
Sample records for par reactifs chimiques

  1. Croissance epitaxiale de GaAs sur substrats de Ge par epitaxie par faisceaux chimiques (United States)

    Belanger, Simon

    La situation energetique et les enjeux environnementaux auxquels la societe est confrontee entrainent un interet grandissant pour la production d'electricite a partir de l'energie solaire. Parmi les technologies actuellement disponibles, la filiere du photovoltaique a concentrateur solaire (CPV pour concentrator photovoltaics) possede un rendement superieur et mi potentiel interessant a condition que ses couts de production soient competitifs. La methode d'epitaxie par faisceaux chimiques (CBE pour chemical beam epitaxy) possede plusieurs caracteristiques qui la rendent interessante pour la production a grande echelle de cellules photovoltaiques a jonctions multiples a base de semi-conducteurs III-V. Ce type de cellule possede la meilleure efficacite atteinte a ce jour et est utilise sur les satellites et les systemes photovoltaiques a concentrateur solaire (CPV) les plus efficaces. Une des principales forces de la technique CBE se trouve dans son potentiel d'efficacite d'utilisation des materiaux source qui est superieur a celui de la technique d'epitaxie qui est couramment utilisee pour la production a grande echelle de ces cellules. Ce memoire de maitrise presente les travaux effectues dans le but d'evaluer le potentiel de la technique CBE pour realiser la croissance de couches de GaAs sur des substrats de Ge. Cette croissance constitue la premiere etape de fabrication de nombreux modeles de cellules solaires a haute performance decrites plus haut. La realisation de ce projet a necessite le developpement d'un procede de preparation de surface pour les substrats de germanium, la realisation de nombreuses sceances de croissance epitaxiale et la caracterisation des materiaux obtenus par microscopie optique, microscopie a force atomique (AFM), diffraction des rayons-X a haute resolution (HRXRD), microscopie electronique a transmission (TEM), photoluminescence a basse temperature (LTPL) et spectrometrie de masse des ions secondaires (SIMS). Les experiences ont permis

  2. Optimisation de la production d'éthanol par les techniques d ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nous avons évalué les paramètres optimum pour la production d'alcool à partir de l'efficacité d'hydrolyse de l'amidon: chimique (HCl), enzymatique (amylase de Aspergillus niger ou de malt) et mixte (chimique et enzymatique). La fermentation alcoolique par la levure de bière est suivie, à travers l'influence du pH, de la ...

  3. Conception et calibration d'un sonoreacteur pour l'oxydation de la cellulose par le systeme TEMPO/NaOCl/NaBr (United States)

    Paquin, Michel

    grande consommation d'energie et de reactif qui rend le procede difficilement accessible au milieu industriel. L'utilisation des ultrasons lors de la reaction d'oxydation permet de reduire de 50% le temps de reaction et d'autant la consommation de produits chimiques. Actuellement le processus d'oxydation s'effectue en mode discontinu pour une quantite de 20 grammes de pate dans un reacteur en verre dans un bain a ultrason. L'objectif principal de ce travail est d'elaborer un sonoreacteur en mode semi-continu afin d'etre en mesure de transferer une reaction d'oxydation du mode discontinu en mode semi-continu. Le transfert de reaction sera effectue en realisant la calibration de l'activite acoustique des deux differents reacteurs, discontinu et semi-continu, par la methode de Weissler. La methode de Weissler quantifie le taux de production radicalaire en mesurant la formation d'iode moleculaire d'une solution aqueuse d'iodure de potassium sous ultrason. Suite a sa calibration, le sonoreacteur pilote (mode semi-continu) a demontre une augmentation de la production radicalaire de 683 % a 170 kHz en comparaison avec l'utilisation d'un bain a ultrason a la meme frequence. Lors de la reaction d'oxydation, la puissance optimale utilisee dans le bain a ultrason a 170 kHz est de 1000 W. La puissance utilisee selon les resultats de calibration obtenue dans le sonoreacteur pilote est de 125 W soit une diminution de l'energie appliquee de 87,5 %. Lors de la reaction d'oxydation, le taux de production des groupements carboxylates est de 2,6 mmol COOH kg/min dans le bain a ultrason et de 6,87 mmol COOH kg/min dans le sonoreacteur pilote soit une augmentation de 164% du taux de formation. Selon les resultats obtenus, l'utilisation d'un sonoreacteur en mode continu peut etre envisageable pour la reaction d'oxydation de la cellulose par le systeme TEMPO-NaOCl-NaBr en industrie au niveau industriel.

  4. Traitement de la margine brute d'huile d'olive par distillation suivi de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'analyse physico-chimique de la margine brute et distillat, montre que ce dernier se caractérise par des abattements très remarquables des composés phénoliques (97%), Demande Chimique en Oxygène (DOC) (92%), Demande Biologique en Oxygène (DBO) (96%), conductivité (99%,) et chlorures (97%). Conclusion et ...

  5. The study of some thiazinic and indaminic dye syntheses induced by ionising radiation; Etude de quelques syntheses de colorants thianziniques et indaminiques amorcees par les rayonnements ionisants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Balestic, S [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    grace a leur spectre d'absorption apres qu'ils aient ete separes du milieu reactionnel par chromatographie d'adsorption ou d'echange d'ions; d'autres produits de la radiolyse, chlorure d'ammonium et eau oxygenee, ont ete egalement caracterises. Au cours d'une etape ulterieure, une variation systematique des parametres physico-chimiques a permis de determiner les conditions les plus favorables a la radiosynthese; les rendements radiochimiques maximum obtenus ont pour valeurs respectives: G (Violet de Lauth) = 1,65; G (Bleu de Methylene) = 1,75. En outre, l'etude de l'influence sur le rendement radiochimique des reactifs amines differemment substitues a fait apparaitre la possibilite de synthetiser par voie radiochimique le Vert de Bindschedler et le Bleu de Wurster. Enfin la decouverte d'un compose intermediaire fondamental, le Rouge de Wurster, ainsi que l'etude cinetique de la synthese chimique du Bleu de Methylene ont permis de determiner les principales etapes du Bleu de Methylene reactionnel et de preciser la part qui revenait aux rayonnements ionisants dans le cas de la synthese par voie radiochimique. (auteur)

  6. Composition chimique de l'huile essentielle de Satureja calamintha ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ce travail vise l'étude de la composition chimique de l'huile essentielle de Satureja calamintha (L.) Scheele du Maroc. Les constituants chimiques principaux de cette huile essentielle sont borneol (34.52%), αcampholenic aldehyde (14.26%), cedren-13-ol (6.45%), et manoyloxide (3.78%). Mots-clés : huile essentielle, ...

  7. Evolution of nuclear chemical industry in France; Evolution de l'industrie chimique nucleaire en France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fould, M H [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    'impulsion du CEA, mais aussi de maitres d'oeuvres tels qu'Electricite de France et la Marine Marchande, l'effort nucleaire fran is atteint pour les annees 1957-1961, environ 600 milliards de francs: plus de la moitie de cette somme sera depensee par l'industrie chimique en recherches, installations pilotes, constructions d'usines et livraisons. Faire bien, vite et rentable sont les buts recherches. Ces objectifs sont atteints grace a une collaboration intime des grands services de l'etat et de l'industrie privee. Ce gros effort s'exerce principalement dans les voies suivantes: - Un traitement chimique pousse de tonnages croissants des minerais de l'Union fran ise, visant a produire un uranium pur, abondant et bon marche. - Une preparation soigneuse de combustibles nucleaires economiques et parfaitement adaptes aux divers types de reacteurs en fonctionnement ou en construction. - Un retraitement des combustibles irradies pour en extraire le plutonium de facon complete ainsi que l'uranium et certains produits de fission. - Une fabrication industrielle des materiaux nucleairement purs ou resistants a la corrosion exiges par la technologie des reacteurs producteurs d'energie et de recherches. - La fourniture aux multiples utilisateurs etrangers et fran is d'isotopes et de traceurs radioactifs reclames par la medecine, l'industrie et l'agriculture en nombre toujours croissant. - Un traitement chimique meticuleux des effluents gazeux ou liquides dans des stations au controle rigoureux afin de rendre les reacteurs et leurs annexes parfaitement surs d'emploi. Cet expose aura montre l'ampleur de l'effort deploye par une industrie chimique nucleaire jeune, dynamique et en plein essor. Ayant assure ses techniques, realise de nombreuses installations, elle est largement en etat de faire face au programme atomique fran is. En outre, elle est capable et desireuse d'etre associee aux developpements de l'industrie atomique etrangere notamment dans te cadre de l'Euratom et d

  8. Elaboration du Ge mesoporeux et etude de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue d'applications photovoltaiques (United States)

    Tutashkonko, Sergii

    Le sujet de cette these porte sur l'elaboration du nouveau nanomateriau par la gravure electrochimique bipolaire (BEE) --- le Ge mesoporeux et sur l'analyse de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue de son utilisation dans des applications photovoltaiques. La formation du Ge mesoporeux par gravure electrochimique a ete precedemment rapportee dans la litterature. Cependant, le verrou technologique important des procedes de fabrication existants consistait a obtenir des couches epaisses (superieure a 500 nm) du Ge mesoporeux a la morphologie parfaitement controlee. En effet, la caracterisation physico-chimique des couches minces est beaucoup plus compliquee et le nombre de leurs applications possibles est fortement limite. Nous avons developpe un modele electrochimique qui decrit les mecanismes principaux de formation des pores ce qui nous a permis de realiser des structures epaisses du Ge mesoporeux (jusqu'au 10 mum) ayant la porosite ajustable dans une large gamme de 15% a 60%. En plus, la formation des nanostructures poreuses aux morphologies variables et bien controlees est desormais devenue possible. Enfin, la maitrise de tous ces parametres a ouvert la voie extremement prometteuse vers la realisation des structures poreuses a multi-couches a base de Ge pour des nombreuses applications innovantes et multidisciplinaires grace a la flexibilite technologique actuelle atteinte. En particulier, dans le cadre de cette these, les couches du Ge mesoporeux ont ete optimisees dans le but de realiser le procede de transfert de couches minces d'une cellule solaire a triple jonctions via une couche sacrificielle en Ge poreux. Mots-cles : Germanium meso-poreux, Gravure electrochimique bipolaire, Electrochimie des semi-conducteurs, Report des couches minces, Cellule photovoltaique

  9. Impacts des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des eaux sur la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Impacts des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des eaux sur la distribution du ... chimiques qui sont à l'origine d'une dégradation croissante de la qualité d'eau. ... Les valeurs d'indice de diversité de Shannon Weaver traduisent une grande ...

  10. Determination of the sanguine iodine content by activation analysis (1962); Determination de l'iode sanguin par analyse d'activation (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kellershohn, C; Comar, D; Le Poec, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Two methods of measuring the iodine content of the blood by activation analysis after 30 min irradiation in a flux of 6.10{sup 12} n/cm{sup 2}.s are described. One method includes a chemical separation of iodine before irradiation. The radioactivity of this specimen is determined on the basis of the amplitude of the iodine 128 photoelectric peak measured by {gamma}-spectrometry. The sensitivity of this method is about 10{sup -8} g. The other includes chemical separation after irradiation, and radioactivity is subsequently measured with a Geiger-Muller counter. The sensitivity of this second method is about 10{sup -10} g, sufficient for determination of the plasmatic mineral content. The advantages of activation analysis over the conventional method based on colorimetric measurement of the catalytic action of iodine in the oxidation of arsenious anhydride with ceric sulphate are discussed. Initial results obtained with this new form of analysis are detailed as are also the possibilities of measuring plasmatic proteic iodine by scintillation spectrometry without prior chemical separation. (authors) [French] Deux methodes de dosage de l'iode sanguin par analyse d'activation apres irradiation de 30 minutes a 6.10{sup 12} n/cm{sup 2} s sont decrites. L'une comprend une separation chimique de l'iode avant l'irradiation et la mesure de la radioactivite est effectuee a partir de l'amplitude du pic photo-electrique de l'iode 128 obtenu par spectrometrie-{gamma}. Sa sensibilite est de l'ordre de 10{sup -8} g. L'autre comprend une separation chimique de l'iode apres l'irradiation et la radioactivite de l'iode-128 est mesuree par comptage-{beta} avec un compteur Geiger. Sa sensibilite est de l'ordre de 10{sup -10} g, permettant d'envisager le dosage de l'iode mineral plasmatique. Les avantages de l'analyse d'activation sur la methode classique, basee sur la mesure colorimetrique de l'action catalytique de l'iode dans l'oxydation de l'anhydride arsenieux par le sulfate cerique

  11. Diagnosis of water pollution caused by chemical effluents using hydro biological methods; Diagnostic de la pollution des eaux par les effluents chimiques au moyen des methodes hydrobiologiques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Simeon, C; Bonnefoy-Claudet, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Pierrelatte (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Industrial plants which discharge chemical effluents into rivers are faced with a double problem. 1 - To avoid excessive pollution which leads to an important modification of the medium and to a poisoning of the aquatic fauna, and in particular to the killing of fish. These disadvantages are avoided by a treatment of the effluents, by calculating the minimum fatal doses and the limiting dilutions for fish, and by carrying out biological analyses and tests on the residual waters. 2 - To avoid provoking continuous, slow and insidious pollutions which are more difficult to detect and which would result in the gradual sterilization of receptive media. In order to estimate this possible influence, the authors have listed the aquatic fauna and flora found in the canal which was the object of the experiment, and have modified the Saprobies system due to Kolwickz. They have tried to detect the presence or absence of pollution by estimating the density of the phyto-plankton formed on submerged laminae (periphyton) and the specific variations in the alga of which these populations are made up. In this report are given details of the tests and of the first results obtained. (authors) [French] Les usines deversant dans les cours d'eaux des effluents chimiques se trouvent devant un double probleme. 1 - Eviter les pollutions aigues qui se traduisent par une modification importante du milieu et par l'empoisonnement de la faune aquatique et notamment la mort du poisson. On evite ces inconvenients en traitant les effluents, en calculant les doses minima mortelles et les dilutions limites pour le poisson, en surveillant les eaux residuaires par analyses et tests biologiques. 2 - Ne pas provoquer des pollutions chroniques, lentes, insidieuses, plus difficiles a mettre en evidence qui aboutiraient a la sterilisation progressive des milieux recepteurs. Pour apprecier cette influence eventuelle les auteurs ont inventorie la faune et la flore aquatique du canal, objet de l'experience et


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Le pois sucré (Cyperus esculentus L. Cyperaceae) présente des potentialités insuffisamment exploitées sur le plan nutritionnel. Afin de contribuer à la connaissance de ce produit, une enquête a été menée auprès d'une frange de la population d'Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). Des analyses physiques et chimiques ont été.



    MEDJAHDI, Sarah ines


    CE TRAVAIL DE recherche rentre dans le cadre général de modélisation de la réduction des oxydes d'azote . l'utilisation des réacteurs a plasma froid non-thermique généré par des décharges couronnes est actuellement l'une des techniques les puis promettre .ses pour la destruction des oxydes d'azote .en effet , le traitement des gaz pollués par les décharges couronnes est notamment rendu possible par la multiplication des décharges Électriques .

  14. Typologie physico-chimique et métallique des eaux du fleuve ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... la sucrerie sénégalaise C.S.S. polluent en Al2+ et Sr2+ d'autres stations. Mais, d'une manière générale les teneurs des éléments chimiques évalués sont dans les nomes de l'eau d'irrigation. Mots-clés : eau potable, eau usée, pollution, concentration métallique, paramètres physico-chimiques, fleuve Sénégal, Mauritanie ...

  15. Diagnosis of water pollution caused by chemical effluents using hydro biological methods; Diagnostic de la pollution des eaux par les effluents chimiques au moyen des methodes hydrobiologiques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Simeon, C.; Bonnefoy-Claudet, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Pierrelatte (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Industrial plants which discharge chemical effluents into rivers are faced with a double problem. 1 - To avoid excessive pollution which leads to an important modification of the medium and to a poisoning of the aquatic fauna, and in particular to the killing of fish. These disadvantages are avoided by a treatment of the effluents, by calculating the minimum fatal doses and the limiting dilutions for fish, and by carrying out biological analyses and tests on the residual waters. 2 - To avoid provoking continuous, slow and insidious pollutions which are more difficult to detect and which would result in the gradual sterilization of receptive media. In order to estimate this possible influence, the authors have listed the aquatic fauna and flora found in the canal which was the object of the experiment, and have modified the Saprobies system due to Kolwickz. They have tried to detect the presence or absence of pollution by estimating the density of the phyto-plankton formed on submerged laminae (periphyton) and the specific variations in the alga of which these populations are made up. In this report are given details of the tests and of the first results obtained. (authors) [French] Les usines deversant dans les cours d'eaux des effluents chimiques se trouvent devant un double probleme. 1 - Eviter les pollutions aigues qui se traduisent par une modification importante du milieu et par l'empoisonnement de la faune aquatique et notamment la mort du poisson. On evite ces inconvenients en traitant les effluents, en calculant les doses minima mortelles et les dilutions limites pour le poisson, en surveillant les eaux residuaires par analyses et tests biologiques. 2 - Ne pas provoquer des pollutions chroniques, lentes, insidieuses, plus difficiles a mettre en evidence qui aboutiraient a la sterilisation progressive des milieux recepteurs. Pour apprecier cette influence eventuelle les auteurs ont inventorie la faune et la flore aquatique du canal, objet de l

  16. Study relating to the physico-chemical behaviour of heavy water in nuclear reactors; Etudes relatives au comportement physico-chimique de l'eau lourde dans les reacteurs nucleaires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chenouard, J; Dirian, G; Roth, E; Vignet, P; Platzer, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Chemical and isotope pollution, and radiolytic decomposition are the two most important ways in which heavy water becomes degraded in nuclear reactors. Chemical pollution has led to the creation of ion exchange purification loops specially designed for reactors: the report contains a description in detail of the application of this purification method in CEA research reactors, including the analysis required, results obtained, and their interpretation. The intelligence obtained on radiolytic decomposition with the same facilities is also discussed, as well as the recombination apparatus and control equipment utilized. Finally, investigation to date in the CEA on recombination circuits for power reactors is also discussed. (author) [French] Parmi les degradations subies par l'eau lourde dans les reacteurs nucleaires, les deux plus importantes sont la pollution chimique et isotopique et la decomposition radiolytique. La pollution chimique a conduit a mettre au point pour le cas particulier des reacteurs, des circuits d'epuration par echange d'ions. On decrit ici en detail la mise en oeuvre de cette methode dans les reacteurs de recherche du CEA; les controles qu'elle necessite, les resultats obtenus et leur interpretation. En ce qui concerne la dissociation radiolytique de l'eau, les renseignements obtenus sur ces memes reacteurs sont communiques, ainsi que les details des dispositifs de recombinaison et des moyens de controle. Enfin, on fait le point des etudes poursuivies au CEA sur ces memes problemes de recombinaison dans le cas des reacteurs de puissance. (auteur)

  17. Study relating to the physico-chemical behaviour of heavy water in nuclear reactors; Etudes relatives au comportement physico-chimique de l'eau lourde dans les reacteurs nucleaires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chenouard, J.; Dirian, G.; Roth, E.; Vignet, P.; Platzer, R. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Chemical and isotope pollution, and radiolytic decomposition are the two most important ways in which heavy water becomes degraded in nuclear reactors. Chemical pollution has led to the creation of ion exchange purification loops specially designed for reactors: the report contains a description in detail of the application of this purification method in CEA research reactors, including the analysis required, results obtained, and their interpretation. The intelligence obtained on radiolytic decomposition with the same facilities is also discussed, as well as the recombination apparatus and control equipment utilized. Finally, investigation to date in the CEA on recombination circuits for power reactors is also discussed. (author) [French] Parmi les degradations subies par l'eau lourde dans les reacteurs nucleaires, les deux plus importantes sont la pollution chimique et isotopique et la decomposition radiolytique. La pollution chimique a conduit a mettre au point pour le cas particulier des reacteurs, des circuits d'epuration par echange d'ions. On decrit ici en detail la mise en oeuvre de cette methode dans les reacteurs de recherche du CEA; les controles qu'elle necessite, les resultats obtenus et leur interpretation. En ce qui concerne la dissociation radiolytique de l'eau, les renseignements obtenus sur ces memes reacteurs sont communiques, ainsi que les details des dispositifs de recombinaison et des moyens de controle. Enfin, on fait le point des etudes poursuivies au CEA sur ces memes problemes de recombinaison dans le cas des reacteurs de puissance. (auteur)

  18. Examples of analysis by activation; Exemples d'analyse par activation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leveque, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    We were used various nuclear reactions to do some analysis by neutron or by X-ray activation. We used the french reactor core Zoe as neutrons sources and an Allis-Chalmers betatron as X-rays sources for the dosage of the light elements. The described processes were revealed fast and particularly useful for determination of traces. The fact that most of them don't require any chemical operations, is especially substantial when the solubilization of the sample is difficult. (M.B.) [French] Nous avons utilise des reactions nucleaires diverses pour effectuer des analyses par activation neutronique ou par rayon X. Nous avons utilise la pile francaise Zoe comme sources de neutrons et un betatron Allis-Chalmers comme sources de rayons X pour le dosage des elements legers. Les procedes decrits se sont reveles rapides et particulierement utiles dans la determination des traces. Le fait que, pour la plupart, ils n'exigent pas d'operations chimiques, est particulierement appreciable lorsque la solubilisation des echantillons est difficile. (M.B.)

  19. Problems related with the power regulation of reactors by physico-chemical methods, and the behaviour of water and heavy water in nuclear reactors; Comportement de l'eau et de l'eau lourde dans les reacteurs nucleaires et problemes de la regulation de puissance par voie physico-chimique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dolle, L; Conan, D; Dirian, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Experience of the CEA heavy water reactors and a systematic study of the radiolytic decomposition of water in the core of swimming-pool reactors are described. Setting up of reactivity control by physico-chemical methods. Reactivity control by homogeneous poisoning of the reactor A comparison of the evolution of xenon poisoning with the residual anti reactivity of the poison in solution during its nuclear consumption establishes the programme which must govern the variation in its concentration if the exact compensation is to be produced The behaviour of the poison towards the reactor materials under the particular operational conditions must be taken into account. Radiolytic decomposition of water in the reactors in the presence of soluble poisons: A study of the effect of certain chemically inert salts, present in small concentrations in the water, on its radiolytic decomposition rate, has led to some new results which are discussed. The choice of a soluble poison is justified on the basis of the above results. Reactivity control by the use of a gaseous absorbent The use of a gas control rod circuit for compensation purposes, in place of solid control rods is described. The use of soluble poisons in the moderator to compensate the xenon effect, and of a gaseous absorbent in a circuit known as a gas control rod form original aspects of the reactivity control in the reactor EL 4. (authors) [French] L'observation du comportement de l'eau et de l'eau lourde dans les reacteurs en exploitation, contribue au fonctionnement sur de ceux-ci et oriente certaines etudes relatives aux techniques de controle de la reactivite par mise en oeuvre de poisons solubles. L'utilisation de poisons nucleaires dissous dans l'eau du reacteur entraine une pollution chimique de celle-ci. Les conditions d'emploi permettant d'eviter les effets indesirables de cette pollution sont etudiees. Les problemes analytiques - bien qu'importants - ne sont pas abordes dans le cadre de la communication

  20. Etude de la qualité physico-chimique de l'eau de boisson dans deux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'eau, source potentielle de vie, doit subir diverses analyses physico-chimiques qui définiront sa qualité pour la consommation humaine afin d'éviter les risques de maladies hydriques pour les consommateurs. La présente étude vise à déterminer la qualité physico-chimique de l'eau de boisson des populations de deux ...

  1. Production des micro-algues des claires ostréicoles en relation avec l'azote organique dissous excrété par les huîtres


    Robert, Jean-michel; Maestrini, Serge; Heral, Maurice; Zanette, Yvan


    L'utilisation de tests biologiques dans l'étude de la fertilité des eaux de claires ainsi que l'analyse chimique des réserves en sels nutritifs des mêmes eaux montrent qu'une part importante de la biomasse micro-algale peut être produite dans ces bassins, par assimilation par les cellules de substances organiques dissoutes. Ainsi, pour l'azote, des estimations indirectes aboutissent à des quantités de cet élément assimilé sous forme organique variant entre 0,6 et 30,7 µg-at.I-1 selon les mode...

  2. Voies de recherche en matière de récupération assistée du pétrole par tensio-actifs Research Lines in Enhanced Oil Recovery by Surfactants


    Baviere M.; Defives D.; Labrid J.; Minssieux L.


    Quelle que soit la conjoncture économique, le procédé de récupération assistée du pétrole par injection d'agents tensio-actifs nécessite une mise en oeuvre très élaborée pour tirer le meilleur parti des produits et donc pour franchir le seuil de rentabilité. Il apparaît par ailleurs que son champ d'application doit être étendu aux conditions de réservoir couramment rencontrées, notamment les fortes salinités, par l'utilisation de structures chimiques adaptées. Pour réduire les pertes de tensi...

  3. Method of chemical analysis of silicate rocks (1962); Methode d'analyse chimique des roches silicatees (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pouget, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A rapid method of analysis for the physical and chemical determination of the major constituents of silicate rocks is described. Water losses at 100 deg. C and losses of volatile elements at 1000 deg. C are estimated after staying in oven for these temperatures, or by mean of a thermo-balance. The determination of silica is made by a double insolubilization with hydrochloric acid on attack solution with sodium carbonate; total iron and aluminium, both with calcium and magnesium, after ammoniacal precipitation of Fe and Al, are determined on the filtration product of silica by titrimetry-photometry of their complexes with EDTA. The alkalis Na and K by flame spectrophotometry, Mn by colorimetry of the permanganate, and Ti by mean of his complex with H{sub 2}O{sub 2}, are determined on fluosulfuric attack solution. Phosphorus is determined by his complex with 'molybdenum blue' on a fluoro-nitro-boric attack solution; iron is estimated by potentiometry, with the help of bichromate on hydrofluoric solution. (author) [French] Une methode d'analyse rapide est decrite pour la determination physico-chimique des constituants principaux des roches silicatees. Les pertes en eau a 100 deg. C et en matieres volatiles a 1000 deg. C sont evaluees apres passage au four a ces temperatures, ou a l'aide d'une thermobalance. La determination de la silice se fait par double insolubilisation a l'acide chlorhydrique, sur une attaque au carbonate de sodium; le fer total et l'aluminium ainsi que le calcium et le magnesium, apres precipitation a l'ammoniaque des deux premiers metaux, sont determines sur le filtrat de la silice par titrimetrie-photometrie de leurs complexes avec l'E.D.T.A. Les alcalins sodium et potassium par spectrophotometrie de flamme, le manganese par colorimetrie du permanganate, le titane a l'aide de son complexe avec l'eau oxygenee, sont determines sur une attaque fluosulfurique. Le phosphore est determine par son complexe du 'bleu de molybdene' sur une attaque fluo

  4. Evaluation des changements physico-chimiques caractérisant le ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation des changements physico-chimiques caractérisant le mûrissement au cours de l'entreposage de trois variétés de bananes Musa spp. (AAB, cv. Corne 1 ; AAA, cv. Poyo et AA, cv. Figue Sucrée)

  5. Simulations of a Circulating Fluidized Bed Chemical Looping Combustion System Utilizing Gaseous Fuel Simulation de la combustion en boucle chimique d’une charge gazeuse dans un lit fluidisé circulant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahalatkar K.


    Full Text Available Numerical studies using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD have been carried out for a complete circulating fluidized bed chemical looping combustor described in the literature (Abad et al., 2006 Fuel 85, 1174-1185. There have been extensive experimental studies in Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC, however CFD simulations of this concept are quite limited. The CLC experiments that were simulated used methane as fuel. A 2-D continuum model was used to describe both the gas and solid phases. Detailed sub-models to account for fluid-particle and particleparticle interaction forces were included. Global models of fuel and carrier chemistry were utilized. The results obtained from CFD were compared with experimental outlet species concentrations, solid circulation rates, solid mass distribution in the reactors, and leakage and dilution rates. The transient CFD simulations provided a reasonable match with the reported experimental data. Des études numériques de simulation des écoulements (CFD ont été réalisées sur un lit fluidisé circulant opérant en combustion par boucle chimique (CLC décrit dans la littérature (Abad et al., 2006 Fuel 85, 1174-1185. Si de nombreuses études expérimentales ont été conduites pour étudier le procédé CLC, les études concernant la simulation des écoulements par CFD de ce concept sont très limitées. Le système de combustion en boucle chimique simulé dans cette étude concerne la combustion d’une charge gazeuse (méthane. Un modèle 2-D à deux phases continues a été utilisé pour décrire les phases gaz et solide avec des sous-modèles détaillés pour décrire les forces d’interactions entre fluideparticule et particule-particule. Des modèles cinétiques globaux ont été intégrés pour décrire les réactions de combustion et de transformation du matériau transporteur d’oxygène. Les résultats obtenus par CFD ont été comparés aux concentrations expérimentales mesurées des diff

  6. La cassitérite zonée du gisement de Sokhret Allal (granite des Zaër ; Maroc central) : composition chimique et phases fluides associées


    Giuliani, Gaston


    La composition chimique d'une cassitérite zonée provenant du gisement de tungstène-étain de Sokhret Allal (Maroc central) a été analysée par microsonde électronique. La zonation optique du minéral correspond à des variations en éléments mineurs tels Fe et Ti. Les inclusions fluides contemporaines du dépôt de la cassitérite sont primaires et constituées de fluides typiquement aqueux appartenant au système H2O-NaCl. La contribution de ces nouvelles données dans la métallogenèse W-Sn du Maroc ce...

  7. Decontamination of lead by fusion (1962); Decontamination du plomb par fusion (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boutot, P; Giachetto, L; Capitaine, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Various attempts to decontaminate using mechanical and chemical methods having given questionable results, a fusion method has been developed. The apparatus consists of a propane-heated oven fitted with a steel crucible of 1 400 kg capacity, with two ventilation systems, and with a vacuum gauge for preventing the diffusion of toxic gases. There are three operational controls : 1. On the samples taken before during and after the operation, 2. On the plugs taken from the ingots, 3. On the ingot itself. The continuous sanitary control is done by a radioactive aerosol recorder and by periodic sampling. This decontamination process will be improved, especially as far as the productivity and the safety precautions are concerned. (authors) [French] Divers essais de decontamination par voies mecaniques et chimiques ayant donne des resultats discutables, un procede par fusion a ete mis au point. L'appareil se compose d'un four, chauffe au propane, muni d'un creuset en acier d'une capacite de 1 400 kg, de deux systemes de ventilation et d'un deprimometre afin d'eviter la diffusion de vapeurs nocives. Trois controles d'activite sont effectues: 1. sur des echantillons preleves avant, pendant et apres l'operation, 2. sur des carottages realises sur les lingots, 3. sur le lingot lui-meme. Le controle sanitaire permanent est assure par un enregistreur d'aerosols radioactifs et par des prelevements periodiques. Ce procede de decontamination doit encore etre ameliore, principalement en ce qui concerne la productivite et la securite. (auteurs)

  8. Chemical properties of some elements in a molten lithium chloride, potassium chloride eutectic (1962); Proprietes chimiques de quelques elements dans l'eutectique chlorure de lithium-chlorure de potassium fondu (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Molina, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    of this type between two elements. We give the diagrams of uranium and sulphur as examples. The chemical properties of sulphur show that the dismutation phenomenon operates also in molten media reactions, thus emphasising the resemblance with aqueous solutions. Finally, we show briefly how it is possible to predict qualitatively the chemical properties of a given element in a molten solvent other than the LiCl-KCl eutectic. (author) [French] Le developpement de l'utilisation des milieux fondus notamment en chimie preparative et pour certaines applications technologiques, a pose le probleme de la connaissance des proprietes chimiques des elements dans ces solvants. Les etudes de structure des solutions fondues font etat de l'existence d'especes connues en solution aqueuse, telles que les ions et les complexes. Ce fait et d'autre part quelques travaux portant sur l'etude de reactions chimiques en milieu fondu, nous ont amene a etablir une comparaison entre ces milieux et les solutions aqueuses. Nous nous sommes proposes de montrer que l'on retrouve dans ces milieux les phenomenes fondamentaux de la chimie des solutions aqueuses, permettant de prevoir et d'interpreter les reactions. Les proprietes chimiques du vanadium, de l'uranium et du soufre dans l'eutectique LiCl-KCl fondu a 480 deg. C, nous ont servi d'exemple. Le premier probleme est l'identification des divers degres d'oxydation de ces elements existant dans le solvant choisi. Nous avons tente de le resoudre par la comparaison des spectres d'absorption obtenus en solution aqueuse et dans l'eutectique fondu. Nous discutons les possibilites de cette methode dans un chapitre consacre a la spectrophotometrie d'absorption dans l'eutectique LiCl-KCl. Au cours de l'etude des proprietes chimiques, nous insistons sur les moyens mis en oeuvre pour deplacer les equilibres: formation de complexes, variation des proprietes oxydo-reductrices avec la formation de complexes L'attention est plus particulierement portee sur les

  9. 77 Composition chimique de l'huile essentielle de Satureja calamintha

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Composition chimique de l'huile essentielle de Satureja calamintha (L.) Scheele du Maroc. Abdellah ECH-CHAHAD1*, Hanane FARAH2 et Lahboub BOUYAZZA2. 1Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Institut National des Plantes Aromatiques et Médicinales,. BP 159 Taounate, Maroc. 2Université Hassan I, Faculté ...

  10. Etude physico-chimique et minéralogique comparative des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La valorisation des ressources locales constitue un impératif afin d'atteindre des objectifs de développement durable. Cette étude a consisté à évaluer les caractéristiques physiques, chimiques et minéralogiques d'une argile provenant de Mbodiène (Sénégal), l'attapulgite, comparativement avec un médicament ...

  11. Caractérisation hydro chimique des eaux souterraines de la region ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 sept. 2014 ... hydro chimique qui utilise le diagramme triangulaire de Piper et des méthodes statistiques multi variées ..... échantillons et 12 variables (la conductivité électrique. (CE), le pH, la ..... Gafsa Nord (Tunisie centrale). Journal des.

  12. Study of the catalytic activity of mixed non-stoichiometric uranium-thorium oxides in carbon monoxide oxidation; Etude de l'activite catalytique des oxydes mixtes d'uranium et de thorium non stoechiometriques dans l'oxydation du monoxyde de carbone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brau, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    chimique massique et superficielle, texture, structure, conductivite electrique) ont ete etudiees, ainsi que leurs proprietes d'adsorption vis-a-vis des partenaires gazeux de la reaction catalytique. Cette analyse a permis d'avancer un mecanisme reactionnel fonde sur des oxydations et reductions successives de la surface active par les reactifs. L'etude cinetique de la reaction a confirme l'existence de ce mecanisme par oxydo-reduction, qui n'a lieu que pour les oxydes dont la teneur en uranium depasse 0,0014. Le dioxyde de carbone engendre par la reaction a un role inhibiteur par blocage des sites d'adsorption du monoxyde de carbone. Ces oxydes mixtes non stoechiometriques sont un exemple particulierement net d'une catalyse par echange d'oxygene entre le solide et la phase gazeuse. (auteur)

  13. Impacts des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des eaux sur la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The present study was undertaken to assess the impact of the physico-chemical characteristics of water on the ..... Il est composé de 4 espèces ... Figure 4 : Plan factoriel F1 x F2 des variables physico-chimiques en fonction du phytoplancton.

  14. Production of chemically reactive radioactive ion beams through on-line separation; Production de faisceaux d'ions radioactifs chimiquement reactifs par separation en ligne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Joinet, A


    The ISOL (isotope separation on line) allows the production of secondary radioactive ion beams through spallation or fragmentation or fission reactions that take place in a thick target bombarded by a high intensity primary beam. The challenge is to increase the intensity and purity of the radioactive beam. The optimization of the system target/source requires the right choice of material for the target by taking into account the stability of the material, its reactivity and the ionization method used. The target is an essential part of the system because radioactive elements are generated in it and are released more or less quickly. Tests have been made in order to select the best fitted material for the release of S, Se, Te, Ge and Sn. Materials tested as target filling are: ZrO{sub 2}, Nb, Ti, V,TiO{sub 2}, CeO{sub x}, ThO{sub 2}, C, ZrC{sub 4} and VC). Other molecules such as: COSe, COS, SeS, COTe, GeS, SiS, SnS have been studied to ease the extraction of recoil nuclei (Se, S, Te, Ge and Sn) produced inside the target.

  15. Contribution to research on the metabolism of fission product. Studies on the physico-chemical state and the metabolic fate of radio-cerium solution; Contribution a l'etude du metabolisme des produits de fission. Recherches sur l'etat physico-chimique et le devenir metabolique des solutions de radiocerium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aeberhardt, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This paper describes a study of the physico-chemical state of radio-cerium in dilute solutions on the tracer scale, as a function of the pH of the solution. The way in which this radioelement is transported in the blood is studied in vitro and in vivo, with reference to the ionic or colloidal state of the radio-cerium used. The distribution of cerium amongst the various components of the blood is studied by a new method of blood fractionation and by paper electrophoresis. Evidence of a cerium globulin connection is shown in the case of ionic cerium. A study of the initial distribution of radio-cerium in rats, after intravenous administration of ionic or colloidal solutions, shows considerable differences according to the physico-chemical state of the cerium injected. (author) [French] Ce travail presente une etude de l'etat physico-chimique du radiocerium en solutions diluees a l'echelle des indicateurs, en fonction du pH de la solution. En fonction de l'etat ionique ou colloidal du radiocerium utilise, le mode de transport de ce radioelement dans le sang est etudie in vitro et in vivo. La distribution du cerium entre les differents constituants du sang est etudiee par une methode nouvelle de fractionnement du sang et par electrophorese sur papier. L'existence d'une liaison cerium-globuline est mise en evidence dans le cas du cerium ionique. L'etude de la distribution initiale du radiocerium, chez le rat apres administration par voie veineuse de solutions ionique ou colloidale, montre des differences importantes en fonction de l'etat physico-chimique du cerium injecte. (auteur)

  16. Contribution to the study of luminous sources for uranium isotope measurements by emission spectrometry; Contribution a l'etude de sources lumineuses destinees au dosage isotopique de l'uranium par spectrometrie d'emission

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leichnam, J P; Capitini, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    After a brief summary of results obtained with different hollow cathode luminous sources, the reasons for which they cannot be more widely used are given: an insufficient luminosity when uranium oxides are used in the cathode hollow; the large amount of sample required when it is metallic; the impossibility of effecting a chemical purification of the sample. Electrode-less discharge tubes excited by high frequency whose qualities (luminosity, stability, rapidity of preparation starting from small amounts of sample in various chemical forms, in particular iron) satisfy the conditions laid down for the measurement of uranium 235 by interferometry are used. Tho production process for such lamps is given together with the method of excitation. Examples of recordings obtained with an interferometer of the 'HYPEAC' type and a small grating spectrometer give an idea of the spectral qualities of these sources. (authors) [French] Apres avoir rappele les resultats obtenus avec differentes sources de lumiere a cathode creuse, on explique les raisons qui limitent leur emploi: brillance trop faible lorsque les oxydes d'uranium sont utilises dans le trou cathodique; trop grande quantite d'echantillon necessaire lorsque celui-ci est sous forme metallique; impossibilite de purifier chimiquement l'echantillon. On a employe des tubes a decharge sans electrode excitee par haute frequence, dont les qualites (brillance, stabilite, rapidite de preparation a partir de faibles quantites d'echantillon se presentant sous des formes chimiques diverses, elimination des impuretes chimiques, en particulier du fer) repondent aux conditions imposees pour le dosage isotopique de l'uranium 235 par interferometrie. On decrit le mode operatoire de fabrication de telles lampes et on rappelle le systeme d'excitation. Des exemples d'enregistrement, obtenus avec un appareil interferometrique 'HYPEAC' et un petit spectrometre a reseau, donnent une idee des qualites spectrales de ces sources. (auteurs)

  17. Impacts de l'utilisation des Engrais chimiques sur les cultures ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'analyse des résultats a montrée que Solanum macrocarpum et amarantus hybridus sont les légumes les plus cultivés respectivement 69% et 21% à cause de leurs préférences dans l'alimentation des consommateurs.Les proportions des maraîchers utilisant les engrais chimiques ou non ou encore les deux couplés sont ...

  18. Decontamination tests using an electrolytic method on NS 22 S stainless steel discs (1963); Essais de decontamination par voie electrolytique de plaquettes en acier inoxydable NS 22 S (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boutot, P; Schipfer, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    These tests were carried out with a view to observing the results obtained by using electrolytic polishing for the decontamination operations. The experimental equipment consists essentially of a current rectifier and adjuster, and of an electrolytic cell fitted with an automatic system for thermal regulation and agitation. The samples made of type NS 22 S stainless steel are contaminated with an active solution of fission products. The activity of the discs is measured before and after each treatment using a bell counter. For each electrolyte, the parameters studied are: - the time, - the reactant concentration, - the temperature, - the current density, - the corrosion. Taking into account the necessity of transforming as little as possible the surface of the part to be treated, the best results are generally obtained using intermediate concentrations of the reactant, low temperatures, and high current densities. (authors) [French] Ces essais ont ete effectues dans le but d'observer les resultats obtenus en utilisant le procede de polissage electrolytique pour les operations de decontamination. Le dispositif experimental consiste essentiellement en un redresseur-variateur de courant et en une cellule electrolytique munie d'un systeme automatique de regulation thermique et d'agitation. Les echantillons en acier inoxydable du type NS 22 S sont contamines par une solution active de produits de fission. L'activite des plaquettes est mesuree avant et apres chaque traitement au moyen d'un compteur cloche. Pour chaque electrolyte, les parametres etudies sont: - le temps, - la concentration du reactif, - la temperature, - la densite de courant, - la corrosion. En tenant compte de la necessite de transformer au minimum l'etat de surface de la piece a traiter, les resultats les meilleurs sont generalement obtenus pour des concentrations moyennes de reactif, des temperatures basses et des densites de courant elevees. (auteurs)

  19. Etude de la qualité physico-chimique et biologique des eaux du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Etude de la qualité physico-chimique et biologique des eaux du fleuve Niger à Niamey. ... le récepteur principal des rejets d'eaux usées de la ville de Niamey, capital du ... La description de ces taxons montre une variation de la structure des ...

  20. Évaluation de la qualité physico-chimique des eaux d'adduction ...

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    30 nov. 2015 ... d'adduction publique de la Société Tchadienne des Eaux à N'djamena au Tchad ... de faire une étude comparée de la qualité physico-chimique des ... présenteraient pas de danger majeur pour la santé de la population.

  1. 135 Suivi de la qualité physico-chimique et bactériologique des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1Laboratoire de Chimie des Eaux, des Sols et Environnements, Ecole Nationale ... des caractéristiques physico-chimiques et biologiques du biotope [2-4]. ..... les engrais utilisés pour l'agriculture pratiquée le long des cours d'eau et de.

  2. Lixiviation of uranium ores by capillarity; Lixiviation par capillarite des minerais d'uranium (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mouret, P; Pottier, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    All chemical concentration plants use at the moment a process of lixiviation by agitation for the treatment of uranium ores. It has become necessary for various reasons to study the application of a more economical system which is that of the lixiviation by capillarity in heaps. After presenting the laboratory tests for recognizing the ability of an ore for this type of lixiviation, the authors give an outline of the two semi-industrial tests which are still in progress. The results are such that it has been possible to plan larger installations which are now under construction. (authors) [French] Les usines de concentration chimique utilisent toutes actuellement la lixiviation par agitation des minerais d'uranium. Il est devenu necessaire pour diverses raisons d'etudier l'application d'un procede plus economique, qui est celui de la lixiviation par capillarite en tas. Apres un expose des tests de laboratoire permettant de connaitre l'aptitude d'un minerai a ce type de lixiviation, est donne un apercu de deux essais semi-industriels non encore acheves a ce jour. Les resultats sont tels, qu'ils ont permis de projeter des installations plus importantes, qui sont actuellement en construction. (auteurs)

  3. Production of chemically reactive radioactive ion beams through on-line separation; Production de faisceaux d'ions radioactifs chimiquement reactifs par separation en ligne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Joinet, A


    The ISOL (isotope separation on line) allows the production of secondary radioactive ion beams through spallation or fragmentation or fission reactions that take place in a thick target bombarded by a high intensity primary beam. The challenge is to increase the intensity and purity of the radioactive beam. The optimization of the system target/source requires the right choice of material for the target by taking into account the stability of the material, its reactivity and the ionization method used. The target is an essential part of the system because radioactive elements are generated in it and are released more or less quickly. Tests have been made in order to select the best fitted material for the release of S, Se, Te, Ge and Sn. Materials tested as target filling are: ZrO{sub 2}, Nb, Ti, V,TiO{sub 2}, CeO{sub x}, ThO{sub 2}, C, ZrC{sub 4} and VC). Other molecules such as: COSe, COS, SeS, COTe, GeS, SiS, SnS have been studied to ease the extraction of recoil nuclei (Se, S, Te, Ge and Sn) produced inside the target.

  4. Contribution to the study of the intermediate fluorides of uranium; Contribution a l'etude des fluorures intermediaires d'uranium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nguyen-Hoang, Nghi [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The reaction of gaseous uranium hexafluoride with solid uranium tetrafluoride has been studied between 20 and 300 deg. C. The intermediate fluorides resulting from this reaction were prepared and then identified by chemical analysis and Debye-Scherrer diagrams. Their magnetic susceptibility and action on various common solvents were determined. The kinetic study was carried out up to 45 deg. C at a constant gas pressure equal to 17,7 mm of mercury. The experimental results indicate that the reaction, limited by the diffusion process of ionic reactants, obeys the kinetic law: L (1 - C) = k{radical}t. The observed rate constant K and the diffusion coefficient D vary with the temperature according to the expressions: K min{sup -1/2} = - (1,88 {+-} 0,22) 10{sup 8} exp[-(14100 {+-} 1400 cal/mole)/(RT)]; D cm{sup 2} sec{sup -1} = (1,15 {+-} 0,51) 10{sup 6} exp[-(30200 {+-} 5700 cal/mole)/(RT)]. (author) [French] La reaction de l'hexafluorure d'uranium gazeux sur le tetrafluorure d'uranium solide a ete etudiee entre 20 et 300 deg. C. Les fluorures intermediaires resultant de cette reaction ont ete prepares, puis identifies par analyses chimiques et par diagrammes Debye-Scherrer. Leur susceptibilite magnetique et leur action sur divers solvants usuels ont ete determinees. L'etude cinetique a ete entreprise jusqu'a 45 deg. C, sous une pression de gaz constante et egale a 17,7 mm de mercure. Les resultats experimentaux obtenus indiquent que la reaction, limitee par le processus de diffusion de reactifs ioniques, suit la loi cinetique: L (1 - C) = k{radical}t. La constante de vitesse observee K et le coefficient de diffusion D varient avec la temperature selon les expressions: K min{sup -1/2} = - (1,88 {+-} 0,22) 10{sup 8} exp[-(14100 {+-} 1400 cal/mole)/(RT)]; D cm{sup 2} sec{sup -1} = (1,15 {+-} 0,51) 10{sup 6} exp[-(30200 {+-} 5700 cal/mole)/(RT)]. (auteur)

  5. Répartition des paramètres physico-chimiques et métalliques des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    eaux usées modifient la composition physico-chimique des eaux salines des côtes dakaroises jusqu'à 40 m du point de rejets. ... qualité biologique et du degré de la pollution de ce milieu. ..... L'ammoniac d'Origine Agricole : impacts sur la ...

  6. Group Chemical Changes and Physical Property Correlations in Refining of Lube Base Stocks. Ir and Nmr Spectroscopy Corrélations entre les propriétés physiques et les changements de composition chimique au cours du raffinage des huiles de base. Spectrométrie infra rouge et résonance magnétique nucléaire

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    Singh H.


    Full Text Available Changes occurring in the chemical composition of lubricating oil base stocks with different degreeand typeof refining have been investigated by IR and NMR spectroscopy. Significant conclusions about the chemical composition have been reached through the study of structural parameters. Correlations between molecular parameters such as aromaticity , average number of carbon atoms per alkyl substituentand the Viscosity Indexof base oils are reported. The term degree of refininghas been assigned a quantitative value in combination with the VI to denote the progressive refining of raw lube distillates to base stocks. Les modifications de la composition chimique d'huiles lubrifiantes au cours de divers type de raffinage à des degrés variables de sévérité sont étudiées par spectrométries IR et RMN. L'étude des paramètres structuraux aboutit à des conclusions significatives sur la composition chimique. Des corrélations entre l'indice de viscosité et des paramètres structuraux tels que l'aromaticité et le nombre moyen d'atomes de carbone par substituant alkyl sont dégagées. On attribue au terme degré de raffinage une valeur quantitative - combiné avec l'indice de viscosité pour signifier le raffinage progressif de distillats bruts en huiles de base.

  7. Synthesis of the arginine labelled by {sup 15}N on the amidine group; Synthese de l'arginine marquee par {sup 15}N dans le groupe amidine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pichat, L; Clement, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay(France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    For some biologic studies, it was necessarily to have (+) arginine marked by nitrogen 15 in the amidine group. This report describes the synthesis of the labelled arginine. The first step is the synthesis of the methyl-isourated hydro-chlorate, the intermediate reactive, from the ClNH{sub 4} isotope. The arginine is obtained from the ornithine which we previously blocked the amino group as cupric complex. The mean yield in arginine reaches 30%, based on the ammonium chloride uses. (M.B.) [French] Pour certaines etudes biologiques, il etait indispensable de disposer de (+) arginine marquee par l'azote 15 dans le groupement amidine. Ce rapport decrit la synthese de l'ariginine marquee. La premiere etape est la synthese du chlorhydrate de methylisouree, intermediaire reactif, a partir du ClNH{sub 4} isotopique. L'obtention de l'arginine est obtenue a partir de l'ornithine dont on a prealablement bloque le groupe amino sous forme de complexe cuivrique. Le rendement global moyen en arginine atteint 30 %, base sur le chlorure d'ammonium utilise. (M.B.)

  8. Effets du travail du sol sur le comportement chimique et biologique ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 juil. 2017 ... RESUME. Objectif : L'objectif de cette étude est de comparer les effets de six techniques culturales de mise en place du blé tendre sur certaines propriétés chimiques et biologiques du sol et les conséquences sur le rendement grain et ses composantes dans la région «non chernozem» en 7ème années ...

  9. Applications of electrical resistivity measurements to research into the purification of uranium using floating molten zone by electronic bombardment; Applications des mesures de resistivite electrique a l'etude de la purification de l'uranium par fusion de zone flottante par bombardement electronique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pascal, J L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The purification of uranium has been achieved by zone melting. Because of the high affinity of uranium towards elements such as oxygen, contamination has been avoided by adopting the floating zone technique and by working under high vacuum. The difficulties created by the deformations of uranium rod, which are caused by anisotropy of dilatation of phases {alpha} and {beta} and allotropic transformations {alpha} {r_reversible} {beta} and {beta} {r_reversible} {alpha}, have been overcome by the use of electron bombardment stabilized by feedback. A rough control of the purification was obtained by micrographic examination, microhardness measurements, and tests of secondary recrystallization, allowed us to appreciate the new degree of purity of the uranium obtained. The investigation of the purity degree was pursued by electrical resistivity measurements at 20 deg. K. But one had to take care in the interpretation of those measurements of the anisotropy of the uranium resistivity and the influence of structure on residual resistivity. Those measurements have led us, by determination of single crystal and uranium resistivity, to be able to distinguish between the principal resistivity against axis [100] and [010]. (author) [French] La purification de l'uranium a ete realisee par l'application de la methode dite de la zone fondue. L'uranium etant particulierement reactif vis-a-vis d'elements tels que l'oxygene, les risques de contamination ont ete supprimes en adoptant la technique de la zone flottante et en operant sous vide eleve. Les difficultes creees par les deformations du barreau d'uranium, dues a l'anisotropie de dilatation des phases {alpha} et {beta} et ou passage des deux points de transformation allotropiques {alpha} {r_reversible} {beta} et {beta} {r_reversible} {alpha}, ont pu etre surmontees par l'emploi du chauffage par bombardement electronique, stabilise par un systeme tres simple de contre reaction. Un premier controle de la purification effectue par

  10. Application of alkaline leaching to the extraction of uranium from shale of the Vosges; Application de la lixiviation alcaline a l'extraction de l'uranium du schiste des Vosges

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mouret, P; Pottier, P; Le Bris, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Soudan, P [Centre d' Etude de Lalumine, Compagnie Pechiney (France)


    Description of chemical treatment of Vosges shales to obtain uranium by alkaline leaching. Mineralogy aspects of ore, physical and chemical conditions of leaching, solid/liquid separation, uranium recovery by either ion exchange process or electrolytic precipitation. (author)Fren. [French] Description du traitement chimique des schistes des Vosges pour extraire l'uranium en milieu alcalin. L'aspect mineralogique, les conditions physiques et chimiques de la lixiviation, la separation solide/liquide et la recuperation de l'uranium soit par echangeurs d'ions, soit par precipitation electrolytique y sont exposes. (auteur)

  11. Contribution to the Chemical and Technological Study of Ammonium Diuranate Precipitation; Contribution a l'etude chimique et technologique de la precipitation de diuranate d'ammonium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vuillemey, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    The present work is designed to study the relationship between the conditions for precipitation by ammonia and the properties of ammonium diuranate obtained either from uranyl nitrate solution or from gaseous uranium hexafluoride. In each case the optimum processes are defined leading on the one hand to uranate which can afterwards be treated in a reduction- fluorination oven to give uranium tetrafluoride, and on the other hand to a uranate suitable for the production of a sinterable uranium oxide. In particular it is shown that the treatment of uranyl nitrate solutions by stoichiometric quantities of ammonia leads to the complete precipitation of the uranium leaving less than 1 mg/litre of uranium in the solution, whereas the treatment of uranium hexafluoride necessitates the use of at least 8 times the stoichiometric quantity. (author) [French] Le present travail a pour objet l'etude des relations entre les conditions de precipitation par l'ammoniaque et les proprietes du diuranate d'ammonium, obtenue soit a partir de nitrate d'uranyle en solution, soit d'hexafluorure d'uranium gazeux. Dans chacun des cas, il est defini les procedes optima conduisant d'une part a un uranate susceptible d'etre traite ulterieurement en four de reduction-fluoruration pour l'obtention de tetrafluorure d'uranium et a un uranate pouvant convenir a la fabrication d'un oxyde d'uranium frittable d'autre part. En particulier, il est mis en evidence que le traitement des solutions de nitrate d'uranyle par des quantites stochiometriques d'ammoniaque entraine une precipitation totale de l'uranium avec moins de 1 mg/litre/U dans les eaux-meres, alors que celui de l'hexafluorure d'uranium necessite au moins huit fois la quantite stochiometrique. La mise au point d'un procede de precipitation en deux temps a l'avantage dans les deux cas de permettre avec le meme appareillage la fabrication de produits differents en faisant varier notamment le rapport des reactifs dans le premier temps. (auteur)

  12. Qualité physico-chimique et nutritionnelle des oeufs de poule locale ...

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    L'évaluation de la qualité physico-chimique et nutritionnelle des oeufs issus de poule locale et de race améliorée consommés à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso a porté sur deux cent oeufs répartis en deux lots respectifs de 100 oeufs de race locale et 100 oeufs de race améliorée. Les valeurs des paramètres physiques ont ...

  13. Chemical Recovery of Energy in a Combined MHD-Steam Power Station; Recuperation Chimique d'Energie dans une Centrale Combinee MHD-Vapeur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carrasse, J. [Societe Alsthom, Paris (France)


    -heating) of the conversion gases as main fuel in the MHD duct. (author) [French] Ce rapport etudie les aspects energetique et chimique de l'exploitation d'une centrale combinee MHD-vapeur utilisant en cycle ouvert les gaz de combustion d'un combustible fossile avec ensemencement au potassium. Un procede de recuperation d'energie par conversion chimique endothermique du combustible est presente. Dans une premiere partie, on rappelle succinctement quelles conditions thermiques et chimiques doit remplir la veine gazeuse le long de son parcours et l'on met en evidence la necessite absolue d'un recyclage d*energie aussi important que possible de l'aval vers l'amont du generateur MHD, aux depens de la centrale classique lui faisant suite. On mentionne ensuite les differents procedes envisages pour assurer les conditions thermiques de fonctionnement: rechauffage d'air, suroxygenation, etc. Une derniere partie de ce rapport, plus developpee, tenant compte des remarques precedentes, expose le principe et differents modes d'application possibles d'un procede en cours d'etude et d'experimentation. Dans ce procede une partie de l'energie calorifique des gaz issus de la tuyere MHD est recyclee vers l'amont sous forme chimique sur un support gazeux a temperature limitee. Pour cela, le combustible melange a des agents oxydants tels que la vapeur d'eau ou l'anhydride carbonique est converti vers 950 Degree-Sign C suivant un ensemble de reactions globalement endothermiques,- en un gaz constitue principalement par de l'oxyde de carbone, de l'hydrogene, de l'azote et un excedent de vapeur d'eau et d'anhydride carbonique. On evite ainsi l'utilisation d'echangeurs a tres haute temperature travaillant en presence de semences. Le rapport insiste sur la dessemination, facilitee et rendue possible ici en grande partie sous forme liquide (sels fondus) grace a un fonctionnement dans la gamme des temperatures ayoisinant 1000 Degree-Sign C. On examine le cas de l'utilisation apres traitement

  14. Chemical kinetics: on the heterogeneous catalysis processes leading to an exchange between two phases. Example: isotopic exchange reactions; Cinetique chimique: sur les processus de catalyse 'heterogene' conduisant a un echange entre deux phases. Exemple: reactions d'echange isotopique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dirian, G; Grandcollot, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    For an exchange reaction between a gaseous and a liquid phase proceeding by 'heterogeneous' catalysis in the liquid phase, diffusion in the liquid and the chemical reaction are two simultaneous and indivisible processes. We have nevertheless been able to establish criteria making it possible to distinguish between a really homogeneous kinetic process and a pseudo-homogeneous one. (author) [French] Pour une reaction d'echange entre une phase gazeuse et une phase liquide procedant par catalyse 'heterogene' en phase liquide, la diffusion dans le liquide et la reaction chimique sont deux etapes simultanees et indissociables. Nous avons pu neanmoins etablir des criteres permettant de distinguer entre une cinetique homogene vraie et une cinetique pseudo-homogene. (auteur)

  15. Caractéristiques physico-chimiques de l'eau des puits dans la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectif : L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer la qualité de l'eau des puits à partir de ses caractéristiques physico-chimiques dans la commune de Pobè. Méthodologie et résultats : L'étude entreprise entre juin 2012 et mars 2013 a permis de mesurer au niveau de quinze puits les paramètres physiques tels que le pH, ...

  16. Caractérisation physico-chimique et géotechnique de deux sites ...

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    produits après séchage ont aussi une grande importance (Camille, 2010). Dans un souci de valorisation des matériaux utiles du Bénin, le présent travail est consacré à une caractérisation géotechnique, physico-chimique et thermique des sols prélevés dans la région de Parakou. (Baka) et de Ketou (Etigbo) en vue de leur.

  17. Evaluation des méthodes chimiques, spectroscopiques et chromatographiques utilisables pour l'identification des polluants pétroliers en mer Evaluation of Chemical, Spectroscopic and Chromatographic Methods Used to Identify Offshore Oil Pollutants

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    Albaigés J.


    Full Text Available Dans cet article on passe en revue les différentes méthodes utilisables pour l'identification des principaux polluants pétroliers de la mer par l'analyse quantitativé de leurs « marqueurs passifs x (soufre, azote, nickel, vanadium, paraffine et asphaltènes et la détermination d'autres caractéristiques intrinsèques. II s'agit de méthodes chimiques, spectroscop iques (infrarouge, ultraviolette et chromatographiques (chromatographie en phase gazeuse à haute résolution avec détection par ionisation de flamme, photométrie de flamme et capture d'électrons. Les mesures ont concerné une grande variété de produits susceptibles de polluer la côte méditerranéenne espagnole - pétrole brut des gisements offshore d'Amposta et de Castellôn; - pétroles bruts importés traités dans les raffineries côtières (Boscan, Es Sider, Kuwait, Arabian light, etc.; - fractions lourdes provenant de ces raffineries (fuel-cils, asphaltes, lubrifiants; - polluants réels; - échantillons altérés artificiellement en laboratoire afin de mettre en évidence l'action progressive des éléments naturels. On a trouvé que les méthodes les plus intéressantes étaient : - le dosage chimique du soufre, du nickel et du vanadium; - la spectroscopie infrarouge; - la chromatographie en phase gazeuse à haute résolution avec détection par ionisation et photométrie de flamme. This article reviews the different methods that con be used to identify the leading petroleum pollutants of the sea by quantitative analysis of their a passive markers » (sulfur, nitrogen, nickel, vanadium, paraffin, asphaltenes and by determining other intrinsic properties. These methods are chemical, spectroscopic (infrared, ultraviolet and chromatographic (high-resolution gas chromatography with flame ionization detection, flame photometry and electron capture. Measurements were made of a great variety of products capable of polluting the Spanish Mediterranean coast, including

  18. Aspects chimiques de la combustion du charbon pulvérisé. Première partie Chemical Aspects of the Combustion of Pulverized Coal. Part One

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    De Soete G. G.


    Full Text Available II n'est pas facile de parvenir à une vue complète des multiples phénomènes chimiques dont la flamme de charbon pulvérisé est le siège. La présente étude bibliographique s'efforce de donner plus qu'une juxtaposition des données de la littérature récente, en risquant une tentative de présentation cohérente des mécanismes chimiques clés qui s'affrontent dans cette combustion. Ces mécanismes font intervenir des réactions en phase gazeuse relativement rapides (combustion des produits gazeux de pyrolyse, formation d'oxydes d'azote à partir de l'azote organique ainsi qu'un certain nombre de réactions hétérogènes très importantes (dévolatilisation pyrolysante rapide, oxydation du coke, réduction hétérogène d'oxydes d'azote qui peuvent se dérouler de façon beaucoup plus lente. En ce qui concerne ces dernières, le régime non isotherme, auquel les soumet l'existence de gradients de température dans la flamme industrielle, entraîne souvent des conséquences non négligeables pour le déroulement de ces mécanismes cinétiques complexes : ainsi la quantité et la composition des produits de pyrolyse est fortement tributaire de ces conditions non isothermes. Carrefour de plusieurs mécanismes chimiques complexes, la flamme de charbon est caractérisée chimiquement par un grand nombre de cas de compétition : a compétition entre différentes voies réactionnelles à l'intérieur d'un mécanisme donné ; à titre d'exemple typique : la pyrolyse du charbon ; b compétition entre phénomènes chimiques et physiques, également à l'intérieur d'un même mécanisme, entraînant la transition éventuellement réversible d'un régime cinétique vers un régime diffusionnel, comme c'est le cas dans l'oxydation du coke, avec des conséquences sensibles pour la vitesse réactionnelle globale et sa dépendance par rapport à la température, pouvant même aller jusqu'à l'extinction de la combustion du coke ; c compétition entre

  19. Évaluation des effets des pesticides utilisés en lutte chimique contre ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 avr. 2015 ... RÉSUMÉ. Objectif : Les traitements chimiques constituent encore la principale méthode utilisée pour lutter contre le. Criquet pèlerin en période de recrudescence ou d'invasion. Les pesticides ne sont pas très spécifiques dans la plupart des cas, ils peuvent avoir des effets négatifs sur les composantes ...

  20. NUISIBILITE DE L'HERBE A OIGNON, Cyperus rotundus L ...

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    difficulté de leur maîtrise. Dans ce cas, le recours au traitement chimique devient incontournable. Mais, les produits chimiques pour contrôler cette adventice en culture cannière font cruellement défaut dans le contexte ivoirien. Ainsi, par exemple, le glyphosate a été testé vainement sur elle mais avec succès sur Imperata ...

  1. Radio-chromatographic determination of plasmatic adenosine deaminase (A.D.); Determination radiochromatographique de l'adenosine deaminase (A.D.)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chivot, J J; Depernet, D; Caen, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Bruyeres-le-Chatel (France). Centre d' Etudes


    We were able, by using a radio-chromatographic method, to measure an adenosine deaminase activity in normal human heparinized platelet-poor plasma, which can degrade 0.016 {mu}M adenosine. This activity suppressed by heating 56 C for 30 minutes is inhibited by high concentrations of urea and is proportional to the amount of plasma, source of enzyme, in the systems. (authors) [French] Nous avons pu, en utilisant une methode radiochromatographique, mesurer une activite adenosine deaminasique dans le plasma humain pauvre en plaquettes heparine qui peut degrader 0,016 {mu}M d'adenosine. Cette activite qui est supprimee par chauffage a 56 degres pendant 30 minutes, est reduite par conservation a -20 C pendant une semaine, est inhibee par d'importantes concentrations d'uree et ne l'est pas, ni par le dipyridamol, ni par le pHMB. Cette activite est proportionnelle a la quantite de plasma, source d'enzyme, mise dans les differents systemes reactifs. (auteur)

  2. Recovery of uranium from liquors from shale attack by ion exchange; Recuperation de l'uranium des liqueurs d'attaque des schistes par echange d'ions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parly, B; Pottier, P


    This report deals with the recovery of the uranium from a lot of shale mined at Schaentzel with an U content of 285 ppm. Recovery is realized by alkaline attack with a solution of 25 g/l Na{sub 2}CO{sub 3} at 75 C followed by absorption of the dissolved uranium by an anionic Amberlite resin, IRA 410. Final recovery is done by elution with a solution of M NaNO{sub 3}. These treatment tests determine the capacity of the resin in the case of the above solutions, verify the effects of recycling on this capacity, and finally, provide figures on the consumption of reactive and efficiency of attack and uranium recovery. (author) [French] Il s'agit de la recuperation, de l'uranium d'un lot de schiste- de Schaentzel (puits AO) dont la teneur en U est de 285 ppm. Cette recuperation consiste en une attaque alcaline par une solution de CO{sub 3}Na{sub 2} a 25 g/l et a 75 deg C. L'attaque est suivie de l'adsorption de l'uranium solubilise, sur resine anionique Amberlite IRA 410. On recupere finalement l'uranium par elution a l'aide d'une solution de NO{sub 3}Na M. Cet essai de traitement permit de determiner la capacite de la resine dans le cas de ces solutions, de verifier l'effet du recyclage sur la capacite et enfin de chiffrer la consommation en reactifs ainsi que les rendements d'attaque et de recuperation de l'uranium. (auteur)

  3. Physical and chemical study of the influence of oxidation on the structure of carbon black; Etude physico-chimique de l'influence de l'oxydation sur la structure du noir de carbone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hueber, Francois


    This research thesis reports the study of the influence of an oxidising attack on carbon black particles by using chemical, physical and electrochemical methods to highlight the oxidation process. The carbon black particle is a spherical set essentially made of amorphous and crystalline carbon. It appears that the oxidising attack mainly occurs against the amorphous parts which surround the crystallites. If the attack is strong enough, crystallites are freed and the particle collapses. This process has been observed by using electronic microscopy, X rays, the BET nitrogen absorption method, and infra-reds. Chemical analysis revealed the presence of carboxyl, hydroxyl and quinone functional groups on the oxidised particle surface. These groups have been dosed by different methods (methylation, calcium acetate dosing, polarography and potassium borohydride reduction) [French] Dans la presente etude nous nous sommes occupes de l'influence de l'attaque oxydante sur les particules de noir de carbone. Pour ce faire, nous avons mis en oeuvre des methodes chimiques, physiques et electrochimiques et nous avons ainsi pu mettre en evidence le processus de l'attaque oxydante. La particule de noir de carbone est un ensemble spherique constitue essentiellement de carbone engage dans des domaines amorphes et dans des domaines cristallins. L'attaque oxydante se fait surtout aux depens des parties amorphes qui entourent les cristallites. Si l'attaque est suffisamment poussee, les cristallites sont liberes ce qui se traduit par l'effondrement de la particule. C'est la conjugaison de la microscopie electronique, des rayons X, de la methode d'absorption d'azote B.E.T. et des infra-rouge qui ont permis d'etablir ce schema de l'attaque oxydante. Sur le plan des analyses chimiques, nous avons confirme la presence de fonctions carboxyles, hydroxyles et quinones a la surface de la particule de noir de carbone oxyde et avons pu les doser. Une des methodes de dosage quantitative des


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    en 4 ou 5 jets de cristallisation. Contrôle chimique. Le contrôle chimique consiste à suivre l'évolution de la qualité technologique de la canne à sucre broyée, lors des phases de broyage et de concentration (Hugot, 1987) par prélèvement des différents produits biologiques pour analyse au laboratoire. Meade et Chen ...

  5. Adsorption of volatile organic compounds by polytetra-fluor ethylene; Adsorption de composes organiques volatils par le polytetrafluor ethylene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinet, J.M. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The sorption of organic vapours by microporous polytetra-fluor ethylene has been studied gravimetrically using a Mc Bain-Baker type sorption balance. The amount of sorption, the peculiarities observed on the isotherm curves, the small influence of temperature, and smallness of hysteresis suggests that mainly physical adsorption occurs when the temperature is around 25 deg. C. The values of the surface areas obtained from the adsorption isotherms using organic vapours differ greatly from those derived from N{sub 2} adsorption measurements. This discrepancy cannot be completely attributed to differences in the structure and chemical function of the adsorbate molecules, or to the porous structure of the adsorbent. On the contrary, the surface area values obtained by sorbing high volatile freons conform with those measured by nitrogen adsorption, which seems to imply a connection between the area of sorbed monolayers and volatility of the adsorbate. (author) [French] La sorption de vapeurs organiques par du polytetrafluor ethylene microporeux a ete etudiee gravimetriquement a l'aide d'un appareillage du type balance de Mac Bain. La valeur de la masse adsorbee, les particularites observees dans la forme des isothermes, le peu d'influence de la temperature, la faiblesse de l'hysteresis suggerent l'intervention d'une adsorption physique, du moins au voisinage de 25 deg. C. Les isothermes relatives a l'absorption de vapeurs organiques conduisent a des valeurs de la surface specifique tres differentes de celles obtenues par adsorption d'azote. Ces divergences ne peuvent s'expliquer par la seule intervention de la structure moleculaire et de la fonction chimique de l'adsorbat, ni par la structure poreuse de l'adsorbant. Par contre, l'adsorption de freons tres volatils conduit a des valeurs de la surface specifique analogues a celles obtenues par adsorption d'azote ce qui semble etablir un lien entre la

  6. Adsorption of volatile organic compounds by polytetra-fluor ethylene; Adsorption de composes organiques volatils par le polytetrafluor ethylene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinet, J M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The sorption of organic vapours by microporous polytetra-fluor ethylene has been studied gravimetrically using a Mc Bain-Baker type sorption balance. The amount of sorption, the peculiarities observed on the isotherm curves, the small influence of temperature, and smallness of hysteresis suggests that mainly physical adsorption occurs when the temperature is around 25 deg. C. The values of the surface areas obtained from the adsorption isotherms using organic vapours differ greatly from those derived from N{sub 2} adsorption measurements. This discrepancy cannot be completely attributed to differences in the structure and chemical function of the adsorbate molecules, or to the porous structure of the adsorbent. On the contrary, the surface area values obtained by sorbing high volatile freons conform with those measured by nitrogen adsorption, which seems to imply a connection between the area of sorbed monolayers and volatility of the adsorbate. (author) [French] La sorption de vapeurs organiques par du polytetrafluor ethylene microporeux a ete etudiee gravimetriquement a l'aide d'un appareillage du type balance de Mac Bain. La valeur de la masse adsorbee, les particularites observees dans la forme des isothermes, le peu d'influence de la temperature, la faiblesse de l'hysteresis suggerent l'intervention d'une adsorption physique, du moins au voisinage de 25 deg. C. Les isothermes relatives a l'absorption de vapeurs organiques conduisent a des valeurs de la surface specifique tres differentes de celles obtenues par adsorption d'azote. Ces divergences ne peuvent s'expliquer par la seule intervention de la structure moleculaire et de la fonction chimique de l'adsorbat, ni par la structure poreuse de l'adsorbant. Par contre, l'adsorption de freons tres volatils conduit a des valeurs de la surface specifique analogues a celles obtenues par adsorption d'azote ce qui semble etablir un lien entre la volatilite de l'adsorbat et l'etendue des couches monomoleculaires

  7. The determination of iodine in biological media using radioactivation analysis (1962); Dosage de l'iode dans les milieux biologiques au moyen de l'analyse par radioactivation (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Comar, D [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The object of this study is to show that the application of radioactivation analysis to the determination of iodine in biological media makes it possible to measure iodine concentrations of the order of 0.0001 {mu}g. After a review of the chemical methods with a mention of the difficulties they present, the optimum conditions for the determination of iodine in biological liquids are given. Three methods are described: - the first consists of a chemical treatment which liberates the protein bound iodine in an inorganic form. After distillation this iodine is irradiated in a flux of thermal neutrons. The induced radioactivity is compared to that of a standard sample irradiated in the same conditions by {gamma} spectrometry. - the second method which is of more general application consists in irradiating the sample and then extracting the iodine; its induced radio-activity is then measured by {beta}-counting. - the third method measures the iodine directly in the thyroid tissue by anti-compton spectrometry. The sensitivity, the reproducibility and the accuracy are discussed. Some applications are described: determination of iodine in its various organic forms in serum, determination of iodine in urines, in food-stuffs, etc., in the thyroid tissue, etc. (author) [French] Le but de cette etude est de montrer que l'analyse par radioactivation appliquee au dosage de l'iode dans les milieux biologiques permet de mesurer des taux d'iode de l'ordie de 0,0001 {mu}g. Apres avoir rappele le principe des methodes chimiques et montre les difficultes de leur mise en oeuvre, il est etabli les conditions optima pour realiser le dosage de l'iode dans les liquides biologiques. Trois methodes sont decrites; - la premiere consiste a pratiquer un traitement chimique liberant l'iode proteique sous forme minerale. Apres distillation cet iode est irradie dans un flux de neutrons thermiques. La radioactivite induite est mesuree comparativement a celle d'un etalon traite dans les memes

  8. Preconcentration of uranium ores by radio-metric sorting; Preconcentration des minerais d'uranium par triage radiometrique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Avril, R; Grenier, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The uranium ore chemical treatment plant at Bessines-sur-Gartempe is supplied entirely by the La Crouzille Mining Division of the French Atomic Energy Commission mainly from mining districts of Fanay, Margnac and Le BRUGEAUD in the Limousin province and also, for the remainder, by a certain amount of private production in the 'Massif Central'. The supply mixture, which is very heterogeneous, is enriched before being treated chemically. The pre-concentration operation is carried out in the divisions ore treatment work-shop. It consists in a stone removal operation using radiometric sorting along a continuous belt; this makes it possible to eliminate 50 pour cent of the only fraction which is thus treated - that from 50 to 120 mm; it represents 15 to 20 per cent of the total tonnage supplied to the plant. (authors) [French] L'usine chimique de traitement des minerais d'uranium de Bessines-sur-Gartempe est entierement alimentee par la Division Miniere de La Crouzille, du Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, principalement a partir des ensembles miniers limousins de Fanay, Margnac et du Brugenud et, pour le complement, par une certaine production privee en provenance du Massif Central. Le melange d'alimentation, tres heterogene, est enrichi avant d'etre livre a la chimie. L'operation de preconcentration est realisee dans l'atelier de preparation des minerais de la division. Il s'agit d'un epierrage par triage radiometrique sur bande, en continu, qui permet d'eliminer 50 pour cent de la seule fraction granulometrique qui le subit - le 50-120 mm - soit encore 15 a 20 pour cent du tonnage global d'alimentation livre a l'usine. (auteurs)

  9. Treatment of uranium ores by natural leaching in Portugal; Traitement par lixiviation naturelle des minerais uraniferes portugais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacerda, J de [Junta de Energia Nuclear, Lisbonne (Portugal)


    The technique described for treating uranium ores by natural leaching has been developed as a result of research carried out in Portugal with a view to determining and eliminating the causes of uranium migration in ores stored in the open. With the natural leaching method, which has been successfully applied to primary uranium ores, the ore is piled up on a waterproof surface and sprayed intermittently with mine water. Pyrite and ferrous sulphate are used as solid reagents and are mixed with the ore in amounts averaging 0.4% and 0.2% respectively. Over 70 000 tons of ore with a U{sub 3}O{sub 8} content of between 0.076 and 0.150% have been treated at five natural leaching plants. The average recovery in these operations was between 57.7 and 85.9%. The average cost was US $3.31/lb U{sub 3}O{sub 8}. (author) [French] Le traitement des minerais uraniferes par lixiviation naturelle est le fruit des recherches effectuees au Portugal dans le but de determiner et d'eliminer les causes de la migration de l'uranium contenu dans les minerais emmagasines a ciel ouvert. La methode de lixiviation naturelle, appliquee avec succes aux mineraux primaires d'uranium, consiste essentiellement en l'arrosage intermittent, avec l'eau des mines, du minerai entasse sur des aires impermeabilisees. On utilise comme reactifs solides la pyrite et le sulfate ferreux melanges avec le minerai a raison de 0,4% et 0,2% respectivement en moyenne. Plus de 70 000 t de minerai, dont les teneurs en U{sub 3}O{sub 8} etaient comprises entre 0,076% et 0,150%, ont ete traitees dans cinq installations de lixiviation naturelle ou on a obtenu des recuperations moyennes oscillant entre 57,7% et 85,9%, pour le prix de revient moyen de 3,31 dollars par livre de U{sub 3}O{sub 8}. (author)

  10. Les oligonucléotides synthétiques "antisens" (1re partie)


    Cravador, A.


    Le sujet que nous abordons aujourd'hui est une illustration de l'évolution des approches chimiques qui visent à obtenir des molécules ayant des effets biologiques (par exemple dans la recherche de nouveaux médicaments), ou qui fonctionnent comme sonde (par exemple dans le diagnostic médical).

  11. Caractérisation de l'état chimique d'un élément par fluorescence X : l'aluminium dans les zéolithes Characterizing the Chemical State of an Element by X-Ray Fluorescence: Aluminium in Zeolites

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    Freund E.


    Full Text Available La fluorescence X est essentiellement connue dans le domaine de l'analyse quantitative, mais c'est aussi une méthode qui permet d'obtenir des informations détaillées sur la structure électronique des éléments. Dans cet article, nous montrons qu'il est possible de mettre au point une technique simple de caractérisation de l'état chimique d'un élément en utilisant de façon conjointe un spectromètre commercial et un programme adapté de traitement des données. Nous avons appliqué cette technique au cas de l'aluminium dans une zéolithe particulière : la mordénite dite à petits pores modifiée par différents traitements. Nous avons ainsi pu classer les solides suivant leur rapport (AI hexa-coordinné/AI tétracoordinné et montrer que le débouchage de la mordénite dite à petits pores est lié à l'extraction d'atomes d'aluminium de la charpente cristalline. X-ray fluorescence is mainly known in the field of qua-titative analysis, but it is also a useful method for obtaining detailed informations about the electronic structure of elements. This article shows that it is possible to develop a simple technique for characterizing the chemical state of an element by combining a commercial spectrometer with a program suited for data processing. This technique has been applied to the case of aluminum in a specific zeolite, ( small portmodernite, modified by various treatments. We were thus able to classify the solids according to the ratio of hexacoordinated AI/tetracoordinated AI and to show that the deblocking of the small portmordenite is linked to the extraction of aluminum atomrs from the crystalline structure.


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    Coléoptères. Sur certaines plantes, des feuilles présentant un aspect de filet ou de grillage occasionné par des criquets (Zonocerus variegatus). Certaines feuilles sont recro- quevillées suite aux piqûres de fourmis. (Camponotus sp.) et des pucerons. Figure 1 : Vue d'un pied mort de Lippia multiflora causés par les termites.

  13. 91 Étude de la performance de la STEP du centre emplisseur de la ...

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    -Un traitement chimique par coagulation par le polalumine un coagulant liquide à base de sulfate d'alumine. L'injection de ce dernier se fait à l'aide d'une pompe doseuse qui fonctionne automatiquement lorsque la pompe d'alimentation des eaux usées est en marche. L'agitateur du bassin de coagulation assure la.

  14. Electrochemical study of chemical properties in ethanolamine and its mixtures with water; Etude electrochimique de proprietes chimiques dans l'ethanolamine et ses melanges avec l'eau

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grall, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This work is concerned with the study of acid-base reactions and of complex formation in ethanolamine and its mixtures with water. The ionic product of the solvent has been determined by an electro-chemical study of the H{sup +}/H{sub 2} system. The reduction curves for ethanolamine-water mixtures, for different acidities, have made it possible to follow the variations in the size of the pH domain as a function of the composition of the solvent. The form of this variation has been explained on the basis of the dielectric constant and the solvation of the proton by the ethanolamine. In the second part, the electrochemical systems of mercury have been studied by anodic polarography. In order to establish a parallel between the acid-base reactions and complex formation reactions, we have studied the stability of Hg (CN){sub 2} in water-ethanolamine mixtures. It has been possible to deduce the law for the variation of pK{sub c} with solvent composition. The representative graph of this function passes through a minimum for a proportion of about 50 per cent of ethanolamine as in the case of acids. This variation has been explained by the predominating influence of {epsilon} for ethanolamine propositions of over 50 per cent and by that of the solvation of Hg{sup 2+} for proportions of under 50 per cent. (author) [French] Ce travail porte sur l'etude des reactions acides-bases et de formation de complexes dans l'ethanolamine et ses melanges avec l'eau. Le produit ionique du solvant a pu etre determine par l'etude electro-chimique du systeme H{sup +}/H{sub 2}. Les courbes de reduction des melanges ethanolamine-eau, pour des acidites variables, ont permis de suivre les variations de l'etendue du domaine de pH, en fonction de la composition du solvant. L'allure de cette variation a ete expliquee en faisant intervenir la constante dielectrique et la solvatation du proton par l'ethanolamine. Dans une deuxieme partie, les systemes electrochimiques du mercure ont ete etudies par

  15. Chemical composition and geological age of french pitchblendes and uraninite of Ivory Coast; Composition chimique et age geologique de pechblendes francaises et de l'uraninite de Cote d'Ivoire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chervet, M; Guillemin, M; Hemery, MME; Pellas, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay(France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The determination of the geological age of the uraninite of Ivory Coast in particular, has a very big importance since it permits to date the granito-gneissic basement of this part of Africa and moreover it is one of the most former known uraninites. The emotion caused in some geologists surroundings by the announcement of the date, fixed to close to 2 billions of years for this part of Africa, incited us to make control our assessment by the isotope analysis of lead. Before the concordance really astonishing of the results gotten by two entirely different methods, the publication of our works could not be differed more. The geological age of the uraninite of Coast of Ivory determined to the Laboratory of Mineralogy is of 1933 millions of years: by the calculation given with the help of the logarithmic and based shape on the chemical analysis of the uraninite (precise dosages of U, Pb and Th); by the isotope analysis, this age is about: 1940 {+-} 20 millions of years. We conducted the same operations for several French pitchblendes as the Crousille, Bauzot, Bigay. (M.B.) [French] La determination de l'age geologique de l'uraninite de Cote d'Ivoire en particulier, a une tres grosse importance puisqu'elle permet de dater le socle granito-gneissique de cette partie de l'Afrique et de plus, c'est une des plus anciennes uraninites connues. L'emotion causee dans certains milieux de geologues par l'annonce de la date, fixee a pres de 2 milliards d'annees pour cette partie de l'Afrique, nous a incites a faire controler nos determinations par l'analyse isotopique du plomb. Devant la concordance vraiment etonnante des resultats obtenus par deux methodes entierement differentes, la publication de nos travaux ne pouvait plus etre differee. L'age geologique de l'uraninite de Cote d'Ivoire determine au Laboratoire de Mineralogie est de 1933 millions d'annees: par le calcul donne a l'aide de la forme logarithmique et base sur l'analyse chimique de l'uraninite (dosages precis de U

  16. Voies de recherche en matière de récupération assistée du pétrole par tensio-actifs Research Lines in Enhanced Oil Recovery by Surfactants

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    Baviere M.


    Full Text Available Quelle que soit la conjoncture économique, le procédé de récupération assistée du pétrole par injection d'agents tensio-actifs nécessite une mise en oeuvre très élaborée pour tirer le meilleur parti des produits et donc pour franchir le seuil de rentabilité. Il apparaît par ailleurs que son champ d'application doit être étendu aux conditions de réservoir couramment rencontrées, notamment les fortes salinités, par l'utilisation de structures chimiques adaptées. Pour réduire les pertes de tensio-actifs par adsorption sur la roche, et par suite, préserver l'efficacité du fluide micellaire, deux techniques sont étudiées à l'Institut Français du Pétrole. L'une d'entre elles consiste à réduire l'adsorption en augmentant le pH de la formation à l'aide d'agents alcalins. Dans l'autre méthode, les molécules adsorbées sont remises en solution par un agent désorbant ajouté à l'eau de chasse. L'extension du procédé aux gisements salés est illustrée avec une famille de tensio-actifs qui ont un comportement prometteur dans ces conditions, les sulfonates d'oléfines alpha. Il apparaît que l'efficacité interfaciale de ces produits ne doit pas être seule prise en compte, mais également la solubilité, la stabilité chimique, le comportement rhéologique et l'adsorption sur les surfaces minérales. No matter what the economic situation may be, the process of enhanced oil recovery (EOR by surfactant flooding requires very sophisticated implementation to take maximum advantage of the chemicals and hence to cross the threshold of economic feasibility. It seems, moreover, that the scope of application of this process must be enlarged to meet the reservoir conditions commonly encountered, particularly high salinity, by the use of suitable chemical structures. To reduce surfactant losses by adsorption on the rock and then to preserve the efficiency of the micellar fluid, two techniques are being investigated at the Institut

  17. Process intensification in artificial gravity


    Munteanu, Mugurel-Catalin


    L'amélioration des propriétés hydrodynamiques des réacteurs chimiques est toujours un grand défi pour les ingénieurs en génie des procèdes. La réalisation d'expériences sur des réacteurs chimiques situés dans un champ magnétique inhomogène peut donner des informations importantes concernant les mécanismes des réactions chimiques ou les propriétés hydrodynamiques du système. Un champ magnétique inhomogène sera généré par un aimant solénoïdal à supraconductivité NbTi et appliqué à un réacteur c...

  18. Géochimie isotopique (Nd, Sr) et géochilnie des éléments traces des basaltes alcalins du Massif Central français : Contraintes pétrogénétiques et arguments en faveur du métasomatisme mantellique.


    Chauvel , Catherine


    no abstract; Les roches basiques ( basaltes, kimberlites, komatiites, etc ) proviennent par fusion partielle du manteau terrestre. L'étude géochimique de ces roches peut donc nous aider à comprendre la composition chimique et la structure de leurs sources mantelliques. Malgré les variations de composition chimique, les basaltes terrestres modernes peuvent être grossièrement classés en deux familles. La première, la famille des tholéiites, regroupe les basaltes de rides et de planchers océaniq...

  19. Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Chemical Reaction Engineering La mécanique des fluides numérique appliquée au génie des réactions chimiques

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    Trambouze P.


    éactions chimiques et aspects physiques de chacun des systèmes envisagés. Une autre difficulté surgit du traitement numérique des équations du modèle final qui impose des traitements mathématiques extrêmement affinés et diversifiés. Pour de nombreux types de réacteurs chimiques, les performances pourraient être améliorées par l'application de la CFD lors de leur conception. Nous avons identifié deux catégories de problèmes aptes à bénéficier de cette approche nouvelle : - Les systèmes faisant intervenir des réactions chimiques rapides, avec des durées caractéristiques du même ordre de grandeur que les échelles de temps caractéristiques des turbulences. - Les systèmes polyphasiques, dont l'extrapolation demeure très difficile et se fait, le plus souvent, par des méthodes empiriques basées sur des modèles très simplifiés. Un examen rapide des divers types de systèmes utilisés dans la pratique montre que l'étude doit porter tout d'abord sur les systèmes gaz-liquide et fluide-solide. Toutefois, on manque encore de connaissances fondamentales quant au comportement physique de ces systèmes, surtout en ce qui concerne la coalescence des bulles et le transfert de quantité de mouvement entre gaz et solide. Des recherches spécifiques devront être effectuées pour obtenir l'information manquante. Un certain nombre de progiciels de CFD sont actuellement disponibles dans le commerce ou développés par divers laboratoires de recherche. Ils constituent certainement un point de départ intéressant, mais nous ne pouvons être certains que les résultats numériques donnés par ces programmes soient applicables à un cas industriel réel, sans vérifier les résultats d'une manière ou d'une autre. Il existe un accord général sur la nécessité d'obtenir des données expérimentales concernant des exemples de problèmes, afin de vérifier et de comparer les résultats informatiques des différents programmes proposés pour résoudre ce type de probl

  20. Initiation of detonation by impact on granular explosives; Contribution a l'etude de la generation de la detonation provoquee par impact sur un explosif

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernier, H [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A good number of experiments have shown up the particular behaviour of granular explosives when they are detonated by barrier transmitted shocks. Similar results can be obtained when the shock is induced by impact. In this case the pressure signal shape applied at the explosive is better known and both its intensity and duration can be varied. By using a mathematical model in which the law of chemical kinetics is a linear function of pressure, and different temperatures are used for solids and gases, it is possible to describe most of the behaviour of detonation initiation in solid granular explosives. (author) [French] De nombreuses etudes experimentales ont montre le comportement particulier des explosifs granulaires lors de la detonation provoquee par choc transmis a travers une barriere. Les memes resultats peuvent etre obtenus lorsque la detonation est engendree par impact. Dans ce cas, la forme du signal de pression induit dans l'explosif est mieux connue, et il est possible d'en faire varier l'intensite et la duree d'application. Un modele mathematique utilisant une loi de cinetique chimique fonction lineaire de la pression et ou les temperatures des etats solide et gazeux pendant la reaction sont differenciees, permet de retrouver la plupart des caracteres specifiques de la generation dans un explosif solide granulaire. (auteur)

  1. Processus hydrogéochimiques et origine des sources naturelles ...

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    Dr Gatsing

    minéralisées. La signature chimique des eaux de sources marquée par de faibles conductivités se rapproche nettement de celle des eaux de puits qui captent les altérites, et s'éloigne de celle des eaux de forages qui interceptent le socle fissuré. Le calcul des indices de saturation par rapport à la dolomie et la calcite, et.

  2. Oxidative lixiviation of pitchblende and precipitation of uranium with hydrogen; Lixiviation oxydante des pechblendes et precipitation de l'uranium par l'hydrogene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mouret, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Balaceanu, J C; Coussemant, F [Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP), 92 - Rueil-Malmaison (France)


    Earlier work on the preparation of uranium by F.A. Forward and his colleagues has shown the possibilities presented by oxidative lixiviation of ores in a carbonate medium, and the catalytic reduction of uranyl carbonate solutions by hydrogen. The carbonate attack is of considerable interest because of the selectivity of the uranium dissolution, which means it can be applied particularly to the treatment of low grade ores with a reduced consumption of cheap reagents. The subsequent reduction with hydrogen is of the same nature, and not only enables relatively dilute uranyl carbonate solutions to be treated, but also avoids any significant alteration of the attacking solution which can therefore be used again in the lixiviation stage. The experimental work, undertaken at the request of the Commissariat a I'Energie Atomique, was aimed at determining the quantitative characteristics of each of the two stages in order to ascertain their possibilities for industrial application to the principal low grade ores found in France. (author) [French] Les travaux anterieurs de F.A. FORWARD et de ses collaborateurs ont mis en evidence les possibilites que presentent, dans la preparation de l'uranium, la lixiviation oxydante des minerais en milieu carbonate, et la reduction catalytique des solutions d'uranyl carbonate par l'hydrogene. L'attaque carbonatee presente, en effet, un interet considerable du fait de la selectivite de la dissolution de l'uranium qui permet de l'appliquer en particulier au traitement des minerais pauvres avec une consommation reduite de reactifs peu couteux. La reduction subsequente par l'hydrogene presente les memes caracteres et permet non seulement de traiter des solutions relativement diluees d'uranyl carbonate, mais encore evite toute modification significative de la solution d'attaque qui peut donc etre reemployee dans l'etape de lixiviation. L'experimentation, entreprise a la demande du Commissariat a l'Energie atomique, avait pour but de determiner

  3. Contribution to the study of a method for measuring continuously the isotopic effect. The search for an isotopic effect during the reduction of cuprous oxide by a {sup 12}CO - {sup 14}CO mixture (1962); Contribution a l'etude d'une methode de mesure continue de l'effet isotopique. Recherche d'un effet isotopique dans la reduction de l'oxyde cuivreux par le melange {sup 12}CO - {sup 14}CO (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Richard, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The determination of an isotopic effect between the two reactions: {sup 12}CO + Cu{sub 2}O {yields} {sup 12}CO{sub 2} + 2 Cu 'light' reaction {sup 14}CO + Cu{sub 2}O {yields} {sup 14}C{sub O}2 + 2 Cu 'heavy' reaction is possible if the respective kinetics are known. The condensation, during the reaction, of the carbon dioxide formed, and the measurement as a function of time of the residual carbon monoxide pressure, makes it possible to deduce, uninterruptedly, the 'light' reaction kinetics. The 'heavy' reaction kinetics are obtained by measuring continuously, in situ, the radioactivity of the residual reactant gas as a function of the time. The apparatus used for this is a plastic scintillator counter. A calibration curve of the measured radioactivity as a function of the reactant gas pressure in the absence of reaction makes it possible to compare the kinetics of the 'light' and 'heavy' reactions. The reaction temperature is chosen such that the reaction rate is sufficiently slow, so that the variation of the radioactivity during unit counting time is negligible. (author) [French] La determination d'un effet isotopique entre les deux reactions: {sup 12}CO + Cu{sub 2}O {yields} {sup 12}CO{sub 2} + 2 Cu reaction 'legere' {sup 14}CO + Cu{sub 2}O {yields} {sup 14}C{sub O}2 + 2 Cu reaction 'lourde' est rendue possible par la connaissance de leurs cinetiques respectives. La condensation, au cours de la reaction, du gaz carbonique forme et la mesure en fonction du temps de la pression de l'oxyde de carbone residuel, permet d'obtenir, de facon continue, la cinetique de la reaction 'legere'. La cinetique de la reaction lourde est determinee par la mesure continue, in situ, du taux de radioactivite du reactif gazeux residuel en fonction du temps. Le dispositif employe dans ce but est un compteur a scintillateur plastique. Une courbe d'etalonnage, du taux mesure de radioactivite en fonction de la pression du gaz reactif, en l'absence de reaction, permet de comparer les

  4. Chemical treatment of uranium ores in France; Le traitement chimique des minerais d'uranium en France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mouret, P; Sartorius, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The various processes of chemical treatmenturanium ores, from the oldest to the more recent, are exposed, considering the following conditions: economics, geography, techniques and safety. The interest of obtaining a final concentrate as uranyl nitrate is discussed. (author)Fren. [French] Les differents procedes de traitement chimique des minerais uraniferes sont exposes depuis les premiers jusqu'aux plus recents, en tenant compte des facteurs economiques, geographiques, techniques et de salubrite. L'interet d'obtenir un concentre final a l'etat de nitrate d'uranyle est discute. (auteur)

  5. cas du lac Fetzara, région de Annaba

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ruissellement, elles acquièrent une nouvelle composition différente de celle des eaux de pluie. Les apports par les précipitations météoriques. Chaque mois pluvieux a fait l'objet d'une analyse chimique et une moyenne des concentrations des eaux apportées au lac a été estimée. La quantité des éléments apportés par.

  6. Download this PDF file

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    La composition chimique du fromage préparé à partir du lait reconstitué était sensiblement plus haute ... vegetable rennet extract of Sodom apple (Calotropis procera) which is ... The mixture of the juice and milk was strained into warm milk.

  7. Elaboration de plateformes biomimétiques à base de dopamine pour la fonctionnalisation du titane Elaboration of biomimetic dopamine platforms for the functionalization of titanium surfaces

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    Laure William


    Full Text Available L'étude concerne la fonctionnalisation de surfaces à base de titane à partir d'une ancre chimique biomimétique modifiable chimiquement, la dopamine, dans le but de concevoir des biomatériaux utilisables en tant que dispositifs implantables. Deux approches différentes de greffage par la stratégie «graft to» sont proposées. La première consiste en la synthèse et l'immobilisation sur les surfaces de titane de polymères parfaitement définis et stimulables fonctionnalisés par un motif catéchol en extrémité de chaîne. La seconde propose de modifier préalablement la surface par une ancre chimique spécifique intégrant un motif catéchol d'une part et un motif furane ou maléimide d'autre part permettant d'engager sur demande une réaction réversible de cycloaddition de type Diels Alder (DA avec une large gamme de molécules ou polymères fonctionnalisés par l'entité complémentaire. The aim of this study concerns the functionalization of titanium surfaces by using versatile dopamine based on biomimetic anchors. This general concept was exploited to design new biomaterials which might be used as medical implants. In this context, two different grafting strategies based onto the “grafting to” approach were developed. The first one consisted on the synthesis and the immobilization of well-defined catechol end-functionalized polymers onto titanium surfaces. The second strategy was based on the functionalization of titanium surfaces by using dopamine derivates containing, on the one hand, a catechol unit for surface attachment and, on the other hand, a furan or a maleimide moiety able to react, on demand, through reversible Diels Alder (DA reaction.

  8. Directed and persistent movement arises from mechanochemistry of the ParA/ParB system. (United States)

    Hu, Longhua; Vecchiarelli, Anthony G; Mizuuchi, Kiyoshi; Neuman, Keir C; Liu, Jian


    The segregation of DNA before cell division is essential for faithful genetic inheritance. In many bacteria, segregation of low-copy number plasmids involves an active partition system composed of a nonspecific DNA-binding ATPase, ParA, and its stimulator protein ParB. The ParA/ParB system drives directed and persistent movement of DNA cargo both in vivo and in vitro. Filament-based models akin to actin/microtubule-driven motility were proposed for plasmid segregation mediated by ParA. Recent experiments challenge this view and suggest that ParA/ParB system motility is driven by a diffusion ratchet mechanism in which ParB-coated plasmid both creates and follows a ParA gradient on the nucleoid surface. However, the detailed mechanism of ParA/ParB-mediated directed and persistent movement remains unknown. Here, we develop a theoretical model describing ParA/ParB-mediated motility. We show that the ParA/ParB system can work as a Brownian ratchet, which effectively couples the ATPase-dependent cycling of ParA-nucleoid affinity to the motion of the ParB-bound cargo. Paradoxically, this resulting processive motion relies on quenching diffusive plasmid motion through a large number of transient ParA/ParB-mediated tethers to the nucleoid surface. Our work thus sheds light on an emergent phenomenon in which nonmotor proteins work collectively via mechanochemical coupling to propel cargos-an ingenious solution shaped by evolution to cope with the lack of processive motor proteins in bacteria.

  9. Some dynamic aspects of the thyroid function studied by a method of isotopic balance; Quelques aspects dynamiques de la fonction thyroidienne etudies par une methode d''equilibre isotopique'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Simon, Claude


    This report addresses the use of a method which aims at directly measuring quantities of steady iodine involved by the thyroid metabolism in specific physiological conditions. The experiment is based on the use of male rats weighting 180 to 200 g which received an almost iodine-free diet. The daily dose of iodine is administered to each experimental group through beverage under the form of potassium iodide. After a delay, the usual beverage is replaced by a marked one. Iodine renewal by thyroid is monitored in vivo by external detection of radiations emitted by iodine 131. At the end of the experiment, rats are killed, and their blood is collected on heparin, centrifuged and processed to separate mineral iodine and hormonal iodine. Radioactivity is then measured with a scintillator and compared with that of a beverage sample [French] Le but de la methode utilisee est de mesurer directement les quantites d'iode stable mises en jeu par le metabolisme thyroidien dans des conditions physiologiques precises. Les travaux anterieurs ne permettent d'atteindre ces quantites que par des microdosages chimiques longs et delicats. En nous basant sur le principe du renouvellement d'un pool en etat dynamique stationnaire, nous decrivons une cinetique et mesurons en valeur absolue les differents parametres de ce systeme en equilibre.

  10. Effets de traitements herbicides sur Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hochst ...

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    -169. Paré, J., 1993. Aspects de la dynamique de la formation de graine chez Striga. (Scrophulariaceae) parasite des céréales tropicales. Contribution à la mise au point d'une lutte chimique. Thèse de doctorat ès Sc. Nat.

  11. The extraction neptunium by trilaurylamine; L'extraction du neptunium par le trilaurylamine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Champion, J; Chesne, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The extraction by trilaurylamine of neptunium (IV) from nitric acid and sulfuric acid-nitric acid media has been studied with the aim of developing a purification process for this element. Relative to the plutonium-neptunium separation, conditions are given for the oxidation of neptunium (IV) in sulfuric acid-nitric acid medium and data are presented on the stabilisation of the + 4 oxidation state by the organic solvent. Two procedures have been developed for the simultaneous purification of the two actinides. Both are based on the trilaurylamine extraction of the tetravalent nitrate species. The first utilises a constant redox potential fixed by Fe{sup +++} /Fe{sup ++} couple, while in the second, valencies are determined by successive addition of nitrite and ferrous ions. Gram quantities of neptunium 237 has been recovered from plutonium process solution. Alternate procedures are suggested for the chemical processing of irradiated Np{sup 237}. (authors) [French] L'extraction du neptunium par le trilaurylamine en milieu nitrique et sulfonitrique a ete etudiee dans le cadre de la recherche des procedes de purification de cet element. En vue d'effectuer la separation neptunium-plutonium on a precise d'une part les conditions d'oxydation du Np{sup 4+} en milieu sulfonitrique, d'autre part l'influence du solvant sur la stabilite des valences de ces deux elements. Deux procedes de purification simultanee des deux actinides ont ete developpes. Ils sont bases sur l'extraction du nitrate des elements tetravalents dans la trilaury lamine. Dans l'un, la solution a extraire a un potentiel redox fixe par un systeme auxiliaire (Fe{sup +++}/Fe{sup ++}), dans l'autre elle subit dans le meme extracteur des additions successives de nitrite et de fer ferreux. On decrit un essai semi-industriel de recuperation de neptunium 237 a partir de solution provenant de l'usine de production de plutonium de Marcoule. Differents schemas utilisables lors du traitement chimique des cibles de

  12. Epuration des eaux usées de raffinerie par le procédé biologique des lits bactériens. Problèmes pratiques de l'exploitation Purifying Refinery Waste Water by the Bacterial Bed Biological Process. Practical Operational Problems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leising M.


    Full Text Available Le traitement des eaux de raffinerie par le procédé des Iits bactériens constitue une solution intéressante. Néanmoins, il subsiste actuellement des problèmes pratiques d'exploitation, en particulier la tendance au colmatage des lits bactériens existants qui résulte d'un encrassement incontrôlé des garnissages en vrac. Après étude, il est confirmé que les hydrocarbures, les matières en suspension contenus dans l'effluent et une mauvaise évacuation de la biomasse sont à l'origine du problème. L'examen des possibilités de lutte contre ce phénomène permet de distinguer des mesures curatives et des mesure préventives. Les mesures curatives qui consistent à régénérer le garnissage par augmentation de la charge hydraulique, nettoyage chimique, ou nettoyage manuel ne donnent pas entière satisfaction. Parmi tes mesures préventives, l'une des méthodes consiset à réduire la charge polluante de l'effluent : les eaux usées phénolées sont dessalées, les eaux de désulfuration du gas oil (DGO et fluid cracking catalytic (FCC sont strippées, les soudes sont réinjectées dans le brut, les huiles récupérées juste en aval de leur rejet, les traitements primaires sont optimisés, notamment par installation de racleurs et de tambours oléophiles sur les séparateurs API et par un meilleur choix de floculants. Néanmoins, l'expérience montre que cette méthode ne permet que de retarder l'échéance du colmatage. Le meilleur moyen de lutte réside dans le choix du matériau de garnissage, ainsi que le montrent les essais pilotes comparatifs réalisés par l'Institut National de Recherche Chimique Appliquée (lRCHA et Compagnie Française de Raffinage (CFR. Ces essais, qui ont portés sur l'évolution de la densité du garnissage, les performances épuratoires et la qualité des boues montrent que le Cloisonyle, garnissage tubulaire, est probablement le matériau le mieux adapté. Refinery waste-water treatment by trickling

  13. FooPar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hargreaves, F. P.; Merkle, D.


    We present FooPar, an extension for highly efficient Parallel Computing in the multi-paradigm programming language Scala. Scala offers concise and clean syntax and integrates functional programming features. Our framework FooPar combines these features with parallel computing techniques. Foo......, results based on a empirical analysis on two supercomputers are given. We achieve close-to-optimal performance wrt. theoretical peak performance. Based on this result we conclude that FooPar allows programmers to fully access Scalas design features without suffering from performance drops when compared...

  14. Contribution to the activation analysis of the rare gases. Contribution to the analysis of carbon monoxide and water vapour in gases (1963); Contribution a l'analyse par activation des gaz rares. Contribution a l'analyse de l'oxyde de carbone et de la vapeur d'eau dans les gaz (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diebolt, J [Commisariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In the present work, we have applied radioactive analysis to the general technique of rare gas separation. This separation is carried out on active charcoal, at constant pressure. The desorption of the gas is caused by an increase in the initial temperature of adsorption. These separations are quantitative and can be confirmed by chemical analysis. The volumes of desorbed gas are measured by radioactive counting. We have also used radioactivation to study the reduction of palladous chloride by carbon monoxide. Since this reduction is quantitative, we can have a knowledge of the mass of palladium reduced by measuring its activity. We have used the property which have organic chlorides of being hydrolysed by water vapour and of liberating hydrochloric acid to study quantitatively the amount of water vapour which a gas contains. The hydrochloric acid formed is measured by activation of the chlorine in the acid. (author) [French] Dans les travaux que nous presentons, nous avons applique l'analyse par radioactivation, a la technique generale de separation des gaz rares. Cette separation est faite sur charbon active, a pression constante. La desorption des gaz est provoquee par une augmentation de la temperature initiale d'adsorption. Ces separations sont quantitatives, et peuvent etre exploitees par l'analyse chimique. Les volumes de gaz dedorbes sont mesures par comptage de la radioactivite. Nous avons egalement utilise la radioactivation pour l'etude de la reduction du chlorure palladeux par l'oxyde de carbone. Cette reduction etant quantitative, nous pouvons connaitre la masse de palladium reduit par la mesure de son activite. Nous avons exploite la propriete que possede un chlorure organique d'etre hydrolise par la vapeur d'eau et de liberer de l'acide chlorhydrique pour etudier quantitativement la vapeur d'eau contenue dans un gaz. L'acide chlorhydrique forme est mesure par l'activation du chlore de l'acide. (auteur)

  15. Chemical elimination of alumina in suspension in nuclear reactors heavy water; Elimination de l'alumine en suspension dans l'eau lourde des reacteurs nucleaires par voie chimique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ledoux, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Corrosion of aluminium in contact with moderating water in nuclear reactor leads to the formation of an alumina hydrosol which can have an adverse effect on the operation of the reactor. Several physical methods have been used in an attempt to counteract this effect. The method proposed here consists in the elimination of the aluminium by dissolution and subsequent fixation in the ionic form on mixed-bed ion-exchange resin. In order to do this, the parameters and the values of these parameters most favorable to the dissolution process have been determined. If the moderator is heavy water, the deuterated acid can be prepared by converting a solution in heavy water to a salt of the acid using a deuterated cationic resin. (author) [French] La corrosion de l'aluminium au contact de l'eau moderatrice des reacteurs nucleaires, donne lieu a la formation d'un hydrosol d'alumine nuisible au bon fonctionnement des reacteurs. Plusieurs methodes physiques ont ete mises en oeuvre pour pallier ces inconvenients. On propose ici d'eliminer l'alumine par solubilisation pour la fixer ensuite sous forme ionique par des resines echangeuses d'ions, en lit melange. A cette fin on determine les parametres et leurs grandeurs favorables a cette solubilisation. Si le moderateur est de l'eau lourde la preparation d'acide deutere peut etre effectuee par passage d'une solution en eau lourde a un sel de l'acide sur resine cationique deuteree.

  16. Preliminary study of the preparation of uranium 232 by irradiation of protactinium 231; Etude preliminaire a la preparation d'uranium 232 par irradiation de protactinium 231

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guillot, Ph. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay aux Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A bibliography about preparation of uranium 232 is done. This even-even isotope of uranium is suitable for radioactive tracer, neutron source through {alpha},n reaction and heat source applications. The irradiation of protactinium 231, the chemical separation and the purification of uranium are studied. (author) [French] Une etude bibliographique de la preparation d'uranium 232 a ete effectuee. Cet isotope pair-pair de l'uranium peut etre utilise en tant que traceur, source d'energie et source de neutrons, lorsqu'il est melange a un element leger tel le beryllium. Une etude du taux de formation des isotopes produits, lors de l'irradiation du protactinium 231 - une des manieres d'obtenir l'uranium 232 - a ete faite a l'aide d'un programme passe sur ordinateur. Les problemes poses par la separation chimique et la purification de l'uranium ont ete egalement envisages dans ce rapport. (auteur)

  17. Phosphorylation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ParB participates in regulating the ParABS chromosome segregation system. (United States)

    Baronian, Grégory; Ginda, Katarzyna; Berry, Laurence; Cohen-Gonsaud, Martin; Zakrzewska-Czerwińska, Jolanta; Jakimowicz, Dagmara; Molle, Virginie


    Here, we present for the first time that Mycobacterium tuberculosis ParB is phosphorylated by several mycobacterial Ser/Thr protein kinases in vitro. ParB and ParA are the key components of bacterial chromosome segregation apparatus. ParB is a cytosolic conserved protein that binds specifically to centromere-like DNA parS sequences and interacts with ParA, a weak ATPase required for its proper localization. Mass spectrometry identified the presence of ten phosphate groups, thus indicating that ParB is phosphorylated on eight threonines, Thr32, Thr41, Thr53, Thr110, Thr195, and Thr254, Thr300, Thr303 as well as on two serines, Ser5 and Ser239. The phosphorylation sites were further substituted either by alanine to prevent phosphorylation or aspartate to mimic constitutive phosphorylation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed a drastic inhibition of DNA-binding by ParB phosphomimetic mutant compared to wild type. In addition, bacterial two-hybrid experiments showed a loss of ParA-ParB interaction with the phosphomimetic mutant, indicating that phosphorylation is regulating the recruitment of the partitioning complex. Moreover, fluorescence microscopy experiments performed in the surrogate Mycobacterium smegmatis ΔparB strain revealed that in contrast to wild type Mtb ParB, which formed subpolar foci similar to M. smegmatis ParB, phoshomimetic Mtb ParB was delocalized. Thus, our findings highlight a novel regulatory role of the different isoforms of ParB representing a molecular switch in localization and functioning of partitioning protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

  18. Phosphorylation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ParB participates in regulating the ParABS chromosome segregation system.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grégory Baronian

    Full Text Available Here, we present for the first time that Mycobacterium tuberculosis ParB is phosphorylated by several mycobacterial Ser/Thr protein kinases in vitro. ParB and ParA are the key components of bacterial chromosome segregation apparatus. ParB is a cytosolic conserved protein that binds specifically to centromere-like DNA parS sequences and interacts with ParA, a weak ATPase required for its proper localization. Mass spectrometry identified the presence of ten phosphate groups, thus indicating that ParB is phosphorylated on eight threonines, Thr32, Thr41, Thr53, Thr110, Thr195, and Thr254, Thr300, Thr303 as well as on two serines, Ser5 and Ser239. The phosphorylation sites were further substituted either by alanine to prevent phosphorylation or aspartate to mimic constitutive phosphorylation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed a drastic inhibition of DNA-binding by ParB phosphomimetic mutant compared to wild type. In addition, bacterial two-hybrid experiments showed a loss of ParA-ParB interaction with the phosphomimetic mutant, indicating that phosphorylation is regulating the recruitment of the partitioning complex. Moreover, fluorescence microscopy experiments performed in the surrogate Mycobacterium smegmatis ΔparB strain revealed that in contrast to wild type Mtb ParB, which formed subpolar foci similar to M. smegmatis ParB, phoshomimetic Mtb ParB was delocalized. Thus, our findings highlight a novel regulatory role of the different isoforms of ParB representing a molecular switch in localization and functioning of partitioning protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

  19. Formation and repair of DNA double-strand breaks caused by ionizing radiation in the Epstein-Barr virus minichromosome


    Kumala, Slawomir


    L’ADN dans nos cellules est exposé continuellement à des agents génotoxiques. Parmi ceux-ci on retrouve les rayons ultraviolets, les agents mutagènes chimiques d’origine naturelle ou synthétique, les agents radiomimétiques, et les dérivés réactifs de l’oxygène produits par les radiations ionisantes ou par des processus tels que les cycles métaboliques redox. Parmi les dommages infligés par ces agents, les plus dangereux sont les cassures simples- et double-brin de l’ADN qui brisent son intégr...

  20. Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels in a 10 kWth Unit Combustion de charge solide en boucle chimique dans une unité de 10 kWth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Berguerand N.


    Full Text Available The present study is based on previous results from batch experiments which were conducted in a 10 kWth chemical looping combustor for solid fuels using ilmenite, an iron titanium oxide, as the oxygen carrier with two solid fuels: a Mexican petroleum coke and a South African bituminous coal. These experiments involved testing at different fuel reactor temperatures, up to 1030°C, and different particle circulation rates between the air and fuel reactors. Previous results enabled modeling of the reactor system. In particular, it was possible to derive a correlation between measured operational data and actual circulation mass flow, as well as a model that describes the carbon capture efficiency as a function of the residence time and the char reactivity. Moreover, the kinetics of char conversion could be modeled and results showed good agreement with experimental values. The purpose of the present study was to complete these results by developing a model to predict the conversion of syngas with ilmenite in the fuel reactor. Here, kinetic data from investigations of ilmenite in TGA and batch fluidized bed reactors were used. Results were compared with the actual conversions during operation in this 10 kWth unit. Cette étude est basée sur des résultats antérieurs obtenus dans une unité de combustion de charges solides en boucle chimique d’une puissance de 10 kWth. Le transporteur d’oxygène utilisé est de l’ilménite, un minerai de fer et de titane, et les charges solides étudiées sont, d’une part, un coke de pétrole mexicain et, d’autre part, un charbon bitumineux sud africain. Les résultats expérimentaux ont été obtenus à des températures allant jusqu’à 1030°C avec différents débits de transporteur d’oxygène entre les réacteurs d’oxydation et de réduction. La modélisation de la combustion en boucle chimique de charges solides a déjà permis d’établir une corrélation entre le débit de circulation de

  1. Detection of atmospheric tritium by scintillation. Variations in its concentration in France; Detection du tritium atmospherique par scintillation. Evolution de sa concentration en France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bibron, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The tritium released into the atmosphere as a result of the explosion of thermonuclear devices is a useful radioactive tracer for the study of certain geophysical problems. The low concentrations found however call for the use of extremely sensitive detectors. Two detection methods using liquid scintillators are described. In the first method, the sample is introduced into the scintillator in liquid form, after prior concentration of the tritium by electrolysis. In the second method the tritium is incorporated into the scintillator solvent molecule by chemical synthesis. In the last part of the report are examined the variations in the tritium concentration in rain-water and of the free hydrogen in the air in France. A discussion is then made of the seasonal variations in the case of rain-water and these are compared to the variations in the strontium-90 concentrations. (author) [French] Le tritium introduit dans l'atmosphere par les explosions d'armes thermonucleaires est un traceur radioactif Interessant pour l'etude de certains problemes de geophysique. Les faibles concentrations rencontrees obligent toutefois a utiliser des detecteurs extremement sensibles. On decrit deux methodes de detection utilisant des scintillateurs liquides. Dans la premiere methode, l'echantillon est introduit dans le scintillateur, sous forme aqueuse, apres une concentration prealable du tritium par electrolyse. Dans la seconde methode, le tritium est incorpore a la molecule du solvant du scintillateur par synthese chimique. Dans la derniere partie du rapport, on examine l'evolution de la concentration du tritium dans les eaux de precipitation et l'hydrogene libre de l'air en France. On discute ensuite les variations saisonnieres dans le cas des eaux de precipitation et on les compare aux variations du strontium 90. (auteur)

  2. Detection of atmospheric tritium by scintillation. Variations in its concentration in France; Detection du tritium atmospherique par scintillation. Evolution de sa concentration en France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bibron, R. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The tritium released into the atmosphere as a result of the explosion of thermonuclear devices is a useful radioactive tracer for the study of certain geophysical problems. The low concentrations found however call for the use of extremely sensitive detectors. Two detection methods using liquid scintillators are described. In the first method, the sample is introduced into the scintillator in liquid form, after prior concentration of the tritium by electrolysis. In the second method the tritium is incorporated into the scintillator solvent molecule by chemical synthesis. In the last part of the report are examined the variations in the tritium concentration in rain-water and of the free hydrogen in the air in France. A discussion is then made of the seasonal variations in the case of rain-water and these are compared to the variations in the strontium-90 concentrations. (author) [French] Le tritium introduit dans l'atmosphere par les explosions d'armes thermonucleaires est un traceur radioactif Interessant pour l'etude de certains problemes de geophysique. Les faibles concentrations rencontrees obligent toutefois a utiliser des detecteurs extremement sensibles. On decrit deux methodes de detection utilisant des scintillateurs liquides. Dans la premiere methode, l'echantillon est introduit dans le scintillateur, sous forme aqueuse, apres une concentration prealable du tritium par electrolyse. Dans la seconde methode, le tritium est incorpore a la molecule du solvant du scintillateur par synthese chimique. Dans la derniere partie du rapport, on examine l'evolution de la concentration du tritium dans les eaux de precipitation et l'hydrogene libre de l'air en France. On discute ensuite les variations saisonnieres dans le cas des eaux de precipitation et on les compare aux variations du strontium 90. (auteur)

  3. The extraction neptunium by trilaurylamine; L'extraction du neptunium par le trilaurylamine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Champion, J.; Chesne, A. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The extraction by trilaurylamine of neptunium (IV) from nitric acid and sulfuric acid-nitric acid media has been studied with the aim of developing a purification process for this element. Relative to the plutonium-neptunium separation, conditions are given for the oxidation of neptunium (IV) in sulfuric acid-nitric acid medium and data are presented on the stabilisation of the + 4 oxidation state by the organic solvent. Two procedures have been developed for the simultaneous purification of the two actinides. Both are based on the trilaurylamine extraction of the tetravalent nitrate species. The first utilises a constant redox potential fixed by Fe{sup +++} /Fe{sup ++} couple, while in the second, valencies are determined by successive addition of nitrite and ferrous ions. Gram quantities of neptunium 237 has been recovered from plutonium process solution. Alternate procedures are suggested for the chemical processing of irradiated Np{sup 237}. (authors) [French] L'extraction du neptunium par le trilaurylamine en milieu nitrique et sulfonitrique a ete etudiee dans le cadre de la recherche des procedes de purification de cet element. En vue d'effectuer la separation neptunium-plutonium on a precise d'une part les conditions d'oxydation du Np{sup 4+} en milieu sulfonitrique, d'autre part l'influence du solvant sur la stabilite des valences de ces deux elements. Deux procedes de purification simultanee des deux actinides ont ete developpes. Ils sont bases sur l'extraction du nitrate des elements tetravalents dans la trilaury lamine. Dans l'un, la solution a extraire a un potentiel redox fixe par un systeme auxiliaire (Fe{sup +++}/Fe{sup ++}), dans l'autre elle subit dans le meme extracteur des additions successives de nitrite et de fer ferreux. On decrit un essai semi-industriel de recuperation de neptunium 237 a partir de solution provenant de l'usine de production de plutonium de Marcoule. Differents schemas

  4. ParA and ParB coordinate chromosome segregation with cell elongation and division during Streptomyces sporulation (United States)

    Donczew, Magdalena; Mackiewicz, Paweł; Wróbel, Agnieszka; Flärdh, Klas; Zakrzewska-Czerwińska, Jolanta


    In unicellular bacteria, the ParA and ParB proteins segregate chromosomes and coordinate this process with cell division and chromosome replication. During sporulation of mycelial Streptomyces, ParA and ParB uniformly distribute multiple chromosomes along the filamentous sporogenic hyphal compartment, which then differentiates into a chain of unigenomic spores. However, chromosome segregation must be coordinated with cell elongation and multiple divisions. Here, we addressed the question of whether ParA and ParB are involved in the synchronization of cell-cycle processes during sporulation in Streptomyces. To answer this question, we used time-lapse microscopy, which allows the monitoring of growth and division of single sporogenic hyphae. We showed that sporogenic hyphae stop extending at the time of ParA accumulation and Z-ring formation. We demonstrated that both ParA and ParB affect the rate of hyphal extension. Additionally, we showed that ParA promotes the formation of massive nucleoprotein complexes by ParB. We also showed that FtsZ ring assembly is affected by the ParB protein and/or unsegregated DNA. Our results indicate the existence of a checkpoint between the extension and septation of sporogenic hyphae that involves the ParA and ParB proteins. PMID:27248800

  5. Par Pond water balance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiergesell, R.A.; Dixon, K.L.


    A water budget for the Par Pond hydrologic system was established in order to estimate the rate of groundwater influx to Par Pond. This estimate will be used in modeling exercises to predict Par Pond reservoir elevation and spillway discharge in the scenario where Savannah River water is no longer pumped and discharged into Par Pond. The principal of conservation of mass was used to develop the water budget, where water inflow was set equal to water outflow. Components of the water budget were identified, and the flux associated with each was determined. The water budget was considered balanced when inflow and outflow summed to zero. The results of this study suggest that Par Pond gains water from the groundwater system in the upper reaches of the reservoir, but looses water to the groundwater system near the dam. The rate of flux of groundwater from the water table aquifer into Par Pond was determined to be 13 cfs. The rate of flux from Par Pond to the water table aquifer near the dam was determined to be 7 cfs

  6. Micro-syntheses for the use of carbon 13 or carbon 14. Micro-preparations of methyl alcohol, methyl iodide, and sodium acetate labeled in the methyl group; Microsyntheses pour l'emploi de carbone 13 ou de carbone 14. Micropreparations d'alcool methylique, d'iodure de methyle et d'acetate de sodium marque sur le groupement methyle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baret, C; Pichat, L


    Apparatus and technique are described in detail for (1) reduction of CO{sub 2} to CH{sub 3}OH with LiAlH{sub 4}, (2) conversion of the methanol to CH{sub 3}I by HI, (3) formation of the Mg Grignard reagent, and (4) addition of inactive CO{sub 2} to form CH{sub 3}COOH. All these operations have been carried out on 0.005 moles. Methyl-labeled Na acetate has been prepared in 67% yield based on the Ba{sup 14}CO{sub 3} used as starting material. (author) [French] Description detaillee d'une technique deja connue pour la reduction du gaz carbonique en alcool methylique par LiAlH{sub 4}. Conversion du methanol en iodure de methyle. Ce dernier transforme en reactif de Grigard, et carbonate, fournit de l'acide acetique. Toutes ces operations on ete effectuees sur 5 x 10{sup -3} moles. La methode a ete appliquee a la synthese d'acetate de sodium marque par le groupement methyle par {sup 14}C avec un rendement global de 67% base sur le carbonate de baryum radioactif mis en oeuvre. (auteurs)

  7. Burnup determination of power reactor fuel elements by gamma spectrometry; Determination par spectrometrie {gamma} du taux d'irradiation des elements combustibles des reacteurs de puissance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robin, M; Jastrzeb, M; Boisliveau, S; Boyer, R; Vidal, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This report describes a method for determining by {gamma} spectrometry the burn up and the specific power of fuel elements irradiated in power reactors. The energy spectrum of {gamma} rays emitted by fission products is measured by means of a simple equipment using a sodium iodide detector and a multichannel analyzer. In order to extract from the spectrum a quantity proportional to the burn up, it is necessary to: - isolate an activity specific of one emitter,- give the same importance to fissions in uranium and plutonium - take into account the radioactive decay during and after irradiation. One hundred fuel elements were studied and burn up values obtained by {gamma} spectrometry are compared to results given by chemical analyses. Preliminary measurements show that the accuracy of the results is greatly increased by the use of a germanium detector, due to its good resolution. (authors) [French] Ce rapport expose une methode de determination par spectrometrie {gamma} du taux d'irradiation et de la puissance specifique des elements combustibles irradies dans les reacteurs de puissance. Une installation simple utilisant un detecteur d'iodure de sodium et un selecteur multicanaux mesure le spectre en energie du rayonnement {gamma} emis par les produits de fission. Afin d'extraire du spectre une quantite proportionnelle au taux de combustion, il faut: - isoler une activite specifique a un emetteur, - donner la meme importance aux fissions survenues dans l'uranium et le plutonium, - prendre en compte la decroissance radioactive pendant et apres l'irradiation. Les mesures ont porte sur une centaine d'elements combustibles et les taux de combustion obtenus par spectrometrie {gamma} sont compares aux resultats des analyses chimiques. Des mesures preliminaires montrent que l'utilisation d'un detecteur de germanium augmente considerablement la precision des resultats, en raison de son excellente resolution. (auteurs)

  8. Investigation of aluminium and manganese uptake in Congolese flora by activation analysis; Recherche d'accumulateurs D’ Aluminium Et De Manganese Dans La Flore Congolaise Par La Methode D'Analyse Par Activation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Evrard, C.; Roels, J.; Pauwels, L.; Pollak, H. [Centre nucléaire TRICO, Kinshasa (Congo, The Democratic Republic of the); Université Lovanium, Kinshasa (Congo, The Democratic Republic of the)


    It is known that certain plants accumulate one or more elements in their tissues. This characteristic can make a valuable contribution to the taxonomy of groups, families and even of species. The ecology characteristic of each species may also be demonstrated by the accumulation of certain elements. Soil acidity can have a strong effect on accumulation. High acidity favours the accumulation of manganese, for example. The authors have endeavoured to perfect a technique of analysis based on neutron activation (nondestructive). Thermal neutron activation is carried out in the TRIGA Mk I reactor of the TRICO Nuclear Centre, which has a flux of about 10{sup 11}n cm{sup -2} s{sup -1}. Activation analysis is quicker than chemical methods and has the additional advantage that it can be used for small quantities of plant material. At least forty species of local plants have been tested. In addition to these specific tests, we have analysed leaves from trees of a given species growing in different soils, in order to get some idea of individual variations from one plant to another. (author) [French] Il est connu que certaines plantes accumulent un ou plusieurs éléments dans leurs tissus. Cette particularité peut apporter une précieuse contribution à la taxonomie des groupes, des familles ou même des espèces. L'écologie propre â chaque espèce peut aussi être mise en évidence par l'accumulation de certains éléments. Le degré d'acidité du sol, par exemple, peut fortement influencer cette accumulation. Dans le cas de manganèse, une forte acidité du sol favorise l'accumulation de cet élément. Les auteurs ont cherché à mettre au point une méthode d'analyse par activation neutronique (non destructive). Les activations aux neutrons thermiques ont été effectuées dans le réacteur TRIGA Mk I du Centre nucléaire TRICO, dans un flux d'environ 10{sup 11} n cm{sup -2} sec{sup -1}. Comparée à la méthode chimique, l'analyse par activation est plus rapide et peut

  9. suPAR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hodges, Gethin W; Bang, Casper N; Wachtell, Kristian


    The fundamental role of inflammation in cardiovascular disease (CVD) has prompted interest in numerous biomarkers that detect subclinical levels of inflammation. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a novel biomarker that correlates significantly with cardiovascular events ...... comprehensive review of suPAR in CVD and explore its function and usefulness in predicting cardiovascular events....

  10. C9.A/14 steelwork joints de poutres par plaque frontale : assemblages par gousset

    CERN Document Server


    Les Tables de résistances ultimes des assemblages boulonnés par plaque frontale et par gousset, complétées par une description des modèles de calcul et des exemples d’application, ont pour but de faciliter la tâche de l'ingénieur et du constructeur. Cette première partie C9.A/14 contient les chapitres suivants: - Joints de poutres par plaque frontale en acier S235 et S355 - Assemblages par gousset en acier S235 et S355 Les Tables contiennent des données relatives à la géométrie ainsi que les valeurs de calcul correspondantes des résistances ultimes des assemblages ; elles remplacent le chapitre « Assemblages par plaques frontales et boulons HR » des anciennes Tables C9.1 de 1983 / 2002. Le calcul de ces assemblages par plaque frontale est basé sur les hypothèses du modèle de la méthode des composants décrite dans la norme SN EN 1993-1-8. Les vérifications sont effectuées selon la norme SIA 263:2013. Les assemblages par gousset remplacent les assemblages par double cornière, (telle...

  11. Study of the aqueous chemical treatment of uranium zirconium fuels; Etude du traitement chimique des combustibles uraniumzirconium par voie seche

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bourgeois, M; Nollet, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A dry process has been studied for separating the uranium from the zirconium-either for recovering the enriched uranium from fuel element production waste, or with a view to treating this waste after irradiation. In this process the alloy is treated with hydrochloric acid at 400 deg. C in a fluidized corundum bed which causes the zirconium to volatilize as tetrachloride and the uranium to form the trichloride. This latter is then converted to the hexafluoride by attack with fluorure. After the laboratory tests, a first pilot plant with a capacity of 1 kg of alloy was tried out at the Fontenay-aux-Roses Nuclear Research Centre; this made it possible to fix the operational conditions for the process. An industrial scale plant was then built with the collaboration of the from Kuhlmann, and operated until a satisfactory process had been developed for treating the waste. This installation treats 3 kg/h of alloy with a yield for the hydrochloric acid of about 50 per cent and with a uranium loss in the zirconium tetrachloride of about 0.1 per cent. An active pilot plant capable of treating of treating a few kilos of irradiated alloy is now being studied. (authors) [French] On a etudie un procede de voie seche pour effectuer la separation de l'uranium et du zirconium - soit en vue de la recuperation de l'uranium enrichi contenu dans les dechets de fabrication des elements combustibles - soit en vue du traitement de ceux-ci apres irradiation. Ce procede consiste a attaquer l'alliage par l'acide chlorhydrique a 400 deg. C dans un lit fluidise de corindon, ce qui a pour effet de volatiliser le zirconium sous forme de tetrachlorure et de transformer l'uranium en trichlorure. Ce dernier est ensuite converti en hexafluorure par action du fluor. Apres des essais de laboratoire, un premier pilote a l'echelle de 1 kg d'alliage a ete experimente au Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses et a permis de determiner les conditions operatoires du procede. En collaboration avec

  12. La micro-échelle en synthèse organique : un outil commun chimie/génie chimique


    Prat , Laurent E.; Loubiere , Karine; Dechy-Cabaret , Odile


    National audience; Cet article est une restitution courte de la présentation réalisée au cours des JIREC 2013 sur l'enseignement de la notion de changement d'échelle et de passage d'un mode batch à un mode continu en synthèse organique. L'enjeu est de faire travailler des étudiants issus des départements chimie et génie chimique autour d'un même outil, le microréacteur. Au cours d'une séance de travaux pratiques, les étudiants mettent en oeuvre une synthèse organique en continu à micro-échell...

  13. The reprocessing of irradiated fuels by halides and their compounds; Le traitement des combustibles irradies par les halogenes et leurs composes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bourgeois, M; Faugeras, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A brief description is given of the experiments leading to the choice of the process volatilization of fluorides by gas phase attack. The chemical process is described for certain current types of clad Fuels: the aluminium or the zirconium cladding is first volatilized as chloride by attack with gaseous hydrogen chloride. The uranium is then transformed into volatile hexafluoride by attack with fluorine. These reactions are carried out consecutively in the same reactor in the presence of a fluidized bed of alumina which facilitates heat exchange. The experiments have been carried out in quantities from 100 gms to several kilograms of fuel, first without activity, and then with tracers. A description is given of the laboratory research which was carried out simultaneously on the separation of uranium and plutonium fluorides. Finally, an apparatus is described which is intended to test the process on irradiated fuel at an activity level of several thousands of curies of fission products. (authors) [French] On rappelle brievement les experimentations qui nous ont permis de decider du procede adopte volatilisation des fluorures par attaque en phase gazeuse. On decrit le processus chimique pour certains types courants de combustibles Gaines: dans un premier stade, l'aluminium ou le zirconium est volatilise sous forme de chlorure par action de l'acide chlorhydrique. Ensuite, l'uranium est transforme en hexafluorure volatil par action du fluor. Ces operations se font successivement dans un meme reacteur, en presence d'un lit fluidise d'alumine qui a pour but de faciliter les echanges thermiques. L'experimentation a ete conduite sur des quantites allant de 100 g a plusieurs kg de combustibles, en inactif, puis avec des traceurs. On decrit les etudes de laboratoire menees parallelement sur la separation des fluorures d'uranium et de plutonium. Enfin, on decrit une installation en construction destinee a experimenter le procede sur combustible irradie, a l'echelle de

  14. Caractérisation physico-chimique de boues d’unité de production d’eau potable Physico-chemical characterization of sludge from a unit water drinking production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mostahsine S.


    Full Text Available La composition chimique des boues hydroxydes, sous-produit de la potabilisation de l’eau est constituée majoritairement d’hydroxydes d’aluminium et de silice, les hydroxydes de Fer, de calcium, de potassium et de magnésium dont le taux peut varier sensiblement selon les périodes de prélèvement des eaux brutes et peut conférer à la boue des propriétés physico-chimiques intéressantes. La composition minéralogique des boues peut également comporter un solidifiant tel que les silicates de calcium. L’observation au MEB de ces boues hydroxydes montre une phase amorphe sous forme de flocons dont la géométrie est mal définie et emprisonnant de petits cristaux de quartz et de muscovite. Ces observations sont en corrélation avec les principales phases minérales mises en évidence dans les essais de diffraction des rayons X. L’étude du comportement thermique des boues, notamment celui de la déshydroxylation et les transformations de phases sont situées dans un intervalle de température compris entre 300 et 800°C. Ces transformations thermiques sont caractérisées par plusieurs méthodes analytiques (DSC, DRX et infrarouge. Les nouvelles phases cristallisées sont sous différentes formes de solutions solides du type (Ca, Al, Si, Fe, K, Mg. Chemical composition of the Hydroxides sludge, by-product of treatment of drinking water, are composed mainly of silica and the hydroxides of aluminium, the ratio of the hydroxides of iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium fluctuate appreciably according to the periods of taking away raw waters, and could confer to the sludge interesting physico-chemical properties. The mineralogical composition of the sludge may also contain a solidifying component such as calcium silicate. The MEB observation shows an amorphous phase in the form of flakes whose geometry is badly defined and imprisoning small muscovite and quartz crystals. These observations are in correlation with principal mineral

  15. Contribution to the study of detonation initiation by shock in solid explosives (1961); Contribution a l'etude de l'initiation de la detonation par choc dans les explosifs solides (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fauquignon, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    When a shock wave is induced in an explosive, it can initiate chemical reactions which lead more or less rapidly to a stable detonation state. In this study more particular attention was paid to the transition phase, in which has been evaluated the increases in the wave velocity, the pressure, and the electrical conductivity. The influence of the nature of the medium in front of the wave and in contact with the explosive has also been the subject of an experimental study designed to determine the extent to which its nature can be ignored and, subsequently, to characterise the initiation conditions using only the shock intensity induced in the explosive. Finally, the results were generalized for various explosive compositions and led to the development of a possible mechanism for shock initiation. (author) [French] Lorsqu'une onde de choc est induite dans un explosif, elle peut y amorcer des reactions chimiques qui conduisent plus ou moins rapidement a un regime de detonation stable. Dans cette etude, on s'est interesse plus particulierement a la phase transitoire dans laquelle on a evalue l'accroissement de la vitesse d'onde, de la pression et de la conductibilite electrique. L'influence du milieu amont, au contact de l'explosif, a egalement fait l'objet de recherches experimentales de facon a determiner dans quelle mesure on pouvait s'affranchir de sa nature et, par suite, caracteriser les conditions d'initiation par la seule intensite du choc induit dans l'explosif. Enfin, les resultats ont ete generalises a diverses compositions explosives et ont conduit a l'elaboration d'un schema possible du mecanisme de l'initiation par choc. (auteur)

  16. Chemical Changes Induced by Irradiation in Meats and Meat Components; Transformations Chimiques Provoquees par les Rayonnements dans les Viandes et Leurs Constituants; Khimicheskie prevrashcheniya v myasnykh produktakh i ikh sostavnykh chastyakh pod vozdejstviem oblucheniya; Alteraciones Quimicas Producidas por Irradiacion de las Carnes y de sus Componentes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merritt, C. Jr. [Pioneering Research Division, United States Army Natick Laboratories, Natick, MA (United States)


    The acceptability of meats preserved by irradiation has been hampered by the formation of an irradiation flavour and odour. This flavour and odour is believed to be due to the volatile chemical compounds produced by radiation impact on the protein and lipid molecules. The analysis of the volatile compounds has been accomplished, employing programmed cryogenic temperature gas chromatography for separation of the complex mixtures obtained, and rapid scanning mass spectrometry for identification of the individually separated components. Comprehensive analyses of the volatiles from irradiated ground beef, pork, mutton, lamb, and veal, as well as the volatile irradiation degradation products of several amino acids and proteins, animal fats, methyl esters of fatty acids, and triglycerides have been made. The results of the analysis of the irradiated component meat substances are compared with those obtained from the irradiation of meat itself, and of separate meat fractions, thus establishing the contribution of each fraction to the total. Mechanisms are postulated for the formation of the volatile components from each fraction and for interactions among intermediates from different fractions. (author) [French] La comestibilite des viandes conservees par les rayonnements s'est trouvee diminuee a la suite de l'apparition dans celles-ci d'un gout et d'une odeur engendres par l'irradiation. On pense que ces derniers sont dus aux composes chimiques volatils qui sont formes par l'action des rayonnements sur les molecules des proteines et des lipides. Il a ete procede a l'analyse des composes volatils a l'aide d'un programme de chromatographie en phase gazeuse a temperature cryogenique visant a separer les constituants des melanges complexes obtenus, et par spectrometrie de masse a balayage rapide destinee a identifier les constituants separes. L'auteur a effectue des analyses completes des composes volatils emanant de viande hachee de boeuf, de porc, de mouton, d'agneau et de

  17. Libération des acides gras par autolyse enzymatique des triglycérides des graines oléoprotéagineuses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alibert Gilbert


    Full Text Available Les acides gras produits par hydrolyse chimique des lipides des plantes sont des matériaux de base pour l’industrie des biocarburants, des lubrifiants, des plastiques, des détergents et également des adjuvants de préparations commerciales d’herbicides. Cependant les procédés actuels de production des acides gras sont hautement polluants et coûteux en énergie. Dans ce travail nous développons un nouveau procédé de production des acides gras mettant en œuvre des plantes génétiquement modifiées. Nous avons introduit dans le tabac, retenu comme plante modèle, une construction génétique comprenant un gène de lipase (de la levure Geotrichum candidum sous le contrôle d’un promoteur graine spécifique (promoteur AtEm1 d’Arabidopsis thaliana. Ce promoteur devrait permettre l’expression du gène de lipase au niveau de l’axe embryonnaire tandis que les lipides s’accumulent dans les corps lipidiques des cotylédons. Dans ces conditions, les lipides de la graine devraient être séparés de la lipase par une compartimentation tissulaire et ne pas interférer. Après broyage des graines on peut penser que la mise en contact des lipides et de la lipase conduira à la libération d’acides gras. Plusieurs transformants ont été produits par transfert de gène à l’aide d’Agrobacterium tumefaciens, quelques-uns d’entre eux exprimant, comme attendu, la lipase dans leurs graines. Trois clones (2, 19 et 43 présentent une activité lipase significative et ont été retenus pour des études complémentaires. Cependant l’activité enzymatique observée est faible et certains clones présentent un défaut de compartimentation entre l’enzyme et les lipides se traduisant par la production d’acides gras dans la graine intacte. Lorsque les graines du clone 43 sont broyées dans un tampon, des acides gras sont produits dans le milieu réactionnel, validant le procédé imaginé. De nouvelles constructions réalisées, soit

  18. Parálisis cerebral :


    Cabrero Izquierdo, María del Carmen


    Se aborda el tema de la parálisis cerebral definiendo qué es, clasificando los tipos de parálisis dependiendo de la afectación y las características principales. Se explican algunos de sus tratamientos, se dan sistemas alternativos y/o aumentativos de comunicación para un alumno con PC (parálisis cerebral).

  19. Prédiction de la qualité fourragère des feuilles de Sterculia setigera ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    27 févr. 2013 ... trimming or pruning. Keywords: nutrition, SPIR, S. setigera, agropastoral, Senegal. INTRODUCTION. Les fourrages ligneux sont des matériaux complexes chimiques ... Cependant, le traitement de l'échantillon séchage, broyage) et la ... obtenue par calcination de la matière sèche à 550 °C. Les matières ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    31 déc. 2012 ... phase intermédiaire PbTiO3 et la formation de PZT à 800 °C. ... matériau céramique de type PZT de formule chimique: 0,48PbZrO3-0 .... (ATG) relative au mélange par un changement de perte visible équivalente à 3%.

  1. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    6 mai 2013 ... femmes utilisent surtout les moyens chimiques. Par ailleurs, selon les études [4], les suicidés présentent des troubles mentaux dans 90% des cas, et deux diagnostics coexistent dans 70 à 80% des cas. Le suicide est en particulier surreprésenté dans la population des patients souffrant de schizophrénie.

  2. FIRST trial: Lemay park collection plan (United States)


    expériences : une expé- rience de détection de panache de gaz, une de plastique simulant un panache de gaz, DRDC Valcartier TN 2007-435 i une de...panache de gaz, une de plastique simulant un panache de gaz, une de poudre chimique et une d’artilleries non explosées. Objectifs : Par cet exercice

  3. Production of Olefins and Higher Hydrocarbons by Thermal Coupling of Methane Production d'oléfines et d'hydrocarbures supérieurs par couplage thermique du méthane

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weill J.


    ératifs chimiques (large dilution par l'hydrogène et les contraintes économiques (faible dilution afin de ne pas pénaliser les investissements. Avec ce résultat (tableau 1, nous avons pu réaliser une évaluation économique préliminaire favorable qui a permis de commencer le développement de ce procédé, dont l'objectif premier était de reproduire le résultat cibleobtenu sur micro-pilote. Pour réaliser ce développement technologique, nous avons dû répondre à plusieurs questions clés : quelle énergie utiliser ; comment avoir un temps de séjour contrôlé ; comment avoir de bons transferts de chaleur ; quel design imaginer pouvant être extrapolé ; quels matériaux utiliser pour travailler à cette température ? Nous avons décidé d'utiliser l'énergie électrique, avec laquelle il nous semblait plus réaliste d'obtenir une technologie éprouvée, et pour laquelle les rendements thermiques à ce niveau de température avec un chauffage par effet Joule sont quantitatifs. Enfin, l'utilisation de l'électricité permet de réaliser un four parfaitement régulé et de choisir le profil de température le mieux adapté. Nous avons choisi un design de type échangeur tubes - calandre [9] (fig. 1. Les tubes sont des gaines en carbure de silicium, qui est un très bon conducteur thermique, protégeant des résistances électriques haute température également en carbure de silicium. Le gaz naturel, en mélange avec de l'hydrogène, circule entre les tubes. Dans l'espace entre la résistance et la gaine se trouve un gaz de protection pouvant être par exemple de l'azote, de l'hydrogène ou du gaz carbonique. Sur ce principe, nous avons construit une unité pilote et un four pilote électrique d'une capacité totale de 10 m3/h. La photographie de cette installation est donnée sur la figure 2 et le schéma de principe du four pilote électrique sur la figure 3. Ce four consiste en un alignement de 21 éléments chauffants (tube + résistance, qui sont régulés en 5 zones

  4. Determination by neutron activation of the uranium-235 concentration in uranium oxides; Determination par activation neutronique de la concentration d'uranium-235 dans des oxydes d'urane

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    May, S; Leveque, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Classical methods of measuring isotopic abundance have the disadvantage of being long and of requiring chemical separation. A non-destructive method of measuring the uranium-235 content is described. It is based on an overall measurement of the short lived fission product activity formed during a 15 s neutron irradiation. The precision is of the order {+-} 1.5 per cent for 20 per cent enriched samples. The error due to the contribution from fast fission is discussed in detail. (author) [French] Les methodes classiques de mesure de l'abondance isotopique presentent le gros inconvenient d'etre longues et de necessiter des separations chimiques. Nous exposons une methode non destructive de mesure de la concentration d'uranium-235. Elle est basee sur la mesure globale de l'activite des produits de fission de courte periode formes par une irradiation neutronique de 15 s de l'echantillon. La precision est de l'ordre de {+-} 1,5 pour cent pour des echantillons enrichis jusqu'a 20 pour cent. L'erreur a la contribution de la fission rapide est discutee en detail. (auteur)

  5. Novel role for proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) in membrane trafficking of proteinase-activated receptor 4 (PAR4). (United States)

    Cunningham, Margaret R; McIntosh, Kathryn A; Pediani, John D; Robben, Joris; Cooke, Alexandra E; Nilsson, Mary; Gould, Gwyn W; Mundell, Stuart; Milligan, Graeme; Plevin, Robin


    Proteinase-activated receptors 4 (PAR(4)) is a class A G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) recognized through the ability of serine proteases such as thrombin and trypsin to mediate receptor activation. Due to the irreversible nature of activation, a fresh supply of receptor is required to be mobilized to the cell surface for responsiveness to agonist to be sustained. Unlike other PAR subtypes, the mechanisms regulating receptor trafficking of PAR(4) remain unknown. Here, we report novel features of the intracellular trafficking of PAR(4) to the plasma membrane. PAR(4) was poorly expressed at the plasma membrane and largely retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in a complex with the COPI protein subunit β-COP1. Analysis of the PAR(4) protein sequence identified an arginine-based (RXR) ER retention sequence located within intracellular loop-2 (R(183)AR → A(183)AA), mutation of which allowed efficient membrane delivery of PAR(4). Interestingly, co-expression with PAR(2) facilitated plasma membrane delivery of PAR(4), an effect produced through disruption of β-COP1 binding and facilitation of interaction with the chaperone protein 14-3-3ζ. Intermolecular FRET studies confirmed heterodimerization between PAR(2) and PAR(4). PAR(2) also enhanced glycosylation of PAR(4) and activation of PAR(4) signaling. Our results identify a novel regulatory role for PAR(2) in the anterograde traffic of PAR(4). PAR(2) was shown to both facilitate and abrogate protein interactions with PAR(4), impacting upon receptor localization and cell signal transduction. This work is likely to impact markedly upon the understanding of the receptor pharmacology of PAR(4) in normal physiology and disease.

  6. Measurement of the purity of graphite and heavy water; Controle de purete du graphite et de l'eau lourde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hering, H


    The analytical methods used by the C.E.A. are described, I -- Graphite. The determination of the change in the neutron capture cross section from sample to sample is determined by, an oscillation method in the Zoe reactor, or by measuring the attenuation of a neutron flux in the subcritical system Mireille. Methods of analysing total ash, B, H, Cl, Na, Ca. Fe, Mo, Ti, V, Sm, Eu, Dy, S, Co and Cd are described and mean results are given. The methods for sampling are indicated. II -- Heavy crater. The isotopic analysis of heavy water is carried out by infra-red absorption measurements. Chemical purity is evaluated by electrical conductivity measurements, B, Na, Mg, K, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Cd, are determined by spectrographic methods, and Cl{sup -}, NO{sub 3}{sup -}, SO{sub 4}{sup --}, NH{sub 4}{sup +} by chemical methods; finally, sensitive pH measurements are described. [French] On decrit les methodes d'examen en usage au Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. I -- Graphite. L'evaluation de la capture neutronique se fait par oscillation dans la pile Zoe, ou par mesure de l'attenuation d'un flux neutronique dans l'empilement sous critique Mireille. On indique les methodes de dosages et des resultats de: cendres, B, H, Cl, Na, Ca, Fe, Mo, Ti, V, Sm, Eu, Dy, et de S, Co, Cd, ainsi que les modalites d'echantillonnage. II.- Eau lourde. Le dosage isotopique dans les eaux lourdes se fait par absorptiometrie infrarouge. Leur purete chimique est evaluee par mesure de leur conductibilite electrique; les dosages d'impuretes se font par spectrographie d'emission (B, Na, Mg, K, Mn, Ni, Cu, Cd) et par des methodes chimiques (Cl{sup -}, NO{sub 3}{sup -}, SO{sub 4}{sup --}, NH{sub 4}{sup +}). On decrit la delicate mesure de pH. (auteur)

  7. Dosage of fission products in irradiated fuel treatment effluents (radio-chemical method); Dosage des produits de fission dans les effluents du traitement des combustibles irradies (methode radiochimique)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Auchapt, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The dosage methods presented here are applicable to relatively long-lived fission products present in the effluents resulting from irradiated fuel treatment processes (Sr - Cs - Ce - Zr - Nb - Ru - I). The methods are based on the same principle: - addition of a carrying-over agent - chemical separation over several purification stages, - determination of the chemical yield by calorimetry - counting of an aliquot liquid portion. (author) [French] Les methodes de dosage presentees concernent les produits de fission a vie relativement longue presents dans les effluents de traitement des combustibles irradies (Sr - Cs - Ce - Zr - Nb - Ru - I). Elles sont toutes basees sur le meme principe: - addition d'entraineur, - separation chimique en plusieurs stades de purification, - determination du rendement chimique par calorimetrie, - comptage d'une aliquote liquide. (auteur)

  8. Chimie des processus biologiques


    Fontecave, Marc


    Cours : Chimie biologique radicalaire : de l’origine de l’ADN au métabolisme d’aujourd’hui Il est généralement admis que les radicaux libres, espèces chimiques très réactives, sont des poisons pour les systèmes vivants qui ont élaboré des mécanismes efficaces pour s’en protéger et s’en débarrasser lorsqu’ils viennent à se former, par accident. Par exemple ce qu’on appelle communément le stress oxydant est une situation caractérisée par une accumulation de radicaux issus de l’oxygène moléculai...

  9. 1560-IJBCS-Article-Fiobe Emile Didier

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La présente étude a été conduite pour apprécier le niveau de pollution des eaux du collecteur de. Dantokpa (Cotonou-Bénin) par l'évaluation de la diversité phytoplanctonique en relation avec les caractéristiques physico-chimiques afin de faire ressortir le risque de leur rejet sans traitement dans la lagune de Cotonou.

  10. Effet de l'hymexazole et de la prométhryne sur la qualité physico ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    l'environnement, voire pour la santé de l'homme. Les conséquences toxicologiques dues à l'exposition à ces milliers de composants chimiques par le biais de l'alimentation, de l'eau et du sol sont alarmantes. La plupart des substances actives de ces produits phytosanitaires peuvent former des résidus liés au niveau des ...

  11. 69 Optimisation du procédé de fabrication du tchapalo, bière ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    physico-chimiques de cette bière d'un site de production à un autre. ... X7 : Type de ferment utilisé. FS ... L'écart-type est déduit de trois répétitions d'un ..... clarification de celui-ci par écumage après coagulation de la matière protéique selon ...

  12. Analyse de l'emballement thermique d'un système chimique hybride non tempéré


    Véchot , Luc; Bigot , Jean-Pierre; Minko , Wilfried ,; Kazmierczak , Marc; Vicot , Patricia


    National audience; Ce travail s'intéresse au “blow-down” (emballement thermique en présence d'un évent de sécurité) d'un système chimique non tempéré (30% CHP) soumis à un incendie. Il utilise une maquette à l'échelle 0,1 l. L'analyse des données post décomposition a montré que la vapeur présente est principalement un produit de la réaction. Toutes les expériences de blow-down ont présenté deux pics de pression, quel que soit le rapport A/V, ce qui est typique des systèmes non tempérés. Nous ...

  13. Preparation of the pur uranium-metal; La preparation de l'uranium-metal pur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goldschmidt, B; Vertes, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A detailed description of the chemical processes used to prepare in the factory of Bouchet of the CEA (Seine-Et-Oise) pur metal uranium with either relatively rich ores, or extracts coming of physical or chemical treatment of poor ores. The nitric treatment of ores succeeds to the production of uranate of impure sodium carbonate. This last last product is dissolved in nitric acid and the uranyl nitrate is extracted by tributyl-phosphate diluted in an inert solvent. The uranyl nitrate pure is re-extracted and successively transformed in uranium peroxide, in orange oxide then in brown oxide which is transformed in fluoride by the anhydrous hydrofluoric acid. Uranate fluoride is then reduced in metal by the pure calcium with an yield superior to 99%. (authors) [French] Description detaillee des procedes chimiques mis en jeu pour preparer a l'Usine du Bouchet du Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (Seine-et-Oise) l'uranium metal pur a partir soit de minerais relativement riches, soit de concentres provenant de traitement physique ou chimique de minerais pauvres. Le traitement nitrique des minerais aboutit a la production d'uranate de soude impur. Ce dernier est a son tour dissous dans l'acide nitrique et le nitrate d'uranyle est extrait par du tributyl-phosphate dilue par un solvant inerte. Le nitrate d'uranyle pur reextrait est transforme successivement en peroxyde d'uranium, en oxyde orange puis en oxyde brun qui est transforme en fluorure par l'acide fluorhydrique anhydre. Le fluorure uraneux est reduit en metal par le calcium pur avec un rendement superieur a 99 %. (auteurs)

  14. Par Pond vegetation status 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid-1991 in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam. This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the newly emergent, shoreline aquatic plant communities of Par Pond began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet above mean sea level. These surveys continued in July, September, and late October, 1995, and into the early spring and late summer of 1996. Communities similar to the pre-drawdown, Par Pond aquatic plant communities continue to become re-established. Emergent beds of maidencane, lotus, waterlily, watershield, and Pontederia are extensive and well developed. Measures of percent cover, width of beds, and estimates of area of coverage with satellite data indicate regrowth within two years of from 40 to 60% of levels prior to the draw down. Cattail occurrence continued to increase during the summer of 1996, especially in the former warm arm of Par Pond, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the draw down still have not formed. Lotus has invaded and occupies many of the areas formerly dominated by cattail beds. To track the continued development of macrophytes in Par Pond, future surveys through the summer and early fall of 1997, along with the evaluation of satellite data to map the extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond, are planned

  15. Contribution to the determination of Sb-Ag-Cu-Ga-Mo-Zn using 14 MeV neutron activation; Contribution au dosage de Sb-Ag-Cu-Ga-Mo-Zn par activation aux neutrons de 14 MeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crambes, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    By using, 14 MeV, neutron irradiation it is possible to extend the field of application of neutron radio-activation analysis, in particular to the case of light elements. For, many other elements it can replace in-pile irradiation thereby making it possible, thanks to portable 14 MeV neutron generators, to carry out radio-activation analyses away from nuclear-research c e n t r e s. With a view to applying this analytical technique to routine work, we have developed some rapid chemical separation methods in order to make possible the determination of several elements which after exposure to fast neutrons, produce {beta} emitting nuclides which cannot be differentiated by a simple instrumental study, the emitted radiation being of the same type and of similar half-life the two cases. (author) [French] L'irradiation au moyen de neutrons de 14 MeV permet d'etendre le domaine d'application de l'analyse par radioactivation neutronique, en particulier aux elements legers. Cependant pour de nombreux autres elements elle peut remplacer l'irradiation en reacteur nucleaire permettant ainsi grace aux ensembles portables producteurs de neutrons de 14 MeV, l'extension de l'analyse par radioactivation a l'exterieur des centres d'etudes nucleaires. Dans le but d'appliquer cette methode d'analyse a des travaux de routine, nous avons mis au point des separations chimiques rapides, afin de permettre le dosage de quelques elements qui par irradiation aux neutrons rapides, engendrent des nucleides emetteurs {beta} qu'une simple etude instrumentale ne peut differencier en raison de l'identite de leur rayonnement et de leurs periodes radioactives trop proches. (auteur)

  16. Status of Enhanced Recovery by Thermal Methods Bilan et orientations de la récupération assistée par méthodes thermiques

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    Burger J.


    Full Text Available This paper describes the main developments in thermal methods of oil recovery in recent years. Particular attention is devoted to work aimed at improving understanding of the physical and chemical mechanisms involved and at increasing the efficiency of thermal processes. Their preferred domain of application is described and illustrated by typical cases. The contribution of thermal recovery to oil production in the United States and worldwide is discussed. Cet article décrit les principaux développements des méthodes thermiques de récupération du pétrole au cours des dernières années. L'attention est portée aux travaux visant à la compréhension des mécanismes physiques et chimiques mis en jeu et à accroître l'efficacité des procédés thermiques. Leur domaine d'application est présenté et illustré par des cas types. La contribution de la récupération thermique à la production d'hydrocarbures aux Etats-Unis et dans le monde est discutée.

  17. Analysis and separation of boron isotopes; Analyse et separation des isotopes du bore

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perie, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    operatoire pour l'analyse de traces de-bore,par dilution isotopique. Par ailleurs, les besoins en bore-10 de l'industrie nucleaire justifient la mise au point de procedes de separation des isotopes du bore. Un effet isotopique notable a ete mis en evidence dans la reaction d'echange chimique entre le borate de methyle et un sel borique en solution. Dans le cas de l'echange borate de methyle - borate de sodium, le facteur de separation elementaire {alpha}: {alpha}=(({sup 11}B/{sup 10}B)vap.)/(({sup 11}B/{sup 10}B)liq.)=1.03{sub 3}. Cet effet elementaire eleve a ete multiplie dans une colonne de distillation dans laquelle le probleme de la regeneration des reactifs a ete resolu. Une variante de ce procede a ete etudiee, en remplacant le borate alcalin par un borate de base volatile; ici la diethylamine ({alpha}=1,02{sub 5} en milieu hydromethanolique a 2,2 pour cent d'eau). (auteur)

  18. Application of the chemical properties of ruthenium to decontamination processes; L'application des proprietes chimiques du ruthenium a des procedes de decontamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontaine, A; Berger, D [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The chemical properties of ruthenium in the form of an aqueous solution of the nitrate and of organic tributylphosphate solution are reviewed. From this data, some known examples are given: they demonstrate the processes of separation or of elimination of ruthenium from radioactive waste. (authors) [French] Les proprietes chimiques du ruthenium en solutions aqueuses nitriques et en solutions organiques de tributylphosphate, sont passees en revue. A partir de ces donnees, quelques exemples connus sont cites: ils exposent des procedes de separation ou d'elimination du ruthenium de dechets radioactifs. (auteurs)

  19. Contribution to the study of detonation initiation by shock in solid explosives (1961); Contribution a l'etude de l'initiation de la detonation par choc dans les explosifs solides (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fauquignon, C. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    When a shock wave is induced in an explosive, it can initiate chemical reactions which lead more or less rapidly to a stable detonation state. In this study more particular attention was paid to the transition phase, in which has been evaluated the increases in the wave velocity, the pressure, and the electrical conductivity. The influence of the nature of the medium in front of the wave and in contact with the explosive has also been the subject of an experimental study designed to determine the extent to which its nature can be ignored and, subsequently, to characterise the initiation conditions using only the shock intensity induced in the explosive. Finally, the results were generalized for various explosive compositions and led to the development of a possible mechanism for shock initiation. (author) [French] Lorsqu'une onde de choc est induite dans un explosif, elle peut y amorcer des reactions chimiques qui conduisent plus ou moins rapidement a un regime de detonation stable. Dans cette etude, on s'est interesse plus particulierement a la phase transitoire dans laquelle on a evalue l'accroissement de la vitesse d'onde, de la pression et de la conductibilite electrique. L'influence du milieu amont, au contact de l'explosif, a egalement fait l'objet de recherches experimentales de facon a determiner dans quelle mesure on pouvait s'affranchir de sa nature et, par suite, caracteriser les conditions d'initiation par la seule intensite du choc induit dans l'explosif. Enfin, les resultats ont ete generalises a diverses compositions explosives et ont conduit a l'elaboration d'un schema possible du mecanisme de l'initiation par choc. (auteur)

  20. Les déterminants socioéconomiques de l'adoption des technologies ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... 2) les taux moyens d'adoption par technologie sont de 74,9% pour les variétés améliorées, 57,2% pour les pesticides chimiques, 20% pour la combinaison fumure organique/NPK ; 21.7% pour l'engrais NPK seul, 7,4% pour les biopesticides à base de graines de Neem et 5,7% pour le respect de la densité de semis.

  1. Chemical and electrochemical properties in the molten lithium chloride-potassium chloride eutectic; Proprietes chimiques et electrochimiques dans l'eutectique chlorure de lithium-chlorure de potassium fondu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delarue, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    We have studied the behaviour of several chemical species in the molten LiCI-KCI eutectic. The solubility of certain oxides and sulphides has made it possible for us to show the existence of O{sup 2-} and S{sup 2-} ions. We have been able to show the existence of a certain number of chemical reactions: oxido-reduction precipitation, complex formation; we have studied, amongst others, the oxidation of O{sup 2-} and of S{sup 2-}. (author) [French] Nous avons examine le comportement de quelques especes chimiques dans l'eutectique LiCl-KCl fondu. La solubilite de certains oxydes et sulfures nous a permis de montrer l'existence des particules O{sup 2-} et S{sup 2-}. Nous avons pu mettre en evidence un certain nombre de reactions chimiques: oxydoreduction, precipitation, formation de complexes; nous avons etudie, entre autres, l'oxydation de O{sup 2-} et de S{sup 2-}. La prevision de ces reactions peut etre faite d'une facon semi-quantitive a l'aide de diagrammes potentiel pO{sup 2-} et potentiel pS{sup 2-}. Les raisonnements que l'on fait dans les milieux aqueux sont applicables dans le cas des sels fondus. (auteur)

  2. Application of the chemical properties of ruthenium to decontamination processes; L'application des proprietes chimiques du ruthenium a des procedes de decontamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontaine, A.; Berger, D. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The chemical properties of ruthenium in the form of an aqueous solution of the nitrate and of organic tributylphosphate solution are reviewed. From this data, some known examples are given: they demonstrate the processes of separation or of elimination of ruthenium from radioactive waste. (authors) [French] Les proprietes chimiques du ruthenium en solutions aqueuses nitriques et en solutions organiques de tributylphosphate, sont passees en revue. A partir de ces donnees, quelques exemples connus sont cites: ils exposent des procedes de separation ou d'elimination du ruthenium de dechets radioactifs. (auteurs)

  3. Protease-activated receptor (PAR)-2 is required for PAR-1 signalling in pulmonary fibrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lin, Cong; von der Thüsen, Jan; Daalhuisen, Joost; ten Brink, Marieke; Crestani, Bruno; van der Poll, Tom; Borensztajn, Keren; Spek, C. Arnold


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is the most devastating diffuse fibrosing lung disease of unknown aetiology. Compelling evidence suggests that both protease-activated receptor (PAR)-1 and PAR-2 participate in the development of pulmonary fibrosis. Previous studies have shown that bleomycin-induced

  4. Preparation of nuclear purity beryllium oxalate tri-hydrate; Preparation d'oxalate de beryllium trihydrate de purete nucleaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delcorte, M; Lecocq, A; Rigaud, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In this report we have gathered the whole of the knowledge acquired by our group during the campaign for preparation of beryllium oxalate we carried out through the first half year of 1962. The reader shall find in the first place information and bibliographic data gathered by Miss OLLIVIER, documentalist of the Section d'Etudes, Recherches et Applications Chimiques. We then describe the original process perfected in the laboratories, and the production techniques we employed for the semi-large operative units. Finally, we publish the results we obtained on one hand on the chemical aspect, in the industrial meaning of the term, which is to-day concerning the ponderal output, on the other hand on the analytical aspect as you can evidently not dissociate the quantity of substance produced from its purity. (authors) [French] Nous avons reuni dans ce document l'ensemble des connaissances acquises par notre groupe pendant la campagne de preparation d'oxalate de beryllium que nous avons effectuee au cours du 1er semestre 1962. Le lecteur y trouvera en premier lieu les renseignements et donnees bibliographiques rassembles par Mlle OLLIVIER, documentaliste a la Section d'Etudes, Recherches et Applications Chimiques. Nous decrivons ensuite le procede original mis au point dans les laboratoires et les techniques de fabrication que nous avons utilisees pour des unites operatoires demi-grand. Pour terminer nous publions les resultats obtenus, d'une part sur le plan chimique, au sens industriel du terme, c'est-a-dire du point de vue rendement ponderal, d'autre part sur le plan analytique puisqu'on ne peut evidemment pas dissocier la quantite de produit fabrique, de sa purete. (auteurs)

  5. Qualité chimique et biologique du bassin de la Semois (partie Belge

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    Full Text Available Les eaux du bassin de la Semois belge ont été étudiées, en 25 stations, sous différents aspects complémentaires : chimie, diatomées et invertébrés benthiques. Les méthodes utilisées sont l'indice de pollution organique (IPO, LECLERCQ et VANDEVENNE, 1987, un indice diatomique (ID, LECLERCQ, non publié et l'indice biologique global normalisé (IBGN, AFNOR, 1992. Grâce aux analyses chimiques et diatomiques, nous décrivons différents types d'eaux naturelles, à minéralisation croissante, et différents niveaux de pollution et d'eutrophication. Nous présentons une carte d e qualité détaillée, à l'usage des gestionnaires. Les diatomées apparaissent comme les bioindicateurs les plus fiables pour ces paramètres. Les invertébrés sont moins intéressants à utiliser. Ils sont pratiquement insensibles au type de minéralisation de l'eau (tout au moins au niveau de la famille, qui est le seul niveau d'identification possible en routine, mais ces organismes peuvent être plus sensibles au facteur substrat qu'à la pollution organique, conduisant alors à des estimations erronées.

  6. Preparation of the pur uranium-metal; La preparation de l'uranium-metal pur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goldschmidt, B.; Vertes, P. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A detailed description of the chemical processes used to prepare in the factory of Bouchet of the CEA (Seine-Et-Oise) pur metal uranium with either relatively rich ores, or extracts coming of physical or chemical treatment of poor ores. The nitric treatment of ores succeeds to the production of uranate of impure sodium carbonate. This last last product is dissolved in nitric acid and the uranyl nitrate is extracted by tributyl-phosphate diluted in an inert solvent. The uranyl nitrate pure is re-extracted and successively transformed in uranium peroxide, in orange oxide then in brown oxide which is transformed in fluoride by the anhydrous hydrofluoric acid. Uranate fluoride is then reduced in metal by the pure calcium with an yield superior to 99%. (authors) [French] Description detaillee des procedes chimiques mis en jeu pour preparer a l'Usine du Bouchet du Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (Seine-et-Oise) l'uranium metal pur a partir soit de minerais relativement riches, soit de concentres provenant de traitement physique ou chimique de minerais pauvres. Le traitement nitrique des minerais aboutit a la production d'uranate de soude impur. Ce dernier est a son tour dissous dans l'acide nitrique et le nitrate d'uranyle est extrait par du tributyl-phosphate dilue par un solvant inerte. Le nitrate d'uranyle pur reextrait est transforme successivement en peroxyde d'uranium, en oxyde orange puis en oxyde brun qui est transforme en fluorure par l'acide fluorhydrique anhydre. Le fluorure uraneux est reduit en metal par le calcium pur avec un rendement superieur a 99 %. (auteurs)

  7. Chemical Production using Fission Fragments; Emploi des fragments de fission dans la production de substances chimiques; Ispol'zovanie produkto v raspada v khimicheskom proizvodstve; Empleo de los fragmentos de fision en la industria quimica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dawson, J K; Moseley, F [AERE, Harwell (United Kingdom)


    Some reactor design considerations of the use of fission recoil fragment energy for the production of chemicals of industrial importance have been discussed previously in a paper given at the Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy [A/Conf. 15/P.76]. The present paper summarizes more recent progress made on this topic at AERE, Harwell. The range-energy relationship for fission fragments is discussed in the context of the choice of fuel system for a chemical production reactor, and the experimental observation of a variation of chemical effect along the length of a fission fragment track is described for the irradiation of nitrogen-oxygen mixtures. Recent results are given on the effect of fission fragments on carbon monoxide-hydrogen gas mixtures and on water vapour. No system investigated to date shows any outstanding promise for large-scale chemical production. (author) [French] En ce qui concerne la construction de reacteurs, certaines considerations relatives a l'emploi de l'energie des fragments de fission de recul pour la production de certaines substances chimiques d'importance industrielle ont deja ete examinees dans un memoire soumis a la deuxieme Conference internationale sur l'utilisation de l'energie atomique a des fins pacifiques [A/Conf. 15/PP. 76]. Le present memoire donne un apercu des progres accomplis depuis lors dans ce domaine par 1'Atomic Energy Research Establishment a Harwell. Les auteurs etudient la relation entre le parcours et l'energie pour des fragments de fission a propos du choix du combustible pour un reacteur destine a la production de substances chimiques; ils decrivent aussi une variation d'effet chimique observee le long de la trajectoire d'un fragment de fission pendant l'irradiation de melanges azote-oxygene. Les auteurs fournissent les resultats de recherches recentes relatives a l'effet des fragments de fission sur des melanges oxyde de carbone-hydrogen e et sur la vapeur d

  8. Les Affinités électives de Goethe : entre science et littérature

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    Bernard Joly


    Full Text Available Par leur titre même, Les affinités électives de Goethe renvoient à la doctrine chimique des rapports entre différents corps qui, à partir des travaux d’Etienne-François Geoffroy en 1718, s’impose comme théorie dominante dans la chimie du XVIIIe siècle. Goethe ne se contente pas d’une simple analogie entre les attirances amoureuses qui font et défont les couples et les opérations chimiques qui règlent les liaisons et les précipitations des substances chimiques. Son excellente connaissance de la tradition chimique et alchimique le conduit à considérer l’affinité comme une loi de la nature produisant aussi bien ses effets en chimie que chez les êtres vivants et dans le psychisme.The title of Goethe’s novel Elective Affinities refer to the chemical tenet of rapports between different bodies which, from Etienne-François Geoffroy’s works in 1718, emerge as a prevailing theory in the eighteenth-century chemistry. Goethe does not limit his views to the analogy between love attractions which made and break up couples and chimical processes which determine bonds and precipitations of chemical substances. His excellent knowledge of chemical and alchemical tradition leads him to consider affinity as a law of nature having effects in chemistry as well as in living being and into mind.

  9. 2567-IJBCS-Article-Amani Michel Kouassi

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    paramètre physique utilisé concerne la conductivité électrique. Les paramètres chimiques sélectionnés sont ... temps, indique l'absence d'organisation de drainage au sein de l'aquifère (cas des aquifères poreux), alors ... iii) la définition des effectifs puis des fréquences par classe ; iv) la représentation des fréquences de.

  10. influence de la phosphatation au zinc sur la resistance a la co

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    AKA Boko Mathieu

    en condition du matériau par la préparation de surface et la conversion chimique. ... sa préparation : ce sont en général des traitements thermiques qui provoquent ... son stockage : l'humidité ambiante peut, dans de nombreux cas, déclencher un .... L'évolution de la perte en poids en fonction de l'épaisseur de la couche de ...

  11. Déchets municipaux dans le District d'Abidjan en Côte d'Ivoire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Déchets municipaux dans le District d'Abidjan en Côte d'Ivoire: sources potentielles de pollution des eaux souterraines. ... norme OMS) en composés azotés (N03, N02, NH4), phosphatés (PO4) et en élément métallique (Al). Par ailleurs, les analyses chimiques des eaux souterraines de l'année 2000 issues de 56 forages ...

  12. 2522-IJBCS-Article-Dr Laurencia Songre

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La qualité des grains de vingt-deux variétés, dont sept de sorgho (Sorghum bicolor), sept de mil. (Pennisetumg laucum) et huit de maïs (Zea mays) est étudiée par des méthodes standard. L'évaluation physico- chimique montre que le poids de 1000 grains est le paramètre le plus discriminatoire comparativement à la forme ...

  13. Study of a Slightly Enriched R Reactor Fuel by Means of a Pulsed Neutron Source; Etude d'un reacteur a combustible legerement enrichi (rubeole) a l'aide de sources pulsees de neutrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sagot, M; Tellier, H [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    A Be O moderated reactor using slightly enriched uranium oxide as fuel was studied by the pulsed neutron source technique. The neutron lifetime was measured in two different cores without reflector, then attempts were made at the measurement of great negative reactivities introduced into the reactor under the following forms: decrease of the volume of the un reflected core, introduction of absorbing cadmium rods, removal of fuel at the periphery of the critical core while maintaining a constant height, and substitution of fuel elements by less reactive elements. In all cases, the results are compared with the data obtained by another type of experiment or by computation. (author) [French] Nous avons applique la methode des sources pulsees de neutrons a un reacteur utilisant de l'oxyde d'uranium legerement enrichi, modere a l'oxyde de beryllium et, apres avoir mesure le temps de vie des neutrons dans deux coeurs differents non reflechis, nous avons porte notre effort, sur la mesure de reactivites negatives importantes introduites dans le reacteur sous differentes formes: - diminution du volume du coeur non reflechi, - introduction de barres absorbantes en cadmium, - enlevement de combustible a la peripherie du coeur critique, tout en conservant une hauteur constante, - substitution d'elements de combustible par des elements moins reactifs. Dans tous les cas, les resultats sont compares aux valeurs obtenues par un autre type d'experience ou par le calcul. (auteur)

  14. Elimination of hydrogen sulphide and {beta} substitution in cystein, catalyzed by the cysteine-lyase of hens yolk-sac and yolk (1961); Desulfhydration et {beta} substitution de la cysteine catalysees par la cysteinelyase du sac vitellin et du jaune de l'oeuf de poule (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chapeville, F; Fromageot, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The yolk of incubated hen's eggs contains a pyridoxal phosphate activated enzyme, free of iron, copper, magnesium and calcium. This enzyme activates the {beta}-carbon atom of cysteine. Its reactivity is demonstrated by the ease with which this {beta}-carbon fixes various sulfur containing substances in which the sulfur has reducing properties: inorganic sulfide, sulfide or cysteine itself. In the absence of substances able to react with the {beta}-carbon atom, the active complex, consisting of the enzyme and the aminated tri-carbon chain, is hydrolysed to pyruvic acid and ammonia. The liberation of hydrogen sulfide thus appears to be the consequence either of the substitution of the {beta}-carbon atom of cysteine or of the decomposition of the complex which this aminoacid forms with the enzyme studied. The latter seems therefore to possess an activity which differs from the activity of the desulfhydrases as yet known. We suggest to call this enzyme cystein-lyase. (authors) [French] Le sac vitellin et le jaune d'oeufs embryonnes de poule renferment une enzyme activee par le phosphate de pyridoxal, qui ne contient pas de fer, de magnesium, de cuivre ce de calcium et qui confere une reactivite particuliere au carbone {beta} de la cysteine. Cette reactivite se manifeste par l'aptitude que possede le carbone {beta} a fixer diverses molecules soufrees dont le soufre est reducteur, telles que le sulfure, le sulfite ou la cysteine elle-meme. En l'absence de reactifs capables de reagir avec le carbone {beta}, le complexe actif enzyme-chaine tricarbonee et aminee s'hydrolyse en acide pyruvique et en ammoniaque. La liberation d'hydrogene sulfure apparait ainsi comme une consequence soit de la substitution du carbone {beta} de la cysteine, soit de la decomposition du complexe qu'elle forme avec l'enzyme etudiee. Cette derniere semble donc posseder une activite distincte de celle des desulfhydrases connues jusqu'a present. Nous proposons de l'appeler cysteinelyase. (auteurs)

  15. Evaluation des changements physico-chimiques caractérisant le ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Généralement, l'observation de la coloration de l'épicarpe et éventuellement celle de la pulpe après une coupure transversale, observées visuellement puis le ramollissement des tissus de l'organe entier apprécié superficiellement par simple touchée permettent aux consommateurs d'établir une relation entre l'état mûr et ...

  16. Main results obtained in France in the development of the gaseous diffusion process for uranium isotope separation; Principaux resultats obtenus en France dans les etudes sur la separation des isotopes de l'uranium par diffusion gazeuse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frejacques, C; Bilous, O; Dixmier, J; Massignon, D; Plurien, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The main problems which occur in the study of uranium isotope separation by the gaseous diffusion process, concern the development of the porous barrier, the corrosive nature of uranium hexafluoride and also the chemical engineering problems related to process design and the choice of best plant and stage characteristics. Porous barriers may be obtained by chemical attack of non porous media or by agglomeration of very fine powders. Examples of these two types of barriers are given. A whole set of measurement techniques were developed for barrier structure studies, to provide control and guidance of barrier production methods. Uranium hexafluoride reactivity and corrosive properties are the source of many difficult technological problems. A high degree of plant leak tightness must be achieved. This necessity creates a special problem in compressor bearing design. Barrier lifetime is affected by the corrosive properties of the gas, which may lead to a change of barrier structure with time. Barrier hexafluoride permeability measurements have helped to make a systematic study of this point. Finally an example of a plant flowsheet, showing stage types and arrangements and based on a minimisation of enriched product costs is also given as an illustration of some of the chemical engineering problems present. (author) [French] Les principaux problemes qui se sont poses dans l'etude de la separation des isotopes de l'uranium par diffusion gazeuse, sont ceux relatifs a l'obtention de barrieres poreuses, ceux lies a l'utilisation de l'hexafluorure d'uranium, enfin les problemes de genie chimique relatifs au procede et a l'agencement optimum des etages et des cascades entre elles. On peut obtenir des barrieres poreuses soit par attaque de membranes pleines, soit par agglomeration de poudres de petites dimensions. Des exemples de ces deux types de barrieres seront donnes. L'etude des proprietes de texture des barrieres obtenues, necessaire pour orienter les recherches de

  17. Par Pond vegetation status Summer 1995 -- Summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid-1991 in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam. This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the newly emergent, shoreline aquatic plant communities of Par Pond began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet above mean sea level. These surveys continued in July, September, and late October, 1995. Communities similar to the pre-drawdown, Par Pond aquatic plant communities are becoming re-established. Emergent beds of maidencane, lotus, waterlily, and watershield are extensive and well developed. Cattail occurrence continued to increase during the summer, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the drawdown have not formed. Estimates from SPOT HRV, remote sensing satellite data indicated that as much as 120 hectares of emergent wetlands vegetation may have been present along the Par Pond shoreline by early October, 1995. To track the continued development of macrophytes in Par Pond, future surveys throughout 1996 and 1997, along with the continued evaluation of satellite data to map the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond, are planned

  18. Mathematical Modelling of Single- and Two-Phase Flow Problems in the Process Industries Modélisation mathématique de problèmes d'écoulement mono- et bi-phasique dans les industries de transformation

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    Markatos N. C.


    Full Text Available Many key issuesin design for the process industries are related to the behaviour of fluids in turbulent flow, often involving more than one phase, chemical reaction or heat transfer. Computational-Fluid-Dynamics (CFD techniques have great potential for analysing these processes and can be of great help to the designer, by reducing the need to resort to cut and try : approaches to the design of complex equipment. The paper presents the fundamental principles of CFD within the context of the so-called finite-domain technique. The procedure can handle one-, two-, and three-dimensional distributions of the variables in space, steady or transient processes, multi-phase processes, and effects such as turbulence, compressibility of phases, buoyancy, phase-change, chemical reactions, gravity stratification, etc. Demonstrations are made of the application of the procedure to the numerical computation of some process industry situations, such as those occurring in adsorbers/regenerators, combustors, cement kilns, and heat - exchangers. It is concluded that :- The finite - domain versions of the differential equations are soluble, with modest computer costs;- The solutions are always physically plausible; and,- There is a need for extensive evaluation and validation of CFD physical and chemical sub-models, particularly those concerning turbulence, chemical kinetics and interphase-transport processes. Bon nombre de difficultés de conception des procédés industriels sont liés au comportement des fluides en écoulement turbulent, qui font souvent intervenir plusieurs phases, réactions chimiques ou transferts thermiques. Les techniques de dynamique des fluides assistée par ordinateur (CFD permettent d'analyser ces procédés et peuvent apporter une aide considérable à la conception en éliminant le recours aux méthodes expérimentales pour l'étude d'équipements complexes. Cette communication présente les principes fondamentaux de la CFD dans le

  19. ParABS system in chromosome partitioning in the bacterium Myxococcus xanthus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio A Iniesta

    Full Text Available Chromosome segregation is an essential cellular function in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The ParABS system is a fundamental player for a mitosis-like process in chromosome partitioning in many bacterial species. This work shows that the social bacterium Myxococcus xanthus also uses the ParABS system for chromosome segregation. Its large prokaryotic genome of 9.1 Mb contains 22 parS sequences near the origin of replication, and it is shown here that M. xanthus ParB binds preferentially to a consensus parS sequence in vitro. ParB and ParA are essential for cell viability in M. xanthus as in Caulobacter crescentus, but unlike in many other bacteria. Absence of ParB results in anucleate cells, chromosome segregation defects and loss of viability. Analysis of ParA subcellular localization shows that it clusters at the poles in all cells, and in some, in the DNA-free cell division plane between two chromosomal DNA masses. This ParA localization pattern depends on ParB but not on FtsZ. ParB inhibits the nonspecific interaction of ParA with DNA, and ParA colocalizes with chromosomal DNA only when ParB is depleted. The subcellular localization of ParB suggests a single ParB-parS complex localized at the edge of the nucleoid, next to a polar ParA cluster, with a second ParB-parS complex migrating after the replication of parS takes place to the opposite nucleoid edge, next to the other polar ParA cluster.

  20. Analytical methods used by the geochemical section: water; Methodes d'analyses utilisees par la section de geochimie: les eaux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berthollet, P; Cavalier, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The authors describe the analytical methods used by the C.E.A. Geochemical Section to determine the chemical composition of natural waters encountered during the prospecting of uraniferous deposits or in the course of mining operations. Because of the diversity of the samples and the different items of information requested, methods were selected and adapted to answer to the demands peculiar to mining research. Methods and know-how concerning the quantitative analysis of natural water to find out the concentration of the following chemicals are reviewed: carbonates and bicarbonates, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, sodium and potassium, sulfates, nitrates, silica, phosphates, iron, manganese, aluminium, fluorides, dissolved oxygen, CO{sub 2}, SH{sub 2} and sulphur, and uranium. (authors) [French] Les auteurs decrivent les methodes d'analyses utilisees par la Section de Geochimie du C.E.A., pour la determination de la composition chimique des eaux naturelles rencontrees au cours de prospections de gites uraniferes ou de travaux miniers. La diversite des echantillons et les differents renseignements demandes a l'analyse les ont conduit a selectionner et a adapter des methodes afin qu'elles repondent aux exigences particulieres de la recherche miniere. Les methodes concernant le dosage dans les eaux superficielles et eaux souterraines des elements qui suivent sont presentees : carbonates and bicarbonates, calcium, magnesium, chlorures, sodium et potassium, sulfates, nitrates, silice, phosphates, fer ferreus et ferrique, manganese, aluminium, fluorures, oxygene dissous, CO{sub 2} libre, SH{sub 2} et soufre total, et uranium. (auteurs)

  1. Le modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel a faible couplage: Thermodynamique et phenomenes critiques (United States)

    Roy, Sebastien

    Une etude systematique du modele de Hubbard en deux dimensions a faible couplage a l'aide de la theorie Auto-Coherente a Deux Particules (ACDP) dans le diagramme temperature-dopage-interaction-sauts permet de mettre en evidence l'influence des fluctuations magnetiques sur les proprietes thermodynamiques du systeme electronique sur reseau. Le regime classique renormalise a temperature finie pres du dopage nul est marque par la grandeur de la longueur de correlation de spin comparee a la longueur thermique de de Broglie et est caracterisee par un accroissement drastique de la longueur de correlation de spin. Cette croissance exponentielle a dopage nul marque la presence d'un pic de chaleur specifique en fonction de la temperature a basse temperature. Une temperature de crossover est alors associee a la temperature a laquelle la longueur de correlation de spin est egale a la longueur thermique de de Broglie. C'est a cette temperature caracteristique, ou est observee l'ouverture du pseudogap dans le poids spectral, que se situe le maximum du pic de chaleur specifique. La presence de ce pic a des consequences sur l'evolution du potentiel chimique avec le dopage lorsque l'uniformite thermodynamique est respectee. Les contraintes imposees par les lois de la thermodynamique font en sorte que l'evolution du potentiel chimique avec le dopage est non triviale. On demontre entre autres que le potentiel chimique est proportionnel a la double occupation qui est reliee au moment local. Par ailleurs, une derivation de la fonction de mise a l'echelle de la susceptibilite de spin a frequence nulle au voisinage d'un point critique marque sans equivoque la presence d'un point critique quantique en dopage pour une valeur donnee de l'interaction. Ce point critique, associe a une transition de phase magnetique en fonction du dopage a temperature nulle, induit un comportement non trivial sur les proprietes physiques du systeme a temperature finie. L'approche quantitative ACDP permet de

  2. diversité botanique dans le sud du parc national de taï, côte d

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    AKA Boko Mathieu

    Résumé. Le but de cette étude est de connaître les mécanismes géochimiques qui gouvernent la migration verticale des métaux lourds et évaluer le risque de contamination de la nappe du Continental Terminal par ces métaux issus de la décharge d'Akouédo. Les analyses chimiques de 56 échantillons de sol ont montré ...

  3. Modélisation informatique de la production d’énergie renouvelable à partir de biogaz par transformation anaérobique dumélange de résidus d’agrumes et defumier de bovins

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    Edwin Dario Cendales L.


    Full Text Available Dans cet article nous avons simulé par ordinateur le processus de digestion anaérobique d’un mélange homogénéisé de fumier bétail et de résidus d’agrumes afin d’évaluer la viabilité des énergies renouvelables à partir de la transformation des déchets. Sur la base des résultats obtenus et grâce au développement de la phase expérimentale lors de laquelle étaient mesurées de façon périodiques les variables de contrôle du processus de biodégradation anaérobique tels que le pH, l’alcalinité, la demande chimique en oxygène (total et soluble, nous avons établi les performances des paramètres du processus et déterminé des valeurs pour la comparaison entre résultats expérimentaux et résultats informatiques. Nous avons en outre réalisé une simulation du processus de digestion anaérobique dans des conditions similaires à celles précédemment établis par d’autres essais expérimentaux à travers la mise en oeuvre du modèle ADM-1. Grâce aux résultats obtenus par le biais de simulations et mesures expérimentales, nous avons évalué la précision du modèle concernant les valeurs des mesures expérimentales. Un modèle simplifié pour l’évaluation de l’énergie produite par une installation à échelle réduite qui effectue le traitement anaérobique des résidus organiques a finalement été mis en place. Le modèle a montré qu’il existe au départ un déficit énergétique pour que le processus se réalise, mais une fois la production de biogaz enclenchée, le processus devient autonome et le système fournit une quantité croissante d’énergie disponible.

  4. Analysis of ParB-centromere interactions by multiplex SPR imaging reveals specific patterns for binding ParB in six centromeres of Burkholderiales chromosomes and plasmids. (United States)

    Pillet, Flavien; Passot, Fanny Marie; Pasta, Franck; Anton Leberre, Véronique; Bouet, Jean-Yves


    Bacterial centromeres-also called parS, are cis-acting DNA sequences which, together with the proteins ParA and ParB, are involved in the segregation of chromosomes and plasmids. The specific binding of ParB to parS nucleates the assembly of a large ParB/DNA complex from which ParA-the motor protein, segregates the sister replicons. Closely related families of partition systems, called Bsr, were identified on the chromosomes and large plasmids of the multi-chromosomal bacterium Burkholderia cenocepacia and other species from the order Burkholeriales. The centromeres of the Bsr partition families are 16 bp palindromes, displaying similar base compositions, notably a central CG dinucleotide. Despite centromeres bind the cognate ParB with a narrow specificity, weak ParB-parS non cognate interactions were nevertheless detected between few Bsr partition systems of replicons not belonging to the same genome. These observations suggested that Bsr partition systems could have a common ancestry but that evolution mostly erased the possibilities of cross-reactions between them, in particular to prevent replicon incompatibility. To detect novel similarities between Bsr partition systems, we have analyzed the binding of six Bsr parS sequences and a wide collection of modified derivatives, to their cognate ParB. The study was carried out by Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPRi) mulitplex analysis enabling a systematic survey of each nucleotide position within the centromere. We found that in each parS some positions could be changed while maintaining binding to ParB. Each centromere displays its own pattern of changes, but some positions are shared more or less widely. In addition from these changes we could speculate evolutionary links between these centromeres.

  5. La pelade par plaques (United States)

    Spano, Frank; Donovan, Jeff C.


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux médecins de famille des renseignements de base pour faire comprendre l’épidémiologie, la pathogenèse, l’histologie et l’approche clinique au diagnostic de la pelade par plaques. Sources des données Une recension a été effectuée dans PubMed pour trouver des articles pertinents concernant la pathogenèse, le diagnostic et le pronostic de la pelade par plaques. Message principal La pelade par plaques est une forme de perte pileuse auto-immune dont la prévalence durant une vie est d’environ 2 %. Des antécédents personnels ou familiaux de troubles auto-immuns concomitants, comme le vitiligo ou une maladie de la thyroïde, peuvent être observés dans un petit sous-groupe de patients. Le diagnostic peut souvent être posé de manière clinique en se fondant sur la perte de cheveux non cicatricielle et circulaire caractéristique, accompagnée de cheveux en « point d’exclamation » en périphérie chez ceux dont le problème en est aux premiers stades. Le diagnostic des cas plus complexes ou des présentations inhabituelles peut être facilité par une biopsie et un examen histologique. Le pronostic varie largement et de mauvais résultats sont associés à une apparition à un âge précoce, une perte importante, la variante ophiasis, des changements aux ongles, des antécédents familiaux ou des troubles auto-immuns concomitants. Conclusion La pelade par plaques est une forme auto-immune de perte de cheveux périodiquement observée en soins primaires. Les médecins de famille sont bien placés pour identifier la pelade par plaques, déterminer la gravité de la maladie et poser le diagnostic différentiel approprié. De plus, ils sont en mesure de renseigner leurs patients à propos de l’évolution clinique de la maladie ainsi que du pronostic général selon le sous-type de patients.

  6. Keratometric alterations following the 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy versus the conventional pars plana vitrectomy. (United States)

    Citirik, Mehmet; Batman, Cosar; Bicer, Tolga; Zilelioglu, Orhan


    To assess the alterations in keratometric astigmatism following the 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy versus the conventional pars plana vitrectomy. Sixteen consecutive patients were enrolled into the study. Conventional vitrectomy was applied to eight of the cases and 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy was performed in eight patients. Keratometry was performed before and after the surgery. In the 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy group, statistically significant changes were not observed in the corneal curvature in any post-operative follow-up measurement (p > 0.05); whereas in the conventional pars plana vitrectomy group, statistically significant changes were observed in the first postoperative day (p = 0.01) and first postoperative month (p = 0.03). We noted that these changes returned to baseline in three months (p = 0.26). Both 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless and conventional pars plana vitrectomy are effective surgical modalities for selected diseases of the posterior segment. Surgical procedures are critical for the visual rehabilitation of the patients. The post-operative corneal astigmatism of the vitrectomised eyes can be accurately determined at least two months post-operatively.

  7. Centromere pairing by a plasmid-encoded type I ParB protein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringgaard, Simon; Löwe, Jan; Gerdes, Kenn


    The par2 locus of Escherichia coli plasmid pB171 encodes two trans-acting proteins, ParA and ParB, and two cis-acting sites, parC1 and parC2, to which ParB binds cooperatively. ParA is related to MinD and oscillates in helical structures and thereby positions ParB/parC-carrying plasmids regularly......, hence identifying the N terminus of ParB as a requirement for ParB-mediated centromere pairing. These observations suggest that centromere pairing is an important intermediate step in plasmid partitioning mediated by the common type I loci....

  8. Analysis of ParB-centromere interactions by multiplex SPR imaging reveals specific patterns for binding ParB in six centromeres of Burkholderiales chromosomes and plasmids.

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    Flavien Pillet

    Full Text Available Bacterial centromeres-also called parS, are cis-acting DNA sequences which, together with the proteins ParA and ParB, are involved in the segregation of chromosomes and plasmids. The specific binding of ParB to parS nucleates the assembly of a large ParB/DNA complex from which ParA-the motor protein, segregates the sister replicons. Closely related families of partition systems, called Bsr, were identified on the chromosomes and large plasmids of the multi-chromosomal bacterium Burkholderia cenocepacia and other species from the order Burkholeriales. The centromeres of the Bsr partition families are 16 bp palindromes, displaying similar base compositions, notably a central CG dinucleotide. Despite centromeres bind the cognate ParB with a narrow specificity, weak ParB-parS non cognate interactions were nevertheless detected between few Bsr partition systems of replicons not belonging to the same genome. These observations suggested that Bsr partition systems could have a common ancestry but that evolution mostly erased the possibilities of cross-reactions between them, in particular to prevent replicon incompatibility. To detect novel similarities between Bsr partition systems, we have analyzed the binding of six Bsr parS sequences and a wide collection of modified derivatives, to their cognate ParB. The study was carried out by Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPRi mulitplex analysis enabling a systematic survey of each nucleotide position within the centromere. We found that in each parS some positions could be changed while maintaining binding to ParB. Each centromere displays its own pattern of changes, but some positions are shared more or less widely. In addition from these changes we could speculate evolutionary links between these centromeres.

  9. CFD analysis of PAR performance as function of inlet design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Kweonha; Khor, Chong Lee


    Highlights: • The new concept of PAR (passive autocatalytic recombiner) was proposed and analyzed. • Guidance wall was added at the bottom of PAR to enhance the flow rate through the catalyst. • The new concept of PAR was proved to have a better hydrogen removal performance. - Abstract: Passive autocatalytic recombiner (PAR) is very useful hydrogen mitigation measurement. It is widely implemented in the current and advanced light water reactors (ALWRs). The design of the PARs should be optimized for the specific use under severe accident scenarios. Several techniques and innovations have been fused into the PAR, as an effort to increase its efficiency of hydrogen mitigation. This study proposes different concepts of PAR, which applied some changes to the honeycomb catalyst PAR made by the Korea Nuclear Technology (KNT) Inc. Two slices of plate are added to the bottom of PAR model, which intended to act as a reflection wall and promote the gas flow into PAR. Hydrogen volume fraction was given 4 vol. % which tested by KNT to investigate the performance of PAR in different direction gas flow conditions to see maximum hydrogen recombination rate. The new concept of PAR was proved to have a better hydrogen removal performance compared to the original honeycomb catalyst PAR.

  10. CFD analysis of PAR performance as function of inlet design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Kweonha, E-mail: [Division of Mechanical and Energy systems Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Dongsam-dong, Yeongdo-gu, Busan 606-791 (Korea, Republic of); Khor, Chong Lee, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Maritime University (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: • The new concept of PAR (passive autocatalytic recombiner) was proposed and analyzed. • Guidance wall was added at the bottom of PAR to enhance the flow rate through the catalyst. • The new concept of PAR was proved to have a better hydrogen removal performance. - Abstract: Passive autocatalytic recombiner (PAR) is very useful hydrogen mitigation measurement. It is widely implemented in the current and advanced light water reactors (ALWRs). The design of the PARs should be optimized for the specific use under severe accident scenarios. Several techniques and innovations have been fused into the PAR, as an effort to increase its efficiency of hydrogen mitigation. This study proposes different concepts of PAR, which applied some changes to the honeycomb catalyst PAR made by the Korea Nuclear Technology (KNT) Inc. Two slices of plate are added to the bottom of PAR model, which intended to act as a reflection wall and promote the gas flow into PAR. Hydrogen volume fraction was given 4 vol. % which tested by KNT to investigate the performance of PAR in different direction gas flow conditions to see maximum hydrogen recombination rate. The new concept of PAR was proved to have a better hydrogen removal performance compared to the original honeycomb catalyst PAR.

  11. Par Pond Fish, Water, and Sediment Chemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paller, M.H.; Wike, L.D.


    The objectives of this report are to describe the Par Pond fish community and the impact of the drawdown and refill on the community, describe contaminant levels in Par Pond fish, sediments, and water and indicate how contaminant concentrations and distributions were affected by the drawdown and refill, and predict possible effects of future water level fluctuations in Par Pond

  12. Par Pond Fish, Water, and Sediment Chemistry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paller, M.H. [Westinghouse Savannah River Company, AIKEN, SC (United States); Wike, L.D.


    The objectives of this report are to describe the Par Pond fish community and the impact of the drawdown and refill on the community, describe contaminant levels in Par Pond fish, sediments, and water and indicate how contaminant concentrations and distributions were affected by the drawdown and refill, and predict possible effects of future water level fluctuations in Par Pond.

  13. Caractérisations physico-chimiques et bactériologiques des eaux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Aliments, Université Nangui Abrogoua, 02 BP 801 Abidjan 02, Côte d'Ivoire. ... contamination bactérienne des eaux et des concentrations de nitrate et nitrite dans les limites autorisées par l'OMS. ...... sand as a source of Escherichia coli in.

  14. Concerning the dynamic instability of actin homolog ParM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Popp, David; Yamamoto, Akihiro; Iwasa, Mitsusada; Narita, Akihiro; Maeda, Kayo; Maeda, Yuichiro


    Using in vitro TIRF- and electron-microscopy, we reinvestigated the dynamics of native ParM, a prokaryotic DNA segregation protein and actin homolog. In contrast to a previous study, which used a cysteine ParM mutant, we find that the polymerization process of wild type ATP-ParM filaments consists of a polymerization phase and a subsequent steady state phase, which is dynamically unstable, like that of microtubules. We find that the apparent bidirectional polymerization of ParM, is not due to the intrinsic nature of this filament, but results from ParM forming randomly oriented bundles in the presence of crowding agents. Our results imply, that in the bacterium, ParM filaments spontaneously form bipolar bundles. Due to their intrinsic dynamic instability, ParM bundles can efficiently 'search' the cytoplasmic lumen for DNA, bind it equally well at the bipolar ends and segregate it approximately symmetrically, by the insertion of ParM subunits at either end

  15. First-in-human uPAR PET

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; Skovgaard, Dorthe; Brandt-Larsen, Malene


    A first-in-human clinical trial with Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) in patients with breast, prostate and bladder cancer, is described. uPAR is expressed in many types of human cancers and the expression is predictive...... for targeted molecular imaging with PET. The safety, pharmacokinetic, biodistribution profile and radiation dosimetry after a single intravenous dose of (64)Cu-DOTA-AE105 were assessed by serial PET and computed tomography (CT) in 4 prostate, 3 breast and 3 bladder cancer patients. Safety assessment...... of invasion, metastasis and indicates poor prognosis. uPAR PET imaging therefore holds promise to be a new and innovative method for improved cancer diagnosis, staging and individual risk stratification. The uPAR specific peptide AE105 was conjugated to the macrocyclic chelator DOTA and labeled with (64)Cu...

  16. Choix d'un modèle de pyrolyse ménagée du bois à l'échelle de la microparticule en vue de la modélisation macroscopique


    Rousset , Patrick; Turner , Ian; Donnot , Andre; Perre , Patrick


    Par définition la pyrolyse ménagée du bois est la décomposition physique et chimique de matières organiques sous l'action de la chaleur et en absence d'oxygène. Comprendre ce phénomène passe d'abord par l'identification des mécanismes réactionnels et la détermination des paramètres cinétiques mis en jeu lors de la dégradation thermique du bois et de ses constituants majeurs, c'est-à-dire cellulose, hémicelluloses et lignines. La richesse et la diversité des résultats issus de la littérature s...

  17. uPAR as anti-cancer target

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Ida K; Illemann, Martin; Thurison, Tine


    , and a potential diagnostic and predictive impact of the different uPAR forms has been reported. Hence, pericellular proteolysis seems to be a suitable target for anti-cancer therapy and numerous approaches have been pursued. Targeting of this process may be achieved by preventing the binding of uPA to u...... using mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against mouse uPA or uPAR. These reagents will target uPA and uPAR in both stromal cells and cancer cells, and their therapeutic potential can now be assessed in syngenic mouse cancer models....

  18. Composition chimique et activité antibactérienne des Huiles ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    car la recherche des nouveaux médicaments est continuelle [1]. Les limites ... les huiles essentielles offre de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques. En effet, depuis quelques années, un intérêt accru est porté sur les huiles essentielles ayant montré des .... essentielle par mesure du diamètre d'inhibition, autour d'un disque ...

  19. Protease-activated receptor (PAR2, but not PAR1, is involved in collateral formation and anti-inflammatory monocyte polarization in a mouse hind limb ischemia model.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisa G van den Hengel

    Full Text Available AIMS: In collateral development (i.e. arteriogenesis, mononuclear cells are important and exist as a heterogeneous population consisting of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory/repair-associated cells. Protease-activated receptor (PAR1 and PAR2 are G-protein-coupled receptors that are both expressed by mononuclear cells and are involved in pro-inflammatory reactions, while PAR2 also plays a role in repair-associated responses. Here, we investigated the physiological role of PAR1 and PAR2 in arteriogenesis in a murine hind limb ischemia model. METHODS AND RESULTS: PAR1-deficient (PAR1-/-, PAR2-deficient (PAR2-/- and wild-type (WT mice underwent femoral artery ligation. Laser Doppler measurements revealed reduced post-ischemic blood flow recovery in PAR2-/- hind limbs when compared to WT, while PAR1-/- mice were not affected. Upon ischemia, reduced numbers of smooth muscle actin (SMA-positive collaterals and CD31-positive capillaries were found in PAR2-/- mice when compared to WT mice, whereas these parameters in PAR1-/- mice did not differ from WT mice. The pool of circulating repair-associated (Ly6C-low monocytes and the number of repair-associated (CD206-positive macrophages surrounding collaterals in the hind limbs were increased in WT and PAR1-/- mice, but unaffected in PAR2-/- mice. The number of repair-associated macrophages in PAR2-/- hind limbs correlated with CD11b- and CD115-expression on the circulating monocytes in these animals, suggesting that monocyte extravasation and M-CSF-dependent differentiation into repair-associated cells are hampered. CONCLUSION: PAR2, but not PAR1, is involved in arteriogenesis and promotes the repair-associated response in ischemic tissues. Therefore, PAR2 potentially forms a new pro-arteriogenic target in coronary artery disease (CAD patients.

  20. Apoplejía pituitaria con parálisis del III par craneal: Reporte de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Pinto Valdivia


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso de un varón de 65 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que acudió a emergencia del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia por presentar cefalea intensa y ptosis palpebral izquierda. El examen físico mostró parálisis aislada del III par craneal izquierdo. Los análisis de laboratorio mostraron hiponatremia e hipopituitarismo y la resonancia magnética nuclear un adenoma pituitario con áreas de hemorragia e invasión de los senos cavernosos. El tratamiento incluyó glucocorticoides y descompresión quirúrgica transesfenoidal. La anatomía patológica confirmó el diagnóstico de infarto hemorrágico de un adenoma pituitario. El paciente fue dado de alta con terapia sustitutiva de levotiroxina y prednisona. La ptosis palpebral izquierda se recuperó en forma parcial. La apoplejía pituitaria es un síndrome clínico producido por un proceso expansivo dentro de la silla turca, secundario a hemorragia o infarto de un adenoma pituitario, que se caracteriza por cefalea, déficit visual, oftalmoplejía y alteración del nivel de conciencia. Este proceso expansivo puede comprimir los pares craneales en los senos cavernosos, produciendo diferentes grados de parálisis de los músculos oculomotores. La parálisis aislada del III par craneal es rara.(Rev Med Hered 2011;22:186-189.

  1. Copenhagen uPAR prostate cancer (CuPCa) database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lippert, Solvej; Berg, Kasper D; Høyer-Hansen, Gunilla


    AIM: Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) plays a central role during cancer invasion by facilitating pericellular proteolysis. We initiated the prospective 'Copenhagen uPAR Prostate Cancer' study to investigate the significance of uPAR levels in prostate cancer (PCa) patients. METHODS...

  2. Analyse quantitative détaillée des distillats moyens par couplage CG/SM. Application à l'étude des schémas réactionnels du procédé d'hydrotraitement Quantitative Analysis of Middle Distillats by Gc/Ms Coupling. Application to Hydrotreatment Process Mechanisms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fafet A.


    Full Text Available L'analyse détaillée des distillats moyens est une étape indispensable à la compréhension des mécanismes réactionnels et à la cinétique de certains procédés de raffinage comme l'hydrotraitement. Une nouvelle méthode associant, d'une part un couplage chromatographie en phase gazeuse/spectrométrie de masse (CG/SM et, d'autre part une analyse quantitative par famille chimique par spectrométrie de masse a été développée. La chromatographie en phase gazeuse, réalisée sur une colonne apolaire, effectue la distillation des composés présents dans le gazole et la spectrométrie de masse quantifie les familles chimiques par intervalle de nombre d'atomes de carbone ou de point d'ébullition. Elle permet d'accéder ainsi à la répartition par nombre d'atomes de carbone de chaque famille chimique (alcanes, cycloalcanes, hydrocarbures aromatiques à un ou plusieurs noyaux, hydrocarbures aromatiques soufrés. Cette méthode a été validée et appliquée à une charge et à une recette d'hydrotraitement. A detailed analysis of middle distillates is essential for understanding the reaction mechanism and for studying the kinetics of refining processes such hydrotreatment. In fact, when we see the complexity of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures appearing in gas oil, we realize that it's necessary to have a very detailed analysis of those cuts to understand the mechanisms involved in refining processes and to be able to describe their kinetics. Each gas oil has a very different composition and therefore a specific reactivity. That is why we have tried to develop predictive kinetic models to avoid experimenting in pilot plants, which is very expensive. But, even if all the compounds of a gasoline (PI-200°C have now been identified and quantified, using gas chromatography (1, such is not the case for heavier cuts. Only an overall characterization can be made, by chemical family. The techniques employed are, for example, HPLC (3,4 or

  3. Recombination in the human Pseudoautosomal region PAR1.

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    Anjali G Hinch


    Full Text Available The pseudoautosomal region (PAR is a short region of homology between the mammalian X and Y chromosomes, which has undergone rapid evolution. A crossover in the PAR is essential for the proper disjunction of X and Y chromosomes in male meiosis, and PAR deletion results in male sterility. This leads the human PAR with the obligatory crossover, PAR1, to having an exceptionally high male crossover rate, which is 17-fold higher than the genome-wide average. However, the mechanism by which this obligatory crossover occurs remains unknown, as does the fine-scale positioning of crossovers across this region. Recent research in mice has suggested that crossovers in PAR may be mediated independently of the protein PRDM9, which localises virtually all crossovers in the autosomes. To investigate recombination in this region, we construct the most fine-scale genetic map containing directly observed crossovers to date using African-American pedigrees. We leverage recombination rates inferred from the breakdown of linkage disequilibrium in human populations and investigate the signatures of DNA evolution due to recombination. Further, we identify direct PRDM9 binding sites using ChIP-seq in human cells. Using these independent lines of evidence, we show that, in contrast with mouse, PRDM9 does localise peaks of recombination in the human PAR1. We find that recombination is a far more rapid and intense driver of sequence evolution in PAR1 than it is on the autosomes. We also show that PAR1 hotspot activities differ significantly among human populations. Finally, we find evidence that PAR1 hotspot positions have changed between human and chimpanzee, with no evidence of sharing among the hottest hotspots. We anticipate that the genetic maps built and validated in this work will aid research on this vital and fascinating region of the genome.

  4. Plasma suPAR is lowered by smoking cessation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; Ladelund, Steen; Sørensen, Lars Tue


    BACKGROUND: Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a stable inflammatory biomarker. In patients, suPAR is a marker of disease presence, severity and prognosis. In the general population, suPAR is predictive of disease development, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease a...

  5. Représentation chimique de la structure des kérogènes et des asphaltènes en fonction de leur origine et de leur degré d'évolution Chemical Modeling of the Structure of Kerogens and Asphaltenes As a Function of Their Origin and Evolution Stage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Behar F.


    Full Text Available Dans cet article nous proposons des modèles de structures chimiques de kérogènes et d'asphaltènes de roche. Nous avons choisi de représenter les kérogènes appartenant aux trois types classiques de matières organiques aux stades d'évolution suivants : - début de la diagenèse sensu-stricto; - début de la catagenèse (formation de l'huile; - fin de la catagenèse (formation du gaz. Les asphaltènes représentés correspondent à la phase de formation de l'huile. Nous avons tenu compte des données d'analyse obtenues sur des échantillons naturels : analyse élémentaire, microscopie électronique, RMN 13C, thermogravimétrie, analyse fonctionnelle, dégradation par pyrolyse. Afin d'obtenir une représentation chimique ayant une valeur statistique suffisante, nous avons choisi une masse moléculaire de 25 000 environ, identique pour les trois kérogènes au début de la diagenèse, et une masse de 8000 environ pour les asphaltènes associés. Nous avons ensuite dessiné à l'échelle moléculaire les structures correspondantes. This paper proposes models for the chemical structures of kerogens and asphaltenes from rocks. The kerogens belonging to the three conventional types of organic matter are represented in the following stages of evolution: (1 beginning of diagenesis sensu stricto,(2 beginning of catagenesis (formation of oil, and (3 end of catagenesis (formation of gas. The asphaltenes represented here correspond to the phase of oil formation. Models are based on analytical data obtained on natural samples, i. e. elemental analysis, electron microscopy, 13C NMR, thermogravimetry, functional analysis and pyrolysis. To get enough statistical value for the chemical modelling, a same molecular mass of about 25 000 was chosen for the three kerogens at the beginning of diagenesis. A molecular mass of about 8000 was chosen for the related asphaltenes. The chemical structures were then constructed at the molecular scale.

  6. Influence of diffusion on extraction kinetics in porous bodies. The case of uranium oxides; Influence de la diffusion sur la cinetique d'extraction dans un corps poreux. Cas des oxydes de l'uranium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tinturier, B [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-Aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The study of the leaching of heaped uranium ore can be considered theoretically as the problem of the diffusion of liquids in porous bodies and in particular as that of its influence on the chemical reaction rates of conventional uranium oxides. Below a certain value of the pore diameter, it is diffusion which is responsible for mass transfer. The porous structure can be characterized by various physical constants which modify the free diffusion equation and, as long as the pores have a diameter greater than a few microns, it can be shown that the pore walls have a negligible effect on the diffusion. The diffusion coefficients for the nitrate, the sulfate, the chloride, the acetate and the perchlorate of uranium have been determined. In the case of the reaction of uranium trioxide with acids in a porous body, the reaction kinetics are governed by the arrival of the reagent by diffusion. The attack of uranium dioxide by an acid ferric iron solution has been studied under the same conditions and it has been found that the diffusion modifies the influence of the ferrous and ferric iron concentrations on the reaction kinetics. The same is true for the oxide U{sub 3}O{sub 8}. All the results concerning these reactions studied in the absence of the influence of diffusion should be modified to take this factor into account when it intervenes in an extraction process. (authors) [French] L'etude de la lixiviation en tas d'un minerai d'uranium peut se ramener theoriquement au probleme de la diffusion des liquides dans les corps poreux et en particulier a celui de son influence sur les vitesses de reaction chimique des oxydes classiques de l'uranium. En dessous d'une certaine limite de diametre des pores la diffusion est responsable du transfert de masse. La structure poreuse peut se caracteriser par differentes constantes physiques qui modifient l'equation de la diffusion libre et tant que les pores ont un diametre superieur a quelques microns, on a montre que l


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    4 mars 2013 ... D'après la définition du verre donnée par A. S. T. M : le verre est un produit de fusion des composés chimiques ... t : temps (s). K : facteur global qui tient compte des vitesses de nucléation et de croissance n : coefficient d'Avrami qui dépend du mécanisme de cristallisation. Le paramètre K dépend de la ...

  8. Numerical Simulation of Fixed-Bed Catalytic Reforming Reactors: Hydrodynamics / Chemical Kinetics Coupling Simulation numérique des réacteurs de reformage catalytique en lit fixe : couplage hydrodynamique-cinétique chimique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ferschneider G.


    proposée est basée sur l'écriture multidimensionnelle et la résolution simultanée des équations locales de conservation. L'exemple traité est relatif aux réacteurs de reformage catalytique en lit fixe. Les particularités de ces réacteurs sont leur géométrie annulaire et la circulation radiale de la charge à traiter. L'écoulement est supposé axisymétrique. Le processus réactionnel est traduit par un schéma cinétique simplifié faisant intervenir 10 espèces chimiques. Le calcul des champs hydrodynamiques (vitesses moyennes, pression, thermique et massique (concentration de chaque espèce permet de mettre en évidence l'influence d'internes dans deux géométries de réacteur industriel. La cartographie de la quantité de coke formée et déposée sur le catalyseur, calculée par le modèle révèle les zones éventuelles de mauvais fonctionnement.

  9. The inflammatory marker suPAR after cardiac arrest

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rundgren, Malin; Lyngbaek, Stig; Fisker, Helle


    . This pilot study aimed at investigating suPAR levels in relation to outcome after CA and mild induced hypothermia. METHODS: suPAR levels were measured at 6, 36, and 72 hours in patients treated with hypothermia after CA. suPAR levels were analyzed in relation to survival after 6 months. Receiver operating...

  10. Caractérisations physico-chimiques et microbiologiques d'une pate ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gowé est une pâte fermentée obtenue à base de maïs pré-germé. Il est généralement consommé, après dilution, dans l'eau sous forme de boisson par une importante couche de nos populations aussi bien en milieu rural qu'urbain. Aussi, les conditions de sa production restent-elles toujours traditionnelles et très peu ...

  11. Study of a Slightly Enriched R Reactor Fuel by Means of a Pulsed Neutron Source; Etude d'un reacteur a combustible legerement enrichi (rubeole) a l'aide de sources pulsees de neutrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sagot, M.; Tellier, H. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    A Be O moderated reactor using slightly enriched uranium oxide as fuel was studied by the pulsed neutron source technique. The neutron lifetime was measured in two different cores without reflector, then attempts were made at the measurement of great negative reactivities introduced into the reactor under the following forms: decrease of the volume of the un reflected core, introduction of absorbing cadmium rods, removal of fuel at the periphery of the critical core while maintaining a constant height, and substitution of fuel elements by less reactive elements. In all cases, the results are compared with the data obtained by another type of experiment or by computation. (author) [French] Nous avons applique la methode des sources pulsees de neutrons a un reacteur utilisant de l'oxyde d'uranium legerement enrichi, modere a l'oxyde de beryllium et, apres avoir mesure le temps de vie des neutrons dans deux coeurs differents non reflechis, nous avons porte notre effort, sur la mesure de reactivites negatives importantes introduites dans le reacteur sous differentes formes: - diminution du volume du coeur non reflechi, - introduction de barres absorbantes en cadmium, - enlevement de combustible a la peripherie du coeur critique, tout en conservant une hauteur constante, - substitution d'elements de combustible par des elements moins reactifs. Dans tous les cas, les resultats sont compares aux valeurs obtenues par un autre type d'experience ou par le calcul. (auteur)

  12. Physico-chemical characteristics of uraniferous supergene minerals (1960); Caracteristiques physico-chimiques des mineraux uraniferes supergenes (1960)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Semat, M A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Transport and deposit conditions of uraniferous minerals are briefly described. The synthesis of crystallographic, physical, optical and thermal properties allows to define the main characteristics of this mineralogical group. Tables have been arranged in order to make easy the identification of the supergene U minerals: - investigation by anion and cation; - system, cleavages, cell parameters, interplanar spacings, refractive indices, optical bearings; - classification by decreasing values of the most intense line of the powder diagram; - by anion, diagram for the 3 higher interplanar spacings; - by anion, diagram of the refractive indices. (author) [French] Les conditions de transport et de depot des mineraux uraniferes sont brievement exposees. La synthese des proprietes cristallographiques, physiques, optiques et thermiques permet de definir les caracteristiques essentielles de ce groupe mineralogique. Les tableaux suivants ont ete etablis pour faciliter l'identification des mineraux uraniferes supergenes: - recherche par anion et cation; - systeme, clivages, parametres, distances reticulaires, indices et refraction, orientation optique; - classement par valeurs decroissantes de la raie la plus intense du diagramme de poudre; - diagramme, etabli par anion, selon les 3 distances reticulaires les plus elevees; - diagramme, etabli par anion, d'indices de refraction. (auteur)

  13. Radiobiological study of the radioprotective activity of a natural Iranian compound, ''Shir-Khecht''; Etude radiobiologique de l'activite radioprotectrice d'un compose naturel Iranien: le ''Shir-Khecht''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rouhanizadeh, N [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    After reviewing the primary mechanisms of the action of ionizing radiation, the possible mechanisms of the action of radioprotective substances, the various chemical structures having a protective effect and the methods for studying chemical radioprotection, the author presents the results he has obtained with natural Iranian product: ''Shir-Khecht''. Tests with this product at lethal and sublethal doses have been carried out on the rat using various means of introduction. The effect of radiation, both with and without protection, has been studied using histological and biochemical methods. The product examined has, in effect, a protective action; it is, furthermore, non-toxic and active when taken orally. (author) [French] Apres avoir rappele les mecanismes primaires de l'action des rayonnements ionisants, les mecanismes possibles de l'action des substances radioprotectrices, les diverses structures chimiques possedant un effet protecteur et les methodes d'etude de la radioprotection chimique, l'auteur presente les resultats qu'il a obtenus en utilisant un compose naturel iranien: le ''Shir-Khecht''. Des essais de ce produit, chez le rat, par diverses voies d'introduction, a dose letale et subletale ont ete effectues. L'effet des radiations, avec et sans protection, a ete etudie a l'aide de methodes histologiques et biochimiques. Le compose essaye possede un pouvoir protecteur; il est, de plus, non toxique et actif par voie orale. (auteur)

  14. It's quicker "Par Avignon"!

    CERN Multimedia


    For a few years, the CERN Library has been receiving books from the University of Hanover sent via Avignon, at least that's what it says on the envelope. Such a detour would mean that parcels were travelling 720 km more than the distance separating Geneva and Hanover, which would be a very strange state of affairs. The explanation lies in a spelling mistake. The sender has been stamping parcels with a stamp that says "Par Avignon prioritaire" (first-class via Avignon) instead of "Par Avion prioritaire" (First Class Air Mail), a source of much amusement to the librarians!

  15. Serum suPAR in patients with FSGS: trash or treasure? (United States)

    Maas, Rutger J H; Deegens, Jeroen K J; Wetzels, Jack F M


    The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) has important functions in cell migration. uPAR can be shed from the cell membrane resulting in soluble uPAR (suPAR). Further cleavage gives rise to shorter fragments with largely unknown functions. Recent studies have demonstrated that both overexpression of uPAR on podocytes and the administration of suPAR cause proteinuria in mice. The common pathogenic mechanism involves the activation of podocyte β3-integrin. Increased activation of β3-integrin is also observed in patients with focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). These observations form the basis for the hypothesis that suPAR may be the circulating factor causing FSGS. A recent study fosters this idea by demonstrating increased suPAR levels in the serum of patients with FSGS and reporting an association with recurrence after transplantation and response to plasmapheresis. However, this study was heavily biased, and subsequent studies have given conflicting results. Although the experimental work is very suggestive, at present there is no proof that any known human suPAR fragment causes FSGS in humans. We therefore suggest that the measurement of suPAR using currently available assays has absolutely no value at the present time in decision-making in routine clinical practice.

  16. Proteinase-Activated Receptor 1 (PAR1 regulates leukemic stem cell functions.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicole Bäumer

    Full Text Available External signals that are mediated by specific receptors determine stem cell fate. The thrombin receptor PAR1 plays an important role in haemostasis, thrombosis and vascular biology, but also in tumor biology and angiogenesis. Its expression and function in hematopoietic stem cells is largely unknown. Here, we analyzed expression and function of PAR1 in primary hematopoietic cells and their leukemic counterparts. AML patients' blast cells expressed much lower levels of PAR1 mRNA and protein than CD34+ progenitor cells. Constitutive Par1-deficiency in adult mice did not affect engraftment or stem cell potential of hematopoietic cells. To model an AML with Par1-deficiency, we retrovirally introduced the oncogene MLL-AF9 in wild type and Par1-/- hematopoietic progenitor cells. Par1-deficiency did not alter initial leukemia development. However, the loss of Par1 enhanced leukemic stem cell function in vitro and in vivo. Re-expression of PAR1 in Par1-/- leukemic stem cells delayed leukemogenesis in vivo. These data indicate that Par1 contributes to leukemic stem cell maintenance.

  17. Proteinase-Activated Receptor 1 (PAR1) regulates leukemic stem cell functions. (United States)

    Bäumer, Nicole; Krause, Annika; Köhler, Gabriele; Lettermann, Stephanie; Evers, Georg; Hascher, Antje; Bäumer, Sebastian; Berdel, Wolfgang E; Müller-Tidow, Carsten; Tickenbrock, Lara


    External signals that are mediated by specific receptors determine stem cell fate. The thrombin receptor PAR1 plays an important role in haemostasis, thrombosis and vascular biology, but also in tumor biology and angiogenesis. Its expression and function in hematopoietic stem cells is largely unknown. Here, we analyzed expression and function of PAR1 in primary hematopoietic cells and their leukemic counterparts. AML patients' blast cells expressed much lower levels of PAR1 mRNA and protein than CD34+ progenitor cells. Constitutive Par1-deficiency in adult mice did not affect engraftment or stem cell potential of hematopoietic cells. To model an AML with Par1-deficiency, we retrovirally introduced the oncogene MLL-AF9 in wild type and Par1-/- hematopoietic progenitor cells. Par1-deficiency did not alter initial leukemia development. However, the loss of Par1 enhanced leukemic stem cell function in vitro and in vivo. Re-expression of PAR1 in Par1-/- leukemic stem cells delayed leukemogenesis in vivo. These data indicate that Par1 contributes to leukemic stem cell maintenance.

  18. Serum suPAR in patients with FSGS: trash or treasure?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maas, R.J.H.; Deegens, J.K.J.; Wetzels, J.F.M.


    The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) has important functions in cell migration. uPAR can be shed from the cell membrane resulting in soluble uPAR (suPAR). Further cleavage gives rise to shorter fragments with largely unknown functions. Recent studies have demonstrated that both

  19. Accouchement par forceps: indications et pronostic materno-foetal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'accouchement par voie basse, peut être parfois compromis par des facteurs maternels, foetaux ou materno-foetaux nécessitant des moyens thérapeutiques comme le forceps pour achever l'accouchement par voie naturelle. Le forceps, une méthode qui n'est pas sans risque pour la mère et le nouveau-né. Nous avons ...

  20. Electrolytic nickel deposits upon uranium; Depot electrolytique de nickel sur l'uraniun

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baudin, G; Chauvin, G; Coriou, H; Hure, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The authors present a new possibility to protect uranium by very adherent nickel deposits got by aqueous medium electrolysis. Surface treatment of uranium is based upon the chemical etching method from Lietazke. After thermal treatments at 600, 700 and 800 deg. C, under vacuum, a good intermetallic U-Ni diffusion is observed for each case. (author) [French] Les auteurs mettent en evidence une possibilite nouvelle de protection de l'uranium par des depots tres adherents de nickel realises par electrolyse en milieu aqueux. La preparation de surface de l'uranium est basee sur la methode du decapage chimique de Lietazke. Apres des traitements thermiques a 600, 700 et 800 deg. C, sous vide, on constate dans tous les cas une bonne diffusion intermetallique U-Ni. (auteur)

  1. Dense medium ore concentrates of Bois-Noirs; Minerais des bois noirs, concentres de milieu dense

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Bris, J; Leduc, M


    The chemical treatment of uranium concentrates of Bois-Noirs ore obtained by heavy medium are discussed. The first part deals with sulfuric acid attack on the concentrate, and the second part with the separation of the solution from residues by filtration. A third part deals with this separation by decantation. The fourth part deals with the carbonation of the pickling solutions obtained. (author) [French] Le present rapport est relatif a l'etude du traitement chimique de concentres uraniferes de minerais des Bois-Noirs obtenus par milieu dense. Une premiere partie est consacree a l'attaque sulfurique des concentres, une deuxieme partie a Ia separation de Ia solution d'attaque des residus par decantation. Une quatrieme partie a la carbonatation des solutions d'attaque obtenues. (auteur)

  2. Corrosion of copper by chlorine trifluoride; Corrosion du cuivre par le trifluorure de chlore

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vincent, L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The research described called for a considerable amount of preliminary development of the test methods and equipment in order that the various measurements and observations could be carried out without contaminating either the samples or this highly reactive gas. The chlorine trifluoride was highly purified before use, its purity being checked by gas-phase chromatography, micro-sublimation and infrared spectrography. The tests were carried out on copper samples of various purities, in particular a 99.999 per cent copper in the form of mono-crystals. They involved kinetic measurements and the characterization of corrosion products under different temperature and pressure conditions. The kinetics showed reactions of the same order of magnitude as those obtained with elementary fluorine. At atmospheric pressure there occurs formation of cupric fluoride and cuprous chloride. The presence of this latter product shows that it is not possible to consider ClF{sub 3} simply as a fluorinating agent. At low pressures an unknown product has been characterized. There are strong grounds for believing that it is the unstable cuprous fluoride which it has not yet been possible to isolate. A germination phenomenon has been shown to exist indicating an analogy between the initial phases of fluorination and those of oxidation. Important effects resulting from the dissociation of the copper fluorides and the solubility of chlorine in this metal have been demonstrated. Finally, tests have shown the considerable influence of the purity of the gas phase and of the nature of the reaction vessel walls on the rates of corrosion which can in certain cases be increased by a factor of several powers of ten. (author) [French] Le travail a comporte une importante mise au point des appareillages et methodes d'essai, en vue de pouvoir effectuer differentes mesures et observations sans contaminer les echantillons, ni polluer ce gaz hautement reactif. Une purification poussee du trifluorure de

  3. Protease-Activated Receptor 4 (PAR4): A Promising Target for Antiplatelet Therapy. (United States)

    Rwibasira Rudinga, Gamariel; Khan, Ghulam Jilany; Kong, Yi


    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are currently among the leading causes of death worldwide. Platelet aggregation is a key cellular component of arterial thrombi and major cause of CVDs. Protease-activated receptors (PARs), including PAR1, PAR2, PAR3 and PAR4, fall within a subfamily of seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). Human platelets express PAR1 and PAR4, which contribute to the signaling transduction processes. In association with CVDs, PAR4 not only contributes to platelet activation but also is a modulator of cellular responses that serve as hallmarks of inflammation. Although several antiplatelet drugs are available on the market, they have many side effects that limit their use. Emerging evidence shows that PAR4 targeting is a safer strategy for preventing thrombosis and consequently may improve the overall cardiac safety profile. Our present review summarizes the PAR4 structural characteristics, activation mechanism, role in the pathophysiology of diseases and understanding the association of PAR4 targeting for improved cardiac protection. Conclusively, this review highlights the importance of PAR4 antagonists and its potential utility in different CVDs.

  4. Séparation par coalescence en lit fixe d'une phase aqueuse émulsionnée dans une phase organique Fixed-Bed Coalescence to Separate an Emulsified Aqueous Phase in an Organic Phase

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Calteau J. P.


    Full Text Available Cette publication étudie la séparation de l'eau émulsionnée dans un kérosène par passage à travers un milieu granulaire. Les propriétés physico-chimiques du matériau coalesceur (nature et état de surface sont considérées. L'efficacité de séparation est étudiée en fonction ; - de la mouillabilité; - de la granulométrie; - de l'état de surface du matériau ; - de la vitesse de passage de l'émulsion; - de la hauteur de lit. L'analyse qualitative et quantitative de la rétention de l'eau dans le lit permet de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de coalescence. This article examines the séparation of emulsified water in kerosene by passing it through a granular medium. The physico-chemical properties of the coolescing material, i. e. nature and surface state, are considered. Separation efficiency is analyzed as a fonction of : - wettability; - grain size ; - surface state of the material ; - emulsion pass-through rate; - height of the bed. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of water retention in the bed gives a better understanding of the coalescence mechanisms.

  5. Study of the coefficient of separation for some processes which are applied to lithium isotopes; Etude du coefficient de separation de quelques processus concernant les isotopes du lithium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perret, L; Rozand, L; Saito, E [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The fundamental separation factors of some processes are investigated: the distillation of metallic lithium, counter current electromigration in fused salts (particularly in lithium nitrate) electrolysis in aqueous solution and ion exchange. The chemical transfer between a lithium amalgam and lithium salts in a dimethylformamide solution (a solvent which is not attacked by the amalgam) is also studied. Finally a description is given of isotopic analyses carried out either by scintillation counting or by mass spectrography using apparatus specially designed for this particular task. (author) [French] Les facteurs de separation elementaires de quelques processus connus sont etudies: distillation du lithium metallique, electromigration a contre-courant en sels fondus (en particulier le nitrate), electrolyse en solution aqueuse et echange d'ions. L'echange chimique entre l'amalgame de lithium et les sels de lithium en solution dans la dimethylformamide - solvant non attaque par l'amalgame - est egalement etudie. Enfin, on decrit les methodes d 'analyse isotopique, soit par comptage par scintillation, soit par spectrometrie de masse au moyen d'un appareil specialement concu pour cet usage particulier. (auteur)

  6. Study of the coefficient of separation for some processes which are applied to lithium isotopes; Etude du coefficient de separation de quelques processus concernant les isotopes du lithium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perret, L.; Rozand, L.; Saito, E. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The fundamental separation factors of some processes are investigated: the distillation of metallic lithium, counter current electromigration in fused salts (particularly in lithium nitrate) electrolysis in aqueous solution and ion exchange. The chemical transfer between a lithium amalgam and lithium salts in a dimethylformamide solution (a solvent which is not attacked by the amalgam) is also studied. Finally a description is given of isotopic analyses carried out either by scintillation counting or by mass spectrography using apparatus specially designed for this particular task. (author) [French] Les facteurs de separation elementaires de quelques processus connus sont etudies: distillation du lithium metallique, electromigration a contre-courant en sels fondus (en particulier le nitrate), electrolyse en solution aqueuse et echange d'ions. L'echange chimique entre l'amalgame de lithium et les sels de lithium en solution dans la dimethylformamide - solvant non attaque par l'amalgame - est egalement etudie. Enfin, on decrit les methodes d 'analyse isotopique, soit par comptage par scintillation, soit par spectrometrie de masse au moyen d'un appareil specialement concu pour cet usage particulier. (auteur)

  7. Physico-Chemical Study of the Separation of Calcium Isotopes by Chemical Exchange Between Amalgam and Salt Solutions; Etude physico-chimique de la separation des isotopes du calcium par echange chimique entre amalgame et solution saline

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duie, P; Dirian, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    In a preliminary study of the isotopic exchange between Ca amalgam and aqueous or organic solutions of Ca salts, the main parameters governing the feasibility of a separation process based on these systems such as separation factor, exchange kinetics, rate of decomposition of the amalgam were investigated. The separation factor between {sup 40}Ca and {sup 46}Ca was found to be of the order of 1.02. The rate of the exchange reaction is rather low for aqueous solutions, extremely low for organic solutions. The amalgam seems not to be attacked by dimethyl-formamide solutions; but it is rapidly decomposed by aqueous solutions of Ca halides. This decomposition is slow in the case of aqueous solutions of calcium formate and still slower for Ca(OH){sub 2}; however, except in particular conditions, the observed rate is often much higher, owing to interfering reactions between amalgam and water vapor contained in H{sub 2} bubbles. (authors) [French] On a fait une etude preliminaire, pour des systemes amalgame de calcium - solution aqueuse ou organique de sels de calcium, des principaux parametres pouvant intervenir dans l'application d'un procede d'echange a l'enrichissement isotopique du calcium: facteur de separation, cinetique de l'echange, cinetique de la decomposition de l'amalgame. Les facteurs de separation {sup 40}Ca-{sup 46}Ca sont de l'ordre de 1,02. L'echange est assez lent pour les solutions aqueuses, extremement lent pour les solutions organiques. La decomposition de l'amalgame est pratiquement inexistante avec les solutions dans le dimethyl- formamide, appreciable pour les solutions alcooliques, rapide pour les solutions aqueuses d'halogenures; elle est normalement lente pour les solutions aqueuses de formiate et surtout de chaux, mais la decomposition est en general acceleree par une reaction parasite entre l'amalgame et l'eau a l'etat vapeur, reaction que l'on n'evite dans des conditions tres particulieres. (auteurs)

  8. PAR1 activation affects the neurotrophic properties of Schwann cells. (United States)

    Pompili, Elena; Fabrizi, Cinzia; Somma, Francesca; Correani, Virginia; Maras, Bruno; Schininà, Maria Eugenia; Ciraci, Viviana; Artico, Marco; Fornai, Francesco; Fumagalli, Lorenzo


    Protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1) is the prototypic member of a family of four G-protein-coupled receptors that signal in response to extracellular proteases. In the peripheral nervous system, the expression and/or the role of PARs are still poorly investigated. High PAR1 mRNA expression was found in the rat dorsal root ganglia and the signal intensity of PAR1 mRNA increased in response to sciatic nerve transection. In the sciatic nerve, functional PAR1 receptor was reported at the level of non-compacted Schwann cell myelin microvilli of the nodes of Ranvier. Schwann cells are the principal population of glial cells of the peripheral nervous system which myelinate axons playing an important role during axonal regeneration and remyelination. The present study was undertaken in order to determine if the activation of PAR1 affects the neurotrophic properties of Schwann cells. Our results suggest that the stimulation of PAR1 could potentiate the Schwann cell ability to favour nerve regeneration. In fact, the conditioned medium obtained from Schwann cell cultures challenged with a specific PAR1 activating peptide (PAR1 AP) displays increased neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties with respect to the culture medium from untreated Schwann cells. The proteomic analysis of secreted proteins in untreated and PAR1 AP-treated Schwann cells allowed the identification of factors differentially expressed in the two samples. Some of them (such as macrophage migration inhibitory factor, matrix metalloproteinase-2, decorin, syndecan 4, complement C1r subcomponent, angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1) appear to be transcriptionally regulated after PAR1 AP treatment as shown by RT-PCR. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Protease-Activated Receptor 4 (PAR4: A Promising Target for Antiplatelet Therapy

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    Gamariel Rwibasira Rudinga


    Full Text Available Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs are currently among the leading causes of death worldwide. Platelet aggregation is a key cellular component of arterial thrombi and major cause of CVDs. Protease-activated receptors (PARs, including PAR1, PAR2, PAR3 and PAR4, fall within a subfamily of seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR. Human platelets express PAR1 and PAR4, which contribute to the signaling transduction processes. In association with CVDs, PAR4 not only contributes to platelet activation but also is a modulator of cellular responses that serve as hallmarks of inflammation. Although several antiplatelet drugs are available on the market, they have many side effects that limit their use. Emerging evidence shows that PAR4 targeting is a safer strategy for preventing thrombosis and consequently may improve the overall cardiac safety profile. Our present review summarizes the PAR4 structural characteristics, activation mechanism, role in the pathophysiology of diseases and understanding the association of PAR4 targeting for improved cardiac protection. Conclusively, this review highlights the importance of PAR4 antagonists and its potential utility in different CVDs.

  10. Vote par sondage uniforme incorruptible


    Blanchard , Nicolas


    International audience; Introduit en 2012 par David Chaum, le vote par sondage uniforme (random-sample voting) est un protocole de vote basé sur un choix d'une sous-population représentative , permettant de limiter les coûts tout en ayant de nombreux avantages, principalement lorsqu'il est couplé a d'autres techniques comme ThreeBallot. Nous analysons un problème de corruptibilité potentielle où les votants peuvent vendre leur vote au plus offrant et proposons une variation du protocole reméd...

  11. La projection par plasma : une revue (United States)

    Fauchais, P.; Grimaud, A.; Vardelle, A.; Vardelle, M.

    are presented in the fields of aeronautics and mechanics. La qualité d'un dépôt projete par plasma dépend de nombreux paramètres que l'on commence à mieux appréhender du fait des progrès de la modélisation et de la métrologie tant des écoulements plasmas que des transferts plasma-particules ou que des conditions d'écrasement et de refroidissement des particules lors de leur impact sur le substrat ou les couches déjà déposées. Les techniques de mesure utilisdes et leurs limitations sont d'abord rappelées tant pour les jets de plasma que pour les particules en vol et l'importance des différents phénomènes intervenant dans les transferts plasma-particules est soulignée : gradients de température et de concentration d'espèces chimiques très élevés autour des particules, effets de propagation de la chaleur, notamment pour les particules céramiques, effet d'évaporation, effet de raréfaction sensible dès la pression atmosphérique. Les problèmes de distribution de taille et de vitesse d'injection des particules sont également abordés car ils conditionnent les distributions de trajectoires et donc le traitement des particules dans le jet de plasma. La génération du plasma montre d'une part 1'influence considérable de l'injection du gaz, de sa nature, du dessin de la chambre d'arc et de la tuyère ainsi que du pompage de l'air ambiant sur la longueur des jets de plasma d'arc et d'autre part les problèmes d'injection pour éviter le couplage avec la décharge dans les jets de plasmas R.E Tout ceci est illustré avec des exemples de dépôt d'alumine, de zircone, de cermet carbure et de nickel. L'écrasement des particules est ensuite abordé avec les problèmes de réactions chimiques, de trempe ultra-rapide et donc de structure cristalline des dépôts, d'adhdsion mais aussi de containtes résiduelles et de leur contrôle via les gradients de température dans les dépôts pendant le tir. Enfin quelques applications actuelles sont pr

  12. The double par locus of virulence factor pB171: DNA segregation is correlated with oscillation of ParA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ebersbach, G; Gerdes, K; Charbon, Gitte Ebersbach


    Prokaryotic plasmids and chromosomes encode partitioning (par) loci that segregate DNA to daughter cells before cell division. Recent database analyses showed that almost all known par loci encode an ATPase and a DNA-binding protein, and one or more cis-acting regions where the proteins act. All...

  13. The plutonium extraction pilot plant at Chatillon; L'usine-pilote d'extraction du plutonium de Chatillon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faugeras, P; Regnault, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    After a brief recapitulation of the problem and its difficulties, the chemical process and the apparatus used are described. The results obtained at the various stages of the separation are then given, as well as the performance by the apparatus. (author) [French] Apres un bref rappel du probleme et de ses difficultes, on decrit le procede chimique et l'appareillage utilises. On donne ensuite les resultats obtenus en ce qui concerne les divers stades de la separation ainsi que les performances fournies par les appareils. (auteur)


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    structure porphyrique. En moyenne, le granite de Kandara est caractérisé par une densité apparente de 2.60 et une densité réelle de 2.68 (soit une porosité de 3 %). Sa composition chimique est 58.67 % SiO2, 14.39% Al2O3,. 4.64 % FeO, 1.63 % Fe2O3 , 0.11 % MgO, 5.41 % CaO, 3.04. % Na2O, 5.15 % K2O, 1.13 % TiO2, ...

  15. The role of pars flaccida in human middle ear sound transmission. (United States)

    Aritomo, H; Goode, R L; Gonzalez, J


    The role of the pars flaccida in middle ear sound transmission was studied with the use of twelve otoscopically normal, fresh, human temporal bones. Peak-to-peak umbo displacement in response to a constant sound pressure level at the tympanic membrane was measured with a noncontacting video measuring system capable of repeatable measurements down to 0.2 micron. Measurements were made before and after pars flaccida modifications at 18 frequencies between 100 and 4000 Hz. Four pars flaccida modifications were studied: (1) acoustic insulation of the pars flaccida to the ear canal with a silicone rubber baffle, (2) stiffening the pars flaccida with cyanoacrylate cement, (3) decreasing the tension of the pars flaccida with a nonperforating incision, and (4) perforation of the pars flaccida. All of the modifications (except the perforation) had a minimal effect on umbo displacement; this seems to imply that the pars flaccida has a minor acoustic role in human beings.

  16. Movement and equipositioning of plasmids by ParA filament disassembly

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringgaard, Simon; van Zon, Jeroen; Howard, Martin


    , plasmids consistently migrate behind disassembling ParA cytoskeletal structures, suggesting that ParA filaments pull plasmids by depolymerization. The perpetual cycles of ParA assembly and disassembly result in continuous relocation of plasmids, which, on time averaging, results in equidistribution...

  17. PAR-1 contributes to the innate immune response during viral infection (United States)

    Antoniak, Silvio; Owens, A. Phillip; Baunacke, Martin; Williams, Julie C.; Lee, Rebecca D.; Weithäuser, Alice; Sheridan, Patricia A.; Malz, Ronny; Luyendyk, James P.; Esserman, Denise A.; Trejo, JoAnn; Kirchhofer, Daniel; Blaxall, Burns C.; Pawlinski, Rafal; Beck, Melinda A.; Rauch, Ursula; Mackman, Nigel


    Coagulation is a host defense system that limits the spread of pathogens. Coagulation proteases, such as thrombin, also activate cells by cleaving PARs. In this study, we analyzed the role of PAR-1 in coxsackievirus B3–induced (CVB3-induced) myocarditis and influenza A infection. CVB3-infected Par1–/– mice expressed reduced levels of IFN-β and CXCL10 during the early phase of infection compared with Par1+/+ mice that resulted in higher viral loads and cardiac injury at day 8 after infection. Inhibition of either tissue factor or thrombin in WT mice also significantly increased CVB3 levels in the heart and cardiac injury compared with controls. BM transplantation experiments demonstrated that PAR-1 in nonhematopoietic cells protected mice from CVB3 infection. Transgenic mice overexpressing PAR-1 in cardiomyocytes had reduced CVB3-induced myocarditis. We found that cooperative signaling between PAR-1 and TLR3 in mouse cardiac fibroblasts enhanced activation of p38 and induction of IFN-β and CXCL10 expression. Par1–/– mice also had decreased CXCL10 expression and increased viral levels in the lung after influenza A infection compared with Par1+/+ mice. Our results indicate that the tissue factor/thrombin/PAR-1 pathway enhances IFN-β expression and contributes to the innate immune response during single-stranded RNA viral infection. PMID:23391721

  18. Évaluation de la qualité physico-chimique et du risque d ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 janv. 2015 ... Le risque d'eutrophisation est évalué par la grille de diagnostic ... résultats pourraient servir de base à la mise en place d'un plan de gestion intégrée de la retenue d'eau ..... contrôle de la production de la chlorophylle a été.

  19. Peptide-Based Optical uPAR Imaging for Surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juhl, Karina; Christensen, Anders; Persson, Morten


    Near infrared intra-operative optical imaging is an emerging technique with clear implications for improved cancer surgery by enabling a more distinct delineation of the tumor margins during resection. This modality has the potential to increase the number of patients having a curative radical...... tumor resection. In the present study, a new uPAR-targeted fluorescent probe was developed and the in vivo applicability was evaluated in a human xenograft mouse model. Most human carcinomas express high level of uPAR in the tumor-stromal interface of invasive lesions and uPAR is therefore considered...... an ideal target for intra-operative imaging. Conjugation of the flourophor indocyanine green (ICG) to the uPAR agonist (AE105) provides an optical imaging ligand with sufficiently high receptor affinity to allow for a specific receptor targeting in vivo. For in vivo testing, human glioblastoma xenograft...

  20. Perspective d'avenir du marché de l'hydrogène Future Outlook of the Hydrogen Market

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    Ozmen S.


    Full Text Available L'hydrogène qui avait été jusqu'à présent produit à partir des hydrocarbures pour des usages chimiques devra dans les années futures, trouver un marché nouveau qui sera foncfion du développement des centrales nucléaires. Par utilisation de l'énergie électrique ou thermique disponible aux heures creuses, la décomposition de l'eau par voie électrolytique ou thermique (cycle d'oxydoréduction produirait l'hydrogène; gaz stockable et transportable. En plus de la consommation de l'hydrogène pour usage chimique-fabrication du méthanol, de l'ammoniac, hydrotraitement des fractions pétrolières, la métallurgie,... dont l'importance va croître, on envisage l'emploi de l'hydrogène comme véhicule d'énergie. Up to now, hydrogen has been produced from hydrocarbons for chemical uses. In the future, if will have to find a new market for itself which will depend on the development of nucleor power plants. Through the use of electric or thermal energy available during off-peak hours, water decomposition by electrolic or thermal methods (redox cycle could produce hydrogen, a storable and transportable gas. In addition to hydrogen consumption for chemical uses (manufacturing methanol, ammonia, hydrotreating petroleum fractions, metallurgy, etc. which will become greater, plans are being drawn up to use hydrogen as a vehicle for energy.

  1. Radiobiological study of the radioprotective activity of a natural Iranian compound, ''Shir-Khecht''; Etude radiobiologique de l'activite radioprotectrice d'un compose naturel Iranien: le ''Shir-Khecht''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rouhanizadeh, N. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    After reviewing the primary mechanisms of the action of ionizing radiation, the possible mechanisms of the action of radioprotective substances, the various chemical structures having a protective effect and the methods for studying chemical radioprotection, the author presents the results he has obtained with natural Iranian product: ''Shir-Khecht''. Tests with this product at lethal and sublethal doses have been carried out on the rat using various means of introduction. The effect of radiation, both with and without protection, has been studied using histological and biochemical methods. The product examined has, in effect, a protective action; it is, furthermore, non-toxic and active when taken orally. (author) [French] Apres avoir rappele les mecanismes primaires de l'action des rayonnements ionisants, les mecanismes possibles de l'action des substances radioprotectrices, les diverses structures chimiques possedant un effet protecteur et les methodes d'etude de la radioprotection chimique, l'auteur presente les resultats qu'il a obtenus en utilisant un compose naturel iranien: le ''Shir-Khecht''. Des essais de ce produit, chez le rat, par diverses voies d'introduction, a dose letale et subletale ont ete effectues. L'effet des radiations, avec et sans protection, a ete etudie a l'aide de methodes histologiques et biochimiques. Le compose essaye possede un pouvoir protecteur; il est, de plus, non toxique et actif par voie orale. (auteur)

  2. The processing and management of wastes from atomic reactors; Nouvelles installations industrielles du C.E.A. pour le traitement des dechets radioactifs liquides et solides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerre, P; Mestre, E; Bourdrez, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The policy concerning radioactive wastes studied by all Atomic Centres has led to various procedures which, while apparently numerous, come under a few standard headings. Whether the wastes are in the liquid or solid state their management depends on their physical and chemical nature. The procedure adopted is governed by three general principles: - determination of the most economical means possible of storage and processing by volume reduction; - conversion to a solid compact form; - complete acceptance of the accepted standards at all places and all times. In this communication all the standard solutions adopted and used by the various Centres of the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique will be examined bearing in mind the preceding remarks. Particular mention will be made of the following: - For liquids, physical, chemical and physico-chemical processing - For solids, decontamination, volume reduction and long-term conditioning techniques. The different procedures for collecting and storing solid wastes before and after processing are also discussed. The paper ends with a brief review of the studies, both technical and economic, being pursued on this subject. (authors) [French] La gestion des dechets etudies par tous les Centres Atomiques a donne lieu a des solutions qui - bien que nombreuses en apparence - se ramenent a quelques solutions types, peu nombreuses. Qu'il s'agisse de dechets solides ou liquides, la nature physique et chimique des dechets conditionne leur mode de gestion. Celle-ci procede de trois principes generaux: - recherche du mode de stockage et de traitement aussi economique que possible par reduction de volume; - mise sous forme compacte solide; - garantie du respect des normes en tous lieux et en tous temps. Dans cette communication, nous examinons toutes les solutions types, compte tenu des remarques precedentes, qui ont ete adoptees et sont utilisees par les differents Centres du Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. Nous rappelons en

  3. Sintering with a chemical reaction as applied to uranium monocarbide; Frittage-reaction dans le cas du monocarbure d'uranium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Accary, A; Caillat, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The present paper provides a survey of different investigations whose aim was the preparation and fabrication of uranium monocarbide for nuclear use. If a chemical reaction takes place in the sample during the sintering operation, it may be expected that the atom rearrangements involved in this reaction should favour the sintering process and thereby lower the temperature needed to yield a body of a given density. With this hypothesis in mind, the following methods have been studied: - Sintering of U-C mixtures; - Sintering of UO{sub 2}-C mixtures; - Hot pressing of U-C mixtures; - Extrusion of U-C mixtures. To generalize our result, it could be said that a chemical reaction does not lead to high densification, if one depends on a simple contact between discrete particles. On the contrary, a chemical reaction can help sintering if, as our hot pressing experiments shows, the densification can be achieved prior to the reaction. (author) [French] Le present article resume les etudes faites pour le compte du Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique dans le but de preparer du monocarbure d'uranium pour usage nucleaire. Si, en meme temps que l'on fritte une poudre, celle-ci est le siege d'une reaction chimique, on peut s'attendre a ce que le rearrangement atomique d'une reaction chimique favorise le frittage et, ainsi abaisse la temperature de travail necessaire pour obtenir une densite donnee. Nous avons etudie les methodes suivantes: - frittage des melanges U-C; - frittage des melanges UO{sub 2}-C; - frittage sous charge des melanges U-C; - filage des melanges U-C. Nos resultats montrent qu'une reaction chimique en cours de frittage ne conduit pas a un produit de haute densite si on opere sur un melange de poudres. Par contre, elle permet d'atteindre de hautes densites si la densification peut etre obtenue avant la reaction chimique. (auteur)

  4. Contribution to the study of physico-chemical properties of surfaces modified by laser treatment. Application to the enhancement of localized corrosion resistance of stainless steels; Contribution a l'etude des proprietes physico-chimiques des surfaces modifiees par traitement laser. Application a l'amelioration de la resistance a la corrosion localisee des aciers inoxydables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pacquentin, W.


    integrite sur des periodes de plus en plus longues. L'objectif de ce travail de these est d'evaluer le potentiel d'un traitement de refusion laser pour ameliorer la resistance a la corrosion d'un acier inoxydable de type 304L; l'utilisation du laser dans le domaine des traitements de surface constituant un procede en pleine evolution a cause des changements recents dans la technologie des lasers. Dans le cadre de ce travail, le choix du laser s'est porte sur un laser nano-impulsionnel a fibre dopee ytterbium dont les caracteristiques permettent la fusion quasiinstantanee sur quelques microns de la surface traitee, immediatement suivie d'une solidification ultra-rapide avec des vitesses de refroidissement pouvant atteindre 1011 K/s. La combinaison de ces processus favorise l'elimination des defauts surfaciques, la formation de phases hors equilibre, la segregation d'elements chimiques et la formation d'une nouvelle couche d'oxyde dont les proprietes sont gouvernees par les parametres laser. Afin de les correler avec la reactivite electrochimique de la surface, l'influence de deux parametres laser sur les proprietes physicochimiques de la surface a ete etudiee: la puissance du laser et le taux de recouvrement des impacts laser. Pour clarifier ces relations, la resistance a la corrosion par piquration des surfaces traitees a ete determinee par des tests electrochimiques. Pour des parametres laser specifiques, le potentiel de piquration d'un acier inoxydable de type 304L augmente de plus de 500 mV traduisant ainsi une meilleure tenue a la corrosion localisee en milieu chlorure. L'interdependance des differents phenomenes resultant du traitement laser a rendu complexe la hierarchisation de leur effet sur la sensibilite de l'alliage teste. Cependant, il a ete montre que la nature de l'oxyde thermique forme au cours de la refusion laser et ses defauts sont du premier ordre pour l'amorcage des

  5. La microflore des sols du vignoble de Touraine

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    Claude Cuinier


    Full Text Available L'étude microbiologique des sols du vignoble porte sur trois années. Les déterminations quantitatives des bactéries, champignons, actinomycètes et des groupes fonctionnels des cycles de l'azote, du carbone et du soufre sont effectuées au cours de trois périodes du cycle végétatif de la vigne. Des variations saisonnières et annuelles sont observées. La microflore des sols viticoles est comparée à celle d'autres sols. Elle est au moins aussi riche et se distingue par son caractère plus aérobie. De grands écarts dans la composition microbiologique sont apparus entre des sols viticoles différant par leurs caractéristiques physiques et chimiques.

  6. Applied Technologies and Prospects of Conformance Control Treatments in China Technologies et perspectives pour l’amélioration du profil de balayage dans les champs pétroliers matures produits par injection d’eau en Chine

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    Liu Yuzhang


    Full Text Available China is the largest user of chemical-based conformance control treatments and a series of technologies have been successfully developed and deployed in recent years. This paper first shows the milestones of development and application of conformance control technologies in China. Then integrated conformance control technologies are reviewed followed by the lessons we have learned, and then a few major specific conformance control technologies are addressed, including tracer injection and channels explanation, potentiometric testing to identify areal sweep efficiency, Pressure Index (PI decisionmaking technology to select well candidate, complementary decision-making technology to select well candidate and design application parameters, and major chemicals for in-depth fluid diversion technologies. In addition, this paper also describes the principles and applications of some promising technologies of combined chemical-based conformance treatment with other EOR/IOR process, including the combination technology of surfactant and water shutoff, profile control and mini-scale surfactant flooding, acid treatment and profile control treatment. Finally, this paper summarizes the problems and challenges faced by mature water flooded oilfields in China. Based on recent well tests, tracer testing and interpretation, and previous water control treatment experience, it appears that channels or high permeability streaks are common in mature water flooded oilfields. Some research directions and promising technologies are suggested. La Chine est le plus grand utilisateur de méthodes chimiques pour l’amélioration du profil de balayage de l’eau pour l’exploitation des champs pétroliers matures. Toute une série de technologies y ont d’ailleurs été créées et déployées avec succès ces dernières années. Cet article commence par présenter les étapes du développement et de la mise en place de ces technologies de contrôle de profil en Chine

  7. Dynamic Filament Formation by a Divergent Bacterial Actin-Like ParM Protein.

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    Anthony J Brzoska

    Full Text Available Actin-like proteins (Alps are a diverse family of proteins whose genes are abundant in the chromosomes and mobile genetic elements of many bacteria. The low-copy-number staphylococcal multiresistance plasmid pSK41 encodes ParM, an Alp involved in efficient plasmid partitioning. pSK41 ParM has previously been shown to form filaments in vitro that are structurally dissimilar to those formed by other bacterial Alps. The mechanistic implications of these differences are not known. In order to gain insights into the properties and behavior of the pSK41 ParM Alp in vivo, we reconstituted the parMRC system in the ectopic rod-shaped host, E. coli, which is larger and more genetically amenable than the native host, Staphylococcus aureus. Fluorescence microscopy showed a functional fusion protein, ParM-YFP, formed straight filaments in vivo when expressed in isolation. Strikingly, however, in the presence of ParR and parC, ParM-YFP adopted a dramatically different structure, instead forming axial curved filaments. Time-lapse imaging and selective photobleaching experiments revealed that, in the presence of all components of the parMRC system, ParM-YFP filaments were dynamic in nature. Finally, molecular dissection of the parMRC operon revealed that all components of the system are essential for the generation of dynamic filaments.

  8. Electron paramagnetic resonance study of radicals formed by radiolysis at 77 K of nitroalkanes and of their solutions in organic glasses. Chromatography analysis of radiolysis products of nitromethane in ethanol solution in a vitreous medium; Etude par resonance paramagnetique electronique des radicaux formes par radiolyse a 77 K des nitroalcanes et de leurs solutions dans les verres organiques analyse par chromatographie des produits de la radiolyse du nitromethane en solution dans l'ethanol en milieux vitreux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosilio, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    etude porte sur la structure et la reactivite des radicaux formes par irradiation 7 des derives nitres a 77 K, et sur le mecanisme de formation et de disparition de ces radicaux dans les differentes matrices utilisees. Les radicaux resultant de l'arrachement d'un hydrogene en {alpha} du groupe NO{sub 2}, et les radicaux resultant de reactions d'addition sur le groupe nitre caracterises par un electron non apparie sur l'azote ont ete identifies, soit dans la radiolyse des nitroalcanes purs, soit dans la radiolyse a 77 K des nitroalcanes en solution dans les verres organiques. La conformation et les mouvements des radicaux dans les matrices, le mecanisme de formation des radicaux observes resultant generalement de la capture par les nitroalcanes des especes primaires de la radiolyse ont ete etudies. Les nitroalcanes en solution dans l'ethanol se manifestent a la fois comme capteurs d'electrons et de radicaux libres. L'etude de la radiolyse des nitroalcanes en solution dans un verre polaire d'ethanol a ete completee par des analyses chimiques des produits finals de la radiolyse; elle nous a permis de deduire l'efficacite de capture des electrons pieges et des radicaux libres par les nitroalcanes dans l'ethanol. Pour cela nous avons dose, pour le systeme nitro-methane - ethanol les rendements radiochimiques de-l'hydrogene, de l'acetaldehyde et du glycol en fonction de la concentration en capteur. Un mecanisme de disparition des radicaux observes a ete propose. (auteur)

  9. Electron paramagnetic resonance study of radicals formed by radiolysis at 77 K of nitroalkanes and of their solutions in organic glasses. Chromatography analysis of radiolysis products of nitromethane in ethanol solution in a vitreous medium; Etude par resonance paramagnetique electronique des radicaux formes par radiolyse a 77 K des nitroalcanes et de leurs solutions dans les verres organiques analyse par chromatographie des produits de la radiolyse du nitromethane en solution dans l'ethanol en milieux vitreux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosilio, C. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    radiolyse. Notre etude porte sur la structure et la reactivite des radicaux formes par irradiation 7 des derives nitres a 77 K, et sur le mecanisme de formation et de disparition de ces radicaux dans les differentes matrices utilisees. Les radicaux resultant de l'arrachement d'un hydrogene en {alpha} du groupe NO{sub 2}, et les radicaux resultant de reactions d'addition sur le groupe nitre caracterises par un electron non apparie sur l'azote ont ete identifies, soit dans la radiolyse des nitroalcanes purs, soit dans la radiolyse a 77 K des nitroalcanes en solution dans les verres organiques. La conformation et les mouvements des radicaux dans les matrices, le mecanisme de formation des radicaux observes resultant generalement de la capture par les nitroalcanes des especes primaires de la radiolyse ont ete etudies. Les nitroalcanes en solution dans l'ethanol se manifestent a la fois comme capteurs d'electrons et de radicaux libres. L'etude de la radiolyse des nitroalcanes en solution dans un verre polaire d'ethanol a ete completee par des analyses chimiques des produits finals de la radiolyse; elle nous a permis de deduire l'efficacite de capture des electrons pieges et des radicaux libres par les nitroalcanes dans l'ethanol. Pour cela nous avons dose, pour le systeme nitro-methane - ethanol les rendements radiochimiques de-l'hydrogene, de l'acetaldehyde et du glycol en fonction de la concentration en capteur. Un mecanisme de disparition des radicaux observes a ete propose. (auteur)

  10. Dosage of plutonium by isotopic dilution in irradiated fuels; Dosage du plutonium par dilution isotopique dans les combustibles irradies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lucas, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    collaboration entre SECACI (Section d'Etudes Chimique et Analytique des Combustibles Irradies) et SSM (Section de Spectrometrie de Masse). SECACI a mis a notre disposition les locaux et le materiel necessaire dans ses laboratoires de Fontenay. Cette etude a mis en evidence l'importance du cycle de valence celui-ci doit permettre d'obtenir une repartition isotopique homogene dans les melanges echantillon-traceur et une separation U/Pu convenable. Or, nous avons constate que la presence d'un exces d'uranium modifie profondement la cinetique des reactions d'oxydo-reduction du plutonium. Nous avons donc ete amenes a changer certains points de la technique operatoire pour rendre ce cycle efficace et ameliorer de ce fait la separation U/Pu; la stabilite de l'emission thermoionique du plutonium, liee a la quantite d'uranium residuaire, a du meme coup ete amelioree, et, nous obtenons maintenant des analyses isotopiques plus precises. D'autre part, nous nous sommes efforces d'eliminer au maximum les contaminations isotopiques en employant un mode operatoire plus rationnel; le materiel utilise a fait l'objet d'une etude particuliere. Les evaporations sont conduites de facon a interdire l'existence de vapeurs saturantes a l'interieur des boites a gants. Le materiel qui ne peut etre change a chaque operation est soigneusement nettoye a chaque changement d'echantillons. Avec cette technique, un second etalonnage du traceur T{sub 2} a ete entrepris au moyen d'une nouvelle solution etalon. Preparee tres soigneusement, par pesee d'uranium et de plutonium de purete chimique connue, nous pensons que cette solution offre des garanties suffisantes pour servir de reference. La valeur du rapport {sup 233}U/{sup 242}Pu du traceur a ete obtenue avec une precision relative de 0,5 pour cent. Cette methode modifiee est appliquee actuellement a l'analyse des barreaux irradies dans G-3. (auteur)

  11. Etude de la propagation sous critique dans les fibres de verre par relaxation de la charge


    R'Mili , M.; Godin , N.; Lamon , J.


    International audience; Plusieurs fibres inorganiques de type verre ou céramique (à base de carbure de silicium) sont très sensibles à la propagation sous critique de fissures, activée chimiquement ou thermiquement. Dans ce cas la rupture survient d'une façon prématurée à un niveau de contrainte relativement bas comparé à la contrainte de rupture. Cet article propose une approche statistique de la rupture en fatigue statique fondée sur l'analyse de la rupture des fibres dans une mèche sollici...

  12. La conclusion d'un accord franco-allemand dans l'industrie des colorants en 1940-1941 : rapports de force et formes juridiques


    Joly , Hervé


    L'accord conclu en 1941 entre le conglomérat dominant l'industrie chimique allemande, l'IG Farben, et les principaux producteurs français réuni autour du groupe Kuhlmann dans le secteur des colorants artificiels constitue sous l'Occupation un cas unique. C'est la seule prise de contrôle, sous la forme d'une participation majoritaire dans une société commune dénommée Francolor, de l'ensemble d'une branche industrielle nationale, de la fabrication à la commercialisation, par des intérêts allema...

  13. First (18)F-labeled ligand for PET imaging of uPAR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; Liu, Hongguang; Madsen, Jacob


    Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is overexpressed in human prostate cancer and uPAR has been found to be associated with metastatic disease and poor prognosis. AE105 is a small linear peptide with high binding affinity to uPAR. We synthesized an N-terminal NOTA......-conjugated version (NOTA-AE105) for development of the first (18)F-labeled uPAR positron-emission-tomography PET ligand using the Al(18)F radiolabeling method. In this study, the potential of (18)F-AlF-NOTA-AE105 to specifically target uPAR-positive prostate tumors was investigated....

  14. Narrative Identities and the Plebiscite in Pará: An Analysis of the Front Pages for O Liberal and Diário do Pará

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alda Cristina Silva da Costa


    Full Text Available On December 11, 2011, a plebiscite was held in Pará proposing to create two separatist states, Carajás and Tapajós, out of the state of Pará. The public voted against both projects. This article analyzes the narrative identities found on the front pages of O Liberal and Diário do Pará newspapers about the plebiscite in Pará. Depth Hermeneutics (DH, as proposed by Thompson (2011, was used as the methodological reference. DH emphasizes the object of analysis as a meaningful symbolic construction requiring interpretation. Narrative analysis, as proposed by Motta (2007, was the main research technique used to highlight the movement of construction of journalistic (discursive characters. The narrative identities built by the two newspapers showed that both were against the creation of the new states, but for very different reasons. The flag of Pará was the main object used to induce the idea of unity. Em 11 de dezembro de 2011, o plebiscito no Pará propôs a criação dos estados de Carajás e de Tapajós a partir da divisão do estado do Pará. O resultado da consulta pública foi negativo aos dois projetos. O artigo analisa as identidades narrativas constituídas pelas primeiras páginas dos jornais O Liberal e Diário do Pará sobre o plebiscito no Pará. Utilizou-se como referencial metodológico a Hermenêutica em Profundidade (HP, proposta por Thompson (2011. A HP evidencia o fato de que o objeto de análise é uma construção simbólica significativa, que exige uma interpretação. Como principal técnica de pesquisa, a análise narrativa, proposta por Motta (2007, com ênfase no movimento de construção de personagens jornalísticas (discursivas. As identidades narrativas construídas pelos dois jornais indicaram que ambos eram contrários à criação dos novos estados, porém por motivos divergentes. A bandeira do Pará foi o principal elemento utilizado para evocar a ideia de unidade. En 11 de diciembre de 2011, el plebiscito en

  15. Limnological database for Par Pond: 1959 to 1980

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tilly, L.J.


    A limnological database for Par Pond, a cooling reservoir for hot reactor effluent water at the Savannah River Plant, is described. The data are derived from a combination of research and monitoring efforts on Par Pond since 1959. The approximately 24,000-byte database provides water quality, primary productivity, and flow data from a number of different stations, depths, and times during the 22-year history of the Par Pond impoundment. The data have been organized to permit an interpretation of the effects of twenty years of cooling system operations on the structure and function of an aquatic ecosystem





    Le but de ce travail est l’étude de trois espèces médicinales et aromatiques appartenant au même genre Pinus de la famille des Pinacées, elles sont très utilisées par la population locale. La première partie de cette étude concerne l’extraction et l’analyse des huiles essentielles de P.halepensis, P.Pinea et P.pinaster par CPG et CPG/SM. La deuxième partie consiste en l’étude de l’activité antioxydante et anti microbienne des huiles essentielles. L’activité antioxydante est éva...

  17. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) in acute care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Line Jee Hartmann; Ladelund, Steen; Haupt, Thomas Huneck


    for age, sex, Charlson score and C reactive protein. Area under the curve for receiver operating characteristics curve analysis of suPAR for 30-day mortality was 0.84 (95% CI 0.81 to 0.86). Furthermore, in the entire cohort, women had slightly higher suPAR compared with men, and suPAR was associated...

  18. ETUDE ANALYTIQUE DES CARACTERES PHYSICO-CHIMIQUES ET HYDRIQUES DE DEUX TYPES DE BENTONITE (exemple de la bentonite de Maghnia et de la bentonite de Mostaganem)


    MELKI, Abderrahim


    L'objectif de notre travail consiste a étudier les dépôts néogènes et essentiellement les dépôts argileux qui sont l'une des caractéristiques du bassin néogène du Bas Chélif et la plaine de Maghnia, présentant des propriétés spécifiques pour diverses applications. Des échantillons ont été prélevés en trois points des deux gisements. Les paramètres physico-chimiques et hydriques des échantillons d'argile bentonitique prélevés ont été analysés: l'indice de gonflement, la matière ...

  19. Bases chimiosensorielles du comportement alimentaire chez les poissons

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    SAGLIO Ph.


    Full Text Available Le comportement alimentaire, indispensable à la survie de l'individu et donc de l'espèce, occupe à ce titre une position de première importance dans la hiérarchie des comportements fondamentaux qui tous en dépendent très étroitement. Chez les poissons, cette prééminence se trouve illustrée par l'extrême diversité des supports sensoriels impliqués et des expressions comportementales qui leur sont liées. A la suite d'un certain nombre de mises en évidence neurophysiologiques et éthologiques de l'importance du sens chimique (olfaction, gustation dans le comportement alimentaire des poissons, de très importants secteurs d'études électrophysiologiques et d'analyses physico-chimiques visant à en déterminer la nature exacte (en termes de substances actives se sont développés ces vingt dernières années. De tous ces travaux dont les plus avancés sont présentés ici, il ressort que les acides aminés de série L plus ou moins associés à d'autres composés de poids moléculaires < 1000 constituent des composés chimiques jouant un rôle déterminant dans le comportement alimentaire de nombreuses espèces de poissons carnivores.

  20. Modèle mathématique pour l'étude des équilibres physico-chimiques de permanentes. (United States)

    Chiodi, F


    Résumé La plupart des permanentes du commerce sont constituées d'acide thioglycolique (éventuellement associéà l'acide thiolactique), neutralisé par l'ammoniac, elles sont additionnées de carbonate d'ammonium comme tampon. Le système peut etre traité comme la neutralisation d'un mélange d'acides thioglycolique et carbonique par l'ammoniac, et il est complètement défini par trois paramètres, trois concentrations, ou deux concentrations et le pH, ou trois paramètres analytiques indépendants. Les calculs théoriques de l'équilibre sont compliqués du fait qu'il s'agit de l'équilibre de deux diacides faibles neutralisés par une base faible. Un modèle mathématique développé exclusivement par des équations théoriques permet l'interprétation des équilibres et la réalisation des calculs fiable pour la préparation des formules remplissant certaines caractéristiques. Le modèle permet de réaliser facilement des simulations en faisant varier les concentrations, les acides (par la voie des constantes de dissociation) ou d'associer différents acids et/ou bases organiques ou minérales. Une application complémentaire du modèle est de tracer la courbe dérivée à la courbe de neutralisation et de cette façon mesurer l'effet tampon en différents points par la mesure de sa pente. Synopsis Mathematical model for the study of physico-chemical equilibria in permanent wave solutions Most waving lotions on the market are prepared with thioglycolic acid (eventually associated with thiolactic acid) neutralized with ammonium hydroxide and buffered with ammonium bicarbonate. The system can be treated as the neutralization of a mix of carbonic acid and thioglycolic acid by ammonia and it is completely defined by three parameters: three concentrations; or two concentrations and pH; or three independent analytical parameters. Theoretical calculations of the equilibrium are difficult because the equilibrium involves at least two weak acids with a weak base

  1. Intact and cleaved uPAR forms: diagnostic and prognostic value in cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasch, M.G.; Lund, I.K.; Hoyer-Hansen, G.


    identified in tissue and body fluids. It is well-established, that the total amount of all uPAR forms is a strong prognostic marker in different types of cancer. Using immunoassays, measuring the individual uPAR forms, has revealed that the cleaved uPAR forms are even stronger prognostic markers and have...... diagnostic utility. This review will focus on the mechanism of uPAR cleavage and the functional consequences, as well as the clinical applicability of cleaved uPAR forms Udgivelsesdato: 2008...

  2. A Bipolar Spindle of Antiparallel ParM Filaments Drives Bacterial Plasmid Segregation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gayathri, P; Fujii, T; Møller-Jensen, Jakob


    the spindle between ParRC complexes on sister plasmids. Using a combination of structural work and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we show that ParRC bound and could accelerate growth at only one end of polar ParM filaments, mechanistically resembling eukaryotic formins. The architecture...... of ParM filaments enabled two ParRC-bound filaments to associate in an antiparallel orientation, forming a bipolar spindle. The spindle elongated as a bundle of at least two antiparallel filaments, thereby pushing two plasmid clusters toward the poles....

  3. PAR-2 expression in the gingival crevicular fluid reflects chronic periodontitis severity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henrique FUKUSHIMA

    Full Text Available Abstract Recent studies investigating protease-activated receptor type 2 (PAR-2 suggest an association between the receptor and periodontal inflammation. It is known that gingipain, a bacterial protease secreted by the important periodontopathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis can activate PAR-2. Previous studies by our group found that PAR-2 is overexpressed in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF of patients with moderate chronic periodontitis (MP. The present study aimed at evaluating whether PAR-2 expression is associated with chronic periodontitis severity. GCF samples and clinical parameters, including plaque and bleeding on probing indices, probing pocket depth and clinical attachment level, were collected from the control group (n = 19 at baseline, and from MP patients (n = 19 and severe chronic periodontitis (SP (n = 19 patients before and 6 weeks after periodontal non-surgical treatment. PAR-2 and gingipain messenger RNA (mRNA in the GCF of 4 periodontal sites per patient were evaluated by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR. PAR-2 and gingipain expressions were greater in periodontitis patients than in control group patients. In addition, the SP group presented increased PAR-2 and gingipain mRNA levels, compared with the MP group. Furthermore, periodontal treatment significantly reduced (p <0.05 PAR-2 expression in patients with periodontitis. In conclusion, PAR-2 is associated with chronic periodontitis severity and with gingipain levels in the periodontal pocket, thus suggesting that PAR-2 expression in the GCF reflects the severity of destruction during periodontal infection.

  4. Structures of actin-like ParM filaments show architecture of plasmid-segregating spindles. (United States)

    Bharat, Tanmay A M; Murshudov, Garib N; Sachse, Carsten; Löwe, Jan


    Active segregation of Escherichia coli low-copy-number plasmid R1 involves formation of a bipolar spindle made of left-handed double-helical actin-like ParM filaments. ParR links the filaments with centromeric parC plasmid DNA, while facilitating the addition of subunits to ParM filaments. Growing ParMRC spindles push sister plasmids to the cell poles. Here, using modern electron cryomicroscopy methods, we investigate the structures and arrangements of ParM filaments in vitro and in cells, revealing at near-atomic resolution how subunits and filaments come together to produce the simplest known mitotic machinery. To understand the mechanism of dynamic instability, we determine structures of ParM filaments in different nucleotide states. The structure of filaments bound to the ATP analogue AMPPNP is determined at 4.3 Å resolution and refined. The ParM filament structure shows strong longitudinal interfaces and weaker lateral interactions. Also using electron cryomicroscopy, we reconstruct ParM doublets forming antiparallel spindles. Finally, with whole-cell electron cryotomography, we show that doublets are abundant in bacterial cells containing low-copy-number plasmids with the ParMRC locus, leading to an asynchronous model of R1 plasmid segregation.

  5. Par and IR reflectance, transmittance, and absorptance of four crop canopies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wanjura, D.F.; Hatfield, J.L.


    Reflectance, transmittance and absorptance of electromagnetic radiation by cotton, soybeans, grain sorghum, and sunflower was measured at three growth stages in two wavebands (PAR: 0.4 to 0.7 pun and IR: 0.7 to 1.1 yim). As leaf area increased in each crop there were increases in IR reflectance and PAR absorptance and decreases in PAR reflectance and both PAR and IR transmittance. IR radiation was concentrated at the soil surface between rows by reflectance from the sides of canopies when crop cover was less than 80%. Across all crops one parameter, leaf overlap index, explained 81 and 71% of the PAR reflectance and another, crop cover, explained 86 and 94% of IR reflectance from rows and interrows, respectively. Attenuation of PAR radiation through the canopies of cotton and sunflower was similar (K = 0.62 and 0.67) but different from that of soybeans and grain sorghum (K = 0.46 and 0.43) which were the same

  6. Épidémiologie de l'intoxication par envenimation chez les enfants ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: L'intoxication par envenimation est l'ensemble des manifestations locales et générales induites par la pénétration dans l'organisme d'une substance toxique produite par un animal venimeux. Le but de notre travail était d'étudier les signes cliniques des intoxications par envenimation chez les enfants de 0 à 15 ...

  7. PARs for combustible gas control in advanced light water reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosler, J.; Sliter, G.


    This paper discusses the progress being made in the United States to introduce passive autocatalytic recombiner (PAR) technology as a cost-effective alternative to electric recombiners for controlling combustible gas produced in postulated accidents in both future Advanced Light Water Reactors (ALWRs) and certain U. S. operating nuclear plants. PARs catalytically recombine hydrogen and oxygen, gradually producing heat and water vapor. They have no moving parts and are self-starting and self-feeding, even under relatively cold and wet containment conditions. Buoyancy of the hot gases they create sets up natural convective flow that promotes mixing of combustible gases in a containment. In a non-inerted ALWR containment, two approaches each employing a combination of PARs and igniters are being considered to control hydrogen in design basis and severe accidents. In pre-inerted ALWRs, PARs alone control radiolytic oxygen produced in either accident type. The paper also discusses regulatory feedback regarding these combustible gas control approaches and describes a test program being conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Electricite de France (EdF) to supplement the existing PAR test database with performance data under conditions of interest to U.S. plants. Preliminary findings from the EPRI/EdF PAR model test program are included. Successful completion of this test program and confirmatory tests being sponsored by the U. S. NRC are expected to pave the way for use of PARs in ALWRs and operating plants. (author)

  8. Brulure par Plaque de Bistouri Electrique: a Propos de Quatre Cas (United States)

    Khales, A.; Achbouk, A.; Belmir, R.; Cherkab, L.; Ennouhi, M.A.; Ababou, K.; Ihrai, H.


    Summary La brûlure par plaque de bistouri électrique est un accident rare mais grave par la profondeur de la lésion et par sa localisation, surtout quand qu’elle survient dans un contexte chirurgical dont le vécu reste difficile de la part du malade et du chirurgien. Cette brûlure bien que imprévisible reste grave par la profondeur et la localisation de la brûlure et par sa survenue dans un contexte opératoire, chez des patients malades. La prise en charge de la brûlure doit se faire en milieu spécialisé. La prévention reste le seul moyen d’éviter ce type d’accident. PMID:21991216

  9. Elusloom lennukiga puhkusele / Inge Parring

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parring, Inge


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 1. okt. lk. 13. Air Cargo Estonia/ACE Logisticsi müügijuht Inge Parring tutvustab elusloomade transpordivõimalusi. Vt. samas: Loomade transportimiseks vajalikud dokumendid

  10. suPAR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Evangelos J


    Investigation of biomarkers that can promptly predict unfavourable outcome of critically illness is an emerging necessity taking into consideration the need for early intervention, the shortage of available beds in intensive care units and the considerable cost of hospitalisation. The most...... promising biomarker is soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR). Three studies in large populations of critically ill patients and patients admitted to the emergency department have shown that concentrations >12ng/mL can safely predict unfavourable outcome. This review presents...

  11. Urine suPAR levels compared with plasma suPAR levels as predictors of post-consultation mortality risk among individuals assumed to be TB-negative: a prospective cohort study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rabna, Paulo; Andersen, Andreas; Wejse, Christian


    -suPAR was measured using a commercial ELISA (suPARnostic®). We found that U-suPAR carried significant prognostic information on mortality for HIV-infected subjects with an area under the ROC curve of 0.75. For HIV-negative individuals, little or no prognostic effect was observed. However, in both HIV positives...... and negatives, the predictive effect of U-suPAR was found to be inferior to that of P-suPAR....

  12. Brésil : La contamination par le mercure en Amazonie | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    11 janv. 2011 ... En tentant de déceler la source de la contamination de l'Amazone par le ... par Jean-Rémy Davy Guimaraes de l'Université fédérale de Rio de Janeiro ... ces mattes est circonscrite par la conservation et la restauration en rive.

  13. Electron microscope study of vacancy clusters produced by quenching in magnesium; Etude par microscopie electronique des amas de lacunes crees par trempe dans le magnesium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levy, V; Espinasse, J; Mairy, C; Hillairet, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Vacancy clustering in quenched magnesium has been studied by transmission electron microscopy. The nature of the vacancy loops observed, seems to depend essentially on the impurity content of the metal; this effect can be attributed to a variation of the stacking fault energy of magnesium due to impurities. (authors) [French] On a etudie par microscopie electronique en transmission les defauts crees par trempe dans le magnesium. Un effet considerable des impuretes du metal sur la nature des boucles obtenues par condensation de lacunes a ete mis en evidence; cet effet semble s'expliquer de facon satisfaisante par un abaissement de l'energie de faute d'empilement du magnesium du aux impuretes. (auteur)

  14. ParABS Systems of the Four Replicons of Burkholderia cenocepacia: New Chromosome Centromeres Confer Partition Specificity† (United States)

    Dubarry, Nelly; Pasta, Franck; Lane, David


    Most bacterial chromosomes carry an analogue of the parABS systems that govern plasmid partition, but their role in chromosome partition is ambiguous. parABS systems might be particularly important for orderly segregation of multipartite genomes, where their role may thus be easier to evaluate. We have characterized parABS systems in Burkholderia cenocepacia, whose genome comprises three chromosomes and one low-copy-number plasmid. A single parAB locus and a set of ParB-binding (parS) centromere sites are located near the origin of each replicon. ParA and ParB of the longest chromosome are phylogenetically similar to analogues in other multichromosome and monochromosome bacteria but are distinct from those of smaller chromosomes. The latter form subgroups that correspond to the taxa of their hosts, indicating evolution from plasmids. The parS sites on the smaller chromosomes and the plasmid are similar to the “universal” parS of the main chromosome but with a sequence specific to their replicon. In an Escherichia coli plasmid stabilization test, each parAB exhibits partition activity only with the parS of its own replicon. Hence, parABS function is based on the independent partition of individual chromosomes rather than on a single communal system or network of interacting systems. Stabilization by the smaller chromosome and plasmid systems was enhanced by mutation of parS sites and a promoter internal to their parAB operons, suggesting autoregulatory mechanisms. The small chromosome ParBs were found to silence transcription, a property relevant to autoregulation. PMID:16452432

  15. MODIS-derived daily PAR simulation from cloud-free images and its validation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Liangfu; Gu, Xingfa; Tian, Guoliang [State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100101 (China); The Center for National Spaceborne Demonstration, Beijing 100101 (China); Gao, Yanhua [State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100101 (China); Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101 (China); Yang, Lei [State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100101 (China); Jilin University, Changchun 130026 (China); Liu, Qinhuo [State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100101 (China)


    In this paper, a MODIS-derived daily PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) simulation model from cloud-free image over land surface has been developed based on Bird and Riordan's model. In this model, the total downwelling spectral surface irradiance is divided into two parts: one is beam irradiance, and another is diffuse irradiance. The attenuation of solar beam irradiance comprises scattering by the gas mixture, absorption by ozone, the gas mixture and water vapor, and scattering and absorption by aerosols. The diffuse irradiance is scattered out of the direct beam and towards the surface. The multiple ground-air interactions have been taken into account in the diffuse irradiance model. The parameters needed in this model are atmospheric water vapor content, aerosol optical thickness and spectral albedo ranging from 400 nm to 700 nm. They are all retrieved from MODIS data. Then, the instantaneous photosynthetically available radiation (IPAR) is integrated by using a weighted sum at each of the visible MODIS wavebands. Finally, a daily PAR is derived by integration of IPAR. In order to validate the MODIS-derived PAR model, we compared the field PAR measurements in 2003 and 2004 against the simulated PAR. The measurements were made at the Qianyanzhou ecological experimental station, Chinese Ecosystem Research Network. A total of 54 days of cloud-free MODIS L1B level images were used for the PAR simulation. Our results show that the simulated PAR is consistent with field measurements, where the correlation coefficient of linear regression between calculated PAR and measured PAR is 0.93396. However, there were some uncertainties in the comparison of 1 km pixel PAR with the tower flux stand measurement. (author)

  16. PAR-2 expression in the gingival crevicular fluid reflects chronic periodontitis severity. (United States)

    Fukushima, Henrique; Alves, Vanessa Tubero Euzebio; Carvalho, Verônica Franco de; Ambrósio, Lucas Macedo Batitucci; Eichler, Rosangela Aparecida Dos Santos; Carvalho, Maria Helena Catelli de; Saraiva, Luciana; Holzhausen, Marinella


    Recent studies investigating protease-activated receptor type 2 (PAR-2) suggest an association between the receptor and periodontal inflammation. It is known that gingipain, a bacterial protease secreted by the important periodontopathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis can activate PAR-2. Previous studies by our group found that PAR-2 is overexpressed in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of patients with moderate chronic periodontitis (MP). The present study aimed at evaluating whether PAR-2 expression is associated with chronic periodontitis severity. GCF samples and clinical parameters, including plaque and bleeding on probing indices, probing pocket depth and clinical attachment level, were collected from the control group (n = 19) at baseline, and from MP patients (n = 19) and severe chronic periodontitis (SP) (n = 19) patients before and 6 weeks after periodontal non-surgical treatment. PAR-2 and gingipain messenger RNA (mRNA) in the GCF of 4 periodontal sites per patient were evaluated by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). PAR-2 and gingipain expressions were greater in periodontitis patients than in control group patients. In addition, the SP group presented increased PAR-2 and gingipain mRNA levels, compared with the MP group. Furthermore, periodontal treatment significantly reduced (p periodontitis. In conclusion, PAR-2 is associated with chronic periodontitis severity and with gingipain levels in the periodontal pocket, thus suggesting that PAR-2 expression in the GCF reflects the severity of destruction during periodontal infection.

  17. Molecular mechanism of bundle formation by the bacterial actin ParM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Popp, David, E-mail: [ERATO ' Actin Filament Dynamics' Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, c/o RIKEN Harima Institute at Spring 8, 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, 61 Biopolis Drive, Proteos, 138673 Singapore (Singapore); Narita, Akihiro [ERATO ' Actin Filament Dynamics' Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, c/o RIKEN Harima Institute at Spring 8, 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Nagoya University Graduate School of Science, Structural Biology Research Center and Division of Biological Sciences, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601 (Japan); Iwasa, Mitsusada [ERATO ' Actin Filament Dynamics' Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, c/o RIKEN Harima Institute at Spring 8, 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Maeda, Yuichiro [ERATO ' Actin Filament Dynamics' Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, c/o RIKEN Harima Institute at Spring 8, 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Nagoya University Graduate School of Science, Structural Biology Research Center and Division of Biological Sciences, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601 (Japan); Robinson, Robert C. [Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, 61 Biopolis Drive, Proteos, 138673 Singapore (Singapore)


    The actin homolog ParM plays a microtubule-like role in segregating DNA prior to bacterial cell division. Fluorescence and cryo-electron microscopy have shown that ParM forms filament bundles between separating DNA plasmids in vivo. Given the lack of ParM bundling proteins it remains unknown how ParM bundles form at the molecular level. Here we show using time-lapse TIRF microscopy, under in vitro molecular crowding conditions, that ParM-bundle formation consists of two distinct phases. At the onset of polymerization bundle thickness and shape are determined in the form of nuclei of short helically disordered filaments arranged in a liquid-like lattice. These nuclei then undergo an elongation phase whereby they rapidly increase in length. At steady state, ParM bundles fuse into one single large aggregate. This behavior had been predicted by theory but has not been observed for any other cytomotive biopolymer, including F-actin. We employed electron micrographs of ParM rafts, which are 2-D analogs of 3-D bundles, to identify the main molecular interfilament contacts within these suprastructures. The interface between filaments is similar for both parallel and anti-parallel orientations and the distribution of filament polarity is random within a bundle. We suggest that the interfilament interactions are not due to the interactions of specific residues but rather to long-range, counter ion mediated, electrostatic attractive forces. A randomly oriented bundle ensures that the assembly is rigid and that DNA may be captured with equal efficiency at both ends of the bundle via the ParR binding protein.

  18. Par Pond vegetation status Summer 1995 -- October survey descriptive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid-1991 in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam. This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the emergent shoreline aquatic plant communities began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet above mean sea level and continued with this late October survey. Communities similar to the pre-drawdown Par Pond aquatic plant communities are becoming re-established; especially, beds of maiden cane, lotus, waterlily, and watershield are now extensive and well established. Cattail occurrence continues to increase, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the drawdown have not formed. Future surveys throughout 1996 and 1997, along with the continued evaluation of satellite data to map the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond, are planned

  19. Par Pond vegetation status Summer 1995 -- September survey descriptive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid-1991 in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam. This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the emergent shoreline aquatic plant communities began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet above mean sea level and continued with this mid-September survey. Communities similar to the pre-drawdown Par Pond aquatic plant communities are becoming re-established; especially, beds of maidencane, lotus, waterlily, and watershield are now extensive and well established. Cattail occurrence continues to increase, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the drawdown have not formed. Future surveys during the late growing seasons of 1995, and throughout 1996 and 1997, along with the evaluation of satellite data to map the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond, are planned

  20. Improved Satellite-based Photosysnthetically Active Radiation (PAR) for Air Quality Studies (United States)

    Pour Biazar, A.; McNider, R. T.; Cohan, D. S.; White, A.; Zhang, R.; Dornblaser, B.; Doty, K.; Wu, Y.; Estes, M. J.


    One of the challenges in understanding the air quality over forested regions has been the uncertainties in estimating the biogenic hydrocarbon emissions. Biogenic volatile organic compounds, BVOCs, play a critical role in atmospheric chemistry, particularly in ozone and particulate matter (PM) formation. In southeastern United States, BVOCs (mostly as isoprene) are the dominant summertime source of reactive hydrocarbon. Despite significant efforts in improving BVOC estimates, the errors in emission inventories remain a concern. Since BVOC emissions are particularly sensitive to the available photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), model errors in PAR result in large errors in emission estimates. Thus, utilization of satellite observations to estimate PAR can help in reducing emission uncertainties. Satellite-based PAR estimates rely on the technique used to derive insolation from satellite visible brightness measurements. In this study we evaluate several insolation products against surface pyranometer observations and offer a bias correction to generate a more accurate PAR product. The improved PAR product is then used in biogenic emission estimates. The improved biogenic emission estimates are compared to the emission inventories over Texas and used in air quality simulation over the period of August-September 2013 (NASA's Discover-AQ field campaign). A series of sensitivity simulations will be performed and evaluated against Discover-AQ observations to test the impact of satellite-derived PAR on air quality simulations.

  1. SAFARI 2000 PAR Measurements, Kalahari Transect, Botswana, Wet Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Ceptometer data from a Decagon AccuPAR (Model PAR-80) were collected at four sites in Botswana during the SAFARI 2000 Kalahari Transect Wet Season Campaign (March,...

  2. Lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures: a case-control study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bugg, William G.; Lewis, Mark; Juette, Arne; Cahir, John G.; Toms, Andoni P.


    The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures. In this retrospective case-control study we compare the angle of lumbar lordosis and the angle of the S1 vertebral endplate (as a measure of pelvic tilt) in patients with bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with age- and sex-matched control cases with normal MRI examinations of the lumbar spine. Twenty-nine cases of bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with matched control-cases were identified on MRI (16 male, 13 female, age 9-63 years). The angle of lordosis was measured between the inferior L4 and superior S1 vertebral endplates on a standing lateral lumbar spine radiograph for both groups. The mean angle of lordosis about the L5 vertebra was 36.9 (SD = 6.5 ) in the pars interarticularis fracture group, and 30.1 (SD = 6.4 ) in the control group. The difference between the two groups was significant (mean difference 6.8 , Student's t test: P < 0.001). The mean angle of sacral tilt measured was 122.2 (SD = 10.16 ) for controls and 136.4 (SD = 10.86 ) for patients with pars defects. The difference in the means of 14.2 was statistically significantly different (P < 0.0001). Sacral tilt represented by a steeply angled superior endplate of S1 is associated with a significantly increased angle of lordosis, between L4 and S1, and pars fractures at L5. Steep angulation of the first sacral vertebral segment maybe the predisposing biomechanical factor that leads to pincer-like impingement of the pars interarticularis and then spondylolysis. (orig.)

  3. Lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures: a case-control study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bugg, William G; Lewis, Mark; Juette, Arne; Cahir, John G; Toms, Andoni P [Cotman Centre, Norwich Radiology Academy, Norwich, Norfolk (United Kingdom)


    The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures. In this retrospective case-control study we compare the angle of lumbar lordosis and the angle of the S1 vertebral endplate (as a measure of pelvic tilt) in patients with bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with age- and sex-matched control cases with normal MRI examinations of the lumbar spine. Twenty-nine cases of bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with matched control-cases were identified on MRI (16 male, 13 female, age 9-63 years). The angle of lordosis was measured between the inferior L4 and superior S1 vertebral endplates on a standing lateral lumbar spine radiograph for both groups. The mean angle of lordosis about the L5 vertebra was 36.9 (SD = 6.5 ) in the pars interarticularis fracture group, and 30.1 (SD = 6.4 ) in the control group. The difference between the two groups was significant (mean difference 6.8 , Student's t test: P < 0.001). The mean angle of sacral tilt measured was 122.2 (SD = 10.16 ) for controls and 136.4 (SD = 10.86 ) for patients with pars defects. The difference in the means of 14.2 was statistically significantly different (P < 0.0001). Sacral tilt represented by a steeply angled superior endplate of S1 is associated with a significantly increased angle of lordosis, between L4 and S1, and pars fractures at L5. Steep angulation of the first sacral vertebral segment maybe the predisposing biomechanical factor that leads to pincer-like impingement of the pars interarticularis and then spondylolysis. (orig.)

  4. Lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures: a case-control study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bugg, William G.; Lewis, Mark; Juette, Arne; Cahir, John G.; Toms, Andoni P. [Cotman Centre, Norwich Radiology Academy, Norwich, Norfolk (United Kingdom)


    The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures. In this retrospective case-control study we compare the angle of lumbar lordosis and the angle of the S1 vertebral endplate (as a measure of pelvic tilt) in patients with bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with age- and sex-matched control cases with normal MRI examinations of the lumbar spine. Twenty-nine cases of bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with matched control-cases were identified on MRI (16 male, 13 female, age 9-63 years). The angle of lordosis was measured between the inferior L4 and superior S1 vertebral endplates on a standing lateral lumbar spine radiograph for both groups. The mean angle of lordosis about the L5 vertebra was 36.9 (SD = 6.5 ) in the pars interarticularis fracture group, and 30.1 (SD = 6.4 ) in the control group. The difference between the two groups was significant (mean difference 6.8 , Student's t test: P < 0.001). The mean angle of sacral tilt measured was 122.2 (SD = 10.16 ) for controls and 136.4 (SD = 10.86 ) for patients with pars defects. The difference in the means of 14.2 was statistically significantly different (P < 0.0001). Sacral tilt represented by a steeply angled superior endplate of S1 is associated with a significantly increased angle of lordosis, between L4 and S1, and pars fractures at L5. Steep angulation of the first sacral vertebral segment maybe the predisposing biomechanical factor that leads to pincer-like impingement of the pars interarticularis and then spondylolysis. (orig.)

  5. Relating to the higher sensitiveness of Frick ferrous sulphate dosimeter by the use of ortho-phenanthroline reagent (1960); Sensibilite accrue du dosimetre a sulfate ferreux de frick par l'utilisation du reactif a l'orthophenanthroline (1960)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouzigues, H; Schbdhauer, J; Brian, R; Messainguiral, L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This paper describes a possible utilization of ferrous sulfate dosimeter by the use of ferrous o. phenanthroline as way of determination of the absorbed dose. The process was applied to the measure of the gamma radiation of radio-cobalt 60 and the relative middle values of the G{sub Fe{sup +}{sup +}} determined with a accuracy of {+-} 2,75 per cent in the range of rates of dose from 1000 to 30000 rad. The chief advantage concerns the coloured complex which is particularly stable. (author) [French] Cette note demontre les possibilites du dosimetre de Frick a sulfate ferreux en utilisant I'orthophenantroline ferreuse pour la mesure de la dose delivree. La methode mise au point pour la determination de la concentration en fer ferreux a ete utilisee pour la mesure de la dose delivree par une source de radiocobalt 60. Entre 1000 et 30000 rad, la valeur relative moyenne du rendement radiochimique a ete determinee a + 2,75 pour cent pres. L'avantage essentiel reside dans la stabilite du complexe colore forme apres irradiation. (auteur)

  6. Processing of wastewaters of column bases of the C.E.B. uranium-thorianite plant; Traitement des eaux residuaires des pieds de colonne de l'usine d'urano-thorianite du C.E.B.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cohen, P.; Wormser, G.


    The authors report, on the one hand, results of tests aimed at determining an optimal chemical treatment for the purification of wastewaters from the column of extraction by solvents of the CEB uranium-thorianite plant, and on the other hand, the measurement problems faced due to the chemical composition of the studied solutions. In a first set of tests, the authors studied the carryover efficiency of barium sulphate and barium carbonate, but due to difficulties created by the presence of barium when recovering radium, other possibilities have been studied which take this possibility of barium recovery without barium into account. The obtained results show the benefit of an intermediate filtration of lead sulphate, followed by an additional purification. The decontamination rate is then multiplied by ten, and radium is recovered in a precipitate free of hydroxides. An operational mode is proposed. In the first part, the authors describe measurement methods used to determine total alpha and radium in highly salted solutions [French] Dans ce rapport sont exposes: - d'une part les resultats des essais de laboratoire en vue de determiner un traitement chimique optimum pour l'epuration des eaux residuaires en provenance de la colonne d'extraction par solvants de l'usine d'urano-thorianite du C.E.B.; - d'autre part les problemes de mesure qui se sont poses du fait de la composition chimique des solutions etudiees. Dans une premiere serie d'essais nous avons etudie l'efficacite de l'entrainement par le sulfate de baryum et le carbonate de baryum. Toutefois, avertis des difficultes posees par la presence de baryum lors d'une eventuelle recuperation du radium, nous avons ete amenes a etudier les deux cas suivants qui tiennent compte de la necessite de recuperer le radium sans baryum: - soit faire une seule filtration d'un precipite de sulfate de plomb + hydroxydes, - soit proceder a une filtration intermediaire du sulfate de plomb. Apres divers essais, il est apparu que la

  7. ParTIES: a toolbox for Paramecium interspersed DNA elimination studies. (United States)

    Denby Wilkes, Cyril; Arnaiz, Olivier; Sperling, Linda


    Developmental DNA elimination occurs in a wide variety of multicellular organisms, but ciliates are the only single-celled eukaryotes in which this phenomenon has been reported. Despite considerable interest in ciliates as models for DNA elimination, no standard methods for identification and characterization of the eliminated sequences are currently available. We present the Paramecium Toolbox for Interspersed DNA Elimination Studies (ParTIES), designed for Paramecium species, that (i) identifies eliminated sequences, (ii) measures their presence in a sequencing sample and (iii) detects rare elimination polymorphisms. ParTIES is multi-threaded Perl software available at ParTIES is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence v3. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  8. Les élastomères dans les industries pétrolière et parapétrolière Elastomers in the Oil and Automotive Industries


    Lesage J.


    L'accroissement des contraintes subies par les matériaux utilisés dans les techniques pétrolières et parapétrolières et liées aux températures et pressions élevées ainsi qu'aux agressions chimiques, fait que l'on exige de ces matériaux qu'ils soient de plus en plus performants. Ceci implique, pour les concepteurs et utilisateurs de matériel comportant des élastomères en contact avec les hydrocarbures, une connaissance actualisée des produits existants, lesquels sont en constante évolution. On...

  9. Biofloculation des boues résiduaires urbaines


    Hocine , Houria; OLIVIER , Jérémy; Debab , Abdelkader


    International audience; La déshydratation mécanique des boues résiduaires urbaines passe généralement par une étape de floculation utilisant des polymères chimiques. Dans une stratégie de préservation de l'environnement, l'utilisation de floculants naturels est une voie à explorée. Dans cette étude, nous testons le pouvoir floculant du jus issus des cladodes du figuier de barbarie et le jus d'une autre plante succulente sur une boue activée urbaine issue d'une station d'épuration située à Ora...

  10. Effect of simvastatin and ezetimibe on suPAR levels and outcomes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hodges, Gethin W; Bang, Casper N; Forman, Julie L


    -lowering therapy also lowers suPAR levels is unknown. METHODS: We investigated whether treatment with Simvastatin 40 mg and Ezetimibe 10 mg lowered plasma suPAR levels in 1838 patients with mild-moderate, asymptomatic aortic stenosis, included in the Simvastatin and Ezetimibe in Aortic Stenosis (SEAS) study, using...... and Ezetimibe treatment impeded the progression of the time-related increase in plasma suPAR levels. Year-1 suPAR was associated with all-cause mortality, MCE, and AVE irrespective of baseline levels (SEAS study: NCT00092677)....... cardiovascular events (MCE) composed of ischemic cardiovascular events (ICE) and aortic valve related events (AVE). RESULTS: After 4.3 years of follow-up, suPAR levels had increased by 9.2% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 7.0%-11.5%) in the placebo group, but only by 4.1% (1.9%-6.2%) in the group with lipid...

  11. Paracrine Apoptotic Effect of p53 Mediated by Tumor Suppressor Par-4

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ravshan Burikhanov


    Full Text Available The guardian of the genome, p53, is often mutated in cancer and may contribute to therapeutic resistance. Given that p53 is intact and functional in normal tissues, we harnessed its potential to inhibit the growth of p53-deficient cancer cells. Specific activation of p53 in normal fibroblasts selectively induced apoptosis in p53-deficient cancer cells. This paracrine effect was mediated by p53-dependent secretion of the tumor suppressor Par-4. Accordingly, the activation of p53 in normal mice, but not p53−/− or Par-4−/− mice, caused systemic elevation of Par-4, which induced apoptosis of p53-deficient tumor cells. Mechanistically, p53 induced Par-4 secretion by suppressing the expression of its binding partner, UACA, which sequesters Par-4. Thus, normal cells can be empowered by p53 activation to induce Par-4 secretion for the inhibition of therapy-resistant tumors.

  12. Efficacy and safety of the pars plana clip in the Ahmed valve device inserted via the pars plana in patients with refractory glaucoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Diaz-Llopis


    Full Text Available Manuel Diaz-Llopis1,2,3, David Salom1,3, Salvador García-Delpech1,2,3, Patricia Udaondo1,3, Jose Maria Millan3,5, J Fernando Arevalo61Department of Ophthalmology, La Fe University Hospital of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; 2Department of Ophthalmology of the Valencia University, Valencia, Spain; 3Biomedical Network Research Centre on Rare Diseases (CIBERER, Valencia, Spain; 4Catholic University San Vicente Martir, Valencia, Spain; 5Department of Genetics, La Fe University Hospital of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; 6Clinica Oftalmologica Centro Caracas, Retina and VItreous Service, Caracas, DC, VenezuelaPurpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the pars plana clip (PPC in the Ahmed valve tube inserted via the pars plana in patients with secondary refractory glaucomas.Methods: Prospective and interventional case series that included 10 patients with secondary refractory glaucoma. The pars plana vitrectomy and the implant of the modified tube were performed during the same surgery. Control of intraocular pressure (IOP and the development of intra- and postoperative complications were evaluated during the follow-up.Results: Follow-up time was twelve months in all the patients. Control of IOP was achieved in 90% of patients, and 70% needed no antiglaucoma treatment. The complications that occurred were transient hypotony in three cases, choroidal detachment in two cases, and one case of intraocular hemorrhage. No case of tube extrusion or tube kink was observed.Conclusions: Our data suggests that implantation of the Ahmed tube modified with the PPC via the pars plana is safe and effective in patients with secondary refractory glaucomas. Keywords: pars plana clip, Ahmed valve, refractory glaucoma, pars plana vitrectomy

  13. Effects of solar PAR and UV radiation on tropical biofouling communities

    KAUST Repository

    Dobretsov, SV


    We investigated the effect of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) on the development of tropical micro- and macrofouling communities for 30 d. The experimental design involved 3 treatments: full spectrum (PAR+UVR), PAR only, and minimal light (reduced PAR and UVR). Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis demonstrated that different light conditions resulted in the formation of highly different microbial communities. The lowest densities of bacteria were found under the full spectrum treatment, while the lowest densities of diatoms were found in the minimal light treatment. Macrofouling communities consisted of 13 species and differed among light treatments. In the presence of UVR, communities had low species diversity, evenness, and richness, while in minimal light and PAR treatments, communities had high species diversity, evenness, and richness. Similarity percentage (SIMPER) analysis revealed that the tubeworm Hydroides elegans, the alga Ulva (Enteromorpha) sp., and the bivalve Perna viridis were the species responsible for most of the dissimilarities in macrofouling communities among treatments. While densities of H. elegans were similar in the PAR and minimal light treatments, this polychaete had higher growth rates under minimal light conditions. We conclude that UVR and PAR directly control the development of shallow micro- and macrofouling communities by inhibiting the recruitment and growth of sensitive species and promoting the growth of resistant species, but also that these forms of solar radiation influence the surface cues available to competent larvae by altering the development of the microbial community.

  14. Paternal age related schizophrenia (PARS): Latent subgroups detected by k-means clustering analysis. (United States)

    Lee, Hyejoo; Malaspina, Dolores; Ahn, Hongshik; Perrin, Mary; Opler, Mark G; Kleinhaus, Karine; Harlap, Susan; Goetz, Raymond; Antonius, Daniel


    Paternal age related schizophrenia (PARS) has been proposed as a subgroup of schizophrenia with distinct etiology, pathophysiology and symptoms. This study uses a k-means clustering analysis approach to generate hypotheses about differences between PARS and other cases of schizophrenia. We studied PARS (operationally defined as not having any family history of schizophrenia among first and second-degree relatives and fathers' age at birth ≥ 35 years) in a series of schizophrenia cases recruited from a research unit. Data were available on demographic variables, symptoms (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; PANSS), cognitive tests (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised; WAIS-R) and olfaction (University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test; UPSIT). We conducted a series of k-means clustering analyses to identify clusters of cases containing high concentrations of PARS. Two analyses generated clusters with high concentrations of PARS cases. The first analysis (N=136; PARS=34) revealed a cluster containing 83% PARS cases, in which the patients showed a significant discrepancy between verbal and performance intelligence. The mean paternal and maternal ages were 41 and 33, respectively. The second analysis (N=123; PARS=30) revealed a cluster containing 71% PARS cases, of which 93% were females; the mean age of onset of psychosis, at 17.2, was significantly early. These results strengthen the evidence that PARS cases differ from other patients with schizophrenia. Hypothesis-generating findings suggest that features of PARS may include a discrepancy between verbal and performance intelligence, and in females, an early age of onset. These findings provide a rationale for separating these phenotypes from others in future clinical, genetic and pathophysiologic studies of schizophrenia and in considering responses to treatment. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Par Pond vegetation status Summer 1995 -- June survey descriptive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid-1991 in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam. This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the shoreline aquatic plant communities in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet above mean sea level, indicated that much of the original plant communities and the intermediate shoreline communities present on the exposed sediments have been lost. The extensive old-field and emergent marsh communities that were present on the exposed shoreline during the drawdown have been flooded and much of the pre-drawdown Par Pond aquatic plant communities have not had sufficient time for re-establishment. The shoreline does, however, have extensive beds of maidencane which extend from the shoreline margin to areas as deep as 2 and perhaps 3 meters. Scattered individual plants of lotus and watershield are common and may indicate likely directions of future wetland development in Par Pond. In addition, within isolated coves, which apparently received ground water seepage and/or stream surface flows during the period of the Par Pond draw down, extensive beds of waterlilies and spike rush are common. Invasion of willow and red maple occurred along the lake shoreline as well. Although not absent from this survey, evidence of the extensive redevelopment of the large cattail and eel grass beds was not observed in this first survey of Par Pond. Future surveys during the growing seasons of 1995, 1996, and 1997 along with the evaluation of satellite date to map the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond are planned

  16. Diffusion and Kirkendall effect in plutonium-zirconium system; Diffusion et effet Kirkendall dans le systeme plutonium-zirconium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Remy, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Results are reported for the chemical diffusion in {epsilon}{beta} phase (bcc) over the range 10 - 70 atomic per cent plutonium. Concentration-penetration curves, obtained by using electron microprobe, have been analysed by Hall and Matano methods. Chemical diffusion coefficients, measured from 650 to 900 deg. C., increase with plutonium concentration and follow the Arrhenius law. Activation energies range from 18000 up to 44000 cal/mole for plutonium concentrations from 60 to 20 atomic per cent plutonium. Kirkendall effect has been observed by the shift of inert markers located originally at the Zr-PuZr interface. Analysis of intrinsic diffusion coefficients variation, flux of the two species and lattice velocity has been carried out by the incremental couples technique by using Darken and Heumann equations. It was found that D{sub Pu} > D{sub Zr}; the ratio D{sub Pu}/D{sub Zr} increases from 1 to 6 over the range 15 - 60 atomic per cent Pu. Activation energies for intrinsic diffusion coefficients vary between 25 and 50 Kcal/mole. (author) [French] Nous donnons des resultats sur la diffusion chimique en phase {epsilon}{beta} (cc) de 10 a 70 pour cent atomique en plutonium. Les courbes concentration-penetration, obtenues par microanalyse X ont ete depouillees par les methodes de HALL et de MATANO. Les coefficients de diffusion chimique mesures de 650 deg. C a 900 deg. C., augmentent avec la concentration en plutonium et suivent la loi d'ARRHENIUS. Les energies d'activation passent de 18000 a 44000 calories par mole pour des concentrations de 60 a 20 pour cent atomique en plutonium. L'existence d'un effet KIRKENDALL a ete mis en evidence par le deplacement de fils inertes places initialement dans le plan de soudure. L'analyse de la variation des coefficients de diffusion intrinseques, des flux des deux especes et de la vitesse du reseau a ete faite par la technique des couples incrementaux en utilisant les equations de DARKEN et de HEUMANN. On trouve D{sub Pu} > D

  17. Examination of vegetation around a nuclear plant emitting gaseous fluorides in order to detect fluorine pollution; Utilisation des vegetaux pour detecter la pollution fluoree autour d'une usine susceptible d'emettre des effluents gazeux fluores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teulon, Francoise; Bonnaventure, J. P. [Commissariat a l' energie atomique et aux energies alternatives - CEA, Centre de Pierrelatte, Section de Protection contre les Radiations (France)


    Fluorine pollution (chronic or occasional) around a plant rejecting gaseous fluoride effluents can be detected from vegetation samples by chemical analysis. Systematic monitoring allows the effects and gravity of the pollution to be estimated. The analytical method used consists of a double distillation (in phosphoric acid and perchloric acid) followed by a spectro-colorimetric analysis (alizarine-complexon-lanthane). This method of control allows both the efficiency of the trapping installations and also the appearance of effluents at unexpected places to be checked, In the event of an accident it is possible to determine the advisability of prohibiting the consumption of locally grown produce by humans or fodder by cattle. Research conducted in order to determine the relation between visible, damage to certain vegetables (tomatoes, haricot beans and sorghum) and their fluorine contents demonstrated that such a relation appears above all at the level of the leaves; chemical analysis may thus be used to confirm or reject information obtained on the basis of visual evidence [French] La detection d'une pollution fluoree (chronique ou accidentelle) autour d'une usine susceptible d'emettre des effluents gazeux fluores peut etre avantageusement realisee par un reseau de prelevements vegetaux suivis de dosages chimiques. Une surveillance systematique permet une evaluation des consequences et du degre de gravite de la pollution. La methode d'analyse consiste en une double distillation (dans l'acide phosphorique et l'acide perchlorique) suivie d'une spectrocolorimetrie (alizarine-complexon-lanthane). Ce mode de controle permet non seulement de verifier si les installations de piegeage sont efficaces mais egalement de localiser des points d'emission imprevus. En cas d'accident, on peut egalement juger de l'opportunite d'interdire la consommation des legumes par les habitants ou du fourrage par le betail des environs. Enfin, des etudes experimentales ont ete realisees pour

  18. Chemical transformations associated with neutronic irradiation of telluric acid; Transformations chimiques associees a l'irradiation neutronique de l'acide teliurique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bertet, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The chemical transformations which arise from irradiation of telluric acid with neutrons have been studied under several experimental conditions. The effects of the reaction (n, {gamma} ) on Te{sup VI} and of the isomeric transitions {sup 131m}Te{sup VI} {yields} {sup 131}Te and {sup 129m}Te{sup VI} {yields} {sup 129}Te, and the oxidation states of {sup 131}I formed by {beta} decay of {sup 131}Te have been investigated in detail. The Szilard-Chalmers effect has been put in evidence. Retention (R) depends on the isomeric state of Rd-Te and is higher for the metastable isotopes. R increases with the time of irradiation. R seems to be independent of the medium which is used for dissolving telluric acid irradiated in the solid state. Higher values of R are found if the acid is irradiated in neutral or alkaline solution; irradiation in acid solution leads to lower values for R. Retention for {sup 131}Te{sup VI} and {sup 129}Te{sup VI} formed by isomeric transition depends on the pH of the solution where this disintegration occurs. For instance, with {sup 129}Te, R is greater in 6 M NaOH (80 per cent) than in 3 M HCI (40 per cent). The relative amounts of the oxidation states of {sup 131}I (reduced fraction (I{sup -}, IO{sup -}, I{sub 2}), iodate and periodate) depend on the medium, both if the acid is irradiated in the solid state and it is irradiated in solution. In the first case, the reduced fraction increases from 12 to 89 per cent when the dissolving medium is changed from neutral to 0.8 M HNO{sub 3}. In the second case, the reduced fraction is 90 per cent in neutral or acid solution and 64 per cent in 0.5 M KOH. It has been shown, furthermore, that microamounts of Te{sup VI} are formed in certain cases. (author) [French] Les transformations chimiques accompagnant l'irradiation neutronique de l'acide tellurique ont ete etudiees dans differentes conditions experimentales. On a examine notamment les consequences de la reaction (n, {gamma}) sur Te{sup VI}, des

  19. [Ambroise Paré, his death and his historians]. (United States)

    Dumaître, P


    Ambroise Paré died December the 20th., 1590. What happened after his death and what are we knowing about his life? Never forgotten, though a lack of care, we were waiting till the XIXth. century to get recollection upon a subject sustained only by accounts of his travels. After Percy, a surgeon who tried to write Paré's biography through the "Biographie universelle ancienne et moderne, de Michaud (1822)" and some second rank authors, Malgaigne is the first who inside a printing of the "Oeuvres complétes de Paré (1840-41)" has a fine look upon the question, though his work is incomplete and allows many mistakes. Doctors Chéreau and Jal, an historian, analysing civil status records, gave new information enlarged by doctors Le Paulmier, Turner and the U.S. native Janet Doe.

  20. 199 Caractérisation physico-chimique des eaux usées d'abattoir en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ce rejet liquide est très chargé en matière organique en terme de DCO (Moy. = 219,52 mg/L ±51,07), .... Les eaux usées de ce rejet sont chargées par les déchets solides, des matières graisses, l'abondance ..... Gestion et Traitement. Tribune ...

  1. Bacterial mitosis: Partitioning protein ParA oscillates in spiral-shaped structures and positions plasmids at mid-cell

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ebersbach, G.; Gerdes, Kenn


    The par2 locus of Escherichia coli plasmid pB171 encodes oscillating ATPase ParA, DNA binding protein ParB and two cis-acting DNA regions to which ParB binds (parC1 and parC2). Three independent techniques were used to investigate the subcellular localization of plasmids carrying par2. In cells......A-GFP oscillated in spiral-shaped structures. Amino acid substitutions in ParA simultaneously abolished ParA spiral formation, oscillation and either plasmid localization or plasmid separation at mid-cell. Therefore, our results suggest that ParA spirals position plasmids at the middle of the bacterial nucleoid...

  2. TMS suppression of right pars triangularis, but not pars opercularis, improves naming in aphasia (United States)

    Naeser, Margaret A.; Martin, Paula I.; Theoret, Hugo; Kobayashi, Masahito; Fregni, Felipe; Nicholas, Marjorie; Tormos, Jose M.; Steven, Megan S.; Baker, Errol H.; Pascual-Leone, Alvaro


    This study sought to discover if an optimum 1 cm2 area in the non-damaged right hemisphere (RH) was present, which could temporarily improve naming in chronic, nonfluent aphasia patients when suppressed with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Ten minutes of slow, 1 Hz rTMS was applied to suppress different RH ROIs in eight aphasia cases. Picture naming and response time (RT) were examined before, and immediately after rTMS. In aphasia patients, suppression of right pars triangularis (PTr) led to significant increase in pictures named, and significant decrease in RT. Suppression of right pars opercularis (POp), however, led to significant increase in RT, but no change in number of pictures named. Eight normals named all pictures correctly; similar to aphasia patients, RT significantly decreased following rTMS to suppress right PTr, versus right POp. Differential effects following suppression of right PTr versus right POp suggest different functional roles for these regions. PMID:21864891

  3. First-in-human uPAR PET: Imaging of Cancer Aggressiveness (United States)

    Persson, Morten; Skovgaard, Dorthe; Brandt-Larsen, Malene; Christensen, Camilla; Madsen, Jacob; Nielsen, Carsten H.; Thurison, Tine; Klausen, Thomas Levin; Holm, Søren; Loft, Annika; Berthelsen, Anne Kiil; Ploug, Michael; Pappot, Helle; Brasso, Klaus; Kroman, Niels; Højgaard, Liselotte; Kjaer, Andreas


    A first-in-human clinical trial with Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) in patients with breast, prostate and bladder cancer, is described. uPAR is expressed in many types of human cancers and the expression is predictive of invasion, metastasis and indicates poor prognosis. uPAR PET imaging therefore holds promise to be a new and innovative method for improved cancer diagnosis, staging and individual risk stratification. The uPAR specific peptide AE105 was conjugated to the macrocyclic chelator DOTA and labeled with 64Cu for targeted molecular imaging with PET. The safety, pharmacokinetic, biodistribution profile and radiation dosimetry after a single intravenous dose of 64Cu-DOTA-AE105 were assessed by serial PET and computed tomography (CT) in 4 prostate, 3 breast and 3 bladder cancer patients. Safety assessment with laboratory blood screening tests was performed before and after PET ligand injection. In a subgroup of the patients, the in vivo stability of our targeted PET ligand was determined in collected blood and urine. No adverse or clinically detectable side effects in any of the 10 patients were found. The ligand exhibited good in vivo stability and fast clearance from plasma and tissue compartments by renal excretion. In addition, high uptake in both primary tumor lesions and lymph node metastases was seen and paralleled high uPAR expression in excised tumor tissue. Overall, this first-in-human study therefore provides promising evidence for safe use of 64Cu-DOTA-AE105 for uPAR PET imaging in cancer patients. PMID:26516369

  4. Rat beta-LPH, gamma-LPH and beta-endorphin biosynthesized by isolated cells of pars intermedia and pars distalis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gianoulakis, C.; Seidah, N.G.; Routhier, R.; Chretien, M.


    Rats pars intermedia cells were incubated for 3 h with the following amino-acids: a) 35 S-methionine and 3 H-phenylalamine; b) 3 H-valine; and c) 3 H-valine and 3 H-lysine. Radioactive gamma-lipotropin, beta-lipotropin and beta-endorphin were purified on carboxy- methyl-cellulose and characterized by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis af pH 4.5, molecular weight estimation and microsequencing. Rat gamma-lipotropin was shown to differ slightly from ovine gamma-lipotropin in its NH 2 -terminal amino acid sequence, in containing no methionine and having phenylalanine at position 6, valine at positions 13 and 27, and lysine at position 20. The same variations were observed in the sequence of rat beta-lipotropin, while rat beta-endorphin was shown to be identical to the ovine beta-endorphin. Following a 3-h pulse of rat pars distalis, the cells were extracted with care to avoid beta-lipotropin degradation by proteolytic enzymes. A peptide was purified and identified to be rat beta-endorphin, thus demonstrating that beta-endorphin is biosynthesized in pars distalis and is not an extraction artifact. (author)

  5. Identification of a new epitope in uPAR as a target for the cancer therapeutic monoclonal antibody ATN-658, a structural homolog of the uPAR binding integrin CD11b (αM.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiang Xu

    Full Text Available The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR plays a role in tumor progression and has been proposed as a target for the treatment of cancer. We recently described the development of a novel humanized monoclonal antibody that targets uPAR and has anti-tumor activity in multiple xenograft animal tumor models. This antibody, ATN-658, does not inhibit ligand binding (i.e. uPA and vitronectin to uPAR and its mechanism of action remains unclear. As a first step in understanding the anti-tumor activity of ATN-658, we set out to identify the epitope on uPAR to which ATN-658 binds. Guided by comparisons between primate and human uPAR, epitope mapping studies were performed using several orthogonal techniques. Systematic site directed and alanine scanning mutagenesis identified the region of aa 268-275 of uPAR as the epitope for ATN-658. No known function has previously been attributed to this epitope Structural insights into epitope recognition were obtained from structural studies of the Fab fragment of ATN-658 bound to uPAR. The structure shows that the ATN-658 binds to the DIII domain of uPAR, close to the C-terminus of the receptor, corroborating the epitope mapping results. Intriguingly, when bound to uPAR, the complementarity determining region (CDR regions of ATN-658 closely mimic the binding regions of the integrin CD11b (αM, a previously identified uPAR ligand thought to be involved in leukocyte rolling, migration and complement fixation with no known role in tumor progression of solid tumors. These studies reveal a new functional epitope on uPAR involved in tumor progression and demonstrate a previously unrecognized strategy for the therapeutic targeting of uPAR.

  6. The protein kinase SIK downregulates the polarity protein Par3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vanlandewijck, Michael; Dadras, Mahsa Shahidi; Lomnytska, Marta


    on Par3. Functionally, this mechanism impacts on tight junction downregulation. Furthermore, SIK contributes to the loss of epithelial polarity and examination of advanced and invasive human cancers of diverse origin displayed high levels of SIK expression and a corresponding low expression of Par3...

  7. PET imaging of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) in prostate cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skovgaard, Dorthe; Persson, Morten; Kjaer, Andreas


    Overexpression of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptors (uPAR) represents an important biomarker for aggressiveness in most common malignant diseases, including prostate cancer (PC). Accordingly, uPAR expression either assessed directly in malignant PC tissue or assessed directly in plasma...... and prognostic imaging method. In this review, we will focus on the recent development of uPAR PET and the relevance within prostate cancer imaging. Novel antibody and small-molecule radiotracers-targeting uPAR, including a series of uPAR-targeting PET ligands, based on the high affinity peptide ligand AE105......, have been synthesized and tested in vitro and in vivo in preclinical murine xenograft models and, recently, in a first-ever clinical uPAR PET study in cancer patients, including patients with PC. In this phase I study, a high and specific uptake of the tracer 64Cu-DOTA-AE105 was found in both primary...

  8. Processing ore from Forez; Etude pour le traitement du minerai du Forez

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kremer, M


    A new process is given for the chemical separation, simply and economically, of the uranium contained in solutions formed by sulfuric acid attack of low uranium content ores. The attacking solution is processed in two stages. The solution is neutralized to pH 2,7 to 3 with milk of lime and a portion of the dissolved impurities are precipitated. Then milk of lime of the uranium is precipitated to pH 6,5 to 7. The uranium concentrate is then subjected to controlled sulfuric attack for its total reduction to a solution containing a minimum of foreign ions. The uranium solution thus obtained is purified by extraction with TBP. (author) [French] Ce nouveau procede permet de separer par voie chimique et de facon simple et economique des solutions obtenues par l'attaque a l'acide sulfurique des minerais d'uranium a faible teneur. Le traitement de la solution d'attaque se fait en deux temps: 1) neutralisation de la solution a pH 2,7-3, par un lait de chaux et elimination par precipitation d'une partie des impuretes dissoutes a l'attaque. 2) precipitation par un lait de chaux, de l'uranium a pH 6,5-7. Le concentre d'uranium est ensuite soumis a une attaque sulfurique qui fait repasser tout l'uranium en solution avec le minimum d'ions etrangers. La solution d'uranium ainsi obtenue est purifiee par extraction au TBP. (auteur)

  9. Par3L enhances colorectal cancer cell survival by inhibiting Lkb1/AMPK signaling pathway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Taiyuan; Liu, Dongning; Lei, Xiong; Jiang, Qunguang


    Partitioning defective 3-like protein (Par3L) is a recently identified cell polarity protein that plays an important role in mammary stem cell maintenance. Previously, we showed that high expression of Par3L is associated with poor survival in malignant colorectal cancer (CRC), but the underlying mechanism remained unknown. To this end, we established a Par3L knockout colorectal cancer cell line using the CRISPR/Cas system. Interestingly, reduced proliferation, enhanced cell death and caspase-3 activation were observed in Par3L knockout (KO) cells as compared with wildtype (WT) cells. Consistent with previous studies, we showed that Par3L interacts with a tumor suppressor protein liver kinase B1 (Lkb1). Moreover, Par3L depletion resulted in abnormal activation of Lkb1/AMPK signaling cascade. Knockdown of Lkb1 in these cells could significantly reduce AMPK activity and partially rescue cell death caused by Par3L knockdown. Furthermore, we showed that Par3L KO cells were more sensitive to chemotherapies and irradiation. Together, these results suggest that Par3L is essential for colorectal cancer cell survival by inhibiting Lkb1/AMPK signaling pathway, and is a putative therapeutic target for CRC. - Highlights: • Par3L knockout using the CRISPR/Cas system induces apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells. • Par3L interacts with Lkb1 and regulates the activity of AMPK signaling cascade. • Par3L knockout cells are more sensitive to treatment of different chemotherapy drugs and irradiation.

  10. Profils des enfants infectes par le vih en debut du traitement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    But : Décrire les profils des enfants infectés par le VIH au début du traitement antirétroviral. Matériels et méthode: Les dossiers des enfants infectés par le VIH dans la région maritime ont été analysés de mai 2008 à février 2010 par le comité thérapeutique. Résultats: Parmi les 96 dossiers analysés, 66,67% venaient du ...

  11. Brief communication: Population variation in human maxillary premolar accessory ridges (MxPAR). (United States)

    Burnett, Scott E; Hawkey, Diane E; Turner, Christy G


    The purpose of this brief communication is to report the results of an analysis of maxillary premolar accessory ridges (MxPAR), a common but understudied accessory ridge that may occur both mesial and distal to the central ridge of the buccal cusp of upper premolars. We developed a new five-grade scoring plaque to better categorize MxPAR variation. Subsequently, we conducted a population analysis of MxPAR frequency in 749 dental casts of South African Indian, American Chinese, Alaskan Eskimo, Tohono O'odham (Papago), Akimel O'odham (Pima), Solomon Islander, South African Bantu, and both American and South African Whites. Northeast Asian and Asian-derived populations exhibited the highest MxPAR frequencies while Indo-European samples (South African Indians, American and South African Whites) exhibited relatively low frequencies. The Solomon Islanders and South African Bantu samples exhibited intermediate frequencies. Our analysis indicates that statistically significant differences in MxPAR frequency exist between major geographic populations. As a result, the MxPAR plaque has now been added to the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System, an important contribution as maxillary premolar traits are underrepresented in analyses of dental morphology. 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  12. Measurement of the quantity of water in organic solvents by infrared absorption an measurement of the dielectric constants; Dosage de l'eau dans les solvants organiques par absorption infra-rouge et mesure des constantes dielectriques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Desnoyer, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Some chemical methods for the analysis of the quantity of water in solvents are first described, their object being the determination of the maximum error for cases where the water content is less than 1 per cent. - The first part of the work consists in describing infrared spectrometry as applied to the analysis of water in carbon tetrachloride, chloroform aniline, acetone and dioxane. A method based on isotopic exchange between heavy and light water is used on the one hand for determining the solubility of water in carbon tetrachloride and on the other hand for establishing standard solutions (sensitivity of the method). - In the second part the dielectric constant of water solvent solutions is measured. A table is presented giving the precision obtained by the two principal methods. These are comparable and further than that the appearance of the spectra suggests an interpretation of the anomalies observed in calibration curves obtained by the dielectric constant method. (author) [French] Quelques methodes chimiques d'analyses de l'eau dissoute dans les solvants sont decrites tout d'abord en vue de determiner l'erreur maxima dans le cas ou la teneur en eau ne depasse pas 1 pour cent. - Une premiere partie du travail expose la technique utilisee en spectrometrie infrarouge pour doser l'eau dans le tetrachlorure de carbone, chloroforme, aniline, acetone et le dioxane. Une methode basee sur l'echange isotopique entre l'eau legere et l'eau lourde permet de determiner d'une part la solubilite de l'eau dans le tetrachlorure de carbone et le chloroforme et d'autre part le titre en valeur absolue des solutions etalons (sensibilite de la methode). - Dans une deuxieme partie, on mesure la constante dielectrique des solutions eau-solvant. On dresse un tableau des precisions obtenues par les deux methodes principales. Celles-ci sont comparables et en outre, l'aspect du spectre suggere une interpretation des anomalies observees dans les courbes d'etalonnage tracees par la

  13. Intoxication par la paraphényléne-diamine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    9 mars 2011 ... remède contre la douleur par Averbukh [8], ou contre la constipation par Schemesh [9], mais l´utilisation à des fins autolytique reste toujours prédominante. Le tableau clinique de l´intoxication à ... une anurie ayant nécessité le recours à l´hémodialyse. Ce taux de survenue d´IRA anurique est relativement ...

  14. Profiling gene expression induced by protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2 activation in human kidney cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacky Y Suen

    Full Text Available Protease-Activated Receptor-2 (PAR2 has been implicated through genetic knockout mice with cytokine regulation and arthritis development. Many studies have associated PAR2 with inflammatory conditions (arthritis, airways inflammation, IBD and key events in tumor progression (angiogenesis, metastasis, but they have relied heavily on the use of single agonists to identify physiological roles for PAR2. However such probes are now known not to be highly selective for PAR2, and thus precisely what PAR2 does and what mechanisms of downstream regulation are truly affected remain obscure. Effects of PAR2 activation on gene expression in Human Embryonic Kidney cells (HEK293, a commonly studied cell line in PAR2 research, were investigated here by comparing 19,000 human genes for intersecting up- or down-regulation by both trypsin (an endogenous protease that activates PAR2 and a PAR2 activating hexapeptide (2f-LIGRLO-NH(2. Among 2,500 human genes regulated similarly by both agonists, there were clear associations between PAR2 activation and cellular metabolism (1,000 genes, the cell cycle, the MAPK pathway, HDAC and sirtuin enzymes, inflammatory cytokines, and anti-complement function. PAR-2 activation up-regulated four genes more than 5 fold (DUSP6, WWOX, AREG, SERPINB2 and down-regulated another six genes more than 3 fold (TXNIP, RARG, ITGB4, CTSD, MSC and TM4SF15. Both PAR2 and PAR1 activation resulted in up-regulated expression of several genes (CD44, FOSL1, TNFRSF12A, RAB3A, COPEB, CORO1C, THBS1, SDC4 known to be important in cancer. This is the first widespread profiling of specific activation of PAR2 and provides a valuable platform for better understanding key mechanistic roles of PAR2 in human physiology. Results clearly support the development of both antagonists and agonists of human PAR2 as potential disease modifying therapeutic agents.

  15. par genes in Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium smegmatis are arranged in an operon transcribed from "SigGC" promoters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Casart Yveth


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The ParA/Soj and ParB/Spo0J proteins, and the cis-acting parS site, participate actively in chromosome segregation and cell cycle progression. Genes homologous to parA and parB, and two putative parS copies, have been identified in the Mycobacterium bovis BCG and Mycobacterium smegmatis chromosomes. As in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the parA and parB genes in these two non-pathogenic mycobacteria are located near the chromosomal origin of replication. The present work focused on the determination of the transcriptional organisation of the ~6 Kb orf60K-parB region of M. bovis BCG and M. smegmatis by primer extension, transcriptional fusions to the green fluorescence protein (GFP and quantitative RT-PCR. Results The parAB genes were arranged in an operon. However, we also found promoters upstream of each one of these genes. Seven putative promoter sequences were identified in the orf60K-parB region of M. bovis BCG, whilst four were identified in the homologous region of M. smegmatis, one upstream of each open reading frame (ORF. Real-time PCR assays showed that in M. smegmatis, mRNA-parA and mRNA-parB levels decreased between the exponential and stationary phases. In M. bovis BCG, mRNA-parA levels also decreased between the exponential and stationary phases. However, parB expression was higher than parA expression and remained almost unchanged along the growth curve. Conclusion The majority of the proposed promoter regions had features characteristic of Mycobacterium promoters previously denoted as Group D. The -10 hexamer of a strong E. coli σ70-like promoter, located upstream of gidB of M. bovis BCG, overlapped with a putative parS sequence, suggesting that the transcription from this promoter might be regulated by the binding of ParB to parS.

  16. Quality control in 99m technetium radiopharmaceuticals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leon Cabana, Alba


    This work means about the quality control in Tc radiopharmaceuticals preparation at hospitalary levels. Several steps must be used in a Nuclear Medicine Laboratory, such as proceeding,radiopharmaceuticals kits preparation, and dispensation materials,glasses,stopper,physical aspects,identification,ph control,storage,and reactif kits

  17. Par-4-mediated recruitment of Amida to the actin cytoskeleton leads to the induction of apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boosen, Meike; Vetterkind, Susanne; Koplin, Ansgar; Illenberger, Susanne; Preuss, Ute


    Par-4 (prostate apoptosis response-4) sensitizes cells to apoptotic stimuli, but the exact mechanisms are still poorly understood. Using Par-4 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified Amida as a novel interaction partner, a ubiquitously expressed protein which has been suggested to be involved in apoptotic processes. Complex formation of Par-4 and Amida occurs in vitro and in vivo and is mediated via the C-termini of both proteins, involving the leucine zipper of Par-4. Amida resides mainly in the nucleus but displays nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling in heterokaryons. Upon coexpression with Par-4 in REF52.2 cells, Amida translocates to the cytoplasm and is recruited to actin filaments by Par-4, resulting in enhanced induction of apoptosis. The synergistic effect of Amida/Par-4 complexes on the induction of apoptosis is abrogated when either Amida/Par-4 complex formation or association of these complexes with the actin cytoskeleton is impaired, indicating that the Par-4-mediated relocation of Amida to the actin cytoskeleton is crucial for the pro-apoptotic function of Par-4/Amida complexes in REF52.2 cells. The latter results in enhanced phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain of myosin II (MLC) as has previously been shown for Par-4-mediated recruitment of DAP-like kinase (Dlk), suggesting that the recruitment of nuclear proteins involved in the regulation of apoptotic processes to the actin filament system by Par-4 represents a potent mechanism how Par-4 can trigger apoptosis

  18. Prognostic value of suPAR and hs-CRP on cardiovascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Diederichsen, Marie Zöga; Diederichsen, Søren Zöga; Mickley, Hans


    Background and aims: Studies have shown that soluble urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR) and CRP (both inflammatory markers) and coronary artery calcification (CAC) are independent risk predictors for cardiovascular (CV) disease. The aim of this study is to assess whether suPAR and CRP...... have an increased predictive prognostic value beyond the traditional CV risk factors and the CAC score. Methods: A population sample of 1179 subjects, free of CV disease was included. The subjects underwent traditional CV risk evaluation, CAC assessment and blood sampling for suPAR and CRP. CV events...

  19. mTORC2 activation is regulated by the urokinase receptor (uPAR) in bladder cancer. (United States)

    Hau, Andrew M; Leivo, Mariah Z; Gilder, Andrew S; Hu, Jing-Jing; Gonias, Steven L; Hansel, Donna E


    Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) has been identified as a major regulator of bladder cancer cell migration and invasion. Upstream pathways that mediate mTORC2 activation remain poorly defined. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is a GPI-anchored membrane protein and known activator of cell-signaling. We identified increased uPAR expression in 94% of invasive human bladder cancers and in 54-71% of non-invasive bladder cancers, depending on grade. Normal urothelium was uPAR-immunonegative. Analysis of publicly available datasets identified uPAR gene amplification or mRNA upregulation in a subset of bladder cancer patients with reduced overall survival. Using biochemical approaches, we showed that uPAR activates mTORC2 in bladder cancer cells. Highly invasive bladder cancer cell lines, including T24, J82 and UM-UC-3 cells, showed increased uPAR mRNA expression and protein levels compared with the less aggressive cell lines, UROtsa and RT4. uPAR gene-silencing significantly reduced phosphorylation of Serine-473 in Akt, an mTORC2 target. uPAR gene-silencing also reduced bladder cancer cell migration and Matrigel invasion. S473 phosphorylation was observed by immunohistochemistry in human bladder cancers only when the tumors expressed high levels of uPAR. S473 phosphorylation was not controlled by uPAR in bladder cancer cell lines that are PTEN-negative; however, this result probably did not reflect altered mTORC2 regulation. Instead, PTEN deficiency de-repressed alternative kinases that phosphorylate S473. Our results suggest that uPAR and mTORC2 are components of a single cell-signaling pathway. Targeting uPAR or mTORC2 may be beneficial in patients with bladder cancer. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. 109 Composition chimique et propriétés antibactériennes des huiles ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2Laboratoire des Produits Naturels (LPN), Département de chimie, Faculté des sciences et techniques, .... analytique, la technique a été améliorée par la mise en ligne deux colonnes capillaires de polarité différente ... couplage CPG/SM a été réalisé sur colonne capillaire en silice fondue (25 m x 0,23 x 0,25 µm) avec de.

  1. Réduction du risque d'infection par le VIH au Botswana - essais ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Au Botswana, ce sont les jeunes femmes qui sont le plus touchées par les nouvelles infections par le VIH. Le présent projet a pour but de réduire le nombre de nouveaux cas d'infection par le VIH, en particulier chez les femmes de 15 à 29 ans. Bien que l'on recense des cas de VIH/sida dans la plupart des régions du ...

  2. Limitations extractives des ingrédients fonctionnels natifs : lipides bioactifs par modifications chimiques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mouloungui Zéphirin


    Full Text Available Phytosterols draw their origin from plants (oilcrops and cereals seeds, vegetables, fruits, nuts. Their chemical structures and their biological functions are similar with those of cholesterol. Efficiency of phytosterols and their saturated homologues (phytostanols on the reduction of high cholesterol level is proven and confers to them uses as functional ingredients. In nonfood industries, the molecular volume of the triterpenic skeleton of phytosterols, as in the case of cholesterol, is exploited for many uses particularly as a hydrophobic part in production of polydisperse “new surfactants”. Due to their physicochemical behaviour to the air/water interfaces, phytosterols are good raw materials for the development of liquid crystals and original biological and pharmaceutical applications. At native state, phytosterols have however low and variable biological levels in seeds. Taking into account the possibilities of chemical modifications and industrial development prospects of phytosterols and their derivatives, selection of varieties associated with the management of crop and wild plants cultural practices represents an interesting way to improve phytosterols content and to modify their component composition to answer to a scheme of vegetable refinery guided by the added value guaranteed by the presence of these minor components.

  3. Complexation studies of actinides (U, Pu, Am) with linear polyamino-carboxylate ligands and sidero-chelates; Etudes de la chelation d'actinides (U, Pu, Am) par des ligands polyaminocarboxylate lineaires et des siderochelates d'interet environnemental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nguyen, L.V.


    As part of our research endeavour aimed at developing and improving decontamination processes of wastewater containing alpha emitters, physico-chemical complexation studies of actinides (U, Pu, Am) with organic open-chain ligands such as poly-aminocarboxylic acids (H{sub 4}EDTA) and sidero-chelates (di-hydroxamic acids and desferrioxamine B) have been carried out. Gaining a clear understanding of the coordination properties of the targeted actinides is an essential step towards the selection of the most appropriate chelating agents that will exhibit high uptake efficiencies. EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) measurements at the ESRF synchrotron enabled to elucidate the coordination scheme of uranium and plutonium complexes. Solution thermodynamic investigations were intended to provide valuable information about the nature and the stability of the uranium(VI) and americium(III) complexes prevailing at a given pH in solution. The set of stability constants determined from potentiometric and UV-visible spectrophotometric titrations, allowed to predict the speciation of the selected actinides in presence of the aforementioned ligands and to determine the pH range required for achieving 'ultimate' decontamination. (author) [French] Dans le cadre du developpement et de l'amelioration des procedes de decontamination d'effluents aqueux contamines par des radioelements emetteurs alpha, des etudes physico-chimiques sur la complexation des actinides (U, Pu, Am) avec des ligands organiques tels que des acides polyaminocarboxyliques lineaires (H{sub 4}EDTA) et des siderochelates (acides dihydroxamiques et desferrioxamine B) ont ete effectuees. La comprehension des proprietes de coordination est une etape essentielle pour selectionner les meilleurs agents chelatants qui se montreront efficaces dans le traitement des effluents. Les schemas de coordination des complexes d'uranium et de plutonium avec ces ligands ont ete determines a l

  4. Contribution to the analytic study of ferrates; Contribution a l'etude analytique des ferrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Becarud, N [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Preparation and chemical properties of potassium, strontium and barium ferrates are described. Separation by glass-paper chromatography, electrochemical studies and infrared spectra are shown. A polarographic determination of ferrate ion have been worked. The stability of these compounds is studied with differential thermal analysis. (author) [French] Ce travail concerne la preparation de divers ferrates ainsi que la recherche de leurs proprietes chimiques. On a etudie les moyens specifiques de les detecter, leur chromatographie sur papier a fibre de verre et leurs proprietes electrochimiques. Une methode de dosage polarographique des ferrates est decrite. Les spectres d'absorption infra-rouge sont fournis. Enfin on a etudie leur decomposition par analyse thermique differentielle. (auteur)

  5. Interactions entre muqueuse orale, salive et molécules de la flaveur


    Ployon, Sarah


    Le rôle de la salive dans la perception sensorielle est de plus en plus reconnu, notamment par le biais des interactions physico-chimiques pouvant s’établir entre protéines salivaires et constituants alimentaires. Ce travail s’intéresse à la pellicule salivaire, la couche de protéines salivaires ancrées aux cellules épithéliales, et vise à caractériser les interactions pouvant s’établir d’une part entre ces protéines et épithélium oral, et d‘autre part entre ces protéines et les molécules de ...


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    I. C. Stanga


    Full Text Available L’érodabilité représente la susceptibilité des sols d’être érodés sous l’action des pluies, du ruissellement ou du vent. Cette susceptibilité est conditionnée par les propriétés physico-chimiques des sols. Dans l’article ci-dessous, on montre les relations qui existent entre l’érodabilité et les propriétés physico-mécaniques des sols, dont les plus importantes sont la granulométrie (surtout le rapport entre différentes fractions texturales, la structure, la densité, la permeabilité et la conductivité hydrauliques.

  7. De la parcelle au bassin versant : quelles données pour la modélisation du transfert des pesticides ?


    Queyrel, Wilfried; Schott, Céline; Habets, Florence; Ripoche, Dominique; Launay, Marie; Tallec, Gaëlle; Ansart , P.; Blanchoud, Hélène


    La Directive Cadre sur l'Eau suppose la mise en œuvre par les pays membres de l'union européenne de la préservation ou la restauration d'une eau de "bonne qualité" pour les grandes masses d'eau. Cependant, les études réalisées sur le transfert des pesticides restent encore insuffisantes pour évaluer la vulnérabilité des eaux de surface et souterraines. La difficulté réside dans la diversité des molécules utilisées et de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques qui imposent que chaque substance acti...

  8. Géochimie des basaltes de l'île de Ua Huka (archipel des Marquises) : variation du taux de fusion partielle et hétérogénéité de la source mantellique


    Ielsch, G.; Caroff, M.; Barsczus, Hans Gustave; Maury, R.C.; Guillou, H.; Guille, G.


    L'île de Ua Huka (archipel des Marquises) comporte un volcan-bouclier principal, édifié entre 3,2 et 2,4 Ma, puis immédiatement affecté par un double effondrement caldeirique. Après un arrêt de l'activité volcanique pendant 0,9 Ma, deux petits volcans se sont mis en place au sud-ouest de l'île entre 1,5 et 0,75 Ma. Les différents types de basaltes constituant ces édifices (tholéiites à olivine, basaltes alcalins et basanites) résulteraient de la fusion partielle d'une source chimiquement hété...

  9. Caractérisation physico-chimique des sables usés de la fonderie

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    SEI Joseph

    Liés avec des argiles ou des résines, les sables de fonderie sont utilisés pour confectionner des moules et des noyaux dans lesquels sont coulés les métaux en fusion. Après l'opération de démoulage des pièces métalliques, une grande partie des sables est réutilisée sur place par régénération, tandis que les sables usés ...

  10. A mechanism for ParB-dependent waves of ParA, a protein related to DNA segregation during cell division in prokaryotes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hunding, Axel; Gerdes, Kenn; Charbon, Gitte Ebersbach


    in an autocatalytic process. We discuss this mechanism in relation to recent models for MinDE oscillations in E.coli and to microtubule degradation in mitosis. The study points to an ancestral role for the presented pattern types in generating bipolarity in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.......Prokaryotic plasmids encode partitioning (par) loci involved in segregation of DNA to daughter cells at cell division. A functional fusion protein consisting of Walker-type ParA ATPase and green fluorescent protein (Gfp) oscillates back and forth within nucleoid regions with a wave period of about...

  11. [Ambroise Paré in French literature]. (United States)

    Dumaitre, P


    The 16th century by its passionate side has been the favourite one of authors of historical novels in which among the heroes of "cloak and dagger stories" appears sometime Ambroise Paré. Alexandre Dumas (the father) has shown him at the court of Charles IX in La Reine Margot (1845) where he does not however play a great role. On the contrary, Balzac in Le Martyr calviniste (1842) has given him a capital part close to the dying François II, whom he intended to trepanize but had to give up this idea as a consequence of the opposition of the queen-mother Catherine de Médicis. In the present century, Robert Merle in Paris ma bonne ville (Fortune de France, 3, 1980) shows Paré at the time of the Saint Barthélemy.

  12. Les dispensées par fantaisie en éducation physique et sportive ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cette étude vise à comprendre les raisons avancées par les élèves dispensés par fantaisie des cours d'EPS, pour justifier leur attitude et principalement leur forfait. Une enquête par questionnaire écrit a été menée dans 13 établissements publics de la ville de Porto-Novo au Bénin. Au total, 203 élèves parmi les 771 élèves ...

  13. Complexation de l'aluminium par des hétéropolyanions lacunaires ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'objectif visé par cette étude est la dépollution des eaux à partir de la complexation d'un métal toxique, l'aluminium en solution, par des hétéropolyanions lacunaires (HPA) de type Dawson. Les complexes formés sont récupérés par membrane liquide émulsionnée (MEL).Les résultats de la complex1ation de l'aluminium ...

  14. Investigation of the kinetics of the reactions of oxidation, nitration, and hydrogenation of uranium; Etude cinetique de l'oxydation, de la nitruration et de l'hydruration de l'uranium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adda, Y [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Various physico-chemical methods have been used to investigate the kinetics of the oxidation hydridation and nitridation of uranium. The experimental results show that the kinetics of these reactions are influenced by many factors also the Pilling and Bedworth rule is valid only under very limited conditions. The disagreement between this rule and the experimental results could be explained by the existence of numerous mechanical faults in the compounds obtained by the dry corrosion of the metal. (author) [French] Les cinetiques d'oxydation, d'hydruration et de nitruration de l'uranium ont ete etudiees au moyen de differentes methodes physico-chimiques. Les resultats experimentaux obtenus indiquent qu'un grand nombre de facteurs influencent les cinetiques d'attaque et que la regle de Pilling et Bedworth n'est verifiee que dans des cas tres limites. Les desaccords entre cette regle et les resultats experimentaux s'expliqueraient par l'existence de nombreux defauts mecaniques dans les composes obtenus par corrosion seche du metal. (auteur)

  15. Etude de l’activité antibactérienne des huiles essentielles d’Inula viscosa, Salvia officinalis et Laurus nobilis de la région de Bejaia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nawel Kheyar


    Full Text Available Dans cette étude, l’activité antibactérienne des huiles essentielles d’Inula viscosa, Salvia officinalis et Laurus nobilis a été évaluée in vitro par la méthode de diffusion sur gélose contre des souches de référence et multirésistante : il s’agit de Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853, Escherichia coli (NAR, Klebsiella pneumoniae (E47 et Listeria innocua (CLIP 74915. Pseudomonas aeruginosa a été l’espèce la plus résistante, cependant, Staphylococcus aureus s’est montrée la plus sensible aux huiles testées. Les résultats de l’analyse chimique de la composition de l’huile Inula viscosa par chromatographie en phase gazeuse indiquent la richesse de cette dernière en thymol (6,93% and carvacrol (2,27%, ce qui pourrait être à l’origine des résultats observés.

  16. Removal of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) factor suPAR using CytoSorb. (United States)

    Schenk, Heiko; Müller-Deile, Janina; Schmitt, Roland; Bräsen, Jan Hinrich; Haller, Hermann; Schiffer, Mario


    Treatment of primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and its recurrence after kidney transplantation associated with rapid deterioration of kidney function remains to be challenging despite advances in immunosuppressive therapy. The presence of circulating factors has been postulated to be a pivotal player in the pathogenesis of FSGS, although suPAR and CLCF-1 have been identified as the most promising causative factors. The potential therapeutic effect of suPAR elimination in an FSGS patient using CytoSorb, a hemoadsorption device that gained attention in the cytokine elimination in septic patients, was studied. Efficiency of total plasma exchange to remove suPAR was determined. CytoSorb hemoadsorption caused a 27.33% reduction of the suPAR level in a single treatment, whereas total plasma exchange showed a suPAR level reduction of 25.12% (n = 3; 95% confidence interval, 0.2777-0.8090; P < 0.01), which may indicate therapeutic potential in the treatment of primary FSGS and its recurrence in a kidney transplant. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Thrombin induces rapid PAR1-mediated non-classical FGF1 release

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duarte, Maria; Kolev, Vihren; Soldi, Raffaella; Kirov, Alexander; Graziani, Irene; Oliveira, Silvia Marta; Kacer, Doreen; Friesel, Robert; Maciag, Thomas; Prudovsky, Igor


    Thrombin induces cell proliferation and migration during vascular injury. We report that thrombin rapidly stimulated expression and release of the pro-angiogenic polypeptide fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1). Thrombin failed to induce FGF1 release from protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) null fibroblasts, indicating that this effect was dependent on PAR1. Similarly to thrombin, FGF1 expression and release were induced by TRAP, a specific oligopeptide agonist of PAR1. These results identify a novel aspect of the crosstalk between FGF and thrombin signaling pathways which both play important roles in tissue repair and angiogenesis

  18. Examining relational empowerment for elementary school students in a yPAR program. (United States)

    Langhout, Regina Day; Collins, Charles; Ellison, Erin Rose


    This paper joins relational empowerment, youth empowerment, and Bridging Multiple Worlds frameworks to examine forms of relational empowerment for children in two intermediary institutions-school and a youth participatory action research after-school program (yPAR ASP). Participants were twelve children, most of whom were Latina/o and from im/migrant families, enrolled in a yPAR ASP for 2 years. A mixed-method approach was utilized; we analyzed children's interviews, self-defined goals, and their social networks to examine their experiences of relational empowerment. We conclude that children experienced each of the five relational empowerment factors-collaborative competence, bridging social divisions, facilitating others' empowerment, mobilizing networks, and passing on a legacy-in the yPAR ASP setting, and some factors in school. These experiences, however, were more pronounced in the yPAR ASP setting. Additionally, social network analyses revealed that a small but meaningful percentage of actors bridged worlds, especially home and family, but by year 2, also school and the yPAR ASP. Finally, most helpers for school-based goals came from school, but a sizable number came from family, friends, and home worlds, and by year 2, also came from the yPAR ASP. Implications range from theoretical to methodological development, including the use of social network analysis as a tool to descriptively examine relational power in context.

  19. Elevated soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) predicts mortality in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mölkänen, T; Ruotsalainen, E; Thorball, C W


    The soluble form of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a new inflammatory marker. High suPAR levels have been shown to associate with mortality in cancer and in chronic infections like HIV and tuberculosis, but reports on the role of suPAR in acute bacteremic infections...... are scarce. To elucidate the role of suPAR in a common bacteremic infection, the serum suPAR levels in 59 patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB) were measured using the suPARnostic ELISA assay and associations to 1-month mortality and with deep infection focus were analyzed. On day three, after...... the first positive blood culture for S. aureus, suPAR levels were higher in 19 fatalities (median 12.3; range 5.7-64.6 ng/mL) than in 40 survivors (median 8.4; range 3.7-17.6 ng/mL, p = 0.002). This difference persisted for 10 days. The presence of deep infection focus was not associated with elevated su...

  20. Evaluation de la réactivité chimique et de la montée en cohésion au jeune âge des matériaux bitumineux recyclés à froid




    Une des taches du programme de recherche européen SCORE était l'optimisation de la formulation des matériaux bitumineux recyclés à froid. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le LRPC de Saint-Brieuc a développé deux méthodes d'essais qui permettent de mieux appréhender la réactivité chimique entre les fraisats d'enrobé et les émulsions cationiques. La première méthode consiste en une extraction à l'eau acidifiée des fraisats d'enrobés. Le pH de la solution est mesuré tout au long de la procédure d'ex...

  1. The polarity protein Par6 is coupled to the microtubule network during molluscan early embryogenesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Homma, Taihei [Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan); Shimizu, Miho [Kuroda Chiromorphology Team, ERATO-SORST, JST, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan); Kuroda, Reiko, E-mail: [Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan); Kuroda Chiromorphology Team, ERATO-SORST, JST, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan); Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan)


    Research highlights: {yields} The cDNAs encoding Par6 and aPKC homologues were cloned from the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. {yields} L. stagnalis Par6 directly interacts with tubulin and microtubules and localizes to the microtubule cytoskeleton during the early embryogenesis. {yields} Identical sequence and localization of LsPar6 for the dextral and the sinistral snails exclude the possibility of the gene being the primary determinant of body handedness. -- Abstract: Cell polarity, which directs the orientation of asymmetric cell division and segregation of fate determinants, is a fundamental feature of development and differentiation. Regulators of polarity have been extensively studied, and the critical importance of the Par (partitioning-defective) complex as the polarity machinery is now recognized in a wide range of eukaryotic systems. The Par polarity module is evolutionarily conserved, but its mechanism and cooperating factors vary among different systems. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of a pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis homologue of partitioning-defective 6 (Lspar6). The protein product LsPar6 shows high affinity for microtubules and localizes to the mitotic apparatus during embryonic cell division. In vitro assays revealed direct binding of LsPar6 to tubulin and microtubules, which is the first evidence of the direct interaction between the two proteins. The interaction is mediated by two distinct regions of LsPar6 both located in the N-terminal half. Atypical PKC, a functional partner of Par6, was also found to localize to the mitotic spindle. These results suggest that the L. stagnalis Par complex employs the microtubule network in cell polarity processes during the early embryogenesis. Identical sequence and localization of LsPar6 for the dextral and the sinistral snails exclude the possibility of the gene being the primary determinant of handedness.

  2. The polarity protein Par6 is coupled to the microtubule network during molluscan early embryogenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Homma, Taihei; Shimizu, Miho; Kuroda, Reiko


    Research highlights: → The cDNAs encoding Par6 and aPKC homologues were cloned from the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. → L. stagnalis Par6 directly interacts with tubulin and microtubules and localizes to the microtubule cytoskeleton during the early embryogenesis. → Identical sequence and localization of LsPar6 for the dextral and the sinistral snails exclude the possibility of the gene being the primary determinant of body handedness. -- Abstract: Cell polarity, which directs the orientation of asymmetric cell division and segregation of fate determinants, is a fundamental feature of development and differentiation. Regulators of polarity have been extensively studied, and the critical importance of the Par (partitioning-defective) complex as the polarity machinery is now recognized in a wide range of eukaryotic systems. The Par polarity module is evolutionarily conserved, but its mechanism and cooperating factors vary among different systems. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of a pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis homologue of partitioning-defective 6 (Lspar6). The protein product LsPar6 shows high affinity for microtubules and localizes to the mitotic apparatus during embryonic cell division. In vitro assays revealed direct binding of LsPar6 to tubulin and microtubules, which is the first evidence of the direct interaction between the two proteins. The interaction is mediated by two distinct regions of LsPar6 both located in the N-terminal half. Atypical PKC, a functional partner of Par6, was also found to localize to the mitotic spindle. These results suggest that the L. stagnalis Par complex employs the microtubule network in cell polarity processes during the early embryogenesis. Identical sequence and localization of LsPar6 for the dextral and the sinistral snails exclude the possibility of the gene being the primary determinant of handedness.

  3. MARK/Par1 Kinase Is Activated Downstream of NMDA Receptors through a PKA-Dependent Mechanism.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura P Bernard

    Full Text Available The Par1 kinases, also known as microtubule affinity-regulating kinases (MARKs, are important for the establishment of cell polarity from worms to mammals. Dysregulation of these kinases has been implicated in autism, Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Despite their important function in health and disease, it has been unclear how the activity of MARK/Par1 is regulated by signals from cell surface receptors. Here we show that MARK/Par1 is activated downstream of NMDA receptors in primary hippocampal neurons. Further, we show that this activation is dependent on protein kinase A (PKA, through the phosphorylation of Ser431 of Par4/LKB1, the major upstream kinase of MARK/Par1. Together, our data reveal a novel mechanism by which MARK/Par1 is activated at the neuronal synapse.

  4. Tumour Microenvironments Induce Expression of Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (uPAR) and Concomitant Activation of Gelatinolytic Enzymes (United States)

    Magnussen, Synnøve; Hadler-Olsen, Elin; Latysheva, Nadezhda; Pirila, Emma; Steigen, Sonja E.; Hanes, Robert; Salo, Tuula; Winberg, Jan-Olof; Uhlin-Hansen, Lars; Svineng, Gunbjørg


    Background The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is associated with poor prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), and increased expression of uPAR is often found at the invasive tumour front. The aim of the current study was to elucidate the role of uPAR in invasion and metastasis of OSCC, and the effects of various tumour microenvironments in these processes. Furthermore, we wanted to study whether the cells’ expression level of uPAR affected the activity of gelatinolytic enzymes. Methods The Plaur gene was both overexpressed and knocked-down in the murine OSCC cell line AT84. Tongue and skin tumours were established in syngeneic mice, and cells were also studied in an ex vivo leiomyoma invasion model. Soluble factors derived from leiomyoma tissue, as well as purified extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, were assessed for their ability to affect uPAR expression, glycosylation and cleavage. Activity of gelatinolytic enzymes in the tissues were assessed by in situ zymography. Results We found that increased levels of uPAR did not induce tumour invasion or metastasis. However, cells expressing low endogenous levels of uPAR in vitro up-regulated uPAR expression both in tongue, skin and leiomyoma tissue. Various ECM proteins had no effect on uPAR expression, while soluble factors originating from the leiomyoma tissue increased both the expression and glycosylation of uPAR, and possibly also affected the proteolytic processing of uPAR. Tumours with high levels of uPAR, as well as cells invading leiomyoma tissue with up-regulated uPAR expression, all displayed enhanced activity of gelatinolytic enzymes. Conclusions Although high levels of uPAR are not sufficient to induce invasion and metastasis, the activity of gelatinolytic enzymes was increased. Furthermore, several tumour microenvironments have the capacity to induce up-regulation of uPAR expression, and soluble factors in the tumour microenvironment may have an important role in the

  5. Tumour microenvironments induce expression of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR and concomitant activation of gelatinolytic enzymes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Synnøve Magnussen

    Full Text Available The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR is associated with poor prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC, and increased expression of uPAR is often found at the invasive tumour front. The aim of the current study was to elucidate the role of uPAR in invasion and metastasis of OSCC, and the effects of various tumour microenvironments in these processes. Furthermore, we wanted to study whether the cells' expression level of uPAR affected the activity of gelatinolytic enzymes.The Plaur gene was both overexpressed and knocked-down in the murine OSCC cell line AT84. Tongue and skin tumours were established in syngeneic mice, and cells were also studied in an ex vivo leiomyoma invasion model. Soluble factors derived from leiomyoma tissue, as well as purified extracellular matrix (ECM proteins, were assessed for their ability to affect uPAR expression, glycosylation and cleavage. Activity of gelatinolytic enzymes in the tissues were assessed by in situ zymography.We found that increased levels of uPAR did not induce tumour invasion or metastasis. However, cells expressing low endogenous levels of uPAR in vitro up-regulated uPAR expression both in tongue, skin and leiomyoma tissue. Various ECM proteins had no effect on uPAR expression, while soluble factors originating from the leiomyoma tissue increased both the expression and glycosylation of uPAR, and possibly also affected the proteolytic processing of uPAR. Tumours with high levels of uPAR, as well as cells invading leiomyoma tissue with up-regulated uPAR expression, all displayed enhanced activity of gelatinolytic enzymes.Although high levels of uPAR are not sufficient to induce invasion and metastasis, the activity of gelatinolytic enzymes was increased. Furthermore, several tumour microenvironments have the capacity to induce up-regulation of uPAR expression, and soluble factors in the tumour microenvironment may have an important role in the regulation of posttranslational

  6. Influencia de los parámetros de proceso, en el comportamiento del parámetro vibración absoluta en turbinas de vapor.

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    F. de la Torre Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabajo muestra el estudio realizado en turbinas de vapor de pequeña capacidad de generación de las centrales termoeléctricas cubanas, relacionadas con la influencia estadística entre parámetros de proceso de la turbina, respecto al parámetro vibración absoluta, medidos en las chumaceras de la turbina. Se utilizan las bases de datos de los sistemas de monitoreado on-line de la turbina. Se exponen las relaciones existentes entre los principales parámetros seleccionados para este estudio.This work show the study in small steam turbine capacity of generation in cubans thermoelectric power station to relative with statistical influence between steam process parameters regarding absolute vibration parameter, in the steam housing measurements. Themselves use database as steam on-line monitoring systems. Expose the existing relation between the principal selection parameters for this study.

  7. Contamination potentielle des aliments par des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    SARA Computers

    la notion de la pollution et de l'exposition aux PCBs, lorsque 77% n'ont pas conscience de cette situation de risque ... 2018). Quoique la contamination par les. PCBs soit de faible niveau, elle est ...... Université Paris-Est, Paris, France ; 183.

  8. Compositions de revêtement réticulables par bombardement électronique. Deuxième partie : Analyse de la littérature des brevets sur la formulation des liants radiodurcissables Forming Crosslinkable Coating by Electron Bombardement. Part Two : Analysis of Patent Literature on Formulating

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    Miléo J. -C.


    Full Text Available Le procédé de séchage des peintures et vernis par irradiation électronique est analysé sous son aspect chimique. On passe en revue les différents modes de synthèse permettant d'obtenir les résines radiodurcissables qui font l'objet, sur le plan des brevets, d'une abondante littérature. Ces résines sont classées suivant la nature des insaturations réactives qu'elles contiennent - insaturations de type « ester maléique », - esters et amides (méthacryliques simples; - esters (méthacryliques à enchaînements uréthanes ; - esters (méthacryliques (p-hydroxylés, leurs esters (insaturés et autres dérivés, - siloxanes; - maléimides; - insaturations « allyliques » ; - résines saturées. The process of drying points and varnishes by electron irradiation is analyzed from the chemical standpoint. A review is mode of the different synthesis methods of pro ducing radiation-curable resins that have resulted in abundant patent literature. These resins are classified according ta the nature of the reactive unsaturations they contain - unsaturations of the « maleic ester » type; - simple (methacrylic esters and amides ; - 3-hydroxyl (methacrylic esters, their (unsaturated esters and other derivatives ; - siloxanes ; - maleimides ; - « allylic » unsaturations ; - saturated resins

  9. Study of copper fluorination; Contribution a l'etude de la fluoruration du cuivre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gillardeau, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This report deals with the action of fluorine on copper. Comprehensive descriptions are given of the particular technological methods and of the preparation of the reactants. This fluorination reaction has been studied at medium and low fluorine pressures. A nucleation and growth phenomenon is described. The influence of a pollution of the gas phase on the fluorination process is described. The solid-state reaction between cupric fluoride and cooper has also been studied. A special study has been made of the growth of copper deposits by thermal decomposition of gaseous fluorides. (author) [French] Ce rapport traite de la reaction du fluor sur le cuivre. Les methodes technologiques particulieres ainsi que les preparations des reactifs sont largement developpees. Cette reaction de fluoruration est etudiee sous pressions moyennes et sous basses pressions de fluor. Un phenomene de germination et croissance est decrit. L'influence de la pollution de la phase gazeuse sur le processus de fluoruration est rapportee. La reaction a l'etat solide du fluorure cuivrique sur le cuivre a egalement ete etudiee. La croissance de depots de cuivre par decomposition thermique des fluorures de cuivre gazeux fait l'objet d'une etude speciale. (auteur)

  10. Accouchement par césarienne et mortalité maternelle du postpartum


    Deneux-Tharaux , Catherine; Carmona , Elodie; Bouvier-Colle , Marie-Hélène; Bréart , Gérard


    Objectifs Une augmentation continue du taux d'accouchements par césarienne (CS)est observée dans la plupart des pays depuis 20 ans. Cette évolution a suscité l'émergence d'un débat controversé sur les risques et les bénéfices associés à la CS. L'objectif de cette étude était d'estimer le risque de mort maternelle du postpartum lié directement à la CS par comparaison à l'accouchement par voie basse, globalement et en distinguant les CS pre- ou intra- partum . Méthode Etude cas/témoins. Les cas...

  11. Prise en charge des intoxications par envenimation chez les enfants ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les signes cliniques étaient dominés par les douleurs (98%) suivies des hémorragies (73,80%) pour les morsures de serpent, la douleur pour les piqures de scorpion (100%) et les oedèmes pour les piqures d'abeilles (100%). Les cas de morsure de serpent ont été traités par le sérum antivenimeux polyvalent. Conclusion: ...

  12. Experimental study about the regulating effect of Par-4 gene overexpression on the nephroblastoma sensitivity to cisplatin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hui-Lin Mao


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the regulating effect of Par-4 gene overexpression on the nephroblastoma sensitivity to cisplatin. Methods: Nephroblastoma SK-NEP-1 cells were cultured and divided into four groups, control group were treated with RMPI-1640 without serum or drugs, cisplatin group were treated with serum-free RMPI-1640 containing 5 μg/mL cisplatin, Par-4 group were transfected by Par-4 overexpression plasmids with serum-free RMPI-1640, and cisplatin + Par-4 group were transfected by Par-4 overexpression plasmid with serum-free RMPI-1640 containing 5 μg/mL cisplatin. The cell proliferation activity as well the expression of apoptosis genes, migration genes and invasion genes was measured. Results: 8 h, 16 h and 24 h after different conditions of treatment, the cell proliferation activity of cisplatin group, Par-4 group and cisplatin + Par-4 group were significantly lower than that of control group, and the cell proliferation activity of cisplatin + Par-4 group was significantly lower than that of cisplatin group and Par-4 group; 24 h after different conditions of treatment, Bim, PDCD4, WT1, RGS4, Axin, KAI1, E-cadherin, PPARγ and PTEN mRNA expression in cisplatin group, Par-4 group and cisplatin + Par-4 group were greatly higher than those in control group whereas GDNF, GFRα1, TUBB3, NME1 and FGF1 mRNA expression were greatly lower than those in control group; Bim, PDCD4, WT1, RGS4, Axin, KAI1, E-cadherin, PPARγ and PTEN mRNA expression in cisplatin + Par-4 group were greatly higher than those in cisplatin group and Par-4 group whereas GDNF, GFRα1, TUBB3, NME1 and FGF1 mRNA expression were greatly significantly lower than those in cisplatin group and Par-4 group. Conclusion: Par-4 gene overexpression can increase the nephroblastoma sensitivity to cisplatin, reduce cell proliferation activity, promote apoptosis and inhibit cell migration and invasion.

  13. Nanomechanical recognition of prognostic biomarker suPAR with DVD-ROM optical technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bache, Michael; Bosco, Filippo G; Brøgger, Anna L; Frøhling, Kasper B; Boisen, Anja; Alstrøm, Tommy Sonne; Hwu, En-Te; Chen, Ching-Hsiu; Hwang, Ing-Shouh; Eugen-Olsen, Jesper


    In this work the use of a high-throughput nanomechanical detection system based on a DVD-ROM optical drive and cantilever sensors is presented for the detection of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor inflammatory biomarker (uPAR). Several large scale studies have linked elevated levels of soluble uPAR (suPAR) to infectious diseases, such as HIV, and certain types of cancer. Using hundreds of cantilevers and a DVD-based platform, cantilever deflection response from antibody–antigen recognition is investigated as a function of suPAR concentration. The goal is to provide a cheap and portable detection platform which can carry valuable prognostic information. In order to optimize the cantilever response the antibody immobilization and unspecific binding are initially characterized using quartz crystal microbalance technology. Also, the choice of antibody is explored in order to generate the largest surface stress on the cantilevers, thus increasing the signal. Using optimized experimental conditions the lowest detectable suPAR concentration is currently around 5 nM. The results reveal promising research strategies for the implementation of specific biochemical assays in a portable and high-throughput microsensor-based detection platform. (paper)

  14. Study of various processes for marking sediments with gold-198; Etude de divers procedes de marquages de sediments par l'or 198

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeanneau, B [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The use of radioactive isotopes for the study of sediment deposits is based mainly on two methods: marking in the mass - a glass of an element which can be activated replaces the sediment; surface marking - a physico-chemical process is used to deposit a radio-element at the surface of the sediment. The second process is used in particular for sands when it is advantageous to have a large number of particles for statistical analysis. The aim of this work was to develop a rapid and simple method of marking which could be applied on the actual site of the experiment where equipment, may be limited. The method recommended for marking sand with gold-198 is a combination of the Petersen (treatment with tin chloride) and Campbell (treatment with silver) methods combined with prior treatments with nitric acid and caustic soda. Using this method it is possible to deposit 125 mg of gold per kilo of sediment with a yield of 95 per cent (i.e. 10 Ci/kg) using a hydrochloric acid solution containing gold. The problem of the solidity of the deposits, of their value and of their reproducibility is discussed from the point of view of the mineral constitution of the sand. (author) [French] L'utilisation d'isotopes radioactifs pour l'etude des deplacements sedimentaires fait, principalement appel a deux methodes: le marquage massique - un verre contenant un element activable remplace le sediment; le marquage superficiel - un traitement physico-chimique permet de deposer un radioelement a la surface du sediment. Le second procede est surtout employe pour les sables lorsqu'il est utile de disposer d'un grand nombre de grains pour des raisons statistiques. Le but de ce travail etait de mettre au point une methode simple et rapide de marquage pouvant etre appliquee sur le site meme de l'experience pour les utilisateurs disposant d'un equipement limite. Le procede preconise pour le marquage des sables par l'or 198 est une combinaison des methodes Petersen (traitement au chlorure d

  15. Effect of a physical activity intervention on suPAR levels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rohde, Christopher; Polcwiartek, Christoffer; Andersen, Eivind


    OBJECTIVES: Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a novel inflammatory marker, associated with lifestyle diseases and mortality risk. No studies have investigated whether physical activity may reduce suPAR levels using a randomized controlled design. DESIGN AND METHODS......: suPAR and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were determined in blood samples from a previous randomized controlled trial with Pakistani immigrants in Norway, 2008. The study included physically inactive men that were randomized to an intervention group (supervised group exercises) or a control group...... and followed for 5 months. A linear regression model was used and adjusted for age, inactivity level at baseline, and mean difference in CRP levels. RESULTS: Overall, 80 and 53 participants were included in the intervention and control group, respectively. Obesity and smoking were associated with higher su...

  16. uPAR Expression Pattern in Patients with Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dohn, Line Hammer; Pappot, Helle; Iversen, Benedikte Richter


    The objective of the present study was to confirm the expression and localisation pattern of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) focusing on its possible clinical relevance in patients with urothelial neoplasia of the bladder. uPAR is a central molecule in tissue remodelling...... during cancer invasion and metastasis and is an established prognostic marker in various cancer diseases other than bladder cancer. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tumour-tissue blocks from 186 patients treated with radical cystectomy were analysed. uPAR expression was scored as either negative...... or positive as well as by the actual score. Separate scores were obtained for cancer cells, macrophages and myofibroblasts at the invasive front and in tumour core. We were able to confirm, in an independent patient cohort, the tissue expression and localisation pattern of uPAR as investigated...

  17. Comparative Studies of Chemical Effects following Nuclear Reactions and Transformations on Metal Organic Phenyl Compounds; Etudes Comparatives des Effets Chimiques Induits par les Reactions et les Transformations Nucleaires sur des Composes Phenylmetalliques; 0421 0420 0410 0414 ; Estudios Comparativos de los Efectos Quimicos de las Reacciones y Transformaciones Nucleares en Compuestos Fenil-Organometalicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merz, E.; Riedel, H. J. [Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    molecule by the nuclear recoil and the resulting excitation. The hypothesis is put forward that the kind and quantity of certain new radioactive species produced in connection with nuclear events is less a function of the nature and concentration of primary recoil fragments than are the ions, radicals and lattice defects imparted to the irradiated materials by secondary recoil effects (elastic and inelastic interactions) , including the peculiar influence of oxygen. (author) [French] Les auteurs ont etudie les effets chimiques provoques par les atomes chaud de recul resultant des reactions nucleaires dans les solides et dans les liquides en se fondant sur une vaste comparaison des produits des processus (n,{gamma}) et (n,2n) dans les composes phenyles du germanium, de l'etain, du plomb, de l'arsenic et de l'antimoine. En outre, ils ont compare les produits de recul radioactifs formes apres capture K dans le tetraphenyl- germanium-{sup 68}Ge avec les resultats du processus (n,{gamma}) dans le triphenylgalliumet du processus (n,p) sur le tetraphenylgermanium. Enfin, ils ont etudie la transition {beta}{sup -} dans laquelle {sup 77}Ge est remplace par {sup 77}As dans le compose. En appliquant differentes methodes de separation, par exemple la chromatographie d'adsorption sur alumine, l'echange d'ions et l'electrophorese, ils ont separe les divers produits de recul radioactifs et determine les rendements individuels. Ils ont constate que, dans les reactions nucleaires, les composes des metaux cites ayant des coordinats identiques forment pratiquement les memes produits de recul. Toutefois, pour la distribution des rendements, il y a des differences caracteristiques entre la reaction (n,{gamma}) et la reaction (n,2n). L'influence sur les rendements est a peine perceptible lorsque les irradiations ont lieu dans des liquides ou des solutions. Mais les differences trouvees pour les nouveaux composes formes par des transformations nucleaires sont frappantes, en ce qui

  18. uPA/uPAR system activation drives a glycolytic phenotype in melanoma cells. (United States)

    Laurenzana, Anna; Chillà, Anastasia; Luciani, Cristina; Peppicelli, Silvia; Biagioni, Alessio; Bianchini, Francesca; Tenedini, Elena; Torre, Eugenio; Mocali, Alessandra; Calorini, Lido; Margheri, Francesca; Fibbi, Gabriella; Del Rosso, Mario


    In this manuscript, we show the involvement of the uPA/uPAR system in the regulation of aerobic glycolysis of melanoma cells. uPAR over-expression in human melanoma cells controls an invasive and glycolytic phenotype in normoxic conditions. uPAR down-regulation by siRNA or its uncoupling from integrins, and hence from integrin-linked tyrosine kinase receptors (IL-TKRs), by an antagonist peptide induced a striking inhibition of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR/HIF1α pathway, resulting into impairment of glucose uptake, decrease of several glycolytic enzymes and of PKM2, a checkpoint that controls metabolism of cancer cells. Further, binding of uPA to uPAR regulates expression of molecules that govern cell invasion, including extracellular matrix metallo-proteinases inducer (EMPPRIN) and enolase, a glycolytyc enzyme that also serves as a plasminogen receptor, thus providing a common denominator between tumor metabolism and phenotypic invasive features. Such effects depend on the α5β1-integrin-mediated uPAR connection with EGFR in melanoma cells with engagement of the PI3K-mTOR-HIFα pathway. HIF-1α trans-activates genes whose products mediate tumor invasion and glycolysis, thus providing the common denominator between melanoma metabolism and its invasive features. These findings unveil a unrecognized interaction between the invasion-related uPAR and IL-TKRs in the control of glycolysis and disclose a new pharmacological target (i.e., uPAR/IL-TKRs axis) for the therapy of melanoma. © 2017 UICC.

  19. uPAR Expression Pattern in Patients with Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder--Possible Clinical Implications.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Line Hammer Dohn

    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to confirm the expression and localisation pattern of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR focusing on its possible clinical relevance in patients with urothelial neoplasia of the bladder. uPAR is a central molecule in tissue remodelling during cancer invasion and metastasis and is an established prognostic marker in various cancer diseases other than bladder cancer. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tumour-tissue blocks from 186 patients treated with radical cystectomy were analysed. uPAR expression was scored as either negative or positive as well as by the actual score. Separate scores were obtained for cancer cells, macrophages and myofibroblasts at the invasive front and in tumour core. We were able to confirm, in an independent patient cohort, the tissue expression and localisation pattern of uPAR as investigated by Immunohistochemistry as well as a significant association between uPAR positivity and increasing tumour stage and tumour grade. This demonstrates the robustness of our previous and current findings. In addition the association between uPAR positive myofibroblasts and poor survival was reproduced. The highest hazard ratios for survival were seen for uPAR positive myofibroblasts both at the invasive front and in tumour core. Evaluating uPAR expression by the actual score showed a significant association between uPAR positive myofibroblasts in tumour core and an increased risk of cancer specific mortality. Our investigations have generated new and valuable biological information about the cell types being involved in tumour invasion and progression through the plasminogen activation system.

  20. Proteinase-Activated Receptor-1 and Immunomodulatory Effects of a PAR1-Activating Peptide in a Mouse Model of Prostatitis (United States)

    Stanton, M. Mark; Nelson, Lisa K.; Benediktsson, Hallgrimur; Hollenberg, Morley D.; Buret, Andre G.; Ceri, Howard


    Background. Nonbacterial prostatitis has no established etiology. We hypothesized that proteinase-activated receptor-1 (PAR1) can play a role in prostatitis. We therefore investigated the effects of PAR1 stimulation in the context of a new model of murine nonbacterial prostatitis. Methods. Using a hapten (ethanol-dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid- (DNBS-)) induced prostatitis model with both wild-type and PAR1-null mice, we examined (1) the location of PAR1 in the mouse prostate and (2) the impact of a PAR1-activating peptide (TFLLR-NH2: PAR1-TF) on ethanol-DNBS-induced inflammation. Results. Ethanol-DNBS-induced inflammation was maximal at 2 days. In the tissue, PAR1 was expressed predominantly along the apical acini of prostatic epithelium. Although PAR1-TF on its own did not cause inflammation, its coadministration with ethanol-DNBS reduced all indices of acute prostatitis. Further, PAR1-TF administration doubled the prostatic production of interleukin-10 (IL-10) compared with ethanol-DNBS treatment alone. This enhanced IL-10 was not observed in PAR1-null mice and was not caused by the reverse-sequence receptor-inactive peptide, RLLFT-NH2. Surprisingly, PAR1-TF, also diminished ethanol-DNBS-induced inflammation in PAR1-null mice. Conclusions. PAR1 is expressed in the mouse prostate and its activation by PAR1-TF elicits immunomodulatory effects during ethanol-DNBS-induced prostatitis. However, PAR1-TF also diminishes ethanol-DNBS-induced inflammation via a non-PAR1 mechanism by activating an as-yet unknown receptor. PMID:24459330

  1. Solar PAR and UVR modify the community composition and photosynthetic activity of sea ice algae. (United States)

    Enberg, Sara; Piiparinen, Jonna; Majaneva, Markus; Vähätalo, Anssi V; Autio, Riitta; Rintala, Janne-Markus


    The effects of increased photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on species diversity, biomass and photosynthetic activity were studied in fast ice algal communities. The experimental set-up consisted of nine 1.44 m(2) squares with three treatments: untreated with natural snow cover (UNT), snow-free (PAR + UVR) and snow-free ice covered with a UV screen (PAR). The total algal biomass, dominated by diatoms and dinoflagellates, increased in all treatments during the experiment. However, the smaller biomass growth in the top 10-cm layer of the PAR + UVR treatment compared with the PAR treatment indicated the negative effect of UVR. Scrippsiella complex (mainly Scrippsiella hangoei, Biecheleria baltica and Gymnodinium corollarium) showed UV sensitivity in the top 5-cm layer, whereas Heterocapsa arctica ssp. frigida and green algae showed sensitivity to both PAR and UVR. The photosynthetic activity was highest in the top 5-cm layer of the PAR treatment, where the biomass of the pennate diatom Nitzschia frigida increased, indicating the UV sensitivity of this species. This study shows that UVR is one of the controlling factors of algal communities in Baltic Sea ice, and that increased availability of PAR together with UVR exclusion can cause changes in algal biomass, photosynthetic activity and community composition. © FEMS 2015. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  2. PAR-Complex and Crumbs Function During Photoreceptor Morphogenesis and Retinal Degeneration. (United States)

    Pichaud, Franck


    The fly photoreceptor has long been used as a model to study sensory neuron morphogenesis and retinal degeneration. In particular, elucidating how these cells are built continues to help further our understanding of the mechanisms of polarized cell morphogenesis, intracellular trafficking and the causes of human retinal pathologies. The conserved PAR complex, which in flies consists of Cdc42-PAR6-aPKC-Bazooka, and the transmembrane protein Crumbs (Crb) are key players during photoreceptor morphogenesis. While the PAR complex regulates polarity in many cell types, Crb function in polarity is relatively specific to epithelial cells. Together Cdc42-PAR6-aPKC-Bazooka and Crb orchestrate the differentiation of the photoreceptor apical membrane (AM) and zonula adherens (ZA) , thus allowing these cells to assemble into a neuro-epithelial lattice. In addition to its function in epithelial polarity, Crb has also been shown to protect fly photoreceptors from light-induced degeneration, a process linked to Rhodopsin expression and trafficking. Remarkably, mutations in the human Crumbs1 (CRB1) gene lead to retinal degeneration, making the fly photoreceptor a powerful disease model system.

  3. Potential Ecological Effects of Contaminants in the Exposed Par Pond Sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paller, M.H.; Wike, L.D.


    Sediment and small mammal samples were collected from the exposed sediments of Par Pond in early 1995, shortly before the reservoir was refilled after a 4-year drawdown. Sampling was confined to elevations between 58 and 61 meters (190 and 200 feet) above mean sea level, which includes the sediments likely to be exposed if the Par Pond water level is permitted to fluctuate naturally. Both soil and small mammal samples were analyzed for a number of radionuclides and metals. Some of the soil samples were also analyzed for organic contaminants. The objective of the study was to determine if contaminant levels in the Par Pond sediments were high enough to cause deleterious ecological effects

  4. The pars intermedia: an anatomic basis for a coordinated vascular response to female genital arousal. (United States)

    Shih, Cheryl; Cold, Christopher J; Yang, Claire C


    The pars intermedia is an area of the vulva that has been inconsistently described in the literature. We conducted anatomic studies to better describe the tissues and vascular structures of the pars intermedia and proposed a functional rationale of the pars intermedia in the female sexual response. Nine cadaveric vulvectomy specimens were used. Each was serially sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome. Histologic ultrastructural description of the pars intermedia. The pars intermedia contains veins traveling longitudinally in the angle of the clitoris, supported by collagen-rich stromal tissues. These veins drain the different vascular compartments of the vulva, including the clitoris, the bulbs, and labia minora; also, the interconnecting veins link the different vascular compartments. The pars intermedia is not composed of erectile tissue, distinguishing it from the erectile tissues of the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris as well as the corpus spongiosum of the clitoral (vestibular) bulbs. The venous communications of the pars intermedia, linking the erectile tissues with the other vascular compartments of the vulva, appear to provide the anatomic basis for a coordinated vascular response during female sexual arousal. © 2012 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  5. Chemical treatment proceed of poor uranium content ores; Un procede de traitement chimique des minerais pauvres d'uranium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mouret, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Pagny, P [Societe Potasse et Engrais Chimiques (France)


    The needs in uranium constantly increased inciting to develop new chemical processes for the treatment of uranium ores. we searched processes that permit to get this element from ores poor in uranium, to a reasonable cost price. We used a sulphuric attack and a precipitation of uranium as phosphate uranate or pyrophosphate uranate to separate its from the different impurities. The process permitted to process ores contents of about 0,05% of uranium and to get an end product of sodium carbonate uranate containing 60 to 65% of uranium, with an acceptable cost price and an extraction yield situated between 90 and 95%. (M.B.) [French] Les besoins sans cesse accrus en uranium ont incite de developper de nouveaux procedes chimiques pour le traitement de minerais uranifere. nous avons recherche des procedes qui permettent d'obtenir cet element a partir de minerais pauvres en uranium, a un prix de revient raisonnable. Nous nous sommes orientes vers une attaque sulfurique et une precipitation de l'uranium sous forme de phosphate uraneux ou de pyrophosphate uraneux pour le separer des differentes impuretes. Le procede a permis de descendre a des teneurs en uranium de l'ordre de 0,05 % et d'obtenir un produit final a l'etat d'uranate de soude contenant 60 e 65 % d'uranium, avec un prix de revient acceptable et avec un rendement global d'extraction situe entre 90 et 95 %. (M.B.)

  6. PAR-1 and thrombin: the ties that bind the microenvironment to melanoma metastasis. (United States)

    Zigler, Maya; Kamiya, Takafumi; Brantley, Emily C; Villares, Gabriel J; Bar-Eli, Menashe


    Progression of melanoma is dependent on cross-talk between tumor cells and the adjacent microenvironment. The thrombin receptor, protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1), plays a key role in exerting this function during melanoma progression. PAR-1 and its activating factors, which are expressed on tumor cells and the surrounding stroma, induce not only coagulation but also cell signaling, which promotes the metastatic phenotype. Several adhesion molecules, cytokines, growth factors, and proteases have recently been identified as downstream targets of PAR-1 and have been shown to modulate interactions between tumor cells and the microenvironment in the process of melanoma growth and metastasis. Inhibiting such interactions by targeting PAR-1 could potentially be a useful therapeutic modality for melanoma patients. ©2011 AACR.



    Abdulla , Galal; Mellouk , Hamid; Belghit , Abdelhamid; Allaf , Karim


    International audience; Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué les performances d'un nouveau procédé de séchage dans le cas du liège en granulés. Ce procédé (La déshydratation par détentes successives : DDS) consiste à soumettre le matériau liège dans une chambre hermétique aux variations cycliques de la pression. Chaque cycle est composé d'une compression et d'une décompression. La phase de compression est réalisée en injectant de l'air comprimé à température ambiante provenant d'un compresseur...

  8. Protection of uranium by electrodeposition of nickel and diffusion; Protection de l'uranium par nickelage electrolytique et diffusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chauvin, G; Coriou, H; Hure, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    diffusion, that which is richest in nickel UNi{sub 5}, is the hardest and most brittle. This brittleness results in the systematic appearance of fractures at the Ni-UNi{sub 5} interface; all the diffusion layers remain fixed to the uranium. (author) [French] Ce travail s'integre dans le cadre tres general du probleme de gainage de l'uranium dans les reacteurs nucleaires. En effet il convient notamment: - D'assurer une protection du combustible (uranium) contre la corrosion par le refrigerant (eau lourde, CO, etc.) dans le cas d'une rupture de gaine (Al, Zr, etc.); - D'eviter la diffusion prohibitive U-Al (cas d'une gaine en aluminium) par l'emploi d'une couche intermediaire d'un metal dont la cinetique de diffusion avec l'uranium soit, dans les memes conditions, considerablement plus faible que celle de l'aluminium. De la presente etude, basee sur l'utilisation eventuelle du nickel comme couche intermediaire, on peut degager les principaux points suivants: 1) Apres lui avoir fait subir un traitement de surface chimique determine, on peut realiser sur l'uranium des depots electrolytiques de nickel d'une adherence telle que, apres un recuit sans l'application d'aucune pression, ces depots donnent lieu a une bonne diffusion intermetallique U-Ni. Tout en restant tres inferieure a celle du systeme U-Al, cette diffusion permet de renforcer la protection, donc d'accroitre la resistance du combustible a la corrosion. 2) Toutes autres conditions egales par ailleurs, l'experience montre que la qualite des zones de diffusion obtenues depend de la nature du bain de nickelage. 3) Les bains classiques de nickelage utilises jusqu'a present dans ce domaine d'etude contiennent 20 a 40 g/l d'acide borique a titre de tampon electrolytique. Il en resulte une contamination extremement elevee des depots de nickel par 400 a 500 ppm de bore. Nous montrons qu'avec au moins un bain exempt de poisons nucleaires, on peut obtenir des zones de diffusion U-Ni tres saines. 4) Apres un recuit de 100 heures

  9. Par Pond vegetation status summer 1995 - July survey descriptive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    A survey of the emergent shoreline aquatic plant, communities began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet (61 meters) above mean sea level, and continued with this July survey. Aquatic plant communities, similar to the pre-drawdown Par Pond communities, are becoming reestablished. Beds of maidencane (Panicum hemitomon), lotus (Nelumbo lutea), water lily (Nymphaea odorata), and watershield (Brasenia schreberi) are now extensive and well established. In addition, within isolated coves, extensive beds of water lilies and spike-rush (Eleocharis sp.) are common. Cattail occurrence has increased since refill, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the drawdown have not formed. Invasion of willow (Salix sp.) and red maple (Acer rubrum) occurred along the lake shoreline during drawdown. The red maples along the present shoreline are beginning to show evidence of stress and mortality from flooding over the past four months. Some of the willows appear to be stressed as well. The loblolly pines (Pinus taeda), which were flooded in all but the shallow shoreline areas, are now dead. Future surveys are planned for the growing seasons of 1995, 1996, and 1997, along with the evaluation of satellite data for mapping the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond

  10. Project Plan 7930 Cell G PaR Remote Handling System Replacement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinney, Kathryn A.


    For over 40 years the US Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessors have made Californium-252 ( 252 Cf) available for a wide range of industries including medical, nuclear fuels, mining, military and national security. The Radiochemical Engineering Development Center (REDC) located within the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) processes irradiated production targets from the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). Operations in Building 7930, Cell G provide over 70% of the world's demand for 252 Cf. Building 7930 was constructed and equipped in the mid-1960s. Current operations for 252 Cf processing in Building 7930, Cell G require use of through-the-wall manipulators and the PaR Remote Handling System. Maintenance and repairs for the manipulators is readily accomplished by removal of the manipulator and relocation to a repair shop where hands-on work can be performed in glove boxes. Contamination inside cell G does not currently allow manned entry and no provisions were created for a maintenance area inside the cell. There has been no maintenance of the PaR system or upgrades, leaving operations vulnerable should the system have a catastrophic failure. The Cell G PaR system is currently being operated in a run to failure mode. As the manipulator is now 40+ years old there is significant risk in this method of operation. In 2006 an assessment was completed that resulted in recommendations for replacing the manipulator operator control and power centers which are used to control and power the PaR manipulator in Cell G. In mid-2008 the chain for the bridge drive failed and subsequent examinations indicated several damaged links (see Figure 1). To continue operations the PaR manipulator arm is being used to push and pull the bridge as a workaround. A retrieval tool was fabricated, tested and staged inside Cell G that will allow positioning of the bridge and manipulator arm for removal from the cell should the PaR system completely fail. A fully functioning and

  11. Influence des défauts de la structure du verre sur la résistance mécanique des fibres optiques (United States)

    Chmel, A.; Baptizmanski, V. V.; Kharshak, A. A.


    For silica (pure and doped) optical fibers prepared from preforms irradiated by thermal neutrons and Ar^+ ions, the measurements of lifetime under transverse stress were carried out. It is found that the neutron bombardment leads to decrease of the lifetime and the strength of fiber while the ion implantation results in increasing of these parameters. The influence of particle irradiation on the glass strength is explained by the generation of structural defects which were observed by the infrared an Raman spectroscopy methods. The direction of the change of mechanical properties of fibers is determined by the type of defects and their distribution in the cross-section of fiber. Des préformes de fibres optiques de silice ont été exposées à un bombardement par des faisceaux de neutrons thermiques et d'ions Ar^+ à énergie de 40 keV afin d'engendrer des défauts de la structure respectivement dans le volume ou dans la couche superficielle des échantillons. Les fibres obtenues des préformes irradiées et non irradiées ont été mises en charge de flexion. On a déterminé leur temps de rupture sous diverses contraintes de traction sur la surface extérieure de la fibre en flexion. On a observé une diminution du temps de rupture des fibres après le bombardement neutronique et une augmentation après l'implantation ionique. L'analyse de la nature des défauts en faisant appel à la spectroscopie infrarouge et Raman a fait ressortir que l'irradiation aux ions entraînait essentiellement des liaisons chimiques dans une fine couche superficielle de l'échantillon alors que l'irradiation aux neutrons occasionnait une déformation des zones du réseau silicique dans toute la section de la préforme et de la fibre. L'amélioration de la résistance mécanique s'explique par une augmentation de la mobilité des éléments structuraux de la matrice de verre par suite d'une rupture partielle des liaisons chimiques et sa diminution par l'apparition de concentrateurs

  12. PAR-1 mediated apoptosis of breast cancer cells by V. cholerae hemagglutinin protease. (United States)

    Ray, Tanusree; Pal, Amit


    Bacterial toxins have emerged as promising agents in cancer treatment strategy. Hemagglutinin (HAP) protease secreted by Vibrio cholerae induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells and regresses tumor growth in mice model. The success of novel cancer therapies depends on their selectivity for cancer cells with limited toxicity for normal tissues. Increased expression of Protease Activated Receptor-1 (PAR-1) has been reported in different malignant cells. In this study we report that HAP induced activation and over expression of PAR-1 in breast cancer cells (EAC). Immunoprecipitation studies have shown that HAP specifically binds with PAR-1. HAP mediated activation of PAR-1 caused nuclear translocation of p50-p65 and the phosphorylation of p38 which triggered the activation of NFκB and MAP kinase signaling pathways. These signaling pathways enhanced the cellular ROS level in malignant cells that induced the intrinsic pathway of cell apoptosis. PAR-1 mediated apoptosis by HAP of malignant breast cells without effecting normal healthy cells in the same environment makes it a good therapeutic agent for treatment of cancer.

  13. Comparaison du Pangola (Digitaria decumbens) et du Stargrass (Cynodon nlemfluensis) exploités par des ovins


    Boval, Maryline


    A la Martinique l'utilisation comparée de Digitaria decumbens (Dd) et de Cynodon nlemfuensis (Cn) par des brebis allaitantes a été étudiée pendant une période d'observation de 6 mois. Le cheptel est à un taux élevé de 1 600 kg de poids vif par hectare et par an, obtenu par une fertilisation de 450 kg/ha/an en azote.

  14. ParFit: A Python-Based Object-Oriented Program for Fitting Molecular Mechanics Parameters to ab Initio Data. (United States)

    Zahariev, Federico; De Silva, Nuwan; Gordon, Mark S; Windus, Theresa L; Dick-Perez, Marilu


    A newly created object-oriented program for automating the process of fitting molecular-mechanics parameters to ab initio data, termed ParFit, is presented. ParFit uses a hybrid of deterministic and stochastic genetic algorithms. ParFit can simultaneously handle several molecular-mechanics parameters in multiple molecules and can also apply symmetric and antisymmetric constraints on the optimized parameters. The simultaneous handling of several molecules enhances the transferability of the fitted parameters. ParFit is written in Python, uses a rich set of standard and nonstandard Python libraries, and can be run in parallel on multicore computer systems. As an example, a series of phosphine oxides, important for metal extraction chemistry, are parametrized using ParFit. ParFit is in an open source program available for free on GitHub ( ).

  15. Le problème des hydrates dans le contexte de la production et du transport polyphasiques des pétroles bruts et des gaz naturels. Deuxième partie : les solutions possibles aux difficultés d'exploitation générées par les hydrates Hydrates Problem Within the Framework of Multiphase Production and Transport of Crude Oils and Natural Gases. Part Two: Possible Solutions to Exploitation Difficulties Generated by Hydrates

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    Behar E.


    Full Text Available L'exploitation en mer des gisements de combustibles fossiles fluides a amplifié le besoin d'accroître nos connaissances sur les hydrates qui sont susceptibles de boucher les installations de production, de traitement et de transport. La première partie rappelait la structure moléculaire des hydrates I, Il et H et décrivait ensuite succinctement l'analyse physico-chimique de leur formation, tant sur les plans thermodynamique que cinétique. Dans cette deuxième partie, les remèdes possibles aux problèmes rencontrés par les compagnies opératrices sont indiqués, essentiellement les inhibiteurs thermodynamiques classiques tels que les alcools ou les sels qui diminuent la température de formation des hydrates, et les additifs dispersants qui évitent la croissance et/ou l'agglomération des cristaux. Pour terminer, une boucle pilote de circulation originale est présentée, ses caractéristiques qui permettent la validation des additifs dispersants dans des conditions hydrodynamiques et physico-chimiques représentatives étant soulignées. Offshore exploitation of fossil fluid fuels has emphasized the need of improving our knowledge on hydrates which can plug production, treatment and transport facilities. The first part recalled the molecular structure of I, II and H hydrates, then the physical-chemistry of their formation was briefly reviewed from both the thermodynamic and the kinetic points of view. In this second part, the possible remedies to the problems met by operating companies are described, mainly classical thermodynamic inhibitors such as alcohols or salts which decrease the hydrates formation temperature, and dispersant additives which avoid crystals growth and/or agglomeration. At last an original circulation loop at pilot scale is presented, its characteristics which allow the testing of dispersant additives under representative hydrodynamic and physico-chemical conditions being outlined.

  16. Application of passive auto catalytic recombiner (PAR) for BWR plants in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, K.; Murano, K.; Yamanari, S.; Yamamoto, Y.


    The passive auto-catalytic recombiner (PAR), which can recombine flammable gases such as hydrogen and oxygen with each other to avoid an explosion in case of a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), installed in the primary containment vessel does not require a power supply or dynamic equipment, while the existing flammability gas control system (FCS) of most BWRs as an outer loop of the primary containment vessel needs them to make flammable gases circulate through blowers and heaters in the system. PAR offers a number of advantages over existing FCS, such as high reliability, low cost due to much smaller amount of materials needed, good maintainability, good operability in case of a LOCA, and smaller space for installation. An experimental study has been carried out for the purpose of solving the problems of applying PAR to Japanese BWR plants instead of existing FCS, in which we grasped the basic characteristics of PAR. (author)

  17. Pars plana Ahmed valve and vitrectomy in patients with glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease. (United States)

    Wallsh, Josh O; Gallemore, Ron P; Taban, Mehran; Hu, Charles; Sharareh, Behnam


    To assess the safety and efficacy of a modified technique for pars plana placement of the Ahmed valve in combination with pars plana vitrectomy in the treatment of glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease. Thirty-nine eyes with glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease underwent pars plana vitrectomy combined with Ahmed valve placement. All valves were placed in the pars plana using a modified technique, without the pars plana clip, and using a scleral patch graft. The 24 eyes diagnosed with neovascular glaucoma had an improvement in intraocular pressure from 37.6 mmHg to 13.8 mmHg and best-corrected visual acuity from 2.13 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution to 1.40 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution. Fifteen eyes diagnosed with steroid-induced glaucoma had an improvement in intraocular pressure from 27.9 mmHg to 14.1 mmHg and best-corrected visual acuity from 1.38 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution to 1.13 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution. Complications included four cases of cystic bleb formation and one case of choroidal detachment and explantation for hypotony. Ahmed valve placement through the pars plana during vitrectomy is an effective option for managing complex cases of glaucoma without the use of the pars plana clip.

  18. La syphilis congenitale revelee par une fracture spontanee

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    Mounia Lakhdar Idrissi


    Full Text Available Alors qu�elle est actuellement oubliee dans les pays developpes, la syphilis congenitale se voit encore chez nous faute du depistage antenatal. Ses formes cliniques sont polymorphes et orientent a tord vers d�autres pathologies surtout en periode neonatale. Le diagnostic n�est donc pas toujours facile. La revelation d�une syphilis congenitale par une fracture spontanee est exceptionnellement decrite. Nous rapportons dans ce travail le cas d�un nourrisson de 2 mois ramene en consultation pour limitation douloureuse des mouvements du bras droit. Le diagnostic est evoque sur les donnees radiologiques et confirme par la serologie syphilitique. Le traitement a repose essentiellement sur l�administration de la penicilline G avec une bonne evolution clinique.

  19. [Roles of protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2), a G protein-coupled receptor, in modulation of exocrine gland functions]. (United States)

    Nishikawa, Hiroyuki


    Protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2), a G protein-coupled receptor, is activated by proteolytic unmasking of the N-terminal extracellular tethered ligand that presumably binds to the extracellular loop 2 of the receptor itself. PAR-2 is widely distributed in the mammalian body and plays various roles in biological events in the cardiovascular, respiratory, alimentary, and central neurons systems. PAR-2-activating peptides administered systemically to mice and rats trigger prompt salivation in vivo. In an in vitro study, PAR-2 agonists including the endogenous PAR-2 activator trypsin induce secretion of amylase and mucin from isolated rat parotid glands and sublingual glands, respectively. PAR-2-activating peptides administered systemically also modulate pancreatic exocrine secretion in vivo as well as in vitro. In the gastric mucosa, PAR-2 stimulation enhances secretion of mucus and pepsinogen and suppresses acid secretion. Tear secretion can also be caused by PAR-2-related peptides in PAR-2-dependent and -independent manners. PAR-2 thus plays a general or key role in the regulation of exocrine secretion. This review focuses on the physiologic and/or pathophysiologic roles of PAR-2 in glandular exocrine secretion. The possibility of PAR-2 as a target for drug development is also discussed.

  20. Etk/Bmx regulates proteinase-activated-receptor1 (PAR1 in breast cancer invasion: signaling partners, hierarchy and physiological significance.

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    Irit Cohen

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: While protease-activated-receptor 1 (PAR(1 plays a central role in tumor progression, little is known about the cell signaling involved. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show here the impact of PAR(1 cellular activities using both an orthotopic mouse mammary xenograft and a colorectal-liver metastasis model in vivo, with biochemical analyses in vitro. Large and highly vascularized tumors were generated by cells over-expressing wt hPar1, Y397Z hPar1, with persistent signaling, or Y381A hPar1 mutant constructs. In contrast, cells over-expressing the truncated form of hPar1, which lacks the cytoplasmic tail, developed small or no tumors, similar to cells expressing empty vector or control untreated cells. Antibody array membranes revealed essential hPar1 partners including Etk/Bmx and Shc. PAR(1 activation induces Etk/Bmx and Shc binding to the receptor C-tail to form a complex. Y/A mutations in the PAR(1 C-tail did not prevent Shc-PAR(1 association, but enhanced the number of liver metastases compared with the already increased metastases obtained with wt hPar1. We found that Etk/Bmx first binds via the PH domain to a region of seven residues, located between C378-S384 in PAR(1 C-tail, enabling subsequent Shc association. Importantly, expression of the hPar1-7A mutant form (substituted A, residues 378-384, which is incapable of binding Etk/Bmx, resulted in inhibition of invasion through Matrigel-coated membranes. Similarly, knocking down Etk/Bmx inhibited PAR(1-induced MDA-MB-435 cell migration. In addition, intact spheroid morphogenesis of MCF10A cells is markedly disrupted by the ectopic expression of wt hPar1. In contrast, the forced expression of the hPar1-7A mutant results in normal ball-shaped spheroids. Thus, by preventing binding of Etk/Bmx to PAR(1 -C-tail, hPar1 oncogenic properties are abrogated. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This is the first demonstration that a cytoplasmic portion of the PAR(1 C-tail functions as a scaffold

  1. Comparison of Direct Pars Repair Techniques of Spondylolysis in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients: Pars Compression Screw Versus Pedicle Screw-Rod-Hook. (United States)

    Karatas, Ali F; Dede, Ozgur; Atanda, Alfred A; Holmes, Larry; Rogers, Kenneth; Gabos, Peter; Shah, Suken A


    Retrospective clinical cohort study. To compare the clinical and radiographic outcomes of patients who were treated with intrasegmental pars fixation by either laminar compression screw (LS) or a pedicle screw, rod, and laminar hook (PSRH) construct. Spondylolysis is a nonunion defect of the pars interarticularis. In symptomatic spondylolysis, direct repair of the pars interarticularis defect can preserve motion and prevent abnormal stresses at the adjacent levels. Sixteen patients who failed nonoperative treatment and underwent direct pars repair by using LS (n=9) or PSRH (n=7) constructs were included in the study. Clinical outcome was assessed by using the MacNab criteria. Radiologic fusion and complications were evaluated using plain radiographs or computed tomography images and patient charts. The healing rate was 100% after 6 months. The healing time was similar in both the groups: LS, 6.5 months; PSRH, 6.2 months. Patients with PSRH (5.9 mo) were more likely to return to sports earlier relative to patients with LS (7.7 mo). There were no complications in the LS group; in the PSRH group, 1 patient had mild sensory deficit and 2 had superficial wound infections. The MacNab criteria for pain assessment showed an excellent or good outcome in 8 of 9 patients in LS group and 6 of 7 patients in PSRH group. Relative to LS patients, there was a significant increase in surgical time and estimated blood loss among PSRH patients. Either of the mentioned 2 techniques appears to produce acceptable results. Biplanar fluoroscopy and navigation systems could minimize the risk of screw misplacement with LS construct. Familiarity with the various fixation techniques will allow the surgeon to select the most appropriate surgical technique.

  2. Obtention of powdered UO{sub 2} oxide by water vapor action on calcium-reduced uranium; Obtention d'oxyde UO{sub 2} pulverulent par action de la vapeur d'eau sur l'uranium calciothermique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moreau, Claude; Barnoud, Louis [Commissariat a l' energie atomique et aux energies alternatives - CEA, Centre d' etudes nucleaires de Grenoble (France)


    The oxidation method used allows to control and to easily vary the reaction kinetics in order to obtain oxidized uranium samples with predetermined UO{sub 2} contents. The solid reagent, made of spherical uranium grains of constant size, is an interesting material for the application of heterogeneous kinetic principles. An experimental continuation of this study is expected. Reprint of a paper published in Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, t. 250, p. 1495-1497, sitting of 22 February 1960 [French] La methode d'oxydation utilisee permet de controler, et de faire varier facilement la vitesse de reaction de facon a obtenir des echantillons d'uranium oxydes en UO{sub 2} a des teneurs predeterminees. En outre le reactif solide, compose de grains d'uranium spheriques de meme taille constitue un materiau interessant pour l'application des principes de la cinetique heterogene. Un prolongement experimental de cette etude est envisage. Reproduction d'un article publie dans les Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, t. 250, p. 1495-1497, seance du 22 fevrier 1960.

  3. PAR-Complex and Crumbs Function During Photoreceptor Morphogenesis and Retinal Degeneration

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    Franck Pichaud


    Full Text Available The fly photoreceptor has long been used as a model to study sensory neuron morphogenesis and retinal degeneration. In particular, elucidating how these cells are built continues to help further our understanding of the mechanisms of polarized cell morphogenesis, intracellular trafficking and the causes of human retinal pathologies. The conserved PAR complex, which in flies consists of Cdc42-PAR6-aPKC-Bazooka, and the transmembrane protein Crumbs (Crb are key players during photoreceptor morphogenesis. While the PAR complex regulates polarity in many cell types, Crb function in polarity is relatively specific to epithelial cells. Together Cdc42-PAR6-aPKC-Bazooka and Crb orchestrate the differentiation of the photoreceptor apical membrane (AM and zonula adherens (ZA, thus allowing these cells to assemble into a neuro-epithelial lattice. In addition to its function in epithelial polarity, Crb has also been shown to protect fly photoreceptors from light-induced degeneration, a process linked to Rhodopsin expression and trafficking. Remarkably, mutations in the human Crumbs1 (CRB1 gene lead to retinal degeneration, making the fly photoreceptor a powerful disease model system.

  4. L'analyse par activation de neutrons de réacteur (United States)

    Meyer, G.


    Quand les neutrons traversent la matière, certains sont transmis sans interaction, les autres interagissent avec le milieu traversé par diffusion et par absorption. Ce phénomène d'absorption est utilisé pour se protéger des neutrons, mais aussi pour les détecter; il peut également être utilisé pour identifier les noyaux “absorbants" et ainsi analyser le milieu traversé. En effet par différentes réactions nucléaires (n,γ), (n,p), (n,α), (n,fission), on obtient des noyaux résiduels qui sont souvent radioactifs; on dit que l'échantillon est “activé". Si l'on connaît le rendement d'activation et donc le pourcentage de noyaux ainsi “transmutés", les mesures de radioactivité induite vont permettre de déterminer la composition de l'échantillon irradié. Cette méthode dite d'analyse par activation neutronique est pratiquée depuis la découverte du neutron. Elle a permis grâce à sa sélectivité et à sa sensibilité d'avoir accès au domaine des traces et des ultra-traces dans des champs d'application très divers comme la métallurgie, l'archéologie, la biologie, la géochimie etc...

  5. Neutron spin echo spectroscopy. Its application to the study of the dynamics of polymers in solution; La spectrometrie par echos de spins de neutrons. Application a l'etude de la dynamique des polymeres en solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Papoular, Robert


    : ses caracteristiques et ses performances, ainsi que les premiers resultats physiques que nous avons obtenus a l'aide de MESS. En particulier, ce memoire inclut deux articles montrant comment la depolarisation des neutrons, la rotation des spins et les echos de spins peuvent etre utilises pour etudier les supraconducteurs de haut-Tc. La derniere partie traite de la dynamique des systemes ternaires Polymere-Polymere-Solvant et montre comment l'utilisation conjointe des echos de spins de neutrons et des methodes de variation de contraste font des Echos de Spins de Neutrons un outil privilegie pour de telles etudes physico-chimiques, et cela grace aux gammes de temps et de vecteurs de diffusion accessibles par cette technique. Enfin, le cas specifique du polydimethylsiloxane partiellement deuterie en solution semi-diluee dans le toluene est decrit. Nous avons mis en evidence experimentalement et separement les modes diffusifs cooperatif et interdiffusif predits par la theorie de Akcasu, Benoit Benmouna et al. Ces resultats, obtenus au L.L.B. (Saclay), font l'objet du dernier article de cette these. (auteur)

  6. Etude par simulation hil des performances d'un statcom pour la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ce travail présente l'étude par simulation Hardware In the Loop (HIL) des performances d'un STATCOM pour la stabilisation de la tension délivrée par une génératrice asynchrone triphasée auto excitée dans un réseau autonome. Nous avons combiné l'utilisation du logiciel de simulation LABVIEW et la carte ARDUINO ...

  7. Protease activated receptors (PARS) mediation in gyroxin biological activity; Mediacao dos receptores ativados por proteases (PARs) em atividades biologicas da giroxina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Jose Alberto Alves da


    Gyroxin is a serine protease enzyme from the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) venom; it is only partially characterized and has multiple activities. Gyroxin induces blood coagulation, blood pressure decrease and a neurotoxic behavior named barrel rotation. The mechanisms involved in this neurotoxic activity are not known. Whereas gyroxin is a member of enzymes with high potential to become a new drug with clinical applications such as thrombin, batroxobin, ancrod, tripsyn and kalicrein, it is important to find out how gyroxin works. The analysis on agarose gel electrophoresis and circular dichroism confirmed the molecules' integrity and purity. The gyroxin intravenous administration in mice proved its neurotoxicity (barrel rotation). In vivo studies employing intravital microscopy proved that gyroxin induces vasodilation with the participation of protease activated receptors (PARs), nitric oxide and Na+K+ATPase. The leukocytes' adherence and rolling counting indicated that gyroxin has no pro inflammatory activity. Gyroxin induced platelet aggregation, which was blocked by inhibitors of PAR1 and PAR4 receptors (SCH 79797 and tcY-NH{sub 2}, respectively). Finally, it was proved that the gyroxin temporarily alter the permeability of the blood brain barrier (BBB). Our study has shown that both the protease-activated receptors and nitric oxide are mediators involved in the biological activities of gyroxin. (author)

  8. Un « gouvernement des journalistes par le Pouvoir politique » par défaut ?

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    Matthieu Lardeau


    Full Text Available Cet article présente les interactions de deux mouvements concomitants apparusprincipalement dans les décennies 1950 à 1970 dans le champ de la presse française : d’un côté les initiatives – consécutives à la démarche pionnière, en 1951, de création de la première Société des journalistes (SDJ au sein du Monde – menées par les journalistes de rédactions de quotidiens pour créer des SDJ dont la destination peut aller jusqu’à gouverner les journaux; de l’autre côté, les « réponses » apportées par les Pouvoirs politique et public pour contenir ces initiatives visant à étendre le pouvoir des journalistes dans la gestion et la gouvernance de leurs journaux. Cette étude exploratoire repose principalement sur l’analyse de deux types de littérature, souvent déconsidérés ou négligés par le champ académique, en dépit de leur grande richesse : (1 la littérature professionnelle, ayant pour principaux auteurs les journalistes et managers de presse (Périer Daville, Boegner, Pigasse, etc., florissante depuis 1944 et singulièrement durant les décennies 1960 et 1970 ; (2 la littérature grise constituée notamment par des rapports publics rédigés par des institutions comme les services du Premier ministre (commissions Lindon de 1970 et Serisé de 1972, le Conseil économique et social, etc. Nos principaux résultats montrent que les propositions ou actions menées par les journalistes (1 restent le plus souvent inexploitées in concreto par les journalistes eux-mêmes; (2 entrent le plus souvent en opposition avec les politiques de nouveaux actionnaires ou directions de journaux et avec les projets des autorités politiques et publiques qui cherchent à encadrer l’autonomie de la profession journalistique pour mieux gouverner celle-ci ; (3 combien in fine les représentants des différents acteurs impliqués s’accordent pour contenir l’émergence d’un « gouvernement des journalistes » par les

  9. Measures and modelling of PAR (photosynthetically-active radiation) for the Northeast of Brazil; Medidas e modelagem da radiacao PAR (photosynthetically-active radiation) para o nordeste do Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tiba, Chigueru; Leal, Sergio da S.A. [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Energia Nuclear], e-mail:


    Photosynthetically active solar radiation, known by its acronym in the English language as PAR, is the principal driving force of innumerable biological and physical processes related to biomass production, such as, the evolution of vegetal covering, agricultural productivity, and countless environment aspects, among others. Unfortunately in Brazil and particularly in the Northeast of Brazil, the PAR radiation measures are not a routine part of meteorological station measures, and therefore are still rarer than solar irradiation measures. In this context, a station was installed in Recife, Pernambuco in 2003, to carry out simultaneous measures of daily solar irradiation and PAR irradiation, which permits the modelling and valuation of the relationship between these two parameters and thus makes the estimation of PAR radiation possible, where there used to be only information on solar irradiation. Three others stations are being installed, one on Fernando de Noronha-PE, another in Pesqueira-PE, and the other in Xingo-SE, which complete a group of 4 between Latitudes 8 deg and 10 deg South and Longitudes 34 deg to 38 deg West, each having differentiated Equatorial Climates: island maritime, continental maritime, sylvan (Agreste) and semi-arid. (author)

  10. A method for estimating the diffuse attenuation coefficient (KdPAR)from paired temperature sensors (United States)

    Read, Jordan S.; Rose, Kevin C.; Winslow, Luke A.; Read, Emily K.


    A new method for estimating the diffuse attenuation coefficient for photosynthetically active radiation (KdPAR) from paired temperature sensors was derived. We show that during cases where the attenuation of penetrating shortwave solar radiation is the dominant source of temperature changes, time series measurements of water temperatures at multiple depths (z1 and z2) are related to one another by a linear scaling factor (a). KdPAR can then be estimated by the simple equation KdPAR ln(a)/(z2/z1). A suggested workflow is presented that outlines procedures for calculating KdPAR according to this paired temperature sensor (PTS) method. This method is best suited for conditions when radiative temperature gains are large relative to physical noise. These conditions occur frequently on water bodies with low wind and/or high KdPARs but can be used for other types of lakes during time periods of low wind and/or where spatially redundant measurements of temperatures are available. The optimal vertical placement of temperature sensors according to a priori knowledge of KdPAR is also described. This information can be used to inform the design of future sensor deployments using the PTS method or for campaigns where characterizing sub-daily changes in temperatures is important. The PTS method provides a novel method to characterize light attenuation in aquatic ecosystems without expensive radiometric equipment or the user subjectivity inherent in Secchi depth measurements. This method also can enable the estimation of KdPAR at higher frequencies than many manual monitoring programs allow.


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    Full Text Available Dans le cadre de la spectroscopie RMN, notre objectif est de déterminer le spectre d'absorption du signal de précession libre FID par la méthode de prédiction linéaire (PL. Ceci revient à résoudre le problème de prédiction linéaire en exploitant la méthode de corrélation par l'utilisation de la décomposition en valeurs singulières SVD pour l'inversion de la matrice de corrélation. Or, cette technique est la source d'un certain nombre de problèmes lorsque le signal est noyé dans du bruit. Aussi sera-t-elle coûteuse en temps lorsque les dimensions de la matrice de corrélation sont importantes. Afin de résoudre ce problème, nous exploitons les propriétés d'une nouvelle technique dérivée de la SVD, la décomposition ULV pour minimiser le coût du traitement et assurer une inversion correcte de la matrice de corrélation. Dans ce but, nous déterminons le spectre d'absorption par la technique ULV et nous le comparons avec le spectre déterminé par la SVD et  la FFT. Nous comparons par la suite la qualité des spectres obtenus par rapport au spectre d'absorption idéal  déterminé par FFT.

  12. Compositions de revêtement réticulables par bombardement électronique. Première Partie : Caractéristiques générales du procédé Forming Crosslinkable Coatings by Electron Bombardement. Part One : General Features of the Process

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    Miléo J. -C.


    Full Text Available L'utilisation des accélérateurs d'électrons de moyenne énergie pour le durcissement et l'insolubilisation des peintures et vernis est décrite en analysant plus particulièrement l'aspect physico-chimique du procédé. On examine spécialement - l'action du rayonnement sur la matière; - les aspects généraux de la polymérisation radiochimique ; - l'application de la polymérisation sous radiation au séchage des vernis. On aborde ensuite rapidement les problèmes liés au choix du rayonnement et à l'influence de l'oxygène de l'air. Cet exposé se termine par la description d'un accélérateur d'électrons et d'une méthode calométrique de dosimétrie. The use of medium-power electron accelerators ta cure points and varnishes and to make them insoluble is described by making a special analysis of the physico-che-mical aspect of the process. The following points in particular are examined - the effect of radiation on matter; - general aspects of radiochemical polymerization ; - the application of radiation polymerization ta varnish drying. A quick review is then made of problems linked to the choice of radiation and to the influence of the oxygen in air. The article ends with a description of an electron accelerator and a calorimetric dosimetering method.

  13. CFD modelling of hydrogen stratification in enclosures: Model validation and application to PAR performance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoyes, J.R., E-mail:; Ivings, M.J.


    Highlights: • The ability of CFD to predict hydrogen stratification phenomena is investigated. • Contrary to expectation, simulations on tetrahedral meshes under-predict mixing. • Simulations on structured meshes give good agreement with experimental data. • CFD model used to investigate the effects of stratification on PAR performance. • Results show stratification can have a significant effect on PAR performance. - Abstract: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models are maturing into useful tools for supporting safety analyses. This paper investigates the capabilities of CFD models for predicting hydrogen stratification in a containment vessel using data from the NEA/OECD SETH2 MISTRA experiments. Further simulations are then carried out to illustrate the qualitative effects of hydrogen stratification on the performance of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner (PAR) units. The MISTRA experiments have well-defined initial and boundary conditions which makes them well suited for use in a validation study. Results are presented for the sensitivity to mesh resolution and mesh type. Whilst the predictions are shown to be largely insensitive to the mesh resolution they are surprisingly sensitive to the mesh type. In particular, tetrahedral meshes are found to induce small unphysical convection currents that result in molecular diffusion and turbulent mixing being under-predicted. This behaviour is not unique to the CFD model used here (ANSYS CFX) and furthermore, it may affect simulations run on other non-aligned meshes (meshes that are not aligned perpendicular to gravity), including non-aligned structured meshes. Following existing best practice guidelines can help to identify potential unphysical predictions, but as an additional precaution consideration should be given to using gravity-aligned meshes for modelling stratified flows. CFD simulations of hydrogen recombination in the Becker Technologies THAI facility are presented with high and low PAR positions

  14. A Single-Cell Biochemistry Approach Reveals PAR Complex Dynamics during Cell Polarization. (United States)

    Dickinson, Daniel J; Schwager, Francoise; Pintard, Lionel; Gotta, Monica; Goldstein, Bob


    Regulated protein-protein interactions are critical for cell signaling, differentiation, and development. For the study of dynamic regulation of protein interactions in vivo, there is a need for techniques that can yield time-resolved information and probe multiple protein binding partners simultaneously, using small amounts of starting material. Here we describe a single-cell protein interaction assay. Single-cell lysates are generated at defined time points and analyzed using single-molecule pull-down, yielding information about dynamic protein complex regulation in vivo. We established the utility of this approach by studying PAR polarity proteins, which mediate polarization of many animal cell types. We uncovered striking regulation of PAR complex composition and stoichiometry during Caenorhabditis elegans zygote polarization, which takes place in less than 20 min. PAR complex dynamics are linked to the cell cycle by Polo-like kinase 1 and govern the movement of PAR proteins to establish polarity. Our results demonstrate an approach to study dynamic biochemical events in vivo. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. The neutronic method for measuring soil moisture; La methode neutronique de mesure de l'humidite des sols

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Couchat, Ph [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The three group diffusion theory being chosen as the most adequate method for determining the response of the neutron soil moisture probe, a mathematical model is worked out using a numerical calculation programme with Fortran IV coding. This model is fitted to the experimental conditions by determining the effect of different parameters of measuring device: channel, fast neutron source, detector, as also the soil behaviour under neutron irradiation: absorbers, chemical binding of elements. The adequacy of the model is tested by fitting a line through the image points corresponding to the couples of experimental and theoretical values, for seven media having different chemical composition: sand, alumina, line stone, dolomite, kaolin, sandy loam, calcareous clay. The model chosen gives a good expression of the dry density influence and allows {alpha}, {beta}, {gamma} and {delta} constants to be calculated for a definite soil according to the following relation which gives the count rate of the soil moisture probe: N = ({alpha} {rho}{sub s} +{beta}) H{sub v} +{gamma} {rho}{sub s} + {delta}. (author) [French] La theorie a trois groupes etant choisie comme le moyen le plus adequat pour determiner la reponse de l'humidimetre, une mise en forme d'un modele mathematique est effectuee grace a un programme de calcul numerique ecrit en code Fortran IV. Cette representation est adaptee a l'experience par l'etude de l'influence de parametres du systeme de mesure: tubage, source, detecteur, et du comportement du sol vis-a-vis des neutrons: presence d'absorbeurs, liaison chimique des elements. La validite du modele est testee par ajustement d'une droite aux points images des couples de valeurs experimentales et theoriques, ceci pour sept milieux distincts definis par leur composition chimique: sable, alumine, calcaire, dolomie, kaolin, limon sableux, argile calcaire. Le modele prevoit, bien l'influence de la densite seche et permet de calculer pour un sol donne les constantes

  16. Synthesis of amphiphilic macrocyclic molecules from family of aza-porphyrins and study in Langmuir-Blodgett films; Synthese de molecules macrocycliques amphiphiles de la famille des azaporphyrines et etude en films de Langmuir-Blodgett

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palacin, Serge


    The cellular automata, also called formal neurons, directly inspired by the knowledge concerning the nervous system, are able to mimic some basic processes of brain, as shape recognition, connecting memory, information sorting... This work aims to build a molecular structure able to fit the working rules of a bidimensional cellular automata. So, amphiphilic molecules belonging to the aza-porphyrin family are synthesized and organized into a planar paving by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. The regular structure of the outcoming ultra-thin films is studied by linear dichroism and anisotropic electron spin resonance. The physico-chemical behaviour of the amphiphilic molecules is studied and brings about an explanation of the redox phenomena which are observed on the monomolecular film on the water surface. So are we able to outline the future chemical addressing ways of the bidimensional cellular automata. In the end of this dissertation, different ways likely to insure covalent bindings between the active sites and allow the transfer of information within the cellular network are discussed. (author) [French] Les reseaux d'automates, aussi appeles neurones formels, directement inspires par les connaissances nouvelles concernant le fonctionnement du systeme nerveux, sont a l'heure actuelle capables de reproduire certaines operations fondamentales du cerveau, telles que la reconnaissance de forme, la memoire associative, le tri d'information... Le travail a pour but de realiser une structure moleculaire susceptible d'obeir aux regles de fonctionnement d'un automate cellulaire bi-dimensionnel. Dans ce but, des molecules amphiphiles de la famille des azaporphyrines sont synthetisees et organisees en un pavage plan par la methode de Langmuir-Blodgett. La structure reguliere des films ultraminces obtenus est determinee par dichroisme lineaire et resonance paramagnetique electronique anisotrope. Les caracteristiques physico-chimiques des molecules amphiphiles sont etudiees

  17. The superoxide scavenger TEMPOL induces urokinase receptor (uPAR expression in human prostate cancer cells

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    Francis Joseph


    Full Text Available Abstract There is little understanding of the effect that reactive oxygen metabolites have on cellular behavior during the processes of invasion and metastasis. These oxygen metabolites could interact with a number of targets modulating their function such as enzymes involved in basement membrane dissolution, adhesion molecules involved in motility or receptors involved in proliferation. We investigated the effect of increased scavenging of superoxide anions on the expression of the urokinase receptor (uPAR in PC-3M human prostate cancer cells. Urokinase receptor is a GPI-linked cell surface molecule which mediates multiple functions including adhesion, proliferation and pericellular proteolysis. Addition of the superoxide scavenger 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxy (TEMPOL to PC-3M cultures stimulated expression of uPAR protein peaking between 48 and 72 hours. Cell surface expression of the uPAR was also increased. Surprisingly, uPAR transcript levels increased only slightly and this mild increase did not coincide with the striking degree of protein increase. This disparity indicates that the TEMPOL effect on uPAR occurs through a post-transcriptional mechanism. TEMPOL presence in PC-3M cultures reduced intracellular superoxide-type species by 75% as assayed by NBT dye conversion; however this reduction significantly diminished within hours following TEMPOL removal. The time gap between TEMPOL treatment and peak uPAR protein expression suggests that reduction of reactive oxygen metabolites in prostate cancer cells initiates a multistep pathway which requires several hours to culminate in uPAR induction. These findings reveal a novel pathway for uPAR regulation involving reactive oxygens such as superoxide anion.

  18. Numerical analysis of the influence of PAR unit elevation within a vessel on its performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kotouč, Miroslav


    On the basis of successful validation of the MELCOR code on several experiments from the international OECD/NEA programme THAI, a numerical parametric study has been conducted at NRI Řež evaluating the influence of PAR's vertical position within a vessel on its performance. Simulations were carried out for an Areva PAR unit which was considered to be placed at 5 different elevations in the THAI test vessel, the sixth simulation comprised a model of blower, simulating thus forced convection. The initial conditions were those of the THAI HR-12 test, which was characterized by steam-saturated atmosphere at elevated pressure and temperature. The results show that the overall hydrogen mass recombined monotonically decreases with PAR elevation. This behavior is due to hot, light and hydrogen-lean plume, coming out from the PAR outlet, which, due to buoyancy forces, eventually fills the upper part of the vessel and prevents thus the PAR unit from efficient operation (if the latter is placed near the top). It was also demonstrated that the effect of forced convection is favorable since it breaks the gas stratification and increases thus hydrogen concentration at the PAR inlet. (author)

  19. Increased Soluble Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR Levels in Plasma of Suicide Attempters.

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    Filip Ventorp

    Full Text Available The soluble form of the urokinase receptor, suPAR, has been suggested as a novel biomarker of low-grade inflammation. Activation of the immune system has been proposed to contribute to the development of depression and suicidal behavior. In order to identify depressed and suicidal individuals who could benefit from an anti-inflammatory treatment, a reliable biomarker of low-grade inflammation is vital. This study evaluates plasma suPAR levels as a biomarker of low-grade inflammation in patients with major depressive disorder and in patients who recently attempted suicide. The plasma suPAR and an established biomarker, C reactive protein (CRP of suicide attempters (n = 54, depressed patients (n = 19 and healthy controls (n = 19 was analyzed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The biomarker attributes of sensitivity and sensibility were evaluated using ROC curve analysis. Both the depressed patients and suicide attempters had increased plasma suPAR. The levels of suPAR discriminated better between controls and suicide attempters than did CRP. In the future, plasma suPAR might be a superior prognosticator regarding outcome of treatment applying conventional antidepressants in conjunction with anti-inflammatory drugs.

  20. Pars plana vitrectomy for disturbing primary vitreous floaters: clinical outcome and patient satisfaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nie, K.F. de; Crama, N.; Tilanus, M.A.D.; Klevering, B.J.; Boon, C.J.F.


    BACKGROUND: Primary vitreous floaters can be highly bothersome in some patients. In the case of persistently bothersome floaters, pars plana vitrectomy may be the most effective treatment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the incidence of complications, and patient satisfaction, after pars plana

  1. The synthesis and spectroscopic study of stable free radicals related to piperidine-n-oxyl, including a stable bi-radical; Syntheses et etudes spectroscopiques de radicaux libres piperidiniques et d'un biradical stable, du type nitroxyde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Briere, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires, Laboratoire de chimie organique physique


    A new synthesis of di-tert-butyl nitroxide using the reaction between tert-butyl magnesium chloride and nitro-tert-butane is presented in the first section. Synthesis and investigation of stable free piperidine-N-oxyl radicals are described in the second section. All these nitroxides have been characterised by their I. R., U. V. and E. P. R. absorption spectra. The final section contains a description of the synthesis of a stable bi-radical of the nitroxide type by condensation of 2,2, 6, 6-tetramethyl-piperid-4-one-l-oxyl with hydrazine. (author) [French] La premiere partie expose une nouvelle methode de synthase du di-t-butyl nitroxyde, par action d'halogenures de t-butyl magnesium sur le nitro-t-butane (Rdt maximum 45 pour cert, purete 86 pour cent). Une etude de radicaux. libres stables pipericliniques est faite dans une seconde partie. Ces composes sont obtenus par oxydation de derives de la triacetonamine. Les caracteristiques spectroscopiques ultra-violette, infra-rouge, et paramagnetique electronique de ces radicaux sont donnees. La grande inertie chimique du groupement nitroxyde a permis la syn-these d'un biradical stable par formation d'azine d'une cetone radicalaire, ce qui fait 1'objet de la troisieme partie. (auteur)

  2. Étude de la restauration des caractéristiques de tubes de four de vapocraquage en Manaurite 36 XS Study of the Restoration of the Characteristics of Steam-Cracker Tubes Made of Manaurite 36 Xs

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    Ropital F.


    Full Text Available Le vieillissement de tubes de four en Manaurite 36XS d'une unité de vapocraquage se traduit par une précipitation et une coalescence de carbures aux joints de grains, une évolution locale de la composition chimique et une forte diminution de la ductilité. Des traitements thermiques appropriés, dont l'efficacité est suivie par microanalyse et par l'évolution des propriétés mécaniques, permettent de restaurer en quasi totalité les caractéristiques de l'acier. Après détermination des conditions en laboratoire, un essai très positif a été réalisé sur tube de four avec des moyens utilisables sur chantier. The aging of Manaurite 36 XS tubes in a steam-cracking unit results in the precipitation and coalescence of carbides at grain boundaries, a local variation in the chemical composition and a strong decrease in ductility. Appropriate thermal treatments, whose efficiency is monitored by microanalysis and by the variation of mechanical properties, enable almost all the characteristics of the steel to be restored. After laboratory conditions were determined, a very positive test was performed on a cracker tube with means that can be used in the field.

  3. Active zone proteins are transported via distinct mechanisms regulated by Par-1 kinase.

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    Kara R Barber


    Full Text Available Disruption of synapses underlies a plethora of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disease. Presynaptic specialization called the active zone plays a critical role in the communication with postsynaptic neuron. While the role of many proteins at the active zones in synaptic communication is relatively well studied, very little is known about how these proteins are transported to the synapses. For example, are there distinct mechanisms for the transport of active zone components or are they all transported in the same transport vesicle? Is active zone protein transport regulated? In this report we show that overexpression of Par-1/MARK kinase, a protein whose misregulation has been implicated in Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs and neurodegenerative disorders, lead to a specific block in the transport of an active zone protein component- Bruchpilot at Drosophila neuromuscular junctions. Consistent with a block in axonal transport, we find a decrease in number of active zones and reduced neurotransmission in flies overexpressing Par-1 kinase. Interestingly, we find that Par-1 acts independently of Tau-one of the most well studied substrates of Par-1, revealing a presynaptic function for Par-1 that is independent of Tau. Thus, our study strongly suggests that there are distinct mechanisms that transport components of active zones and that they are tightly regulated.

  4. Texture study of divided solids by gas adsorption: application to beryllia, alumina and to gels and oxides; Contribution a l'etude, par adsorption gazeuse, de la texture des solides divises. Application a l'alumine, a la glucine et a differents gels et oxydes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rouquerol, F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    solides mtcroporeux) pour la determination du volume de gaz adsorbe dans une couche monomoleculaire et que l'azote est sensible aux interactions chimiques ou electriques avec l'adsorbant: il convient de le remplacer par l'argon. Les methodes de calcul de la distribution de taille des pores sont analysees et discutees. Nos resultats experimentaux ont montre que l'epaisseur de la couche multimoleculaire doit etre calculee a partir du nombre de couches donne par Shull et d'une epaisseur de 3,6 angstrom par couche. Enfin, nous proposons une nouvelle methode d'analyse de la branche de desorption. Nous montrons que certains systemes lamellaires, non poreux, tels que Be(OH){sub 2}, donnent une hysteresis sur une isotherme d'adsorption du type I ou II. En nous basant sur les resultats numeriques fournis par notre methode ainsi que sur des observations obtenues par microscopie electronique, nous concluons que cette hysteresis est due au manque de rigidite du solide. Inversement, nous avons caracterise des solides poreux qui ne donnent pas lieu au phenomene d'hysteresis. C'est le cas des echantillons de glucine de texture microporeuse (r < 20 A). Les conclusions precedentes nous permettent de decrire l'evolution de texture subie par deux series d'echantillons (glucine et alumine) au cours de leur deshydratation progressive (traitement thermique allant de 150 a 1100 C). (auteur)

  5. Localization of amylin-like immunoreactivity in melanocyte-stimulating hormone-containing cells of the pars intermedia but not those of the pars distalis in the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) pituitary. (United States)

    Suzuki, Hirohumi; Yamamoto, Toshiharu


    Immunohistochemical techniques were employed to investigate the distribution of amylin-like immunoreactivity in the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) pituitary. Amylin-immunoreactive cells were observed in the pars intermedia, and these cells were found to be immunoreactive for α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (αMSH) as well. In contrast, αMSH-immunoreactive cells in the pars distalis were immuno-negaitive for amylin. These light microscopic findings were confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. Amylin-immunoreactive signals were located on the haloes of presumable secretory granules in association with αMSH-immunoreactive signals in the amylin-positive cells. However, in the pars distalis, the αMSH-positive cells did not contain amylin-immunoreactive secretory granules. Western blot analysis of axolotl pituitary extracts revealed the labeling of a protein band at approximately 10.5-kDa by the anti-rat amylin serum, which was not labeled by the anti-αMSH antibody. These findings indicate that amylin secreted from MSH-producing cells in the pars intermedia may modulate MSH secretion in an autocrine fashion and may participate in MSH functions such as fatty homeostasis together with MSH. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  6. evaluation de la fertilite femelle des arabusta par le niveau de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les hybrides Arabusta sont caractérisés par une faible fertilité exprimée par des taux de caracolis élevés et des taux de loges vides importants induisant des productivités faibles. Pour une stratégie plus efficiente des sélections, il est important de connaître les niveaux de fertilité femelle des différents types de caféiers ...

  7. Contribution to the study of the geophysical behaviour of lead-210 by application of alpha spectrometry; Contribution a l'etude du comportement geophysique du plomb 210 par application de la spectrometrie alpha

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nezami, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A study of the changes in the lead-210 contents of rain-water and of water produced by melting polar ice has required the development of a method for dosing lead-210, an {alpha} emitter. This method is 40 times more sensitive than that which measures the lead-210 by bismuth-210, a ({beta} emitter. The first part of the report presents the study of a spectrometry using semiconductor detectors; a catalogue of a spectra shows the advantages of this method. In the second part will be found at first a new chemical separation method for polonium-210 and the results obtained with this method. The main results obtained on the geophysical behaviour of lead-210 are the following: - the monthly lead-210 and polonium-210 contents in rain water are approximately constant with time. - in the Gif-sur-Yvette region, the clean-up by 'dry fall-out' can attain 40 to 50 per cent of the total fall-out. - a study of Antarctic ice samples makes it possible to determine an annual accumulation rate equivalent to 13.8 cm of water and to show discrepancies in the periodic concentrations which correspond to the latest maxima of solar activity. - a balance is drawn up between the radon produced by the continents and the lead-210 fall-out. (author) [French] Une etude sur les variations de la teneur en plomb 210 des eaux de pluie et des eaux de fusion des glaces polaires a necessite la mise au point d'une methode de dosage du plomb 210 emetteur {alpha}. Cette methode permet d'obtenir une sensibilite quarante fois superieure a celle dosant le plomb 210 par le bismuth 210 emetteur {beta}. La premiere partie du travail presente l'etude de la spectrometrie {alpha} par detecteur a semiconducteurs, un catalogue de spectres {alpha} met en evidence les avantages de cette methode. Dans la deuxieme partie on trouvera en premier lieu une nouvelle methode chimique de separation du polonium 210 ainsi que les resultats obtenus grace a cette methode. Les principaux resultats sur le comportement geophysique du

  8. MMP-1/PAR-1 signal transduction axis and its prognostic impact in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Hong-hua Peng


    Full Text Available The matrix metalloprotease-1 (MMP-1/protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1 signal transduction axis plays an important role in tumorigenesis. To explore the expression and prognostic value of MMP-1 and PAR-1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC, we evaluated the expression of two proteins in resected specimens from 85 patients with ESCC by immunohistochemistry. Sixty-two (72.9% and 58 (68.2% tumors were MMP-1- and PAR-1-positive, respectively, while no significant staining was observed in normal esophageal squamous epithelium. MMP-1 and PAR-1 overexpression was significantly associated with tumor node metastasis (TNM stage and regional lymph node involvement. Patients with MMP-1- and PAR-1-positive tumors, respectively, had poorer disease-free survival (DFS than those with negative ESCC (P = 0.002 and 0.003, respectively. Univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between TNM stage [hazard ratio (HR = 2.836, 95% confidence interval (CI = 1.866-4.308], regional lymph node involvement (HR = 2.955, 95%CI = 1.713-5.068, MMP-1 expression (HR = 2.669, 95%CI = 1.229-6.127, and PAR-1 expression (HR = 1.762, 95%CI = 1.156-2.883 and DFS. Multivariate analysis including the above four parameters identified TNM stage (HR = 2.035, 95%CI = 1.167-3.681, MMP-1 expression (HR = 2.109, 95%CI = 1.293-3.279, and PAR-1 expression (HR = 1.967, 95%CI = 1.256-2.881 as independent and significant prognostic factors for DFS. Our data suggest for the first time that MMP-1 and PAR-1 were both overexpressed in ESCC and are novel predictors of poor patient prognosis after curative resection. The MMP-1/PAR-1 signal transduction axis might be a new therapeutic target for future therapies tailored against ESCC.

  9. MMP-1/PAR-1 signal transduction axis and its prognostic impact in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peng, Hong-hua; Zhang, Xi; Cao, Pei-guo [Department of Oncology, the Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan Province (China)


    The matrix metalloprotease-1 (MMP-1)/protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) signal transduction axis plays an important role in tumorigenesis. To explore the expression and prognostic value of MMP-1 and PAR-1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), we evaluated the expression of two proteins in resected specimens from 85 patients with ESCC by immunohistochemistry. Sixty-two (72.9%) and 58 (68.2%) tumors were MMP-1- and PAR-1-positive, respectively, while no significant staining was observed in normal esophageal squamous epithelium. MMP-1 and PAR-1 overexpression was significantly associated with tumor node metastasis (TNM) stage and regional lymph node involvement. Patients with MMP-1- and PAR-1-positive tumors, respectively, had poorer disease-free survival (DFS) than those with negative ESCC (P = 0.002 and 0.003, respectively). Univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between TNM stage [hazard ratio (HR) = 2.836, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.866-4.308], regional lymph node involvement (HR = 2.955, 95%CI = 1.713-5.068), MMP-1 expression (HR = 2.669, 95%CI = 1.229-6.127), and PAR-1 expression (HR = 1.762, 95%CI = 1.156-2.883) and DFS. Multivariate analysis including the above four parameters identified TNM stage (HR = 2.035, 95%CI = 1.167-3.681), MMP-1 expression (HR = 2.109, 95%CI = 1.293-3.279), and PAR-1 expression (HR = 1.967, 95%CI = 1.256-2.881) as independent and significant prognostic factors for DFS. Our data suggest for the first time that MMP-1 and PAR-1 were both overexpressed in ESCC and are novel predictors of poor patient prognosis after curative resection. The MMP-1/PAR-1 signal transduction axis might be a new therapeutic target for future therapies tailored against ESCC.

  10. Radiological findings and healing patterns of incomplete stress fractures of the pars interarticularis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunn, Andrew J.; Campbell, Robert S.D.; Mayor, Peter E.; Rees, Dai


    The objective was to retrospectively record the CT and MRI features and healing patterns of acute, incomplete stress fractures of the pars interarticularis. The CT scans of 156 adolescents referred with suspected pars interarticularis stress fractures were reviewed. Patients with incomplete (grade 2) pars fractures were included in the study. Fractures were assessed on CT according to vertebral level, location of cortical involvement and direction of fracture propagation. MRI was also performed in 72 of the 156 cases. MRI images of incomplete fractures were assessed for the presence of marrow oedema and cortical integrity. Fracture healing patterns were characterised on follow-up CT imaging. Twenty-five incomplete fractures were identified in 23 patients on CT. All fractures involved the inferior or infero-medial cortex of the pars and propagated superiorly or superolaterally. Ninety-two percent of incomplete fractures demonstrated either complete or partial healing on follow-up imaging. Two (8%) cases progressed to complete fractures. Thirteen incomplete fractures in 11 patients confirmed on CT also had MRI, and 92% demonstrated oedema in the pars. Ten out of thirteen fractures (77%) showed a break in the infero-medial cortex with intact supero-lateral cortex, which correlated with the CT findings. MRI incorrectly graded one case as a complete (grade 3) fracture, and 2 cases as (grade 1) stress reaction. Six fractures had follow-up MRI, 67% showed partial or complete cortical healing, and the same number showed persistent marrow oedema. Incomplete fracture of the pars interarticularis represents a stage of the evolution of a complete stress fracture. The direction of fracture propagation is consistent, and complete healing can be achieved in most cases with appropriate clinical management. CT best demonstrates fracture size and extent, and is the most appropriate modality for follow-up. MRI is limited in its ability to fully depict the cortical integrity of

  11. Radiological findings and healing patterns of incomplete stress fractures of the pars interarticularis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dunn, Andrew J.; Campbell, Robert S.D. [Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Teaching Hospitals, Department of Medical Imaging, Liverpool (United Kingdom); Mayor, Peter E. [Leighton Hospital, Department of Medical Imaging, Crewe, Cheshire (United Kingdom); Rees, Dai [Robert Jones and Agnes-Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Oswestry, Shropshire (United Kingdom)


    The objective was to retrospectively record the CT and MRI features and healing patterns of acute, incomplete stress fractures of the pars interarticularis. The CT scans of 156 adolescents referred with suspected pars interarticularis stress fractures were reviewed. Patients with incomplete (grade 2) pars fractures were included in the study. Fractures were assessed on CT according to vertebral level, location of cortical involvement and direction of fracture propagation. MRI was also performed in 72 of the 156 cases. MRI images of incomplete fractures were assessed for the presence of marrow oedema and cortical integrity. Fracture healing patterns were characterised on follow-up CT imaging. Twenty-five incomplete fractures were identified in 23 patients on CT. All fractures involved the inferior or infero-medial cortex of the pars and propagated superiorly or superolaterally. Ninety-two percent of incomplete fractures demonstrated either complete or partial healing on follow-up imaging. Two (8%) cases progressed to complete fractures. Thirteen incomplete fractures in 11 patients confirmed on CT also had MRI, and 92% demonstrated oedema in the pars. Ten out of thirteen fractures (77%) showed a break in the infero-medial cortex with intact supero-lateral cortex, which correlated with the CT findings. MRI incorrectly graded one case as a complete (grade 3) fracture, and 2 cases as (grade 1) stress reaction. Six fractures had follow-up MRI, 67% showed partial or complete cortical healing, and the same number showed persistent marrow oedema. Incomplete fracture of the pars interarticularis represents a stage of the evolution of a complete stress fracture. The direction of fracture propagation is consistent, and complete healing can be achieved in most cases with appropriate clinical management. CT best demonstrates fracture size and extent, and is the most appropriate modality for follow-up. MRI is limited in its ability to fully depict the cortical integrity of

  12. Equações de chuvas intensas para o estado do Pará Intense rainfall equations for the state of Pará, Brazil

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    Rodrigo O. R. de M. Souza


    Full Text Available As equações de chuvas intensas têm sido usadas como ferramenta importante para o dimensionamento de obras hidráulicas. Devido à grande carência de informações relativas às equações de chuvas intensas, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a obtenção das relações de intensidade, duração e frequência de precipitação pluvial para o Estado do Pará, utilizando-se a metodologia da desagregação da chuva de 24 h. Foram utilizadas séries históricas de dados pluviométricos de 74 cidades do Estado do Pará, obtidas no Sistema de Informações Hidrológicas da Agência Nacional de Águas-ANA. As equações de intensidade-duração-frequência foram devidamente ajustadas e apresentaram bom ajuste, com coeficientes de determinação acima de 0,99. A maioria das estações (51,4% apresentou intensidade de precipitação entre 90 e 110 mm h-1, para uma duração de chuva de 30 min e um tempo de retorno de 15 anos. Pode-se perceber uma concentração das maiores precipitações na região próxima ao litoral do nordeste paraense e no sudeste da Ilha do Marajó.The intense rainfall equations have been used as an important tool for design of hydraulic structures. Considering the lack of intense rainfall equations, this study aimed to determine the relations of intensity, duration and frequency of intense rainfall in the Pará State (Brazil, using the one-day rain disaggregation method. In this research rainfall data of 74 cities in the State of Pará were used, obtained from the Hydrological Information System of the National Water Agency-ANA. The equations of intensity-duration-frequency were adjusted and presented good adjustment with coefficients of determination above 0.99. Most stations (51.4% showed intensity of precipitation between 90 and 110 mm h-1 for duration of 30 min and rainfall return period of 15 years. The highest rainfall intensities were in the region near the northeast coast of Pará State and southeast of the Marajo

  13. Plant-derived SAC domain of PAR-4 (Prostate Apoptosis Response 4 exhibits growth inhibitory effects in prostate cancer cells

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    Shayan eSarkar


    Full Text Available The gene Par-4 (Prostate Apoptosis Response 4 was originally identified in prostate cancer cells undergoing apoptosis and its product Par-4 showed cancer specific pro-apoptotic activity. Particularly, the SAC domain of Par-4 (SAC-Par-4 selectively kills cancer cells leaving normal cells unaffected. The therapeutic significance of bioactive SAC-Par-4 is enormous in cancer biology; however, its large scale production is still a matter of concern. Here we report the production of SAC-Par-4-GFP fusion protein coupled to translational enhancer sequence (5′ AMV and apoplast signal peptide (aTP in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun NN plants under the control of a unique recombinant promoter M24. Transgene integration was confirmed by genomic DNA PCR, Southern and Northern blotting, Real-time PCR and Nuclear run-on assays. Results of Western blot analysis and ELISA confirmed expression of recombinant SAC-Par-4-GFP protein and it was as high as 0.15% of total soluble protein. In addition, we found that targeting of plant recombinant SAC-Par-4-GFP to the apoplast and endoplasmic reticulum (ER was essential for the stability of plant recombinant protein in comparison to the bacterial derived SAC-Par-4. Deglycosylation analysis demonstrated that ER-targeted SAC-Par-4-GFP-SEKDEL undergoes O-linked glycosylation unlike apoplast-targeted SAC-Par-4-GFP. Furthermore, various in vitro studies like mammalian cells proliferation assay (MTT, apoptosis induction assays, and NF-κB suppression suggested the cytotoxic and apoptotic properties of plant-derived SAC-Par-4-GFP against multiple prostate cancer cell lines. Additionally, pre-treatment of MAT-LyLu prostate cancer cells with purified SAC-Par-4-GFP significantly delayed the onset of tumor in a syngeneic rat prostate cancer model. Taken altogether, we proclaim that plant made SAC-Par-4 may become a useful alternate therapy for effectively alleviating cancer in the new era.

  14. Syntheses and study of pyrrolidinic nitroxide free radicals. Preparation of a nitroxide-type stable bi-radical; Synthese et etudes de radicaux libres nitroxydes pyrrolidiniques. Preparation d'un biradical stable du type nitroxyde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dupeyre, R M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires, Laboratoire de chimie organique physique


    Syntheses and study of pyrrolidinic nitroxide free radicals: These radicals are obtained by oxidation, with hydrogen peroxide, of pyrrolidinic amines prepared from triacetonamine by ring contraction. The U. V,, I. R, and E.P.R. spectral characteristics have been determined. The oxidation of these amines with hydrogen peroxide has led also to rupture of the pentagonal ring; some of the decomposition products have been identified. The high chemical stability of the nitroxide group has made it possible to synthesize and study a stable bi-radical. (author) [French] Syntheses et etudes de radicaux libres nitroxydes pyrrolidiniques: Ces radicaux sont obtenus par oxydation l'eau oxygenee d'amines pyrrolidiniques preparees a partir de la triacetonamine par contraction de cycle. Les caracteristiques spectroscopiques ultra-violettes, infra-rouge et resonance paramagnetique sont determinees. Cependant, 1'oxydation de ces amines a l'eau oxygenee a entraine la coupure du cycle pentagonal et identification de certaines substances de decomposition obtenues. La grande stabilite chimique de groupement nitroxyde a permis la synthese et l'etude d'un biradical stable. (auteur)

  15. Kinetic distribution of the radio-sodium among the rabbit in hypothermia; Cinetique de la distribution du radio-sodium chez le lapin en hypothermie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morel, F; Combrisson, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The experimental hypothermia, by the deep modifications of the circulatory hemodynamic, which it drags, and by the huge reduction of the oxidative processes that it characterizes, represent a particular physiological state that must permit to specify physico-chemical mechanisms which order the exchanges of the partition of the blood in capillaries and notably electrolytes exchanges. To do this study we followed the distribution kinetics of the sodium 24 in the blood system of 30 rabbits that was either in hypothermia, either to normal temperature. (M.B.) [French] L'hypothermie experimentale, par les modifications profondes de l'hemodynamique circulatoire qu'elle entraine, et par la diminution considerable des processus oxydatifs qui la caracterise, represente un etat physiologique particulier qui doit permettre de preciser experimentalement les mecanismes physico-chimiques qui commandent les echanges dont la paroi des capillaires sanguins est le siege, et notamment les echanges d'electrolytes. Pour cela on a suivi la cinetique de la distribution du sodium 24 dans le systeme sanguin de 30 lapins qui etaient soit en hypothermie, soit a temperature normale. (M.B.)

  16. Hep par-1: a novel immunohistochemical marker for differentiating hepatocellular carcinoma from metastatic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanif, R.


    To evaluate the diagnostic utility of Hep par-1 in differentiating hepatocellular carcinoma from metastatic carcinoma taking histopathology as a gold standard. Study Design: Comparative cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Pathology Department, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Lahore, from April 2007 to February 2008. Methodology: Hep par-1 immunohistochemical stain was performed on 60 cases of liver carcinoma, 30 cases each of metastatic and hepatocellular carcinoma. Information regarding patient age, gender, sign and symptoms, radiographic findings, histological grade of tumour, and expression of Hep par-1 on hepatocellular and metastatic carcinoma were recorded on proforma sheet. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy of Hep par-1 were calculated using the formulas. Results: Hep par-1 expression was noted in 25 out of 30 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (83%). Out of 30 cases of metastatic carcinoma, only one case expressed staining in < 5% tumour cells and remaining 29 cases showed no reactivity. The age of the patients with hepatocellular carcinoma ranged from 40 to 76 years with a median age of 60.5 years and 40 - 75 years for metastatic carcinomas with a median age of 57.5 years. Conclusion: Hep par-1 is a reliable immunohistochemical marker for cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It can be used along with other markers in morphologically difficult cases when differential diagnosis lies between poorly differentiated HCC and metastatic carcinoma of liver. (author)

  17. Paraplégie compliquant une plaie abdominale antérieure par arme blanche (United States)

    Elahmadi, Brahim; Awab, Almahdi; El Moussaoui, Rachid; El Hijri, Ahmed; Azzouzi, Abderrahim; Alilou, Mustapha


    Les traumatismes médullaires sont des complications rares des plaies abdominales antérieures par arme blanche. Son diagnostic est difficile parfois retardé. L'imagerie par résonance magnétique reste l'examen de choix. Le traitement dépend du tableau clinique et de la gravité de la souffrance médullaire. Le pronostic est corrélé à l’étendue et à la nature de la lésion médullaire. Nous rapportons un cas exceptionnel d'un traumatisme médullaire chez une patiente victime d'une plaie abdominale antérieure par arme blanche. PMID:25995808

  18. In vitro activity of five quinolones and analysis of the quinolone resistance-determining regions of gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE in Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum clinical isolates from perinatal patients in Japan. (United States)

    Kawai, Yasuhiro; Nakura, Yukiko; Wakimoto, Tetsu; Nomiyama, Makoto; Tokuda, Tsugumichi; Takayanagi, Toshimitsu; Shiraishi, Jun; Wasada, Kenshi; Kitajima, Hiroyuki; Fujita, Tomio; Nakayama, Masahiro; Mitsuda, Nobuaki; Nakanishi, Isao; Takeuchi, Makoto; Yanagihara, Itaru


    Ureaplasma spp. cause several disorders, such as nongonococcal urethritis, miscarriage, and preterm delivery with lung infections in neonates, characterized by pathological chorioamnionitis in the placenta. Although reports on antibiotic resistance in Ureaplasma are on the rise, reports on quinolone-resistant Ureaplasma infections in Japan are limited. The purpose of this study was to determine susceptibilities to five quinolones of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Ureaplasma parvum isolated from perinatal samples in Japan and to characterize the quinolone resistance-determining regions in the gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE genes. Out of 28 clinical Ureaplasma strains, we isolated 9 with high MICs of quinolones and found a single parC gene mutation, resulting in the change S83L. Among 158 samples, the ParC S83L mutation was found in 37 samples (23.4%), including 1 sample harboring a ParC S83L-GyrB P462S double mutant. Novel mutations of ureaplasmal ParC (S83W and S84P) were independently found in one of the samples. Homology modeling of the ParC S83W mutant suggested steric hindrance of the quinolone-binding pocket (QBP), and de novo prediction of peptide structures revealed that the ParC S84P may break/kink the formation of the α4 helix in the QBP. Further investigations are required to unravel the extent and mechanism of antibiotic resistance of Ureaplasma spp. in Japan. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  19. Etude par imagerie radar des pollutions pétrolières

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Rees


    Full Text Available En Russie, chaque année, les déversements de pétrole représentent un cinquième de la production totale. Les plus importants se produisent dans le domaine périglaciaire où le milieu naturel est d’une extrême fragilité. Les pipelines sont soumis à de rudes conditions notamment à la corrosion et aux processus cryogéniques. Le risque de rupture augmente en conséquence. La surveillance des déversements d’hydrocarbures, contrainte par l’immensité et la fréquente inaccessibilité du réseau de pipelines, peut être réalisée par le recours à la télédétection. L’objectif de ce travail est de fournir, à travers l’exemple de la catastrophe d’Usinsk (Rép. de Komi survenue en 1994, des outils d’analyse des images radar. Outre leur capacité à s’affranchir du couvert nuageux, les capteurs radar apportent des informations complémentaires à celles fournies par des capteurs optiques. L’exploitation thématique de ces images est rendue difficile par un certain nombre de facteurs perturbateurs tels que les caractéristiques propres du capteur, la direction de visée, la topographie et le phénomène de chatoiement (speckle. Le travail présenté montre le rôle prépondérant joué par ces corrections qui permettent de disposer de données quantitatives comparables d’une date à une autre. La méthode mise au point ici pour le suivi temporel de l’épanchement de pétrole d’Usinsk à partir de trois images radar, est discutée notamment dans ses limites et son aspect opérationnel possible.

  20. Increased plasma soluble uPAR level is a risk marker of respiratory cancer in initially cancer-free individuals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langkilde, Anne A; Hansen, Tine Willum; Ladelund, Steen


    BACKGROUND: Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a stable plasma biomarker associated with inflammation and disease. This study tested the association between suPAR levels and incident respiratory, gastrointestinal or other types of cancer in initially cancer-free individuals...... with respiratory, gastrointestinal and other cancer types, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: Elevated suPAR levels were associated with increased risk of incident respiratory cancer and other types of cancer, but not gastrointestinal cancers, independently of established risk factors, CRP and leukocyte numbers. Impact.......RESULTS: suPAR levels ranged from 0.6-22 ng/ml, and median suPAR level was 4.01 ng/ml. 1 ng/ml increase in baseline suPAR was associated with adjusted hazard ratios (HR) of 1.61 (95% CI: 1.23-2.11, P

  1. Lambeaux autofermants pour le traitement des brulures electriques du scalp par haut voltage (United States)

    Hafidi, J.; El Mazouz, S.; El Mejatti, H.; Fejjal, N.; Gharib, N.E.; Abbassi, A.; Belmahi, A.M.


    Summary Les brûlures électriques par haut voltage sont responsables de gros dégâts tissulaires en immédiat et dans les jours suivant l’accident du fait de la chaleur importante dégagée par effet joule et de la thrombose microvasculaire évolutive. Les pertes de substances du scalp secondaires à ces brûlures nécessitent une couverture par lambeaux vu la destruction du périoste et du calvarium en regard. De juin 1997 à juin 2008, 15 patients ont été traités pour des pertes de substance du scalp secondaires à des brûlures électriques par haut voltage de diamètre allant de 8 à 11 cm et siégeant dans la région tonsurale. Ces patients ont été opérés dans la première semaine suivant l’accident. Les pertes de substance du scalp de taille moyenne secondaires à ces brûlures peuvent être couvertes per primam de façon fiable par des lambeaux locaux axialisés et multiples. Nous relatons l’expérience du Service de Chirurgie Plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina, Rabat, Maroc, dans la gestion et la prise en charge de ces brûlures. PMID:22262963

  2. Contribution to the study of the geophysical behaviour of lead-210 by application of alpha spectrometry; Contribution a l'etude du comportement geophysique du plomb 210 par application de la spectrometrie alpha

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nezami, M. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A study of the changes in the lead-210 contents of rain-water and of water produced by melting polar ice has required the development of a method for dosing lead-210, an {alpha} emitter. This method is 40 times more sensitive than that which measures the lead-210 by bismuth-210, a ({beta} emitter. The first part of the report presents the study of a spectrometry using semiconductor detectors; a catalogue of a spectra shows the advantages of this method. In the second part will be found at first a new chemical separation method for polonium-210 and the results obtained with this method. The main results obtained on the geophysical behaviour of lead-210 are the following: - the monthly lead-210 and polonium-210 contents in rain water are approximately constant with time. - in the Gif-sur-Yvette region, the clean-up by 'dry fall-out' can attain 40 to 50 per cent of the total fall-out. - a study of Antarctic ice samples makes it possible to determine an annual accumulation rate equivalent to 13.8 cm of water and to show discrepancies in the periodic concentrations which correspond to the latest maxima of solar activity. - a balance is drawn up between the radon produced by the continents and the lead-210 fall-out. (author) [French] Une etude sur les variations de la teneur en plomb 210 des eaux de pluie et des eaux de fusion des glaces polaires a necessite la mise au point d'une methode de dosage du plomb 210 emetteur {alpha}. Cette methode permet d'obtenir une sensibilite quarante fois superieure a celle dosant le plomb 210 par le bismuth 210 emetteur {beta}. La premiere partie du travail presente l'etude de la spectrometrie {alpha} par detecteur a semiconducteurs, un catalogue de spectres {alpha} met en evidence les avantages de cette methode. Dans la deuxieme partie on trouvera en premier lieu une nouvelle methode chimique de separation du polonium 210 ainsi que les resultats obtenus grace a cette methode. Les principaux resultats sur le

  3. Facteurs environnementaux associés au trouble du spectre de l’autisme : étude de délimitation portant sur les années 2003 à 2013

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Ng


    Full Text Available Introduction : Le nombre d’enfants chez lesquels on diagnostique un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA grimpe rapidement depuis une décennie. L’étiologie de ce trouble est toutefois en grande partie inconnue, même si la contribution de l’environnement est importante par rapport à celle de la génétique. Nous avons procédé à une étude de délimitation pour évaluer en détail l’état actuel des connaissances sur les facteurs environnementaux présents depuis le stade de la préconception jusqu’au début de la vie que l’on associe au TSA et pour dégager les lacunes de la recherche. Méthodologie : Nous avons cherché dans les bases de données électroniques MEDLINE, PsycINFO et ERIC des articles portant sur des facteurs de risque potentiels ou des facteurs de protection des environnements physiques et sociaux associés au TSA et à ses sous-catégories entre le 1er janvier 2003 et le 12 juillet 2013. Nous avons regroupé les articles en thèmes généraux en fonction de l’exposition environnementale : facteurs chimiques, physiologiques, nutritionnels et sociaux. Résultats : Nous avons trouvé plus de 50 000 publications, mais après élimination des études inadmissibles il est resté 315 articles. La plupart de ces études portaient sur les facteurs psychologiques, suivis de près par les facteurs chimiques et, à un degré beaucoup moindre, les facteurs nutritionnels et sociaux associés au TSA. En dépit d’une masse importante de publications et de nombreuses études hétérogènes, quelques facteurs de risque se sont démarqués régulièrement : facteurs chimiques comme les polluants atmosphériques causés par la circulation; facteurs physiologiques, dont l’âge avancé des parents, les naissances prématurées, l’insuffisance de poids à la naissance, l’hyperbilirubinémie et les grappes de complications de la grossesse et enfin le statut de la mère vis-à-vis de l’immigration. En dépit de

  4. Spondylolysis outcomes in adolescents after direct screw repair of the pars interarticularis. (United States)

    Snyder, Laura A; Shufflebarger, Harry; O'Brien, Michael F; Thind, Harjot; Theodore, Nicholas; Kakarla, Udaya K


    Isthmic spondylolysis can significantly decrease functional abilities, especially in adolescent athletes. Although treatment can range from observation to surgery, direct screw placement through the fractured pars, or Buck's procedure, may be a more minimally invasive procedure than the more common pedicle screw-hook construct. Review of surgical databases identified 16 consecutive patients treated with Buck's procedure from 2004 to 2010. Twelve patients were treated at Miami Children's Hospital and 4 at Barrow Neurological Institute. Demographics and clinical and radiographic outcomes were recorded and analyzed retrospectively. The 16 patients had a median age of 16 years, and 14 were 20 years or younger at the time of treatment. Symptoms included axial back pain in 100% of patients with concomitant radiculopathy in 38%. Pars defects were bilateral in 81% and unilateral in 19% for a total of 29 pars defects treated using Buck's procedure. Autograft or allograft augmented with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein as well as postoperative bracing was used in all cases. Postoperatively, symptoms resolved completely or partially in 15 patients (94%). Of 29 pars defects, healing was observed in 26 (89.6%) prior to 1 revision surgery, and an overall fusion rate of 97% was observed at last radiological follow-up. There were no implant failures. All 8 athletes in this group had returned to play at last follow-up. Direct screw repair of the pars interarticularis defect as described in this series may provide a more minimally invasive treatment of adolescent patients with satisfactory clinical and radiological outcomes, including return to play of adolescent athletes.

  5. Compression robuste du signal par la transformée avec les B ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Par contre, elle diminue de façon considérable pour les b-splincs et les paquets dbndelcttes de Haar. Du point de vue entropie, la compression par bfsplines est bonne que celle de la TCD. Nous donnons ci-dessous un tableau récapitulatif des résultats de quelques méthodes utilisées pour deux signaux EMG. Le facteur de ...

  6. Planar Cell Polarity Breaks the Symmetry of PAR Protein Distribution prior to Mitosis in Drosophila Sensory Organ Precursor Cells. (United States)

    Besson, Charlotte; Bernard, Fred; Corson, Francis; Rouault, Hervé; Reynaud, Elodie; Keder, Alyona; Mazouni, Khalil; Schweisguth, François


    During development, cell-fate diversity can result from the unequal segregation of fate determinants at mitosis. Polarization of the mother cell is essential for asymmetric cell division (ACD). It often involves the formation of a cortical domain containing the PAR complex proteins Par3, Par6, and atypical protein kinase C (aPKC). In the fly notum, sensory organ precursor cells (SOPs) divide asymmetrically within the plane of the epithelium and along the body axis to generate two distinct cells. Fate asymmetry depends on the asymmetric localization of the PAR complex. In the absence of planar cell polarity (PCP), SOPs divide with a random planar orientation but still asymmetrically, showing that PCP is dispensable for PAR asymmetry at mitosis. To study when and how the PAR complex localizes asymmetrically, we have used a quantitative imaging approach to measure the planar polarization of the proteins Bazooka (Baz, fly Par3), Par6, and aPKC in living pupae. By using imaging of functional GFP-tagged proteins with image processing and computational modeling, we find that Baz, Par6, and aPKC become planar polarized prior to mitosis in a manner independent of the AuroraA kinase and that PCP is required for the planar polarization of Baz, Par6, and aPKC during interphase. This indicates that a "mitosis rescue" mechanism establishes asymmetry at mitosis in PCP mutants. This study therefore identifies PCP as the initial symmetry-breaking signal for the planar polarization of PAR proteins in asymmetrically dividing SOPs. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Mariana Rodrigues Faleiro


    Full Text Available Prostatic lesions such as prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN and proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA are studied in human and canine species due to their malignance potential. The plasminogen activator (PA system has been suggested to play a central role in cell adhesion, angiogenesis, inflammation, and tumor invasion. The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR is a component of the PA, with a range of expression in tumor and stromal cells. In this study, uPAR expression in both canine normal prostates and with proliferative disorders (benign prostatic hyperplasia-BPH, proliferative inflammatory atrophy-PIA, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia-PIN, and carcinoma-PC was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in a tissue microarray (TMA slide to establish the role of this enzyme in extracellular matrix (ECM remodeling and in the processes of tissue invasion. A total of 298 cores and 355 diagnoses were obtained, with 36 (10.1% normal prostates, 46 (13.0% with BPH, 128 (36.1% with PIA, 74 (20.8% with PIN and 71 (20.0% with PC. There is variation in the expression of uPAR in canine prostate according to the lesion, with lower expression in normal tissue and with BPH, and higher expression in tissue with PIA, PIN and PC. The high expression of uPAR in inflammatory and neoplastic microenvironment indicates increased proteolytic activity in canine prostates with PIA, PIN, and PC.

  8. Texture study of divided solids by gas adsorption: application to beryllia, alumina and to gels and oxides; Contribution a l'etude, par adsorption gazeuse, de la texture des solides divises. Application a l'alumine, a la glucine et a differents gels et oxydes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rouquerol, F. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    particulier dans le cas des solides mtcroporeux) pour la determination du volume de gaz adsorbe dans une couche monomoleculaire et que l'azote est sensible aux interactions chimiques ou electriques avec l'adsorbant: il convient de le remplacer par l'argon. Les methodes de calcul de la distribution de taille des pores sont analysees et discutees. Nos resultats experimentaux ont montre que l'epaisseur de la couche multimoleculaire doit etre calculee a partir du nombre de couches donne par Shull et d'une epaisseur de 3,6 angstrom par couche. Enfin, nous proposons une nouvelle methode d'analyse de la branche de desorption. Nous montrons que certains systemes lamellaires, non poreux, tels que Be(OH){sub 2}, donnent une hysteresis sur une isotherme d'adsorption du type I ou II. En nous basant sur les resultats numeriques fournis par notre methode ainsi que sur des observations obtenues par microscopie electronique, nous concluons que cette hysteresis est due au manque de rigidite du solide. Inversement, nous avons caracterise des solides poreux qui ne donnent pas lieu au phenomene d'hysteresis. C'est le cas des echantillons de glucine de texture microporeuse (r < 20 A). Les conclusions precedentes nous permettent de decrire l'evolution de texture subie par deux series d'echantillons (glucine et alumine) au cours de leur deshydratation progressive (traitement thermique allant de 150 a 1100 C). (auteur)

  9. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of proangiogenic retinal phenotype by an antisense oligonucleotide downregulating uPAR expression. (United States)

    Lulli, Matteo; Cammalleri, Maurizio; Granucci, Irene; Witort, Ewa; Bono, Silvia; Di Gesualdo, Federico; Lupia, Antonella; Loffredo, Rosa; Casini, Giovanni; Dal Monte, Massimo; Capaccioli, Sergio


    Neoangiogenesis is the main pathogenic event involved in a variety of retinal diseases. It has been recently demonstrated that inhibiting the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) results in reduced angiogenesis in a mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR), establishing uPAR as a therapeutic target in proliferative retinopathies. Here, we evaluated in cultured human retinal endothelial cells (HRECs) and in OIR mice the potential of a specific antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotide (ASO) in blocking the synthesis of uPAR and in providing antiangiogenic effects. uPAR expression in HRECs was inhibited by lipofection with the phosphorotioated 5'-CGGCGGGTGACCCATGTG-3' ASO-uPAR, complementary to the initial translation site of uPAR mRNA. Inhibition of uPAR expression via ASO-uPAR was evaluated in HRECs by analyzing VEGF-induced tube formation and migration. In addition, the well-established and reproducible murine OIR model was used to induce retinal neovascularization in vivo. OIR mice were injected intraperitoneally with ASO-uPAR and retinopathy was evaluated considering the extent of the avascular area in the central retina and neovascular tuft formation. The ASO-uPAR specifically decreased uPAR mRNA and protein levels in HRECs and mitigated VEGF-induced tube formation and cell migration. Noteworthy, in OIR mice ASO-uPAR administration reduced both the avascular area and the formation of neovascular tufts. In conclusion, although the extrapolation of these experimental findings to the clinic is not straightforward, ASO-uPAR may be considered a potential therapeutic tool for treatment of proliferative retinal diseases. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Protease activated receptors (PARS) mediation in gyroxin biological activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Jose Alberto Alves da


    Gyroxin is a serine protease enzyme from the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) venom; it is only partially characterized and has multiple activities. Gyroxin induces blood coagulation, blood pressure decrease and a neurotoxic behavior named barrel rotation. The mechanisms involved in this neurotoxic activity are not known. Whereas gyroxin is a member of enzymes with high potential to become a new drug with clinical applications such as thrombin, batroxobin, ancrod, tripsyn and kalicrein, it is important to find out how gyroxin works. The analysis on agarose gel electrophoresis and circular dichroism confirmed the molecules' integrity and purity. The gyroxin intravenous administration in mice proved its neurotoxicity (barrel rotation). In vivo studies employing intravital microscopy proved that gyroxin induces vasodilation with the participation of protease activated receptors (PARs), nitric oxide and Na+K+ATPase. The leukocytes' adherence and rolling counting indicated that gyroxin has no pro inflammatory activity. Gyroxin induced platelet aggregation, which was blocked by inhibitors of PAR1 and PAR4 receptors (SCH 79797 and tcY-NH 2 , respectively). Finally, it was proved that the gyroxin temporarily alter the permeability of the blood brain barrier (BBB). Our study has shown that both the protease-activated receptors and nitric oxide are mediators involved in the biological activities of gyroxin. (author)

  11. Avis 6 sur la formation à et par la recherche


    Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement


    La formation à et par la recherche s’appuie sur la démarche scientifique, les savoirs, les connaissances à transmettre, tout autant que l’acquisition de compétences en gestion de projet, de capacités au travail en équipe, d’une ouverture d’esprit qui favorisera la créativité. Elle doit permettre de prendre conscience de la responsabilité endossée par la communauté scientifique vis-à-vis de la société et de l’environnement, mais aussi préparer l’avenir professionnel de celle ou de celui qu...

  12. Désadification biologique des vins par les levures de fleur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Le processus de désacidification bactérienne du vin par la fermentation malolactique est bien connu. Le vin acquiert ainsi une plus grande souplesse au goût et une stabilité biologique indispensable à sa conservation en bouteilles. Cependant, les levures Schizosaccharomyces pombe peuvent aussi fermenter l'acide malique (RIBÉREAU-GAYON et PEYNAUD, 1962. TARANTOLA et GANDINI, 1967 ont décrit des essais semi-industriels de désacidification biologique d'un moût blanc piémontais ; provoquée aussi bien par l'ensemencement de bactéries malolactiques  que de Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

  13. "Parīzes šiks" mūsdienu restorānu interjera dizainā


    Kalnarāja, Agnese


    Diplomdarbā “Parīzes šiks mūsdienu restorānu interjera dizainā” sastāv no piecām nodaļām. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek aprakstīta Parīzes arhitektūras un interjera dizaina vēsture, tā ietekme uz “Parīzes šika” veidošanos, kā arī pētīta restorānu vēsture. Otrajā nodaļā tiek pētīti elementi, kas raksturo “Parīzes šika” interjeru. Trešajā nodaļā tiek analizēti un aprakstīti psiholoģiskie faktori, kas ietekmē restorānu dizainu – apgaismojums, krāsu lietojums un atmosfēras nozīme interjerā. Empīriskajā...

  14. Funding Research Through the Online Partnership to Accelerate Research (OnPAR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin A. Dueñas, MPA


    Full Text Available OnPAR—the Online Partnership to Accelerate Research—seeks to provide a second opportunity for funding of high-quality, unfunded applications originally submitted to the National Institutes of Health and other national and international funding agencies. OnPAR will match applicable, unfunded applications with the research priorities of nongovernment organizations such as private biomedical foundations, pharmaceutical companies, venture capital funds, and other private funds. Funding organization members will review and make final funding decisions through a simple, 2-step process whereby applicants can submit public abstracts directly to OnPAR. If a member requests additional information, then, by invitation only, an applicant can submit their original unfunded application and their peer review summary statement. Advancing research discovery and drug development to improve clinical outcomes for patients afflicted with or at risk for disease is the primary goal of OnPAR. OnPAR invites the scientific community to fully participate in this new funding paradigm by submitting their National Institutes of Health public abstracts so that funding members can review and potentially support these high-quality, unfunded applications.

  15. The CO{sub 2} cooling gas for the reactors G2/G3 (leaking, analysis, activity); Le CO{sub 2} de refroidissement des reacteurs G2/G3 (fuites, analyse, activite)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meiffren, J; Dupay, F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The main objective of this study is to publicise the data obtained during five years operation of the reactor G2 and G3 at Marcoule as far as the cooling gas is concerned, from storage of reserves up to its slow escape into the atmosphere, and including all the stages of its practical use, its chemical examination, its nuclear behaviour and its possible physicochemical transformation. This work can not only yield information about the operations carried out at Marcoule but can also provide useful suggestions for improving the sealing and for decreasing the activity of the pressurized gas circuits in reactors similar to G2/G3. (authors) [French] Le but principal de cette etude est de diffuser les connaissances acquises au cours de cinq annees d'exploitation des reacteurs G2 et G3 de Marcoule en ce qui concerne le gaz de refroidissement, depuis son stockage d'appoint jusqu'a son echappement lent dans l'atmosphere, en passant par tous les stades de son utilisation pratique, de son etude chimique, de son comportement nucleaire, eventuellement de ses transformations physico-chimiques. Cette etude peut, non seulement renseigner sur les operations effectuees couramment a Marcoule, mais egalement donner des suggestions interessantes pour l'amelioration de l'etancheite et la diminution de l'activite des circuits de gaz en pression dans des reacteurs analogues a G2/G3. (auteurs)

  16. Factor Xa stimulates fibroblast procollagen production, proliferation, and calcium signaling via PAR1 activation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanc-Brude, Olivier P.; Archer, Fabienne; Leoni, Patricia; Derian, Claudia; Bolsover, Steven; Laurent, Geoffrey J.; Chambers, Rachel C.


    Fibroblast proliferation and procollagen production are central features of tissue repair and fibrosis. In addition to its role in blood clotting, the coagulation cascade proteinase thrombin can contribute to tissue repair by stimulating fibroblasts via proteolytic activation of proteinase-activated receptor-1 (PAR 1 ). During hemostasis, the coagulation cascade proteinase factor X is converted into factor Xa. We have previously shown that factor Xa upregulates fibroblast proliferation via production of autocrine PDGF. In this study, we further examined the effects of factor Xa on fibroblast function and aimed to identify its signaling receptor. We showed that factor Xa stimulates procollagen promoter activity and protein production by human and mouse fibroblasts. This effect was independent of PDGF and thrombin production, but dependent on factor Xa proteolytic activity. We also showed that PAR 1 -deficient mouse fibroblasts did not upregulate procollagen production, mobilize cytosolic calcium, or proliferate in response to factor Xa. Desensitization techniques and PAR 1 -specific agonists and inhibitors were used to demonstrate that PAR 1 mediates factor Xa signaling in human fibroblasts. This is the first report that factor Xa stimulates extracellular matrix production. In contrast with endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts appear to be the only cell type in which the effects of factor Xa are mediated mainly via PAR 1 and not PAR 2 . These findings are critical for our understanding of tissue repair and fibrotic mechanisms, and for the design of novel approaches to inhibit the profibrotic effects of the coagulation cascade without compromising blood hemostasis

  17. Recherche documentaire par titrage automatique


    Lopez , Cédric; Prince , Violaine; Roche , Mathieu


    Nous proposons dans cet article un système facilitant la recherche d'information dans un ensemble de documents textuels, basé sur le titrage (et sous-titrage) automatique. Ce dernier peut se révéler crucial, par exemple, dans le cadre de la problématique de l'accessibilité des pages web (norme W3C). Notre processus de titrage automatique consiste à extraire des syntagmes nominaux pertinents dans les textes, pouvant constituer des titres ou sous-titres candidats. Une approche originale combina...

  18. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) as a promising new imaging target

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; Kjaer, Andreas


    modalities such as optical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) and positron emission topography (PET). In this review, we will discuss recent advances in the development of uPAR-targeted imaging ligands according to imaging modality. In addition, we...... will discuss the potential future clinical application for uPAR imaging as a new imaging biomarker....

  19. Atomes une exploration visuelle de tous les éléments connus dans l'univers

    CERN Document Server

    Gray, Theodore


    Quelle est leur température critique ? Qu'est-ce que la masse atomique, la densité d'un matériau, l'ordre de remplissage des électrons ? Cet ouvrage invite avec pédagogie et humour à un passionnant voyage au pays des éléments, à partir de leur tableau périodique universel. Soutenue par une exploration visuelle qui montre l'élément à l'état pur mais aussi ses composés et ses applications les plus caractéristiques dans la vie quotidienne, cette approche pratique offre une combinaison parfaite de science chimique et de photographies, qui séduira les lecteurs les plus avertis comme tous les autres habitants sensibles de l'univers.

  20. Improvement of Batch Distillation Separation of Azeotropic Mixtures


    Hegely, Laszlo


    La distillation est le procédé de séparation le plus répandu dans l'industrie chimique. Pour la séparation des mélanges azéotropiques, une méthode spéciale de distillation doit être appliquée. Le but de mon travail était d'améliorer la séparation des mélanges azéotropiques par distillation discontinue (DD). Un nouvel algorithme a été présenté pour la détermination de la séquence des produits de DD pour des mélanges multicomposants azéotropiques. Contrairement aux méthodes publiées précédemmen...

  1. Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) is upregulated by Acanthamoeba plasminogen activator (aPA) and induces proinflammatory cytokine in human corneal epithelial cells. (United States)

    Tripathi, Trivendra; Abdi, Mahshid; Alizadeh, Hassan


    Acanthamoeba plasminogen activator (aPA) is a serine protease elaborated by Acanthamoeba trophozoites that facilitates the invasion of trophozoites to the host and contributes to the pathogenesis of Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK). The aim of this study was to explore if aPA stimulates proinflammatory cytokine in human corneal epithelial (HCE) cells via the protease-activated receptors (PARs) pathway. Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites were grown in peptone-yeast extract glucose for 7 days, and the supernatants were collected and centrifuged. The aPA was purified using the fast protein liquid chromatography system, and aPA activity was determined by zymography assays. Human corneal epithelial cells were incubated with or without aPA (100 μg/mL), PAR1 agonists (thrombin, 10 μM; TRAP-6, 10 μM), and PAR2 agonists (SLIGRL-NH2, 100 μM; AC 55541, 10 μM) for 24 and 48 hours. Inhibition of PAR1 and PAR2 involved preincubating the HCE cells for 1 hour with the antagonist of PAR1 (SCH 79797, 60 μM) and PAR2 (FSLLRY-NH2, 100 μM) with or without aPA. Human corneal epithelial cells also were preincubated with PAR1 and PAR2 antagonists and then incubated with or without PAR1 agonists (thrombin and TRAP-6) and PAR2 agonists (SLIGRL-NH2 and AC 55541). Expression of PAR1 and PAR2 was examined by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR), flow cytometry, and immunocytochemistry. Interleukin-8 expression was quantified by qRT-PCR and ELISA. Human corneal epithelial cells constitutively expressed PAR1 and PAR2 mRNA. Acanthamoeba plasminogen activator and PAR2 agonists significantly upregulated PAR2 mRNA expression (1- and 2-fold, respectively) (P aPA, and PAR2 agonists induced PAR2 mRNA expression in HCE cells (P aPA, significantly upregulated PAR1 mRNA expression, which was significantly inhibited by PAR1 antagonist in HCE cells. Acanthamoeba plasminogen activator and PAR2 agonists stimulated IL-8 mRNA expression and protein production, which is significantly diminished by PAR2 antagonist

  2. Parijs is een meervoud. Adriaan van Dis en de heruitvinding van de Hollander in Parijs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koffeman, M.N.; Koffeman, Maaike; Montoya, Alicia C.; Smeets, Marc


    Parijs, tot halverwege de 20ste eeuw het onbetwiste centrum van de Europese cultuur, heeft van oudsher een grote aantrekkingskracht uitgeoefend op Nederlandse kunstenaars en schrijvers. Velen van hen verbleven er kortere of langere tijd, op zoek naar internationale erkenning. De vrijere seksuele moraal

  3. An installation for the preparation of radioelements using the Szilard-Chalmers effect (1961); Une installation de preparation de radioelements par effet Szilard-Chalmers (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Douis, M; Valade, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The obtention of high specific activities is sometimes necessary for certain applications of radioelements which cannot otherwise be used readily. This is the case for example, in medical applications where a radioisotope like As{sup 76} must not poison a patient before curing him. Similarly Cr{sup 51} should have a high specific activity for marking red blood corpuscles, since only a limited amount of chromium can be introduced into the blood stream. It seemed to be of interest to build, in the high activity laboratories at Saclay, a single block grouping all the 'Szilard' preparations and to add to it annexe departments for storage, de-canning of the irradiated products, and distribution of the final solutions. The radioelements prepared in this installation are Cr{sup 51}, As{sup 76}, Zn{sup 65}, Cu{sup 64} and Fe{sup 55} + Fe{sup 59}. In the first part we describe the installation and we then give the chemical methods used. (authors) [French] L'obtention de hautes activites specifiques est parfois necessaire pour certaines applications de radioelements qui ne peuvent, sans cela, etre couramment utilises. C'est le cas pour les applications medicales par exemple ou un radioisotope comme le {sup 76}As ne devra pas empoisonner le malade avant de le soigner. De meme, le {sup 51}Cr devra avoir une haute activite specifique pour le marquage des hematies, l'introduction de chrome dans la circulation sanguine etant limitee. Il a paru interessant de construire au laboratoire de haute activite a Saclay, un ensemble regroupant toutes les preparations 'Szilard' et d'y ajouter des zones de services generaux tels que: stockage, dessertissage de produits irradies, puis distribution de solutions finies. Les radioelements prepares dans cette installation sont le Cr{sup 51}, As{sup 76}, Zn{sup 65}, Cu{sup 64} et le Fe{sup 55} + Fe{sup 59}. Dans une premiere partie, nous decrivons l'installation et ensuite indiquons les methodes chimiques utilisees. (auteurs)

  4. Childhood Pars Planitis; Clinical Features and Outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Homayoon Nikkhah


    Full Text Available Purpose: To evaluate the demographic and clinical features of childhood pars planitis, and to determine the therapeutic and visual outcomes of the disease. Methods: Medical records of pediatric patients (less than 16 years of age at diagnosis with pars planitis and at least 6 months of follow-up who were referred to Labbafinejad Medical Center, Tehran, Iran over a 22 year period were reviewed. Results: Overall, 117 eyes of 61 patients including 51 (83.6% male subjects were included. Mean age at the time of diagnosis was 7.8΁3.2 (range, 3-16 years. Mean best corrected visual acuity (BCVA was 0.88΁0.76 logMAR at presentation which improved to 0.39΁0.51 logMAR at final visit (P<0.001. Endotheliitis was present in 23 (19.6% eyes and was significantly more prevalent in subjects younger than 9 years (P=0.025. Cataract formation (41.9% and cystoid macular edema (19.7% were the most prevalent complications. Univariate regression analysis showed that better baseline visual acuity (OR=0.38, 95%CI 0.21-0.70, P=0.002, age older than 5 years at disease onset (OR=0.36, 95%CI 0.14-0.9, P=0.029, absence of endotheliitis (OR=0.39, 95%CI 0.15-0.99, P=0.047 and female gender (OR=3.77, 95%CI 1.03-13.93, P=0.046 were significantly associated with final BCVA of 20/40 or better. Conclusion: Childhood pars planitis was much more common among male subjects. Endotheliitis may be a sign of inflammation spillover and is more prevalent in younger patients. Visual prognosis is favorable in most patients with appropriate treatment.

  5. suPAR associates to glucose metabolic aberration during glucose stimulation in HIV-infected patients on HAART

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ove; Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; Kofoed, Kristian


    extend these findings by investigating the association of suPAR to glucose metabolic insufficiency during an oral glucose challenge (OGTT). METHODS: In 16 HIV-infected patients with lipodystrophy and 15 HIV-infected patients without lipodystrophy, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity (ISI......PAR correlated inversely with ISI(composite) and positively with 2h plasma glucose, fasting insulin secretion, fasting intact proinsulin and FFA level during the OGTT (all P...-RNA, duration of HIV infection), and dyslipidemia (plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acid level during the OGTT) were included, suPAR remained a significant marker of glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Plasma suPAR exhibited a small CV (11%) during the 3h OGTT. CONCLUSIONS: su...

  6. Eficacia de los antivirales en la parálisis de Bell


    Vázquez, María Cristina; Sánchez, Nury; Calvo, Judith; Perna, Abayubá


    Introducción: la parálisis de Bell es una afección frecuente que presenta en 15% de los casos una recuperación incompleta. En los últimos años se ha acumulado evidencia del posible rol del virus herpes simple tipo 1 en su etiología. Objetivos: comparar la eficacia de valaciclovir y prednisona versus prednisona placebo en la parálisis de Bell. Material y método: se realizó un ensayo prospectivo, randomizado y placebo controlado. De los 41 pacientes incluidos, 21 fueron tratados con valaciclovi...

  7. CRP and suPAR are differently related to anthropometry and subclinical organ damage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lyngbæk, Stig; Sehestedt, Thomas; Marott, Jacob L


    BACKGROUND: Low-grade inflammation is a marker for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The inflammatory biomarkers C-reactive protein (CRP) and soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) independently predict CVD. We tested the hypothesis that these biomarkers reflect different aspects...... of the inflammation associated with CVD. METHODS: We studied 2273 subjects without CVD. Log-transformed CRP and suPAR were included in general linear and logistic regression models to compare associations with measures of anthropometry and subclinical organ damage (SOD). Owing to interactions on body mass index (BMI......) (P3: 1.31 (1.16-1.47), whereas log-CRP was not (1.00 (0.89-1.11))). CONCLUSIONS: CRP is positively associated with anthropometric measures, whereas suPAR is linked to endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis....

  8. Sucralfate modulates uPAR and EGFR expression in an experimental rat model of cervicitis. (United States)

    Mannari, C; Santi, S; Migliori, M; Filippi, C; Origlia, N; Sansò, M; Boldrini, E; Giovannini, L


    Sucralfate is a drug used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcer; it is cytoprotective and able to increase the bioavailability of several growth factors, modulating the wound healing process. In this study we tested the possible therapeutic effect of Sucralfate in the treatment of ulcerative lesions occurring in uterine cervix; to investigate such effect we used an experimental rat model of cervicitis in which the uPAR and EGFR expression were evaluated. Cervicitis was induced in wild and ovariectomized Wistar female rats by an acetic acid-soaked tampon. The animals were divided into two main groups (4 and 7 days) and Sucralfate was administered topically until the day they were sacrificed. In order to distinguish physiological and drug-induced healing, quantitative and qualitative uPAR and EGFR expression were evaluated by using Western blot and Immunohistochemistry techniques. Western blot analysis demonstrated an increased expression of both receptors after 4 days from wounding in wild and ovariectomized animals. In particular in ovariectomized animals the expression of uPAR and EGFR increased after 4 days while it reduced following the administration of Sucralfate. In wild rats the same was observed for uPAR expression, while EGFR was different; in fact, its expression increased significantly at day 4 in the animals treated with the drug and only at day 7 in those untreated. Immunohistochemistry highlighted a noteworthy epithelial colocalization of EGFR and uPAR after 4 days in the animals treated with Sucralfate. We conclude that Sucralfate can promote the healing of ulcerative cervicitis and moreover, it reduces the normal healing time because of its modulatory property on uPAR and EGFR expression.

  9. The role of gyrA and parC mutations in fluoroquinolones-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roghayeh Nouri

    Full Text Available Abstract The aim of this study was to examine mutations in the quinolone-resistance-determining region (QRDR of gyrA and parC genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates. A total of 100 clinical P. aeruginosa isolates were collected from different university-affiliated hospitals in Tabriz, Iran. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs of ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin were evaluated by agar dilution assay. DNA sequences of the QRDR of gyrA and parC were determined by the dideoxy chain termination method. Of the total 100 isolates, 64 were resistant to ciprofloxacin. No amino acid alterations were detected in gyrA or parC genes of the ciprofloxacin susceptible or ciprofloxacin intermediate isolates. Thr-83 → Ile substitution in gyrA was found in all 64 ciprofloxacin resistant isolates. Forty-four (68.75% of them had additional substitution in parC. A correlation was found between the number of the amino acid alterations in the QRDR of gyrA and parC and the level of ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin resistance of the P. aeruginosa isolates. Ala-88 → Pro alteration in parC was generally found in high level ciprofloxacin resistant isolates, which were suggested to be responsible for fluoroquinolone resistance. These findings showed that in P. aeruginosa, gyrA was the primary target for fluoroquinolone and additional mutation in parC led to highly resistant isolates.

  10. Various possible ways to express the toxicity of radioactive substances in relation with the involved practical problems; Diverses expressions possibles de la toxicite des substances radioactives en fonction des problemes pratiques poses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jammet, H; Vacca, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    proprietes radioactives. On peut donc etablir deux classifications toxicologiques, en fonction l'une du poids du radioelement, l'autre de son activite. Le plus frequemment les quantites maxima admissibles (QMA) dans l'organisme et les concentrations maxima admissibles (CMA) dans l'air et dans l'eau sont exprimees en microcuries par millilitre ({mu}c/ml), plus rarement en microgrammes par millilitre ({mu}g/ml). L'examen comparatif de ces tableaux de QMA et CMA fait apparaitre des differences importantes dans le classement des radioelements par ordre decroissant de toxicite. C'est ainsi que le plutonium et le radium qui se trouvent parmi les produits les plus toxiques lorsque l'activite est envisagee sont loin d'etre en tete des radioelements dangereux lorsque le poids est considere. Par contre, l'iode-131 et le manganese-56, par exemple, apparaissent parmi les corps les plus dangereux dans cette derniere eventualite. Cette double constatation correspond a deux aspects des problemes poses par la toxicite des radioelements. Si la classification par activite est presque exclusivement utilisee, cela tient a ce que les mesures toxicologiques sont basees sur les proprietes radioactives des radioelements. Elles seules permettent, en general, de detecter des traces aussi faibles de substances. Par contre, la toxicite liee a la contamination interne depend en premier lieu du metabolisme des radioelements, lequel est exclusivement fonction de leurs proprietes physico-chimiques. C'est donc la classification ponderale qui est la plus representative des dangers courus du fait d'inhalation ou d'ingestion de substances radioactives. Il en resulte que la toxicite relative des radioelements ne peut etre seulement basee sur la classification en fonction de l'activite et que la repartition des substances radioactives dans les differentes categories habituelles (tres dangereuses, moyennement dangereuses, faiblement dangereuses) devrait etre remaniee. (auteur)

  11. Contribution de la tomographie par coherence optique au diagnostic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Contribution de la tomographie par coherence optique au diagnostic de la neuropathie optique toxique. C.O.A. Abouki, S Alamou, C.R.A. Assavedo, L Odoulami-Yehouessi, I Sounouvou, S Hounnou-Tchabi ...

  12. La lecture de Merleau-Ponty par Renaud Barbaras

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pechar, Jiří


    Roč. 11, č. 2 (2015), s. 1-6 ISSN 1336-6556 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Merleau-Ponty * Husserl * phenomenology * linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  13. Economic outlook for radiometric selection of ores; Possibilites ouvertes en matiere economique par selection radiometrique des minerais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Formery, P; Ziegler, V [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Usine du Bouchet, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The value of an ore can be increased by cutting off it's poor fractions. This selection may be realized at two stages: - part of the ore in situ is unable to cover it's extraction and treatment costs, this defines the 'underground cut-off grade'; - another portion of already extracted ore is unable to cover it's transport and treatment costs; this defines the 'surface cut off grade'. These selections are easily feasible owing to the property of uranium ores of emitting gamma radiations. A diagram makes possible a fast forecast on the effect of this selection upon the weight and metal yields. An attempt is made as well in order to provide the expected effect of the composition of underground cut off and surface cut off. This cut off however, being realized through an appreciation of the radiations, involves an alteration of the weight and metal yields which calls for a correction. A survey of the economic interest of the cut-off is done and an example of valorisation in a given deposit of a section at the limit of operability is proposed. (author) [French] On peut augmenter la valeur d'un minerai en retranchant des fractions pauvres de minerai. Cette selection peut etre realisee a deux stades: - eviter l'abattage d'un minerai incapable de supporter les frais d'extraction et de traitement. On definit ainsi une teneur de 'coupure fond'; - eviter de traiter chimiquement des fractions de minerai deja extraites mais dont la teneur ne justifie pas le transport et le traitement. On definit ainsi une teneur de coupure jour. La propriete des minerais d'uranium d'emettre des rayonnements gamma dont la densite est liee a la teneur permet de realiser tres aisement cette selection. On propose un diagramme permettant de prevoir rapidement l'incidence de cette selection sur les rendements poids et metal. On a tente de prevoir l'effet d'une composition des coupures fond et jour. Toutefois, la coupure etant realisee par une appreciation des rayonnements, il s'introduit une certaine

  14. Monoradiculopathy and secondary segmental instability caused by postoperative pars interarticularis fracture: a case report. (United States)

    Kaner, Tuncay; Tutkan, Ibrahim


    Instability can develop after lumbar spinal surgery. What is also known as secondary segmental instability is one of the important causes of failed back syndrome. In this paper, we described a 45-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with secondary segmental instability caused by left L3 pars interarticularis fracture after a high lumbar disc surgery and was subsequently treated with re-operation. We evaluated the clinical course, diagnosis, and treatment methods for secondary segmental instability caused by postoperative pars interarticularis fracture. Furthermore, we emphasized the importance of preserving the pars interarticularis during upper lumbar disc surgeries in order to avoid a potential stress fracture.

  15. Decontamination of material in the Marcoule plutonium producing centre (1961); La decontamination du materiel dans le centre de production du plutonium de Marcoule (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodier, J; Bouzigues, H; Boutot, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The decontamination of material in an atomic centre is an essential operation in view of the cost and the difficulties of replacement. It also makes it possible to reduce the storage of radio-active materials always an expensive task. Surfaces are contaminated by retention of radioactive products and the mechanism of the bounding forces can be explained in terms of chemical, mechanical, electrostatic and surface tension phenomena. The methods used for decontamination are either physical (section, abrasion, steam, ultrasonics) or chemical (acids, alkalis, detergents, reducing and oxidising agents). At Marcoule, chemical methods of treatment are used. This is effected in tanks, the exact composition of the liquids being regulated from a control panel. Working experience has shown that the fact of operating in humid conditions eliminates all problems of atmospheric contamination; as a result it is possible for the personnel to work without any special protective devices. Almost all the material can be re-utilized and the operations produce only a small volume of liquid waste. The decontamination workshop is operated by a small number of workers. The working costs, including capital repayment and treatment of the waste, do not exceed 15 per cent of the value of the apparatus treated. (authors) [French] La decontamination du materiel dans un centre atomique est une operation indispensable etant donne le cout et les difficultes du remplacement. Elle contribue aussi a diminuer les stockages toujours onereux des materiaux radioactifs. Les surfaces se contaminent par retention de corps radioactifs, l'origine des forces de liaison devant etre recherchee dans les phenomenes chimiques, mecaniques, electro-statiques ou de tensions superficielles. Les methodes de decontamination peuvent etre physiques (aspiration, abrasion, vapeur, ultra-sons) ou chimiques (acides, alcalins, detergents, reducteurs, oxydants). Sur le centre de Marcoule, la methode des traitements chimiques a ete

  16. Influence of P-Reactor operation on the aquatic ecology of Par Pond: a literature review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilde, E.W.; Tilly, L.J.


    Par Pond is a 1012 hectare reservoir that was constructed in 1958 to provide cooling water for Savannah River nuclear reactors. The purpose of this report is to summarize all known studies on the Par Pond system and point out demonstrable or probable effects that can be correlated with reactor operations. Reactor operation effects the Par Pond ecosystem through: (1) pumping, (2) thermal alteration, and (3) the addition of Savannah River makeup water. The influence of each of these factors is discussed. 108 references, 24 figures, 34 tables. (MF)

  17. Par Pond refill water quality sampling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koch, J.W. II; Martin, F.D.; Westbury, H.M.


    This study was designed to document anoxia and its cause in the event that the anoxia caused a fish kill. However, no fish kill was observed during this study, and dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentrations generally remained within the range expected for southeastern reservoirs. Par Pond water quality monitoring will continue during the second summer after refill as the aquatic macrophytes become reestablished and nutrients in the sediments are released to the water column

  18. ParShield: A computer program for calculating attenuation parameters of the gamma rays and the fast neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elmahroug, Y.; Tellili, B.; Souga, C.; Manai, K.


    Highlights: • Description of the theoretical method used by the ParShield program. • Description of the ParShield program. • Test and validation the ParShield program. - Abstract: This study aims to present a new computer program called ParShield which determines the neutron and gamma-ray shielding parameters. This program can calculate the total mass attenuation coefficients (μ t ), the effective atomic numbers (Z eff ) and the effective electron densities (N eff ) for gamma rays and it can also calculate the effective removal cross-sections (Σ R ) for fast neutrons for mixtures and compounds. The results obtained for the gamma rays by using ParShield were compared with the results calculated by the WinXcom program and the measured results. The obtained values of (Σ R ) were tested by comparing them with the measured results,the manually calculated results and with the results obtained by using MERCSFN program and an excellent agreement was found between them. The ParShield program can be used as a fast and effective tool to choose and compare the shielding materials, especially for the determination of (Z eff ) and (N eff ), there is no other programs in the literature which can calculate

  19. SuPAR predicts postoperative complications and mortality in patients with asymptomatic aortic stenosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hodges, Gethin W; Bang, Casper N; Eugen-Olsen, Jesper


    complications with a HR of 2.7 (95% CI 1.5 to 5.1, P=0.002), per doubling in suPAR. After adjusting for the European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation or Society of Thoracic Surgeons risk score, suPAR remained associated with postoperative mortality with a HR 3.2 (95% CI 1.2 to 8.6, P=0.025) and 2...

  20. Survey of the chemical diffusion at infinite dilution in the nickel-plutonium and aluminium-uranium systems; Contribution a l'etude de l'heterodiffusion a dilution infinie systemes nickel-plutonium et aluminium-uranium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blechet, J J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Solubility S{sub 0} and chemical diffusion coefficients D{sub PuNi} at infinite dilution of plutonium in nickel have been determined by autoradiography {alpha} in poly-phased system by the welded couples method: S{sub 0} varies from 40 to 80.10{sup -6} (atomic concentration) and D{sub PuNi} follows an Arrhenius law D = D{sub 0} exp (-Q/RT) with 0.03 cm{sup 2}/s < D{sub 0} < 1.6 cm{sup 2}/s and 46000 cal/mole < Q < 56000 cal/mole. Diffusion of uranium in aluminium have been carried out by fissiography using the thin layer method. Frequency factor lies between 0.01 and 3.1 cm{sup 2}/s and the activation energy lies between 24000 and 34000 cal/mole. (author) [French] La solubilite S{sub 0} et les coefficients de diffusion chimique D{sub PuNi}, a dilution infinie, du plutonium dans le nickel ont ete determines par autoradiographie {alpha} sur des couples soudes en systeme polyphase. Entre 1000 et 1125 deg. C. S{sub 0} varie de 40 a 80.10{sup -6} et D obeit a une loi d'ARRHENIUS (concentration atomique) D = D{sub 0} exp (-Q/RT) avec 0.03 cm{sup 2}s{sup -1} < D{sub 0} < 1.60 cm{sup 2}s{sup -1} 46000 calories par mole < Q < 56000 calories par mole. La diffusion de l'uranium dans l'aluminium a ete etudiee par fissiographie en utilisant la technique du depot mince. Le facteur de frequence est situe entre 0.01 et 3.1 cm{sup 2}s{sup -1} et l'energie d'activation entre 24000 et 34000 calories par mole. (auteur)

  1. Results of Preliminary Tests of PAR Bunch Cleaning

    CERN Document Server

    Yao, Chihyuan; Grelick, Arthur; Lumpkin, Alex H; Sereno, Nicholas S


    A particle accumulator ring (PAR) is used at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) to collect multiple linac bunches and compress them into a 0.3-ns (rms) single bunch for booster injection. A 9.77-MHz fundamental rf system and a 117.3-MHz harmonic rf system are employed for initial beam capture and bunch length compression. Satellite bunches with very low charge form due to rf phase drifts or beam loading change. These satellites, when injected into the booster and then into the storage ring (SR), cause bunch impurity at three buckets from the target bucket. Storage ring and booster bunch cleaning was tried but proved to be difficult due to the top-up mode of operation in the storage ring and tune drift in the booster synchrotron. Recently we implemented a PAR bunch-cleaning system with tune-modulated harmonic rf knockout. Preliminary tests gave a measured SR bunch purity of better than 10

  2. Analysis of clinical features and visual outcomes of pars planitis. (United States)

    Berker, Nilufer; Sen, Emine; Elgin, Ufuk; Atilgan, Cemile Ucgul; Dursun, Erdem; Yilmazbas, Pelin


    To evaluate the demographic characteristics, clinical features, treatment and outcomes of patients with pars planitis in a tertiary referral center in Turkey. Medical records of patients with pars planitis were retrospectively reviewed. The data including demographic and ocular features and treatment outcomes were recorded. The distribution of clinical findings and complications were evaluated according to age and gender groups. The changes in final BCVA compared to the initial BCVA were noted. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (Version 18.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). Twenty-seven patients (54 eyes) were included in this study. 16 patients were male (59.3%), and 11 were female (40.7%). Mean age at diagnosis was 12.84 ± 8.26 (range 4-36) years. Mean follow-up period was 61.3 ± 52.15 (range 9-172) months. Mean BCVA was 0.58 ± 0.36 (range 0.03-1.00) (0.40 ± 0.45 logMAR) at presentation, and 0.81 ± 0.28 (range 0.10-1.00) (0.14 ± 0.27 logMAR) at final visit (P = 0.001). Vitreous inflammation (100%), vitreous haze (92.6%), snowballs (74.1%), snowbanks (66.7%), anterior chamber cells (66.7%) and peripheral retinal vascular sheathing (48.1%) were the most common presentations. Ocular complications included vitreous condensation (51.9%), cystoid macular edema (22.2%), cataract (18.5%), inferior peripheral retinal detachment (11.1%), glaucoma (5.6%) and vitreous hemorrhage (3.7%). Treatments included topical, periocular, intravitreal and systemic corticosteroids, immunosuppressives, peripheral laser photocoagulation and pars plana vitrectomy when needed. Pars planitis is an idiopathic chronic intermediate uveitis mostly affecting children and adolescents. In spite of its chronic nature with high potential of causing ocular complications, adequate treatment and close follow-up lead to favorable visual outcomes.

  3. Reduction by metals dissolved in liquid ammonia of keto steroids. Equilibration of the alcohols; Reduction par les metaux dissous dans l'ammoniac liquide de cetones en serie steroide. Equilibration des alcools

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giroud, A M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    'une cetone par les metaux en dissolution fait intervenir deux electrons: on peut considerer comme intermediaire un radical-anion, puis un dianion ou un carbanion. Le radical-anion pouvant aussi se dimeriser pour donner des pinacols. Pour interpreter les resultats des reductions, il nous fallait connaitre les stabilites relatives des alcools ce qui nous a conduit a faire des equilibrations. Dans un premier chapitre, nous etudions les methodes de preparation de l'androstanone-ll et des androstanols-ll{alpha} et ll{beta}. Nous verifions ensuite qu'il n'est pas possible selon nos methodes de conclure sur la stabilite relative des deux alcools par equilibrations experimentales. Nous decrivons enfin les methodes de reduction de la cetone par les metaux alcalins et alcalino-terreux dissous dans l'ammoniac liquide, suivant deux procedes: soit en presence de donneur de protons, soit avec addition posterieure de donneur de protons. Ces reductions conduisent a un melange des deux alcools ou l'isomere {alpha} equatorial stable predomine. Dans un deuxieme chapitre, nous etudions l'action de l'acide selenique et de l'eau oxygenee sur la cholestanone-3, reaction qui nous a permis d'etudier la preparation et la stereochimie des derives du A-nor cholestane. Nous decrivons ensuite la preparation des A-nor cholestanols 2{alpha} et 2{beta} et des acetates correspondants. L'equilibration par des methodes chimiques de ces alcools montre que l'alcool 2 {alpha} est plus stable que l'alcool 2{beta}, ce qui est confirme par le calcul. Enfin, la reduction de la A-nor cholestanone-2 par les metaux en dissolution conduit toujours de facon preponderante a l'epimere 2 {beta} le moins stable avec en outre formation de pinacols. Nous consacrons enfin le troisieme chapitre a l'etude des reductions de l'androstanone-17 et des stabilites relatives des deux alcools 17{alpha} et 17{beta}. Quel que soit le mode operatoire utilise, nous obtenons toujours presque exclusivement l'acool 17{beta} le plus stable. D

  4. Could soluble urokinase plasminogen receptor (suPAR) be used as a diagnostic biomarker for ventilator-associated pneumonia? (United States)

    Sunnetcioglu, Aysel; Sunnetcioglu, Mahmut; Adıyaman, Fırat; Binici, Irfan; Soyoral, Lokman


    Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a biomarker that is increasingly used for evaluation of systemic inflammation. This study was performed to investigate whether suPAR may possess a diagnostic value in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). This clinical study was performed in the anesthesia intensive care units (ICUs) of our university. In addition to descriptive data, WBC, serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and suPAR prior to and after development of VAP were noted and compared in 31 patients (22 men, 9 women) diagnosed with VAP (Study Group) and 19 patients without VAP (Control Group) in ICU (14 men, 5 women). The suPAR (P = 0.023), CRP (P = 0.037), WBCs (P = 0.024) in patients with VAP were significantly higher than patients without VAP. There was no remarkable difference in terms of WBCs (P = 0.052) and suPAR levels (P = 0.616) between groups on the first day of connection to mechanical ventilator. The suPAR and CRP levels in patients with VAP were significantly higher than prior to development of VAP (P = 0.001 for both). Area under curve value after diagnosis of pneumonia was found 0.248 (P = 0.002). To conclude, our results suggest that suPAR can be a useful diagnostic biomarker in patients with VAP. However, clinical trials on larger series are warranted to explore the clinical significance more accurately. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Spectral variations of UV-A and PAR solar radiation in estuarine waters of Goa

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Talaulikar, M.; Suresh, T.; Silveira, N.; Desa, E.; Matondkar, S; Lotlikar, A

    radiation (400 to 700 nm), PAR and ultraviolet radiation in the range 350-400 nm (UV-A) are presented here. The mean PAR values at the surface were 327 W/m sup(2) and reduced to 84 W/m sup(2) at first optical depth, Z sub(90) (m) in water. The first optical...

  6. Repérer des sites similaires à une recherche par Google


    Ginouvès, Véronique


    Repérer des sites similaires à une recherche par Google Afficher graphiquement les liens d’un site avec d’autres sites similaires TouchGraph GoogleBrowser crée des agrégations de sites à partir de l’interrogation de Google. Vous visualisez ainsi des nébuleuses de sites à l’intérieur desquelles vous pouvez naviguer facilement, en sautant d'un groupe à l'autre afin de voir les nuages autour de sujets ou de communautés de sujets. Cet outil a été développé par Alex Shapiro, à partir de la version...

  7. Le dysfonctionnement socio-spatial des grands ensembles en Algérie: technique de l’analyse wayfinding par méthode “movement traces” et l’analyse morphologique (syntaxe spatiale par logiciel “depthmap”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amara Hima


    Full Text Available Résumé La technique de l’analyse syntaxique de la visibilité (Visibility Graph Analysis – VGA et de l’accessibilité (All Line Analysis – ALA par logiciel “DepthMap©(UCL, Londres” et l’analyse du dysfonctionnement wayfinding par méthode “movement traces”, sont utilisées dans ce papier afin de développer un modèle d’analyse et d’investigation de l’impact des changements spatiaux sur le dysfonctionnement socio-spatial du wayfinding, ainsi sur la reproduction urbaine, notamment les transformations des façades et l’appropriation des espaces extérieurs dans les grands ensembles en Algérie. Nous donnons ici le cas d’étude de la cité 1000 logt-Biskra et la cité 500 logt-M’sila. Afin de vérifier cette hypothèse, un modèle d’analyse hybride a été développé par croisement des résultats d’analyses des deux techniques. Par conséquent, le schéma de l’interférence montre que la majorité des piétons préfèrent parcourir les axes courts et droits — caractérisés par une forte propriété syntaxique de visibilité et d’accessibilité (l’intégration, la connectivité et l’intelligibilité — en directions des équipements adjacents et aux milieux des deux cités. Ces itinéraires ont un impact sur les transformations des façades et l’appropriation des espaces extérieurs. Le modèle développé promet de futures recherches sur le plan de la quantification, la modélisation et la simulation du processus de la reproduction urbaine, notamment par les automates cellulaires.

  8. Infection par le VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'objectif était de déterminer la prévalence de l'infection à VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein et de comparer les caractéristiques anatomocliques et thérapeutiques de ces cancers du sein par rapports aux patientes non infectées par le VIH. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective et analytique comparant les ...

  9. A cluster of aspartic residues in the extracellular loop II of PAR 4 is important for thrombin interaction and activation of platelets. (United States)

    Sánchez Centellas, Daniel; Gudlur, Sushanth; Vicente-Carrillo, Alejandro; Ramström, Sofia; Lindahl, Tomas L


    Thrombin activates platelets via proteolytic cleavage of protease-activated receptors (PARs) 1 and 4. The two PARs have distinct but complementary roles. The mechanisms responsible for PAR1 activation by thrombin have been extensively studied. However, much less is known regarding thrombin activation of PAR4, especially the potential involvement of regions of PAR4 other than the N-terminal, which is bound to the catalytic site of thrombin. We have studied PAR4 in S. cerevisiae strain MMY12, an expression system in which the GPCR receptors are connected to a Lac Z reporter gene resulting in increased β-galactosidase activity. This approach was used to assess PAR4 mutants to evaluate the contribution of different aspartic residues in facilitating PAR4 activation. Furthermore, peptides mimicking parts of the PAR4 N-terminal and the second extracellular loop (ECLII) were tested for their ability to inhibit platelet activation by thrombin. Binding of these peptides to γ-thrombin was studied by monitoring the decrease in tryptophan fluorescence intensity of thrombin. We conclude that not only the N-terminal but also the electronegative aspartic residues D224, D230 and D235 (located in ECLII) are be important for PAR4 binding to thrombin. We further suggest that they play a role for the tethered ligand binding to the receptor, as mutations also affected activation in response to a PAR4-activating peptide mimicking the new N-terminal formed after cleavage. This agrees with previous results on PAR1 and thrombin binding. We suggest that the ECLII of PAR4 could be a potential target for antithrombotic drug development. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Preliminary Analysis For Wolsong Par Effects Using ISACC Calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Yong Mann; Kim, Dong Ha


    In the paper, hydrogen control effects using PARs only are analyzed for severe SBO station blackout (SBO) sequences beyond the design basis accidents in WS-1 which are of CANDU6 type reactor. As a computational tool, the latest version of ISAAC4.3 (Integrated Severe Accident Analysis Code for CANDU), which is a fully integrated and lumped severe accident computer code, is used to simulate hydrogen generation and transport inside the reactor building (R/B) before its failure. For the performance of hydrogen removal, the depletion rate equation of K-PAR developed in Korea is applied. In a CANDU reactor, three areas are identified as sources of hydrogen under severe accidents: fuel-coolant interactions in intact channels, suspended fuel or debris interactions in-calandria tank and debris interactions in-calandria vault. The first two origins provide source for the late ('late' terminology is used because it takes more than one day before calandria tank failure) potential hydrogen combustion before calandria tank failure and all the three origins would provide source for the very late potential hydrogen combustion occurring at or after calaria tank failure. If the hydrogen mitigation system fails, the AICC (adiabatic isochoric complete combustion) burning of highly flammable hydrogen may cause Wolsong R/B failure. So hydrogen induced failure possibility is evaluated, using preliminary ISAAC calculations, under several SBO conditions with and without PAR for both late and very late accident periods

  11. The uranium dioxide-uranium system at high temperature; Le systeme uranium-dioxyde d'uranium a haute temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guinet, Ph.; Vaugoyeau, H.; Blum, P. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The liquidus curve has been determined by a saturation method in which the thermal gradient was cancelled upon cooling, and the solidus curve by analyzing the deposits in equilibrium with the liquid at each temperature. The diagram, of a displaced eutectic type, presents a liquid immiscibility domain between 47 and 59 mol per cent of dioxide and a substoichiometry range UO{sub 2x}, the minimum O/U ratio being 1,6 at 3470 {+-} 30 C. The monotectic composition was found by chemical analysis to be 59 mol per cent of dioxide and the reaction temperature 2470 {+-} 30 C. (author) [French] La courbe liquidus a ete determinee par une methode de saturation en annulant le gradient thermique au cours du refroidissement, la courbe solidus par analyse des depots en equilibre avec le liquide a chaque temperature. Le diagramme du type a eutectique deporte comporte un domaine d'immiscibilite liquide entre 47 et 59 moles pour cent de dioxyde, ainsi qu'un domaine d'existence du compose sous stoechiometrique UO{sub 2x}, le rapport O/U minimum etant egal a 1,6 a 2470 {+-} 30 C. La composition du monotectique, obtenue par analyse chimique, est de 59 moles pour cent de dioxyde et la temperature de la reaction a ete trouvee egale a 2470 {+-} 30 C. (auteur)

  12. Impact environnemental des corps gras et de leurs dérivés formulés ou non : biodégradabilité et écotoxicité

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bouillon Vincent


    Full Text Available Les risques encourus par l’environnement à cause de la libération d’un produit chimique particulier dépendent essentiellement du potentiel et de la durée d’exposition de ce produit à l’environnement et de sa toxicité. Les corps gras et leurs dérivés sont utilisés dans des domaines très variés tels que les lubrifiants, les solvants, les agents de surface, les détergents… L’impact environnemental de ces composés peut être mis en évidence par des essais normalisés de biodégradabilité et de toxicité. La biodégradabilité est évaluée par diverses mesures : disparition de la substance, évolution de la demande biochimique en oxygène (DBO, consommation d’oxygène, production de dioxyde de carbone et évolution de la composition gazeuse autour du phénomène de biodégradation. La toxicité est évaluée sur divers organismes tels que les bactéries, les algues, les crustacés, les poissons, les mammifères… L’ensemble de ces mesures, expliquées dans cet article, est d’autant plus important qu’il intervient dans les classifications, les réglementations et les écolabels.

  13. fortification des farines tropicales par l'introduction de proteines ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2Université d'Abomey Calavy, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Bénin ... valeur recommandée par le Codex Alimentarius pour ce type de complément alimentaire destiné aux enfants. ..... neurotransmission, coagulation sanguine et.

  14. Parasitisme des champs semenciers de cacaoyers par les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 janv. 2015 ... J. Appl. Biosci. Parasitisme des champs semenciers de cacaoyers par les loranthaceae dans la localité de Nkoemvone (sud Cameroun). 7795 to the various clones, Phragmanthera capitata was the most abundant Loranthaceae; the level of parasitism of cacao trees is more important at the cacao trees of ...

  15. Reduction by metals dissolved in liquid ammonia of keto steroids. Equilibration of the alcohols; Reduction par les metaux dissous dans l'ammoniac liquide de cetones en serie steroide. Equilibration des alcools

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giroud, A.M. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    'une cetone par les metaux en dissolution fait intervenir deux electrons: on peut considerer comme intermediaire un radical-anion, puis un dianion ou un carbanion. Le radical-anion pouvant aussi se dimeriser pour donner des pinacols. Pour interpreter les resultats des reductions, il nous fallait connaitre les stabilites relatives des alcools ce qui nous a conduit a faire des equilibrations. Dans un premier chapitre, nous etudions les methodes de preparation de l'androstanone-ll et des androstanols-ll{alpha} et ll{beta}. Nous verifions ensuite qu'il n'est pas possible selon nos methodes de conclure sur la stabilite relative des deux alcools par equilibrations experimentales. Nous decrivons enfin les methodes de reduction de la cetone par les metaux alcalins et alcalino-terreux dissous dans l'ammoniac liquide, suivant deux procedes: soit en presence de donneur de protons, soit avec addition posterieure de donneur de protons. Ces reductions conduisent a un melange des deux alcools ou l'isomere {alpha} equatorial stable predomine. Dans un deuxieme chapitre, nous etudions l'action de l'acide selenique et de l'eau oxygenee sur la cholestanone-3, reaction qui nous a permis d'etudier la preparation et la stereochimie des derives du A-nor cholestane. Nous decrivons ensuite la preparation des A-nor cholestanols 2{alpha} et 2{beta} et des acetates correspondants. L'equilibration par des methodes chimiques de ces alcools montre que l'alcool 2 {alpha} est plus stable que l'alcool 2{beta}, ce qui est confirme par le calcul. Enfin, la reduction de la A-nor cholestanone-2 par les metaux en dissolution conduit toujours de facon preponderante a l'epimere 2 {beta} le moins stable avec en outre formation de pinacols. Nous consacrons enfin le troisieme chapitre a l'etude des reductions de l'androstanone-17 et des stabilites relatives des deux alcools 17{alpha} et 17{beta}. Quel que soit le mode operatoire utilise, nous

  16. Investigations of the chemical states of carrier-free phosphorus-32 as extracted into water from pile-irradiated sulphur; Recherches sur les etats chimiques du phosphore-32 sans entraineur obtenu par extraction aqueuse a partir de soufre irradie dans un reacteur; Issledovanie khimicheskogo sostoyaniya svobodnogo ot nositelya fosfora-32 pri izvlechenii ego v vodu iz obluchennoj v yadernom reaktore sery; Estudio de los estados quimicos del fosforo-32 libre de portador que se obtiene por extraccion acuosa del azufre irradiado en un reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dahl, J B; Birkelund, O R [Institutt for Atomenergi, Kjeller, Lillestrom (Norway)


    One of the methods of producing carrier free phosphorus-32 today is by extraction into water from pile-irradiated sulphur. The present work gives information concerning the chemical states of P{sup 32} in aqueous solutions at different steps of the routine production-process. The variation in the chemical state of P{sup 32} compounds in the final product has also been examined as a function of storage time. P{sup 32} bound as orthophosphate was found to be the main component. During the chemical processing, the amount of orthophosphate increased from about 70% at the beginning of the extraction to about 98 % in the final carrier-free P{sup 32} product. The residual amount consisted of a mixture of pyro-, tri-, tetra-, and other long-chain polyphosphates (number of P {>=} 5). No metaphosphates (ring-formed) were found in the solutions during production and storage. The results indicate that the polyphosphorus compounds were formed in the target material during irradiation. Special attention was paid to the adsorption of carrier-free P{sup 32} compounds to glassware under the existing experimental conditions. (author) [French] L'une des methodes employee a l'heure actuelle pour obtenir du phosphore-32 sans entraineur consiste a l'extraire dans l'eau a partir de soufre irradie dans un reacteur. Les auteurs donnent des indications sur l'etat chimique du phosphore-32 dans des solutions aqueuses, a differentes etapes du processus de preparation courant. Us examinent aussi les changements de l'etat chimique des composes du phosphore-32 dans le produit final en fonction de la duree de stockage. On a constate que le {sup 32}P combine sous forme d'orthophosphate etait le principal composant. Au cours du traitement chimique, la teneur en orthophosphate est passee d'environ 70% au debut de l'extraction a environ 98% lors de l'obtention du produit final sans entraineur. Le reste etait constitue d'un melange de pyro-, tri-, tetra- et autres polyphosphates a chaine longue (P

  17. The rate of endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy and its risk factors. (United States)

    Tabatabaei, Seyed Ali; Soleimani, Mohammad; Vakili, Hadi; Naderan, Morteza; Lashay, Alireza; Faghihi, Houshang; Yaseri, Mehdi


    To study the incidence of endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy, its causative organisms, and visual acuity outcomes. In this retrospective, comparative study, the medical records of patients with acute-onset postoperative endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy at Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran, Iran, during a 12-year period between January 2004 and November 2015 were reviewed. To compare the endophthalmitis patients with other cases who underwent pars plana vitrectomy at the same day and also the same operating room, a control group was developed by gathering the data from surgical records. In the present study, the incidence rate of pos- vitrectomy endophthalmitis was 0.04% (16/39783). The organisms identified in aqueous or vitreous cultures (culture positive 44%) included Streptococcus pneumoniae (two patients, 12.5%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (two patients, 12.5%), fungi (two patients, 12.5%), and Streptococcus viridans (one patient, 6.25%). Visual acuity after treatment for endophthalmitis ranged from light perception (7 eyes) to hand motion (1 eye), and evisceration was performed in 8 eyes (50%). When comparing the cases (patients developing endophthalmitis) and controls (patients with no complications operated in the same day and place of operation with the case group), only not using tamponade showed a statistically significant relation with the occurrence of endophthalmitis (p = 0.034). Our results indicated low incidence of endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy comparable to previous studies which resulted in poor visual acuity. It seems that not using tamponade might increase the risk of endophthalmitis among these patients.

  18. Evaluation of the Stability After Orthodontic Treatment Using PAR Index

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chaitra Ramanathan


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study is to establish the results using the scores obtained from the methodology that was applied for assessing the stability after 2 years post orthodontic treatment and stability in a sample of 69 individuals. After applying PAR index to the collected group of patients, a series of scores were obtained, which were then needed to be evaluated further to establish the results. The scores were evaluated using the nomogram. A comparison was done between the post treatment and the 2 years post treatment PAR weighting scores to determine if the results were stable after orthodontic treatment. The majority of the orthodontic patients were treated to a good standard and that the results appeared to be stable.

  19. Epuration des effluents industriels par électroflottation Belkacem ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    étudié la séparation de quelques métaux lourds tels que le fer, le nickel, ... the separation of some heavy metals such as iron, nickel, copper, zinc, lead and ... généralement basées sur l'adsorption (par ... Différents essais de concentration en.

  20. Effect of Ash on Oxygen Carriers for the Application of Chemical Looping Combustion to a High Carbon Char Effet des cendres sur l’activité des porteurs d’oxygène dans la combustion du charbon en boucle chimique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubel A.


    activity of the OCs and both OCs performed well. The results were promising for the application of CLC directly to solid fuels. L’application de la combustion en boucle chimique (CLC aux combustibles solides est actuellement étudiée à l’Université du Kentucky, au Centre de Recherche de l’Energie Appliquée (CAER dans le but de développer un procédé de gazéification/combustion en boucle chimique pressurisé (PCLC/G afin de générer de l’électricité à partir de charbon. Un des principaux aspects de la combustion en boucle chimique de combustibles solides est la compréhension de l’effet des cendres sur la réactivité des porteurs d’oxygène (OCs. L’effet des cendres sur la capacité de transfert d’oxygène et sur l’aptitude à oxyder le charbon est étudié avec deux porteurs d’oxygène à base d’oxydes de fer. Les cendres utilisées sont des cendres volantes provenant d’une centrale thermique au charbon. Les expériences sont réalisées dans un système composé d’une thermo-balance couplée à un spectrographe de masse (TGMS dans lequel on utilise d’abord 500 mg d’un mélange de cendres/porteurs d’oxygène à différentes concentrations de cendres allant jusqu’à 75 %. Le gaz réducteur est composé de 10 % de H2, 15 % de CO, 20 % de CO2 et de 55 % de Ar; et le gaz oxydant est composé de 20 % de O2 dans Ar. Les réactions d’oxydation/réduction sont quasi totales. D’après ces expériences, les cendres ont une activité propre de porteur d’oxygène, liée à la présence de fer dans les cendres, confirmée par les analyses DRX. Cela génère une augmentation du gain ou de la perte de masse du mélange pendant l’oxydation/réduction. Les vitesses d’oxydation/réduction augmentent avec la concentration des cendres à cause de l’augmentation de la porosité du mélange de porteurs d’oxygène avec les cendres, ce qui permet un meilleur accès des gaz réactifs sur les sites actifs des porteurs d’oxygène. Dans un

  1. L'initiative Agua Limpia para Perú est dirigée par un ancien titulaire ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    9 juil. 2014 ... Au Pérou, de nombreuses sources d'eau sont contaminées par de ... l'accès à une eau propre et la formation sur l'assainissement, les eaux usées et les ... par AguaSAN Perú aux fins du traitement des eaux (en espagnol).

  2. Insectos parásitos que afectan a loros de Argentina y métodos para su obtención


    Aramburú, Rosana


    Las aves son parasitadas por una comunidad diversa de artrópodos, que pueden ser la causa principal de morbilidad y mortalidad en pichones y adultos. En este trabajo se brinda información sobre métodos para obtener insectos parásitos, distinguiendo métodos sobre el ave (para parásitos permanentes) y de búsqueda en el nido (para parásitos temporarios). Se ofrecen comentarios sobre algunos de los grupos más importantes de insectos parásitos de loros que se distribuyen en Argentina: piojos masti...

  3. "It was like reading a detective novel": Using PAR to work together for culture change. (United States)

    Fortune, Darla; McKeown, Janet; Dupuis, Sherry; de Witt, Lorna


    Participatory action research (PAR), with its focus on engagement and collaboration, is uniquely suited to enhancing culture change initiatives in dementia care. Yet, there is limited literature of its application to culture change approaches in care settings, and even less in dementia specific care contexts. To address these gaps in the literature, the purpose of this paper is to examine the complexities of a PAR project aimed at changing the culture of dementia care in two diverse dementia care settings, including a long term care (LTC) and community care setting. Drawing from data gathered throughout the PAR process, we unpack the challenges experienced by participants working together to guide culture change within their respective care settings. These challenges include: overextending selves through culture change participation; fluctuating group membership; feeling uncertainty, confusion and apprehension about the process; frustratingly slow process; and seeking diverse group representation in decision making. We also highlight the potential for appreciative inquiry (AI) to be integrated with PAR to guide a process whereby participants involved in culture change initiatives can develop strategies to mitigate challenges they experience. We view the challenges and strategies shared here as being constructive to would-be culture change agents and hope this paper will move others to consider the use of PAR when engaging in culture change initiatives. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Inhibiting trophoblast PAR-1 overexpression suppresses sFlt-1-induced anti-angiogenesis and abnormal vascular remodeling: a possible therapeutic approach for preeclampsia. (United States)

    Zhao, Yin; Zheng, YanFang; Liu, XiaoXia; Luo, QingQing; Wu, Di; Liu, XiaoPing; Zou, Li


    Is it possible to improve vascular remodeling by inhibiting the excessive expression of protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1) in trophoblast of abnormal placenta? Inhibition of trophoblast PAR-1 overexpression may promote placental angiogenesis and vascular remodeling, offering an alternative therapeutic approach for preeclampsia. PAR-1 is high-affinity receptor of thrombin. Thrombin increases sFlt-1 secretion in trophoblast via the activation of PAR-1. It is reported that the expression of both thrombin and PAR-1 expression are increased in placentas of preeclampsia patients compared with normal placentas. Trophoblast cells were transfected with PAR-1 short hairpin RNA (shRNA) or PAR-1 overexpression plasmids in vitro. Tube formation assays and a villus-decidua co-culture system were used to study the effect of PAR-1 inhibition on placental angiogenesis and vascular remodeling, respectively. Placentas from rats with preeclampsia were transfected with PAR-1 shRNA to confirm the effect of inhibiting PAR-1 overexpression in placenta. The trophoblast cell line HTR-8/SVneo was transfected with PAR-1 shRNA or PAR-1 overexpression plasmids. After 48 h, supernatant was collected and the level of sFlt-1 secretion was measured by ELISA. Human umbilical cord epithelial cells and a villus-decidua co-culture system were treated with conditioned media to study the effect of PAR-1 inhibition on tube formation and villi vascular remodeling. A preeclampsia rat model was established by intraperitoneal injection of L-NAME. Plasmids were injected into the placenta of the preeclampsia rats and systolic blood pressure was measured on Days 15 and 19. The effect of different treatments was evaluated by proteinuria, placental weights, fetal weights and fetal numbers in study and control groups. The level of serum sFlt-1 in rats with preeclampsia was also measured. Changes in the placenta microvessels were studied by histopathological staining. PAR-1 shRNA inhibited PAR-1 expression and


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    BLE M. C.


    Full Text Available La composition chimique des sources alimentaires (périphyton, matières en suspension et sédiment et celle des contenus stomacaux d’Oreochromis niloticus en élevage extensif dans deux barrages situés en zone rurale (Gueyo, Sud-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire ont été déterminées afin d’apprécier la qualité de la nourriture naturelle ingérée par ces poissons. Les proportions des différents constituants chimiques mesurés dans ces trois sources alimentaires laissent apparaître la part importante que représentent les matières organiques hydrolysables dans le périphyton (65 et 67 % aux barrages 1 et 2, respectivement, alors que les matières minérales constituent plus de la moitié du poids sec total des matières en suspension (59 et 63 % et de la ressource sédimentaire (76 et 63 %. Sur les deux sites, les fibres représentent moins de 15 % de ces trois ressources. Les teneurs en protéines (19 % et le ratio Protéines/Énergie (17 mg.kJ-1 observés dans la ressource périphytique sont respectivement 2 et 3 fois supérieurs aux valeurs mesurées dans les deux autres ressources. L’analyse biochimique des contenus stomacaux montre que les protéines sont présentes en très faibles proportions dans la nourriture ingérée par O. niloticus (7 et 11 % dans les deux barrages. Par contre, les proportions en fibres (12 et 16 % et lipides (11 et 8 % de même que les ratios Protéines/Énergie (6 et 12 mg.kJ-1 caractérisant l’alimentation semblent répondre aux exigences de croissance chez cette espèce de tilapia. Les poids moyens des poissons en fin de cycle d’élevage traduisent la capacité d’O. niloticus à présenter une croissance correcte à partir d’une alimentation pauvre en matières azotées pourvu qu’une faible densité soit appliquée dans les sites d’élevage.

  6. Le coût par QALY rapporté au PIB (CQP): suggestion d'un nouvel ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le coût par QALY rapporté au PIB (CQP): suggestion d'un nouvel indice économique évaluant l'impact réel du coût du bénéfice des molécules onéreuses en oncologie par rapport aux moyens économique d'un pays.

  7. Appréciation de la qualité biologique d'un cours d'eau de plaine

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    GROSS F.


    Full Text Available Un ruisseau de la Gironde est étudié du point de vue physico-chimique et faunistique (invertébrés benthiques. Les communautés d'invertébrés benthiques diversifiées trouvées en milieu non pollué organiquement se transforment progressivement avec remplacement d'espèces et simplification de la communauté dans les milieux pollués par effluents domestiques. Trois méthodes de détermination de la qualité biologique : saprobies, indices biotiques, indices de diversité, sont utilisées comparativement avec proposition d'une échelle d'équivalence entre ces techniques. L'indice de diversité serait la méthode rendant le mieux compte de l'état du ruisseau.

  8. Thermochemical Conversion of Lignin for Fuels and Chemicals: A Review Conversion thermochimique de la lignine en carburants et produits chimiques : une revue

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    Joffres B.


    Full Text Available Lignin is one of the biomass components potentially usable as renewable resource to produce fuels or chemicals. After separation from the lignocellulosic matrix, this macromolecule is nowadays essentially valorized by combustion in paper mills. If second generation ethanol is produced in the future from lignocellulosic biomass, some increasing reserves of lignin will be available in addition to the ones coming from the paper industry. The main thermochemical ways such as pyrolysis, solvolysis, hydrothermal conversion and hydroconversion considered for the valorization of the lignin are reviewed in this article. La lignine est une des composantes de la biomasse lignocellulosique potentiellement valorisable comme ressource renouvelable pour la production de carburants ou de produits chimiques. Après séparation de la matrice lignocellulosique, cette macromolécule est de nos jours essentiellement utilisée comme combustible dans l’industrie papetière. Outre cette filière papetière, la production d’éthanol de seconde génération à partir de la cellulose aura comme conséquence la mise à disponibilité d’encore plus grandes quantités de lignine. De nouvelles applications pourront donc être proposées pour l’utilisation de cette bio-ressource. Les différentes voies thermochimiques : pyrolyse, solvolyse, conversion hydrothermale et hydroconversion envisagées pour la valorisation de la lignine sont décrites dans cet article.

  9. uPAR Targeted Radionuclide Therapy with 177Lu-DOTA-AE105 Inhibits Dissemination of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; Juhl, Karina; Rasmussen, Palle


    The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is implicated in cancer invasion and metastatic development in prostate cancer and provides therefore an attractive molecular target for both imaging and therapy. In this study, we provide the first in vivo data on an antimetastatic effect...... of uPAR radionuclide targeted therapy in such lesions and show the potential of uPAR positron emission tomography (PET) imaging for identifying small foci of metastatic cells in a mouse model of disseminating human prostate cancer. Two radiolabeled ligands were generated in high purity and specific...... value of 100 nM in a competitive binding experiment. In vivo, uPAR targeted radionuclide therapy significantly reduced the number of metastatic lesions in the disseminated metastatic prostate cancer model, when compared to vehicle and nontargeted 177Lu groups (p

  10. Additifs anticongelants pour huiles de moteurs Antifreezing Additives for Motor Oils

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    Denis J.


    Full Text Available Cet article présente d'abord les principales familles chimiques d'additifs de congélation. Les paraffines normales restant dans l'huile après le déparaffinage cristallisent à basse température sous forme de fines lamelles constituées de plusieurs couches de molécules accolées, qui se superposent en spirales. Ces lamelles s'enchevêtrent en bloquant l'écoulement de l'huile. Les additifs s'interposent, soit par adsorption, soit par cocristallisation en favorisant la croissance des lamelles en épaisseur, ce qui les rend moins aptes à l'enchevêtrement. This article begins by describing the main chemical families of pour-point depressant additives. The normal paraffins remaining in the oil after dewaxing crystallize at low temperature in the form of very thin platelets made up of several layers of associated molecules that are superposed in spirals. These platelets become entangled and prevent the flow of oil. Additives work either by adsorption or by cocrystallization, enhancing the growth of lamella thickness, thus making them less capable of becoming entangled.

  11. Towards high resolution ^1H NMR spectra of tannin colloidal aggregates (United States)

    Mirabel, M.; Glories, Y.; Pianet, I.; Dufourc, E. J.


    The time dependent colloidal formation of tannins in hydro-alcoholic medium has been studied by 1H-NMR. Line broadening observed with time can be cancelled by making use of magic angle sample spinning (MASS) thus yielding sharp lines that allow structural studies. We used as an example catechin, a constitutive monomer of Bordeaux young red wine tannins. Chemical shift variations of polyphenol protons allow monitoring the time course of aggregation. La formation de tanins colloïdaux au cours du temps, en milieu hydroalcoolique, a été suivie par RMN-^1H. Un élargissement marqué des résonances est observé et peut être supprimé par la rotation de l'échantillon à l'angle magique ce qui ouvre tout un champ d'études structurales sur ces composés colloïdaux. L'exemple proposé est celui de la catéchine, monomère constitutif de tannins présents en grande quantité dans les vins rouges jeunes de Bordeaux. Des variations du déplacement chimique de certains protons polyphénoliques permettent de suivre l'évolution temporelle de l'agrégation.

  12. Etude comparative de la cinétique de la réaction d’hydratation des bétons autoplaçants et des bétons vibrés

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    Ahmed Gargouri


    En effet, la nature exothermique de la réaction chimique du ciment peut induire des déformations de dilatation et de contraction. Par ailleurs, la dépression capillaire crée par la consommation d’eau due à l’hydratation du ciment entraine un retrait de dessiccation. Ces déformations peuvent entrainer des micros fissurations pouvant affecter la durabilité de l’ouvrage à long terme surtout pour les ouvrages épais. D’où l’importance d’étudier la cinétique d’hydratation de ses bétons non conventionnels et de les comparer à celle des bétons vibrés traditionnels. L’évolution de la température adiabatique ainsi que la variation en fonction du temps du degré d’hydratation sont déterminées pour le béton autoplaçant et le béton vibré. L’analyse des résultats expérimentaux obtenus montre que le changement de composition modifie considérablement la cinétique de la réaction d’hydratation.

  13. Traitement De La Peripneumonie Contagieuse Bovine Par L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Traitement De La Peripneumonie Contagieuse Bovine Par L'oxyteTracycline Longe Action Et Transmission Experimentale de la Maladie A Partir de Bovins Traites. ... Tous les 14 animaux ont séroconverti et l'analyse post-mortem a montré la présence des lésions chroniques dont des séquestres pulmonaires chez 4 d'entre ...

  14. Parasitisme de Dacryodes edulis par le genre Tapinanthus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 août 2013 ... Parasitisme de Dacryodes edulis par le genre. Tapinanthus (Loranthaceae) et répartition de la myrmécofaune associée à Logbessou Plateau. (Douala, Cameroun). Massako F1*, Tchatat M2, Mony R3, Ladoh Yemeda CF1, Dibong SD1,4,5. 1Laboratoire de Biologie et Physiologie des Organismes ...

  15. Solution volumes finis polynomiale par morceaux pour les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nous présentons dans ce papier un concept de solution volumes finis continue pour des problèmes de diffusion-convection avec des données régulières. Nous comparons dans certains cas particuliers la solution proposée avec la solution volumes finis classiques (qui est une fonction constante par morceaux) et la ...

  16. Cyclanthaceae no estado do Pará, Brasil Cyclanthaceae in Pará State, Brazil

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    Eduardo da Silva Leal


    Full Text Available Cyclanthaceae apresenta distribuição exclusiva na região neotropical sendo bem diversificada nas terras baixas das florestas pluviais tropicais, ocorrendo do sul do México até a Mata Atlântica do sul do Brasil. Consistem de ervas terrestres, epífitas, hemiepífitas ou lianas. O tratamento taxonômico de Cyclanthaceae no Pará foi baseado em coleções de herbário, trabalhos de campo e consulta a bibliografia referente à família. Foram registradas 11 espécies: Asplundia altiscandens E.S. Leal, A. fanshawei (Maguire Harling, A. glandulosa (Gleason Harling, A. heteranthera Harling, A. latifrons (Drude Harling, A. schizotepala Harling, A. xiphophylla Harling, Cyclanthus bipartitus Poit. ex A. Rich., Evodianthus funifer (Poit. Lindm., Ludovia lancifolia Brongn. e Thoracocarpus bissectus (Vell. Harling. São apresentadas chave de identificação, descrições e ilustrações das espécies, além de comentários sobre distribuição geográfica, hábitat e período de floração e frutificação.Cyclanthaceae is a family with a distribution exclusively in the Neotropics and is well diversified in lowland rainforests, occurring from southern Mexico to the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil. The family consists of terrestrial herbs, epiphytes, hemiepiphytes and lianas. This taxonomic treatment of the Cyclanthaceae from the state of Pará was based on herbarium specimens, fieldwork, and the literature. Eleven species were recorded: Asplundia altiscandens E.S. Leal, A. fanshawei (Maguire Harling, A. glandulosa (Gleason Harling, A. heteranthera Harling, A. latifrons (Drude Harling, A. schizotepala Harling, A. xiphophylla Harling, Cyclanthus bipartitus Poit. ex A. Rich., Evodianthus funifer (Poit. Lindm., Ludovia lancifolia Brongn. and Thoracocarpus bissectus (Vell. Harling. An identification key, descriptions and illustrations of species are presented. Additional information on the geographic distribution, habitat, and flowering and

  17. Pilot unit for cesium-137 separation; Unite pilote de separation du cesium-137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raggenbass, A; Quesney, M; Fradin, J; Dufrene, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Users of radiation are becoming increasingly interested in cesium-137. At the same time the starting up of the industrial plant at Marcoule will make available in the near future large stocks of fission products which should be made use of as quickly as possible. The installation described is a pilot plant for cesium-137 production which should make it possible: - to verify the chemical method on actual solutions of fission products, by treating about 100 curies of {sup 137}Cs by operation, - to obtain technical information on the chemical equipment (tele-commands, corrosion, maintenance, etc...), - to obtain {sup 137}Cs in sufficient quantity to perfect the technique of the manufacture of sealed sources. (author)Fren. [French] L'interet des utilisateurs de rayonnement se porte de plus en plus vers le caesium-137. Parallelement, la mise en oeuvre de l'ensemble industriel de Marcoule nous permettra de disposer dans un avenir proche de stocks importants de produits de fission qu'il sera interessant de valoriser au plus vite. L'installation que nous decrivons est un pilote de production de caesium-137 qui doit nous permettre: - de verifier la methode chimique sur des solutions de produits de fission reelles en traitant environ 100 curies de {sup 137}Cs par operation; - d'obtenir des renseignements techniques sur l'appareillage chimique (telecommandes, corrosion, entretien, etc...); - d'obtenir du {sup 137}Cs en quantite suffisante pour mettre au point la technique de fabrication des sources scellees. (auteur)

  18. suPAR remains uninfluenced by surgery in septic patients with bloodstream infection

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    Rabensteiner, Jasmin


    Full Text Available Surgical trauma induces activation of the immune system and may cause an increase of inflammatory biomarkers tested postoperatively in septic patients treated for bloodstream infection. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of surgical interventions on the novel sepsis biomarker soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR and to compare results with those of routine laboratory parameters CRP, PCT, and IL-6 in patients with culture-proven bloodstream infection. Forty-six adult patients with positive blood culture undergoing minor or major surgical intervention were investigated, 12 blood culture positive patients served as control group. Blood was collected 24 hours before and after surgical intervention for determination of the sepsis biomarkers suPAR, CRP, PCT, and IL-6. Within the surgical study cohort, a non-significant increase of suPAR, CRP, and PCT was observed postoperatively ( 0.642; 0.773; 0.087. In contrast, a slight decrease of IL-6 ( 0.599 was observed. A significant correlation was calculated for the pre- and postoperative difference of CRP ( 0.028 and PCT and type of surgical intervention received: after minor surgical intervention only PCT decreased significantly (<0.001, while after major surgical interventions no significant differences were observed for all biomarkers evaluated. In the control group, a significant decrease of CRP ( 0.005 and PCT ( 0.005 was observed. In patients treated adequately for bloodstream infections, postoperative suPAR levels remained uninfluenced of the surgical trauma and might therefore be a reliable parameter for postoperative infectious monitoring. After minor surgical intervention, PCT seems to be the most reliable parameter.

  19. Equilibrios de óxido-reducción. Variación del potencial de un par con el pH. Reacción entre el par dicromato-cromo y yodo-yoduro. Problema interactivo.


    Milla González, Miguel


    El potencial redox de los oxoaniones oxidantes varía en función de la concentración de protones del medio. Eso le ocurre al par dicromato-cromo(III). Sin embargo, el potencial del par yodo-yoduro es formalmente independiente del pH. En este ejercicio es necesario calcular el pH para el que la reacción entre ambos pares no va teóricamente en ningún sentido.

  20. The Role of Attrition and Solids Recovery in a Chemical Looping Combustion Process Effet de l’attrition et de la récupération des particules dans le procédé de combustion en boucle chimique

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    Kramp M.


    Full Text Available In the present work, the steady-state behavior of a Chemical Looping Combustion process of interconnected fluidized bed reactors is simulated. The simulations have been carried out in two different scales, 50 kWth and 100 MWth. Attrition model derived from small scale laboratory experiments has been employed for the prediction of the process behavior in terms of attrition and Oxygen Carrier loss. Information on Oxygen Carrier characteristics and reaction kinetics were taken from literature. Realistic circulation mass flows of Oxygen Carrier particles are obtained and Oxygen Carrier losses are quantified. The large scale process looses significantly more Oxygen Carrier than the small scale process based on the same amount of thermal energy produced. Incomplete conversion in the air reactor could be identified as a critical point. Another issue is the fuel gas bypassing the Oxygen Carrier particles through bubbles in the large scale process which leads to lowered fuel conversions. The simulations indicate that a similar performance of a pilot scale and a large scale process is not guaranteed due to the scale-up effect on fluid dynamics. Furthermore, the simulations allow an assessment of the influence of the quality of the solids recovery system on the Oxygen Carrier loss. The distribution of the losses between possible origins is investigated and different changes in the solids recovery system are discussed regarding their potential to decrease the Oxygen Carrier loss. For example, the addition of a second-stage cyclone after the air reactor of the large scale process reduces the Oxygen Carrier loss significantly. Le présent travail propose un modèle de simulation en continu du procédé de combustion en boucle chimique constitué de deux lits fluidisés interconnectés. Les simulations ont été conduites à deux échelles 50 kWth correspondant à une installation pilote et 100 MWth correspondant à une installation industrielle. Un modèle d

  1. Evaluation of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner (PAR) Implementation in a Konvoi NPP Containment Type

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez-Alonso, E.; Papini, D.; Jimenez, G.


    The evaluation of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner (PAR) implementation has been developed under the methodology extracted from the IAEA document, analysing the size, location and number of the PARs capable to minimize the combustion risk, which arises from a hydrogen release generated during a severe accident and its distribution in containment building. A detailed three-dimensional model of Konvoi (PWR) containment with GOTHIC 8.1 code was used for the simulations. The hydrogen preferential pathways and the accumulation points were studied and identified on the basis of a base case scenario without any mitigation measure. The PAR configuration offers an improvement in the chosen accidental scenario; decreasing the possibility of hydrogen combustion and leading to concentration values below the flammability limit (hydrogen concentration below 7%), in all the containment compartments at the end of the transient. Furthermore, from the analysis, it is concluded that the time required to reach hydrogen concentrations below the combustion limit is considerably reduced. (Author)

  2. Indications and visual outcome of first hundred pars plana ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To review the indications and visual outcome of the first one hundred pars plana vitrectomies performed at the newly established surgical retina unit of Makkah Specialist Eye Hospital, Kano, Kano State, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Aretrospective chart review was performed. Data recorded from the patient ...

  3. Etude fondamentale de l'imbibition dans un réservoir fissuré Basic Research on Inbibition in a Fractured Reservoir

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    Iffly R.


    Full Text Available L'efficacité du balayage d'un gisement fissuré par de l'eau d'injection dépend étroitement de l'importance et de la vitesse d'imbibition de l'eau par les blocs matriciels. De nombreuses expériences de laboratoire, réalisées sur des échantillons de roche et avec les fluides provenant d'un gisement exploité par Elf, ont permis de préciser l'influence, sur la récupération de l'huile, de la hauteur et de la perméabilité des blocs, ainsi que des conditions régnant à leurs limites (certaines fissures peuvent contenir, soit de l'eau, soit de l'huile, soit encore être étanches. Les résultats mettent en évidence le rôle essentiel des liaisons physico-chimiques entre l'eau de gisement, l'eau injectée, l'huile et la roche, à tout moment de l'imbibition. De légers écarts dans la composition lithologique de la roche peuvent modifier considérablement les lois de récupération. Par ailleurs, la présence dans les fluides de certaines molécules organiques peut influencer la récupération de l'huile beaucoup plus que ce que l'on pourrait attendre a priori des seules variations du terme a cos 6,. Comme ces liaisons physico-chimiques sont encore mal connues, donc non modélisables, il n'est en général pas légitime de procéder à des expériences d'imbibition avec des fluides et/ou des échantillons de roche ne provenant pas du gisement étudié. Dans ces conditions, les résultats de cette étude sont nécessairement spécifiques du champ considéré. Toutefois, les méthodes utilisées, l'analyse des résultats qui est faite, ainsi que l'influence des principaux paramètres sur ces résultats, présentent un degré de généralité évident. Les mesures de laboratoire, complétées par des simulations numériques, ont conduit à un ensemble cohérent de résultats permettant de comprendre le rôle respectif de la gravité, de la capillarité, des conditions aux limites et des effets d'extrémité, entre autres. Waterflood

  4. Stress reactions involving the pars interarticularis in young athletes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jackson, D.W.; Wiltse, L.L.; Dingeman, R.D.; Hayes, M.

    A stress reaction involving the pars interarticularis of the lumbar spine was confirmed in seven young athletes with a positive technetium pyrophosphate bone scan. No pars defects were detectable on their lumbosacral roentgenograms, which included oblique views. The return to normal levels of radioactive uptake on repeat bone scans correlated closely with their clinical course. If the bony reaction is recognized early, it may heal at a subroentgenographic level and prevent the development of lumbar spondylolysis. These early lesions usually show unilateral increased uptake at one lumbar level on the bone scan and, initially, the athlete localizes the pain to the corresponding unilateral lumbar paraspinous area. The ''one-legged hyperextension test'' is positive on the ipsilateral side and aggravates the pain. Treatment consists of avoiding the aggravating activities and resting. The average time for return to pain-free competition was 7.3 months. These developing defects may be the source of considerable prolonged disability in the young athlete, particularly if undiagnosed and untreated.

  5. Stress reactions involving the pars interarticularis in young athletes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackson, D.W.; Wiltse, L.L.; Dingeman, R.D.; Hayes, M.


    A stress reaction involving the pars interarticularis of the lumbar spine was confirmed in seven young athletes with a positive technetium pyrophosphate bone scan. No pars defects were detectable on their lumbosacral roentgenograms, which included oblique views. The return to normal levels of radioactive uptake on repeat bone scans correlated closely with their clinical course. If the bony reaction is recognized early, it may heal at a subroentgenographic level and prevent the development of lumbar spondylolysis. These early lesions usually show unilateral increased uptake at one lumbar level on the bone scan and, initially, the athlete localizes the pain to the corresponding unilateral lumbar paraspinous area. The ''one-legged hyperextension test'' is positive on the ipsilateral side and aggravates the pain. Treatment consists of avoiding the aggravating activities and resting. The average time for return to pain-free competition was 7.3 months. These developing defects may be the source of considerable prolonged disability in the young athlete, particularly if undiagnosed and untreated

  6. Modification de la surface du cuivre par implantation ionique par source plasma (IISP): applications à l’érosion cathodique dans les systèmes à arcs


    Roy, F


    L’érosion cathodique est un phénomène bien connu qui limite la durée de vie de l’électrode négative dans les systèmes à arcs. Dans le présent mémoire, nous avons tenté de voir si la formation de précipités nanométriques d’oxyde de cuivre pouvait réduire l’érosion cathodique nécessaire au maintien de l’arc en mode thermo-champ (T-F). Les dits précipités ont été produits par implantation ionique par source plasma (IISP). Avec l’aide de techniques de caractérisation telle que la microscopie à fo...

  7. Que sait-on de la biodisponibilité des contaminants dissous dans le milieu aquatique ?

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    GOURLAY-FRANCÉ, Catherine


    Full Text Available La biodisponibilité d'une substance chimique désigne sa capacité à interagir avec les organismes vivants. Nous présentons ici les principaux facteurs environnementaux qui peuvent modifier et contrôler la biodisponibilité des substances chimiques (métaux, contaminants organiques hydrophobes, pesticides dans le milieu aquatique. Trois outils d'échantillonnage intégratifs sont présentés. Ils permettent d'améliorer la caractérisation chimique de l'exposition en se rapprochant de l'évaluation d'une concentration biodisponible, éventuellement intégrée dans le temps. Enfin, la prise en compte de la biodisponibilité des substances dans l'évaluation du risque chimique est discutée.

  8. Apoptosis induced by knockdown of uPAR and MMP-9 is mediated by inactivation of EGFR/STAT3 signaling in medulloblastoma.

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    Ramaprasada Rao Kotipatruni

    Full Text Available Medulloblastoma is a highly invasive cancer of central nervous system diagnosed mainly in children. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9 and urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR are over expressed in several cancers and well established for their roles in tumor progression. The present study is aimed to determine the consequences of targeting these molecules on medulloblastoma progression.Radiation is one of the foremost methods applied for treating cancer and considerable evidence showed that radiation elevated uPAR and MMP-9 expression in medulloblastoma cell. Therefore efforts are made to target these molecules in non-irradiated and irradiated medulloblastoma cells. Our results showed that siRNA-mediated knockdown of uPAR and MMP-9, either alone or in combination with radiation modulated a series of events leading to apoptosis. Down regulation of uPAR and MMP-9 inhibited the expression of anti-apoptotic molecules like Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, survivin, XIAP and cIAPI; activated BID cleavage, enhanced the expression of Bak and translocated cyctochrome C to cytosol. Capsase-3 and -9 activities were also increased in uPAR- and MMP-9-downregulated cells. The apoptosis induced by targeting MMP-9 and uPAR was initiated by inhibiting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR mediated activation of STAT3 and NF-κB related signaling molecules. Silencing uPAR and MMP-9 inhibited DNA binding activity of STAT3 and also reduced the recruitment of STAT3 protein at the promoter region of Bcl-2 and survivin genes. Our results suggest that inhibiting uPAR and MMP-9 reduced the expression of anti-apoptotic molecules by inactivating the transcriptional activity of STAT3. In addition, treating pre-established medulloblastoma with siRNAs against uPAR and MMP-9 both alone or in combination with radiation suppressed uPAR, MMP-9, EGFR, STAT3 expression and induced Bak activation leading to apoptosis.Taken together, our results illustrated that RNAi mediated targeting of

  9. Améliorer l'immunité innée des macrophages par la modulation des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les maladies causées par une infection guérissent le plus souvent grâce à une réaction immunitaire déclenchée par des cellules pour éliminer les agents étrangers. Ces cellules comprennent les macrophages, le principal type de cellule qui élimine les agents infectieux au cours d'un processus appelé phagocytose, ...

  10. Tuberculose lymphonodale cervicale chez les enfants vaccines par ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La tuberculose ganglionnaire cervicale est une localisation extrapulmonaire relativement fréquente chez l'enfant. Elle pose essentiellement des difficultés de prévention. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier les particularités diagnostiques et thérapeutiques chez des enfants vaccinés par le BCG. Matériel et méthodes: Nôtre ...

  11. Candido: Uma Leitura Paródica de Candide

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    Maria Gloria Cusumano Mazzi


    Full Text Available O presente artigo estuda a leitura paródica que Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989 faz de Voltaire (1694-1778 mediante o cotejo das obras: o hipertexto Candido ovvero Un sogno fatto in Sicilia (1977 e o hipotexto Candide ou l’optimisme (1759. Apresenta ainda outra possibilidade de leitura, ou seja, Candido como metáfora da própria intertextualidade.

  12. Manufactering of par-fried french-fries. Part 3: a blueprint to predict the maximum production yield

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Somsen, D.J.; Capelle, A.; Tramper, J.


    Very little research on the production yield of par-fried French-fries has been reported in the literature. This paper bridges the knowledge gap and outlines the development of a model to predict the maximum production yield of par-fried French-fries. This yield model can be used to calculate the

  13. parámetros en híbridos de populus

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    O. S. Vallejos-Barra


    Full Text Available La variable diámetro a la altura del pecho, medido a 1.3 m desde el suelo (DAP es lognormal si log(DAP-θ se distribuye normalmente. Para simplificar el ajuste de esta función de densidad de probabilidad (fdp se supone que el parámetro de localización (θ es cero en híbridos de Populus; sin embargo, en algunos casos esta simplificación no asegura el mejor ajuste de la fdp, incidiendo en la representación de la estructura horizontal de los híbridos. El objetivo de la investigación fue calcular el parámetro θ que proporcione el mejor ajuste de la fdp lognormal del DAP en los híbridos I-488 e I-63/51. Para este cálculo se utilizó un algoritmo de búsqueda binaria, que minimizó el estadístico Dn de la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. 38 % de las parcelas presentó un parámetro θ distinto de cero, originando una mejoría del valor de probabilidad (P entre 0.02 y 55.4 %. Se hizo un análisis de varianza no paramétrico de la variable “√n * Dn”, ya que la variable original y múltiples transformaciones no permitieron aceptar los supuestos del análisis paramétrico. El tipo de ajuste presentó diferencias estadísticas altamente significativas con un valor de 17.1 (P0.800 y las edades un valor de 11.2 (P>0.260.

  14. La preuve par le nombre

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    Hélène Verdier


    Full Text Available S’il en était besoin, la question des usages et de la finalité des résultats de l’inventaire général pourrait être abordée par le nombre : nombre d’œuvres répertoriées, de communes inventoriées, de clichés photographiques réalisés, de dossiers, de consultations des notices dans les bases de données… Les additions aujourd’hui sont éloquentes, mais elles laissent dans l’ombre le rôle de l’inventaire qui, en mettant en œuvre une démarche systématique de connaissance, participe à l’ identificatio...

  15. Dibenzodioxines polychlorées et dibenzofurannes polychlorés

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Boddington, Martin John


    ... et de diffuser une liste des substances d'interet prioritaire qui enumere les substances - y compris les produits chimiques, les groupes de produits chimiques, les effluents et les residus - susceptibles d'etre...

  16. Study of the artificial radioactivity of the marine medium using gamma spectrometry (1962-1966); Etude de la radioactivite artificielle du milieu marin par spectrometrie gamma (1962-1966)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chesselet, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    incidences de cette retombee dans les eaux marines superficielles. Considerant les radioelements etudies comme des 'traceurs' dans le milieu marin, divers processus physiques, chimiques ou biologiques ont ete etudies par spectrometrie gamma a haute sensibilite. Le passage en phase soluble dans l'eau de mer d'une fraction importante (environ 50 pour cent) de l'activite liee aux poussieres radioactives, phenomene qui n'etait pas previsible pour les radioelements etudies, gouverne les processus d'accumulation dans la biomasse planctonique et la diffusion vers les eaux plus profondes. Par ailleurs, une methode de spectrometrie 'in situ' permettant de mesurer directement dans la mer de tres faibles concentrations en certains radionuclides emetteurs gamma est decrite. L'application de cette methode a permis de nombreuses observations dans les eaux de surface de la Mediterranee occidentale et du Golfe de Gascogne. On montre quo la profondeur de melange est etroitement liee a celle de la thermocline. Un processus d'accumulation au niveau de celle-ci est constate. Les coefficients de diffusion sont voisins du coefficient de diffusion thermique turbulente. L'existence de compartiments qui subsistent pendant plusieurs mois dans la masse des eaux de surface du Golfe de Gascogne est mise en evidence. Grace aux bilans effectues, une etude comparative montre que le taux de retombees radioactives sur les surfaces maritimes est toujours deux a trois fois superieur a celui sur les regions continentales voisines. Diverses explications de ce phenomene sont discutees. (auteur)

  17. Study of the artificial radioactivity of the marine medium using gamma spectrometry (1962-1966); Etude de la radioactivite artificielle du milieu marin par spectrometrie gamma (1962-1966)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chesselet, R. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    atmospherique entre 1962 et 1964 et les incidences de cette retombee dans les eaux marines superficielles. Considerant les radioelements etudies comme des 'traceurs' dans le milieu marin, divers processus physiques, chimiques ou biologiques ont ete etudies par spectrometrie gamma a haute sensibilite. Le passage en phase soluble dans l'eau de mer d'une fraction importante (environ 50 pour cent) de l'activite liee aux poussieres radioactives, phenomene qui n'etait pas previsible pour les radioelements etudies, gouverne les processus d'accumulation dans la biomasse planctonique et la diffusion vers les eaux plus profondes. Par ailleurs, une methode de spectrometrie 'in situ' permettant de mesurer directement dans la mer de tres faibles concentrations en certains radionuclides emetteurs gamma est decrite. L'application de cette methode a permis de nombreuses observations dans les eaux de surface de la Mediterranee occidentale et du Golfe de Gascogne. On montre quo la profondeur de melange est etroitement liee a celle de la thermocline. Un processus d'accumulation au niveau de celle-ci est constate. Les coefficients de diffusion sont voisins du coefficient de diffusion thermique turbulente. L'existence de compartiments qui subsistent pendant plusieurs mois dans la masse des eaux de surface du Golfe de Gascogne est mise en evidence. Grace aux bilans effectues, une etude comparative montre que le taux de retombees radioactives sur les surfaces maritimes est toujours deux a trois fois superieur a celui sur les regions continentales voisines. Diverses explications de ce phenomene sont discutees. (auteur)


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    Ingryd Maturo Andreazzi

    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução: O Brasil tem o maior número de academias do mundo (cerca de 20 mil e aproximadamente de 3,6 milhões de brasileiros praticam atividade física nesses locais. Torna-se necessária uma padronização da triagem de praticantes de academia a fim de reduzir ao máximo o risco de morte súbita e outras morbidades associadas ao exercício físico. Objetivo: Comparar o Questionário de Prontidão para Atividade Física (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire, PAR-Q com o exame físico pré-participação esportiva na detecção de risco à saúde em praticantes de academia. Métodos: Estudo transversal, realizado nas cidades de São Bernardo do Campo e Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram avaliados 50 indivíduos, de ambos os sexos, entre 18 e 35 anos que iniciariam atividades físicas. Realizou-se anamnese, exame físico geral e ortopédico, teste de flexibilidade e o PAR-Q. As variáveis quantitativas foram analisadas pela média, desvio padrão e porcentagens. A comparação das variáveis contínuas com distribuição normal foi feita pelo teste t e a comparação das variáveis qualitativas, pelo teste do qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. Fixou-se em 5% a hipótese de nulidade. Resultados: O PAR-Q foi positivo em 20% dos entrevistados, assemelhando-se aos dados da anamnese, em que 28% relataram alguma doença. O questionário teve associação positiva em indivíduos que faziam uso de medicação (p = 0,001, história familiar de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (p = 0,001 e antecedentes de cirurgia (p = 0,03. Os participantes com PAR-Q positivo tiveram os maiores valores de índice de massa corpórea, pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, mas a diferença não foi estatisticamente significante. O PAR-Q não foi capaz detectar morbidades clínicas como: asma (8%, dislipidemia (4%, hipotireoidismo (2%, tabagismo (8% e cirurgias prévias (40%. O exame abdominal e cardiopulmonar estava alterado em quatro

  19. Row orientation effect on UV-B, UV-A and PAR solar irradiation components in vineyards at Tuscany, Italy (United States)

    Grifoni, D.; Carreras, G.; Zipoli, G.; Sabatini, F.; Dalla Marta, A.; Orlandini, S.


    Besides playing an essential role in plant photosynthesis, solar radiation is also involved in many other important biological processes. In particular, it has been demonstrated that ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation plays a relevant role in grapevines ( Vitis vinifera) in the production of certain important chemical compounds directly responsible for yield and wine quality. Moreover, the exposure to UV-B radiation (280-320 nm) can affect plant-disease interaction by influencing the behaviour of both pathogen and host. The main objective of this research was to characterise the solar radiative regime of a vineyard, in terms of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and UV components. In this analysis, solar spectral UV irradiance components, broadband UV (280-400 nm), spectral UV-B and UV-A (320-400 nm), the biological effective UVBE, as well as the PAR (400-700 nm) component, were all considered. The diurnal patterns of these quantities and the UV-B/PAR and UV-B/UV-A ratios were analysed to investigate the effect of row orientation of the vineyard in combination with solar azimuth and elevation angles. The distribution of PAR and UV irradiance at various heights of the vertical sides of the rows was also studied. The results showed that the highest portion of plants received higher levels of daily radiation, especially the UV-B component. Row orientation of the vines had a pronounced effect on the global PAR received by the two sides of the rows and, to a lesser extent, UV-A and UV-B. When only the diffused component was considered, this geometrical effect was greatly attenuated. UV-B/PAR and UV-A/PAR ratios were also affected, with potential consequences on physiological processes. Because of the high diffusive capacity of the UV-B radiation, the UV-B/PAR ratio was significantly lower on the plant portions exposed to full sunlight than on those in the shade.

  20. Situation des personnes transgenres par rapport au VIH/IST en Suisse : rapid assessment


    Bize, R.; Koutaissoff, D.; Dubois-Arber, F.


    Ce rapport permet d'identifier le sous-groupe des personnes transgenres pratiquant ou ayant pratiqué le travail du sexe comme une population clairement exposée à un risque notoirement élevé d'infection par le VIH et les IST. L'ampleur rapportée du phénomène justifie pleinement l'inclusion de cette population dans le dispositif de surveillance comportementale du VIH et des autres IST, mais également la réalisation urgente d'actions de prévention communautaire. Par contre, il ne nous permet pas...