, score 4 for 201–1000 ants, and score 5 for more than 1000 per tree. The results indicated that average of population score of the three ants species reached the highest population for the Oecophylla. smaragdina with average score 4.85 (>1000 ants, Dolichoderus thoracicus, with average score 3.90 (> 200 ants and Crematogaster. difformis with average score 3.10 (>200 ants. This research indicated that three species of ants, Oecophylla smaragdina (weaver ant, Dolichoderus thoracicus (cocoa black ant and Crematogaster difformis (cracking ant. in farmer cocoa plantations in South Sulawesi giving better performance against major pests of cocoa in particular cocoa pod borer (CPB. Key words: Ant Population, Oecophylla smaragdina, Dolichoderus thoracicus, Crematogaster difformis, artificial nest, cocoa.

  11. When invasive ants meet: effects of outbreeding on queen performance in the tramp ant Cardiocondyla itsukii. (United States)

    Heinze, Jürgen; Frohschammer, Sabine; Bernadou, Abel


    Most disturbed habitats in the tropics and subtropics harbor numerous species of invasive ants, and occasionally the same species has been introduced repeatedly from multiple geographical sources. We examined how experimental crossbreeding between sexuals from different populations affects the fitness of queens of the tramp ant Cardiocondyla itsukii, which is widely distributed in Asia and the Pacific Islands. Eggs laid by queens that mated with nestmate males had a higher hatching rate than eggs laid by queens mated to males from neighboring (Hawaii × Kauai) or distant introduced populations (Hawaii/Kauai × Okinawa). Furthermore, inbreeding queens had a longer lifespan and produced a less female-biased offspring sex ratio than queens from allopatric mating. This suggests that the genetic divergence between different source populations may already be so large that in case of multiple invasions eventual crossbreeding might negatively affect the fitness of tramp ants. © 2017 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  12. Conflict over reproduction in an ant-plant symbiosis: why Allomerus octoarticulatus ants sterilize Cordia nodosa trees. (United States)

    Frederickson, Megan E


    The evolutionary stability of mutualism is thought to depend on how well the fitness interests of partners are aligned. Because most ant-myrmecophyte mutualisms are persistent and horizontally transmitted, partners share an interest in growth but not in reproduction. Resources invested in reproduction are unavailable for growth, giving rise to a conflict of interest between partners. I investigated whether this explains why Allomerus octoarticulatus ants sterilize Cordia nodosa trees. Allomerus octoarticulatus nests in the hollow stem domatia of C. nodosa. Workers protect C. nodosa leaves against herbivores but destroy inflorescences. Using C. nodosa trees with Azteca ants, which do not sterilize their hosts, I cut inflorescences off trees to simulate sterilization by A. octoarticulatus. Sterilized C. nodosa grew faster than control trees, providing evidence for a trade-off between growth and reproduction. Allomerus octoarticulatus manipulates this trade-off to its advantage; sterilized trees produce more domatia and can house larger, more fecund colonies.

  13. Fire Ant Allergy (United States)

    ... venom in a fire ant sting will kill bacteria and some of your skin cells. This results in the formation of a blister that fills with a cloudy white material in about 24 hours. While this looks like a pus-filled lesion that should be drained, ...

  14. Adaptive Radiation in Socially Advanced Stem-Group Ants from the Cretaceous. (United States)

    Barden, Phillip; Grimaldi, David A


    Across terrestrial ecosystems, modern ants are ubiquitous. As many as 94 out of every 100 individual arthropods in rainforests are ants, and they constitute up to 15% of animal biomass in the Amazon. Moreover, ants are pervasive agents of natural selection as over 10,000 arthropod species are specialized inquilines or myrmecomorphs living among ants or defending themselves through mimicry. Such impact is traditionally explained by sociality: ants are the first major group of ground-dwelling predatory insects to become eusocial, increasing efficiency of tasks and establishing competitive superiority over solitary species. A wealth of specimens from rich deposits of 99 million-year-old Burmese amber resolves ambiguity regarding sociality and diversity in the earliest ants. The stem-group genus Gerontoformica maintained distinct reproductive castes including morphotypes unknown in solitary aculeate (stinging) wasps, providing insight into early behavior. We present rare aggregations of workers, indicating group recruitment as well as an instance of interspecific combat; such aggression is a social feature of modern ants. Two species and an unusual new genus are described, further expanding the remarkable diversity of early ants. Stem-group ants are recovered as a paraphyletic assemblage at the base of modern lineages varying greatly in size, form, and mouthpart structure, interpreted here as an adaptive radiation. Though Cretaceous stem-group ants were eusocial and adaptively diverse, we hypothesize that their extinction resulted from the rise of competitively superior crown-group taxa that today form massive colonies, consistent with Wilson and Hölldobler's concept of "dynastic succession." Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. The genome of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wurm, Yannick; Wang, John; Riba-Grognuz, Oksana


    Ants have evolved very complex societies and are key ecosystem members. Some ants, such as the fire ant Solenopsis invicta, are also major pests. Here, we present a draft genome of S. invicta, assembled from Roche 454 and Illumina sequencing reads obtained from a focal haploid male and his brothe...

  16. Ant colony search algorithm for optimal reactive power optimization

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    Lenin K.


    Full Text Available The paper presents an (ACSA Ant colony search Algorithm for Optimal Reactive Power Optimization and voltage control of power systems. ACSA is a new co-operative agents’ approach, which is inspired by the observation of the behavior of real ant colonies on the topic of ant trial formation and foraging methods. Hence, in the ACSA a set of co-operative agents called "Ants" co-operates to find good solution for Reactive Power Optimization problem. The ACSA is applied for optimal reactive power optimization is evaluated on standard IEEE, 30, 57, 191 (practical test bus system. The proposed approach is tested and compared to genetic algorithm (GA, Adaptive Genetic Algorithm (AGA.

  17. Individual-based ant-plant networks: diurnal-nocturnal structure and species-area relationship.

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    Wesley Dáttilo

    Full Text Available Despite the importance and increasing knowledge of ecological networks, sampling effort and intrapopulation variation has been widely overlooked. Using continuous daily sampling of ants visiting three plant species in the Brazilian Neotropical savanna, we evaluated for the first time the topological structure over 24 h and species-area relationships (based on the number of extrafloral nectaries available in individual-based ant-plant networks. We observed that diurnal and nocturnal ant-plant networks exhibited the same pattern of interactions: a nested and non-modular pattern and an average level of network specialization. Despite the high similarity in the ants' composition between the two collection periods, ant species found in the central core of highly interacting species totally changed between diurnal and nocturnal sampling for all plant species. In other words, this "night-turnover" suggests that the ecological dynamics of these ant-plant interactions can be temporally partitioned (day and night at a small spatial scale. Thus, it is possible that in some cases processes shaping mutualistic networks formed by protective ants and plants may be underestimated by diurnal sampling alone. Moreover, we did not observe any effect of the number of extrafloral nectaries on ant richness and their foraging on such plants in any of the studied ant-plant networks. We hypothesize that competitively superior ants could monopolize individual plants and allow the coexistence of only a few other ant species, however, other alternative hypotheses are also discussed. Thus, sampling period and species-area relationship produces basic information that increases our confidence in how individual-based ant-plant networks are structured, and the need to consider nocturnal records in ant-plant network sampling design so as to decrease inappropriate inferences.

  18. Avaliação sensorial, microbiologia e físico-química de suco artificial de laranja adicionado de diferentes agentes adoçantes

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    Iago Felipe da Silva Leite


    Full Text Available Diante do aumento do consumo de adoçantes por vários fatores e a procura por uma dieta mais saudável,  para a redução dos riscos de doenças como, diabetes, obesidade, entre outras, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a diferença da doçura e aceitação dos diferentes agentes adoçantes em sucos artificiais. Foram formulados sucos em pó sabor laranja e adicionado os diferentes agentes adoçantes (sacarose, demerara, stevia pura, sacarina sódica + ciclamato de sódio e sacarina sódica + ciclamato de sódio + stevia. Realizou-se analises de pH e de sólidos solúveis totais (ºBrix para as diferentes formulações, ocorrendo variações, além das análises microbiológicas para coliformes totais e Salmonella sp/25g, resultando em ausência para ambos Os resultados apontam que as amostras estão próprias para consumo segundo a legislação virgente. A análise foi aplicada no laboratório de análise sensorial da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande e avaliada por 93 provadores. Aplicou-se uma ficha sensorial levando em consideração a aceitação dos agentes adoçantes. Conclui-se que a sacarina sódica + ciclamato de sódio e sacarina sódica + ciclamato de sódio + stevia foi a formulação com maior índice de aprovação.SensoSensory, microbiological and physico-chemical evaluation of artificial orange juice added with different sweetening agents Abstract: The increase in the consumption of sweeteners by several factors. And the demand for a healthier diet with reduced risk of diseases such as, diabetes, obesity, among others, this study aimed to assess the degree of sweetness of difference and acceptance of different sweetening agents. Were formulated artificial juices powdered orange flavor and added different sweeteners (sucrose, demerara, pure stevia, saccharin + sodium cyclamate and sodium saccharin + sodium cyclamate + stevia. We conducted analysis of pH and total soluble solids (° Brix for the different

  19. Desarrollo vocacional y preparación para la carrera profesional en estudiantes universitarios.


    Martínez Vicente, José Manuel; Rocabert Beut, Esperanza


    La preparación para la carrera profesional surge como una variable de interés en el ámbito universitario en la medida que estos estudiantes persiguen ante todo su inserción en el ámbito laboral para el que se están formando. Por otra parte la investigación revela la importancia del desarrollo vocacional a la hora de conseguir satisfacción y logro en la toma de decisiones realizada. Ambas variables se configuran como aspectos destacados en los procesos de asesoramiento y orientación vocacional...

  20. Contributos para uma crítica da aceleração do tempo


    Duque, Eduardo


    Gilles Deleuze (1992: 178) escreveu que nenhum pintor “(...) pinta numa tela virgem, nem o escritor escreve numa página branca, mas a página ou a tela estão desde logo de tal modo cobertas por “clichés” preexistentes, preestabelecidos, que é necessário antes de mais apagar, limpar, laminar, ou até rasgar para fazer passar uma corrente de ar vinda do caos, que nos traz a visão”. Razão pela qual apresentamos, inicialmente, um pequeno poema de Miguel Torga para, de seguida, emp...

  1. No sex in fungus-farming ants or their crops. (United States)

    Himler, Anna G; Caldera, Eric J; Baer, Boris C; Fernández-Marín, Hermógenes; Mueller, Ulrich G


    Asexual reproduction imposes evolutionary handicaps on asexual species, rendering them prone to extinction, because asexual reproduction generates novel genotypes and purges deleterious mutations at lower rates than sexual reproduction. Here, we report the first case of complete asexuality in ants, the fungus-growing ant Mycocepurus smithii, where queens reproduce asexually but workers are sterile, which is doubly enigmatic because the clonal colonies of M. smithii also depend on clonal fungi for food. Degenerate female mating anatomy, extensive field and laboratory surveys, and DNA fingerprinting implicate complete asexuality in this widespread ant species. Maternally inherited bacteria (e.g. Wolbachia, Cardinium) and the fungal cultivars can be ruled out as agents inducing asexuality. M. smithii societies of clonal females provide a unique system to test theories of parent-offspring conflict and reproductive policing in social insects. Asexuality of both ant farmer and fungal crop challenges traditional views proposing that sexual farmer ants outpace coevolving sexual crop pathogens, and thus compensate for vulnerabilities of their asexual crops. Either the double asexuality of both farmer and crop may permit the host to fully exploit advantages of asexuality for unknown reasons or frequent switching between crops (symbiont reassociation) generates novel ant-fungus combinations, which may compensate for any evolutionary handicaps of asexuality in M. smithii.

  2. Caracterização da infraestrutura e geologia de atrativos naturais na região de Santo Antônio do Rio Abaixo/MG como subsídio para o desenvolvimento do ecoturismo em bases sustentáveis

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    Aline Dias de Sá


    Full Text Available O turismo é considerado uma das principais atividades econômicas mundiais por possibilitar o surgimento de negócios para o atendimento das necessidades dos turistas, por outro lado, esta atividade pode desencadear impactos negativos sobre o meio ambiente na ausência de um planejamento e organização adequados. Neste contexto, o município de Santo Antônio do Rio Abaixo (MG é conhecido por seus atrativos naturais, como o Poço do Limão, a Praia do Tabuleiro e o Balneário Benedito Martins Leite, que atraem os turistas para a localidade. Assim, este trabalho objetivou caracterizar, por meio da observação, a infraestrutura para atendimento ao turismo e a geologia local de sete atrativos turísticos, localizados nesse munícipio, identificando o potencial destes para o desenvolvimento de modais turísticos. Notou-se que, de maneira geral, os recursos naturais possuem potencial para o desenvolvimento de diferentes modalidades turísticas, como o ecoturismo, turismo de aventura e geoturismo, todavia, a ausência de sinalização é um aspecto que precisa ser adequado. Em relação à geologia local, verificou-se que predominam rochas gnáissicas correlacionadas aos complexos Dona Rita e Gouveia. Ressalta-se que a geologia da região deve ser observada não apenas para o planejamento do turismo, mas também para o uso e ocupação do solo da região, dada a susceptibilidade natural à erosão de solos provenientes de rochas gnáissicas, evitando-se a degradação dessas áreas.

  3. Evaluación de las pruebas dot blot y aglutinación de látex para el diagnóstico de cisticercosis en Perú

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    Eduardo Miranda-Ulloa

    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar las pruebas dot blot y aglutinación de látex para la detección de cisticercosis humana con antígeno de líquido de cisticerco de Taenia solium, se usaron 125 sueros humanos, de los cuales 60 procedían de personas con cisticercosis confirmada por Western Blot, 45 de personas con otras enfermedades parasitarias y 20 de personas aparentemente sanas. La concentración óptima del antígeno para impregnar las tiras dot blot fue de 0,01 ug/uL, y para impregnar las partículas de látex fue de 0,092 ug/uL. Para la prueba dot blot se encontró una sensibilidad del 100% y especificidad del 87,7%; para la aglutinación de látex una sensibilidad del 93,3% y especificidad del 89,2%. Ambas pruebas podrían ser de utilidad y factibles de implementar como alternativas de diagnóstico serológico en laboratorios de áreas endémicas del Perú

  4. A Theoretic Basis for IS? The Contribution of ANT

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    Jim Underwood


    Full Text Available Representation is a key issue of IS design and operation that is often ignored. Actor-network theory (ANT, a semiotic theory of stakeholders, provides a way of dealing with representation. Combining aspects of ANT and Foucault's discourse theory allows us to include concepts as actors and promises a flexible and durable foundation for IS practice, but ANT itself indicates that the search for a purely theoretical foundation for IS is misguided.

  5. The diversity of microorganisms associated with Acromyrmex leafcutter ants

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    Boomsma Jacobus J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Molecular biological techniques are dramatically changing our view of microbial diversity in almost any environment that has so far been investigated. This study presents a systematic survey of the microbial diversity associated with a population of Acromyrmex leafcutter ants. In contrast to previous studies on social insects, which targeted specific groups of symbionts occurring in the gut (termites, Tetraponera ants or in specialised cells (Camponotus ants the objective of our present study was to do a total screening of all possible micro-organisms that can be found inside the bodies of these leafcutter ants. Results We amplified, cloned and sequenced SSU rRNA encoding gene fragments from 9 microbial groups known to have insect-associated representatives, and show that: (1 representatives of 5 out of 9 tested groups are present, (2 mostly several strains per group are present, adding up to a total of 33 different taxa. We present the microbial taxa associated with Acromymex ants in a phylogenetic context (using sequences from GenBank to assess and illustrate to which known microorganisms they are closely related. The observed microbial diversity is discussed in the light of present knowledge on the evolutionary history of Acromyrmex leafcutter ants and their known mutualistic and parasitic symbionts. Conclusions The major merits of the screening approach documented here is its high sensitivity and specificity, which allowed us to identify several microorganisms that are promising candidates for further study of their interactions with Acromyrmex leafcutter ants or their gardens.

  6. Graveyards on the Move: The Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Dead Ophiocordyceps-Infected Ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pontoppidan, Maj-Britt; Himaman, Winanda; Hywel-Jones, Nigel L.


    rainforest. We established that high density aggregations exist (up to 26 dead ants/m2), which we coined graveyards. We further established that graveyards are patchily distributed in a landscape with no or very few O. unilateralis-killed ants. At some, but not all, spatial scales of analysis the density...... unilateralis, which is pan-tropical in distribution, causes infected worker ants to leave their nest and die under leaves in the understory of tropical rainforests. Working in a forest dynamic plot in Southern Thailand we mapped the occurrence of these dead ants by examining every leaf in 1,360 m2 of primary...... of dead ants correlated with temperature, humidity and vegetation cover. Remarkably, having found 2243 dead ants inside graveyards we only found 2 live ants of the principal host, ant Camponotus leonardi, suggesting that foraging host ants actively avoid graveyards. We discovered that the principal host...

  7. Ants recognize foes and not friends (United States)

    Guerrieri, Fernando J.; Nehring, Volker; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, John; Galizia, C. Giovanni; d'Ettorre, Patrizia


    Discriminating among individuals and rejecting non-group members is essential for the evolution and stability of animal societies. Ants are good models for studying recognition mechanisms, because they are typically very efficient in discriminating ‘friends’ (nest-mates) from ‘foes’ (non-nest-mates). Recognition in ants involves multicomponent cues encoded in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. Here, we tested whether workers of the carpenter ant Camponotus herculeanus use the presence and/or absence of cuticular hydrocarbons to discriminate between nest-mates and non-nest-mates. We supplemented the cuticular profile with synthetic hydrocarbons mixed to liquid food and then assessed behavioural responses using two different bioassays. Our results show that (i) the presence, but not the absence, of an additional hydrocarbon elicited aggression and that (ii) among the three classes of hydrocarbons tested (unbranched, mono-methylated and dimethylated alkanes; for mono-methylated alkanes, we present a new synthetic pathway), only the dimethylated alkane was effective in eliciting aggression. Our results suggest that carpenter ants use a fundamentally different mechanism for nest-mate recognition than previously thought. They do not specifically recognize nest-mates, but rather recognize and reject non-nest-mates bearing odour cues that are novel to their own colony cuticular hydrocarbon profile. This begs for a reappraisal of the mechanisms underlying recognition systems in social insects. PMID:19364750

  8. Comportamiento de paneles de bambú guadua laminado ante cargas paralelas al plano

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    Juan Jacobo Pinilla Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Como un primer paso en el estudio del comportamiento ante cargas sísmicas de pórticos de bambú guadua laminados con paneles del mismo material, el Grupo de Investigación “Análisis, Diseño y Materiales, GIES”, de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, ensayó dos tipos de paneles elaborados con bambú Guadua angustifolia Kunth y poli (vinil acetato, PVA: los paneles tipo 1 de sección transversal maciza y los paneles tipo 2 de sección transversal tipo sándwich.Se consideraron tres alturas para cada tipo de panel y se ensayaron diez réplicas por altura y por tipo, para un total de sesenta ensayos.Para cada uno de los paneles ensayados se realizó una curva carga-desplazamiento. Los paneles tipo 1, con altura de 0,34 m y 0,63 m, mostraron un comportamiento elástico inicial seguido de un comportamiento inelástico, mientras que los paneles tipo 1 y 2 de 0,98 m de altura revelaron un comportamiento casi totalmente elástico hasta la falla. Todos los paneles sufrieron aplastamiento en la base; sin embargo, el principal mecanismo de falla fue el alabeo.

  9. A importância da contra-imunoeletroforese na detecção de antígenos nucleares extraíveis para o diagnóstico de doenças reumáticas sistêmicas The importance of counterimmunoelectrophoresis in the detection of extractable nuclear antigens for the diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases

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    Rita de Cassia Siqueira Bruder


    Full Text Available Os antígenos nucleares extraíveis (ENAs são encontrados no soro da maioria dos pacientes com doença reumática sistêmica. Os principais ENAs estudados são SS-A/Ro, SS-B/La, RNP, Sm, Scl-70 e Jo-1. Objeti-vou-se neste trabalho: a padronizar a técnica de contra-imunoeletroforese (CIE para a detecção de ENAs; b padronizar o substrato antigênico (ENAs para a CIE a partir de baço de cão; c comparar os resultados da CIE com as técnicas de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI e Elisa para esses antígenos. Para tal foram estudados 40 soros de pacientes com doença reumática sistêmica confirmada por exames clínico e laboratorial (sorológico e biópsia. Como controle negativo foram utilizados dez soros de doadores de sangue normais, e, como controles positivos, seis soros-padrão anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-RNP, anti-Sm, anti-Scl-70, anti-Jo-1, para caracterizar os antígenos presentes no extrato de baço. Neste último foram detectados vários ENAs, exceto RNP e Scl-70. A técnica de CIE apresentou boas sensibilidade (70% e especificidade (100% em relação às outras técnicas (IFI e Elisa. A titulação dos soros pela CIE revelou positividade até diluições de 1:16 em 32,5% dos casos. Concluímos que a CIE e os antígenos extraídos de baço de cão podem ser utilizados na rotina laboratorial para triagem destes ENAs, com a vantagem, em relação à IFI, de poderem ser titulados.Extractable nuclear antigens (ENAs are detected in the sera of the majority of patients with rheumatic systemic disease. The main ENAs studied are SS-A/Ro, SS-B/La, RNP, Sm, Scl-70 and Jo-1. The aim of this work was: a to standardize the counterimmunoelectrophoresis technique (CIE to detect ENAs; b to standardize the extration of ENAs from dog spleen as a substract for CIE test; c to compare the results obtained by CIE with those of indirect immunofluorescence (IFI and Elisa for these antigens. Forty sera from individuals with rheumatic systemic disease confirmed by

  10. Trail Pheromone Disruption of Argentine Ant Trail Formation and Foraging (United States)

    Suckling, D.M.; Peck, R.W.; Stringer, L.D.; Snook, K.; Banko, P.C.


    Trail pheromone disruption of invasive ants is a novel tactic that builds on the development of pheromone-based pest management in other insects. Argentine ant trail pheromone, (Z)-9-hexadecenal, was formulated as a micro-encapsulated sprayable particle and applied against Argentine ant populations in 400 m2 field plots in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. A widely dispersed point source strategy for trail pheromone disruption was used. Traffic rates of ants in bioassays of treated filter paper, protected from rainfall and sunlight, indicated the presence of behaviorally significant quantities of pheromone being released from the formulation for up to 59 days. The proportion of plots, under trade wind conditions (2-3 m s-1), with visible trails was reduced for up to 14 days following treatment, and the number of foraging ants at randomly placed tuna-bait cards was similarly reduced. The success of these trail pheromone disruption trials in a natural ecosystem highlights the potential of this method for control of invasive ant species in this and other environments. ?? Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010.

  11. Water stress strengthens mutualism among ants, trees, and scale insects.

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    Elizabeth G Pringle


    Full Text Available Abiotic environmental variables strongly affect the outcomes of species interactions. For example, mutualistic interactions between species are often stronger when resources are limited. The effect might be indirect: water stress on plants can lead to carbon stress, which could alter carbon-mediated plant mutualisms. In mutualistic ant-plant symbioses, plants host ant colonies that defend them against herbivores. Here we show that the partners' investments in a widespread ant-plant symbiosis increase with water stress across 26 sites along a Mesoamerican precipitation gradient. At lower precipitation levels, Cordia alliodora trees invest more carbon in Azteca ants via phloem-feeding scale insects that provide the ants with sugars, and the ants provide better defense of the carbon-producing leaves. Under water stress, the trees have smaller carbon pools. A model of the carbon trade-offs for the mutualistic partners shows that the observed strategies can arise from the carbon costs of rare but extreme events of herbivory in the rainy season. Thus, water limitation, together with the risk of herbivory, increases the strength of a carbon-based mutualism.

  12. Water stress strengthens mutualism among ants, trees, and scale insects. (United States)

    Pringle, Elizabeth G; Akçay, Erol; Raab, Ted K; Dirzo, Rodolfo; Gordon, Deborah M


    Abiotic environmental variables strongly affect the outcomes of species interactions. For example, mutualistic interactions between species are often stronger when resources are limited. The effect might be indirect: water stress on plants can lead to carbon stress, which could alter carbon-mediated plant mutualisms. In mutualistic ant-plant symbioses, plants host ant colonies that defend them against herbivores. Here we show that the partners' investments in a widespread ant-plant symbiosis increase with water stress across 26 sites along a Mesoamerican precipitation gradient. At lower precipitation levels, Cordia alliodora trees invest more carbon in Azteca ants via phloem-feeding scale insects that provide the ants with sugars, and the ants provide better defense of the carbon-producing leaves. Under water stress, the trees have smaller carbon pools. A model of the carbon trade-offs for the mutualistic partners shows that the observed strategies can arise from the carbon costs of rare but extreme events of herbivory in the rainy season. Thus, water limitation, together with the risk of herbivory, increases the strength of a carbon-based mutualism.

  13. Reconocimiento de antígenos lipopolisacarídicos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa por sueros humanos

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    Jacquelin Alfonso


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se procedió al reconocimiento de lipopolisacáridos de diferentes serotipos de Pseusodomas aeruginosa por sueros humanos. Los lipopolisacáridos fueron aislados por el método Wespthal y Jann. Se utilizaron un total de 104 sueros de pacientes infectados y donantes voluntarios, provenientes de instalaciones hospitalarias y del Banco de Sangre, para el reconocimiento de antígenos lipopolisacarídicos, mediante el ensayo de Dott Blot. Los resultados mostraron que los serotipos de mayor reconocimiento, por los sueros testados, fueron el O11, O13, O16 y el O15, existiendo diferencias significativas entre ellos (p< 0,05.

  14. Ant colony algorithm for clustering in portfolio optimization (United States)

    Subekti, R.; Sari, E. R.; Kusumawati, R.


    This research aims to describe portfolio optimization using clustering methods with ant colony approach. Two stock portfolios of LQ45 Indonesia is proposed based on the cluster results obtained from ant colony optimization (ACO). The first portfolio consists of assets with ant colony displacement opportunities beyond the defined probability limits of the researcher, where the weight of each asset is determined by mean-variance method. The second portfolio consists of two assets with the assumption that each asset is a cluster formed from ACO. The first portfolio has a better performance compared to the second portfolio seen from the Sharpe index.

  15. Automating ActionScript Projects with Eclipse and Ant

    CERN Document Server

    Koning, Sidney


    Automating repetitive programming tasks is easier than many Flash/AS3 developers think. With the Ant build tool, the Eclipse IDE, and this concise guide, you can set up your own "ultimate development machine" to code, compile, debug, and deploy projects faster. You'll also get started with versioning systems, such as Subversion and Git. Create a consistent workflow for multiple machines, or even complete departments, with the help of extensive Ant code samples. If you want to work smarter and take your skills to a new level, this book will get you on the road to automation-with Ant. Set up y

  16. Carbohydrate supply limits invasion of natural communities by Argentine ants. (United States)

    Rowles, Alexei D; Silverman, Jules


    The ability of species to invade new habitats is often limited by various biotic and physical factors or interactions between the two. Invasive ants, frequently associated with human activities, flourish in disturbed urban and agricultural environments. However, their ability to invade and establish in natural habitats is more variable. This is particularly so for the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile). While biotic resistance and low soil moisture limits their invasion of natural habitats in some instances, the effect of food availability has been poorly explored. We conducted field experiments to determine if resource availability limits the spread and persistence of Argentine ants in remnant natural forest in North Carolina. Replicated transects paired with and without sucrose solution feeding stations were run from invaded urban edges into forest remnants and compared over time using baits and direct counts at feeding stations. Repeated under different timing regimes in 2006 and 2007, access to sucrose increased local Argentine ant abundances (1.6-2.5 fold) and facilitated their progression into the forest up to 73 +/- 21% of 50-m transects. Resource removal caused an expected decrease in Argentine ant densities in 2006, in conjunction with their retreat to the urban/forest boundary. However, in 2007, Argentine ant numbers unexpectedly continued to increase in the absence of sugar stations, possibly through access to alternative resources or conditions not available the previous year such as honeydew-excreting Hemiptera. Our results showed that supplementing carbohydrate supply facilitates invasion of natural habitat by Argentine ants. This is particularly evident where Argentine ants continued to thrive following sugar station removal.

  17. Exotic ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Ohio




    The worldwide transfer of plants and animals outside their native ranges is an ever increasing problem for global biodiversity. Ants are no exception and many species have been transported to new locations often with profound negative impacts on local biota. The current study is based on data gathered since the publication of the “Ants of Ohio” in 2005. Here I expand on our knowledge of Ohio’s myrmecofauna by contributing new records, new distributional information and natural history notes. ...

  18. Individual Rules for Trail Pattern Formation in Argentine Ants (Linepithema humile)


    Perna, Andrea; Granovskiy, Boris; Garnier, Simon; Nicolis, Stamatios C.; Labédan, Marjorie; Theraulaz, Guy; Fourcassié, Vincent; Sumpter, David J. T.


    We studied the formation of trail patterns by Argentine ants exploring an empty arena. Using a novel imaging and analysis technique we estimated pheromone concentrations at all spatial positions in the experimental arena and at different times. Then we derived the response function of individual ants to pheromone concentrations by looking at correlations between concentrations and changes in speed or direction of the ants. Ants were found to turn in response to local pheromone concentrations,...

  19. Ant-mediated effects on spruce litter decomposition, solution chemistry, and microbial activity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stadler, B.; Schramm, Andreas; Kalbitz, K.


    the effects of ants and aphid honeydew on litter solution of Norway spruce, microbial enzyme activities, and needle decomposition in a field and greenhouse experiment during summer 2003. In the field, low ant densities had relatively little effects on litter solution 30 cm away from a tree trunk...... and %N were not affected by ants or honeydew. Our results suggest that ants have a distinct and immediate effect on solution composition and microbial activity in the litter layer indicating accelerated litter decay whereas the effect of honeydew was insignificant. Keywords: Ants; Decomposition; Formica......Forest management practices often generate clear-cut patches, which may be colonized by ants not present in the same densities in mature forests. In addition to the associated changes in abiotic conditions ants can initiate processes, which do not occur in old-growth stands. Here, we analyse...

  20. Didáctica de las matemáticas y desarrollo profesional de una maestra. El caso de Maria Antònia Canals i Tolosa


    Sotos Serrano, María


    [ES]El objetivo general es el de describir y analizar la biografía escolar y profesional de la profesora M. Antònia Canals i Tolosa, relacionada con la enseñanza en general y con la enseñanza de las matemáticas en particular. Para ello se adopta una perspectiva biográfica en el estudio de un caso único, elaborando una historia de vida a partir de diferentes fuentes de datos: observación directa, treinta entrevistas, cartas y documentos secundarios. Para el proceso de análisis se ha seguido...

  1. Uso del Instrumento Militar en la Política Antártica – Elementos para el Análisis y su Aplicación en el Caso de Argentina


    Gabriel De Paula


    En la mayor parte de los países con intereses en la Antártida, las Fuerzas Armadas (el instrumento militar) realizan funciones logísticas, como el abastecimiento o el movimiento de personal. Incluso, en algunos países, como en Argentina, la campaña antártica es planificada por las Fuerzas Armadas. Por otro lado, en algunos casos, encontramos en la Antártida países donde las Fuerzas Armadas pueden desarrollar, además de la función logística, una función que denominaremos "ocupación efectiva". ...

  2. Vulnerabilidad y riesgo como conceptos indisociables para el estudio del impacto del cambio climático en la salud

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    Rolando Enrique Díaz Caravantes


    Full Text Available En diversas investigaciones, los conceptos de vulnerabilidad y riesgo se han estudiado por separado, como si no existiera una relación entre ellos. De aquí emerge nuestro objetivo de examinar las ventajas analíticas de estudiar ambos dentro de un mismo marco conceptual. Para ello, se revisaron definiciones de vulnerabilidad y riesgo utilizadas en distintos campos como el social, la salud pública y el impacto del clima y desastres. Las implicaciones analíticas se ilustran mediante el caso de las altas temperaturas en el noroeste de México. En los resultados se hace patente que la disociación entre vulnerabilidad y riesgo conduce a que se minusvaloren las capacidades analíticas de ambos conceptos. En tanto su integración proporciona herramientas metodológicas para desarrollar acciones precautorias ante las altas temperaturas, como la identificación de los grupos vulnerables en un entorno geográfico específico y, a su vez, posibles caminos para reducir la exposición y la vulnerabilidad ante el cambio climático.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo fue describir a las gestantes sometidas al test rápido para detectar VIH/SIDA en una maternidad de Fortaleza- CE, en relación a las características sociodemográficas y clínicas. Estudio transversal del tipo documental retrospectivo, con trece gestantes sometidas al test rápido y con resultado positivo para VIH/SIDA en el periodo de abril de 2002 a abril de 2004. El promedio de edad de las gestantes era 26,2 años; el 61,5% estudió entre cuatro a siete años; el 69,2 % era de la capital y el 30,8 % del interior; el 53,8 % ama de casa; el 54,0 % con cuatro a siete consultas de prenatal; el 46,2 % fue diagnosticada antes del parto; el 84,6 % recibió profilaxis solamente en el parto; el 46,0% tuvo bolsa rota hasta cuatro horas antes del parto; el 77,0% parto quirúrgico y el 100% de los recién nacidos recibió el jarabe de AZT en las primeras dos horas de vida. Se concluye que la institución garantizó la reducción del riesgo de contaminación del recién nacido, sin embargo se percibió deficiencia en los servicios que ofrecieron atención antes del parto.

  4. La biblioteca escolar y las necesidades de información en temas de sexualidad adolescente

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    Ma. Daniela Muñoz Alvarado


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo hace referencia al tema del papel de la biblioteca escolar ante los adolescentes y ante los nuevos Programas de Estudio de Educación para la Afectividad y la Sexualidad Integral del Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP. Hoy en día y desde siempre, los jóvenes han estado expuestos ante una gran cantidad de cambios, tanto a nivel interno como a nivel externo, en el que se refleja inminentemente la necesidad de tener información confiable y de calidad que apoye la toma de decisiones. Por eso, el objetivo del presente trabajo es establecer la relación que existe entre las necesidades informacionales de la población adolescente en cuanto al tema de la salud sexual y reproductiva y la biblioteca escolar como fuente de información para responder a esas necesidades. Por ello, la propuesta del ensayo radica en un rol activo por parte de la biblioteca escolar no solo como generadora de información, sino, también, como apoyo para los Programas de Estudio de Educación para la Afectividad y la Sexualidad Integral y para los adolescentes, esto por medio de la propuesta de nuevos servicios y productos especializados en el tema de la sexualidad.

  5. Ants: Major Functional Elements in Fruit Agro-Ecosystems and Biological Control Agents

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    Lamine Diamé


    Full Text Available Ants are a very diverse taxonomic group. They display remarkable social organization that has enabled them to be ubiquitous throughout the world. They make up approximately 10% of the world’s animal biomass. Ants provide ecosystem services in agrosystems by playing a major role in plant pollination, soil bioturbation, bioindication, and the regulation of crop-damaging insects. Over recent decades, there have been numerous studies in ant ecology and the focus on tree cropping systems has given added importance to ant ecology knowledge. The only missing point in this knowledge is the reasons underlying difference between the positive and negative effects of ants in tree cropping systems. This review article provides an overview of knowledge of the roles played by ants in orchards as functional elements, and on the potential of Oecophylla weaver ants as biological control agents. It also shows the potential and relevance of using ants as an agro-ecological diagnosis tool in orchards. Lastly, it demonstrates the potential elements which may determine the divergent negative and positive of their effects on cropping systems.

  6. Economy of scale: third partner strengthens a keystone ant-plant mutualism. (United States)

    Prior, Kirsten M; Palmer, Todd M


    While foundation species can stabilize ecosystems at landscape scales, their ability to persist is often underlain by keystone interactions occurring at smaller scales. Acacia drepanolobium is a foundation tree, comprising >95% of woody cover in East African black-cotton savanna ecosystems. Its dominance is underlain by a keystone mutualistic interaction with several symbiotic ant species in which it provides housing (swollen thorns) and carbohydrate-rich nectar from extra-floral nectaries (EFN). In return, it gains protection from catastrophic damage from mega-herbivores. Crematogaster mimosae is the ecologically dominant symbiotic ant in this system, also providing the highest protection services. In addition to tending EFN, C. mimosae tend scale insects for carbohydrate-rich honeydew. We investigated the role of scale insects in this specialized ant-plant interaction. Specifically, does this putatively redundant third partner strengthen the ant-plant mutualism by making the ant a better protector of the tree? Or does it weaken the mutualism by being costly to the tree while providing no additional benefit to the ant-plant mutualism? We coupled observational surveys with two scale-manipulation experiments and found evidence that this third partner strengthens the ant-plant mutualism. Trees with scale insects experimentally removed experienced a 2.5X increase in elephant damage compared to trees with scale insects present over 10 months. Reduced protection was driven by scale removal causing a decrease in ant colony size and per capita baseline activity and defensive behavior. We also found that ants increased scale-tending and the density of scale insects on trees when EFN were experimentally reduced. Thus, in this system, scale insects and EFN are likely complementary, rather than redundant, resources with scale insects benefitting ants when EFN production is low (such as during annual dry periods in this semi-arid ecosystem). This study reveals that a third

  7. An invasive slug exploits an ant-seed dispersal mutualism. (United States)

    Meadley Dunphy, Shannon A; Prior, Kirsten M; Frederickson, Megan E


    Plant-animal mutualisms, such as seed dispersal, are often vulnerable to disruption by invasive species. Here, we show for the first time how a non-ant invasive species negatively affects seed dispersal by ants. We examined the effects of several animal species that co-occur in a temperate deciduous forest-including native and invasive seed-dispersing ants (Aphaenogaster rudis and Myrmica rubra, respectively), an invasive slug (Arion subfuscus), and native rodents-on a native myrmecochorous plant, Asarum canadense. We experimentally manipulated ant, slug, and rodent access to seed depots and measured seed removal. We also video-recorded depots to determine which other taxa interact with seeds. We found that A. rudis was the main disperser of seeds and that A. subfuscus consumed elaiosomes without dispersing seeds. Rodent visitation was rare, and rodent exclusion had no significant effect on seed or elaiosome removal. We then used data obtained from laboratory and field mesocosm experiments to determine how elaiosome robbing by A. subfuscus affects seed dispersal by A. rudis and M. rubra. We found that elaiosome robbing by slugs reduced seed dispersal by ants, especially in mesocosms with A. rudis, which picks up seeds more slowly than M. rubra. Taken together, our results show that elaiosome robbing by an invasive slug reduces seed dispersal by ants, suggesting that invasive slugs can have profound negative effects on seed dispersal mutualisms.

  8. Olfactory memory established during trophallaxis affects food search behaviour in ants


    Provecho, Y.; Josens, R.


    Camponotus mus ants can associate sucrose and odour at the source during successive foraging cycles and use this memory to locate the nectar in the absence of other cues. These ants perform conspicuous trophallactic behaviour during recruitment while foraging for nectar. In this work, we studied whether Camponotus mus ants are able to establish this odour-sucrose association in the social context of trophallaxis and we evaluated this memory in another context previously experienced by the ant...

  9. Plant genotype shapes ant-aphid interactions: implications for community structure and indirect plant defense. (United States)

    Mooney, Kailen A; Agrawal, Anurag A


    Little is known about the mechanisms by which plant genotype shapes arthropod community structure. In a field experiment, we measured the effects of milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) genotype and ants on milkweed arthropods. Populations of the ant-tended aphid Aphis asclepiadis and the untended aphid Myzocallis asclepiadis varied eight- to 18-fold among milkweed genotypes, depending on aphid species and whether ants were present. There was no milkweed effect on predatory arthropods. Ants increased Aphis abundance 59%, decreased Myzocallis abundance 52%, and decreased predator abundance 56%. Milkweed genotype indirectly influenced ants via direct effects on Aphis and Myzocallis abundance. Milkweed genotype also modified ant-aphid interactions, influencing the number of ants attracted per Aphis and Myzocallis. While ant effects on Myzocallis were consistently negative, effects on Aphis ranged from antagonistic to mutualistic among milkweed genotypes. As a consequence of milkweed effects on ant-aphid interactions, ant abundance varied 13-fold among milkweed genotypes, and monarch caterpillar survival was negatively correlated with genetic variation in ant abundance. We speculate that heritable variation in milkweed phloem sap drives these effects on aphids, ants, and caterpillars. In summary, milkweed exerts genetic control over the interactions between aphids and an ant that provides defense against foliage-feeding caterpillars.

  10. Estado nutricional e carência de ferro em crianças freqüentadoras de creche antes e 15 meses após intervenção nutricional


    Biscegli,Terezinha Soares; Corrêa,Carlos Elysio C.; Romera,João; Candido,André Binotti


    OBJETIVO: Comparar o estado nutricional e a prevalência de carência de ferro em crianças freqüentadoras de creche antes e 15 meses após orientação nutricional e intervenção terapêutica. MÉTODOS: Estudo coorte com 52 crianças de 32 a 78 meses de idade, freqüentadoras de uma creche em Catanduva, São Paulo, avaliadas em dois períodos: antes e 15 meses após receberem tratamento para anemia e correção das alterações no estado nutricional. O estado nutricional das crianças foi avaliado por meio da ...

  11. Commentary: Warring ants

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Journal of Biosciences; Volume 27; Issue 2. Commentary: Warring ants: Lessons from Lanchester's laws of combat? Renee M Borges. Volume 27 Issue 2 March 2002 pp 75-78. Fulltext. Click here to view fulltext PDF. Permanent link: ...

  12. Individual Rules for Trail Pattern Formation in Argentine Ants (Linepithema humile) (United States)

    Perna, Andrea; Granovskiy, Boris; Garnier, Simon; Nicolis, Stamatios C.; Labédan, Marjorie; Theraulaz, Guy; Fourcassié, Vincent; Sumpter, David J. T.


    We studied the formation of trail patterns by Argentine ants exploring an empty arena. Using a novel imaging and analysis technique we estimated pheromone concentrations at all spatial positions in the experimental arena and at different times. Then we derived the response function of individual ants to pheromone concentrations by looking at correlations between concentrations and changes in speed or direction of the ants. Ants were found to turn in response to local pheromone concentrations, while their speed was largely unaffected by these concentrations. Ants did not integrate pheromone concentrations over time, with the concentration of pheromone in a 1 cm radius in front of the ant determining the turning angle. The response to pheromone was found to follow a Weber's Law, such that the difference between quantities of pheromone on the two sides of the ant divided by their sum determines the magnitude of the turning angle. This proportional response is in apparent contradiction with the well-established non-linear choice function used in the literature to model the results of binary bridge experiments in ant colonies (Deneubourg et al. 1990). However, agent based simulations implementing the Weber's Law response function led to the formation of trails and reproduced results reported in the literature. We show analytically that a sigmoidal response, analogous to that in the classical Deneubourg model for collective decision making, can be derived from the individual Weber-type response to pheromone concentrations that we have established in our experiments when directional noise around the preferred direction of movement of the ants is assumed. PMID:22829756

  13. Individual rules for trail pattern formation in Argentine ants (Linepithema humile.

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    Andrea Perna

    Full Text Available We studied the formation of trail patterns by Argentine ants exploring an empty arena. Using a novel imaging and analysis technique we estimated pheromone concentrations at all spatial positions in the experimental arena and at different times. Then we derived the response function of individual ants to pheromone concentrations by looking at correlations between concentrations and changes in speed or direction of the ants. Ants were found to turn in response to local pheromone concentrations, while their speed was largely unaffected by these concentrations. Ants did not integrate pheromone concentrations over time, with the concentration of pheromone in a 1 cm radius in front of the ant determining the turning angle. The response to pheromone was found to follow a Weber's Law, such that the difference between quantities of pheromone on the two sides of the ant divided by their sum determines the magnitude of the turning angle. This proportional response is in apparent contradiction with the well-established non-linear choice function used in the literature to model the results of binary bridge experiments in ant colonies (Deneubourg et al. 1990. However, agent based simulations implementing the Weber's Law response function led to the formation of trails and reproduced results reported in the literature. We show analytically that a sigmoidal response, analogous to that in the classical Deneubourg model for collective decision making, can be derived from the individual Weber-type response to pheromone concentrations that we have established in our experiments when directional noise around the preferred direction of movement of the ants is assumed.

  14. Molecular structure and diversity of PBAN/Pyrokinin family peptides in ants

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    Man-Yeon eChoi


    Full Text Available Neuropeptides are the largest group of insect hormones. They are produced in the central and peripheral nervous systems and affect insect development, reproduction, feeding and behavior. A variety of neuropeptide families have been identified in insects. One of these families is the PBAN/pyrokinin family defined by a common FXPRLamide or similar amino acid fragment at the C-terminal end. These peptides, found in all insects studied thus far, have been conserved throughout evolution. The most well studied physiological function is regulation of moth sex pheromone biosynthesis through the Pheromone Biosynthesis Activating Neurohormone (PBAN, although several developmental functions have also been reported. Over the past years we have extended knowledge of the PBAN/pyrokinin family of peptides to ants, focusing mainly on the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. The fire ant is one of the most studied social insects and over the last 60 years a great deal has been learned about many aspects of this ant, including the behaviors and chemistry of pheromone communication. However, virtually nothing is known about the regulation of these pheromone systems. Recently, we demonstrated the presence of PBAN/pyrokinin immunoreactive neurons in the fire ant, and identified and characterized PBAN and additional neuropeptides. We have mapped the fire ant PBAN gene structure and determined the tissue expression level in the central nervous system of the ant. We review here our research to date on the molecular structure and diversity of ant PBAN/pyrokinin peptides in preparation for determining the function of the neuropeptides in ants and other social insects.

  15. Ultrastructure of antennal sensillae of the samsum ant ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Black ant (Samsum), Pachycodyla sennarrensis, stings and injects venom and inflicts allergy (a rare clinical problem) due to its local and systemic reaction, which is considered as a health hazard amongst Saudi society. Thus, black ant is a source of serious concern for the government and experts as well.

  16. Reacciones de las profesoras y profesores de la Universidad de Costa Rica ante la flexibilización del curriculum para estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales

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    Arguedas Negrini, Irma


    Full Text Available La Universidad de Costa Rica ha asumido el compromiso de garantizar la accesibilidad a los procesos de aprendizaje cuando esto sea requerido por estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales. El presente trabajo se realizó con el propósito de recolectar información que favorezca que los procesos de igualdad de oportunidades se cumplan de la forma que aporte mayores beneficios para todos los involucrados y de proporcionar un espacio para que el personal docente manifestara sus reacciones ante sus experiencias con la flexibilización del currículum. Se analizan elementos que contribuyen a hacer la accesibilidad una realidad y se reportan las reacciones de diez profesoras y profesores de la Sede Rodrigo Facio quienes han impartido cursos a estudiantes que han solicitado la aplicación del Artículo 37 del Reglamento de Régimen Académico Estudiantil. Se concluye que la aplicación de adecuaciones curriculares o de acceso y la aceptación de la diversidad en el medio universitario pueden ser una fuente de aprendizaje y enriquecimiento. At Universidad de Costa Rica efforts have been made to provide access to the curriculum to students with special needs. This work was done with the purpose of obtaining information that could help to make the provision of equal opportunities a process that benefits all who are involved, as well as to listen to the reactions of faculty who have applied accommodations for students that require them. Elements that contribute to make equal access a reality are analyzed, and the reactions to the experiences of ten educators from different areas of the university are reported. It is concluded that the provision of accommodations and the acceptance of student diversity at university settings could enhance the quality of teaching.

  17. A criança com estoma intestinal e sua família: implicações para o cuidado de enfermagem

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    Débora Poletto


    Full Text Available La finalidad del estudio fue identificar el conocimiento del cuidador familiar hacia los cuidados del niño con estoma intestinal. Se trata de una investigación convergente asistencial, realizada en una unidad quirúrgica de un hospital escuela pediátrico. Participaron del estudio siete madres de niños con estoma intestinal. Los datos se recolectaron mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas, con análisis cualitativo de los datos. Emergieron tres categorías: las dificultades ante la nueva situación; el cuidado que necesita de conocimiento específico; y la percepción de la familia ante el cuidado realizado por el equipo de salud. Se identificó que, cuando el cuidado se brinda de manera integral para el bienestar y la comprensión del paciente y del familiar, el regreso a casa y la rutina diaria son más fáciles y se sienten más seguros para adherirse a las nuevas condiciones establecidas ante el mundo desconocido de los que sufren la condición de vivir con un estoma.

  18. Formación del profesorado de ciencias sociales en educación secundaria ante el reto de la interculturalidad


    Domínguez, M. Consuelo


    Esta investigación pretende profundizar en la formación del docente de ciencias sociales en educación secundaria ante el reto de la interculturalidad que viven nuestros centros educativos. Para ello, se ha trabajado con docentes de esta etapa elaborando un cuestionario ad hoc, con preguntas cerradas y abiertas; posteriormente, se han establecido grupos de discusión con un esquema de preguntas propuestas en función de las siete dimensiones de estudio, entregadas previamente a los docentes part...

  19. Aprender de lo sucedido. Análisis de las quejas presentadas ante la Comisión Nacional de Arbitraje Médico

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    Valdés-Salgado Raydel


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Describir las quejas por insatisfacción con los servicios médicos que se presentaron ante la Comisión Nacional de Arbitraje Médico (Conamed, en 1997 y 1998, procedentes de México, Distrito Federal. También, conocer qué aspectos de la calidad de la atención aparecen como deficientes, según las instituciones, las especialidades y algunas características de los quejosos. Material y métodos. Se estudiaron 1 925 quejas y se sistematizó la información para su análisis cuantitativo. Se aplicó la prueba ji cuadrada (ji² de Pearson para muestras independientes y un análisis de conglomerados. Resultados. Las quejas, principalmente, son relativas al tratamiento, las intervenciones quirúrgicas y el diagnóstico. Para cada una de las instituciones involucradas se distingue si las quejas se refieren a la estructura, al proceso o al resultado de la atención. Los tipos de conflictos difieren según el sexo, la edad y nivel socioeconómico de las personas. Conclusiones. Las quejas llevadas ante la Conamed aportan elementos sobre la satisfacción de los usuarios y la calidad de la atención; nuestros resultados son consistentes con los resultados de otros trabajos previos que han estudiado la satisfacción de los usuarios y la calidad de la atención. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:

  20. Cultivo de camarón de río Samastacus spinifrons: ¿una nueva alternativa para la diversificación de la acuicultura chilena?

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    Erich Rudolph


    Full Text Available El camarón de río del sur Samastacus spinifrons, es una de las seis especies de la Familia Parastacidae (Crustácea, Decapoda, Astacidea que habita las aguas dulces de Chile desde el río Aconcagua hasta la península de Taitao, y actualmente, la única que es considerada atractiva para la acuicultura nacional. En este artículo se revisa su potencial para la acuicultura con fines comerciales o de repoblamiento. Para ello se analizan: a las ventajas y desventajas biológicas de esta especie ante eventuales actividades de cultivo en confinamiento; b las experiencias de cultivo que a la fecha se han efectuado en Chile haciendo énfasis en sus respectivos aportes; y, c las probables causas que han impedido que su cultivo se consolide en el país. Finalmente, de acuerdo a los análisis antes señalados se plantea una propuesta de cultivo que se considera la más adecuada para S. spinifrons.



    Ana Paula Miranda da Silva; Maria Francilene Souza Silva; Francinalda Maria Rodrigues da Rocha; Ivanilza Moreira de Andrade


    Na aplicação dos conteúdos da disciplina Ciências Naturais a teoria não deveria ser desvinculada da prática, pois esta metodologia é imprescindível para construção do conhecimento científico dos alunos. Assim, objetivou-se investigar a viabilidade de aulas práticas para alunos do 7º ano do Ensino Fundamental, em duas escolas estaduais no município de Parnaíba, Piauí, como estratégias para facilitar o ensino-aprendizagem em conteúdos de Botânica. Foram aplicados questionários antes e após cada...

  2. The effect of diet and opponent size on aggressive interactions involving caribbean crazy ants (Nylanderia fulva.

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    Katherine C Horn

    Full Text Available Biotic interactions are often important in the establishment and spread of invasive species. In particular, competition between introduced and native species can strongly influence the distribution and spread of exotic species and in some cases competition among introduced species can be important. The Caribbean crazy ant, Nylanderia fulva, was recently introduced to the Gulf Coast of Texas, and appears to be spreading inland. It has been hypothesized that competition with the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, may be an important factor in the spread of crazy ants. We investigated the potential of interspecific competition among these two introduced ants by measuring interspecific aggression between Caribbean crazy ant workers and workers of Solenopsis invicta. Specifically, we examined the effect of body size and diet on individual-level aggressive interactions among crazy ant workers and fire ants. We found that differences in diet did not alter interactions between crazy ant workers from different nests, but carbohydrate level did play an important role in antagonistic interactions with fire ants: crazy ants on low sugar diets were more aggressive and less likely to be killed in aggressive encounters with fire ants. We found that large fire ants engaged in fewer fights with crazy ants than small fire ants, but fire ant size affected neither fire ant nor crazy ant mortality. Overall, crazy ants experienced higher mortality than fire ants after aggressive encounters. Our findings suggest that fire ant workers might outcompete crazy ant workers on an individual level, providing some biotic resistance to crazy ant range expansion. However, this resistance may be overcome by crazy ants that have a restricted sugar intake, which may occur when crazy ants are excluded from resources by fire ants.

  3. Weaver Ants to Control Fruit Fly Damage to Tanzanian Mangoes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Nina

    in Australia and West Africa. In this study, small scale farmers did not think weaver ants protected their mangoes from fruit flies. Observational studies confirmed the farmers’ views. No volatile compounds, likely to be responsible for the weaver ants’ deterrent effect, were identified. This study focused...... mangoes varied a lot with zero infestation in some fruits and more than 100 pupae emerging from other fruits, indicating that other factors than the presence of weaver ants affect the fruit flies’ decision on where to oviposit. It was not uncommon for farmers to place newly harvested mangoes below mango...... not shown to be effectively deterring fruit flies, there is no great motivation for farmers to adopt weaver ants. Assuming the weaver ants could be managed in a way that made weaver ants deter fruit flies effectively there are still some economic aspects which should be studied further. It is necessary...

  4. Advances in Research on the Venom Chemistry of Imported Fire Ants (United States)

    Workers of the imported fire ants, including red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, black imported fire ants, S. richteri Forel, and their hybrid (S. invicta × S. richteri), are vicious stingers. Since the venomous sting is a significant medical problem to humans, the chemistry of import...

  5. Comparing different methods to assess weaver ant abundance in plantation trees

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wargui, Rosine; Offenberg, Joachim; Sinzogan, Antonio


    Weaver ants (Oecophylla spp.) are widely used as effective biological control agents. In order to optimize their use, ant abundance needs to be tracked. As several methods have been used to estimate ant abundance on plantation trees, abundances are not comparable between studies and no guideline...... is available on which method to apply in a particular study. This study compared four existing methods: three methods based on the number of ant trails on the main branches of a tree (called the Peng 1, Peng 2 and Offenberg index) and one method based on the number of ant nests per tree. Branch indices did...... not produce equal scores and cannot be compared directly. The Peng 1 index was the fastest to assess, but showed only limited seasonal fluctuations when ant abundance was high, because it approached its upper limit. The Peng 2 and Offenberg indices were lower and not close to the upper limit and therefore...

  6. Various chemical strategies to deceive ants in three Arhopala species (lepidoptera: Lycaenidae exploiting Macaranga myrmecophytes.

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    Yoko Inui

    Full Text Available Macaranga myrmecophytes (ant-plants are generally well protected from herbivore attacks by their symbiotic ants (plant-ants. However, larvae of Arhopala (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae species survive and develop on specific Macaranga ant-plant species without being attacked by the plant-ants of their host species. We hypothesized that Arhopala larvae chemically mimic or camouflage themselves with the ants on their host plant so that the larvae are accepted by the plant-ant species of their host. Chemical analyses of cuticular hydrocarbons showed that chemical congruency varied among Arhopala species; A. dajagaka matched well the host plant-ants, A. amphimuta did not match, and unexpectedly, A. zylda lacked hydrocarbons. Behaviorally, the larvae and dummies coated with cuticular chemicals of A. dajagaka were well attended by the plant-ants, especially by those of the host. A. amphimuta was often attacked by all plant-ants except for the host plant-ants toward the larvae, and those of A. zylda were ignored by all plant-ants. Our results suggested that conspicuous variations exist in the chemical strategies used by the myrmecophilous butterflies that allow them to avoid ant attack and be accepted by the plant-ant colonies.

  7. Cercomacra and related antbirds (Aves, Formicariidae as army ant followers

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    Edwin O. Willis


    Full Text Available Cercomacra and Schistocichla antbirds (Formicariidae favor dense foliage and seldom follow army ants for flushed prey, since the ants move through open forest understory as well as through dense zones. Two other lineages, the Drymophila-Hypocnemis lineage (of dense woodland understory and the Formicivora lineage (of dense bushes in dry or semiopen zones, also cannot follow ants regularly through open forest understory.

  8. Uni-directional trail sharing by two species of ants a Monte Carlo study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunduraci, T; Kayacan, O


    We study insect traffic, specifically ant traffic on a uni-directional trail which is shared by two species of ants, one of which is ‘good’ at smelling and the other ‘poor’. The two distinct species of ants are placed mixed on the same trail and individuals of both are permitted to make a U-turn when they encounter another ant in front of them. The theoretical scheme for the ant traffic is based on an asymmetric simple exclusion model. The ant traffic on the uni-directional trail is studied as a function of the number of ‘good-smelling’ ants and the evaporation probability of pheromones by keeping the number of ‘poor-smelling ants’ constant during Monte Carlo simulations. (paper)

  9. Los empresarios molineros argentinos ante los límites de las exportaciones harineras a principios de siglo XX

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    Full Text Available Hacia 1890, la rama harinera experimenta en Argentina su primera crisis de sobreproducción. Ante el inevitable proceso de centralización de capital, las exportaciones aparecían para los empresarios harineros como una, sino la única, alternativa para superar sus problemas. Aunque en ciertos momentos se logra colocar harina en Brasil, las décadas siguientes a la crisis se caracterizan porque no se cumplen las expectativas por copar el mercado del país vecino. Las cámaras empresariales y el Ministerio de Agricultura buscaron explicaciones a la falta de competitividad internacional. Como consideraban que la rama harinera tenía “ventajas naturales”, la mayor parte de las respuestas al porqué de sus dificultades apuntaba a supuestas causas externas a su accionar, fruto de distorsiones políticas o monopólicas. En este artículo, analizamos una a una estas explicaciones y las contrastamos con información empírica de diferentes fuentes primarias. De esta forma, mostramos que los argumentos empresariales, antes que responder a causas, reales eran intentos por recibir apoyo estatal. Los problemas de la rama aparecen como el resultado del progresivo achicamiento del comercio exterior de harina y de la debilidad de la producción harinera argentina en el contexto internacional más a que a una artificial imposibilidad de competir como planteaban los empresarios en la época. Abstract Around 1890, the wheat flour industry in Argentina experienced its first overproduction crisis. For the wheat flour businessman, exports were one, if not the only, alternative to avoid the inevitable capital centralization process. Even in some periods they could sell some flour to Brazil, the following decades the expectations of an expanding new market were not realized. The commercial chambers and the Agriculture Ministry tried different explanations to this lack of international competitiveness. As they thought the wheat flour branch in Argentina has

  10. Improving Emergency Management by Modeling Ant Colonies (United States)


    perform functions such as nursing the brood or maintaining the nest. The more mature workers will begin to travel outside the nest to perform foraging...small sized ants predominantly act in functional roles such as nurses or transport services within the nest. The larger sizes predominantly function...stages: the founding stage, the ergonomic stage, and the reproductive stage. The founding stage is marked by a queen ant successful mating and laying

  11. Revolutionizing Remote Exploration with ANTS (United States)

    Clark, P. E.; Rilee, M. L.; Curtis, S.; Truszkowski, W.


    We are developing the Autonomous Nano-Technology Swarm (ANTS) architecture based on an insect colony analogue for the cost-effective, efficient, systematic survey of remote or inaccessible areas with multiple object targets, including planetary surface, marine, airborne, and space environments. The mission context is the exploration in the 2020s of the most compelling remaining targets in the solar system: main belt asteroids. Main belt asteroids harbor important clues to Solar System origins and evolution which are central to NASA's goals in Space Science. Asteroids are smaller than planets, but their number is far greater, and their combined surface area likely dwarfs the Earth's. An asteroid survey will dramatically increase our understanding of the local resources available for the Human Exploration and Development of Space. During the mission composition, shape, gravity, and orbit parameters could be returned to Earth for perhaps several thousand asteroids. A survey of this area will rival the great explorations that encircled this globe, opened up the New World, and laid the groundwork for the progress and challenges of the last centuries. The ANTS architecture for a main belt survey consists of a swarm of as many as a thousand or more highly specialized pico-spacecraft that form teams to survey as many as one hundred asteroids a month. Multi-level autonomy is critical for ANTS and the objective of the proposed study is to work through the implications and constraints this entails. ANTS couples biologically inspired autonomic control for basic functions to higher level artificial intelligence that together enable individual spacecraft to operate as specialized, cooperative, social agents. This revolutionary approach postulates highly advanced, but familiar, components integrated and operated in a way that uniquely transcends any evolutionary extrapolation of existing trends and enables thousand-spacecraft missions.

  12. La evolución de la opinión pública andaluza ante la inmigración: indicios de estabilidad y cambio en época de crisis económica

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    Sebastián Rinken


    Full Text Available Dado el perfil predominantemente laboral de los flujos migratorios recibidos por España durante la última dé cada, cabe preguntar si, y de qué manera, el brusco cambio del escenario macroeconómico, manifiesto crecientemente desde finales de 2007, afecta a las actitudes de los españoles ante la inmigración. En este artículo se argumenta que, para dar una respuesta acertada a dicha pregunta, conviene interpretar juntos los datos proporcionados por distintas herramientas de investigación, como son las encuestas estructuradas por un lado y las dinámicas grupales, por otro. Basándose en los resultados de las primeras dos ediciones del estudio OPIA (Opiniones de la Población Andaluza ante la Inmigración, el artículo analiza la evolución en las actitudes ante la inmigración desde el año 2005 hasta la primavera de 2008, reflexionando asimismo sobre el aporte diferencial de las distintas técnicas de recogida de datos en un contexto de intenso cambio socialDado el perfil predominantemente laboral de los flujos migratorios recibidos por España durante la última dé cada, cabe preguntar si, y de qué manera, el brusco cambio del escenario macroeconómico, manifiesto crecientemente desde finales de 2007, afecta a las actitudes de los españoles ante la inmigración. En este artículo se argumenta que, para dar una respuesta acertada a dicha pregunta, conviene interpretar juntos los datos proporcionados por distintas herramientas de investigación, como son las encuestas estructuradas por un lado y las dinámicas grupales, por otro. Basándose en los resultados de las primeras dos ediciones del estudio OPIA (Opiniones de la Población Andaluza ante la Inmigración, el artículo analiza la evolución en las actitudes ante la inmigración desde el año 2005 hasta la primavera de 2008, reflexionando asimismo sobre el aporte diferencial de las distintas técnicas de recogida de datos en un contexto de intenso cambio socialDado el perfil

  13. Plan de márketing para el Hotel Viena Internacional categoría 3 estrellas ubicado en el Centro Histórico de Quito


    Revelo Manzano, Martha Alejandra


    Se requiere de un estudio de mercado para conocer las necesidades de los clientes, además las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas de nuestro entorno con el propósito de establecer una diferenciación con la competencia. Ante estos nuevos cambios y necesidades es importante proponer un Plan de Marketing para el Hotel Viena Internacional.

  14. Urban habitat complexity affects species richness but not environmental filtering of morphologically-diverse ants

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    Alessandro Ossola


    Full Text Available Habitat complexity is a major determinant of structure and diversity of ant assemblages. Following the size-grain hypothesis, smaller ant species are likely to be advantaged in more complex habitats compared to larger species. Habitat complexity can act as an environmental filter based on species size and morphological traits, therefore affecting the overall structure and diversity of ant assemblages. In natural and semi-natural ecosystems, habitat complexity is principally regulated by ecological successions or disturbance such as fire and grazing. Urban ecosystems provide an opportunity to test relationships between habitat, ant assemblage structure and ant traits using novel combinations of habitat complexity generated and sustained by human management. We sampled ant assemblages in low-complexity and high-complexity parks, and high-complexity woodland remnants, hypothesizing that (i ant abundance and species richness would be higher in high-complexity urban habitats, (ii ant assemblages would differ between low- and high-complexity habitats and (iii ants living in high-complexity habitats would be smaller than those living in low-complexity habitats. Contrary to our hypothesis, ant species richness was higher in low-complexity habitats compared to high-complexity habitats. Overall, ant assemblages were significantly different among the habitat complexity types investigated, although ant size and morphology remained the same. Habitat complexity appears to affect the structure of ant assemblages in urban ecosystems as previously observed in natural and semi-natural ecosystems. However, the habitat complexity filter does not seem to be linked to ant morphological traits related to body size.

  15. Urban habitat complexity affects species richness but not environmental filtering of morphologically-diverse ants (United States)

    Nash, Michael A.; Christie, Fiona J.; Hahs, Amy K.; Livesley, Stephen J.


    Habitat complexity is a major determinant of structure and diversity of ant assemblages. Following the size-grain hypothesis, smaller ant species are likely to be advantaged in more complex habitats compared to larger species. Habitat complexity can act as an environmental filter based on species size and morphological traits, therefore affecting the overall structure and diversity of ant assemblages. In natural and semi-natural ecosystems, habitat complexity is principally regulated by ecological successions or disturbance such as fire and grazing. Urban ecosystems provide an opportunity to test relationships between habitat, ant assemblage structure and ant traits using novel combinations of habitat complexity generated and sustained by human management. We sampled ant assemblages in low-complexity and high-complexity parks, and high-complexity woodland remnants, hypothesizing that (i) ant abundance and species richness would be higher in high-complexity urban habitats, (ii) ant assemblages would differ between low- and high-complexity habitats and (iii) ants living in high-complexity habitats would be smaller than those living in low-complexity habitats. Contrary to our hypothesis, ant species richness was higher in low-complexity habitats compared to high-complexity habitats. Overall, ant assemblages were significantly different among the habitat complexity types investigated, although ant size and morphology remained the same. Habitat complexity appears to affect the structure of ant assemblages in urban ecosystems as previously observed in natural and semi-natural ecosystems. However, the habitat complexity filter does not seem to be linked to ant morphological traits related to body size. PMID:26528416

  16. Species-Specific Effects of Ant Inhabitants on Bromeliad Nutrition.

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    Ana Z Gonçalves

    Full Text Available Predator activities may lead to the accumulation of nutrients in specific areas of terrestrial habitats where they dispose of prey carcasses. In their feeding sites, predators may increase nutrient availability in the soil and favor plant nutrition and growth. However, the translocation of nutrients from one habitat to another may depend on predator identity and diet, as well as on the amount of prey intake. Here we used isotopic (15N and physiological methods in greenhouse experiments to evaluate the effects of the identity of predatory ants (i.e., the consumption of prey and nest sites on the nutrition and growth of the bromeliad Quesnelia arvensis. We showed that predatory ants with protein-based nutrition (i.e., Odontomachus hastatus, Gnamptogenys moelleri improved the performance of their host bromeliads (i.e., increased foliar N, production of soluble proteins and growth. On the other hand, the contribution of Camponotus crassus for the nutritional status of bromeliads did not differ from bromeliads without ants, possibly because this ant does not have arthropod prey as a preferred food source. Our results show, for the first time, that predatory ants can translocate nutrients from one habitat to another within forests, accumulating nutrients in their feeding sites that become available to bromeliads. Additionally, we highlight that ant contribution to plant nutrition may depend on predator identity and its dietary requirements. Nest debris may be especially important for epiphytic and terrestrial bromeliads in nutrient-poor environments.

  17. New fossil ants in French Cretaceous amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (United States)

    Perrichot, Vincent; Nel, André; Néraudeau, Didier; Lacau, Sébastien; Guyot, Thierry


    Recent studies on the ant phylogeny are mainly based on the molecular analyses of extant subfamilies and do not include the extinct, only Cretaceous subfamily Sphecomyrminae. However, the latter is of major importance for ant relationships, as it is considered the most basal subfamily. Therefore, each new discovery of a Mesozoic ant is of high interest for improving our understanding of their early history and basal relationships. In this paper, a new sphecomyrmine ant, allied to the Burmese amber genus Haidomyrmex, is described from mid-Cretaceous amber of France as Haidomyrmodes mammuthus gen. and sp. n. The diagnosis of the tribe Haidomyrmecini is emended based on the new type material, which includes a gyne (alate female) and two incomplete workers. The genus Sphecomyrmodes, hitherto known by a single species from Burmese amber, is also reported and a new species described as S. occidentalis sp. n. after two workers remarkably preserved in a single piece of Early Cenomanian French amber. The new fossils provide additional information on early ant diversity and relationships and demonstrate that the monophyly of the Sphecomyrminae, as currently defined, is still weakly supported.

  18. Ants farm subterranean aphids mostly in single clone groups

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivens, Aniek B.F.; Kronauer, Daniel Jan Christoph; Pen, Ido


    mutualisms have been studied in sufficient genetic detail to address these issues, so we decided to characterize symbiont diversity in the complex mutualism between multiple root aphid species and Lasius flavus ants. After showing elsewhere that three of these aphid species have low dispersal and mostly...... if not exclusively asexual reproduction, we here investigate aphid diversity within and between ant nest mounds. Results The three focal species (Geoica utricularia, Forda marginata and Tetraneura ulmi) had considerable clonal diversity at the population level. Yet more than half of the ant mounds contained just....... The ants appear to eat most of the early instar aphids, so that adult aphids are unlikely to face limited phloem resources and scramble competition with other aphids. We suggest that such culling of carbohydrate-providing symbionts for protein ingestion may maintain maximal host yield per aphid while also...

  19. Novel fungal disease in complex leaf-cutting ant societies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hughes, David Peter; Evans, Harry C.; Hywel-Jones, Nigel


    1. The leaf-cutting ants practise an advanced system of mycophagy where they grow a fungus as a food source. As a consequence of parasite threats to their crops, they have evolved a system of morphological, behavioural, and chemical defences, particularly against fungal pathogens (mycopathogens). 2....... Specific fungal diseases of the leaf-cutting ants themselves have not been described, possibly because broad spectrum anti-fungal defences against mycopathogens have reduced their susceptibility to entomopathogens. 3. Using morphological and molecular tools, the present study documents three rare infection...... events of Acromyrmex and Atta leaf-cutting ants by Ophiocordyceps fungi, agenus of entomopathogens that is normally highly specific in its host choice. 4. As leaf-cutting ants have been intensively studied, the absence of prior records of Ophiocordyceps suggests that these infections may be a novel event...

  20. Eficacia de un programa de intervención para la mejora de la creatividad motriz en un grupo de discapacitados psíquicos

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    Aurora Martínez Vidal


    Full Text Available La rigidez de comportamiento y las dificultades para variar y adaptar la respuesta motriz ante diferentes situaciones, en un aspecto frecuentemente asociado a los sujetos con discapacidad psíquica. La creatividad motriz, definida como la capacidad de producir respuestas fluidas, variadas y originales ante diversas situaciones, constituye uno de los constructos utilizados para la evaluación de estos aspectos del comportamiento motor. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la eficacia de un programa de intervención, basado en la técnica de variación sistemática, para modificar los niveles de creatividad motriz en un grupo de discapacitados psíquicos. Trece sujetos con discapacidad psíquica moderada participaron en la investigación. Al comienzo del estudio se procedió a evaluar el nivel de fluidez (número de respuestas, flexibilidad (variedad y originalidad (novedad ante dos tipos de tareas motrices (locomoción y manipulación de objetos; posteriormente, a lo largo de un período de seis meses se entrenó a los sujetos en el uso de la técnica de variación sistemática de movimiento de Mosston y Asworth (1996. Finalizada la intervención, los resultados indicaron diferencias significativas entre las medidas pre y post intervención en el indicador de flexibilidad, poniendo de manifiesto la eficacia de esta técnica para mejorar el nivel de adaptación motriz en sujetos discapacitados.

  1. Desarrollo de un algoritmo Ant Colony Optimization para tareas de clustering en Apache Spark


    Ortiz Martín, Alejandro


    En los últimos años se ha producido un incremento en la cantidad de datos generada por las redes sociales, logs de software, dispositivos móviles y sensores, entre otros. Dicha cantidad de datos es de tal magnitud que se requieren de nuevos paradigmas de computación para el correcto análisis de la información contenida en ellos. En este entorno ha surgido el área de Big Data que se usa para hacer referencia a los desafíos y ventajas derivadas de la recolección y procesado de gr...

  2. Operant conditioning in the ant Myrmica sabuleti. (United States)

    Cammaerts, M C


    Operant conditioning could be obtained in the ant Myrmica sabuleti by presenting to the workers, during a six-day period, an apparatus containing either sugared water or meat as a reward. The conditioning obtained using sugared water as a reward was short lasting. A reconditioning was more persistent and lasted four hours. The ants' response was very precise, since they exhibited it only in front of an apparatus identical to that used during the training phase. Operant conditioning obtained using meat as a reward was more pronounced than that obtained by using sugared water, probably because meat is more valuable as a reward than sugar for the species studied, which is essentially a carnivorous one. Such a conditioning was rather persistent. Indeed, a first operant conditioning obtained by using meat as a reward could still be detected after seven hours, and a reconditioning was still significant after eight hours. One day after this eight-hour period without rewarding the ants, the response was higher again and a further day later, it was still significant. Since the operant conditioning is easy to perform and quantify and since the ants' response is very precise, such a conditioning can be used for further studying M. sabuleti workers' visual perception.

  3. Ant parasite queens revert to mating singly

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sumner, Seirian; Hughes, William Owen Hamar; Pedersen, Jes Søe


    quantified and they tend to be similar in related species. Here we compare the mating strategies of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior and its recently derived social parasite Acromyrmex insinuator, which is also its closest relative 2 (see Fig. 1 ). We find that although the host queens mate with up......A parasitic ant has abandoned the multiple mating habit of the queens of its related host. Multiple mating (polyandry) is widespread among animal groups, particularly insects 1 . But the factors that maintain it and underlie its evolution are hard to verify because benefits and costs are not easily...... to a dozen different males, the social parasite mates only singly. This rapid and surprising reversion to single mating in a socially parasitic ant indicates that the costs of polyandry are probably specific to a free-living lifestyle....

  4. The worldwide expansion of the Argentine ant

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vogel, Valerie; Pedersen, Jes Søe; Giraud, Tatiana


    Aim The aim of this study was to determine the number of successful establishments of the invasive Argentine ant outside native range and to see whether introduced supercolonies have resulted from single or multiple introductions. We also compared the genetic diversity of native versus introduced...... supercolonies to assess the size of the propagules (i.e. the number of founding individuals) at the origin of the introduced supercolonies. Location Global. Methods We used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers and microsatellite loci to study 39 supercolonies of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile covering both......) and secondary introductions (from sites with established invasive supercolonies) were important in the global expansion of the Argentine ant. In combination with the similar social organization of colonies in the native and introduced range, this indicates that invasiveness did not evolve recently as a unique...

  5. Estrategia de marketing relacional para lograr la fidelización de los clientes


    Niño de Guzmán Miranda, Juan Carlos


    El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la eficacia de la estrategia de marketing relacional para mejorar la fidelización de los clientes en el Centro de Aplicación Productos Unión. La investigación tiene un diseño preexperimental. Para la recolección de información se aplicó la Encuesta de Fidelización de Clientes, en una muestra de 216 bodegueros de Lima Metropolitana, en dos momentos: antes y después de la implementación de la estrategia de marketing relacional. La encuesta mide tr...

  6. Tensiones éticas entre educación humanista y educación para la renta

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    Martha Cecilia Vidal Arizabaleta


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo reflexiona la tensión entre educación humanista y educación para la renta, teniendo como trasfondo la argumentación de Martha Nussbaum en Sin fines de lucro. Por qué la democracia necesita de las humanidades, con el ánimo de pensar el estado de la educación en las sociedades democráticas. La tendencia general en la mayoría de países ha sido considerar el crecimiento económico como el objetivo fundamental de la sociedad, es decir, que se debe buscar, ante todo, el incremento de la riqueza total de la nación, y a este objetivo deben dedicarse todos los esfuerzos del Estado y de la sociedad en general. Desde esta perspectiva, cuando se trata de pensar un sistema de educación, cabe preguntarse: ¿cómo prepara a las personas jóvenes para la vida? ¿Cómo forma en la comprensión de las diferencias culturales y en el pensamiento crítico? ¿Interesan los valores y los sentimientos morales? En últimas, ¿cómo responde el sistema educativo frente a prácticas sociales desviadas en entornos donde se privilegia de forma explícita el crecimiento económico y la instrumentalización del saber? ¿Qué conductas patológicas podrían asociarse con esta concepción? Por tanto, si la educación es para las personas, necesitan entenderse los problemas que se afrontan en el proceso de transformación de los estudiantes en ciudadanos de la democracia.

  7. Autoreporte de exposición a publicidad y promoción de tabaco en una cohorte de fumadores mexicanos: Antes y durante la publicación de la Ley General para el Control del tabaco en 2008 (United States)

    Hernández, Rosaura Pérez; Thrasher, James F.; Bolaños, Rosibel Rodríguez; Gutiérrez, Inti Barrientos; Hernández, Norma A Ibañez


    Resumen Objetivo Determinar en población fumadora el nivel de exposición a la mercadotecnia por parte de la Industria Tabacalera (IT), a través de diferentes métodos de promocionar sus productos de tabaco, antes y durante la publicación de la Ley General para el Control del Tabaco (LGCT) en 2008. Material y métodos Estudio de cohorte en fumadores adultos (n=941 pre-LGCT y n=1051 post-LGCT) de cuatro ciudades mexicanas. Se realizaron análisis multivariados mediante modelos de ecuaciones de estimación generalizada (GEE). Resultados Se incremento el autoreporte de recepción de muestras gratis de cigarros (3.7% a 8.1%), ropa o artículos con marcas o logos (3.6% a 6.4%), haber visto información sobre eventos especiales (1.9% a 4.7%), y bares, antros y discos para mayores de edad (21.4% a 28%). Se observaron decrementos de publicidad en exteriores (54.7% a 47.2%). Conclusión Es necesaria una política integral con prohibiciones totales de la publicidad y promoción de los productos de tabaco que integre mayor vigilancia y sanciones para lograr la disminución y prevención del consumo de tabaco. PMID:22689158

  8. Extrafloral nectar fuels ant life in deserts


    Aranda-Rickert, Adriana; Diez, Patricia; Marazzi, Brigitte


    Interactions mediated by extrafloral nectary (EFN)-bearing plants that reward ants with a sweet liquid secretion are well documented in temperate and tropical habitats. However, their distribution and abundance in deserts are poorly known. In this study, we test the predictions that biotic interactions between EFN plants and ants are abundant and common also in arid communities and that EFNs are only functional when new vegetative and reproductive structures are developing. In a seasonal dese...

  9. Antígonas. Una visión intertextual

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    Elena Cano Turrión


    Full Text Available In this article and from an intertextual point of view, we will try to examine how theSophoclean hypotext has generated three very different hypertexts. The first one is the short story“Antígona o la elección” by M. Yourcenar, which goes further the religious motivation in the originaltext; then, there is an essay written as a dialogue by Maria Zambrano, entitled La tumba de Antígonawhich main topics are confrontation against power, lack of freedom and destiny and faith in humanconscience. Finally, Luis Riaza’s Antígona…¡Cerda! Appears closer to its hypotext but at the same timesemantic deviation becomes more relevant.

  10. [Syagrus romanzoffiana (Arecaceae) seed utilization by ants in a secondary forest in South Brazil]. (United States)

    Silva, Fernanda R; Begnini, Romualdo M; Klier, Vinícius A; Scherer, Karla Z; Lopes, Benedito C; Castellani, Tânia T


    Ants can nest in a wide variety of substracts. This paper shows Syagrus romanzoffiana seed utilization by ants in an Atlantic secondary forest. We report 29 seeds occupied by small-bodied ants, with 27 of them showing at least two ant development stages. Although a large number of seeds were sampled, a low level of ant occupation was observed.

  11. Recognition of social identity in ants

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    Nick eBos


    Full Text Available Recognizing the identity of others, from the individual to the group level, is a hallmark of society. Ants, and other social insects, have evolved advanced societies characterized by efficient social recognition systems. Colony identity is mediated by colony specific signature mixtures, a blend of hydrocarbons present on the cuticle of every individual (the label. Recognition occurs when an ant encounters another individual, and compares the label it perceives to an internal representation of its own colony odor (the template. A mismatch between label and template leads to rejection of the encountered individual. Although advances have been made in our understanding of how the label is produced and acquired, contradictory evidence exists about information processing of recognition cues. Here, we review the literature on template acquisition in ants and address how and when the template is formed, where in the nervous system it is localized, and the possible role of learning. We combine seemingly contradictory evidence in to a novel, parsimonious theory for the information processing of nestmate recognition cues.

  12. Algunas consideraciones para la reconstrucción del concepto de contabilidad para el presente siglo

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    Claudia Lucía Niño Galeano


    Full Text Available En este artículo se hace una reflexión sobre la posición de la contabilidad en el contexto actual, rescatando de manera general su evolución como disciplina y su transformación permanente. A partir de diversas definiciones sobre contabilidad se intenta resaltar los elementos que la determinan como disciplina y sus contenidos, los cuales deben responder o vincularse aún más con la realidad económica actual, caracterizada por la globalización y el impacto de los mercados financieros internacionales. En este contexto, la contabilidad debe ser flexible, tener la capacidad para responder en forma rápida a los cambios del entorno económico y tener las cualidades necesarias para informar objetivamente a los interesados.

  13. Eficacia de un programa para fomentar la adquisición de competencias solidarias en estudiantes universitarios

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    Francisco M. Morales Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El proceso de convergencia europeo establece la necesidad de utilizar metodologías activas para el aprendizaje en el ámbito universitario con el objetivo de desarrollar en los estudiantes competencias transversales. Entre estas, se cuentan la competencia para la ciudadanía, para la solidaridad, para la conducta ética profesional entre otras como aprendizaje autorregulado que se desarrolla en situaciones complejas en las que han de aplicar nuevos conocimientos ante problemas reales y demandas del mundo profesional. Habiendo desarrollado un programa de formación en valores de solidaridad y ética profesional dentro del currículum universitario (Programa de innovación educativa, PIE10-127, se realizó un estudio comparativo sobre valores éticos en estudiantes universitarios antes y después de la aplicación del programa. Asimismo se realizó una evaluación de la satisfacción que suscitaban distintas actividades para fomentar la adquisición de competencias solidarias. También se evaluó la incidencia de las metodologías en el rendimiento académico final. Los participantes han sido 4.103 estudiantes universitarios, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 57 años, de las Facultades de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Málaga. Los resultados demuestran un incremento de la adquisición de competencias solidarias tras la aplicación del programa y que las metodologías activas empleadas inciden positivamente en el rendimiento

  14. Bacteria may contribute to distant species recognition in ant-aphid mutualistic relationships. (United States)

    Fischer, Christophe Y; Detrain, Claire; Thonart, Philippe; Haubruge, Eric; Francis, Frédéric; Verheggen, François J; Lognay, Georges C


    Mutualistic interactions between ant and aphid species have been the subject of considerable historical and contemporary investigations, the primary benefits being cleaning and protection for the aphids and carbohydrate-rich honeydew for the ants. Questions remained, however, as to the volatile semiochemical factor influencing this relationship. A recent study highlighted the role of bacterial honeydew volatile compounds in ant attraction. Here, ant's ability to distantly discriminate 2 aphid species was investigated based on bacterial honeydew semiochemicals emissions using a two-way olfactometer. Both the mutualistic aphid Aphis fabae L. and the nonmyrmecophilous aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris were found to be attractive for the ant Lasius niger L. The level of attraction was similar in both assays (control vs. one of the aphid species). However, when given a choice between these 2 aphid species, ants showed a significant preference for Aphis fabae. Honeydew volatiles, mostly from bacterial origins, are known to be a key element in ant attraction. Using the same olfactometry protocol, the relative attractiveness of volatiles emitted by honeydews collected from each aphid species and by bacteria isolated from each honeydew was investigated. Again, ants significantly preferred volatiles released by Aphis fabae honeydew and bacteria. This information suggests that microbial honeydew volatiles enable ants to distantly discriminate aphid species. These results strengthen the interest of studying the occurrence and potential impact of microorganisms in insect symbioses. © 2015 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  15. Targeted removal of ant colonies in ecological experiments, using hot water. (United States)

    Tschinkel, Walter R; King, Joshua R


    Ecological experiments on fire ants cannot, or should not, use poison baits to eliminate the fire ants because such baits are not specific to fire ants, or even to ants. Hot water is an extremely effective and specific killing agent for fire ant colonies, but producing large amounts of hot water in the field, and making the production apparatus mobile have been problematical. The construction and use of a charcoal-fired kiln made from a 55-gal. oil drum lined with a sand-fireclay mixture is described. An automobile heater fan powered from a 12-v battery provided a draft. Dual bilge pumps pumped water from a large tank through a long coil of copper tubing within the kiln to produce 4 to 5 l. of hot water per min. The hot water was collected in 20 l. buckets and poured into fire ant nests previously opened by piercing with a stick. The entire assembly was transported in and operated from the back of a pickup truck. Five experimental plots containing 32 to 38 colonies of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), were treated with hot water over a period of two years. All colonies on the treatment plots were treated twice with hot water early in 2004, reducing their numbers to zero. However new colonies were formed, and mature colonies expanded into the plots. A third treatment was made in the spring of 2005, after which fire ant populations were suppressed for over a year. Whereas the 5 control plots contained a total of 166 mostly large colonies, the 5 treatment plots contained no live colonies at all. Averaged over a two-year period, a 70% reduction in total number of colonies was achieved (P ants.

  16. The genomic impact of 100 million years of social evolution in seven ant species

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gadau, Jürgen; Helmkampf, Martin; Nygaard, Sanne


    Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) represent one of the most successful eusocial taxa in terms of both their geographic distribution and species number. The publication of seven ant genomes within the past year was a quantum leap for socio- and ant genomics. The diversity of social organization in ants...... between social and solitary insects, as well as among ant species. Altogether, these seven ant genomes open exciting new research avenues and opportunities for understanding the genetic basis and regulation of social species, and adaptive complex systems in general....... makes them excellent model organisms to study the evolution of social systems. Comparing the ant genomes with those of the honeybee, a lineage that evolved eusociality independently from ants, and solitary insects suggests that there are significant differences in key aspects of genome organization...

  17. Two castes sizes of leafcutter ants in task partitioning in foraging activity

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    Marcelo Arruda de Toledo

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Task partitioning in eusocial animals is most likely an evolutionary adaptation that optimizes the efficiency of the colony to grow and reproduce. It was investigated indirect task partitioning in two castes sizes; this involves task partitioning in which the material transported is not transferred directly from one individual to another, but where it is dropped by one ant to be picked up by another. In two separate approaches, it was confirmed previous results pertaining to leaf caching activities among Atta colombica with task partitioning activities involving leaf dropping among Atta sexdens rubropilosa , in which there is a correlation between the size of an individual ant and the leaf fragment it transports. It was also suggested that this correlation exists only in individual ants that cut and transport (CaT the same fragment to the nest. When task partitioning occurs and individual ants transporting (T leaf fragments cut by other ants, the correlation becomes looser or disappears. We also observed that CaT ants are smaller than T ants.

  18. Infection of army ant pupae by two new parasitoid mites (Mesostigmata: Uropodina

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    Adrian Brückner


    Full Text Available A great variety of parasites and parasitoids exploit ant societies. Among them are the Mesostigmata mites, a particularly common and diverse group of ant-associated arthropods. While parasitism is ubiquitous in Mesostigmata, parasitoidism has only been described in the genus Macrodinychus. Yet information about the basic biology of most Macrodinychus species is lacking. Out of 24 formally described species, information about basic life-history traits is only available for three species. Here we formally describe two new Macrodinychus species, i.e. Macrodinychus hilpertae and Macrodinychus derbyensis. In both species, immature stages developed as ecto-parasitoids on ant pupae of the South-East Asian army ant Leptogenys distinguenda. By piercing the developing ant with their chelicera, the mites apparently suck ant hemolymph, ultimately killing host individuals. We compare infection rates among all studied Macrodinychus species and discuss possible host countermeasures against parasitoidism. The cryptic lifestyle of living inside ant nests has certainly hampered the scientific discovery of Macrodinychus mites and we expect that many more macrodinychid species await scientific discovery and description.

  19. Infection of army ant pupae by two new parasitoid mites (Mesostigmata: Uropodina). (United States)

    Brückner, Adrian; Klompen, Hans; Bruce, Andrew Iain; Hashim, Rosli; von Beeren, Christoph


    A great variety of parasites and parasitoids exploit ant societies. Among them are the Mesostigmata mites, a particularly common and diverse group of ant-associated arthropods. While parasitism is ubiquitous in Mesostigmata, parasitoidism has only been described in the genus Macrodinychus . Yet information about the basic biology of most Macrodinychus species is lacking. Out of 24 formally described species, information about basic life-history traits is only available for three species. Here we formally describe two new Macrodinychus species, i.e. Macrodinychus hilpertae and Macrodinychus derbyensis . In both species, immature stages developed as ecto-parasitoids on ant pupae of the South-East Asian army ant Leptogenys distinguenda . By piercing the developing ant with their chelicera, the mites apparently suck ant hemolymph, ultimately killing host individuals. We compare infection rates among all studied Macrodinychus species and discuss possible host countermeasures against parasitoidism. The cryptic lifestyle of living inside ant nests has certainly hampered the scientific discovery of Macrodinychus mites and we expect that many more macrodinychid species await scientific discovery and description.

  20. Evidences that human disturbance simplify the ant fauna associated a Stachytarpheta glabra Cham. (Verbenaceae compromising the benefits of ant-plant mutualism

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    BC. Barbosa

    Full Text Available Interaction among species, like ants and plants through extrafloral nectaries (EFNs, are important components of ecological communities’ evolution. However, the effect of human disturbance on such specific interactions and its ecological consequences is poorly understood. This study evaluated the outcomes of mutualism between ants and the EFN-bearing plant Stachytarpheta glabra under anthropogenic disturbance. We compared the arthropod fauna composition between two groups of twenty plant individuals, one in an area disturbed by human activities and one in a preserved area. We also check the plant investment in herbivory defense and the consequential leaf damage by herbivore. Our results indicate that such disturbances cause simplification of the associated fauna and lack of proper ant mutualist. This led to four times more herbivory on plants of disturbed areas, despite the equal amount of EFN and ant visitors and low abundance of herbivores. The high pressure of herbivory may difficult the re-establishment of S. glabra, an important pioneer species in ferruginous fields, therefore it may affect resilience of this fragile ecological community.

  1. Olfactory memory established during trophallaxis affects food search behaviour in ants. (United States)

    Provecho, Yael; Josens, Roxana


    Camponotus mus ants can associate sucrose and odour at the source during successive foraging cycles and use this memory to locate the nectar in the absence of other cues. These ants perform conspicuous trophallactic behaviour during recruitment while foraging for nectar. In this work, we studied whether Camponotus mus ants are able to establish this odour-sucrose association in the social context of trophallaxis and we evaluated this memory in another context previously experienced by the ant, as a nectar source. After a single trophallaxis of a scented solution, the receiver ant was tested in a Y-maze without any reward, where two scents were presented: in one arm, the solution scent and in the other, a new scent. Ants consistently chose the arm with the solution scent and stayed longer therein. Trophallaxis duration had no effect on the arm choice or with the time spent in each arm. Workers are able to associate an odour (conditioned stimulus) with the sucrose (unconditioned stimulus) they receive through a social interaction and use this memory as choice criteria during food searching.

  2. Novel Phialophora species from leaf-cutting ants (tribe Attini)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Attili-Angelis, D.; Duarte, A.P.M.; Pagnocca, F.C.; Nagamoto, N.S.; de Vries, M.; Stielow, J.B.; de Hoog, G.S.


    Ants in the tribe Attini (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) maintain a 50 million-year-old lifestyle of co-evolution with symbiotic basidiomycetous fungi which they cultivate as essential source of nutrition. However, other microorganisms have been reported from ant habitats indicating a higher diversity of

  3. Why do house-hunting ants recruit in both directions?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Planqué, R.; Dechaume-Moncharmont, F.-X.; Franks, N.R.; Kovacs, T.; Marshall, J.A.R.


    To perform tasks, organisms often use multiple procedures. Explaining the breadth of such behavioural repertoires is not always straightforward. During house hunting, colonies of Temnothorax albipennis ants use a range of behaviours to organise their emigrations. In particular, the ants use tandem

  4. AntBot: Anti-pollution peer-to-peer botnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yan, Guanhua [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Eidenbenz, Stephan [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Ha, Duc T [UNIV. AT BUFFALO


    Botnets, which are responsible for many email sparnming and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks in the current Internet, have emerged as one of most severe cyber-threats in recent years. To evade detection and improve resistance against countermeasures, botnets have evolved from the first generation that relies on IRC chat channels to deliver commands to the current generation that uses highly resilient P2P (Peer-to-Peer) protocols to spread their C&C (Command and Control) information. It is, however, revealed that P2P botnets, although relieved from the single point of failure that IRC botnets suffer, can be easily disrupted using pollution-based mitigation schemes [15]. In this paper, we play the devil's advocate and propose a new type of hypothetical botnets called AntBot, which aim to propagate their C&C information to individual bots even though there exists an adversary that persistently pollutes keys used by seized bots to search the command information. The key idea of AntBot is a tree-like structure that bots use to deliver the command so that captured bots reveal only limited information. To evaluate effectiveness of AntBot against pollution-based mitigation in a virtual environment, we develop a distributed P2P botnet simulator. Using extensive experiments, we demonstrate that AntBot operates resiliently against pollution-based mitigation. We further present a few potential defense schemes that could effectively disrupt AntBot operations.

  5. La Industria Del Barbasco y Sus Perspectivas Para Venezuela

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    Grünwald Oscar


    Full Text Available Desde hace largo tiempo, los indígenas de muchas regiones tropicales usan plantas venenosas para pescar, echándolas en agua durante ciertas épocas del año. El jugo de esas plantas se mezcla con el agua y paraliza los peces que, después de poco rato, suben aturdidos a la superficie, donde es fácil recogerlos. Tenemos conocimiento que tal procedimiento se ha usado en Asia Oriental, África del Sur y América tropical antes del descubrimiento de estas partes del mundo. En los países de habla española y portuguesa, las plantas venenosas para los peces son llamadas barbascos, término derivado de la palabra latina "verbascum", nombre de un género de la familia de las Escrofulariáceas, al cual pertenece el gordolobo, cuyas semillas se usaron en siglos pasados para entumecer los peces.

  6. Fondos de inversión para del desarrollo forestal

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    J. Carmen Ayala Sosa


    Full Text Available El financiamiento bancario para las actividades forestales es muy restringido, principalmente para las empresas del sector social, que no cuentan con garantías hipotecarias que respalden sus créditos, aún y cuando se trate de proyectos viables y rentables. Ante dicha situación, en el presente trabajo se propone constituir fondos que la banca tome como garantía en el otorgamiento de créditos, es decir, garantizar créditos con aportaciones en efectivo por parte de los solicitantes. Lo atractivo de este esquema es que las empresas que requieren financiamiento, con sólo reunir el equivalente al 30 % de sus necesidades, pueden tener acceso al crédito. Una ventaja más de la propuesta es que para la formación de fondos, pueden hacerse aportaciones por los participantes del proceso productivo, lo que beneficia a los solicitantes de financiamiento ya que no son los únicos que corren el riesgo de las inversiones.

  7. Intrapopulation differences in ant eating in the mountain gorillas of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. (United States)

    Ganas, Jessica; Robbins, Martha M


    Variability in ant eating has been observed in several populations of eastern and western gorillas. We investigated the occurrence of ant (Dorylus sp.) eating in two groups of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) with overlapping home ranges within Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda from September 2001 to August 2002. We calculated the frequency of ant eating by an indirect method of analyzing fecal samples from silverbacks, adult females, and juveniles. One group consumed ants significantly more often than the other (3.3 vs 17.6% of days sampled). Furthermore, the group that consumed ants more often also consumed them on a seasonal basis (September-February monthly range: 0-8%; March-August monthly range: 30-42.9%). Finally, females and juveniles of this group consumed ants significantly more often than did the silverback (total samples containing ants: silverback, 2.1%; adult female, 13.2%; juvenile, 11.2%). Differences in ant eating between groups are likely due to variability in use of habitats where ants occur (particularly secondary forests). Surveys of ant densities in differing habitats, nutritional analysis of ants, and quantification of the amount of ants in their diets are necessary to understand if ant consumption is due to availability, nutritional value, group traditions, or taste preference.

  8. Seasonal dynamics of ant community structure in the Moroccan Argan Forest. (United States)

    El Keroumi, Abderrahim; Naamani, Khalid; Soummane, Hassna; Dahbi, Abdallah


    In this study we describe the structure and composition of ant communities in the endemic Moroccan Argan forest, using pitfall traps sampling technique throughout the four seasons between May 2006 and February 2007. The study focused on two distinct climatic habitats within the Essaouira Argan forest, a semi-continental site at Lahssinate, and a coastal site at Boutazarte. Thirteen different ant species were identified, belonging to seven genera. Monomorium subopacum Smith and Tapinoma simrothi Krausse-Heldrungen (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were the most abundant and behaviorally dominant ant species in the arganeraie. In addition, more specimens were captured in the semi-continental site than in the coastal area. However, no significant difference was observed in species richness, evenness, or diversity between both sites. Composition and community structure showed clear seasonal dynamics. The number of species, their abundance, their diversity, and their evenness per Argan tree were significantly dissimilar among seasons. The richness (except between summer and autumn), and the abundance and the evenness of ant species among communities, showed a significant difference between the dry period (summer and spring) and the rainy period (winter and autumn). Higher abundance and richness values occurred in the dry period of the year. Ant species dominance and seasonal climatic variations in the arganeraie might be among the main factors affecting the composition, structure, and foraging activity of ant communities. This study, together with recent findings on ant predation behavior below Argan trees, highlights the promising use of dominant ant species as potential agents of Mediterranean fruit fly bio-control in the Argan forest and surrounding ecosystems.

  9. Trail pheromone of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae.

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    Dong-Hwan Choe

    Full Text Available The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile is recognized as one of the world's most damaging invasive species. One reason for the ecological dominance of introduced Argentine ant populations is their ability to dominate food and habitat resources through the rapid mobilization and recruitment of thousands of workers. More than 30 years ago, studies showed that (Z-9-hexadecenal strongly attracted Argentine ant workers in a multi-choice olfactometer, suggesting that (Z-9-hexadecenal might be the trail pheromone, or a component of a trail pheromone mixture. Since then, numerous studies have considered (Z-9-hexadecenal as the key component of the Argentine ant trails. Here, we report the first chemical analyses of the trails laid by living Argentine ants and find that (Z-9-hexadecenal is not present in a detectible quantity. Instead, two iridoids, dolichodial and iridomyrmecin, appear to be the primary chemical constituents of the trails. Laboratory choice tests confirmed that Argentine ants were attracted to artificial trails comprised of these two chemicals significantly more often than control trails. Although (Z-9-hexadecenal was not detected in natural trails, supplementation of artificial dolichodial+iridomyrmecin trails with an extremely low concentraion of (Z-9-hexadecenal did increase the efficacy of the trail-following behavior. In stark contrast with previous dogma, our study suggests that dolichodial and iridomyrmecin are major components of the Argentine ant trail pheromone. (Z-9-hexadecenal may act in an additive manner with these iridoids, but it does not occur in detectable quantities in Argentine ant recruitment trails.

  10. Hormigas cazadoras en sistemas productivos del piedemonte amazónico colombiano: diversidad y especies indicadoras Hunter ants in productive systems of Colombian amazon foothills: diversity and indicator species

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    Maria Catalina Sanabria-Blandón


    Full Text Available Para conocer la abundancia, riqueza y composición de hormigas cazadoras y su variación en los sistemas productivos del departamento de Caquetá, se seleccionaron 27 fincas representativas de tres ventanas (agroforestal, silvopastoril y tradicional, en las cuales se identificaron hasta nueve clases de usos del suelo. Las proporciones dedicadas a pastos limpios, agroforestales y rastrojos viejos, fueron las que más contribuyeron a diferenciar las ventanas. Se muestrearon cinco puntos por finca mediante cuatro métodos para captura de hormigas (TSBF, lavado de suelo con formol, escrutinio de hojarasca y búsqueda directa. De un total de 280 individuos se determinaron nueve géneros y 35 especies de las subfamilias Ectatomminae, Paraponerinae y Ponerinae; el género más diverso fue Pachycondyla con 13 especies. La abundancia de hormigas se correlacionó directamente con la riqueza de especies y con el número de especies exclusivas. La riqueza fue mayor en la ventana agroforestal (24 especies, seguida de la silvopastoril (19 y de la tradicional (8. Cinco especies fueron comunes a las tres ventanas y siete especies (Ectatomma ruidum, Hypoponera sp.1 y sp.4, Odontomachus haematodus, O. brunneus y Pachycondyla constricta marcaron las diferencias en composición. Odontomachus brunneus resultó indicadora para la ventana tradicional y Paraponera clavata para la ventana silvopastoril. La búsqueda directa fue el método más eficiente para muestrear hormigas cazadoras en el piedemonte amazónico.We studied the abundance, richness and composition of hunting ants and their variation in production systems in department of Caquetá-Colombia, 27 farms were selected in three productive systems (agroforestry, silvopastoral and traditional, in this nine kinds of soil uses were identified. The proportions of clean pasture, agroforestry and old stubble contributed most to differentiating the systems. Five points were sampled per farm using four different

  11. The effects of ant nests on soil fertility and plant performance: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Farji-Brener, Alejandro G; Werenkraut, Victoria


    Ants are recognized as one of the major sources of soil disturbance world-wide. However, this view is largely based on isolated studies and qualitative reviews. Here, for the first time, we quantitatively determined whether ant nests affect soil fertility and plant performance, and identified the possible sources of variation of these effects. Using Bayesian mixed-models meta-analysis, we tested the hypotheses that ant effects on soil fertility and plant performance depend on the substrate sampled, ant feeding type, latitude, habitat and the plant response variable measured. Ant nests showed higher nutrient and cation content than adjacent non-nest soil samples, but similar pH. Nutrient content was higher in ant refuse materials than in nest soils. The fertilizer effect of ant nests was also higher in dry habitats than in grasslands or savannas. Cation content was higher in nests of plant-feeding ants than in nests of omnivorous species, and lower in nests from agro-ecosystems than in nests from any other habitat. Plants showed higher green/root biomass and fitness on ant nests soils than in adjacent, non-nest sites; but plant density and diversity were unaffected by the presence of ant nests. Root growth was particularly higher in refuse materials than in ant nest soils, in leaf-cutting ant nests and in deserts habitats. Our results confirm the major role of ant nests in influencing soil fertility and vegetation patterns and provide information about the factors that mediate these effects. First, ant nests improve soil fertility mainly through the accumulation of refuse materials. Thus, different refuse dump locations (external or in underground nest chambers) could benefit different vegetation life-forms. Second, ant nests could increase plant diversity at larger spatial scales only if the identity of favoured plants changes along environmental gradients (i.e. enhancing β-diversity). Third, ant species that feed on plants play a relevant role fertilizing soils

  12. Posición de la mujer europea ante el mercado laboral

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    Vázquez Cueto, Mª José


    Full Text Available La igualdad entre hombres y mujeres ante la Ley, igualdad de oportunidades, e igualdad de participación para influir y contribuir en el proceso de desarrollo, es un tema de derechos humanos y de justicia social. Los esfuerzos que se realicen para alcanzar esta situación de igualdad contribuyen a la consecución de otros objetivos sociales y económicos, dado que las desigualdades y diferencias de género afectan directa e indirectamente al impacto de las estrategias de desarrollo. Si bien es cierto que es mucho el camino recorrido en los últimos años, no es menos cierto que aún persisten desigualdades en terrenos tan fundamentales como son la educación, sanidad y trabajo. Por ello exploramos las posibles diferencias que puede esconder el mercado laboral en los países de la Europa de los 27, en teoría países desarrollados o con un alto grado de desarrollo. Encontramos que el mercado discrimina negativamente a la mujer en todos y cada uno de los países analizados, manteniendo una situación que tan sólo mejora muy ligeramente en el tiempo.

  13. Specialized Fungal Parasites and Opportunistic Fungi in Gardens of Attine Ants

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    Fernando C. Pagnocca


    Full Text Available Ants in the tribe Attini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae comprise about 230 described species that share the same characteristic: all coevolved in an ancient mutualism with basidiomycetous fungi cultivated for food. In this paper we focused on fungi other than the mutualistic cultivar and their roles in the attine ant symbiosis. Specialized fungal parasites in the genus Escovopsis negatively impact the fungus gardens. Many fungal parasites may have small impacts on the ants' fungal colony when the colony is balanced, but then may opportunistically shift to having large impacts if the ants' colony becomes unbalanced.

  14. Las negociaciones para el acuerdo cinematográfico de 1948 entre Argentina y España (1939-1948 / The Film Agreement Negotiations: Argentina and Spain (1939-1948

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    Emeterio Díez Puertas


    Full Text Available La política expansionista del cine argentino y, desde 1942, razones de supervivencia ante el acoso de Hollywood empujan a la Asociación de Productores de Películas Argentinas (APPA a presionar al gobierno español para que firme un acuerdo cinematográfico. Este se rubrica en1948, tras casi diez años de tensas negociaciones. Pero los artículos del acuerdo, más que responder a los deseos de la APPA, reflejan los intereses y la hermandad alcanzada por el franquismo y el peronismo.Palabras clave: España, Argentina, comercio cinematográfico, Asociación de Productores de Películas Argentinas.AbstractThe expansionist policy of Argentine cinema and the power of Hollywood's entertainment industry since 1942, push the Argentinean Film Producers Association (APPA to put pressure on the Spanish government to sign a film agreement. This was signed in 1948, after almost ten years of tense negotiations. However, the articles of the agreement, rather than responding to the wishes of the APPA, reflect the treaty of friendship between the Franco regime and the Peronism.Keywords: Spain, Argentina, Movie Trade, Argentinean Film Producers Association.

  15. Myrmeciza and related antbirds (Aves, Formicariidae as army ant followers

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    Edwin O. Willis


    Full Text Available Antbirds of the genera Myrmeciza (including Sipia and Myrmoborus, Gymnocichla, and Sclateria hop near or on the ground in fairly dense vegetation, "pounding" their tails downward. Where dense understory vegetation is widespread and ants move in it for long distances, certain of these antbirds become regular ant followers: M. immaculata and M. fortis in cluttered moist foothill forest from Costa Rica to upper Amazonia; Gymnocichla nudiceps in moist cluttered second growth of Central America to Colombia. Where the forest understory is more open, Myrmeciza species follow ants mainly in cluttered patches: M. exsul in lowland forest west of the Andes, M. myotherina east of the Andes. Myrmeciza or relatives that specialize on water-edge or very dense zones rarely follow ants.

  16. Edge Effects on Community and Social Structure of Northern Temperate Deciduous Forest Ants

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    Valerie S. Banschbach


    Full Text Available Determining how ant communities are impacted by challenges from habitat fragmentation, such as edge effects, will help us understand how ants may be used as a bioindicator taxon. To assess the impacts of edge effects upon the ant community in a northern temperate deciduous forest, we studied edge and interior sites in Jericho, VT, USA. The edges we focused upon were created by recreational trails. We censused the ants at these sites for two consecutive growing seasons using pitfall traps and litter plot excavations. We also collected nests of the most common ant species at our study sites, Aphaenogaster rudis, for study of colony demography. Significantly greater total numbers of ants and ant nests were found in the edge sites compared to the interior sites but rarefaction analysis showed no significant difference in species richness. Aphaenogaster rudis was the numerically dominant ant in the habitats sampled but had a greater relative abundance in the interior sites than in the edge sites both in pitfall and litter plot data. Queen number of A. rudis significantly differed between the nests collected in the edge versus the interior sites. Habitat-dependent changes in social structure of ants represent another possible indicator of ecosystem health.

  17. Reciprocal genomic evolution in the ant-fungus agricultural symbiosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nygaard, Sanne; Hu, Haofu; Li, Cai


    The attine ant-fungus agricultural symbiosis evolved over tens of millions of years, producing complex societies with industrial-scale farming analogous to that of humans. Here we document reciprocal shifts in the genomes and transcriptomes of seven fungus-farming ant species and their fungal...

  18. Patterns of male parentage in the fungus-growing ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villesen, Palle; Boomsma, JJ


    Ant queens from eight species, covering three genera of lower and two genera of higher attine ants, have exclusively or predominantly single mating. The ensuing full-sib colonies thus have a strong potential reproductive conflict between the queen and the workers over male production...

  19. Ant Systems for a Dynamic TSP - Ants Caught in a Traffic Jam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eyckelhof, C.J.; Dorigo, M.; Caro Di, G.; Snoek, M.; Sampels, M.


    In this paper we present a new Ants System approach to a dynamic Travelling Salesman Problem. Here the travel times between the cities are subject to change. To handle this dynamism several ways of adapting the pheromone matrix both locally and globally are considered. We show that the strategy of

  20. Comparative studies of the secretome of fungus-growing ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Linde, Tore; Grell, Morten Nedergaard; Schiøtt, Morten


    Leafcutter ants of the species Acromyrmex echinatior live in symbiosis with the fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus. The ants harvest fragments of leaves and carry them to the nest where they place the material on the fungal colony. The fungus secretes a wide array of proteins to degrade the leaves...... into nutrients that the ants can feed on. The focus of this study is to discover, characterize and compare the secreted proteins. In order to do so cDNA libraries are constructed from mRNA extracted from the fungus material. The most efficient technology to screen cDNA libraries selectively for secreted...


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    S. Kalaivani


    Full Text Available In this paper, a procedure for quantifying valve stiction in control loops based on ant colony optimization has been proposed. Pneumatic control valves are widely used in the process industry. The control valve contains non-linearities such as stiction, backlash, and deadband that in turn cause oscillations in the process output. Stiction is one of the long-standing problems and it is the most severe problem in the control valves. Thus the measurement data from an oscillating control loop can be used as a possible diagnostic signal to provide an estimate of the stiction magnitude. Quantification of control valve stiction is still a challenging issue. Prior to doing stiction detection and quantification, it is necessary to choose a suitable model structure to describe control-valve stiction. To understand the stiction phenomenon, the Stenman model is used. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO, an intelligent swarm algorithm, proves effective in various fields. The ACO algorithm is inspired from the natural trail following behaviour of ants. The parameters of the Stenman model are estimated using ant colony optimization, from the input-output data by minimizing the error between the actual stiction model output and the simulated stiction model output. Using ant colony optimization, Stenman model with known nonlinear structure and unknown parameters can be estimated.

  2. Effects of dam-induced landscape fragmentation on amazonian ant-plant mutualistic networks. (United States)

    Emer, Carine; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins; Fonseca, Carlos Roberto


    Mutualistic networks are critical to biological diversity maintenance; however, their structures and functionality may be threatened by a swiftly changing world. In the Amazon, the increasing number of dams poses a large threat to biological diversity because they greatly alter and fragment the surrounding landscape. Tight coevolutionary interactions typical of tropical forests, such as the ant-myrmecophyte mutualism, where the myrmecophyte plants provide domatia nesting space to their symbiotic ants, may be jeopardized by the landscape changes caused by dams. We analyzed 31 ant-myrmecophyte mutualistic networks in undisturbed and disturbed sites surrounding Balbina, the largest Central Amazonian dam. We tested how ant-myrmecophyte networks differ among dam-induced islands, lake edges, and undisturbed forests in terms of species richness, composition, structure, and robustness (number of species remaining in the network after partner extinctions). We also tested how landscape configuration in terms of area, isolation, shape, and neighborhood alters the structure of the ant-myrmecophyte networks on islands. Ant-myrmecophytic networks were highly compartmentalized in undisturbed forests, and the compartments had few strongly connected mutualistic partners. In contrast, networks at lake edges and on islands were not compartmentalized and were negatively affected by island area and isolation in terms of species richness, density, and composition. Habitat loss and fragmentation led to coextinction cascades that contributed to the elimination of entire ant-plant compartments. Furthermore, many myrmecophytic plants in disturbed sites lost their mutualistic ant partners or were colonized by opportunistic, nonspecialized ants. Robustness of ant-myrmecophyte networks on islands was lower than robustness near lake edges and in undisturbed forest and was particularly susceptible to the extinction of plants. Beyond the immediate habitat loss caused by the building of large dams

  3. Hybridization in East African swarm-raiding army ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kronauer, Daniel Jc; Peters, Marcell K; Schöning, Caspar


    Hybridization can have complex effects on evolutionary dynamics in ants because of the combination of haplodiploid sex-determination and eusociality. While hybrid non-reproductive workers have been found in a range of species, examples of gene-flow via hybrid queens and males are rare. We studied...... hybridization in East African army ants (Dorylus subgenus Anomma) using morphology, mitochondrial DNA sequences, and nuclear microsatellites....

  4. Las estrategias de afrontamiento que utilizan los adolescentes ante situaciones que provocan miedo/ Coping strategies assumed by teenagers in situations that cause fear

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    Verónica Reyes Pérez


    Full Text Available objetivo: Identificar las estrategias de afrontamiento que usan los adolescentes mexicanos ante situaciones que provocan miedo. Método: El tipo de estudio fue no experimental. Los partici- pantes fueron 400 adolescentes mexicanos de nivel secundaria (50 % hombres y 50 % mujeres, Media de edad = 13.90 (DE= 0.96. Un instrumento midió la intensidad del miedo ante nueve tipos de situaciones: violencia social, animales, estar solo, médicos, situaciones sociales, lo desco- nocido, violencia doméstica, escuela y muerte (α = .93. Por medio de preguntas abiertas se pre- guntó a los participantes qué harían ante cada una de las situaciones, lo que permitió identificar el tipo de afrontamiento. Resultados: Las mujeres informaron mayor miedo que los hombres en todas las situaciones, excepto en miedo a la escuela, donde ellas tuvieron mayor puntaje. El patrón general fue que las mujeres usan más estrategias de desahogo emocional y búsqueda de apoyo, mientras que los hombres usan estrategias directas al problema, agresivas y de distracción. En particular, ante el miedo a la muerte, los hombres usan estrategias evitativas, distracción y búsqueda de apoyo, mientras que las mujeres usan estrategias directas al problema, desahogo emocional, búsqueda de apoyo, evitativas, distracción y agresivas. Ante el miedo a lo desconocido, los varones usan estrategias de distracción, agresivas y directas al problema, mientras que las muje- res usan desahogo emocional, directo al problema y agresivas. Las estrategias de afrontamiento no son buenas ni malas, su conveniencia depende del apoyo que brindan para resolver la situación que genera miedo.

  5. Ants at Ton Nga Chang Wildlife Sanctuary, Songkhla

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    Watanasit, S.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate diversity of ant at Ton Nga Chang Wildlife Sanctuary, Hat Yai, Songkhla. Three line transects (100 m each were randomly set up in 2 types of forest area, disturbed and undisturbed. Hand collecting (HC and leaf litter sampling (LL were applied for ant collection within a time limit of 30 minutes for each method. This study was carried out every month during Febuary 2002- Febuary 2003. The results showed that 206 species were placed under 8 subfamilies: Aenictinae, Cerapachyinae, Dolichoderinae, Formicinae, Leptanillinae, Myrmicinae, Ponerinae and Pseudomyrmecinae. Study sites and collection methods could divide ant species into 2 groups, whereas seasonal change could not distinguish the groups by DCA of multivariate analysis.

  6. Retos para el desarrollo de estrategias de apoyo ante desastres en México

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arroyo-López, M.P.E. (María del Pilar Ester); Gaytán-Iniestra, Juan; Mejia Argueta, Christopher; Téllez Vázquez, S.; Cedillo Campos, M.G.; Jiménez García, J.A.


    The content of this chapter analyzes a literature review related to humanitarian logistics considering applied operations research in order to respond research questions as: How to provide reliable and updated data for improving the relief activities? How to coordinate better the different

  7. Visual cues for the retrieval of landmark memories by navigating wood ants. (United States)

    Harris, Robert A; Graham, Paul; Collett, Thomas S


    Even on short routes, ants can be guided by multiple visual memories. We investigate here the cues controlling memory retrieval as wood ants approach a one- or two-edged landmark to collect sucrose at a point along its base. In such tasks, ants store the desired retinal position of landmark edges at several points along their route. They guide subsequent trips by retrieving the appropriate memory and moving to bring the edges in the scene toward the stored positions. The apparent width of the landmark turns out to be a powerful cue for retrieving the desired retinal position of a landmark edge. Two other potential cues, the landmark's apparent height and the distance that the ant walks, have little effect on memory retrieval. A simple model encapsulates these conclusions and reproduces the ants' routes in several conditions. According to this model, the ant stores a look-up table. Each entry contains the apparent width of the landmark and the desired retinal position of vertical edges. The currently perceived width provides an index for retrieving the associated stored edge positions. The model accounts for the population behavior of ants and the idiosyncratic training routes of individual ants. Our results imply binding between the edge of a shape and its width and, further, imply that assessing the width of a shape does not depend on the presence of any particular local feature, such as a landmark edge. This property makes the ant's retrieval and guidance system relatively robust to edge occlusions.

  8. Ant-inspired density estimation via random walks. (United States)

    Musco, Cameron; Su, Hsin-Hao; Lynch, Nancy A


    Many ant species use distributed population density estimation in applications ranging from quorum sensing, to task allocation, to appraisal of enemy colony strength. It has been shown that ants estimate local population density by tracking encounter rates: The higher the density, the more often the ants bump into each other. We study distributed density estimation from a theoretical perspective. We prove that a group of anonymous agents randomly walking on a grid are able to estimate their density within a small multiplicative error in few steps by measuring their rates of encounter with other agents. Despite dependencies inherent in the fact that nearby agents may collide repeatedly (and, worse, cannot recognize when this happens), our bound nearly matches what would be required to estimate density by independently sampling grid locations. From a biological perspective, our work helps shed light on how ants and other social insects can obtain relatively accurate density estimates via encounter rates. From a technical perspective, our analysis provides tools for understanding complex dependencies in the collision probabilities of multiple random walks. We bound the strength of these dependencies using local mixing properties of the underlying graph. Our results extend beyond the grid to more general graphs, and we discuss applications to size estimation for social networks, density estimation for robot swarms, and random walk-based sampling for sensor networks.

  9. A global database of ant species abundances (United States)

    Gibb, Heloise; Dunn, Rob R.; Sanders, Nathan J.; Grossman, Blair F.; Photakis, Manoli; Abril, Silvia; Agosti, Donat; Andersen, Alan N.; Angulo, Elena; Armbrecht, Ingre; Arnan, Xavier; Baccaro, Fabricio B.; Bishop, Tom R.; Boulay, Raphael; Bruhl, Carsten; Castracani, Cristina; Cerda, Xim; Del Toro, Israel; Delsinne, Thibaut; Diaz, Mireia; Donoso, David A.; Ellison, Aaron M.; Enriquez, Martha L.; Fayle, Tom M.; Feener Jr., Donald H.; Fisher, Brian L.; Fisher, Robert N.; Fitpatrick, Matthew C.; Gomez, Cristanto; Gotelli, Nicholas J.; Gove, Aaron; Grasso, Donato A.; Groc, Sarah; Guenard, Benoit; Gunawardene, Nihara; Heterick, Brian; Hoffmann, Benjamin; Janda, Milan; Jenkins, Clinton; Kaspari, Michael; Klimes, Petr; Lach, Lori; Laeger, Thomas; Lattke, John; Leponce, Maurice; Lessard, Jean-Philippe; Longino, John; Lucky, Andrea; Luke, Sarah H.; Majer, Jonathan; McGlynn, Terrence P.; Menke, Sean; Mezger, Dirk; Mori, Alessandra; Moses, Jimmy; Munyai, Thinandavha Caswell; Pacheco, Renata; Paknia, Omid; Pearce-Duvet, Jessica; Pfeiffer, Martin; Philpott, Stacy M.; Resasco, Julian; Retana, Javier; Silva, Rogerio R.; Sorger, Magdalena D.; Souza, Jorge; Suarez, Andrew V.; Tista, Melanie; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L.; Vonshak, Merav; Weiser, Michael D.; Yates, Michelle; Parr, Catherine L.


    What forces structure ecological assemblages? A key limitation to general insights about assemblage structure is the availability of data that are collected at a small spatial grain (local assemblages) and a large spatial extent (global coverage). Here, we present published and unpublished data from 51,388 ant abundance and occurrence records of more than 2693 species and 7953 morphospecies from local assemblages collected at 4212 locations around the world. Ants were selected because they are diverse and abundant globally, comprise a large fraction of animal biomass in most terrestrial communities, and are key contributors to a range of ecosystem functions. Data were collected between 1949 and 2014, and include, for each geo-referenced sampling site, both the identity of the ants collected and details of sampling design, habitat type and degree of disturbance. The aim of compiling this dataset was to provide comprehensive species abundance data in order to test relationships between assemblage structure and environmental and biogeographic factors. Data were collected using a variety of standardised methods, such as pitfall and Winkler traps, and will be valuable for studies investigating large-scale forces structuring local assemblages. Understanding such relationships is particularly critical under current rates of global change. We encourage authors holding additional data on systematically collected ant assemblages, especially those in dry and cold, and remote areas, to contact us and contribute their data to this growing dataset.

  10. Effects of invasive European fire ants (Myrmica rubra on herring gull (Larus argentatus reproduction.

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    Luke E DeFisher

    Full Text Available Various invasive ant species have negatively affected reproductive success in birds by disrupting nest site selection, incubation patterns, food supply, and by direct predation on nestlings. Impacts can be particularly severe when non-native ants colonize seabird nesting islands where thousands of birds may nest in high densities on the ground or in burrows or crevices. Here we report on the first documented effects of Myrmica rubra, the European fire ant, on the reproduction of birds in its non-native range. We documented herring gulls (Larus argentatus on Appledore Island, Maine, engaging in more erratic incubation behaviors at nests infested by the ants. Newly-hatched chicks in some nests were swarmed by ants, leading to rapid chick death. Due to high overall rates of chick mortality, survival probabilities did not vary between nests with and without ant activity, however chick growth rates were slower at nests with ants than at ant-free nests. Ant infestation likely leads to longer-term fitness consequences because slower growth rates early in life may ultimately lead to lower post-fledging survival probabilities.

  11. Studies of laboulbeniales (Fungi, Ascomycota) on myrmica ants (II)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haelewaters, Danny; Boer, Peter; Gort, Gerrit; Noordijk, Jinze


    One group of important insect parasites are the Laboulbeniales (Ascomycota), microscopic fungi that live attached to the exterior of their hosts, mainly beetles, but also mites, millipedes, earwigs, and ants. Rickia wasmannii is a common fungus in Europe and is limited to the ant genus Myrmica

  12. Disease dynamics in a specialized parasite of ant societies.

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    Sandra B Andersen

    Full Text Available Coevolution between ant colonies and their rare specialized parasites are intriguing, because lethal infections of workers may correspond to tolerable chronic diseases of colonies, but the parasite adaptations that allow stable coexistence with ants are virtually unknown. We explore the trade-offs experienced by Ophiocordyceps parasites manipulating ants into dying in nearby graveyards. We used field data from Brazil and Thailand to parameterize and fit a model for the growth rate of graveyards. We show that parasite pressure is much lower than the abundance of ant cadavers suggests and that hyperparasites often castrate Ophiocordyceps. However, once fruiting bodies become sexually mature they appear robust. Such parasite life-history traits are consistent with iteroparity--a reproductive strategy rarely considered in fungi. We discuss how tropical habitats with high biodiversity of hyperparasites and high spore mortality has likely been crucial for the evolution and maintenance of iteroparity in parasites with low dispersal potential.

  13. Intervención educativa sobre actitud ante el dolor en pacientes geriátricos en prótesis

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    Berta Lidia Gutierrez Yut


    Full Text Available Introducción: las urgencias son aquellas afecciones que producen dolor y causan complicaciones que requieren de la atención inmediata del profesional en prótesis. Son conocidas las fracturas de los aparatos, úlceras por traumatismos, espasmos musculares por aparatos mal confeccionados, desencadenando trastornos a dientes, mucosa, músculos y dolor. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de información sobre el uso, cuidado y actitud ante el dolor provocado por las prótesis dentales. Material y método: se realizó un estudio de intervención comunitaria en los adultos mayores de 60 años, desde enero a octubre de 2010. El universo estuvo constituido por los individuos mayores de 60 años del Policlínico "Manuel Piti Fajardo" que asistieron a la unidad, 637 en total, y la muestra quedó constituida por 98 ancianos de ambos sexos. Se estudiaron como variables: el sexo, el nivel educacional, la necesidad de prótesis, tipo de prótesis, conocimiento sobre salud bucodental y actitud ante el dolor provocado por la prótesis. Resultados: al inicio del programa, el nivel de información sobre la educación para la salud en la mayoría de los ancianos y la higiene bucal fue deficiente. Al final resultó que el 63,3 % de los ancianos tuvieron una buena higiene bucal, sobre la actitud ante el dolor y la conducta el 95 % de los ancianos respondió correctamente, demostrando la adquisición de conocimientos después de aplicado el programa. Conclusiones: el programa generó un impacto positivo, y se logró un cambio de conducta de esta población ante el dolor provocado por el uso de aparatos protésicos.

  14. A new fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) bait base carrier for moist conditions. (United States)

    Kafle, Lekhnath; Wu, Wen-Jer; Shih, Cheng-Jen


    A new water-resistant fire ant bait (T-bait; cypermethrin 0.128%) consisting of dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) as a carrier was developed and evaluated against a standard commercial bait (Advion; indoxacarb 0.045%) under both laboratory and field conditions. When applying the normal T-bait or Advion in the laboratory, 100% of Solenopsis invicta Buren worker ants were killed within 4 days. However, when the T-bait and Advion were wetted, 70.6 and 39.7% of the ants were killed respectively. Under field conditions, dry T-bait and dry Advion had almost the same efficacy against ant colonies. However, when T-bait and Advion came in contact with water, the former's ability to kill S. invicta colonies in the field was only marginally reduced, while Advion lost virtually all of its activity. In addition, DDGS was also shown to be compatible with a number of other insecticides, such as d-allethrin, permethrin and pyrethrin. Based on its properties of remaining attractive to the fire ants when wetted, combined with its ant-killing abilities both in the laboratory and in the field, T-bait is an efficient fire ant bait, especially under moist conditions.

  15. Coevolved crypts and exocrine glands support mutualistic bacteria in fungus-growing ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Currie, Cameron R; Poulsen, Michael; Mendenhall, John


    Attine ants engage in a quadripartite symbiosis with fungi they cultivate for food, specialized garden parasites, and parasite-inhibiting bacteria. Molecular phylogenetic evidence supports an ancient host-pathogen association between the ant-cultivar mutualism and the garden parasite. Here we show...... that ants rear the antibiotic-producing bacteria in elaborate cuticular crypts, supported by unique exocrine glands, and that these structures have been highly modified across the ants' evolutionary history. This specialized structural evolution, together with the absence of these bacteria and modifications...



    Richartz, Fernando; Borgert, Altair; Rocha, Jacita Manfio da


    O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um sistema de custeio para uma indústria de conservas de palmeira real situada no município de Antônio Carlos/SC. A metodologia para a realização deste estudo é descritiva e exploratória, com abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, desenvolvida por meio de uma pesquisa-ação. Através da aplicação da abordagem do custeio por absorção na indústria chega-se ao seguinte custo unitário dos produtos: Picadinho pequeno R$ 1,99; Rodela pequena R$ 2,73; Tolete p...

  17. Desarrollo de IEMAC, un Instrumento para la Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad Development of an instrument for the assessment of chronic care models

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    Roberto Nuño-Solinís


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Presentar el contexto, los objetivos y el proceso de elaboración de IEMAC, Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad, desarrollado para trasladar al terreno operativo los marcos conceptuales del Chronic Care Model (CCM, en el entorno del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Métodos: Mediante técnicas de investigación cualitativa y contando sucesivamente con expertos nacionales de diferentes perfiles, se desarrolló el IEMAC para operativizar el CCM a nuestro contexto sanitario. Se construyó una matriz considerando qué dimensiones básicas debían conformar el nuevo modelo. Se identificaron y categorizaron posibles acciones en cada dimensión, creando una taxonomía de componentes e intervenciones. Se evaluó la claridad, la pertinencia y el nivel de evidencia de cada intervención. El cuestionario resultante fue validado por otros expertos de diversas disciplinas y ámbitos. Finalmente, el instrumento IEMAC 1.0ha sido pilotado a niveles macro, meso y micro. Resultados: IEMAC es un instrumento para ser autoadministrado por organizaciones sanitarias a niveles macro, meso y micro. Consta de 6 dimensiones, 27 componentes y 80 intervenciones, cuya implantación se evalúa en una escala que combina despliegue, evaluación sistemática y orientación a la mejora. IEMAC tiene un enfoque sistémico y poblacional, integrando promoción, prevención y coordinación con servicios sociales. Conclusiones: IEMAC muestra un conjunto de intervenciones que pueden servir de hoja de ruta a decisores, gestores y clínicos interesados en construir un modelo de excelencia para la atención a pacientes crónicos, a la vez que permite que las organizaciones sanitarias conozcan su situación basal y el progreso alcanzado tras intervenciones de mejora.Objective: To present the context, aim and process of designing the Instrument for the Assessment of Chronic Care Models (Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la

  18. Absence of jamming in ant trails: feedback control of self-propulsion and noise. (United States)

    Chaudhuri, Debasish; Nagar, Apoorva


    We present a model of ant traffic considering individual ants as self-propelled particles undergoing single-file motion on a one-dimensional trail. Recent experiments on unidirectional ant traffic in well-formed natural trails showed that the collective velocity of ants remains approximately unchanged, leading to the absence of jamming even at very high densities [John et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 108001 (2009)]. Assuming a feedback control mechanism of self-propulsion force generated by each ant using information about the distance from the ant in front, our model captures all the main features observed in the experiment. The distance headway distribution shows a maximum corresponding to separations within clusters. The position of this maximum remains independent of average number density. We find a non-equilibrium first-order transition, with the formation of an infinite cluster at a threshold density where all the ants in the system suddenly become part of a single cluster.

  19. Estrategia correctiva para la competencia comunicativa del maestro cursillista de la Maestría de amplio acceso de la Educación Primaria

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    Cecilia M. Correa Crespo


    Full Text Available Se aborda una temática importante para la preparación de los maestros cursillistas de la Maestría de amplio acceso de la Mención de Educación Primaria, el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas. Considerando las insuficiencias que se presentan en este sentido, se hace una propuesta de intervención para el perfeccionamiento de las habilidades antes mencionadas.

  20. Macrodinychus mites as parasitoids of invasive ants: an overlooked parasitic association. (United States)

    Lachaud, Jean-Paul; Klompen, Hans; Pérez-Lachaud, Gabriela


    Mites are frequent ant symbionts, yet the exact nature of their interactions with their hosts is poorly known. Generally, myrmecophilous mites show adaptations for dispersal through phoresis, but species that lack such an adaptation may have evolved unusual specialized relationships with their hosts. The immature stages of Macrodinychus multispinosus develop as ectoparasitoids of pupae of the invasive ant Paratrechina longicornis. Feeding stages show regressed locomotor appendages. These mites complete their development on a single host, sucking all of its body content and therefore killing it. Locally high proportions of parasitized host pupae suggest that M. multispinosus could serve as a biological control agent. This is the ninth species of Macrodinychus reported as ant parasite, and the third known as parasitoid of invasive ants, confirming a unique habit in the evolution of mite feeding strategies and suggesting that the entire genus might be parasitic on ants. Several mites' characteristics, such as their protective morphology, possible viviparity, lack of a specialized stage for phoretic dispersal, and low host specificity, combined with both the general low aggressiveness of invasive P. longicornis towards other ants and its possible susceptibility to generalist ectoparasites would account for the host shift in native macrodinychid mites.

  1. Tree-Dwelling Ants: Contrasting Two Brazilian Cerrado Plant Species without Extrafloral Nectaries

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    Jonas Maravalhas


    Full Text Available Ants dominate vegetation stratum, exploiting resources like extrafloral nectaries (EFNs and insect honeydew. These interactions are frequent in Brazilian cerrado and are well known, but few studies compare ant fauna and explored resources between plant species. We surveyed two cerrado plants without EFNs, Roupala montana (found on preserved environments of our study area and Solanum lycocarpum (disturbed ones. Ants were collected and identified, and resources on each plant noted. Ant frequency and richness were higher on R. montana (67%; 35 spp than S. lycocarpum (52%; 26, the occurrence of the common ant species varied between them, and similarity was low. Resources were explored mainly by Camponotus crassus and consisted of scale insects, aphids, and floral nectaries on R. montana and two treehopper species on S. lycocarpum. Ants have a high diversity on cerrado plants, exploring liquid and prey-based resources that vary in time and space and affect their presence on plants.

  2. Ants use partner specific odors to learn to recognize a mutualistic partner.

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    Masaru K Hojo

    Full Text Available Regulation via interspecific communication is an important for the maintenance of many mutualisms. However, mechanisms underlying the evolution of partner communication are poorly understood for many mutualisms. Here we show, in an ant-lycaenid butterfly mutualism, that attendant ants selectively learn to recognize and interact cooperatively with a partner. Workers of the ant Pristomyrmex punctatus learn to associate cuticular hydrocarbons of mutualistic Narathura japonica caterpillars with food rewards and, as a result, are more likely to tend the caterpillars. However, the workers do not learn to associate the cuticular hydrocarbons of caterpillars of a non-ant-associated lycaenid, Lycaena phlaeas, with artificial food rewards. Chemical analysis revealed cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of the mutualistic caterpillars were complex compared with those of non-ant-associated caterpillars. Our results suggest that partner-recognition based on partner-specific chemical signals and cognitive abilities of workers are important mechanisms underlying the evolution and maintenance of mutualism with ants.

  3. A diverse ant fauna from the mid-cretaceous of Myanmar (Hymenoptera: Formicidae.

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    Phillip Barden

    Full Text Available A new collection of 24 wingless ant specimens from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Albian-Cenomanian, 99 Ma comprises nine new species belonging to the genus Sphecomyrmodes Engel and Grimaldi. Described taxa vary considerably with regard to total size, head and body proportion, cuticular sculpturing, and petiole structure while all species are unified by a distinct shared character. The assemblage represents the largest known diversification of closely related Cretaceous ants with respect to species number. These stem-group ants exhibit some characteristics previously known only from their extant counterparts along with presumed plesiomorphic morphology. Consequently, their morphology may inform hypotheses relating to basal relationships and general patterns of ant evolution. These and other uncovered Cretaceous species indicate that stem-group ants are not simply wasp-like, transitional formicids, but rather a group of considerable adaptive diversity, exhibiting innovations analogous to what crown-group ants would echo 100 million years later.

  4. A preliminary checklist of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A preliminary species checklist of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of. Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya, is presented. The species list is based on specimens sampled from 1999 until 2009, which are deposited in the ant collection of the Zoological Research Museum Koenig, Bonn, Germany, and the Natural History ...

  5. Evoluindo da cadeia de valor para cadeia de suprimentos


    Marciano Silva Santos; Maria Silene Alexandre Leite; André Duarte Lucena; Tarcisio Ferreira Grilo Junior


    Com a tendência das empresas concentrarem-se nas suas competências essenciais (core competences) e transferir a terceiros as demais atividades que antes eram executadas internamente em estruturas mais verticalizadas, a cadeia de valor das empresas tendem a assumir configurações estendidas e aumentar o número de empresas envolvidas na maioria das cadeias de suprimentos. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é mostrar como a cadeia de valor pode contribuir para a compreensão da formação da cadeia de s...

  6. Estrategias de resistencia indígena frente al desarrollo minero: La comunidad de Likantatay ante un posible traslado forzoso


    Carrasco, Anita; Fernández, Eduardo


    Este artículo revisa el complejo panorama que enfrenta la comunidad indígena atacameña de Likantatay ante las consecuencias de un proyecto de desarrollo minero que implican el traslado forzoso de dicha comunidad si este proyecto se concreta. Se analizan las estrategias de resistencia indígena que presenta y/o puede presentar la comunidad así como los discursos y estrategias ideológicas elaborados por la corporación minera para desarrollar los intereses del capital. El análisis se enmarca dent...

  7. Automatic optimization of a nuclear reactor reload using the algorithm Ant-Q; A otimizacao automatica da recarga nuclear utilizando o algoritmo Ant-Q

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Machado, Liana; Schirru, Roberto [Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-graduacao de Engenharia. Programa de Engenharia Nuclear


    The nuclear fuel reload optimization is a NP-Complete combinatorial optimization problem. For decades this problem was solved using an expert's knowledge. From the eighties, however there have been efforts to automatic fuel reload and the more recent ones show the Genetic Algorithm's (GA) efficiency on this problem. Following this trend, our aim is to optimization nuclear fuel reload using Ant-Q, artificial theory based algorithms. Ant-Q's results on the Traveling salesman Problem, which is conceptuality similar to fuel reload, are better than GA's. Ant-Q was tested in real application on the cycle 7 reload of Angra I. Comparing Ant-Q result with the GA's, it can be verified that, even without a local heuristics, the former algorithm, as it superiority comparing the GA in Angra I show. Is a valid technique to solve the nuclear fuel reload problem. (author)

  8. Incertidumbre y contexto. Tópicos y actividades de estadística y probabilidad para Enseñanza Secundaria


    Garrote Moral, David


    Ante situaciones de incertidumbre es necesario utilizar los instrumentos de la probabilidad y la estadística para formar juicios y tomar decisiones. En enseñanza secundaria el análisis exploratorio de datos y las técnicas descriptivas de la Estadística son esenciales para tal fin. Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas

  9. Characterization of actinobacteria associated with three ant-plant mutualisms. (United States)

    Hanshew, Alissa S; McDonald, Bradon R; Díaz Díaz, Carol; Djiéto-Lordon, Champlain; Blatrix, Rumsaïs; Currie, Cameron R


    Ant-plant mutualisms are conspicuous and ecologically important components of tropical ecosystems that remain largely unexplored in terms of insect-associated microbial communities. Recent work has revealed that ants in some ant-plant systems cultivate fungi (Chaetothyriales) within their domatia, which are fed to larvae. Using Pseudomyrmex penetrator/Tachigali sp. from French Guiana and Petalomyrmex phylax/Leonardoxa africana and Crematogaster margaritae/Keetia hispida, both from Cameroon, as models, we tested the hypothesis that ant-plant-fungus mutualisms co-occur with culturable Actinobacteria. Using selective media, we isolated 861 putative Actinobacteria from the three systems. All C. margaritae/K. hispida samples had culturable Actinobacteria with a mean of 10.0 colony forming units (CFUs) per sample, while 26 % of P. penetrator/Tachigali samples (mean CFUs 1.3) and 67 % of P. phylax/L. africana samples (mean CFUs 3.6) yielded Actinobacteria. The largest number of CFUs was obtained from P. penetrator workers, P. phylax alates, and C. margaritae pupae. 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of four main clades of Streptomyces and one clade of Nocardioides within these three ant-plant mutualisms. Streptomyces with antifungal properties were isolated from all three systems, suggesting that they could serve as protective symbionts, as found in other insects. In addition, a number of isolates from a clade of Streptomyces associated with P. phylax/L. africana and C. margaritae/K. hispida were capable of degrading cellulose, suggesting that Streptomyces in these systems may serve a nutritional role. Repeated isolation of particular clades of Actinobacteria from two geographically distant locations supports these isolates as residents in ant-plant-fungi niches.

  10. Hybrid Bee Ant Colony Algorithm for Effective Load Balancing And ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Ant Colony algorithm is used in this hybrid Bee Ant Colony algorithm to solve load balancing issues ... Genetic Algorithm (MO-GA) for dynamic job scheduling that .... Information Networking and Applications Workshops. [7]. M. Dorigo & T.

  11. Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad biofísica de los servicios ecosistémicos ante el cambio climático: una aproximación conceptual y metodológica

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    Maria Fernanda Cardenas


    Full Text Available La vulnerabilidad al cambio climático ha sido considerada y evaluada desde diferentes perspectivas, de acuerdo con los objetivos del estudio o del autor, de tal manera que existe un sinnúmero de definiciones, de enfoques, de indicadores o variables para evaluarla y por ende una falta de consenso sobre el tema. En las últimas décadas, la mayoría de los trabajos relacionados con el cambio climático han estado enfocados a determinar los principales impactos del cambio climático y a evaluar la vulnerabilidad de la población humana ante amenazas, es decir, vulnerabilidad socioeconómica. En este trabajo se discute la importancia de evaluar la vulnerabilidad intrínseca de los ecosistemas, y de los bienes y servicios que éstos prestan, a partir de sus aspectos biofísicos, como base fundamental para evaluar la vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones humanas que dependen de esos bienes y servicios ecosistémicos. Por tanto, se propone un modelo conceptual y una ruta metodológica para evaluar un valor ecosistémico particular, y se presenta, a manera de ejemplo, un caso de estudio en el cual se proponen las variables pertinentes e indicadores a tener en cuenta para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad hidrológica que tienen los ecosistemas de alta montaña en el trópico ante el cambio climático.

  12. The interplay between scent trails and group-mass recruitment systems in ants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Planque, R.; van den Berg, G.J.B.; Franks, N.R.


    Large ant colonies invariably use effective scent trails to guide copious ant numbers to food sources. The success of mass recruitment hinges on the involvement of many colony members to lay powerful trails. However, many ant colonies start off as single queens. How do these same colonies forage

  13. Regla Fiscal para Determinar el Monto del Subsidio Estatal a la Universidad de Guanajuato Regla Fiscal para Determinar el Monto del Subsidio Estatal a la Universidad de Guanajuato

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    Oscar Javier Cárdenas Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propone una contribución especial y una regla fiscal para que el gobierno estatal determine, ex ante, el monto de subsidio ordinario que ha de otorgar cada ejercicio fiscal a la Universidad de Guanajuato. La ventaja de este mecanismo es la eliminación de la negociación presupuestal que se realiza año con año entre la Universidad, el Gobierno Estatal y el Congreso Local.An additional tax and a fiscal rule is proposed, in this paper, so that the Local Government determines, ex ante, the ordinary public subsidy it should give each fiscal year to the Universidad de Guanajuato. The advantage of this mechanism is the elimination of the budget negotiation that takes place yearly between the Universidad, the Local Government and the State Congress.

  14. Técnicas innovadoras para la evaluación del riesgo sísmico y su gestión en centros urbanos: Acciones ex ante y ex post


    Carreño, M. L. (Martha Liliana)


    The objectives of this thesis are: the ex ante seismic risk evaluation for urban centers, the disaster risk management evaluation and the ex post risk evaluation of the damaged buildings after an earthquake. A complete review of the basic concepts and of the most important recent works performed in these fields. These aspects are basic for the development of the new ex ante and ex post seismic risk evaluation approaches which are proposed in this thesis and for the s evaluation of the effecti...

  15. Evolution of Fungal enzymes in the attine ant symbiosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Fine Licht, Henrik Hjarvard; Schiøtt, Morten; Boomsma, Jacobus Jan

    The attine ant symbiosis is characterized by ancient but varying degrees of diffuse co-evolution between the ants and their fungal cultivars. Domesticated fungi became dependent on vertical transmission by queens and the ant colonies came to rely on their symbiotic fungus for food and thus...... as garden substrate, whereas the more basal genera use leaf litter, insect feces and insect carcasses. We hypothesized that enzyme activity of fungal symbionts has co-evolved with substrate use and we measured enzyme activities of fungus gardens in the field to test this, focusing particularly on plant...... essential for the symbiosis in general, but have contributed specifically to the evolution of the symbiosis....


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    J. Yépez


    Full Text Available Se presenta en este artículo el estudio de reforzamiento estructural para una edificación de uso educativo, conocida como “Tipo Antiguo II”. La escuela fue construida antes de la creación de la Norma Venezolana Sismorresistente Covenin 1756. Los resultados del análisis estructural demostraron insuficiente capacidad de respuesta ante las solicitaciones de servicio, alta vulnerabilidad ante la acción sísmica y deficiencias en la cantidad y distribución del acero de refuerzo. Por tal motivo se planteó el reforzamiento de la superestructura mediante la construcción de muros tipo panel, verificando su acción sobre el sistema de pilotaje existente. Para el modelaje se emplearon los valores de resistencia del concreto obtenidos en los ensayos destructivos realizados por el laboratorio de materiales del Decanato de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, y los parámetros del suelo provenientes del estudio geotécnico. This article presents the study of structural reinforcement for a building of educational use, known as "Old Type II". The school was built before the creation of the Venezuelan Seismoresistant Covenin 1756. The results of the structural analysis showed insufficient responsiveness to service requests, high vulnerability to seismic action and deficiencies in the quantity and distribution of reinforcing steel. For this reason, the reinforcement of the superstructure was proposed by the construction of panel walls, verifying their action on the existing piloting system. For the modeling, the values of resistance of the concrete obtained in the destructive tests made by the materials laboratory of the School of Civil Engineering of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado and the soil parameters from the geotechnical study were used.

  17. Social context predicts recognition systems in ant queens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dreier, Stéphanie Agnès Jeanine; d'Ettorre, Patrizia


    Recognition of group-members is a key feature of sociality. Ants use chemical communication to discriminate nestmates from intruders, enhancing kin cooperation and preventing parasitism. The recognition code is embedded in their cuticular chemical profile, which typically varies between colonies....... We predicted that ants might be capable of accurate recognition in unusual situations when few individuals interact repeatedly, as new colonies started by two to three queens. Individual recognition would be favoured by selection when queens establish dominance hierarchies, because repeated fights...... for dominance are costly; but it would not evolve in absence of hierarchies. We previously showed that Pachycondyla co-founding queens, which form dominance hierarchies, have accurate individual recognition based on chemical cues. Here, we used the ant Lasius niger to test the null hypothesis that individual...

  18. Ant colonies prefer infected over uninfected nest sites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pontieri, Luigi; Vojvodic, Svjetlana; Graham, Riley


    with sporulating mycelium of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum (infected nests), nests containing nestmates killed by freezing (uninfected nests), and empty nests. In contrast to the expectation pharaoh ant colonies preferentially (84%) moved into the infected nest when presented with the choice...... the high risk of epidemics in group-living animals. Choosing nest sites free of pathogens is hypothesized to be highly efficient in invasive ants as each of their introduced populations is often an open network of nests exchanging individuals (unicolonial) with frequent relocation into new nest sites...... and low genetic diversity, likely making these species particularly vulnerable to parasites and diseases. We investigated the nest site preference of the invasive pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis, through binary choice tests between three nest types: nests containing dead nestmates overgrown...

  19. A origem da salinidade no Continente Antártico The origin of salinity in the Antarctic Continent

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    Arcângelo Loss


    Full Text Available A Antártica é o mais perfeito laboratório natural do planeta para estudos de mudanças ambientais. Partindo dessa premissa, este estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sobre a origem dos sais presentes no continente antártico, sendo pormenorizado as principais formas e fontes salinas que ocorrem. Na literatura, este tema é de grande discussão, sendo relatado que a origem dos sais pode ser devido à precipitação atmosférica, intemperismo de rochas, origem marinha (spray salino, sulfatos biologicamente produzidos ou atividade hidrotermal. De maneira geral, a presente revisão permitiu inferir diversas origens dos sais solúveis em água nos solos da Antártica. Perto da costa, influências marinhas são dominantes, encobrindo quaisquer contribuições do intemperismo das rochas. Mas para o interior, a influência do intemperismo é mais evidente, ao passo que a influência de circulação atmosférica superior torna-se importante também. Ressalta-se também, a importância da contribuição continental no aporte de sais nos períodos glaciais.The Antarctica is the most perfect natural laboratory to study the planet from environmental changes. From this premise, this study was to conduct a review on the origin of salts in the Antarctic, and detailed the main forms and sources occurring salt. In literature, this topic is of great discussion, and reported that the origin of salts may be due to precipitation, rock weathering, marine (salt spray, biologically produced sulfates or hydrothermal activity. Overall, this review allows us to infer various sources of water-soluble salts in soils of Antarctica. Near the coast, marine influences are dominant, covering up any contributions from weathering of rocks. But for the interior, the influence of weathering is more evident, while the influence of atmospheric circulation becomes more important as well. We also emphasize the importance of the contribution in the continental input of salts

  20. Co-evolution of enzyme function in the attine ant-fungus symbiosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Fine Licht, Henrik Hjarvard; Schiøtt, Morten; Boomsma, Jacobus Jan

    Introduction: Fungus-growing ants cultivate specialized fungi in the tribe Leucocoprineae (Lepiotaceae: Basidiomycota) inside their nests. The conspicuous leaf-cutting ants in the genus Atta build huge nests displacing several cubic meters of soil, whereas lower attine genera such as Cyphomyrmex ...... garden. This system can be viewed as ant induced crop optimization similar to human agricultural practices....... have small nests with a fungus garden the size of a table-tennis ball. Only the leaf-cutting ants are specialized on using fresh leaves as substrate for their fungus gardens, whereas the more basal attine genera use substrates such as dry plant material (leaf litter and small twigs) and also insect...... feces and insect carcasses. This diverse array of fungal substrates across the attine lineage implies that the symbiotic fungus needs different enzymes to break down the plant material that the ants provide or different efficiencies of enzyme function. Methods: (1.) We made a literature survey...

  1. Leaf endophyte load influences fungal garden development in leaf-cutting ants

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    Van Bael Sunshine A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Previous work has shown that leaf-cutting ants prefer to cut leaf material with relatively low fungal endophyte content. This preference suggests that fungal endophytes exact a cost on the ants or on the development of their colonies. We hypothesized that endophytes may play a role in their host plants’ defense against leaf-cutting ants. To measure the long-term cost to the ant colony of fungal endophytes in their forage material, we conducted a 20-week laboratory experiment to measure fungal garden development for colonies that foraged on leaves with low or high endophyte content. Results Colony mass and the fungal garden dry mass did not differ significantly between the low and high endophyte feeding treatments. There was, however, a marginally significant trend toward greater mass of fungal garden per ant worker in the low relative to the high endophyte treatment. This trend was driven by differences in the fungal garden mass per worker from the earliest samples, when leaf-cutting ants had been foraging on low or high endophyte leaf material for only 2 weeks. At two weeks of foraging, the mean fungal garden mass per worker was 77% greater for colonies foraging on leaves with low relative to high endophyte loads. Conclusions Our data suggest that the cost of endophyte presence in ant forage material may be greatest to fungal colony development in its earliest stages, when there are few workers available to forage and to clean leaf material. This coincides with a period of high mortality for incipient colonies in the field. We discuss how the endophyte-leaf-cutter ant interaction may parallel constitutive defenses in plants, whereby endophytes reduce the rate of colony development when its risk of mortality is greatest.

  2. Disentangling the diversity of arboreal ant communities in tropical forest trees. (United States)

    Klimes, Petr; Fibich, Pavel; Idigel, Cliffson; Rimandai, Maling


    Tropical canopies are known for their high abundance and diversity of ants. However, the factors which enable coexistence of so many species in trees, and in particular, the role of foragers in determining local diversity, are not well understood. We censused nesting and foraging arboreal ant communities in two 0.32 ha plots of primary and secondary lowland rainforest in New Guinea and explored their species diversity and composition. Null models were used to test if the records of species foraging (but not nesting) in a tree were dependent on the spatial distribution of nests in surrounding trees. In total, 102 ant species from 389 trees occurred in the primary plot compared with only 50 species from 295 trees in the secondary forest plot. However, there was only a small difference in mean ant richness per tree between primary and secondary forest (3.8 and 3.3 sp. respectively) and considerably lower richness per tree was found only when nests were considered (1.5 sp. in both forests). About half of foraging individuals collected in a tree belonged to species which were not nesting in that tree. Null models showed that the ants foraging but not nesting in a tree are more likely to nest in nearby trees than would be expected at random. The effects of both forest stage and tree size traits were similar regardless of whether only foragers, only nests, or both datasets combined were considered. However, relative abundance distributions of species differed between foraging and nesting communities. The primary forest plot was dominated by native ant species, whereas invasive species were common in secondary forest. This study demonstrates the high contribution of foragers to arboreal ant diversity, indicating an important role of connectivity between trees, and also highlights the importance of primary vegetation for the conservation of native ant communities.

  3. A phylogenetic perspective on the association between ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and black yeasts (Ascomycota: Chaetothyriales). (United States)

    Vasse, Marie; Voglmayr, Hermann; Mayer, Veronika; Gueidan, Cécile; Nepel, Maximilian; Moreno, Leandro; de Hoog, Sybren; Selosse, Marc-André; McKey, Doyle; Blatrix, Rumsaïs


    The frequency and the geographical extent of symbiotic associations between ants and fungi of the order Chaetothyriales have been highlighted only recently. Using a phylogenetic approach based on seven molecular markers, we showed that ant-associated Chaetothyriales are scattered through the phylogeny of this order. There was no clustering according to geographical origin or to the taxonomy of the ant host. However, strains tended to be clustered according to the type of association with ants: strains from ant-made carton and strains from plant cavities occupied by ants ('domatia') rarely clustered together. Defining molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) with an internal transcribed spacer sequence similarity cut-off of 99% revealed that a single MOTU could be composed of strains collected from various ant species and from several continents. Some ant-associated MOTUs also contained strains isolated from habitats other than ant-associated structures. Altogether, our results suggest that the degree of specialization of the interactions between ants and their fungal partners is highly variable. A better knowledge of the ecology of these interactions and a more comprehensive sampling of the fungal order are needed to elucidate the evolutionary history of mutualistic symbioses between ants and Chaetothyriales. © 2017 The Author(s).

  4. Plant-ants feed their host plant, but above all a fungal symbiont to recycle nitrogen. (United States)

    Defossez, Emmanuel; Djiéto-Lordon, Champlain; McKey, Doyle; Selosse, Marc-André; Blatrix, Rumsaïs


    In ant-plant symbioses, plants provide symbiotic ants with food and specialized nesting cavities (called domatia). In many ant-plant symbioses, a fungal patch grows within each domatium. The symbiotic nature of the fungal association has been shown in the ant-plant Leonardoxa africana and its protective mutualist ant Petalomyrmex phylax. To decipher trophic fluxes among the three partners, food enriched in (13)C and (15)N was given to the ants and tracked in the different parts of the symbiosis up to 660 days later. The plant received a small, but significant, amount of nitrogen from the ants. However, the ants fed more intensively the fungus. The pattern of isotope enrichment in the system indicated an ant behaviour that functions specifically to feed the fungus. After 660 days, the introduced nitrogen was still present in the system and homogeneously distributed among ant, plant and fungal compartments, indicating efficient recycling within the symbiosis. Another experiment showed that the plant surface absorbed nutrients (in the form of simple molecules) whether or not it is coated by fungus. Our study provides arguments for a mutualistic status of the fungal associate and a framework for investigating the previously unsuspected complexity of food webs in ant-plant mutualisms.

  5. O jardim de fungo atua como um molde para a construção das câmaras em formigas cortadeiras? Fungus garden acts as a template for the construction of chambers in ants?

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    Roberto da Silva Camargo


    Full Text Available Os ninhos adultos das formigas cortadeiras (gênero Atta e Acromyrmex são compostos de milhares de câmaras subterrâneas, as quais abrigam o jardim de fungo, lixo e a população desses insetos. Entretanto, como as câmaras são construídas? Para responder essa questão, nós hipotetizamos que o jardim de fungo atua como um molde para a construção das câmaras. Assim, foram utilizadas 20 colônias de 6 meses de idade, divididas em quatro séries experimentais: padrão (quantidade normal de jardim de fungo; metade de jardim de fungo; dobro de jardim de fungo e sem jardim de fungo (Testemunha. As variáveis estudadas foram: parâmetros morfológicos das estruturas (túneis e câmara formada; fluxo das atividades das operárias; volume de solo escavado. Como se esperava, o jardim de fungo atua como um molde para a construção das câmaras em formigas cortadeiras. Os resultados foram: o tratamento sem jardim de fungo não apresentou nenhuma câmara, apenas túneis, em contraposição às demais séries experimentais que apresentaram no mínimo 2 câmaras, com dimensões similares; o fluxo das operárias carregando pellet de solo por minuto durante as 72 horas diferiu estatisticamente entre as séries experimentais e, finalmente, o volume do solo escavado foi resultado da taxa de escavação das operárias, diferindo estatisticamente entre as séries experimentais. Os resultados corroboram a hipótese de que o jardim de fungo atua como um molde para a construção da câmara. A ausência de uma estrutura funcional como uma câmara, quando o jardim de fungo está ausente, comprova a hipótese.Adult nests of leaf cutting ants (genus Atta and Acromyrmex are composed of thousands of underground chambers, which harbor the fungus garden, garbage and their population. However, how the chambers are constructed? To answer this question, we hypothesized that the fungus garden acts as a template for the chambers construction. Thus, we used 20 colonies of

  6. Dispersal for survival: some observations on the trunk ant (Formica truncorum Fabricius)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mabelis, A.A.; Korczynska, J.


    The survival chance of the trunk ant (Formica truncorum) is compared with the survival chance of two other species of red wood ants: F.rufa and F.polyctena. Nest populations of F.truncorum are much smaller than nest populations of the other red wood ant species, which makes the species a weaker

  7. Behavioral mechanisms and morphological symptoms of zombie ants dying from fungal infection

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    Himaman Winanda


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Parasites that manipulate host behavior can provide prominent examples of extended phenotypes: parasite genomes controlling host behavior. Here we focus on one of the most dramatic examples of behavioral manipulation, the death grip of ants infected by Ophiocordyceps fungi. We studied the interaction between O. unilateralis s.l. and its host ant Camponotus leonardi in a Thai rainforest, where infected ants descend from their canopy nests down to understory vegetation to bite into abaxial leaf veins before dying. Host mortality is concentrated in patches (graveyards where ants die on sapling leaves ca. 25 cm above the soil surface where conditions for parasite development are optimal. Here we address whether the sequence of ant behaviors leading to the final death grip can also be interpreted as parasite adaptations and describe some of the morphological changes inside the heads of infected workers that mediate the expression of the death grip phenotype. Results We found that infected ants behave as zombies and display predictable stereotypical behaviors of random rather than directional walking, and of repeated convulsions that make them fall down and thus precludes returning to the canopy. Transitions from erratic wandering to death grips on a leaf vein were abrupt and synchronized around solar noon. We show that the mandibles of ants penetrate deeply into vein tissue and that this is accompanied by extensive atrophy of the mandibular muscles. This lock-jaw means the ant will remain attached to the leaf after death. We further present histological data to show that a high density of single celled stages of the parasite within the head capsule of dying ants are likely to be responsible for this muscular atrophy. Conclusions Extended phenotypes in ants induced by fungal infections are a complex example of behavioral manipulation requiring coordinated changes of host behavior and morphology. Future work should address the

  8. Gabapentina a dosis de 300 vs. 450 mg como premedicación anestésica para hipertensión reactiva, ansiedad y analgesia. (United States)

    Rascón-Martínez, Dulce María; Guzmán-Sánchez, Joaquín Antonio; Corral-Urdapilleta, Nora Paulina; Arguelles-Uribe, Gema Damaris; Velázquez-Loeza, Jazmín; Soto-Palma, Gustavo; Carrillo-Torres, Orlando


    Observar el comportamiento de la gabapentina para aminorar la hipertensión reactiva secundaria a ansiedad y dolor en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftálmica, así como el consumo de opiáceos entre los grupos. Ensayo clínico controlado aleatorizado y doble ciego que analizó a 125 pacientes divididos en tres grupos: grupo A, gabapentina 300 mg; grupo B, gabapentina 450 mg; grupo C, amaranto en grageas como control 2 horas antes del procedimiento quirúrgico. Se utilizó la prueba de ji al cuadrado para variables sociodemográficas y ANOVA de un factor para variables numéricas continuas. Se consideró como significativo un valor de p consumo de opiáceos en los grupos que usaron gabapentina. La gabapentina por vía oral, 300 o 450 mg, 2 horas antes de la cirugía, reduce el dolor, la ansiedad y el consumo de opiáceos durante el posoperatorio en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftalmológica. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  9. Freqüência e padrão da violência por parceiro íntimo antes, durante e depois da gravidez

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    Elisabete Pereira Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e analisar o padrão da violência por parceiro íntimo antes e durante a gestação e no pós-parto. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte realizado com 960 mulheres de 18 a 49 anos, cadastradas no Programa Saúde da Família da cidade do Recife, PE, entre 2005 e 2006. As mulheres foram entrevistadas durante a gestação e no puerpério, utilizando-se um questionário adaptado do Estudo Multipaíses sobre a Saúde da Mulher e Violência Doméstica da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Para avaliar o padrão de ocorrência da violência por parceiro íntimo, entre um determinado período e o subseqüente, o odds ratio foi calculado com intervalos de 95% de confiança (IC95%. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de violência por parceiro íntimo antes, durante e/ou depois da gestação foi estimada em 47,4% e, para cada período isolado, em 32,4%, 31,0% e 22,6%, respectivamente. As mulheres que relataram violência antes da gravidez tiveram chance 11,6 vezes maior (IC95%: 8,3;16,2 de relatar violência durante a gravidez. Quando as mulheres relataram violência durante a gravidez, a chance de relatos no pós-parto foi 8,2 vezes maior (IC95%: 5,1;11,7. A violência psicológica foi a de maior prevalência, principalmente durante a gestação (28,8%; IC95%: 26,0%;31,7%; a sexual, a menos prevalente, especialmente no pós-parto (3,7%; IC95%: 2,6%;5,0%; e a física diminuiu quase 50% durante a gestação em comparação com o período anterior. CONCLUSÕES: Parcela significativa das mulheres em idade reprodutiva vivencia situações de violência por parceiro íntimo. Os períodos de consultas de pré-natal e de puericultura são oportunidades para que o profissional de saúde possa identificar situações de violência.

  10. Los Servicios de Inteligencia ante los retos de la Comunidad Internacional

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    Torres Muro, Federico


    Full Text Available El título de mi contribución a este número de la revista Arbor, «Los Servicios de inteligencia ante los retos de la comunidad internacional", posiblemente debería completarse con la frase, para las que aquéllos deben tener respuesta. Me explico. Es obvio que la comunidad internacional tiene que afrontar retos como el hambre, la pobreza, el cambio climático, que no menciono en mi artículo ya que no entran dentro del ámbito de actuación de los servicios de inteligencia, aunque ningún analista cualificado los ignoraría. No obstante, he creído conveniente centrar mi descripción, necesariamente sucinta, del panorama actual de las relaciones internacionales en aquellos factores que entiendo afectan directamente a la seguridad internacional y, por tanto, a la tarea de los servicios de inteligencia.

  11. Evolutionary transition from single to multiple mating in fungus-growing ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villesen, Palle; Gertsch, P J; Frydenberg, Jane


    Queens of leafcutter ants exhibit the highest known levels of multiple mating (up to 10 mates per queen) among ants. Multiple mating may have been selected to increase genetic diversity among nestmate workers, which is hypothesized to be critical in social systems with large, long-lived colonies...... under severe pressure of pathogens. Advanced fungus-growing (leafcutter) ants have large numbers (104-106 workers) and long-lived colonies, whereas basal genera in the attine tribe have small (... to have lower queen mating frequencies, similar to those found in most other ants. We tested this prediction by analysing queen mating frequency and colony kin structure in three basal attine species: Myrmicocrypta ednaella, Apterostigma collare and Cyphomyrmex longiscapus. Microsatellite marker analyses...

  12. Modeling no-jam traffic in ant trails: a pheromone-controlled approach (United States)

    Guo, Ning; Hu, Mao-Bin; Jiang, Rui; Ding, Jianxun; Ling, Xiang


    The experiment in John et al (2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 108001) shows that when ants move in a single-file trail, no jam emerges even at very high densities. We propose a self-propelled model of ant traffic to reproduce the fundamental diagram without a jammed branch. In this model, ants can adjust their desired velocities actively by perceiving pheromone concentration near the front of the trail. Moreover, ants will bear the repulsive force when they have physical contact with neighbors. The velocity in the simulation decreases slightly with increasing density, which captures the main feature observed in the experiment. Distributions of velocity and distance headway basically also conform to the experimental ones.

  13. Efeito da associação de furosemida e fenilbutazona sobre variáveis hidroeletrolíticas de cavalos antes e após a corrida

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    A.S. Camargos


    Full Text Available Verificaram-se os efeitos da associação de furosemida e fenilbutazona sobre variáveis hidroeletrolíticas de cavalos antes e após a corrida. Dezenove equinos foram distribuídos em três grupos, de acordo com os protocolos de tratamento. O primeiro grupo, de cinco animais, não recebeu medicação (grupo-controle; o segundo grupo, de sete animais, foi tratado com furosemida, na dose de 1mg/kg, por via intramuscular, até quatro horas antes do páreo; o terceiro, de sete animais, recebeu furosemida, por via intramuscular, e fenilbutazona, por via intravenosa, nas doses de 1,0 e 4,4mg/kg, respectivamente, até quatro horas antes da corrida. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas antes, imediatamente após e duas horas após o páreo, para avaliação da osmolalidade plasmática e das concentrações plasmáticas de sódio, potássio e cloreto. A utilização de furosemida e da associação furosemida e fenilbutazona até 4h antes dos páreos nas dosagens descritas alterou (P0,05 as concentrações de sódio, potássio e cloreto. Os páreos alteraram de forma fisiológica a osmolalidade plasmática e a concentração sanguínea de K+ devido ao exercício de alta intensidade.

  14. Compostagem de lodo de esgoto para uso agrícola

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    Mário Viana Paredes Filho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho de revisão de literatura tem o objetivo de demonstrar o potencial existente no lodo de esgoto proveniente das estações de tratamento de esgotos, para que o mesmo seja reaproveitado e utilizado como matéria orgânica fornecedora de nutrientes para o solo. O lodo de esgoto deve ser tratado antes da sua disposição final através de tratamentos biológicos que vão reduzir a carga orgânica e promover a estabilização e higienização do composto. A compostagem apresenta-se como uma técnica viável e relativamente de baixo custo, que atende aos padrões físicos, químicos e microbiológicos exigidos pela legislação pertinente. A reciclagem agrícola do lodo de esgoto torna-se uma alternativa segura para a disposição final deste resíduo.

  15. Isolation of a pyrazine alarm pheromone component from the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. (United States)

    Vander Meer, Robert K; Preston, Catherine A; Choi, Man-Yeon


    Alarm pheromones in social insects are an essential part of a complex of pheromone interactions that contribute to the maintenance of colony integrity and sociality. The alarm pheromones of ants were among the first examples of animal pheromones identified, primarily because of the large amount of chemical produced and the distinctive responses of ants to the pheromone. However, the alarm pheromone of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, eluded identification for over four decades. We identified 2-ethyl-3,6-dimethylpyrazine as an alarm pheromone component of S. invicta. Worker fire ants detect the pyrazine alarm pheromone at 30 pg/ml, which is comparable to alarm pheromone sensitivities reported for other ant species. The source of this alarm pheromone are the mandibular glands, which, in fire ants, are not well developed and contain only about 300 pg of the compound, much less than the microgram quantities of alarm pheromones reported for several other ant species. Female and male sexuals and workers produce the pyrazine, which suggests that it may be involved in fire ant mating flight initiation, as well as the typical worker alarm response. This is the first report of 2-ethyl-3,6-dimethylpyrazine from a Solenopsis species and the first example of this alkaloid functioning as an alarm pheromone.

  16. Canopy cover negatively affects arboreal ant species richness in a tropical open habitat

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    A. C. M. Queiroz

    Full Text Available Abstract We tested the hypothesis of a negative relationship between vegetation characteristics and ant species richness in a Brazilian open vegetation habitat, called candeial. We set up arboreal pitfalls to sample arboreal ants and measured the following environmental variables, which were used as surrogate of environmental heterogeneity: tree richness, tree density, tree height, circumference at the base of the plants, and canopy cover. Only canopy cover had a negative effect on the arboreal ant species richness. Vegetation characteristics and plant species composition are probably homogeneous in candeial, which explains the lack of relationship between other environmental variables and ant richness. Open vegetation habitats harbor a large number of opportunistic and generalist species, besides specialist ants from habitats with high temperatures. An increase in canopy cover decreases sunlight incidence and may cause local microclimatic differences, which negatively affect the species richness of specialist ants from open areas. Canopy cover regulates the richness of arboreal ants in open areas, since only few ant species are able to colonize sites with dense vegetation; most species are present in sites with high temperature and luminosity. Within open vegetation habitats the relationship between vegetation characteristics and species richness seems to be the opposite from closed vegetation areas, like forests.

  17. Salticid predation as one potential driving force of ant mimicry in jumping spiders (United States)

    Huang, Jin-Nan; Cheng, Ren-Chung; Li, Daiqin; Tso, I-Min


    Many spiders possess myrmecomorphy, and species of the jumping spider genus Myrmarachne exhibit nearly perfect ant mimicry. Most salticids are diurnal predators with unusually high visual acuity that prey on various arthropods, including conspecifics. In this study, we tested whether predation pressure from large jumping spiders is one possible driving force of perfect ant mimicry in jumping spiders. The results showed that small non-ant-mimicking jumping spiders were readily treated as prey by large ones (no matter whether heterospecific or conspecific) and suffered high attack and mortality rates. The size difference between small and large jumping spiders significantly affected the outcomes of predatory interactions between them: the smaller the juvenile jumping spiders, the higher the predation risk from large ones. The attack and mortality rates of ant-mimicking jumping spiders were significantly lower than those of non-ant-mimicking jumping spiders, indicating that a resemblance to ants could provide protection against salticid predation. However, results of multivariate behavioural analyses showed that the responses of large jumping spiders to ants and ant-mimicking salticids differed significantly. Results of this study indicate that predation pressure from large jumping spiders might be one selection force driving the evolution of nearly perfect myrmecomorphy in spiders and other arthropods. PMID:20961898

  18. An ant-plant mutualism through the lens of cGMP-dependent kinase genes. (United States)

    Malé, Pierre-Jean G; Turner, Kyle M; Doha, Manjima; Anreiter, Ina; Allen, Aaron M; Sokolowski, Marla B; Frederickson, Megan E


    In plant-animal mutualisms, how an animal forages often determines how much benefit its plant partner receives. In many animals, foraging behaviour changes in response to foraging gene expression or activation of the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) that foraging encodes. Here, we show that this highly conserved molecular mechanism affects the outcome of a plant-animal mutualism. We studied the two PKG genes of Allomerus octoarticulatus, an Amazonian ant that defends the ant-plant Cordia nodosa against herbivores. Some ant colonies are better 'bodyguards' than others. Working in the field in Peru, we found that colonies fed with a PKG activator recruited more workers to attack herbivores than control colonies. This resulted in less herbivore damage. PKG gene expression in ant workers correlated with whether an ant colony discovered an herbivore and how much damage herbivores inflicted on leaves in a complex way; natural variation in expression levels of the two genes had significant interaction effects on ant behaviour and herbivory. Our results suggest a molecular basis for ant protection of plants in this mutualism. © 2017 The Author(s).


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    Jesús Martín-Fernández


    Full Text Available La caracterización de la actitud ante el riesgo puede ser útil en la planificación de las intervenciones sanitarias. El objetivo fue estudiar la actitud ante el riesgo de una población que demanda cuidados de salud y evaluar la capacidad de un juego de loterías para evidenciar dicha actitud. Métodos: Estudio multicéntrico transversal. Se recogieron características demográficas, socioeconómicas, de calidad de vida y conductas de riesgo en salud de 662 personas usuarias de 23 centros de salud seleccionadas mediante muestreo aleatorio. La actitud ante el riesgo se evaluó mediante una escala subje - tiva y mediante dos juegos de azar (L1 y L2; L2 incluía la posibilidad de pérdidas económicas. Se realizaron modelos explicativos para valorar la variabilidad de la propensión al riesgo utilizando Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE. Resultados: El 19,1% (IC95%:15,6-22,6% de los sujetos expresaron una propensión al riesgo alta, el 10,0% (IC95%:7,0-13,0 fueron clasificados como propensos al riesgo con L2. Se encontró asociación entre una mayor propensión al riesgo y tener mejor percepción del estado de salud (0,110; IC95%:0,007- 0,212 o mayor renta (0,010; IC95%: 0,017- 0,123 o ser fumador (0,059; IC95%: 0,004-0,114. Ser español se relacionaba con menor propensión al riesgo (-0,105; IC95%: -0,205- -0,005, al igual que ser mayor de 65 años (-0,031; IC95%:- 0,061- -0,001 o ser mujer (-0,038, IC95%:-0,064- -0,012. El coeficiente de correlación intraclase para la escala subjetiva fue 0,511 (IC95%:0,372-0,629, 0,571 (IC95%:0,441-0,678 para L1 y 0,349 (IC95%:0,186-0,493 para L2. Conclusiones: Las personas que demandan cuidados de salud presentan con frecuencia propensión al riesgo, la cual se atenúa cuando se caracteriza median - te metodologías que implican pérdidas. La propensión al riesgo parece mayor en personas jóvenes, varones, con mejor estado de salud, con mayor renta y en inmigrantes.

  20. Temporal Variation in the Abundance and Richness of Foliage-Dwelling Ants Mediated by Extrafloral Nectar.

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    Ceres Belchior

    Full Text Available Plants bearing extrafloral nectaries (EFNs are common in the Brazilian cerrado savanna, where climatic conditions having marked seasonality influence arboreal ant fauna organization. These ant-plant interactions have rarely been studied at community level. Here, we tested whether: 1 EFN-bearing plants are more visited by ants than EFN-lacking plants; 2 ant visitation is higher in the rainy season than in dry season; 3 plants producing young leaves are more visited than those lacking young leaves in the rainy season; 4 during the dry season, plants with old leaves and flowers are more visited than plants with young leaves and bare of leaves or flowers; 5 the composition of visiting ant fauna differs between plants with and without EFNs. Field work was done in a cerrado reserve near Uberlândia, MG State, Brazil, along ten transects (total area 3,000 m2, in the rainy (October-January and dry seasons (April-July of 2010-2011. Plants (72 species; 762 individuals were checked three times per season for ant presence. Results showed that 21 species (29% and 266 individuals (35% possessed EFNs. These plants attracted 38 ant species (36 in rainy, 26 in dry season. In the rainy season, plants with EFNs had higher ant abundance/richness than plants without EFNs, but in the dry season, EFN presence did not influence ant visitation. Plant phenology affected ant richness and abundance in different ways: plants with young leaves possessed higher ant richness in the rainy season, but in the dry season ant abundance was higher on plants possessing old leaves or flowers. The species composition of plant-associated ant communities, however, did not differ between plants with and without EFNs in either season. These findings suggest that the effect of EFN presence on a community of plant-visiting ants is context dependent, being conditioned to seasonal variation.