
Sample records for palma forrageira opuntia

  1. Zoneamento agroclimático da palma forrageira (Opuntia sp. para o estado da Paraíba

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    Bergson G. Bezerra


    Full Text Available A palma forrageira tornou-se, ao longo dos anos, uma importante alternativa forrageira no semiárido brasileiro (SAB principalmente em longos períodos de estiagens. Apesar de sua magnitude para a agropecuária, seu cultivo tem dispensando tratos culturais básicos e embasamento técnico-científico quanto às suas exigências climáticas. Assim, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar o zoneamento agroclimático da cultura da palma forrageira (Opuntia sp. para o estado da Paraíba. O zoneamento agroclimático da palma forrageira foi elaborado com base nos indicadores climáticos delineados na literatura e nos dados climatológicos de precipitação e temperatura (média, máxima e mínima de 97 localidades do estado da Paraíba. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a mesorregião da Borborema é a que apresenta as condições climáticas mais favoráveis para o cultivo da palma forrageira. As mesorregiões do Agreste, Sertão e a parte do Litoral, são aptas porém com restrições. No entanto, recomenda-se o cultivo da palma forrageira em todo o território do estado da Paraíba, exceto para a parte costeira da mesorregião do Litoral e região em torno de Areia. Em ambos os casos a inaptidão ocorre em função do excesso de precipitação.

  2. Desempenho agronômico de algodão orgânico e oleaginosas consorciados com palma forrageira

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    Gildivan dos S. Silva


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho o objetivo foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico de algodão orgânico e oleaginosas consorciados com a palma forrageira no semiárido paraibano. No ano agrícola de 2009 foram conduzidos dois experimentos, em duas áreas: (I na Fazenda Vila Maria Rita, situada no município de Taperoá, no cariri paraibano (II no Assentamento Queimadas localizado em Remígio, no Curimataú paraibano enquanto os tratamentos, divididos em cultivo solteiro e consorciado, foram: algodão + gergelim + palma forrageira; algodão + amendoim + palma forrageira; algodão + palma forrageira; algodão solteiro; gergelim solteiro; girassol solteiro; amendoim solteiro e palma forrageira solteira. As variáveis analisadas foram: características tecnológicas de fibras, produtividade (grãos/caroço, rendimento em óleo, rendimento em fibra, renda bruta e uso eficiente da terra (UET parcial e total. Para o rendimento em fibra o consórcio algodão + palma forrageira proporcionou o melhor resultado (311,14 kg ha-1 enquanto o amendoim solteiro apresentou maior rendimento em grãos (967,00 kg ha-1 e em óleo (428,02 kg ha-1. O consórcio algodão + gergelim + palma forrageira pode ser uma alternativa eficiente na agricultura familiar uma vez que apresentou resultados positivos em termos de renda bruta e UET total.

  3. Correlações do índice de área do cladódio com características morfogênicas e produtivas da palma forrageira

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    Karina Mendes Pinheiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as correlações do índice de área do cladódio com características morfogênicas e produtivas da palma forrageira (Nopalea sp. e Opuntia sp.. Foram avaliados três clones de palma forrageira, em condições de sequeiro: IPA Sertânia, Miúda e Orelha de Elefante Mexicana. Dados morfológicos dos cladódios e da planta, índice de área do cladódio e biomassa acumulada foram obtidos na ocasião da colheita. A relação entre os dados coletados foi avaliada por meio da análise de trilha, após a aplicação da matriz de correlação de Pearson e do teste de multicolinearidade. Foram observadas maiores correlações das características morfogênicas com o rendimento da cultura do que com o índice de área do cladódio, com R2 entre 0,5930 e 0,9502. As variáveis altura x largura e número total de cladódios foram as que melhor explicaram a variação do índice de área do cladódio. O número total de cladódios, o índice de área do cladódio e a morfologia dos cladódios de quarta ordem são as variáveis que melhor explicam a variabilidade do rendimento dos clones de palma forrageira avaliados em ambiente semiárido.

  4. Utilização de técnicas multivariadas na avaliação da divergência genética entre clones de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.

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    Ferreira Carlos Adonai


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se, por meio de técnicas multivariadas, a divergência genética entre clones de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill., em um experimento instalado na Estação Experimental da Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária - IPA, Caruaru - PE. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram 19 clones de palma do Banco de Germoplasma do IPA. Foram mensuradas: a medidas em artículos, conforme a ordem: comprimento, largura, espessura, número e peso da matéria verde. b medidas por planta: presença de espinho, número de artículos por ordem e total, altura total, infestação por cochonilha e peso da matéria verde. Realizaram-se análises de variância univariada (ANOVA e multivariada (MANOVA, das variáveis canônicas (VC e de agrupamento (AA. Na ANOVA, foi verificada diferença entre as médias de clones e por meio da MANOVA, diferença entre vetores de médias de clones. Com a aplicação da VC, foi possível reduzir a dimensionalidade original para duas dimensões, com explicação de 85,03% da variação total. Foi considerada, como característica passível de descarte, a porcentagem de infestação por cochonilha. Na AA discriminaram-se nove grupos. A característica porcentagem de infestação por cochonilha não deve ser incluída no estudo da diversidade genética nas condições estudadas. As características de maior discriminação foram espessuras dos artículos primário, secundário e terciário, número de artículo primário e pesos médios de matéria verde por artículos secundário e terciário. Em um programa de melhoramento de palma forrageira, devem-se considerar o grupo de clones e o desempenho do clone quanto às características de maior relevância agronômica e zootécnica.

  5. Palma forrageira em substituição ao feno de capim-elefante: efeito sobre consumo, digestibilidade e características de fermentação ruminal em ovinos Spineless cactus in replacement of elephantgrass hay: effect on intake, apparent digestibility and ruminal fermentation characteristics in sheep

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    Safira Valença Bispo


    Full Text Available Este experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill, como fonte de forragem, sobre o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e das características ruminais de carneiros. Cinco dietas isoproteícas foram formuladas, em que a palma forrageira substituiu 0, 14, 28, 42 e 56% do feno de capim elefante na dieta. Cinco ovinos machos não-castrados foram distribuídos em um delineamento em quadrado latino 5 x 5 (cinco períodos, cinco níveis de palma e cinco repetiç��es. Cada período experimental teve duração de 13 dias - sete para adaptação e seis dias para coleta de dados e amostras. Os consumos de MS, MO, EE, PB, CT, CNF e NDT aumentaram linearmente com a substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. O consumo de água diminuiu linearmente e o de FDN apresentou efeito quadrático com a substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de EE, PB, CNF e FDN não foram influenciados, enquanto os de MS, MO e CT aumentaram linearmente com a substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. O pH e a concentração de NH3 ruminal decresceram linearmente com a substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. A substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta melhora a ingestão e o aproveitamento dos nutrientes.A study was conducted with the objective to evaluate the effects of replacing elephant-grass by spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill as a forage source on intake, apparent digestibility of the nutrients and of ruminal fermentation characteristics of sheep. Five iso-nitrogenous diets were formulated where spineless cactus replaced 0, 14, 28, 42 and 56% of elephantgrass in the diet. Five non-castrated male sheep were allotted to a 5 x 5 Latin square design

  6. Elaboração e caracterização físico-química e microbiológica da farinha da palma (Opuntia fícusindica Mill em diferentes temperaturas

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    D. S. Severo


    Full Text Available A Palma forrageira (Opuntia fícusindica Mill é uma cactácea originária do México, porém bastante cultivada na região semiárida do nordeste. Na alimentação humana, geralmente, são usados em preparações culinárias os brotos de palma, os frutos in natura ou processados. Uma das maneiras de diversificar o uso da palma forrageira seriam a secagem e sua transformação em farinhas para incorporação em diversos produtos. Desta forma o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade físico-química e microbiológica da farinha. As amostras foram coletadas na zona rural e transportadas para o laboratório do Centro Vocacional e Tecnológico /UFCG – Campus Pombal – PB, as mesmas foram desidratadas até a total retirada da umidade em estufa de circulação de ar nas seguintes temperaturas: 70, 80 e 90 °C, posteriormente passaram por um liquidificador industrial, em seguida por um moinho de facas para a obtenção da farinha. Após a obtenção foram realizadas as análises microbiológicas e analises físico-químicas. O emprego na alimentação humana, a palma forrageira é um grande potencial produtivo do Semiárido com alternativas sustentadas de desenvolvimento.Preparation and physical chemistry and microbiological characterization of flour palm ( Opuntia fícusindica Mill at different temperaturesAbstract: The Spineless cactus ( Opuntia fícusindica Mill is a cactaceous originally from Mexico, but rather grown in semi-arid region of the northeast. For human consumption, generally, they are used in culinary preparations the palm shoots, os frutos in natura ou processados. One way to diversify the use of cactus would be drying and processing into meal for incorporation into various products. Thus the aim of this study was to evaluate the physical - chemical and microbiological quality of the flour. The samples were collected in the countryside and transported to the laboratory and Technological Vocational Center / UFCG - Campus

  7. Enriquecimento protéico da palma forrageira com Saccharomyces cerevisiae para alimentação de ruminantes Protein enrichment of cactus pear with Saccharomyces cerevisiae for ruminants feeding

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    L.F. Araújo


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o processo de enriquecimento protéico da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill com levedura Sacharomyces cerevisiae em cultivo semi-sólido, visando melhorar o valor nutritivo da palma para ser utilizada na alimentação de ruminantes. A levedura foi utilizada nas concentrações de 1, 2 e 3% em base úmida no substrato formado pela palma forrageira, incubada em biorreatores durante 6, 12, 24 e 36 horas de fermentação. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo de parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições. O conteúdo de proteína bruta quando se utilizou concentração de 3% de inóculo, no período de seis horas, aumentou de 4,4% na forma in natura para 10,4% após o processamento. Os teores protéicos na concentração de 1% do inóculo foram de 6,1, 8,1, 8,1 e 9,2%; na concentração de 2%, 9,6, 9,7, 9,8 e 9,8% e na concentração de 3%, 10,4, 10,4 7,9 e 7,9%, nos períodos de 6, 12, 24 e 36 horas de fermentação, respectivamente. Uma fonte alternativa para arraçoamento de ruminantes, pode ser obtida pela bioconversão da palma forrageira.The process of protein enrichment of the forage palm (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast in a semi-solid culture to improve the nutritional value of forage palm for ruminants feeding was evaluated. The yeast concentrations of 1, 2 and 3% (wet basis in the forage palm substrate were used. The periods of incubation were of 6, 12, 24, and 36 hours. A complete randomized experimental design in a split plot arrangement with four replicates was used. The crude protein content increased from 4.4% (in natura to 10.4% when 3% of inoculums were used and the processing period was of 6 hours. The observed protein contents for 1% of the inoculum, used for the fermentation periods of 6, 12, 24, and 36 hours were 6.1, 8.1, 8.1, and 9.2%, respectively. These values were 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, and 9.8% for 2% of the inoculum, and 10.4, 10.4, 7.9, and 7

  8. Desempenho de ovelhas nativas em confinamento recebendo palma-forrageira na dieta na região do semiárido nordestino Performance of native ewes under feedlot system receiving spineless cactus in diet in Brazilian semiarid region

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    Cicília Maria Silva de Souza


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o ganho de peso, o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes de dieta à base de palma forrageira em ovelhas nativas confinadas na região do semiárido nordestino. Foram testadas duas formas de oferecimento da palma-forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica: separada da mistura feno de capim-tifton + concentrado e junto da mistura feno + concentrado. Utilizaram-se 40 fêmeas das raças nativas Barriga-preta, Cara-curta, Cariri e Morada Nova, com peso inicial médio de 36,76 kg, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 4 × 2, com quatro raças e duas estratégias de alimentação. Os genótipos e as estratégias de alimentação influenciaram os consumos médios de fibra em detergente neutro e nutrientes digestíveis totais e os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da fibra em detergente neutro. O genótipo influencia o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar em ovelhas alimentadas com palma forrageira na dieta, uma vez que animais das raças Cariri e Cara-curta apresentam maiores ganhos de peso.The experiment was carried out with the objective of evaluating the weight gain, intake of nutrients, and the apparent digestibility of diets based on spineless cactus in native ewes in feedlot system in Brazilian semiarid region. Two spineless cactus feeding strategies were evaluated: spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica separated from the Tifton hay + concentrated mixture, and with Tifton hay mixture + concentrate. It was used forty native breed ewes (Barriga Preta, Cara Curta, Cariri and Morada Nova, with average initial body weight of 36.76 kg, distributed in a complete randomized design in a 4 × 2 factorial scheme (four breed and two feeding strategies. The genotypes and feeding strategies neutral fiber detergent had effect on the average intake of neutral fiber detergent and total digestible nutrient, and on the coefficients of neutral fiber detergent

  9. Substituição total do milho e parcial do feno de capim-tifton por palma forrageira em dietas para vacas em lactação: consumo e digestibilidade Total replacement of corn and partial of tifton hay by forage cactus in diets for lactating dairy cows: intake and digestibility

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    Veronaldo Souza de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Para avaliação do consumo e da digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes de dietas contendo diferentes níveis (0; 12,0; 25,0; 38,0 e 51,0% de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill em substituição total ao milho (Zea mays L. e parcial ao feno de capim-tifton (Cynodon spp, foram utilizadas cinco vacas da raça Holandesa, distribuídas em quadrado latino 5 × 5. No início do experimento, os animais apresentavam 583 ± 7,07 kg de peso corporal (PC e período de lactação em torno de 110 dias. Cada período experimental teve duração de 17 dias, dez dias para adaptação dos animais à dieta e sete dias para coleta de dados. O consumo de MS (kg/dia, %PC e g/kg0,75 e os consumos de MO, EE, PB, carboidratos totais (CT, FDN, FDA e NDT (kg/dia diminuíram linearmente conforme aumentaram os níveis de palma forrageira na dieta. O consumo de CNF, no entanto, aumentou com a inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de MS, MO, EE, PB, CT e CNF não foram influenciados pela inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta. Entretanto, o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da FDN reduziu linearmente com a inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta. A inclusão da palma forrageira nas dietas influenciou negativamente no consumo dos nutrientes e no coeficiente de digestibilidade da FDN.The experiment was conducted to evaluate the intake and apparent digestibility of the nutrients in diets containing different levels (0, 12.0, 25.0, 38.0, and 51.0% of forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill in total replacement of corn (Zea mays L. and partial of Tifton hay (Cynodon spp. Five Holstein cows were assigned to a 5x5 latin square. The animals showed an average of 583 ± 7,07 kg BW and lactation period around 110 days. Each experimental period lasted 17 days, 10 days for the adaptation of the animals to the diet and 7 days for data collecting. The DM intake (kg/day, %BW and g/kg0.75, and the intakes of OM, EE, CP, total

  10. Consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill e palma orelha-de-elefante (Opuntia sp. = Intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp.

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    Agenor Costa Ribeiro Neto


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill e palma Orelhade-elefante (Opuntia sp.. Foram utilizados 20 animais mestiços, sendo dez caprinos e dez ovinos, alojados em galpão coletivo, contidos individualmente por meio de cordas, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em um arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 (duas espécies animais e duas variedades de palma. As observações comportamentais foram realizadas em intervalos de 5 min. por um período de 24h. Os consumos de matéria seca, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergenteácido, carboidratos totais e carboidratos não-fibrosos foram menores (p 0,05 sobre o tempo gasto comalimentação e eficiência de alimentação. O tempo gasto com ruminação foi maior para a dieta com palma Gigante, consequentemente os animais da dieta com palma Orelha-de-elefante permaneceram mais tempo em ócio. Comparando as espécies caprina e ovina, verificou-se que aeficiência de ruminação, tanto de MS quanto de FDN, foi maior para a espécie ovina. Os animais gastaram mais tempo ruminando deitados do que em pé, mas não foi verificada diferença quanto ao lado escolhido para deitarem.The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp.. Twenty crossbred animals – 10 sheep and 10 goats – were used. They were lodged in a collective shed, contained individually with ropes, distributed using a completely randomized design, and treated with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (2 animal species and 2 varieties of cactus. Behavioralobservations were made at five-minute intervals during a 24-hour period. Dry matter, ether extract, acid detergent fiber, total carbohydrate and non-fibrous carbohydrate intake were reduced (p 0.05 on feeding time and feeding efficiency. The time spent with

  11. Equilíbrio higroscópico da palma forrageira: relação com a umidade ótima para fermentação sólida Hygroscopic equilibrium of the cactus pear: relation with the optimum moisture for the solid fermentation

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    Lúcia de F. Araújo


    Full Text Available No estudo do processo de enriquecimento protéico da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill através da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae em meio semi-sólido, a atividade de água é uma das variáveis que mais afetam não apenas o processo fermentativo mas, também, o armazenamento desse enriquecido; desta forma, o presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de se obter isotermas de dessorção da cactácea palma forrageira, nas temperaturas usuais dos processos das fermentações, 30, 35 e 40 oC, de modo a correlacionar atividade de água e umidade. As isotermas obtidas foram analisadas mediante os modelos de GAB e BET sendo que, em geral, o modelo de GAB foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados experimentais. A partir das isotermas obtidas, encontraram-se as faixas de umidades adequadas para obtenção das atividades de água recomendadas para o processo fermentativo e durante o armazenamento do enriquecido.In the study of the protein enrichment process of the cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill through the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in semi-solid state fermentation, the water activity is one of the variables that most affects the fermentation process as well as the storage. The present work had the objective of obtaining isotherms of sorption of the cactus pear, in the usual temperatures of the fermentations processes, 30, 35 and 40 oC, in order to correlate water activity and moisture content. The obtained isotherms were analyzed by the GAB and BET models, the GAB model being, in general, the one that adjusted better to the experimental data. The isotherms allowed to find appropriate moisture content to obtain the water activities recommended for the fermentation process as well as during the storage of this enriched product.

  12. Palma Forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill em Substituição à Silagem de Sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench na Alimentação de Vacas Leiteiras Replacement of Forage Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill for Sorghum Silage (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench in the Dairy Cows Feeding

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    Walmir Lima Wanderley


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de vacas da raça Holandesa em lactação, alimentadas com rações contendo diferentes níveis (0, 12, 24 e 36% de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill em substituição à silagem de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench. Foram utilizadas oito vacas distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos (4x4. Cada período experimental teve duração de 21 dias, sendo 14 destinados à adaptação dos animais às rações e sete para coleta. Os consumos de matéria seca (MS, em kg/dia, % de PV e em relação ao peso metabólico (g/kg0,75, e matéria orgânica e carboidratos totais, expressos em kg/dia, não foram influenciados pela adição de palma na ração, apresentando valores médios de 20,18; 3,41; 167,80; 18,86; e 14,85, respectivamente. O consumo de carboidratos não-fibrosos, em kg/dia, aumentou, e os de fibra em detergente neutro, em kg/dia e % de PV, fibra em detergente ácido; proteína bruta e extrato etéreo, expressos em kg/dia, diminuíram linearmente com a inclusão de palma na ração. O consumo de sódio não foi influenciado pela adição de palma na ração, com valor médio de 29,45g/dia. Os consumos de potássio e magnésio aumentaram e o de fósforo diminuiu linearmente com a adição de palma na ração. Não houve efeito da inclusão de palma sobre a produção de leite com e sem correção para 3,5% de gordura, cujos valores médios foram de 25,01 e 26,97kg/dia, respectivamente. O teor de gordura do leite foi influenciado de forma quadrática, sendo o teor máximo estimado em 4,08%, com 20,51% de palma na ração. A conversão alimentar aumentou linearmente com a inclusão de palma.The experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of lactating Holstein cows fed diet with different replacement levels (0, 12, 24 and 36% of forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill for sorghum silage (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench. Eight cows were assigned to a two 4x4 latin

  13. Modelagem matemática da desidratação osmo-convectiva da palma forrageira (Opuntia fícus-indica Mill utilizando soluções mistas

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    E. T. Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se nesse estudo avaliar a influência de pré-tratamentos osmóticos utilizando secagem convectiva complementar no processo de perda de água, ganho de sólidos e nos parâmetros de qualidade (cor, atividade de água e textura de cladódios de palma forrageira. O Cladódio foi submetido à desidratação osmótica utilizando soluções mistas contendo 5% de NaCl e concentrações de sacarose de 50 e 60 °Brix, em diferentes proporções palma/solução (1:1, 1:4 e 1:10 a 40°C. Posteriormente foi realizada secagem convectiva a 50 e 60 °C. Foram utilizados, para ajuste aos dados experimentais da secagem, os modelos matemáticos de Page, Henderson & Pabis, Cavancanti Mata, Exponencial de Dois Termos e Midilli. O cladódio de palma in natura e desidratado foi caracterizado quanto aos parâmetros de cor, atividade de água e textura. O aumento da perda de massa foi proporcional ao aumento da proporção cladódio/solução utilizada na desidratação osmótica e o ganho de sólidos foi maior para a concentração de 50 °Brix. O modelo matemático de Midilli foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados experimentais. Os parâmetros de cor, atividade de água e textura foram modificados pelas condições de desidratação osmótica e de secagem as quais o cladódio de palma foi submetido. O cladódio desidratado a 50 °C apresentou melhor preservação da cor, maior resistência ao corte e menor atividade de água.  Mathematical modeling of osmo-convective dehydration of the cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill using mixed solutionsAbstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of osmotic pre-treatments with complementary convective drying in the water loss process and solids gain of cactus pear cladodes, to obtain palm for human consumption. The cladode was subjected to osmotic dehydration using mixed solutions containing 5% NaCl and sugar concentrations of 50 and 60 °Brix in different proportions palm/solution (1:1, 1

  14. Consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill e palma orelha-de-elefante (Opuntia sp. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i2.4684 Intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i2.4684

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    Valéria Louro Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma Gigante (Opuntia fícus-indica Mill e palma Orelha-de-elefante (Opuntia sp.. Foram utilizados 20 animais mestiços, sendo dez caprinos e dez ovinos, alojados em galpão coletivo, contidos individualmente por meio de cordas, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em um arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 (duas espécies animais e duas variedades de palma. As observações comportamentais foram realizadas em intervalos de 5 min. por um período de 24h. Os consumos de matéria seca, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente ácido, carboidratos totais e carboidratos não-fibrosos foram menores (p 0,05 sobre o tempo gasto com alimentação e eficiência de alimentação. O tempo gasto com ruminação foi maior para a dieta com palma Gigante, consequentemente os animais da dieta com palma Orelha-de-elefante permaneceram mais tempo em ócio. Comparando as espécies caprina e ovina, verificou-se que a eficiência de ruminação, tanto de MS quanto de FDN, foi maior para a espécie ovina. Os animais gastaram mais tempo ruminando deitados do que em pé, mas não foi verificada diferença quanto ao lado escolhido para deitarem.The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp.. Twenty crossbred animals – 10 sheep and 10 goats – were used. They were lodged in a collective shed, contained individually with ropes, distributed using a completely randomized design, and treated with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (2 animal species and 2 varieties of cactus. Behavioral observations were made at five-minute intervals during a 24-hour period. Dry matter, ether extract, acid detergent fiber, total carbohydrate and non-fibrous carbohydrate intake were reduced (p 0.05 on feeding time and feeding efficiency. The time

  15. Utilização de Três Fontes de Nitrogênio Associadas à Palma Forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica, Mill. Cv. Gigante na Suplementação de Vacas Leiteiras Mantidas em Pasto Diferido

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    Albuquerque Samuel Salgado Cavalcanti de


    Full Text Available O fornecimento da palma forrageira como único alimento não atende as necessidades nutricionais do rebanho, notadamente em proteína e fibra. Nesta pesquisa avaliaram-se fontes de suplementação protéica sobre o desempenho de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com palma e pasto diferido, durante a estação seca, bem como a composição botânica da pastagem. Testaram-se três tratamentos: T1 = pasto diferido (PD + palma + cama de aviário; T2 = PD + palma + farelo de soja e T3 = PD + palma + uréia/sulfato de amônio, em um delineamento de blocos casualizados. Utilizaram-se 12 vacas mestiças 5/8 Holando-Zebu, com produção média de leite de 5,6 kg/dia/vaca e peso vivo (PV médio de 452 kg. O experimento teve duração de 121 dias, sendo 21 dias de período de adaptação. Os resultados para produção de leite in natura (3,38, 5,33 e 3,38 kg/vaca/dia, produção de leite corrigido para 4% de gordura (3,15, 4,98 e 3,11 kg/vaca/dia, variação de peso vivo (-351, 77 e -401 g/vaca/dia e consumo in natura de palma (26,3, 37,8 e 26,3 kg/vaca/dia, para T1, T2 e T3, respectivamente, demonstraram a superioridade do farelo de soja como fonte protéica, em relação aos demais tratamentos. No pasto diferido foram identificados 18 famílias, 32 gêneros e 36 espécies. O capim-milhã (Brachiaria plantaginea (Link Hitch foi o componente de maior participação na composição botânica da pastagem (28,72%.

  16. Substituição do milho por palma forrageira em dietas completas para vacas em lactação Replacement of corn by forage cactus in the total mixed rations for crossbreed lactating cows

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    Paulo Renato Barros Araújo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este experimento, avaliar o efeito da substituição do milho por palma forrageira sobre o desempenho de vacas mestiças em lactação e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes. Foram utilizadas oito vacas mestiças (5/8 HZ, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos 4 x 4 em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (duas cultivares de palma forrageira, com ou sem milho. Não houve interação entre palma e milho e o efeito dos dois alimentos foi analisado de forma isolada. Os consumos de matéria seca, de fibra em detergente ácido, dematéria orgânica, de proteína bruta, de extrato etéreo e de carboidratos totais não foram influenciados pelas cultivares de palma utilizadas. Animais que receberam palma gigante nas dietas apresentaram maior consumo de fibra em detergente neutro. As dietas com milho proporcionaram maior consumo de matéria seca (kg/dia e % de PV. O consumo de NDT, os coeficientes de digestibilidade de todos os nutrientes, a produção de leite corrigida, o teor de gordura e a eficiência alimentar não foram influenciados pelas cultivares de palma forrageira ou pela inclusão milho.The experiment was conduced to evaluate the effects of corn replacement for forage cactus on the performance of crossbreed lactating cows and nutrient digestibility. Eight cows were assigned a two latin square design in a factorial 2 x 2 arrangement (two forage cactus cultivars, with or without corn.There was not interaction between forage cactus and corn and the effect of both were analyzed in an isolated way. The intake of dry matter, organic matter, acid detergent fiber, crude protein, ether extract and total carbohydrates were not affected by the forage cactus. Animals that received giant cultivar presented larger neutral detergent fiber intake. The diets with corn presented larger dry matter intake (kg/day and % of LW. The intake of TDN, the coefficients of digestibility of all nutrients, the fat corrected milk production, fat content and kg of milk

  17. Caracterização biométrica de artículos da palma miúda (Nopalea cochenillifera em função da adubação orgânica

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    Maria de Lourdes Saturnino Gomes


    Full Text Available A palma forrageira é a cultura xerófila com maior potencial de exploração no Nordeste. Porém a variedade mais produzida, a palma gigante (Opuntia fícus indica (Mill. mostrou-se vulnerável a praga cochonilha-do-carmim, sendo, necessários testes com variedades resistentes à referida praga. Objetivou-se com este trabalho caracterizar os cladódios da palma forrageira (Nopalea cochenilifera Salm Dyck variedade miúda, plantada com cladódios de diferentes tamanhos e adubos orgânicos – o bovino e ovino irrigada com 2,5L.m-1 linear. O experimento foi conduzido no Distrito de Santa Luzia do Seridó, Município de Picuí-PB, entre maio de 2013 e dezembro de 2013. Adotou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 6 tratamentos e três repetições, em esquema fatorial 3x2: três tamanhos de cladódios: 15; 20 e 25 cm e duas adubações orgânica: esterco bovino e ovino. Procederam-se as seguintes avaliações: altura da planta, comprimento, largura, perímetro, espessura e área do cladódio a cada trinta dias entre 180 e 210 Dias Após o Plantio (DAP. O esterco ovino obteve maior desempenho para altura de planta. O esterco bovino incrementou as medidas dos cladódios primários. O esterco ovino obteve maior desempenho nas medidas dos cladódios secundários.  O cladódio de 25cm em função do esterco ovino obteve um índice biométrico superior.

  18. Substituição total do milho e parcial do feno do capim-tifton por palma forrageira em dietas para vacas em lactação. Produção, composição do leite e custos com alimentação Effects of replacing corn and Tifton hay with forage cactus on milk production and composition of lactating dairy cows

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    Veronaldo Souza de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de dietas com teores crescentes de palma forrageira sobre a produção, a composição do leite e o perfil dos ácidos graxos do leite de vacas holandesas em lactação. Os animais (583 ± 7,07 kg foram alimentados com dietas formuladas com diferentes níveis (0; 12,0; 25,0; 38,0 e 51,0% de palma forrageira (Opuntia fícus indica Mill em substituição total ao milho (Zea mays L. e em substituição parcial ao feno de capim-tifton (Cynodon spp. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5 x 5. Cada período experimental teve duração de 17 dias, dez para adaptação dos animais à dieta e sete para coleta de dados. A produção de leite, total (kg/dia e corrigida para 3,5% de gordura (kg/dia, o teor de gordura (% e a produção de gordura (kg/dia do leite (20,65; 19,76; 3,73 e 0,745, respectivamente não foram influenciados pela introdução de palma nas dietas. O perfil de ácidos graxos da gordura do leite não foi influenciado (quanto aos ácidos cáprico, láurico, mirístico, linoléico, linolênico e araquídico pelos níveis de palma na dieta, entretanto, houve aumento linear dos ácidos de cadeia intermediária (palmítico e palmitoléico e tendência inversa para os ácidos esteárico e oléico. A inclusão de palma forrageira em substituição ao milho e parte do feno de capim-tifton para vacas holandesas em lactação não influenciou a produção e a composição do leite, exceto a concentração dos ácidos graxos de cadeia longa, que apresentou comportamento linear decrescente.The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of replacing Tifton hay and corn with forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill on milk production and composition and milk fatty acid profile in lactating Holstein cows. Animals averaged 583 ± 7.07 kg of body weight in the beginning of the trial and were fed diets containing (% of DM: 0, 12.0, 25.0, 38.0 or 51

  19. Efeito da adubação e do uso de nematicida na composição química da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill Fertilization and nematicide effects on the chemical composition of cactus forage cv. "Gigante"

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    Margareth Maria Teles


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Zootecnia da UFRPE, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da adubação e de nematicida na composição da palma forrageira cv. gigante, com sintoma de amarelecimento. Para o plantio utilizaram-se cladódios de cor amarela de palma (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill. Cv. Gigante provenientes da Estação Experimental de Caruaru - IPA, onde foi observado o amarelecimento das plantas. Os tratamentos constaram da presença e ausência de macronutrientes, micronutrientes e de nematicida, em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para teores de matéria seca, de K, de Ca e de Mg. Para teores de N, de P e de S, a análise de variância revelou diferença significativa. A média geral para teores de MS, N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S foi de 7,29; 1,19; 0,17; 3,31; 1,84; 0,59 e 0,17%, respectivamente. A adição de micronutrientes e de nematicida não influenciou os resultados obtidos para teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Os teores de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio foram superiores nos cladódios mais jovens da planta. Os nutrientes nitrogênio, fósforo e enxofre foram os únicos que influenciaram a composição química.This experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the Animal Science Department/UFRPE and aimed to evaluate the fertilization and nematicide effects on the chemical composition of cactus forage cv. "Gigante" suffering chlorotic symptoms. Chlorotic cladodes of Cactus forage cv. "Gigante" were used as planting material and they were collected at the Caruaru Experimental Station/IPA in the same location where those symptoms were previously observed. The treatments tested the presence or absence of macronutrients, micronutrients, and nematicide. A completely randomized block design was used and the treatments were replicated four times. No significant differences were found for dry matter

  20. Comportamento ingestivo de vacas em lactação e de ovinos alimentados com dietas contendo palma forrageira Ingestive behavior of lactating cows and sheep fed diets with spineless cactus

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    Safira Valença Bispo


    Full Text Available Foram realizados dois experimentos, o primeiro com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira e o segundo para avaliar o efeito da substituição total do milho, e parcial da soja, por palma e ureia sobre o comportamento ingestivo de ovinos e de vacas em lactação, respectivamente. No experimento 1, foram utilizados cinco ovinos machos, não-castrados, sem raça definida, com peso médio de 25,8 kg, distribuídos em quadrado latino 5 x 5. No experimento 2, foram utilizadas 8 vacas em lactação, com produção média inicial de 14 kg leite/dia, distribuídas em dois quadrados latino 4 x 4. A observação dos dados comportamentais foi realizada visualmente, durante 24 horas, em ambos os experimentos. No experimento 1, com a inclusão da palma forrageira, os consumos de matéria seca, o tempo de alimentação e as eficiências de ruminação aumentaram linearmente, ao passo que o tempo de ruminação reduziu, linearmente também; o consumo de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN e as eficiências de alimentação apresentaram comportamento quadrático. No experimento 2, a inclusão de palma e ureia não influenciou os consumos de matéria seca e FDN nem os tempos de alimentação e ruminação e as eficiências de alimentação e de ruminação (kgMS/hora, no entanto, a eficiência de ruminação (kg FDN/hora apresentou comportamento quadrático. O tempo de mastigação total e o tempo de ócio não foram influenciados pela inclusão de palma na dieta nos dois experimentos. Recomenda-se para ração de ruminantes com alta proporção de palma forrageira a inclusão de uma fonte de fibra fisicamente efetiva.It was carried out two experiments, the first aiming to assess the effect of substituting elephant grass hay by spineless cactus and the second to evaluate the total replacement of corn and partial replacement of soybean by cactus and urea regarding to the ingestion behavior of sheep and lactating

  1. Qualidade pós-colheita em brotos de palma de diferentes cultivares

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    Daniel Pereira Lima


    Full Text Available A palma pertencente à família das cactáceas, sendo de origem mexicana. No Nordeste brasileiro, o broto de palma faz parte da dieta alimentar da população de alguns municípios. Com isso objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita dos brotos de palma proveniente de diferentes cultivares. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Centro de Ciências e Humanas Sociais e Agrárias, Bananeiras, Paraíba, pertencente à Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Foram utilizados brotos das cultivares Gigante (Opuntia ficus indica Mill., Redonda (Opuntia ficus indica L., Orelha de Elefante (Opuntia tuna (L. Mill. e Miúda (Nopalea cochenillifera (L. Salm-Dyck. Os brotos foram colhidos em propriedades rurais às 6:00 horas e transportados ao laboratório, onde foram eliminados os acúleos e lavados. Realizou-se as análises em triplicata dos teores de ácido ascórbico (AA, de acidez titulável (AT e de sólidos solúveis (SS, pH, umidade e condutividade elétrica. Os brotos de palma da variedade Gigante foram os que apresentaram as melhores características, atribuído ao maior conteúdo de ácido ascórbico e ao melhor equilíbrio entre os açúcares (SS e os ácidos (AT.

  2. Digestibilidade e absorção aparentes em vacas da raça holandesa alimentadas com palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica mill em substituição à silagem de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L. moench Apparent digestibility and absorption od holstein cows fed diets with forage cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica mill in replacement of sorghum silage (Sorghum bicolor (L. moench

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    Dulciene Karla Bezerra de Andrade


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o efeito de quatro níveis (0, 12, 24 e 36% de palma forrageira em substituição à silagem de sorgo, na ração de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação, sobre a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (DAMS, da matéria orgânica (DAMO, da proteína bruta (DAPB, do extrato etéreo (DAEE, da fibra em detergente neutro (DAFDN, da fibra em detergente ácido (DAFDA, dos carboidratos totais (DACHT e dos carboidratos não-fibrosos (DACNF, o teor de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT e os coeficientes de absorção aparente de cálcio (Ca, fósforo (P, potássio (K e sódio (Na. Foram utilizadas oito vacas, com peso médio de 590 kg e produção média de leite de 27 kg/dia, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos simultâneos (4x4, sendo quatro animais, quatro períodos e quatro níveis de inclusão de palma na ração. A inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta influenciou a digestibilidade aparente de todos os nutrientes, sendo descrito por função quadrática. Foi possível estimar por intermédio desta função um teor máximo de NDT de 77,43% para utilização de 16,51% de palma na dieta. O aumento nos teores de CNF e a redução da FDN das rações foram responsáveis pelo comportamento quadrático na digestibilidade dos nutrientes. As absorções aparentes de Ca, P e Na foram influenciadas quadraticamente com o aumento dos níveis de palma na ração, enquanto o K aumentou linearmente. A relação Ca:P que proporcionou a melhor absorção desses elementos minerais foi de 1,9:1.It was evaluated the effect of four levels forage cactus in replacement of sorghum silage, in diets of lactating Holstein cows, on the apparent digestibility of dry matter (ADDM, organic matter (ADOM, crude protein (ADCP, ether extract (ADEE, neutral detergent fiber (ADNDF and acid (ADADF, total carbohydrates (ADTCH and nonfiber carbohydrates (ADNFC, content of total digestible nutrients (TDN and apparent absorption of calcium (Ca, phosphorus (P

  3. Manejo de colheita e espaçamento da palma-forrageira, em consórcio com sorgo granífero, no Agreste de Pernambuco Harvest managing and plant spacing of spinelles fodder cactus, under grain sorghum intercropping at the semi-arid region of Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado na zona semi-árida de Pernambuco e teve como objetivo investigar o efeito de espaçamento, e a freqüência e intensidade de colheitas da palma-forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. consorciada com sorgo granífero (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas, sendo os espaçamentos alocados nas parcelas principais, e as freqüências e intensidades de colheitas, nas subparcelas. Os resultados são de um período de 12 anos, e as produções de matéria seca de palma, de grãos e restolhos de sorgo foram: 5,23, 1,65 e 2,07; 4,51, 1,30 e 2,10; 2,75, 1,97 e 3,51 t/ha/ano, em espaçamentos de 2,0 m x 1,0 m; 3,0 m x 1,0 m x 0,50 m e 7,0 m x 1,0 m x 0,50 m, respectivamente. A produção de matéria seca foi diferente entre as freqüências de corte, quando foram conservados os artículos primários: 4,08 t/ha/ano na freqüência de quatro anos, e de 3,43 t/ha/ano na freqüência de dois anos. A produção de palma aumentou com o período de crescimento da planta, nas duas intensidades de corte estudadas. A composição química dos artículos de palma e dos restolhos de sorgo foi pouco afetada pelos tratamentos.This trial was carried out in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco, aiming to study plant spacing and harvest frequencies and intensities of forage cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.. An experimental design in a split plot design was applied, in which plant spacing were used as the main plots and harvest frequencies and intensities as the subplots. Results presented in this work are related to a twelve-year period. The dry matter yields of forage cactus, sorghum grains and stover were: 5.23, 1.65 and 2.07; 4.51, 1.30 and 2.10; 2.75, 1.97 and 3.5 ton/ha/year, for plant spacing 2.0 m x 1.0 m; 3.0 m x 1.0 m x 0.50 m and 7.0 m x 1.0 m x 0.50 m, respectively. Dry matter yield was different between harvest frequencies, when primary articles were conserved: 4

  4. Substituição do milho por farelo de palma forrageira em dietas de ovinos em crescimento: desempenho Replacement of corn by forage cactus meal in growing lambs diets: performance

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    Robson Magno Liberal Véras


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar quatro níveis de substituição do milho (0; 33; 67 e 100% pelo farelo de palma forrageira sobre o desempenho de ovinos em crescimento terminados em confinamento. Vinte carneiros mestiços Santa Inês foram distribuídos em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos (níveis de substituição do milho pelo farelo de palma e cinco repetições. Além do milho e/ou farelo de palma, os animais receberam feno de Tifton (Cynodon dactylon, como volumoso, farelo de soja, calcário e sal mineral. O ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar diminuíram, enquanto os consumos de FDN e de FDA aumentaram linearmente com a substituição. Os consumos de matéria seca, de proteína bruta, de matéria orgânica e de carboidratos totais e o rendimento de carcaça não foram influenciados pela substituição do milho pelo farelo de palma.The objective of this work was to evaluate four corn replacement levels (0, 33, 67 and 100% by forage cactus meal on performance of feedlot growing lambs. Twenty crossbred lambs were allotted to a completely randomized block design with four treatments (replacement of corn by forage cactus meal and five replications. Besides corn and/or forage cactus meal, the animals were fed Tifton hay (Cynodon dactylon, as forage, soybean meal, limestone and mineral salt. Weight gain and feed:gain ratio decreased and intakes of NDF and ADF increased linearly with corn replacement. The intakes of dry matter, crude protein, organic matter and total carbohydrates and carcass yield were not affected by replacement of corn by forage cactus meal.

  5. Palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill e uréia em substituição ao feno de capim tifton (Cynodon spp em dietas de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação. 1. Digestibilidade = Forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill and urea in replacement of tifton hay (Cynodon spp in lactating Holstein cows diet. 1. Digestibility

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    Carmem Valéria de Araújo Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o efeito de quatro níveis (0%; 12,5%; 25%; 37,5%; e 50% de palma forrageira e uréia em substituição ao feno de capim tifton, na ração de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação sobre a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (DAMS, da matéria orgânica(DAMO, da fibra em detergente neutro (DAFDN, da proteína bruta (DAPB, dos carboidratos totais (DACHOT e dos carboidratos não fibrosos (DACNF. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas, com peso médio de 480 kg e produção média de leite de 20 kg/dia, distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5x5. As DAMS, DAMO, DACHOT e DACNF aumentaram, aDAFDN diminuiu linearmente e a DAPB não foi influenciada com o aumento dos níveis de palma e uréia na dieta. Os nutrientes digestíveis totais de mantença, a energia digestível de lactação, energia metabolizável de lactação e energia líquida de lactação aumentaram à medida que eram incluídas palma e uréia na dieta.The effect of five levels forage cactus and urea (0.0, 12.5, 25.0, 37.5 and 50% in replacement of tifton hay in lactating Holstein cows diets, on the apparent digestibility of dry matter (ADDM, organic matter (ADOM, neutral detergent fiber (ADNDF, crude protein (ADCP, total carbohydrates (ADTC and nonfiber carbohydrates (ADNFC were evaluated. Five Holstein cows weighing on average 480 kg and with an average milk yield of 20 kg of milk/day were used in a 5x5 Latin square design. The DM, OM, TC and NFC apparent digestibility increased while NDF apparent digestibility decreased linearly and the CP apparent digestibility was not affected by the inclusion of forage cactus and urea. The total digestible nutrients of maintenance,digestible energy of lactation, metabolizing energy of lactation and liquid energy of lactation increased as the forage cactus and urea levels increased.

  6. Substituição do milho por palma forrageira: comportamento ingestivo de vacas mestiças em lactação - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v25i2.2029 Replacement of the corn by forage cactus: Ingestive behavior of crossbreed lactating cows - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v25i2.2029

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    Maria Adélia Oliveira Monteiro Cruz


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito da substituição do milho por palma forrageira sobre o comportamento ingestivo de 8 vacas 5/8 Holandês-Zebu, distribuídas em 2 quadrados latinos 4 x 4. Os tratamentos consistiram na combinação fatorial de 2 cultivares de palma (miúda e gigante e 2 níveis de milho (com e sem. Não houve interação entre palma e milho (p > 0,05. As vacas que consumiram palma gigante gastaram mais tempo para se alimentar e as que consumiram palma miúda permanecerem maior tempo descansando (p The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of replacement of corn by forage cactus on the ingestive behavior of eight crossbreed cows, assigned to a two 4 x 4 Latin square design. The treatments were a factorial 2 x 2 arrangement (two cultivars of forage cactus and two corn levels, with and without. There wasn’t interaction between forage cactus and corn (p > 0,05. The cows that consumed giant forage cactus spent more time eating and those that consumed small forage cactus spent more time resting (p < 0,01. The intake of water was lower for the animals that consumed diets with giant forage cactus and without corn (p < 0,01.

  7. Substituição do milho e do feno de capim-tifton por palma forrageira. Produção de proteína microbiana e excreção de uréia e de derivados de purina em vacas lactantes Effects of replacing of corn and Tifton hay with forage cactus on microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen metabolism in lactating dairy cows

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    Veronaldo Souza de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com os objetivos de estimar a produção e a eficiência de síntese de proteína microbiana utilizando-se a excreção total de derivados de purinas (DP e avaliar as concentrações de uréia na urina, de uréia e N-uréia no plasma e no leite de vacas holandesas em lactação alimentadas com dietas formuladas com diferentes níveis (0; 12,0; 25,0; 38,0 e 51,0% de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill em substituição total ao milho (Zea mays L. e parcial ao feno de capim-tifton (Cynodon spp. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas holandesas distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5 x 5. Cada período experimental teve duração de 17 dias, dez para adaptação dos animais à dieta e sete para coleta de dados. O volume urinário foi estimado em amostras spot de urina obtidas 4 horas após a alimentação. O volume urinário (27,62 L, a excreção urinária de ácido úrico (35,78 mmol/dia, alantoína na urina (288,42 mmol/dia, alantoína no leite (18,11 mmol/dia e alantoína total (306,54 mmol/dia, a excreção de derivados de purina total (342,33 mmol/dia e de purinas absorvidas (350,03 mmol/dia, a síntese de proteína microbiana (1.376,07g/dia e a eficiência da síntese de proteína microbiana (115,38 g/kgNDTconsumido não foram afetados pela substituição do milho e do feno de tifton por palma na dieta. A excreção de uréia na urina (mg/kg PV e as concentrações de uréia e N-uréia no plasma (mg/dL decresceram de forma linear, enquanto a excreção e as concentrações de uréia e N-uréia no leite e de glicose plasmática não foram influenciadas pelos níveis de palma na dieta. O milho pode ser substituído integralmente e o feno, parcialmente, por palma forrageira em dietas para vacas holandesas em lactação, pois a substituição não afetou a produção de proteína microbiana ou as perdas do nitrogênio dietético pela excreção de uréia.The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of replacing

  8. Efeitos da substituição do feno de capim-tifton e do farelo de milho pela palma forrageira e pelo farelo de soja sobre a ingestão de alimentos e parâmetros fisiológicos - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v27i4.1149 Effect of the replacement of Tifton grass hay and the corn meal by forage cactus and soybean meal on the ingestion of foods and physiological parameters - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v27i4.1149

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    Veronaldo Oliveira


    Full Text Available O experimento objetivou avaliar o comportamento ingestivo de vacas leiteiras da raça Holandesa em lactação, alimentadas com rações contendo diferentes níveis (0; 12,0; 25,0; 38,0 e 51,0% de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill. Foram utilizadas 5 vacas, distribuídas em delineamento de quadrado latino. As variáveis comportamentais foram observadas a intervalos de 5 minutos, em 24 horas. Os registros de temperatura ambiente, umidade relativa do ar, temperatura retal e freqüência respiratória foram efetuados pela manhã e à tarde. A inclusão de palma influenciou linearmente os tempos de ruminação (redução e ócio (aumento; quadraticamente o consumo de matéria seca (CMS e a eficiência de alimentação e de ruminação em função do CMS e linearmente decrescente o consumo de fibra em detergente neutro (CFDN, a eficiência de ruminação e alimentação em função do CFDN. A temperatura retal no turno da tarde e a ingestão de água diminuíram linearmenteThe experiment was conducted to evaluate the ingestive behavior of lactating Holstein cows fed diet with different replacement levels (0; 12.9; 25.8; 38.7 e 51.6% of forage cactus (Opuntia fícus indica, Mill. Five cows were assigned to a 5x5 square design. The registration of variables behaviors was accomplished in a visual way, at intervals of five minutes, in 24 hours. The registration of room temperature, humidity relative, rectal temperature and respiratory frequency were performed in the morning and in the afternoon. The rumination time decreased linearly and resting increased linearly; the dry matter intake (DMI, the rumination and feeding efficiency in function of DMI had quadratic behavior; the fiber neutral detergent intake (FNDI, the rumination and feeding efficiency in function of FNDI decreased linearly; the rectal temperature in the afternoon and the water intake decreased linearly, in function of forage cactus levels in the diet

  9. Características morfométricas e rendimento da palma forrageira ‘Gigante’ sob diferentes adubações e configurações de plantio

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    M. C. Padilha Junior


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar as características morfométricas e de rendimento da palma forrageira 'Gigante' submetida a diferentes tipos de adubação orgânica, química e organomineral e configurações de plantio. O experimento foi instalado em LATOSSOLO Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, num delineamento em blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. As parcelas constituídas por duas configurações de plantio: 1 24.0000 plantas ha-1, dispostas em fileira tripla, no espaçamento 3,00 x 1,00 x 0,25 m; 2 26.666 plantas ha-1, dispostas em fileira quádrupla, no espaçamento 3,00 x 1,00 x 0,25 m; as subparcelas compostas por 12 tipos de adubação orgânica, química e organomineral. Aos 650 DAP mensuraram-se altura da planta, número, comprimento, largura e índice de área de cladódios, produção de matéria verde e seca e teor de matéria seca. As características morfométricas, o teor de matéria seca e a produção de massa verde e matéria seca foram influenciadas pelas adubações (P<0,05, independentemente da configuração utilizada. Das características morfométricas apenas a largura e área do cladódio não foram influenciadas pelas adubações. A ausência de adubação ou apenas 30 Mg ha-1 ano-1 de esterco bovino são insuficientes para obter resultados satisfatórios com palma forrageira ‘Gigante’.Morphometric traits and yield of forage cactus 'Gigante' under different fertilization and planting settingsAbstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphometric characteristics and yield of 'Gigante' forage cactus subjected to different types of organic, chemical, and organic mineral fertilizers and planting configurations. The experiment was installed in a dystrophic Red-Yellow LATOSOL (Oxisol, in a randomized block design, in a split plot design parcel, with three replications. The plots consist of two plant configurations: 1 24.0000 pl ha-1, arranged in

  10. Desenvolvimento de Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill., em diferentes substratos, após micropropagação in vitro = The development of Opuntia ficus-indica (L mill., in different substrates, after in vitro micropropagation

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    Márcio José Alves Peixoto


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento de Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill, em diferentes substratos, utilizaram-se plantas micropropagadas nas seguintes etapas: indução, crescimento, multiplicação e enraizamento dos brotos. Após o enraizamento, asplântulas foram aclimatizadas em casa de vegetação, usando-se os seguintes substratos: solo não adubado, solo adubado de acordo com análise de solo, solo + pó de coco (1:1 e 2:1, solo + esterco de bovino (1:1 e 2:1, solo + bioadubo (1:1 e 2:1, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com quatro repetições. As plântulas possuíam entre 1 a 2 cm de comprimento e foram enterradas a dois terços no solo. Semanalmente, foram medidas as alturas das plantas e contado o número de brotações. Verificou-se diferença significativa ao nível de 5% de probabilidade pelo Teste t quando comparados os efeitos dos diferentes substratos. Conclui-se que deve-se utilizar o substrato à base de esterco bovino na aclimatização da palma forrageira.The study aimed to evaluate the development of Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill, in different substrates, using micropropagated plants in the following stages: induction, growth, multiplication and bud rooting. After rooting, seedlings were acclimatized in greenhouse, by means of the following potting mixture: unfertilized soil, fertilized soil according to soil analysis, soil + coconut dust (1:1 and 2:1, soil + bovine manure (1:1 and 2:1, soil + biofertilizer (1:1 and 2:1, randomly applied with four replications. The seedlings had between 1 and 2 cm of length and were planted two thirds under the soil. There were weekly measures of the plants’ height and the number of shoots. Significant difference to the level of 5% of probability for test was verified when comparing the effects of different substrates. Results show that the potting mixture must be based onbovine manure in the acclimatization of palm grass.

  11. Palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill e uréia em substituição ao feno de capim tifton (Cynodon spp em dietas de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação. 1. Digestibilidade - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i2.638 Forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill and urea in replacement of tifton hay (Cynodon spp in lactating Holstein cows diet. 1. Digestibility - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i2.638

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    Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Veras


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o efeito de quatro níveis (0; 12,5; 25; 37,5; e 50% de palma forrageira e uréia em substituição ao feno de capim tifton, na ração de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação sobre a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (DAMS, da matéria orgânica (DAMO, da fibra em detergente neutro (DAFDN, da proteína bruta (DAPB, dos carboidratos totais (DACHOT e dos carboidratos não fibrosos (DACNF. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas, com peso médio de 480 kg e produção média de leite de 20 kg/dia, distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5x5. As DAMS, DAMO, DACHOT e DACNF aumentaram, a DAFDN diminuiu linearmente e a DAPB não foi influenciada com o aumento dos níveis de palma e uréia na dieta. Os nutrientes digestíveis totais de mantença, a energia digestível de lactação, energia metabolizável de lactação e energia líquida de lactação aumentaram à medida que eram incluídas palma e uréia na dieta.The effect of five levels forage cactus and urea (0.0, 12.5, 25.0, 37.5 and 50% in replacement of tifton hay in lactating Holstein cows diets, on the apparent digestibility of dry matter (ADDM, organic matter (ADOM, neutral detergent fiber (ADNDF, crude protein (ADCP, total carbohydrates (ADTC and nonfiber carbohydrates (ADNFC were evaluated. Five Holstein cows weighing on average 480 kg and with an average milk yield of 20 kg of milk/day were used in a 5x5 Latin square design. The DM, OM, TC and NFC apparent digestibility increased while NDF apparent digestibility decreased linearly and the CP apparent digestibility was not affected by the inclusion of forage cactus and urea. The total digestible nutrients of maintenance, digestible energy of lactation, metabolizing energy of lactation and liquid energy of lactation increased as the forage cactus and urea levels increased.

  12. Proliferação e enraizamento in vitro de brotos de palma forrageira - Opuntia ficus-indica (L. MILL - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v26i2.1641 Proliferation and rooting in vitro of buds of palm grass Opuntia ficusindica (L. MILL - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v26i2.1641

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    Francisco de Assis Paiva Campos


    Full Text Available O trabalho foi conduzido no Departamento de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular da Universidade Federal do Ceará com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do 6- benzilaminopurina (BAP e do ácido indolacético (AIA na proliferação e no enraizamento in vitro de brotos da palma forrageira. Os explantes foram incubados no meio de cultura com sais e vitaminas MS, suplementados com 5% de sacarose, 0,8% de ágar e pH 5,85. Para a proliferação, os brotos foram inoculados em placas de Petri contendo o meio de cultura em diferentes concentrações de BAP. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial de 10 x 3, com 3 repetições. No enraizamento, os brotos foram inoculados no meio de cultura contendo diferentes concentrações de AIA. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial de 10 x 3, com 3 repetições. Concluiu-se que os melhores protocolos para a proliferação e o enraizamento de brotos foram, respectivamente, BAP 1,00mg/L e AIA 5,00mg/LThe work was carried out in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of Ceará Federal University. The aim was to evaluate the effects of 6- benzylaminopurine (BAP and indolacetic acid (IAA on proliferation and rooting ,em>in vitro of buds of palm grass. The samples were incubated in the culture environment with salts, vitamins MS, 5% of sucrose, 0.8% of agar and pH of 5.85. For the proliferation, the buds were inoculated in Petri plates, and the culture environment was contained in different BAP concentrations. The experimental delineation was entirely randomly in an arrangement factorial of 10 x 3 and three replications. In the rooting, the buds were inoculated in the culture environment and they had different concentrations of indoacetic acid (IAA. Results showed that the best protocols for proliferation and buds of rooting were, respectively: BAP to 1.00mg/L and IAA to 5.00mg/L

  13. Desenvolvimento de Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill., em diferentes substratos, após micropropagação in vitro - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i1.659 The development of Opuntia ficus-indica (L mill., in different substrates, after in vitro micropropagation - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i1.659

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    Jacob Silva Souto


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento de Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill, em diferentes substratos, utilizaram-se plantas micropropagadas nas seguintes etapas: indução, crescimento, multiplicação e enraizamento dos brotos. Após o enraizamento, as plântulas foram aclimatizadas em casa de vegetação, usando-se os seguintes substratos: solo não adubado, solo adubado de acordo com análise de solo, solo + pó de coco (1:1 e 2:1, solo + esterco de bovino (1:1 e 2:1, solo + bioadubo (1:1 e 2:1, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com quatro repetições. As plântulas possuíam entre 1 a 2 cm de comprimento e foram enterradas a dois terços no solo. Semanalmente, foram medidas as alturas das plantas e contado o número de brotações. Verificou-se diferença significativa ao nível de 5% de probabilidade pelo Teste t quando comparados os efeitos dos diferentes substratos. Conclui-se que deve-se utilizar o substrato à base de esterco bovino na aclimatização da palma forrageira.The study aimed to evaluate the development of Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill, in different substrates, using micropropagated plants in the following stages: induction, growth, multiplication and bud rooting. After rooting, seedlings were acclimatized in greenhouse, by means of the following potting mixture: unfertilized soil, fertilized soil according to soil analysis, soil + coconut dust (1:1 and 2:1, soil + bovine manure (1:1 and 2:1, soil + biofertilizer (1:1 and 2:1, randomly applied with four replications. The seedlings had between 1 and 2 cm of length and were planted two thirds under the soil. There were weekly measures of the plants’ height and the number of shoots. Significant difference to the level of 5% of probability for test was verified when comparing the effects of different substrates. Results show that the potting mixture must be based on bovine manure in the acclimatization of palm grass.

  14. Balanço de compostos nitrogenados e produção de proteína microbiana em novilhas leiteiras alimentadas com palma forrageira, bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e uréia associados a diferentes suplementos Nitrogenous compounds balance and microbial protein production in crossbred heifers fed forage cactus, sugar cane bagasse and urea associated to different supplements

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    Ricardo Alexandre Silva Pessoa


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da associação de palma forrageira ao bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e à uréia sobre o balanço de compostos nitrogenados e a produção de proteína microbiana em novilhas leiteiras recebendo ou não suplemento. Foram utilizadas 25 novilhas da raça Girolando, com peso vivo médio inicial de 227 kg, confinadas, distribuídas em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, estabelecidos de acordo com o peso dos animais. A ração controle (sem suplemento foi composta de 64,0% de palma forrageira, 30,0% de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, 4,0% de mistura uréia:sulfato de amônio (9:1 e 2,0% de mistura mineral, com base na matéria seca (MS, e as rações experimentais, de 57,0% de palma forrageira, 26,0% de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, 3,5% de mistura uréia:sulfato de amônio, 1,8% de mistura mineral e 11,7% de suplemento (0,5% do PV dos animais. Os suplementos testados foram: farelo de trigo, farelo de soja, farelo de algodão ou caroço de algodão. O balanço de nitrogênio não foi influenciado pelas dietas e apresentou valor médio de 49,3 g/dia. A suplementação com farelo de algodão ou com farelo de soja aumentou a excreção de nitrogênio na urina, a concentração de uréia e nitrogênio uréico no plasma e a excreção urinária de uréia e nitrogênio uréico. A associação da palma forrageira ao bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e à uréia, sem o uso de suplementos, permite eficiência de síntese microbiana de 105 gPBmic/kg de NDT consumido. A suplementação com caroço de algodão proporciona maior excreção urinária de alantoína e derivados de purina e melhor eficiência de síntese microbiana, portanto, é a mais indicada nestas condições.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of association of forage cactus to sugar cane bagasse and urea on nitrogenous compounds balance and microbial protein synthesis in milk heifers supplemented or not. Twenty-five Holstein-Gir crossbred heifers

  15. Chemical composition of volatiles from Opuntia littoralis, Opuntia ficus-indica, and Opuntia prolifera growing on Catalina Island, California. (United States)

    Wright, Cynthia R; Setzer, William N


    The essential oils from the cladodes of Opuntia littoralis, Opuntia ficus-indica and Opuntia prolifera growing wild on Santa Catalina Island, California, were obtained by hydrodistillation and analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Terpenoids were the dominant class of volatiles in O. littoralis, with the two main components being the furanoid forms of cis-linalool oxide (10.8%) and trans-linalool oxide (8.8%). Fatty acid-derived compounds dominated the essential oil of O. ficus-indica with linoleic acid (22.3%), palmitic acid (12.7%), lauric acid (10.5%) and myristic acid (4.2%) as major fatty acids. O. prolifera oil was composed of 46.6% alkanes and the primary hydrocarbon component was heptadecane (19.2%). Sixteen compounds were common to all the three Opuntia species.

  16. Hepatoprotective Effect of Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha Fruits against Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Damage

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    Herson Antonio González-Ponce


    Full Text Available Acetaminophen (APAP-induced acute liver failure (ALF is a serious health problem in developed countries. N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC, the current therapy for APAP-induced ALF, is not always effective, and liver transplantation is often needed. Opuntia spp. fruits are an important source of nutrients and contain high levels of bioactive compounds, including antioxidants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha extracts against APAP-induced ALF. In addition, we analyzed the antioxidant activities of these extracts. Fruit extracts (800mg/kg/day, orally were given prophylactically to male Wistar rats before intoxication with APAP (500 mg/kg, intraperitoneally. Rat hepatocyte cultures were exposed to 20mmol/LAPAP, and necrosis was assessed by LDH leakage. Opuntia robusta had significantly higher levels of antioxidants than Opuntia streptacantha. Both extracts significantly attenuated APAP-induced injury markers AST, ALT and ALP and improved liver histology. The Opuntia extracts reversed APAP-induced depletion of liver GSH and glycogen stores. In cultured hepatocytes, Opuntia extracts significantly reduced leakage of LDH and cell necrosis, both prophylactically and therapeutically. Both extracts appeared to be superior to NAC when used therapeutically. We conclude that Opuntia extracts are hepatoprotective and can be used as a nutraceutical to prevent ALF.

  17. Caroço de algodão em dietas à base de palma forrageira para vacas leiteiras: síntese de proteína microbiana Whole cottonseed in forage cactus based diets: synthesis of microbial protein

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    Airon Aparecido Silva de Melo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da inclusão de caroço de algodão em substituição parcial à silagem de sorgo e ao farelo de soja em dietas à base de palma forrageira sobre a produção de proteína microbiana, a eficiência de síntese de proteína microbiana e as concentrações de uréia na urina e de uréia e N-uréia no plasma e no leite de vacas holandesas em lactação. Foram utilizados cinco animais aos 50 dias de lactação, distribuídos em quadrado latino 5 × 5. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco níveis (0,0; 6,25; 12,50; 18,75 e 25,00% de inclusão de caroço de algodão na MS da dieta. A inclusão de caroço de algodão na dieta não influenciou a síntese de nitrogênio ou proteína microbiana, cujos valores médios foram 295,08 e 1.844,27 g/dia, respectivamente. As eficiências de síntese de nitrogênio e proteína microbiana diminuíram linearmente, em proporções de 0,30 e 1,43 g para cada 1% de caroço de algodão na dieta, respectivamente. Os níveis de uréia na urina e de uréia e N-uréia no plasma e no leite não foram afetados pela inclusão de caroço de algodão na dieta. Portanto, em dietas à base de palma forrageira, a inclusão de caroço de algodão em níveis de até 25% da MS não interfere na síntese de proteína microbiana e nas concentrações de uréia.The objective of this trial was to investigate the effects of partial replacement of sorghum silage and soybean meal with whole cottonseed on microbial protein synthesis and efficiency and nitrogen metabolism in lactating Holstein cows receiving forage cactus based diets. Five animals were randomly assigned to a 5 × 5 Latin square design and were fed diets containing (% of DM: 0.0, 6.25, 12.50, 18.75, and 25.00% of whole cottonseed. Inclusion of whole cottonseed in the diet did not affect microbial nitrogen and microbial protein synthesis, which averaged 295.08 and 1844.27 g/day, respectively. Microbial protein synthesis and microbial nitrogen

  18. Síntese de proteína microbiana e concentrações de uréia em vacas alimentadas com dietas à base de palma forrageira e diferentes volumosos Microbial protein synthesis and urea nitrogen concentrations in lactating dairy cows fed spineless cactus and different forages based diets

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    Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira


    Full Text Available Cinco vacas da raça Holandesa foram distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5 × 5 com o objetivo de estimar a produção de proteína microbiana utilizando-se a excreção total de derivados de purinas (DP, por meio de coletas spot de urina, e as concentrações de nitrogênio (N-uréia no plasma, no leite e na urina. As cinco dietas foram formuladas com diversos volumosos (bagaço de cana-de-açúcar; feno de capim-tifton; feno de capim-elefante; silagem de sorgo; e uma mistura de silagem de sorgo + bagaço de cana associados à palma forrageira. As concentrações de uréia (10,98 mg/dL e N-uréia (5,11 mg/dL no leite não foram afetadas pelos volumosos, assim como as concentrações plasmáticas de uréia (28,10 mg/dL e N-uréia (13,09 mg/dL. As excreções urinárias de uréia, N-uréia, alantoína e derivados de purina, purinas absorvidas, a síntese de N-microbiano e as concentrações de alantoína no leite não foram alteradas. Os volumosos utilizados podem ser associados a palma forrageira na alimentação de vacas Holandesas, pois não alteram a produção de proteína microbiana.Five Holstein cows were allotted to a 5 × 5 Latin square design with the objective of evaluating the microbial protein production, using the total excretion of purine derivatives (PD, obtained from spot urine collection, plasma and milk urea and nitrogen (N-urea. The five treatments contained different forage sources: sugar cane bagasse (CB, tifton hay (TH, elephant grass hay (EH, sorghum silage (SS and a mixture of sugar cane bagasse + sorghum silage (CBSS. The milk urea (10.98 mg/dL and N-urea (5.11 mg/dL concentrations were not influenced by the forage sources, such as plasma urea (28.10 mg/dL and N-urea (13.09 mg/dL concentrations. The urinary urea, N-urea, allantoin and PD excretions, the absorbed purine, N-microbial synthesis and milk allantoin concentration remained unchanged. The different forage sources in association with forage cactus did not change

  19. Inclusão de cama de frango em dietas à base de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill para vacas mestiças em lactação: 2. Digestibilidade aparente Inclusion of broiler litter in forage cactus based diets (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill for lactating crossbred cows: 2. Apparent digestibility

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    Maria Carla dos Santos Magalhães


    Full Text Available Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de matéria seca (DAMS, de matéria orgânica (DAMO, de proteína bruta (DAPB, de extrato etéreo (DAEE, de carboidratos totais (DACHOT e não-fibrosos (DACNF e de fibras em detergente neutro (DAFDN e ácido (DAFDA foram determinados para avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de inclusão de cama de frango (0; 10; 20 e 30% na base da matéria seca, associados à 45% de palma forrageira, bagaço de cana de açúcar in natura, uréia e farelo de algodão, utilizando-se a fibra indigestível em detergente ácido (FDAi como indicador interno para estimar a produção de matéria seca fecal. O valor energético observado para as dietas foi comparado com o predito segundo equações propostas pelo NRC (2001. Foram utilizadas oito vacas 5/8 holando-zebu com produção média de 15 kg de leite/dia e 420kg de peso vivo, após pico de lactação, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos (4 x 4 simultâneos, com quatro períodos, quatro animais e quatro níveis de cama de frango na ração. Não foi observado efeito significativo do aumento do nível de cama de frango na dieta sobre DAMS, DAMO, DAEE, DACHOT e DAFDN. Entretanto, a DAPB e a DACNF diminuíram linearmente. As equações propostas pelo NRC (2001 para estimativa dos teores de nutrientes digestíveis totais das dietas superestimaram os valores observados.The coeficients of apparent digestibility of dry matter (ADDM, organic matter (ADOM, crude protein (ADCP, ether extract (ADEE, total carboidrates (ADTCHO, nonfiber carboidrates (ADNFC, neutral (ADNDF and acid detergent fiber (ADADF, were determined to evaluate the effect of diferents inclusions of broiler litter (0, 10, 20 and 30% in dry matter basis, with 45% forage cactus associaded to sugar cane bagasse, urea and cottonsead meal, using the method of indigestible acid detergent fiber as intern indicator to estimate fecal dry matter production. The dietary observed energy value were compared to the

  20. Opuntia spp.: Characterization and Benefits in Chronic Diseases. (United States)

    Del Socorro Santos Díaz, María; Barba de la Rosa, Ana-Paulina; Héliès-Toussaint, Cécile; Guéraud, Françoise; Nègre-Salvayre, Anne


    Opuntia species have been used for centuries as food resources and in traditional folk medicine for their nutritional properties and their benefit in chronic diseases, particularly diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. These plants are largely distributed in America, Africa, and the Mediterranean basin. Opuntia spp. have great economic potential because they grow in arid and desert areas, and O. ficus-indica , the domesticated O . species, is used as a nutritional and pharmaceutical agent in various dietary and value-added products. Though differences in the phytochemical composition exist between wild and domesticated ( O. ficus-indica ) Opuntia spp., all Opuntia vegetatives (pear, roots, cladodes, seeds, and juice) exhibit beneficial properties mainly resulting from their high content in antioxidants (flavonoids, ascorbate), pigments (carotenoids, betalains), and phenolic acids. Other phytochemical components (biopeptides, soluble fibers) have been characterized and contribute to the medicinal properties of Opuntia spp. The biological properties of Opuntia spp. have been investigated on cellular and animal models and in clinical trials in humans, allowing characterization and clarification of the protective effect of Opuntia -enriched diets in chronic diseases. This review is an update on the phytochemical composition and biological properties of Opuntia spp. and their potential interest in medicine.

  1. Opuntia spp.: Characterization and Benefits in Chronic Diseases (United States)

    del Socorro Santos Díaz, María; Barba de la Rosa, Ana-Paulina; Héliès-Toussaint, Cécile; Guéraud, Françoise


    Opuntia species have been used for centuries as food resources and in traditional folk medicine for their nutritional properties and their benefit in chronic diseases, particularly diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. These plants are largely distributed in America, Africa, and the Mediterranean basin. Opuntia spp. have great economic potential because they grow in arid and desert areas, and O. ficus-indica, the domesticated O. species, is used as a nutritional and pharmaceutical agent in various dietary and value-added products. Though differences in the phytochemical composition exist between wild and domesticated (O. ficus-indica) Opuntia spp., all Opuntia vegetatives (pear, roots, cladodes, seeds, and juice) exhibit beneficial properties mainly resulting from their high content in antioxidants (flavonoids, ascorbate), pigments (carotenoids, betalains), and phenolic acids. Other phytochemical components (biopeptides, soluble fibers) have been characterized and contribute to the medicinal properties of Opuntia spp. The biological properties of Opuntia spp. have been investigated on cellular and animal models and in clinical trials in humans, allowing characterization and clarification of the protective effect of Opuntia-enriched diets in chronic diseases. This review is an update on the phytochemical composition and biological properties of Opuntia spp. and their potential interest in medicine. PMID:28491239

  2. Opuntia spp.: Characterization and Benefits in Chronic Diseases

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    María del Socorro Santos Díaz


    Full Text Available Opuntia species have been used for centuries as food resources and in traditional folk medicine for their nutritional properties and their benefit in chronic diseases, particularly diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. These plants are largely distributed in America, Africa, and the Mediterranean basin. Opuntia spp. have great economic potential because they grow in arid and desert areas, and O. ficus-indica, the domesticated O. species, is used as a nutritional and pharmaceutical agent in various dietary and value-added products. Though differences in the phytochemical composition exist between wild and domesticated (O. ficus-indica Opuntia spp., all Opuntia vegetatives (pear, roots, cladodes, seeds, and juice exhibit beneficial properties mainly resulting from their high content in antioxidants (flavonoids, ascorbate, pigments (carotenoids, betalains, and phenolic acids. Other phytochemical components (biopeptides, soluble fibers have been characterized and contribute to the medicinal properties of Opuntia spp. The biological properties of Opuntia spp. have been investigated on cellular and animal models and in clinical trials in humans, allowing characterization and clarification of the protective effect of Opuntia-enriched diets in chronic diseases. This review is an update on the phytochemical composition and biological properties of Opuntia spp. and their potential interest in medicine.

  3. Accumulation of silicon in cacti native to the United States: characterization of silica bodies and cyclic oligosiloxanes in Stenocereus thurberi, Opuntia littoralis, Opuntia ficus-indica, and Opuntia stricta. (United States)

    Wright, Cynthia R; Waddell, Emanuel A; Setzer, William N


    Four different cactus species growing in the United States, Stenocereus thurberi growing in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, Opuntia littoralis and Opuntia ficus-indica, growing on Santa Catalina Island, California, and Opuntia stricta, growing in northern Alabama, were examined for the presence of silica bodies (opaline phytoliths). Silica bodies were found in all four of these cactus species, parallelepiped-shaped crystals in S. thurberi, and starburst-shaped crystalline structures in the three Opuntia species. In addition, the essential oils of the four cactus species were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. To our surprise, S. thurberi, O. littoralis, and O. ficus-indica (but not O. stricta) essential oils contained cyclic oligosiloxanes. To our knowledge, cyclic oligosiloxanes have not been previously found as essential oil components.

  4. Comunidades de palmas en América

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    Con base en la bibliografía disponible analizamos la flora de palmas americanas respecto a la prevalencia de diferentes características morfológicas y ecológicas de las comunidades en las que están ensambladas las especies. Las comunidades estudiadas de palmas de América tropical tuvieron 19.......3 ± 11.3 DE especies. Los principales factores que determinan la riqueza de especies en las comunidades son el clima, los suelos, la hidrología y la topografía. Los bosques tropicales lluviosos de tierras bajas no-inundados son los más ricos en especies, en tanto que los bosques que se inundan o que...... spp), (vi) Palmas Acaulescentes Grandes (28 spp), (vii) Palmas Acaulescentes Pequeñas (56 sp), (viii) Palmas Lianoides (12 spp). Las ocho formas biológicas están representadas de manera diferente en las comunidades de palmas. Las categorías de Palmas Pequeñas y las Palmas de Gran Tamaño dominan...

  5. Indicadores de eficiência do uso da água e de nutrientes de clones de palma forrageira em condições de sequeiro no Semiárido brasileiro

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    Thieres George Freire Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência produtiva de três clones de palma forrageira resistentes à Cochonilha do Carmim, cultivados em condições de sequeiro no Semiárido brasileiro. Os clones avaliados foram IPA-Sertânia (IPA, Miúda (MIU e Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM. Foram calculados os indicadores de eficiência do uso da água: produtividade da água da cultura (PA C, produtividade econômica da água (PEA e eficiência do uso de nutrientes (EUN, todos com base na água precipitada (Prec. e na evapotranspiração real da cultura (ETr. A ETr foi quantificada por meio do método do balanço de água no solo. Verificou-se que não houve diferença estatística entre a PA C em base seca (MS nos clones avaliados tanto em termos de Prec. como de ETr, mas eles diferiram em base fresca. A OEM foi o clone mais eficiente em base fresca (PA C(Prec. ~ 104,8 kg MV ha-1 mm-1; PA C(ETr. ~ 112,1 kg MV ha-1 mm-1, seguido pelo clone IPA, que também se mostrou eficiente quanto a ETr (PA C(ETr. ~ 101,1 kg MV ha-1 mm-1. A MIU foi o clone menos eficiente para o Semiárido brasileiro. Não houve diferença da PEA (PEA(Prec. ~ 35,4 R$ ha-1 mm-1; PEA(ETr. ~ 39,5 R$ ha-1 mm-1 e da EUN, com exceção da eficiência do uso do magnésio com base na ETr, que foi maior para OEM (EUN(Mg ~ 111,4 g ha-1 mm-1 e IPA (EUN(Mg ~ 77,4 g ha-1 mm-1, e do sódio com base na precipitação, que foi superior para os clones OEM (EUN(Mg ~ 4854,3 mg ha-1 mm-1 e MIU (EUN(Mg ~ 3383,6 mg ha-1 mm-1.

  6. Protein enrichment of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus - indica Mill using Saccharomyces cerevisiae in solid-state fermentation

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    Lúcia de Fátima Araújo


    Full Text Available The microbial protein bioconversion of cactus pear by yeast in solid medium was studied. Three cultivation variables used were: inoculum's concentrations (5, 10 and 15 %, substrate layer thickness (2, 4 and 6 cm and temperature (30, 34 and 38 ºC. The rate of dry matter production and total protein were determined. Results obtained were variance analysis, gross energy and in vitro dry matter digestibility. The maximum protein amount achieved for the conditions studied in the present work was higher than 26 %, which was compatible or greater than those of conventional concentrates of protein supplements used for animal feed. The protein concentrate of cactus pear had a higher in vitro digestibility index (95.8 % and did not show any changes in the gross energy value when compared to that of the cactus pear in natura.A bioconversão da proteína microbiana através da levedura em meio sólido, foi estudada em palma forrageira cultivada em condições laboratoriais, sob três níveis de concentração do inóculo (5, 10 e 15%, espessuras distintas das camadas dos substratos (2, 4 e 6cm e temperaturas (30, 34 e 38ºC. Foram analisadas as taxas de produção de matéria seca (MS, proteína bruta (PB, cujos resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância, energia bruta (EB e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS. O valor máximo de teor protéico, alcançado nas condições estudadas nesse trabalho, foi superior a 26%, sendo esse teor compatível ou maior do que os concentrados convencionais utilizados como suplemento protéico para a ração animal. O concentrado protéico da palma obteve um alto índice de digestibilidade in vitro (95,8% e não apresentou grande alteração no valor da energia bruta se comparada com a palma in natura.

  7. Hypoglycemic effect of Opuntia cactus. (United States)

    Ibañez-Camacho, R; Roman-Ramos, R


    Nopal (Opuntia sp.) has been traditionally used by the Mexican population for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this work is to describe effects produced by directly liquified nopal and extracts from this plant in healthy and pancreatectomized rabbits. Preliminary results allow us to conclude that Opuntia streptacantha, Lemaire, has hypoglycemic properties when orally administered, in animals with experimentally induced diabetes as well as in healthy ones with physiologic hyperglycemia.

  8. Inclusão de cama de frango em dietas à base de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill para vacas mestiças em lactação: 1. Consumo e produção Broiler litter in forage cactus based diets (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill for lactating crossbred cows: 1. Nutrients intake and milk yield

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    Maria Carla dos Santos Magalhães


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido objetivando-se avaliar o efeito da inclusão de diferentes níveis de cama de frango (aproximadamente 0; 10; 20 e 30% na matéria seca (MS de dietas contendo palma forrageira, bagaço de cana-de-açúcar in natura, uréia e farelo de algodão, fornecidas na forma de ração completa, sobre o consumo de nutrientes e a produção de leite de vacas mestiças e verificar o tempo necessário para adaptação dos animais às dietas. Foram utilizadas oito vacas 5/8 Holandês-Gir, após pico de lactação, com produção média de 15 kg de leite/dia e 420 kg de peso vivo, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos (4 x 4 simultâneos, com quatro períodos, quatro animais e quatro níveis de cama de frango na ração. Os consumos de matéria seca, proteína bruta, fibras em detergente neutro e ácido, carboidratos totais e não-fibrosos e matéria orgânica apresentaram comportamento quadrático significativo, enquanto os consumos de matéria mineral e extrato etéreo aumentaram linearmente com a inclusão de cama de frango nas dietas. A produção de leite, com e sem correção para 4% de gordura, o teor e a produção de gordura e a eficiência alimentar não foram influenciadas pelo incremento de cama de frango nas dietas. O período de adaptação dos animais às dietas pode ser reduzido para sete dias.This work was carried to evaluate the effect of diferents of broiler litter inclusion (approximately 0, 10, 20 and 30%, in dry matter base with 45% forage cactus associaded to sugar cane bagasse, urea and cotonsead meal, in total diet form, on nutrient intake and milk yield and to evaluate the time necessary to adaptation of the animals to diets. Eigth lactating 5/8 crossbred Holstein/Gir cows with 420 kg of LW and production of 15 kg/day, were assigned to tratament sequences in a replicated 4X4 latin square with four periods, four animals and four levels of broiler chiken in the ration. The intakes of dry matter, neutral

  9. Dispersal of Dactylopius opuntiae Cockerell (Homoptera: Dactylopiidae, a biological control agent of Opuntia stricta (Haworth. Haworth. (Cactaceae in the Kruger National Park

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    L.C. Foxcroft


    Full Text Available Chemical control efforts, the introduction of Cactoblastis cactorum and attempted releases of Dactylopius opuntiae Cockerell into the expanding infestation of Opuntia stricta in the Skukuza region of the Kruger National Park (KNP have had limited suc- cess in preventing the spread and densification of 0. stricta. To boost the biological control component, a new strain of D. opuntiae was introduced into KNP during 1997. The new strain established readily and has destroyed large clumps of plants in the vicin- ity of the release site. A large-scale redistribution programme with D. opuntiae is now needed to exploit this biological control agent to the full. In order to match the frequency of manual releases with the natural rates of spread of the insects, surveys were conducted under field conditions to determine the dispersal abilities ofD. opuntiae, with regard to rate and direction of movement. Dispersal of D. opuntiae was found to be slow and restricted and that the insects need to be redistributed by placing them onto plants at approximately 10 m intervals to ensure that they become quickly and evenly distributed on the weed. This information will be crucial in the revision of the integrated management plan for 0. stricta in the KNP, in integrating the cochineal and other control mechanisms.


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    Danielle Marie Macedo Sousa


    Full Text Available The forage cactus is cultivated of extensive form as a producing species of fruits and fodder plant in many countries. The extensive culture if bases on the vegetative propagation, that is preferred, had its easiness. The propagation for seeds can come to be a useful tool for ends of genetic improvement, then, in this work forage cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica L. seeds were submitted to different fermentation periods (0; 24; 48; 72 and 96 hours and were dried or not, before sowing. It was evaluated the physiological quality of the seeds through the determination of the moisture content, emergence percentage and speed of seedling emergency. It was used an entirely randomized experimental design 5x2 (period of fermentation and drying. The practical one of the fermentation is efficient in the elimination of the sarcotesta in palm seeds, occurring bigger vigor in the seeds without drying and submitted the 55 hours of fermentation, as well as, the drying of the seeds, after the first periods of fermentation promotes reduction of the physiological quality, with reflected right-handers in the vigor.

  11. Viabilidade econômica da produção de palma forrageira irrigada e adensada no semiárido Potiguar = Economic feasibility of irrigated forage cactus in narrow rows in the Potiguar semiarid

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    Suênia Flávia de Araújo Dantas


    Full Text Available O semiárido potiguar pode ser uma excelente alternativa para a implantação de projetos de produção de palma irrigada e adensada por apresentar, em grande parte de seu território, clima desfavorável a produção dessa cultura em sistema de sequeiro. A irrigação e adensamento surge como uma alternativa viável economicamente para investidores. Assim, teve-se como objetivo estudar a viabilidade econômica da produção da palma forrageira irrigada e adensada no semiárido potiguar. A partir da análise dos dados, foi considerado o custo de produção de um hectare no município de Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte. No projeto foram analisados o investimento, custos de manutenção, rentabilidade e estimativa de crescimento ao longo de oito anos. Por meio de fluxo de caixa, considerando taxa mínima de atratividade de 8%, foram obtidos o Valor Presente Líquido [VPL], taxa interna de retorno [TIR] e o payback, assim como o cálculo do ponto de nivelamento. O projeto foi considerado economicamente viável, com a constatação de VPL igual a R$ 105.892,49 e TIR de 88%. O lucro líquido anual do projeto alcançou R$ 22.552,20, o que acumulado durante oito anos pode atingir R$ 158.319,80. Com base no payback o investidor teria retorno do investimento inicial em um ano e nove meses. A produtividade mínima para que a atividade desse lucro foi de 70.103 kg ha-1.ano-1. = The Potiguar semiarid can be an excellent alternative, in great part of its territory, to implement projects of irrigated forage cactus in narrow rows because of the unfavorable weather to the production of this crop in rainfed system. Narrowing and irrigating come as feasible alternatives to investors. Thus, the objective was to study the economic feasibility of irrigated forage cactus production in narrow rows in the Potiguar semiarid. It was considered the production cost of one hectare based on the data collected in the city of Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte. In the project, it was

  12. Physicochemical characterization of cactus pads from Opuntia dillenii and Opuntia ficus indica. (United States)

    Méndez, Lorena Pérez; Flores, Fidel Tejera; Martín, Jacinto Darias; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Elena M; Díaz Romero, Carlos


    Physicochemical characteristics (weight, length, width, thickness, moisture, Brix degree, total fiber, protein, ash, pH, acidity, ascorbic acid, total phenolic compounds, P, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and Cr) were determined in cactus pads from Opuntia dillenii and Opuntia ficus indica. The physicochemical characteristics of both species were clearly different. There were important differences between the orange and green fruit pulp of O. ficus indica; the cactus pads of O. dillenii could be differentiated according to the region (North and South). Consumption of cactus pads contributes to the intake of dietary fiber, total phenolic compounds, K, Mg, Mn and Cr. Applying factor and/or discriminant analysis, the cactus pad samples were clearly differentiated according to the species, the fruit pulp color and production region. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Plantas forrageiras cultivadas em assentamentos da reforma agrária visando mapear para o melhoramento participativo

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    Maria Tereza Bolzon Soster


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho visou atender a demanda de levantamento sobre as plantas forrageiras cultivadas em assentamentos da Reforma Agrária no Rio Grande do Sul para que um projeto de Melhoramento Participativo possa ser implantado para esse fim. Os dados foram levantados através dos alunos do Instituto Educar e seus assentamentos, totalizando 8 assentamentos, abrangendo 1019 famílias. Em média têm-se 16 espécies forrageiras por assentamento, entre espécies de inverno e de verão, com maior destaque à espécies de verão e maior contribuição de gramíneas (Poaceae. Notou-se que quanto maior o assentamento, mais espécies estão à disposição dos mesmos, enfatizando a importância da fragmentação agrária para a biodiversidade, inclusive de cultivos de plantas forrageiras. Os agricultores se demonstraram receptivos a programas de melhoramento de suas pastagens sobretudo quanto a adaptação e rendimento de massa seca. 

  14. Zoneamento das forrageiras cultivadas nos estabelecimentos rurais do município de Catolé do Rocha, PB

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    Patrícia da Silva Costa


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se identificar as espécies que compõem o suporte forrageiro nos estabelecimentos rurais do município de Catolé do Rocha-PB, e as técnicas de manejo adotadas para manutenção das pastagens. Foi aplicado um questionário composto de 25 perguntas, dividido em duas partes. As propriedades escolhidas para a amostragem foram o Sítio Catolé de Baixo, Mapirunga, Boa Água, Cajueiro, Bom Nome e Capim Açú. Os dados de cunho social dos entrevistados mostraram que 100% são do sexo masculino, com idade variando entre 24 a 70 anos, sendo que 82,35% dos entrevistados residem na zona rural. Foi observado que os mesmos trabalham com agropecuária e menos de 90% são casados com 3 a 4 filhos, onde 80% da mão de obra utilizada na propriedade são de base familiar.  Do total de produtores 94,11% são proprietários de terras e 5,88% posseiro, com área total dos estabelecimentos variando de 1,5 a 50ha, ou seja, 80% das propriedades tem área inferior a 10ha e 20% tem área maior que 10ha e menor que 100ha. Todos os entrevistados cultivam alguma espécie forrageira em áreas que variavam de 1,0 a 23,5 ha e preservam área com vegetação nativa. As principais forrageiras cultivadas nas propriedades são cactáceas, gramíneas e leguminosas. Os sistemas de criação que predominam são extensivo e semi-intensivo. Os animais que utilizam as pastagens são equinos, muares, bovinos e ovinos em sistema de pastejo. Dentre as espécies de maior produção e adaptada o sorgo e a palma são as mais produtivas e resistentes. é de grande importância incentivar a conservação de forragem, seja por meio da ensilagem ou fenação, com o objetivo de diminuir a utilização de alimentos concentrados. Os produtores têm conhecimento das espécies que são mais produtivas e adaptadas às condições de semiaridez da região. Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE

  15. Macrominerals balance in goats fed with spineless cactus and soybean hulls Balanço de macrominerais em caprinos alimentados com palma forrageira e casca de soja

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    Evaristo Jorge de Oliveira Souza


    Full Text Available It were evaluated the balance of minerals in diets based on spineless cactus and different levels of soybean hulls in place of the Tifton 85 grass hay. It were used five goats, castrated, without racial pattern set, provided with permanent rumen cannula and with 40±5,16 kg of BW. The 5 x 5 Latin Square was adopted. In the experimental treatments, soybean hulls were included, in the proportions of 0%; 6,25%; 12,5%; 18,75% e 25% of the diet to replace the Tifton 85 grass hay. It was decrease in consumption of minerals and the consumption of crude protein was increased by 1444, 34 g/day, which favored the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein and non-fibrous carbohydrate. The blood concentrations of Ca grew linearly according to the inclusion of soybean hulls in the diet and for Mg the response was quadratic and lower blood concentrations of Mg 5,02 mg/dL, with the inclusion 11,5% of soybean hulls, were checked. The urinary concentrations of K and Cl decreased linearly with the addition of soybean hulls. The inclusion of soybean hulls in the diet of goats did not provided imbalance of macrominerals: Na, Cl, P and Cl.Avaliou-se o balanço de minerais de dietas à base de palma forrageira e diferentes níveis de casca de soja em substituição ao feno de capim-Tifton 85. Foram utilizados cinco caprinos, castrados, sem padrão racial definido, com cânulas ruminais permanentes, com peso vivo médio 40±5,16 kg. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental quadrado latino 5 x 5. Nas dietas incluiu-se a casca de soja, nas proporções 0%; 6,25%; 12,5%; 18,75%, e 25% da dieta em substituição ao feno capim-Tifton 85. Assim, houve diminuição do consumo de minerais e aumento do consumo de proteína bruta em 1444, 34 g/dia, o que favoreceu a digestibilidade da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta e carboidratos não fibrosos. As concentrações sangüíneas de Ca aumentaram linearmente em função da inclusão de casca de

  16. Palmas Americanas, Sistemática y Cambios Climáticos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    La familia de las palmas incluye alrededor de 2440 especies de distribución pantropical. Las palmas son elementos importantes en la vegetación en regiones tropicales y subtropicales. La riqueza y la composición sistemática de las palmas están estructuradas geográficamente de manera muy fuerte...

  17. Plasma Emission Spectra of Opuntia Nopalea Obtained with Microsecond Laser Pulses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ponce, L.; Flores, T.; Arronte, A.; Flores, A.


    Laser-induced Plasma Spectroscopy was performed during the spines ablation of Opuntia by using Nd:YAG microsecond laser pulses. The results show strong absorption in Glochids that causes the intense electronic noise on the spectra. This process is consider suitable for practical elimination of spines in alimentary products like opuntia

  18. Dietary cladode powder from wild type and domesticated Opuntia species reduces atherogenesis in apoE knock-out mice. (United States)

    Garoby-Salom, Sandra; Guéraud, Françoise; Camaré, Caroline; de la Rosa, Ana-Paulina Barba; Rossignol, Michel; Santos Díaz, María del Socorro; Salvayre, Robert; Negre-Salvayre, Anne


    Dietary intake of Opuntia species may prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. The present study was designed to characterize the biological antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Opuntia species and to investigate whether Opuntia cladodes prevent the development of atherosclerosis in vivo, in apoE(-)KO mice. The effects of the two Opuntia species, the wild Opuntia streptacantha and the domesticated Opuntia ficus-indica, were tested on the generation of intra- and extracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and kinetics of the LDL oxidation by murine CRL2181 endothelial cells and on the subsequent inflammatory signaling leading to the adhesion of monocytes on the activated endothelium and the formation of foam cells. Opuntia species blocked the extracellular ROS (superoxide anion) generation and LDL oxidation by CRL2181, as well as the intracellular ROS rise and signaling evoked by the oxidized LDL, including the nuclear translocation of the transcription factor NFκB, the expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 adhesion molecules, and the adhesion of monocytes to CRL2181. In vivo, Opuntia significantly reduced the formation of atherosclerotic lesions and the accumulation of 4-hydroxynonenal adducts in the vascular wall of apoE-KO mice, indicating that Opuntia cladodes prevent lipid oxidation in the vascular wall. In conclusion, wild and domesticated Opuntia species exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiatherogenic properties which emphasize their nutritional benefit for preventing cardiovascular diseases.

  19. Komposisi Nutrisi Rumput Laut Calcareous Halimeda opuntia pada Lingkungan Perairan Indonesia

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    Nurhayati Nurhayati


    Full Text Available Halimeda opuntia merupakan rumput laut Chlorophyta berkapur yang memiliki kandungan nutrisi untuk pangan fungsional. Namun, pergeseran komposisi nutrisi dapat terjadi akibat perubahan lingkungan akibat limpasan nutrien dan bahan organik lainnya yang umum terjadi di perairan pesisir Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi pergeseran kandungan nutrisi H. opuntia yang tumbuh di zona intertidal agar dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pemilihan lokasi pengambilan bahan baku H. opuntia untuk produk fungsional. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di empat lokasi perairan di Indonesia, yaitu perairan Binuangeun (Banten, Lampung Selatan, Lombok Timur (Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Konawe Selatan (Sulawesi Tenggara. Karakteristik nutrisi dari rumput laut target meliputi kadar air, abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, dan serat kasar. Informasi lingkungan dari habitat sampel ditunjukkan melalui variabel kimia air yaitu DO, pH, salinitas, pCO2, kalsium aragonit, nitrogen anorganik terlarut, serta fosfat anorganik terlarut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kondisi lingkungan eutrofik berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap komposisi nutrisi H. opuntia. pH dan salinitas menjadi faktor determinan positif (R2 = 0,75 pada p<0,05 terhadap kadar karbohidrat, sementara nitrogen anorganik terlarut menjadi faktor determinan negatif terhadap kadar protein dan lemak (R2= 0,81 dan 0,61 pada p<0,05. Berdasarkan kandungan nutrisinya, maka H. opuntia yang diperoleh dari habitat alamiah merupakan bahan baku produk fungsional yang  lebih baik dibandingkan dengan biota selaras dari perairan eutrofik.

  20. Identifikasi Molekuler Fitoplasma yang Berasosiasi dengan Tanaman Kaktus Hias Opuntia sp.

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    Ariny Prasetya


    Full Text Available Cactus species (Opuntia sp. is a popular ornamental succulent plant. Some ornamental cactus species in Indonesia showing proliferation and green mosaic pattern symptoms have been reported to be associated with phytoplasma infection. However, further molecular identification for accurate classification of the causal phytoplasma has not been done.  This study aimed to diagnose phytoplasma associated with Opuntia sp. based on molecular methods involving PCR standard combined with nested-PCR, cloning and DNA sequencing. Standard PCR was carried out using P1/P7 primers followed by nested-PCR using R16F2n/R16R2 or fU5/rU3 primer pairs which amplify the 16S rRNA gene targets of 1.2 kb and 880 bp, respectively. Amplified fragment of nested-PCR using R16F2n/R16R2 primers was chosen to be cloned and sequenced for further identification and classification of phytoplasma.  BLASTn analysis showed that the phytoplasma from Opuntia sp. was closely related to 16SrII group. Phylogenetic analysis and in silico RFLP indicated that phytoplasma strain infecting Opuntia sp. was a member of subgroup 16SrII-C (cactus witches’ broom phytoplasma. This is a newly report of cactus witches’ broom phytoplasma on Opuntia sp. in Indonesia.   

  1. Hepatoprotective Effect of Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha Fruits against Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Damage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gonzalez Ponce, Herson Antonio; Consolacion Martinez-Saldana, Maria; Rosa Rincon-Sanchez, Ana; Teresa Sumaya-Martinez, Maria; Buist-Homan, Manon; Faber, Klaas Nico; Moshage, Han; Jaramillo-Juarez, Fernando


    Acetaminophen (APAP)-induced acute liver failure (ALF) is a serious health problem in developed countries. N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), the current therapy for APAP-induced ALF, is not always effective, and liver transplantation is often needed. Opuntia spp. fruits are an important source of nutrients

  2. Comparative shotgun proteomic analysis of wild and domesticated Opuntia spp. species shows a metabolic adaptation through domestication. (United States)

    Pichereaux, Carole; Hernández-Domínguez, Eric E; Santos-Diaz, Maria Del Socorro; Reyes-Agüero, Antonio; Astello-García, Marizel; Guéraud, Françoise; Negre-Salvayre, Anne; Schiltz, Odile; Rossignol, Michel; Barba de la Rosa, Ana Paulina


    The Opuntia genus is widely distributed in America, but the highest richness of wild species are found in Mexico, as well as the most domesticated Opuntia ficus-indica, which is the most domesticated species and an important crop in agricultural economies of arid and semiarid areas worldwide. During domestication process, the Opuntia morphological characteristics were favored, such as less and smaller spines in cladodes and less seeds in fruits, but changes at molecular level are almost unknown. To obtain more insights about the Opuntia molecular changes through domestication, a shotgun proteomic analysis and database-dependent searches by homology was carried out. >1000 protein species were identified and by using a label-free quantitation method, the Opuntia proteomes were compared in order to identify differentially accumulated proteins among wild and domesticated species. Most of the changes were observed in glucose, secondary, and 1C metabolism, which correlate with the observed protein, fiber and phenolic compounds accumulation in Opuntia cladodes. Regulatory proteins, ribosomal proteins, and proteins related with response to stress were also observed in differential accumulation. These results provide new valuable data that will help to the understanding of the molecular changes of Opuntia species through domestication. Opuntia species are well adapted to dry and warm conditions in arid and semiarid regions worldwide, and they are highly productive plants showing considerable promises as an alternative food source. However, there is a gap regarding Opuntia molecular mechanisms that enable them to grow in extreme environmental conditions and how the domestication processes has changed them. In the present study, a shotgun analysis was carried out to characterize the proteomes of five Opuntia species selected by its domestication degree. Our results will help to a better understanding of proteomic features underlying the selection and specialization under

  3. Characterization of carotenoid profile of Spanish Sanguinos and Verdal prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica, spp.) tissues. (United States)

    Cano, M P; Gómez-Maqueo, A; García-Cayuela, T; Welti-Chanes, J


    Carotenoid profiles of different tissues (peel, pulp and whole fruit) of Spanish Sanguinos (red) and Verdal (orange) prickly pears (Opuntia ficus-indica spp.) have been characterized in detail and quantified for the first time. Carotenoids were determined by HPLC-PDA-MS (APCI + ), using a reverse phase C 30 column. A total of 9 xantophylls and 4 hydrocarbon carotenes were identified. Also, minor amounts of chlorophyll a, a' and b can be observed in Opuntia peel extracts. All carotenoids were found to be present in their free form (no carotenoid esters were detected). The RAE was highest in Opuntia peels, showing values from 19.20 to 16.48µg/100g fresh weigth, for Sanguinos and Verdal Opuntia fruits, respectively. The main carotenoid in Opuntia peel extracts was (all-E)-lutein with 1132.51 and 767.98µg/100g fresh weigth, followed by (all-E)-β-carotene with 200.40 and 173.50µg/100g fresh weigth for Sanguinos and Verdal varieties of Opuntia fruits, respectively. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Reproducción de cochinilla silvestre Dactylopius opuntiae (Homóptera: Dactylopiidae Reproduction of wild cochineal Dactylopius opuntiae (Homoptera: Dactylopiidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arnoldo Flores-Hernández


    Full Text Available Por sus características, la cochinilla silvestre ofrece perspectivas de aprovechamiento como fuente de carmín y para el mejoramiento genético de la grana fina. Por lo anterior, se estableció una multiplicación y crianza de cochinilla silvestre, proveniente de la zona árida del norte de México para caracterizarla, utilizando como hospedero a Opuntia megacantha Salm Dyck. Los resultados indican que la especie silvestre pertenece al género-especie Dactylopius opuntia. Se determinó la presencia de partenogénesis en hembras. La duración de los estadios biológicos depende del sexo del insecto; el adulto hembra permaneció durante 38.4 días y 4.2 días para machos, los primeros estadios ninfales fueron similares en duración (18.1-19.8 días. El ciclo biológico de las hembras fue de 77 días mientras que el de los machos fue de 43 días. Para las hembras se estimó un periodo de preoviposición de 18.8 días, manteniéndose en oviposición durante 21 días con un promedio de 131 insectos por hembra. La proporción sexual hembras: machos fue 1:1. El tipo de reproducción fue predominantemente sexual, aunque hubo hembras partenogénicas. Este es el primer reporte de Dactylopius opuntiae como cochinilla silvestre asociada a la zona árida del noreste de México, específicamente en el Bolsón de Mapimí, Durango, México.Wild cochineal has characteristics that offer advantage as a source of carmine and for fine cochineal improvement. To characterize wild cochineal, we initiated a breeding effort raising wild cochineal from the arid zone of the north oh Mexico, using as a host organism Opuntia megacantha Salm dick. The results indicate that the wild specie is Dactylopius opuntiae. The presence of parthenogenesis in females was determined. The duration of ontogenetic stages depends on the sex of the insect. The adult female lasted 38.4 days and 4.2 days for males, the first stage nymphs were similar in duration (18-19.8 days. The complete

  5. Replacement of soybean meal by cottonseed meal in diets based on spineless cactus for lactating cows Substituição do farelo de soja pelo farelo de algodão em dietas à base de palma forrageira para vacas em lactação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiana Maria da Silva


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the replacement of soybean meal by cottonseed meal in the diet of dairy cows fed diets based on spineless cactus. Five Girolando lactating cows were used, with average live weight of 490 kg and average production of 11.5 kg of milk/day, distributed in a 5 × 5 Latin square design (5 animals, 5 treatments and 5 experimental periods. Each experimental period lasted 15 days, 10 days being for the adaptation of the animals to the diet and 5 days for data collection. The experimental diet consisted of spineless cactus (53%, sorghum silage (32% and concentrate (15%. The cottonseed meal replaced 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of soybean meal in the concentrate. The intake, milk yield and composition were evaluated. The nutrients intake and digestibility were not affected by the treatments, with an average of 15.55 and 56.05; 13.8 and 59.31, 0.37 and 49.40, 5.32 and 30.95, 1.79 and 48.14; 9.94 and 54.31, 4.43 kg/day and 80.99%, for the dry matter, organic matter, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, crude protein, total carbohydrates and non-fibrous carbohydrates, respectively. The total digestible nutrients were not affected (average of 8.30 kg/day. Similarly, the milk yield and composition, fat corrected milk yield (4%, lactose, total solids, fat and protein were not affected by replacement (11.56, 11.41 kg milk/day and 4.45, 12.75, 3.95 and 3.42%, respectively. Recommended the replacement of soybean meal by cottonseed meal for low production dairy cows.Objetivou-se avaliar a substituição do farelo de soja pelo farelo de algodão em dietas à base de palma forrageira para vacas em lactação. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas da raça Girolando (peso vivo médio de 490 kg e produção média de 11,5 kg de leite/dia, distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5 × 5, composto de cinco animais, cinco níveis de farelo de algodão (0; 25; 50; 75 e 100% em substituição ao farelo de soja e cinco períodos experimentais, cada

  6. Metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. afectadas por marchitez letal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pèrez Angela Patricia


    Full Text Available La enfermedad conocida como “marchitez letal” se presenta
    en plantaciones de la zona baja del río Upía, en palmas de siete
    años de sembradas. No se conoce el posible agente causal o
    factores que predisponen a las palmas a la enfermedad, y no se
    ha registrado hasta la fecha en otras zonas palmeras del país. Se
    analizó el metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite
    con síntomas iniciales de la enfermedad, palmas sospechosas
    de presentar la enfermedad y palmas sanas dentro y fuera de
    un foco. Se tomaron muestras de hojas, raíces y estípite para
    determinar las concentraciones de almidón, azúcares reductores,
    no reductores y totales. La concentración de azúcares
    reductores tuvo un incremento en las palmas con síntomas
    iniciales y sospechosos; los azúcares totales presentaron mayor
    concentración en las palmas sospechosas de tener la enfermedad
    con respecto a las palmas con síntomas iniciales. Los azúcares
    no reductores en los diferentes órganos evaluados tuvieron
    una concentración muy baja. Los resultados observados en la
    alteración del metabolismo de los carbohidratos en las palmas
    enfermas probablemente sugieren que los fitoplasmas estén
    asociados a la enfermedad.

  7. Etude physico-chimique, biochimique et stabilité d’un nouveau produit : jus de cladode du figuier de Barbarie marocain (Opuntia ficus-indica et Opuntia megacantha).


    Boutakiout , Amale


    The orientations of the Moroccan agricultural policy concerning the Green Morocco Plan, promote the development of the arid zones and the development of crops that adapt to global warming. The prickly pear cactus is a plant which is adapted to the arid climate and still untapped in Morocco. Prickly pear cladodes contain bioactive components that have beneficial health effects. The juice extracted from cladodes of both species Opuntia ficus-indica(spineless) and Opuntia megacantha(spiny) was t...

  8. Opuntia in Mexico: identifying priority areas for conserving biodiversity in a multi-use landscape.

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    Patricia Illoldi-Rangel

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: México is one of the world's centers of species diversity (richness for Opuntia cacti. Yet, in spite of their economic and ecological importance, Opuntia species remain poorly studied and protected in México. Many of the species are sparsely but widely distributed across the landscape and are subject to a variety of human uses, so devising implementable conservation plans for them presents formidable difficulties. Multi-criteria analysis can be used to design a spatially coherent conservation area network while permitting sustainable human usage. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Species distribution models were created for 60 Opuntia species using MaxEnt. Targets of representation within conservation area networks were assigned at 100% for the geographically rarest species and 10% for the most common ones. Three different conservation plans were developed to represent the species within these networks using total area, shape, and connectivity as relevant criteria. Multi-criteria analysis and a metaheuristic adaptive tabu search algorithm were used to search for optimal solutions. The plans were built on the existing protected areas of México and prioritized additional areas for management for the persistence of Opuntia species. All plans required around one-third of México's total area to be prioritized for attention for Opuntia conservation, underscoring the implausibility of Opuntia conservation through traditional land reservation. Tabu search turned out to be both computationally tractable and easily implementable for search problems of this kind. CONCLUSIONS: Opuntia conservation in México require the management of large areas of land for multiple uses. The multi-criteria analyses identified priority areas and organized them in large contiguous blocks that can be effectively managed. A high level of connectivity was established among the prioritized areas resulting in the enhancement of possible modes of plant dispersal as well as

  9. Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller as a source of bioactivity compounds for health and nutrition. (United States)

    Aragona, M; Lauriano, E R; Pergolizzi, S; Faggio, C


    Plants with beneficial properties are known in traditional medicine. Nowadays, in spite of widespread availability of synthetic compounds, the search goes towards natural compounds to lower cost and few side effects. The increasing interest in preventive medicine encourages use of nutraceuticals, bioactive compounds of vegetable origin with important nutritional values. Among the medicinal plants, Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller (Family Cactaceae, subfamily Opuntiodeae, Genus Opuntia, subgenus Platyopuntia, species Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller) is widely known for its beneficial properties. The aim of the present review is to stress the major classes of Opuntia components and their medical interest through emphasis on some of their biological effects, particularly those having the most promising expected health benefits and therapeutic impacts on fish and mammals.

  10. La importancia de palmas en el oeste de la cuenca Amazónica

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    Las palmas forman un elemento conspicuo y dominante en muchos bosques tropicales en el oeste de la cuenca Amazónica. Existen alrededor de 100 especies de palmas en la zona, y tienen densidades de hasta 8000 individuos por hectárea. Además de su importancia ecológica, las palmas son de gran...

  11. Caracterización de la opuntia ficus-indica para su uso como coagulante natural


    Villabona Ortíz, Angel; Paz, Isabel Cristina; Martínez García, Jasser


    Título en inglés: Characterization of Opuntia ficus-indica for using as a natural coagulantTítulo corto: Caracterización de Opuntia ficus-indica para coagulante naturalResumenActualmente municipios de la Costa Atlántica Colombiana no cuentan con suministro de agua potable. La aplicación artesanal de la Tuna (Opuntia ficus-indica)  como coagulante es una práctica tradicional en comunidades rurales. En esta investigación se realiza la caracterización del tallo de la Tuna que crece de manera sil...

  12. Metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite (elaeis guineensis jacq.) afectadas por marchitez letal


    Pèrez, Angela Patricia; Cayòn, Gerardo


    La enfermedad conocida como “marchitez letal” se presenta
    en plantaciones de la zona baja del río Upía, en palmas de siete
    años de sembradas. No se conoce el posible agente causal o
    factores que predisponen a las palmas a la enfermedad, y no se
    ha registrado hasta la fecha en otras zonas palmeras del país. Se
    analizó el metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite
    con síntomas iniciales de la enfermedad, palmas sospechosas&...

  13. Expression and surface display of Cellulomonas endoglucanase in the ethanologenic bacterium Zymobacter palmae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kojima, Motoki; Akahoshi, Tomohiro; Okamoto, Kenji; Yanase, Hideshi [Tottori Univ. (Japan). Dept. of Chemistry and Biotechnology


    In order to reduce the cost of bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass, we developed a tool for cell surface display of cellulolytic enzymes on the ethanologenic bacterium Zymobacter palmae. Z. palmae is a novel ethanol-fermenting bacterium capable of utilizing a broad range of sugar substrates, but not cellulose. Therefore, to express and display heterologous cellulolytic enzymes on the Z. palmae cell surface, we utilized the cell-surface display motif of the Pseudomonas ice nucleation protein Ina. The gene encoding Ina from Pseudomonas syringae IFO3310 was cloned, and its product was comprised of three functional domains: an N-terminal domain, a central domain with repeated amino acid residues, and a C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain of Ina was shown to function as the anchoring motif for a green fluorescence protein fusion protein in Escherichia coli. To express a heterologous cellulolytic enzyme extracellularly in Z. palmae, we fused the N-terminal coding sequence of Ina to the coding sequence of an N-terminal-truncated Cellulomonas endoglucanase. Z. palmae cells carrying the fusion endoglucanase gene were shown to degrade carboxymethyl cellulose. Although a portion of the expressed fusion endoglucanase was released from Z. palmae cells into the culture broth, we confirmed the display of the protein on the cell surface by immunofluorescence microscopy. The results indicate that the N-terminal anchoring motif of Ina from P. syringae enabled the translocation and display of the heterologous cellulase on the cell surface of Z. palmae. (orig.)

  14. Extensive profiling of three varieties of Opuntia spp. fruit for innovative food ingredients. (United States)

    Melgar, Bruno; Pereira, Eliana; Oliveira, M Beatriz P P; Garcia-Castello, Esperanza M; Rodriguez-Lopez, Antonio D; Sokovic, Marina; Barros, Lillian; Ferreira, Isabel C F R


    Consumer interest in the use of natural ingredients is creating a growing trend in the food industry, leading to research into the development of natural products such as colorants, antimicrobials and antioxidant compounds. This work involves an extensive morphological (using physico-chemical assays), chemical (antioxidant activity assays) and microbiological (Gram-positive and negative strains) characterization of prickly peras (Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) var. sanguigna, gialla and Opuntia engelmannii) fruits. Through chromatographic assays, these species have shown interesting contents of hydrophilic (sugars, organic acids and betalains) and lipophilic (tocopherols and fatty acids) compounds. While Opuntia engelmannii exhibited higher content of betacyanins and mucilage, OFI varieties sanguigna and gialla displayed greater organic acid content. The sanguigna variety also showed the highest α-tocopherol content. All this compounds could be the responsible of enhancing the bioactivity of this variety, which can be observed in its antimicrobial potential, tested in the studied strains too. Results revealed that Opuntia spp. could be used as a nutraceutical and/or food additive, maintaining and promoting health and life quality. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Efeitos da Adubação e de Nematicida no Crescimento e na Produção da Palma Forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill cv. Gigante Effects of Nematicide and Fertilization on the Forage Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill cv. "Gigante" Growth and Production

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    Margareth Maria Teles


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado em telado do Departamento de Zootecnia da UFRPE, objetivando medir o efeito da adubação e de nematicida no crescimento e produção da palma, com sintoma de amarelecimento. Os tratamentos experimentais constaram da adição ou não de macronutrientes, micronutrientes e de nematicida em um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados. Para número de cladódios primários, a análise de variância demonstrou efeito não significativo pelo teste F. Para número total de cladódios, número de cladódios secundários, área de cladódio, índice de área de cladódios e produção de matéria seca, a análise de variância revelou efeito significativo. Não houve efeito dos micronutrientes e de nematicida no grupo dos tratamentos de Solução de Macronutrientes Completa para número de cladódios primários, número de cladódios secundários, área de cladódio, índice de área de cladódios e produção de matéria seca, sendo a média geral 1,56; 0,84; 811,11 cm²; 1,15 e 42,73 g/vaso, respectivamente.The experiment was performed in a green house at the Animal Science Department of the Pernambuco Federal Rural University (UFRPE and aimed to study the nematicide and fertilization effects on the forage cactus cv. "Gigante" growth and production using propagative materials with clorotic symptom. The experimental treatments tested the addition or no of macronutrients, micronutrients and nematicide. It was used a complete randomized block design. Considering the primary cladode's number, no differences were found by F test. Significative differences were found to the total number of cladodes, secondary cladode number, cladode area, cladode area index and dry matter yield. The addition of micronutrients and nematicide did not influence the primary and secondary cladode number, cladode area, cladode area index and dry matter yield, and the mean values obtained were 1.56, 0.84, 811.11 cm², 1.15 and 42.73 g


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The operation of the La Palma Data Archive is described in detail. The archive contains data taken since early 1986 with the Isaac Newton Group; 74% of the 260,000 entries are of astronomical sources. Several hundreds of queries are made on the catalog each year, resulting in approximately one

  17. Antidepressant-like Effect of Kaempferol and Quercitirin, Isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten. (United States)

    Park, Soo-Hyun; Sim, Yun-Beom; Han, Pyung-Lim; Lee, Jin-Koo; Suh, Hong-Won


    Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten. is widely cultivated in Jeju Island (South Korea) for use in manufacture of health foods. This study described antidepressant effect of two flavonoids (kaempferol and quercitrin) isolated from the Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten. The expression of the hypothalamic POMC mRNA or plasma β-endorphin levels were increased by extract of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten or its flavoniods administered orally. In addition, antidepressant activity was studied using tail suspension test (TST), forced swimming test (FST) and rota-rod test in chronically restraint immobilization stress group in mice. After restraint stress (2 hrs/day for 14 days), animals were kept in cage for 14 days without any further stress, bet with drugs. Mice were fed with a diet supplemented for 14 days and during the behavioral test period with kaempferol or quercitrin (30 mg/kg/day). POMC mRNA or plasma β-endorphin level was increased by extract of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten and its flavoniods. In addition, immobility time in TST and FST was significantly reduced by kaempferol or quercitrin. In rota-rod test, the time of permanence was maintained to the semblance of control group in turning at 15 rpm. Our results suggest that two flavonoids (kaempferol and quercitrin) isolated from the Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten. show a potent antidepressant effect.

  18. Antidepressant-like Effect of Kaempferol and Quercitirin, Isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten (United States)

    Park, Soo-Hyun; Sim, Yun-Beom; Han, Pyung-Lim; Lee, Jin-Koo


    Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten. is widely cultivated in Jeju Island (South Korea) for use in manufacture of health foods. This study described antidepressant effect of two flavonoids (kaempferol and quercitrin) isolated from the Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten. The expression of the hypothalamic POMC mRNA or plasma β-endorphin levels were increased by extract of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten or its flavoniods administered orally. In addition, antidepressant activity was studied using tail suspension test (TST), forced swimming test (FST) and rota-rod test in chronically restraint immobilization stress group in mice. After restraint stress (2 hrs/day for 14 days), animals were kept in cage for 14 days without any further stress, bet with drugs. Mice were fed with a diet supplemented for 14 days and during the behavioral test period with kaempferol or quercitrin (30 mg/kg/day). POMC mRNA or plasma β-endorphin level was increased by extract of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten and its flavoniods. In addition, immobility time in TST and FST was significantly reduced by kaempferol or quercitrin. In rota-rod test, the time of permanence was maintained to the semblance of control group in turning at 15 rpm. Our results suggest that two flavonoids (kaempferol and quercitrin) isolated from the Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten. show a potent antidepressant effect. PMID:22110339

  19. A preliminary study of opuntia stricta as a coagulant for turbidity removal in surface waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukhtar, A.


    Natural polymers, extracted from plants, can be used as coagulants for water treatment in addition to metal salts and synthetic polymers. Natural materials may offer benefits such as local production, lesser health hazards and affordability for developing world. Opuntia stricta plant, a cactus specie native to Mexico, has been explored in this study for its efficacy as coagulant. Efficiency of Opuntia stricta was assessed on the basis of turbidity removal from lab prepared and surface water samples. The effect of water pH on its performance was also analyzed. The study results revealed that removal efficiency of Opuntia stricta for turbidity removal remains consistent within a wide pH range (pH 5 to 10), in contrast to other coagulants which are pH dependent. Furthermore, pH of the water remains constant during coagulation and pH adjustment may not be required for subsequent treatment processes, which is often needed in case metal coagulants are used. Residual turbidity below 20 NTU is conveniently achieved by using Opuntia stricta even when it is used at very low doses. Formation of exceptionally large flocs and their linear configuration reveals the possibility that mechanism of coagulation by Opuntia stricta is adsorption and inter-particle bridging. (author)

  20. Intestinal digestibility of protein of adapted forages and by-products in Brazilian Northeast by three-steps technique Digestão intestinal da proteína de forrageiras e co-produtos da agroindústria produzidos no Nordeste Brasileiro por intermédio da técnica de três estágios

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    José Gilson Lousada Regadas Filho


    , canafístula (Pithecellobium multiflorum, flor-de-seda (Calotropis procera, jitirana (Ipomea sp., juazeiro (Ziziphus joazeiro, mata-pasto (Senna obtusifolia, sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth, palma gigante (Opuntia ficus indica e xique-xique (Cereus gounellei, bem como, os co-produtos do abacaxi (Ananas comosus L., acerola (Malpighia emarginata, caju (Anacardium occidentale, coco (Cocos nucifera L., melão (Cucumis melo, maracujá (Passiflora eduli, uva (Vitis labrusca e urucum (Bixa orellana L.. Os alimentos foram incubados no rúmen, por 16 horas para determinação da PNDR, sendo o resíduo da incubação submetido à digestão com solução de pepsina durante uma hora, e solução de pancreatina a 38°C, cujos resíduos foram analisados para nitrogênio total. A estimativa da PNDR das forragens variou de 13,37 a 83,6%, e dos co-produtos de 39,14 a 89,06%. A digestibilidade intestinal da PNDR das forragens variou de 26,09 a 80,68%, enquanto para os co-produtos de 22,26 a 76,82%. O sabiá foi a forrageira que apresentou a maior DI e o maior teor de proteína não degradada no rúmen digestível (PNDRd, e a flor-de-seda os menores valores; enquanto para os co-produtos, melão e caju apresentaram, respectivamente, os maiores valores de DI e PNDRd. O coco apresentou os menores valores para DI e PNDRd. Embora alguns sistemas de adequação de dietas para ruminantes considerem que a PNDR apresenta DI constante, os resultados obtidos sugerem que esta relação é variável.


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    Kelly Bessa


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on fresh fish trade networks found in the street markets of Palmas, capital of Tocantins state, Brazil, so as to identify the economic agents involved and the various geographical spaces which interact as a result of these networks. Fresh fish trade in Palmas takes place in distributor warehouses, grocery stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets, fish shops, and fishing communities, but it is street markets that constitute the most popular sale venues. Market sellers establish upstream supply networks with sectors in the fish food system (suppliers in primary and secondary production, distribution, and retail, whose interactions generate connections in Palmas (fishermen, distributors, retailers on a local scale, as well as connections with locations in Tocantins and Pará states (fishermen, fisheries, cold storage companies on a regional scale. Sellers also establish downstream trade networks with the end consumer at markets and with establishments in the food and small retail sectors, whose interactions produce mostly local connections, in Palmas and in the Luzimangues district (close to Palmas. Such connections are marked by consumption processes in these urban areas. Key-words: network, fresh fish trade, street markets.


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    Ramirez G


    Full Text Available Estudiamos la riqueza, la abundancia, la composición y la estructura de las comunidades de palmas en dos sitios de la selva central del Chocó, Colombia. Se establecieron 14 transectos (1.5 ha en Tutunendo y 12 transectos (1 ha en Angostura, y en cada uno se registraron e identificaron las palmas, incluyendo todos los tamaños (plántulas, juveniles y adultos; además, se indagó sobre nombres comunes y usos de cada especie, entrevistando a 16 hombres mayores de 45 años y conocedores del bosque. La riqueza de palmas encontrada en las localidades estudiadas (29 especies en 1.5 ha y 23 especies en 1 ha, está entre las más altas registradas para el Neotrópico, y corrobora el patrón de distribución de riqueza ligado a altas precipitaciones. La mayoría de las especies están representadas por pocos individuos, mientras que unas pocas son las más abundantes y frecuentes. Se identificó un grupo de especies (Wettinia quinaria, Welfia regia, Iriartea deltoidea, Socratea exorrhiza, Oenocarpus bataua, en el dosel, y Geonoma cuneata, en el sotobosque, que son particularmente importantes a nivel ecológico, y que caracterizan y modelan la vegetación, no sólo del área de estudio, sino también, al parecer, a lo largo de la región del Chocó Biogeográfico. Con base en los resultados y en otros datos florísticos, se plantea que, si bien las palmas son importantes a todo lo largo de la región, la mayor abundancia y riqueza parece presentarse hacia la zona central, que coincide con un aumento en el gradiente de precipitación. Veintisiete de las 33 especies encontradas tenía algún uso en una de las siete categorías de uso, lo cual muestra la importancia de las palmas para las poblaciones locales.

  3. Quality of Opuntia robusta and its use in development of mayonnaise-like product. (United States)

    Bernardino-Nicanor, Aurea; Hinojosa-Hernández, Emma Noemí; Juárez-Goiz, José Mayolo Simitrio; Montañez-Soto, José Luis; Ramírez-Ortiz, María Eugenia; González-Cruz, Leopoldo


    The aim of this study was to characterize Opuntia robusta parenchyma and mucilage as foodstuffs. Solute absorption of Opuntia robusta parenchyma was studied, mucilage was used to develop a mayonnaise-like product as substitute emulsifier alternative to egg yolk and oil substitute. Shelf life of mayonnaise-like product was evaluated. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that oxalate calcium crystal were present in the Opuntia robusta parenchyma and mucilage with druses morphology; whereas that in the mayonnaise-like product were not observed calcium oxalate crystals, due probably to the product pH is acidic. The heat treatment of parenchyma at 50 °C, 65°Brix, had highest influence on the solute absorption (about 35 %). Results revealed that best mixture was the formulated with 26.79 % oil, 62.50 % mucilage and 10.71 % whey protein. Mucilage was the component showing the highest effect on all textural characteristics of mayonnaise-like product. The storage temperature had highest effect on the textural characteristics of mayonnaise-like product than storage time. With the right combination of mucilage of Opuntia, oil and whey protein, it is possible to develop a low-fat mayonnaise with functional properties similar to those of commercial mayonnaise.

  4. Family structure and dynamics in DePalma's horror films. (United States)

    Gordon, N G


    An analysis of the familial relationships in Brian DePalma's five major horror films reveals a persistent unconscious fantasy formation involving the nuclear family. These single-parent, only-child families are all tragically destroyed because of an inability to adequately mourn the absent parent. Although the asexual young adults in the films are spared the completely disastrous effects of madness and violence, they are still psychologically traumatized. This hidden subtextual theme involving the family parallels DePalma's bleak view of authority figures outside the home, as well as American society in general. Adequate identity formation requires that people both inside and outside the family accept the adolescent as a separate person. The grim psychological truth threading its way throughout DePalma's horror films is that these young adults are psychically devastated by the effects of a primitive, fused symbiotic relationship in interaction with a society that does not provide an adequate role for the developing person. Consequently, their attempt to psychologically move outside the family, which includes the maturation of their sexuality, results in the destruction of the family itself.


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    Full Text Available Con el fin de obtener un diagnóstico del estado actual de conocimiento sobre usos de las palmas en la Amazonia colombiana, se revisaron las principales fuentes de información. Treinta y seis de las 41 etnias indígenas consideradas tuvieron registros de uso. Se registraron 82 especies de palmas usadas (78% de las potenciales y 165 usos distribuidos en ocho categorías; todos los usos se presentan de manera detallada en un catálogo. Las categorías de uso más importantes fueron: utensilios y herramientas, construcción, y alimentación humana. Las diez especies más importantes fueron Bactris gasipaes, Euterpe precatoria, Mauritia flexuosa, Oenocarpus bataua, Attalea maripa, Oenocarpus minor, Astrocaryum chambira, Iriartea deltoidea, Oenocarpus bacaba y Socratea exorrhiza; la mayoría de ellas también han sido registradas como las más importantes en otras partes del Neotrópico. No se encontró ninguna información sobre usos de palmas para varios grupos indígenas, especialmente para las etnias cocama, letuama, piaroa, pisamira y yurí, para las cuales se requieren investigaciones detalladas. Se concluye que a pesar de los vacíos de información, los resultados muestran que las palmas son un recurso muy importante con un gran potencial, y una pieza fundamental para la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo sustentable de la Amazonia colombiana. Sugerimos la inclusión de las especies más importantes en programas de manejo y agroforestales, al igual que la implementación y popularización de técnicas de cosecha no destructivas. Recomendamos además que las investigaciones futuras estén enfocadas en desarrollar estrategias de manejo que garanticen el uso sostenible de todas estas especies útiles.

  6. Notas sobre palmas colombianas y una del Brasil

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    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available Por mucho tiempo se ha creído que la palma de moriche de los Llanos orientales, en la región del Meta, era la Mauritia flexuosa L. f., especie típica del genero y originaria de Surinam. Al menos todas las obras botánicas publicadas por autores colombianos sobre la flora de nuestro país coinciden en la identificación anotada, incluso mi reciente trabajo sobre las Palmas de Colombia (Caldasia: 1: 22 y 32. 1940. Sin embargo, en este último trabajo, -que no es más que una nómina preliminar de las palmas descritas o señaladas en Colombia mientras adelanto su estudio sistemático en detalle, -identifiqué como Mauritia minor Burret unos frutos procedentes del Meta y sólo incluía la M. flexuosa ateniéndome a los autores que había consultado, suponiendo que ellos estarían en lo cierto respecto a la existencia de esta especie en Colombia, ya que no contaba yo con material autentico colombiano de la misma. Creía pues que realmente existieran ambas especies, M. flexuosa L.f.. y M. minor Burret, en nuestros Llanos, pero circunstancias recientes han venido a rectificar mi criterio.

  7. Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Fruit Extract as Natural Indicator in Acid-Base Titration


    Manoj A. Suva


    In routine experiments synthetic indicators are the choice of acid base titrations. But there are some limitations like environmental pollution, availability and higher cost which leads to search for natural compounds as an acid base indicator was started. The present work highlights theexploit of the methanolic and aqueous extract of the fruit of Opuntia ficus indica plants as a natural acid base indicator in acid base titrations. Opuntia ficus indica plant was identified and fruits were was...

  8. Acute toxicity of Opuntia ficus indica and Pistacia lentiscus seed oils in mice. (United States)

    Boukeloua, A; Belkhiri, A; Djerrou, Z; Bahri, L; Boulebda, N; Hamdi Pacha, Y


    Opuntia ficus indica and Pistacia lentiscus L. seeds are used in traditional medicine. The objective of this study was to investigate the toxicity of the fixed oil of Opuntia ficus indica and Pistacia lentiscus L. seeds in mice through determination of LD₅₀ values, and also the physicochemical characteristics of the fixed oil of these oils. The acute toxicity of their fixed oil were also investigated in mice using the method of Kabba and Berhens. The fixed oil of Pistacia lentiscus and Opuntia ficus indica seeds were extracted and analyzed for its chemical and physical properties such as acid value, free fatty acid percentage (% FFA), iodine index, and saponification value as well as refractive index and density. LD₅₀ values obtained by single doses, orally and intraperitoneally administered in mice, were respectively 43 ± 0,8 ;[40.7- 45.4 ] ml/kg body wt. p.o. and 2.72 ± 0,1 ;[2.52-2.92] ml/kg body wt. i.p. for Opuntia ficus indica ; and 37 ± 1 ;[34.4 - 39.8 ] ml/kg body wt. p.o. and 2.52 ± 0,2 ;[2.22 - 2.81 ] ml/kg body wt. i.p. for Pistacia lentiscus respectively. The yields of seed oil were respectively calculated as 20.25% and 10.41%. The acid and free fatty acid values indicated that the oil has a low acidity.

  9. Acute Toxicity of Opuntia Ficus Indica and Pistacia Lentiscus Seed Oils in Mice


    Boukeloua, A; Belkhiri, A; Djerrou, Z; Bahri, L; Boulebda, N; Pacha, Y Hamdi


    Opuntia ficus indica and Pistacia lentiscus L. seeds are used in traditional medicine. The objective of this study was to investigate the toxicity of the fixed oil of Opuntia ficus indica and Pistacia lentiscus L. seeds in mice through determination of LD50 values, and also the physicochemical characteristics of the fixed oil of these oils. The acute toxicity of their fixed oil were also investigated in mice using the method of Kabba and Berhens. The fixed oil of Pistacia lentiscus and Opunti...

  10. Avanços na pesquisa com plantas forrageiras tropicais em pastagens: características morfofisiológicas e manejo do pastejo

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    Sila Carneiro da Silva


    Full Text Available O manejo do pastejo tem sido uma preocupação constante da pesquisa com plantas forrageiras no Brasil há muitos anos. No entanto, foi durante a última década que ocorreram grandes mudanças e um avanço significativo na compreensão de fatos e processos determinantes da correta utilização das plantas forrageiras tropicais em pastagens. O presente texto tem por objetivo traçar um breve histórico da pesquisa com plantas forrageiras e pastagens no país, apontando sua evolução, tendências, resultados e épocas de transição. Isso colocará o conhecimento disponível em perspectiva e servirá de base para a discussão da importância e relevância dos estudos envolvendo avaliações das características morfofisiológicas das plantas forrageiras para fins de planejamento e definição de estratégias de manejo do pastejo. As informações são apresentadas de maneira sistematizada, favorecendo uma visão integrada das diferentes tendências e concepções filosóficas da pesquisa com plantas forrageiras no país, apontando, de maneira crítica, a necessidade de revisão e mudança de paradigmas como forma de promover a melhoria, aperfeiçoamento e o crescimento do conhecimento acerca da produção animal em pastagens.Grazing management has been the focus of the research with forage plants in Brazil for many years. However, it was during the last decade that significant changes and advance occurred regarding the understanding of important factors and processes that determine adequate use of tropical forage plants in pastures. The objective of this text is to provide a brief history of the research on forage plants and grasslands in Brazil, highlighting its evolution, trends, results and transition phases. That will help to put things into perspective and provide the basis for discussing the importance and relevance of studies involving evaluations of morphophysiological traits and responses of forage plants towards planning and definition

  11. del biodiesel de aceite de palma

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    Pedro Nel Benjumea


    Full Text Available El deficiente desempeño del biodiesel de aceite de palma (BAP a bajas temperaturas constituye su mayor deficiencia de calidad y el limitante para propiciar el uso de este combustible alternativo para motores diesel puro o mezclado en altas proporciones con el combustible diesel convencional derivado del petróleo (ACPM. En este trabajo se evalúan varias alternativas para mejorar las propiedades de flujo a baja temperatura (PFBT del BAP. Mediante la producción del biodiesel utilizando alcoholes ramificados como el isopropanol, isobutanol, 2-butanol e isopentanol se obtienen alquilésteres del aceite de palma con puntos de nube y fl uidez más bajos que los correspondientes a los metilésteres. La sustitución del grupo metil por el isopentil permite obtener reducciones en los puntos de nube y fluidez de 8 y 21 ºC, respectivamente. Los isopropilésteres del aceite de palma poseen un punto de nube 10 ºC menor que el de los metilésteres. El punto de nube de las mezclas BAP-ACPM se incrementa en forma lineal con el contenido del biodiesel en la mezcla. Para las mezclas probadas (B5, B20 y B30 solo se presentan problemas de filtrabilidad del combustible a temperaturas por debajo de -4 ºC. En este trabajo se evaluó la efectividad de dos aditivos comerciales mejoradores de flujo para reducir el punto de obstrucción de filtros en frío (POFF del biodiesel puro y las mezclas probadas. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que con dichos aditivos solamente es posible obtener reducciones en el POFF de la mezcla B5 cuando se usa la menor de las tres concentraciones de aditivo probadas.

  12. Níveis de farelo de melancia forrageira em dietas para ovinos Levels of forage watermelon meal in diets for sheep

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    Raimundo Luiz Nunes Vaz da Silva


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estudar a inclusão de 20, 35, 50, 65 ou 80% de farelo de melancia forrageira (Citrullus lanatus cv. citroides (FMF em dietas à base de feno de guandu (Cajanus cajan, foi realizado um ensaio de digestibilidade utilizando-se 20 cordeiros com 6 meses de idade e peso vivo de 11,2 ± 1,2 kg. O experimento constou de 20 dias de adaptação e 5 de coleta total de sobras e de fezes. O farelo de melancia forrageira e o feno de guandu apresentaram 95,3 e 95,75% de matéria seca (MS, 18,7 e 16,8% de proteína bruta (PB e 38,8 e 64,3% de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN. Os níveis de farelo de melancia forrageira determinaram aumento quadrático nos consumos de MS, MO, PB, FDN, FDA, hemicelulose e carboidratos totais. O consumo de extrato etéreo não foi alterado, mas o consumo de CNF teve aumento linear conforme aumentaram os níveis de farelo de melancia forrageira. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade de MS (58%, PB (69%, FDN (41% e EE (85% não foram influenciados pelo nível de farelo de melancia forrageira. As digestibilidades de MO (54 a 62%, FDA (36 a 49% e carboidratos totais (47 a 58% variaram linear e positivamente, enquanto a digestibilidade da hemicelulose teve comportamento inverso. As dietas proporcionaram consumo de matéria seca que atendeu a exigência dos animais. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade observados foram satisfatórios. O farelo de melancia forrageira pode ser indicado para compor dietas à base de feno de guandu em níveis de 35 a 66% da matéria seca.In order to study the inclusion of forage watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. Citroides meal (FWM in pigeon pea hay based diets (Cajanus cajan (PPH, a digestibility trial in sheep was carried out for testing five levels of FWM (20, 35, 50, 65 and 80%. Twenty lambs with an average age of six months and live weight of 11.2 kg (± 1.2 were used. The experimental period was twenty days for adaptation and five days for total refuses and feces collection. The chemical

  13. Anatomical, chemical, and biochemical characterization of cladodes from prickly pear [Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.]. (United States)

    Ginestra, Giovanna; Parker, Mary L; Bennett, Richard N; Robertson, Jim; Mandalari, Giuseppina; Narbad, Arjan; Lo Curto, Rosario B; Bisignano, Giuseppe; Faulds, Craig B; Waldron, Keith W


    Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes represent the green stem of the plant and are generally used as animal feed or disposed of in landfills. The present work investigated the anatomical and chemical composition of Opuntia cladodes, which form the basis of their pharmacological effects. Glucose and galacturonic acid were the main sugars of Opuntia cladodes, whereas high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis showed the presence of mainly kaempherol and isorhamnetin glycosides (glucoside and rhamnoside). The presence of high amounts of calcium oxalate crystals was demonstrated by light microscopy on fresh and lyophilized cladodes. No antimicrobial activity was observed even after enzymatic treatment. O. ficus-indica cladodes may retain material tightly associated with cell-wall components, and this property will have the potential to greatly reduce the bioavailability of bioactive compounds.

  14. Extraction of Opuntia dillenii Haw. Polysaccharides and Their Antioxidant Activities

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    Heng Li


    Full Text Available Use of natural polysaccharides in medicine and food has wide interest in research. In this study, we extracted and purified some polysaccharides from cactus Opuntia dillenii Haw. (ODP. Some preliminary functions of these products were characterized. Under the optimal purification conditions, the yield of ODP extracted from the 2–4 month-old Opuntia dillenii Haw. (T-ODP was 30.60% ± 0.40%, higher than that of ODP from the 5–10 month-old materials (O-ODP (18.97% ± 0.58%. The extracted ODP was purified by DEAE sepharose fast flow anion exchange and Sephacryl S-400 chromatography with four fractions obtained (ODP-Ia, ODP-Ib, ODP-IIa and ODP-IIb. Analysis with UV-vis chromatography indicated that ODP-Ia and ODP-IIa were relatively homogeneous molecules with a molecular weight of 339 kD and 943 kD, respectively. Results of infrared spectroscopy indicated that ODP, ODP-Ia, and ODP-IIa were acidic polysaccharides. Further, the antioxidant activity against DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical, hydroxyl radicals, and superoxide radical in vitro demonstrated that the T-ODP exhibited higher antioxidant activity than the O-ODP, and the purified fraction (ODP-Ia was superior to the ODP. These results will offer a theoretical basis for further research on the structure-function relationship of ODP and the rational utilization of Opuntia dillenii Haw.

  15. Agrobiodiversity of cactus pear (Opuntia, Cactaceae in the Meridional Highlands Plateau of Mexico

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    Juan Antonio Reyes-Agüero


    Full Text Available Mexico is characterized by a remarkable richness of Opuntia, mostly at the Meridional Highlands Plateau; it is also here where the greatest richness of Opuntia variants occurs. Most of these variants have been maintained in homegardens; however, the gathering process which originated these homegardens has been disrupted over the past decades, as a result of social change and the destruction of large wild nopaleras. If the variants still surviving in homegardens are lost, these will be hard to recover, that is, the millenary cultural heritage from the human groups that populated the Mexican Meridional Highland Plateau will be lost forever. This situation motivated the preparation of a catalogue that records the diversity of wild and cultivated Opuntia variants living in the meridional Highlands Plateau. To this end, 379 samples were obtained in 29 localities, between 1998 and 2003. The information was processed through Twinspan. All specimens were identified and preserved in herbaria. Botanical keys and descriptions were elaborated. The catalogue includes information on 126 variants comprising 18 species. There were species with only one variant (Opuntia atropes, O. cochinera, O. jaliscana, O. leucotricha, O. rzedowskii and O. velutina, two (O. durangensis, O. lindheimeri, O. phaeacantha and O. robusta, five (O. joconostle and O. lasiacantha, seven (O. chavena, 12 (O. hyptiacantha and O. streptacantha, 15 (O. ficus-indica, 22 (O. albicarpa, and up to 34 (O. megacantha. Additionally, 267 common cactus pear names were related to those variants.

  16. Toward understanding the efficacy and mechanism of Opuntia spp. as a natural coagulant for potential application in water treatment. (United States)

    Miller, Sarah M; Fugate, Ezekiel J; Craver, Vinka Oyanedel; Smith, James A; Zimmerman, Julie B


    Historically, there is evidence to suggest that communities in the developing world have used plant-based materials as one strategy for purifying drinking water. In this study, the coagulant properties of Opuntia spp., a species of cactus, are quantitatively evaluated for the first time. Opuntia spp. was evaluated for turbidity removal from synthetic water samples, and steps were made toward elucidating the underlying coagulation mechanism. In model turbid water using kaolin clay particles at pH 10, Opuntia spp. reduced turbidity by 98% for a range of initial turbidities. This is similar to the observed coagulation activities previously described for Moringa oleifera, a widely studied natural coagulant. Although it has been reported that Moringa oleifera predominantly operates through charge neutralization, comparison of zeta potential measurements and transmission electron microscopy images of flocs formed by Opuntia spp. suggest that these natural coagulants operate through different mechanisms. It is suggested that Opuntia spp. operates predominantly through a bridging coagulation mechanism. Once optimized, application of these readily available plants as a part of point-of-use water treatment technology may offer a practical, inexpensive, and appropriate solution for producing potable water in some developing communities.

  17. Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis) fruit juice protects against ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 18, 2013 ... A putative beneficial effect of Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis prickly pear ... peroxidation levels were also increased in animals given ethanol compared to the controls. ..... mechanisms are suggested in this study to explain the.

  18. Studies on modulatory effect of Opuntia elatior extract in Swiss albino mice against gamma irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poonia, Kavita; Sharma, Jaimala


    Opuntia elatior is succulent shrub and is widely grown in warmer parts of the world. Opuntia spp. have shown a variety of medicinal properties such as antiviral, antihyper-lipidemic, antioxidative, antiulcerous, immunomodulatory etc. Objective of the study was to explore radioprotective potential of this wild cactus. The cladodes of Opuntia elatior were collected and cleaned and shade-dried and powdered then hydroalcoholic extract was prepared by refluxing for 36 hrs at 40 °C then liquid extract was cooled and concentrated by evaporating its liquid contents. Mice selected for this study were divided into 5 groups of 5 animals each and administered Opuntia elatior extract dissolved in double distilled water orally with the 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 (mg./kg. body weight/day) for 30 minutes and then animals were exposed whole-body to 8 Gy gamma radiation. After irradiation, these doses were given for 30 consecutive days. Two doses 5 and 10 (mg./kg. body weight/day) were found tolerable when observed for weight, sign of sickness, morbidity, behavioral and mortality till 30 days. The optimum dose was chosen as 10 (mg./kg body weight/day) on the basis of radiation sickness and survival of mice. It will lay the foundation for the development of New, more effective and non toxic radiomodulators drugs from natural sources. (author)


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    Full Text Available Con el fin de evaluar el conocimiento sobre usos de las palmas en el Pacífico colombiano, para orientar las investigaciones futuras y para definir patrones generales de uso en la región, estudiamos las fuentes de información que documentan usos en esta región. Se registraron 90 tipos de usos en 52 especies de palmas útiles en el Pacífico, que equivalen al 61 % de las palmas que crecen en la región. Los usos se agruparon en ocho categorías de uso y 30 subcategorías; las categorías de uso más importantes fueron construcción, utensilios y herramientas, y alimentación humana. Las especies que registraron mayor número de usos fueron Bactris gasipaes, Astrocaryum standleyanum, Oenocarpus bataua, Euterpe oleracea, Oenocarpus minor, Cocos nucifera, Attalea cuatrecasana, Iriartea deltoidea, Desmoncus cirrhifer y Wettinia quinaria.


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    Gustavo Muller Gonçalves Moura


    Full Text Available This work aims to meet the urban environmental management in Palmas and establish consistency with the socio-environmental problems and needs and their efficiency in monitoring and controlling the environment. Palmas, the newest planned city in Brazil is facing conflicts that urban planning could not prevent the peripheral expansion and separation of social classes determined the absence or little coverage of basic infrastructure services like water supply, sewerage, collection and disposal of garbage and the deficiency in the management and maintenance of green areas. From this backdrop, we carried out analysis on the institutions and the environmental reality of the city and proposed a model for the municipal environment, based on the Statute of the city, and also suggestions to formulate public policies and proposals for immediate action, aimed at improve the quality of life of Palmas.

  1. Datos bionómicos y descripción de los inmaduros de Calyptocephala gerstaeckeri Boheman (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), plaga de la palma aceitera (Elaeis guineensis J.) y de la palma camedor (Chamaedorea elegans Mart.) (Arecaceae) en Tabasco, México


    Córdova-Ballona, Leonides; Sánchez-Soto, Saúl


    En el presente trabajo se presentan descripciones de la morfología externa del huevo, instares larvales y pupa de Calyptocephala gerstaeckeri Boheman, insecto plaga de la palma aceitera (Elaeis guineensis J.) y de la palma camedor (Chamaedorea elegans Mart.) en el estado de Tabasco, México. Además se aportan algunos datos acerca de la bionomía de esta especie, la cual fue criada en laboratorio sobre plantas jóvenes de palma aceitera. Characters of the external morphology of egg, larval ins...


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    Wolfgang Gindl-Altmutter,


    Full Text Available The mechanical properties and structure of cactus Opuntia ficus-indica spines were characterised in bending and by means of x-ray diffraction. Using spruce wood cell walls for reference, the modulus of elasticity of Opuntia cactus spines was high in absolute terms, but comparable when specific values were considered, which can be explained by similarities in the cell wall structure of both materials. Differently from the modulus of elasticity, the bending strength of cactus spines was unexpectedly high both in absolute and in specific terms. The unique cellulose-arabinan composite structure of cactus spines, together with high cellulose crystallinity, may explain this finding.

  3. Qualidade de vida na cidade de Palmas - TO: uma análise através de indicadores habitacionais e ambientais urbanos Life quality in Palmas - TO: an analisys through housing and urban environmental indicators

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    Faida Kran


    Full Text Available O presente artigo discute a qualidade de vida na cidade de Palmas, capital do Estado do Tocantins, através de uma análise da habitação e seu entorno, utilizando um grupo de dez indicadores que foram capazes de identificar, em Palmas, semelhantes condições de vulnerabilidade sócio-ambiental, vistas também em tantas outras cidades brasileiras, apesar dos discursos que legitimaram a sua criação e da mesma ter alcançado, até o presente, alguns bons indicadores sócio-ambientais.The present article discusses life quality in Palmas, the capital of Tocantins State, through an analysis of housing and its surroundings group of ten indicators, that were capable of identifying in Palmas similar conditions of socio-environmental vulnerability, also seen in many other Brazilian cities, in spite of the discourses that legitimized its creation and of the fact that the city indeed attained some good indicators up to the present moment.

  4. Chemical and nutritional content of Opuntia ficus-indica (L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) fruit pulp was analyzed for its chemical and nutritional content and the results compared with those of the same species from other parts of the world. The analysis included those for: Moisture and ash contents, crude fibre, energy values, non-reducing sugars, crude protein and vitamin C. Total ...

  5. La identidad de Scheelea Insignis (Palmae La identidad de Scheelea Insignis (Palmae

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    Galeano Gloria


    Full Text Available Exploration of the type locality, and study of the type, confirm that Scheelea insignis (Mart. Karsten is actually an acaulescent palm, and does not have the 15-18 m tall trunk described by Martius. Scheelea attaleoides Karsten is shown to be a synonym of S. insignis. Con base en la exploración detallada de la localidad típica, y en el estudio del tipo, se confirma que Scheelea insignis (Mart. Karsten es en realidad una palma acaule, y no tiene el tronco de 15-18 metros de alto descrito por Martius. Se concluye también que Scheelea attaleoides Karsten es sinónimo de S. insignis.

  6. Gasterópodos asociados al alga calcárea Halimeda opuntia (Udoteaceae en Puerto Rico

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    Cedar I García-Ríos


    Full Text Available Se describen y comparan las comunidades de gasterópodos asociados al alga verde calcárea H. opuntia. Se compararon estas comunidades en arrecifes coralinos de lugares geográfica y ambientalmente diferentes, uno en el noreste de Puerto Rico, frente a los vientos alisios (barlovento, el otro en el suroeste (sotavento. Se analizó el contenido de 15 lotes (2432 g de H. opuntia recolectadas en la estación de sotavento y 21 lotes (2448 g en la de barlovento. En los 36 lotes se recuperaron 526 gasterópodos (prosobranquios que se clasificaron en 54 taxones. Trece especies de gasterópodos representaron el 79.6% de la muestra de la comunidad. No encontramos diferencias significativas en las densidades de gasterópodos ni en la riqueza de especies (p>0.100. La densidad promedio fue de 13.9/100 g alga en la estación de sotavento y 7.6/100 g en la de barlovento. Se identificaron 40 especies diferentes en las muestras de sotavento y 31 en las de barlovento. Solamente se encontraron diferencias significativas en los valores de diversidad (Simpson, de 0.91 para la comunidad de sotavento y de 0.82 en la de barlovento (t = 3.44, α = 0.05. No encontramos correlaciσn entre el peso de la muestra del alga y la frecuencia de gasterσpodos en ésta, R² = 0.0893 para sotavento, 0.0249 para barlovento y 0.0923 para datos combinados. Utilizando los métodos de ordenación polar se comprueba la similitud de las dos comunidades estudiadas. Estos resultados sostienen la hipótesis de que H. opuntia le ofrece a los organismos que viven en sus intersticios un microhábitat protegido del impacto del movimiento del agua, creando condiciones más homogéneas que las del hábitat donde encontramos creciendo el alga.Gastropods associated with the calcareous alga Halimeda opuntia (Udoteaceae in Puerto Rico. Gastropod communities associated with the calcareous green alga Halimeda opuntia are described and compared for two Puerto Rico coral reefs: one in the northeast with

  7. Cultivar and Harvest Month Influence the Nutrient Content of Opuntia spp. Cactus Pear Cladode Mucilage Extracts. (United States)

    du Toit, Alba; de Wit, Maryna; Hugo, Arno


    Mucilage extracted from cactus pear cladodes is a hydrocolloid gum. It is a novel, natural, low-kilojoule, cost-effective texture-modifying ingredient in functional food products. Yet, the cultivar with the most optimal nutrient content and the preferred harvest times are as yet unknown. For this reason, mucilage from three Opuntia ficus-indica (Algerian, Morado and Gymno-Carpo) and one Opuntia robusta (Robusta) cultivar were investigated to determine their nutrient content over six months. Nutrients that contribute energy (10.2 kJ/g) were low. The mineral content was high (ash 17.7/100 g), particularly calcium (3.0 g/100 g) and phosphorous (109.5 mg/kg). Low insoluble acid-detergent fibre (1.4 g/kg) and neutral-detergent fibre (2.1 g/kg) values indicated that mucilage was mostly soluble fibre. Calcium oxalate crystals were not detected in dried mucilage. Opuntia robusta powders had higher protein, extractable fat and potassium content, while Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage powders had higher polyunsaturated (Linoleic and α-Linolenic acid) fat content. O. robusta Robusta mucilage, harvested after the fruit harvest (February) had the lowest energy content and the highest mineral and protein content. Mucilage powders were highly soluble, low-kilojoule and mineral-rich. This is a functional ingredient that is produced from an easily cultivated crop, as cactus pears grow in areas with poor soil, extremely high daytime temperatures and limited water supplies.

  8. Immunoprotective activity and antioxidant properties of cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) extract against chlorpyrifos toxicity in rats. (United States)

    Smida, Amani; Ncibi, Saida; Taleb, Jihen; Ben Saad, Anouar; Ncib, Sana; Zourgui, Lazhar


    Opuntia ficus indica (family Cactaceae) is a typical Mediterranean plant, mainly used in food and traditional folk medicine. The present study was designed to evaluate the protective effect of Opuntia ficus indica extract against chlorpyrifos (CPF)-induced immunotoxicity in rats. The experimental animals consisted of four groups of Wistar rats (5-6 weeks old) of eight each: a control group, a group treated with CPF (10mg/kg), a group treated with Opuntia ficus indica extract (100mg/kg), and a group treated with cactus extract then treated with CPF. These components were daily administered by gavage for 30days. After treatment, immunotoxicity was estimated by a count of thymocytes, splenocytes, stem cells in the bone marrow, relative weights of thymus and spleen, DNA aspects, and oxidative stress status in these organs. Results showed that CPF could induce thymus atrophy, splenomegaly, and a decrease in the cell number in the bone marrow. It also increased the oxidative stress markers resulting in elevated levels of the lipid peroxidation with a concomitant decrease in the levels of enzymatic antioxidants (SOD, CAT, GPx) in both spleen and thymus, and also degradation of thymocyte and splenocyte DNA. Consistent histological changes were found in the spleen and thymus under CPF treatment. However, administration of Opuntia ficus indica extract was found to alleviate this CPF-induced damage. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  9. Invasion of Opuntia humifusa and O. phaeacantha (Cactaceae into plant communities of the Karadag Nature Reserve

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    Valentina V. Fateryga


    Full Text Available The results of a study of Opuntia humifusa and O. phaeacantha naturalised in the Karadag Nature Reserve (southeastern part of the Crimean Peninsula are presented. There, the largest coenopopulations of Opuntia plants are confined to the «biostation» territory (bordering with the park, administrative buildings and housing estate. Twelve localities were described in the Karadag Reserve. These differ by phytocoenotic characteristics, area and floristic composition. Seven localities include only O. humifusa plants; four ones include only O. phaeacantha individuals; and both the species are present on the twelfth locality. The total number of individuals of each species and ontogenetic structure of the population were studied in each locality. The total number of O. humifusa individuals in the Karadag Reserve is more than 600 plants within the «biostation» territory, while the total number of O. phaeacantha plants is about 400 individuals. Studying of the plant communities has been carried out according to the Braun-Blanquet method. Opuntia plants form derivate communities within degraded steppes, phryganoid-steppes, and semi-desert badland phytocoenoses almost at all studied localities. A significant number of synanthropic species (including alien plants was found within these communities. Opuntia plants are able to self-reproduce predominantly vegetatively. Self-seeding reproduction occurs less frequently. Both species can be considered as invasive plants because they have a high adaptive capacity.

  10. Socio-ecological impacts of invasive alien cactus (Opuntia) in the ...

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    Socio-ecological impacts of invasive alien cactus (Opuntia) in the rangelands of Narok County, Kenya. ... Chopping was the preferred method of management but was combined with other mechanical and chemical methods in order to be more effective. Appropriate interventions are suggested to mitigate the negative ...

  11. Solidarity finance through community development banks as a strategy for reshaping local economies: lessons from Banco Palmas

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    Genauto Carvalho de França Filho


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the possibilities and challenges of Community Development Banks (CDBs as an innovative method of socioeconomic management of microcredit for poor populations. To this end, we will discuss the case of Banco Palmas in Conjunto Palmeiras in the city of Fortaleza, in the northeastern state of Ceará, as an empirical case study. The analyses presented here are based on information obtained from Banco Palmas between late 2011 and early 2012. In addition, previous studies by other researchers on the bank and other studies on CDBs were important. The primary data collected at Banco Palmas came from documents made available by the bank, such as reports and mappings. The analyses describe some of the characteristics of the granting of microcredit and allow one to situate it in the universe of microfinance and solidarity finance. They also show the significant growth of local consumption, mostly through the use of the Palmas social currency. The Banco Palmas experience, aside from influencing national public policies of solidarity finance, initiated a CDBs network that encourages the replication of these experiences throughout the country.

  12. Chemical composition of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) fruit | Salim ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Chemical composition of pulp, skin and seeds of fruit of Opuntia ficus-indica was investigated. Results showed high amount of water in the pulp (84.14%) and skin (90.33%). Glucose and fructose (29 and 24%, respectively) in the pulp were greater than in the skin (14 and 2.29%, respectively), whereas saccharose was very ...

  13. Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Palma Aceitera en el Perú 2016 - 2025


    Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego


    El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Palma Aceitera es un instrumento de política del Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego que orientará las acciones de mediano y largo plazo de los actores públicos y privados vinculados con la cadena productiva de la palma aceitera hacia el logro de la competitividad económica, social y ambientalmente sostenible.

  14. Uses and management of Aphandra Natalia (palmae in Ecuador

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    Full Text Available UTILISATIONS ET MISE EN VALEUR DE APHANDRA NATALIA (PALMAE EN EQUATEUR. Aphandra natalia (Balslev & Henderson Barfod est un palmier Phytelephantoidé de l’Amazonie occidentale. En Équateur il est exploité commercialement pour ses fruits comestibles, et pour les fibres de la gousse et du pétiole de la feuille dont on se sert pour fabriquer les balais dans tout le pays. Les fibres sont extraites principalement des individus sauvages de la forêt ou de ceux qui se trouvent dans les pâturages et les zones agricoles et qui sont exploités in situ. L’exploitation comprend la protection du palmier lorsque la forêt est coupée, l’enlèvement sélectif d’autre végétation et des techniques de récolte non-destructives. De temps à autre A. natalia se cultive. USOS Y MANEJO DE APHANDRA NATALIA (PALMAE EN ECUADOR. Aphandra natalia (Balslev & Henderson Barfod es una palma Phytelephantoideae de la Amazonia occidental. En el Ecuador es explotada comercialmente por sus frutos comestibles, y por las fibras de la vaina y del pecíolo de la hoja que son usadas para la producción de escobas en todo el país. Las fibras son extraídas principalmente de individuos en el bosque natural o de plantas dejadas en los pastizales y en los campos agrícolas, y manejadas in situ. El manejo incluye dejar en pie la palma cuando el bosque es talado, la remoción selectiva de otra vegetación y las técnicas de cosecha no destructivas. Ocasionalmente A. natalia es cultivada. Aphandra natalia (Balslev & Henderson Barfod is a Phytelephantoid palm from the western Amazon. In Ecuador it is commercially exploited for its edible fruits, and for its leaf sheath and petiole fibers which are used for brooms throughout the country. Fibers are extracted mainly from wild individuals in the forest or those left in pastures and agricultural areas and managed in situ. Management includes protecting the palm when forest is cleared, selective removal of other vegetation, and non

  15. Characterization of crystalline structures in Opuntia ficus-indica. (United States)

    Contreras-Padilla, Margarita; Rivera-Muñoz, Eric M; Gutiérrez-Cortez, Elsa; del López, Alicia Real; Rodríguez-García, Mario Enrique


    This research studies the crystalline compounds present in nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica) cladodes. The identification of the crystalline structures was performed using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The crystalline structures identified were calcium carbonate (calcite) [CaCO3], calcium-magnesium bicarbonate [CaMg(CO3)2], magnesium oxide [MgO], calcium oxalate monohydrate [Ca(C2O4)•(H2O)], potassium peroxydiphosphate [K4P2O8] and potassium chloride [KCl]. The SEM images indicate that calcite crystals grow to dipyramidal, octahedral-like, prismatic, and flower-like structures; meanwhile, calcium-magnesium bicarbonate structures show rhombohedral exfoliation and calcium oxalate monohydrate is present in a drusenoid morphology. These calcium carbonate compounds have a great importance for humans because their bioavailability. This is the first report about the identification and structural analysis of calcium carbonate and calcium-magnesium bicarbonate in nopal cladodes, as well as the presence of magnesium oxide, potassium peroxydiphosphate and potassium chloride in these plants. The significance of the study of the inorganic components of these cactus plants is related with the increasing interest in the potential use of Opuntia as a raw material of products for the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.

  16. Cultivar and Harvest Month Influence the Nutrient Content of Opuntia spp. Cactus Pear Cladode Mucilage Extracts

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    Alba du Toit


    Full Text Available Mucilage extracted from cactus pear cladodes is a hydrocolloid gum. It is a novel, natural, low-kilojoule, cost-effective texture-modifying ingredient in functional food products. Yet, the cultivar with the most optimal nutrient content and the preferred harvest times are as yet unknown. For this reason, mucilage from three Opuntia ficus-indica (Algerian, Morado and Gymno-Carpo and one Opuntia robusta (Robusta cultivar were investigated to determine their nutrient content over six months. Nutrients that contribute energy (10.2 kJ/g were low. The mineral content was high (ash 17.7/100 g, particularly calcium (3.0 g/100 g and phosphorous (109.5 mg/kg. Low insoluble acid-detergent fibre (1.4 g/kg and neutral-detergent fibre (2.1 g/kg values indicated that mucilage was mostly soluble fibre. Calcium oxalate crystals were not detected in dried mucilage. Opuntia robusta powders had higher protein, extractable fat and potassium content, while Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage powders had higher polyunsaturated (Linoleic and α-Linolenic acid fat content. O. robusta Robusta mucilage, harvested after the fruit harvest (February had the lowest energy content and the highest mineral and protein content. Mucilage powders were highly soluble, low-kilojoule and mineral-rich. This is a functional ingredient that is produced from an easily cultivated crop, as cactus pears grow in areas with poor soil, extremely high daytime temperatures and limited water supplies.

  17. Il mestiere di tradurre 4: César Palma

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    César Palma


    Full Text Available Si toda entrevista a un traductor es una invitación directa a la lectura, no cabe duda de que recordar algunas de las traducciones que han salido de las manos de César Palma justifica aún más si cabe esta intención. De hecho, con una trayectoria que abarca casi ya las tres décadas, se deben a César Palma la traducción de títulos tan interesantes de la narrativa italiana del siglo pasado y principios del presente como, por poner unos ejemplos, El tablero ante el espejo de Massimo Bontempelli, La infancia de Nivasio Dolcemare de Alberto Savinio, La cofradía de los celestinos de Stefano Benni o tres de los mejores títulos de Mario Rigoni Stern, una “especie de envés de Jünger” según nos declaraba, El sergente en la nieve, Estaciones e Historia di Tönle. Entrevista de Juan Carlos Postigo Ríos y Juan Pérez Andrés.

  18. Characterization of crystalline structures in Opuntia ficus-indica


    Contreras-Padilla, Margarita; Rivera-Muñoz, Eric M.; Gutiérrez-Cortez, Elsa; del López, Alicia Real; Rodríguez-García, Mario Enrique


    This research studies the crystalline compounds present in nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica) cladodes. The identification of the crystalline structures was performed using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The crystalline structures identified were calcium carbonate (calcite) [CaCO3], calcium-magnesium bicarbonate [CaMg(CO3)2], magnesium oxide [MgO], calcium oxalate monohydrate [Ca(C2O4)•(H2O)], potassium peroxydiphosph...

  19. Protective effect of Opuntia ficus-indica L. cladodes against UVA-induced oxidative stress in normal human keratinocytes. (United States)

    Petruk, Ganna; Di Lorenzo, Flaviana; Imbimbo, Paola; Silipo, Alba; Bonina, Andrea; Rizza, Luisa; Piccoli, Renata; Monti, Daria Maria; Lanzetta, Rosa


    Opuntia ficus-indica L. is known for its beneficial effects on human health, but still little is known on cladodes as a potent source of antioxidants. Here, a direct, economic and safe method was set up to obtain water extracts from Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes rich in antioxidant compounds. When human keratinocytes were pre-treated with the extract before being exposed to UVA radiations, a clear protective effect against UVA-induced stress was evidenced, as indicated by the inhibition of stress-induced processes, such as free radicals production, lipid peroxidation and GSH depletion. Moreover, a clear protective effect against apoptosis in pre-treated irradiated cells was evidenced. We found that eucomic and piscidic acids were responsible for the anti-oxidative stress action of cladode extract. In conclusion, a bioactive, safe, low-cost and high value-added extract from Opuntia cladodes was obtained to be used for skin health/protection. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. The polysaccharide and low molecular weight components of Opuntia ficus indica cladodes: Structure and skin repairing properties. (United States)

    Di Lorenzo, Flaviana; Silipo, Alba; Molinaro, Antonio; Parrilli, Michelangelo; Schiraldi, Chiara; D'Agostino, Antonella; Izzo, Elisabetta; Rizza, Luisa; Bonina, Andrea; Bonina, Francesco; Lanzetta, Rosa


    The Opuntia ficus-indica multiple properties are reflected in the increasing interest of chemists in the identification of its natural components having pharmaceutical and/or cosmetical applications. Here we report the structural elucidation of Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage that highlighted the presence of components differing for their chemical nature and the molecular weight distribution. The high molecular weight components were identified as a linear galactan polymer and a highly branched xyloarabinan. The low molecular weight components were identified as lactic acid, D-mannitol, piscidic, eucomic and 2-hydroxy-4-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-butanoic acids. A wound healing assay was performed in order to test the cicatrizing properties of the various components, highlighting the ability of these latter to fasten dermal regeneration using a simplified in vitro cellular model based on a scratched keratinocytes monolayer. The results showed that the whole Opuntia mucilage and the low molecular weight components are active in the wound repair. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Production and characterization of cosmetic nanoemulsions containing Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) mill extract as moisturizing agent. (United States)

    Ribeiro, Renato Cesar de Azevedo; Barreto, Stella Maria de Andrade Gomes; Ostrosky, Elissa Aarantes; da Rocha-Filho, Pedro Alves; Veríssimo, Lourena Mafra; Ferrari, Márcio


    This study aimed to produce and characterize an oil in water (O/W) nanoemulsion containing Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill hydroglycolic extract, as well as evaluate its preliminary and accelerated thermal stability and moisturizing efficacy. The formulations containing 0.5% of xanthan gum (FX) and 0.5% of xanthan gum and 1% of Opuntia ficus-indica MILL extract (FXE) were white, homogeneus and fluid in aspect. Both formulations were stable during preliminary and accelerated stability tests. FX and FXE presented a pH compatible to skin pH (4.5-6.0); droplet size varying from 92.2 to 233.6 nm; a polydispersion index (PDI) around 0.200 and a zeta potential from -26.71 to -47.01 mV. FXE was able to increase the water content of the stratum corneum for 5 h after application on the forearm. The O/W nanoemulsions containing 1% of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill extract presented suitable stability for at least for 60 days. Besides, this formulation was able to increase the water content of stratum corneum, showing its moisturizing efficacy.

  2. Misturas de forrageiras anuais e perenes para sucessão à soja em sistemas de integração lavoura‑pecuária

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    Luís Armando Zago Machado


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de forragem de espécies perenes e de suas misturas com espécies anuais, durante a estação seca, e a produtividade de grãos de soja cultivada em sucessão. Os experimentos foram realizados em 2007 e 2008, em Dourados e em São Gabriel do Oeste, MS. Em 2007, foram avaliadas as espécies Urochloa brizantha ('Xaraés' e Megathyrsus maximus ('Tanzânia', em cultivos solteiros ou em misturas com Eleusine coracana (capim‑pé‑de‑galinha, Pennisetum glaucum (milheto e Sorghum bicolor (sorgo forrageiro. Em 2008, foram avaliados U. decumbens e as cultivares Xaraés e Tanzânia em cultivos solteiros ou em misturas com milheto e sorgo forrageiro. As forrageiras foram avaliadas sob sucessivos cortes, durante a estação seca, e a soja no verão, no cultivo em sucessão. As misturas de espécies anuais e perenes não aumentam a produção de forragem, mas melhoram sua distribuição ao longo da estação seca. As forrageiras anuais têm maior participação na produção de forragem das misturas no início da estação seca, e as perenes no final dessa estação. A relação folha/colmo das forrageiras perenes individuais é maior do que a das misturas. Os tratamentos avaliados não têm efeito sobre a soja cultivada em sucessão.

  3. Las fiestas de vecindad en la Palma de Mallorca del siglo XIX

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    Llompart, Gabriel


    Full Text Available By searching city council records for applications for the holding of neighborhood festivals in Palma de Mallorca from 1860 to 1918, the author analyzes festive elements of neighborliness at the time. While some of these elements dated to the Middle Ages and others were new, all reveal the contours of an era and a society.

    A través de documentación municipal —solicitudes de permisos para la celebración de fiestas vecinales en Palma de Mallorca— entre 1860 y 1918, se analizan elementos festivos de vecindad, algunos de ellos vigentes desde época medieval y otros de nueva incorporación, dibujando así una época y una sociedad.

  4. De Dutch Open Telescope, Nieuwe zonnetelescoop op La Palma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rutten, R.J.; Hammerschlag, R.H.; Bettonvil, F.C.M.


    Op het eiland La Palma is een nieuwe zonnetelescoop verrezen, de Dutch Open Telescope (DOT). Hij doet zijn naam eer aan: de DOT staat open en bloot op een vijftien meter hoog open statief, ogend alsof een spin op lange poten van Mars is neergedaald tus-sen de eerbiedwaardige koepels van de


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    Hernán Mauricio Romero


    Full Text Available La pudrición del cogollo (PC es la principal enfermedad de la palma en Colombia. En las zonas palmeras Central (ZC y Oriental (ZE, las palmas enfermas pueden recuperarse naturalmente. En la Zona Occidental (ZW el proceso de recuperación no es evidente. La recuperación de palmas está ligada a gran actividad meristemática que podría involucrar la acción inductora de metabolitos como las poliaminas (PA. Este trabajo muestra la relación entre poliaminas del meristemo y la capacidad de recuperación de palmas con PC, en dos zonas agroclimáticas diferentes. Poliaminas extraídas del meristemo de palmas sembradas en ZC y ZW, fueron analizadas por HPLC. En ZC, donde existe recuperación espontánea, los niveles más altos de PA se presentan en palmas sanas y en recuperación y a medida que avanza la enfermedad la concentración desciende hasta un mínimo en el estado de PC inicial (PCI. Luego la concentración de PA aumenta hasta el estado de Buena Recuperación (BR donde los valores de poliaminas son más altos que los de palmas sanas. En la ZW, con la enfermedad el contenido de PA aumenta llegando al máximo en plantas sin recuperación y el mínimo se presenta en plantas sanas. Las diferencias entre zonas pueden explicarse por diferentes roles de las poliaminas en plantas. En la ZC la cantidad elevada de PA en palmas sanas o en recuperación funcionaría en la inducción de actividad meristemática, para la recuperación espontánea. En la ZW el aumento en el contenido de PA con la enfermedad induciría la generación de especies reactivas de oxígeno para defensa secundaria de la planta ante la imposibilidad de, a través de incrementos en la actividad meristemática producir rápidamente estructuras sanas que no sean reinfectadas.

  6. A PRESENÇA MARANHENSE EM PALMAS-TOCANTINS: identidade social, estigma e preconceito

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    José Vandilo dos Santos


        RESUMEN Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de un estudio llevado a cabo en Palmas, capital del estado de Tocantins, en la construcción del estigma y los prejuicios presentes en las relaciones entre la población procedente del Estado de Maranhão y los habitantes de nuestra capital, con el fin de entender la construcción del estigma de "Marañón" generalmente atribuida a personas consideradas inferiores o ciertas dificultades para llevar a cabo sus actividades. Por lo tanto, se tienen en cuenta los conceptos de identidad en el contexto de la migración, dado que la ciudad de Palmas tiene una población que comprende a personas de diferentes regiones del país que aquí fue en busca de mejores condiciones de vida. La metodología utilizada incluyó la primera revisión de la literatura y después de una investigación cualitativa mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios y entrevistas abiertas dirigida a los residentes Maranhenses Palmas. Se aplicaron 37 cuestionarios a los dos sexos, y 19 para las mujeres y 18 para los varones.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Maranhenses; la identidad; el estigma; perjuicio.

  7. The 1677 eruption of La Palma, Canary Islands

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    Rodríguez Badiola, E.


    Full Text Available The 1677 volcanic eruption, located close to the town of Fuencaliente at the south end of La Palma, has been associated with the large volcanic cone of San Antonio, an emission centre showing relatively high energy phreatomagmatic phases. However, detailed geological mapping and a reinterpretation of available eye-witness accounts elearly prove the San Antonio emission centre to be a preexisting volcano related to an eruption that occurred several thousands years earlier. The 1677 eruption, or Volcán de Fuencaliente is a low magnitude eruption composed of a small strombolian vent and a cluster of aligned spatter vents. About 75-125 x 106 m3 of lavas from these spatter vents covered an area of 4.5 x 106 m2 and formed a wide coastal platform with 1.6 x 106 m2 of new land gained from the sea. This modest magnitude eruption is in better accord with the negligible damage caused to the area reported in the contemporary accounts. This revision of the 1677 eruption and its magnitude is relevant for the precise reconstruction of the recent volcanism of La Palma and the correct definition of volcanic hazards in the island.La erupción de 1677, localizada cerca de la población de Fuencaliente en el S de la isla de La Palma, ha sido asociada hasta ahora con el cono volcánico denominado San Antonio. Este centro de emisión presenta fases eruptivas de energía relativamente elevada. El estudio geológico de detalle de esta erupción y la reinterpretación de los relatos de la época indican que el volcán San Antonio es, en realidad, un aparato volcánico preexistente, relacionado con algún episodio eruptivo de varios miles de años de antigüedad. La verdadera erupción de 1677 o Volcán de Fuencaliente, es de baja magnitud y está formada por pequeños centros eruptivos estrombolianos y conos alineados de escorias. El volumen de lavas emitidas es de unos 75-125 x 106 m3 y cubre una extensión de aproximadamente 4.5 x 106 m2, de los cuales 1.6 x 106 m2

  8. By-products of Opuntia ficus-indica as a source of antioxidant dietary fiber. (United States)

    Bensadón, Sara; Hervert-Hernández, Deisy; Sáyago-Ayerdi, Sonia G; Goñi, Isabel


    Dietary fiber and bioactive compounds are widely used as functional ingredients in processed foods. The market in this field is competitive and the development of new types of quality ingredients for the food industry is on the rise. Opuntia ficus-indica (cactus pear) produces edible tender stems (cladodes) and fruits with a high nutritional value in terms of minerals, protein, dietary fiber and phytochemicals; however, around 20% of fresh weight of cladodes and 45% of fresh weight of fruits are by-products. The objective of this study was therefore to determine the nutritional value of by-products obtained from cladodes and fruits from two varieties of Opuntia ficus-indica, examining their dietary fiber and natural antioxidant compound contents in order to obtain quality ingredients for functional foods and increase the added value of these by-products.

  9. Production and Characterization of Cosmetic Nanoemulsions Containing Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill Extract as Moisturizing Agent

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    Renato Cesar de Azevedo Ribeiro


    Full Text Available This study aimed to produce and characterize an oil in water (O/W nanoemulsion containing Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill hydroglycolic extract, as well as evaluate its preliminary and accelerated thermal stability and moisturizing efficacy. The formulations containing 0.5% of xanthan gum (FX and 0.5% of xanthan gum and 1% of Opuntia ficus-indica Mill extract (FXE were white, homogeneous and fluid in aspect. Both formulations were stable during preliminary and accelerated stability tests. FX and FXE presented a pH compatible to skin pH (4.5–6.0; droplet size varying from 92.2 to 233.6 nm; a polydispersion index (PDI around 0.200 and a zeta potential from −26.71 to −47.01 mV. FXE was able to increase the water content of the stratum corneum for 5 h after application on the forearm. The O/W nanoemulsions containing 1% of Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill extract presented suitable stability for at least for 60 days. Besides, this formulation was able to increase the water content of stratum corneum, showing its moisturizing efficacy.

  10. The effect of Opuntia ficus-indica juice supplementation on oxidative stress, cardiovascular parameters, and biochemical markers following yo-yo Intermittent recovery test. (United States)

    Khouloud, Aloui; Abedelmalek, Salma; Chtourou, Hamdi; Souissi, Nizar


    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of a flavonoid-rich fresh fruit juice on cardiovascular, oxidative stress, and biochemical parameters during the yo-yo intermittent recovery test (YYIRT). Twenty-two healthy males subjects participated in this study divided into two groups: An experimental group (EG: n  = 11) who consumed the antioxidant supplement and a control group (CG: n  = 11). All participants performed two test sessions at 07:00 hr before and after 2 weeks of supplementation with Opuntia ficus-indica juice. Blood samples were taken before (P1) and immediately (P2) after the YYIRT. Our results showed that following the 2,2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH ● ) test, the Opuntia ficus-indica juice has an antioxidant capacity for capturing free radicals ( p  Opuntia ficus-indica juice before and immediately after YYIRT. However, no significant effect on HDL ( p  > .05), GLC ( p  > .05) levels nor the SBP and DBP ( p  > .05) was observed after supplementation with Opuntia ficus-indica juice. The supplementation leads to an improvement on YYIRT performance (The total distance covered during the YYIRT, V O 2max , VMA) and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Opuntia ficus-indica juice has a potent antioxidant activity that reduces total and LDL-cholesterol with only a moderate lowering of HDL-cholesterol and oxidative stress. Moreover, supplementation decreases muscle damage caused by the endurance exercise.

  11. Sulphated galactopyran derived from Gracilaria opuntia, a marine macroalgae restores the antioxidant metabolic enzymes during STZ induced diabetic rats

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    Lavanya Rayapu


    Full Text Available Objective: To screen the effect of sulphated galactopyran fraction isolated from Gracilaria opuntia (G. opuntia (FM4 in streptozotocin (STZ induced diabetic rats. Methods: In vitro antioxidant assays of FM4 were estimated by DPPH, ABTS, hydroxyl free radical and Nitric oxide free radical activities. FM4 was purified and characterized by 1H-NMR spectra and FTIR as sulphated galactopyran. Diabetes was induced intraperitonially by single dose of STZ (55 mg/kg body weight. FM4 was administrated orally (80, 100, 125 mg/kg BW to diabetic rats for 60 days. The enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD, glutathione peroxidase (GPx, catalase (CAT, glutathione-S-transferase (GST, lipid peroxidase (LPx, glutathione reduced (GSH, vitamin-C (VIT-C and vitamin-E (VIT-E levels were estimated. Glibenclamide was used as standard drug. Results: Our results demonstrated that the aqueous extract of G. opuntia possess free radical scavenging activity. During FM4 fraction treatment (100 mg/kg BW, the SOD, GPx, CAT, GST, GSH, VIT-C and VIT-E levels were significantly (P < 0.05 increased, and the LPx levels were decreased in different organs such as liver, kidney, brain and pancreas of diabetic rats. Conclusions: The sulphated galactopyran fraction of the marine macroalgae (G. opuntia possesses the antioxidant activity which might help in the prevention of oxidative damage that occurs during diabetes.

  12. Differential larval settlement responses of Porites astreoides and Acropora palmata in the presence of the green alga Halimeda opuntia (United States)

    Olsen, K.; Sneed, J. M.; Paul, V. J.


    Settlement is critical to maintaining coral cover on reefs, yet interspecific responses of coral planulae to common benthic macroalgae are not well characterized. Larval survival and settlement of two Caribbean reef-building corals, the broadcast-spawner Acropora palmata and the planulae-brooder Porites astreoides, were quantified following exposure to plastic algae controls and the green macroalga Halimeda opuntia. Survival and settlement rates were not significantly affected by the presence of H. opuntia in either species. However, ~10 % of P. astreoides larvae settled on the surface of the macroalga, whereas larvae of A. palmata did not. It is unlikely that corals that settle on macroalgae will survive post-settlement; therefore, H. opuntia may reduce the number of P. astreoides and other non-discriminatory larvae that survive to adulthood. Our results suggest that the presence of macroalgae on impacted reefs can have unexpected repercussions for coral recruitment and highlight discrepancies in settlement specificity between corals with distinct life history strategies.

  13. Extracción y caracterización química y reológica de hidrocoloide de opuntia spinulifera con perspectivas de aditivo en la industria de alimentos


    Vargas Rodríguez, Lorena


    The hydrocolloid at cladodes of Opuntia, is a molecule of secondary metabolism, it´s little known about their physical and chemical properties. The study developed in this work contributes to reassess the genus Opuntia (prickly pear) as a source for obtaining from additive at the food industry. In this work were established a methodology of extraction, which involved the optimization of several parameters of the raw material stage to extract. The Opuntia spinulifera was selected due to their ...

  14. Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Opuntia spp. Portuguese Populations Using SSR Molecular Markers

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    Carlos M. G. Reis


    Full Text Available The Opuntia spp., most likely few individuals, were introduced in the Iberian Peninsula in the beginning of the 16th century, after the discovery of America, spreading afterwards throughout the Mediterranean basin. We analysed, for the first time, the genetic diversity in a set of 19 Portuguese Opuntia spp. populations from the species O. ficus-indica, O. elata, O. dillenii and O. robusta using nuclear microsatellite (nuSSR markers. The Italian cultivars ‘Bianca’, ‘Gialla’ and ‘Rossa’ were included in the study for comparison purposes. The nuSSR amplifications produced from five to 16 alleles, with an average of 9.2 alleles per primer pair, and average polymorphism information content of 0.71. The estimated Dice coefficient among populations varied from 0.26 to 1.0, indicating high interspecific genetic diversity but low genetic diversity at the intraspecific level. The hierarchical clustering analysis revealed four major groups that clearly separated the four Opuntia species. Among the O. ficus-indica populations, two sub-clusters were found, one including the white pulp fruits (with cv. Bianca and the other with the orange pulp ones and including the cv. Gialla, the cv. Rossa, and one pale yellow pulp population. No genetic differences were found between the inermis form, O. ficus-indica f. ficus-indica, and the rewilded spiny one, O. ficus-indica f. amyclaea. The dendrogram indicated that the clustering pattern was unrelated to geographical origin. The results revealed a low level of genetic diversity among the Portuguese populations of O. ficus-indica.

  15. Common psychiatric symptoms among public school teachers in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. An observational cross-sectional study

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    Leonardo Baldaçara

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Teachers are at great risk of physical and mental stress due to material or psychological difficulties associated with their work. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of common psychiatric symptoms measured on the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20 scale that would suggest a diagnosis of psychiatric disorders among public school teachers in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil, in 2012. DESIGN AND SETTING: Observational cross-sectional study in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. METHOD: We assessed 110 municipal teachers in the city of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. They were selected randomly from a list of employees of the Municipal Education Department of Palmas. All of them answered the SRQ-20 questionnaire after giving their consent. RESULTS: Between the years 2008 and 2011, 24 cases of absence from work due to mental disorders were found. We excluded one case and 109 teachers answered the SRQ-20questionnaire. Out of the 109 teachers assessed, 54 had ≥ 7 points on the SRQ-20 scale. This finding suggests that 49.5% of the teachers had symptoms that were sufficient to consider a diagnosis of mental disorder, with the need for treatment. CONCLUSION: Our study found that the prevalence of mental disorders among teachers is as high as seen in the literature. Our results suggest that recognition of mental disorders is low and that the current statistics fail to reach the occupational health sector.

  16. Common psychiatric symptoms among public school teachers in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. An observational cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Baldaçara, Leonardo; Silva, Álvaro Ferreira; Castro, José Gerley Díaz; Santos, Gessi de Carvalho Araújo


    Teachers are at great risk of physical and mental stress due to material or psychological difficulties associated with their work. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of common psychiatric symptoms measured on the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) scale that would suggest a diagnosis of psychiatric disorders among public school teachers in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil, in 2012. Observational cross-sectional study in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. We assessed 110 municipal teachers in the city of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. They were selected randomly from a list of employees of the Municipal Education Department of Palmas. All of them answered the SRQ-20 questionnaire after giving their consent. Between the years 2008 and 2011, 24 cases of absence from work due to mental disorders were found. We excluded one case and 109 teachers answered the SRQ-20questionnaire. Out of the 109 teachers assessed, 54 had ≥ 7 points on the SRQ-20 scale. This finding suggests that 49.5% of the teachers had symptoms that were sufficient to consider a diagnosis of mental disorder, with the need for treatment. Our study found that the prevalence of mental disorders among teachers is as high as seen in the literature. Our results suggest that recognition of mental disorders is low and that the current statistics fail to reach the occupational health sector.

  17. Astrocaryum (palmae in Amazonia a preliminary treatment

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    Full Text Available ASTROCARYUM (PALMAE EN AMAZONIE. TRAITEMENT PRÉLIMINAIRE. Le genre Astrocaryum est composé de 24 espèces amazoniennes: cinq appartiennent au sous-genre Pleiogynanthus et 19 au sous-genre Monogynanthus (3 à la section Munbaca et 16 à la section Ayri. Une clé d’identification est proposée, ainsi que la description de chaque espèce, complétée par de nouvelles observations et suivie de notes sur la distribution géographique, l’écologie et les utilisations. Six espeses nouvelles sont décrites. ASTROCARYUM (PALMAE EN LA AMAZONIA. TRATAMIENTO PRELIMINAR. Astrocaryum consta de 24 especies amazónicas, 5 de las cuales pertenecen al subgénero Pleiogynanthus y 19 al subgénero Monogynanthus (3 a la sección Munbaca, 16 a la sección Ayri. Se presenta una clave para diferenciar las especies, y para cada una, su descripción con nuevos datos, así como notas sobre la distribución geográfica, la ecología y los usos. Se describen seis especies nuevas. In the Amazon, Astrocaryum includes 24 species of which five belong to the subgenus Pleiogynanthus and 19 to the subgenus Monogynanthus - three in the section Munbaca and 16 in the section Ayri. A key to these 24 species is presented followed by description based on new data, and notes on their distribution, ecology and uses. Six new species are described.

  18. Ameliorative Effect of Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Extract on Lithium-Induced Nephrocardiotoxicity: A Biochemical and Histopathological Study

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    Anouar ben Saad


    Full Text Available Opuntia ficus indica (family Cactaceae is used in the treatment of a variety of conditions including metal-induced toxicity. The study reports the protective effects of Opuntia ficus indica (CCE against lithium carbonate-induced toxicity in rats. Nephrocardiotoxicity was induced in male Wistar rats by single dose of lithium carbonate (25 mg/kg b.w twice daily for 30 days. Aqueous extract of Opuntia ficus indica was administered at the dose of 100 mg/kg of b.w by gavage for 60 days. Obtained results revealed that administration of lithium carbonate caused a significant increase in serum creatinine, uric acid, and urea levels. Additionally, a significant decrease in the level of renal and cardiac SOD, CAT, and GPx activities was associated with a significant increase of MDA levels in lithium carbonate group more than those of the control. However, the treatment of experimental rats with CCE prevented these alterations and maintained the antioxidant status. The histopathological observations supported the biochemical evidences of nephrocardioprotection. CCE supplementation could protect against lithium carbonate-induced renal and cardiac injuries in rats, plausibly by the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes and inhibition of MDA to confer the protective effect.

  19. Ameliorative Effect of Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) Extract on Lithium-Induced Nephrocardiotoxicity: A Biochemical and Histopathological Study. (United States)

    Saad, Anouar Ben; Rjeibi, Ilhem; Ncib, Sana; Zouari, Nacim; Zourgui, Lazhar


    Opuntia ficus indica (family Cactaceae) is used in the treatment of a variety of conditions including metal-induced toxicity. The study reports the protective effects of Opuntia ficus indica (CCE) against lithium carbonate-induced toxicity in rats. Nephrocardiotoxicity was induced in male Wistar rats by single dose of lithium carbonate (25 mg/kg b.w twice daily for 30 days). Aqueous extract of Opuntia ficus indica was administered at the dose of 100 mg/kg of b.w by gavage for 60 days. Obtained results revealed that administration of lithium carbonate caused a significant increase in serum creatinine, uric acid, and urea levels. Additionally, a significant decrease in the level of renal and cardiac SOD, CAT, and GPx activities was associated with a significant increase of MDA levels in lithium carbonate group more than those of the control. However, the treatment of experimental rats with CCE prevented these alterations and maintained the antioxidant status. The histopathological observations supported the biochemical evidences of nephrocardioprotection. CCE supplementation could protect against lithium carbonate-induced renal and cardiac injuries in rats, plausibly by the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes and inhibition of MDA to confer the protective effect.

  20. Ameliorative Effect of Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) Extract on Lithium-Induced Nephrocardiotoxicity: A Biochemical and Histopathological Study (United States)

    Ncib, Sana


    Opuntia ficus indica (family Cactaceae) is used in the treatment of a variety of conditions including metal-induced toxicity. The study reports the protective effects of Opuntia ficus indica (CCE) against lithium carbonate-induced toxicity in rats. Nephrocardiotoxicity was induced in male Wistar rats by single dose of lithium carbonate (25 mg/kg b.w twice daily for 30 days). Aqueous extract of Opuntia ficus indica was administered at the dose of 100 mg/kg of b.w by gavage for 60 days. Obtained results revealed that administration of lithium carbonate caused a significant increase in serum creatinine, uric acid, and urea levels. Additionally, a significant decrease in the level of renal and cardiac SOD, CAT, and GPx activities was associated with a significant increase of MDA levels in lithium carbonate group more than those of the control. However, the treatment of experimental rats with CCE prevented these alterations and maintained the antioxidant status. The histopathological observations supported the biochemical evidences of nephrocardioprotection. CCE supplementation could protect against lithium carbonate-induced renal and cardiac injuries in rats, plausibly by the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes and inhibition of MDA to confer the protective effect. PMID:29376078

  1. Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of Opuntia ficus-indica f. inermis (cactus pear) flowers. (United States)

    Ennouri, Monia; Ammar, Imene; Khemakhem, Bassem; Attia, Hamadi


    Opuntia ficus-indica f. inermis (cactus pear) flowers have wide application in folk medicine. However, there are few reports focusing on their biological activity and were no reports on their chemical composition. The nutrient composition and hexane extracts of Opuntia flowers at 4 flowering stages and their antibacterial and antifungal activities were investigated. The chemical composition showed considerable amounts of fiber, protein, and minerals. Potassium (K) was the predominant mineral followed by calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn). The main compounds in the various hexane extracts were 9.12-octadecadienoic acid (29-44%) and hexadecanoic acid (8.6-32%). The antibacterial activity tests showed that O. inermis hexane extracts have high effectiveness against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, making this botanical source a potential contender as a food preservative or food control additive.


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    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de un proyecto de investigación encaminado a evaluar las condiciones de producción de oleína de palma epoxidada mediante el método de ácido peroxiacético formado in situ. Los aceites epoxidados son sustancias químicas de gran importancia industrial, de uso directo como plastificantes, o como intermediarios en la fabricación de otros productos químicos de mayor valor agregado. Este trabajo realiza un aporte investigativo a nivel regional, brindando una alternativa de uso para la oleína de palma africana mediante su utilización en la obtención de un producto con alta potencialidad de producción y utilidad como son los aceites epoxidados. Bajo las condiciones de estudio, se pudo obtener una oleína de palma epoxidada con un porcentaje de oxígeno oxiranode 3,007%, valor comparable con el valor requerido para un aceite de soya epoxidado comercial según la normatividad nacional

  3. Phenolic Profiles, Phytchemicals and Mineral Content of Decoction and Infusion of Opuntia ficus-indica Flowers. (United States)

    Ammar, Imene; Ennouri, Monia; Bouaziz, Mohamed; Ben Amira, Amal; Attia, Hamadi


    Opuntia flowers are a natural source of biologically active compounds and they have been used as medicinal plant for a long time. Despite the various uses reported for the decoction and infusion of these flowers, their characterization has been discarded. In this study, the decoction and infusion prepared from Opuntia ficus-indica were analyzed with respect to their content in minerals and phytochemicals in order to evaluate its nutritional characteristics. The obtained data proved that these preparations are a rich source of minerals mainly K and Ca. Moreover, the phytochemical analysis revealed that they have important polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins contents with the infusion that presented the highest polyphenol levels. LC-MS analyses of decoction and infusion allowed the characterization of 20 phenolic compounds. It is mainly identified by the presence of flavonols glycosides.

  4. Enemigos naturales de Stenoma cecropia (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae) en palma de aceite, en el suroccidente de Colombia




    Stenoma cecropia infesta las nuevas siembras del híbrido interespecífico (Elaeis oleifera x E. guineensis) de palma de aceite en la zona de Tumaco (Nariño). Sus infestaciones afectan grandes extensiones de palma y causan defoliaciones de importancia económica. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los factores bióticos y abióticos que afectan las poblaciones de la plaga a través de muestreos secuenciales quincenales, siguiendo un sistema móvil de desplazamiento 2 x 2, que...

  5. Läänemere strateegia arvestab kodanike ettepanekutega / Jose Palma Andres ; interv. Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Palma Andres, Jose


    Euroopa Komisjoni regionaalpoliitika peadirektoraadi direktor Jose Palma Andres vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad avalikku debatti Läänemere strateegia üle ning Venemaa partnerlust Läänemere strateegias. Lisa: [Läänemere strateegia

  6. Four new species of Arenga (Palmae from Indonesia

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    Johanis Palar Mogea


    Full Text Available MOGEA, JOHANIS P. 2004. Four new species of Arenga (Palmae from Indonesia. Reinwardtia 12 (2: 181 – 189. ― Arenga distincta from Borneo and A. longipes, A. plicata, and A. talamauensis from Sumatra are described and illustrated for the first time. The descriptions are followed by  information regarding the habitat and  geographical distribution, and notes on morphological similarities with other, presumably related species.  Leaves of A. longipes and A.  talamauensis are paripinnate while the other two species are imparipinnate.  

  7. The plant leaf movement analyzer (PALMA): a simple tool for the analysis of periodic cotyledon and leaf movement in Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Wagner, Lucas; Schmal, Christoph; Staiger, Dorothee; Danisman, Selahattin


    The analysis of circadian leaf movement rhythms is a simple yet effective method to study effects of treatments or gene mutations on the circadian clock of plants. Currently, leaf movements are analysed using time lapse photography and subsequent bioinformatics analyses of leaf movements. Programs that are used for this purpose either are able to perform one function (i.e. leaf tip detection or rhythm analysis) or their function is limited to specific computational environments. We developed a leaf movement analysis tool-PALMA-that works in command line and combines image extraction with rhythm analysis using Fast Fourier transformation and non-linear least squares fitting. We validated PALMA in both simulated time series and in experiments using the known short period mutant sensitivity to red light reduced 1 ( srr1 - 1 ). We compared PALMA with two established leaf movement analysis tools and found it to perform equally well. Finally, we tested the effect of reduced iron conditions on the leaf movement rhythms of wild type plants. Here, we found that PALMA successfully detected period lengthening under reduced iron conditions. PALMA correctly estimated the period of both simulated and real-life leaf movement experiments. As a platform-independent console-program that unites both functions needed for the analysis of circadian leaf movements it is a valid alternative to existing leaf movement analysis tools.

  8. Nutritional value of Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes from Portuguese ecotypes


    Rodrigues, A.M.; Pitacas, F.I.; Reis, C.M.G.; Blasco, M.


    The use of Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes as a forage for ruminants has been very important in the semi-arid and arid regions of the world. O. ficus-indica cladodes can be fed to small ruminants especially in periods of the year when there is low quality and quantity of pasture. In Mediterranean regions like South of Portugal during the rainy season the availability of pasture is quantitatively and qualitatively satisfactory, but in critical times of the year the shortage and low nutr...

  9. Optimized Monitoring of Production of Cellulose Nanowhiskers from Opuntia ficus-indica (Nopal Cactus

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    Horacio Vieyra


    Full Text Available Preparation of cellulose nanowhiskers (CNWs has grown significantly because they are useful for a wide range of applications. Additional advantage in their design requires that they meet the following characteristics: nontoxicity, abundance, sustainability, renewability, and low cost. To address these requirements, nanowhiskers were prepared from Opuntia ficus-indica (nopal cellulose by acid hydrolysis. Monitoring the process of CNWs preparation is necessary to ensure maximum yield and purity of the end product. In this study, the cellulose preparation was monitored by analyzing microscopic morphology by SEM; the purity degree was determined by fluorescence microscopy as a novel and rapid technique, and FTIR spectroscopy was used for confirmation. The additional parameters that monitored the process were the crystallinity index by X-ray diffraction and the size of the particle by dynamic light scattering (DLS. Nopal cellulose was found to be comparable to commercial microcrystalline cellulose. The use of Opuntia ficus-indica is a viable alternative for the production of highly pure CNWs and the strategy to supervise the preparation process was rapid.

  10. Oil composition and characterisation of phenolic compounds of Opuntia ficus-indica seeds. (United States)

    Chougui, Nadia; Tamendjari, Abderezak; Hamidj, Wahiba; Hallal, Salima; Barras, Alexandre; Richard, Tristan; Larbat, Romain


    The seed composition of four varieties of Opuntia ficus-indica growing in Algeria was investigated. Seeds ground into a fine powder were first, subjected to oil extraction and fatty acids analysis. The phenolic compounds were then extracted from the defatted powder of seeds in order to be quantified and characterised by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS(n)) and to nuclear magnetic resonance (LC-NMR) approaches. In addition, an evaluation of the antioxidant activity of the phenolic extracts was investigated. Gas chromatography analysis of the seed oil showed high percentages of linoleic acid in the four varieties ranging from 58% to 63%. The phenolic profile of the Opuntia ficus-indica seeds displayed a high complexity, with more than 20 compounds detected at 330 nm after the LC separation. Among them, three isomers of feruloyl-sucrose were firmly identified and another was strongly supposed to be a sinapoyl-diglycoside. High correlations were found between phenolic content in the defatted seed extracts and their antioxidant activity. The data indicate that the defatted cactus seed wastes still contain various components that constitute a source for natural foods. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Chemical analysis of nutritional content of prickly pads (Opuntia ficus indica) at varied ages in an organic harvest. (United States)

    Hernández-Urbiola, Margarita I; Pérez-Torrero, Esther; Rodríguez-García, Mario E


    Opuntia ficus indica, also known as prickly pads, are an important part of the human diet and are also used as forage for livestock. This is an interesting vegetable due the environmental conditions in which it grows and its resistance to climatic extremes; however, little is known about its nutritional properties, especially in the later stages of maturity. The objective of this study was to determine the composition of organic prickly pads (Opuntia ficus indica) at differing stages of growth maturity. Chemical proximate analysis and mineral constituent analysis at different maturation stages were carried out in this investigation. As a result, older prickly pads were found to be an important source of nutritional components such as calcium.

  12. Young Daughter Cladodes Affect CO2 Uptake by Mother Cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (United States)



    • Background and Aims Drought damages cultivated C3, C4 and CAM plants in the semi-arid lands of central Mexico. Drought damage to Opuntia is common when mother cladodes, planted during the dry spring season, develop young daughter cladodes that behave like C3 plants, with daytime stomatal opening and water loss. In contrast, wild Opuntia are less affected because daughter cladodes do not develop on them under extreme drought conditions. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the effects of the number of daughter cladodes on gas exchange parameters of mother cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica exposed to varying soil water contents. • Methods Rates of net CO2 uptake, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, chlorophyll content and relative water content were measured in mature mother cladodes with a variable number of daughter cladodes growing in spring under dry and wet conditions. • Key Results Daily carbon gain by mother cladodes was reduced as the number of daughter cladodes increased to eight, especially during drought. This was accompanied by decreased mother cladode relative water content, suggesting movement of water from mother to daughter cladodes. CO2 assimilation was most affected in phase IV of CAM (late afternoon net CO2 uptake) by the combined effects of daughter cladodes and drought. Rainfall raised the soil water content, decreasing the effects of daughter cladodes on net CO2 uptake by mother cladodes. • Conclusions Daughter cladodes significantly hasten the effects of drought on mother cladodes by competition for the water supply and thus decrease daily carbon gain by mother cladodes, mainly by inhibiting phase IV of CAM. PMID:15567805

  13. Criação de valor sustentável e o óleo de palma no Brasil


    Almeida, Julio Ribeiro


    A produção de óleo de palma expandiu-se consideravelmente nas últimas décadas e atualmente o óleo de palma é o óleo vegetal mais comercializado do mundo. Dentre outros fatores, a maior produtividade da cultura e os menores custos de produção explicam o crescimento. Os grandes produtores mundiais, contudo, destruíram grandes áreas de floresta para acomodar o crescimento da plantação e se utilizaram de técnicas de cultivo que trouxeram severos impactos ambientais. Campanhas lider...

  14. Use of physio-biochemical traits to evaluate the salt tolerance of five opuntia species in the algerian steppes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lallouche, B.; Boutekrabt, A.; Hadjkouider, B.; Riahi, L.; Lamine, S.


    In this study, twelve physio-biochemical parameters were estimated to assess the behavior of five Opuntia species in the Algerian steppes (Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis, O. amyclea, O. streptacantha, O. robusta and O. engelmanii).Herein, the salt stress was induced using three levels of NaCl (200 mM, 400 mM and 600 mM). Based on the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the chlorophyll level for both young cladode and aged cladode was found to be the most discriminant parameter under salt stress concentrations 200 and 400 mM. The species were clustered in three groups with O. ficus indica f. inermis and O. amyclea being the most tolerant to salinity. For a salt concentration of 600 mM, the ANOVA showed that the chlorophyll content in aged cladode was the most discriminant parameter. The Biplot-based species analysis revealed that O. engelmanii was the most salt tolerant species. However, O. amyclea and O. robusta were found to be the most sensitive. In conclusion, total chlorophyll contents for young cladode and aged cladode, chlorophyll a of aged cladode, and root total soluble sugars can be used as key parameters to identify the salt tolerance for Opuntia species. (author)

  15. Acúmulo de nutrientes por forrageiras cultivadas em sistema de escoamento superficial para tratamento de esgoto doméstico

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    Aline Azevedo Nazário


    Full Text Available Atualmente, observa-se deterioração da qualidade das águas, a qual está vinculada ao crescimento populacional e as diversas atividades de produção agroindustriais, neste contexto o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de três espécies forrageiras utilizadas no tratamento de esgoto doméstico (ED por meio da disposição no solo aplicando a técnica do escoamento superficial. O experimento foi conduzido no Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo usando delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com três repetições no esquema de parcela sub-subdividida 3x5x2. As parcelas, em três níveis, foram compostas pelas espécies Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, Cynodon sp. cv Tifton 85 e Paspalum atratum cv. Pojuca, nas subparcelas, em 5 níveis as taxas de aplicação de efluentes com 7,91; 15,81; 23,72; 31,63 e 39,54 kg ha-1 dia1 de DBO e foram realizados dois cortes no material vegetal em ciclos de 28 dias após o início da aplicação dos tratamentos. Os resultados mostraram que o acúmulo de nutrientes pelas forrageiras foi superior aos relatados em literatura para o capim Marandu, Tifton 85 e Pojuca. Esses resultados reforçam o potencial desses capins para o tratamento de águas residuárias, especialmente efluente de ED.

  16. El aprovechamiento de palma camedor en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México. ¿Conservación con desarrollo?

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    Gabriela Buda Arango


    Full Text Available El uso de recursos forestales no maderables se asocia a la conservación de ecosistemas y la generación de ingresos para las poblacio - nes de bosques y selvas. Esta no es una rela - ción directa. En la Selva Lacandona, la ven - ta de palma camedor genera ingresos para las comunidades, pero el tipo de aprovecha - miento parece sobreexplotar el recurso. El gobierno ha intentado regular su uso a tra - vés de Unidades de Manejo para la Conser - vación de la Vida Silvestre ( UMA , pero con un limitado desempeño ambiental y social. Caracterizamos el aprovechamiento y la producción de palma en la Lacandona y analizamos la efectividad de las UMA de palma en la región. Las deficiencias y esca - sos resultados de estas derivan de su enfoque técnico y normativo, asi como de la escasa negociación y conciliación de intereses entre sus actores.

  17. Study of the histopathological types of cutaneous melanoma in Palmas-TO from 2001 to 2011. (United States)

    Costa, Nilo Fernandes da; Fernandes, Nurimar Conceição; Borges, Myrlena Regina Machado Mescouto


    Cutaneous melanoma (CM) is considered serious for causing frequent metastasis, presenting high mortality, resistance to available therapies and incidences in laboring activity. To study the histopathological types of cutaneous melanoma in Palmas-TO from 2001 to 2011, according to risk factors, location of lesions, Clark levels and Breslow thickness. A descriptive, retrospective and quantitative research in reports of the Serviços de Anatomia Patológica in Palmas (SAPP) and Registro de Câncer de Base Populacional de Palmas (RCBPP). The years of highest incidences were: 2004 (8 cases/17.8%), 2008 and 2011 (7 cases each/15.6%) and 2010 (6 cases/13.3%). Among the 45 cases studied, there were predominance in patients between 41 and 60 years old, women, caucasians, farmers, located in trunk, in situ type, superficial extensive and metastatic cutaneous, Clark levels I (20%) and IV (17.7%), Breslow thickness ≤1 mm (35.5%) and 2.01 to 4 mm (24.4%). The most common histopathological types were: cutaneous melanoma in situ, superficial extensive and metastatic, followed by nodular cutaneous melanoma, and finally, by other forms. In this study, Clark levels and Breslow thickness pointed to greater importance of thin melanomas and sun exposure without appropriate protection in farmers.

  18. Estratégias na suplementação de vacas leiteiras no semi-árido do Brasil Strategies for the supplementation of dairy cows in the Brazilian semi-arid

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    Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira


    Full Text Available A região semi-árida do Brasil prolonga-se por uma área de 928 km² abrangendo uma parte do norte dos estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo, os sertões da Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará e Piauí e mais 45 municípios do sudeste do Maranhão. A população é predominantemente rural e a ocupação principal de sua força de trabalho é a agropecuária. A pecuária leiteira aparece como uma das poucas opções nas regiões semi-áridas, principalmente no nordeste do Brasil, onde a alimentação dos rebanhos fundamenta-se na utilização de forrageiras cultivadas e no uso da vegetação nativa, predominantemente a caatinga, aspecto que imprime características estacionais à produção nesta região. A escassez e irregularidade acentuada na distribuição de chuvas, tanto no tempo quanto no espaço, com a ocorrência de longos períodos de estiagem, praticamente, determina a obrigatoriedade de suplementação de vacas leiteiras nos sistemas de produções em regiões semi-áridas do Brasil.Desta forma, a suplementação tem se baseado na utilização de recursos forrageiros adaptados à seca, co- produtos e resíduos da agroindústria local e em alimentos concentrados. Algumas alternativas têm sido utilizadas pelos produtores na tentativa de reduzir custos sem perder produtividade nos períodos de estiagem. Para superar as adversidades alguns sistemas de produção têm sido propostos como o CBL (Caatinga-buffel-leucena e o Sistema Glória. Além desses sistemas mencionados anteriormente, merecem destaque a utilização de co-produtos agroindustriais, restos de cultura, além de forrageiras nativas e adaptadas. Neste aspecto, a palma forrageira (Opuntia fícus indica- Mill merece atenção especial pela sua grande adaptação, valor nutritivo e produtividade.The Brazilian semi-arid region has 928 km² ranging from the northern portion of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo States, the semi-arid lands

  19. Avaliação dos atributos físicos do solo em consórcio de forrageiras e milho em sucessão com soja em região de cerrados

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    Veridiana Zocoler de Mendonça


    Full Text Available O uso intensivo de áreas do Cerrado para produção agropecuária aliado ao manejo inadequado tem causado degradação dos solos. Nesse sentido há necessidade da incorporação de sistemas sustentáveis como plantio direto e a integração lavoura-pecuária. Este trabalho objetivou identificar o efeito da sucessão de milho+forrageiras e soja nos atributos físicos do solo. Para tanto foi realizado, em área experimental da Unesp, campus de Ilha Solteira, um ensaio composto do consórcio de milho com quatro forrageiras (Brachiaria brizantha,B. ruziziensis, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia e P. maximum cv. Áries semeadas em três modalidades (na linha de semeadura do milho misturada ao adubo, a lanço simultânea à semeadura do milho e a lanço no estádio V4 do milho e o milho sem consorciação (testemunha. A soja de verão foi implantada sobre os restos culturais dos tratamentos anteriores. Foram realizadas coletas para determinar a macro e microporosidade, porosidade total e densidade do solo em duas épocas de amostragem, após as colheitas do milho e da soja. Pelos resultados, pôde-se concluir que, em regiões de cerrados, a sucessão de culturas utilizada promoveu a melhoria da macroporosidade, porosidade total e densidade do solo, independentemente da utilização de forrageiras em consórcio com milho.

  20. Patrones de asociación entre insectos polinizadores y palmas silvestres en Colombia con énfasis en palmas de importancia económica


    Núñez Avellaneda, Luis Alberto


    Se describe, analiza y valida el papel de los insectos que han sido considerados los principales polinizadores de palmas neotropicales: las especies del género Mystrops (Nitidulidae), diferentes grupos de gorgojos (Curculionidae), los escarabajos del género Cyclocephala (Dynastidae), especies de y Abejas sin aguijón (Apidae Meliponinae). El estudio se realizó a partir de un análisis multiespecífico y multitemporal de polinizadores que involucró la colecta, separación e identificacion de visit...

  1. La palma amarga (Sabal mauritiiformis, Arecaceae en sistemas productivos del Caribe: estudio de caso en Piojó, Atlántico

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    Viviana Andrade-Erazo


    Full Text Available La palma Sabal mauritiiformis es un recurso importante en el Caribe colombiano debido al uso de sus hojas para techar. Para evaluar el estado de sus poblaciones en Piojó (Atlántico, uno de los municipios más productores de hojas, se estudió la densidad y la estructura poblacional de la palma. Se establecieron 16 parcelas de 0,1 ha, en los tres sistemas de uso de suelo más comunes en la zona: ganadería (6, cultivos (5 y rastrojo (5. Se encontró que la palma amarga constituye un recurso silvestre, muy resistente y capaz de adaptarse a ambientes perturbados pues está incorporada en sistemas productivos de cultivos, rastrojos y ganadería, donde las prácticas de manejo influyen en la densidad y estructura de sus poblaciones. La palma es muy resistente y capaz de adaptarse a ambientes perturbados. El área estudiada incluyó 5349 individuos distribuidos en cuatro categorías de tamaño. Los rastrojos (3620 ± 2808 individuos/hectárea y los cultivos (5612 ± 3361 ind/ha presentaron más individuos y mejores estructuras poblacionales que las áreas de ganadería (1488 ± 827 ind/ha, en las cuales se encontraron poblaciones más deterioradas por efecto del pisoteo y el forrajeo. La prevalencia de individuos en algunas clases de tamaño refleja las condiciones de manejo actual e histórico; actividades como el pastoreo o las quemas, sin una apropiada planificación, pueden comprometer el desarrollo de las poblaciones de la palma y la futura disponibilidad del recurso.

  2. Palma: The oscillating core of a suspended periphery. An imagologic approach to an island city and its discourse of pleasure

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    Eduard Moyà


    Full Text Available In the first decades of the twentieth century Palma emerged as a city worth visiting with a promising network of hotels and organised tours. Palma became an urban playground for British bohemians, artists, expatriates, and socialites. Their notion of leisure and pleasure (on a faraway island provided the leitmotiv for the years to come. The purpose of this paper is to inspect the extent of which the different discourses adopted by British travel writers in the beginning of the twentieth century (coinciding with the birth of modern tourism on the island worked to conform a contemporary vision of Palma and its coastal suburban areas (such as Magaluf or El Arenal as opposed to the (rural and allegedly ‘authentic’ island. Firstly, the paper examines the different stages through which both Palma and the island are discursively constructed as opposed entities in the travel accounts in Mallorca’s first stages of tourism. A special focus is given to the discursive and ideological tools deployed to embellish upon or belittle the city and the island. Finally, I suggest that the images proposed by travellers in their accounts a hundred years ago evolve in today’s imagotypes of the island and its city.

  3. Concentración y precios en el mercado mundial de aceite de palma 1985-2005

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    Jorge L. Navarro España


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo estudia la estructura del mercado mundial de aceite de palma, así como la in"uencia de dicha estructura sobre el nivel de precios. Para ello se hace uso del cálculo de índices de concentración de mercado y de estadísticos correlaciónales para establecer relaciones de causalidad. Los principales resultados muestran que a pesar que este mercado está fuertemente concentrado, esto no parece tener efectos sobre los precios. La explicación dada a esta situación es que se da por la alta sustitución entre los aceites de palma, girasol y soya, así como al hecho que las barreras de entrada no son los su#cientemente altas.

  4. La cadena de la palma aceitera en contexto


    Borasino, Elena


    Entender el proceso de expansión de la cadena de la palma aceitera en el Perú, ubicándolo en un contexto mayor de escala internacional. Presenta las principales características del cultivo: ¿qué lo hace tan especial?, para luego mostrar las principales variables del sector en el ámbito global, y profundizar, finalmente, con tres casos en América del Sur: Colombia, Brasil y Ecuador. En general, todo esto muestra cómo la expansión que se dio en el Perú no puede entenderse de manera aislada a lo...

  5. In Vitro Propagation of Three Moroccan Prickly Pear Cactus Opuntia and Plant Establishment in Soil

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    Aissam EL FINTI


    Full Text Available Opuntia is one of the most widespread cacti, primarily due to their edible fruit and vegetable mass used as feed. The high demand for young plants of Opuntia made it necessary to find a rapid method of multiplication of the cactus, the safest method consisting in vitro micropropagation of species belonging to this genus. With aim of large production of plant material, a propagation system of three important prickly pear cactus cultivar (Opuntia ficus-indica in Morocco was developed. Segments of healthy young cladode (containing one areole were cultivated in Murashige and Skoog medium (MS containing adenine sulfate (40 mg/1, monosodium phosphate (50 mg/l, sucrose (50 g/l, phytagel (0.3% and benzyladenine (BA at 22.2 μM, to start the process of micropropagation. In vitro-developed shoots from areoles were used as secondary explants to induce shoot development in the MS medium with 5 mg/l of BA. All of the three studied cultivars showed an important multiplication rate in this medium. ‘Sidi Ifni M’ (‘Moussa’ cultivar shows the greatest number of shoots followed by ‘Sidi Ifni A’ (‘Aissa’ and ‘Delahia’ 17.26, 14.12 and 12.13 respectively. Rooting of in vitro-generated shoots was achieved most efficiently on half-strength MS basal medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA or IAA. Rooting frequencies were in the range from 95 to 100% and the highest mean number of root (19.1 was obtained with IBA for ‘Delahia’ cultivar. All micropropagated plants were transferred to greenhouse and all of them survived acclimatization process and showed good overall growth.

  6. Fungos e nematoides associados a sementes de forrageiras tropicais

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    Guilherme Mallmann


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a incidência de fungos e nematoides em sementes de Brachiaria sp. e Panicum maximum produzidas nos estados de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS, Mato Grosso (MT, Goiás (GO, Minas Gerais (MG e São Paulo (SP. Os principais fungos encontrados nas sementes foram Bipolaris sp., Curvularia sp. e Phoma sp.. As menores incidências destes fungos foram encontradas nas sementes das cultivares BRS Piatã e Xaraés de Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, oriundas dos estados de GO, MG e MS, respectivamente. As cultivares Marandu e BRS Piatã, provenientes das várias regiões, apresentaram elevada ocorrência de Aphelenchoides sp. e Ditylenchus sp.. Sementes da cultivar Humidicola, de Brachiaria humidicola, produzidas em MS e SP, não apresentaram associação com nematoides. As sementes de Panicum maximum cv. Massai e cv. Mombaça apresentaram maiores incidências de Bipolaris sp., Cladosporium sp., Curvularia sp., Fusarium sp. e Phoma sp., bem como de Aphelenchoides sp. e Ditylenchus sp., especialmente nas sementes produzidas em MT. Alguns dos patógenos encontrados são agentes causais de doenças de grande importância em forrageiras, a exemplo de Bipolaris sp., causando a mancha foliar do Panicum, de alta severidade em Tanzânia, proporcionando sérios comprometimentos da sustentabilidade das pastagens.

  7. Identification of functional groups of Opuntia ficus-indica involved in coagulation process after its active part extraction. (United States)

    Bouaouine, Omar; Bourven, Isabelle; Khalil, Fouad; Baudu, Michel


    Opuntia ficus-indica that belongs to the Cactaceae family and is a member of Opuntia kind has received increasing research interest for wastewater treatment by flocculation. The objectives of this study were (i) to provide more information regarding the active constituents of Opuntia spp. and (ii) to improve the extracting and using conditions of the flocculant molecules for water treatment. A classic approach by jar test experiments was used with raw and extracted material by solubilization and precipitation. The surface properties of solid material were characterized by FTIR, SEM, zeta potential measurement, and surface titration. The splitting based on the solubility of the material with pH and the titration of functional groups completed the method. The optimal pH value for a coagulation-flocculation process using cactus solid material (CSM) was 10.0 and a processing rate of 35 mg L -1 . The alkaline pH of flocculation suggests an adsorption mechanism with bridging effect between particles by water-soluble extracted molecules. To validate this mechanism, an extraction water was carried out at pH = 10 (optimum of flocculation) and the solution was acidified (pH = 7) to allow precipitation of so considered active flocculant molecules. The strong flocculant property of this extract was verified, and titration of this solution showed at least one specific pKa of 9.0 ± 0.6. This pKa corresponds to phenol groups, which could be assigned to lignin and tannin.

  8. Taurine is absent from amino components in fruits of Opuntia ficus-indica. (United States)

    Ali, Hatem Salama Mohamed; Al-Khalifa, Abdulrahman Saleh; Brückner, Hans


    Juices of edible fruits from Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller, commonly named prickly pears or Indian figs, were analysed for amino acids using an automated amino acid analyser run in the high-resolution physiological mode. Emphasis was put on the detection of free taurine (Tau), but Tau could be detected neither in different cultivars of prickly pears from Italy, South Africa and the Near East nor in commercially available prickly pear juices from the market.

  9. Stability analysis of Western flank of Cumbre Vieja volcano (La Palma) using numerical modelling (United States)

    Bru, Guadalupe; Gonzalez, Pablo J.; Fernandez-Merodo, Jose A.; Fernandez, Jose


    La Palma volcanic island is one of the youngest of the Canary archipelago, being a composite volcano formed by three overlapping volcanic centers. There are clear onshore and offshore evidences of past giant landslides that have occurred during its evolution. Currently, the active Cumbre Vieja volcano is in an early development state (Carracedo et al., 2001). The study of flank instability processes aim to assess, among other hazards, catastrophic collapse and potential tsunami generation. Early studies of the potential instability of Cumbre Vieja volcano western flank have focused on the use of sparse geodetic networks (Moss et al. 1999), surface geological mapping techniques (Day et al. 1999) and offshore bathymetry (Urgeles et al. 1999). Recently, a dense GNSS network and satellite radar interferometry results indicate ground motion consistent with deep-seated creeping processes (Prieto et al. 2009, Gonzalez et al. 2010). In this work, we present a geomechanical advanced numerical model that captures the ongoing deformation processes at Cumbre Vieja. We choose the Finite Elements Method (FEM) which is based in continuum mechanics and is the most used for geotechnical applications. FEM has the ability of using arbitrary geometry, heterogeneities, irregular boundaries and different constitutive models representative of the geotechnical units involved. Our main contribution is the introduction of an inverse approach to constrain the geomechanical parameters using satellite radar interferometry displacements. This is the first application of such approach on a large volcano flank study. We suggest that the use of surface displacements and inverse methods to rigorously constrain the geomechanical model parameter space is a powerful tool to understand volcano flank instability. A particular important result of the studied case is the estimation of displaced rock volume, which is a parameter of critical importance for simulations of Cumbre Vieja tsunamigenic hazard

  10. Trauma hepático: prevalência e características epidemiológicas de vítimas encaminhadas ao Instituto Médico Legal de Palmas, Tocantins = Liver trauma: prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of victims referred to the Forensic Department of Palmas, Tocantins


    Castro, Danilo Lopes; Ferreira, Maurício Barbosa; Pereira, Marcus Vinicius Moura; Reis Junior, Paulo Martins


    Objetivos: Analisar a prevalência e as características epidemiológicas relacionadas ao trauma hepático nas vítimas encaminhadas ao Instituto Médico Legal de Palmas, Tocantins. Métodos: Um estudo transversal retrospectivo foi realizado no Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Palmas, Tocantins, incluindo todas as vítimas encaminhadas para esse serviço, no período de janeiro de 2006 a dezembro de 2010, consistindo em óbitos por causas violentas e que possuíssem lesões traumáticas de tecido hepático. ...

  11. Produção e composição bromatológica de forrageiras em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária em diferentes épocas de semeadura

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    Cristiano Magalhães Pariz


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de matéria seca e a composição bromatológica de forrageiras em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária, em diferentes datas de semeadura. Foi usado delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4x3, com quatro forrageiras - braquiária, Urochloa brizantha; capim-moa, Setaria italica; milheto, Pennisetum glaucum; e sorgo forrageiro, Sorghum bicolor - semeadas em três datas nas estações inverno/primavera e verão/outono, em sucessão à soja. O milheto e o sorgo forrageiro produziram maior quantidade de matéria seca em todas as datas de semeadura, nas duas estações de cultivo e, ao contrário da braquiária e do capim-moa, não diminuíram o teor de nutrientes digestíveis totais no inverno/primavera. Os teores de proteína bruta reduziram com o avanço das datas de semeadura no inverno/primavera e aumentaram no verão/outono, exceto para braquiária e milheto. O sorgo apresentou os menores teores de fibras em detergente neutro nas segunda e terceira datas de semeadura no inverno/primavera, e na primeira data de semeadura no verão/outono. Nas segunda e terceiras datas do inverno/primavera, o sorgo apresentou menor teor de fibras em detergente ácido. Quanto aos constituintes da parede celular, apenas os teores de hemicelulose não se alteram nas forrageiras em virtude das datas de semeadura, em ambas as estações.

  12. Avaliação da qualidade do óleo de palma e frações (Elaeis guineenses) armazenados em diferentes condições de estocagem


    Matos, Vanessa de Souza


    O óleo de palma bruto (OPB) ou azeite de dendê (Elaeis guineenses) apresenta composição equilibrada em ácidos graxos saturados e insaturados, o que permite fracionar o óleo em dois principais componentes: fração líquida, a oleína de palma e fração sólida, a estearina. A degradação do óleo de palma durante armazenamento pode ser provocada pela ação da luz natural ou artificial, hidrólise autocatalítica, umidade, temperatura, material utilizado nas embalagens, ar e por micro-orga...

  13. Topical Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Isorhamnetin Glycosides Isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica


    Antunes-Ricardo, Marilena; Guti?rrez-Uribe, Janet A.; Mart?nez-Vitela, Carlos; Serna-Sald?var, Sergio O.


    Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) has been widely used in Mexico as a food and for the treatment of different health disorders such as inflammation and skin aging. Its biological properties have been attributed to different phytochemicals such as the isorhamnetin glycosides which are the most abundant flavonoids. Moreover, these compounds are considered a chemotaxonomic characteristic of OFI species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of OFI extract and its isorhamnetin glycosides on d...

  14. Seed Anatomy and Water Uptake in Relation to Seed Dormancy in Opuntia tomentosa (Cactaceae, Opuntioideae) (United States)

    Orozco-Segovia, A.; Márquez-Guzmán, J.; Sánchez-Coronado, M. E.; Gamboa de Buen, A.; Baskin, J. M.; Baskin, C. C.


    Background and Aims There is considerable confusion in the literature concerning impermeability of seeds with ‘hard’ seed coats, because the ability to take up (imbibe) water has not been tested in most of them. Seeds of Opuntia tomentosa were reported recently to have a water-impermeable seed coat sensu lato (i.e. physical dormancy), in combination with physiological dormancy. However, physical dormancy is not known to occur in Cactaceae. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine if seeds of O. tomentosa are water-permeable or water-impermeable, i.e. if they have physical dormancy. Methods The micromorphology of the seed coat and associated structures were characterized by SEM and light microscopy. Permeability of the seed-covering layers was assessed by an increase in mass of seeds on a wet substrate and by dye-tracking and uptake of tritiated water by intact versus scarified seeds. Key Results A germination valve and a water channel are formed in the hilum–micropyle region during dehydration and ageing in seeds of O. tomentosa. The funicular envelope undoubtedly plays a role in germination of Opuntia seeds via restriction of water uptake and mechanical resistance to expansion of the embryo. However, seeds do not exhibit any of three features characteristic of those with physical dormancy. Thus, they do not have a water-impermeable layer(s) of palisade cells (macrosclereids) or a water gap sensu stricto and they imbibe water without the seed coat being disrupted. Conclusions Although dormancy in seeds of this species can be broken by scarification, they have physiological dormancy only. Further, based on information in the literature, it is concluded that it is unlikely that any species of Opuntia has physical dormancy. This is the first integrative study of the anatomy, dynamics of water uptake and dormancy in seeds of Cactaceae subfamily Opuntioideae. PMID:17298989

  15. Response of Opuntia stricta Haw micropropagated plants in acclimatization and field

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    Marina Medeiros de Araújo Silva


    Full Text Available Forage palm (Opuntia stricta Haw. is a great important crop for the semi-arid region of Brasil. It has been propagated through in vitro culture, by areole activation. This work aimed to determine the response of Opuntia stricta Haw. variety ‘Oreja de Elefante Mexicana’ micropropagated plants during its acclimatization and field planting. Plants were acclimatized in tubes and plastic bags with a mixture of soil and manure, and it were kept in greenhouse for 130 days. Later, the plants kept in tubes were divided into nine treatments, according to their size (between 6 to 14 cm, and transfer to the field. The use of tubes provided a higher survival, height, fresh and dry mass of the cladodes. There was no significant differences between the recipients used for root development. At the end of acclimatization it was observed that plants did not have a uniform development, presenting size variation. After the first 15 days in the field, the majority of the plants with primary shoots were larger than 10 cm. At 60 days the survival was 100%, and all plants presented shoots, even the smallest. However, is recommended that plants larger than 10 cm will be used, due to the better establishment to field conditions. The results demonstrate the feasibility in the use of micropropagated plants for the establishment of forage palm fields. Keywords: cladodes, forage palm, in vitro culture, semi-arid region

  16. Petrological and geochemical studies of mantle xenoliths from La Palma, Canary Islands (United States)

    Janisch, Astrid; Ntaflos, Theodoros


    La Palma is the second youngest island, after El Hierro, of the Canary archipelago. The archipelago consists of seven large islands, forming an east-west-trending island chain, and several seamounts. All together they form a volcanic belt of around 800 km length and 450 km width, which presumably comprises roughly the Canary hotspot. The islands are located off the western coast of Morocco, Africa. The distance ranges from 100 km to 500 km. Concurrently with the distance, subaerial volcanism age progresses from the oldest lava in the east to the youngest in the west of the archipelago. Presently, La Palma is in the shield building stage of growth (alongside with El Hierro and Tenerife) and is furthermore the fastest growing island of the Canary archipelago. Historical volcanic eruptions are restricted on the younger islands, La Palma and El Hierro, with the last eruption at the south end of La Palma in 1971. Mantle xenoliths described in this work were collected at the slopes of San Antonio Volcano, Fuencaliente, brought to the surface during the 1677/1678 eruption. The mantle xenolith collection comprises sp-lherzolites, sp-harzburgites and pyroxenites. The texture can be distinguished between coarse-grained matrix and fine-grained veins in various thicknesses, mostly with olivine and pyroxene but also with amphibole, phlogopite as well as apatite. Mineral analyses reveal the existence of primary and secondary ol, cpx and opx. Primary ol has Fo contents of 89.2 to 91.7 and NiO ranging from 0.3 to 0.45 wt.%, whereas secondary ol show Fo values of 78.4 to 91.9 but with NiO below 0.3 wt.%. Primary cpx are predominantly Cr-Diopsides with En48.7-51.9-Wo43.5-44.3-Fs4.1-4.9 and Mg# of 91.5 to 92.4. Secondary cpx, primarily Ti-Augit, display En36.7-44.4-Wo47.7-49.6-Fs6.7-13.0 and Mg# of 75.3 to 90.8. Primary opx compositions are in range of En89.3-90.6-Wo1.3-1.5-Fs8.1-9.3 with Mg# between 90.7 and 92.0. Secondary opx exhibit En88.7-89.2-Wo1.7-1.9-Fs9.1-9.5 and Mg# of 90

  17. Prevalence of Babesia spp. and Anaplasma marginale in cattle in the municipality of Palma, MG

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    Marluce Aparecida Mattos Paula


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Paula M.A.M., Oliveira F.C.R., Melo Jr O.A. & Frazão-Teixeira E. [Prevalence of Babesia spp. and Anaplasma marginale in cattle in the municipality of Palma, MG.] Prevalência de Babesia spp. e Anaplasma marginale em bovinos no município de Palma, MG. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 37(4: 359-365, 2015. Laboratório de Biologia Estrutural, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/ Fiocruz, Avenida Brasil, 4365, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21040-361, Brasil. E-mail: We verified the prevalence of hemoparasites in 40 cattle with ages varying from one month to 12 years old, in two farms of the Municipality of Palma, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Two blood smear samples were collected from each animal: one from the tail tip and another from the ear tip. The smears were fixed, stained and observed under 100X lighted microscope magnifying glass. Twenty- -seven out of 40 animals studied (67.5% had at least one species of hemoparasite. Among these, 21 (52.5% were infected with Babesia spp., 10 (25% with Anaplasma marginale and four (10% parasitized with both hemoparasites. The studied region is potentially enzootic for the detected parasites and there is high risk for clinical cases of tick-borne disease. Both anatomic points, tail and ear tips, are good spots for blood collection and smear confection for hemoparasite investigation.

  18. Towards Drylands Biorefineries: Valorisation of Forage Opuntia for the Production of Edible Coatings

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    Alba Iris Nájera-García


    Full Text Available Species of the genus Opuntia may be a well-suited feedstock for biorefineries located in drylands, where biomass is scarcer than in humid or temperate regions. This plant has numerous uses in Mexico and Central America, and its mucilage is a specialty material with many promising applications. We extracted the mucilage from a forage species, O. heliabravoana Scheinvar, and mixed it with a thermoplastic starch to produce an edible coating. The coating was applied to blackberries, which were then evaluated in terms of several physicochemical and microbiological variables. During a 10-day evaluation period, the physicochemical variables measured in the coated fruits were not significantly different from those of the control group. However, the microbiological load of the coated fruits was significantly lower than that of the uncoated fruits, which was attributed to a decreased water activity under the edible coating. Multivariate analysis of the physicochemical and microbial variables indicated that the storage time negatively affected the weight and size of the coated and uncoated blackberries. Although some sensory attributes have yet to be optimised, our results support the use of the mucilage of forage Opuntia for the formation of edible coatings, as well as their valorisation through a biorefinery approach.

  19. Distribución, tamaño y estructura poblacional de Jubaea chilensis en "Las Palmas", comuna de Petorca, región de Valparaíso - Chile


    Youlton, Cristian; Hormazabal, Cristina; Schiappacasse, Ignacio; Contreras, Patricia; Poblete-Echeverría, Carlos


    La palma chilena (Jubaea chilensis) es una especie endémica de Chile central, clasificada en categoría de conservación vulnerable. De su área de distribución original subsisten algunas agrupaciones (palmares), encontrándose una de ellas en la comuna de Petorca, en el límite norte de la región de Valparaíso. El sector "Las Palmas" fue declarado "Sitio Prioritario para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad", sin embargo, se desconoce el número de palmas presentes, su distribución etaria y espacia...

  20. New xenophytes from La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain, with emphasis on naturalized and (potentially invasive species

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    R. Otto


    Full Text Available Many years of field work in La Palma (western Canary Islands yielded a number of interesting new records of non-native vascular plants. Amaranthus blitoides, A. deflexus, Aptenia cordifolia, Argemone ochroleuca, Begonia schmidtiana, Capsella rubella, Cardamine hamiltonii, Centratherum punctatum, Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare, Chasmanthe floribunda (widely confused with C. aethiopica and Crocosmia xcrocosmiiflora in Macaronesia, Chenopodium probstii, Commelina latifolia var. latifolia, Dichondra micrantha, Dysphania anthelmintica, Epilobium ciliatum, Erigeron sumatrensis, Erodium neuradifolium, Eucalyptus globulus, Euphorbia hypericifolia, E. maculata, Gamochaeta antillana, Geranium pyrenaicum, Hedychium coronarium, Hypochaeris radicata, Kalanchoe daigremontiana, K. delagoensis, K. xhoughtonii, Kickxia commutata subsp. graeca, K. spuria subsp. integrifolia, Lactuca viminea subsp. ramosissima, Landoltia punctata, Malvastrum coromandelianum subsp. capitatospicatum, Oenothera jamesii, Orobanche nana, Oxalis latifolia, Papaver hybridum, P. setigerum, Pilea microphylla, Podranea ricasoliana, Polygonum arenastrum, Portulaca granulatostellulata, P. nicaraguensis, P. nitida, P. papillatostellulata, Rumex crispus subsp. crispus, R. pulcher subsp. pulcher, R. xpratensis, Sechium edule, Sida spinosa var. angustifolia, Silene nocturna, Solanum abutiloides, S. alatum, S. decipiens, Sonchus tenerrimus, Spergularia marina, Stellaria pallida, Tragopogon porrifolius subsp. australis, Tribulus terrestris and Trifolium repens subsp. repens are naturalized or (potentially invasive xenophytes, reported for the first time from either the Canary Islands or from La Palma. 37 additional, presumably ephemeral taxa are reported for the first time from the Canary Islands, whereas 56 ephemeral taxa are new for La Palma..

  1. Antioxidant Phytochemicals of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. Cladodes with Potential Anti-spasmodic Activity


    Lanuzza, Francesco; Occhiuto, Francesco; Monforte, Maria Teresa; Tripodo, Maria Marcella; D’Angelo, Valeria; Galati, Enza Maria


    Background: Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae), a plant widespread in dry regions of the world, shows interesting biological activities (cicatrizant, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, and hypolipidemic) and is widely used in traditional medicine. Objectives: Phytochemical analysis and antispasmodic effect of wild OFI cladodes were carried out. Material and Methods: Polyphenols and Vitamin E occurrence, in antioxidant pool of OFI cladodes, were quantified by high-performance liquid ...

  2. Inhibition of aluminum corrosion using Opuntia extract

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Etre, A.Y.


    The inhibitive action of the mucilage extracted from the modified stems of prickly pears, toward acid corrosion of aluminum, is tested using weight loss, thermometry, hydrogen evolution and polarization techniques. It was found that the extract acts as a good corrosion inhibitor for aluminum corrosion in 2.0 M HCl solution. The inhibition action of the extract was discussed in view of Langmuir adsorption isotherm. It was found that the adsorption of the extract on aluminum surface is a spontaneous process. The inhibition efficiency (IE) increases as the extract concentration is increased. The effect of temperature on the IE was studied. It was found that the presence of extract increases the activation energy of the corrosion reaction. Moreover, the thermodynamic parameters of the adsorption process were calculated. It was found also that the Opuntia extract provides a good protection to aluminum against pitting corrosion in chloride ion containing solutions

  3. Estabelecimento de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais perenes simultaneamente com as culturas de milho e soja no Norte do RS Perennial tropical forage grasses establishment simultaneously with soybean and maize in northern of RS state, Brazil

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    Franciele Mariani


    Full Text Available Alternativas econômicas para compor sistemas de produção são indispensáveis para a sustentabilidade de sistemas agrícolas, pecuários ou sistemas integrados. Objetivou-se avaliar a viabilidade técnica do consórcio das culturas produtoras de grãos, soja e milho, com Urochloa brizantha e Panicum maximum no Norte do Rio Grande do Sul. As forrageiras foram semeadas simultaneamente às culturas produtoras de grãos, na entrelinha, e isoladas. Foram utilizadas as cultivares 'Marandu' (braquiária, 'Mombaça' e 'Aruana' (panicum e como testemunha o milheto (Pennisetum americanum. Foram avaliados rendimento de grãos das culturas, seus componentes e o acúmulo de massa seca (MS. O acúmulo de MS das forrageiras isoladas Mombaça e Aruana foi superior às demais, com acúmulo médio de 6.515 e 5.778kg ha-1, respectivamente. No consórcio com o milho, o acúmulo médio de MS das forrageiras foi 2.380kg ha-1, sem diferença significativa entre as espécies, mas, com soja, o maior acúmulo ocorreu para Marandu (3.040kg ha-1. Não houve diminuição no rendimento de grãos da soja e do milho com a presença das forrageiras, porém, para colheita mecânica da soja, serão necessários estudos adicionais. O consórcio de milho com as gramíneas forrageiras tropicais perenes é alternativa viável para o Norte do RS.Economic alternatives to compose production systems are essential to the sustainability of farming systems, livestock or integrated systems. The objective was to evaluate the viability of intercropping grain crops, soybean and maize, with Urochloa brizantha and Panicum maximum in northern of Rio Grande do Sul. The forages were sown simultaneously with grain crops, in the inter-line, and in monoculture. We used 'Marandu' (brachiaria, 'Mombaça' and 'Aruana' (panicum and millet (Pennisetum americanum as a control. Crop yield and their components and accumulation of dry matter (DM were evaluated. The DM accumulation of 'Aruana' and 'Momba

  4. Melt evolution beneath thick lithosphere: A magmatic inclusions study of La Palma, Canary Islands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nikogosian, I.; Elliott, T.R.; Touret, J.L.R.


    Volcanism in the Canary Islands is notable for its highly alkalic character even in the shield building lavas of the currently most active island, La Palma. In order to understand better the processes responsible for this alkalic end of the compositional spectrum of ocean island basalts (OIB), we

  5. Cactus (Opuntia dillenii Grahm) stem: a new source of energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deshpande, V.K. (Dept. of Applied Physics, V.R.C.E., Nagpur (India)); Joshi, A.M. (Dept. of Applied Physics, V.R.C.E., Nagpur (India))


    An electrochemical cell has been fabricated using cactus stem as an electrolyte. The electrolyte was a stem (phylloclade) of Opuntia dillenii from the family Cactaceae. A thin slice (1 x 1 x 0.5 cm) of the stem was cut and sandwiched between copper and zinc electrodes. A study of the discharge characteristics reveals that, at a current drain of 100 [mu]A, the cell gives an optimum energy density of 175 mWh kg[sup -1]. The power generated by these cells is sufficient to run piezoelectric buzzer and a LCD calculator for a few hours. This work opens up a new interdisciplinary area for physicists, botanists and electrochemists. (orig.)


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    Paulo César Narváez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta la influencia de la temperatura y el porcentaje de catalizador sobre la etanólisis del aceite de palma, y los resultados se comparan con los obtenidos para la metanólisis del mismo aceite. Se realizaron ensayos a 60, 70 y 75 ºC, empleando como catalizador NaOH. Los porcentajes en peso de catalizadorcon respecto al aceite de palma fueron 0,20; 0,50 y 1,00. Los resultados muestran que incrementos en la temperaturay en el porcentaje de catalizador aumentan el rendimiento de la reacción. En comparación con la metanólisis, en la etanólisisse observó disminución en el rendimiento y en la selectividad.

  7. Effect of Opuntia ficus-indica flowers maceration on quality and on heat stability of olive oil. (United States)

    Ammar, Imène; BenAmira, Amal; Khemakem, Ibtihel; Attia, Hamadi; Ennouri, Monia


    This study was focused on the evaluation of the quality and the oxidative stability of olive oil added with Opuntia ficus - indica flowers. Two different amounts of O. ficus - indica flowers were considered 5 and 15% (w/w). The olive oils were evaluated towards their quality, fatty acids profile, total phenol contents and thermal properties by differential scanning calorimetry. The oxidative stability was also monitored by employing the Rancimat and the oven test based on accelerating the oxidation process during storage. The addition of O. ficus - indica flowers induced an increase in free acidity values and a variation in fatty acids profile of olive oils but values remained under the limits required for an extra-virgin olive oil. The obtained olive oils were nutritionally enriched due to the increase in their phenols content. The oxidative stability was generally improved, mainly in olive oil enriched with 5% Opuntia ficus - indica flowers. These findings proved that this enriched olive oil could be considered as a product with a greater added value.

  8. Betalain profile, phenolic content, and color characterization of different parts and varieties of Opuntia ficus-indica. (United States)

    Cejudo-Bastante, María Jesús; Chaalal, Makhlouf; Louaileche, Hayette; Parrado, Juan; Heredia, Francisco J


    Three different varieties of Opuntia ficus-indica (R, red; Y, yellow; RY, red-yellow) have been considered in this study. Attention was focused on differential tristimulus colorimetry and on the analysis of individual betalains (HPLC-DAD-ESI-ToF-MS) and phenolic content, scarcely previously reported in these kinds of samples. The importance of this research stems from the elucidation of the parts and varieties of cactus pear more optimal for use as natural colorants and sources of phenolics and betalains. Thus, the RY pulp was appropriate to obtain colorants with high color intensity (C*(ab) = 66.5), whereas the whole Y fruit and R pulp reached powerful and stable yellow and red colors, respectively (C*(ab)/h(ab), 57.1/84.7 and 61.1°/81.8°). This choice was also based on the visually appreciable differences (ΔE*(ab) > 5) among samples, mainly quantitative (%Δ(2)L, %Δ(2)C). In addition, seeds of all Opuntia varieties showed significantly (p < 0.05) similar phenolic content (around 23.3 mg/g) and color characteristics.

  9. Hospitalidade como fator competitivo em agências de viagens e turismo na cidade de Palmas/TO

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    Geruza Aline Erig


    Full Text Available A cidade de Palmas está localizada no centro do Estado do Tocantins e é a última cidade do século XX completamente planejada. Com apenas 26 anos de existência, a cidade tem mais de 240 mil habitantes e segue um plano diretor que privilegia as áreas verdes com espaços para o lazer. Palmas possui mais de vinte agências e operadoras de viagem receptivas e emissivas. No entanto, a questão é: como ter um diferencial para atrair o cliente e competir com as vendas de passagens e pacotes via internet? Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar como as agências de viagens e turismo de Palmas estão utilizando a hospitalidade como um diferencial fundamental para se manter no mercado e se sobressair frente à concorrência da internet. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se em um estudo de campo, quantitativo não probabilístico, com aplicação de questionário e análise por estatística descritiva e análise textual com perguntas abertas. Foram pesquisadas sete agências de viagem e turismo, sendo estas, emissivas e receptivas. Como resultado observou-se que a hospitalidade é utilizada pelas agências de viagem e turismo, como vantagem competitiva fundamental trazendo mudanças e melhorias, inclusive para a gestão dessas empresas.

  10. Identification of a new defective SERPINA1 allele (PI*Zla palma) encoding an alpha-1-antitrypsin with altered glycosylation pattern. (United States)

    Hernández-Pérez, José M; Ramos-Díaz, Ruth; Pérez, José A


    Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a genetic condition that arises from mutations in the SERPINA1 gene and predisposes to develop pulmonary emphysema and, less frequently, liver disease. Occasionally, new defective SERPINA1 alleles are detected as an outcome of targeted-screening programs or case-findings. This study began with a female patient showing bronchial hyperreactivity. Serum level and phenotype for AAT was analysed by immunonephelometry and isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. The SERPINA1 gene of the proband was genotyped by PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. Analysis of AAT deficiency was extended to the proband's family. An abnormal AAT variant that migrated to a more cathodal position than PiZ AAT was detected in the proband's serum. Genetic analysis demonstrated that proband is heterozygous for a new defective SERPINA1 allele (PI*Z la palma ) characterized by the c.321C > A (p.Asn83Lys) mutation in the M1Val213 background. This mutation abolishes the N-glycosylation site in position 83 of the mature AAT. Eight relatives of the proband are carriers of the PI*Z la palma allele and four of them have shown symptoms of bronchial asthma or bronchial hyperreactivity. The mean α1AT level in the serum of PI*MZ la palma individuals was 87.1 mg/dl. The reduction in circulating AAT levels associated to the PI*Z la palma allele was similar to that of PI*Z allele, representing a risk of impairment in lung function. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Estruturação de óleo de palma e emulsões utilizando óleo de palma totalmente hidrogenado e lecitina de soja


    Valéria da Silva Santos


    Resumo: O óleo de palma (PO) destaca-se por ser uma matéria-prima com grande potencial de aplicação em diversos produtos. Porém, quando aplicado de maneira isolada, apresenta cristalização lenta, gerando problemas para a indústria de alimentos. A fim de acelerar a cristalização utilizam-se compostos que podem, além de contribuir para a redução do período de indução, atuar como agentes estruturantes, atual foco em desenvolvimento na área de óleos e gorduras. Este estudo tem por objetivos avali...

  12. Effects of Hanseniaspora opuntiae C21 on the growth and digestive enzyme activity of juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicas (United States)

    Ma, Yuexin; Liu, Zhiming; Yang, Zhiping; Bao, Pengyun; Zhang, Congyao; Ding, Jianfeng


    The effects of a diet containing Hanseniaspora opuntiae C21 on growth and digestive enzyme activity were estimated in juvenile Apostichopus japonicus. Groups of sea cucumbers were fed diets containing H. opuntiae C21 at 0 (control), 104, 105, and 106 CFU (colony-forming units)/g feed. Results showed that after 45 d the specific growth rate (SGR) of sea cucumbers fed a C21-supplemented diet at 10 4 CFU/g feed was significantly higher than that of the control ( P sea cucumbers. In addition, after feeding the C21-supplemented diets for 15 d, the sea cucumbers were switched to an unsupplemented diet and C21 was confirmed to be capable of colonizing the intestine for at least 31 d after cessation of feeding. In conclusion, C21 was shown to successfully colonize the intestine of juvenile A. japonicus via dietary supplementation, and improve growth and digestive enzyme activity.

  13. A novel method for the determination of ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity in Opuntia ficus indica using in vivo microdialysis. (United States)

    Pretti, L; Bazzu, G; Serra, P A; Nieddu, G


    A simple and rapid method was developed for in vivo simultaneous determination of ascorbic-acid and antioxidant capacity in microdialysates from cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller. The method is verified in water-stressed plants, as compared with a well-watered test controls. The microdialysis probe construction and insertion procedure was specifically developed to minimise the tissue trauma of the plant and to obtain optimal dialysis performance. Microdialysis was performed using a flow rate of 3 μL/min and the samples were analysed by HPLC coupled to electrochemical detection of ascorbic-acid and DPPH-determined antioxidant capacity. Our data indicate exponential decay of the concentrations of the analysed compounds as a function of microdialysis sampling time. Water-stressed Opuntia show decreased ascorbic acid levels and increased the others antioxidants. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Effect of hyaluronic acid and polysaccharides from Opuntia ficus indica (L.) cladodes on the metabolism of human chondrocyte cultures. (United States)

    Panico, A M; Cardile, V; Garufi, F; Puglia, C; Bonina, F; Ronsisvalle, S


    Conventional medications in articular disease are often effective for symptom relief, but they can also cause significant side effects and do not slow the progression of the disease. Several natural substances have been shown to be effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at relieving the symptoms of osteoarthritis (OA), and preliminary evidence suggests that some of these compounds may exert a favourable influence on the course of the disease. In this study, we assay the anti-inflammatory/chondroprotective effect of some lyophilised extracts obtained from Opuntia ficus indica (L.) cladodes and of hyaluronic acid (HA) on the production of key molecules released during chronic inflammatory events such as nitric oxide (NO), glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), prostaglandins (PGE(2)) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human chondrocyte culture, stimulated with proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta). Further the antioxidant effect of these extracts was evaluated in vitro employing the bleaching of the stable 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH test). All the extracts tested in this study showed an interesting profile in active compounds. Particularly some of these extracts were characterized by polyphenolic and polysaccharidic species. In vitro results pointed out that the extracts of Opuntia ficus indica cladodes were able to contrast the harmful effects of IL-1 beta. Our data showed the protective effect of the extracts of Opuntia ficus indica cladodes in cartilage alteration, which appears greater than that elicited by hyaluronic acid (HA) commonly employed as visco-supplementation in the treatment of joint diseases.

  15. Antioxidant Phytochemicals of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. Cladodes with Potential Anti-spasmodic Activity. (United States)

    Lanuzza, Francesco; Occhiuto, Francesco; Monforte, Maria Teresa; Tripodo, Maria Marcella; D'Angelo, Valeria; Galati, Enza Maria


    Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae), a plant widespread in dry regions of the world, shows interesting biological activities (cicatrizant, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, and hypolipidemic) and is widely used in traditional medicine. Phytochemical analysis and antispasmodic effect of wild OFI cladodes were carried out. Polyphenols and Vitamin E occurrence, in antioxidant pool of OFI cladodes, were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography. The antispasmodic effect of OFI cladodes was assessed in isolated rabbit smooth muscle tissues. The experiments were carried out with preparations of rabbit jejunum and uterus with the spontaneous contractile activity, to evaluate the effect of cumulative concentrations of the extract on basal tone, amplitude, and frequency of contractions. Catechin, quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin and chlorogenic, ferulic, and p-coumaric acid were identified. α-, β-, and γ-tocopherols have been highlighted and α-tocopherol is the major component. OFI cladodes contain significant amount of polyphenols and tocopherols that are effective radical scavengers and inhibited ethanol 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl formation by 50%. OFI cladodes caused a light inhibition of amplitude and frequency of spontaneous contractions and a marked decrease in muscle basal tone of rabbit jejunum preparations. On spontaneously contracting uterus preparations, the addition of increasing concentrations of cladode extract caused uterine muscle relaxation. The contraction of smooth muscle preparations depends on an increase in cytoplasmic free calcium ion concentration, which activates the contractile elements. The flavonoids may suppress the contractility of smooth myocytes, by an inhibition of availability of Ca 2+ for muscle contraction. Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) cladodes contain significant amount of polyphenols and tocopherols that are effective radical scavengers and inhibited ethanol 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl formation by 50

  16. Antioxidant Phytochemicals of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. Cladodes with Potential Anti-spasmodic Activity (United States)

    Lanuzza, Francesco; Occhiuto, Francesco; Monforte, Maria Teresa; Tripodo, Maria Marcella; D’Angelo, Valeria; Galati, Enza Maria


    Background: Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae), a plant widespread in dry regions of the world, shows interesting biological activities (cicatrizant, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, and hypolipidemic) and is widely used in traditional medicine. Objectives: Phytochemical analysis and antispasmodic effect of wild OFI cladodes were carried out. Material and Methods: Polyphenols and Vitamin E occurrence, in antioxidant pool of OFI cladodes, were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography. The antispasmodic effect of OFI cladodes was assessed in isolated rabbit smooth muscle tissues. The experiments were carried out with preparations of rabbit jejunum and uterus with the spontaneous contractile activity, to evaluate the effect of cumulative concentrations of the extract on basal tone, amplitude, and frequency of contractions. Results: Catechin, quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin and chlorogenic, ferulic, and p-coumaric acid were identified. α-, β-, and γ-tocopherols have been highlighted and α-tocopherol is the major component. OFI cladodes contain significant amount of polyphenols and tocopherols that are effective radical scavengers and inhibited ethanol 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl formation by 50%. OFI cladodes caused a light inhibition of amplitude and frequency of spontaneous contractions and a marked decrease in muscle basal tone of rabbit jejunum preparations. On spontaneously contracting uterus preparations, the addition of increasing concentrations of cladode extract caused uterine muscle relaxation. Conclusion: The contraction of smooth muscle preparations depends on an increase in cytoplasmic free calcium ion concentration, which activates the contractile elements. The flavonoids may suppress the contractility of smooth myocytes, by an inhibition of availability of Ca2+ for muscle contraction. SUMMARY Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) cladodes contain significant amount of polyphenols and tocopherols that are effective radical

  17. Nopal Cactus (Opuntia Ficus-Indica) as a Holographic Material (United States)

    Olivares-Pérez, Arturo; Toxqui-López, Santa; Padilla-Velasco, Ana L.


    The nopal cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) releases a substance through its mucilage, which comes from the degradation of pectic substances and chlorophyll. Combined in a polyvinyl alcohol matrix, this substance can be used as a recording medium. The resulting extract material has excellent photosensitizer properties, is easy to handle, has a low cost, and low toxicity. This material has the property of self-developing, and it can be used in holographic applications. The polyvinyl alcohol and extract from the nopal cactus was deposited by a gravity technique on a glass substrate, which dried to form a photosensitive emulsion. We show experimental results on a holographic grating using this material, written by a He-Cd laser (442 nm). We obtained diffraction gratings by transmission with a diffraction efficiency of approximately 32.3% to first order.

  18. Lípidos estructurados obtenidos por interesterificación de las mezclas binarias y ternarias de las grasas de palma, semilla de palma y triglicéridos de cadena media

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    Sotero Solis, Víctor Erasmo


    de las grasas (palma y semilla de palma y triglicéridos de cadena media (Trigliceril CM. Fueron estudiadas 10 muestras representadas por 3 muestras individuales, 3 muestras binarias y 4 muestras ternarias. Se determinaron la composición en ácidos grasos, el contenido en grasa sólida y la consistencia en el intervalo de temperaturas entre 10ºC y 35ºC. Se aplicó un modelo de regresión múltiple del tipo cúbico especial, siendo que a partir de los coeficientes significativos, se establecieron diagramas triangulares, donde fueron indicadas curvas de nivel. Los resultados demostraron que las interacciones entre los tres componentes no fueron significativas. El contenido en grasa sólida dependió de las grasas de palma y de la semilla de palma y de las interacciones binarias entre ellas. Los coeficientes negativos para esta propiedad demostraron un efecto antagónico, característico de las interacciones eutécticas entre grasas.

  19. Hepatoprotective Flavonoids in Opuntia ficus-indica Fruits by Reducing Oxidative Stress in Primary Rat Hepatocytes. (United States)

    Kim, Jung Wha; Kim, Tae Bum; Kim, Hyun Woo; Park, Sang Wook; Kim, Hong Pyo; Sung, Sang Hyun


    Liver disorder was associated with alcohol consumption caused by hepatic cellular damages. Opuntia ficus-indica fruit extracts (OFIEs), which contain betalain pigments and polyphenols including flavonoids, have been introduced as reducing hangover symptoms and liver protective activity. To evaluate hepatoprotective activity of OFIEs and isolated compounds by high-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC). The extract of O. ficus-indica fruits was fractionated into methylene chloride and n -butanol. The n -butanol fraction was isolated by HSCCC separation (methylene chloride-methanol- n -butanol-water, 5:4:3:5, v/v/v/v). The hepatoprotective activity of OFIEs and isolated compounds was evaluated on rat primary hepatocytes against ethanol-induced toxicity. Antioxidative parameters such as glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-P x ) enzymes and the GSH content were measured. Two flavonoids, quercetin 3- O -methyl ester (1) and (+)-taxifolin, and two flavonoid glycosides, isorhamnetin 3- O -β- d -glucoside (3) and narcissin (4), were isolated from the n -butanol fraction by HSCCC separation. Among them, compound 2 significantly protected rat primary hepatocytes against ethanol exposure by preserving antioxidative properties of GR and GSH-P x . OFIEs and (+)-taxifolin were suggested to reduce hepatic damage by alcoholic oxidative stress. Hepatoprotective Flavonoids were isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica by high -speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC).



    Eduardo Campos Medina


    En este artículo se presenta el fenómeno de adsorción química como una opción viable en el tratamiento de aguas residuales que contiene disueltos iones metálicos, específicamente se aborda el estudio del Cromo Hexavalente, el cual se puso en contacto con el biomaterial de Ectodermis de Opuntia. Dicho biomaterial se puso en contacto con soluciones de dicho elemento solo y formando un complejo coloreado con la difenilcarbazida (DFC), esto con la finalidad de estudiar el comportamiento de la ads...

  1. Desempenho de forrageiras em sistemas alagados de tratamento de águas residuárias do processamento do café Performance of forage crops in wetlands used in the treatment of wastewater of coffee processing

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    Ronaldo Fia


    Full Text Available Duas gramíneas forrageiras de inverno, azevém (Lolium multiflorum e aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb, foram cultivadas em sistemas alagados construídos (SACs utilizados no tratamento das águas residuárias do processamento dos frutos do cafeeiro (ARC com o objetivo de se avaliar seu desempenho agronômico. Essas forrageiras foram submetidas a diferentes cargas orgânicas (650 a 1.500 kg ha-1 d-1 de DQO, proporcionadas pela aplicação dos efluentes de filtros anaeróbios, utilizados no tratamento da ARC. Como tratamento testemunha, as mesmas espécies vegetais foram cultivadas em solução de Hoagland. A matéria seca produzida pelas forrageiras ao longo dos 53 dias de monitoramento dos SACs variou de 7,4 a 14,0 e 0,5 a 2,7 t ha-1, e os rendimentos acumulados de proteína bruta variaram de 1.017 a 2.187 e 66,6 a 316,8 kg ha-1 para o azevém e a aveia, respectivamente. Os resultados permitiram concluir que, dentre as forrageiras estudadas, o azevém se mostrou mais adequado para ser cultivado em SACs utilizados no pós-tratamento da ARC efluente de filtros anaeróbios, já que apresentou maior rendimento de matéria seca e proteína bruta e, portanto, melhor adaptação ao sistema.Two winter grasses, ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum and oats (Avena strigosa Schreb, were grown in constructed wetlands (SACs used in the treatment of wastewater of coffee processing (ARC with the aim to evaluate their agronomic performance. These forage crops were submitted to different organic loads (650 to 1500 kg ha-1 d-1 of COD, offered by the application of anaerobic effluent filters, used in the treatment of ARC. As a control treatment, the same plant species were grown in a Hoagland solution. The forage dry matter produced by over 53 days of monitoring SACs ranged from 7.4 to 14.0 and from 0.5 to 2.7 t ha-1, and the crude protein yield ranged from 1017 to 2187 and 66.6 to 316.8 kg ha-1 for ryegrass and oats, respectively. The results showed that, among the

  2. Predicción del efecto de la temperatura sobre la viscosidad del biodiesel de aceite de palma y sus mezclas con diesel convencional.


    Benjumea, Pedro N; Álvarez, Ángela M; Molina, Alexandra P


    La viscosidad es una propiedad fundamental para los combustibles que se utilizan en motores de encendido por compresión o motores diesel. En este artículo se presentan correlaciones empíricas, tipo ecuación de Andrade, para predecir el efecto de la temperatura sobre la viscosidad cinemática y absoluta del biodiesel de aceite de palma. Se utilizaron tres tipos de biodiesel obtenidos a partir del aceite crudo de palma y sus fases oleína y estearina. Adicionalmente, se analiza el comportamiento ...

  3. Nopal Cactus (Opuntia Ficus-Indica as a Holographic Material

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    Santa Toxqui-López


    Full Text Available The nopal cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica releases a substance through its mucilage, which comes from the degradation of pectic substances and chlorophyll. Combined in a polyvinyl alcohol matrix, this substance can be used as a recording medium. The resulting extract material has excellent photosensitizer properties, is easy to handle, has a low cost, and low toxicity. This material has the property of self-developing, and it can be used in holographic applications. The polyvinyl alcohol and extract from the nopal cactus was deposited by a gravity technique on a glass substrate, which dried to form a photosensitive emulsion. We show experimental results on a holographic grating using this material, written by a He-Cd laser (442 nm. We obtained diffraction gratings by transmission with a diffraction efficiency of approximately 32.3% to first order.

  4. Cultivo intercalares em fase inicial de desenvolvimento e desempenho produtivo de cultivares de palma de óleo em diferentes ambientes de Roraima


    Antonia Dianaia Oliveira Lopes


    A expansão da cultura da palma de óleo nas áreas já desflorestadas da Amazônia legal é reconhecida como uma excelente alternativa para a produção de óleo para fins alimentícios e energéticos. O estado de Roraima apresenta as condições edafoclimáticas adequadas para seu desenvolvimento e introdução na estrutura da agricultura familiar. Objetivou-se com este trabalho desenvolver sistemas de cultivos nas entrelinhas da palma de óleo em área de floresta alterada, durante o período inicial de dese...

  5. Diseño del proceso para la producción de 60 toneladas de biodiesel a partir de aceite de palma refinado


    Castillo Gonzalez, Aracely Del Carmen; Martinez Lozano, Ernesto Rolando


    Este trabajo consiste en el diseño del Proceso para la Producción de Biodiesel a partir de Aceite de Palma Refinado, que tiene como finalidad establecer los requerimientos de máquinas y equipos, y los parámetros de operación para el funcionamiento de una planta piloto para la elaboración industrial de biodiesel aprovechando la producción de aceite de palma refinado como materia prima para el proceso. La metodología empleada en el presente trabajo está sustentada en la investigación científ...

  6. Rehabilitación de edificios bajo objetivos de reducción de impacto ambiental: un caso piloto de vivienda plurifamiliar en el área de Playa de Palma, Mallorca

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    Wadel, G.


    Full Text Available This article presents briefly the work Pilot study to reduce environmental impact: evaluation and assessment of a sustainable refurbishment of an existing residential building in Playa de Palma carried out by the Consortium of Palma Beach. It will be explained by how the environmental impacts of the building can be reduced by 50% or more as a result of future refurbishment and subsequent management, referring to both its current situation and refurbishment standards in residential buildings. It also includes an approximated evaluation of the CO2 emission reduction achieved in the building life cycle and the projected costs for the various actions of the refurbishment model proposed by the Consortium, to be carried out in other renovation operations in Palma Beach.

    Este artículo resume el estudio Experiencia piloto para la reducción del impacto ambiental: evaluación y asesoramiento a la rehabilitación sostenible de un edificio de viviendas existente en Playa de Palma realizado para el Consorci de Platja de Palma. Se explica a través de qué medidas es posible reducir en un 50% o más los impactos ambientales del edificio como producto de su futura rehabilitación y posterior gestión respecto tanto de su situación actual como de los estándares de rehabilitación al uso en edificios de vivienda. Asimismo, se incluye también una aproximación a las reducciones de emisiones de CO2 que se consiguen en el ciclo de vida del edificio y a los costes previstos para las distintas actuaciones del modelo de rehabilitación que el citado consorcio propone para las operaciones de rehabilitación a llevarse adelante en Playa de Palma.

  7. Continuous high and low temperature induced a decrease of photosynthetic activity and changes in the diurnal fluctuations of organic acids in Opuntia streptacantha.

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    Zaida Zarely Ojeda-Pérez

    Full Text Available Opuntia plants grow naturally in areas where temperatures are extreme and highly variable in the day during the entire year. These plants survive through different adaptations to respond to adverse environmental conditions. Despite this capability, it is unknown how CAM photosynthetic activity and growth in Opuntia plantlets is affected by constant heat or cold. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to evaluate the short-term effect of high (40°C and low (4°C continuous temperatures on the photosynthetic efficiency, the organic acid content (malic acid and the relative growth rate (RGR in seven-month-old Opuntia streptacantha plantlets during 5, 10, and 15 days. Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis allowed us to determine that high temperatures negatively impact the photosynthetic efficiency of O. streptacantha plantlets, which exhibited the lowest values of maximum quantum efficiency of the photosystem II (Fv/Fm = 52%, Fv/F0 = 85%, operational quantum yield of PS (ΦPSII = 65% and relative electron transport rate (rETR = 65%, as well as highest values of basal fluorescence (F0 = 226% during 15 days of treatment. Similarly, low temperatures decreased Fv/Fm (16%, Fv/F0 (50%, ΦPSII and rETR (16%. High temperatures also decreased nocturnal acidification in approximately 34-50%, whereas low temperatures increased it by 30-36%. Additionally, both continuous temperatures affected drastically diurnal consumption of malic acid, which was related to a significant RGR inhibition, where the specific photosynthetic structure area component was the most affected. Our results allowed determining that, despite the high tolerance to extreme temperatures described for Opuntia plants, young individuals of O. streptacantha suffered photosynthetic impairment that led to the inhibition of their growth. Thus, the main findings reported in this study can help to predict the potential impact of climatic change on the establishment and survival of succulent

  8. Cephaloleia sp. Cerca a Vagelineata Pic*, una Plaga de la Palma Africana

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    Urueta Sandino Eduardo


    Full Text Available Cephalolia sp. y Cephaloleila sp, se han empleado como sinónimos del género Cepaloleia sp. (Lepesme. 1947. Se sabe que los estados de larva y adulto atacan el follaje de la palma africana (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. trayendo muchas veces como consecuencia secamientos en los folíolos o su invasión por hongos. En Colombia el Cephaloleia próximo a vagelineata Pic se presenta en la zona de Urabá y posiblemente en el Departamento de Santander.

  9. [Characterization of the atmospheric environment in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain: 2000-2004]. (United States)

    López Villarrubia, Elena; García Pérez, M Dolores; Peral Pérez, Nieves; Ballester Díez, Ferrán; Iñiguez Fernández, Carmen; Pita Toledo, M Luisa


    The island factor in the cities of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, their meteorology and the proximity to the African Continent that originates the natural particulate matter transport over the islands, cause some specific features in their air quality. The aim of this paper is to characterize the air pollution from 2000 to 2004 as exposure indicator of both cities inhabitants. 24 hour daily average variables of PM10, PM2,5, NO2, SO2 and O3 , 8 hours daily maxima moving averages of O3 y CO and 1 hour maxima of SO2, NO2, O3, CO, PM10 y PM2,5 were calculated. Daily levels of coarse particles were obtained subtracting PM2,5 from PM10. African dust events were identified. In Sta. Cruz de Tf daily means of SO2 (14.0 microg/m(3)N) and ozone levels (44.4 microg/m(3)N ) were higher than Las Palmas de GC levels (8.0 y 28.3 microg/m(3)N). Daily means of NO2 in Las Palmas de GC: 45.8 microg/m(3)N where higher than Sta. Cruz de Tf levels: 30.3 microg/m(3)N. Due to African dust outbreaks, some days in both cities exceeded 600 microg/m(3) of PM10 and 200 of PM2.5 24-h average. The air quality patterns were characterized by very high levels of African dust outbreaks that affect all PM size fractions. Different O3 seasonality exists respect European cities in addition to an urban-industrial ambient air in Sta. Cruz de TF and clearly urban in Las Palmas de GC. These results have to be considered in order to lay the foundations to suitable surveillance systems, analyse the potential impact on the Canary Islands citizens health and to get conclusions.

  10. Sífilis gestacional e congênita em Palmas, Tocantins, 2007-2014


    Cavalcante, Patrícia Alves de Mendonça; Pereira, Ruth Bernardes de Lima; Castro, José Gerley Diaz


    RESUMO OBJETIVO: descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos casos notificados de sífilis em gestante e sífilis congênita no período 2007-2014 em Palmas-TO, Brasil. MÉTODOS: realizou-se estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan). RESULTADOS: foram identificadas 171 gestantes com sífilis (4,7/1000 nascidos vivos [NV]) e 204 casos de sífilis congênita (5,6/1000 NV); predominaram gestantes pardas (71,3%), com baixa escolaridade (48,0%) e diagnóstico tardi...

  11. Zoochoric and hydrochoric maritime dispersal of the Opuntia monacantha (Willd. Haw. (Cactaceae

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    Angelo Martins Fraga


    Full Text Available Evolutionary adaptations in the morphology and physiology of cactus species have been associated to their mechanisms of dispersal and colonization. The dispersal mechanisms and modes of Opuntia monacantha (Willd. Haw. (Cactaceae were characterized in two beaches in Florianopolis, SC, Brazil. A marsupial from the genus Didelphis (Mammalia: Didelphidae was the only frugivorous and, thus, disperser of fruits, presenting specific eating places. The maritime hydrochory was due to the overwash on restinga vegetation, it is characterized by the dispersal of cladodes and fruits at various times of the year. It is here firstly described the sea action as a potential disperser for a cactus species.

  12. Rehabilitation of Degraded Rangeland in Drylands by Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L. Plantations: Effect on Soil and Spontaneous Vegetation

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    Souad Neffar


    Full Text Available In arid and semi-arid lands, the spiny prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica is an outstanding plant for soil conservation and restoration. To determine the role of Opuntia ficus-indica on vegetation recovery process in desertified areas of Southern Tebessa (Northeast Algeria, we investigated the effect of prickly pear plantation age and some soil properties (grain size, pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and CaCO3 equivalents on native plant community. Vegetation cover and plant diversity were assessed by calculating the number of individual plants (N, species richness (S, their ratio (N/S, Shannon index, and Evenness in prickly pear plantation plots of different ages (control, 5 and 20 years. Even if surveyed soil parameters did not differ significantly among O. ficus-indica plantations, results of ANOVA testing the effect of Opuntia plantations on native vegetation traits revealed significant variation for plant abundance (P < 0.0001, N/S ratio (P = 0.003 and vegetation cover (P < 0.0001. Vegetation cover differed significantly with both prickly-pear plantation age (P = 0.031 and seasons (P = 0.019. Tukey's tests revealed that all vegetation traits were significantly higher on prickly pear plantations than in control plots. Multiple comparisons also showed that plant abundance, N/S ratio and vegetation cover were significantly different between both young and old plantations and the controls. Prickly pear cultures facilitated the colonization and development of herbaceous species by ameliorating the severe environmental conditions. In conclusion, the facilitative effect of O. ficus-indica has been clearly demonstrated for both abundance and cover of native vegetation.

  13. Diversity and antifungal activity of the endophytic fungi associated with the native medicinal cactus Opuntia humifusa (Cactaceae) from the United States (United States)

    The endophytic fungal community associated with the native cactus Opuntia humifusa in the United States was investigated and its potential for providing antifungal compounds. A total of 108 endophytic fungal isolates were obtained and identified by molecular methods into 17 different taxa of the gen...

  14. La utilización diferencial del espacio urbano en el sector de Arenales. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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    Silvia Sobral García


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el análisis de los usos urbanos registrados en el barrio de Arenales, uno de los sectores más representativos de la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. En este sentido, se ofrece un ejemplo de cómo utilizar de forma más racional el suelo,  de acuerdo a las características morfológicas y urbanas del área y al papel que juega dentro de la ciudad.This article deals with the analysis of the urban uses in the area of Arenales which is one of the most representative districts in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and it seeks to suggest a more rational land use according to the morphologic and urban features of the area in question and to the role it plays in this town.

  15. Efficiency of Opuntia ficus in the phytoremediation of a soil contaminated with used motor oil and lead, compared to that of Lolium perenne and Aloe barbadensis. (United States)

    Escobar-Alvarado, Luisa F; Vaca-Mier, Mabel; López-Callejas, Raymundo; Rojas-Valencia, Ma Neftalí


    Industrial pollutants such as heavy metals and hydrocarbons in soils represent a serious concern due to their persistence and negative effects on the environment, affecting cellular processes in living organisms and even causing mutations and cancer. The main objectives of this work were to evaluate the efficiency of Opuntia ficus in the phytoremediation of a soil polluted with used motor oil. Two other species, one with different and one with similar characteristics, relatively, were used for comparison purposes: Lolium perenne and Aloe barbadensis. The effect of the plants on lead solubility and bioaccumulation, the biomass production of each specie and the microbial counts and bacterial identification for each experiment was studied. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were measured every 5 weeks throughout the 20-week phytoremediation experiment. At the end of the experiment soluble Pb, Pb extracted by the plant species, microbiological counts, total biomass and bacterial species in soil were analyzed. Even though Lolium perenne showed the highest TPH removal (47%), Opuntia ficus produced the highest biomass and similar removal (46%). Since Opuntia ficus requires low amounts of water and grows fast, it would be a suitable option in the remediation of soils polluted with hydrocarbons and/or heavy metals.

  16. Longevidad y anillos de crecimiento en el Pino de la Virgen (El Paso, La Palma

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    María del Mar Génova Fuester


    Full Text Available En el seno del proyecto de investigación que se está desarrollando en Canarias orientado a la reconstrucción de la variabilidad climática del Archipiélago a lo largo del último milenio a partir de la información climática contenida en los anillos de crecimiento de ejemplares de pino canario, uno de los árboles estudiados ha sido el célebre Pino de la Virgen de El Paso, La Palma. Su alto valor simbólico y cultural ha llevado a un análisis más detenido, centrado en la aplicación de técnicas específicas para la estimación de su edad.Within the framework of the investigation wich is being developed in the Canary Islans for the reconstruction of the last millennium climatic variability in the Archipelago from the climatic information recorded in canary pine tree-rings, one of the analized trees has been the renowed Pino de La VIrgen de El Paso, La Palma. Its high simbolic and cultural value deserved the application of specific techniques for the estimation of its age. 

  17. Comparación de las propiedades antioxidantes y contenido de polifenoles de extractos acuosos de las algas marinas Bryothamnion triquetrum y Halimeda opuntia

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    Daylín Díaz Gutierrez


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Evaluar y comparar las propiedades antioxidantes mediante ensayos in vitro de extractos acuosos de las algas roja Bryothamnion triquetrum y verde Halimeda opuntia y su relación con el contenido de polifenoles. Material y Métodos: Se utilizaron las técnicas in vitro: DPPH, Capacidad reductora, Inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica e inhibición de la hemólisis inducida por AAPH. Resultados: B. triquetrum: DPPH; CI50=1,15 ± 0,06, capacidad reductora a concentración; 128 mg/mL, DO=2,798, inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica; CI50=5,09± 0,25 e inhibición de la hemólisis con 12 mg/mL; 35 %. H. opuntia: DPPH; CI50=12,34 ± 0,30 mg/mL, capacidad reductora; DO=0,800, inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica; CI50=1,25± 0,31 mg/mL e inhibición de la hemólisis; 82%. Conclusiones: Los resultados evidencian que B triquetrum resulto mucho más eficiente en los ensayos de DPPH y Capacidad reductora mientras H opuntia resulta más eficiente en Inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica e inhibición de la hemólisis. Se discuten algunos aspectos acerca de sus posibles mecanismos de acción.

  18. Las palmas entre los grupos cazadores-recolectores de la Amazonia Colombiana

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    Morcote Ríos Gaspar


    Full Text Available We compare past and present systems of management of palms in the Colombian Amazon, based on archaeological studies of preceramic groups in the middle Caquetá region and ethnographic research on the nomadic Nukak people, who inhabit northeastern Guaviare department. Astrocaryum aculeatum, Attalea maripe, Mauritia flexuosa, Oenocarpus bataua, Oenocarpus bacaba y Oenocarpus mapora, have been used from the early Holocene through the present time. Among these, Oenocarpus bataua has remained the most important food species. We conclude that one of the mananging strategies of the tropical rain forest is the simultaneous improvement of ecological units, especially in the tertiary sedimentary plains, and that such management probably has a long history in the region.Se presenta una comparación sobre el manejo de las palmas en la Amazonia Colombiana, basado en los resultados de un estudio arqueológico de grupos precerámicos en la región del Medio Caquetá y uno etnográfico del pueblo nómada Nukak que habita la zona nororiental del departamento del Guaviare. Se encontró que Astrocaryum aculeatum, A ttalea maripa, Mauritia flexuosa, Oenocarpus bataua, Oenocarpus bacaba y Oenocarpus mapora son algunas de las palmas usadas desde el Holoceno temprano hasta el presente. Entre estas Oenocarpus bataua es la especie más importante como fuente de alimento. Así mismo, se concluye que una de las estrategias de manejo en el bosque húmedo tropical es el aprovechamiento simultáneo de diferentes unidades ecológicas, con predominio del plano sedimentario terciario. Es probable que este tipo de manejo tenga en la región una larga historia.

  19. Nopal Cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) as a Source of Bioactive Compounds for Nutrition, Health and Disease


    Karym El-Mostafa; Youssef El Kharrassi; Asmaa Badreddine; Pierre Andreoletti; Joseph Vamecq; M'Hammed Saïd El Kebbaj; Norbert Latruffe; Gérard Lizard; Boubker Nasser; Mustapha Cherkaoui-Malki


    Opuntia ficus-indica, commonly referred to as prickly pear or nopal cactus, is a dicotyledonous angiosperm plant. It belongs to the Cactaceae family and is characterized by its remarkable adaptation to arid and semi-arid climates in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. In the last decade, compelling evidence for the nutritional and health benefit potential of this cactus has been provided by academic scientists and private companies. Notably, its rich composition in polyphenols, vit...

  20. Análise da expansão do cultivo da palma de óleo no Nordeste do Pará (2008 a 2013)


    Lameira, Wanja Janayna de Miranda; Vieira, Ima Célia Guimarães; Toledo, Peter Mann de


    A palma de óleo (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) ganhou maior visibilidade e incentivos na região nor­deste da Amazônia nos últimos dez anos e um conjunto de ações políticas recentes per­mitiram a formação de territórios da palma. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a expansão dessa cultura no período 2008 a 2013, na re­gião conhecida como polo do dendê no Pará, utilizando Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistema de Informação Geográfica. O polo está loca­lizado no nordeste do estado e abrange cerca de 59.60...

  1. Degradabilidade ruminal do feno de alguns alimentos volumosos para ruminantes Ruminal degradability of some roughage hays for ruminants feeding

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    G.G.P. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a degradabilidade ruminal da matéria seca (MS, proteína bruta (PB, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, da fibra em detergente ácido (FDA e hemicelulose dos fenos de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, palma (Opuntia ficus, guandu (Cajanus cajan e parte aérea da mandioca (Manihot esculenta utilizando três bovinos mestiços machos, castrados, canulados no rúmen e mantidos em regime de pasto. Amostras de 4g de cada alimento foram incubadas em duplicata no rúmen dos animais, nos períodos de 0, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 e 72 horas. A degradabilidade potencial da PB dos fenos de capim-elefante e guandu foi semelhante, 83,9 e 81,2%, respectivamente. Os maiores valores foram observados para os fenos de palma (94,2% e parte aérea da mandioca (91,7%. A degradabilidade efetiva (DE foi obtida considerando as taxas de passagem de 2, 5 e 8%/hora. A maior DE observada para MS (60,5%, PB (81,1%, FDN (21,6%, FDA (27,9% e HEM (58,0%, na taxa de passagem de 5%/h, ocorreu com o feno de palma.The ruminal degradability of dry matter (DM, crude protein (CP, neutral detergent fiber (NDF, acid detergent fiber (ADF and hemicellulose (HEM of elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum, forage cactus (Opuntia ficus, pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan and cassava foliage (Manihot esculenta hays was evaluated using three cannulated crossbred steers, kept on pasture. Samples of four grams of each hay were incubated in the rumen for 0, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 72 hours. The CP potential degradability (PD for elephantgrass and pigeon pea hays was similar, 83.9 and 81.2%, respectively. Higher values were observed either for forage cactus (94.2% or cassava foliage (91.7% hays. The effective degradability (ED was obtained considering the passage rates of 2, 5 and 8%/hour. The forage cactus hay, at a passage rate of 5%/h, showed the highest ED for DM (60.5%, CP (81.1%, NDF (21.6%, ADF (27.9% and HEM (58.0%.

  2. Optimization of the digestion process of Scenedesmus sp. and Opuntia maxima for biogas production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramos-Suárez, Juan Luis; Martínez, Alejandro; Carreras, Nely


    Highlights: • Scenedesmus biomass showed low biodegradability and biogas production. • Methane yield and kinetics of the batch process were improved by co-digestion. • Scenedesmus and Opuntia maxima were successfully co-digested in CSTR. • High biogas yields were obtained and no inhibition by ammonia was observed. - Abstract: Scenedesmus biomass is not an adequate substrate for anaerobic digestion due to its low biodegradability and low biogas yield. This study aims to evaluate the anaerobic co-digestion of Scenedesmus microalgal biomass and Opuntia maxima cladodes, the latter added in order to improve the digestion process. Batch assays were conducted to evaluate possible synergistic effects in different mixtures of both substrates. Mixture with highest methane yield was digested in semi-continuous mode at different VS concentrations. Feedstock composed of 75% O.maxima and 25% Scenedesmus (VS basis) showed the highest methane yield increasing 66.4% and 63.9% that of Scenedesmus and O.maxima, respectively. In semi-continuous mode, ideal organic loading rate (OLR) with 6%VS feed concentration was 4 gVS L −1 d −1 , which yielded 292 ± 39 L CH4 kgVS −1 (15 days HRT). In the case of 8%VS feed concentration ideal OLR was 5.33 gVS L −1 d −1 , which yielded 308 ± 22 L CH4 kgVS −1 (15 days HRT). The co-digestion of O.maxima and Scenedesmus biomass enhanced the anaerobic digestion process and avoided inhibition caused by low C/N ratio of microalgae

  3. Una mirada retrospectiva desde el museo escuela del CEP Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. // A retrospective look at the school museum of the CEP Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

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    Antonio S. Almeida Aguiar


    Full Text Available (ES El Museo Escuela del Centro de Profesores, se encuentra en las Palmas de Gran Canaria cuyo nombre toma el centro perteneciente a la red de Centros del Profesorado del Gobierno de Canarias. Este espacio recrea tal como era una clase de la época de Franco con materiales, libros y muebles cedidos por diferentes escuelas en su mayoría rurales. También se proyecta un video con imágenes y fotos de escuelas desde 1920 hasta 1970, y costumbre canarias de los CER. Herramienta pedagógica que, en un principio, se puso a disposición del alumnado y profesorado de ámbito no universitario para el estudio e investigación de nuestra Historia de la Educación, mediante la exposición material, documental y testimonial. // (EN The school museum is in the Teacher Training Centre in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria. This institution belongs to the Canary Islands Government’s Teacher Training Centre net. This space shows us how it was a classroom during Franco’s government: with materials, books and furniture that were given up from different schools, most of them rural schools. Also, there is a video projection with pictures in it of schools from 1920 to 1970 and the customs of the CER (Rural Education Centers in the Canary Islands. In the beginning this pedagogical tool was available for students and teachers who did not belong to the university environment. Its objective was the study and research of the history of education by documentary, material and testimonial exhibition.

  4. Consideration of the ultramafic intrusive rocks in Arroyo Las Palmas (ex Cerro Chato - Las Canias) Durazno. R. O. del Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coronel, N.


    This work is about the ultramafic rocks which its chemistry composition fluctuate since the basic to the ultra basic field and appear in the nascent of the Las Palmas stream near Las Canias and Cerro Chato district.

  5. Comparative Study of Antioxidant Power, Polyphenols, Flavonoids and Betacyanins of the Peel and Pulp of Three Tunisian Opuntia Forms (United States)

    Yeddes, Nizar; Chérif, Jamila K.; Guyot, Sylvain; Sotin, Hélène; Ayadi, Malika T.


    The antioxidant activity and the chemical composition of methanol extracts from peel and pulp belonging to two species of Tunisian prickly pears Opuntia ficus indica (spiny and thornless forms) and Opuntia stricta have been studied. The antioxidant capacity was measured by DPPH radical scavenging activity. The total phenolic compound (TPC) and the total flavonoid content were determined by the Folin–Ciocalteu method and colorimetric method, respectively. The phenolic compounds were identified and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with an electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The results showed that O. stricta fruits present the best antioxidant activities than the two forms of O. ficus indica, while the TPC was more important in O. ficus indica than in the O. stricta fruits. The peels have higher flavonoids than pulp, and the thornless variety has more flavonoid than the spiny. The RP-HPLC and ESI-MS analysis detected two classes of phenolic compounds and betalain pigments. Isorhamnetin derivatives are the dominant flavonol glycoside identified in O. ficus indica (spiny: 65.25 μg·g−1; thornless: 77.03 μg·g−1) and O. stricta peels (19.22 μg·g−1). PMID:26787622

  6. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase expression in activated microglia and peroxynitrite scavenging activity by Opuntia ficus indica var. saboten. (United States)

    Lee, Ming Hong; Kim, Jae Yeon; Yoon, Jeong Hoon; Lim, Hyo Jin; Kim, Tae Hee; Jin, Changbae; Kwak, Wie-Jong; Han, Chang-Kyun; Ryu, Jae-Ha


    Activated microglia by neuronal injury or inflammatory stimulation overproduce nitric oxide (NO) by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide anion, resulting in neurodegenerative diseases. The toxic peroxynitrite (ONOO-), the reaction product of NO and superoxide anion further contributes to oxidative neurotoxicity. A butanol fraction obtained from 50% ethanol extracts of Opuntia ficus indica var. saboten (Cactaceae) stem (SK OFB901) and its hydrolysis product (SK OFB901H) inhibited the production of NO in LPS-activated microglia in a dose dependent manner (IC50 15.9, 4.2 microg/mL, respectively). They also suppressed the expression of protein and mRNA of iNOS in LPS-activated microglial cells at higher than 30 microg/mL as observed by western blot analysis and RT-PCR experiment. They also inhibited the degradation of I-kappaB-alpha in activated microglia. Moreover, they showed strong activity of peroxynitrite scavenging in a cell free bioassay system. These results imply that Opuntia ficus indica may have neuroprotective activity through the inhibition of NO production by activated microglial cells and peroxynitrite scavenging activity. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. Whole-system metabolism and CO2 fluxes in a Mediterranean Bay dominated by seagrass beds (Palma Bay, NW Mediterranean)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gazeau, F.P.H.; Duarte, C.M.; Gattuso, J.P.; Barrón, C.; Navarro, N.; Ruiz, S.; Prairie, Y.T.; Calleja, M.; Delille, B.; Frankignoulle, M.; Borges, A.V.


    Planktonic and benthic incubations (bare and Posidonia oceanica vegetated sediments) were performed at monthly intervals from March 2001 to October 2002 in a seagrass vegetated area of the Bay of Palma (Mallorca, Spain). Results showed a contrast between the planktonic compartment, which was on

  8. El «Edificio Central» en las Palmas de Gran Canaria – España

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    Ruiz Duerto, A.


    Full Text Available A description is given of the program, characteristics, and building solutions for this unique building, situated in downtown Las Palmas. The building complex is composed of two underground levels for parking, a ground-floor and mezzanine for commercial purposes, and open plaza with swimming pool, dressing rooms, cafeteria, restaurant, dance spot, playground, and a block of 15 floors containing 137 apartments of varying size arranged so as to minimize sun overexposure and maximize privacy. The structure is of reinforced concrete and lightweight slabs, and enjoys quality fixtures which assure excellent functioning.Se describe el programa, características y solución constructiva de este edificio singular, situado en el centro cívico de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Se compone de: — dos plantas de sótano para estacionamiento de vehículos; planta baja comercial; — entreplanta comercial; — planta libre ajardinada con piscina, vestuarios-aseos, cafetería, restaurante, club de baile, juego de niños, guardería, etc.; — un bloque de 15 plantas con 137 apartamentos, de superficie variada, y dispuesto de forma que evite perjuicios de soleamiento y vistas a los edificios circundantes. Estructura de hormigón armado y losas aligeradas, con toda suerte de instalaciones que aseguren su perfecto funcionamiento.

  9. Microwave optimization of mucilage extraction from Opuntia ficus indica Cladodes. (United States)

    Felkai-Haddache, Lamia; Dahmoune, Farid; Remini, Hocine; Lefsih, Khalef; Mouni, Lotfi; Madani, Khodir


    In this study, microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) of polysaccharides from Opuntia ficus indica Cladodes were investigated using response surface methodology (RSM). The effects of three extraction factors on the yield of mucilage were examined. The results indicated that the optimum extraction conditions were determined as follows: microwave power X1, 700 W; extraction time X2, 5.15 minand ratio water/raw material X3, 4.83 mL/g at fixed pH 11. Under these optimal extraction conditions, mucilage yield was found to be Y, 25.6%. A comparison between the model results and experimental data gave a high correlation coefficient (R(2)=0.88), adjusted coefficient (Radj=0.83) and low root mean square error (RMSE=2.45) and showed that the two models were able to predict a mucilage yield by green extraction microwave process. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Green Synthesis of Ag-Cu Nanoalloys Using Opuntia ficus- indica (United States)

    Rocha-Rocha, O.; Cortez-Valadez, M.; Hernández-Martínez, A. R.; Gámez-Corrales, R.; Alvarez, Ramón A. B.; Britto-Hurtado, R.; Delgado-Beleño, Y.; Martinez-Nuñez, C. E.; Pérez-Rodríguez, A.; Arizpe-Chávez, H.; Flores-Acosta, M.


    Bimetallic Ag/Cu nanoparticles have been obtained by green synthesis using Opuntia ficus- indica plant extract. Two synthesis methods were applied to obtain nanoparticles with core-shell and Janus morphologies by reversing the order of precursors. Transmission electronic microscopy revealed size of 10 nm and 20 nm for the core-shell and Janus nanoparticles, respectively. Other small particles with size of up to 2 nm were also observed. Absorption bands attributed to surface plasmon resonance were detected at 440 nm and 500 nm for the core-shell and Janus nanoparticles, respectively. Density functional theory predicted a breathing mode type (BMT) located at low wavenumber due to small, low-energy clusters of (AgCu) n with n = 2 to 9, showing a certain correlation with the experimental one (at 220 cm-1). The dependence of the BMT on the number of atoms constituting the cluster is also studied.



    Mazariegos Sánchez, Adriana; Ã guila González, José Manuel; Martínez Chávez, Josefina; Arévalo Lozano, Ovidio


    This research presents a socio-organizational within the African Palm industry in Mexico, specifically in the company "Promotora de Palma del Soconusco S.A.P.I. CV- (Propalma)5, located in the municipality of Acapetahua, in the State of Chiapas, whose primary activity is the extraction of palm oil and palm kernel oil, and the production of products such as palm kernel and palm kernel husk flour. This research was developed under the qualitative approach, using the descriptive method, to see f...

  12. First EURONEAR NEA discoveries from La Palma using the INT (United States)

    Vaduvescu, O.; Hudin, L.; Tudor, V.; Char, F.; Mocnik, T.; Kwiatkowski, T.; de Leon, J.; Cabrera-Lavers, A.; Alvarez, C.; Popescu, M.; Cornea, R.; Díaz Alfaro, M.; Ordonez-Etxeberria, I.; Kamiński, K.; Stecklum, B.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Sota, A.; Casanova, V.; Martin Ruiz, S.; Duffard, R.; Zamora, O.; Gomez-Jimenez, M.; Micheli, M.; Koschny, D.; Busch, M.; Knofel, A.; Schwab, E.; Negueruela, I.; Dhillon, V.; Sahman, D.; Marchant, J.; Génova-Santos, R.; Rubiño-Martín, J. A.; Riddick, F. C.; Mendez, J.; Lopez-Martinez, F.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Hollands, M.; Kong, A. K. H.; Jin, R.; Hidalgo, S.; Murabito, S.; Font, J.; Bereciartua, A.; Abe, L.; Bendjoya, P.; Rivet, J. P.; Vernet, D.; Mihalea, S.; Inceu, V.; Gajdos, S.; Veres, P.; Serra-Ricart, M.; Abreu Rodriguez, D.


    Since 2006, the European Near Earth Asteroids Research (EURONEAR) project has been contributing to the research of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) within a European network. One of the main aims is the amelioration of the orbits of NEAs, and starting in 2014 February we focus on the recovery of one-opposition NEAs using the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in La Palma in override mode. Part of this NEA recovery project, since 2014 June EURONEAR serendipitously started to discover and secure the first NEAs from La Palma and using the INT, thanks to the teamwork including amateurs and students who promptly reduce the data, report discoveries and secure new objects recovered with the INT and few other telescopes from the EURONEAR network. Five NEAs were discovered with the INT, including 2014 LU14, 2014 NL52 (one very fast rotator), 2014 OL339 (the fourth known Earth quasi-satellite), 2014 SG143 (a quite large NEA), and 2014 VP. Another very fast moving NEA was discovered but was unfortunately lost due to lack of follow-up time. Additionally, another 14 NEA candidates were identified based on two models, all being rapidly followed-up using the INT and another 11 telescopes within the EURONEAR network. They include one object discovered by Pan-STARRS, two Mars crossers, two Hungarias, one Jupiter trojan, and other few inner main belt asteroids (MBAs). Using the INT and Sierra Nevada 1.5 m for photometry, then the Gran Telescopio de Canarias for spectroscopy, we derived the very rapid rotation of 2014 NL52, then its albedo, magnitude, size, and its spectral class. Based on the total sky coverage in dark conditions, we evaluate the actual survey discovery rate using 2-m class telescopes. One NEA is possible to be discovered randomly within minimum 2.8 deg2 and maximum 5.5 deg2. These findings update our past statistics, being based on double sky coverage and taking into account the recent increase in discovery.

  13. Estrategia ambiental en el manejo de efluentes en la extracción de aceite de palma

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    María Bonomie


    Full Text Available En el proceso de extracción de aceite de palma, se consideran alternativas de separación de los residuos sólidos y líquidos para el aprovechamiento (si es posible total del efluente. Estos residuos sólidos de naturaleza orgánica, y las descargas líquidas, suelen considerarse de bajo impacto en comparación con otros procesos productivos de algunos sectores industriales. En este sentido, la presente investigación tiene como propósito analizar el manejo de los efluentes en el proceso de extracción de aceite de palma o aceite rojo. Asimismo, se presenta la estrategia ambiental en este tipo de proceso utilizando la producción más limpia. La investigación es de tipo analítica, no experimental de campo; la población se delimitó a las empresas del sector de palma aceitera que desarrolla el proceso de extracción de aceite. Se realizaron varias visitas y entrevistas al personal de estas empresas; siendo necesario aclarar que para efectos de esta investigación, solamente se considera la producción de aceite rojo, en virtud de que del proceso de producción se obtienen dos sub productos, aceite de palmiste y harina de palmiste. Los resultados, indican que existen efluentes en las diferentes etapas del proceso de extracción de aceite, los cuales reciben un tratamiento especial, por lo que requieren de áreas que desempeñan actividades de apoyo, tales como: control de calidad, mantenimiento y generación de energía, las cuales intervienen en la generación y tratamiento de los efluentes. Se concluye que las empresas que utilizan este tipo de proceso productivo, emplean estrategias innovadoras para disminuir el impacto ambiental, en aras de mejorar el desempeño ambiental en este tipo de organización.

  14. The optimization of phenolic compounds extraction from cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) skin in a reflux system using response surface methodology. (United States)

    Jorge, Aguirre Joya; Heliodoro, De La Garza Toledo; Alejandro, Zugasti Cruz; Ruth, Belmares Cerda; Noé, Aguilar Cristóbal


    To extract, quantify, and evaluate the phenolic content in Opuntia ficus-indica skin for their antioxidant capacity with three different methods (ABTS, DPPH, and lipid oxidation) and to optimize the extraction conditions (time, temperature and ethanol concentration) in a reflux system. The extraction process was done using a reflux system. A San Cristobal II experimental design with three variables and three levels was used. The variables evaluated were time of extraction (h), concentration of ethanol (%, v/v) and temperature (°C). The extraction process was optimized using a response surface methodology. It was observed that at higher temperature more phenolic compounds were extracted, but the antioxidant capacity was decreased. The optimum conditions for phenolic compounds extraction and antioxidant capacity mixing the three methods were as follows: 45% of ethanol, 80 °C and 2 hours of extraction. Values obtained in our results are little higher that other previously reported. It can be concluded the by-products of Opuntia ficus-indica represent a good source of natural antioxidants with possible applications in food, cosmetics or drugs industries.

  15. Notes on the insect fauna on two species of astrocaryum (palmae, cocoeae, bactridinae in peruvian amazonia, with emphasis on potential pests of cultivated palms

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    Full Text Available NOTES SUR LA FAUNE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE DEUX ESPÈCES D'ASTROCARYUM (PALMAE, COCOEAE, BACTRIDINAE DE L'AMAZONIE PÉRUVIENNE, ET MISE EN ÉVIDENCE DE RAVAGEURS POTENTIELS DES PALMIERS CULTIVÉS. La faune entomologique des palmiers Astrocaryum chanta et Astrocaryum carnosum a été étudiée dans deux sites différents de l'Amazonie péruvienne : région de Jenaro Herrera sur le bas Ucayali pour la première espèce, et région d'Uchiza sur le haut Huallaga pour la seconde. Cette faune est extrêmement diversifiée. Elle comprend de nombreuses espèces d'insectes connues comme ravageurs des palmiers cultivés, ainsi que d'autres espèces de phytophages dont les plantes hôtes n'étaient pas encore connues. De nombreuses autres espèces d'insectes, prédateurs ou de niveau trophique mal défini, font aussi partie de la biocénose des palmiers étudiés. Astrocaryum chanta et Astrocaryum carnosum sont considérés comme foyers d'infestation en ravageurs pour les plantations industrielles de palmiers en Amazonie péruvienne. NOTAS SOBRE LA FAUNA DE INSECTOS DE DOS ESPECIES DE ASTROCARYUM (PALMAE, COCOEAE, BACTRIDINAE EN LA AMAZONIA PERUANA, CON ÉNFASIS EN LAS PLAGAS POTENCIALES DE LAS PALMERAS CULTIVADAS. La fauna de insectos de las palmas Astrocaryum chonta y Astrocaryum carnosum se ha estudiado en dos lugares diferentes de la Amazonia peruana: en la región de Jenaro Herrera, bajo Ucayali para la primera especie, y en la región de Uchiza, alto Huallaga para la segunda. Esta fauna es extremadamente diversificada. Incluye numerosas especies de insectos conocidos como depredadores de las palmas cultivadas, así como otras especies de fitófagos cuyas plantas hospedantes aún no eran conocidas. Numerosas especies de otros insectos, depredadores o de un nivel trófico mal definido, forman parte también de la biocenosis de las palmas estudiadas. Astrocaryum chonta y Astrocaryum carnosum son considerados como focos de infestación de depredadores para las

  16. Physico chemical and microbiological changes in nopal (Opuntia spp.) irradiated with gamma rays of cobalt 60; Cambios fisicoquimicos y microbiologicos en nopal (Opuntia spp.) irradiado con rayos gamma de cobalto 60

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez N, M


    The objective of this work is to study the physico-chemical and microbiological changes which take place in the nopal (Opuntia spp.) after they have been irradiated and stored at environment and refrigeration temperatures in order to determine the level of irradiation dose more adequate for getting them an increase in the storage life, as well as to determine the physico-chemical changes attributed to the irradiation doses used, comparing the obtained results with those ones of non-irradiated nopal samples, which are considered as control samples. The radiation source used was a GAMMABEAM-651 PT, property of the Nuclear Sciences Institute of UNAM. The nopals studied are of the variety (Milpa Alta, Opuntia ficus) which were cut and packed in polyethylene bags with and without nitrogen. In order to find the adequate dose level it was used a lot of 200 samples which were treated in sets of 10. They were irradiated in doses of 0.5 to 10 kGy at a dose reason of 3.7 kGy/h. The adequate doses for getting an increase in the storage life, where there was not darkness were of 1.5 and 2.0 kGy, allowed doses in the NOM-033-SSA1-1993, it was not found any change in acceptability by flavour, but so in the titled activity values and sugars. The lowest loss of weight was found in the 1.5 kGy dose without nitrogen and the highest in the 2.0 kGy with nitrogen dose. Likewise was determined that with the irradiation treatment in the recommended doses it is diminished the microorganisms growth, obtaining an improvement in the general appearance of the nopals during their storage period. (Author)

  17. Composición de los subproductos de la industrialización de la Palma Africana utilizados en la alimentación animal en Costa Rica

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    Emilio Vargas


    Full Text Available Se determinó la composición nutricional y variabilidad de la harina de coquito de palma africana extraída por solvente (HCPAS, la harina de coquito de palma africana de extracción mecánica (HCPAM, el coquito integral de la palma africana (CIPA, la grasa cruda de la palma africana (GCPA y los ácidos grasos libres de la palma africana (AGLPA. Los resultados indicaron que la HCPAS y la HCPAM producidas en Costa Rica tienen una composición nutricional semejante a la reportada en la literatura internacional, excepto por un mayor contenido de grasa residual, con valores de 3,3 y 13,2% para los productos locales en comparación con 1,75 y 10,94% para los producidos en otros países. Asimismo, se observó una mayor variabilidad en el contenido de fibra y grasa de los productos locales. El CIPA es un material con un alto contenido de grasa (46-49%; 8-9% de proteína cruda y 10- 12% de fibra; lo cual lo convierte en un producto de un alto potencial nutricional. Los valores de energía digestible en cerdos fueron de 3000, 3215 y 4780 Kcal kg-1 de MS para la HCPAS, HCPAM y el CIPA, respectivamente. En aves la energía metabolizable aparente fue de 1399, 1789 y 4230 Kcal kg-1 de MS. La GCPA y los AGLPA mostraron una composición típica de ácidos grasos para estos materiales, con una relación ácidos grasos insaturados y ácidos grasos saturados de 1,01 y 0,78, respectivamente. El contenido de energía digestible de la GCPA en cerdos fue de 8064 Kcal kg-1 de MS y la energía metabolizable aparente en aves fue de 8615 Kcal kg-1 de MS. En los AGLPA, los valores observados fueron de 6859 y 5068 Kcal kg-1 de MS. Se sugiere valores de los niveles por utilizar en la formulación de raciones para diferentes especies de animales de esos subproductos.

  18. Biolistic-mediated transient gene expression in shoot apical meristems of the prickly-pear (Opuntia ficus-indica

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    Romulo Marino Llamoca-Zárate


    Full Text Available We have demonstrated the transient expression of the GUS gene in cells of the meristematic apical dome of Opuntia ficus-indica. DNA delivery into the cells was achieved using a biolistic PDS-1000He instrument from Bio-Rad Laboratories. The transforming DNA was coated in tungsten particles with diameter of 1.3 m m and the distance between the flying disk and the target tissue was 7.5cm and the shooting pressure was adjusted to 1200 psi. This is the first demonstration that the biolistic transformation system can be used to express a transgene in a member of the Cactaceae.Nós demonstramos a expressão transiente do gene GUS nas células do meristema apical de Opuntia ficus-indica. A introdução do DNA nas células foi realizada através de um sistema de biolística PDS-1000He da Bio-Rad Laboratories. Para transformação, partículas de tungstenio com diâmetro de 1,3 µm foram cobertas com DNA e a distância entre o disco das partículas e o tecido alvo foi de 7,5cm, a pressão de tiro foi 1200 psi. Esta é a primeira demonstração que o sistema de biolística de transformação pode ser usado para a expressão de transgenes nas cactáceas.

  19. Under the volcano: phylogeography and evolution of the cave-dwelling Palmorchestia hypogaea (Amphipoda, Crustacea at La Palma (Canary Islands

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    Oromí Pedro


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The amphipod crustacean Palmorchestia hypogaea occurs only in La Palma (Canary Islands and is one of the few terrestrial amphipods in the world that have adapted to a strictly troglobitic life in volcanic cave habitats. A surface-dwelling closely related species (Palmorchestia epigaea lives in the humid laurel forest on the same island. Previous studies have suggested that an ancestral littoral Orchestia species colonized the humid forests of La Palma and that subsequent drought episodes in the Canaries reduced the distribution of P. epigaea favouring the colonization of lava tubes through an adaptive shift. This was followed by dispersal via the hypogean crevicular system. Results P. hypogaea and P. epigaea did not form reciprocally monophyletic mitochondrial DNA clades. They showed geographically highly structured and genetically divergent populations with current gene flow limited to geographically close surface locations. Coalescence times using Bayesian estimations assuming a non-correlated relaxed clock with a normal prior distribution of the age of La Palma, together with the lack of association of habitat type with ancestral and recent haplotypes, suggest that their adaptation to cave life is relatively ancient. Conclusion The data gathered here provide evidence for multiple invasions of the volcanic cave systems that have acted as refuges. A re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of the extant species of Palmorchestia is needed, as the division of the two species by habitat and ecology is unnatural. The information obtained here, and that from previous studies on hypogean fauna, shows the importance of factors such as the uncoupling of morphological and genetic evolution, the role of climatic change and regressive evolution as key processes in leading to subterranean biodiversity.



    Czapski, Alessandra Ruita Santos


    Gênero e Conquistas: Lei Maria da Penha e o atendimento às vítimas de violência em Palmas T0 no ano de 2008 tem por objetivo a análise da aplicabilidade da lei Maria da Penha nº 11..340/06, e sua contribuição para o atendimento e amparo das vítimas de violência doméstica na cidade de Palmas. A Lei Maria da Penha sancionada pelo Presidente da República em 7 de agosto de 2006, é um instrumento jurídico importante no combate a violência doméstica praticada contra mulheres. Essa ...

  1. Evolución de compuestos funcionales durante la maduración de frutos de Opuntia Stricta


    García Gutiérrez, Verónica Raquel


    El proyecto fin de carrera ofrece las siguientes conclusiones: -El fruto de Opuntia stricta se engruesa durante la maduración, aumentando su peso, pero mantiene constante la longitud. En estado maduro las dimensiones medias de este fruto son: 4,7 x 2,9 cm aproximadamente y pesa en torno a los 20g. - Los pigmentos empiezan a producirse cuatro meses después de la floración, en la zona ovárica del fruto, alrededor de las semillas. - Desde la zona ovárica, los colorantes van pigmentando ...

  2. Isolation and characterization of a reserve protein from the seeds of Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae

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    Uchoa A.F.


    Full Text Available We describe here the isolation and characterization of a major albumin from the seeds of Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae. This protein has a molecular mass of 6.5 kDa and was isolated by a combination of gel filtration chromatography and reverse-phase HPLC. The amino acid composition of this protein was determined and it was shown to have similarities with the amino acid composition of several proteins from the 2S albumin storage protein family. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of this protein is Asp-Pro-Tyr-Trp-Glu-Gln-Arg.

  3. Lignans from Opuntia ficus-indica seeds protect rat primary hepatocytes and HepG2 cells against ethanol-induced oxidative stress. (United States)

    Kim, Jung Wha; Yang, Heejung; Kim, Hyeon Woo; Kim, Hong Pyo; Sung, Sang Hyun


    Bioactivity-guided isolation of Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae) seeds against ethanol-treated primary rat hepatocytes yielded six lignan compounds. Among the isolates, furofuran lignans 4-6, significantly protected rat hepatocytes against ethanol-induced oxidative stress by reducing intracellular reactive oxygen species levels, preserving antioxidative defense enzyme activities, and maintaining the glutathione content. Moreover, 4 dose-dependently induced the heme oxygenase-1 expression in HepG2 cells.


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    Galen Gisler


    Full Text Available With the LANL multiphysics hydrocode SAGE, we have performed several two-dimensional calculations and one three-dimensional calculation using the full Navier-Stokes equations, of a hypothetical landslide resembling the event posited by Ward and Day (2001, a lateral flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano on La Palma that would produce a tsunami. The SAGE code has previously been used to model the Lituya Bay landslide-generated tsunami (Mader & Gittings, 2002, and has also been used to examine tsunami generation by asteroid impacts (Gisler, Weaver, Mader, & Gittings, 2003. This code uses continuous adaptive mesh refinement to focus computing resources where they are needed most, and accurate equations of state for water, air, and rock. We find that while high-amplitude waves are produced that would be highly dangerous to nearby communities (in the Canary Islands, and the shores of Morocco, Spain, and Portugal, the wavelengths and periods of these waves are relatively short, and they will not propagate efficiently over long distances.

  5. Contribution to knowledge of Palmas Grassland mammals, Paraná, Brazil

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    Fernando de Camargo Passos


    Full Text Available The southern region of Paraná State is considered to be a priority area for mammal research in the state. This work aimed to present an inventory of the mammal species occurring in the locality known as Campos de Palmas, Paraná, Southern Brazil (26º34’59”S and 51º36’16”W, and to promote discussion about their importance for regional conservation. This assessment was carried out in two field stages, totaling 15 days. Thirty-five mammal species were recorded by direct observation, capture with mist nets, presence of feces and tracks, and identification of animals killed on the BR-280 highway. This inventory registered endangered species for Paraná and Brazil, as well as other important records of some mammal species at regional and national level.

  6. Un acontecimiento social: deporte y educación física en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (1844-1914)


    Almeida Aguiar, Antonio S.


    Programa de Doctorado: Evaluación y asesoramiento en el desarrollo de la calidad educativa En este trabajo trataremos de acercarnos a las condiciones sociales que hicieron posible la incorporación de la educación física y el deporte a la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

  7. Lactic Acid Fermentation of Cactus Cladodes (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) Generates Flavonoid Derivatives with Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties


    Filannino, Pasquale; Cavoski, Ivana; Thlien, Nadia; Vincentini, Olimpia; De Angelis, Maria; Silano, Marco; Gobbetti, Marco; Di Cagno, Raffaella


    Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) is widely distributed in the arid and semi-arid regions throughout the world. In the last decades, the interest towards vegetative crop increased, and cladodes are exploited for nutraceutical and health-promoting properties. This study aimed at investigating the capacity of selected lactic acid bacteria to increase the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of cactus cladodes pulp, with the perspective of producing a functional ingredient, dietary s...

  8. Crescimento de espécies forrageiras tropicais submetidas a diferentes períodos de alagamento

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    Haddade Ismail Ramalho


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado no período de janeiro a julho de 1996, com o objetivo de avaliar o crescimento de três espécies forrageiras (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria mutica e Setaria anceps cultivadas em vasos, sob duas situações de manejo (com e sem o corte anterior aos tratamentos e seis diferentes condições (10, 20 e 30 dias, com e sem alagamento. Para as avaliações de crescimento, foram analisadas as produções de matéria seca de folhas, caule e material morto, em dois cortes, referentes ao primeiro crescimento e à rebrota das plantas nos vasos. Durante o período experimental, foram medidos os comprimentos dos perfilhos principais (Oliveira,1989, além do número de folhas presentes, em medições a cada sete dias, em duas plantas por vaso. Os resultados não foram diferentes nas duas situações, encontrando-se algumas diferenças para a S. anceps (espécie cespitosa. A B. mutica foi a espécie mais adaptada, não tendo modificado seu crescimento, mesmo nos maiores períodos de inundação. Essas duas espécies foram superiores à B. decumbens, pouco adaptada às inundações.

  9. Desempenho de diferentes lipases imobilizadas na síntese de biodiesel de óleo de palma - doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v33i2.7594

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    Grazielle dos Santos Silva


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as condições otimizadas da síntese enzimática de biodiesel, a partir do óleo de palma e etanol, empregando diferentes lipases imobilizadas (lipase de Pseudomonas fluorescens imobilizada em SiO2-PVA e lipase de Candida antártica imobilizada em resina acrílica – Novozym® 435 em meio isento de solvente. Uma matriz de planejamento fatorial foi utilizada para avaliar a influência da temperatura (42 – 58°C e a razão molar entre etanol e óleo de palma (6:1 – 18:1 no rendimento de transesterificação alcançado para cada preparação de lipase. Os efeitos principais foram ajustados por análise de regressão múltipla a modelos lineares e o rendimento máximo foi obtido quando o sistema operacional foi operado a 42°C com substratos contendo etanol e óleo de palma na razão molar de 18:1. Os modelos matemáticos que representam o rendimento global da reação para cada lipase imobilizada foram considerados adequados para descrever os resultados experimentais.


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    Marco V. Guti\\u00E9rrez-Soto


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es brindar información fisiológica relativa a las funciones, la disponibilidad, la economía y la deficiencia de boro en las plantas, con énfasis en la palma aceitera cultivada en Coto, Costa Rica. Se exponen las generalidades sobre la química del boro en el suelo y en las plantas, y se discuten sus posibles funciones estructurales, metabólicas y morfogenéticas. Se resalta su papel en la formación y la estabilidad de la pared celular, el transporte de azúcares, el control de los niveles de auxinas y en el desarrollo reproductivo. Se compara la susceptibilidad relativa de las hojas y las raíces a la deficiencia de boro. Se describen los síntomas de la deficiencia de boro observados en la palma aceitera, los posibles mecanismos causales y los métodos apropiados para su diagnóstico. Se discuten además las terapias, formulaciones químicas y métodos agronómicos disponibles para su corrección.

  11. Hypoglycemic effect of Opuntia streptacantha Lemaire in NIDDM. (United States)

    Frati-Munari, A C; Gordillo, B E; Altamirano, P; Ariza, C R


    To assess the hypoglycemic effect of the nopal Opuntia streptacantha Lemaire (O. streptacantha Lem.), three groups of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) were studied. Group one (16 patients) ingested 500 g of broiled nopal stems. Group 2 (10 patients) received only 400 ml of water as a control test. Three tests were performed on group 3 (6 patients): one with nopal, a second with water, and a third with ingestion of 500 g broiled squash. Serum glucose and insulin levels were measured at 0, 60, 120, and 180 min. After the intake of O. streptacantha Lem., serum glucose and serum insulin levels decreased significantly in groups 1 and 3, whereas no similar changes were noticed in group 2. The mean reduction of glucose reached 17.6 +/- 2.2% of basal values at 180 min in group 1 and 16.2 +/- 1.8% in group 3; the reduction of serum insulin at 180 min reached 50.2 +/- 8.0% in group 1 and 40.3 +/- 12.4% in group 3. This study shows that the stems of O. streptacantha Lem. cause a hypoglycemic effect in patients with NIDDM. The mechanism of this effect is unknown, but an increased insulin sensitivity is suggested.

  12. Análisis socioeconómico de los arreglos institucionales existentes en la cadena de palma aceitera en el Perú


    Zegarra, Eduardo; Vargas, Ricardo


    Profundiza el análisis de la situación actual de los pequeños y medianos productores de palma aceitera en la Amazonía peruana, con la finalidad principal de evaluar los diferentes resultados de los arreglos institucionales que existen en la cadena.

  13. Estudio micológico de El Canal y Los Tiles (La Palma, Islas Canarias. V. Datos adicionales

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    Leal, Julio


    Full Text Available An annotated catalogue of 66 taxa, collected in the early MAB Reserve El Canal y Los Tiles is presented. Among these taxa, 11 species are new for La Palma island and 5 are recorded for the first time in the Canary Islands. Taxonomic comments on some critical species and information about the distribution in the Macaronesian bioregion of all the studied taxa are given. Based on our previous publications, global data on biodiversity, substrates and distribution of the mycobiota in the different plant communities present in the sampled area are analyzed.

    Se presenta un estudio sobre 66 especies, pertenecientes a las divisiones Myxomycota (21, Ascomycota (29 y Basidiomycota (16, encontradas en la antigua Reserva de la Biosfera El Canal y Los Tiles. De ellas 11 se citan por primera vez para la isla de La Palma, siendo 5 de éstas nuevas para Canarias. Se hacen comentarios taxonómicos sobre algunos táxones conflictivos, además de amplia información sobre su distribución en la Región Macaronésica. En base a publicaciones propias anteriores, se aportan datos globales sobre biodiversidad, sustratos y distribución de la micobiota en las diferentes unidades ambientales presentes en el área de estudio.


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    Alex Pizzio


    Full Text Available O presente artigo objetiva avaliar o potencial criativo da cidade de Palmas, capital do estado do Tocantins, por meio da gestão da cultura no Município. Para tanto, realizou-se uma investigação bibliográfica e documental acerca da Economia Criativa, aproximando o arcabouço teórico à realidade da capital tocantinense. Os dados analisados revelam que a promoção da melhoria das condições de vida dos indivíduos por meio da utilização de ativos intangíveis, com destaque para a variável cultural, é uma estratégia de desenvolvimento que transcende o campo teórico e permitem identificar uma relação direta entre a adoção de políticas públicas vinculadas à Economia Criativa e a melhoria das condições de vida da população.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: cultura, desenvolvimento, economia criativa, gestão cultural.   ABSTRACT This article aims to evaluate the creative potential of the city of Palmas, the capital of the state of Tocantins, through the management of the culture in the municipality. For this, a bibliographical and documentary investigation was conducted about the creative economy, bringing the theoretical framework to the reality of the capital Tocantinense. The analysed data reveals that promoting the improvement of the living conditions of individuals through the use of intangible assets, highlighting the cultural variable, it is a development strategy that transcends the theoretical field and enable it to identify a direct relationship between the adoption of public policies linked to the creative economy and the improvement of the living conditions of the population.   KEYWORDS: culture, development, creative economics, cultural management.     RESUMEN El presente artículo objetiva evaluar el potencial creativo de la ciudad de Palmas, capital del estado de Tocantins, por medio de la gestión de la cultura en el Municipio. Para ello, se realizó una investigación bibliográfica y documental acerca de la Econom

  15. Grazing effects on species composition in different vegetation types (La Palma, Canary Islands) (United States)

    Arévalo, J. R.; de Nascimento, L.; Fernández-Lugo, S.; Mata, J.; Bermejo, L.


    Grazing management is probably one of the most extensive land uses, but its effects on plant communities have in many cases been revealed to be contradictory. Some authors have related these contradictions to the stochastic character of grazing systems. Because of that, it is necessary to implement specific analyses of grazing effects on each community, especially in natural protected areas, in order to provide the best information to managers. We studied the effects of grazing on the species composition of the main vegetation types where it takes place (grasslands, shrublands and pine forests) on the island of La Palma, Canary Islands. We used the point-quadrat intersect method to study the species composition of grazed and ungrazed areas, which also were characterized by their altitude, distance to farms, distance to settlements, year of sampling, herbaceous aboveground biomass and soil organic matter. The variables organic matter, productivity and species richness were not significantly affected by grazing. The species composition of the analyzed plant communities was affected more by variables such as altitude or distance to farms than by extensive grazing that has been traditionally carried out on the island of La Palma involving certain practices such as continuous monitoring of animals by goat keepers, medium stocking rates adjusted to the availability of natural pastures, supplementation during the dry season using local forage shrubs or mown pastures and rotating animals within grazing areas Although some studies have shown a negative effect of grazing on endangered plant species, these results cannot be freely extrapolated to the traditional grazing systems that exert a low pressure on plant communities (as has been found in this study). We consider extensive grazing as a viable way of ensuring sustainable management of the studied ecosystems.

  16. Arquitectura modernista en Palma de Mallorca : el edificio Forteza Rey

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    María José Galván Mostazo


    Full Text Available El edificio Forteza Rey es un fiel exponente de la arquitectura urbana burguesa de comienzos de siglo. Por su dinámica espacial y por su sintaxis decorativa puede englobarse bajo el denominado «modernismo». Tanto la riqueza iconográfica que presenta como su peculiar proceso de construcción, donde aparecen las figuras de artista aún sin estudiar (José Forteza Rey, su hijo Luis, José Alomar otorgan a este edificio un interés especial. Ubicada en el centro urbano de Palma de Mallorca, la Casa Rey está construida sobre un área aproximada de 130 m^ con un desarrollo a partir del nivel de calle de seis plantas más dos secciones subterráneas. Cada planta tiene una distribución espacial similar, acorde con las necesidades de sus ocupantes, aunque en todos los pisos coinciden la disposición de servicios (cocina, baños, despensas, cuarto de servicio, etcétera.

  17. Comparison of hypotensive, diuretic and renal effects between cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica and furosemide. (United States)

    Bakour, Meryem; Al-Waili, Noori; El-Haskoury, Redouan; El-Menyiy, Nawal; Al-Waili, Thia; Al-Waili, Ali; Lyoussi, Badiaa


    To investigate the diuretic, hypotensive and renal effect of Opuntia ficus-indica in two different species in oral and intravenous administration. Diuretic activity was evaluated in rats with the plant cladode gel and aqueous extract administrated orally, and was evaluated in rabbits with plant extract administered intravenously. Single and repeated doses of cladode gel or aqueous extract of cladode were tested. Urine volume and blood and urine creatinine, sodium and potassium were measured, and creatinine clearance was calculated. The hypotensive effect of lyophilized extract of cladode was evaluated in rabbits. Two polyethylene PE50 catheters were used: one in the jugular vein for the infusion of the plant extract and the other in the carotid for the evaluation of the arterial pressure. The cladode gel or aqueous extract increased urine volume, creatinine clearance and urinary excretion of sodium and potassium without significant effect on serum creatinine or blood urea. Furosemide, gel and aqueous extract of cladode insignificantly lowered plasma potassium in rats. Intravenous administration of the lyophilized extract caused a significant decrease in mean arterial pressure in rabbits with a significant increase in urine volume and urine sodium and potassium; the effect was dose dependent. Intravenous administration of lyophilized extract did not affect plasma sodium or potassium. Gel and aqueous extract of Opuntia ficus-indica cladode have a significant diuretic effect on rats, and the lyophilized extract has a diuretic and hypotensive effect on normotensive rabbits without deterioration in renal function test. Additional studies on active ingredients are essential to pave the way for clinical studies on diuretic and hypotensive effect of the plant. Copyright © 2017 Hainan Medical University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of a flavonoid-rich concentrate recovered from Opuntia ficus-indica juice. (United States)

    Matias, A; Nunes, S L; Poejo, J; Mecha, E; Serra, A T; Madeira, Paulo J Amorim; Bronze, M R; Duarte, C M M


    In this work, Opuntia ficus indica juice was explored as a potential source of natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients towards intestinal inflammation. An adsorption separation process was used to produce a natural flavonoid-rich concentrate (FRC) from Opuntia ficus-indica juice. The FRC effect (co- or pre-incubation) on induced-oxidative stress and induced-inflammation was evaluated in human Caco-2 cells. The main constituents identified and present in the extract are flavonoids (namely isorhamnetins and their derivatives such as isorhamnetin 3-O-rhamnose-rutinoside and isorhamnetin 3-O-rutinoside) and phenolic acids (such as ferulic, piscidic and eucomic acids). Our results showed that co-incubation of FRC with the stress-inducer attenuates radicals production in a much more significant manner than pre-incubation. These results suggest that FRC compounds which cannot pass the cell membrane freely (isorhamnetin derivatives) have an ability to inhibit the formation of H2O2-induced radicals in the surrounding environment of intestinal epithelial cells. The capacity of FRC (co-incubation) for suppressing (at the extracellular level) free radicals chain initiation or propagation reaction was probably related with a more pronounced reduction in protein oxidation. A similar response was observed in the inflammatory state, where a marked decrease in IL-8 secretion and blocked degradation of IκBα was achieved for FRC co-incubation. Simultaneously, treatment with FRC significantly reduces NO and TNF-α expression and modulates apparent permeability in Caco-2 cells. In these cases, no significant differences were found between pre- and co-incubation treatments suggesting that bioavailable phenolics, such as ferulic, eucomic and piscidic acids and isorhamnetin, act at the intracellular environment.

  19. Uso de pulpa de tuna (opuntia boldinghii) en la elaboración de bebidas cítricas pigmentadas


    Moreno Alvarez, Mario José; Medina, Carlos; Antón, Lilibeth; García, David; Belén Camacho, Douglas Rafael


    Opuntia boldinghii Br et R. es una especie sin utilidad comercial. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes han demostrado su potencial pigmentario por la presencia de betalaínas. En este estudio se formularon cuatro bebidas cítricas (15% de jugo de naranja + 15% de jugo de pomelo + 65% de agua + 5% de pulpa O. boldinghii) acondicionadas con 0; 0,5; 0,1% y 0,01% ácido ascórbico (formulaciones I, II, III y IV, respectivamente). Los jugos pasteurizados se conservaron bajo refrigeración a 7,0 ±1ºC...

  20. First record of Hesperolabops nigriceps Reuter (Hemiptera: Miridae) on Opuntia ficus-indica in Milpa Alta, Mexico City. (United States)

    Palomares-Pérez, Martín; Rodríguez-Leyva, Esteban; Brailovsky, Harry; Ramírez-Alarcón, Samuel


    In recent years a species of Hesperolabops has become a problem as a pest of nopalitos, Opuntia ficus-indica, in Milpa Alta, in the south of Mexico City, which is the most important production region of this vegetable in the country. A survey of Hesperolabops in Milpa Alta has resulted in the first report of Hesperolabops nigriceps Reuter. This occurrence should be monitored and considered in future studies in order to avoid misidentification of Hesperolabops spp. Kirkaldy native populations there, and to avoid the confusion of the damage that may be caused on O. ficus-indica.

  1. Segregación y especialización de los usos del Puerto de Palma


    Fuster Rodríguez, Carmen


    El puerto de Palma, como principal puerto de interés general no sólo de la isla de Mallorca, sino de todo el archipiélago Balear, desempeña una función esencial para su actividad económica, prestando servicios tanto al transporte de mercancías como al tráfico de pasajeros. Proporcionando así una de las principales vías de acceso a la isla de Mallorca, y actuando como base para luego dirigirse al resto de las islas. Debido al análisis de tendencias del crecimiento del tráfico y el incremento d...

  2. Arquitectura y poder local: los orígenes de la comandancia de marina de Las Palmas

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    Javier Márquez Quevedo


    Full Text Available La construcción de edificaciones representativas del poder ha sido siempre una constante. En el caso de Canarias, una región pobre y alejada del centro político de Estado, esta arquitectura tomó una gran relevancia debido a su escasez. En una etapa de creciente rivalidad entre la capital provincial, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, y Las Palmas, ciudad que despuntaba con el auge del Puerto de La Luz, el deseo de contar cuanto antes con un vistoso edificio para la Comandancia de Marina tuvo un evidente objetivo político. Este artículo es un breve repaso a los orígenes de esta construcción y sus dificultades para realizarla.The representative authority building has ever been manifest. In Canary Islands, needy and distant region from metropolis, this architecture obtains large importance owing to her shortness. In the times of increasing competition between the chief town, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and Las Palmas, one place that expanding through Puerto de La Luz’s summit, to have a desire to count upon a showy commandership building rapidly it was an obvious political objective. In this essay, we will analyse the origins of this building and the objections in order to achieve it.

  3. Modelamiento matemático para la pirolisis del cuesco de palma aceitera- Mathematical Modelingfor the Pyrolysis of the Oil Palm Kernel Shell

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    Manuel Alejandro Mayorga Betancourt


    Full Text Available En Colombia hay diferentes procesos en los cuales se desperdician los residuos, uno de ellos es la obtención de aceite para producir biodiesel a partir de palma aceitera, proceso en el cual se generan importantes cantidades de cuesco de palma, siendo los procesos termoquímicos una de las formas de aprovechamiento energético. El resultado del presente trabajo, es proponer un modelo matemático para el comportamiento del cuesco de palma africana en el proceso de pirolisis y en un estudio posterior para la gasificación. Este trabajo fue desarrollado haciendo una descripción del proceso en un reactor de lecho fijo tubular, el cual se utiliza para ambos procesos, tanto pirolisis como gasificación, con calentamiento directo, siendo muy exotérmico el proceso, identificando la fenomenología en la cual se aplican los conceptos de transferencia de energía, masa. Para el proceso de pirolisis se plantearon los balances de transferencia de energía y masa, despreciando el balance de momento debido a que los gases de síntesis se retiran para que no se generen reacciones heterogéneas, eliminando la fase gaseosa para no tener caídas de presión, por lo cual solo se tuvo en cuenta la fase sólida, lo que permitió que se tratara como una reacción homogénea. Como resultados se generaron dos modelos que describen el comportamiento del reactor en el proceso de pirolisis como un paso inicial para contribuir a la estandarización del proceso a nivel industrial.

  4. Efecto de mezclas de fibra semicomposteada con suelo en el crecimiento y la tolerancia de enfermedades en vivero de palma aceitera

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    Gabriel Garbanzo


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de diferentes mezclas de compost de fibra de racimos vacíos con suelo para sustrato en plantas de palma aceitera en vivero y su efecto sobre la severidad del Complejo de Necrosis Foliar (CNF en el Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica. Se realizaron mezclas volumétricas de 12, 25 37 y 50% de compost de fibra (C con un Inceptisol eútrico. Se sembraron plantas de palma aceitera del material Compacta x Ghana, se llenaron bolsas de 20 L y se acomodaron en un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar, que comprendieron 5 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones. A los 85, 127, 176, 219, 261 y 304 días después de siembra (dds, se evaluó el crecimiento morfológico de las plantas, el porcentaje de severidad de CNF en las hojas y el peso seco de plantas, y se calculó la absorción de nutrimentos. También se evaluó la densidad aparente del suelo (Dap y la conductividad hidráulica (CH en las mezclas a los 90 y 300 dds. Se encontró que el tratamiento de 12% de fibra con suelo mostró significativamente el menor porcentaje de severidad de CNF y presentó el mayor balance porcentual de eficiencia de fertilización de los nutrimentos en comparación con el resto de los tratamientos. La Dap fue significativamente inferior y la CH superior en todas las mezclas cuando se comparó con el testigo. Se puede concluir que la mezcla de 12% de compost con 88% de suelo mejoró la absorción de nutrimentos en las plantas y aumentó la tolerancia a CNF en las plantas de palma aceitera en vivero.

  5. Implementació del programari lliure al web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales


    Ordóñez Nievas, Ramón; Contell Calabuig, Mari Carmen


    Es descriu el projecte de disseny i implementació del web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales per mitjà d'un sistema de gestió de continguts open source que permeti integrar les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació, obtenir un major grau d'accessibilitat i usabilitat i un disseny visual més amigable, acord amb les noves tendències web. S'incorporen les noves eines web 2.0 per aconseguir una major participació dels usuaris en l'elaboració dels continguts i millorar així els...

  6. Duplicação cromossômica de gramíneas forrageiras: uma alternativa para programas de melhoramento genético Chromosome doubling of grasses: an alternative to plant breeding

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    Roselaine Cristina Pereira


    Full Text Available A obtenção artificial de genótipos com duplicação cromossômica em forrageiras busca maximizar características de interesse agronômico, como valor nutricional e produção de forragem, resistência a pragas e doenças, tolerância a estresses abióticos e restauração da fertilidade de híbridos estéreis. Outro objetivo da duplicação cromossômica é a geração de variabilidade genética em espécies apomíticas, por meio da duplicação cromossômica de acessos sexuais igualando a ploidia de modo a permitir a realização de cruzamentos e a obtenção de descendentes férteis. A indução de poliploidia é feita utilizando substâncias antimitóticas, sendo a colchicina a mais amplamente usada em plantas forrageiras. Entretanto, devido a sua toxicidade, outras substâncias como herbicidas e cafeína vem sendo empregadas com sucesso em gramíneas. A eficácia na obtenção de poliploides artificialmente depende de uma série de fatores exógenos, tais como as substâncias antimitóticas utilizadas, o tipo de explante, o tempo e as condições de exposição e as concentrações dos antimitóticos. Esta revisão tem por objetivo apresentar os principais métodos usados para indução de poliploidia em gramíneas forrageiras e os avanços obtidos no melhoramento genético, a partir do uso de genótipos poliploidizados.The artificial obtaining of duplicate genotypes aims to maximize forage characteristics of agronomic interest, such as nutritional value and forage production, resistance against pests and diseases, abiotic stress tolerance and fertility restoration in sterile hybrids. It also aims to obtain genetic variability in apomictic species through chromosome doubling of the sexual accesses by equaling the ploidy in order to allow crossings and the obtaining of fertile descendents. The polyploidy induction is made using antimitotic substances, and colchicine is the most widely used in forage. However, due to its toxicity, other

  7. Caracterización del ambiente atmosférico en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 2000 a 2004

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    Elena López Villarrubia


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El carácter insular de las ciudades de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Santa Cruz de Tenerife, su meteorología y la proximidad del continente africano que favorece la llegada de material particulado de origen natural sobre las islas, determinan unas especificidades en su calidad del aire. El objetivo de este artículo es la caracterización de la contaminación atmosférica durante los años 2000 a 2004 como indicador de exposición de los habitantes de estas dos ciudades. Métodos: Se elaboraron los siguientes indicadores de contaminación: promedios de 24 horas de PM10, PM2,5, NO2, SO2 y O3; máximo de las 17 medias móviles octohorarias diarias de O3 y CO; máximo horario diario de SO2, NO2, O3, CO, PM10 y PM2,5. También se calcularon los niveles de la moda gruesa de partículas, como la diferencia entre los valores de PM10 y PM2,5 (PM10-2,5. Se identificaron episodios de intrusión africana. Resultados: En Sta Cruz de TF los promedios de SO2 (14ug/m3N y de O3 (44,4 ug/m3N fueron superiores respecto a los de Las Palmas de GC (8 y 28,3 ug/m3N. Los promedios de NO2 en Las Palmas de GC: 45,8 ug/m3N fueron superiores a los de Sta. Cruz de TF: 30,3 ug/m3N. Debido a las intrusiones africanas, algunos días superaron los 600 ug/m3 de PM10 y los 200 de PM2.5 en ambas ciudades. Conclusiones: Se identifica un patrón de calidad del aire con episodios de polvo mineral africano que en superficie afecta a todas las fracciones granulométricas, una estacionalidad diferente a las ciudades europeas respecto al ozono, así como un patrón de contaminación urbano-industrial en Sta. Cruz de Tf y netamente urbano en Las Palmas de GC. Se hace necesario tener en cuenta estos resultados para analizar su posible impacto sobre la salud de los ciudadanos de las Islas Canarias y establecer sistemas adecuados de vigilancia.

  8. Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Kemampuan terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan pada PT. Duta Palma Nusantara di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi


    Fadhillah, Muhammad


    The aims of this reseacrh is to examine the effect of compensation and employability on productivity. The population of this reseach is taken from employes of the production of PT. Duta Palma Nusantara. Accidental sampling method is used to get the samples, and from 405 peoples that we observed, we get 80 peoples as the samples. To analyze the data Multiple Linier Regression, F- test, and t- test analysis with using SPSS 17. The result shows that all variables simultaneously and significanly ...

  9. Determination of some mineral contents of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) seed flours. (United States)

    Al-Juhaimi, Fahad; Özcan, Mehmet Musa


    The aim of this study was to determine some mineral contents of prickly pear (Opuntia fıcus-indica L.) seeds collected from different locations. The mineral contents of seeds were established by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. All the seeds contained Ca, K, Mg and P at high levels. Calcium content ranged between 268.5 (sample no. 11) and 674.8 ppm (sample no. 4). The level of K changed between 346.7 (sample no. 1) and 676.1 ppm (sample no. 13). Phosphorus content of seeds varied between 1,173.6 (sample no. 14) and 1,871.3 ppm (sample no. 1). It is apparent that seeds are good sources of the macro and micro minerals and can be consumed as a food ingredient to provide nutrition.

  10. Associação da palma forrageira com diferentes tipos de volumosos em dietas para vacas em lactação: comportamento ingestivo e parâmetros fisiológicos - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v29i2.239 Association of the forage cactus with different types of forage in diets for lactating cows: ingestive behaviour and physiologic parameters - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v29i2.239

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    Marcilio de Azevedo


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado de janeiro a abril de 2005, objetivando avaliar o comportamento ingestivo e os parâmetros fisiológicos de vacas da raça Holandesa em lactação, alimentadas com concentrado e palma forrageira associada a diferentes volumosos (bagaço de cana-de-açúcar em in natura, feno de capim-tifton, feno de capim-elefante, silagem de sorgo e bagaço de cana mais silagem de sorgo. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas, distribuídas em quadrado latino 5 x 5, após período pré-experimental de quatorze dias. Cada período experimental teve duração de 14 dias. O registro das variáveis comportamentais foi de forma visual, em intervalos de cinco minutos, em 24 horas. O ambiente foi monitorado de hora em hora, das 6h às 18h, por meio dos termômetros de bulbo seco e úmido. A temperatura retal e freqüência respiratória foram registradas às 9h e 18h. O consumo de água foi mensurado às 5h30min e 17h30min. Não houve diferença (p > 0,05 entre os volumosos, quanto às variáveis fisiológicas e comportamentais, ao número de defecação e micção e a procura por água. Houve diferença (p The experiment was carried out from January to April 2005, evaluating the ingestive behaviour and physiologic parameters of lactating Holstein cows fed with cactus forage associated with different forage (sugarcane bagasse in natura, tifton grass hay, elephant grass hay, sorghum silage and sorghum silage plus sugarcane bagasse. Five cows were assigned to a 5 x 5 latin square design, after pre-experimental period of 14 days. Each experimental period lasted 14 days. The registration of the behavior variables was in a visual way, at five-minute intervals, in 24 hours. The ambient temperature was monitored every hour, from 6 am to 6 pm, through bulb dry and humid thermometer. Rectal temperature and respiratory frequency were registered at 9 am and at 6 pm. The water intake was measured at 5.30 am and at 5.30 pm. There was no difference (p > 0.05 among

  11. Cadmium Removal from Aqueous Systems Using Opuntia albicarpa L. Scheinvar as Biosorbent. (United States)

    Beltrán-Hernández, Rosa Icela; Vázquez-Rodríguez, Gabriela Alejandra; Juárez-Santillán, Luis Felipe; Martínez-Ugalde, Ivan; Coronel-Olivares, Claudia; Lucho-Constantino, Carlos Alexander


    The aim of this research was to investigate the use of a natural adsorbent like nopal (Opuntia albicarpa L. Scheinvar) for removing cadmium from aqueous solutions with low concentrations of this metal. Two treatments were applied to the cladodes: a dehydration to get dehydrated nopal (DHN) and heating up to 90°C to obtain a thermally treated nopal (TN). After examining the effect of various pH values (2-7), the capacity of each biosorbent was examined in batch sorption tests at different dosages (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, and 3000 mg L(-1)). The results indicated that adsorption of cadmium to biomass of DHN and TN was highly dependent on pH and biosorbent dosage. The best removal of cadmium (53.3%, corresponding to q e of 0.155 mg g(-1)) was obtained at pH 4.0 by using the TN sorbent. Infrared and Raman spectra confirmed that cadmium removal occurred via adsorption to -OH functional groups.

  12. Cadmium Removal from Aqueous Systems Using Opuntia albicarpa L. Scheinvar as Biosorbent

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    Rosa Icela Beltrán-Hernández


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to investigate the use of a natural adsorbent like nopal (Opuntia albicarpa L. Scheinvar for removing cadmium from aqueous solutions with low concentrations of this metal. Two treatments were applied to the cladodes: a dehydration to get dehydrated nopal (DHN and heating up to 90°C to obtain a thermally treated nopal (TN. After examining the effect of various pH values (2–7, the capacity of each biosorbent was examined in batch sorption tests at different dosages (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, and 3000 mg L−1. The results indicated that adsorption of cadmium to biomass of DHN and TN was highly dependent on pH and biosorbent dosage. The best removal of cadmium (53.3%, corresponding to qe of 0.155 mg g−1 was obtained at pH 4.0 by using the TN sorbent. Infrared and Raman spectra confirmed that cadmium removal occurred via adsorption to –OH functional groups.

  13. Study of the photon flux from the night sky at La Palma and Namibia, in the wavelength region relevant for imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preuss, S.; Hermann, G.; Hofmann, W.; Kohnle, A.


    The level of the night-sky background light at La Palma and Namibia was determined, with emphasis on the wavelength region and solid angle coverage relevant for the operation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The dependence of the night-sky background light both on celestial coordinates (alt,az) and on galactic coordinates (b,l) was measured, with an angular resolution of about 1 deg. Average light levels near the zenith are similar in both locations -2.2x10 12 -2.6x10 12 photons sr -1 s -1 m -2 for 300 nm<λ<650 nm. With increasing zenith angle the level of background light increases at La Palma, whereas a constant level is measured in Namibia. Near the center of the Milky Way, background light levels are increased by a factor up to 4 and more. Also the level of light backscattered from the ground has been studied

  14. Supercritical SC-CO2 and Soxhlet n-Hexane Extract of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica Seeds and Fatty Acids Analysis


    Nizar Yeddes; Jamila Kalthoum Chérif; Amel Jrad; Danielle Barth; Malika Trabelsi-Ayadi


    The fatty acids profiles of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica seeds (spiny and thornless form) were investigated. Results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) and soxhlet n-hexane extract were compared. Quantitatively, the better yield was obtained through soxhlet n-hexane: 10.32% (spiny) and 8.91% (thornless) against 3.4% (spiny) and 1.94% (thornless) by SC-CO2 extract (T = 40°C, P=180 bar, time = 135 mn, CO2 flow rate = 15 mL·s−1). Qualitatively, the main fatty acids components were the sam...

  15. Physico chemical and microbiological changes in nopal (Opuntia spp.) irradiated with gamma rays of cobalt 60

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez N, M.


    The objective of this work is to study the physico-chemical and microbiological changes which take place in the nopal (Opuntia spp.) after they have been irradiated and stored at environment and refrigeration temperatures in order to determine the level of irradiation dose more adequate for getting them an increase in the storage life, as well as to determine the physico-chemical changes attributed to the irradiation doses used, comparing the obtained results with those ones of non-irradiated nopal samples, which are considered as control samples. The radiation source used was a GAMMABEAM-651 PT, property of the Nuclear Sciences Institute of UNAM. The nopals studied are of the variety (Milpa Alta, Opuntia ficus) which were cut and packed in polyethylene bags with and without nitrogen. In order to find the adequate dose level it was used a lot of 200 samples which were treated in sets of 10. They were irradiated in doses of 0.5 to 10 kGy at a dose reason of 3.7 kGy/h. The adequate doses for getting an increase in the storage life, where there was not darkness were of 1.5 and 2.0 kGy, allowed doses in the NOM-033-SSA1-1993, it was not found any change in acceptability by flavour, but so in the titled activity values and sugars. The lowest loss of weight was found in the 1.5 kGy dose without nitrogen and the highest in the 2.0 kGy with nitrogen dose. Likewise was determined that with the irradiation treatment in the recommended doses it is diminished the microorganisms growth, obtaining an improvement in the general appearance of the nopals during their storage period. (Author)

  16. Depolymerization of polysaccharides from Opuntia ficus indica: Antioxidant and antiglycated activities. (United States)

    Chaouch, Mohamed Aymen; Hafsa, Jawhar; Rihouey, Christophe; Le Cerf, Didier; Majdoub, Hatem


    The extraction, purification and degradation of polysaccharides from Opuntia ficus indica cladodes, as well as the evaluation of their antioxidant and antiglycated activities in vitro were investigated. The optimization of the extraction showed that extraction by ultrasound at 40 °C presented the best carbohydrates yield. The degradation of the extracted polysaccharides was achieved by free radical depolymerization with H2O2 in the presence of copper(II) acetate for various reaction times. Sugar contents were determined by colorimetric assays. The macromolecular characteristics of the different isolated and degraded carbohydrates were carried by size exclusion chromatography (SEC/MALS/VD/DRI). These experiments showed that all samples are polysaccharides, which are probably pectins and that molecular weight (Mw) has decreased from 6,800,000 to 14,000 g/mol after 3 h of depolymerization without changing the structure. Preliminary antioxidant and antiglycated tests indicated that degraded polysaccharides for 2 and 3 h showed even better antioxidant and antiglycated activities. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Utilização de uréia no resíduo desidratado de vitivinícola associado à palma forrageira na alimentação de caprinos: consumo e digestibilidade de nutrientes Addition of urea to dehydrated vineyards residue, associated with forage cactus in goats feeding: intake and nutrient digestibility

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    Manuela Silva Libanio Tosto


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a influência da adição de 0; 0,5; 1 ou 1,5% de uréia no resíduo desidratado de vitivinícolas - utilizado em associação a palma forrageira na alimentação de caprinos - no consumo e na digestibilidade dos nutrientes. Foram utilizados 24 caprinos machos castrados, sem padrão racial definido, com peso vivo médio de 18 kg, distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, de acordo com o peso vivo. O período experimental foi de 20 dias: 15 para adaptação e 5 para coleta. A adição de teores crescentes de uréia ao resíduo desidratado de vitivinícola possibilitou aumento do consumo de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, expressos em kg/dia, %PV e em g/kgPV0,75. Observou-se consumo linear crescente de nutrientes digest��veis totais (NDT, carboidratos totais (CT e carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF, em %PV e g/kgPV0,75. Não houve diferença significativa nos consumos de NDT, CT e CNF expressos em kg/dia, cujos valores médios foram 0,363; 0,575 e 0,258, respectivamente. Entretanto, a adição de uréia ao resíduo não influenciou os coeficientes de digestibildade de MS, MO e FDN (médias de 48,13; 46,08 e de 20,37%, respectivamente. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade de CNF apresentaram crescimento linear, enquanto os de PB apresentaram comportamento quadrático, com valor máximo de 48,93%, com a adição de 1,3% de uréia ao resíduo. O uso de uréia no resíduo desidratado de vitivinícola elevou linearmente o consumo de nutrientes, contudo, o nível de 1,3% é o mais indicado, pois promove melhor digestibilidade da proteína bruta de dietas contendo esse alimento alternativo.The effect of the addition of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% of urea to dehydrated vineyards residue, associated to forage cactus palm in the feeding of goats on intake and nutrient digestibility was evaluated. Twenty-four castrated crossbred goats, without defined breed, with average 18 kg of BW were

  18. Promoción y regulación ambiental de la palma aceitera en el Perú: aspectos legales e institucionales


    Dammert B., Juan Luis


    Analiza el marco legal e institucional referido al cultivo de palma aceitera en el Perú, e identifica y discute algunos elementos que se consideran contradictorios. En la medida en que el cultivo está asociado con prácticas de cambio de cobertura forestal a agraria, la deforestación es el fenómeno que se analiza en mayor profundidad, pero no es el único.

  19. Cactus stem (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill): anatomy, physiology and chemical composition with emphasis on its biofunctional properties. (United States)

    Ventura-Aguilar, Rosa Isela; Bosquez-Molina, Elsa; Bautista-Baños, Silvia; Rivera-Cabrera, Fernando


    Cactus stem (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill) is native to Mesoamerica and marketed in different forms such as fresh, frozen or pre-cooked. Worldwide, this vegetable is recognized for its pharmaceutical actions, including its antioxidant, diuretic, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-hypercholesterolemic properties, as well as their antiviral and antispermatogenic effects. However, not all of these properties have been associated with its chemical composition; therefore, this review aims to present and integrate information available on the physiology and anatomy of cactus stem and its chemical composition, focusing on some of the many factors that determine its biofunctionality. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  20. NOVAS CIDADES, VELHAS QUERELAS episódios pluviais e seus impactos na área urbana de Palmas (TO, primavera-verão 2009/2010

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    Lucas Barbosa e Souza


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the rainfall episodes occurred during spring-summer season 2009/2010 in Palmas (TO, and their impacts on its urban area, construction of which hardly exceeds recent 21 years in 2010. It also constitutes a preliminary analysis about the genesis of the rhythm and of the climate exceptionalities in the study area, since there are few studies of Geographical Climatology about the state of Tocantins. The main elements of the atmospheric circulation were identifi ed through rhythmic analysis, as well as the stormwater impacts were also listed and reported by a local daily newspaper. These impacts were focused on their spatial distribution, seeking to emphasize the elements of vulnerability of the affected spots, as well as the selectivity and news content. The results allowed to give an initial overview on the relation between the rainfall, the geographical and human activities in Palmas, revealing aspects of its urban planning and its vulnerability to climate exceptionalities.

  1. El componente sistemático de la variabilidad de algunos parámetros de producción en palma africana adulta (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq en Casanare.

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    Acevedo A. Néstor


    Full Text Available Mediante análisis de tendencia y geoestadísticos fue evaluado el componente determinístico de la variabilidad del peso de racimos de fruta fresca (PR, de la tasa de extracción de aceite (TEA y de la cantidad de ácidos grasos libres (AGL, en palmas con diferente grado de recuperación de PC en un cultivo ubicado en la región del Bajo Upía, Casanare. Los análisis no detectaron ninguna variabilidad estructural en las propiedades evaluadas por lo que se concluye que las diferencias significativas encontradas por Acevedo (2000 entre ellas, mediante análisis de varianza, si están controladas por el grado de recuperación que muestran las palmas, después de haber sido atacadas por PC.

  2. Comparaci??n de las propiedades antioxidantes y contenido de polifenoles de extractos acuosos de las algas marinas Bryothamnion triquetrum y Halimeda opuntia


    D??az Gutierrez, Dayl??n; M??ndez Ortega, Wendy; Oliveira e Silva, A.M.; Zald??var Mu??oz, C.; Mancini-Filho, J.; Vidal-Novoa, A.


    Objetivos. Evaluar y comparar las propiedades antioxidantes mediante ensayos in vitro de extractos acuosos de las algas roja Bryothamnion triquetrum y verde Halimeda opuntia y su relaci??n con el contenido de polifenoles. Material y M??todos. Se utilizaron las t??cnicas in vitro: DPPH, Capacidad reductora, Inhibici??n de la peroxidaci??n lip??dica e inhibici??n de la hem??lisis inducida por AAPH. Resultados. B. triquetrum: DPPH; CI50=1,15 ?? 0,06, capacidad reductora a concentr...

  3. Substituição do farelo de soja pela mistura raspa de mandioca e uréia em dietas para vacas mestiças em lactação Replacement of soybean meal with urea plus cassava scrapings in diets for crossbred lactating cows

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    Ricardo Pimentel Ramalho


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da substituição do farelo de soja pela mistura raspa de mandioca+uréia sobre o desempenho, o consumo e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes em dietas à base de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill e silagem de sorgo, oito vacas mestiças Holandês:Gir (60±30 dias em lactação e 491 kg de PV inicial foram distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos (4 × 4. A mistura raspa de mandioca+uréia substituiu 0, 33, 67 e 100% do farelo de soja nas dietas. Os consumos de matéria seca (expressos em kg/dia, % do PV, g/kg0,75 do PV, MO, PB, EE, FDN e CHOT diminuíram linearmente com a inclusão da raspa de mandioca. As ingestões de FDN (%PV, FDA, CNF e NDT não foram afetadas pelos níveis de raspa de mandioca+uréia nas dietas. A inclusão de raspa de mandioca+uréia influenciou a digestibilidade aparente de todos os nutrientes, sendo descrita por função quadrática. A produção de leite, a produção de leite corrigida para 4,0% de gordura e a produção de gordura diminuíram linearmente em 30, 20 e 0,8 g/dia, respectivamente, enquanto o teor de gordura e a eficiência alimentar, em kg de leite corrigido para 4,0% de gordura/kg de MS, não foram influenciadas pelos níveis de substituição do farelo de soja na dieta.This trial was conducted to investigate the replacement of soybean meal with a mixture of urea plus cassava scrapings on nutrient intake, digestibility, and production of crossbred lactating cows fed diets containing forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill, sorghum silage, and concentrate. Eight crossbred holstein:zebu cows averaging 60±30 days in milk and initial body weight (BW of 491 kg were randomly assigned to two replicated 4 × 4 Latin squares and were fed diets with increasing levels of urea plus cassava scrapings: 0, 33, 67 or 100%. Replacing soybean meal with urea plus cassava scrapings linearly decreased the intakes of DM (kg, % BW and g/BW kg0.75, OM, CP, EE, NDF, and TC. However

  4. Substituição do milho pela raspa de mandioca em dietas para vacas primíparas em lactação Replacement of corn with cassava scrapings in diets for primiparous lactating Holstein cows

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    Ricardo Pimentel Ramalho


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de níveis de substituição do milho moído pela raspa de mandioca no desempenho dos animais, no consumo e na digestibilidade dos nutrientes de dietas à base de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill e silagem de sorgo, cinco vacas primíparas da raça Holandesa (60±15 dias em lactação e 448 kg de PV inicial foram distribuídas em um único quadrado latino (5 x 5. A raspa de mandioca substituiu 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100% do milho moído nas dietas. Os consumos e a digestibilidade de MS (em kg/dia, % do PV, g/kg0,75 do PV, MO, PB, EE, CNF, CHOT, FDA, FDN e NDT não foram influenciados pelos níveis de raspa de mandioca nas dietas. A produção de leite, a produção de leite corrigida para 3,5% de gordura e a produção de gordura decresceram linearmente em 20, 30 e 1,15 g/dia, respectivamente. A eficiência alimentar (kg de leite corrigido para 3,5% de gordura/kg de MS diminuiu linearmente em 0,001 para cada unidade de inclusão da raspa de mandioca, enquanto o teor de gordura não foi influenciado pelos níveis de substituição do milho moído nas dietas.This study was conducted to evaluate replacement of ground corn grain with cassava scrapings on nutrient intake, digestibility, and production of primiparous Holstein lactating dairy cows receivind diets containing forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill, sorghum silage and concentrate. Five cows averaging 60±15 of days in milk and initial body weight (BW of 448 kg were randomly assigned to a 5 × 5 Latin square with increasing levels of cassava scrapings in the diet: 0, 25, 50, 75 or 100%. Intakes of dry matter (DM (kg, %BW and g/BW kg0.75, organic matter (OM, crude protein (CP, ether extract (EE, nonfiber carbohidrates (NFC, total carbohydrates (TCHO, acid detergent fiber (ADF, neutral detergent fiber (NDF, and total digestible nutrients (TDN all were not affected by replacing ground corn with cassava scrapings in the diet. Similarly

  5. Silagem de maniçoba associada a fontes energéticas na alimentação de caprinos: consumo e digestibilidade = Manioc silage associated with energy sources on feeding goats: intake and digestibility

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    Fernando Thomaz Medina


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se o consumo e a digestibilidade de nutrientes em caprinosconfinados, que recebem dietas com 54% de silagem de maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglaziovii Pax. Et. K. Hoffman e 46% de concentrados energéticos: grão de milho moído (Zea mays (T1; raspa de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz enriquecida com 1,8% de ureia (T2 efarelo de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica enriquecido com 1,1% de ureia (T3. Foram utilizados 15 caprinos SRD, inteiros, com peso vivo de 21,0 kg e distribuídos em blocos casualizados com três tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os maiores consumos observadosforam para os tratamentos T3 e T1, respectivamente, com valores para MS de 96,92 e 67,26 g kg-0,75 dia-1; PB 157,72 e 78,54 g dia-1 e NDT 593,29 e 515,35 g dia-1 e para dieta composta de silagem de maniçoba com raspa de mandioca que apresentou menores ingestões com valores para MS de 52,78 g kg-0,75 dia-1 e NDT 347,10 g dia-1. As igestibilidades da MS, PB e FDN foram de 70,74; 54,66 e 58,08; 59,58; 58,75 e 47,04; 62,49; 64,24; 51,60%, respectivamente, para os tratamentos T1, T2 e T3. Os resultados obtidos para o consumo e para a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes revelam bom potencial para a combinação da silagem de maniçoba a fontes energéticas disponíveis regionalmente.In order to evaluate the diet combination of manioc silage withdifferent energy sources, intake and apparent digestibility were determined in feedlot goats. The diets consisted of 54% manioc silage and 46% energy concentrates: corn meal (Zea mays (T1, cassava meal (Manihot esculenta Crantz enriched with 1.8% urea (T2, and cactus meal (Opuntia ficus indica, enriched with 1.1% of urea (T3. Fifteen male goats were mixed-breed, initially weighting 21.0 kg, distributed in randomized blocks with three treatments and five repetitions. The greatest intake were observed for the treatments T3 and T1, with values for DM of 96.92 and 67.26 g kg-0, 75 day-1; CP 157.72 and 78.54 g day-1 and TDN 593

  6. Morfoanatomia vegetativa de Opuntia brasiliensis (Willd Haw / Vegetative morphology and anatomy of Opuntia brasiliensis (Willd Haw

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    Camila Firmino de Azevedo


    Full Text Available Opuntia brasiliensis (Willd Haw. é uma Cactaceae nativa do Brasil utilizada como ornamental, que apresenta caracteres morfológicos semelhantes a outras espécies do gênero, o que dificulta sua identificação. Dessa forma, foi realizado uma descrição morfoanatômica de O. brasiliensis com o objetivo de ampliar o conhecimento sobre a organização estrutural do gênero e fornecer subsídios para a identificação da espécie, bem como observar caracteres importantes na adaptação a ambientes xerófilos. Foram feitas secções transversais e paradérmicas da raiz, caule principal e cladódios com espécimes coletados na zona rural da cidade de Serra Branca (PB, localizada na região do cariri ocidental. O. brasiliensis apresenta raiz ramificada e caule clorofilado formando um eixo principal de onde partem inúmeros cladódios delgados. Observamse pelos e epiderme unisseriada irregular na raiz, que possui córtex formado por parênquima, seguido de endoderme multisseriada e periciclo. No cilindro central da raiz, ocorrem tecidos vasculares formando cinco pólos seguidos de medula. O caule e o cladódio apresentam epiderme com paredes sinuosas, em que encontram-se estômatos paralelocíticos que apresentam câmara subestomática; e na camada subsequente, hipoderme com grande quantidade de drusas de oxalato de cálcio. O córtex é formado por parênquimas clorofiliano e aquífero, onde observam-se feixes vasculares, com raios de floema voltados para o lado externo, seguido de xilema helicoidal. Porém, nos cladódios, o parênquima clorofiliano é bem mais denso e os feixes vasculares são dispostos irregularmente, enquanto no caule estão distribuídos no sentido radial. O. brasiliensis apresenta várias características importantes na sua identificação, bem como adaptações estruturais a ambientes xerófilos

  7. Estudo do equilíbrio líquido-líquido nos sistemas ternários biodiesel de óleo de palma+etanol+glicerina e biodiesel de óleo de palma+etanol+água


    Enio Gomes de Azevedo Rocha


    Resumo: O biodiesel é uma fonte de energia renovável promissora e é do interesse das matrizes energéticas brasileiras e mundiais em razão da futura escassez de combustíveis fósseis, e das considerações ambientais sobre a diminuição das emissões poluentes. Este trabalho objetiva a produção de biodiesel etílico a partir de óleo de palma da região amazônica, e a determinação experimental e modelagem termodinâmica de dados de equilíbrio líquido-líquido em sistemas ternários compostos por biodiese...

  8. Assessing equity of public transport: the case of Palma (Mallorca, Illes Balears

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    Maurici Ruiz


    Full Text Available The practice of sustainable transport planning must take into account the level of territorial and social equity of service. The equity analysis requires a deep understanding of the service and the territorial and social characteristics where it is implanted. We propose a simplified method to analyze the equity of the public bus system that has been used in the city of Palma de Mallorca. The bus service level was calculated from the spatial analysis of the offer and was contrasted with the population and with a multidimensional index of social need for public transportation leading to horizontal and vertical equity respectively. Next the overall equity of the service was tested with the support of the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient. Finally, a sensitivity analysis of bus routes depending on the role they play in the equity of the service was performed.

  9. Management of Post-Traumatic Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens via Right-to-Left Femoral Vein to Femoral Vein Bypass (Palma Procedure). (United States)

    Dua, Anahita; Heller, Jennifer; Lee, Cheong


    Phlegmasia cerulea dolens (PCD) is a rare condition resulting from venous occlusion that impairs arterial flow. We report a rare case of post-traumatic PCD after ligation of the iliac vein with successful treatment by right-to-left femoral vein to femoral vein bypass using left great saphenous vein (Palma procedure). The clinical presentation, diagnostic process, and approach to management along with a literature review on the operative management of PCD are presented in this case report.

  10. Integration of photovoltaic technology in public buildings. Case study of Palmas Forum, Tocantins, Brazil; Integracao de tecnologia fotovoltaica em edificios publicos. Estudo de caso do Forum de Palmas, TO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vianna, Elen Oliveira


    The energy issue follows the history of mankind and nowadays has triggered a multidisciplinary debate. Within this discussion, there is the main topic of this study: the focus on the high electric power consumption in public buildings. The approach is in consonance with the sustainability of architecture and the use of solar photovoltaic energy as a technological tool that brings into alliance the renewable alternative energy sources and the buildings which are connected to the urban electric power lines. This study aims to demystify the use of alternative energy sources in conjunction with the contemporary architectonic production. In the first part the sustainability, the world energy issue and the use of active solar systems in architecture were contextualized and then, the main objective was to measure an Integrated Photovoltaic System in a public building- the Court of Justice in Palmas, Tocantins. For that reason, it was necessary to evaluate the energy efficiency in the building and to achieve that objective the energy consumption in the so-called rush hours and the 19:00 to 21:00 period of time were considered. Subsequently, the study tested several possibilities of photovoltaic panels and analyzed which one had the best performance, according to the local characteristic such as: the solar orientation, the latitude, the monthly and annual solar radiation average. There has been done a simulation of an ideal photovoltaic solar system with the proper calculus of its productivity, in order to provide a compensation to the energy consumption of the building- or a part of it- through the use of the alternative energy source in question. The objective is to demystify the generation of electric power from the use of solar energy and thus evaluating the contribution of the system to the conventional electric energy. Finally, a partial economic analysis of the system was carried out, driving to characterize the contribution potential of the Integrated Photovoltaic

  11. Estudio preliminar para el establecimiento de un protocolo de crioconservación para palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.

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    Villa Alba Lucía


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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar e implementar un protocolo de crioconservación para embriones cigóticos de palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq., como alternativa para complementar la conservación de genotipos de palma ante las dificultades que se presentan en la colección de campo en la actualidad. Se evaluaron las etapas de pre y poscongelación de embriones cigóticos con la metodología de desecación en silica gel a diferentes tiempos de exposición (2, 2,5 y 3 h, seguido de un congelamiento rápido y una etapa de recuperación en un medio de cultivo Murashige y Skoog (1962. Todos los tratamientos de crioconservación fueron evaluados con un fotoperíodo de 16 h luz y 8 h de oscuridad, con una temperatura media de 28 ºC. Previamente se determinó el estado de desarrollo adecuado de los embriones para crioconservar. Además, se realizó la prueba de viabilidad con Tetrazolio para embriones desnudos como un control inicial del lote de semilla solicitado. Se logró establecer un protocolo de crioconservación a partir de embriones cigóticos desnudos de palma, el cual permitió obtener plántulas de embriones congelados en nitrógeno líquido (-196 ºC; alcanzando una sobrevivencia del 84,37% para embriones crioconservados. En cuanto a la diferenciación de estructuras de los embriones crioconservados, el tratamiento de dos horas obtuvo valores para plúmula del 88,9%, radícula del 55,57% y haustorio del 66,7%. Esta metodología permitiría conservar material valioso a largo plazo como copia de seguridad complementaria de la colección de campo y reduciría los costos de mantenimiento y conservación.

  12. Insular identity and urban contexts: representations of the local in the construction of an image of Palma (Mallorca, Balearic Islands

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    Mercè Picornell


    Full Text Available This article analyses the relationship between island and city in the configuration of an insular identity. The hypothesis addresses the special visibility that, in the case of small islands, results from the confrontation between two relevant singularities – the city and the island – in the symbolic conceptualization of territory. The opposition between island contexts and urban spaces is thus considered in terms of the local/global and rural/urban binaries. These are analysed in contemporary cultural representations of the relationship between the island of Mallorca and its historical and administrative capital, Palma. Since the 1960s, Mallorca has become a mass tourism destination with a considerable demographic impact, especially in the capital, which is the island’s gateway for both tourism and immigration. This paper considers geographical, literary and media discourses along with particular mass-consumption cultural products to argue that Palma is represented as a predatory ‘monster’ devouring the island’s ‘local’ identity. It is argued that different types of neo-ruralism have emerged and reinforced the opposition between the island and the city. This opposition underlies a process of counter-acculturation that delineates and strengthens Mallorcan self-representation in a context defined by an increasingly diverse population as a result of tourism and migratory flows.

  13. Raman bands in Ag nanoparticles obtained in extract of Opuntia ficus-indica plant (United States)

    Bocarando-Chacon, J.-G.; Cortez-Valadez, M.; Vargas-Vazquez, D.; Rodríguez Melgarejo, F.; Flores-Acosta, M.; Mani-Gonzalez, P. G.; Leon-Sarabia, E.; Navarro-Badilla, A.; Ramírez-Bon, R.


    Silver nanoparticles have been obtained in an extract of Opuntia ficus-indica plant. The size and distribution of nanoparticles were quantified by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The diameter was estimated to be about 15 nm. In addition, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) peaks of silver were observed in these samples. Three Raman bands have been experimentally detected at 83, 110 and 160 cm-1. The bands at 83 and 110 cm-1 are assigned to the silver-silver Raman modes (skeletal modes) and the Raman mode located at 160 cm-1 has been assigned to breathing modes. Vibrational assignments of Raman modes have been carried out based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT) quantum mechanical calculation. Structural and vibrational properties for small Agn clusters with 2≤n≤9 were determined. Calculated Raman modes for small metal clusters have an approximation trend of Raman bands. These Raman bands were obtained experimentally for silver nanoparticles (AgNP).

  14. El comportamiento térmico de la ciudad de Las Palmas de G. C.: La Isla de calor nocturna

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    Lidia Esther Romero Martín


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan las principales pautas del comportamiento térmico de la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Utilizando el método de los recorridos urbanos, durante un año se registraron los datos de temperatura y humedad de 42 puntos de la ciudad, que incluyen áreas formales y funcionales diferentes. Los resultados confirman la existencia de una isla de calor nocturna de carácter bifocal y de intensidad moderada, aunque puede llegar a alcanzar valores de 5.3º C. Su localización está controlada fundamentalmente por la densidad edificatoria y la intensidad del tráfico. El Istmo de la Isleta se comporta como una isla de frescor.In this article, we present the outlines of the thermal behaviour of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Using the method of travelling around the city, we recorded temperature and humidity data for 42 sites in the city, including different formal and functional areas. The results confirm that there is a bi-focal and moderate island of nocturnal heat, although it can reach 5.3ºC. This is determined fundamentally by building density and the intensity of the traffic. The Isthmus of La Isleta acts as an island of fresh temperatures.

  15. Glycemic index and glycemic load in the Opuntia ficus-indica fruit (United States)

    Ibarra-Salas, María de Jesús; Novelo-Huerta, Hilda Irene; De León-Salas, Marcela Alejandra; Sánchez-Murillo, Mayra Elisa; Mata-Obregón, María Del Carmen; Garza-Juárez, Aurora de Jesús


    There is evidence that support the clinical usage of glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) in the prevention of chronic disease. To determine the GI and GL of the Opuntia ficus-indica fruit. An analytic, transversal study was made involving 25 healthy volunteers accepted by an informed consent with a normal body mass index, glucose, glycoside hemoglobin, cholesterol and serum triglycerides. The homogeneity of the population was evaluated with anthropometrical and biochemical data using principal component analysis (PCA). The equivalent of 50 g of carbohydrates test food (tuna) and 50 g of dextrose as food standard was provided for the measure of the glucose curve. The GI was determined by calculating the area under the curve by the triangulation method. The CG was reported as the product of IG by carbohydrate loading provided. The IG of the tuna was 48.01 ± 17.4, classified as low, while the CG was 24.0 ± 8.7 rated as high. The chemometric analysis by PCA showed that the selection of the normal population for determining the IG, it is important to consider the values of cholesterol and triglycerides. Copyright: © 2017 SecretarÍa de Salud

  16. Evaluation of Electrochemical Behavior of Nopal Extract (Opuntia Ficus- Indica as Possible Corrosion Inhibitor

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    Araceli Mandujano-Ruíz


    Full Text Available Corrosion is one of the main problems of degradation in components, tooling, equipment and even in structural applications, examples of this are the carbon steels. In the present work, the capacity of corrosion inhibition of a biodegradable organic extract from the Nopal plant (Opuntia ficus-indica, for the protection of carbon steel type AISI 1018 was studied adding 50% v/v of the Nopal extract (EN in a solution of H2SO4 (0.6 mol.l-1. Polarization Resistance (LPR and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS techniques were used for the electrochemical evaluation at room temperature for 24 h in order to obtain corrosion rates (Vcorr and inhibition efficiency (IE. Metallographic examination was also carried out to register the surface damage by corrosion. The results showed a reduction of the Vcorr with a maximum IE value of about 84% by adding the organic- liquid extracted from Nopal.

  17. Hydrothermal carbonization of Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes: Role of process parameters on hydrochar properties. (United States)

    Volpe, Maurizio; Goldfarb, Jillian L; Fiori, Luca


    Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes are a potential source of solid biofuel from marginal, dry land. Experiments assessed the effects of temperature (180-250°C), reaction time (0.5-3h) and biomass to water ratio (B/W; 0.07-0.30) on chars produced via hydrothermal carbonization. Multivariate linear regression demonstrated that the three process parameters are critically important to hydrochar solid yield, while B/W drives energy yield. Heating value increased together with temperature and reaction time and was maximized at intermediate B/W (0.14-0.20). Microscopy shows evidence of secondary char formed at higher temperatures and B/W ratios. X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric data, microscopy and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry suggest that calcium oxalate in the raw biomass remains in the hydrochar; at higher temperatures, the mineral decomposes into CO 2 and may catalyze char/tar decomposition. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Home dispossession: the uneven geography of evictions in Palma (Majorca

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    Vives-Miró, Sònia


    Full Text Available Affordable housing, either owner-occupied or rented, is regarded as a key element of social reproduction. However, processes of housing commodification and financialization have increasingly resulted in precariatization of the population and the loss of the right to housing. In the Spanish case, neoliberal policies geared to the revalorization of built environments had caused a housing bubble of historical magnitude. Since it burst, a large number of households have been dispossessed of housing, clearly reflected in the avalanche of foreclosures and evictions that hit Spanish cities as the crisis unfolded. This paper focuses on the urban area of Palma (Majorca by analyzing the foreclosures exerted on home­owners and the evictions of tenants who, from the start of the crisis of 2008, have not been able to afford their mortgage payments or rents. These evictions and foreclosures are correlated with the social status of the urban areas affected. The results show that the increase of evictions and foreclosures has emerged unevenly around the city. While tenant evictions have affected all types of urban areas, foreclosures have become much more evident in urban areas of low social status.

  19. Implementación del software libre en la web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales


    Ordóñez Nievas, Ramón; Contell Calabuig, Mari Carmen


    Es descriu el projecte de disseny i implementació del web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales per mitjà d'un sistema de gestió de continguts open source que permeti integrar les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació, obtenir un major grau d'accessibilitat i usabilitat i un disseny visual més amigable, acord amb les noves tendències web. S'incorporen les noves eines web 2.0 per aconseguir una major participació dels usuaris en l'elaboració dels continguts i millorar així els...

  20. Predation of Opuntia monacantha (Willd. Haw. (Cactaceae by Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae in a sand bank area of Santa Catarina island, south Brazil

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    Afonso Inácio Orth


    Full Text Available The genus Opuntia is worldwide known for its ecological, ornamental and agronomic importance. Some species became pests in the countries in which they where introduced, and as biological control, Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae larvae, originary from Argentina, were used. However, the effect of the attack of this piralid on native cactus has yet not been elucidated. The objective of this study was to detect and to quantify the predation of C. cactorum on Opuntia monacantha. The study was carried out from September to November of 2004, along pre-defined tracks, on a sand bank vegetation area, between the Mole and Galheta beaches in the Santa Catarina island (27º35’83.1’’S e 48º25’70.6’’W. All the studied plants (n = 20 presented some damage caused by C. cactorum. The proportion of unpredated cladodes (68% and fruits (85% was higher than the predated ones. Terminal cladodes were highly predated structures and presented the highest number of larvae inside. Seed loss in the predated fruits was high. The remaining areole of the predated cladodes and fruits differentiated into sprouts and routs and formed new plants. O. monacantha, despite of being predated by C. cactorum larvae, apparently possess defense mechanisms which assure the maintenance of its populations.

  1. Adição de óleo de palma na dieta sobre a lipidemia e a qualidade do sêmen de bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis

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    G.R. Silva


    Full Text Available O estudo visou investigar o efeito da suplementação dietética com óleo de palma sobre o perfil sérico lipídico e as características seminais de touros bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis, bem como suas correlações. Doze touros foram alocados no Grupo CONT (n=5 ou Grupo ÓLEO (n=7 e receberam alimentação isoproteica composta por silagem de milho e concentrado (milho triturado, farelo de trigo e ureia, com proporção volumoso/concentrado de 50%, durante 130 dias (Períodos 1 e 2. Diferencialmente, óleo de palma foi adicionado ao concentrado (2% MS do Grupo ÓLEO. Sêmen e sangue foram colhidos quinzenalmente. Houve aumento nas concentrações séricas de colesterol, HDL e lipídios totais nos animais do Grupo ÓLEO, enquanto o período influenciou nas taxas de colesterol, LDL, lipídios totais e VLDL (P<0,05. Houve decréscimo no turbilhonamento e discreta redução na integridade de membranas nos animais do Grupo ÓLEO (P<0,05. Correlações significativas foram encontradas entre triglicerídeos e defeitos menores (r=-0,412; P=0,006, LDL e defeitos totais (r=-0,333; P=0,030, lipídios totais e defeitos menores (r=-0.366; P= 0,017, lipídios totais e defeitos totais (r=-0.309; P= 0,046, e VLDL e viabilidade espermática (r=0,381; P=0,012, apontando efeitos positivos da maior lipidemia na morfologia e na viabilidade espermática. O uso de óleo de palma alterou o perfil lipídico sérico, mas não favoreceu per se os parâmetros seminais relacionados com o potencial de fertilidade dos touros.

  2. Pro-oxidant activity of indicaxanthin from Opuntia ficus indica modulates arachidonate metabolism and prostaglandin synthesis through lipid peroxide production in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages


    M. Allegra; F. D’Acquisto; L. Tesoriere; A. Attanzio; M.A. Livrea


    Macrophages come across active prostaglandin (PG) metabolism during inflammation, shunting early production of pro-inflammatory towards anti-inflammatory mediators terminating the process. This work for the first time provides evidence that a phytochemical may modulate the arachidonate (AA) metabolism in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages, promoting the ultimate formation of anti-inflammatory cyclopentenone 15deoxy-PGJ2. Added 1 h before LPS, indicaxanthin from Opuntia ...

  3. [Effect of a dehydrated extract of nopal (Opuntia ficus indica Mill.) on blood glucose]. (United States)

    Frati-Munari, A C; de León, C; Ariza-Andraca, R; Bañales-Ham, M B; López-Ledesma, R; Lozoya, X


    To assess if a dehydrated extract of nopal stems retains the effect on glycemia of the entire nopal stems two experiments were performed. A. Six patients with type II diabetes mellitus in fasting condition received 30 capsules containing 10.1 +/- 0.3 g of the extract, and serum glucose levels were measured hourly from 0 to 180 minutes. B. Six healthy volunteers received 30 capsules with the extract followed by 74 g of dextrose orally. Serum glucose measurements were made in a similar fashion. In each experiment a control test with empty capsules was performed. Nopal extract did not reduce fasting glycemia in diabetic subjects. Nevertheless, the extract diminished the increase of serum glucose which followed a dextrose load. Peak serum glucose was 20.3 +/- 18.2 mg/dl (X +/- SD) lower in the test with nopal than in the control one (P less than 0.025). Dehydrated extract of nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill) did not show acute hypoglycemic effect, although could attenuate postprandial hyperglycemia.

  4. Optimization of enzymatic extraction of pectin from Opuntia ficus indica cladodes after mucilage removal. (United States)

    Bayar, Nadia; Friji, Marwa; Kammoun, Radhouane


    In this study, pectin was isolated from Opuntia ficus indica (OFI) cladodes after removing mucilage using the xylanase and cellulase. The process variables were optimized by the Box Behnken design with three factors at three levels. The optimal extraction condition obtained was: liquid to solid (LS), cellulase to xylanase and enzymes to matter ratios of 22ml/g, 2:1U/U and 4U/g, respectively. The simulated extraction yield of 17.91% was validated by the experimental result (16.67±0.30). The enzyme-extracted pectin from OFI cladodes (EAEPC) was low methylated, with a high uronic acid content, a water and oil holding capacity of 5.42g/g and 1.23g/g, respectively, a good foam and emulsion stability and important DPPH radical scavenging activity. Both the OFI cladodes and enzymatic process present promising alternatives to traditional sources and extraction processes of pectin, respectively. EAEPC thus represents a promising additive in food industries. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  5. Mycoflora in Exhumed Seeds of Opuntia tomentosa and Its Possible Role in Seed Germination

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    María Esther Sánchez-Coronado


    Full Text Available The funicular cover of the Opuntia tomentosa seed limits imbibition; germination occurs only when the funicle is weakened or the funicular valve is removed. We investigated the role of fungi in funicular weakening and seed germination. Seeds that had been either buried in one of two sites or stored in the laboratory were germinated with and without a valve. Disinfected or nondisinfected seeds and their naked embryos were cultivated on agar or PDA. None of the 11 identified fungal genera grew on the disinfected control seeds or the embryos. The mycoflora present on disinfected and nondisinfected exhumed seeds suggest that the fungal colonization occurred in the soil and differed between the burial sites. Exhumed seeds with and without a valve germinated in high percentages, whereas only the control seeds without a valve germinated. Scanning electron micrographs showed that the hyphae penetrated, cracked, and eroded the funicular envelope of exhumed seeds.

  6. Extraction, stability, and separation of betalains from Opuntia joconostle cv. using response surface methodology. (United States)

    Sanchez-Gonzalez, Noe; Jaime-Fonseca, Monica R; San Martin-Martinez, Eduardo; Zepeda, L Gerardo


    Betalains were extracted and analyzed from Opuntia joconostle (the prickly pear known as xoconostle in Mexico). For the extraction, two solvent systems were used, methanol/water and ethanol/water. A three-variable Box-Behnken statistical design was used for extraction: solvent concentration (0-80%, v/v), temperature (5-30 °C), and treatment time (10-30 min). The extraction and stability of betalains from xoconostle were studied using response surface methodology (RSM). Techniques such as UV-vis, column chromatography, and HPLC were employed for the separation and analysis of the main pigments present in the extracts. Maximum pigment concentration (92 mg/100 g of fruit) was obtained at a temperature of 15 °C and a time of 10 min for methanol/water (20:80), whereas maximum stability of the pigment was observed at pH 5 and a temperature of 25 °C. HPLC chromatograms showed the main betalains of the xoconostle characterized were betalain, betanidin, and isobetalain.

  7. Aplicaciones de la agricultura de precisión en palma de aceite "Elaeis Guineensis" e hibrido O x G


    Lizarazo Salcedo, Iván Alberto; Alfonso Carvajal, Oscar Alberto


    La agricultura de precisión está basada en el reconocimiento de la variabilidad espacial y temporal del clima, los suelos y los cultivos, y consecuentemente, de la importancia de proporcionar un manejo agronómico específico que tenga en cuenta esas diferencias. En este artículo se describe la perspectiva y los conceptos de agricultura de precisión que se están desarrollando en el sector de la palma de aceite en Colombia. En particular, se presentan dos aplicaciones que resuelven las limitacio...

  8. Efeito de enzimas hidrolíticas no comportamento reológico do óleo de palma cru


    FREITAS,Suely P.; SILVA,Fernando C.; LAGO,Regina C.A.; COURI,Sonia


    No processamento tradicional de extração de óleo de palma, uma quantidade substancial do produto é perdida na fibra - durante a etapa de prensagem do fruto - e na borra - durante a etapa de clarificação do óleo cru. A viscosidade deste constitui a principal dificuldade de separação do óleo dos demais componentes da mistura. A eficiência de recuperação do óleo é usualmente melhorada por adição de água, no tanque de clarificação. Neste trabalho avaliou-se os efeitos da diluição e do tratamento ...

  9. Estabilidad oxidativa del aceite de palma durante el proceso de refinación industrial en Costa Rica


    Zamora, Eduardo; Herrera Ramírez, Carlos Hernán


    Se optimizó y validó un método para cuantificar la concentración del hierro y el cobre en aceites vegetales mediante la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica de llama. Se implementaron los métodos oficiales establecidos por la AOCS para la determinación de los productos oxidados: índices de peróxido (IP) y de p-anisidina (Ip-A), para evaluar el grado de deterioro del aceite de palma y su relación con el contenido de hierro y cobre, durante el proceso de refinación industrial. El ...

  10. Experimental binding of lead to a low cost on biosorbent: Nopal (Opuntia streptacantha). (United States)

    Miretzky, Patricia; Muñoz, Carolina; Carrillo-Chávez, Alejandro


    The use of nopal cladodes (Opuntia streptacantha) as raw material for Pb(2+) biosorption was investigated. Batch experiments were carried out to determine Pb(2+) sorption capacity and the efficiency of the sorption process under different pH, initial Pb(2+) and nopal biomass concentrations. The experimental data showed a good fit to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms models. The maximum adsorption capacity for Pb(2+) was 0.14 mmol g(-1) with an efficiency higher than 94% (pH 5.0 and 2.5 g L(-1) nopal biomass). The Pb(2+) kinetics were best described by the pseudo-second-order rate model. The rate constant, the initial sorption rate and the equilibrium sorption capacity were determined. The practical implication of this study is the development of an effective and economic technology in which the nopal biomass did not undergo any chemical or physical pretreatment, which added to nopal abundance in Mexico and its low cost makes it a good option for Pb(2+) removal from contaminated waters.

  11. Pectin from Opuntia ficus indica: Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction and preliminary characterization. (United States)

    Lefsih, Khalef; Giacomazza, Daniela; Dahmoune, Farid; Mangione, Maria Rosalia; Bulone, Donatella; San Biagio, Pier Luigi; Passantino, Rosa; Costa, Maria Assunta; Guarrasi, Valeria; Madani, Khodir


    Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) of water-soluble pectin (WSP) from Opuntia ficus indica cladodes was performed using Response Surface Methodology. The effect of extraction time (X 1 ), microwave power (X 2 ), pH (X 3 ) and solid-to-liquid ratio (X 4 ) on the extraction yield was examined. The optimum conditions of MAE were as follows: X 1 =2.15min; X 2 =517W; X 3 =2.26 and X 4 =2g/30.6mL. The maximum obtained yield of pectin extraction was 12.57%. Total carbohydrate content of WSP is about 95.5% including 34.4% of Galacturonic acid. Pectin-related proteins represent only the 0.66% of WSP mass. HPSEC and light scattering analyses reveal that WSP is mostly constituted of high molecular pectin and FTIR measurements show that the microwave treatment does not alter the chemical structure of WSP, in which Galacturonic acid content and yield are 34.4% and 4.33%, respectively. Overall, application of MAE can give rise to high quality pectin. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. The evaluation of fifteen spineless prickly pear cultivars (Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill. for fresh fruit production in the Pretoria region

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    A. B. Wessels


    Full Text Available Fifteen spineless prickly pear cultivars (Opuntia ficus-indica were evaluated for three successive seasons at the University of Pretoria Research Farm. Yields were recorded and external and internal fruit quality factors were identified and considered. Following this investigation, minimum standards were suggested and the cultivars under review were compared. The cultivars Morado, Algerian, Fusicaulis van Heerden, Fresno, Mexican and Nudosa met all or most of the standards set. It is concluded that for fresh fruit production these cultivars are best suited for planting in the Pretoria region and in areas with similar climatic conditions.

  13. Avaliação do tratamento cirúrgico da doença de Dupuytren pela técnica da palma aberta modificada

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    Thiago Almeida Guilhen


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar o tratamento cirúrgico com o uso da técnica da palma aberta modificada para o tratamento das contraturas graves da doença de Dupuytren. Métodos: em quatro anos, foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico 16 pacientes, que pertenciam aos estágios III e IV da classificação proposta por Tubiana et al. Foram feitas aferições do déficit de extensão das articulações metacarpofalangeanas e inferfalangeana proximal e distal nos períodos pré-operatório, pós-operatório (três meses e pós-operatório tardio (cinco a oito anos. Angulações maiores do que 30° nas articulações metacarpofalangeanas e 15° nas interfalangeanas proximais foram consideradas como recidiva cirúrgica. Resultados: obtivemos uma média de déficit de extensão de 6,3° ao nível da articulação metacarpofalangeana, 13,8° na interfalangeana proximal e 1,9° na interfalangeana distal. Conclusão: a técnica da palma aberta modificada é um método eficaz no tratamento cirúrgico das contraturas graves na doença de Dupuytren.

  14. Effects of cooking methods on phenolic compounds in xoconostle (Opuntia joconostle). (United States)

    Cortez-García, Rosa María; Ortiz-Moreno, Alicia; Zepeda-Vallejo, Luis Gerardo; Necoechea-Mondragón, Hugo


    Xoconostle, the acidic cactus pear fruit of Opuntia joconostle of the Cactaceae family, is the source of several phytochemicals, such as betalain pigments and numerous phenolic compounds. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of four cooking procedures (i.e., boiling, grilling, steaming and microwaving) on the total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity (measured by ABTS, DPPH, reducing power, and BCBA) of xoconostle. In addition, HPLC-DAD analyses were performed to identify and quantify individual phenolic compounds. After microwaving and steaming xoconostle, the TPC remained the same that in fresh samples, whereas both grilling and boiling produced a significant, 20% reduction (p ≤ 0.05). Total flavonoids remained unchanged in boiled and grilled xoconostle, but steaming and microwaving increased the flavonoid content by 13 and 20%, respectively. Steaming and microwaving did not produce significant changes in the antioxidant activity of xoconostle, whereas boiling and grilling result in significant decreases. The phenolic acids identified in xoconostle fruits were gallic, vanillic, 4-hydroxybenzoic, syringic, ferulic and protocatechuic acids; the flavonoids identified were epicatechin, catechin, rutin, quercitrin, quercetin and kaempferol. Based on the results, steaming and microwaving are the most suitable methods for retaining the highest level of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in xoconostle.

  15. A dehydrin-dehydrin interaction: the case of SK3 from Opuntia streptacantha

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    Itzell eHernandez


    Full Text Available Dehydrins belongs to a large group of highly hydrophilic proteins known as Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA proteins. It is well know that dehydrins are intrinsically disordered plant proteins that accumulate during the late stages of embryogenesis and in response to abiotic stresses; however, the molecular mechanisms by which their functions are carried out are still unclear. We have previously reported that transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing an Opuntia streptacantha SK3 dehydrin (OpsDHN1 show enhanced tolerance to freezing stress. Herein, we show using a split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid system that OpsDHN1 dimerizes. We found that the deletion of regions containing K-segments and the histidine-rich region in the OpsDHN1 protein affects dimer formation. Not surprisingly, in silico protein sequence analysis suggests that OpsDHN1 is an intrinsically disordered protein, an observation that was confirmed by circular dichroism and gel filtration of the recombinantly expressed protein. The addition of zinc triggered the association of recombinantly expressed OpsDHN1 protein, likely through its histidine-rich motif. These data brings new insights about the molecular mechanism of the OpsDHN1 SK3-dehydrin

  16. Leptoglossus lonchoides Allen (Heteroptera, Coreidae), causente de la caida de los frutos de Bactris gasipaes (Palmae) en la Amazonia central


    Couturier, Guy; Clement, C.R.; Viana Filho, P.


    #Leptoglossus lonchoïdes$ Allen (Heteroptera Coreidae) provoque la chute des fruits de #Bactris gasipaes$ HBK (Palmae) en Amazonie centrale. Les plantations de "pejibaye", #B.gasipaes$, un palmier neotropical domestiqué, souffrent d'importantes chutes de jeunes fruits en Amazonie centrale (Manaus, Amazonas, Brésil), dues en partie, peut-être principalement, à la punaise #L. lonchoïdes$. Dans cet article, on évalue l'importance économique des dégâts et on décrit l'insecte. (Résumé d'auteur)...

  17. Development and characterization of edible films based on mucilage of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.). (United States)

    Espino-Díaz, Miguel; de Jesús Ornelas-Paz, J; Martínez-Téllez, Miguel A; Santillán, Carlos; Barbosa-Cánovas, Gustavo V; Zamudio-Flores, Paul B; Olivas, Guadalupe I


    Mucilage of Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) was extracted and characterized by its composition and molecular weight distribution. Mucilage film-forming dispersions were prepared under different pHs (3, 4, 5.6, 7, and 8) and calcium concentration (0% and 30% of CaCl(2), with respect to mucilage's weight), and their particle size determined. Mucilage films with and without calcium (MFCa and MF, respectively) were prepared. The effect of calcium and pH on mucilage films was evaluated determining thickness, color, water vapor permeability (WVP), tensile strength (TS), and percentage of elongation (%E). The average molecular weight of the different fractions of mucilage was: 3.4 x 10(6) (0.73%), 1 x 10(5) (1.46%), 1.1 x 10(3) (45.79%), and 2.4 x 10(2) Da (52.03%). Aqueous mucilage dispersions with no calcium presented particles with an average size d(0.5) of 15.4 microm, greater than the dispersions with calcium, 13.2 microm. MFCa films showed more thickness (0.13 mm) than the MF films (0.10 mm). The addition of calcium increased the WVP of the films from 109.94 to 130.45 gmm/m(2)dkPa. Calcium and pH affected the mechanical properties of the films; the largest TS was observed on MF films, whereas the highest %E was observed on MFCa films. The highest differences among MF and MFCa films were observed at pHs 5.6 and 7 for TS and at pHs 4 and 8 for %E. No effect of pH and calcium was observed on luminosity and hue angle. Chroma values were higher for MF when compared with MFCa, and increased as pH of the films increased. Practical Application: In this study mucilage from nopal was extracted and characterized by its ability to form edible films under different pHs, and with or without the addition of calcium. Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage had the ability to form edible films. In general, it can be considered that mucilage films without modification of pH and without the addition of calcium have the best water vapor barrier properties and tensile strength. Mucilage from nopal

  18. Essential oils composition of two Sicilian cultivars of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae) fruits (prickly pear). (United States)

    Zito, Pietro; Sajeva, Maurizio; Bruno, Maurizio; Rosselli, Sergio; Maggio, Antonella; Senatore, Felice


    The essential oils composition of the skin, pulp and seeds from fruits of two Sicilian cultivars of Opuntia ficus-indica (cv. Sanguigna and cv. Surfarina) has been obtained by hydrodistillation and the possible antioxidant, antimicrobial and semiochemical roles have been investigated comparing the data with those reported in the literature. The presence of antioxidants and antimicrobials found in this study increases the spectrum of compounds that have beneficial properties in O. ficus-indica. In addition, several compounds identified in this study have been reported to influence the behaviour of Ceratitis capitata, a phytophagous pest which causes severe damages to several crops including O. ficus-indica and the kairomonal activity of the odour of the fruits seems provided by a blend of compounds found in the various matrices analysed.

  19. Desempenho de diferentes lipases imobilizadas na síntese de biodiesel de óleo de palma = Performance of different immobilized lipases in palm oil biodiesel synthesis

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    Grazielle dos Santos Silva


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as condicoes otimizadas da sintese enzimatica de biodiesel, a partir do oleo de palma e etanol, empregando diferentes lipases imobilizadas (lipase de Pseudomonas fluorescens imobilizada em SiO2-PVA e lipase de Candida antartica imobilizada em resina acrilica - Novozym„µ 435 em meio isento de solvente. Uma matriz de planejamento fatorial foi utilizada para avaliar a influencia da temperatura (42 ¡V 58„aC e a razao molar entre etanol e oleo de palma (6:1 ¡V 18:1 no rendimento detransesterificacao alcancado para cada preparacao de lipase. Os efeitos principais foram ajustados por analise de regressao multipla a modelos lineares e o rendimento maximo foi obtido quando o sistema operacional foi operado a 42„aC com substratos contendo etanol eoleo de palma na razao molar de 18:1. Os modelos matematicos que representam o rendimento global da reacao para cada lipase imobilizada foram considerados adequados para descrever os resultados experimentais.Optimized conditions for palm oil and ethanol enzymatic biodiesel synthesis were determined with different immobilized lipases SiO2-PVA-immobilized lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens and acrylic resin-immobilized lipase, NovozymR435, from Candida antartica, in solvent-free medium. A full factorial design assessed the influence oftemperature (42 ¡V 58¢XC and ethanol: palm oil (6:1 ¡V 18:1 molar ratio on the transesterification yield. Main effects were adjusted by multiple regression analysis to linear models and the maximum transesterification yield was obtained at 42¢XC and 18:1 ethanol:palm oil molar ratio. Mathematical models featuring total yield for each immobilized lipase were suitable to describe the experimental results.

  20. The chemically zoned 1949 eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands): Petrologic evolution and magma supply dynamics of a rift zone eruption


    Klügel, Andreas; Hoernle, Kaj A.; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; White, James D. L.


    The 1949 rift zone eruption along the Cumbre Vieja ridge on La Palma involved three eruptive centers, 3 km spaced apart, and was chemically and mineralogically zoned. Duraznero crater erupted tephrite for 14 days and shut down upon the opening of Llano del Banco, a fissure that issued first tephrite and, after 3 days, basanite. Hoyo Negro crater opened 4 days later and erupted basanite, tephrite, and phonotephrite, while Llano del Banco continued to issue basanite. The eruption ended with Dur...

  1. Fluxos de CO2 em Plantio de Palma de Óleo no Leste da Amazônia

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    Luiz Carlos Neves da Fonseca

    Full Text Available Resumo Os ecossistemas terrestres são importantes para compreender as trocas de CO2 entre superfície e atmosfera. Este trabalho apresenta as condições atmosféricas e medidas de CO2 em palma de óleo com híbrido interespecífico no leste da Amazônia, durante ano de El niño. O experimento foi realizado em Moju - Pará, onde foi instalada uma torre micrometeorológica para obtenção de dados meteorológicos e de CO2 durante o período de janeiro-dezembro de 2015. Os valores médios diurnos de absorção de CO2 atingiram o máximo por volta do meio dia, com 22,3 (± 0,98 μmol m-2 s-1 no período chuvoso e 21,0 (± 0,47 μmol m-2 s-1 no período menos chuvoso. Houve pouca variação noturna nos valores médios de emissão de CO2, 5 (± 0,20 μmol m-2 s-1, em ambos os períodos. Os valores médios diurnos da concentração de CO2 foram menores e os valores médios noturnos foram maiores. Em geral, o ciclo diário de troca de CO2 apresentou diferença entre o período chuvoso e menos chuvoso. Esses resultados contribuem para melhor compreensão da tendência temporal dos fluxos de CO2 em cultivo agrícola em ano de seca no leste da Amazônia, gerando informações novas sobre a interação entre palma de óleo e atmosfera.

  2. Selección genética de plantas elites de palma aceitera, utilizando software SELEGEN REML/BLUP

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    Carlos Oliva


    Full Text Available La palma aceitera es uno de cultivos de la Amazonía Peruana, que genera en los inversionistas mayor interés,que ha permitido instalar al menos 70 mil ha. Al Perú ha ingresado semillas de palma aceitera de alto valorgenético, por su resistencia a enfermedad, plagas y alto rendimiento, pero durante el tiempo ha experimentadovariabilidad en los diferentes ecosistemas del país.Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo la selección genéticacomputarizada para la selección de plantas elites de alto rendimiento de racimos de fruta fresca (RFF depalma aceitera. Para realizar el análisis genético computarizado, se dispuso del software SELEGEN Rml/Blup,que es un programa diseñado para el análisis y la selección. Benin y Costa deMarfil son las que tienen mejorpromedio, cuyo valor mínimo es de 22,1 kg/planta y el valor máximo corresponde de 375,9 kg/planta. Elhibrido 2301 tiene los mejores promedios de rendimiento, seguido por el híbrido 2401, cuyo valores derendimiento extremosmáximo superior a 340 kg/planta. El primer año, el rendimiento promedio fue de 46,62kg/planta y para el tercer año de producción el promedio pasó a 142,82 kg/pl. La repetibilidad individual pararendimiento de RFF kg/planta en ambos grupos 2007 y 2008 fue de 0,10 y la repetibilidad del promedio decosechas fue de 0,87 y 0,82 para los grupos 2007 y 2008, respectivamente. Esto propició una exactitudselectiva de 0,93 para el grupo 2007 y de 0,90 para el grupo del 2008.

  3. Comparación de métodos para la captura de triatominos (Hemiptera: Reduviidae en palmas Attalea butyracea en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia

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    Víctor Manuel Angulo


    Full Text Available Introducción. El estudio de los triatominos en sus ecótopos naturales tiene gran significado en la epidemiología de la enfermedad de Chagas. La recolección de insectos vivos y su establecimiento en insectarios permite realizar incontables estudios. Por ello se necesitan métodos efectivos para la captura de triatominos silvestres, especialmente especies intrusas como Rhodnius prolixus. Objetivo. Comparar cuatro métodos para la captura de triatominos en palmas para medir su efectividad. Materiales y métodos. El estudio se llevó a cabo en la localidad de Maní, departamento de Casanare, Colombia, con predominio de Attalea butyracea. Se compararon cuatro metodologías en 67 palmas: trampas con cebo vivo, búsqueda directa en palmas, tala y disección. Resultados. Los métodos fueron efectivos para recolectar ejemplares juveniles y adultos. La tala y la búsqueda manual mostraron los mayores índices de infestación (100 % y 83,33 %. La trampa Angulo mostró mayores índices de hacinamiento (4,93, densidad (3,76, rango de abundancia (1-13 e índice adulto/ninfa (0,22. La tala y la disección fue el método que significativamente recolectó más triatominos en comparación con los otros (p0,05. Conclusiones. Aunque la tala fue el mejor método para la recolección del mayor número de triatominos, los métodos con el cebo vivo con adhesivos o refugios para atrapar los insectos, fueron una buena alternativa. Entre ellos, la trampa Angulo mostró mejores resultados y evitó la exposición del investigador al riesgo y la intervención de ecotopos naturales.   doi:

  4. Aplicaciones de la agricultura de precisión en palma de aceite “Elaeis Guineensis” e hibrido O x G


    Iván Alberto Lizarazo Salcedo; Oscar Alberto Alfonso Carvajal


    La agricultura de precisión está basada en el reconocimiento de la variabilidad espacial y temporal del clima, los suelos y los cultivos, y consecuentemente, de la importancia de proporcionar un manejo agronómico específico que tenga en cuenta esas diferencias. En este artículo se describe la perspectiva y los conceptos de agricultura de precisión que se están desarrollando en el sector de la palma de aceite en Colombia. En particular, se presentan dos aplicaciones que resuelven las limit...

  5. Physicochemical properties and storage stability of margarine containing Opuntia ficus-indica peel extract as antioxidant. (United States)

    Chougui, Nadia; Djerroud, Naima; Naraoui, Fatima; Hadjal, Samir; Aliane, Khellaf; Zeroual, Brahim; Larbat, Romain


    This study falls within the framework of the industrial exploitation of by-products of the prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica). The study aims to evaluate the use of hydro-ethanolic extract of prickly pear peels as a substitute of vitamin E used as antioxidant in margarine preservation. The extract was rich in total phenolics (1512.58 mg GAE/100 g DM). HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS(n) analyses allowed the identification of sixteen compounds belonging to hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids. The extract displayed a reducing power and an antiradical activity that were respectively similar to and lower than the two antioxidant standards quercetin and butylated hydroxyanisole. Tests conducted at laboratory and pilot scales showed that the margarines elaborated with peel extract were more resistant to oxidation than the margarine reference with vitamin E. In addition, neither the physicochemical nor the microbiological properties were modified. Prickly pear peels contain bioactive substances that could be used in different food sectors. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Extraction, characterization and gelling behavior enhancement of pectins from the cladodes of Opuntia ficus indica. (United States)

    Lefsih, Khalef; Delattre, Cédric; Pierre, Guillaume; Michaud, Philippe; Aminabhavi, Tejraj M; Dahmoune, Farid; Madani, Khodir


    Total Pectins Fraction (TPF) was extracted at room temperature from dried cladodes of Opuntia ficus indica. TPF is constituted of three pectic fractions WSP, CSP and ASP, which are made up of 66.6%, 44.3% and 81.1% (w/w) of galacturonic acid, respectively. The antioxidant ability of TPF increased with the concentration increasing. It scavenged hydroxyl radical by 90% and chelated 90% of ferrous ions at 5 g/L. FTIR study was carried out. Strong characteristic absorption peaks at 1,618 cm(-1) assigned to the vibration of COO(-) group of galacturonic acid. In the fingerprint region, we noticed three well-defined peaks at 1054, 1085, and 1,154 cm(-1) characteristic of pectic polysaccharides. TPF are non-gelling pectins. The co-crosslinking of TPF with carrageenan was carried out and the gelling behavior was successfully improved. Thermo-sensitive hydrogel was obtained with 82% of TPF and 18% of carrageenan (w/w). Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Platería europea en Canarias. La bandeja de Teguise, la copa con tapa y las fuentes de la cetadral de Las Palmas

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    Jesús Pérez Morera


    Full Text Available Abordamos en este trabajo la correcta clasificaci6n de una serie de piezas da platería de origen flamenco, alemán y portugués existentes en Canarias que, aunque conocidas, habían pasado por españolas o americanas. Destacarnos la bandeja de la parroquia de Teguise (Lanzarote, labrada en Hamburgo por juergen Richels hacia 1680; la copa con tapa de la catedral de Las Palmas (Gran Canaria, realizada en Amberes por el maestro del compás en 1548-1549; y !as fuentes pertenecientes al obispo Vicuña y Zuazo de la misma catedral, marcadas en Lisboa a finales del siglo XVII.The current article approaches the correct classification of a variety o¡ flemish, german and portuguese silversmith's pieces located in the Canary Islands which, though very well known, had been considered form Spanish or american origin. We emphasize the tray from the Parisf of Teguise (Lanzarote\\, wrought in Hamburg by Juergen Richels circa 1680; the Chalice with Lid Las Palmas cathedral (Gran Canaria made in Antwerp by the Master  of  the compass in 1548-49; and the fountains belonging to Bishop Vicuña y Zuazo from the same cathedral, marked in Lisbon at the end of XVII century. 

  8. Microbial protein synthesis and concentration of urea in dairy heifers fed diets with cactus forage Opuntia

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    Maria do Socorro Mercês Aguiar


    Full Text Available The objective was to analyze the influence of increasing levels of forage cactus Opuntia in the diet on the nitrogen balance, the concentrations of urea in urine and plasma and microbial protein synthesis in dairy heifers ¾ Holstein-zebu confined. twenty four heifers were used with initial body weight of 163.00 ± 18 kg, with 8 months old and distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replications. It was used sorghum silage, concentrate and increasing levels of forage cactus Opuntia in the diet (0, 200, 400 and 600 g kg-1. The nitrogen intake, feces and urine, digested and retained with the addition of forage cactus in the diet showed decreasing linear effect. Nitrogen balance was influenced by the inclusion of forage cactus in the diet of dairy heifers through the values observed for the digested and retained nitrogen, which can be related to similar effects found for the consumption of nitrogen and the nitrogen excretion in feces and urine. Nitrogen digested percentage of intake and nitrogen retention as a percentage of ingested and digested showed no difference with the inclusion of forage cactus in the diet. The concentration of urea nitrogen in the urine of heifers had a quadratic effect point of maximum excretion level of 275.80 g kg-1 of forage cactus in the diet. Consequently, the excretion of urea nitrogen and urea excretion showed similar effect with maximum points excretion levels of 293.75 and 319.00 g kg-1 of forage in the diet. The concentration of ureic nitrogen in plasma showed no difference, with an average value of 13.19 mg dL-1. Synthesis of nitrogen and microbial crude protein adjusted to the quadratic model. The microbial efficiency was not influenced by the inclusion of forage cactus in replacement of sorghum silage and concentrate. The urine volume similar to the treatments, with an average of 5.90 liters of urine per day, proving that the creatinine excretion in urine was not influenced

  9. Estado de salud bucal en 5 consultorios del municipio Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba, 2006 Oral health state in 5 family physicians' offices in Palma Soriano municipality, Santiago de Cuba, 2006

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    Yanisette Mónica Calleja Martínez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal sobre el estado de salud bucal en los consultorios del municipio Palma Soriano durante el período comprendido entre enero-abril del 2006, cuyo universo estuvo constituido por todos los habitantes de estos consultorios. Se seleccionó una muestra de 475 personas, estratificadas por grupos de edades, con 25 de ellas en cada estrato. Se utilizó la encuesta de salud bucodental de la Organización Mundial de la Salud modificada del 2003. En la población estudiada predominó el sexo femenino. Las alteraciones de la articulación témporo-mandibular no constituyeron un problema de salud. Entre las afecciones más frecuentes figuraron las caries dentales con un COP-D favorable hasta los 18 años, que no se comportó así en los grupos de 35-44 y 60-74, donde el valor fue de 11,9 y 25,8, y las periodontopatías, con un total de 72 pacientes con alguno de los signos o síntomas de la enfermedad. Las alteraciones de la estética están presentes en 34 de los pacientes examinados, por lo que se hace necesario el tratamiento obligatorio u optativo.A descriptive cross-sectional study on the oral health state in the family physicians' offices of Palma Soriano municipality was conducted from January to April, 2006. The universe was composed of all the inhabitants receiving attention at these offices. A sample of 475 persons stratified by age groups was selected. 25 individuals were included in each stratum. The bucco-dental health survey of the World Health Organization, modified in 2003, was used. A prevalence of females was observed. The alterations of the temporomandibular articulation were not a health problem. Among the most frequent affections were the dental caries with a favorable DMFT index up to 18 years old, which was not so in the 35-44 and 60-74 age groups, where the values were 11.9 and 25.8, respectively, and the periodontopathies with a total of 72 patients with some of the signs or symptoms of

  10. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on e-Learning (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, July 21-24, 2015) (United States)

    Nunes, Miguel Baptista, Ed.; McPherson, Maggie, Ed.


    These proceedings contain the papers of the International Conference e-Learning 2015, which was organised by the International Association for Development of the Information and Society and is part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, July 21-24, 2015). The e-Learning 2015…

  11. Drying of prickly pear cactus cladodes (Opuntia ficus indica) in a forced convection tunnel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez, R.; de Ita, A.; Vaca, M. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, DePt. de Energia, Area de Termofluidos, Av. San Pablo 180, Col. Reynosa Tamaulipas, Del. Azcapotzalco, C.P. 02200, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    In this work we evaluated the kinetics of drying of Opuntia's cladodes observing two conditions: complete cladode with the protective cuticle of the intact product and with reduced cuticle (partially removed), using a drying tunnel with forced flow. The temperature of the air was set at 35, 45, and 60 C with velocities of 1.5 and 3.0 m/s. The conditions of the environment were controlled and maintained at 22 C and 30% of relative humidity. The results show that the drying time was considerably reduced when approximately 30% of the cuticle that protects the product was removed. Additionally, the temperature had greater influence than the velocity of the air. The numerical model that best describes the behavior of the drying process is the double logarithmic one, with the imposed restrictions of r close to the unit, the lowest possible {chi}{sup 2} and the RSEM tending to zero. The characteristic drying function of the product resulted in a third-grade exponential curve, where r and SD were the corresponding selection criteria. (author)

  12. Drying of prickly pear cactus cladodes (Opuntia ficus indica) in a forced convection tunnel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez, R.; Ita, A. de; Vaca, M.


    In this work we evaluated the kinetics of drying of Opuntia's cladodes observing two conditions: complete cladode with the protective cuticle of the intact product and with reduced cuticle (partially removed), using a drying tunnel with forced flow. The temperature of the air was set at 35, 45, and 60 deg. C with velocities of 1.5 and 3.0 m/s. The conditions of the environment were controlled and maintained at 22 deg. C and 30% of relative humidity. The results show that the drying time was considerably reduced when approximately 30% of the cuticle that protects the product was removed. Additionally, the temperature had greater influence than the velocity of the air. The numerical model that best describes the behavior of the drying process is the double logarithmic one, with the imposed restrictions of r close to the unit, the lowest possible χ 2 and the RSEM tending to zero. The characteristic drying function of the product resulted in a third-grade exponential curve, where r and SD were the corresponding selection criteria.

  13. Opuntia ficus-indica Extract as Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Carbon Steel in 1 M HCl Solution

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    J. P. Flores-De los Ríos


    Full Text Available The effect of Opuntia ficus-indica (Nopal as green corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in 1 M HCl solution has been investigated by using weight loss tests, potentiodynamic polarization curves, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements. Also, scanning electron microscopy (SEM and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR analysis were performed. The inhibitor concentrations used ranged from 0 to 300 ppm at 25, 40, and 60°C. Results indicated the inhibition efficiency increases with increasing extract concentration and decreases with the temperature, and the inhibitor acted as a cathodic-type inhibitor which is physically absorbed onto the steel surface. In fact, the adsorption of the inhibitor on the steel surface follows the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, indicating monolayer adsorption. The presence of heteroatoms such as C, N, and O and OH groups were responsible for the corrosion inhibition.

  14. Desarrollo urbano e inundaciones en la ciudad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria(1869-2000

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    Pablo Máyer Suárez


    Full Text Available En la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria los episodios de lluvia facilitan la manifes-tación de riesgos geomorfológicos. El de las inundaciones constituye uno de los más impor-tantes y ha estado presente desde los orígenes de esta ciudad. Las peculiares característicasdel medio físico, tanto desde el punto de vista topográfico como desde el geológico-geomor-fológico; las distintas formas de ocupación del espacio, con áreas de crecimiento planificadasy otras de crecimiento espontáneo, y las diversas intervenciones en áreas consolidadas, quepotencian o agravan estas inundaciones, hacen de esta ciudad una amalgama en la que el aná-lisis de las causas de las inundaciones resulta un proceso complejo

  15. Silagem de maniçoba associada a fontes energéticas na alimentação de caprinos: consumo e digestibilidade - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v31i3.5228 Manioc silage associated with energy sources on feeding goats: intake and digestibility - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v31i3.5228

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    Maria Cláudia Soares Cruz


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se o consumo e a digestibilidade de nutrientes em caprinos confinados, que recebem dietas com 54% de silagem de maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglaziovii Pax. Et. K. Hoffman e 46% de concentrados energéticos: grão de milho moído (Zea mays (T1; raspa de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz enriquecida com 1,8% de ureia (T2 e farelo de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica enriquecido com 1,1% de ureia (T3. Foram utilizados 15 caprinos SRD, inteiros, com peso vivo de 21,0 kg e distribuídos em blocos casualizados com três tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os maiores consumos observados foram para os tratamentos T3 e T1, respectivamente, com valores para MS de 96,92 e 67,26 g kg-0,75 dia-1; PB 157,72 e 78,54 g dia-1 e NDT 593,29 e 515,35 g dia-1 e para dieta composta de silagem de maniçoba com raspa de mandioca que apresentou menores ingestões com valores para MS de 52,78 g kg-0,75 dia-1 e NDT 347,10 g dia-1. As digestibilidades da MS, PB e FDN foram de 70,74; 54,66 e 58,08; 59,58; 58,75 e 47,04; 62,49; 64,24; 51,60%, respectivamente, para os tratamentos T1, T2 e T3. Os resultados obtidos para o consumo e para a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes revelam bom potencial para a combinação da silagem de maniçoba a fontes energéticas disponíveis regionalmente.In order to evaluate the diet combination of manioc silage with different energy sources, intake and apparent digestibility were determined in feedlot goats. The diets consisted of 54% manioc silage and 46% energy concentrates: corn meal (Zea mays (T1, cassava meal (Manihot esculenta Crantz enriched with 1.8% urea (T2, and cactus meal (Opuntia ficus indica, enriched with 1.1% of urea (T3. Fifteen male goats were mixed-breed, initially weighting 21.0 kg, distributed in randomized blocks with three treatments and five repetitions. The greatest intake were observed for the treatments T3 and T1, with values for DM of 96.92 and 67.26 g kg-0, 75 days-1; CP 157.72 and 78.54 g day-1 and

  16. Inhibition of plasma butyrylcholinesterase activity in the lizard Gallotia galloti palmae by pesticides: a field study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez-Hernandez, Juan C.; Carbonell, R.; Henriquez Perez, A.; Montealegre, M.; Gomez, L.


    A field study was performed to evaluate the effect of exposure to organophosphorus (OP) and carbamate (CB) pesticides on the lizard Gallotia galloti palmae. Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) activity was measured in the plasma of 420 lizards collected from agricultural and reference areas on the Island of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) in two sampling periods. Exposure to cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides was evaluated by a statistical criterion based on a threshold value (two standard deviations below the mean enzyme activity) calculated for the reference group, and a chemical criterion based on the in vitro reactivation of BChE activity using pyridine-2-aldoxime methochloride (2-PAM) or after water dilution of the sample. Mean (±SD) BChE activity for lizards from agricultural areas was significantly lower (Fuencaliente site = 2.00 ± 0.98 μmol min -1 ml -1 , Tazacorte site = 2.88 ± 1.08) than that for lizards from the reference areas (Los Llanos site = 3.06 ± 1.17 μmol min -1 ml -1 , Tigalate site = 3.96 ± 1.62). According to the statistical criterion, the number of lizards with BChE depressed was higher at Fuencaliente (22% of males and 25.4% of females) than that sampled at Tazacorte (7.8% of males and 6.2% of females). According to the chemical criterion, Fuencaliente also yielded a higher number of individuals (112 males and 47 females) with BChE activity inhibited by both OP and CB pesticides. CBs appeared to be the pesticides most responsible for BChE inhibition because most of the samples showed reactivation of BChE activity after water treatment (63.3% from Fuencaliente and 29% from Tazacorte). We concluded that the use of reactivation techniques on plasma BChE activity is a better and more accurate method for assessing field exposure to OP/CB pesticides in this lizard species than making direct comparisons of enzyme activity levels between sampling areas. - Capsule: Chemical reactivation of lizard BChE activity is a suitable diagnostic method for

  17. ¿Agroindustria en la Amazonía? Posibilidades para el desarrollo inclusivo y sostenible de la palma aceitera en el Perú



    En la discusión sobre las posibilidades de desarrollo del cultivo agroindustrial de la palma aceitera en la Amazonía peruana se plasman varios de los principales debates modernos sobre modelos de desarrollo rural ambientalmente sostenibles y socioeconómicamente inclusivos. La historia de la expansión de este sector y los diversos problemas que hoy enfrenta reflejan, además, muchas de las limitaciones institucionales del actual Estado peruano para definir su rol con claridad y un planeamiento ...

  18. The impact of Airbnb in the urban arena: towards a tourism-led gentrification? The case-study of Palma old quarter (Mallorca, Spain)


    Yrigoy, Ismael


    Last five years have witnessed the birth and rapid sprawl of Airbnb, an app that offers short-term rentals across the world. Using as a case study the Historical quarter in Palma (Mallorca), the paper problematizes three of the basic selfcreated Airbnb assumptions: (i) Airbnb enrich low-income population. (ii) Airbnb invigorates the housing market (iii) Airbnb boost forms of tourism more acceptable by local residents. This paper argues that the emergence of Airbnb is triggering a wave of tour...

  19. Geología y vulcanología de La Palma y El Hierro, Canarias Occidentales

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    Pérez Torrado, F. J.


    Full Text Available The western Canaries, relatively little studied until a few years ago from the geological point of view, have however provided decisive data for understanding many of the most important geological problems of the Archipelago, which would probably have been dilucidated earlier, had the study begun with the most recent islands, as occurs in similar chains of oceanic volcanic islands in other parts of the world. To summarize the main geological features and evolutionary characteristics of both islands we emphasize the following stages of development: During the Pliocene, a submarine volcanic edifice or seamount formed in the island of La Palma, made up of pillow lavas, pillow breccias and hyaloclastites, intruded by trachytic domes, plugs of gabbros, and a highly dense dyke swarm. The intense magmatic and dyke intrusion uplifted the searnount up to 1,500 m, tilting it 45-50" to the SW. This intrusive phase was followed by a period of quiescence and erosion of the emerged submarine edifice. The definitive consolidation and progression of the construction of the island continued from at least 1.77 ma in angular and erosive discordance over the submarine basement. The subaerial volcanic reactivation, in which explosive volcanism predominated during the initial stages, producing abundant volcanoclastic and phreatomagmatic materials at the base of the subaerial edifice, persisted in a highly continuous manner until at least 0.41 ma. This initial subaerial stage shaped the northern volcanic shield, formed by the accumulation of several superimposed volcanoes, approximately concentric in relation to one another and the submarine basement. The initial stage of the northern volcanic shield lasted between 1.77 and 1.20 ma, during which period the Garafía volcano was built to a height of 2,500-3,000 m, with steeply sloping flanks, formed predominantly by alkaline basalts with abundant pahoehoe lavas. The rapid growth and progressive instability of the Garaf

  20. Extraction and characterization of three polysaccharides extracted from Opuntia ficus indica cladodes. (United States)

    Bayar, Nadia; Kriaa, Mouna; Kammoun, Radhouane


    The chemical extraction and the characterization of polysaccharides from mucilage (MC), pectin (PC) and total pectic mucilage fraction (TFC) of Opuntia ficus indica cladodes as well as the evaluation of their antioxidant activities was investigated. The FTIR spectroscopic analysis revealed the presence of carboxyl and hydroxyl groups corresponding to polysaccharides. Uronic acid and the total sugar contents of PC were higher than those of TFC and MC whereas ash content of MC was considerably more important. In addition, the findings showed that all the samples had little protein content and low average molecular weight compared to the results mentioned in literature. Furthermore, MC reached not only the highest water (WHC) and oil holding (OHC) capacities (7.81g/g and 1.34g/g, respectively) but also the highest antioxidant properties (DPPH and ABTS scavenging activities, β-carotene bleaching inhibition activity and reducing power). However, PC had the strongest emulsifying and foaming properties. As for TFC, it had low WHC, OHC and emulsifying properties whereas it had higher foaming properties than MC and greater antioxidant properties compared to PC. These outcomes can encourage the use of PC as a surfactant and MC and TFC as natural antioxidants in food and pharmaceutical industries. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Effects of ultrasound treatment in purple cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) juice. (United States)

    Zafra-Rojas, Quinatzin Yadira; Cruz-Cansino, Nelly; Ramírez-Moreno, Esther; Delgado-Olivares, Luis; Villanueva-Sánchez, Javier; Alanís-García, Ernesto


    Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) fruit is a berry with a tasty pulp full of seeds that constitutes about 10-15% of the edible pulp. In Mexico, cactus pear is mainly consumed fresh, but also has the potential to be processed in other products such as juice. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different ultrasound conditions at amplitude levels ranging (40% and 60% for 10, 15, 25 min; 80% for 3, 5, 8, 10, 15 and 25 min) on the characteristics of purple cactus pear juice. The evaluated parameters were related with the quality (stability, °Brix, pH), microbial growth, total phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity (ABTS, DPPH and % chelating activity) of purple cactus pear juices. The ultrasound treatment for time period of 15 and 25 min significantly reduced the microbial count in 15 and 25 min, without affecting the juice quality and its antioxidant properties. Juice treated at 80% of amplitude level showed an increased of antioxidant compounds. Our results demonstrated that sonication is a suitable technique for cactus pear processing. This technology allows the achievement of juice safety and quality standards without compromising the retention of antioxidant compounds. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Targeting Aging with Functional Food: Pasta with Opuntia Single-Arm Pilot Study. (United States)

    Aiello, Anna; Di Bona, Danilo; Candore, Giuseppina; Carru, Ciriaco; Zinellu, Angelo; Di Miceli, Giuseppe; Nicosia, Aldo; Gambino, Caterina Maria; Ruisi, Paolo; Caruso, Calogero; Vasto, Sonya; Accardi, Giulia


    Interventions to extend life span represent the new perspective in aging investigation. Healthy dietary habits are important modifiable factors that can favor a healthy aging phenotype. Many studies have demonstrated benefits for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus resulting from the traditional Mediterranean foods. Opuntia Ficus Indica (OFI), widespread in the Mediterranean basin, belongs to the Cactaceae family. It is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, products containing extracts from OFI fruits or cladodes have been used to control obesity and other metabolic parameters, such as glycemia and lipid profile. The aim of this study was to analyze the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of pasta with 3% of OFI cladode extracts added to show its beneficial effect in human health. We performed a single arm longitudinal intervention study in 42 healthy volunteers, administrating 500 g/week of this functional pasta for 30 days. Our pasta had antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties with putative effect on the aging process and related metabolic diseases. We also demonstrated a hypoglycemic effect. The results are preliminary, but it is possible to speculate that our pasta could be considered an effective food for the prevention of age-related metabolic disorders.

  3. Improntas coloniales en las prácticas artísticas latinoamericanas: versiones del retrato etnográfico en la Serie 1989-2000 de Luis González Palma

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    Laura Catelli


    Full Text Available The following article identifies and analyzes the presence of colonial imprints in Serie 1989-2000 by Guatemalan artist Luis Gonzalez Palma (1957. I argue that by citing different versions of the ethnographic portrait visual genre, the Serie builds a temporal arc that extends from the sixteenth century to the Five Hundred Years celebrations (1992. This arc allows us to explore the relation between Art and Anthropology, the representation of Guatemalan indigenous subjects, violence and coloniality in a continued, long-lasting process. In the first part the article delves in a critical and theoretical discussion of the ethnographic turn in art (Kosuth, Foster in a latinamericanist (Camnitzer, Richard, postcolonial and decolonial context (Coronil, Mignolo, Quijano. In the second part, I revise the use of the ethnographic portrait (Brilliant and Mason, Parker Brienen, Lugo Ortiz in racial formations (Omi and Winant in the Americas to further comprehend the presence of this visual genre in Gonzalez Palma´s works, its critical sense, and finally the artist´s proposal to recover “the gaze as power”.

  4. Refinação de óleos vegetais e fracionamento contínuo de óleo de Palma


    Mota, Daniel Santos


    Este relatório enquadra-se na unidade de formação de estágio profissionalizante, do Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar da Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra e traduz algumas partes do trabalho realizado ao longo de 6 meses de estágio, na empresa Rogério Leal. O estágio consistiu na observação, e posterior participação, dos métodos de refinação, hidrogenação, interestereficação e fracionamento do óleo de palma. Neste relatório descreve-se o método de refinação físico e hidrogenação do óleo...

  5. Nopal cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) as a source of bioactive compounds for nutrition, health and disease. (United States)

    El-Mostafa, Karym; El Kharrassi, Youssef; Badreddine, Asmaa; Andreoletti, Pierre; Vamecq, Joseph; El Kebbaj, M'Hammed Saïd; Latruffe, Norbert; Lizard, Gérard; Nasser, Boubker; Cherkaoui-Malki, Mustapha


    Opuntia ficus-indica, commonly referred to as prickly pear or nopal cactus, is a dicotyledonous angiosperm plant. It belongs to the Cactaceae family and is characterized by its remarkable adaptation to arid and semi-arid climates in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. In the last decade, compelling evidence for the nutritional and health benefit potential of this cactus has been provided by academic scientists and private companies. Notably, its rich composition in polyphenols, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and amino acids has been highlighted through the use of a large panel of extraction methods. The identified natural cactus compounds and derivatives were shown to be endowed with biologically relevant activities including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antimicrobial and neuroprotective properties. The present review is aimed at stressing the major classes of cactus components and their medical interest through emphasis on some of their biological effects, particularly those having the most promising expected health benefit and therapeutic impacts.

  6. Nopal Cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica as a Source of Bioactive Compounds for Nutrition, Health and Disease

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    Karym El-Mostafa


    Full Text Available Opuntia ficus-indica, commonly referred to as prickly pear or nopal cactus, is a dicotyledonous angiosperm plant. It belongs to the Cactaceae family and is characterized by its remarkable adaptation to arid and semi-arid climates in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. In the last decade, compelling evidence for the nutritional and health benefit potential of this cactus has been provided by academic scientists and private companies. Notably, its rich composition in polyphenols, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and amino acids has been highlighted through the use of a large panel of extraction methods. The identified natural cactus compounds and derivatives were shown to be endowed with biologically relevant activities including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antimicrobial and neuroprotective properties. The present review is aimed at stressing the major classes of cactus components and their medical interest through emphasis on some of their biological effects, particularly those having the most promising expected health benefit and therapeutic impacts.

  7. Opuntia ficus indica peel derived pectin mediated hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: Synthesis, spectral characterization, biological and antimicrobial activities (United States)

    Gopi, D.; Kanimozhi, K.; Kavitha, L.


    In the present study, we have adapted a facile and efficient green route for the synthesis of HAP nanoparticles using pectin as a template which was extracted from the peel of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus indica) fruits. The concentration of pectin plays a major role in the behavior of crystallinity, purity, morphology as well as biological property of the as-synthesized HAP nanoparticles. The extracted pectin and the as-synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by various analytical techniques. The in vitro apatite formation on the surface of the as-synthesized nanoparticles in simulated body fluid (SBF) for various days showed an enhanced bioactivity. Also, the antimicrobial activity was investigated using various microorganisms. All the results revealed the formation of pure, low crystalline and discrete granular like HAP nanoparticles of size around 25 nm with enhanced biological and antimicrobial activities. Hence the as-synthesized nanoparticles can act as a better bone regenerating material in the field of biomedicine.

  8. Opuntia ficus indica peel derived pectin mediated hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: synthesis, spectral characterization, biological and antimicrobial activities. (United States)

    Gopi, D; Kanimozhi, K; Kavitha, L


    In the present study, we have adapted a facile and efficient green route for the synthesis of HAP nanoparticles using pectin as a template which was extracted from the peel of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus indica) fruits. The concentration of pectin plays a major role in the behavior of crystallinity, purity, morphology as well as biological property of the as-synthesized HAP nanoparticles. The extracted pectin and the as-synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by various analytical techniques. The in vitro apatite formation on the surface of the as-synthesized nanoparticles in simulated body fluid (SBF) for various days showed an enhanced bioactivity. Also, the antimicrobial activity was investigated using various microorganisms. All the results revealed the formation of pure, low crystalline and discrete granular like HAP nanoparticles of size around 25 nm with enhanced biological and antimicrobial activities. Hence the as-synthesized nanoparticles can act as a better bone regenerating material in the field of biomedicine. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Las catástrofes naturales y el desarrollo urbano: el aluvión de 1713 y su repercusión en Las Palmas

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    Pedro C. Quintana Andrés


    Full Text Available Las Palmas fue una ciudad sacudida periódicamente por una serie de catástrofes naturales quc generaron gran incertidumbre, elevados gastos económicos e, incluso, muertes en el seno de una sustancial parte de su población. La mayoría de estos episodios estuvieron relacionados con las reiteradas avenidas del barranco Guiniguada, cuyo cauce dividía a la urbe en dos partes, siendo la registrada en 1713 una de las principales por la dimensión del desastre y la demostración de la proverbial incapacidad de las autoridades para afrontar el problema, el cual no tuvo una solución parcial hasta los inicios del siglo XIX.Las Palmas was a city periodically shaken by a series  of natural catastrophes that generated great uncertainty, high economical expenses and deads in the bossom of a great part of popuiation. Most of these episodes were related with the repeated flood of the Guiniguada ravine, which riverbanks divided the city in two parts and being that recorded in 1713 one of the most important due to the dimensions of the disaster and demonstration of the proverbial incompetence of the authorities to face the problem, which did not have a partial solution until the beginning of XIX century.

  10. Antinociceptive and free radical scavenging activities of Cocos nucifera L. (Palmae) husk fiber aqueous extract. (United States)

    Alviano, Daniela S; Rodrigues, Karen F; Leitão, Suzana G; Rodrigues, Marcio L; Matheus, Maria Eline; Fernandes, Patrícia D; Antoniolli, Angelo R; Alviano, Celuta S


    In the current study, the analgesic and free radical scavenging properties of an aqueous extract from the husk fiber of Cocos nucifera L. (Palmae) were demonstrated by the use of in vivo and in vitro models. The orally administered Cocos nucifera aqueous extract (200 or 400 mg/kg) inhibited the acetic acid-induced writhing response in mice. Tail flick and hot plate assays demonstrated that treatment of animals with this plant extract at 200 mg/kg induced attenuation in the response to a heat stimulus. A LD(50) of 2.30 g/kg was obtained in acute toxicity tests. Topic treatment of rabbits with the Cocos nucifera extract indicated that it does not induce any significant dermic or ocular irritation. In vitro experiments using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) photometric assay demonstrated that this plant extract also possesses free radical scavenging properties.

  11. Impact of cooking process on nutritional composition and antioxidants of cactus cladodes (Opuntia ficus-indica). (United States)

    De Santiago, Elsy; Domínguez-Fernández, Maite; Cid, Concepción; De Peña, María-Paz


    The impact of cooking methods (boiling, microwaving, griddling and frying in olive and soybean oils) on nutritional composition (protein, minerals, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, fatty acid profile and energy), antioxidant capacity and (poly)phenolic compounds of cactus cladodes (Opuntia ficus-indica) was evaluated. Culinary processes, except boiling, increased soluble and insoluble fibre up to 5.0g/100g becoming a good fibre source. Cactus cladodes fried in olive oil showed a healthier fatty acid profile and lower ω-6/ω-3 ratio than in soybean oil. Flavonoids accounted for 80% of total (poly)phenolic compounds, being isorhamnetin the most abundant. Heat treatment, particularly griddling and microwaving, increased every flavonoid and phenolic acid up to 3.2-fold higher than in raw samples, and consequently their antioxidant capacity. Even boiling induced losses in total (poly)phenols and antioxidant capacity by leaching into water, the main compounds were maintained. Principal Component Analysis distributed heat treated cactus cladodes according to their distinctive polyphenols and antioxidant capacity. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Iodine application increased ascorbic acid content and modified the vascular tissue in opuntia ficus-indica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osuna, H.T.G.; Morales, R.; Rubio, E.M.; Mendoza, A.B.; Ruvalcaba, R.M


    The objective of this study was to discern the effect of applying both iodide and iodate to Opuntia ficus indica irrigation. The effect of iodate (KIO/sub 3/, 10-4 M) and iodide (KI, 10-4 M) on plant growth, yield and morphology was studied. Experiments were carried in three samples under tunnel conditions. In the last sampling, iodine species (KIO/sub 3/, KI) caused a negative effect in biomass. The amount of ascorbic acid, however, was increased over 51% in both iodine treatments. Phosphorus (0.26%), iron (50 ppm), and magnesium (1402 ppm) increases were also observed with iodate treatment in the first sampling, and increases in potassium (46.8 ppm) were apparent in the second. Iodide treatment increased the amounts of copper (1.02 ppm) and manganese (32.80 ppm) in the first sampling. Iodate treatment modified the number of xylem vessels and increased both the mucilage area and amount of druses. In general this study shows that iodate increases the amount of ascorbic acid and the morphology of the vascular tissue. (author)

  13. Visita ??ntima na unidade prisional feminina de regime fechado e provis??rio de Palmas/TO: sentidos e significados analisados sob o enfoque fenomenol??gico


    Paro, Marcelo Laurito


    Relat??rio t??cnico de pesquisa aplicada que teve por objetivo analisar o fen??meno da visita ??ntima na Unidade Prisional Feminina de Palmas/TO, sob a perspectiva das pr??prias mulheres encarceradas. O m??todo fenomenol??gico utilizado mostrou-se o mais adequado aos objetivos propostos de desvelar e revelar os sentidos e significados atribu??dos pelas presidi??rias ?? visita. A coleta de dados deu-se por question??rio semiestruturado e entrevista aberta com uso de pergunta dis...

  14. Efeito de enzimas hidrolíticas no comportamento reológico do óleo de palma cru

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    FREITAS Suely P.


    Full Text Available No processamento tradicional de extração de óleo de palma, uma quantidade substancial do produto é perdida na fibra - durante a etapa de prensagem do fruto - e na borra - durante a etapa de clarificação do óleo cru. A viscosidade deste constitui a principal dificuldade de separação do óleo dos demais componentes da mistura. A eficiência de recuperação do óleo é usualmente melhorada por adição de água, no tanque de clarificação. Neste trabalho avaliou-se os efeitos da diluição e do tratamento enzimático no comportamento reológico do óleo de palma cru. Estes dados são importantes para estimar a velocidade de separação do óleo nos tanques de clarificação e/ou nos decanters das usinas comerciais. O óleo cru utilizado neste estudo foi recolhido em uma unidade comercial sendo composto de 65% de água, 30% de óleo e 5% de sólidos. A hidrólise enzimática foi conduzida usando como agentes hidrolisantes uma enzima comercial (viscozyme da Novo Nordisk e um preparado enzimático produzido no CTAA. Pode-se constatar que quanto mais diluída a amostra maior é a redução na viscosidade após a hidrólise enzimática. Para uma taxa de deformação fixa em 6s-1, o tratamento enzimático do óleo cru a 60°C reduziu a viscosidade do mesmo em cerca de 29% enquanto a adição de 20% de água em cerca de 35%. A combinação da diluição com 20% de água seguida de tratamento enzimático reduziu a viscosidade do óleo cru em cerca de 75%.

  15. Alterações oxidativas em óleos de algodão, girassol e palma utilizados em frituras de mandioca palito congelada

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações oxidativas produzidas nos óleos de algodão, girassol e palma, durante o processo de fritura descontínua de mandioca palito congelada. As frituras foram conduzidas em uma fritadeira elétrica doméstica, onde o óleo foi aquecido, à temperatura de 180°C, por 25 horas, com reposição de óleo fresco. Os resultados obtidos das determinações analíticas foram submetidos às análises de variância, em esquema fatorial, no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, de modo a determinar a influência dos fatores óleos e tempos de fritura sobre as alterações nos óleos e no produto. Os resultados mostraram que as menores alterações ocorreram para o óleo de palma, mais saturado. Para os óleos de algodão e girassol, mais insaturados, verificou-se que ao longo dos tempos de frituras ocorreu um aumento da formação dos compostos de degradação e diminuiu a estabilidade oxidativa. Apesar das diferenças na composição em ácidos graxos, os óleos estudados não apresentaram, em nenhuma análise, valores acima dos limites recomendados, independentemente do tempo de aquecimento. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Óleos vegetais; alterações oxidativas; estabilidade oxidativa; frituras.

  16. Micromorphology of cactus-pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill) cladodes based on scanning microscopies. (United States)

    Ben Salem-Fnayou, Asma; Zemni, Hassène; Nefzaoui, Ali; Ghorbel, Abdelwahed


    Cladode ultrastructural features of two prickly and two spineless Opuntia ficus-indica cultivars were examined using environmental scanning electron and atomic force microscopies. Observations focused on cladode as well as spine and glochid surface micromorphologies. Prickly cultivars were characterized by abundant cracked epicuticular wax deposits covering the cladode surface, with an amorphous structure as observed by AFM, while less abundant waxy plates were observed by ESEM on spineless cultivar cladodes. Further AFM observations allowed a rough granular and crystalloid epicuticular wax structure to be distinguished in spineless cultivars. Regarding spine micromorphology, prickly cultivars had strong persistent spines, observed by ESEM as a compact arrangement of oblong epidermal cells with a rough granular structure. However, deciduous spines in spineless cultivars had a broken transversely fissured epidermis covering a parallel arrangement of fibres. Through AFM, the deciduous spine surface presented an irregular hilly and smooth microrelief while persistent spines exhibited rough helical filamentous prints. ESEM and AFM studies of cladode surfaces from prickly and spineless cactus pear cultivars revealed valuable micro-morphological details that ought to be extended to a large number of O. ficus-indica cultivars. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. ostulaciones políticas en la novela colombiana La casa de las dos palmas, del escritor Manuel Mejía Vallejo


    Sandoval, Liliana Andrea; Sierra, Claudia Marcela


    Este artículo está basado en la investigación titulada “Postulaciones políticas en la novela colombiana del siglo XX” de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Bucaramanga, 2009, que consta de tres apartados: la triple mimesis de Ricoeur en Tiempo y narración, análisis del entorno del autor y difusión de su obra en los ambientes escolares.La novela La casa de las dos palmas de Manuel Mejía hace un recuento de la realidad sociopolítica del momento, el machismo marcado y el sometimiento d...

  18. Estimación de la huella de carbono en una planta extractora de aceite de palma en Colombia: estudio de caso


    Moreno García, José Edwin


    El presente trabajo de grado presenta una estimación de la Huella de Carbono que la empresa Guaicaramo S.A. generó durante el año de estudio. La metodología aplicada permitió determinar la actividad del proceso de extracción de aceite de palma que contribuye en mayor proporción al incremento de este indicador. Los resultados obtenidos pueden ser utilizados como una línea base para para el control de emisiones por parte de la empresa. Se estimó la emisión de los gases dióxido de carbono, metan...


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    Carlos Santiago Martín Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe los nexos o relaciones existentes entre tres aspectos de gran actualidad: el desarrollo inmobiliario-turístico, la ordenación del territorio y las estrategias políticas. Para ello, estudiamos un caso emblemático en Canarias: el proceso de construcción del Resort Cerca Vieja en Fuencaliente, isla de La Palma.

  20. Potential of Opuntia ficus-indica for air pollution biomonitoring: a lead isotopic study. (United States)

    El Hayek, Eliane; El Samrani, Antoine; Lartiges, Bruno; Kazpard, Veronique; Benoit, Mathieu; Munoz, Marguerite


    Opuntia ficus-indica (Ofi) is a long-domesticated cactus that is widespread throughout arid and semiarid regions. Ofi is grown for both its fruits and edible cladodes, which are flattened photosynthetic stems. Young cladodes develop from mother cladodes, thus forming series of cladodes of different ages. Therefore, successive cladodes may hold some potential for biomonitoring over several years the local atmospheric pollution. In this study, cladodes, roots, dust deposited onto the cladodes, and soil samples were collected in the vicinity of three heavily polluted sites, i.e., a fertilizer industry, the road side of a highway, and mine tailings. The lead content was analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) was used to characterize the cladode surfaces and the nature of dust deposit, and the lead isotopes were analyzed to identify the origin of Pb. The results show that (i) Ofi readily bioaccumulates Pb, (ii) the lead isotopic composition of cladodes evidences a foliar pathway of lead into Ofi and identifies the relative contributions of local Pb sources, and (iii) an evolution of air quality is recorded with successive cladodes, which makes Ofi a potential biomonitor to be used in environmental and health studies.

  1. Aplicação de espectroscopia no infravermelho médio e calibração multivariada para quantificação de adulterantes e teor em biodiesel de óleo de palma com óleo de soja, soja residual e diesel


    Teles, Edvando Souza


    No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidas e validadas metodologias baseadas no uso da Espectroscopia no Infravermelho Médio (MIR) aliada à calibração multivariada por Quadrados Mínimos Parciais (PLS) para a quantificação de adulterantes como óleo de soja e óleo de soja residual nos biodieseis metílicos e etílicos de palma na faixa de concentração de 0,25 a 30,00 (%), bem como determinação de teor de biodiesel metílico e etílico de palma em suas misturas binárias com diesel na faixa de concentr...

  2. The study of genetic diversity of Daemonorops draco (Palmae using ISSR markers

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    Full Text Available Asra R, Syamsuardi, Mansyurdin, Witono JR. 2014. The study of genetic diversity of Daemonorops draco (Palmae using ISSR markers. Biodiversitas 15: 109-114. The genetic diversity in five populations of Daemonorops draco(Willd. Blume (Jernang: in Bahasa Indonesia was analyzed using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR markers. The screening results from using 15 ISSR primers showed that only 5 of ISSR primers had clear and reproducible bands. Based on the data from the matrix binary analyzed using POPGENE version 3.2, the highest genetic diversity was found in the Sepintun population at 0.0969 average heterozygosis (H and 0.146 average Shannon Index (I. The heterozygosis calculation of the total population (HT was 0.2571. The heterozygosis value within a population (HS=0.0704 was smaller than that between populations (DST=0.1867. Using the clustering analysis program Past version 32 on 43 individuals of D. draco, we found that there were three groups of D. draco. Group A consisted of 8 individuals in the Bengayoan population, group B consisted of 9 units in the Nunusan population and group C consisted of three populations; Tebo, Sepintun and Mandiangin consisted of 10, 8 and 8 individuals. The genetic similarity varied among all populations withthe values between 0.07-0.93.

  3. La cerámica romana de paredes finas del Santuario de So n'Oms, Palma de Mallorca. Nuevas producciones de Mallorca e Ibiza

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    López Mullor, Alberto


    Full Text Available Inside the talayotic complex known as So n'Oms, in the municipal area of Palma (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, there is a sanctuary excavated in the sixties which produced an ample series of thin walled pottery that were dedicated as offerings to the gods. All the material found can be dated between 20-10 a.C.-. and 50 d.C. It is so well preserved that it has been possible to recognise and determine decoration and paste and, therefore, to reach to the conclusion that most of them belongs to production centers situated in Mallorca and Ibiza (from this last almost the 70%. There are, also, italic and betican productions.Dentro del conjunto talayótico conocido como So n'Oms, situado en el término municipal de Palma (Mallorca, islas Baleares, existe un santuario excavado en la década de los sesenta, que proporcionó un extenso lote de cerámica de paredes finas, depositadas allí como ofrenda. Los materiales pueden situarse entre los años 20/10 a.C. y 50 de nuestra era. Destaca su buen estado de conservación, que ha permitido un reconocimiento minucioso de pastas y decoraciones, habiéndose podido atribuir una gran parte de las piezas a centros productores de Mallorca y sobre todo —más del 70 %— de Ibiza. También se han localizado vasos héticos e itálicos.

  4. Biology, Flowering and Fruiting of the Cactus Opuntia spp.: A Review and Some Observations on Three Varieties in Morocco

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    Mohamed Arba


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The cactus is a succulent plant resistant to droughts. According to the recently reviewed classification, cacti belong to the family of Opuntiaceae Desv. (synon. Cactaceae Juss. with Opuntia Mill. as the typical genus. This genus is economically the most important in the family, as it includes a group of cactus pear plants which play an important role in the agricultural systems of arid and semi-arid regions. Flowering of the cactus pear fruit is an important determinant of the fruit harvesting period. The goal of this paper is to present the physiology of the cactus pear and to explain in detail the biology of its flowering and fruiting processes. This study is also enriched by our observations on the flowering and fruiting of three varieties of cactus pear that we followed for two successive years in southern Morocco.

  5. Spatial and temporal distribution of fish in Palmas bay, Ubatuba, Brazil

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    Maria Luiza Chisté Flaquer da Rocha


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to analyze the distribution and abundance of the fish fauna of Palmas bay on Anchieta Island in southeastern Brazil. Specimens were caught in the summer and winter of 1992, using an otter trawl at three locations in the bay. The specimens were caught in both the nighttime and daytime. Data on the water temperature and salinity were recorded for the characterization of the predominant water mass in the region, and sediment samples were taken for granulometric analysis. A total of 7 656 specimens (79 species, with a total weight of approximately 300 kg, were recorded. The most abundant species were Eucinostomus argenteus, Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus, Haemulon steindachneri, Eucinostomus gula and Diapterus rhombeus, which together accounted for more than 73% of the sample. In general, the ecological indices showed no differences in the composition of species for the abiotic variables analyzed. The multivariate analysis showed that the variations in the distribution of the fish fauna were mainly associated with intra-annual differences in temperature and salinity, resulting from the presence of South Atlantic Central Water (SACW in the area during the summer. The analysis also showed an association with the type of bottom and a lesser association with respect to the night/day periods.Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a composição e a abundância da fauna de peixes provenientes da enseada Palmas em Ubatuba, costa sudeste do Brasil. Os espécimes foram obtidos no verão e no inverno de 1992, utilizando-se uma rede de arrasto de fundo em três locais da enseada. Os arrastos foram realizados no período noturno e no período diurno. Foram obtidos dados de temperatura e salinidade da água para caracterização da massa de água predominante na região e amostras do sedimento para análise granulométrica. Foram capturadas 79 espécies de Actinopterygii, representadas por 7 656 indivíduos com peso total aproximado de

  6. Avaliação dos benefícios da coleta de lixo em Palmas, Tocantins: uma aplicação do método de avaliação contingente Evaluation of the garbage collection benefits in Palmas, Tocantins: an application of contingent evaluation method

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    Wilians dos Santos Silva


    Full Text Available O acesso aos serviços de saneamento ambiental, em especial, a coleta e a disposição final dos resíduos sólidos, é fundamental para a saúde pública e a preservação do meio ambiente, pois com a redução da má disposição do lixo, ocorre uma diminuição das endemias e da contaminação do solo. O investimento em saneamento ambiental é um dos grandes desafios para os gestores públicos, devido a sua ampla relação entre meio ambiente, saúde pública e desenvolvimento local. O presente trabalho visou estimar a máxima disposição a pagar pelo serviço de coleta de lixo para o município de Palmas, em Tocantins, por meio do método de avaliação contingente. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os principais fatores determinantes da disposição a pagar são: o nível de renda e a escolaridade.The access to environmental sanitation services, especially the collection and final disposition of solid residues, is fundamental for the public health and environment preservation, because by reducing the bad garbage disposition, there is a decrease of the endemic diseases and soil contamination. The investment in environmental sanitation is one of the great challenges for public managers, due to its wide relationship among the environment, public health, and local development. The present work sought to esteem the willingness to pay for the garbage collection service for the municipal district of Palmas, in Tocantins, through the contingent evaluation method. The obtained results indicate that the main decisive factors of the willingness to pay are: the level of income and the education.

  7. Las catástrofes naturales y el desarrollo urbano : el aluvión de 1713 y su repercusión en Las Palmas


    Quintana Andrés, Pedro C.


    Las Palmas fue una ciudad sacudida periódicamente por una serie de catástrofes naturales quc generaron gran incertidumbre, elevados gastos económicos e, incluso, muertes en el seno de una sustancial parte de su población. La mayoría de estos episodios estuvieron relacionados con las reiteradas avenidas del barranco Guiniguada, cuyo cauce dividía a la urbe en dos partes, siendo la registrada en 1713 una de las principales por la dimensión del desastre y la demostración de la proverbial incapac...

  8. Modelos de localización de áreas potenciales para el cultivo de palma aceitera sostenible en el ámbito Amazónico


    Glave, Manuel; Vergara, Karla


    Manuel Glave y Karla Vergara abordan el tema de la localización de áreas potenciales para el cultivo sostenible de palma aceitera en la Amazonía peruana, y proponen una metodología que permite combinar las áreas con aptitud agroecológica (características climáticas, físicas y accesibilidad que aseguren la rentabilidad del cultivo) con aquellas donde se respeten criterios ambientales, legales y sociales, definidos en base a estándares internacionales. Combinando la información espacial oficial...

  9. Implementació del programari lliure al web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales

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    Ordóñez Nievas, Ramón


    Full Text Available Es descriu el projecte de disseny i implementació del web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales per mitjà d'un sistema de gestió de continguts open source que permeti integrar les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació, obtenir un major grau d'accessibilitat i usabilitat i un disseny visual més amigable, acord amb les noves tendències web. S'incorporen les noves eines web 2.0 per aconseguir una major participació dels usuaris en l'elaboració dels continguts i millorar així els serveis oferts. Finalment, es destaca en aquest procés la utilització d'eines, extensions i altres aplicacions de programari lliure en totes les etapes del seu desenvolupament.Se describe el proyecto de diseño e implementación de la página web de la Biblioteca Pública de Can Sales a través de un sistema de gestión de contenidos open source que permita integrar las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación, obtener un mayor grado de accesibilidad y usabilidad y un diseño visual más amigable acorde con las nuevas tendencias web. Se incorporan las nuevas herramientas web 2.0 para conseguir una mayor participación de los usuarios en la elaboración de los contenidos y mejorar así los servicios ofrecidos. Finalmente se destaca en este proceso la utilización de herramientas, extensiones y demás aplicaciones de software libre en todas las etapas de su desarrollo.This paper reports on the design and development of the website of Can Sales, the public library in Palma, Majorca whose open source contents management system has made it possible to integrate the new ITs, improve site accessibility and usability and make the website’s visual experience more user friendly. The website has incorporated new Web 2.0 tools to improve its services and allow users to participate more actively in the design and development of the contents. Finally, the paper also focuses on the importance, at all stages of the project, of the tools

  10. Lo Studio d’Arte Palma: Storia di un’impresa per il commercio artistico nell’Italia del dopoguerra

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    Viviana Pozzoli


    Full Text Available Inaugurato a Roma nel maggio 1944, a poche settimane dalla Liberazione, lo Studio d’Arte Palma ha costituito un inedito esperimento di organizzazione artistica capace di coniugare attività espositive, mercantili e di centro di restauro, nell’ottica congiunta di un’esigenza di valorizzazione del patrimonio e delle produzioni d’arte italiane e della proposta di un nuovo gusto, espressione dei valori del mondo contemporaneo. Questo contributo intende, per la prima volta, tracciarne il profilo, mettendo in luce la specificità dell’iniziativa nel coevo panorama delle gallerie d’arte. A partire dall’analisi delle fonti d’archivio, si precisano la storia, la progettualità e la programmazione della “Palma”, a cui collaborarono, raccolte attorno alla figura del suo fondatore, Pietro Maria Bardi, alcune tra le personalità di maggiore rilievo del sistema delle arti del tempo.

  11. Nutritive value and chemical composition of prickly pear seeds (Opuntia ficus indica L.) growing in Turkey. (United States)

    Özcan, Mehmet Musa; Al Juhaimi, Fahad Y


    The proximate composition and physico-chemical properties (moisture, crude lipid, crude protein, ash, and crude fiber, peroxide value, saponification value, acidity, relative density and refractive index) of prickly pear seed and corresponding oil were determined. The mineral contents (Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Mn and Zn) of samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Minerals determined were: calcium 471.2 mg/kg, potassium 532.7 mg/kg, magnesium 117.3 mg/kg, phosphorus 1,627.5 mg/kg and natrium 71.3 mg/kg. The fatty acid profiles of seed oil from the Opuntia ficus indica were analyzed by gas chromatography. Linoleic acid was established as the major fatty acid (61.01%), followed by oleic (25.52%) and palmitic (12.23%) acids. Both myristic, stearic and arachidonic acids were detected in O. ficus indica seed oil in low amounts. As a result, O. ficus indica seeds are an important source of natural fiber and, given its high linoleic acid content, its oil can be used as a nutraceutic agent.

  12. Desplazamientos de la iguana verde, Iguana iguana (Squamata: Iguanidae) durante la estación seca en La Palma, Veracruz, México


    Morales-Mávil, Jorge E; Vogt, Richard C; Gadsden-Esparza, Héctor


    Usamos radiotransmisores para determinar los desplazamientos de la iguana verde (Iguana iguana) en el periodo de anidación (febrero-julio) en La Palma, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México (18°33’ N, 95°03’ W). Las iguanas fueron radiolocalizadas entre 23 y 30 ocasiones, principalmente en árboles (56 % entre 3-9 m); sólo 4 % fueron localizadas en el suelo. El tamaño del ámbito hogareño de machos y de hembras fue similar (9 158.06±3 025.3 m² vs. 6 591.24±4 001.1 m², respectivamente; t= 0.51, p>0.05)....

  13. Hypocholesterolemic Effect and In Vitro Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitory Activity of an Opuntia ficus-indica Extract. (United States)

    Padilla-Camberos, Eduardo; Flores-Fernandez, Jose Miguel; Fernandez-Flores, Ofelia; Gutierrez-Mercado, Yanet; Carmona-de la Luz, Joel; Sandoval-Salas, Fabiola; Mendez-Carreto, Carlos; Allen, Kirk


    Cholesterol control is fundamental for prevention of cardiovascular disorders. In this work, the hypocholesterolemic activity of an aqueous Opuntia ficus-indica extract (AOE) was tested in triton-induced mice. The inhibitory activity on pancreatic lipase enzyme was evaluated in vitro by the same extract. Furthermore, polyphenol content of the extract was evaluated. Hypercholesterolemia was induced in three groups of mice by intraperitoneal administration of Triton WR-1339. After induction of hypercholesterolemia, the groups were treated with an AOE (500 mg/kg) and saline solution and the positive control group with orlistat, respectively. Cholesterol levels were measured 24 h later in peripheral blood. The levels of blood cholesterol after administration of AOE significantly decreased compared to negative control. The inhibitory activity of AOE on pancreatic lipase enzyme was evaluated at concentrations from 60 to 1000 μg/mL. The AOE inhibited the pancreatic lipase with an IC50 = 588.5 μg/mL. The AOE had a high content of polyphenolic compounds. These results show that AOE is able to prevent hypercholesterolemia by pancreatic lipase inhibition, in part due to its polyphenolic compounds.

  14. Hypocholesterolemic Effect and In Vitro Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitory Activity of an Opuntia ficus-indica Extract

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    Eduardo Padilla-Camberos


    Full Text Available Cholesterol control is fundamental for prevention of cardiovascular disorders. In this work, the hypocholesterolemic activity of an aqueous Opuntia ficus-indica extract (AOE was tested in triton-induced mice. The inhibitory activity on pancreatic lipase enzyme was evaluated in vitro by the same extract. Furthermore, polyphenol content of the extract was evaluated. Hypercholesterolemia was induced in three groups of mice by intraperitoneal administration of Triton WR-1339. After induction of hypercholesterolemia, the groups were treated with an AOE (500 mg/kg and saline solution and the positive control group with orlistat, respectively. Cholesterol levels were measured 24 h later in peripheral blood. The levels of blood cholesterol after administration of AOE significantly decreased compared to negative control. The inhibitory activity of AOE on pancreatic lipase enzyme was evaluated at concentrations from 60 to 1000 μg/mL. The AOE inhibited the pancreatic lipase with an IC50 = 588.5 μg/mL. The AOE had a high content of polyphenolic compounds. These results show that AOE is able to prevent hypercholesterolemia by pancreatic lipase inhibition, in part due to its polyphenolic compounds.

  15. Lead bioaccumulation in Opuntia ficus-indica following foliar or root exposure to lead-bearing apatite. (United States)

    El Hayek, Eliane; El Samrani, Antoine; Lartiges, Bruno; Kazpard, Veronique; Aigouy, Thierry


    The contamination of edible leafy vegetables by atmospheric heavy metal-bearing particles is a major issue in environmental toxicology. In this study, the uptake of lead by cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (Ofi), traditionally used in Mexican cuisine and in livestock fodder, is investigated after a 4-months exposure of either cladodes or roots to synthetic Pb-fluorapatite particles. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) for the quantitative analysis of Pb levels, Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) for the examination of the cladode surface and fate of particles, and Micro-X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) measurements for elemental mapping of Pb in cladodes, were used. The results evidence that foliar contamination may be a major pathway for the transfer of Pb within Ofi cladodes. The stomata, areoles, and cuticle of cladode surface, play an obvious role in the retention and the incorporation of lead-bearing apatite, thus revealing the hazard of eating contaminated cladodes. The possibility of using series of successive cladodes for biomonitoring the atmospheric pollution in arid and semi-arid regions is also rapidly discussed. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Topical Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Isorhamnetin Glycosides Isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica

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    Marilena Antunes-Ricardo


    Full Text Available Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI has been widely used in Mexico as a food and for the treatment of different health disorders such as inflammation and skin aging. Its biological properties have been attributed to different phytochemicals such as the isorhamnetin glycosides which are the most abundant flavonoids. Moreover, these compounds are considered a chemotaxonomic characteristic of OFI species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of OFI extract and its isorhamnetin glycosides on different inflammatory markers in vitro and in vivo. OFI extract was obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of OFI cladodes powder and pure compounds were obtained by preparative chromatography. Nitric oxide (NO, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2, tumor necrosis factor- (TNF- α, and interleukin- (IL- 6 production were measured. NO production was tested in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells while in vivo studies were carried on croton oil-induced ear edema model. OFI extract and diglycoside isorhamnetin-glucosyl-rhamnoside (IGR at 125 ng/mL suppressed the NO production in vitro (73.5 ± 4.8% and 68.7±5.0%, resp. without affecting cell viability. Likewise, IGR inhibited the ear edema (77.4±5.7% equating the indomethacin effects (69.5±5.3%. Both IGR and OFI extract significantly inhibited the COX-2, TNF-α, and IL-6 production. IGR seems to be a suitable natural compound for development of new anti-inflammatory ingredient.

  17. Topical anti-inflammatory effects of isorhamnetin glycosides isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica. (United States)

    Antunes-Ricardo, Marilena; Gutiérrez-Uribe, Janet A; Martínez-Vitela, Carlos; Serna-Saldívar, Sergio O


    Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) has been widely used in Mexico as a food and for the treatment of different health disorders such as inflammation and skin aging. Its biological properties have been attributed to different phytochemicals such as the isorhamnetin glycosides which are the most abundant flavonoids. Moreover, these compounds are considered a chemotaxonomic characteristic of OFI species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of OFI extract and its isorhamnetin glycosides on different inflammatory markers in vitro and in vivo. OFI extract was obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of OFI cladodes powder and pure compounds were obtained by preparative chromatography. Nitric oxide (NO), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) α, and interleukin- (IL-) 6 production were measured. NO production was tested in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells while in vivo studies were carried on croton oil-induced ear edema model. OFI extract and diglycoside isorhamnetin-glucosyl-rhamnoside (IGR) at 125 ng/mL suppressed the NO production in vitro (73.5 ± 4.8% and 68.7 ± 5.0%, resp.) without affecting cell viability. Likewise, IGR inhibited the ear edema (77.4 ± 5.7%) equating the indomethacin effects (69.5 ± 5.3%). Both IGR and OFI extract significantly inhibited the COX-2, TNF-α, and IL-6 production. IGR seems to be a suitable natural compound for development of new anti-inflammatory ingredient.

  18. Application of Opuntia ficus-indica in bioremediation of wastewaters. A critical review. (United States)

    Nharingo, Tichaona; Moyo, Mambo


    Heavy metal ion, pesticide and dye wastewaters cause severe ecological contamination with conventional treatment methods proving inadequate, unsuccessful or expensive to apply. Several biomaterials have recently been explored for the biosorption and biocoagulation-flocculation of pollutants from wastewaters. In the past 10 years, there has been an extensive research output on the use of biological materials such as agricultural wastes, chitosan, Moringa Oleifera, Eichhornia crassipes, bacteria, algae, Cactus plants etc. in environmental remediation. The present paper reviews the scattered information about the green technology involving Opuntia ficus-indica derived biomaterials in wastewater decontamination. Its characterization, physicochemical compositions, its application in biosorption and flocculation of dyes, pesticides and metallic species focussing on equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamic properties are reviewed. The main results obtained in the depollution of a variety of contaminated wastewaters using cladodes, fruit pulp and peels mucilage and electrolytes show very high and promising pollutant maximum sorption capacities and removal percentages in the range -125.4-1000 mg/g and 0.31-2251.56 mg/g for the biosorption of dyes and metallic species respectively and removal % ranges of 50-98.7%, 11-93.62% and 17-100% for turbidity, chemical oxygen demand and heavy metals respectively by coagulation-flocculation process. The biomaterials proved to be efficient in pollutant removal that there is need to explore the scaling up of the study from the laboratory scale to community pilot plants and eventually to industrial levels. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. El abastecimiento de pescado fresco en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria a fines del siglo XVIII

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    Full Text Available En el transcurso del setecientos, particularmente en su segunda mitad, cruza sobre España, al igual que sobre el resto de Occidente, una polémica sobre las ventajas que reportaría la libertad de precio de los productos —su valor regulado por la ley de oferta y la demanda—, motor del desarrollo económico.No es ahora mi objeto detenerme en el análisis de la penetración de las doctrinas fisiocráticas y del librecambismo smithsoniano. Mi interés se reduce a cosa mucho más simple. Mostrar como también la polémica alcanzó a Canarias. Veremos la lucha que sostuvo la Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Las Palmas en pro de la abolición de la tasa del pescado fresco que consumía la población.

  20. [Importance of accurate assessment of capillary blood glucose level in diagnosis: misleading results in handlers of prickly pears (Opuntia ficus-indica)]. (United States)

    García Pantoja, José; Landróguez Salinas, Sergio; Barrero Luque, Susana; Pérez Pérez, José Antonio


    Hypoglycemia can cause symptoms of neuroglycopenia that can be easily confused with symptoms of greater clinical importance such as stroke. Appropriate differential diagnosis between these 2 processes will be essential for guiding the treatment approach. We report a case in which stroke was initially suspected because hypoglycemia was masked by the incorrect capillary blood glucose (CBG) measurement technique used in treating an itinerant vendor of prickly pears (Opuntia ficus-indica). We studied the effects of prickly pear handling on the CBG levels in 11 vendors before and after they handled the fruit. CBG levels were noticeably higher after the fruit was handled in all cases. Our observations reveal the need to measure both capillary and venous blood glucose levels to rule out hypoglycemia in patients with acute neurological symptoms.

  1. Phytochemicals, nutritionals and antioxidant properties of two prickly pear cactus cultivars (Opuntia ficus indica Mill.) growing in Taif, KSA. (United States)

    Abdel-Hameed, El-Sayed S; Nagaty, Mohamed A; Salman, Mahmood S; Bazaid, Salih A


    The antioxidant properties, some phytochemicals and nutritionals were characterized in two prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill.) cultivars; red and yellow; growing in Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The antioxidant properties of red cactus cultivar were higher than the yellow cactus cultivar. Linear correlation appeared between the antioxidant properties and total phenolics. All samples nearly have the same quantity of iron, copper, sodium and potassium. Some phenolic compounds were detected by HPLC-UV analysis. HPLC-RI analysis of all samples revealed the absence of sucrose and the presence of glucose and fructose. According to the above results, this study gave a good indication about the nutritional and pharmaceutical potential of the two cactus cultivars that must be widespread cultivated in arid and semiarid regions as KSA accompanying with establishment of industries beside the cactus farms that used all parts of plants. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Metabolite profiling of enzymatically hydrolyzed and fermented forms of Opuntia ficus-indica and their effect on UVB-induced skin photoaging. (United States)

    Cho, Dong-Woon; Kim, Dae-Eung; Lee, Dae-Hee; Jung, Kyung-Hoon; Hurh, Byung-Serk; Kwon, Oh Wook; Kim, Sun Yeou


    Fermentation of natural products is emerging as an important processing method and is attracting a lot of attention because it may have the advantage of having a new biological function. In this study, fruits of Opuntia ficus-indica were enzymatically hydrolyzed and then fermented with two species of yeast. We identified novel prominent markers in enzymatically hydrolyzed O. ficus-indica (EO) and fermented O. ficus-indica (FO) samples by using an ultra-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. We also evaluated the effect of EO and FO on photoaging of skin cells exposed to ultraviolet radiation. We identified the major fermented metabolite in the FO as ferulic acid. Our in vitro study indicated that FO significantly enhanced the concentration of pro-collagen type 1 than the EO, by increasing the TGF-β1 production.

  3. Desplazamientos de la iguana verde, Iguana iguana (Squamata: Iguanidae durante la estación seca en La Palma, Veracruz, México

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    Jorge E Morales-Mávil


    Full Text Available Usamos radiotransmisores para determinar los desplazamientos de la iguana verde (Iguana iguana en el periodo de anidación (febrero-julio en La Palma, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México (18°33’ N, 95°03’ W. Las iguanas fueron radiolocalizadas entre 23 y 30 ocasiones, principalmente en árboles (56 % entre 3-9 m; sólo 4 % fueron localizadas en el suelo. El tamaño del ámbito hogareño de machos y de hembras fue similar (9 158.06±3 025.3 m² vs. 6 591.24±4 001.1 m², respectivamente; t= 0.51, p>0.05. Se encontró una correlación significativa entre la LHC y el ámbito hogareño (r= 0.76, gl= 7, pDisplacements of the green iguana (Iguana iguana (Squamata: Iguanidae during the dry season in La Palma, Veracruz, Mexico. The green iguana (Iguana iguana is said to be primarily sedentary, although the females travel long distances to nest. Displacement patterns must be known to help predict the effects of environmental disturbance on iguanas’ survival. We studied nesting season (February-July movements in La Palma, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico (18°33’ N, 95°03’ W. Individual movements and activity were monitored by radio tracking. The transmitters were implanted surgically in eight adult iguanas (four males and four females. Snout vent length (SVL was used to determine the relationship between size of the body and size of home range. To estimate the size of home range, three or more points were used. Minimum convex polygons estimates of home range were calculated with McPAAL. The iguanas were radio-located between 23 and 30 occasions, mainly in trees (56 % between 3-9 m; only 4 % were localized under a height of 3 m (forest floor. The occupation area mean was larger for males (9 158.06±3 025.3m² vs. 6 591.24±4 001.1 m² although the differences were not significant (t= 0.51, p>0.05. SVL was correlated with home range (r= 0.76; gl= 7; p<0.05. Breeding males defended their home range vigorously against other adult males. We observed one

  4. Contribución al estudio de biología reproductiva de un especie de bactris (palmae en el bosque de Galería (depto. Beni, Bolivia

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    Full Text Available CONTRIBUTION A L’ETUDE DE BIOLOGIE REPRODUCTIVE D’UNE ESPECE DE BACTRIS (PALMAE DE FORET DE GALERIE (DPT. BENI, BOLIVIE. Cette étude présente les résultats d’observations préliminaires sur la biologie de reproduction de Bactris bidentula Spruce des forêts-galerie situées dans les savanes des plaines de Moxos (Espíritu, département du Beni, Bolivie. Les observations réalisées ont permis d’obtenir des données sur les caractères végétatifs, la phénologie, l’anthèse et les agents pollinisateurs possibles. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos de observaciones preliminares sobre la biología reproductiva de Bactris bidentula Spruce del bosque de galería en las sabanas de los llanos de Moxos (Espíritu, Depto. Beni, Bolivia. Las observaciones realizadas permitieron registrar datos vegetativos, fenológicos, antesis y posibles polinizadores. CONTRIBUTION TO REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF A BACTRIS SPECIES (PALMAE IN A GALLERY FOREST (DEPART. OF BENI, BOLIVIA. Here we present results of preliminary observations on the reproductive biology of Bactris bidentula Spruce of gallery forest of the savanna of Llanos de Moxos (Espíritu, Dept. Beni, Bolivia. The observations registered information about vegetative features, phenology, anthesis, and possible pollinators.

  5. Avaliação e melhoramento genético de trevo vermelho (Trifolium pratense L.) em duas regiões fisiográficas do Rio Grande do Sul


    Daniel Portella Montardo


    O trevo vermelho (Trifolium pratense L.) é uma leguminosa forrageira muito importante no Rio Grande do Sul, constituindo uma boa alternativa dentre as espécies forrageiras de inverno. Entretanto, como não existem cultivares desenvolvidas para as condições ambientais do Estado, a produção e, principalmente, a persistência dessas pastagens são comprometidas. Por isso o Departamento de Plantas Forrageiras e Agrometeorologia da UFRGS conduz um programa de melhoramento genético da espécie, buscand...

  6. Leishmanicidal activity of polyphenolic-rich extract from husk fiber of Cocos nucifera Linn. (Palmae). (United States)

    Mendonça-Filho, Ricardo R; Rodrigues, Igor A; Alviano, Daniela S; Santos, André L S; Soares, Rosangela M A; Alviano, Celuta S; Lopes, Angela H C S; Rosa, Maria do Socorro S


    The available therapy for leishmaniasis, which affects 2 million people per annum, still causes serious side effects. The polyphenolic-rich extract from the husk fiber of Cocos nucifera Linn. (Palmae) presents antibacterial and antiviral activities, also inhibiting lymphocyte proliferation, as shown by our group in previous works. In the present study, the in vitro leishmanicidal effects of C. nucifera on Leishmania amazonensis were evaluated. The minimal inhibitory concentration of the polyphenolic-rich extract from C. nucifera to completely abrogate parasite growth was 10 microg/ml. Pretreatment of peritoneal mouse macrophages with 10 microg/ml of C. nucifera polyphenolic-rich extract reduced approximately 44% the association index between these macrophages and L. amazonensis promastigotes, with a concomitant increase of 182% in nitric oxide production by the infected macrophage in comparison to nontreated macrophages. These results provide new perspectives on drug development against leishmaniasis, since the extract of C. nucifera at 10 microg/ml is a strikingly potent leishmanicidal substance which inhibited the growth of both promastigote and amastigote developmental stages of L. amazonensis after 60 min, presenting no in vivo allergenic reactions or in vitro cytotoxic effects in mammalian systems.

  7. Asynchronous ripening behavior of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) cultivars with respect to physicochemical and physiological attributes. (United States)

    Kyriacou, M C; Emmanouilidou, M G; Soteriou, G A


    Physicochemical and physiological ripening events in cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) fruit of cultivars 'Ntopia' and 'Hercules' were profiled against skin coloration from mature-green (S1) to over-mature (S5). Fructose and glucose accumulation were linear in 'Ntopia' but peaked near S3 in 'Hercules' synchronously to the appearance of sucrose. Betalains increased steadily in 'Ntopia' (103.2mg/l) but peaked before full skin coloration in 'Hercules' (49.7mg/l); whereas phenolic content remained invariable and ascorbate content peaked near S5 in both 'Ntopia' (108.6μg/g) and 'Hercules' (163.1μg/g). Cell wall material diminished with maturity though textural changes with ripening appeared not related to pectin solubilization but to weakening of glycan bonding and loss of neutral sugars. Fruit firmness rather was correlated to seed weight (r=0.89) and seed-to-pulp ratio (r=0.73). Cultivar differences highlighted in the chronology of ripening events are critical for defining optimum harvest maturity and postharvest handling protocols for premium quality cactus pear fruit. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Ovicidal and larvicidal activity of extracts of Opuntia ficus-indica against gastrointestinal nematodes of naturally infected sheep. (United States)

    Féboli, Aline; Laurentiz, Antonio C; Soares, Suelen C S; Augusto, Jeferson G; Anjos, Luciano A; Magalhães, Lizandra G; Filardi, Rosemeire S; Laurentiz, Rosangela S


    This study describes the in vitro anthelmintic activity of extracts from Opuntia ficus indica against gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep. The anthelmintic activity was evaluated by inhibition of egg hatching, larval development and larval migration assays. The residual aqueous fractions from cladodes and fruits showed higher ovicidal activity with EC50 values of 7.2mg/mL and 1.5mg/mL, respectively. The aqueous, hexane, and ethyl acetate fractions from fruits and the aqueous fraction from cladodes inhibited 100% of larval development at the lowest concentration tested (1.56mg/mL). The crude cladode and fruit ethanolic extracts inhibited larval migration and showed EC50 values of 0.74mg/mL and 0.27mg/mL, respectively. Phytochemical screening detected high concentrations of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, and saponins in the fruits and cladodes. The results demonstrated that O. ficus exhibits anthelmintic activity in vitro, suggesting that, beyond its nutritional potential, this plant can also be an ally for parasite control in sheep. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Chronology and volcanology of the 1949 multi-vent rift-zone eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands) (United States)

    Klügel, A.; Schmincke, H.-U.; White, J. D. L.; Hoernle, K. A.


    The compositionally zoned San Juan eruption on La Palma emanated from three eruptive centers located along a north-south-trending rift zone in the south of the island. Seismic precursors began weakly in 1936 and became strong in March 1949, with their foci progressing from the north of the rift zone towards its south. This suggests that magma ascended beneath the old Taburiente shield volcano and moved southward along the rift. The eruption began on June 24, 1949, with phreatomagmatic activity at Duraznero crater on the ridgetop (ca. 1880 m above sea level), where five vents erupted tephritic lava along a 400-m-long fissure. On June 8, the Duraznero vents shut down abruptly, and the activity shifted to an off-rift fissure at Llano del Banco, located at ca. 550 m lower elevation and 3 km to the northwest. This eruptive center issued initially tephritic aa and later basanitic pahoehoe lava at high rates, producing a lava flow that entered the sea. Two days after basanite began to erupt at Llano del Banco, Hoyo Negro crater (ca. 1880 m asl), located 700 m north of Duraznero along the rift, opened on July 12 and produced ash and bombs of basanitic to phonotephritic composition in violent phreatomagmatic explosions ( White and Schmincke, 1999). Llano del Banco and Hoyo Negro were simultaneously active for 11 days and showed a co-variance of their eruption rates indicating a shallow hydraulic connection. On July 30, after 3 days of quiescence at all vents, Duraznero and Hoyo Negro became active again during a final eruptive phase. Duraznero issued basanitic lava at high rates for 12 h and produced a lava flow that descended towards the east coast. The lava contains ca. 1 vol.% crustal and mantle xenoliths consisting of 40% tholeiitic gabbros from the oceanic crust, 35% alkaline gabbros, and 20% ultramafic cumulates. The occurrence of xenoliths almost exclusively in the final lava is consistent with their origin by wall-rock collapse at depth near the end of the eruption

  10. Tierra, palma africana y conflicto armado en el Bajo Atrato chocoano, Colombia. Una lectura desde el cambio en los órdenes de extracción

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    Paola García Reyes


    Full Text Available Desde la década de 1990 la región del Pacífico colombiano vive un proceso inédito de agudización del conflicto armado interno. Algunos estudios han descrito este hecho como una consecuencia no intencionada del reconocimiento de las poblaciones negras de la región como grupos étnicos propietarios de los territorios en los que habitan. En este artículo me pregunto de qué forma resultaron modificadas las dinámicas de conflicto en la subregión del Bajo Atrato chocoano (1985-2005 en Colombia, si esto se vincula con la explotación de sus recursos naturales, en particular la palma de aceite y cuál fue el papel que jugó en estas dinámicas el cambio en el régimen de propiedad de la tierra. Para responder a estas preguntas me baso en los estudios sobre la economía política de los conflictos armados e introduzco el concepto de órdenes de extracción con el fin de analizar las acciones de los actores del conflicto, los empresarios de la palma, el Estado como agente regulador y las poblaciones negras. Mi conclusión principal es que el cambio en la estructura de propiedad de la tierra no fue causa del conflicto y que el tipo de actor involucrado es una variable relevante.

  11. Níveis de bagaço de cana e uréia como substituto ao farelo de soja em dietas para bovinos leiteiros em crescimento Sugar cane bagasse and urea as replacement of soybean meal in the growing dairy cattle diets

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    Luciana Brandão Torres


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar diferentes níveis de bagaço e uréia como substituto ao farelo de soja em dietas para bovinos leiteiros em crescimento, dois experimentos foram realizados. No primeiro, 20 bezerros mestiços Holandês x Zebu foram distribuídos em quatro tratamentos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os animais receberam dietas à base de palma forrageira e bagaço de cana em níveis de 5,5; 14,4; 24,4 e 34% da matéria seca total. O ganho de peso diminuiu, enquanto a conversão alimentar, e os consumos de FDN e FDA aumentaram linearmente com a inclusão de bagaço. O consumo máximo de MS foi estimado em 2,73% do peso vivo com 30% de bagaço de cana. No segundo experimento foi avaliada a substituição do farelo de soja (FS por uréia mais milho moído (UM, em dietas à base de palma forrageira, sobre o desempenho de novilhas mestiças Holandês x Zebu. Vinte animais foram alimentados de acordo com os níveis de substituição do FS por UM (0, 20, 40 e 60% distribuídos em blocos ao acaso. Não houve efeito da substituição parcial do farelo de soja por milho e uréia sobre o desempenho de novilhas mestiças.In order to evaluate different levels of sugar cane bagasse and urea as replacement of soybean meal in growing dairy cattle diets, two trials were conducted. In the first, twenty crossbreed bull calves (Holstein x Zebu were allotted in a completely randomized design with four treatments. The animals were fed forage cactus based diets, containing levels of 5.5, 14.4, 24.4 and 34% of sugar cane bagasse on the dry matter basis. The liveweight gain decreased while the feed: gain ratio, FDN and FDA intakes increased linearly in function of the increased level of sugar cane bagasse. The maximum daily dry matter intake of 2.73% of LW was estimated with 30% of sugar cane bagasse in the diet. In the second, was evaluated the partial replacement of soybean meal (SM by urea plus corn cracked (UC in forage cactus based diets on the

  12. Effect of Opuntia ficus indica on symptoms of the alcohol hangover. (United States)

    Wiese, Jeff; McPherson, Steve; Odden, Michelle C; Shlipak, Michael G


    The severity of the alcohol hangover may be related to inflammation induced by impurities in the alcohol beverage and byproducts of alcohol metabolism. An extract of the Opuntia ficus indica (OFI) plant diminishes the inflammatory response to stressful stimuli. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial, 64 healthy, young adult volunteers were randomly assigned to receive OFI (1600 IU) and identical placebo, given 5 hours before alcohol consumption. During 4 hours, subjects consumed up to 1.75 g of alcohol per kilogram of body weight. Hangover severity (9 symptoms) and overall well-being were assessed on a scale (0-6), and blood and urine samples were obtained the following morning. Two weeks later, the study protocol was repeated with OFI and placebo reversed. Fifty-five subjects completed both the OFI and placebo arms of the study. Three of the 9 symptoms-nausea, dry mouth, and anorexia-were significantly reduced by OFI (all P/=18 points) was reduced by half (odds ratio, 0.38; 95% confidence interval, 0.16-0.88; P =.02). C-reactive protein levels were strongly associated with hangover severity; the mean symptom index was 4.1 (95% confidence interval, 1.2-7.1; P =.007) higher in subjects with morning C-reactive protein levels greater than 1.0 mg/L. In addition, C-reactive protein levels were 40% higher after subjects consumed placebo compared with OFI. The symptoms of the alcohol hangover are largely due to the activation of inflammation. An extract of the OFI plant has a moderate effect on reducing hangover symptoms, apparently by inhibiting the production of inflammatory mediators.

  13. Dispersão zoocórica e hidrocórica marítima de Opuntia monacantha (Willd. Haw. (Cactaceae

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    Maurício Lenzi


    Full Text Available Adaptações evolutivas na morfologia e fisiologia das cactáceas têm sido associadas aos seus mecanismos de dispersão e colonização. Os mecanismos e modos de dispersão de Opuntia monacantha (Willd. Haw. (Cactaceae foram caracterizados em duas praias de Florianópolis, SC, Brasil. Um marsupial do gênero Didelphis (Mammalia: Didelphidae foi o único frugívoro e, portanto, dispersor de frutos, apresentando locais específicos para alimentação. A hidrocoria marítima ocorreu após a invasão marinha sobre a vegetação de restinga, caracterizando-se pela dispersão de cladódios e frutos em várias épocas do ano. Descreve-se pela primeira vez a ação do mar como potencial dispersor para uma espécie de cactos.

  14. Traceability of Opuntia ficus-indica L. Miller by ICP-MS multi-element profile and chemometric approach. (United States)

    Mottese, Antonio Francesco; Naccari, Clara; Vadalà, Rossella; Bua, Giuseppe Daniel; Bartolomeo, Giovanni; Rando, Rossana; Cicero, Nicola; Dugo, Giacomo


    Opuntia ficus-indica L. Miller fruits, particularly 'Ficodindia dell'Etna' of Biancavilla (POD), 'Fico d'india tradizionale di Roccapalumba' with protected brand and samples from an experimental field in Pezzolo (Sicily) were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in order to determine the multi-element profile. A multivariate chemometric approach, specifically principal component analysis (PCA), was applied to individuate how mineral elements may represent a marker of geographic origin, which would be useful for traceability. PCA has allowed us to verify that the geographical origin of prickly pear fruits is significantly influenced by trace element content, and the results found in Biancavilla PDO samples were linked to the geological composition of this volcanic areas. It was observed that two principal components accounted for 72.03% of the total variance in the data and, in more detail, PC1 explains 45.51% and PC2 26.52%, respectively. This study demonstrated that PCA is an integrated tool for the traceability of food products and, at the same time, a useful method of authentication of typical local fruits such as prickly pear. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  15. Characterization of Calcium Compounds in Opuntia ficus indica as a Source of Calcium for Human Diet

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    Isela Rojas-Molina


    Full Text Available Analyses of calcium compounds in cladodes, soluble dietary fiber (SDF, and insoluble dietary fiber (IDF of Opuntia ficus indica are reported. The characterization of calcium compounds was performed by using Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, and infrared spectroscopy. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and titrimetric methods were used for quantification of total calcium and calcium compounds. Whewellite (CaC2O4·H2O, weddellite (CaC2O4·(H2O2.375, and calcite (CaCO3 were identified in all samples. Significant differences (P≤0.05 in the total calcium contents were detected between samples. CaC2O4·H2O content in cladodes and IDF was significantly higher (P≤0.05 in comparison to that observed in SDF, whereas minimum concentration of CaCO3 was detected in IDF with regard to CaCO3 contents observed in cladodes and SDF. Additionally, molar ratio oxalate : Ca2+ in all samples changed in a range from 0.03 to 0.23. These results support that calcium bioavailability in O. ficus indica modifies according to calcium compounds distribution.



    E. M. Ferro; E. Chirino; M. Márquez; H. Ríos; Odile Rodríguez; R. J. Valdés; A. A. Sarmiento


    Se llevó a cabo una investigación en el municipio La Palma, Pinar del Río, con el objetivo de valorar el papel que ha jugado el sistema formal de producción y distribución de semillas mejoradas de granos principales: frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.), maíz (Zea mays, L.) y arroz (Oryza sativus, L.), en apoyo a la seguridad alimentaria de este municipio. Para ello, se analizaron los registros históricos de la entrada de semillas de estos granos a través de la granja urbana durante los últimos si...

  17. Diversidad, patrones de uso y conservación de palmas Arecaceae en bosques pluviales del Chocó, Colombia

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    Hamleth Valois-Cuesta


    Full Text Available La familia Arecaceae es rica en especies, principalmente en el trópico, y constituye una fuente de recursos para la subsistencia de sus pobladores. En el presente trabajo se estudió la riqueza, diversidad, composición y patrones de uso de la familia Arecaceae en tres localidades de la cuenca media del río Atrato en el Chocó, Colombia, con el fin de obtener información que permita su conservación y uso sostenible. Se registraron 29 especies en 18 géneros, siendo Bactris 24.13 y Wettinia 10.34 los géneros más ricos en especies. El Buey mostró más especies y géneros 23 especies, 17 géneros que Beté 15 y 10 respectivamente y Tanguí 14 y 11 respectivamente. La similitud florística entre localidades fue menor al 45. Las especies con mayor peso ecológico y valor de uso fueron: Euterpe oleracea Mart., Oenocarpus bataua Mart., Attalea allennii H.E. Moore, Manicaria saccifera Gaertn., Bactris gassipaes Kunth y Wettinia quinaria O.F.Cook y Doyle R. Bernal. Las categorías de uso con mayor riqueza de especies e importancia cultural fueron: construcción, alimento y uso artesanal; y los órganos más usados fueron tallos y frutos. Los resultados de este trabajo demuestran que el Atrato Medio posee alta riqueza y diversidad de especies de palmas en un contexto regional y nacional. Sin embargo, la relación entre el número de uso y la importancia ecológica de la especie depende de la localidad, lo que indica que la importancia socio-cultural de la especie puede variar entre grupos humanos que comparten una misma cultura o región biogeográfica. Se publicarán estudios a futuro para determinar el papel del tipo de órgano utilizado como materia prima en la demografía y dinámica ecológica de las poblaciones de palma en el Chocó y otras regiones del Neotrópico.

  18. Evaluación del cuesco de palma africana y del carbón del cerrejón para producir carbón activado

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    Anundo Polanía León


    Full Text Available Se produjeron carbones activados a partir de carbón de El Cerrejón y del Cuesco de Palma Africana mediante activación con vapor de agua y KOH, a 700 y 800 ó 900°C variando la relación activante/carbonizado y el tiempo de activación. Los tiempos de activación a los que se desarrolla mayor área superficial son mucho más cortos con el vapor de agua que con el KOH. Al activar con este último se obtienen valores de área superficial similares errlas dos materias primas, según la temperatura de trabajo, mientras que la activación con vapor de agua, presenta características totalmente diferentes. La activación del Cuesco de Palma Africana con KOH, produce carbones esencialmente microporosos, mientras que con vapor de agua, produce carbones activados con una apreciable mesoporosidad favorecida por el incremento de la temperatura. La activación del carbón de El Cerrejón con KOH o vapor de agua produce carbones activados microporosos. En líneas generales se puede decir que el tipo de textura porosa obtenida en la producción de un carbón activado, es función no sólo de los agentes activantes utilizados, sino también del tipo u origen de la materia prima, mientras que la calidad del carbón activado, (área superficial total, es función del tiempo y de la temperatura de activación, al menos con los materiales de partida usados en este trabajo.

  19. Anatomía del tejido fotosintético de diez taxa de Opuntia establecidos en el secano árido mediterráneo de Chile Anatomy of the photosynthetic tissue in ten taxa of Opuntia established to the mediterranean arid zone of Chile

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    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de la exposición de cladodios a la radiación en la anatomía del tejido fotosintético de 10 taxa de Opuntia, (plantas con metabolismo ácido crasuláceo, CAM establecidos en al secano árido de la IV Región de Chile. A nivel del tejido epidérmico se evaluó el grosor de la cutícula, la densidad de estomas y las dimensiones de células oclusivas. En el tejido fotosintetico, se evaluo las dimensiones celulares con el objeto de estimar la superficie de paredes celulares expuestas al intercambio gaseoso por unidad de tejido fotosintético, relación conocida como Ames/A. Los resultados señalan grandes dimensiones celulares y baja densidad estomática, lo que determina un número reducido de estomas por unidad de superficie en relación a especies de otras vías metabólicas (C3 y C4. La comparación entre taxones, muestra diferencias significativas en la relación de áreas Ames/A, parámetro estrechamente relacionado a la capacidad fotosintética. Estas características anatómicas y sus modificaciones en combinación con el metabolismo CAM, contribuyen a su adaptación a condiciones de pluviometría limitadaThe anatomy of the photosynthetic tissue and the effect of cladode exposure to radiation was studied in ten taxa of Opuntia, plants with crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM, established in the dry lands of the IV Region of Chile. At the epidermic level the cuticle thickness, stomatal frequency, and dimension of guard cells were evaluated. In the photosynthetic tissue, cell dimensions were determined in order to estimate the area of cell walls exposed to gaseous exchange per unit of photosynthetic tissue (A mes/ A. The results indicate large cell dimensions and low stomata frequency which results in a reduced number of stomata per unit area in relation to species with other metabolic pathways (C3 and C4, The comparison between taxa shows significant differences in the relation of Ames/A areas, a parameter closely

  20. Italian Opuntia ficus-indica Cladodes as Rich Source of Bioactive Compounds with Health-Promoting Properties. (United States)

    Rocchetti, Gabriele; Pellizzoni, Marco; Montesano, Domenico; Lucini, Luigi


    Natural by-products, especially phenolic compounds, are in great demand by the nutra-pharmaceutical and biomedical industries. An analytical study was performed to investigate, for the first time, the presence of antioxidant constituents and the corresponding in vitro antioxidant activity in the extract of cladodes from Ficodindia di San Cono ( Opuntia ficus-indica ) protected designation of origin (PDO). The cladode extracts were analysed for target determination of selected constituents, i.e. β-polysaccharides and total phenolic content. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of hydro-alcoholic extracts was assessed by means of two different methods: α, α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging method and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay. An untargeted UHPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS profiling approach was used to depict the phenolic profile of hydro-alcoholic cladode extracts. Interestingly, over 2 g/kg of polyphenols were detected in this matrix, and these compounds were mainly responsible for the antioxidant properties, as shown by the strong correlation between phenolic classes and antioxidant scores. Finally, this study provides basic information on the presence of bioactive compounds and in vitro antioxidant activities in cladode extracts from cactus that might recommend their novel applications at the industrial level in the field of nutraceutical products.

  1. Bioaccessibility, Intestinal Permeability and Plasma Stability of Isorhamnetin Glycosides from Opuntia ficus-indica (L.). (United States)

    Antunes-Ricardo, Marilena; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, César; Gutiérrez-Uribe, Janet A; Cepeda-Cañedo, Eduardo; Serna-Saldívar, Sergio O


    Isorhamnetin glycosides are representative compounds of Opuntia ficus-indica that possess different biological activities. There is slight information about the changes in bioaccessibility induced by the glycosylation pattern of flavonoids, particularly for isorhamnetin. In this study, the bioaccessibility and permeability of isorhamnetin glycosides extracted from O. ficus-indica were contrasted with an isorhamnetin standard. Also, the plasma stability of these isorhamnetin glycosides after intravenous administration in rats was evaluated. Recoveries of isorhamnetin after oral and gastric digestion were lower than that observed for its glycosides. After intestinal digestion, isorhamnetin glycosides recoveries were reduced to less than 81.0%. The apparent permeability coefficient from apical (AP) to basolateral (BL) direction (Papp (AP-BL) ) of isorhamnetin was 2.6 to 4.6-fold higher than those obtained for its glycosides. Isorhamnetin diglycosides showed higher Papp (AP-BL) values than triglycosides. Sugar substituents affected the Papp (AP-BL) of the triglycosides. Isorhamnetin glycosides were better retained in the circulatory system than the aglycone. After intravenous dose of the isorhamnetin standard, the elimination half-life was 0.64 h but increased to 1.08 h when the O. ficus-indica extract was administered. These results suggest that isorhamnetin glycosides naturally found in O. ficus-indica could be a controlled delivery system to maintain a constant plasmatic concentration of this important flavonoid to exert its biological effects in vivo.


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    Full Text Available This study aimed at evaluating the effect of replacing corn by palm in the supplements for dairy females in grazing at levels of 0, 33, 66 and 100%. Intake of pasture and apparent nutrient digestibility, animal performance, intake of nitrogenous compounds, nitrogen balance, synthesis and microbial efficiency and bioe-conomy system were evaluated. The study was conducted at Farm Roçadinho, municipality of Capoeiras Wasteland region of the State of Pernambuco in the period from 30/09/2012 to 19/01/2013, in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replications, using 24 dairy females growing initial weight of 180 pounds. Consisted of 112 days, and 28 for adaptation. The intake of DM, DM/pasture, OM, CP, NDFap. NDFi intake and increased ADF because of the NFC, EE, and TDN decreased (P <0.05. PUN levels in plasma did not change. The apparent digestibility of DM, OM, NDF, ADF, NFC, EE and TDN decreased linearly, and CP increased (P <0.05. Weight gains decreased since the FC increased (P <0.05. No effect was observed in nitrogen intake and nitrogen excreted in the urine. A reduction in nitrogen excreted in the faeces nitrogen bal-ance and percentage of ingested nitrogen, urea-N excreted in the urine increased (P <0.05. The replacement of corn by palm reduces the performance of dairy females in pasture growth. Thus the total or partial replacement is conditioned to the projection of age at first calving on the production system and economy of use.

  3. Semeadura direta de forrageiras de estação fria em campo natural com aplicação de herbicidas: I. Produção de forragem e contribuição relativa das espécies No-till seeding of cool season forages on native pasture with herbicides application: I. Forage yield and relative contribution of plant species

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    Enrique Pérez Gomar


    Full Text Available Os campos naturais apresentam estacionalidade na sua produção forrageira, a qual pode ser atenuada com a introdução de espécies de estação fria através de semeadura direta, aumentando a produção forrageira no inverno. Durante quatro anos, conduziu-se um experimento de semeadura direta de forragem de inverno, sobre campo nativo, em um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, de textura superficial arenosa do norte do Uruguai. Em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com parcelas sub-subdivididas, foram testadas doses de herbicidas (glifosate 1L ha-1, glifosate 4L ha-1, paraquat 3L ha-1 e testemunha, como tratamento principal, aplicadas no ano 1994. A repetição ou não das mesmas doses no ano 1995 constituiu-se na subparcela, e a aplicação ou não das mesmas doses no ano 1996 constituiu-se na sub-subparcela. Os resultados mostraram que o maior distúrbio sobre a produção de forrageiras e contribuição das espécies do campo nativo foi provocado com a aplicação continuada de herbicidas sistêmicos na maior dose. Quando não foi aplicado herbicida (testemunha havia onze espécies e com aplicação de glifosate 4L ha-1 havia seis espécies, bem como ocorreu uma substituição de espécies perenes por anuais. O herbicida paraquat e a dose baixa de glifosate mostraram efeitos intermediários entre o observado no campo nativo semeado com triticale e azevém sem tratar com herbicida e os provocados com glifosate na dose alta. Por outro lado, os rendimentos de matéria seca das espécies forrageiras invernais semeadas foram 63% maiores na dose mais alta de glifosate do que na testemunha, devido a um maior controle da competição que exercia o campo nativo.Natural grasslands have great seasonal fluctuation of forage production. The winter forage production may be increased using cool-season forage species established with no-till, reducing seasonal fluctuations. An experiment with winter grasses (black oat and rye grass no-till sown on native grasses, was

  4. Alterações dos óleos de palma e de soja em fritura descontínua de batatas Palm and soybean oils alterations in the discontinued frying of potatoes

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    Eliana Rodrigues Machado


    Full Text Available Óleos de palma e de soja foram utilizados em experimentos de fritura de batatas em fritadeiras elétricas domésticas de 1 L com relação inicial, superfície sobre volume, de 0,3 cm-1. Em cinco dias consecutivos cada óleo foi submetido por um período de 5 horas por dia à temperatura de (183,1 ± 1,7 °C. Após 25 horas, a perda de ácidos graxos foi de 15,0 e 62,2% (m/m, respectivamente, para os ácidos oléico e linoléico, no óleo de palma; e de 6,5; 24,9 e 39,7% (m/m, respectivamente, para os ácidos oléico, linoléico e linolênico, no óleo de soja. Os teores inicial e final de polímeros foram de 0,4 e 23,7% (m/m no óleo de palma, e de 0,5 e 30,7% (m/m no óleo de soja. A relação entre a perda dos ácidos graxos e a formação de polímeros mostrou uma correlação forte com coeficientes de correlação de 0,9951 e 0,9740 para os óleos de palma e de soja, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que maiores graus de alteração ocorreram em ácidos graxos mais insaturados; e que a alteração pode ser eficazmente verificada através da determinação quantitativa de polímeros.Palm and soybean oils were used in experiments of frying of potatoes in 1 L, household electric deep fryers with a surface-to-volume ratio of 0,3 cm-1. The oils were heated for five hours every day for five consecutive days at a temperature of 183.1 ± 1.7 °C. the evaluation of oil degradation was followed by the increase of polymer contents and changes in fatty acid composition. After 25 hours, the loss of fatty acids were 15.0 and 62.2% for oleic and linoleic acid, respectively in palm oil and 6.5, 24.9 e 39.7% for oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acid, respectively in soybean oil. The content of polymers ranged from 0.4 to 23.7% and from 0.5 to 30.7% for palm and soybean oils, respectively. Linear association between the loss of total unsaturated fatty acids and polymers formation presented high correlation coefficients (0.9951 and 0.9740 for palm and soybean oils

  5. Avaliação dos atributos físicos do solo em consórcio de forrageiras e milho em sucessão com soja em região de cerrados Evaluation of soil physical properties in a forage-corn intercropping in succession with soybean in the cerrado region

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    Veridiana Zocoler de Mendonça


    Full Text Available O uso intensivo de áreas do Cerrado para produção agropecuária aliado ao manejo inadequado tem causado degradação dos solos. Nesse sentido há necessidade da incorporação de sistemas sustentáveis como plantio direto e a integração lavoura-pecuária. Este trabalho objetivou identificar o efeito da sucessão de milho+forrageiras e soja nos atributos físicos do solo. Para tanto foi realizado, em área experimental da Unesp, campus de Ilha Solteira, um ensaio composto do consórcio de milho com quatro forrageiras (Brachiaria brizantha,B. ruziziensis, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia e P. maximum cv. Áries semeadas em três modalidades (na linha de semeadura do milho misturada ao adubo, a lanço simultânea à semeadura do milho e a lanço no estádio V4 do milho e o milho sem consorciação (testemunha. A soja de verão foi implantada sobre os restos culturais dos tratamentos anteriores. Foram realizadas coletas para determinar a macro e microporosidade, porosidade total e densidade do solo em duas épocas de amostragem, após as colheitas do milho e da soja. Pelos resultados, pôde-se concluir que, em regiões de cerrados, a sucessão de culturas utilizada promoveu a melhoria da macroporosidade, porosidade total e densidade do solo, independentemente da utilização de forrageiras em consórcio com milho.The intensive use of Cerrado soils for agricultural production coupled with an inadequate management has resulted in soil degradation. This created the need for the introduction of more sustainable systems such as no-tillage and crop-livestock integration. This study analyzed the effect of succession of corn+forage and soybean on soil physical properties. For this purpose, four forages (Brachiaria brizantha, B. ruziziensis, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, and P. maximum cv. Áries, were sown in an intercropping trial with maize in three modalities (in the corn row mixed with fertilizer; broadcast at corn sowing; and broadcast in corn stage

  6. Utilización del mucílago de tuna (opuntia ficus-indica) en el mejoramiento de la calidad del agua de consumo humano, en la comunidad de Pusir Grande, provincia del Carchi


    Morejón Díaz, Bayro Javier


    Mejorar la calidad del agua de consumo humano utilizando mucílago de tuna (Opuntia ficus-indica) en la comunidad de Pusir Grande, Provincia del Carchi. Dentro del proceso para tratamiento de agua para consumo humano, se utilizan coagulantes químicos como el Sulfato de Aluminio Al2 (SO4)3, sin embargo, según estudios realizados, se ha comprobado que este insumo deja aluminio residual, el mismo que podría causar enfermedades como el Alzheimer. En la naturaleza, existen especies vegetativa...

  7. Enrichment of rice-based extrudates with Cactus Opuntia dillenii seed powder: a novel source of fiber and antioxidants. (United States)

    Rayan, Ahmed M; Morsy, Noha E; Youssef, Khaled M


    The present study investigated the effects of adding the powder of cactus Opuntia dillenii ( O. dillenii ) seeds on the functional properties, fiber, antioxidants and acceptability of rice-based extrudates. The control blend consisting basically of rice flour was replaced with O. dillenii seed powder at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15 and 20% then extruded at the optimum processing conditions. The extruded products were evaluated for their chemical composition, functional properties, color attributes, antioxidant activity and sensory characteristics. The results revealed that adding O. dillenii seeds powder enhanced the fiber, phenolics, flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity of extrudates. Expansion, bulk density and breaking strength were significantly decreased, while water absorption index, water solubility index and oil absorption index were significantly increased compared to the control. Furthermore, the mean scores of sensory evaluation indicated clear improvements in all tested sensory attributes, which significantly increased by increasing the level of O. dillenii seed powder up to 15%. The results confirmed that O. dillenii seed powder could be incorporated in rice to develop snack products of acceptable functional, nutritional and sensory properties.

  8. Implementación del software libre en la web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales

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    Ordóñez Nievas, Ramón


    Full Text Available Es descriu el projecte de disseny i implementació del web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales per mitjà d'un sistema de gestió de continguts open source que permeti integrar les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació, obtenir un major grau d'accessibilitat i usabilitat i un disseny visual més amigable, acord amb les noves tendències web. S'incorporen les noves eines web 2.0 per aconseguir una major participació dels usuaris en l'elaboració dels continguts i millorar així els serveis oferts. Finalment, es destaca en aquest procés la utilització d'eines, extensions i altres aplicacions de programari lliure en totes les etapes del seu desenvolupament.Se describe el proyecto de diseño e implementación de la página web de la Biblioteca Pública de Can Sales a través de un sistema de gestión de contenidos open source que permita integrar las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación, obtener un mayor grado de accesibilidad y usabilidad y un diseño visual más amigable acorde con las nuevas tendencias web. Se incorporan las nuevas herramientas web 2.0 para conseguir una mayor participación de los usuarios en la elaboración de los contenidos y mejorar así los servicios ofrecidos. Finalmente se destaca en este proceso la utilización de herramientas, extensiones y demás aplicaciones de software libre en todas las etapas de su desarrollo.This paper reports on the design and development of the website of Can Sales, the public library in Palma, Majorca whose open source contents management system has made it possible to integrate the new ITs, improve site accessibility and usability and make the website’s visual experience more user friendly. The website has incorporated new Web 2.0 tools to improve its services and allow users to participate more actively in the design and development of the contents. Finally, the paper also focuses on the importance, at all stages of the project, of the tools

  9. La medición de la calidad de los servicios prestados por los destinos turísticos: el caso de las isla de La Palma

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    Bethencourt Cejas, María


    Full Text Available Mature tourist destinations, such as Canary Islands, have been obliged by an increasing globalizationof tourist offer destinations, located in non developed countries which are highly pricecompetitive,to improve the quality of their tourist services in self-defence. This work is based on aninquiry carried out in La Palma Island. This research took a representative sample of the visitors in theisland. Starting from a previous definition of the quality concept applied to the tourist product, we analyzedtourists’ expectations as well as its assembly to the quality of the services tourists received, usingSERVQUAL as measure scale

  10. Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus indica var. saboten) protects against stress-induced acute gastric lesions in rats. (United States)

    Kim, Seung Hyun; Jeon, Byung Ju; Kim, Dae Hyun; Kim, Tae Il; Lee, Hee Kyoung; Han, Dae Seob; Lee, Jong-Hwan; Kim, Tae Bum; Kim, Jung Wha; Sung, Sang Hyun


    The protective activity of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus indica var. saboten) fruit juice and its main constituent, betanin, were evaluated against stress-induced acute gastric lesions in rats. After 6 h of water immersion restraint stress (WIRS), gastric mucosal lesions with bleeding were induced in Sprague-Dawley rats. Pretreatment of a lyophilized powder containing O. ficus indica var. saboten fruit juice and maltodextrin (OFSM) and betanin significantly reduced stress lesions (800-1600 mg/kg). Both OFSM and betanin effectively prevented the decrease in gastric mucus content as detected by alcian blue staining. In addition, OFSM significantly suppressed WIRS-induced increases in the level of gastric mucosal tumor necrosis factor-α and myeloperoxidase (MPO). Betanin alone was only effective in decreasing MPO. These results revealed the protective activity of OFSM against stress-induced acute gastric lesions and that betanin may contribute to OFSM's gastric protective activity, at least in part. When OFSM and betanin were taken together, OFSM exerted gastroprotective activity against stress-induced gastric lesions by maintaining gastric mucus, which might be related to the attenuation of MPO-mediated damage and proinflammatory cytokine production.

  11. Textile dyes removal from aqueous solution using Opuntia ficus-indica fruit waste as adsorbent and its characterization. (United States)

    Peláez-Cid, A A; Velázquez-Ugalde, I; Herrera-González, A M; García-Serrano, J


    For this research, three different adsorbents, one untreated and two chemically activated, were prepared from Opuntia ficus-indica fruit waste. By the construction of adsorption isotherms, its adsorption capabilities and the viability of its use in the removal of textile basic and direct type dyes were determined. It was found that the adsorbent with the most adsorption capacity for basic dyes was the one activated with NaClO, and, for direct dyes, it was the one activated with NaOH. Langmuir and Freundlich equations isotherms were applied for the analysis of the experimental data. It was found that the Freundlich model best described the adsorption behavior. The adsorption capacity was improved when the pH of the dye solution had an acid value. The specific surface area of the adsorbents was calculated by means of methylene blue adsorption at 298 K to stay within a range between 348 and 643 m(2) g(-1). The FTIR spectroscopic characterization technique, the SEM, the point of zero charge, and the elemental analysis show the chemical and physical characteristics of the studied adsorbents, which confirm the adsorption results obtained. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Analgesic Potential of Opuntia dillenii and Its Compounds Opuntiol and Opuntioside Against Pain Models in Mice

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    Faheema Siddiqui


    Full Text Available Opuntia dillenii (Nagphana traditionally used against inflammation and also possess analgesic effect. Thus in the present study analgesic properties of O. dillenii cladode methanol extract, its fractions obtained via vacuum liquid chromatography along with isolated α-pyrones, opuntiol and its glucoside, opuntioside were analyzed. The acetic acid-induced writhes were reduced by O. dillenii test agents with opuntioside being most effective (IC 50 26 ± 0.9 mg/kg and equipotent to diclofenac and β-sitosterol. Consistently, it also elicited most potent effect (IC 50: 28 ± 1.1 and 24 ± 1.2 mg/kg during early and late phases of formalin-induced paw licking, producing effect similar to diclofenac and indomethacin. It was also most effective in hot plate test. Naloxone (opioid antagonist reversed the analgesic effects of extract and fractions but failed to antagonize the opuntiol and opuntioside analgesic effects. In conclusion, edible O. dillenii extract, its fractions, opuntiol and opuntioside reduced peripheral and centrally mediated pain via opioid dependent and independent systems. Among them opuntioside emerged as most effective analgesic possibly due to the presence of glucose moiety at position 7 of its α-pyrone ring. This is the first report of opuntiol and opuntioside analgesic effect which may serve as lead compounds in designing of new analgesics.

  13. The role of native flower visitors in pollinating Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., naturalized in Sicily (United States)

    Lo Verde, Gabriella; La Mantia, Tommaso


    The role of insects in pollination and consequently in fruit set and quality was assessed in two commercial orchards of the cactus pear, Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., in Agrigento Province, Sicily. In 1997, insects visiting flowers were sampled during May-June (the first bloom) and July (the second bloom, induced by the "scozzolatura" practise). More than 50 insect species belonging to 10 orders were collected in May-June, while only five species of Hymenoptera Apoidea were collected in July. The quality of fruits arising from the second bloom showed that Hymenoptera alone were able to guarantee effective pollination. To verify the role of insects in pollination in 1996 (during only the second bloom), and in 1997 and 2009 (during both blooms), 60 single flowers were marked during each bloom; 30 of them covered with paper sleeves (which prevented natural pollination), while the others were not covered. After withering, fruits produced by marked flowers were analyzed in laboratory: in all years and blooms, the total number of seeds, the number of developed seeds, and the weight and the percentage of pulp were significantly lower for covered flowers than for non-covered flowers. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that native insects effectively carry out the pollination of cactus pear flowers.


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    Jorge Urrutia-Morales


    Full Text Available Utilización de Atriplex canescens y Opuntia ficus indica en la alimentación de cabras lactantes durante la sequía. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto del Atriplex (Atriplex canescens y nopal (Opuntia ficus indica en la alimentación de cabras lactantes y la producción de leche durante la sequía. Durante los meses secos, entre mayo y agosto de 2005 y entre mayo y junio de 2006, se realizaron tres experimentos en la región semiárida de San Luis Potosí, México. En el primero, se probaron dos tratamientos: CO mantenidas en confinamiento y alimentación controlada (n=10 y AT mantenidas en pastoreo con Atriplex (n=10. En el segundo se aplicaron dos tratamientos: AT Atriplex (n=5 y NP Atriplex más nopal (n=5. En el tercero tres tratamientos: AT Atriplex (n=5, NP-1,0 Atriplex más 1,0% de nopal (n=4 y NP-1,5 Atriplex más 1,5% de nopal (n=5. En el primer experimento las cabras mantuvieron su peso, pero la producción de leche se redujo al 30% bajo confinamiento y menos del 8,0% en Atriplex al final del experimento. En el segundo, las cabras perdieron peso, a pesar de que la producción inicial de leche fue menor de 300 g/d. Las alimentadas con Atriplex redujeron su producción a casi la mitad de la producción inicial, mientras que la inclusión de nopal mantuvo la producción relativamente estable. En el tercer experimento, las cabras alimentadas con Atriplex mantuvieron el peso corporal, pero después de siete semanas la producción de leche fue del 25% de la producción inicial, a pesar de que esta fue de apenas 300 g diarios. En cambio, en las cabras suplementadas con nopal, la producción sólo se redujo al 45 y 64% de la producción inicial. Estos resultados son importantes para los caprinocultores de la región semiárida de México, donde las cabras podrían mantener una buena condición corporal, además de una producción de 150 a 250 g diarios de leche durante la época crítica utilizando Atriplex y nopal.

  15. Betalains, Phenols and Antioxidant Capacity in Cactus Pear [Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill.] Fruits from Apulia (South Italy Genotypes

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    Clara Albano


    Full Text Available Betacyanin (betanin, total phenolics, vitamin C and antioxidant capacity (by Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC assays were investigated in two differently colored cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill. genotypes, one with purple fruit and the other with orange fruit, from the Salento area, in Apulia (South Italy. In order to quantitate betanin in cactus pear fruit extracts (which is difficult by HPLC because of the presence of two isomers, betanin and isobetanin, and the lack of commercial standard with high purity, betanin was purified from Amaranthus retroflexus inflorescence, characterized by the presence of a single isomer. The purple cactus pear variety showed very high betanin content, with higher levels of phenolics, vitamin C, and antioxidant capacity (TEAC than the orange variety. These findings confirm the potential for exploiting the autochthonous biodiversity of cactus pear fruits. In particular, the purple variety could be an interesting source of colored bioactive compounds which not only have coloring potential, but are also an excellent source of dietary antioxidant components which may have beneficial effects on consumers’ health.

  16. Betalains, Phenols and Antioxidant Capacity in Cactus Pear [Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.] Fruits from Apulia (South Italy) Genotypes (United States)

    Albano, Clara; Negro, Carmine; Tommasi, Noemi; Gerardi, Carmela; Mita, Giovanni; Miceli, Antonio; De Bellis, Luigi; Blando, Federica


    Betacyanin (betanin), total phenolics, vitamin C and antioxidant capacity (by Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assays) were investigated in two differently colored cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) genotypes, one with purple fruit and the other with orange fruit, from the Salento area, in Apulia (South Italy). In order to quantitate betanin in cactus pear fruit extracts (which is difficult by HPLC because of the presence of two isomers, betanin and isobetanin, and the lack of commercial standard with high purity), betanin was purified from Amaranthus retroflexus inflorescence, characterized by the presence of a single isomer. The purple cactus pear variety showed very high betanin content, with higher levels of phenolics, vitamin C, and antioxidant capacity (TEAC) than the orange variety. These findings confirm the potential for exploiting the autochthonous biodiversity of cactus pear fruits. In particular, the purple variety could be an interesting source of colored bioactive compounds which not only have coloring potential, but are also an excellent source of dietary antioxidant components which may have beneficial effects on consumers’ health. PMID:26783704

  17. Betalains, Phenols and Antioxidant Capacity in Cactus Pear [Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.] Fruits from Apulia (South Italy) Genotypes. (United States)

    Albano, Clara; Negro, Carmine; Tommasi, Noemi; Gerardi, Carmela; Mita, Giovanni; Miceli, Antonio; De Bellis, Luigi; Blando, Federica


    Betacyanin (betanin), total phenolics, vitamin C and antioxidant capacity (by Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assays) were investigated in two differently colored cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) genotypes, one with purple fruit and the other with orange fruit, from the Salento area, in Apulia (South Italy). In order to quantitate betanin in cactus pear fruit extracts (which is difficult by HPLC because of the presence of two isomers, betanin and isobetanin, and the lack of commercial standard with high purity), betanin was purified from Amaranthus retroflexus inflorescence, characterized by the presence of a single isomer. The purple cactus pear variety showed very high betanin content, with higher levels of phenolics, vitamin C, and antioxidant capacity (TEAC) than the orange variety. These findings confirm the potential for exploiting the autochthonous biodiversity of cactus pear fruits. In particular, the purple variety could be an interesting source of colored bioactive compounds which not only have coloring potential, but are also an excellent source of dietary antioxidant components which may have beneficial effects on consumers' health.

  18. Antioxidant properties and chemical characterization of Spanish Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. cladodes and fruits. (United States)

    Andreu, Lucía; Nuncio-Jáuregui, Nallely; Carbonell-Barrachina, Ángel A; Legua, Pilar; Hernández, Francisca


    Recent studies have demonstrated that consumption of Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. has an important positive health benefit, mainly due to antioxidant properties, which justifies this research. This study examined antioxidant activity, organic acid and sugar profile, total phenolic, and physicochemical characteristics of six O. ficus-indica cultivars growing in the Spanish Mediterranean. It should be noted that, in this study, both cladodes (young and adult) and fruits (peel and pulp) were analyzed. The antioxidant activity (2,2-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl methods) was higher in fruit peel than in cladodes. The young cladodes presented an important antioxidant activity by the ferric-reducing ability of plasma method as well as a higher total phenolic content (18.90 g gallic acid equivalent per kilogram). High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode-array detector analysis revealed the absence of sucrose and the presence of glucose and fructose, which the values were higher in pulp fruits. HPLC with refractive index detector analysis showed that citric, malic, and succinic acids were the main organic acids in all cultivars, with a significant higher content in old cladodes. These investigations valorize O. ficus-indica fruits in comparison with cladodes. In general, this plant can be considered as an ingredient for the production of health-promoting food, highlighting mainly in the antioxidant activity and total polyphenols content found in young cladodes and peel fruits. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  19. Control Químico de la Mosca de los Establos, Stomoxys Calcitrans (L y Otros Insectos Asociados con Estipes de Palma Africana en Descomposición

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    Ureta Sandino Eduardo


    Full Text Available En ensayos para determinar el efecto del diazinon 1% I.A. (ingrediente activo; bromophos 1 % I.A.; dieldrin 0.5% I.A., 2% I.A. y methomyl 0.1 % I.A. sobre larvas de Stomoxys calcilrans y otros insectos asociados con tipes de palma africana (Elaeis guineensis en descomposición, se encontró que los tratamientos con diazinon 1% I.A. y bromophos 1% I.A. fueron los más efectivos para impedir la proliferación en éstos de las larvas de Slomoxys calcilralls. Ambos insecticidas protegieron eficientemente los estipes por lo menos durante dos semanas. El dieldrin al 0.5% I. A. y 2% I. A., aunque inferior al bromophos 1% I.A. y al diazinon 1% I.A. también fue efectivo para impedir la proliferación de larvas de la mosca en los troncos de palma africana en descomposición. El tratamiento con methomyl 0.1 % I. A. al parecer no impidió la multiplicación de las larvas en los estipes, según pudo observarse en muestras tomadas a las dos semanas de haber sido aplicado el producto. El diazinon 1% I.A: bromophos 1 % I.A.; dieldrin 0.5% I.A. y 2% I.A., aparentemente fueron eficaces para controlar los adultos de Limnobaris calandriformis y Metamasius hemipterus, los cuales eran atraídos en grandes cantidades a los trozos de tallo de palma recién rajada, así como también impidieron la proliferación en éstos de las larvas de los dípteros Ormidea obesa y Hermelia sp./Abstract Several tests were carried out to determine the effectiveness of diazinon 1% I.A., bromophos 1% I.A., dieldrin 0.5 and 2% I.A., and methomyl 0.1 % on larvae of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, and other insects associated with dead trunks of the oil palm (Elaeis guineesis.The results showed by the author indicate that diazinon and bromophos were the most effective materials tested. Both insecticides protected well the dead trunks for at least two weeks. Dieldrin (both doses although less efficient than diazinon, was also effective in preventing the development of great numbers of

  20. Effect of air flow rate on the polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity of convective dried cactus pear cladodes (Opuntia ficus indica). (United States)

    Gallegos-Infante, José-Alberto; Rocha-Guzman, Nuria-Elizabeth; González-Laredo, Ruben-Francisco; Reynoso-Camacho, Rosalia; Medina-Torres, Luis; Cervantes-Cardozo, Veronica


    The interest in nopal has encouraged the use of dehydration; there are few studies about the effect of process parameters on the nopal polyphenol content and antioxidant activity. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of air-drying flow rates on the amount and antioxidant capacity of extracts of Opuntia ficus indica cladodes. Nopal was dried at 45 degrees C and air flow rates of 3 and 5 m/sec. Samples were analyzed for moisture, total polyphenol, flavonoid, and flavonol contents, chain-breaking activity, inhibition of low-density lipoprotein and deoxyribose oxidation. Nopal drying at an air flow rate of 3 m/sec showed higher values of phenols, flavonoids and flavonols. The best value of low-density lipoprotein inhibition and deoxyribose was found at 1,000 microg/ml. The air flow rate affected the amount of polyphenols and the OH( . ) radical scavenging, but did not modify the chain-breaking activity and the low-density lipoprotein inhibition activity.

  1. Rul·lan y el hotel Bahía Palace de Palma. Los canales de difusión de la fotografía de arquitectura turística


    Sebastián-Sebastián, M. (María)


    La Revista Nacional de Arquitectura incluyó en su número de julio de 1955 un extenso artículo sobre el entonces recién inaugurado hotel Bahía Palace. Ubicado en el Paseo Marítimo de Palma y proyectado por Francisco J. Goicoechea y Jacinto Vega, fue el primer alojamiento turístico plenamente contemporáneo de Mallorca. La descripción del edificio se acompañó con diez fotografías que constituyen un documento excepcional para conocer el estado inicial del equipamiento. Pero ninguna...

  2. Caracterización de la Opuntia ficus-indica para su uso como coagulante natural

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    Angel Villabona Ortíz


    Resumen Actualmente municipios de la Costa Atlántica Colombiana no cuentan con suministro de agua potable. La aplicación artesanal de la Tuna (Opuntia ficus-indica  como coagulante es una práctica tradicional en comunidades rurales. En esta investigación se realiza la caracterización del tallo de la Tuna que crece de manera silvestre en el departamento de Bolívar, y del polvo extraído de esta planta, con el fin de identificar componentes asociados a su poder coagulante para la remoción de turbidez y de color en aguas crudas. Las pencas de la planta se sometieron a operaciones de corte, pelado, secado, molienda, tamizado y despigmentado para obtener el coagulante. El rendimiento del proceso global fue de 65g de coagulante/Kg de material vegetal. Los resultados indicaron que la penca contiene alto porcentaje de humedad y pequeñas proporciones de saponinas, flavonoides, sales minerales de calcio y hierro; lo cual permitió concluir que estos metabolitos y sales no son los responsables de su poder coagulante debido a las cantidades poco significativas en las que se encuentran. Se consideró que otras especies química tales como el ácido poligalacturónico y compuestos algínicos son realmente los que le confieran la cualidad al biomaterial. También, se evaluó el poder coagulante del material extraído, se analizó el efecto de tres dosis sobre el color, la turbidez y el pH del agua tratada. Los resultados indicaron que tiene la capacidad de remover 50% del color y 70% de turbidez de aguas crudas con alta turbidez inicial, y que no altera significativamente su pH.  Palabras clave: aguas crudas, clarificación, flavonoides, saponinas, turbidez. Abstract Currently, municipalities in the Colombian Atlantic Coast do not have potable water supply. The implementation of the Tuna as a coagulant is a traditional practice in rural communities, but is used in craft way. In the present investigation, the characterization of the stalk of Tuna (Opuntia ficus

  3. The use of a natural coagulant (Opuntia ficus-indica) in the removal for organic materials of textile effluents. (United States)

    de Souza, Maísa Tatiane Ferreira; Ambrosio, Elizangela; de Almeida, Cibele Andrade; de Souza Freitas, Thábata Karoliny Formicoli; Santos, Lídia Brizola; de Cinque Almeida, Vitor; Garcia, Juliana Carla


    The goal of this study was to investigate the activity of the coagulant extracted from the cactus Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) in the process of coagulation/flocculation of textile effluents. Preliminary tests of a kaolinite suspension achieved maximum turbidity removal of 95 % using an NaCl extraction solution. Optimization assays were conducted with actual effluents using the response surface methodology (RSM) based on the Box-Behnken experimental design. The responses of the variables FeCl3, dosage, cactus dosage, and pH in the removal of COD and turbidity from both effluents were investigated. The optimum conditions determined for jeans washing laundry effluent were the following: FeCl3 160 mg L(-1), cactus dosage 2.60 mg L(-1), and pH 5.0. For the fabric dyeing effluent, the optimum conditions were the following: FeCl3 640 mg L(-1), cactus dosage 160 mg L(-1), and pH 6.0. Investigation of the effects of the storage time and temperature of the cactus O. ficus-indica showed that coagulation efficiency was not significantly affected for storage at room temperature for up to 4 days.

  4. Evaluation of the Biological Activity of Opuntia ficus indica as a Tissue- and Estrogen Receptor Subtype-Selective Modulator. (United States)

    An, Byoung Ha; Jeong, Hyesoo; Zhou, Wenmei; Liu, Xiyuan; Kim, Soolin; Jang, Chang Young; Kim, Hyun-Sook; Sohn, Johann; Park, Hye-Jin; Sung, Na-Hye; Hong, Cheol Yi; Chang, Minsun


    Phytoestrogens are selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) with potential for use in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to relieve peri/postmenopausal symptoms. This study was aimed at elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying the SERM properties of the extract of Korean-grown Opuntia ficus-indica (KOFI). The KOFI extract induced estrogen response element (ERE)-driven transcription in breast and endometrial cancer cell lines and the expression of endogenous estrogen-responsive genes in breast cancer cells. The flavonoid content of different KOFI preparations affected ERE-luciferase activities, implying that the flavonoid composition likely mediated the estrogenic activities in cells. Oral administration of KOFI decreased the weight gain and levels of both serum glucose and triglyceride in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Finally, KOFI had an inhibitory effect on the 17β-estradiol-induced proliferation of the endometrial epithelium in OVX rats. Our data demonstrate that KOFI exhibited SERM activity with no uterotrophic side effects. Therefore, KOFI alone or in combination with other botanical supplements, vitamins, or minerals may be an effective and safe alternative active ingredient to HRTs, for the management of postmenopausal symptoms. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  5. Flutuação Populacional de Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae em Plantios de Palma de Óleo em Roraima

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    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a flutuação populacional de Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae em plantios de Elaeis guineensis Jacq, em ecossistemas de savana e floresta no estado de Roraima. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida durante o período de janeiro de 2011 a fevereiro de 2012 nos campos experimentais da Embrapa Roraima: Monte Cristo e Caroebe, numa área de 2 hectares com a cultura da Palma de Óleo, em cada campo. Foram distribuídas armadilhas iscadas com roletes de cana-de-açúcar e feromônio de agregação para captura dos insetos no entorno dos plantios. Ocorreu flutuação de R. palmarum com picos populacionais nos meses de julho e agosto no ecossistema de savana e de abril a setembro no ambiente de floresta. A população de R. palmarum foi menor em meses de baixa precipitação pluviométrica nos dois ambientes avaliados com a Palma de Óleo em Roraima Population Fluctuation of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae in Plantations of Oil Palm in Roraima Abstract. This research aimed to evaluate the population fluctuation Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae in Elaeis guineensis Jacq plantations in forest and savanna ecosystems in the state of Roraima. The research was conducted during the period from January 2011 to February 2012 in the experimental field of Embrapa Roraima: Monte Cristo and Caroebe in an area of 2 hectares with culture Oil Palm in each field. Traps baited with rollers cane sugar and aggregation pheromone for capturing insects in the vicinity of the plantations were distributed. Fluctuation occurred R. palmarum with population peaks in the months of July and August in the savanna ecosystem and from April to September in the forest environment. The population of R. palmarum was lower in months of low rainfall in the two environments assessed with a palm-oil-in Roraima.


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    Full Text Available Entre agosto de 2005 y julio de 2006 estudiamos la fenología, la biología floral y elsistema reproductivo de una población de Oenocarpus bataua (Palmae en los Andescolombianos. Evaluamos el sistema de polinización y determinamos la abundancia,el comportamiento y la eficiencia de los polinizadores. La población floreció a lolargo del año con un pico entre diciembre y enero. Cada inflorescencia pasa poruna fase masculina, una intermedia no reproductiva y una fase femenina. La antesisocurre en la noche, con producción de aromas y aumento en la temperatura de lasinflorescencias. Durante la fase masculina la temperatura de la inflorescencia fue 5.8ºC, mayor que la temperatura ambiental y mayor que el aumento de la temperaturaen la fase femenina 4.2 ºC. El aroma floral está compuesto predominantemente porα-gurjuneno, ciclozativeno y trans-cariofileno. Las flores fueron visitadas por 81especies de artrópodos, principalmente de Coleópteros. Las inflorescencias en fasemasculina son visitadas en busca de alimento (polen, tejidos vegetales, presa ylugar para apareamiento. Las flores femeninas no ofrecen recompensas y atraen a lospolinizadores por mimetismo químico. La similitud entre los compuestos químicosdel aroma de las inflorescencias en fase masculina y femenina de O. bataua es alta(92%, como ocurre en otras especies de palmas. O. bataua es monoica, xenogámica,autoincompatible y dicogámica con protandria marcada. No encontramos evidenciade transporte de polen a grandes distancias por el viento y al parecer la polinizaciónes principalmente por Coleópteros. Las siguientes especies fueron los polinizadoresmás efectivos, Baridinae Gen 4, sp. 1, Phyllotrox sp. 35, Anchylorhynchus sp.2, Anchylorhynchus tricarinatus (Curculionidae y Mystrops sp. 1 (Nitidulidae,los cuales son responsables del 97 % del flujo de polen entre inflorescencias. Ladependencia mutua, el grado de interrelación y la distribución geográfica similarentre O. bataua

  7. Adubação verde em tomateiro cultivado em sistema de agricultura orgânica / Green fertilization in tomato plant tilled in organic agriculture system

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    Cristiano André Pot


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de tomate-cereja em sistema de agricultura orgânica cultivado sob diferentes doses e épocas de aplicação da fi tomassa de ervilha forrageira, ervilhaca comum e crotalaria spectabilis. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Guarapuava, PR, no período de outubro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006 em delineamento de blocos ao acaso. Os tratamentos foram: ØFT – sem adição de resíduos de adubos verdes; 3EF – 3,0 Mg ha-1 de fi tomassa de ervilha forrageira (Pisum sativum var. arvense; 6EF – 6,0 Mg ha-1 de fi tomassa de ervilha forrageira; 9EF – 9,0 Mg ha-1 de fi tomassa de ervilha forrageira; 3EF+3EC – 3,0 Mg ha-1 de fi tomassa de ervilha forrageira + 3,0 Mg ha-1 de fi tomassa de ervilhaca (Vicia sativa; 3EF+3EC+3CS – 3,0 Mg ha-1 de fi tomassa de ervilha forrageira + 3,0 Mg ha-1 de fi tomassa de ervilhaca + 3,0 Mg ha-1 de fi tomassa de crotalária (Crotalaria spectabilis. Houve resposta crescente linear nos tratamentos ØFT, 3EF, 6EF, 9EF para as variáveis produtividade de tomate, número de tomates por planta e massa média do fruto de tomate-cereja. Os resultados evidenciaram que a adição de fi tomassa de leguminosas foi efi ciente para aumentar a produtividade de tomateiro-cereja em sistema de agricultura orgânica. A aplicação de fi tomassa em uma única aplicação foi mais eficiente do que o parcelamento da fi tomassa ao longo do ciclo da cultura.

  8. Streptomyces palmae sp. nov., isolated from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) rhizosphere soil. (United States)

    Sujarit, Kanaporn; Kudo, Takuji; Ohkuma, Moriya; Pathom-Aree, Wasu; Lumyong, Saisamorn


    Actinomycete strain CMU-AB204T was isolated from oil palm rhizosphere soil collected in Chiang Mai University (Chiang Mai, Thailand). Based on morphological and chemotaxonomic characteristics, the organism was considered to belong to the genus Streptomyces. Whole cell-wall hydrolysates consisted of ll-diaminopimelic acid, glucose, ribose and galactose. The predominant menaquinones were MK-9(H4), MK-9(H6), MK-9(H2) and MK-8(H4). The fatty acid profile contained iso-C15 : 0, iso-C16 : 0 and anteiso-C15 : 0 as major components. The principal phospholipids detected were phosphatidylethanolamine, diphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol. The DNA G+C content of strain CMU-AB204T was 70.9 mol%. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, strain CMU-AB204T was closely related to Streptomyces orinoci JCM 4546T (98.7 %), Streptomyces lilacinus NBRC 12884T (98.5 %), Streptomyces abikoensis CGMCC 4.1662T (98.5 %), Streptomyces griseocarneus JCM 4905T (98.4 %) and Streptomyces xinghaiensis JCM 16958T (98.3 %). Phylogenetic trees revealed that the new strain had a distinct taxonomic position from closely related type strains of the genus Streptomyces. Spiny to hairy spores clearly differentiated strain CMU-AB204T from the five most closely related Streptomyces species, which produced smooth spores. On the basis of evidence from this polyphasic study, it is proposed that strain CMU-AB204T represents a novel species of the genus Streptomyces, namely Streptomyces palmae sp. nov. The type strain is CMU-AB204T (=JCM 31289T=TBRC 1999T).

  9. Richness of endophytic fungi isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. (Cactaceae) and preliminary screening for enzyme production. (United States)

    Bezerra, J D P; Santos, M G S; Svedese, V M; Lima, D M M; Fernandes, M J S; Paiva, L M; Souza-Motta, C M


    Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. (forage cactus) is farmed with relative success in the semi-arid region of the Brazilian northeast for commercial purposes, particularly as forage and food. Endophytic microorganisms are those that can be isolated inside plant tissues and can be a new source to production of enzymes with different potentialities. The objective of this study was to describe the richness of endophytic fungi from O. ficus-indica and to detect the capacity of these species to produce extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. Forty-four endophytic fungi species were isolated. Among them, the most commonly found were Cladosporium cladosporioides (20.43%) and C. sphaerospermum (15.99%). Acremonium terricola, Monodictys castaneae, Penicillium glandicola, Phoma tropica and Tetraploa aristata are being reported for the first time as endophytic fungi for Brazil. The majority of isolated fungi exhibited enzymatic potential. Aspergillus japonicus and P. glandicola presented pectinolytic activity. Xylaria sp. was the most important among the other 14 species with positive cellulase activity. All 24 isolates analysed were xylanase-positive. Protease was best produced by isolate PF103. The results indicate that there is a significant richness of endophytic fungi in O. ficus-indica, and that these isolates indicate promising potential for deployment in biotechnological processes involving production of pectinases, cellulases, xylanases and proteases.

  10. Microencapsulation of betalains obtained from cactus fruit (Opuntia ficus-indica) by spray drying using cactus cladode mucilage and maltodextrin as encapsulating agents. (United States)

    Otálora, María Carolina; Carriazo, José Gregorio; Iturriaga, Laura; Nazareno, Mónica Azucena; Osorio, Coralia


    The microencapsulation of betalains from cactus fruit by spray drying was evaluated as a stabilization strategy for these pigments. The betalains used as active agent were extracted from purple fruits of Opuntia ficus-indica (BE) and encapsulated with maltodextrin and cladode mucilage MD-CM and only with MD. The microcapsulates were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal analysis (TGA-DSC), tristimulus colorimetry, as well as, their humidity, water activity and dietary fiber content were also determined. The active agent content was measured by UV-Vis spectrophotometry and its composition confirmed by HPLC-ESIMS. A pigment storage stability test was performed at 18 °C and different relative humidities. The addition of CM in the formulation increased the encapsulation efficiency, diminished the moisture content, and allowed to obtain more uniform size and spherical particles, with high dietary fiber content. These microencapsulates are promising functional additive to be used as natural colorant in the food industry. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Matéria orgânica e infiltração da água em solo sob consórcio milho e forrageiras Soil organic matter and water infiltration under maize and forage intercropping

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    Juliana H Sato


    Full Text Available A infiltração é o processo pelo qual a água penetra no solo através de sua superfície e sua dinâmica pode ser condicionada por diversos fatores, dentre eles os sistemas de manejo do solo adotados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a velocidade de infiltração da água e os teores de matéria orgânica do solo em sistema de consórcio milho e forrageiras. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Foram estudados os efeitos de cinco tratamentos submetidos ao manejo de plantio direto: 1 Milho Solteiro (Zea mays L. ; 2 Braquiária Humidícola (Brachiaria humidicola; 3 Consórcio Milho e Braquiária Humidícola; 4 Capim Aruana (Panicum maximum cv. Aruana; 5 Consórcio Milho e Capim Aruana. Utilizou-se, para determinação da velocidade de infiltração básica (VIB, o método dos infiltrômetros de cilindros concêntricos. Outros atributos físicos do solo e a matéria orgânica do solo foram avaliados buscando-se associá-los aos valores de VIB encontrados. Os resultados revelaram que sob plantio direto os sistemas apresentaram elevados valores de VIB. O sistema Milho Solteiro apresentou a maior VIB e a inserção de forrageiras nos sistemas provocou redução da VIB; todos os sistemas apresentaram diminuição dos teores de matéria orgânica em profundidade.Infiltration is a process by which water penetrates through the soil by its surface, and its dynamics can be influenced by several factors, among them, the soil management system adopted. The objective of this work was to estimate water infiltration rate and soil organic matter content in maize and forage intercropping systems. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications. Five treatments under no-tillage management were evaluated: 1 Corn (Zea mays L. , 2 Brachiaria humidicola (Brachiaria humidicola, 3 Corn and Brachiaria humidicola intercropping, 4 Aruana grass (Panicum maximum cv. Aruana, 5 Corn

  12. Raman spectroscopic analysis of dragon's blood resins-basis for distinguishing between Dracaena(Convallariaceae), Daemonorops(Palmae) and Croton(Euphorbiaceae). (United States)

    Edwards, Howell G M; de Oliveira, Luiz F C; Prendergast, Hew D V


    "Dragon[prime or minute]s blood" is the name applied to the deep-red coloured resin obtained from various plants. The original source in Roman times, used by many cultures and esteemed for its depth of colour and mystical association, was the dragon tree Dracaena cinnabari(Convallariaceae), found only on the Indian Ocean island of Socotra, (Yemen). Additional sources emerged later, including another species of Dracaena, D. draco, from the Canary Islands and Madeira, and species in the genera Daemonorops(Palmae) from South East Asia and Croton(Euphorbiaceae) from tropical parts of both the New and Old Worlds. In this study, examples of dragon's blood resins from the Economic Botany Collections at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, dating from 1851 to 1993, have been analysed non-destructively using Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectra of well-documented, provenanced specimens have been used to establish the source of specimens of questionable or unknown origin. It has also been possible from the Raman spectra to indicate whether processing of the resins has been undertaken in the preparation of the specimens before their deposition at Kew.

  13. Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes as feedstock for ethanol production by Kluyveromyces marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (United States)

    Kuloyo, Olukayode O; du Preez, James C; García-Aparicio, Maria del Prado; Kilian, Stephanus G; Steyn, Laurinda; Görgens, Johann


    The feasibility of ethanol production using an enzymatic hydrolysate of pretreated cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (prickly pear cactus) as carbohydrate feedstock was investigated, including a comprehensive chemical analysis of the cladode biomass and the effects of limited aeration on the fermentation profiles and sugar utilization. The low xylose and negligible mannose content of the cladode biomass used in this study suggested that the hemicellulose structure of the O. ficus-indica cladode was atypical of hardwood or softwood hemicelluloses. Separate hydrolysis and fermentation and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation procedures using Kluyveromyces marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 40 and 35 °C, respectively, gave similar ethanol yields under non-aerated conditions. In oxygen-limited cultures K. marxianus exhibited almost double the ethanol productivity compared to non-aerated cultures, although after sugar depletion utilization of the produced ethanol was evident. Ethanol concentrations of up to 19.5 and 20.6 g l(-1) were obtained with K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae, respectively, representing 66 and 70 % of the theoretical yield on total sugars in the hydrolysate. Because of the low xylan content of the cladode biomass, a yeast capable of xylose fermentation might not be a prerequisite for ethanol production. K. marxianus, therefore, has potential as an alternative to S. cerevisiae for bioethanol production. However, the relatively low concentration of fermentable sugars in the O. ficus-indica cladode hydrolysate presents a technical constraint for commercial exploitation.

  14. Field Surveys, IOC Valleys. Volumes II-I and II-II. Biological Resources Survey, Dry Lake Valley, Nevada and Pine and Wah Wah Valleys, Utah. Supplement. Spring Survey of the IOC Valleys. (United States)


    pinnata X K CACTACEAE Coryphantha vivipara x Opuntia echinocarpa K 0 x K K K 5putaerinacea K Op’untia sp. x X -12- TABLE 3-1 (Cont.) Shelter site...pilosus x Lepidium montanun X CACTACEAE Opuntia echinocarpa x x Opuntia erinacea X X X CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex canescens X X X Ceratoides lanata X X X X...Stanleya pinnata X CACTACEAE Coryphantha vivipara var. rosea X Echinocereus engelmannii X opuntia echinocarpa X X X X X X X X Opuntia erinacea XX X X X X x

  15. Fabricación de adoquines para uso en vías peatonales, usando cuesco de palma africana

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    Jorge Elías Buzón Ojeda


    Full Text Available Con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida en sectores vulnerables de la sociedad, las investigaciones actuales han centrado sus esfuerzos en desarrollar no solo técnicas y procesos novedosos de construcción, sino que han reorientado sus esfuerzos en crear materiales de construcción no convencionales, que ayuden a rebajar costos y propicien el de la industria de la construcción. Actualmente las plantas productoras de aceite que usan la palma africana como materia prima enfrentan un grave problema, al no saber qué hacer con el desecho final del proceso de producción del aceite. Este desecho posee características mecánicas interesantes: una alta dureza, alta resistencia al desgaste y bajo peso o poca densidad. Estas características la han sabido aprovechar los cultivadores e industriales, pues en lugar de llevar este excedente a botaderos, lo arrojan sobre las vías internas de las plantaciones como material base o capa de rodadura, mejorando así la movilidad de las mismas. Este artículo presenta los satisfactorios resultados parciales de la investigación, que nos motivan a continuar trabajando en este tema.

  16. Pequeños productores, reestructuración y expansión de la palma africana en Chiapas

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    Héctor B. Fletes Ocón


    Full Text Available En el contexto del dinamismo y contradicciones del sector agroalimentario, en la actualidad los pequeños productores son impulsados a emprender una reestructuración de sus prácticas productivas, a través de la plantación de cultivos orientados a biocombustibles, como el de la palma africana. En este artículo se analizan los procesos de reestructuración productiva, promovida por corpora-ciones de distinto origen y por el Estado, y las acciones realizadas por pequeños productores en un municipio con alta marginación, localizado en una región agroexportadora de Chiapas. Se revisan las contradicciones sociales y ambientales de este cambio y sus implicaciones a futuro, en términos del desarrollo agrícola y alimentario nacional. La expansión de este cultivo acentúa las desigualdades sociales, degrada los recursos naturales, utiliza mucha energía fósil, impulsa la concentración de la tierra, debilita los sistemas locales de provisión de alimentos y reduce los márgenes del valor generado en la cadena agroalimentaria para los pequeños productores.

  17. Physicochemical characterization of nopal pads (Opuntia ficus indica) and dry vacuum nopal powders as a function of the maturation. (United States)

    Rodríguez-Garcia, M E; de Lira, C; Hernández-Becerra, E; Cornejo-Villegas, M A; Palacios-Fonseca, A J; Rojas-Molina, I; Reynoso, R; Quintero, L C; Del-Real, A; Zepeda, T A; Muñoz-Torres, C


    This paper presents the physicochemical and nutrimental characterization of fresh nopal (Opuntia ficus indica, Redonda variety) and nopal powder produced at different stages of development. Nopal powder was obtained by dry vacuum technique using 10(2) Torr and low temperature (40 degrees C). The results showed that the nutrimental and mineral composition of nopal changes as a function of the maturation as follow: The ash content increases from 18.41 for nopalitos (60 g of weight) to 23.24% (nopal pads 200 g); calcium content increases from 1.52 to 3.72%, while phosphorous exhibits an opposite trend: 0.43 to 0.27%, respectively. Calcium oxalate was determined by X-ray diffraction and SEM microscopy and quantified by using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Calcium oxalate decreases from 7.95 to 3.47 mg/g and the Ca/P ratio varies from 3.6 to 11. The soluble fibre decreases from 25.22 to 14.91%, while insoluble fibre increases from 29.87 to 41.65%. These results suggest that nopal could be an important source of minerals within the diets of people in Mexico and the rest of Latin America.

  18. Antioxidant Opuntia ficus-indica Extract Activates AHR-NRF2 Signaling and Upregulates Filaggrin and Loricrin Expression in Human Keratinocytes. (United States)

    Nakahara, Takeshi; Mitoma, Chikage; Hashimoto-Hachiya, Akiko; Takahara, Masakazu; Tsuji, Gaku; Uchi, Hiroshi; Yan, Xianghong; Hachisuka, Junichi; Chiba, Takahito; Esaki, Hitokazu; Kido-Nakahara, Makiko; Furue, Masutaka


    Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) is a cactus species widely used as an anti-inflammatory, antilipidemic, and hypoglycemic agent. It has been shown that OFI extract (OFIE) inhibits oxidative stress in animal models of diabetes and hepatic disease; however, its antioxidant mechanism remains largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrated that OFIE exhibited potent antioxidant activity through the activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) and the downstream antioxidant enzyme quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1), which inhibited the generation of reactive oxygen species in keratinocytes challenged with tumor necrosis factor α or benzo[α]pyrene. The antioxidant capacity of OFIE was canceled in NRF2 knockdown keratinocytes. OFIE exerted this NRF2-NQO1 upregulation through activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Moreover, the ligation of AHR by OFIE upregulated the expression of epidermal barrier proteins: filaggrin and loricrin. OFIE also prevented TH2 cytokine-mediated downregulation of filaggrin and loricrin expression in an AHR-dependent manner because it was canceled in AHR knockdown keratinocytes. Antioxidant OFIE is a potent activator of AHR-NRF2-NQO1 signaling and may be beneficial in treating barrier-disrupted skin disorders.

  19. Dynamics of diffuse carbon dioxide emissions from Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands (United States)

    Padrón, Eleazar; Pérez, Nemesio M.; Rodríguez, Fátima; Melián, Gladys; Hernández, Pedro A.; Sumino, Hirochika; Padilla, Germán; Barrancos, José; Dionis, Samara; Notsu, Kenji; Calvo, David


    We report herein the results of 13 soil CO2 efflux surveys at Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma Island, the most active basaltic volcano in the Canary Islands. The CO2 efflux measurements were undertaken using the accumulation chamber method between 2001 and 2013 to constrain the total CO2 output from the studied area and to evaluate occasional CO2 efflux surveys as a volcanic surveillance tool for Cumbre Vieja. Soil CO2 efflux values ranged from non-detectable up to 2442 g m-2 days-1, with the highest values observed in the south, where the last volcanic eruption took place (Teneguía, 1971). Isotopic analyses of soil gas carbon dioxide suggest an organic origin as the main contribution to the CO2 efflux, with a very small magmatic gas component observed at the southern part of the volcano. Total biogenic and magmatic combined CO2 emission rates showed a high temporal variability, ranging between 320 and 1544 t days-1 and averaging 1147 t days-1 over the 220-km2 region. Two significant increases in the CO2 emission observed in 2011 and 2013 were likely caused by an enhanced magmatic endogenous contribution revealed by significant changes in the 3He/4He ratio in a CO2-rich cold spring. The relatively stable emission rate presented in this work defines the background CO2 emission range for Cumbre Vieja during a volcanic quiescence period.

  20. Anemia en mujeres en edad fértil de la Comunidad Nativa Ese’eja - Palma Real, Madre Dios, Perú

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    J. Antonio Grandez-Urbina


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres en edad fértil en comunidades nativas Ese’eja en Madre de Dios, Perú. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, un muestreo tipo censal, se determinó la concentración de hemoglobina mediante la técnica de micro hematocrito. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el paquete estadístico STATA 11.0 (STATA Corp. Texas, US. Resultados: El 77,63% de las mujeres mostró cifras de hemoglobina inferiores a 12 g/dl de ellas, el 29,5% se encontraba entre 11,0 y 11,9 g/dl, lo que se considera como anemia leve; el 70,5% restante tenía la hemoglobina entre 7,0 y 10,9 g/dl. Conclusiones: La anemia es una alteración altamente prevalente en mujeres en edad fértil de la comunidad nativa Ese’eja Palma Real.

  1. The glass furnace of the 17th Century of Sa Gerreria (Palma, Mallorca): Historical context and preliminary analysis of the materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Capella Galmes, M. A.; Albero Santacreu, D.


    In this paper the materials of the glass furnace of Sa Gerreria (Palma) dated in the second half of the 17th Century A.D. are analysed. On the one hand, we discuss the available information regarding this glass workshop as well as the raw material management strategies made during the studied period. On the other hand, we focus on the materials produced by this workshop and we carry out a preliminary archaeometrical analysis of the glass lumps, frits and slags recovered as well as some glass pieces by means of scanning electron microscope and X-ray dispersive energy. The final aim is to characterise the chemical composition and the properties of the raw materials used in this workshop as well as to approach some of the technical processes put in practice by the glass makers who inhabited Mallorca during the 17th Century. (Author)

  2. Evaluación de Varios Insecticidas para el Control del Cephaloleiaspcerca avagelineataPic, Plaga de la Palma Africana

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    Urueta Sandino Eduardo


    Full Text Available Resumen. Se efectuaron varios ensayos para determinar el efecto de carbofuran 1.0, 1.5 y 2. 0 kg I. A./ha; carbaril 1.5 y 2. 0 kg I. A. /ha; lindano 1.0 y 1.5 kg I. A. /ha; diazinon 0.5 lt I. A./ha; dicrotofos 0. 5 lt I. A. /ha; fosfamidon 0.6 lt. I. A/ha; y fention 0.5 lt I. A./ha, sobre adultos y larvas de Cephaloleiasp. cerca avagelineataPic., una plaga de la palma africana en Colombia. Todos los insecticidas fueron efectivos para controlar larvas de Cephaloleiasp. en cogollos, hasta por periodos de más de 30 días. El carbofuran 2.0 kg I. A./ha carbaril 2.0 kg l . A./ha y lindano 1. 5 kg I.A. /hafueron los productos más eficientes para controlar adultos de Cephaloleia. sp. protegiendo por 15 días las hojas más jóvenes. Dicrotofos 0.5 lt I. A./ha; diazinon0.5 lt l. A./ha; fention 0.5 itI. A./ha y fosfamidon 0.6 lt I. A/ha, aparentemente no fueron efectivos para controlar las formas adultas de Cephaloleiasp. Ninguno de los insecticidas fue fitotóxico para la palma africana. /Abstract. Several tests were carried out to determine the effectiveness of carbofuran 1. 0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg A.I./ha; carbaryl 1.5, 2.0 kg. A.I./ha; lindane 1.0, 1.5 kg. A.I./ha; phosphamidon 0.6 lt. A.I./ha; fenthion 0.5 lt. A.I./ha; dicrotophos 0.5 lt. A.I /ha; diazinon 0.5 lt. A.I./ha on larvae and adults of Cephaloleia. sp. near vagelineata Pic a Chrysomelidae that affects young oil palm (Elaeisguineensis leaves in Colombia. All of these insecticides controlled well Cepbaloleia sp. larvae for periods over a month. carbofuran 2 kg. A.I./ha; carbaryl 2kg. A.I./ha and lindane 1.5 kg. A. I./ha gave the best control of Cephaloleia. sp. adults, protecting young oil palm leaves up to 15 days. Dicrotophos 0.5 lts. A.I./ha; fenthion 0.5 lt. A. I./ha; phosphamidon 0.6 lt. A.I./ha; diazinon 0.5 lt. A.I./ha; apparently were not effective to control adults of Cephaloleia sp. None of the insecticides tested showed to be phytotoxic to the oil palm.

  3. Hanseniaspora opuntiae, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus fermentum, and Acetobacter pasteurianus predominate during well-performed Malaysian cocoa bean box fermentations, underlining the importance of these microbial species for a successful cocoa bean fermentation process. (United States)

    Papalexandratou, Zoi; Lefeber, Timothy; Bahrim, Bakhtiar; Lee, Ong Seng; Daniel, Heide-Marie; De Vuyst, Luc


    Two spontaneous Malaysian cocoa bean box fermentations (one farm, two plantation plots) were investigated. Physical parameters, microbial community dynamics, yeast and bacterial species diversity [mainly lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and acetic acid bacteria (AAB)], and metabolite kinetics were monitored, and chocolates were produced from the respective fermented dry cocoa beans. Similar microbial growth and metabolite profiles were obtained for the two fermentations. Low concentrations of citric acid were found in the fresh pulp, revealing low acidity of the raw material. The main end-products of the catabolism of the pulp substrates glucose, fructose, and citric acid by yeasts, LAB, and AAB were ethanol, lactic acid, acetic acid, and/or mannitol. Hanseniaspora opuntiae, Lactobacillus fermentum, and Acetobacter pasteurianus were the prevalent species of the two fermentations. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus pentosus, and Acetobacter ghanensis were also found during the mid-phase of the fermentation processes. Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides and Acetobacter senegalensis were among the prevailing species during the initial phase of the fermentations. Tatumella saanichensis and Enterobacter sp. were present in the beginning of the fermentations and they could be responsible for the degradation of citric acid and/or the production of gluconic acid and lactic acid, respectively. The presence of facultative heterofermentative LAB during the fermentations caused a high production of lactic acid. Finally, as these fermentations were carried out with high-quality raw material and were characterised by a restricted microbial species diversity, resulting in successfully fermented dry cocoa beans and good chocolates produced thereof, it is likely that the prevailing species H. opuntiae, S. cerevisiae, Lb. fermentum, and A. pasteurianus were responsible for it. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Evaluación nutricional de harina de nopal en dietas para borregos.


    Muciño Castillo, Gabriela


    La deshidratación del nopal es un método de conservación para alargar su vida útil y para mejorar su utilización como forraje en la alimentación de borregos. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron evaluar: 1) el contenido nutrimental, la degradación de la MS y la producción de gas in vitro de harinas de Opuntia robusta, Opuntia ficus indica var Copena F1, Opuntia albicarpa var Blanca San Martín, Opuntia megacantha var Roja San Martín y Opuntia ficus indica var Atlixco, y de dietas totalmente me...

  5. Co[sub 2] exchange, environmental productivity indices, and productivity of opuntia ficus-indica under current and elevated CO[sub 2] concentrations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nobel, P.S.


    This project involved placing mature cladodes (flattened stem segments) of Opuntia ficus-indica in growth chambers containing 360 or 720 ppM CO[sub 2]. After nine weeks, the new daughter cladodes initiated on the planted cladodes averaged 7% higher in biomass but 8% less is area, leading to a specific stem mass for this Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species that was 16% higher under the elevated CO[sub 2] condition. This is similar to be less dramatic than the increase in specific leaf mass for C[sub 3] and C[sub 4] plants under elevated CO[sub 2], which generally ranges from 28% to 40%. Another contrast with C[sub 3] and C[sub 4] Plants was the reliance of the new organs of the CAM plant on biomass translocated from existing organs instead of derived directly from current photosynthate. In this regard, 18% less dry weight was translocated from basal cladodes into daughter cladodes of Q. ficus-indica at 720 ppM CO[sub 2] compared with 360 ppM.

  6. Use of green chemistry methods in the extraction of dietary fibers from cactus rackets (Opuntia ficus indica): Structural and microstructural studies. (United States)

    Cheikh Rouhou, Marwa; Abdelmoumen, Souhir; Thomas, Sabu; Attia, Hamadi; Ghorbel, Dorra


    This work aims to compare the development of three green chemistry methods in the extraction of cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) dietary fibers. The influence of extraction conditions (solvent nature: water, lemon juice and ethanol; extraction process: maceration and steam explosion; extraction time: 30 min, 1 h, 3 h, 5 h) on the chemical and structural composition was studied. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy proved that all treatments do not affect the cellulose structure and could induce the reduction of hemicelluloses and lignin content. The steam treatment with lemon juice was the best treatment in term of quality of the fibers extracted. Through X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis, it was demonstrated that this treatment contributed to the destruction of the amorphous phase with preservation of the crystalline phase. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the microstructure of the sample surface was uniform and contains arranged fibers. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) revealed fibers with 80 nm of diameter. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  7. Ultrasonic extraction of pectin from Opuntia ficus indica cladodes after mucilage removal: Optimization of experimental conditions and evaluation of chemical and functional properties. (United States)

    Bayar, Nadia; Bouallegue, Tahani; Achour, Mabrouka; Kriaa, Mouna; Bougatef, Ali; Kammoun, Radhouane


    Ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE) of pectin from Opuntia ficus indica (OFI) cladodes after mucilage removal was attempted using the response surface methodology. The process variables were optimized by the isovariant central composite design in order to improve the pectin extraction yield. The optimum condition obtained was: sonication time 70min, temperature 70°C, pH 1.5 and the water-material ratio 30ml/g. This condition was validated and the performance of experimental extraction was 18.14%±1.41%, which was closely linked to the predicted value (19.06%). Thus, UAE present a promising alternative to conventional extraction process thanks to its high efficiency which was achieved in less time and at lower temperatures. The pectin extracted by UAE from OFI cladodes (UAEPC) has a low degree of esterification, high uronic acid content, important functional properties and good anti-radical activity. These results are in favor of the use of UAEPC as potential additive in food industry. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  8. Characterization of tropical forage grass development pattern through the morphogenetic and structural characteristics Caracterização do padrão de desenvolvimento de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais por meio das características morfogênicas e estruturais

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    Carlindo Santos Rodrigues


    Full Text Available An experiment was carried out with the objective to evaluate growth pattern of tropical forage grass under free growth by using morphogenetic and structural characteristics with the expectation of using this study for forage grass evaluation protocol. The experimental area was established with two cultivars of Panicum maximum Jacq. (Mombaca and Aruana, a hybrid cultivar of P. maximum Jacq. and P. Infestum BRA-7102 (Massai, two cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich. Stapf (Marandu and Xaraes and Molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora Beauv. and jaragua grass (Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees Stapf.. The grasses were planted in 1.0-m² experimental units with 24 plants arranged in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Growth pattern of the grasses was evaluated through mass development, tiller mortality, development stage and leaf longevity. Development patterns differed significantly among groups of grasses, indicating that the same available resources can be used in different manners by grasses from the same genus and/or species.Um experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o padrão de desenvolvimento de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais em crescimento livre por meio das características morfogênicas e estruturais, com expectativa de uso desse estudo no protocolo de avaliação de gramíneas forrageiras. A área experimental foi estabelecida com dois cultivares de Panicum maximum Jacq. (Mombaça e Aruana, um cultivar híbrido de P. maximum Jacq. e P. infestum BRA-7102 (Massai, dois cultivares de Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich. Stapf (Marandu e Xaraés e com os capins gordura (Melinis minutiflora Beauv. e jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees Stapf.. As gramíneas foram plantadas em unidades experimentais de 1,0 m² com 24 plantas arranjadas em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados com três repetições. O padrão de desenvolvimento das gramíneas foi avaliado por meio do desenvolvimento de massa, da mortalidade de

  9. Protective effect of Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis prickly pear juice upon ethanol-induced damages in rat erythrocytes. (United States)

    Alimi, Hichem; Hfaeidh, Najla; Bouoni, Zouhour; Sakly, Mohsen; Ben Rhouma, Khémais


    Juice from the fruit of the cactus Opuntia ficus indica is claimed to possess several health-beneficial properties. The present study was carried out to determine whether O. ficus indica f. inermis fruit extract might have a protective effect upon physiological and morphological damages inflicted to erythrocytes membrane by chronic ethanol poisoning, per os, in rat. Chemical analysis of the extract revealed the presence of polyphenols, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, and betalains. Ethanol administration (3 g/kg b.w, per day for 90 days) induced an increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) and carbonylated proteins levels and a decrease of glutathione (GSH) level in erythrocyte. Ethanol administration also reduced the scavenging activity in plasma and enhanced erythrocytes hemolysis, as compared to control rats. In addition, ethanol intake increased the erythrocyte shape index by +895.5% and decreased the erythrocyte diameter by -61.53% as compared to controls. In animals also given prickly pear juice during the same experimental period, the studied parameters were much less shifted. This protective effect was found to be dose-dependent. It is likely that the beneficial effect of the extract is due to the high content of antioxidant compounds. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Programmed cell death promotes male sterility in the functional dioecious Opuntia stenopetala (Cactaceae). (United States)

    Flores-Rentería, Lluvia; Orozco-Arroyo, Gregorio; Cruz-García, Felipe; García-Campusano, Florencia; Alfaro, Isabel; Vázquez-Santana, Sonia


    The sexual separation in dioecious species has interested biologists for decades; however, the cellular mechanism leading to unisexuality has been poorly understood. In this study, the cellular changes that lead to male sterility in the functionally dioecious cactus, Opuntia stenopetala, are described. The spatial and temporal patterns of programmed cell death (PCD) were determined in the anthers of male and female flowers using scanning electron microscopy analysis and histological observations, focusing attention on the transition from bisexual to unisexual development. In addition, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling assays were used as an indicator of DNA fragmentation to corroborate PCD. PCD was detected in anthers of both female and male flowers, but their patterns differed in time and space. Functionally male individuals developed viable pollen, and normal development involved PCD on each layer of the anther wall, which occurred progressively from the inner (tapetum) to the outer layer (epidermis). Conversely, functional female individuals aborted anthers by premature and displaced PCD. In anthers of female flowers, the first signs of PCD, such as a nucleus with irregular shape, fragmented and condensed chromatin, high vacuolization and condensed cytoplasm, occurred at the microspore mother cell stage. Later these features were observed simultaneously in all anther wall layers, connective tissue and filament. Neither pollen formation nor anther dehiscence was detected in female flowers of O. stenopetala due to total anther disruption. Temporal and spatial changes in the patterns of PCD are responsible for male sterility of female flowers in O. stenopetala. Male fertility requires the co-ordination of different events, which, when altered, can lead to male sterility and to functionally unisexual individuals. PCD could be a widespread mechanism in the determination of functionally dioecious species.

  11. Protein enrichment of an Opuntia ficus-indica cladode hydrolysate by cultivation of Candida utilis and Kluyveromyces marxianus. (United States)

    Akanni, Gabriel B; du Preez, James C; Steyn, Laurinda; Kilian, Stephanus G


    The cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (prickly pear cactus) have a low protein content; for use as a balanced feed, supplementation with other protein sources is therefore desirable. We investigated protein enrichment by cultivation of the yeasts Candida utilis and Kluyveromyces marxianus in an enzymatic hydrolysate of the cladode biomass. Dilute acid pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of sun-dried cladodes resulted in a hydrolysate containing (per litre) 45.5 g glucose, 6.3 g xylose, 9.1 g galactose, 10.8 g arabinose and 9.6 g fructose. Even though K. marxianus had a much higher growth rate and utilized l-arabinose and d-galactose more completely than C. utilis, its biomass yield coefficient was lower due to ethanol and ethyl acetate production despite aerobic cultivation. Yeast cultivation more than doubled the protein content of the hydrolysate, with an essential amino acid profile superior to sorghum and millet grains. This K. marxianus strain was weakly Crabtree positive. Despite its low biomass yield, its performance compared well with C. utilis. This is the first report showing that the protein content and quality of O. ficus-indica cladode biomass could substantially be improved by yeast cultivation, including a comparative evaluation of C. utilis and K. marxianus. © 2014 The Authors. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.

  12. Influence of photoperiod on growth for three desert CAM species. [Agave deserti, Ferocactus acanthodes, Opuntia ficus-indica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nobel, P.S. (Univ. of California, Los Angeles (USA))


    Agave deserti, Ferocactus acanthodes, and Opuntia ficus-indica were maintained in environmental growth chambers under a constant total daily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) for 1 yr to investigate the effects of photoperiod on growth of these Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species. As the photoperiod was increased from 6 h to 18 h, growth increased 33% for A. deserti, 81% for F. acanthodes, and 50% for O. ficus-indica. Such increases were explained based on PAR saturation of the C{sub 3} photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle utilized by CAM plants during the daytime. In particular, the highest instantaneous PAR occurred for the shortest photoperiod and led to less growth for the same total daily PAR. Also, the total daily net CO{sub 2} uptake which occurred primarily at night, increased 53% as the photoperiod was increased from 6 to 18 h for O. ficus-indica, even though the accompanying night length decreased. The only other observed morphological effect was the sevenfold increase in the number of new cladodes initiated as the photoperiod was increased from 6 h to 18 h for O. ficus-indica. The influence of photoperiod on the daily pattern of net CO{sub 2} uptake and lack of effect of drought on plant survival under long photoperiods for O. ficus-indica differ from previous reports on this and other CAM species.

  13. Adaptación de la metodología de cálculo de huella ecológica para los cultivos de palma africana usando sistemas de información geográfica: estudio de caso Puerto Wilches Santande

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    Claudia Ramírez Cano


    Full Text Available En el municipio de Puerto Wilches el monocultivo de palma africana actualmente es un eje trasversal de la economía, modificando la diversidad de los ecosistemas y cultivos tradicionales de la zona. Por lo cual, el objetivo de esta investigación es medir y evaluar los impactos de los cultivos de palma africana en el lapso de 1987 a 2010 adaptando la metodología desarrollada por Mathis Wackernagel y William Rees y algunos aportes de los desarrollos realizados por Juan Luis Doménech, aunando a estos tecnología satelital e indicadores de biocapacidad y déficit ecológico para conocer los requerimientos de espacios y recursos naturales necesarios para la producción de los derivados de la palma. El análisis de la época arrojó para el año 1987 un indicador de huella ecológica con un valor de 1.255 ha/pc, biocapacidad del cultivo 0.470 ha/pc, déficit ecológico correspondiente a -0.785 ha/pc; se estima un valor del 16 % en cuanto a la producción y uso de recursos. Con relación a los indicadores de sostenibilidad, en 2010 se obtuvieron valores de huella ecológica de 5.492 ha/pc, biocapacidad 1.454 ha/pc y déficit ecológico de -4.038 ha/pc, cifras que evidencian los efectos originados por la implementación del monocultivo en la zona, que para la fecha aumento en un 63 % la producción y uso de recursos naturales. Por lo anterior, es necesario y urgente elaborar e implementar políticas de planificación territorial así como alternativas de producción económica para mejorar la calidad ambiental y social del municipio, deteniendo la acelerada antropización de la región.

  14. Hypnotic Effect and GC-MS Analysis of Seeds Extracts From Algerian Nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica L.

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    Farah Kenza BENATTIA


    Full Text Available Context: Sleep disorders are a frequent symptom that requires prior to any prescription medication, an etiological check to eliminate any organic or psychiatric pathology that is under other treatments and that could worsen under hypnotics.The phytochemical study of Nopal affirm to be an excellent source of natural oligoelements which may improve human health and nutrition Aims: The objective of this work is to extract and analyze the lipid fraction of prickly pear seeds (Opuntia ficus–indica. L, and to determine their hypnotic activity in order to achieve a primary pharmacological screening contained in these extracts (aqueous, hydro-ethanol. Methods: GC-MS analysis of seed oil extracted by soxhlet method, and the pharmacology experiment was performed on white mice from a Swiss race Balb/cby calculating the sleep time. Results: The oil of seeds is rich in fatty-acids poly-unsaturates, Main fatty acids identified were linoleic (C18:2, oleic (C18:1, and palmitic (C16:0, palmitoleic (C16:1 acids with respective contents 81.25%, 3.70%, and 15.03%. The extract hydro-ethanolic at the 500mg / kg dose has a moderate hypnotic effect Conclusion: This study proves that the food quality of prickly pear seeds is very important and its natural source of edible oil containing of the essential fatty-acids, and can be a base for a promising work to highlight the bioactive moleculeswithhypnotic effects, myorelaxant and tranquillizing.

  15. Hepatoprotective effect of Opuntia dillenii seed oil on CCl4 induced acute liver damage in rat

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    Mohamed Bouhrim


    Full Text Available Objective: To investigate the hepatoprotective effect of Opuntia dillenii seed oil (ODSO on CCl4 provoked liver injury in rat. Methods: Animals were treated orally with ODSO at a concentration of 2 mL/kg, once daily for one week before the first intraperitoneal injection of CCl4, and thereafter the administration of the oil was continued for 7 days until the introduction of the second injection of CCl4. Fourteen hours after the last dose of CCl4, rats were sacrificed, and the relative liver weight, weight gain, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate amino transferase, alanine aminotransferase, direct bilirubin, total bilirubin, triglycerides, total cholesterol, very low density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein, plasmatic glucose, urea, creatinine, acid uric and malondialdehyde were determined. Results: The significant increase was found in relative liver weight and plasma levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate amino transferase, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, triglycerides, very low-density lipoprotein, urea, uric acid and malondialdehyde. Likewise, the significant decrease was indicated in the weight gain and the level of glucose plasmatic, and high-density lipoprotein levels in CCl4 produced liver injury in rats were re-established to normal levels when treated with ODSO. While, no change was observed in the total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and creatinine in all animals. Conclusions: We conclude that the ODSO has a protective effect on CCl4-mediated liver injury. Hence, we suggest its inclusion as a preventive control of liver disorders.

  16. Evaluation of protective effect of cactus pear seed oil (Opuntia ficus-indica L. MILL.) against alloxan-induced diabetes in mice. (United States)

    Berraaouan, Ali; Abderrahim, Ziyyat; Hassane, Mekhfi; Abdelkhaleq, Legssyer; Mohammed, Aziz; Mohamed, Bnouham


    To evaluate the in vitro antioxidant power of cactus pear seed oil [Opuntia ficus-indica L. MILL. (CPSO)] and its protective effect against chemically induced diabetes mellitus in mice. The in vitro antioxidant effect of CPSO was evaluated using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assay. The preventive effect was conducted on Swiss albino mice treated with CPSO (2 mL/kg, per os), before and after a single intraperitoneal alloxan administration (100 mg/kg). Survival rate, body weight and fasting blood glucose were measured and histopathological analysis of pancreas was performed to evaluate alloxan-induced tissue injuries. CPSO exhibited an antioxidant effect in DPPH scavenging assay. Moreover, the administration of CPSO (2 mL/kg) significantly attenuated alloxan-induced death and hyperglycemia (P < 0.001) in treated mice. Morphometric study of pancreas revealed that CPSO significantly protected islets of langerhans against alloxan induced-tissue alterations. Based on theses results, CPSO can prevente alloxan-induced-diabetes by quenching free radicals produced by alloxan and inhibiting tissue injuries in pancreatic β-cells. Copyright © 2015 Hainan Medical College. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Low- and High-Temperature Tolerance and Acclimation for Chlorenchyma versus Meristem of the Cultivated Cacti Nopalea cochenillifera, Opuntia robusta, and Selenicereus megalanthus

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    Brian R. Zutta


    Full Text Available Dividing meristematic cells are thought to be more sensitive to extreme temperatures compared to other tissues, such as chlorenchyma. This was examined for low and high temperatures for three widely cultivated cacti: Nopalea cochenillifera, Opuntia robusta, and Selenicereus megalanthus. Temperature tolerances of chlorenchyma and meristem were based on the cellular uptake of the vital stain neutral red for plants at mean day/night air temperatures of 25/20°C and plants maintained at 10/5°C or 45/40°C to examine temperature acclimation. Meristematic cells tolerated 1.8°C lower low temperatures and 4.0°C higher high temperatures than chlorenchyma cells for the three species at 25/20°C. Both tissue types showed acclimation, with a decrease or increase in temperature tolerated at 10/5°C or 45/40°C, respectively. Meristematic cells were more tolerant of extreme temperatures compared to chlorenchyma, contrary to the prevailing belief, and may reflect an additional strategy for cacti to survive extreme temperatures.

  18. Compositional and structural changes in Phoenix canariensis and Opuntia ficus-indica with pretreatment: Effects on enzymatic hydrolysis and second generation ethanol production. (United States)

    Udeh, Benard Anayo; Erkurt, Emrah Ahmet


    Two different plants namely Phoenix canariensis and Opuntia ficus-indica were used as substrate for reducing sugar generation and ethanol production. Dilute acid, alkaline and steam explosion were used as pretreatment methods in order to depolymerize lignin and/or hemicellulose and recover cellulose. By using alkaline pretreatment with 2.5% NaOH 71.08% for P. canariensis and 74.61% for O. ficus-indica lignin removal and 81.84% for P. canariensis and 72.66% for O. ficus-indica cellulose recovery yields were obtained. Pretreated materials were hydrolyzed by cellulase with high efficiency (87.0% and 84.5% cellulose conversion yields for P. canariensis and O. ficus-indica) and used as substrate for fermentation. Maximum ethanol production of 15.75g/L and 14.71g/L were achieved from P. canariensis and O. ficus-indica respectively. Structural differences were observed by XRD, FTIR and SEM for untreated, pretreated, hydrolyzed and fermented samples and were highly correlated with compositional analysis results. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Grupos funcionais de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais Functional clusters of tropical forage grasses

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    Carlindo Santos Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Foram avaliadas as características morfogênicas e estruturais de gramíneas forrageiras com o objetivo de agrupá-las, de acordo com seu padrão de desenvolvimento, em seus respectivos grupos funcionais. As gramíneas foram plantadas em parcelas de 1,0 m² com 24 plantas, em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados com três repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de fatores, reduzindo as variáveis em quatro fatores: desenvolvimento de massa, mortalidade de perfilhos, estádio de desenvolvimento e longevidade foliar. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de agrupamento por otimização de Tocher adotando-se a distância euclidiana média como medida básica de dissimilaridade. As gramíneas foram agrupadas da seguinte forma: Verão - grupo I (Xaraés, Massai, Mombaça e Marandu; grupo II (Gordura e Aruana; e grupo III (Jaraguá. Outono - grupo I (Mombaça, Massai, Xaraés, Marandu e Gordura; grupo II - (Jaraguá; e grupo III (Aruana. Possivelmente a maior participação do fator mortalidade de perfilhos na formação dos grupos no período de outono influenciou na reorganização dos grupos. Os padrões de desenvolvimento de massa dos diferentes grupos de gramíneas diferiram entre si quanto à forma de utilização dos recursos disponíveis. Houve mudança nos escores de todos os fatores com a mudança do período do verão para o outono. O agrupamento funcional comprova que gramíneas de gêneros e/ou espécies diferentes podem ser enquadradas em um mesmo grupo.Morphogenetic and structural characteristics of forage grasses were evaluated in order to group them according to their pattern of development in their respective functional groups. Grasses were planted in plots of 1.0 m² with 24 plants in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Data were submitted to factor analysis, reducing the variables to four factors: mass development, tiller mortality, developmental stage and leaf longevity. The data

  20. Diversidade de bactérias ambientais e de pacientes no Hospital Geral de Palmas-TO

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    Anderson Barbosa Baptista


    Full Text Available Patógenos resistentes representam um grande desafio para os hospitais no que se referem aos ao tratamento e as medidas profiláticas. Uma vez no ambiente cepas Gram negativas podem adquirir genes de resistência do solo, da água e dos efluentes hospitalares e assim transmiti-los a outros gêneros. Objetivou-se neste estudo quantificar e qualificar as cepas bacterianas presentes nos pacientes com suspeita de infecção hospitalar e no ambiente em que se encontram internados do Hospital Geral de Palmas. Foram encontradas 14 espécies bacterianas diferentes de 141 amostras, sendo 123 de pacientes e 18 do ambiente hospitalar. Nas amostras dos pacientes destacaram-se a Klebsiella pneumoniae (21,9%, Acinetobacter baumannii (13,8%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (12,2%, Escherichia coli (11,4%, Serratia marcescens (10, 6% e Staphylococcus aureus (8,9%, dessas observou-se que 80 cepas eram multirresistentes aos antimicrobianos, prevalecendo a Klebsiella pneumoniae (26,3% e a Acinetobacter baumannii (20,0%. As amostras de Aspirado traqueal apresentaram um maior número de cepas multirresistentes. No ambiente prevaleceram a Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus aureus e Staphylococcus sp. ambas com 22,2%, coletadas de diferentes locais e materiais da UTI como tubo traqueal, Ambu, colchão e monitores. Estes resultados apontam a necessidade de implantação de estratégias administrativas e educativas para reduzir a disseminação de cepas multirresistentes.


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    Enio Marchezan


    Full Text Available A utilização das áreas de várzea na Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul limita-se basicamente ao cultivo do arroz irrigado, permanecendo em pousio durante o inverno devido à deficiência de drenagem natural. A melhoria do sistema de drenagem pode ser obtida através do nivelamento da área, da correção do microrelevo, associado ao estabelecimento de drenos superficiais. Assim, foi desenvolvido um trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar a produção animal em área de terras baixas sistematizada, cultivada com espécies forrageiras de inverno, as quais foram submetidas a diferentes níveis de adubação. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental do Departamento de Fitotecnia da UFSM, em solo classificado como PLANOSSOLO HIDROMÓRFICO Eutrófico arênico, unidade de mapeamento Vacacaí. A área foi sistematizada em desnível de aproximadamente 0,06%, e as espécies forrageiras foram: azevém (Lolium multiflorum, trevo branco (Trifolium repens e cornichão (Lotus corniculatus, cultivadas em consorciação. Adotaram-se como tratamentos três níveis de adubação: 50%, 100% e 150% da recomendação oficial, sendo utilizada calagem para corrigir o pH para 5,5. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com duas repetições, totalizando seis parcelas de 0,5ha cada uma. Utilizaram-se terneiros de 8 a 10 meses de idade, em pastejo contínuo, com carga inicial média de 480kg ha-1 de peso vivo. As variáveis avaliadas foram: ganho médio diário de peso por animal, carga animal, ganho de peso vivo ha-1, digestibilidade in vitro, proteína bruta, composição botânica e taxa média de acúmulo de matéria seca das forrageiras. O resíduo de matéria seca (MS ha-1 da pastagem manteve-se ao redor de 1000kg, e a taxa média de acúmulo de MS ha-1dia-1 das forrageiras foi de 19,9kg. O ganho médio diário foi de 1016g animal-1 dia-1, com carga média de 738,6kg ha-1 peso vivo e ganho de peso de 469,7 kg ha-1. O número de dias de

  2. Análise das potencialidades e barreiras referentes ao desenvolvimento e à implementação do biodiesel a partir do óleo de palma na Colômbia


    Ariel Augusto Amaya Avila


    A Colômbia, a partir de 2003, prevendo um déficit na sua produção de combustíveis e tentando reativar a economia rural, iniciou seu programa nacional de biocombustíveis apoiado em políticas, regulamentos e incentivos econômicos para o novo setor energético. É assim que esta dissertação tem como objetivo descrever e analisar o processo de implementação do programa de biodiesel na Colômbia a partir de óleo de palma, determinando a capacidade produtiva do país e discutindo as barreiras existente...

  3. Características químicas de solo submetido ao tratamento com esterco líquido de suínos e cultivado com gramíneas forrageiras

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    Queiroz Flávia Martins de


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se, neste trabalho, o efeito da aplicação intensiva de esterco líquido de suínos (ELS, pelo método do escoamento superficial, nas características químicas de um solo Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo cultivado com quatro espécies forrageiras: quicuio da Amazônia (Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle Schweick, braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf, coastcross (Cynodon dactylon (L. Pers. e tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.. O ELS foi aplicado em parcelas de 4m² e com 5% de declividade, durante 4 meses, na taxa média equivalente a 800kg ha-1d-1 de demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO5. Para caracterização química, amostras de solo foram coletadas à profundidade de 0-0,20m, antes de iniciar o experimento e após o término dele. A aplicação de ELS proporcionou acúmulo de P, K, Na e Zn no solo, enquanto as concentrações de Mg e Cu diminuíram e a de Ca se manteve inalterada. Houve aumento na acidez, na soma de bases, na CTC e redução na saturação por bases. Devido ao acúmulo de nutrientes, recomenda-se monitoramento das características químicas do solo, ao longo de seu perfil e das águas subterrâneas para que se avaliem riscos de contaminação ambiental.

  4. Growth and predicted productivity of Opuntia ficus-indica for current and elevated carbon dioxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nobel, P.S. (Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States)); Garcia de Cortazar, V. (Univ. de Chile, Santiago (Chile))

    Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., a prickly pear cactus cultivated worldwide for its fruits and stem segments, can have an annual dry weight productivity exceeding that of many crops. Using a recent introduced environmental productivity index (EPI), the influences of water status, temperature, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) on its productivity can be predicted. This investigation calculated the water index, the temperature index, and the PAR index, whose product equals EPI, for 169 sites distributed approximately uniformly across the contiguous USA for present climatic conditions as well as for those associated with an elevated CO{sub 2} concentration of 650 {mu}L L{sup {minus}1}. The effect of elevated CO{sub 2} on growth of O. ficus-indica was directly measured, and low temperature limitations on productivity were considered. The dry weight gain of O. ficus-indica during 6 mo in an environmental growth chamber was 23% greater at 650 compared with 350 {mu}L L{sup {minus}1} CO{sub 2} and increased as the duration of the wet period increased. For closely spaced plants that lead to a high productivity per unit ground area, EPI averaged about 0.10, except in desert regions where the water index lowered EPI, in the far North or South and at high elevations where the temperature index lowered EPI, and in the Northeast and Northwest where the PAR index lowered EPI. The predicted annual dry weight productivity for O. ficus-indica was 12.8 Mg ha{sup {minus}1} yr{sup {minus}1} under current conditions, and 16.3 Mg ha{sup {minus}1} yr{sup {minus}1} under those associated with 650 {mu}L L{sup {minus}1} CO{sub 2}.

  5. Ameliorative effect of Opuntia ficus indica juice on ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rat erythrocytes. (United States)

    Alimi, Hichem; Hfaeidh, Najla; Bouoni, Zouhour; Sakly, Mohsen; Rhouma, Khémais Ben


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis fruit juice (OFIj) on reversing oxidative damages induced by chronic ethanol intake in rat erythrocytes. OFIj was firstly analyzed with HPLC for phenolic and flavonoids content. Secondly, 40 adult male Wistar rats were equally divided into five groups and treated for 90 days as follows: control (C), ethanol-only 3 g/kg body weight (b.w) (E), low dose of OFIj 2 ml/100 g b.w+ethanol (Ldj+E), high dose of OFIj 4 ml/100 g b.w+ethanol (Hdj+E), and only a high dose of OFIj 4 ml/100g b.w (Hdj). HPLC analysis indicated high concentrations of phenolic acids and flavonoids in OFIj. Ethanol treatment markedly decreased the activities of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and the level of reduced glutathione (GSH). Changes in the erythrocyte's antioxidant ability were accompanied by enhanced oxidative modification of lipids (increase of malondialdeyde level) and proteins (increase in carbonyl groups). Interestingly, pre-administration of either 2 ml/100 g b.w or 4 ml/100 g b.w of OFIj to ethanol-intoxicated rats significantly reversed decreases in enzymatic as well as non enzymatic antioxidants parameters in erythrocytes. Also, the administration of OFIj significantly protected lipids and proteins against ethanol-induced oxidative modifications in rat erythrocytes. The beneficial effect of OFIj can result from the inhibition of ethanol-induced free radicals chain reactions in rat erythrocytes or from the enhancement of the endogenous antioxidants activities. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  6. Water Relations, Diurnal Acidity Changes, and Productivity of a Cultivated Cactus, Opuntia ficus-indica1 (United States)

    Acevedo, Edmundo; Badilla, Ignacio; Nobel, Park S.


    Physiological responses of the Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae) were studied on a commercial plantation in central Chile. Young cladodes (flattened stems) and flower buds exhibited daytime stomatal opening, whereas mature cladodes and fruit exhibited the nocturnal stomatal opening characteristic of CAM plants. Severe water stress suppressed the nocturnal stomatal opening by mature cladodes, but their high water vapor conductance occurring near dawn was not affected. Nocturnal acidity increases were not as sensitive to water stress as was the nocturnal stomatal opening. The magnitude of the nocturnal acidity increases depended on the total daily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), being 90% PAR-saturated at 27 moles per square meter per day for a mean nighttime air temperature of 5°C and at 20 moles per square meter per day for 18°C. Inasmuch as the PAR received on unshaded vertical surfaces averaged about 21 moles per square meter per day, nocturnal acidity increases by the cladodes were on the verge of being PAR-limited in the field. The net assimilation rate, which was positive throughout the year, annually averaged 3.4 grams per square meter per day for 1.0- and 2.0-year-old plants. Plants that were 5.4 years old had 7.2 square meters of cladode surface area (both sides) and an annual dry weight productivity of 13 megagrams (metric tons) per hectare per year when their ground cover was 32%. This substantial productivity for a CAM plant was accompanied by the highest nocturnal acidity increase so far observed in the field, 0.78 mole H+ per square meter. PMID:16663084

  7. Compositional, thermal and microstructural characterization of the Nopal (opuntia ficus indica), for addition in commercial cement mixtures (United States)

    Hernández Carrillo, C. G.; Gómez-Cuaspud, J. A.; E Martínez Suarez, C.


    The Nopal (opuntia ficus indica) from remote times has contributed like food and additive product in prehispanic constructions; although it grows in all the Colombian territory is very little used and its contribution in mixtures of Colombian cement is unknown. In order to evaluate the hydration characteristics of Nopal, several Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) were performed to evaluate the optimal temperature of dehydration. Initially, the results show that around 175°C the weight loss is approximately 95%, this mass loss corresponds to the process of physical removal, suggesting that at least a remaining amount of 5% (w/w) has the ability to retain large amounts of water which is stored in the micro-structural deposits of Nopal. The evaluation by means Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), confirm that the whole cactus structure enables the water storage at cellular level. The results of infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis allowed the qualitative and semi-quantitative evaluation of the presence of functional groups and elemental chemical composition of Nopal respectively, mainly related with polysaccharide functional groups, which corresponds to 85% of the total composition. Other functional groups, are related with protein and mineral components. This found characteristics are relevant for the water retention in process that require the decrease of water consumption and the reinforcing of mechanical properties and durability, due to ability of Nopal mucilage to restore its hydration characteristics.

  8. Bone Mineral Density, Mechanical, Microstructural Properties and Mineral Content of the Femur in Growing Rats Fed with Cactus Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae) Cladodes as Calcium Source in Diet. (United States)

    Hernández-Becerra, Ezequiel; Gutiérrez-Cortez, Elsa; Del Real, Alicia; Rojas-Molina, Alejandra; Rodríguez-García, Mario; Rubio, Efraín; Quintero-García, Michelle; Rojas-Molina, Isela


    Mechanical, microstructural properties, mineral content and bone mineral density (BMD) of the femur were evaluated in growing rats fed with Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae) cladodes at different maturity stages as calcium source. Male weanling rats were fed with cladodes at early maturity stage (25 and 60 days of age, belonging to groups N-60 and N-200, respectively) and cladodes at late maturity stage (100 and 135 days of age, belonging to groups N-400 and N-600, respectively) for 6 weeks. Additionally, a control group fed with calcium carbonate as calcium source was included for comparative purposes. All diets were fitted to the same calcium content (5 g/kg diet). The failure load of femurs was significantly lower ( p ≤ 0.05) in groups N-60 and N-200 in comparison to N-400, N-600 and control groups. The cortical width (Ct.Wi) and trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) of the femurs in control and N-600 groups were significantly higher ( p ≤ 0.05) than Ct.Wi and Tb.Th of femurs in groups N-60 and N-200. Trabecular separation of the femurs in N-60 and N-200 groups showed the highest values compared with all experimental groups. The highest calcium content in the femurs were observed in control, N-600 and N-400 groups; whereas the lowest phosphorus content in the bones were detected in N-200, N-600 and N-400 groups. Finally, the BMD in all experimental groups increased with age; nevertheless, the highest values were observed in N-600 and control groups during pubertal and adolescence stages. The results derived from this research demonstrate, for the first time, that the calcium found in Opuntia ficus indica cladodes is actually bioavailable and capable of improving mineral density and mechanical and microstructural properties of the bones. These findings suggest that the consumption of cladodes at late maturity stage within the diet might have a beneficial impact on bone health.

  9. Bone Mineral Density, Mechanical, Microstructural Properties and Mineral Content of the Femur in Growing Rats Fed with Cactus Opuntia ficus indica (L. Mill. (Cactaceae Cladodes as Calcium Source in Diet

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    Ezequiel Hernández-Becerra


    Full Text Available Mechanical, microstructural properties, mineral content and bone mineral density (BMD of the femur were evaluated in growing rats fed with Opuntia ficus indica (L. Mill. (Cactaceae cladodes at different maturity stages as calcium source. Male weanling rats were fed with cladodes at early maturity stage (25 and 60 days of age, belonging to groups N-60 and N-200, respectively and cladodes at late maturity stage (100 and 135 days of age, belonging to groups N-400 and N-600, respectively for 6 weeks. Additionally, a control group fed with calcium carbonate as calcium source was included for comparative purposes. All diets were fitted to the same calcium content (5 g/kg diet. The failure load of femurs was significantly lower (p ≤ 0.05 in groups N-60 and N-200 in comparison to N-400, N-600 and control groups. The cortical width (Ct.Wi and trabecular thickness (Tb.Th of the femurs in control and N-600 groups were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05 than Ct.Wi and Tb.Th of femurs in groups N-60 and N-200. Trabecular separation of the femurs in N-60 and N-200 groups showed the highest values compared with all experimental groups. The highest calcium content in the femurs were observed in control, N-600 and N-400 groups; whereas the lowest phosphorus content in the bones were detected in N-200, N-600 and N-400 groups. Finally, the BMD in all experimental groups increased with age; nevertheless, the highest values were observed in N-600 and control groups during pubertal and adolescence stages. The results derived from this research demonstrate, for the first time, that the calcium found in Opuntia ficus indica cladodes is actually bioavailable and capable of improving mineral density and mechanical and microstructural properties of the bones. These findings suggest that the consumption of cladodes at late maturity stage within the diet might have a beneficial impact on bone health.

  10. Repetibilidade de características forrageiras do capim-elefante Repeatability of elephantgrass forage traits

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    Aldo Shimoya


    Full Text Available O coeficiente de repetibilidade é amplamente usado pelos geneticistas como medida do limite superior da herdabilidade e da eficiência da predição do valor genotípico a partir de sucessivas medições no indivíduo. Pelo seu conhecimento pode-se avaliar se o número de avaliações realizadas é suficiente para se inferir sobre a superioridade genotípica com determinado grau de certeza. Estimou-se o coeficiente de repetibilidade das características forrageiras proteína bruta do colmo e da folha, em 77 acessos do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Capim-Elefante da Embrapa. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com duas repetições. Os cortes foram realizados aos 30, 45, 60 e 75 dias de idade, em 15 perfilhos, tomados ao acaso dentro de cada parcela. Foi realizada análise de variância dos dados obtidos para cada característica, como também estimados os parâmetros genéticos e ambientais. Os coeficientes de repetibilidade foram estimados através dos métodos: análise de variância, componentes principais - matriz de correlação, componentes principais - matriz de covariância e análise estrutural - matriz de correlação. Constatou-se variabilidade genética entre os genótipos para as características avaliadas, possibilitando a identificação de materiais genéticos superiores que podem ser utilizados em programas de melhoramento. Os coeficientes de repetibilidade estimados não apresentaram diferenças discrepantes com relação às características estudadas. Os quatro cortes foram suficientes para obter um coeficiente de determinação de 0,80, para todos os métodos. O acréscimo de três cortes, totalizando sete, torna possível obter predições com uma confiabilidade em torno de 0,90 para as características estudadas, utilizando-se qualquer dos métodos.The repeatability coefficient is widely used by geneticists as a measure of the upper limit of the heritability and as an efficient tool for predicting genotype

  11. Variation in the local population dynamics of the short-lived Opuntia macrorhiza (Cactaceae). (United States)

    Haridas, C V; Keeler, Kathleen H; Tenhumberg, Brigitte


    Spatiotemporal variation in demographic rates can have profound effects for population persistence, especially for dispersal-limited species living in fragmented landscapes. Long-term studies of plants in such habitats help with understanding the impacts of fragmentation on population persistence but such studies are rare. In this work, we reanalyzed demographic data from seven years of the short-lived cactus Opuntia macrorhiza var. macrorhiza at five plots in Boulder, Colorado. Previous work combining data from all years and all plots predicted a stable population (deterministic log lamda approximately 0). This approach assumed that all five plots were part of a single population. Since the plots were located in a suburban-agricultural interface separated by highways, grazing lands, and other barriers, and O. macrorhiza is likely dispersal limited, we analyzed the dynamics of each plot separately using stochastic matrix models assuming each plot represented a separate population. We found that the stochastic population growth rate log lamdaS varied widely between populations (log lamdaS = 0.1497, 0.0774, -0.0230, -0.2576, -0.4989). The three populations with the highest growth rates were located close together in space, while the two most isolated populations had the lowest growth rates suggesting that dispersal between populations is critical for the population viability of O. macrorhiza. With one exception, both our prospective (stochastic elasticity) and retrospective (stochastic life table response experiments) analysis suggested that means of stasis and growth, especially of smaller plants, were most important for population growth rate. This is surprising because recruitment is typically the most important vital rate in a short-lived species such as O. macrorhiza. We found that elasticity to the variance was mostly negligible, suggesting that O. macrorhiza populations are buffered against large temporal variation. Finally, single-year elasticities to means

  12. Diel patterns of water potential components for the crassulacean acid metabolism plant Opuntia ficus-indica when well-watered or droughted

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goldstein, G.; Ortega, J.K.E.; Nerd, A.; Nobel, P.S. (Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States))


    Under well-watered conditions, chlorenchyma acidity in cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica increased substantially at night, fully accounting for the 0.26-megapascal nocturnal increase in osmotic pressure in the outer 2 millimeters. Osmotic pressure in the inner part of the chlorenchyma and in the water-storage parenchyma did not change significantly over 24-hour periods. Three months of drought decreased nocturnal acid accumulation by 73% and essentially abolished transpiration; also, 27% of the chlorenchyma water and 61% of the parenchyma water was lost during such drought, but the average tissue osmotic pressure was little affected. Turgor pressure was maintained in the chlorenchyma after 3 months of drought, although it decreased sevenfold in the water-storage parenchyma compared with the well-watered condition. Moreover, the nocturnal increases in turgor pressure of about 0.08 megapascal in the outer part of the chlorenchyma was also unchanged by such drought. The water potential magnitudes favored water movement from the parenchyma to the chlorenchyma at the end of the night and in the reverse direction during the late afternoon. Experiments with tritiated water support this pattern of water movement, which is also in agreement with predictions based on electric-circuit analog models for Crassulacean acid metabolism plants.

  13. Producción de biodiesel de aceite crudo de palma mediante catálisis heterogénea

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    Fernando Cardeño


    Full Text Available Se estudió la producción de biodiesel de aceite crudo de palma mediante el uso de catalizadores heterogéneos ácidos y básicos para las etapas de preesterificación y transesterificación respectivamente. La pre-esterificación es necesaria para aceites con una acidez superior al 4% de ácidos grasos libres, ya que se evitan los problemas asociados con la formación de jabones. En ambas reacciones las variables analizadas fueron el tipo de catalizador, la temperatura y el tiempo. Se analizó la conversión del aceite a metilésteres usando cromatografía gaseosa y la estabilidad de los catalizadores mediante su reutilización. En la etapa de pre-esterificación se encontró que catalizadores ácidos del tipo resinas de poliestireno sulfonadas presentan conversiones superiores al 87% estabilidad para la esterificación de los ácidos grasos libres. Para la transesterificación se estudiaron como catalizadores heterogéneos, el carbonato de potasio libre y soportado en una matriz polimérica, obteniéndose con ambos conversiones superiores a 95 % de biodiesel; con el uso del soporte polimérico se disminuyó la velocidad de disolución de carbonato de potasio, permitiendo su reutilización hasta 10 reutilizaciones.

  14. CO2 uptake of Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill. whole trees and single cladodes, in relation to plant water status and cladode age

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    Giorgia Liguori


    Full Text Available Most of net photosynthesis determinations in Opuntia ficus-indica come from measurements on individual cladodes. However, they have limitations when used to scale up to whole canopy gas exchange, because a large variability of carbon assimilation may occur within the canopy, due to, among others, differences in cladode age and intercepted radiation or individual cladode response to abiotic stresses. The aim of this work was to evaluate the application of open gas exchange chambers, simultaneously applied around the whole canopy, to measure net CO2 uptake, continuously over a 24 h period, in single Opuntia ficus-indica (L. Mill. potted trees and in relation with their water status. Net CO2 uptake was also measured for single cladodes differentiated by age. O. ficus-indica trees continued their photosynthetic activity 60 days after the irrigation was stopped, when soil water content was lower than 5%. At this stage, current-year and 1-year-old cladodes had become flaccid but still the daily net CO2 uptake of non-irrigated trees kept the same rate than at the beginning of the experiment, while watered trees had doubled their net CO2 uptake. The highest instantaneous rates and total daily net CO2 uptake for both well-watered and non-irrigated trees occurred 60 days after the onset of the dry period, when maximal instantaneous rates were 11.1 in well-watered trees and 8.4 mol m–2 s–1 in non-irrigated trees. During the drought period, the chlorenchyma fresh weight decreased by 45% and 30%, in 1- and 2-yearold drought cladodes respectively, and marginally increased in currentyear ones (+20%. Net CO2 uptake for 1-year-old and 2-year-old cladodes changed only at highest photosynthetic photon flux density and temperatures, and average seasonal net CO2 uptake of 2-year-old cladodes was 15% lower than for 1-year-old ones. Whole-tree gas exchange measurements applied for the first time to O. ficus-indica indicated that whole cactus pear trees maintain

  15. Patrones de distribución, abundancia y riqueza de especies de la avifauna terrestre de la isla de La Palma (islas Canarias

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    Carrascal, L. M.


    Full Text Available We estimate the population size and density, habitat preferences, habitat breadth and probable population trends in the last 25-15 years of the diurnal terrestrial bird species breeding in La Palma island (Canary islands. Data were obtained in a large extensive census program carried out during the 2007 nesting period using line transects that allowed detectability estimations. We also explored patterns of species richness both at inter-habitat and local scale. Local species richness (species per 0.5 km transects showed an important geographical component, increasing from south to north, from west to east, and reaching maximum values at altitudes around 600-1,000 m a.s.l. It was also positively related to vegetation development (specially in the herbaceous and shrub layer, and negatively associated with urbanization and agriculture. Total bird density reached the highest figures in the ‘monteverde’ (laurel and heath forests ca. 650 aves/km2, and in the transition pinewoods-laurel forests (509 aves/km2, while the lowest figures were recorded in high altitude shrublands (153 aves/km2 and recent lava fields (58 aves/km2. The bird species with lower population sizes are Falco [peregrinus] pelegrinoides, Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus, Upupa epops, Carduelis carduelis, Miliaria calandra and Petronia petronia, while the last five species have undergone more negative population trends in the last 15-25 years.

    Se estiman los niveles poblacionales, las densidades ecológicas, los principales patrones de preferencia de hábitat, las posibles tendencias demográficas habidas en los últimos 25 y 15 años, y el estatus de conservación actual de las especies de aves terrestres diurnas reproductoras en la isla de La Palma. Los datos fueron obtenidos durante el periodo reproductor de 2007, utilizando transectos lineales. En total se efectuaron 437 transectos de 0,5 km repartidos por toda la

  16. Field Surveys, IOC Valleys. Volume II, Part II. Biological Resources Survey, Pine and Wah Wah Valleys, Utah. (United States)


    members of the family Cactaceae : Coryphantha vivipara, Sclerocactus pubispinus, Opuntia spp., and Echinocereus engelmannii. The individuals were widely...Sclerocactus pubispinus (family Cactaceae ) was found on Sites 2/16, 3/6, 3/12, and 3/14. Coryphantha vivipara (family cactaceae ), a taxon Currently Cactaceae : Echinocereus engelmanii, Echinocereus sp., Opuntia erinacea, Opuntia sp., Sclerocactus pubispinus, Sclerocactus sp., and Coryphantha

  17. Phytochemical characterization of different prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) cultivars and botanical parts: UHPLC-ESI-MSn metabolomics profiles and their chemometric analysis. (United States)

    Mena, Pedro; Tassotti, Michele; Andreu, Lucía; Nuncio-Jáuregui, Nallely; Legua, Pilar; Del Rio, Daniele; Hernández, Francisca


    Prickly pear is an important source of bioactive compounds. However, a comprehensive characterization of the phytochemical profile of its aerial botanical parts, considering genotypic differences, has not been conducted. This study evaluated the phytochemical composition of four botanical parts (fruit pulp and skin, and young and adult cladodes) of six cultivars. Analysis was carried out by using two non-targeted UHPLC-ESI-MS n experimental conditions and assisted with multivariate analysis to facilitate data interpretation. Up to 41 compounds, mainly (poly)phenolic molecules, were identified and quantified, 23 compounds being reported for the first time in Opuntia ficus-indica. Phenolic composition varied significantly depending on the part of the plant. Betalains were detected only in the fruit of a red cultivar. This study provided novel insights in terms of identification of bioactives and thorough characterization of botanical parts of prickly pears. This information may be used for the development of prickly pear-derived products with high levels of bioactive compounds. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Efeito da adição de óleo essencial de Origanum vulgar e Ocimum gratissimum L. no perfil lipídico da gordura de palma usada em fritura de batata tipo chips


    Ribeiro, Jessica Trautwein Diniz


    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito antioxidante do óleo essencial de orégano e alfavacão no perfil de ácidos graxos da gordura de palma, utilizada em processo industrial de batata frita tipo chips, em diferentes etapas do processamento, visando reduzir o estado oxidativo da mesma. O óleo essencial foi obtido do resíduo do orégano da indústria de condimentos, e analisou-se também óleo essencial de orégano comercial. A atividade antioxidante do óleo essencial de orégano foi fe...

  19. Bioactives in cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) stems possess potent antioxidant and pro-apoptotic activities through COX-2 involvement. (United States)

    Kim, Jinhee; Soh, Soon Yil; Shin, Juha; Cho, Chi-Woung; Choi, Young Hee; Nam, Sang-Yong


    Bioactives extracted from cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) stems were investigated for their chemopreventive activities using human cancer cells in vitro. The bioactives present in crude extracts were detected and quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography. Among all the extracts, such as hexane, ethyl acetate (EtOAc), acetone, methanol (MeOH), and MeOH:water (80:20), the MeOH extract had the highest amount of polyphenolic compounds and the acetone extract exhibited the most potent effect at scavenging the 2,2,-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-di-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline)-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS(•+) ) radical. In addition, most of the extracts, with the exception of hexane, exhibited significant cytotoxicity in human SW480 colon and MCF7 breast cancer cells. Overall, the SW480 cells were more sensitive than the MCF7 cells to the cytotoxic effect of the O. ficus-indica extracts (OFEs). Cell death by OFE treatment caused significant inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 and increased the Bax/Bcl2 ratio in both SW480 and MCF7 cell lines. However, degradation of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase was significantly increased by OFE only in the MCF7 cells, thereby inducing apoptosis. These findings demonstrate the health-benefit roles, including anti-oxidative and anti-proliferative activities as well as pro-apoptotic effects, of bioactive compounds in OFEs, suggesting a chemopreventive role in human cancer cells. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry.

  20. Sperm DNA fragmentation induced by cryopreservation: new insights and effect of a natural extract from Opuntia ficus-indica. (United States)

    Meamar, Mehrdad; Zribi, Nassira; Cambi, Marta; Tamburrino, Lara; Marchiani, Sara; Filimberti, Erminio; Fino, Maria Grazia; Biggeri, Annibale; Menezo, Yves; Forti, Gianni; Baldi, Elisabetta; Muratori, Monica


    To analyze the effect of cryopreservation on sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) in two cytometric sperm populations, PI(brighter) and PI(dimmer), and to test the effects of Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) extracts, which contain antioxidants and flavanoids, and of resveratrol on cryopreservation of human semen. In vitro prospective study. Institutional study. Twenty-one normozoospermic men undergoing semen analysis for couple infertility. Cryopreservation using the routine method in the presence of OFI extracts or resveratrol. Measurement of SDF by TUNEL/PI flow cytometric method to evaluate sperm motility (by automated motion analysis, CASA system) and viability (by eosin/nigrosin staining) in the two populations of sperm PI(br) and PI(dim). Cryopreservation induced an increase of SDF only in the PI(br) sperm population. The increase was negatively dependent on the basal values of SDF in the same population. Addition of OFI extracts and resveratrol to the cryopreservation medium slightly but statistically significantly reduced SDF in the PI(br) population without affecting the deleterious effect of cryopreservation on sperm motion parameters or viability. The increase of SDF in the PI(br) population, which is unrelated to semen quality, suggests that caution must be taken in using cryopreserved semen, as morphologically normal and motile sperm may be damaged. The addition of substances with multifunctional properties such as OFI extracts to cryopreservation medium is only slightly effective in preventing the dramatic effects on SDF. Copyright © 2012 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. An integrated management plan for the control of Opuntia stricta (Cactaceae in the Kruger National Park, South Africa

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    W.D. Lotter


    Full Text Available Opuntia stricta is the most problematic alien plant species in the Kruger National Park (KNP where 30000 ha around Skukuza have been invaded by the weed. Control of 0. stricta is expensive and time consuming and there are insufficient resources available for the task at present. Biological control using the moth Cactoblastis cactorum has only been partially successful and herbicidal control remains the main method for tackling the problem. In order to optimise the control operation against 0. stricta, a management plan has been developed for the KNP. The infested region of the park has been divided into 18 management units, each of which will be treated in turn. During the first three years the control operations will clear 0. stricta from the peripheral units, to prevent the spread of the weed into other areas of the KNP, after which the central units will be tackled. The objective is to destroy all mature fruiting plants and those nearing maturity to curb long-range (seed dispersal of the weed. The small juvenile plants, which are difficult to detect, will be suppressed by C. cactorum. After five years the problem should be contained to the extent that an ongoing 'holding' programme will be sufficient to keep the weed in check. The success of the plan will depend on increased resources being committed to alien plant control in the Kruger National Park.

  2. Opuntia ficus-indica ingestion stimulates peripheral disposal of oral glucose before and after exercise in healthy men. (United States)

    Van Proeyen, Karen; Ramaekers, Monique; Pischel, Ivo; Hespel, Peter


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) cladode and fruit-skin extract on blood glucose and plasma insulin increments due to high-dose carbohydrate ingestion, before and after exercise. Healthy, physically active men (n = 6; 21.0 ± 1.6 years, 78.1 ± 6.0 kg) participated in a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study involving 2 experimental sessions. In each session, the subjects successively underwent an oral glucose tolerance test at rest (OGTT(R)), a 30-min cycling bout at ~75% VO(2max), and another OGTT after exercise (OGTT(EX)). They received capsules containing either 1,000 mg OFI or placebo (PL) 30 min before and immediately after the OGTT(R). Blood samples were collected before (t₀) and at 30-min intervals after ingestion of 75 g glucose for determination of blood glucose and serum insulin. In OGTT(EX) an additional 75-g oral glucose bolus was administered at t₆₀. In OGTT(R), OFI administration reduced the area under the glucose curve (AUC(GLUC)) by 26%, mainly due to lower blood glucose levels at t₃₀ and t₆₀ (p blood glucose at t₆₀ was ~10% lower in OFI than in PL, which resulted in a decreased AUC(GLUC) (-37%, p AUC(INS) were not different between OFI and PL. In conclusion, the current study shows that OFI extract can increase plasma insulin and thereby facilitate the clearance of an oral glucose load from the circulation at rest and after endurance exercise in healthy men.

  3. Avaliação do Binômio Tempo-Temperatura das refeições de um restaurante na cidade de Palmas-TO

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    Natália Rodrigues Borges


    Full Text Available The time-temperature binomial is one of the main indicators of prompt analysis for the control of the amount of microorganisms in food in order to leave them fit for consumption. Such data are a key element of the Hazards and Critical Control Point (HACCP method, and should be monitored daily. The objective of this study was to evaluate the temperature of the food served by the University Restaurant of the Federal University of Tocantins, Campus of Palmas, after preparation, during storage, and during distribution to consumers. Data collection occurred in a five-day period, measuring the temperature of the food served at lunch and dinner. The data were evaluated and the temperature of the preparations was classified as adequate or inadequate following the criteria established by Resolution No. 216, of 15/09/2004, and Ordinance CVS-6 10/03/1999. It concludes that 100% of hot samples were considered appropriate in accordance with the applicable laws. In relation to cold preparations, only 26.66% were in accordance with the law.

  4. Spatial and temporal characterization of some water quality physical parameters and their relationships with land-use in Água Fria watershed (Palmas – TO, Brazil

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    Harry Edmar Schulz


    Full Text Available Due to a high population growth that has been occurring in Palmas and due to land use changes that are caused by this population growth and development, the goal of this paper was to study the behavior of four physical parameters of water quality of the Água Fria watershed. The parameters were turbidity, total suspended solids, settleable solids and total dissolved solids. Eight gauging stations were established and the water samples were monthly collected from February/1998 to February/1999. The water bodies of the watershed were generally in good condition concerning these four parameters. However, there were some cases of seasonal irregularity of some parameters, as well as no correlation among some of studied parameters. This might be an indicator of some impacts like accelerated erosion due to a misuse of the lands and misuse of local water resources.

  5. Co{sub 2} exchange, environmental productivity indices, and productivity of opuntia ficus-indica under current and elevated CO{sub 2} concentrations. Carbon Dioxide Research Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nobel, P.S.


    This project involved placing mature cladodes (flattened stem segments) of Opuntia ficus-indica in growth chambers containing 360 or 720 ppM CO{sub 2}. After nine weeks, the new daughter cladodes initiated on the planted cladodes averaged 7% higher in biomass but 8% less is area, leading to a specific stem mass for this Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species that was 16% higher under the elevated CO{sub 2} condition. This is similar to be less dramatic than the increase in specific leaf mass for C{sub 3} and C{sub 4} plants under elevated CO{sub 2}, which generally ranges from 28% to 40%. Another contrast with C{sub 3} and C{sub 4} Plants was the reliance of the new organs of the CAM plant on biomass translocated from existing organs instead of derived directly from current photosynthate. In this regard, 18% less dry weight was translocated from basal cladodes into daughter cladodes of Q. ficus-indica at 720 ppM CO{sub 2} compared with 360 ppM.

  6. Influences of elevated CO[sub 2] on CO[sub 2] uptake and biomass production for the CAM plant Opuntia ficus-indica in open-top chambers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cui, M.; Miller, P.M.; Nobel, P.S. (Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States))


    CO[sub 2] uptake, water vapor conductance, and biomass production of the CAM plant Opuntia ficus-indica were studied at the current and two elevated CO[sub 2] concentrations (plus 150 and plus 350 [mu]L L[sup [minus]1]) in open-top chambers over a 23-week period. Nine weeks after planting, daily net CO[sub 2] uptake for basal cladodes in the medium and the high CO[sub 2] treatments was 49% and 84% higher, respectively, than at the current CO[sub 2] concentration. Nine weeks after the first-daughter cladodes emerged, their daily net CO[sub 2] uptake was 35% and 49% higher, respectively, in the medium and the high CO[sub 2] treatments than at the current CO[sub 2] concentration. Despite significantly lower chlorophyll contents (19% and 62%, respectively) in the first-daughter cladodes, biomass production over 23 weeks in the medium and the high CO[sub 2] treatments was 22% and 50% higher, respectively, than for plants at the current CO[sub 2].

  7. Palmas de Colombia: clave diagnostica de los géneros y nómina de las especies conocidas

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    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available Después del Brasil, Colombia posee mayor número de palmas que cualquiera otro país del globo.  Débese la razón de esta primacía a la favorable situación geográfica de nuestro territorio, en cuyo ámbito concurren condiciones fitoecológicas muy variadas: por el sur y por el suroeste Colombia ocupa una porción muy amplia de la inmensa Hylæa amazónica*, verdadero Edén del reino vegetal, como llamó a esta región el botánico Kerchove de Denterghem; por el noroeste, las selvas húmedas del Darién, del Atrato y del Chocó son la continuación en este continente de las ricas asociaciones vegetales centro-americanas; hacia el nordeste, las fronteras de nuestro país atraviesan una parte considerable de las grandes selvas vírgenes que cubren la región meridional de la cuenca de Maracaibo y que penetran a Colombia por el Catatumbo, en tanto que por los lados del occidente y del suroeste toda la Costa del Pacifico, desde el Chocó hasta el Ecuador, esta vestida de magnas florestas primitivas sujetas a uno de los regímenes pluviales más abundantes de la tierra.

  8. Fatores de risco relacionados com suicidios em Palmas (TO, Brasil, 2006-2009, investigados por meio de autopsia psicossocial

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    Neci Sena-Ferreira


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva analisar e descrever os fatores de risco e seus determinantes, associados a 24 casos de suicídios ocorridos na cidade de Palmas (TO, no período de 2006 a 2009. Utilizou-se o método de autópsia psicológica e psicossocial, a qual, por meio de entrevistas com familiares, busca investigar os suicídios consumados, contextualizando características da vida do sujeito, e compreender os processos familiares e as circunstâncias afetivas, sociais, econômicas e culturais, fundamentando-se na reconstrução da história e da personalidade da pessoa. Os fatores socioeconômicos associados foram: ser do sexo masculino, solteiro, de cor parda, estar na faixa etária de 20 a 40 anos e com ensino fundamental. Os principais fatores de risco identificados foram: transtornos mentais, abuso de álcool e outras drogas, relacionamento familiar conturbado e histórico de tentativas anteriores. Buscamos contextualizar e refletir sobre alguns casos relatados pelos familiares e sobre a resposta das equipes de saúde às demandas das famílias. A necessidade de implantar programas de prevenção e de capacitar os profissionais da atenção básica foi verificada.

  9. Caracterización del aceite de coquito de palma chilena (Jubaea chilensis

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    Torija, M. Esperanza


    Full Text Available The characteristics of the seeds from Chilean palm and the detailed composition of its fat are studied starting from 4 lots of seeds from the two regions being the major producers of Chilean palm seeds. From the proximate composition of the seeds a high content of fats is deduced with a mean value of 67.3%. The contents of proteins, carbohydrates and fibre were in the range of 7-11%. A detailed analysis of the fat indicates a high content of saturated fatty acids being capric, caprilic, lauric and miristic acids the major fatty acids. For this reason the presence of a high percentage of medium-chain triglycerides are detected in the triglyceride analysis. As for tocopherols, the fat contains low amounts of α-, γ- y δ-tocopherol with a total average of 84 mg/kg. Concerning phytosterols, the total content was around 1000 mg/kg being β-sitosterol and Δ7-estigmastenol the two major sterolsSe analizan las características generales del coquito de palma chilena y se estudia con detalle la composición de su aceite. Con este objetivo, se analizan 4 lotes de coquitos procedentes de las dos regiones de Chile donde existe mayor producción. La composición proximal del coquito indica un contenido muy mayoritario de grasa, con un promedio de 67,3% mientras los contenidos de proteínas, hidratos de carbono y fibra se encuentran entre el 7 y el 11%. Un análisis detallado de la grasa muestra un contenido elevado de ácidos grasos saturados (alrededor del 85% siendo los ácidos cáprico, caprílico, láurico y mirístico los que se encuentran en mayor concentración, lo que origina un elevado porcentaje de triglicéridos de cadena media. Respecto a los tocoferoles, el aceite contiene cantidades limitadas de α-, γ- y δ-tocoferol con un valor promedio total de 84 mg/kg, no detectándose la presencia de tocotrienoles. Respecto a los fitoesteroles, el contenido total es del orden de 1000 mg/kg siendo los esteroles mayoritarios el

  10. Racionalização e conservação do uso da energia elétrica no campus de Palmas UFT

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    Nathália de Almeida Valadares


    Full Text Available The stability of the economy, experienced in recent decades, combined with better income distribution provides an increase in electricity consumption in buildings, perceivable in Brazil and other countries. This fact led to the create new ways that encourage energy conservation, the seal PROCEL BUILDS and its manual and its Regulation are a result of this. The application of the seal on Bloco 3P, the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT in Palmas, was based on Regulation Quality Technical buildings Efficiency Level Commercial, Public Service (RTQ-C and the Zoning Standard Brazil. The metod takes into account the temperature, radiation, humidity and air movement, as variables directly related to thermal comfort. Analysis of the building was done using the prescriptive method, which evaluated the air conditioning system, the lighting system and envelope and by computer simulation in which they receive a rating of A (more efficient to E (least efficient. The building received final grade A, the simulation method and B by the prescriptive method. Thus you can see certain incompatibility between the methods suggested by RTQ-C, due to limitations of prescriptive model.

  11. Espécies forrageiras para produção de leite em solos de várzea Forage species for milk production in lowland soil

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    Domingos Sávio Queiroz


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a disponibilidade de forragem, a composição morfológica e química do pasto, a capacidade de suporte do pasto e a produção de leite de vacas em três gramíneas forrageiras sob lotação contínua e taxa variável em solo de várzea. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e três repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se das gramíneas Paspalum atratum cv. Pojuca, Brachiaria humidicola cv. Llanero e capim-tangola, híbrido natural de Brachiaria arrecta e Brachiaria mutica. A taxa de lotação foi ajustada para manter a forragem disponível entre 2.000 e 3.000 kg de massa seca por hectare. O período avaliado foi de novembro de 2003 a maio 2004. Não houve diferença significativa entre as espécies quanto à disponibilidade de massa seca de forragem verde, com valor médio de 2.902 kg/ha. O capim-pojuca apresentou 62% de lâminas foliares e 38% de colmo + bainha na massa seca de forragem verde, seguido pelo capim-humidícola com 49 e 51% e o capim-tangola com 18 e 82%, respectivamente. O capim-tangola apresentou teor mais alto de proteína bruta na lâmina foliar (15,41% que os capins humidícola (9,98% e pojuca (8,74% e menores de fibra (FDN e FDA. A produção individual das vacas refletiu o melhor valor alimentício do capim-tangola, cuja média diária (10,27 kg/vaca foi maior que no capim-pojuca (7,80 kg/vaca e semelhante ao obtido com capim-humidícola (9,16 kg/vaca. A produção de leite por área não foi afetada pela gramínea forrageira, com média de 27,8 kg/ha × dia-1, uma vez que a taxa de lotação um pouco mais alta no capim-pojuca, apesar de não apresentar diferença significativa, compensou a menor produção individual das vacas.The objective of this study was to evaluate the forage availability, pasture morphological and chemical composition, pasture carrying capacity and the milk production of cows on three forage grasses under continues

  12. Caracterización estructural por adsorción y difracción de rayos X de monolitos de carbón activado a partir de cáscara de coco y cuesco de palma africana


    Vargas Delgadillo, Diana; Giraldo-Gutiérrez, Liliana; Moreno-Piraján, Juan


    Se prepararon monolitos de carbón activado tipo disco utilizando como precursores por separado cáscara de coco y cuesco de palma africana mediante la activación química con ácido fosfórico, utilizando diferentes concentraciones, sin el uso de ningún aglomerante. Se presentan el rendimiento del proceso, así como los parámetros estructurales determinados por adsorción de N2 a 77 K y CO2 a 273 K, y se comparan con algunos parámetros cristalográficos determinados por difracción de rayos X. Se obt...

  13. Frecuencia de los formantes de las vocales medias en sílaba final de palabra con elisión de -/s/: un estudio con materiales de la norma culta de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


    Pérez Martín, Ana María; Troya Déniz, Magnolia


    [ES]El propósito de este artículo es comprobar si la supresión de -/s/ final de palabra condiciona la articulación de las vocales medias pronunciadas por hablantes con estudios universitarios de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Para ello, no solo se calculan las frecuencias de los formantes de /e/ y /o/ y se establecen sus campos de dispersión, sino que, además, se examina si la información gramatical de la consonante elidida o los factores sexo y edad pueden influir en la altura frecuencial de lo...

  14. Reversing gastric mucosal alterations during ethanol-induced chronic gastritis in rats by oral administration of Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage (United States)

    Vázquez-Ramírez, Ricardo; Olguín-Martínez, Marisela; Kubli-Garfias, Carlos; Hernández-Muñoz, Rolando


    AIM: To study the effect of mucilage obtained from cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae) on the healing of ethanol-induced gastritis in rats. METHODS: Chronic gastric mucosa injury was treated with mucilage (5 mg/kg per day) after it was induced by ethanol. Lipid composition, activity of 5’-nucleotidase (a membrane-associated ectoenzyme) and cytosolic activities of lactate and alcohol dehydrogenases in the plasma membrane of gastric mucosa were determined. Histological studies of gastric samples from the experimental groups were included. RESULTS: Ethanol elicited the histological profile of gastritis characterized by loss of the surface epithelium and infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) decreased and cholesterol content increased in plasma membranes of the gastric mucosa. In addition, cytosolic activity increased while the activity of alcohol dehydrogenases decreased. The administration of mucilage promptly corrected these enzymatic changes. In fact, mucilage readily accelerated restoration of the ethanol-induced histological alterations and the disturbances in plasma membranes of gastric mucosa, showing a univocal anti-inflammatory effect. The activity of 5’-nucleotidase correlated with the changes in lipid composition and the fluidity of gastric mucosal plasma membranes. CONCLUSION: The beneficial action of mucilage seems correlated with stabilization of plasma membranes of damaged gastric mucosa. Molecular interactions between mucilage monosaccharides and membrane phospholipids, mainly PC and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), may be the relevant features responsible for changing activities of membrane-attached proteins during the healing process after chronic gastric mucosal damage. PMID:16865772

  15. The fatty acid profile of fat depots from Santa Inês sheep fed spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.). (United States)

    Costa, Roberto G; Almeida, Michelly DA; Cruz, George Rodrigo B; Beltrão Filho, Edvaldo M; Ribeiro, Neila L; Madruga, Marta S; Queiroga, Rita de Cássia Re


    Fat is the tissue that varies most in animals from both a quantitative and distribution perspective. It plays a fundamental biological role as energy storage during food scarcity. Renal, pelvic and internal fat are deposited first. These fats are used to identify fatty acid profiles that may be considered beneficial or unhealthy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the fatty acid profile of fat depots in Santa Inês sheep finished in confinement with spineless cactus in their diets. The treatments included increasing levels of spineless cactus (Opuntia fícus-indica Mill.): T1 = 0%, T2 = 30%, T3 = 50%, and T4 = 70%. The diets significantly affected the adipose depots. The orthogonal contrast between the diet with no cactus (control) and the other diets indicates that the quantity of saturated fatty acids decreased and that the levels of mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids increased in animals fed spineless cactus. The use of spineless cactus in the diets of Santa Inês sheep affects the lipid profile of their fat depots, reducing the quantity of saturated fatty acids and increasing the quantity of mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The fatty acid profile of the fat depots indicates that these fats can be used to formulate meat products and add economic and nutritional value to such products, which increases sheep farmers' incomes. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  16. Supercritical SC-CO2 and Soxhlet n-Hexane Extract of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica Seeds and Fatty Acids Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nizar Yeddes


    Full Text Available The fatty acids profiles of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica seeds (spiny and thornless form were investigated. Results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2 and soxhlet n-hexane extract were compared. Quantitatively, the better yield was obtained through soxhlet n-hexane: 10.32% (spiny and 8.91% (thornless against 3.4% (spiny and 1.94% (thornless by SC-CO2 extract (T = 40°C, P=180 bar, time = 135 mn, CO2 flow rate = 15 mL·s−1. Qualitatively, the main fatty acids components were the same for the two types of extraction. Linoleic acid was the major compound, SC-CO2: 57.60% (spiny, 59.98% (thornless, soxhlet n-hexane: 57.54% (spiny, 60.66% (thornless, followed by oleic acid, SC-CO2: 22.31% (spiny, 22.40% (thornless, soxhlet n-hexane: 25.28% (spiny, 20.58% (thornless and palmitic acid, SC-CO2: 14.3% (spiny, 12.92% (thornless, soxhlet n-hexane: 11.33% (spiny, 13.08% (thornless. The SC-CO2 profiles fatty acids showed a richness with other minority compounds such as C20:1, C20:2, and C22.The seeds oil was highly unsaturated (US = 4.44–5.25, and the rising temperatures donot affect the selectivity of fatty acids extract by SC-CO2: US = 4.44 (T = 40°C and 4.13 (T = 70°C.

  17. Supercritical SC-CO2 and Soxhlet n-Hexane Extract of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica Seeds and Fatty Acids Analysis (United States)

    Yeddes, Nizar; Chérif, Jamila Kalthoum; Jrad, Amel; Barth, Danielle; Trabelsi-Ayadi, Malika


    The fatty acids profiles of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica seeds (spiny and thornless form) were investigated. Results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) and soxhlet n-hexane extract were compared. Quantitatively, the better yield was obtained through soxhlet n-hexane: 10.32% (spiny) and 8.91% (thornless) against 3.4% (spiny) and 1.94% (thornless) by SC-CO2 extract (T = 40°C, P = 180 bar, time = 135 mn, CO2 flow rate = 15 mL·s−1). Qualitatively, the main fatty acids components were the same for the two types of extraction. Linoleic acid was the major compound, SC-CO2: 57.60% (spiny), 59.98% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 57.54% (spiny), 60.66% (thornless), followed by oleic acid, SC-CO2: 22.31% (spiny), 22.40% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 25.28% (spiny), 20.58% (thornless) and palmitic acid, SC-CO2: 14.3% (spiny), 12.92% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 11.33% (spiny), 13.08% (thornless). The SC-CO2 profiles fatty acids showed a richness with other minority compounds such as C20:1, C20:2, and C22.The seeds oil was highly unsaturated (US = 4.44–5.25), and the rising temperatures donot affect the selectivity of fatty acids extract by SC-CO2: US = 4.44 (T = 40°C) and 4.13 (T = 70°C). PMID:22754699

  18. Supercritical SC-CO(2) and Soxhlet n-Hexane Extract of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica Seeds and Fatty Acids Analysis. (United States)

    Yeddes, Nizar; Chérif, Jamila Kalthoum; Jrad, Amel; Barth, Danielle; Trabelsi-Ayadi, Malika


    The fatty acids profiles of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica seeds (spiny and thornless form) were investigated. Results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO(2)) and soxhlet n-hexane extract were compared. Quantitatively, the better yield was obtained through soxhlet n-hexane: 10.32% (spiny) and 8.91% (thornless) against 3.4% (spiny) and 1.94% (thornless) by SC-CO(2) extract (T = 40°C, P = 180 bar, time = 135 mn, CO(2) flow rate = 15 mL·s(-1)). Qualitatively, the main fatty acids components were the same for the two types of extraction. Linoleic acid was the major compound, SC-CO(2): 57.60% (spiny), 59.98% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 57.54% (spiny), 60.66% (thornless), followed by oleic acid, SC-CO(2): 22.31% (spiny), 22.40% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 25.28% (spiny), 20.58% (thornless) and palmitic acid, SC-CO(2): 14.3% (spiny), 12.92% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 11.33% (spiny), 13.08% (thornless). The SC-CO(2) profiles fatty acids showed a richness with other minority compounds such as C(20:1), C(20:2), and C(22).The seeds oil was highly unsaturated (US = 4.44-5.25), and the rising temperatures donot affect the selectivity of fatty acids extract by SC-CO2: US = 4.44 (T = 40°C) and 4.13 (T = 70°C).

  19. Reversing gastric mucosal alterations during ethanol-induced chronic gastritis in rats by oral administration of Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage. (United States)

    Vázquez-Ramírez, Ricardo; Olguín-Martínez, Marisela; Kubli-Garfias, Carlos; Hernández-Muñoz, Rolando


    To study the effect of mucilage obtained from cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae) on the healing of ethanol-induced gastritis in rats. Chronic gastric mucosa injury was treated with mucilage (5 mg/kg per day) after it was induced by ethanol. Lipid composition, activity of 5'-nucleotidase (a membrane-associated ectoenzyme) and cytosolic activities of lactate and alcohol dehydrogenases in the plasma membrane of gastric mucosa were determined. Histological studies of gastric samples from the experimental groups were included. Ethanol elicited the histological profile of gastritis characterized by loss of the surface epithelium and infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) decreased and cholesterol content increased in plasma membranes of the gastric mucosa. In addition, cytosolic activity increased while the activity of alcohol dehydrogenases decreased. The administration of mucilage promptly corrected these enzymatic changes. In fact, mucilage readily accelerated restoration of the ethanol-induced histological alterations and the disturbances in plasma membranes of gastric mucosa, showing a univocal anti-inflammatory effect. The activity of 5'-nucleotidase correlated with the changes in lipid composition and the fluidity of gastric mucosal plasma membranes. The beneficial action of mucilage seems correlated with stabilization of plasma membranes of damaged gastric mucosa. Molecular interactions between mucilage monosaccharides and membrane phospholipids, mainly PC and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), may be the relevant features responsible for changing activities of membrane-attached proteins during the healing process after chronic gastric mucosal damage.

  20. Influencia de la temperatura en el hidrotratamiento de aceite crudo de palma usando catalizadores comerciales tipo NiMo/γ-Al 2 O3

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Guzmán Castillo


    Full Text Available Catalizadores bimetálicos comerciales NiMo/γ-Al2O3 fueron utilizados para el hidroprocesamiento de aceite crudo de palma (ACP en una unidad de planta piloto, a presión de 90MPa, velocidad espacial de 2h-1 y temperatura entre 413-533K. Los resultados experimentales muestran que la distribución de productos está fuertemente controlada por la temperatura de reacción mostrando que a una temperatura entre 473 y 533K, se incrementa la cantidad de ésteres cerosos presentes en el producto final, modificando propiedades tales como penetración y punto de fusión, las cuales también fueron evaluadas. Los rendimientos obtenidos y la variación en las propiedades del producto final se atribuyeron a la proporción de reacciones de saturación de triglicéridos (TG, hidrogenólisis de TG, saturación de ácidos grasos, saturación de alcoholes grasos y esterificación, entre otras.