
Sample records for papa solanum tuberosum

  1. Efecto antioxidante y citoprotector del Solanum tuberosum (papa en la mucosa gástrica de animales de experimentación

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    Miguel Sandoval-Vegas


    Full Text Available Introducción: Existen alternativas terapéuticas con productos naturales oriundos usados de manera empírica en la población. Tal es el caso del zumo de papa (Solanum tuberosum usado para problemas de mucosa gástrica. Objetivos: Evaluar la capacidad antioxidante y el efecto citoprotector a la mucosa gástrica del zumo de papa (Solanum tuberosum. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima. Materiales biológicos: Solanum tuberosum, variedad Tomasa y ratas albinas machos. Métodos: Se administró vía oral post ayuno las fracciones de sobrenadante y sedimento del zumo de Solanum tuberosum. Una hora después se administró alcohol como injuria de mucosa gástrica. Por laparotomía abdominal se obtuvo el tejido gástrico. Se midió en la mucosa gástrica el estrés oxidativo por lipoperoxidación, la formación de moco por alcian blue y la protección midiendo la extensión del área lacerada en imagen digitalizada. Principales medidas de resultados: Capacidad antioxidante y efecto citoprotector a la mucosa gástrica. Resultados: El sobrenadante de la dosis 5 mL/ kg produjo mayor protección al estrés oxidativo; el precipitado en dosis 5 mL/kg presentó mayor producción de moco, sin superar al control. El precipitado 20 mL/kg produjo mayor citoprotección (73,8%. Conclusión: La fracción sobrenadante del zumo de la papa (Solanum tuberosum posee actividad de defensa antioxidante y la fracción del sedimento, mayor actividad citoprotectora de la mucosa gástrica.

  2. Propuesta de un sistema de transformación de plantas de papa (Solanum tuberosum sp. andigena var. Pastusa suprema mediado por Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    López Alfredo


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    Se ha demostrado que la transformación de papa (Solanum tuberosum mediada por Agrobacterium tumefaciens es dependiente del genotipo y que la mayoría de protocolos de transformación reportados son ineficientes al aplicarlos en la subespecie andigena. En esta propuesta se manejaron los procesos iniciales de mejoramiento genético de la nueva variedad colombiana de papa Pastusa suprema (Solanum tuberosum sp. andigena que es altamente androestéril, característica de gran importancia para los organismos modificados genéticamente. Esta variedad resultó de la hibridación interespecífica de tres especies de papa (Solanum stoloniferum, Solanum phureja var. Yema de huevo y Solanum tuberosum sp. andigena var. Parda pastusa. Se transformaron explantes internodales mediante el vector pCambia2301 que posee un gen reportero de la β-glucoronidasa y un gen de resistencia a la kanamicina. Se obtuvo un porcentaje de transformación inicial de 31 ± 2,5%, que se expresó mediante formación de callo sobre medios de selección y una frecuencia final con base en el ensayo GUS de 30%. Este es el primer reporte de transformación de un híbrido interespecífico de tres especies diferentes.

  3. Caracterización de la respuesta fisiológica de tres variedades de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) bajo condiciones de estrés por déficit hídrico


    Rodriguez Pérez, Loyla


    En esta tesis se evalúo la respuesta fisiológica, bioquímica y de fenología de tres variedades colombianas de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) sometidas a déficit hídrico y rehidratación. La hipótesis planteada fue que con base en el comportamiento de las variedades en las zonas de producción, las tres variedades de Solanum tuberosum L. presentarían respuesta diferencial a un período de déficit hídrico por suspensión del riego. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el comportam...

  4. Nematofauna asociada a la rizosfera de papas (Solanum tuberosum cultivadas en la zona productora del Cofre de Perote, Veracruz, México Nematode fauna associated with the rhizosphere of potato crop (Solanum tuberosum grown in the region of Cofre de Perote, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Damaris Desgarennes


    Full Text Available Se determinaron y clasificaron en grupos tróficos las especies de nematodos asociados a la rizosfera de Solanum tuberosum en suelos altamente infectados por el nematodo dorado de la papa (Globodera rostochiensis en un ciclo de cultivo, en la zona productora del Cofre de Perote, Veracruz, México. Se identificaron 7 géneros (Aphelenchoides, Aphelenchus, Crassolabium, Mesodorylaimus, Plectus y Steinernema y 8 especies (Aporcelaimellus obtusicaudatus, Ecumenicus monohystera, Acrobeles mariannae, Acrobeles singulus, Acrobeloides nanus, Cruznema tripartitum, Eucephalobus oxyuroides, y Globodera rostochiensis en asociación con la rizosfera de papas cultivadas. Crassolabium sp. y E. monohystera se registran por primera vez para México.Nematode species associated with the rhizosphere of Solanum tuberosum were identified and classified into trophic groups from soils highly infected by the golden potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis in a single crop cycle in the producing zone on the Cofre de Perote, Veracruz, Mexico. Seven genera (Aphelenchoides, Aphelenchus, Crassolabium, Mesodorylaimus, Plectus and Steinernema and 8 species (Aporcelaimellus obtusicaudatus, Ecumenicus monohystera, Acrobeles mariannae, Acrobeles singulus, Acrobeloides nanus, Cruznema tripartitum, Eucephalobus oxyuroides, and Globodera rostochiensis were found in association with the rhizosphere of cultivated potatoes. Crassolabium sp. and E. monohystera are recorded for the first time in México.

  5. Detección Serológica y Molecular del Virus PVY N y su variante PVY NTN en Papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) y Hospedantes Alternos en Tapalpa, México


    Hernández-de la Cruz, Miguel; Gómez-Leyva, Juan Florencio; López-Muraira, Irma Guadalupe; Dimas-Estrada, María Susana; Andrade-González, Isaac; Ireta-Moreno, Javier


    Se realizó un muestreo en cultivos de papa (Solanum tuberosum) para semilla en la zona productora de Tapalpa, Jalisco, México, así como de maleza e insectos asociados al cultivo con el objetivo de determinar la presencia del virus PVY N y su variante PVY NTN. Mediante técnicas serológicas y moleculares se analizaron 41 variedades de papa, 19 de Tapalpa, y 22 provenientes de Toluca, Estado de México. Con la técnica de DAS-ELISA, la variedad Malinche de Tapalpa fue positiva a PVY N, mientras qu...

  6. Comparación cuantitativa de ácido abscísico y citoquininas en la tuberización de Solanum tuberosum L. y Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk.


    Ortiz Luz Yineth; Flórez Víctor Julio


    De las 30 variedades de papa cultivadas en Colombia tan solo 10 poseen importancia comercial. Entre otros factores, este número es limitado por la acción de hormonas endógenas que aceleran diferentes fases del proceso de tuberización, especialmente en las especies más precoces. En este trabajo fueron recolectadas muestras de tubérculos de diferentes especies de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. var. ICA-Única y Tuquerreña, y Solanum phureja

  7. Comparación cuantitativa de ácido abscísico y citoquininas en la tuberización de Solanum tuberosum L. y Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk.


    Ortiz, Luz Yineth; Flórez, Víctor Julio


    De las 30 variedades de papa cultivadas en Colombia tan solo 10 poseen importancia comercial. Entre otros factores, este número es limitado por la acción de hormonas endógenas que aceleran diferentes fases del proceso de tuberización, especialmente en las especies más precoces. En este trabajo fueron recolectadas muestras de tubérculos de diferentes especies de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. var. ICA-Única y Tuquerreña, y Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk. var. Yema de Huevo), en los estadios fenológic...

  8. Comparación cuantitativa de ácido abscísico y citoquininas en la tuberización de solanum tuberosum l. y solanum phureja juz. et buk.


    Ortiz, Luz Yineth; Flórez, Víctor Julio


    De las 30 variedades de papa cultivadas en Colombia tan solo 10 poseen importancia comercial. Entre otros factores, este número es limitado por la acción de hormonas endógenas que aceleran diferentes fases del proceso de tuberización, especialmente en las especies más precoces. En este trabajo fueron recolectadas muestras de tubérculos de diferentes especies de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. var. ICA-Única y Tuquerreña, y Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk. var. Yema de Huevo), en los estadios...

  9. Efecto de la temperatura sobre la transferencia de agua durante la deshidratación osmótica de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.)


    Silva Paz, Reynaldo Justino; Della Rocca, Patricia A.; Tisocco, Osvaldo D.; Mascheroni, Rodolfo Horacio


    El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la cinética de deshidratación osmótica de papa (Solanum Tuberosum L.). Se comparó el ajuste de los datos experimentales con el modelo cinético fenomenológico y con el modelo de Azuara. Para ello, en cubos de 1 cm de arista se evaluó el efecto de la temperatura (30 ºC, 40 ºC y 50 ºC) sobre los coeficiente de difusión efectiva del agua y sólidos. Se determinó la pérdida de peso de agua y la ganancia de sólidos. Las mayores pérdidas de agua se o...

  10. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    Chetty, Venkateswari J; Narváez-Vásquez, Javier; Orozco-Cárdenas, Martha L


    Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is the most common method for the incorporation of foreign genes into the genome of potato as well as many other species in the Solanaceae family. This chapter describes protocols for the genetic transformation of three species of potato: Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum (Desiréé), S. tuberosum subsp. andigenum (Blue potato), and S. tuberosum subsp. andigena using internodal segments as explants.

  11. Obtención de plantas sanas de papa, Solanum tuberosum L. Variedad salentuna. A través de las técnicas de termoterapia y cultivo de meristemas in vitro.

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    Marulanda Aguirre Adriana


    Full Text Available Se obtuvieron plantas Super Elite de papa (Solanum tuberosum L., de la variedad regional Salentuna, catalogada como papa filia, implementando las técnicas de termoterapia, cultivo in vitro de meristemas y multiplicación acelerada. Se limpió esta variedad del complejo de enfermedades que la afectaban, para entregarle a los productores un material sano que los motive a regresar al campo con una alternativa de producción de mayor calidad y rentabilidad. La falta de semilla sana es una necesidad sentida por los agricultores del departamento de Caldas, pues hace más de treinta años que no se renueva el material vegetal y no existen programas de producción de semilla certificad de esta variedad en el país.

  12. Elaboración de galletas a base de harina de papa de la variedad Parda Pastusa (Solanum tuberosum L.

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    Andrés Felipe Cerón Cardenas


    Full Text Available La papa (Solanum tuberosum se considera el cuarto cultivo más importante en el mundo y su consumo ha pasado de producto fresco a producto laborado en forma industrial. En el estudio se determinó el nivel máximo de sustitución de la harina de trigo por harina de papa de la variedad Parda Pastusa en la elaboración de galletas fermentadas dulces. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar, donde el factor de estudio fueron el nivel de sustitución, 0%, 30%, 40% y 50%, y las variables de respuesta: sensoriales (color, sabor, textura y aceptabilidad y químicas proximales (materia seca, proteína, ceniza y grasa. No se encontraron diferencias (P < 0.05 en color, textura y aceptación; mientras para la variable sabor fue diferente en los niveles 0% y 30% de sustitución. Para los niveles de sustitución se encontraron, respectivamente, reducciones en contenido de proteína en 7.42%, 17.40% y 23.62%, y de grasa en 25.65%, 42.59% y 55.87%; mientras que la materia seca aumentó 3.83%, 4.95% y 5.62% y el contenido de ceniza en 13.14%, 17.71% y 23.43%, respectivamente. Con la sustitución de 30% se produjeron galletas de buena aceptación mientras que niveles mayores no son recomendables.

  13. Control biológico del Tizón Tardío Phytophthora infestans en papa Solanum tuberosum a través de consorcios microbianos formados por hongos nativos del género Trichoderma sp.


    Bustamante Gavilanes, Adriana Elizabeth


    Esta investigación evalúo la eficiencia de consorcios microbianos formados por hongos nativos del género Trichoderma sp. como biocontroladores del tizón tardío Phytophthora infestans en papa Solanum tuberosum. En las pruebas de antagonismo las cepas del género Trichoderma sp. inhibieron en promedio entre 83% y 87% al patógeno. En base a los resultados obtenidos en el ensayo de campo mostró que el tratamiento T3: Trichoderma harzianum+ Trichoderma sp. + Trichoderma atroviride es más efectivo ...

  14. Caracterización de zonas sensibles a heladas en el cultivo de papa (Solanum Tuberosum en Boyacá

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    Álvaro Enrique Alvarado-Gaona


    Full Text Available La papa (Solanum tuberosum, como todas las plantas cultivadas, depende de factores atmosféricos; por tanto, las heladas se convierten en un factor limitante para su producción, lo que ha ocasionado que los agricultores opten por cultivar en zonas con alturas superiores a 3.000 msnm, para ampliar la frontera agrícola. En estos sitios, las heladas son más severas, además del daño irreversible a los ecosistemas estratégicos como los páramos ya que la aplicación excesiva de agroquímicos y el sistema de monocultivo hacen que los suelos pierdan sus propiedades y por tanto, la producción disminuye. Por esta razón, el Centro Virtual de la Cadena Agroalimentaria de la papa CEVIPAPA, en convenio con la Universidad Pedagógica y tecnológica de Colombia, UPTC desarrolló un trabajo de investigación con el propósito de reconocer áreas sensibles a heladas en el departamento de Boyacá. El trabajo se desarrolló en los municipios de Toca, Motavita, Cómbita, Úmbita,Ventaquemada, Chíquiza, Tunja, Siachoque, Soracá y Saboyá,donde se evaluó la problemática causada por las heladas en este cultivo; así mismo, se detectaron las zonas de mayor producción, identificando las veredas con mayor incidencia en cada uno de los municipios, con el fin de controlar y mitigar los efectos negativos en el cultivote dicho tubérculo.

  15. Comparative metabolite profiling of Solanum tuberosum against six wild Solanum species with Colorado potato beetle resistance. (United States)

    Tai, Helen H; Worrall, Kraig; Pelletier, Yvan; De Koeyer, David; Calhoun, Larry A


    The Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (CPB) is a coleopteran herbivore that feeds on the foliage on Solanum species, in particular, potato. Six resistant wild Solanum species were identified, and two of these species had low levels of glycoalkaloids. Comparative analysis of the untargeted metabolite profiles of the foliage using UPLC-qTOF-MS was done to find metabolites shared between the wild species but not with Solanum tuberosum (L.) to identify resistance-related metabolites. It was found that only S. tuberosum produced the triose glycoalkaloids solanine and chaconine. Instead, the six wild species produced glycoalkaloids that shared in common tetrose sugar side chains. Additionally, there were non-glycoalkaloid metabolites associated with resistance including hydroxycoumarin and a phenylpropanoid, which were produced in all wild species but not in S. tuberosum.

  16. Híbridos somáticos obtenidos por fusión de protoplastos entre Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. tuberosum y la especie silvestre Solanum circaeifolium Bitter

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    Rosa Espejo


    Full Text Available Con la finalidad de obtener híbridos somáticos interespecíficos, se fusionaron protoplastos de la especie tetraploide Solanum tuberosum y de la especie silvestre diploide Solanum circaeifolium utilizando polietilenglicol. Los productos de fusión fueron cultivados en el medio V-KM suplementado con albúmina de suero bovino. Las primeras divisiones celulares ocurrieron a los 3 a 4 días de cultivo. Después de la formación de colonias se observó una rápida proliferación de callos, a partir de los cuales se regeneraron 19 plantas. El análisis molecular usando RAPD, confirmó que los regenerantes presentaban segmentos de ADN de ambos parentales, sugiriendo su posible naturaleza de híbridos somáticos. Las observaciones del número de cromosomas indicaron que todos los híbridos fueron aneuploides. En condiciones de invernadero, los regenerantes derivados de la fusión de protoplastos, mostraron características morfológicas intermedias entre las líneas parentales. Este estudio muestra la producción de híbridos somáticos de papa con el método de fusión presentado.

  17. Estudio de libertad de operación para una línea genéticamente modificada de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.

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    Alejandro Chaparro-Giraldo


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Study of freedom to operate for a genetically modified potato (Solanum tuberosum L. line Título corto: Libertad de operación para papa GM Resumen: Durante el desarrollo de los productos biotecnológicos son utilizados materiales y procesos, que pueden estar protegidos por derechos de propiedad intelectual. Para evitar problemas legales en su comercialización, se deben realizar estudios de libertad de operación. Este estudio se realizó sobre una línea genéticamente modificada (GM de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. derivada de la variedad Pastusa Suprema, que expresa el gene Cry1Ac de Bacillus thuringiensis, desarrollada por la Corporación de Ciencias Biológicas y la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín. El punto de partida, fue la deconstrucción del producto, cuyo resultado fue la lista de materiales y procesos usados en el desarrollo del producto. Se buscaron en bases de datos nacionales e internacionales de acceso público, las solicitudes de patentes y patentes relacionadas. En el nivel internacional, se encontraron cuatro solicitudes de patentes y dieciocho patentes relacionadas, la mayoría de las cuales, no han sido solicitadas en Colombia. En el nivel nacional, se encontraron 13 solicitudes de patentes, que han caducado, han sido negadas, abandonadas, desistidas, o están en requerimiento. Se encontró que la variedad tiene registro comercial, pero no título de obtentor. También se examinaron documentos de las instituciones participantes, que contuvieran cláusulas sobre propiedad intelectual, y otros documentos de interés, como los acuerdos de transferencia de materiales (ATM. Se concluye que la libertad de operación puede estar afectada más por problemas detectados en los ATM y en la complejidad de los acuerdos interinstitucionales suscritos, que por los derechos de propiedad intelectual. Palabras clave: Derechos de propiedad intelectual, biotecnología, cultivos transgénicos. Abstract:

  18. Eficacia de Medios de Cultivo con Infusiones de Variedades de Papa en la Identificación del Trichophyton rubrum

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    Flor Urcia A

    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue demostrar la eficacia de los extractos de diferentes variedades de papa como ingredientes del medio de cultivo para la identificación del Trichophyton rubrum y proponer su empleo en el diagnóstico de dermatomicosis. Se utilizaron las infusiones naturales de las variedades Solanum tuberosum (papa blanca, Solanum chaucha (papa huayro y Solanum goniocalyx (papa amarilla, para preparar los medios de cultivo análogos al estándar de formulación comercial Agar Papa Dextrosa (APDc. Las cepas de T. rubrum fueron inoculadas en los diferentes medios de cultivo, incubados a 2°C durante 10 días. Para la evaluación consideramos características culturales y microscópicas. Los resultados muestran que el medio de cultivo Agar Papa Huayro Dextrosa (APHD fue más eficiente en la producción del pigmento rojo vino, pero se obtuvo mayor esporulación en los medios de cultivo Agar Papa Blanca Dextrosa (APBD y Agar Papa Amarilla Dextrosa (APAD.

  19. Criodesecación atmosférica de papa (Solanum tuberosum

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    Juan Sebastián Ramírez Navas


    etapas del proceso, empleando el índice de amarillez, y se evaluaron las propiedades microbiológicas de las papas crio-desecadas tmosféricamente. Se concluye que el secado de rodajas de papa por CDA permite eliminar el crecimiento microbiológico y las reacciones químicas, pero es necesario realizar pretratamientos para evitar el pardamiento.

  20. Análisis de la interacción genotipo por ambiente en papa (Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena, a través de una metodología no paramétrica Analysis of genotype by environment interaction in potato (Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena by a non-parametric methodology

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    Cortes José M.


    Full Text Available El Programa de Mejoramiento en Papa, liderado por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, estableció nueve pruebas regionales durante los años 1998 y 1999, para la evaluación de 20 genotipos promisorios de Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena. Para el análisis e interpretación de la interacción genotipo por ambiente, se utilizó la metodología no paramétrica propuesta por Nassar et al. (1994, en la cual se usa un estadístico que reúne la selección por rendimiento y estabilidad fenotípica. Para la obtención de los índices
    de rendimiento-estabilidad, se implementó una MACRO en el
    programa SAS, la cual permite trabajar con datos desbalanceados, tanto por repeticiones, como por genotipos. Además, se desarrolló una metodología que permitió el análisis multivariado, utilizando, como base el estadístico de rendimiento-estabilidad, lo cual facilita el análisis del rendimiento cuando éste se divida en varias categorías, como el es caso del cultivo de papa. Los resultados, aquí, presentados muestran cómo las ventajas del uso de
    metodologías no paramétricas, no son compensadas cuando la mayor importancia del análisis de la interacción genotipo por ambiente es la selección de genotipos promisorios próximos a ser entregados al agricultor.The Potato Breeding Program, which belongs to the National
    University ofColombia, carried out nine regional trials during 1998 and 1999 for the evaluation of20 promissory genotypes of Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena. The non-pararnetric methodology proposed by Nassar el al. (1994 which it is based on a statistic that link yield and phenotypic stability was used. In order to analyzer the data set, a MACRO program in the SAS System was developed which allowed working with unbalance data for both repetitions and genotypes. It was also developed a multivariate analysis methodology, based on the yield-stability index, which permitted to analyze the yield when it is partitioning in

  1. Determinación cuantitativa de vitamina C y pigmentos y procesamiento de la papa criolla, variedad yema de huevo (Solanum phureja Juz et Buck

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    Isabel Alvarez G.


    Full Text Available Empleando papa pardo'pastusa (Solanum tuberosum como control, se determinó el contenido de Vitamina C total en la papa criolla, variedad Yema de Huevo (Solanum phureja, Juz et Buck y se evaluaron las pérdidas durante la cocción y el freído. Se utilizaron los métodos colorimétrico y densitométrico: el primero dio resultados altos debido a sustancias interferentes; el segundo reportó los siguientes valores: criolla 21 mg/100 g, pardo-pastusa 18 mg/100 g (para muestra fresca. Las pérdidas de Vitamina C de papa criolla con piel fueron durante la cocción {92°C durante 25' de 1 9 % y en el freído (175°C por 3' de 30%. También se analizaron los carotenos y xantofilas dando: carotenos en papa criolla, 1.5 mg/100 g, en pardo-pastusa 0.5 mg/100 g (muestra fresca y xantofilas en papa criolla 0.6 mg/100 g, en pardo-pastusa 0.13 mg/100 g. Se procesó en las siguientes formas no tradicionales: en harinas compuestas aceptadas por ios consumidores, en una sustitución del 2 0% con puré; frita en tajadas con piel y pasabocas de puré. El tiempo de vida fue para frita tres semanas a 16°C V más de una semana a 25°C; para pasabocas cinco semanas y media a 16 C y un mes a 30°C.

  2. Efecto de la concentración de almidones resistentes de la papa común (Solanum tuberosum) y criolla (Solanum phureja) sobre la digestibilidad de nutrientes, energía metabolizable e integridad del tracto gastrointestinal de pollos de engorde


    Rodríguez Aguilar, Daniel Eduardo


    El almidón resistente retrogradado (AR3) de las variedades Pastusa (Solanum tuberosum grupo andigena) y Guaneña (Solanum tuberosum grupo phureja) fue evaluado como aditivo funcional con características similares a la fibra dietaria. En un primer experimento se comparó con manano oligosacáridos (MOS) a tres niveles de inclusión (0.5%, 1.0% y 1.5%) y un control sin suplementar, donde 600 pollos machos Ross de un día de edad fueron repartidos aleatoriamente a 10 tratamientos ex...

  3. Resistance to Erwinia spp. in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Allefs, S.


    Blackleg is a disease of potato, Solanum tuberosum , which is caused by the bacteria Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora ( Ecc ), E.c. subsp. atroseptica ( Eca ) or

  4. Actinomicetos aislados del compost y su actividad antagonista a fitopatógenos de la papa (Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena Hawkes)


    Pérez-Rojas, Fernanda; León-Quispe, Jorge; Galindo-Cabello, Nadia


    Una de las formas de control de fitopatógenos es a través del uso de microorganismos antagonistas. El compost, un producto orgánico es fuente de microorganismos capaces de producir metabolitos secundarios de interés agrícola. Se aislaron y evaluaron mediante cultivos in vitro la capacidad antagonista de 85 actinomicetos frente a fitopatógenos que afectan a Solanum tuberosum. De los aislados, 23.5% tuvieron actividad antagonista a Ralstonia solanacearum, 16.4% a Pectobacterium carotovorum, 43....

  5. The inheritance of anthocyanin pigmentation in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and mapping of tuber skin colour loci using RFLPs.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eck, van H.J.; Jacobs, J.M.E.; Berg, van den P.M.M.M.; Stiekema, W.J.; Jacobsen, E.


    Two existing genetic models for anthocyanin pigmentation are compared: the genetic model as proposed by Lunden (1937, 1960, 1974) for tetraploid potato Solanum tuberosum group Tuberosum and the model by Dodds & Long (1955, 1956) for diploid cultivated Solanum species. By crossing well defined

  6. Comparación cuantitativa de ácido abscísico y citoquininas en la tuberización de Solanum tuberosum L. y Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk.

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    Ortiz Luz Yineth


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    De las 30 variedades de papa cultivadas en Colombia tan solo 10 poseen importancia comercial. Entre otros factores, este número es limitado por la acción de hormonas endógenas que aceleran diferentes fases del proceso de tuberización, especialmente en las especies más precoces. En este trabajo fueron recolectadas muestras de tubérculos de diferentes especies de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. var. ICA-Única y Tuquerreña, y Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk. var. Yema de Huevo, en los estadios fenológicos de desarrollo 03, 10 y 40. Posteriormente, las concentraciones de ácido abscísico (ABA presentes en la fracción ácida y de citoquininas presentes en la fracción orgánica de los extractos fueron determinadas a través de Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Eficiencia. Los resultados en las variedades estudiadas relacionan la precocidad de la tuberización con la ausencia de ABA y los periodos de mayor latencia con su presencia; por otro lado, las concentraciones de citoquininas fueron evidentes en las variedades con mayor precocidad. Es decir, en S. phureja Juz. et Buk. var. Yema de Huevo se encontraron concentraciones bajas de ABA y altas de citoquininas; mientras que en ICA-Única y, en especial, en Tuquerreña, variedades con periodos de latencia mayor, las concentraciones de ABA fueron altas y las de citoquininas menos significativas.

  7. Distribución Diferencial de Bacterias con Potencial Biocontrolador de Spongospora subterranea en Plantas de Papa (Solanum tuberosum cv. Diacol Capiro Differential Distrubution of Candidadate Biocontrol Bacteria against Spongospora subterranea in Potato Plants (Solanum tuberosum cv. Diacol Capiro

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    Juliana Soler Arango


    Full Text Available Resumen. La búsqueda de microorganismos promisorios para biocontrol de patógenos de plantas en el suelo con frecuencia se ha orientado a la detección de productores de hormonas y enzimas líticas, condiciones asociadas a su capacidad para promover crecimiento vegetal. Sin embargo, el suelo es altamente variable en escalas pequeñas y se conoce poco sobre la distribución espacial de microorganismos que expresan esas funciones. Este estudio determinó la capacidad de producción de indoles totales y quitinasas en bacterias cultivables aisladas del interior de la raíz, la rizósfera, la superficie de los tubérculos o suelo de un cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum variedad Diacol Capiro. Las muestras se obtuvieron en un campo comercial en el municipio de la Unión en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia, en plantas que presentaban síntomas de infección por Spongospora subterranea. Se encontró una producción diferencial de indoles o quitinasas según el sitio de aislamiento de las bacterias. No se encontró una alta producción de ambas actividades en un sólo aislamiento, la mayor producción de indoles totales y quitinasas se encontró en bacterias aisladas a partir de raíz y rizósfera, comparada con las aisladas de tubérculos y suelo. Estos resultados sugieren que en el suelo no es aleatoria la distribución de funciones deseables en controladores biológicos. Con estos resultados es posible orientar su búsqueda para optimizar el uso de recursos y el desarrollo de nuevos bioproductos.Abstract. Searching for promising microorganisms to biocontrol soil-borne plant pathogens has been often focused on producers of hormone and lytic enzymes, since these traits are linked to plant growth promotion. However, the environment from inner roots to bulk soil is quite variable, and little is known about the spatial distribution of microorganisms expressing these desirable traits. Using potato plants (Solanum tuberosum var. Diacol Capiro from a

  8. Plastid transformation in potato: Solanum tuberosum. (United States)

    Valkov, Vladimir T; Gargano, Daniela; Scotti, Nunzia; Cardi, Teodoro


    Although plastid transformation has attractive advantages and potential applications in plant biotechnology, for long time it has been highly efficient only in tobacco. The lack of efficient selection and regeneration protocols and, for some species, the inefficient recombination using heterologous flanking regions in transformation vectors prevented the extension of the technology to major crops. However, the availability of this technology for species other than tobacco could offer new possibilities in plant breeding, such as resistance management or improvement of nutritional value, with no or limited environmental concerns. Herein we describe an efficient plastid transformation protocol for potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum). By optimizing the tissue culture system and using transformation vectors carrying homologous potato flanking sequences, we obtained up to one transplastomic shoot per bombardment. Such efficiency is comparable to that usually achieved in tobacco. The method described in this chapter can be used to regenerate potato transplastomic plants expressing recombinant proteins in chloroplasts as well as in amyloplasts.

  9. Detección de Ca Liberibacter solanacearum y fitoplasmas en cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. en el Valle de Toluca

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    Ana Tarin Gutiérrez-Ibáñez


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Detection of Ca Liberibacter solanacearum and phytoplasma in potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L. in Toluca Valley Título corto: Detección de Ca Liberibacter solanacearum y fitoplasmas Resumen En México y Centro América se han detectado tubérculos de papa con manchado interno. Recientemente en Texas EUA a esta enfermedad se le ha denominado “Zebra Chip” (ZC o rayado de la papa, los síntomas foliares se asemejan al síndrome denominado “Punta Morada de la Papa” (PMP o enfermedad del “amarillamiento por psilidos” la cual es asociada con la presencia de “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum”. El objetivo de esta investigación fue detectar la presencia de esta bacteria y de fitoplasmas en plantas de papa que presentaban la coloración purpura de los foliolos. Durante el ciclo primavera – verano 2011 y 2012 se hizo un muestreo en los municipios de Tenango del Valle, Zinacantepec, Villa de Allende y San José del Rincón, del Estado de México. La detección de ambos patógenos se realizó mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR con los iniciadores específicos para fitoplasmas: P1/P7, R16mF2/R16mR1 y para Ca Liberibacter solanacearum: OA2/Oi2c, resultando el 35,8% de las plantas positivas para fitoplasmas y el 11,6% para la bacteria. Los resultados indican  que en algunas regiones productoras de papa del Estado de México,  los dos presuntos agentes causales del síndrome de  PMP, fitoplasmas y Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum, pueden estar asociados. Palabras clave: Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum; Fitoplasma; punta morada. Abstract In Mexico and Central America have been detected stained potato tubers with internal browning; recently in Texas, USA, this disease has been called "Zebra Chip" (ZC or striped potato, foliar symptoms resemble the syndrome called "Potato Purple Top" (PPT or "psyllid yellows" disease which is associated with the presence of "Candidatus liberibacter solanacearum

  10. Expression of modified 7SL RNA gene in transgenic Solanum tuberosum plants

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vrba, Lukáš; Matoušek, Jaroslav


    Roč. 49, - (2005), 371-380 ISSN 0006-3134 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50510513 Keywords : transgenic plants * Solanum tuberosum Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 0.792, year: 2005

  11. A comparison of the low temperature transcriptomes and CBF regulons of three plant species that differ in freezing tolerance: Solanum commersonii, Solanum tuberosum, and Arabidopsis thaliana


    Carvallo, Marcela A.; Pino, María-Teresa; Jeknić, Zoran; Zou, Cheng; Doherty, Colleen J.; Shiu, Shin-Han; Chen, Tony H. H.; Thomashow, Michael F.


    Solanum commersonii and Solanum tuberosum are closely related plant species that differ in their abilities to cold acclimate; whereas S. commersonii increases in freezing tolerance in response to low temperature, S. tuberosum does not. In Arabidopsis thaliana, cold-regulated genes have been shown to contribute to freezing tolerance, including those that comprise the CBF regulon, genes that are controlled by the CBF transcription factors. The low temperature transcriptomes and CBF regulons of ...

  12. Detección de posibles duplicados en la Colección Central Colombiana de papa Solanum tuberosum subespecie andigena a partir de caracteres morfológicos

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    Bernal Ángela María


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    Dentro de una colección de germoplasma, la presencia de materiales duplicados amenaza su identidad genética, enmascarando su variabilidad y aumentando los costos de manejo y mantenimiento. Por tal razón, con el fin de identificar los materiales candidatos a duplicados dentro de la Colección Central Colombiana de papa Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena, se llevó a cabo la caracterización morfológica con variables cualitativas. La investigación se realizó durante el primer y segundo semestre de 2004 en el Centro de Investigación Tibaitatá de la Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Corpoica. El análisis factorial de correspondencias múltiples (ACM permitió identificar los caracteres color primario y secundario de piel de tubérculo, color secundario de carne de tubérculo y color primario y secundario de flor, como los que mejor discriminan la colección, y mediante el análisis de conglomerados, se obtuvo un dendrograma que permitió definir siete grupos y cuatro subgrupos en los que se identificaron los posibles duplicados bajo un índice de nivel arbitrario que admitiera rigor estadístico y amplitud biológica. En total, se candidatizaron 64 materiales para una confirmación molecular posterior.

  13. Evaluación de cinco genotipos promisorios de papa Solanum tuberosum sp. andigena según desempeño agronómico y calidad industrial

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    Martínez Nancy M.


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    Con base en variables cualitativas y cuantitativas se llevó a cabo la evaluación de cinco genotipos promisorios de papa Solanum tuberosum sp. andigena pertenecientes a la Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria –CORPOICA– y de la variedad Diacol Capiro, en siete localidades del país. Los resultados se analizaron por métodos univariados y multivariados para conocer las características que discriminaban a los materiales. En el análisis multivariado de componentes principales, los primeros cuatro componentes representan el 95,22% de la variación total. Las variables de mayor influencia fueron época de maduración, época de emergencia, peso total de los tubérculos por parcela, peso de los tubérculos de tamaño primera, peso de los tubérculos de tamaño cero, peso de los tubérculos de tamaño cuarta, gravedad específica y materia seca. Se detectó que existe interacción significativa entre genotipo y ambiente para las variables de rendimiento en frito y calidad industrial, las cuales, según el análisis de estabilidad fenotípica de Kang (1991, permitieron seleccionar los clones 2, 7 y 14 como los más rendidores y estables según las características peso total de los tubérculos por parcela, materia seca y rendimiento en frito. Considerando el índice de rendimiento y la estabilidad fenotípica combinadas, el clon 7 se recomienda como el material más promisorio.

  14. de papa en Costa Rica

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    Zeidy Montero


    Full Text Available Especies del género Meloidogyne causan importantes daños al cultivo de la papa (Solanum tuberosum L alrededor del mundo. Su efecto puede ser directo al disminuir el rendimiento o indirecto al infectar los tubérculos y causar agallas o protuberancias, que les confiere una apariencia verrugosa, que afecta su calidad y reduce su valor comercial. En Capellades y Llano Grande de Cartago, Costa Rica, fueron encontrados tubérculos de papa, de la variedad Floresta y del clon Bananito, con numerosas protuberancias en su superficie. De las protuberancias se extrajo hembras ovígeras de Meloidogyne spp. Estudios morfológicos (diseño perineal de las hembras y moleculares (PCR y PCRRFLP mostraron que las hembras extraídas de las protuberancias pertenecen a la especie M. incognita. Se recomienda estudiar las causas que promueven la infección de los tubérculos en ambas localidades, ya que cerca del 90% del área cultivada de papa en el país corresponde a la variedad Floresta. En adición, se debe prestar especial atención a las zonas semilleristas, ya que los tubérculos-semilla podrían servir como fuente de inóculo y contribuir a la diseminación del patógeno a otras áreas.

  15. Expresión diferencial durante la interacción Solanum tuberosum - Phytophthora infestans

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    Zulma Isabel Monsalve-Fonnegra


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Differential expression during Solanum tuberosum- Phytophthora infestans interaction Resumen: La papa (Solanum tuberosum L. es el cuarto cultivo más importante a nivel mundial y es el producto agrícola con mayor demanda de fungicidas, insecticidas y fertilizantes químicos. Las pérdidas mundiales ocasionadas por Phytophthora infestans (Mont. de Bary en este cultivo, ascienden a 6,7 billones de dólares al año y su control químico genera un aumento en los costos, perjudica la salud humana y el ambiente. Todo esto justifica la búsqueda constante de mecanismos alternativos para el control de la enfermedad, entre ellos la obtención de variedades resistentes mediante cisgenesis usando genotipos silvestres. Como un aporte en este sentido, y dada la falta de conocimiento de lo que controla y constituye la diferencia entre una respuesta compatible e incompatible, en el presente estudio se compararon los perfiles de expresión génica obtenidos mediante Despliegue Diferencial de variedades resistentes y susceptibles durante su interacción con P. infestans. Los resultados evidenciaron diferencias en la expresión génica, tanto a distintos tiempos post-inoculación como en el tipo de cambio de expresión, incluyendo la presencia y ausencia de bandas diferenciales y el aumento o disminución en su intensidad. Al analizar las secuencias de fragmentos diferencialmente expresados, se encontró que algunos fragmentos sobre-expresados en las variedades susceptibles, tenían homología con secuencias que codifican para una serina-acetiltranferasa y para la subunidad β de la RNA polimerasa. Por su parte, fragmentos sobre-expresados en la variedad resistente, tenían homología con una secuencia codificante para un dominio transmembranal. Palabras claves: pastusa suprema;  diacol-capiro; parda pastusa; despliegue diferencial Abstract: Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. is the fourth most important crop worldwide; also, is the agriculture

  16. Selection of reference genes for transcriptional analysis of edible tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mariot, Roberta Fogliatto; Oliveira, De Luisa Abruzzi; Voorhuijzen, M.M.; Staats, Martijn; Hutten, R.C.B.; Dijk, Van J.P.; Kok, Esther; Frazzon, Jeverson


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum) yield has increased dramatically over the last 50 years and this has been achieved by a combination of improved agronomy and biotechnology efforts. Gene studies are taking place to improve new qualities and develop new cultivars. Reverse transcriptase quantitative

  17. Potato (Solanum tuberosum) greenhouse tuber production as an assay for asexual reproduction effects from herbicides (United States)

    The present study determined whether young potato plants can be used as an assay to indicate potential effects of pesticides on asexual reproduction. Solanum tuberosum (Russet Burbank) plants were grown from seed pieces in a mineral soil in pots under greenhouse conditions. Plant...

  18. A new index to assess nitrogen dynamics in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production systems of Bolivia (United States)

    Bolivia is the poorest country in South America with over 80% of the rural population under the poverty line. Agricultural productivity is closely correlated with poverty levels across rural Bolivia. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important crops for food security in Bolivia and th...

  19. Efectos del Almacenamiento y de la Cocción sobre el Contenido de Glicoialcaloides en Papa (Solanum Iuberosum

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    Villa Marín Héctor


    Full Text Available Los glicoalcaloides son O-glicósidos derivados de alcaloides 3 hidroxi-esteroides. Son bases débiles, ligeramente solubles en agua, solubles en ácidos débiles y alcoholes acidificados. Los que se encuentran en la papa (Solanum tuberosum son α-solanina y α-chaconina. A partir de ciertas concentraciones pueden manifestarse como mutagénicos, teratogénicos y carcinogénicos. Valores superiores a 1O mg/1OOg de tubérculo fresco imparten un sabor amargo. Contenidos de 20 mg/1OOg o más, dan sensación de quemadura. Se han reportado muertes a niveles de 30 mg/1OOg. Se estudiaron los efectos del almacenamiento y de la cocción sobre el contenido de glicoalcaloides totales (cuantitativo y el sabor amargo (cualitativo, en las dos variedades de papa de mayor consumo en Antioquia: ICA puracé y DIACOL capiro, bajo las condiciones de temperatura 16 y 21.5 °C. Los contenidos de glicoalcaloides totales fueron: 1.5 mg/1OOg en el tubérculo fresco variedad DIACOL capiro y 2.6 mg/1OOg para la variedad ICA puracé. Al pasar de 15 a 30 días el almacenamiento de las dos variedades a ambas temperaturas, se incrementaron los glicoalcaloides totales. No obstante, estos valores están por debajo de los niveles que inciden en el sabor amargo y más distantes aún de los considerados tóxicos. Con respecto a la cocción, hubo una clara reducción en el contenido de los glicoalcaloides. Para la variedad ICA puracé, hubo menores niveles de glicoalcaloides a la temperatura 21.5 °C, pero la variedad DIACOL capiro no mostró esa diferencia.

  20. Effect of Salt Stress on Growth, Na+ Accumulation and Proline Metabolism in Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Cultivars

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jaarsma, R.; Vries, R.S.M.; de Boer, A.H.


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a major crop world-wide and the productivity of currently used cultivars is strongly reduced at high soil salt levels. We compared the response of six potato cultivars to increased root NaCl concentrations. Cuttings were grown hydroponically and treated with 0 mM, 60 mM

  1. Origen y evolución de la papa cultivada. Una revisión

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    Rodríguez Molano Luis Ernesto


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    Las primeras papas cultivadas probablemente fueron seleccionadas entre 6.000 y 10.000 años atrás, al norte del lago Titicaca, en los Andes del sur de Perú. Allí, a partir de las especies silvestres Solanum bukasovii, S. canasense y S. multissectum, pertenecientes al complejo S. brevicaule, se cree que se originó S. stenotomum, que es considerada la primera papa domesticada. Esta, a su vez, habría dado origen a S. andigena a través de repetidos procesos de poliploidización sexual en diferentes zonas de cultivo, con la consiguiente hibridación interespecífica e intervarietal que permitió ampliar la diversidad y adaptabilidad genética de la papa de los Andes. Los cultivares chilenos se derivaron posteriormente por hibridación de poblaciones andinas cultivadas con la especie silvestre S. tarijense. En el siglo xvi la papa migró a Europa y se dispersó por todo el orbe. Actualmente las papas cultivadas que se siembran en el mundo son conocidas colectivamente bajo el nombre de S. tuberosum.

  2. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber ageing induces changes in the proteome and antioxidants associated with the sprouting pattern

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Delaplace, P.; Fauconnier, M.L.; Sergeant, K.; Dierick, J.F.; Oufir, M.; Wal, van der F.; America, A.H.P.; Renaut, J.; Hausman, J.F.; Jardin, du P.


    During post-harvest storage, potato tubers age as they undergo an evolution of their physiological state influencing their sprouting pattern. In the present study, physiological and biochemical approaches were combined to provide new insights on potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desiree) tuber

  3. Spontaneous and induced loss of chromosomes in slow-growing somatic hybrid calli of Solanum tuberosum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tempelaar, MJ; Drenth - Diephuis, L.J.; SAAT, TAWM; Jacobsen, E.

    Rate and extent of spontaneous and induced chromosome loss have been determined at the callus level of somatic hybrids of mutants of Solanum tuberosum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. AEC (amino ethyl cystein) resistance in potato and Nitrate-Reductase deficiency in N. plumbaginifolia have been used

  4. Comparative effects of partial root-zone drying and deficit irrigation on nitrogen uptake in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Huiqun; Liu, Fulai; Andersen, Mathias Neumann


    The effects of partial root-zone drying (PRD) as compared with deficit irrigation (DI) and full irrigation (FI) on nitrogen (N) uptake and partitioning in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were investigated. Potato plants were grown in split-root pots and were exposed to FI, PRD, and DI treatments...

  5. Brilliant Green Dye Elimination from Water Using Psidium guajava Leaves and Solanum tuberosum Peels as Adsorbents in Environmentally Benign Way

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    Rabia Rehman


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to check the feasibility of Psidium guajava (Guava leaves and peels of Solanum tuberosum (Potato as biosorbents in removal of Brilliant Green (BG in batch mode. Surface analysis of biosorbents was done by FT-IR and quantitatively analyzed by Boehm titration. The removal of dye was confirmed by UV-VIS spectroscopy. Isothermal modeling was studied by using Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherms. Various isothermal parameters for adsorption of Brilliant Green such as qm=1.075 mg/g, 1.173 mg/g ΔG°=-3.397, and −2.397 KJ/mol were noted for Solanum tuberosum peels (PP and Psidium guajava leaves (GL, respectively. Similarly pH, moisture content, and various metals were quantitatively analyzed. Results showed that leaves of Psidium guajava were more effective for removal of Brilliant Green.

  6. Utilización de especies silvestres diploides cultivadas de papa a fin de transferir resistencia a las heladas a la papa común cultivada (Solanum tuberosum l.

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    Estrada Ramos Nelsón


    Full Text Available Las heladas constituyen un factor limitante importante para la producción de papa en las altiplanicies y cordilleras andinas de Suramérlca. Por su efecto, se pierde cerca de 20% de la
    producción. Se ha informado de unas 30 especies silvestres de papa que poseen alta resistencia a las heladas. La utilización de especies de papa silvestres muy valiosas y con
    resistencia a las heladas es más eficiente y factible, si se cruzan inicialmente con clones de la especie dlplolde cultivada Sol.num phureJ. Juz. et Buk. Los híbridos F1, pueden resultar dlploides, trlploides o tetraploides, los cuales en su mayoria
    se pueden cruzar nuevamente con clones o cultivares tetraploides de S. tuberoaum L. Mediante este método se pueden transferir rápida y fácilmente la mayoria de genes que controlan la resistencia a las heladas e incorporarlos en la papa comunmente cultivada S. tuberoaum L.

  7. Evaluación de la dinámica de conservación del producto final de un alimento obtenido por fermentación en estado sólido de la papa (Fes-papa

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    Luis Miguel Borras-Sandoval


    Full Text Available Se expone el efecto de la fermentación en estado sólido sobre un alimento preparado a base del tubérculo de la papa (Solanum tuberosum, y su posible utilización en la alimentación animal. La papa fresca y picada se mezcló con un material fibroso secante (harina de alfalfa, melaza, urea, un preparado microbiano, premezcla mineral, carbonato de calcio y sulfato de sodio, y se dejó fermentar, acorde con el tiempo y la temperatura previamente establecidos (48 h y 20°C, en bolsas plásticas de 50 kg. El producto Fes-papa se muestreó el día uno de elaboración y a los treinta y noventa días. El producto Fes-papa presentó modificaciones significativas en los indicadores fermentativos evaluados. El pH descendió constantemente desde el inicio (6.3 hasta terminar la evaluación (pH 4.86; algo similar ocurrió con la materia seca (MSI y el componente fibroso (FDN-FDA, los cuales descendieron con el tiempo de fermentación, mejorando sensiblemente la digestibilidad del producto. La Fes-papa es un proceso biotecnológico sencillo para aprovechar los tubérculos de los residuos de cosecha y generar un alimento energético-proteico que, acorde con los indicadores fermentativos y contenido en MS, pudiera ser empleado en la alimentación animal; además, contrarrestaría la contaminación ambiental.

  8. Acid Fostatase Activity in soils croping with potato and pastures from the Catambuco, Pasto, Colombia Actividad de fosfatasa ácida en suelos cultivados con papa y praderas del corregimiento de Catambuco, Pasto-Colombia

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    Burbano Hernán


    Full Text Available To estimated the acid phosphatase activity (APA in soil covered with potato and prairie in Catambuco, place Pasto, Colombia; located to 2820 msnm and with average temperature of 12.4oC. The acid phosphatase activity obtained the biggest values in soil covered with prairie in winter time, in addition to that, there were high correlations between the APA and the organic matter off the soil. In the factors sampling times and use of the soil, there were significance statistical differences, with the most significance in soil covered with prairie and with recent use in potato cultivation. The APA obtained the biggest percentage in soil covered with prairie, in front of the soil cultivated with potato for the two evaluated times. Key words: Acid phosphatase activity, use of land, Solanum tuberosumCon el objetivo de estimar y comparar la actividad de la fostatasa ácida (AFA en suelos sembrados con papa y con pastos, se realizó la presente investigación en suelos del corregimiento de Catambuco, municipio de Pasto, Colombia (2.820 msnm, 12.4oC. La mayor actividad de la fosfatasa ácida ocurrió en pradera en época de invierno; además se encontraron altas correlaciones entre AFA y el contenido de materia orgánica. Para los factores épocas de muestreo y uso del suelo hubo diferencias estadísticas altamente significativas y para suelos cubiertos con pradera y con uso reciente en el cultivo de papa. La AFA alcanzó el mayor porcentaje en suelos cubiertos con pradera, frente a los suelos cultivados con papa, para las dos épocas evaluadas. Palabras claves: Actividad fosfatasa ácida, uso del terreno, Solanum tuberosum

  9. Embriogénesis somática en papa cvs. Atlantic y Fritolay-1867

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    M. C. Sánchez-Enciso


    Full Text Available El empleo del cultivo in vitro de células y tejidos vegetales para la obtención de embriones somáticos, se considera como un método eficiente para la propagación de un número de especies de importancia agronómica y hortícola, entre las que se encuentra la papa Solanum tuberosum L. El objetivo del presente estudio fue la obtención de células embriogénicas a partir de explantes de mesófilo de hoja de papa cultivares Fritolay-1867 y Atlantic. La formación de embriones somáticos de papa ‘Fritolay-1867’ se promovió cuando en el medio de cultivo se utilizó thidiazuron a una concentración de 1.0 mg·litro-1 como regulador del crecimiento, los cuales se cultivaron en medio que contenía sales de Murashige y Skoog complementados con vitaminas, carbohidratos y antioxidantes, incubándose inicialmente durante ocho semanas en oscuridad y posteriormente durante fotoperíodos de 16 h luz a una intensidad de 44 µmol·s-1·m-2 y a una temperatura de 26±1 °C durante 60 días. A las nueve semanas se obtuvieron los primeros inicios de germinación de los embriones con un 5 %, desarrollando en plantas completas


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    D. Rodríguez-Aguilar


    Full Text Available El almidón resistente retrogradado (AR3 de las variedades de papa Pastusa (Solanum tuberosum grupo tuberosum y Guaneña (Solanum tuberosum grupo phureja fue evaluado como aditivo funcional con características similares a la fibra dietaria y por su potencial prebiótico en pollos de engorde. Se asignaron aleatoriamente 792 pollos machos Ross de un día de edad a uno de cinco tratamientos experimentales bajo un diseño completamente al azar. Se evaluaron niveles de suplementación de 1,0% de AR3 –Pastusa (AR3P y Guaneña (AR3G–, frente a manano-oligosacáridos (MOS, 0,5%, carboximetilcelulosa (CMC, 1%, levadura comercial (LEV, 0,5% y un control sin suplementar. Los datos se analizaron mediante el procedimiento GLM del programa SAS®. MOS y AR3P mostraron el mayor peso y ganancia de peso corporal al día 42 de edad (P<0,05, MOS presentó el menor consumo de alimento frente al tratamiento CMC (P<0,05, con una mejor conversión alimenticia comparado con CMC y el control sin suplementar (P<0,05. Los grupos AR3P y AR3G tuvieron un comportamiento intermedio para la conversión de alimento. El mayor porcentaje de eficiencia americana e índice de productividad fue para MOS, seguido de AR3P frente al control sin suplementar (P<0,05. Con referencia al ingreso neto parcial por pollo fraccionado, MOS mostró el mayor ingreso comparado con AR3G, observando para los demás tratamientos un comportamiento intermedio (P<0,05. Los resultados sugieren que el AR3P tiene potencial para ser usado como un aditivo funcional en dietas para pollos de engorde durante un ciclo comercial de producción.

  11. [Allelic state of the molecular marker for the golden nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) resistance gene H1 among Ukrainian and world cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum)]. (United States)

    Karelov, A V; Pilipenko, L A; Kozub, N A; Bondus, R A; Borzykh, A U; Sozinov, I A; Blium, Ia B; Sozinov, A A


    The purpose of our investigation was determination of allelic state of the H1 resistance gene against the pathotypes Ro1 and Ro4 of golden potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) among Ukrainian and world potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) cultivars. The allelic condition of the TG689 marker was determined by PCR with DNA samples isolated from tubers of potato and primers, one pair of which flanks the allele-specific region and the other one was used for the control of DNA quality. Among analyzed 77 potato cultivars the allele of marker associated with the H1-type resistance was found in 74% of Ukrainian and 90% foreign ones although some of those cultivars proved to be susceptible to the golden potato nematode in field. The obtained data confirm the presence of H1-resistance against golden nematode pathotypes Ro1 and Ro4 among the Ukrainian potato cultivars and efficiency of the used marker within the accuracy that has been declared by its authors.

  12. Evaluación de diferentes combinaciones fitohormonales en la regeneración de Solanum tuberosum (Solanaceae Var. Pastusa Suprema a partir de explantes internodales

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    Jenny Paola Jiménez Barreto


    Full Text Available La regeneración de plantas mediante el cultivo de tejidos es un importante componente de la biotecnología que es requerido para procesos tales como la obtención de plantas transgénicas. Se estableció un sistema eficiente de regeneración para la especie Solanum tuberosum L. var. Pastusa Suprema, susceptible de ser transformada genéticamente. Se evaluó el efecto de las fitohormonas zeatina ribósido (ZR, ácido naftalénacetico (ANA y ácido gibérelico (AG3, utilizadas en combinaciones específicas, sobre la inducción de callo, la regeneración y el número de brotes producidos por explante. La presencia de ANA demostró ser esencial en la respuesta callogénica y regenerativa de los explantes. Se encontró que la adición de 3,0 mg/L de ZR, 0,02 mg/L de ANA y 1,0 mg/L de AG3 sobre un medio básico M-S, es una formulación hormonal adecuada para inducir el proceso de organogénesis indirecta sobre la variedad de papa Pastusa Suprema; produce callogénesis y regeneración en porcentajes superiores al 90%, con un promedio de seis regenerantes por explante.

  13. Actividad biológica de Bacillus thuringiensis sobre la polilla guatemalteca de la papa, Tecia solanivora Povolny (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae

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    Adriana Carolina Rojas Arias


    Full Text Available La papa (Solanum tuberosum es uno de los cultivos más importantes de Colombia. Las larvas de la polilla guatemalteca de la papa, Tecia solanivora Povolny (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae, causan daños directos a los tubérculos, produciendo pérdidas económicas e incremento en el uso de agroquímicos. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt es una alternativa en el manejo de insectos plaga gracias a su especificidad. Su actividad depende de proteínas denominadas Cry, que cuando son ingeridas por un insecto susceptible forman poros en sus células intestinales que producen la muerte del insecto. Esta revisión presenta los estudios sobre el efecto de Bt hacia T. solanivora. Se ha encontrado que las toxinas Cry1Ac (base para variedades transgénicas y Cry1B tienen importante actividad tóxica. Igualmente se destaca la experiencia del diseño y evaluación de una toxina híbrida (Cry1B-Cry1I que resultó en una importante letalidad hacia T. solanivora.

  14. Antioxidant Capacity and Total Phenolic Compounds of Twelve Selected Potato Landrace Clones Grown in Southern Chile Capacidad Antioxidante y Compuestos Fenólicos totales de una Selección de Doce Variedades Tradicionales de Papa Cultivadas en la Región Sur de Chile

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    Kong Ah-Hen


    Full Text Available Colored potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. provide a natural source of phytochemicals that help reduce the risk of diseases. However, there is a lack of information on the degree of variation of the antioxidant activity and polyphenolic contents of these native potatoes. Thus, the antioxidant activity (AA and total phenolic content (TPC of native Chilean potatoes were determined. Twelve potato landrace clones collected from established cultivations on Chiloe Island and Valdivia were selected. Total phenolic content and AA were compared with two commercial varieties, Shepody and Desirée. Total phenolic content was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, and β-carotene bleaching was used to compare AA. The TPC varied in the peeled potato samples from 191 to 1864 mg 100 g-1 DM meanwhile these parameters varied from 345 to 2852 mg 100 g-1 DM in unpeeled samples. Antioxidant activity was higher in unpeeled potatoes, and was the highest in the unpeeled NG-6 or 'Bruja' native potato. The commercial var. Shepody showed pro-oxidant activity and had a relatively lower TPC. Results also indicated a higher concentration of total phenolics in the periderm of the colored native Chilean potatoes.Las papas (Solanum tuberosum L. coloreadas son una fuent natural de fitoquímicos que ayudan a reducir el riesgo de enfermedades. Sin embargo, existe una falta de información sobre el grado de variación de la actividad antioxidante y el contenido de polifenoles en estas papas nativas. Es así como la actividad antioxidante (AA y contenido de fenoles totales (TPC se determinaron en papas nativas chilenas. Doce genotipos de papa recogidos de cultivos establecidos en la Isla de Chiloé y en Valdivia fueron seleccionados, y se compararon TPC y AA con dos variedades comerciales, Shepody y Desirée. El TPC se determinó por el método de Folin-Ciocalteu, y el blanqueamiento de p-caroteno se utilizó para comparar la AA. El TPC varió en las muestras de papas sin piel desde

  15. The chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA type are correlated with the nuclear composition of somatic hybrid calli of Solanum tuberosum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. (United States)

    Wolters, A M; Koornneef, M; Gilissen, L J


    This paper describes the analysis of chloroplast (cp) DNA and mitochondrial (mt) DNA in 21 somatic hybrid calli of Solanum tuberosum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia by means of Southern-blot hybridization. Each of these calli contained only one type of cpDNA; 14 had the N. plumbaginifolia (Np) type and seven the S. tuberosum (St) type. N. plumbaginifolia cpDNA was present in hybrids previously shown to contain predominantly N. plumbaginifolia chromosomes whereas hybrids in which S. tuberosum chromosomes predominated possessed cpDNA from potato. We have analyzed the mtDNA of these 21 somatic hybrid calli using four restriction enzyme/probe combinations. Most fusion products had only, or mostly, mtDNA fragments from the parent that predominated in the nucleus. The hybrids containing mtDNA fragments from only one parent (and new fragments) also possessed chloroplasts from the same species. The results suggest the existence of a strong nucleo-cytoplasmic incongruity which affects the genome composition of somatic hybrids between distantly related species.

  16. Caracterización Citogenética de Cinco Genotipos de Papa Criolla, Solanum phureja (Juz. et Buk. Cytogenetic Characterization of Five "Criolla" Potato Genotypes, Solanum phureja (Juz. et Buk.

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    Tiani Melissa Gómez Pulgarín


    Full Text Available Resumen. El cultivo de la papa ocupa el cuarto lugar en el mundo en importancia después del arroz, trigo y maíz. La papa criolla (Solanum phureja posee características valiosas desde el punto de vista culinario y nutricional, por su alto contenido de vitaminas, minerales, fibra y calidad de proteína. Colombia es un centro de diversidad y origen de papas criollas, lo que representa un enorme potencial de recurso genético para el fitomejoramiento. En la Universidad Nacional de Colombia se conserva el banco de germoplasma de papas criollas de Colombia. El estudio de los cariotipos es importante para entender las bases genéticas que apoyan los cruces que se realizan en los programas de mejoramiento. A pesar de la importancia de este recurso, la caracterización de los cariotipos de las accesiones no ha sido realizada completamente. En este estudio se caracterizaron dos materiales de la colección de S. phureja y tres provenientes de la F1 del cruce de un genotipo resistente y otro susceptible a la enfermedad conocida como gota de la papa. El análisis comparativo permitió identificar diferencias en la morfología celular, dos niveles de ploidía (diploide y triploide, con dos variaciones aneugénicas (hipodiploide y trisomía doble y cuatro números cromosómicos (18, 24, 26 y 36 para los cinco genotipos evaluados.Abstract. Potato crop is forth in importance worldwide after rice, wheat, and corn. Diploid potato cv. Criolla (Solanum phureja shows highly desired culinary and nutritional characteristics, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein quality. Colombia is a diversity and origin center of diploid potatoes cv. Criolla, which represents an enormous genetic resource potential for plant breeding. At Universidad Nacional de Colombia the potato "criollas" germplasm bank is mantained. Karyotype analysis is important for understanding genetic basis of plant breeding. Despite the importance of this resource karyotype analysis of this

  17. Genome-wide analysis and expression profiling of the ERF transcription factor family in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    Charfeddine, Mariam; Saïdi, Mohamed Najib; Charfeddine, Safa; Hammami, Asma; Gargouri Bouzid, Radhia


    The ERF transcription factors belong to the AP2/ERF superfamily, one of the largest transcription factor families in plants. They play important roles in plant development processes, as well as in the response to biotic, abiotic, and hormone signaling. In the present study, 155 putative ERF transcription factor genes were identified from the potato (Solanum tuberosum) genome database, and compared with those from Arabidopsis thaliana. The StERF proteins are divided into ten phylogenetic groups. Expression analyses of five StERFs were carried out by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and compared with published RNA-seq data. These latter analyses were used to distinguish tissue-specific, biotic, and abiotic stress genes as well as hormone-responsive StERF genes. The results are of interest to better understand the role of the AP2/ERF genes in response to diverse types of stress in potatoes. A comprehensive analysis of the physiological functions and biological roles of the ERF family genes in S. tuberosum is required to understand crop stress tolerance mechanisms.

  18. Evaluación preliminar del efecto que sobre algunas enzimas del suelo tienen diferentes mecanismos de control del hongo (Phytophthora infestans en un cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum bajo dos tipos de manejo agrícola (orgánico y convencional

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    Pedro Nel Murcia García


    Full Text Available Se evaluó comparativamente el posible efecto diferencial que, sobre la actividad de las enzimas proteasa, fosfatasa ácida, fosfatasa alcalina y celulasa, además del pH y la materia orgánica del suelo, tuvieron los métodos de control de Phytophthora infestans tanto en la agricultura orgánica (purín de Chipaca Bidens pilosum como en la convencional (diversos fungicidas comerciales en plantas de papa (Solanum tuberosum. Igualmente, en los parámetros antes mencionados, se evaluó el efecto de un promotor fúngico utilizado como control del mismo hongo en ambas agriculturas. La investigación se dividió en una fase de campo y una de laboratorio. En la fase de campo, realizada durante siete meses de 1999, se acompañó la siembra, el desarrollo del cultivo y evolución de la enfermedad a través de la determinación de la incidencia y su severidad. En el laboratorio se determinó la actividad enzimática proteasa, fosfatasa ácida, fosfatasa alcalina, celulasa, así como también el pH y porcentaje de materia orgánica. Se encontró que en el manejo agrícola orgánico la actividad de la fosfatasa ácida, la fosfatasa alcalina y la proteasa así como también el pH fueron más influenciados por el estado de desarrollo de las plantas que por efecto del los tratamientos utilizados en el control del hongo. En el manejo agrícola convencional la actividad enzimática de las celulasas fue inhibida significativamente por los fungicidas. La actividad de las proteasas y fosfatasas ácidas fueron estimuladas por efecto de los fungicidas comerciales y por el estado de desarrollo de las plantas. Las actividades enzimáticas fosfatasa ácida, proteasa y celulasa presentaron comportamientos significativamente diferentes entre los cultivos convencional y orgánico. Para el control de la enfermedad, el uso de los fungicidas fue el tratamiento que mejores resultados presentó con una mayor producción de papa pero con mayores gastos de producción, mientras

  19. Physico-chemical and sensory evaluation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. after irradiation

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This work evaluated the effects of ionizing radiation on the physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of the potato cultivar Ágata (Solanum tuberosum L., including budding and deterioration, with the end goal of increasing shelf life. For this, four groups of samples were harvested at the maturation stage. Three of them were separately exposed to a Co-60 source, receiving respective doses of 0.10, 0.15 and 2.00 kGy, while the non-irradiated group was kept as a control. All samples were stored for 35 days at 24 °C (± 2 and at 39% relative humidity. The following aspects were evaluated: budding, rot, loss of weight, texture, flesh color, moisture, external and internal appearance, aroma, soluble solids, titratable acidity, vitamin C, protein, starch and glucose. The results indicated that 0.15 kGy was the most effective dose to reduce sprouting and post-harvest losses, under the conditions studied.

  20. Sucrose and light effects on in vitro cultures of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), chokecherry (Prunus virginiana L.) and Saskatoon berry (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.) during low temperature storage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pruski, K.; Kozai, T.; Lewis, T.; Astatkie, T.; Nowak, J.


    Cultures of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cv. Atlantic, chokecherry ( Prunus virginiana L.) cv. Garrington and saskatoon berry (Amelancher alnifolia Nutt.) cv. Northline grown in vitro for 3 weeks at 24/22 °C, 16-h photoperiod, 150 μmol m-2 s-1 photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) mixed

  1. Expression of recombinant staphylokinase, a fibrin-specific plasminogen activator of bacterial origin, in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants. (United States)

    Gerszberg, Aneta; Wiktorek-Smagur, Aneta; Hnatuszko-Konka, Katarzyna; Łuchniak, Piotr; Kononowicz, Andrzej K


    One of the most dynamically developing sectors of green biotechnology is molecular farming using transgenic plants as natural bioreactors for the large scale production of recombinant proteins with biopharmaceutical and therapeutic values. Such properties are characteristic of certain proteins of bacterial origin, including staphylokinase. For many years, work has been carried out on the use of this protein in thrombolytic therapy. In this study, transgenic Solanum tuberosum plants expressing a CaMV::sak-mgpf-gusA gene fusion, were obtained. AGL1 A. tumefaciens strain was used in the process of transformation. The presence of the staphylokinase gene was confirmed by PCR in 22.5% of the investigated plants. The expression of the fusion transgene was detected using the β-glucuronidase activity assay in 32 putative transgenic plants. Furthermore, on the basis of the GUS histochemical reaction, the transgene expression pattern had a strong, constitutive character in seven of the transformants. The polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of a protein extract from the SAK/PCR-positive plants, revealed the presence of a119 kDa protein that corresponds to that of the fusion protein SAK-mGFP-GUSA. Western blot analysis, using an antibody against staphylokinase, showed the presence of the staphylokinase domain in the 119 kDa protein in six analyzed transformants. However, the enzymatic test revealed amidolytic activity characteristic of staphylokinase in the protein extract of only one plant. This is the first report on a Solanum tuberosum plant producing a recombinant staphylokinase protein, a plasminogen activator of bacterial origin.

  2. [Polymorphism of KPI-A genes from plants of the subgenus Potatoe (sect. Petota, Estolonifera and Lycopersicum) and subgenus Solanum]. (United States)

    Krinitsyna, A A; Mel'nikova, N V; Belenikin, M S; Poltronieri, P; Santino, A; Kudriavtseva, A V; Savilova, A M; Speranskaia, A S


    Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor proteins of group A (KPI-A) are involved in the protection of potato plants from pathogens and pests. Although sequences of large number of the KPI-A genes from different species of cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) and a few genes from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) are known to date, information about the allelic diversity of these genes in other species of the genus Solanum is lacking. In our work, the consensus sequences of the KPI-A genes were established in two species of subgenus Potatoe sect. Petota (Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum--5 genes and Solanum stoloniferum--2 genes) and in the subgenus Solanum (Solanum nigrum--5 genes) by amplification, cloning, sequencing and subsequent analysis. The determined sequences of KPI-A genes were 97-100% identical to known sequences of the cultivated potato of sect. Petota (cultivated potato Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) and sect. Etuberosum (S. palustre). The interspecific variability of these genes did not exceed the intraspecific variability for all studied species except Solanum lycopersicum. The distribution of highly variable and conserved sequences in the mature protein-encoding regions was uniform for all investigated KPI-A genes. However, our attempts to amplify the homologous genes using the same primers and the genomes of Solanum dulcamarum, Solanum lycopersicum and Mandragora officinarum resulted in no product formation. Phylogenetic analysis of KPI-A diversity showed that the sequences of the S. lycopersicum form independent cluster, whereas KPI-A of S. nigrum and species of sect. Etuberosum and sect. Petota are closely related and do not form species-specific subclasters. Although Solanum nigrum is resistant to all known races of economically one of the most important diseases of solanaceous plants oomycete Phytophthora infestans aminoacid sequences encoding by KPI-A genes from its genome have nearly or absolutely no differences to the same from

  3. Antibacterial effects of Solanum tuberosum peel ethanol extract in vitro

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    Amanpour Raana


    Full Text Available Introduction: Today, medicinal plants are being widely used due to being natural, available, and cheaper than synthetic drugs and having minimum side effects. Since there were reports about the antibacterial properties of Solanum tuberosum (SE, the aim of this study was to investigate the antibacterial effects of SE ethanol extract in vitro condition on Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Methods: Ethanol extract of SE peel was prepared by maceration method. Initially, antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of SE was qualitatively determined by disk diffusion test; then, the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration were qualitatively determined by micro-dilution method. Results: SE peel extract had antibacterial properties and its effect was more pronounced on gram-positive bacteria, especially S. aureus (0.62±0.00 mg/ml. The extract had antibacterial activity on gram-negative bacteria, P. aeruginosa, too (8.33±2.88 mg/ml. Conclusion: SE peel extract has antibacterial activity and its effect on gram-positive bacteria was more pronounced than the investigated gram-negative bacteria. Therefore, it is suggested that SE peel constituent compounds be determined and to determine the exact mechanism of its antibacterial properties, and more comprehensive research be done to apply it, clinically.

  4. Photocatalytic activity of biogenic silver nanoparticles synthesized using potato (Solanum tuberosum) infusion. (United States)

    Roy, Kaushik; Sarkar, C K; Ghosh, C K


    In this study, we have reported a fast and eco-benign procedure to synthesis silver nanoparticle at room temperature using potato (Solanum tuberosum) infusion along with the study of its photocatalytic activity on methyl orange dye. After addition of potato infusion to silver nitrate solution, the color of the mixture changed indicating formation of silver nanoparticles. Time dependent UV-Vis spectra were obtained to study the rate of nanoparticle formation with time. Purity and crystallinity of the biogenic silver nanoparticles were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Average size and morphology of the nanoparticles were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) was employed to detect functional bio-molecules responsible that contribute to the reduction and capping of biosynthesized Ag nanoparticles. Further, these synthesized nanoparticles were used to investigate their ability to degrade methyl orange dye under sunlight irradiation and the results showed effective photocatalytic property of these biogenic silver nanoparticles. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Development of a real-time PCR method for the differential detection and quantification of four solanaceae in GMO analysis: potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), eggplant (Solanum melongena), and pepper (Capsicum annuum). (United States)

    Chaouachi, Maher; El Malki, Redouane; Berard, Aurélie; Romaniuk, Marcel; Laval, Valérie; Brunel, Dominique; Bertheau, Yves


    The labeling of products containing genetically modified organisms (GMO) is linked to their quantification since a threshold for the presence of fortuitous GMOs in food has been established. This threshold is calculated from a combination of two absolute quantification values: one for the specific GMO target and the second for an endogenous reference gene specific to the taxon. Thus, the development of reliable methods to quantify GMOs using endogenous reference genes in complex matrixes such as food and feed is needed. Plant identification can be difficult in the case of closely related taxa, which moreover are subject to introgression events. Based on the homology of beta-fructosidase sequences obtained from public databases, two couples of consensus primers were designed for the detection, quantification, and differentiation of four Solanaceae: potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), pepper (Capsicum annuum), and eggplant (Solanum melongena). Sequence variability was studied first using lines and cultivars (intraspecies sequence variability), then using taxa involved in gene introgressions, and finally, using taxonomically close taxa (interspecies sequence variability). This study allowed us to design four highly specific TaqMan-MGB probes. A duplex real time PCR assay was developed for simultaneous quantification of tomato and potato. For eggplant and pepper, only simplex real time PCR tests were developed. The results demonstrated the high specificity and sensitivity of the assays. We therefore conclude that beta-fructosidase can be used as an endogenous reference gene for GMO analysis.

  6. The nitrogen responsive transcriptome in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) reveals significant gene regulatory motifs. (United States)

    Gálvez, José Héctor; Tai, Helen H; Lagüe, Martin; Zebarth, Bernie J; Strömvik, Martina V


    Nitrogen (N) is the most important nutrient for the growth of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Foliar gene expression in potato plants with and without N supplementation at 180 kg N ha(-1) was compared at mid-season. Genes with consistent differences in foliar expression due to N supplementation over three cultivars and two developmental time points were examined. In total, thirty genes were found to be over-expressed and nine genes were found to be under-expressed with supplemented N. Functional relationships between over-expressed genes were found. The main metabolic pathway represented among differentially expressed genes was amino acid metabolism. The 1000 bp upstream flanking regions of the differentially expressed genes were analysed and nine overrepresented motifs were found using three motif discovery algorithms (Seeder, Weeder and MEME). These results point to coordinated gene regulation at the transcriptional level controlling steady state potato responses to N sufficiency.

  7. Molecular evolution of the disease resistance gene Rx in Solanum

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Butterbach, P.B.E.


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) is the fourth most important food crop with an annual yield of about 300 million tons over the world. The history of the domestication of potato shows that disease-causing agents followed the tracks of potato cultivation in temperate climates

  8. A major QTL and an SSR marker associated with glycoalkaloid content in potato tubers from Solanum tuberosum × S. sparsipilum located at chromosome I

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Kirsten Kørup; Kirk, Hanne Grethe; Olsson, Kerstin


    tubers and identify markers that link tightly to this trait. In this study, tubers of a dihaploid BC1 population, originating from a cross between 90-HAF-01 (S. tuberosum 1) and 90-HAG-15 (S. tuberosum 2 × S. sparsipilum), were evaluated for content of α-solanine and α-chaconine (total glycoalkaloid, TGA...... and the HAF parent. Quantitative trait loci for glycoalkaloid production in foliage of different Solanum species have previously been mapped to this chromosome. In the present research, QTLs for α-solanine and α-chaconine content were mapped to the same location as for TGA content. Similar results were...

  9. Expression of an isoflavone reductase-like gene enhanced by pollen tube growth in pistils of Solanum tuberosum. (United States)

    van Eldik, G J; Ruiter, R K; Colla, P H; van Herpen, M M; Schrauwen, J A; Wullems, G J


    Successful sexual reproduction relies on gene products delivered by the pistil to create an environment suitable for pollen tube growth. These compounds are either produced before pollination or formed during the interactions between pistil and pollen tubes. Here we describe the pollination-enhanced expression of the cp100 gene in pistils of Solanum tuberosum. Temporal analysis of gene expression revealed an enhanced expression already one hour after pollination and lasts more than 72 h. Increase in expression also occurred after touching the stigma and was not restricted to the site of touch but spread into the style. The predicted CP100 protein shows similarity to leguminous isoflavone reductases (IFRs), but belongs to a family of IFR-like NAD(P)H-dependent oxidoreductases present in various plant species.

  10. Asociaciones de marcadores moleculares con la resistencia a enfermedades, caracteres morfológicos y agronómicos en familias diploides de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.

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    Julio Gabriel


    Full Text Available Quince familias de papa (840 genotipos provenientes de cruzas inter-específicas entre especies de Solanum stenotomum, S. goniocalyx y S. phureja  fueron genotipadas, con el objetivo de asociar  seis marcadores moleculares (GP94, HC, Nl25, Gro 1-4, RYSC3 y CP60 con genes mayores de resistencia para tizón tardío (Phytophthora infestans, verruga (Synchytrium endobioticum, nematodo - quiste (Globodera pallida y G. rostochiensis y virus PVY y PVX. Los resultados mostraron que cinco de los marcadores aplicados fueron polimórficos y amplificaron en más del 80% de las familias. El marcador RYSC3 que co-localiza con el gen Ryadg no amplificó en ninguna de las familias evaluadas. La familia 8 amplificó la banda para tres marcadores (CP60, GP94 y NL25 en la totalidad de sus clones. La prueba de χ2 se utilizó para determinar el ajuste de las proporciones de segregación de cada familia para cada marcador y genotipar los progenitores. Nueve caracteres agronómicos y morfológicos fueron evaluados en la cosecha. Mediante agrupamiento cluster fueron seleccionados 107 clones con resistencia a PVX, P. infestans, G. rostochiensis y S. endobioticum, alto rendimiento y volumen de tubérculos, elevado número de tubérculos y ojos superficiales. Sobre la base de estos resultados, aspectos prácticos para la aplicación eficiente de la selección asistida por marcadores moleculares son discutidos en este artículo.

  11. Radiation hormesis in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) part 1: Laboratory research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiendl, F.M.; Arthur, V.; Wiendl, J.A.


    This paper describes the results of irradiation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers of two varieties. Bintje and Baraka, with gamma radiations of Cobalt-60 at a dose of: 0.0. 2.5. 5.0 and 7.5 Gy, at the dose rate of 150 Gy per hour. Twenty eight potatoes of each variety were irradiated with each dose. Half of these potatoes were planted individually into aluminium cages of about 15 X 10 X 3 cm, using circa 120 ml of vermiculite in each cage, immediately after radiation. After seven days the rest of the potatoes was planted under the same conditions. The whole experiment was conducted into a chamber under dark conditions and temperature between 23 and 27 centigrade. Almost every two or three days each potato received circa 50 ml of plain water. After 143 to 154 days of irradiation the experiment was finished, and the following parameter were determined. Weight of potatoes without sprouts or roots; number of the eyes on which occurred sprouting; length of the longest sprout of its respective eye; humid weight of the sprouts; dry weight of the sprouts; humid weight of the roots; dry weight of the roots. (author). 19 refs, 2 tabs


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    Jairo Yovani Rios Quinchoa


    Full Text Available La fertilización es una labor que cumple con la necesidad de suplementar a la planta, los nutrientes no satisfechos por el suelo en su condición de fertilidad natural. Por muchas décadas se han utilizado dosis deficientes que conducen a bajas producciones, y en ocasiones dosis excesivas de fertilizantes químicos que pueden generar problemas ambientales. La fertilización con nutrientes secundarios (Ca, Mg, S y el micronutriente B, han sido poco estudiadas en el cultivo de papa, razón por la cual se evaluó, en el Centro Agropecuario Paysandú de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Medellín, el efecto de diferentes dosis de estos nutrientes en un cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum spp. Andigena de la variedad DIACOL Capiro en un suelo con propiedades ándicas de Santa Rosa de Osos. Se utilizaron dosis bajas, moderadas y altas de NPK, Ca, Mg, B y S, y se encontró una respuesta positiva en rendimiento a las aplicaciones crecientes de NPK (500, 1.500 y 3000 kg ha-1, también se presentaron diferencias significativas en peso de los tubérculos de primera y segunda categoría, mientras que los tubérculos de tercera y cuarta categoría no presentaron diferencias significativas. Las interacciones entre Ca, Mg, B y S no tuvieron efecto apreciable sobre el rendimiento de los tubérculos, ya que en la mayoría de los casos solo se observaron los efectos simples de dichos elementos.The fertilization is a work that fulfills the supplementary to the plant nutritional necessities that are not satisfied by the soil, in its condition of natural fertility. For many decades faulty doses has been used that take to low productions, and in occasions excessive doses of chemical fertilizers that lead to environmental problems. The fertilization with nutritious secondary (Ca, Mg, S and the micronutrient B, has been little studied in potato crop in Colombia; for this reason, we evaluated, in the Centro de Investigacion e Innovación Agropecuaria y Forestal

  13. Efecto de la edad al trasplante y de la concentración de azúcar in vitro sobre la adaptación y el crecimiento de vitroplantas de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. vars. atlantic y 1625 frito lay en invernadero.

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    Rafael Orozco


    Full Text Available La aclimatización y posterior crecimiento y desarrollo in vivo de plantas propagadas in vitro constituye una de las etapas culminantes del proceso de micropropagación de una especie. Esta investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de diferentes edades al trasplante (15, 20 y 25 días de cultivo y el preacondicionamiento in vitro con tres niveles de azúcar comercial (15, 30 y 45 g L-1 sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo en invernadero de vitroplantas de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. vars. Atlantic y 1625 Frito Lay. En el primer caso se usó el medio de cultivo MS (1962 suministrado por laboratorios Gibco, a razón de 17 g L-1 y suplementado con vitaminas y aminoácidos del mismo medio. En el segundo caso se usó el medio Hyponex a razón de 2.25 g L-1 suplementado con las vitaminas y aminoácidos del medio MS. Los resultados indican que es posible trasplantar a suelo plantas de ambas variedades en cualquiera de las tres edades, sin afectar el rendimiento de minitubérculos. Sin embargo, la tasa de fotosíntesis aparente (TFA se vio favorecida al incrementarse la edad. Respecto a la influencia del preacondicionamiento in vitro con diferentes concentraciones de azúcar, las plantas de la variedad Atlantic ganaron altura, peso seco de raíz y peso fresco y seco de minitubérculos con 15 g L-1 de azúcar, mientras que en plantas de la variedad 1625, este efecto se dio en la concentración de 30 g L-1; el número de minitubérculos no fue favorecido con las concentraciones de azúcar empleadas en el medio Hyponex, pero sí en el medio MS (1962. En este último caso, la TFA sufrió una ganancia gradual al aumentar la concentración de azúcar.

  14. Comparative sequence analysis of the potato cyst nematode resistance locus H1 reveals a major lack of co-linearity between three haplotypes in potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp.). (United States)

    Finkers-Tomczak, Anna; Bakker, Erin; de Boer, Jan; van der Vossen, Edwin; Achenbach, Ute; Golas, Tomasz; Suryaningrat, Suwardi; Smant, Geert; Bakker, Jaap; Goverse, Aska


    The H1 locus confers resistance to the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis pathotypes 1 and 4. It is positioned at the distal end of chromosome V of the diploid Solanum tuberosum genotype SH83-92-488 (SH) on an introgression segment derived from S. tuberosum ssp. andigena. Markers from a high-resolution genetic map of the H1 locus (Bakker et al. in Theor Appl Genet 109:146-152, 2004) were used to screen a BAC library to construct a physical map covering a 341-kb region of the resistant haplotype coming from SH. For comparison, physical maps were also generated of the two haplotypes from the diploid susceptible genotype RH89-039-16 (S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum/S. phureja), spanning syntenic regions of 700 and 319 kb. Gene predictions on the genomic segments resulted in the identification of a large cluster consisting of variable numbers of the CC-NB-LRR type of R genes for each haplotype. Furthermore, the regions were interspersed with numerous transposable elements and genes coding for an extensin-like protein and an amino acid transporter. Comparative analysis revealed a major lack of gene order conservation in the sequences of the three closely related haplotypes. Our data provide insight in the evolutionary mechanisms shaping the H1 locus and will facilitate the map-based cloning of the H1 resistance gene.

  15. A set of tetra-nucleotide core motif SSR markers for efficient identification of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars. (United States)

    Kishine, Masahiro; Tsutsumi, Katsuji; Kitta, Kazumi


    Simple sequence repeat (SSR) is a popular tool for individual fingerprinting. The long-core motif (e.g. tetra-, penta-, and hexa-nucleotide) simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are preferred because they make it easier to separate and distinguish neighbor alleles. In the present study, a new set of 8 tetra-nucleotide SSRs in potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) is reported. By using these 8 markers, 72 out of 76 cultivars obtained from Japan and the United States were clearly discriminated, while two pairs, both of which arose from natural variation, showed identical profiles. The combined probability of identity between two random cultivars for the set of 8 SSR markers was estimated to be 1.10 × 10 -8 , confirming the usefulness of the proposed SSR markers for fingerprinting analyses of potato.

  16. Control Químico de Maleza en el Cultivo de Papa Solanum tuberosum L., en la Región de Irapuato, Gto., México Control Químico de Maleza en el Cultivo de Papa Solanum tuberosum L., en la Región de Irapuato, Gto., México

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    Luis Pérez Moreno


    Full Text Available Este estudio se realizó en el Campo Agrícola Experimental del Instituto de Ciencias Agrícolas de la Universidad de Guanajuato, municipio de Irapuato, Gto., México; las actividades iniciaron en Septiembre de 1998 y culminaron en Diciembre de 1998. La variedad de papa utilizada fue la Alfa. Se evaluaron los tratamientos herbicidas oxadiazón, metribuzín y diurón, comparados con un testigo limpio y un testigo con maleza todo el ciclo. Se usó un diseño experimental de bloques al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. Se analizaron las variables: a respuesta de cada una de las especies de maleza al efecto de los herbicidas y b daño al follaje de la papa por efecto de los herbicidas. Se encontró que ninguno de los herbicidas evaluados ocasionó fitotoxicidad a las plantas de papa. Con respecto a control de maleza, los mejores tratamientos fueron el testigo sin maleza todo el ciclo, el oxadiazón en dosis de 3, 4 y 5 l ha-1 y el metribuzín en dosis de 1 kg ha-1. This study was conducted at the Experimental Agricultural Field of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Guanajuato, in Irapuato, Gto., Mexico; the study was started on September 1998 and was ended on December of the same year. The variety used was Alpha. The treatments evaluated were the application of herbicides oxadiazon, metribuzin and diuron, to weeded and unweeded plots for a complete cycle. A randomized block design was used with four replicates. The variables examined were: a response of each weed species to the effect of herbicides and, b damage to the potato leaves affected by herbicides. It was found that none of the evaluated herbicides caused phytointoxication to potato plants. Regarding the weed control the best treatments were the unweeded whole cycle, the oxadiazon at dosages of 3, 4 and 5 l ha-1 and metribuzin at a dosage of 1.0 kg ha-1.  

  17. Infra-red thermography for high throughput field phenotyping in Solanum tuberosum.

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    Ankush Prashar

    Full Text Available The rapid development of genomic technology has made high throughput genotyping widely accessible but the associated high throughput phenotyping is now the major limiting factor in genetic analysis of traits. This paper evaluates the use of thermal imaging for the high throughput field phenotyping of Solanum tuberosum for differences in stomatal behaviour. A large multi-replicated trial of a potato mapping population was used to investigate the consistency in genotypic rankings across different trials and across measurements made at different times of day and on different days. The results confirmed a high degree of consistency between the genotypic rankings based on relative canopy temperature on different occasions. Genotype discrimination was enhanced both through normalising data by expressing genotype temperatures as differences from image means and through the enhanced replication obtained by using overlapping images. A Monte Carlo simulation approach was used to confirm the magnitude of genotypic differences that it is possible to discriminate. The results showed a clear negative association between canopy temperature and final tuber yield for this population, when grown under ample moisture supply. We have therefore established infrared thermography as an easy, rapid and non-destructive screening method for evaluating large population trials for genetic analysis. We also envisage this approach as having great potential for evaluating plant response to stress under field conditions.

  18. Tissue Damage, Temperature, and pH Induced by Different Electrode Arrays on Potato Pieces (Solanum tuberosum L.

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    Maraelys Morales González


    Full Text Available One of the most challenging problems of electrochemical therapy is the design and selection of suitable electrode array for cancer. The aim is to determine how two-dimensional spatial patterns of tissue damage, temperature, and pH induced in pieces of potato (Solanum tuberosum L., var. Mondial depend on electrode array with circular, elliptical, parabolic, and hyperbolic shape. The results show the similarity between the shapes of spatial patterns of tissue damage and electric field intensity, which, like temperature and pH take the same shape of electrode array. The adequate selection of suitable electrodes array requires an integrated analysis that involves, in a unified way, relevant information about the electrochemical process, which is essential to perform more efficiently way the therapeutic planning and the personalized therapy for patients with a cancerous tumor.

  19. The Transcriptome of Compatible and Incompatible Interactions of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) with Phytophthora infestans Revealed by DeepSAGE Analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gyetvai, Gabor; Sønderkær, Mads; Göbel, Ulrike


    of the compatible and incompatible interaction were captured by DeepSAGE analysis of 44 biological samples comprising five genotypes, differing only by the presence or absence of the R1 transgene, three infection time points and three biological replicates. 30.859 unique 21 base pair sequence tags were obtained......Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, is the most important disease of potato (Solanum tuberosum). Understanding the molecular basis of resistance and susceptibility to late blight is therefore highly relevant for developing resistant cultivars, either by marker...... interactions over the infection time course and between compatible and incompatible genotypes. Transcriptional changes were more numerous in compatible than in incompatible interactions. In contrast to incompatible interactions, transcriptional changes in the compatible interaction were observed predominantly...

  20. Partial root zone drying (PRD) sustains yield of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) at reduced water supply

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shahnazari, Ali; Andersen, Mathias Neumann; Liu, Fulai


    Partial root zone drying (PRD) is a new water-saving irrigation strategy being tested in many crop species. Until now it has not been investigated in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). A field experiment on sandy soil in Denmark was conducted under a mobile rainout shelter to study effects of two...... subsurface drip irrigation treatments ((1) Full Irrigation (FI) receiving 100% of evaporative demand; and (2) PRD receiving 70% water of FI) on potato yield, tuber size, leaf water relations and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE). The PRD treatment was started just after the end of tuber initiation...... for two months during tuber bulking and maturing stage and was shifted from one side to the other side of the plants every 5-10 days when FI plants had used 20-25 mm. Compared to FI plants, stomatal conductance was generally lower in the PRD-treated plants, whereas leaf water potential tended to be lower...

  1. EVALUACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA in vitro PARA ESTUDIOS DE Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea EN RAÍCES DE PAPA (Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena L.) Var. DIACOL CAPIRO




    La papa es uno de los principales cultivos de importancia a nivel mundial. Según la Cadena Agroalimentaria de la papa de Colombia, la sarna polvosa está dentro de los siete principales problemas fitosanitarios de este cultivo en las zonas productoras. La enfermedad es causada por el patógeno Spongospora subterranea, que disminuye la producción y calidad de los tubérculos. La naturaleza obligada del patógeno  imposibilita su aislamiento y el mantenimiento de cepas, dificultando su investigació...

  2. Robust regeneration protocol for the Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation of Solanum tuberosum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abbasi, A.; Bilal, M.; Hussain, J.; Shah, M. M.; Hassan, A.


    Plant genetic transformation requires robust regeneration system. Plant growth regulators (PGRs) such as cytokinins (CKs) play a pivotal role in organogenesis; however, CKs are the most expensive PGRs. In the current study, an efficient yet economical protocol for regeneration of potato plant was developed. Stem inter-nodal and leaf explants were cultured on different regeneration media supplemented with varying concentration of different CKs such as kinetin and zeatin. Murashige- Skoog media added with zeatin (1, 1.5 mg/L) was designated as RZ1, RZ1.5, respectively or kinetin (1.5, 2 mg/L) was designated as RK1.5 and RK2, respectively, however, concentrations of other hormones such as NAA (1-Naphthaleneacetic acid) and GA3 (Gibberellic acid A3) were kept same. RZ1 and RZ1.5 gave significantly better Results as compared to RK-type media in all aspects studied such as callus initiation, days to first shoot emergence, number of shoots per explants. RZ1 medium was then selected as regeneration media for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of potato plants with cyanobacterial phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase gene, which provided multiple putative transformants on selection media. The transformants were further confirmed through PCR. The current protocol is found to be cost effective and efficient for the regeneration of Solanum tuberosum and can be successfully implied for the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. (author)

  3. Phenetic relationships of nine varieties of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) based on morphological characters (United States)

    Hidayat, Topik; Barlian, Andri; Kusdianti, R.; Kirana, Rinda


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.; Solanaceae) is an important commodity in Indonesia as one of the main crop after rice. Recently some new varieties have been released, but their relationship have not been studied yet. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship among nine varieties of potatoes. Phenetic analysis was conducted using 27 morphological character states, which was derived from stems, leaves, and tubers. The character states observed were scored, and further analyzed based on Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) method. The results showed a high diversity of morphological character states, of which 20 states were significantly different across the varieties. Phenogram indicated that the nine varieties of potato were classified into three main groups. While the first group was consisted of varieties of Cipanas, Granola, Atlantic, and Repita, the second group was housed of Manohara and GM 05. The third group was composed of Margahayu, Mb 17, and Maglia. This pattern of relationships can be used as one of the basis in the process of crossbreeding to assemble the new varieties. The crossbreeding will be better if it is made between distantly related varieties.

  4. Involvement of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) MKK6 in response to potato virus Y. (United States)

    Lazar, Ana; Coll, Anna; Dobnik, David; Baebler, Spela; Bedina-Zavec, Apolonija; Zel, Jana; Gruden, Kristina


    Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades have crucial roles in the regulation of plant development and in plant responses to stress. Plant recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns or pathogen-derived effector proteins has been shown to trigger activation of several MAPKs. This then controls defence responses, including synthesis and/or signalling of defence hormones and activation of defence related genes. The MAPK cascade genes are highly complex and interconnected, and thus the precise signalling mechanisms in specific plant-pathogen interactions are still not known. Here we investigated the MAPK signalling network involved in immune responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to Potato virus Y, an important potato pathogen worldwide. Sequence analysis was performed to identify the complete MAPK kinase (MKK) family in potato, and to identify those regulated in the hypersensitive resistance response to Potato virus Y infection. Arabidopsis has 10 MKK family members, of which we identified five in potato and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), and eight in Nicotiana benthamiana. Among these, StMKK6 is the most strongly regulated gene in response to Potato virus Y. The salicylic acid treatment revealed that StMKK6 is regulated by the hormone that is in agreement with the salicylic acid-regulated domains found in the StMKK6 promoter. The involvement of StMKK6 in potato defence response was confirmed by localisation studies, where StMKK6 accumulated strongly only in Potato-virus-Y-infected plants, and predominantly in the cell nucleus. Using a yeast two-hybrid method, we identified three StMKK6 targets downstream in the MAPK cascade: StMAPK4_2, StMAPK6 and StMAPK13. These data together provide further insight into the StMKK6 signalling module and its involvement in plant defence.

  5. Teorías sobre la clasificación taxonómica de las papas cultivadas (Solanum L. sect. Petota Dumort.. Una revisión

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    Rodríguez Luis Ernesto


    Full Text Available

    La presente revisión busca reunir diferentes propuestas utilizadas para clasificar las papas cultivadas y sus parientes silvestres (Solanum L. sect. Petota Dumort., ya que históricamente se han presentado diferencias entre los taxónomos que han estudiado su clasificación. A la fecha no hay consenso, debido a que el límite entre especies no está definido, y las interrelaciones entre estas son frecuentes. Es importante generar una propuesta definitiva, coherente y práctica, que genere un consenso en la taxonomía de la papa. Esto permitiría conocer el número real de especies, el límite entre ellas y sus interrelaciones y continuos cambios. A su vez, esta información deberá facilitar un mejor aprovechamiento del germoplasma por parte de los programas de mejoramiento genético.

  6. Hyperspectral remote sensing for advanced detection of early blight (Alternaria solani) disease in potato (Solanum tuberosum) plants (United States)

    Atherton, Daniel

    Early detection of disease and insect infestation within crops and precise application of pesticides can help reduce potential production losses, reduce environmental risk, and reduce the cost of farming. The goal of this study was the advanced detection of early blight (Alternaria solani) in potato (Solanum tuberosum) plants using hyperspectral remote sensing data captured with a handheld spectroradiometer. Hyperspectral reflectance spectra were captured 10 times over five weeks from plants grown to the vegetative and tuber bulking growth stages. The spectra were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA), spectral change (ratio) analysis, partial least squares (PLS), cluster analysis, and vegetative indices. PCA successfully distinguished more heavily diseased plants from healthy and minimally diseased plants using two principal components. Spectral change (ratio) analysis provided wavelengths (490-510, 640, 665-670, 690, 740-750, and 935 nm) most sensitive to early blight infection followed by ANOVA results indicating a highly significant difference (p potato plants.

  7. Méthodes de mesure de l’âge physiologique des tubercules semences de pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum L.

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    du Jardin P.


    Full Text Available Assessment methods of physiological age of potato seed tuber (Solanum tuberosum L.. The study of potato tuber ageing possesses both fundamental and applied interests. Because of potential economical impacts, numerous attempts have been made to develop reliable biophysical, physiological or biochemical markers of physiological age of seed tubers intended for vegetative multiplication. At the present time, biophysical markers do not meet this objective, the obtained results being contradictory or not very transposable. Some physiological markers seem well-suited but they are not predictive. The biochemical studies often focus on potato tuber developmental process or are undertaken without accurate physiological reference frame. After defining the main concepts, this study synthesizes and critically evaluates the different methods used to assess physiological age. An integrated research strategy based on existing data is finally proposed to study potato tuber ageing.

  8. Characteristics of the Inhibition of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Invertase by an Endogenous Proteinaceous Inhibitor in Potatoes (United States)

    Bracho, Geracimo E.; Whitaker, John R.


    Effect of several parameters on inhibition of potato (Solanum tuberosum) invertase by its endogenous proteinaceous inhibitor was determined using homogeneous preparations of both proteins. The inhibitor and invertase formed an inactive complex with an observed association rate constant at pH 4.70 and 37°C of 8.82 × 102 per molar per second and a dissociation rate constant of 3.3 × 10−3 per minute. The inhibitor appeared to bind to invertase in more than one step. Initial interaction (measured by loss of invertase activity) was rapid, relatively weak, readily reversible (Ki of 2 × 10−6 molar) and noncompetitive with substrate at pH 4.70. Initial interaction was probably followed by isomerization to a tighter (Ki of 6.23 × 10−8 molar) complex, which dissociated slowly with a half-time of 3.5 hour. Interaction between enzyme and inhibitor appeared to be of ionic character and essentially pH independent between pH 3.5 and 7.4. PMID:16667286

  9. Defense mechanisms of Solanum tuberosum L. in response to attack by plant-pathogenic bacteria

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    Full Text Available The natural resistance of plants to disease is based not only on preformed mechanisms, but also on induced mechanisms. The defense mechanisms present in resistant plants may also be found in susceptible ones. This study attempted to analyze the metabolic alterations in plants of the potato Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Agata that were inoculated with the incompatible plant-pathogenic bacteria X. axonopodis and R. solanacearum, and the compatible bacterium E. carotovora. Levels of total phenolic compounds, including the flavonoid group, and the activities of polyphenol oxidase (PPO and peroxidase (POX were evaluated. Bacteria compatibility was evaluated by means of infiltration of tubers. The defense response was evaluated in the leaves of the potato plants. Leaves were inoculated depending on their number and location on the stem. Multiple-leaf inoculation was carried out on basal, intermediate, and apical leaves, and single inoculations on intermediate leaves. Leaves inoculated with X. axonopodis and with R. solanacearum showed hypersensitive responses within 24 hours post-inoculation, whereas leaves inoculated with E. carotovora showed disease symptoms. Therefore, the R. solanacearum isolate used in the experiments did not exhibit virulence to this potato cultivar. Regardless of the bacterial treatments, the basal leaves showed higher PPO and POX activities and lower levels of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids, compared to the apical leaves. However, basal and intermediate leaves inoculated with R. solanacearum and X. axonopodis showed increases in total phenolic compounds and flavonoid levels. In general, multiple-leaf inoculation showed the highest levels of total phenolics and flavonoids, whereas the single inoculations resulted in the highest increase in PPO activity. The POX activity showed no significant difference between single- and multiple-leaf inoculations. Plants inoculated with E. carotovora showed no significant increase in

  10. Aerobic Mesophilic Bacteria Associated With Irish Potato ( Solanum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A total of 15 samples of spoilt Irish potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) were collected from five grocery shops in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria and were analysed for aerobic mesophilic bacterial load. The isolated aerobic mesophilic bacteria were phenotypically characterized by biochemical tests and their susceptibility to ...

  11. Genome-wide QTL and bulked transcriptomic analysis reveals new candidate genes for the control of tuber carotenoid content in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    Campbell, Raymond; Pont, Simon D A; Morris, Jenny A; McKenzie, Gaynor; Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar; Hedley, Pete E; Ramsay, Gavin; Bryan, Glenn J; Taylor, Mark A


    Genome-wide QTL analysis of potato tuber carotenoid content was investigated in populations of Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja that segregate for flesh colour, revealing a novel major QTL on chromosome 9. The carotenoid content of edible plant storage organs is a key nutritional and quality trait. Although the structural genes that encode the biosynthetic enzymes are well characterised, much less is known about the factors that determine overall storage organ content. In this study, genome-wide QTL mapping, in concert with an efficient 'genetical genomics' analysis using bulked samples, has been employed to investigate the genetic architecture of potato tuber carotenoid content. Two diploid populations of Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja were genotyped (AFLP, SSR and DArT markers) and analysed for their tuber carotenoid content over two growing seasons. Common to both populations were QTL that explained relatively small proportions of the variation in constituent carotenoids and a major QTL on chromosome 3 explaining up to 71 % of the variation in carotenoid content. In one of the populations (01H15), a second major carotenoid QTL was identified on chromosome 9, explaining up to 20 % of the phenotypic variation. Whereas the major chromosome 3 QTL was likely to be due to an allele of a gene encoding β-carotene hydroxylase, no known carotenoid biosynthetic genes are located in the vicinity of the chromosome 9 QTL. A unique expression profiling strategy using phenotypically distinct bulks comprised individuals with similar carotenoid content provided further support for the QTL mapping to chromosome 9. This study shows the potential of using the potato genome sequence to link genetic maps to data arising from eQTL approaches to enhance the discovery of candidate genes underlying QTLs.

  12. Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) are chloride-sensitive: Is this dogma valid? (United States)

    Hütsch, Birgit W; Keipp, Katrin; Glaser, Ann-Kathrin; Schubert, Sven


    Chloride sensitivity of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars Marabel and Désirée was investigated in two pot experiments (soil/sand mixture and hydroponics). It was tested whether there are differential effects of KCl and K 2 SO 4 application on tuber yield and tuber quality, and whether both potato cultivars differ in their chloride sensitivity. Tuber yield, dry matter percentage of the tubers, starch concentration and starch yield were not significantly affected by potassium source (K 2 SO 4 or KCl). After exposure to salt stress in hydroponics (100 mmol L -1 NaCl, 50 mmol L -1 Na 2 SO 4 , 50 mmol L -1 CaCl 2 ) for 5 days, 3-week-old potato plants had significantly reduced shoot dry mass after NaCl and Na 2 SO 4 application. However, CaCl 2 treatment did not significantly affect shoot growth, although the chloride concentration reached 65 to 74 mg Cl - mg -1 dry matter, similar to the NaCl treatment. In contrast, growth reductions were closely related to sodium concentrations, thus plants suffered sodium toxicity and not chloride toxicity. Both potato cultivars are chloride-resistant and can be fertilised with KCl instead of K 2 SO 4 without the risk of depression in tuber yield or tuber quality. The statement that potatoes are chloride-sensitive and that chloride has negative effects on yield performance needs reconsideration. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  13. Taxonomy Icon Data: potato [Taxonomy Icon

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available potato Solanum tuberosum Solanum_tuberosum_L.png Solanum_tuberosum_NL.png Solanum_tuber...osum_S.png Solanum_tuberosum_NS.png ...

  14. Isolation and characterization of StERF transcription factor genes from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    Wang, Zemin; Zhang, Ning; Zhou, Xiangyan; Fan, Qiang; Si, Huaijun; Wang, Di


    Ethylene response factor (ERF) is a major subfamily of the AP2/ERF family and plays significant roles in the regulation of abiotic- and biotic-stress responses. ERF proteins can interact with the GCC-box cis-element and then initiate a transcriptional cascade activating downstream ethylene response and enhancing plant stress tolerance. In this research, we cloned five StERF genes from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). The expressional analysis of StERF genes revealed that they showed tissue- or organ-specific expression patterns and the expression levels in leaf, stem, root, flower, and tuber were different. The assays of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and the reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) showed that the expression of five StERF genes was regulated by ethephon, methyl jasmonate (MeJA), salt and drought stress. The result from the yeast one-hybrid experiment showed that five StERFs had trans-activation activity and could specifically bind to the GCC-box cis-elements. The StERFs responded to abiotic factors and hormones suggested that they possibly had diverse roles in stress and hormone regulation of potato. Copyright © 2015 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  15. Pólen 2n e mecanismos meióticos de formação em Solanum commersonii ssp 2n pollen and meiotic mechanisms of Formation in Solanum commersonii ssp

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    Lívia Gracielle Oliveira Tomé


    Full Text Available Solanum commersonii subsp. commersonii Dun. e Solanum commersonii subsp. malmeanum Bitt. (2n=2x=24 - 1EBN não podem ser diretamente cruzadas com a batata cultivada de S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum L. (2n=4x=48 -4 EBN em razão da barreira da ploidia e do número de equilíbrio do endosperma (EBN. No entanto, a produção de pólen não reduzido por S. commersonii ssp. (2x=2n=24 - 1EBN, permite o cruzamento desta com dihaplóides de batata e com as espécies diplóides S. phureja Juz. & Bukasov. e S. chacoense Bitt., que possuem 2 EBN. Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de determinar o mecanismo meiótico e a freqüência dos grãos de pólen não reduzidos em cinco clones de Solanum commersonii ssp. Foram avaliados três clones de S. commersonii subsp. commersonii (SCC e dois de S. commersonii subsp. malmeanum (SCM. Nas avaliações, duzentos grãos de pólen viáveis foram corados (carmim acético 2% e mensurados, sendo considerados não reduzidos aqueles com o diâmetro igual ou superior a 25 µm. O clone Solanum commersonii subsp. commersonii Dun. (SCC 100 produz 26.1% de polen não reduzido, por fusos fundidos e fusos paralelos, o qual pode ser utilizado em programas de melhoramento.Solanum commersonii subsp. commersonii Dun. and Solanum commersonii subsp. malmeanum Bitt. (2n=2x=24 -1EBN cannot be directly crossed with the cultivated Solanum tuberosum subsp. Tuberosum L. (2n=4x=48 - 4EBN species due to ploidy barriers and endosperm balance number (EBN. However, non-reduced pollen production by the wild species S. commersonii ssp. (2x=2n=24 -1EBN, allows the crossing of these species with dihaploids of potato and with the diploids species, S. phureja Juz. & Bukasov. and S. chacoense Bitt., all with 2EBN. The aim of this work was to determine the meiotic mechanism and frequency of non-reduced pollen production of five clones of S. commersonii ssp. Three different clones of S. commersonii subsp. commersonii Dun. (SCC and two of S

  16. In vitro methods for mutation induction in potato ( Solanum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important vegetable and staple crop worldwide and mainly propagated vegetatively. Breeding of potato is problematic and therefore induced mutation is an attractive means of improving the crop. In vitro culture systems, and especially the production of microtubers, are ideal for such ...

  17. EVALUACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA in vitro PARA ESTUDIOS DE Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea EN RAÍCES DE PAPA (Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena L. Var. DIACOL CAPIRO

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    Full Text Available La papa es uno de los principales cultivos de importancia a nivel mundial. Según la Cadena Agroalimentaria de la papa de Colombia, la sarna polvosa está dentro de los siete principales problemas fitosanitarios de este cultivo en las zonas productoras. La enfermedad es causada por el patógeno Spongospora subterranea, que disminuye la producción y calidad de los tubérculos. La naturaleza obligada del patógeno  imposibilita su aislamiento y el mantenimiento de cepas, dificultando su investigación. En este trabajo se  buscó estandarizar el cultivo de raíces de papa in vitro infectadas con el patógeno, para permitir su mantenimiento y proliferación y avanzar así en las investigaciones posteriores sobre biología del patógeno y su interacción con sus hospedantes. En un medio gelificado in vitro y en un ambiente controlado se asociaron las raíces de las plantas al microorganismo, mientras que la parte aérea desarrolló fotosíntesis. Se realizaron evaluaciones durante dos meses después de inoculadas las raíces con quistosoros desinfectados, período de tiempo que fue condicionado por la contaminación del sistema de cultivo. Sin embargo, en observaciones al microscopio, se lograron detectar las estructuras de S. subterranea

  18. Karakteristik Edible Film dari Pati Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L. dengan Penambahan Gliserol

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    Sjamsiah Sjamsiah


    Full Text Available Edible film is a thin layer that serve as the packaging or upholstery as well as food that can be eaten with a product. It is packaged and can be degraded by nature. Potato starch can be used as raw material in manufacturing edible film, in which the addition of glycerol is needed as a plasticizer that function to improve the elasticity of the edible film. The goal of the research is to know the influence of glycerol concentration variation against the characteristics of edible film of starch potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. the parameters examined in this study i.e the physical test that includes a test of strong thickness, tensile test and present enlargement, test the solubility and organoleptic. To help figure out the data obtained in the real effect or not, is done using the SPSS Analysis Variant 1 direction or one-way ANOVA. Characteristics of edible film from potato starch with addition of glycerol with a concentration of 20%, 30% and 40% (v/v to the value of the thickness of consecutive 0,058 mm, 0,062 mm and 0,071mm. The value of the tensile strengh i.e 0,75 N/mm2, 0,69 N/mm2 and 0,35 N/mm2. The value obtained by elongation percent 4,96%, 9,04% and 9,51% where as the value of solubility is obtained that is 19%, 21,4% and 34,6%. Application of edible films from potato starch as the packaging on candy jelly can be acceptedas alternative packaging material for food.

  19. Predicción de la variabilidad del rendimiento de papa a partir de la cobertura del follaje Predicting potato yield variability from foliage cover

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    A. de la Casa


    Full Text Available La cobertura del follaje (f es un parámetro biofísico importante para determinar tanto la fracción de radiación fotosintéticamente activa interceptada (fRFAI, como la tasa de agua que transpira un cultivo. En cultivos de papa (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Spunta de ciclo otoñal se analizó en 2009 y 2010 la relevancia de f y fRFAI, para estimar el rendimiento y evaluar la variabilidad productiva espacial en un lote del cinturón verde de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. Si bien fRFAI presentó mayor capacidad para explicar la variabilidad del rendimiento de tubérculo a cosecha, el empleo de la duración de la cobertura, f acumulada hasta los 60 días de la plantación, en 2009 alcanzó un R² de 0,77 (P The ground cover (f is an important biophysical parameter to determine both the fraction of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (fRFAI, and the rate of water that is transpired by a crop. During the autumn/late growing seasons of 2009 and 2010, the potential of f and fRFAI to estimate potato yield (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Spunta, and to evaluate the spacial variability of production in a plot of the green belt of Cordoba, Argentina, was discussed. While fRFAI showed greater ability to explain the variability of tuber yield at harvest, using ground cover duration, the f accumulated until 60 days after planting reached an R² of 0.77 (P < 0.01 in 2009, which increased to 0.95 in 2010 70 days after planting from a more intensive sampling (f was obtained from an average of nine photographs taken at 2.5 m height. The use of a single value of f obtained near maximum coverage reduces the predictive power of cumulative values. Based on a 5x5 grid sampling in 2009 it was found that there is a significant component of the variability associated with furrow planting.

  20. Producción de quistosoros de Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson durante un ciclo de cultivo de papa en tres tipos de suelo

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    Wilmar Pérez-Pérez


    Full Text Available La sarna polvosa es causada por el protista Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson, un parásito obligado el cual replica en raíces y tubérculos de papa (Solanum tuberosum. Esta replicación resulta en estructuras de resistencia denominadas quistosoros. En este estudio se investigó la producción de quistosoros en papa variedad Diacol Capiro, cultivada en tres tipos de suelos: Inceptisol, Entisol, y Andisol, infestados con quistosoros. La concentración de este parásito se determinó en el suelo a la siembra (inicial, a la senescencia de las plantas (cosecha y dos meses más tarde, cuando las plantas estaban desintegradas (poscosecha. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con dos tratamientos y tres niveles cada uno. Un tratamiento fue el tipo de suelo con los niveles Inceptisol, Entisol y Andisol; y el otro, el tiempo de muestreo con los niveles Inicial, Cosecha y Poscosecha. Adicionalmente, se realizó un ensayo de regresión simple para analizar la correlación de la concentración inicial y final de quistosoros. En todos los tipos de suelo la concentración aumentó (48% (P < 0.05 desde el inicio a la poscosecha. No se observaron diferencias (P < 0.05 en la concentración de quistosoros entre los suelos durante los muestreos realizados. La concentración final de estos (poscosecha se correlacionó (P < 0.05 con la concentración inicial (inicio. Estos resultados sugieren que la concentración de quistosoros puede sufrir un incremento significativo en un solo ciclo de cultivo de papa en todos los suelos estudiados y que los residuos de cosecha como tubérculos infectados pueden contribuir a este incremento.

  1. Effect of Pheromone Trap Density on Mass Trapping of Male Potato Tuber Moth Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae, and Level of Damage on Potato Tubers Efecto de la Densidad de Trampas de Feromona en Masiva de Machos de Polilla de la Papa, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae, y en el Nivel de Daño a los Tubérculos

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    Patricia Larraín S


    Full Text Available Potato tuber moth (PTM, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller, is one of the pests that cause the most damage to potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. in both field crops and storage, especially in regions where summers are hot and dry. Larvae develop in the foliage and tubers of potatoes and cause direct losses of edible product. The use of synthetic pheromones that interfere with insect mating for pest control has been widely demonstrated in numerous Lepidoptera and other insect species. An experiment was carried out during the 2004-2005 season in Valle del Elqui, Coquimbo Region, Chile, to evaluate the effectiveness of different pheromone trap densities to capture P. operculella males for future development of a mass trapping technique, and a subsequent decrease in insect reproduction. The study evaluated densities of 10, 20, and 40 traps ha-1, baited with 0.2 mg of PTM sexual pheromone, and water-detergent for captures. Results indicated that larger numbers of male PTM were captured per trap with densities of 20 and 40 traps per hectare, resulting in a significant reduction (P La polilla de la papa, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller, es una de las plagas que causan mayor daño a la papa (Solanum tuberosum L., tanto a los cultivos en campo como a los tubérculos almacenados, especialmente en zonas de climas cálidos y secos. Las larvas de este insecto se desarrollan en el follaje y tubérculos de papa causando pérdidas directas del producto a comercializar. La utilización de feromonas sintéticas, como una herramienta que interfiere con el apareamiento, ha sido ampliamente demostrada en innumerables especies de polillas y otros insectos. Con el fin de evaluar la efectividad de diferentes densidades de trampas de feromona en la captura de machos de P. operculella, para su futura utilizacióncomo técnica de trampeo masivo y consecuente disminución de la reproducción del insecto, se realizó un estudio durante la temporada 2004-2005, en el Valle del Elqui

  2. Retrospective view of North American potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeding in the 20th and 21st centuries. (United States)

    Hirsch, Candice N; Hirsch, Cory D; Felcher, Kimberly; Coombs, Joseph; Zarka, Dan; Van Deynze, Allen; De Jong, Walter; Veilleux, Richard E; Jansky, Shelley; Bethke, Paul; Douches, David S; Buell, C Robin


    Cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), a vegetatively propagated autotetraploid, has been bred for distinct market classes, including fresh market, pigmented, and processing varieties. Breeding efforts have relied on phenotypic selection of populations developed from intra- and intermarket class crosses and introgressions of wild and cultivated Solanum relatives. To retrospectively explore the effects of potato breeding at the genome level, we used 8303 single-nucleotide polymorphism markers to genotype a 250-line diversity panel composed of wild species, genetic stocks, and cultivated potato lines with release dates ranging from 1857 to 2011. Population structure analysis revealed four subpopulations within the panel, with cultivated potato lines grouping together and separate from wild species and genetic stocks. With pairwise kinship estimates clear separation between potato market classes was observed. Modern breeding efforts have scarcely changed the percentage of heterozygous loci or the frequency of homozygous, single-dose, and duplex loci on a genome level, despite concerted efforts by breeders. In contrast, clear selection in less than 50 years of breeding was observed for alleles in biosynthetic pathways important for market class-specific traits such as pigmentation and carbohydrate composition. Although improvement and diversification for distinct market classes was observed through whole-genome analysis of historic and current potato lines, an increased rate of gain from selection will be required to meet growing global food demands and challenges due to climate change. Understanding the genetic basis of diversification and trait improvement will allow for more rapid genome-guided improvement of potato in future breeding efforts.

  3. Chlorogenic Acid Biosynthesis Appears Linked with Suberin Production in Potato Tuber (Solanum tuberosum). (United States)

    Valiñas, Matías Ariel; Lanteri, María Luciana; ten Have, Arjen; Andreu, Adriana Balbina


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a good source of dietary antioxidants. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) and caffeic acid (CA) are the most abundant phenolic acid antioxidants in potato and are formed by the phenylpropanoid pathway. A number of CGA biosynthetic routes that involve hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HQT) and/or hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA shikimate/quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HCT) have been proposed, but little is known about their path in potato. CA production requires a caffeoyl shikimate esterase (CSE), and CA serves as a substrate of lignin precursor ferulic acid via the action of caffeic/5-hydroxyferulic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT I). CGA is precursor of caffeoyl-CoA and, via caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase (CCoAOMT), of feruloyl-CoA. Feruloyl-CoA is required for lignin and suberin biosynthesis, crucial for tuber development. Here, metabolite and transcript levels of the mentioned and related enzymes, such as cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H), were determined in the flesh and skin of fresh and stored tubers. Metabolite and transcript levels were higher in skin than in flesh, irrespective of storage. CGA and CA production appear to occur via p-coumaroyl-CoA, using HQT and CSE, respectively. HCT is likely involved in CGA remobilization toward suberin. The strong correlation between CGA and CA, the correspondence with C4H, HQT, CCoAOMT2, and CSE, and the negative correlation of HCT and COMT I in potato tubers suggest a major flux toward suberin.

  4. Purification and Partial Characterization of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Invertase and Its Endogenous Proteinaceous Inhibitor (United States)

    Bracho, Geracimo E.; Whitaker, John R.


    Invertase plays an important role in the hydrolysis of sucrose in higher plants, especially in the storage organs. In potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers, and in some other plant tissues, the enzyme seems to be controlled by interaction with an endogenous proteinaceous inhibitor. An acid invertase from potato tubers (variety russet) was purified 1560-fold to electrophoretic homogeneity by consecutive use of concanvalin A-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography, DEAE-Sephadex A-50-120 chromatography, Sephadex G-150 chromatography, and DEAE-Sephadex A-50-120 chromatography. The enzyme contained 10.9% carbohydrate, had an apparent molecular weight of 60,000 by gel filtration, and was composed of two identical molecular weight subunits (Mr 30,000). The enzyme had a Km for sucrose of 16 millimolar at pH 4.70 and was most stable and had maximum activity around pH 5. The endogenous inhibitor was purified 610-fold to homogeneity by consecutive treatment at pH 1 to 1.5 at 37°C for 1 hour, (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, Sephadex G-100 chromatography, DEAE-Sephadex G-50-120 chromatography, and hydroxylapatite chromatography. The inhibitor appears to be a single polypeptide (Mr 17,000) without glyco groups. The purified inhibitor was stable over the pH range of 2 to 7 when incubated at 37°C for 1 hour. Images Figure 2 PMID:16667287

  5. La trazabilidad:


    Green, Raúl; Hy, Michel


    1.- Artículos Caraballo, Leonardo Javier. "Modelo de explotación óptima de la tierra para uso agrícola" Green, Raúl; Hy, Michel. "La trazabilidad: un instrumento de la seguridad alimentaria" Iriarte, Liliana; Briera, Susana; Bottazzi, Mariela; Ghezán, Graciela. "El comercio intraindustrial agroalimentario argentino en la década de los noventa" Gutiérrez, Alejandro; Linares Morales, Yuraima. "La competitividad de la producción de papa (Solanum tuberosum) en el Municipio...

  6. Reflexiones sobre la seguridad alimentaria y la situación alimentaria internacional


    Molina, Luisa Elena


    1.- Artículos Caraballo, Leonardo Javier. "Modelo de explotación óptima de la tierra para uso agrícola" Green, Raúl; Hy, Michel. "La trazabilidad: un instrumento de la seguridad alimentaria" Iriarte, Liliana; Briera, Susana; Bottazzi, Mariela; Ghezán, Graciela. "El comercio intraindustrial agroalimentario argentino en la década de los noventa" Gutiérrez, Alejandro; Linares Morales, Yuraima. "La competitividad de la producción de papa (Solanum tuberosum) en el Municipio...


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    Dewi Fitriyanti, Mulyadi, dan Christanti Sumardiyono .


    Full Text Available Resistance mechanism of potato (Solanum tuberosum to golden cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis.  The research was conducted from June 2005 to May 2006 in Kepuhharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The aims of the research were to find the resistance status of 20 potato varieties, role of  chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid  in the resistance mechanism and histopathological differences between resistant and susceptible potato varieties to  G. rostochiensis. The results showed that two varieties were resistant to G. rostochiensis, i.e, Hertha and Manohara.  Thirteen varieties were moderately resistant, i.e; No.30, No.44, No. 5, No.19, Batang Hitam, Agria,  Desiree, Berolina, Atlantik, No.095, Cipanas, FLS and Colombus, and five varieties were susceptible, i.e; Kikondo, Granola, Erika, LBR, and Fries. The presence of chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid in Hertha (resistant variety and in Granola (susceptible variety were analized by TLC. In Hertha chlorogenic acid was detected at 4, 5, and 6 days after inoculation (DAI, whereas in Granola it was detected at 1 and 6 DAI. It was assumed that the presence of chlorogenic acid for 3 successively week in Hertha, caused it more resistant than Granola.  Cell lignification inhibited                       G. rostochiensis grow well inside the root tissue of Hertha, whereas in Granola only a few cell was lignified as indicated by less absorption of red colour (safranin in infected areas. Caffeic acid was not detected either in uninoculated or inoculated of both potato varieties.  It indicated that caffeic acid might not be naturally present in Hertha and Granola and nematode infection could not stimulate the production of this compound.

  8. Cadena de valor de papas nativas (Solanum andigenum sp.) en la provincia de Jauja, Perú


    Segura Salazar, Billy


    La Asamblea General de la ONU, a solicitud del gobierno peruano, declara en el año 2008 el Año Internacional de la Papa, (AIP). Desde el año 2005, el gobierno peruano ha puesto en marcha estrategias en torno a la importancia de la papa, como la declaración del 30 de Mayo como el Día Nacional de la Papa. El año 2014 es declarado por la FAO, (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar, con un enfoque compartido por esta Tesis Doctoral ...

  9. Confrontación entre un agrupamiento a priori de germoplasma de papa Solanum tuberosum subespecie andigena y un agrupamiento no jerárquico

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    Bernal Ángela María


    Full Text Available

    Con el fin de establecer patrones de similitud entre las accesiones para facilitar la identificación de cruzamientos potenciales, se realizó el agrupamiento a priori de la Colección Central Colombiana de papa subespecie andigena por características de color de piel y carne del tubérculo. La necesidad de incluir otras variables de tubérculo y realizar una clasificación basada en métodos estadísticos aumentó con el tiempo y con la evolución de las técnicas multivariadas de datos. En este trabajo se realizó el agrupamiento no jerárquico de la Colección, mediante un análisis de partición que utiliza el algoritmo de k-medias, luego de la caracterización morfológica de 435 accesiones sólo por características del tubérculo. Al comparar ambos agrupamientos se encontró la no correspondencia entre uno y otro, así como la necesidad de mejorar la objetividad en la caracterización de recursos genéticos. Las caracterizaciones tuvieron lugar en el Centro de Investigación Tibaitatá de la Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Corpoica, en   Mosquera (Cundinamarca, donde se conserva la Colección Central Colombiana de papa.

  10. Genetic analysis of somaclonal variants and induced mutants of potato ( solanum tuberosum l.) cv. diamant using RAPD markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Afrasiab, H.; Iqbal, J.


    The objective of this work was to genetically analyze somaclonal variants and gamma induced mutants of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Diamant using RAPD-PCR technique. In the present work, callus was induced from nodes, inter nodes and leaf explants in MS medium supplemented with NAA (1.0 mg/l) and BAP (0.5 mg/l) and plants were regenerated from 14-20 weeks old calli. For gamma irradiation, ten-week old well proliferating calli were exposed to doses ranging from 5-50 Gy. All the four selected somaclonal variants and five gamma induced mutants were differentiated by banding patterns obtained from 22 primers that generated 140 polymorphic bands. The presence of polymorphic bands in variants and mutants suggest that genetic variation occurred in all the treatments as compared to control. Similarity and clustered analysis were conducted using Jaccard's coefficients and the un-weighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages. The results summarized in a dendrogram, show genetic diversity among the variants and mutants. The study shows that RAPD markers were efficient in discriminating somaclonal variants and induced mutants of potato. (author)

  11. Efecto de la adición de materia orgánica sobre la dinámica poblacional bacteriana del suelo en cultivos de papa y maíz

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    David García Ventocilla


    Full Text Available Se determinó el efecto de la fertilización orgánica sobre las poblaciones bacterianas del suelo en cultivos de papa y maíz durante la campaña agrícola 2008-2009 en terrenos de cuatro localidades del Valle del Mantaro: INIA Santa Ana (Huancayo, en la EEA El Mantaro (Jauja, Vista Alegre y Huayao (ambos en Chupaca. En estos lugares se instalaron parcelas experimentales de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. Var. Canchan y maíz (Zea maíz L. Var. Cusco mejorado bajo abonamiento orgánico (vacuno, ovino, cuy, fertilización química y sin fertilización alguna (testigo. Para dicho efecto se empleó las técnicas de la Electroforesis en Gel de Gradiente Desnaturalizante (DGGE con amplificación de la región 968 – 1401 del rDNA 16S. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la variabilidad de las poblaciones bacterianas en los suelos está afectado directamente por el tipo de cultivo mas no por el tipo de fertilización ya que el efecto de este último resulta variable para cada zona experimental y cultivo encontrándose solo en la zona experimental de Chupaca - Maíz una segregación de los tratamientos con fertilización orgánica de los tratamientos químicos. También se ha encontrado que la variación de las comunidades microbianas no sufre variaciones significativas en los suelos con cultivos de maíz obteniéndose coeficientes de similaridad para todos los tratamientos por encima del 80% mientras que para los tratamientos en los cultivos de papa dicho coeficiente fue de tan solo del 60%.

  12. Characterization of chromosome instability in interspecific somatic hybrids obtained by X-ray fusion between potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and S. brevidens Phil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fehér, A.; Preiszner, J.; Litkey, Z.; Csanádi, G; Dudits, D.


    Asymmetric somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum L. and S. brevidens Phil. have been obtained via the fusion of protoplasts from potato leaves and from cell suspension culture of S. brevidens. The wild Solanum species served as donor after irradiation of its protoplasts with a lethal X-ray dose (200 Gy). Selection of the putative hybrids was based on the kanamycin-resistance marker gene previously introduced into the genome of Solanum brevidens by Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. Thirteen out of the 45 selected clones exhibited reduced morphogenic potential. The morphological abnormalities of the regenerated plantlets were gradually eliminated during the extended in vitro culture period. Cytological investigations revealed that the number of chromosomes in the cultured S. brevidens cells used as protoplast source ranged between 28-40 instead of the basic 2n=24 value. There was a high degree of aneuploidy in all of the investigated hybrid clones, and at least 12 extra chromosomes were observed in addition to the potato chromosomes (2n=48). Interand intraclonal variation and segregation during vegetative propagation indicated the genetic instability of the hybrids, which can be ascribed to the pre-existing and X-ray irradiation-induced chromosomal abnormalities in the donor S. brevidens cells. The detection of centromeric chromosome fragments and long, poly-constrictional chromosomes in cytological preparations as well as non-parental bands in Southern hybridizations with restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers revealed extensive chromosome rearrangements in most of the regenerated clones. On the basis of the limited number of RFLP probes used, preferential loss of S. brevidens specific markers with a non-random elimination pattern could be detected in hybrid regenerants

  13. Solanum Tuberíferos nuevos para Colombia - II

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    López Jaramillo Luis E.


    Full Text Available Durante los 174 años que han transcurrido desde la descripción del primer Solanum tuberífero silvestre de Colombia (VALENZUELA, 1809, se han descubierto en total 10 especies de papa silvestre en el país (CORRELL,1962; BTTTER,1913; OCHOA, 1978; LOPEZ-JARAMILLO, 1983. Esas especies son: Solanum andreanum Baker, S. colombianum Dun., S. estradae L. López J. S. flahaultii Bitt., S. qarciabarrigae Ochoa, S. lobbianum. Bitt., S. moscopanum. Hawkes, S. pamplonense L. Lopez J., S. papa Valenzuela y S. tuquerrense Hawkes. Las especies S. jublandifolium Dun. y S. ochranthum Dun., son comunes en Colombia, Perú y Venezuela y, aunque no son tuberíferas, están clasificadas dentro clel grupo por su morfología.El objeto cle esta publicación es describir una nueva especie proveniente del Departamento cle Santander. Se confirma así la sospecha de que aún quedan en Colombia especies tuberíferas nativas por descubrir. Estas especies están bajo amenaza de extinción debido a la rápida destrucción de los páramos que constituyen su hábitat natural.

  14. Variabilidad y caracterización de diez variedades de papa en tres localidades del Estado de México

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    D. J. Pérez-López


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron 10 variedades de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. en tres localidades del Estado de México en el verano del 2004 y 2005. Se estimaron los componentes de varianza y la heredabilidad de siete caracteres cuantitativos. Las variedades también se describieron a partir de 21 caracteres cualitativos. El diseño experimental fue bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones por ambiente. El análisis estadístico de la serie de experimentos se basó en un modelo de efectos aleatorios para los siete caracteres cuantitativos. Los caracteres cualitativos se describieron de acuerdo con la Guía Técnica para la Descripción Varietal de la Papa, del Servicio Nacional de Inspección y Certificación de Semillas (SNICS. Los resultados mostraron significancia estadística (P¿0.01 para localidades, genotipos e interacción genotipo x ambiente para cada caracter evaluado. La heredabilidad en sentido amplio fue superior al 61.6 % en Raíces, Metepec y San Francisco Oxtotilpan. El mayor peso de tubérculo se registró en la variedad identificada como 750660 (27.8 t·ha-1, que superó estadísticamente a la variedad Alpha (testigo. La altura de la planta y el número de tallos por planta se correlacionaron negativamente (P¿0.01 con el peso de tubérculo (PTHA, pero el resto de las variables evaluadas contribuyeron a un aumento significativo del PTHA (P¿0.01. Con relación a la estructura del follaje, la variedad identificada como 777091 fue la mejor en Raíces y Metepec, pero 776943 sobresalió en San Francisco.

  15. Ultrastructural and physiological responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets to gradient saline stress (United States)

    Gao, Hui-Juan; Yang, Hong-Yu; Bai, Jiang-Ping; Liang, Xin-Yue; Lou, Yan; Zhang, Jun-Lian; Wang, Di; Zhang, Jin-Lin; Niu, Shu-Qi; Chen, Ying-Long


    Salinity is one of the major abiotic stresses that impacts plant growth and reduces the productivity of field crops. Compared to field plants, test tube plantlets offer a direct and fast approach to investigate the mechanism of salt tolerance. Here we examined the ultrastructural and physiological responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. c.v. “Longshu No. 3”) plantlets to gradient saline stress (0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mM NaCl) with two consequent observations (2 and 6 weeks, respectively). The results showed that, with the increase of external NaCl concentration and the duration of treatments, (1) the number of chloroplasts and cell intercellular spaces markedly decreased, (2) cell walls were thickened and even ruptured, (3) mesophyll cells and chloroplasts were gradually damaged to a complete disorganization containing more starch, (4) leaf Na and Cl contents increased while leaf K content decreased, (5) leaf proline content and the activities of catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased significantly, and (6) leaf malondialdehyde (MDA) content increased significantly and stomatal area and chlorophyll content decline were also detected. Severe salt stress (200 mM NaCl) inhibited plantlet growth. These results indicated that potato plantlets adapt to salt stress to some extent through accumulating osmoprotectants, such as proline, increasing the activities of antioxidant enzymes, such as CAT and SOD. The outcomes of this study provide ultrastructural and physiological insights into characterizing potential damages induced by salt stress for selecting salt-tolerant potato cultivars. PMID:25628634

  16. Invasion of Solanum tuberosum L. by Aspergillus terreus: a microscopic and proteomics insight on pathogenicity. (United States)

    Louis, Bengyella; Waikhom, Sayanika Devi; Roy, Pranab; Bhardwaj, Pardeep Kumar; Singh, Mohendro Wakambam; Chandradev, Sharma K; Talukdar, Narayan Chandra


    Aspergillus terreus is one of the most harmful filamentous fungal pathogen of humans, animals and plants. Recently, researchers have discovered that A. terreus can cause foliar blight disease in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). We used light and scanning electron microscopy, and performed proteomics analysis in an attempt to dissect the invasion process of A. terreus in this important crop. Microscopic study revealed that invasion of leaf tissue is marked by rapid germination of A. terreus phialidic conidia (PC) by 4 h after inoculation. By 8 h after inoculation, primary germ tubes from PC differentiated into irregular protuberance, often displayed stomata atropism, and failed to penetrate via the epidermal cells. Colonization of leaf tissues was associated with high rate of production of accessory conidia (AC). These analyses showed the occurrence of a unique opposing pattern of AC, tissue-specific and produced on melanized colonizing hyphae during the infection of leaf tissue. A significant proteome change hallmarked by differential expression of class I patatin, lipoxygenase, catalase-peroxidase complex, and cysteine proteinase inhibitor were observed during tuber colonization. These proteins are often involved in signal transduction pathways and crosstalk in pathogenic responses. A. terreus abundantly produced AC and multipolar germinating PC to invade potato leaf tissue. Additionally, A. terreus differentially induced enzymes in potato tuber during colonization which facilitates rapid disease development.

  17. The role of the potato (Solanum tuberosum) CCD8 gene in stolon and tuber development. (United States)

    Pasare, Stefania A; Ducreux, Laurence J M; Morris, Wayne L; Campbell, Raymond; Sharma, Sanjeev K; Roumeliotis, Efstathios; Kohlen, Wouter; van der Krol, Sander; Bramley, Peter M; Roberts, Alison G; Fraser, Paul D; Taylor, Mark A


    · Strigolactones (SLs) are a class of phytohormones controlling shoot branching. In potato (Solanum tuberosum), tubers develop from underground stolons, diageotropic stems which originate from basal stem nodes. As the degree of stolon branching influences the number and size distribution of tubers, it was considered timely to investigate the effects of SL production on potato development and tuber life cycle. · Transgenic potato plants were generated in which the CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE8 (CCD8) gene, key in the SL biosynthetic pathway, was silenced by RNA interference (RNAi). · The resulting CCD8-RNAi potato plants showed significantly more lateral and main branches than control plants, reduced stolon formation, together with a dwarfing phenotype and a lack of flowering in the most severely affected lines. New tubers were formed from sessile buds of the mother tubers. The apical buds of newly formed transgenic tubers grew out as shoots when exposed to light. In addition, we found that CCD8 transcript levels were rapidly downregulated in tuber buds by the application of sprout-inducing treatments. · These results suggest that SLs could have an effect, solely or in combination with other phytohormones, in the morphology of potato plants and also in controlling stolon development and maintaining tuber dormancy. © 2013 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2013 New Phytologist Trust.

  18. Host Status of Different Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Varieties and Hatching in Root Diffusates of Globodera ellingtonae. (United States)

    Zasada, Inga A; Peetz, Amy; Wade, Nadine; Navarre, Roy A; Ingham, Russ E


    Globodera ellingtonae was detected in Oregon in 2008. In order to make decisions regarding the regulation of this nematode, knowledge of its biology is required. We determined the host status of a diversity of potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties in soil-based experiments and identified hatching stimulants in in vitro hatching assays. 'Russet Burbank,' 'Desiree,' 'Modac,' 'Norland,' 'Umatilla,' and 'Yukon Gold' were good hosts (RF > 14) for G. ellingtonae. Potato varieties 'Maris Piper,' 'Atlantic,' and 'Satina,' all which contain the Ro1 gene that confers resistance to G. rostochiensis, were not hosts for G. ellingtonae. In in vitro hatching assays, G. ellingtonae hatched readily in the presence of diffusates from potato (PRD) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum; TRD). Egg hatch occurred in an average of between 87% and 90% of exposed cysts, with an average of between 144 and 164 juveniles emerging per cyst, from PRD- and TRD-treated cysts, respectively. This nematode hatched rapidly in the presence of PRD and TRD, with at least 66% of total hatch occurring by day 3 of exposure. There was no dose-response of egg hatch to concentrations of PRD or TRD ranging from 1:5 to 1:100 diffusate to water. When G. ellingtonae was exposed to root diffusates from 21 different plants, hatch occurred in 0% to 70% of exposed cysts, with an average of between 0 to 27 juveniles emerging per cyst. When root diffusate-exposed cysts were subsequently transferred to PRD to test viability, root diffusates from arugula (Eruca sativa), sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor subsp. drummondii), and common vetch (Vicia sativa) continued to inhibit egg hatch compared with the other root diffusates or water in which hatch occurred readily (60 to 182 juveniles emerging per cyst). Previously known hatching stimulants of G. rostochiensis and G. pallida, sodium metavanadate, sodium orthovanadate, and sodium thiocyanate, stimulated some egg hatch. Although, Globodera ellingtonae hatched readily in PRD and TRD

  19. The Transcriptome of the Reference Potato Genome Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja Clone DM1-3 516R44 (United States)

    Massa, Alicia N.; Childs, Kevin L.; Lin, Haining; Bryan, Glenn J.; Giuliano, Giovanni; Buell, C. Robin


    Advances in molecular breeding in potato have been limited by its complex biological system, which includes vegetative propagation, autotetraploidy, and extreme heterozygosity. The availability of the potato genome and accompanying gene complement with corresponding gene structure, location, and functional annotation are powerful resources for understanding this complex plant and advancing molecular breeding efforts. Here, we report a reference for the potato transcriptome using 32 tissues and growth conditions from the doubled monoploid Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja clone DM1-3 516R44 for which a genome sequence is available. Analysis of greater than 550 million RNA-Seq reads permitted the detection and quantification of expression levels of over 22,000 genes. Hierarchical clustering and principal component analyses captured the biological variability that accounts for gene expression differences among tissues suggesting tissue-specific gene expression, and genes with tissue or condition restricted expression. Using gene co-expression network analysis, we identified 18 gene modules that represent tissue-specific transcriptional networks of major potato organs and developmental stages. This information provides a powerful resource for potato research as well as studies on other members of the Solanaceae family. PMID:22046362

  20. Purification of a novel chitin-binding lectin with antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities from a bangladeshi cultivar of potato (Solanum tuberosum). (United States)

    Hasan, Imtiaj; Ozeki, Yasuhiro; Kabir, Syed Rashel


    A new chitin-binding lectin was purified from a Bangladeshi cultivar 'Deshi' of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) through anion-exchange and affinity chromatographies using a chitin column. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed the molecular mass of the lectin as 20,000 Daltons. This molecular mass was almost half of the molecular masses of chitin-binding lectins derived from other potatoes. The lectin showed both bactericidal and growth-inhibiting activities against Gram-positive (Listeria monocytogenes) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis and Shigella boydii) pathogenic bacteria. It also showed antifungal activity against Rhizopus spp., Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus niger. Biofilm produced by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa was dose-dependently reduced by 5-20% in 24 h after administration of the lectin, which was attributed to the glycan-binding property of the lectin having affinity to GlcNAc polymers. It was the first observation that any potato lectin prevented biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa and, therefore, could have possible applications in clinical microbiology and biomedical science.

  1. Application time of nitrogen fertilizer 15N by a potato crop (Solanum Tuberosum L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bastidas, O.G.; Urquiaga, S.


    This study was performed at the ''San Jorge'' experimental farm of the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA), Bogota, Colombia. The study was performed to investigate the effect of timing of application of nitrogen fertilizer on the productivity of, and the efficiency of utilization of 15 N-labelled fertilizer by, a potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.), cv. Tequendama. The crop was fertilized with 100, 200 and 100 Kg/ha -1 of N, P 2 O 5 and K 2 O respectively. The N fertilizers were either added as 15 N labelled urea (2.955 at.% 15 N excess) or as labelled ammonium sulphate (2.071 at.% 15 N excess). In all treatments with nitrogen, a total of 100 Kg N ha -1 was added, but the nitrogen was added either in two or three split doses (only one dose being labelled with 15 N) at the following times: at planting, 35 days after emergence (DAE) and/or 60 DAE. It was found that: a) Nitrogen fertilization increased tuber production from 24 to 43 t/ha -1 ; b) The tubers constituted approximately 80% of total plant dry matter and 70% of the total nitrogen and fertilizer N accumulated by the plant; c) The fertilizer use efficiency varied between 49 and 68%, and the highest efficiency occurred when the nitrogen was split in three doses; d) The urea and ammonium sulphate gave similar results in all parameters evaluated; e) When the total nitrogen difference method was applied to interpretation of the results the fertilizer use efficiency was overestimated by 15 to 30%

  2. Ultrastructural and physiological responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. plantlets to gradient saline stress

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    Hui-Juan eGao


    Full Text Available Salinity is one of the major abiotic stresses that impacts plant growth and reduces the productivity of field crops. Compared to field plants, test tube plantlets offer a direct and fast approach to investigate the mechanism of salt tolerance. Here we examined the ultrastructural and physiological responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. c.v. ‘Longshu No. 3’ plantlets to gradient saline stress (0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 mM NaCl with two consequent observations (two and six weeks, respectively. The results showed that, with the increase of external NaCl concentration and the duration of treatments, (1 the number of chloroplasts and cell intercellular spaces markedly decreased, (2 cell walls were thickened and even ruptured, (3 mesophyll cells and chloroplasts were gradually damaged to a complete disorganization containing more starch, (4 leaf Na and Cl contents increased while leaf K content decreased, (5 leaf proline content and the activities of catalase (CAT and superoxide dismutase (SOD increased significantly, and (6 leaf malondialdehyde (MDA content increased significantly and stomatal area and chlorophyll content decline were also detected. Severe salt stress (200 mM NaCl inhibited plantlet growth. These results indicated that potato plantlets adapt to salt stress to some extent through accumulating osmoprotectants, such as proline, increasing the activities of antioxidant enzymes, such as CAT and SOD. The outcomes of this study provide ultrastructural and physiological insights into characterizing potential damages induced by salt stress for selecting salt-tolerant potato cultivars.

  3. Taxonomic Treatment of Solanum Section Petota (Wild Potatoes) in Catálogo de Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur (Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, y sur del Brasil) (United States)

    Solanum section Petota (Solanaceae), which includes the cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) and its wild relatives, contains over 150 wild species distributed from the southwestern U.S.A. (38°N) to central Argentina and adjacent Chile (41°S). This catalog includes all species from the Southern Con...


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    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de un bioinsumo elaborado a partir de jugo de fique (Furcraea gigantea Vent. en el manejo de la enfermedad del tizón tardío causada por el patógeno Phytophthora infestans en dos cultivos experimentales de papa (Solanum tuberosum L..e utilizóun diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo factorial, en donde el factor A correspondió a las concentraciones: 5, 10 y 15 L.ha-1 y el factor B al tiempo de fermentación: 2, 4 y 6 días (a 33ºCcomparados con un testigo absoluto (agua y un testigo comercial (Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64%.Los valores de severidad, incidencia y rendimiento determinaron que la aplicación de 15 L.ha-1 bajo un tiempo de fermentación de 4 días fue el único tratamiento que mostró diferencias estadísticas (P<0,05 con respecto al testigo absoluto pero con niveles de protección muy bajos.En un segundo ensayo se incrementaron las concentraciones evaluadas a20, 30 y 40 L.ha-1.Después de analizar estadísticamente los tratamientos se determinó que no existen diferencias significativas que sustenten la acción del extracto vegetal en la protección del cultivo.

  5. Music Activities for "Mama", "Mama" and "Papa", "Papa" (United States)

    Cardany, Audrey Berger


    Jean Marzollo creates two beautiful texts using a child's first words, "Mama, Mama" and "Papa, Papa" as a recurring theme. Wildlife artist, Laura Regan, illustrates Marzollo's poetry with loving images of parents and children in the animal kingdom. Poetry and illustrations highlight the tenderness and care of Mama and Papa as they bond with their…

  6. Producción de quistosoros de Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson durante un ciclo de cultivo de papa en tres tipos de suelo

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    Pérez Pérez Wilmar


    Full Text Available La sarna polvosa es causada por el protista Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson, un parásito obligado el cual replica en raíces y tubérculos de papa (Solanum tuberosum. Esta replicación resulta en estructuras de resistencia denominadas quistosoros. En este estudio se investigó la producción de quistosoros en papa variedad Diacol Capiro, cultivada en tres tipos de suelos: Inceptisol, Entisol, y Andisol, infestados con quistosoros. La concentración de este parásito se determinó en el suelo a la siembra (inicial, a la senescencia de las plantas (cosecha y dos meses más tarde, cuando las plantas estaban desintegradas (poscosecha. El diseño experimental fue completa- mente al azar con dos tratamientos y tres niveles cada uno. Un tratamiento fue el tipo de suelo con los niveles Inceptisol, Entisol y Andisol; y el otro, el tiempo de muestreo con los niveles Inicial, Cosecha y Poscosecha. Adicionalmente, se realizó un ensayo de regresión simple para analizar la correlación de la concentración inicial y final de quistosoros. En todos los tipos de suelo la concentración aumentó (48% (P   0.05 desde el inicio a la poscosecha. No se observaron di%erencias (P   0.05 en la concentra- ción de quistosoros entre los suelos durante los muestreos realizados. La concentración final de estos (poscosecha se correlacionó (P   0.05 con la concentración inicial (inicio. Estos resultados sugieren que la concentración de quistosoros puede su%rir un incremento significativo en un solo ciclo de cul- tivo de papa en todos los suelos estudiados y que los residuos de cosecha como tubérculos infectados pueden contribuir a este incremento.

  7. Cuestiones Ambientales y Seguridad Alimentaria en el Cantón Guano, Ecuador


    Andrade, Claudia M; Ayaviri, Víctor D


    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar las cuestiones ambientales que afectan la producción del cultivo de papa (solanum tuberosum) y su relación con la seguridad alimentaria del cantón Guano, Ecuador. Para ello, se aplicó una encuesta dirigida a la población rural para construir un modelo de regresión lineal simple, que se complementa con observación de campo y entrevistas. Los principales hallazgos son destrucción de páramos, incremento de plagas y enfermedades en los cultiv...

  8. Caracterización funcional de almidones nativos obtenidos de papas (Solanum phureja nativas peruanas

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    P. Martínez


    Full Text Available Existen muchas variedades de papas nativas cultivadas en diferentes localidades del Perú, generalmente para el auto consumo del agricultor. Sin embargo, la posibilidad de su uso comercial ha originado este trabajo con el fin de darles un valor agregado. Para evaluar la posibilidad de uso del almidón nativo proveniente de estas papas, como ingrediente en la industria alimentaria, se planteó como objetivo determinar las propiedades funcionales de almidones obtenidos de papas nativas procedentes de Pampacorral (Cusco, Perú: Puka Ambrosio (PA, Combe (CO, Perwanita (PER, Kalis qero (KQ, Qello virondos (QEV, Yana churos (YACH, Pitikiña (PI, Yana kusi (YAKU y Solischa (SOL. Con este fin se prepararon geles con el almidón nativo, por dispersión y calentamiento. El poder de hinchamiento, el índice de absorción y la solubilidad mostraron estar correlacionados con el incremento de la temperatura. A 90 °C, el almidón de la variedad PI mostró los mayores valores de poder de hinchamiento (28,47%, capacidad de absorción de agua (22,70 y solubilidad (20,24%. La menor sinéresis, a 4 °C, la presentaron los almidones de las variedades CO y YACH, 3,8 y 4,6; respectivamente. Los geles de almidón de todas las variedades mostraron un comportamiento pseudoplástico (n G”.

  9. Un Programa para el Mejoramiento de la Papa en Colombia

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    Navarrete R. Manuel A.


    Full Text Available Ha sido presentado un programa para el mejoramiento de la papa en Colombia con varios temas mencionados específicamente, como lo requiere la investigación. Basándose en la simple observación. Se creía que la variedad “Quincha” poseía alguna resistencia al P, infestans. Pero cuando se hicieron inoculaciones con ese hongo en la progenie producida por cruzamiento de esta variedad con otras variedades colombianas, todos se mostraron susceptibles. Se han efectuado varios cruzamientos entre Solanum demisum, reconocido como inmune a la “gota”, algunas variedades colombianas, con líneas inmunes obtenidas por el Profesor Reddick de la Universidad de Cornell y las mismas variedades colombianas. Los primeros trabajos se comenzaron con el objeto de introducir la tolerancia a las heladas entre las variedades colombianas los cruzamientos se hicieron entre Solanum acaule, al cual se le atribuía una cierta resistencia a las heladas, y dos variedades colombianas.

  10. Effect of cadmium on the physiological parameters and the subcellular cadmium localization in the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    Xu, Dongyu; Chen, Zhifan; Sun, Ke; Yan, Dong; Kang, Mingjie; Zhao, Ye


    The pollution of agricultural soils with cadmium (Cd) has become a serious problem worldwide. The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was used to investigate how different concentrations of Cd (1, 5, and 25mgkg(-1)) affected the physiological parameters and the subcellular distribution of Cd in the potato. The analyses were conducted using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). The results suggest that the leaf is the organ with the highest accumulation of Cd. The malondialdehyde (MDA) content increased and the chlorophyll content decreased in response to high level of Cd. The SEM-EDX microanalysis revealed that Cd was primarily deposited in the spongy and palisade tissues of the leaf. Furthermore, Cd was also detected in the cortex and the adjacent phloem and was observed inside the intercellular space, the interior surface of the plasma membrane, and on the surface of the elliptical starch granules in the tubers of the potato. Although low concentrations of Cd migrated from the root to the tuber, the accumulation of Cd in the tuber exceeded the standard for food security. Therefore, the planting of potato plants in farmland containing Cd should be seriously evaluated because Cd-containing potatoes might present high health risk to humans. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. VARIACIÓN DE LA DIFUSIVIDAD TÉRMICA DEL LOCHE (Cucurbita moschata Duch.), LA PAPA (Solanum tuberosum L.) Y EL CAMOTE (Ipomoea batatas L.) DURANTE EL CALENTAMIENTO


    Solano-Corenjo, Miguel Ángel; Universidad Señor de Sipan; Vidaurre-Ruiz, Julio Mauricio; Universidad Señor de Sipan


    El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la variación de la difusividad térmica del loche, la papa y el camote durante el calentamiento. También se evaluó la bondad de ajuste con los diferentes modelos predictivos que relacionan la variación de la difusividad térmica con respecto a la temperatura. Los valores de difusividad térmica efectiva se obtuvieron utilizando la curva de calentamiento de las muestras a las temperaturas de 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 y 90°C y se compararon los valores experi...

  12. Genetic Linkage Mapping of Economically Important Traits in Cultivated Tetraploid Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    Massa, Alicia N; Manrique-Carpintero, Norma C; Coombs, Joseph J; Zarka, Daniel G; Boone, Anne E; Kirk, William W; Hackett, Christine A; Bryan, Glenn J; Douches, David S


    The objective of this study was to construct a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genetic map at the cultivated tetraploid level to locate quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing to economically important traits in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). The 156 F1 progeny and parents of a cross (MSL603) between "Jacqueline Lee" and "MSG227-2" were genotyped using the Infinium 8303 Potato Array. Furthermore, the progeny and parents were evaluated for foliar late blight reaction to isolates of the US-8 genotype of Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary and vine maturity. Linkage analyses and QTL mapping were performed using a novel approach that incorporates allele dosage information. The resulting genetic maps contained 1972 SNP markers with an average density of 1.36 marker per cM. QTL mapping identified the major source of late blight resistance in "Jacqueline Lee." The best SNP marker mapped ~0.54 Mb from a resistance hotspot on the long arm of chromosome 9. For vine maturity, the major-effect QTL was located on chromosome 5 with allelic effects from both parents. A candidate SNP marker for this trait mapped ~0.25 Mb from the StCDF1 gene, which is a candidate gene for the maturity trait. The identification of markers for P. infestans resistance will enable the introgression of multiple sources of resistance through marker-assisted selection. Moreover, the discovery of a QTL for late blight resistance not linked to the QTL for vine maturity provides the opportunity to use marker-assisted selection for resistance independent of the selection for vine maturity classifications. Copyright © 2015 Massa et al.

  13. Natural co-infection of Solanum tuberosum crops by the Potato yellow vein virus and potyvirus in Colombia

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    Angela Villamil-Garzón


    Full Text Available The Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV, a Crinivirus with an RNA tripartite genome, is the causal agent of the potato yellow vein disease, reported in Colombian since 1950, with yield reductions of up to 50%. Co-infection of two or more viruses is common in nature and can be associated with differences in virus accumulation and symptom expression. No evidence of mixed infection between PYVV and other viruses has been reported. In this study, eight plants showing yellowing PYVV symptoms: four Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja (P and four Group Andigena (A, were collected in Cundinamarca, Colombia to detect mixed infection in the isolates using next generation sequencing (NGS. The Potato virus Y (PVY complete genome (similar to N strain and the Potato virus V (PVV partial genomes were detected using NGS and re-confirmed by RT-PCR. Preliminary field screening in a large sample showed that PYVV and PVY co-infect potato plants with a prevalence of 21% within the P group and 23% within the A group. This is the first report of co-infection of PYVV and potyvirus in Colombia and with the use of NGS. Considering that potyviruses enhance symptom severity and/or yield reductions in mixed infections, our results may be relevant for disease diagnosis, breeding programs and tuber certification.

  14. Efecto antioxidante y citoprotector del tocosh de Solanum tuberosum ‘papa’ en la mucosa gástrica de animales de experimentación

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    Miguel Hernán Sandoval Vegas


    Full Text Available El tocosh es un producto alimenticio obtenido por una técnica de conservación andina y que tiene propiedades nutritivas y terapéuticas. Objetivo: Demostrar la capacidad antioxidante y el efecto citoprotector del tocosh de Solanum tuberosum ‘papa’ en la mucosa gástrica de animales de experimentación. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Tocosh seco y molido administrado a ratas albinas. Intervenciones: A 6 grupos de ratas albinas machos (200 ± 50 g se les dividió en: (GI solución NaCl 0,9%, 10 mL/kg;(GII etanol al 70% a 10 mL/kg; (GIII, IV y V Tocosh equivalente a 900 mg/kg, 1 800 mg/kg y 2 700 mg/kg, respectivamente, y (GVI sucralfato 30 mg/kg. En todos los casos, una hora después se indujo injuria con etanol 70° a 10 mL/kg y por laparotomía abdominal se obtuvo el tejido gástrico. Principales medidas de resultados: Porcentaje de citoprotección gástrica en imagen digitalizada por image analysis software for plant disease quantification y capacidad antioxidante por lipoperoxidación método espectrofotométrico de la reacción de especies reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS. Resultados: La marcha fitoquímica identificó compuestos fenólicos, alcaloides, triterpenoides y esteroides, azúcares reductores y aminoácidos libres como metabolitos secundarios. Las dosis de 2 700 mg/kg y 900 mg/kg resultaron en 0,72 y 1,81 nmol/g tejido de lipoperoxidación, respectivamente. La dosis de 1 800 mg/kg protegió un 97% del área de la mucosa gástrica, 2 700 mg/kg un 95% y la de 900 mg/kg, 88% (p<0,05. La dosis de 1 800 mg/kg exhibió mejor efecto citoprotector y la de 2 700 mg/kg mejor actividad antioxidante, comparada con sucralfato 30 mg/kg. Conclusiones: El tocosh de Solanum tuberosum ‘papa’ tuvo efecto citoprotector y actividad antioxidante.

  15. Evaluación de marcadores moleculares asociados con resistencia a gota (Phytophthora infestans L. en papas diploides y tetraploides

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    D. K. Juyó


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Evaluation of molecular markers associated with resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans L.  in diploid and tetraploid potatoes Resumen La papa, cultivo de importancia a nivel mundial es gravemente afectado por gota, enfermedad ocasionada por el oomycete Phytophthora infestans. Actualmente la forma más efectiva para combatir la enfermedad es mediante el desarrollo de cultivares resistentes al patógeno. Para esto, una estrategia es identificar genes que confieran resistencia al patógeno, para lo cual se buscan marcadores asociados con el carácter de resistencia. En este estudio se evaluaron marcadores moleculares tipo SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region: CosA, GP179, BA47f2 y Prp1 asociados con resistencia a P. infestans y el gen de resistencia R1, en 22 cultivares tetraploides pertenecientes a la subespecie andigena y cinco especies silvestres. Se evaluó el polimorfismo y se determinó si los alelos polimórficos permitían diferenciar genotipos resistentes de susceptibles. Se comparó el  tamaño de los fragmentos obtenidos con los fragmentos esperados asociados con resistencia de acuerdo a reportes. El análisis se realizó considerando presencia/ausencia de los fragmentos: CosA210, CosA250, R11400, R11800, BA47f2500, GP179570, Prp1300, Prp1600, y Prp1900. Los resultados indicaron que en los cultivares tetraploides y silvestres, se presentaron polimorfismos en todos los marcadores evaluados, con excepción del marcador GP179. No se encontró correlación entre el rasgo de resistencia y los alelos. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que hay repuesta diferencial a los marcadores entre las subsp. tuberosum y subsp. Andigena.   Palabras clave: Phytophthora infestans, resistencia a gota, marcadores diagnóstico, Solanum tuberosum subsp. Andigena. Abstract Potato is an important worldwide crop seriously affected by late blight disease caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans. Currently, the

  16. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 1 in potato (Solanum tuberosum) and its relationship to other plant RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. (United States)

    Hunter, Lydia J R; Brockington, Samuel F; Murphy, Alex M; Pate, Adrienne E; Gruden, Kristina; MacFarlane, Stuart A; Palukaitis, Peter; Carr, John P


    Cellular RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RDRs) catalyze synthesis of double-stranded RNAs that can serve to initiate or amplify RNA silencing. Arabidopsis thaliana has six RDR genes; RDRs 1, 2 and 6 have roles in anti-viral RNA silencing. RDR6 is constitutively expressed but RDR1 expression is elevated following plant treatment with defensive phytohormones. RDR1 also contributes to basal virus resistance. RDR1 has been studied in several species including A. thaliana, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), N. benthamiana, N. attenuata and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) but not to our knowledge in potato (S. tuberosum). StRDR1 was identified and shown to be salicylic acid-responsive. StRDR1 transcript accumulation decreased in transgenic potato plants constitutively expressing a hairpin construct and these plants were challenged with three viruses: potato virus Y, potato virus X, and tobacco mosaic virus. Suppression of StRDR1 gene expression did not increase the susceptibility of potato to these viruses. Phylogenetic analysis of RDR genes present in potato and in a range of other plant species identified a new RDR gene family, not present in potato and found only in Rosids (but apparently lost in the Rosid A. thaliana) for which we propose the name RDR7.

  17. Efecto de la temperatura sobre el crecimiento de plantas de papa (Solanum tuberosum L., variedades atlantic y 1625 frito lay, crecidas in vitro

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    Rafael Orozco


    Full Text Available En esta investigación, se estudio el efecto que causa sobre el crecimiento vegetativo de dos variedades de papa (1625 Frito Lay y Atlantic, el aumento de la temperatura en condiciones in vitro, para lo cual se usaron dos valores de temperatura (30/26 °C y 27/25 °C dia/noche. El medio de cultivo utilizado fue el MS (1962 de laboratorios Gibco, el cual se usó a razón de 17 g/L y se suplementó con vitaminas y aminoácidos del mismo medio. En ambas variedades la alta temperatura (30/26 °C causó una disminución en el diámetro del tallo y en el número de nudos por planta, así como un incremento en la longitud internodal y en la altura de la planta. Por otro lado, la alta temperatura disminuyó significativamente (P < 0,05 la longitud de la raíz en la variedad Frito Lay mientras que la variedad Atlantic mostró un incremento no significativo.


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    Nevar Alirio García Bastidas


    Full Text Available La sarna polvosa de la papa (Solanum tuberosum , S. phureja causada por Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (Sss, es una de las enfermedades más limitantes de este cultivo. En Colombia, se han empleado diferentes métodos de detección asintomática de Sss, incluyendo bioensayos con plantas señuelo, PCR de ITS y pruebas de ELISA. Sin embargo, sus niveles de sensibilidad son bajos o requieren tiempos extensos. Una alternativa para complementar dichas herramientas es la PCR cuantitativa en tiempo real (qPCR. En este trabajo se evaluó dicha técnica utilizando los juegos de cebadores SsTQF1-SsTQR1; Spon421F-Spon494R y SscolF-SscolR (diseñados en este estudio, bajo la metodología de SYBR Green®; mientras que con Taqman® se evaluaron los cebadores SponF-SponR y la sonda SponP. Una vez determinada la funcionalidad de los cebadores, se descartó por inespecificidad, el par Spon421F-Spon494R; para los restantes se realizaron curvas estándar basadas en diluciones seriadas de quistosoros. Las pruebas de qPCR detectaron a Sss en las 20 muestras evaluadas de plantas señuelo de Nicotiana benthamiana y papa, utilizando los cebadores SsTQF1-SsTQR1 (Ct: 10,57- 29,34 y SscolF-SscolR (Ct: 14,39-34,08; mientras que 19 de las muestras fueron positivas con SponF-SponR-SponP (Ct: 15,63-38,93. A partir de 20 muestras de raíces de papa de cultivos de La Unión (Antioquia, Colombia, fue posible detectar el patógeno en 17 de ellas con SscolF-SscolR, estimándose una concentración de 6470 a 1,39 x 1010 quistorosos/mL. Estos resultados indican la ocurrencia de altos niveles de inóculo de Sss en esta región y enfatizan en la necesidad de fortalecer los programas de certificación de tubérculo-semilla en Colombia.

  19. Extensive Variation in Fried Chip Color and Tuber Composition in Cold-Stored Tubers of Wild Potato (Solanum) Germplasm (United States)

    Cold-induced sweetening and browning in the Maillard reaction have driven extensive research in the areas of plant physiology, biochemistry, and food science in Solanum tuberosum. To date, research in these areas excluded wild relatives of potato. This is the first assessment of cold-stored tuber c...

  20. Dinámica de la biomasa microbiana y su relación con la respiración y el nitrógeno del suelo en tierras agrícolas en el valle del Mantaro


    Hinostroza, Amanda; Malca, Julio; Suárez, Luis


    Se estudió el efecto del abonamiento orgánico con estiércol de ganado vacuno, ovino, de cuy, fertilización química y sin abonamiento sobre la variación del nitrógeno, variación de la biomasa microbiana del suelo y la respiración del suelo en cultivos de papa (Solanum tuberosum) y maíz (Zea mays) durante la campaña agrícola 2009 en cuatro localidades del valle del Mantaro: El Mantaro, Chupaca, Santa Ana y Huayao, bajo diseño experimental de bloques completamente aleatorios con arreglo factoria...

  1. A cell wall-bound adenosine nucleosidase is involved in the salvage of extracellular ATP in Solanum tuberosum. (United States)

    Riewe, David; Grosman, Lukasz; Fernie, Alisdair R; Zauber, Henrik; Wucke, Cornelia; Geigenberger, Peter


    Extracellular ATP (eATP) has recently been demonstrated to play a crucial role in plant development and growth. To investigate the fate of eATP within the apoplast, we used intact potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber slices as an experimental system enabling access to the apoplast without interference of cytosolic contamination. (i) Incubation of intact tuber slices with ATP led to the formation of ADP, AMP, adenosine, adenine and ribose, indicating operation of apyrase, 5'-nucleotidase and nucleosidase. (ii) Measurement of apyrase, 5'-nucleotidase and nucleosidase activities in fractionated tuber tissue confirmed the apoplastic localization for apyrase and phosphatase in potato and led to the identification of a novel cell wall-bound adenosine nucleosidase activity. (iii) When intact tuber slices were incubated with saturating concentrations of adenosine, the conversion of adenosine into adenine was much higher than adenosine import into the cell, suggesting a potential bypass of adenosine import. Consistent with this, import of radiolabeled adenine into tuber slices was inhibited when ATP, ADP or AMP were added to the slices. (iv) In wild-type plants, apyrase and adenosine nucleosidase activities were found to be co-regulated, indicating functional linkage of these enzymes in a shared pathway. (v) Moreover, adenosine nucleosidase activity was reduced in transgenic lines with strongly reduced apoplastic apyrase activity. When taken together, these results suggest that a complete ATP salvage pathway is present in the apoplast of plant cells.

  2. Microtuberización in vitro de siete accesiones de papa de la colección central colombiana

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    Rivera ängela Liliana


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la producción in vitro de microtubérculos de papa (cuatro accesiones de S. tuberosum ssp andigena y tres de S. phureja de la Colección Central Colombiana. Se emplearon dos protocolos (líquido-líquido y sólido-líquido en un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial. Las variables evaluadas al momento de la cosecha fueron número de microtubérculos con tamaño inferior a 0.5cm, superior a 0.5cm y número total. La producción de microtubérculos estuvo determinada por el genotipo, el protocolo y las diferentes concentraciones de las hormonas Benzilaminopurina (BAP y Cloruro de Cloro Colina (CCC. La producción fue mayor en el protocolo sólido – líquido, y entre concentraciones la de mejor producción de microtubérculos fue C1 (Sales MS 100%, sacarosa 8%, 10mg BAP/ 500mg CCC y oscuridad. Los mejores productores de microtubérculos fueron las accesiones C.C.C. 4318 (Carriza, C.C.C. 4981 (Guata negra y Solanum phureja 50 (sin nombre.

  3. Preferential colonization of Solanum tuberosum L. roots by the fungus Glomus intraradices in arable soil of a potato farming area. (United States)

    Cesaro, Patrizia; van Tuinen, Diederik; Copetta, Andrea; Chatagnier, Odile; Berta, Graziella; Gianinazzi, Silvio; Lingua, Guido


    The symbiosis between plant roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi has been shown to affect both the diversity and productivity of agricultural communities. In this study, we characterized the AM fungal communities of Solanum tuberosum L. (potato) roots and of the bulk soil in two nearby areas of northern Italy, in order to verify if land use practices had selected any particular AM fungus with specificity to potato plants. The AM fungal large-subunit (LSU) rRNA genes were subjected to nested PCR, cloning, sequencing, and phylogenetic analyses. One hundred eighty-three LSU rRNA sequences were analyzed, and eight monophyletic ribotypes, belonging to Glomus groups A and B, were identified. AM fungal communities differed between bulk soil and potato roots, as one AM fungal ribotype, corresponding to Glomus intraradices, was much more frequent in potato roots than in soils (accounting for more than 90% of sequences from potato samples and less than 10% of sequences from soil samples). A semiquantitative heminested PCR with specific primers was used to confirm and quantify the AM fungal abundance observed by cloning. Overall results concerning the biodiversity of AM fungal communities in roots and in bulk soils from the two studied areas suggested that potato roots were preferentially colonized by one AM fungal species, G. intraradices.

  4. Procesamiento de papa criolla precocida y congelada mediante la técnica de congelación individual (IQF, en seis genotipos promisorios de papa criolla (Solanum phureja

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    Rivera Velasco Jesús Elías


    Full Text Available

    Se evaluó el comportamiento industrial de seis clones promisorios de papa criolla provenientes de hibridación interespecífica cultivados en tres localidades (Soacha, Duitama y Mosquera en los procesos de papa precocida y congelada IQF (Individual Quick Freezing. Como testigo se utilizó la variedad común Yema de Huevo o “Clon 1”. Las variables evaluadas fueron: peso seco, gravedad específica, rendimiento en el proceso, numero de ojos por tubérculo, profundidad de los ojos y tipo de piel. Se encontró que la mayoría de las variables, a pesar de ser definidas por el genotipo, son afectadas por las  condiciones ambientales. Los tubérculos producidos en Marengo, presentaron bajos contenidos de materia seca, característica apropiada para la elaboración de papa precocida. El clon 98-71.26, presentó alto potencial para ser procesado en forma precocida, debido a sus bajas

    pérdidas en precocción y sus características organolépticas similares al “Clon 1”, adicionalmente presentó un alto valor heterótico para la variable rendimiento. En la

    papa precocida y congelada la

  5. Selection of reference genes for transcriptional analysis of edible tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L..

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    Roberta Fogliatto Mariot

    Full Text Available Potato (Solanum tuberosum yield has increased dramatically over the last 50 years and this has been achieved by a combination of improved agronomy and biotechnology efforts. Gene studies are taking place to improve new qualities and develop new cultivars. Reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR is a bench-marking analytical tool for gene expression analysis, but its accuracy is highly dependent on a reliable normalization strategy of an invariant reference genes. For this reason, the goal of this work was to select and validate reference genes for transcriptional analysis of edible tubers of potato. To do so, RT-qPCR primers were designed for ten genes with relatively stable expression in potato tubers as observed in RNA-Seq experiments. Primers were designed across exon boundaries to avoid genomic DNA contamination. Differences were observed in the ranking of candidate genes identified by geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper algorithms. The ranks determined by geNorm and NormFinder were very similar and for all samples the most stable candidates were C2, exocyst complex component sec3 (SEC3 and ATCUL3/ATCUL3A/CUL3/CUL3A (CUL3A. According to BestKeeper, the importin alpha and ubiquitin-associated/ts-n genes were the most stable. Three genes were selected as reference genes for potato edible tubers in RT-qPCR studies. The first one, called C2, was selected in common by NormFinder and geNorm, the second one is SEC3, selected by NormFinder, and the third one is CUL3A, selected by geNorm. Appropriate reference genes identified in this work will help to improve the accuracy of gene expression quantification analyses by taking into account differences that may be observed in RNA quality or reverse transcription efficiency across the samples.

  6. Selection of reference genes for transcriptional analysis of edible tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    Mariot, Roberta Fogliatto; de Oliveira, Luisa Abruzzi; Voorhuijzen, Marleen M; Staats, Martijn; Hutten, Ronald C B; Van Dijk, Jeroen P; Kok, Esther; Frazzon, Jeverson


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum) yield has increased dramatically over the last 50 years and this has been achieved by a combination of improved agronomy and biotechnology efforts. Gene studies are taking place to improve new qualities and develop new cultivars. Reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) is a bench-marking analytical tool for gene expression analysis, but its accuracy is highly dependent on a reliable normalization strategy of an invariant reference genes. For this reason, the goal of this work was to select and validate reference genes for transcriptional analysis of edible tubers of potato. To do so, RT-qPCR primers were designed for ten genes with relatively stable expression in potato tubers as observed in RNA-Seq experiments. Primers were designed across exon boundaries to avoid genomic DNA contamination. Differences were observed in the ranking of candidate genes identified by geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper algorithms. The ranks determined by geNorm and NormFinder were very similar and for all samples the most stable candidates were C2, exocyst complex component sec3 (SEC3) and ATCUL3/ATCUL3A/CUL3/CUL3A (CUL3A). According to BestKeeper, the importin alpha and ubiquitin-associated/ts-n genes were the most stable. Three genes were selected as reference genes for potato edible tubers in RT-qPCR studies. The first one, called C2, was selected in common by NormFinder and geNorm, the second one is SEC3, selected by NormFinder, and the third one is CUL3A, selected by geNorm. Appropriate reference genes identified in this work will help to improve the accuracy of gene expression quantification analyses by taking into account differences that may be observed in RNA quality or reverse transcription efficiency across the samples.

  7. Inorganic phosphorus along with biofertilizers improves profitability and sustainability in soybean (Glycine max–potato (Solanum tuberosum cropping system

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    Sushmita Munda


    Full Text Available Present study was conducted to assess role of phosphorus (P fertilization on economics, energy efficiency, P use indices and soil P balance in soybean [Glycine max (L. Merril]–potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cropping system during 2008–09 and 2009–10. Treatments in soybean as main plots consisted of two sources and two levels of phosphorus with or without biofertilizers [phosphorus solubilizing bacteria, PSB and arbuscular mycorrhizae, AM]. Three levels of P were applied to potato as subplots. System productivity was calculated in terms of soybean equivalent yield and found to be better with biofertilizers treated plots. When applied in combination with biofertilizers, 50% recommended dose of P (RDP as diammonium phosphate (DAP recorded B:C ratio at par with 100% RDP. Direct application of 100% RDP to potato resulted in significantly higher returns, enhancing the net returns. Application of biofertilizers alone increased the energy use efficiency over no biofertilizer application. Irrespective of source (DAP or rock phosphate treatments with biofertilizers had improved P use indices and apparent soil P balance even at 50% RDP. This indicates the role of biofertilizers in P solubilization and making it available to plant. Biofertilizers application can help cutting down the fertilizer P application in soybean–potato cropping system without any considerable reduction in yield and economic returns. Keywords: AM, B:C ratio, P use indices, PSB, Rock phosphate, Agronomic use efficiency

  8. Producción de quistosoros de Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson durante un ciclo de cultivo de papa en tres tipos de suelo Production of cystosori of Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson during a potato crop cycle in three soil types

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    Wilmar Pérez-Pérez


    Full Text Available La sarna polvosa es causada por el protista Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson, un parásito obligado el cual replica en raíces y tubérculos de papa (Solanum tuberosum. Esta replicación resulta en estructuras de resistencia denominadas quistosoros. En este estudio se investigó la producción de quistosoros en papa variedad Diacol Capiro, cultivada en tres tipos de suelos: Inceptisol, Entisol, y Andisol, infestados con quistosoros. La concentración de este parásito se determinó en el suelo a la siembra (inicial, a la senescencia de las plantas (cosecha y dos meses más tarde, cuando las plantas estaban desintegradas (poscosecha. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con dos tratamientos y tres niveles cada uno. Un tratamiento fue el tipo de suelo con los niveles Inceptisol, Entisol y Andisol; y el otro, el tiempo de muestreo con los niveles Inicial, Cosecha y Poscosecha. Adicionalmente, se realizó un ensayo de regresión simple para analizar la correlación de la concentración inicial y final de quistosoros. En todos los tipos de suelo la concentración aumentó (48% (P The powdery scab is caused by the protist Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson, which is an obligate parasite that replicates in roots and tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum. This replication results in resistant structures which are denominated cystosori. Production of cystosori was investigated in the potato variety Diacol Capiro, which was cultivated in three types of soil (Inceptisol, Entisol, and Andisol that were infested with cystosori. Concentration of cystosori was determined at planting (Initial, at plant senescence (Harvest, and at plant disintegration (Postharvest. The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments and three levels each. Soil type with the levels Inceptisol, Entisol and Andisol, was one treatment; and the sampling time with the initial, harvest and

  9. Potato Annexin STANN1 Promotes Drought Tolerance and Mitigates Light Stress in Transgenic Solanum tuberosum L. Plants (United States)

    Szalonek, Michal; Sierpien, Barbara; Rymaszewski, Wojciech; Gieczewska, Katarzyna; Garstka, Maciej; Lichocka, Malgorzata; Sass, Laszlo; Paul, Kenny; Vass, Imre; Vankova, Radomira; Dobrev, Peter; Szczesny, Pawel; Marczewski, Waldemar; Krusiewicz, Dominika; Strzelczyk-Zyta, Danuta; Hennig, Jacek; Konopka-Postupolska, Dorota


    Annexins are a family of calcium- and membrane-binding proteins that are important for plant tolerance to adverse environmental conditions. Annexins function to counteract oxidative stress, maintain cell redox homeostasis, and enhance drought tolerance. In the present study, an endogenous annexin, STANN1, was overexpressed to determine whether crop yields could be improved in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) during drought. Nine potential potato annexins were identified and their expression characterized in response to drought treatment. STANN1 mRNA was constitutively expressed at a high level and drought treatment strongly increased transcription levels. Therefore, STANN1 was selected for overexpression analysis. Under drought conditions, transgenic potato plants ectopically expressing STANN1 were more tolerant to water deficit in the root zone, preserved more water in green tissues, maintained chloroplast functions, and had higher accumulation of chlorophyll b and xanthophylls (especially zeaxanthin) than wild type (WT). Drought-induced reductions in the maximum efficiency and the electron transport rate of photosystem II (PSII), as well as the quantum yield of photosynthesis, were less pronounced in transgenic plants overexpressing STANN1 than in the WT. This conferred more efficient non-photochemical energy dissipation in the outer antennae of PSII and probably more efficient protection of reaction centers against photooxidative damage in transgenic plants under drought conditions. Consequently, these plants were able to maintain effective photosynthesis during drought, which resulted in greater productivity than WT plants despite water scarcity. Although the mechanisms underlying this stress protection are not yet clear, annexin-mediated photoprotection is probably linked to protection against light-induced oxidative stress. PMID:26172952

  10. Rattle tree (Albizia lebbeck Benth. effects on potato (Solanum tuberosum L. productivity on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria

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    Kareem Alasi Ibraheem


    Full Text Available Field experiment was conducted in the biotite-granite area (Alfisol of the Jos Plateau, Nigeria, consisting of five cropping seasons to determine the effects of the tree rows (under alley cropping and green manure of Albizia lebbeck Benth. (rattle tree on the yield / productivity of Solanum tuberosum L. (Irish potato. The experiment was a randomized complete block design comprising five treatments and three replicates. An early maturing potato variety (Bertita was employed, its pre-sprouted tubers were planted in the alleys (spaces between the tree rows of A. lebbeck two weeks after green manure was applied (5 and 10 t ha-1, pre and post experimental soil sample analyses and cultivation operations were carried out. Results indicated that the rattle tree had profound effect on the potato growth parameters (plant height, leaf count, collar girth (at P < 0.01 and yield indices (tuber count (P < 0.05 and tuber weight (P < 0.01 due to nutrients from the green manure and nitrogen fixation activities of the rattle tree. A. lebbeck green manure application at 10 t ha-1 in the alleys of A. lebbeck hedgerows emerged as the most effective treatment in terms of growth performance and optimal yield. Collar girth and leaf count of the potato accounted for 80.4 - 91.3% of the variation in yield (R2 = 0.804 - 0.913 with collar girth having the highest value (R2 =0.910 in rainy season (rain fed cropping, while leaf count had the highest value (R2=0.913 during the dry season (irrigated cropping.

  11. Potato Annexin STANN1 Promotes Drought Tolerance and Mitigates Light Stress in Transgenic Solanum tuberosum L. Plants. (United States)

    Szalonek, Michal; Sierpien, Barbara; Rymaszewski, Wojciech; Gieczewska, Katarzyna; Garstka, Maciej; Lichocka, Malgorzata; Sass, Laszlo; Paul, Kenny; Vass, Imre; Vankova, Radomira; Dobrev, Peter; Szczesny, Pawel; Marczewski, Waldemar; Krusiewicz, Dominika; Strzelczyk-Zyta, Danuta; Hennig, Jacek; Konopka-Postupolska, Dorota


    Annexins are a family of calcium- and membrane-binding proteins that are important for plant tolerance to adverse environmental conditions. Annexins function to counteract oxidative stress, maintain cell redox homeostasis, and enhance drought tolerance. In the present study, an endogenous annexin, STANN1, was overexpressed to determine whether crop yields could be improved in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) during drought. Nine potential potato annexins were identified and their expression characterized in response to drought treatment. STANN1 mRNA was constitutively expressed at a high level and drought treatment strongly increased transcription levels. Therefore, STANN1 was selected for overexpression analysis. Under drought conditions, transgenic potato plants ectopically expressing STANN1 were more tolerant to water deficit in the root zone, preserved more water in green tissues, maintained chloroplast functions, and had higher accumulation of chlorophyll b and xanthophylls (especially zeaxanthin) than wild type (WT). Drought-induced reductions in the maximum efficiency and the electron transport rate of photosystem II (PSII), as well as the quantum yield of photosynthesis, were less pronounced in transgenic plants overexpressing STANN1 than in the WT. This conferred more efficient non-photochemical energy dissipation in the outer antennae of PSII and probably more efficient protection of reaction centers against photooxidative damage in transgenic plants under drought conditions. Consequently, these plants were able to maintain effective photosynthesis during drought, which resulted in greater productivity than WT plants despite water scarcity. Although the mechanisms underlying this stress protection are not yet clear, annexin-mediated photoprotection is probably linked to protection against light-induced oxidative stress.

  12. Potato Annexin STANN1 Promotes Drought Tolerance and Mitigates Light Stress in Transgenic Solanum tuberosum L. Plants.

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    Michal Szalonek

    Full Text Available Annexins are a family of calcium- and membrane-binding proteins that are important for plant tolerance to adverse environmental conditions. Annexins function to counteract oxidative stress, maintain cell redox homeostasis, and enhance drought tolerance. In the present study, an endogenous annexin, STANN1, was overexpressed to determine whether crop yields could be improved in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. during drought. Nine potential potato annexins were identified and their expression characterized in response to drought treatment. STANN1 mRNA was constitutively expressed at a high level and drought treatment strongly increased transcription levels. Therefore, STANN1 was selected for overexpression analysis. Under drought conditions, transgenic potato plants ectopically expressing STANN1 were more tolerant to water deficit in the root zone, preserved more water in green tissues, maintained chloroplast functions, and had higher accumulation of chlorophyll b and xanthophylls (especially zeaxanthin than wild type (WT. Drought-induced reductions in the maximum efficiency and the electron transport rate of photosystem II (PSII, as well as the quantum yield of photosynthesis, were less pronounced in transgenic plants overexpressing STANN1 than in the WT. This conferred more efficient non-photochemical energy dissipation in the outer antennae of PSII and probably more efficient protection of reaction centers against photooxidative damage in transgenic plants under drought conditions. Consequently, these plants were able to maintain effective photosynthesis during drought, which resulted in greater productivity than WT plants despite water scarcity. Although the mechanisms underlying this stress protection are not yet clear, annexin-mediated photoprotection is probably linked to protection against light-induced oxidative stress.

  13. Genome sequence of M6, a diploid inbred clone of the high glycoalkaloid-producing tuber-bearing potato species Solanum chacoense, reveals residual heterozygosity (United States)

    Background: Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is the world’s most important vegetable crop and central to global food security. Cultivated potato is a highly heterozygous autotetraploid that presents challenges in genome analyses and breeding. Numerous wild potato species serve as a resource for introgress...

  14. Genética de la resistencia de la papa (Solanum tuberosum a patógenos. Estado de arte

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    Mosquera Teresa


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    Este artículo presenta una revisión de la resistencia en papa a patógenos, en cuanto a genes mapeados y clonados, y loci de rasgos cuantitativos (QTL mapeados, en la que se resaltan las relaciones entre resistencia cuantitativa y cualitativa en el caso P. infestans. El conocimiento logrado ha permitido generar un mapa funcional sobre el cual se localizan QTL para resistencia a patógenos. Se han mapeado 20 genes R de resistencia a virus, hongos, nematodos y oomicetos, utilizando marcadores moleculares. La mayoría de estos genes R fueron introducidos de especies silvestres. Catorce de ellos se encuentran en hot spots para resistencia y confieren resistencia a varios patógenos. A la fecha se han identificado cinco clusters de resistencia. La resistencia monogénica envuelve dos procesos básicos: percepción del ataque del patógeno, seguida de una respuesta para limitar la enfermedad. La percepción implica receptores específicos para cepas patogénicas, que son decodificadas por genes de resistencia. En una planta se encuentra un gran repertorio de genes de resistencia R, ubicados en diferentes sitios del genoma. Estos genes expresan diferentes proteínas que pueden ser agrupadas en varias familias. La mayoría de proteínas R contienen repeticiones en grupos, ricas en leucina (LRR. Se plantea la colocalización de genes R y QTL en diferentes cromosomas. Una hipótesis señala que los QTL son variantes alélicas con efecto menos extremo que los genes R y una segunda hipótesis plantea que los QTL de resistencia mapean en regiones del genoma que contienen genes de función conocida involucrados en la respuesta general al ataque de patógenos.

  15. Evaluación y selección preliminar por rendimiento de tubérculo y potencial industrial de 36 clones de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. Preliminary evaluation and selection of yield and industrial potential of 36 potato clones (Solanum tuberosum L.

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    Perilla C. Alexánder


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron 36 clones de papa por calidad para la industria, rendimiento, respuesta a gota y precocidad, utilizando como testigos las variedades cultivadas para procesamiento industrial, Diacol Capiro, Diacol Monserrate e lCA Unica. Las variables evaluadas fueron porcentaje de tiras y hojuelas no quemadas, gravedad específica, rendimiento procesable, peso tamaño 2, área bajo la curva de la severidad de gota y días después de la siembra a maduración. El experimento se realizó en la Estación Experimental San Jorge, municipio de Soacha (Cundinamarca, se analizó bajo una metodología estadística propuesta en el Programa de Fitomejoramiento de
    Papa de la Universidad Nacional, que utiliza la suma de rangos en el análisis de diseños incrementados bajo bloques
    completos al azar para seleccionar clones por varias variables y no por una como el análisis tradicional. Se seleccionaron 19 clones, de los cuales 7 son superiores para el conjunto de las variables: los clones 6.5 y 12.59 recomendables para procesamiento en forma de tiras; 2.14,6.8, 11.35, 12.62 y 12.71 para hojuelas. Entre los 7 clones se destacan el 6.8 y 2.14 por presentar menor susceptibilidad a gota y, el clon 6.5 por tener menor tiempo a maduración de tubérculo (15 días menos que Capiro.
    36 clones ofpotato were evaluated for industrial quality, yield, late blight response and early ripen, using the varieties grew for industrial processing, Diacol Capiro, Diacol Monserrate and lCA Unica. Data consisted of the percentage of french fries and chips than did not burn, specific gravity, useful yield, weight of second tubers, area under the curve for the severity of late blight and days to ripen. The experiment was carried out at San Jorge Experiment Station, at Soacha municipality (Cundinamarca - Colombia, it was analyzed under a new statistic methodology proposed in the Breeding Program of
    the Universidad Nacional of Colombia that uses ranks sum on the

  16. Diagnóstico serológico y molecular del Potato leafroll virus (PLRV en tubérculos-semilla de papa en Antioquia, Colombia

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    Mauricio Esteban Mesa Medina


    Full Text Available Las virosis son uno de los problemas fitosanitarios más limitantes para la producción de papa, siendo los virus Potato leafroll virus (PLRV, Potato virus Y (PVY, Potato virus S (PVS y Potato ye-llow vein virus (PYVV los que generan mayores pérdidas económicas en la región andina. Gene-ralmente estos virus son transmitidos por insectos hemípteros y por tubérculos-semilla. En esta investigación se evaluó la presencia y distribución del PLRV en tubérculos de Solanum tuberosum variedad Diacol-Capiro y S. phureja variedad Criolla-Colombia obtenidos en Antioquia, utilizando pruebas serológicas y moleculares. Mediante DAS-ELISA se evaluaron 128 muestras consisten-tes en tres tipos de tejidos (piel, yemas latentes y brotes, mientras que con RT-PCR en tiempo real (RT-qPCR, se utilizó un subgrupo de 12 muestras de cada variedad. Utilizando DAS-ELISA, el PLRV se encontró en el 3,1% y 10,1% de las muestras de Diacol-Capiro y Criolla-Colombia, respectivamente; siendo evidente una mayor detección del virus en la piel de los tubérculos de ésta última variedad. Las pruebas de RT-qPCR detectaron el PLRV en 83,3% y 91,6% de las 12 muestras de Diacol-Capiro y de Criolla-Colombia, respectivamente; con valores de Ciclo umbral (CT entre 17,72 y 30,59. La naturaleza de los amplicones obtenidos por RT-qPCR fue confirmada por secuenciación como parte de una región codificante de la cápside del PLRV (Identidad=99%-100%. Estos resultados enfatizan en la necesidad de utilizar tubérculo-semilla certificados por su sanidad viral en los cultivos de papa del país y de fortalecer dichos programas a partir del empleo de técnicas de detección altamente sensibles como RT-qPCR.

  17. Andean potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.) as a source of antioxidant and mineral micronutrients. (United States)

    Andre, Christelle M; Ghislain, Marc; Bertin, Pierre; Oufir, Mouhssin; Herrera, María del Rosario; Hoffmann, Lucien; Hausman, Jean-François; Larondelle, Yvan; Evers, Danièle


    Potato tubers were evaluated as a source of antioxidants and minerals for the human diet. A genetically diverse sample of Solanum tuberosum L. cultivars native to the Andes of South America was obtained from a collection of nearly 1000 genotypes using microsatellite markers. This size-manageable collection of 74 landraces, representing at best the genetic diversity among potato germplasm, was analyzed for iron, zinc, calcium, total phenolic, total carotenoid, and total vitamin C contents. The hydrophilic antioxidant capacity of each genotype was also measured using the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. The iron content ranged from 29.87 to 157.96 microg g-1 of dry weight (DW), the zinc content from 12.6 to 28.83 microg g-1 of DW, and the calcium content from 271.09 to 1092.93 microg g-1 of DW. Total phenolic content varied between 1.12 and 12.37 mg of gallic acid equiv g-1 of DW, total carotenoid content between 2.83 and 36.21 microg g-1 of DW, and total vitamin C content between 217.70 and 689.47 microg g-1 of DW. The range of hydrophilic ORAC values was 28.25-250.67 micromol of Trolox equiv g-1 of DW. The hydrophilic antioxidant capacity and the total phenolic content were highly and positively correlated (r = 0.91). A strong relationship between iron and calcium contents was also found (r = 0.67). Principal component analysis on the studied nutritional contents of the core collection revealed that most potato genotypes were balanced in terms of antioxidant and mineral contents, but some of them could be distinguished by their high level in distinct micronutrients. Correlations between the micronutrient contents observed in the sample and the genetic distances assessed by microsatellites were weakly significant. However, this study demonstrated the wide variability of health-promoting micronutrient levels within the native potato germplasm as well as the significant contribution that distinct potato tubers may impart to the intake in dietary

  18. Expression of a Petunia inflata pectin methyl esterase in Solanum tuberosum L. enhances stem elongation and modifies cation distribution. (United States)

    Pilling, J; Willmitzer, L; Fisahn, J


    Transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants were constructed with a Petunia inflata-derived cDNA encoding a pectin methyl esterase (PME; EC in sense orientation under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. The PME activity was elevated in leaves and tubers of the transgenic lines but slightly reduced in apical segments of stems from mature plants. Stem segments from the base of juvenile PME-overexpressing plants did not differ in PME activity from the control, whereas in apical parts PME was less active than in the wild-type. During the early stages of development stems of these transgenic plants elongated more rapidly than those of the wild-type. Further evidence that overexpression of a plant-derived PME has an impact on plant development is based on modifications of tuber yield, which was reduced in the transgenic lines. Cell walls from transgenic tubers showed significant differences in their cation-binding properties in comparison with the wild-type. In particular, cell walls displayed increased affinity for sodium and calcium, while potassium binding was constant. Furthermore, the total ion content of transgenic potatoes was modified. Indications of PME-mediated differences in the distribution of ions in transgenic plants were also obtained by monitoring relaxations of the membrane potential of roots subsequent to changes in the ionic composition of the bathing solution. However, no effects on the chemical structure of pectin from tuber cell walls could be detected.

  19. Effect of salt stress on growth, Na+ accumulation and proline metabolism in potato (Solanum tuberosum cultivars.

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    Rinse Jaarsma

    Full Text Available Potato (Solanum tuberosum is a major crop world-wide and the productivity of currently used cultivars is strongly reduced at high soil salt levels. We compared the response of six potato cultivars to increased root NaCl concentrations. Cuttings were grown hydroponically and treated with 0 mM, 60 mM and 180 mM NaCl for one week. Growth reduction on salt was strongest for the cultivars Mozart and Mona Lisa with a severe senescence response at 180 mM NaCl and Mozart barely survived the treatment. The cultivars Desiree and Russett Burbank were more tolerant showing no senescence after salt treatment. A clear difference in Na(+ homeostasis was observed between sensitive and tolerant cultivars. The salt sensitive cultivar Mozart combined low Na(+ levels in root and stem with the highest leaf Na(+ concentration of all cultivars, resulting in a high Na(+ shoot distribution index (SDI for Mozart as compared to Desiree. Overall, a positive correlation between salt tolerance and stem Na(+ accumulation was found and the SDI for Na(+ points to a role of stem Na(+ accumulation in tolerance. In stem tissue, Mozart accumulated more H2O2 and less proline compared to the tolerant cultivars. Analysis of the expression of proline biosynthesis genes in Mozart and Desiree showed a clear reduction in proline dehydrogenase (PDH expression in both cultivars and an increase in pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase 1 (P5CS1 gene expression in Desiree, but not in Mozart. Taken together, current day commercial cultivars show promising differences in salt tolerance and the results suggest that mechanisms of tolerance reside in the capacity of Na(+ accumulation in stem tissue, resulting in reduced Na(+ transport to the leaves.

  20. Effect of Salt Stress on Growth, Na+ Accumulation and Proline Metabolism in Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Cultivars (United States)

    Jaarsma, Rinse; de Vries, Rozemarijn S. M.; de Boer, Albertus H.


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a major crop world-wide and the productivity of currently used cultivars is strongly reduced at high soil salt levels. We compared the response of six potato cultivars to increased root NaCl concentrations. Cuttings were grown hydroponically and treated with 0 mM, 60 mM and 180 mM NaCl for one week. Growth reduction on salt was strongest for the cultivars Mozart and Mona Lisa with a severe senescence response at 180 mM NaCl and Mozart barely survived the treatment. The cultivars Desiree and Russett Burbank were more tolerant showing no senescence after salt treatment. A clear difference in Na+ homeostasis was observed between sensitive and tolerant cultivars. The salt sensitive cultivar Mozart combined low Na+ levels in root and stem with the highest leaf Na+ concentration of all cultivars, resulting in a high Na+ shoot distribution index (SDI) for Mozart as compared to Desiree. Overall, a positive correlation between salt tolerance and stem Na+ accumulation was found and the SDI for Na+ points to a role of stem Na+ accumulation in tolerance. In stem tissue, Mozart accumulated more H2O2 and less proline compared to the tolerant cultivars. Analysis of the expression of proline biosynthesis genes in Mozart and Desiree showed a clear reduction in proline dehydrogenase (PDH) expression in both cultivars and an increase in pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase 1 (P5CS1) gene expression in Desiree, but not in Mozart. Taken together, current day commercial cultivars show promising differences in salt tolerance and the results suggest that mechanisms of tolerance reside in the capacity of Na+ accumulation in stem tissue, resulting in reduced Na+ transport to the leaves. PMID:23533673

  1. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber ageing induces changes in the proteome and antioxidants associated with the sprouting pattern. (United States)

    Delaplace, Pierre; Fauconnier, Marie-Laure; Sergeant, Kjell; Dierick, Jean-François; Oufir, Mouhssin; van der Wal, Froukje; America, Antoine H P; Renaut, Jenny; Hausman, Jean-François; du Jardin, Patrick


    During post-harvest storage, potato tubers age as they undergo an evolution of their physiological state influencing their sprouting pattern. In the present study, physiological and biochemical approaches were combined to provide new insights on potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Désirée) tuber ageing. An increase in the physiological age index (PAI) value from 0.14 to 0.83 occurred during storage at 4 degrees C over 270 d. Using this reference frame, a proteomic approach was followed based on two-dimensional electrophoresis. In the experimental conditions of this study, a marked proteolysis of patatin occurred after the PAI reached a value of 0.6. In parallel, several glycolytic enzymes were up-regulated and cellular components influencing protein conformation and the response to stress were altered. The equilibrium between the 20S and 26S forms of the proteasome was modified, the 20S form that recycles oxidized proteins being up-regulated. Two proteins belonging to the cytoskeleton were also differentially expressed during ageing. As most of these changes are also observed in an oxidative stress context, an approach focused on antioxidant compounds and enzymes as well as oxidative damage on polyunsaturated fatty acids and proteins was conducted. All the changes observed during ageing seemed to allow the potato tubers to maintain their radical scavenging activity until the end of the storage period as no accumulation of oxidative damage was observed. These data are interpreted considering the impact of reactive oxygen species on the development and the behaviour of other plant systems undergoing ageing or senescence processes.

  2. Comparison between Proteome and Transcriptome Response in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Leaves Following Potato Virus Y (PVY) Infection. (United States)

    Stare, Tjaša; Stare, Katja; Weckwerth, Wolfram; Wienkoop, Stefanie; Gruden, Kristina


    Plant diseases caused by viral infection are affecting all major crops. Being an obligate intracellular organisms, chemical control of these pathogens is so far not applied in the field except to control the insect vectors of the viruses. Understanding of molecular responses of plant immunity is therefore economically important, guiding the enforcement of crop resistance. To disentangle complex regulatory mechanisms of the plant immune responses, understanding system as a whole is a must. However, integrating data from different molecular analysis (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, smallRNA regulation etc.) is not straightforward. We evaluated the response of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) following the infection with potato virus Y (PVY). The response has been analyzed on two molecular levels, with microarray transcriptome analysis and mass spectroscopy-based proteomics. Within this report, we performed detailed analysis of the results on both levels and compared two different approaches for analysis of proteomic data (spectral count versus MaxQuant). To link the data on different molecular levels, each protein was mapped to the corresponding potato transcript according to StNIB paralogue grouping. Only 33% of the proteins mapped to microarray probes in a one-to-one relation and additionally many showed discordance in detected levels of proteins with corresponding transcripts. We discussed functional importance of true biological differences between both levels and showed that the reason for the discordance between transcript and protein abundance lies partly in complexity and structure of biological regulation of proteome and transcriptome and partly in technical issues contributing to it.

  3. A Medicago truncatula H+-pyrophosphatase gene, MtVP1, improves sucrose accumulation and anthocyanin biosynthesis in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    Wang, J W; Wang, H Q; Xiang, W W; Chai, T Y


    We recently cloned MtVP1, a type I vacuolar-type H(+)-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase from Medicago truncatula. In the present study, we investigated the cellular location and the function of this H(+)-PPase in Arabidopsis and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). An MtVP1::enhanced green fluorescent protein fusion was constructed, which localized to the plasma membrane of onion epidermal cells. Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana overexpressing MtVP1 had more robust root systems and redder shoots than wild-type (WT) plants under conditions of cold stress. Furthermore, overexpression of MtVP1 in potato accelerated the formation and growth of vegetative organs. The tuber buds and stem base of transgenic potatoes became redder than those of WT plants, but flowering was delayed by approximately half a month. Interestingly, anthocyanin biosynthesis was promoted in transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings and potato tuber buds. The sucrose concentration of transgenic potato tubers and tuber buds was enhanced compared with that of WT plants. Furthermore, sucrose concentration in tubers was higher than that in tuber buds. Although there was no direct evidence to support Fuglsang's hypothetical model regarding the effects of H(+)-PPase on sucrose phloem loading, we speculated that sucrose concentration was increased in tuber buds owing to the increased concentration in tubers. Therefore, overexpressed MtVP1 enhanced sucrose accumulation of source organs, which might enhance sucrose transport to sink organs, thus affecting anthocyanin biosynthesis.

  4. Solanum venturii, a suitable model system for virus-induced gene silencing studies in potato reveals StMKK6 as an important player in plant immunity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dobnik, David; Lazar, Ana; Stare, Tjaša; Gruden, Kristina; Vleeshouwers, Vivianne G.A.A.; Žel, Jana


    Background: Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is an optimal tool for functional analysis of genes in plants, as the viral vector spreads throughout the plant and causes reduced expression of selected gene over the whole plant. Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is one of the most important food crops,

  5. Nutrient Concentrations of Bush Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. Cultivated in Subarctic Soils Managed with Intercropping and Willow (Salix spp. Agroforestry

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    Meaghan J. Wilton


    Full Text Available To ease food insecurities in northern Canada, some remote communities started gardening initiatives to gain more access to locally grown foods. Bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. and potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. were assessed for N, P, K, Mg, and Ca concentrations of foliage as indicators of plant nutrition in a calcareous silty loam soil of northern Ontario James Bay lowlands. Crops were grown in sole cropping and intercropping configurations, with comparisons made between an open field and an agroforestry site enclosed with willow (Salix spp. trees. Foliage chemical analysis of the sites revealed an abundance of Ca, adequacies for Mg and N, and deficiencies in P and K. Intercropping bean and potato did not show significant crop–crop facilitation for nutrients. The agroforestry site showed to be a superior management practice for the James Bay lowland region, specifically for P. The agroforestry site had significantly greater P for bean plant (p = 0.024 and potato foliage (p = 0.002 compared to the open site. It is suspected that the presence of willows improve plant available P to bean and potatoes by tree root—crop root interactions and microclimate enhancements.



    Botina G., Bibiana; Velásquez I., ángel; Bacca, Tito; Castillo F., Jesús; Dias, Lucimar G.


    El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la diversidad, abundancia y biomasa de la macrofauna en cuatro diferentes usos del suelo; cultivo de papa con labranza mínima, cultivo de papa con labranza tradicional, suelo desnudo y una pradera de kikuyo. Para evaluar la fauna fue utilizada la metodología del programa Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF). La macrofauna del suelo fue identificada hasta nivel de orden y familia. La mayor abundancia y diversidad de macroinvertebrados fue enc...

  7. Genome-wide survey of Aux/IAA gene family members in potato (Solanum tuberosum): Identification, expression analysis, and evaluation of their roles in tuber development. (United States)

    Gao, Junpeng; Cao, Xiaoli; Shi, Shandang; Ma, Yuling; Wang, Kai; Liu, Shengjie; Chen, Dan; Chen, Qin; Ma, Haoli


    The Auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) genes encode short-lived nuclear proteins that are known to be involved in the primary cellular responses to auxin. To date, systematic analysis of the Aux/IAA genes in potato (Solanum tuberosum) has not been conducted. In this study, a total of 26 potato Aux/IAA genes were identified (designated from StIAA1 to StIAA26), and the distribution of four conserved domains shared by the StIAAs were analyzed based on multiple sequence alignment and a motif-based sequence analysis. A phylogenetic analysis of the Aux/IAA gene families of potato and Arabidopsis was also conducted. In order to assess the roles of StIAA genes in tuber development, the results of RNA-seq studies were reformatted to analyze the expression patterns of StIAA genes, and then verified by quantitative real-time PCR. A large number of StIAA genes (12 genes) were highly expressed in stolon organs and in during the tuber initiation and expansion developmental stages, and most of these genes were responsive to indoleacetic acid treatment. Our results suggested that StIAA genes were involved in the process of tuber development and provided insights into functional roles of potato Aux/IAA genes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Transcriptome Profiling of the Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Plant under Drought Stress and Water-Stimulus Conditions. (United States)

    Gong, Lei; Zhang, Hongxia; Gan, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Li; Chen, Yuchao; Nie, Fengjie; Shi, Lei; Li, Miao; Guo, Zhiqian; Zhang, Guohui; Song, Yuxia


    Drought stress can seriously affect tuberization, yield and quality of potato plant. However, the precise molecular mechanisms governing potato stolon's response to drought stress and water supply are not very well understood. In this work, a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) variant, Ningshu 4, was subjected to severe drought stress treatment (DT) and re-watering treatment (RWT) at tuber bulking stage. Strand-specific cDNA libraries of stolon materials were constructed for paired-end transcriptome sequencing analyses and differentially expressed gene (DEG) examination. In comparison to untreated-control (CT) plants, 3189 and 1797 DEGs were identified in DT and RWT plants and 4154 solely expressed DEGs were screened out from these two comparison groups. Interestingly, 263 genes showed opposite expression patterns in DT and RWT plants. Among them, genes homologous to Protein Phosphatase 2C (PP2C), Aspartic protease in guard cell 1 (ASPG1), auxin-responsive protein, Arabidopsis pseudo response regualtor 2 (APRR2), GA stimulated transcripts in Arabidopsis 6 (GASA6), Calmodulin-like protein 19 (CML19), abscisic acid 8'-hydroxylases and calcium-transporting ATPase, et al. were related with drought-stress and water stimulus response. Sixteen DEGs involved in starch synthesis, accumulation and tuber formation exhibited significantly different expression upon re-watering. In addition, 1630, 1527 and 1596 transcription factor encoding genes were detected in CT, DT and RWT. DEGs of ERF, bHLH, MYB, NAC, WRKY, C2H2, bZIP and HD-ZIP families accounted for 50% in three comparison groups, respectively. Furthermore, characteristics of 565 gene ontology (GO) and 108 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways (KEGG) were analyzed with the 4154 DEGs. All these results suggest that the drought- and water-stimulus response could be implemented by the regulated expression of metabolic pathway DEGs, and these genes were involved in the endogenous hormone biosynthesis and signal

  9. Transcriptome Profiling of the Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. Plant under Drought Stress and Water-Stimulus Conditions.

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    Lei Gong

    Full Text Available Drought stress can seriously affect tuberization, yield and quality of potato plant. However, the precise molecular mechanisms governing potato stolon's response to drought stress and water supply are not very well understood. In this work, a potato (Solanum tuberosum L. variant, Ningshu 4, was subjected to severe drought stress treatment (DT and re-watering treatment (RWT at tuber bulking stage. Strand-specific cDNA libraries of stolon materials were constructed for paired-end transcriptome sequencing analyses and differentially expressed gene (DEG examination. In comparison to untreated-control (CT plants, 3189 and 1797 DEGs were identified in DT and RWT plants and 4154 solely expressed DEGs were screened out from these two comparison groups. Interestingly, 263 genes showed opposite expression patterns in DT and RWT plants. Among them, genes homologous to Protein Phosphatase 2C (PP2C, Aspartic protease in guard cell 1 (ASPG1, auxin-responsive protein, Arabidopsis pseudo response regualtor 2 (APRR2, GA stimulated transcripts in Arabidopsis 6 (GASA6, Calmodulin-like protein 19 (CML19, abscisic acid 8'-hydroxylases and calcium-transporting ATPase, et al. were related with drought-stress and water stimulus response. Sixteen DEGs involved in starch synthesis, accumulation and tuber formation exhibited significantly different expression upon re-watering. In addition, 1630, 1527 and 1596 transcription factor encoding genes were detected in CT, DT and RWT. DEGs of ERF, bHLH, MYB, NAC, WRKY, C2H2, bZIP and HD-ZIP families accounted for 50% in three comparison groups, respectively. Furthermore, characteristics of 565 gene ontology (GO and 108 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways (KEGG were analyzed with the 4154 DEGs. All these results suggest that the drought- and water-stimulus response could be implemented by the regulated expression of metabolic pathway DEGs, and these genes were involved in the endogenous hormone biosynthesis and signal

  10. Infestation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) by the peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer) alters cellular redox status and is influenced by ascorbate. (United States)

    Kerchev, Pavel I; Fenton, Brian; Foyer, Christine H; Hancock, Robert D


    The peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer) is a major pest of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) but the molecular characterization of this interaction particularly with regard to oxidants and antioxidants remains to be undertaken. Aphid colonies reared on potato leaves containing high ascorbate were twice the size of those grown on leaves with low ascorbate. Infestation-dependent decreases in the abundance of key transcripts such as chloroplastic FeSOD, peroxisomal catalase 2, PR1 and JAZ1 preceded detectable leaf H(2)O(2) or polyphenol accumulation. The leaf glutathione pool was increased 48 h after infestation, but the amount of ascorbate was unchanged. The ascorbate/dehydroacorbate (DHA) ratio was lower at 48 h but the ratio of reduced glutathione (GSH) to oxidized glutathione (GSSG) was unchanged. While DHA reductase and GSSG reductase activities were unaffected by aphid feeding, non-specific peroxidase activities were enhanced 48 h following aphid infestation. Brown ethanol-insoluble deposits were observed close to leaf veins following aphid infestation. Taken together, the results demonstrate that high ascorbate favours aphid colony expansion and that perturbations in the leaf antioxidant system are intrinsic to the potato leaf response to aphids. Moreover, these changes together with the induction of hormone-related transcripts precede the deposition of defence-associated oxidized polyphenols along the stylet track. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  11. Estudio reológico de las mezclas de harinas: trigo (Triticum vulgare, cebada (Hordeum vulgare y papas (Solanum tuberosum para la utilización en la elaboración de pan

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    Galo Sandoval


    Full Text Available Con las harinas de trigo importado, el trigo nacional y los cereales que se producen en el país, y el tubérculo papa, se realizó un estudio reológico para determinar las proporciones más convenientes de sustitución de harina de trigo importado con éstas últimas y su factibilidad para la elaboración de pan. Se trabajó en mezclas de harinas, de trigo CWRS#1 (trigo rojo de primavera del oeste de Canadá, de cebada Cañicapa, trigo Cojitambo y papa Gabriela, provenientes de cultivos ecuatorianos, en proporciones de 10, 20 y 30% (p/p. Las masas provenientes de las mezclas de harinas fueron analizadas en un Farinógrafo Brabender, con la finalidad de determinar la absorción de agua, el tiempo de desarrollo, la estabilidad e índice de tolerancia, con el objeto de seleccionar las mezclas de harinas que tuvieran un comportamiento similar a la harina de trigo CWRS#1. Las mejores mezclas encontradas fueron: harina de trigo CWRS#1 sustituida con el 10, 20 y 30% de harina de cebada Cañicapa; y la mezcla de harina de trigo CWRS#1 con harina de trigo Cojitambo en un 30%. Estas mezclas de harinas seleccionadas fueron también sometidas al análisis reológico de sus masas utilizando un equipo MIXOLAB. La utilización de las harinas seleccionadas en la elaboración de pan fue evaluado a través de un análisis sensorial. Los panes más aceptados por los consumidores fueron aquellos que contenían 20 y 30% de cebada; seguido del grupo de los elaborados con trigo importado con 30% de trigo Cojitambo, y los que contenían el 10% de harina de cebada.

  12. A recombination point is conserved in the mitochondrial genome of higher plant species and located downstream from the cox2 pseudogene in Solanum tuberosum L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susely F.S. Tada


    Full Text Available The potato (Solanum tuberosum L. mitochondrial cox3/sdh4/pseudo-cox2 gene cluster has previously been identified by heterologous hybridization using a Marchantia polymorpha sdh4 probe. In our present study we used Southern blotting using sdh4 and cox2 probes to show that the sdh4 and cox2 genes are clustered in the mitochondria of potato, soybean and pea. Northern blotting revealed cotranscription of sdh4 and cox2 in potato but not in cauliflower, indicating that these genes are not clustered in cauliflower. A putative recombination point was detected downstream of the cox2 pseudogene (pseudo-cox2 in potato mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA. This sequence corresponds to a 32 bp sequence which appears to be well-conserved and is adjacent to the terminals of some mitochondrial genes in Citrullus lanatus, Beta vulgaris and Arabidopsis thaliana and is probably involved in the genic rearrangements. It is possible the potato mtDNA pseudo-cox2 gene was generated by recombination during evolution in the same way as that of several other mitochondrial genes and remains as an inactive partial copy of the functional cox2 which was also detected in potato mtDNA.

  13. The Solanum commersonii Genome Sequence Provides Insights into Adaptation to Stress Conditions and Genome Evolution of Wild Potato Relatives (United States)

    Aversano, Riccardo; Contaldi, Felice; Ercolano, Maria Raffaella; Grosso, Valentina; Iorizzo, Massimo; Tatino, Filippo; Xumerle, Luciano; Dal Molin, Alessandra; Avanzato, Carla; Ferrarini, Alberto; Delledonne, Massimo; Sanseverino, Walter; Cigliano, Riccardo Aiese; Capella-Gutierrez, Salvador; Gabaldón, Toni; Frusciante, Luigi; Bradeen, James M.; Carputo, Domenico


    Here, we report the draft genome sequence of Solanum commersonii, which consists of ∼830 megabases with an N50 of 44,303 bp anchored to 12 chromosomes, using the potato (Solanum tuberosum) genome sequence as a reference. Compared with potato, S. commersonii shows a striking reduction in heterozygosity (1.5% versus 53 to 59%), and differences in genome sizes were mainly due to variations in intergenic sequence length. Gene annotation by ab initio prediction supported by RNA-seq data produced a catalog of 1703 predicted microRNAs, 18,882 long noncoding RNAs of which 20% are shown to target cold-responsive genes, and 39,290 protein-coding genes with a significant repertoire of nonredundant nucleotide binding site-encoding genes and 126 cold-related genes that are lacking in S. tuberosum. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that domesticated potato and S. commersonii lineages diverged ∼2.3 million years ago. Three duplication periods corresponding to genome enrichment for particular gene families related to response to salt stress, water transport, growth, and defense response were discovered. The draft genome sequence of S. commersonii substantially increases our understanding of the domesticated germplasm, facilitating translation of acquired knowledge into advances in crop stability in light of global climate and environmental changes. PMID:25873387

  14. The effect of in vitro mycorrhization on growth characteristics, changes in endogenous hormones and performance of microplants in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khosro PARVIZI


    Full Text Available Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. plantlets were inoculated in vitro with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus intraradices and their growth response, performance and endogenous hormonal status evaluated. A factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design consisting of two potato cultivars (Agria and Sante and four culture media was conducted with four replications. The culture media included non-inoculated Murashige and Skoog (MS medium (control, inoculated MS medium, inoculated half-strength MS medium and inoculated MS medium without vitamins and sugar. To do inoculation, germinated spores of fungus were transferred to the root zone of plantlets. Colonization percentage, total chlorophyll content, internodes and stolon length, shoot diameter, shoot and root fresh and dry weight, leaf area and the level of three endogenous hormones (total auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins were determined. In addition, mini-tuber production was assayed quantitatively and qualitatively. Results demonstrated that the effect of two factors on all characteristics including mini-tuber production was different significantly. Interaction between cultivar and inoculation systems was significantly associated with endogen auxins as well as all range of mini-tuber production. The inoculated MS medium showed the better results, but it did not have significant difference to half-strength MS in terms of plantlet performance and growing parameters. Responses of both cultivars to inoculation were very conspicuous in the production of endogen hormones. Higher endogen hormone levels were associated with elevated growth parameters, greater biomass production and better plantlet performance.

  15. RESPUESTA DE DIFERENTES POBLACIONES DE Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea A LA ROTACIÓN ENTRE DOS VARIEDADES DE PAPA (Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena RESPONSE OF DIFFERENT POPULATIONS OF Spongospora subterranea f .sp. subterranea TO ROTATION OF TWO POTATO CULTIVARS (Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia Jaramillo Villegas


    Full Text Available En una zona papera del Oriente de Antioquia - Colombia, se realizaron tres experimentos, para conocer el comportamiento de las variedades ICA Puracé, considerada por los agricultores, como resistente a la sarna polvosa de la papa, y la variedad Diacol Capiro susceptible. Se pretendió evaluar si hay un efecto de la rotación, entre las dos variedades con diferentes poblaciones de Spongospora subterranea f sp. subterranea sobre la sarna polvosa. Se utilizaron quistosoros de 23 poblaciones de S. subterranea, extraídos de pústulas presentes en tubérculos o agallas en raíces de diferentes variedades, y procedentes de las regiones más productoras de papa en el país. Se determinó la incidencia y el grado de severidad de dichas poblaciones bajo el proceso de rotación entre ICA Puracé-Diacol Capiro y viceversa, en tres cosechas sucesivas, en condiciones de casa de malla. Se observó que las poblaciones del patógeno, no afectaron el peso, ni causaron síntomas de sarna polvosa en los tubérculos, pero si en las raíces, con diferentes grados de severidad en las dos variedades, con tendencia poco predecible en las distintas cosechas, con niveles bajo (> 0 a 2, medio (> 2 a 6 y alto (>6, siendo mas susceptible la Diacol Capiro, que al parecer favoreció el incremento del inóculo. Diacol Capiro, presentó alta incidencia (23/23 y severidad (algunas poblaciones con grado >6 en el primer ciclo, mientras que la ICA Puracé fue levemente afectada por pocas poblaciones (7/23 de S. subterranea y posiblemente presentó efecto supresivo sobre los quistosoros en el suelo en la rotación (segundo ciclo, puesto que se redujo el grado de severidad (In Antioquia Colombia were realized three experiments with potatoes, to know the behavior of the ICA Puracé cultivar, considered by agricultures as powder scab resistant, and the Diacol Capiro cultivar, which is highly susceptible. It is pretended to evaluate if there is a rotation effect, of the two varieties

  16. Reduction of the plastidial phosphorylase in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) reveals impact on storage starch structure during growth at low temperature. (United States)

    Orawetz, Tom; Malinova, Irina; Orzechowski, Slawomir; Fettke, Joerg


    Tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), one of the most important crops, are a prominent example for an efficient production of storage starch. Nevertheless, the synthesis of this storage starch is not completely understood. The plastidial phosphorylase (Pho1; EC catalyzes the reversible transfer of glucosyl residues from glucose-1-phosphate to the non-reducing end of α-glucans with the release of orthophosphate. Thus, the enzyme is in principle able to act during starch synthesis. However, so far under normal growth conditions no alterations in tuber starch metabolism were observed. Based on analyses of other species and also from in vitro experiments with potato tuber slices it was supposed, that Pho1 has a stronger impact on starch metabolism, when plants grow under low temperature conditions. Therefore, we analyzed the starch content, granule size, as well as the internal structure of starch granules isolated from potato plants grown under low temperatures. Besides wild type, transgenic potato plants with a strong reduction in the Pho1 activity were analyzed. No significant alterations in starch content and granule size were detected. In contrast, when plants were cultivated at low temperatures the chain length distributions of the starch granules were altered. Thus, the granules contained more short glucan chains. That was not observed in the transgenic plants, revealing that Pho1 in wild type is involved in the formation of the short glucan chains, at least at low temperatures. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  17. Overexpression of StNF-YB3.1 reduces photosynthetic capacity and tuber production, and promotes ABA-mediated stomatal closure in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    Xuanyuan, Guochao; Lu, Congming; Zhang, Ruofang; Jiang, Jiming


    Nuclear factor Y (NF-Y) is one of the most ubiquitous transcription factors (TFs), comprising NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC subunits, and has been identified and reported in various aspects of development for plants and animals. In this work, StNF-YB3.1, a putative potato NF-YB subunit encoding gene, was isolated from Solanum tuberosum by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). Overexpression of StNF-YB3.1 in potato (cv. Atlantic) resulted in accelerated onset of flowering, and significant increase in leaf chlorophyll content in field trials. However, transgenic potato plants overexpressing StNF-YB3.1 (OEYB3.1) showed significant decreases in photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance both at tuber initiation and bulking stages. OEYB3.1 lines were associated with significantly fewer tuber numbers and yield reduction. Guard cell size and stomatal density were not changed in OEYB3.1 plants, whereas ABA-mediated stomatal closure was accelerated compared to that of wild type plants because of the up-regulation of genes for ABA signaling, such as StCPK10-like, StSnRK2.6/OST1-like, StSnRK2.7-like and StSLAC1-like. We speculate that the acceleration of stomatal closure was a possible reason for the significantly decreased stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Enhanced resistance to blister blight in transgenic tea (Camellia sinensis [L.] O. Kuntze) by overexpression of class I chitinase gene from potato (Solanum tuberosum). (United States)

    Singh, H Ranjit; Deka, Manab; Das, Sudripta


    Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world. A crop loss of up to 43 % has been reported due to blister blight disease of tea caused by a fungus, Exobasidium vexans. Thus, it directly affects the tea industry qualitatively and quantitatively. Solanum tuberosum class I chitinase gene (AF153195) is a plant pathogenesis-related gene. It was introduced into tea genome via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) gene conferring hygromycin resistance as plant selectable marker. A total of 41 hygromycin resistant plantlets were obtained, and PCR analysis established 12 plantlets confirming about the stable integration of transgene in the plant genome. Real-time PCR detected transgene expression in four transgenic plantlets (T28, C57, C9, and T31). Resistance to biotrophic fungal pathogen, E. vexans, was tested by detached leaf infection assay of greenhouse acclimated plantlets. An inhibitory activity against the fungal pathogen was evident from the detached leaves from the transformants compared with the control. Fungal lesion formed on control plantlet whereas the transgenic plantlets showed resistance to inoculated fungal pathogen by the formation of hypersensitivity reaction area. This result suggests that constitutive expression of the potato class I chitinase gene can be exploited to improve resistance to fungal pathogen, E. vexans, in economical perennial plantation crop like tea.

  19. In silico insights into protein-protein interactions and folding dynamics of the saposin-like domain of Solanum tuberosum aspartic protease.

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    Dref C De Moura

    Full Text Available The plant-specific insert is an approximately 100-residue domain found exclusively within the C-terminal lobe of some plant aspartic proteases. Structurally, this domain is a member of the saposin-like protein family, and is involved in plant pathogen defense as well as vacuolar targeting of the parent protease molecule. Similar to other members of the saposin-like protein family, most notably saposins A and C, the recently resolved crystal structure of potato (Solanum tuberosum plant-specific insert has been shown to exist in a substrate-bound open conformation in which the plant-specific insert oligomerizes to form homodimers. In addition to the open structure, a closed conformation also exists having the classic saposin fold of the saposin-like protein family as observed in the crystal structure of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. plant-specific insert. In the present study, the mechanisms of tertiary and quaternary conformation changes of potato plant-specific insert were investigated in silico as a function of pH. Umbrella sampling and determination of the free energy change of dissociation of the plant-specific insert homodimer revealed that increasing the pH of the system to near physiological levels reduced the free energy barrier to dissociation. Furthermore, principal component analysis was used to characterize conformational changes at both acidic and neutral pH. The results indicated that the plant-specific insert may adopt a tertiary structure similar to the characteristic saposin fold and suggest a potential new structural motif among saposin-like proteins. To our knowledge, this acidified PSI structure presents the first example of an alternative saposin-fold motif for any member of the large and diverse SAPLIP family.

  20. Does elevated CO2 ameliorate the impact of O3 on chlorophyll content and photosynthesis in potato (Solanum tuberosum)? (United States)

    Donnelly, Alison; Craigon, Jim; Black, Colin R.; Colls, Jeremy J.; Landon, Geoff


    This study examined the impact of season-long exposure to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3), individually and in combination, on leaf chlorophyll content and gas exchange characteristics in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje). Plants grown in open-top chambers were exposed to three CO2 (ambient, 550 and 680 µmol mol-1) and two O3 treatments (ambient and elevated; 25 and 65 nmol mol-1, 8 h day-1 means, respectively) between crop emergence and maturity; plants were also grown in unchambered field plots. Non-destructive measurements of chlorophyll content and visible foliar injury were made for all treatments at 2-week intervals between 43 and 95 days after emergence. Gas exchange measurements were made for all except the intermediate 550 µmol mol-1 CO2 treatment. Season-long exposure to elevated O3 under ambient CO2 reduced chlorophyll content and induced extensive visible foliar damage, but had little effect on net assimilation rate or stomatal conductance. Elevated CO2 had no significant effect on chlorophyll content, but greatly reduced the damaging impact of O3 on chlorophyll content and visible foliar damage. Light-saturated assimilation rates for leaves grown under elevated CO2 were consistently lower when measured under either elevated or ambient CO2 than in equivalent leaves grown under ambient CO2. Analysis of CO2 response curves revealed that CO2-saturated assimilation rate, maximum rates of carboxylation and electron transport and respiration decreased with time. CO2-saturated assimilation rate was reduced by elevated O3 during the early stages of the season, while respiration was significantly greater under elevated CO2 as the crop approached maturity. The physiological origins of these responses and their implications for the performance of potato in a changing climate are discussed.

  1. Subsurface irrigation of potato crop (Solanum tuberosum ssp. Andigena) in Suka Kollus with different drainage systems (United States)

    Serrano-Coronel, Genaro; Chipana-Rivera, René; Fátima Moreno-Pérez, María; Roldán-Cañas, José


    Among the most important hydraulic structures of pre-Hispanic ancestral technology developed in the Andean region, we find the suka kollus, aymara word, called also waru waru, en quechua or raised fields, in English. They are raised platforms surrounded by water canals that irrigate subsurface, but also have the function of draining, to deal with floods because they are surrounding Lake Titicaca. They also have the property of generating a thermoregulatory effect to crops, depending on the configuration of the channels and platforms. Such agro-ecosystems are being abandoned, however, if properly addressed crop management and some drainage canals are replaced by underground drains for increased crop area could be very useful in enabling marginal soils affected by salts and / or excess water. For these reasons, the objective of this study was to evaluate the subsurface irrigation in the potato crop in suka kollus under a system of surface drainage, and mixed drainage (surface and subsurface). The study was conducted in marginal soils of Kallutaca area, located 30 km from the city of La Paz, Bolivia, at a height of 3892 m.a.s.l. The cultivation of the potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. Andigena) was used. Four treatments were tested with different widths of the platforms: T1 (Control) with drainage through channels; T2 (replacing a channel by a drain); T3 (replacing two channels by two drains); T4 (replacing three channels by three drains). The flow of water into the soil from the water table was predominantly upward, except during periods of high rainfall. In terms of treatments, the flow in T1 was higher, mainly at weeks 8 to 11 after seedling emergence, coinciding with the phenological phases of flowering and at the beginning of the tuber ripening. It was followed by T3, T2 and T4 treatments, respectively. Tuber yield, if one considers that the channels detract arable land, was higher in the T3 treatment,16.4 Mg / ha, followed by T2 treatment, 15.2 Mg / ha, T1

  2. On the Mo-Papas equation (United States)

    Aguirregabiria, J. M.; Chamorro, A.; Valle, M. A.


    A new heuristic derivation of the Mo-Papas equation for charged particles is given. It is shown that this equation cannot be derived for a point particle by closely following Dirac's classical treatment of the problem. The Mo-Papas theory and the Bonnor-Rowe-Marx variable mass dynamics are not compatible.

  3. Carbon dioxide and ethylene gas in the potato storage atmosphere and their combined effect on processing colour

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Daniels-Lake, B.J.


    Keywords: Solanum tuberosum L., carbon dioxide, ethylene, storage, processing, fry colour, chip colour, 1-methylcyclopropene

    The finished colour of processed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) products is a very important quality characteristic which is attributable to the

  4. Genome-wide survey of Aux/IAA gene family members in potato (Solanum tuberosum): Identification, expression analysis, and evaluation of their roles in tuber development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, Junpeng; Cao, Xiaoli; Shi, Shandang; Ma, Yuling; Wang, Kai; Liu, Shengjie; Chen, Dan; Chen, Qin; Ma, Haoli


    The Auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) genes encode short-lived nuclear proteins that are known to be involved in the primary cellular responses to auxin. To date, systematic analysis of the Aux/IAA genes in potato (Solanum tuberosum) has not been conducted. In this study, a total of 26 potato Aux/IAA genes were identified (designated from StIAA1 to StIAA26), and the distribution of four conserved domains shared by the StIAAs were analyzed based on multiple sequence alignment and a motif-based sequence analysis. A phylogenetic analysis of the Aux/IAA gene families of potato and Arabidopsis was also conducted. In order to assess the roles of StIAA genes in tuber development, the results of RNA-seq studies were reformatted to analyze the expression patterns of StIAA genes, and then verified by quantitative real-time PCR. A large number of StIAA genes (12 genes) were highly expressed in stolon organs and in during the tuber initiation and expansion developmental stages, and most of these genes were responsive to indoleacetic acid treatment. Our results suggested that StIAA genes were involved in the process of tuber development and provided insights into functional roles of potato Aux/IAA genes. - Highlights: • A systematic analysis of the potato AUX/IAA gene family were performed. • StIAA genes were related to auxin perception and signal transduction. • Candidate StIAA genes likely related to tuber initiation and expansion were screened.

  5. Genome-wide survey of Aux/IAA gene family members in potato (Solanum tuberosum): Identification, expression analysis, and evaluation of their roles in tuber development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gao, Junpeng [State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, College of Agronomy, Northwest A& F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 (China); Innovation Experimental College, Northwest A& F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 (China); Cao, Xiaoli; Shi, Shandang [State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, College of Agronomy, Northwest A& F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 (China); Ma, Yuling [State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, College of Agronomy, Northwest A& F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 (China); Innovation Experimental College, Northwest A& F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 (China); Wang, Kai; Liu, Shengjie [State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, College of Agronomy, Northwest A& F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 (China); Chen, Dan [School of Life Sciences and Technology, Xidian University, Xi' an, Shaanxi 710071 (China); Chen, Qin [State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, College of Agronomy, Northwest A& F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 (China); Ma, Haoli, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, College of Agronomy, Northwest A& F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 (China)


    The Auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) genes encode short-lived nuclear proteins that are known to be involved in the primary cellular responses to auxin. To date, systematic analysis of the Aux/IAA genes in potato (Solanum tuberosum) has not been conducted. In this study, a total of 26 potato Aux/IAA genes were identified (designated from StIAA1 to StIAA26), and the distribution of four conserved domains shared by the StIAAs were analyzed based on multiple sequence alignment and a motif-based sequence analysis. A phylogenetic analysis of the Aux/IAA gene families of potato and Arabidopsis was also conducted. In order to assess the roles of StIAA genes in tuber development, the results of RNA-seq studies were reformatted to analyze the expression patterns of StIAA genes, and then verified by quantitative real-time PCR. A large number of StIAA genes (12 genes) were highly expressed in stolon organs and in during the tuber initiation and expansion developmental stages, and most of these genes were responsive to indoleacetic acid treatment. Our results suggested that StIAA genes were involved in the process of tuber development and provided insights into functional roles of potato Aux/IAA genes. - Highlights: • A systematic analysis of the potato AUX/IAA gene family were performed. • StIAA genes were related to auxin perception and signal transduction. • Candidate StIAA genes likely related to tuber initiation and expansion were screened.

  6. Impact of the nutrients N and K and soluble sugars on Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) and Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) populations in potato crops, Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azeredo, Edson Henrique de; Lima, Eduardo; Cassino, Paulo Cesar Rodrigues


    Impact of the nutrients N and K and soluble sugars on Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) and Agrotis ipsilon (Huefnagel) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) populations in potato crops, Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae). The occurrence of Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) and Agrotis ipsilon (Huefnagel, 1767) on the potato cultivars Achat and Monalisa, influenced by nitrogen and potassium dosage, and minimum quantity of soluble sugars, was studied. The following parameters were evaluated: concentration of mineral nutrient and sugar in green leaf, senescent leaf, leaf in abscission, stem, tubercle and total plant using extracts of infusion in ethanol 80%. The largest infestation of D. speciosa larvae was on Monalisa cultivar at 150 kg.ha -1 of N + K with 27.03% at P -1 , in the absence of potassium. On the other hand, high dosage of K reduced the damages by A. ipsilon on Monalisa cultivar. However, it did not influence the storage of soluble sugar. The results indicated that in Achat cultivar the accumulated soluble sugar was reduced, probably sensitized by elevation of potassic fertilization dosing, differing from Monalisa cultivar, in which the influence was by nitrogen dosing. (author)

  7. Combination of the auxins NAA, IBA, and IAA with GA3 improves the commercial seed-tuber production of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under in vitro conditions. (United States)

    Kumlay, Ahmet Metin


    The study compared the effects of 1.0 × MS medium containing various concentrations of α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), alone or in combination with gibberellic acid (GA3) in micropropagation of three potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars Pasinler, Granola, and Caspar using binodal stem cuttings. The results testified improved regeneration on 1.0 × MS medium containing variants of NAA, IAA, and IBA plus GA3 on all cultivars. The minimum days to shoot induction on three cultivars ranged 4.25-5 d on 1.0 × MS medium containing 0.25 mg L(-1) GA3 + 1 mg L(-1) NAA. The longest shoots (11.8 cm), maximum number of nodes (13.50), and maximum number of leaves (11.00) were recorded on cv. Caspar on 1.0 × MS medium containing 1 mg L(-1) NAA + 0.25 mg L(-1) GA3. The minimum time to root induction (12.25 d) was noted on cv. Pasinler on the same medium. All of the regenerated shoots could be easily rooted. The results showed that the combined effect of various concentrations of NAA, IAA, and IBA plus GA3 was more pronounced compared to the auxins used alone. The results of this research are of significant importance for potato breeders.

  8. SNPs in genes functional in starch-sugar interconversion associate with natural variation of tuber starch and sugar content of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    Schreiber, Lena; Nader-Nieto, Anna Camila; Schönhals, Elske Maria; Walkemeier, Birgit; Gebhardt, Christiane


    Starch accumulation and breakdown are vital processes in plant storage organs such as seeds, roots, and tubers. In tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) a small fraction of starch is converted into the reducing sugars glucose and fructose. Reducing sugars accumulate in response to cold temperatures. Even small quantities of reducing sugars affect negatively the quality of processed products such as chips and French fries. Tuber starch and sugar content are inversely correlated complex traits that are controlled by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Based on in silico annotation of the potato genome sequence, 123 loci are involved in starch-sugar interconversion, approximately half of which have been previously cloned and characterized. By means of candidate gene association mapping, we identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in eight genes known to have key functions in starch-sugar interconversion, which were diagnostic for increased tuber starch and/or decreased sugar content and vice versa. Most positive or negative effects of SNPs on tuber-reducing sugar content were reproducible in two different collections of potato cultivars. The diagnostic SNP markers are useful for breeding applications. An allele of the plastidic starch phosphorylase PHO1a associated with increased tuber starch content was cloned as full-length cDNA and characterized. The PHO1a-HA allele has several amino acid changes, one of which is unique among all known starch/glycogen phosphorylases. This mutation might cause reduced enzyme activity due to impaired formation of the active dimers, thereby limiting starch breakdown. Copyright © 2014 Schreiber et al.

  9. Characteristics of Analog Rice From Potato Flour (Solanum Tuberosom L.) Corn Flour (Zea Mays L.) and Sago Flour (Arenga Microcarpa Beccari)


    Korompis, Olga S; Mamuaja, Christine F; Mandey, Lucia C


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), corn (Zea mays L.) and sago (Arenga microcarpa Beccari) are crops containing high carbohydrate, as source of calory food, and those can be made into rice analog. This study aimed: (1) to determine the formulations by organoleptic test in manufacture analog rice from potato flour, corn flour and sago flour, and (2) to analyze the physical properties, chemical properties of rice analog from potato flour with the addition of corn flour and sago flour. The research ...

  10. Uptake of Plutonium-238 into Solanum tuberosum L. (potato plants) in presence of complexing agent EDTA. (United States)

    Tawussi, Frank; Gupta, Dharmendra K; Mühr-Ebert, Elena L; Schneider, Stephanie; Bister, Stefan; Walther, Clemens


    Bioavailability and plant uptake of radionuclides depend on various factors. Transfer into different plant parts depends on chemical and physical processes, which need to be known for realistic ingestion dose modelling when these plants are used for food. Within the scope of the present work, the plutonium uptake by potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) was investigated in hydroponic solution of low concentration [Pu] = 10 -9  mol L -1 . Particular attention was paid to the speciation of radionuclides in the solution which was modelled by the speciation code PHREEQC. The speciation, the solubility and therefore the plant availability of radionuclides mainly depend on the pH value and the redox potential of the solution. During the contamination period, the redox potential did not change significantly. In contrast, the pH value showed characteristic changes depending on exudates excreted by the plants. Plant roots took up high amounts of plutonium (37%-50% of the added total amount). In addition to the uptake into the roots, the radionuclides can also adsorb to the exterior root surface. The solution-to-plant transfer factor showed values between 0.03 and 0.80 (Bq kg -1 / Bq L -1 ) for the potato tubers. By addition of the complexing agent EDTA (10 -4  mol L-1), the plutonium uptake from solution increased by 58% in tubers and by 155% in shoots/leaves. The results showed that excreted substances by plants affect bioavailability of radionuclides at low concentration, on the one hand. On the other hand, the uptake of plutonium by roots and the accumulation in different plant parts can lead to non-negligible ingestion doses, even at low concentration. We are aware of the limited transferability of data obtained in hydroponic solutions to plants growing in soil. However, the aim of this study is twofold: First we want to investigate the influence of Pu speciation on plant uptake in a rather well defined system which can be modelled using available thermodynamic data

  11. Determinación del acido abscisico en papa (Solanum sp. como respuesta a bajas temperaturas Abscisic acid determination in potato (Solanum sp. as a response to low temperature

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    Ortiz Luz Yineth


    Full Text Available En Colombia, existen importantes áreas con amplio potencial
    agrícola, las cuales presentan restricciones ambientales para su utilización durante determinadas épocas del año, a causa de las heladas que provocan las bajas temperaturas. Éste es el caso del Altiplano Cundiboyasence, en el cual el fenómeno en mención afecta, drásticamente, los cultivos hasta ocasionar disminución del rendimiento o perdidas totales. El presente trabajo tuvo como finalidad detectar la presencia de Acido Abscísico (ABA en las siguientes variedades de papa de la especie Solanum sp.: 'Capiro', 'Única', 'Chitagá', 'Morita', 'Pastusa', 'ICA-Zipa' y 'Nativa' (silvestre. El análisis se hizo en el estadio de prefloración bajo condiciones de temperatura ambiente (-20°C y expuestas a una simulación de helada (-4°C. Para la extracción de ABA, se recolectaron hojas del tercio superior de la planta y se sometieron a extracción Líquido-Líquido y, para su cuantificación, se utilizó el bioensayo de la inhibición del coleóptilo de trigo (Triticun tensa vulgare L., el cual se realizó por cromatografía de capa fina. Entre las variedades estudiadas, se obtuvieron dos grupos de respuesta: susceptibles y tolerantes, las cuales están asociadas con la posible ausencia o presencia de ABA. En las variedades 'ICA-Zipa' y 'Chitagá' no se detectó la presencia de ABA, como tampoco, se observó tolerancia a las bajas temperaturas. En las variedades 'Capiro', 'Pastusa', 'Nativa', 'Única' y 'Morita', se observó mayor tolerancia a las bajas temperaturas.
    There are many important geographical areas in Colombia with a high agricultural potential. They have environmental
    constrains, however, to be used in certain periods during the
    year because of the low temperature. This happens in the
    Cundiboyasence plateau, in which, this phenomenon affects
    dramatically the growing of potato crops up to the point of
    causing a decrease in production or

  12. Inhibition of a ubiquitously expressed pectin methyl esterase in Solanum tuberosum L. affects plant growth, leaf growth polarity, and ion partitioning. (United States)

    Pilling, J; Willmitzer, L; Bücking, H; Fisahn, J


    Two pectin methyl esterases (PMEs; EC from Solanum tuberosum were isolated and their expression characterised. One partial clone ( pest1) was expressed in leaves and fruit tissue, while pest2 was a functional full-length clone and was expressed ubiquitously, with a preference for aerial organs. Potato plants were transformed with a chimeric antisense construct that was designed to simultaneously inhibit pest1 and pest2 transcript accumulation; however, reduction of mRNA levels was confined to pest2. The decrease in pest2 transcript was accompanied by up to 50% inhibition of total PME activity, which was probably due to the reduction of only one PME isoform. PME inhibition affected plant development as reflected by smaller stem elongation rates of selected transformants when compared with control plants, leading to a reduction in height throughout the entire course of development. Expansion rates of young developing leaves were measured simultaneously by two displacement transducers in the direction of the leaf tip (proximal-distal axis) and in the perpendicular direction (medial-lateral axis). Significant differences in leaf growth patterns were detected between wild-type and transgenic plants. We suggest that these visual phenotypes could be correlated with modifications of ion accumulation and partitioning within the transgenic plants. The ion-binding capacities of cell walls from PME-inhibited plants were specifically modified as they preferentially bound more sodium, but less potassium and calcium. X-ray microanalysis also indicated an increase in the concentration of several ions within the leaf apoplast of transgenic plants. Moreover, quantification of the total content of major cations revealed differences specific for a given element between the leaves of PME-inhibited and wild-type plants. Reduced growth rates might also be due to effects of PME inhibition on pectin metabolism, predominantly illustrated by an accumulation of galacturonic acid

  13. Two carbon fluxes to reserve starch in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber cells are closely interconnected but differently modulated by temperature. (United States)

    Fettke, Joerg; Leifels, Lydia; Brust, Henrike; Herbst, Karoline; Steup, Martin


    Parenchyma cells from tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. convert several externally supplied sugars to starch but the rates vary largely. Conversion of glucose 1-phosphate to starch is exceptionally efficient. In this communication, tuber slices were incubated with either of four solutions containing equimolar [U-¹⁴C]glucose 1-phosphate, [U-¹⁴C]sucrose, [U-¹⁴C]glucose 1-phosphate plus unlabelled equimolar sucrose or [U-¹⁴C]sucrose plus unlabelled equimolar glucose 1-phosphate. C¹⁴-incorporation into starch was monitored. In slices from freshly harvested tubers each unlabelled compound strongly enhanced ¹⁴C incorporation into starch indicating closely interacting paths of starch biosynthesis. However, enhancement disappeared when the tubers were stored. The two paths (and, consequently, the mutual enhancement effect) differ in temperature dependence. At lower temperatures, the glucose 1-phosphate-dependent path is functional, reaching maximal activity at approximately 20 °C but the flux of the sucrose-dependent route strongly increases above 20 °C. Results are confirmed by in vitro experiments using [U-¹⁴C]glucose 1-phosphate or adenosine-[U-¹⁴C]glucose and by quantitative zymograms of starch synthase or phosphorylase activity. In mutants almost completely lacking the plastidial phosphorylase isozyme(s), the glucose 1-phosphate-dependent path is largely impeded. Irrespective of the size of the granules, glucose 1-phosphate-dependent incorporation per granule surface area is essentially equal. Furthermore, within the granules no preference of distinct glucosyl acceptor sites was detectable. Thus, the path is integrated into the entire granule biosynthesis. In vitro C¹⁴C-incorporation into starch granules mediated by the recombinant plastidial phosphorylase isozyme clearly differed from the in situ results. Taken together, the data clearly demonstrate that two closely but flexibly interacting general paths of starch biosynthesis are functional

  14. Characterization of StABF1, a stress-responsive bZIP transcription factor from Solanum tuberosum L. that is phosphorylated by StCDPK2 in vitro. (United States)

    Muñiz García, María Noelia; Giammaria, Verónica; Grandellis, Carolina; Téllez-Iñón, María Teresa; Ulloa, Rita María; Capiati, Daniela Andrea


    ABF/AREB bZIP transcription factors mediate plant abiotic stress responses by regulating the expression of stress-related genes. These proteins bind to the abscisic acid (ABA)-responsive element (ABRE), which is the major cis-acting regulatory sequence in ABA-dependent gene expression. In an effort to understand the molecular mechanisms of abiotic stress resistance in cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), we have cloned and characterized an ABF/AREB-like transcription factor from potato, named StABF1. The predicted protein shares 45-57% identity with A. thaliana ABFs proteins and 96% identity with the S. lycopersicum SlAREB1 and presents all of the distinctive features of ABF/AREB transcription factors. Furthermore, StABF1 is able to bind to the ABRE in vitro. StABF1 gene is induced in response to ABA, drought, salt stress and cold, suggesting that it might be a key regulator of ABA-dependent stress signaling pathways in cultivated potato. StABF1 is phosphorylated in response to ABA and salt stress in a calcium-dependent manner, and we have identified a potato CDPK isoform (StCDPK2) that phosphorylates StABF1 in vitro. Interestingly, StABF1 expression is increased during tuber development and by tuber-inducing conditions (high sucrose/nitrogen ratio) in leaves. We also found that StABF1 calcium-dependent phosphorylation is stimulated by tuber-inducing conditions and inhibited by gibberellic acid, which inhibits tuberization.

  15. Evaluación de la reacción de nueve genotipos de papa (Solanum tuberosumsubsp. andigena al ataque de Phytophthora infestans (Mont de Bary

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    Betancourth G. Carlos


    Full Text Available

    El presente trabajo se realizó en el municipio de Pasto, departamento de Nariño, Colombia, a 2.710 msnm. El objetivo fue evaluar la reacción de los clones de papa Blanca, Pintada, Rosada tipo Capiro, Roja Guata, Roja Redonda y Roja Loca y tres variedades mejoradas: Parda Suprema, Roja Nariño y Betina, al ataque de la gota (Phytophthora infestans. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones y nueve tratamientos. Para la variable severidad los mejores genotipos fueron Blanca, Pintada, Parda Suprema y Betina con un promedio de 19,72; 21,99; 23,15 y 23,62%, respectivamente. El mejor rendimiento fue obtenido por los genotipos Blanca, Pintada, Parda Suprema, Betina y Roja Loca con 29,61; 24,66; 25,71; 27,12 y 28,05 t•ha-1, en su orden.

  16. Evaluación de dos tipos de esquejes para producción de tubérculo-semilla élite en cuatro variedades de papa Solanum phureja juz et buk y Solanum tuberosum

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    Sidney Benhur Moreno Rengifo


    (axilar y apical. Se evaluaron las siguientes variables respuesta: porcentaje de supervivencia de esquejes a la tercera semana, longitud y número de hojas de esquejes durante tres semanas, área foliar y peso seco de esquejes a la cuarta semana. Después de esto los esquejes se sembraron en bolsas plásticas de 10 x 14 pulgadas calibre seis y se llevaron a invernaderos donde se realizó el aporque y demás manejo agronómico. Luego de cumplido el ciclo vegetativo de las plantas se midieron los rendimientos (peso y número de tubérculos para cada tratamiento. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar para cada ensayo (dosis de ANA y Hormonagro en cada variedad en un arreglo factorial 2 x 4 y 2 x 2 correspondientes al tipo de esqueje (axilar o apical y concentración de ANA (0, 5, 10 y 15 mg/l en el primer caso y (sin Hormonagro y con Hormonagro en el segundo caso. El porcentaje de supervivencia de esquejes fue superior al 90% en los axilares y mayor del 95% en los apicales. El Hormonagro redujo significativamente la supervivencia de esquejes y afectó considerablemente las otras variables. En los rendimientos no se observaron diferencias respecto al control por la aplicación de Hormonagro. El regulador ANA en dosis entre 5 y 10 mg/l mostró ser conveniente para el prendimiento de los esquejes. Se obtuvo mayor peso total de tubérculos en esquejes axilares de las variedades Capiro y Puracé, mientras que para la variable número total de tubérculos los esquejes axilares de las variedades Capiro y Clon 1 mostraron los mejores promedios. La mayor cantidad de tubérculos-semilla cosechados pesaron entre 3 y 21 g. La aplicación adecuada de la metodología propuesta puede ayudar a reducir costos en producción de semilla de papa fase 1 de buena calidad fitosanitaria.

  17. Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change: Producing Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. and Bush Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. for Improved Food Security and Resilience in a Canadian Subarctic First Nations Community

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    Christine D. Barbeau


    Full Text Available Aboriginal people in Canada experience disproportionately high rates of diet-related illnesses, such as obesity and diabetes. Food insecurity has been identified as a contributing factor to these illnesses along with a loss of traditional lifestyle. Current food systems within northern subarctic and arctic regions of Canada rely heavily on imported foods that are expensive (when available, and are environmentally unsustainable. A warming subarctic and arctic climate present challenges, but also offers the opportunity for local agricultural production that can increase food security and promote a more sustainable food system. In this study the feasibility of sustainably growing potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. utilizing agroforestry practices to enhance food security in remote subarctic communities is explored through a case study in Fort Albany First Nation in northern Ontario, Canada. Potato crops were grown over a two-year period and rotated into plots that had been planted with green bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.. Results showed that potatoes and bush beans could be grown successfully in the subarctic without the use of greenhouses with yields comparable to more conventional high-input agricultural methods. In subarctic Canada, sustainable local food production can help to promote social capital, healthier lifestyles, and food security.

  18. Influence of the time of application of 32P triple Superphosphate on the efficiency of the phosphate fertilization and the productivity of the potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bastidas, O.G.; Alvarez, A.L.; Urquiaga, S.


    A study was performed on a soil derived from volcanic ash (Andic Humitropept), in Pasto (Narino), Colombia, to investigate the influence of additions of 100 and 200 Kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 , at two application times (planting and 30 days after emergence - DAE), on the fertilizer use efficiency and productivity of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Pardo Pastusa. At planting the phosphorus was applied in a continuous row in the furrow, and at 30 DAE at one side of the plant row, and immediately covered with soil from both sides of the furrow. The fertilizer used was 32 P labelled triple superphosphate (143.59 μ Ci.g -1 p -1 . It was found that: a) the phosphorus fertilization significantly increased (P -1 ) and the accumulation (from 8 to 17.8 kg P ha -1 ) by the tubers, but there was no significant effect of the different rates or times of the fertilizer application; b) the accumulation of P by the plant accompanied the accumulation of plant dry matter; c) at 75 DAE the fraction of fertiliser P in the plant shoot in the treatment fertilized at 30 DAE (52.1%) was significantly higher than that fertilized at planting (21.8%), and this corresponded to a P fertilizer use efficiency of 2.4 and 0.82, respectively

  19. Producción de polihidroxialcanoatos por bacterias halófilas nativas utilizando almidón de cáscaras de Solanum tuberosum L.

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    César Guzmán


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of starch Solanum tuberosum L. “potato” peels for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates, PHA, from native halophilic bacteria as an alternative to reduce production costs of these biopolymers, possible replacements for petrochemical plastics. The bacteria were isolated of water samples of eight saline Lamba yeque region and were enriched in HM 1 broth at 30 °C with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 g 100 mL - 1 NaCl. Dilutions were performed subsequently, aliquots were taken and plated on HM 1 agar, 203 isolates of halophilic bacteria were obtained, they were grown in HM 2 broth with 10 g.L - 1 glucose as carbon source and the 38.92% of the isolates showed PHA granules stained by Sudan Black B. Twenty bacteria with PHA granules in 65 – 75% over carried to fermentation, reaching between 0.174 to 0.889 g . g - 1 of yield Y (p / x. Three isolates were selected with the highest values among which Halomonas sp M4C1 grew and synthesized PHA in HM 2 broth with 5, 10, 15 and 20 g . L - 1 of starch as carbon source, reaching 0.019; 0.016; 0.007 y 0.006 g . L - 1 of PHA, with 0.177; 0.111; 0.056 an d 0.066 g . L - 1 of biomass after 20, 40, 24 and 16 hours respectively. The highest yield of 0.144 g . g - 1 corresponded to 10 g . L - 1 of starch demonstrating that this concentration is feasible PHA production by native halophilic bacteria.

  20. Genome-wide analysis of the Solanum tuberosum (potato) trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) gene family: evolution and differential expression during development and stress. (United States)

    Xu, Yingchun; Wang, Yanjie; Mattson, Neil; Yang, Liu; Jin, Qijiang


    Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) serves important functions in plant desiccation tolerance and response to environmental stimuli. At present, a comprehensive analysis, i.e. functional classification, molecular evolution, and expression patterns of this gene family are still lacking in Solanum tuberosum (potato). In this study, a comprehensive analysis of the TPS gene family was conducted in potato. A total of eight putative potato TPS genes (StTPSs) were identified by searching the latest potato genome sequence. The amino acid identity among eight StTPSs varied from 59.91 to 89.54%. Analysis of d N /d S ratios suggested that regions in the TPP (trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase) domains evolved faster than the TPS domains. Although the sequence of the eight StTPSs showed high similarity (2571-2796 bp), their gene length is highly differentiated (3189-8406 bp). Many of the regulatory elements possibly related to phytohormones, abiotic stress and development were identified in different TPS genes. Based on the phylogenetic tree constructed using TPS genes of potato, and four other Solanaceae plants, TPS genes could be categorized into 6 distinct groups. Analysis revealed that purifying selection most likely played a major role during the evolution of this family. Amino acid changes detected in specific branches of the phylogenetic tree suggests relaxed constraints might have contributed to functional divergence among groups. Moreover, StTPSs were found to exhibit tissue and treatment specific expression patterns upon analysis of transcriptome data, and performing qRT-PCR. This study provides a reference for genome-wide identification of the potato TPS gene family and sets a framework for further functional studies of this important gene family in development and stress response.

  1. Estandarización de un medio de cultivo adecuado para la regeneración de tallos a partir de hojas, utilizando dos variedades colombianas de papa (Solanum tuberosum L..

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    Rodríguez Esperanza


    Full Text Available Este estudio reporta un sistema de regeneración simple y eficiente a partir de explantes de hoja de Diacol Capira (DC y Parda Pastusa (PP, dos variedades comerciales de papa cultivadas en Colombia. Un medio único de cultivo es usado tanto para la inducción de callos como para la regeneración de tallos. Se comparó el efecto de diferentes relaciones entre auxinas y citoquininas adicionadas a un medio selectivo para regenerar tallos (4.3 g/L de Sales de Murashige and Skoog (1962, 30 g/L sacarosa, 0.5g/L tiamina, 1 mg/L ácido giberélico, 40mg/L ácido ascórbico y 1.7 g/L fitagel pH 5.7 a partir de explantes de hoja. El análisis de los resultados demostró que todos los explantes de hojas de DC, tratados con zeatina ribósida- ZR (3mg/L, ácido indol -3- acético - AIA (1mg/L y todos los explantes de hojas de PP tratados con ZR (3 mg/L, regeneraron plántulas fuertes y morfológicamente normales. El medio fue utilizado en posteriores experimentos de transformación genética.

  2. Combination of the Auxins NAA, IBA, and IAA with GA3 Improves the Commercial Seed-Tuber Production of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under In Vitro Conditions (United States)

    Kumlay, Ahmet Metin


    The study compared the effects of 1.0 × MS medium containing various concentrations of α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), alone or in combination with gibberellic acid (GA3) in micropropagation of three potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars Pasinler, Granola, and Caspar using binodal stem cuttings. The results testified improved regeneration on 1.0 × MS medium containing variants of NAA, IAA, and IBA plus GA3 on all cultivars. The minimum days to shoot induction on three cultivars ranged 4.25–5 d on 1.0 × MS medium containing 0.25 mg L−1  GA3 + 1 mg L−1 NAA. The longest shoots (11.8 cm), maximum number of nodes (13.50), and maximum number of leaves (11.00) were recorded on cv. Caspar on 1.0 × MS medium containing 1 mg L−1  NAA + 0.25 mg L−1 GA3. The minimum time to root induction (12.25 d) was noted on cv. Pasinler on the same medium. All of the regenerated shoots could be easily rooted. The results showed that the combined effect of various concentrations of NAA, IAA, and IBA plus GA3 was more pronounced compared to the auxins used alone. The results of this research are of significant importance for potato breeders. PMID:25028654

  3. Comprehensive genome-wide analysis of Glutathione S-transferase gene family in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and their expression profiling in various anatomical tissues and perturbation conditions. (United States)

    Islam, Md Shiful; Choudhury, Mouraj; Majlish, Al-Nahian Khan; Islam, Tahmina; Ghosh, Ajit


    Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are ubiquitous enzymes which play versatile functions including cellular detoxification and stress tolerance. In this study, a comprehensive genome-wide identification of GST gene family was carried out in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). The result demonstrated the presence of at least 90 GST genes in potato which is greater than any other reported species. According to the phylogenetic analyses of Arabidopsis, rice and potato GST members, GSTs could be subdivided into ten different classes and each class is found to be highly conserved. The largest class of potato GST family is tau with 66 members, followed by phi and lambda. The chromosomal localization analysis revealed the highly uneven distribution of StGST genes across the potato genome. Transcript profiling of 55 StGST genes showed the tissue-specific expression for most of the members. Moreover, expression of StGST genes were mainly repressed in response to abiotic stresses, while largely induced in response to biotic and hormonal elicitations. Further analysis of StGST gene's promoter identified the presence of various stress responsive cis-regulatory elements. Moreover, one of the highly stress responsive StGST members, StGSTU46, showed strong affinity towards flurazole with lowest binding energy of -7.6kcal/mol that could be used as antidote to protect crop against herbicides. These findings will facilitate the further functional and evolutionary characterization of GST genes in potato. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. papA gene of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Kariyawasam, Subhashinie; Nolan, Lisa K


    P fimbrial adhesins may be associated with the virulence of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC). However, most APECs are unable to express P fimbriae even when they are grown under conditions that favor P fimbrial expression. This failure can be explained by the complete absence of the pap operon or the presence of an incomplete pap operon in Pap-negative APEC strains. In the present study, we analyzed the pap operon, specifically the papA gene that encodes the major fimbrial shaft, to better understand the pap gene cluster at the genetic level. First, by PCR, we examined a collection of 500 APEC strains for the presence of 11 genes comprising the pap operon. Except for papA, all the other genes of the operon were present in 38% to 41.2% of APEC, whereas the papA was present only in 10.4% of the APEC tested. Using multiplex PCR to probe for allelic variants of papA, we sought to determine if the low prevalence of papA among APEC was related to genetic heterogeneity of the gene itself. It was determined that the papA of APEC always belongs to the F11 allelic variant. Finally, we sequenced the 'papA region' from two papA-negative strains, both of which contain all the other genes of the pap operon. Interestingly, both strains had an 11,104-bp contig interruptingpapA at the 281-bp position. This contig harbored a streptomycin resistance gene and a classic Tn10 transposon containing the genes that confer tetracycline resistance. However, we noted that the papA gene of every papA-negative APEC strain was not interrupted by an 11,104-bp contig. It is likely that transposons bearing antibiotic resistance genes have inserted within pap gene cluster of some APEC strains, and such genetic events may have been selected for by antibiotic use.

  5. Effect of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cropping Systems on Soil and Nutrient Losses Through Runoff in a Humic Nitisol, Kenya (United States)

    Nyawade, Shadrack; Charles, Gachene; Karanja, Nancy; Elmar, Schulte-Geldermann


    Soil erosion has been identified as one of the major causes of soil productivity decline in the potato growing areas of East African Highlands. Potato establishes a protective soil cover only at about 45-60 days after planting and does not yield sufficient surface mulch upon harvest which leaves the soil bare at the critical times when rainfall intensities are usually high thus exposes soil to erosion. A field study was carried out using runoff plots during the short and long rainy seasons of 2014/15 respectively at the University of Nairobi Upper Kabete Farm, Kenya. The objectives were to assess the effect of soil surface roughness and potato cropping systems on soil loss and runoff, to determine the effect of erosion on nutrient enrichment ratio and to evaluate the soil organic matter fraction most susceptible to soil erosion. The treatments comprised of Bare Soil (T1); Potato + Garden Pea (Pisum sativa) (T2); Potato + Climbing Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) (T3); Potato + Dolichos (Lablab purpureus) (T4) and Sole Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) (T5). The amount of soil loss and runoff recorded in each event differed significantly between treatments (ppotato plots (T5), while mean cumulative runoff reduced by 8.5, 17.1 and 28.3 mm from T2, T3 and T4 respectively when compared with the sole potato plots (T5) indicating that T4 plots provided the most effective cover in reducing soil loss and runoff. Regression analyses revealed that both runoff and soil loss related significantly with surface roughness and percent cover (R2=0.83 and 0.73 respectively, ppotato cropping systems so as to minimize soil and nutrient losses due to erosion. Acknowledgement This study was part of the CIP-Sub Saharan Africa managed project-"Improved Soil Fertility Management for Sustainable Intensification in Potato Based Systems in Ethiopia and Kenya"-funded by the BMZ/GIZ International Agricultural Research for Development Fund.

  6. Agronomic and environmental studies of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and analysis of its value chain in Zimbabwe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Svubure, O.


    Keywords: Irish potato, food security, stakeholder analysis, sustainability indicators, Cool Farm Tool-Potato, yield gap, resource use efficiency, LINTUL-POTATO model, Zimbabwe.

    Oniward Svubure (2015). Agronomic and environmental studies of potato (Solanum

  7. Characterization of Carbofuran Degrading Bacteria Obtained from Potato Cultivated Soils with Different Pesticide Application Records / Caracterización de Bacterias Degradadoras de Carbofuran Obtenidas de Suelos Bajo Cultivo de Papa y con Diferente Histor


    Castellanos Rozo José; Sánchez Nieves Jimena; Uribe Vélez Daniel; Moreno Chacón Leonardo; Melgarejo Muñoz Luz Marina


    Abstract. Eighty-two bacterial isolates with potential Carbofurandegradation activity (Furadan®3SC) were obtained from soilscultivated with the potato variety Unica (Solanum tuberosum)in Silos, Norte de Santander (Colombia), with different recordsof pesticide application. The bacteria were selected for theirability to grow at 25 °C for 72 h in media containing 200 mgL-1 of analytical Carbofuran as the sole source of carbon and/or nitrogen. The results showed that ten isolates, 12% of those ob...

  8. SolRgene: an online database to explore disease resistance genes in tuber-bearing Solanum species

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    Vleeshouwers Vivianne GAA


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L. is an important food crop, but highly susceptible to many pathogens. The major threat to potato production is the Irish famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans, which causes the devastating late blight disease. Potato breeding makes use of germplasm from wild relatives (wild germplasm to introduce resistances into cultivated potato. The Solanum section Petota comprises tuber-bearing species that are potential donors of new disease resistance genes. The aim of this study was to explore Solanum section Petota for resistance genes and generate a widely accessible resource that is useful for studying and implementing disease resistance in potato. Description The SolRgene database contains data on resistance to P. infestans and presence of R genes and R gene homologues in Solanum section Petota. We have explored Solanum section Petota for resistance to late blight in high throughput disease tests under various laboratory conditions and in field trials. From resistant wild germplasm, segregating populations were generated and assessed for the presence of resistance genes. All these data have been entered into the SolRgene database. To facilitate genetic and resistance gene evolution studies, phylogenetic data of the entire SolRgene collection are included, as well as a tool for generating phylogenetic trees of selected groups of germplasm. Data from resistance gene allele-mining studies are incorporated, which enables detection of R gene homologs in related germplasm. Using these resources, various resistance genes have been detected and some of these have been cloned, whereas others are in the cloning pipeline. All this information is stored in the online SolRgene database, which allows users to query resistance data, sequences, passport data of the accessions, and phylogenic classifications. Conclusion Solanum section Petota forms the basis of the SolRgene database, which contains a

  9. Initial development of the Psychopathic Processing and Personality Assessment (PAPA) across populations. (United States)

    Lewis, Michael; Ireland, Jane L; Abbott, Janice; Ireland, Carol A

    Three studies describe development of the Psychopathic Processing and Personality Assessment (PAPA). Study one outlines a literature review and Expert Delphi (n=32) to develop the initial PAPA. Study two validates the PAPA with 431 participants (121 male prisoners and 310 university students: 154 men, 156 women), also using the Levenson Self Report Psychopathy scale and a measure of cognitive schema and affect. Study three refined the PAPA, employing it with 50 male students and 40 male forensic psychiatric patients using clinical (interview) assessments of psychopathy: the Psychopathy Checklist - Screening Version and the Affect, Cognitive and Lifestyle assessment. The PAPA comprised four factors; dissocial tendencies; emotional detachment; disregard for others; and lack of sensitivity to emotion. It positively correlated with existing psychopathy measures. Variations across PAPA subscales were noted across samples when associated with clinical measures of psychopathy. Support for the validity of the PAPA was indicated across samples. Directions for research and application are outlined. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Factores y mecanismos relacionados con la dormancia en tubérculos de papa. Una revisión

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    Rodriguez Luis Ernesto


    Full Text Available Los tubérculos de la papa (Solanum tuberosum L., al momento
    de la cosecha y por un tiempo determinado, se encuentran en
    estado dormante. La dormancia se induce con el inicio de la
    tuberización y se define como un período en el cual no ocurre
    ningún crecimiento visible de los brotes. Las hormonas vegetales
    están involucradas en todas las fases de progresión de
    la dormancia. Si bien el ácido abscísico (ABA y el etileno son
    necesarios para su inducción, sólo el primero se requiere para
    su mantenimiento. Los niveles de ABA se incrementan durante
    la formación de los tubérculos, se mantienen constantes durante
    la dormancia y disminuyen con el crecimiento activo de los
    brotes. Un incremento en los niveles del ácido giberélico (AG
    es necesario para inducir la formación del tubérculo, mientras
    que una sensibilidad mayor a las citoquininas es determinante
    para la pérdida de la dormancia. Cambios en los contenidos de
    ácido indol acético (AIA y AG , están relacionados con la regulación
    del crecimiento del brote una vez se rompe la dormancia.
    Se ha comprobado que un factor importante, que contribuye
    tanto a la inducción de la tuberización como a la pérdida de la
    dormancia, es el flujo simplástico que controla la asignación de
    azúcares, el cual se inicia con un meristemo apical dormante
    aislado simplásticamente. La pérdida de dormancia se asocia
    con la conexión simplástica del meristemo del brote con la red
    de floema del tubérculo, y con una descarga simplástica en la
    región de la yema, todo lo cual favorece el crecimiento activo
    de los nuevos brotes.

  11. Impact of the nutrients N and K and soluble sugars on Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) and Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) populations in potato crops, Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae); Impacto dos nutrientes N e K e de acucares soluveis sobre populacoes de Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) e Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) na cultura da batata, Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Azeredo, Edson Henrique de [Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Pinheiral, RJ (Brazil). Pro-Reitoria de Extensao], e-mail:; Lima, Eduardo [Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropedica, RJ (Brazil). Inst. de Agronomia. Dept. de Solos; Cassino, Paulo Cesar Rodrigues [Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropedica, RJ (Brazil). Inst. de Biologia. Centro Integrado de Manejo de Pragas C.R.G.


    Impact of the nutrients N and K and soluble sugars on Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) and Agrotis ipsilon (Huefnagel) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) populations in potato crops, Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae). The occurrence of Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) and Agrotis ipsilon (Huefnagel, 1767) on the potato cultivars Achat and Monalisa, influenced by nitrogen and potassium dosage, and minimum quantity of soluble sugars, was studied. The following parameters were evaluated: concentration of mineral nutrient and sugar in green leaf, senescent leaf, leaf in abscission, stem, tubercle and total plant using extracts of infusion in ethanol 80%. The largest infestation of D. speciosa larvae was on Monalisa cultivar at 150 kg.ha{sup -1} of N + K with 27.03% at P< 0,05. It was observed that the effect of the dosage of N + K in the increment of the concentration of soluble sugars increased the damages in the tubercles and stems by A. ipsilon. The infestation by these species increased to 58.82% on the Monalisa cultivar, when the nitrogen dosage increased from zero to 150 kg.ha{sup -1}, in the absence of potassium. On the other hand, high dosage of K reduced the damages by A. ipsilon on Monalisa cultivar. However, it did not influence the storage of soluble sugar. The results indicated that in Achat cultivar the accumulated soluble sugar was reduced, probably sensitized by elevation of potassic fertilization dosing, differing from Monalisa cultivar, in which the influence was by nitrogen dosing. (author)

  12. Cameroun

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juin 2014 ... yohimbe, Rauvolfia vomitoria, Solanum lycopersicum,. Solanum nigrum, Solanum tuberosum, Voacanga africana, Voacanga thouarsii, Zingiber officinale. Les espèces exotiques sont : Acanthus montanus,. Ageratum conyzoides, Aloe vera, Allium sativum,. Apium graveolens, Amaranthus hybridus, Ananas.

  13. Efectividad Biológica de TCMTB para el Control de la Costra Negra Rhizoctonia solani Kühn de la Papa Solanum Tuberosum L., en la Región de León, Guanajuato, México Efectividad Biológica de TCMTB para el Control de la Costra Negra Rhizoctonia solani Kühn de la Papa Solanum Tuberosum L., en la Región de León, Guanajuato, México

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    Fernando Javier Cantú Galindo


    Full Text Available During the 1988 summer-fall growing cycle in the Mexican region of Leon, Guanajuato the fungicide 2-(Thiocyanomethylthio benzothiazole (TCMTB was evaluated applying it at the rate of 6, 8 and 10 liters per hectare for the control of soil borne Black Scurf R. solani. A randomized block design with four reps was used. An evaluation was made of the following: emerged stems, phytotoxical damage, percentage of damaged shoots and stems by R. solani, yield and tuber quality; finally, percentage of R. solani damaged tuber and percentage of tubers with over 5% of damage inflicted by R. solani. It was found that no phytotoxic effect of fungicide to the potato crop was observed; that any of the fungicides comprising treatments protected the plant shoots; that no statistic differences were found among treatments pertaining tuber yield; finally the rates 8.0 and 10.0 l/ha of TCMTB and 5.0 kg/ha of pencycuron produced 27, 20 y 25 percentage of tubers with over 5% of damage inflicted by R. solani, propitiated the highest potato quality when reducing R. solani damage to tubers. En la región de León, Guanajuato, México durante el ciclo verano-otoño 1998, se evaluó el fungicida 2-(Thiocyanomethylthio benzothiazole (TCMTB en dosis de 6, 8 y 10 litros por hectárea para el control del hongo del suelo Rhizoctonia solani Kühn. Se usó un diseño de bloques al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. Se evaluó el número de tallos emergidos, el efecto fitotóxico, los porcentajes de brotes y tallos dañados por R. solani, el rendimiento y calidad del tubérculo; finalmente, el porcentaje de daño de R. solani al tubérculo y el porcentaje de tubérculos con más del 5% de daño por R. solani. Se encontró que no hubo efecto fitotóxico del fungicida al cultivo de papa; que cualquiera de los tratamientos que contenían fungicidas protegieron los brotes de las plantas; que no hubo diferencias estadísticas entre tratamientos con respecto al rendimiento de tub

  14. Fertilización con azufre en el cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. para la industria en el Sudeste Bonaerense Effect of sulfur fertilization on potato for the processing industry in southeastern Buenos Aires

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    Claudia Marcela Giletto


    Full Text Available Los incrementos en los rendimientos de los últimos años aumentaron la demanda de azufre (S en papa y los niveles de materia orgánica en el suelo han bajado. Estos factores podrían favorecer la aparición de deficiencias de S. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la incidencia de la fertilización con S en papa para la industria en el sudeste bonaerense. Se realizaron dos ensayos (Sitio 1 y 2 con tres dosis de S: S0 (testigo; S10 (10 kg S ha-1 y S20 (20 kg S ha-1. La producción de materia seca total y la cantidad de S acumulado en planta no fueron afectadas por la aplicación de S. La relación N:S total disminuyó a lo largo del ciclo de cultivo en ambos sitios y fue inferior al umbral crítico de 15:1 e indicó que el cultivo no presentó deficiencias de S. El rendimiento, la concentración de S y la relación N:S en los tubérculos no fueron afectados por el agregado de S en ningún sitios. La cantidad máxima de S acumulado en los tubérculos a cosecha fue en promedio de 18,8 y 14,2 kg ha-1 en el Sitio 1 y 2; respectivamente, mientras que los aportes de S por la aplicación de funguicida y del agua de riego alcanzaron valores de 14 y 17 kg ha-1, respectivamente. A partir del balance de masa de S se determinó que el S residual fue el principal destino del nutriente en el sistema suelo-planta. Se recomienda conocer los aportes de S en los funguicidas y en el agua de riego al diseñar un plan de fertilización con S en papa.In recent years, sulfur (S requirements in potato crops have been increasing due to increasing yields. Soil organic matter contents have been decreasing in Southeastern Buenos Aires thereby limiting the capacity of the soils in this area to meet the higher requirements. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of S fertilization on potato for the processing industry in southeastern Buenos Aires. Two experiments were carried out (Site 1 and 2 involving three different S rates: S0 (control, S

  15. Análisis de segregantes agrupados (BSA para la detección de AFLPs ligados al gen de resistencia a PVX en Solanum commersonii

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    Mónica Blanco


    Full Text Available Para identificar polimorfismos asociados al gen de resistencia al PVX en la papa silvestre Solanum commersonii, se realizó un análisis de segregantes agrupados (BSA asistido con AFLPs. Estos polimorfismos están basados en la localización de un locus relacionado con la resistencia al virus X de la papa (PVX. Inicialmente, mediante un análisis de ELISA, los individuos de una progenie F2 previamente inoculados con el PVX, fueron ubicados en 2 grupos, uno con los individuos resistentes y otro con los susceptibles. Posteriormente, para el BSA el ADN de todos los individuos resistentes fue mezclado, lo mismo el ADN de todos los individuos susceptibles. Ambos grupos de ADN fueron analizados independientemente, utilizando 64 diferentes combinaciones de AFLPs. El análisis de los geles resultó en la identificación de 22 combinaciones diferentes de AFLPs que generaron bandas relacionadas exclusivamente con el carácter de resistencia al PVX.

  16. EXPRESIÓN GUS EN EXPLANTES DE Solanum phureja (Juz. et. Buk Var. Criolla Colombia, TRANSFORMADOS CON Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    Full Text Available La expresión transitoria y estable del gen gusA-intron en explantes internodales de papa criolla variedad Criolla Colombia cocultivados con Agrobacterium tumefaciens es reportada. Con el fin de determinar la susceptibilidad de esta variedad a la transformación mediada por A. tumefaciens, explantes internodales de Solanum phureja fueron infectados con la cepa LBA4404 de A. tumefaciens que contiene el plásmido pCAMBIA2301. Este plásmido contiene el gen ntpII que confiere resistencia a kanamicina y el gen reportero gusA-intron. La selección de los explantes potencialmente transgénicos fue realizada en medios con kanamicina. La eficiencia de transformación estable y transitoria fue calculada con base en la actividad GUS (ß-glucuronidasa, detectada por el ensayo histoquímico X-gluc. La expresión transitoria y estable del gen gusA-intron fue observada en células del explante más bien que en tejidos completos. Estos resultados demuestran que la papa criolla (S. phureja Juz. et. Buk variedad Criolla Colombia es susceptible a la infección por A. tumefaciens.

  17. Establecimiento de una metodología para la producción de semilla prebasica de papa criolla variedad "Yema de huevo" (Solanum phureja Juz et Buk a partir de minituberculos

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    Cotes Jose M.


    Full Text Available

    En la actualidad, para la producción de semilla de papa, se utiliza, como herramienta, la técnica de micropropagacion, la cual garantiza, mediante un adecuado proceso. alta sanidad de los tubérculos semilla y una rápida multiplicación. En la papa diploide Solanum phureja cultivar "yema de huevo", la multiplicación "in vitro" fue desarrollada exitosamente y, par lo tanto, el paso siguiente, la producción de minituberculos en casa de malla (Semilla prebasica requiere de los estudios necesarios para optimizar esta fase. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo conocer la densidad y el tamaño del minituberculo semilla óptimos para desarrollar la producción de semilla prebasica en condiciones de casa malla. La investigación se realizo bajo un diseño completamente a1 azar, con arreglo factorial (4x3, siendo el primer factor la distancia entre plantas y, el segundo, cl diámetro del minituberculo semilla. El experimento se realizo en casa de malla en la Estación San Jorge del ICA a 2800 msnm y repetido durante dos semestres consecutivos. Se encontró que la distancia de 6 cm entre sitios de siembra optimiza la producción de semilla prebasica y la distancia de 12 cm entre sitios de siembra, la tasa de multiplicaci6n. Los mejores diámetros de minituberculo son los comprendidos entre 0,5 y 2 cm


    Palabras claves:

  18. Hongos solubilizadores de fosfato en suelo de páramo cultivado con papa (Solanum tuberosum)


    Beltrán Pineda, M. E


    Los hongos solubilizadores de fosfato (HSF) son un grupo funcional de microorganismos que juegan un rol fundamental en el ciclaje de fósforo en los suelos; gracias a su actividad, las plantas pueden aprovechar las grandes reservas de fósforo insoluble que se encuentra fijado a los minerales del suelo, contribuyendo a que disminuya la aplicación de fertilizantes fosforados a los suelos. En este estudio se lograron aislar 43 cepas de hongos con capacidad solubilizadora de fosfato a partir de la...

  19. Modeling the influence of raindrop size on the wash-off losses of copper-based fungicides sprayed on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) leaves. (United States)

    Pérez-Rodríguez, Paula; Paradelo, Marcos; Rodríguez-Salgado, Isabel; Fernández-Calviño, David; López-Periago, José Eugenio


    Modeling the pesticide wash-off by raindrops is important for predicting pesticide losses and the subsequent transport of pesticides to soil and in soil run-off. Three foliar-applied copper-based fungicide formulations, specifically the Bordeaux mixture (BM), copper oxychloride (CO), and a mixture of copper oxychloride and propylene glycol (CO-PG), were tested on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) leaves using a laboratory raindrop simulator. The losses in the wash-off were quantified as both copper in-solution loss and copper as particles detached by the raindrops. The efficiency of the raindrop impact on the wash-off was modeled using a stochastic model based on the pesticide release by raindrops. In addition, the influence of the raindrop size, drop falling height, and fungicide dose was analyzed using a full factorial experimental design. The average losses per dose after 14 mm of dripped water for a crop with a leaf area index equal to 1 were 0.08 kg Cu ha(-1) (BM), 0.3 kg Cu ha(-1) (CO) and 0.47 kg Cu ha(-1) (CO-PG). The stochastic model was able to simulate the time course of the wash-off losses and to estimate the losses of both Cu in solution and as particles by the raindrop impacts. For the Cu-oxychloride fungicides, the majority of the Cu was lost as particles that detached from the potato leaves. The percentage of Cu lost increased with the decreasing raindrop size in the three fungicides for the same amount of dripped water. This result suggested that the impact energy is not a limiting factor in the particle detachment rate of high doses. The dosage of the fungicide was the most influential factor in the losses of Cu for the three formulations studied. The results allowed us to quantify the factors that should be considered when estimating the losses by the wash-off of copper-based fungicides and the inputs of copper to the soil by raindrop wash-off.

  20. [Cloning and sequencing of the papA gene from uropathogenic Escherichia coli 4030 strain]. (United States)

    Wu, Qinggang; Zhang, Jingping; Zhao, Chuncheng; Zhu, Jianguo


    Cloning and sequencing of the papA gene from uropathogenic Escherichia coli 4030 strain to investigate the differences of the sequences of the papA of UPEC4030 strain and the ones of related genes, in order to make whether or not it was a new genotype. Cloning and sequencing methods were used to analyze the sequence of the papA of UPEC4030 strain in comparison with related sequences. The sequence analysis of papA revealed a 722 bp gene and encode 192 amino acid polypeptide. The overall homology of the papA genes between UPEC4030 and the standard strains of ten F types were 36.11%-77.95% and 22.20%-78.34% at nucleotide and deduced amino acid levels. The homology between the sequence of the reverse primers and the corresponding sequence of UPEC4030 papA was 10%-66.67%. The results confirmed that UPEC4030 strain contained a novel papA variant. UPEC4030 strain could contain an unknown papA variant or the novel genotype. The pathogenic mechanism and epidemiology related need to be further studied.

  1. Print-Assisted Photovoltaic Assembly (PAPA) (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This proposal describes the development of an innovative method for the fabrication of thin-film photovoltaic panels. Print-Assisted Photovoltaic Assembly, or PAPA,...

  2. Expresión de efectores RXLR en el linaje clonal EC-1 de Phytophthora infestans en Perú

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    Myriam Izarra


    Full Text Available La papa (Solanum tuberosum L. es en nuestros días uno de los cultivos alimenticios más importantes. Esta es propensa a la enfermedad de Tizón Tardío, causada por el oomiceto patógeno Phytophthora infestans, el cual secreta cientos de efectores que actúan como factores de virulencia. Poco se conoce sobre la diversidad de genes de virulencia de las cepas pertenecientes al linaje de reproducción clonal EC-1. En el presente estudio, mediante el secuenciamiento del transcriptoma de la interacción de la papa y P. infestans durante los primeros días después de la infección en las hojas de papa, se identificó la expresión diferencial de genes efectores tipo RXLR en dos cepas de P. infestans EC-1, siendo confirmados por qRT-PCR. Estas cepas, aisladas de papas cultivadas en el centro de los Andes peruanos, tienen diferentes patrones de virulencia. Los genes efectores, fueron silenciados en una cepa, para Avr-vnt1 en POX109 y para el homólogo Avh9.1 en POX067, pero expresados en la otra. Los resultados de transcriptoma fueron comparados con tres cepas adicionales del linaje EC-1. La información del repertorio de los efectores del patógeno y su expresión podrían ser informativos para el mejoramiento genético de la resistencia. El descubrimiento de efectores silenciados en las poblaciones del patógeno pueden guiar al uso de genes R específicos en los programas de mejoramiento genético. Por ejemplo, en el contexto de los Andes, donde el linaje clonal EC-1 predomina, el gen Rpi-vnt1 podría no ser recomendado.

  3. Molecular dynamics studies of the P pilus rod subunit PapA. (United States)

    Vitagliano, Luigi; Ruggiero, Alessia; Pedone, Carlo; Berisio, Rita


    Adhesion of uropathogenic Escherichia coli to host tissues is mediated by pili, which extend from the outer cell membrane of the bacterium. Here we report molecular dynamics (MD) characterizations of the major constituent of P pili from the uropathogenic E. coli, PapA, in unliganded state and in complex with the G1 strand of the chaperone PapD. To mimic the PapA response to the gradual dissociation of the PapD G1 strand and to evaluate the role of PapA chaperone recognition sites, we also carried out MD simulations of complexes of PapA with fragments of PapD G1 strand, that leave either the P4 or both P3 and P4 sites unoccupied. Data on the unbound form of PapA indicate that, upon release of the chaperone, PapA evolves toward compact states that are likely not prone to subunit-subunit association. In line with recent experimental reports, this finding implies that chaperone release and subunit-subunit association must be concerted. Our data also indicated that the gradual unbinding of the chaperone from the PapA groove has increasingly strong structural consequences. Indeed, the release of the chaperone from the site P4, which is closest to the initiation site (P5), does not have dramatic effects on the domain structure, whereas its release from both the P4 and the adjacent P3 sites induces a quick structural transition toward a collapsed state, where the subunit groove is obstructed.

  4. Impact of recombination on polymorphism of genes encoding Kunitz-type protease inhibitors in the genus Solanum. (United States)

    Speranskaya, Anna S; Krinitsina, Anastasia A; Kudryavtseva, Anna V; Poltronieri, Palmiro; Santino, Angelo; Oparina, Nina Y; Dmitriev, Alexey A; Belenikin, Maxim S; Guseva, Marina A; Shevelev, Alexei B


    The group of Kunitz-type protease inhibitors (KPI) from potato is encoded by a polymorphic family of multiple allelic and non-allelic genes. The previous explanations of the KPI variability were based on the hypothesis of random mutagenesis as a key factor of KPI polymorphism. KPI-A genes from the genomes of Solanum tuberosum cv. Istrinskii and the wild species Solanum palustre were amplified by PCR with subsequent cloning in plasmids. True KPI sequences were derived from comparison of the cloned copies. "Hot spots" of recombination in KPI genes were independently identified by DnaSP 4.0 and TOPALi v2.5 software. The KPI-A sequence from potato cv. Istrinskii was found to be 100% identical to the gene from Solanum nigrum. This fact illustrates a high degree of similarity of KPI genes in the genus Solanum. Pairwise comparison of KPI A and B genes unambiguously showed a non-uniform extent of polymorphism at different nt positions. Moreover, the occurrence of substitutions was not random along the strand. Taken together, these facts contradict the traditional hypothesis of random mutagenesis as a principal source of KPI gene polymorphism. The experimentally found mosaic structure of KPI genes in both plants studied is consistent with the hypothesis suggesting recombination of ancestral genes. The same mechanism was proposed earlier for other resistance-conferring genes in the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Based on the data obtained, we searched for potential motifs of site-specific binding with plant DNA recombinases. During this work, we analyzed the sequencing data reported by the Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium (PGSC), 2011 and found considerable inconsistence of their data concerning the number, location, and orientation of KPI genes of groups A and B. The key role of recombination rather than random point mutagenesis in KPI polymorphism was demonstrated for the first time. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  5. Assessment of genetic diversity among Indian potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) collection using microsatellite and retrotransposon based marker systems. (United States)

    Sharma, Vishakha; Nandineni, Madhusudan R


    Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an important non-cereal crop throughout the world and is highly recommended for ensuring global food security. Owing to the complexities in genetics and inheritance pattern of potato, the conventional method of cross breeding for developing improved varieties has been difficult. Identification and tagging of desirable traits with informative molecular markers would aid in the development of improved varieties. Insertional polymorphism of copia-like and gypsy-like long terminal repeat retrotransposons (RTN) were investigated among 47 potato varieties from India using Inter-Retrotransposon Amplified Polymorphism (IRAP) and Retrotransposon Microsatellite Amplified Polymorphism (REMAP) marker techniques and were compared with the DNA profiles obtained with simple sequence repeats (SSRs). The genetic polymorphism, efficiency of polymorphism and effectiveness of marker systems were evaluated to assess the extent of genetic diversity among Indian potato varieties. A total of 139 polymorphic SSR alleles, 270 IRAP and 98 REMAP polymorphic bands, showing polymorphism of 100%, 87.9% and 68.5%, respectively, were used for detailed characterization of the genetic relationships among potato varieties by using cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). IRAP analysis resulted in the highest number of polymorphic bands with an average of 15 polymorphic bands per assay unit when compared to the other two marker systems. Based on pair-wise comparison, the genetic similarity was calculated using Dice similarity coefficient. The SSRs showed a wide range in genetic similarity values (0.485-0.971) as compared to IRAP (0.69-0.911) and REMAP (0.713-0.947). A Mantel's matrix correspondence test showed a high positive correlation (r=0.6) between IRAP and REMAP, an intermediate value (r=0.58) for IRAP and SSR and the lowest value (r=0.17) for SSR and REMAP. Statistically significant cophenetic correlation coefficient values, of 0.961, 0.941 and 0

  6. Crystal structure of the P pilus rod subunit PapA.

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    Denis Verger


    Full Text Available P pili are important adhesive fibres involved in kidney infection by uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains. P pili are assembled by the conserved chaperone-usher pathway, which involves the PapD chaperone and the PapC usher. During pilus assembly, subunits are incorporated into the growing fiber via the donor-strand exchange (DSE mechanism, whereby the chaperone's G1 beta-strand that complements the incomplete immunoglobulin-fold of each subunit is displaced by the N-terminal extension (Nte of an incoming subunit. P pili comprise a helical rod, a tip fibrillum, and an adhesin at the distal end. PapA is the rod subunit and is assembled into a superhelical right-handed structure. Here, we have solved the structure of a ternary complex of PapD bound to PapA through donor-strand complementation, itself bound to another PapA subunit through DSE. This structure provides insight into the structural basis of the DSE reaction involving this important pilus subunit. Using gel filtration chromatography and electron microscopy on a number of PapA Nte mutants, we establish that PapA differs in its mode of assembly compared with other Pap subunits, involving a much larger Nte that encompasses not only the DSE region of the Nte but also the region N-terminal to it.

  7. Protein (Viridiplantae): 816755 [PGDBj - Ortholog DB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  8. AFLP analysis reveals a lack of phylogenetic structure within Solanum section Petota

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vleeshouwers Vivianne GAA


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The secondary genepool of our modern cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L. consists of a large number of tuber-bearing wild Solanum species under Solanum section Petota. One of the major taxonomic problems in section Petota is that the series classification (as put forward by Hawkes is problematic and the boundaries of some series are unclear. In addition, the classification has received only partial cladistic support in all molecular studies carried out to date. The aim of the present study is to describe the structure present in section Petota. When possible, at least 5 accessions from each available species and 5 individual plants per accession (totally approx. 5000 plants were genotyped using over 200 AFLP markers. This resulted in the largest dataset ever constructed for Solanum section Petota. The data obtained are used to evaluate the 21 series hypothesis put forward by Hawkes and the 4 clade hypothesis of Spooner and co-workers. Results We constructed a NJ tree for 4929 genotypes. For the other analyses, due to practical reasons, a condensed dataset was created consisting of one representative genotype from each available accession. We show a NJ jackknife and a MP jackknife tree. A large part of both trees consists of a polytomy. Some structure is still visible in both trees, supported by jackknife values above 69. We use these branches with >69 jackknife support in the NJ jackknife tree as a basis for informal species groups. The informal species groups recognized are: Mexican diploids, Acaulia, Iopetala, Longipedicellata, polyploid Conicibaccata, diploid Conicibaccata, Circaeifolia, diploid Piurana and tetraploid Piurana. Conclusion Most of the series that Hawkes and his predecessors designated can not be accepted as natural groups, based on our study. Neither do we find proof for the 4 clades proposed by Spooner and co-workers. A few species groups have high support and their inner structure displays also

  9. Bartsocas-papas syndrome: unusual findings in the first reported egyptian family. (United States)

    Abdalla, E M; Morsy, H


    Bartsocas-Papas syndrome (BPS) is an autosomal recessive syndrome with severe craniofacial, limb, and genital abnormalities. As of 2011, 24 published cases and families were registered in the Orphanet Report Series. Compared to other disorders characterized by pterygia, the condition is usually more severe and often lethal: most affected patients die in utero or shortly after birth. We report the first Egyptian family with Bartsocas-Papas syndrome comprising three cases; our proband who was a female infant with severe craniofacial and limb anomalies typical of Bartsocas-Papas syndrome, a similarly affected female fetus which died in utero at the 7th gestational month, and a 16-year-old mentally retarded uncle who presented with some of the typical features of Bartsocas-Papas syndrome, including syndactyly, thumb hypoplasia, and microphthalmia. This male patient actually did not present with pterygia, however, we find his clinical description noteworthy.

  10. Efeito do Solo do Materias Organicos E do Adubo Formula 4N:14P:8K Para Producao DA Batata (Solanum tuberosum L.) Semente Pre-Basica no Casa de Vegetacao (United States)

    László, Márton


    hard effect (57%). Our results are shown that it was possible developing of the seed potato production under tropical greenhouse conditions by optimalised soil-organic matter-fertilizer system. This datas should be as indicators to sustainable field potato advisory systems. Keywords: potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), greenhouse, latossolo vermelho soil, farmyard manure, burnt rice straw, 4N:14P:8K fertilizer, sustainability, yield RESUMO A batata é atualmente uma das hortaliças de maior importância no Brasíl. Nos conduzirémos os três experimentos para aumentár-se do produção e produtividade da batata (Solanum tuberosum L.) semente pré- básica no casa de vegetação da Brazília-DF, no Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria- Centro Nacional de Pesquisas de Hortaliças no 1990. Os três experimentos (latossolo vermelho novo x esterco de curral x palha de arroz queimado, latossolo vermelho novo x adubo 4:14:8 NPK, latossolo vermelho novo x esterco de curral x palha de arroz queimado x adubo 4:14:8 NPK) no casa de vegetação foram conduzidos com total 29 combinações, no 5-5-3 repetições com total parcelas de 116. Os resultados foram submetidos a analise de variáncia, ANOVA e MANOVA. Nossos principal resultados estam apresentándo abaixo. 1. A mistura de 80% latossolo vermelho novo, 10% palha de arroz queimado e 10% de esterco de curral, apresentou os maiores valores para numero de tuberculos com 0-20 mm, peso total de tuberculos com 0-20 mm e peso total de tuberculos por vaso. 2. Há um efeito grande crescente das doses de 4N:14P:8K nos caracteres observados. 3. Analise-se do latossolo vermelho novo x esterco de curral x palha de arroz queimado x adubo 4:14:8 NPK experimento os resultados apresentárám-se que entre nas misturas também foi melhor a 80% latossolo vermelho novo, 10% palha de arroz queimado, 10% esterco de curral. Examinando-se 15 fatores, entre 11 casos afirmou-se a mistura como para melhor que a outra mistura. Nossos resultados

  11. Clinical, Molecular, and Genetic Characteristics of PAPA Syndrome: A Review (United States)

    Smith, Elisabeth J; Allantaz, Florence; Bennett, Lynda; Zhang, Dongping; Gao, Xiaochong; Wood, Geryl; Kastner, Daniel L; Punaro, Marilynn; Aksentijevich, Ivona; Pascual, Virginia; Wise, Carol A


    PAPA syndrome (Pyogenic Arthritis, Pyoderma gangrenosum, and Acne) is an autosomal dominant, hereditary auto-inflammatory disease arising from mutations in the PSTPIP1/CD2BP1 gene on chromosome 15q. These mutations produce a hyper-phosphorylated PSTPIP1 protein and alter its participation in activation of the “inflammasome” involved in interleukin-1 (IL-1β) production. Overproduction of IL-1β is a clear molecular feature of PAPA syndrome. Ongoing research is implicating other biochemical pathways that may be relevant to the distinct pyogenic inflammation of the skin and joints characteristic of this disease. This review summarizes the recent and rapidly accumulating knowledge on these molecular aspects of PAPA syndrome and related disorders. PMID:21532836

  12. Protein (Viridiplantae): 816753 [PGDBj - Ortholog DB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  13. Influence of Species of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphorus Nutrition on Growth, Development, and Mineral Nutrition of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    McArthur, DAJ.; Knowles, N. R.


    Growth, development, and mineral physiology of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants in response to infection by three species of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi and different levels of P nutrition were characterized. P deficiency in no-P and low-P (0.5 mM) nonmycorrhizal plants developed between 28 and 84 d after planting. By 84 d after planting, P deficiency decreased plant relative growth rate such that no-P and low-P plants had, respectively, 65 and 45% less dry mass and 76 and 55% less total P than plants grown with high P (2.5 mM). A severe reduction in leaf area was also evident, because P deficiency induced a restriction of lateral bud growth and leaf expansion and, also, decreased the relative plant allocation of dry matter to leaf growth. Root growth was less influenced by P deficiency than either leaf or stem growth. Moreover, P-deficient plants accumulated a higher proportion of total available P than high-P plants, indicating that P stress had enhanced root efficiency of P acquisition. Plant P deficiency did not alter the shoot concentration of N, K, Mg, or Fe; however, the total accumulation of these mineral nutrients in shoots of P-stressed plants was substantially less than that of high-P plants. P uptake by roots was enhanced by each of the VAM symbionts by 56 d after planting and at all levels of abiotic P supply. Species differed in their ability to colonize roots and similarly to produce a plant growth response. In this regard, Glomus intraradices (Schenck and Smith) enhanced plant growth the most, whereas Glomus dimorphicum (Boyetchko and Tewari) was least effective, and Glomus mosseae ([Nicol. and Gerd.] Gerd. and Trappe) produced an intermediate growth response. The partial alleviation of P deficiency in no-P and low-P plants by VAM fungi stimulated uptake of N, K, Mg, Fe, and Zn. VAM fungi enhanced shoot concentrations of P, N, and Mg by 28 d after planting and, through a general improvement of overall plant mineral nutrition

  14. Note rétrospective sur l'histoire de la pomme de terre Solarium tuberosum dans l'Est du Zaïre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ngoy Kadiebwe, N.


    Full Text Available Retrospective note on history of the potato Solanum tuberosum in Eastern Zaire. Potato is after cassava and sweet potato, the third culture practished in Ituri area. In this respect, it highly contributes to the feeding of the population and at the same time is a source of their income. There is no indication as when potato culture has been broughtin Ituri. However, research works on this speculation have well begun in 1941 but were suspended in 1959 due to political crisis is... preceded our independance. They have effectively started again in the beginning of 1989, yet no result is given. Despite favorable ecological conditions its expansion is slow nowadays owing to difficulties such as insufficience of selected seeds as well as ignorance of conservation techniques.


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    Miguel Barquero


    Full Text Available Se determinó la resistencia al tizón tardío presente en 83 genotipos de papa, provenientes de diferentes cruces y fusión de protoplastos de líneas de mejoramiento con las especies silves- tres Solanum bulbocastanum, S. circaeifolium, S. okadae, S. laxissimum, S. berthaultii, S. pinnatisectum y S. commersonii. Los materiales fueron evaluados en el campo, y en el labora- torio se realizó pruebas de foliolos separados, utilizando como inóculo una raza compleja (1- 11 de P. infestans. Los genotipos provenientes de las hibridaciones somáticas o cruces con las especies silvestres S. bulbocastanum, S. circaei-folium y S. okadae fueron los que presentaron los valores más bajos del área bajo la curva de desarrollo de la enfermedad: 60, 80 y 79, res- pectivamente. Las variedades Alpha, Waych'a,Pimpernell y Granola, utilizadas como testigos, presentaron los valores más altos del área bajo la curva 477, 474, 466 y 427, respectivamente.

  16. Solanum tuberosum L.

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 7, 2011 ... sampling system. These genotypes were collected from production areas in high altitudes of the ... environmental stress factors (Aytac and Arslanoglu,. 2004). ...... Starch and Sugar Plant Production, Turkey VII. Technical.

  17. Proceso de producción y certificación de semilla de papa (Solanum tuberosum var. loman, por el Programa Acceso al Crédito y Apoyo a la Comercialización de la Producción Agrícola en Quiché -CREDyCOM- en el municipio de Chichicastenango, Guatemala

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maucelio Mérida


    Full Text Available El artículo “Proceso de Producción y Certificación de Semilla de Papa Variedad Loman”, es una de las publicaciones técnicas preparadas por el Programa Acceso al Crédito y Apoyo a la Comercialización de la Producción Agrícola en Quiché, CREDyCOM, con el objetivo de proporcionar una guía práctica de capacitación y producción, a fin de que los productores atendidos por el Programa puedan abastecer la demanda del mercado de semilla de calidad y apoyar el desarrollo de pequeñas empresas agropecuarias rurales, mejorar la calidad de vida de los agricultores y hacer sostenible el cultivo de papa comercial para su consumo en fresco, a través de la consolidación de las organizaciones de productores, la asistencia técnica y la promoción de la diversificación productiva, lo cual permita contribuir a mejorar económica y socialmente el nivel de vida de sus asociados. Este proceso de producción de semilla de papa se ha realizado en tres organizaciones y en tres comunidades potenciales en el municipio de Chichicastenango. El Programa cuenta con la financiación del gobierno de Italia a través de la Dirección General para la Cooperación al Desarrollo, del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores; el Instituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare de Florencia (IAO, es la institución principal responsable de la ejecución y la coordinación de las actividades que se realizan.

  18. Cross-species BAC-FISH painting of the tomato and potato chromosome 6 reveals undescribed chromosomal rearrangements

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tang, X.; Szinay, D.; Ramanna, M.S.; Vossen, van der E.A.G.; Datema, E.; Klein Lankhorst, R.M.; Boer, de J.M.; Peters, S.A.; Bachem, C.W.B.; Stiekema, W.J.; Visser, R.G.F.; Jong, de J.H.; Bai, Y.


    Ongoing genomics projects of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum ) and potato (Solanum tuberosum) are providing unique tools for comparative mapping studies in Solanaceae. At the chromosomal level, BACs can be positioned on pachytene comple-ments by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) on homoeologous

  19. Climate Change: Precipitation and Plant Nutrition Interactions on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Yield in North-Eastern Hungary (United States)

    László Phd, M., ,, Dr.


    formation, yield quantity of potato depended decisively on the time of year when they were experienced and the period for which they lasted. Droughts in the winter or summer half-year had much the same effect on yield. Precipitation deficiency in the winter could not be counterbalanced by average rainfall during the vegetation period, and its effect on the yield was similar to that of summer drought. It was also concluded that economic yields could not be achieved with poor N, P, K and Mg nutrient supply even with a normal quantity and distribution of rainfall. Yield was influenced by rainfall to a greater extent (Table 4) than by 0-150 kg ha-1 nitrogen and NP, NK, NPK, NPKMg combinations. Drought and over rainfall negative effects were decreased by increasing N- doses with combinations of potassium, phosphorous and magnesium from 13 to 32% (Table 5). And with the help of regression analysis it was found the polynomial correlation between rainfall and yield could be observed in the case of N: Y'=380.18-2.95x+0.0056x2, n=72, R2=0.95, NP: Y'=387.19-3.04x+0.0059x2, n=72, R2=0.96, NK: Y'=381.65-2.95x+0.0056x2, n=72, R2=0.95, NPK: Y'=390.87-3.07x+0.0060x2, n=72, R2=0.96 and NPKMg: Y'=390.45-3.06x+0.0059x2, n=72, R2=0.96 nutrition systems. The optimum yields ranges between 17-20 t ha-1 at 280-330 mm of rainfall. Acknowledgement: This study were supported by Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (RISSAC-HAS), Budapest. References Johnston, A. E., 2000. Some aspects of nitrogen use efficiency in arable agriculture. K. Scogs-o. Lantbr. Akad. Tidskr. 139, 8. Kádár, I., Márton, L., Horváth, S., 2000. Mineral fertilisation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) on calcareous chernozem soil. Plant Production. 49, 291-306. Kádár, I., Szemes, I., 1994. A nyírlugosi tartamkísérlet 30 éve. MTA TAKI, Budapest, 248 p. Láng, I., 1973. Műtrágyázási tartamkísérletek homoktalajon. MTA Doktori értekezés. MTA TMB. Budapest


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ligarreto M. Gustavo A.


    Full Text Available

    El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar 50 accesiones de papa

    criolla especie Solanum phureja Juz et Buk por parámetros

    que requiere la industria de procesados, en esta colección

    se ha reportado la existencia de variabilidad genética pero

    se desconoce su calidad para la industria. Se evaluaron 17

    variables: 10 variables cualitativas y 7 variables cuantitativas.

    Las variables cualitativas permitieron evaluar morfológicamente

    el tubérculo y las cuantitativas determinaron

    el comportamiento agronómico de los cultivares en el

    ambiente. Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a análisis

    de correlación, y componentes principales y análisis de

    conglomerados. Se encontró que los tres primeros componentes

    principales expresaron el 85% de la variabilidad

    total, donde las características más importantes fueron:

    diámetro ecuatorial 1, diámetro ecuatorial 2, diámetro

  1. Densidad de población y su efecto sobre el rendimiento de papa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodríguez Loyla


    Full Text Available

    En dos localidades del departamento

    de Cundinamarca, el Centro Agropecuario Marengo

    (Mosquera, 2.550 m.s.n.m y el Centro ICA San

    Jorge (Soacha, 3.100 m.s.n.m, se evaluó el efecto de

    la densidad de población (50.000, 125.000, 200.000,

    275.000 y 350.000 plantas∙ha


    -1 sobre el rendimiento

    de tubérculos en


    Solanum tuberosum L. variedad Parda

    pastusa aplicando el postulado de Duncan (1958. La

    competencia entre plantas determinó la respuesta del

    rendimiento de tubérculos por planta y por hectárea.

    En todas las categorías del tubérculo evaluadas se encontraron

    relaciones lineales negativas para el rendimiento

    por planta en función de la densidad, lo cual

    sustenta la

  2. (SRAP) markers linked to bacterial wilt resistance genes i

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 19, 2014 ... Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the most economically important diseases affecting potato (Solanum tuberosum). It is necessary to develop more molecular markers for potential use in potato genetic research. A highly resistant primitive cultivated species Solanum phureja was.

  3. Novel PSTPIP1 gene mutation in a patient with pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum and acne (PAPA) syndrome. (United States)

    Lindwall, Elvira; Singla, Shikha; Davis, William E; Quinet, Robert J


    Pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, and acne (PAPA) syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disease that usually presents in childhood with recurrent sterile arthritis. As the child ages into puberty, cutaneous features develop and arthritis subsides. We report the case of a now 25-year-old male patient with PAPA syndrome with the E250K mutation in PSTPIP1. We also present a systematic literature review of other PAPA cases. We conducted a literature search of PubMed using the following search terms: E250K mutation, PSTPIP1, and PAPA. PAPA syndrome is caused by mutations on chromosome 15q affecting the proline-serine-threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 1 (PSTPIP1) gene, also known as CD2-binding protein 1 (CD2BP1). The reported cases of PAPA syndrome currently in the literature involve mutations in A230T and E250Q. One case of a novel E250K mutation has been reported, which presented with a different phenotype to previously described cases of PAPA syndrome. With variation present between disease presentations from case to case, it is possible that the spectrum of PAPA syndrome is wider than currently thought. Further research is needed which may uncover an as-yet undiscovered genetic abnormality linking these interrelated diseases together. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Contrasting water-use efficiency (WUE) responses of a potato mapping population and capability of modified ball-berry model to predict stomatal conductance and WUE measured at different environmental conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaminski, Kacper Piotr; Kørup, Kirsten; Kristensen, K.


    Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) are drought-sensitive and more efficient water use, while maintaining high yields is required. Here, water-use efficiency (WUE) of a mapping population comprising 144 clones from a cross between 90-HAF-01 (Solanum tuberosum1) and 90-HAG-15 (S. tuberosum2 × S....... sparsipilum) was measured on well-watered plants under controlled-environment conditions combining three levels of each of the factors: [CO2], temperature, light, and relative humidity in growth chambers. The clones were grouped according to their photosynthetic WUE (pWUE) and whole-plant WUE (wpWUE) during...... (34 %) and dry matter accumulation (55 %, P water use (16 %). The pWUE correlated negatively to the ratio between leaf-internal and leaf-external [CO2] (R2 = -0.86 in 2010 and R2 = -0.83 in 2011, P

  5. Visualisation of plastid outgrowths in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers by carboxyfluorescein diacetate staining. (United States)

    Borucki, Wojciech; Bederska, Magdalena; Sujkowska-Rybkowska, Marzena


    We describe two types of plastid outgrowths visualised in potato tubers after carboxyfluorescein diacetate staining. Probable esterase activity of the outgrowths has been demonstrated for the first time ever. Plastid outgrowths were observed in the phelloderm and storage parenchyma cells of red potato (S. tuberosum L. cv. Rosalinde) tubers after administration of carboxyfluorescein diacetate stain. Endogenous esterases cleaved off acetic groups to release membrane-unpermeable green fluorescing carboxyfluorescein which accumulated differentially in particular cell compartments. The intensive green fluorescence of carboxyfluorescein exhibited highly branched stromules (stroma-filled plastid tubular projections of the plastid envelope) and allowed distinguishing them within cytoplasmic strands of the phelloderm cells. Stromules (1) were directed towards the nucleus or (2) penetrated the whole cells through the cytoplasmic bands of highly vacuolated phelloderm cells. Those directed towards the nucleus were flattened and adhered to the nuclear envelope. Stromule-like interconnections between two parts of the same plastids (isthmuses) were also observed. We also documented the formation of another type of the stroma-filled plastid outgrowths, referred to here as protrusions, which differed from previously defined stromules in both morphology and esterase activity. Unlike stromules, the protrusions were found to be associated with developmental processes leading to starch accumulation in the storage parenchyma cells. These results strongly suggest that stromules and protrusions exhibit esterase activity. This has been demonstrated for the first time. Morphological and biochemical features as well as possible functions of stromules and protrusions are discussed below.

  6. Importance of a 5′ Stem-Loop for Longevity of papA mRNA in Escherichia coli


    Bricker, Angela L.; Belasco, Joel G.


    High-level expression of the major pilus subunit (PapA) of uropathogenic strains of Escherichia coli results in part from the unusually long lifetime of the mRNA that encodes this protein. Here we report that the longevity of papA mRNA derives in large measure from the protection afforded by its 5′ untranslated region. This papA RNA segment can prolong the lifetime of an otherwise short-lived mRNA to which it is fused. In vivo alkylation studies indicate that, in its natural milieu, the papA ...

  7. PAPA: a flexible tool for identifying pleiotropic pathways using genome-wide association study summaries. (United States)

    Wen, Yan; Wang, Wenyu; Guo, Xiong; Zhang, Feng


    : Pleiotropy is common in the genetic architectures of complex diseases. To the best of our knowledge, no analysis tool has been developed for identifying pleiotropic pathways using multiple genome-wide association study (GWAS) summaries by now. Here, we present PAPA, a flexible tool for pleiotropic pathway analysis utilizing GWAS summary results. The performance of PAPA was validated using publicly available GWAS summaries of body mass index and waist-hip ratio of the GIANT datasets. PAPA identified a set of pleiotropic pathways, which have been demonstrated to be involved in the development of obesity. PAPA program, document and illustrative example are available at : Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  8. Bartsocas-Papas Syndrome: Unusual Findings in the First Reported Egyptian Family


    Abdalla, E. M.; Morsy, H.


    Bartsocas-Papas syndrome (BPS) is an autosomal recessive syndrome with severe craniofacial, limb, and genital abnormalities. As of 2011, 24 published cases and families were registered in the Orphanet Report Series. Compared to other disorders characterized by pterygia, the condition is usually more severe and often lethal: most affected patients die in utero or shortly after birth. We report the first Egyptian family with Bartsocas-Papas syndrome comprising three cases; our proband who was ...

  9. Development of diagnostic markers for use in breeding potatoes resistant to Globodera pallida pathotype Pa2/3 using germplasm derived from Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena CPC 2802. (United States)

    Moloney, Claire; Griffin, Denis; Jones, Peter W; Bryan, Glenn J; McLean, Karen; Bradshaw, John E; Milbourne, Dan


    Quantitative resistance to Globodera pallida pathotype Pa2/3, originally derived from Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena Commonwealth Potato Collection (CPC) accession 2802, is present in several potato cultivars and advanced breeding lines. One genetic component of this resistance, a large effect quantitative trait locus (QTL) on linkage group IV (which we have renamed GpaIV(adg)(s)) has previously been mapped in the tetraploid breeding line 12601ab1. In this study, we show that GpaIV(adg)(s) is also present in a breeding line called C1992/31 via genetic mapping in an F(1) population produced by crossing C1992/31 with the G. pallida susceptible cultivar Record. C1992/31 is relatively divergent from 12601ab1, confirming that GpaIV(adg)(s) is an ideal target for marker-assisted selection in currently available germplasm. To generate markers exhibiting diagnostic potential for GpaIV(adg)(s), three bacterial artificial chromosome clones were isolated from the QTL region, sequenced, and used to develop 15 primer sets generating single-copy amplicons, which were examined for polymorphisms exhibiting linkage to GpaIV(adg)(s) in C1992/31. Eight such polymorphisms were found. Subsequently, one insertion/deletion polymorphism, three single nucleotide polymorphisms and a specific allele of the microsatellite marker STM3016 were shown to exhibit diagnostic potential for the QTL in a panel of 37 potato genotypes, 12 with and 25 without accession CPC2082 in their pedigrees. STM3016 and one of the SNP polymorphisms, C237(119), were assayed in 178 potato genotypes, arising from crosses between C1992/31 and 16 G. pallida susceptible genotypes, undergoing selection in a commercial breeding programme. The results suggest that the diagnostic markers would most effectively be employed in MAS-based approaches to pyramid different resistance loci to develop cultivars exhibiting strong, durable resistance to G. pallida pathotype Pa2/3.

  10. OceanSITES PAPA daily in-situ data (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This file contains daily real-time and delayed-mode in-situ data from station Papa at 50N,145W in the North Pacific. This taut-line mooring has been instrumented...

  11. Biodiversity of the flora of Mount Papa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Even though Mount Papa is in the dry zone area, it is almost evergreen, due to its elevation of 4981 feet above the sea level and its fertile soil conditions. A has a rich biodiversity with vegetation of many types

  12. Protein (Viridiplantae): 786990 [PGDBj - Ortholog DB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 79506 Solanum tuberosum MEETSTSSNNAKAKARVRVCITRKKTLKDKRAKLYIIRRCLYMLLCWKERAEFCNVGNRESTA ...3993 4070:3993 ... 424551:3993 ... 424574:3993 ... 4107:3993 ... 4113:2476 ... PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC1025

  13. Transformación de Agrobacterium tumefaciens CEPA LBA4404 con el vector binario pNOV022, selección in vitro y caracterización molecular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janneth Fabiola Santos Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La caracterización molecular de la infección causada por Agrobacterium tumefaciensy el des-cubrimiento de que una parte del plásmido inductor de tumores (T-DNA es transferido algenoma de las plantas que infecta, han permitido utilizar esta bacteria como sistema detransformación vegetal. La utilización de esta tecnología ha permitido a los científicos resolverproblemas con relación a especies cultivables. En el presente trabajo se realizó la transfor-mación de las cepas LBA4404 de Agrobacterium tumefaciensy DH5a de Escherichia coli. Para tal finse utilizó la técnica de choque térmico incorporando el vector binario pNOV022, que contenía6868Resúmenes la construcción p35S-IP-t35S - pUBQ-PMI-tNos (promotor 35S del CaMV, inhibidor de protea-sas, terminador 35S del CaMV, promotor ubiquitina 3, fosfomanosa isomerasa y terminadorde la nopalinsintetasa. Igualmente se realizó selección de clones bacterianos transformados(basado en la resistencia a espectinomicina y/o estreptomicina y su caracterización molecularpor medio de PCR y un perfil de restricción. Este trabajo apuntó a producir un vector adecuadopara la transformación estable de papa criolla (Solanum phureja y de papa (Solanum tuberosum,un gen que confiere resistencia a insectos. Los resultados de las metodologías empleados evi-denciaron la introducción exitosa del plásmido recombinante en E. coliy A. tumefaciens. Si bienla eficiencia de transformación fue baja (0,032 x 10-8, los resultados de la PCR mostraron laamplificación de una secuencia de 500 pb del gen inhibidor de proteasa aislado a partir de lascepas transformadas. En cuanto al perfil de restricción los resultados no fueron los esperados,sin embargo, permiten diferenciar la cepa de A. tumefacienstransformada. Adicionalmente seestandarizó las condiciones de los medios de selección para diferenciar cepas transformadas.

  14. Protein (Viridiplantae): 816751 [PGDBj - Ortholog DB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  15. El Papa Benedicto XVI y el ámbito internacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago Petschen


    Full Text Available Benedicto XVI, en el conjunto de los papas de los dos últimos siglos, es un papa eminentemente pastoral, poco diplomático. En algunas ocasiones le faltó tacto para manejar sus relaciones con los musulmanes y con los judíos. No le gustaba la política. Como gran pensador de carácter teórico la preocupaba más bien la profundidad de la filosofía que imperaba en Europa, 'la dictadura del relativismo'. Y también los problemas económicos (el egoísmo del capitalismo financiero y el medio ambiente que no son política internacional aunque sean contenidos que interesen por sí mismos.

  16. A pregnancy-associated nonfamilial case of PAPA (pyogenic sterile arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, acne) syndrome. (United States)

    Horiuchi, Isao; Fukatsu, Yuko; Ushijima, Junko; Nakamura, Eishin; Samajima, Koki; Kadowaki, Kanako; Takagi, Kenjiro


    Little is known about the influence of pregnancy on pyogenic sterile arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, acne (PAPA) syndrome. We experienced a rare case of pregnancy complicated with PAPA syndrome. The patient had various histories of skin and joint disorders and experienced subarachnoid hemorrhage during pregnancy; however, her skin lesion was unaffected.

  17. Manejo integrado de la polilla de la papa


    Gonzales, Miguel Angel; Chambilla, Carola; Aguilera, Javier


    Presentación en capacitación sobre el manejo integrado de la polilla de la papa, en taller con agricultores de comunidades del Municipio de Umala. LTRA-4 (Practices and Strategies for Vulnerable Agro-Ecosystems)

  18. Frequency and organization of papA homologous DNA sequences among uropathogenic digalactoside-binding Escherichia coli strains.


    Denich, K; Craiu, A; Rugo, H; Muralidhar, G; O'Hanley, P


    The frequency of selected papA DNA sequences among 89 digalactoside-binding, uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains was evaluated with 12 different synthetic 15-base probes corresponding to papA genes from four digalactoside-binding piliated recombinant strains (HU849, 201B, and 200A). The papA probes encode amino acids which are common at the carboxy terminus of all strains, adjacent to the proximal portion of the intramolecular disulfide loop of strain 210B, or predicted to constitute the t...

  19. Efectos de Purines de Chipaca (Bidens pilosa L. y de Microorganismos en la Incidencia y Severidad de Phytophthora infestans (Mont. De Bary en Papa Criolla (Solanum phureja Cultivada en Tenjo (Cundinamarca, Colombia / Effects of Chipaca (Bidens pilosa

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    Tomas Enrique León Sicard


    Full Text Available En una finca ecológica del municipio de Tenjo(Cundinamarca-Colombia se estudió el efecto de variosmateriales preparados a partir de chipaca (Bidens pilosa y deaislamientos microbianos, sobre la incidencia y severidad deP. infestans en un cultivo de papa criolla (Solanum phureja,utilizando un diseño completamente al azar (DCA consubmuestreo y ocho tratamientos: purín de flores; purín mezcla; actinomiceto AC 12 (Streptomyces sp.; mezcla de actinomicetos; aislamiento bacteriano (Bacillus subtilis; mezcla bacterias (Bacillus subtilis y Burkholderia cepacia; Hongo (Geotrichum sp. y un control (agua destilada estéril. Los resultados mostraron rápida incidencia de la enfermedad, que fue evidente a los 36 días después de la siembra (dds y alcanzó 100% de afectacióna los 52 dds sin diferencias entre tratamientos. La severidadfue estadísticamente diferente únicamente en el tratamientode “purín de flores”, que se diferenció significativamente deltratamiento control entre los 56 y 70 dds (27,8% menos lo que fortalece resultados de ensayos anteriores sobre su potencial como posible producto biocontrolador de la Gota. Resultados menores de severidad frente al control (no significativos también se obtuvieron con los tratamientos “purín mezcla” y “mezcla de actinomicetos”, entre los 60 y 87 dds / In an organic farm of Tenjo (Cundinamarca, Colombiathe effect of various materials prepared from chipaca (Bidenspilosa and microbial isolates, on the incidence and severity ofP. infestans in potato (Solanum phureja were studied usinga completely randomized design (CRD with subsampling andeight treatments: flowers slurry, mixed slurry; actinomyceteAC 12 (Streptomyces sp., mix actinomycetes; isolationbacterial (Bacillus subtilis ; mixed bacteria (Bacillus subtilisand Burkholderia cepacia; fungus (Geotrichum sp. and acontrol (sterile distilled water. The results showed rapid disease incidence, which was evident at 36 days after planting (dap

  20. Expansion and Validation of the PAPA Framework (United States)

    Woodward, Belle; Martin, Nancy; Imboden, Thomas


    In recent years, ethics has drawn increased interest from information technology and computer science practitioners as well as from academicians. This article investigates the issues outlined in the PAPA framework in today's environment and explores the possibility that new issues have emerged. Findings indicate that the ethicality of property…


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    Vinícius Nicéas Nascimento (UFPE


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo principal apresentar uma análise dos Processos mentais presentes nos pronunciamentos do Papa Francisco proferidos durante a Jornada Mundial da Juventude 2013. Nossa pesquisa fundamentou-se na Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, na sua concepção da língua como atividade social, e na Análise Crítica do Discurso. Observamos o sistema de transitividade e os diversos processos verbais, bem como os aspectos ideológicos que permearam os pronunciamentos analisados. Os resultados obtidos nos possibilitam perceber que os processos mentais analisados são, nos pronunciamentos do Papa Francisco, corresponsáveis pela construção da argumentação e do sentido e indicam a maneira como a Igreja Católica sustenta suas relações de poder.

  2. Estudo farmacobotânico comparativo de folhas de Solanum crinitum Lam., Solanum gomphodes Dunal e Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil., Solanaceae The pharmacobotanical comparative study of leaves of Solanum crinitum Lam., Solanum gomphodes Dunal and Solanum lycocarpum A. St-Hil, (Solanaceae

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    Nathalia Diniz Araújo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho realizou-se um estudo farmacobotânico de Solanum crinitum Lam., Solanum gomphodes Dunal e Solanum lycocarpum A. St-Hil, espécies pertencentes à Solanum sect. Crinitum Child, com o objetivo de efetuar morfodiagnoses macroscópicas e microscópicas que possibilitem suas caracterizações. As três espécies são conhecidas popularmente como "jurubeba", fruta-de-lobo" e "lobeira" e usadas na medicina popular contra o diabetes e também para outros fins. Essas espécies compartilham vários caracteres morfológicos, dentre os quais se destacam o hábito arbustivo a arbóreo, o indumento velutino às vezes cerdoso, a corola é pentagonal-estrelada, roxa a púrpura, e o fruto globoso acima de 5 cm de diâmetro. Entretanto, apesar da grande semelhança morfológica entre as espécies estudadas, destacaram-se como parâmetros distintivos: a morfologia do pecíolo, a base do limbo, o indumento da face adaxial, a anatomia do mesofilo, os tipos de estômatos e a morfologia do bordo foliar.In this work, a pharmacobotanical study of Solanum crinitum Lam., S. gomphodes Dunal and S. lycocarpum A. St-Hil., all belonging to the Solanum sect. Crinitum Child. has been realized with the objective of providing a macroscopical and microscopical morphodiagnosis for their characterizations. The three species are commonly named "jurubeba", "fruta-de-lobo" and "lobeira", and they are used in the folk medicine for the treatment of diabetes and others diseases. The three species studied share various morphological characters, like shrub and tree forms, the velutinous abaxial indument, the presence of bristles, the flower with stellate-pentagonal corollas ranging from violet to purple, and the fruit reaching up to 5 cm in diameter. The principal parameters to distinct the three species studied were the morphology of petiole and base of the blade leaf, the indument of adaxial surface, the anatomy of mesophyll, the types of stomata and the leaf margin.

  3. Climate Change and Potassium Effects Under Different N-Fertilization Input on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Yield in a Long Term Field Experiment (United States)

    László, Márton, ,, Dr.


    achieved with poor N, P, K and Mg nutrient supply even with a normal quantity and distribution of rainfall. Yield was influenced by rainfall to a greater extent (Table 4) than by 150 kg ha-1 potassium combinations (NK, NPK, NPKMg). Drought and over rainfall negative effects were decreased by increasing N- doses with combinations of potassium, phosphorous and magnesium from 13 to 32% (Table 5 and 6). With the help of regression analysis it was found the polynomial correlation between rainfall and yield could be observed in the case of NK (Y'=381.65-2.95x+0.0056x2, n=72, R2=0.95), NPK (Y'=390.87-3.07x+0.0060x2, n=72, R2=0.96) and NPKMg (Y'=390.45-3.06x+0.0059x2, n=72, R2=0.96) nutrition systems. The optimum yield ranges between 17-20 t ha-1 at 280-330 mm of rainfall. From 1962 to 1979 the weather was highly variable, with particularly frequent droughts and over rainfall resulting in yield losses of 13 to 32 percentin in this period. Thus it is important to analyse the consequences of possible future climate change on crop in Hungary. REFERENCES A.E. Johnston. 2000. Some aspects of nitrogen use efficiency in arable agriculture. K. Scogs-o. Lantbr. Akad. Tidskr. 139: 8. Kádár, I-Márton, L.-Horváth, S. 2000. Mineral fertilisation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) on calcareous chernozem soil. Plant Production. 49: 291-306. László, M. 2000. Nutrition of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) on Hungary on a chernozem soil. Acta Agronomica Óváriensis. 42: 81-93. László, M. 2001a. Climate change and N, P, K, Mg fertilization effects on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield and quality. EAPR. Hamburg. In press László, M. 2001b. Year and N- fertilizer effect on winter rye (Secale cereale L.) yield in a long term field experiment. XLIII. Georgikon Days. University of Veszprém. Keszthely László, M.-Imre, K.-Jose, E.M. 2000a. Effects of Crotalaria juncea L. and Crotalaria spectabilis ROTH. on soil fertility and soil conservation in Hungary. Acta Agronomica Óváriensis. 42: 99

  4. REGENERACION Y SENSIBILIDAD A MANOSA EN ENTRENUDOS DE PAPA (Solanum tuberosum spp. andígena Var Diacol Capiro.

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN Se estableció un sistema de organogénesis indirecta para la obtención de brotes múltiples a partir de segmentos internodales de la variedad Diacol Capiro. La ubicación de explantes en medio Murashige y Skoog (MS suplementado con 2 mg/l de zeatina ribosido (ZR, 0,02 mg/l de ácido naftalenácetico (ANA y 0,02 mg/l de ácido giberélico (AG3, permite la obtención de plántulas entre la séptima y novena semana con una efectividad del 80-100%. Mediante ubicación de explantes previamente cocultivados con la cepa LBA4404 de Agrobacterium tumefaciens que contiene el plásmido recombinante pNOV022, se verificó la utilidad del medio para procesos de transformación, obteniéndose tasas hasta del 100% de regeneración. Finalmente, con el objetivo de determinar el uso potencial de la manosa como agente selectivo en procesos de transformación, se evaluó el efecto de diferentes concentraciones de manosa sobre la viabilidad y capacidad regenerativa de explantes. Palabras clave: organogénesis indirecta, selección positiva, plantas transgénicas, Agrobacterium tumefaciens. ABSTRACT A system of indirect organogenesis for the multiple buds production from internode stem sections in Diacol Capiro variety was established. Explants on Murashige & Skoog (MS medium with zeatine riboside (ZR 2 mg/l, naftalenacetic acid (NAA 0.02 mg/l and giberelic acid (GA3 0.02 mg/l, produced plants ranging between 7 to 9 weeks with 80-100% effectiveness. In the same medium, explants infected with Agrobacterium LBA4404 strain which carries recombinant plasmid pNOV022, produced regeneration rates reached 100%, thus, the medium utility for trnsformation processes was verified. Finally, to determine the potential use of the mannose as selective agent in transformation processes, the effect of different mannose concentrations on explant viability and regenerative capacity was evaluated. Key words: Indirect organogenesis, positive selection, transgenic plants, Agrobacterium tumefaciens.

  5. From introduced American weed to Cape Verde Islands endemic: the case of Solanum rigidum Lam. (Solanaceae, Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum). (United States)

    Knapp, Sandra; Vorontsova, Maria S


    A Solanum species long considered an American introduction to the Cape Verde Islands off the west coast of Africa is identified as Solanum rigidum, a member of the Eggplant clade of Old World spiny solanums (Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum) and is probably endemic to the Cape Verde Islands. Collections of this species from the Caribbean are likely to have been introduced from the Cape Verde Islands on slave ships. We discuss the complex nomenclatural history of this plant and provide a detailed description, illustration and distribution map. The preliminary conservation status of Solanum rigidum is Least Concern, but needs to be reassessed in light of its endemic rather than introduced status.

  6. Contribución de la labranza de conservación a la producción sostenible del cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum en la región central andina

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    Leiva Fabio Rodrigo


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    Una causa importante de degradación de suelos en la región Andina colombiana es el uso de prácticas inadecuadas de labranza que conducen a erosión, daño estructural y compactación. La situación es crítica por la cantidad de minifundistas que producen cultivos de papa, en altas pendientes y con tecnologías inapropiadas.

     La Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia ha generado información valiosa sobre efectos ambientales y económicos de sistemas de labranza de conservación (LC en este cultivo, mediante investigaciones que evalúan integralmente cambios en condiciones físicas del suelo, desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo y comportamiento financiero. Se reportan dos experimentos en los cuales se compararon sistemas de labranza convencional basados en arados de discos y rotatorio, frente a sistemas de LC para la ladera y el altiplano, incluyendo tracción mecánica y animal. Los resultados muestran que en siembra directa (SD la estabilidad estructural del suelo se mantuvo constante, el contenido promedio de humedad aumentó entre 2% y 5% frente a los demás tratamientos de labranza y la compactación del suelo (relativamente alta, pero con baja variabilidad no evidenció efectos nocivos para el cultivo. SD redujo costos de mecanización, e incrementó los rendimientos entre 3% y 34% y la rentabilidad entre 2% y 14% frente al sistema convencional (comúnmente usado por el productor. Esto confirma que los sistemas de LC, adaptados a las diferentes condiciones

  7. Obtention of microtubers and minitubers as pre basic seed in tree Peruvian potato cultivars

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    María de Lourdes Tapia y Figueroa


    Full Text Available In potato (Solanum tuberosum L. seed certification programs, the use of in vitro plants, microtubers and minitubers as pre-basic seed are of great importance, especially in countries such as Peru, where there is a need to eradicate the informal production of the seed to promote new plantations. The present work had as objective to obtain of microtubers and minitubers as pre-basic seed in three Peruvian potato cultivars. When comparing the effect of both factors (method and cultivar in the number of seeds per plant it was possible to state that with the exception of the cultivar 'Capiro', no differences were found between both methods of seed production for the rest of the cultivars. This result is very important since it shows that it is possible to use both methods of pre-basic seed production for cultivars 'Canchan' and 'Papa3'. In the cultivar 'Capiro' a greater number of minitubers was achieved per plant, but its low fresh mass, which could prevent its use as a basic seed. Other studies are required to adjust the culture conditions to achieve better results in this cultivar.   Keywords: certified seed, genotype, in vitro techniques

  8. Growth, yield and quality attributes of a tropical potato variety (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Kufri chandramukhi) under ambient and elevated carbon dioxide and ozone and their interactions. (United States)

    Kumari, Sumita; Agrawal, Madhoolika


    The present study was designed to study the growth and yield responses of a tropical potato variety (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Kufri chandramukhi) to different levels of carbon dioxide (382 and 570ppm) and ozone (50 and 70ppb) in combinations using open top chambers (OTCs). Plants were exposed to three ozone levels in combination with ambient CO2 and two ozone levels at elevated CO2. Significant increments in leaf area and total biomass were observed under elevated CO2 in combination with ambient O3 (ECO2+AO3) and elevated O3 (ECO2+EO3), compared to the plants grown under ambient concentrations (ACO2+AO3). Yield measured as fresh weight of potato also increased significantly under ECO2+AO3 and ECO2+EO3. Yield, however, reduced under ambient (ACO2+AO3) and elevated ozone (ACO2+EO3) compared to ACO2 (filtered chamber). Number, fresh and dry weights of tubers of size 35-50mm and>50mm used for direct consumption and industrial purposes, respectively increased maximally under ECO2+AO3. Ambient as well as elevated levels of O3 negatively affected the growth parameters and yield mainly due to reductions in number and weight of tubers of sizes >35mm. The quality of potato tubers was also modified under different treatments. Starch content increased and K, Zn and Fe concentrations decreased under ECO2+AO3 and ECO2+EO3 compared to ACO2+AO3. Starch content reduced under ACO2+AO3 and ACO2+EO3 treatments compared to ACO2. These results clearly suggest that elevated CO2 has provided complete protection to ambient O3 as the potato yield was higher under ECO2+AO3 compared to ACO2. However, ambient CO2 is not enough to protect the plants under ambient O3 levels. Elevated CO2 also provided protection against elevated O3 by improving the yield. Quality of tubers is modified by both CO2 and O3, which have serious implications on human health at present and in future. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Estudo farmacobotânico comparativo de folhas de Solanum crinitum Lam., Solanum gomphodes Dunal e Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil., Solanaceae

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    Nathalia Diniz Araújo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho realizou-se um estudo farmacobotânico de Solanum crinitum Lam., Solanum gomphodes Dunal e Solanum lycocarpum A. St-Hil, espécies pertencentes à Solanum sect. Crinitum Child, com o objetivo de efetuar morfodiagnoses macroscópicas e microscópicas que possibilitem suas caracterizações. As três espécies são conhecidas popularmente como "jurubeba", fruta-de-lobo" e "lobeira" e usadas na medicina popular contra o diabetes e também para outros fins. Essas espécies compartilham vários caracteres morfológicos, dentre os quais se destacam o hábito arbustivo a arbóreo, o indumento velutino às vezes cerdoso, a corola é pentagonal-estrelada, roxa a púrpura, e o fruto globoso acima de 5 cm de diâmetro. Entretanto, apesar da grande semelhança morfológica entre as espécies estudadas, destacaram-se como parâmetros distintivos: a morfologia do pecíolo, a base do limbo, o indumento da face adaxial, a anatomia do mesofilo, os tipos de estômatos e a morfologia do bordo foliar.

  10. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96944 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  11. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT97016 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... After baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of french fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  12. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96931 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  13. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96911 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  14. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96668 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... After baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of french fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  15. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96940 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  16. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96935 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  17. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96933 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  18. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96937 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  19. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT97018 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... After baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of french fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  20. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96927 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  1. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96946 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  2. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96929 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after baking darkening Non-enzymatic discolo...uration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after baking.

  3. The Sydney University PAPA camera (United States)

    Lawson, Peter R.


    The Precision Analog Photon Address (PAPA) camera is a photon-counting array detector that uses optical encoding to locate photon events on the output of a microchannel plate image intensifier. The Sydney University camera is a 256x256 pixel detector which can operate at speeds greater than 1 million photons per second and produce individual photon coordinates with a deadtime of only 300 ns. It uses a new Gray coded mask-plate which permits a simplified optical alignment and successfully guards against vignetting artifacts.

  4. Methodological aspects of mutation breeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broertjes, C.; Roest, S.; Bokelmann, G.S.


    The authors discuss the development of the in vitro adventitious bud technique for Chrysanthemum morifolium, Solanum tuberosum, Begonia x hieemalis, Dianthus caryophyllus, Muscari, Euphorbia pulcherrima, and Forsythia intermedia. (G.T.H.)

  5. Experimentos en Antioquia con Fertilizantes para Papa.

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    Yepes Y. Emilio


    Full Text Available Con el fin de determinar la adecuada aplicación de cal. y la economía de la adición de Nitrógeno, Fósforo y Potasio, se realizaron varios experimentos de fertilizantes para papa en dos regiones productoras de Antioquia. Los experimentos se realizaron por el sistema de "Parcelas divididas y del análisis estadístico de los resultados pueden sacarse las siguientes conclusiones: 1. Es notable la deficiencia de Fósforo en ambos suelos, y hubo respuesta significativa a una aplicación de 120 kilos por hectárea. 2. Los suelos responden a una aplicación moderada de Nitrógeno y Potasio, pero puede lograrse una economía importante en las cantidades de estos elementos. 3. Parece que la aplicación de dos toneladas de cal por cuadra es suficiente, y no hay razón para aconsejar cantidades mayores. 4. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que sí es posible la experimentación con fertilizante para papa, y sería de desear que se ampliara la experimentación en las demás regiones productoras.

  6. Cisgenic inhibition of the potato cold induced phosphorylase L gene ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    transgenic line M4), implying that silencing of starch phosphorylase L gene reduced starch breakdown during cold storage conditions. Key words: Cold sweetening, potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), RNA interference, starch phosphorylase L. gene, ...

  7. Yielding ability and weed suppression of potato and wheat under organic nitrogen management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Delden, van A.


    Keywords: chickweed, early growth, leaf area expansion, light interception, light use efficiency, manure, mineralisation, modelling, organic farming, organic matter, soil nitrogen content , Solanum tuberosum L., specific leaf area , Stellaria media

  8. Interpreting Medieval Inter-tidal Features at Weelie's Taing on Papa Westray, Orkney, NE Scotland (United States)

    Pollard, Edward; Gibson, Julie; Littlewood, Mark


    Investigation of the inter-tidal heritage of the Orkney Islands is used to interpret a previously perplexing complex at Weelie's Taing on Papa Westray. The study revealed a previously unknown type of harbour since identified in several locations around Orkney. Situated in exposed environmental situations, shelter is formed by an `ayre', a type of spit that encloses a loch, and which has been used historically as a landing place or crossing of the inter-tidal zone. A complex landing area, pier, tower and ship-blockage suggest Weelie's Taing was used as a harbour. Important fishing grounds exploited since the Neolithic are nearby, and Papa Westray was the site of water-focussed religious communities. It is suggested that Weelie's Taing was in use in the medieval period when Papa Westray was less isolated than today with the presence of ecclesiastical communities and situation on the Orkney-Shetland route.

  9. The PAPAS index: a novel index for the prediction of hepatitis C-related fibrosis. (United States)

    Ozel, Banu D; Poyrazoğlu, Orhan K; Karaman, Ahmet; Karaman, Hatice; Altinkaya, Engin; Sevinç, Eylem; Zararsiz, Gökmen


    Several noninvasive tests have been developed to determine the degree of hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) without performing liver biopsy. This study aimed to determine the performance of the PAPAS (Platelet/Age/Phosphatase/AFP/AST) index in patients with CHC for the prediction of significant fibrosis and cirrhosis and to compare it with other noninvasive tests. To date, no study has evaluated the application of the PAPAS index in CHC-associated liver fibrosis. This retrospective study included 137 consecutive patients with CHC who had undergone a percutaneous liver biopsy before treatment. The aspartate aminotransferase/platelet ratio (APRI), aspartate aminotransferase/alanine transaminase ratio (AAR), age-platelet index (API), FIB4, cirrhosis discriminate score (CDS), the Göteborg University cirrhosis index (GUCI), and PAPAS were calculated and compared with the diagnostic accuracies of all fibrosis indices between the groups F0-F2 (no-mild fibrosis) versus F3-F6 (significant fibrosis) and F0-F4 (no cirrhosis) versus F5-F6 (cirrhosis). To predict significant fibrosis, the area under curve (95% confidence interval) for FIB4 was 0.727 followed by GUCI (0.721), PAPAS≈APRI≈CDS (0.716), and API (0.68). To predict cirrhosis, the area under curve (95% confidence interval) for FIB4 was calculated to be 0.735, followed by GUCI (0.723), PAPAS≈APRI≈CDS≈(0.71), and API (0.66). No statistically significant difference was observed among these predictors to exclude both significant fibrosis and cirrhosis (P>0.05). The diagnostic capability of the PAPAS index has moderate efficiency and was not superior to other fibrosis markers for the identification of fibrosis in CHC patients. There is a need for more comprehensive prospective studies to help determine the diagnostic value of PAPAS for liver fibrosis.



    Md. Emran HOSSAIN; Syeda Ayesha SULTANA; Mohammad Hasanul KARIM; Md. Imran AHMED


    The study was undertaken to find out the chemical composition of different vegetable peels available in Rangunia, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Total 10 different vegetable peels i.e., Banana blossom (Musa sapientum), Bottle gourd peel (Lagenaria siceraria), Brinjal peel (Solanum melongena), Gram husk (Cicer arietinum), Green banana peel (Musa sapieutum), Green coconut peel (Cocos nucifera), Pea husk (Pisum sativum), Potato peel (Solanum tuberosum), Pumpkin peel (Cucurbita maxima), Ripe banana peel...

  11. Callus induction and growth in transgenic potato genotypes

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Solanum tuberosum L.). This has resulted in a range of protocols and procedures being established by researchers since tissue culture gained an importance in plant propagation, conservation and breeding (Ahloowalia 1982; Wareh et al., 1989).

  12. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 5051 - 5100 of 11090 ... ... transformation of rice chitinase gene in Solanum tuberosum L. Abstract PDF ... performance of dairy cow in Algeria: Effects of clinical mastitis ... Fattening performance, blood parameters and slaughter traits of ...

  13. Unreported manifestations in two Dutch families with Bartsocas-Papas syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veenstra-Knol, HE; Kleibeuker, A; Timmer, A; ten Kate, LP; van Essen, AJ


    Bartsocas-Papas syndrome (BPS) is a severe autosomal recessive syndrome characterized by neonatal or intrauterine death in most cases, severe popliteal webbing, oligosyndactyly, genital abnormalities, and typical face with short palpebral fissures, ankylo-blepharon, hypoplastic nose, orofacial

  14. Confirmation that RIPK4 mutations cause not only Bartsocas-Papas syndrome but also CHAND syndrome. (United States)

    Busa, Tiffany; Jeraiby, Mohammed; Clémenson, Alix; Manouvrier, Sylvie; Granados, Viviana; Philip, Nicole; Touraine, Renaud


    CHAND syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by curly hair, ankyloblepharon, and nail dysplasia. Only few patients were reported to date. A homozygous RIPK4 mutation was recently identified by homozygosity mapping and whole exome sequencing in three patients from an expanded consanguineous kindred with a clinical diagnosis of CHAND syndrome. RIPK4 was previously known to be implicated in Bartsocas-Papas syndrome, the autosomal recessive form of popliteal pterygium syndrome. We report here two cases of RIPK4 homozygous mutations in a fetus with severe Bartsocas-Papas syndrome and a patient with CHAND syndrome. The patient with CHAND syndrome harbored the same mutation as the one identified in the family previously reported. We thus confirm the implication of RIPK4 gene in CHAND syndrome in addition to Bartsocas-Papas syndrome and discuss genotype/phenotype correlations. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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    Jorge Hasbún


    Full Text Available Se comparó el contenido de sólidos totales, almidón, azúcares reductores y la gravedad específica de 3 variedades promisorias de papa de reciente introducción en Costa Rica (MNF-41, MNF-72 y MNF-80 y de la tradicional Floresta mediante análisis gravimétricos y espectrofotométricos. El color y la textura en bastones de papa prefrita congelada, como producto terminado, y papa tostada, fueron evaluados instrumentalmente. Para el contenido de grasa se utilizó el método de Soxhlet. La MNF-80 mostró el contenido mayor de sólidos totales y almidón, con 23,1 y 20,8%, respectivamente; y Floresta los contenidos más bajos con 15,9% y 13,4%, respectivamente. Existe una correlación (R2=0,97 del contenido de sólidos totales con la gravedad específica de los materiales. La MNF-80 presentó el porcentaje menor de azúcares reductores con 0,076%; mientras que MNF-41 y MNF-72 presentaron 1,142 y 1,384%, respectivamente. En los bastones de papa prefrita congelada, el porcentaje mayor de grasa se encontró en la MNF-80 y el menor en las MNF-72 y Floresta. No se observó diferencias en el scurecimiento y textura entre variedades. En las papas tostadas la MNF-80 presentó un contenido menor de grasa y de grado de oscurecimiento. Las hojuelas elaboradas a partir de la MNF-72 y la MNF-80 mostraron valores de firmeza mayores. En la absorción de grasa, hubo un comportamiento distinto según el producto elaborado; en los bastones de papa prefrita congelados de la MNF- 72 y Floresta, la absorción de grasa en el producto terminado fue menor, mientras que en las papas tostadas los contenidos de grasa menores se obtuvieron con la MNF-80.

  16. Agro-transformation and evaluation of resistance to Phytophthora infestansin Solanum tuberosumL. variety Désirée

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeanette Orbegozo


    Full Text Available The Oomycete Phytophthora infestans (Mont. de Bary, the causal agent of the disease known as late blight, is primarily responsible for the decreased in production performance and potato crops worldwide. The integration of the complete Rgenes sequences in the potato genome using Agro-transformation appears an alternative to be considered in the fight against this pathogen. The Rpi-blb2 gene (Rgene from the wild species Solanum bulbocastanumDunal shows a broad resistance to isolates ofP. infestans,making it an important candidate for plant breeding studies. This paper reports the integration of the Rpi-blb2gene into potato var. Désirée genome by Agrobacterium tumefaciens- mediated transformation system, the molecular characterization of 29 events transformed and whole plant infection with isolate POX67 of P. infestansfrom Peru. Désirée events [Rpi-blb2] 4 and Désirée [Rpi-blb2] 30, showed a substantial resistance to P. infestansinfection confirming complete transfer of the Rpi-blb2gene from a wild species to a cultivated species by genetic transformation.

  17. Evaluation of Oxadiargyl Efficiency on Weed Control of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. at Different Growth Stages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Samadi Kalkhoran


    Full Text Available Introduction: Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. is one of the most important root crops in the world. Weed is biotic stress that reduces yield and quality of crops through competition. Chemical weed control seems indispensable and has proved efficient in controlling weeds. Metribuzin and Paraquat are registered herbicides for potato production in Iran which are using early in the growing season. Metribuzin and Paraquat are dual purpose herbicides and destruct photosystem sites of action (Metribuzin is photosystem Ⅱ inhibitor and Paraquat is photosystem Ⅰ inhibitor which are not control summer weeds. Oxadiargyl belongs to the oxidiazole chemical group and acts as a protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor and primarily has been developed for general weed control in rice and sugar cane. It is commonly used in rice, potato, sunflower, onion, cabbage, chickpea, spanish and lettuce and lavender. Weed control obtained with oxadiargyl at rates above 0.30 kg a.i/ ha was comparable to the standard metribuzin at 1.0 kg a.i/ ha; Oxadiargyl was superior comparing to the standard on Solanum nigrum, a weed of common occurrence in potato plantations, and Panicum subalbidum. The objective of our research was to evaluate the efficacy of Oxadiargyl for weed control and determination of appropriate application time in potato fields. Materials and Methods: Trials were conducted in Ardabil Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Station during 2013. The factorial experiment with control (with and without weeding was performed based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Potato cultivar was Agria (common cultivar in Ardabil. The first factor was Oxadiargyl dosages with six levels (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 Lit a.i/ ha, and the second factor was time of application (at different potato growth stages; potato emergence, stoloning and tuber bulking, as well as two treatments (with and without weeding were considered as control. Tubers were hand


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    Elizabeth Gilchrist


    Full Text Available El protozoario Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea es un parásito obligado que replica en raíces y tubérculos de papa causando la sarna polvosa. Esta enfermedad se ha difundido a escala global debido al comercio de tubérculos-semilla infectados y a la ausencia de tratamientos efectivos. En este trabajo se investigó la influencia sobre la sarna polvosa de cuatro aislamientos de Trichoderma asperellum en tres tipos de suelo: Andisol, Entisol e Inceptisol. Tubérculos de Solanum tuberosum variedad Diacol Capiro fueron plantados en parcelas infectadas con 1942 ± 226 quistosoros por gramo de suelo. No se observaron diferencias entre las plantas tratadas y no tratadas con T. asperellum. La superficie de raíz ocupada por agallas fue en promedio 2,2%, sin encontrarse diferencias significativas (PThe protozoan Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea is an obligate parasite that replicates in roots and tubers of potato causing the powdery scab. This disease has disseminated on a global scale, because the commercial traffic of infected tubers used as seed and the absence of effective treatments. The present work investigated the effects of four isolates of Trichoderma asperellum in three soil types: Andisol, Entisol and Inceptisol. The soils were infected with 1942 ± 226 cystosori per gram of soil. It was used Solanum tuberosum variety Diacol Capiro. No differences were observed between treated and non treated plants with T. asperellum. The root surface affected by galls was an average of 2.2 %, and no significant differences (p<0.05 were observed among the soils. The reduction of plant growth was of 41, 32 and 28 % for the Andisol, Entisol and Inceptisol, respectively. The reduction in tubers production was of 40, 28 and 0,1% for the Andisol, Entisol and Inceptisol, respectively. Similar percent of root surface covered with galls resulted in production reduction of 40%, but also of 0,1%, indicating the necessity of other methods to

  19. Genome sequence of M6, a diploid inbred clone of the high-glycoalkaloid-producing tuber-bearing potato species Solanum chacoense, reveals residual heterozygosity. (United States)

    Leisner, Courtney P; Hamilton, John P; Crisovan, Emily; Manrique-Carpintero, Norma C; Marand, Alexandre P; Newton, Linsey; Pham, Gina M; Jiang, Jiming; Douches, David S; Jansky, Shelley H; Buell, C Robin


    Cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a highly heterozygous autotetraploid that presents challenges in genome analyses and breeding. Wild potato species serve as a resource for the introgression of important agronomic traits into cultivated potato. One key species is Solanum chacoense and the diploid, inbred clone M6, which is self-compatible and has desirable tuber market quality and disease resistance traits. Sequencing and assembly of the genome of the M6 clone of S. chacoense generated an assembly of 825 767 562 bp in 8260 scaffolds with an N50 scaffold size of 713 602 bp. Pseudomolecule construction anchored 508 Mb of the genome assembly into 12 chromosomes. Genome annotation yielded 49 124 high-confidence gene models representing 37 740 genes. Comparative analyses of the M6 genome with six other Solanaceae species revealed a core set of 158 367 Solanaceae genes and 1897 genes unique to three potato species. Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms across the M6 genome revealed enhanced residual heterozygosity on chromosomes 4, 8 and 9 relative to the other chromosomes. Access to the M6 genome provides a resource for identification of key genes for important agronomic traits and aids in genome-enabled development of inbred diploid potatoes with the potential to accelerate potato breeding. © 2018 The Authors The Plant Journal © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Diacyltransferase Activity and Chain Length Specificity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PapA5 in the Synthesis of Alkyl β-Diol Lipids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Touchette, Megan H.; Bommineni, Gopal R.; Delle Bovi, Richard J.; Gadbery, John; Nicora, Carrie D.; Shukla, Anil K.; Kyle, Jennifer E.; Metz, Thomas O.; Martin, Dwight W.; Sampson, Nicole S.; Miller, W. T.; Tonge, Peter J.; Seeliger, Jessica C.


    Although classified as Gram-positive bacteria, Corynebacterineae possess an asymmetric outer membrane that imparts structural and thereby physiological similarity to more distantly related Gram-negative bacteria. Like lipopolysaccharide in Gram-negative bacteria, lipids in the outer membrane of Corynebacterineae have been associated with the virulence of pathogenic species such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). For example, Mtb strains that lack long, branched-chain alkyl esters known as dimycocerosates (DIMs) are significantly attenuated in model infections. The resultant interest in the biosynthetic pathway of these unusual virulence factors has led to the elucidation of many of the steps leading to the final esterification of the alkyl beta-diol, phthiocerol, with branched-chain fatty acids know as mycocerosates. PapA5 is an acyltransferase implicated in these final reactions. We here show that PapA5 is indeed the terminal enzyme in DIM biosynthesis by demonstrating its dual esterification activity and chain-length preference using synthetic alkyl beta-diol substrate analogues. Applying these analogues to a series of PapA5 mutants, we also revise a model for the substrate binding within PapA5. Finally, we demonstrate that the Mtb Ser/Thr kinase PknB modifies PapA5 on three Thr residues, including two (T196, T198) located on an unresolved loop. These results clarify the DIM biosynthetic pathway and suggest possible mechanisms by which DIM biosynthesis may be regulated by the post-translational modification of PapA5.

  1. Evaluación de microorganismos con potencial de promoción de crecimiento vegetal y biocontrol de Spongospora subterranea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Soler Arango


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Evaluation of microorganisms  with potential  for plant  growth  promotion and biological control of    Spongospora subterranea Resumen: La sarna polvosa de la papa es causada por el patógeno Spongospora subterranea, que disminuye la calidad y producción de tubérculos y facilita la entrada de otros patógenos. Esta enfermedad afecta las principales zonas productoras del mundo, debido a la falta de tratamientos efectivos contra el patógeno y al comercio de tubérculos-semilla infectados. Algunas investigaciones indican que los agentes biocontroladores podrían contribuir a reducir la actividad de S. subterranea a través de efectos sobre la viabilidad de sus quistosoros o mediante efectos estimulantes del crecimiento de la planta. En este estudio se emplearon bacterias aisladas del interior de raíz, rizósfera y superficie de tubérculos de un cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum variedad Diacol Capiro y seleccionadas por su capacidad para producir indoles totales y quitinasas. En estudios paralelos se determinó su capacidad para promover la velocidad de germinación en brotes de tubérculos o para controlar  S. subterranea en raíces y promover el crecimiento vegetal de plántulas en invernadero. La mayoria de los aislamientos evaluados incrementraron la longitud de brotes de tubérculos en el laboratorio. En el invernadero, en suelo no estéril y en presencia del patógeno, se encontró que 2 de los 10 aislamientos seleccionados por su capacidad para producir indoles totales y quitinasas, presentaron promoción de crecimiento vegetal y posible biocontrol del patógeno. Estos resultados sugieren un gran potencial para la selección de microorganismos biocontroladores y desarrollo de bioproductos a partir de recursos microbiológicos locales. Palabras clave: sarna polvosa de la papa; indoles totales; quitinasas; control biológico. Abstract: The powdery scab of potato is caused by the pathogen Spongospora

  2. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96955 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... flesh colour after cooking Yellow pigmentati...on intensity to the genetic control of tuber flesh yellowness in cooked tuber tissue. 1 ... Chr08 ... 10.1007/s00122-013-2254-y 24408376

  3. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96953 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... flesh colour after cooking Yellow pigmentati...on intensity to the genetic control of tuber flesh yellowness in cooked tuber tissue. 1 ... Chr03 ... 10.1007/s00122-013-2254-y 24408376

  4. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96951 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... flesh colour after cooking Yellow pigmentati...on intensity to the genetic control of tuber flesh yellowness in cooked tuber tissue. 1 ... Chr01 ... 10.1007/s00122-013-2254-y 24408376

  5. Marker list: QM357356 [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QM357356 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae toPt-437059 Others ... CIP703825 ... Chr10 ratio of tuber length to tuber... width trait and eye depth of tuber trait 1 10.1186/s12863-015-0213-0 26024857

  6. Actividad inhibitoria del aceite esencial de Lippia origanoides H.B.K sobre el crecimiento de Phytophthora infestans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    óscar Arango Bedoya


    Full Text Available Phytophthora infestans (Mont. de Bary es el fitopatógeno más perjudicial de la papa (Solanum tuberosum al causar la enfermedad conocida como ‘gota o tizón tardío’. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la actividad in vitro del aceite esencial obtenido de una especie de orégano silvestre (Lippia origanoides H.B.K. sobre Phytophthora infestans. Para el efecto se evaluaron diferentes concentraciones de este aceite esencial (10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 µg/ml y de un fungicida comercial usado como testigo. La actividad antifúngica se determinó con base en la evaluación del crecimiento del micelio mediante el método de dilución en agar tomate. A partir de una concentración de aceite de 150 µg/ml se inhibió completamente el crecimiento del patógeno, por lo que ésta fue considerada como la concentración letal. Este estudio demostró que el aceite esencial de orégano silvestre del Alto Patía, Colombia, es un potencial agente antifúngico que podría ser usado en sistemas de control integrado de P. infestans.

  7. Selección de rizobacterias por su antagonismo frente a microorganismos patógenos de cucurbitáceas /Screening of rhizobacteria for their antagonism against microbial pathogens of cucurbits.

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    Gilda Jiménez Montejo


    Full Text Available Resumen:El desarrollo de inoculantes microbianos a partir de aislamientos de rizobacterias con potencial para el control biológico de enfermedades de los cultivos agrícolas requiere de una rigurosa selección. Se obtuvieron aislamientos bacterianos de la rizosfera de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. y de maíz (Zea mays L. y de semillas de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.. Las colonias que mostraron in vitro halos de inhibición de los patógenos de cucurbitáceas: Xanthomonas cucurbitae, Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrull y Fusarium oxysporum, se seleccionaron como antagonistas. A partir de las características morfológicas, fisiológicas y bioquímicas las cepas antagonistas F16/95 y Xph se identificaron con la especie Bacillus subtilis y la cepa 14A como Pseudomonas putida. Las pruebas presuntivas de producción de antibiocinas in vitro sugirieron modos de acción de las rizobacterias relacionados con antibiosis y competencia por el hierro mediante la producción de sideróforos. Los resultados indicaron el potencial de las cepas de rizobacterias antagonistas Bacillus subtilis (F16/95, Xph y Pesudomonas putida 14A para el control biológico de enfermedades de las cucurbitáceas./Abstract:

  8. Efecto del intercambio gaseoso sobre el crecimiento y tuberización de vitroplantas de papa


    Lugo G, J.G; Mogollón, N; Rodríguez, Z.F; Díaz, J.G


    La incorporación de microtubérculos de papa es una alternativa importante en los programas de producción de semilla en Lara, Venezuela. Para estudiar los factores que afectan la obtención de microtubérculos, se evaluaron vitroplantas de papa, sometidas a tres condiciones de intercambio gaseoso: alta (tapas de gasa), media (tapa plástica) y baja (tapa sellada con envoltura plástica), sembrando bajo condiciones estériles dos microesquejes uninodales con una yema axilar, de las variedades Andini...

  9. Evaluating the efficacy of pre- and post-emergence herbicides for controlling Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Chenopodium album L. in potato

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alebrahim, M. T.; Majd, R.; Rashed Mohassel, M. H.


    Field studies were conducted from 2008 to 2010 to evaluate the control of Amaranthus retroflexus and Chenopodium album and tolerance of potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Agria) to ethalfluralin, trifluralin, pendimethalin, rimsulfuron, EPTC and oxadiargyl applied pre-emergence (PRE) and post-emergenc...

  10. Genetic transformation in two potato cultivars with T-DNA from disarmed Agrobacterium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ooms, G.; Burrell, M.M.; Karp, A.; Bevan, M.; Hille, J.


    Derivatives of potato (Solanum tuberosum cv.'s 'Maris Bard' and 'Desiree') transformed with disarmed T-DNA from genetically engineered Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains were isolated. The transformed plants were recovered from shoot-forming tumours induced by infection of wounds with mixed-cultures

  11. Circumscription of the anthracnose pathogens Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and C. nigrum

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liu, F.; Cai, L.; Crous, P.W.; Damm, U.


    The anthracnose pathogen of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is usually identified as Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, while anthracnose of potato (Solanum tuberosum), peppers (Capsicum annuum), tomato (S. lycopersicum) and several other crop plants is often attributed to C. coccodes. In order to

  12. Survey and molecular detection of phytoplasmas associated with potato in Romania and southern Russia (United States)

    In recent years, emerging phytoplasma diseases of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) have increasingly become important in central and eastern Europe. Accurate identification of phytoplasmas and their insect vectors is essential to developing effective management strategies for diseases caused by these p...

  13. Impacts on the metabolome of down-regulating polyphenol oxidase in transgenic potato tubers (United States)

    Tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Estima) genetically modified (GM) to reduce polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity and enzymatic discolouration were assessed for changes in the metabolome using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) and Gas Chromatography (GC)-MS. Metabolome changes ...

  14. Effectoromics-based identification of cell surface receptors in potato

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Domazakis, Emmanouil; Lin, Xiao; Aguilera-Galvez, Carolina; Wouters, Doret; Bijsterbosch, Gerard; Wolters, Pieter J.; Vleeshouwers, Vivianne G.A.A.


    In modern resistance breeding, effectors have emerged as tools for accelerating and improving the identification of immune receptors. Effector-assisted breeding was pioneered for identifying resistance genes (R genes) against Phytophthora infestans in potato (Solanum tuberosum). Here we show that

  15. Introgression of tomato chromosomes into the potato genome : an analysis through molecular marker and in situ hybridisation techniques = [Introgressie van tomatenchromosomen in het aardappelgenoom : een analyse met behulp van moleculaire merker en in situ hybridisatie technieken

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garriga Caldere, F.


    Transfer of alien chromosomes and genes across intergeneric boundaries can be useful not only for the introgression of desirable characters but also for fundamental genetic studies. The successful demonstration of hybridisation of potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) and tomato

  16. Prospects for introgressing tomato chromosomes into the potato genome: An assessment through GISH analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garriga Calderé, F.; Huigen, D.J.; Jacobsen, E.; Ramanna, M.S.


    With a view to assess the possibility of homoeologous pairing and crossing-over between the chromosomes of potato (Solanum tuberosum) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), a somatic fusion hybrid and two monosomic alien tomato addition genotypes were investigated through genomic in situ

  17. Managing potato biodiversity to cope with frost risk in the high Andes: a modeling perspective. (United States)

    Condori, Bruno; Hijmans, Robert J; Ledent, Jean Francois; Quiroz, Roberto


    Austral summer frosts in the Andean highlands are ubiquitous throughout the crop cycle, causing yield losses. In spite of the existing warming trend, climate change models forecast high variability, including freezing temperatures. As the potato center of origin, the region has a rich biodiversity which includes a set of frost resistant genotypes. Four contrasting potato genotypes--representing genetic variability--were considered in the present study: two species of frost resistant native potatoes (the bitter Solanum juzepczukii, var. Luki, and the non-bitter Solanum ajanhuiri, var. Ajanhuiri) and two commercial frost susceptible genotypes (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum var. Alpha and Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigenum var. Gendarme). The objective of the study was to conduct a comparative growth analysis of four genotypes and modeling their agronomic response under frost events. It included assessing their performance under Andean contrasting agroecological conditions. Independent subsets of data from four field experiments were used to parameterize, calibrate and validate a potato growth model. The validated model was used to ascertain the importance of biodiversity, represented by the four genotypes tested, as constituents of germplasm mixtures in single plots used by local farmers, a coping strategy in the face of climate variability. Also scenarios with a frost routine incorporated in the model were constructed. Luki and Ajanhuiri were the most frost resistant varieties whereas Alpha was the most susceptible. Luki and Ajanhuiri, as monoculture, outperformed the yield obtained with the mixtures under severe frosts. These results highlight the role played by local frost tolerant varieties, and featured the management importance--e.g. clean seed, strategic watering--to attain the yields reported in our experiments. The mixtures of local and introduced potatoes can thus not only provide the products demanded by the markets but also reduce the impact of frosts

  18. Managing potato biodiversity to cope with frost risk in the high Andes: a modeling perspective.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno Condori

    Full Text Available Austral summer frosts in the Andean highlands are ubiquitous throughout the crop cycle, causing yield losses. In spite of the existing warming trend, climate change models forecast high variability, including freezing temperatures. As the potato center of origin, the region has a rich biodiversity which includes a set of frost resistant genotypes. Four contrasting potato genotypes--representing genetic variability--were considered in the present study: two species of frost resistant native potatoes (the bitter Solanum juzepczukii, var. Luki, and the non-bitter Solanum ajanhuiri, var. Ajanhuiri and two commercial frost susceptible genotypes (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum var. Alpha and Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigenum var. Gendarme. The objective of the study was to conduct a comparative growth analysis of four genotypes and modeling their agronomic response under frost events. It included assessing their performance under Andean contrasting agroecological conditions. Independent subsets of data from four field experiments were used to parameterize, calibrate and validate a potato growth model. The validated model was used to ascertain the importance of biodiversity, represented by the four genotypes tested, as constituents of germplasm mixtures in single plots used by local farmers, a coping strategy in the face of climate variability. Also scenarios with a frost routine incorporated in the model were constructed. Luki and Ajanhuiri were the most frost resistant varieties whereas Alpha was the most susceptible. Luki and Ajanhuiri, as monoculture, outperformed the yield obtained with the mixtures under severe frosts. These results highlight the role played by local frost tolerant varieties, and featured the management importance--e.g. clean seed, strategic watering--to attain the yields reported in our experiments. The mixtures of local and introduced potatoes can thus not only provide the products demanded by the markets but also reduce the

  19. Farmyard Manure and Fertilizer Effects on Seed Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Yield in Green House Production (United States)

    László, M.


    fertilizer (18.0 g pot-1) with a hard effect (57%). Our results are shown that it was possible developing of the seed potato production under tropical greenhouse conditions by optimalised soil-organic matter-fertilizer system. This datas should be as indicators to sustainable field potato advisory systems. Keywords: potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), greenhouse, latossolo vermelho soil, farmyard manure, burnt rice straw, 4N:14P:8K fertilizer, sustainability, yield Introducáo: Importância e situação actual em produção da batata no Brazíl A batata é atualmente uma das hortaliças de maior importância no Brasíl (Márton 2000a., 2000b.) com um cultivo annual médio de 173.000 ha e uma produção de 2600000 t. A produtividade médio nacional é de 15 t ha-1, muito baixa se considerar que é possivel a obtenção de rendimentos acima de 40 t ha-1. Observa- se também, que existe variação no produtividade entre regiões e estados. E importante como fonte de alimento pelo seu alto valor nutricional a quantidade produzida muito superior por unidade de área a tempo, se comparada com diversas outras culturas (László 2000b., 2000c.). Os estados que tradicionalmente produzem batata em maior ou menor escala são indicados em seguente: Pernambuco, Ceará, Sergipe, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondonia e Acre. Os plantios predominantes são o das águas e das secas, sendo o de inverno bem menos expressivo, pois poucas áreas permitem o seu cultivo, na maioria dos casos necessitando- se de irrigação. Considerando as três épocas de plantio e diferentes condições climaticas brasileiras, podemos definir de um modo geral o plantio de batata no Brasíl da seguinte maneira: Nordeste e Centro- Oeste- plantio de inverno, Sudeste- plantio das águas, secas e inverno, Sul- plantio das aguas, secas e inverno. Sendo este último em áreas muito limitadas. Dentre as hortaliças a batata é uma das culturas mais estudadas actualmente. Os principais problemas que afetam a

  20. Proceso de producción y certificación de semilla de papa (Solanum tuberosum var. loman), por el Programa Acceso al Crédito y Apoyo a la Comercialización de la Producción Agrícola en Quiché -CREDyCOM- en el municipio de Chichicastenango, Guatemala


    Maucelio Mérida; Otoniel Granados; Alessandro Scappini


    El artículo “Proceso de Producción y Certificación de Semilla de Papa Variedad Loman”, es una de las publicaciones técnicas preparadas por el Programa Acceso al Crédito y Apoyo a la Comercialización de la Producción Agrícola en Quiché, CREDyCOM, con el objetivo de proporcionar una guía práctica de capacitación y producción, a fin de que los productores atendidos por el Programa puedan abastecer la demanda del mercado de semilla de calidad y apoyar el desarrollo de pequeñas empresas agropecuar...

  1. Avaliação da infestação de insetos-praga associados à batata (Solanum tuberosum L. sob efeito de nutrientes nitrogenados e potássicos e teores acumulados de aminoácidos livres nas cultivares Achat e Monalisa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edson Henrique de Azeredo


    Full Text Available Evaluation of insect-pest infestation associated to potato (Solanum tuberosum L. under effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and the accumulated amount of free aminoacids in Achat and Monalisa cultivars. The objective of this work was to evaluate the occurence of insect-pests on potato plants influenced by dosages of nitrogen and potassium accumulated in plant organs. A total of 169 plants of the Achat and Monalisa cultivars were evaluated to determine the presence-absence of Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 and Agrotis ipsilon Hüfnagel, 1767. The experiment was carried out and executed at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, and the delineation was complete randomized block design, with four replication and nine treatments, using three fertilization level (0; 75 and 150 Kg/ha with N-urea + KCl. The aminoacid levels were adjusted by the Leucine standard-curve (µg/l, using the Ninhydrin method, at 570 nm. The results showed that the tubercles of Monalisa accumulated high free aminoacid levels with 7,95% in the treatment N1K2 and 7,75% in the N2K1.These treatments, induced the infestation by D. speciosa larvae in 27,03%, when the aminoacid level was 2,01 ± 0,58% (X ± EP, with probability of 0,0196

  2. Model system-guided protein interaction mapping for virus isolated from phloem tissue (United States)

    Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) is an agriculturally important phloem-limited pathogen that causes significant yield loss in potato (Solanum tuberosum) and a model virus in the Luteoviridae. Encoding only a small repertoire of viral proteins, PLRV relies on carefully orchestrated protein-protein intera...

  3. Combined effects of CO2 enrichment, changes in diurnal light level and water stress on foliar metabolites of potato plants grown in naturally sunlit controlled environment chambers (United States)

    Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Kennebec) were grown in outdoor, naturally sunlit, soil-plant-atmosphere research (SPAR) chambers. Drought treatments were imposed at post-tuber initiation stage to assess water stress effects on leaf metabolites, and interactions with enriched CO2 concentrati...

  4. Gut content analysis of a phloem-feeding insect, Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) (United States)

    Potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Šulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) is a key pest of potato (Solanum tuberosum L., Solanales: Solanaceae) and a vector of "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum," the pathogen associated with zebra chip disease. In addition to its presence on cultivated crops, the p...

  5. Taxonomic evaluation of putative Streptomyces scabiei strains held in the ARS (NRRL) Culture Collection using multi-locus sequence analysis (United States)

    Multi-locus sequence analysis has been demonstrated to be a useful tool for identification of Streptomyces species and was previously applied to phylogenetically differentiate the type strains of species pathogenic on potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). The ARS Culture Collection (NRRL) contains 43 str...

  6. Soil Rhizosphere Microbial Communities and Enzyme Activities under Organic Farming (United States)

    This study investigated the activities of ß-glucosidase (C cycling, ß-glucosaminidase (C and N cycling), acid phosphatase (P cycling) and arylsulfatase (S cycling) under lettuce (Lactuca sativa), potato (Solanum Tuberosum), onion (Allium cepa L), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) and Tall f...

  7. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT97962 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... chip color of tuber at normal temperature after cold storage mean val...ue of 2 years 1,3 pPt-536041 ... Chr01 67.8 3.83 ... 10.1007/s11032-015-0415-1 26612975

  8. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT97965 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... chip color of tuber at normal temperature after cold storage mean val...ue of 2 years 1,3 pPt-536863 ... Chr06 75.9 3.84 ... 10.1007/s11032-015-0415-1 26612975

  9. Infection of potato plants with potato leafroll virus changes attraction and feeding behaviour of Myzus persicae

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alvarez, A.E.; Garzo, E.; Verbeek, M.; Vosman, B.; Dicke, M.; Tjallingii, W.F.


    Potato leafroll virus (PLRV; genus Polerovirus, family Luteoviridae) is a persistently transmitted circulative virus that depends on aphids for spreading. The primary vector of PLRV is the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Solanum tuberosum L. potato cv. Kardal (Solanaceae) has a

  10. Growth and Development Temperature Influences Level of Tolerance to High Light Stress 1 (United States)

    Steffen, Kenneth L.; Palta, Jiwan P.


    The influence of growth and development temperature on the relative tolerance of photosynthetic tissue to high light stress at chilling temperatures was investigated. Two tuber-bearing potato species, Solanum tuberosum L. cv Red Pontiac and Solanum commersonii were grown for 4 weeks, at either 12 or 24°C with 12 hours of about 375 micromoles per second per square meter of photosynthetically active radiation. Paired leaf discs were cut from directly across the midvein of leaflets of comparable developmental stage and light environment from each species at each growth temperature treatment. One disc of each pair was exposed to 1°C and about 1000 micromoles per second per square meter photosynthetically active radiation for 4 hours, and the other disc was held at 1°C in total darkness for the same duration. Photosynthetic tissue of S. tuberosum, developed at 12°C, was much more tolerant to high light and low temperature stress than tissue developed under 24°C conditions. Following the high light treatment, 24°C-grown S. tuberosum tissue demonstrated light-limited and light-saturated rates that were approximately 50% of their paired dark controls. In contrast, the 12°C-grown tissue from S. tuberosum that was subjected to the light stress showed only a 18 and 6% reduction in light-limited and light-saturated rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution, respectively. Tissue from 24°C-grown S. commersonii was much less sensitive to the light stress than was tissue from S. tuberosum grown under the same conditions. The results presented here demonstrate that: (a) acclimation of S. tuberosum to lower temperature growth conditions with a constant light environment, results in the increased capacity of photosynthetic tissue to tolerate high light stress at chilling temperature and (b) following growth and development at relatively high temperatures S. commersonii, a frost- and heat-tolerant wild species, has a much greater tolerance to the high light stress at chilling

  11. Aspectos ecológicos y distribución de Tropaeolum tuberosum ssp. silvestre (Tropaeolaceae en Argentina

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    Eva Bulacio


    Full Text Available Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz et Pav. ssp. silvestre Sparre es una hierba rizomatosa trepadora que en Argentina fue encontrada en las Sierras de Calilegua (Jujuy y en áreas montanas de Catamarca, aunque de esta última localidad sólo se conoce un único e incompleto ejemplar. Habita quebradas húmedas, entre los 2.100 y 2.650 m s.n.m., en el límite superior del bosque montano. El tallo es grácil de hasta 3 m de largo y la porción subterránea está constituida por rizomas alargados y de hasta 1 cm de diámetro. Estas son las principales diferencias con la ssp. tuberosum, en la cual el tallo es más corto, erguido y desarrolla tubérculos bien definidos.Ecological features and distribution of Tropaeolum tuberosum ssp. silvestre (Tropaeolaceae in Argentina. Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz et Pav. ssp. silvestre Sparre is a rhizomatous climbing herb that in Argentina was found in the Sierras of Calilegua (Jujuy and Catamarca mountains, yet of this last locality only is known an one and incomplete specimen. It inhabits humid gorges, between 2100-2650 masl, in the upper limit of the montane forest. The slender stem reaches 3 meters in lenght and the underground portion shows elongated rhizomes up to 1 cm in diameter. These are the main differences with the ssp. tuberosum, in which the stem is shorter, erect and develop well-defned tubers.

  12. Guatemalan potato moth Tecia solanivora distinguish odour profiles from qualitatively different potatoes Solanum tuberosum L. (United States)

    Karlsson, Miriam Frida; Birgersson, Göran; Witzgall, Peter; Lekfeldt, Jonas Duus Stevens; Nimal Punyasiri, P A; Bengtsson, Marie


    Guatemalan potato moth, Tecia solanivora, lay eggs in the soil nearby potato Solanum spp. and larvae feed on the tubers. We investigated the oviposition behaviour of T. solanivora females and the survival of larval offspring on healthy vs. stressed, i.e. light exposed and/or damaged potato tubers. In choice tests, females laid significantly more eggs in response to potato odour of healthy tubers and female oviposition preference correlated with higher larval survival. Survival of larvae was negatively correlated with the tuber content of the steroid glycoalkaloids α-solanine and α-chaconine: healthy potatoes contained lower amounts than stressed tubers, ranging from 25 to 500 μg g⁻¹ and from 30 to 600 μg g⁻¹, respectively. Analysis of volatile compounds emitted by potato tubers revealed that stressed tubers could clearly be distinguished from healthy tubers by the composition of their volatile profiles. Compounds that contributed to this difference were e.g. decanal, nonanal, isopropyl myristate, phenylacetaldehyde, benzothiazole, heptadecane, octadecane, myristicin, E,E-α-farnesene and verbenone. Oviposition assays, when female moths were not in contact with the tubers, clearly demonstrated that volatiles guide the females to lay fewer eggs on stressed tubers that are of inferior quality for the larvae. We propose that volatiles, such as sesquiterpenes and aldehydes, mediate oviposition behaviour and are correlated with biosynthetically related, non-volatile compounds, such as steroidal glycoalkaloids, which influence larval survival. We conclude that the oviposition response and larval survival of T. solanivora on healthy vs. stressed tubers supports the preference performance hypothesis for insect herbivores. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Respuesta de variedades mejoradas de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. al estrés hídrico por sequía

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    Gabriel Julio


    Full Text Available In order to evaluate the antioxidant response to water stress by drought in seven improved varieties, we assessed the enzymatic activity of catalase (CAT, ascorbate peroxidase (ASPX and guayacol peroxidase (POX. The results showed that the Aurora, Victoria and Jaspe varieties were resistance to water stress by drought and showed higher values in the enzymatic activity of CAT, ASPX and POX, that their own controls. This confirmed that these varieties were more resistant to water stress by drought. In contrast, clones 00-216-3, 00-207-6 and Desirée and Salome varieties, showed resistance and lower values than their controls. However, the Salome variety with 20 days of drought water stress contrary to what was expected showed high levels of enzyme activity compared to controls. This suggested that this variety probably had other mechanisms of resistance to water stress by drought that allowed more dramatic reaction to drought stress. Finally, cuticular permeability showed that Aurora and Victoria varieties had low chlorophyll content in reference to its controls that showed high chlorophyll content.

  14. Effect of Versaklin® bioproduct on Early Blight in potato cv. ‘Romano’ seed production

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    Yelenys Alvarado-Capó


    Full Text Available Taking into account the need to produce potato seed (Solanum tuberosum L. with low inputs, this work was carried out with the aim of to determine the effect of the Versaklin® bioproduct on Early Blight (Alternaria solani Sorauer in the production of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. ‘Romano’ seed. Minitubers obtained as basic seed were used. A field experiment was designed with three treatments: application of Versaklin®, chemical products and control without application of products. The incidence and intensity of the disease were determined, the area under the disease progression curve (AUDPC was calculated and the technical effectiveness of the culture was estimated with Versaklin® or chemical products. In addition, the number of tubers per plant was quantified, the fresh and dry mass of the tubers were determined and it were classified by their diameter (caliber. Treatment with Versaklin® reduced incidence (30% and disease severity (23.0%. The AUDPC was found in a value between control and chemical treatment. The superiority of the chemical treatment was verified by its technical efficiency and the potential of Versaklin® use because it reached a value that represents 60% of chemical treatment but with only one product. The number of tubers per plant had no significant differences among treatments. The highest proportion of tubers of caliber to be used as seed (35-45 mm occurred in the treatment with Versaklin®. The results indicated that Versaklin® bioproduct could be part of disease management strategies.   Key words: Alternaria solani, bioproduct, minitubers, Solanum tuberosum

  15. Pyoderma gangrenosum, acne, and suppurative hidradenitis (PASH)--a new autoinflammatory syndrome distinct from PAPA syndrome. (United States)

    Braun-Falco, Markus; Kovnerystyy, Oleksandr; Lohse, Peter; Ruzicka, Thomas


    PAPA syndrome is a recently identified hereditary autoinflammatory syndrome clinically characterized by pyogenic arthritis, severe acne, and pyoderma gangrenosum. It is caused by mutations in the PSTPIP1 gene and may be closely linked to the aseptic abscesses syndrome, which has been shown to be associated with CCTG repeat amplification in the promoter region of PSTPIP1. We describe two unrelated patients with a clinical presentation quite similar to, yet distinct from, PAPA syndrome. Both patients had pyoderma gangrenosum and acute or remittent acne conglobata, but, in contrast to PAPA syndrome, lacked any episodes of pyogenic arthritis. Instead, they had suppurative hidradenitis. Mutations in PSTPIP1 exons 1 to 15 were excluded. In the promoter region, an increased repetition of the CCTG microsatellite motif was present on one allele in both patients. Alterations of the most commonly affected exons of the MEFV, NLRP3, and TNFRSF1A genes also were not detectable. One patient was treated with the interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist anakinra and responded well, although without complete remission. This implies that IL-1ß may be of pathogenetic importance. Small number of patients, no gene mutation identified, and unclear efficacy of therapy are limitations. The clinical triad of pyoderma gangrenosum, acne, and suppurative hidradenitis represents a new disease entity within the spectrum of autoinflammatory syndromes, similar to PAPA and aseptic abscesses syndrome. For this disease, we propose the acronym "PASH" syndrome. PASH syndrome may respond to IL-1ß blockade. Copyright © 2011 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Variedades de batatinha (Solanum tuberosum L.. I - Comportamento de 12 variedades procedentes da Holanda, Alemanha e Suécia Behavior of twelve potato varieties from European sources

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    O. J. Boock


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho são relatadas experiências com 12 variedades de batatinha (Solanum tuberosum L., recebidas da Holanda (Prinslander, Irene, Froma e Barima, Alemanha (Merkur, Sabina, Linda e Concordia e Suécia Konsuragis, Eigenheimer, Voran e Jätte-Bintje. Essas experiências, em número de seis, das quais três no chamado período "da sêca" (março-julho e três no "das águas" (setembro-janeiro, foram executadas nas localidades de Campinas, Louveira o Capão Bonito, no Estado de São Paulo. Ficou evidenciado o seguinte: a dado o bom estado de brotação dos tubérculos, as porcentagens de falhas no plantio "da sêca" foram baixas; já no plantio "das águas", as variedades de brotação lenta, como "Voran" e "Sabina", falharam muito; b "Prinslander" e "Konsuragis" resistiram bem à sêca prolongada, e "Barima" o "Linda" mostraram ser muito sensíveis; c "Linda", "Voran" e "Merkur", principalmente a primeira destas, apresentaram boa resistência a Phytophthora infestans, e "Jätte-Bintje" foi muito suscetível; "Voran", "Irene", "Prinslander" e "Barima" não ofereceram resistência a Alternaria solani; d "Merkur" e "Konsuragis" foram as mais produtivas para as duas épocas de plantio, sendo que "nas águas", "Eigenheimer", "Barima", "Concordia" e Jätte-Bintje", também produziram bem. Outros aspectos relacionados com variedades foram estudados.Twelve potato varieties imported from Holland (Prinslander, Irene, Froma, and Barima, Germany (Merkur, Sabina, Linda, and Concordia, and Sweden (Konsuragis, Eigenheimer, Voran, and Jätte-Bintje were compared in six experiments carried out at three different localities in the state of São Paulo (Campinas, Louveira, and Capão Bonito. The experiments were planted twice a year, once during the so-called dry season (March lo July, and another time during the rainy season (September to March. The following results were obtained: a plantings made in the dry season had a good stand, whereas this was

  17. Chernobyl Doses. Volume 3. Habitat and Vegetation Near the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Station (United States)


    Hordeum vulgare, Avena sativa, Fagopyrum esculentum, Beta vulgaris, Solanum tuberosum, Linum usitatissimum , Cannabis satii, Humulus lupulus, Daucus carota... USITATISSIMUM flax It is grown for fiber. Fine-quality fiber can be obtained from plants grown on podzolic and gley soils with considerable fertilizing. In the

  18. Comparative study of potato cultivation through micropropagation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A trial was carried out to evaluate the productivity of Solanum tuberosum L. cultivated through conventional farming and micropropagation method. Survival rate, biomass and tuber yield of both micropropagated and tuber propagated potatoes was evaluated. Survival percentages of potatoes were 90% for conventional ...

  19. An agent-based model on disease management in potato cultivation in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pacilly, F.C.A.; Hofstede, G.J.; Groot, J.C.J.; Lammerts Van Bueren, E.


    In this project the host-pathogen system of potato (Solanum tuberosum) - late blight (Phytophthora infestans) was analysed as a model system to study management of crop-disease interactions. Resistant cultivars play an important role in sustainable management of the disease. We used an agent-based

  20. Analysis of endophytic bacterial communities of potato by plating and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA based PCR fragments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garbeva, P.; Overbeek, van L.S.; Vuurde, van J.W.L.; Elsas, van J.D.


    The diversity of endophytic bacterial populations of potato (Solanum tuberosum cv Desiree) was assessed using a combination of dilution plating of plant macerates followed by isolation and characterization of isolates, and direct PCR-DGGE on the basis of DNA extracted from plants. The culturable

  1. Phosphorus uptake by potato from fertilizers recovered from anaerobic digestion (United States)

    Field experiments were conducted in the Columbia Basin of South Central Washington to assess the yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum) in response to application of phosphorus enriched materials recovered from anaerobic digestion of manure. The treatments were comprised of four rates (0, 56, 112 and ...

  2. Expression of a cucumber class III chitinase and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia class I glucanase genes in transgenic potato plants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moravcikova, J.; Matusikova, I.; Libantova, J.; Bauer, M.; Mlynarova, L.


    The genes encoding for a cucumber class III chitinase and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia class I glucanase were co-introduced into Slovak potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeding line 116/86 using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. For both transgenes the number of integrated copies and level of RNA expression

  3. Impact of transgenic potatoes expressing anti-bacterial agents on bacterial endophytes is comparable with the effects of plant genotype, soil type and pathogen infection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rasche, F; Velvis, H; Zachow, C; Berg, G; Van Elsas, JD; Sessitsch, A

    1. Blackleg and soft rot disease of potatoes Solanum tuberosum L., mainly caused by the bacterial pathogen Erwinia carotovora ssp. atrospetica (Eca), lead to enormous yield losses world-wide. Genetically modified (GM) potatoes producing anti-bacterial agents, such as cecropin/attacin and T4

  4. Impact of transgenic potatoes expressing anti-bacterial agents on bacterial endophytes is comparable with the effects of plant genotype, soil type and pathogen infection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rasche, F.; Velvis, H.; Zachow, C.; Berg, G.; Elsas, van J.D.; Sessitsch, A.


    1. Blackleg and soft rot disease of potatoes Solanum tuberosum L., mainly caused by the bacterial pathogen Erwinia carotovora ssp. atrospetica (Eca), lead to enormous yield losses world-wide. Genetically modified (GM) potatoes producing anti-bacterial agents, such as cecropin/attacin and T4

  5. Identification of alleles of carotenoid pathway genes important for zeaxanthin accumulation in potato tubers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wolters, A.M.A.; Uitdewilligen, J.G.A.M.L.; Kloosterman, B.A.; Hutten, R.C.B.; Visser, R.G.F.; Eck, van H.J.


    We have investigated the genetics and molecular biology of orange flesh colour in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). To this end the natural diversity in three genes of the carotenoid pathway was assessed by SNP analyses. Association analysis was performed between SNP haplotypes and flesh colour

  6. Deficit irrigation based on drought tolerance and root signalling in potatoes and tomatoes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Christian Richardt; Battilano, Adriano; Plauborg, Finn


    Agriculture is a big consumer of fresh water in competition with other sectors of the society. Within the EU-project SAFIR new water-saving irrigation strategies were developed based on pot, semi-field and field experiments with potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.), fresh tomatoes (Lycopersicon escule...

  7. Response of stored potato seed tubers from contrasting cultivars to accumulated day-degrees

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Struik, P.C.; Putten, van der P.E.L.; Caldiz, D.O.; Scholte, K.


    In potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), the accumulated day-degrees (temperature sum, calculated by accumulating the daily temperatures) from dormancy break until seed tuber use has been suggested as an indicator of the physiological status of the seed. We tested whether similar temperature sums differing

  8. Yield and growth components of potato and wheat under organic nitrogen management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Delden, van A.


    In order to optimize N management in organic farming systems, knowledge of crop growth processes in relation to N limitation is necessary. The present paper examines the response of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to N with respect to intercepted photosynthetically

  9. Comparative analysis of transformed potato microtubers and its non ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The rapid progress of transgenic biotechnology has significantly promoted the development and production of genetically modified (GM) crops. The aim of this study was to compare some compositional analysis and genetic variation of transformed potato microtubers (Solanum tuberosum L. Desiree) line (which harbor ...

  10. Palinologia de espécies de Solanum L. (Solanaceae A. Juss. ocorrentes nas restingas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Palynology of species of Solanum L. (Solanaceae A. Juss. from the restingas of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla Patrícia Rodrigues Batista-Franklim


    Full Text Available Foram estudados 21 táxons de Solanum L., com o objetivo de caracterizá-los palinologicamente e, assim, contribuir para a elaboração de um catálogo polínico da flora das restingas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os táxons examinados foram Solanum affine Sendtn., Solanum americanum Mill. var. americanum,Solanum argenteum Dunal ex Poir., Solanum aturense Dunal, Solanum caavurana Vell., Solanum capsicoides All., Solanum carautae Carv., Solanum cordifolium Dunal, Solanum curvispinum Dunal, Solanum echidnaeforme Dunal, Solanum gardneri Sendtn.,Solanum indigoferum A. St.-Hil., Solanum insidiosum Mart., Solanum mauritianum Scop., Solanum paludosum Moric., Solanum paniculatum L., Solanum paratyense Vell., Solanum pseudoquina A.St.-Hil., Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam., Solanum torvum Sw., Solanum velleum Sw. Os grãos de pólen foram acetolisados, mensurados, descritos e fotomicrografados. A análise sob microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi utilizada, em grãos de pólen não acetolisados, para confirmar as descrições feitas sob microscopia de luz e, em alguns casos para confirmar as descrições de abertura e ornamentação. Constatou-se que os grãos de pólen são pequenos ou médios, isopolares, subprolatos a oblato-esferoidais, 3-colporados, sexina granulada, rugulado-granulada ou escabrada. Pela análise dos resultados obtidos pôde-se concluir que os táxons analisados apresentam certa heterogeneidade polínica, quanto à forma, aos atributos das aberturas e à ornamentação da sexina, podendo-se usar estes caracteres na taxonomia do gênero.In this study 21 taxa of Solanum L. were investigated for palynological characterization and to contribute to the Pollen Catalog of the Flora of the Rio de Janeiro restingas. The taxa analysed were Solanum affine Sendtn., Solanum americanum Mill. var. americanum,Solanum argenteum Dunal ex Poir., Solanum aturense Dunal, Solanum caavurana Vell., Solanum capsicoides All., Solanum carautae Carv., Solanum

  11. Brief report: genotype, phenotype, and clinical course in five patients with PAPA syndrome (pyogenic sterile arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, and acne). (United States)

    Demidowich, Andrew P; Freeman, Alexandra F; Kuhns, Douglas B; Aksentijevich, Ivona; Gallin, John I; Turner, Maria L; Kastner, Daniel L; Holland, Steven M


    To describe the genotypes, phenotypes, immunophenotypes, and treatments of PAPA syndrome (pyogenic sterile arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, and acne), a rare autoinflammatory disease, in 5 patients. Clinical information was gathered from medical records and through interviews with 5 patients from 4 kindreds. PSTPIP1 (CD2BP1) exon 10 and exon 11 sequencing was performed in each patient. Neutrophil granule content and cytokine levels were determined in plasma and stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients and controls. We identified 2 previously described PAPA syndrome-associated PSTPIP1 mutations, A230T and E250Q, and a novel change, E250K. Disease penetrance was incomplete, with variable expressivity. The cutaneous manifestations included pathergy, cystic acne, and pyoderma gangrenosum. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and circulating neutrophil granule enzyme levels were markedly elevated in patients compared to those in controls. PBMC stimulation studies demonstrated impaired production of IL-10 and enhanced production of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Good resolution of pyoderma gangrenosum was achieved in 3 patients with tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) blockade treatment. This analysis of 5 patients demonstrates that mutations in PSTPIP1 are incompletely penetrant and variably expressed in the PAPA syndrome. Neutrophil granule proteins are markedly elevated ex vivo and in the plasma, and elevated levels might be compatible with a diagnosis of PAPA syndrome. TNFα blockade appears to be effective in treating the cutaneous manifestations of PAPA syndrome. Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Rheumatology.

  12. Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology - Vol 11, No 1 (2018)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effects of organic manure and crop rotation system on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber yield in the highlands of Awi Zone · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Agegnehu Shibabaw, Getachew Alemayehu, Enyew Adgo, Folkard Asch, Bernhard Freyer ...

  13. Resistant starch analysis of commonly consumed potatoes: Content varies by cooking method and service temperature but not by variety (United States)

    Resistant starch (RS) has properties which may provide health benefits. We conducted a study to determine the contributions of cultivar, cooking method and service temperature on the RS contents of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). We hypothesized that the RS content would vary by variety, cooking me...

  14. First report of in-vitro fludioxonil-resistant isolates of Fusarium spp. causing potato dry rot in Michigan (United States)

    Fusarium dry rot of potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a postharvest disease caused by several Fusarium species and is of worldwide importance. Measures for controlling dry rot in storage are limited. Dry rot has been managed primarily by reducing tuber bruising, providing conditions for rapid wound heal...

  15. Identification of a mitochondrial external NADPH dehydrogenase by overexpression in transgenic ¤Nicotiana sylvestris¤

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michalecka, A.M.; Agius, S.C.; Møller, I.M.


    The plant respiratory chain contains a complex setup of non-energy conserving NAD(P)H dehydrogenases, the physiological consequences of which are highly unclear. An expression construct for the potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Desiree) ndb1 gene, a homologue of bacterial and fungal type II NAD...

  16. Dissection of the major late blight resistance cluster on potato linkage group IV

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lokossou, A.A.


    Potato is consumed worldwide and represents the fourth most important staple food crop after rice and wheat. Potato cultivars display a large variety of color, shape, taste, cooking properties and starch content but are all derived from the same species; Solanum tuberosum. Potato breeding is an

  17. Identification of the site where the electron transfer chain of plant mitochondria is stimulated by electrostatic charge screening.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krab, K.; Wagner, M.J.; Wagner, A.M.; Moller, I.M.


    Modular kinetic analysis was used to determine the sites in plant mitochondria where charge-screening stimulates the rate of electron transfer from external NAD(P)H to oxygen. In mitochondria isolated from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber callus, stimulation of the rate of oxygen uptake was

  18. Inhibition of chloroplastic fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase in tomato fruits leads to decreased fruit size, but only small changes in carbohydrate metabolism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Obiadalla-Ali, H.; Fernie, A.R.; Lytovchenko, A.


    A potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ) cDNA coding for the chloroplastic isoform of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (cp-FBPase) was utilized to repress its activity in tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) using antisense techniques. The patatin B33 promoter was used to ensure fruit specificity of the a...

  19. Effect of plant growth regulators on callus induction and plant ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of different concentrations and combinations of growth regulators on callus induction and plant regeneration of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivar Diamant. The tuber segments were used as explants and cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium ...

  20. Effect of genetic modification of potato starch on decomposition of leaves and tubers and on fungal decomposer communities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hannula, S.E.; De Boer, W.; Baldrian, P.; Van Veen, J.A.


    As part of a risk evaluation of growing genetically modified crops, we investigated the effects of a genetic modification of starch quality (increased level of amylopectin) in potato tubers (Solanum Tuberosum L.) on the decomposition of tissues (tubers and leaves) as well as on the associated fungal

  1. A novel de novo PSTPIP1 mutation in a boy with pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, acne (PAPA) syndrome. (United States)

    Fathalla, Basil M; Al-Wahadneh, Adel M; Al-Mutawa, Mariam; Kambouris, Marios; El-Shanti, Hatem


    Autoinflammatory disorders are a group of Mendelian disorders characterized by seemingly unprovoked inflammatory bouts without high-titer autoantibodies or antigen-specific T-cells and are probably due to defects in the innate immunity. We here report on a 4-year-old Arabic boy with the clinical presentation of an autoinflammatory disorder, namely Pyogenic Arthritis, Pyoderma Gangrenosum and Acne (PAPA) syndrome. The presentation includes abscess formation after immunization and recurrent mono-articular acute arthritis in various joints that responded favourably to systemic glucocorticosteroids, albeit without acne or pyoderma gangrenosum. The mutation analysis of the boy identified a novel de novo mutation in PSTPIP1, the gene responsible for PAPA syndrome. We recommend that the diagnosis of PAPA syndrome should be entertained in the differential diagnosis of patients with recurrent sterile pyogenic arthritis prior to the development of pyoderma gangrenosum or acne in order to initiate a timely management of the disorder.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lidieth Uribe


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del vermicompostaje en la eliminación del hongo Colletotrichum acutatum presente en residuos del helecho hoja de cuero (Rumohra adiantiformis y de la bacteria Pectobacterium carotovorum inoculada en residuos de papa (Solanum tuberosum. En ambos ensayos se utilizaron cajas de madera divididas en 3 compartimentos, en la sección central se colocó sustrato con lombrices (Eisenia foetida y en las secciones laterales el material infectado respectivo. Los compartimentos se dividieron con mallas que permitieron el paso de las lombrices al tratamiento de vermicompostaje pero no al testigo. Se determinó la presencia de C. acutatum en los residuos de helecho mediante recuentos semanales de conidias durante 70 días. La población de P. carotovorum en los residuos de papa se evaluó utilizando la técnica de recuento en plato en medios específicos a los 26 y a los 41 días, y por la técnica de número más probable (NMP al día 54. Si bien el número de esporas de C. acutatum disminuyó en ambos tratamientos, a partir del día 35, se observó una mayor reducción en el tratamiento con lombrices que en el tratamiento testigo. Hacia el final del experimento, el número de conidias se redujo 100 veces con respecto a la población original en el tratamiento vermicompostaje y 10 veces en el tratamiento testigo. En el caso de los desechos de papa, al día 41 la disminución en la población de P. carotovorum fue 100 veces mayor en el tratamiento de vermicompostaje que en el control, no detectándose la bacteria al día 54 en el tratamiento con lombrices. La reducción de las poblaciones de patógenos en el tratamiento de vermicompostaje se atribuye al efecto directo (degradación, e indirecto (cambios en pH, efecto cualitativo sobre poblaciones de microorganismos que la lombriz roja ejerce sobre los residuos infectados.

  3. Electromagnetic foundation of the Mo-Papas theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sorg, M.


    Dirac's method for deriving an equation of motion of the radiating electron is used to deduce from Maxwell's theory the Mo-Papas equation in place of the Lorentz-Dirac equation. The emergence of the Schitt term is avoided by means of a suitable assumption about the extension of the electron in space-time. Since one deals in this approach with a finite-size particle, no infinite terms arise in connection with the particle's mass. Moreover, asymptotic conditions are not necessary, neither in the derivation of the equation of motion nor in determining its solution. (orig.) [de

  4. Exome analysis in clinical practice: expanding the phenotype of Bartsocas-Papas syndrome. (United States)

    Gripp, Karen W; Ennis, Sara; Napoli, Joseph


    Exome analysis has had a dramatic impact on genetic research. We present the application of such newly generated information to patient care. The patient was a female, born with normal growth parameters to nonconsanguineous parents after an uneventful pregnancy. She had bilateral cleft lip/palate and ankyloblepharon. Sparse hair, dysplastic nails and hypohidrosis were subsequently noted. With exception of speech related issues, her development was normal. A clinical diagnosis of ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip/palate or Hay-Wells syndrome resulted in TP63 sequence analysis. TP63 sequence and deletion/duplication analysis of all coding exons had a normal result, as did chromosome and SNP array analysis. Diagnostic exome analysis revealed a heterozygous nonsense mutation in KRT83 categorized as deleterious and associated with monilethrix. In addition, a homozygous missense variant of unknown clinical significance was reported in RIPK4. Using research based exome analysis, RIPK4 had just a few months prior been identified as pathogenic for Bartsocas-Papas syndrome. While the clinical diagnostic report implied the KRT83 mutation as a more likely cause for the patient's phenotype, clinical correlation, literature review and use of computerized mutation analysis programs allowed us to identify the homozygous RIPK4 (c.488G > A; p.Gly163Asp) mutation as the underlying pathogenic change. Consequently, we expand the phenotype of Bartsocas-Papas syndrome to an attenuated presentation resembling Hay-Wells syndrome, lacking lethality and pterygia. In contrast to the autosomal dominant Hay-Wells syndrome, Bartsocas-Papas syndrome is autosomal recessive, implying a 25% recurrence risk. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Desynapsis and FDR 2N-megaspore formation in diploid potato : potentials and limitations for breeding and for the induction of diplosporic apomixis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jongedijk, E.


    The cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum L., is a highly heterozygous autotetraploid (2n=4x=48) plant species, which after its introduction into Europe in the 16th century has become one of the world's major food crops. The potato has traditionally been grown from

  6. Effects of organic manure and crop rotation system on potato ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effects of organic manure and crop rotation system on potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber ... Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology ... (FYM); V2 = 2.5 t/h fresh sesbania green manure (FSB) V3 = 5 t/ha FYM; and V4 = 5 t/ha FYM +2.5 ...

  7. In vivo expression of a Cicer arietinum B-galactosidase in potato tubers leads to a reduction of the Galactan side-chains in cell wall pectin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Martin, I.; Dopico, B.; Munoz, F.J.; Esteban, R.; Oomen, R.J.F.J.; Driouich, A.; Vincken, J.P.; Visser, R.G.F.; Labrador, E.


    We report the generation of Solanum tuberosum transformants expressing Cicer arietinum ßIII-Gal. ßIII-Gal is a ß-galactosidase able to degrade cell wall pectins during cell wall loosening that occurs prior to cell elongation. cDNA corresponding to the gene encoding this protein was identified among

  8. Effects of elevated CO2 and trace ethylene present throughout the storage season on the processing colour of stored potatoes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Daniels-Lake, B.J.


    Previous short-term trials (9-week duration) have shown that the fry colour of stored potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) can be negatively affected by simultaneous exposure to elevated CO2 plus a trace concentration of ethylene gas. In the present study, trials were conducted during each of two storage

  9. Sustainable potato production: global case studies (United States)

    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is grown in over 100 countries throughout the world. As a staple food, potato is the fourth most important crop after rice, wheat, and maize, and has historically contributed to food and nutrition security in the world. Global interest in potato increased sharply in 200...

  10. Activity of the promoter of the Lhca3.St.1 gene, encoding the potato apoprotein 2 of the light-harvesting complex of Photosystem I, in transgenic potato and tobacco plants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nap, Jan; VANSPANJE, M; Dirkse, W.G.; BAARDA, G; Mlynarova, L; Loonen, A.; GRONDHUIS, P; STIEKEMA, WJ

    We have isolated cDNA and genomic clones for the potato (Solanum tuberosum) apoprotein 2 of the light harvesting complex of Photosystem 1, designated Lhca3.St.l. The protein shows all characteristics of the family of chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins. Potato Lhca3.1 gene expression occurs

  11. Targeted mutagenesis using CRISPR/Cas in inbred potatoes (United States)

    Targeted mutagenesis using sequence-specific nucleases (SSNs) has been well established in several important crop species, but is in need of improvement in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). For over a century, potatoes have been bred as autotetraploids (2n = 4x = 48), relying on F1 selections and clona...

  12. 78 FR 59628 - Importation of Potatoes From Mexico (United States)


    ... Mexico AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA. ACTION: Proposed rule. SUMMARY: We are... importation of fresh potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) from Mexico into the United States. As a condition of... plant protection organization (NPPO) of Mexico would have to provide a bilateral workplan to the Animal...

  13. Identification, characterization and high-resolution mapping of resistance genes to Phytophthora infestans in potato

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Park, T.H.


    Potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important crops in the world. The oomycete Phytophthora infestans (Mont. de Bary) is the causal agent of late blight which is the most devastating disease of the cultivated potato. It causes economic losses of several billion US dollars in crop

  14. Chemical constituents of Solanum buddleifolium Sendtn; Constituintes quimicos de Solanum buddleifolium Sendtn

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinto, Francisco das Chagas L.; Torres, Maria da conceicao M.; Silveira, Edilberto R.; Pessoa, Otilia Deusdenia L., E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFC), Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). Centro de Ciencias. Dept. de Quimica Organica e Inorganica; Braz-Filho, Raimundo [Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, Campos, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Quimica; Guedes, Maria Lenise da Silva [Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Ondina, BA (Brazil). Inst. de Biologia. Dept. de Botanica


    The chemical investigation of the stem EtOH extract of S. buddleifolium resulted in the isolation of terpenoids, amides, lignans and a steroidal alkaloid. Based on HRMS, IR and {sup 1}H and {sup 13}C NMR data analysis, the structures of the isolated compounds were identified as: 13-hydroxysolavetivone, betulinic acid, N-trans-caffeoyltyramine, N-trans-feruloyldopamine, N-trans-p-cumaroyltyramine, N-trans-feruloyltyramine, N-trans-feruloyl- 3'-O-methoxydopamine, alangilignoside C, isolariciresinol, polistachiol, (+)-(8R,7'S,8'S)-3{alpha}-O-({beta}-D-glucopiranosyl)-lioniresinol, (-)-(8S,7'R,8'R)-3{alpha}-O-({beta}-D-glucopiranosyl)-lioniresinol and solamargine. The occurrence of terpenoids and amides is common in Solanum, unlike lignans which are rare. The isolated lignans described in this work are reported for the first time in the genus Solanum. (author)

  15. Rooting characteristics of Solanum chacoense and Solanum tuberosum in vitro (United States)

    Increases in root biomass and length have been linked to increased plant nitrogen (N) accumulation; however it is difficult to measure these parameters in soil environments. In vitro methods may aid in elucidating potato-rooting characteristics in relation to N use efficiency (NUE) due to a high lev...

  16. Characterization of Carbofuran Degrading Bacteria Obtained from Potato Cultivated Soils with Different Pesticide Application Records / Caracterización de Bacterias Degradadoras de Carbofuran Obtenidas de Suelos Bajo Cultivo de Papa y con Diferente Histor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Castellanos Rozo José


    Full Text Available Abstract. Eighty-two bacterial isolates with potential Carbofurandegradation activity (Furadan®3SC were obtained from soilscultivated with the potato variety Unica (Solanum tuberosumin Silos, Norte de Santander (Colombia, with different recordsof pesticide application. The bacteria were selected for theirability to grow at 25 °C for 72 h in media containing 200 mgL-1 of analytical Carbofuran as the sole source of carbon and/or nitrogen. The results showed that ten isolates, 12% of those obtained, grew in the culture media. Eight of theses isolates were obtained from soils with a high pesticide exposure (eight years of application, and identified, by macroscopic, microscopic and biochemical characteristics, as Sphingomonas paucimobilis. The other two were obtained from soils with three years and one year of application and were identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, respectively. Subsequently, these bacteria were tested for their ability of hydrolytic degradation of Carbofuran; the results show that the pesticide was degraded only by the isolates of Sphingomonas paucimobilis for 72 h. The results obtained in the in vitro tests show the bacterial metabolic capacity for the biodegradation of Carbofuran, highlighting the potential use of the bacteria for future field evaluation tests in places where residues of the pesticide may exist, as an alternative to control the impact that N-methyl carbamate pesticides have on the environment and human health. / Resumen. Ochenta y dos aislamientos bacterianos con actividad potencial de degradación de Carbofuran (Furadan®3SC, fueron obtenidos de suelos, cultivados con papa (Solanum tuberosum variedad Única, del municipio de Silos, Norte de Santander (Colombia con diferente historia de aplicación del plaguicida. Las bacterias fueron seleccionadas por su capacidad para crecer a 25 °C durante 72 h, en medios de cultivo conteniendo 200 mg L-1 de Carbofuran analítico como

  17. In vitro trypanocidal activity of solamargine and extracts from Solanum palinacanthum and Solanum lycocarpum of brazilian cerrado




    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a potencial atividade tripanocida do extrato bruto etanólico dos frutos de Solanum palinacanthum, Solanum lycocarpum e do glicoalcalóide solamargina. Pó do fruto seco de S. palinacanthum e S. lycocarpum foram submetidos a extracção por refluxo com etanol a 96% e solamargina foi isolada a partir do extrato bruto de S. palinacanthum. Foram determinadas de ambos os extratos e a solamargina a atividade tripanocida utilizando o ensaio colorimétrico MTT. O Extrat...

  18. Assessing the construct validity and reliability of the Parental Perception on Antibiotics (PAPA) scales. (United States)

    Alumran, Arwa; Hou, Xiang-Yu; Sun, Jiandong; Yousef, Abdullah A; Hurst, Cameron


    The overuse of antibiotics is becoming an increasing concern. Antibiotic resistance, which increases both the burden of disease, and the cost of health services, is perhaps the most profound impact of antibiotics overuse. Attempts have been made to develop instruments to measure the psychosocial constructs underlying antibiotics use, however, none of these instruments have undergone thorough psychometric validation. This study evaluates the psychometric properties of the Parental Perceptions on Antibiotics (PAPA) scales. The PAPA scales attempt to measure the factors influencing parental use of antibiotics in children. 1111 parents of children younger than 12 years old were recruited from primary schools' parental meetings in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia from September 2012 to January 2013. The structure of the PAPA instrument was validated using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with measurement model fit evaluated using the raw and scaled χ2, Goodness of Fit Index, and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation. A five-factor model was confirmed with the model showing good fit. Constructs in the model include: Knowledge and Beliefs, Behaviors, Sources of information, Adherence, and Awareness about antibiotics resistance. The instrument was shown to have good internal consistency, and good discriminant and convergent validity. The availability of an instrument able to measure the psychosocial factors underlying antibiotics usage allows the risk factors underlying antibiotic use and overuse to now be investigated.

  19. Phenetic analysis of medicinally important species of the genus solanum from Pakistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yousaf, Z.; Shinwari, Z.K.; Khan, M.A.


    Solanum is one of the largest and hyper diverse genera of the family Solanaceae. In Pakistan Solanum is represented by 15 species, of which 11 species have the medicinal properties. Taxonomically this is a complex genus because of the presence of number of hybrid and controversial taxonomic status of S. nigrum complex. In the present study numerical techniques were utilized to evaluate the taxonomic status of the genus Solanum. Cluster analysis was employed to work out the relationship among the taxa of the genus Solanum. The Euclidean distance measured similarity matrix and a dendrogram was constructed by using the complete linkage method. This analysis showed that all the species of genus Solanum can easily be divided into two groups at hundred percentage linkage distance. Co-relation of quantitative characters showed that floral characters had highly significant relationship with the stem characters, these characters plays a significant role in the identification of the species of the genus Solanum. (author)

  20. Fusarium spp. causing dry rot of seed potato tubers in Michigan and their sensitivity to fungicides (United States)

    Fusarium dry rot of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a postharvest disease that can be caused by several Fusarium spp. A survey was conducted to establish the composition of Fusarium species causing dry rot of seed tubers in Michigan. A total of 370 dry rot symptomatic tubers were collected in 2009 ...

  1. Modifying glycoalkaloid content in transgenic potato – Metabolome impacts (United States)

    Metabolite profiling has been used to assess the potential for unintended composition changes in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desirée) tubers, which have been genetically modified (GM) to reduce glycoalkaloid content via the independent down-regulation of three genes SGT1, SGT2 and SGT3 known t...

  2. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Omokolo, DN. Vol 8, No 1 (2014) - Articles Comparative evaluation of enzyme activities and phenol content of Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum) grown under EM and IMO manures Bokashi Abstract PDF · Vol 9, No 3 (2015) - Articles Germination of Cola anomala (K. Shum.) Shott and Endl seeds: effects of provenance, ...

  3. Effect of selected essential oil plants on bacterial wilt disease ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: Bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a major constrain to production of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). Control of bacterial wilt is very difficult as there are no effective curative chemicals. This study was aimed at investigating the potential roles of essential oil plants in control of the disease.

  4. Njukeng et al. + DOI

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    3 Institute of Agricultural Research and Development (IRAD), Bambui, North West Province, Cameroon. ... Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important cash-food crop, which is widely ... production in Africa nearly tripled over the past 35 years ... Njukeng et al, Prevalence of Viruses in Potato Seed Tubers in the North West ...

  5. Effect of nitrogen supply on leaf appearance, leaf growth, leaf nitrogen economy and photosynthetic capacity in maize (Zea mays L.)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vos, J.; Putten, van der P.E.L.; Birch, C.J.


    Leaf area growth and nitrogen concentration per unit leaf area, Na (g m-2 N) are two options plants can use to adapt to nitrogen limitation. Previous work indicated that potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) adapts the size of leaves to maintain Na and photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area. This paper

  6. Effects of harvesting time on some yield and quality traits of different ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effect of harvesting time was investigated on yield and quality traits for spring season production in different maturing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars under agro-climatic conditions of southern of Turkey in 2006 and 2007. The experimental layout was a randomized split plot with three replications, including six ...

  7. Transfer of U, Al and Mn in the water–soil–plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) system near a former uranium mining area (Cunha Baixa, Portugal) and implications to human health

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neves, M.O.; Figueiredo, V.R.; Abreu, M.M.


    Knowledge about metals in crops, grown in contaminated soils around mine sites, is limited and concerns about exposure to hazardous elements through the consumption of contaminated foodstuff, are high. In this study a field experiment was carried out in two agricultural soils located near a former uranium mine area (Cunha Baixa, Portugal). The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of irrigation water quality on soil–potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop system and to evaluate if the consumption of the crop represents health risk to the local villagers. The soils were divided in two plots: one irrigated with contaminated water (U: 1.03–1.04 mg/L; Al: 7.5–8.00 mg/L; Mn: 4.52 mg/L) and the other with uncontaminated water (U: 14–10 μg/L; Al: 17–23 μg/L; Mn: 2.4–5.7 μg/L). After irrigation and potato growth, only soil characteristics, as salinity and total U and Mn concentrations were significantly different from those measured at the beginning of the experiment. Within the potato plants, elements were mostly translocated and concentrated in the aerial part: stems and leaves (U: 73–87%; Al: 85–96%; Mn: 85–94%), which minimize the risk of contamination of the edible tissue. In potato tubers, the highest average concentrations (121–590 μg U/kg; 25–64 mg Al/kg; 12–13 mg Mn/kg dry weight) were registered at soil plots irrigated with contaminated water. Uranium and Al were mostly concentrated in the potato peel (88–96 and 76–85%, respectively), and Mn (67–78%) in the pulp, which reinforces the importance of removing peel to minimize human exposure. The risk analysis calculated for non-cancer health effects (hazard quotient), related only to the exposure through the consumption of this basic foodstuff, revealed safety for Cunha Baixa village residents (adults and children) even when potato crop was grown on U enriched soils and irrigated with contaminated water. - Highlights: ► Field experiment with potato in agricultural soils near a

  8. Transfer of U, Al and Mn in the water-soil-plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) system near a former uranium mining area (Cunha Baixa, Portugal) and implications to human health

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neves, M.O., E-mail: [Centro de Petrologia e Geoquimica, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa (TULisbon), Av. Rovisco Pais 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal); Figueiredo, V.R., E-mail: [Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa (TULisbon), Av. Rovisco Pais 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal); Abreu, M.M., E-mail: [Unidade de Investigacao de Quimica Ambiental, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa (TULisbon), Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa (Portugal)


    Knowledge about metals in crops, grown in contaminated soils around mine sites, is limited and concerns about exposure to hazardous elements through the consumption of contaminated foodstuff, are high. In this study a field experiment was carried out in two agricultural soils located near a former uranium mine area (Cunha Baixa, Portugal). The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of irrigation water quality on soil-potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop system and to evaluate if the consumption of the crop represents health risk to the local villagers. The soils were divided in two plots: one irrigated with contaminated water (U: 1.03-1.04 mg/L; Al: 7.5-8.00 mg/L; Mn: 4.52 mg/L) and the other with uncontaminated water (U: 14-10 {mu}g/L; Al: 17-23 {mu}g/L; Mn: 2.4-5.7 {mu}g/L). After irrigation and potato growth, only soil characteristics, as salinity and total U and Mn concentrations were significantly different from those measured at the beginning of the experiment. Within the potato plants, elements were mostly translocated and concentrated in the aerial part: stems and leaves (U: 73-87%; Al: 85-96%; Mn: 85-94%), which minimize the risk of contamination of the edible tissue. In potato tubers, the highest average concentrations (121-590 {mu}g U/kg; 25-64 mg Al/kg; 12-13 mg Mn/kg dry weight) were registered at soil plots irrigated with contaminated water. Uranium and Al were mostly concentrated in the potato peel (88-96 and 76-85%, respectively), and Mn (67-78%) in the pulp, which reinforces the importance of removing peel to minimize human exposure. The risk analysis calculated for non-cancer health effects (hazard quotient), related only to the exposure through the consumption of this basic foodstuff, revealed safety for Cunha Baixa village residents (adults and children) even when potato crop was grown on U enriched soils and irrigated with contaminated water. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Field experiment with potato in agricultural soils near

  9. Identification of a homozygous PSTPIP1 mutation in a patient with a PAPA-like syndrome responding to canakinumab treatment. (United States)

    Geusau, Alexandra; Mothes-Luksch, Nadine; Nahavandi, Hesam; Pickl, Winfried F; Wise, Carol A; Pourpak, Zahra; Ponweiser, Elisabeth; Eckhart, Leopold; Sunder-Plassmann, Raute


    Pyogenic sterile arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, and acne (PAPA) syndrome (OMIM 604416) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited autoinflammatory syndrome characterized by pyogenic sterile arthritis and less frequently accompanied by pyoderma gangrenosum and acne. It is associated with dominant missense mutations in the proline-serine-threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 1 gene (PSTPIP1) located on chromosome 15. The patient was diagnosed as having features of a PAPA-like syndrome in which cutaneous manifestations, such as pyoderma gangrenosum and acne fulminans, predominated. Sequencing of the PSTPIP1 gene was performed in the patient and his extended family. The patient's DNA analysis revealed a homozygous nucleotide exchange c.773G>C in the PSTPIP1 gene, leading to the substitution of glycine 258 by alanine (p.Gly258Ala), a previously reported heterozygous polymorphism. Heterozygous changes were identified in both of the patient's parents and in 7 other family members, all of whom were asymptomatic. The patient was treated with canakinumab, a human anti-interleukin 1β monoclonal antibody, which led to rapid remission of the symptoms. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of the resolution of dermatological symptoms associated with a PAPA-like syndrome using canakinumab treatment. Further study of the p.Gly258Ala variant is warranted to determine whether this mutation has a role in causing an apparently recessive cutaneous syndrome resembling PAPA syndrome.

  10. Speckle imaging with the PAPA detector. [Precision Analog Photon Address (United States)

    Papaliolios, C.; Nisenson, P.; Ebstein, S.


    A new 2-D photon-counting camera, the PAPA (precision analog photon address) detector has been built, tested, and used successfully for the acquisition of speckle imaging data. The camera has 512 x 512 pixels and operates at count rates of at least 200,000/sec. In this paper, technical details on the camera are presented and some of the laboratory and astronomical results are included which demonstrate the detector's capabilities.

  11. Análisis y comparación de los glucosinolatos presentes en diferentes accesiones de cubio (Tropaeolum tuberosum) para evaluar su uso potencial en el control del patógeno de la papa Spongospora subterranea


    Arias Cortes, María Mercedes


    Se realizó un análisis comparativo del contenido de glucosinolatos totales de 65 accesiones de cubio (Tropaeolum tuberosum) pertenecientes a la Colección Regional de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá. Estos fueron evaluados en su forma intacta, inicialmente por cromatografía en capa fina, estableciéndose que los extractos presentan perfiles de composición similares con al menos dos compuestos del tipo glucosinolato. Con base en éstos, se determinó en...

  12. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96907 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after cooking darkening Non-enzymatic discol...ouration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after cooking. After 1 hour of the coo...king, discolouration was evaluated. 1,4 ... Chr11 ... 10.1007/s00122-013-2254-y 24408376

  13. QTL list: [PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link and Genome analysis methods[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available QT96905 Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae ... after cooking darkening Non-enzymatic discol...ouration of French fries or cooked tubers, through oxidation of iron-chlorogenic acid observed after cooking. After 1 hour of the coo...king, discolouration was evaluated. 1,4 ... Chr03 ... 10.1007/s00122-013-2254-y 24408376

  14. Effects of foliar and tuber sprout suppressants on shelf life of ware potatoes under tropical ambient conditions (United States)

    Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an important source of dietary carbohydrate and cash income for farmers in the tropical highlands of Kenya. The feasibility for cold storage at the farm level is limited due to the high costs of maintaining such a facility and there is limited data on the long-term post...

  15. R gene stacking by trans- and cisgenesis to achieve durable late blight resistance in potato

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhu, S.


    Among the many diseases of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), which is the third food crop in the world after wheat and rice, late blight caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans, is one of the most serious diseases. In the last century, major resistance (R)

  16. Chromosome evolution in Solanum traced by cross-species BAC-FISH

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Szinay, D.; Wijnker, E.; Berg, van den R.G.; Visser, R.G.F.; Jong, de J.H.S.G.M.; Bai, Y.


    Chromosomal rearrangements are relatively rare evolutionary events and can be used as markers to study karyotype evolution. This research aims to use such rearrangements to study chromosome evolution in Solanum. Chromosomal rearrangements between Solanum crops and several related wild species were


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    Ferm\\u00EDn Orona-Castro


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar marcadores DNA Polimórfico Amplificado al Azar (RAPDs y Secuencias Simples Repetidas (SSR s también conocidos como Mi crosatélites asocia dos con la resistencia al daño causado por fitoplasmas en papa. Se evaluó la severidad de la punta morada de la papa (PMP y la apa rición de color pardo en el tubérculo, así como también se realizaron análisis moleculares en varie dades y líneas avanzadas de papa . El estudio se realizó en el laboratorio de biotecnología de la Facultad de Cie ncia s Biológicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León - Instituto Na cional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INI FAP, México en el 2003 y 2004. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron RAPDs y SSRs también conocido microsatélites. Tres genotip os mostraron resistencia a la apa rición del color pardo deltubérculo, mie ntras que del análisis molecular seis materia les formaron un grupo que incluyó los genotip os con valores de daño mínimos (entre uno y tres de la escala. Los genotip os restantes formaron dos grupos con presencia de color pardo en el tubérculo mayor (entre cinco y siete. Se identificaron marcadores moleculares posiblemente asocia dos con tolerancia a la coloración parda del tubérculo. En el análisis de componentes principa les y el dendograma generado los materia les que presentaron menor severidad de daño, quedaron incluidos en un mismo grupo, mie ntras que materia les con mayor severidad de daño quedaron en un grupo diferente

  18. Genetic diversity of the African hexaploid species Solanum scabrum Mill. and S. nigrum L. (Solanaceae)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Manoko, M.L.K.; Berg, van den R.G.; Feron, R.M.C.; Weerden, van der G.M.; Mariani, C.


    Two hexaploid species of Solanum sect. Solanum are present in Africa: Solanum scabrum and S. nigrum. Solanum scabrum is a widely cultivated species and is used as a leafy vegetable, as a source of medicine and as a source of ink dye. In previous studies a wide range of morphological diversity has

  19. The free NADH concentration is kept constant in plant mitochondria under different metabolic conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kasimova, M.R.; Grigiene, J.; Krab, K.


    with fluorescence spectroscopy. The NADH content of actively respiring mitochondria (from potato tubers [Solanum tuberosum cv Bintje]) in different metabolic states was then measured by spectral decomposition analysis of fluorescence emission spectra. Most of the mitochondrial NADH is bound to proteins...... metabolism. These findings have far-reaching consequences for the interpretation of cellular metabolism....

  20. Proteomics analysis of the endogenous, constitutive, leaf SUMOylome. (United States)

    Colignon, Bertrand; Delaive, Edouard; Dieu, Marc; Demazy, Catherine; Muhovski, Yordan; Wallon, Cindy; Raes, Martine; Mauro, Sergio


    SUMOylation is a post-translational modification which regulates a number of critical biological processes in, for example mammals, yeast and plants. In order to fully understand the functional effects of SUMOylation an essential first step is the identification of endogenous targets for SUMOylation. Here we report the results of using a recently developed proteomic approach based on the use of 3D gels to identify the endogenous SUMO targets in leaves of Solanum tuberosum. By using 3D gels we avoid the problem of co-migration of proteins, which is a major limitation of 2D gels, and we enable the use of the highly sensitive CyDye DIGE fluor saturation dyes. Using this new method we have identified 39 individual proteins as probable SUMO targets in leaves of Solanum tuberosum. The advantages of this method compared with other approaches are discussed, and possible future developments are outlined. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with submission to Journal of Proteomics. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  1. Decrease in spermatic parameters of mice treated with hydroalcoholic extract Tropaeolum tuberosum “mashua”

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    Jonathan H. Vásquez


    Full Text Available In this work, we provided a Tropaeolum tuberosum hydroalcoholic extract to male mice (780 mg kg-1 for 7, 14 and 21 days treatment, there was no significant difference in body weight gain, testes, epididymides and prostate weight (p> 0.05, nevertheless progressive motility decreased and immobile sperm count increased significantly after 21 days treatment (p <0.05. The sperm count in the epididymis cauda decreased in the 3 three assessments, concentration on 21 days treatment was significantly lower than those of 7 and 14 days treatments (p <0.05. Our results suggest, that T. tuberosum has a direct action on the male reproductive system decreasing spermatic parameters without exerting toxic effects on mice.

  2. La Investigación en el cultivo de papa en la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

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    Lizeth Johana Sierra-Ariza


    Full Text Available Background: Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. Andigena y Phureja groups is a very important tuber in Colombia, mainly in the Boyacá department. At the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC students had developed over one thousand thesis, along 55 years of the agronomic engineer academic program, 130 of those related with potato crop. Objective: Information provided by those thesis during that period was taken together, and five research lines were analyzed: entomology, fertilization, plant physiology, phytopathology and economy in three timeframes of ten years and a last one of twelve years. Results: In the entomology area 42 studies were performed (32.3%, being Andean potato weevil (Premnotrypes vorax Hustache the most representative. In the nutrition area with 35 studies (26.9%, the topics on soil acidity management were highlighted and plant nutrition with N-P-K elements, emphasizing in phosphorous use. In plant physiology 20 studies (15.4% were documented, among which, phenology and potato growth and development were the most relevant. In the economic area with 18 studies (13.8%, the most important topic was economic evaluation and agronomic response to fertilization; and finally, in phytopathology with 15 studies (11.5%, late blight (Phytophthora infestans was the most studied pathogen. Conclusion: This review brings information to students, professionals and institutions involved in potato crop production in Colombia and Boyacá, giving guidelines and focus for future potato research.

  3. Exact solutions to the Mo-Papas and Landau-Lifshitz equations (United States)

    Rivera, R.; Villarroel, D.


    Two exact solutions of the Mo-Papas and Landau-Lifshitz equations for a point charge in classical electrodynamics are presented here. Both equations admit as an exact solution the motion of a charge rotating with constant speed in a circular orbit. These equations also admit as an exact solution the motion of two identical charges rotating with constant speed at the opposite ends of a diameter. These exact solutions allow one to obtain, starting from the equation of motion, a definite formula for the rate of radiation. In both cases the rate of radiation can also be obtained, with independence of the equation of motion, from the well known fields of a point charge, that is, from the Maxwell equations. The rate of radiation obtained from the Mo-Papas equation in the one-charge case coincides with the rate of radiation that comes from the Maxwell equations; but in the two-charge case the results do not coincide. On the other hand, the rate of radiation obtained from the Landau-Lifshitz equation differs from the one that follows from the Maxwell equations in both the one-charge and two-charge cases. This last result does not support a recent statement by Rohrlich in favor of considering the Landau-Lifshitz equation as the correct and exact equation of motion for a point charge in classical electrodynamics.

  4. Exact solutions to the Mo-Papas and Landau-Lifshitz equations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivera, R.; Villarroel, D.


    Two exact solutions of the Mo-Papas and Landau-Lifshitz equations for a point charge in classical electrodynamics are presented here. Both equations admit as an exact solution the motion of a charge rotating with constant speed in a circular orbit. These equations also admit as an exact solution the motion of two identical charges rotating with constant speed at the opposite ends of a diameter. These exact solutions allow one to obtain, starting from the equation of motion, a definite formula for the rate of radiation. In both cases the rate of radiation can also be obtained, with independence of the equation of motion, from the well known fields of a point charge, that is, from the Maxwell equations. The rate of radiation obtained from the Mo-Papas equation in the one-charge case coincides with the rate of radiation that comes from the Maxwell equations; but in the two-charge case the results do not coincide. On the other hand, the rate of radiation obtained from the Landau-Lifshitz equation differs from the one that follows from the Maxwell equations in both the one-charge and two-charge cases. This last result does not support a recent statement by Rohrlich in favor of considering the Landau-Lifshitz equation as the correct and exact equation of motion for a point charge in classical electrodynamics

  5. Effect of γ-radiation on the incidence of plant tumors (to the problem of carcinogenesis)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuzin, A.M.; Yurov, S.S.; Vagabova, M.Eh.; Shchelkaeva, N.V.


    In experiments on two plant species: of Kalanchoe diagremontiana and potato (Solanum tuberosum) it was shown that γ-irradiation of the plant tissues, before infecting with Ti-plasmide Agrobacterium tumefaciens C-58, with doses stimulating the development of the plants markedly increases the incidence of tumors, promotes their growth, and increases the probability of inverse differentiation of tumor cells

  6. DNA damage in potato plants induced by cadmium, ethyl methanesulphonate and gama-rays

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Gichner, Tomáš; Patková, Zdeňka; Száková, J.; Žnidar, I.; Mukherjee, A.


    Roč. 62, č. 2 (2008), s. 113-119 ISSN 0098-8472 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA521/05/0500 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50380511 Source of funding: V - iné verejné zdroje Keywords : Comet assay * Solanum tuberosum L. Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 2.301, year: 2008

  7. Potassium and calcium nutrition improves potato production in drip ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The response of Spunta potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants to different rates of potassium (60 and 120 kg Fed-1 ) in presence or absence of Ca nutrition was studied. The study was performed in sandy-loam soil under a drip-irrigation system during fall seasons of 1996 and 1997 years. Plants fertilised with high rate of K ...

  8. Quantification of vitamin D3 and its hydroxylated metabolites in waxy leaf nightshade (Solanum glaucophyllum Desf.), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jäpelt, Rie Bak; Silvestro, Daniele; Smedsgaard, Jørn


    Changes in vitamin D3 and its metabolites were investigated following UVB- and heat-treatment in the leaves of Solanum glaucophyllum Desf., Solanum lycopersicum L. and Capsicum annuum L. The analytical method used was a sensitive and selective liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem ...

  9. Uso da papaína na úlcera plantar


    Otuka, Elizabet Shizue; Pedrazzani, Elisete Silva; Pioto, Mariangela Pedroso


    Este trabalho teve por objetivo contribuir para a diminuição da incapacidade em hanseníase e as contínuas recidivas de úceras plantares, através da utilização de um método de tratamento com o uso da papaína e ações de educação em saúde. Foi realizado em um Centro de Saúde com pacientes que apresentavam úcera plantar e que concordaram em participar do tratamento proposto. Analisando e comparando os dados obtidos antes e após o tratamento, concluímos que durante o tratamento foi observada uma m...

  10. Guatemalan potato moth Tecia solanivora distinguish odour profiles from qualitatively different potatoes Solanum tuberosum L.

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karlsson, Miriam Frida; Birgersson, Göran; Witzgall, Peter


    Guatemalan potato moth, Tecia solanivora, lay eggs in the soil nearby potato Solanum spp. and larvae feed on the tubers. We investigated the oviposition behaviour of T. solanivora females and the survival of larval offspring on healthy vs. stressed, i.e. light exposed and/or damaged potato tubers...... that volatiles guide the females to lay fewer eggs on stressed tubers that are of inferior quality for the larvae. We propose that volatiles, such as sesquiterpenes and aldehydes, mediate oviposition behaviour and are correlated with biosynthetically related, non-volatile compounds, such as steroidal....... In choice tests, females laid significantly more eggs in response to potato odour of healthy tubers and female oviposition preference correlated with higher larval survival. Survival of larvae was negatively correlated with the tuber content of the steroid glycoalkaloids α-solanine and α-chaconine: healthy...

  11. Rapid screening of toxic glycoalkaloids and micronutrients in edible nightshades (Solanum spp.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bo Yuan


    Full Text Available African indigenous vegetables (AIVs because of their nutrient density have the unique potential to reduce micronutrient deficiencies in sub-Saharan Africa, yet some may also contain anti-nutritive compounds. Vegetable nightshades from Solanum americanum, Solanum nigrum, Solanum scabrum and Solanum villosum are among the major AIVs used as a leafy vegetables and consumed regularly in many countries in sub-Sahara Africa. These under-recognized food crops have not been subjected to extensive studies for their nutritional and antinutritive factors. In this study, 15 entries of the vegetable nightshades were field-grown and the leaves which are the consumed product of commerce chemically profiled by LC/ESI-MS. Twenty-three flavones, eight saponins, and two glycoalkaloids along with a phenolic acid of chlorogenic acid were identified by MS and UV data. Anti-nutrient glycoalkaloids were quantified as total aglycones after acidic hydrolysis using MS detection and found to be within safe-consumption thresholds by comparison with the glycoalkaloid level in the globally consumed Solanum member eggplants. Edible nightshades were also found to be sources of β-carotene, vitamin E and total polyphenols and exhibited high antioxidant activity. Results of this study support that consumption of vegetable nightshades are safe from the presence of glycoalkaloids and thus, can contribute to the reduction of micronutrient deficiency in sub-Sahara Africa. Keywords: Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Carotene, Vitamin E, Antioxidant activity, Saponins, Solanum

  12. Assessment of Paclobutrazol’s Time and Concentration of Foliar Application on Production and Germination of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. Mini-tube

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    B Saadatian


    Full Text Available Introduction Health and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. seeds are important in the potato seed production technology. Moreover, the basic seed materials must be free of pathogens. Therefore tissue culture techniques are used at this stage in the laboratory to produce disease free seeds. Mini-tubers can be produced after acclimatization from plantlets as tissue culture which are planted at high densities in the greenhouse in beds or containers using different substrate mixtures, or even in hydroponic culture. Foliar application of growth regulators is a way to increase potato mini-tuber production. Growth regulators influence on potato mini-tuber dormancy. Triazoles, a family which Paclobutrazol belongs to them, have both fungitoxic and plant growth regulatory effects. In addition, they can also protect plants against various stresses. Therefore, the triazoles have been characterized as plant multi-protestants. Paclobutrazol changes the relationship between source and sink and by this way, affects plant production. Also, it can inhibit giberellic acid biosynthesis. Some morphological changes observed in paclobutrazol-treated plants include the inhibition of plant growth, decreased inter-nodal elongation and increased root to shoot ratios. Time of paclobutrazol foliar application is an important factor which changes plant characters (Lim et al., 2004. This study implemented to evaluate foliar application of paclobutrazol concentrations at different time on production and mini-tuber dormancy. Materials and Methods The factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with four replications was conducted at the faculty of agriculture’s research greenhouse, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, in 2013. Plantlets of Agria cv. produced from nodal tissue culture in Murashinge and Skoog (MS medium. After 25 days, plantlets of free disease and uniform exported to plastic pots with 12 cm diameter and 30 cm height. Perlite, cocopite

  13. Corte de tubérculos de batatinha (Solatium tuberosum L.: parte I - Estudos comparativos sôbre plantio de tubérculos inteiros, e cortados em "ápice" e "base"

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    Olavo J. Boock


    Full Text Available Several trials were conducted with potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. to study the relative value of the apical and basal sets, as compared to whole seed tubers, since cutting potatoes before planting has been a matter of discussion. The experiments have been carried out on a high and on a low districts, say, respectively, at Joanópolis mountainous region, and at Taubaté flat lands, the latter on the right bank of Paraíba river, both in the State of São Paulo. Results have shown that on high lands, over 1,000 meters above sea level, the cutting process may be accomplished, though the basal sets have yielded less than apical ones, and whole tubers. Apical sets produced as well as whole tubers. At Taubaté district, aproximately 500 meters above sea level, where potato crop is usually grown from May to September in the dry season, on irrigated flat lands, after rice has been harvested, best results were secured from whole seed tubers. Apical and basal sets decayed easily, due probably to irrigation water ; for this reason they are not to be used.


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    Fernando Ram\\u00EDrez-Mu\\u00F1oz


    Full Text Available Uso de agroquímicos en el cultivo de papa en Pacayas, Cartago, Costa Rica. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue realizar un diagnóstico de uso de plaguicidas y otros agroquímicos, a los productores de papa en Cartago, Costa Rica. Se emplearon cuestionarios de campo entre los años 2006 y 2009 en la microcuenca de las quebradas Plantón y Pacayas. Cada productor como promedio utilizó 32,8 kilogramos de ingrediente activo (i.a. de plaguicida por hectárea por ciclo, en un rango de 10,9 a 88,3. Como uso ponderado por hectárea se calculó un valor de 42,6 kg i.a./ha/ciclo para plaguicidas y de 1879 kg de fertilizante formulado/ciclo. El grupo de mayor uso lo constituyeron los fungicidas-bactericidas con 30 i.a. y 85,7% del total de plaguicidas, le siguen los insecticidas (25 i.a. y 11,0% y los herbicidas (4 i.a. y 3,3%. El agroquímico de mayor uso fue el mancozeb, seguido de propineb y clorotalonil; otros productos de alto empleo fueron fosetil aluminio, cartap, metamidofos, paraquat y endosulfan. Se utilizaron agroquímicos no registrados para papa y con reconocida toxicidad aguda y crónica. Los productores con mayor área cultivada adicionaron la mayor cantidad de plaguicida, mientras que en áreas menores el consumo fue menor pero se utilizó un mayor número de productos. Se utilizó más cantidad de plaguicidas y fertilizantes durante la época lluviosa de mayo a diciembre.


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    Full Text Available Se describe Solanum sagittantherum Granados-Tochoy & C.I. Orozco, una nuevaespecie de Solanum sección Geminata encontrada en la Cordillera Oriental de losAndes de Colombia. Se presenta información sobre su distribución, hábitat y taxonomía.

  16. Producción de Semilla Certificada de Papa

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    Fernow K. H.


    Full Text Available El cultivo de la papa ha alcanzado gran importancia en el país en los últimos años, creemos que sea conveniente presentar una relación sobre las más comunes enfermedades y accidentes del cultivo y sobre los métodos que aquí o en otros países se están empleando para combatirlas. Esto parece aún más importante ahora, cuando estamos entrando en la fase de la producción de semilla certificada, para cuya organización y buen éxito es indispensable conocer a fondo y distinguir claramente los diversos tipos de enfermedades que atacan al cultivo.

  17. Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from time series observations using Bubble type equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement, Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer and other instruments from MOORING PAPA_145W_50N and MOORINGS_PAPA_145W_50N in the North Pacific Ocean from 2010-06-15 to 2014-06-19 (NODC Accession 0100074) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0100074 includes chemical, meteorological, physical and time series data collected from MOORING PAPA_145W_50N and MOORINGS_PAPA_145W_50N in the North...

  18. The effect of Bacillus sp. OSU-142 inoculation at various levels of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 15, 2009 ... The effect of Bacillus sp. OSU-142 inoculation at various levels of nitrogen fertilization on growth, tuber distribution and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Zehra Ekin1*, Faruk Oğuz1, Murat Erman1 and Erdal Öğün2. 1Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Van, ...

  19. Two new South American species of Solanum section Crinitum (Solanaceae

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    Frank Farruggia


    Full Text Available Two new species of Solanum section Crinitum are described here. Solanum falciforme Farruggia, sp. nov., closely resembles S. crinitum and S. lycocarpum, but differs by the presence of falcate trichomes on the young growth. It is endemic to the cerrado and adjacent woodlands of Distrito Federal, Bahia, Goiás and Minas Gerais, Brazil. The other species, Solanum pseudosycophanta Farruggia, sp.nov., has close affinities to S. sycophanta but differs from the latter inprominent long-stalked stellate hairs along the stem, calyx, petiole and the adaxial surface of the leaf, in contrast to S. sycophanta which is glabrous or pubescent with sessile to short-stalked multangulate hairs. This species is narrowly distributed in tropical montane forests of northern Peru and southern Ecuador.

  20. Kajian Manajemen Pemasaran Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.

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    Palgunadi Palgunadi


    Full Text Available Kayu Aro di Kabupaten Kerinci mempunyai kondisi agroklimat yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kentang. Rendahnya produktivitas kentang di Kabupaten Kerinci diduga ada hubungannya dengan faktor produksi dan gangguan hama penyakit, faktor penerapan strategi pemasaran yaitu strategi produksi, strategi harga dan strategi distribusi/pemasaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara manajemen pemasaran dengan harga yang diterima petani.  Penentuan lokasi penelitian dan contoh pedagang dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive, mencakup beberapa pedagang yang terlibat dalam pemasaran kentang, yang mendistribusikan produk ke luar daerah yang bukan bersifat musiman tetapi kontinyu. Pedagang antar kota sebanyak 30 orang yang terpencar di Kecamatan Kayu Aro, jumlah responden pedagang sebanyak 15 orang atau 50% dari jumlah sampel frame pedagang. Analisis data menggunakan model Korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pedagang yang menerapkan manajemen pemasaran yang sangat baik berjumlah dua orang, manajemen pemasarannya baik sebanyak enam orang, dan tidak ada pedagang yang manajemen pemasarannya kurang-baik dan tidak-baik. Harga jual kentang rata – rata pada pedagang dengan manajemen pemasaran yang sangat-baik sebesar Rp. 1.753,906; pada pedangang dengan manajemen pemasaran yang baik sebesar Rp. 1.480,417; dan pada pedagang dengan manajemen pemasaran yang cukup-baik sebesar Rp. 1.341,295. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kedua variabel menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan. Semakin baik tingkat manajemen pemasaran yang diterapkan pedagang kentang, ternyata harga jual kentang yang diterima pedagang semakin tinggi. Kata kunci: Pemasaran, pedagang, kentang

  1. Treated Wastewater Reuse on Potato (Solanum Tuberosum)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Battilani, A; Plauborg, Finn; Andersen, Mathias Neumann


    A field experiment was carried out in Northern Italy (Po Valley), within the frame of the EU project SAFIR, to asses the impact of treated wastewater reuse on potato yield, quality and hygiene. The potato crop was drip irrigated and fertigated. Wastewater produced by small communities (≤2000 EI......) was treated by Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) technology and gravel filter (FTS) during three cropping seasons. Treated wastewater, soil and tubers were analysed for the faecal indicator bacterium E. coli and heavy metals contents. Potato total yield was similar for tap and reused water, while the marketable...... production has been found higher with the latter. The tuber dry matter content as well as reducing sugars were not affected by reused water. Total sugars content was higher with MBR and FTS water. Water use efficiency (WUE) was significantly higher with reused water. Compared to tap water, crop gross margin...

  2. Morphological characterization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 22, 2013 ... for this trait to least significant difference test (LSD) and all the varieties were grouped into five homogenous groups, where the means were not significantly different from one another (Tables 1 and 2). SH-19 and Asterix were in group 'A' by producing highest number of seedlings and this was also visible ...


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    María Eugenia Guerrero Useda


    Full Text Available Se desarrolló un modelo conceptual del riesgo de contaminación físico química del suelo en la vereda Rasgatá Bajo. Esta vereda del municipio de Tausa, en Cundinamarca, está en la zona limítrofe del declarado por la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca en 2009, Distrito Regional de Manejo Integrado de los Recursos Naturales Renovables Páramo Guargua y Laguna Verde. La vocación productiva local por tradición ha sido el cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum L y la extracción y transformación de arcilla y carbón, actividades con graves impactos sobre el suelo, por lo que el objetivo del proyecto fue identificar y evaluar la condición de este recurso en territorios donde confluyen actividades de extracción y transformación de arcilla y carbón. Se siguió un enfoque metodológico mixto que combinó investigación documental, observaciones in situ y medición de características físico químicas para determinar las fuentes y tipos de contaminantes con riesgo de afectar el suelo aledaño a las faenas mineras y con impactos toxicológicos para las personas, la fauna y la flora. Los datos obtenidos aportarán al rediseño y evaluación de los planes de manejo ambiental local.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo del proyecto de investigación fue desarrollar un recubrimiento comestible a partir de almidón de papa (Solanum tuberosum L, aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller y cera de carnauba (Copernicia cerífera y evaluarlo en guayaba (Psidium guajava para prolongar la vida útil a temperatura ambiente. La aplicación del recubrimiento se realizó por inmersión de los frutos en los respectivos tratamientos durante 30 segundos y secado durante 5 minutos a 35ºC. Las guayabas fueron almacenadas en condiciones de la ciudad de Popayán, Departamento de Cauca, Colombia (1737 msnm, 19ºC y HR de 77,75%, sobre bandejas de acero inoxidable previamente lavadas y desinfectadas. Se desarrollaron 4 tratamientos: la muestra testigo sin almidón y los recubrimientos con 2, 3 y 4% de almidón respectivamente. Se evaluó la pérdida de peso, la tasa de respiración, la firmeza, el contenido de vitamina C y ácido predominante, encontrando que el tratamiento 4 mostró un efecto favorable frente a la pérdida de peso, la reducción de la tasa respiratoria, la firmeza y un significativo mantenimiento del contenido de vitamina C y de ácidos orgánicos del fruto a los 10 días de almacenamiento, en comparación con la muestra testigo.

  5. Steroidal glycoalkaloids in Solanum species : consequences for potato breeding and food safety

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gelder, van W.M.J.


    Tuberiferous and nontuberiferous wild Solanum species are increasingly being used in potato breeding as a source of genes for disease and pest resistances and for other valuable characteristics. A disadvantage of Solanum species, from a consumers point

  6. Identification of a novel mutation in RIPK4 in a kindred with phenotypic features of Bartsocas-Papas and CHAND syndromes. (United States)

    Gollasch, Benjamin; Basmanav, Fitnat Buket; Nanda, Arti; Fritz, Günter; Mahmoudi, Hassnaa; Thiele, Holger; Wehner, Maria; Wolf, Sabrina; Altmüller, Janine; Nürnberg, Peter; Frank, Jorge; Betz, Regina C


    Three children from an expanded consanguineous Kuwaiti kindred presented with ankyloblepharon, sparse and curly hair, and hypoplastic nails, suggestive of CHAND syndrome (OMIM 214350) that belongs to the heterogeneous spectrum of ectodermal dysplasias. After exclusion of pathogenic mutations in TP63 we performed homozygosity mapping, followed by exome sequencing of one affected individual. We initially identified three homozygous mutations in the linked region, located in PWP2, MX2 and RIPK4. Recently, mutations in RIPK4 have been reported in Bartsocas-Papas syndrome (OMIM 263650) that shows overlapping clinical symptoms with the phenotype observed in the affected individuals studied here. Subsequent analysis of affected and non-affected family members showed that mutation c.850G>A (p.Glu284Lys) in RIPK4 was in complete segregation with the disease phenotype, in accordance with an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern, thus supporting pathogenicity of this variant. Interestingly, however, our patients did not have cleft lip/palate, a common feature encountered in Bartsocas-Papas syndrome. Whereas in Bartsocas-Papas syndromes missense mutations are usually located within the serin/threonin kinase of RIPK4, the mutation detected in our family resides just outside of the kinase domain, which could explain the milder phenotype. Our data raise the question if CHAND syndrome indeed is a distinct entity. Alternatively, CHAND and Bartsocas-Papas syndrome might be allelic disorders or RIPK4 mutations could confer varying degrees of phenotypic severity, depending on their localization within or outside functionally important domains. Our findings indicate that making an accurate diagnosis based only on the prevailing clinical symptoms is challenging. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Chemical constituents of Solanum buddleifolium Sendtn

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinto, Francisco das Chagas L.; Torres, Maria da conceicao M.; Silveira, Edilberto R.; Pessoa, Otilia Deusdenia L.; Braz-Filho, Raimundo; Guedes, Maria Lenise da Silva


    The chemical investigation of the stem EtOH extract of S. buddleifolium resulted in the isolation of terpenoids, amides, lignans and a steroidal alkaloid. Based on HRMS, IR and 1 H and 13 C NMR data analysis, the structures of the isolated compounds were identified as: 13-hydroxysolavetivone, betulinic acid, N-trans-caffeoyltyramine, N-trans-feruloyldopamine, N-trans-p-cumaroyltyramine, N-trans-feruloyltyramine, N-trans-feruloyl- 3’-O-methoxydopamine, alangilignoside C, isolariciresinol, polistachiol, (+)-(8R,7’S,8’S)-3α-O-(β-D-glucopiranosyl)-lioniresinol, (-)-(8S,7’R,8’R)-3α-O-(β-D-glucopiranosyl)-lioniresinol and solamargine. The occurrence of terpenoids and amides is common in Solanum, unlike lignans which are rare. The isolated lignans described in this work are reported for the first time in the genus Solanum. (author)

  8. Criolla Latina, Criolla Paisa y Criolla Colombia, nuevos cultivares de papa criolla para el departamento de Antioquia (Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodríguez Luis Ernesto


    Full Text Available

    Se evaluaron nueve clones de papa criolla durante dos semestres consecutivos en cuatro localidades del departamento de Antioquia (Colombia, a través de las siguientes variables agronómicas: potencial de rendimiento del tubérculo, rendimiento en el proceso de enlatado, gravedad específica, respuesta a Phytophthora infestans y estabilidad fenotípica. La estabilidad fenotípica fue medida por el procedimiento de rendimiento-estabilidad. La contribución de cada clon en la interacción genotipo-ambiente fue calculada mediante la varianza de Shukla. El estudio permitió seleccionar tres clones superiores de papa criolla, que fueron registrados como nuevos cultivares en el año 2005. Estos fueron: 'Criolla Latina' (98-68.5, con rendimiento entre 18 y 20 t ha -1, resistencia moderada a P. infestans, y buena aptitud para enlatado o encurtido; 'Criolla Paisa' (98-70-12, rendimiento de 22 a 25 t ha -1, resistencia moderada a P. infestans, y buena aptitud para consumo en fresco; y 'Criolla Colombia' (Clon 1, rendimiento entre 13 y 15 t ha -1, sensible a P. infestans, y adecuada para consumo en fresco y elaboración de papa precocida congelada.

  9. Bartsocas-Papas syndrome with internal anomalies: evidence for a more generalized epithelial defect or new syndrome?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hennekam, R. C.; Huber, J.; Variend, D.


    We report on two Dutch sibs with external anomalies compatible with Bartsocas-Papas syndrome, who also had internal anomalies: bilateral renal agenesis in one, and esophageal atresia, hypoplastic diaphragma, unilateral renal agenesis, agenesis of the shaft of the penis, and anal atresia in the other

  10. Site-Specific Multilevel Modeling of Potato Response to Nitrogen Fertilization


    Serge-Étienne Parent; Michaël A. Leblanc; Annie-Claude Parent; Zonlehoua Coulibali; Léon E. Parent


    Technologies of precision agriculture, digital soil maps, and meteorological stations provide a minimum data set to guide precision farming operations. However, determining optimal nutrient requirements for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crops at subfield scale remains a challenge given specific climatic, edaphic, and managerial conditions. Multilevel modeling can generalize yield response to fertilizer additions using data easily accessible to growers. Our objective was to elaborate a multile...

  11. AcEST: DK950881 [AcEST

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available s ■■ - Swiss-Prot (release 56.9) Link to BlastX Result : Swiss-Prot sp_hit_id O24339 Definition sp|O24339|CATA_SOLAP...................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value sp|O24339|CATA_SOLAP C... sp|P49284|CATA1_SOLTU Catalase isozyme 1 OS=Solanum tuberosum GN... 114 2e-25 >sp|O24339|CATA_SOLAP Catalas

  12. Steroidal glycoalkaloids and molluscicidal activity of Solanum asperum Rich. fruits


    Silva, Tania M. S.; Camara, Celso A.; Freire, Kristerson R. L.; Silva, Thiago G. da; Agra, Maria de F.; Bhattacharyya, Jnanabrata


    Bioassay-guided fractionation of the alkaloidal extract of the green fruits of Solanum asperum afforded a new compound, solanandaine along with solasonine and solamargine. The total crude alkaloids as well as the isolated pure alkaloids exhibited significant molluscicidal activity. O fracionamento bio-monitorado do extrato alcaloídico dos frutos verdes de Solanum asperum forneceu um novo alcalóide esteroidal, denominado solanandaina, juntamente com a solasonina e a solamargina. Tanto o ext...

  13. Te schepe waert. Overwegingen bij de reconstructie van een zot polyfoon lied van Clemens non Papa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grijp, L.P.; van Maas e.a., S.


    Clemens non Papa's vierstemmige 'Te schepe waert' is het eerste lied van de bundel Niewe Duytsche Liedekens, uitgegeven in Maastricht 1554 door Jacob Baethen. Van deze bundel ontbreekt de sopraanpartij. Louis Grijp heeft samen met Nico van der Meel de sopraan gereconstrueerd en hoopt de aldus

  14. Mechanism and control of Solanum lycocarpum

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pinto, L.V.A.; Silva, Da E.A.A.; Davide, A.C.; Mendes de Jesus, V.A.; Toorop, P.E.; Hilhorst, H.W.M.


    Background Solanaceae seed morphology and physiology have been widely studied but mainly in domesticated crops. The present study aimed to compare the seed morphology and the physiology of germination of Solanum lycocarpum, an important species native to the Brazilian Cerrado, with two species with

  15. Seasonal steady-state budgets of nutrients and stoichiometric calculations in an Eastern Mediterranean lagoon (Papas Lagoon-Greece

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    Full Text Available The Papas Lagoon is an enclosed, small shallow water body in western Greece. The lagoon is naturally affected by eutrophication phenomena, but occasionally during the summer season, dystrophic crises occur, related to the decomposition of large beds of macroalgae. Physicochemical data collected monthly, from June 1998 to September 1999, were compiled and coupled with historical meteorological data, in order to construct seasonal water, salt and nutrients budgets using a single box single layer LOICZ model. Nutrients and other hydrochemical parameters exhibit great spatial and temporal variations. The non-conservative dissolved inorganic phosphorus flux (ΔDIP is always positive, thus indicating that the system acts as a net source of DIP for the adjacent coastal waters. Higher values were estimated  uring summer and autumn, probably due to organic matter mineralisation and release of DIP from surficial sediments in the reduced environment. In contrast to the ΔDIP, the non-conservative balance of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (ΔDIN is negative for most of the year, except for the summer, indicating the dominance of DIN removal processes in the Papas Lagoon. The Ulva growth and decomposition processes seem likely to be of essential importance for the evaluation of the non-conservative DIN fluxes. During the investigated period the amount of organic carbon respired and mineralized is greater than that produced by gross photosynthesis and the Papas Lagoon is a net heterotrophic system. Losses of DIN via denitrification appear to dominate over its inputs through nitrogen fixation throughout the year.

  16. Indel Group in Genomes (IGG) Molecular Genetic Markers1[OPEN (United States)

    Burkart-Waco, Diana; Kuppu, Sundaram; Britt, Anne; Chetelat, Roger


    Genetic markers are essential when developing or working with genetically variable populations. Indel Group in Genomes (IGG) markers are primer pairs that amplify single-locus sequences that differ in size for two or more alleles. They are attractive for their ease of use for rapid genotyping and their codominant nature. Here, we describe a heuristic algorithm that uses a k-mer-based approach to search two or more genome sequences to locate polymorphic regions suitable for designing candidate IGG marker primers. As input to the IGG pipeline software, the user provides genome sequences and the desired amplicon sizes and size differences. Primer sequences flanking polymorphic insertions/deletions are produced as output. IGG marker files for three sets of genomes, Solanum lycopersicum/Solanum pennellii, Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) Columbia-0/Landsberg erecta-0 accessions, and S. lycopersicum/S. pennellii/Solanum tuberosum (three-way polymorphic) are included. PMID:27436831

  17. Laboratory Evaluation of Acute Toxicity of the Essential Oil of Allium tuberosum Leaves and Its Selected Major Constituents Against Apolygus lucorum (Hemiptera: Miridae). (United States)

    Shi, Jizhe; Liu, Xinchao; Li, Zhen; Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Qingwen; Liu, Xiaoxia


    The aim of this research was to evaluate acute toxicity of the essential oil of leaves of Chinese chives, Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng (Asparagales: Alliaceae) and its major constituents against Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür (Hemiptera: Miridae). The essential oil of A. tuberosum leaves was obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The major constituents of the oil were sulfur-containing compounds, including allyl methyl trisulfide (36.24%), diallyl disulfide (27.26%), diallyl trisulfide (18.68%), and dimethyl trisulfide (9.23%). The essential oil of A. tuberosum leaves exhibited acute toxicity against Ap. lucorum with an LD50 value of 20.03 μg per adult. Among the main compounds, diallyl trisulfide (LD50 = 10.13 μg per adult) showed stronger acute toxicity than allyl methyl trisulfide (LD50 = 21.10 μg per adult) and dimethyl trisulfide (LD50 = 21.65 μg per adult). The LD50 value of diallyl disulfide against Ap. lucorum was 28.10 μg per adult. The results indicated that the essential oil of A. tuberosum and its major constituents may have a potential to be developed as botanical insecticides against Ap. lucorum. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Entomological Society of America.

  18. Pengaruh Variasi Penambahan Sari Buah Terung Belanda (Solanum Betaceum) Hasil Sambung Pucuk Dengan Lancing (Solanum Mauritianum) Pada Pembuatan Nata De Coco Dengan Menggunakan Acetobacter Xylinum


    Lubis, Adilah Wirdhani


    One of the benefit from coconut water is making nata de coco through phosphate pentose pathway by using Acetobacter xylinum bacteria. Making its became nata de coco by variation of Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) bud grafting yield with Lancing (Solanum mauritianum) produced red colour of nata de coco that it fermented for 14 days and had good nutrient value. The yield of this product was analyzed with qualitative and quantitative analysis. The variation volume of it used 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 ...

  19. Actividad antibacteriana y caracterización química de extractos de plantas medicinales tradicionales del Ecuador


    Chávez Carvajal, Patricia Alexandra


    Ambrosia arborescens Mill, Chuquiraga jussieui J.F. Gmel, Myrcianthes hallii (Berg) McVaugh, Solanum americanum mill y tropoeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav, plantas que crecen en Ecuador, son utilizadas en la medicina tradicional por sus propiedades antisépticas, cicatrizantes, astringentes, balsámicas, diuréticas, antidiarreicas, entre otras. Los extractos hidro-metanólicos acidificados de dichas plantas fueron probados contra diferentes especies de microorganismos Gram positivos y Gram negativos...

  20. Acidulocompost, a food waste compost with thermophilic lactic acid fermentation: its effects on potato production and weed growth


    Naomi Asagi; Keisuke Minamide; Toru Uno; Masanori Saito; Toyoaki Ito


    Acidulocomposting recycles food wastes by means of thermophilic lactic acid fermentation. This process can decrease ammonia volatilization and odor emission during processing and produce compost with high nitrogen (N) content. To compare the yield of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. ‘Dansyakuimo’) and the suppression of weeds with acidulocompost (AC) and those with conventional composts and inorganic fertilizer (IF), we conducted field experiments in Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan. Potat...

  1. Global Genetics and Invasion History of the Potato Powdery Scab Pathogen, Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea


    Gau, Rebecca D.; Merz, Ueli; Falloon, Richard E.; Brunner, Patrick C.


    Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (Sss) causes two diseases on potato (Solanum tuberosum), lesions on tubers and galls on roots, which are economically important worldwide. Knowledge of global genetic diversity and population structure of pathogens is essential for disease management including resistance breeding. A combination of microsatellite and DNA sequence data was used to investigate the structure and invasion history of Sss. South American populations (four countries, 132 sam...

  2. In vitro trypanocidal activity of solamargine and extracts from Solanum palinacanthum and Solanum lycocarpum of brazilian cerrado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The present investigation was to evaluate the potential trypanocidal activity of crude ethanolic extract of the fruits of Solanum palinacanthum, Solanum lycocarpum and the glycoalcaloid, solamargine. S. palinacanthum and S. lycocarpum fruit powders were submitted to exhaustively extraction with 96% ethanol and solamargine were isolated from the extract of S. palinacanthum. Both extracts and solamargine were analysed for trypanocidal activity by using MTT colorimetric assay. Extracts of S. palinacanthum showed to be more active (IC50 = 175.9 µ–1 than S. lycocarpum (IC50 = 194.7 µ–1. Solamargine presented a strong activity (IC50 = 15.3 µ–1, which can explain the better activity of the both extracts. Benznidazol (IC50 = 9.0 µ–1 is the only drug used to treat Chagas' disease. These findings demonstrate for the first time that ethanol extracts obtained from both fruits of S. palinacanthum and S. lycocarpum and also solamargine have a potential anti-trypanosomal activity.

  3. Efecto del manejo orgánico y convencional sobre propiedades bioquímicas de un Andisol y el cultivo de papa en invernadero


    Stephanie Marín; Floria Bertsch; Leida Castro


    Se determinaron características bioquímicas de un Andisol de Zarcero, sometido por más de 20 años, al manejo orgánico y al convencional. Posteriormente se evaluó en ambos suelos el rendimiento de la papa en condiciones de invernadero, bajo los siguientes tratamientos: fertilización convencional, fertilización orgánica, fertilización convencional más solubilizadores de P y fertilización orgánica más solubilizadores de P y un testigo. Concluido el ciclo de la papa, se cultivó maíz para evaluar ...

  4. Limitación de la conservación de variedades nativas por variedades mejoradas: Estudio de caso de la papa en los Andes centrales del Ecuador

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    MSc. María Cecilia Dávila


    Full Text Available La conservación de la biodiversidad para la alimentación y la agricultura, es una actividad importante a nivel mundial para asegurar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, pero dicha actividad está siendo limitada por varios factores. Este estudio de caso analiza cómo la adopción de variedades mejoradas de papa limita la conservación de la diversidad de las variedades nativas a nivel de granja o chakra en seis comunidades indígenas en los Andes centrales ecuatorianos. Los resultados muestran que la adopción de variedades mejoradas ha desplazado una amplia gama de variedades locales tradicionales de los campos de agricultores que, junto con las condiciones socioeconómicas y ambientales que caracterizaron el sitio de estudio, han socavado la diversidad genética de variedades cultivadas de papa en las fincas. Palabras clave: Conservación en finca, diversidad de papa, variedades mejoradas, variedades nativas.

  5. Minitubers production of four potato Cuban varieties in greenhouse with zeolite as substrate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel de Feria


    Full Text Available The obtaining of original seed of national potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L. is of great importance. The objective of the present work was to obtain minitubers from four national potato varieties in a greenhouse with zeolite as substrate. The plants in vitro propagated of the varieties 'Grettel', 'Yuya', 'Ibis' and 'Marinca' were planted and received cultural and phytosanitary attention according to the protocol existing at IBP. Harvest was performed at 75 days of culture and the total number of minitubers and the number of minitubers with a diameter greater than 15 mm were quantified for each plant. Plants and tubers showed the typical characteristics of each variety under zeolite substrate culture conditions. The highest number of minitubers per plant was achieved in the 'Yuya' and 'Ibis' varieties with 3.84 and 3.52 respectively. For the number of minitubers available as original seed (>15 mm, the 'Yuya' variety was superior with 82.3%. The culture conditions with zeolite substrate allow to obtain minitubers of potatoes of the four varieties from plants in vitro cultured. 'Yuya' and 'Ibis' showed the best results and potentially could be incorporated into the national seed production program in Cuba.   Keywords: agamic seed, ‘Ibis’, ‘Grettel’, ‘Marinca’, Solanum tuberosum, ‘Yuya’

  6. Bases para el estudio de la competitividad de la produccion de papa de las agroempresas campesinas de la region central de Boyaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodriguez Luis Felipe


    Full Text Available

    Para el Departamento de Boyacá, la problemática más relevante en los aspectos tecnologico y socioeconómico en el contexto del Sector Agropecuario, se centra en el gremio de los productores de papa, especialmente en los pequeños agroempresarios. En esta región, existe un marcado predominio de los pequeños cultivos de papa, atendidos básicamente por sus dueños, arrendatarios o aparceros. La demasiada parcelación del terreno ha sido un factor determinante para su bajo nivel de mecanizaci6n. En Boyacá, se resalta la existencia de varias zonas donde el cultivo de papa se constituye en el epicentro, en torno al cual gravita la actividad productiva de una gran cantidad de pequeñas agroempresas de carácter campesino, que operan en este departamento. Dentro de tales zonas, la zona central de Boyacá se constituye en un espacio geográfico representativo de la produccion agropecuaria campesina, donde la población dedicada a la producción de papa presenta un deficiente nivel de vida, como consecuencia de los bajos niveles de productividad y de la problemática comercial que tienen que enfrentar en la fase de posproduccion de tal especie agrícola.

    Palabras claves: Agroempresas campesinas, productor, productividad, cultivos múltiples, rentabilidad, comercialización.

  7. Molecular diversity among seven Solanum (eggplant and relatives ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 8, 2012 ... Seven Solanum species (eggplants) were investigated for molecular diversity. Besides its ... Eggplant comprises three closely related cultivated species .... generated with SSR data was submitted to 2-way Mantel test (Man-.

  8. In vitro and in vivo aphrodisiac properties of the seed extract from Allium tuberosum on corpus cavernosum smooth muscle relaxation and sexual behavior parameters in male Wistar rats. (United States)

    Tang, Xingli; Olatunji, Opeyemi J; Zhou, Yifeng; Hou, Xilin


    Allium tuberosum is a well-known spice as well as a herb in traditional Chinese medicine, used for increasing libido and treating erectile dysfunction. However, not many studies have been done to evaluate the sexual enhancing properties of A. tuberosum. The aim of this study was to evaluate the aphrodisiac and vasorelaxant properties of A. tuberosum on corpus cavernosum smooth muscle (CCSM) as well as checking the effect on enhancing male rat sexual behavior, libido, potency as well as its spermatogenic properties. The seeds were powdered and sequentially extracted with hexane, ethyl acetate and butanol. Male Wistar rats were administered with graded doses of the n-BuOH extracts (ATB) of A. tuberosum (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) and Viagra was used as the positive control drug. The extract/drug was administered by gastric probe once daily for 45 days and the sexual behavior was analyzed by exposing the male rats to female rats in the estrus period. ATB relaxed corpus cavernosum smooth muscle (68.9%) at a concentration of 200 μg/ml. The results obtained from the animal studies indicated that ATB significantly increased mount frequency (MF), intromission frequency (IF), ejaculation frequency (EF), ejaculation latency (EL) and markedly reduced post ejaculatory interval (PEI), mount latency (ML), and intromission latency (IL). Furthermore, a remarkable increase in the test for potency was observed as witnessed by marked increase in erections, quick flips, long flips and total reflex. In addition, ATB significantly improved the sperm viability and count as well as increased the concentrations of testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and phosphatases in the treated animals. Thus our results suggest that A. tuberosum could stimulate sexual arousal and enhance sexual execution in male rats, thus providing valuable experimental evidence that A. tuberosum possesses sexual enhancing properties.

  9. Evaluation of genetic stability in cryopreserved Solanum tuberosum

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 18, 2008 ... and subsequent high plant regeneration are the basic requirements. The main ... empty sterile Petri dish exposed to a sterile air flow. The alginate .... The`se doctorale de l'universite´ de Rennes 1, France. Fabre J, Derreude J ...

  10. Tuber Storage Proteins




    A wide range of plants are grown for their edible tubers, but five species together account for almost 90 % of the total world production. These are potato (Solanum tuberosum), cassava (Manihot esculenta), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatus), yams (Dioscorea spp.) and taro (Colocasia, Cyrtosperma and Xanthosoma spp.). All of these, except cassava, contain groups of storage proteins, but these differ in the biological properties and evolutionary relationships. Thus, patatin from potato exhibits act...

  11. Improvement of potato tolerance to salinity using tissue culture techniques and irradiation with in vitro selection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Safadi, B.; Arabi, M. I. E.


    A mutation breeding program was conducted to improve potato (Solanum tuberosum) tolerance to salinity. In vitro cultured explants from potato cvs. Draga, Diamant, Spunta were irradiated with gamma doses 25, 30, and 35 Gy. Mutants were isolated to get rid of chimeral tissues and subsequently propagated for in vitro and pot selection pressure. Cultivar Sponta produced the highest number of tolerant plants (4) and only one plant was obtained from Diamant. (authors)

  12. Inbreeding, heterosis, fertility, plasmon differentiation and Phytophthora resistance in Solanum verrucosum Schlechtd., and some interspecific crosses in Solanum

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abdalla, M.M.F.


    Solanum verrucosum (2n = 24) is a self-compatible, highly fertile species. This conclusion is drawn from the results of studies on 21 various introductions of this species. In spite of self-compatibility and good male and female fertility, the species generally needs a pollinating agent to

  13. Genetic structure and evidence of putative Darwinian diversifying selection in the Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV

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    Giovanni Chaves-Bedoya


    Full Text Available The population structure and genetic variation of Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV were estimated by analysis of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of the coat protein of 69 isolates, reported in GenBank, from Solanum tuberosum (ST and Solanum phureja (SP hosts from different regions; predominantly Cundinamarca, Antioquia and Nariño, located in central and southwestern Colombia. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that despite the wide geographic distribution of different hosts and different collecting years, PYVV maintains a genetic similarity between 97.1 to 100.0%, indicating high spatial and temporal genetic stability of the major coat protein. No recombination events were found, but evidence was seen for the first time that this protein could be undergoing Darwinian diversifying selection

  14. Comparative Genomics of Ten Solanaceous Plastomes

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    Harpreet Kaur


    Full Text Available Availability of complete plastid genomes of ten solanaceous species, Atropa belladonna, Capsicum annuum, Datura stramonium, Nicotiana sylvestris, Nicotiana tabacum, Nicotiana tomentosiformis, Nicotiana undulata, Solanum bulbocastanum, Solanum lycopersicum, and Solanum tuberosum provided us with an opportunity to conduct their in silico comparative analysis in depth. The size of complete chloroplast genomes and LSC and SSC regions of three species of Solanum is comparatively smaller than that of any other species studied till date (exception: SSC region of A. belladonna. AT content of coding regions was found to be less than noncoding regions. A duplicate copy of trnH gene in C. annuum and two alternative tRNA genes for proline in D. stramonium were observed for the first time in this analysis. Further, homology search revealed the presence of rps19 pseudogene and infA genes in A. belladonna and D. stramonium, a region identical to rps19 pseudogene in C. annum and orthologues of sprA gene in another six species. Among the eighteen intron-containing genes, 3 genes have two introns and 15 genes have one intron. The longest insertion was found in accD gene in C. annuum. Phylogenetic analysis using concatenated protein coding sequences gave two clades, one for Nicotiana species and another for Solanum, Capsicum, Atropa, and Datura.

  15. Flowerlocation in Solanum dulcamara L. (Solanaceae

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    Irina Zhuravlyeva


    Full Text Available The morphology of inflorescence of Solanum dulcamara is studied. Pseudolateral location of inflorescence relatively to plant body is set, the absence of bracteae and the sympodial type of growing of branches are found out. From W. Troll point of view the inflorescence of nightshade is defined as the polytelica synflorescence – complex dichasium.

  16. New functionally dioecious bush tomato from northwestern Australia, Solanum ossicruentum, may utilize "trample burr" dispersal. (United States)

    Martine, Christopher T; Cantley, Jason T; Frawley, Emma S; Butler, Alice R; Jordon-Thaden, Ingrid E


    A new Australian species of functionally dioecious bush tomato of Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum is described. Solanum ossicruentum Martine & J.Cantley, sp. nov., is thought to be allied with members of the problematic "Dioicum Complex" lineage, but differs in its short silvery indumentum, long calyx lobes, larger stature, and an unusual fruit morphology that may represent "trample burr" seed dispersal. The species occurs in a range extending from the eastern Kimberley in Western Australia to far northwestern Northern Territory and has been recognized for decades as a variant of Solanum dioicum W.Fitzg. Specimens of this species were previously referred to by D.E. Symon and others as Solanum dioicum 'Tanami.' Ex situ crossing studies and SEM images of inaperturate pollen grains produced in morphologically hermaphrodite flowers indicate that this taxon is functionally dioecious. The scientific name was chosen with the help of 150 seventh grade life science students from Pennsylvania, USA.

  17. Analisis de la comunidad de malezas en trigo cultivado sobre distintos antecesores Analysis of weed community in wheat crop grown on different precedent crops

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    E. Requesens


    Full Text Available Comparou-se a composição e freqüência relativa das espécies e dos índices de diversidade e dominância da comunidade infestante de três áreas de trigo que foram cultivadas com trigo, milho e batata anteriormente. O estudo foi realizado na região de Mar del Plata, Província de Buenos Aires Argentina. Em cada área, realizou-se 40 amostragens de 1m2, dispostos de forma regular no campo, antes da aplicação dos herbicidas. Foram observadas pequenas diferenças entre as três comunidades florísticas levantadas, porém importantes mudanças foram verificadas na freqüência relativa de algumas espécies. Stellaria media foi a espécie mais freqüente, quando a cultura foi procedida de trigo e milho e sendo apenas superada por Solanum tuberosum quando a cultura do trigo teve como antecessor a cultura da batata. Algumas espécies como Chenopodium album, Zea maiz, Solanum tuberosum, Polygonum aviculares, Ammi viznaga, Veronica persica e Taraxacum officinalis incrementaram suas freqüências relativas nas áreas de trigo precedidas de milho e batata. Por outro lado, a freqüência relativa de outras espécies como Apium leptophyllum, Polygonum aviculares e Matricaria chamomilla decresceram nos mesmos locais. As mudanças específicas nas freqüências relativas não afetaram os parâmetros estruturais das comunidades infestantes, os quais mostraram valores similares de alta diversidade específica e baixa dominância.Relative frequency of species, diversity and dominance indexes of the weed community in three wheat crops grown in field of 40 ha where wheat, corn or potato were grown int he previous season, were analyzed. The study was performed in Mar del Plata, Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina. The ocurring species were registred in each of forth 1 m2 samples distributed in a regular arrangement at each field. This was done previous to application of herbicides. Small differences between communities in floristic composition and richness

  18. Differential strengths of selection on S-RNases from Physalis and Solanum (Solanaceae

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    Kohn Joshua R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The S-RNases of the Solanaceae are highly polymorphic self-incompatibility (S- alleles subject to strong balancing selection. Relatively recent diversification of S-alleles has occurred in the genus Physalis following a historical restriction of S-allele diversity. In contrast, the genus Solanum did not undergo a restriction of S-locus diversity and its S-alleles are generally much older. Because recovery from reduced S-locus diversity should involve increased selection, we employ a statistical framework to ask whether S-locus selection intensities are higher in Physalis than Solanum. Because different S-RNase lineages diversify in Physalis and Solanum, we also ask whether different sites are under selection in different lineages. Results Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian coalescent methods found higher intensities of selection and more sites under significant positive selection in the 48 Physalis S-RNase alleles than the 49 from Solanum. Highest posterior densities of dN/dS (ω estimates show that the strength of selection is greater for Physalis at 36 codons. A nested maximum likelihood method was more conservative, but still found 16 sites with greater selection in Physalis. Neither method found any codons under significantly greater selection in Solanum. A random effects likelihood method that examines data from both taxa jointly confirmed higher selection intensities in Physalis, but did not find different proportions of sites under selection in the two datasets. The greatest differences in strengths of selection were found in the most variable regions of the S-RNases, as expected if these regions encode self-recognition specificities. Clade-specific likelihood models indicated some codons were under greater selection in background Solanum lineages than in specific lineages of Physalis implying that selection on sites may differ among lineages. Conclusions Likelihood and Bayesian methods provide a statistical approach to

  19. Annotated checklist of Solanum L. (Solanaceae for Peru

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    Tiina Särkinen


    Full Text Available The genus Solanum is among the most species-rich genera both of the Peruvian flora and of the tropical Andes in general. The present revised checklist treats 276 species of Solanum L., of which 253 are native, while 23 are introduced and/or cultivated. A total of 74 Solanum species (29% of native species are endemic to Peru. Additional 58 species occur only in small number of populations outside Peru, and these species are here labelled as near-endemics to highlight the role Peru playes in their future protection. Species diversity is observed to peak between 2500 – 3000 m elevation, but endemic species diversity is highest between 3000 – 3500 m elevation. Cajamarca has the highest number of endemic (29 spp. and total species (130 spp., even when considering the effect of area. Centers of endemic species diversity are observed in provinces of Cajamarca (Cajamarca, Huaraz and Carhuaz (Ancash, and Canta and Huarochirí (Lima. Secondary centres of endemism with high concentrations of both endemics and near-endemics are found in San Ignacio and Cutervo (Cajamarca, Santiago de Chuco (La Libertad, Oxapampa (Pasco, and Cusco (Cusco. Current diversity patterns are highly correlated with collection densities, and further collecting is needed across all areas, especially from Arequipa, Ayacucho, Puno, Ancash, Huánuco, Amazonas and Cajamarca, where high levels of species diversity and endemism are indicated but only a few collections of many species are known.

  20. Phytonutrient analysis of Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam. berries (United States)

    Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam. (Litchi tomato) is grown ornamentally, and in Europe it is used as a trap crop for management of the potato cyst nematode (PCN). Its berries are edible, but little is known about their nutritional content. If more was known about their nutritional value this could provid...

  1. "Sundiata, Lion King of Mali." Adapted by Kim Hines, Featuring Griot Alhaji Papa Susso, Cue Sheet for Students. (United States)

    Freeman, Aakhu TuahNera

    This performance guide is designed for teachers to use with students before and after a performance of "Sundiata: Lion King of Mali," adapted by Kim Hines and featuring Griot Alhaji Papa Susso. The guide, called a "Cuesheet," contains seven activity sheets for use in class, addressing: (1) Sundiata: Man & Myth (discusses…

  2. Evidence of cryptic introgression in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) based on wild tomato species alleles. (United States)

    Labate, Joanne A; Robertson, Larry D


    Many highly beneficial traits (e.g. disease or abiotic stress resistance) have been transferred into crops through crosses with their wild relatives. The 13 recognized species of tomato (Solanum section Lycopersicon) are closely related to each other and wild species genes have been extensively used for improvement of the crop, Solanum lycopersicum L. In addition, the lack of geographical barriers has permitted natural hybridization between S. lycopersicum and its closest wild relative Solanum pimpinellifolium in Ecuador, Peru and northern Chile. In order to better understand patterns of S. lycopersicum diversity, we sequenced 47 markers ranging in length from 130 to 1200 bp (total of 24 kb) in genotypes of S. lycopersicum and wild tomato species S. pimpinellifolium, Solanum arcanum, Solanum peruvianum, Solanum pennellii and Solanum habrochaites. Between six and twelve genotypes were comparatively analyzed per marker. Several of the markers had previously been hypothesized as carrying wild species alleles within S. lycopersicum, i.e., cryptic introgressions. Each marker was mapped with high confidence (etomato whole genome shotgun chromosomes (SL2.40) database. Neighbor-joining trees showed high mean bootstrap support (86.8 ± 2.34%) for distinguishing red-fruited from green-fruited taxa for 38 of the markers. Hybridization and parsimony splits networks, genomic map positions of markers relative to documented introgressions, and historical origins of accessions were used to interpret evolutionary patterns at nine markers with putatively introgressed alleles. Of the 47 genetic markers surveyed in this study, four were involved in linkage drag on chromosome 9 during introgression breeding, while alleles at five markers apparently originated from natural hybridization with S. pimpinellifolium and were associated with primitive genotypes of S. lycopersicum. The positive identification of introgressed genes within crop species such as S. lycopersicum will help

  3. Antimicrobial Effect of Leaves of Phyllanthus niruri and Solanum nigrum on Caries Causing Bacteria: An In vitro Study. (United States)

    Sunitha, J; Krishna, Swathy; Ananthalakshmi, R; Jeeva, J Sathiya; Girija, As Smiline; Jeddy, Nadeem


    Solanum nigrum and Phyllanthus niruri are common herbs which are indigeneous to India. Solanum nigrum commonly called 'manathakkali Keerai' in Tamil, forms an indispensable part of South Indian diet. Phyllanthus niruri (keezhanelli in Tamil) is a widely used medicinal plant, the leaves of which have been used extensively in Ayurveda and native medicine to cure various liver ailments. The herbs Solanum nigrum and Phyllanthus niruri have been found to be effective against numerous enteropathogens in various in vitro studies. To assess and compare the antibacterial efficacy of the crude alcoholic extract of the leaves of Solanum nigrum and Phyllanthus niruri against five cariogenic organisms. Standard strains of the micro-organisms were obtained from ATCC (American Type Culture Collection) and MTCC (Microbial Type Culture Collection) which comprised of Streptococcus mutans MTCC no. 890, Streptococcus oralis MTCC no 2696, Lactobacillus acidophillus MTCC no. 10307, Streptococcus sanguis ATCC no. 10556 and Streptococcus salivarius ATCC no. 13419. The organisms obtained were revived and lawn cultured on Trypticase Soy Agar-Blood Agar (TSA-BA) and de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) agar media. The antibacterial effect of the dried and powdered leaves of Solanum nigrum and Phyllanthus niruri was tested using agar well diffusion method. The zones of inhibition obtained after incubation were measured and tabulated. The antibacterial activity for the two herbs was compared using the Mann-Whitney test. The antibacterial zones of inhibition obtained for the herb Solanum nigrum was in the range of 12.3-14.6 mm and ranged from 9.7-11.6 mm for the herb Phyllanthus niruri . When the zones of inhibition were compared for the herbs, Solanum nigrum showed significantly greater zones of inhibition compared to Phyllanthus niruri for the organisms Streptococcus sanguis , Streptococcus salivarius , Streptococcus oralis and Streptococcus mutans (p-valuecariogenic organisms, with Solanum nigrum


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    Gioliana Aire-Artezano


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de Tropaeolum tuberosum(mashua frente a la Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna (HPB y compararlo con finasterida. Métodos: Estudio experimental completo. Se emplearon 30 ratas Holtzman macho de 12 semanas de edad, aleatorizadas y divididas en seis gru- pos: grupo blanco; grupo testosterona; grupo finasterida (0.33mg/kg/rata; y tres grupos dosis, dosis 1 (300mg/kg/rata, dosis 2 (500mg/kg/rata y dosis 3 (800mg/kg/rata tratados con Tropaeolum tuberosum. Se realizó una medición basal del volumen prostático mediante una ecografía transabdominal. La inducción de HPB se realizó con enantato de testosterona (0,083mg/Kg/rata en los grupos dosis, finasterida y testosterona, el día uno y siete. Paralelamente, se administró liofilizado de Tropaeolum tuberosum y finasterida durante 21 días. Para el diagnóstico, se realiza- ron estudios por imágenes, anatomopatológicos e histopatológicos. Resultados: El estudio por imágenes, en relación al incremento del volumen prostático,no arrojó diferencia significativa entre dosis 2 y finasterida; mientras que en relación con la ecogenicidad, dosis 3 presentó similitud cualitativa al finasterida. En el estudio anatomopatológico, no hubo diferencia significativa entre el grupo dosis 3 y el grupo finasterida. Histo- patológicamente, dosis 3 se asemejó cuantitativamente al finasterida. Conclusiones: Se evidenció disminución de la HPB histológicamente y en el estudio por imágenes; sin embargo, ninguna de las dosis mostró efecto superior al finasterida.


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    Róger Fallas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis de los resultados de análisis foliares del cultivo de la papa, procesados en el Laboratorio de Suelos y Foliares del Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas de la Universi - dad de Costa Rica (LSF-CIA/UCR durante el 2006 al 2012. También, mediante diferentes fuen - tes de la literatura, se recopilaron los niveles crí - ticos foliares (NC establecidos para el cultivo de la papa en diferentes regiones del mundo. Con esa información, se comparó el porcentaje de mues - tras analizadas en Costa Rica que se encontraban por debajo de los niveles críticos reportados. Se encontraron concentraciones por debajo del nivel crítico, en una gran cantidad de muestras, para los elementos B, Ca y Mg, según el criterio de NC utilizado en la interpretación de los resultados (mínimo o promedio de la literatura.

  6. Evaluación del efecto de la papa fresca incluida en un alimento para vacas Holstein sobre la producción y la calidad de la leche

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    Dania Alejandra Fonseca-López


    Full Text Available Debido a la creciente necesidad de hallar estrategias de alimentación rentables, de buena calidad y fácil adopción para el ganado surge la idea de utilizar subproductos de cosechas. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la papa de desecho en fresco sobre la producción y la calidad de la leche en 6 vacas Holstein entre primer y segundo parto, con producciones promedio de 24 L/vaca/día y con más de 4 semanas de lactancia. Se trabajó con un diseño completamente al azar, con 2 tratamientos, correspondientes a los diferentes porcentajes de inclusión de papa fresca; cada tratamiento con tres repeticiones, para un total de 6 unidades experimentales que se dividieron al azar en los tratamientos TC=30%-35% ms de papa + alimento balanceado en cantidad de 4.5 kilos-4 kilos; T1=25% ms de papa + alimento balanceado en cantidad necesaria para cubrir requerimientos + 100 g de grasa protegida; T2=20% ms de papa + alimento balanceado en cantidad necesaria para cubrir requerimientos + 200 g de grasa protegida. Encontrando diferencias significativas (p<0,05 para grasa en el T2, con un incremento de 1,61%, seguido del T1: 1,2%. Los animales suplementados con el T1 y T2 produjeron 0,6 y 1,7 L/día más de leche frente al tratamiento control, respectivamente. Aplicando la prueba de Tukey se obtuvo que el mejor tratamiento fue el T2, con 4,92%, seguido del T1, con 4,46%, y el testigo (TC, con 3,29%. Para las variables de proteína, densidad y sólidos totales no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p>0,05. 

  7. Effect of acaricidal activity of Solanum nigrum on Tetranychus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effect of acaricidal activity of Solanum nigrum on Tetranychus urticae Koch under laboratory conditions. Stephanie Johana Numa Vergel, Lorena Rodríguez Coy, Daniel Rodríguez Caicedo, Ericsson Coy-Barrera ...

  8. Genetic relatedness among Solanum L. species assayed by seed morphology and isozyme markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmed, S.M.; Fadl, M.A.


    In spite of their economic and medicinal value, no adequate attention has been paid to the diversity, characterization and taxonomical identification of Solanum L. species in Saudi Arabia. In this study, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of seed coat morphology and isozyme electrophoresis were employed for studying the genetic variability and relationships among seven Solanum L. species namely; S. incanum L., S. nigrum L., S. villosum L., S. schemprianum Hochst, S. galabratum Dunal, S. lycopersicum L. and S. melongena L. collected from Taif highlands. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) investigation of seed coat sculpturing showed three basic patterns namely; rugulate, reticulate and levigate. The analyses on six enzymes were coded by 19 loci. The number of alleles ranged from one to three with a mean of 1.58 alleles per locus. The proportion of polymorphic loci for Solanum L. species ranged from 0.87 for S. nigrum L. and S. villosum L. to 0.80 for S. lycopersicum L. The mean observed heterozygosity varied from 0.00 to 1.00, while mean expected heterozygosity ranged between 0.00 and 0.5. The UPGMA phenogram confirmed the extensive genetic diversity existed in the studied Solanum L. species and showed the close relationship between S. incanum L. and S. melongena L. (author)

  9. Archaeomagnetic dating of Copper Age furnaces at Croce di Papa village and relations on Vesuvius and Phlegraean Fields volcanic activity (United States)

    Principe, Claudia; Gogichaishvili, Avto; Arrighi, Simone; Devidze, Marina; La Felice, Sonia; Paolillo, Annarita; Giordano, Daniele; Morales, Juan


    Metallurgic furnaces, discovered in the archaeological site of Croce di Papa, Nola, at 15 km NE from the Vesuvius summit, were dated here by using archaeomagnetic technique. They are positioned between the deposits of the Vesuvius eruption of Pomici di Avellino and of the Phlegraean eruption of Agnano-Monte Spina. A revision of available age data and associated uncertainties for these two eruptions was carried out in order to provide constraints on the Croce di Papa furnaces age determination. The adopted archaeomagnetic technique provides an accurate age of 3136-3027 BCE corresponding to 5085 to 4976 a BP that represents the upper age limit of the Agnano-Monte Spina eruption. This study provides evidences for the existence of human settlements in the Campanian Plain in the first century of the forth millennium BC and allow to assess the limited impact of the Agnano-Monte Spina eruption on climate and human settlement.


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    Germán Marcillo


    Full Text Available A partir de consideraciones de tipo económico y matemático se especifican dos funciones de oferta y demanda de la papa en el municipio de Pasto; utilizando series de tiempo del periodo 1999 a 2010 se describen los datos de las variables empleadas para cada función a estimar; con ayuda de programas computacionales como Excel (2007 Statgraphics Centurion y Gretl (versión libre, se realizan las estimaciones de los modelos de oferta y demanda, posteriormente se desarrollan técnicas econométricas y estadística para validarlos. Finalmente, aplicando el concepto de elasticidad se analiza el efecto de cada variable con la variable en estudio. Se observó que variables como el precio y costos de producción son, en porcentaje, las que más determinan las decisiones de los ofertantes y consumidores de papa.

  11. Bartsocas-Papas Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. (United States)

    Erturan, Gurhan; Holton, James; Wall, Steven; Giele, Henk


    Bartsocas-Papas syndrome (BPS) is an autosomal recessively inherited form of the popliteal pterygium syndrome characterized by severe growth retardation, midface hypoplasia, popliteal pterygia, and syndactyly. Almost all affected babies die in utero or infancy. We report the difficulties of reconstruction and ongoing plastic surgical management in an 8-year-old child with BPS. With increasingly sophisticated resuscitation and supportive techniques, it is possible that more patients with BPS will survive beyond the neonatal period. This raises new challenges with reconstruction highlighted by this case with a difficult balance between trying to overcome some of the profound effects of the syndrome versus diminishing quality of life for the child by repeated and often unsuccessful surgical procedures.

  12. In silico analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats from chloroplast genomes of Solanaceae species

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    Evandro Vagner Tambarussi


    Full Text Available The availability of chloroplast genome (cpDNA sequences of Atropa belladonna, Nicotiana sylvestris, N.tabacum, N. tomentosiformis, Solanum bulbocastanum, S. lycopersicum and S. tuberosum, which are Solanaceae species,allowed us to analyze the organization of cpSSRs in their genic and intergenic regions. In general, the number of cpSSRs incpDNA ranged from 161 in S. tuberosum to 226 in N. tabacum, and the number of intergenic cpSSRs was higher than geniccpSSRs. The mononucleotide repeats were the most frequent in studied species, but we also identified di-, tri-, tetra-, pentaandhexanucleotide repeats. Multiple alignments of all cpSSRs sequences from Solanaceae species made the identification ofnucleotide variability possible and the phylogeny was estimated by maximum parsimony. Our study showed that the plastomedatabase can be exploited for phylogenetic analysis and biotechnological approaches.

  13. Een nieuwe variëteit van Solanum triflorum Nutt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ooststroom, van S.J.


    A note on a new variety of Solanum triflorum Nutt., viz. var. dentatum Ooststr., found in 1938 near Nijmegen, prov. Gelderland. SANDWITH (2, p. 346) mentions a plant from Bristol, which is identical with this.

  14. Biotransformation of 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)cyclopentanone by Solanum aviculare and Rheum palmatum plant cells

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Soudek, Petr; Wimmer, Zdeněk; Vaněk, Tomáš


    Roč. 12, 3-4 (2014), s. 213-216 ISSN 1459-0255 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LH12162 Institutional support: RVO:61389030 Keywords : Solanum aviculare * Rheum palmatum * plant cell culture Subject RIV: DN - Health Impact of the Environment Quality Impact factor: 0.435, year: 2012 biotransformation -of-2-4-methoxybenzylcyclopentanone-by-solanum-aviculare-and-rheum-palmatum-plant-cells/

  15. New functionally dioecious bush tomato from northwestern Australia, Solanum ossicruentum, may utilize “trample burr” dispersal (United States)

    Martine, Christopher T.; Cantley, Jason T.; Frawley, Emma S.; Butler, Alice R.; Jordon-Thaden, Ingrid E.


    Abstract A new Australian species of functionally dioecious bush tomato of Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum is described. Solanum ossicruentum Martine & J.Cantley, sp. nov., is thought to be allied with members of the problematic “Dioicum Complex” lineage, but differs in its short silvery indumentum, long calyx lobes, larger stature, and an unusual fruit morphology that may represent “trample burr” seed dispersal. The species occurs in a range extending from the eastern Kimberley in Western Australia to far northwestern Northern Territory and has been recognized for decades as a variant of Solanum dioicum W.Fitzg. Specimens of this species were previously referred to by D.E. Symon and others as Solanum dioicum ‘Tanami.’ Ex situ crossing studies and SEM images of inaperturate pollen grains produced in morphologically hermaphrodite flowers indicate that this taxon is functionally dioecious. The scientific name was chosen with the help of 150 seventh grade life science students from Pennsylvania, USA. PMID:27489475

  16. Quantitative resistance to Botrytis cinerea from Solanum neorickii

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Finkers, H.J.; Bai, Y.; Berg, van den P.M.M.M.; Berloo, van R.; Meijer-Dekens, R.G.; Have, ten A.; Kan, van J.A.L.; Lindhout, P.; Heusden, van A.W.


    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is susceptible to gray mold (Botrytis cinerea). Quantitative resistance to B. cinerea was previously identified in a wild relative, S. neorickii G1.1601. The 122 F3 families derived from a cross between the susceptible S. lycopersicum cv. Moneymaker and the partially

  17. Solanum cultivar responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: growth ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A greenhouse experiment was carried out in a sandy soil with a low available phosphorus to evaluate responsiveness of four Solanum aethiopicum cultivars to indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Results showed clear interaction between genetic variability of cultivars and fungal isolates on shoot biomass and on ...

  18. El Enrollado de las Hojas de la Papa una Enfermedad de Origen Vigoroso.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Delgado Montoya Nelson


    Full Text Available El cultivo de la papa es uno de los más extendidos e importantes en mundo entero, siento sus productos básicos en la alimentación de la humanidad. Cualquier trastorno que lo afecte tendrá lógicamente magnas repercusiones. “EL Enrollado de las Hojas de la Papa”, junto con el “Mosaico”, son enfermedades que más seriamente lo afectan, siento aún en muchas ocasiones más grave la primera, pues hace bajar el produjo de una manera considerable y es tan universal como el mismo cultivo.

  19. O Papa, o Islã e o politicamente correto The Pope, Islam and political correctedness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Augusto Lindgren Alves


    Full Text Available Ao fazer citação considerada ofensiva ao Islã em conferência que proferiu na Alemanha em 2006, o Papa Bento XVI não visava somente aos muçulmanos, mas, também, aos ocidentais cristãos e ateus. Seu objetivo não era ofender o Islã gratuitamente, mas forçar os islamitas e ocidentais que abandonaram o racionalismo a assimilarem, num caso, e a reassimilarem, no outro, a razão universalista como elemento essencial ao próprio diálogo entre as religiões. A fala do Papa tem tido repercussões que transcendem o âmbito religioso, atingindo noções e práticas multiculturalistas que pareciam intocáveis.When making a quotation that was considered offensive to Islam, in 2006, in a conference in Germany, Pope Benedict XVI targeted not only the Muslims, but also Christian and Atheist Westerners. His aim was not to offend Islam without a motive, but to force both the Muslims and Westerners that had forsaken rationalism to reach back to Reason as an essential element for the very dialogue between the two religions. The Pope’s speech has had repercussion far beyond the religious sphere, attaining notions and practices of multiculturalism that seemed untouchable.

  20. Genetic and physical mapping of homologues of the virus resistance gene Rx1 and the cyst nematode resistance gene Gpa2 in potato. (United States)

    Bakker, E; Butterbach, P; Rouppe van der Voort, J; van der Vossen, E; van Vliet, J; Bakker, J; Goverse, A


    Nine resistance gene homologues (RGHs) were identified in two diploid potato clones (SH and RH), with a specific primer pair based on conserved motifs in the LRR domain of the potato cyst nematode resistance gene Gpa2 and the potato virus X resistance gene Rx1. A modified AFLP method was used to facilitate the genetic mapping of the RGHs in the four haplotypes under investigation. All nine RGHs appeared to be located in the Gpa2/ Rx1 cluster on chromosome XII. Construction of a physical map using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones for both the Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum and the S. tuberosum ssp. andigena haplotype of SH showed that the RGHs are located within a stretch of less than 200 kb. Sequence analysis of the RGHs revealed that they are highly similar (93 to 95%) to Gpa2 and Rx1. The sequence identities among all RGHs range from 85 to 100%. Two pairs of RGHs are identical, or nearly so (100 and 99.9%), with each member located in a different genotype. Southern-blot analysis on genomic DNA revealed no evidence for additional homologues outside the Gpa2/ Rx1 cluster on chromosome XII.

  1. Characterization of Carbofuran Degrading Bacteria Obtained from Potato Cultivated Soils with Different Pesticide Application Records


    Castellanos Rozo, José; Sánchez Nieves, Jimena; Uribe Vélez, Daniel; Moreno Chacón, Leonardo; Melgarejo Muñoz, Luz Marina


    Eighty-two bacterial isolates with potential Carbofuran degradation activity (Furadan®3SC) were obtained from soils cultivated with the potato variety Unica (Solanum tuberosum) in Silos, Norte de Santander (Colombia), with different records of pesticide application. The bacteria were selected for their ability to grow at 25 °C for 72 h in media containing 200 mg L-1 of analytical Carbofuran as the sole source of carbon and/ or nitrogen. The results showed that ten isolates, 12% of those obtai...

  2. The potato tuber mitochondrial proteome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salvato, Fernanda; Havelund, Jesper Foged; Chen, Mingjie


    Mitochondria are called the powerhouses of the cell. To better understand the role of mitochondria in maintaining and regulating metabolism in storage tissues, highly purified mitochondria were isolated from dormant potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum 'Folva') and their proteome investigated. Proteins...... manner using normalized spectral counts including as many as 5-fold more "extreme" proteins (low mass, high isoelectric point, hydrophobic) than previous mitochondrial proteome studies. We estimate that this compendium of proteins represents a high coverage of the potato tuber mitochondrial proteome...

  3. Identificación y mapeo de AFLPs ligados al gen de resistencia al PVX en Solanum commersonii

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Blanco


    Full Text Available Solanum commersonii es una especie silvestre de papa considerada como una fuente de genes de resistencia al PVX. Para identificar marcadores moleculares relacionados con los genes de resistencia a este virus, se realizó un análisis en el que se combinó la técnica de BSA con el uso de AFLPs. Del cruce de 2 padres heterocigotos y resistentes al PVX, provenientes de una F1, se obtuvo una F2. La población fue inoculada con el PVXMS y 30 días después mediante un ELISA, la progenie fue dividida en individuos infectados y no infectados con el PVXMS; a estos 2 grupos se les realizó un BSA. El ADN de los individuos resistentes fue mezclado aparte del ADN de los individuos susceptibles y con la ayuda de AFLPs se logró identificar 22 combinaciones de imprimadores que produjeron bandas específicas relacionadas con el carácter de resistencia al PVX. Las combinaciones de imprimadores seleccionadas fueron utilizadas para evaluar cada uno de los individuos de la F2 en forma independiente. Producto de este análisis se obtuvo 63 bandas polimórficas relacionadas al carácter de resistencia, cuya información fue introducida en el programa MAPRF6. Como resultado se obtuvo 4 grupos de ligamiento. Se encontró un RGA, obtenido en otro estudio que co-segrega (0 cM con el locus del gen de resistencia extrema (Rx y los AFLPs 42 y 39 que están rodeando el mismo locus a 22,6 cM o más. La información obtenida será básica para implementar programas de selección asistida por marcadores moleculares en el mejoramiento genético.

  4. A revision of the Solanum elaeagnifolium clade (Elaeagnifolium clade; subgenus Leptostemonum, Solanaceae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Knapp


    Full Text Available The Solanum elaeagnifolium clade (Elaeagnifolium clade contains five species of small, often rhizomatous, shrubs from deserts and dry forests in North and South America. Members of the clade were previously classified in sections Leprophora, Nycterium and Lathyrocarpum, and were not thought to be closely related. The group is sister to the species-rich monophyletic Old World clade of spiny solanums. The species of the group have an amphitropical distribution, with three species in Mexico and the southwestern United States and three species in Argentina. Solanum elaeagnifolium occurs in both North and South America, and is a noxious invasive weed in dry areas worldwide. Members of the group are highly variable morphologically, and this variability has led to much synonymy, particularly in the widespread S. elaeagnifolium. We here review the taxonomic history, morphology, relationships and ecology of these species and provide keys for their identification, descriptions, full synonymy (including designations of lectotypes and nomenclatural notes. Illustrations, distribution maps and preliminary conservation assessments are provided for all species.

  5. Effects of recurrent irradiation and cross fertilization on improvement of cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) and wild tomato (Solanum pimpinellifolium L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nunoo, J.


    Two separate experiments were conducted to determine the effects of recurrent irradiation and cross fertilization on the improvement of fruit quality and plant architecture of two tomato species (Solanum lycopersicon L.) and (Solanum pimpinellifolium L.) in Ghana. In the first experiment, a variant line of the wild tomato (Solanum pimpinellifolium L.) (SP 300/ previously obtained through irradiation with gamma rays at 300 Gy was re-irradiated with gamma rays at 150 Gy and 300 Gy using gamma irradiation. The second experiment involved hybridization of the same variant line (SP 300/ with five cultivars of the cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L). Progeny were assessed in both M1 and M2 generations for the first experiment but only at the F 2 generation for the second experiment. Significant variations were observed in number of days to first flowering and 50% fruiting. Fruit size increased from 1.36 g and 1.67 g to 1.77 g and 2.66 g in the M 1 and M 2 generations respectively following re-irradiation at 300 Gy. Three 150 Gy treated plants at the M 1 generation and two 300 Gy treated plants at the M 2 generations exhibited erect growth habit compared to the parental line (SP 300/ which was sprawling. A variant line among the 300 Gy treated plants had a fused fruit of fruit weight of 3.57 g with four locules. Also, hybridization involving five cultivars of the cultivated tomato (S. lycopersicon L.) as female parents and the variant line (SP 300/ generated variability in several traits including plant architecture, days to flowering and fruiting, fruit weight and number of seeds per fruit in the F 2 generation. Variations in style-length, number of locules, fruit shape and colour were also observed among the plants in the F 2 generation. Generally, significant improvements were obtained with respect to plant architecture (that is reduced plant height), earliness and fruit quality (that is fruit size and colour). Although no

  6. Clonación, expresión y caracterización de una nueva esterasa derivada de metagenomas de suelos agrícolas colombianos


    Carolina Villamil; Patricia Del Portillo; Alvaro Monguí


    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo la bioprospección de ADN metagenómico derivado de comunidades microbianas asociadas a un agroecosistema de importancia nacional. Este análisis permitió realizar la producción, expresión, purificación y caracterización de una enzima novedosa con actividad esterasa. Esta enzima, denominada LipM, había sido previamente identificada en clones metagenómicos derivados de suelos dedicados al cultivo de papa criolla (Solanum pureja), mediante secuencia de nueva ...

  7. Comparative genetics of hybrid incompatibility: sterility in two Solanum species crosses. (United States)

    Moyle, Leonie C; Nakazato, Takuya


    The genetic basis of hybrid sterility can provide insight into the genetic and evolutionary origins of species barriers. We examine the genetics of hybrid incompatibility between two diploid plant species in the plant clade Solanum sect. Lycopersicon. Using a set of near-isogenic lines (NILs) representing the wild species Solanum pennellii (formerly Lycopersicon pennellii) in the genetic background of the cultivated tomato S. lycopersicum (formerly L. esculentum), we found that hybrid pollen and seed infertility are each based on a modest number of loci, male (pollen) and other (seed) incompatibility factors are roughly comparable in number, and seed-infertility QTL act additively or recessively. These findings are remarkably consistent with our previous analysis in a different species pair, S. lycopersicum x S. habrochaites. Data from both studies contrast strongly with data from Drosophila. Finally, QTL for pollen and seed sterility from the two Solanum studies were chromosomally colocalized, indicating a shared evolutionary history for these QTL, a nonrandom genomic distribution of loci causing sterility, and/or a proclivity of certain genes to be involved in hybrid sterility. We show that comparative mapping data can delimit the probable timing of evolution of detected QTL and discern which sterility loci likely evolved earliest among species.

  8. Revisión: spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea y su virus asociado potato mop-top virus (pmtv), dos patógenos reemergentes en los cultivos de papa de colombia


    Osorio Giraldo, Inés; Gutiérrez, Pablo Andrés; Marín Montoya, Mauricio


    Resumen. El cultivo de papa es uno de los renglones agrícolas de mayor importancia en Colombia; se extiende a 128.701 ha y genera una producción anual de 2,3 millones de t año-1. Desde el punto vista fitosanitario, la papa se ve afectada por diversos problemas, destacándose en los últimos años la reemergencia de la sarna polvosa causada por el protozoario del suelo Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea (Sss). El efecto de esta enfermedad se refleja en el deterioro de la calidad del tubérc...

  9. Pectobacterium polaris sp. nov., isolated from potato (Solanum tuberosum). (United States)

    Dees, Merete Wiken; Lysøe, Erik; Rossmann, Simeon; Perminow, Juliana; Brurberg, May Bente


    The genus Pectobacterium, which belongs to the bacterial family Enterobacteriaceae, contains numerous species that cause soft rot diseases in a wide range of plants. The species Pectobacterium carotovorum is highly heterogeneous, indicating a need for re-evaluation and a better classification of the species. PacBio was used for sequencing of two soft-rot-causing bacterial strains (NIBIO1006 T and NIBIO1392), initially identified as P. carotovorumstrains by fatty acid analysis and sequencing of three housekeeping genes (dnaX, icdA and mdh). Their taxonomic relationship to other Pectobacterium species was determined and the distance from any described species within the genus Pectobacterium was less than 94 % average nucleotide identity (ANI). Based on ANI, phylogenetic data and genome-to-genome distance, strains NIBIO1006 T , NIBIO1392 and NCPPB3395 are suggested to represent a novel species of the genus Pectobacterium, for which the name Pectobacterium polaris sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is NIBIO1006 T (=DSM 105255 T =NCPPB 4611 T ).

  10. Shooting responses of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A study was conducted in 2012 and 2013 at IRAD Bambui (Cameroon) to evaluate the rate of shooting in four improved IRAD potato varieties: Cipira, Tubira, Mafo and Bambui wonder. Liquid and solid media stocks prepared according to the International Potato Center (CIP)'s protocol were used. A randomized complete ...

  11. Heterologous expression of a ketohexokinase in potato plants leads to inhibited rates of photosynthesis, severe growth retardation and abnormal leaf development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geigenberger, P.; Regierer, B.; Lytovchenko, A.


    of ketohexokinase but did not accumulate fructose 1-phosphate. They were, however, characterised by a severe growth retardation and abnormal leaf development. Studies of (14)CO(2) assimilation and metabolism, and of the levels of photosynthetic pigments, revealed that these lines exhibited restricted photosynthesis......In the present paper we investigated the effect of heterologous expression of a rat liver ketohexokinase in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants with the aim of investigating the role of fructose 1-phosphate in plant metabolism. Plants were generated that contained appreciable activity...

  12. Physiological factors affecting intrinsic water use efficiency of potato clones within a dihaploid mapping population under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Topbjerg, Henrik Bak; Kaminski, Kacper Piotr; Markussen, Bo


    ) within a dihaploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) mapping population under well-watered (WW) and drought-stress (DS) conditions. The factorial dependency of WUEi on several plant bio-physiological traits was analyzed, and clonal difference of WUEi was compared. Significant differences in WUEi were found......Optimizing crops water use is essential for ensuring food production under future climate scenarios. Therefore, new cultivars that are capable of maintaining production under limited water resource are needed. This study screened for clonal differences in intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi...

  13. New functionally dioecious bush tomato from northwestern Australia, Solanum ossicruentum , may utilize ?trample burr? dispersal


    Martine, Christopher T.; Cantley, Jason T.; Frawley, Emma S.; Butler, Alice R.; Jordon-Thaden, Ingrid E.


    Abstract A new Australian species of functionally dioecious bush tomato of Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum is described. Solanum ossicruentum Martine & J.Cantley, sp. nov., is thought to be allied with members of the problematic ?Dioicum Complex? lineage, but differs in its short silvery indumentum, long calyx lobes, larger stature, and an unusual fruit morphology that may represent ?trample burr? seed dispersal. The species occurs in a range extending from the eastern Kimberley in Western Aus...

  14. Cytogenetic studies on some Nigerian species of Solanum L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cytogenetic studies to determine the chromosome number, structure and behaviour of some species of Solanum in Nigeria were carried out. Attempt was also made to induce polyploidy in the species. Comparative analysis of the cytological behaviour of the diploid and polyploid cytotypes was made. The studies show that ...

  15. Notes on some insect galls associated with Solanum plants in South ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    . Received 10 ... in press) related to the biological control of Solanum weed species. During ... in the Albany Museum (Natural History) and the National ..... identifying insect specimens. MJ. ... insects imported for weed control.

  16. Gestión odontológica en los niveles de la educación básica regular en la UGEL 01 Papa León XIII - Chilca, 2015


    Cornejo Serna, Manuel Elias


    El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es determinar nivel de percepción de la gestión odontológica en los niveles de la educación básica regular, en la UGEL 01, Papa León XIII - Chilca, 2015. El tipo de investigación es descriptiva y comparativa su diseño de la investigación fue de tipo no experimental de corte transversal. La población estuvo conformada por los padres de familia de la institución educativa de Papa León XIII de los niveles de educación básica reg...

  17. The Effects of Syzygium samarangense, Passiflora edulis and Solanum muricatum on Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Jie Zhang


    Full Text Available Previous studies have shown that fruits have different effects on alcohol metabolism and alcohol-induced liver injury. The present work selected three fruits and aimed at studying the effects of Syzygium samarangense, Passiflora edulis and Solanum muricatum on alcohol-induced liver injury in mice. The animals were treated daily with alcohol and fruit juices for fifteen days. Chronic treatment with alcohol increased the levels of aspartate transaminase (AST, alanine transaminase (ALT, total bilirubin (TBIL, triglyceride (TG, malondialdehyde (MDA, and decreased total protein (TP. Histopathological evaluation also showed that ethanol induced extensive fat droplets in hepatocyte cytoplasm. Syzygium samarangense and Passiflora edulis normalized various biochemical parameters. Solanum muricatum increased the level of ALT and induced infiltration of inflammatory cells in the liver. These results strongly suggest that treatment with Syzygium samarangense and Passiflora edulis could protect liver from the injury of alcohol, while Solanum muricatum could aggravate the damage.

  18. Detection of PMTV Using Polyclonal Antibodies Raised Against a Capsid-Specific Peptide Antigen / Detección de PMTV Utilizando Anticuerpos Policlonales Contra un Péptido Antigénico Derivado de la Cápside Viral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuliana Gallo García


    Full Text Available Potato mop-top virus (PMTV; genus Pomovirus;family Virgaviridae is the causing agent of the spraing disease in potato (Solanum tuberosum. PMTV is transmitted by Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (Sss. This disease has a widespread distribution in potato growing regions around the world. The possibility of obtaining strain specific antibodies at low cost can greatly increase the sensitivity and use of serological tests in seed certification programs, plant breeding and quarantine regulations to avoid dissemination of this injurious virus. This work presents an alternative procedure for the production of PMTV specific antibodies useful in serological test such as ELISAand lateral flow. In contrast to standard methods requiring theisolation of viral particles or expression of recombinant capsid, this method uses peptides mimicking the N-terminal region of PMTV capsid protein as antigen for the production of specific polyclonal antibodies. The antibodies were tested against bait plants grown in soil infested with viruliferous Sss, as well as potato plants obtained from naturally Sss infested fields in Colombia. PMTV was detected in 9/14 and 24/28 foliage samples of N. benthamiana and S. phureja, respectively. In the case of field plants, the virus wasdetected in eight out of 12 root tissues evaluated. The minimumpeptide concentration detected by ELISA was of the order of 0.1 nM. / Potato mop-top virus (PMTV; género Pomovirus; familia Virgaviridae es transmitido por Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (Sss, agente causal de la sarna polvosa de la papa. Esta enfermedad tiene una amplia distribución en las regiones cultivadoras de papa alrededor del mundo. La posibilidad de obtener anticuerpos específicos contra cepas de este virus, puede incrementar la sensibilidad y la utilización de pruebas serológicas en programas de certificación de semilla, mejoramiento genético y regulaciones cuarentenarias que eviten su diseminaci

  19. New Solanum species from Tanzanian coastal forests may already ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The unusually long inflorescences with a dense covering of long straight prickles on the rachis distinguish S. ruvu from all other African species of spiny Solanum. Its likely affinities lie with another coastal forest species, S. zanzibarense, which exhibits a similar scandent habit, subentire leaves, thin stems, and prickles that ...

  20. Solanum sisymbriifolium (Lam.) : a trap crop for potato cyst nematodes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmermans, B.G.H.


    Keywords:Solanumsisymbriifolium ,Globoderapallida ,Globoderarostochiensis ,