
Sample records for papel sexual revisitado

  1. Papel del Estado y derechos de los padres en la educación sexual y reproductiva


    Llano Torres, Ana


    En el presente artículo se estudian los aspectos educativos de la Ley Orgánica 2/2002, de 3 de marzo, de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva y de la Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo. Se intenta, primero, clarificar las nociones de educación sexual, educación reproductiva y «enfoque de género», y después, delimitar el papel del Estado y el derecho de los padres a que sus hijos reciban una educación religiosa y moral conforme a sus convicciones en este campo decisivo y delicado.

  2. El papel de la asertividad sexual en la sexualidad humana: una revisión sistemática

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    Pablo Santos-Iglesias


    Full Text Available El estudio de la asertividad sexual ha generado resultados que demuestran su importancia y su papel fundamental en la sexualidad humana. En este estudio teórico se lleva a cabo una revisión sistemática de los principales resultados obtenidos en estos estudios. Después de una búsqueda en las principales bases de datos se obtiene un total de 76 trabajos publicados entre 1980 y 2009, que demuestran que la asertividad sexual es un factor determinante tanto de la respuesta sexual como del funcionamiento sexual humano. Además se relaciona de forma directa con una visión positiva de la sexualidad humana y con algunas variables sociodemográficas como el sexo, aunque esta relación no está clara. Otros estudios ponen de manifiesto que es un factor de protección ante experiencias de abuso y victimización sexual, así como ante conductas sexuales de riesgo. Se discuten los resultados y se plantea la necesidad de incluir la asertividad sexual de forma específica, más que la asertividad general, en los programas educativos y en intervenciones con poblaciones en situación de riesgo.

  3. El papel de las asociaciones de trabajadores sexuales y de las entidades privadas que trabajan con poblaci?n dedicada a la prostituci?n en la regulaci?n del trabajo sexual en Colombia. (1991-2016)


    Arturo Zarama, Daniela


    El objetivo principal de esta monograf?a es examinar el papel de las asociaciones de trabajadores sexuales y de las entidades que trabajan con poblaci?n dedicada a la prostituci?n en la regulaci?n del trabajo sexual en Colombia desde 1991. Se defender? que debido al abandono hist?rico del Estado colombiano frente a la reglamentaci?n de la prostituci?n, han sido las organizaciones mencionadas anteriormente las abanderadas en la lucha por la defensa, promoci?n, reconocimiento y respeto de los d...

  4. O terceiro sexo revisitado: a homossexualidade no Archives of Sexual Behavior Third sex revisited: homosexuality in the Archives of Sexual Behavior

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    Marina Fisher Nucci


    Full Text Available Uma das primeiras teorias científicas sobre a homossexualidade é a ideia de "terceiro sexo", desenvolvida na segunda metade do século XIX, em que o homossexual era visto como possuidor de uma "alma feminina em um corpo masculino". Com o objetivo de analisar se e como determinadas teorias contemporâneas sobre a homossexualidade se articulam à ideia de "terceiro sexo", foi feito um levantamento de 211 artigos sobre homossexualidade, publicados no periódico Archives of Sexual Behavior entre 1971 e 2006. Os artigos foram divididos em cinco categorias: Psicológicos, Biomédicos, Sociológicos/Culturais, HIV e Outros. Analisamos dois grupos de artigos da categoria Biomédicos. O primeiro grupo analisado engloba pesquisas que procuram estabelecer uma relação entre homossexualidade na vida adulta e "comportamento atípico" em crianças (como meninas preferirem bolas a bonecas e vice-versa. No segundo grupo de artigos, os pesquisadores buscam por diferenças anatômicas entre homossexuais e heterossexuais (como a proporção do comprimento dos dedos, ou o tamanho do pênis, que seriam indicadores de "níveis anormais" de hormônios pré-natais, responsáveis pela lateralização cerebral, que por sua vez definiria a orientação sexual. Concluímos que ambos os grupos de artigos estão calcados numa visão da heterossexualidade como característica distintiva de gênero, que aproxima, de um lado, o homem homossexual às mulheres heterossexuais e, do outro, as mulheres homossexuais aos homens heterossexuais. Este tipo de raciocínio possui grande similaridade com a teoria do "terceiro sexo"; entretanto, noções mais vagas ou metafísicas - como "alma" ou "mente" - são substituídas agora por outra mais concreta e física - o cérebro.One of the first scientific theories about homosexuality is the "Third sex" theory, developed in late 1900's. According to this theory, the homosexual male had a "female soul in a male body". With the aim of

  5. Hospitalidad, con y sin papeles

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    Ana Paula Penchaszadeh

    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es vincular el trabajo sobre el archivo de Jacques Derrida con la experiencia de la hospitalidad. Se intentará mostrar que, por un lado, se trata siempre de los papeles, de la legitimidad que éstos otorgan o no tanto a nivel filosófico (deseo de poseer los papeles que autoricen tal o cual decisión interpretativa, como a nivel político ("tener papeles" como el principio básico de todo derecho a tener derechos, de todo derecho a la comunidad. Mas también, por otro lado, se intentará pensar aquello que arruina la idea misma de tener o no tener (papeles, la idea de propiedad, aquello que hace imposible fundar una decisión o identidad en última instancia y, por ende, una soberanía, una frontera. La hospitalidad, la llegada inminente del otro, representa un desafío político y ético para la filosofía: pues no se trata de un saber, sino de una experiencia transformando el sustrato del nos-otros, del ser común.


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    Fernando de Souza Meirelles


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho traçou estudos estatísticos entre o aumento do uso de Tecnologia de Informação (TI e o consumo de papel no mercado brasileiro, utilizando dados de vinte anos. Por meio da revisão bibliográfica e testes estatísticos, foi investigado se os investimentos corporativos em TI proporcionaram a redução do consumo de determinados tipos de papéis. Os resultados corroboram estudo anterior, desenvolvido por Moraes, Meirelles e Nacimiento (2010, no qual foi analisado um período de seis anos, indicando que o uso de TI não trouxe como benefício a redução do consumo de papel. Evidencia-se que os valores de investimentos em TI pelas empresas obtiveram correlação positiva com a queda no consumo de papel do tipo imprensa e escrita, indicando que, possivelmente, o acesso digital às informações reduziu a utilização de jornais impressos. Percebe-se também o aumento no consumo de outros tipos de papel, como o papel de impressão e embalagem, juntamente com os investimentos em TI. Dessa forma, pode-se deduzir que o fácil acesso a equipamentos de informática levaria à impressão de arquivos eletrônicos, bem como o aumento das vendas de equipamentos eletrônicos tenderia a aumentar a utilização do papel de embalagem.

  7. Víctimas de violencia sexual. Resiliencia y crecimiento postraumático.


    Ortiz-Tallo, Margarita


    El objetivo de la conferencia es aportar datos sobre la violencia sexual en la infancia, sus consecuencias psicológicas y, presentar la capacidad del ser humano para recuperarse del trauma. Se explora el papel de la resiliencia para la superación del abuso sexual, desde el marco de la psicología positiva, y se presentan datos que proporcionan evidencia de los efectos útiles de este concepto en el tratamiento de las consecuencias del trauma. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de E...

  8. LGBT world championships: sexualized ghettos in global scale? Competições esportivas mundiais LGBT: guetos sexualizados em escala global?

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    Wagner Xavier de Camargo


    Full Text Available Ghettos are marginal territories, in which ethnic, religious, social and sexual minorities were encapsulated and segregated throughout History. Crossed by flows and tensions on movement in the global landscape, such spaces should be reanalyzed under a global perspective. Aiming to reflect on marginal territories of gender linked to LGBT sports events, this article has tried to re-think the concept of the ghetto from the "Chicago School", and analyze it according to new lenses, applied to two global and specific LGBT world championships (Gay Games and World OutGames. It was noticed that the occurrence of them and the expectations around "possibilities of ejaculation" of bodies, genders, sexualities, and desires, connected to the sports' world itself, open up the perspective that such events will perform a kind of "sexualized ghettos", i.e., territorialized spaces from sexual desires' practices, in the logic of a global circulation of desires, bodies and capitals.Os guetos são espaços circunscritos e marginais nos quais, ao longo da história, minorias religiosas, sociais, étnicas e sexuais foram encapsuladas e segregadas. Atravessados por fluxos e tensões em movimento do global landscape, tais territórios devem ser revisitados sob a ótica da globalização. Com o propósito de analisar territorialidades marginais de gênero atreladas a eventos esportivos LGBT, este artigo buscou ressemantizar o conceito de gueto da "Escola de Chicago" e repensá-lo segundo novas perspectivas analíticas, aplicadas a duas competições esportivas mundiais (Gay Games e World OutGames voltadas para o público LGBT. Percebeu-se que a ocorrência dessas competições e as expectativas em torno de "capitais ejaculantes" de corpos, sexos, desejos e sexualidades vinculados ao esporte abrem a perspectiva de que tais torneios performatizem "guetos sexualizados", isto é, espaços territorializados de práticas itinerantes de desejos, na lógica de uma circulação em

  9. Conhecimento dos enfermeiros sobre o Serviço de Atenção às Mulheres Vítimas de Violência Sexual Conocimiento de los enfermeros sobre el Servicio de Atención as las Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia Sexual Knowledge of nurses about the Service for Assistance to Women Victims of Sexual Violence

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    Claudete Ferreira de Souza Monteiro


    Full Text Available Estudo quantitativo para levantar o conhecimento dos enfermeiros sobre o Serviço de Atenção às Mulheres Vítimas de Violência Sexual (SAMVVIS, de uma maternidade pública-Teresina, PI. A coleta deu-se em fevereiro e março de 2008, com 61 enfermeiras(o. Os resultados apontam que a maioria conhece o serviço (90,14%, mas os percentuais afirmativos vão decrescendo à medida que respondem como funcionam (80,33%, quais seus objetivos (72,13%, o papel do enfermeiro (44,26% e a proposta de organização (40,98%. Conclui-se da necessidade de divulgação do serviço, notadamente nos aspectos dos objetivos, da proposta de organização e do papel do enfermeiro, bem como da política nacional de atenção às mulheres vítimas de violência sexual.Estudio cuantitativo para verificar el conocimento de los enfermeros sobre el Servicio de Atención a las Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia Sexual (SAMVVIS, de una maternidad pública-Teresina, PI. La recolección se dio en febrero y marzo de 2008, con 61 enfermeras(os. Los resultados apuntan que la mayoría conoce el servicio (90,14%, pero los porcentajes afirmativos van disminuyendo a la medida que responden cómo funcionan (80,33%, cuáles sus objetivos (72,13%, el papel del enfermero (44,26% y la propuesta de organización (40,98%. Se concluye la necesidad de divulgación del servicio, especialmente en los aspectos de los objetivos, de la propuesta de organización y del papel del enfermero, así como de la política nacional de atención a las mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual.This quantitative study is to collect data of the knowledge of nurses about the Service for Assistance to women victims of sexual violence (SAMVVIS, in a public maternity hospital in Teresina, PI. Data was collected in February and March of 2008 from 61 nurses. The results show that the majority are aware of the service (90.14% but the affirmative percentage decreases when asked about how it functions (80.33%, what its

  10. Análisis de la oferta televisiva en promoción para la salud y en salud sexual para los adolescentes

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    Luz Neira Parra


    Full Text Available El presente artículo muestra los resultados de una investigación realizada que reflexiona sobre algunos aspectos del comportamiento sexual de los adolescentes, especialmente acerca de cifras que revelan la prevalencia de enfermedades de transmisión sexual, el incremento del embarazo adolescente y el inicio temprano de la actividad sexual. Se ratifica la considerable influencia de los medios de comunicación masiva, que afecta un aspecto central de la cotidianeidad e intimidad humana de los adolescentes: los medios tienen un papel dominante en el desarrollo de la socialidad. Con diferentes propósitos, su uso les da a los jóvenes acceso a temas de salud, de sexualidad, con un tratamiento en su abordaje que induce muchas dudas y sospechas sobre la presentación y calidad del mensaje, no así sobre su importancia. Desde esta perspectiva se analiza el papel que pueden desempeñar los medios en la promoción de la salud, puesto que las campañas a través de los medios masivos juegan un papel muy importante en la modificación de las conductas y estilos de vida relacionados con la salud, cuando son ideadas y ejecutadas de acuerdo con determinados principios, y cuando operan durante varios años. Desde este marco conceptual, se realizó un seguimiento a los contenidos de la programación de canales de televisión de cobertura nacional y regional de mayor audiencia en el estado Zulia, Venezuela, para analizar su programación en relación con los mensajes de salud sexual dirigidos especialmente a los adolescentes. Los resultados revelan que la televisión no dedica espacio en sus contenidos informativos, publicitarios y de entretenimiento, al estímulo de conductas sexuales saludables.

  11. O papel do enfermeiro hoje

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    Luzia Cecília de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o papel do enfermeiro como resultado das transformações históricas ocorridas na enfermagem. O sistema capitalista coloca ao enfermeiro, no modelo clínico de assistência, a função de administrar os serviços e a equipe de enfermagem restringindo assim sua função a primar pela lucratividade e burocracia da empresa. Dessa forma a assistência é delegada a outras categorias profissionais, muitas vezes sem nenhuma qualificação. Nesse universo, entendemos que o enfermeiro tem como papel principal administrar a assistência de enfermagem para ter uma visão do todo e dessa forma desenvolver uma prestação de serviços qualificada e articulada as atuais necessidades da estrutura social.

  12. Relações de gênero e iniciação sexual de mulheres adolescentes Relaciones de genero e iniciación sexual de mujeres adolescentes Gender relations and sexual initiation among adolescent women

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    Ana Luiza Vilela Borges


    Full Text Available Trata-se de estudo transversal conduzido com 222 adolescentes mulheres, entre 15 e 19 anos de idade, moradoras da área de uma unidade de saúde da família na zona leste da cidade de São Paulo, cujo objetivo foi descrever as motivações para iniciar ou não a vida sexual e os fatores associados a tal evento. As adolescentes que já haviam iniciado a vida sexual eram mais velhas, não coabitavam com os pais, estavam ausentes do sistema educacional, habitavam domicílios ocupados e namoravam em maior proporção do que as sem experiência sexual. Observou-se também que, na opinião das entrevistadas, a iniciação sexual, independente do matrimônio, pareceu ser aceita, mas foi largamente relatado o desejo da existência de vínculo afetivo-amoroso com o parceiro da primeira prática sexual, reforçando que o tradicional papel atribuído à sexualidade feminina, pelas relações de gênero, ainda forma a base do comportamento sexual dessas garotas.Se trata de un estudio transversal conducido con 222 adolescentes mujeres, entre 15 e 19 años de edad, moradoras del área de una unidad de salud de la familia en la zona leste de la ciudad de São Paulo, cuyo objetivo fue describir las motivaciones para iniciar o no la vida sexual y los factores asociados a tal evento. Las adolescentes que ya habían iniciado la vida sexual eran mayores, no cohabitaban con los padres, estaban ausentes del sistema educacional, habitaban domicilios ocupados y enamoraban en mayor proporción de lo que las sin experiencia sexual. Se observó también que, en la opinión de las entrevistadas, la iniciación sexual, independiente del matrimonio, pareció ser acepta, pero fue largamente relatado el deseo de la existencia del vínculo afectivo-amoroso con la pareja de la primera práctica sexual, reforzando que el tradicional papel atribuido a la sexualidad femenina, por las relaciones de genero, aún forma la base del comportamiento sexual de esas chicas.This is a cross

  13. O papel do sistema dopaminérgico na fobia social


    Kauer-SantAnna,Márcia; Lavinsky,Michelle; Aguiar,Rogério Wolf de; Kapczinski,Flávio


    Os autores descrevem o papel do sistema dopaminérgico na fobia social. Evidências que indicam disfunção dopaminérgica são descritas, e o papel da dopamina como um regulador da atividade social é discutido.

  14. O papel do sistema dopaminérgico na fobia social

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    Kauer-SantAnna Márcia


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem o papel do sistema dopaminérgico na fobia social. Evidências que indicam disfunção dopaminérgica são descritas, e o papel da dopamina como um regulador da atividade social é discutido.

  15. Social norms of sexual initiation among adolescents and gender relations Normas sociales de iniciación sexual entre adolescentes y relaciones de género Normas sociais de iniciação sexual entre adolescentes e relações de gênero

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    Ana Luiza Vilela Borges


    Full Text Available This study aimed to identify standards and expectations regarding sexual initiation of 14 to 18 year-old adolescents in Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, using data from four focal groups conducted in 2006. Results revealed that gender issues are clearly present in participants' reports and showed to be essential in their choices about the moment, partners and contraceptive practices in the first sexual relation. Adolescents are subordinated to gender roles, traditionally attributed to male and female genders, i.e. the notion that sex is an uncontrolled instinct for boys, and intrinsically and closely associated to love and desire for girls. Adolescents also play a preponderant role in the perpetuation of these values within the group they live in.Con el objetivo de identificar las normas y expectativas sociales que se encuentran en la iniciación sexual, fueron estudiados cuatro grupos de adolescentes entre 14 y 18 años de edad, en 2.006, en la ciudad de San Pablo, Brasil. Los datos mostraron que las cuestiones de género están claramente presentes en los discursos de los entrevistados y se mostraron fundamentales en las elecciones sobre: el momento, el compañero y las prácticas contraceptivas que se encuentran en la vivencia de la primera relación sexual. Los adolescentes están subordinados a los papeles de género, tradicionalmente atribuidos a los hombres y a las mujeres, y al concepto de que el sexo es un instinto físico e incontrolable entre los muchachos, y a la intrínseca relación entre el amor, el deseo y el sexo entre las muchachas; estas percepciones tienen también un papel preponderante para mantener estos valores en el grupo en que viven.Com o objetivo de identificar normas e expectativas sociais que cercam a iniciação sexual, foram estudados quatro grupos focais com adolescentes de 14 a 18 anos de idade, em 2006, na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Os dados mostraram que as questões de gênero estão claramente presentes nos

  16. LEITURA E SEUS SUPORTES: papel e digital


    Celso Leopoldo Pagnan; Eliane Provate


    Pesquisas pioneiras (Mangen; Walgermo; Brønnick, 2012) têm destacado o modo de ler textos curtos ou livros inteiros em dois suportes: digital e papel. Há uma suposição de que os jovens tendem a preferir a leitura digital ao suporte papel, porém pode não ser uma verdade absoluta, conforme atestam outras pesquisas (PewResearch Center, 2014). Com base em dados desses estudos, bem como na aplicação de testes em alunos do ensino médio, o presente trabalho parte do pressuposto de que o nível de per...

  17. O papel do escravo em Aristóteles e Hegel


    Nicuia, Eurico Jorge


    A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o papel do escravo em Aristóteles e em Hegel, tendo presente os contextos histórico-filosóficos da escravidão no primeiro capítulo; bem como a abordagem filosófica da escravidão em Aristóteles e em Hegel no segundo capítulo; finalmente, debruçar-se-á sobre o papel do escravo nos dois filósofos, no terceiro capítulo onde destacamos os seguintes: i) doméstico, o único papel descrito por Aristóteles porque o escravo não participava de outras ativi...

  18. Explicaciones de las prácticas sexuales de riesgo en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres

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    Constanza Jacques Aviñó


    Conclusiones: El concepto de la masculinidad desempeña un papel fundamental en las prácticas sexuales entre los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres. Se sugiere innovar en los programas preventivos e incorporar la percepción de riesgo y la infección por el VIH desde una perspectiva de género.


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    Rosalía Hernández-Cervantes


    Full Text Available Los sistemas inmunológico y neuroendocrino integran una compleja red fisiológica, en la cual citocinas, hormonas peptídicas, hormonas esteroides y neuropéptidos regulan y modifican la respuesta inmune, manteniendo de manera conjunta la homeostasis del organismo. Dos de los principales componentes de esta red son los ejes hormonales hipotálamo-hipófisis-adrenales (HPA e hipotálamohipófisis-gónadas (HPG. Las interacciones entre el sistema inmunológico y los ejes hormonales HPA y HPG repercuten de manera trascendental en el inicio y activación de la respuesta al estrés, misma que a su vez posee funciones inmunomoduladoras, importantes en la prevención de una excesiva respuesta inmune. Además, las funciones de ambos ejes inciden en la adaptación y mantenimiento de la homeostasis durante procesos patológicos severos, como los provocados por virus, bacterias, parásitos o enfermedades autoinmunes, por citar algunos. Un aspecto importante de la comunicación celular, que ha surgido como resultado del estudio de las interacciones neuroinmunoendocrinas, es la redundancia en el uso de una gran cantidad de mensajeros químicos. Como un ejemplo de este papel redundante están las neurotrofinas, presentes en el sistema nervioso, que son también expresadas y secretadas por células inmunológicas y endocrinas, modificando en última instancia la función de los dos sistemas representados. De esta manera, "la pérdida de la exclusividad" en el uso de mensajeros químicos por sistemas orgánicos específicos puede ser una regla más que una excepción. Sin embargo, aunque una gran cantidad de evidencias experimentales sugieren que: 1 células neuronales, endocrinas e inmunológicas producen neurotransmisores, neurohormonas, hormonas peptídicas y esteroideas, así como citocinas, y aunque 2 las mismas células sintetizan y expresan los receptores para esas moléculas, aún queda por esclarecer el papel de estas interacciones y su papel durante

  20. Trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual y papel del Trabajador/a Social


    Coterillo García, Ainhoa


    La trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual es un fenómeno poco visible en nuestra sociedad, que supone graves dificultades a nivel biopsicosocial para las personas que lo sufren. Para la superación de estas dificultades y propiciar su inclusión en la sociedad, es necesario que exista una intervención integral y de calidad desde el Trabajo Social. En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se pretende conocer la realidad que rodea la trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual....

  1. Planeamiento estratégico de la industria peruana de papeles y cartones


    Peralta Graciano, Carla Marleni; Arteaga Carnero, Jaime Hans; Porras Rodríguez, Jorge Enrique; Aquino Bravo, Omar Salvador


    xiv, 141 h. : il. ; 30 cm. El sector de del papel y cartón está integrado por empresas que producen papel y cartón, y empresas dedicadas a realizar actividades de impresión. La industria del papel y cartón en el mercado peruano tiene altas posibilidades de desarrollo y crecimiento debido al crecimiento del sector agroexportador, construcción, azucarero y de consumo masivo particularmente. La mayor producción y demanda mundial se lleva a cabo en Asia, América del Norte y E...

  2. La educación sexual en la escuela primaria: intento frustrado de los eugenistas

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    Carmen Diego Pérez


    Full Text Available Presentamos un estudio de carácter histórico-educativo sobre los debates en torno a la reforma sexual planteada en España en las primeras décadas del siglo XX y su repercusión en la educación sexual de la infancia. Recuperamos las opiniones que médicos y maestros hicieron públicas en diarios y revistas, así como el papel de varias sociedades que esimularon la publicación de obras sobre educación sexual destinadas al magisterio y a los escolares. A pesar de estas iniciativas, no se consiguió introducir en el plan de estudios de la Escuela Normal ni en la escuela primaria una asignatura específica sobre esta temática, situación que aún continúa.

  3. La doble historia de El convidado de papel

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    Ceballos Viro, Álvaro


    Full Text Available This article sets out to question the textual history of El convidado de papel, a novel by Benjamín Jarnés. The differences between the two firsts editions of this novel, published in 1928 and 1935, are more complex than has hitherto been assumed. They also allow to reconstruct a different plot from the one that can be found in literary histories. In its original version, El convidado de papel was not only a peculiar Bildungsroman, but also a typical doppelgänger narrative. Therefore, it contained a dense web of intertextual references which Jarnés deliberately eliminated in the second edition of the novel. These intertextual references stimulate the search for new sources as well as the re-evaluation of the precise mode of influence attributed to familiar sources.La presente contribución comienza problematizando la historia textual de El convidado de papel, de Benjamín Jarnés. Las diferencias entre las dos primeras ediciones, que datan de 1928 y 1935, no sólo son más complejas de lo que hasta ahora se había creído, sino que además permiten reconstruir un argumento diferente de aquél tácitamente consensuado por la historiografía literaria. Sin dejar de ser una peculiar novela de formación, El convidado de papel era en su versión original una novela de doble en toda regla, lo que la abría a unas relaciones intertextuales que Jarnés eliminó conscientemente en la segunda edición. Tales relaciones permiten, por un lado, sugerir nuevas influencias (o modos de influencia en la narrativa jarnesiana y, por otro lado, profundizar en las deudas contraídas con autores cuyo ascendiente ya era conocido por la crítica.

  4. LEITURA E SEUS SUPORTES: papel e digital

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    Celso Leopoldo Pagnan


    Full Text Available Pesquisas pioneiras (Mangen; Walgermo; Brønnick, 2012 têm destacado o modo de ler textos curtos ou livros inteiros em dois suportes: digital e papel. Há uma suposição de que os jovens tendem a preferir a leitura digital ao suporte papel, porém pode não ser uma verdade absoluta, conforme atestam outras pesquisas (PewResearch Center, 2014. Com base em dados desses estudos, bem como na aplicação de testes em alunos do ensino médio, o presente trabalho parte do pressuposto de que o nível de percepção dos leitores pode ser relativamente diferente conforme o suporte utilizado. Para tanto, utilizamos como metodologia a aplicação de um teste de leitura em vinte e nove alunos, que leram textos curtos, com um ou dois parágrafos, em um suporte digital, tablet, e responderam a questões de compreensão sobre tais textos; repetindo o procedimento com outros textos em suporte papel. A hipótese era de que os alunos apresentassem modos diferentes de compreensão textual de acordo com o suporte utilizado. A análise dos dados coletados revelou um resultado sutilmente superior na compreensão dos textos impressos, porém insuficiente para ser generalizado como resultado conclusivo, não deixando, entretanto, de apontar caminhos significativos para a compreensão das práticas leitoras na escola.


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    Marcio Roberto Pereira


    Full Text Available

    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a construção literária de Camões na obra Que farei com este livro?, de José Saramago. Por causa da dificuldade em publicar sua obra máxima, Os Lusíadas, Camões percorre as diversas instâncias portuguesas no intuito de conseguir dar concretude ao seu trabalho de anos no exílio. Recorrendo a aspectos históricos e lacunas sobre a biografia de Camões, Saramago cria uma obra que mostra a inércia que reinava em Portugal após as grandes conquistas. Obra de contraponto entre o passado e o presente, Que farei com este livro? representa uma importante reflexão sobre o papel do escritor e seus desafios em momentos de decadência.

  6. Elementos y obstáculos a tomar en cuenta en la conceptuación y apropiación de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos

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    Adriana Ortiz


    Full Text Available El presente artículo ubica el concepto de derechos sexuales en el ámbito de las cienciaspolíticas, y muestra el papel que diversos actores y procesos sociales han tenido en laevolución del concepto, que aún lucha por ganar legitimidad social. Se evidencia cómolos derechos sexuales pertenecen al terreno de la ética, el derecho y el ejercicio de laciudadanía, en contraste con la perspectiva de las religiones ortodoxas que no conside-ran que la sexualidad sea terreno del derecho sino de la naturalidad. Frente a dichaperspectiva se enfatiza el papel de los movimientos sociales y de las conferencias de laOrganización de las Naciones Unidas para facilitar la construcción de discursos. Fi-nalmente el artículo ofrece una evaluación de la apropiación de los derechos sexualespor mujeres en el México contemporáneo.

  7. Importación del papel autocopia de China para el mercado Peruano 2008- 2014


    Flores Jaramillo, Isidro Eusebio


    El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la evolución de las importaciones del papel autocopia producida en china y su importación al mercado Peruano en el periodo 2008 – 2014 el tema se enfoca en conocer a todos la gran importancia que tiene el papel autocopia tanto así que puede ayudar a miles de personas no se necesita una fotocopiadora para sacar una copia o papel calca como su nombre lo dice es autocopiativo. El tipo y diseño de investigación fue descriptivo no ...


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    Fernando Barrera


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión de algunas de las investigaciones más recientes sobre la adolescencia y los factores asociados a las relaciones románticas y la actividad sexual durante la adolescencia. Se parte de la premisa de que el análisis de la iniciación romántica y sexual durante la adolescencia requiere de modelos de causalidad múltiple que permitan dar cuenta, conjuntamente, de los factores que se encuentran en los contextos individual, familiar y social asociados con estos dos procesos. Se destaca el papel de los padres en el desarrollo de hijos adolescentes autónomos, capaces de manejar la influencia negativa del grupo de pares. Se hacen algunas recomendaciones a los responsables de diseñar programas de prevención y a los interesados en el estudio de la adolescencia y en el desarrollo de la disciplina.


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    Fábio Nogueira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Em um período de recrudescimento das lutas dos povos indígenas na América Latina, que culminou com a eleição do líder aymará Evo Morales à presidência da Bolívia, o pensamento do intelectual peruano José Carlos Mariátegui (1895-1930 tornou-se uma referência obrigatória à compreensão dos processos históricos e políticos e das contradições que envolvem o desenvolvimento das sociedades latino- americanas. Nneste artigo, o objetivo é analisar as linhas gerais do pensamento mariateguiano em relação à sua interpretação do papel histórico dos povos originários, em geral, e do incaico, em particular, na arena política latino-americana.

  10. Os agentes sociais da rede de proteção e atendimento no enfrentamento da exploração sexual comercial Social agents from protection networks in fighting commercial sexual exploitation

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    Maria de Fátima Pereira Alberto


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, apresentam-se dados de pesquisa sobre a percepção dos Agentes Sociais que atuam no enfrentamento da exploração sexual comercial de crianças e adolescentes. As entidades caracterizam-se por Organizações Governamentais, Organizações Não-Governamentais, Sistema de Justiça e Instâncias de Direitos. Compõem uma Rede de 15 instituições e foram entrevistados 31 Agentes Sociais de 12 delas. Utilizou-se um questionário composto de questões abertas e fechadas sobre: Conhecimento do Sistema de Proteção; Percepção da ESCCA; Formas de Enfrentamento da ESCCA; Procedimentos e Medidas em casos de suspeitas, identificações, denúncias e notificações. A maioria dos Agentes Sociais tem conhecimento do papel da instituição, embora alguns desconheçam parte da Legislação e as formas de se efetivar na prática o papel daquelas e a articulação interinstitucional.This article shows the data collected in a research regarding the perception of Social Agents who act in fighting children and adolescents' commercial sexual exploitation. The networking is composed by Governmental Organizations, Non-governmental Organizations, Justice System and Human Rights entities. They compose a network of 15 institutions, and 31 Social Agents who belonged to 12 of them were interviewed. It was used a questionnaire composed by open and closed questions about protection systems knowledge; perception of children and adolescents' commercial sexual exploitation; forms of fighting children and adolescents' commercial sexual exploitation; procedures and actions in case of suspicion, identification, denunciation and notification. Most of the Social Agents who make part of the network know the role of the institution where they work, although some of them do not know part of the Legislation which deals with this problematic and they also do not know the forms to effectuate in practice the purpose of the Legislation and its inter

  11. O papel da Guarda Nacional Republicana no combate e prevenção do ciberterrorismo


    Dias, Pedro Miguel Viegas


    A presente investigação, subordinada ao tema “O Papel da Guarda Nacional Republicana no Combate e Prevenção do Ciberterrorismo”, tem como objetivo geral compreender, qual o papel da Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) no combate e prevenção do ciberterrorismo. A metodologia empregue foi qualitativa e quantitativa, e de caráter dedutivo, focando-se no papel da GNR e fazendo uma breve comparação com a Guardia Civil (GC). Recorre à análise documental e a inquéritos por entrevista...

  12. Homens adolescentes e vida sexual: heterogeneidades nas motivações que cercam a iniciação sexual Adolescent males and sex life: heterogeneous motivations related to sexual debut

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    Ana Luiza Vilela Borges


    Full Text Available Buscou-se descrever a trajetória afetivo-amorosa e razões para o início ou adiamento da vida sexual de adolescentes do sexo masculino, por meio de entrevistas com 184 homens de 15 a 19 anos de idade, residentes no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, em 2002. O início da vida sexual ocorreu, entre outros, por conta da atração física, da curiosidade e do desejo de perder a virgindade, sugerindo um caráter mais próximo do papel social masculino. Por outro lado, a maior parte dos adolescentes virgens justificou sua opção por questões de ordem romântica, como não ter encontrado a pessoa certa ou porque gostaria de casar-se virgem. Os resultados revelaram um duplo padrão social em que há a valorização do sentimento de amor e entrega à pessoa amada simultaneamente à premência física e instintiva para o sexo. Padrões tradicionais de masculinidade, como a dissociação entre sexo e amor, parecem estar sendo transpostos no tocante à iniciação sexual, revelando diversidade nos modos de viver a sexualidade na adolescência que, por sua vez, estão relacionados à saúde sexual e reprodutiva dos homens e suas parcerias.This article describes male adolescents' affective history and reasons for initiating or postponing sexual activity, using interviews with 184 males ages 15 to 19 and residing in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2002. Factors for sexual debut included physical attraction, curiosity, and the desire to lose their virginity, suggesting a profile similar to the male social role. Most of the virgin adolescent males justified their choice based on issues of a romantic order, such as not having found the right person or because they preferred to remain virgin until marrying. The results showed a dual social pattern, valuing the feeling of love and deliverance to the loved one, simultaneously with the pressing physical and instinctive desire for sex. Traditional patterns of masculinity, like the dissociation between sex and

  13. Adolescencia, relaciones románticas y actividad sexual: una revisión

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    Elvia Vargas


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión de algunas de las investigaciones más recientes sobre la adolescencia y los factores asociados a las relaciones románticas y la actividad sexual durante la adolescencia. Se parte de la premisa de que el análisis de la iniciación romántica y sexual durante la adolescencia requiere de modelos de causalidad múltiple que permitan dar cuenta, conjuntamente, de los factores que se encuentran en los contextos individual, familiar y social asociados con estos dos procesos. Se destaca el papel de los padres en el desarrollo de hijos adolescentes autónomos, capaces de manejar la influencia negativa del grupo de pares. Se hacen algunas recomendaciones a los responsables de diseñar programas de prevención y a los interesados en el estudio de la adolescencia y en el desarrollo de la disciplina

  14. Caracterización y eliminación de la materia disuelta y coloidal en la fabricación de papel reciclado


    Miranda Carreño, Rubén


    La creciente utilización del papel recuperado como materia prima para la fabricación de papel implica la necesidad de extender los límites actuales del reciclado de papel. En este sentido, la optimización del proceso de fabricación para eliminar al máximo los contaminantes y fabricar así papel reciclado de mayor calidad con un papel recuperado cuya calidad disminuye con el tiempo, es la clave para que este sector industrial siga siendo competitivo. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta tesis doctora...


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    Everton Hillig


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, foram analisadas as propriedades físico-mecânicas de chapas aglomeradas produzidas com dois tipos de papel reciclável (papel jornal e offset e partículas de madeira de Pinus elliottii Engelm. As aparas de papel foram usadas no colchão em dois diferentes formatos (tiras ou moídas e em diferentes proporções: 0, 20, 40, 60 e 100% do peso seco das partículas. Utilizoaram-se 10% de adesivo à base de tanino-formaldeído na proporção 100:10. O experimento foi estabelecido segundo modelo fatorial, com três repetições. Os testes físico-mecânicos das chapas foram realizados segundo a norma ASTM D1037 (1995. Chapas aglomeradas produzidas tanto pela inclusão de papel jornal quanto offset no formato de tiras apresentaram tendência ao estouro durante a abertura dos pratos da prensa, causado pelo alto teor de umidade do colchão. A inclusão de aparas de papel prejudicaram a maioria das propriedades analisadas, fazendo com que não atendessem aos valores estabelecidos pelas normas DIN 68761 (1-1961, (3-1971 e ANSI A 208.1 (1987. A absorção d’água após 24 horas de imersão, a ligação interna e a resistência ao arrancamento de parafusos foram as propriedades mais prejudicadas. De modo geral, o uso de papel jornal se mostrou mais promissor do que o papel offset.

  16. El papel del parlamento español en la democracia de partidos

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    Eva Sáenz Royo


    Full Text Available El papel que cumplen las Cortes españolas viene definido por el artículo 66 de nuestra Constitución cuando señala como sus principales funciones la representativa, legislativa, presupuestaria y de control al Gobierno. No obstante, quizás sea éste una de las cuestiones constitucionales, la de las funciones de las Cortes, donde existe mayor contraste entre el análisis jurídico y la realidad política. En estas páginas se trata de analizar las mutaciones que nuestro sistema de partidos ha provocado en las funciones asignadas constitucionalmente a las Cortes Españolas y conocer el papel real que hoy desempeña en España el Parlamento y sus miembros. Tras enmarcar la cuestión del papel del Parlamento en la historia constitucional europea, se analizan los elementos electorales de la Constitución española de 1978 que explican la dinámica partidista de las Cortes, para a continuación tratar de responder en qué medida puede afirmarse que las mismas «representan al pueblo español», ejercen la potestad legislativa y presupuestaria o controlan al Gobierno. Veremos cómo el protagonismo adquirido de los partidos políticos en nuestro sistema parlamentario ha desvirtuado en gran medida dichas funciones y les ha dotado de nuevas funcionalidades. Finalmente proponemos posibles reformas que hagan más acorde el funcionamiento interno del Parlamento con el papel real que el mismo juega.

  17. La representación del pasado sexual de Guayaquil: historizando los enchaquirados

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    Benavides , O. Hugo


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca entender el papel de los enchaquirados dentro del proceso de reconstrucción del pasado histórico (y sexual de la ciudad de Guayaquil. De esta manera, el presente análisis alternativo de los enchaquirados cuestiona la tradicional historia heterosexista de la ciudad. Sin embargo, no busco simplemente atacar la historia oficial, ni siquiera ofrecer la verdadera historia (en singular sino más bien indagar sistemáticamente el proceso de la hermenéutica histórica. Entendido así, este trabajo propone una serie de contribuciones al entendimiento del proceso de producción histórica en Ecuador y las inherentes limitaciones de todo proceso histórico en contextos post-coloniales, particularmente en Latinoamérica. Finalmente, también busco contextualizar la producción del pasado guayaquileño (y por ende el discurso de la masculinidad guayaquileña en un dinámico discurso en el cual elementos coloniales, raciales y regionales no sólo juegan papeles paradigmáticos constantemente, sino que también son redeterminados en el proceso.

  18. Secagem convectiva de papel reciclado com incorporação de corantes naturais


    Néstor David López González


    Resumo: O papel está presente em muitas das atividades do cotidiano que vão desde usos sanitários, passando pelas embalagens até fins educativos. Este material que teve sua origem há quase 2000 anos, continua sua evolução na procura de alternativas limpas para seu reaproveitamento. Novos processos de reciclagem, secagem e a incorporação de materiais alternativos para melhorar as propriedades do papel fazem desta área de pesquisa a base para a criação de novas tecnologias e produtos com apelo ...

  19. The male role in cervical cancer El papel del varón en el cáncer cervical

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    Xavier Castellsagué


    través de contactos sexuales. Los contactos sexuales con mujeres que ejercen el sexo comercial juegan un papel importante en la transmisión de los VPH y en algunas poblaciones estas mujeres pueden convertirse en un importante reservorio de VPH de alto riesgo. Actuando ambos como "portadores" y "vectores" de los VPH oncogénicos los hombres pueden aumentar de forma substancial el riesgo de propiciar cáncer de cérvix en sus parejas. En ausencia de programas de detección precoz, el riesgo de cáncer de cérvix en una mujer puede depender menos de su conducta sexual que de la de su marido u otras parejas sexuales. Aunque más raramente que en las mujeres, los hombres pueden también convertirse en "víctimas" de sus propias infecciones por el VPH, pues una fracción de hombres infectados tiene un riesgo aumentado de desarrollar cáncer de pene y de ano. Se ha mostrado que la circuncisión masculina puede reducir el riesgo no sólo de adquisición y transmisión del VPH genital, sino también de cáncer cervical en las parejas de hombres circuncisos. Se requieren más estudios científicos para entender mejor la historia natural y la epidemiología de las infecciones por el VPH en el hombre.

  20. The sexual and reproductive health of young people in Latin America: evidence from WHO case studies La salud sexual y reproductiva de los jóvenes en América Latina: evidencia derivada de estudios de la OMS

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    Kate Kostrzewa


    ITS y VIH/SIDA; las prácticas asociadas con el parto; la calidad de cuidados; el papel de los hombres jóvenes en la formación de parejas, el embarazo y el uso de métodos anticonceptivos; así como el papel de los tocólogos y ginecólogos en el debate público sobre planificación familiar y aborto. Los cuatro artículos en esta sección especial promueven un mejor entendimiento de los factores que contribuyen a las conductas sexuales de riesgo y a los resultados negativos en salud reproductiva entre los jóvenes en América Latina. Las conclusiones son útiles para informar y mejorar intervenciones de servicios de salud en contextos varios.

  1. El despegue industrial y el papel de los empresarios

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    Luis Aurelio Ordoñez B.


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Analiza a la luz de la historiografía económica colombiana, cuáles han sido algunas de las características más ssobresalientes del devenir empresarial en Colombia y el papel que los empresarios han desempeñado en el despegue industrial colombiano.

  2. Papel de la teoría de conjuntos en la construcción de los números naturales


    Arrieche, Mario José


    Esta investigación se centra en la caracterización del papel de las nociones conjuntistas básicas en la construcción de los números naturales. El problema está inmerso en un proyecto macro sobre "el papel de la teoría de conjuntos en la formación de maestros de educación primaria". Como el currículo de los maestros es muy amplio delimitamos el problema a las relaciones ecológicas entre estas nociones y los números naturales. Para tal fin caracterizamos el papel de los conjuntos en las constru...

  3. La necesidad de intervenciones educativas que rompan con los mitos sexuales y las creencias sexistas de nuestros adolescentes


    Pazos del Olmo, Cristina


    RESUMEN:Los adolescentes atraviesan una época de pleno desarrollo de su sexualidad e identidad (López, 2005). La importancia de una correcta y completa Educación Afectivo-sexual en esta época se ha visto probada a partir de muchas investigaciones (Amezúa, 1999, 2003; Barragán, 1995; López, 2005), educación en la cual el papel de la escuela y de los docentes se vuelve fundamental (López y Harimaguada, 1997). A pesar de ello, los programas de EAS actuales se han mostrado insuf...


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    Noemí Pereda


    Full Text Available Si bien la extensión de la victimización sexual infantil sigue siendo un tema de controversia, numerosos estudios internacionales confirman que se trata de un problema altamente frecuente, que afecta a un importante porcentaje de la población. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar aquellos trabajos publicados en España sobre la epidemiología de esta problemática. Para ello, los trabajos se han clasificado en estudios de incidencia, estudios retrospectivos de prevalencia y estudios con muestras de menores. Los resultados indican que, a pesar de las voces contrarias a su reconocimiento, la victimización sexual infantil es muy frecuente, como se obtiene de las posibles víctimas mediante estudios de autoreporte. Como conclusión, se alerta a los profesionales que trabajan con niños y niñas de su papel en la detección y notificación de estos casos, así como se subraya la responsabilidad de la Administración en la subvención de estudios de alcance nacional

  5. Violencia física, psicológica y sexual en el ámbito de la pareja: papel del contexto

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    Full Text Available Este estudio analiza tanto la intensidad de violencia física, psicológica y sexual denunciada por hombres y mujeres, a través de un cuestionario, como la frecuencia de determinados actos violentos concretos. Ambos datos, frecuencia e intensidad, se ponen en relación con el género y el grado de armonía relacional de la pareja en cuyo contexto ocurre dicha violencia. 166 personas (76 hombres y 90 mujeres cumplimentaron el índice de Violencia en la Pareja (Hudson y Mcintosh, 1981y otros cuestionarios indicadores del grado de armonía relacional y sexual. (EAD; II SEXUAL; CUESTIONARIO AREAS DE CAMBIO Un 62 % de los sujetos supera la puntuación indicadora de violencia psicológica grave. En el caso de la violencia física, este porcentaje asciende al 46 %. Por lo que al género se refiere, las diferencias en cuanto a violencia psicológica denunciada por hombres y mujeres no alcanzan significación estadística. La correlación existente entre el grado de violencia total y el grado de armonía relacional es alta y negativa (r = -560; p < .01. Un 26 % de los hombres y un 34, 1 % de las mujeres manifiesta tener miedo a sus parejas respectivas. A la vista de estos resultados se realizan propuestas concretas a la hora de prevenir la violencia doméstica.

  6. Adição de aparas de papel reciclável na fabricação de chapas de madeira aglomerada.

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    Leandro Calegari


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, foram analisadas as propriedades físico-mecânicas de chapas aglomeradas produzidas com dois tipos de papel reciclável (papel jornal e offset e partículas de madeira de Pinus elliottii Engelm. As aparas de papel foram usadas no colchão em dois diferentes formatos (tiras ou moídas e em diferentes proporções: 0, 20, 40, 60 e 100% do peso seco das partículas. Utilizoaram-se 10% de adesivo à base de tanino-formaldeído na proporção 100:10. O experimento foi estabelecido segundo modelo fatorial, com três repetições. Os testes físico-mecânicos das chapas foram realizados segundo a norma ASTM D1037 (1995. Chapas aglomeradas produzidas tanto pela inclusão de papel jornal quanto offset no formato de tiras apresentaram tendência ao estouro durante a abertura dos pratos da prensa, causado pelo alto teor de umidade do colchão. A inclusão de aparas de papel prejudicaram a maioria das propriedades analisadas, fazendo com que não atendessem aos valores estabelecidos pelas normas DIN 68761 (1-1961, (3-1971 e ANSI A 208.1 (1987. A absorção d'água após 24 horas de imersão, a ligação interna e a resistência ao arrancamento de parafusos foram as propriedades mais prejudicadas. De modo geral, o uso de papel jornal se mostrou mais promissor do que o papel offset.

  7. Pecado, deshonor y crimen. El abuso sexual a las niñas: estupro, incesto y violación en Costa Rica (1800-1850, 1900-1950

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    Eugenia Rodríguez Sáenz


    Full Text Available Al contrario de lo que algunos investigadores sociales aún mantienen, el abuso sexual no es un fenómeno reciente sino un hecho con profundas raíces históricas (Jackson 2000: 2-3; Gordon 1988: 171. En este sentido, los principales objetivos de este artículo son: 1 analizar las principales tendencias sobre el estupro, el incesto y la violación a las niñas en Costa Rica comparando los períodos de 1800-1850 y 1900-1950; 2 dilucidar qué papel jugaron el Estado, las autoridades y la sociedad en la regulación y sanción respecto del abuso sexual; y 3 explicar cómo se transformaron histórica, legal y socio-culturalmente las percepciones hacia el abuso sexual y las nociones de estupro y violación.

  8. Papel dos besouros (Insecta, Coleoptera na Entomologia Forense

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    Wellington Emanuel dos Santos


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho apresenta uma revisão do papel que os besouros (Insecta, Coleoptera desempenham na Entomologia Forense. Discussões sobre ocorrência em cadáveres humanos e carcaças animais, estimativas de Intervalo Pós-Morte (IPM, estudos realizados no Brasil e em outros países, principais famílias de importância forense e aspectos biológicos, ecológicos e biogeográficos das espécies são apresentadas.

  9. De cómo vender sexo y no morir en el intento. Fronteras encarnadas y tácticas de quienes trabajan en el mercado sexual

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    Santiago Morcillo


    Full Text Available El cruce entre sexo y dinero se ha construido históricamente como un punto conflictivo. La intersección entre prácticas sexuales y esfera laboral/comercial pública, atravesada por relaciones de clase y de género, moldea al estigma que marca a quienes realizan sexo comercial. Frente a esto resulta importante comprender cómo esta especificidad del mercado sexual propicia el desarrollo de tácticas y límites simbólicos encarnados que van más allá de una lógica economicista. El artículo, basado en entrevistas en profundidad con mujeres y travestis dedicadas al trabajo sexual, analiza el papel desempeñado por determinadas prácticas restringidas en el intercambio sexual con los “clientes” y las condiciones −económicas, culturales y laborales− bajo las que se consolidan o se perturban los márgenes de tales limitaciones y algunas consecuencias “micropolíticas” de las mismas.

  10. A volta do papel das crianças no contrato geracional

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    Jens Qvortrup


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta las relaciones entre las categorías infancia, madurez y vejez estableciendo su correlación económica, política y social. Retoma la lógica histórica sobre las relaciones sociales entre las categorías y discute las consecuencias del incremento del número de ancianos en relación a la escasez de niños, señalando los riesgos causados por ese desequilibrio. Por medio del concepto de contrato generacional, el estudio destaca el papel de la inversión en los niños y en su trabajo escolar, como una ventaja para la sociedad de manera general, una vez que los resultados de ese trabajo se harán visibles posteriormente. La argumentación procura, en especial, insertar a los niños en su papel histórico como participantes y contribuyentes de la sociedad.

  11. "Gender, Sexual, and Racial Trouble: The Crossroads of North American Freemasonry in the Twenty-First Century"

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    Guillermo de los Reyes Heredia


    Full Text Available Este ensayo plantea algunas preguntas sobre el estado actual del gÈnero, la raza y la sexualidad en la masonerÌa estadounidense. El objetivo de este artÌculo es sacar a la luz este tema poco estudiado y contribuir a la discusión creciente y muy necesaria sobre el género, la sexualidad y la masonerÌa. Se argumenta que los discursos sobre la tradiciÛn, la masculinidad y la antig ̧edad han mantenido a las mujeres, las minorÌas Ètnicas y los hombres abiertamente homosexuales fuera de la participación en la logia. Primero se va a discutir el aspecto racial, centr·ndose en la Prince Hall Freemasonry . Por otra parte, se analizar· el papel que ha jugado la masculinidad en la masonerÌa y cómo los masones han reaccionado a ella. Luego, se explorar· brevemente el papel que han desempeÒado las mujeres en la masonerÌa y la forma en que se han mantenido fuera de la principal corriente masÛnica, junto con otras minorÌas sexuales.

  12. Periodismo y ciclismo. Perspectivas del papel organizador de la prensa

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    Juan Francisco de la Cruz Moreno


    Full Text Available El presente artículo versa sobre el papel que la prensa ha ejercido en la creación y organización de competiciones deportivas, especialmente dentro del ciclismo. Las principales carreras del calendario cuentan con un origen periodístico motivado fundamentalmente por intereses económicos y, en algunos casos, también políticos.

  13. El papel de la Universidad en la divulgación de la cultura

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    René Avilés Fabila


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, la Universidad Pública mexicana ha perdido su papel de protagonista de la cultura nacional. Debemos recuperarlo, pues aunque son grandes los problemas por los que atraviesa el sistema educativo nacional, no es tarde ni todo está perdido. Podemos recobrar el papel que históricamente la Universidad desplegó. Para ello, debemos ir paso a paso, fincando una estructura firme y sólida desde los espacios más próximos a nosotros. El compromiso social de la Universidad queda establecido. Debe orientar a la sociedad y, como producto de ella, allegarse de sus inquietudes y problemas, de sus avances y rezagos, para lo cual, el fortalecimiento y la promoción permanente de la divulgación de la cultura son tareas fundamentales

  14. Adição de aparas de papel reciclável na fabricação de chapas de madeira aglomerada.


    Leandro Calegari; Clovis R. Haselein; Marcos V. Barros; Tobias L. Scaravelli; Lourdes Patricia E. Dacosta; Cristiane Pedrazzi; Everton Hillig


    Neste trabalho, foram analisadas as propriedades físico-mecânicas de chapas aglomeradas produzidas com dois tipos de papel reciclável (papel jornal e offset) e partículas de madeira de Pinus elliottii Engelm. As aparas de papel foram usadas no colchão em dois diferentes formatos (tiras ou moídas) e em diferentes proporções: 0, 20, 40, 60 e 100% do peso seco das partículas. Utilizoaram-se 10% de adesivo à base de tanino-formaldeído na proporção 100:10. O experimento foi estabelecido segundo mo...

  15. Efeitos do clima de comunicação organizacional no "stress", "work" "engagement" e comportamentos extra-papel


    Goulão, Marta Pereira de Lima de Mello e Sampayo


    A presente tese analisa os efeitos do clima de comunicação organizacional no "stress", "work" "engagement" e comportamentos extra-papel com base em três objetivos principais. O primeiro objetivo consiste em validar a Communication Climate Scale (Smidts, Pruyn, & Van Riel, 2001), e testar a validade preditiva com as variáveis critério extra-papel (voz, cinismo). Os resultados dos estudos realizados validam a escala e sugerem que o clima de comunicação é preditor dos comportament...

  16. Biblioteca pública e educação: apontamentos sobre o papel da leitura hoje

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    Maria da Conceição Carvalho

    Full Text Available Este artigo propõe algumas reflexões sobre o papel da biblioteca pública e da educação brasileiras hoje, no que se refere à formação de leitores. Essa é uma questão que continua atual e relevante, tendo em vista duas realidades de difícil interrelação: a permanência de altos índices de analfabetismo e iletrismo no país e as novas maneiras de ler e se comunicar que vieram com a revolução digital. O papel do mediador da leitura é também questionado neste artigo.

  17. Método experimental para consolidar fibras de papel. (I parte del estudio

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    Alicia De Lera Santín


    Full Text Available En este artículo describimos un nuevo método enzimático para consolidar la celulosa del papel. Este método consiste en la síntesis de la celulosa con una enzima hidrolítica: la celulasa. Ésta actúa como una sintetasa, consolidando el papel cuando es mezclada en una solución orgánica de solvente/tampón (4:1 en presencia de un sustrato (β-cellobiosyl fluoride. Para mejorar el tratamiento añadimos un gel de agar-agar con todos los reactivos necesarios. Para observar el estado de las fibras antes y después del tratamiento, realizamos test mecánicos y fotografías de microscopía electrónica de barrido. Se observó que el proceso de consolidación casi consigue recuperar el estado físico inicial de las fibras así como su resistencia al desgarre y alargamiento.

  18. Sexual Distress and Sexual Problems During Pregnancy: Associations With Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction. (United States)

    Vannier, Sarah A; Rosen, Natalie O


    Sexual problems are common during pregnancy, but the proportion of pregnant women who experience sexual distress is unknown. In non-pregnant samples, sexual distress is associated with lower sexual and relationship satisfaction. To identify the proportion of women experiencing sexual distress during pregnancy and to compare the sexual and relationship satisfaction of women who report sexual distress during pregnancy with that of women without distress. Two-hundred sixty-one pregnant women completed a cross-sectional online survey. Women completed validated measurements of sexual functioning (Female Sexual Function Index; score sexual problem), sexual distress (Female Sexual Distress Scale; score ≥ 15 indicates clinically significant distress), sexual satisfaction (Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction), and relationship satisfaction (Couples Satisfaction Index). Overall, 42% of women met the clinical cutoff for sexual distress. Of sexually active women (n = 230), 26% reported concurrent sexual problems and distress and 14% reported sexual distress in the absence of sexual problems. Sexual distress and/or problems in sexual functioning were linked to lower sexual and relationship satisfaction compared with pregnant women with lower sexual distress and fewer sexual problems. Sexual distress is common during pregnancy and associated with lower sexual and relationship satisfaction. Health care providers should ask pregnant women about feelings of sexual distress. Identifying pregnant women who experience sexual distress and referring them to appropriate resources could help minimize sexual and relationship problems during pregnancy. Vannier SA, Rosen NO. Sexual Distress and Sexual Problems During Pregnancy: Associations With Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction. J Sex Med 2017;14:387-395. Copyright © 2017 International Society for Sexual Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Knowledge of adolescents regarding sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. (United States)

    Almeida, Rebeca Aranha Arrais Santos; Corrêa, Rita da Graça Carvalhal Frazão; Rolim, Isaura Letícia Tavares Palmeira; Hora, Jessica Marques da; Linard, Andrea Gomes; Coutinho, Nair Portela Silva; Oliveira, Priscila da Silva


    To investigate the knowledge of adolescents related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), AIDS, and pregnancy, and understand the role of school in sex education. A qualitative descriptive study, developed through a semi-structured interview and a form for participant characterization, with 22 high school students from a public school aged 16 to 19 years. Data were submitted to content analysis. After analysis, four thematic categories were developed: sexuality and sex education; understanding of risk behaviors; knowledge of STI/AIDS; and knowledge of and practices for prevention. This study showed the need for preventive educational actions for adolescents, because the lack of information contributes to their vulnerability. The adolescents recognize the importance of sex education; therefore it is important to implement strategies to promote and protect health in the school environment to encourage and strengthen self-care in health. investigar o conhecimento de adolescentes relacionado às Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST), AIDS e gravidez, além de conhecer a compreensão sobre o papel da escola na educação sexual. estudo qualitativo, descritivo, desenvolvido por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e formulário para caracterização dos participantes, com 22 adolescentes entre 16 e 19 anos de idade, estudantes do Ensino Médio em uma escola pública. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. da análise emergiram quatro categorias temáticas: Sexualidade e educação sexual; Compreensão de comportamentos de risco; Conhecimento de IST/AIDS; Conhecimento e práticas de prevenção. revelou-se a necessidade de ações educativas de prevenção para os adolescentes, pois a falta de informações contribui para a sua vulnerabilidade. Os adolescentes reconhecem a importância da educação sexual; consequentemente, é importante a implementação de estratégias de promoção e de proteção à saúde no ambiente escolar para contribuir e

  20. Prensa de papel frente a prensa en internet


    Porcel Martos, Manuel


    Desde finales del siglo XX, Internet y las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación han propiciado un nuevo escenario en el que el periodismo, gracias a la inmediatez que proporciona la Red, ha buscado nuevas formas de comunicar, adaptán-dose a un nuevo contexto y forma de escribir, leer, ver y escuchar las producciones pe-riodísticas, reduciendo de manera continuada, drástica y sin opción de retroceso la com-pra de la prensa diaria en papel. Las limitaciones que el period...

  1. El papel de las migrantes puertorriquenas en el feminismo estadounidense


    志柿, 禎子; Yoshiko, SHIGAKI; 岩手県立大学社会福祉学部


    En este articulo se discute el efecto de las migrantes puertorriquenas en la politica. Hasta el momento, no es facil concluirlo. Segtun las opiniones de los entrevistados que son investigadores puertorriquenos, entendemos que el papel de las migrantes poertorriquenas no tiene influencia en la politica estadounidense a nivel nacional y tampoco hay conexiones fuertes con la politica de la isla. Sin embargo, muchas puertorriquenas luchan en el nivel comunitario con ideas feministas y su definici...

  2. Orientação sexual na escola: a concepção dos professores de Jandira - SP Educación sexual en la escuela: la concepción de profesores de Jandira - SP Sexual orientation in school: conception of the teachers from Jandira - SP

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    Dulcilene Pereira Jardim


    Full Text Available A escola exerce um importante papel na orientação sexual durante a adolescência. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar o conhecimento e a atuação em sexualidade dos professores de ensino fundamental e médio. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório-descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos por meio de um questionário, respondido por 100 professores da rede de ensino público do município de Jandira, SP. Os resultados demonstraram que, apesar de considerarem a importância do tema, a maioria dos professores não dispõe de conhecimentos suficientes para promoverem orientação sexual aos adolescentes, atendo-se muito mais no aspecto biológico da sexualidade do que nos sentimentos e valores que a envolvem. Conclui-se que programas de treinamento e capacitação sobre sexualidade na adolescência são necessários a esta população.La escuela tiene un importante rol en la orientación sexual durante la adolescencia. Este estudio objectivó identificar el conocimiento y la actuación de maestros de escuelas fundamentales y secundarias acerca de la sexualidad. Tratase de un estudio exploratorio y descriptivo, cuyos datos fueron obtenidos por medio de un questionario, respondido por 100 profesores de la rede de ensino publico de lo municipio de Jandira SP. Los resultados han demonstrado que, mismo considerando el tema importante, la mayoria de los profesores no tiene conocimientos suficientes para promover la orientación sexual a los adolescentes, señalando mucho más los aspectos biologicos de la sexualidad do que aquellos relactivos a los sentimientos y valores que envuelven el tema. Se ha concluido que los programas de entrenamiento y capacitación son necesarios a esta publación.School has an important role in sexual orientation during adolescence. This study aimed at identifying the knowledge and performance of fundamental and high school's teachers regarding sexuality. Data of this exploratory and descriptive study were obtained though

  3. Sexual Arousal and Sexually Explicit Media (SEM): Comparing Patterns of Sexual Arousal to SEM and Sexual Self-Evaluations and Satisfaction Across Gender and Sexual Orientation. (United States)

    Hald, Gert Martin; Stulhofer, Aleksandar; Lange, Theis


    Investigations of patterns of sexual arousal to certain groups of sexually explicit media (SEM) in the general population in non-laboratory settings are rare. Such knowledge could be important to understand more about the relative specificity of sexual arousal in different SEM users. (i) To investigate whether sexual arousal to non-mainstream vs mainstream SEM contents could be categorized across gender and sexual orientation, (ii) to compare levels of SEM-induced sexual arousal, sexual satisfaction, and self-evaluated sexual interests and fantasies between non-mainstream and mainstream SEM groups, and (iii) to explore the validity and predictive accuracy of the Non-Mainstream Pornography Arousal Scale (NPAS). Online cross-sectional survey of 2,035 regular SEM users in Croatia. Patterns of sexual arousal to 27 different SEM themes, sexual satisfaction, and self-evaluations of sexual interests and sexual fantasies. Groups characterized by sexual arousal to non-mainstream SEM could be identified across gender and sexual orientation. These non-mainstream SEM groups reported more SEM use and higher average levels of sexual arousal across the 27 SEM themes assessed compared with mainstream SEM groups. Only few differences were found between non-mainstream and mainstream SEM groups in self-evaluative judgements of sexual interests, sexual fantasies, and sexual satisfaction. The internal validity and predictive accuracy of the NPAS was good across most user groups investigated. The findings suggest that in classified non-mainstream SEM groups, patterns of sexual arousal might be less fixated and category specific than previously assumed. Further, these groups are not more judgmental of their SEM-related sexual arousal patterns than groups characterized by patterns of sexual arousal to more mainstream SEM content. Moreover, accurate identification of non-mainstream SEM group membership is generally possible across gender and sexual orientation using the NPAS. Hald GM

  4. Satisfação sexual entre homens idosos usuários da atenção primária Sexual satisfaction among older men assisted by the Brazilian primary care

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    Viviane Xavier de Lima e Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar a satisfação sexual entre homens idosos usuários da Estratégia Saúde da Família do Recife. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Mediante entrevistas domiciliares face a face, foram estudados 245 homens de 60 a 95 anos, por meio de questionário semiestruturado, anônimo e pré-testado. RESULTADOS: A maior parte dos entrevistados compôs-se de pardos (51,8%, católicos (67,2%, com renda familiar de até dois salários mínimos (71,1% e média de 3,5 anos de estudo. Quase metade classifica sua saúde como regular. Pouco mais de 83% residem com uma companheira e 89,7% destes consideram esse relacionamento como bom ou ótimo. Setenta e três por cento afirmam permanecer sexualmente ativos, sendo os que possuem até 70 anos e que coabitam com uma companheira os de maior frequência sexual. Foi observada associação estatisticamente significativa entre a satisfação sexual atual e a idade, a saúde autopercebida, a satisfação sexual antes dos 60 anos e a frequência sexual. CONCLUSÃO: A sexualidade continua presente na vida dos homens maiores de 60 anos. Não se pode minimizar o papel da cultura na qual estão imersos os entrevistados sobre as questões da masculinidade, da velhice e da sexualidade. A vivência da sexualidade e a interpretação dessas experiências por esses homens têm um caráter plural e assim devem ser encaradas pela sociedade e pelas equipes de saúde da família.OBJECTIVE: Investigate the sexual satisfaction among older men assisted by the Brazilian family health care strategy in city of Recife. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: A sample of 245 men between 60 and 95 years, assisted by the family health care providers, was face-to-face interviewed, with semi-structured, anonymous, standardized questionnaires. RESULTS: The most were non-white (78%, catholic (67,2%, with median of 3,5 years of study and low economic status. Almost a half perceives their health as regular. 83,3% have a spouse and the most (89

  5. Contribuições de Sándor Ferenczi para a compreensão dos efeitos psíquicos da violência sexual

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    Anna Paula Njaime Mendes


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo teórico que apresenta os efeitos da violência sexual na infância sob a ótica de Sándor Ferenczi (1873-1933, psicanalista da primeira geração dos discípulos de Freud o qual conferiu grande importância ao trauma sexual e ao papel do adulto na constituição do psiquismo infantil. Serão analisadas suas contribuições - originadas da clínica com pacientes adultos que haviam sofrido abuso sexual na infância - privilegiando o artigo ferencziano, publicado em 1933, "Confusão de língua entre os adultos e a criança". A fim de compreender determinados movimentos psíquicos marcados pela ação da clivagem psíquica, pretendemos examinar a descrição de dois arranjos psíquicos: a identificação com o agressor e a progressão traumática ou prematuração, aportes teóricos ferenczianos que serão utilizados para uma reflexão clínica.

  6. Florestan Fernandes: revisitado




    A AUTORA descreve a biografia intelectual de Florestan Fernandes em três etapas. A primeira, que ela designa "fase científico-acadêmica", abrange o período 1941-1968. A segunda, a "fase político-revolucionária", corresponde aos anos 1970-1986. Por fim, na terceira etapa, que ela chama de "fase solitário-militante" (1986-1995), todas as facetas do itinerário de Fernandes se unem sob o título "intelectual", segundo a definição de Jürgen Habermas.

  7. Sexual Narcissism and the Perpetration of Sexual Aggression (United States)

    McNulty, James K.


    Despite indirect evidence linking narcissism to sexual aggression, studies directly examining this relationship have yielded inconsistent results. Likely contributing to such inconsistencies, prior research has used global measures of narcissism not sensitive to whether the components of narcissism are activated in sexual versus non-sexual domains. The current research avoided such problems by using a measure of sexual narcissism to predict sexual aggression. In a sample of 299 men and women, Study 1 validated the Sexual Narcissism Scale, a new sexuality research instrument with four subscales—Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Entitlement, Low Sexual Empathy, and Sexual Skill. Then, in a sample of 378 men, Study 2 demonstrated that sexual narcissism was associated with reports of the frequency of sexual aggression, three specific types of sexual aggression (unwanted sexual contact, sexual coercion, and attempted/completed rape), and the likelihood of future sexual aggression. Notably, global narcissism was unrelated to all indices of sexual aggression when sexual narcissism was controlled. That sexual narcissism outperformed global assessments of narcissism to account for variance in sexual aggression suggests that future research may benefit by examining whether sexual narcissism and other sexual-situation-specific measurements of personality can similarly provide a more valid test of the association between personality and other sexual behaviors and outcomes (e.g., contraceptive use, infidelity, sexual satisfaction). PMID:19130204

  8. Sexual narcissism and the perpetration of sexual aggression. (United States)

    Widman, Laura; McNulty, James K


    Despite indirect evidence linking narcissism to sexual aggression, studies directly examining this relationship have yielded inconsistent results. Likely contributing to such inconsistencies, prior research has used global measures of narcissism not sensitive to whether the components of narcissism are activated in sexual versus non-sexual domains. The current research avoided such problems by using a measure of sexual narcissism to predict sexual aggression. In a sample of 299 men and women, Study 1 validated the Sexual Narcissism Scale, a new sexuality research instrument with four subscales-Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Entitlement, Low Sexual Empathy, and Sexual Skill. Then, in a sample of 378 men, Study 2 demonstrated that sexual narcissism was associated with reports of the frequency of sexual aggression, three specific types of sexual aggression (unwanted sexual contact, sexual coercion, and attempted/completed rape), and the likelihood of future sexual aggression. Notably, global narcissism was unrelated to all indices of sexual aggression when sexual narcissism was controlled. That sexual narcissism outperformed global assessments of narcissism to account for variance in sexual aggression suggests that future research may benefit by examining whether sexual narcissism and other sexual-situation-specific measurements of personality can similarly provide a more valid test of the association between personality and other sexual behaviors and outcomes (e.g., contraceptive use, infidelity, sexual satisfaction).

  9. Microbiota bacteriana asociada al papel moneda de circulación en Colombia

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    Pilar Ximena Lizarazo-Medina

    Full Text Available Resumen Diariamente los seres humanos están en interacción con objetos de uso continuo, como el papel moneda, sin el conocimiento de que estos almacenan microorganismos y de que nos exponemos al contacto con potenciales patógenos. La composición de la comunidad bacteriana en un billete colombiano fue determinada mediante el secuenciamiento profundo de librerías de amplicones 16S. Se encontraron 233 géneros bacterianos; 12 de estos géneros corresponden a especies con potencial patogénico. El género más abundante fue Propionibacterium, seguido de Streptococcus, Staphylococcus Pseudomonas . Este es el primer reporte de la diversidad bacteriana que puede ser alojada en este objeto de alta circulación en Colombia. Pocos estudios en el mundo han mostrado este nivel de detalle de la microbiota en billetes de circulación y ofrece un panorama mucho más amplio de la exposición diaria a microorganismos al utilizar papel moneda en las condiciones en las que se utiliza en Colombia.

  10. Sexual self-schemas of female child sexual abuse survivors: relationships with risky sexual behavior and sexual assault in adolescence. (United States)

    Niehaus, Ashley F; Jackson, Joan; Davies, Stephanie


    Childhood sexual trauma has been demonstrated to increase survivors' risk for engaging in unrestricted sexual behaviors and experiencing adolescent sexual assault. The current study used the sexual self-schema construct to examine cognitive representations of sexuality that might drive these behavioral patterns. In Study 1 (N = 774), we attempted to improve the content validity of the Sexual Self Schema Scale for child sexual abuse (CSA) survivors, introducing a fourth sexual self-schema factor titled the "immoral/irresponsible" factor. In Study 2 (N = 1150), the potential differences in sexual self-views, as assessed by the four sexual self-schema factors, between CSA survivors and non-victims were explored. In addition, Study 2 evaluated how these sexual self-schema differences may contribute to participation in unrestricted sexual behaviors and risk for sexual assault in adolescence. Results indicated that a history of CSA impacted the way women viewed themselves as a sexual person on each of the four factors. CSA survivors were found to view themselves as more open and possessing more immoral/irresponsible cognitions about sexuality as compared to women who did not have a CSA history. In addition, the CSA survivors endorsed less embarrassment and passionate/romantic views of their sexual selves. The interaction of CSA severity and the sexual self-schemas explained variance in adolescent sexual assault experiences above and beyond the severity of CSA history and participation in risky sexual behaviors. The findings suggest that sexual self-views may serve to moderate the relationship between CSA and adolescent sexual assault. Implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.

  11. Sexual media exposure, sexual behavior, and sexual violence victimization in adolescence. (United States)

    Ybarra, Michele L; Strasburger, Victor C; Mitchell, Kimberly J


    Emerging research suggests sexual media affects sexual behavior, but most studies are based on regional samples and few include measures of newer mediums. Furthermore, little is known about how sexual media relates to sexual violence victimization. Data are from 1058 youth 14 to 21 years of age in the national, online Growing up with Media study. Forty-seven percent reported that many or almost all/all of at least one type of media they consumed depicted sexual situations. Exposure to sexual media in television and movies, and music was greater than online and in games. All other things equal, more frequent exposure to sexual media was related to ever having had sex, coercive sex victimization, and attempted/completed rape but not risky sexual behavior. Longer standing mediums such as television and movies appear to be associated with greater amounts of sexual media consumption than newer ones, such as the Internet. A nuanced view of how sexual media content may and may not be affecting today's youth is needed. © The Author(s) 2014.

  12. Ciudadanía sexual: género y sexualidad en universidades públicas mexicanas

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    Adriana Leona Rosales Mendoza


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta una reflexión sobre el papel de la academia en la construcción de la democracia y en el ejercicio de la ciudadanía sexual a partir de los hallazgos de una investigación en el campo de la enseñanza de la sexualidad y el género en instituciones de educación superior en México. La metodología utilizada en este estudio combinó la comparación de planes y programas de estudio, así como estadísticas de instituciones que trabajan estas temáticas. Se realizaron también entrevistas semi-estructuradas con docentes-investigadores de instituciones de educación superior en la ciudad de México y los estados de México, Jalisco, Michoacán, Chiapas y Yucatán. This article presents a reflection upon the role of academia in building democracy and the exercise of sexual citizenship arising from the findings of fieldwork into the teaching of sexuality and gender in higher education institutions in Mexico. The methodology used in this investigation combined the comparison of study plans and programs, as well as the statistics of institutions that work with these issues. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with teacher-researchers of higher education institutions in Mexico City and the states of Jalisco, Michoacan, Chiapas and Yucatan.

  13. Attachment insecurities and women's sexual function and satisfaction: the mediating roles of sexual self-esteem, sexual anxiety, and sexual assertiveness. (United States)

    Brassard, Audrey; Dupuy, Emmanuelle; Bergeron, Sophie; Shaver, Phillip R


    We examined the potential role of three mediators--sexual self-esteem, sexual anxiety, and sexual assertiveness--of the association between romantic attachment insecurities (anxiety and avoidance) and two aspects of women's sexual functioning: sexual function and sexual satisfaction. A sample of 556 women aged 18 to 30 agreed to complete an online series of validated questionnaires assessing attachment insecurities and several aspects of sexual functioning. Lower sexual self-esteem and higher sexual anxiety mediated the associations between attachment anxiety and lower sexual function and satisfaction. Lower sexual self-esteem and higher sexual anxiety also partially mediated the links between attachment-related avoidance and the two sexual functioning variables. Sexual assertiveness, however, did not mediate these associations. A significant interaction between attachment anxiety and avoidance was also found to predict sexual satisfaction, with women high in avoidance and low in anxiety being the least satisfied. Results are discussed in terms of theoretical and clinical implications.

  14. Diferencias sexuales en el sistema nervioso humano. Una revisión desde el punto de vista psiconeurobiológico

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    José Antonio Gil Verona


    Full Text Available Actualmente se ha descrito la existencia de diferencias sexuales en la neuropsicología de la cognición. En este estudio teórico abordamos el tema de si los factores biológicos desempeñan un papel importante en dichas diferencias. Ha sido demostrado que las mujeres aventajan a los hombres en habilidades verbales, en motricidad fina y en velocidad perceptiva, mientras que los hombres adultos tienen mayor habilidad para resolver pruebas espaciales, estas diferencias cognitivas se pueden explicar mediante seis hipótesis: organización cerebral diferente, factores endocrinos, medio ambiente social, modelo genético, velocidad de maduración e hipótesis antropológica. Tras el estudio detallado de estas hipótesis podemos llegar a la conclusión que las diferencias sexuales en la neuropsicología de la cognición son debidas, en parte, a factores genéticos y, en parte, pueden ser moduladas por los factores socio-culturales. Hay que considerar al sexo como una variable independiente en la evaluación de diferentes programas y tener en cuenta el dimorfismo sexual cerebral para explicar las diferencias en la prevalencia de distintas patologías neuropsiquiátricas.

  15. Mujer de edad mediana y control percibido sobre la educación sexual del niño preescolar Mean age woman and the perceived control on sexual education of preschool child

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    Guillermo Díaz Llanes


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: el control percibido tiene en la sexualidad una de las áreas de más difícil expresión. OBJETIVO: incrementar el control sobre el rol de educadoras para la sexualidad de niños preescolares, a partir del reconocimiento de su papel como sujetos y objetos de la educación para la sexualidad en la cotidianidad, la identificación de manifestaciones de la represión sexual, sus condicionantes socioculturales y la distinción de diferencias e interrelación entre información y educación. MÉTODOS: estrategia de investigación-acción, con 46 mujeres de edad mediana del policlínico "Carlos J. Finlay", de Marianao, en el primer semestre de 2008. Se aplicaron encuestas semiestructuradas y entrevistas grupales focalizadas. RESULTADOS: se consiguió el incremento de las creencias de control sobre el rol en el grupo, mediante el reconocimiento del carácter cotidiano de la educación para la sexualidad y su expresión por diversas vías, el conocimiento de las diferencias entre educación e información sexuales, y la identificación de la contribución de las interacciones positivas a la formación de la autoimagen, el desarrollo de los afectos y la forma de relacionarse con el otro.INTRODUCTION: perceived control has in sexuality one of more difficult expression areas. AIM: to increase the control on teachers related to sexuality of preschool children from the recognition of its role as subjects and objects of sexuality education in every life, identification of manifestations of sexual repression, its social-cultural determinants, and the clearness of differences and interrelationship between information and education. METHODS: investigation-action strategy with 46 means age women from "Carlos J. Finlay" Polyclinic, Marianao municipality during the first semester of 2008. Semi-structured and focalized group surveys were applied. RESULTS: an increment of control believes on its role in group was achieved, by means of the recognition

  16. Los roles de género y su papel en las actitudes y comportamientos afectivo-sexuales: un estudio sobre adolescentes salmantinos

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    Lidia Lobato Pérez


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio centramos nuestro interés en evaluar las actitudes, conocimientos y comportamientos de los adolescentes respecto a la sexualidad y sus prácticas, así como el impacto de variables como el género en estas valoraciones. Metodología. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo con una muestra de conveniencia de 141 estudiantes de Bachillerato o de módulos profesionales residentes en Salamanca, España. Dichos alumnos fueron evaluados mediante el Cuestionario para adolescentes sobre educación sexual. Resultados. Los datos indican que existe un amplio desconocimiento sobre temas básicos relacionados con el uso del preservativo o el embarazo. Se encuentran además claras relaciones entre el género y actitudes hacia la homosexualidad, la prostitución, la consideración de la sexualidad o la propia actividad sexual. Discusión. Es necesario llevar a cabo programas formativos que mejoren los conocimientos y fomenten actitudes y conductas positivas y saludables y respetuosas hacia la sexualidad propia y ajena.

  17. Como queimar um papel à luz de Sírio

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    Guilherme de Almeida


    Full Text Available É bem conhecida a experiência de queimar um papel com uma lupa. Será possível, com uma lupa gigantesca, fazer o mesmo utilizando a luz de uma outra estrela? Que requisitos serão necessários? Este artigo aborda as diversas perspectivas sobre o assunto, mostrando as limitações e as possibilidades práticas de tal procedimento. Trata-se de uma exploração conceitual e não de um projeto construtivo.

  18. Patterns of Asexuality in China: Sexual Activity, Sexual and Romantic Attraction, and Sexual Desire. (United States)

    Zheng, Lijun; Su, Yanchen


    This study examined patterns of asexuality in Chinese asexual people in terms of sexual activities, sexual/romantic attraction, and sexual desire. The sample included 227 (64 men and 163 women) asexual participants and 57 (26 men and 31 women) uncertain asexual participants recruited from social networks for asexual people. The control group included 217 (115 men and 102 women) heterosexual participants recruited from general social networks. Participants scoring 40 or higher on the Asexuality Identification Scale were classified as asexual. Asexual participants reported having less frequent masturbation, sexual intercourse experience, and sexual and romantic attraction compared to heterosexual participants. Lower sexual attraction among asexuals indicated that "people who experience little or no sexual attraction" would be a more appropriate definition of asexuality. The pattern of uncertain asexual participants' sexual/romantic attraction and sexual desire was intermediate between heterosexual and asexual participants. Asexual participants scored significantly lower on dyadic sexual desire and slightly lower on solitary sexual desire than heterosexual participants. There were significant differences in sexual activities and solitary sexual desire among romantic orientation categories. Homoromantic participants showed higher dyadic sexual desire and were more likely to engage in masturbation, indicating the heterogeneity among asexual people. The findings indicated that Chinese asexual people showed similar patterns of asexuality as in Western nations. Specifically, asexual people have little or no sexual attraction, non-partner-orientated sexual desire, and are heterogeneous in sexual activities and sexual desire. This implies similar mechanisms underlying the etiology of asexuality across cultures.

  19. Conocimiento y uso de anticonceptivos entre los jóvenes mexicanos. El papel del género

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    Irene Casique


    Full Text Available Con base en datos provenientes de la Encuesta Nacional sobre Violencia en el Noviazgo, levantada en 2007 entre jóvenes mexicanos de 15 a 24 años de edad, se exPlora el.nivel de conocimiento y uso de anticonceptivos en el contexto de las relaciones de noviazgo. Con este análisis se pretende evidenciar el rol que desempeñan las diversas características sociodemográficas de los jóvenes en el conocimiento y uso de anticonceptivos, con partic cular atención en el papel que juega el género. En general se observan diferencias importantes entre los factores relacionados con el uso de anticonceptivos alguna vez y los factores asociados al uso del condón en las relaciones con la pareja actual. El uso de anticonceptivos aparece asociado positivamente tanto entre los hombres como entre las mujeres con las condiciones socioeconómicas más favorables, con más conocimientos sobre los anticonceptivos, y con un mayor número de compañeros sexuales (sólo para los varones. Entre las mujeres también el hecho de ser estudiante favorece el uso de anticonceptivos. No obstante, cuando se incorporan al análisis elementos proPios de la relación de noviazgo y secircunscribe el análisis a la frecuencia de uso del condón en las relaciones sexuales con la pareja actual, pierden relevancia los factores objetivos y cobran significancia ciertos elementos más subjetivos propios de la relación: la diferencia de edad con la pareja (Para hombres y mujeres, la duración del noviazgo (Para las mujeres, quién decide cuándo y cómo tener sexo (Para los hombres, el apoyo que ofrece la pareja (sólo los hombres, la actitud hacia los roles de género (en el caso de los hombres, y la presen¬cia de violencia emocional (Para los hombres y de violencia física.

  20. ¿Fue el trabajo o la contingencia conductual, el papel fundamental en la evolución del hombre?


    Esteban Hilario, Kasely


    Se analiza el artículo “El papel del trabajo en la transformación del mono en hombre” en el cual F. Engels le da al trabajo un papel fundamental en el proceso de transformación del mono en hombre, del origen del lenguaje y de la sociedad misma, a dicha postura se contrapone la teoría de la contingencia conductual de Skinner, es decir, el establecimiento de la conducta por las consecuencias de la misma, como causa del proceso de evolución no solo del hombre, sino de todas la especies.

  1. Factors affecting sexuality in older Australian women: sexual interest, sexual arousal, relationships and sexual distress in older Australian women. (United States)

    Howard, J R; O'Neill, S; Travers, C


    To investigate the sexual behavior, sexual relationships, sexual satisfaction, sexual dysfunction and sexual distress in a population of older urban Australian women. In 2004, 474 women participating in the Longitudinal Assessment of Ageing in Women (LAW) Study completed a series of questionnaires about sexuality. They included the Short Personal Experiences Questionnaire (SPEQ), Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS), Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSDS), questions concerning past sexual abuse based on the Sex in Australia Study, and questions comparing present and past sexual interest and activity. The percentage of women with partners ranged from 83.3% in the 40 - 49-year age group to 46.4% women in the 70 - 79-year age group. The sexual ability of partners diminished markedly with age, with only 4.8% of the partners using medication to enable erections. Only 2.5% of women reported low relationship satisfaction. The incidence of sexual distress was also low, being reported by only 5.7% of women. Younger women and women with partners had higher levels of distress than older women. Indifference to sexual frequency rose from 26.7% in women aged 40 - 49 years to 72.3% in the 70 - 79-year age group. Past sexual abuse was recalled by 22.7% of women and 11.6% recalled multiple episodes of abuse. Women who recalled abuse had lower scores for satisfaction with sexual frequency. It appears from this study that there is a wide range of sexual experience amongst aging women, from never having had a sexual partner, to having solitary sex, to having a relationship with or without sex into the seventh decade. As women age, they experience a decrease in sexual activity, interest in sex, and distress about sex. This may be associated with the loss of intimate relationships as part of separation, divorce or bereavement. Decreased sexual activity with aging may be interpreted as a biological phenomenon (part of the aging process) or as sexual dysfunction, or it may be the result of

  2. Sexual Arousal and Sexually Explicit Media (SEM: Comparing Patterns of Sexual Arousal to SEM and Sexual Self-Evaluations and Satisfaction Across Gender and Sexual Orientation

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    Gert Martin Hald, PhD


    Hald GM, Stulhofer A, Lange T, et al. Sexual Arousal and Sexually Explicit Media (SEM: Comparing Patterns of Sexual Arousal to SEM and Sexual Self-Evaluations and Satisfaction Across Gender and Sexual Orientation. Sex Med 2018;6:30–38.

  3. Papel da Ingestão de Soja na Nefropatia Diabética

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    Flávia Moraes Silva


    Full Text Available O papel específico das modificações da dieta no tratamento da nefropatia diabética (ND ainda não está elucidado. A substituição de proteína de origem animal por soja em pacientes com Diabete Melito (DM poderia ser benéfica para a função renal. O objetivo do presente manuscrito foi revisar criticamente as evidências acerca do papel da soja na ND. Foram selecionados seis ensaios clínicos randomizados conduzidos em pacientes com DM, dentre os quais cinco demonstraram melhora de pelo menos um marcador de função renal com a dieta com soja. Os mecanismos através dos quais essas dietas promoveriam melhora da ND não foram elucidados, assim como não está estabelecido ainda se há distinção no efeito benéfico aos rins dos diferentes produtos à base de soja disponíveis no mercado. Novos estudos são necessários para que tais questões possam ser elucidadas e para que os benefícios da soja na ND possam ser confirmados.

  4. Dysregulated sexuality and high sexual desire: distinct constructs? (United States)

    Winters, Jason; Christoff, Kalina; Gorzalka, Boris B


    The literature on dysregulated sexuality, whether theoretical, clinical or empirical, has failed to differentiate the construct from high sexual desire. In this study, we tested three hypotheses which addressed this issue. A sample of 6458 men and 7938 women, some of whom had sought treatment for sexual compulsivity, addiction or impulsivity, completed an online survey comprised of various sexuality measures. Men and women who reported having sought treatment scored significantly higher on measures of dysregulated sexuality and sexual desire. For men, women, and those who had sought treatment, dysregulated sexuality was associated with increased sexual desire. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a one-factor model, indicating that, in both male and female participants, dysregulated sexuality and sexual desire variables loaded onto a single underlying factor. The results of this study suggest that dysregulated sexuality, as currently conceptualized, labelled, and measured, may simply be a marker of high sexual desire and the distress associated with managing a high degree of sexual thoughts, feelings, and needs.

  5. O papel do enfermeiro de saúde publica: projeções no ensino

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    Bertha Cruz Enders


    Full Text Available Analisa-se o papel do enfermeiro em saúde pública no contexto do ensino, como ponto de partida para uma avaliação da prática. Objetivou-se 1 Identificar o papel do enfermeiro em saúde pública projetado nos conteúdos programáticos das disciplinas de saúde pública do Curso de Enfermagem na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte desde sua implantação em 1974 até 1990 e, 2 Avaliar as concepções projetadas no ensino frente a realidade das práticas dos egressos. Conceptualizações da teoria de papeis nortearam o entendimento do termo "papel" e do processo de internalização do conceito. Utilizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa com triangulação na coleta de dados. Dados foram obtidos em duas fontes: nos conteúdos programáticos do Curso e nas opiniões dos enfermeiros egressos do Curso. Técnicas de análise documental foram aplicadas a 70 programas de disciplinas de Saúde Pública e uma amostra aleatória estratificada de 60 enfermeiros foi entrevistada utilizando um questionário específico. Os dados foram analisados à luz da teoria de papeis para a identificação do conceito. Em seguida, se analisou o conceito com base nas políticas de saúde vigentes da época em estudo. Os resultados demonstram que o papel do enfermeiro em saúde pública projetado nos conteúdos focaliza funções múltiplas, assistenciais educativas e administrativas dentro de uma visão preventiva. O objetivo da enfermagem em saúde pública tem sido a prevenção, dentro de uma prática de assistência primária e mais recentemente, dentro de uma perspectiva de mudança e de transformação das questões sociais e das políticas de saúde. Focaliza o enfermeiro planejador, competente nas técnicas epidemiológicas. A percepção dos egressos é também preventiva e focaliza o papel educador e conscientizador do enfermeiro, embora pouco avanço se observa com relação às questões sociais da população. Existe uma incompatibilidade entre os

  6. O Papel da Psicoterapia de Grupo na Formação do Residente em Psiquiatria

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    Cláudia de Paula Juliano Souza

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o papel da psicoterapia de grupo na formação do residente em psiquiatria do Programa de Residência Médica em Psiquiatria da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa em educação médica. Os dados foram coletados por meio de relatórios descritivos e entrevistas semiestruturadas, submetidas à análise de conteúdo temático-categorial. Emergiram da análise dos dados duas categorias: as ações educativas do ensino da psicoterapia de grupo e as ações sociais do ensino da psicoterapia de grupo. Na análise da primeira categoria, obtivemos cinco subcategorias: relação médico-paciente, aprendizagem cognitiva, aprendizagem afetiva, diálogo interdisciplinar e desenvolvimento pessoal. Na segunda categoria, obtivemos duas subcategorias: socialização e encontro. Conclui-se que o ensino da psicoterapia de grupo tem papel educativo, pois contribui com a inovação dos cenários de prática, possibilitando mudanças na relação médico residente-paciente e consolidando o conceito ampliado de saúde na perspectiva da integralidade. Revela também seu papel social, pois contribui para uma aproximação sociointerativa entre preceptor-residente-grupo.

  7. The importance of feeling sexually attractive: Can it predict an individual's experience of their sexuality and sexual relationships across gender and sexual orientation? (United States)

    Amos, Natalie; McCabe, Marita


    Limited research exists on the implications of feeling sexually attractive for various aspects of sexuality and sexual relationships. This article examined associations between self-perceived sexual attractiveness and sexual esteem, sexual satisfaction and amount of sexual experience, among both men and women who identified as heterosexual (n = 1017), gay or lesbian (n = 1225) or bisexual (n = 651). Results of the study demonstrated that positive self-perceptions of sexual attractiveness predicted greater sexual esteem, greater sexual satisfaction, a higher frequency of sexual activity with others and a larger number of sexual partners among both men and women who identified as heterosexual, gay, lesbian or bisexual. The findings suggest that feeling sexually attractive may have implications for how an individual experiences their sexuality and sexual relationships regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. The importance of considering an individual's self-perceptions of sexual attractiveness when they present with concerns related to their sexual experiences or relationships, and the potential benefits of educational and therapeutic interventions designed to enhance self-perceptions of sexual attractiveness are discussed. © 2015 International Union of Psychological Science.

  8. Sexuality and Sexual Rights in Muslim Societies


    Liz Ercevik Amado


    In August 2008, the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) organized the CSBR Sexuality Institute, the first international Institute on sexuality and sexual rights in Muslim societies in Malaysia. Liz Amado presents how the Institute expanded the discourse, knowledge and thinking around sexuality in Muslim societies, as well as providing a unique space for the much needed exchange of information and experience among sexual rights advocates. Development (2009) 52, 59...

  9. Sexual Well-Being in Older Women: The Relevance of Sexual Excitation and Sexual Inhibition. (United States)

    Bell, Suzanne; Reissing, Elke D


    The aim of this study was to use the dual control model of sexual response (DCM) to investigate variation in sexual well-being among women 50 years of age and older. Data from 185 women 50 years of age and older (M = 59.46, SD = 6.96) were used to examine the relationships between sexual excitation (SE) and sexual inhibition (SI) and their lower-order factors to indicators of sexual well-being (i.e., sexual functioning, satisfaction, distress, frequency of sexual activity, and breadth of sexual behavior). Possible moderating factors were also explored. Independently, SE and SI were associated with the majority of the indicators of sexual well-being, and the directions of associations were consistent with the tenets of the DCM. SE and SI lower-order factors were significant predictors of sexual function, satisfaction, and frequency of sexual activity. Sexual distress was predicted more strongly by SI factors and breadth of sexual behavior by one SE lower-order factor (arousability). Partner physical and mental health and participant's own mental health were identified as moderating variables of these associations. Findings of this study are discussed considering the contribution of the DCM to understanding the role of diversity in older women's sexual well-being.

  10. El sentido de lo femenino: sobre la admiración y la diferencia sexual

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    Catherine Malabou


    Full Text Available En este artículo se exponen una serie de cuestiones que plantean el marco y la extensión de lo que se entiende por lo femenino, así como su papel en lo que respecta a la diferencia sexual y al género, desvinculándolo de las mujeres. A través de un recorrido por el pensamiento de distintos autores que han trabajado el concepto de lo femenino, tales como Levinas, Derrida, Heidegger e Irigaray, se analiza el concepto de admiración cartesiano como advenimiento del otro. Lo femenino reconoce además el cuerpo de la mujer y su múltiple sexualidad encarnada por sus múltiples labios, según la imagen de Irigaray, en su paso hacia una identidad metabólica y en tránsito.

  11. Sexual dysfunction among youth: an overlooked sexual health concern. (United States)

    Moreau, Caroline; Kågesten, Anna E; Blum, Robert Wm


    There is growing recognition that youth sexual health entails a broad range of physical, emotional and psychosocial responses to sexual interactions, yet little is known about sexual dysfunctions and well being in youth populations. This study explored sexual dysfunctions among youth and its associations with other domains of sexual health. Sexual dysfunctions were defined as: problems related to orgasm, pain during intercourse, lack of sexual desire or sexual pleasure. Data were drawn from the 2010 French national sexual and reproductive health survey comprising a random sample of 2309 respondents aged 15-24 years. The current analysis included 842 females and 642 males who had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months. Chi square tests were used to test for differences in sexual dysfunctions by sex and explore associations with other domains of sexual health. Half of females (48%) reported at least one sexual dysfunction versus 23% of males. However, over half (57%) of youth reporting at least one dysfunction did not consider this to hinder their sexuality. Altogether, 31% of females cited at least one sexual dysfunction hindering their sexuality-more than three times the 9% of males. Sexual dysfunction was strongly and inversely related to sexual satisfaction for both males and females and additionally to a recent diagnosis of STI or unintended pregnancy for females. Sexual dysfunctions hindering sexuality were also correlated with a history of unintended pregnancy among males. While most youth in France enjoy a satisfying sexual life, sexual dysfunction is common, especially among females. Public health programs and clinicians should screen for and address sexual dysfunction, which substantially reduce youth sexual wellbeing.

  12. Number of sexual partners and sexual assertiveness predict sexual victimization: do more partners equal more risk? (United States)

    Walker, Dave P; Messman-Moore, Terri L; Ward, Rose Marie


    In previous studies, number of sexual partners and sexual assertiveness were examined as independent risk factors for sexual victimization among college women. Using a sample of 335 college women, this study examined the interaction of number of sexual partners and sexual assertiveness on verbal sexual coercion and rape. Approximately 32% of the sample reported unwanted sexual intercourse, 6.9% (n = 23) experienced verbal sexual coercion, 17.9% (n = 60) experienced rape, and 7.2% (n = 24) experienced both. As number of sexual partners increased, instances of verbal sexual coercion increased for women low in relational sexual assertiveness but not for women high in relational sexual assertiveness. A similar relationship was not found for rape. Among women who experienced both verbal sexual coercion and rape, increases in number of partners in the context of low refusal and relational assertiveness were associated with increases in verbal sexual coercion and rape. Findings suggest sexual assertiveness is related to fewer experiences of sexual coercion.

  13. Beyond Sexual Orientation: Integrating Gender/Sex and Diverse Sexualities via Sexual Configurations Theory. (United States)

    van Anders, Sari M


    Sexual orientation typically describes people's sexual attractions or desires based on their sex relative to that of a target. Despite its utility, it has been critiqued in part because it fails to account for non-biological gender-related factors, partnered sexualities unrelated to gender or sex, or potential divergences between love and lust. In this article, I propose Sexual Configurations Theory (SCT) as a testable, empirically grounded framework for understanding diverse partnered sexualities, separate from solitary sexualities. I focus on and provide models of two parameters of partnered sexuality--gender/sex and partner number. SCT also delineates individual gender/sex. I discuss a sexual diversity lens as a way to study the particularities and generalities of diverse sexualities without privileging either. I also discuss how sexual identities, orientations, and statuses that are typically seen as misaligned or aligned are more meaningfully conceptualized as branched or co-incident. I map out some existing identities using SCT and detail its applied implications for health and counseling work. I highlight its importance for sexuality in terms of measurement and social neuroendocrinology, and the ways it may be useful for self-knowledge and feminist and queer empowerment and alliance building. I also make a case that SCT changes existing understandings and conceptualizations of sexuality in constructive and generative ways informed by both biology and culture, and that it is a potential starting point for sexual diversity studies and research.

  14. Relationships among sexual self-concept, sexual risk cognition and sexual communication in adolescents: a structural equation model. (United States)

    Lou, Jiunn-Horng; Chen, Sheng-Hwang; Li, Ren-Hau; Yu, Hsing-Yi


    The purpose of this study was to test a model of sexual self-concept and sexual risk cognition affecting sexual communication in Taiwanese adolescents. Parent-adolescent sexual communication has been shown to influence adolescent sexual behaviour. Self-concept is an important predictor of human behaviour, especially sexual behaviour. Few researchers have assessed sexual self-concept in adolescents, despite its clear relevance to understanding adolescent sexual behaviour. A cross-sectional survey with convenience sampling was used in this study. In 2009, data were collected by questionnaire from 748 adolescent students at a junior college in Taiwan. The results revealed that the postulated model fits the data from this study well. Sexual self-concept significantly predicts sexual risk cognition and sexual communication. Sexual risk cognition significantly predicts sexual communication and has an intervening effect on the relationship between sexual self-concept and sexual communication. Sexual risk cognition is important in explaining sexuality in adolescents. Sexual self-concept has both direct and indirect effects on sexual communication. Our findings provide concrete directions for school educators in developing sexual health programmes to increase adolescent sexual self-concept and sexual communication with their parents. Future sexual health programmes about sexual self-concept and sexual risk cognition must add for increasing adolescent's sexual communication with their parents. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  15. El papel del estado y las políticas de acumulación de capital en Colombia

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    Wright Philip


    Full Text Available El desarrollo económico colombiano de la postguerra se ha caracterizado por el papel fundamentalmente indicativo que ha jugado el Estado colombiano en la esfera económica, y es quizás en el reciente plan de desarrollo publicado por el gobierno liberal en 1975, donde mejor se resumen y reflejan los límites de dicho papel. La principal función del Estado en el proceso de crecimiento industrial debería ser la de establecer un clima apropiado para la ampliación de las empresas existentes y la creación de nuevas empresas, de forma tal que satisfagan los requerimientos básicos de la población dentro de un contexto de crecimiento social y económico acelerado, contribuyendo decisivamente a la solución del problema del desempleo.El propósito de este artículo es explicar por qué el Estado colombiano ha jugado un papel tan limitado en la esfera económica, lo cual constituye un aspecto de la acumulación de capital en Colombia que está en agudo contraste con la experiencia de un gran número de países

  16. Sexual orientation disparities in sexually transmitted infections: examining the intersection between sexual identity and sexual behavior. (United States)

    Everett, Bethany G


    The terms MSM (men who have sex with men) and WSW (women who have sex with women) have been used with increasing frequency in the public health literature to examine sexual orientation disparities in sexual health. These categories, however, do not allow researchers to examine potential differences in sexually transmitted infection (STI) risk by sexual orientation identity. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health, this study investigated the relationship between self-reported STIs and both sexual orientation identity and sexual behaviors. Additionally, this study examined the mediating role of victimization and STI risk behaviors on the relationship between sexual orientation and self-reported STIs. STI risk was found to be elevated among heterosexual-WSW and bisexual women, whether they reported same-sex partners or not, whereas gay-identified WSW were less likely to report an STI compared to heterosexual women with opposite sex relationships only. Among males, heterosexual-identified MSM did not have a greater likelihood of reporting an STI diagnosis; rather, STI risk was concentrated among gay and bisexual identified men who reported both male and female sexual partners. STI risk behaviors mediated the STI disparities among both males and females, and victimization partially mediated STI disparities among female participants. These results suggest that relying solely on behavior-based categories, such as MSM and WSW, may mischaracterize STI disparities by sexual orientation.

  17. Sexual dysfunction among youth: an overlooked sexual health concern

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    Caroline Moreau


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There is growing recognition that youth sexual health entails a broad range of physical, emotional and psychosocial responses to sexual interactions, yet little is known about sexual dysfunctions and well being in youth populations. This study explored sexual dysfunctions among youth and its associations with other domains of sexual health. Sexual dysfunctions were defined as: problems related to orgasm, pain during intercourse, lack of sexual desire or sexual pleasure. Methods Data were drawn from the 2010 French national sexual and reproductive health survey comprising a random sample of 2309 respondents aged 15-24 years. The current analysis included 842 females and 642 males who had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months. Chi square tests were used to test for differences in sexual dysfunctions by sex and explore associations with other domains of sexual health. Results Half of females (48% reported at least one sexual dysfunction versus 23% of males. However, over half (57% of youth reporting at least one dysfunction did not consider this to hinder their sexuality. Altogether, 31% of females cited at least one sexual dysfunction hindering their sexuality—more than three times the 9% of males. Sexual dysfunction was strongly and inversely related to sexual satisfaction for both males and females and additionally to a recent diagnosis of STI or unintended pregnancy for females. Sexual dysfunctions hindering sexuality were also correlated with a history of unintended pregnancy among males. Conclusion While most youth in France enjoy a satisfying sexual life, sexual dysfunction is common, especially among females. Public health programs and clinicians should screen for and address sexual dysfunction, which substantially reduce youth sexual wellbeing.

  18. Limitaciones conceptuales en epidemiología para la clasificación del comportamiento sexual masculino en el contexto de la epidemia de VIH en México


    Uribe Salas, Felipe J.


    El papel que la epidemiología ha desempeñado en el estudio de la infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH), y su diseminación entre la población, ha sido muy relevante. El marco teórico sobre la "etiología multicausal" le ha permitido la identificación de los principales "factores de riesgo" involucrados en la transmisión del VIH, en particular sobre las prácticas sexuales. Sin embargo, ese marco teórico ha tenido limitaciones epistemológicas para estudiar los elementos sociale...

  19. Mulher no climatério: reflexões sobre desejo sexual, beleza e feminilidade Women in the climacteric: reflections on sexual desire, beauty and femininity

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    Cecília Nogueira Valença


    Full Text Available O climatério é um período abrangente da vida feminina, caracterizado por alterações metabólicas e hormonais que trazem mudanças envolvendo o contexto psicossocial. Tendo como referência as alterações de sexualidade vivenciadas no climatério, este trabalho tem por objetivo refletir sobre desejo sexual, beleza e feminilidade da mulher nessa fase. A metodologia adotada consistiu em estudo bibliográfico, em livros e artigos publicados, entre 1999 e 2009. A exigência exacerbada pela beleza eterna e jovialidade é agravada no climatério, no qual o corpo feminino não tem o mesmo vigor físico pelas alterações decorrentes do envelhecimento. A mulher climatérica vive o mito da perda do desejo sexual, todavia, continua a sentir prazer, não devendo deixar de manifestar amor e sexualidade. A visão social estereotipada sobre o papel da mulher (esposa e mãe pode interferir negativamente na visão das mulheres sobre si mesmas e no seu relacionamento com as pessoas e o mundo. Nesse sentido, é importante que as mulheres tenham acesso à informação em saúde para a compreensão das mudanças do período de climatério/menopausa, contemplando e ressignificando tal fase como integrante de seus ciclos de vida e não como sinônimo de velhice, improdutividade e fim da sexualidade.The climacteric is a long period of a woman's life, characterized by metabolic and hormonal alterations that bring changes involving the psychosocial context. Having as reference the sexuality alterations experienced in the climacteric, this literature review aims to reflect on women's sexual desire, beauty and femininity in this phase. The methodology involved a bibliographic study of papers and books published between 1999 and 2009. The exaggerated need of eternal beauty and youth is aggravated in the climacteric, when the female body does not have the same physical vigor due to alterations deriving from aging. The climacteric woman lives the myth of loss of sexual

  20. Toward Identification of the Sexual Killer: A Comparison of Sexual Killers Engaging in Post-Mortem Sexual Interference and Non-Homicide Sexual Aggressors. (United States)

    Higgs, Tamsin; Carter, Adam J; Stefanska, Ewa B; Glorney, Emily


    Establishing a model of sexual assault reflecting psychosocial and behavioral characteristics of perpetrators of sexual killing and rape is necessary for development in risk assessment and intervention. Methodological variations in defining sexual killing have amalgamated serial and non-serial offenders and perpetrators with direct and indirect associations between killing and sexual arousal. This study defined sexual killing specifying that killing should be directly linked to sexual arousal, and sampled 48 sexual killers, operationalized to include only those engaging in post-mortem sexual interference, with one or two known female victims (non-serial), from prison service national (England and Wales) databases. These sexual killers were compared with 48 non-homicide, life or indeterminately sentenced sexual aggressors on psychological and crime scene characteristics. Contrary to previous research, fatal outcomes were associated with neither stranger victims nor weapon presence; sexual killing was characterized by severity of violence less so than non-fatal assault. Sexual killers more often reported problems with emotional loneliness, empathic concern, and sexual entitlement than the sexual aggressors. Theoretical and applied implications are discussed.

  1. Buffer or Brake? The Role of Sexuality-Specific Parenting in Adolescents' Sexualized Media Consumption and Sexual Development. (United States)

    Overbeek, Geertjan; van de Bongardt, Daphne; Baams, Laura


    One main source of sexual socialization lies within family interactions. Especially sexuality-specific parenting may determine adolescents' sexual development-adolescents' sexual behavior and sexual risk behavior, sexualized media consumption and permissive sexual attitudes-to a significant extent, but different ideas exist about how this works. In this longitudinal study, we examined two hypotheses on how sexuality-specific parenting-parenting aimed specifically at children's sexual attitudes and behaviors-relates to adolescents' sexual development. A first buffer hypothesis states that parents' instructive media discussions with their children-called instructive mediation-buffers the effect of sexualized media consumption on adolescents' sexual attitudes and behavior and, vice versa, the effect of adolescents' sexual attitudes and behavior on sexualized media consumption. A second brake hypothesis states that parents, by communicating love-and-respect oriented sexual norms, slow down adolescents' development toward increased sexualized media use, permissive sexual attitudes, and sexual behavior and sexual risk behavior. Using four-wave longitudinal data from 514 Dutch adolescents aged 13-16 years (49.8% female), we found evidence to support a brake effect. More frequent parental communication of love-and-respect oriented sexual norms was associated with less permissive sexual attitudes and, for boys, with less advanced sexual behavior and a less rapid increase in sexual risk behavior. Parents' instructive mediation regarding adolescents' sexualized media consumption was associated with less permissive sexual attitudes at baseline, but only for girls. No systematic evidence emerged for a buffer effect of parents' instructive mediation. In conclusion, although our data seem to suggest that parent-child communication about sex is oftentimes "after the fact", we also find that more directive parental communication that conveys love-and-respect oriented sexual norms

  2. Sexual education, gender ideology, and youth sexual empowerment. (United States)

    Grose, Rose Grace; Grabe, Shelly; Kohfeldt, Danielle


    Sexual education plays an essential role in preventing unplanned pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). School-based sexual education programs, in particular, may be well positioned to address social factors that are empirically linked to negative sexual health outcomes, such as traditional social norms surrounding gender and sexuality. However, youth are seldom granted access to sexual education programs that explicitly address these issues. This study presents findings from a pretest-posttest survey of a sexual education program that did. It was designed for eighth graders (N=95) in the context of a school-community collaboration. The study assessed the links between several components of sexual empowerment, including gender ideology, sexual knowledge, and contraceptive beliefs. Findings link participation in the sexual education program to more progressive attitudes toward girls and women, less agreement with hegemonic masculinity ideology, and increases in sexual health and resource knowledge. Structural equation models suggest that traditional attitudes toward women were significantly related to hegemonic masculinity ideology among both boys and girls, which was in turn negatively related to safer contraceptive beliefs.

  3. Buffer or Brake? The Role of Sexuality-Specific Parenting in Adolescents’ Sexualized Media Consumption and Sexual Development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    G.J. Overbeek (Geertjan); van de Bongardt, D. (Daphne); Baams, L. (Laura)


    textabstractOne main source of sexual socialization lies within family interactions. Especially sexuality-specific parenting may determine adolescents’ sexual development—adolescents’ sexual behavior and sexual risk behavior, sexualized media consumption and permissive sexual attitudes—to a


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    Rose Marie INOJOSA


    Full Text Available El objetivo es reflejar en el papel de los agentes communitarios de la salud en la comunicación en salud. Los modelos del equipo y de la familia están en la transformación en la sociedad. Requieren nuevas formas de comunicación, capaces de comtemplar esta dinámica, la movilidad y las interacciones de los papeles sociales. Lo Programa de Salud de la Família (PSF busca hacer una inversión importante en la lógica y en las prácticas implicadas en el proceso de la producción de la salud, trabajando con las familias y los equipos como protagonistas, en un plan horizontal. El Programa encuentra, en este proceso, las trampas de los hábitos de las viejas organizaciones. La comunicación autoritaria construye paredes entre los ciudadanos. El Programa encuentra, también, la influencia del marketing en la comunicación diaria. Sin embargo carga posibilidades innumerables para generar comprensión, confianza y solidaridad. Algunas posibilidades habían sido intentadas y evaluadas ya. Reiteran la capacidad del modelo del PSF en ocuparse de la dinámica del contemporáneo de la sociedad.

  5. Buffer or Brake? The Role of Sexuality-Specific Parenting in Adolescents’ Sexualized Media Consumption and Sexual Development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Overbeek, Geertjan; van de Bongardt, Daphne; Baams, Laura


    One main source of sexual socialization lies within family interactions. Especially sexuality-specific parenting may determine adolescents’ sexual development—adolescents’ sexual behavior and sexual risk behavior, sexualized media consumption and permissive sexual attitudes—to a significant extent,

  6. Dimorfismo sexual en tamaño y marca frontal en el chorlo nevado (Charadrius nivosus

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    Salvador Gómez del Ángel


    Full Text Available El dimorfismo sexual en aves se expresa de diferentes formas, entre ellas está el tamaño o la coloración del plumaje. En aves playeras las marcas melánicas son distintas entre sexos y muy variables; se cree que cumplen una función disruptiva con el paisaje. Analizamos el dimorfismo sexual en tamaño corporal y en la estructura de la barra frontal del chorlo nevado (Charadrius nivosus y encontramos que el tarso, la cuerda alar y que tanto la longitud como la amplitud de la barra frontal son de mayores dimensiones en los machos. Además, describimos por primera vez un ornamento con forma de “cuernos” en la frente, exclusivo de los machos. Aunque otros autores han revisado la variabilidad de estas marcas, su valor adaptativo es poco conocido. Consideramos que el dimorfismo en la estructura de la barra frontal es importante dentro y entre sexos durante la temporada reproductora, ya que cumple un papel clave durante los despliegues de cortejo y en la competencia entre machos, donde son exhibidas las plumas del pecho que contrastan con esta marca. Además, las medidas morfométricas mayores en los machos son consistentes con la poliandria y la competitividad intensa entre los machos.

  7. The reciprocal relationship between sexual victimization and sexual assertiveness. (United States)

    Livingston, Jennifer A; Testa, Maria; VanZile-Tamsen, Carol


    Low sexual assertiveness has been proposed as a possible mechanism through which sexual revictimization occurs, yet evidence for this has been mixed. In this study, prospective path analysis was used to examine the relationship between sexual refusal assertiveness and sexual victimization over time among a community sample of women. Results provide support for a reciprocal relationship, with historical victimization predicting low sexual assertiveness and low sexual assertiveness predicting subsequent victimization. The effect of recent sexual victimization on subsequent sexual assertiveness also was replicated prospectively. These findings suggest that strengthening sexual assertiveness may help reduce vulnerability to future victimization.

  8. Papel de los anticuerpos en la protección contra micobacterium tuberculosis

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    Nesty Olivares


    Full Text Available Convencionalmente se asume que la defensa del hospedero contra Mycobacterium tuberculosis se basa en los mecanismos de inmunidad celular exclusivamente y se descarta el papel de los anticuerpos en la protección. En este trabajo se analizan evidencias recientes que retan este dogma y sugieren la importancia de considerar la manipulación de la respuesta inmune humoral como una alternativa en la investigación de vacunas contra la tuberculosis.

  9. Factors associated with sexual arousal, sexual sensation seeking, and sexual satisfaction among African-American adolescent females


    Sales, Jessica M.; Smearman, Erica; Brody, Gene H.; Milhausen, Robin; Philibert, Robert A.; DiClemente, Ralph J.


    Sexuality-related constructs such as sexual arousal, sexual sensation seeking (SSS) and sexual satisfaction have been related to sexual behaviors that place one at risk for adverse consequences such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV, and unintended pregnancy. The biopsychosocial model posits an array of factors, ranging from social environmental factors, biological, and psychological predispositions that may be associated with these sexuality constructs in adolescent samples. Afr...

  10. Gender, Religiosity, Sexual Activity, Sexual Knowledge, and Attitudes Toward Controversial Aspects of Sexuality. (United States)

    Sümer, Zeynep Hatipoğlu


    The purpose of this study is to examine the role of gender, religiosity, sexual activity, and sexual knowledge in predicting attitudes toward controversial aspects of sexuality among Turkish university students. Participants were 162 female and 135 male undergraduate students who were recruited on a volunteer basis from an urban state university in Turkey. The SKAT-A Attitude Scale along with background information form, sexual activities inventory, and sexual knowledge scale were administered to the participants. Simultaneous multiple regression analyses revealed that religiosity, particularly attendance to religious services was the most significant predictor in explaining university students' attitudes toward masturbation, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, and sexual coercion.

  11. Sexual victimization, fear of sexual powerlessness, and cognitive emotion dysregulation as barriers to sexual assertiveness in college women. (United States)

    Zerubavel, Noga; Messman-Moore, Terri L


    The current study examined sexual victimization and two barriers to young women's sexual assertiveness: fear of sexual powerlessness and cognitive emotion dysregulation. College women (N = 499) responded to surveys and indicated that fear of sexual powerlessness and, to a lesser extent, cognitive emotion dysregulation were barriers to sexual assertiveness. Compared with nonvictims, sexually victimized women had greater problems with sexual assertiveness, fear of sexual powerlessness, and cognitive emotion dysregulation. Among victims, fear of sexual powerlessness and emotion dysregulation interacted to impede sexual assertiveness. Findings support targeting identified barriers in interventions to improve sexual assertiveness and reduce risk for unwanted sexual experiences and sexual victimization.

  12. El papel de la universidad en Comunidades de Aprendizaje

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    Antonio Aguilera


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describen y analizan las existentes y posibles relaciones entre la universidad y las Comunidades de Aprendizaje, así como los beneficios para ambas que se derivan de la colaboración entre ellas. Para ello nos centramos en el papel que la universidad puede desempeñar en los procesos de transformación en Comunidades de Aprendizaje que se están llevando a cabo en diferentes centros educativos. Se exponen las experiencias de las universidades de Barcelona y Sevilla. Se sugiere una segunda vía de colaboración que tiene que ver con la transformación de los propios centros universitarios en Comunidades de Aprendizaje.


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    Marlon Clovis Medeiros


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa as mudanças recentes na geografia do mercado mundial de produtos agrícolas, discutindo a inserção do Brasil, o papel dos mercados futuros na elevação dos preços internacionais e as mudanças entre os países exportadores e importadores de produtos agrícolas. Argumentamos que a principal mudança no espaço agrícola mundial nas últimas duas décadas foi o crescimento dos investimentos financeiros em commodities agrícolas e o crescimento dos mercados de futuros. A dinâmica financeira se tornou dominante nos mercados agrícolas, levando à mudanças nas safras e nos preços, tornando-os subordinados à expectativa de retorno dos investidores. Este foi o principal elemento da inflação de preços agrícolas em 2006-2008. Estudos dos mais diversos organismos internacionais (FAO, FMI e Banco Mundial apontaram cenários de agravamento da fome em inúmeros países e de continuidade da alta de preços, mas desviaram o foco do papel da especulação, apontando duas grandes causas: a produção de biocombustíveis e o aumento do consumo de alimentos na Ásia. No presente artigo argumentamos pelo contrário, que o papel das vendas antecipadas nas bolsas de mercadorias e futuros, foi o elemento determinante. A oferta e a demanda agrícola vem perderam espaço como reguladores de preços para a antecipação e expectativas dos mercados futuros. Os preços são determinados antes mesmo do plantio. A ampliação dos fluxos internacionais de capital e as crises financeiras trouxeram a dinâmica internacional para o centro dos debates geográficos e sobre os rumos da agricultura.

  14. Subjective sleep quality, unstimulated sexual arousal, and sexual frequency

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    Rui Costa

    Full Text Available Introduction: REM sleep deprivation increases unstimulated erections in rats, and total sleep deprivation increases erections during audiovisual sexual stimulation in men, but the effects of sleep problems on human unstimulated sexual arousal are unknown. Objective: We examined the associations of subjective sleep quality with unstimulated sexual arousal, satisfaction with sex life, and sexual frequency and desire over the past month. Methods: 275 Portuguese (169 women reported their anxiety, sexual arousal and sexual desire during a resting state, and completed the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the sexual satisfaction subscale of the LiSat scale, the Desire dimensions of the Female Sexual Function Index (women only and International Index of Erectile Function (men only. They additionally reported how many days in the past month they engaged in penile-vaginal intercourse, noncoital sex, and masturbation. Salivary testosterone (T was assayed by luminescence immunoassays. Results: Poorer sleep quality correlated with greater unstimulated sexual arousal in men with higher T levels and in women with higher T levels not taking oral contraceptives. In women with lower T, poorer subjective sleep quality correlated with greater sexual dissatisfaction. In both sexes, sleep quality was uncorrelated with sexual desire and sexual frequency over the past month. Discussion: Consistently with other studies in humans and animals, the findings are congruent with the notion that lack of sleep can increase sexual arousal, but not sexual frequency. T might play a role in the sexual arousal caused by lack of appropriate sleep.

  15. Multidimensional sexual perfectionism. (United States)

    Stoeber, Joachim; Harvey, Laura N; Almeida, Isabel; Lyons, Emma


    Perfectionism is a multidimensional personality characteristic that can affect all areas of life. This article presents the first systematic investigation of multidimensional perfectionism in the domain of sexuality exploring the unique relationships that different forms of sexual perfectionism show with positive and negative aspects of sexuality. A sample of 272 university students (52 male, 220 female) completed measures of four forms of sexual perfectionism: self-oriented, partner-oriented, partner-prescribed, and socially prescribed. In addition, they completed measures of sexual esteem, sexual self-efficacy, sexual optimism, sex life satisfaction (capturing positive aspects of sexuality) and sexual problem self-blame, sexual anxiety, sexual depression, and negative sexual perfectionism cognitions during sex (capturing negative aspects). Results showed unique patterns of relationships for the four forms of sexual perfectionism, suggesting that partner-prescribed and socially prescribed sexual perfectionism are maladaptive forms of sexual perfectionism associated with negative aspects of sexuality whereas self-oriented and partner-oriented sexual perfectionism emerged as ambivalent forms associated with positive and negative aspects.

  16. Child sexual abuse, links to later sexual exploitation/high-risk sexual behavior, and prevention/treatment programs. (United States)

    Lalor, Kevin; McElvaney, Rosaleen


    This paper reviews the literature on the nature and incidence of child sexual abuse, explores the link between child sexual abuse and later sexual exploitation, and reviews the literature on prevention strategies and effective interventions in child sexual abuse services. Our understanding of the international epidemiology of child sexual abuse is considerably greater than it was just 10 years ago, and studies from around the world are examined. Childhood sexual abuse can involve a wide number of psychological sequelae, including low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Numerous studies have noted that child sexual abuse victims are vulnerable to later sexual revictimization, as well as the link between child sexual abuse and later engagement in high-risk sexual behaviour. Survivors of child sexual abuse are more likely to have multiple sex partners, become pregnant as teenagers, and experience sexual assault as adults. Various models which attempt to account for this inter-relationship are presented; most invoke mediating variables such as low self-esteem, drug/alcohol use, PTSD and distorted sexual development. Prevention strategies for child sexual abuse are examined including media campaigns, school-based prevention programmes, and therapy with abusers. The results of a number of meta-analyses are examined. However, researchers have identified significant methodological limitations in the extant research literature that impede the making of recommendations for implementing existing therapeutic programmes unreservedly.

  17. Sexual Regret

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    Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair


    Full Text Available The current study sought to answer three key questions about explaining the emotion of regret in the domain of casual sex: Are sex differences in sexual regret robust or attenuated in a highly egalitarian culture? What proximate psychological variables might explain sex differences in sexual regret? And what accounts for within-sex variation in experiences of sexual regret about casual sex. We conducted a study of 263 Norwegian students (ages 19–37 who reported how much they regretted having either engaged in, or passed up, their most recent casual sexual experience. Sex differences in sexual regret are not attenuated in this sexually egalitarian culture. The study revealed sex differences in worries about pregnancy, STIs, and reputation; however, these predictors did not succeed in accounting for the sex differences in regret engaging in casual sex. Sexual gratification and socio-sexual orientation both predicted the sex differences in casual sex regret. In contrast, only socio-sexual orientation attenuated the sex difference in regret passing up casual sex. Predictors of within-sex variation in casual sexual regret included worry about sexual reputation, experienced gratification during the encounter, and socio-sexual orientation. Discussion focuses on implications for the psychological design features of this relatively neglected emotion.

  18. Prior childhood sexual abuse in mothers of sexually abused children. (United States)

    Oates, R K; Tebbutt, J; Swanston, H; Lynch, D L; O'Toole, B I


    To see if mothers who were sexually abused in their own childhood are at increased risk of their children being sexually abused and to see if prior sexual abuse in mothers affects their parenting abilities. Sixty-seven mothers whose children had been sexually abused by others and 65 control mothers were asked about sexual abuse in their own childhood. The sexually abused children of mothers who had been sexually abused in their own childhood were compared with the sexually abused children of mothers who had not suffered child sexual abuse as children. Comparisons were made on self-esteem, depression and behavior in the children. Thirty-four percent of mothers of sexually abused children gave a history of sexual abuse in their own childhoods, compared with 12% of control mothers. Assessment of the sexually abused children for self-esteem, depression and behavior at the time of diagnosis, after 18 months and after 5 years showed no difference in any of these measures at any of the three time intervals between those whose mothers had suffered child sexual abuse and those whose mothers had not been abused. In this study, sexual abuse in a mother's own childhood was related to an increased risk of sexual abuse occurring in the next generation, although prior maternal sexual abuse did not effect outcome in children who were sexually abused.

  19. Diversidad sexual, salud y ciudadanía

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    Carlos F Cáceres


    Full Text Available Las orientaciones sexuales no heterosexuales dejaron de ser consideradas como patológicas por la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana en 1973 y por la Organización Mundial de la Salud en 1990. Sin embargo, en opinión de los autores, en América Latina estos cambios no se han traducido ni en una atención en salud inclusiva ni en el reconocimiento como ciudadanos plenos de las personas no heterosexuales. Este documento tiene como propósito brindar un panorama teórico referente a sexualidad, proponiendo condiciones apropiadas que permitan encarar exitosamente los desafíos que se presentan. Así, se expone el papel regulador que ejerce la medicina sobre la sexualidad, hecho que ha generado reacciones tanto académicas como políticas. Se señala el progresivo cambio dado en las ciencias médicas: desde considerar patológica la sexualidad no heterosexual hasta ofrecerle, al menos en teoría, inclusión. Se describen los impactos negativos que un ambiente social adverso genera en un individuo. Finalmente, se proponen acciones concretas a tomar para brindar mejores servicios de salud a las y los ciudadanos no heterosexuales.

  20. Papel da motivação na aprendizagem de um instrumento


    Cardoso, Francisco


    Este artigo pretende fazer realçar o papel da motivação num contexto específico: a aprendizagem de um instrumento numa escola de ensino especializado. Dada a complexidade dos processos e das competências envolvidas na aprendizagem instrumental é essencial que os professores desenvolvam uma atitude pedagógica que leve os alunos a sentir-se motivados. As teorias da motivação já são objecto de estudo há largas décadas, mas apenas recentemente tem sido estudado o impacto dessas teorias para a apr...

  1. El papel del espacio en la explicación del abstencionismo


    Ávila-Eggleton, Marcela; Gutiérrez Sánchez, Héctor


    Resumen: Este trabajo analiza el papel del espacio en la comprensión del abstencionismo en las elecciones para diputados federales entre 1994 y 2012. En primer lugar, se usa el índice Morán y se refuta la hipótesis de independencia espacial; luego se utilizan técnicas de regresión espacial para mostrar cómo la inclusión del espacio puede alterar relaciones estadísticas entre la abstención y variables independientes; finalmente, se utiliza la cartografía electoral para mostrar posibles estudio...

  2. Textbook Sexual Inadequacy? A Review of Sexuality Texts. (United States)

    Goettsch, Stephen L.


    Reviews eight current human sexuality textbooks for both their general organization and substantive content. Addresses specifically the content areas of sexual response cycle; sexual disfunction; acquaintance rape; AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases; extramarital sex; abortion; homosexuality; and pornography. Identifies as a recurring fault…

  3. Sexual Narcissism and the Perpetration of Sexual Aggression


    Widman, Laura; McNulty, James K.


    Despite indirect evidence linking narcissism to sexual aggression, studies directly examining this relationship have yielded inconsistent results. Likely contributing to such inconsistencies, prior research has used global measures of narcissism not sensitive to whether the components of narcissism are activated in sexual versus non-sexual domains. The current research avoided such problems by using a measure of sexual narcissism to predict sexual aggression. In a sample of 299 men and women,...

  4. Sexual Health

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    McMahon Sharon


    Full Text Available Abstract Health Issue Much attention is devoted to women's reproductive health, but the formative and mature stages of women's sexual lives are often overlooked. We have analyzed cross-sectional data from the Sexual Behaviour module of the 2000/2001 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS, and reviewed the literature and available indicators of the sexual health of Canadian women. Key Findings Contemporary Canadian adolescents are becoming sexually active at younger ages than in previous generations. The gender gap between young males and females in age at first intercourse has virtually disappeared. The mean age at first intercourse for CCHS respondents aged 15–24 years was between 16 and 17. Canadian-born respondents are significantly younger at first intercourse than those who were born outside of Canada. Few adolescents recognize important risks to their sexual health. Older Canadians are sexually active, and continue to find emotional and physical satisfaction in their sexual relationships. Data Gaps and Recommendations Both health surveys and targeted research must employ a broader understanding of sexuality to measure changes in and determinants of the sexual health of Canadians. There is reluctance to direct questions about sexual issues to younger Canadians, even though increased knowledge of sexual health topics is associated with delayed onset of sexual intercourse. Among adults, sex-positive resources are needed to address aspects of aging, rather than medicalizing age-related sexual dysfunction. Age and gender-appropriate sexual health care, education, and knowledge are important not only for women of reproductive age, but for Canadians at all stages of life.

  5. Sexual Orientation as Interpretation? Sexual Desires, Concepts, and Choice

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    Díaz-León E.


    Full Text Available Are sexual orientations freely chosen? The idea that someone’s sexual orientation is not a choice is very influential in the mainstream LGBT political movement. But do we have good reasons to believe it is not a choice? Going against the orthodoxy, William Wilkerson has recently argued that sexual orientation is partly constituted by our interpretations of our own sexual desires, and we choose these interpretations, so sexual orientation is partly constituted by choice. In this paper I aim to examine the question of whether our interpretations of our own sexual desires are constitutive of our sexual orientations. I will argue that whereas Wilkerson’s argument for the claim that sexual orientations are in part constituted by our chosen interpretations of our sexual desires is not sound, there are good reasons for endorsing a weaker claim, namely, that there are different but equally apt descriptions of the same sexual desires, depending on which concepts we have.

  6. [Medical students' sexuality--development and fulfilment of sexual needs]. (United States)

    Müldner-Nieckowski, Łukasz; Klasa, Katarzyna; Sobański, Jerzy A; Rutkowski, Krzysztof; Dembińska, Edyta


    Education in human sexual physiology and pathology, as well as own sexual health of medical doctors determines in a large proportion the ability to talk with patients about their sexual disorders. Therefore the authors considered important to collect and assess data regarding sexual health and development of Medical Faculty students. Analysis of selected aspects of psychosexual development and sex life of IVth grade medical students. We applied the self-report Questionnaire of Satisfaction with Sexual Life (KSS2), an instrument created to assess sexual problems in patients treated with group psychotherapy. Medical students filled the questionnaire when attending the courses of Psychopathology of neurotic disorders or Psychotherapy. Analysis of the collected data revealed a relatively high differentiation of the studied group in regard of satisfaction and experiences with sexual life, attitudes towards masturbation, relationships and sexual activity. Regarding some aspects, significant differences between women and men occurred. A set of factors were identified, some of them may negatively influence medical doctor's competencies in the domain of sexual health. These are not having sexual debut or even lack of any erotic experiences and lack of sexual satisfaction. The results indicate a significant prevalence of factors, which may impede students education as well as taking into consideration the sexual issues during the medical interview. Assessment of influence of students' and doctors' own sexuality on their competencies in diagnostics and treatment requires further studies.

  7. Gendered Sexuality : Exploring dynamics of the sexual double standard

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Emmerink, P.M.J.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/363312633


    The sexual double standard (SDS) is a divergent set of expectations for boys and men, and girls and women for engaging in romantic and sexual behaviour. It prescribes that boys and men should be sexually active, assertive and take sexual initiative, whereas girls and women should be sexually

  8. O papel do tutor em cursos de educação a distância: competências e habilidades

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    Ana Maria Araújo Passos de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O papel profissional do tutor em cursos em EAD deve ser concebido como o conjunto de condições necessárias para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem à distância. Diante desse contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer as competências e as habilidades necessárias ao papel do Tutor em cursos à distância. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, utilizou-se do deli-neamento exploratório, através de pesquisa bibliográfica em que foram analisadas as conside-rações sobre a EAD, o sistema de tutoria e o papel do Tutor em cursos a distância, bem como a formação necessária para essa função. A partir da análise dos resultados, concluiu-se que o conjunto básico das competências e as habilidades necessárias que caracterizam o papel do tutor em cursos EAD são: possuir habilidades de comunicação, liderança, dinamismo, iniciativa, entusiasmo, criatividade, participação, motivação, competência interpessoal e de trabalho em equipe, além de comprometimento com a formação dos alunos, agilidade no atendimento ao aluno, proporcionando feedback das atividades, conhecer a organização pedagógica, adminis-trativa do curso e ter uma formação condizente com as atividades que irá desenvolver. Por isso, além de uma formação acadêmica em nível de graduação e pós-graduação, ele deve ter cursos específicos na área da Educação à Distância.


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    Lúcia Bento Martins


    Full Text Available Em uma tentativa estratégica que possui como objetivo principal o aumento do contingente turístico em baixa temporada, o Convention Bureau em parceria com o poder público, desempenham um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento de atividades que apoiam a captação e realização de eventos indutores de fluxo turístico. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar a estrutura da oferta turística para eventos no município de Bonito. Como procedimentos metodológicos, utilizou-se pesquisas bibliográficas, pesquisa de campo e entrevistas. Como resultados, percebeu-se que entre os principais eventos locais, com grande alcance de público são o Festival de Inverno de Bonito/MS e o Festival da Guavira, além dos eventos técnico-científicos que ocorrem na cidade. Verificou-se ainda que a cidade de Bonito/MS é detentora de uma sólida estrutura de hospedagem, com capacidade de acolher os visitantes e ao mesmo tempo servir como infraestrutura de eventos, e que o Centro de Convenções e o Convention Bureau tem papel fundamental na promoção da cidade enquanto destino turístico não apenas de natureza, mas de eventos também.

  10. Mediators of Sexual Revictimization Risk in Adult Sexual Assault Victims (United States)

    Ullman, Sarah E.; Vasquez, Amanda L.


    This study examined sexual risk behaviors and sexual refusal assertiveness in relationship to child sexual abuse (CSA), emotion dysregulation, and adult sexual revictimization. Path analyses of 1,094 survivors who had sex in the past year were done to examine sexual risk behavior, and sexual refusal assertiveness mediational pathways by which CSA severity and emotion dysregulation may affect revictimization over one year in adult female sexual assault survivors. Exchanging sex for money and sexual refusal assertiveness were significantly associated with emotion dysregulation, whereas exchanging sex for money, and not sexual refusal assertiveness, was only significantly related to CSA severity. Both exchanging sex for money and sex refusal assertiveness mediated the relationship between emotion dysregulation and adult sexual revictimization. Exchanging sex for money mediated the CSA severity-revictimization relationship. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering both risky and protective sexual behaviors in research and prevention programming that address sexual revictimization in women. PMID:25942287

  11. Etiological correlates of vaginismus: sexual and physical abuse, sexual knowledge, sexual self-schema, and relationship adjustment. (United States)

    Reissing, Elke D; Binik, Yitzchak M; Khalifé, Samir; Cohen, Deborah; Amsel, Rhonda


    This study investigated the role of sexual and physical abuse, sexual self-schema, sexual functioning, sexual knowledge, relationship adjustment, and psychological distress in 87 women matched on age, relationship status, and parity and assigned to 3 groups--vaginismus, dyspareunia/vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (VVS), and no pain. More women with vaginismus reported a history of childhood sexual interference, and women in both the vaginismus and VVS groups reported lower levels of sexual functioning and a less positive sexual self-schema. Lack of support for traditionally held hypotheses concerning etiological correlates of vaginismus and the relationship between vaginismus and dyspareunia are discussed.

  12. Sexual Fears and Avoidant Sexual Behavior in Medical Students. (United States)

    Popov, Stefan P; Mateva, Nonka G; Iliev, Yanko T; Dechev, Ivan D; Karalilova, Rositsa V


    Sexual fears, sometimes in the form of phobias, lead to aversive or sexually avoidant behavior blocking sexual closeness and resulting in deep personal and interpersonal distress. To determine the types of sexual fears and aversive behavior in young people of reproductive age (students) and their degree of markedness as to encourage a further implementation of prevention programs and interventions. The study included 116 fifth-year medical students in Plovdiv Medical University. Of these, 55 men and 61 women were assessed with the Sexual Aversion Scale, a 30-item self-rating questionnaire. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria of sexual aversion were used. The statistical analyses used were descriptive statistics and independent samples t-test. Sexual fears and aversive or blocking behavior are mild to moderate, mean score of 1.54 ± 0.04, without statistically significant gender differences. Both sexes have established fear-related sexual aversive motives of sexual behavior related to the risk of unwanted pregnancy and HIV infection. Women have significantly higher average scores for the following statements: fear of sexual intercourse (1.61 vs 1.25), avoidance of situations in which they may be involved sexually (1.95 vs 1.51), avoidance of genital sexual contact (1.44 vs 1.16), fear of catching a sexually transmitted disease (2.46 vs 2.09 ), fear of pregnancy (2.61 vs 2.15) and concerns what other people think of them (2.34 vs 1.93 ). Sexual fears and aversive or blocking behavior were mild to moderate. In both sexes similar fears--aversive or blocking patterns of sexual behavior were found, mainly associated with the fear of unwanted pregnancy and the risk of HIV infection, more expressed in women.


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    Leandro Reginaldo Maximino Lelis


    Full Text Available A territorialização do complexo eucalipto-celulose-papel, no município de Três Lagoas, ocorreu em meados da década de 2000, provocando intensa reestruturação espacial, produtiva e econômica, além de diversos impactos socioambientais. Destarte, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a resistência camponesa frente à territorialização do complexo em questão no município pesquisado. A partir da análise do material bibliográfico selecionado, dos dados de fontes secundárias e dos questionários, contatou-se que, apesar das dificuldades, a maioiria dos camponeses pesquisados pretende ficar no campo, evidenciando a resistência camponesa perante às adversidades impostas pela territorialização do capital, representado, em Três Lagoas, pelo complexo eucalipto-celulose-papel.

  14. Effects of Sexuality Information on Sexual Behavior and Control of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    There was significant correlation between knowledge of sexuality and sexual ... Conclusion: It is recommended that instructors on sexuality education be ... youths facts of sexuality, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases to reduce the ...

  15. Effect of normative masculinity on males' dysfunctional sexual beliefs, sexual attitudes, and perceptions of sexual functioning. (United States)

    Clarke, Michael J; Marks, Anthony D G; Lykins, Amy D


    Male sexual dysfunction is a prevalent and distressing condition, which may be exacerbated by the sufferer's perceptions of masculinity and normative sexual behavior. This study sought to investigate the effect of social context on males' beliefs regarding sexual behavior. The research examined the effect of male role modeling and masculine cues on males' dysfunctional sexual beliefs, sexual attitudes, and self-perceptions of sexual functioning. A sample of 140 male participants, with a mean age of 29 years, was exposed to pictorial and verbal cues that presented different versions of male behavior across three conditions. Results indicated that males exposed to models and cues of traditional masculinity showed significantly increased levels of dysfunctional sexual beliefs and traditional sexual attitudes relative to males exposed to models of modern masculinity. Results also indicated that males exposed to traditional masculine stimuli reported lower levels of sexual inhibition due to fear of performance failure than males exposed to models of modern masculinity. The potential role of social context is discussed in the development and maintenance of male sexual dysfunction and its implications for treatment.

  16. El papel de algunas instituciones sociales en el derecho a decidir sobre la regulación de la fecundidad

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    Ivonne Szasz


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta algunas posiciones que se debaten en la bibliografía actual sobre el papel de las instituciones sociales en la toma de decisiones sobre los eventos reproductivos y su regulación. Se plantean algunos términos del debate sobre los derechos reproductivos y el papel de las instituciones públicas de salud, distinguiendo entre el desempeño de esas instituciones en distintos tipos de escenarios estatales. Se analiza también el papel que pueden desempeñar las organizaciones no gubernamentales en la promoción del derecho a decidir, distinguiendo entre las ONG vinculadas con movimientos sociales de base y las organizaciones asistenciales asociadas con grupos de poder. Un pequeño apartado se refiere a la importancia de la familia y las relaciones de parentesco en la toma de decisiones reproductivas, y por último, se señalan las potencialidades del ámbito escolar tanto en la reproducción como en la transformación de relaciones de género y generacionales de tipo autoritario que dificultan el desarrollo de la autonomía personal y de la reflexión crítica.

  17. Sexual Desire in Sexual Minority and Majority Women and Men: The Multifaceted Sexual Desire Questionnaire. (United States)

    Chadwick, Sara B; Burke, Shannon M; Goldey, Katherine L; Bell, Sarah N; van Anders, Sari M


    Sexual desire is increasingly understood to be multifaceted and not solely erotically oriented, but measures are still generally unitary and eroticism-focused. Our goals in this article were to explore the multifaceted nature of sexual desire and develop a measure to do so, and to determine how multifaceted sexual desire might be related to gender/sex and sexual orientation/identity. In the development phase, we generated items to form the 65-item Sexual Desire Questionnaire (DESQ). Next, the DESQ was administered to 609 women, 705 men, and 39 non-binary identified participants. Results showed that the DESQ demonstrated high reliability and validity, and that sexual desire was neither unitary nor entirely erotic, but instead was remarkably multifaceted. We also found that multifaceted sexual desire was in part related to social location variables such as gender/sex and sexual orientation/identity. We propose the DESQ as a measure of multifaceted sexual desire that can be used to compare factor themes, total scores, and scores across individual items in diverse groups that take social context into account. Results are discussed in light of how social location variables should be considered when making generalizations about sexual desire, and how conceptualizations of desire as multifaceted may provide important insights.

  18. Sexual Essays

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Giles, James

    Through a series of interrelated essays, this book explores fundamental issues concerning gender, sexual and romantic attraction, sexual desire and fantasies, the sexual positions, age dysphoria, and the role of naked skin in human sexuality. It does so by exploring experiential, social, biological...... on sex. It is further argued that sexual desire is an existential need based on the experience of having a gendered body. A case study of age dysphoria is presented showing how the conclusions concerning concerning gender and desire apply in an atypical case. The body's fundamental role in sexuality......, and evolutionary aspects of sexual life. The author criticizes several popular views, rejecting both social constructionist accounts of gender and social constructionist and biological accounts of sexual desire. It is argued instead that gender roles and gender are often confused and that gender itself is based...

  19. Factores associados à importância da atividade sexual na idade sénior: o papel da qualidade de vida


    Matias, Vera Maria Das Neves Gomes Pereira


    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário O objectivo geral deste estudo é analisar as variáveis preditores da importância que tem para o idoso a actividade sexual neste período da vida. Como objectivo específico destaca-se a análise da qualidade de vida e sua influência na importância que o sujeito dá ao sexo na idade sénior. A amostra foi constituída por 445 homens e mulheres com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, não institucionalizados. Os instrumentos incl...

  20. Sexual learning, sexual experience, and healthy adolescent sex. (United States)

    Fortenberry, J Dennis


    This chapter is organized around the question "How do adolescents learn to have healthy sex?" The chapter assumes that sexual learning derives from a broad range of both informal and formal sources that contribute to learning within the context of neurocognitive brain systems that modulate sexual motivations and self-regulation. The overall objective is to consider how adolescents become sexually functional and healthy and to provide a conceptual basis for expansion of sexual learning to better support healthy sexual functioning. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Outcomes of Sexual Behaviors among Sexual Minority Youth (United States)

    Morgan, Elizabeth M.


    Very little is known about outcomes of sexual behavior for sexual minority youth. In this chapter, I review relevant literature and draw on findings from my own research to initiate an inquiry into this important topic. I begin with a brief overview of the range of sexual behaviors of sexual minority adolescents and young adults. Next, I describe…

  2. Male sexuality. (United States)

    Ginsberg, Terrie B


    It should be recognized that sexuality in the aging male is of such import that a complete sexual history must be performed. By taking a complete sexual history, facts can be obtained that will allow for appropriate focus relating to a holistic evaluation and will enable us to dispel antiquated sexual myths pertaining to the aging male. If initiated by the history taker, questions concerning sexuality may be discussed more comfortably by the patient. Erectile dysfunction, male sexual response cycle, testosterone, sexually transmitted diseases, human immunodeficiency virus, long-term illness, along with religion and culture are explored in this article with the aim of improving one's knowledge base, self reflection, and awareness of the importance of male sexuality. A complete understanding and appreciation of the aging male's medical history, surgical history, social history, and emotional history as well as his sexual, cultural, and religious concepts will allow the health care provider to better analyze information, and to recommend and provide appropriate advice and treatment to the aging male patient. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. The implications of sexual narcissism for sexual and marital satisfaction. (United States)

    McNulty, James K; Widman, Laura


    There is theoretical reason to believe narcissism is associated with a number of sexual behaviors and outcomes that affect both sexual and relationship satisfaction. Nevertheless, research on the association between personality and behavior demonstrates that personality traits, such as narcissism, only predict behavior in domains that activate the components of the personality system. Given that global assessments of narcissism do not capture the extent to which the components of narcissism are activated in the sexual domain, we examined the extent to which the facets of a domain-specific measure of sexual narcissism accounted for the trajectories of own and partner sexual and marital satisfaction over the first five years of 120 new marriages. Three of the four facets of sexual narcissism (sexual exploitation, sexual entitlement, and low sexual empathy) were negatively associated with both trajectories. The fourth facet (sexual skill) was positively associated with both trajectories. Notably, sexual satisfaction mediated the effect of every facet of sexual narcissism on marital satisfaction. A global assessment of narcissism was not associated with either trajectory of satisfaction. These findings highlight (1) the importance of narcissistic tendencies for sexual processes, (2) the benefits of using domain-specific measures of personality in research on sexual behavior, and (3) the importance of examining the implications of the specific facets of personality constructs.

  4. The Implications of Sexual Narcissism for Sexual and Marital Satisfaction (United States)

    McNulty, James K.; Widman, Laura


    There is theoretical reason to believe narcissism is associated with a number of sexual behaviors and outcomes that affect both sexual and relationship satisfaction. Nevertheless, research on the association between personality and behavior demonstrates that personality traits, such as narcissism, only predict behavior in domains that activate the components of the personality system. Given that global assessments of narcissism do not capture the extent to which the components of narcissism are activated in the sexual domain, we examined the extent to which the facets of a domain-specific measure of sexual narcissism accounted for the trajectories of own and partner sexual and marital satisfaction over the first five years of 120 new marriages. Three of the four facets of sexual narcissism (sexual exploitation, sexual entitlement, and low sexual empathy) were negatively associated with both trajectories. The fourth facet (sexual skill) was positively associated with both trajectories. Notably, sexual satisfaction mediated the effect of every facet of sexual narcissism on marital satisfaction. A global assessment of narcissism was not associated with either trajectory of satisfaction. These findings highlight (1) the importance of narcissistic tendencies for sexual processes, (2) the benefits of using domain-specific measures of personality in research on sexual behavior, and (3) the importance of examining the implications of the specific facets of personality constructs. PMID:23297145

  5. Predictores familiares de la violencia filio-parental: el papel de la disciplina familiar


    Izaskun Ibabe


    La violencia filio-parental es un problema social cualitativamente diferente a otros tipos de violencia familiar, porque los adolescentes dirigen la violencia hacia quienes debieran representar la autoridad y proporcionarles bienestar. El objetivo principal de este estudio era analizar el papel de las relaciones paternofiliales y la disciplina familiar en el desarrollo de conductas violentas y prosociales de los adolescentes hacia sus padres. En el estudio participaron 585 hijos/as (48% varon...

  6. Programa Papel Pasado: Apoyo a las Regularizaciones Fundiarias?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Lessa da Silva


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analizó la efectividad del Programa Papel Pasado del gobierno federal cuya finalidad es el apoyo a las regularizaciones fundiarias de interés social en áreas urbanas con vistas a garantizar el derecho a la vivienda digna y adecuada a las poblaciones de baja renta. Así, buscó en la análisis del ordenamiento jurídico internacional y interno, demostrar el fundamento de validez para el reconocimiento del derecho a la vivienda adecuada como un derecho humano y fundamental social que demanda del Estado el deber de lo garantizar. Se utilizó del método de investigación teórico-dogmática, exploratorio y explicativo, adoptándose una investigación jurídica y social de naturaleza aplicada, cualitativa y cuantitativa, de análisis, documental y bibliográfica. Se constató que la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos reconoce el derecho a la vivienda como un derecho humano, teniendo su concepto, significado y abrangencia mejor detallados en los comentarios y observaciones generales realizados por los comités de los pactos. Además, en el plan nacional el derecho a la vivienda está garantizado, expresamente, en el caput del artículo 6º de la CRFB. Se verificó que a pesar de la Ley 11.977/09 listar otros legitimados a promover la regularización fundiaria de interés social, es el Municipio que detiene los instrumentos necesarios para, efectivamente, providenciar las regularizaciones fundiarias, en cumplimento a la determinación constitucional previstas en los artículos 182 y 183. El problema de los municipios es el presupuesto insuficiente para tamaña responsabilidad, debiendo recibir apoyo técnico-financiero de los demás entes. Sin embargo, delante del análisis de la efectividad del programa Papel Pasado de apoyo a las regularizaciones fundiarias del Gobierno Federal, se constató que, hasta el momento, el programa es totalmente ineficaz para lo que se propone. Porque en la práctica, tras siete a

  7. The effects of similarity in sexual excitation, inhibition, and mood on sexual arousal problems and sexual satisfaction in newlywed couples. (United States)

    Lykins, Amy D; Janssen, Erick; Newhouse, Sarah; Heiman, Julia R; Rafaeli, Eshkol


    Despite the importance of sexuality for romantic relationships, there has been little research attention to individual differences and dyadic variables, including couple similarity, and their association with sexual problems and satisfaction. The current study examined the effects of the propensity for sexual inhibition and sexual excitation scales (SIS/SES) and the effects of different mood states on sexuality (Mood and Sexuality Questionnaire [MSQ]), at both the individual and the dyad level, on sexual arousal problems and sexual satisfaction. Similarity in SIS/SES and MSQ was measured in a nonclinical sample of 35 newlywed couples and operationally defined as the within-couple, z-transformed correlations between the two partners' item responses. Sexual arousal problems were assessed using self-report measures (Demographic and Sexual History Questionnaire) and focused on the past 3 months. Sexual satisfaction was assessed using the Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction. Regression analyses revealed that greater similarity in the effects of anxiety and stress on sexuality was associated with more reported sexual arousal problems of wives. In contrast, the husbands' sexual arousal problems were related only to their own higher SIS1 scores. Higher SES scores predicted lower sexual satisfaction for both husbands and wives. Wives who reported strong positive mood effects on their sexuality indicated greater sexual satisfaction, while husbands who were more similar to their wives in the effect of positive moods on sexuality indicated greater sexual satisfaction. The findings show that, above and beyond one's own sexual propensities, similarity in various aspects of sexuality predicts sexual problems (more so in women) and sexual satisfaction (in both men and women). © 2012 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  8. Sexual Anxiety and Eroticism Predict the Development of Sexual Problems in Youth With a History of Sexual Abuse


    Simon, Valerie A.; Feiring, Candice


    Youth with confirmed histories of sexual abuse (N = 118) were followed longitudinally to examine associations between their initial sexual reactions to abuse and subsequent sexual functioning. Participants were interviewed at abuse discovery (ages 8 through 15) and again 1 and 6 years later. Eroticism and sexual anxiety emerged as distinct indices of abuse-specific sexual reactions and predicted subsequent sexual functioning. Eroticism was associated with indicators of heightened sexuality, i...

  9. Relationships among sexual self-concept and sexual risk cognition toward sexual self-efficacy in adolescents: cause-and-effect model testing. (United States)

    Hsu, Hsiu-Yueh; Yu, Hsing-Yi; Lou, Jiunn-Horng; Eng, Cheng-Joo


    Sexual self-efficacy plays an important role in adolescents' sexual health. The aim of this study was to test a cause-and-effect model of sexual self-concept and sexual risk cognition toward sexual self-efficacy in adolescents. The study was a cross-sectional survey. Using a random sampling method, a total of 713 junior nursing students were invited to participate in the study, and 465 valid surveys were returned, resulting in a return rate of 65.2%. The data was collected using an anonymous mailed questionnaire. Structural equation modeling was used to test the relationships among sexual self-concept, sexual risk cognition, and sexual self-efficacy, as well as the mediating role of sexual risk cognition. The results revealed that the postulated model fits the data well. Sexual self-concept significantly predicted sexual risk cognition and sexual self-efficacy. Sexual risk cognition significantly predicted sexual self-efficacy and had a mediating effect on the relationship between sexual self-concept and sexual self-efficacy. Based on social cognitive theory and a structural equation model technique, this study confirmed the mediating role of sexual risk cognition in the relationship between sexual self-concept and sexual self-efficacy. Also, sexual self-concept's direct and indirect effects explaining adolescents' sexual self-efficacy were found in this study. © 2014 The Authors. Japan Journal of Nursing Science © 2014 Japan Academy of Nursing Science.

  10. Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adolescents Adjudicated for Sexual Offenses: Mental Health Consequences and Sexual Offending Behaviors. (United States)

    Morais, Hugo B; Alexander, Apryl A; Fix, Rebecca L; Burkhart, Barry R


    Most studies on the mental health consequences of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) focus predominantly on CSA survivors who do not commit sexual offenses. The current study examined the effects of CSA on 498 male adolescents adjudicated for sexual offenses who represent the small portion of CSA survivors who engage in sexual offenses. The prevalence of internalizing symptoms, parental attachment difficulties, specific sexual offending behaviors, and risk for sexually offending were compared among participants with and without a history of CSA. Results indicated that participants with a history of CSA were more likely to be diagnosed with major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder than those who did not report a history of CSA. A history of CSA was also positively correlated with risk for sexually offending and with specific offense patterns and consensual sexual behaviors. No significant differences emerged on parental attachment difficulties. These results highlight that adolescents adjudicated for sexual offenses with a history of CSA present with differences in sexual and psychological functioning as well as markedly different offending patterns when compared with those without a CSA history. Clinical implications and future directions are discussed.

  11. Differences in Risky Sexual Behavior According to Sexual Orientation in Korean Adolescents. (United States)

    Kim, Ji-Su; Kim, Kyunghee; Kwak, Yeunhee


    Adolescents in sexual minority groups are known to be at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases through risky sexual behavior. However, few studies have examined associations between sexual orientation and risky sexual behavior and sexually transmitted diseases in Korean adolescents. Therefore, this cross-sectional study used raw data from the Tenth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey to explore these relationships. Logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the associations between risky sexual behavior and sexual orientation in adolescents. The participants were 6,884 adolescents who provided data regarding demographic characteristics, sexual orientation, and risky sexual behavior. The proportions of homosexual and bisexual subjects who used condoms, engaged in sexual intercourse after drinking alcohol, and experienced sexually transmitted diseases were higher relative to those of heterosexual subjects. Associations between homosexuality and bisexuality and sexually transmitted diseases and engagement in sexual intercourse after drinking remained after multivariate adjustment. Interventions to prevent risky sexual behavior should target sexual orientation, to improve sexual health and prevent sexually transmitted disease in homosexual and bisexual adolescents.

  12. Rethinking Sexual Citizenship. (United States)

    Richardson, Diane


    Over the last two decades sexuality has emerged as a key theme in debates about citizenship, leading to the development of the concept of sexual citizenship. This article reviews this literature and identifies four main areas of critical framing: work that contests the significance of sexuality to citizenship; critiques that focus on the possibilities and limitations of mobilising the language of citizenship in sexual politics; analyses of sexual citizenship in relation to nationalisms and border making; and literature that critically examines western constructions of sexuality and sexual politics underpinning understandings of sexual citizenship. In order to progress the field theoretically, the article seeks to extend critiques of sexual citizenship focusing on two key aspects of its construction: the sexual citizen-subject and spaces of sexual citizenship. It argues for a critical rethink that encompasses a de-centring of a 'western-centric' focus in order to advance understandings of how sexual citizenship operates both in the Global North and South.

  13. Rethinking Sexual Citizenship (United States)

    Richardson, Diane


    Over the last two decades sexuality has emerged as a key theme in debates about citizenship, leading to the development of the concept of sexual citizenship. This article reviews this literature and identifies four main areas of critical framing: work that contests the significance of sexuality to citizenship; critiques that focus on the possibilities and limitations of mobilising the language of citizenship in sexual politics; analyses of sexual citizenship in relation to nationalisms and border making; and literature that critically examines western constructions of sexuality and sexual politics underpinning understandings of sexual citizenship. In order to progress the field theoretically, the article seeks to extend critiques of sexual citizenship focusing on two key aspects of its construction: the sexual citizen-subject and spaces of sexual citizenship. It argues for a critical rethink that encompasses a de-centring of a ‘western-centric’ focus in order to advance understandings of how sexual citizenship operates both in the Global North and South. PMID:28490816

  14. El papel de la terapia ocupacional en la enfermedad de Huntington


    Hernández Lozano, David; Fernández Hawrylak, María; Grau Rubio, Claudia


    se analiza el papel del terapeuta ocupacional en el trabajo con las personas afectadas por la enfermedad de Huntington. se realizó una investigación por objetivos a través del diseño y puesta en práctica de un programa de intervención encaminado a mitigar el deterioro producido por la enfermedad mediante el entrenamiento en actividades de la vida diaria y de estimulación cognitiva, y a desarrollar competencias en la familia. la investigación se desarrolló en la Asociación de corea de Huntingt...

  15. O papel da música nos anúncios publicitários


    Paulo Ribeiro Cardoso; Nelson Gomes; Elsa Simões Lucas Freitas


    A música, uma poderosa estratégia publicitária em anúncios de televisão, tem recebido pouca atenção por parte dos acadêmicos (quando comparada com outras estratégias), apesar dos efeitos positivos que parece conseguir em relação à capacidade dos públicos de recordar e memorizar a mensagem global do anúncio. Tomando como ponto de partida uma reflexão de caráter semiótico sobre a natureza (aparentemente) elusiva do discurso musical, é objetivo deste artigo analisar o papel da música na mensagem...

  16. Trabalho noturno e o novo papel paterno: uma interface difícil


    Cia, Fabiana; Barham, Elizabeth Joan


    Aumentou a demanda por trabalhadores noturnos, ao mesmo tempo em que o papel masculino familiar se ampliou. Neste estudo, objetivou-se comparar as condições de trabalho, o bem-estar pessoal e o envolvimento familiar entre pais dos turnos diurno (n=36) e noturno (n=22), que preencheram um questionário composto por diferentes escalas. Comparados aos trabalhadores do turno diurno, os do noturno relataram ter maior apoio dos colegas de trabalho e dos supervisores, maior satisfação quanto aos bene...

  17. The relationship between sexual selection and sexual conflict. (United States)

    Kokko, Hanna; Jennions, Michael D


    Evolutionary conflicts of interest arise whenever genetically different individuals interact and their routes to fitness maximization differ. Sexual selection favors traits that increase an individual's competitiveness to acquire mates and fertilizations. Sexual conflict occurs if an individual of sex A's relative fitness would increase if it had a "tool" that could alter what an individual of sex B does (including the parental genes transferred), at a cost to B's fitness. This definition clarifies several issues: Conflict is very common and, although it extends outside traits under sexual selection, sexual selection is a ready source of sexual conflict. Sexual conflict and sexual selection should not be presented as alternative explanations for trait evolution. Conflict is closely linked to the concept of a lag load, which is context-dependent and sex-specific. This makes it possible to ask if one sex can "win." We expect higher population fitness if females win. Copyright © 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  18. Unwanted online sexual solicitation and online sexual risk behavior

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baumgartner, S.E.; Valkenburg, P.M.; Peter, J.; Yan, Z.


    In recent years, there have been growing concerns about online sexual solicitations and online sexual risk behaviors. Recent studies suggest that only a minority of adolescents is confronted with online sexual solicitations or engages in online sexual risk behavior. Whereas more girls encounter

  19. The sexual cascade and the rise of pre-ejaculatory (Darwinian) sexual selection, sex roles, and sexual conflict. (United States)

    Parker, Geoff A


    After brief historic overviews of sexual selection and sexual conflict, I argue that pre-ejaculatory sexual selection (the form of sexual selection discussed by Darwin) arose at a late stage in an inevitable succession of transitions flowing from the early evolution of syngamy to the evolution of copulation and sex roles. If certain conditions were met, this "sexual cascade" progressed inevitably, if not, sexual strategy remained fixed at a given stage. Prolonged evolutionary history of intense sperm competition/selection under external fertilization preceded the rise of advanced mobility, which generated pre-ejaculatory sexual selection, followed on land by internal fertilization and reduced sperm competition in the form of postcopulatory sexual selection. I develop a prospective model of the early evolution of mobility, which, as Darwin realized, was the catalyst for pre-ejaculatory sexual selection. Stages in the cascade should be regarded as consequential rather than separate phenomena and, as such, invalidate much current opposition to Darwin-Bateman sex roles. Potential for sexual conflict occurs throughout, greatly increasing later in the cascade, reaching its peak under precopulatory sexual selection when sex roles become highly differentiated. Copyright © 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  20. Hypersexuality and high sexual desire: exploring the structure of problematic sexuality. (United States)

    Carvalho, Joana; Štulhofer, Aleksandar; Vieira, Armando L; Jurin, Tanja


    The concept of hypersexuality has been accompanied by fierce debates and conflicting conclusions about its nature. One of the central questions under the discussion is a potential overlap between hypersexuality and high sexual desire. With the relevant research in its early phase, the structure of hypersexuality remains largely unknown. The aim of the present study was to systematically explore the overlap between problematic sexuality and high sexual desire. A community online survey was carried out in Croatia in 2014. The data were first cluster analyzed (by gender) based on sexual desire, sexual activity, perceived lack of control over one's sexuality, and negative behavioral consequences. Participants in the meaningful clusters were then compared for psychosocial characteristics. To complement cluster analysis (CA), multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the same four constructs was carried out. Indicators representing the proposed structure of hypersexuality were included: sexual desire, frequency of sexual activity, lack of control over one's sexuality, and negative behavioral outcomes. Psychosocial characteristics such as religiosity, attitudes toward pornography, and general psychopathology were also evaluated. CA pointed to the existence of two meaningful clusters, one representing problematic sexuality, that is, lack of control over one's sexuality and negative outcomes (control/consequences cluster), and the other reflecting high sexual desire and frequent sexual activity (desire/activity cluster). Compared with the desire/activity cluster, individuals from the control/consequences cluster reported more psychopathology and were characterized by more traditional attitudes. Complementing the CA findings, CFA pointed to two distinct latent dimensions-problematic sexuality and high sexual desire/activity. Our study supports the distinctiveness of hypersexuality and high sexual desire/activity, suggesting that problematic sexuality might be more

  1. Exploring a Contextual Model of Sexual Self-Disclosure and Sexual Satisfaction. (United States)

    Brown, Randal D; Weigel, Daniel J


    Sexual self-disclosure is a critical component of relationship and sexual satisfaction, yet little is known about the mechanisms that facilitate a person's engagement in sexual self-disclosure. Individuals (N = 265) involved in romantic relationships participated in an online study testing a contextual model of sexual self-disclosure across three contexts: relationship context, sexual self-disclosure context, and outcome of sexual self-disclosure. Results suggest that sexual satisfaction was predicted by a positive relationship context and a positive sexual self-disclosure context. In addition, the sexual self-disclosure context was predicted by the relationship context. These findings emphasize the importance of examining contextual influences that determine whether an individual will engage in or avoid sexual self-disclosure and the consequences of this engagement or avoidance on sexual satisfaction.

  2. Sexual self-concept and intended sexual behavior of young adolescent Taiwanese girls. (United States)

    Pai, Hsiang-Chu; Lee, Sheuan; Chang, Ting


    People begin to become aware of their sexual drive and erotic feelings as young adolescents. Such activity often has been overlooked in Taiwan, a traditional society, because sexuality is viewed as a private issue. The purpose of this study was to explore the sexual self-concept and intended sexual behavior of young adolescent girls in Taiwan. Participants included 372 girls, 12 to 14 years old, from junior high schools in Taiwan who completed two questionnaires on sexual experience and sexually related items: the Sexual Self-Concept Inventory, the Parental Approval of Sexual Behavior Scale, and the Friends' Approval of Sexual Behavior Scale, which were combined into one scale, with separate scores. Girls' self-reports showed low (negative) sexual self-concept, high perceived parental disapproval, and somewhat high perceived friends' disapproval of sexual activities. Sexual self-concept is associated with perceived parental and peer approval of sexual activities, and it is associated with sexual experience and intended sexual activities as well. A young adolescent girl who has a high score on the perceived sexual arousability factor of the Sexual Self-Concept Inventory is more likely to report the strongest intention toward sexual behavior. Sexual self-concept may play a key role in girls' intended sexual activities, including engaging in low-level sexual activities (e.g., kissing and breast fondling) that occur before intercourse, even when associated with intercourse intention. The research suggests that addressing sexual self-concept needs to be a priority to prevent young girls from engaging in sexual intercourse.

  3. Psychosexual correlates of sexual double standard endorsement in adolescent sexuality

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Emmerink, Peggy; Vanwesenbeeck, Wilhelmina; van den Eijnden, Regina; ter Bogt, Tom


    Endorsement and enactment of the (hetero)sexual double standard (SDS), prescribing sexual modesty for girls and sexual prowess for boys, has been shown to be negatively related to sexual and mental health. To be able to challenge the sexual double standard, more insight is needed into the conditions

  4. Sexuality and sexual reproductive health of disabled young people in Ethiopia. (United States)

    Kassa, Tigist Alemu; Luck, Tobias; Birru, Samuel Kinde; Riedel-Heller, Steffi G


    In Ethiopia, young people with disabilities (YPWD) are often marginalized and not recognized as being sexual, and only little is known about their sexual reproductive health (SRH) status. We therefore aimed to assess the SRH status and associated factors among 426 YPWD in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2012. Data were collected by trained interviewers using a structured questionnaire. Fifty-two percent of YPWD ever had sexual intercourse. Seventy-five percent started sex between 15 and 19 years. Only 35% had used contraceptive during their first sexual encounter. Fifty-nine percent of the sexually experienced YPWD had multiple lifetime sexual partners; 19%, a casual sexual partner; and 21%, a commercial sexual partner. Only 48% consistently used condoms with their casual or commercial sexual partners. Twenty-four percent of the sexually experienced YPWD had a history of sexually transmitted infections. Our findings indicate that YPWD in Ethiopia are sexually active, but also highly involved in risky sexual practices. There is a need for in-depth research to better understand the determinants of risky sexual behavior and to propose preventive approaches.

  5. Developmental Trajectories of Religiosity, Sexual Conservatism and Sexual Behavior among Female Adolescents (United States)

    Aalsma, Matthew C.; Woodrome, Stacy E.; Downs, Sarah M.; Hensel, Devon; Zimet, Gregory D.; Orr, Don P.; Fortenberry, J. Dennis


    Understanding the role of socio-sexual cognitions and religiosity on adolescent sexual behavior could guide adolescent sexual health efforts. The present study utilized longitudinal data from 328 young women to assess the role of religion and socio-sexual cognitions on sexual behavior accrual (measuring both coital and non-coital sexual behavior). In the final triple conditional trajectory structural equation model, religiosity declined over time and then increased to baseline levels. Additionally, religiosity predicted decreased sexual conservatism and decreased sexual conservatism predicted increased sexual behavior. The final models are indicative of young women's increasing accrual of sexual experience, decreasing sexual conservatism and initial decreasing religiosity. The results of this study suggest that decreased religiosity affects the accrual of sexual experience through decreased sexual conservatism. Effective strategies of sexual health promotion should include an understanding of the complex role of socio-sexual attitudes with religiosity. PMID:24215966

  6. Sexual Self-Concept and Sexual Risk-Taking. (United States)

    Breakwell, Glynis M.; Millward, Lynne J.


    Presents data from a survey of randomly selected adolescents (N=474) which examined differences between male and female sexual identities. Results indicate two main dimensions in male sexual self-concept: socioemotional and the relational. Female sexual self-concept revolved around concerns with assertiveness, such as controlling when sex occurs.…

  7. Women's Sexual Health: Talking about Your Sexual Needs (United States)

    ... talking to your partner. By Mayo Clinic Staff Women's sexual health, like men's, is important to overall ... well worth addressing. Follow this guide to discussing women's sexual health concerns and promoting sexual enjoyment. Many ...

  8. Sexual Violence Prevention (United States)

    ... Submit What's this? Submit Button Past Emails Sexual Violence Prevention Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir April ... stop sexual violence before it begins. Understanding Sexual Violence Sexual violence is any sexual activity where consent ...

  9. Developmental trajectories of religiosity, sexual conservatism and sexual behavior among female adolescents. (United States)

    Aalsma, Matthew C; Woodrome, Stacy E; Downs, Sarah M; Hensel, Devon J; Zimet, Gregory D; Orr, Don P; Fortenberry, J Dennis


    Understanding the role of socio-sexual cognitions and religiosity on adolescent sexual behavior could guide adolescent sexual health efforts. The present study utilized longitudinal data from 328 young women to assess the role of religion and socio-sexual cognitions on sexual behavior accrual (measuring both coital and non-coital sexual behavior). In the final triple conditional trajectory structural equation model, religiosity declined over time and then increased to baseline levels. Additionally, religiosity predicted decreased sexual conservatism and decreased sexual conservatism predicted increased sexual behavior. The final models are indicative of young women's increasing accrual of sexual experience, decreasing sexual conservatism and initial decreasing religiosity. The results of this study suggest that decreased religiosity affects the accrual of sexual experience through decreased sexual conservatism. Effective strategies of sexual health promotion should include an understanding of the complex role of socio-sexual attitudes with religiosity. Copyright © 2013 The Foundation for Professionals in Services for Adolescents. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Castillo Peces, Carlos


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los elementos básicos del nuevo enfoque de las entidades financieras españolas para su negocio de tarjetas bancarias, así como el nuevo papel que podría tener el comerciante para su desarrollo. Para ello se envió un cuestionario a 60 responsables de este negocio en dichas entidades. De las respuestas recogidas en los 44 cuestionarios recibidos, se concluye que este nuevo enfoque deberá hacer más hincapié en las operaciones de financiación al consumo mediante tarjeta bancaria. Así mismo, se verifica que el comerciante deberá tener un papel relevante y retribuido como prescriptor de estas operaciones.

  11. Sexuality and Islam. (United States)

    Dialmy, Abdessamad


    This paper deals with three major questions: (1) What are the sexual norms defined by the sacred texts (Koran and Sunna)? (2) What are the sexual practices currently observed among Moslems? (3) To which extent are current sexual practices of Moslems dissociated from Islamic sexual norms? Sexual standards in Islam are paradoxical: on the one hand, they allow and actually are an enticement to the exercise of sexuality but, on the other hand, they discriminate between male and female sexuality, between marital and pre- or extramarital sexuality, and between heterosexuality and homosexuality. Men are given more rights with regard to the expression of their sexuality; women are forbidden to have extramarital sex (with their slaves) and both genders to have homosexual relationships. The combination of these paradoxical standards with modernisation leads to the current back and forth swing of sexual practices between repression and openness. Partial modernisation leads to greater sexual tolerance. But restrictive sexual standards have gathered strength and have become idealised as a result of the current radicalisation of Islam. This swing of the pendulum between repression and openness is illustrated by phenomena such as public harassment, premarital sexuality, female pleasure, prostitution, and homosexuality. Currently, Islam is not any more the only reference which provides guidance concerning sexual practices but secularisation of sexual laws is still politically unthinkable today. So the only solution is to achieve reform in the name of Islam, through the reinterpretation of repressive holy texts.

  12. Sexual Assault (United States)

    ... Professions Indian Health Careers Indian Preference Loan Repayment Military Transition Student ... Sexual Assault Sexual assault is a significant problem affecting American Indians and Alaska Natives. Sexual assault ...

  13. Signal trait sexual dimorphism and mutual sexual selection in Drosophila serrata. (United States)

    Chenoweth, Stephen F; Blows, Mark W


    The evolution of sexual dimorphism may occur when natural and sexual selection result in different optimum trait values for males and females. Perhaps the most prominent examples of sexual dimorphism occur in sexually selected traits, for which males usually display exaggerated trait levels, while females may show reduced expression of the trait. In some species, females also exhibit secondary sexual traits that may either be a consequence of a correlated response to sexual selection on males or direct sexual selection for female secondary sexual traits. In this experiment, we simultaneously measure the intersex genetic correlations and the relative strength of sexual selection on males and females for a set of cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila serrata. There was significant directional sexual selection on both male and female cuticular hydrocarbons: the strength of sexual selection did not differ among the sexes but males and females preferred different cuticular hydrocarbons. In contrast with many previous studies of sexual dimorphism, intersex genetic correlations were low. The evolution of sexual dimorphism in D. serrata appears to have been achieved by sex-limited expression of traits controlled by genes on the X chromosome and is likely to be in its final stages.

  14. Análisis del plan financiero de la empresa papeles s.a


    Alvarado, Jorge; Cevallos, Maria Susana; Esparza, Cecilia; Gomez, Jackeline; Puertas, Monica; Ramirez, Alberto; Hidalgo, Willian


    El presente proyecto centra su atención en el análisis de la estructura financiera de Papeles S.A. El análisis incluye la revisión de sus estados financieros para los años 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 y 1997. Conociendo de antemano, que los estados financieros se utilizan para identificar y describir la situación actual y las estrategias utilizadas en una empresa. Se analizaran sus balances generales, que describirán su liquidez y el crecimiento de la empresa durante los cinco años, sus estados...

  15. Genital Appearance Dissatisfaction: Implications for Women's Genital Image Self-Consciousness, Sexual Esteem, Sexual Satisfaction, and Sexual Risk. (United States)

    Schick, Vanessa R; Calabrese, Sarah K; Rima, Brandi N; Zucker, Alyssa N


    Findings regarding the link between body image and sexuality have been equivocal, possibly because of the insensitivity of many of body image measures to potential variability across sensory aspects of the body (e.g., appearance versus odor), individual body parts (e.g., genitalia versus thighs), and social settings (e.g., public versus intimate). The current study refined existing methods of evaluating women's body image in the context of sexuality by focusing upon two highly specified dimensions: satisfaction with the visual appearance of the genitalia and self-consciousness about the genitalia during a sexual encounter. Genital appearance dissatisfaction, genital image self-consciousness, and multiple facets of sexuality were examined with a sample of 217 undergraduate women using an online survey. Path analysis revealed that greater dissatisfaction with genital appearance was associated with higher genital image self-consciousness during physical intimacy, which, in turn, was associated with lower sexual esteem, sexual satisfaction, and motivation to avoid risky sexual behavior. These findings underscore the detrimental impact of negative genital perceptions on young women's sexual wellbeing, which is of particular concern given their vulnerability at this stage of sexual development as well as the high rates of sexually transmitted infections within this age group. Interventions that enhance satisfaction with the natural appearance of their genitalia could facilitate the development of a healthy sexual self-concept and provide long-term benefits in terms of sexual safety and satisfaction.

  16. Papel dos profissionais de saúde na política de humanização hospitalar Papel de los profesionales de salud en la política de humanización hospitalaria The role of health professionals in policies regarding hospital humanization

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    Roberta Araújo Mota


    Full Text Available O interesse por este tema surgiu a partir de uma reflexão sobre o papel do profissional de saúde nos atendimentos realizados no ambiente hospitalar, tendo como meta transmitir para esses profissionais informações sobre os cuidados de saúde de uma maneira mais simples e humanizada, e assim levar o bem-estar a todos. O governo adota uma política legal e ética com relação à saúde no país, possuindo um papel fundamental no processo de humanização. Com a proposta de melhorar a qualidade do atendimento nos hospitais, percebemos que estas atividades requerem tempo e conscientização tanto dos profissionais como do governo e pessoas envolvidas no sistema de saúde. Diante desta situação, o psicólogo surge com o papel de resgatar o ser humano para além de sua dimensão físico-biológica e situá-lo num contexto maior de sentido e significado nas suas dimensões psíquicas e sociais.El interés por este tema surgió a partir de una reflexión sobre el papel del profesional de salud en los atendimientos realizados en el ambiente hospitalario, teniendo como meta transmitir a estos profesionales informaciones sobre los cuidados de salud de una manera más simple y humanizada, y así, proporcionar bienestar a todos. El Gobierno adopta una política legal y ética con relación a la salud en el país, teniendo un papel fundamental en el proceso de humanización. Con la propuesta de mejorar la calidad del atendimiento en los hospitales, percibimos que estas actividades requieren tiempo y concienciación, tanto de los profesionales como del Gobierno y personas involucradas en el sistema de salud. Ante esta situación, el psicólogo surge con el papel de rescatar el ser humano más allá de su dimensión físico-biológica y ubicarlo en un contexto mayor de sentido y significado en sus dimensiones psíquicas y sociales.The interest on this theme emerged from a reflection on the role of health professionals in relation to the attendance carried

  17. Sexual concerns and sexual counseling in heart failure.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Medina, M.; Walker, C.; Steinke, E.E.; Wright, D.W.; Mosack, V.; Farhoud, M.H.


    Patients with heart failure (HF) face significant challenges in maintaining quality of life (QOL), particularly for sexual intimacy. Although recommended for all cardiac patients, it has been suggested that few HF patients receive sexual counseling. This study explored sexual counseling needs,

  18. Interoception and sexual response in women with low sexual desire (United States)

    Velten, Julia


    Sexual concordance is defined as the association between genital response and self-reported sexual arousal. Though one might predict a strong association between sexual concordance and awareness of other internal physiological sensations (termed interoception), past research on sexually healthy women has not found these different domains to be related. The aim of the present study was to test the association between interoception and sexual concordance in a clinical sample of women with Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder (SIAD). Fifty-two women with SIAD completed the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA), a validated self-report measure of interoception, and completed a heart-beat accuracy test, an objective measure of interoception. They also participated in a laboratory-based assessment of physiological sexual arousal and self-reported sexual arousal while viewing an erotic film. Mental and physiological arousal were correlated at r = 0.27 (range -0.80 to 0.95). There was no significant association between sexual concordance and women’s heartrate awareness. However, five aspects of interoceptive awareness (noticing, emotional awareness, self-regulation, body-listening, and trusting), were predictive of lower, and one aspect (not-distracting) was predictive of higher sexual concordance. We discuss the findings in relation to the role of emotions and arousal states in the interoception-sexual concordance relationship. PMID:29020067

  19. Interoception and sexual response in women with low sexual desire.

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    Julia Velten

    Full Text Available Sexual concordance is defined as the association between genital response and self-reported sexual arousal. Though one might predict a strong association between sexual concordance and awareness of other internal physiological sensations (termed interoception, past research on sexually healthy women has not found these different domains to be related. The aim of the present study was to test the association between interoception and sexual concordance in a clinical sample of women with Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder (SIAD. Fifty-two women with SIAD completed the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA, a validated self-report measure of interoception, and completed a heart-beat accuracy test, an objective measure of interoception. They also participated in a laboratory-based assessment of physiological sexual arousal and self-reported sexual arousal while viewing an erotic film. Mental and physiological arousal were correlated at r = 0.27 (range -0.80 to 0.95. There was no significant association between sexual concordance and women's heartrate awareness. However, five aspects of interoceptive awareness (noticing, emotional awareness, self-regulation, body-listening, and trusting, were predictive of lower, and one aspect (not-distracting was predictive of higher sexual concordance. We discuss the findings in relation to the role of emotions and arousal states in the interoception-sexual concordance relationship.

  20. Personality Traits, Sexual Problems, and Sexual Orientation: An Empirical Study. (United States)

    Peixoto, Maria Manuela; Nobre, Pedro


    Personality traits, namely neuroticism, have been suggested as vulnerability factors for the development and maintenance of sexual dysfunction in heterosexual samples. However, no evidence was found regarding homosexual samples. This study aimed to analyze the differences on personality traits between heterosexual and homosexual men and women with and without sexual problems. Participants were 285 individuals (142 men, 143 women) who completed a web-based survey. Participants answered the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, the Brief Symptomatology Inventory, and questions regarding sexual problems. The groups of men and women with and without sexual problems were matched for sociodemographic variables. A 2 (Group) × 2 (Sexual Orientation) multivariate analysis of covariance was conducted separately for each gender. Results indicated a significant main effect for group and for sexual orientation in male and female samples. Men with sexual problems scored higher on neuroticism, whereas women with sexual problems scored higher on neuroticism and lower on extraversion when compared with healthy controls, regardless of sexual orientation. In addition, gay men scored higher on neuroticism and lesbian women scored higher on conscientiousness compared with the heterosexual groups. The present findings emphasize the central role of neuroticism on sexual problems in both men and women regardless of sexual orientation.

  1. La función y el papel desempeñado por la maestra en la obra de Montessori - The role and the function of the teacher in Montessori works


    Alessandra Avanzini


    A FUNÇÃO  E O PAPEL DESEMPENHADO PELA PROFESSORA NA OBRA DE MONTESSORI Resumo A função da professora constitui um aspecto fundamental dentro do sistema  teórico  montessoriano.   De   fato,   Montessori  atribui   à professora um papel muito  delicado: facilitar o correto crescimento da criança “pai  do homem”. É  por isto que o papel e a função da professora montessoriana devem responder aos pontos  fortes de sua teoria educativa: a necessidade de que haja uma forte idéia de escola, a necess...





    Las bacterias ácido lácticas han sido importantes en los alimentos por siglos por su considerable contribución al valor de los productos. Debido a varias de sus propiedades metabólicas, las bacterias ácido lácticas desempeñan un papel importante en la industria alimentaria, por su contribución significante al sabor, olor, textura, características sensoriales, propiedades terapéuticas y valor nutricional de los productos alimentarios. Este grupo está compuesto de un número de géneros incluyend...

  3. Sexual harassment. (United States)

    Sbraga, T P; O'Donohue, W


    We review the current state of sexual harassment theory, research, treatment, and prevention. Definitional problems and implications are discussed. An examination of the epidemiology of sexual harassment is presented, highlighting correlates that include characteristics of the organizational environment, the perpetrator, and the recipient of unwanted sexual behavior. Normative responses to sexual harassment and consequences are discussed. Descriptions of the most prevalent models of sexual harassment are offered and the empirical evidence for them is briefly reviewed. From there, the effect of model development and evaluation on the prevention and treatment of sexual harassment is considered. We comment on the steps that would need to be taken to develop viable prevention and treatment programs. Suggestions for fruitful avenues of research and theory development are offered.

  4. Sexual practices in youth: analysis of lifetime sexual trajectory and last sexual intercourse

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    Maria Luiza Heilborn

    Full Text Available This article examines the sexual practices of young Brazilians based on data from the GRAVAD Research Project, a household survey targeting males and females from 18 to 24 years of age (n = 4,634 in three Brazilian State capitals: Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, and Salvador. The set of practices experienced over the course of their sexual careers is characterized by traits of social belonging, elements from individual life histories, and prescribed rules of conduct for men and women. The authors compared the young people's range of lifetime practices and those from last sexual relations in order to discuss the spread and incorporation of practices into life histories. The data point to the hegemony of vaginal sex in both the lifetime repertoire of sexual practices and the last sexual encounters, such that vaginal sex provides the prime definition of heterosexuality.

  5. Sexual self-schema and sexual morbidity among gynecologic cancer survivors. (United States)

    Andersen, B L; Woods, X A; Copeland, L J


    Longitudinal research indicates that approximately 50% of women treated for gynecologic cancer have sexual dysfunctions as they recover and become cancer survivors. This outcome occurs in the context of satisfactory quality of life in other domains. This study, comparing gynecologic cancer survivors (n = 61) and gynecologically healthy women (n = 74), documents the reliability of the latter observations with measures of quality of life (general, depressive symptoms, social contacts, and stress), sexual functioning, and health. Of added importance are analyses focused on variables that may predict risk for sexual morbidity. Specifically, sexual self-schema is tested as an important, sexually relevant individual difference. In regression analyses that controlled for estimates of precancer sexual behavior (intercourse frequency), extent of disease-treatment, and menopausal symptoms, sexual self-schema accounted for significant variance in predicting current sexual behavior and responsiveness.

  6. Sexual Violence on Campus: Differences Across Gender and Sexual Minority Status. (United States)

    Martin-Storey, Alexa; Paquette, Geneviève; Bergeron, Manon; Dion, Jacinthe; Daigneault, Isabelle; Hébert, Martine; Ricci, Sandrine


    Sexual violence is a pervasive problem on university campuses. Although previous work has documented greater vulnerability for sexual violence among sexual and gender minority students, little is known about contextual variation in vulnerability to this kind of violence. The goals of the current study were (1) to identify vulnerability among sexual and gender minority students with regard to sexual violence, and (2) to explore if the context of this violence differs across sexual and gender minority status. Undergraduate students (ages 18-24) from six francophone universities in Quebec, Canada (N = 4,264) completed online questionnaires regarding their experience of sexual violence, as well as the context of these acts (e.g., the gender of the perpetrator, the status of the perpetrator, and the location of the violence). They also provided information regarding their sexual and gender minority status. Binary logistic regressions were conducted to assess for variation in experiencing sexual violence across sexual and gender minority status. Transgender/nonbinary students generally reported higher levels of sexual violence than their cisgender peers, while variation occurred with regard to vulnerability across sexual identity subgroups. Few differences in context were observed across sexual minority identity. Transgender/nonbinary students were significantly more likely to report sexual violence in athletic contexts and during volunteering activities compared to their cisgender peers. Findings highlight the higher levels of vulnerability for sexual violence among gender minority and some sexual minority university students. They also point to the contexts in which such violence occurs, suggesting specific strategies for prevention. Copyright © 2018 The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Antipsychotics and Sexual Dysfunction: Sexual Dysfunction - Part III

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    Anil Kumar Mysore Nagaraj


    Full Text Available Satisfying sexual experience is an essential part of a healthy and enjoyable life for most people. Antipsychotic drugs are among the various factors that affect optimal sexual functioning. Both conventional and novel antipsychotics are associated with significant sexual side effects. This review has presented various studies comparing different antipsychotic drugs. Dopamine antagonism, increased serum prolactin, serotonergic, adrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms are all proposed to be the mechanisms for sexual dysfunction. Drug treatment for this has not given satisfactory long-term results. Knowledge of the receptor pharmacology of an individual antipsychotic will help to determine whether it is more or less likely to cause sexual side effects and its management.

  8. Sexual addictions. (United States)

    Garcia, Frederico Duarte; Thibaut, Florence


    The potential adverse consequences, personal distress, shame and guilt presented by patients who suffer from sexual addiction require a more in-depth understanding of the phenomenology and psychobiology of this disorder. A bibliographic review was conducted using MEDLINE and EBSCO databases with the following keywords: "sexual addiction," "hypersexuality," "compulsive sexual behavior," "behavioural addiction," "treatment," and "addiction." Several conceptualizations of excessive nonparaphilic sexual disorder have been proposed based on the models of, respectively, obsessive compulsive disorder, impulse control disorder, out of control excessive sexual disorder, and addictive disorder. Despite the lack of robust scientific data, a number of clinical elements, such as the frequent preoccupation with this type of behavior, the time spent in sexual activities, the continuation of this behavior despite its negative consequences, the repeated and unsuccessful efforts made to reduce the behavior, are in favor of an addictive disorder. In addition there is a high comorbidity between excessive sexual behavior and other addictive behaviors. The phenomenology of excessive nonparaphilic sexual disorder favors its conceptualization as an addictive behavior, rather than an obsessive-compulsive, or an impulse control disorder. Moreover, the criteria that are quite close to those of addictive disorders were recently proposed for the future DSM-V in order to improve the characterization of this condition. Finally, controlled studies are warranted in order to establish clear guidelines for treatment of sexual addiction.

  9. Women living in a drug (and violence context: the maternal role Mujeres viviendo en el contexto de drogas (y violencia: el papel maternal Mulheres vivendo no contexto de drogas (e violência: papel maternal

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    Sueli Aparecida Frari Galera


    Full Text Available Although the drug problem is more present among men, women are an increasing group and a vulnerable subgroup, since many of them are involved in motherhood. In this paper, the partial results of an ethnographic study on maternal role-related perceptions, beliefs and attitudes are presented, as well as the context in which women with small children and are undergoing or underwent treatment for alcohol or drug addiction live. Mothers undergoing treatment participated in interviews about their maternal role and how it developed in a family context marked by violence, affective experiences and drug use.A pesar de que el problema de las drogas está más presente entre hombres, las mujeres constituyen un grupo creciente y un subgrupo vulnerable, ya que muchas entre ellas están involucradas con la maternidad. La finalidad de este trabajo es presentar los resultados parciales de un estudio etnográfico sobre las percepciones, creencias y actitudes respecto al papel maternal en el contexto de mujeres con hijos pequeños que hacen o hicieron tratamiento para el problema de la dependencia de alcohol o drogas. El rol maternal de las entrevistadas se desarrolló y se desarrolla en un contexto familiar donde los fenómenos violencia, experiencias afectivas y uso de drogas están presentes.Embora o problema das drogas esteja mais presente entre homens, as mulheres constituem um grupo crescente e um subgrupo vulnerável, já que muitas estão envolvidas com a maternidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os resultados parciais de um estudo etnográfico sobre as percepções, crenças e atitudes em relação ao papel maternal no contexto de mulheres com filhos pequenos que fazem ou fizeram tratamento para o problema da dependência de álcool ou drogas. O papel maternal das entrevistadas desenvolveu-se e desenvolve-se em um contexto familiar marcado pela violência, experiências afetivas e uso de drogas.

  10. Sexual Health (United States)

    ... and changes in sexual function are common. These physiological changes can include: A need for more stimulation ... page: Sexuality in later life. National Institute on Aging. ...

  11. Child Sexual Abuse and Negative Affect as Shared Risk Factors for Sexual Aggression and Sexual HIV Risk Behavior in Heterosexual Men. (United States)

    Peterson, Zoё D; Janssen, Erick; Goodrich, David; Fortenberry, J Dennis; Hensel, Devon J; Heiman, Julia R


    Previous research has suggested that sexually aggressive behavior and sexual HIV risk behavior are associated. Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is a well-established risk factor for both types of problematic sexual behavior. Negative affect (i.e., anxiety, depression, and anger) is a less well-studied risk factor, but it has been theorized to relate to both sexual aggression and HIV risk behavior. Thus, this study sought to (1) confirm the relationship between sexual aggression and HIV risk behavior, (2) establish CSA and negative affect as shared risk factors for sexual aggression and HIV risk behavior, and (3) evaluate whether negative affect mediates the relationship between CSA and sexual aggression and between CSA and HIV sexual risk in a sample of heterosexual men. We recruited 18- to 30-year-old heterosexual men (N = 377) from urban sexually transmitted infection clinics. Men completed measures of sexual HIV risk history (number of partners and condom use), sexual aggression history, CSA history, and trait negative affect (anger, anxiety, and depression). Structural equation modeling was used to examine hypothesized direct and indirect relationships. In the final SEM model, sexual aggression history and sexual HIV risk behavior were correlated. CSA was associated with both types of problematic sexual behavior. Anxiety significantly mediated the relationship between CSA and sexual aggression and between CSA and sexual HIV risk behavior (χ 2 [1300] = 2121.79, p Sexual aggression appears to be part of a constellation of sexual risk behaviors; thus, it may be possible to develop prevention programs that target both sexual HIV risk and sexual aggression. CSA is a shared risk factor for sexual aggression and HIV risk behavior through the pathway of anxiety. Thus, anxiety might be one promising target for intervention.

  12. Sexual Education


    Býmová, Pavlína


    The subject matter of this diploma thesis "Sexual Education" is sexual education in the Czech Republic, specifically dedicated to the study of the integration of sexual education into the educational process in schools and families.

  13. Puberty and adolescent sexuality. (United States)

    Fortenberry, J Dennis


    This article is part of a Special Issue "Puberty and Adolescence". Sexuality emerges as a major developmental element of puberty and the adolescent years that follow. However, connecting the sexuality that emerges with puberty and elements of adult sexuality is difficult because much adolescent sexuality research addresses the transition to partnered sexual behaviors (primarily coitus) and consequences such as unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. This review proposes a framework of an expanded understanding of puberty and adolescent sexuality from the perspective of four hallmarks of adult sexuality: sexual desire; sexual arousal; sexual behaviors; and, sexual function. This approach thus addresses important gaps in understanding of the ontogeny of sex and the continuum of sexuality development from adolescence through the adult lifespan. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Concentración y pureza del ADN de muestras sanguíneas en papel Whatman FTA almacenadas entre 1 a 3 años.


    Pachajoa Londoño, Harry Mauricio; Osorio, Julio; Hurtado, Paula


    El papel Whatman FTA es una alternativa para transportar y almacenar diferentes tipos de muestras y optimizar el tiempo, espacio de almacenamiento y costos. Desde hace varios años se utiliza este método de forma rutinaria y muchos centros médicos almacenan muestras por periodos de tiempo prolongados. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del tiempo de almacenamiento de muestras de sangre en papel Whatman sobre la concentración del ADN. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron 110 muestras de sangre perif...

  15. Sexual practices in Malaysia: determinants of sexual intercourse among unmarried youths. (United States)

    Zulkifli, S N; Low, W Y


    This paper describes findings on selected determinants of sexual intercourse among 468 unmarried adolescents from a survey in Malaysia. Data on respondents' background, sexual experience, contraceptive use, and sexual attitudes are provided. Based on multiple logistic regressions, factors significantly predictive of sexual experience are gender, employment, and sexual attitudes.

  16. Female sexuality


    Rao, T.S. Sathyanarana; Nagaraj, Anil Kumar M.


    Sex is a motive force bringing a man and a woman into intimate contact. Sexuality is a central aspect of being human throughout life and encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction. Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, practices, roles and relationships. Though generally, women are sexually active during adolescence, they reach their peak orgasmic fre...

  17. A Gestão de Projetos e o Papel da Comunicação na Gestão de Projetos


    Aboobakar, Rahissa


    A presente dissertação descreve e analisa a Gestão de Projetos e o seu contínuo crescimento, o papel da comunicação e do gestor de projetos e a importância destes nas organizações. No âmbito deste trabalho de investigação, foi elaborada uma revisão de literatura que começa com uma introdução à gestão e aprofunda a temática Gestão de Projetos. É ainda realizada uma abordagem teórica ao papel da comunicação no âmbito da gestão de projetos. De forma a alcançar os objetivos, foi realizado u...

  18. Psychosexual Correlates of Sexual Double Standard Endorsement in Adolescent Sexuality (United States)

    Emmerink, Peggy M. J.; Vanwesenbeeck, Ine; van den Eijnden, Regina J. J. M.; ter Bogt, Tom F. M.


    Endorsement and enactment of the (hetero)sexual double standard (SDS), prescribing sexual modesty for girls and sexual prowess for boys, has been shown to be negatively related to sexual and mental health. To be able to challenge the SDS, more insight is needed into the conditions that shape gendered sexual attitudes. A survey was conducted among 465 heterosexual adolescents (aged 16–20 years), examining the relationship between a number of relevant demographic and psychosexual variables and SDS endorsement. SDS endorsement was assessed using a newly developed instrument, the Scale for the Assessment of Sexual Standards Among Youth (SASSY). Gender (being male) and religiousness were significantly associated with increased SDS endorsement. For both boys and girls, increased feelings of entitlement to self-induced sexual pleasure (e.g., masturbation) were significantly associated with reduced SDS endorsement, whereas higher gender investment was significantly associated with increased SDS endorsement. Furthermore, increased feelings of entitlement to partner-induced sexual pleasure and more frequent talking about sexuality with peers were associated with increased SDS endorsement among boys but not among girls. We conclude that future research should explore peer influence processes through peer communication about sex, gender investment, and feelings of entitlement to both self and partner-induced sexual pleasure. PMID:26327361

  19. Friendship, sexual intimacy and young people's negotiations of sexual health. (United States)

    Byron, Paul


    This paper examines how young people's friendships influence safer sexual practices. Through a thematic discourse analysis, interviews with Sydney-based young people (aged 18-25 years) and Australian-based sexual health websites for young people are considered. Interview data illustrate how friendships can support young people's sexual experiences, concerns and safeties beyond the practice of 'safe sex' (condom use). This is evident in friends' practices of sex and relationship advice, open dialogue, trust and sharing experiential knowledge, as well as friend-based sex. Meanwhile, friendship discourse from selected Australian sexual health websites fails to engage with the support offered by friendship, or its value to a sexual health agenda. Foucault's account of friendship as a space of self-invention is considered in light of these data, along with his argument that friendship poses a threat to formal systems of knowing and regulating sex. Whether sexual or not, many close friendships are sexually intimate given the knowledge, support and influence these offer to one's sexual practices and relations. This paper argues that greater attention to friendship among sexual health promoters and researchers would improve professional engagements with young people's contemporary sexual cultures, and better inform their attempts to engage young people through social media.

  20. Health seeking and sexual behaviour among patients with sexually ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Health seeking and sexual behaviour among patients with sexually transmitted ... condom use among patients presenting with sexually transmitted infections (STI) ... having less than 8 years of school education; and being resident in villages.

  1. La política de la prostitución: el papel del movimiento de mujeres y los organismos de igualdad en España.

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    Celia Valiente Fernández


    Full Text Available Desde mediados de los años sesenta la política de la prostitución en España fue fundamentalmente abolicionista, pues el ordenamiento jurídico no definía el ejercicio de la prostitución como un delito, pero sí muchos comportamientos en este ámbito, tales como organizar la ajena o lucrarse con ella. Desde 1995 el Estado central ha despenalizado casi todas las conductas relativas a la prostitución, y ha centrado esta política pública en la lucha contra el tráfico de personas para su explotación sexual. Este artículo documenta el modesto papel desempeñado por el movimiento organizado de mujeres y los organismos de igualdad en la elaboración de la principal legislación sobre la prostitución en el período postfranquista, e identifica dos razones para explicar esta escasa intervención: la débil prioridad otorgada a la prostitución por el feminismo societal e institucional (tomados en su conjunto y la baja permeabilidad de la arena política parlamentaria a la influencia de actores externos.

  2. Persistent Complications of Child Sexual Abuse: Sexually Compulsive Behaviors, Attachment, and Emotions. (United States)

    Meyer, Dixie; Cohn, Aaron; Robinson, Brittany; Muse, Fatima; Hughes, Rachel


    Child sexual abuse has the potential to cause distress for the victim across the lifespan. Romantic relationships may be particularly difficult for victims of child sexual abuse. This retrospective study examined differences in adult romantic attachment, sexually compulsive behaviors, and emotion regulation by history of child sexual abuse in a large, nonclinical sample. Those with a history of child sexual abuse reported more attachment anxiety in romantic relationships and engaged in more sexually compulsive behaviors. Overall, males displayed more sexually compulsive behaviors than females regardless of history of sexual abuse. Males with a history of sexual abuse displayed the greatest number of sexually compulsive behaviors. Surprisingly, no differences were observed in emotion regulation or attachment avoidant behaviors by history of child sexual abuse. Future research should seek to replicate current findings and examine emotion regulation difficulties experienced as a result of trauma.

  3. Sexual Victimization among Spanish College Women and Risk Factors for Sexual Revictimization (United States)

    Santos-Iglesias, Pablo; Sierra, Juan Carlos


    Sexual revictimization is frequent among victims of child sexual abuse. Several variables, such as sexual experience, substance abuse, and sexual assertiveness, have been proposed to explain the link between child sexual abuse and adolescent and adult sexual victimization, although they have typically been tested separately. The main objective of…

  4. El factor religioso en el conflicto de las Comunidades de Castilla (1520-1521. El papel del clero

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    Diago Hernando, Máximo


    Full Text Available The conflict of the «Comunidades» of Castile is analyzed in the context of the social movements, with a religious component, that took place in Europe at the end of the fifteenth century and during the first decades of the sixteenth century. It is tried to determine the role played in that conflict by the religious factor, paying attention to several questions, namely: the political role of the religious confraternities, the spread of millenaristic prophecies, or the use of preaching as an instrument of political propaganda. And, next, attention is paid to the participation in the conflict of the clerics. It is valued the role that they played in the rebel institutions, and the social profile of the clerics that joined the rebels is finally analyzed.Se analiza el conflicto de las Comunidades de Castilla en el contexto de los movimientos sociales con componente religioso que tuvieron lugar en Europa a fines del siglo XV y durante las primeras décadas del siglo XVI. Se trata de determinar el papel que en dicho conflicto desempeñó el factor religioso, prestando atención a diversas cuestiones como el papel político de las cofradías, la difusión de las profecías milenaristas o la utilización de la predicación como medio de propaganda política. Y a continuación se llama la atención sobre la participación en el conflicto de los miembros del clero, valorando el papel que desempeñaron en las instituciones comuneras, y el perfil social de los que militaron en el bando rebelde.

  5. Sexual satisfaction and sexual health among university students in the United States. (United States)

    Higgins, Jenny A; Mullinax, Margo; Trussell, James; Davidson, J Kenneth; Moore, Nelwyn B


    Despite the World Health Organization's definition of sexual health as a state of well-being, virtually no public health research has examined sexual well-being outcomes, including sexual satisfaction. Emerging evidence suggests that sexual well-being indicators are associated with more classic measures of healthy sexual behaviors. We surveyed 2168 university students in the United States and asked them to rate their physiological and psychological satisfaction with their current sexual lives. Many respondents reported that they were either satisfied (approximately half) or very satisfied (approximately one third). In multivariate analyses, significant (P self-comfort, self-esteem (especially among men), relationship status, and sexual frequency. To enhance sexual well-being, public health practitioners should work to improve sexual self-comfort, alleviate sexual guilt, and promote longer term relationships.

  6. The Relationship between Childhood Sexual Abuse and Adult Male Sexual Dysfunction. (United States)

    Sarwer, David B.; And Others


    A study of 359 men who sought sexual dysfunction treatment found that childhood sexual abuse did not predict sexual dysfunction in the men. Unemployment was the only significant predictor of male sexual dysfunction. Differences between the sexual abuse experiences of the male victims compared to female victims (n=73) are discussed. (Author/CR)

  7. Adolescent sexual victimization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bramsen, Rikke Holm; Lasgaard, Mathias; Koss, Mary P


    at baseline and first time APSV during a 6-month period. Data analysis was a binary logistic regression analysis. Number of sexual partners and displaying sexual risk behaviors significantly predicted subsequent first time peer-on-peer sexual victimization, whereas a history of child sexual abuse, early......The present study set out to investigate predictors of first time adolescent peer-on-peer sexual victimization (APSV) among 238 female Grade 9 students from 30 schools in Denmark. A prospective research design was utilized to examine the relationship among five potential predictors as measured...... sexual onset and failing to signal sexual boundaries did not. The present study identifies specific risk factors for first time sexual victimization that are potentially changeable. Thus, the results may inform prevention initiatives targeting initial experiences of APSV....

  8. Sexual desire, not hypersexuality, is related to neurophysiological responses elicited by sexual images

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    Vaughn R. Steele


    Full Text Available Background: Modulation of sexual desires is, in some cases, necessary to avoid inappropriate or illegal sexual behavior (downregulation of sexual desire or to engage with a romantic partner (upregulation of sexual desire. Some have suggested that those who have difficulty downregulating their sexual desires be diagnosed as having a sexual “addiction”. This diagnosis is thought to be associated with sexual urges that feel out of control, high-frequency sexual behavior, consequences due to those behaviors, and poor ability to reduce those behaviors. However, such symptoms also may be better understood as a non-pathological variation of high sexual desire. Hypersexuals are thought to be relatively sexual reward sensitized, but also to have high exposure to visual sexual stimuli. Thus, the direction of neural responsivity to sexual stimuli expected was unclear. If these individuals exhibit habituation, their P300 amplitude to sexual stimuli should be diminished; if they merely have high sexual desire, their P300 amplitude to sexual stimuli should be increased. Neural responsivity to sexual stimuli in a sample of hypersexuals could differentiate these two competing explanations of symptoms. Methods: Fifty-two (13 female individuals who self-identified as having problems regulating their viewing of visual sexual stimuli viewed emotional (pleasant sexual, pleasant-non-sexual, neutral, and unpleasant photographs while electroencephalography was collected. Results: Larger P300 amplitude differences to pleasant sexual stimuli, relative to neutral stimuli, was negatively related to measures of sexual desire, but not related to measures of hypersexuality. Conclusion: Implications for understanding hypersexuality as high desire, rather than disordered, are discussed.


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    Fanny Ramírez


    Full Text Available Actualmente son escasas las instituciones que cuentan con directivos conscientes de su responsabilidad de desarrollar una identidad corporativa sólida, y esto constituye una gran debilidad que está relacionada con la ausencia de valores que se requieren como elementos constituyentes de sus principios básicos (PBO. Como las demás actividades del hombre, la identidad corporativa, implica una dimensión ética que le garantice un sentido de perennidad en tanto compromete valores societales que interactúen con los valores deontológicos, organizacionales e individuales. Pero, las diferentes tipologias sobre valor realizadas exigen una revisión para establecer lo que se entiende por valor y el papel que estos juegan en el desarrollo de la identidad corporativa. Mediante un estudio de carácter bibliográfico documental cualitativo, se concluyó que los valores son capacidades comportadas por la naturaleza de los entes que pueden ser adquiridos y desarrolladas mediante el cimiento de la virtud y que la puesta en acción de los valores es una responsabilidad de la alta directiva El papel de los valores en el desarrollo de la identidad corporativa supone tres momentos o etapas de la identidad corporativa. La etapa del diseño y la de la difusión de los (PBO; el simbolismo o Identidad Visual y el comportamiento organizacional. La puesta en práctica de todos esos valores permitirá en la tercera etapa la identificación.

  10. Biotecnología en la industria de la pulpa y el papel: mapeo de patentes

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    Laura Emilia Cerón Rincón


    Full Text Available La biotecnología se plantea como una oportunidad para los países en desarrollo, Colombia cuenta con condiciones que favorecen el desarrollo de esta área, como una fuerte tradición en infraestructura básica de investigación principalmente en los campos de agricultura y la salud humana. Las iniciativas regionales han ayudado a levantar el perfil de la industria biotecnológica como: El Cluster de Bioindustrial del Valle del Cauca, El ejercicio Prospectivo en Biotecnología y Salud de Antioquia y La iniciativa de Bioprogreso en la región Bogotá-Cundinamarca. Según la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá (2005 se consi-deran a la cadena productiva del papel y artes gráficas como estratégicas para la región de Bogotá D.C.Según la visión de la Agenda Interna para la Productividad y la Competitividad del Departamento Nacional de Planeación (2007 para dicha cadena, esta alcanzará progresivamente mayor competitividad y mayor inserción en el mercado internacional globalizado, llegando a triplicar sus exportaciones para el año 2015, entre las acciones identificadas para lograr este objetivo el se encuentra el Desarrollo tecnológico, donde se propone aprovechar los avances en biotecnología. Dado esto, se recopilaron patentes que incluyeran desarrollos biotecnológicos para la industria de la pulpa y el papel del año 2000 hasta la fecha, a partir de las cuales se realizo un análisis de la información recopilada a través de una herramienta de vigilancia tecnológica con la que generó un mapa tecnológico, como un primer paso de un proceso dirigido a contribuir en la definición de políticas y direccionamiento de la gestión tecnológica para que la cadena de papel.


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    María del Pilar Cruz Pérez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo integra algunos resultados obtenidos en una investigación mayor,2 en la cual se analizaron los procesos de exclusión de las mujeres con discapacidad de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en México. En particular se da cuenta de los contrastes entre los discursos de instituciones especializadas que promueven el acceso pleno a derechos de las personas con discapacidad y las actitudes y prácticas concretas del personal que ofrece servicios a esta población, cuando las solicitudes están relacionadas con su sexualidad y su reproducción, e identifica las posturas que asumen estas últimas ante los discursos que las más de las veces tienen origen en prejuicios que las ubican como dependientes y asexuadas.

  12. Papel de AMPK en la regulación del metabolismo y proliferación celular durante el proceso de tumorogénesis


    Ríos García, Marcos


    AMPK es un sensor energético y ha sido relacionado con la inhibición de rutas anabólicas, apoptosis y ciclo celular. Aunque su papel en la homeostasis metabólica está bien documentado, su posible función en cáncer es todavía poco conocida. El principal objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar el papel de AMPK en metabolismo y proliferación de células tumorales, evaluando las implicaciones de dos rutas de señalización celular; Raf/MEK/ERK y PI3K/Akt. Para este fin hemos usado un modelo de gli...

  13. Ensayos de rigidez dieléctrica a muestras de papel prensado de la fábrica de transformadores Latino

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    José Guillermo Sánchez Glean


    Full Text Available El ensayo tiene como objetivo determinar la aptitud de las muestras de papel prensado, cuando son sometidas a unincremento de tensión alterna, y comparadas estas con niveles de tensión normalizados, en dependencia de suespesor. Se recibieron muestras de tres espesores diferentes de papel: 0,125 mm; 250 mm y 0,600 mm y se realizaen los laboratorios del Centro de Investigaciones y Pruebas Electroenergéticas (CIPEL, de acuerdo con las normasinternacionales vigentes. Por los resultados alcanzados se puede inferir que los papeles de donde provienen estasmuestras pueden ser utilizados, para los fines que fueron adquiridos. Para hacer una valoración de una población olote mayor de estos materiales, sería necesario realizar un correcto plan de muestreo.  The test has as objective determining the aptitude of the samples of pressed paper, when they are subjected toan increased alternating tension, and compared these with normalized levels of tension, in dependence of itsthickness. Samples of three different thicknesses from paper were received: 0,125 mm; 250 mm and 0,600 mm.It is carried out in the laboratories of the CIPEL in accordance with the effective international standards. For thereached results you can infer that the papers of where these samples come they can be used for the ends thatwere acquired. To make a valuation of a population or lot bigger than these materials, serious necessary to carryout a correct sampling plan.

  14. The Relationship Among Sexual Attitudes, Sexual Fantasy, and Religiosity (United States)

    Ahrold, Tierney K.; Farmer, Melissa; Trapnell, Paul D.; Meston, Cindy M.


    Recent research on the impact of religiosity on sexuality has highlighted the role of the individual, and suggests that the effects of religious group and sexual attitudes and fantasy may be mediated through individual differences in spirituality. The present study investigated the role of religion in an ethnically diverse young adult sample (N = 1413, 69% women) using religious group as well as several religiosity domains: spirituality, intrinsic religiosity, paranormal beliefs, and fundamentalism. Differences between religious groups in conservative sexual attitudes were statistically significant but small; as predicted, spirituality mediated these effects. In contrast to the weak effects of religious group, spirituality, intrinsic religiosity, and fundamentalism were strong predictors of women’s conservative sexual attitudes; for men, intrinsic religiosity predicted sexual attitude conservatism but spirituality predicted attitudinal liberalism. For women, both religious group and religiosity domains were significant predictors of frequency of sexual fantasies while, for men, only religiosity domains were significant predictors. These results indicate that individual differences in religiosity domains were better predictors of sexual attitudes and fantasy than religious group and that these associations are moderated by gender. PMID:20364304

  15. Aging and sexuality. (United States)

    Yee, Lesley


    Sexuality has become a medical issue in association with aging. This is due to a number of factors, including increasing age of survival, a positive societal construct that promotes sexuality as important for quality of life as we age, and the medicalisation of sexuality with the advent of prescription medications to treat sexual dysfunction. This article reviews the factors surrounding aging and sexuality and also considers special situations with age, such as institutionalised care and the possibility of elder abuse. Normal physiological changes with aging affect both genders in terms of sexual desire and performance. Other medical conditions increase with age, and these and their treatments will impact on sexuality and the way it can be expressed. Medical practitioners require an understanding of these changes in order to find ways to optimise sexual function in older patients.

  16. A Política de Quotas em Portugal: O papel dos partidos políticos e do feminismo de Estado

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    Rosa Monteiro


    Full Text Available A designada Lei da Paridade representa um marco importantíssimo na promoção da igualdade de mulheres e homens em Portugal. A sua relevância advém de vários factores, dentre os quais se destaca o seu impacto num sistema eleitoral que a inércia do sistema político-partidário tem sido incapaz de alterar. Na análise do surgimento das políticas de quotas em Portugal, o papel do principal mecanismo oficial para a igualdade, ou seja, da Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género, e das suas redes não tem sido estudado. Ora, como refere Mona Lena Krook, esforços para aumentar o número de mulheres em cargos políticos raramente acontecem na ausência de mobilização de mulheres. Adoptando a abordagem do feminismo de Estado, exploro aqui o papel da Comissão como uma entidade decisiva na apresentação das reivindicações feministas perante o Estado, um papel que tem sido sistematicamente ignorado, e explicito a forma como este mecanismo e as associações de mulheres em seu torno contribuíram para a promoção da agenda da participação das mulheres na política em Portugal.



    Brañes O,María C.; Sáez R,Alejandra; Villalón B,Manuel J; Sáez C,Juan C


    En el aparato reproductor femenino se expresan diferentes conexinas (Cxs), proteínas que forman canales de uniones en hendidura (CUH) entre células en contacto, permitiendo la coordinación de respuestas metabólicas y/o eléctricas de grupos celulares. Los CUH jugarían un papel relevante en el desarrollo de las células de la granulosa, ya que permiten la comunicación heteróloga entre el ovocito y las células del cúmulo manteniendo la detención meiótica. En la trompa de Falopio, los CUH coordina...


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    Hélio Caetano Farias


    Full Text Available Este artigo busca analisar o papel do BNDES na industrialização e na integração do território brasileiro. Criado na década de 50, o Banco tornou-se uma das principais referências de planejamento da burocracia estatal e, imprescindível, aos principais projetos nacionais das mais diversas orientações. Na década de 90, o BNDES foi estratégico na elaboração e operacionalização de um quadro normativo favorável à internacionalização do território.

  19. El proceso de duelo en las familias: Papel de enfermería


    Gómez Baladrón, Isaac


    Trabajo fin de grado en enfermería Introducción: la muerte de un ser querido conlleva como respuesta la elaboración del duelo. Esta pérdida acarrea importantes consecuencias a nivel familiar. Por otro lado, la conceptualización de la muerte en la sociedad occidental nos ha conducido a un ocultamiento de la misma, complicando la elaboración de un duelo de manera satisfactoria. Objetivo: mostrar cuál es el papel enfermero en la atención a las familias en duelo así como la importancia de u...

  20. "The Pleasure Is Better as I've Gotten Older": Sexual Health, Sexuality, and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Older Women Living With HIV. (United States)

    Taylor, Tonya N; Munoz-Plaza, Corrine E; Goparaju, Lakshmi; Martinez, Omar; Holman, Susan; Minkoff, Howard L; Karpiak, Stephen E; Gandhi, Monica; Cohen, Mardge H; Golub, Elizabeth T; Levine, Alexandra M; Adedimeji, Adebola A; Gonsalves, Rebecca; Bryan, Tiffany; Connors, Nina; Schechter, Gabrielle; Wilson, Tracey E


    There is limited research examining the sexual health and well-being of older women living with HIV (OWLH). Most studies focus on sexual dysfunction, leaving aside the richer context of sexuality and sexual health, including the effect of age-related psychosocial and interpersonal changes on sexual health behaviors. Guided by the integrative biopsychosocial model and the sexual health model, this study explored the importance of sex and sexuality among OWLH to identify their sexual health and HIV prevention needs for program planning. A purposive sample (n = 50) of OWLH was selected from a parent study (n = 2052). We conducted 8 focus groups and 41 in-depth interviews with 50 African American and Latina OWLH aged 50-69 years old in three U.S. cities. The triangulation approach was used to synthesize the data. Six salient themes emerged: sexual pleasure changes due to age, sexual freedom as women age, the role of relationships in sexual pleasure, changes in sexual ability and sexual health needs, sexual risk behaviors, and ageist assumptions about older women's sexuality. We found that sexual pleasure and the need for intimacy continue to be important for OWLH, but that changing sexual abilities and sexual health needs, such as the reduction of sexual desire, as well as increased painful intercourse due to menopause-associated vaginal drying, were persistent barriers to sexual fulfillment and satisfaction. Particular interpersonal dynamics, including low perceptions of the risk of HIV transmission as related to gender, viral suppression, and habitual condomless sex with long-term partners without HIV transmission have resulted in abandoning safer sex practices with serodiscordant partners. These findings suggest that HIV prevention for OWLH should focus on how sexual function and satisfaction intersect with sexual risk. HIV prevention for OWLH should promote ways to maintain satisfying and safe sex lives among aging women.

  1. Sexism, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault: Toward Conceptual Clarity (United States)


    of which are defined legally. The quid pro quo type is the easiest to identify and although frequencies are low, it is the most likely one to be...SEXISM, SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND SEXUAL ASSAULT: TOWARD CONCEPTUAL CLARITY Dr. Richard Harris Department of Social Work and Center for Policy...00-2007 to 00-00-2007 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Sexism, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault: Toward Conceptual Clarity 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT

  2. Human sexual response. (United States)

    Basson, Rosemary


    The human sexual response to sexually arousing stimuli is a motivational incentive-based cycle comprising subjective experience and physiologic changes. Clinical and empirical data support a circular model of overlapping phases of variable order. Brain imaging data of sexual arousal identify areas of cerebral activation and inhibition reflecting a complex network of cognitive, motivational, emotional, and autonomic components. Psychologic and biologic factors influence the brain's appraisal and processing of sexual stimuli to allow or disallow subsequent arousal. The sexual and non-sexual outcomes influence motivation to future sexual intimacy. Variability is marked both between individuals and within a person's sexual life, influenced by multiple factors, including stage of life cycle, mental health, and relationship happiness. Neurologic disease can interrupt the cycle at many points: by limiting motivation, reducing ability to attend to and feel sexual stimuli, and accomplishing the movements needed to stimulate and experience intercourse. Impairments to genital congestion, penile erection, and orgasm may also occur. Disease-associated changes to the interpersonal relationship and self-image plus frequently comorbid depression will tend to lessen motivation and temper the brain's appraisal of sexual stimuli, so precluding arousal. Therapy begins by explaining the sexual response cycle, clarifying the points of interruption in the patient's own cycle so as to guide treatment. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Aspects of sexual self-schema in premenopausal women with dyspareunia: associations with pain, sexual function, and sexual distress. (United States)

    Pazmany, Els; Bergeron, Sophie; Van Oudenhove, Lukas; Verhaeghe, Johan; Enzlin, Paul


    Although it is known that women with dyspareunia suffer from impaired psychological and sexual functioning, the study of the various dimensions of sexual self-schema and their associations with these outcomes has been neglected. To examine whether self-image cognitions about vaginal penetration, body image, and feelings and beliefs about one's own genitals contribute to the variance in pain, sexual functioning, and sexual distress. Premenopausal women (n = 231; M age = 24.85, SD = 5.55) with self-reported dyspareunia completed an online survey focusing on self-image cognitions about vaginal penetration, body image, female genital self-image, pain during intercourse, sexual functioning, sexual distress, anxiety, and catastrophizing. (i) Pain intensity during intercourse, (ii) the Female Sexual Function Index without the Pain subscale, and (iii) the Female Sexual Distress Scale. Controlling for anxiety and catastrophizing, negative self-image cognitions about vaginal penetration, negative body image, and negative genital self-image together accounted for a portion of the variance in increased pain intensity, sexual dysfunction, and sexual distress. However, only self-image cognitions about vaginal penetration (β = 0.25, P = 0.005) contributed uniquely to the variance in pain intensity, whereas self-image cognitions about vaginal penetration (β = -0.18, P = 0.048) and genital self-image (β = 0.21, P = 0.008) contributed independently to the variance in sexual functioning. Finally, self-image cognitions about vaginal penetration (β = 0.28, P < 0.001), body image (β = 0.24, P < 0.001) and genital self-image (β = -0.14, P = 0.006) each contributed independently to the variance in sexual distress. Findings suggest that self-image cognitions about vaginal penetration and feelings and beliefs about one's own body and genitals are associated with pain and sexuality outcomes in women with dyspareunia. © 2013

  4. Medical Student Sexuality: How Sexual Experience and Sexuality Training Impact U.S. and Canadian Medical Students’ Comfort in Dealing with Patients’ Sexuality in Clinical Practice (United States)

    Shindel, Alan W.; Ando, Kathryn A.; Nelson, Christian J.; Breyer, Benjamin N.; Lue, Tom F.; Smith, James F.


    Purpose To determine factors associated with students’ comfort in addressing patients’ sexuality in the clinical context. Method The authors invited students enrolled in MD-degree-granting and osteopathic medical schools in the United States and Canada to participate in an anonymous Internet survey between February and July 2008. The survey assessed ethnodemographic factors and sexual history. Respondents also completed the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Male respondents completed the International Index of Erectile Function and the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool. Female respondents completed the Female Sexual Function Index and the Index of Sex Life. The authors used descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and multivariable logistic regression to analyze responses. Results The authors’ analyses included 2,261 completed survey responses: 910 from men, 1,343 from women, and 8 from individuals who self-identified as “other” gendered. Over 53% of respondents (n = 1,206) stated that they felt they had not received sufficient training in medical school to address sexual concerns clinically. Despite this, 81% of students (n = 1,827) reported feeling comfortable dealing with their patients’ sexuality issues. Students with limited sexual experience, students at risk for sexual problems, and students who felt that they had not been trained adequately were less likely to report being comfortable talking to patients about sexual health issues. Conclusions Perception of inadequate sexuality training in medical school and personal issues pertaining to sex may be associated with students’ difficulty in addressing patients’ sexuality. Adequate training is preeminently associated with feeling comfortable addressing patients’ sexuality and should be a priority for medical education. PMID:20671459

  5. Medical student sexuality: how sexual experience and sexuality training impact U.S. and Canadian medical students' comfort in dealing with patients' sexuality in clinical practice. (United States)

    Shindel, Alan W; Ando, Kathryn A; Nelson, Christian J; Breyer, Benjamin N; Lue, Tom F; Smith, James F


    To determine factors associated with students' comfort in addressing patients' sexuality in the clinical context. The authors invited students enrolled in MD-degree-granting and osteopathic medical schools in the United States and Canada to participate in an anonymous Internet survey between February and July 2008. The survey assessed ethnodemographic factors and sexual history. Respondents also completed the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Male respondents completed the International Index of Erectile Function and the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool. Female respondents completed the Female Sexual Function Index and the Index of Sex Life. The authors used descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and multivariable logistic regression to analyze responses. The authors' analyses included 2,261 completed survey responses: 910 from men, 1,343 from women, and 8 from individuals who self-identified as "other" gendered. Over 53% of respondents (n = 1,206) stated that they felt they had not received sufficient training in medical school to address sexual concerns clinically. Despite this, 81% of students (n = 1,827) reported feeling comfortable dealing with their patients' sexuality issues. Students with limited sexual experience, students at risk for sexual problems, and students who felt that they had not been trained adequately were less likely to report being comfortable talking to patients about sexual health issues. Perception of inadequate sexuality training in medical school and personal issues pertaining to sex may be associated with students' difficulty in addressing patients' sexuality. Adequate training is preeminently associated with feeling comfortable addressing patients' sexuality and should be a priority for medical education.

  6. Military Sexual Trauma Among Recent Veterans: Correlates of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment. (United States)

    Barth, Shannon K; Kimerling, Rachel E; Pavao, Joanne; McCutcheon, Susan J; Batten, Sonja V; Dursa, Erin; Peterson, Michael R; Schneiderman, Aaron I


    Military sexual trauma (MST) includes sexual harassment or sexual assault that occurs during military service and is of increasing public health concern. The population prevalence of MST among female and male veterans who served during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) has not been estimated to our knowledge. The purpose of this study is to assess the population prevalence and identify military correlates of MST, sexual harassment, and sexual assault among OEF/OIF veterans. MST was assessed in the 2009-2011 National Health Study for a New Generation of U.S. Veterans, a survey of 60,000 veterans who served during the OEF/OIF eras (response rate, 34%, n=20,563). Weighted prevalence estimates and AORs of MST, sexual harassment, and sexual assault among women and men were calculated. Gender-stratified logistic regression models controlled for military and demographic characteristics. Data analyses were conducted in 2013-2014. Approximately 41% of women and 4% of men reported experiencing MST. Deployed men had lower risk for MST compared with non-deployed men, though no difference was found among women. However, veterans reporting combat exposure during deployment had increased risk for MST compared with those without, while controlling for OEF/OIF deployment. Among women, Marines and Navy veterans had increased risk for MST compared with Air Force veterans. MST was significantly higher among veterans who reported using Veterans Affairs healthcare services. These prevalence estimates underscore the importance of public awareness and continued investigation of the public health impact of MST. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  7. Predictors of sexual assertiveness: the role of sexual desire, arousal, attitudes, and partner abuse. (United States)

    Santos-Iglesias, Pablo; Sierra, Juan Carlos; Vallejo-Medina, Pablo


    This study was conducted to test interpersonal, attitudinal, and sexual predictors of sexual assertiveness in a Spanish sample of 1,619 men and 1,755 women aged 18-87 years. Participants completed measures of sexual assertiveness, solitary and dyadic sexual desire, sexual arousal, erectile function, sexual attitudes, and frequency of partner abuse. In men, higher sexual assertiveness was predicted by less non-physical abuse, more positive attitudes toward sexual fantasies and erotophilia, higher dyadic desire, and higher sexual arousal. In women, higher sexual assertiveness was predicted by less non-physical abuse, less solitary sexual desire and higher dyadic sexual desire, arousal, erotophilia, and positive attitudes towards sexual fantasies. Results were discussed in the light of prevention and educational programs that include training in sexual assertiveness skills.

  8. Prevalence of Sexual Concerns and Sexual Dysfunction among Sexually Active and Inactive Men and Women with Screen-Detected Type 2 Diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerggaard, Mette; Charles, Morten; Kristensen, Ellids


    sexual distress. Around half of men and women were excluded from the SD analysis, mainly because of reporting lack of sexual intercourse during the last 4 weeks. Among those included, 54% of men and 12% of women were found to have SD. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual inactivity is highly prevalent among middle-aged......INTRODUCTION: Type 2 diabetes negatively impacts sexual health. Only limited information is available regarding sexual health among sexually inactive patients with type 2 diabetes. AIM: The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of sexual concerns among sexually active and sexually...... inactive men and women with type 2 diabetes and of sexual dysfunction (SD) among sexually active. METHODS: Data from the Anglo-Danish-Dutch Study of Intensive Treatment in People with Screen-Detected Diabetes in Primary Care-Denmark study was used. A total of 1,170 Danish patients with screen-detected type...

  9. An Examination of Gender Role Identity, Sexual Self-Esteem, Sexual Coercion and Sexual Victimization in a University Sample (United States)

    Kelly, Theresa C.; Erickson, Chris D.


    The relationship between gender role identity, sexual self-esteem and sexual coercion was examined through a questionnaire. Participants were 84 undergraduate students from a university in Washington, DC. Contrary to what has been found in the literature, there were weak relationships between sexual coercion and masculinity, and sexual coercion…

  10. Implications of No Recent Sexual Activity, Casual Sex, or Exclusive Sex for College Women's Sexual Well-Being Depend on Sexual Attitudes (United States)

    Kaestle, Christine E.; Evans, Larissa M.


    Objective: We examine how sexual activity relates to sexual well-being within the context of sexual attitudes, sexual agency, and sexual desire. Participants/Methods: We surveyed 471 college women in 2012-2014 who had ever had sex. Results: Sexual agency and sexual desire consistently predicted well-being, regardless of recent sexual activity.…

  11. Sexual Dysfunction 1 - Sexual sequelae of general medical disorders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Basson, Rosemary; Schultz, Willibrord Weijmar


    That sexual symptoms can signal serious underlying disease confirms the importance of sexual enquiry as an integral component of medical assessment. Data on sexual function are sparse in some medical specialties. However, increased scientific understanding of the central and peripheral physiology of

  12. Cognitive representations of sexual self differ as a function of gender and sexual debut. (United States)

    Lindgren, Kristen P; Schacht, Rebecca L; Mullins, Peter M; Blayney, Jessica A


    This research evaluated the association between gender and sexual debut (initial sexual intercourse) and indirect measures of sexuality. A sample of 440 U.S. college students (pre-sexual debut: 144 women, 153 men; post-sexual debut: 49 women, 94 men) completed the Sexual Self-Schema Scale (SSSS), which assessed cognitive representations about sexual aspects of oneself, and three Implicit Association Tests (IAT), which measured the strength of the associations between the concepts of self + sex, women + sex, and men + sex. Results replicated previous findings that (1) men more strongly associated self + sex and women + sex than did women, and (2) men and women had similarly strong associations of men + sex. Post-sexual debut women's self + sexual and women + sexual associations were stronger than pre-sexual debut women's. Men's associations did not differ significantly as a function of sexual debut. Post-sexual debut women's SSSS scores were more direct, more romantic, and less conservative than pre-sexual debut women's. Post-sexual debut men's SSSS scores were more aggressive and more open-minded than pre-sexual debut men's. Sexual debut appeared to be associated with sexualized and sexually liberal cognitive representations in women and, to a lesser extent, sexually liberal and aggressive cognitive representations in men. Findings were consistent with theories of cognitive consistency and provide preliminary evidence that sexual debut status was associated with differing cognitive representations.

  13. Deconstructing sexual orientation: understanding the phenomena of sexual orientation. (United States)

    Stein, T S


    The very terms of a debate about whether or not sexual orientation is primarily a biological phenomenon fail to consider the complex origins of the phenomenon. Deconstruction of the term "homosexuality" shows that it refers to multiple factors which cannot be studied as or subsumed under a unitary concept. Adequate understanding of sexual orientation must consider the developmental, interpersonal, experiential, and cultural dimensions of sexuality, as well as any biological contributions to sexual attraction, behavior, and identity.

  14. Relating sexual sadism and psychopathy to one another, non-sexual violence, and sexual crime behaviors. (United States)

    Robertson, Carrie A; Knight, Raymond A


    Sexual sadism and psychopathy have been theoretically, clinically, and empirically linked to violence. Although both constructs are linked to predatory violence, few studies have sought to explore the covariation of the two constructs, and even fewer have sought to conceptualize the similarities of violence prediction in each. The current study considered all four Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) facets and employed well-defined, validated measures of sadism to elucidate the relation between sadism and psychopathy, as well as to determine the role of each in the prediction of non-sexual violence and sexual crime behaviors. Study 1 assessed 314 adult, male sex offenders using archival ratings, as well as the self-report Multidimensional Inventory of Development, Sex, and Aggression (the MIDSA). Study 2 used archival ratings to assess 599 adult, male sex offenders. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of crime scene descriptions yielded four sexual crime behavior factors: Violence, Physical Control, Sexual Behavior, and Paraphilic. Sadism and psychopathy covaried, but were not coextensive; sadism correlated with Total PCL-R, Facet 1, and Facet 4 scores. The constructs predicted all non-sexual violence measures, but predicted different sexual crime behavior factors. The PCL-R facets collectively predicted the Violence and Paraphilic factors, whereas sadism only predicted the Violence factor. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Childhood Sexual Abuse

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    Evrim Aktepe


    Full Text Available Sexual abuse is defined as use of child or adolescent by the adults for satisfying of sexual urges and needs with forcing, threatening or tricking. Sexual abuse can be in the form of sexual abuse without touch, sexual touch, interfemoral intercourse, sexual penetration, and sexual exploitation. The prevalence of sexual abuse is reported as 10-40%. It is seen in female four times more than in males. Abusers are frequently male, only 5-15% of them are female. The abuse by females is usually towards male child. Thirty-fifty percent of abuse cases among child and adolescent are outside the family including strangers or familiar person. Some features of abusers are introvert personality, pedophilic and antisocial personality. Most of the abusers have a history of sexual abuse or aggression during childhood. Sexual intercourse between two people who are not allowed to marry by law is called as incest. Family pattern of incest is defined globally as disorganized and dysfunctional. The most commonly reported familial pattern is rigid and patriarchal family pattern with a harsh father using force quite frequently. The clinical features and impacts of the sexual abuse on the child varies according to the relation between abusers and the child, form of abuse, duration of abuse, presence of physical assault, developmental phase, child age and psychological development before the abuse. Sexual abuse history may result in psychiatric disorders including anxiety, depression, substance dependence, suicide act, borderline personality disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder. Abuse negatively affects interpersonal relationships and self esteem of abused individuals. Several studies reported close association between risky sexual behaviors in adulthood and a history of of sexual abuse during childhood. Four traumatic dynamics including traumatic sexuality with abuse, feeling of betrayal, weakness, and stigmatization exist in childhood abuse. Trauma can cause

  16. Sexual risk taking behaviour

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buttmann, Nina; Nielsen, Ann; Munk, Christian


    Sexual habits and risky sexual behaviour strongly affect public health. Available data indicate that sexually transmitted infections are increasing in many EU countries. Changes in the epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases across Europe are among other factors suggested to be driven by ch...... by changes in sexual behaviour patterns. The purpose of our study is to assess the occurrence of risky behaviour in men aged 18-45 years from the general population. Furthermore, we aim to examine factors associated with risky sexual behaviour.......Sexual habits and risky sexual behaviour strongly affect public health. Available data indicate that sexually transmitted infections are increasing in many EU countries. Changes in the epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases across Europe are among other factors suggested to be driven...

  17. College Sexual Assault and Campus Climate for Sexual- and Gender-Minority Undergraduate Students. (United States)

    Coulter, Robert W S; Rankin, Susan R


    Sexual- and gender-minority (e.g., lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) undergraduate students are at greater risk for sexual assault victimization than their cisgender (i.e., nontransgender) heterosexual peers. However, few studies have examined how social environments affect sexual assault victimization among sexual- and gender-minority undergraduate students. Nevertheless, this research area was identified as a priority by the Institute of Medicine as well as President Barack Obama's White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault. Therefore, we tested the association between college campuses' inclusion of sexual- and gender-minority people and experiences of sexual assault victimization. Cross-sectional surveys were completed by sexual- and gender-minority undergraduate students ( N = 1,925) from higher education institutions in all 50 U.S. states in 2010. Our dependent variable was experiencing sexual assault victimization at college. Our primary independent variable was campus climate, measured with items assessing perceived inclusion of sexual- and gender-minority people and witnessing sexual- or gender-minority harassment. We used multivariable logistic regression with generalized estimating equations (accounting for the clustering of students within schools) to estimate the association between campus climate and experiencing sexual assault victimization. Overall, 5.2% of the sample reported ever being victims of sexual assault at college. Controlling for sexual orientation, gender identity, race/ethnicity, and year in school, greater perceived inclusion of sexual- and gender-minority people on campus was associated with significantly lower odds of experiencing sexual assault victimization. Our study suggests that improving campus climate for sexual- and gender-minority individuals may reduce their prevalence of college sexual assault, which has potential implications for college practitioners and administrators as well as sexual assault

  18. Sexuality Within Female Same-Gender Couples: Definitions of Sex, Sexual Frequency Norms, and Factors Associated with Sexual Satisfaction. (United States)

    Scott, Shelby B; Ritchie, Lane; Knopp, Kayla; Rhoades, Galena K; Markman, Howard J


    Despite a growing number of female same-gender (FSG) relationships, couples-based research and interventions have focused primarily on mixed-gender couples. Consequently, research has applied a heteronormative lens to understanding some relationship factors, including sexuality. The current study sought to provide descriptive data regarding frequency and conceptualizations of sex across partners in FSG relationships, as well as to analyze how relationship factors are associated with sexual satisfaction in this population. Participants (N = 206) were 103 adult FSG couples who had been together for at least 2 months. Individuals provided self-report data on how they conceptualized sex, and actor-partner models were utilized to assess relationship factors associated with sexual satisfaction. Findings indicated that women in FSG relationships hold broad definitions of sex, with the majority of behaviors conceptualized as sex, including acts that involved partnered genital touching. In dyadic actor-partner models, sexual satisfaction was predicted by several factors including sexual frequency, emotional intimacy, and sexual intimacy. Unexpectedly, higher desired sexual frequency was associated with lower sexual satisfaction; however, this finding only emerged after controlling for actual sexual frequency, suggesting that discrepancies between desired and actual sex frequency may be important for FSG couples. Implications for clinical practice with FSG couples are explored, including a strength-based focus on broad conceptualizations of sex within this population and targeting relationship factors associated with sexual satisfaction.

  19. O papel do Estado e os desafios do professor de literatura

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    Márcia Bassetto Paes


    Full Text Available Pensar sobre o lugar ocupado pela literatura no ensino brasileiro significa também avaliar sua posição e importância no currículo escolar. Para tanto o objetivo deste artigo é promover uma reflexão sobre o papel do Estado e os desafios enfrentados pelo professor de literatura, bem como os demais profissionais envolvidos com a Educação. Os parâmetros de sustentação para o desenvolvimento dos argumentos e para as considerações finais são os textos de Marilena Chauí, Escritos sobre a Universidade, e de Florestan Fernandes, Educação e Sociedade no Brasil.

  20. Hepatitis C virus infection in Guinea-Bissau: a sexually transmitted genotype 2 with parenteral amplification?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mireille Plamondon

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Sub-Saharan Africa is the continent with the highest prevalence of Hepatitis C virus (HCV infection. Genotype 2 HCV is thought to have originated from West Africa several hundred years ago. Mechanisms of transmission remain poorly understood. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To delineate mechanisms for HCV transmission in West Africa, we conducted a cross-sectional survey of individuals aged >or=50 years in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. Dried blood spots were obtained for HCV serology and PCR amplification. Prevalence of HCV was 4.4% (47/1066 among women and 5.0% (27/544 among men. In multivariate analysis, the independent risk factors for HCV infection were age (baseline: 50-59 y; 60-69 y, adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 1.67, 95% CI: 0.91-3.06; >or=70 y, AOR: 3.47, 95% CI: 1.89-6.39, belonging to the Papel, Mancanha, Balanta or Mandjako ethnic groups (AOR: 2.45, 95% CI:1.32-4.53, originating from the Biombo, Cacheu or Oio regions north of Bissau (AOR: 4.16, 95% CI: 1.18-14.73 and having bought or sold sexual services (AOR: 3.60, 95% CI: 1.88-6.89. Of 57 isolates that could be genotyped, 56 were genotype 2. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that transmission of HCV genotype 2 in West Africa occurs through sexual intercourse. In specific locations and subpopulations, medical interventions may have amplified transmission parenterally.



    Pedroso, Vera Lucia Barreto


    O presente trabalho apresenta dados sobre o conhecimento de vinte enfermeiros que atuavam na rede pública de um município na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba sobre o abuso sexual contra crianças e adolescentes. A idade dos participantes variou de 27 a 55 anos, com média de 17 anos de formação em enfermagem e 7,2 anos de dedicação ao serviço público na prefeitura. Para a coleta de dados, foram realizados dois grupos focais com os participantes, abordando seis temas por meio de um roteiro de...

  2. Sexual behavior and sexual dysfunctions after age 40: the global study of sexual attitudes and behaviors. (United States)

    Nicolosi, Alfredo; Laumann, Edward O; Glasser, Dale B; Moreira, Edson D; Paik, Anthony; Gingell, Clive


    To assess the importance of sex and the prevalence of sexual dysfunction among middle-aged and older adults throughout the world. Increasing life expectancy has been accompanied by improvements in the health of the middle-aged and elderly, but little is known about how this has affected their sexual experience. Data were collected in 29 countries from 27,500 men and women aged 40 to 80 years using a standardized questionnaire (self-completed or by interview). Sexual dysfunction was defined as frequent and persistent problems. They included early ejaculation and erectile difficulties in men, lubrication difficulties and pain during intercourse in women, and a lack of sexual interest, an inability to achieve orgasm, and a feeling of unpleasurable sex in both. More than 80% of the men and 65% of the women had had sexual intercourse during the past year. Of these subjects, the most common dysfunctions were early ejaculation (14%) and erectile difficulties (10%) among the men and a lack of sexual interest (21%), inability to reach orgasm (16%), and lubrication difficulties (16%) among the women. Overall, 28% of the men and 39% of the women said that they were affected by at least one sexual dysfunction. The results of our study indicate that sexual desire and activity are widespread among middle-aged and elderly men and women worldwide and persist into old age. The prevalence of sexual dysfunctions was quite high and tended to increase with age, especially in men. Although major between-country differences were noted, this global study revealed some clear and consistent patterns.

  3. Interacciones neuroinmunes y dolor neuropático: papel del factor de crecimiento neuronal


    Ruiz Barría, Guido Raúl


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Diversas líneas de evidencia asignan al factor de crecimiento neuronal (NGF), expresado en el espacio endoneural por células de Schwann activadas tras una lesión nerviosa, un papel en el mecanismo del dolor neuropático periférico. Se ha sugerido, pues, que el NGF podría promover sprouting en la zona de la lesión y generar cambios plásticos en la primera neurona sensorial y sus proyecciones centrales, colaborando de este ...

  4. Propuesta sobre el papel del profesional de enfermería en salud ocupacional


    Useche Mora Luz Graciela


    El presente artículo sobre el papel del profesional de enfermería en salud ocupacional, constituye un intento de formulación de una propuesta, que aporte a la construcción de un modelo de intervención de enfermería en salud ocupacional en Colombia. La importancia de este estudio se basa en la necesidad de proporcionar a profesionales y estudiantes un marco de referencia que oriente la práctica de enfermería en salud ocupacional, ya que los estudios y escritos sobre el tema son extrem...

  5. Older lesbian sexuality: identity, sexual behavior, and the impact of aging. (United States)

    Averett, Paige; Yoon, Intae; Jenkins, Carol L


    In response to the very limited and mostly outdated literature on older lesbian sexuality, this exploratory study examined older lesbian sexual identity, romantic relationships, the impact of aging, and experiences of discrimination within these contexts. Utilizing an online survey that recruited via numerous online lesbian communities and snowball sampling, 456 lesbians over the age of 50 responded to closed, Likert scale, and open-ended questions that provided a preliminary understanding of older lesbian sexuality. The results indicated that older lesbians have experienced fluidity in past romantic and sexual relationships, as well as in erotic fantasies, despite strong identification with being lesbian. The findings also indicate a decreased focus on sexuality in the context of relationships, with more focus on stability and continuity. Future research is needed that provides greater specificity and detail about older lesbian conceptions of sexual behavior and sexual identity labels, as well as specific sexual behaviors.

  6. A Cultural Sexuality or a Sexual Culture?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vandermeersch, Patrick


    P. Vandermeersch, A Cultural Sexuality or a Sexual Culture? In: F. VAN DE VIJVER & G. HUTSCHEMAEKERS (ed.), The Investigation of Culture. Current Issues in Cultural Psychology, Tilburg, Tilburg University Press, 1990, 43-58.

  7. Sexually explicit cell phone messaging associated with sexual risk among adolescents. (United States)

    Rice, Eric; Rhoades, Harmony; Winetrobe, Hailey; Sanchez, Monica; Montoya, Jorge; Plant, Aaron; Kordic, Timothy


    Sexting (sending/receiving sexually explicit texts and images via cell phone) may be associated with sexual health consequences among adolescents. However, to date, no published data from a probability-based sample has examined associations between sexting and sexual activity. A probability sample of 1839 students was collected alongside the 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey in Los Angeles high schools. Logistic regressions were used to assess the correlates of sexting behavior and associations between sexting and sexual risk-taking. Fifteen percent of adolescents with cell phone access reported sexting, and 54% reported knowing someone who had sent a sext. Adolescents whose peers sexted were more likely to sext themselves (odds ratio [OR] = 16.87, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 9.62-29.59). Adolescents who themselves sexted were more likely to report being sexually active (OR = 7.17, 95% CI: 5.01-10.25). Nonheterosexual students were more likely to report sexting (OR = 2.74, 95% CI: 1.86-4.04), sexual activity (OR = 1.52, 95% CI: 1.07-2.15), and unprotected sex at last sexual encounter (OR = 1.84, 95% CI: 1.17-2.89). Sexting, rather than functioning as an alternative to "real world" sexual risk behavior, appears to be part of a cluster of risky sexual behaviors among adolescents. We recommend that clinicians discuss sexting as an adolescent-friendly way of engaging patients in conversations about sexual activity, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, and unwanted pregnancy. We further recommend that discussion about sexting and its associated risk behavior be included in school-based sexual health curricula.

  8. Medicina y sexualidad infantil en la España de los años treinta. La aportación del psicoanálisis a la pedagogía sexual


    del Cura, Mercedes; Huertas García-Alejo, Rafael


    El presente trabajo pretende averiguar el papel que algunos médicos desempeñaron en el desarrollo de la educación sexual de los niños en la España de los años treinta del siglo XX, prestando especial atención a los acercamientos de inspiración psicoanalítica, por entender que son éstos los más olvidados por la historiografía, tanto médica como general. A través del análisis de las aportaciones de los médicos españoles de la época, que tuvieron más interés por el psicoanálisis (Juarros, Sanchí...

  9. Sexual pain. (United States)

    Boardman, Lori A; Stockdale, Colleen K


    Sexual pain is an underrecognized and poorly treated constellation of disorders that significantly impact affected women and their partners. Recognized as a form of chronic pain, sexual pain disorders are heterogeneous and include dyspareunia (superficial and deep), vaginismus, vulvodynia, vestibulitis, and noncoital sexual pain disorder. Women too often tolerate pain in the belief that this will meet their partners' needs. This article provides a review of the terminology and definition of the condition, theories on the pathophysiology, diagnostic considerations, and recommendations on the management of female sexual pain.

  10. Substance use and risky sexual behaviours among sexually experienced Ghanaian youth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Doku David


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The association between risky sexual behaviours and substance uses among Ghanaian youth were investigated. Methods An in-school cross-sectional representative survey was conducted among 12-18-year- old youth in Ghana in 2008 (N = 1195, response rate =90%. Logistic regression analyses were employed to investigate the association between substance use (tobacco use, drunkenness, marijuana use and other drug uses and risky sexual behaviours (sexual debut, condom use and number of sexual partners. Results Of all youth, 25% (28% boys and 23% girls were sexually experienced. The mean age for first sexual intercourse was 14.8 years (14.4 years for boys and 15.1 years for girls. Among the sexually experienced, 31% had multiple sexual partners. Older age (OR = 3.4, 95% CI = 1.7-3.4 and rural residency (OR = 1.5, 95% CI = 1.1-2.1 were independently associated with sexual debut while only older age (OR = 2.4, 95% CI = 1.7-3.4 was associated with condom use. Additionally, smoking (OR = 3.7, 95% CI = 2.0-6.8, tawa use (OR = 2.4, 95% CI = 1.3-4.7, tobacco use (OR = 2.8, 95% CI = 1.7-4.7 drunkenness (OR = 1.7, 95% CI = 1.1-2.8 and marijuana use (OR = 3.3, 95% CI = 1.6-7.0 were independently associated with sexual debut. Furthermore, all substance uses studied were associated with having one or multiple sexual partners. Conclusion Substance use seems to be a gateway for risky sexual behaviours among Ghanaian youth. Public health interventions should take into account the likelihood of substance use among sexually experienced youth.

  11. “The pleasure is better as I’ve gotten older”: Sexual Health, Sexuality, and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Older Women Living with HIV (United States)

    Taylor, Tonya N.; Munoz-Plaza, Corrine E.; Goparaju, Lakshmi; Martinez, Omar; Holman, Susan; Minkoff, Howard L.; Karpiak, Stephen E.; Gandhi, Monica; Cohen, Mardge H.; Golub, Elizabeth T.; Levine, Alexandra M.; Adedimeji, Adebola A.; Gonsalves, Rebecca; Bryan, Tiffany; Connors, Nina; Schechter, Gabrielle; Wilson, Tracey E.


    There is limited research examining the sexual health and wellbeing of older women living with HIV (OWLH). Most studies focus on sexual dysfunction, leaving aside the richer context of sexuality and sexual health, including the effect of age-related psychosocial and interpersonal changes on sexual health behaviors. Guided by the integrative biopsychosocial model and the sexual health model, this study explored the importance of sex and sexuality among OWLH to identify their sexual health and HIV prevention needs for program planning. A purposive sample (n=50) of OWLH was selected from a parent study (n=2,052). We conducted 8 focus groups and 41 in-depth interviews with 50 African American and Latina OWLH aged 50–69 years old in three U.S. cities. The triangulation approach was used to synthesize the data. Six salient themes emerged: sexual pleasure changes due to age, sexual freedom as women age, the role of relationships in sexual pleasure, changes in sexual ability and sexual health needs, sexual risk behaviors, and ageist assumptions about older women’s sexuality. We found that sexual pleasure and the need for intimacy continue to be important for OWLH, but that changing sexual abilities and sexual health needs, such as the reduction of sexual desire, as well as increased painful intercourse due to menopause-associated vaginal drying, were persistent barriers to sexual fulfillment and satisfaction. Particular interpersonal dynamics, including low perceptions of the risk of HIV transmission as related to gender, viral suppression and habitual condomless sex with long term partners without HIV transmission have resulted in abandoning safer sex practices with serodiscordant partners. These findings suggest that HIV prevention for OWLH should focus on how sexual function and satisfaction intersect with sexual risk. HIV prevention for OWLH should promote ways to maintain satisfying and safe sex lives among aging women. PMID:27220311

  12. Addressing Sexual Harassment (United States)

    Young, Ellie L.; Ashbaker, Betty Y.


    This article discusses ways on how to address the problem of sexual harassment in schools. Sexual harassment--simply defined as any unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior--is a sensitive topic. Merely providing students, parents, and staff members with information about the school's sexual harassment policy is insufficient; schools must take…

  13. Al servicio de la transparencia. El papel de los archiveros y la gestión documental en el acceso a la información pública

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    Fernández Cuesta, Francisco


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es defender el papel fundamental de los archiveros y la gestión de documentos de cara a la futura Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública que tiene previsto aprobarse en España. Se llama la atención, así mismo, sobre determinadas condiciones necesarias en la situación actual para garantizar dicho papel y, con él, el propio derecho de acceso.

  14. Infantile sexuality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zeuthen, Katrine Egede; Gammelgård, Judy


    When first presented, Freud´s theory of infantile sexuality was a scandal. Not only was the claim that the small child sucking at the mother´s breast experiences a kind of pleasure that Freud without hesitation named sexual, the theory also turned the common understanding of human sexuality up-si...

  15. Sexual Function in Women with a History of Intrafamilial Childhood Sexual Abuse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Ellids; Lau, Marianne Engelbrecht


    % dyspareunia. The occurrence of sexual problems was significantly correlated to childhood physical violence, current psychological distress, flashbacks in sexual situations and discomfort with physical endearment. The prevalence of sexual pain disorders were also positively correlated to “no adult support......This study investigated sexual function in women with a history of severe intrafamilial childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and the correlation between sexual problems and the severity of CSA, adult support during childhood and current psychiatric symptoms. The sample consisted of 158 women who...... subsequently began specialized group psychotherapy for CSA sequellae. Clinical interview and questionnaires (Present Sexual Function, Sexual and Body Satisfaction, Symptom Check List 90-R) were used for data collection in a cross sectional study design. Non-parametric analysis, linear and logistic regression...

  16. A cross-sectional study on attitudes toward gender equality, sexual behavior, positive sexual experiences, and communication about sex among sexually active and non-sexually active adolescents in Bolivia and Ecuador

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara De Meyer


    Full Text Available Background: It is widely agreed upon that gender is a key aspect of sexuality however, questions remain on how gender exactly influences adolescents’ sexual health. Objective: The aim of this research was to study correlations between gender equality attitudes and sexual behavior, sexual experiences and communication about sex among sexually active and non-sexually active adolescents in 2 Latin American countries. Design: In 2011, a cross-sectional study was carried out among 5,913 adolescents aged 14–18 in 20 secondary schools in Cochabamba (Bolivia and 6 secondary schools in Cuenca (Ecuador. Models were built using logistic regressions to assess the predictive value of attitudes toward gender equality on adolescents’ sexual behavior, on experiences and on communication. Results: The analysis shows that sexually active adolescents who consider gender equality as important report higher current use of contraceptives within the couple. They are more likely to describe their last sexual intercourse as a positive experience and consider it easier to talk with their partner about sexuality than sexually experienced adolescents who are less positively inclined toward gender equality. These correlations remained consistent whether the respondent was a boy or a girl. Non-sexually active adolescents, who consider gender equality to be important, are more likely to think that sexual intercourse is a positive experience. They consider it less necessary to have sexual intercourse to maintain a relationship and find it easier to communicate with their girlfriend or boyfriend than sexually non-active adolescents who consider gender equality to be less important. Comparable results were found for boys and girls. Conclusions: Our results suggest that gender equality attitudes have a positive impact on adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health (SRH and wellbeing. Further research is necessary to better understand the relationship between gender

  17. A cross-sectional study on attitudes toward gender equality, sexual behavior, positive sexual experiences, and communication about sex among sexually active and non-sexually active adolescents in Bolivia and Ecuador (United States)

    De Meyer, Sara; Jaruseviciene, Lina; Zaborskis, Apolinaras; Decat, Peter; Vega, Bernardo; Cordova, Kathya; Temmerman, Marleen; Degomme, Olivier; Michielsen, Kristien


    Background It is widely agreed upon that gender is a key aspect of sexuality however, questions remain on how gender exactly influences adolescents’ sexual health. Objective The aim of this research was to study correlations between gender equality attitudes and sexual behavior, sexual experiences and communication about sex among sexually active and non-sexually active adolescents in 2 Latin American countries. Design In 2011, a cross-sectional study was carried out among 5,913 adolescents aged 14–18 in 20 secondary schools in Cochabamba (Bolivia) and 6 secondary schools in Cuenca (Ecuador). Models were built using logistic regressions to assess the predictive value of attitudes toward gender equality on adolescents’ sexual behavior, on experiences and on communication. Results The analysis shows that sexually active adolescents who consider gender equality as important report higher current use of contraceptives within the couple. They are more likely to describe their last sexual intercourse as a positive experience and consider it easier to talk with their partner about sexuality than sexually experienced adolescents who are less positively inclined toward gender equality. These correlations remained consistent whether the respondent was a boy or a girl. Non-sexually active adolescents, who consider gender equality to be important, are more likely to think that sexual intercourse is a positive experience. They consider it less necessary to have sexual intercourse to maintain a relationship and find it easier to communicate with their girlfriend or boyfriend than sexually non-active adolescents who consider gender equality to be less important. Comparable results were found for boys and girls. Conclusions Our results suggest that gender equality attitudes have a positive impact on adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and wellbeing. Further research is necessary to better understand the relationship between gender attitudes and specific SRH

  18. A cross-sectional study on attitudes toward gender equality, sexual behavior, positive sexual experiences, and communication about sex among sexually active and non-sexually active adolescents in Bolivia and Ecuador. (United States)

    De Meyer, Sara; Jaruseviciene, Lina; Zaborskis, Apolinaras; Decat, Peter; Vega, Bernardo; Cordova, Kathya; Temmerman, Marleen; Degomme, Olivier; Michielsen, Kristien


    It is widely agreed upon that gender is a key aspect of sexuality however, questions remain on how gender exactly influences adolescents' sexual health. The aim of this research was to study correlations between gender equality attitudes and sexual behavior, sexual experiences and communication about sex among sexually active and non-sexually active adolescents in 2 Latin American countries. In 2011, a cross-sectional study was carried out among 5,913 adolescents aged 14-18 in 20 secondary schools in Cochabamba (Bolivia) and 6 secondary schools in Cuenca (Ecuador). Models were built using logistic regressions to assess the predictive value of attitudes toward gender equality on adolescents' sexual behavior, on experiences and on communication. The analysis shows that sexually active adolescents who consider gender equality as important report higher current use of contraceptives within the couple. They are more likely to describe their last sexual intercourse as a positive experience and consider it easier to talk with their partner about sexuality than sexually experienced adolescents who are less positively inclined toward gender equality. These correlations remained consistent whether the respondent was a boy or a girl. Non-sexually active adolescents, who consider gender equality to be important, are more likely to think that sexual intercourse is a positive experience. They consider it less necessary to have sexual intercourse to maintain a relationship and find it easier to communicate with their girlfriend or boyfriend than sexually non-active adolescents who consider gender equality to be less important. Comparable results were found for boys and girls. Our results suggest that gender equality attitudes have a positive impact on adolescents' sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and wellbeing. Further research is necessary to better understand the relationship between gender attitudes and specific SRH outcomes such as unwanted teenage pregnancies and sexual

  19. Sexual assault

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, M-L; Hilden, M; Lidegaard, Ø


    ) the relationship between victim and perpetrator. RESULTS: Two-thirds of the victims were aged 15-24 years. Seventy-five percent had met the perpetrator before the sexual assault and 70% reported the assault to the police. A physical injury was found in 53, and 27% sustained an anogenital lesion. Alcohol...... is important in creating an environment where women are not reluctant to seek help after a sexual assault. Young age and drinking alcohol were risk factors for sexual assault, and we need to address this when considering preventive strategies.......OBJECTIVE: To describe the victims of sexual assault and the circumstances in which the assaults occur. DESIGN: Descriptive case study. SETTING: Centre for Victims of Sexual Assault (CVSA), Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. POPULATION OR SAMPLE: A total of 2541 women attending CVSA from 2001...

  20. As esferas pública e privada: reflexões sobre o papel da educação

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    Paula de Souza Bezerra


    Full Text Available A discussão propõe uma busca sobre os conceitos de esfera pública e privada desde a Antiguidade, bem como o papel da educação em meio a esses dois campos organizacionais. Tendo em vista a existência de uma crise que abrange diversos segmentos (político, econômico, cultural e social na atualidade, trazemos a seguinte inquietação: precisamos de um resgate dos conceitos de público e privado? Com essa pergunta o objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma reflexão sobre o resgate do público e do privado e o papel que a educação pode desempenhar nessa perspectiva. A possiblidade de a pesquisa vir a ser um instrumento de estudo para a academia, e também um caminho para conscientização da própria comunidade, apresenta-se como sua justificativa. Como metodologia optou-se pelo estudo de cunho bibliográfico e de abordagem qualitativa, utilizando como principais referenciais teóricos: Hannah Arendt, Celso Lafer e José Sérgio de Carvalho.

  1. The Role of Sexual Communication in Couples' Sexual Outcomes: A Dyadic Path Analysis. (United States)

    Jones, Adam C; Robinson, W David; Seedall, Ryan B


    In a study of 142 couples, we gathered survey data to show how sexual communication influences sexual and relationship satisfaction as well as sexual and orgasm frequency. In two dyadic data path analyses, we observed the significant paths of influence that sexual communication has on sexual and relationship satisfaction, as well as sexual and orgasm frequency. Our findings revealed greater amounts of sexual communication were associated with increased orgasm frequency in women and greater relationship and sexual satisfaction in both sexes. We also observed important differences in the associations of sexual communication and general communication on satisfaction levels. With these analyses, we expand the current literature to broaden our understanding of the role that sexual communication plays in committed relationships. © 2017 American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

  2. Efectos moduladores del etanol sobre el sistema inmunitario: papel de los receptores TLR4


    Fernández Lizarbe, Sara


    Trabajos clínicos y experimentales han demostrado que el etanol altera al sistema inmunitario. Aunque los mecanismos moleculares se desconocen, se ha demostrado que sus acciones sobre el sistema inmunitario son complejas y dependen de la dosis, el tiempo de exposición (agudo o crónico), tipo celular y presencia o ausencia de estímulos adicionales, como patógenos. Evidencias recientes indican el papel de los receptores tipo Toll (TLR) en la respuesta inmunitaria innata y, posiblemente, en...

  3. Associations of unhealthy lifestyle factors with sexual inactivity and sexual dysfunctions in Denmark. (United States)

    Christensen, Birgitte S; Grønbaek, Morten; Pedersen, Bo V; Graugaard, Christian; Frisch, Morten


    Studies have linked obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and tobacco smoking to erectile dysfunction, but the evidence linking unhealthy lifestyle factors to other sexual dysfunctions or to sexual inactivity is conflicting. To examine associations between unhealthy lifestyle factors and sexual inactivity with a partner and four specific sexual dysfunctions in each sex. We used nationally representative survey data from 5,552 Danish men and women aged 16-97 years in 2005. Cross-sectional associations of lifestyle factors with sexual inactivity and sexual dysfunctions were estimated by logistic regression-derived, confounder-adjusted odds ratios (ORs). We calculated ORs for sexual inactivity with a partner and for sexual dysfunction and sexual difficulties overall in both sexes, for erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia, premature ejaculation, and dyspareunia in men, and for lubrication insufficiency, anorgasmia, dyspareunia, and vaginismus in women. Obesity (body mass index [BMI]≥30 kg/m(2) ) or a substantially increased waist circumference (men ≥102 cm; women ≥88 cm), physical inactivity, and, among women, tobacco smoking were each significantly associated with sexual inactivity in the last year. Among sexually active men, both underweight (BMI 21 alcoholic beverages/week), tobacco smoking, and use of hard drugs were each significantly positively associated with one or more sexual dysfunctions (ORs between 1.71 and 22.0). Among sexually active women, the only significant positive association between an unhealthy lifestyle factor and sexual dysfunction was between hashish use and anorgasmia (OR 2.85). In both sexes, several unhealthy lifestyle factors were associated with sexual inactivity with a partner in the last year. Additionally, among sexually active participants, men with unhealthy lifestyles were significantly more likely to experience sexual dysfunctions. Considering the importance of a good sex life, our findings may be useful in attempts to promote healthier

  4. Sexually Explicit Cell Phone Messaging Associated With Sexual Risk Among Adolescents (United States)

    Rhoades, Harmony; Winetrobe, Hailey; Sanchez, Monica; Montoya, Jorge; Plant, Aaron; Kordic, Timothy


    OBJECTIVES: Sexting (sending/receiving sexually explicit texts and images via cell phone) may be associated with sexual health consequences among adolescents. However, to date, no published data from a probability-based sample has examined associations between sexting and sexual activity. METHODS: A probability sample of 1839 students was collected alongside the 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey in Los Angeles high schools. Logistic regressions were used to assess the correlates of sexting behavior and associations between sexting and sexual risk-taking. RESULTS: Fifteen percent of adolescents with cell phone access reported sexting, and 54% reported knowing someone who had sent a sext. Adolescents whose peers sexted were more likely to sext themselves (odds ratio [OR] = 16.87, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 9.62–29.59). Adolescents who themselves sexted were more likely to report being sexually active (OR = 7.17, 95% CI: 5.01–10.25). Nonheterosexual students were more likely to report sexting (OR = 2.74, 95% CI: 1.86–4.04), sexual activity (OR = 1.52, 95% CI: 1.07–2.15), and unprotected sex at last sexual encounter (OR = 1.84, 95% CI: 1.17–2.89). CONCLUSIONS: Sexting, rather than functioning as an alternative to “real world” sexual risk behavior, appears to be part of a cluster of risky sexual behaviors among adolescents. We recommend that clinicians discuss sexting as an adolescent-friendly way of engaging patients in conversations about sexual activity, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, and unwanted pregnancy. We further recommend that discussion about sexting and its associated risk behavior be included in school-based sexual health curricula. PMID:22987882

  5. Sexual harassment among adolescents of different sexual orientations and gender identities. (United States)

    Mitchell, Kimberly J; Ybarra, Michele L; Korchmaros, Josephine D


    This article examines (a) variation in rates of sexual harassment across mode (e.g., in-person, online) and type of harassment, (b) the impact of sexual harassment (i.e., distressing vs. non-distressing), and (c) how sexual harassment is similarly and differently experienced across sexual orientation and gender identity groups. Data were collected as part of the Teen Health and Technology online survey of 5,907 13 to 18 year-old Internet users in the United States. Past year sexual harassment was reported by 23-72% of youth, depending upon sexual orientation, with the highest rates reported by lesbian/queer girls (72%), bisexual girls (66%), and gay/queer boys (66%). When examined by gender identity, transgender youth reported the highest rates of sexual harassment - 81%. Overall, the most common modes for sexual harassment were in-person followed by online. Distress in the form of interference with school, family, and/or friends; creating a hostile environment; or being very/extremely upset was reported by about half of the sexually harassed bisexual girls and lesbian/queer girls, 65% of the gender non-conforming/other gender youth, and 63% of the transgender youth. Youth with high social support and self-esteem were less likely to report sexual harassment. Findings point to the great importance of sexual harassment prevention for all adolescents, with particular emphasis on the unique needs and experiences of youth of different sexual orientations and gender identities. Socio-emotional programs that emphasize self-esteem building could be particularly beneficial for reducing the likelihood of victimization and lessen the impact when it occurs. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Sexual and relationship intimacy among women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners: associations with sexual satisfaction, sexual function, and pain self-efficacy. (United States)

    Bois, Katy; Bergeron, Sophie; Rosen, Natalie O; McDuff, Pierre; Grégoire, Catherine


    Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is the most frequent subtype of vulvodynia. Women report negative consequences of PVD on their sexual and romantic relationships. Researchers have recently highlighted the importance of examining interpersonal factors such as intimacy, and of including both women and their partners in study designs. The aim of this study was to investigate sexual and relationship intimacy as defined by the Interpersonal Process Model of Intimacy and their associations with sexual satisfaction, sexual function, pain self-efficacy, and pain intensity among women with PVD and their partners. Ninety-one heterosexual women (M age = 27.38, SD = 6.04) diagnosed with PVD and their partners (M age = 29.37, SD = 7.79) completed measures of sexual and relationship intimacy, sexual satisfaction, sexual function, pain self-efficacy, and pain intensity. Dependent measures were the (i) Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction Scale; (ii) Female Sexual Function Index; (iii) Painful Intercourse Self-Efficacy Scale; and (iv) visual analog scale of pain intensity during intercourse. After controlling for women's age, women's greater sexual intimacy (β = 0.49, P sexual satisfaction and higher pain self-efficacy (β = 0.39, P = 0.001), beyond the effects of partners' sexual intimacy. Also, women's greater sexual intimacy (β = 0.24, P = 0.05) and women's greater relationship intimacy (β = 0.54, P = 0.003) were associated with greater women's sexual function, beyond the effects of partners' sexual and relationship intimacy. Women's self-reported sexual and relationship intimacy in the couple relationship may promote higher sexual satisfaction, sexual function, and pain self-efficacy, as well as possibly foster greater sexual well-being among women with PVD. The authors discuss implications for the inclusion of emotional and interpersonal aspects of the couple's dynamic in clinical interventions and future research in PVD. © 2013

  7. Monstruos de papel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joaquín Díaz


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. The expression «literatura de cordel» uniquely brings together all that kinds of papers that were sold in the street exposed to the attention of the public hanging from a string. The contemplation of that kind of papers used to be in the square or in a market and the editor used to search an effect showing an artistic engraving on the cover. To achieve this engraving attracted without hesitation to who is closer to the seller's specifications, it demanded the collaboration of an artist who return to images which otherwise expressed the words of the author of the text and it required that artist who figures –animals or human– they were identifiable, a desirable general vision and at the same time seem relatively close. Treatment given by some of these artists to the themes of the «pliegos» came to be peculiar to its form created a «style» and a repertoire with own personality and aesthetics. This article discusses some of the recurring themes that influenced the creation of a common long-haul mentality. Resumen: La expresión “literatura de cordel” agrupa unívocamente a todo aquel tipo de papeles que eran vendidos en la calle expuestos a la atención del público colgando de una cuerda. La contemplación del pliego solía hacerse en la plaza o en un mercado y el editor solía buscar un efecto mostrando un grabado en la portada. Para conseguir que ese grabado atrajera sin dudar a quien se acercase al vendedor de pliegos, demandaba la colaboración de un artista plástico que trasladase a imágenes lo que de otro modo expresaban las palabras del autor del pliego y exigía a ese artista que las figuras –de animales o humanas- fuesen identificables, respetasen un deseable plano general y al mismo tiempo parecieran relativamente cercanas. El tratamiento dado por algunos de esos artistas a los temas de los pliegos llegó a hacerse tan peculiar que su forma creó un “estilo” y un repertorio con personalidad y est

  8. Sexual abuse during childhood and adolescence as predictors of HIV-related sexual risk during adulthood among female sexual partners of injection drug users. (United States)

    Klein, H; Chao, B S


    This study explores the relationship of sexual abuse during childhood and adolescence with HIV-related sexual risk behaviors during adulthood among female sexual partners of injection drug users. It analyzed data that was gathered between 1990 and 1993, which included a sample of 2794 women from the US, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. 6 HIV-related sexual risk behaviors that occurred during the month prior to interview were examined; namely, number of sexual partners, number of drug-injecting sexual partners, number of sexual intercourse while high on alcohol and/or other drugs, number of times trading sex for drugs and/or money, proportion of all sexual acts involving protection, and overall HIV-related sexual risk. The results showed that more than one-third of the women (36.3%) experienced some form of sexual abuse during childhood, whereas 34.4% reported that they had been abused sexually during adolescence; 1 in 5 women (18.4%) stated being abused during both periods. The results further indicate that there is a strong link between sexual abuse victimization early in life and involvement later in life in HIV-related sexual risk behaviors. It was found out that certain forms of sexual abuse, such as forced exposure and touching of one's sexual parts were more strongly related than other forms of sexual abuse to subsequent involvement in HIV-related sexual behaviors.

  9. Men's sexual self-schema. (United States)

    Andersen, B L; Cyranowski, J M; Espindle, D


    Sexual self-schemas are cognitive generalizations about sexual aspects of oneself. In Part 1, a measure of men's sexual self-schema is developed. Studies of test-retest and internal consistency reliability and validity studies of factor analysis, internal structure, convergent and discriminant validity, process, group difference, and change are provided. The construct consists of 3 dimensions: passionate-loving, powerful-aggressive, and open-minded-liberal traits. In Part 2, the data suggest that men's sexual schema is derived from past sexual experience, is manifest in current sexual experience, and guides future sexual behavior. In Part 3, the data document the cognitive processing aspects of sexual schema. Consistent with the investigators' schema research with women, these data substantiate the importance of cognitive representations of sexuality.

  10. Evidence of Syndemics and Sexuality-Related Discrimination Among Young Sexual-Minority Women. (United States)

    Coulter, Robert W S; Kinsky, Suzanne M; Herrick, Amy L; Stall, Ron D; Bauermeister, José A


    Syndemics, or the co-occurrence and interaction of health problems, have been examined extensively among young men who have sex with men, but their existence remain unexamined, to our knowledge, among sexual-minority (i.e., lesbian, gay, and bisexual) women. Thus, we investigated if syndemics were present among young sexual-minority women, and if sexual-orientation discrimination was an independent variable of syndemic production. A total of 467 sexual-minority women between the ages of 18 and 24 completed a cross-sectional online survey regarding their substance use, mental health, sexual behaviors, height, weight, and experiences of discrimination. We used structural equation modeling to investigate the presence of syndemics and their relationship to sexual-orientation discrimination. Heavy episodic drinking, marijuana use, ecstasy use, hallucinogen use, depressive symptoms, multiple sexual partners, and history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) comprised syndemics in this population (chi-square=24.989, P=.201; comparative fit index [CFI]=0.946; root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA]=0.023). Sexual-orientation discrimination is significantly and positively associated with the latent syndemic variable (unstandardized coefficient=0.095, Pdiscrimination (unstandardized coefficient=0.602, P>.05). Syndemics appear to be present and associated with sexual-orientation discrimination among young sexual-minority women. Interventions aimed at reducing discrimination or increasing healthy coping may help reduce substance use, depressive symptoms, and sexual risk behaviors in this population.

  11. Sexual harassment and prior sexual trauma among African-American and white American women. (United States)

    Wyatt, G E; Riederle, M


    This study examined the relationship between sexual harassment in work, educational, and social settings and sexual abuse in childhood and/or adulthood in a stratified community sample of 248 African-American and white American women. The cumulative impact of sexual victimization on women's sense of general well-being was also examined. Those most likely to be sexually harassed in work and social settings were women with contact sexual abuse histories, regardless of ethnicity. The work status of harassers of women with sexual abuse histories differed significantly by ethnic group. Although women with prior sexual abuse experiences from both ethnic groups most frequently reported a response to sexual harassment at work, they least frequently did so in social settings. A history of childhood sexual abuse was more negatively associated with African- American women's well-being than were repeated experiences of sexual violence. Future research should address the implications of ethnic and cultural issues on the cumulative impact of incidents of sexual violence on women of color.

  12. Emotions during sexual activity: differences between sexually functional and dysfunctional men and women. (United States)

    Nobre, Pedro J; Pinto-Gouveia, José


    The present study investigated the differences in emotional response to automatic thoughts presented during sexual activity between sexually functional and dysfunctional men and women. A total of 376 participants (160 women and 120 men without sexual problems and 47 women and 49 men with a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of sexual dysfunction) completed the Sexual Modes Questionnaire (SMQ male and female versions; P. J. Nobre & J. Pinto-Gouveia, 2000) and measures of sexual functioning: The International Index of Sexual Function (IIEF; R. C. Rosen et al., 1997), and The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI; R. C. Rosen et al., 2000). The SMQ is a combined measure constituted by three interdependent subscales: Automatic Thought subscale (AT), Emotional Response subscale (ER), and Sexual Response subscale (SR). Emotions were assessed by the ER subscale, where participants endorsed emotional reactions (worry, sadness, disillusion, fear, guilt, shame, anger, hurt, pleasure, satisfaction) to a list of automatic thoughts (AT subscale) that may occur during sexual activity. Results showed that both men and women with sexual dysfunction had significantly less positive emotional reactions to automatic thoughts during sexual activity. Sexually dysfunctional men had significantly more emotions of sadness, disillusion, and fear, and less pleasure and satisfaction, compared to men without sexual problems. Women with sexual dysfunction had significantly less pleasure and satisfaction, and more sadness, disillusion, guilt, and anger. Findings were congruent with recent studies indicating that emotions related to depressed affect (sadness, disillusion, lack of pleasure) as opposed to negative emotions (mostly related to anxiety) were stronger correlates of sexual dysfunction.

  13. A Meta-Analysis of Disparities in Childhood Sexual Abuse, Parental Physical Abuse, and Peer Victimization Among Sexual Minority and Sexual Nonminority Individuals (United States)

    Marshal, Michael P.; Guadamuz, Thomas E.; Wei, Chongyi; Wong, Carolyn F.; Saewyc, Elizabeth; Stall, Ron


    Objectives. We compared the likelihood of childhood sexual abuse (under age 18), parental physical abuse, and peer victimization based on sexual orientation. Methods. We conducted a meta-analysis of adolescent school-based studies that compared the likelihood of childhood abuse among sexual minorities vs sexual nonminorities. Results. Sexual minority individuals were on average 3.8, 1.2, 1.7, and 2.4 times more likely to experience sexual abuse, parental physical abuse, or assault at school or to miss school through fear, respectively. Moderation analysis showed that disparities between sexual minority and sexual nonminority individuals were larger for (1) males than females for sexual abuse, (2) females than males for assault at school, and (3) bisexual than gay and lesbian for both parental physical abuse and missing school through fear. Disparities did not change between the 1990s and the 2000s. Conclusions. The higher rates of abuse experienced by sexual minority youths may be one of the driving mechanisms underlying higher rates of mental health problems, substance use, risky sexual behavior, and HIV reported by sexual minority adults. PMID:21680921

  14. A meta-analysis of disparities in childhood sexual abuse, parental physical abuse, and peer victimization among sexual minority and sexual nonminority individuals. (United States)

    Friedman, Mark S; Marshal, Michael P; Guadamuz, Thomas E; Wei, Chongyi; Wong, Carolyn F; Saewyc, Elizabeth; Stall, Ron


    We compared the likelihood of childhood sexual abuse (under age 18), parental physical abuse, and peer victimization based on sexual orientation. We conducted a meta-analysis of adolescent school-based studies that compared the likelihood of childhood abuse among sexual minorities vs sexual nonminorities. Sexual minority individuals were on average 3.8, 1.2, 1.7, and 2.4 times more likely to experience sexual abuse, parental physical abuse, or assault at school or to miss school through fear, respectively. Moderation analysis showed that disparities between sexual minority and sexual nonminority individuals were larger for (1) males than females for sexual abuse, (2) females than males for assault at school, and (3) bisexual than gay and lesbian for both parental physical abuse and missing school through fear. Disparities did not change between the 1990s and the 2000s. The higher rates of abuse experienced by sexual minority youths may be one of the driving mechanisms underlying higher rates of mental health problems, substance use, risky sexual behavior, and HIV reported by sexual minority adults.

  15. Sexuality, culture and society: shifting paradigms in sexuality research. (United States)

    Parker, Richard


    Over the course of the past three decades, there has been a significant increase of research on the social and cultural dimensions of sexuality. This paper reviews three major phases in the development of this work. In the first phase, work focusing on the social construction of sexual experience developed an important critique of the biomedical and sexological approaches that had dominated the field over much of the twentieth century. In the second phase, increasingly detailed studies of sexual life were developed which highlighted the cross-cultural diversity of sexual cultures, sexual identities and sexual communities. In the most recent phase, there has been a growing recognition of the complex relationship between culture and power, and increasing attention to the political and economic dimensions of sexuality. In spite of the significant conceptual and methodological advances that have taken place over time, however, it is also possible to identify a number of important questions that have not yet been adequately addressed and that may have been precluded by some of the perspectives that have come to dominate the field. The paper ends by focusing on the silences and invisibilities that continue to characterize this field of research and the challenges that must still be confronted in seeking to expand our understanding of these issues.

  16. Sexual networks and social capital: multiple and concurrent sexual ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Multiple and concurrent sexual partnerships (MCP) are prevalent in southern Africa and have been identified as a primary cause of high HIV prevalence in this region. Sexual liaisons with multiple partners serve to increase the size and diversity of an individual's sexual — and social — network and therefore to increase their ...

  17. Sexual behavior in pregnancy: comparing between sexual education group and nonsexual education group. (United States)

    Wannakosit, Salakjit; Phupong, Vorapong


    Sexuality usually decreases during pregnancy. To evaluate sexual behavior during pregnancy, comparing two groups. One had sexual education and the other had none. After randomizing two groups of pregnant women, they completed self-administered questionnaires regarding attitudes and sexual behavior before and during pregnancy. Sexual education was provided in one group and a second self-administered questionnaire was completed 12 weeks later. Responses were summarized using descriptive statistics. Comparison of change of sexual behavior between two groups was analyzed using chi-square and student t-tests. The change in frequency of coitus during pregnancy was compared between the sexual education group and the noneducation group. There was no statistically difference in changes of sexual behavior between the two groups. There was a reduction in frequency of coitus (90.6% vs. 94.9%, P>0.05) between the nonsexual education group and the sexual education group and no statistically significant change in mean reduction of sexual desire (8.9 vs. 4.4, P>0.05), sexual arousal (14.3 vs. 13.1, P>0.05), satisfaction from coitus (15.4 vs. 7.2, P>0.05), and orgasm from coitus (12.3 vs. 12.3, P>0.05). The change of sexual behavior during pregnancy in the sexual education group was not different from that in the nonsexual education group. © 2010 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  18. Sexual health and religion: a primer for the sexual health clinician (CME). (United States)

    Kellogg Spadt, Susan; Rosenbaum, Talli Y; Dweck, Alyssa; Millheiser, Leah; Pillai-Friedman, Sabitha; Krychman, Michael


    Sexual health is an integral part of the multifaceted human experience that is driven both by biological factors and psychological facets. Religion may provide a moral code of conduct or a sexual compass as to sexual norms and behaviors. The aim of this study was to summarize the integration of sexuality and religion. A review of published literature and religious texts was conducted. The integration of religion with country or state politics and laws is a complicated dilemma and will not be discussed in the scope of this article. The extent to which an individual incorporates their religious doctrine into their sexual life is a personal and individualized choice. The sexual medicine health professional will likely encounter a diverse patient population of distinct religious backgrounds, and a primer on religion and sexuality is a much needed adjunctive tool for the clinician. Because religion can influence sexuality and dictate, in part, the behavioral and medical treatments for sexual complaints, the clinician should be familiar with religious guidelines regarding sexuality, and treatment should be customized and individualized. Failure to do so can impact compliance with the therapeutic interventions. Religious awareness also solidifies the therapeutic alliance between clinician and patient as it demonstrates respect and acknowledgment for patient's beliefs and autonomy. © 2014 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  19. Internet Sexualities (United States)

    Döring, Nicola

    The term “internet sexuality” (or OSA, online sexual activities) refers to sexual-related content and activities observable on the internet (cf. Adams, Oye, & Parker, 2003; Cooper, McLoughlin, & Campbell, 2000; Leiblum & Döring, 2002). It designates a variety of sexual phenomena (e.g., pornography, sex education, sexual contacts) related to a wide spectrum of online services and applications (e.g., websites, online chat rooms, peer-to-peer networks). If an even broader range of computer networks - such as the Usenet or bulletin board systems - is included in this extensional definition, one speaks of “online sexuality” or “cybersexuality.”

  20. Prevalence of dating violence among sexual minority youth: variation across gender, sexual minority identity and gender of sexual partners. (United States)

    Martin-Storey, Alexa


    Dating violence during adolescence negatively influences concurrent psychosocial functioning, and has been linked with an increased likelihood of later intimate partner violence. Identifying who is most vulnerable for this negative outcome can inform the development of intervention practices addressing this problem. The two goals of this study were to assess variations in the prevalence of dating violence across different measures of sexual minority status (e.g., sexual minority identity or same-sex sexual behavior), and to assess whether this association was mediated by bullying, the number of sexual partners, binge drinking or aggressive behaviors. These goals were assessed by employing the Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey (N = 12,984), a regionally representative sample of youth ages 14-18. In this sample, a total of 540 girls and 323 boys reported a non-heterosexual identity, and 429 girls and 230 boys reported having had one or more same-sex sexual partners. The results generally supported a higher prevalence of dating violence among sexual minority youth. This vulnerability varied considerably across gender, sexual minority identity and the gender of sexual partners, but generally persisted when accounting for the mediating variables. The findings support investigating dating violence as a mechanism in the disparities between sexual minority and heterosexual youth, and the importance of addressing sexual minority youth specifically in interventions targeting dating violence.

  1. O papel do controle interno na administração pública


    Pedro Gabril Kenne da Silva


    Neste trabalho estuda-se o controle enquanto função da Ciência da Administração e sua utilização como principal objeto da Auditoria Interna, centrando atenção à evolução dos controles internos na Administração Pública. Abordam-se a forma de organização, papel e importância do controle interno, assim como as dificuldades para o estabelecimento de controles eficazes no setor público, em função de suas peculiaridades. Ao final, tomando-se por base o sistema de controle interno do Estado do Rio G...

  2. Biology of Sexual Dysfunction

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    Anil Kumar Mysore Nagaraj


    Full Text Available Sexual activity is a multifaceted activity, involving complex interactions between the nervous system, the endocrine system, the vascular system and a variety of structures that are instrumental in sexual excitement, intercourse and satisfaction. Sexual function has three components i.e., desire, arousal and orgasm. Many sexual dysfunctions can be categorized according to the phase of sexual response that is affected. In actual clinical practice however, sexual desire, arousal and orgasmic difficulties more often than not coexist, suggesting an integration of phases. Sexual dysfunction can result from a wide variety of psychological and physiological causes including derangements in the levels of sex hormones and neurotrensmitters. This review deals with the biology of different phases of sexual function as well as implications of hormones and neurotransmitters in sexual dysfunction

  3. Is High Sexual Desire a Risk for Women's Relationship and Sexual Well-Being? (United States)

    Štulhofer, Aleksandar; Bergeron, Sophie; Jurin, Tanja


    Historically, women's sexual desire has been deemed socially problematic. The growing popularity of the concept of hypersexuality-which lists high sexual desire among its core components-poses a risk of re-pathologizing female sexual desire. Data from a 2014 online survey of 2,599 Croatian women aged 18-60 years was used to examine whether high sexual desire is detrimental to women's relationship and sexual well-being. Based on the highest scores on an indicator of sexual desire, 178 women were classified in the high sexual desire (HSD) group; women who scored higher than one standard deviation above the Hypersexual Disorder Screening Inventory mean were categorized in the hypersexuality (HYP) group (n = 239). Fifty-seven women met the classification criteria for both groups (HYP&HSD). Compared to other groups, the HSD was the most sexually active group. Compared to controls, the HYP and HYP&HSD groups-but not the HSD group-reported significantly more negative consequences associated with their sexuality. Compared to the HYP group, women with HSD reported better sexual function, higher sexual satisfaction, and lower odds of negative behavioral consequences. The findings suggest that, at least among women, hypersexuality should not be conflated with high sexual desire and frequent sexual activity.

  4. Assessment of sexually related personal distress accompanying premenopausal sexual dysfunction with an Arabic version of the Female Sexual Distress Scale. (United States)

    Ahmed, Magdy R; Shaaban, Mohamed M; Meky, Heba K


    To assess sexually related personal distress among premenopausal women with female sexual dysfunction (FSD) via a validated Arabic version of the Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSDS). A cross-sectional study was conducted among women attending Suez Canal University Hospital, Egypt, between May 2015 and July 2016. In a pilot study to evaluate test-retest reliability and internal consistency, 42 sexually active premenopausal women (aged ≥20 years) completed the Arabic FSDS at recruitment and 2 weeks later. Subsequently, premenopausal sexually active women (aged 20-45 years) were asked to complete the female sexual function index (FSFI) questionnaire; those with FSD (FSFI score ≤26.55) were invited to return to complete the validated version of the Arabic FSDS. The Arabic FSDS showed good test-retest reliability (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.93-0.98) and internal consistency (Cronbach α 0.83-0.92). Overall, 140 (58.1%) of 241 women who completed the FSFI had sexual dysfunction, of whom 51 (36.4%) had sexually related personal distress. Marriage duration was significantly increased among women with FSD (P<0.001). All FSFI sexual domains except lubrication were negatively correlated with FSDS. FSD and sexually related personal distress were highly interrelated and prevalent. An Arabic version of the FSDS was found to be valid and reliable for evaluation of sexually related personal distress. © 2017 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  5. Masculine Ideology, Sexual Communication, and Sexual Self-Efficacy Among Parenting Adolescent Couples. (United States)

    Norton, Melanie K; Smith, Megan V; Magriples, Urania; Kershaw, Trace S


    This study examined the relationship between traditional masculine role norms (status, toughness, anti-femininity) and psychosocial mechanisms of sexual risk (sexual communication, sexual self-efficacy) among young, low-income, and minority parenting couples. Between 2007 and 2011, 296 pregnant adolescent females and their male partners were recruited from urban obstetrics clinics in Connecticut. Data regarding participants' beliefs in masculine role norms, frequency of general sex communication and sexual risk communication, and sexual self-efficacy were collected via computer-assisted self-interviews. Generalized estimating equation (GEE) models were used to test for actor effects (whether a person's masculine role norms at baseline influence the person's own psychosocial variables at 6-month follow-up) and partner effects (whether a partner's masculine role norms at baseline influence an actor's psychosocial variables at 6-month follow-up). Results revealed that higher actor status norms were significantly associated with more sexual self-efficacy, higher actor toughness norms were associated with less sexual self-efficacy, and higher actor anti-femininity norms were significantly associated with less general sex communication, sexual risk communication, and sexual self-efficacy. No partner effects were found. These results indicate a need for redefining masculine role norms through family centered approaches in pregnant or parenting adolescent couples to increase sexual communication and sexual self-efficacy. Further research is needed to understand partner effects in the context of a relationship and on subsequent sexual risk behavior. © Society for Community Research and Action 2016.

  6. Sexuality and Young Children. (United States)

    Honig, Alice Sterling


    Describes normal aspects of sexuality during the early years, including masturbation and children's fanciful sexual ideas. Presents inappropriately mature sexual knowledge as a danger sign of abuse. Discusses whether and what teachers/caregivers should tell children about sexuality, and notes the importance of teaching staff about sexual identity…

  7. Education in sexual medicine: proceedings from the international consultation in sexual medicine, 2009. (United States)

    Parish, Sharon J; Rubio-Aurioles, Eusebio


    Sexual problems in men and women are common; and physicians endorse many barriers to addressing these issues, including lack of knowledge about the diagnosis and management of sexual problems and inadequate training in sexual health communication and counseling. To update the recommendations published in 2004, from the International Consultation on Sexual Medicine (ICSM) relevant to the educational aspects of sexual health in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraducate medical education. A third international consultation in collaboration with the major sexual health organizations assembled over 186 multidisciplinary experts from 33 countries into 25 committees. Three experts from three countries contributed to this committee's review of Education in Sexual Medicine. Expert opinion was based on a comprehensive review of the medical literature, committee discussion, public presentation, and debate. A comprehensive review about the current state of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate sexual health education worldwide is provided. Recommendations about ideal sexual health curricula across training levels are provided. Best methods for achieving optimal training approaches to sexual health communication and interviewing, clinical skills and management, and counseling are described. Current sexual health education for undergraduate and practicing physicians is inadequate to meet the advancing science and technology and increasing patient demand for high-quality sexual health care. There is a need for enhanced training in medical institutions responsible for physician sexual health training worldwide. Future training programs at all levels of medical education should incorporate standardized measures of sexual health clinical skills acquisition and assessments of the impact on patient outcomes into the design of educational initiatives. © 2010 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  8. Sobre o papel da História

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    Maria de Lourdes Pinto de Almeida,


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, discute-se o papel da ciência da história. O conhecimento científico, desde a sua origem, tem se marcado por uma constante busca do rigor na compreensão da realidade. Ao demarcar seu espaço próprio, a ciência caracteriza-se sempre pela referência ao seu outro, a não ciência. A discussão em torno do estatuto da História exige algumas considerações em torno do regimento da ciência em geral. Contudo, uma análise do desenvolvimento da ciência nos mostra a sua historicidade, pois os seus critérios têm se transformado, sofrendo incrementos conforme as vicissitudes ou as marcas da temporalidade da interação humana. In this paper is analyzed the role of History as a science. Since his origin the scientific knowledge is preoccupied with a search of a rigour. For to demarcate his own space science concerned always for no-scientific-field. The discussion about the History’s epistemological statute demands some general considerations on science’s regiment. However science is a historical phenomenon. His criterions have been changed in accordance with vicissitudes or the marks of human interaction temporality.

  9. The relationships of school-based sexuality education, sexual knowledge and sexual behaviors-a study of 18,000 Chinese college students. (United States)

    Li, Chunyan; Cheng, Zixi; Wu, Taiwen; Liang, Xiao; Gaoshan, Junjian; Li, Lihe; Hong, Ping; Tang, Kun


    A growing prevalence of unexpected pregnancies and younger age of sexual debut is observed among Chinese young people, while they lack formal sexuality education from schools and parents. It is necessary to measure their knowledge level of sexual and reproductive health, and how such knowledge associates with their sexual behaviors and reproductive health outcomes, which would shed light on the effectiveness of sexuality education in China. An Internet-based questionnaire survey was conducted from January to August, 2015. 130 colleges were selected from eastern, central, and western parts China with a good balance of geographic distributions. The survey link was subsequently delivered to the focal points in each college for voluntary participation, targeting on undergraduates aged 18 ~ 25. Information on demographics, experience of school-based sexuality education (defined as any course introducing information on sexual and reproductive health) and SRH knowledge quiz was collected. Multivariate linear regression and logistic regression were applied to explore the relationship between students' SRH knowledge, sexual behaviors and reproductive health outcomes, such as sexual intercourse (penetrative sex by vaginal or anal), unprotected sex, pregnancy and abortion, etc. A total sample of 17,966 Chinese college students (mean age = 20.2, 60.4% female) eventually entered the analysis. Only 55.6% of the respondents self-reported having received sexuality education before, and they scored significantly higher (2.33/4.00) in the SRH knowledge quiz than those who had not (1.75/4.00). Among the sexually experienced students (n = 3639, 20.2%), both males and females with higher SRH knowledge were less likely to report having experience of (partner's) pregnancy or abortion (OR sexually experienced males, those with higher SRH knowledge had a slightly later age of sexual debut (coefficient = 0.28, p sexual intercourses (OR = 0.82, 95%C.I.: 0.69 ~ 0.96). Students


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    Susana Arango Haupt


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como finalidad presentar los puntos más relevantes del papel de la Corte Penal Internacional en la protección de los derechos humanos. Para lo anterior, se centrará en explicar las disposiciones estatutarias más importantes sobre la participación de las víctimas durante todas las etapas procesales, teniendo en cuenta los derechos del acusado. Especial atención prestará al carácter distintivo del Estatuto en relación con los delitos de carácter sexual. Abordará también dos casos específicos, el de Callixte Mbarushimana y el de Thomas Lubanga Dyilo. Los susodichos permitirán entender que el cumplimiento de los deberes tanto de las Salas como de la Fiscalía principalmente respecto del estudio de crímenes de carácter sexual, depende en gran medida de la estrategia de litigio y de la formación de los Jueces en relación con la violencia sexual. La importancia de ambos casos reside en el hecho que la Sala Primera de Cuestiones Preliminares determinó no confirmar los cargos en contra de Mbarushimana debido a los deficientes medios probatorios aducidos por la Fiscalía, en tanto que el caso de Thomas Lubanga ha sido el único hasta ahora decidido por la Corte. Además del hecho que en este último caso la Fiscalía no imputó cargos relacionados con delitos sexuales en contra del acusado, y la mayoría de la Sala de Juicio decidió no incluir las ofensas sexuales como constitutivas de la utilización de menores en un conflicto armado. El artículo culminará su análisis haciendo alusión al principio de complementariedad, especialmente a la complementariedad positiva. Teniendo en cuenta este punto, resaltará las falencias de la Fiscalía en el análisis preliminar de la situación de Colombia y cómo las mismas han conllevado a que no se extienda una solicitud formal de investigación. La relevancia de este caso particular reside en que la Fiscalía no tiene criterios claros de valoración de la situaci

  11. The role of sexual self-schema in a diathesis-stress model of sexual dysfunction. (United States)

    Cyranowski, Jill M; Aarestad, Susan L; Andersen, Barbara L


    Sexual self-schemas are cognitive generalizations regarding sexual aspects of the self that represent a core component of one's sexuality. We contend that individual differences in the sexual self-view represent an important cognitive diathesis for predicting sexual difficulty or dysfunction. We illustrate the role of sexual self-schemas on sexual behavior and responsiveness in healthy female and male samples. Next, we describe how diathesis-stress models of psychopathology have been applied to the sexual arena, and discuss the critical features of clinically useful diathesis variables. Drawing from these criteria, we examine the diathetic properties of sexual self-schemas. Finally, we discuss an empirical test of the proposed diathesis-stress interaction, reviewing the role of women's sexual self-views on sexual morbidity following diagnosis and treatment for gynecologic cancer.

  12. The role of sexual self-schema in a diathesis–stress model of sexual dysfunction (United States)



    Sexual self-schemas are cognitive generalizations regarding sexual aspects of the self that represent a core component of one’s sexuality. We contend that individual differences in the sexual self-view represent an important cognitive diathesis for predicting sexual difficulty or dysfunction. We illustrate the role of sexual self-schemas on sexual behavior and responsiveness in healthy female and male samples. Next, we describe how diathesis–stress models of psychopathology have been applied to the sexual arena, and discuss the critical features of clinically useful diathesis variables. Drawing from these criteria, we examine the diathetic properties of sexual self-schemas. Finally, we discuss an empirical test of the proposed diathesis–stress interaction, reviewing the role of women’s sexual self-views on sexual morbidity following diagnosis and treatment for gynecologic cancer. PMID:19587834

  13. The effect of comprehensive sexual education program on sexual health knowledge and sexual attitude among college students in Southwest China. (United States)

    Chi, Xinli; Hawk, Skyler T; Winter, Sam; Meeus, Wim


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a comprehensive sexual education program for college students in Southwest China (a) improved sexual health knowledge in reproduction, contraception, condom use, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV; (b) increased accepting attitudes toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual individuals; and (c) altered participants' attitudes toward premarital sex and monogamy. The program used diverse teaching methods, providing 6 sessions over a period of 9 weeks about sexual health knowledge and sexual attitudes to college students (age 18-26 years) in Southwest China. Sexual health knowledge and sexual attitudes of 80 comprehensive sexual education class students (education group) and 92 general mental health education class students (control group) were measured at baseline, the end of course (posttest), and 3 weeks after the end of course (follow-up). There were significant effects of the program on (a) sexual health knowledge, including reproductive health, contraception, condom use, and HIV/AIDS and (b) positive attitudes toward sexual minorities, although these changes may require further reinforcement. In contrast, the program did not alter students' attitudes about premarital sex or monogamy. The results are discussed in terms of recommendations of sex education in China and future directions for research. © 2013 APJPH.

  14. Sexual Behaviors of U.S. Men by Self-Identified Sexual Orientation: Results From the 2012 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior. (United States)

    Dodge, Brian; Herbenick, Debby; Fu, Tsung-Chieh Jane; Schick, Vanessa; Reece, Michael; Sanders, Stephanie; Fortenberry, J Dennis


    Although a large body of previous research has examined sexual behavior and its relation to risk in men of diverse sexual identities, most studies have relied on convenience sampling. As such, the vast majority of research on the sexual behaviors of gay and bisexual men, in particular, might not be generalizable to the general population of these men in the United States. This is of particular concern because many studies are based on samples of men recruited from relatively "high-risk" venues and environments. To provide nationally representative baseline rates for sexual behavior in heterosexual, gay, and bisexual men in the United States and compare findings on sexual behaviors, relationships, and other variables across subgroups. Data were obtained from the 2012 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, which involved the administration of an online questionnaire to a nationally representative probability sample of women and men at least 18 years old in the United States, with oversampling of self-identified gay and bisexual men and women. Results from the male participants are included in this article. Measurements include demographic characteristics, particularly sexual identity, and their relations to diverse sexual behaviors, including masturbation, mutual masturbation, oral sex, vaginal sex, and anal sex. Behaviors with male and female partners were examined. Men of all self-identified sexual identities reported engaging in a range of sexual behaviors (solo and partnered). As in previous studies, sexual identity was not always congruent for gender of lifetime and recent sexual partners. Patterns of sexual behaviors and relationships vary among heterosexual, gay, and bisexual men. Several demographic characteristics, including age, were related to men's sexual behaviors. The results from this probability study highlight the diversity in men's sexual behaviors across sexual identities, and these data allow generalizability to the broader population of

  15. El papel de los agentes sociales en un contexto no lucrativo

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    Antonio Muñoz Porcar


    Full Text Available El objeto de este trabajo es contextualizar el papel de los Agentes Sociales en la economía y en las teorías explicativas del nacimiento de las Organizaciones no Lucrativas o tercer sector. Para ello, después de un análisis del origen de las ONL desde el lado de la demanda y desde la oferta, se ha realizado una encuesta a los directivos de estas organizaciones y se concluye que de las teorías que explican por el lado de la oferta la aparición de estas organizaciones son dos de ellas las que lo explican: teoría de los grupos de poder y teoría de apoyos del sector público.

  16. Sexual identity, partner gender, and sexual health among adolescent girls in the United States. (United States)

    Riskind, Rachel G; Tornello, Samantha L; Younger, Brendan C; Patterson, Charlotte J


    We examined associations between adolescent girls' sexual identity and the gender of their sexual partners, on one hand, and their reports of sexual health behaviors and reproductive health outcomes, on the other. We analyzed weighted data from pooled Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (2005 and 2007) representative of 13 US jurisdictions, focusing on sexually experienced girls in 8th through 12th grade (weighted n=6879.56). We used logistic regression with hierarchical linear modeling to examine the strength of associations between reports about sexual orientation and sexual and reproductive health. Sexual minority girls consistently reported riskier behaviors than did other girls. Lesbian girls' reports of risky sexual behaviors (e.g., sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol) and negative reproductive health outcomes (e.g., pregnancy) were similar to those of bisexual girls. Partner gender and sexual identity were similarly strong predictors of all of the sexual behaviors and reproductive health outcomes we examined. Many sexual minority girls, whether categorized according to sexual identity or partner gender, are vulnerable to sexual and reproductive health risks. Attention to these risks is needed to help sexual minority girls receive necessary services.

  17. Sexual Identity, Partner Gender, and Sexual Health Among Adolescent Girls in the United States (United States)

    Tornello, Samantha L.; Younger, Brendan C.; Patterson, Charlotte J.


    Objectives. We examined associations between adolescent girls’ sexual identity and the gender of their sexual partners, on one hand, and their reports of sexual health behaviors and reproductive health outcomes, on the other. Methods. We analyzed weighted data from pooled Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (2005 and 2007) representative of 13 US jurisdictions, focusing on sexually experienced girls in 8th through 12th grade (weighted n = 6879.56). We used logistic regression with hierarchical linear modeling to examine the strength of associations between reports about sexual orientation and sexual and reproductive health. Results. Sexual minority girls consistently reported riskier behaviors than did other girls. Lesbian girls’ reports of risky sexual behaviors (e.g., sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol) and negative reproductive health outcomes (e.g., pregnancy) were similar to those of bisexual girls. Partner gender and sexual identity were similarly strong predictors of all of the sexual behaviors and reproductive health outcomes we examined. Conclusions. Many sexual minority girls, whether categorized according to sexual identity or partner gender, are vulnerable to sexual and reproductive health risks. Attention to these risks is needed to help sexual minority girls receive necessary services. PMID:25121821

  18. Culture and Sexuality: Cognitive-Emotional Determinants of Sexual Dissatisfaction Among Iranian and New Zealand Women. (United States)

    Abdolmanafi, Atefe; Nobre, Pedro; Winter, Sam; Tilley, P J Matt; Jahromi, Reza Ghorban


    Several studies have demonstrated that culture plays a fundamental role in individuals' beliefs, attitudes, and values toward sexuality, and influences their ability to enjoy sex. It follows that culture may influence sexual satisfaction or dissatisfaction. To examine and compare cognitive-emotional variables related to women's sexual dissatisfaction in Iran and New Zealand. In total, 196 Iranian women and 207 New Zealand women participated in the study, answering questionnaires evaluating dysfunctional sexual beliefs, automatic thoughts, emotional and sexual response during sexual activity, as well as sexual satisfaction. Sexual beliefs were measured by the Sexual Dysfunctional Beliefs Questionnaire, thoughts and emotional responses were measured by the Sexual Modes Questionnaire, and sexual satisfaction was measured by the Sexual Satisfaction Index. Findings indicated that in both Iranian and New Zealand women, failure and disengagement thoughts, lack of erotic thoughts, and emotions of fear during sexual activity were significant predictors of sexual dissatisfaction. Besides these common predictors, results also indicated that sexual conservatism and women's sexual passivity beliefs, sexual abuse thoughts, and fear during sexual activity were significant predictors of sexual dissatisfaction in Iranian women. Beliefs of sexual desire and pleasure as a sin; age-related beliefs; and emotions such as sadness, disillusion, and hurt were significant predictors of sexual dissatisfaction in New Zealand women. The present findings could facilitate a better understanding of cultural differences in the roles played by dysfunctional sexual beliefs, negative automatic thoughts, and negative emotions during sexual activity, and the value of these beliefs, thoughts, and emotions in predicting sexual dissatisfaction. The strength of this study is in providing an examination of the role of culturally bound beliefs in predicting sexual dissatisfaction in women from different

  19. Appraisal and control of sexual and non-sexual intrusive thoughts in university students. (United States)

    Clark, D A; Purdon, C; Byers, E S


    This study examined differences in the appraisal and thought control strategies associated with the perceived control of unwanted sexual and non-sexual intrusive thoughts. Eleven appraisal dimensions, subjective physiological arousal and 10 thought control strategies were measured in 171 university students who were administered the Revised Obsessive Intrusions Inventory-Sex Version, a self-report measure of unwanted intrusive thoughts. Thought-action fusion (TAF) likelihood was a significant unique predictor of the perceived controllability of respondents' most upsetting sexual and non-sexual intrusive thought. Moreover greater subjective physiological arousal was a significant predictor of reduced control over sexual intrusions, whereas worry that one might act on an intrusive thought and greater effort to control the intrusion were significant unique predictors of the control of non-sexual intrusive thoughts. Various thought control strategies were more often used in response to non-sexual than sexual cognitions. The results are discussed in terms of the differential role of various appraisal processes in the control of unwanted sexual and non-sexual thoughts.

  20. Dispositivos de microfluídica basados en papel: orígenes, presente y perspectivas


    Berli, Claudio L.A.


    Los dispositivos de microfluídica denominados laboratorios en chips se han consolidado como la nueva tecnología para ensayos de laboratorio y sus aplicaciones continúan expandiéndose. En este ámbito de permanente innovación, el papel ha emergido recientemente como un sustrato de gran interés, particularmente para fabricar dispositivos portables, autónomos y de bajo costo, con aplicaciones en diagnóstico médico, cuidado personal, control de calidad de alimentos y monitoreo ambiental. Los micro...

  1. Exploring the effect of sexual empowerment on sexual decision making in female adolescents. (United States)

    Hsu, Hsiu-Yueh; Lien, Yu-Fen; Lou, Jiunn-Horng; Chen, Sheng-Hwang; Wang, Ruey-Hsia


    Traditional health education may not provide adequate sexual information to female adolescents. Sexual health education for female adolescents broadens opportunities for nurses to help female adolescents adopt appropriate sexual attitudes and make appropriate decisions. The purpose of this study was to understand the effect of sexual empowerment on sexual decision making in female adolescents. Twenty-nine female students with steady boyfriends were invited to participate in a sexual empowerment course. Course activities specifically related to sexual empowerment were audio-tape-recorded. Dialogue content was analyzed, and content provided by each study participant was reconfirmed in face-to-face interviews to understand the entire empowerment process in terms of how such may affect responses and to assess the possibility of correctly reinterpreting findings during the member check process. This study also took into consideration degrees of reliability and rigorousness. The four themes found to underlie participant perceptions of their sexual empowerment to make sex-related decisions were as follows: (a) proactively seeking sexual knowledge, (b) reexamining relationships with boyfriends, (c) the right to say "no" and to engage in self-protection, and (d) the need to change sexual attitudes and behaviors. Using the peer group intervention in sexual empowerment may positively impact sexual health decision making in adolescent girls. Nursing professionals may consider peer group intervention as a sexual empowering method in healthcare.

  2. Sexual Jealousy

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    David M. Buss


    Full Text Available Sexual jealousy is a basic emotion. Although it lacks a distinctive facial expression and is unlikely to solve problems of survival, it evolved because it solves adaptive problems of mating. Some adaptive functions are similar in men and women at one level of abstraction, such as warding off potential mate poachers and deterring relationship defection. Other functions are sex-differentiated, such as increasing paternity probability for men and monopolizing a mate's economic commitments for women. Dozens of studies have documented sex-differentiated design features of jealousy: The relative upset about sexual and emotional aspects of infidelity; processing speed and memorial recall of sexual and emotional infidelity cues; physiological distress to sexual and emotional infidelity cues; qualities of same-sex rivals that evoke jealousy, such as superior job prospects versus greater physical attractiveness; triggers of mate retention tactics; jealous interrogations following the discovery of infidelity; and whether an infidelity produces forgiveness or breakup. Although showing all the hallmarks of evolved functionality, sexual jealousy also leads to tremendous destruction, from humiliation to homicide. By these scientific theoretical and empirical criteria, sexual jealousy is properly considered not only "basic" but also "one of the most important emotions".

  3. Sexual identity, sexual attraction and sexual experience: the Second Australian Study of Health and Relationships. (United States)

    Richters, Juliet; Altman, Dennis; Badcock, Paul B; Smith, Anthony M A; de Visser, Richard O; Grulich, Andrew E; Rissel, Chris; Simpson, Judy M


    Background Behavioural and other aspects of sexuality are not always consistent. This study describes the prevalence and overlap of same-sex and other-sex attraction and experience and of different sexual identities in Australia. Computer-assisted telephone interviews were completed by a representative sample of 20094 men and women aged 16-69 years recruited by landline and mobile phone random-digit dialling with a response rate (participation rate among eligible people) of 66.2%. Respondents were asked about their sexual identity ('Do you think of yourself as' heterosexual/straight, homosexual/gay, bisexual, etc.) and the sex of people with whom they had ever had sexual contact and to whom they had felt sexually attracted. Men and women had different patterns of sexual identity. Although the majority of people identified as heterosexual (97% men, 96% women), women were more likely than men to identify as bisexual. Women were less likely than men to report exclusively other-sex or same-sex attraction and experience; 9% of men and 19% of women had some history of same-sex attraction and/or experience. Sexual attraction and experience did not necessarily correspond. Homosexual/gay identity was more common among men with tertiary education and living in cities and less common among men with blue-collar jobs. Many gay men (53%) and lesbians (76%) had some experience with an other-sex partner. More women identified as lesbian or bisexual than in 2001-02. Similarly, more women reported same-sex experience and same-sex attraction. In Australia, men are more likely than women to report exclusive same-sex attraction and experience, although women are more likely than men to report any non-heterosexual identity, experience and attraction. Whether this is a feature of the plasticity of female sexuality or due to lesser stigma than for men is unknown.

  4. Sexual prejudice. (United States)

    Herek, Gregory M; McLemore, Kevin A


    Despite shifts toward greater acceptance in U.S. public opinion and policy, lesbian, gay, and bisexual people remain widely stigmatized. This article reviews empirical research on sexual prejudice, that is, heterosexuals' internalization of cultural stigma, manifested in the form of negative attitudes toward sexual minorities and same-sex desires and behaviors. After briefly reviewing measurement issues, we discuss linkages between sexual prejudice and religion, gender, sexuality, and related variables, and consider how the cultural institutions encompassing these domains create a social context within which individual expressions of prejudice can meet important psychological needs. These include needs for securing social acceptance, affirming values that are central to one's self-concept, and avoiding anxiety and other negative emotions associated with threats to self-esteem. We conclude by discussing factors that may motivate heterosexuals to reduce their own sexual prejudice, including intergroup contact, as well as avenues for future empirical inquiry.

  5. Sexuality, aging, and dementia. (United States)

    Benbow, Susan Mary; Beeston, Derek


    Sexuality in later life and its relationship to dementia is a neglected topic: greater understanding of the area has the potential to contribute to the quality of life of people with dementia, their family members, and formal carers. We review current knowledge about sexuality, aging, and dementia. We undertook a review of the recent literature to examine of the following areas: what is known about sexuality and aging, and about attitudes to sexuality and aging; what is known about the relevance of sexuality and aging to people living with dementia and their care; and the management of sexual behaviors causing concern to others. Sexual activity decreases in frequency with increasing age but many older people remain sexually active; there is no age limit to sexual responsiveness; and sexuality is becoming more important to successive cohorts of older people, including people living with dementia and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered elderly people. Attitudes and beliefs toward sexuality and aging are strongly influenced by stereotypes and myths, not only among the general public but also among those working in health and social care. Professional bodies should include sexuality, aging, and dementia in their training curricula. More work is needed on the impact of environmental issues, particularly in group living situations, on older adults' sexuality, and on consent issues. Ethical decision-making frameworks can be useful in practice. Organizations should investigate how to support staff in avoiding a problem-orientated approach and focus on providing holistic person-centered care.

  6. Reactions to Humorous Sexual Stimuli as a Function of Sexual Activeness and Satisfaction. (United States)

    Prerost, Frank J.


    Assessed male (N=60) and female (N=60) responses to pictorial humorous sexual material in relationship to degree of sexual expression and personal satisfaction with sexual behavior. Results showed persons with active and satisfying sexual expression enjoyed sexually explicit cartoons and showed less preference for aggressive themes. (LLL)

  7. Sexism, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Assault: Comparing Data from 2002 and 2006 (United States)


    were offensive or embarrassing), unwanted sexual attention (attempts to establish a sexual relationship), and sexual coercion (classic quid pro quo ...are defined legally. The quid pro quo type is the easiest to identify and although frequencies are low, it is the most likely to be challenged. This...SEXISM, SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND SEXUAL ASSAULT: COMPARING DATA FROM 2002 AND 2006 Dr. Richard J. Harris University of Texas at San

  8. Longitudinal pathways of sexual victimization, sexual self-esteem, and depression in women and men. (United States)

    Krahé, Barbara; Berger, Anja


    This article presents a longitudinal analysis of the links between sexual assault victimization, depression, and sexual self-esteem by examining their cross-lagged paths among both men and women. Male and female college students (N = 2,425) in Germany participated in the study that comprised 3 data waves in their first, second, and third year of university, separated by 12-month intervals. Sexual assault victimization was assessed at Time 1 (T1) since the age of 14 and at Time 2 (T2) and Time 3 (T3) for the last 12 months. Depression and sexual self-esteem were measured at each wave. Random-intercept cross-lagged panel analyses, controlling for individual differences in depression and sexual self-esteem, showed that sexual assault at T1 predicted depression and lower sexual self-esteem at T2, and depression and lower self-esteem at T2 predicted sexual assault victimization at T3. In addition, significant paths were found from T1 depression to T2 sexual assault victimization and from T2 sexual assault victimization to depression at T3. Sexual victimization at T1 was indirectly linked to sexual victimization at T3 via depression at T2. Both depression and sexual self-esteem at T1 were indirectly linked to sexual victimization at T3. The paths did not differ significantly between men and women. Sexual assault victimization was shown to be a risk factor for both depression as a general mental health indicator and lowered sexual self-esteem as a specific outcome in the domain of sexuality. Moreover, depression and sexual self-esteem increased the vulnerability for sexual assault victimization, which has implications for prevention and intervention efforts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. Sexualidades, artes visuais e poder: pedagogias visuais do feminino Sexualities, visual arts and power: visual pedagogies of the feminine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Gruppelli Loponte


    Full Text Available Este trabalho trata das relações entre sexualidades, artes visuais e poder, levando em conta as teorizações de Michel Foucault, principalmente a respeito de conceitos como poder e discurso. Analiso como a sexualidade feminina é colocada em discurso através das imagens produzidas pela arte ocidental, a partir de um olhar masculino bastante particular. Ao afirmar que essas imagens produzem uma pedagogia do feminino, pretendo contribuir para a ampliação das análises realizadas no campo do ensino das artes visuais (e, conseqüentemente, para a formação docente na área, que nos últimos anos, através das tendências metodológicas e teóricas mais recentes, vêm destacando o papel das imagens na educação sem, contudo, dar a devida importância a conceitos como gênero, sexualidade e poder.This work is about the relations between sexualities, visual arts and power, taking in consideration the theorizations of Michel Foucault, mainly in respect to conceits like power and dissertation. Analyses like the feminine sexuality is put in dissertation through the images produced by occidental art, starting by a very particular masculine eye. In affirming that these images produce a pedagogy of the feminine, I pretend to contribute to the amplification of the analysis that take place in the teaching field of visual arts (and consequently, for the teaching formation on the area that in the last years, through more recent methodological and theoretical tendencies, has been distinguishing the role of the images in education without, however, giving the proper attention to conceits like gender, sexuality and power.

  10. The Developmental Association of Sexual Self-Concept with Sexual Behavior among Adolescent Women


    Hensel, Devon J.; Fortenberry, J. Dennis; O’Sullivan, Lucia F.; Orr, Donald P.


    Developing a sexual self-concept is an important developmental task of adolescence; however, little empirical evidence describes this development, nor how these changes are related to development in sexual behavior. Using longitudinal cohort data from adolescent women, we invoked latent growth curve analysis to: (1) examine reciprocal development in sexual self-concept (sexual openness, sexual esteem and sexual anxiety) over a four year time frame; (2) describe the relationship of these traje...

  11. A narrow view: The conceptualization of sexual problems in human sexuality textbooks. (United States)

    Stelzl, Monika; Stairs, Brittany; Anstey, Hannah


    This study examined the ways in which the meaning of 'sexual problems' is constructed and defined in undergraduate human sexuality textbooks. Drawing on feminist and critical discourse frameworks, the dominant as well as the absent/marginalized discourses were identified using critical discourse analysis. Sexual difficulties were largely framed by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Thus, medical discourse was privileged. Alternative conceptualizations and frameworks, such as the New View of Women's Sexual Problems, were included marginally and peripherally. We argue that current constructions of sexuality knowledge reinforce, rather than challenge, existing hegemonic discourses of sexuality.

  12. Risk Factors for Sexual Violence in the Military: An Analysis of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Incidents and Reporting (United States)


    sexual assault had negative impacts on the career, reputation, and overall welfare of the victims (Bergman, Palmiere, Cortina, & Fitzgerald, 2002, p...women sexually, non-sexually, or both. The team evaluated subjects based on home environment, delinquency , sexual promiscuity, attitudes supporting...The findings suggest that “hostile childhood experiences affect involvement in delinquency and lead to aggression through two paths: hostile

  13. O papel do terceiro setor na promoção do turismo social


    Almeida, Vasco


    Este capítulo pretende analisar o papel do terceiro setor na promoção do turismo social. Partindo da análise do projeto Turicórdia, criado pela União das Misericórdias Portuguesas, mostra-se que o terceiro setor deve ser encarado como uma forma de governação da atividade socioeconómica com uma lógica de funcionamento própria e que pode desenvolver formas inovadoras de organização da produção, contrariando algumas tendências de isomorfismo institucional, já evidenciadas na literatura. A anális...



    Medeiros, Marlon Clovis


    O artigo analisa as mudanças recentes na geografia do mercado mundial de produtos agrícolas, discutindo a inserção do Brasil, o papel dos mercados futuros na elevação dos preços internacionais e as mudanças entre os países exportadores e importadores de produtos agrícolas. Argumentamos que a principal mudança no espaço agrícola mundial nas últimas duas décadas foi o crescimento dos investimentos financeiros em commodities agrícolas e o crescimento dos mercados de futuros. A dinâmica financeir...

  15. Female Sexual Dysfunction (United States)

    ... Overview Persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response, desire, orgasm or pain — that distress you or strain your ... You have persistent or recurrent difficulty in achieving orgasm after sufficient sexual arousal and ongoing stimulation. Sexual ...

  16. The Relationship Between Endorsement of the Sexual Double Standard and Sexual Cognitions and Emotions. (United States)

    Emmerink, Peggy M J; van den Eijnden, Regina J J M; Vanwesenbeeck, Ine; Ter Bogt, Tom F M

    Sexual gender norms promoting sexual prowess for men, but sexual modesty for women have been shown to negatively affect sexual and mental health in both men and women. Knowledge about the relationship between gender norms and sexual cognitions and emotions might further the understanding of continued gender-norm conformity. In the present study, we investigated whether and how gendered sexual attitudes are related to (positive and negative) sex-related emotions, via sexual cognitions (autonomy, body esteem, and approach/avoidance motives for sex). A survey was submitted to 293 heterosexually identified, sexually active, Dutch (central and southern regions) 18-25 year-olds. Results from a moderated mediation model (using structural equation modeling) revealed that women, but not men, who more strongly endorsed traditional gender-related sexual attitudes experienced significantly less positive and more negative emotions, as a result of decreased sexual autonomy and sexual body esteem as well as increased avoidance motives for sex. We conclude that, as a result of negative cognitions associated with the endorsement of traditional gender norms, women in particular are at risk of experiencing negative emotional outcomes in the sexual context. We argue that sexual cognitions and emotions deserve explicit attention in sex-positive and gender-transformative sexuality education, which has been proven to be a vital resource for achieving increased gender-equity in sexual and romantic relationships.

  17. Satisfação sexual na demência Sexual satisfaction in dementia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcela Moreira Lima Nogueira


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A demência pode resultar em comprometimento da intimidade e sexualidade de casais idosos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar alterações na atividade sexual, bem como os fatores de satisfação e/ou insatisfação sexual de casais nos quais um dos parceiros possua demência. MÉTODO: Busca nas bases de dados ISI, PubMed/Medline e SciELO de artigos sobre sexualidade na demência, entre janeiro de 1990 e março de 2012, utilizando as palavras-chave: "demência", "satisfação sexual", "intimidade" e "sexualidade". RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 12 artigos. A sobrecarga de cuidados e a alteração de papéis na relação conjugal foram consideradas as principais causas para o declínio da atividade sexual. A disfunção erétil em pacientes e cônjuges, a capacidade decisória para o consentimento da relação sexual por parte do paciente demenciado e os problemas referentes à idade e à saúde (física e emocional do cônjuge e/ou paciente foram os fatores associados à insatisfação sexual. CONCLUSÃO: A intimidade e a atividade sexual dos casais em que um dos parceiros é portador de demência são influenciadas negativamente pela relação de cuidados decorrente da doença e pela sobrecarga dos cônjuges. Por outro lado, a atividade sexual pode ser positivamente substituída por demonstrações de carinho e empatia entre os cônjuges.BACKGROUND: Dementia may result on impairment in intimacy and sexuality of elderly couples. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate changes in sexual activity, as well as the factors which cause sexual satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction in couples in which one of the partners has dementia. METHOD: A search at ISI, PubMed/Medline and SciELO was made for articles about sexuality in dementia, from January 1990 to March 2012, using the keywords: "dementia", "sexual satisfaction", "intimacy" and "sexuality". RESULTS: Twelve articles were selected. The burden of care and the change of roles in couples' relationship were the main reasons for

  18. Childhood sexual abuse, selective attention for sexual cues and the effects of testosterone with or without Vardenafil on physiological sexual arousal in women with sexual dysfunction: a pilot study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Made, F.; Bloemers, J.; van Ham, D.; El Yassem, W.; Kleiverda, G.; Everaerd, W.; Olivier, B.; Tuiten, A.


    INTRODUCTION: Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) may be associated with reduced central sensitivity for sexual cues. A single dose of testosterone might induce an increase in sensitivity for sexual stimuli, which in turn allows a PDE5 inhibitor to be effective in boosting the physiological sexual

  19. Relationship between short-term sexual strategies and sexual jealousy. (United States)

    Mathes, Eugene W


    In a classic study, Buss, Larson, Westen, and Semmelroth reported that men were more distressed by the thought of a partner's sexual infidelity (sexual jealousy) and women were more distressed by the thought of a partner's emotional infidelity (emotional jealousy). Initially, Buss and his associates explained these results by suggesting that men are concerned about uncertainty of paternity, that is, the possibility of raising another man's child while believing the child is their own. However, later they explained the results in terms of men's preference for short-term sexual strategies. The purpose of this research was to test the explanation of short-term sexual strategies. Men and women subjects were instructed to imagine themselves in a relationship which was either short-term (primarily sexual) or long-term (involving commitment) and then respond to Buss's jealousy items. It was hypothesized that, when both men and women imagined a short-term relationship, they would be more threatened by a partner's sexual infidelity, and, when they imagined a long-term relationship, they would be more threatened by a partner's emotional infidelity. Support was found for this hypothesis.

  20. The Relationship Between Sexual Abuse and Risky Sexual Behavior Among Adolescent Boys: A Meta-Analysis (United States)

    Homma, Yuko; Wang, Naren; Saewyc, Elizabeth; Kishor, Nand


    Purpose Childhood and adolescent sexual abuse has been shown to lead to increased odds of sexual behaviors that lead to sexually transmitted infections and early pregnancy involvement. Research, meta-analyses, and interventions, however, have focused primarily on girls and young women who have experienced abuse, yet some adolescent boys are also sexually abused. We performed a meta-analysis of the existing studies to assess the magnitudes of the link between a history of sexual abuse and each of three risky sexual behaviors among adolescent boys in North America. Methods The three outcomes were a) unprotected sexual intercourse, b) multiple sexual partners, and c) pregnancy involvement. Weighted mean effect sizes were computed from 10 independent samples, from nine studies published between 1990 and 2011. Results Sexually abused boys were significantly more likely than non-abused boys to report all three risky sexual behaviors. Weighted mean odds ratios were 1.91 for unprotected intercourse, 2.91 for multiple sexual partners, and 4.81 for pregnancy involvement. Conclusions Our results indicate that childhood and adolescent sexual abuse can substantially Influence sexual behavior in adolescence among male survivors. To improve sexual health for all adolescents, even young men, we should strengthen sexual abuse prevention initiatives, raise awareness about male sexual abuse survivors’ existence and sexual health issues, improve sexual health promotion for abused young men, and screen all people, regardless of gender, for a history of sexual abuse. PMID:22727072

  1. Predicting risky sexual behavior in emerging adulthood: examination of a moderated mediation model among child sexual abuse and adult sexual assault victims. (United States)

    Littleton, Heather L; Grills, Amie E; Drum, Katherine B


    Although having a sexual victimization history is associated with engaging in sexual risk behavior, the mechanisms whereby sexual victimization increases risk behavior are unclear. This study examined use of sex as an affect regulation strategy as a mediator of the relationship between depressive symptoms and sexual risk behavior among 1,616 sexually active college women as well as examined having a history of child sexual abuse (CSA), adolescent/adult sexual assault (ASA), or both (CSA/ASA) as moderators. Results supported the mediated model as well as moderated mediation, where depressive symptoms were more strongly associated with use of sex as an affect regulation strategy among ASA victims, and sex as an affect regulation strategy was more strongly related to sexual risk behavior for CSA/ASA victims.

  2. El coordinador TIC en la escuela: Análisis de su papel en procesos de innovación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Víctor Hernández Rivero


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el papel del coordinador de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC en centros de educación infantil y primaria. La integración de las tecnologías informáticas en los centros supone un proceso innovador que se ha ido desarrollando en los últimos años en todos los sistemas escolares y es uno de los problemas relevantes de la investigación educativa actual. Entre los factores que inciden en los procesos de uso innovador de las TIC en las escuelas distintos estudios han destacado el papel jugado por los coordinadores de proyectos para la integración de las TIC en los centros educativos. Los objetivos del estudio que se presenta se centran en conocer las características de este rol. El diseño de investigación utilizado en el estudio es el que se denomina en la literatura especializada diseño de casos múltiples. Se estudiaron tres centros escolares a largo de los dos años de seguimiento donde se emplearon distintas técnicas de naturaleza cualitativa tales con entrevistas, análisis documental y observación. Los principales resultados destacan aspectos relacionados con el acceso a la coordinación, la formación, las funciones y actividades desempeñadas, la principal problemática con que se enfrentan y la valoración que realizan de su trabajo. Las conclusiones más destacadas apuntan al importante papel de liderazgo y apoyo de este rol en la planificación, implementación y mejora de las prácticas asociadas a la innovación con TIC en la enseñanza.

  3. Beyond lesbian bed death: enhancing our understanding of the sexuality of sexual-minority women in relationships. (United States)

    Cohen, Jacqueline N; Byers, E Sandra


    The goal of this study was to characterize the sexuality of sexual-minority (i.e., lesbian, bisexual, queer, unlabeled, questioning) women. Participants were 586 women (87% White) in a same-sex relationship of 1 to 36 years in duration. They completed measures assessing their sexual behavior (frequency of nongenital and genital sexual activities), motivation (sexual desire), and cognitive-affective responses (sexual satisfaction, sexual esteem, sexual anxiety, negative automatic thoughts). On average, the women reported experiencing their sexuality positively across all domains. Regardless of relationship duration, most of the women reported engaging in both genital and nongenital sexual behaviors with their partner once a week or more; few reported that they had not engaged in sexual activity in the previous month. A multiple regression analysis indicated that frequency of genital sexual activity, sexual desire, sexual anxiety, and automatic thoughts contributed uniquely to the prediction of sexual satisfaction over and above the other sexuality variables. The findings are discussed in terms of the idea that lesbians have sex less frequently than other couple types and that sexual frequency declines rapidly in lesbian relationships (i.e., "lesbian bed death") and descriptions of sexual-minority women's sexuality that suggest that genital sexual activity is not important to sexual satisfaction.

  4. Dyadic sexual communication in pre-menopausal women with self-reported dyspareunia and their partners: associations with sexual function, sexual distress and dyadic adjustment. (United States)

    Pazmany, Els; Bergeron, Sophie; Verhaeghe, Johan; Van Oudenhove, Lukas; Enzlin, Paul


    While there is increasing interest in studying aspects of communication processes in sex research, the association between dyadic sexual communication and relationship and sexuality outcomes has not yet been examined in pre-menopausal women with dyspareunia. To examine the associations between dyadic sexual communication and pain, sexual distress, sexual function and dyadic adjustment in women with self-reported dyspareunia and their male partners. Pre-menopausal women (n=38; M age=24.92, SD=6.12) with self-reported dyspareunia from a community sample and their partners (n=38; M age=26.71, SD=6.59) completed an online survey. The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model was used in order to investigate both actor and partner effects. Both members of the couple completed: (i) the Dyadic Sexual Communication Scale and (ii) the Dyadic Adjustment Scale; women also completed (iii) the Female Sexual Function Index, (iv) the Female Sexual Distress Scale, and (v) a Visual Analogue Scale on pain during intercourse; and men also completed (vi) the International Index of Erectile Functioning. Controlling for relationship duration, women's better dyadic sexual communication was significantly associated with their higher levels of sexual function (P=0.028), lower levels of sexual distress (P=0.003) and higher levels of dyadic adjustment (P=0.005), but not with their pain or men's sexual function or dyadic adjustment. Controlling for relationship duration, men's better dyadic sexual communication was associated with their higher levels of dyadic adjustment (P=0.027) but not with their sexual function, nor with women's sexual function or dyadic adjustment. These findings contribute to the theoretical knowledge on interaction processes in couples with dyspareunia and suggest that it may be important to enhance open and direct communication about sexual matters in couples with dyspareunia. © 2014 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  5. Why is impaired sexual function distressing to women? The primacy of pleasure in female sexual dysfunction. (United States)

    Stephenson, Kyle R; Meston, Cindy M


    Recent research has highlighted a complex association between female sexual function and subjective distress regarding sexual activity. These findings are difficult to explain given limited knowledge as to the mechanisms through which impaired sexual function causes distress. The current study assessed whether a number of specific consequences of impaired sexual function, including decreased physical pleasure, disruption of sexual activity, and negative partner responses, mediated the association between sexual function and distress. Eighty-seven women in sexually active relationships reporting impairments in sexual function completed validated self-report measures and daily online assessments of sexual experiences. Participants completed the Sexual Satisfaction Scale for Women, the Female Sexual Function Index, and the Measure of Sexual Consequences. Results suggested that decreased physical pleasure and disruption of sexual activity, but not partner responses, statistically mediated the association between sexual function and distress. Sexual consequences represent potential maintaining factors of sexual dysfunction that are highly distressing to women. Results are discussed in the context of theoretical models of sexual dysfunction and related treatments. © 2014 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  6. Postpartum Resumption of Sexual Activity, Sexual Morbidity and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Socio‑demographic and obstetric features, menstrual and breastfeeding ... looseness and discharge, loss of sexual desire and bleeding or ..... Abnormal vaginal discharge. 12 .... Borda MR, Winfrey W, McKaig C. Return to sexual activity and ...

  7. Endorsement of Models Describing Sexual Response of Men and Women with a Sexual Partner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Giraldi, Annamaria; Kristensen, Ellids; Sand, Michael


    , erectile dysfunction and dissatisfaction with sexual life were significantly related to endorsement of the Basson model or none of the models (P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: No single model of sexual response could describe men's and women's sexual responses. The majority of men and women with no sexual......INTRODUCTION: Several models have been used to describe men's and women's sexual responses. These models have been conceptualized as linear or circular models. The circular models were proposed to describe women's sexual function best. AIM: This study aims to determine whether men and women thought...... that current theoretical models of sexual responses accurately reflected their own sexual experience and to what extent this was influenced by sexual dysfunction. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of a large, broadly sampled, nonclinical population, cohort of Danish men and women. The Female Sexual Function...

  8. Preventing High-Risk Sexual Behavior, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Pregnancy among Adolescents. (United States)

    Sagrestano, Lynda M.; Paikoff, Roberta L.

    Adolescent sexual activity and the resulting pregnancy and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases have been on the rise during the past several decades. This chapter addresses each of the three objectives regarding sexual behavior outlined in the Healthy People 2000 initiative. Background data and trends in adolescent sexual behavior are…

  9. As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação – TIC na formação de Professores em Educação Sexual: O caso das E-Oficinas na I COES

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Célia Regina Rossi


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo relatar como as TIC podem contribuir para a formação de professores(as em educação sexual, através da experiência vivenciada com a realização das E-Oficinas, que aconteceram na I COES - I Conferência on line de Educação Sexual. Esta Conferência foi organizada pela Universidade de Lisboa -PT, em parceria com a UNESP-SP e a UDESC-SC. A I COES envolveu os(as profissionais da educação, que atuam diretamente na escola para discutirem e trocarem as suas experiências relacionadas com a educação sexual e áreas afins, através de um espaço on line. As pesquisas na área de formação de professores(as inicial e continuada em sexualidade, educação sexual, relações de gênero e diversidade sexual, têm demonstrado a necessidade de promover e estimular os(as professores(as de todas as áreas a assumirem, de forma intencional e emancipatória, o seu papel de educadores(as sexuais. Através da ferramenta de webconferência Cisco System, a I COES possibilitou a interação e problematização de cento e dez professores provenientes de variados pontos do Brasil e de Portugal, oportunizando ricos momentos de diálogos e reflexões sobre as temáticas já mencionadas, referentes às realidades brasileira e portuguesa.

  10. Sexual Arousal and Sexually Explicit Media (SEM)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hald, Gert Martin; Stulhofer, Aleksandar; Lange, Theis


    -mainstream and mainstream SEM groups, and (iii) to explore the validity and predictive accuracy of the Non-Mainstream Pornography Arousal Scale (NPAS). METHODS: Online cross-sectional survey of 2,035 regular SEM users in Croatia. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: Patterns of sexual arousal to 27 different SEM themes, sexual...

  11. Sexual Dysfunction and Sexual Behaviors in a Sample of Brazilian Male Substance Misusers. (United States)

    Diehl, Alessandra; Pillon, Sandra Cristina; Dos Santos, Manoel Antônio; Rassool, G Hussein; Laranjeira, Ronaldo


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential relationship between self-reported sexual dysfunction, sexual behavior, and severity of addiction of drug users. A cross-sectional design study was conducted at an inpatient addiction treatment unit in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with a sample of 508 male drug users. Sociodemographic data, sexual behavior, and severity of dependence were evaluated.The prevalence of sexual dysfunction was 37.2% and premature ejaculation was 63.8%. Men with sexual dysfunction presented from moderate to severe level of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs of dependence. The findings from this study are particularly relevant identifying those sociodemographic factors, severity of drug use, and sexual behavior are related to men who experience sexual dysfunction. Health promotion and motivational interventions on sexual health targeted to male drug users can contribute in reducing these at-risk behaviors. More interdisciplinary research is desirable in future in considering men's sexual health. © The Author(s) 2015.

  12. O papel do Chief Financial Officer no contexto empresarial : o caso do Grupo NORS


    São Pedro, Nuno Ricardo Marques


    A posição do Chief Financial Officer (CFO) configura a de um responsável ou “ator” incontornável no mundo empresarial. De facto, variados autores e académicos, corroborados pelos próprios CFO’s em exercícios das suas funções, têm vindo a sugerir um papel, cujas responsabilidades tradicionais de expertise financeira, nomeadamente de reporte financeiro, auditoria e controlo, planeamento, orçamentação e gestão financeira, se encontra “esgotado” ou “distanciado da realidade”. Ne...

  13. Papel de las células nkt invariantes en la respuesta inmune anti-viral


    Román, Alejandro; Rugeles, María Teresa; Montoya, Carlos Julio


    Las células T asesinas naturales con receptor de células T invariante y restringidas por la molécula CD1d (iNKT) son un subgrupo de linfocitos con potente actividad inmunorreguladora; su respuesta casi inmediata y la capacidad de producir citoquinas tanto Th1 como Th2 son factores determinantes en el desarrollo de la respuesta inmune innata y adaptativa. El papel fisiológico de las células iNKT se ha documentado ampliamente en la respuesta anti-tumoral, el desarrollo de la tolerancia en los ó...

  14. Papel del estrés en la intensidad de los síntomas SII


    Pletikosic, Sanda; Tkalčić, Mladenka


    Síndrome del intestino irritable se considera un trastorno biopsicosocial, el resultado de la combinación compleja de factores predisponentes, precipitantes y perpetuos. Rasgos de personalidad, estado afectivo y estrés son algunos de los factores relevantes que contribuyen a la calidad de vida más baja y la exacerbación sintomática de los pacientes con SII. Para examinar el papel del estrés en la exacerbación sintomática de SII, el objetivo de este estudio era explorar la relación entre los a...

  15. O papel do psicólogo escolar: Concepções de professores e gestores


    Pereira-Silva, Nara Liana; Andrade, Jaqueline Ferreira Condé de Melo; Crolman, Sarah Rezende; Mejía, Cristina Fuentes


    Resumo Historicamente, a atuação do psicólogo no contexto escolar tem sido mais caracterizada pelo modelo clínico do que por modelos mais sistêmicos e institucionais. O presente estudo objetivou descrever as concepções de professores e gestores sobre o papel do psicólogo escolar. Participaram desta investigação 38 membros da equipe administrativo-pedagógica e professores de uma escola particular, os quais foram entrevistados na própria escola, tendo sido construídas categorias de análise. Os ...

  16. A prospective investigation of the impact of childhood sexual abuse on the development of sexuality. (United States)

    Noll, Jennie G; Trickett, Penelope K; Putnam, Frank W


    The sexual attitudes and activities of 77 sexually abused and 89 comparison women (mean age = 20.41, SD = 3.38) were assessed 10 years after disclosure in a longitudinal, prospective study of the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse. Abused participants were more preoccupied with sex, younger at first voluntary intercourse, more likely to have been teen mothers, and endorsed lower birth controlefficacy than comparison participants. When psychological functioning earlier in development was examined, sexual preoccupation was predicted by anxiety, sexual aversion was predicted by childhood sexual behavior problems, and sexual ambivalence (simultaneous sexual preoccupation and sexual aversion) was predicted by pathological dissociation. Findings also indicate that biological father abuse may be associated with greater sexual aversion and sexual ambivalence.

  17. Sexual Orientation (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Sexual Orientation KidsHealth / For Parents / Sexual Orientation What's in this ... orientation is part of that process. What Is Sexual Orientation? The term sexual orientation refers to the gender ( ...

  18. Domestic sexual violence and sexual problems among gynecology outpatients: an example from Turkey. (United States)

    Ipekten Alaman, Mehtap; Yıldız, Hatice


    Domestic violence is a universal problem, and sexual violence in marriage, in particular, is a hidden form of it. This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted to determine to the prevalence of domestic sexual violence by husbands, the prevalence of sexual problems, and the relation of these among married women attending a gynecology outpatient clinic. This study was performed in a university hospital in Turkey and data were collected February-April 2009. The study sample consisted of 200 married women, 53% of whom reported having been exposed to at least one type of domestic sexual violence behaviors by their husbands. Among those behaviors, the rate of marital rape was 33%. The frequency of experiencing any sexual problem was 82%. Women expressed that they mostly had orgasmic problems, and their husbands had premature ejaculation problems. The majority of women who reported sexual violence reported experiencing sexual problems; the frequency of sexual problems was higher in the participants who did (94.3%) than in those who did not report (68.1%) sexual violence (p violence in marriage. The results also revealed that the prevalence of sexual violence and sexual problems among those married women who attended gynecology clinics was considerable, even though they did not report this to the health care provider as a problem.

  19. Animal Models in Sexual Medicine: The Need and Importance of Studying Sexual Motivation. (United States)

    Ventura-Aquino, Elisa; Paredes, Raúl G


    Many different animal models of sexual medicine have been developed, demonstrating the complexity of studying the many interactions that influence sexual responses. A great deal of effort has been invested in measuring sexual motivation using different behavioral models mainly because human behavior is more complex than any model can reproduce. To compare different animal models of male and female behaviors that measure sexual motivation as a key element in sexual medicine and focus on models that use a combination of molecular techniques and behavioral measurements. We review the literature to describe models that evaluate different aspects of sexual motivation. No single test is sufficient to evaluate sexual motivation. The best approach is to evaluate animals in different behavioral tests to measure the motivational state of the subject. Different motivated behaviors such as aggression, singing in the case of birds, and sexual behavior, which are crucial for reproduction, are associated with changes in mRNA levels of different receptors in brain areas that are important in the control of reproduction. Research in animal models is crucial to understand the complexity of sexual behavior and all the mechanisms that influence such an important aspect of human well-being to decrease the physiologic and psychological impact of sexual dysfunctions. In other cases, research in different models is necessary to understand and recognize, not cure, the variability of sexuality, such as asexuality, which is another form of sexual orientation. Copyright © 2016 International Society for Sexual Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. El Papel de la Cualidad del Servicio y de la Imagen de la Tienda em la Experiencia de Consumo de Servicios Automotrices.

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    Ieda Pedógia Martins Damian


    Full Text Available Los servicios han desempeñado un papel cada vez más relevante, al agregar valor a los consumidores. En ese sentido, la evaluación de la experiencia de consumo en relación a esos servicios es importante para los minoristas que actúan en ambientes competitivos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el papel de la cualidad del servicio y de la imagen de la tienda en la experiencia de consumo de servicios automotrices. El estudio fue dividido en dos momentos. En el primero se realizó una investigación cuantitativa (survey con 1346 consumidores, con el objetivo de obtener de ellos una evaluación de los atributos de imagen y cualidad y su contribución para una evaluación positiva de la experiencia de consumo. En seguida, fue realizada una investigación cualitativa, del tipo grupo enfocado, para discutir los resultados obtenidos en la investigación cuantitativa. La principal contribución del estudio fue dejar evidente la relevancia de los aspectos relacionados a la imagen del prestador del servicio. Se debe destacar que la imagen presentó, en la investigación, un papel tan relevante cuanto el de los elementos directamente relacionados a la cualidad de los servicios para el desarrollo de una experiencia de consumo agradable.

  1. Playing the (Sexual) Field: The Interactional Basis of Systems of Sexual Stratification (United States)

    Green, Adam Isaiah


    Recently, scholars have used a Bourdieusian theory of practice to analyze systems of sexual stratification, including an examination of sexual fields and sexual (or erotic) capital. While the broad structural features of the sexual field have been a point of focus in this latter research, a systematic analysis of the interactional processes that…

  2. Risk factors for sexual violence in the military: an analysis of sexual assault and sexual harassment incidents and reporting


    Souder, William C., III


    Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited Using the 2014 RAND Military Workplace Study, this thesis studies the effects of demographics, prior victimization, deployment status, and workplace characteristics—specifically, command climate, leadership and training quality—on both incidence and reporting of sexual assault and sexual harassment. Sexual assault consists of a nonconsensual sexual act coupled with a use of force or threat thereof that is likely to cause physical harm ...

  3. Intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and sexual distress in vulvodynia couples: An observational study. (United States)

    Bois, Katy; Bergeron, Sophie; Rosen, Natalie; Mayrand, Marie-Hélène; Brassard, Audrey; Sadikaj, Gentiana


    Vulvodynia is a prevalent idiopathic pain condition with deleterious consequences for the sexuality of affected women and their spouses. Intimacy has been identified as a facilitator of adjustment to health difficulties in couples. Two components of intimacy were examined among couples with vulvodynia-empathic response and disclosure-in relation to their sexual satisfaction and sexual distress. Using an observational design, 50 women (Mage = 24.50 years, SD = 4.03) diagnosed with vulvodynia and their spouses (Mage = 26.10 years, SD = 5.70) participated in a filmed discussion focusing on the impact of vulvodynia on their lives. Empathic response and disclosure were assessed by a trained observer and self-reported by participants after engaging in the discussion. The actor-partner interdependence model guided the data analyses. Women's and spouses' higher observed and perceived empathic responses were associated with their own and their partners' greater sexual satisfaction. Women's and spouses' higher perceived disclosures were associated with their own and their partners' greater sexual satisfaction. Women's and spouses' higher observed empathic responses were associated with their own lower sexual distress. Women's higher observed empathic responses were associated with their spouses' lower sexual distress. Women and spouses' perceived greater empathic responses were associated with their own lower sexual distress. Women's and spouses' greater perceived disclosures during the discussion were associated with their own and their partners' lower sexual distress. Promoting empathic response and disclosure through couple interventions may buffer against the sexual distress and sexual dissatisfaction of couples coping with vulvodynia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  4. O Papel dos Mapas Conceituais na Educação Médica

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    Andréia Patrícia Gomes

    Full Text Available No âmbito do ensino da medicina, diante das imperiosas mudanças necessárias para a formação de um profissional que aprenda a aprender, a aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel - pressuposto teórico para a construção de mapas conceituais - tem permitido uma genuína articulação dos conhecimentos necessários à prática médica, facultando, portanto, um aprendizado mais efetivo e permitindo a atuação em um contexto complexo e interdisciplinar. Em conformidade com o exposto, o presente manuscrito objetiva apresentar o papel dos mapas conceituais na educação médica.

  5. Sexuality and sexual dysfunction in spinal cord-injured men in Turkey. (United States)

    Akman, Ramazan Yavuz; Coşkun Çelik, Evrim; Karataş, Metin


    To provide a comprehensive evaluation of sexual function and dysfunction in spinal cord-injured men based on self-reports of patients. Forty-seven spinal cord-injured men who completed the spinal shock and rehabilitation period were included. Patients were asked to complete a questionnaire developed to assess social status, sexual activities, abilities, and sexuality education after injury. Neurologic levels of patients were classified according to American Spinal Cord Injury Association protocol. Erectile function was evaluated by International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) questionnaire. Patients were aged between 20 and 62 years (mean: 35.2). Twenty-eight patients had T10 and above, 15 between T11 and L2, and 4 cauda conus injury. While 61.7% of the patients declared sexual activity, 93.6% declared some degree of erection. Mean IIEF-5 score was 5.3 and 87.3% of the patients had moderate to severe erectile dysfunction. Continuation of sexual activity after injury is very important and has a great impact on quality of life and interpersonal relationships for spinal cord-injured men. More attention must be given to sexuality after spinal cord injury. A very high rate of sexual dysfunction in spinal cord-injured patients was found and the importance of sexual education was emphasized in this study.

  6. "Jornal papel": documento e dispositivo pedagógico

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    Guaracira Gouvêa


    Full Text Available Os jornais estão presentes na escola em diversas situações didáticas, reforçando o papel da leitura e da escrita como definidoras de uma cultura escolar. É nisso que se fundamenta a escolha do jornal impresso como objeto de estudo. Nosso foco voltou-se para a relação texto verbal escrito e texto imagético constitutiva dessa mídia nas seções dedicadas à divulgação da ciência, buscando compreender as relações entre esses textos, na formação de estruturas que explicitam determinados modelos de ciência e possibilitam o desenvolvimento de práticas educativas. Os jornais escolhidos foram os de grande circulação nacional, referentes ao período de 2006 a 2011. As leituras indicaram que a estrutura expressa na relação texto verbal e imagético tem marcadores no sentido de controlar a polissemia, mas em outros marcadores exploram possibilidades de diferentes leituras, encaminhando uma concepção de ciência afirmativa ou de ciência indagativa.

  7. The occupational roles of women with anorexia nervosa Los papeles ocupacionales de mujeres con anorexia nervosa Os papéis ocupacionais de mulheres com anorexia nervosa

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    Leila Maria Quiles-Cestari


    Full Text Available This study’s objective was to understand how occupational roles of individuals with anorexia nervosa are configured. The sample was composed of a control group and 11 adult women with anorexia nervosa being cared for by the Eating Disorders Care Group in a hospital in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Socio-demographic and anthropometric data were collected and the Role Checklist was applied. The results revealed a significant loss of roles for women with anorexia nervosa in relation to the performance of the roles worker, friend, and amateur/hobbyist, supporting the idea that psychosocial harm may arise from this eating disorder. The evaluation of occupational roles in the treatment of eating disorders is an important strategy for planning Occupational Therapy activities and supporting the creation of healthier spaces to enable individuals to resume occupational roles, and acquire independence and autonomy.El objetivo es entender como figuran los papeles ocupacionales de las personas con anorexia nervosa. La casuística fue compuesta por 11 personas diagnosticadas en tratamiento en el Grupo de Asistencia en Trastornos Alimentares de un Hospital de Ribeirão Preto-Brasil y un grupo control. Se recogieron variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas y por la “Lista de Identificación de Papeles Ocupacionales”. Los resultados muestran hubo cambio, con pérdida de papeles debido a la anorexia nerviosa, con pérdida de los papeles de trabajador, voluntario, amigo y pasatiempo amador, corroborando los perjuicios psicosociales derivados de este trastorno. La evaluación de los papeles ocupacionales en el tratamiento de los trastornos alimentares es una estrategia importante para la planificación de la terapia ocupacional por la concesión de subvenciones para crear ambientes más saludables, donde las posibilidades de crear el rescate de los papeles ocupacionales, la independencia y autonomía.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender como se

  8. Sexual Desire Disorders


    Montgomery, Keith A.


    Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) and sexual aversion disorder (SAD) are an under-diagnosed group of disorders that affect men and women. Despite their prevalence, these two disorders are often not addressed by healthcare providers and patients due their private and awkward nature. As physicians, we need to move beyond our own unease in order to adequately address our patients’ sexual problems and implement appropriate treatment. Using the Sexual Response Cycle as the model of the phys...

  9. Prime time sexual harassment. (United States)

    Grauerholz, E; King, A


    This study explores the explicit and implicit messages of sexual harassment that viewers receive when viewing prime-time television in the US. A content analysis of 48 hours of prime-time television reveals that sexual harassment on television is both highly visible and invisible. Sexual harassment is rendered visible simply by its prominence in these programs. Incidents involving quid-pro-quo harassment and environmental harassment occur with regularity on television. Furthermore, about 84% of the shows studied contained at least one incident of sexual harassment; yet these acts of sexual harassment remained largely invisible because none of the behaviors were labeled as sexual harassment. These incidents are presented in humorous ways, and victims are generally unharmed and very effective at ending the harassment. Although such programs may actually reflect the reality of many women's lives in terms of prevalence of sexual harassment, they perpetuate several myths about sexual harassment, such as that sexual harassment is not serious and that victims should be able to handle the situations themselves.

  10. The proliferation of sexual health: Diverse social problems and the legitimation of sexuality. (United States)

    Epstein, Steven; Mamo, Laura


    Especially since the 1990s, the term sexual health has flourished in professional, commercial, and lay domains. Yet the more the phrase has become visible, the greater the mutability in its meanings. These developments matter for an understanding of healthism-the idea that modern individuals are enjoined to recognize a moral obligation to maximize their health. Theorists of healthism have paid relatively little attention to sexuality and its frequent rendering as controversial, illegitimate, or stigmatizing. We argue that because pairing "sexual" with "health" serves to legitimize and sanitize sexuality, the framing of sexual issues as matters of sexual health is widely appealing across multiple social arenas, and this appeal helps to explain both the proliferation of the term and the diversification of its uses. Secondly, we argue that while the polysemy of sexual health might suggest that the phrase lacks a clear meaning, in another sense the term is quite meaningful: content analysis of journal articles, newspaper articles, and websites shows that the semantics of sexual health can be categorized into six social problem niches, within which sexuality and health are construed in distinctive ways. For each social problem framing, we identify the implied meanings of both sexuality and health, the "opposite" of sexual health, the institutional action plans, the individual injunctions, and the presumed ontologies of bodies and selves. By focusing on how the conjoining of "sexual" and "health" changes the meanings of both terms, our analysis adds nuance to discussions of healthism: it challenges a singular conception of healthism and points to the need for clearer consideration of its different forms. At the same time, we call attention to the significance of "sexual healthism" as a particular example of the "will to health" while also highlighting implications of characterizing sexual issues as matters of health. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Estereótipos que refletem identidades de gênero e orientação sexual expressos por estudantes de 1º ano do ensino médio

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    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo piloto que procurou levantar os estereótipos emergentes do discurso de 18 estudantes de 1º ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola regular de Belo Horizonte. Os informantes tiveram acesso a 33 imagens pertencentes a cinco categorias: (1 família heterossexual e família homoafetiva; (2 papel social dos gêneros; (3 orientação afetivo sexual dos gêneros; (4 expressões de gêneros; e (5 comportamento social dos gêneros. Por meio de um quadro, registraram a impressão que tiveram ao lidar com cada uma. Com base na Teoria Queer, verificou-se que a visão predominante reflete o padrão heteronormativo de relações humanas – a despeito de lidarem com a multiplicidade de identidades e de expressões de gêneros sexuais, esses estudantes fazem julgamentos de valor e agem de forma preconceituosa. Parece necessário que a escola enfrente abertamente as questões de identidade e de orientação sexual para efetivamente cumprir sua função social.

  12. Sexual rights as human rights: a guide to authoritative sources and principles for applying human rights to sexuality and sexual health. (United States)

    Miller, Alice M; Kismödi, Eszter; Cottingham, Jane; Gruskin, Sofia


    This Guide seeks to provide insight and resources to actors interested in the development of rights claims around sexuality and sexual health. After engaging with the vexed question of the scope of sexual rights, it explores the rules and principles governing the way in which human rights claims are developed and applied to sexuality and sexual health, and how that development is linked to law and made a matter of state obligation. This understanding is critical to policy and programming in sexual health and rights, as it supports calling on the relevant range of human rights, such as privacy, non-discrimination, health or other universally accepted human rights, as well as demanding the action of states under their international and national law obligations to support sexual health. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. The relationship between endorsement of the sexual double standard and sexual cognitions and emotions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Emmerink, P.M.J.; van den Eijnden, R.J.J.M.; Vanwesenbeeck, Ine; ter Bogt, T.F.M.


    Sexual gender norms promoting sexual prowess for men, but sexual modesty for women have been shown to negatively affect sexual and mental health in both men and women. Knowledge about the relationship between gender norms and sexual cognitions and emotions might further the understanding of

  14. The Sexual Disgust Questionnaire; a psychometric study and a first exploration in patients with sexual dysfunctions. (United States)

    van Overveld, Mark; de Jong, Peter J; Peters, Madelon L; van Lankveld, Jacques; Melles, Reinhilde; ter Kuile, Moniek M


    Disgust may be involved in sexual problems by disrupting sexual arousal and motivating avoidance of sexual intercourse. To test whether heightened disgust for sexual contaminants is related to sexual dysfunctions, the Sexual Disgust Questionnaire (SDQ) has recently been developed. Previous research showed that particularly women with vaginismus display a generally heightened dispositional disgust propensity and heightened disgust toward stimuli depicting sexual intercourse. To determine the psychometric properties of the SDQ and test whether heightened disgust toward sexual stimuli is specific to vaginismus or can be observed in other sexual dysfunctions as well. First, a large sample of undergraduates and university employees completed the SDQ (N = 762) and several trait disgust indices. Next, women with vaginismus (N = 39), dyspareunia (N = 45), and men with erectile disorder (N = 28) completed the SDQ and were compared to participants without sexual problems (N = 70). SDQ to index sexual disgust. The SDQ proved a valid and reliable index to establish disgust propensity for sexual stimuli. Supporting construct validity of the SDQ, sexual disgust correlated with established trait indices. Furthermore, sexual disgust and willingness to handle sexually contaminated stimuli were associated with sexual functioning in women, but not in men. Specifically women with vaginismus displayed heightened sexual disgust compared to women without sexual problems, while men with erectile disorders demonstrated a lower willingness to handle sexually contaminated stimuli compared to men without sexual problems. The SDQ appears a valid and reliable measure of sexual disgust. The pattern of SDQ-scores across males and females with and without sexual dysfunctions corroborates earlier research suggesting that disgust appraisals are involved especially in vaginismus and supports the view that the difficulty with vaginal penetration experienced by women in vaginismus may partly be due to

  15. Indian concepts on sexuality. (United States)

    Chakraborty, Kaustav; Thakurata, Rajarshi Guha


    India is a vast country depicting wide social, cultural and sexual variations. Indian concept of sexuality has evolved over time and has been immensely influenced by various rulers and religions. Indian sexuality is manifested in our attire, behavior, recreation, literature, sculptures, scriptures, religion and sports. It has influenced the way we perceive our health, disease and device remedies for the same. In modern era, with rapid globalization the unique Indian sexuality is getting diffused. The time has come to rediscover ourselves in terms of sexuality to attain individual freedom and to reinvest our energy to social issues related to sexuality.

  16. Relational Intimacy Mediates Sexual Outcomes Associated With Impaired Sexual Function: Examination in a Clinical Sample. (United States)

    Witherow, Marta Parkanyi; Chandraiah, Shambhavi; Seals, Samantha R; Sarver, Dustin E; Parisi, Kathryn E; Bugan, Antal


    Relational intimacy is hypothesized to underlie the association between female sexual functioning and various sexual outcomes, and married women and women with sexual dysfunction have been generally absent from prior studies investigating these associations, thus restricting generalizability. To investigate whether relational intimacy mediates sexual outcomes (sexual satisfaction, coital frequency, and sexual distress) in a sample of married women with and without impaired sexual functioning presenting in clinical settings. Using a cross-sectional design, 64 heterosexual married women with (n = 44) and without (n = 20) impaired sexual functioning completed a battery of validated measurements assessing relational intimacy, sexual dysfunction, sexual frequency, satisfaction, and distress. Intimacy measurements were combined using latent factor scores before analysis. Bias-corrected mediation models of the indirect effect were used to test mediation effects. Moderated mediation models examined whether indirect effects were influenced by age and marital duration. Patients completed the Female Sexual Function Index, the Couple's Satisfaction Index, the Sexual Satisfaction Scale for Women, the Inclusion of the Other in the Self Scale, and the Miller Social Intimacy Test. Mediation models showed that impaired sexual functioning is associated with all sexual outcomes directly and indirectly through relational intimacy. Results were predominantly independent of age and marital duration. Findings have important treatment implications for modifying interventions to focus on enhancing relational intimacy to improve the sexual functioning of women with impaired sexual functioning. The importance of the role relational intimacy plays in broad sexual outcomes of women with impaired sexual functioning is supported in clinically referred and married women. Latent factor scores to improve estimation of study constructs and the use of contemporary mediation analysis also are

  17. Experience of sexual coercion and risky sexual behavior among Ugandan university students (United States)


    Background Growing worldwide evidence shows that the experience of sexual coercion is fairly prevalent among young people and is associated with risky sexual behavior thereafter. The causal mechanisms behind this are unclear but may be dependent on specific contextual determinants. Little is known about factors that could buffer the negative effects of coercion. The aim of this study was to assess the association between the experience of sexual coercion and risky sexual behavior among university students of both sexes in Uganda. Methods In 2005, 980 (80%) out of a total of 1,220 students enrolled in Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Uganda participated in a self-administered questionnaire covering socio-demographic and religious factors, social capital, mental health, alcohol use, and sexual behavior. A validated scale of six items was used to assess the experience of sexual coercion. Logistic regression analyses were applied to control for confounders. Potential buffering factors were analyzed by testing for effect modification. Results Fifty-nine percent of those who responded had previously had sexual intercourse. Among the male students 29.0%, and among the female students 33.1% reported having had some experience of sexual coercion. After controlling for age, gender, and educational level of household of origin, role of religion and trust in others sexual coercion was found to be statistically significantly associated with previously had sex (OR 1.6, 95% CI; 1.1-2.3), early sexual debut (OR 2.4, 95% CI; 1.5-3.7), as well as with having had a great number of sexual partners (OR 1.9, 95% CI; 1.2-3.0), but not with inconsistent condom use. Scoring low on an assessment of mental health problems, reporting high trust in others, or stating that religion played a major role in one's family of origin seemed to buffer the negative effect that the experience of sexual coercion had on the likelihood of having many sexual partners. Conclusion The findings

  18. Experience of sexual coercion and risky sexual behavior among Ugandan university students

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    Östergren Per-Olof


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Growing worldwide evidence shows that the experience of sexual coercion is fairly prevalent among young people and is associated with risky sexual behavior thereafter. The causal mechanisms behind this are unclear but may be dependent on specific contextual determinants. Little is known about factors that could buffer the negative effects of coercion. The aim of this study was to assess the association between the experience of sexual coercion and risky sexual behavior among university students of both sexes in Uganda. Methods In 2005, 980 (80% out of a total of 1,220 students enrolled in Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Uganda participated in a self-administered questionnaire covering socio-demographic and religious factors, social capital, mental health, alcohol use, and sexual behavior. A validated scale of six items was used to assess the experience of sexual coercion. Logistic regression analyses were applied to control for confounders. Potential buffering factors were analyzed by testing for effect modification. Results Fifty-nine percent of those who responded had previously had sexual intercourse. Among the male students 29.0%, and among the female students 33.1% reported having had some experience of sexual coercion. After controlling for age, gender, and educational level of household of origin, role of religion and trust in others sexual coercion was found to be statistically significantly associated with previously had sex (OR 1.6, 95% CI; 1.1-2.3, early sexual debut (OR 2.4, 95% CI; 1.5-3.7, as well as with having had a great number of sexual partners (OR 1.9, 95% CI; 1.2-3.0, but not with inconsistent condom use. Scoring low on an assessment of mental health problems, reporting high trust in others, or stating that religion played a major role in one's family of origin seemed to buffer the negative effect that the experience of sexual coercion had on the likelihood of having many sexual partners

  19. Experience of sexual coercion and risky sexual behavior among Ugandan university students. (United States)

    Agardh, Anette; Odberg-Pettersson, Karen; Ostergren, Per-Olof


    Growing worldwide evidence shows that the experience of sexual coercion is fairly prevalent among young people and is associated with risky sexual behavior thereafter. The causal mechanisms behind this are unclear but may be dependent on specific contextual determinants. Little is known about factors that could buffer the negative effects of coercion. The aim of this study was to assess the association between the experience of sexual coercion and risky sexual behavior among university students of both sexes in Uganda. In 2005, 980 (80%) out of a total of 1,220 students enrolled in Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Uganda participated in a self-administered questionnaire covering socio-demographic and religious factors, social capital, mental health, alcohol use, and sexual behavior. A validated scale of six items was used to assess the experience of sexual coercion. Logistic regression analyses were applied to control for confounders. Potential buffering factors were analyzed by testing for effect modification. Fifty-nine percent of those who responded had previously had sexual intercourse. Among the male students 29.0%, and among the female students 33.1% reported having had some experience of sexual coercion. After controlling for age, gender, and educational level of household of origin, role of religion and trust in others sexual coercion was found to be statistically significantly associated with previously had sex (OR 1.6, 95% CI; 1.1-2.3), early sexual debut (OR 2.4, 95% CI; 1.5-3.7), as well as with having had a great number of sexual partners (OR 1.9, 95% CI; 1.2-3.0), but not with inconsistent condom use.Scoring low on an assessment of mental health problems, reporting high trust in others, or stating that religion played a major role in one's family of origin seemed to buffer the negative effect that the experience of sexual coercion had on the likelihood of having many sexual partners. The findings of this study suggest that the

  20. Adolescents’ exposure to sexually explicit internet material, sexual uncertainty, and attitudes toward uncommitted sexual exploration: is there a link?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peter, J.; Valkenburg, P.M.


    The link between adolescents' exposure to sexual media content and their sexual socialization has hardly been approached from an identity development framework. Moreover, existing research has largely ignored the role of adolescents' exposure to sexually explicit Internet material in that

  1. Responses Following Sexual and Non-Sexual Assault. (United States)

    Rothbaum, Barbara Olasov; And Others

    Assault victims exhibit a variety of emotional responses including fear, depression, and sexual impairment. For most assault victims, these responses decline over time. This study examined the pattern of post-assault responses during the first 12 weeks and compared the pattern of responses following rape with non-sexual criminal assault reactions.…

  2. Perceptions of female sexual health and sexual dysfunction in a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Questions asked ranged from sexual activity in the preceding 6 months, menopausal status, if they thought they had sexual dysfunction to their willingness to discuss an FSD with a sexual health physician if they had access to one. Results: Over 50% (n=28) of the respondents had an idea about what FSD was before the ...

  3. Childhood and adolescent sexual behaviors predict adult sexual orientations


    Keith W. Beard; Sandra S. Stroebel; Stephen L. O’Keefe; Karen V. Harper-Dorton; Karen Griffee; Debra H. Young; Sam Swindell; Kerri Steele; Thomas D. Linz; Karla Beth Moore; Megan Lawhon; Natalie M. Campbell


    Anonymous retrospective data were provided by 3,443 adult participants via computer-assisted self-interview. This was the first study focused on determinants of adult sexual orientation to adjust for the effects of same-sex sibling incest. Five measures of adult sexual orientations (ASOs) provided evidence consistent with the theory that ASOs result from early sex-specific romantic attachment, conditioning caused by early sexual experiences with partners, and other experiences, such as early ...

  4. Description of Sexual Orientation and Sexual Behaviors among High School Girls in New York City. (United States)

    Coble, Chanelle A; Silver, Ellen J; Chhabra, Rosy


    Examination of the association of sexual orientation to the sexual practices and health behaviors of high school girls in New York City (NYC). Data were drawn from the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System survey of public high school students in grades 9-12 in NYC. None. Independent variables included sexual orientation and gender of sexual partners. Dependent variables include sexual/health risk behaviors. We used t tests to compare mean ages and χ 2 tests to compare distributions according to sexual orientation, gender of sexual partners, and differences in risk behaviors. The survey was completed by 4643 girls; mean age, 15.5 years; (1103 + 1842)/4254 (69%) black or Latina; 1101/4000 (27.5%) sexually active; 3574/4412 (81%) heterosexual; and (92 + 526)/4412 (14%) sexual minorities; 24.1% were heterosexual, 52.1% lesbian, and 49.4% were bisexual girls and were sexually active; 247 were classified as women who have sex with women (WSW) or WSW and men (WSWM). Of the sexually active girls, (65 + 182)/1081 (23%) were WSW/WSWM. The WSW/WSWM reported earlier sexual debut, more sexual partners, higher pregnancy rate, use of alcohol at last sex, history of intimate partner violence, and less likelihood of having an HIV test. Almost one in four of sexually active high school girls in NYC can be classified as WSW, who are vulnerable to increased sexual and health risk-taking behaviors leading to adverse health outcomes. The discordance between sexual behavior and sexual orientation emphasizes the importance of the provider sharing protective strategies in the sexual health counseling session for their patients who engage in sex with female partners regardless of sexual orientation. Copyright © 2017 North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Camila Bruning


    Full Text Available Neste artigo discute-se o papel da gestão de pessoas para o alcance dos objetivos estratégicos da organização por meio de estudo de caso em uma empresa do setor automotivo localizada no Paraná. A hipótese que se verifica é a de que a gestão de pessoas tem papel estratégico ao ir além de suas tradicionais atividades administrativas de recursos humanos e passar a atuar integrada com a gestão estratégica do negócio, trabalhando para promover a aprendizagem organizacional, a gestão da cultura organizacional e o comprometimento, através de práticas que que tem como consequencia o sequestro da subjetividade do trabalhador (Faria e Meneghetti 2001.

  6. Body appreciation, sexual relationship status, and protective sexual behaviors in women. (United States)

    Winter, Virginia Ramseyer; Satinsky, Sonya


    The relationship between body appreciation and sexual risk reduction behavior in women is under-explored. This cross-sectional study examined the relationships between body appreciation, male condom use, and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing among a community-based sample of women (n=285). Logistic regression results revealed that after controlling for age, BMI, and sexual orientation, having more than one sexual partner moderated body appreciation and current male condom use (OR=4.21, p<.01, CI=1.510-11.726). Body appreciation was not a significant predictor of STI testing in the previous 12 months. This suggests that women with higher body appreciation may be more likely to engage in some protective sexual health behaviors. Interventions that seek to improve body appreciation instead of body size change such as weight loss or gain may encourage certain protective sexual behaviors in women. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. An Overview of Sexual Harassment (United States)

    Stier, William F., Jr.


    Sexual harassment, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), is when any unwelcome sexual advances for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature takes place. For sexual harassment to take place there must be some type of behavior, language, or material of a sexual nature, which is offensive.…

  8. Sexual activity and aging. (United States)

    Ni Lochlainn, Mary; Kenny, Rose Anne


    Sexuality is an important component of emotional and physical intimacy that men and women experience throughout their lives. Research suggesting that a high proportion of men and women remain sexually active well into later life refutes the prevailing myth that aging and sexual dysfunction are inexorably linked. Age-related physiological changes do not render a meaningful sexual relationship impossible or even necessarily difficult. Many of these physiological changes are modifiable. There are various therapeutic options available to patients to achieve maximum sexual capacity in old age. This article reviews the prevalence of sexual activity among older adults, the problems these adults encounter with sexual activity, and the role of the health care professional in addressing these problems. The physiological sex-related changes that occur as part of the normal aging process in men and women are reviewed, as well as the effect of age-related physical and psychological illness on sexual function. The attitudes and perceptions of the media and general public toward sexual activity and aging are summarized. An understanding of the sexual changes that accompany the aging process may help general practitioners and other doctors to give practical and useful advice on sexuality as well as refute the misconception that aging equates to celibacy. A thorough awareness of this aspect of older people's quality of life can raise meaningful expectations for aging patients. Copyright © 2013 American Medical Directors Association, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Imágenes y representaciones de un espacio urbano: el papel de los medios de comunicación en la reproducción de las desigualdades


    Monreal Requena, Pilar


    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el papel que los medios de comunicación, especialmente la prensa escrita en su papel digitalizado, tienen en el proceso de estigmatización de un barrio pobre y segregado de la Comunidad de Madrid, España. Para ello, hemos utilizado las noticias aparecidas en los periódicos de uno de los mayores asentamientos informales de España, La Cañada Real Galiana a su paso por Madrid. Identificados sus cerca de 15 km de extensión con categorías como suci...

  10. The Double Standard at Sexual Debut: Gender, Sexual Behavior and Adolescent Peer Acceptance (United States)

    Kreager, Derek A.; Staff, Jeremy; Gauthier, Robin; Lefkowitz, Eva S.; Feinberg, Mark E.


    A sexual double standard in adolescence has important implications for sexual development and gender inequality. The present study uses longitudinal social network data (N = 914; 11–16 years of age) to test if gender moderates associations between adolescents’ sexual behaviors and peer acceptance. Consistent with a traditional sexual double standard, female adolescents who reported having sex had significant decreases in peer acceptance over time, whereas male adolescents reporting the same behavior had significant increases in peer acceptance. This pattern was observed net of respondents’ own perceived friendships, further suggesting that the social responses to sex vary by gender of the sexual actor. However, findings for “making out” showed a reverse double standard, such that female adolescents reporting this behavior had increases in peer acceptance and male adolescents reporting the same behavior had decreases in peer acceptance over time. Results thus suggest that peers enforce traditional sexual scripts for both “heavy” and “light” sexual behaviors during adolescence. These findings have important implications for sexual health education, encouraging educators to develop curricula that emphasize the gendered social construction of sexuality and to combat inequitable and stigmatizing peer responses to real or perceived deviations from traditional sexual scripts. PMID:27833252

  11. "The Heart Desires but the Body Refuses": Sexual Scripts, Older Men's Perceptions of Sexuality, and Implications for Their Mental and Sexual Health. (United States)

    Rutagumirwa, Sylivia Karen; Bailey, Ajay


    We use sexual scripting theory in the present paper to gain a better understanding of older men's perceptions of their sexuality in relation to dominant Tanzanian cultural norms of masculinity. Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 15 older men, and ten focus group discussions were conducted with 60 men aged 60-82. Participants' recruitment was guided by theoretical sampling strategies. Consistent with the principles of grounded theory, data collection and analysis occurred simultaneously. Our findings indicate that Jando (male initiation rites) serves as a script for male sexuality that outlines the expectations and rewards of male sexuality. Adhering to masculine sexual script affects older men's perceptions of their sexuality in later life and has detrimental effects on their well-being. Older men were concerned with changes in their sexual life, such as the decline in their sexual performance. The majority of the participants said they felt emotionally distressed about the age-related decline in their body and in their sexuality, and they reported that their inability to conform to male sexual scripts undermined their sense of masculinity. Several of the participants reported that in an effort to regain their previous sexual performance, they had turned to remedies and strategies of questionable appropriateness and effectiveness. Our study suggests that older men may benefit from age-related interventions tailored to their cultural background. These interventions may require trained health care providers on mental health issues to bridge the gap between the internalized scripts of ideal male sexuality and the reality of aging.

  12. Sexual orientation and sexual health services utilization among women in the United States. (United States)

    Agénor, Madina; Muzny, Christina A; Schick, Vanessa; Austin, Erika L; Potter, Jennifer


    Although sexual minority women are at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and cervical cancer, few nationally representative studies have assessed sexual orientation disparities in sexual health care among women. Using data from the 2011-2013 and 2013-2015 waves of the National Survey of Family Growth, which provide a national probability sample of U.S. women aged 15-44years (N=11,300), we used multivariable logistic regression to examine the associations between sexual behavior and sexual identity (modeled separately) and STI testing in the past year, Pap test use in the last 3years, lifetime HIV testing, and lifetime human papillomavirus (HPV) testing. Women with male and female lifetime sexual partners had higher adjusted odds of being tested for STIs ([odds ratio:] 1.61; [95% confidence interval:] 1.37-1.89), HIV (1.66; 1.29-2.14), and HPV (1.79; 1.41-2.25) and similar adjusted odds of obtaining a Pap test (0.98; 0.76-1.27) than women with only male lifetime sexual partners. Self-identified bisexual women had higher adjusted odds of obtaining an STI (1.43; 1.10-1.86) and HIV (1.69; 1.24-2.30) test but lower adjusted odds of obtaining a Pap test in the last 3years (0.66; 0.47-0.93) than heterosexual-identified women. Women with only female lifetime sexual partners had lower adjusted odds of receiving an STI (0.14; 0.07-0.28) and Pap (0.10; 0.03-0.27) test than women with only male lifetime sexual partners. Results comparing self-identified lesbian and heterosexual women were similar. Health care facilities should monitor and address sexual orientation disparities in women's sexual health care and ensure the provision of high-quality sexual health services to all women. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Subjective sexual well-being and sexual behavior in young women with breast cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kedde, H.; van de Wiel, H. B. M.; Schultz, W. C. M. Weijmar; Wijsen, C.

    The aim of this study was to systematically describe the nature and context of subjective sexual well-being and sexual behavior in young women with breast cancer. Data on sexual behavior and subjective sexual well-being were collected through an internet questionnaire. Respondents were included if

  14. Individual-Based Compulsive Sexual Behavior Scale: Its Development and Importance in Examining Compulsive Sexual Behavior. (United States)

    Efrati, Yaniv; Mikulincer, Mario


    Compulsive sexual behavior comprises individual-based (e.g., sexual fantasies, compulsive sexual thoughts, masturbation) and partnered (e.g., interpersonal sexual conquests, repeated infidelity) facets. Most instruments for assessing compulsive sexual behavior, however, focus less on the individual-based facet and specifically on fantasies and compulsive thoughts. In the current research, we developed and validated an individual-based compulsive sexual behavior scale (I-CSB). In Study 1 (N = 492), the factorial structure of the I-CSB was examined. In Study 2 (N = 406), we assessed I-CSB's convergent validity. In Study 3 (N = 112), we examined whether the I-CSB differentiates between individuals who suffer from compulsive sexual behavior and those who do not. Results revealed a four-factor structure for individual-based compulsive sexual behavior that is associated with an intense inner conflict regarding sexuality (high arousal contrasting with high sexual anxiety), and that accounts for approximately 75% of the differences between people with compulsive sexual behavior and controls. Results are discussed in light of the need for a broader understanding of compulsive sexual behavior.

  15. Sexuality and Developmental Disability: Obstacles to Healthy Sexuality throughout the Lifespan (United States)

    Richards, Deborah; Miodrag, Nancy; Watson, Shelley L.


    This paper presents a lifespan perspective of sexuality issues for individuals with developmental disabilities. Individuals with developmental disabilities are human beings who have historically been denied the right to express their sexuality or engage in sexual relationships due to misconceptions or negative attitudes. Using a hypothetical case…

  16. Teaching Sexual History-Taking Skills Using the Sexual Events Classification System (United States)

    Fidler, Donald C.; Petri, Justin Daniel; Chapman, Mark


    Objective: The authors review the literature about educational programs for teaching sexual history-taking skills and describe novel techniques for teaching these skills. Methods: Psychiatric residents enrolled in a brief sexual history-taking course that included instruction on the Sexual Events Classification System, feedback on residents'…

  17. Evaluación de la celulosa de papel y de las cenizas de carbón, como materiales aislantes alternativos

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    Full Text Available Se construyó un medidor de conductividad térmica de materiales sólidos según las recomendaciones de las Normas ASTM C518 y C177. El equipo sirvió para medir la conductividad térmica como una función de la temperatura de dos materiales de desecho sólidos, cenizas de carbón y una mezcla de celulosa de papel con cemento. La conductividad de las cenizas fue tan baja como 0.073 W/mK a una temperatura de 250ºC y la conductividad de la mezcla de celulosa de papel con cemento fue de 0.241 W/mK a una temperatura de 160ºC. Esto muestra que ambos materiales tienen propiedades de aislantes térmicos como para usarse industrialmente. Las cenizas de carbón que soportan altas temperaturas pueden reemplazar la costosa fibra cerámica.

  18. [Impact of aging on sexuality]. (United States)

    Degauquier, C; Absil, A-S; Psalti, I; Meuris, S; Jurysta, F


    Numerous authors on sexual behaviors have studied the link between the persistence of a sexually active life and progressive aging. The knowledge of sexual health in the elderly has shown that biological sexual aging is extremely diverse and heterogeneous in men as well as in women, and contradicts the stereotype of age that would inevitably alter the sexual biological response in each human. Sexual diseases (lubrication, dyspareunia, erectile dysfunction, inability to achieve orgasm) and diseases of aging that impact sexual function have a growing incidence but don't never touch 100% of individuals. There is a decline in sexual interest correlated with the life-span, but the negative effects of age on desire are related to health problems. Moreover, sexual desire is more correlated with personal attitudes toward sexuality than with biological factors and diseases. Several predictors account for the pursuit of an active sexuality (including the presence of a partner, good health, having good sexual self-esteem, enjoyable past experience, an attitude that values the importance of sex in couple relationship), but the most decisive factor to successfully face the specific markers of aging is the ability to adapt to a more sensory sexuality, less focused on performance and coitus.

  19. Masturbation and premarital sexual intercourse among college women: making choices for sexual fulfillment. (United States)

    Davidson, J K; Moore, N B


    Given the potential value of masturbation as an alternative to high-risk sexual practices, there is a need to investigate factors surrounding this method of physiological sexual fulfillment. Therefore, this study examined the differences, if any, between women who have engaged in masturbation only (MO), both masturbation and sexual intercourse (MSI), and sexual intercourse only (SIO). An anonymous questionnaire was administered to volunteer respondents enrolled at a Midwestern university, yielding a subsample of 777 never-married, heterosexual women. Group comparisons indicated that MO Group women were most likely to feel guilty about engaging in masturbation and petting, but least likely to report either comfort with their sexuality or sexual satisfaction. MSI Group women indicated that, while growing up, they were less attached to their mother and father figures, whom they rated as uncommunicative. They also were more likely to have engaged in risk-related sexual behaviors. SIO Group women were more likely to have used contraceptives at first sexual intercourse and to report fewer lifetime sex partners than MSI Group women. Since a substantial number of college women refrain from engaging in masturbation, yet choose to have unprotected sexual intercourse and multiple sex partners, and others engage in masturbation but report experiencing guilt feelings regarding self-stimulation, it is of crucial importance that the negative connotations of masturbation and its attendant impact on sexual satisfaction be addressed by sexuality educators, clinicians, and researchers.

  20. Associations of Timing of Sexual Orientation Developmental Milestones and Other Sexual Minority Stressors with Internalizing Mental Health Symptoms Among Sexual Minority Young Adults. (United States)

    Katz-Wise, Sabra L; Rosario, Margaret; Calzo, Jerel P; Scherer, Emily A; Sarda, Vishnudas; Austin, S Bryn


    Sexual minorities (mostly heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian/gay) are more likely than heterosexuals to have adverse mental health, which may be related to minority stress. We used longitudinal data from 1461 sexual minority women and men, aged 22-30 years, from Wave 2010 of the Growing Up Today Study, to examine associations between sexual minority stressors and mental health. We hypothesized that sexual minority stressors (earlier timing of sexual orientation developmental milestones categorized into early adolescence, middle adolescence, late adolescence/young adulthood; greater sexual orientation mobility; more bullying victimization) would be positively associated with mental health outcomes (depressive and anxious symptoms). Linear regression models stratified by gender and sexual orientation were fit via generalized estimating equations and controlled for age and race/ethnicity. Models were fit for each stressor predicting each mental health outcome. Reaching sexual minority milestones in early versus middle adolescence was associated with greater depressive and anxious symptoms among lesbians and gay men. Reaching sexual minority milestones in late adolescence/young adulthood versus middle adolescence was associated with greater depressive symptoms among lesbians, but fewer depressive and anxious symptoms among gay men. Greater sexual orientation mobility was associated with greater depressive symptoms among mostly heterosexual women. More bullying victimization was associated with greater depressive symptoms among bisexual women and with greater anxious symptoms among mostly heterosexual women. Sexual minority stressors are associated with adverse mental health among some sexual minority young adults. More research is needed to understand what may be protecting some subgroups from the mental health effects of sexual minority stressors.

  1. The Effect of Sexual Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Females\\' Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Attitude, and Sexual Self-Confidence. A Case Study in Shiraz, Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E Rahimi


    21.Lawrence S, Janet S. African- American adolescents knowledge, health- related attitudes, Sexual behavior, and contraceptive decisions: Implications for the prevention of adolescent HIV infection. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology 200515: 104-112.Abstract retrieved Jul 15, 2007, from Psych INFO database,. 22.Shojayizade D, Ghobbe N, Mansurian M editors. The effectiveness of Health education couples on Sexual attitude about contraception means. Sexual health position in fertility and infertility seminar: 2003. 15-18: Tehran. Tehran Shahid Beheshti University of Medicine 2004. 23.Usefi E, Besharat M, Yunesi J. An investigation of the correlation between Sexual knowledge and attitude with marital satisfaction among serried couples Inhabiting in married students dormitory at shahid beheshti university. Quarterly journal of Iranian Counseling Association Winter 2008,Vol.6,No26,27-39.

  2. Sexual Function Across Aging. (United States)

    Clayton, Anita H; Harsh, Veronica


    Women experience multiple changes in social and reproductive statuses across the life span which can affect sexual functioning. Various phases of the sexual response cycle may be impacted and can lead to sexual dysfunction. Screening for sexual problems and consideration of contributing factors such as neurobiology, reproductive life events, medical problems, medication use, and depression can help guide appropriate treatment and thereby improve the sexual functioning and quality of life of affected women. Treatment options include psychotropic medications, hormone therapy, and psychotherapy.

  3. Sexual Esteem in Emerging Adulthood: Associations with Sexual Behavior, Contraception Use, and Romantic Relationships (United States)

    Maas, Megan; Lefkowitz, Eva


    Sexual esteem is an integral psychological aspect of sexual health (Snell & Papini, 1989), yet it is unclear if sexual esteem is associated with sexual health behavior among heterosexual men and women. The current analysis uses a normative framework for sexual development (Lefkowitz & Gillen, 2006; Tolman & McClelland, 2011) by examining the association of sexual esteem with sexual behavior, contraception use, and romantic relationship characteristics. Participants (N = 518; 56.0% female; mean age = 18.43 years; 26.8% identified as Hispanic/Latino; among non-Hispanic/Latinos, 27.2% of the full sample identified as European American, 22.4% Asian American, 14.9% African American, and 8.7% multiracial) completed web-based surveys at a large northeastern university. Participants who had oral sex more frequently, recently had more oral and penetrative sex partners (particularly for male participants), and spent more college semesters in romantic relationships, tended to have higher sexual esteem than those who had sex less frequently, with fewer partners, or spent more semesters without romantic partners. Sexually active male emerging adults who never used contraception during recent penetrative sex tended to have higher sexual esteem than those who did use it, whereas female emerging adults who never used contraception tended to have lower sexual esteem than those who did use it. Implications of these results for the development of a healthy sexual self-concept in emerging adulthood are discussed. PMID:25210789

  4. Emancipatory Sexuality Education and Sexual Assault Resistance: Does the Former Enhance the Latter? (United States)

    Senn, Charlene Y.; Gee, Stephanie S.; Thake, Jennifer


    The current study examined whether adding emancipatory sexuality education, which encourages the exploration of women's own sexual values and desires, to a sexual assault resistance program would improve women's resistance to sexual assault by known men. The participants were 214 first-year university students. A randomized experimental design…

  5. Postpartum Resumption of Sexual Activity, Sexual Morbidity and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... to ascertain their socio.demographic and obstetric features, sexual activity, time to coital resumption, reasons for resumption and non.resumption of intercourse, sexual problems encountered and contraceptive usage. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS version 16 for windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).

  6. Assessment of Magnitude of Sexually Transmitted Infections, Sexual ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    HIV transmission with drug use and needle sharing, tattooing with homemade and ... it forms high risk settings because of unprotected sexual relations, prostitution, rapes, and .... Sexual and Reproductive Health Behaviors of Prisoners ... (76.9%) considered themselves as heterosexual and 3 (23.1%) as homosexuals.

  7. Sport and male sexuality. (United States)

    Sgrò, P; Di Luigi, L


    The relationships between sport and sexuality in males are of great social and clinical interest, because of sports and motor activities that highly promote social and sexual relationships. Even if few literature exist, two main questions should be taken into account: whether and how physical exercise and sport positively or negatively influence sexual health and behavior and/or whether and how sexual behavior may affect a sub-sequent sport performance. Physical exercise and sport per se can influence, positively or negatively, the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis function and, consequently, the individual's reproductive and/or sexual health. This depends on individual factors such as genetic and epigenetic ones and on different variables involved in the practice of sport activities (type of sport, intensity and duration of training, doping and drug use and abuse, nutrition, supplements, psychological stress, allostatic load, etc.). If well conducted, motor and sport activities could have beneficial effects on sexual health in males. Among different lifestyle changes, influencing sexual health, regular physical activity is fundamental to antagonize the onset of erectile dysfunction (ED). However, competitive sport can lead both reproductive and/or sexual tract damages and dysfunctions, transient (genital pain, hypoesthesia of the genitalia, hypogonadism, DE, altered sexual drive, etc.) or permanent (hypogonadism, DE, etc.), by acting directly (traumas of the external genitalia, saddle-related disorders in cyclists, etc.) or indirectly (exercise-related hypogonadism, drug abuse, doping, stress, etc.). Sexual activities shortly performed before a sport competition could differently influence sport performance. Due to the few existing data, it is advisable to avoid an absolute pre-competition sexual abstinence.

  8. Sexuality in transit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heinskou, Marie Bruvik


    such an approach, the complexities of sexual assault, changing power relations and unstable narratives of gender and sexuality are illuminated. The analysis shows that the traditional divide between public and private has dissolved and that public spaces of pop culture are drawn into spaces of intimacy and thereby......Through an investigation of a reported rape, this article suggests that we conceive sexuality as a transitional object that changes and transforms depending on space and temporality. This makes sexuality difficult to grasp within specific and stable frames of gender and power analysis. Applying...

  9. Childhood attachment, childhood sexual abuse, and onset of masturbation among adult sexual offenders. (United States)

    Smallbone, Stephen W; McCabe, Billee-Anne


    Written autobiographies of 48 incarcerated adult male sexual offenders (22 rapists, 13 intrafamilial child molesters, and 13 extrafamilial child molesters) were used to generate retrospective self-report measures of their childhood maternal and paternal attachment, childhood sexual abuse experiences, and onset of masturbation. Contrary to expectation, the offenders as a combined group more often reported secure than they did insecure childhood maternal and paternal attachment. There were no differences between the three offender subgroups with respect to maternal attachment; however the rapists and the intrafamilial child molesters were more likely to report insecure paternal attachment than were the extrafamilial child molesters. There were no differences between these offender subgroups in the frequency with which childhood sexual abuse was reported. However, offenders with insecure paternal attachment were more likely to report having been sexually abused than were those with secure paternal attachment. Sexually abused offenders in turn reported earlier onset of masturbation than did those who were not sexually abused. These results are consistent with contemporary attachment models linking insecure childhood attachment to childhood sexual abuse, and with traditional conditioning models linking childhood sexual abuse, early masturbation, and sexual offending.

  10. Sexual health behaviors and sexual orientation in a U.S. national sample of college students. (United States)

    Oswalt, Sara B; Wyatt, Tammy J


    Many studies have examined differences in sexual behavior based on sexual orientation with results often indicating that those with same-sex partners engage in higher risk sexual behavior than people with opposite sex partners. However, few of these studies were large, national sample studies that also include those identifying as unsure. To address that gap, this study examined the relationship of sexual orientation and sexual health outcomes in a national sample of U.S. college students. The Fall 2009 American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment was used to examine sexual health related responses from heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and unsure students (N = 25,553). Responses related to sexual behavior, safer sex behaviors, prevention and screening behaviors, and diagnosis of sexual health related conditions were examined. The findings indicated that sexual orientation was significantly associated with engaging in sexual behavior in the last 30 days. Sexual orientation was also significantly associated with the number of sexual partners in the previous 12 months, with unsure men having significantly more partners than gay, bisexual and heterosexual men and heterosexual men having significantly less partners than gay, bisexual and unsure men. Bisexual women had significantly more partners than females reporting other sexual orientations. Results examining the associations between sexual orientation and safer sex, prevention behaviors, and screening behaviors were mixed. Implications for practice, including specific programmatic ideas, were discussed.

  11. Papel del estrés oxidativo en el desarrollo de la enfermedad hepática alcohólica

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    M. Galicia-Moreno


    Conclusiones: El estrés oxidativo tiene un papel importante en el desarrollo del daño hepático por alcohol y las moléculas que actualmente han mostrado un efecto hepatoprotector en ensayos preclínicos y clínicos necesitan someterse a más estudios que demuestren su eficacia para considerarlos como tratamientos adyuvantes de esta enfermedad.


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    Juan Bernardo Quintero


    Full Text Available El papel de los modelos es fundamental en el desarrollo de software para potenciar el reúso de los diferentes elementos del software y facilitar la labor de los diferentes roles que participan del proceso. La Arquitectura Dirigida por Modelos (MDA propone un proceso de desarrollo basado en la realización y transformación de modelos. Los principios en los que se fundamenta MDA son la abstracción, la automatización y la estandarización. El proceso central de MDA es la transformación de modelos que parten del espacio del problema (CIM hasta modelos específicos de la plataforma (PSM, pasando por modelos que describen una solución independientemente de la computación (PIM. Para explicar el papel de los modelos en el proceso de desarrollo de software este artículo explora los principales conceptos presentados en la propuesta de MDA.The role of models is critical in software development to enable the reuse of different software elements and to aid the work of several roles involved in the process. Model Driven Architecture (MDA suggests a development process based on models realization and transformation. The principles in which MDA is based are abstraction, automation, and standardization. The central process of MDA is the transformation of models from the problem space (CIM to platform specific models (PSM, passing across models describing a platform independent solution (PIM. In order to explain the model role in the software process development, this paper explores the main concept presented in the MDA proposal.

  13. Sexuality and sexual life in women with spinal cord injury: a controlled study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kreuter, M.; Siosteen, A.; Biering-Sørensen, Fin


    and sexual were physical problems, low sexual desire, low self-esteem and feelings of being unattractive. The motivations of both the women with spinal cord injury and controls to engage in sexual activity were intimacy-based rather than primarily sexual. Being in the right mood both before and during sex...

  14. [Sexuality in the elderly]. (United States)

    Wilk, Bartosz


    Sustaining and strengthening the ability of the elderly to continue their sexual needs can be realized as part of improving their quality of life, health and well-being. There is no age at which ends the expression of sexuality and intimacy. Through education, quality of life and advances in medicine, the average life expectancy is still increasing. Sexual activity of older people society usually describe using pejorative terms as an inappropriate, bizarre or obscene, but these labels are different than reality. Hormonal changes and other physiological changes associated with aging affect sexual interest. Erectile dysfunction is a problem in men increasing with age. There is no evidence that premature ejaculation is more common in older age. Cross-sectional studies showed no difference in sexual dysfunction between older and younger women. Age is not a barrier to sexually transmitted diseases. The most common pathogenetic factors for male erectile dysfunction are vascular diseases. In women, the most important symptoms of sexual dysfunction are lack of emotional wellbeing and a sense of intimacy during sexual intercourse. © 2015 MEDPRESS.

  15. Modelos de otimização para o problema de corte nas indústrias de papel e papelão e de móveis Optimization models of the cutting stock problem in furniture and corrugated paper industries

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    Reinaldo Morábito


    Full Text Available Este trabalho examina alguns modelos de otimização conhecidos da literatura para o problema de corte, e reporta uma experiência real da aplicação destes modelos numa indústria de papel e papelão (problema unidimensional e numa indústria de móveis (problema bidimensional. Também são discutidas algumas modificações nos modelos originais para incorporar restrições práticas dos processos de corte, tais como, unidades de estoque com tamanhos e custos diferentes, tolerância na demanda de clientes, entre outras. Alguns resultados computacionais são apresentados para um exemplo real da indústria de móveis, utilizando-se um microcomputador.This work examines some well-known optimization models for the cutting stock problem and reports a real experience of their application to a corrugated paper industry (one- dimensional problem and to a furniture industry (two-dimensional problem. It is also discussed some modifications in the original models to incorporate practical constraints of the cutting processes, such as tolerance in the customer orders, among others. Some computational results from a real example of the furniture industry are presented utilizing a micro-computer.

  16. The Sexual Disgust Questionnaire; a Psychometric Study and a First Exploration in Patients with Sexual Dysfunctions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Overveld, Mark; de Jong, Peter J.; Peters, Madelon L.; van Lankveld, Jacques; Melles, Reinhilde; ter Kuile, Moniek M.

    Introduction. Disgust may be involved in sexual problems by disrupting sexual arousal and motivating avoidance of sexual intercourse. To test whether heightened disgust for sexual contaminants is related to sexual dysfunctions, the Sexual Disgust Questionnaire (SDQ) has recently been developed.

  17. Sexuality in Older Adults (65+)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Træen, Bente; Carvalheira, Ana; Kvalem, Ingela Lundin


    with their bodies than men, particularly in sexual contexts, older women appear to be less vulnerable to body-related dissatisfaction than younger women. Despite the age-specific dynamics of sexual satisfaction and sexual well-being, which parallel age-related decrease in the frequency of sexual activity, research...... findings from different countries show that substantial proportions of aging men and women are satisfied with their sex life. There is some limited evidence that this proportion may be increasing across cohorts. Gender differences in factors that influence sexual satisfaction among older adults appear...... marginal. Conclusion: Older age can affect sexual satisfaction on individual, interpersonal, and culture-related levels. Future research in older adults' sexuality should focus on sexual well-being in women who are without partners, sexual satisfaction among aging lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender...

  18. El papel de la densidad y la proporción sexual de adultos en la fecundidad de Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae en jaulas de cría masiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La cría de insectos para control biológico aumentativo requiere conocer los factores que afectan la fecundidad para optimizar la producción masiva. En ge - neral, las prácticas empleadas se basan en los resultados de experiencias exitosas. Sin embargo, en muchos casos la verificación de esas prácticas en condiciones dis - tintas a las de su origen carece de soporte cuantitativo publicado y suele pasar por alto la variación derivada del manejo de los operarios (condición estándar. El ob - jetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la fecundidad del barrenador de la caña de azúcar Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius, en función del número de adultos y de la proporción sexual (número de hembras / número de adultos en jaulas de cría, en condiciones de producción estándar. En 25 jaulas se registraron número y sexo de las mariposas y número de huevos obtenido. Los resultados mostraron que la fecundidad óptima se obtiene con valores intermedios de densidad y con proporción sexual sesgada a machos. Se sugiere que el control conjunto de densidad y proporción sexual incre - menta la eficiencia en las posturas de huevos. El presente trabajo es el primero en cuantificar ambos factores en condiciones de cría masiva y revela que las prácticas comúnmente extendidas necesitan de estudios de mayor profundidad.

  19. Sexual Priming, Gender Stereotyping, and Likelihood to Sexually Harass: Examining the Cognitive Effects of Playing a Sexually-Explicit Video Game


    Yao, Mike Z.; Mahood, Chad; Linz, Daniel


    The present study examines the short-term cognitive effects of playing a sexually explicit video game with female “objectification” content on male players. Seventy-four male students from a university in California, U.S. participated in a laboratory experiment. They were randomly assigned to play either a sexually-explicit game or one of two control games. Participants’ cognitive accessibility to sexual and sexually objectifying thoughts was measured in a lexical decision task. A likelihood-...

  20. Sexual Violence (United States)

    Sexual Violence Facts at a Glance 2012 Adults In a nationally representative survey of adults: 1 • Nearly 1 in ... 5.6% and 5.3%, respectively) experienced sexual violence other than rape, such as being made to ...

  1. [Male sexuality in the elderly]. (United States)

    Rinnab, L; Schrader, A J; Schrader, M; Zengerling, F


    Male sexuality in the elderly is an important issue with a growing relevance. In contrast to the assumption of an asexual state when becoming older, recent representative surveys show that the majority of men maintain sexual desires and fantasies into old age. Sexual activity primarily depends on the availability of a partner and on maintaining intimacy and sexuality in the face of changes in the sexual response cycle and increasing comorbidity. This review aims to clarify the normal aging process, the sexual behavior of aging males and the prevalence of sexual dysfunction.

  2. Fibromyalgia and sexual problems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Scarpellini


    Full Text Available The aim of this review was to describe the recent literature concerning sexual dysfunction in fibromyalgic patients. To this end, we used the common online databases PubMed, MEDLINE and EMBASE (up to June 2012 and searched for the key words fibromyalgia (FM and sexual dysfunction. All the studies examined underlined that FM is strictly associated with sexual dysfunction in women. The major findings observed were related to a decreased sexual desire and arousal, decreased experience of orgasm, and in some studies an increase in genital pain. The psychological aspects, together with the stress related to the constant presence of chronic widespread pain, fatigue and sleep disturbances, are certainly a major factor that adversely affects the sexuality of the patient with FM. Moreover, the drugs most commonly used in these cases may interfere negatively on the sexuality and sexual function of these patients. Therefore, the therapeutic intervention should be targeted and the side effects should be weighed up against the positive effects. It is of the utmost importance to recognise the problem of sexuality and sexual dysfunction in a more complex form of its expression and undertake a multidisciplinary therapeutic intervention to improve the quality of FM patients’ life.

  3. The effect of comprehensive sexual education program on sexual health knowledge and sexual attitude among college students in southwest China

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chi, X.; Hawk, S.T.; Winter, S.; Meeus, W.H.J.


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a comprehensive sexual education program for college students in Southwest China (a) improved sexual health knowledge in reproduction, contraception, condom use, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV; (b) increased accepting attitudes toward

  4. The effect of comprehensive sexual education program on sexual health knowledge and sexual attitude among college students in Southwest China

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chi, Xinli; Hawk, Skyler T; Winter, Sam; Meeus, Wim

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a comprehensive sexual education program for college students in Southwest China (a) improved sexual health knowledge in reproduction, contraception, condom use, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV; (b) increased accepting attitudes toward

  5. A Model Linking Diverse Women's Child Sexual Abuse History with Sexual Risk Taking (United States)

    Watson, Laurel B.; Matheny, Kenneth B.; Gagne, Phill; Brack, Greg; Ancis, Julie R.


    The purpose of our study was to examine the role that child sexual abuse may play in body surveillance and sexual risk behaviors among undergraduate women. First, a measured variable path analysis was conducted, which assessed the relations among a history of child sexual abuse, body surveillance, and sexual risk behaviors. Furthermore, body…

  6. Is Comparison the Thief of Joy? Sexual Narcissism and Social Comparisons in the Domain of Sexuality. (United States)

    Day, Lisa C; Muise, Amy; Impett, Emily A


    Are people who are high in sexual narcissism more sensitive to information comparing their sex lives with the sex lives of others? Does this sensitivity explain narcissists' lower sexual and relationship satisfaction? We conducted three studies to address this question. Participants completed the Sexual Narcissism Scale (Widman & McNulty, 2010), and then either recalled (Study 1), imagined (Study 2), or actually made (Study 3) a sexual comparison. We found that people high in sexual narcissism (compared with those lower in sexual narcissism) were more bothered when comparing themselves with someone with a higher sexual frequency and felt better about a comparison with someone with a lower sexual frequency. In turn, narcissists' greater sensitivity to upward social comparisons predicted lower sexual and relationship satisfaction. These results suggest that those high in sexual narcissism may use downward sexual comparisons to maintain their grandiose self-views and be particularly sensitive to upward sexual comparisons.

  7. El papel moderador de la autoeficacia profesional entre situaciones de acoso laboral y la salud en una muestra multiocupacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariano Meseguer


    Full Text Available La autoeficacia es una competencia personal que actúa frente a los estresores incrementando o disminuyendo el malestar psicológico que estos pueden generar; por su parte el acoso psicológico o mobbing es uno de los factores psicosociales del medio laboral más dañinos para la salud de los trabajadores. Utilizando como marco de referencia el modelo teórico de demandas-recursos (JD-R model, este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal analizar el papel moderador de la autoeficacia profesional entre el acoso laboral y la salud autopercibida en una muestra multiocupacional de 772 trabajadores (379 hombres y 383 mujeres. Se administró un protocolo que contenía la escala NAQ para la medida del acoso laboral, el cuestionario de salud GHQ-12 y la subescala de autoeficacia profesional del MBI. Como resultado destaca el papel moderador de la autoeficacia sobre la salud en situaciones de acoso psicológico. Se discuten los resultados de este trabajo, las limitaciones y sus posibles implicaciones en las organizaciones.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruiz-Arroyo, Matilde


    Full Text Available Este estudio contribuye a la investigación sobre la identificación de oportunidades emprendedoras, analizando el efecto moderador que el tama˜no y la fortaleza de la red de contactos del emprendedor ejercen en la relación de influencia del conocimiento previo y la alerta emprendedora sobre la identificación de oportunidades. Los resultados del análisis de regresión lineal sobre una muestra de 199 emprendedores de Andalucía muestran una influencia negativa del conocimiento previo sobre el número de oportunidades identificadas, así como un efecto moderador positivo de la fortaleza de la red en interacción con el nivel de alerta emprendedora. El presente trabajo contribuye a la literatura sobre emprendimiento proponiendo un modelo que estudia conjuntamente el papel del capital social, la alerta emprendedora y el conocimiento previo en la fase de identificación de oportunidades, y aplicando una perspectiva contingente basada en la integración del potencial papel moderador de ciertas características de las redes sociales del emprendedor.

  9. The relationship between function and sexual satisfaction with sexual violence among women in Ahvaz, Iran. (United States)

    Tadayon, Mitra; Hatami-Manesh, Zahra; Sharifi, Nasibeh; Najar, Shahnaz; Saki, Azadeh; Pajohideh, Zahra


    One of the forms of violence that receives less attention due to cultural and social issues is sexual violence against women, which is a hidden and a constant epidemic and impact on their health. This study aimed to determine the relationship between function and sexual satisfaction in women who have experienced sexual violence in Ahvaz-Iran. This study was a case-control study which was conducted on 105 women (cases=35 and control=70) referred to one forensic center and seventeen Shahrivar health centers during 2013-2014 in Ahwaz-Iran. The data collection tools included questionnaires for evaluating demographic characteristics and sexual satisfaction, sexual female function index and sexual violence. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Chi-square, Fisher's exact, and independent-samples t-test) in SPSS, version 19. P-value < 0.05 was considered significant. Two groups of women were matched according to age and education. Mean ± SD sexual satisfaction was (71.4±15.84) in the case group and (99.44±15.68) in the control group (p<0.001). The mean ± SD of sexual function was (17.1±4.94) in the case group and (26.37±5.27) in the control group. The groups had a statistically significant difference in terms of sexual arousal, sexual orgasm, sexual lubrication, pain and sexual satisfaction (p<0.001). Sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction have a relation with sexual violence, and a major concern is that the sexual violence in most cases is hidden and can seriously affect the general health condition of women.

  10. Sexual behaviors among older adults in Spain: results from a population-based national sexual health survey. (United States)

    Palacios-Ceña, Domingo; Carrasco-Garrido, Pilar; Hernández-Barrera, Valentín; Alonso-Blanco, Cristina; Jiménez-García, Rodrigo; Fernández-de-las-Peñas, César


    The Spanish National Sexual Health Survey (SNSHS) is designed to examine sexual activity, sexual behaviors, and sexual health among the Spanish population. To describe sexual activity and behaviors of Spaniards aged ≥ 65 years old focusing on gender differences. A population-based descriptive study was conducted using individual data from the SNSHS. The number of subjects aged ≥ 65 years included was 1,939 (1,118 women, 821 men). Sexual activity, frequency, sexual behaviors, sexual practices, and reasons for lack of sexual activity were assessed from questions included in the survey. Subjects who reported having any sexual practice including giving or receiving kissing and hugging, vaginal intercourse, oral sex, or masturbation, with at least one partner in the previous 12 months were considered as sexually active. We analyzed sociodemographic characteristics, self-rated physical and sexual health, comorbid conditions, and medications using multivariate logistic regression models. Overall, 62.3% of men and 37.4% of elderly women were sexually active (P practices were kissing, hugging, and vaginal intercourse. The most common reasons for sexual inactivity were: partner was physically ill (23%), lack of interest (21%), and the man was a widower (23%). This study provided data on sexual activity in older Spanish adults and has identified potential factors that appear to influence sexuality in the elderly with some gender differences. Current results can have implications for healthcare providers for addressing these concerns in an effective manner. © 2011 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  11. O papel do tradutor e seu enfoque nos Cadernos de Tradução da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Aguiar Silva


    Full Text Available Muitos estudos e pesquisas (Venuti, 1995; Robinson, 2002; Benedetti e Sobral, 2003 foram e são realizados em torno do papel do tradutor e também das dificuldades enfrentadas por este profissional para produzir traduções de boa qualidade. Contemporaneamente, o tradutor é considerado um produtor de significados e não um mero transportador de palavras de uma língua para outra. Tal profissional deve estar comprometido com suas escolhas lexicais, as quais terão conseqüências para a determinação dos significados construídos no contexto da situação de chegada. Este estudo tem o intuito de analisar o papel do tradutor segundo os artigos publicados nos Cadernos de Tradução, volumes I a VI, no período de 1996 a 2000, pela UFSC. Foram selecionados os artigos que abordam o papel do tradutor nesses seis volumes citados e, de um total de 175 artigos, 62 discutem sobre o tema. Foram escolhidos os três temas mais recorrentes nos volumes, aqui apresentados em ordem decrescente: o ato interpretativo no processo tradutório, a adequação das escolhas lexicais aos aspectos sóciohistórico- culturais e as questões contextuais. Há uma inter-relação dos temas e após a análise dos dados, foi possível perceber um consenso entre os temas analisados nos Cadernos de Tradução e aqueles abordados por teóricos da área os quais discutem o mesmo assunto.

  12. Meta-análisis del papel del licopeno en la diabetes mellitus tipo 2


    Valero, M. A.; Vidal, A.; Burgos, R.; Calvo, F. L.; Martínez, C.; Luengo, L. M.; Cuerda, C.


    Introducción: El licopeno es un caroteno con un potente efecto antioxidante que se encuentra en el tomate y sus derivados. Dado que los pacientes diabéticos presentan un incremento del estrés oxidativo, el licopeno podría ser beneficioso. El objetivo de la revisión ha sido analizar la evidencia científica del papel del licopeno como antioxidante en la diabetes, en su prevención y en el control metabólico y desarrollo de complicaciones. Material y método: Se realizó una revisión sistemática y ...

  13. [Effects of TeenSTAR, an abstinence only sexual education program, on adolescent sexual behavior]. (United States)

    Vigil, Pilar; Riquelme, Rosa; Rivadeneira, Rosario; Aranda, Waldo


    Urgent measures are required to stop the increase in the frequency of pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers. A means of facing this problem is promoting sexual abstinence among youngsters. There are studies that confirm the efficacy of this approach. To show the results of the application of a holistic sexuality program (TeenSTAR) among Chilean teenagers. Students attending basic or high school were divided into a control or study group. The control group (342 students) received the usual education on sexuality given by their schools and the study group (398 students) participated in twelve TeenSTAR sessions lasting 1.5 hours each, given by a trained professor. Assessment of achievements was made using an anonymous questionnaire answered at the start and end of the program. The rates of sexual initiation among control and study groups were 15 and 6.5%, respectively. Among sexually active students, 20% of those in the study group and 9% of those in the control group discontinued sexual activity. A higher proportion of students in the TeenSTAR program retarded their sexual initiation or discontinued sexual activity and found more reasons to maintain sexual abstinence than control students.

  14. Youth sexuality and youth age at first sexual intercourse in Edo ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... significant (p>0.05), using the chi-square statistic. Finally, it is advocated that such information is important to stakeholders for helping the youth who would certainly not be able to face the challenges of adulthood when they engage in early sexual activity. Keywords: Youth, Sexuality, Age, Sexual Intercourse, Edo Central ...

  15. Relationships between attitudes toward sexuality, sexual behaviors, and contraceptive practices among Chinese medical and nursing undergraduates. (United States)

    Zeng, Yingchun; Luo, Taizhen; Zhou, Ying


    In this study, we investigated attitudes toward sexuality, the prevalence of sexual behaviors and contraceptive use among Chinese medical and nursing undergraduates, and relationships between attitudes toward sexuality and sexual and contraceptive practices among these participants. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out by using a Personal Attitude toward Sexuality Scale and Sexual and Contraceptive Questionnaire. The participants were recruited in the researcher's lectures. A total of 158 participants joined this study. Overall, Chinese medical and nursing undergraduates in this study held relatively conservative attitudes toward sexuality. The prevalence of sexually-active students was relatively low, and the percentage of contraceptive use among those sexually-active students was also low. Participants' attitudes toward sexuality had statistically-significant effects on their sexual and contraceptive practices. Nearly half of the sexually-active participants reported never using any contraceptive method during sexual intercourse. This finding has important public health implications, as young people represent the group with the largest rate of new infections of HIV/AIDS in China. A more comprehensive sexual education program that extends to college undergraduates and promotes the social acceptability of using contraception, specifically condoms, is needed. © 2014 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  16. Violencia sexual


    Carlos Tadayuki Oshikata


    Resumo: A violência sexual é um crime clandestino e subnotificado, praticado contra a liberdade sexual da mulher. Provoca traumas físicos e psíquicos, além de expor a doenças sexualmente transmissíveis e gravidez indesejada. Existem poucos serviços no Brasil que oferecem um atendimento especializado para diagnosticar e tratar as mulheres vítimas de violência sexual. A finalidade deste trabalho foi avaliar, através de um estudo descritivo e retrospectivo, 166 mulheres que compareceram na urgên...

  17. Sexual Minority Stressors, Internalizing Symptoms, and Unhealthy Eating Behaviors in Sexual Minority Youth (United States)

    Katz-Wise, Sabra L.; Calzo, Jerel P.; Scherer, Emily A.; Sarda, Vishnudas; Jackson, Benita; Haines, Jess; Austin, S. Bryn


    Background Sexual minorities are more likely than heterosexuals to engage in unhealthy eating behaviors. Purpose To examine sexual minority stressors and internalizing symptoms as predictors of unhealthy eating behaviors among sexual minority youth. Methods We used longitudinal data from 1461 sexual minority youth in the Growing Up Today Study, across ages 14-28 years. We hypothesized that sexual minority stressors would predict unhealthy eating behaviors, in part due to internalizing symptoms. Linear regression models fit via generalized estimating equations were stratified by gender and sexual orientation. Results Significant positive and inverse associations between stressors and eating behaviors were detected among females and males, with more significant associations among females. Associations were attenuated by up to 71% for females and 12% for males when internalizing symptoms were added to the models. Conclusions Sexual minority stressors predicted unhealthy eating behaviors overall and more so for some sexual orientation and gender groups; associations were partially explained by internalizing symptoms. The conceptual model appears to best describe the experiences of bisexual females. Findings have clinical implications for adolescent health. PMID:26156678

  18. Sexual Health (United States)

    ... protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections. Talking to kids about sex Kids and sexuality — those words strike fear into the hearts of many parents. But talking to kids about sex is an important part of parenting. Children and ...

  19. Compensating Differentials for Sexual Harassment


    Joni Hersch


    Workplace sexual harassment is illegal, but many workers report that they have been sexually harassed. Exposure to the risk of sexual harassment may decrease productivity, which would reduce wages. Alternatively, workers may receive a compensating differential for exposure to sexual harassment, which would increase wages. Data on claims of sexual harassment filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission are used to calculate the first measures of sexual harassment risks by industry, a...

  20. Sexual Closeness Discrepancies: What They Are and Why They Matter for Sexual Well-Being in Romantic Relationships. (United States)

    Frost, David M; McClelland, Sara I; Dettmann, Miranda


    This study examined the impact of sexual closeness on sexual well-being. We developed a nuanced and multifaceted conceptualization of sexual closeness in the form of a constellation of ideal sexual closeness with a partner, actual sexual closeness, and the discrepancy between the two. Data were obtained from a diverse sample of N = 619 participants who took part in the Lives and Relationships Study: A longitudinal survey of men and women in relationships living in the U.S. and Canada. Increases in sexual closeness discrepancies over a period of 1 year predicted concomitant decreases in two indicators of sexual well-being: sexual satisfaction and orgasm frequency evaluations. Decreases in sexual closeness discrepancies resulted in improvement in sexual well-being. Individuals who reported no sexual closeness discrepancies and experienced no changes in sexual closeness discrepancies tended to have the highest levels of sexual well-being. Importantly, sexual closeness discrepancies were robust predictors of sexual well-being, above and beyond individuals' actual sexual closeness, general relationship closeness, and other demographic and relationship characteristics known to be associated with sexual well-being. The present findings demonstrate that how close people feel sexually to their relationship partners is part of a general constellation of factors related to relationship closeness that, only when considered together, sufficiently explain the ways in which experiences of closeness impact sexual well-being in romantic relationships.

  1. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Goldstein, Irwin; Kim, Noel N.; Clayton, Anita H


    The objective of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health expert consensus panel was to develop a concise, clinically relevant, evidence-based review of the epidemiology, physiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), a sexual...... dysfunction affecting approximately 10% of adult women. Etiologic factors include conditions or drugs that decrease brain dopamine, melanocortin, oxytocin, and norepinephrine levels and augment brain serotonin, endocannabinoid, prolactin, and opioid levels. Symptoms include lack or loss of motivation...... to participate in sexual activity due to absent or decreased spontaneous desire, sexual desire in response to erotic cues or stimulation, or ability to maintain desire or interest through sexual activity for at least 6 months, with accompanying distress. Treatment follows a biopsychosocial model and is guided...

  2. Sexual activity and sexual dysfunction of women in the perinatal period: a longitudinal study. (United States)

    Wallwiener, Stephanie; Müller, Mitho; Doster, Anne; Kuon, Ruben Jeremias; Plewniok, Katharina; Feller, Sandra; Wallwiener, Markus; Reck, Corinna; Matthies, Lina Maria; Wallwiener, Christian


    Reduced sexual activity and dysfunctional problems are highly prevalent in the perinatal period, and there is a lack of data regarding the degree of normality during pregnancy. Several risk factors have been independently associated with a greater extent of Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD). Therefore, this study aimed to assess the prevalence of sexual inactivity and sexual dysfunctions in German women during the perinatal period and the verification of potential risk factors. Questionnaires were administered to 315 women prenatally (TI 3rd trimester) and postpartum (TII 1 week, TIII 4 months), including the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), and the Questionnaire of Partnership (PFB). The frequency of sexual inactivity was 24% (TI), 40.5% (TII), and 19.9% (TIII). Overall, 26.5-34.8% of women were at risk of sexual dysfunction (FSFI score Sexual desire disorder was the most prevalent form of Female sexual dysfunction. Furthermore, especially breastfeeding and low partnership quality were revealed as significant risk factors for sexual dysfunctional problems postpartum. Depressive symptoms having a cesarean section and high maternal education were correlated with dysfunctional problems in several subdomains. Findings indicated that women at risk of FSD differed significantly in aspects of partnership quality, breastfeeding, mode of delivery, maternal education, and depressive symptoms. Aspects of perinatal sexuality should be routinely implemented in the counseling of couples in prenatal classes.

  3. Broad Autism Phenotypic Traits and the Relationship to Sexual Orientation and Sexual Behavior. (United States)

    Qualls, Lydia R; Hartmann, Kathrin; Paulson, James F


    Individuals with higher levels of the broad autism phenotype (BAP) have some symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Like individuals with ASD, people with higher-BAP may have fewer sexual experiences and may experience more same-sex attraction. This study measured BAP traits, sexual experiences, and sexual orientation in typically developing (TD) individuals to see if patterns of sexual behavior and sexual orientation in higher-BAP resemble those in ASD. Although BAP characteristics did not predict sexual experiences, one BAP measure significantly predicted sexual orientation, β = 0.22, t = 2.72, p = .007, controlling for demographic variables (R 2 change = .04, F = 7.41, p = .007), showing individuals with higher-BAP also reported increased same-sex attraction. This finding supports the hypothesis that individuals with higher-BAP resemble ASD individuals in being more likely than TD individuals to experience same-sex attraction.

  4. Perceived realism moderates the relation between sexualized media consumption and permissive sexual attitudes in Dutch adolescents. (United States)

    Baams, Laura; Overbeek, Geertjan; Dubas, Judith Semon; Doornwaard, Suzan M; Rommes, Els; van Aken, Marcel A G


    This study examined whether the development of sexualized media consumption and permissive sexual attitudes would be more strongly interrelated when adolescents perceived sexualized media images as highly realistic. We used data from a three-wave longitudinal sample of 444 Dutch adolescents aged 13-16 years at baseline. Results from parallel process latent growth modeling multigroup analyses showed that higher initial levels of sexualized media consumption were associated with higher initial level of permissive sexual attitudes. Moreover, increases of sexualized media consumption over time were associated with increases of permissive sexual attitudes over time. Considering the moderation by perceived realism, we found these effects only for those who perceived sexualized media as more realistic. Findings for male and female adolescents were similar except for the relations between initial levels and subsequent development. Among male adolescents who perceived sexualized media images to be realistic, higher initial levels of permissive sexual attitudes were related to subsequent less rapid development of sexualized media consumption. For male adolescents who perceived sexualized media to be less realistic, higher initial levels of sexualized media consumption were related to a subsequent less rapid development of permissive sexual attitudes. These relations were not found for female adolescents. Overall, our results suggest that, in male and female adolescents, those with a high level of perceived realism showed a correlated development of sexualized media consumption and permissive sexual attitudes. These findings point to a need for extended information on how to guide adolescents in interpreting and handling sexualized media in everyday life.

  5. O papel do conselho de administração no desenvolvimento de melhores práticas de governança corporativa : o caso do Banco do Brasil


    Fabiano Jacinto Amann


    Atuando como principal mecanismo interno para a diminuição dos custos de agência entre acionistas e gestores, entre acionistas controladores e minoritários, o conselho de administração possui um papel fundamental na governança corporativa das empresas. Por esta razão, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar o papel do conselho de administração. Analisamos o caso concreto da maior instituição financeira do país: o caso do Banco do Brasil e busca-se identificar a sua contribuição para a atual políti...

  6. Sexuality and intimacy among people living with serious mental illnesses: Factors contributing to sexual activity. (United States)

    Bonfils, Kelsey A; Firmin, Ruth L; Salyers, Michelle P; Wright, Eric R


    Limited research has focused on sexuality for those diagnosed with a severe mental illness. We aimed to extend existing work by exploring relationships between mastery (perception of control of one's life and future), sexual self-esteem (perceptions of one's capacity to engage in healthy sexual behavior), sexual attitudes (permissive ideas about sexuality), and perceived importance of relationships/sexuality and number of sexual partners. A secondary analysis of survey data from adult participants living with a severe mental illness (N = 401) in the Indiana Mental Health Services and HIV-Risk Study (Perry & Wright, 2006) was conducted. Analysis of covariance (controlling for marital status) compared those with 0 partners, 1 partner, or multiple partners over the past 3 months on the dependent variables of mastery, sexual self-esteem, sexual attitudes, and perceived importance. Participants with more permissive attitudes, greater perceived importance, and higher mastery were more likely to be sexually active with multiple partners. Self-esteem did not differentiate groups. Given the key role of sexual satisfaction in quality of life and the high rates of sexual risk behavior in this population, it is important that clinicians systematically assess mastery, perceived importance, and attitudes about sexuality when working with consumers diagnosed with a severe mental illness. Individually tailoring existing interventions on the basis of consumers' levels of mastery, related to self-efficacy for implementing changes in life, could improve long-term outcomes for these programs. Future research should examine other constructs that may account for more variance in sexual activity, such as perceptions of risk, intentions for sexual safety, or romantic relationship functioning. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  7. Sexual Sensation Seeking, Sexual Compulsivity, and Gender Identity and Its Relationship With Sexual Functioning in a Population Sample of Men and Women. (United States)

    Burri, Andrea


    Despite awareness of the importance of psycho-affective factors in the development of sexual problems, there is a lack of studies exploring the relation of sexual sensation seeking (SSS) and sexual compulsivity (SC) to sexual functioning. Because sex differences in SSS and SC have been reported, gender identity (GI; an individual's own experience of his or her gender that is unrelated to the actual biological sex) might act as a moderator in this relation. To understand the role of SSS and SC for men and women's sexual functioning and to explore whether these potential associations are moderated by GI. A population-based cross-sectional online survey targeted 279 individuals (69.2% women, 30.8% men; mean age = 32 years). Validated questionnaires, including the Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale, the Sexual Compulsivity Scale, the Female Sexual Function Index, the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool, and the International Index of Erectile Function, were applied. Variations in SSS and SC and their association with sexual functioning were investigated using Spearman rank correlation. Moderation analyses were conducted using regression models in which the interaction terms between SSS and GI and between SCS and GI as predictors of sexual functioning were included. A statistically significant correlation between SSS and SC could be detected in men and women (r = 0.41 and 0.33, respectively; P < .001 for the two comparisons). In women, higher levels of SSS were associated with higher levels of desire, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm and less sexual pain (P < .05 for all comparisons). No moderating effect of GI could be detected. In men, GI was a significant moderator in the relation between SC and erectile function (β = 0.47; P < .001) and between SSS and erectile and ejaculatory function (β = -0.41 and 0.30; P < .001 for the two comparisons). The present study is the first to show a link between SSS and SC and sexual functioning. The results might have important

  8. "Talking about child sexual abuse would have helped me": Young people who sexually abused reflect on preventing harmful sexual behavior. (United States)

    McKibbin, Gemma; Humphreys, Cathy; Hamilton, Bridget


    Harmful sexual behavior carried out by children and young people accounts for about half of all child sexual abuse perpetration. The aim of this study was to draw on the insights of young people who had been sexually abusive to enhance the current prevention agenda. The study involved semi-structured interviews with 14 young people and six treatment-providing workers. Sampling was purposive and the young people had previously completed a treatment program for harmful sexual behaviour in Victoria, Australia. The young people were approached as experts based on their previous experience of engaging in harmful sexual behavior. At the same time, their past abusive behavior was not condoned or minimised. Constructivist Grounded Theory was used to analyse the qualitative data. Opportunities for preventing harmful sexual behavior were the focus of the interviews with young people and workers. The research identified three opportunities for prevention, which involved acting on behalf of children and young people to: reform their sexuality education; redress their victimization experiences; and help their management of pornography. These opportunities could inform the design of initiatives to enhance the prevention agenda. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Risk-Taking and Decision-Making in Men and Women. (United States)

    Skakoon-Sparling, Shayna; Cramer, Kenneth M; Shuper, Paul A


    Sexual arousal has emerged as an important contextual feature in sexual encounters that can impact safer-sex decision-making. We conducted two experiments that investigated the effects of sexual arousal among male and female participants. Experiment 1 (N = 144) examined the impact of sexual around on sexual health decision-making. Sexually explicit and neutral video clips as well as hypothetical romantic scenarios were used to evaluate the effects of sexual arousal on sexual risk-taking intentions. Men and women who reported higher levels of sexual arousal also displayed greater intentions to participate in risky sexual behavior (e.g., unprotected sex with a new sex partner). Experiment 2 (N = 122) examined the impact of sexual arousal on general risk-taking, using the same videos clips as in Experiment 1 and a modified version of a computerized Blackjack card game. Participants were offered a chance to make either a risky play or a safe play during ambiguous conditions. Increased sexual arousal in Experiment 2 was associated with impulsivity and a greater willingness to make risky plays in the Blackjack game. These findings suggest that, in situations where there are strong sexually visceral cues, both men and women experiencing strong sexual arousal may have lower inhibitions and may experience impaired decision-making. This phenomenon may have an impact during sexual encounters and may contribute to a failure to use appropriate prophylactic protection.

  10. Dance and sexuality: many moves. (United States)

    Hanna, Judith Lynne


    This literature review of dance and sexual expression considers dance and religion, dance and sexuality as a source of power, manifestations of sexuality in Western theater art and social dance, plus ritual and non-Western social dance. Expressions of gender, sexual orientation, asexuality, ambiguity, and adult entertainment exotic dance are presented. Prominent concerns in the literature are the awareness, closeting, and denial of sexuality in dance; conflation of sexual expression and promiscuity of gender and sexuality, of nudity and sexuality, and of dancer intention and observer interpretation; and inspiration for infusing sexuality into dance. Numerous disciplines (American studies, anthropology, art history, comparative literature, criminology, cultural studies, communication, dance, drama, English, history, history of consciousness, journalism, law, performance studies, philosophy, planning, retail geography, psychology, social work, sociology, and theater arts) have explored dance and sexual expression, drawing upon the following concepts, which are not mutually exclusive: critical cultural theory, feminism, colonialism, Orientalism, postmodernism, poststructuralism, queer theory, and semiotics. Methods of inquiry include movement analysis, historical investigation, anthropological fieldwork, autoethnography, focus groups, surveys, and self-reflection or autobiographical narrative. Directions for future exploration are addressed.

  11. Sexual Assertiveness Mediates the Associations Between Partner Facilitative Responses and Sexual Outcomes in Women With Provoked Vestibulodynia. (United States)

    McNicoll, Gabrielle; Corsini-Munt, Serena; O Rosen, Natalie; McDuff, Pierre; Bergeron, Sophie


    Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a recurrent idiopathic vulvo-vaginal pain associated with negative sexual and psychological consequences. Facilitative partner responses to pain are currently receiving empirical attention because they are positively associated with women's sexual outcomes. However, the mechanisms through which facilitative responses to pain are associated with these outcomes have not been examined. One potential mechanism is sexual assertiveness, which has been found to be associated with better sexual function and satisfaction in women with PVD. The present study examined whether women's sexual assertiveness mediated the association between women's perception of facilitative partner responses and women's sexual function and satisfaction. Women (N = 140) with PVD symptomatology completed self-reported questionnaires evaluating their perception of their partners' facilitative responses, and their own sexual assertiveness, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction. Dependent measures were sexual function measured by the Female Sexual Function Index and sexual satisfaction assessed by the Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction Scale. Results indicated that women's higher sexual assertiveness mediated the association between their greater perceived facilitative partner responses and their improved sexual function and satisfaction. Findings suggest a potential mechanism through which partner responses may be associated with women's sexual outcomes.

  12. The Role of Sexual Assault and Sexual Dysfunction in Alcohol and Other Drug Use Disorders


    Sanjuan, Pilar M.; Langenbucher, James W.; Labouvie, Erich


    Many women with sexual assault histories receive care in alcohol and other drug treatment programs. Affected women frequently suffer from sexual dysfunction, leading investigators to suggest self-medication may be one path to alcohol and other drug use disorders and relapse. This preliminary study examined sexual dysfunction and sexual assault in 71 women receiving treatment for addiction. Women with prior sexual assault scored higher than non-assaulted women on sexual dysfunction overall, a ...

  13. An Interpersonal Investigation of Sexual Self-Schemas. (United States)

    Mueller, Kyle; Rehman, Uzma S; Fallis, Erin E; Goodnight, Jackson A


    A sexual self-schema is a cognitive generalization about sexual aspects of the self. In the current study, we examined how an individual's sexual self-schema influenced the processing of self and partner related sexual information. Specifically, we investigated how sexual self-schemas related to own and partner sexual satisfaction and how they influenced perceptions of partner sexual satisfaction. Participants were 117 heterosexual couples in committed, long-term relationships. Both partners completed measures assessing their sexual self-schemas, their own sexual satisfaction, and perceptions of partner sexual satisfaction. Consistent with our predictions, own sexual schema was associated with own sexual satisfaction. For men, more positive sexual self-schemas were associated with greater sexual satisfaction, and for women, more negative sexual self-schemas were associated with lower sexual satisfaction. For both men and women, there was no significant association between own sexual self-schema and partner sexual satisfaction. Sexual self-schemas directly and indirectly influenced an individual's perception of the partner's sexual satisfaction, such that men and women with more positive sexual self-schemas rated their partners as more sexually satisfied, after controlling for the partner's self-reported level of sexual satisfaction. Our findings demonstrated that sexual self-schemas are relevant to own sexual satisfaction as well as the processing of interpersonally relevant sexual information, specifically one's perceptions of partner sexual satisfaction.

  14. El papel de la educación extraescolar en el aprendizaje del inglés.


    Barrera Cabeza, Alberto


    Este trabajo se centra en el estudio del papel de la educación extraescolar en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera. El principal objetivo es valorar la importancia de las clases impartidas en inglés como refuerzo y complementación con las clases lectivas, y poder evaluar si estas actividades extraescolares favorecen el aprendizaje del inglés y la adquisición de competencias básicas. También se tratarán las ventajas que suponen, para los alumnos y alumnas, participar en dichas act...

  15. Perfume, história e design: o papel das embalagens no mercado brasileiro de perfumaria


    Camila Assis Peres Silva


    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar o papel do design no mercado brasileiro de perfumes. Parte-se da hipótese de que é ele o elemento fundamental para o bom desempenho desse segmento. Na medida em que ele possibilita a diferenciação entre as diversas embalagens, criando uma segmentação para o consumo nas mais diversas camadas sociais. Inicialmente será apresentado o universo do perfume, abordando seus aspectos técnicos e culturais. Uma relação de matérias primas utilizadas na i...

  16. Evaluating sexual nursing care intervention for reducing sexual dysfunction in Indonesian cervical cancer survivors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yati Afiyanti


    Full Text Available Objective: This study aims to describe the factors affecting successful nursing care intervention on sexuality. Methods: A one-group pre- and post-test design was used. Fifty-three cervical cancer survivors and their spouses were administered with nursing care intervention on sexuality in three sessions and evaluated after 6 weeks. Results: Sexual intervention reduced dyspareunia symptoms, improved vaginal lubrication, improved sexual satisfaction, and enhanced sexual arousal, sexual desire, and orgasm among cancer survivors and their spouses. The other influencing factors also simultaneously contributed to the success of nursing care intervention. Conclusions: Nursing care intervention on sexuality could be a part of supportive nursing care and an important aspect in standard nursing care for cancer patients in Indonesia.

  17. Sexual health for people with intellectual disability Salud sexual para personas con discapacidad intelectual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gillian Eastgate


    Full Text Available People with intellectual disability experience the same range of sexual needs and desires as other people. However, they experience many difficulties meeting their needs. They may be discouraged from relieving sexual tension by masturbating. They face a high risk of sexual abuse. They are likely not to be offered the full range of choices for contraception and sexual health screening. Poor education and social isolation may increase their risk of committing sexual offences. However, with appropriate education and good social support, people with intellectual disability are capable of safe, constructive sexual expression and healthy relationships. Providing such support is an essential part of supporting people with intellectual disability.Las personas con discapacidad intelectual experimentan el mismo rango de necesidades y deseos sexuales que las demás, sin embargo éstas encuentran muchas dificultades para satisfacer sus necesidades. En ocasiones se les desalienta de aliviar la tensión sexual mediante masturbación, corren un alto riesgo de sufrir abuso sexual y es muy probable que no se les ofrezcan todas las opciones de anticoncepción y exámenes de salud sexual. La escasa educación y el aislamiento social pueden aumentar el riesgo de que cometan infracciones sexuales. Sin embargo, con una educación apropiada y con un buen apoyo social las personas con discapacidad intelectual pueden encontrar relaciones saludables y una expresión sexual segura y constructiva. Parte esencial de la asistencia a las personas con discapacidad intelectual consiste precisamente en proporcionarles dicho apoyo.

  18. Positive Perceptions of Genital Appearance and Feeling Sexually Attractive: Is It a Matter of Sexual Esteem? (United States)

    Amos, Natalie; McCabe, Marita


    The present study examined the relationship between perceptions of genital appearance and self-perceived sexual attractiveness. The study sample included men and women (aged 18-45 years, M = 23.7, SD = 4.98) who identified as heterosexual (n = 1017), gay or lesbian (n = 1225), or bisexual (n = 651). Participants responded to an online survey assessing their self-perceived sexual attractiveness, genital self-image, genital self-consciousness during sexual activity, and sexual esteem. Based on previous findings, we hypothesized a positive link between genital self-perceptions and self-perceived sexual attractiveness, with sexual esteem acting as a mediator. We tested this hypothesis using structural equation modeling. Analyses revealed a significant association between both genital self-image and genital self-consciousness and self-perceived sexual attractiveness. However, these relationships were at least partially mediated by sexual esteem, across both gender and sexual orientation. The findings suggest that, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, individuals who maintain a positive genital self-image or lack genital self-consciousness, are more likely to experience greater sexual esteem, and in turn, feel more sexually attractive. The findings have implications for the importance of genital appearance perceptions and improving individuals' sexual esteem and self-perceived sexual attractiveness.

  19. The male role in cervical cancer El papel del varón en el cáncer cervical


    Xavier Castellsagué; F Xavier Bosch; Nubia Muñoz


    Experimental, clinical, and epidemiological evidence strongly suggests that genital Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) are predominantly sexually transmitted. Epidemiological studies in virginal and HPV-negative women clearly indicate that sexual intercourse is virtually a necessary step for acquiring HPV. As with any other sexually transmitted disease (STD) men are implicated in the epidemiological chain of the infection. Penile HPVs are predominantly acquired through sexual contacts. Sexual cont...

  20. Dopamine receptors play distinct roles in sexual behavior expression of rats with a different sexual motivational tone. (United States)

    Guadarrama-Bazante, Irma L; Canseco-Alba, Ana; Rodríguez-Manzo, Gabriela


    Dopamine (DA) plays a central role in the expression of male sexual behavior. The effects of DA-enhancing drugs on copulation seem to vary depending on the dose of the agonist used, the type of DA receptor activated, and the sexual condition of the animals. The aim of the present study was to carry out a systematic analysis of the effects of dopaminergic agonists on the expression of male sexual behavior by sexually competent rats in different sexual motivational states, that is when sexually active (sexually experienced) and when temporarily inhibited (sexually exhausted). To this end, the same doses of the nonselective DA receptor agonist apomorphine, the selective D2-like DA receptor agonist quinpirole, and the selective D1-like DA receptor agonist SKF38393 were injected intraperitoneally to sexually experienced or sexually exhausted male rats and their sexual behavior was recorded. Low apomorphine doses induced expression of sexual behavior in sexually satiated rats, but only reduced the intromission latency of sexually experienced rats. SKF38393 facilitated the expression of sexual behavior by sexually exhausted rats, but not that of sexually experienced males and quinpirole did not exert an effect in both types of animal. In line with these results, the apomorphine-induced reversal of sexual exhaustion was blocked by the D1-like receptor antagonist SCH23390. The data suggest that DA receptors play distinct roles in the expression of sexual behavior by male rats depending on their motivational state and that activation of D1-like receptors promotes the expression of sexual behavior in satiated rats.

  1. Sexual concerns among kidney transplant recipients. (United States)

    Muehrer, Rebecca J; Lanuza, Dorothy M; Brown, Roger L; Djamali, Arjang


    Little is known about the specific sexual concerns of kidney transplant (KTx) recipients. The primary objectives of this study were to: (i) describe the importance of sexuality to KTx recipients; (ii) investigate the sexual concerns of KTx recipients; and (iii) examine the relationship between sexual concerns and quality of life (QOL). A secondary objective was to examine potential sexual concern differences by gender, pre-transplant dialysis status, and donor type. This study employed a cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational design. Sexual concerns were identified using the Sexual Concerns Questionnaire, which contains seven subscales. QOL was measured with the SF-8 and the QOL Uniscale. Nearly 73% of subjects rated sexuality as important. Subscales indicating highest area of sexual concerns were communication with healthcare providers about sexuality (Mean (M) = 2.70) and sexual pleasure concerns (M = 2.45). Higher concern ratings regarding health consequences of sexual activity, quality of sexual relationship, sexual pleasure, sexual functioning problems, and pessimistic beliefs about treatment were significantly, inversely related to QOL. Women had significantly higher scores on the Sexual Pleasure and Communication with Healthcare Providers subscales than men. This study reports the sexual concerns of KTx recipients' who are an average of four yr since surgery, and the relationship of these concerns to QOL. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Perceived consequences of hypothetical identity-inconsistent sexual experiences: effects of perceiver's sex and sexual identity. (United States)

    Preciado, Mariana A; Johnson, Kerri L


    Most people organize their sexual orientation under a single sexual identity label. However, people may have sexual experiences that are inconsistent with their categorical sexual identity label. A man might identify as heterosexual but still experience some attraction to men; a woman might identify as lesbian yet enter into a romantic relationship with a man. Identity-inconsistent experiences are likely to have consequences. In the present study, we examined lay perceptions of the consequences of identity-inconsistent sexual experiences for self-perceived sexuality and for social relationships among a sexually diverse sample (N = 283). We found that the perceived consequences of identity-inconsistent experiences for self-perception, for social stigmatization, and for social relationships varied as a function of participant sex, participant sexual identity (heterosexual, gay, lesbian), and experience type (fantasy, attraction, behavior, love). We conclude that not all identity-inconsistent sexual experiences are perceived as equally consequential and that the perceived consequences of such experiences vary predictably as a function of perceiver sex and sexual identity. We discuss the role lay perceptions of the consequences of identity-inconsistent sexual experiences may play in guiding attitudes and behavior.

  3. Evaluation of sexual attitude and sexual function in menopausal age; a population based cross-sectional study

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    Somayeh Hashemi


    Full Text Available Background: Menopause and its physical, hormonal and psychosocial changes could affect women’s sexual function. There are controversial results regarding relationship between sexual attitudes and function. Objective: We aimed to evaluate sexual attitudes and sexual function among Iranian menopausal age women. Materials and Methods: This population based cross-sectional study was carried out on 225 menopausal women, aged 45-65 years. Based on a self-made questionnaire data were collected about women’s socio-demographic characteristics, attitudes regarding sexuality and sexual function. Data were analyzed using SPSS and sexual function was compared between three groups of women who had positive, medium and negative attitudes regarding sexuality. Results: The mean age of women was 53.11±4.56 years. Seventy percent of them had at least one sexual problem. Feeling of dyspareunia was significantly different between three categories of attitudes regarding sexuality (p=0.03. Comparing data obtained on their attitudes, sexual desire, orgasm and dyspareunia demonstrated significant differences (p=0.03, 0.04, and 0.04 respectively. Conclusion: Attitude regarding sexual function has a great impact on sexual activity of postmenopausal women that need to be considered in their health care programming.

  4. Associations of unhealthy lifestyle factors with sexual inactivity and sexual dysfunctions in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Birgitte S; Grønbaek, Morten; Pedersen, Bo V


    Studies have linked obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and tobacco smoking to erectile dysfunction, but the evidence linking unhealthy lifestyle factors to other sexual dysfunctions or to sexual inactivity is conflicting.......Studies have linked obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and tobacco smoking to erectile dysfunction, but the evidence linking unhealthy lifestyle factors to other sexual dysfunctions or to sexual inactivity is conflicting....

  5. Scrutinizing Immutability: Research on Sexual Orientation and U.S. Legal Advocacy for Sexual Minorities. (United States)

    Diamond, Lisa M; Rosky, Clifford J


    We review scientific research and legal authorities to argue that the immutability of sexual orientation should no longer be invoked as a foundation for the rights of individuals with same-sex attractions and relationships (i.e., sexual minorities). On the basis of scientific research as well as U.S. legal rulings regarding lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) rights, we make three claims: First, arguments based on the immutability of sexual orientation are unscientific, given what we now know from longitudinal, population-based studies of naturally occurring changes in the same-sex attractions of some individuals over time. Second, arguments based on the immutability of sexual orientation are unnecessary, in light of U.S. legal decisions in which courts have used grounds other than immutability to protect the rights of sexual minorities. Third, arguments about the immutability of sexual orientation are unjust, because they imply that same-sex attractions are inferior to other-sex attractions, and because they privilege sexual minorities who experience their sexuality as fixed over those who experience their sexuality as fluid. We conclude that the legal rights of individuals with same-sex attractions and relationships should not be framed as if they depend on a certain pattern of scientific findings regarding sexual orientation.

  6. Sexual self-regulation and cognitive absorption as factors of sexual response toward virtual characters. (United States)

    Renaud, Patrice; Trottier, Dominique; Nolet, Kevin; Rouleau, Joanne L; Goyette, Mathieu; Bouchard, Stéphane


    The eye movements and penile responses of 20 male participants were recorded while they were immersed with virtual sexual stimuli. These participants were divided into two groups according to their capacity to focus their attention in immersion (high and low focus). In order to understand sexual self-regulation better, we subjected participants to three experimental conditions: (a) immersion with a preferred sexual stimulus, without sexual inhibition; (b) immersion with a preferred sexual stimulus, with sexual inhibition; and (c) immersion with a neutral stimulus. A significant difference was observed between the effects of each condition on erectile response and scanpath. The groups differed on self-regulation of their erectile responses and on their scanpath patterns. High focus participants had more difficulties than low focus participants with inhibiting their sexual responses and displayed less scattered eye movement trajectories over the critical areas of the virtual sexual stimuli. Results are interpreted in terms of sexual self-regulation and cognitive absorption in virtual immersion. In addition, the use of validated virtual sexual stimuli is presented as a methodological improvement over static and moving pictures, since it paves the way for the study of the role of social interaction in an ecologically valid and well-controlled way.

  7. Dating and Sexual Feelings (United States)

    ... Home Body Your sexuality Dating and sexual feelings Dating and sexual feelings Thinking about romance, starting to ... you learn how to stay healthy and strong. Dating older guys top If you date someone even ...

  8. Sexuality and Chronic Kidney Disease (United States)

    ... Events Advocacy Donate A to Z Health Guide Sexuality and Kidney Disease Tweet Share Print Email Can ... It's something everyone needs. Many people think that sexuality refers only to sexual intercourse. But sexuality includes ...

  9. [Eating disorders and sexual function]. (United States)

    Kravvariti, V; Gonidakis, Fr


    Women suffering from eating disorders, present considerable retardation and difficulties in their psychosexual development during adolescence. This leads to primary or secondary insufficiencies in their adult sexual life. The cause of these difficulties seems to be a series of biological, family and psychosocial factors. The majority of the research findings indicate that eating disorders have a negative impact on the patient's sexual function. The factors related to eating disorders symptomatology that influence sexuality are various and differ among each eating disorder diagnostic categories. Considering anorexia nervosa, it has been reported that women have negative attitudes to sexual issues and their body. Their sexual motivation increases when they engage in psychotherapy and their body weight is gradually restored. Starvation and its consequences on the human physiology and especially on the brain function seem to be the main factor that leads to reduced sexual desire and scarce sexual activity. Moreover, personality traits that are common in patients suffering from anorexia nervosa such as compulsivity and rigidity are also related with difficulties initiating and retaining romantic and sexual relationships. Usually patients suffering from anorexia nervosa report impaired sexual behavior and lack of interest to engage in a sexual relationship. Considering Bulimia Nervosa, impulsivity and difficulties in emotion regulation that are common features of the individuals that suffer from bulimia nervosa are also related to impulsive and sometimes self-harming sexual behaviors. Moreover women sufferers often report repulsion, anger and shame towards their body and weight, mainly due to the distorted perception that they are fat and ugly. It is interesting that a number of research findings indicate that although patients suffering from bulimia nervosa are more sexually active and have more sexual experiences than patients suffering from anorexia nervosa, both

  10. Student-on-Student Sexual Orientation Harassment: Legal Protections for Sexual Minority Youth (United States)

    Stader, David L.; Graca, Thomas J.


    Like all teens, sexual minority youths (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) face many challenges, including student-on-student sexual orientation harassment. The authors examine recent research into the relative frequency, the potential impact, and school district responsibility to protect sexual minority youths from ongoing…

  11. The pornographic context of sexual offences : Reflections on the contemporary sexual mentality

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boutellier, Hans


    This essay-like article explores the pornographic context of sexual violence. The analysis is based on Giddens' book about the development of intimacy and sexuality in late modernity. Sexual morality nowadays combines a tolerant mentality towards pornography and a claim for prudence in the daily

  12. The Pornographic Context of Sexual Offences : Reflections on the Contemporary Sexual Mentality

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boutellier, J.C.J.


    This essay-like article explores the pornographic context of sexual violence. The analysis is based on Giddens' book about the development of intimacy and sexuality in late modernity. Sexual morality nowadays combines a tolerant mentality towards pornography and a claim for prudence in the daily

  13. Sexuality in older adults

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    Adrián Sapetti


    Full Text Available Just as the body and its functions undergo changes with age, in the same way sexuality shares this aging process. However, remember a golden rule that we are sexual since we are born until we die; only possibilities are modified with the passage of the years. This article intends to show the changes that occur in the sexual response of the elderly. If sexual life during youth was pleasant and satisfactory this will condition sexuality in the socalled third age and the elderly seek to maintain it, this is not the case for those who had a dysfunctional past. This article briefly describes the andropause and the SIM, vicissitudes, changes and differences in sexual response and chances to maintain eroticism in the older adult. 

  14. Spina bifida and sexuality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    von Linstow, Michael Ernst; Biering-Sørensen, Ida; Liebach, Annette


    , neurological examination, personal interview, Functional Independence Measure (FIMTM), Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36 (SF-36) on quality of life, and questions on sexual function and related topics. Study cohort: Fifty-three participants (27 women, 26 men) with spina bifida (mean age 27.1, range 18......OBJECTIVE: To evaluate sexual function amongst adult individuals with spina bifida and to register their subjective satisfaction with their sexual life and relationships. SETTING: Department for Spinal Cord Injuries, East Denmark. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Cohort study. Medical record information......-35) years. Response rate 74%. RESULTS: Fifty-one percent of subjects regarded their sexual life as a failure or dysfunctional. However, 45% reported being satisfied with their sexual life. Participants with partners were more satisfied with their sexual life than those without partners. Faecal...

  15. Sexual Identity Mobility and Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Analysis of Sexual Minority Women (United States)

    Everett, Bethany; Talley, Amelia; Hughes, Tonda; Wilsnack, Sharon; Johnson, Timothy P.


    Sexual minority identity (bisexual, lesbian) is a known risk factor for depression in women. This study examines a facet of minority stress prevalent among women—sexual identity mobility—as an identity-related contributor to higher levels of depressive symptoms. We used three waves of data from the Chicago Health and Life Experiences of Women (CHLEW) study, a longitudinal study of sexual minority women (N = 306). Random effects OLS regression models were constructed to examine the effect of sexual-identity changes on depressive symptoms. We found that 25.6% of the sample reported a sexual-identity change between Wave I and Wave II, and 24.91% reported a sexual identity change between Waves II and III. Women who reported a change in sexual identity also reported more depressive symptoms subsequent to identity change. This effect was moderated by the number of years participants’ had reported their baseline identity and by whether the participant had initiated a romantic relationship with a male partner. PMID:27255306

  16. Sexual minority youth victimization and social support: the intersection of sexuality, gender, race, and victimization. (United States)

    Button, Deeanna M; O'Connell, Daniel J; Gealt, Roberta


    In comparison to heterosexual youth, sexual minority youth are more likely to experience victimization. Multiple studies have connected anti-gay prejudice and anti-gay victimization to negative outcomes. Research shows that social support may protect sexual minorities from the harmful effects of anti-gay victimization. However, rates of victimization and the negative outcomes linked to sexual identity within the sexual minority community have been relatively unexplored. Using data from three years of statewide data from heterosexual and sexual minority adolescents in grades 9-12, this study examines victimization, substance use, suicidality, and access to social support by sexuality. Results indicate that sexual minority youth are at increased risk for victimization, substance use, suicidality, and social isolation compared to their heterosexual counterparts. Results also indicate that there is very little bivariate difference within the sexual minority community. Multivariate results indicate differences among sexual minorities' experiences with victimization and substance use.





    [EN] Study and diagnose gender roles in the family business and effects: different possibilities, hierarchy, equality and inequality. It is done on a case study which proposed improvements [ES] Estudiar y diagnosticar el rol de género en la empresa familiar y sus efectos: posibilidades diferencias, ordenación jerárquica, igualdad-desigualdad. Se realiza sobre un estudio de caso para el cual se proponen mejoras. Palomares Pascual, C. (2017). ESTUDIO Y DIAGNÓSTICO DEL PAPEL DE LA MUJER EN...

  18. Examining links between sexual risk behaviors and dating violence involvement as a function of sexual orientation. (United States)

    Hipwell, A E; Stepp, S D; Keenan, K; Allen, A; Hoffmann, A; Rottingen, L; McAloon, R


    To examine the association between dating violence perpetration and victimization and sexually risky behaviors among sexual minority and heterosexual adolescent girls. Adolescent girls reported on sexual orientation, sexual behaviors, and risk-taking, and their use of, and experience with, dating violence in the past year. Data were analyzed using multinomial regression adjusted for race, poverty, living in a single parent household, and gender of current partner to examine (1) whether sexual minority status was associated with sexual risk behaviors after sociodemographic correlates of sexual risk were controlled; and (2) whether dating violence context accounted for elevated risk. Urban, population-based sample of girls interviewed in the home. 1,647 adolescent girls (38% European American, 57% African American, and 5% other) aged 17 years. Over one-third of the sample lived in poverty. None. Sexual risk-taking. Sexual minority status differentiated girls engaging in high sexual risk-taking from those reporting none, after controlling for sociodemographic and relationship characteristics. Dating violence perpetration and victimization made unique additional contributions to this model and did not account for the elevated risk conferred by sexual minority status. Sexual minority girls (SMGs) were more likely than heterosexual girls to report high sexual risk-taking and teen dating violence victimization. As with heterosexual girls, sexual risk-taking among SMGs was compounded by dating violence, which was not explained by partner gender. Adolescent girls' risky sexual behavior may be reduced by interventions for teen dating violence regardless of sexual minority status. Copyright © 2013 North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Sexuality education in Brazilian medical schools. (United States)

    Rufino, Andrea Cronemberger; Madeiro, Alberto; Girão, Manoel João Batista Castello


    Sexuality education has been valued since the 1960s in medical schools worldwide. Although recent studies reaffirm the importance of incorporating sexuality into medical education, there are data gaps concerning how this happens in Brazil. To understand how Brazilian medical school professors teach sexuality in undergraduate courses. An exploratory, cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted. A total of 207 professors from 110 Brazilian medical schools responded to an online semistructured questionnaire about the characteristics of the sexuality-related topics offered. The main variables assessed were contact hours devoted to sexuality, disciplines in which sexuality topics were taught, sexuality-related course titles, and sexuality-related topics addressed. Questionnaires were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics for frequency distribution. The response rate to the questionnaire was 77.2%. Almost all professors (96.3%) addressed sexuality-related topics mainly in the third and fourth years as clinical disciplines, with a 6-hour load per discipline. Gynecology was the discipline in which sexuality-related topics were most often taught (51.5%), followed by urology (18%) and psychiatry (15%). Sexuality-related topics were addressed mainly in classes on sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS (62.4%) and on the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system (55.4%). About 25% of the professors reported teaching courses with a sexuality-related title. There was emphasis on the impact of diseases and sexual habits (87.9%) and sexual dysfunction (75.9%). Less than 50% of professors addressed nonnormative sexuality or social aspects of sexuality. The teaching of sexuality in Brazilian medical schools occurred in a nonstandardized and fragmented fashion across several disciplines. The topic was incorporated with an organic and pathological bias, with a weak emphasis on the social aspects of sexuality and the variety of human sexual behaviors. The

  20. Associations Between Positive Body Image, Sexual Liberalism, and Unconventional Sexual Practices in U.S. Adults. (United States)

    Swami, Viren; Weis, Laura; Barron, David; Furnham, Adrian


    While studies have documented robust relationships between body image and sexual health outcomes, few studies have looked beyond sexual functioning in women. Here, we hypothesized that more positive body image would be associated with greater sexual liberalism and more positive attitudes toward unconventional sexual practices. An online sample of 151 women and 164 men from the U.S. completed measures of sexual liberalism, attitudes toward unconventional sexual practices, and indices of positive body image (i.e., body appreciation, body acceptance by others, body image flexibility, and body pride), and provided their demographic details. Regression analyses indicated that, once the effects of sexual orientation, relationship status, age, and body mass index had been accounted for, higher body appreciation was significantly associated with greater sexual liberalism in women and men. Furthermore, higher body appreciation and body image flexibility were significantly associated with more positive attitudes toward unconventional sexual practices in women and men. These results may have implications for scholars working from a sex-positive perspective, particularly in terms of understanding the role body image plays in sexual attitudes and behaviors.

  1. Sexual Priming, Gender Stereotyping, and Likelihood to Sexually Harass: Examining the Cognitive Effects of Playing a Sexually-Explicit Video Game. (United States)

    Yao, Mike Z; Mahood, Chad; Linz, Daniel


    The present study examines the short-term cognitive effects of playing a sexually explicit video game with female "objectification" content on male players. Seventy-four male students from a university in California, U.S. participated in a laboratory experiment. They were randomly assigned to play either a sexually-explicit game or one of two control games. Participants' cognitive accessibility to sexual and sexually objectifying thoughts was measured in a lexical decision task. A likelihood-to-sexually-harass scale was also administered. Results show that playing a video game with the theme of female "objectification" may prime thoughts related to sex, encourage men to view women as sex objects, and lead to self-reported tendencies to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations.

  2. Neural correlates of sexual cue reactivity in individuals with and without compulsive sexual behaviours. (United States)

    Voon, Valerie; Mole, Thomas B; Banca, Paula; Porter, Laura; Morris, Laurel; Mitchell, Simon; Lapa, Tatyana R; Karr, Judy; Harrison, Neil A; Potenza, Marc N; Irvine, Michael


    Although compulsive sexual behaviour (CSB) has been conceptualized as a "behavioural" addiction and common or overlapping neural circuits may govern the processing of natural and drug rewards, little is known regarding the responses to sexually explicit materials in individuals with and without CSB. Here, the processing of cues of varying sexual content was assessed in individuals with and without CSB, focusing on neural regions identified in prior studies of drug-cue reactivity. 19 CSB subjects and 19 healthy volunteers were assessed using functional MRI comparing sexually explicit videos with non-sexual exciting videos. Ratings of sexual desire and liking were obtained. Relative to healthy volunteers, CSB subjects had greater desire but similar liking scores in response to the sexually explicit videos. Exposure to sexually explicit cues in CSB compared to non-CSB subjects was associated with activation of the dorsal anterior cingulate, ventral striatum and amygdala. Functional connectivity of the dorsal anterior cingulate-ventral striatum-amygdala network was associated with subjective sexual desire (but not liking) to a greater degree in CSB relative to non-CSB subjects. The dissociation between desire or wanting and liking is consistent with theories of incentive motivation underlying CSB as in drug addictions. Neural differences in the processing of sexual-cue reactivity were identified in CSB subjects in regions previously implicated in drug-cue reactivity studies. The greater engagement of corticostriatal limbic circuitry in CSB following exposure to sexual cues suggests neural mechanisms underlying CSB and potential biological targets for interventions.

  3. Treatment of sexually compulsive adolescents. (United States)

    Gerber, James


    We clarified the nature of sexual compulsivity in adolescence, addressed who is labeled as "sexually compulsive youth," conceptualized the underlying factors of sexual compulsivity, and outlined a treatment format. We focused on trauma, dissociation, attachment, and self-concept. We questioned the conventional perceptions of who is included in this group. We reiterated that the belief that sexually compulsive adolescents are abusive males is no longer considered accurate. The evolution and accessibility of the Internet only raises greater concerns about compulsive sexual behavior, as more adolescents are brought into therapy because of Internet use to seek sexual interaction or stimulation. The sexually compulsive youth is as likely to be the clean-cut, high-achieving, intelligent student as is the economically deprived, juvenile delinquent on the street. This article began with the observation that adolescents rarely receive any direct, accurate information about sexuality and intimacy. The messages taken in through music, television, movies, politicians, popular press, clergy, and school are polarizing and contradictory. Beyond this are the implications as to how we, as a society, treat the youths that do present with sexual behavior problems. We have tended to treat these youth (as well as adults) with disdain and to designate sexually abusive youth the same as adult offenders with harsher, more punitive treatment interventions. Research and clinical experience now strongly question this type of response. This article is consistent with this leaning. Early psychological injury, from sexual abuse, physical abuse, exposure to violence, attachment trauma, or early sexualization, is at the root of sexually compulsive behavior. While it is necessary to reign in out-of-control and destructive behaviors, if we acknowledge that the source of the behavior is psychological injury, then it is cruel and inconsistent to treat the individual with disdain or as a pariah. The

  4. Sexual revolutions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hekma, G.; Giami, A.


    The sexual revolution of 1960-1980 created a major break in attitudes and practices in Western societies. It created many new freedoms for gay men, youth and women, in terms of sexual imagery, information, and rights. Leftists denounced the revolution's consumerism whilst feminists lamented its

  5. Attachment, Sexual Assertiveness, and Sexual Outcomes in Women with Provoked Vestibulodynia and Their Partners: A Mediation Model. (United States)

    Leclerc, Bianca; Bergeron, Sophie; Brassard, Audrey; Bélanger, Claude; Steben, Marc; Lambert, Bernard


    Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a prevalent women's sexual pain disorder, which is associated with sexual function difficulties. Attachment theory has been used to understand adult sexual outcomes, providing a useful framework for examining sexual adaptation in couples confronted with PVD. Research to date indicates that anxious and avoidant attachment dimensions correlate with worse sexual outcomes in community and clinical samples. The present study examined the association between attachment, pain, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction in a sample of 101 couples in which the women presented with PVD. The actor-partner interdependence model was used in order to investigate both actor and partner effects. This study also examined the role of sexual assertiveness as a mediator of these associations via structural equation modeling. Women completed measures of pain intensity and both members of the couple completed measures of romantic attachment, sexual assertiveness, sexual function, and satisfaction. Results indicated that attachment dimensions did not predict pain intensity. Both anxious and avoidant attachment were associated with lower sexual satisfaction. Only attachment avoidance predicted lower sexual function in women. Partner effects indicated that higher sexual assertiveness in women predicted higher sexual satisfaction in men. Finally, women's sexual assertiveness was found to be a significant mediator of the relationship between their attachment dimensions, sexual function, and satisfaction. Findings highlight the importance of examining how anxious and avoidant attachment may lead to difficulties in sexual assertiveness and to less satisfying sexual interactions in couples where women suffer from PVD.

  6. Sexual behavior and intention to engage in sexual behavior in junior secondary school students in Hong Kong. (United States)

    Shek, D T L


    The present study examined the prevalence, changes, and demographic as well as psychosocial correlates of sexual behavior and intention to engage in sexual behavior in early adolescents in Hong Kong, with sexual behavior indexed by sexual intercourse. Three waves of longitudinal data on sexual intercourse, intention to engage in sexual intercourse, family functioning, and positive youth development were collected from 28 secondary schools in Hong Kong. There were significant influences of grade and gender on adolescent sexual behavior or intention to engage in sexual behavior. Significant main effects of immigration status on sexual behavior were also found. While no effect of family economic background was found, effect of family intactness existed for sexual behavior. Family functioning and positive youth development at Grade 7 were negatively associated with students' sexual behavior and intention to engage in sexual behavior at Grade 9. Grade, gender, immigration status, and family intactness were related to sexual behavior and/or intention to engage in sexual behavior in junior secondary school students. Promoting positive youth development and family functioning could serve as protective factors to reduce sexual behavior and intention to engage in sexual behavior in Chinese early adolescents in Hong Kong. Copyright © 2013 North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. An examination of the path between recent sexual violence and sexually transmitted infections. (United States)

    von Sternberg, Kirk; Cardoso, Jodi Berger; Jun, Jina; Learman, Joy; Velasquez, Mary M


    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are among the most common infections in the United States and are particularly prevalent in survivors of sexual violence. The purpose of this study is to examine co-occurring risk factors for sexual violence and STIs including mental health, alcohol use, drug use, and multiple partners as intersecting pathways to STIs for women who experienced sexual abuse in the past year. Secondary analyses were conducted on cross-sectional data from women originally recruited as respondents for an epidemiologic survey funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Project CHOICES. The survey was administered to 2,672 women in six settings: A large, urban jail and residential alcohol and drug treatment facilities (Texas); a gynecology clinic (Virginia); two primary care clinics (Virginia and Florida); and media solicitation (Florida). Women were included in the current study if they were fertile, sexually active, and not pregnant or trying to get pregnant (n = 1,183). Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the conceptual path model between sexual violence and STI occurrence. In the SEM, there were no significant paths from mental health, alcohol severity, or drug use to STI occurrence contrary to the results of the initial bivariate analyses. Multiple sexual partners significantly mediated the relationship between sexual violence and STIs and between mental health and drug use and STIs. This study highlights the importance of providing effective treatment to survivors of sexual violence, which includes addressing risky sexual behaviors to reduce STI occurrence. Copyright © 2012 Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Sexualities, Teenage Pregnancy and Educational Life Histories in Portugal: Experiencing Sexual Citizenship? (United States)

    Fonseca, Laura; Araujo, Helena C.; Santos, Sofia A.


    This article focuses on Portuguese working-class teenage girls' voices and experiences concerning sexuality and pregnancy. Within a sociological, feminist and educational framework, it explores the girls' perspective on sexual and intimate citizenship as evidence of fairer forms of regulation of teenage sexualities. Through building life histories…

  9. El papel del travestismo en el pensamiento político de Judith Butler

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    Mariela Nahir Solana


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es examinar el papel del travestismo en la obra temprana de Judith Butler. Para ello, se mostrará la importancia del análisis de las actuaciones travestis en El género en disputa en relación con su concepción de la performatividad de género y de la subversión política. A su vez, se evaluarán algunas críticas a su pensamiento político, en general, y a su tratamiento de la parodia drag, en particular, y se demostrará de qué modo ambos tópicos han evolucionado en su libro posterior

  10. Signs of Childhood Sexual Abuse (United States)

    ... Your Kids Cyber SafeCyber safety is important for kids. Parents should monitor their child’s internet and mobile device use.Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)Read Article >>Sex and SexualitySexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)Learn about sexually ...

  11. Psychopathology and Deviant Sexual Arousal in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders. (United States)

    Serin, Ralph C.; And Others


    Investigates the relationship between psychopathology and deviant sexual arousal in sexual offenders (n=65), with approximately equal numbers of rapists and child molesters. Differentiating between rapists, extrafamilial pedophiles, and incest offenders revealed that the relationship between psychopathology and arousal was most apparent for…

  12. Sexual safety and sexual security among young Black women who have sex with women and men. (United States)

    Alexander, Kamila Anise; Fannin, Ehriel F


    To examine sexuality narratives of Black women who have sex with women and men and explore factors that influence their sexual safety and sexual security. Secondary qualitative content analysis. We recruited young self-identified Black women from beauty salons and community-based organizations. Our sample included a subset of five sexually active, Black women age 19 to 25 who reported engaging in sexual relationships with women and men. Participants were selected from a larger parent study that included sexuality narratives from 25 women. We analyzed interview transcripts in which participants described sexual relationships. We used constant comparative techniques and conventional content analysis methodology. We uncovered three themes illustrating influences on sexual safety and sexual security: institutional expectations, emotional connectedness, and sexual behaviors. From this analysis, we derive valuable insights into decision-making processes within sexual relationships from the perspectives of young Black women who have sex with women and men. Clinicians and investigators can use these findings to inform programs designed to improve the sexual health of this often invisible group of women. Nurses are uniquely positioned to support young women as they navigate societal institutions and emotional experiences that inform future sexual decisions and behaviors. © 2014 AWHONN, the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses.

  13. Emotional Congruence With Children Is Associated With Sexual Deviancy in Sexual Offenders Against Children. (United States)

    Hermann, Chantal A; McPhail, Ian V; Helmus, L Maaike; Hanson, R Karl


    Emotional congruence with children is a psychologically meaningful risk factor for sexual offending against children. The present study examines the correlates of emotional congruence with children in a sample of 424 adult male sexual offenders who started a period of community supervision in Canada, Alaska, and Iowa between 2001 and 2005. Consistent with previous work, we found sexual offenders against children high in emotional congruence with children were more likely to be sexually deviant, have poor sexual self-regulation, experience social loneliness, and have more distorted cognitions about sex with children. Overall, our findings are most consistent with a sexual deviancy model, with some support for a blockage model.

  14. Sexuality in Irish women with gynecologic cancer. (United States)

    Cleary, Vicki; Hegarty, Josephine; McCarthy, Geraldine


    To investigate sexual self-concept, sexual relationships, and sexual functioning, and the relationship between these and certain demographic variables of Irish women, following a diagnosis of gynecologic cancer. Descriptive, correlational. Outpatient gynecologic oncology clinic in a large university hospital in Southern Ireland. 106 women with a diagnosis of and treatment for various gynecologic cancers (cervical, ovarian, endometrial, and vulvar). The Body Image Scale, Sexual Esteem Scale, and Sexual Self-Schema Scale were administered to women a minimum of six weeks postdiagnosis of any form of gynecologic cancer to measure sexual self-concept; the Intimate Relationships Scale to measure sexual relationships; and the Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale to measure sexual functioning. Sexual self-concept, body image, sexual esteem, sexual self-schema, sexual relationships, and sexual functioning. Participants reported negative changes in relation to their sexual self-concept, sexual relationships, and sexual functioning. Participants reported negative changes in relation to all stages of the sexual response cycle. Gynecologic cancer has the potential to negatively affect a woman's sexual self-concept, sexual relationships, and sexual functioning. Sexuality is a multidimensional construct and must be measured in this way. Healthcare professionals must use a holistic approach when providing information and support to patients with gynecologic cancer. Information must be provided to women on how cancer and its treatment has the potential to affect their sexual self-concept, sexual relationships, and sexual functioning, including information on how to overcome these alterations.

  15. "Sexuality? A million things come to mind": reflections on gender and sexuality by Chilean adolescents. (United States)

    Macintyre, Anna K-J; Montero Vega, Adela R; Sagbakken, Mette


    Although Chile is a traditionally conservative country, considerable legal advances in sexual and reproductive rights over the past decade have brought discourses on sexuality into mainstream political, social and media agendas. In light of these changes it is important to explore how adolescents conceptualize sexuality, which in turn influences their understanding of sexual rights. This study is based on four focus group discussions and 20 semi-structured interviews with adolescents, and seven interviews with key informants in Santiago, Chile. Findings indicate that adolescent conceptualizations of sexuality are diverse, often expressed as attitudes or observations of their social context, and primarily shaped by peers, parents and teachers. Attitudes towards individuals with non-heterosexual orientations ranged from support to rejection, and conceptualizations of sexual diversity were also influenced by media, medicalization and biological explanations. Gender differences in sexual expression were described through gendered language and behaviour, in particular observations of gender stereotypes, censored female sexuality and discourses highlighting female risk. Many adolescents described social change towards greater equality regarding gender and sexuality. To optimize this change and help bridge the gap between legal and social recognition of sexual rights, adolescents should be encouraged to reflect critically on issues of gender equality and sexual diversity in Chile. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Sexual dysfunction risk and quality of life among women with a history of sexual abuse. (United States)

    Carreiro, Andrea V; Micelli, Ligia P; Sousa, Maria H; Bahamondes, Luis; Fernandes, Arlete


    To assess scores for sexual dysfunction risk and quality of life in a cohort of women in Brazil who had a history of sexual abuse. The present study was a secondary analysis of a cross-sectional study conducted between February 1, 2011 and May 31, 2012. Women aged 18-49years attending a family planning clinic at the University of Campinas, Brazil, who were in a heterosexual relationship and reported engaging in sexual intercourse in the 4weeks prior to the study were enrolled. Participants were asked to complete the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire, Abbreviated Version, and the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. Data were grouped based on a history of sexual abuse. An FSFI score of no higher than 26.55 was considered the cut off for sexual dysfunction. The prevalence of FSFI-defined sexual dysfunction was higher in participants with a history of sexual abuse (Phistory of sexual abuse had significantly lower scores across all quality of life domains. Increased risk of sexual dysfunction among women with a history of sexual abuse suggests potential problems in the sex lives of individuals in this population. Healthcare professionals should be alert to this diagnosis. Copyright © 2016 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Youth Sexual Health: Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior Among Students at a University in Turkey. (United States)

    Saraçoğlu, Gamze Varol; Erdem, İlknur; Doğan, Sultan; Tokuç, Burcu


    To determine sexual attitudes, behavior, and knowledge of Namik Kemal University (NKU) students about sexual health and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A sample representing 10% of the undergraduate population of NKU in 2009-2010, was studied. Of 1,500 questionnaires distributed, 1,314 (87.6%) were filled out. The mean age of the respondents (52.9% male) was 20.07±1.75 years. The rate of students who had received sexual health education was 32.0%, and 15.3% had previously used a sexual health service. Eleven percent of the female students and 50.3% of the male students had had sexual intercourse. The average age of initial sexual intercourse was 16.83±2.07 years. Of the students who had had sexual intercourse, 46.6% reported that they did not use any contraception method. The most preferred method was condoms (37.6%). The rate of contraceptive use was 58.7% in sexually educated students and 43.9% in those not educated (p=.004). The most well-known STI was AIDS (96.5%), with sexually educated students giving higher rates of correct answers about STIs (psexual health education were more knowledgeable about vital consequences of STI's, even though it is not sufficient, than sexually active students. Awareness of safe sexual practices and changes in behavior, in particular, promoting condom use should be established in higher risk youths. Deficiencies in knowledge could be addressed by adding a sexual healthtraining component to the university curriculum, and unmet requirements could be met by reorganizing medico-social centers in universities.

  18. Sexual functioning, beliefs about sexual functioning and quality of life of women with infertility problems

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    Prathibha Agustus


    Full Text Available Background: The study was conducted in the background of paucity of studies examining the sexual and psychosocial functioning of women with infertility. Aims: The study explored sexual functioning in women with infertility problems, their beliefs about sexuality and their quality of life. Settings and Design: A single group exploratory design with non-probability purposive sampling was used. A total of 30 participants diagnosed with primary infertility were included in the study. Materials and Methods: The data were obtained by individual administration of the following tools: Semi-structured interview schedule, Female Sexual Functioning Inventory, Sexual Dysfunctional Beliefs Questionnaire, World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale − BREF Version and General Health Questionnaire-12. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests. Results: About half of the participants had sexual dysfunction. Pain-related problems were most commonly reported (50%. Factors contributing to dysfunction included inadequate knowledge about sex, sexual stimulation and sexual communication. Along with inadequate self-image, negative childhood experiences, financial difficulties and marital discord in parents influenced the perception of self. Majority of the women had dysfunctional beliefs about sexuality (56%, and greater beliefs were found to be in the domain of sexual conservatism. The overall quality of life was poor, and 56% of women experienced psychological distress. There was significant positive correlation between sexual conservatism and experience of pain and overall sexual functioning. Conclusion: Women with infertility bear dysfunctional beliefs and suffer from problems in sexual functioning, have low quality of life and high psychological distress.

  19. The Relationship between Childhood Sexual Abuse and Sexual Dysfunction in Jamaican Adults (United States)

    Swaby, Antoneal N.; Morgan, Kai A. D.


    This study examined the associations between early traumatic sexualization and later sexual dysfunction in a sample of 100 Jamaican adults while identifying the linkages between age, frequency of abuse, and gender on sexual functioning. Participants were selected via purposive and convenience sampling and divided equally into comparison and…

  20. Gendered pathways from child sexual abuse to sexual aggression victimization and perpetration in adolescence and young adulthood. (United States)

    Krahé, Barbara; Berger, Anja


    This study aimed to examine the pathways from child sexual abuse to sexual assault victimization and perpetration in adolescence and early adulthood, considering risky sexual behavior and lowered sexual self-esteem as mediator variables. In a two-wave longitudinal study with 2251 college students in Germany, male and female participants provided reports of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration since age 14 (T1) and again a year later (T2), covering the last 12 months. In addition, child sexual abuse (CSA; before the age of 14), risky sexual behavior, and sexual self-esteem were assessed at T1, and risky sexual behavior and sexual-self-esteem were assessed again at T2. Experience of CSA was significantly associated with greater likelihood of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration, lower sexual self-esteem, and more risky sexual behavior in both gender groups at T1 and was directly related to victimization at T2 among male participants. In both gender groups, CSA indirectly contributed to a higher probability of sexual victimization at T2 via its impact on victimization T1. In males, the indirect path from CSA to T2 perpetration via T1 perpetration was also significant. Through its negative impact on sexual self-esteem, CSA indirectly increased the probability of sexual victimization among women and the probability of sexual aggression perpetration among men. Risky sexual behavior mediated the pathway from CSA to sexual victimization at T2 for men and women and the pathway from CSA to sexual aggression perpetration for women. The findings contribute to the understanding of gendered effects of CSA on revictimization and the victim-to-perpetrator cycle. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. BrdsNBz: Sexually Experienced Teens More Likely to Use Sexual Health Text Message Service. (United States)

    Willoughby, Jessica Fitts


    Text messaging services are becoming an increasingly popular way to provide sexual health information to teens, but little is known about who uses such services. This study assessed whether teens at a greater risk for negative sexual health outcomes use a sexual health text message service. A text message service that connects teens with sexual health educators was promoted in six public schools in one state in the Southeast. Students (n = 2,125) in four schools completed an online questionnaire assessing personal risk factors associated with negative sexual health outcomes and use of the text message service. Text message service users (n = 144) were more likely to have had sex, to have been in a relationship, and to come from a lower socioeconomic status background. Users also felt less connected to their schools and were slightly older than nonservice users. When all variables were entered into a logistic regression, only sexual experience was associated with service use. Sexual health text message services are designed to provide information to teens in an effort to prevent negative sexual outcomes. Such services seem to be reaching youth with increased risk of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease acquisition. This study provides evidence that teens most likely to benefit are also those most likely to use a sexual health text message service. © 2015 Society for Public Health Education.

  2. Anthropology of sexual exploitation

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    Lalić Velibor


    Full Text Available In this paper, the authors observe sexual exploitation from an anthropological perspective. They analyze the rational, ethical, emotional and mythological dimensions of human sexuality. Consequently, after setting the phenomenon in a social and historical context, sexual exploitation is closely observed in the contemporary age. Based on thoughts of relevant thinkers, they make the conclusion that the elimination of sexual exploitation is not an utterly legal issue, but political and economical issues as well. Namely, legal norms are not sufficient to overcome sexual exploitation, but, political and economical relationships in contemporary societies, which will be based on sincere equal opportunities must be established.

  3. Facilitating Sexual Health: Intimacy Enhancement Techniques for Sexual Dysfunction. (United States)

    Southern, Stephen


    Asserts that, although technological advances afford opportunities for reclaiming sexual functioning, even among individuals with chronic illness or devastating injury, they cannot ensure that sexual outlet will facilitate intimacy in a committed relationship. Explains how sex therapy addresses dysfunction in an essential relational context, and…

  4. [Sexuality and pregnancy]. (United States)

    Sueiro, E; Gayoso, P; Perdiz, C; Doval, J L


    We intend to describe the sexual behaviour of pregnancies women. Family Planning Center Nóvoa Santos, of Galician Health Service (SERGAS), of Ourense (SPAIN). 206 pregnancies women that are attended in a obstetric psychoprophylaxis's programme, during two years (January/93-January/95). We analysed the social economic, of reproduction, of medical attention and psycho-sexual variables. We use the PRESTA and SPSS statistics programmes. The average age is 28 years old, is married, has elementary studies and this is the first pregnancy. Her pregnancy is desire and normally developed. Her sexual desire and intercourse frequency is the same (1-2 per week); the intercourse is pleasant and the more habitual position is she over. Some times, the couple has relations without coitus and she practises the masturbation, and she enjoy of this practice. The pregnancies women have different sexual behaviours. They are satisfied with all them. The health' professional should favour the complete enjoy of the sexuality during the pregnancy.

  5. [Sexuality in the elderly: The role of the physicians in maintaining sexual health of older men]. (United States)

    Chakkalakal, D; Weißbach, L


    Sexuality in the elderly is still a social taboo. A commitment by medical practices to address the topic of sexuality in later life is essential, given that the sexual health is part of the quality of life. Identification of barriers and discourse of effects in the physician's behavior when dealing with the sexuality of older people. Review and discussion of interdisciplinary literature and social discourse. Compilation of expert opinions. Although the introduction of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors led to a removal of taboos concerning erectile dysfunction, the sexuality of older men became narrowed to physiological aspects. The elderly still complain that consultations concerning their sexuality receives too little attention in medical practice. Problems are boundaries of shame and disregard of the sexuality of elderly. Sexuality in old age will have to become more prominent in medical practices, due to demographic changes and changing self-images of the elderly. The social role of physicians enables straightforward discussions about sexuality. Taking a sexual history and choosing an active approach proved to be practicable to discuss sexual problems with older people.

  6. Neural correlates of sexual cue reactivity in individuals with and without compulsive sexual behaviours.

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    Valerie Voon

    Full Text Available Although compulsive sexual behaviour (CSB has been conceptualized as a "behavioural" addiction and common or overlapping neural circuits may govern the processing of natural and drug rewards, little is known regarding the responses to sexually explicit materials in individuals with and without CSB. Here, the processing of cues of varying sexual content was assessed in individuals with and without CSB, focusing on neural regions identified in prior studies of drug-cue reactivity. 19 CSB subjects and 19 healthy volunteers were assessed using functional MRI comparing sexually explicit videos with non-sexual exciting videos. Ratings of sexual desire and liking were obtained. Relative to healthy volunteers, CSB subjects had greater desire but similar liking scores in response to the sexually explicit videos. Exposure to sexually explicit cues in CSB compared to non-CSB subjects was associated with activation of the dorsal anterior cingulate, ventral striatum and amygdala. Functional connectivity of the dorsal anterior cingulate-ventral striatum-amygdala network was associated with subjective sexual desire (but not liking to a greater degree in CSB relative to non-CSB subjects. The dissociation between desire or wanting and liking is consistent with theories of incentive motivation underlying CSB as in drug addictions. Neural differences in the processing of sexual-cue reactivity were identified in CSB subjects in regions previously implicated in drug-cue reactivity studies. The greater engagement of corticostriatal limbic circuitry in CSB following exposure to sexual cues suggests neural mechanisms underlying CSB and potential biological targets for interventions.

  7. Components of Sexual Identity (United States)

    Shively, Michael G.; DeCecco, John P.


    This paper examines the four components of sexual identity: biological sex, gender identity, social sex-role, and sexual orientation. Theories about the development of each component and how they combine and conflict to form the individual's sexual identity are discussed. (Author)

  8. Childhood and adolescent sexual behaviors predict adult sexual orientations

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    Keith W. Beard


    Full Text Available Anonymous retrospective data were provided by 3,443 adult participants via computer-assisted self-interview. This was the first study focused on determinants of adult sexual orientation to adjust for the effects of same-sex sibling incest. Five measures of adult sexual orientations (ASOs provided evidence consistent with the theory that ASOs result from early sex-specific romantic attachment, conditioning caused by early sexual experiences with partners, and other experiences, such as early masturbation using human images, acting synergistically with critical period learning, and sexual imprinting. Early same-sex crushes were the most powerful predictor of ASOs, and they also increased the likelihood of engaging in early same-sex partnered and masturbation behaviors. Incestuous experiences with same-sex siblings affected the ASOs of the incest participants. And, lesbian, gay, and bisexual participants tended to have an earlier onset of puberty than heterosexual controls within sexes. However, statistical analyses showed that the incest and puberty effects were mathematically explained by the participant’s early sexual experiences with partners and other experiences such as masturbation using human images. Early same-sex crushes were predicted by nuclear family variables implying that same-sex crushes were more likely when the opposite-sex parent modeled an unsatisfactory heterosexual romantic partner.

  9. La dinámica placer/afecto en la constitución de feminidades en mujeres negras y mestizas-blancas de diferentes sectores sociales en el suroccidente colombiano

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    Fernando Urrea Giraldo

    Full Text Available Este articulo analiza la producción de determinadas feminidades en el suroeste colombiano actual, a través de las tensiones entre placer y afecto reveladas por las biografías sexuales de 18 mujeres negras y blancas-mestizas, de diferentes clases sociales, color de piel, orientación sexual, generación, edad, estado civil y prole. A través de la construcción de cuatro tipologías, se aborda el papel creciente del placer en la conformación social de las subjetividades contemporáneas. Parte de los resultados son debatidos a partir de la perspectiva foucaultiana, el feminismo radical, la teoría queer, y el psicoanálisis lacaniano, con aportes de la sociología y el feminismo afroamericano. El presente texto se inscribe en la teoría feminista de la interseccionalidad, y plantea especialmente el papel de la racialización en la vivencia de la sexualidad de las mujeres negras entrevistadas, mediante la articulación de las dimensiones sexual y racial.

  10. Advancing Sexuality Studies: A Short Course on Sexuality Theory and Research Methodologies (United States)

    Fletcher, Gillian; Dowsett, Gary W.; Duncan, Duane; Slavin, Sean; Corboz, Julienne


    Critical Sexuality Studies is an emerging field of academic enquiry linked to an international network of advocacy agencies, activists, and political issues. This paper reports on the development of an advanced short course in sexuality theory and research, drawing on Critical Sexuality Studies and aiming directly at academics in developing…

  11. The Relationship Between Hypersexual Behavior, Sexual Excitation, Sexual Inhibition, and Personality Traits. (United States)

    Rettenberger, Martin; Klein, Verena; Briken, Peer


    The term hypersexuality was introduced to describe excessive sexual behavior associated with a person's inability to control his or her sexual behavior. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of different personality traits on the degree of hypersexual behavior as measured by the Hypersexual Behavior Inventory (HBI). A further aim was to evaluate the association between sexual inhibition and excitation [as described in the Dual Control Model (DCM)] and hypersexual behavior. A sample of 1,749 participants completed an internet-based survey comprised the HBI, the short form of the Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scales (SIS/SES-SF) as well as more general personality measures: the Behavioral Inhibition System/Behavioral Activation System-scales (BIS/BAS-scales) and a short version of the Big Five Inventory (BFI-10). Using the recommended HBI cut-off, 6.0 % (n = 105) of the present sample could be categorized as hypersexual, which is comparable to the results of previous studies about the prevalence of hypersexual behavior in the general population. The results provided strong support for the components of the DCM-sexual excitation and inhibition-to explain hypersexual behavior, irrespective of gender and sexual orientation. Some of the general personality traits also showed significant relationships with hypersexual behavior. Taken together, the results of the present study provide further support for the relevance of research about the relationships between sexual problems and disorders, the DCM, and personality variables.

  12. Social phobia and sexual problems: A comparison of social phobic, sexually dysfunctional and normal individuals. (United States)

    Munoz, Valentina; Stravynski, Ariel


    This study sought to test the putative link between social phobia and sexual functioning. Three groups consisting of 106 social phobic, 164 sexually dysfunctional and 111 normal participants were assessed in terms of sexual functioning, social anxiety, social functioning and general psychopathology. Although social phobic men were less sexually active than normal men, they were as sexually satisfied. Social phobic women were alike their normal counterparts in all respects. Overall, social phobic individuals were not more prone to report sexual problems than normal individuals despite reporting the severest levels of social anxiety. Theoretically, our results are best understood as supporting an interpersonal conception of social phobia and a related socio-cultural perspective regarding sexual roles.

  13. Sexual Recovery Following Prostate Cancer: Recommendations From 2 Established Canadian Sexual Rehabilitation Clinics. (United States)

    Elliott, Stacy; Matthew, Andrew


    Supportive sexual health care is much-needed adjuvant care to oncologic management for men with prostate cancer (PCa). To inspire the initiation of biopsychosocial sexual health programming where it does not exist and to inform program enhancement in existing sexual rehabilitation clinics (SRCs). This article reviews the combined 30-year experience of 2 well-established Canadian SRCs for men and their partners after PCa treatments, interwoven with empirical evidence. To comprehensively review the biopsychosocial approach to sexual health assessment of men with PCa and their partners to direct the practicalities of running a successful and sustainable SRC. A full description of the biomedical and psychosocial approaches, inclusive of comprehensive sexual function, the penile rehabilitation controversy, and other medical and relationship issues affecting sexual adjustment, is provided to highlight the relevance of proper assessment and follow-through for sexual adaptation and adjustment. 10 recommendations for a successful SRC are discussed, including the principles behind developing a sustainable business plan, staff acquisition and training, budget, integration of treatment and research priorities, respectful and multidisciplinary approaches to care, and suggestions of visit formats, protocols, and questionnaires. We recommend a phased approach of an SRC into usual care with the option to provide accessible and equitable care to patients not within proximal access of treating institutions. Sexual rehabilitation after treatment for PCa requires a complex treatment process. Providing sustainable sexual rehabilitation programming under the financially strained environment of the Canadian medical system is a challenge; therefore, to provide Canadian patients and their partners with comprehensive cancer care, they deserve a biopsychosocial approach combined with a creative and systematic implementation strategy. Elliott S, Matthew A. Sexual Recovery Following Prostate

  14. Pornography and the Male Sexual Script: An Analysis of Consumption and Sexual Relations. (United States)

    Sun, Chyng; Bridges, Ana; Johnson, Jennifer A; Ezzell, Matthew B


    Pornography has become a primary source of sexual education. At the same time, mainstream commercial pornography has coalesced around a relatively homogenous script involving violence and female degradation. Yet, little work has been done exploring the associations between pornography and dyadic sexual encounters: What role does pornography play inside real-world sexual encounters between a man and a woman? Cognitive script theory argues media scripts create a readily accessible heuristic model for decision-making. The more a user watches a particular media script, the more embedded those codes of behavior become in their worldview and the more likely they are to use those scripts to act upon real life experiences. We argue pornography creates a sexual script that then guides sexual experiences. To test this, we surveyed 487 college men (ages 18-29 years) in the United States to compare their rate of pornography use with sexual preferences and concerns. Results showed the more pornography a man watches, the more likely he was to use it during sex, request particular pornographic sex acts of his partner, deliberately conjure images of pornography during sex to maintain arousal, and have concerns over his own sexual performance and body image. Further, higher pornography use was negatively associated with enjoying sexually intimate behaviors with a partner. We conclude that pornography provides a powerful heuristic model which is implicated in men's expectations and behaviors during sexual encounters.

  15. Sexual activity during pregnancy. (United States)

    Staruch, Monika; Kucharczyk, Aleksandra; Zawadzka, Katarzyna; Wielgos, Miroslaw; Szymusik, Iwona


    Pregnancy is usually associated with significant regression in genito-genital intercourse frequency, sexual desire and satisfaction. The aim of the study was to determine women's sexual habits during the third trimester of gestation and to compare their sexual activity before the current pregnancy and during previous pregnancies in case of multiparas. The study material consisted of women in the third trimester of pregnancy, recruited from the Outpatient Clinic of the 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Warsaw between January 2013 and February 2014, who filled out a self-prepared questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of three parts: demographic data, sexual activity prior to current pregnancy and during gestation, including sexual positions and sources of knowledge regarding the subject. The survey involved 25 questions and was distributed among 220 patients, out of which 165 were returned and 149 properly filled out and analyzed. The average age of the respondents was 29.6 ± 4.85 years; the majority (78.8%) were in an uncomplicated pregnancy. The decrease in sexual activity was evident in all age groups--the majority usually had sex 1 to 3 times a month in contrast to 1-2 times a week prior to conceiving. Sexual activity decreased significantly with increasing age. The main reasons for abandoning sexual activity included: decreased libido (35.5%), the doctor's suggestion (29%) and fears concerning child's health (29%). During pregnancy the frequency of vaginal intercourse significantly decreased (100% prior to vs. 86.6% during pregnancy; p < 0.001); as did oral sex (44.3% vs. 29.5%; p = 0.043) and anal sex (12% vs. 5.4%; p = 0.02). 54% of the respondents declared reduced satisfaction with sexual life during pregnancy in comparison with the previous period; almost half (43.5%) felt less attractive while pregnant. The same claim was related to libido--it decreased in 58.8% of respondents. Multiparas tended to have sexual

  16. [Adolescence and sexuality]. (United States)

    Kjellberg, G


    Different pathological states occurring during adolescence, such as anorexia, bulimia and suicidal attempts are seen as possible manifestations of psychological defence mechanisms against the anxiety-provoking bodily changes of puberty and the necessary psychological transformations inherent to adolescence and sexual maturation. The changes of object of desire and some sexual risk behaviours are illustrated by clinical vignettes. Music is suggested to play a role in the mobilisation of emotions, bodily sensations and in the construction of an imaginary world and thus to be a factor--a part from biological and psycho-social ones--influencing the sexual behaviour of adolescents. Some communication techniques are suggested enabling access to adolescents on sexual matters - a domain of increasing public health importance.

  17. The Process of Change in the Sexual Attitudes of Sexual Offenders in Korea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boksun Yang, RN, PhD


    Conclusion: The results of the study can provide school nurses and sex educators with useful knowledge grounded in actual sexual offense cases, not only to refine the interventions for sexual offenders but also to prevent future sexual offenses.

  18. Diabetes and Sexual and Urologic Problems (United States)

    ... Disease, & Other Dental Problems Diabetes, Sexual, & Bladder Problems Diabetes, Sexual, & Bladder Problems Sexual problems and bladder problems ... Can sexual and bladder problems be symptoms of diabetes? Yes. Changes in sexual function or bladder habits ...

  19. Self-Identified Sexual Orientation and Sexual Risk Behavior Among HIV-Infected Latino Males. (United States)

    Champion, Jane Dimmitt; Szlachta, Alaina


    The HIV testing, disclosure, and sexual practices of ethnic minority men suggest that addressing sexual risk behavior and the underlying reasons for not receiving HIV testing or disclosing HIV-infection status-unique to differing populations-would improve public health interventions. Descriptive behaviors and underlying perspectives reported in our study suggest that public health interventions for HIV-infected Latino men who self-identify as heterosexual should explicitly identify substance use, needle sharing, and unprotected sex to current partners as behaviors placing both oneself and one's partners at high risk for contracting HIV. However, diversity of sexual behavior among gay, straight, and bisexual HIV-infected Latino men in our study ultimately suggested that clinicians should not rely on simplistic conceptions of sexuality in assessment of self-care needs. Care in presentation and discussion of self-identified sexual preference and sexual behavior is indicated, as these do not determine actual sexual orientation or behavior and vice versa. Copyright © 2016 Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Sexual activity of Polish adults

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    Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska


    Full Text Available Aim. The purpose of this research was to explore the subject of sexual activity in the Polish population, with special focus on age and gender differences, and sexual infidelity. Sexual activity is one of the basic factors in initiating and maintaining relationships. On the one hand, sexual activity enables us to meet natural needs and maintain an intimate relationship with another human being; on the other, it may allow us to overcome loneliness and social isolation by providing the opportunity to express feelings of closeness and unity. Material and method. The research was conducted on a representative group of 3,200 Poles aged between 15–49, with the support of a well-known Polish research company – TNS OBOP. Face-to-face and Pencil and Paper (PAPI interviews were carried out. Results. The results focus on two main issues: the age and motives of sexual initiation among teenagers (with a significant percentage starting their sexual activity at the age of 15, and the quality of the sexual lives of adults (average number of sexual partners, sexual infidelity and sexual satisfaction. Conclusion. There is dependence between the type of relationship and the performance or non-performance of sexual activity, as well as the quality of the relationship. Among both adolescents and adults, remaining in a stable relationship (partnership or marriage promotes loyalty. The performance of sexual goals turns out to be an important mechanism regulating the interpersonal aspects of a relationship, influencing their perception and evaluation.