
Sample records for palma aceitera elaeis

  1. Datos bionómicos y descripción de los inmaduros de Calyptocephala gerstaeckeri Boheman (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), plaga de la palma aceitera (Elaeis guineensis J.) y de la palma camedor (Chamaedorea elegans Mart.) (Arecaceae) en Tabasco, México


    Córdova-Ballona, Leonides; Sánchez-Soto, Saúl


    En el presente trabajo se presentan descripciones de la morfología externa del huevo, instares larvales y pupa de Calyptocephala gerstaeckeri Boheman, insecto plaga de la palma aceitera (Elaeis guineensis J.) y de la palma camedor (Chamaedorea elegans Mart.) en el estado de Tabasco, México. Además se aportan algunos datos acerca de la bionomía de esta especie, la cual fue criada en laboratorio sobre plantas jóvenes de palma aceitera. Characters of the external morphology of egg, larval ins...


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    Marco V. Guti\\u00E9rrez-Soto


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es brindar información fisiológica relativa a las funciones, la disponibilidad, la economía y la deficiencia de boro en las plantas, con énfasis en la palma aceitera cultivada en Coto, Costa Rica. Se exponen las generalidades sobre la química del boro en el suelo y en las plantas, y se discuten sus posibles funciones estructurales, metabólicas y morfogenéticas. Se resalta su papel en la formación y la estabilidad de la pared celular, el transporte de azúcares, el control de los niveles de auxinas y en el desarrollo reproductivo. Se compara la susceptibilidad relativa de las hojas y las raíces a la deficiencia de boro. Se describen los síntomas de la deficiencia de boro observados en la palma aceitera, los posibles mecanismos causales y los métodos apropiados para su diagnóstico. Se discuten además las terapias, formulaciones químicas y métodos agronómicos disponibles para su corrección.

  3. Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Palma Aceitera en el Perú 2016 - 2025


    Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego


    El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Palma Aceitera es un instrumento de política del Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego que orientará las acciones de mediano y largo plazo de los actores públicos y privados vinculados con la cadena productiva de la palma aceitera hacia el logro de la competitividad económica, social y ambientalmente sostenible.

  4. Mortalidad y repelencia en Eupalamides cyparissias (Lepidoptera: Castniidae, plaga de la palma aceitera Elaeis guineensis, por efecto de diez extractos botánicos

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    Diana D. PÉREZ


    Full Text Available Las plantas con actividad insecticida constituyen un importante componente del manejo integrado de plagas. Bajo esta premisa, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la mortalidad y repelencia larval de Eupalamides cyparissias Fab. (Lepidoptera: Castniidae, plaga de la palma aceitera Elaeis guineensis Jacquin; empleando diez plantas con potencial insecticida: Ucullucuysacha ( Heliotropium indicum L., Boraginaceae, Floripondio ( Brugmansia x candida Pers., Solanaceae, Oreja de Tigre ( Tradescantia zebrina Hort ex Bosse, Commelinaceae, Piñón Blanco ( Jathropa curcas L., Euphorbiaceae, Sacha yoco ( Paullinia clavigera Schltdl., Sapindaceae, Yuquilla ( Euphorbia cotinifolia L., Euphorbiaceae, Achiote ( Bixa orellana L., Bixaceae, Retama común ( Cassia fistula L., Fabaceae, Huancahuisacha ( Aristolochia pilosa Kunth, Aristolochiaceae y Curare ( Chondrodendron tomentosum Ruiz & Pavon, Menispermaceae. Los bioensayos con E. cyparissias abarcaron entre 1 h y 24 h, bajo condiciones estandardizadas de laboratorio. A 24 h de exposición, los mayores porcentajes de mortalidad de E. cyparissias se presentaron en los tratamientos con Sacha yoco (63,3 %: corteza y hojas en decocción, Achiote (63,3 %: semillas en licuado y Yuquilla (48,3 %: hojas en licuado. En el caso de la repelencia, los mayores efectos se encontraron en los tratamientos con Achiote (83,30 %, Sacha yoco (75 % y Floripondio (66,7 %: hojas en licuado.

  5. La cadena de la palma aceitera en contexto


    Borasino, Elena


    Entender el proceso de expansión de la cadena de la palma aceitera en el Perú, ubicándolo en un contexto mayor de escala internacional. Presenta las principales características del cultivo: ¿qué lo hace tan especial?, para luego mostrar las principales variables del sector en el ámbito global, y profundizar, finalmente, con tres casos en América del Sur: Colombia, Brasil y Ecuador. En general, todo esto muestra cómo la expansión que se dio en el Perú no puede entenderse de manera aislada a lo...

  6. Análisis socioeconómico de los arreglos institucionales existentes en la cadena de palma aceitera en el Perú


    Zegarra, Eduardo; Vargas, Ricardo


    Profundiza el análisis de la situación actual de los pequeños y medianos productores de palma aceitera en la Amazonía peruana, con la finalidad principal de evaluar los diferentes resultados de los arreglos institucionales que existen en la cadena.

  7. Selección genética de plantas elites de palma aceitera, utilizando software SELEGEN REML/BLUP

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    Carlos Oliva


    Full Text Available La palma aceitera es uno de cultivos de la Amazonía Peruana, que genera en los inversionistas mayor interés,que ha permitido instalar al menos 70 mil ha. Al Perú ha ingresado semillas de palma aceitera de alto valorgenético, por su resistencia a enfermedad, plagas y alto rendimiento, pero durante el tiempo ha experimentadovariabilidad en los diferentes ecosistemas del país.Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo la selección genéticacomputarizada para la selección de plantas elites de alto rendimiento de racimos de fruta fresca (RFF depalma aceitera. Para realizar el análisis genético computarizado, se dispuso del software SELEGEN Rml/Blup,que es un programa diseñado para el análisis y la selección. Benin y Costa deMarfil son las que tienen mejorpromedio, cuyo valor mínimo es de 22,1 kg/planta y el valor máximo corresponde de 375,9 kg/planta. Elhibrido 2301 tiene los mejores promedios de rendimiento, seguido por el híbrido 2401, cuyo valores derendimiento extremosmáximo superior a 340 kg/planta. El primer año, el rendimiento promedio fue de 46,62kg/planta y para el tercer año de producción el promedio pasó a 142,82 kg/pl. La repetibilidad individual pararendimiento de RFF kg/planta en ambos grupos 2007 y 2008 fue de 0,10 y la repetibilidad del promedio decosechas fue de 0,87 y 0,82 para los grupos 2007 y 2008, respectivamente. Esto propició una exactitudselectiva de 0,93 para el grupo 2007 y de 0,90 para el grupo del 2008.

  8. Efecto de mezclas de fibra semicomposteada con suelo en el crecimiento y la tolerancia de enfermedades en vivero de palma aceitera

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    Gabriel Garbanzo


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de diferentes mezclas de compost de fibra de racimos vacíos con suelo para sustrato en plantas de palma aceitera en vivero y su efecto sobre la severidad del Complejo de Necrosis Foliar (CNF en el Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica. Se realizaron mezclas volumétricas de 12, 25 37 y 50% de compost de fibra (C con un Inceptisol eútrico. Se sembraron plantas de palma aceitera del material Compacta x Ghana, se llenaron bolsas de 20 L y se acomodaron en un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar, que comprendieron 5 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones. A los 85, 127, 176, 219, 261 y 304 días después de siembra (dds, se evaluó el crecimiento morfológico de las plantas, el porcentaje de severidad de CNF en las hojas y el peso seco de plantas, y se calculó la absorción de nutrimentos. También se evaluó la densidad aparente del suelo (Dap y la conductividad hidráulica (CH en las mezclas a los 90 y 300 dds. Se encontró que el tratamiento de 12% de fibra con suelo mostró significativamente el menor porcentaje de severidad de CNF y presentó el mayor balance porcentual de eficiencia de fertilización de los nutrimentos en comparación con el resto de los tratamientos. La Dap fue significativamente inferior y la CH superior en todas las mezclas cuando se comparó con el testigo. Se puede concluir que la mezcla de 12% de compost con 88% de suelo mejoró la absorción de nutrimentos en las plantas y aumentó la tolerancia a CNF en las plantas de palma aceitera en vivero.

  9. Promoción y regulación ambiental de la palma aceitera en el Perú: aspectos legales e institucionales


    Dammert B., Juan Luis


    Analiza el marco legal e institucional referido al cultivo de palma aceitera en el Perú, e identifica y discute algunos elementos que se consideran contradictorios. En la medida en que el cultivo está asociado con prácticas de cambio de cobertura forestal a agraria, la deforestación es el fenómeno que se analiza en mayor profundidad, pero no es el único.

  10. Mortalidad y repelencia en Eupalamides cyparissias (Lepidoptera: Castniidae, plaga de la palma aceitera Elaeis guineensis, por efecto de diez extractos botánicos Mortality and repellence of Eupalamides cyparissias (Lepidoptera: Castniidae, pest of oil palm Elaeis guineensis, by effect of ten botanical extracts

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    Diana D. Pérez


    Full Text Available Las plantas con actividad insecticida constituyen un importante componente del manejo integrado de plagas. Bajo esta premisa, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la mortalidad y repelencia larval de Eupalamides cyparissias Fab. (Lepidoptera: Castniidae, plaga de la palma aceitera Elaeis guineensis Jacquin; empleando diez plantas con potencial insecticida: Ucullucuysacha (Heliotropium indicum L., Boraginaceae, Floripondio (Brugmansia x candida Pers., Solanaceae, Oreja de Tigre (Tradescantia zebrina Hort ex Bosse, Commelinaceae, Piñón Blanco (Jathropa curcas L., Euphorbiaceae, Sacha yoco (Paullinia clavigera Schltdl., Sapindaceae, Yuquilla (Euphorbia cotinifolia L., Euphorbiaceae, Achiote (Bixa orellana L., Bixaceae, Retama común (Cassia fistula L., Fabaceae, Huancahuisacha (Aristolochia pilosa Kunth, Aristolochiaceae y Curare (Chondrodendron tomentosum Ruiz & Pavon, Menispermaceae. Los bioensayos con E. cyparissias abarcaron entre 1 h y 24 h, bajo condiciones estandardizadas de laboratorio. A 24 h de exposición, los mayores porcentajes de mortalidad de E. cyparissias se presentaron en los tratamientos con Sacha yoco (63,3 %: corteza y hojas en decocción, Achiote (63,3 %: semillas en licuado y Yuquilla (48,3 %: hojas en licuado. En el caso de la repelencia, los mayores efectos se encontraron en los tratamientos con Achiote (83,30 %, Sacha yoco (75 % y Floripondio (66,7 %: hojas en licuado.The plants with insecticide activities constitute a main compound of integrated pest management. Under this premise, the aim of the current research was to evaluate mortality and repellence of Eupalamides cyparissias Fab. (Lepidoptera: Castniidae larvae, pest of oil palm Elaeis guineensis Jacquin, employing ten plants with insecticide potential: Indian heliotrope (Heliotropium indicum L., Boraginaceae, Angel´s trumpets (Brugmansia x candida Pers., Solanaceae, Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina Hort ex Bosse, Commelinaceae, Nettles-purge (Jathropa

  11. ¿Agroindustria en la Amazonía? Posibilidades para el desarrollo inclusivo y sostenible de la palma aceitera en el Perú



    En la discusión sobre las posibilidades de desarrollo del cultivo agroindustrial de la palma aceitera en la Amazonía peruana se plasman varios de los principales debates modernos sobre modelos de desarrollo rural ambientalmente sostenibles y socioeconómicamente inclusivos. La historia de la expansión de este sector y los diversos problemas que hoy enfrenta reflejan, además, muchas de las limitaciones institucionales del actual Estado peruano para definir su rol con claridad y un planeamiento ...

  12. Modelos de localización de áreas potenciales para el cultivo de palma aceitera sostenible en el ámbito Amazónico


    Glave, Manuel; Vergara, Karla


    Manuel Glave y Karla Vergara abordan el tema de la localización de áreas potenciales para el cultivo sostenible de palma aceitera en la Amazonía peruana, y proponen una metodología que permite combinar las áreas con aptitud agroecológica (características climáticas, físicas y accesibilidad que aseguren la rentabilidad del cultivo) con aquellas donde se respeten criterios ambientales, legales y sociales, definidos en base a estándares internacionales. Combinando la información espacial oficial...

  13. Avaliação da qualidade do óleo de palma e frações (Elaeis guineenses) armazenados em diferentes condições de estocagem


    Matos, Vanessa de Souza


    O óleo de palma bruto (OPB) ou azeite de dendê (Elaeis guineenses) apresenta composição equilibrada em ácidos graxos saturados e insaturados, o que permite fracionar o óleo em dois principais componentes: fração líquida, a oleína de palma e fração sólida, a estearina. A degradação do óleo de palma durante armazenamento pode ser provocada pela ação da luz natural ou artificial, hidrólise autocatalítica, umidade, temperatura, material utilizado nas embalagens, ar e por micro-orga...

  14. Modelamiento matemático para la pirolisis del cuesco de palma aceitera- Mathematical Modelingfor the Pyrolysis of the Oil Palm Kernel Shell

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    Manuel Alejandro Mayorga Betancourt


    Full Text Available En Colombia hay diferentes procesos en los cuales se desperdician los residuos, uno de ellos es la obtención de aceite para producir biodiesel a partir de palma aceitera, proceso en el cual se generan importantes cantidades de cuesco de palma, siendo los procesos termoquímicos una de las formas de aprovechamiento energético. El resultado del presente trabajo, es proponer un modelo matemático para el comportamiento del cuesco de palma africana en el proceso de pirolisis y en un estudio posterior para la gasificación. Este trabajo fue desarrollado haciendo una descripción del proceso en un reactor de lecho fijo tubular, el cual se utiliza para ambos procesos, tanto pirolisis como gasificación, con calentamiento directo, siendo muy exotérmico el proceso, identificando la fenomenología en la cual se aplican los conceptos de transferencia de energía, masa. Para el proceso de pirolisis se plantearon los balances de transferencia de energía y masa, despreciando el balance de momento debido a que los gases de síntesis se retiran para que no se generen reacciones heterogéneas, eliminando la fase gaseosa para no tener caídas de presión, por lo cual solo se tuvo en cuenta la fase sólida, lo que permitió que se tratara como una reacción homogénea. Como resultados se generaron dos modelos que describen el comportamiento del reactor en el proceso de pirolisis como un paso inicial para contribuir a la estandarización del proceso a nivel industrial.

  15. Evaluación de si aplicado al suelo en el crecimiento, absorción y severidad de enfermedades en vivero de palma aceitera

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    Gabriel Garbanzo


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de diferentes fuentes de Si en la severidad de enfermedades foliares (CNF en plantas de vivero de palma aceitera (Elaeis guinensis en el Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica. Las fuentes de silicio consistieron en la aplicación de 30 g de SiO2 por bolsa de 20,4 L de 2 fuentes de serpentinas (Simag y SMg, una fuente de diatomitas (SiF, una fuente soluble (SKH y 177 g por bolsa de SiO2 de un feldespato (Llane mezclado en un Inceptisol éutrico. El diseño experimental fue de bloques completos al azar con 6 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones. Se evaluó a los 85, 127, 176, 219, 261, y 304 dds el crecimiento de las plantas y % de severidad de CNF. Además, se realizaron análisis químicos de suelos y foliares en el tiempo, se evaluó el peso seco de plantas y se calculó la absorción de nutrimentos. Se encontró que el tratamiento SiF mostró mayor tolerancia a CNF significativamente (a:0,05 en comparación al testigo, mientras que la fuente Simag mostró un mayor crecimiento. El Si presentó mayor absorción en Simag, test, SMg, SiF y fueron significativas diferentes con respecto al SKH y Llane. El SKH en suelo fue el único tratamiento que aumentó los niveles de Si por arriba de los 200 mg.l-1. A los 300 dds, el análisis de componentes principales correlacionó la severidad con las concentraciones de Ca en el suelo y mostró un comportamiento inverso a los contenidos de Zn, K, P, Mn y en el tiempo. Se concluye que el Si en este suelo no presentó un efecto directo sobre el control de CNF, pero la fuente de diatomitas (SiF mostró mayor tolerancia, debido a que la enmienda facilita la absorción de micronutrimentos (Zn al mejorar la nutrición de la planta. Asimismo, se encontró que la fuente SKH logró aumentar las concentraciones de Si en el suelo.

  16. Metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. afectadas por marchitez letal

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    Pèrez Angela Patricia


    Full Text Available La enfermedad conocida como “marchitez letal” se presenta
    en plantaciones de la zona baja del río Upía, en palmas de siete
    años de sembradas. No se conoce el posible agente causal o
    factores que predisponen a las palmas a la enfermedad, y no se
    ha registrado hasta la fecha en otras zonas palmeras del país. Se
    analizó el metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite
    con síntomas iniciales de la enfermedad, palmas sospechosas
    de presentar la enfermedad y palmas sanas dentro y fuera de
    un foco. Se tomaron muestras de hojas, raíces y estípite para
    determinar las concentraciones de almidón, azúcares reductores,
    no reductores y totales. La concentración de azúcares
    reductores tuvo un incremento en las palmas con síntomas
    iniciales y sospechosos; los azúcares totales presentaron mayor
    concentración en las palmas sospechosas de tener la enfermedad
    con respecto a las palmas con síntomas iniciales. Los azúcares
    no reductores en los diferentes órganos evaluados tuvieron
    una concentración muy baja. Los resultados observados en la
    alteración del metabolismo de los carbohidratos en las palmas
    enfermas probablemente sugieren que los fitoplasmas estén
    asociados a la enfermedad.

  17. Metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite (elaeis guineensis jacq.) afectadas por marchitez letal


    Pèrez, Angela Patricia; Cayòn, Gerardo


    La enfermedad conocida como “marchitez letal” se presenta
    en plantaciones de la zona baja del río Upía, en palmas de siete
    años de sembradas. No se conoce el posible agente causal o
    factores que predisponen a las palmas a la enfermedad, y no se
    ha registrado hasta la fecha en otras zonas palmeras del país. Se
    analizó el metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite
    con síntomas iniciales de la enfermedad, palmas sospechosas&...

  18. Estudio preliminar para el establecimiento de un protocolo de crioconservación para palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.

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    Villa Alba Lucía


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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar e implementar un protocolo de crioconservación para embriones cigóticos de palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq., como alternativa para complementar la conservación de genotipos de palma ante las dificultades que se presentan en la colección de campo en la actualidad. Se evaluaron las etapas de pre y poscongelación de embriones cigóticos con la metodología de desecación en silica gel a diferentes tiempos de exposición (2, 2,5 y 3 h, seguido de un congelamiento rápido y una etapa de recuperación en un medio de cultivo Murashige y Skoog (1962. Todos los tratamientos de crioconservación fueron evaluados con un fotoperíodo de 16 h luz y 8 h de oscuridad, con una temperatura media de 28 ºC. Previamente se determinó el estado de desarrollo adecuado de los embriones para crioconservar. Además, se realizó la prueba de viabilidad con Tetrazolio para embriones desnudos como un control inicial del lote de semilla solicitado. Se logró establecer un protocolo de crioconservación a partir de embriones cigóticos desnudos de palma, el cual permitió obtener plántulas de embriones congelados en nitrógeno líquido (-196 ºC; alcanzando una sobrevivencia del 84,37% para embriones crioconservados. En cuanto a la diferenciación de estructuras de los embriones crioconservados, el tratamiento de dos horas obtuvo valores para plúmula del 88,9%, radícula del 55,57% y haustorio del 66,7%. Esta metodología permitiría conservar material valioso a largo plazo como copia de seguridad complementaria de la colección de campo y reduciría los costos de mantenimiento y conservación.

  19. Enemigos naturales de Stenoma cecropia (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae) en palma de aceite, en el suroccidente de Colombia




    Stenoma cecropia infesta las nuevas siembras del híbrido interespecífico (Elaeis oleifera x E. guineensis) de palma de aceite en la zona de Tumaco (Nariño). Sus infestaciones afectan grandes extensiones de palma y causan defoliaciones de importancia económica. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los factores bióticos y abióticos que afectan las poblaciones de la plaga a través de muestreos secuenciales quincenales, siguiendo un sistema móvil de desplazamiento 2 x 2, que...

  20. Evaluación interdimensional de impactos ambientales sobre la dimensión física ocasionados por cultivos de palma aceitera y la ganadería extensiva en la selva húmeda tropical del Bajo Atrato, Chocó, Colombia

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    Cuesta Borja Teofilo


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un análisis interdimensional de daños ambientales ocasionados por proyectos palmeros y ganaderos en el Bajo Atrato. El proyecto se desarrolló en dos fases; en la primera, se consolidó la línea base, y en la segunda, se evaluaron los impactos ambientales en tres subfases: identificación de impactos, descripción de impactos por medio del modelo analítico por dimensiones y, por último, valoración y calificación de los impactos. Los resultados del proyecto indican: reducción de la disponibilidad de agua en el ámbito local; alteración de la red de drenaje natural de los suelos y erosión del suelo en riberas del río Curvaradó. Se concluye que los proyectos palmeros y ganaderos son incompatibles con las condiciones agroecológicas de la zona de estudio; y esta conclusión se sustenta en el hecho de que tanto el monocultivo de la palma aceitera como las pasturas exigen suelos en óptimas condiciones inexistentes en la zona, debido al alto contenido de humedad, a menos de que se haga una rigurosa intervención en el medio para responder a los requerimientos de la palma y de las pasturas, lo que tendría enormes impactos sobre los medios natural y humano.

  1. Estimación del área y del peso seco foliar en Elaeis guineellsis, Elaeis oleifera y el hibrido interespecifico E. Guineensis x E. Oleífera

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    Contreras Angela P.


    Full Text Available

    Este trabajo se planteo can la finalidad de determinar modelos estadísticos que permitan estimar el área y el peso foliar a través de métodos indirectos (no destructivos en Elaeis guineensis (Palma africana, Elaeis oleifera (Palma Noli, y el hibrido interespecifico E. guineensis X E. oleifera (Afrieana X Noli . Los experimentos de campo se efectuaron en las Haciendas Santa Bárbara y Chaparral-Cuernavaca, de la plantación Unipalma, ubicadas en la zona palmera de los llanos orientales en Colombia. Como resultado de la investigación, se obtuvo la validación del modelo propuesto por Corley et a1. (1971 y la innovación y ajuste de nuevos modelos que estiman los parámetros de crecimiento sin necesidad de muestreos destructivos. Los modelos propuestos en este trabajo, están ajustados a las condiciones del trópico colombiano.


    Palabras claves: Palma de aceite, área foliar, peso foliar, parámetros de crecimiento.

  2. Estudo das variáveis operacionais dos processos de separação na produção de biodiesel, a partir do óleo de palma bruto (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq) em escala de laboratório


    CASTRO, Douglas Alberto Rocha de


    Neste trabalho investigaram-se de forma sistemática as variáveis operacionais de processo envolvidas nas operações de separação aplicadas no pré-tratamento do óleo de palma bruto (Elaeis guineensis, jacq) e na purificação do biodiesel produzido via transesterificação etanólica utilizando NaOH como catalisador, em escala de laboratório. Na etapa de pré-tratamento foram investigados os processos de Filtração e Decantação, sendo a filtração do produto da neutralização realizada a 40ºC, 50ºC e 60...

  3. Primera intercepción del escarabajo rinoceronte asiático del cocotero Oryctes rhinoceros (Linnaeus, 1758 en México

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    Eduardo Jiménez Quiroz


    Full Text Available El género Oryctes cuenta con 42 especies conocidas en todo el mundo, y en su mayoría corresponden a plagas de la palma. Oryctes rhinoceros es uno de los insectos más dañinos para el cocotero (Cocos nucifera y para la palma aceitera africana (Elaeis guineensis en el sur, sureste de Asia y las islas del oeste del Pacífico, aunque puede atacar otras palmas ornamentales. En el presente trabajo se documenta el primer registro de intercepción del Oryctes rhinoceros (escarabajo rinoceronte del cocotero en el puerto de Manzanillo, Colima; uno de los puntos de ingreso de mercancías más importantes de México. Se colectó un solo espécimen adulto y vivo en muebles de palma, procedentes de Indonesia, cuyo destino final era el estado de Jalisco. La muestra se envió al Laboratorio de Análisis y Referencia en Sanidad Forestal de la Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, para su identificación, posteriormente, se establecieron medidas fitosanitarias para impedir que este insecto, plaga exótica; ingresara al país. Asimismo, se exponen algunas consideraciones acerca de las implicaciones económicas que tendría para México, si O. rhinoceros se estableciera en el territorio nacional.

  4. Cephaloleia sp. Cerca a Vagelineata Pic*, una Plaga de la Palma Africana

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    Urueta Sandino Eduardo


    Full Text Available Cephalolia sp. y Cephaloleila sp, se han empleado como sinónimos del género Cepaloleia sp. (Lepesme. 1947. Se sabe que los estados de larva y adulto atacan el follaje de la palma africana (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. trayendo muchas veces como consecuencia secamientos en los folíolos o su invasión por hongos. En Colombia el Cephaloleia próximo a vagelineata Pic se presenta en la zona de Urabá y posiblemente en el Departamento de Santander.

  5. Bionomics data and descriptions of the immatures of Calyptocephala gerstaeckeri Boheman (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), pest of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis J.) and camedor palm (Chamaedorea elegans Mart.) (Arecaceae) in Tabasco, Mexico; Datos bionomicos y descripcion de los inmaduros de Calyptocephala gerstaeckeri Boheman (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), plaga de la Palma Aceitera (Elaeis guineensis J.) y de la Palma Camedor (Chamaedorea elegans Mart.) (Arecaceae) en Tabasco, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cordova-Ballona, Leonides [Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa, Tabasco (Mexico); Sanchez-Soto, Saul [Colegio de Postgraduados, Tabasco (Mexico). Campus Tabasco


    Characters of the external morphology of egg, larval instars and pupae of Calyptocephala gerstaeckeri Boheman, insect pest of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis J.) and camedor palm (Chamaedorea elegans Mart.) in the State of Tabasco, Mexico, are described and illustrated. Some bionomics data are also presented. The specie was reared in the laboratory on young oil palm plants. (author)


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es la obtención de biocombustibles por medio de la pirólisis rápida de residuos de palma africana (Elaeis guineensis Jacq., en un reactor de caída libre. Previamente la biomasa es sometida a un proceso de tamizado y secado, para luego ser alimentada al reactor. Producto de la pirolisis se obtiene carbonizado, gasesincondensables y un líquido condensado (bio-oil,compuesto de alcoholes, ácidos carboxílicos, alcanos y compuestos aromáticos. Las pruebas se realizaron en un rango de temperaturas entre 500-700°C y se encontró que a 600°C el rendimiento del proceso fue máximo con un 23.3% de biocombustible condensado. La composición de los gases a 600°C fue CO22,720%, H20,703 % , CH41,289%, CO 2,472 % y el resto es N2. La mayor cantidad de gases incondensables se obtuvo a 700°C pero el rendimiento del bio-oil es solo del 14.9% en peso. Los resultados evidencian que la temperatura del reactor es un parámetro importante en la composición de los gases y el rendimiento del bio-oil. Una fase posterior será evaluar costos y beneficios para re-configurar el reactor de manera tal que se optimice el rendimiento en la producción de bio-oil evaluando la posibilidad de usar los gases incondensables como fuente de energía para la pirólisis.O objetivo destetrabalhofoi a obtenção de bicombustíveis a partir da pirólise rápida de resíduos de palma de dendê (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. num reator de queda livre. Inicialmente a biomassa passou por uma serie de peneiras, havendo sido posteriormente secada e finalmente fornecida ao reator. Após da pirólise, foram obtidos um carbonizado solido, uma fração gasosa e um liquido condensado (bio-oil, o qual é composto por alcoóis, ácidos carboxílicos, e hidrocarbonetos de tipo alcanos e aromáticos. Os testes foram feitos entre 500 - 700 ºC, encontrando se o maiorrendimento para o bio-oil a 600 ºCcomum 23.3 % em peso. A composição dos gases para esta temperatura foi

  7. Growth in Tree Nursery of Oil Palms Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineensisand Elaeis guineensis x Elaeis guineensis in Tumaco, Colombia

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    Lizardo Norbey Ibarra Ruales


    Full Text Available The knowledge of the growth in tree nursery of perennial plant species is important in order to develop good agronomical practices for the selection of the plants that will be taken to the fields. This information is required for the hybrids OxG of oil palms under the conditions of the palm growing Colombian region. In two soils with different moisture retention and air space, the growth and development in nursery of hybrid oil palms OxG F1 (Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineensis and Tenera DxP (Elaeis guineensis x Elaeis guineensis were evaluated. Plants of OxG material were larger and accumulated more biomass in most of its constituent bodies in comparison with plants of DxP material. Likewise, both plants were quite different in the order of preference distribution and accumulation of assimilated species at the petiole basis, stem and petiole. In comparison with DxP, the OxG material showed the differential characteristic to allocate more of their assimilated species growth the plant root system. Moreover, it was determined that OxG plants exhibit better growth and development compared with DxP plants in nursery stage with high moisture retention and low aeration soils. Additionally, we identified and selected three morphological features with discriminatory authority to differentiate the growth behavior of the two types of oil palms regarding the soil used in the nursery: section area of the petiole (PxS, rachis length (RL and leaf emission (LE.

  8. Análise da expansão do cultivo da palma de óleo no Nordeste do Pará (2008 a 2013)


    Lameira, Wanja Janayna de Miranda; Vieira, Ima Célia Guimarães; Toledo, Peter Mann de


    A palma de óleo (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) ganhou maior visibilidade e incentivos na região nor­deste da Amazônia nos últimos dez anos e um conjunto de ações políticas recentes per­mitiram a formação de territórios da palma. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a expansão dessa cultura no período 2008 a 2013, na re­gião conhecida como polo do dendê no Pará, utilizando Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistema de Informação Geográfica. O polo está loca­lizado no nordeste do estado e abrange cerca de 59.60...

  9. Microbial degradation of palm (Elaeis guineensis biodiesel

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    Giselle Lutz


    Full Text Available The kinetics of biodegradation of palm-derived fatty methyl and ethyl esters (Elaeis guineensis biodiesel by a wild-type aerobic bacterial population was measured at 20 °C, as the rate of oxygen uptake by a manometric technique. The methyl and ethyl biodiesels were obtained by potassium-hydroxide catalysed transesterification of palm oil, respectively. The bacterial flora included the genera Bacillus, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Citrobacter and Enterobacter. The rate of oxygen uptake for palm biodiesel is similar to the quantity observed in the biodegradation of 1.0 mM solutions of simple substrates such as carbohydrates or amino acids.Palm methyl or ethyl biodiesel is subjected to facile aerobic biodegradation by wild-type bacteria commonly present in natural open environments. This result should lessen any environmental concern for its use as alternative fuel, solvent or lubricant. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(1: 59-63.Epub 2006 Mar 31.La cinética de la biodegradación de los ésteres metílicos y etílicos derivados de palma (biodiesel por una población silvestre de bacterias aeróbicas fue medida a 20 °C, como medición manométrica del consumo de oxígeno. Los ésteres metílicos y etílicos se obtuvieron por transesterificación del aceite de palma con metanol y etanol,respectivamente. La flora bacteriana incluyó a los géneros Bacillus, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Citrobacter y Enterobacter. Las velocidades de consumo de oxígeno para las muestras de biodiesel fueron similares a lo observado en la biodegradación de disoluciones 1.0 mM de sustratos sencillos solubles en agua, tales como carbohidratos, aminoácidos y albúmina de huevo.

  10. Estrategia ambiental en el manejo de efluentes en la extracción de aceite de palma

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    María Bonomie


    Full Text Available En el proceso de extracción de aceite de palma, se consideran alternativas de separación de los residuos sólidos y líquidos para el aprovechamiento (si es posible total del efluente. Estos residuos sólidos de naturaleza orgánica, y las descargas líquidas, suelen considerarse de bajo impacto en comparación con otros procesos productivos de algunos sectores industriales. En este sentido, la presente investigación tiene como propósito analizar el manejo de los efluentes en el proceso de extracción de aceite de palma o aceite rojo. Asimismo, se presenta la estrategia ambiental en este tipo de proceso utilizando la producción más limpia. La investigación es de tipo analítica, no experimental de campo; la población se delimitó a las empresas del sector de palma aceitera que desarrolla el proceso de extracción de aceite. Se realizaron varias visitas y entrevistas al personal de estas empresas; siendo necesario aclarar que para efectos de esta investigación, solamente se considera la producción de aceite rojo, en virtud de que del proceso de producción se obtienen dos sub productos, aceite de palmiste y harina de palmiste. Los resultados, indican que existen efluentes en las diferentes etapas del proceso de extracción de aceite, los cuales reciben un tratamiento especial, por lo que requieren de áreas que desempeñan actividades de apoyo, tales como: control de calidad, mantenimiento y generación de energía, las cuales intervienen en la generación y tratamiento de los efluentes. Se concluye que las empresas que utilizan este tipo de proceso productivo, emplean estrategias innovadoras para disminuir el impacto ambiental, en aras de mejorar el desempeño ambiental en este tipo de organización.

  11. Genetic determinism of oil acidity among some DELI oil palm (Elaeis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 24, 2016 ... Key words: Elaeis guineensis Jacq., free fatty acid content, crude palm oil, inheritance. INTRODUCTION. The oil palm (Elaeis ... of world's production of vegetable oils. The highest palm oil producing countries ... Without prior refining, acidic palm oil is improper for human consumption (Anonymous, 2005).

  12. Streptomyces palmae sp. nov., isolated from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) rhizosphere soil. (United States)

    Sujarit, Kanaporn; Kudo, Takuji; Ohkuma, Moriya; Pathom-Aree, Wasu; Lumyong, Saisamorn


    Actinomycete strain CMU-AB204T was isolated from oil palm rhizosphere soil collected in Chiang Mai University (Chiang Mai, Thailand). Based on morphological and chemotaxonomic characteristics, the organism was considered to belong to the genus Streptomyces. Whole cell-wall hydrolysates consisted of ll-diaminopimelic acid, glucose, ribose and galactose. The predominant menaquinones were MK-9(H4), MK-9(H6), MK-9(H2) and MK-8(H4). The fatty acid profile contained iso-C15 : 0, iso-C16 : 0 and anteiso-C15 : 0 as major components. The principal phospholipids detected were phosphatidylethanolamine, diphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol. The DNA G+C content of strain CMU-AB204T was 70.9 mol%. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, strain CMU-AB204T was closely related to Streptomyces orinoci JCM 4546T (98.7 %), Streptomyces lilacinus NBRC 12884T (98.5 %), Streptomyces abikoensis CGMCC 4.1662T (98.5 %), Streptomyces griseocarneus JCM 4905T (98.4 %) and Streptomyces xinghaiensis JCM 16958T (98.3 %). Phylogenetic trees revealed that the new strain had a distinct taxonomic position from closely related type strains of the genus Streptomyces. Spiny to hairy spores clearly differentiated strain CMU-AB204T from the five most closely related Streptomyces species, which produced smooth spores. On the basis of evidence from this polyphasic study, it is proposed that strain CMU-AB204T represents a novel species of the genus Streptomyces, namely Streptomyces palmae sp. nov. The type strain is CMU-AB204T (=JCM 31289T=TBRC 1999T).

  13. “Bio” combustibles o el mito del oro verde ¿Política ambiental, “exportación de naturaleza”, o etnocidio?

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    Anne-Lise Naizot


    Full Text Available El término “biocombustible” se refiere en su aceptación general a los combustibles que pueden ser obtenidos a partir de biomasa, de leña, y de más de 14 variedades de cultivos (caña de azúcar, soya, palma aceitera, ricino, maíz, colza, girasol, sorgo, trigo, mandioca, etc.. Los dos “biocombustibles”, “bio”etanol y “bio”diesel, son obtenidos, respectivamente, por fermentación de productos ricos en azúcares, almidones o celulosas (bioetanol y de aceites vegetales como la palma africana, girasol, higuerilla, soya, etc. (biodiesel

  14. Comunidades de palmas en América

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    Con base en la bibliografía disponible analizamos la flora de palmas americanas respecto a la prevalencia de diferentes características morfológicas y ecológicas de las comunidades en las que están ensambladas las especies. Las comunidades estudiadas de palmas de América tropical tuvieron 19.......3 ± 11.3 DE especies. Los principales factores que determinan la riqueza de especies en las comunidades son el clima, los suelos, la hidrología y la topografía. Los bosques tropicales lluviosos de tierras bajas no-inundados son los más ricos en especies, en tanto que los bosques que se inundan o que...... spp), (vi) Palmas Acaulescentes Grandes (28 spp), (vii) Palmas Acaulescentes Pequeñas (56 sp), (viii) Palmas Lianoides (12 spp). Las ocho formas biológicas están representadas de manera diferente en las comunidades de palmas. Las categorías de Palmas Pequeñas y las Palmas de Gran Tamaño dominan...

  15. Aplicaciones de la agricultura de precisión en palma de aceite "Elaeis Guineensis" e hibrido O x G


    Lizarazo Salcedo, Iván Alberto; Alfonso Carvajal, Oscar Alberto


    La agricultura de precisión está basada en el reconocimiento de la variabilidad espacial y temporal del clima, los suelos y los cultivos, y consecuentemente, de la importancia de proporcionar un manejo agronómico específico que tenga en cuenta esas diferencias. En este artículo se describe la perspectiva y los conceptos de agricultura de precisión que se están desarrollando en el sector de la palma de aceite en Colombia. En particular, se presentan dos aplicaciones que resuelven las limitacio...

  16. Flutuação Populacional de Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae em Plantios de Palma de Óleo em Roraima

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    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a flutuação populacional de Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae em plantios de Elaeis guineensis Jacq, em ecossistemas de savana e floresta no estado de Roraima. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida durante o período de janeiro de 2011 a fevereiro de 2012 nos campos experimentais da Embrapa Roraima: Monte Cristo e Caroebe, numa área de 2 hectares com a cultura da Palma de Óleo, em cada campo. Foram distribuídas armadilhas iscadas com roletes de cana-de-açúcar e feromônio de agregação para captura dos insetos no entorno dos plantios. Ocorreu flutuação de R. palmarum com picos populacionais nos meses de julho e agosto no ecossistema de savana e de abril a setembro no ambiente de floresta. A população de R. palmarum foi menor em meses de baixa precipitação pluviométrica nos dois ambientes avaliados com a Palma de Óleo em Roraima Population Fluctuation of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae in Plantations of Oil Palm in Roraima Abstract. This research aimed to evaluate the population fluctuation Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae in Elaeis guineensis Jacq plantations in forest and savanna ecosystems in the state of Roraima. The research was conducted during the period from January 2011 to February 2012 in the experimental field of Embrapa Roraima: Monte Cristo and Caroebe in an area of 2 hectares with culture Oil Palm in each field. Traps baited with rollers cane sugar and aggregation pheromone for capturing insects in the vicinity of the plantations were distributed. Fluctuation occurred R. palmarum with population peaks in the months of July and August in the savanna ecosystem and from April to September in the forest environment. The population of R. palmarum was lower in months of low rainfall in the two environments assessed with a palm-oil-in Roraima.

  17. Aplicaciones de la agricultura de precisión en palma de aceite “Elaeis Guineensis” e hibrido O x G


    Iván Alberto Lizarazo Salcedo; Oscar Alberto Alfonso Carvajal


    La agricultura de precisión está basada en el reconocimiento de la variabilidad espacial y temporal del clima, los suelos y los cultivos, y consecuentemente, de la importancia de proporcionar un manejo agronómico específico que tenga en cuenta esas diferencias. En este artículo se describe la perspectiva y los conceptos de agricultura de precisión que se están desarrollando en el sector de la palma de aceite en Colombia. En particular, se presentan dos aplicaciones que resuelven las limit...

  18. Activité anti-inflammatoire de l'extrait aqueux des feuilles de Elaeis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Elaeis guineensis est souvent utilisée en médecine traditionnelle africaine dans la prise en charge de nombreuses pathologies. Ces travaux avaient pour objectif de faire une étude phytochimique et de déterminer l'activité anti-inflammatoire de l'extrait aqueux des feuilles de Elaeis guineensis. Le modèle de l'œdème.

  19. Control Químico de la Mosca de los Establos, Stomoxys Calcitrans (L y Otros Insectos Asociados con Estipes de Palma Africana en Descomposición

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    Ureta Sandino Eduardo


    Full Text Available En ensayos para determinar el efecto del diazinon 1% I.A. (ingrediente activo; bromophos 1 % I.A.; dieldrin 0.5% I.A., 2% I.A. y methomyl 0.1 % I.A. sobre larvas de Stomoxys calcilrans y otros insectos asociados con tipes de palma africana (Elaeis guineensis en descomposición, se encontró que los tratamientos con diazinon 1% I.A. y bromophos 1% I.A. fueron los más efectivos para impedir la proliferación en éstos de las larvas de Slomoxys calcilralls. Ambos insecticidas protegieron eficientemente los estipes por lo menos durante dos semanas. El dieldrin al 0.5% I. A. y 2% I. A., aunque inferior al bromophos 1% I.A. y al diazinon 1% I.A. también fue efectivo para impedir la proliferación de larvas de la mosca en los troncos de palma africana en descomposición. El tratamiento con methomyl 0.1 % I. A. al parecer no impidió la multiplicación de las larvas en los estipes, según pudo observarse en muestras tomadas a las dos semanas de haber sido aplicado el producto. El diazinon 1% I.A: bromophos 1 % I.A.; dieldrin 0.5% I.A. y 2% I.A., aparentemente fueron eficaces para controlar los adultos de Limnobaris calandriformis y Metamasius hemipterus, los cuales eran atraídos en grandes cantidades a los trozos de tallo de palma recién rajada, así como también impidieron la proliferación en éstos de las larvas de los dípteros Ormidea obesa y Hermelia sp./Abstract Several tests were carried out to determine the effectiveness of diazinon 1% I.A., bromophos 1% I.A., dieldrin 0.5 and 2% I.A., and methomyl 0.1 % on larvae of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, and other insects associated with dead trunks of the oil palm (Elaeis guineesis.The results showed by the author indicate that diazinon and bromophos were the most effective materials tested. Both insecticides protected well the dead trunks for at least two weeks. Dieldrin (both doses although less efficient than diazinon, was also effective in preventing the development of great numbers of

  20. El componente sistemático de la variabilidad de algunos parámetros de producción en palma africana adulta (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq en Casanare.

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    Acevedo A. Néstor


    Full Text Available Mediante análisis de tendencia y geoestadísticos fue evaluado el componente determinístico de la variabilidad del peso de racimos de fruta fresca (PR, de la tasa de extracción de aceite (TEA y de la cantidad de ácidos grasos libres (AGL, en palmas con diferente grado de recuperación de PC en un cultivo ubicado en la región del Bajo Upía, Casanare. Los análisis no detectaron ninguna variabilidad estructural en las propiedades evaluadas por lo que se concluye que las diferencias significativas encontradas por Acevedo (2000 entre ellas, mediante análisis de varianza, si están controladas por el grado de recuperación que muestran las palmas, después de haber sido atacadas por PC.

  1. Efeito da matéria insaponificável do óleo de palma (Elaeis guineensis) na estabilidade oxidativa de óleo de soja sob estocagem acelerada em estufa


    Dias, Liara Silva [UNESP


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of palm oil unsaponifiable matter, compared to α-tocopherol, on oxidative stability of soybean oil under accelerated storage in oven. The oil from the palm fruits pulp (Elaeis Guineensis), mature and dehydrated, was extracted by cold pressing and evaluated as to their chemical characteristics, bioactive properties and antioxidant action. The unsaponifiable matter was obtained by saponification with 50% KOH, and washing to remove the soap formed...


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    C. A. Ordóñez-Gómez


    Full Text Available Para determinar la energía digestible aparente (EDA de la glicerina cruda (GC proveniente del aceite de palma ( Elaeis guineensis en cerdos se realizaron dos experimentos (E. En E1 se determinó la EDA para GC con la técnica de la bolsa móvil de nailon (TBMN utilizando ocho cerdos castrados con cánula duodenal. En E2 se determinaron la EDA y la energía metabolizable aparente (EMA para GC, por el método convencional con indicador (MCI, con 10 cerdos castrados ubicados en jaulas metabólicas. En E1 y E2 se evaluaron, en un arreglo factorial 2 x 5, dos niveles de almidón de maíz (NA en la dieta, 10% (NA10 y 12% (NA12, y cinco niveles de sustitución con GC (0%, 2 , 5%, 5,0%, 7 , 5% y 10% en E1 en un diseño completo al azar y en E2 en un diseño de cuadrado latino. Para TBMN y MCI los datos se analizaron mediante regresión lineal múltiple y el metabolismo del nitrógeno en MCI como un diseño de cuadrado latino utilizando los módulos REG y GLM del paquete SAS. Por TBMN no hubo efectos (P > 0 , 05 del NA sobre la EDA de GC. La EDA de GC se calculó en 3.251 kcal/kg MS. La EDA de GC en MCI dependió de NA (P 0 , 05. Los resultados de EDA corregidos por NA con MCI mostraron correlación alta (R 2 = 0 , 82 con TBMN. Con MCI se pudo establecer que el aumento en NA en la dieta reduce la EDA de GC.

  3. Biochemical and physiological characterization of oil palm interspecific hybrids (elaeis oleifera x elaeis guineensis) grown in hydroponics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivera Mendez, Yurany Dayanna; Moreno Chacon, Andres Leonardo; Romero, Hernan Mauricio


    The interspecific hybrid, Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineensis (OxG) is an alternative for improving the competitiveness and sustainability of the Latin American oil palm agro-industry, because of its partial resistance to some lethal diseases and also because of the high quality of its oil. A comparative characterization was conducted of the physiological and biochemical performance of seedlings of six OxG hybrids grown in hydroponics. Gas exchange, vegetative growth, protein, sugar and photosynthetic pigment content, and antioxidant system activity were determined. With the exception of gas exchange, the other variables showed significant differences between materials. The U1273 and U1737 materials showed greater vegetative growth with no expression of biochemical traits, while the U1914 and U1990 materials showed high levels of reducing and total sugars, photosynthetic pigments, and antioxidant system activities, characteristics that could confer them adaptation to stress conditions. With the standardized hydroponics technique, the optimal conditions for the growth of seedlings were ensured, the differences between materials were established, and so those with promising features from the physiological and biochemical standpoint were identified. Finally, it could be used to study in a simple, fast, clean and inexpensive way, the effect of levels and sources of mineral nutrients on the growth and development of oil palm.

  4. Toxicological assessment of crude palm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. used in deep frying of akara (cowpea paste finger food

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    Felzenszwalb, I.


    Full Text Available Akara is cowpea paste which is deep-fried in crude palm oil (CPO; Elaeis guineensis Jacq. and sold as a street finger food in Brazil and Africa. During the food frying oils can form toxic decomposition products as total polar compounds (TPC, which can determinate oil degradation. The aim of this study was to assess the toxicity of CPO used in akara frying for 25 hours. Changes in the oil were determined by TPC quantification and mutagenicity using a Salmonella/microssome assay with Salmonella Typhimurium strains TA97, TA98, TA100 and TA102 with and without exogenous metabolic activation. Assuming that 25% TPC is the maximum level permitted in frying oils and it ranged from 14.08 to 29.81%, frying palm oil exceeded the limit. Nonetheless, no cytotoxic, mutagenic or genotoxic activity were detected in CPO used in the traditional akara frying process.Akara es una tapa hecha de pasta de frijol frito en aceite de palma crudo (CPO; Elaeis guineensis, que se vende en las calles de Brasil y África. Durante la fritura de alimentos, los aceites pueden formar productos de descomposición tóxicos como los compuestos polares totales (TPC, que determinan la degradación del aceite. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la toxicidad de CPO utilizado en 25 horas de frituras de akara. Los cambios en el aceite se determinaron mediante la cuantificación de TPC y ensayos de mutagenicidad en Salmonella microsomas usando cepas de Salmonella Typhimurium TA97, TA98, TA100 y TA102 con y sin activación metabólica exógena. Se asume que el 25% de TPC es el nivel máximo permitido, los aceites de fritura oscilaron desde 14,08 hasta 29,81%. Ningún CPO utilizado en el proceso de akara tradicional mostró ser citotóxico, ni tener actividad mutagénica o genotóxica.

  5. Metabolism of carbohydrates in oil palms (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) affected by lethal wilt


    Pérez C, Ángela Patricia; Cayón S, Gerardo


    La enfermedad conocida como "marchitez letal" se presenta en plantaciones de la zona baja del río Upía, en palmas de siete años de sembradas. No se conoce el posible agente causal o factores que predisponen a las palmas a la enfermedad, y no se ha registrado hasta la fecha en otras zonas palmeras del país. Se analizó el metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite con síntomas iniciales de la enfermedad, palmas sospechosas de presentar la enfermedad y palmas sanas dentro y fuera de un foc...

  6. Palmas Americanas, Sistemática y Cambios Climáticos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    La familia de las palmas incluye alrededor de 2440 especies de distribución pantropical. Las palmas son elementos importantes en la vegetación en regiones tropicales y subtropicales. La riqueza y la composición sistemática de las palmas están estructuradas geográficamente de manera muy fuerte...

  7. African fan palm (Borassus aethiopum) and oil palm (Elaeis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Joao Bila

    In this study, potential alternate hosts of the phytoplasma causing coconut lethal yellowing disease. (CLYD) in Mozambique were investigated based on 16S rRNA and secA genes. The results reveal that the naturalized palm species, Elaeis guineensis and Borassus aethiopum are alternate hosts of CLYD phytoplasma in ...

  8. In vitro rescue of interspecific embryos from Elaeis guineensis x E. oleifera (Arecaceae

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    Paula Cristina da Silva Angelo


    percentage was 55% after the first 43 days of acclimatization and by the fourth month, 66 plants developed simultaneously longer shoot and root systems in pure horticultural compost. in conclusion, radicle development was an impairment to plantlet establishment and was overcame under media with glucose above 110mM. Acclimatization could benefit from an extended period of in vitro development. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (3: 1081-1088. Epub 2011 September 01.Elaeis guineensis es el productor de aceite más eficaz en toneladas por hectárea, su cultivo, cada vez mayor en América Latina, se ha visto perjudicado por el “amarilleamiento letal”. La resistencia genética a esta anomalía se puede encontrar en el germoplasma de la palma aceitera americana o caiaué (E. oleifera, una especie nativa de la selva amazónica. Sin embargo, los procedimientos adoptados para inducir la germinación de las semillas de E. guineensis frecuentemente produce resultados modestos para híbridos interespecíficos. El cultivo de embriones in vitro puede ser una opción viable. En este trabajo se probó el medio líquido MS complementado con diferentes concentraciones de glucosa o sacarosa en el cultivo in vitro de embriones cigóticos de E. guineensis x E. oleifera originados de polinización controlada. Además se investigaron diferentes mezclas de compost para aclimatar los híbridos regenerados. Las concentraciones de 10, 20 y 30 g/L de ambos azúcares se probaron en frascos que contenían cinco embriones cigóticos maduros, con 15 repeticiones por tratamiento y un total de 450 explantes. El número de embriones que muestran brotes y radículas de al menos 2mm de longitud por unidad experimental se evaluó durante la primera fase de cultivo in vitro. Las plántulas que mostraron brotes y radículas fueron trasladadas a la segunda fase de cultivo in vitro y, posteriormente, se aclimataron, por debajo de 70% de sombra con el suministro manual de agua. Los experimentos de aclimatación se llevaron a

  9. Effect of carbohydrate source on the in vitro germination of Elaeis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    uche okafor


    Jul 20, 2016 ... and starch were screened for the most suitable carbon source for the in vitro culture of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. ..... environmentally friendly substitute for fossil fuel and a source of commercial vegetable oil. Conflict of Interests. The authors have not declared any conflict of interests. REFERENCES.

  10. La importancia de palmas en el oeste de la cuenca Amazónica

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    Las palmas forman un elemento conspicuo y dominante en muchos bosques tropicales en el oeste de la cuenca Amazónica. Existen alrededor de 100 especies de palmas en la zona, y tienen densidades de hasta 8000 individuos por hectárea. Además de su importancia ecológica, las palmas son de gran...

  11. Pollination in the oil palms Elaeis guineensis, E. oleifera and their hybrids (OxG, in tropical America

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    María Raquel Meléndez


    Full Text Available Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis is very important in the Central and South American economies. Plants suffer from a devastating fungal disease known as "lethal decay" or "pudrición del cogollo", in Spanish. Producer countries in Africa, Asia and tropical America have developed breeding programs that seek the tolerance of this disease by plants. The hybrids Elaeis guineensis x Elaeis oleifera (OxG are resistant, but show physiological problems that affect commercial productivity. Natural pollination in these hybrids is low and manual pollination has high labor costs. The Coleoptera order is the most numerous and diverse natural pollinator, and the Elaeidobius genus has high efficiency and specificity to oil palm species. Elaeidobius kameronicus, Elaeidobius subvittatus and Mystrops costaricensis are the insects most commonly associated with oil palm inflorescences. Dynamics in insect populations change according to palm species and weather conditions. It is necessary to understand the insect behavior and population dynamics in OxG hybrids. Thus, recent studies on oil palm pollination, insect diversity and distribution in Latin America are discussed in this study.

  12. Aplicaciones de la agricultura de precisión en palma de aceite “Elaeis Guineensis” e hibrido O x G

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    Iván Alberto Lizarazo Salcedo


    Full Text Available La agricultura de precisión está basada en el reconocimiento de la variabilidad espacial y temporal del clima, los suelos y los cultivos, y consecuentemente, de la importancia de proporcionar un manejo agronómico específico que tenga en cuenta esas diferencias. En este artículo se describe la perspectiva y los conceptos de agricultura de precisión que se están desarrollando en el sector de la palma de aceite en Colombia. En particular, se presentan dos aplicaciones que resuelven las limitaciones asociadas a las prácticas agrícolas convencionales: una, relacionada con el trazado de una plantación; y otra referida al manejo de plagas y enfermedades./ Precision agriculture is based on the recognition of the spatial and temporal variability of weather, soils and crops. Thus, its importance lies in providing a specific agricultural management that takes into account these differences. This article describes the vision and concepts developed for precision farming of oil palm in Colombia. In particular, there are two applications that address the limitations associated with conventional farming practices: one is connected to plantation layouts, and the other to pest and disease management.

  13. Expression and surface display of Cellulomonas endoglucanase in the ethanologenic bacterium Zymobacter palmae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kojima, Motoki; Akahoshi, Tomohiro; Okamoto, Kenji; Yanase, Hideshi [Tottori Univ. (Japan). Dept. of Chemistry and Biotechnology


    In order to reduce the cost of bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass, we developed a tool for cell surface display of cellulolytic enzymes on the ethanologenic bacterium Zymobacter palmae. Z. palmae is a novel ethanol-fermenting bacterium capable of utilizing a broad range of sugar substrates, but not cellulose. Therefore, to express and display heterologous cellulolytic enzymes on the Z. palmae cell surface, we utilized the cell-surface display motif of the Pseudomonas ice nucleation protein Ina. The gene encoding Ina from Pseudomonas syringae IFO3310 was cloned, and its product was comprised of three functional domains: an N-terminal domain, a central domain with repeated amino acid residues, and a C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain of Ina was shown to function as the anchoring motif for a green fluorescence protein fusion protein in Escherichia coli. To express a heterologous cellulolytic enzyme extracellularly in Z. palmae, we fused the N-terminal coding sequence of Ina to the coding sequence of an N-terminal-truncated Cellulomonas endoglucanase. Z. palmae cells carrying the fusion endoglucanase gene were shown to degrade carboxymethyl cellulose. Although a portion of the expressed fusion endoglucanase was released from Z. palmae cells into the culture broth, we confirmed the display of the protein on the cell surface by immunofluorescence microscopy. The results indicate that the N-terminal anchoring motif of Ina from P. syringae enabled the translocation and display of the heterologous cellulase on the cell surface of Z. palmae. (orig.)


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The operation of the La Palma Data Archive is described in detail. The archive contains data taken since early 1986 with the Isaac Newton Group; 74% of the 260,000 entries are of astronomical sources. Several hundreds of queries are made on the catalog each year, resulting in approximately one

  15. Phytochemicals Screening and In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Elaeis guineensis Leaves Extracts Against Human Pathogenic Bacteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noorshilawati Abdul Aziz; Umi Nadhirah Halim; Nur Suraya Abdullah


    Chloroform and methanol extracts of Elaeis guineensis leaves were investigated for in vitro antibacterial activity against the human pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Four different concentrations of both extracts consists of 50, 100, 200 and 300 mg/ ml were prepared for antibacterial activity using disc diffusion method. The results revealed that chloroform and methonal extract showed high toxicity against all bacterial strain tested. However, both extracts is more effective and exhibit better inhibiting activity against gram positive bacteria, S. aureus compared to gram negative bacteria (E. coli and P. aeruginosa). Methanol extract of Elaeis guineensis leaves shows greater inhibition zone compared to chloroform extract as phyto chemical screening revealed that this extracts contain terpenoids, tannins and saponin. The highest antibacterial activity was exhibited by 300 mg/ ml methanolic extracts against S. aureus which inhibited 10.67 ± 0.33 mm of the diameter zone. Followed by 200 mg/ ml methanolic extracts and 300 mg/ ml chloroform extracts against S. aureus which inhibited 9.17 ± 0.17 mm and 8.33 ± 1.67 mm respectively. This result revealed the potentials of Elaeis guineensis as antibacterial agent in combating infections from human pathogenic bacteria. However, further studies, including identification and purification of the active compounds, will need to be pursued. (author)


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    Kelly Bessa


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on fresh fish trade networks found in the street markets of Palmas, capital of Tocantins state, Brazil, so as to identify the economic agents involved and the various geographical spaces which interact as a result of these networks. Fresh fish trade in Palmas takes place in distributor warehouses, grocery stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets, fish shops, and fishing communities, but it is street markets that constitute the most popular sale venues. Market sellers establish upstream supply networks with sectors in the fish food system (suppliers in primary and secondary production, distribution, and retail, whose interactions generate connections in Palmas (fishermen, distributors, retailers on a local scale, as well as connections with locations in Tocantins and Pará states (fishermen, fisheries, cold storage companies on a regional scale. Sellers also establish downstream trade networks with the end consumer at markets and with establishments in the food and small retail sectors, whose interactions produce mostly local connections, in Palmas and in the Luzimangues district (close to Palmas. Such connections are marked by consumption processes in these urban areas. Key-words: network, fresh fish trade, street markets.


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    Ramirez G


    Full Text Available Estudiamos la riqueza, la abundancia, la composición y la estructura de las comunidades de palmas en dos sitios de la selva central del Chocó, Colombia. Se establecieron 14 transectos (1.5 ha en Tutunendo y 12 transectos (1 ha en Angostura, y en cada uno se registraron e identificaron las palmas, incluyendo todos los tamaños (plántulas, juveniles y adultos; además, se indagó sobre nombres comunes y usos de cada especie, entrevistando a 16 hombres mayores de 45 años y conocedores del bosque. La riqueza de palmas encontrada en las localidades estudiadas (29 especies en 1.5 ha y 23 especies en 1 ha, está entre las más altas registradas para el Neotrópico, y corrobora el patrón de distribución de riqueza ligado a altas precipitaciones. La mayoría de las especies están representadas por pocos individuos, mientras que unas pocas son las más abundantes y frecuentes. Se identificó un grupo de especies (Wettinia quinaria, Welfia regia, Iriartea deltoidea, Socratea exorrhiza, Oenocarpus bataua, en el dosel, y Geonoma cuneata, en el sotobosque, que son particularmente importantes a nivel ecológico, y que caracterizan y modelan la vegetación, no sólo del área de estudio, sino también, al parecer, a lo largo de la región del Chocó Biogeográfico. Con base en los resultados y en otros datos florísticos, se plantea que, si bien las palmas son importantes a todo lo largo de la región, la mayor abundancia y riqueza parece presentarse hacia la zona central, que coincide con un aumento en el gradiente de precipitación. Veintisiete de las 33 especies encontradas tenía algún uso en una de las siete categorías de uso, lo cual muestra la importancia de las palmas para las poblaciones locales.

  18. Family structure and dynamics in DePalma's horror films. (United States)

    Gordon, N G


    An analysis of the familial relationships in Brian DePalma's five major horror films reveals a persistent unconscious fantasy formation involving the nuclear family. These single-parent, only-child families are all tragically destroyed because of an inability to adequately mourn the absent parent. Although the asexual young adults in the films are spared the completely disastrous effects of madness and violence, they are still psychologically traumatized. This hidden subtextual theme involving the family parallels DePalma's bleak view of authority figures outside the home, as well as American society in general. Adequate identity formation requires that people both inside and outside the family accept the adolescent as a separate person. The grim psychological truth threading its way throughout DePalma's horror films is that these young adults are psychically devastated by the effects of a primitive, fused symbiotic relationship in interaction with a society that does not provide an adequate role for the developing person. Consequently, their attempt to psychologically move outside the family, which includes the maturation of their sexuality, results in the destruction of the family itself.


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    Full Text Available Con el fin de obtener un diagnóstico del estado actual de conocimiento sobre usos de las palmas en la Amazonia colombiana, se revisaron las principales fuentes de información. Treinta y seis de las 41 etnias indígenas consideradas tuvieron registros de uso. Se registraron 82 especies de palmas usadas (78% de las potenciales y 165 usos distribuidos en ocho categorías; todos los usos se presentan de manera detallada en un catálogo. Las categorías de uso más importantes fueron: utensilios y herramientas, construcción, y alimentación humana. Las diez especies más importantes fueron Bactris gasipaes, Euterpe precatoria, Mauritia flexuosa, Oenocarpus bataua, Attalea maripa, Oenocarpus minor, Astrocaryum chambira, Iriartea deltoidea, Oenocarpus bacaba y Socratea exorrhiza; la mayoría de ellas también han sido registradas como las más importantes en otras partes del Neotrópico. No se encontró ninguna información sobre usos de palmas para varios grupos indígenas, especialmente para las etnias cocama, letuama, piaroa, pisamira y yurí, para las cuales se requieren investigaciones detalladas. Se concluye que a pesar de los vacíos de información, los resultados muestran que las palmas son un recurso muy importante con un gran potencial, y una pieza fundamental para la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo sustentable de la Amazonia colombiana. Sugerimos la inclusión de las especies más importantes en programas de manejo y agroforestales, al igual que la implementación y popularización de técnicas de cosecha no destructivas. Recomendamos además que las investigaciones futuras estén enfocadas en desarrollar estrategias de manejo que garanticen el uso sostenible de todas estas especies útiles.

  20. Notas sobre palmas colombianas y una del Brasil

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    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available Por mucho tiempo se ha creído que la palma de moriche de los Llanos orientales, en la región del Meta, era la Mauritia flexuosa L. f., especie típica del genero y originaria de Surinam. Al menos todas las obras botánicas publicadas por autores colombianos sobre la flora de nuestro país coinciden en la identificación anotada, incluso mi reciente trabajo sobre las Palmas de Colombia (Caldasia: 1: 22 y 32. 1940. Sin embargo, en este último trabajo, -que no es más que una nómina preliminar de las palmas descritas o señaladas en Colombia mientras adelanto su estudio sistemático en detalle, -identifiqué como Mauritia minor Burret unos frutos procedentes del Meta y sólo incluía la M. flexuosa ateniéndome a los autores que había consultado, suponiendo que ellos estarían en lo cierto respecto a la existencia de esta especie en Colombia, ya que no contaba yo con material autentico colombiano de la misma. Creía pues que realmente existieran ambas especies, M. flexuosa L.f.. y M. minor Burret, en nuestros Llanos, pero circunstancias recientes han venido a rectificar mi criterio.

  1. Exploiting transcriptome data for the development and characterization of gene-based SSR markers related to cold tolerance in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). (United States)

    Xiao, Yong; Zhou, Lixia; Xia, Wei; Mason, Annaliese S; Yang, Yaodong; Ma, Zilong; Peng, Ming


    The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis, 2n = 32) has the highest oil yield of any crop species, as well as comprising the richest dietary source of provitamin A. For the tropical species, the best mean growth temperature is about 27°C, with a minimal growth temperature of 15°C. Hence, the plantation area is limited into the geographical ranges of 10°N to 10°S. Enhancing cold tolerance capability will increase the total cultivation area and subsequently oil productivity of this tropical species. Developing molecular markers related to cold tolerance would be helpful for molecular breeding of cold tolerant Elaeis guineensis. In total, 5791 gene-based SSRs were identified in 51,452 expressed sequences from Elaeis guineensis transcriptome data: approximately one SSR was detected per 10 expressed sequences. Of these 5791 gene-based SSRs, 916 were derived from expressed sequences up- or down-regulated at least two-fold in response to cold stress. A total of 182 polymorphic markers were developed and characterized from 442 primer pairs flanking these cold-responsive SSR repeats. The polymorphic information content (PIC) of these polymorphic SSR markers across 24 lines of Elaeis guineensis varied from 0.08 to 0.65 (mean = 0.31 ± 0.12). Using in-silico mapping, 137 (75.3%) of the 182 polymorphic SSR markers were located onto the 16 Elaeis guineensis chromosomes. Total coverage of 473 Mbp was achieved, with an average physical distance of 3.4 Mbp between adjacent markers (range 96 bp - 20.8 Mbp). Meanwhile, Comparative analysis of transcriptome under cold stress revealed that one ICE1 putative ortholog, five CBF putative orthologs, 19 NAC transcription factors and four cold-induced orhologs were up-regulated at least two fold in response to cold stress. Interestingly, 5' untranslated region of both Unigene21287 (ICE1) and CL2628.Contig1 (NAC) both contained an SSR markers. In the present study, a series of SSR markers were developed based on sequences

  2. del biodiesel de aceite de palma

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    Pedro Nel Benjumea


    Full Text Available El deficiente desempeño del biodiesel de aceite de palma (BAP a bajas temperaturas constituye su mayor deficiencia de calidad y el limitante para propiciar el uso de este combustible alternativo para motores diesel puro o mezclado en altas proporciones con el combustible diesel convencional derivado del petróleo (ACPM. En este trabajo se evalúan varias alternativas para mejorar las propiedades de flujo a baja temperatura (PFBT del BAP. Mediante la producción del biodiesel utilizando alcoholes ramificados como el isopropanol, isobutanol, 2-butanol e isopentanol se obtienen alquilésteres del aceite de palma con puntos de nube y fl uidez más bajos que los correspondientes a los metilésteres. La sustitución del grupo metil por el isopentil permite obtener reducciones en los puntos de nube y fluidez de 8 y 21 ºC, respectivamente. Los isopropilésteres del aceite de palma poseen un punto de nube 10 ºC menor que el de los metilésteres. El punto de nube de las mezclas BAP-ACPM se incrementa en forma lineal con el contenido del biodiesel en la mezcla. Para las mezclas probadas (B5, B20 y B30 solo se presentan problemas de filtrabilidad del combustible a temperaturas por debajo de -4 ºC. En este trabajo se evaluó la efectividad de dos aditivos comerciales mejoradores de flujo para reducir el punto de obstrucción de filtros en frío (POFF del biodiesel puro y las mezclas probadas. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que con dichos aditivos solamente es posible obtener reducciones en el POFF de la mezcla B5 cuando se usa la menor de las tres concentraciones de aditivo probadas.

  3. Desempenho agronômico de algodão orgânico e oleaginosas consorciados com palma forrageira

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    Gildivan dos S. Silva


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho o objetivo foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico de algodão orgânico e oleaginosas consorciados com a palma forrageira no semiárido paraibano. No ano agrícola de 2009 foram conduzidos dois experimentos, em duas áreas: (I na Fazenda Vila Maria Rita, situada no município de Taperoá, no cariri paraibano (II no Assentamento Queimadas localizado em Remígio, no Curimataú paraibano enquanto os tratamentos, divididos em cultivo solteiro e consorciado, foram: algodão + gergelim + palma forrageira; algodão + amendoim + palma forrageira; algodão + palma forrageira; algodão solteiro; gergelim solteiro; girassol solteiro; amendoim solteiro e palma forrageira solteira. As variáveis analisadas foram: características tecnológicas de fibras, produtividade (grãos/caroço, rendimento em óleo, rendimento em fibra, renda bruta e uso eficiente da terra (UET parcial e total. Para o rendimento em fibra o consórcio algodão + palma forrageira proporcionou o melhor resultado (311,14 kg ha-1 enquanto o amendoim solteiro apresentou maior rendimento em grãos (967,00 kg ha-1 e em óleo (428,02 kg ha-1. O consórcio algodão + gergelim + palma forrageira pode ser uma alternativa eficiente na agricultura familiar uma vez que apresentou resultados positivos em termos de renda bruta e UET total.

  4. Qualidade pós-colheita em brotos de palma de diferentes cultivares

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    Daniel Pereira Lima


    Full Text Available A palma pertencente à família das cactáceas, sendo de origem mexicana. No Nordeste brasileiro, o broto de palma faz parte da dieta alimentar da população de alguns municípios. Com isso objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita dos brotos de palma proveniente de diferentes cultivares. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Centro de Ciências e Humanas Sociais e Agrárias, Bananeiras, Paraíba, pertencente à Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Foram utilizados brotos das cultivares Gigante (Opuntia ficus indica Mill., Redonda (Opuntia ficus indica L., Orelha de Elefante (Opuntia tuna (L. Mill. e Miúda (Nopalea cochenillifera (L. Salm-Dyck. Os brotos foram colhidos em propriedades rurais às 6:00 horas e transportados ao laboratório, onde foram eliminados os acúleos e lavados. Realizou-se as análises em triplicata dos teores de ácido ascórbico (AA, de acidez titulável (AT e de sólidos solúveis (SS, pH, umidade e condutividade elétrica. Os brotos de palma da variedade Gigante foram os que apresentaram as melhores características, atribuído ao maior conteúdo de ácido ascórbico e ao melhor equilíbrio entre os açúcares (SS e os ácidos (AT.


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    Full Text Available Con el fin de evaluar el conocimiento sobre usos de las palmas en el Pacífico colombiano, para orientar las investigaciones futuras y para definir patrones generales de uso en la región, estudiamos las fuentes de información que documentan usos en esta región. Se registraron 90 tipos de usos en 52 especies de palmas útiles en el Pacífico, que equivalen al 61 % de las palmas que crecen en la región. Los usos se agruparon en ocho categorías de uso y 30 subcategorías; las categorías de uso más importantes fueron construcción, utensilios y herramientas, y alimentación humana. Las especies que registraron mayor número de usos fueron Bactris gasipaes, Astrocaryum standleyanum, Oenocarpus bataua, Euterpe oleracea, Oenocarpus minor, Cocos nucifera, Attalea cuatrecasana, Iriartea deltoidea, Desmoncus cirrhifer y Wettinia quinaria.


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    Gustavo Muller Gonçalves Moura


    Full Text Available This work aims to meet the urban environmental management in Palmas and establish consistency with the socio-environmental problems and needs and their efficiency in monitoring and controlling the environment. Palmas, the newest planned city in Brazil is facing conflicts that urban planning could not prevent the peripheral expansion and separation of social classes determined the absence or little coverage of basic infrastructure services like water supply, sewerage, collection and disposal of garbage and the deficiency in the management and maintenance of green areas. From this backdrop, we carried out analysis on the institutions and the environmental reality of the city and proposed a model for the municipal environment, based on the Statute of the city, and also suggestions to formulate public policies and proposals for immediate action, aimed at improve the quality of life of Palmas.

  7. Qualidade de vida na cidade de Palmas - TO: uma análise através de indicadores habitacionais e ambientais urbanos Life quality in Palmas - TO: an analisys through housing and urban environmental indicators

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    Faida Kran


    Full Text Available O presente artigo discute a qualidade de vida na cidade de Palmas, capital do Estado do Tocantins, através de uma análise da habitação e seu entorno, utilizando um grupo de dez indicadores que foram capazes de identificar, em Palmas, semelhantes condições de vulnerabilidade sócio-ambiental, vistas também em tantas outras cidades brasileiras, apesar dos discursos que legitimaram a sua criação e da mesma ter alcançado, até o presente, alguns bons indicadores sócio-ambientais.The present article discusses life quality in Palmas, the capital of Tocantins State, through an analysis of housing and its surroundings group of ten indicators, that were capable of identifying in Palmas similar conditions of socio-environmental vulnerability, also seen in many other Brazilian cities, in spite of the discourses that legitimized its creation and of the fact that the city indeed attained some good indicators up to the present moment.

  8. La identidad de Scheelea Insignis (Palmae La identidad de Scheelea Insignis (Palmae

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    Galeano Gloria


    Full Text Available Exploration of the type locality, and study of the type, confirm that Scheelea insignis (Mart. Karsten is actually an acaulescent palm, and does not have the 15-18 m tall trunk described by Martius. Scheelea attaleoides Karsten is shown to be a synonym of S. insignis. Con base en la exploración detallada de la localidad típica, y en el estudio del tipo, se confirma que Scheelea insignis (Mart. Karsten es en realidad una palma acaule, y no tiene el tronco de 15-18 metros de alto descrito por Martius. Se concluye también que Scheelea attaleoides Karsten es sinónimo de S. insignis.

  9. Cytokinin Differences in In Vitro Cultures and Inflorescences from Normal and Mantled Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ooi, S. E.; Novák, Ondřej; Doležal, Karel; Ishak, Z.; Ong-Abdullah, M.


    Roč. 32, č. 4 (2013), s. 865-874 ISSN 0721-7595 Grant - others:GA MŠk(CZ) ED0007/01/01 Program:ED Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50380511 Keywords : Cytokinin * Elaeis guineensis * Inflorescence Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 2.058, year: 2013

  10. Solidarity finance through community development banks as a strategy for reshaping local economies: lessons from Banco Palmas

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    Genauto Carvalho de França Filho


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the possibilities and challenges of Community Development Banks (CDBs as an innovative method of socioeconomic management of microcredit for poor populations. To this end, we will discuss the case of Banco Palmas in Conjunto Palmeiras in the city of Fortaleza, in the northeastern state of Ceará, as an empirical case study. The analyses presented here are based on information obtained from Banco Palmas between late 2011 and early 2012. In addition, previous studies by other researchers on the bank and other studies on CDBs were important. The primary data collected at Banco Palmas came from documents made available by the bank, such as reports and mappings. The analyses describe some of the characteristics of the granting of microcredit and allow one to situate it in the universe of microfinance and solidarity finance. They also show the significant growth of local consumption, mostly through the use of the Palmas social currency. The Banco Palmas experience, aside from influencing national public policies of solidarity finance, initiated a CDBs network that encourages the replication of these experiences throughout the country.

  11. Uses and management of Aphandra Natalia (palmae in Ecuador

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    Full Text Available UTILISATIONS ET MISE EN VALEUR DE APHANDRA NATALIA (PALMAE EN EQUATEUR. Aphandra natalia (Balslev & Henderson Barfod est un palmier Phytelephantoidé de l’Amazonie occidentale. En Équateur il est exploité commercialement pour ses fruits comestibles, et pour les fibres de la gousse et du pétiole de la feuille dont on se sert pour fabriquer les balais dans tout le pays. Les fibres sont extraites principalement des individus sauvages de la forêt ou de ceux qui se trouvent dans les pâturages et les zones agricoles et qui sont exploités in situ. L’exploitation comprend la protection du palmier lorsque la forêt est coupée, l’enlèvement sélectif d’autre végétation et des techniques de récolte non-destructives. De temps à autre A. natalia se cultive. USOS Y MANEJO DE APHANDRA NATALIA (PALMAE EN ECUADOR. Aphandra natalia (Balslev & Henderson Barfod es una palma Phytelephantoideae de la Amazonia occidental. En el Ecuador es explotada comercialmente por sus frutos comestibles, y por las fibras de la vaina y del pecíolo de la hoja que son usadas para la producción de escobas en todo el país. Las fibras son extraídas principalmente de individuos en el bosque natural o de plantas dejadas en los pastizales y en los campos agrícolas, y manejadas in situ. El manejo incluye dejar en pie la palma cuando el bosque es talado, la remoción selectiva de otra vegetación y las técnicas de cosecha no destructivas. Ocasionalmente A. natalia es cultivada. Aphandra natalia (Balslev & Henderson Barfod is a Phytelephantoid palm from the western Amazon. In Ecuador it is commercially exploited for its edible fruits, and for its leaf sheath and petiole fibers which are used for brooms throughout the country. Fibers are extracted mainly from wild individuals in the forest or those left in pastures and agricultural areas and managed in situ. Management includes protecting the palm when forest is cleared, selective removal of other vegetation, and non

  12. Il mestiere di tradurre 4: César Palma

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    César Palma


    Full Text Available Si toda entrevista a un traductor es una invitación directa a la lectura, no cabe duda de que recordar algunas de las traducciones que han salido de las manos de César Palma justifica aún más si cabe esta intención. De hecho, con una trayectoria que abarca casi ya las tres décadas, se deben a César Palma la traducción de títulos tan interesantes de la narrativa italiana del siglo pasado y principios del presente como, por poner unos ejemplos, El tablero ante el espejo de Massimo Bontempelli, La infancia de Nivasio Dolcemare de Alberto Savinio, La cofradía de los celestinos de Stefano Benni o tres de los mejores títulos de Mario Rigoni Stern, una “especie de envés de Jünger” según nos declaraba, El sergente en la nieve, Estaciones e Historia di Tönle. Entrevista de Juan Carlos Postigo Ríos y Juan Pérez Andrés.

  13. White-faced monkey (Cebus capucinus ecology and management in neotropical agricultural landscapes during the dry season

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    Heather E. Williams


    Full Text Available Habitat use by a C. capucinus troop was studied in an agricultural landscape during late dry season (March-April 1994 in northwest Costa Rica. Riparian forests, palm canals and living fence rows accounted for 82 % of observations, significantly more than the other six habitats present. The study troop consumed 24 species of plants and five animals. Feeding concentrated on the introduced African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis (33.6 % and mango (Mangifera indica (27.2 %, found mostly in palm canals and mango orchards respectively. The troop rested between 0930-1330 hr and fed and moved between 0530-0930 hr and 1330-1730 hr. Living fence rows were used as travel routes or corridors and less intensively for other activitiesSe estudió el uso de hábitat por una tropa de C. capucinus en una zona de agricultura durante la estación seca tardía (Marzo-Abril 1994 en el noroeste de Costa Rica. Los bosques riparios, canales de palmas y cercas de árboles vivos contaron con el 82 % de las observaciones, significantemente más que los otros seis hábitats presentes. La tropa de estudio consumió 24 especies de plntas y cinco animales. La alimentación se concentró en la palma de aceite Africana introducida (Elaeis guineensis (33.6 % y en mango (Mangifera indica (27.2 %, encontrados principalmente en los canales de palmas y huertos de mango respectivamente. La tropa descansó entre las 0930-1330 hr y se alimentó y movió entre las 0530-0930 hr y 1330-730 hr. Las cercas de árboles vivos fueron usadas como rutas de paso o corredores y menos intensamente para otras actividades

  14. Zoneamento agroclimático da palma forrageira (Opuntia sp. para o estado da Paraíba

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    Bergson G. Bezerra


    Full Text Available A palma forrageira tornou-se, ao longo dos anos, uma importante alternativa forrageira no semiárido brasileiro (SAB principalmente em longos períodos de estiagens. Apesar de sua magnitude para a agropecuária, seu cultivo tem dispensando tratos culturais básicos e embasamento técnico-científico quanto às suas exigências climáticas. Assim, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar o zoneamento agroclimático da cultura da palma forrageira (Opuntia sp. para o estado da Paraíba. O zoneamento agroclimático da palma forrageira foi elaborado com base nos indicadores climáticos delineados na literatura e nos dados climatológicos de precipitação e temperatura (média, máxima e mínima de 97 localidades do estado da Paraíba. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a mesorregião da Borborema é a que apresenta as condições climáticas mais favoráveis para o cultivo da palma forrageira. As mesorregiões do Agreste, Sertão e a parte do Litoral, são aptas porém com restrições. No entanto, recomenda-se o cultivo da palma forrageira em todo o território do estado da Paraíba, exceto para a parte costeira da mesorregião do Litoral e região em torno de Areia. Em ambos os casos a inaptidão ocorre em função do excesso de precipitação.

  15. Las fiestas de vecindad en la Palma de Mallorca del siglo XIX

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    Llompart, Gabriel


    Full Text Available By searching city council records for applications for the holding of neighborhood festivals in Palma de Mallorca from 1860 to 1918, the author analyzes festive elements of neighborliness at the time. While some of these elements dated to the Middle Ages and others were new, all reveal the contours of an era and a society.

    A través de documentación municipal —solicitudes de permisos para la celebración de fiestas vecinales en Palma de Mallorca— entre 1860 y 1918, se analizan elementos festivos de vecindad, algunos de ellos vigentes desde época medieval y otros de nueva incorporación, dibujando así una época y una sociedad.

  16. De Dutch Open Telescope, Nieuwe zonnetelescoop op La Palma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rutten, R.J.; Hammerschlag, R.H.; Bettonvil, F.C.M.


    Op het eiland La Palma is een nieuwe zonnetelescoop verrezen, de Dutch Open Telescope (DOT). Hij doet zijn naam eer aan: de DOT staat open en bloot op een vijftien meter hoog open statief, ogend alsof een spin op lange poten van Mars is neergedaald tus-sen de eerbiedwaardige koepels van de


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    Hernán Mauricio Romero


    Full Text Available La pudrición del cogollo (PC es la principal enfermedad de la palma en Colombia. En las zonas palmeras Central (ZC y Oriental (ZE, las palmas enfermas pueden recuperarse naturalmente. En la Zona Occidental (ZW el proceso de recuperación no es evidente. La recuperación de palmas está ligada a gran actividad meristemática que podría involucrar la acción inductora de metabolitos como las poliaminas (PA. Este trabajo muestra la relación entre poliaminas del meristemo y la capacidad de recuperación de palmas con PC, en dos zonas agroclimáticas diferentes. Poliaminas extraídas del meristemo de palmas sembradas en ZC y ZW, fueron analizadas por HPLC. En ZC, donde existe recuperación espontánea, los niveles más altos de PA se presentan en palmas sanas y en recuperación y a medida que avanza la enfermedad la concentración desciende hasta un mínimo en el estado de PC inicial (PCI. Luego la concentración de PA aumenta hasta el estado de Buena Recuperación (BR donde los valores de poliaminas son más altos que los de palmas sanas. En la ZW, con la enfermedad el contenido de PA aumenta llegando al máximo en plantas sin recuperación y el mínimo se presenta en plantas sanas. Las diferencias entre zonas pueden explicarse por diferentes roles de las poliaminas en plantas. En la ZC la cantidad elevada de PA en palmas sanas o en recuperación funcionaría en la inducción de actividad meristemática, para la recuperación espontánea. En la ZW el aumento en el contenido de PA con la enfermedad induciría la generación de especies reactivas de oxígeno para defensa secundaria de la planta ante la imposibilidad de, a través de incrementos en la actividad meristemática producir rápidamente estructuras sanas que no sean reinfectadas.

  18. A PRESENÇA MARANHENSE EM PALMAS-TOCANTINS: identidade social, estigma e preconceito

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    José Vandilo dos Santos


        RESUMEN Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de un estudio llevado a cabo en Palmas, capital del estado de Tocantins, en la construcción del estigma y los prejuicios presentes en las relaciones entre la población procedente del Estado de Maranhão y los habitantes de nuestra capital, con el fin de entender la construcción del estigma de "Marañón" generalmente atribuida a personas consideradas inferiores o ciertas dificultades para llevar a cabo sus actividades. Por lo tanto, se tienen en cuenta los conceptos de identidad en el contexto de la migración, dado que la ciudad de Palmas tiene una población que comprende a personas de diferentes regiones del país que aquí fue en busca de mejores condiciones de vida. La metodología utilizada incluyó la primera revisión de la literatura y después de una investigación cualitativa mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios y entrevistas abiertas dirigida a los residentes Maranhenses Palmas. Se aplicaron 37 cuestionarios a los dos sexos, y 19 para las mujeres y 18 para los varones.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Maranhenses; la identidad; el estigma; perjuicio.

  19. The 1677 eruption of La Palma, Canary Islands

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    Rodríguez Badiola, E.


    Full Text Available The 1677 volcanic eruption, located close to the town of Fuencaliente at the south end of La Palma, has been associated with the large volcanic cone of San Antonio, an emission centre showing relatively high energy phreatomagmatic phases. However, detailed geological mapping and a reinterpretation of available eye-witness accounts elearly prove the San Antonio emission centre to be a preexisting volcano related to an eruption that occurred several thousands years earlier. The 1677 eruption, or Volcán de Fuencaliente is a low magnitude eruption composed of a small strombolian vent and a cluster of aligned spatter vents. About 75-125 x 106 m3 of lavas from these spatter vents covered an area of 4.5 x 106 m2 and formed a wide coastal platform with 1.6 x 106 m2 of new land gained from the sea. This modest magnitude eruption is in better accord with the negligible damage caused to the area reported in the contemporary accounts. This revision of the 1677 eruption and its magnitude is relevant for the precise reconstruction of the recent volcanism of La Palma and the correct definition of volcanic hazards in the island.La erupción de 1677, localizada cerca de la población de Fuencaliente en el S de la isla de La Palma, ha sido asociada hasta ahora con el cono volcánico denominado San Antonio. Este centro de emisión presenta fases eruptivas de energía relativamente elevada. El estudio geológico de detalle de esta erupción y la reinterpretación de los relatos de la época indican que el volcán San Antonio es, en realidad, un aparato volcánico preexistente, relacionado con algún episodio eruptivo de varios miles de años de antigüedad. La verdadera erupción de 1677 o Volcán de Fuencaliente, es de baja magnitud y está formada por pequeños centros eruptivos estrombolianos y conos alineados de escorias. El volumen de lavas emitidas es de unos 75-125 x 106 m3 y cubre una extensión de aproximadamente 4.5 x 106 m2, de los cuales 1.6 x 106 m2

  20. Performance of Elaeis Guineensis Leaves Compost in Filter Media for Stormwater Treament Through Column Study (United States)

    Takaijudin, H.; Ghani, A. A.; Zakaria, N. A.; Tze, L. L.


    Compost based materials arv e widely used in filter media for improving soil capability and plant growth. The aim of this paper is to evaluate different types of compost materials used in engineered soil media through soil column investigation. Three (3) column, namely C1 (control), C2 and C3 had different types compost (10%) which were, commercial compost namely PEATGRO, Compost A and Compost B were prepared with 60% medium sand and 30% of topsoil. The diluted stormwater runoff was flushed to the columns and it was run for six (6) hour experiment. The influent and effluent samples were collected and tested for Water Quality Index (WQI) parameters. The results deduced that C3 with Elaeis Guineensis leaves compost (Compost B) achieved 90.45 (Class II) better than control condition which accomplished 84 (Class II) based on WQI Classification. C3 with Compost A (African Mahogany Leaves Compost) obtained only 59.39 (Class III). C3 with the composition of Compost B effectively removed most pollutants, including Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD, Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N), were reduced by 89±4% and 96.6±0.9%, respectively. The result concluded that Elaeis Guineensis leaves compost is recommended to be used as part of engineered soil media due to its capabilities in eliminating stormwater pollutants.

  1. Possible sources of genetic resistance in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) to basal stem rot caused by Ganoderma boninense--prospects for future breeding. (United States)

    Durand-Gasselin, T; Asmady, H; Flori, A; Jacquemard, J C; Hayun, Z; Breton, F; de Franqueville, H


    Oil palm estates in southeast Asia suffer from substantial losses due to basal stem rot caused by Ganoderma boninense. Field observations have been carried out in North Sumatra, Indonesia, on a series of planting materials of known origin. Differences in susceptibility to the disease have been detected within the two Elaeis species, guineensis and oleifera. Within Elaeis guineensis, material of Deli origin is highly susceptible compared to material of African origin. It is also possible to detect differences in reaction between parents and between crosses within a given origin. The variability of resistance to basal stem rot within the same cross is also illustrated by the diverse responses of clones derived from palms of the same origin. The prospects opened up by these results are discussed, and the importance of performing an early selection test is highlighted.

  2. Common psychiatric symptoms among public school teachers in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. An observational cross-sectional study

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    Leonardo Baldaçara

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Teachers are at great risk of physical and mental stress due to material or psychological difficulties associated with their work. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of common psychiatric symptoms measured on the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20 scale that would suggest a diagnosis of psychiatric disorders among public school teachers in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil, in 2012. DESIGN AND SETTING: Observational cross-sectional study in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. METHOD: We assessed 110 municipal teachers in the city of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. They were selected randomly from a list of employees of the Municipal Education Department of Palmas. All of them answered the SRQ-20 questionnaire after giving their consent. RESULTS: Between the years 2008 and 2011, 24 cases of absence from work due to mental disorders were found. We excluded one case and 109 teachers answered the SRQ-20questionnaire. Out of the 109 teachers assessed, 54 had ≥ 7 points on the SRQ-20 scale. This finding suggests that 49.5% of the teachers had symptoms that were sufficient to consider a diagnosis of mental disorder, with the need for treatment. CONCLUSION: Our study found that the prevalence of mental disorders among teachers is as high as seen in the literature. Our results suggest that recognition of mental disorders is low and that the current statistics fail to reach the occupational health sector.

  3. Common psychiatric symptoms among public school teachers in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. An observational cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Baldaçara, Leonardo; Silva, Álvaro Ferreira; Castro, José Gerley Díaz; Santos, Gessi de Carvalho Araújo


    Teachers are at great risk of physical and mental stress due to material or psychological difficulties associated with their work. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of common psychiatric symptoms measured on the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) scale that would suggest a diagnosis of psychiatric disorders among public school teachers in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil, in 2012. Observational cross-sectional study in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. We assessed 110 municipal teachers in the city of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. They were selected randomly from a list of employees of the Municipal Education Department of Palmas. All of them answered the SRQ-20 questionnaire after giving their consent. Between the years 2008 and 2011, 24 cases of absence from work due to mental disorders were found. We excluded one case and 109 teachers answered the SRQ-20questionnaire. Out of the 109 teachers assessed, 54 had ≥ 7 points on the SRQ-20 scale. This finding suggests that 49.5% of the teachers had symptoms that were sufficient to consider a diagnosis of mental disorder, with the need for treatment. Our study found that the prevalence of mental disorders among teachers is as high as seen in the literature. Our results suggest that recognition of mental disorders is low and that the current statistics fail to reach the occupational health sector.

  4. Astrocaryum (palmae in Amazonia a preliminary treatment

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    Full Text Available ASTROCARYUM (PALMAE EN AMAZONIE. TRAITEMENT PRÉLIMINAIRE. Le genre Astrocaryum est composé de 24 espèces amazoniennes: cinq appartiennent au sous-genre Pleiogynanthus et 19 au sous-genre Monogynanthus (3 à la section Munbaca et 16 à la section Ayri. Une clé d’identification est proposée, ainsi que la description de chaque espèce, complétée par de nouvelles observations et suivie de notes sur la distribution géographique, l’écologie et les utilisations. Six espeses nouvelles sont décrites. ASTROCARYUM (PALMAE EN LA AMAZONIA. TRATAMIENTO PRELIMINAR. Astrocaryum consta de 24 especies amazónicas, 5 de las cuales pertenecen al subgénero Pleiogynanthus y 19 al subgénero Monogynanthus (3 a la sección Munbaca, 16 a la sección Ayri. Se presenta una clave para diferenciar las especies, y para cada una, su descripción con nuevos datos, así como notas sobre la distribución geográfica, la ecología y los usos. Se describen seis especies nuevas. In the Amazon, Astrocaryum includes 24 species of which five belong to the subgenus Pleiogynanthus and 19 to the subgenus Monogynanthus - three in the section Munbaca and 16 in the section Ayri. A key to these 24 species is presented followed by description based on new data, and notes on their distribution, ecology and uses. Six new species are described.


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    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de un proyecto de investigación encaminado a evaluar las condiciones de producción de oleína de palma epoxidada mediante el método de ácido peroxiacético formado in situ. Los aceites epoxidados son sustancias químicas de gran importancia industrial, de uso directo como plastificantes, o como intermediarios en la fabricación de otros productos químicos de mayor valor agregado. Este trabajo realiza un aporte investigativo a nivel regional, brindando una alternativa de uso para la oleína de palma africana mediante su utilización en la obtención de un producto con alta potencialidad de producción y utilidad como son los aceites epoxidados. Bajo las condiciones de estudio, se pudo obtener una oleína de palma epoxidada con un porcentaje de oxígeno oxiranode 3,007%, valor comparable con el valor requerido para un aceite de soya epoxidado comercial según la normatividad nacional

  6. Comparing the thermo-physical characteristics of lard and selected plant fats

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    Yanty, N. A. M.


    Full Text Available A comparison of the thermo-physical properties of lard and plant fats may help to formulate alternative fat substitutes for halal food applications. In this study, plant-based fats, namely avocado butter (Persea americana, cocoa butter (Theobroma cacao L., palm oil (Elaeis guinensis and mee fat (Madhuca longifolia are compared to lard with respect to the basic physico-chemical parameters, fatty acid and triacylglycerol (TAG compositions, and melting and solidification behaviors. Although plant fats are completely different from lard with respect to fatty acid and TAG compositions, they share some common thermal features with lard. Based on thermal analysis, lard and plant fats, except cocoa butter, are found to have thermal transitions in both low (< 0 °C and high (> 0 °C melting regions of their cooling and melting curves. According to pulse NMR data, mee fat and lard are found to display closely similar solidification profiles in the temperature range of 0-25 °C, while palm oil and lard are found to have similar solidification profiles in the temperature range between 25-40 °C. Hence, the thermo-physical property comparison between plant fats and lard may be useful to formulate a fat blend which simulates the thermal properties of lard.

    La comparación de las propiedades térmica y mecánicas de la manteca de cerdo y la de determinadas grasas de plantas, podría ayudar a formular sustitutos alternativos de las grasas para aplicaciones alimentarias. En este estudio, basado en materias grasas vegetales como, aguacate (Persea americana, manteca de cacao (Theobroma cacao L., palma aceitera (Elaeis guinensis y grasa de mee (Madhuca longifolia se comparan con la manteca de cerdo con respecto a parámetros físico-químicos, composiciones en ácidos grasos y triglicéridos (TAG, y comportamientos de los parámetros de fusión y de solidificación. Aunque las grasas de plantas


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    Ivan Yu Sakharov


    Full Text Available Se determinó la actividad de la peroxidasa (EC en 7 frutos, 13 raíces y 31 hojas de plantas tropicales que crecen en Colombia. Se encontró que la actividad de la peroxidasa varía ampliamente de una especie a otra. Para el fruto de balazos (Monstera deliciosa se encontró que la actividad de la peroxidasa depende del grado de madurez. Por el contrario, la actividad de peroxidasa de las hojas de la palma de botella (Roystonea regia se mantiene constante todo el año. Algunas especies presentaron alta actividad de peroxidasa como la raíz de batata (Ipomoea batatas, las hojas de pasto guinea (Panicum máximum, las de dormidera (Mimosa pigra, las de higuerilla (Riciims communis L. y las de las siguientes palmas: mararai (Aiphanes caríotifolia, de botella (Roystonea regia, dactilera (Phoenix dactylifera y africana (Elaeis guineensis. Además, mediante isoelectroenfoque se hallaron peroxidasas aniónicas (pl 3.4 - 5.6 tanto en la raíz de batata como en las palmas analizadas.

  8. Investigación de vectores y reservorios en brote de Chagas agudo por posible transmisión oral en Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia

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    Hugo Soto


    Full Text Available Colombia tiene un registro de 11 casos de Chagas agudo y 80 casos por contaminación oral con Trypanosoma cruzi. Este trabajo analiza los hallazgos entomológicos y parasitológicos del brote de Aguachica, Cesar, en 2010. Un grupo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la salud y de universidades regionales realizó las pruebas de laboratorio a los pacientes y el estudio del foco de transmisión. Se detectaron 11 casos agudos de enfermedad de Chagas en una sola familia con vivienda sin triatominos domiciliados y, Rhodnius pallescens, Pantrongylus geniculatus, Eratyrus cuspidatus y dos Didelphis marsupialis infectados con T. cruzi en palmas de Attalea butyracea y Elaeis oleifera del área urbana de Aguachica. Se analiza la participación del R. pallescens y el rol de las palmas en el ciclo silvestre de T. cruzi y para la transmisión oral de la enfermedad de Chagas. Incursiones esporádicas de R. pallescens, P. geniculatus y E. cuspidatus silvestres desde palmas cercanas al domicilio humano pueden provocar brotes cada vez más frecuentes de Chagas oral.

  9. Läänemere strateegia arvestab kodanike ettepanekutega / Jose Palma Andres ; interv. Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Palma Andres, Jose


    Euroopa Komisjoni regionaalpoliitika peadirektoraadi direktor Jose Palma Andres vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad avalikku debatti Läänemere strateegia üle ning Venemaa partnerlust Läänemere strateegias. Lisa: [Läänemere strateegia

  10. Four new species of Arenga (Palmae from Indonesia

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    Johanis Palar Mogea


    Full Text Available MOGEA, JOHANIS P. 2004. Four new species of Arenga (Palmae from Indonesia. Reinwardtia 12 (2: 181 – 189. ― Arenga distincta from Borneo and A. longipes, A. plicata, and A. talamauensis from Sumatra are described and illustrated for the first time. The descriptions are followed by  information regarding the habitat and  geographical distribution, and notes on morphological similarities with other, presumably related species.  Leaves of A. longipes and A.  talamauensis are paripinnate while the other two species are imparipinnate.  

  11. The plant leaf movement analyzer (PALMA): a simple tool for the analysis of periodic cotyledon and leaf movement in Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Wagner, Lucas; Schmal, Christoph; Staiger, Dorothee; Danisman, Selahattin


    The analysis of circadian leaf movement rhythms is a simple yet effective method to study effects of treatments or gene mutations on the circadian clock of plants. Currently, leaf movements are analysed using time lapse photography and subsequent bioinformatics analyses of leaf movements. Programs that are used for this purpose either are able to perform one function (i.e. leaf tip detection or rhythm analysis) or their function is limited to specific computational environments. We developed a leaf movement analysis tool-PALMA-that works in command line and combines image extraction with rhythm analysis using Fast Fourier transformation and non-linear least squares fitting. We validated PALMA in both simulated time series and in experiments using the known short period mutant sensitivity to red light reduced 1 ( srr1 - 1 ). We compared PALMA with two established leaf movement analysis tools and found it to perform equally well. Finally, we tested the effect of reduced iron conditions on the leaf movement rhythms of wild type plants. Here, we found that PALMA successfully detected period lengthening under reduced iron conditions. PALMA correctly estimated the period of both simulated and real-life leaf movement experiments. As a platform-independent console-program that unites both functions needed for the analysis of circadian leaf movements it is a valid alternative to existing leaf movement analysis tools.

  12. Criação de valor sustentável e o óleo de palma no Brasil


    Almeida, Julio Ribeiro


    A produção de óleo de palma expandiu-se consideravelmente nas últimas décadas e atualmente o óleo de palma é o óleo vegetal mais comercializado do mundo. Dentre outros fatores, a maior produtividade da cultura e os menores custos de produção explicam o crescimento. Os grandes produtores mundiais, contudo, destruíram grandes áreas de floresta para acomodar o crescimento da plantação e se utilizaram de técnicas de cultivo que trouxeram severos impactos ambientais. Campanhas lider...

  13. El aprovechamiento de palma camedor en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México. ¿Conservación con desarrollo?

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    Gabriela Buda Arango


    Full Text Available El uso de recursos forestales no maderables se asocia a la conservación de ecosistemas y la generación de ingresos para las poblacio - nes de bosques y selvas. Esta no es una rela - ción directa. En la Selva Lacandona, la ven - ta de palma camedor genera ingresos para las comunidades, pero el tipo de aprovecha - miento parece sobreexplotar el recurso. El gobierno ha intentado regular su uso a tra - vés de Unidades de Manejo para la Conser - vación de la Vida Silvestre ( UMA , pero con un limitado desempeño ambiental y social. Caracterizamos el aprovechamiento y la producción de palma en la Lacandona y analizamos la efectividad de las UMA de palma en la región. Las deficiencias y esca - sos resultados de estas derivan de su enfoque técnico y normativo, asi como de la escasa negociación y conciliación de intereses entre sus actores.

  14. Study of the histopathological types of cutaneous melanoma in Palmas-TO from 2001 to 2011. (United States)

    Costa, Nilo Fernandes da; Fernandes, Nurimar Conceição; Borges, Myrlena Regina Machado Mescouto


    Cutaneous melanoma (CM) is considered serious for causing frequent metastasis, presenting high mortality, resistance to available therapies and incidences in laboring activity. To study the histopathological types of cutaneous melanoma in Palmas-TO from 2001 to 2011, according to risk factors, location of lesions, Clark levels and Breslow thickness. A descriptive, retrospective and quantitative research in reports of the Serviços de Anatomia Patológica in Palmas (SAPP) and Registro de Câncer de Base Populacional de Palmas (RCBPP). The years of highest incidences were: 2004 (8 cases/17.8%), 2008 and 2011 (7 cases each/15.6%) and 2010 (6 cases/13.3%). Among the 45 cases studied, there were predominance in patients between 41 and 60 years old, women, caucasians, farmers, located in trunk, in situ type, superficial extensive and metastatic cutaneous, Clark levels I (20%) and IV (17.7%), Breslow thickness ≤1 mm (35.5%) and 2.01 to 4 mm (24.4%). The most common histopathological types were: cutaneous melanoma in situ, superficial extensive and metastatic, followed by nodular cutaneous melanoma, and finally, by other forms. In this study, Clark levels and Breslow thickness pointed to greater importance of thin melanomas and sun exposure without appropriate protection in farmers.

  15. Patrones de asociación entre insectos polinizadores y palmas silvestres en Colombia con énfasis en palmas de importancia económica


    Núñez Avellaneda, Luis Alberto


    Se describe, analiza y valida el papel de los insectos que han sido considerados los principales polinizadores de palmas neotropicales: las especies del género Mystrops (Nitidulidae), diferentes grupos de gorgojos (Curculionidae), los escarabajos del género Cyclocephala (Dynastidae), especies de y Abejas sin aguijón (Apidae Meliponinae). El estudio se realizó a partir de un análisis multiespecífico y multitemporal de polinizadores que involucró la colecta, separación e identificacion de visit...

  16. La palma amarga (Sabal mauritiiformis, Arecaceae en sistemas productivos del Caribe: estudio de caso en Piojó, Atlántico

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    Viviana Andrade-Erazo


    Full Text Available La palma Sabal mauritiiformis es un recurso importante en el Caribe colombiano debido al uso de sus hojas para techar. Para evaluar el estado de sus poblaciones en Piojó (Atlántico, uno de los municipios más productores de hojas, se estudió la densidad y la estructura poblacional de la palma. Se establecieron 16 parcelas de 0,1 ha, en los tres sistemas de uso de suelo más comunes en la zona: ganadería (6, cultivos (5 y rastrojo (5. Se encontró que la palma amarga constituye un recurso silvestre, muy resistente y capaz de adaptarse a ambientes perturbados pues está incorporada en sistemas productivos de cultivos, rastrojos y ganadería, donde las prácticas de manejo influyen en la densidad y estructura de sus poblaciones. La palma es muy resistente y capaz de adaptarse a ambientes perturbados. El área estudiada incluyó 5349 individuos distribuidos en cuatro categorías de tamaño. Los rastrojos (3620 ± 2808 individuos/hectárea y los cultivos (5612 ± 3361 ind/ha presentaron más individuos y mejores estructuras poblacionales que las áreas de ganadería (1488 ± 827 ind/ha, en las cuales se encontraron poblaciones más deterioradas por efecto del pisoteo y el forrajeo. La prevalencia de individuos en algunas clases de tamaño refleja las condiciones de manejo actual e histórico; actividades como el pastoreo o las quemas, sin una apropiada planificación, pueden comprometer el desarrollo de las poblaciones de la palma y la futura disponibilidad del recurso.

  17. Palma: The oscillating core of a suspended periphery. An imagologic approach to an island city and its discourse of pleasure

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    Eduard Moyà


    Full Text Available In the first decades of the twentieth century Palma emerged as a city worth visiting with a promising network of hotels and organised tours. Palma became an urban playground for British bohemians, artists, expatriates, and socialites. Their notion of leisure and pleasure (on a faraway island provided the leitmotiv for the years to come. The purpose of this paper is to inspect the extent of which the different discourses adopted by British travel writers in the beginning of the twentieth century (coinciding with the birth of modern tourism on the island worked to conform a contemporary vision of Palma and its coastal suburban areas (such as Magaluf or El Arenal as opposed to the (rural and allegedly ‘authentic’ island. Firstly, the paper examines the different stages through which both Palma and the island are discursively constructed as opposed entities in the travel accounts in Mallorca’s first stages of tourism. A special focus is given to the discursive and ideological tools deployed to embellish upon or belittle the city and the island. Finally, I suggest that the images proposed by travellers in their accounts a hundred years ago evolve in today’s imagotypes of the island and its city.

  18. Concentración y precios en el mercado mundial de aceite de palma 1985-2005

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    Jorge L. Navarro España


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo estudia la estructura del mercado mundial de aceite de palma, así como la in"uencia de dicha estructura sobre el nivel de precios. Para ello se hace uso del cálculo de índices de concentración de mercado y de estadísticos correlaciónales para establecer relaciones de causalidad. Los principales resultados muestran que a pesar que este mercado está fuertemente concentrado, esto no parece tener efectos sobre los precios. La explicación dada a esta situación es que se da por la alta sustitución entre los aceites de palma, girasol y soya, así como al hecho que las barreras de entrada no son los su#cientemente altas.


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    Nery Sofiyanti


    Full Text Available Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis is one  main commodity in Riau Province. Morphologically, the trunk of oil palm  has suitable environment for the growth of epiphytic fern, due to its broaden base of petiole that may accumulate organic and anorganic debrish. The objective of this study was to investigate the diversity of epiphytic fern on the oil palm tree. A total of 125 oil palm trees from seven  study sites in Pekanbaru, Riau were observed. The number of epiphytic ferns identified in this study was 16 species belongs to six families.

  20. Bacterial diversity of oil palm Elaeis guineensis basal stems (United States)

    Amran, Afzufira; Jangi, Mohd Sanusi; Aqma, Wan Syaidatul; Yusof, Nurul Yuziana Mohd; Bakar, Mohd Faizal Abu; Isa, Mohd Noor Mat


    Oil palm, Elaeis guineensis is one of the major industrial production crops in Malaysia. Basal stem rot, caused by the white fungus, Ganoderma boninense, is a disease that reduces oil palm yields in most production areas of the world. Understanding of bacterial community that is associated with Ganoderma infection will shed light on how this bacterial community contributes toward the severity of the infection. In this preliminary study, we assessed the bacterial community that inhabit the basal stems of E. guineensis based on 16S rRNA gene as a marker using next generation sequencing platform. This result showed that a total of 84,372 operational taxonomic-units (OTUs) were identified within six samples analyzed. A total 55,049 OTUs were assigned to known taxonomy whereas 29,323 were unassigned. Cyanobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were the most abundant phyla found in all six samples and the unique taxonomy assigned for each infected and healthy samples were also identified. The findings from this study will further enhance our knowledge in the interaction of bacterial communities against Ganoderma infection within the oil palm host plant and for a better management of the basal stems rot disease.

  1. Circadian control of isoprene emissions from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). (United States)

    Wilkinson, Michael J; Owen, Susan M; Possell, Malcolm; Hartwell, James; Gould, Peter; Hall, Anthony; Vickers, Claudia; Nicholas Hewitt, C


    The emission of isoprene from the biosphere to the atmosphere has a profound effect on the Earth's atmospheric system. Until now, it has been assumed that the primary short-term controls on isoprene emission are photosynthetically active radiation and temperature. Here we show that isoprene emissions from a tropical tree (oil palm, Elaeis guineensis) are under strong circadian control, and that the circadian clock is potentially able to gate light-induced isoprene emissions. These rhythms are robustly temperature compensated with isoprene emissions still under circadian control at 38 degrees C. This is well beyond the acknowledged temperature range of all previously described circadian phenomena in plants. Furthermore, rhythmic expression of LHY/CCA1, a genetic component of the central clock in Arabidopsis thaliana, is still maintained at these elevated temperatures in oil palm. Maintenance of the CCA1/LHY-TOC1 molecular oscillator at these temperatures in oil palm allows for the possibility that this system is involved in the control of isoprene emission rhythms. This study contradicts the accepted theory that isoprene emissions are primarily light-induced.

  2. Stability analysis of Western flank of Cumbre Vieja volcano (La Palma) using numerical modelling (United States)

    Bru, Guadalupe; Gonzalez, Pablo J.; Fernandez-Merodo, Jose A.; Fernandez, Jose


    La Palma volcanic island is one of the youngest of the Canary archipelago, being a composite volcano formed by three overlapping volcanic centers. There are clear onshore and offshore evidences of past giant landslides that have occurred during its evolution. Currently, the active Cumbre Vieja volcano is in an early development state (Carracedo et al., 2001). The study of flank instability processes aim to assess, among other hazards, catastrophic collapse and potential tsunami generation. Early studies of the potential instability of Cumbre Vieja volcano western flank have focused on the use of sparse geodetic networks (Moss et al. 1999), surface geological mapping techniques (Day et al. 1999) and offshore bathymetry (Urgeles et al. 1999). Recently, a dense GNSS network and satellite radar interferometry results indicate ground motion consistent with deep-seated creeping processes (Prieto et al. 2009, Gonzalez et al. 2010). In this work, we present a geomechanical advanced numerical model that captures the ongoing deformation processes at Cumbre Vieja. We choose the Finite Elements Method (FEM) which is based in continuum mechanics and is the most used for geotechnical applications. FEM has the ability of using arbitrary geometry, heterogeneities, irregular boundaries and different constitutive models representative of the geotechnical units involved. Our main contribution is the introduction of an inverse approach to constrain the geomechanical parameters using satellite radar interferometry displacements. This is the first application of such approach on a large volcano flank study. We suggest that the use of surface displacements and inverse methods to rigorously constrain the geomechanical model parameter space is a powerful tool to understand volcano flank instability. A particular important result of the studied case is the estimation of displaced rock volume, which is a parameter of critical importance for simulations of Cumbre Vieja tsunamigenic hazard

  3. Trauma hepático: prevalência e características epidemiológicas de vítimas encaminhadas ao Instituto Médico Legal de Palmas, Tocantins = Liver trauma: prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of victims referred to the Forensic Department of Palmas, Tocantins


    Castro, Danilo Lopes; Ferreira, Maurício Barbosa; Pereira, Marcus Vinicius Moura; Reis Junior, Paulo Martins


    Objetivos: Analisar a prevalência e as características epidemiológicas relacionadas ao trauma hepático nas vítimas encaminhadas ao Instituto Médico Legal de Palmas, Tocantins. Métodos: Um estudo transversal retrospectivo foi realizado no Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Palmas, Tocantins, incluindo todas as vítimas encaminhadas para esse serviço, no período de janeiro de 2006 a dezembro de 2010, consistindo em óbitos por causas violentas e que possuíssem lesões traumáticas de tecido hepático. ...

  4. Petrological and geochemical studies of mantle xenoliths from La Palma, Canary Islands (United States)

    Janisch, Astrid; Ntaflos, Theodoros


    La Palma is the second youngest island, after El Hierro, of the Canary archipelago. The archipelago consists of seven large islands, forming an east-west-trending island chain, and several seamounts. All together they form a volcanic belt of around 800 km length and 450 km width, which presumably comprises roughly the Canary hotspot. The islands are located off the western coast of Morocco, Africa. The distance ranges from 100 km to 500 km. Concurrently with the distance, subaerial volcanism age progresses from the oldest lava in the east to the youngest in the west of the archipelago. Presently, La Palma is in the shield building stage of growth (alongside with El Hierro and Tenerife) and is furthermore the fastest growing island of the Canary archipelago. Historical volcanic eruptions are restricted on the younger islands, La Palma and El Hierro, with the last eruption at the south end of La Palma in 1971. Mantle xenoliths described in this work were collected at the slopes of San Antonio Volcano, Fuencaliente, brought to the surface during the 1677/1678 eruption. The mantle xenolith collection comprises sp-lherzolites, sp-harzburgites and pyroxenites. The texture can be distinguished between coarse-grained matrix and fine-grained veins in various thicknesses, mostly with olivine and pyroxene but also with amphibole, phlogopite as well as apatite. Mineral analyses reveal the existence of primary and secondary ol, cpx and opx. Primary ol has Fo contents of 89.2 to 91.7 and NiO ranging from 0.3 to 0.45 wt.%, whereas secondary ol show Fo values of 78.4 to 91.9 but with NiO below 0.3 wt.%. Primary cpx are predominantly Cr-Diopsides with En48.7-51.9-Wo43.5-44.3-Fs4.1-4.9 and Mg# of 91.5 to 92.4. Secondary cpx, primarily Ti-Augit, display En36.7-44.4-Wo47.7-49.6-Fs6.7-13.0 and Mg# of 75.3 to 90.8. Primary opx compositions are in range of En89.3-90.6-Wo1.3-1.5-Fs8.1-9.3 with Mg# between 90.7 and 92.0. Secondary opx exhibit En88.7-89.2-Wo1.7-1.9-Fs9.1-9.5 and Mg# of 90

  5. Prevalence of Babesia spp. and Anaplasma marginale in cattle in the municipality of Palma, MG

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    Marluce Aparecida Mattos Paula


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Paula M.A.M., Oliveira F.C.R., Melo Jr O.A. & Frazão-Teixeira E. [Prevalence of Babesia spp. and Anaplasma marginale in cattle in the municipality of Palma, MG.] Prevalência de Babesia spp. e Anaplasma marginale em bovinos no município de Palma, MG. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 37(4: 359-365, 2015. Laboratório de Biologia Estrutural, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/ Fiocruz, Avenida Brasil, 4365, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21040-361, Brasil. E-mail: We verified the prevalence of hemoparasites in 40 cattle with ages varying from one month to 12 years old, in two farms of the Municipality of Palma, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Two blood smear samples were collected from each animal: one from the tail tip and another from the ear tip. The smears were fixed, stained and observed under 100X lighted microscope magnifying glass. Twenty- -seven out of 40 animals studied (67.5% had at least one species of hemoparasite. Among these, 21 (52.5% were infected with Babesia spp., 10 (25% with Anaplasma marginale and four (10% parasitized with both hemoparasites. The studied region is potentially enzootic for the detected parasites and there is high risk for clinical cases of tick-borne disease. Both anatomic points, tail and ear tips, are good spots for blood collection and smear confection for hemoparasite investigation.

  6. Distribución, tamaño y estructura poblacional de Jubaea chilensis en "Las Palmas", comuna de Petorca, región de Valparaíso - Chile


    Youlton, Cristian; Hormazabal, Cristina; Schiappacasse, Ignacio; Contreras, Patricia; Poblete-Echeverría, Carlos


    La palma chilena (Jubaea chilensis) es una especie endémica de Chile central, clasificada en categoría de conservación vulnerable. De su área de distribución original subsisten algunas agrupaciones (palmares), encontrándose una de ellas en la comuna de Petorca, en el límite norte de la región de Valparaíso. El sector "Las Palmas" fue declarado "Sitio Prioritario para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad", sin embargo, se desconoce el número de palmas presentes, su distribución etaria y espacia...

  7. New xenophytes from La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain, with emphasis on naturalized and (potentially invasive species

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    R. Otto


    Full Text Available Many years of field work in La Palma (western Canary Islands yielded a number of interesting new records of non-native vascular plants. Amaranthus blitoides, A. deflexus, Aptenia cordifolia, Argemone ochroleuca, Begonia schmidtiana, Capsella rubella, Cardamine hamiltonii, Centratherum punctatum, Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare, Chasmanthe floribunda (widely confused with C. aethiopica and Crocosmia xcrocosmiiflora in Macaronesia, Chenopodium probstii, Commelina latifolia var. latifolia, Dichondra micrantha, Dysphania anthelmintica, Epilobium ciliatum, Erigeron sumatrensis, Erodium neuradifolium, Eucalyptus globulus, Euphorbia hypericifolia, E. maculata, Gamochaeta antillana, Geranium pyrenaicum, Hedychium coronarium, Hypochaeris radicata, Kalanchoe daigremontiana, K. delagoensis, K. xhoughtonii, Kickxia commutata subsp. graeca, K. spuria subsp. integrifolia, Lactuca viminea subsp. ramosissima, Landoltia punctata, Malvastrum coromandelianum subsp. capitatospicatum, Oenothera jamesii, Orobanche nana, Oxalis latifolia, Papaver hybridum, P. setigerum, Pilea microphylla, Podranea ricasoliana, Polygonum arenastrum, Portulaca granulatostellulata, P. nicaraguensis, P. nitida, P. papillatostellulata, Rumex crispus subsp. crispus, R. pulcher subsp. pulcher, R. xpratensis, Sechium edule, Sida spinosa var. angustifolia, Silene nocturna, Solanum abutiloides, S. alatum, S. decipiens, Sonchus tenerrimus, Spergularia marina, Stellaria pallida, Tragopogon porrifolius subsp. australis, Tribulus terrestris and Trifolium repens subsp. repens are naturalized or (potentially invasive xenophytes, reported for the first time from either the Canary Islands or from La Palma. 37 additional, presumably ephemeral taxa are reported for the first time from the Canary Islands, whereas 56 ephemeral taxa are new for La Palma..

  8. Melt evolution beneath thick lithosphere: A magmatic inclusions study of La Palma, Canary Islands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nikogosian, I.; Elliott, T.R.; Touret, J.L.R.


    Volcanism in the Canary Islands is notable for its highly alkalic character even in the shield building lavas of the currently most active island, La Palma. In order to understand better the processes responsible for this alkalic end of the compositional spectrum of ocean island basalts (OIB), we


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    Paulo César Narváez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta la influencia de la temperatura y el porcentaje de catalizador sobre la etanólisis del aceite de palma, y los resultados se comparan con los obtenidos para la metanólisis del mismo aceite. Se realizaron ensayos a 60, 70 y 75 ºC, empleando como catalizador NaOH. Los porcentajes en peso de catalizadorcon respecto al aceite de palma fueron 0,20; 0,50 y 1,00. Los resultados muestran que incrementos en la temperaturay en el porcentaje de catalizador aumentan el rendimiento de la reacción. En comparación con la metanólisis, en la etanólisisse observó disminución en el rendimiento y en la selectividad.

  10. Hospitalidade como fator competitivo em agências de viagens e turismo na cidade de Palmas/TO

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    Geruza Aline Erig


    Full Text Available A cidade de Palmas está localizada no centro do Estado do Tocantins e é a última cidade do século XX completamente planejada. Com apenas 26 anos de existência, a cidade tem mais de 240 mil habitantes e segue um plano diretor que privilegia as áreas verdes com espaços para o lazer. Palmas possui mais de vinte agências e operadoras de viagem receptivas e emissivas. No entanto, a questão é: como ter um diferencial para atrair o cliente e competir com as vendas de passagens e pacotes via internet? Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar como as agências de viagens e turismo de Palmas estão utilizando a hospitalidade como um diferencial fundamental para se manter no mercado e se sobressair frente à concorrência da internet. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se em um estudo de campo, quantitativo não probabilístico, com aplicação de questionário e análise por estatística descritiva e análise textual com perguntas abertas. Foram pesquisadas sete agências de viagem e turismo, sendo estas, emissivas e receptivas. Como resultado observou-se que a hospitalidade é utilizada pelas agências de viagem e turismo, como vantagem competitiva fundamental trazendo mudanças e melhorias, inclusive para a gestão dessas empresas.

  11. Identification of a new defective SERPINA1 allele (PI*Zla palma) encoding an alpha-1-antitrypsin with altered glycosylation pattern. (United States)

    Hernández-Pérez, José M; Ramos-Díaz, Ruth; Pérez, José A


    Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a genetic condition that arises from mutations in the SERPINA1 gene and predisposes to develop pulmonary emphysema and, less frequently, liver disease. Occasionally, new defective SERPINA1 alleles are detected as an outcome of targeted-screening programs or case-findings. This study began with a female patient showing bronchial hyperreactivity. Serum level and phenotype for AAT was analysed by immunonephelometry and isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. The SERPINA1 gene of the proband was genotyped by PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. Analysis of AAT deficiency was extended to the proband's family. An abnormal AAT variant that migrated to a more cathodal position than PiZ AAT was detected in the proband's serum. Genetic analysis demonstrated that proband is heterozygous for a new defective SERPINA1 allele (PI*Z la palma ) characterized by the c.321C > A (p.Asn83Lys) mutation in the M1Val213 background. This mutation abolishes the N-glycosylation site in position 83 of the mature AAT. Eight relatives of the proband are carriers of the PI*Z la palma allele and four of them have shown symptoms of bronchial asthma or bronchial hyperreactivity. The mean α1AT level in the serum of PI*MZ la palma individuals was 87.1 mg/dl. The reduction in circulating AAT levels associated to the PI*Z la palma allele was similar to that of PI*Z allele, representing a risk of impairment in lung function. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Studi Sebaran Akar Tanaman Kelapa Sawit(Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Pada Lahan Gambut Di Perkebunan PT. Hari Sawit Jaya Kabupaten Labuhan Batu


    Sinuraya, Zulkasta


    ZULKASTA SINURAYA, Study Of Extended Spread of Root System of Oil Palm at Peat Soil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) at Peat Soil in PT. Hari Sawit Jaya Plantation, Kabupaten Labuhan Batu (Advisor EDISON PURBA and ABDUL RAUF). Extended spread of root system of oil palm at peat soil has unknown clearly and no study previously. Amount of roots and extended spread of root system has estimated to influenced by the thickness of peat level, physical and chemical charasteristic of peat. There is estim...

  13. Estruturação de óleo de palma e emulsões utilizando óleo de palma totalmente hidrogenado e lecitina de soja


    Valéria da Silva Santos


    Resumo: O óleo de palma (PO) destaca-se por ser uma matéria-prima com grande potencial de aplicação em diversos produtos. Porém, quando aplicado de maneira isolada, apresenta cristalização lenta, gerando problemas para a indústria de alimentos. A fim de acelerar a cristalização utilizam-se compostos que podem, além de contribuir para a redução do período de indução, atuar como agentes estruturantes, atual foco em desenvolvimento na área de óleos e gorduras. Este estudo tem por objetivos avali...



    Henkes, Jairo Afonso; Lebid, Taras


    O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as vantagens e desvantagens no campo econômico, social e ecológico da cultura do dendê (Elaeis guineensis) destinada à extração de óleo de palma e óleo de palmiste para produção do biodiesel. Conforme o Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel (PNPB), o óleo diesel distribuído nos postos do Brasil possui em sua composição 6% de óleo vegetal e 94% de óleo diesel derivado do petróleo (B6) e esta mistura tende a crescer em percentual de óleo vegetal até...

  15. Green synthesis of stabilized spherical shaped gold nanoparticles using novel aqueous Elaeis guineensis (oil palm) leaves extract (United States)

    Ahmad, Tausif; Bustam, Mohamad Azmi; Irfan, Muhammad; Moniruzzaman, Muhammad; Anwaar Asghar, Hafiz Muhammad; Bhattacharjee, Sekhar


    In the last decade, development of bioinspired protocols to synthesize gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) using plants and their extracts have been dealt by researchers due to their low cost, renewability and non-toxic features. A simple, cheap and ecofriendly method is reported to synthesize stabilized AuNPs of size 35-75 nm at room temperature using aqueous Elaeis guineensis (oil palm) leaves extract without addition of any external agent. Oil palm leaves mediated AuNPs were characterized using FTIR, UV-vis spectrophotometer, EDAX, XPS, FESEM, TEM, DLS and TGA. FTIR spectra results revealed contribution of phenolic, carboxylic, amines and amides in reduction of trivalent gold ions and stabilization of formed gold atoms. Reaction solution color change and UV-vis spectra confirmed reduction of gold ions to generate gold atoms. Reaction mechanism explained the role of phenolic compounds in reduction reaction using FTIR and UV-vis spectra results. EDAX and XPS results further validated the formation of metallic gold particles through bioreduction of gold ions. Crystal structure of metallic gold particles was confirmed through XRD peaks indexing to (111), (200), (220) and (311) planes. TEM and FESEM particles size measurements exhibited the formation of nanostructured AuNPs. Synthesis of well scattered and spherical shaped AuNPs was revealed through FESEM and TEM images. The excellent stability of AuNPs was shown through high negative zeta potential value (-14.7 ± 4.68 mV) and uniform dispersion in aqueous media. Our results disclosed the excellent potential of Elaeis guineensis (oil palm) leaves as reducing and stabilizing agents in green synthesis of well scattered spherical shaped AuNPs, which can be employed as strong candidates in medical drug delivery and industrial applications.


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    Enny Mutryarny


    Full Text Available Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq is one of Indonesia's mainstay plantation commodities and plays an important role for the national economy. Oil palm and plantations managed by state-owned enterprises, this is due to the increasing demand for palm oil in the industrial market. With the continuous development of oil palm plantations so that the provision of seeds should be considered because the success of planting in the field and the production of production is highly dependent on the quality of the seeds of oil palm plants used. Efforts that can be done to accelerate the growth of seeds Main Nursery is to provide NPK fertilizer and growth regulatory substances (ZPT Hantu that can help the absorption of nutrients and accelerate the growth of vegetative plants. The aim of this research is to get the interaction of ZPT Hantu concentration and NPK fertilizer dosage which give the best influence to the growth of oil palm seed (Elaeis guineensis Jacq in Main-nursery. The experiment was conducted experimentally with factorial Randomized Design (RAL, consisting of 2 factors ie H factor is ZPT Hantu and N factor is NPK fertilizer (16:16:16 which each consist of 3 levels. Thus obtained 9 treatment combinations with 3 replications. The observed data were analyzed by Duncan's multipoint test and Duncan's multiplexed test of 5%. Test of ZPT Hantu and NPK fertilizer significantly affect the growth of oil palm seedlings in Main Nursery that is on the parameters of seed height, stem diameter, leaf number and leaf area, whereas the combination of both only on bar diameter parameters that gives a real effect, with best treatment is combination giving ZPT Hantu 2 cc / l water and NPK 20 grams / plant.

  17. Embryogenic calli induced in interspecific (Elaeis guineensis x E. oleifera hybrid zygotic embryos

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    Paula Cristina da Silva Angelo


    Full Text Available The hybridization between oil palm (Elaeis guineensis and caiaué (E. oleifera plants is directed to obtainprogenies presenting high yields like oil palm but with reduced shoot height and resistance to lethal yellowing like caiaué.Cloning F1, BC1 and BC2 progenies can make the replication of selection trials easier. The objective of this work was to inducesomatic embryogenesis in interspecific zygotic embryos collected 100 days after pollination. Three progenies were cultivatedin an induction medium developed for Tenera (E. guineensis tp. dura x pisifera embryos. The number of embryos bearing calliand germinating was recorded and submitted to the Z test. Calli were weighted and submitted to histological analysis.Progenies differed in the number of embryos presenting plumules and calli simultaneously. By the ninth month, the apices ofincompletely developed somatic embryos were observed protruding from the surfaces of nodular calli. Highly embryogenicand friable secondary calli producing globular somatic embryos were not observed.

  18. Lípidos estructurados obtenidos por interesterificación de las mezclas binarias y ternarias de las grasas de palma, semilla de palma y triglicéridos de cadena media

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    Sotero Solis, Víctor Erasmo


    de las grasas (palma y semilla de palma y triglicéridos de cadena media (Trigliceril CM. Fueron estudiadas 10 muestras representadas por 3 muestras individuales, 3 muestras binarias y 4 muestras ternarias. Se determinaron la composición en ácidos grasos, el contenido en grasa sólida y la consistencia en el intervalo de temperaturas entre 10ºC y 35ºC. Se aplicó un modelo de regresión múltiple del tipo cúbico especial, siendo que a partir de los coeficientes significativos, se establecieron diagramas triangulares, donde fueron indicadas curvas de nivel. Los resultados demostraron que las interacciones entre los tres componentes no fueron significativas. El contenido en grasa sólida dependió de las grasas de palma y de la semilla de palma y de las interacciones binarias entre ellas. Los coeficientes negativos para esta propiedad demostraron un efecto antagónico, característico de las interacciones eutécticas entre grasas.

  19. Phenology of the reproductive development of Elaeis oleifera (Kunth Cortes

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    Leidy Paola Moreno


    Full Text Available The phenological stages of oil palm can be coded using the BBCH scale, which has three digits due to the inclusion of intermediate stages between the principal and secondary stages in order to provide greater detail on each developmental stage. For the phenological description of the reproductive development of Elaeis oleifera, the principal stages used were emergence of inflorescence, flowering, fruit growth and development, and fruit ripening. The observations were made in Colombia over a 12 month-period on E. oleifera palms planted in 1991; the observations were made on the daily course or depending on the development stage. The duration of each phenological stage was measured in days. Thus, the appearance of new leaves took 20.1±2.8 days, reaching preanthesis I (601 took 145.09±19.61 days, from this stage to preanthesis II (602 took 7.50±1.50 days, then to preanthesis III (603 took 7.39±1.56 days and finally to anthesis (607 took 5.74±1.32 days. At the population level, it was found that the phenology cycle of inflorescence is annual and that the production of flowers and the opening of inflorescences with pistils is asynchronous.

  20. Ganoderma boninense basidiospores in oil palm plantations: evaluation of their possible role in stem rots of Elaeis guineensis


    Rees, R. W.; Flood, J.; Hasan, Y.; Wills, Mary A.; Cooper, Richard M.


    Basidiospores are implicated in the distribution and genetic diversity of Ganoderma boninense, cause of basal stem rot (BSR) and upper stem rot (USR) of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). Measurement of aerial basidiospores within plantations in Sumatra showed continuous and high production over 24 h (range c. 2–11 000 spores m−3) with maximum release during early evening. Basidiospores applied to cut surfaces of fronds, peduncles and stems germinated in situ. Equivalent, extensive wounds are crea...

  1. Predicción del efecto de la temperatura sobre la viscosidad del biodiesel de aceite de palma y sus mezclas con diesel convencional.


    Benjumea, Pedro N; Álvarez, Ángela M; Molina, Alexandra P


    La viscosidad es una propiedad fundamental para los combustibles que se utilizan en motores de encendido por compresión o motores diesel. En este artículo se presentan correlaciones empíricas, tipo ecuación de Andrade, para predecir el efecto de la temperatura sobre la viscosidad cinemática y absoluta del biodiesel de aceite de palma. Se utilizaron tres tipos de biodiesel obtenidos a partir del aceite crudo de palma y sus fases oleína y estearina. Adicionalmente, se analiza el comportamiento ...

  2. Cultivo intercalares em fase inicial de desenvolvimento e desempenho produtivo de cultivares de palma de óleo em diferentes ambientes de Roraima


    Antonia Dianaia Oliveira Lopes


    A expansão da cultura da palma de óleo nas áreas já desflorestadas da Amazônia legal é reconhecida como uma excelente alternativa para a produção de óleo para fins alimentícios e energéticos. O estado de Roraima apresenta as condições edafoclimáticas adequadas para seu desenvolvimento e introdução na estrutura da agricultura familiar. Objetivou-se com este trabalho desenvolver sistemas de cultivos nas entrelinhas da palma de óleo em área de floresta alterada, durante o período inicial de dese...

  3. Diseño del proceso para la producción de 60 toneladas de biodiesel a partir de aceite de palma refinado


    Castillo Gonzalez, Aracely Del Carmen; Martinez Lozano, Ernesto Rolando


    Este trabajo consiste en el diseño del Proceso para la Producción de Biodiesel a partir de Aceite de Palma Refinado, que tiene como finalidad establecer los requerimientos de máquinas y equipos, y los parámetros de operación para el funcionamiento de una planta piloto para la elaboración industrial de biodiesel aprovechando la producción de aceite de palma refinado como materia prima para el proceso. La metodología empleada en el presente trabajo está sustentada en la investigación científ...

  4. Rehabilitación de edificios bajo objetivos de reducción de impacto ambiental: un caso piloto de vivienda plurifamiliar en el área de Playa de Palma, Mallorca

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    Wadel, G.


    Full Text Available This article presents briefly the work Pilot study to reduce environmental impact: evaluation and assessment of a sustainable refurbishment of an existing residential building in Playa de Palma carried out by the Consortium of Palma Beach. It will be explained by how the environmental impacts of the building can be reduced by 50% or more as a result of future refurbishment and subsequent management, referring to both its current situation and refurbishment standards in residential buildings. It also includes an approximated evaluation of the CO2 emission reduction achieved in the building life cycle and the projected costs for the various actions of the refurbishment model proposed by the Consortium, to be carried out in other renovation operations in Palma Beach.

    Este artículo resume el estudio Experiencia piloto para la reducción del impacto ambiental: evaluación y asesoramiento a la rehabilitación sostenible de un edificio de viviendas existente en Playa de Palma realizado para el Consorci de Platja de Palma. Se explica a través de qué medidas es posible reducir en un 50% o más los impactos ambientales del edificio como producto de su futura rehabilitación y posterior gestión respecto tanto de su situación actual como de los estándares de rehabilitación al uso en edificios de vivienda. Asimismo, se incluye también una aproximación a las reducciones de emisiones de CO2 que se consiguen en el ciclo de vida del edificio y a los costes previstos para las distintas actuaciones del modelo de rehabilitación que el citado consorcio propone para las operaciones de rehabilitación a llevarse adelante en Playa de Palma.

  5. [Characterization of the atmospheric environment in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain: 2000-2004]. (United States)

    López Villarrubia, Elena; García Pérez, M Dolores; Peral Pérez, Nieves; Ballester Díez, Ferrán; Iñiguez Fernández, Carmen; Pita Toledo, M Luisa


    The island factor in the cities of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, their meteorology and the proximity to the African Continent that originates the natural particulate matter transport over the islands, cause some specific features in their air quality. The aim of this paper is to characterize the air pollution from 2000 to 2004 as exposure indicator of both cities inhabitants. 24 hour daily average variables of PM10, PM2,5, NO2, SO2 and O3 , 8 hours daily maxima moving averages of O3 y CO and 1 hour maxima of SO2, NO2, O3, CO, PM10 y PM2,5 were calculated. Daily levels of coarse particles were obtained subtracting PM2,5 from PM10. African dust events were identified. In Sta. Cruz de Tf daily means of SO2 (14.0 microg/m(3)N) and ozone levels (44.4 microg/m(3)N ) were higher than Las Palmas de GC levels (8.0 y 28.3 microg/m(3)N). Daily means of NO2 in Las Palmas de GC: 45.8 microg/m(3)N where higher than Sta. Cruz de Tf levels: 30.3 microg/m(3)N. Due to African dust outbreaks, some days in both cities exceeded 600 microg/m(3) of PM10 and 200 of PM2.5 24-h average. The air quality patterns were characterized by very high levels of African dust outbreaks that affect all PM size fractions. Different O3 seasonality exists respect European cities in addition to an urban-industrial ambient air in Sta. Cruz de TF and clearly urban in Las Palmas de GC. These results have to be considered in order to lay the foundations to suitable surveillance systems, analyse the potential impact on the Canary Islands citizens health and to get conclusions.

  6. Sífilis gestacional e congênita em Palmas, Tocantins, 2007-2014


    Cavalcante, Patrícia Alves de Mendonça; Pereira, Ruth Bernardes de Lima; Castro, José Gerley Diaz


    RESUMO OBJETIVO: descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos casos notificados de sífilis em gestante e sífilis congênita no período 2007-2014 em Palmas-TO, Brasil. MÉTODOS: realizou-se estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan). RESULTADOS: foram identificadas 171 gestantes com sífilis (4,7/1000 nascidos vivos [NV]) e 204 casos de sífilis congênita (5,6/1000 NV); predominaram gestantes pardas (71,3%), com baixa escolaridade (48,0%) e diagnóstico tardi...

  7. Detection of potassium deficiency on palm oil tree (Elaeis guineensis (jacq)) by laser induced fluorescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diomande, K.; Konate, A.; Krou Adjo, V.; Soro, A.; Ebby, N.; Ballo, K.


    The potassium is the main nutrient element which plays a significant role on oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis (jacq)) production and its resistance to the dry season. One can observe 30% decrease of the production in case of potassium deficiency. The potassium nutrition control of an oil palm tree field is a very important activity and leads to the fertilization policy. The Laser Induced Fluorescence (L.I.F.) is a fast and simple method compared to the classical one, ''Diagnostic Foliaire'', usually used in agronomy. We used the L.I.F. method to detect the oil palm tree stress caused by potassium deficiency, analysing the fluorescence spectrum of the chlorophyll a. We proved that the intensity ratio of the fluorescence spectrum R=F690/F73S is superior to 0.5 when the tree is under stress and its value is around 0.4 in case of intact tree. (author)

  8. La utilización diferencial del espacio urbano en el sector de Arenales. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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    Silvia Sobral García


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el análisis de los usos urbanos registrados en el barrio de Arenales, uno de los sectores más representativos de la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. En este sentido, se ofrece un ejemplo de cómo utilizar de forma más racional el suelo,  de acuerdo a las características morfológicas y urbanas del área y al papel que juega dentro de la ciudad.This article deals with the analysis of the urban uses in the area of Arenales which is one of the most representative districts in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and it seeks to suggest a more rational land use according to the morphologic and urban features of the area in question and to the role it plays in this town.

  9. Longevidad y anillos de crecimiento en el Pino de la Virgen (El Paso, La Palma

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    María del Mar Génova Fuester


    Full Text Available En el seno del proyecto de investigación que se está desarrollando en Canarias orientado a la reconstrucción de la variabilidad climática del Archipiélago a lo largo del último milenio a partir de la información climática contenida en los anillos de crecimiento de ejemplares de pino canario, uno de los árboles estudiados ha sido el célebre Pino de la Virgen de El Paso, La Palma. Su alto valor simbólico y cultural ha llevado a un análisis más detenido, centrado en la aplicación de técnicas específicas para la estimación de su edad.Within the framework of the investigation wich is being developed in the Canary Islans for the reconstruction of the last millennium climatic variability in the Archipelago from the climatic information recorded in canary pine tree-rings, one of the analized trees has been the renowed Pino de La VIrgen de El Paso, La Palma. Its high simbolic and cultural value deserved the application of specific techniques for the estimation of its age. 

  10. Consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill e palma orelha-de-elefante (Opuntia sp. = Intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp.

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    Agenor Costa Ribeiro Neto


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill e palma Orelhade-elefante (Opuntia sp.. Foram utilizados 20 animais mestiços, sendo dez caprinos e dez ovinos, alojados em galpão coletivo, contidos individualmente por meio de cordas, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em um arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 (duas espécies animais e duas variedades de palma. As observações comportamentais foram realizadas em intervalos de 5 min. por um período de 24h. Os consumos de matéria seca, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergenteácido, carboidratos totais e carboidratos não-fibrosos foram menores (p 0,05 sobre o tempo gasto comalimentação e eficiência de alimentação. O tempo gasto com ruminação foi maior para a dieta com palma Gigante, consequentemente os animais da dieta com palma Orelha-de-elefante permaneceram mais tempo em ócio. Comparando as espécies caprina e ovina, verificou-se que aeficiência de ruminação, tanto de MS quanto de FDN, foi maior para a espécie ovina. Os animais gastaram mais tempo ruminando deitados do que em pé, mas não foi verificada diferença quanto ao lado escolhido para deitarem.The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp.. Twenty crossbred animals – 10 sheep and 10 goats – were used. They were lodged in a collective shed, contained individually with ropes, distributed using a completely randomized design, and treated with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (2 animal species and 2 varieties of cactus. Behavioralobservations were made at five-minute intervals during a 24-hour period. Dry matter, ether extract, acid detergent fiber, total carbohydrate and non-fibrous carbohydrate intake were reduced (p 0.05 on feeding time and feeding efficiency. The time spent with

  11. Las palmas entre los grupos cazadores-recolectores de la Amazonia Colombiana

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    Morcote Ríos Gaspar


    Full Text Available We compare past and present systems of management of palms in the Colombian Amazon, based on archaeological studies of preceramic groups in the middle Caquetá region and ethnographic research on the nomadic Nukak people, who inhabit northeastern Guaviare department. Astrocaryum aculeatum, Attalea maripe, Mauritia flexuosa, Oenocarpus bataua, Oenocarpus bacaba y Oenocarpus mapora, have been used from the early Holocene through the present time. Among these, Oenocarpus bataua has remained the most important food species. We conclude that one of the mananging strategies of the tropical rain forest is the simultaneous improvement of ecological units, especially in the tertiary sedimentary plains, and that such management probably has a long history in the region.Se presenta una comparación sobre el manejo de las palmas en la Amazonia Colombiana, basado en los resultados de un estudio arqueológico de grupos precerámicos en la región del Medio Caquetá y uno etnográfico del pueblo nómada Nukak que habita la zona nororiental del departamento del Guaviare. Se encontró que Astrocaryum aculeatum, A ttalea maripa, Mauritia flexuosa, Oenocarpus bataua, Oenocarpus bacaba y Oenocarpus mapora son algunas de las palmas usadas desde el Holoceno temprano hasta el presente. Entre estas Oenocarpus bataua es la especie más importante como fuente de alimento. Así mismo, se concluye que una de las estrategias de manejo en el bosque húmedo tropical es el aprovechamiento simultáneo de diferentes unidades ecológicas, con predominio del plano sedimentario terciario. Es probable que este tipo de manejo tenga en la región una larga historia.


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    Full Text Available Suelos dedicados al monocultivo de Elaeis guineensis Jacq en Puerto Wilches-Santander-Colombia, presentan baja fertilidad, altas saturaciones de aluminio y baja densidad de esporas de hongos micorrizicos. Se evaluó el comportamiento de la simbiosis micorrizica utilizando suelos nativos con micorrizas (MA+ y sin micorrizas (MA-, en Brachiaria decumbens y Manihot esculenta, quienes poseen alta micotrofia y capacidad de retención del ión aluminio. Se consideraron las variables densidad de esporas, porcentaje de colonización micorrizica, biomasa seca y longitud radicular, concentración de aluminio foliar y radicular. Se realizó una (ANOVA de dos vías con un modelo lineal general. Se observaron porcentajes de colonización micorrizica superiores al 70% en B. decumbens en suelos con concentraciones de 0,6 y 1,4 meq/100 g de Aluminio. M. esculenta presento 50 % de simbiosis micorrizica, en todos los tipos de suelo. Se incrementaron las esporas nativas de palma aceitera hasta un 200% en las dos plantas huespéd. Las concentraciones de aluminio a nivel radicular fueron mayores en plantas micorrizadas, mientras que a nivel foliar los valores fueron más bajos.Solos dedicados à monocultura de Elaeis guineensis Jacq em Puerto Wilches-Santander apresentam baixa fertilidade, alta saturação de alumínio e baixa densidade de esporos de fungos micorrízicos. Avaliaram-se o comportamento da simbiose micorrízica usando solos nativos com fungos micorrízicos (MA+ e sem fungos micorrízicos (MA-, na Brachiaria decumbens e Manihot esculenta, plantas com alto grau de micotrofia e capacidade de retenção de íons de alumínio. Considerou-se as variáveis: densidade de esporos, porcentagem de colonização micorrízica, biomassa seca, longo da raiz e concentração de alumínio nas folhas e raízes. Realizou-se uma (ANOVA de duas vias com o modelo linear geral. Observou-se porcentagens de colonização micorrízica acima de 70% na B. decumbens em solos com

  13. Bionomics data and descriptions of the immatures of Calyptocephala gerstaeckeri Boheman (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), pest of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis J.) and camedor palm (Chamaedorea elegans Mart.) (Arecaceae) in Tabasco, Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cordova-Ballona, Leonides; Sanchez-Soto, Saul


    Characters of the external morphology of egg, larval instars and pupae of Calyptocephala gerstaeckeri Boheman, insect pest of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis J.) and camedor palm (Chamaedorea elegans Mart.) in the State of Tabasco, Mexico, are described and illustrated. Some bionomics data are also presented. The specie was reared in the laboratory on young oil palm plants. (author)

  14. Una mirada retrospectiva desde el museo escuela del CEP Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. // A retrospective look at the school museum of the CEP Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

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    Antonio S. Almeida Aguiar


    Full Text Available (ES El Museo Escuela del Centro de Profesores, se encuentra en las Palmas de Gran Canaria cuyo nombre toma el centro perteneciente a la red de Centros del Profesorado del Gobierno de Canarias. Este espacio recrea tal como era una clase de la época de Franco con materiales, libros y muebles cedidos por diferentes escuelas en su mayoría rurales. También se proyecta un video con imágenes y fotos de escuelas desde 1920 hasta 1970, y costumbre canarias de los CER. Herramienta pedagógica que, en un principio, se puso a disposición del alumnado y profesorado de ámbito no universitario para el estudio e investigación de nuestra Historia de la Educación, mediante la exposición material, documental y testimonial. // (EN The school museum is in the Teacher Training Centre in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria. This institution belongs to the Canary Islands Government’s Teacher Training Centre net. This space shows us how it was a classroom during Franco’s government: with materials, books and furniture that were given up from different schools, most of them rural schools. Also, there is a video projection with pictures in it of schools from 1920 to 1970 and the customs of the CER (Rural Education Centers in the Canary Islands. In the beginning this pedagogical tool was available for students and teachers who did not belong to the university environment. Its objective was the study and research of the history of education by documentary, material and testimonial exhibition.

  15. Consideration of the ultramafic intrusive rocks in Arroyo Las Palmas (ex Cerro Chato - Las Canias) Durazno. R. O. del Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coronel, N.


    This work is about the ultramafic rocks which its chemistry composition fluctuate since the basic to the ultra basic field and appear in the nascent of the Las Palmas stream near Las Canias and Cerro Chato district.

  16. Whole-system metabolism and CO2 fluxes in a Mediterranean Bay dominated by seagrass beds (Palma Bay, NW Mediterranean)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gazeau, F.P.H.; Duarte, C.M.; Gattuso, J.P.; Barrón, C.; Navarro, N.; Ruiz, S.; Prairie, Y.T.; Calleja, M.; Delille, B.; Frankignoulle, M.; Borges, A.V.


    Planktonic and benthic incubations (bare and Posidonia oceanica vegetated sediments) were performed at monthly intervals from March 2001 to October 2002 in a seagrass vegetated area of the Bay of Palma (Mallorca, Spain). Results showed a contrast between the planktonic compartment, which was on

  17. El «Edificio Central» en las Palmas de Gran Canaria – España

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    Ruiz Duerto, A.


    Full Text Available A description is given of the program, characteristics, and building solutions for this unique building, situated in downtown Las Palmas. The building complex is composed of two underground levels for parking, a ground-floor and mezzanine for commercial purposes, and open plaza with swimming pool, dressing rooms, cafeteria, restaurant, dance spot, playground, and a block of 15 floors containing 137 apartments of varying size arranged so as to minimize sun overexposure and maximize privacy. The structure is of reinforced concrete and lightweight slabs, and enjoys quality fixtures which assure excellent functioning.Se describe el programa, características y solución constructiva de este edificio singular, situado en el centro cívico de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Se compone de: — dos plantas de sótano para estacionamiento de vehículos; planta baja comercial; — entreplanta comercial; — planta libre ajardinada con piscina, vestuarios-aseos, cafetería, restaurante, club de baile, juego de niños, guardería, etc.; — un bloque de 15 plantas con 137 apartamentos, de superficie variada, y dispuesto de forma que evite perjuicios de soleamiento y vistas a los edificios circundantes. Estructura de hormigón armado y losas aligeradas, con toda suerte de instalaciones que aseguren su perfecto funcionamiento.

  18. Comparative Proteome Analysis of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Floret and Fruit Tissues

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Kok S.Y.; Ong-Abdullah M.


    Marked changes are expected when flowers are fertilized and fruit formation is initiated.In this study,differentially expressed proteins between florets (day before pollination and day after pollination) and fruit (2 weeks after pollination) tissues of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) were identified and characterized.Proteins were extracted using phenol-based method and subjected to one-and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.One-dimensional gel electrophoresis of protein extracts showed a number of protein bands common to both types of floret and fruit tissues.Subsequently,protein extracts resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in the 4 to 7 pH range revealed about 53 expressed proteins showed significant differences during fertilization and fruit formation.The differentially expressed proteins were excised and digested with trypsin.Proteins were then identified with the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS),resulting in a 73.5% success in protein identification.The identified proteins were mainly involved in protein metabolism,biological regulation,stress response and oxidationreduction process.Further verification of the results are underway but nonetheless this study has provided some valuable information on fertilization and early fruit formation in oil palm.



    Mazariegos Sánchez, Adriana; Ã guila González, José Manuel; Martínez Chávez, Josefina; Arévalo Lozano, Ovidio


    This research presents a socio-organizational within the African Palm industry in Mexico, specifically in the company "Promotora de Palma del Soconusco S.A.P.I. CV- (Propalma)5, located in the municipality of Acapetahua, in the State of Chiapas, whose primary activity is the extraction of palm oil and palm kernel oil, and the production of products such as palm kernel and palm kernel husk flour. This research was developed under the qualitative approach, using the descriptive method, to see f...

  20. First EURONEAR NEA discoveries from La Palma using the INT (United States)

    Vaduvescu, O.; Hudin, L.; Tudor, V.; Char, F.; Mocnik, T.; Kwiatkowski, T.; de Leon, J.; Cabrera-Lavers, A.; Alvarez, C.; Popescu, M.; Cornea, R.; Díaz Alfaro, M.; Ordonez-Etxeberria, I.; Kamiński, K.; Stecklum, B.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Sota, A.; Casanova, V.; Martin Ruiz, S.; Duffard, R.; Zamora, O.; Gomez-Jimenez, M.; Micheli, M.; Koschny, D.; Busch, M.; Knofel, A.; Schwab, E.; Negueruela, I.; Dhillon, V.; Sahman, D.; Marchant, J.; Génova-Santos, R.; Rubiño-Martín, J. A.; Riddick, F. C.; Mendez, J.; Lopez-Martinez, F.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Hollands, M.; Kong, A. K. H.; Jin, R.; Hidalgo, S.; Murabito, S.; Font, J.; Bereciartua, A.; Abe, L.; Bendjoya, P.; Rivet, J. P.; Vernet, D.; Mihalea, S.; Inceu, V.; Gajdos, S.; Veres, P.; Serra-Ricart, M.; Abreu Rodriguez, D.


    Since 2006, the European Near Earth Asteroids Research (EURONEAR) project has been contributing to the research of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) within a European network. One of the main aims is the amelioration of the orbits of NEAs, and starting in 2014 February we focus on the recovery of one-opposition NEAs using the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in La Palma in override mode. Part of this NEA recovery project, since 2014 June EURONEAR serendipitously started to discover and secure the first NEAs from La Palma and using the INT, thanks to the teamwork including amateurs and students who promptly reduce the data, report discoveries and secure new objects recovered with the INT and few other telescopes from the EURONEAR network. Five NEAs were discovered with the INT, including 2014 LU14, 2014 NL52 (one very fast rotator), 2014 OL339 (the fourth known Earth quasi-satellite), 2014 SG143 (a quite large NEA), and 2014 VP. Another very fast moving NEA was discovered but was unfortunately lost due to lack of follow-up time. Additionally, another 14 NEA candidates were identified based on two models, all being rapidly followed-up using the INT and another 11 telescopes within the EURONEAR network. They include one object discovered by Pan-STARRS, two Mars crossers, two Hungarias, one Jupiter trojan, and other few inner main belt asteroids (MBAs). Using the INT and Sierra Nevada 1.5 m for photometry, then the Gran Telescopio de Canarias for spectroscopy, we derived the very rapid rotation of 2014 NL52, then its albedo, magnitude, size, and its spectral class. Based on the total sky coverage in dark conditions, we evaluate the actual survey discovery rate using 2-m class telescopes. One NEA is possible to be discovered randomly within minimum 2.8 deg2 and maximum 5.5 deg2. These findings update our past statistics, being based on double sky coverage and taking into account the recent increase in discovery.

  1. Notes on the insect fauna on two species of astrocaryum (palmae, cocoeae, bactridinae in peruvian amazonia, with emphasis on potential pests of cultivated palms

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    Full Text Available NOTES SUR LA FAUNE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE DEUX ESPÈCES D'ASTROCARYUM (PALMAE, COCOEAE, BACTRIDINAE DE L'AMAZONIE PÉRUVIENNE, ET MISE EN ÉVIDENCE DE RAVAGEURS POTENTIELS DES PALMIERS CULTIVÉS. La faune entomologique des palmiers Astrocaryum chanta et Astrocaryum carnosum a été étudiée dans deux sites différents de l'Amazonie péruvienne : région de Jenaro Herrera sur le bas Ucayali pour la première espèce, et région d'Uchiza sur le haut Huallaga pour la seconde. Cette faune est extrêmement diversifiée. Elle comprend de nombreuses espèces d'insectes connues comme ravageurs des palmiers cultivés, ainsi que d'autres espèces de phytophages dont les plantes hôtes n'étaient pas encore connues. De nombreuses autres espèces d'insectes, prédateurs ou de niveau trophique mal défini, font aussi partie de la biocénose des palmiers étudiés. Astrocaryum chanta et Astrocaryum carnosum sont considérés comme foyers d'infestation en ravageurs pour les plantations industrielles de palmiers en Amazonie péruvienne. NOTAS SOBRE LA FAUNA DE INSECTOS DE DOS ESPECIES DE ASTROCARYUM (PALMAE, COCOEAE, BACTRIDINAE EN LA AMAZONIA PERUANA, CON ÉNFASIS EN LAS PLAGAS POTENCIALES DE LAS PALMERAS CULTIVADAS. La fauna de insectos de las palmas Astrocaryum chonta y Astrocaryum carnosum se ha estudiado en dos lugares diferentes de la Amazonia peruana: en la región de Jenaro Herrera, bajo Ucayali para la primera especie, y en la región de Uchiza, alto Huallaga para la segunda. Esta fauna es extremadamente diversificada. Incluye numerosas especies de insectos conocidos como depredadores de las palmas cultivadas, así como otras especies de fitófagos cuyas plantas hospedantes aún no eran conocidas. Numerosas especies de otros insectos, depredadores o de un nivel trófico mal definido, forman parte también de la biocenosis de las palmas estudiadas. Astrocaryum chonta y Astrocaryum carnosum son considerados como focos de infestación de depredadores para las

  2. Composición de los subproductos de la industrialización de la Palma Africana utilizados en la alimentación animal en Costa Rica

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    Emilio Vargas


    Full Text Available Se determinó la composición nutricional y variabilidad de la harina de coquito de palma africana extraída por solvente (HCPAS, la harina de coquito de palma africana de extracción mecánica (HCPAM, el coquito integral de la palma africana (CIPA, la grasa cruda de la palma africana (GCPA y los ácidos grasos libres de la palma africana (AGLPA. Los resultados indicaron que la HCPAS y la HCPAM producidas en Costa Rica tienen una composición nutricional semejante a la reportada en la literatura internacional, excepto por un mayor contenido de grasa residual, con valores de 3,3 y 13,2% para los productos locales en comparación con 1,75 y 10,94% para los producidos en otros países. Asimismo, se observó una mayor variabilidad en el contenido de fibra y grasa de los productos locales. El CIPA es un material con un alto contenido de grasa (46-49%; 8-9% de proteína cruda y 10- 12% de fibra; lo cual lo convierte en un producto de un alto potencial nutricional. Los valores de energía digestible en cerdos fueron de 3000, 3215 y 4780 Kcal kg-1 de MS para la HCPAS, HCPAM y el CIPA, respectivamente. En aves la energía metabolizable aparente fue de 1399, 1789 y 4230 Kcal kg-1 de MS. La GCPA y los AGLPA mostraron una composición típica de ácidos grasos para estos materiales, con una relación ácidos grasos insaturados y ácidos grasos saturados de 1,01 y 0,78, respectivamente. El contenido de energía digestible de la GCPA en cerdos fue de 8064 Kcal kg-1 de MS y la energía metabolizable aparente en aves fue de 8615 Kcal kg-1 de MS. En los AGLPA, los valores observados fueron de 6859 y 5068 Kcal kg-1 de MS. Se sugiere valores de los niveles por utilizar en la formulación de raciones para diferentes especies de animales de esos subproductos.

  3. Under the volcano: phylogeography and evolution of the cave-dwelling Palmorchestia hypogaea (Amphipoda, Crustacea at La Palma (Canary Islands

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    Oromí Pedro


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The amphipod crustacean Palmorchestia hypogaea occurs only in La Palma (Canary Islands and is one of the few terrestrial amphipods in the world that have adapted to a strictly troglobitic life in volcanic cave habitats. A surface-dwelling closely related species (Palmorchestia epigaea lives in the humid laurel forest on the same island. Previous studies have suggested that an ancestral littoral Orchestia species colonized the humid forests of La Palma and that subsequent drought episodes in the Canaries reduced the distribution of P. epigaea favouring the colonization of lava tubes through an adaptive shift. This was followed by dispersal via the hypogean crevicular system. Results P. hypogaea and P. epigaea did not form reciprocally monophyletic mitochondrial DNA clades. They showed geographically highly structured and genetically divergent populations with current gene flow limited to geographically close surface locations. Coalescence times using Bayesian estimations assuming a non-correlated relaxed clock with a normal prior distribution of the age of La Palma, together with the lack of association of habitat type with ancestral and recent haplotypes, suggest that their adaptation to cave life is relatively ancient. Conclusion The data gathered here provide evidence for multiple invasions of the volcanic cave systems that have acted as refuges. A re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of the extant species of Palmorchestia is needed, as the division of the two species by habitat and ecology is unnatural. The information obtained here, and that from previous studies on hypogean fauna, shows the importance of factors such as the uncoupling of morphological and genetic evolution, the role of climatic change and regressive evolution as key processes in leading to subterranean biodiversity.



    Czapski, Alessandra Ruita Santos


    Gênero e Conquistas: Lei Maria da Penha e o atendimento às vítimas de violência em Palmas T0 no ano de 2008 tem por objetivo a análise da aplicabilidade da lei Maria da Penha nº 11..340/06, e sua contribuição para o atendimento e amparo das vítimas de violência doméstica na cidade de Palmas. A Lei Maria da Penha sancionada pelo Presidente da República em 7 de agosto de 2006, é um instrumento jurídico importante no combate a violência doméstica praticada contra mulheres. Essa ...


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    Galen Gisler


    Full Text Available With the LANL multiphysics hydrocode SAGE, we have performed several two-dimensional calculations and one three-dimensional calculation using the full Navier-Stokes equations, of a hypothetical landslide resembling the event posited by Ward and Day (2001, a lateral flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano on La Palma that would produce a tsunami. The SAGE code has previously been used to model the Lituya Bay landslide-generated tsunami (Mader & Gittings, 2002, and has also been used to examine tsunami generation by asteroid impacts (Gisler, Weaver, Mader, & Gittings, 2003. This code uses continuous adaptive mesh refinement to focus computing resources where they are needed most, and accurate equations of state for water, air, and rock. We find that while high-amplitude waves are produced that would be highly dangerous to nearby communities (in the Canary Islands, and the shores of Morocco, Spain, and Portugal, the wavelengths and periods of these waves are relatively short, and they will not propagate efficiently over long distances.

  6. Contribution to knowledge of Palmas Grassland mammals, Paraná, Brazil

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    Fernando de Camargo Passos


    Full Text Available The southern region of Paraná State is considered to be a priority area for mammal research in the state. This work aimed to present an inventory of the mammal species occurring in the locality known as Campos de Palmas, Paraná, Southern Brazil (26º34’59”S and 51º36’16”W, and to promote discussion about their importance for regional conservation. This assessment was carried out in two field stages, totaling 15 days. Thirty-five mammal species were recorded by direct observation, capture with mist nets, presence of feces and tracks, and identification of animals killed on the BR-280 highway. This inventory registered endangered species for Paraná and Brazil, as well as other important records of some mammal species at regional and national level.

  7. Un acontecimiento social: deporte y educación física en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (1844-1914)


    Almeida Aguiar, Antonio S.


    Programa de Doctorado: Evaluación y asesoramiento en el desarrollo de la calidad educativa En este trabajo trataremos de acercarnos a las condiciones sociales que hicieron posible la incorporación de la educación física y el deporte a la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

  8. Utilização de Três Fontes de Nitrogênio Associadas à Palma Forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica, Mill. Cv. Gigante na Suplementação de Vacas Leiteiras Mantidas em Pasto Diferido

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    Albuquerque Samuel Salgado Cavalcanti de


    Full Text Available O fornecimento da palma forrageira como único alimento não atende as necessidades nutricionais do rebanho, notadamente em proteína e fibra. Nesta pesquisa avaliaram-se fontes de suplementação protéica sobre o desempenho de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com palma e pasto diferido, durante a estação seca, bem como a composição botânica da pastagem. Testaram-se três tratamentos: T1 = pasto diferido (PD + palma + cama de aviário; T2 = PD + palma + farelo de soja e T3 = PD + palma + uréia/sulfato de amônio, em um delineamento de blocos casualizados. Utilizaram-se 12 vacas mestiças 5/8 Holando-Zebu, com produção média de leite de 5,6 kg/dia/vaca e peso vivo (PV médio de 452 kg. O experimento teve duração de 121 dias, sendo 21 dias de período de adaptação. Os resultados para produção de leite in natura (3,38, 5,33 e 3,38 kg/vaca/dia, produção de leite corrigido para 4% de gordura (3,15, 4,98 e 3,11 kg/vaca/dia, variação de peso vivo (-351, 77 e -401 g/vaca/dia e consumo in natura de palma (26,3, 37,8 e 26,3 kg/vaca/dia, para T1, T2 e T3, respectivamente, demonstraram a superioridade do farelo de soja como fonte protéica, em relação aos demais tratamentos. No pasto diferido foram identificados 18 famílias, 32 gêneros e 36 espécies. O capim-milhã (Brachiaria plantaginea (Link Hitch foi o componente de maior participação na composição botânica da pastagem (28,72%.

  9. Desempenho de diferentes lipases imobilizadas na síntese de biodiesel de óleo de palma - doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v33i2.7594

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    Grazielle dos Santos Silva


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as condições otimizadas da síntese enzimática de biodiesel, a partir do óleo de palma e etanol, empregando diferentes lipases imobilizadas (lipase de Pseudomonas fluorescens imobilizada em SiO2-PVA e lipase de Candida antártica imobilizada em resina acrílica – Novozym® 435 em meio isento de solvente. Uma matriz de planejamento fatorial foi utilizada para avaliar a influência da temperatura (42 – 58°C e a razão molar entre etanol e óleo de palma (6:1 – 18:1 no rendimento de transesterificação alcançado para cada preparação de lipase. Os efeitos principais foram ajustados por análise de regressão múltipla a modelos lineares e o rendimento máximo foi obtido quando o sistema operacional foi operado a 42°C com substratos contendo etanol e óleo de palma na razão molar de 18:1. Os modelos matemáticos que representam o rendimento global da reação para cada lipase imobilizada foram considerados adequados para descrever os resultados experimentais.

  10. Estudio micológico de El Canal y Los Tiles (La Palma, Islas Canarias. V. Datos adicionales

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    Leal, Julio


    Full Text Available An annotated catalogue of 66 taxa, collected in the early MAB Reserve El Canal y Los Tiles is presented. Among these taxa, 11 species are new for La Palma island and 5 are recorded for the first time in the Canary Islands. Taxonomic comments on some critical species and information about the distribution in the Macaronesian bioregion of all the studied taxa are given. Based on our previous publications, global data on biodiversity, substrates and distribution of the mycobiota in the different plant communities present in the sampled area are analyzed.

    Se presenta un estudio sobre 66 especies, pertenecientes a las divisiones Myxomycota (21, Ascomycota (29 y Basidiomycota (16, encontradas en la antigua Reserva de la Biosfera El Canal y Los Tiles. De ellas 11 se citan por primera vez para la isla de La Palma, siendo 5 de éstas nuevas para Canarias. Se hacen comentarios taxonómicos sobre algunos táxones conflictivos, además de amplia información sobre su distribución en la Región Macaronésica. En base a publicaciones propias anteriores, se aportan datos globales sobre biodiversidad, sustratos y distribución de la micobiota en las diferentes unidades ambientales presentes en el área de estudio.

  11. Analysis of volatile organic compound from Elaeis guineensis inflorescences planted on different soil types in Malaysia (United States)

    Muhamad Fahmi, M. H.; Ahmad Bukhary, A. K.; Norma, H.; Idris, A. B.


    The main attractant compound for Eleidobius kamerunicus to male spikelet Elaeis guineensis (oil palm) were determined by analyzing volatile organic compound extracted from E. guineenses inflorescences planted on different soil types namely peat soil, clay soil and sandy soil. Anthesizing male oil palm inflorescences were randomly choosen from palm aged between 4-5 years old age. Extraction of the volatiles from the oil palm inflorescences were performed by Accelerated Solvent Extraction method (ASE). The extracted volatile compound were determined by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Out of ten identified compound, estragole was found to be a major compound in sandy soil (37.49%), clay soil (30.71%) and peat soil (27.79%). Other compound such as 9,12-octadecadieonic acid and n-hexadecanoic acid were found as major compound in peat soil (27.18%) and (7.45%); sandy soil (14.15 %) and (9.31%); and clay soil (30.23%) and (4.99%). This study shows that estragole was the predominant volatile compound detected in oil palm inflorescences with highly concentrated in palm planted in sandy soil type.


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    Alex Pizzio


    Full Text Available O presente artigo objetiva avaliar o potencial criativo da cidade de Palmas, capital do estado do Tocantins, por meio da gestão da cultura no Município. Para tanto, realizou-se uma investigação bibliográfica e documental acerca da Economia Criativa, aproximando o arcabouço teórico à realidade da capital tocantinense. Os dados analisados revelam que a promoção da melhoria das condições de vida dos indivíduos por meio da utilização de ativos intangíveis, com destaque para a variável cultural, é uma estratégia de desenvolvimento que transcende o campo teórico e permitem identificar uma relação direta entre a adoção de políticas públicas vinculadas à Economia Criativa e a melhoria das condições de vida da população.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: cultura, desenvolvimento, economia criativa, gestão cultural.   ABSTRACT This article aims to evaluate the creative potential of the city of Palmas, the capital of the state of Tocantins, through the management of the culture in the municipality. For this, a bibliographical and documentary investigation was conducted about the creative economy, bringing the theoretical framework to the reality of the capital Tocantinense. The analysed data reveals that promoting the improvement of the living conditions of individuals through the use of intangible assets, highlighting the cultural variable, it is a development strategy that transcends the theoretical field and enable it to identify a direct relationship between the adoption of public policies linked to the creative economy and the improvement of the living conditions of the population.   KEYWORDS: culture, development, creative economics, cultural management.     RESUMEN El presente artículo objetiva evaluar el potencial creativo de la ciudad de Palmas, capital del estado de Tocantins, por medio de la gestión de la cultura en el Municipio. Para ello, se realizó una investigación bibliográfica y documental acerca de la Econom

  13. Grazing effects on species composition in different vegetation types (La Palma, Canary Islands) (United States)

    Arévalo, J. R.; de Nascimento, L.; Fernández-Lugo, S.; Mata, J.; Bermejo, L.


    Grazing management is probably one of the most extensive land uses, but its effects on plant communities have in many cases been revealed to be contradictory. Some authors have related these contradictions to the stochastic character of grazing systems. Because of that, it is necessary to implement specific analyses of grazing effects on each community, especially in natural protected areas, in order to provide the best information to managers. We studied the effects of grazing on the species composition of the main vegetation types where it takes place (grasslands, shrublands and pine forests) on the island of La Palma, Canary Islands. We used the point-quadrat intersect method to study the species composition of grazed and ungrazed areas, which also were characterized by their altitude, distance to farms, distance to settlements, year of sampling, herbaceous aboveground biomass and soil organic matter. The variables organic matter, productivity and species richness were not significantly affected by grazing. The species composition of the analyzed plant communities was affected more by variables such as altitude or distance to farms than by extensive grazing that has been traditionally carried out on the island of La Palma involving certain practices such as continuous monitoring of animals by goat keepers, medium stocking rates adjusted to the availability of natural pastures, supplementation during the dry season using local forage shrubs or mown pastures and rotating animals within grazing areas Although some studies have shown a negative effect of grazing on endangered plant species, these results cannot be freely extrapolated to the traditional grazing systems that exert a low pressure on plant communities (as has been found in this study). We consider extensive grazing as a viable way of ensuring sustainable management of the studied ecosystems.

  14. Arquitectura modernista en Palma de Mallorca : el edificio Forteza Rey

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    María José Galván Mostazo


    Full Text Available El edificio Forteza Rey es un fiel exponente de la arquitectura urbana burguesa de comienzos de siglo. Por su dinámica espacial y por su sintaxis decorativa puede englobarse bajo el denominado «modernismo». Tanto la riqueza iconográfica que presenta como su peculiar proceso de construcción, donde aparecen las figuras de artista aún sin estudiar (José Forteza Rey, su hijo Luis, José Alomar otorgan a este edificio un interés especial. Ubicada en el centro urbano de Palma de Mallorca, la Casa Rey está construida sobre un área aproximada de 130 m^ con un desarrollo a partir del nivel de calle de seis plantas más dos secciones subterráneas. Cada planta tiene una distribución espacial similar, acorde con las necesidades de sus ocupantes, aunque en todos los pisos coinciden la disposición de servicios (cocina, baños, despensas, cuarto de servicio, etcétera.

  15. Substituição do milho por palma forrageira em dietas completas para vacas em lactação Replacement of corn by forage cactus in the total mixed rations for crossbreed lactating cows

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    Paulo Renato Barros Araújo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este experimento, avaliar o efeito da substituição do milho por palma forrageira sobre o desempenho de vacas mestiças em lactação e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes. Foram utilizadas oito vacas mestiças (5/8 HZ, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos 4 x 4 em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (duas cultivares de palma forrageira, com ou sem milho. Não houve interação entre palma e milho e o efeito dos dois alimentos foi analisado de forma isolada. Os consumos de matéria seca, de fibra em detergente ácido, dematéria orgânica, de proteína bruta, de extrato etéreo e de carboidratos totais não foram influenciados pelas cultivares de palma utilizadas. Animais que receberam palma gigante nas dietas apresentaram maior consumo de fibra em detergente neutro. As dietas com milho proporcionaram maior consumo de matéria seca (kg/dia e % de PV. O consumo de NDT, os coeficientes de digestibilidade de todos os nutrientes, a produção de leite corrigida, o teor de gordura e a eficiência alimentar não foram influenciados pelas cultivares de palma forrageira ou pela inclusão milho.The experiment was conduced to evaluate the effects of corn replacement for forage cactus on the performance of crossbreed lactating cows and nutrient digestibility. Eight cows were assigned a two latin square design in a factorial 2 x 2 arrangement (two forage cactus cultivars, with or without corn.There was not interaction between forage cactus and corn and the effect of both were analyzed in an isolated way. The intake of dry matter, organic matter, acid detergent fiber, crude protein, ether extract and total carbohydrates were not affected by the forage cactus. Animals that received giant cultivar presented larger neutral detergent fiber intake. The diets with corn presented larger dry matter intake (kg/day and % of LW. The intake of TDN, the coefficients of digestibility of all nutrients, the fat corrected milk production, fat content and kg of milk

  16. Segregación y especialización de los usos del Puerto de Palma


    Fuster Rodríguez, Carmen


    El puerto de Palma, como principal puerto de interés general no sólo de la isla de Mallorca, sino de todo el archipiélago Balear, desempeña una función esencial para su actividad económica, prestando servicios tanto al transporte de mercancías como al tráfico de pasajeros. Proporcionando así una de las principales vías de acceso a la isla de Mallorca, y actuando como base para luego dirigirse al resto de las islas. Debido al análisis de tendencias del crecimiento del tráfico y el incremento d...

  17. Arquitectura y poder local: los orígenes de la comandancia de marina de Las Palmas

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    Javier Márquez Quevedo


    Full Text Available La construcción de edificaciones representativas del poder ha sido siempre una constante. En el caso de Canarias, una región pobre y alejada del centro político de Estado, esta arquitectura tomó una gran relevancia debido a su escasez. En una etapa de creciente rivalidad entre la capital provincial, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, y Las Palmas, ciudad que despuntaba con el auge del Puerto de La Luz, el deseo de contar cuanto antes con un vistoso edificio para la Comandancia de Marina tuvo un evidente objetivo político. Este artículo es un breve repaso a los orígenes de esta construcción y sus dificultades para realizarla.The representative authority building has ever been manifest. In Canary Islands, needy and distant region from metropolis, this architecture obtains large importance owing to her shortness. In the times of increasing competition between the chief town, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and Las Palmas, one place that expanding through Puerto de La Luz’s summit, to have a desire to count upon a showy commandership building rapidly it was an obvious political objective. In this essay, we will analyse the origins of this building and the objections in order to achieve it.

  18. Implementació del programari lliure al web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales


    Ordóñez Nievas, Ramón; Contell Calabuig, Mari Carmen


    Es descriu el projecte de disseny i implementació del web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales per mitjà d'un sistema de gestió de continguts open source que permeti integrar les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació, obtenir un major grau d'accessibilitat i usabilitat i un disseny visual més amigable, acord amb les noves tendències web. S'incorporen les noves eines web 2.0 per aconseguir una major participació dels usuaris en l'elaboració dels continguts i millorar així els...

  19. Caracterización del ambiente atmosférico en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 2000 a 2004

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    Elena López Villarrubia


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El carácter insular de las ciudades de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Santa Cruz de Tenerife, su meteorología y la proximidad del continente africano que favorece la llegada de material particulado de origen natural sobre las islas, determinan unas especificidades en su calidad del aire. El objetivo de este artículo es la caracterización de la contaminación atmosférica durante los años 2000 a 2004 como indicador de exposición de los habitantes de estas dos ciudades. Métodos: Se elaboraron los siguientes indicadores de contaminación: promedios de 24 horas de PM10, PM2,5, NO2, SO2 y O3; máximo de las 17 medias móviles octohorarias diarias de O3 y CO; máximo horario diario de SO2, NO2, O3, CO, PM10 y PM2,5. También se calcularon los niveles de la moda gruesa de partículas, como la diferencia entre los valores de PM10 y PM2,5 (PM10-2,5. Se identificaron episodios de intrusión africana. Resultados: En Sta Cruz de TF los promedios de SO2 (14ug/m3N y de O3 (44,4 ug/m3N fueron superiores respecto a los de Las Palmas de GC (8 y 28,3 ug/m3N. Los promedios de NO2 en Las Palmas de GC: 45,8 ug/m3N fueron superiores a los de Sta. Cruz de TF: 30,3 ug/m3N. Debido a las intrusiones africanas, algunos días superaron los 600 ug/m3 de PM10 y los 200 de PM2.5 en ambas ciudades. Conclusiones: Se identifica un patrón de calidad del aire con episodios de polvo mineral africano que en superficie afecta a todas las fracciones granulométricas, una estacionalidad diferente a las ciudades europeas respecto al ozono, así como un patrón de contaminación urbano-industrial en Sta. Cruz de Tf y netamente urbano en Las Palmas de GC. Se hace necesario tener en cuenta estos resultados para analizar su posible impacto sobre la salud de los ciudadanos de las Islas Canarias y establecer sistemas adecuados de vigilancia.

  20. Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Kemampuan terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan pada PT. Duta Palma Nusantara di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi


    Fadhillah, Muhammad


    The aims of this reseacrh is to examine the effect of compensation and employability on productivity. The population of this reseach is taken from employes of the production of PT. Duta Palma Nusantara. Accidental sampling method is used to get the samples, and from 405 peoples that we observed, we get 80 peoples as the samples. To analyze the data Multiple Linier Regression, F- test, and t- test analysis with using SPSS 17. The result shows that all variables simultaneously and significanly ...

  1. Study of the photon flux from the night sky at La Palma and Namibia, in the wavelength region relevant for imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preuss, S.; Hermann, G.; Hofmann, W.; Kohnle, A.


    The level of the night-sky background light at La Palma and Namibia was determined, with emphasis on the wavelength region and solid angle coverage relevant for the operation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The dependence of the night-sky background light both on celestial coordinates (alt,az) and on galactic coordinates (b,l) was measured, with an angular resolution of about 1 deg. Average light levels near the zenith are similar in both locations -2.2x10 12 -2.6x10 12 photons sr -1 s -1 m -2 for 300 nm<λ<650 nm. With increasing zenith angle the level of background light increases at La Palma, whereas a constant level is measured in Namibia. Near the center of the Milky Way, background light levels are increased by a factor up to 4 and more. Also the level of light backscattered from the ground has been studied

  2. Correlações do índice de área do cladódio com características morfogênicas e produtivas da palma forrageira

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    Karina Mendes Pinheiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as correlações do índice de área do cladódio com características morfogênicas e produtivas da palma forrageira (Nopalea sp. e Opuntia sp.. Foram avaliados três clones de palma forrageira, em condições de sequeiro: IPA Sertânia, Miúda e Orelha de Elefante Mexicana. Dados morfológicos dos cladódios e da planta, índice de área do cladódio e biomassa acumulada foram obtidos na ocasião da colheita. A relação entre os dados coletados foi avaliada por meio da análise de trilha, após a aplicação da matriz de correlação de Pearson e do teste de multicolinearidade. Foram observadas maiores correlações das características morfogênicas com o rendimento da cultura do que com o índice de área do cladódio, com R2 entre 0,5930 e 0,9502. As variáveis altura x largura e número total de cladódios foram as que melhor explicaram a variação do índice de área do cladódio. O número total de cladódios, o índice de área do cladódio e a morfologia dos cladódios de quarta ordem são as variáveis que melhor explicam a variabilidade do rendimento dos clones de palma forrageira avaliados em ambiente semiárido.

  3. Sugars of the unfermented sap and the wine from the oil palm, Elaeis guinensis, tree. (United States)

    Eze, M O; Ogan, U


    The sugar composition of the unfermented sap from oil palm (Elaeis guinensis) trees growing in the plantations of the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research, Benin City, has been determined. While sucrose concentration ranges from 9.59 to 10.59% (w/v) in the pure unfermented sap, that of either glucose or fructose is much less than 1% (w/v) (0.13-0.73% w/v). Raffinose occurs in traces only (0.13-0.35 w/v). These results were derived from our improved methods which eliminate completely, or reduce to a bare minimum, fermentation of the sap during collection. The variation with time of storage of the individual sugars in the sap during fermentation to form palm wine reveals that, as sucrose steadily decreases, fructose reaches a peak at 1.51% (w/v) at the 9th hour, and thereafter declines, while glucose and raffinose remain continuously low; all sugars disappear beyond the 33rd hour. Concomittantly, pH decreases from pH 6.60 at zero time and stabilizes at pH 3.30 after 48 h, while titrable acidity increases continuously up until the 96th hour. These changes account for the variations in the quality of palm wine during storages.

  4. NOVAS CIDADES, VELHAS QUERELAS episódios pluviais e seus impactos na área urbana de Palmas (TO, primavera-verão 2009/2010

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    Lucas Barbosa e Souza


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the rainfall episodes occurred during spring-summer season 2009/2010 in Palmas (TO, and their impacts on its urban area, construction of which hardly exceeds recent 21 years in 2010. It also constitutes a preliminary analysis about the genesis of the rhythm and of the climate exceptionalities in the study area, since there are few studies of Geographical Climatology about the state of Tocantins. The main elements of the atmospheric circulation were identifi ed through rhythmic analysis, as well as the stormwater impacts were also listed and reported by a local daily newspaper. These impacts were focused on their spatial distribution, seeking to emphasize the elements of vulnerability of the affected spots, as well as the selectivity and news content. The results allowed to give an initial overview on the relation between the rainfall, the geographical and human activities in Palmas, revealing aspects of its urban planning and its vulnerability to climate exceptionalities.

  5. Isolation, expression analysis and characterization of EgNDL, a NDR-like protein in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.

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    Kedsirin Ruttajorn


    Full Text Available A novel cDNA of a SF21-like protein or NDR-like protein (EgNDL from Elaeis guineensis Jacq. is 1,044 bp in length and encodes a putative protein with a 347-amino-acid open reading frame. The EgNDL showed 93% identity to the pollenspecific SF21-like protein of Phoenix dactylifera and also showed 79% identity to the NDL protein of Theobroma cacao. Expression analysis of the EgNDL gene in various tissues showed that EgNDL was expressed in the anthers, pistils, mesocarp and leaves. The high expression of EgNDL among three oil palm varieties was significantly expressed in Pisifera (P<0.05, which is commonly used as a male parent in crosses. Computational tools were used to predict the protein and concluded that EgNDL is a putative membrane protein that may function in a signal transduction pathway during pollen development. In this context, knowledge regarding EgNDL and its potential role in plant developmental processes will benefit oil palm breeding programs.

  6. Preliminary study on biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plantations in Thailand (United States)

    Auliana; Kaonongbua, W.


    Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is one of the promising crop plants which has been used as raw material for producing daily products. In agricultural ecosystems, crop plants could develop a plant-fungal association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The objectives of this study were to determine the AMF biodiversity and mycorrhizal infection percentage (MIP) from field-collected soil samples of three oil palm plantations from Nong Khai, Surat Thani, and Chiang Rai provinces of Thailand. Soil characteristics (moisture content, pH, and available phosphorus) were also measured. Thirteen AMF species belonging to seven genera were identified from all soil samples, whereas Glomus spp. and Acaulospora spp. were most commonly found species. AMF biodiversity value from Chiang Rai was statistically different from other two provinces (p biodiversity. These results confirmed that AMF normally occurs in oil palm plantations, but at different levels of biodiversity possibly due to different environmental factors in each plantation. Nevertheless, this information could be useful for using AMF in plant growth promoter and pathogen resistance programs in order to achieve the agricultural sustainability, especially in oil palm plantations.

  7. Substituição do milho por farelo de palma forrageira em dietas de ovinos em crescimento: desempenho Replacement of corn by forage cactus meal in growing lambs diets: performance

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    Robson Magno Liberal Véras


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar quatro níveis de substituição do milho (0; 33; 67 e 100% pelo farelo de palma forrageira sobre o desempenho de ovinos em crescimento terminados em confinamento. Vinte carneiros mestiços Santa Inês foram distribuídos em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos (níveis de substituição do milho pelo farelo de palma e cinco repetições. Além do milho e/ou farelo de palma, os animais receberam feno de Tifton (Cynodon dactylon, como volumoso, farelo de soja, calcário e sal mineral. O ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar diminuíram, enquanto os consumos de FDN e de FDA aumentaram linearmente com a substituição. Os consumos de matéria seca, de proteína bruta, de matéria orgânica e de carboidratos totais e o rendimento de carcaça não foram influenciados pela substituição do milho pelo farelo de palma.The objective of this work was to evaluate four corn replacement levels (0, 33, 67 and 100% by forage cactus meal on performance of feedlot growing lambs. Twenty crossbred lambs were allotted to a completely randomized block design with four treatments (replacement of corn by forage cactus meal and five replications. Besides corn and/or forage cactus meal, the animals were fed Tifton hay (Cynodon dactylon, as forage, soybean meal, limestone and mineral salt. Weight gain and feed:gain ratio decreased and intakes of NDF and ADF increased linearly with corn replacement. The intakes of dry matter, crude protein, organic matter and total carbohydrates and carcass yield were not affected by replacement of corn by forage cactus meal.

  8. Incidence, progression and intensity of Bud Rot in Elaeis guineensis Jacq. in San Lorenzo, Ecuador

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    Fernando Rivas Figueroa


    Full Text Available BUD rot (BR is the most serious disease of oil palm in Latin America; in Equator has caused more than 150 million USD of losses. The aim of this work was to determine the incidence, progression and disease intensity of BR in E. guineensis. Incidence and disease progression was determined from data of oil palm enterprises: Palesema, PDA, Palpailón, Energy & Palma y Alespalma during 2006-2013. Disease intensity was determined at 2013. Incidence was 66.75 % and disease intensity was 46 %. Based on projections of accumulative incidence a polynomial equation was built that predicted 78.30 % of cumulative incidence for 2014, indicating exponential growth of BR from 2009 to 2013. Magnitude of damages based on incidence, disease progression and infection index indicated the occurrence of a lethal form of BR in San Lorenzo, province of Esmeraldas, Equator.

  9. Consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill e palma orelha-de-elefante (Opuntia sp. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i2.4684 Intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i2.4684

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    Valéria Louro Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o consumo e comportamento ingestivo de caprinos e ovinos alimentados com palma Gigante (Opuntia fícus-indica Mill e palma Orelha-de-elefante (Opuntia sp.. Foram utilizados 20 animais mestiços, sendo dez caprinos e dez ovinos, alojados em galpão coletivo, contidos individualmente por meio de cordas, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em um arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 (duas espécies animais e duas variedades de palma. As observações comportamentais foram realizadas em intervalos de 5 min. por um período de 24h. Os consumos de matéria seca, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente ácido, carboidratos totais e carboidratos não-fibrosos foram menores (p 0,05 sobre o tempo gasto com alimentação e eficiência de alimentação. O tempo gasto com ruminação foi maior para a dieta com palma Gigante, consequentemente os animais da dieta com palma Orelha-de-elefante permaneceram mais tempo em ócio. Comparando as espécies caprina e ovina, verificou-se que a eficiência de ruminação, tanto de MS quanto de FDN, foi maior para a espécie ovina. Os animais gastaram mais tempo ruminando deitados do que em pé, mas não foi verificada diferença quanto ao lado escolhido para deitarem.The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake and ingestive behavior of sheep and goats fed with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and prickly pear (Opuntia sp.. Twenty crossbred animals – 10 sheep and 10 goats – were used. They were lodged in a collective shed, contained individually with ropes, distributed using a completely randomized design, and treated with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (2 animal species and 2 varieties of cactus. Behavioral observations were made at five-minute intervals during a 24-hour period. Dry matter, ether extract, acid detergent fiber, total carbohydrate and non-fibrous carbohydrate intake were reduced (p 0.05 on feeding time and feeding efficiency. The time

  10. Estudo do equilíbrio líquido-líquido nos sistemas ternários biodiesel de óleo de palma+etanol+glicerina e biodiesel de óleo de palma+etanol+água


    Enio Gomes de Azevedo Rocha


    Resumo: O biodiesel é uma fonte de energia renovável promissora e é do interesse das matrizes energéticas brasileiras e mundiais em razão da futura escassez de combustíveis fósseis, e das considerações ambientais sobre a diminuição das emissões poluentes. Este trabalho objetiva a produção de biodiesel etílico a partir de óleo de palma da região amazônica, e a determinação experimental e modelagem termodinâmica de dados de equilíbrio líquido-líquido em sistemas ternários compostos por biodiese...

  11. Assessing equity of public transport: the case of Palma (Mallorca, Illes Balears

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    Maurici Ruiz


    Full Text Available The practice of sustainable transport planning must take into account the level of territorial and social equity of service. The equity analysis requires a deep understanding of the service and the territorial and social characteristics where it is implanted. We propose a simplified method to analyze the equity of the public bus system that has been used in the city of Palma de Mallorca. The bus service level was calculated from the spatial analysis of the offer and was contrasted with the population and with a multidimensional index of social need for public transportation leading to horizontal and vertical equity respectively. Next the overall equity of the service was tested with the support of the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient. Finally, a sensitivity analysis of bus routes depending on the role they play in the equity of the service was performed.

  12. Management of Post-Traumatic Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens via Right-to-Left Femoral Vein to Femoral Vein Bypass (Palma Procedure). (United States)

    Dua, Anahita; Heller, Jennifer; Lee, Cheong


    Phlegmasia cerulea dolens (PCD) is a rare condition resulting from venous occlusion that impairs arterial flow. We report a rare case of post-traumatic PCD after ligation of the iliac vein with successful treatment by right-to-left femoral vein to femoral vein bypass using left great saphenous vein (Palma procedure). The clinical presentation, diagnostic process, and approach to management along with a literature review on the operative management of PCD are presented in this case report.

  13. Integration of photovoltaic technology in public buildings. Case study of Palmas Forum, Tocantins, Brazil; Integracao de tecnologia fotovoltaica em edificios publicos. Estudo de caso do Forum de Palmas, TO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vianna, Elen Oliveira


    The energy issue follows the history of mankind and nowadays has triggered a multidisciplinary debate. Within this discussion, there is the main topic of this study: the focus on the high electric power consumption in public buildings. The approach is in consonance with the sustainability of architecture and the use of solar photovoltaic energy as a technological tool that brings into alliance the renewable alternative energy sources and the buildings which are connected to the urban electric power lines. This study aims to demystify the use of alternative energy sources in conjunction with the contemporary architectonic production. In the first part the sustainability, the world energy issue and the use of active solar systems in architecture were contextualized and then, the main objective was to measure an Integrated Photovoltaic System in a public building- the Court of Justice in Palmas, Tocantins. For that reason, it was necessary to evaluate the energy efficiency in the building and to achieve that objective the energy consumption in the so-called rush hours and the 19:00 to 21:00 period of time were considered. Subsequently, the study tested several possibilities of photovoltaic panels and analyzed which one had the best performance, according to the local characteristic such as: the solar orientation, the latitude, the monthly and annual solar radiation average. There has been done a simulation of an ideal photovoltaic solar system with the proper calculus of its productivity, in order to provide a compensation to the energy consumption of the building- or a part of it- through the use of the alternative energy source in question. The objective is to demystify the generation of electric power from the use of solar energy and thus evaluating the contribution of the system to the conventional electric energy. Finally, a partial economic analysis of the system was carried out, driving to characterize the contribution potential of the Integrated Photovoltaic

  14. Insular identity and urban contexts: representations of the local in the construction of an image of Palma (Mallorca, Balearic Islands

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    Mercè Picornell


    Full Text Available This article analyses the relationship between island and city in the configuration of an insular identity. The hypothesis addresses the special visibility that, in the case of small islands, results from the confrontation between two relevant singularities – the city and the island – in the symbolic conceptualization of territory. The opposition between island contexts and urban spaces is thus considered in terms of the local/global and rural/urban binaries. These are analysed in contemporary cultural representations of the relationship between the island of Mallorca and its historical and administrative capital, Palma. Since the 1960s, Mallorca has become a mass tourism destination with a considerable demographic impact, especially in the capital, which is the island’s gateway for both tourism and immigration. This paper considers geographical, literary and media discourses along with particular mass-consumption cultural products to argue that Palma is represented as a predatory ‘monster’ devouring the island’s ‘local’ identity. It is argued that different types of neo-ruralism have emerged and reinforced the opposition between the island and the city. This opposition underlies a process of counter-acculturation that delineates and strengthens Mallorcan self-representation in a context defined by an increasingly diverse population as a result of tourism and migratory flows.

  15. El comportamiento térmico de la ciudad de Las Palmas de G. C.: La Isla de calor nocturna

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    Lidia Esther Romero Martín


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan las principales pautas del comportamiento térmico de la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Utilizando el método de los recorridos urbanos, durante un año se registraron los datos de temperatura y humedad de 42 puntos de la ciudad, que incluyen áreas formales y funcionales diferentes. Los resultados confirman la existencia de una isla de calor nocturna de carácter bifocal y de intensidad moderada, aunque puede llegar a alcanzar valores de 5.3º C. Su localización está controlada fundamentalmente por la densidad edificatoria y la intensidad del tráfico. El Istmo de la Isleta se comporta como una isla de frescor.In this article, we present the outlines of the thermal behaviour of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Using the method of travelling around the city, we recorded temperature and humidity data for 42 sites in the city, including different formal and functional areas. The results confirm that there is a bi-focal and moderate island of nocturnal heat, although it can reach 5.3ºC. This is determined fundamentally by building density and the intensity of the traffic. The Isthmus of La Isleta acts as an island of fresh temperatures.

  16. Evaluación de Trichoderma sobre hongos contaminantes de semillas de palma híbrida interespecífica OxG (Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineensis

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    Oscar Eduardo Ladino Rey


    Full Text Available The germination process of hybrid palm interspecific OxG (E. oleifera x E guineensis. seeds in the company Indupalma ltda has filed a decrease in production, which is reflected in economic losses due to the existence of filamentous fungi that affect seeds. Previous studies have shown the potential controller Trichoderma sp. on these fungi. Commercial and native strains of T. harzianum and T. viride were evaluated against prevalent fungal contaminants of interspecific hybrid palm seeds. They were isolated and identified eleven strains of pathogenic fungi from interspecific hybrid palm seeds that were removed from the different stages of germination. Dual plate tests were conducted at prevalent fungi and the percent inhibition of radial growth (PICO and mycoparasitism were determined. These fungi were inhibited in growth by the antagonistic effect of T. harzianum and T viride. Similarly, T.viride showed a great potential as a biocontrol agent to inhibit over 60% seven out of eleven strains of contaminating fungi.

  17. Efektivitas Penambahan Karbon Aktif Cangkang Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis dalam Proses Filtrasi Air Sumur

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    Muhammad Fadhillah


    Full Text Available Dampak dari pencemaran air dapat menyebabkan terjadinya ketidakseimbangan ekosistem dan dapat sebagai pembawa penyakit menular. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penjernihan terhadap air sebelum digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas air.  Salah satu  yang dapat digunakan untuk penjernihan air adalah arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: Untuk mengetahui efektifitas penambahan arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit  dalam proses  filtrasi terhadap karakter fisik (kekeruhan, Ph, bau dan rasa air sumur. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL. Filtrasi air sumur dilakukan dengan 4 perlakuan  dan 3 kali ulangan yaitu: 1. tanpa melewati saringan pasir (kontrol, 2. melewati saringan pasir tanpa arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit, 3. melewati saringan pasir dengan penambahan arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit  dengan ketebalan 10 cm, dan 4. ketebalan 15 cm. One way ANOVA digunakan dalam analisis data. Analisa kekeruhan adalah 100,0; 50,5; 40,4; dan 47,5 berturut-turut untuk kontrol, tanpa arang aktif, dengan arang aktif 10 cm dan dengan arang aktif 15 cm. Hasil uji menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kekeruhan air kontrol dengan kekeruhan dari perlakuan lainnya. pH air < 7 menjadi 8,99. Analisa bau dan rasa didapatkan  air yang melewati proses filtrasi dengan penambahan arang aktif menghilangkan bau dan rasa pada air tersebut. Penambahan arang aktif cangkang kelapa sawit dengan ketebalan 10 cm cukup efektif dalam proses filtrasi air sumur dan dapat memperbaiki kualitas fisik air.

  18. De novo transcriptome analyses of host-fungal interactions in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). (United States)

    Ho, Chai-Ling; Tan, Yung-Chie; Yeoh, Keat-Ai; Ghazali, Ahmad-Kamal; Yee, Wai-Yan; Hoh, Chee-Choong


    Basal stem rot (BSR) is a fungal disease in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) which is caused by hemibiotrophic white rot fungi belonging to the Ganoderma genus. Molecular responses of oil palm to these pathogens are not well known although this information is crucial to strategize effective measures to eradicate BSR. In order to elucidate the molecular interactions between oil palm and G. boninense and its biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum, we compared the root transcriptomes of untreated oil palm seedlings with those inoculated with G. boninense and T. harzianum, respectively. Differential gene expression analyses revealed that jasmonate (JA) and salicylate (SA) may act in an antagonistic manner in affecting the hormone biosynthesis, signaling, and downstream defense responses in G. boninense-treated oil palm roots. In addition, G. boninense may compete with the host to control disease symptom through the transcriptional regulation of ethylene (ET) biosynthesis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and scavenging. The strengthening of host cell walls and production of pathogenesis-related proteins as well as antifungal secondary metabolites in host plants, are among the important defense mechanisms deployed by oil palm against G. boninense. Meanwhile, endophytic T. harzianum was shown to improve the of nutrition status and nutrient transportation in host plants. The findings of this analysis have enhanced our understanding on the molecular interactions of G. boninense and oil palm, and also the biocontrol mechanisms involving T. harzianum, thus contributing to future formulations of better strategies for prevention and treatment of BSR.

  19. Home dispossession: the uneven geography of evictions in Palma (Majorca

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    Vives-Miró, Sònia


    Full Text Available Affordable housing, either owner-occupied or rented, is regarded as a key element of social reproduction. However, processes of housing commodification and financialization have increasingly resulted in precariatization of the population and the loss of the right to housing. In the Spanish case, neoliberal policies geared to the revalorization of built environments had caused a housing bubble of historical magnitude. Since it burst, a large number of households have been dispossessed of housing, clearly reflected in the avalanche of foreclosures and evictions that hit Spanish cities as the crisis unfolded. This paper focuses on the urban area of Palma (Majorca by analyzing the foreclosures exerted on home­owners and the evictions of tenants who, from the start of the crisis of 2008, have not been able to afford their mortgage payments or rents. These evictions and foreclosures are correlated with the social status of the urban areas affected. The results show that the increase of evictions and foreclosures has emerged unevenly around the city. While tenant evictions have affected all types of urban areas, foreclosures have become much more evident in urban areas of low social status.

  20. Implementación del software libre en la web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales


    Ordóñez Nievas, Ramón; Contell Calabuig, Mari Carmen


    Es descriu el projecte de disseny i implementació del web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales per mitjà d'un sistema de gestió de continguts open source que permeti integrar les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació, obtenir un major grau d'accessibilitat i usabilitat i un disseny visual més amigable, acord amb les noves tendències web. S'incorporen les noves eines web 2.0 per aconseguir una major participació dels usuaris en l'elaboració dels continguts i millorar així els...

  1. Adição de óleo de palma na dieta sobre a lipidemia e a qualidade do sêmen de bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis

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    G.R. Silva


    Full Text Available O estudo visou investigar o efeito da suplementação dietética com óleo de palma sobre o perfil sérico lipídico e as características seminais de touros bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis, bem como suas correlações. Doze touros foram alocados no Grupo CONT (n=5 ou Grupo ÓLEO (n=7 e receberam alimentação isoproteica composta por silagem de milho e concentrado (milho triturado, farelo de trigo e ureia, com proporção volumoso/concentrado de 50%, durante 130 dias (Períodos 1 e 2. Diferencialmente, óleo de palma foi adicionado ao concentrado (2% MS do Grupo ÓLEO. Sêmen e sangue foram colhidos quinzenalmente. Houve aumento nas concentrações séricas de colesterol, HDL e lipídios totais nos animais do Grupo ÓLEO, enquanto o período influenciou nas taxas de colesterol, LDL, lipídios totais e VLDL (P<0,05. Houve decréscimo no turbilhonamento e discreta redução na integridade de membranas nos animais do Grupo ÓLEO (P<0,05. Correlações significativas foram encontradas entre triglicerídeos e defeitos menores (r=-0,412; P=0,006, LDL e defeitos totais (r=-0,333; P=0,030, lipídios totais e defeitos menores (r=-0.366; P= 0,017, lipídios totais e defeitos totais (r=-0.309; P= 0,046, e VLDL e viabilidade espermática (r=0,381; P=0,012, apontando efeitos positivos da maior lipidemia na morfologia e na viabilidade espermática. O uso de óleo de palma alterou o perfil lipídico sérico, mas não favoreceu per se os parâmetros seminais relacionados com o potencial de fertilidade dos touros.

  2. Search for methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphisms associated with the mantled variant phenotype in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq). (United States)

    Jaligot, E; Beulé, T; Baurens, F-C; Billotte, N; Rival, A


    The methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) technique has been employed on somatic embryo-derived oil palms (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) to identify methylation polymorphisms correlated with the "mantled" somaclonal variation. The variant phenotype displays an unstable feminization of male organs in both male and female flowers. Using MSAP, the methylation status of CCGG sites was compared in three normal versus three mantled regenerants sampled in clonal populations obtained through somatic embryogenesis from four genotypically distinct mother palms. Overall, 64 selective primer combinations were used and they have amplified 23 markers exhibiting a differential methylation pattern between the two phenotypes. Our results indicate that CCGG sites are poorly affected by the considerable decrease in global DNA methylation that has been previously associated with the mantled phenotype. Each of the 23 markers isolated in the present study could discriminate between the two phenotypes only when they were from the same genetic origin. This result hampers at the moment the direct use of MSAP markers for the early detection of variants, even though valuable information on putative target sequences will be obtained from a further characterization of these polymorphic markers.

  3. Vegetative development of cultivars of palm oil from 14 to 34 months of age in ecosystems Roraima = Desenvolvimento vegetativo de cultivares de palma de óleo dos 14 aos 34 meses de idade em ecossistemas de Roraima

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    Francisco Clemilto da Silva Maciel


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the vegetative development of cultivars oil palm Elaeis guineensis Jacq from 14 to 34 months of age in the field in two ecosystems of Roraima. Two experiments were conducted, one in another area of savanna and forest area changes in the assessment of BRS C-2528, C-3701 and BRS BRS C-2301, in experimental design of randomized blocks with six replications. 18 reviews were conducted monthly from August 2008 to April 2010, the number of sheets issued, four leaf length (cm and girth circumference (cm. Analyses of variance individual and joint. For the statistical analysis of the characteristics evaluated test was used Scott-Knott at 5% probability. By comparing the averages of the characteristics evaluated in two environments, we found that, at 34 months old, the forest ecosystem plants had a higher number of leaves, leaf length greater than 4 and greater girth circumference, differing significantly the results obtained in the savanna ecosystem. In forest area changes, independent of cultivar evaluated, plants showed, 3.0 leaves emitted / month, four leaf growth of 8.9 cm / month and girth circumference of 9.6 cm / month, while in savanna, issued 2.5 leaves / month, 4 leaf length of 7.5 cm / month and girth circumference of 6.1 cm / month. It is concluded that changes in forest environment, cultivars have vegetative growth higher than in the environment of savanna. = Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o desenvolvimento vegetativo de cultivares de palma de óleo Elaeis guineensis Jacq dos 14 aos 34 meses de idade no campo, em dois ecossistemas de Roraima. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, sendo um em área de savana e outro em área de floresta alterada com a avaliação das cultivares BRS C-2528, BRS C-3701 e BRS C-2301, em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com seis repetições. Foram realizadas 18 avaliações mensais, no período de agosto de 2008 a abril de 2010, quanto ao número de folhas

  4. Efeito de enzimas hidrolíticas no comportamento reológico do óleo de palma cru


    FREITAS,Suely P.; SILVA,Fernando C.; LAGO,Regina C.A.; COURI,Sonia


    No processamento tradicional de extração de óleo de palma, uma quantidade substancial do produto é perdida na fibra - durante a etapa de prensagem do fruto - e na borra - durante a etapa de clarificação do óleo cru. A viscosidade deste constitui a principal dificuldade de separação do óleo dos demais componentes da mistura. A eficiência de recuperação do óleo é usualmente melhorada por adição de água, no tanque de clarificação. Neste trabalho avaliou-se os efeitos da diluição e do tratamento ...

  5. Estabilidad oxidativa del aceite de palma durante el proceso de refinación industrial en Costa Rica


    Zamora, Eduardo; Herrera Ramírez, Carlos Hernán


    Se optimizó y validó un método para cuantificar la concentración del hierro y el cobre en aceites vegetales mediante la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica de llama. Se implementaron los métodos oficiales establecidos por la AOCS para la determinación de los productos oxidados: índices de peróxido (IP) y de p-anisidina (Ip-A), para evaluar el grado de deterioro del aceite de palma y su relación con el contenido de hierro y cobre, durante el proceso de refinación industrial. El ...

  6. Pollen viability and its effect on fruit set of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.

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    Full Text Available The research was aimed at studying (1 the decline of pollen viability during storage, and (2 the effect of pollen amount on fruit set of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.. The experiment was conducted at PT. Dami Mas Sejahtera and PT. Sinar Mas Agro Resource and Technology (SMART Tbk, Riau from February to August 2004. The first experiment was investigated up to six months storage period in the refrigerator, whereas in the second experiment a randomized complete block design with two factors was used: length of storage, i.e. 0, 1 and 2 months and amount of pollen, i.e. 0.022, 0.044, 0.066, 0.088, and 0.11 g mixed with powder to 10g to pollinate an inflorescence. The result showed that the viability of pollen started to decline three months after storage from about 92% to 83%, and declined to about 75% after six months of storage. Result of the second experiment showed that storage of pollen up to two months did not affect percentage of normal fruit, although the percentage of parthenocarpic fruits was decreased. This could be due to the high viability of pollen as the viability was remained high (about 90% after being stored for two months in the refrigerator. Pollen with high viability could be used in a smaller amount to pollinate a female inflorescence without affecting fruit set of about 70-76%.SD037 had a higher reproductive success than SD038 and SD39.

  7. Avaliação do tratamento cirúrgico da doença de Dupuytren pela técnica da palma aberta modificada

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    Thiago Almeida Guilhen


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar o tratamento cirúrgico com o uso da técnica da palma aberta modificada para o tratamento das contraturas graves da doença de Dupuytren. Métodos: em quatro anos, foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico 16 pacientes, que pertenciam aos estágios III e IV da classificação proposta por Tubiana et al. Foram feitas aferições do déficit de extensão das articulações metacarpofalangeanas e inferfalangeana proximal e distal nos períodos pré-operatório, pós-operatório (três meses e pós-operatório tardio (cinco a oito anos. Angulações maiores do que 30° nas articulações metacarpofalangeanas e 15° nas interfalangeanas proximais foram consideradas como recidiva cirúrgica. Resultados: obtivemos uma média de déficit de extensão de 6,3° ao nível da articulação metacarpofalangeana, 13,8° na interfalangeana proximal e 1,9° na interfalangeana distal. Conclusão: a técnica da palma aberta modificada é um método eficaz no tratamento cirúrgico das contraturas graves na doença de Dupuytren.

  8. Enjeux et amélioration de la réduction de l'acidité dans les fruits mûrs du palmier à huile, Elaeis guineensis, Jacq. (synthèse bibliographique

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    Domonhédo, H.


    Full Text Available Reduction of acidity in mature oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. fruits: stakes and oil quality improvement. A review. Introduction. Palm oil acidification determines the quality and stability of this important foodstuff. This review article analyzes the causes of acidification, and its effects on the quality and stability of palm oil. The stakes involved in the reduction of acidity in fruits and the approaches used are also analyzed, especially reduction via genetic improvement. Literature. Acidification is mainly due to the action of an endogenous lipase of the fruit's mesocarp, but it can also be caused by microbial lipase or autocatalytic hydrolysis. Many factors, particularly plant material, conditions of harvest and post-harvest bunch treatment, and conditions of oil extraction and storage have an appreciable impact on acidification. Acidification reduces the quality and market value of palm oil and causes important oil losses due to the removal of free fatty acids in the mill. The genetic background of individuals of low oil acidity has been identified. The variability of this trait makes varietal selection possible. One gene implicated in palm oil acidification has been identified, but other genes or genetic factors may also be involved. Conclusions. Such research has led to the recent commercialization of the first oil palms with low acidity. This will improve oil quality, increase yield and facilitate the management of harvest and post-harvest operations, especially for smallholder farmers. There is a need to identify all the genetic factors responsible for the degradation of triglycerides in the Elaeis genus. The validation of genomic tools would allow the marker-assisted selection of oil palm varieties with low acidity.

  9. Substituição do milho por palma forrageira: comportamento ingestivo de vacas mestiças em lactação - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v25i2.2029 Replacement of the corn by forage cactus: Ingestive behavior of crossbreed lactating cows - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v25i2.2029

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    Maria Adélia Oliveira Monteiro Cruz


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito da substituição do milho por palma forrageira sobre o comportamento ingestivo de 8 vacas 5/8 Holandês-Zebu, distribuídas em 2 quadrados latinos 4 x 4. Os tratamentos consistiram na combinação fatorial de 2 cultivares de palma (miúda e gigante e 2 níveis de milho (com e sem. Não houve interação entre palma e milho (p > 0,05. As vacas que consumiram palma gigante gastaram mais tempo para se alimentar e as que consumiram palma miúda permanecerem maior tempo descansando (p The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of replacement of corn by forage cactus on the ingestive behavior of eight crossbreed cows, assigned to a two 4 x 4 Latin square design. The treatments were a factorial 2 x 2 arrangement (two cultivars of forage cactus and two corn levels, with and without. There wasn’t interaction between forage cactus and corn (p > 0,05. The cows that consumed giant forage cactus spent more time eating and those that consumed small forage cactus spent more time resting (p < 0,01. The intake of water was lower for the animals that consumed diets with giant forage cactus and without corn (p < 0,01.

  10. Leptoglossus lonchoides Allen (Heteroptera, Coreidae), causente de la caida de los frutos de Bactris gasipaes (Palmae) en la Amazonia central


    Couturier, Guy; Clement, C.R.; Viana Filho, P.


    #Leptoglossus lonchoïdes$ Allen (Heteroptera Coreidae) provoque la chute des fruits de #Bactris gasipaes$ HBK (Palmae) en Amazonie centrale. Les plantations de "pejibaye", #B.gasipaes$, un palmier neotropical domestiqué, souffrent d'importantes chutes de jeunes fruits en Amazonie centrale (Manaus, Amazonas, Brésil), dues en partie, peut-être principalement, à la punaise #L. lonchoïdes$. Dans cet article, on évalue l'importance économique des dégâts et on décrit l'insecte. (Résumé d'auteur)...

  11. Desempenho de diferentes lipases imobilizadas na síntese de biodiesel de óleo de palma = Performance of different immobilized lipases in palm oil biodiesel synthesis

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    Grazielle dos Santos Silva


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as condicoes otimizadas da sintese enzimatica de biodiesel, a partir do oleo de palma e etanol, empregando diferentes lipases imobilizadas (lipase de Pseudomonas fluorescens imobilizada em SiO2-PVA e lipase de Candida antartica imobilizada em resina acrilica - Novozym„µ 435 em meio isento de solvente. Uma matriz de planejamento fatorial foi utilizada para avaliar a influencia da temperatura (42 ¡V 58„aC e a razao molar entre etanol e oleo de palma (6:1 ¡V 18:1 no rendimento detransesterificacao alcancado para cada preparacao de lipase. Os efeitos principais foram ajustados por analise de regressao multipla a modelos lineares e o rendimento maximo foi obtido quando o sistema operacional foi operado a 42„aC com substratos contendo etanol eoleo de palma na razao molar de 18:1. Os modelos matematicos que representam o rendimento global da reacao para cada lipase imobilizada foram considerados adequados para descrever os resultados experimentais.Optimized conditions for palm oil and ethanol enzymatic biodiesel synthesis were determined with different immobilized lipases SiO2-PVA-immobilized lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens and acrylic resin-immobilized lipase, NovozymR435, from Candida antartica, in solvent-free medium. A full factorial design assessed the influence oftemperature (42 ¡V 58¢XC and ethanol: palm oil (6:1 ¡V 18:1 molar ratio on the transesterification yield. Main effects were adjusted by multiple regression analysis to linear models and the maximum transesterification yield was obtained at 42¢XC and 18:1 ethanol:palm oil molar ratio. Mathematical models featuring total yield for each immobilized lipase were suitable to describe the experimental results.

  12. The chemically zoned 1949 eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands): Petrologic evolution and magma supply dynamics of a rift zone eruption


    Klügel, Andreas; Hoernle, Kaj A.; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; White, James D. L.


    The 1949 rift zone eruption along the Cumbre Vieja ridge on La Palma involved three eruptive centers, 3 km spaced apart, and was chemically and mineralogically zoned. Duraznero crater erupted tephrite for 14 days and shut down upon the opening of Llano del Banco, a fissure that issued first tephrite and, after 3 days, basanite. Hoyo Negro crater opened 4 days later and erupted basanite, tephrite, and phonotephrite, while Llano del Banco continued to issue basanite. The eruption ended with Dur...

  13. Comportamento ingestivo de vacas em lactação e de ovinos alimentados com dietas contendo palma forrageira Ingestive behavior of lactating cows and sheep fed diets with spineless cactus

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    Safira Valença Bispo


    Full Text Available Foram realizados dois experimentos, o primeiro com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira e o segundo para avaliar o efeito da substituição total do milho, e parcial da soja, por palma e ureia sobre o comportamento ingestivo de ovinos e de vacas em lactação, respectivamente. No experimento 1, foram utilizados cinco ovinos machos, não-castrados, sem raça definida, com peso médio de 25,8 kg, distribuídos em quadrado latino 5 x 5. No experimento 2, foram utilizadas 8 vacas em lactação, com produção média inicial de 14 kg leite/dia, distribuídas em dois quadrados latino 4 x 4. A observação dos dados comportamentais foi realizada visualmente, durante 24 horas, em ambos os experimentos. No experimento 1, com a inclusão da palma forrageira, os consumos de matéria seca, o tempo de alimentação e as eficiências de ruminação aumentaram linearmente, ao passo que o tempo de ruminação reduziu, linearmente também; o consumo de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN e as eficiências de alimentação apresentaram comportamento quadrático. No experimento 2, a inclusão de palma e ureia não influenciou os consumos de matéria seca e FDN nem os tempos de alimentação e ruminação e as eficiências de alimentação e de ruminação (kgMS/hora, no entanto, a eficiência de ruminação (kg FDN/hora apresentou comportamento quadrático. O tempo de mastigação total e o tempo de ócio não foram influenciados pela inclusão de palma na dieta nos dois experimentos. Recomenda-se para ração de ruminantes com alta proporção de palma forrageira a inclusão de uma fonte de fibra fisicamente efetiva.It was carried out two experiments, the first aiming to assess the effect of substituting elephant grass hay by spineless cactus and the second to evaluate the total replacement of corn and partial replacement of soybean by cactus and urea regarding to the ingestion behavior of sheep and lactating

  14. Fluxos de CO2 em Plantio de Palma de Óleo no Leste da Amazônia

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    Luiz Carlos Neves da Fonseca

    Full Text Available Resumo Os ecossistemas terrestres são importantes para compreender as trocas de CO2 entre superfície e atmosfera. Este trabalho apresenta as condições atmosféricas e medidas de CO2 em palma de óleo com híbrido interespecífico no leste da Amazônia, durante ano de El niño. O experimento foi realizado em Moju - Pará, onde foi instalada uma torre micrometeorológica para obtenção de dados meteorológicos e de CO2 durante o período de janeiro-dezembro de 2015. Os valores médios diurnos de absorção de CO2 atingiram o máximo por volta do meio dia, com 22,3 (± 0,98 μmol m-2 s-1 no período chuvoso e 21,0 (± 0,47 μmol m-2 s-1 no período menos chuvoso. Houve pouca variação noturna nos valores médios de emissão de CO2, 5 (± 0,20 μmol m-2 s-1, em ambos os períodos. Os valores médios diurnos da concentração de CO2 foram menores e os valores médios noturnos foram maiores. Em geral, o ciclo diário de troca de CO2 apresentou diferença entre o período chuvoso e menos chuvoso. Esses resultados contribuem para melhor compreensão da tendência temporal dos fluxos de CO2 em cultivo agrícola em ano de seca no leste da Amazônia, gerando informações novas sobre a interação entre palma de óleo e atmosfera.

  15. Comparación de métodos para la captura de triatominos (Hemiptera: Reduviidae en palmas Attalea butyracea en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia

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    Víctor Manuel Angulo


    Full Text Available Introducción. El estudio de los triatominos en sus ecótopos naturales tiene gran significado en la epidemiología de la enfermedad de Chagas. La recolección de insectos vivos y su establecimiento en insectarios permite realizar incontables estudios. Por ello se necesitan métodos efectivos para la captura de triatominos silvestres, especialmente especies intrusas como Rhodnius prolixus. Objetivo. Comparar cuatro métodos para la captura de triatominos en palmas para medir su efectividad. Materiales y métodos. El estudio se llevó a cabo en la localidad de Maní, departamento de Casanare, Colombia, con predominio de Attalea butyracea. Se compararon cuatro metodologías en 67 palmas: trampas con cebo vivo, búsqueda directa en palmas, tala y disección. Resultados. Los métodos fueron efectivos para recolectar ejemplares juveniles y adultos. La tala y la búsqueda manual mostraron los mayores índices de infestación (100 % y 83,33 %. La trampa Angulo mostró mayores índices de hacinamiento (4,93, densidad (3,76, rango de abundancia (1-13 e índice adulto/ninfa (0,22. La tala y la disección fue el método que significativamente recolectó más triatominos en comparación con los otros (p0,05. Conclusiones. Aunque la tala fue el mejor método para la recolección del mayor número de triatominos, los métodos con el cebo vivo con adhesivos o refugios para atrapar los insectos, fueron una buena alternativa. Entre ellos, la trampa Angulo mostró mejores resultados y evitó la exposición del investigador al riesgo y la intervención de ecotopos naturales.   doi:

  16. Platería europea en Canarias. La bandeja de Teguise, la copa con tapa y las fuentes de la cetadral de Las Palmas

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    Jesús Pérez Morera


    Full Text Available Abordamos en este trabajo la correcta clasificaci6n de una serie de piezas da platería de origen flamenco, alemán y portugués existentes en Canarias que, aunque conocidas, habían pasado por españolas o americanas. Destacarnos la bandeja de la parroquia de Teguise (Lanzarote, labrada en Hamburgo por juergen Richels hacia 1680; la copa con tapa de la catedral de Las Palmas (Gran Canaria, realizada en Amberes por el maestro del compás en 1548-1549; y !as fuentes pertenecientes al obispo Vicuña y Zuazo de la misma catedral, marcadas en Lisboa a finales del siglo XVII.The current article approaches the correct classification of a variety o¡ flemish, german and portuguese silversmith's pieces located in the Canary Islands which, though very well known, had been considered form Spanish or american origin. We emphasize the tray from the Parisf of Teguise (Lanzarote\\, wrought in Hamburg by Juergen Richels circa 1680; the Chalice with Lid Las Palmas cathedral (Gran Canaria made in Antwerp by the Master  of  the compass in 1548-49; and the fountains belonging to Bishop Vicuña y Zuazo from the same cathedral, marked in Lisbon at the end of XVII century. 

  17. Effect of preservation methods of oil palm sap (Elaeis guineensis) on the reproductive indices of male wistar rats. (United States)

    Ikegwu, Theophilus Maduabuchukwu; Okafor, Gabriel Ifeanyi; Ochiogu, Izuchukwu Shedrack


    Thirty male Wistar rats, split into five groups of six rats each, were administered different forms of oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) sap samples by gavage based on 1.5% of their weekly body weights. Group 1 which served as control received only water, group 2 received pasteurized palm sap (PPS), group 3 received market palm wine (MPW), group 4 received frozen palm sap (FPS), whereas group 5 received fresh palm sap (FrPS). Chemical composition of the sap samples was determined. Normal feed and water were fed ad libitum. After 2 months of treatment, each male rat group was allowed 7 days to mate with six female Wistar rats. Thereafter, blood and epididymal samples were collected for testosterone assay and sperm count, respectively, before they were humanely sacrificed and testicular tissues taken for testicular histology. Litter weight and size of the pups produced by the females of each group were determined at birth. The sap samples contained carbohydrate (0.01-11.71%), protein (1.56-1.95%), ash (0.22-0.35%), moisture (92.55-98.24%), and alcohol (0.26-3.50%). PPS-treated rat group had significantly (Psap, impacted negatively on the reproductive indices of male animals.


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    Full Text Available Monocultures of the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. were studied between 2006 and 2013 so as to determine which species of snakes frequented them and to estimate the abundances of each species encountered. Thirty five species of snakes (three boas, one coral, 27 colubrids, one tropidophid, one typhlopid, and two vipers were captured within palmeras. Palm plantations are revealed to (1 augment the densities of ten species of snakes well beyond the densities found by collectors in natural and/or relatively transformed habitats and (2 to not offer benefits to at least 75% of the snake community found in the vicinities of palm plantations. The majority of snake species (60% found in palmeras are nocturnal species. The most common species (defined by having 15 or more captures were Atractus univittatus, Bothrops asper, B. atrox, Epicrates maurus, Leptodeira annulata, Liophis melanotus, Ninia atrata, Oxyrhopus petolarius, Pseudoboa neuwiedii, and Tantilla melanocephala. Palm plantations permit substantial local population sizes for a fraction (< 25% of the local snake community. Internal practices of such plantations could be modified so as to protect a larger share of the fauna by means of two practices: (1 construction and maintenance of paleras as well as (2 creating a mosaic of palm plantations enclosing "islands" of secondary forests.

  19. Estado de salud bucal en 5 consultorios del municipio Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba, 2006 Oral health state in 5 family physicians' offices in Palma Soriano municipality, Santiago de Cuba, 2006

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    Yanisette Mónica Calleja Martínez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal sobre el estado de salud bucal en los consultorios del municipio Palma Soriano durante el período comprendido entre enero-abril del 2006, cuyo universo estuvo constituido por todos los habitantes de estos consultorios. Se seleccionó una muestra de 475 personas, estratificadas por grupos de edades, con 25 de ellas en cada estrato. Se utilizó la encuesta de salud bucodental de la Organización Mundial de la Salud modificada del 2003. En la población estudiada predominó el sexo femenino. Las alteraciones de la articulación témporo-mandibular no constituyeron un problema de salud. Entre las afecciones más frecuentes figuraron las caries dentales con un COP-D favorable hasta los 18 años, que no se comportó así en los grupos de 35-44 y 60-74, donde el valor fue de 11,9 y 25,8, y las periodontopatías, con un total de 72 pacientes con alguno de los signos o síntomas de la enfermedad. Las alteraciones de la estética están presentes en 34 de los pacientes examinados, por lo que se hace necesario el tratamiento obligatorio u optativo.A descriptive cross-sectional study on the oral health state in the family physicians' offices of Palma Soriano municipality was conducted from January to April, 2006. The universe was composed of all the inhabitants receiving attention at these offices. A sample of 475 persons stratified by age groups was selected. 25 individuals were included in each stratum. The bucco-dental health survey of the World Health Organization, modified in 2003, was used. A prevalence of females was observed. The alterations of the temporomandibular articulation were not a health problem. Among the most frequent affections were the dental caries with a favorable DMFT index up to 18 years old, which was not so in the 35-44 and 60-74 age groups, where the values were 11.9 and 25.8, respectively, and the periodontopathies with a total of 72 patients with some of the signs or symptoms of

  20. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on e-Learning (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, July 21-24, 2015) (United States)

    Nunes, Miguel Baptista, Ed.; McPherson, Maggie, Ed.


    These proceedings contain the papers of the International Conference e-Learning 2015, which was organised by the International Association for Development of the Information and Society and is part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, July 21-24, 2015). The e-Learning 2015…

  1. Desarrollo urbano e inundaciones en la ciudad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria(1869-2000

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    Pablo Máyer Suárez


    Full Text Available En la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria los episodios de lluvia facilitan la manifes-tación de riesgos geomorfológicos. El de las inundaciones constituye uno de los más impor-tantes y ha estado presente desde los orígenes de esta ciudad. Las peculiares característicasdel medio físico, tanto desde el punto de vista topográfico como desde el geológico-geomor-fológico; las distintas formas de ocupación del espacio, con áreas de crecimiento planificadasy otras de crecimiento espontáneo, y las diversas intervenciones en áreas consolidadas, quepotencian o agravan estas inundaciones, hacen de esta ciudad una amalgama en la que el aná-lisis de las causas de las inundaciones resulta un proceso complejo

  2. Inhibition of plasma butyrylcholinesterase activity in the lizard Gallotia galloti palmae by pesticides: a field study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez-Hernandez, Juan C.; Carbonell, R.; Henriquez Perez, A.; Montealegre, M.; Gomez, L.


    A field study was performed to evaluate the effect of exposure to organophosphorus (OP) and carbamate (CB) pesticides on the lizard Gallotia galloti palmae. Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) activity was measured in the plasma of 420 lizards collected from agricultural and reference areas on the Island of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) in two sampling periods. Exposure to cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides was evaluated by a statistical criterion based on a threshold value (two standard deviations below the mean enzyme activity) calculated for the reference group, and a chemical criterion based on the in vitro reactivation of BChE activity using pyridine-2-aldoxime methochloride (2-PAM) or after water dilution of the sample. Mean (±SD) BChE activity for lizards from agricultural areas was significantly lower (Fuencaliente site = 2.00 ± 0.98 μmol min -1 ml -1 , Tazacorte site = 2.88 ± 1.08) than that for lizards from the reference areas (Los Llanos site = 3.06 ± 1.17 μmol min -1 ml -1 , Tigalate site = 3.96 ± 1.62). According to the statistical criterion, the number of lizards with BChE depressed was higher at Fuencaliente (22% of males and 25.4% of females) than that sampled at Tazacorte (7.8% of males and 6.2% of females). According to the chemical criterion, Fuencaliente also yielded a higher number of individuals (112 males and 47 females) with BChE activity inhibited by both OP and CB pesticides. CBs appeared to be the pesticides most responsible for BChE inhibition because most of the samples showed reactivation of BChE activity after water treatment (63.3% from Fuencaliente and 29% from Tazacorte). We concluded that the use of reactivation techniques on plasma BChE activity is a better and more accurate method for assessing field exposure to OP/CB pesticides in this lizard species than making direct comparisons of enzyme activity levels between sampling areas. - Capsule: Chemical reactivation of lizard BChE activity is a suitable diagnostic method for

  3. The impact of Airbnb in the urban arena: towards a tourism-led gentrification? The case-study of Palma old quarter (Mallorca, Spain)


    Yrigoy, Ismael


    Last five years have witnessed the birth and rapid sprawl of Airbnb, an app that offers short-term rentals across the world. Using as a case study the Historical quarter in Palma (Mallorca), the paper problematizes three of the basic selfcreated Airbnb assumptions: (i) Airbnb enrich low-income population. (ii) Airbnb invigorates the housing market (iii) Airbnb boost forms of tourism more acceptable by local residents. This paper argues that the emergence of Airbnb is triggering a wave of tour...

  4. Supplémentation de feuilles de palmier (Elaeis guineensis traitées à la vapeur à des agneaux en Malaisie

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    Bengaly, K.


    Full Text Available Supplementation of Steamprocessed Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Fronds for Lambs in Malaysia. The effect of supplementation of steam-treated oil palm fronds (SOPF at an optimum rate of urea inclusion (16 g/kg together with graded levels of pelleted cassava foliage (PCF on nitrogen balance in lambs was investigated. The PCF was fed in amounts equivalent to 0% (PCF0, 20% (PCF20 or 40% (PCF40 of dry matter (DM intake of steam-treated oil palm fronds to 9 lambs in a completely randomized block design. The level of PCF supplementation had a positive effect (P0.05. Nitrogen balance was only positive when the lambs received the highest level of PCF supplementation (PCF40. Results of rumen metabolites (pH, ammonia-nitrogen and volatile fatty acids did not indicate any depressive effect on microbial digestion of SOPF. It was concluded that SOPF supplemented with adequate amount of urea (i.e. 16 g/kg and small quantities of PCF (e.g. 200 g/kg DM would significantly increase total DM intake without any depressive effect on intake of basal SOPF. The supplementation improved nitrogen balance and live weight gains of the animals.

  5. Geología y vulcanología de La Palma y El Hierro, Canarias Occidentales

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    Pérez Torrado, F. J.


    Full Text Available The western Canaries, relatively little studied until a few years ago from the geological point of view, have however provided decisive data for understanding many of the most important geological problems of the Archipelago, which would probably have been dilucidated earlier, had the study begun with the most recent islands, as occurs in similar chains of oceanic volcanic islands in other parts of the world. To summarize the main geological features and evolutionary characteristics of both islands we emphasize the following stages of development: During the Pliocene, a submarine volcanic edifice or seamount formed in the island of La Palma, made up of pillow lavas, pillow breccias and hyaloclastites, intruded by trachytic domes, plugs of gabbros, and a highly dense dyke swarm. The intense magmatic and dyke intrusion uplifted the searnount up to 1,500 m, tilting it 45-50" to the SW. This intrusive phase was followed by a period of quiescence and erosion of the emerged submarine edifice. The definitive consolidation and progression of the construction of the island continued from at least 1.77 ma in angular and erosive discordance over the submarine basement. The subaerial volcanic reactivation, in which explosive volcanism predominated during the initial stages, producing abundant volcanoclastic and phreatomagmatic materials at the base of the subaerial edifice, persisted in a highly continuous manner until at least 0.41 ma. This initial subaerial stage shaped the northern volcanic shield, formed by the accumulation of several superimposed volcanoes, approximately concentric in relation to one another and the submarine basement. The initial stage of the northern volcanic shield lasted between 1.77 and 1.20 ma, during which period the Garafía volcano was built to a height of 2,500-3,000 m, with steeply sloping flanks, formed predominantly by alkaline basalts with abundant pahoehoe lavas. The rapid growth and progressive instability of the Garaf

  6. Genetic architecture of palm oil fatty acid composition in cultivated oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) compared to its wild relative E. oleifera (H.B.K) Cortés. (United States)

    Montoya, Carmenza; Cochard, Benoit; Flori, Albert; Cros, David; Lopes, Ricardo; Cuellar, Teresa; Espeout, Sandra; Syaputra, Indra; Villeneuve, Pierre; Pina, Michel; Ritter, Enrique; Leroy, Thierry; Billotte, Norbert


    We searched for quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with the palm oil fatty acid composition of mature fruits of the oil palm E. guineensis Jacq. in comparison with its wild relative E. oleifera (H.B.K) Cortés. The oil palm cross LM2T x DA10D between two heterozygous parents was considered in our experiment as an intraspecific representative of E. guineensis. Its QTLs were compared to QTLs published for the same traits in an interspecific Elaeis pseudo-backcross used as an indirect representative of E. oleifera. Few correlations were found in E. guineensis between pulp fatty acid proportions and yield traits, allowing for the rather independent selection of both types of traits. Sixteen QTLs affecting palm oil fatty acid proportions and iodine value were identified in oil palm. The phenotypic variation explained by the detected QTLs was low to medium in E. guineensis, ranging between 10% and 36%. The explained cumulative variation was 29% for palmitic acid C16:0 (one QTL), 68% for stearic acid C18:0 (two QTLs), 50% for oleic acid C18:1 (three QTLs), 25% for linoleic acid C18:2 (one QTL), and 40% (two QTLs) for the iodine value. Good marker co-linearity was observed between the intraspecific and interspecific Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) linkage maps. Specific QTL regions for several traits were found in each mapping population. Our comparative QTL results in both E. guineensis and interspecific materials strongly suggest that, apart from two common QTL zones, there are two specific QTL regions with major effects, which might be one in E. guineensis, the other in E. oleifera, which are independent of each other and harbor QTLs for several traits, indicating either pleiotropic effects or linkage. Using QTL maps connected by highly transferable SSR markers, our study established a good basis to decipher in the future such hypothesis at the Elaeis genus level.

  7. Genetic Architecture of Palm Oil Fatty Acid Composition in Cultivated Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Compared to Its Wild Relative E. oleifera (H.B.K) Cortés (United States)

    Montoya, Carmenza; Cochard, Benoit; Flori, Albert; Cros, David; Lopes, Ricardo; Cuellar, Teresa; Espeout, Sandra; Syaputra, Indra; Villeneuve, Pierre; Pina, Michel; Ritter, Enrique; Leroy, Thierry; Billotte, Norbert


    We searched for quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with the palm oil fatty acid composition of mature fruits of the oil palm E. guineensis Jacq. in comparison with its wild relative E. oleifera (H.B.K) Cortés. The oil palm cross LM2T x DA10D between two heterozygous parents was considered in our experiment as an intraspecific representative of E. guineensis. Its QTLs were compared to QTLs published for the same traits in an interspecific Elaeis pseudo-backcross used as an indirect representative of E. oleifera. Few correlations were found in E. guineensis between pulp fatty acid proportions and yield traits, allowing for the rather independent selection of both types of traits. Sixteen QTLs affecting palm oil fatty acid proportions and iodine value were identified in oil palm. The phenotypic variation explained by the detected QTLs was low to medium in E. guineensis, ranging between 10% and 36%. The explained cumulative variation was 29% for palmitic acid C16:0 (one QTL), 68% for stearic acid C18:0 (two QTLs), 50% for oleic acid C18:1 (three QTLs), 25% for linoleic acid C18:2 (one QTL), and 40% (two QTLs) for the iodine value. Good marker co-linearity was observed between the intraspecific and interspecific Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) linkage maps. Specific QTL regions for several traits were found in each mapping population. Our comparative QTL results in both E. guineensis and interspecific materials strongly suggest that, apart from two common QTL zones, there are two specific QTL regions with major effects, which might be one in E. guineensis, the other in E. oleifera, which are independent of each other and harbor QTLs for several traits, indicating either pleiotropic effects or linkage. Using QTL maps connected by highly transferable SSR markers, our study established a good basis to decipher in the future such hypothesis at the Elaeis genus level. PMID:24816555

  8. Improntas coloniales en las prácticas artísticas latinoamericanas: versiones del retrato etnográfico en la Serie 1989-2000 de Luis González Palma

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    Laura Catelli


    Full Text Available The following article identifies and analyzes the presence of colonial imprints in Serie 1989-2000 by Guatemalan artist Luis Gonzalez Palma (1957. I argue that by citing different versions of the ethnographic portrait visual genre, the Serie builds a temporal arc that extends from the sixteenth century to the Five Hundred Years celebrations (1992. This arc allows us to explore the relation between Art and Anthropology, the representation of Guatemalan indigenous subjects, violence and coloniality in a continued, long-lasting process. In the first part the article delves in a critical and theoretical discussion of the ethnographic turn in art (Kosuth, Foster in a latinamericanist (Camnitzer, Richard, postcolonial and decolonial context (Coronil, Mignolo, Quijano. In the second part, I revise the use of the ethnographic portrait (Brilliant and Mason, Parker Brienen, Lugo Ortiz in racial formations (Omi and Winant in the Americas to further comprehend the presence of this visual genre in Gonzalez Palma´s works, its critical sense, and finally the artist´s proposal to recover “the gaze as power”.

  9. Refinação de óleos vegetais e fracionamento contínuo de óleo de Palma


    Mota, Daniel Santos


    Este relatório enquadra-se na unidade de formação de estágio profissionalizante, do Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar da Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra e traduz algumas partes do trabalho realizado ao longo de 6 meses de estágio, na empresa Rogério Leal. O estágio consistiu na observação, e posterior participação, dos métodos de refinação, hidrogenação, interestereficação e fracionamento do óleo de palma. Neste relatório descreve-se o método de refinação físico e hidrogenação do óleo...

  10. Effect of biodiesel production parameters on viscosity and yield of methyl esters: Jatropha curcas, Elaeis guineensis and Cocos nucifera

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    Godwin Kafui Ayetor


    Full Text Available In this study, the effect of H2SO4 on viscosity of methyl esters from Jatropha oil (JCME, palm kernel oil (PKOME from Elaeis guineensis species, and coconut oil (COME has been studied. Effect of methanol to oil molar mass ratio on yield of the three feedstocks has also been studied. Methyl ester yield was decreased by esterification process using sulphuric acid anhydrous (H2SO4. Jatropha methyl ester experienced a viscosity reduction of 24% (4.1–3.1 mm2/s with the addition of 1% sulphuric acid. In this work palm kernel oil (PKOME, coconut oil (COME and Jatropha oil (JCME were used as feedstocks for the production of biodiesel to investigate optimum parameters to obtain high yield. For each of the feedstock, the biodiesel yield increased with increase in NaOH concentration. The highest yield was obtained with 1% NaOH concentration for all. The effect of methanol in the range of 4:1–8:1 (molar ratio was investigated, keeping other process parameters fixed. Optimum ratios of palm kernel oil and coconut oil biodiesels yielded 98% each at methanol:oil molar ratio of 8:1. The physiochemical properties obtained for each methyl showed superior properties compared with those reported in published data.

  11. Sequence analysis and gene expression of putative exo- and endo-glucanases from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) during fungal infection. (United States)

    Yeoh, Keat-Ai; Othman, Abrizah; Meon, Sariah; Abdullah, Faridah; Ho, Chai-Ling


    Glucanases are enzymes that hydrolyze a variety β-d-glucosidic linkages. Plant β-1,3-glucanases are able to degrade fungal cell walls; and promote the release of cell-wall derived fungal elicitors. In this study, three full-length cDNA sequences encoding oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) glucanases were analyzed. Sequence analyses of the cDNA sequences suggested that EgGlc1-1 is a putative β-d-glucan exohydolase belonging to glycosyl hydrolase (GH) family 3 while EgGlc5-1 and EgGlc5-2 are putative glucan endo-1,3-β-glucosidases belonging to GH family 17. The transcript abundance of these genes in the roots and leaves of oil palm seedlings treated with Ganoderma boninense and Trichoderma harzianum was profiled to investigate the involvement of these glucanases in oil palm during fungal infection. The gene expression of EgGlc1-1 in the root of oil palm seedlings was increased by T. harzianum but suppressed by G. boninense; while the gene expression of both EgGlc5-1 and EgGlc5-2 in the roots of oil palm seedlings was suppressed by G. boninense or/and T. harzianum. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  12. Palma forrageira em substituição ao feno de capim-elefante: efeito sobre consumo, digestibilidade e características de fermentação ruminal em ovinos Spineless cactus in replacement of elephantgrass hay: effect on intake, apparent digestibility and ruminal fermentation characteristics in sheep

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    Safira Valença Bispo


    Full Text Available Este experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill, como fonte de forragem, sobre o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e das características ruminais de carneiros. Cinco dietas isoproteícas foram formuladas, em que a palma forrageira substituiu 0, 14, 28, 42 e 56% do feno de capim elefante na dieta. Cinco ovinos machos não-castrados foram distribuídos em um delineamento em quadrado latino 5 x 5 (cinco períodos, cinco níveis de palma e cinco repetiç��es. Cada período experimental teve duração de 13 dias - sete para adaptação e seis dias para coleta de dados e amostras. Os consumos de MS, MO, EE, PB, CT, CNF e NDT aumentaram linearmente com a substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. O consumo de água diminuiu linearmente e o de FDN apresentou efeito quadrático com a substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de EE, PB, CNF e FDN não foram influenciados, enquanto os de MS, MO e CT aumentaram linearmente com a substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. O pH e a concentração de NH3 ruminal decresceram linearmente com a substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. A substituição do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta melhora a ingestão e o aproveitamento dos nutrientes.A study was conducted with the objective to evaluate the effects of replacing elephant-grass by spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill as a forage source on intake, apparent digestibility of the nutrients and of ruminal fermentation characteristics of sheep. Five iso-nitrogenous diets were formulated where spineless cactus replaced 0, 14, 28, 42 and 56% of elephantgrass in the diet. Five non-castrated male sheep were allotted to a 5 x 5 Latin square design

  13. Potensi Lumpur Sawit (SOLID Sebagai Pakan Ruminansia di Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau

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    Kodri Yanto


    Full Text Available Potential of palm oil’s waste (solid as ruminant feed in Pelalawan district of Riau Province ABSTRACT. The objective of this study was to know potential of solid waste in Pelalawan district, Riau province. Research was carried out from December 2007 – January 2008 in Pelalawan district by using 4 factories of Elaeis guineensis (PKS. The four factories that were used for data collection were PT. Multi Palma Sejahtera (MPS, PT. Inti Indo Sawit Subur (IIS, PT. Sinar Agro Raya (SAR and PT. Musim Mas (MM. The results of study showed that solid waste in Pelalawan district of Riau province had a great potential. Production of solid waste in Pelalawan district was around 76.176 tons/year and carrying capacity was 5.132 animals unit. Farmers will use solid waste at large quantity if they raise livestock in commercially, for instance for fattening purpose. The strategies which can be applied to maximize solid waste utilization are through partnership between farmers and factories or local government pihak PKS.

  14. Las catástrofes naturales y el desarrollo urbano: el aluvión de 1713 y su repercusión en Las Palmas

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    Pedro C. Quintana Andrés


    Full Text Available Las Palmas fue una ciudad sacudida periódicamente por una serie de catástrofes naturales quc generaron gran incertidumbre, elevados gastos económicos e, incluso, muertes en el seno de una sustancial parte de su población. La mayoría de estos episodios estuvieron relacionados con las reiteradas avenidas del barranco Guiniguada, cuyo cauce dividía a la urbe en dos partes, siendo la registrada en 1713 una de las principales por la dimensión del desastre y la demostración de la proverbial incapacidad de las autoridades para afrontar el problema, el cual no tuvo una solución parcial hasta los inicios del siglo XIX.Las Palmas was a city periodically shaken by a series  of natural catastrophes that generated great uncertainty, high economical expenses and deads in the bossom of a great part of popuiation. Most of these episodes were related with the repeated flood of the Guiniguada ravine, which riverbanks divided the city in two parts and being that recorded in 1713 one of the most important due to the dimensions of the disaster and demonstration of the proverbial incompetence of the authorities to face the problem, which did not have a partial solution until the beginning of XIX century.

  15. Antinociceptive and free radical scavenging activities of Cocos nucifera L. (Palmae) husk fiber aqueous extract. (United States)

    Alviano, Daniela S; Rodrigues, Karen F; Leitão, Suzana G; Rodrigues, Marcio L; Matheus, Maria Eline; Fernandes, Patrícia D; Antoniolli, Angelo R; Alviano, Celuta S


    In the current study, the analgesic and free radical scavenging properties of an aqueous extract from the husk fiber of Cocos nucifera L. (Palmae) were demonstrated by the use of in vivo and in vitro models. The orally administered Cocos nucifera aqueous extract (200 or 400 mg/kg) inhibited the acetic acid-induced writhing response in mice. Tail flick and hot plate assays demonstrated that treatment of animals with this plant extract at 200 mg/kg induced attenuation in the response to a heat stimulus. A LD(50) of 2.30 g/kg was obtained in acute toxicity tests. Topic treatment of rabbits with the Cocos nucifera extract indicated that it does not induce any significant dermic or ocular irritation. In vitro experiments using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) photometric assay demonstrated that this plant extract also possesses free radical scavenging properties.

  16. Caracterização biométrica de artículos da palma miúda (Nopalea cochenillifera em função da adubação orgânica

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    Maria de Lourdes Saturnino Gomes


    Full Text Available A palma forrageira é a cultura xerófila com maior potencial de exploração no Nordeste. Porém a variedade mais produzida, a palma gigante (Opuntia fícus indica (Mill. mostrou-se vulnerável a praga cochonilha-do-carmim, sendo, necessários testes com variedades resistentes à referida praga. Objetivou-se com este trabalho caracterizar os cladódios da palma forrageira (Nopalea cochenilifera Salm Dyck variedade miúda, plantada com cladódios de diferentes tamanhos e adubos orgânicos – o bovino e ovino irrigada com 2,5L.m-1 linear. O experimento foi conduzido no Distrito de Santa Luzia do Seridó, Município de Picuí-PB, entre maio de 2013 e dezembro de 2013. Adotou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 6 tratamentos e três repetições, em esquema fatorial 3x2: três tamanhos de cladódios: 15; 20 e 25 cm e duas adubações orgânica: esterco bovino e ovino. Procederam-se as seguintes avaliações: altura da planta, comprimento, largura, perímetro, espessura e área do cladódio a cada trinta dias entre 180 e 210 Dias Após o Plantio (DAP. O esterco ovino obteve maior desempenho para altura de planta. O esterco bovino incrementou as medidas dos cladódios primários. O esterco ovino obteve maior desempenho nas medidas dos cladódios secundários.  O cladódio de 25cm em função do esterco ovino obteve um índice biométrico superior.

  17. Enriquecimento protéico da palma forrageira com Saccharomyces cerevisiae para alimentação de ruminantes Protein enrichment of cactus pear with Saccharomyces cerevisiae for ruminants feeding

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    L.F. Araújo


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o processo de enriquecimento protéico da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill com levedura Sacharomyces cerevisiae em cultivo semi-sólido, visando melhorar o valor nutritivo da palma para ser utilizada na alimentação de ruminantes. A levedura foi utilizada nas concentrações de 1, 2 e 3% em base úmida no substrato formado pela palma forrageira, incubada em biorreatores durante 6, 12, 24 e 36 horas de fermentação. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo de parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições. O conteúdo de proteína bruta quando se utilizou concentração de 3% de inóculo, no período de seis horas, aumentou de 4,4% na forma in natura para 10,4% após o processamento. Os teores protéicos na concentração de 1% do inóculo foram de 6,1, 8,1, 8,1 e 9,2%; na concentração de 2%, 9,6, 9,7, 9,8 e 9,8% e na concentração de 3%, 10,4, 10,4 7,9 e 7,9%, nos períodos de 6, 12, 24 e 36 horas de fermentação, respectivamente. Uma fonte alternativa para arraçoamento de ruminantes, pode ser obtida pela bioconversão da palma forrageira.The process of protein enrichment of the forage palm (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast in a semi-solid culture to improve the nutritional value of forage palm for ruminants feeding was evaluated. The yeast concentrations of 1, 2 and 3% (wet basis in the forage palm substrate were used. The periods of incubation were of 6, 12, 24, and 36 hours. A complete randomized experimental design in a split plot arrangement with four replicates was used. The crude protein content increased from 4.4% (in natura to 10.4% when 3% of inoculums were used and the processing period was of 6 hours. The observed protein contents for 1% of the inoculum, used for the fermentation periods of 6, 12, 24, and 36 hours were 6.1, 8.1, 8.1, and 9.2%, respectively. These values were 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, and 9.8% for 2% of the inoculum, and 10.4, 10.4, 7.9, and 7

  18. Visita ??ntima na unidade prisional feminina de regime fechado e provis??rio de Palmas/TO: sentidos e significados analisados sob o enfoque fenomenol??gico


    Paro, Marcelo Laurito


    Relat??rio t??cnico de pesquisa aplicada que teve por objetivo analisar o fen??meno da visita ??ntima na Unidade Prisional Feminina de Palmas/TO, sob a perspectiva das pr??prias mulheres encarceradas. O m??todo fenomenol??gico utilizado mostrou-se o mais adequado aos objetivos propostos de desvelar e revelar os sentidos e significados atribu??dos pelas presidi??rias ?? visita. A coleta de dados deu-se por question??rio semiestruturado e entrevista aberta com uso de pergunta dis...

  19. Efeito de enzimas hidrolíticas no comportamento reológico do óleo de palma cru

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    FREITAS Suely P.


    Full Text Available No processamento tradicional de extração de óleo de palma, uma quantidade substancial do produto é perdida na fibra - durante a etapa de prensagem do fruto - e na borra - durante a etapa de clarificação do óleo cru. A viscosidade deste constitui a principal dificuldade de separação do óleo dos demais componentes da mistura. A eficiência de recuperação do óleo é usualmente melhorada por adição de água, no tanque de clarificação. Neste trabalho avaliou-se os efeitos da diluição e do tratamento enzimático no comportamento reológico do óleo de palma cru. Estes dados são importantes para estimar a velocidade de separação do óleo nos tanques de clarificação e/ou nos decanters das usinas comerciais. O óleo cru utilizado neste estudo foi recolhido em uma unidade comercial sendo composto de 65% de água, 30% de óleo e 5% de sólidos. A hidrólise enzimática foi conduzida usando como agentes hidrolisantes uma enzima comercial (viscozyme da Novo Nordisk e um preparado enzimático produzido no CTAA. Pode-se constatar que quanto mais diluída a amostra maior é a redução na viscosidade após a hidrólise enzimática. Para uma taxa de deformação fixa em 6s-1, o tratamento enzimático do óleo cru a 60°C reduziu a viscosidade do mesmo em cerca de 29% enquanto a adição de 20% de água em cerca de 35%. A combinação da diluição com 20% de água seguida de tratamento enzimático reduziu a viscosidade do óleo cru em cerca de 75%.

  20. Alterações oxidativas em óleos de algodão, girassol e palma utilizados em frituras de mandioca palito congelada

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações oxidativas produzidas nos óleos de algodão, girassol e palma, durante o processo de fritura descontínua de mandioca palito congelada. As frituras foram conduzidas em uma fritadeira elétrica doméstica, onde o óleo foi aquecido, à temperatura de 180°C, por 25 horas, com reposição de óleo fresco. Os resultados obtidos das determinações analíticas foram submetidos às análises de variância, em esquema fatorial, no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, de modo a determinar a influência dos fatores óleos e tempos de fritura sobre as alterações nos óleos e no produto. Os resultados mostraram que as menores alterações ocorreram para o óleo de palma, mais saturado. Para os óleos de algodão e girassol, mais insaturados, verificou-se que ao longo dos tempos de frituras ocorreu um aumento da formação dos compostos de degradação e diminuiu a estabilidade oxidativa. Apesar das diferenças na composição em ácidos graxos, os óleos estudados não apresentaram, em nenhuma análise, valores acima dos limites recomendados, independentemente do tempo de aquecimento. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Óleos vegetais; alterações oxidativas; estabilidade oxidativa; frituras.

  1. ostulaciones políticas en la novela colombiana La casa de las dos palmas, del escritor Manuel Mejía Vallejo


    Sandoval, Liliana Andrea; Sierra, Claudia Marcela


    Este artículo está basado en la investigación titulada “Postulaciones políticas en la novela colombiana del siglo XX” de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Bucaramanga, 2009, que consta de tres apartados: la triple mimesis de Ricoeur en Tiempo y narración, análisis del entorno del autor y difusión de su obra en los ambientes escolares.La novela La casa de las dos palmas de Manuel Mejía hace un recuento de la realidad sociopolítica del momento, el machismo marcado y el sometimiento d...

  2. Estimación de la huella de carbono en una planta extractora de aceite de palma en Colombia: estudio de caso


    Moreno García, José Edwin


    El presente trabajo de grado presenta una estimación de la Huella de Carbono que la empresa Guaicaramo S.A. generó durante el año de estudio. La metodología aplicada permitió determinar la actividad del proceso de extracción de aceite de palma que contribuye en mayor proporción al incremento de este indicador. Los resultados obtenidos pueden ser utilizados como una línea base para para el control de emisiones por parte de la empresa. Se estimó la emisión de los gases dióxido de carbono, metan...


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    Carlos Santiago Martín Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe los nexos o relaciones existentes entre tres aspectos de gran actualidad: el desarrollo inmobiliario-turístico, la ordenación del territorio y las estrategias políticas. Para ello, estudiamos un caso emblemático en Canarias: el proceso de construcción del Resort Cerca Vieja en Fuencaliente, isla de La Palma.

  4. Aplicação de espectroscopia no infravermelho médio e calibração multivariada para quantificação de adulterantes e teor em biodiesel de óleo de palma com óleo de soja, soja residual e diesel


    Teles, Edvando Souza


    No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidas e validadas metodologias baseadas no uso da Espectroscopia no Infravermelho Médio (MIR) aliada à calibração multivariada por Quadrados Mínimos Parciais (PLS) para a quantificação de adulterantes como óleo de soja e óleo de soja residual nos biodieseis metílicos e etílicos de palma na faixa de concentração de 0,25 a 30,00 (%), bem como determinação de teor de biodiesel metílico e etílico de palma em suas misturas binárias com diesel na faixa de concentr...

  5. Cloning of nitric oxide associated 1 (NOA1) transcript from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) and its expression during Ganoderma infection. (United States)

    Kwan, Yee-Min; Meon, Sariah; Ho, Chai-Ling; Wong, Mui-Yun


    Nitric oxide associated 1 (NOA1) protein is implicated in plant disease resistance and nitric oxide (NO) biosynthesis. A full-length cDNA encoding of NOA1 protein from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) was isolated and designated as EgNOA1. Sequence analysis suggested that EgNOA1 was a circular permutated GTPase with high similarity to the bacterial YqeH protein of the YawG/YlqF family. The gene expression of EgNOA1 and NO production in oil palm root tissues treated with Ganoderma boninense, the causal agent of basal stem rot (BSR) disease were profiled to investigate the involvement of EgNOA1 during fungal infection and association with NO biosynthesis. Real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis revealed that the transcript abundance of EgNOA1 in root tissues was increased by G. boninense treatment. NO burst in Ganoderma-treated root tissue was detected using Griess reagent, in advance of the up-regulation of the EgNOA1 transcript. This indicates that NO production was independent of EgNOA1. However, the induced expression of EgNOA1 in Ganoderma-treated root tissues implies that it might be involved in plant defense responses against pathogen infection. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  6. The study of genetic diversity of Daemonorops draco (Palmae using ISSR markers

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    Full Text Available Asra R, Syamsuardi, Mansyurdin, Witono JR. 2014. The study of genetic diversity of Daemonorops draco (Palmae using ISSR markers. Biodiversitas 15: 109-114. The genetic diversity in five populations of Daemonorops draco(Willd. Blume (Jernang: in Bahasa Indonesia was analyzed using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR markers. The screening results from using 15 ISSR primers showed that only 5 of ISSR primers had clear and reproducible bands. Based on the data from the matrix binary analyzed using POPGENE version 3.2, the highest genetic diversity was found in the Sepintun population at 0.0969 average heterozygosis (H and 0.146 average Shannon Index (I. The heterozygosis calculation of the total population (HT was 0.2571. The heterozygosis value within a population (HS=0.0704 was smaller than that between populations (DST=0.1867. Using the clustering analysis program Past version 32 on 43 individuals of D. draco, we found that there were three groups of D. draco. Group A consisted of 8 individuals in the Bengayoan population, group B consisted of 9 units in the Nunusan population and group C consisted of three populations; Tebo, Sepintun and Mandiangin consisted of 10, 8 and 8 individuals. The genetic similarity varied among all populations withthe values between 0.07-0.93.

  7. La cerámica romana de paredes finas del Santuario de So n'Oms, Palma de Mallorca. Nuevas producciones de Mallorca e Ibiza

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    López Mullor, Alberto


    Full Text Available Inside the talayotic complex known as So n'Oms, in the municipal area of Palma (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, there is a sanctuary excavated in the sixties which produced an ample series of thin walled pottery that were dedicated as offerings to the gods. All the material found can be dated between 20-10 a.C.-. and 50 d.C. It is so well preserved that it has been possible to recognise and determine decoration and paste and, therefore, to reach to the conclusion that most of them belongs to production centers situated in Mallorca and Ibiza (from this last almost the 70%. There are, also, italic and betican productions.Dentro del conjunto talayótico conocido como So n'Oms, situado en el término municipal de Palma (Mallorca, islas Baleares, existe un santuario excavado en la década de los sesenta, que proporcionó un extenso lote de cerámica de paredes finas, depositadas allí como ofrenda. Los materiales pueden situarse entre los años 20/10 a.C. y 50 de nuestra era. Destaca su buen estado de conservación, que ha permitido un reconocimiento minucioso de pastas y decoraciones, habiéndose podido atribuir una gran parte de las piezas a centros productores de Mallorca y sobre todo —más del 70 %— de Ibiza. También se han localizado vasos héticos e itálicos.

  8. Spatial and temporal distribution of fish in Palmas bay, Ubatuba, Brazil

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    Maria Luiza Chisté Flaquer da Rocha


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to analyze the distribution and abundance of the fish fauna of Palmas bay on Anchieta Island in southeastern Brazil. Specimens were caught in the summer and winter of 1992, using an otter trawl at three locations in the bay. The specimens were caught in both the nighttime and daytime. Data on the water temperature and salinity were recorded for the characterization of the predominant water mass in the region, and sediment samples were taken for granulometric analysis. A total of 7 656 specimens (79 species, with a total weight of approximately 300 kg, were recorded. The most abundant species were Eucinostomus argenteus, Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus, Haemulon steindachneri, Eucinostomus gula and Diapterus rhombeus, which together accounted for more than 73% of the sample. In general, the ecological indices showed no differences in the composition of species for the abiotic variables analyzed. The multivariate analysis showed that the variations in the distribution of the fish fauna were mainly associated with intra-annual differences in temperature and salinity, resulting from the presence of South Atlantic Central Water (SACW in the area during the summer. The analysis also showed an association with the type of bottom and a lesser association with respect to the night/day periods.Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a composição e a abundância da fauna de peixes provenientes da enseada Palmas em Ubatuba, costa sudeste do Brasil. Os espécimes foram obtidos no verão e no inverno de 1992, utilizando-se uma rede de arrasto de fundo em três locais da enseada. Os arrastos foram realizados no período noturno e no período diurno. Foram obtidos dados de temperatura e salinidade da água para caracterização da massa de água predominante na região e amostras do sedimento para análise granulométrica. Foram capturadas 79 espécies de Actinopterygii, representadas por 7 656 indivíduos com peso total aproximado de

  9. Avaliação dos benefícios da coleta de lixo em Palmas, Tocantins: uma aplicação do método de avaliação contingente Evaluation of the garbage collection benefits in Palmas, Tocantins: an application of contingent evaluation method

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    Wilians dos Santos Silva


    Full Text Available O acesso aos serviços de saneamento ambiental, em especial, a coleta e a disposição final dos resíduos sólidos, é fundamental para a saúde pública e a preservação do meio ambiente, pois com a redução da má disposição do lixo, ocorre uma diminuição das endemias e da contaminação do solo. O investimento em saneamento ambiental é um dos grandes desafios para os gestores públicos, devido a sua ampla relação entre meio ambiente, saúde pública e desenvolvimento local. O presente trabalho visou estimar a máxima disposição a pagar pelo serviço de coleta de lixo para o município de Palmas, em Tocantins, por meio do método de avaliação contingente. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os principais fatores determinantes da disposição a pagar são: o nível de renda e a escolaridade.The access to environmental sanitation services, especially the collection and final disposition of solid residues, is fundamental for the public health and environment preservation, because by reducing the bad garbage disposition, there is a decrease of the endemic diseases and soil contamination. The investment in environmental sanitation is one of the great challenges for public managers, due to its wide relationship among the environment, public health, and local development. The present work sought to esteem the willingness to pay for the garbage collection service for the municipal district of Palmas, in Tocantins, through the contingent evaluation method. The obtained results indicate that the main decisive factors of the willingness to pay are: the level of income and the education.

  10. Las catástrofes naturales y el desarrollo urbano : el aluvión de 1713 y su repercusión en Las Palmas


    Quintana Andrés, Pedro C.


    Las Palmas fue una ciudad sacudida periódicamente por una serie de catástrofes naturales quc generaron gran incertidumbre, elevados gastos económicos e, incluso, muertes en el seno de una sustancial parte de su población. La mayoría de estos episodios estuvieron relacionados con las reiteradas avenidas del barranco Guiniguada, cuyo cauce dividía a la urbe en dos partes, siendo la registrada en 1713 una de las principales por la dimensión del desastre y la demostración de la proverbial incapac...

  11. Implementació del programari lliure al web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales

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    Ordóñez Nievas, Ramón


    Full Text Available Es descriu el projecte de disseny i implementació del web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales per mitjà d'un sistema de gestió de continguts open source que permeti integrar les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació, obtenir un major grau d'accessibilitat i usabilitat i un disseny visual més amigable, acord amb les noves tendències web. S'incorporen les noves eines web 2.0 per aconseguir una major participació dels usuaris en l'elaboració dels continguts i millorar així els serveis oferts. Finalment, es destaca en aquest procés la utilització d'eines, extensions i altres aplicacions de programari lliure en totes les etapes del seu desenvolupament.Se describe el proyecto de diseño e implementación de la página web de la Biblioteca Pública de Can Sales a través de un sistema de gestión de contenidos open source que permita integrar las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación, obtener un mayor grado de accesibilidad y usabilidad y un diseño visual más amigable acorde con las nuevas tendencias web. Se incorporan las nuevas herramientas web 2.0 para conseguir una mayor participación de los usuarios en la elaboración de los contenidos y mejorar así los servicios ofrecidos. Finalmente se destaca en este proceso la utilización de herramientas, extensiones y demás aplicaciones de software libre en todas las etapas de su desarrollo.This paper reports on the design and development of the website of Can Sales, the public library in Palma, Majorca whose open source contents management system has made it possible to integrate the new ITs, improve site accessibility and usability and make the website’s visual experience more user friendly. The website has incorporated new Web 2.0 tools to improve its services and allow users to participate more actively in the design and development of the contents. Finally, the paper also focuses on the importance, at all stages of the project, of the tools

  12. Lo Studio d’Arte Palma: Storia di un’impresa per il commercio artistico nell’Italia del dopoguerra

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    Viviana Pozzoli


    Full Text Available Inaugurato a Roma nel maggio 1944, a poche settimane dalla Liberazione, lo Studio d’Arte Palma ha costituito un inedito esperimento di organizzazione artistica capace di coniugare attività espositive, mercantili e di centro di restauro, nell’ottica congiunta di un’esigenza di valorizzazione del patrimonio e delle produzioni d’arte italiane e della proposta di un nuovo gusto, espressione dei valori del mondo contemporaneo. Questo contributo intende, per la prima volta, tracciarne il profilo, mettendo in luce la specificità dell’iniziativa nel coevo panorama delle gallerie d’arte. A partire dall’analisi delle fonti d’archivio, si precisano la storia, la progettualità e la programmazione della “Palma”, a cui collaborarono, raccolte attorno alla figura del suo fondatore, Pietro Maria Bardi, alcune tra le personalità di maggiore rilievo del sistema delle arti del tempo.

  13. Desplazamientos de la iguana verde, Iguana iguana (Squamata: Iguanidae) durante la estación seca en La Palma, Veracruz, México


    Morales-Mávil, Jorge E; Vogt, Richard C; Gadsden-Esparza, Héctor


    Usamos radiotransmisores para determinar los desplazamientos de la iguana verde (Iguana iguana) en el periodo de anidación (febrero-julio) en La Palma, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México (18°33’ N, 95°03’ W). Las iguanas fueron radiolocalizadas entre 23 y 30 ocasiones, principalmente en árboles (56 % entre 3-9 m); sólo 4 % fueron localizadas en el suelo. El tamaño del ámbito hogareño de machos y de hembras fue similar (9 158.06±3 025.3 m² vs. 6 591.24±4 001.1 m², respectivamente; t= 0.51, p>0.05)....

  14. El abastecimiento de pescado fresco en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria a fines del siglo XVIII

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    Full Text Available En el transcurso del setecientos, particularmente en su segunda mitad, cruza sobre España, al igual que sobre el resto de Occidente, una polémica sobre las ventajas que reportaría la libertad de precio de los productos —su valor regulado por la ley de oferta y la demanda—, motor del desarrollo económico.No es ahora mi objeto detenerme en el análisis de la penetración de las doctrinas fisiocráticas y del librecambismo smithsoniano. Mi interés se reduce a cosa mucho más simple. Mostrar como también la polémica alcanzó a Canarias. Veremos la lucha que sostuvo la Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Las Palmas en pro de la abolición de la tasa del pescado fresco que consumía la población.

  15. Desplazamientos de la iguana verde, Iguana iguana (Squamata: Iguanidae durante la estación seca en La Palma, Veracruz, México

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    Jorge E Morales-Mávil


    Full Text Available Usamos radiotransmisores para determinar los desplazamientos de la iguana verde (Iguana iguana en el periodo de anidación (febrero-julio en La Palma, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México (18°33’ N, 95°03’ W. Las iguanas fueron radiolocalizadas entre 23 y 30 ocasiones, principalmente en árboles (56 % entre 3-9 m; sólo 4 % fueron localizadas en el suelo. El tamaño del ámbito hogareño de machos y de hembras fue similar (9 158.06±3 025.3 m² vs. 6 591.24±4 001.1 m², respectivamente; t= 0.51, p>0.05. Se encontró una correlación significativa entre la LHC y el ámbito hogareño (r= 0.76, gl= 7, pDisplacements of the green iguana (Iguana iguana (Squamata: Iguanidae during the dry season in La Palma, Veracruz, Mexico. The green iguana (Iguana iguana is said to be primarily sedentary, although the females travel long distances to nest. Displacement patterns must be known to help predict the effects of environmental disturbance on iguanas’ survival. We studied nesting season (February-July movements in La Palma, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico (18°33’ N, 95°03’ W. Individual movements and activity were monitored by radio tracking. The transmitters were implanted surgically in eight adult iguanas (four males and four females. Snout vent length (SVL was used to determine the relationship between size of the body and size of home range. To estimate the size of home range, three or more points were used. Minimum convex polygons estimates of home range were calculated with McPAAL. The iguanas were radio-located between 23 and 30 occasions, mainly in trees (56 % between 3-9 m; only 4 % were localized under a height of 3 m (forest floor. The occupation area mean was larger for males (9 158.06±3 025.3m² vs. 6 591.24±4 001.1 m² although the differences were not significant (t= 0.51, p>0.05. SVL was correlated with home range (r= 0.76; gl= 7; p<0.05. Breeding males defended their home range vigorously against other adult males. We observed one


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    Sumaryono Sumaryono


    Full Text Available Plantlets of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. derived from so-matic embryos sometimes do not form well developed-roots. Root formation of unrooted-plantlets can be induced with aux-in during ex vitro acclimatization period to simplify the proce-dure and to reduce seedling production cost. Experiments were conducted using a completely randomized design to determine the effect of different types of auxin, i.e. indole-3-acetic acid (IAA, indole-3-butyric acid (IBA, and 1-naphthalene-acetic acid (NAA at different concentrations, i.e. 0, 2, 4, 8, and 16 mM on root development of oil palm plantlets. The plantlets used were derived from somatic embryos of MK 649 oil palm clone. The basal end of the shoots was dipped in auxin solution for 10 minutes before the shoot was cultured in a small plastic pot containing a mixed growing medium. The cultures were then placed inside a closed transparent plastic tunnel (240 cm x 100 cm x 95 cm for 12 weeks. The results showed that without auxin treatment only 15% of the shoots formed roots. Dipping in auxin solution increased significantly root frequen-cy to more than 50%. The best root formation was found on the shoots treated with 2 mM NAA by which rooting frequency was 80%. Auxin treatments also increased root quality as indi-cated by more number of primary and secondary roots. IAA, IBA, and NAA treatments at all concentrations tested increased significantly shoot height on average by 42% and shoot diame-ter by 30% compared to control treatment, but did not influ-ence root length. The best treatment for inducing roots of oil palm plantlets ex vitro was by dipping the basal end of the plant-lets in 2 mM NAA solution. The result showed that rooting of oil palm plantlets could be successfully conducted ex vitro that would eliminate sterile rooting stage thus simplify the protocol and reduce seedling production time and cost.

  17. Elaboração e caracterização físico-química e microbiológica da farinha da palma (Opuntia fícusindica Mill em diferentes temperaturas

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    D. S. Severo


    Full Text Available A Palma forrageira (Opuntia fícusindica Mill é uma cactácea originária do México, porém bastante cultivada na região semiárida do nordeste. Na alimentação humana, geralmente, são usados em preparações culinárias os brotos de palma, os frutos in natura ou processados. Uma das maneiras de diversificar o uso da palma forrageira seriam a secagem e sua transformação em farinhas para incorporação em diversos produtos. Desta forma o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade físico-química e microbiológica da farinha. As amostras foram coletadas na zona rural e transportadas para o laboratório do Centro Vocacional e Tecnológico /UFCG – Campus Pombal – PB, as mesmas foram desidratadas até a total retirada da umidade em estufa de circulação de ar nas seguintes temperaturas: 70, 80 e 90 °C, posteriormente passaram por um liquidificador industrial, em seguida por um moinho de facas para a obtenção da farinha. Após a obtenção foram realizadas as análises microbiológicas e analises físico-químicas. O emprego na alimentação humana, a palma forrageira é um grande potencial produtivo do Semiárido com alternativas sustentadas de desenvolvimento.Preparation and physical chemistry and microbiological characterization of flour palm ( Opuntia fícusindica Mill at different temperaturesAbstract: The Spineless cactus ( Opuntia fícusindica Mill is a cactaceous originally from Mexico, but rather grown in semi-arid region of the northeast. For human consumption, generally, they are used in culinary preparations the palm shoots, os frutos in natura ou processados. One way to diversify the use of cactus would be drying and processing into meal for incorporation into various products. Thus the aim of this study was to evaluate the physical - chemical and microbiological quality of the flour. The samples were collected in the countryside and transported to the laboratory and Technological Vocational Center / UFCG - Campus

  18. Contribución al estudio de biología reproductiva de un especie de bactris (palmae en el bosque de Galería (depto. Beni, Bolivia

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    Full Text Available CONTRIBUTION A L’ETUDE DE BIOLOGIE REPRODUCTIVE D’UNE ESPECE DE BACTRIS (PALMAE DE FORET DE GALERIE (DPT. BENI, BOLIVIE. Cette étude présente les résultats d’observations préliminaires sur la biologie de reproduction de Bactris bidentula Spruce des forêts-galerie situées dans les savanes des plaines de Moxos (Espíritu, département du Beni, Bolivie. Les observations réalisées ont permis d’obtenir des données sur les caractères végétatifs, la phénologie, l’anthèse et les agents pollinisateurs possibles. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos de observaciones preliminares sobre la biología reproductiva de Bactris bidentula Spruce del bosque de galería en las sabanas de los llanos de Moxos (Espíritu, Depto. Beni, Bolivia. Las observaciones realizadas permitieron registrar datos vegetativos, fenológicos, antesis y posibles polinizadores. CONTRIBUTION TO REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF A BACTRIS SPECIES (PALMAE IN A GALLERY FOREST (DEPART. OF BENI, BOLIVIA. Here we present results of preliminary observations on the reproductive biology of Bactris bidentula Spruce of gallery forest of the savanna of Llanos de Moxos (Espíritu, Dept. Beni, Bolivia. The observations registered information about vegetative features, phenology, anthesis, and possible pollinators.

  19. Factores que influyen en la embriogénesis somática in vitro de palmas (Arecaceae

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    María Viñas


    Somatic embryogenesis (SE is an in vitro developmental pathway that exhibits a number of advantages over other techniques for regeneration of palms. This technique has great potential to overcome the limitations observed when trying to propagate these plants clonally using basal buds. Despite the known recalcitrance of palms for in vitro culture, good results can be obtained by using the appropriate growth regulators, explant type and developmental stage, as well as responsive genotypes. This has been partially observed in Phoenix dactylifera (date palm, Elaeis guineensis (African oil palm, Bactris gasipaes (peach palm and Cocos nucifera (coconut. Efficient protocols have been also generated in less-studied palms, such as Geonoma gamiova (an ornamental palm, Euterpe edulis (Assai palm and Areca catechu (areca palm. Induction of  SE has been achieved mainly through the use of auxins. Of these, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D has been used most frequently, although in some cases (such as in peach palm and African oil palm picloram and dicamba have been employed also with good results. The most commonly used explants are young inflorescences, apical buds and leaf-basal segments. Explant size and culture medium also play an important role in obtaining good results. This review presents a compilation of the most important publications on SE in this plant family and the effect of various factors on induction and development of this pathway. Key words: Culture medium; explants; genotype; plant growth regulators; regeneration

  20. Leishmanicidal activity of polyphenolic-rich extract from husk fiber of Cocos nucifera Linn. (Palmae). (United States)

    Mendonça-Filho, Ricardo R; Rodrigues, Igor A; Alviano, Daniela S; Santos, André L S; Soares, Rosangela M A; Alviano, Celuta S; Lopes, Angela H C S; Rosa, Maria do Socorro S


    The available therapy for leishmaniasis, which affects 2 million people per annum, still causes serious side effects. The polyphenolic-rich extract from the husk fiber of Cocos nucifera Linn. (Palmae) presents antibacterial and antiviral activities, also inhibiting lymphocyte proliferation, as shown by our group in previous works. In the present study, the in vitro leishmanicidal effects of C. nucifera on Leishmania amazonensis were evaluated. The minimal inhibitory concentration of the polyphenolic-rich extract from C. nucifera to completely abrogate parasite growth was 10 microg/ml. Pretreatment of peritoneal mouse macrophages with 10 microg/ml of C. nucifera polyphenolic-rich extract reduced approximately 44% the association index between these macrophages and L. amazonensis promastigotes, with a concomitant increase of 182% in nitric oxide production by the infected macrophage in comparison to nontreated macrophages. These results provide new perspectives on drug development against leishmaniasis, since the extract of C. nucifera at 10 microg/ml is a strikingly potent leishmanicidal substance which inhibited the growth of both promastigote and amastigote developmental stages of L. amazonensis after 60 min, presenting no in vivo allergenic reactions or in vitro cytotoxic effects in mammalian systems.

  1. Palma Forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill em Substituição à Silagem de Sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench na Alimentação de Vacas Leiteiras Replacement of Forage Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill for Sorghum Silage (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench in the Dairy Cows Feeding

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    Walmir Lima Wanderley


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de vacas da raça Holandesa em lactação, alimentadas com rações contendo diferentes níveis (0, 12, 24 e 36% de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill em substituição à silagem de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench. Foram utilizadas oito vacas distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos (4x4. Cada período experimental teve duração de 21 dias, sendo 14 destinados à adaptação dos animais às rações e sete para coleta. Os consumos de matéria seca (MS, em kg/dia, % de PV e em relação ao peso metabólico (g/kg0,75, e matéria orgânica e carboidratos totais, expressos em kg/dia, não foram influenciados pela adição de palma na ração, apresentando valores médios de 20,18; 3,41; 167,80; 18,86; e 14,85, respectivamente. O consumo de carboidratos não-fibrosos, em kg/dia, aumentou, e os de fibra em detergente neutro, em kg/dia e % de PV, fibra em detergente ácido; proteína bruta e extrato etéreo, expressos em kg/dia, diminuíram linearmente com a inclusão de palma na ração. O consumo de sódio não foi influenciado pela adição de palma na ração, com valor médio de 29,45g/dia. Os consumos de potássio e magnésio aumentaram e o de fósforo diminuiu linearmente com a adição de palma na ração. Não houve efeito da inclusão de palma sobre a produção de leite com e sem correção para 3,5% de gordura, cujos valores médios foram de 25,01 e 26,97kg/dia, respectivamente. O teor de gordura do leite foi influenciado de forma quadrática, sendo o teor máximo estimado em 4,08%, com 20,51% de palma na ração. A conversão alimentar aumentou linearmente com a inclusão de palma.The experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of lactating Holstein cows fed diet with different replacement levels (0, 12, 24 and 36% of forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill for sorghum silage (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench. Eight cows were assigned to a two 4x4 latin

  2. In vitro rescue of interspecific embryos from Elaeis guineensis x E. oleifera (Arecaceae). (United States)

    Angelo, Paula Cristina da Silva; Moraes, Larissa Alexandra Cardoso; Lopes, Ricardo; Sousa, Nelcimar Reis; da Cunha, Raimundo Nonato Vieira; Quisen, Regina Caetano


    The African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is the most effective oil producer in tons per hectare. Nevertheless, its increasing cultivation in Latin America is harmed by the "lethal yellowing". Genetic resistance to this anomaly can be found in the germplasm of American oil palm or caiaué (E. oleifera), a native species from the Amazon rainforest. However, the procedures adopted to induce seeds of E. guineensis to germination frequently result mild for interespecific hybrids. Embryo in vitro cultivation can be a viable option. This work was aimed initially to test liquid MS medium supplemented with different glucose or sucrose concentrations for the in vitro cultivation of zygotic embryos from E. guineensis x E. oleifera controlled pollinations. Additionally we investigated different compost mixtures to acclimatize the regenerated hybrid plantlets. Concentrations of 10, 20 and 30g/L of both sugars were tested on flasks containing five mature zygotic embryos, with 15 repetitions per treatment in a total of 450 explants. The number of embryos displaying shoots and radicles at least 2mm in length per experimental unit was evaluated during phase one of in vitro cultivation. Plantlets displaying shoots and radicles were transferred to phase two of in vitro cultivation and subsequently to acclimatization, under 70% shading with manual water supply. The experiments of acclimatization were conducted with 130 plantlets randomly distributed in pure horticultural compost, 3:1 or 1:1 compost:sand mixtures and each plantlet was defined as an experimental unit. Data were submitted to ANOVA, t test and analyzes of correlation (p < or = 0.05). Highest emergence rates were 97% for shoots and 73% for radicles, observed in MS medium supplemented with 20g/L (110mM) of glucose. This sugar in concentrations of 20 or 30g/L provided balanced shoot/root development, and this was considered one of the reasons for the higher frequency of plantlet establishment. The survival percentage was 55

  3. Chronology and volcanology of the 1949 multi-vent rift-zone eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands) (United States)

    Klügel, A.; Schmincke, H.-U.; White, J. D. L.; Hoernle, K. A.


    The compositionally zoned San Juan eruption on La Palma emanated from three eruptive centers located along a north-south-trending rift zone in the south of the island. Seismic precursors began weakly in 1936 and became strong in March 1949, with their foci progressing from the north of the rift zone towards its south. This suggests that magma ascended beneath the old Taburiente shield volcano and moved southward along the rift. The eruption began on June 24, 1949, with phreatomagmatic activity at Duraznero crater on the ridgetop (ca. 1880 m above sea level), where five vents erupted tephritic lava along a 400-m-long fissure. On June 8, the Duraznero vents shut down abruptly, and the activity shifted to an off-rift fissure at Llano del Banco, located at ca. 550 m lower elevation and 3 km to the northwest. This eruptive center issued initially tephritic aa and later basanitic pahoehoe lava at high rates, producing a lava flow that entered the sea. Two days after basanite began to erupt at Llano del Banco, Hoyo Negro crater (ca. 1880 m asl), located 700 m north of Duraznero along the rift, opened on July 12 and produced ash and bombs of basanitic to phonotephritic composition in violent phreatomagmatic explosions ( White and Schmincke, 1999). Llano del Banco and Hoyo Negro were simultaneously active for 11 days and showed a co-variance of their eruption rates indicating a shallow hydraulic connection. On July 30, after 3 days of quiescence at all vents, Duraznero and Hoyo Negro became active again during a final eruptive phase. Duraznero issued basanitic lava at high rates for 12 h and produced a lava flow that descended towards the east coast. The lava contains ca. 1 vol.% crustal and mantle xenoliths consisting of 40% tholeiitic gabbros from the oceanic crust, 35% alkaline gabbros, and 20% ultramafic cumulates. The occurrence of xenoliths almost exclusively in the final lava is consistent with their origin by wall-rock collapse at depth near the end of the eruption

  4. Tierra, palma africana y conflicto armado en el Bajo Atrato chocoano, Colombia. Una lectura desde el cambio en los órdenes de extracción

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    Paola García Reyes


    Full Text Available Desde la década de 1990 la región del Pacífico colombiano vive un proceso inédito de agudización del conflicto armado interno. Algunos estudios han descrito este hecho como una consecuencia no intencionada del reconocimiento de las poblaciones negras de la región como grupos étnicos propietarios de los territorios en los que habitan. En este artículo me pregunto de qué forma resultaron modificadas las dinámicas de conflicto en la subregión del Bajo Atrato chocoano (1985-2005 en Colombia, si esto se vincula con la explotación de sus recursos naturales, en particular la palma de aceite y cuál fue el papel que jugó en estas dinámicas el cambio en el régimen de propiedad de la tierra. Para responder a estas preguntas me baso en los estudios sobre la economía política de los conflictos armados e introduzco el concepto de órdenes de extracción con el fin de analizar las acciones de los actores del conflicto, los empresarios de la palma, el Estado como agente regulador y las poblaciones negras. Mi conclusión principal es que el cambio en la estructura de propiedad de la tierra no fue causa del conflicto y que el tipo de actor involucrado es una variable relevante.

  5. Genomic selection prediction accuracy in a perennial crop: case study of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). (United States)

    Cros, David; Denis, Marie; Sánchez, Leopoldo; Cochard, Benoit; Flori, Albert; Durand-Gasselin, Tristan; Nouy, Bruno; Omoré, Alphonse; Pomiès, Virginie; Riou, Virginie; Suryana, Edyana; Bouvet, Jean-Marc


    Genomic selection empirically appeared valuable for reciprocal recurrent selection in oil palm as it could account for family effects and Mendelian sampling terms, despite small populations and low marker density. Genomic selection (GS) can increase the genetic gain in plants. In perennial crops, this is expected mainly through shortened breeding cycles and increased selection intensity, which requires sufficient GS accuracy in selection candidates, despite often small training populations. Our objective was to obtain the first empirical estimate of GS accuracy in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), the major world oil crop. We used two parental populations involved in conventional reciprocal recurrent selection (Deli and Group B) with 131 individuals each, genotyped with 265 SSR. We estimated within-population GS accuracies when predicting breeding values of non-progeny-tested individuals for eight yield traits. We used three methods to sample training sets and five statistical methods to estimate genomic breeding values. The results showed that GS could account for family effects and Mendelian sampling terms in Group B but only for family effects in Deli. Presumably, this difference between populations originated from their contrasting breeding history. The GS accuracy ranged from -0.41 to 0.94 and was positively correlated with the relationship between training and test sets. Training sets optimized with the so-called CDmean criterion gave the highest accuracies, ranging from 0.49 (pulp to fruit ratio in Group B) to 0.94 (fruit weight in Group B). The statistical methods did not affect the accuracy. Finally, Group B could be preselected for progeny tests by applying GS to key yield traits, therefore increasing the selection intensity. Our results should be valuable for breeding programs with small populations, long breeding cycles, or reduced effective size.

  6. Radical activity evaluation in African Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) using phosphorous - 32

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez D, C.G.


    Low lands, wet and tropical, its are producing potential of oil palm, since this plant is notoriously bearable to poor soils in nutrients. Oil palm cultivation is relatively new at Colombia, commercial sowings date hardly of 1950s and in spite of this, tenacity and futuristic vision of some entrepreneurs have permitted that this activity, in few existence years, may have had a growing dynamics and strengthening of agricultural sector. The objective of this Thesis, it's to evaluate field conditions of radical activity, making an analysis in utilization efficiency of monoammonium phosphate labeled with 32P that was produced at INEA (today Ingeominas) with an activity of 1mCi/gram. Furthermore, its are intended to define differences of absorption in 1,9 and 17 leaves continuing the palm leaves phyto taxis, with the objective to determine the number of leaf for foliate analysis. The work was carried out in a 6-year-old age cultivation belonging to Uni palma company, located at Cumaral Municipality (Meta Department), situated to 500 meters on sea level, being a representative batch of African palm cultivation at Colombia's Eastern Plains. Soil is classified as Oxi sol, with ph of 4.5 and with high iron and aluminum indices. It was used the Isotopic Tracers methodology, the one which was highly effective, inasmuch as was determined that greater radical activity is found 2.5 meters of plant foot, with a percentage absorption average of 60.8 with respect to other treatments. Due to fact that were not found differences in phosphorus absorption between leaves 1,9 and 17, is recommended for foliate analysis to make use of any number of leaf. Efficiency of use of monoammonium phosphate was decreased (2.0710), something which makes necessary to promote tending studies to improve its behavior, more yet taking into account high cost of fertilizers and environmental pollution risks

  7. Modelagem matemática da desidratação osmo-convectiva da palma forrageira (Opuntia fícus-indica Mill utilizando soluções mistas

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    E. T. Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se nesse estudo avaliar a influência de pré-tratamentos osmóticos utilizando secagem convectiva complementar no processo de perda de água, ganho de sólidos e nos parâmetros de qualidade (cor, atividade de água e textura de cladódios de palma forrageira. O Cladódio foi submetido à desidratação osmótica utilizando soluções mistas contendo 5% de NaCl e concentrações de sacarose de 50 e 60 °Brix, em diferentes proporções palma/solução (1:1, 1:4 e 1:10 a 40°C. Posteriormente foi realizada secagem convectiva a 50 e 60 °C. Foram utilizados, para ajuste aos dados experimentais da secagem, os modelos matemáticos de Page, Henderson & Pabis, Cavancanti Mata, Exponencial de Dois Termos e Midilli. O cladódio de palma in natura e desidratado foi caracterizado quanto aos parâmetros de cor, atividade de água e textura. O aumento da perda de massa foi proporcional ao aumento da proporção cladódio/solução utilizada na desidratação osmótica e o ganho de sólidos foi maior para a concentração de 50 °Brix. O modelo matemático de Midilli foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados experimentais. Os parâmetros de cor, atividade de água e textura foram modificados pelas condições de desidratação osmótica e de secagem as quais o cladódio de palma foi submetido. O cladódio desidratado a 50 °C apresentou melhor preservação da cor, maior resistência ao corte e menor atividade de água.  Mathematical modeling of osmo-convective dehydration of the cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill using mixed solutionsAbstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of osmotic pre-treatments with complementary convective drying in the water loss process and solids gain of cactus pear cladodes, to obtain palm for human consumption. The cladode was subjected to osmotic dehydration using mixed solutions containing 5% NaCl and sugar concentrations of 50 and 60 °Brix in different proportions palm/solution (1:1, 1



    E. M. Ferro; E. Chirino; M. Márquez; H. Ríos; Odile Rodríguez; R. J. Valdés; A. A. Sarmiento


    Se llevó a cabo una investigación en el municipio La Palma, Pinar del Río, con el objetivo de valorar el papel que ha jugado el sistema formal de producción y distribución de semillas mejoradas de granos principales: frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.), maíz (Zea mays, L.) y arroz (Oryza sativus, L.), en apoyo a la seguridad alimentaria de este municipio. Para ello, se analizaron los registros históricos de la entrada de semillas de estos granos a través de la granja urbana durante los últimos si...

  9. Diversidad, patrones de uso y conservación de palmas Arecaceae en bosques pluviales del Chocó, Colombia

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    Hamleth Valois-Cuesta


    Full Text Available La familia Arecaceae es rica en especies, principalmente en el trópico, y constituye una fuente de recursos para la subsistencia de sus pobladores. En el presente trabajo se estudió la riqueza, diversidad, composición y patrones de uso de la familia Arecaceae en tres localidades de la cuenca media del río Atrato en el Chocó, Colombia, con el fin de obtener información que permita su conservación y uso sostenible. Se registraron 29 especies en 18 géneros, siendo Bactris 24.13 y Wettinia 10.34 los géneros más ricos en especies. El Buey mostró más especies y géneros 23 especies, 17 géneros que Beté 15 y 10 respectivamente y Tanguí 14 y 11 respectivamente. La similitud florística entre localidades fue menor al 45. Las especies con mayor peso ecológico y valor de uso fueron: Euterpe oleracea Mart., Oenocarpus bataua Mart., Attalea allennii H.E. Moore, Manicaria saccifera Gaertn., Bactris gassipaes Kunth y Wettinia quinaria O.F.Cook y Doyle R. Bernal. Las categorías de uso con mayor riqueza de especies e importancia cultural fueron: construcción, alimento y uso artesanal; y los órganos más usados fueron tallos y frutos. Los resultados de este trabajo demuestran que el Atrato Medio posee alta riqueza y diversidad de especies de palmas en un contexto regional y nacional. Sin embargo, la relación entre el número de uso y la importancia ecológica de la especie depende de la localidad, lo que indica que la importancia socio-cultural de la especie puede variar entre grupos humanos que comparten una misma cultura o región biogeográfica. Se publicarán estudios a futuro para determinar el papel del tipo de órgano utilizado como materia prima en la demografía y dinámica ecológica de las poblaciones de palma en el Chocó y otras regiones del Neotrópico.

  10. Evaluación del cuesco de palma africana y del carbón del cerrejón para producir carbón activado

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    Anundo Polanía León


    Full Text Available Se produjeron carbones activados a partir de carbón de El Cerrejón y del Cuesco de Palma Africana mediante activación con vapor de agua y KOH, a 700 y 800 ó 900°C variando la relación activante/carbonizado y el tiempo de activación. Los tiempos de activación a los que se desarrolla mayor área superficial son mucho más cortos con el vapor de agua que con el KOH. Al activar con este último se obtienen valores de área superficial similares errlas dos materias primas, según la temperatura de trabajo, mientras que la activación con vapor de agua, presenta características totalmente diferentes. La activación del Cuesco de Palma Africana con KOH, produce carbones esencialmente microporosos, mientras que con vapor de agua, produce carbones activados con una apreciable mesoporosidad favorecida por el incremento de la temperatura. La activación del carbón de El Cerrejón con KOH o vapor de agua produce carbones activados microporosos. En líneas generales se puede decir que el tipo de textura porosa obtenida en la producción de un carbón activado, es función no sólo de los agentes activantes utilizados, sino también del tipo u origen de la materia prima, mientras que la calidad del carbón activado, (área superficial total, es función del tiempo y de la temperatura de activación, al menos con los materiales de partida usados en este trabajo.

  11. Alterações dos óleos de palma e de soja em fritura descontínua de batatas Palm and soybean oils alterations in the discontinued frying of potatoes

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    Eliana Rodrigues Machado


    Full Text Available Óleos de palma e de soja foram utilizados em experimentos de fritura de batatas em fritadeiras elétricas domésticas de 1 L com relação inicial, superfície sobre volume, de 0,3 cm-1. Em cinco dias consecutivos cada óleo foi submetido por um período de 5 horas por dia à temperatura de (183,1 ± 1,7 °C. Após 25 horas, a perda de ácidos graxos foi de 15,0 e 62,2% (m/m, respectivamente, para os ácidos oléico e linoléico, no óleo de palma; e de 6,5; 24,9 e 39,7% (m/m, respectivamente, para os ácidos oléico, linoléico e linolênico, no óleo de soja. Os teores inicial e final de polímeros foram de 0,4 e 23,7% (m/m no óleo de palma, e de 0,5 e 30,7% (m/m no óleo de soja. A relação entre a perda dos ácidos graxos e a formação de polímeros mostrou uma correlação forte com coeficientes de correlação de 0,9951 e 0,9740 para os óleos de palma e de soja, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que maiores graus de alteração ocorreram em ácidos graxos mais insaturados; e que a alteração pode ser eficazmente verificada através da determinação quantitativa de polímeros.Palm and soybean oils were used in experiments of frying of potatoes in 1 L, household electric deep fryers with a surface-to-volume ratio of 0,3 cm-1. The oils were heated for five hours every day for five consecutive days at a temperature of 183.1 ± 1.7 °C. the evaluation of oil degradation was followed by the increase of polymer contents and changes in fatty acid composition. After 25 hours, the loss of fatty acids were 15.0 and 62.2% for oleic and linoleic acid, respectively in palm oil and 6.5, 24.9 e 39.7% for oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acid, respectively in soybean oil. The content of polymers ranged from 0.4 to 23.7% and from 0.5 to 30.7% for palm and soybean oils, respectively. Linear association between the loss of total unsaturated fatty acids and polymers formation presented high correlation coefficients (0.9951 and 0.9740 for palm and soybean oils

  12. Implementación del software libre en la web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales

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    Ordóñez Nievas, Ramón


    Full Text Available Es descriu el projecte de disseny i implementació del web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales per mitjà d'un sistema de gestió de continguts open source que permeti integrar les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació, obtenir un major grau d'accessibilitat i usabilitat i un disseny visual més amigable, acord amb les noves tendències web. S'incorporen les noves eines web 2.0 per aconseguir una major participació dels usuaris en l'elaboració dels continguts i millorar així els serveis oferts. Finalment, es destaca en aquest procés la utilització d'eines, extensions i altres aplicacions de programari lliure en totes les etapes del seu desenvolupament.Se describe el proyecto de diseño e implementación de la página web de la Biblioteca Pública de Can Sales a través de un sistema de gestión de contenidos open source que permita integrar las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación, obtener un mayor grado de accesibilidad y usabilidad y un diseño visual más amigable acorde con las nuevas tendencias web. Se incorporan las nuevas herramientas web 2.0 para conseguir una mayor participación de los usuarios en la elaboración de los contenidos y mejorar así los servicios ofrecidos. Finalmente se destaca en este proceso la utilización de herramientas, extensiones y demás aplicaciones de software libre en todas las etapas de su desarrollo.This paper reports on the design and development of the website of Can Sales, the public library in Palma, Majorca whose open source contents management system has made it possible to integrate the new ITs, improve site accessibility and usability and make the website’s visual experience more user friendly. The website has incorporated new Web 2.0 tools to improve its services and allow users to participate more actively in the design and development of the contents. Finally, the paper also focuses on the importance, at all stages of the project, of the tools

  13. Utilização de técnicas multivariadas na avaliação da divergência genética entre clones de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.

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    Ferreira Carlos Adonai


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se, por meio de técnicas multivariadas, a divergência genética entre clones de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill., em um experimento instalado na Estação Experimental da Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária - IPA, Caruaru - PE. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram 19 clones de palma do Banco de Germoplasma do IPA. Foram mensuradas: a medidas em artículos, conforme a ordem: comprimento, largura, espessura, número e peso da matéria verde. b medidas por planta: presença de espinho, número de artículos por ordem e total, altura total, infestação por cochonilha e peso da matéria verde. Realizaram-se análises de variância univariada (ANOVA e multivariada (MANOVA, das variáveis canônicas (VC e de agrupamento (AA. Na ANOVA, foi verificada diferença entre as médias de clones e por meio da MANOVA, diferença entre vetores de médias de clones. Com a aplicação da VC, foi possível reduzir a dimensionalidade original para duas dimensões, com explicação de 85,03% da variação total. Foi considerada, como característica passível de descarte, a porcentagem de infestação por cochonilha. Na AA discriminaram-se nove grupos. A característica porcentagem de infestação por cochonilha não deve ser incluída no estudo da diversidade genética nas condições estudadas. As características de maior discriminação foram espessuras dos artículos primário, secundário e terciário, número de artículo primário e pesos médios de matéria verde por artículos secundário e terciário. Em um programa de melhoramento de palma forrageira, devem-se considerar o grupo de clones e o desempenho do clone quanto às características de maior relevância agronômica e zootécnica.

  14. La medición de la calidad de los servicios prestados por los destinos turísticos: el caso de las isla de La Palma

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    Bethencourt Cejas, María


    Full Text Available Mature tourist destinations, such as Canary Islands, have been obliged by an increasing globalizationof tourist offer destinations, located in non developed countries which are highly pricecompetitive,to improve the quality of their tourist services in self-defence. This work is based on aninquiry carried out in La Palma Island. This research took a representative sample of the visitors in theisland. Starting from a previous definition of the quality concept applied to the tourist product, we analyzedtourists’ expectations as well as its assembly to the quality of the services tourists received, usingSERVQUAL as measure scale

  15. Feeding oil palm (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq. fronds alters rumen protozoal population and ruminal fermentation pattern in goats

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    Mahdi Ebrahimi


    Full Text Available Oil palm fronds (OPF, normally available all the year round, may provide a sustainable ruminant feed for livestock industry in tropical regions. A feeding trial was conducted to study the effects of feeding OPF on the rumen protozoal population, rumen fermentation and fatty acid profiles of rumen fluid in goats. Twentyfour five-month-old Kacang crossbred male goats were individually housed and fed for 100 d with concentrate diets supplemented with oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. frond pellets. The treatments were: CON (100% concentrate, MOPF (75% concentrate + 25% OPF, w/w and HOPF (50% concentrate + 50% OPF, w/w. The diets were adjusted to be isocaloric. The pH of rumen fluid was in the order of HOPF (5.90>MOPF (5.74>CON (5.62. Both HOPF (17.75x104/mL and MOPF (17.13x104/mL had significantly (P<0.05 higher population of Entodinium sp. than CON (14.88x104/mL. Although populations of Holotrichs and total protozoa among the three groups did not show any significant difference (P>0.05, populations were in the numerical order of HOPF>MOPF>CON. The molar proportions of acetate were significantly higher (P<0.05 in HOPF animals compared to MOPF and CON. The altered status in the rumen environment due to supplementation of OPF in the diets resulted in the highest (P<0.05 amount of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA in the rumen of animals receiving HOPF and MOPF diet. These results were suggestive of a decreased biohydrogenation in the rumen, resulting in higher levels of UFA available for hindgut absorption, and hence their increased incorporation in the plasma and edible tissues of the HOPF animals.

  16. In vitro rescue of interspecific embryos from Elaeis guineensis x E. oleifera (Arecaceae

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    Paula Cristina da Silva Angelo


    Full Text Available The African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis is the most effective oil producer in tons per hectare. Nevertheless, its increasing cultivation in Latin America is harmed by the “lethal yellowing”. Genetic resistance to this anomaly can be found in the germplasm of American oil palm or caiaué (E. oleifera, a native species from the Amazon rainforest. However, the procedures adopted to induce seeds of E. guineensis to germination frequently result mild for interespecific hybrids. Embryo in vitro cultivation can be a viable option. This work was aimed initially to test liquid MS medium supplemented with different glucose or sucrose concentrations for the in vitro cultivation of zygotic embryos from E. guineensis x E. oleifera controlled pollinations. Additionally we investigated different compost mixtures to acclimatize the regenerated hybrid plantlets. Concentrations of 10, 20 and 30g/L of both sugars were tested on flasks containing five mature zygotic embryos, with 15 repetitions per treatment in a total of 450 explants. The number of embryos displaying shoots and radicles at least 2mm in length per experimental unit was evaluated during phase one of in vitro cultivation. Plantlets displaying shoots and radicles were transferred to phase two of in vitro cultivation and subsequently to acclimatization, under 70% shading with manual water supply. The experiments of acclimatization were conducted with 130 plantlets randomly distributed in pure horticultural compost, 3:1 or 1:1 compost:sand mixtures and each plantlet was defined as an experimental unit. Data were submitted to ANOVA, t test and analyzes of correlation (p≤0.05. Highest emergence rates were 97% for shoots and 73% for radicles, observed in MS medium supplemented with 20g/L (110mM of glucose. This sugar in concentrations of 20 or 30g/L provided balanced shoot/root development, and this was considered one of the reasons for the higher frequency of plantlet establishment. The survival

  17. Textural and chemical characterization of activated carbon prepared from shell of african palm (Elaeis guineensis by chemical activation with CaCl2 and MgCl2

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    Sergio Acevedo


    Full Text Available Activated carbons through chemical activation of African palm shells (Elaeis guineensis with magnesium chloride and calcium chloride solutions at different concentrations were obtained. The prepared materials were characterized textural and chemically. The results show that activated carbons with higher values of surface area and pore volume are obtained when solutions with lower concentrations of the activating agent are used. The obtained activated carbons have surface areas and pore volumes with values between 10 and 501 m2 /g and 0.01 and 0.29 cm3 /g respectively. Immersion enthalpies values of solids in water were between -14.3 and -32.8 J/g and benzene between -13.9 and -38.6 J/g. Total acidity and basicity of the activated carbons had values between 23 and 262 μmol/g 123 and 1724 μmol/g respectively. pH at the point of zero charge was also determined with values between 4.08 and 9.92 for set of activated carbons . The results show that activation with CaCl2 and MgCl2 salts produce activated carbons with pores in the range of mesopores for facilitate entry of the adsorbate into the materials.

  18. Ambient Aerosol in Southeast Asia: High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Measurements Over Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) (United States)

    Phillips, G.; Dimarco, C.; Misztal, P.; Nemitz, E.; Farmer, D.; Kimmel, J.; Jimenez, J.


    The emission of organic compounds in the troposphere is important factor in the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). A very large proportion of organic material emitted globally is estimated to arise from biogenic sources, with almost half coming from tropical and sub-tropical forests. Preliminary analyses of leave cuvette emission studies suggest that oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is a significantly larger source of isoprene than tropical forest. Much larger sources of isoprene over oil palm allied with a larger anthropogenic component of local emissions contrast greatly with the remote tropical forest environment and therefore the character of SOA formed may differ significantly. These issues, allied with the high price of palm oil on international markets leading to increased use of land for oil palm production, could give rise to rapidly changing chemical and aerosol regimes in the tropics. It is therefore important to understand the current emissions and composition of organic aerosol over all important land-uses in the tropical environment. This in turn will lead to a greater understanding of the present, and to an improvement in predictive capacity for the future system. To help address these issues, a high resolution time of flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) was deployed in the Sabahmas (PPB OIL) oil palm plantation near Lahad Datu, in Eastern Sabah, as part of the field component of the Aerosol Coupling in the Earth System (ACES) project, part of the UK NERC APPRAISE program. This project was allied closely with measurements made of similar chemical species and aerosol components at a forest site in the Danum Valley as part of the UK Oxidant and Particle Photochemical Processes above a Southeast Asian tropical rainforest (OP3) project. Measurements of submicron non- refractory aerosol composition are presented along with some preliminary analysis of chemically resolved aerosol fluxes made with a new eddy covariance system, based on the

  19. Rul·lan y el hotel Bahía Palace de Palma. Los canales de difusión de la fotografía de arquitectura turística


    Sebastián-Sebastián, M. (María)


    La Revista Nacional de Arquitectura incluyó en su número de julio de 1955 un extenso artículo sobre el entonces recién inaugurado hotel Bahía Palace. Ubicado en el Paseo Marítimo de Palma y proyectado por Francisco J. Goicoechea y Jacinto Vega, fue el primer alojamiento turístico plenamente contemporáneo de Mallorca. La descripción del edificio se acompañó con diez fotografías que constituyen un documento excepcional para conocer el estado inicial del equipamiento. Pero ninguna...

  20. Substituição total do milho e parcial do feno de capim-tifton por palma forrageira em dietas para vacas em lactação: consumo e digestibilidade Total replacement of corn and partial of tifton hay by forage cactus in diets for lactating dairy cows: intake and digestibility

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    Veronaldo Souza de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Para avaliação do consumo e da digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes de dietas contendo diferentes níveis (0; 12,0; 25,0; 38,0 e 51,0% de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill em substituição total ao milho (Zea mays L. e parcial ao feno de capim-tifton (Cynodon spp, foram utilizadas cinco vacas da raça Holandesa, distribuídas em quadrado latino 5 × 5. No início do experimento, os animais apresentavam 583 ± 7,07 kg de peso corporal (PC e período de lactação em torno de 110 dias. Cada período experimental teve duração de 17 dias, dez dias para adaptação dos animais à dieta e sete dias para coleta de dados. O consumo de MS (kg/dia, %PC e g/kg0,75 e os consumos de MO, EE, PB, carboidratos totais (CT, FDN, FDA e NDT (kg/dia diminuíram linearmente conforme aumentaram os níveis de palma forrageira na dieta. O consumo de CNF, no entanto, aumentou com a inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de MS, MO, EE, PB, CT e CNF não foram influenciados pela inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta. Entretanto, o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da FDN reduziu linearmente com a inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta. A inclusão da palma forrageira nas dietas influenciou negativamente no consumo dos nutrientes e no coeficiente de digestibilidade da FDN.The experiment was conducted to evaluate the intake and apparent digestibility of the nutrients in diets containing different levels (0, 12.0, 25.0, 38.0, and 51.0% of forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill in total replacement of corn (Zea mays L. and partial of Tifton hay (Cynodon spp. Five Holstein cows were assigned to a 5x5 latin square. The animals showed an average of 583 ± 7,07 kg BW and lactation period around 110 days. Each experimental period lasted 17 days, 10 days for the adaptation of the animals to the diet and 7 days for data collecting. The DM intake (kg/day, %BW and g/kg0.75, and the intakes of OM, EE, CP, total

  1. Characterization of promoter of EgPAL1, a novel PAL gene from the oil palm Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (United States)

    Yusuf, Chong Yu Lok; Abdullah, Janna Ong; Shaharuddin, Noor Azmi; Abu Seman, Idris; Abdullah, Mohd Puad


    The oil palm EgPAL1 gene promoter and its regulatory region were functional as a promoter in the heterologous system of Arabidopsis according to the cis-acting elements present in that region. The promoter was developmentally regulated, vascular tissue specific and responsive to water stress agents. Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL, EC is the key enzyme of the phenylpropanoid pathway which plays important roles in plant development and adaptation. To date, there is no report on the study of PAL from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), an economically important oil crop. In this study, the 5' regulatory sequence of a highly divergent oil palm PAL gene (EgPAL1) was isolated and fused with GUS in Arabidopsis to create two transgenic plants carrying the minimal promoter with (2302 bp) and without its regulatory elements (139 bp). The regulatory sequence contained cis-acting elements known to be important for plant development and stress response including the AC-II element for lignin biosynthesis and several stress responsive elements. The promoter and its regulatory region were fully functional in Arabidopsis. Its activities were characterised by two common fundamental features of PAL which are responsive to plant internal developmental programme and external factors. The promoter was developmentally regulated in certain organs; highly active in young organs but less active or inactive in mature organs. The presence of the AC elements and global activity of the EgPAL1 promoter in all organs resembled the property of lignin-related genes. The existence of the MBS element and enhancement of the promoter activity by PEG reflected the behaviour of drought-responsive genes. Our findings provide a platform for evaluating oil palm gene promoters in the heterologous system of Arabidopsis and give insights into the activities of EgPAL1 promoter in oil palm.

  2. Chronic Administration of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Leaves Extract Attenuates Hyperglycaemic-Induced Oxidative Stress and Improves Renal Histopathology and Function in Experimental Diabetes

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    Varatharajan Rajavel


    Full Text Available Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis leaves extract (OPLE has antioxidant properties and because oxidative stress contributes to the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy (DN, we tested the hypothesis that OPLE prevents diabetes renal oxidative stress, attenuating injury. Sprague-Dawley rats received OPLE (200 and 500 mg kg−1 for 4 and 12 weeks after diabetes induction (streptozotocin 60 mg kg−1. Blood glucose level, body and kidney weights, urine flow rate (UFR, glomerular filtration rate (GFR, and proteinuria were assessed. Oxidative stress variables such as 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG, glutathione (GSH, and lipid peroxides (LPO were quantified. Renal morphology was analysed, and plasma transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β1 was measured. Diabetic rats demonstrated increase in blood glucose and decreased body and increased kidney weights. Renal dysfunction (proteinuria, elevations in UFR and GFR was observed in association with increases in LPO, 8-OHdG, and TGF-β1 and a decrease in GSH. Histological evaluation of diabetic kidney demonstrated glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. OPLE attenuated renal dysfunction, improved oxidative stress markers, and reduced renal pathology in diabetic animals. These results suggest OPLE improves renal dysfunction and pathology in diabetes by reducing oxidative stress; furthermore, the protective effect of OPLE against renal damage in diabetes depends on the dose of OPLE as well as progression of DN.


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    Full Text Available Entre agosto de 2005 y julio de 2006 estudiamos la fenología, la biología floral y elsistema reproductivo de una población de Oenocarpus bataua (Palmae en los Andescolombianos. Evaluamos el sistema de polinización y determinamos la abundancia,el comportamiento y la eficiencia de los polinizadores. La población floreció a lolargo del año con un pico entre diciembre y enero. Cada inflorescencia pasa poruna fase masculina, una intermedia no reproductiva y una fase femenina. La antesisocurre en la noche, con producción de aromas y aumento en la temperatura de lasinflorescencias. Durante la fase masculina la temperatura de la inflorescencia fue 5.8ºC, mayor que la temperatura ambiental y mayor que el aumento de la temperaturaen la fase femenina 4.2 ºC. El aroma floral está compuesto predominantemente porα-gurjuneno, ciclozativeno y trans-cariofileno. Las flores fueron visitadas por 81especies de artrópodos, principalmente de Coleópteros. Las inflorescencias en fasemasculina son visitadas en busca de alimento (polen, tejidos vegetales, presa ylugar para apareamiento. Las flores femeninas no ofrecen recompensas y atraen a lospolinizadores por mimetismo químico. La similitud entre los compuestos químicosdel aroma de las inflorescencias en fase masculina y femenina de O. bataua es alta(92%, como ocurre en otras especies de palmas. O. bataua es monoica, xenogámica,autoincompatible y dicogámica con protandria marcada. No encontramos evidenciade transporte de polen a grandes distancias por el viento y al parecer la polinizaciónes principalmente por Coleópteros. Las siguientes especies fueron los polinizadoresmás efectivos, Baridinae Gen 4, sp. 1, Phyllotrox sp. 35, Anchylorhynchus sp.2, Anchylorhynchus tricarinatus (Curculionidae y Mystrops sp. 1 (Nitidulidae,los cuales son responsables del 97 % del flujo de polen entre inflorescencias. Ladependencia mutua, el grado de interrelación y la distribución geográfica similarentre O. bataua

  4. Application of Response Surface Methodology in Extraction of Bioactive Component from Palm Leaves (Elaeis guineensis

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    Nur Afiqah Arham


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 The hydroxyl groups of the polyphenols are capable to act as reducing agent for reduction reaction. The effect of drying temperature, extraction temperature and extraction duration were evaluated using central composite design which consists of 20 experimental runs. Response surface methodology (RSM was used to estimate the optimum parameters in extracting polyphenols from the palm leaves. The correspondence analysis of the results yielded a quadratic model which can be used to find optimum conditions of extraction process. The optimum extraction condition of drying temperature, extraction temperature and extraction duration are 70°C, at 70°C of 10 minutes, respectively. Total polyphenols were determined by application of the Folin-Ciocalteu micro method and the extract was found contain of 8 mg GAE/g dry palm leaves at optimum conditions. Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Doi: 10.12777/ijse.5.2.95-100 [How to cite this article: Arham, N.A., Mohamad, N.A.N., Jai, J., Krishnan, J., Noorsuhana Mohd Yusof, N.M. (2013. Application of Response Surface Methodology in Extraction of Bioactive Component from Palm Leaves (Elaeis guineensis. International Journal of Science and

  5. The use of renewable alternative sources for the isolated electric generation: proposal of agroenergy system implantation based on the palm oil from the Amazonas state, Brazil; O uso de fontes alternativas renovaveis para a geracao eletrica isolada: proposta de implantacao de sistemas agroenergeticos com base na palma africana no Estado do Amazonas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Anamelia Medeiros [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-graduacao de Engenharia (COPPE). Programa de Planejamento Energetico


    This paper presents an analysis of the introduction potential of agroenergetic systems in the state of Amazonas, BR, by giving priority to the plantation of the palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) in deforested areas od the state of Amazonas, BR, which presents the edaphoclimatic conditions necessary for the plantation of this palm tree. The palm oil can be used in natura in stationary engines and cas basic raw material for the production of biodiesel, both through transesterification and cracking as well.

  6. Raman spectroscopic analysis of dragon's blood resins-basis for distinguishing between Dracaena(Convallariaceae), Daemonorops(Palmae) and Croton(Euphorbiaceae). (United States)

    Edwards, Howell G M; de Oliveira, Luiz F C; Prendergast, Hew D V


    "Dragon[prime or minute]s blood" is the name applied to the deep-red coloured resin obtained from various plants. The original source in Roman times, used by many cultures and esteemed for its depth of colour and mystical association, was the dragon tree Dracaena cinnabari(Convallariaceae), found only on the Indian Ocean island of Socotra, (Yemen). Additional sources emerged later, including another species of Dracaena, D. draco, from the Canary Islands and Madeira, and species in the genera Daemonorops(Palmae) from South East Asia and Croton(Euphorbiaceae) from tropical parts of both the New and Old Worlds. In this study, examples of dragon's blood resins from the Economic Botany Collections at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, dating from 1851 to 1993, have been analysed non-destructively using Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectra of well-documented, provenanced specimens have been used to establish the source of specimens of questionable or unknown origin. It has also been possible from the Raman spectra to indicate whether processing of the resins has been undertaken in the preparation of the specimens before their deposition at Kew.

  7. Kinetic of biogas production from oil palm empty fruit bunches

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    Danay Carillo-Nieves


    Full Text Available La producción de aceite de la palma Elaeis guineensis aporta residuales orgánicos como los racimos sin frutos (RSF que representan un 7%. Actualmente los RSF no se aprovechan en su totalidad consti tuyendo un problema medioambiental. Se estudia el empleo de RSF pretratados con NaOH para la producción de biogás. El tiempo de pretratamiento (TP de los RSF influye directamente sobre la c antidad de biogás producida logrando conversiones de sólidos volátiles a biogás de 96%, para TP = 60 min y 29 días de reacción. La pro ducción de biogás se ajusta a una ley cinética de orden 1 obteniéndose las constantes cinéticas de la generación de CH 4 (0,108 d -1 y CO 2 (0,107 d - 1 a la temperatura de operación del reactor (55°C. Se presenta un modelo generalizador que permite estimar la conversión de s ólidos volátiles a biogás en función del tiempo de pretratamiento y de l tiempo de permanencia en el reactor.

  8. Molecular Characterization of the Elaeis guineensis Medium-Chain Fatty Acid Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase DGAT1-1 by Heterologous Expression in Yarrowia lipolytica.

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    Laure Aymé

    Full Text Available Diacylglycerol acyltransferases (DGAT are involved in the acylation of sn-1,2-diacylglycerol. Palm kernel oil, extracted from Elaeis guineensis (oil palm seeds, has a high content of medium-chain fatty acids mainly lauric acid (C12:0. A putative E. guineensis diacylglycerol acyltransferase gene (EgDGAT1-1 is expressed at the onset of lauric acid accumulation in the seed endosperm suggesting that it is a determinant of medium-chain triacylglycerol storage. To test this hypothesis, we thoroughly characterized EgDGAT1-1 activity through functional complementation of a Yarrowia lipolytica mutant strain devoid of neutral lipids. EgDGAT1-1 expression is sufficient to restore triacylglycerol accumulation in neosynthesized lipid droplets. A comparative functional study with Arabidopsis thaliana DGAT1 highlighted contrasting substrate specificities when the recombinant yeast was cultured in lauric acid supplemented medium. The EgDGAT1-1 expressing strain preferentially accumulated medium-chain triacylglycerols whereas AtDGAT1 expression induced long-chain triacylglycerol storage in Y. lipolytica. EgDGAT1-1 localized to the endoplasmic reticulum where TAG biosynthesis takes place. Reestablishing neutral lipid accumulation in the Y. lipolytica mutant strain did not induce major reorganization of the yeast microsomal proteome. Overall, our findings demonstrate that EgDGAT1-1 is an endoplasmic reticulum DGAT with preference for medium-chain fatty acid substrates, in line with its physiological role in palm kernel. The characterized EgDGAT1-1 could be used to promote medium-chain triacylglycerol accumulation in microbial-produced oil for industrial chemicals and cosmetics.

  9. Protective Effects of Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis and/or Red Palm Oil (Elaeis guineensis Supplementation on tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide-Induced Oxidative Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats

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    Olawale R. Ajuwon


    Full Text Available The possible protective effects of an aqueous rooibos extract (Aspalathus linearis, red palm oil (RPO (Elaeis guineensis, or their combination on tert-butyl-hydroperoxide-(t-BHP-induced oxidative hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats were investigated. tert-butyl hydroperoxide caused a significant (P<0.05 elevation in conjugated dienes (CD and malondialdehyde (MDA levels, significantly (P<0.05 decreased reduced glutathione (GSH and GSH : GSSG ratio, and induced varying changes in activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase in the blood and liver. This apparent oxidative injury was associated with histopathological changes in liver architecture and elevated levels of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT, aspartate aminotransferase (AST, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH. Supplementation with rooibos, RPO, or their combination significantly (P<0.05 decreased CD and MDA levels in the liver and reduced serum level of ALT, AST, and LDH. Likewise, changes observed in the activities of antioxidant enzymes and impairment in redox status in the erythrocytes and liver were reversed. The observed protective effects when rooibos and RPO were supplemented concomitantly were neither additive nor synergistic. Our results suggested that rooibos and RPO, either supplemented alone or combined, are capable of alleviating t-BHP-induced oxidative hepatotoxicity, and the mechanism of this protection may involve inhibition of lipid peroxidation and modulation of antioxidants enzymes and glutathione status.

  10. Fabricación de adoquines para uso en vías peatonales, usando cuesco de palma africana

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    Jorge Elías Buzón Ojeda


    Full Text Available Con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida en sectores vulnerables de la sociedad, las investigaciones actuales han centrado sus esfuerzos en desarrollar no solo técnicas y procesos novedosos de construcción, sino que han reorientado sus esfuerzos en crear materiales de construcción no convencionales, que ayuden a rebajar costos y propicien el de la industria de la construcción. Actualmente las plantas productoras de aceite que usan la palma africana como materia prima enfrentan un grave problema, al no saber qué hacer con el desecho final del proceso de producción del aceite. Este desecho posee características mecánicas interesantes: una alta dureza, alta resistencia al desgaste y bajo peso o poca densidad. Estas características la han sabido aprovechar los cultivadores e industriales, pues en lugar de llevar este excedente a botaderos, lo arrojan sobre las vías internas de las plantaciones como material base o capa de rodadura, mejorando así la movilidad de las mismas. Este artículo presenta los satisfactorios resultados parciales de la investigación, que nos motivan a continuar trabajando en este tema.

  11. Pequeños productores, reestructuración y expansión de la palma africana en Chiapas

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    Héctor B. Fletes Ocón


    Full Text Available En el contexto del dinamismo y contradicciones del sector agroalimentario, en la actualidad los pequeños productores son impulsados a emprender una reestructuración de sus prácticas productivas, a través de la plantación de cultivos orientados a biocombustibles, como el de la palma africana. En este artículo se analizan los procesos de reestructuración productiva, promovida por corpora-ciones de distinto origen y por el Estado, y las acciones realizadas por pequeños productores en un municipio con alta marginación, localizado en una región agroexportadora de Chiapas. Se revisan las contradicciones sociales y ambientales de este cambio y sus implicaciones a futuro, en términos del desarrollo agrícola y alimentario nacional. La expansión de este cultivo acentúa las desigualdades sociales, degrada los recursos naturales, utiliza mucha energía fósil, impulsa la concentración de la tierra, debilita los sistemas locales de provisión de alimentos y reduce los márgenes del valor generado en la cadena agroalimentaria para los pequeños productores.

  12. Dynamics of diffuse carbon dioxide emissions from Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands (United States)

    Padrón, Eleazar; Pérez, Nemesio M.; Rodríguez, Fátima; Melián, Gladys; Hernández, Pedro A.; Sumino, Hirochika; Padilla, Germán; Barrancos, José; Dionis, Samara; Notsu, Kenji; Calvo, David


    We report herein the results of 13 soil CO2 efflux surveys at Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma Island, the most active basaltic volcano in the Canary Islands. The CO2 efflux measurements were undertaken using the accumulation chamber method between 2001 and 2013 to constrain the total CO2 output from the studied area and to evaluate occasional CO2 efflux surveys as a volcanic surveillance tool for Cumbre Vieja. Soil CO2 efflux values ranged from non-detectable up to 2442 g m-2 days-1, with the highest values observed in the south, where the last volcanic eruption took place (Teneguía, 1971). Isotopic analyses of soil gas carbon dioxide suggest an organic origin as the main contribution to the CO2 efflux, with a very small magmatic gas component observed at the southern part of the volcano. Total biogenic and magmatic combined CO2 emission rates showed a high temporal variability, ranging between 320 and 1544 t days-1 and averaging 1147 t days-1 over the 220-km2 region. Two significant increases in the CO2 emission observed in 2011 and 2013 were likely caused by an enhanced magmatic endogenous contribution revealed by significant changes in the 3He/4He ratio in a CO2-rich cold spring. The relatively stable emission rate presented in this work defines the background CO2 emission range for Cumbre Vieja during a volcanic quiescence period.

  13. Anemia en mujeres en edad fértil de la Comunidad Nativa Ese’eja - Palma Real, Madre Dios, Perú

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    J. Antonio Grandez-Urbina


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres en edad fértil en comunidades nativas Ese’eja en Madre de Dios, Perú. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, un muestreo tipo censal, se determinó la concentración de hemoglobina mediante la técnica de micro hematocrito. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el paquete estadístico STATA 11.0 (STATA Corp. Texas, US. Resultados: El 77,63% de las mujeres mostró cifras de hemoglobina inferiores a 12 g/dl de ellas, el 29,5% se encontraba entre 11,0 y 11,9 g/dl, lo que se considera como anemia leve; el 70,5% restante tenía la hemoglobina entre 7,0 y 10,9 g/dl. Conclusiones: La anemia es una alteración altamente prevalente en mujeres en edad fértil de la comunidad nativa Ese’eja Palma Real.

  14. The glass furnace of the 17th Century of Sa Gerreria (Palma, Mallorca): Historical context and preliminary analysis of the materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Capella Galmes, M. A.; Albero Santacreu, D.


    In this paper the materials of the glass furnace of Sa Gerreria (Palma) dated in the second half of the 17th Century A.D. are analysed. On the one hand, we discuss the available information regarding this glass workshop as well as the raw material management strategies made during the studied period. On the other hand, we focus on the materials produced by this workshop and we carry out a preliminary archaeometrical analysis of the glass lumps, frits and slags recovered as well as some glass pieces by means of scanning electron microscope and X-ray dispersive energy. The final aim is to characterise the chemical composition and the properties of the raw materials used in this workshop as well as to approach some of the technical processes put in practice by the glass makers who inhabited Mallorca during the 17th Century. (Author)

  15. Evaluación de Varios Insecticidas para el Control del Cephaloleiaspcerca avagelineataPic, Plaga de la Palma Africana

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    Urueta Sandino Eduardo


    Full Text Available Resumen. Se efectuaron varios ensayos para determinar el efecto de carbofuran 1.0, 1.5 y 2. 0 kg I. A./ha; carbaril 1.5 y 2. 0 kg I. A. /ha; lindano 1.0 y 1.5 kg I. A. /ha; diazinon 0.5 lt I. A./ha; dicrotofos 0. 5 lt I. A. /ha; fosfamidon 0.6 lt. I. A/ha; y fention 0.5 lt I. A./ha, sobre adultos y larvas de Cephaloleiasp. cerca avagelineataPic., una plaga de la palma africana en Colombia. Todos los insecticidas fueron efectivos para controlar larvas de Cephaloleiasp. en cogollos, hasta por periodos de más de 30 días. El carbofuran 2.0 kg I. A./ha carbaril 2.0 kg l . A./ha y lindano 1. 5 kg I.A. /hafueron los productos más eficientes para controlar adultos de Cephaloleia. sp. protegiendo por 15 días las hojas más jóvenes. Dicrotofos 0.5 lt I. A./ha; diazinon0.5 lt l. A./ha; fention 0.5 itI. A./ha y fosfamidon 0.6 lt I. A/ha, aparentemente no fueron efectivos para controlar las formas adultas de Cephaloleiasp. Ninguno de los insecticidas fue fitotóxico para la palma africana. /Abstract. Several tests were carried out to determine the effectiveness of carbofuran 1. 0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg A.I./ha; carbaryl 1.5, 2.0 kg. A.I./ha; lindane 1.0, 1.5 kg. A.I./ha; phosphamidon 0.6 lt. A.I./ha; fenthion 0.5 lt. A.I./ha; dicrotophos 0.5 lt. A.I /ha; diazinon 0.5 lt. A.I./ha on larvae and adults of Cephaloleia. sp. near vagelineata Pic a Chrysomelidae that affects young oil palm (Elaeisguineensis leaves in Colombia. All of these insecticides controlled well Cepbaloleia sp. larvae for periods over a month. carbofuran 2 kg. A.I./ha; carbaryl 2kg. A.I./ha and lindane 1.5 kg. A. I./ha gave the best control of Cephaloleia. sp. adults, protecting young oil palm leaves up to 15 days. Dicrotophos 0.5 lts. A.I./ha; fenthion 0.5 lt. A. I./ha; phosphamidon 0.6 lt. A.I./ha; diazinon 0.5 lt. A.I./ha; apparently were not effective to control adults of Cephaloleia sp. None of the insecticides tested showed to be phytotoxic to the oil palm.

  16. 1467-IJBC-Article-Gaston Akouehou +

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    agroforestiers à palmier à huile (Elaeis guineensis) en zones périurbaines et rurales du ... types de systèmes agricoles basés sur la présence d'un nombre important de pieds de palmier à huile (Elaeis ..... Performance socio-économique du.

  17. Adaptación de la metodología de cálculo de huella ecológica para los cultivos de palma africana usando sistemas de información geográfica: estudio de caso Puerto Wilches Santande

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    Claudia Ramírez Cano


    Full Text Available En el municipio de Puerto Wilches el monocultivo de palma africana actualmente es un eje trasversal de la economía, modificando la diversidad de los ecosistemas y cultivos tradicionales de la zona. Por lo cual, el objetivo de esta investigación es medir y evaluar los impactos de los cultivos de palma africana en el lapso de 1987 a 2010 adaptando la metodología desarrollada por Mathis Wackernagel y William Rees y algunos aportes de los desarrollos realizados por Juan Luis Doménech, aunando a estos tecnología satelital e indicadores de biocapacidad y déficit ecológico para conocer los requerimientos de espacios y recursos naturales necesarios para la producción de los derivados de la palma. El análisis de la época arrojó para el año 1987 un indicador de huella ecológica con un valor de 1.255 ha/pc, biocapacidad del cultivo 0.470 ha/pc, déficit ecológico correspondiente a -0.785 ha/pc; se estima un valor del 16 % en cuanto a la producción y uso de recursos. Con relación a los indicadores de sostenibilidad, en 2010 se obtuvieron valores de huella ecológica de 5.492 ha/pc, biocapacidad 1.454 ha/pc y déficit ecológico de -4.038 ha/pc, cifras que evidencian los efectos originados por la implementación del monocultivo en la zona, que para la fecha aumento en un 63 % la producción y uso de recursos naturales. Por lo anterior, es necesario y urgente elaborar e implementar políticas de planificación territorial así como alternativas de producción económica para mejorar la calidad ambiental y social del municipio, deteniendo la acelerada antropización de la región.

  18. Formas de carbono orgánico en suelos con diferentes usos en el departamento del Magdalena (Colombia

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    Menjivar Flores Juan Carlos


    Full Text Available Las fracciones de materia orgánica del suelo (MOS lábiles y humificadas pueden ser afectadas por las prácticas de uso y manejo; sin embargo el impacto de estos cambios no se ha evaluado en suelos y ambientes tropicales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los contenidos y algunas formas de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS en cinco zonas de clima cálido tropical (0 - 1110 m.s.n.m. del departamento del Magdalena (Colombia y el efecto que sobre ellas han tenido las prácticas asociadas a suelos cultivados con café (Coffea arabica, banano (Musa sp., palma africana (Elaeis guineensis y sábila (Aloe vera, comparados con suelos de bosques naturales. No se encontraron diferencias (P < 0.05 tanto entre zonas como entre usos del suelo, se presentaron valores medios a bajos de MOS en las zonas de estudio y contenidos de carbono total (Ct mayores en suelos de bosques que en suelos cultivados, así los suelos de bosques presentan una acumulación media de Ct de 42.4 mg/ha a 20 cm, frente a 33.8 mg/ha en los suelos cultivados, esto equivale a una pérdida media de Ct del 23% por efecto del manejo de los cultivos. En relación con el carbono extraíble con pirofosfato sódico altamente relacionado con las fracciones humificadas de la MOS (Cp se observaron valores muy bajos en los suelos cultivados y casi nulos en suelos de bosques; sin embargo estos últimos presentan mayor contenido de formas de carbono no-oxidables o estables (Cnox determinado por diferencia entre Ct - carbono oxidable (Cox. En el suelo cultivado con banano, el Ct corresponde en su totalidad a formas de Cox; mientras que en el suelo cultivado con palma africana las formas estables Cnox representaron 83% del carbono total.

  19. Formas de carbono orgánico en suelos con diferentes usos en el departamento del Magdalena (Colombia

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    José Rafael Vásquez-Polo


    Full Text Available Las fracciones de materia orgánica del suelo (MOS lábiles y humificadas pueden ser afectadas por las prácticas de uso y manejo; sin embargo el impacto de estos cambios no se ha evaluado en suelos y ambientes tropicales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los contenidos y algunas formas de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS en cinco zonas de clima cálido tropical (0 - 1110 m.s.n.m. del departamento del Magdalena (Colombia y el efecto que sobre ellas han tenido las prácticas asociadas a suelos cultivados con café (Coffea arabica, banano (Musa sp., palma africana (Elaeis guineensis y sábila (Aloe vera, comparados con suelos de bosques naturales. No se encontraron diferencias (P < 0.05 tanto entre zonas como entre usos del suelo, se presentaron valores medios a bajos de MOS en las zonas de estudio y contenidos de carbono total (Ct mayores en suelos de bosques que en suelos cultivados, así los suelos de bosques presentan una acumulación media de Ct de 42.4 mg/ha a 20 cm, frente a 33.8 mg/ha en los suelos cultivados, esto equivale a una pérdida media de Ct del 23% por efecto del manejo de los cultivos. En relación con el carbono extraíble con pirofosfato sódico altamente relacionado con las fracciones humificadas de la MOS (Cp se observaron valores muy bajos en los suelos cultivados y casi nulos en suelos de bosques; sin embargo estos últimos presentan mayor contenido de formas de carbono no-oxidables o estables (Cnox determinado por diferencia entre Ct - carbono oxidable (Cox. En el suelo cultivado con banano, el Ct corresponde en su totalidad a formas de Cox; mientras que en el suelo cultivado con palma africana las formas estables Cnox representaron 83% del carbono total.

  20. Conflitos no uso da terra em Áreas de Preservação Permanente em um polo de produção de biodiesel no Estado do Pará

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    Arlete Silva de Almeida


    Full Text Available As Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs desempenham um papel fundamental na manutenção dos principais fatores que regulam os processos hidrológicos e de conservação biológica. Na Amazônia, as APPs vêm sendo ocupadas com atividades econômicas de alto impacto ambiental que levam à supressão de vegetação, desrespeitando o regime legal desse tipo de área protegida. Este artigo analisa os conflitos de uso da terra dentro das áreas destinadas à preservação e propõe uma delimitação dessas áreas de acordo com o Código Florestal Brasileiro de 2012, no municipio de Moju, um dos mais importantes polos de produção de biodiesel do estado do Pará. A pesquisa utilizou imagem multiespectral de alta resolução do satélite RapidEye de 2010 para uma classificação supervisionada que determinou oito classes de cobertura e uso da terra, com especial atenção para a floresta, o cultivo agrícola e cultivo de óleo de palma (Elaeis guineensis. As terras alteradas do município perfazem 30,29% do total, sendo que 17,07% estão ocupadas pela pecuária. Somente 5,2% do território de Moju é legalmente definido como APP. Destas áreas, 29,3% se encontram em uso conflituoso, onde predomina a pastagem, presente em 15,6% das APPs do município. O cultivo de palma corresponde a apenas 0,63% da área da APP e a 2,17% do município. A aplicação das novas regras de recomposição de APPs pelo novo Código Florestal Brasileiro irá resultar em perda de 60,69% de área recuperada em APPs neste município.

  1. Diversidade de bactérias ambientais e de pacientes no Hospital Geral de Palmas-TO

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    Anderson Barbosa Baptista


    Full Text Available Patógenos resistentes representam um grande desafio para os hospitais no que se referem aos ao tratamento e as medidas profiláticas. Uma vez no ambiente cepas Gram negativas podem adquirir genes de resistência do solo, da água e dos efluentes hospitalares e assim transmiti-los a outros gêneros. Objetivou-se neste estudo quantificar e qualificar as cepas bacterianas presentes nos pacientes com suspeita de infecção hospitalar e no ambiente em que se encontram internados do Hospital Geral de Palmas. Foram encontradas 14 espécies bacterianas diferentes de 141 amostras, sendo 123 de pacientes e 18 do ambiente hospitalar. Nas amostras dos pacientes destacaram-se a Klebsiella pneumoniae (21,9%, Acinetobacter baumannii (13,8%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (12,2%, Escherichia coli (11,4%, Serratia marcescens (10, 6% e Staphylococcus aureus (8,9%, dessas observou-se que 80 cepas eram multirresistentes aos antimicrobianos, prevalecendo a Klebsiella pneumoniae (26,3% e a Acinetobacter baumannii (20,0%. As amostras de Aspirado traqueal apresentaram um maior número de cepas multirresistentes. No ambiente prevaleceram a Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus aureus e Staphylococcus sp. ambas com 22,2%, coletadas de diferentes locais e materiais da UTI como tubo traqueal, Ambu, colchão e monitores. Estes resultados apontam a necessidade de implantação de estratégias administrativas e educativas para reduzir a disseminação de cepas multirresistentes.

  2. Desempenho de ovelhas nativas em confinamento recebendo palma-forrageira na dieta na região do semiárido nordestino Performance of native ewes under feedlot system receiving spineless cactus in diet in Brazilian semiarid region

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    Cicília Maria Silva de Souza


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o ganho de peso, o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes de dieta à base de palma forrageira em ovelhas nativas confinadas na região do semiárido nordestino. Foram testadas duas formas de oferecimento da palma-forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica: separada da mistura feno de capim-tifton + concentrado e junto da mistura feno + concentrado. Utilizaram-se 40 fêmeas das raças nativas Barriga-preta, Cara-curta, Cariri e Morada Nova, com peso inicial médio de 36,76 kg, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 4 × 2, com quatro raças e duas estratégias de alimentação. Os genótipos e as estratégias de alimentação influenciaram os consumos médios de fibra em detergente neutro e nutrientes digestíveis totais e os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da fibra em detergente neutro. O genótipo influencia o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar em ovelhas alimentadas com palma forrageira na dieta, uma vez que animais das raças Cariri e Cara-curta apresentam maiores ganhos de peso.The experiment was carried out with the objective of evaluating the weight gain, intake of nutrients, and the apparent digestibility of diets based on spineless cactus in native ewes in feedlot system in Brazilian semiarid region. Two spineless cactus feeding strategies were evaluated: spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica separated from the Tifton hay + concentrated mixture, and with Tifton hay mixture + concentrate. It was used forty native breed ewes (Barriga Preta, Cara Curta, Cariri and Morada Nova, with average initial body weight of 36.76 kg, distributed in a complete randomized design in a 4 × 2 factorial scheme (four breed and two feeding strategies. The genotypes and feeding strategies neutral fiber detergent had effect on the average intake of neutral fiber detergent and total digestible nutrient, and on the coefficients of neutral fiber detergent

  3. Análise das potencialidades e barreiras referentes ao desenvolvimento e à implementação do biodiesel a partir do óleo de palma na Colômbia


    Ariel Augusto Amaya Avila


    A Colômbia, a partir de 2003, prevendo um déficit na sua produção de combustíveis e tentando reativar a economia rural, iniciou seu programa nacional de biocombustíveis apoiado em políticas, regulamentos e incentivos econômicos para o novo setor energético. É assim que esta dissertação tem como objetivo descrever e analisar o processo de implementação do programa de biodiesel na Colômbia a partir de óleo de palma, determinando a capacidade produtiva do país e discutindo as barreiras existente...


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    Silvia Eugenia Barrera Berdugo


    Full Text Available Los hongos micorrizicos arbusculares (HMA facilitan la absorción de nutrientes a las plantas hospederas, por esta razón estos microorganismos cumplen un rol fundamental en el funcionamiento de los agroecosistemas. Con el fin de evaluar el efecto que tienen los HMA nativos y foráneos en Elaeis guineensis se realizó este experimento. Plantas de tres meses de edad fueron sometidas a cuatro tratamientos: IN, IF, Mixto y Testigo. Se evaluó peso seco total de la planta, peso seco raíz, peso seco parte aérea de la planta, altura de la planta, tasa de crecimiento relativo, porcentaje de colonización y número de esporas. Se hicieron tres muestreos, uno inicial, uno a los 45 días y otro a los 90 días. Los datos fueron analizados mediante un ANOVA o Kruskall-Wallis según el comportamiento de los datos, seguido de un test de medias de Duncan o un test modificado de Tuckey para datos no paramétricos. Se presentaron diferencias significativas en el número de esporas entre los tratamientos IN, IF, Mixto y el Testigo y entre IN y Mixto a los 45 días. En el porcentaje de colonización se observaron diferencias entre los tratamientos IF y Testigo a los 45 días. A los 90 días entre todos los tratamientos con respecto al testigo. A pesar de que el nivel de P en el suelo fue alto, también lo fue el porcentaje de colonización en las dos épocas evaluadas. A través del tiempo el tratamiento IN funcionó mejor en las condiciones edáficas del suelo usado en este experimento.

  5. Producción de biodiesel de aceite crudo de palma mediante catálisis heterogénea

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    Fernando Cardeño


    Full Text Available Se estudió la producción de biodiesel de aceite crudo de palma mediante el uso de catalizadores heterogéneos ácidos y básicos para las etapas de preesterificación y transesterificación respectivamente. La pre-esterificación es necesaria para aceites con una acidez superior al 4% de ácidos grasos libres, ya que se evitan los problemas asociados con la formación de jabones. En ambas reacciones las variables analizadas fueron el tipo de catalizador, la temperatura y el tiempo. Se analizó la conversión del aceite a metilésteres usando cromatografía gaseosa y la estabilidad de los catalizadores mediante su reutilización. En la etapa de pre-esterificación se encontró que catalizadores ácidos del tipo resinas de poliestireno sulfonadas presentan conversiones superiores al 87% estabilidad para la esterificación de los ácidos grasos libres. Para la transesterificación se estudiaron como catalizadores heterogéneos, el carbonato de potasio libre y soportado en una matriz polimérica, obteniéndose con ambos conversiones superiores a 95 % de biodiesel; con el uso del soporte polimérico se disminuyó la velocidad de disolución de carbonato de potasio, permitiendo su reutilización hasta 10 reutilizaciones.

  6. Patrones de distribución, abundancia y riqueza de especies de la avifauna terrestre de la isla de La Palma (islas Canarias

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    Carrascal, L. M.


    Full Text Available We estimate the population size and density, habitat preferences, habitat breadth and probable population trends in the last 25-15 years of the diurnal terrestrial bird species breeding in La Palma island (Canary islands. Data were obtained in a large extensive census program carried out during the 2007 nesting period using line transects that allowed detectability estimations. We also explored patterns of species richness both at inter-habitat and local scale. Local species richness (species per 0.5 km transects showed an important geographical component, increasing from south to north, from west to east, and reaching maximum values at altitudes around 600-1,000 m a.s.l. It was also positively related to vegetation development (specially in the herbaceous and shrub layer, and negatively associated with urbanization and agriculture. Total bird density reached the highest figures in the ‘monteverde’ (laurel and heath forests ca. 650 aves/km2, and in the transition pinewoods-laurel forests (509 aves/km2, while the lowest figures were recorded in high altitude shrublands (153 aves/km2 and recent lava fields (58 aves/km2. The bird species with lower population sizes are Falco [peregrinus] pelegrinoides, Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus, Upupa epops, Carduelis carduelis, Miliaria calandra and Petronia petronia, while the last five species have undergone more negative population trends in the last 15-25 years.

    Se estiman los niveles poblacionales, las densidades ecológicas, los principales patrones de preferencia de hábitat, las posibles tendencias demográficas habidas en los últimos 25 y 15 años, y el estatus de conservación actual de las especies de aves terrestres diurnas reproductoras en la isla de La Palma. Los datos fueron obtenidos durante el periodo reproductor de 2007, utilizando transectos lineales. En total se efectuaron 437 transectos de 0,5 km repartidos por toda la

  7. Efeito da adição de óleo essencial de Origanum vulgar e Ocimum gratissimum L. no perfil lipídico da gordura de palma usada em fritura de batata tipo chips


    Ribeiro, Jessica Trautwein Diniz


    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito antioxidante do óleo essencial de orégano e alfavacão no perfil de ácidos graxos da gordura de palma, utilizada em processo industrial de batata frita tipo chips, em diferentes etapas do processamento, visando reduzir o estado oxidativo da mesma. O óleo essencial foi obtido do resíduo do orégano da indústria de condimentos, e analisou-se também óleo essencial de orégano comercial. A atividade antioxidante do óleo essencial de orégano foi fe...

  8. Avaliação do Binômio Tempo-Temperatura das refeições de um restaurante na cidade de Palmas-TO

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    Natália Rodrigues Borges


    Full Text Available The time-temperature binomial is one of the main indicators of prompt analysis for the control of the amount of microorganisms in food in order to leave them fit for consumption. Such data are a key element of the Hazards and Critical Control Point (HACCP method, and should be monitored daily. The objective of this study was to evaluate the temperature of the food served by the University Restaurant of the Federal University of Tocantins, Campus of Palmas, after preparation, during storage, and during distribution to consumers. Data collection occurred in a five-day period, measuring the temperature of the food served at lunch and dinner. The data were evaluated and the temperature of the preparations was classified as adequate or inadequate following the criteria established by Resolution No. 216, of 15/09/2004, and Ordinance CVS-6 10/03/1999. It concludes that 100% of hot samples were considered appropriate in accordance with the applicable laws. In relation to cold preparations, only 26.66% were in accordance with the law.

  9. Spatial and temporal characterization of some water quality physical parameters and their relationships with land-use in Água Fria watershed (Palmas – TO, Brazil

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    Harry Edmar Schulz


    Full Text Available Due to a high population growth that has been occurring in Palmas and due to land use changes that are caused by this population growth and development, the goal of this paper was to study the behavior of four physical parameters of water quality of the Água Fria watershed. The parameters were turbidity, total suspended solids, settleable solids and total dissolved solids. Eight gauging stations were established and the water samples were monthly collected from February/1998 to February/1999. The water bodies of the watershed were generally in good condition concerning these four parameters. However, there were some cases of seasonal irregularity of some parameters, as well as no correlation among some of studied parameters. This might be an indicator of some impacts like accelerated erosion due to a misuse of the lands and misuse of local water resources.

  10. Palmas de Colombia: clave diagnostica de los géneros y nómina de las especies conocidas

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    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available Después del Brasil, Colombia posee mayor número de palmas que cualquiera otro país del globo.  Débese la razón de esta primacía a la favorable situación geográfica de nuestro territorio, en cuyo ámbito concurren condiciones fitoecológicas muy variadas: por el sur y por el suroeste Colombia ocupa una porción muy amplia de la inmensa Hylæa amazónica*, verdadero Edén del reino vegetal, como llamó a esta región el botánico Kerchove de Denterghem; por el noroeste, las selvas húmedas del Darién, del Atrato y del Chocó son la continuación en este continente de las ricas asociaciones vegetales centro-americanas; hacia el nordeste, las fronteras de nuestro país atraviesan una parte considerable de las grandes selvas vírgenes que cubren la región meridional de la cuenca de Maracaibo y que penetran a Colombia por el Catatumbo, en tanto que por los lados del occidente y del suroeste toda la Costa del Pacifico, desde el Chocó hasta el Ecuador, esta vestida de magnas florestas primitivas sujetas a uno de los regímenes pluviales más abundantes de la tierra.

  11. Fatores de risco relacionados com suicidios em Palmas (TO, Brasil, 2006-2009, investigados por meio de autopsia psicossocial

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    Neci Sena-Ferreira


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva analisar e descrever os fatores de risco e seus determinantes, associados a 24 casos de suicídios ocorridos na cidade de Palmas (TO, no período de 2006 a 2009. Utilizou-se o método de autópsia psicológica e psicossocial, a qual, por meio de entrevistas com familiares, busca investigar os suicídios consumados, contextualizando características da vida do sujeito, e compreender os processos familiares e as circunstâncias afetivas, sociais, econômicas e culturais, fundamentando-se na reconstrução da história e da personalidade da pessoa. Os fatores socioeconômicos associados foram: ser do sexo masculino, solteiro, de cor parda, estar na faixa etária de 20 a 40 anos e com ensino fundamental. Os principais fatores de risco identificados foram: transtornos mentais, abuso de álcool e outras drogas, relacionamento familiar conturbado e histórico de tentativas anteriores. Buscamos contextualizar e refletir sobre alguns casos relatados pelos familiares e sobre a resposta das equipes de saúde às demandas das famílias. A necessidade de implantar programas de prevenção e de capacitar os profissionais da atenção básica foi verificada.

  12. mRNA expression of EgCHI1, EgCHI2, and EgCHI3 in oil palm leaves (Elaeis guineesis Jacq.) after treatment with Ganoderma boninense pat. and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai. (United States)

    Naher, Laila; Tan, Soon Guan; Ho, Chai Ling; Yusuf, Umi Kalsom; Ahmad, Siti Hazar; Abdullah, Faridah


    Basal stem rot (BSR) disease caused by the fungus Ganoderma boninense is the most serious disease affecting the oil palm; this is because the disease escapes the early disease detection. The biocontrol agent Trichoderma harzianum can protect the disease only at the early stage of the disease. In the present study, the expression levels of three oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) chitinases encoding EgCHI1, EgCHI2, and EgCHI3 at 2, 5, and 8 weeks inoculation were measured in oil palm leaves from plants treated with G. boninense or T. harzianum alone or both. The five-month-old oil palm seedlings were treated with Gano-wood blocks inoculum and trichomulch. Expression of EgCHI1, EgCHI2, and EgCHI3 in treated leaves tissue was determined by real-time PCR. Oil palm chitinases were not strongly expressed in oil palm leaves of plants treated with G. boninense alone compared to other treatments. Throughout the 8-week experiment, expression of EgCHI1 increased more than 3-fold in leaves of plants treated with T. harzianum and G. boninense when compared to those of control and other treated plants. The data illustrated that chitinase cDNA expression varied depending on tissue and the type of treatment.

  13. Caracterización del aceite de coquito de palma chilena (Jubaea chilensis

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    Torija, M. Esperanza


    Full Text Available The characteristics of the seeds from Chilean palm and the detailed composition of its fat are studied starting from 4 lots of seeds from the two regions being the major producers of Chilean palm seeds. From the proximate composition of the seeds a high content of fats is deduced with a mean value of 67.3%. The contents of proteins, carbohydrates and fibre were in the range of 7-11%. A detailed analysis of the fat indicates a high content of saturated fatty acids being capric, caprilic, lauric and miristic acids the major fatty acids. For this reason the presence of a high percentage of medium-chain triglycerides are detected in the triglyceride analysis. As for tocopherols, the fat contains low amounts of α-, γ- y δ-tocopherol with a total average of 84 mg/kg. Concerning phytosterols, the total content was around 1000 mg/kg being β-sitosterol and Δ7-estigmastenol the two major sterolsSe analizan las características generales del coquito de palma chilena y se estudia con detalle la composición de su aceite. Con este objetivo, se analizan 4 lotes de coquitos procedentes de las dos regiones de Chile donde existe mayor producción. La composición proximal del coquito indica un contenido muy mayoritario de grasa, con un promedio de 67,3% mientras los contenidos de proteínas, hidratos de carbono y fibra se encuentran entre el 7 y el 11%. Un análisis detallado de la grasa muestra un contenido elevado de ácidos grasos saturados (alrededor del 85% siendo los ácidos cáprico, caprílico, láurico y mirístico los que se encuentran en mayor concentración, lo que origina un elevado porcentaje de triglicéridos de cadena media. Respecto a los tocoferoles, el aceite contiene cantidades limitadas de α-, γ- y δ-tocoferol con un valor promedio total de 84 mg/kg, no detectándose la presencia de tocotrienoles. Respecto a los fitoesteroles, el contenido total es del orden de 1000 mg/kg siendo los esteroles mayoritarios el

  14. Racionalização e conservação do uso da energia elétrica no campus de Palmas UFT

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    Nathália de Almeida Valadares


    Full Text Available The stability of the economy, experienced in recent decades, combined with better income distribution provides an increase in electricity consumption in buildings, perceivable in Brazil and other countries. This fact led to the create new ways that encourage energy conservation, the seal PROCEL BUILDS and its manual and its Regulation are a result of this. The application of the seal on Bloco 3P, the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT in Palmas, was based on Regulation Quality Technical buildings Efficiency Level Commercial, Public Service (RTQ-C and the Zoning Standard Brazil. The metod takes into account the temperature, radiation, humidity and air movement, as variables directly related to thermal comfort. Analysis of the building was done using the prescriptive method, which evaluated the air conditioning system, the lighting system and envelope and by computer simulation in which they receive a rating of A (more efficient to E (least efficient. The building received final grade A, the simulation method and B by the prescriptive method. Thus you can see certain incompatibility between the methods suggested by RTQ-C, due to limitations of prescriptive model.

  15. Caracterización estructural por adsorción y difracción de rayos X de monolitos de carbón activado a partir de cáscara de coco y cuesco de palma africana


    Vargas Delgadillo, Diana; Giraldo-Gutiérrez, Liliana; Moreno-Piraján, Juan


    Se prepararon monolitos de carbón activado tipo disco utilizando como precursores por separado cáscara de coco y cuesco de palma africana mediante la activación química con ácido fosfórico, utilizando diferentes concentraciones, sin el uso de ningún aglomerante. Se presentan el rendimiento del proceso, así como los parámetros estructurales determinados por adsorción de N2 a 77 K y CO2 a 273 K, y se comparan con algunos parámetros cristalográficos determinados por difracción de rayos X. Se obt...

  16. Frecuencia de los formantes de las vocales medias en sílaba final de palabra con elisión de -/s/: un estudio con materiales de la norma culta de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


    Pérez Martín, Ana María; Troya Déniz, Magnolia


    [ES]El propósito de este artículo es comprobar si la supresión de -/s/ final de palabra condiciona la articulación de las vocales medias pronunciadas por hablantes con estudios universitarios de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Para ello, no solo se calculan las frecuencias de los formantes de /e/ y /o/ y se establecen sus campos de dispersión, sino que, además, se examina si la información gramatical de la consonante elidida o los factores sexo y edad pueden influir en la altura frecuencial de lo...

  17. Influencia de la temperatura en el hidrotratamiento de aceite crudo de palma usando catalizadores comerciales tipo NiMo/γ-Al 2 O3

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    Mónica Guzmán Castillo


    Full Text Available Catalizadores bimetálicos comerciales NiMo/γ-Al2O3 fueron utilizados para el hidroprocesamiento de aceite crudo de palma (ACP en una unidad de planta piloto, a presión de 90MPa, velocidad espacial de 2h-1 y temperatura entre 413-533K. Los resultados experimentales muestran que la distribución de productos está fuertemente controlada por la temperatura de reacción mostrando que a una temperatura entre 473 y 533K, se incrementa la cantidad de ésteres cerosos presentes en el producto final, modificando propiedades tales como penetración y punto de fusión, las cuales también fueron evaluadas. Los rendimientos obtenidos y la variación en las propiedades del producto final se atribuyeron a la proporción de reacciones de saturación de triglicéridos (TG, hidrogenólisis de TG, saturación de ácidos grasos, saturación de alcoholes grasos y esterificación, entre otras.

  18. Influencia de la temperatura en el hidrotratamiento de aceite crudo de palma usando catalizadores comerciales tipo NiMo/γ-Al 2 O3

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    Mónica Guzmán Castillo


    Full Text Available Catalizadores bimetálicos comerciales NiMo/γ-Al2O3 fueron utilizados para el hidroprocesamiento de aceite crudo de palma (ACP en una unidad de planta piloto, a presión de 90MPa, velocidad espacial de 2h-1 y temperatura entre 413-533K. Los resultados experimentales muestran que la distribución de productos está fuertemente controlada por la temperatura de reacción mostrando que a una temperatura entre 473 y 533K, se incrementa la cantidad de ésteres cerosos presentes en el producto final, modificando propiedades tales como penetración y punto de fusión, las cuales también fueron evaluadas. Los rendimientos obtenidos y la variación en las propiedades del producto final se atribuyeron a la proporción de reacciones de saturación de triglicéridos (TG, hidrogenólisis de TG, saturación de ácidos grasos, saturación de alcoholes grasos y esterificación, entre otras.

  19. Familia, profesión y estado social: la villa de Palma del Río (Córdoba, a mediados del setecientos

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    Gómez Navarro, María Soledad


    Full Text Available Esta es una aportación al conocimiento de la estructura familiar, económico-profesional y social de la corona de Castilla a mediados del Setecientos según los Libros de Familias de Seglares del catastro de Ensenada, a través, en concreto, de una localidad bien representativa del reino de Córdoba como es Palma del Río. Aunque conocida como emanación de aquella magna encuesta, la documentación base de este trabajo aún está, sin embargo, muy poco explotada desde la triple perspectiva que lo intitula, y que hay que analizar y entender en el contexto de un Estado cada vez más necesitado de saber, fiscalizar y controlar a sus súbditos para gobernar, como fue, en definitiva, el ilustrado. Para el logro de nuestros objetivos y la comprensión del texto básicos son cuantificación y aparato estadístico subsiguiente. Finalmente, este primer acercamiento presenta un estado más lineal de conocimientos sobre la realidad local que explora, que se aquilata en otra fase posterior con el análisis específico y selectivo de las distintas variables que ahora sólo se examinan básicamente, o con su entrecruzamiento.

  20. The husk fiber of Cocos nucifera L. (Palmae) is a source of anti-neoplastic activity. (United States)

    Koschek, P R; Alviano, D S; Alviano, C S; Gattass, C R


    In the present study, we investigated the in vitro anti-tumoral activities of fractions from aqueous extracts of the husk fiber of the typical A and common varieties of Cocos nucifera (Palmae). Cytotoxicity against leukemia cells was determined by the 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Cells (2 x 10(4)/well) were incubated with 0, 5, 50 or 500 microg/mL high- or low-molecular weight fractions for 48 h, treated with MTT and absorbance was measured with an ELISA reader. The results showed that both varieties have almost similar antitumoral activity against the leukemia cell line K562 (60.1 +/- 8.5 and 47.5 +/- 11.9% for the typical A and common varieties, respectively). Separation of the crude extracts with Amicon membranes yielded fractions with molecular weights ranging in size from 1-3 kDa (fraction A) to 3-10 kDa (fraction B) and to more than 10 kDa (fraction C). Cells were treated with 500 microg/mL of these fractions and cytotoxicity was evaluated by MTT. Fractions ranging in molecular weight from 1-10 kDa had higher cytotoxicity. Interestingly, C. nucifera extracts were also active against Lucena 1, a multidrug-resistant leukemia cell line. Their cytotoxicity against this cell line was about 50% (51.9 +/- 3.2 and 56.3 +/- 2.9 for varieties typical A and common, respectively). Since the common C. nucifera variety is extensively cultured in Brazil and the husk fiber is its industrial by-product, the results obtained in the present study suggest that it might be a very inexpensive source of new antineoplastic and anti-multidrug resistant drugs that warrants further investigation.

  1. Manejo de colheita e espaçamento da palma-forrageira, em consórcio com sorgo granífero, no Agreste de Pernambuco Harvest managing and plant spacing of spinelles fodder cactus, under grain sorghum intercropping at the semi-arid region of Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado na zona semi-árida de Pernambuco e teve como objetivo investigar o efeito de espaçamento, e a freqüência e intensidade de colheitas da palma-forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. consorciada com sorgo granífero (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas, sendo os espaçamentos alocados nas parcelas principais, e as freqüências e intensidades de colheitas, nas subparcelas. Os resultados são de um período de 12 anos, e as produções de matéria seca de palma, de grãos e restolhos de sorgo foram: 5,23, 1,65 e 2,07; 4,51, 1,30 e 2,10; 2,75, 1,97 e 3,51 t/ha/ano, em espaçamentos de 2,0 m x 1,0 m; 3,0 m x 1,0 m x 0,50 m e 7,0 m x 1,0 m x 0,50 m, respectivamente. A produção de matéria seca foi diferente entre as freqüências de corte, quando foram conservados os artículos primários: 4,08 t/ha/ano na freqüência de quatro anos, e de 3,43 t/ha/ano na freqüência de dois anos. A produção de palma aumentou com o período de crescimento da planta, nas duas intensidades de corte estudadas. A composição química dos artículos de palma e dos restolhos de sorgo foi pouco afetada pelos tratamentos.This trial was carried out in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco, aiming to study plant spacing and harvest frequencies and intensities of forage cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.. An experimental design in a split plot design was applied, in which plant spacing were used as the main plots and harvest frequencies and intensities as the subplots. Results presented in this work are related to a twelve-year period. The dry matter yields of forage cactus, sorghum grains and stover were: 5.23, 1.65 and 2.07; 4.51, 1.30 and 2.10; 2.75, 1.97 and 3.5 ton/ha/year, for plant spacing 2.0 m x 1.0 m; 3.0 m x 1.0 m x 0.50 m and 7.0 m x 1.0 m x 0.50 m, respectively. Dry matter yield was different between harvest frequencies, when primary articles were conserved: 4

  2. [Displacements of the green iguana (Iguana iguana) (Squamata: Iguanidae) during the dry season in La Palma, Veracruz, Mexico]. (United States)

    Morales-Mávil, Jorge E; Vogt, Richard C; Gadsden-Esparza, Héctor


    The green iguana (Iguana iguana) is said to be primarily sedentary, although the females travel long distances to nest. Displacement patterns must be known to help predict the effects of environmental disturbance on iguanas' survival. We studied nesting season (February-July) movements in La Palma, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico (18 degrees 33' N, 95 degrees 03' W). Individual movements and activity were monitored by radio tracking. The transmitters were implanted surgically in eight adult iguanas (four males and four females). Snout vent length (SVL) was used to determine the relationship between size of the body and size of home range. To estimate the size of home range, three or more points were used. Minimum convex polygons estimates of home range were calculated with McPAAL. The iguanas were radio-located between 23 and 30 occasions, mainly in trees (56% between 3-9 m); only 4% were localized under a height of 3 m (forest floor). The occupation area mean was larger for males (9,158.06+/-3,025.3 m2 vs. 6,591.24+/-4,001.1 m2) although the differences were not significant (t= 0.51, p>0.05). SVL was correlated with home range (r= 0.76; gl= 7; piguanas use the riparian vegetation for foraging. The females display two strategies for nesting: 1) moving to the sandy area near the sea or, 2) laying eggs near the river, in loam. Iguanas responded to habitat fragmentation and reduction by modifying their nesting strategy.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    analytical data on retronasal aroma perception of palm wine monitored the dynamic ... yeast-lactic fermentation of the sugary sap of palm trees. To date, more ... In Normand's models, the kinetics of the release of aroma compounds during .... calculated by dividing the largest volume analysed (10 mL; FD = 1 by definition) by.

  4. Phreatomagmatic eruptive and depositional processes during the 1949 eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands) (United States)

    White, James D. L.; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich


    In 1949, a 5-week-long magmatic and phreatomagmatic eruption took place along the active volcanic ridge of La Palma (Canary Islands). Two vents, Duraznero and Hoyo Negro, produced significant pyroclastic deposits. The eruption began from Duraznero vent, which produced a series of deposits with an upward decrease in accidental fragments and increase in fluidal ash and spatter, together inferred to indicate decreasing phreatomagmatic interaction. Hoyo Negro erupted over a 2-week period, producing a variety of pyroclastic density currents and ballistic blocks and bombs. Hoyo Negro erupted within and modified an older crater having high walls on the northern to southeastern edges. Southwestern to western margins of the crater lay 50 to 100 m lower. Strongly contrasting deposits in the different sectors (N-SE vs. SW-W) were formed as a result of interaction between topography, weak eruptive columns and stratified pyroclastic density currents. Tephra ring deposits are thicker and coarser-grained than upper rim deposits formed along the higher edges of the crater, and beyond the crater margin, valley-confined deposits are thicker than more thinly bedded mantling deposits on higher topography. These differences indicate that the impact zone for the bulk of the collapsing, tephra-laden column lay within the crater and that the high crater walls inhibited escape of pyroclastic density currents to the north and east. The impact zone lay outside the low SW-W rims, however, thus allowing stratified pyroclastic density currents to move freely away from the crater in those directions, depositing thin sections (<30 cm) of well-bedded ash (mantling deposits) on ridges and thicker sections (1-3 m) of structureless ash beds in valleys and small basins. Such segregation of dense pyroclastic currents from more dilute ones at the crater wall is likely to be common for small eruptions from pre-existing craters and is an important factor to be taken into account in volcanic hazards

  5. mRNA Expression of EgCHI1, EgCHI2, and EgCHI3 in Oil Palm Leaves (Elaeis guineesis Jacq. after Treatment with Ganoderma boninense Pat. and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai

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    Laila Naher


    Full Text Available Background. Basal stem rot (BSR disease caused by the fungus Ganoderma boninense is the most serious disease affecting the oil palm; this is because the disease escapes the early disease detection. The biocontrol agent Trichoderma harzianum can protect the disease only at the early stage of the disease. In the present study, the expression levels of three oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. chitinases encoding EgCHI1, EgCHI2, and EgCHI3 at 2, 5, and 8 weeks inoculation were measured in oil palm leaves from plants treated with G. boninense or T. harzianum alone or both. Methods. The five-month-old oil palm seedlings were treated with Gano-wood blocks inoculum and trichomulch. Expression of EgCHI1, EgCHI2, and EgCHI3 in treated leaves tissue was determined by real-time PCR. Results. Oil palm chitinases were not strongly expressed in oil palm leaves of plants treated with G. boninense alone compared to other treatments. Throughout the 8-week experiment, expression of EgCHI1 increased more than 3-fold in leaves of plants treated with T. harzianum and G. boninense when compared to those of control and other treated plants. Conclusion. The data illustrated that chitinase cDNA expression varied depending on tissue and the type of treatment.

  6. mRNA Expression of EgCHI1, EgCHI2, and EgCHI3 in Oil Palm Leaves (Elaeis guineesis Jacq.) after Treatment with Ganoderma boninense Pat. and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai (United States)

    Naher, Laila; Tan, Soon Guan; Ho, Chai Ling; Yusuf, Umi Kalsom; Ahmad, Siti Hazar; Abdullah, Faridah


    Background. Basal stem rot (BSR) disease caused by the fungus Ganoderma boninense is the most serious disease affecting the oil palm; this is because the disease escapes the early disease detection. The biocontrol agent Trichoderma harzianum can protect the disease only at the early stage of the disease. In the present study, the expression levels of three oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) chitinases encoding EgCHI1, EgCHI2, and EgCHI3 at 2, 5, and 8 weeks inoculation were measured in oil palm leaves from plants treated with G. boninense or T. harzianum alone or both. Methods. The five-month-old oil palm seedlings were treated with Gano-wood blocks inoculum and trichomulch. Expression of EgCHI1, EgCHI2, and EgCHI3 in treated leaves tissue was determined by real-time PCR. Results. Oil palm chitinases were not strongly expressed in oil palm leaves of plants treated with G. boninense alone compared to other treatments. Throughout the 8-week experiment, expression of EgCHI1 increased more than 3-fold in leaves of plants treated with T. harzianum and G. boninense when compared to those of control and other treated plants. Conclusion. The data illustrated that chitinase cDNA expression varied depending on tissue and the type of treatment. PMID:22919345


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    Marina Gontijo dos Santos


    Full Text Available No ano de 2007, enquanto se desenvolviam os estudos para a criação do Plano Diretor Participativo de Palmas, foi constatada uma significava redução e ocupação irregular das áreas verdes e das matas ciliares na área urbana do município. Como tentativa de conter esses impactos, o poder público transformou as áreas verdes que margeiam os cursos d’água em Unidades de Conservação (UC. No entanto, o que se tem observado é que estas UCs, da forma em que se encontram, não têm atingido os objetivos esperados. O zoneamento ambiental é um dos principais instrumentos de gestão de uma UC, além de ser uma importante fonte de informações para a sua devida categorização. Sendo assim, o presente estudo apresenta o zoneamento ambiental da área proposta da UC Tiúba, levando em consideração a cobertura e uso do solo e as fragilidades ambientais da área, constituído em quatro zonas: sendo duas com o objetivo de proteger as margens dos recursos hídricos e as áreas com vegetação nativa, uma zona temporária para garantir a recuperação das áreas que se encontram degradadas e a outra zona para promover o desenvolvimento de forma sustentável por meio da ocupação controlada da área. ABSTRACT In 2007, during the development of the studies for the creation of a Participative Master Plan of Palmas, it was observed a significant reduction and an illegal occupation of the green areas and the riparian forests in the urban area of the municipality. In an attempt to contain these impacts, the government has turned the green areas bordering waterways in Units of Conservation (UC. However, it has been observed that these UCs, the way they are, have not achieved the expected goals. The environmental zoning is one of the main UC management tools as well as being an important source of information for its proper categorization. Thus, the present study shows the environmental zoning of the proposed area of the Tiúba UC, taking into account

  8. of Brazilian oil palm (Elaeis guineensis × Elaeis oleife

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    Tuoyo Aghomotsegin


    Sep 14, 2016 ... industry, food and animal feed, and in the preparation of commercial .... of formation and consistency of callus, formation of embryogenic ..... Time (months) From leaf TCLs. 1st - 3d. Callus induction. 250 µM 2,4-D, 2 g.L-1 AC,.

  9. Formas de carbono orgánico en suelos con diferentes usos en el departamento del Magdalena (Colombia Some forms of organic carbon in soil with different uses in the Department of Magdalena (Colombia

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    José Rafael Vásquez-Polo


    Full Text Available Las fracciones de materia orgánica del suelo (MOS lábiles y humificadas pueden ser afectadas por las prácticas de uso y manejo; sin embargo el impacto de estos cambios no se ha evaluado en suelos y ambientes tropicales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los contenidos y algunas formas de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS en cinco zonas de clima cálido tropical (0 - 1110 m.s.n.m. del departamento del Magdalena (Colombia y el efecto que sobre ellas han tenido las prácticas asociadas a suelos cultivados con café (Coffea arabica, banano (Musa sp., palma africana (Elaeis guineensis y sábila (Aloe vera, comparados con suelos de bosques naturales. No se encontraron diferencias (P Fractions of soil organic matter (SOM labile and humified, can be affected by use and management practices, but the impact of these changes has not been evaluated in soils of tropical environments. The present study investigated the contents and some forms of soil organic carbon (SOC in five warm tropical climate zones of the Department of Magdalena (Colombia, and the effect of the cropping practices on these forms of organic carbon in cultivated soils, associated with Coffee (Coffea arabica, Banana (Musa sp., African palm (Elaeis guineensis, Aloe (Aloe vera compared to natural forest soils. Significant differences (P < 0.05 were not found between zones as much use soil as. Low average values of SOM in the study areas and higher contents of total carbon in forest soils than in cultivated soils were reported. Forest soils had an average carbon accumulation total of 42.4 mg/ha at 20 cm, compared to 33.8 mg/ha in the cultivated soils, this equates to an average loss of 23% total C by the effect of crop management in these soils, compared to C humified (C extracted with sodium pyrophosphate, values are observed very low in cultivated soils and almost zero in forest soils, but forest soils had a higher number of stable forms of C (Cnox. In the soil cultivated


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    Luisa Fernanda Navarrete


    Full Text Available Se realizan lavados controlados durante diferentes periodos de tiempo, 6 y 12 horas, con soluciones diluidas de ácido sulfúrico, 2, 5 y 10%, sobre el precursor lignocelulósico cuesco de palma africana, consiguiendo reducir en más del 50% el contenido de cenizas de dicho material, en las que los componentes inorgánicos, principalmente elementos como hierro y aluminio, influyen notablemente en lareacción de gasificación con CO2 durante la activación física.Se determinan las entalpías de inmersión en las muestras con mayor grado de activación con resultados que se encuentran entre el 2 y 10 J.g-1, y se comparan con los obtenidos para carbones activados resultantes de lavar el material de partida con agua en los mismos períodos de tiempo.

  11. Variación intraespecifica en el uso de Percha Nocturna de Basiliscus galeritus (Sauria: Corytophanidae en Isla Palma, Pacífico Colombiano

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    Óscar Darío Hernández-Córdoba


    Full Text Available Las variaciones en el uso de percha nocturna son en parte un reflejo de la partición de recursos que permite la coexistencia al disminuir la competencia intraespecifica entre individuos de diferentes sexos y tamaños. En este trabajo se evaluó el uso de percha nocturna en los machos, las hembras y los juveniles de Basiliscus galeritus en Isla Palma - Pacífico Colombiano en abril de 2011. Los individuos fueron capturados manualmente y se tomó la información de la altura de la percha, posición en la que estaban perchados, longitud rostro cloacal y cobertura vegetal. Se registraron 39 individuos, encontrando que el tipo de percha utilizado con mayor frecuencia fueron las ramas (46,15% seguido por las hojas (38,46% y ocasionalmente fueron observados sobre lianas, suelo y tallos. Se evaluo el grado de asociación entre los sexos y cada una de las variables estudiadas con la altura de percha utilizando tablas de contingencia. No se detectó asociación alguna aunque el uso de percha estuvo relacionado con el tamaño corporal del individuo, independiente de su sexo. (rs = ‑0,08, p = 0,7.

  12. CO2lonialismo y geografías de esperanza

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    Julianne Hazlewood


    Full Text Available Este artículo nos lleva, más allá de la crisis económica, hacia el calentamiento global y nos advierte de un problema profundo: un defecto estructural en el capitalismo. Vinculando teóricamente cambio climático, colonialismo y capitalismo, se estudia a San Lorenzo como una frontera agrícola en la que el CO2lonialismo se despliega a través del cultivo de palma aceitera y la producción de agrocombustibles. Esta investigación resalta las prácticas culturales y espaciales a través de las cuales las comunidades afro-ecuatoriana, chachi, y awá construyen y sostienen “geografías de esperanza” en medio de bosques talados, ríos envenenados y conflictos sociales. A través de la exposición detallada de la deuda ecológica del Norte global con el Sur global, este artículo condena discursos y acciones que se enfocan en el mejoramiento del clima económico mientras arrasan los bosques húmedos, las prácticas culturales de vida de las comunidades y las soluciones reales al cambio climático.This paper takes us beyond the present economic crisis to where global warming warns of a much more profound problem: a structural flaw in capitalism. Theoretically linking relations between climate change, colonialism, and capitalism, San Lorenzo is investigated as an agricultural frontier where “CO2lonialism” unfolds in African oil palm cultivation and agrofuel production. This research highlights the cultural and spatial practices through which Afro-Ecuadorian, Chachi, and Awá communities construct and sustain “geographies of hope” amid landscapes of fallen forests, poisoned rivers and social conflicts. Expounding on the ecological debt of the Global North to the Global South, this paper condemns discourses and actions that solely focus on improving the economic climate while bulldozing rainforests, livelihoods, and real solutions to climate change.

  13. Digestibilidade e absorção aparentes em vacas da raça holandesa alimentadas com palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica mill em substituição à silagem de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L. moench Apparent digestibility and absorption od holstein cows fed diets with forage cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica mill in replacement of sorghum silage (Sorghum bicolor (L. moench

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    Dulciene Karla Bezerra de Andrade


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o efeito de quatro níveis (0, 12, 24 e 36% de palma forrageira em substituição à silagem de sorgo, na ração de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação, sobre a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (DAMS, da matéria orgânica (DAMO, da proteína bruta (DAPB, do extrato etéreo (DAEE, da fibra em detergente neutro (DAFDN, da fibra em detergente ácido (DAFDA, dos carboidratos totais (DACHT e dos carboidratos não-fibrosos (DACNF, o teor de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT e os coeficientes de absorção aparente de cálcio (Ca, fósforo (P, potássio (K e sódio (Na. Foram utilizadas oito vacas, com peso médio de 590 kg e produção média de leite de 27 kg/dia, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos simultâneos (4x4, sendo quatro animais, quatro períodos e quatro níveis de inclusão de palma na ração. A inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta influenciou a digestibilidade aparente de todos os nutrientes, sendo descrito por função quadrática. Foi possível estimar por intermédio desta função um teor máximo de NDT de 77,43% para utilização de 16,51% de palma na dieta. O aumento nos teores de CNF e a redução da FDN das rações foram responsáveis pelo comportamento quadrático na digestibilidade dos nutrientes. As absorções aparentes de Ca, P e Na foram influenciadas quadraticamente com o aumento dos níveis de palma na ração, enquanto o K aumentou linearmente. A relação Ca:P que proporcionou a melhor absorção desses elementos minerais foi de 1,9:1.It was evaluated the effect of four levels forage cactus in replacement of sorghum silage, in diets of lactating Holstein cows, on the apparent digestibility of dry matter (ADDM, organic matter (ADOM, crude protein (ADCP, ether extract (ADEE, neutral detergent fiber (ADNDF and acid (ADADF, total carbohydrates (ADTCH and nonfiber carbohydrates (ADNFC, content of total digestible nutrients (TDN and apparent absorption of calcium (Ca, phosphorus (P

  14. Depleted and metasomatized oceanic lithosphere beneath La Palma, Canary Islands (United States)

    Janisch, Astrid; Ntaflos, Theodoros


    Due to the inaccessibility of Earth's interior, xenoliths became the best possibility to study the chemical composition of the earth mantle as well as its various processes. Three samples out of the sample suite of mantle peridotites from San Antonio Volcano on La Palma, Canary Islands, have been chosen to illustrate three examples of diverse mantle metasomatic events. The first sample, a pyroxene-hornblende-peridotite, was influenced by an alkali-rich, silicic-hydrous undersaturated melt and/or fluid forming a conspicuous cross-cutting amphibole-apatite-dyke with several veins percolating through the rock. Forsterite content in olivine varies between 82.5 - 85.5 and 86.0 - 89.0, suggesting at least two different occurrences of metasomatic overprint. Clinopyroxenes are mostly found in association with amphibole and in textural equilibrium hinting that both minerals may have grown together, while orthopyroxene have only been found as remnant inclusions in olivine. These clinopyroxenes are Cr-Diopsides with En43.40-50.97-Wo43.99-48.64-Fs4.30-8.22 and Mg# between 85.54 and 92.36. Secondary clinopyroxenes are Ti-Augites with En39.86-46.81-Wo46.65-51.98-Fs5.86-8.72 and Mg# of 82.44 - 89.09. The second sample, a sp-dunite, is characterized by haüyne-bearing melt veins which clearly indicate host-basalt infiltration. The haüyne is always in contact with amphibole, spinel and clinopyroxene denoting that they have been formed at the same time because there is no evidence for reaction among these phases. The melt infiltration apparently took place prior to xenolith entrainment in the host basalt. Primary olivine has Fo content of 89.57 - 89.67 with NiO ranging from 0.32 - 0.334, in contrast Fo content in secondary olivine varies from 89.05 - 90.86 and NiO fluctuates between 0.24 - 0.31. Cr-Diopside compositions are in range of En41.63-47.05-Wo47.83-51-90-Fs4.93-6.64 and Mg# between 86.48 - 90.50. The third sample is also a sp-dunite and marked by a network of phlogopite

  15. New structural, hydrogeological and hydrothermal insights on Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain) (United States)

    Barde-Cabusson, S.; Finizola, A.; Torres, P.; Víctor Villasante-Marcos, V.; Abella, R.; Aragó, S.; Berthod, C.; Ibarra, P.; Geyer Traver, A.


    Determining the link between shallow structure and volcanism is a topic of interest in Volcanology. We carried out a geophysical study devoted to the characterization of the major structural limits influencing volcanic hydrothermal activity and underground meteoric circulations in La Palma (Canary Islands). Since 1 Ma volcanic activity concentrates at the southern half of the island, on the Cumbre Vieja volcanic rift-zone. During the 1949 eruption a N-S fault system, facing west, developed in the summit area of Cumbre Vieja. This was interpreted as the surface expression of an incipient deformation zone on the western flank. The distribution of the recent activity and faulting indicate that a discontinuity may be present beneath the western flank of Cumbre Vieja, along which a future collapse may occur. Our study, which combines the application of self-potential and soil temperature measurements, provides new information to characterize and locate the limits guiding upward or downward fluid circulation and possibly associated to future failures and potential landslides on the Cumbre Vieja rift-zone. We found a clear asymmetry of the self-potential signal between the eastern and the western flanks of Cumbre Vieja. Strong infiltration of meteoric water seems to affect most of the summit axis while we observe poor variation in the self-potential values on the western flank. This could be explained by a constant thickness of the vadose zone on this flank, i.e., the presence of an impermeable layer at constant depth. This layer could correspond to the landslide interface associated to the previous Cumbre Nueva edifice destruction, on which Cumbre Vieja is currently growing. This constant self-potential pattern is interrupted by at least one other main infiltration zone, near Tajuya volcano, at 1200 m a.s.l. on the western flank, where field observation allowed identifying a small horst-graben system. However it is not clear if this fault system results from local

  16. Some ecological aspects of the fungi trichoderma spp and bliocladium spp in Palma de Vino soils farm, la Dorada, Caldas, Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viteri, Silvio E; Zarta, D; Salgado, N


    Trichoderma spp and Gliocladium spp have been reported as control agents of some of the fungi that cause root rot diseases in various crops. Despite this potential the there is no information on their ecology in tropical soils. This study was conducted at the Palma de Vino farm, La Dorada, Caldas with the aim of contributing to the understanding of their ecology in their natural habitat in the tropics. Representative soil and rhizosphere samples were collected and analyzed for some physical, chemical, and biological properties. The results showed clearly that: 1) both genera, form part of the native microflora of those soils. 2) The Trichoderma spp population fluctuated between 5.7x10 2 and 6.4x10 3 and between 7.4x10 2 and 2x10 4 UFC g - 1 in the soil and rhizoplane, respectively; the Gliocladium spp population could not be estimated, probably due to their low numbers. 3) Within the genus Trichoderma the species T. Hamatum, T. Harzianum, and T. Koningu could be identified. 4) The Trichoderma spp populations, especially those from de rhizoplane, showed a clear relation with de soil pH. As far as we know, these results represent the first source of information on the ecology of these two agronomic important fungi, under tropical conditions

  17. Three Neoclassicisms. Exploring the Possibilities of a Comparative Average Shot Length Through Clint Eastwood, Brian De Palma and Woody Allen

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    Agustín Rubio Alcover


    Full Text Available This study is intended to compare the complete filmographies of the three American directors whose works are analyzed. They are Clint Eastwood, Brian De Palma and Woody Allen. We define the approach as a trampoline for leaping over the wall of a difficult conceptual and methodological blind alley—an understanding of movie editors and their task, but above all their contribution. Their work is disguised as something merely technical and obvious but, even in the best of cases, this attitude never anything other than lazy. It is the analysis route upheld and cultivated by the David Bordwell and Barry Salt that we are prepared to travel along. If we want to abjure an unsustainably radical anti-empiricism without precipitating ourselves into neo-empiricist infantilism or regressing to a chaotic teratology—that is: to try to remain focused on both the wood and the trees—a statistical-type study, aided by the latest-generation digital and computer tools and, more specifically, an Average Shot Length study (which we will refer to from now on with the acronym ASL appears to us an objective and, consequently, literally unobjectionable criterion. It is probably as reductionist as it is stimulating when it comes to reaching conclusions that are non-definitive but undoubtedly worthy of interest, because, faced with the subjectivity of the analysis and at the general macroscopic level of the movie, the normative and the standard blends with the deviant, or exceptional.   


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    Maynard Noleto SALES


    Full Text Available Diabetes mellitus, a non-communicable disease that can affect men and women, can be classified as type I or type II. This disease is in the 4th position in numbers of deaths in Brazil, and therefore, involves attention, both from the government, as the patients and family. The aims of this study is describe the lifestyle in relation to diet, foot care and proper medication, and the point of view of patients with diabetes mellitus type II, on the importance of the practice of physical exercise, coordinated and programmed. We performed a study using Questionnaire of Self-Care Activities with Diabetes (QAD and a second questionnaire with questions related to the importance of exercise for patients with diabetes mellitus type II. Questionnaires were applied in 20 patients with the disease (08 men and 12 women, living in the city of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. Result: We noticed that even with the recommendations of healthcare professionals, most patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 has not adapted verification of blood glucose, proper nutrition and foot care. Moreover, despite the interviewees know the importance of performing regular physical activity, we noticed that these do not know how much of weekly days in which they must get physical exercise in order to control the disease. Most interviewees adopt just walk as the physical activity, and we have not verified from the answers of patients, if they know what the most beneficial exercises to control this disease.

  19. Costos de producción en el proceso de extracción de aceite de palma: Estudio de un caso

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    Rosana Meleán Romero


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los costos de producción del proceso de extracción de aceite de palma, basados en el estudio de una de las empresas que conforman el sector palmicultor, ubicada en el estado Zulia-Venezuela. Se cataloga como analítica-proyectiva, de campo y transeccional; apoyada en material bibliográfico y otros documentos de interés necesarios para construir un instrumento de recolección de información (cuestionario, aplicado a informantes clave de una empresa del sector; se analiza la información recopilada, obteniendo como resultados que los costos se manejan de manera tradicional y dadas las complejidades del proceso que desarrolla la empresa, impide la determinación exacta del costo de los productos que elaboran: aceite rojo, aceite de palmiste y harina de palmiste. En función de ello, se propone una metodología híbrida de costeo que combina características del sistema de acumulación de costos por procesos y del costeo basado en actividades. Se concluye que una vez aplicada la propuesta realizada, la empresa podrá sistematizar sus costos de producción, obtener el costo unitario de los productos elaborados, además de encaminar el diseño de un sistema de información de costos ajustado a sus necesidades


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    Full Text Available El óxido de estaño en forma de SnO2 (casiterita ha sido usado como catalizador en diferentes procesos de interés de la industria química, tales como la de deshidrogenación, cracking, isomerización y oxidación de hidrocarburos. En este trabajo se estudió la aplicación de SnO2 como catalizador y como soporte de especies de níquel y estaño, en la alcohólisis del aceite de palma. La obtención del SnO2 se realizó por el método de precipitación y la incorporación de níquel y estaño, al soporte, por el método de impregnación. Se determinó que el SnO2 presentaba una mayor actividad frente a la reacción de alcohólisis en comparación con otros óxidos, tal como el MgO, y que esta actividad era afectada por la adición de níquel y estaño en su superficie. Se utilizó cromatografía de gases CG para el seguimiento de las reacciones, así como la espectroscopia FTIR para realizar el análisis de los productos obtenidos después del proceso. Los catalizadores fueron analizados por DRX para la determinación de las fases cristalinas presentes y del análisis de área superficial, volumen y tamaño de poro, para determinar las propiedades texturales de los catalizadores.

  1. Diffuse He degassing from Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands (United States)

    Asensio-Ramos, María; De Jongh, Marli E.; Lamfers, Kristen R.; Alonso, Mar; Amonte, Cecilia; Padrón, Eleazar; Hernández, Pedro A.; Pérez, Nemesio M.


    Helium is considered as an ideal geochemical tracer due to its geochemical properties: chemical inertness, physical stability and practical insolubility in water under normal conditions. These characteristics, together with its high mobility on the crust, make the presence of helium anomalies on the surface environment of a volcanic system to be related to deep fluid migration controlled by volcano-tectonic features, also providing valuable information about the location and characteristics of the gas source and the fracturing of the crust. The recent results reported by Padrón et al. (2013) clearly show importance of helium emission studies for the prediction of major volcanic events and the importance of continuous monitoring of this gas in active volcanic regions. La Palma Island (708.32 km2) is located at the northwestern end of the Canarian Archipelago. Subaerial volcanic activity on this island started ˜2.0 My ago and has taken place exclusively at the southern part in the last 123 ka. Cumbre Vieja volcano, the most active basaltic volcano of the Canary Islands, was built in this zone, including a main north-south rift area 20 km long and up to 1,950 m in elevation, with vents located also at the northwest and northeast. Padrón et al., (2012) showed that helium is mainly emitted along both N-S and N-W rift of Cumbre Vieja, being, therefore, zones of enhanced permeability for deep gas migration and preferential routes for degassing. This work represents a continuation of the results obtained by Padrón et al. (2012) until the year 2016. Each study covered the 220 km2 of Cumbre Vieja with an average of 570 homogenously distributed sampling points. At each sampling site, soil gas samples were collected at 40 cm depth by withdrawing the gas aliquots into 60 cc hypodermic syringes. He content in the soil gases was analyzed by means of quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS). Atmospheric gas was used periodically to calibrate the instrument. To estimate the helium


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    Ana Lúcia Pereira


    Full Text Available A Lei nº 10.639/03 tornou obrigatória a inclusão de história da África e da cultura afro-brasileira nos currículos escolares. As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais e para o ensino de história e cultura afro-brasileira e africana, dela derivada, motivou um movimento pela busca de formação dos professores e pela reformulação e/ou adaptação dos projetos políticos pedagógicos das escolas. O objetivo do texto é o de refletir sobre esse impacto ou as possíveis mudanças no projeto político-pedagógico, bem como os materiais disponibilizados nas bibliotecas e as questões ligadas às religiões de matriz africana nas escolas municipais de ensino fundamental, da cidade de Palmas/TO.

  3. Elaeis guineensis Jacq.

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    , osmoregulation and detoxification systems have been well .... water deficit is well known, different effects on Cx+c have been reported for ..... responses of photosynthesis and antioxidant metabolism in higher plants. J. Plant ...

  4. Equilíbrio higroscópico da palma forrageira: relação com a umidade ótima para fermentação sólida Hygroscopic equilibrium of the cactus pear: relation with the optimum moisture for the solid fermentation

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    Lúcia de F. Araújo


    Full Text Available No estudo do processo de enriquecimento protéico da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill através da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae em meio semi-sólido, a atividade de água é uma das variáveis que mais afetam não apenas o processo fermentativo mas, também, o armazenamento desse enriquecido; desta forma, o presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de se obter isotermas de dessorção da cactácea palma forrageira, nas temperaturas usuais dos processos das fermentações, 30, 35 e 40 oC, de modo a correlacionar atividade de água e umidade. As isotermas obtidas foram analisadas mediante os modelos de GAB e BET sendo que, em geral, o modelo de GAB foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados experimentais. A partir das isotermas obtidas, encontraram-se as faixas de umidades adequadas para obtenção das atividades de água recomendadas para o processo fermentativo e durante o armazenamento do enriquecido.In the study of the protein enrichment process of the cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill through the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in semi-solid state fermentation, the water activity is one of the variables that most affects the fermentation process as well as the storage. The present work had the objective of obtaining isotherms of sorption of the cactus pear, in the usual temperatures of the fermentations processes, 30, 35 and 40 oC, in order to correlate water activity and moisture content. The obtained isotherms were analyzed by the GAB and BET models, the GAB model being, in general, the one that adjusted better to the experimental data. The isotherms allowed to find appropriate moisture content to obtain the water activities recommended for the fermentation process as well as during the storage of this enriched product.

  5. Estudio de la hidrólisis del crudo de aceite de palma africana empleando como catalizador la lipasa de la levadura C.rugosa

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    Miguel Molano


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el estudio de la hidrólisis del crudo de aceite de palma por medio de la lipasa Candida rugosa. Los factores estudiados en esta investigación fueron el nivel de agitación, el efecto de blanqueo y la cantidad de lipasa. Experimentalmente fueron alcanzados porcentajes de hidrólisis del 79 - 93% en períodos de tiempo de 2 horas y media. Se pudo obtener un incremento de la reacción al aumentar la rotación del agitador al igual que incrementando la concentración de lipasa. Aunque la literatura cita el blanqueado como una ventaja para la hidrólisis enzimática, este procedimiento parece no tener un efecto benéfico en la reacción. / This paper shows the study of the hydrolysis reaction of crude palm oil giving by lipase from Candida rugosa. The studied factors were agitation level, bleaching effect and lipase concentration. Experimentally 79 - 93% hydrolysis were achieved in 2 and a half hour. The reaction rate was increased with the increment of the impeller rotational speed as well as increasing the lipase concentration. Although the literature cites bleaching as a beneficial advantages to enzymatic hydrolysis, this procedure do not have a significant beneficial effect on the reaction.

  6. Resultados paleomagnéticos de los depósitos pliopleistocenos de la cuenca de Palma (Mallorca, España

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    Silva, P. G.


    Full Text Available The results from the paleomagnetic analysis of the plio-pleistocene deposits located in the eastern (Bahia Azul Section and western (Banc d'Eivissa borders of the Palma Basin are presented in this paper. The Bahía Azul section is composite by a marine terrace at +70-74 m a.s.1., overlapped by nine littoral dune systems separated by erosional surfaces. The Banc d'Eivissa section is constituted of a lower marine terrace at +24-25 m a.s.l., buried by two dune systems, although there are more numerous in the vicinity. The lithological spectrum at both sections holds a main calcarenitic nature, but the available outcrops display a different degree of weathering making difficult the establishment of a continuous magnetoestratigraphic sequence. The paleontological content (Roselló y Cuerda, 1973 and paleomagnetic results of the Banc d'Eivissa deposits are no sufficient to establish a precise chronological sequence, and only is possible to locate them within the reverse polarity Matuyama epoch. On the contrary, the lower half of the Bahia Azul sequence (marine terrace plus the 3 first dune systems presents a consistent reverse polarity. The paleontological content of these materials indicates an early Pleistocene age (Emilian cycle: Cuerda y Sacarés, 1992 which agree with the obtained paleomagnetic results. Therefore, the whole sequence is interpreted to be located between the normal polarity chrons of Jaramillo and Olduvay (Clr. 1n and C2n of Cande and Kent, 1995 within the Matuyama epoch, but can not be totally rejected the possibility that them could be placed after the Olduvai Chron.Se presentan los resultados paleomagnéticos obtenidos del análisis de los depósitos plio-pleistocenos que afloran en los bordes oriental (sección de Bahía Azul y occidental (Banc d'Eivissa de la cuenca de Palma. La sección de Bahía Azul está constituida por una terraza marina situada a +70-74 metros sobre el nivel medio del mar y, sobre ella, nueve sistemas

  7. Assessment of environmentally available metals in sediment samples from water for public supply of the city of Palmas, Tocantis, Brazil; Avaliacao dos metais ambientalmente disponiveis em amostras de sedimento de pontos de captacao de agua para abastecimento publico de Palmas, TO, Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Bruna Rafaela


    The sediments are an important compartment used as a tool for assessment of aquatic ecosystems quality, for indicating the presence of contaminants released continuously into the environment as a result of human activities. Among chemical substances discharged to surface water, there are metals that in undesirable amounts, can be toxic to biota. Due to the importance of sediment and of shortage of data of water quality of the Araguaia-Tocantins river system, the present study conducted an assessment of environmentally available metals in sediment samples from water for public supply of the city of Palmas, in Tocantins, Brazil. The concentrations of As, Cd, Pb and Se were analyzed by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS), Ag, Al, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Sb, Sc, Si, Ti, V and Zn were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICPOES) and Hg by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (CVAAS). Two partial solubilization processes were performed for a comparative study, one with HCl 0,1 M and agitation at room temperature, considered a milder method for metal extraction from anthropogenic origin, and another with HNO{sub 3} 8 M and microwave heating, considered as an alternative to more complex methods of total digestion, since it provides a good evaluation of the total concentration of the elements. The sediment quality evaluation was realized by comparing the concentration values of the elements As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn with the quality guidelines (TEL and PEL) adopted by Canadian Council of Minister of the Environment (CCME), to thereby contribute to the environmental quality of the water of the Araguaia-Tocantins river system. (author)

  8. El paisaje como recurso turístico de la ciudad. Una propuesta metodológica para valorar el papel de la planificación del territorio en el caso de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / The landscape as a city tourism resource. A methodological for assessing...

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    Santiago Hernández Torres


    Full Text Available Se propone una metodología para la valoración de las relaciones entre la ciudad, el turismo y la planificación del territorio desde la perspectiva del paisaje y el medio ambiente. Para ello, analizamos como las estrategias de mejora de la competitividad turística de las ciudades tienen su traslación en la planificación urbanística de los ayuntamientos y la relación o integración de los elementos que configuran ambientalmente el espacio urbano. Con este objeto genérico, se selecciona el ejemplo de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria como laboratorio de experiencias de ordenación del espacio, mediante las cuales puede observarse los indicadores y dificultades en el tratamiento de la calidad ambiental. Nos interesa distinguir cómo estos elementos ambientales se planifican como recursos turísticos y la relevancia que tienen en las estrategias públicas de la ordenación del territorio.A methodology is proposed to asses the relations among the city, tourism, and spatial planning from landscape and environmental perspective. To do this, we analyse how strategies to improve touristic competitiveness in the cities can be applied to spatial planning. To this end, the example of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is selected, as a laboratory of spatial planning experiences, by which the indicators and difficulties in the environmental quality can be observed. We are interested in distinguishing how this environmental elements are planned as tourism resources and their level of importance in spatial planning.

  9. Whole-system metabolism and CO2 fluxes in a Mediterranean Bay dominated by seagrass beds (Palma Bay, NW Mediterranean

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    F. Gazeau


    Full Text Available Planktonic and benthic incubations (bare and Posidonia oceanica vegetated sediments were performed at monthly intervals from March 2001 to October 2002 in a seagrass vegetated area of the Bay of Palma (Mallorca, Spain. Results showed a contrast between the planktonic compartment, which was on average near metabolic balance (−4.6±5.9 mmol O2 m-2 d-1 and the benthic compartment, which was autotrophic (17.6±8.5 mmol O2 m-2 d-1. During two cruises in March and June 2002, planktonic and benthic incubations were performed at several stations in the bay to estimate the whole-system metabolism and to examine its relationship with partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2 and apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU spatial patterns. Moreover, during the second cruise, when the residence time of water was long enough, net ecosystem production (NEP estimates based on incubations were compared, over the Posidonia oceanica meadow, to rates derived from dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC and oxygen (O2 mass balance budgets. These budgets provided NEP estimates in fair agreement with those derived from direct metabolic estimates based on incubated samples over the Posidonia oceanica meadow. Whereas the seagrass community was autotrophic, the excess organic carbon production therein could only balance the planktonic heterotrophy in shallow waters relative to the maximum depth of the bay (55 m. This generated a horizontal gradient from autotrophic or balanced communities in the shallow seagrass-covered areas, to strongly heterotrophic communities in deeper areas of the bay. It seems therefore that, on an annual scale in the whole bay, the organic matter production by the Posidonia oceanica may not be sufficient to fully compensate the heterotrophy of the planktonic compartment, which may require external organic carbon inputs, most likely from land.

  10. [The way we were. On the centenary of the first Spanish Congress of Paediatrics in Palma de Mallorca (1914-2014)]. (United States)

    Ponte Hernando, F; Zafra Anta, M; Fernández Menéndez, J M; Gorrotxategi Gorrotxategi, P; Bassat, Q; Fernández Teijeiro, J J; de Arana Amurrio, J I; García Nieto, V


    Between the 19th and 25th April 1914, the First Spanish Congress of Paediatrics was held in Palma de Mallorca under the slogan "Protect the Children". The specialty had broken away a few years earlier from its secular connection with Obstetrics and Gynaecology, both in its teaching aspect as well as regarding healthcare. With the newly created Chairs in Childhood Diseases, in a way this Congress meant the coming-of age and debut int society of paediatrics in our country. Prof. Martínez Vargas, a university professor in Barcelona, was the Chairman, and soul of the congress. There was a need to face a very high rate of infant mortality. The Congress responded to that social and sanitary/health demand with the participation of over three hundred pediatricians, including foreign representatives from Belgium, France, Russia and Latin America. The activities were divided into four sections: Childcare, Child Medicine, Surgery and Health, and accredited lecturers gave master classes on the most pressing issues of child pathology of the time. One hundred years on, what we are today is the fruit gathered by those who preceded us. Some were brilliant figures in paediatrics and others, the majority, anonymous paediatricians. They dedicated their lives, their science and their best smile to child care. The way we were and the way we are. With legitimate pride and satisfaction, it is an honour for the Group on the History of Paediatrics and AEP Documentation to celebrate this centennial commemoration in the framework of the Annals of Paediatrics. Copyright © 2014 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  11. Características fisicoquímicas del aceite del endospermo de la Palma Yagua (Attalea cryptanther

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    Linares, Oscar


    Full Text Available In this research, the physicochemical characteristics of the yagua palm (Attalea cryptanther endospermus oil were evaluated. Seeds of mature fruits from Santa Ana hill, Canoabo, Bejuma municipality, Carabobo state-Venezuela, harvested in November 2003, were decorticated and the endospermus was transformed to meal by means of grinding. The oil from meal was extracted with n-hexane using Soxhlet equipment. Yagua endospermus crude oil showed the following characteristics: iodine index 13.77 cg I2/g; refraction index 1.4441 at 60 ºC; saponification value 233 mg KOH/g; peroxide value 0.20 meq O2/kg; unsaponifiable matter 0.97 %; AOM stability 31 h; solid fat content 54 % at 10 ºC and 10 % at 20 ºC; Lovibond color: R 3.2 and Y 1.3. The major fatty acids were lauric acid (58 % and miristic acid (16.5 %.Yagua endospermus is an alternative oleaginousEl objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar físicoquímicamente el aceite de la palma Yagua (Attalea cryptanther. El endospermo de frutos maduros procedentes del cerro Santa Ana, Canoabo, municipio Bejuma, estado Carabobo Venezuela, pertenecientes a la cosecha Noviembre 2003, fueron transformados en harina mediante molienda. Una vez obtenida la harina se procedió a la extracción del aceite mediante un equipo Soxhlet utilizando como solvente n-Hexano. El aceite crudo extraído fue caracterizado mediante normas COVENIN y AOCS. Se determinaron valores de índice de yodo de 13,77 cg I2/g, índice de refracción 1,4441 a 60 °C, índice de saponificación 233mg KOH/g, índice de peroxido 0,20 meq O2/Kg, materia insaponificable 0,97%, estabilidad AOM (31 horas, contenido de grasa sólida (54% a 10 °C y 10% a 20 °C, color (R: 3,2- A: 1,3-A: 0. Los ácidos grasos mayoritarios encontrados fueron el ácido laurico (58% y el ácido miristico (16,5%. El endospermo evaluado es una alternativa como materia prima para la obtención de aceite ya que presenta características similares al aceite de coco y

  12. Comparison of the effect of two excipients (karite nut butter and vaseline on the efficacy of Cocos nucifera, Elaeis guineensis and Carapa procera oil-based repellents formulations against mosquitoes biting in Ivory Coast

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    Konan Y.L.


    Full Text Available Repellents in the form of dermal pomades are recommended as a protection against awakening and bedtime mosquito bites. If synthesis repellents are available, they are nevertheless not common and the prices remain out of reach for the communities concerned. The people therefore have to resort more and more to traditional concoctions, some of which have been shown to be effective. After demonstrating that oil-based formulations (lotions, creams, pomades of Cocos nucifera (coconut, Elaeis guineensis (oil palm and Carapa procera (gobi were effective against mosquitoes, it became necessary to study the impact of the two excipients used in their manufacture, on the effectiveness of the repellents. Experiments were carried with Anopheles gambiae and Aedes aegypti under lobaratory conditions and any other mosquitoes collected under field conditions in Ivory Coast. The laboratory results indicate that the average protection times obtained with formulations with karite nut butter as excipient (54.8 ± 37.0 mn and 74.6 ± 26.4 mn respectively on An. gambiae and Ae. aegypti are higher than those recorded with vaseline as excipient (respectively 42.7 ± 30.0 mn and 60.8 ± 33.9 mn. On the other hand, under field conditions, the biting rate percentage reduction obtained with the products with karite nut butter and vaseline excipient were similar (respectively 29.8 % and 35.9 % for all mosquitoes collected and 45.7 % and 47.4 % against An. gambiae. Nevertheless, the use of karite nut butter on repellent products should be encouraged because its sale price is very lower (10 time less than the vaseline's.

  13. Comparison of the effect of two excipients (karite nut butter and vaseline) on the efficacy of Cocos nucifera, Elaeis guineensis and Carapa procera oil-based repellents formulations against mosquitoes biting in Ivory Coast. (United States)

    Konan, Y L; Sylla, M S; Doannio, J M; Traoré, S


    Repellents in the form of dermal pomades are recommended as a protection against awakening and bedtime mosquito bites. If synthesis repellents are available, they are nevertheless not common and the prices remain out of reach for the communities concerned. The people therefore have to resort more and more to traditional concoctions, some of which have been shown to be effective. After demonstrating that oil-based formulations (lotions, creams, pomades) of Cocos nucifera (coconut), Elaeis guineensis (oil palm) and Carapa procera (gobi) were effective against mosquitoes, it became necessary to study the impact of the two excipients used in their manufacture, on the effectiveness of the repellents. Experiments were carried with Anopheles gambiae and Aedes aegypti under lobaratory conditions and any other mosquitoes collected under field conditions in Ivory Coast. The laboratory results indicate that the average protection times obtained with formulations with karite nut butter as excipient (54.8 +/- 37.0 mn and 74.6 +/- 26.4 mn respectively on An. gambiae and Ae. aegypti) are higher than those recorded with vaseline as excipient (respectively 42.7 +/- 30.0 mn and 60.8 +/- 33.9 mn). On the other hand, under field conditions, the biting rate percentage reduction obtained with the products with karite nut butter and vaseline excipient were similar (respectively 29.8% and 35.9% for all mosquitoes collected and 45.7% and 47.4% against An. gambiae). Nevertheless, the use of karite nut butter on repellent products should be encouraged because its sale price is very lower (10 time less) than the vaseline's.

  14. Deep-fat frying of meat products in palm olein Fritura por imersão de produtos cárneos em oleína de palma

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    Cibele Cristina Osawa


    Full Text Available This study investigated the discontinuous frying of breaded meat products in palm olein in a 28 L-electric fryer maintained at 182 ºC for 8 hours a day. Three 400-500 g batches of meat products were fried for 4.5 minutes daily. For comparison purpose, thermoxidation tests were performed using inert material with added moisture and without the addition of f ood (heating only. The total polar compound content did not reach the 25% limit, and nor did the formation of polymerized products exceed 5%, which indicates the good frying performance of palm olein for frying. Other analytical parameters and rapid tests were also evaluated. The sensory attributes, such as odor, colour, and foam formation determined when the frying oils should be discarded. The addition of water to the inert material contributed to the final value of 1.00 ± 0.01% (in palmitic acid, while the oil subjected only to heating reached respectively 0.26 ± 0.02%, and the oils used to fry breaded meat and breaded chicken reached 0.38 ± 0.00% and 2.35 ± 0.01%, respectively. This suggests a protective effect of the water during frying since the oil subjected only to heating was more prone to degradation.Este artigo estudou a fritura descontínua de alimentos cárneos empanados em oleína de palma em uma fritadeira elétrica de 28 L, mantida a 182 ºC durante 8 horas por dia. Diariamente, três bateladas de 400-500 g de alimentos cárneos foram fritos durante 4,5 minutos. Para comparação, foram conduzidos testes de termoxidação com a adição de material inerte com umidade adicionada e sem a adição de alimentos (apenas aquecimento. O teor de compostos polares totais não atingiu o limite de 25% e a formação de compostos polimerizados também não ultrapassou 5%, refletindo a boa performance da oleína de palma para frituras. Outros parâmetros analíticos, assim como testes rápidos, foram avaliados. Os atributos sensoriais, tais como odor, cor e formação de fuma

  15. Estudo da viabilidade para a produção de concretos com adição de resíduos de vidro em substituição ao agregado miúdo na cidade de Palmas-TO

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    Rafael dos Santos Cordeiro


    Full Text Available This article presents, through analysis of the mechanical properties, the result of the study the technical feasibility of reuse of glass waste from glassworks and recycling associations of the city of Palmas / TO in partial replacement of the fine aggregate in concretes for application on beds and preparatory layers. Test specimens were molded with partial replacement of the fine aggregate (sand by the glass (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% for determination of compressive strength. After 28 days of curing concrete, in comparison to the results of the test specimens reference, were obtained above average results for all the test specimens with substitution. The results obtained in the researches and experiments show that the glass waste can be used in the manufacture of concrete simple, directly influencing the increase in resistance of the same over time.

  16. Substituição total do milho e parcial do feno do capim-tifton por palma forrageira em dietas para vacas em lactação. Produção, composição do leite e custos com alimentação Effects of replacing corn and Tifton hay with forage cactus on milk production and composition of lactating dairy cows

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    Veronaldo Souza de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de dietas com teores crescentes de palma forrageira sobre a produção, a composição do leite e o perfil dos ácidos graxos do leite de vacas holandesas em lactação. Os animais (583 ± 7,07 kg foram alimentados com dietas formuladas com diferentes níveis (0; 12,0; 25,0; 38,0 e 51,0% de palma forrageira (Opuntia fícus indica Mill em substituição total ao milho (Zea mays L. e em substituição parcial ao feno de capim-tifton (Cynodon spp. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5 x 5. Cada período experimental teve duração de 17 dias, dez para adaptação dos animais à dieta e sete para coleta de dados. A produção de leite, total (kg/dia e corrigida para 3,5% de gordura (kg/dia, o teor de gordura (% e a produção de gordura (kg/dia do leite (20,65; 19,76; 3,73 e 0,745, respectivamente não foram influenciados pela introdução de palma nas dietas. O perfil de ácidos graxos da gordura do leite não foi influenciado (quanto aos ácidos cáprico, láurico, mirístico, linoléico, linolênico e araquídico pelos níveis de palma na dieta, entretanto, houve aumento linear dos ácidos de cadeia intermediária (palmítico e palmitoléico e tendência inversa para os ácidos esteárico e oléico. A inclusão de palma forrageira em substituição ao milho e parte do feno de capim-tifton para vacas holandesas em lactação não influenciou a produção e a composição do leite, exceto a concentração dos ácidos graxos de cadeia longa, que apresentou comportamento linear decrescente.The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of replacing Tifton hay and corn with forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill on milk production and composition and milk fatty acid profile in lactating Holstein cows. Animals averaged 583 ± 7.07 kg of body weight in the beginning of the trial and were fed diets containing (% of DM: 0, 12.0, 25.0, 38.0 or 51

  17. Evaluation of the fragility of the forest Soil during the employment of the animal traction for the wooden use in areas of production of the Integral Forest Company (EFI «La Palma»

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    Ismael Pimentel Rivero


    Full Text Available To contribute to the Achievement of higher levels ofsustainability assuring the conservation of the available natural resources, constitutes the primacies of the present work, and its objective is to evaluate the impact that causes on forest places, the employment of the technologies of animal traction during the extraction or wooden use in San Andrés area, belonging to the Forest and Integral Company La Palma. In the study the characterization of the explotationparameters of the oxen that are used traditionally in the study area is included, as wellas the valuation of its potentialities and the effect that causes on the floors, demonstrating the importance of a correct handling for the achievement of better levels of efficiency that is translated so much in the reduction of losses of time and optimizationboth from energetic point of view that is shown and conservation of the natural resources to contribute to the sustainable rural development of the mountainous environment of Pinegrove of Pinar del Rio.

  18. Características morfométricas e rendimento da palma forrageira ‘Gigante’ sob diferentes adubações e configurações de plantio

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    M. C. Padilha Junior


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar as características morfométricas e de rendimento da palma forrageira 'Gigante' submetida a diferentes tipos de adubação orgânica, química e organomineral e configurações de plantio. O experimento foi instalado em LATOSSOLO Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, num delineamento em blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. As parcelas constituídas por duas configurações de plantio: 1 24.0000 plantas ha-1, dispostas em fileira tripla, no espaçamento 3,00 x 1,00 x 0,25 m; 2 26.666 plantas ha-1, dispostas em fileira quádrupla, no espaçamento 3,00 x 1,00 x 0,25 m; as subparcelas compostas por 12 tipos de adubação orgânica, química e organomineral. Aos 650 DAP mensuraram-se altura da planta, número, comprimento, largura e índice de área de cladódios, produção de matéria verde e seca e teor de matéria seca. As características morfométricas, o teor de matéria seca e a produção de massa verde e matéria seca foram influenciadas pelas adubações (P<0,05, independentemente da configuração utilizada. Das características morfométricas apenas a largura e área do cladódio não foram influenciadas pelas adubações. A ausência de adubação ou apenas 30 Mg ha-1 ano-1 de esterco bovino são insuficientes para obter resultados satisfatórios com palma forrageira ‘Gigante’.Morphometric traits and yield of forage cactus 'Gigante' under different fertilization and planting settingsAbstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphometric characteristics and yield of 'Gigante' forage cactus subjected to different types of organic, chemical, and organic mineral fertilizers and planting configurations. The experiment was installed in a dystrophic Red-Yellow LATOSOL (Oxisol, in a randomized block design, in a split plot design parcel, with three replications. The plots consist of two plant configurations: 1 24.0000 pl ha-1, arranged in

  19. Fatores que interferem no sono dos alunos idosos da Universidade da Maturidade (UMA, na cidade de Palmas (TO

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    Núbia Kênia Carneiro Silva


    Full Text Available O processo de senescência ocasiona mudanças na quantidade e qualidade do sono; assim, a maioria dos idosos tem queixas relacionadas ao sono, decorrentes de mudanças fisiológicas específicas do processo de envelhecimento, que podem causar distúrbios relacionados ao sono. Objetiva-se verificar quais os fatores que interferem no sono dos idosos alunos da Universidade da Maturidade (UMA, na cidade de Palmas (TO. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de corte transversal, e de natureza quantitativa. Para o levantamento dos dados, utilizaram-se os instrumentos: Questionário de caracterização socioeconômico, seguido da Escala de Sonolência de Epworth (ESE, e do Índice de Qualidade de Sono de Pittsburgh (PSQI. Os resultados da ESE revelaram que 75% do grupo masculino e 51,85% do feminino apresentaram sonolência diurna excessiva normal com escores <10. As respostas abertas do PSQI, em relação à hora de deitar, mostram que 43,75% dos homens deitavam entre 23 e 24 horas; no grupo das mulheres, 29,63% deitavam entre 21 e 22 horas; quanto ao tempo para dormir, 68,75% dos homens e 62,96% das mulheres demoravam ≤ 15 minutos; em relação à hora de acordar, 75% dos homens e 37,04% das mulheres acordam entre 6 e 7 horas; em relação a quantas horas de sono dormiu por noite, 50% dos homens dormiram entre 7 e 8 horas por noite, e 51,85% das mulheres dormiram ≥ 8 horas por noite. Já no PSQI global, 56,25% dos homens possuem uma boa qualidade do sono, enquanto 66,67% das mulheres apresentaram má qualidade do sono, apesar de terem uma maior eficiência relacionada ao sono. Os resultados mostraram que os homens tiveram uma boa qualidade do sono e as mulheres tiveram uma má qualidade do sono.  

  20. The chemically zoned 1949 eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands): Petrologic evolution and magma supply dynamics of a rift zone eruption (United States)

    Klügel, Andreas; Hoernle, Kaj A.; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; White, James D. L.


    The 1949 rift zone eruption along the Cumbre Vieja ridge on La Palma involved three eruptive centers, 3 km spaced apart, and was chemically and mineralogically zoned. Duraznero crater erupted tephrite for 14 days and shut down upon the opening of Llano del Banco, a fissure that issued first tephrite and, after 3 days, basanite. Hoyo Negro crater opened 4 days later and erupted basanite, tephrite, and phonotephrite, while Llano del Banco continued to issue basanite. The eruption ended with Duraznero erupting basanite with abundant crustal and mantle xenoliths. The tephrites and basanites from Duraznero and Llano del Banco show narrow compositional ranges and define a bimodal suite. Each batch ascended and evolved separately without significant intermixing, as did the Hoyo Negro basanite, which formed at lower degrees of melting. The magmas fractionated clinopyroxene +olivine±kaersutite±Ti-magnetite at 600-800 MPa and possibly 800-1100 MPa. Abundant reversely zoned phenocrysts reflect mixing with evolved melts at mantle depths. Probably as early as 1936, Hoyo Negro basanite entered the deep rift system at 200-350 MPa. Some shallower pockets of this basanite evolved to phonotephrite through differentiation and assimilation of wall rock. A few months prior to eruption, a mixing event in the mantle may have triggered the final ascent of the magmas. Most of the erupted tephrite and basanite ascended from mantle depths within hours to days without prolonged storage in crustal reservoirs. The Cumbre Vieja rift zone differs from the rift zones of Kilauea volcano (Hawaii) in lacking a summit caldera or a summit reservoir feeding the rift system and in being smaller and less active with most of the rift magma solidifying between eruptions.

  1. Assessment of environmentally available metals in sediment samples from water for public supply of the city of Palmas, Tocantis, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Bruna Rafaela


    The sediments are an important compartment used as a tool for assessment of aquatic ecosystems quality, for indicating the presence of contaminants released continuously into the environment as a result of human activities. Among chemical substances discharged to surface water, there are metals that in undesirable amounts, can be toxic to biota. Due to the importance of sediment and of shortage of data of water quality of the Araguaia-Tocantins river system, the present study conducted an assessment of environmentally available metals in sediment samples from water for public supply of the city of Palmas, in Tocantins, Brazil. The concentrations of As, Cd, Pb and Se were analyzed by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS), Ag, Al, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Sb, Sc, Si, Ti, V and Zn were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICPOES) and Hg by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (CVAAS). Two partial solubilization processes were performed for a comparative study, one with HCl 0,1 M and agitation at room temperature, considered a milder method for metal extraction from anthropogenic origin, and another with HNO 3 8 M and microwave heating, considered as an alternative to more complex methods of total digestion, since it provides a good evaluation of the total concentration of the elements. The sediment quality evaluation was realized by comparing the concentration values of the elements As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn with the quality guidelines (TEL and PEL) adopted by Canadian Council of Minister of the Environment (CCME), to thereby contribute to the environmental quality of the water of the Araguaia-Tocantins river system. (author)

  2. Palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill e uréia em substituição ao feno de capim tifton (Cynodon spp em dietas de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação. 1. Digestibilidade = Forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill and urea in replacement of tifton hay (Cynodon spp in lactating Holstein cows diet. 1. Digestibility

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    Carmem Valéria de Araújo Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o efeito de quatro níveis (0%; 12,5%; 25%; 37,5%; e 50% de palma forrageira e uréia em substituição ao feno de capim tifton, na ração de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação sobre a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (DAMS, da matéria orgânica(DAMO, da fibra em detergente neutro (DAFDN, da proteína bruta (DAPB, dos carboidratos totais (DACHOT e dos carboidratos não fibrosos (DACNF. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas, com peso médio de 480 kg e produção média de leite de 20 kg/dia, distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5x5. As DAMS, DAMO, DACHOT e DACNF aumentaram, aDAFDN diminuiu linearmente e a DAPB não foi influenciada com o aumento dos níveis de palma e uréia na dieta. Os nutrientes digestíveis totais de mantença, a energia digestível de lactação, energia metabolizável de lactação e energia líquida de lactação aumentaram à medida que eram incluídas palma e uréia na dieta.The effect of five levels forage cactus and urea (0.0, 12.5, 25.0, 37.5 and 50% in replacement of tifton hay in lactating Holstein cows diets, on the apparent digestibility of dry matter (ADDM, organic matter (ADOM, neutral detergent fiber (ADNDF, crude protein (ADCP, total carbohydrates (ADTC and nonfiber carbohydrates (ADNFC were evaluated. Five Holstein cows weighing on average 480 kg and with an average milk yield of 20 kg of milk/day were used in a 5x5 Latin square design. The DM, OM, TC and NFC apparent digestibility increased while NDF apparent digestibility decreased linearly and the CP apparent digestibility was not affected by the inclusion of forage cactus and urea. The total digestible nutrients of maintenance,digestible energy of lactation, metabolizing energy of lactation and liquid energy of lactation increased as the forage cactus and urea levels increased.

  3. Phenology of the oil palm interspecific hybrid Elaeis oleifera × Elaeis guineensis

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    Paola Hormaza


    Full Text Available Oil palm is one of the most important oil crops in the world. Because of its high productivity and perennial nature, it has been expanding quickly. Commercial plantations consist mostly of the African palm E. guineensis Jacq. However, producers in Latin America are increasingly planting the O × G interspecific hybrid, a cross between African palm (E. guineensis and the American palm (E. oleifera (Kunth Cortés. This interspecific hybrid has emerged as a promising solution to diseases such as the bud rot of oil palm because of the apparent partial resistance of this genotype to the disease. This work studied and described the phenology of the O × G interspecific hybrid. The phenology stages were coded using the BBCH scale. The scale for the phenophases was defined using a three-digit code. Due to the nature of the palm, no descriptions were used for stage two (formation of side shoots/tillering and stage four (development of harvestable vegetative plant parts or vegetative reproductive organs because these stages do not apply to oil palm. The scale was constructed using germinating seeds, pre-nursery and nursery plants and five year-old palms. For the description of the stem elongation, different age palms of the same O × G hybrid were used. Observations were performed during an 18-month period. Additionally, the interval for the change from one phenology stage to another was determined both in days and degree-days (DD. The interspecific O × G hybrid required 6408 DD from when the spear leaf unfolds until the bunch was ripened and harvested, and 4427.6 DD from leaf unfolding to anthesis.

  4. Diagnosis of Leishmania (Leishmania chagasi infection in dogs and the relationship with environmental and sanitary aspects in the municipality of Palmas, state of Tocantins, Brazil

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    Julio Gomes Bigeli


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to identify the presence of Leishmania (Leishmania chagasi infection in dogs in the City of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil, using the PCR technique to list the hot spots of infected dogs in the city and associate their occurrence to significant environmental changes at capture sites. METHODS: DNA was extracted from blood of dogs, and the PCR were performed with primers RV1/RV2. After screening the population studied, the regions of the city that had the highest occurrence of canine infection were detected. These sites were visited, and ecological parameters denoting anthropogenic disturbance were evaluated. RESULTS: Some important features were listed in the regions visited, such as low urbanization, lack of public collection of sewage, limited garbage collection, vacant lots with tall vegetation, decaying organic matter, and, most importantly, the occurrence of stray dogs and poultry in homes. CONCLUSIONS: The methodology for screening the population was very efficient, especially in evaluating a large number of individuals in a short time, with a high degree of automation. The results indicate an association between the observed parameters and the occurrence of infection in dogs. The model presented in the city is ideal for studies of disease progression and expansion and for the evaluation of control measures adopted for canine VL.

  5. Cambios en el uso del suelo de las tierras del ingenio Las Palmas, provincia de Chaco, en los años 1987 y 2001

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    Febe Rozkiewicz


    Full Text Available En el departamento Bermejo, provincia de Chaco, a fines del siglo XIX se origina uno de los ingenios azucareros más importantes del país: Las Palmas del Chaco Austral S.A. En la década de los noventa es víctima de las políticas de privatización imperantes del momento. Como consecuencia, se produce su cierre y posterior desaparición, lo que supuso la eliminación de la principal fuente de trabajo de la localidad. Las tendencias actuales y novedosas en teledetección, cartografía digital y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG son una forma útil e importante de ofrecer conocimientos actualizados para el diagnóstico, monitoreo y su aplicación en la gestión e investigación de recursos presentes en los distintos lugares de nuestro país. En el presente trabajo se pretende analizar los cambios producidos en el uso de suelo en las tierras del ex Ingenio a partir del cierre del mismo, mediante el uso de imágenes satelitales de los años 1987 y 2001, y de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG. El análisis multiespectral y multitemporal de las mismas permitirá discriminar los tipos de cobertura del suelo sobre la base de su respuesta espectral.

  6. Profile of sodium phenylbutyrate granules for the treatment of urea-cycle disorders: patient perspectives


    Pe?a-Quintana, Luis; Llarena, Marta; Reyes-Su?rez, Desiderio; Ald?miz-Echevarria, Luis


    Luis Peña-Quintana,1–3 Marta Llarena,2 Desiderio Reyes-Suárez,2 Luis Aldámiz-Echevarria4 1Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Unit, Universitario Materno-Infantil Hospital de Canarias, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2Research Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, 3CIBEROBN, Madrid, 4Unit of Metabolism, Cruces University Hospital, BioCruces Health Research Insti...

  7. Magnetic Nanostructures Patterned by Self-Organized Materials (United States)


    Palma , J. Escrig, J. C. Denardin Angular dependence of the coercivity and remanence of ordered arrays of Co nanowires Journal of...J. L. Palma , C. Gallardo, L. Spinu, J. M. Vargas, L. S. Dorneles, J. C. Denardin, J. Escrig, Magnetic properties of Fe20 Ni80 antidots: Pore size and...array disorder, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials., 344, 2013, 8-13 7. E. Vargas, P. Toro, J.L. Palma , J. Escrig, C. Chaneac,

  8. Ressenya a Alexandre Font Jaume, Gabriel Ensenyat Pujol, Àngela Martí Borràs, Mireia Mulet Mas, Josep Campillo Galmés (eds: Joan Baptista Binimelis: Sobre els vicis de les dones i el seu tarannà variable. Catàleg de dones especialment sàvies, Palma, Lleonard Muntaner, Editor (col·lecció L’Arjau, 36, 2014, 349 pp., ISBN: 978-84-16116-16-4

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    Joan-Antoni Mesquida Cantallops


    Full Text Available Review to Alexandre Font Jaume, GabrielEnsenyat Pujol, Àngela Martí Borràs, Mireia Mulet Mas, Josep Campillo Galmés (eds: Joan Baptista Binimelis: Sobre els vicis de les dones i el seu tarannà variable. Catàleg de dones especialment sàvies, Palma, Lleonard Muntaner, Editor (col·lecció L’Arjau, 36, 2014, 349 pp., ISBN: 978-84-16116-16-4

  9. Estudio Teórico de la Influencia del Uso de Mezclas de Biodiesel de Aceite de Palma con JET a-1 en Motores a Reacción

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    Luisa Fernanda Mónico Muñoz


    Full Text Available Contexto: al igual que en muchas otras, en la actualidad, la industria aeronáutica se ha visto obligada a implementar métodos para mitigar el daño producido al medio ambiente por la emisión de gases contaminantes, y de esta manera hacerle frente a la problemática del calentamiento global. En este panorama, la investigación sobre la utilización de combustibles alternativos es de suma relevancia, en particular el estudio del rendimiento de motores al usar mezclas de Biodiesel Colombiano a base de aceite de palma con Jet A1.  Método: como punto de partida, se realiza una revisión al estado del arte para la selección del motor a estudiar y los combustibles alternativos a utilizar. Paralelamente, se seleccionó el biodiesel colombiano a base de aceite de palma, ya que ha demostrado tener un buen comportamiento como combustible al ser mezclado en porcentajes de 10% ,20% y 50%. A cada una de las mezclas realizadas se les hicieron pruebas en laboratorio para conocer su valor de viscosidad, densidad y poder calorífico. Para la realización de los análisis, se desarrolló un programa sobre una hoja de cálculo que contempla Propiedades físicas de las mezclas y parámetros del motor, así como emisiones de óxidos nitrosos (NOx, atomización y combustión producida por el uso de las mezclas. Los resultados se contrastaron contra el software de simulación Gas turbine. Resultados: se escogió el CFM 56-5B como motor apropiado para realizar el estudio, debido a que en la actualidad es el más empleado en la industria aeronáutica colombiana.  Por otra parte, ninguna de las mezclas de combustible alternativo genera el mismo rendimiento del motor al emplear Jet A1. Las mezclas E10 y E20 tienen un comportamiento similar, con la novedad de generar menor cantidad de emisiones de NOx y mejorar la atomización del combustible. Conclusiones: al comparar el rendimiento del motor al usar combustible convencional y al emplear las mezclas de Biodiesel

  10. Research Note: Comparative antibacterial activities of oil-palm ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Research Note: Comparative antibacterial activities of oil-palm Elaeis ... The antimicrobial activities liquid pyrolysates (obtained by destructive distillation), their ... respective chloroform fractions which showed higher activities than the crude ...

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    Jul 15, 2017 ... study, pollen of open forest types: Alchornea cordifolia, Elaeis guineensis, ... their highest abundances relatively near the shore ...... Quaternary sediments from Lagos lagoon ... East Atlantic: Phasing SE trade winds and.

  12. Relato de experiência sobre as ações de regulação sanitária nos laboratórios clínicos em Palmas-TO | Experience report on health regulatory actions in clinical laboratories in Palmas-TO

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    Márcio Trevisan


    Full Text Available Introdução: São notórias a importância e a necessidade de garantias da normalidade sanitária nos estabelecimentos e de mecanismos de controle e promoção da qualidade em todo o ciclo laboratorial. Objetivo: Pela importância das análises clínicas em Palmas, a Vigilância Sanitária Municipal iniciou em 2010 uma proposta de aprimoramento da atividade regulatória nestes estabelecimentos. Método: O trabalho foi desenvolvido em quatro etapas em paralelo ao Licenciamento Sanitário Anual. Em 2010 foi realizada a primeira fase de recadastramento dos estabelecimentos e a apresentação do dossiê técnico existente nos estabelecimentos. Em 2011, ele se estendeu com a análise, revisão, correção e aprovação dos documentos legais e técnicos. Já em 2012 foram reavaliados os manuais, os planos de controle de pragas, de gerenciamento de resíduos, de controle dos insumos e da presença de controle da qualidade interno e externo além do fluxo para notificação de doenças compulsórias já em aplicação nos estabelecimento. Em 2013 foram exigidas a apresentação e a implementação das ações de gerenciamento da qualidade e, em 2014, intensificou-se o monitoramento da aplicação destas ferramentas. Resultados: Os resultados obtidos foram a aceitação dos processos regulatórios, bem como a realização de correções e a inclusão de normas e procedimentos escritos nas ações técnicas e de gerenciamento dos processos de análises clínicas. Pode-se constatar que, pela exigência da capacitação dos técnicos, já ao final de 2014, observava-se a cultura da capacitação e divulgação da necessidade de aprimoramentos e correções dos pontos de maior probabilidade de problemas sanitários e analíticos, e principalmente tendo a Vigilância Sanitária como um setor de apoio e parceria. Conclusões: Pode-se concluir com esse trabalho que a estratégia utilizada pela Vigilância Sanitária, associada em paralelo com o Licenciamento

  13. Genetic determinism of oil acidity among some DELI oil palm ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Genetic determinism of oil acidity among some DELI oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) progenies. Benoit Constant Likeng-Li-Ngue, Joseph Martin Bell, Georges Franck Ngando-Ebongue, Godswill Ntsefong Ntsomboh, Hermine Bille Ngalle ...

  14. [Genetic diversity and kin relationships among wild and cultivated populations of the pejibaye palm (Bactris gasipaes, Palmae) using microsatellite markers]. (United States)

    Ugalde, José Alfredo Hernández; Urpí, Jorge Mora; Nuñez, Oscar Rocha


    Genetic diversity and kin relationships among wild and cultivated populations of the pejibaye palm (Bactris gasipaes, Palmae) using microsatellite markers. The genetic diversity of the peach palm (Pejibaye, Bactris gasipaes Kunth) was evaluated using four nuclear DNA microsatellites in an effort to elucidate the evolution and domestication of this crop. A total of 258 samples from seven wild populations and eleven races were analyzed. All loci were polymorphic and a total of 50 alleles were identified. Average genetic diversity (0.67) and genetic differentiation among populations (Fst=0.16) were high when all populations were considered. Genetic differentiation was lower when the populations were grouped according to their origin into Western and Eastern populations (Fst=0.13 for both). Gene flow was slightly higher among Western populations (Nm=1.71) than among Eastern populations (Nm=1.62). The Putumayo, Yurimaguas, Vaupés, Tucurrique and Guatuso races seem to have been subjected to intense human selection. Hybrid populations exist in Azuero, Tuira, Cauca, Vaupés, Puerto Ayacucho and Solimões, probably resulting from exchange and introgressions among sympatric wild and cultivated populations. Genetic distance (Dm) was estimated to determine the degree of relationship among populations using the neighbor-joining method; the wild populations from Maracaibo were used as the outgroup. The populations were divided into three general groups: Maracaibo (B. caribaea, B. macana var veragua and B. macana var arapuey), Eastern Amazon (Tembe, Pará and Acre) and a third group with two subgroups, Western (Azuero, Chontilla, Tuira, Cauca, Tucurrique and Guatuso) and Upper Amazon (B. dahlgreniana, Puerto Ayacucho, Solimões, Vaupés and Putumayo). The genetic relationships strongly support the hypothesis that peach palm was brought into cultivation independently in no less than three areas: the Western Andes (extending into lower Central America); Upper Amazon (extending

  15. Tratamientos de efluentes industriales mediante biomasas tropicales activadas


    Domínguez, Osvaldo; Gómez, Ernesto; Mendoza, Edwin; Vásquez, Julio; Franco, Yair; Tejedor De León, Alexis


    Este proyecto consiste en utilizar la materia prima en este caso el coco de palma, que será transformado a carbón activo por medio del proceso de incineración. Obtenido este producto utilizaremos una bomba para suministrar el agua industrial que gracias al carbón activo que se obtuvo del coco de palma lograremos la filtración por medio de tres capas de carbón activo, para obtener el mejor rendimiento de nuestro carbón activado en el proceso de filtración con coco de palma.

  16. Soroprevalência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii em trabalhadores de um matadouro de suínos e em indivíduos com outras atividades na cidade de Palmas, Paraná, Brasil Seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in workers of a swine slaughterhouse and in individuals with other activities in the city of Palmas, Paraná, Brazil

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    Patricia Riddell Millar


    Full Text Available O risco de infecção por Toxoplasma gondii em trabalhadores de um frigorífico de suínos em Palmas, Paraná, Brasil, foi estudado comparativamente a outros indivíduos que não mantinham contato com animais e suas carcaças. As 174 amostras de soros foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo 1 - funcionários de um matadouro-frigorífico de suínos (133 e grupo 2 - controle (41. No ato da coleta, todos os participantes responderam a um questionário epidemiológico com as seguintes variáveis: sexo, idade, contato com gatos e solo, hábito de ingerir carne crua ou mal cozida, embutidos crus e leite cru. Todas as amostras de soros foram submetidas aos testes ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay e RIFI (Reação de imunofluorescência indireta - IgG anti-T. gondii; por sua vez, para IgM anti-T. gondii, foi utilizada a RIFI. Todos os 174 indivíduos eram IgM soro não-reagentes. No grupo 1, 48,1% eram IgG sororreagentes na RIFI e 58,6% na ELISA. No grupo 2, 39,0% eram IgG sororreagentes na RIFI e 51,2% na ELISA. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos 1 e 2 em todas as variáveis, com exceção de "contato com gatos", para o grupo 1, e de "ingestão de leite cru", para o grupo 2, que foram estatisticamente significativas. Os resultados sugerem que a manipulação de carcaças (cistos não deve ter sido o único mecanismo de infecção envolvido na alta freqüência de sororeagentes na população estudada, embora possa ter contribuído na transmissão do parasita como fator de risco, assim como o contato com solo contaminado ou com gatos (oocistos.The risk of Toxoplasma gondii infection in workers of a swine slaughterhouse in Palmas, Paraná, Brazil was compared to other individuals not exposed to these animals and its carcasses. The 174 serum samples were divided in two groups: group 1 - slaughterhouse workers (133, and group 2 - control (41. During blood sampling, workers answered an epidemiological

  17. The performance of various palaeointensity techniques as a function of rock magnetic behaviour - A case study for La Palma (United States)

    Monster, Marilyn W. L.; de Groot, Lennart V.; Biggin, Andrew J.; Dekkers, Mark J.


    Three different palaeointensity methods were applied to six historical and three carbon-dated flows from the island of La Palma (Spain); in total fifteen sites were processed. The two 20th-century flows were sampled at multiple locations as their obtained directions and intensities can be compared directly to those from the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF). After determination of the declinations and inclinations of the natural remanent magnetisation (NRM) by thermal and alternating-field demagnetisation, the samples were subjected to standard rock magnetic analyses to determine their Curie and alteration temperatures. Based on these characteristics, the sites were allocated to one of four rock magnetic groups labelled L∗, L, C, and H, a division primarily based on the temperature-dependent behaviour of the low-field susceptibility that has been used in studies of other volcanic edifices. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations revealed little oxidation and exsolution (oxidation classes I to III). Palaeointensities were determined using the classic Thellier-Thellier method (Aitken and IZZI protocols), the microwave method and the domain-state-corrected multispecimen method. Thellier-Thellier and microwave results were analysed using the ThellierTool A and B sets of selection criteria as modified by Paterson et al. (2014). Their combined success rate was around 40%. Of the eight IGRF sites, two yielded average intensities within 10% of the IGRF value. For the microwave method, three sites reproduced the IGRF intensity within 10%. In the domain-state-corrected multispecimen protocol, just one site (site 9, 1971) passed the 'ARM-test' (applied in retrospect) and showed less than 3% progressive alteration. Its multispecimen result reproduced the palaeofield within error. The other IGRF sites over- or underestimated the palaeofield by up to 50%. The seven older sites produced plausible palaeointensities, generally within a few μT of model data

  18. Dicty_cDB: Contig-U09604-1 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available . 38 0.14 3 ( AY442210 ) Drosophila subobscura strain Palma-1 A+T rich reg... 38 0.14 3 ( AY442209 ) Drosoph...subobscura strain Agadir-15 A+T rich r... 38 0.14 3 ( AY442211 ) Drosophila subobscura strain Palma

  19. Chemical composition of Chinese palm fruit and chemical properties ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ajl user 4


    May 15, 2012 ... African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. ... (PK) of oil palm fruit (Elaeis guineensis S.L.Dura) produced in Hainan, China were investigated. The ..... MS conditions: ionization type, .... number of fatty acids of low molecular weight.

  20. Transesterificación del aceite de palma con metanol por medio de una catálisis heterogénea empleando un catalizador ácido

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    Lina Marcela Riveros Santamaría


    Full Text Available La transesterificación del aceite de palma crudo con metanol se llevó a cabo en un reactor Batch bajo un rango de temperatura de 129-140°C y una presión manométrica de 6.4-9.4 bares, en presencia de Oxido de Zinc. Los factores estudiados fueron la cantidad de catalizador y la relación molar aceite:metanol alimentadas a la reacción La producción de esteres metílicos se incrementó al aumentar la cantidad de Óxido de Zinc, mientras que la relación aceite:metanol óptima fue de 1:30. El mayor rendimiento de esteres alcanzado fue de 38.75%. Los valores de Densidad, Viscosidad y Punto de nube determinados más cercanos a los estándar para Biodiesel fueron 0.871 gr/ml, 3.77 cSt y 12°C respectivamente./ Transesterification of crude palm oil with methanol was carried out using a Batch reactor under a range of temperature from 129 to 140°C, and a manometric pressure of 6.4-9.4 bars, in the presence of Zinc Oxide. The studied factors were the amount of catalyst and the molar relation of oil:methanol in the reaction. The production of methyl esters was increased with the amount of Zinc Oxide, while the optimal molar relation oil:methanol was 1:30. The greatest yield of methyl esters achieved was 38.75%. The closest Density, Viscosity and Cloud point values to Biodiesel standard values were 0.871 gr/ml, 3.77 cSt y 12°C respectively.

  1. Polifenoles y Actividad Antioxidante del Fruto Liofilizado de Palma Naidi (Açai Colombiano (Euterpe oleracea Mart Polyphenols and Antioxidant Activity of the Freeze-Dried Palm Naidi (Colombian Açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart

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    Benjamín Alberto Rojano


    Full Text Available Euterpe oleracea es una palmera indígena autóctona de América del Sur. El fruto conocido como açaí en Brasil y palma naidi en Colombia, es de gran valor económico para los pueblos nativos. Para los análisis se usó una pulpa liofilizada, proveniente del Pacifico colombiano. Entre los muchos hallazgos, se presenta un alto porcentaje de minerales (6,94%, específicamente sodio, hierro y potasio. La palma naidi es rica en compuestos polifenólicos, tipo antocianinas (268,5 mg Cianidin-3-Glucosido/ 100 g de liofilizado donde el 95% de las antocianinas corresponden al Cianidin-3-Glucosido (255,1 mg/ 100 g de liofilizado y de otros compuestos fenólicos como los ácidos fenólicos: ferúlico (10,27 mg/100 g de liofilizado, caféico (7,06 mg/100 g de liofilizado, p-coumárico (2,81 mg/100 g de liofilizado y menor cantidad clorogénico 0,30 mg/100 g de liofilizado. Los polifenoles contribuyen a la capacidad antioxidante del naidi; medida por las técnicas ABTS, DPPH y FRAP y específicamente un valor ORAC (Hidrofílico (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity de 98142,0 Micromol Tx/100 g de liofilizado; además un valor ORAC Lipofílico de 3194,1 Micromol Tx/ 100 g de liofilizado. Un valor ORAC total igual a 101336,1 Micromol Tx/ 100 g de liofilizado.Euterpe oleracea Mart is a native palm tree native of South America. The fruit known as açaí in Brazil and naidi palm in Colombia and is of great economic value to the native peoples. For the analysis was used freeze-dried pulp, from the Colombian Pacific. This fruit has a high percentage of minerals (6.94%, specifically sodium, potassium and iron. Naidi palm is rich in polyphenolic compounds, especially anthocyanins (268.5 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside per 100 g of freeze dried and phenolic acid as ferulic (10.27 mg/100 g of freeze dried , caffeic (7.06 mg/100 g of freeze dried, p-Coumaric (2.81 mg/100 g of freeze dried and fewer chlorogenic (0.30 mg/100 g of freeze dried; which provides high antioxidant

  2. African Journal of Biotechnology - Vol 3, No 3 (2004)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Screening cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] ... be distinguished by DGGE analysis of PCR-amplified 18S rDNA fragments · EMAIL FREE FULL ... Isolation of a kernel oleoyl-ACP thioesterase gene from the oil palm Elaeis guineensis Jacq.

  3. Indigenous fungal entomopathogens associated with the oil palm ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 30, 2014 ... is the most devastating insect pest of the African oil palm Elaeis guineensis Jacquin. Like most insect ... (Carrere, 2006). Malaysia and Indonesia, the world's ... environment, and residues in the fruits produced, it has become ...

  4. Research Paper ISSN 0189-6016©2009

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    , 1999). ... They were exposed to serum-free culture medium in the presence of 0.1% bovine serum .... endothelial cells with red wine polyphenols, Concord grape juice or icariin, a flavonoid ... Influence of palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) on health.

  5. Palm oil and cardiovascular disease: a randomized trial of the effects of hybrid palm oil supplementation on human plasma lipid patterns. (United States)

    Lucci, P; Borrero, M; Ruiz, A; Pacetti, D; Frega, N G; Diez, O; Ojeda, M; Gagliardi, R; Parra, L; Angel, M


    This study examines, for the first time, the effect of hybrid Elaeis oleifera × E. guineensis palm oil supplementation on human plasma lipids related to CVD risk factors. One hundred sixty eligible participants were randomized and assigned to one of the two treatments: 25 mL hybrid palm oil (HPO group) or 25 mL extra virgin olive oil (EVOO group) daily for 3 months. Fasting venous samples were obtained at baseline and after 1, 2 and 3 months for measurement of plasma lipids (TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TAGs). Changes in body mass index and waist circumference were also assessed. Although there was an overall reduction in TC (7.4%, p lipids to EVOO, thus providing additional support for the concept that hybrid Elaeis oleifera × E. guineensis palm oil can be seen as a "tropical equivalent of olive oil".

  6. Ácidos graxos plasmáticos, metabolismo lipídico e lipoproteínas de ratos alimentados com óleo de palma e óleo de soja parcialmente hidrogenado Plasma fatty acids, lipid metabolism and lipoproteins in rats fed on palm oil and partially hydrogenated soybean oil

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    Ana Paula Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar, em ratos jovens, os efeitos metabólicos de dietas distintas, à base de óleo de palma e de gordura hidrogenada. MÉTODOS: Ratas Wistar receberam dietas com diferentes fontes lipídicas durante a lactação, as quais continuaram a ser dadas aos filhotes machos do 21º dia ao 45º dia de vida, após ajuste às recomendações da American Institute of Nutrition-93, quando estes foram decapitados. Os tecidos adiposos epididimal e perirrenal foram retirados para determinação da taxa de lipogênese in vivo com ³H2O e, no plasma, avaliou-se o perfil de ácidos graxos por cromatografia gasosa, além da concentração dos triacilgliceróis e colesterol total, por meio de kits enzimáticos. RESULTADOS: A substituição, na dieta, da gordura hidrogenada pelo óleo de palma aumentou, no plasma, a proporção do ácido graxo araquidônico e diminuiu a proporção do ácido essencial linolênico e a concentração dos triacilgliceróis e colesterol. Elevou o conteúdo lipídico e a taxa lipogênica do epidídimo e perirenal, repercutindo em maior peso corporal, bem como na adiposidade nesses animais. CONCLUSÃO: O tipo de ácido graxo oferecido na dieta desde o período da lactação, pode influenciar o metabolismo lipídico do tecido adiposo na idade jovem, bem como o comportamento alimentar e ganho de peso corporal, com possíveis repercussões para o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis.OBJECTIVE: To compare the metabolic effects of diets based on palm oil and hydrogenated fat on young rats. METHODS: Wistar female rats, during lactation, were fed diets with different lipid sources, which were also adjusted to the recommendations (American Institute of Nutrition-93 and given to the male pups from the 21rst day to the 45th day of life, when they were killed. The epididimal and perirenal adipose tissues were extracted and had their lipogenesis rates measured in vivo with ³H2O. We also measured, in the plasma

  7. Ocular Dynamics of Bolus Ingestion of Eleis guineensis Sap (Palm ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Elaeis guineensis), and is widely consumed among the various ethnic nationalities in Nigeria. The effect of bolus ingestion of 600ml, palm wine was undertaken so as to determine its ocular dynamics in healthy volunteers. Results showed that ...

  8. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 251 - 300 of 391 ... ... with leaf-tip die back disease of oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis) seedlings in Ghana, Abstract ... Preliminary studies on the possible cause of death central spear of oil ... AAE Andam, EA Amankwah, ECK Addison, EK Nani.

  9. Coconut, date and oil palm genomics (United States)

    A review of genomics research is presented for the three most economically important palm crops, coconut (Cocos nucifera), date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), encompassing molecular markers studies of genetic diversity, genetic mapping, quantitative trait loci discovery...

  10. Palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill e uréia em substituição ao feno de capim tifton (Cynodon spp em dietas de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação. 1. Digestibilidade - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i2.638 Forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill and urea in replacement of tifton hay (Cynodon spp in lactating Holstein cows diet. 1. Digestibility - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i2.638

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    Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Veras


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o efeito de quatro níveis (0; 12,5; 25; 37,5; e 50% de palma forrageira e uréia em substituição ao feno de capim tifton, na ração de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação sobre a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (DAMS, da matéria orgânica (DAMO, da fibra em detergente neutro (DAFDN, da proteína bruta (DAPB, dos carboidratos totais (DACHOT e dos carboidratos não fibrosos (DACNF. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas, com peso médio de 480 kg e produção média de leite de 20 kg/dia, distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5x5. As DAMS, DAMO, DACHOT e DACNF aumentaram, a DAFDN diminuiu linearmente e a DAPB não foi influenciada com o aumento dos níveis de palma e uréia na dieta. Os nutrientes digestíveis totais de mantença, a energia digestível de lactação, energia metabolizável de lactação e energia líquida de lactação aumentaram à medida que eram incluídas palma e uréia na dieta.The effect of five levels forage cactus and urea (0.0, 12.5, 25.0, 37.5 and 50% in replacement of tifton hay in lactating Holstein cows diets, on the apparent digestibility of dry matter (ADDM, organic matter (ADOM, neutral detergent fiber (ADNDF, crude protein (ADCP, total carbohydrates (ADTC and nonfiber carbohydrates (ADNFC were evaluated. Five Holstein cows weighing on average 480 kg and with an average milk yield of 20 kg of milk/day were used in a 5x5 Latin square design. The DM, OM, TC and NFC apparent digestibility increased while NDF apparent digestibility decreased linearly and the CP apparent digestibility was not affected by the inclusion of forage cactus and urea. The total digestible nutrients of maintenance, digestible energy of lactation, metabolizing energy of lactation and liquid energy of lactation increased as the forage cactus and urea levels increased.

  11. Physiological and morphological characterization of american oil palms (Elaeis oleifera HBK Cortes and their hybrids (Elaeis oleifera × Elaeis guineensis on the Indupalma plantation

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    Yurany Dayanna Rivera M


    Full Text Available The morphological and photosynthetic activity were characterized in six genotypes of American oil palm (E. oleifera of different origins and three of their OxG hybrids (E. oleifera × E. guineensis with a completely randomized experimental design, three replications and 16 palms per replication. Determinations were made for: photosynthesis, internal CO2 concentration, chlorophyll content, stomatal openings and density, specific leaf area, and measurements of vegetative growth. The genotypes were differentiated by growth rate, emission, area and dry weight of the leaves. The stomatal openings of all the genotypes were maximum in the morning hours, with partial closures at midday; therefore, the maximum rate of photosynthesis was between 9:00 and 12:00 hr. The "Perú" American oil palm and "hybrid 2" (Sinú-Coarí × La Mé showed higher CO2 internal concentrations, total chlorophyll contents, light saturation points and photosynthetic rates, even with low levels of photosynthetically active radiation; characteristics that indicate a high capacity for the fixation of CO2. The photosynthetic rate showed a high positive correlation with the chlorophyll content and a negative correlation with the specific leaf area. In conclusion, the "Perú" American oil palm showed relevant characteristics for use in breeding programs as female parent of OxG hybrids, while "hybrid 2", due to its outstanding morphophysiological characteristics, is considered a genotype with good agronomic performance

  12. Plasma lipids and prothrombin time in rats fed palm oil and other commonly used fats in Egypt

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    Hussein, Mona M.


    Full Text Available Sprague-Dawley rats were fed for a total period of 8 weeks on six diets that were different in the source of their fat content. The fat content was provided either, palm oil or palm olein or corn oil or hydrogenated fat, or frying palm oil and mixture of corn oil + hydrogenated fat in the ratio (1:1. The latter was given to the control group. Animals fed these various experimental diets showed statistically significant differences in serum cholesterol and serum triglycerides content among all group. Increased HDL-cholesterol content was evident in animals fed on palm-olein and palm oil. The frying oil fed group showed lowest HDL-cholesterol content. In these experiments palm olein fed animals showed highest ratio of HDL-cholesterol to total cholesterol while the lowest ratio was shown in rats fed on frying oil. Prothrombin (PT and activated partial thromboplastin time (PTT showed higher values In palm oil, palm olein and corn oil diets as compared to all groups with each other.

    Ratas Sprague-Dawley fueron alimentadas durante un periodo total de 8 semanas con seis dietas diferentes en su contenido graso. El contenido graso fue proporcionado por aceite de palma u oleína de palma o aceite de maíz o grasa hidrogenada o aceite de palma de fritura y mezcla de aceite de maíz + grasa hidrogenada en la relación (1:1. El último fue dado al grupo de control. Los animales alimentados con las diferentes dietas experimentales mostraron diferencias significativas estadísticamente en el contenido en colesterol y triglicéridos en suero entre todos los grupos. El aumento en contenido HDL-colesterol fue evidente en animales alimentados con oleína de palma y aceite de palma. El grupo alimentado con aceite de fritura mostró el más bajo contenido en HDL-colesterol. En estos experimentos, los animales alimentados con oleína de palma mostraron la mayor relación de HDL-colesterol a colesterol total, mientras que la relación más baja fue mostrada

  13. A General Approach to Nonrigid Registration: Decoupled Optimization (United States)


    Juan Ruiz-Alzola Dep. Señales y Comunicaciones . Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, SPAIN Dep. Teorı́a de la Señal,Universidad de...s) and Address(es) Dep. Senales y Communicaciones Universidad de Las Palma de Gran Canaria, Spain Performing Organization Report Number Sponsoring

  14. effect of the liming materials and rates on plant growth and nutrient ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mrs Ify Greg Onwuka

    (Elaeis guineensis), raphia palm (Raphia spp), cocoyam (Colocasia esculentus), avocado tree (Persea. Americana), shrubs (mainly Sponelias munibin) and sparsely distributed grasses. The upland farm close to this stream was grown to cassava (Manihot esculenta), pepper (Capsicum spp), and yam (Dioscorea spp). The.

  15. Core and symbiotic genes reveal nine Mesorhizobium genospecies and three symbiotic lineages among the rhizobia nodulating Cicer canariense in its natural habitat (La Palma, Canary Islands). (United States)

    Armas-Capote, Natalia; Pérez-Yépez, Juan; Martínez-Hidalgo, Pilar; Garzón-Machado, Víctor; Del Arco-Aguilar, Marcelino; Velázquez, Encarna; León-Barrios, Milagros


    Cicer canariense is a threatened perennial wild chickpea endemic to the Canary Islands. In this study, rhizobia that nodulate this species in its natural habitats on La Palma (Canary Islands) were characterised. The genetic diversity and phylogeny were estimated by RAPD profiles, 16S-RFLP analysis and sequencing of the rrs, recA, glnII and nodC genes. 16S-RFLP grouped the isolates within the Mesorhizobium genus and distinguished nine different ribotypes. Four branches included minority ribotypes (3-5 isolates), whereas another five contained the predominant ribotypes that clustered with reference strains of M. tianshanense/M. gobiense/M. metallidurans, M. caraganae, M. opportunistum, M. ciceri and M. tamadayense. The sequences confirmed the RFLP groupings but resolved additional internal divergence within the M. caraganae group and outlined several potential novel species. The RAPD profiles showed a high diversity at the infraspecific level, except in the M. ciceri group. The nodC phylogeny resolved three symbiotic lineages. A small group of isolates had sequences identical to those of symbiovar ciceri and were only detected in M. ciceri isolates. Another group of sequences represented a novel symbiotic lineage that was associated with two particular chromosomal backgrounds. However, nodC sequences closely related to symbiovar loti predominated in most isolates, and they were detected in several chromosomal backgrounds corresponding to up to nine Mesorhizobium lineages. The results indicated that C. canariense is a promiscuous legume that can be nodulated by several rhizobial species and symbiotypes, which means it will be important to determine the combination of core and symbiotic genes that produce the most effective symbiosis. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  16. Occurrence and functioning of phosphate solubilizing ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Occurrence and functioning of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms from oil palm tree ( Elaeis guineensis ) rhizosphere in Cameroon. ... While the use of soluble mineral phosphate fertilizers is the obvious best means to combat phosphate ... in order to improve agricultural production, using low inputs technology. Isolates ...

  17. Evolutionary history of Arecaccea tribe Cocoseae inferred from seven WRKY transcription factors (United States)

    The Cocoseae is one of 13 tribes of Arecaceae subfam. Arecoideae, and contains a number of palms with significant economic importance, including the monotypic and pantropical Cocos nucifera, the coconut, and African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). Using seven single copy WRKY transcription factor gen...

  18. Phylogenetic analysis of six WRKY transcription factor loci across the spiny cocosoid palm subtribes Bactridinae and Elaeidinae (Areceaceae, Cocoseae),and comparison of several gene tree/species tree reconciliation approaches (United States)

    The Cocoseae is one of 13 tribes of Arecaceae subfamily Arecoideae, and contains a number of palms with significant economic importance, including the monotypic and pantropical Cocos nucifera, the coconut, and African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). Using seven single copy WRKY transcription factor g...

  19. Stratégies paysannes de conservation de quelques ressources

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    et les ménages. Les pratiques de conservation des semences les plus courantes observées sont ... Il s'agit de la cendre, du jus d' Azadirachta indica, du sable fin, des .... palmier à huile (Elaeis guineensis L.) et les ..... Elles sont essentiel-.

  20. Subsidence and carbon dioxide emissions in a smallholder peatland mosaic in Sumatra, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khasanah, Nimatul; Noordwijk, van Meine


    Most attention in quantifying carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from tropical peatlands has been on large-scale plantations (industrial timber, oil palm (Elaeis guinensis)), differing in drainage and land-use practices from those of smallholder farms. We measured subsidence and changes in bulk density

  1. Biofuel Plantations on Forested Lands : Double Jeopardy for Biodiversity and Climate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Danielsen, Finn; Beukema, Hendrien; Burgess, Neil D.; Parish, Faizal; Bruehl, Carsten A.; Donald, Paul F.; Murdiyarso, Daniel; Phalan, Ben; Reijnders, Lucas; Struebig, Matthew; Fitzherbert, Emily B.

    The growing demand for biofuels is promoting the expansion of a number of agricultural commodities, including oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). Oil-palm plantations cover over 13 million ha, primarily in Southeast Asia, where they have directly or indirectly replaced tropical rainforest. We explored the

  2. Biofuel plantations on forested lands: Double jeopardy for biodiversity and climate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Danielsen, F.; Beukema, H.; Burgess, N.D.; Parish, F.; Brühl, C.A.; Donald, P.F.; Murdiyarso, D.; Phalan, B.; Reijnders, L.; Struebig, M.; Fitzherbert, E.B.


    The growing demand for biofuels is promoting the expansion of a number of agricultural commodities, including oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). Oil-palm plantations cover over 13 million ha, primarily in Southeast Asia, where they have directly or indirectly replaced tropical rainforest. We explored the

  3. Shallow fractionation signature of phase chemistry in Taburiente lavas, La Palma, Canary Islands: Results of MELTS modeling (United States)

    Guetschow, H. A.; Nelson, B. K.


    Depth of crystal fractionation influences the chemical evolution of ocean island basalts and has significant implications for the physical structures of these volcanoes. In contrast to dominantly shallow systems such as Hawaii, a range of fractionation depths have been reported for Canary Islands lavas. Magmas erupted on La Palma preserve fluid- and melt-inclusion evidence for high-pressure (> 10 kbar) crystallization (Klügel et al., 1998; Hansteen et al., 1998; Nikogosian et al., 2002). If high-pressure fractional crystallization were an early and dominant process, it would generate specific patterns in rock and phase chemistry of eruptive sequences. Alkalic basalts from Taburiente volcano display coherent major element trends consistent with evolution dominated by fractional crystallization while their phenocryst compositions, trace elements, and isotopic trends require mixing between multiple sources. The current model confirms the importance of both fractionation and mixing to achieve the full range of lavas observed. A low-pressure (1 kbar) thermodynamic fractional crystallization model performed with the MELTS (Ghiorso and Sack, 1995) software closely reproduces major element trends from two stratigraphic sequences. This model also predicts the observed sequence of groundmass clinopyroxene compositions and phenocryst zoning reversals. In all low pressure simulations, olivine remains a modally significant liquidus phase during the first 20% and last 30% of the crystallization sequence, resulting in a negative correlation between the CaO and Fo content of olivine. These results are consistent with the presence of olivine phenocrysts that bear petrographic evidence of early crystallization, as well as observed compositional trends of groundmass olivine and clinopyroxene in Taburiente lavas. MELTS models that include an initial period of high pressure (12 kbar) clinopyroxene fractionation produce major element trends comparable to the low pressure model, but

  4. Multidisciplinary approach for the characterization of landslides in volcanic areas - a case study from the Palma Sola-Chiconquiaco Mountain Range, Mexico (United States)

    Wilde, Martina; Rodríguez Elizarrarás, Sergio R.; Morales Barrera, Wendy V.; Schwindt, Daniel; Bücker, Matthias; Flores Orozco, Adrián; García García, Emilio; Pita de la Paz, Carlos; Terhorst, Birgit


    The Palma Sola-Chiconquiaco mountain range, situated in the State of Veracruz, Mexico, is highly susceptible to landslides, which is evidenced by the high frequency of landslide events of different sizes. The study area is located near the Gulf of Mexico coastline in the eastern sector of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt. There, landslide triggers are intense rainfalls related to tropical storms and hurricanes. Steeper slopes are commonly affected by rockfalls, whereas moderate slopes, covered by massive slope deposits, are affected by shallow as well as deep seated landslides. Some of the landslides in the slope deposits reach dimensions of more than 1000 m in length and depths of over 30 m. The heterogeneous parent material as well as older slide masses hamper the detailed characterization of the involved materials. Therefore, in this study, a multidisciplinary approach is applied that integrates geomorphological, geological, and geophysical data. The aim is the reconstruction of process dynamics by analyzing the geomorphological situation and subsurface conditions before and after the event. The focus lies on the identification of past landslide areas, which represent areas with high susceptibility for the reactivation of old slide masses. Furthermore, the analysis of digital terrain models, generated before the landslide event, indicate initial movements like extension cracks, which are located close to the current scarp area. In order to characterize the subsurface of slide masses geophysical investigations are applied. The geophysical survey consists of a total of nine profiles covering relevant key features of the large affected area. Along these profiles, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and seismic refraction tomography (SRT) data were collected. Both, electrical and seismic images reveal a sharp contrast between relatively loose and dry material of the slide mass (high resistivities and low seismic velocities) and the former land surface that is

  5. Long-memory time series theory and methods

    CERN Document Server

    Palma, Wilfredo


    Wilfredo Palma, PhD, is Chairman and Professor of Statistics in the Department of Statistics at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Dr. Palma has published several refereed articles and has received over a dozen academic honors and awards. His research interests include time series analysis, prediction theory, state space systems, linear models, and econometrics.


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    Geraldo da Silva Gomes


    El presente texto dialoga con las imágenes y escritos que estan exponen la dinámica de los signos y la circulación y la producción de sentidos hecha los jóvenes que cumplen medidas  correlacionales en el Centro de Servicios Sociales y Educación (Case, Palmas-TO. El presente estudio forma parte de una investigación sobre los diálogos de los signos en los muros , pasillos, baños células y los espacios educativos formales en las organizaciones existentes para los jóvenes y las unidades del sistema de prision de personas adultas. La actividad fué desarrollada en 2014 hasta la presente fecha, teniendo como punto de partida visitas técnicas en el Case, el reconocimiento de los espacios de circulación de imágenes y escrituras , las tomas de instantáneas fotográficas  y el análisis bajo la contribución de la semiótica y los estudios de comunicación . Se busca con el texto contribuyer para que los estudiosos de la comunicación , educación y derecho amplíen la comprensión de dichos espacios cuyos muros dialogan  entre sí.   PALABRAS CLAVE: imagen; comunicación; semiótica; producción de sentidos; junventud.   Abrir em (para melhor visualização em dispositivos móveis - Formato Flipbooks: Issuu / Calameo

  7. Determinación de esteroles en la fracción insaponificable del aceite de los frutos de la palma real cubana (Roystonea regia

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    David Marrero Delange


    Full Text Available Introducción: los esteroles han sido ampliamente estudiados por su importancia nutricional y farmacéutica. Sin embargo, para nuestro conocimiento, la composición de esteroles del aceite de los frutos de la palma real cubana (Roystonea regia no ha sido determinada hasta el momento. Objetivos: determinar la composición de esteroles que pudieran estar presentes en la fracción insaponificable del aceite de R. regia mediante CG-EM. Métodos: muestras de dos lotes de aceite de R. regia fueron sometidas al procedimiento para la determinación de esteroles establecido por el del Instituto de Nutracéuticos de los EE.UU., el cual consiste, fundamentalmente, en una saponificación con disolución de KOH/EtOH y posterior extracción con n-hexano de las fracciones insaponificables. Las fracciones obtenidas fueron analizadas por CG-EM como derivados TMS e identificadas por comparación de sus espectros con los de patrones comerciales y los de la base de espectros Wiley. Para la cuantificación se utilizó el colestano como patrón interno. Resultados: en la fracción insaponificable del aceite de R. regia se encontró un contenido total de esteroles de 66,1%; lo que representa un 0,14 % del aceite. La fracción de esteroles, estuvo compuesta principalmente por â -sitosterol (51,2 %, estigmasterol (9,6 %, campesterol (9,2 %, 24-metilen-cicloartanol (9,2 %, Ä5-avenasterol (8,9 %, cicloartanol (7,5 %; además de otros componentes minoritarios como cicloartenol, ã-sitosterol y colesterol. Conclusiones: se identificaron y se cuantificaron mediante CG-EM los esteroles de la fracción insaponificable del aceite de R. regia, en la cual el â-sitosterol resultó el componente mayoritario. Estos resultados son una contribución al estudio de la composición química de dicho aceite y pudieran avalar su posible utilidad nutricional y seguridad.

  8. Viabilidade econômica da produção de palma forrageira irrigada e adensada no semiárido Potiguar = Economic feasibility of irrigated forage cactus in narrow rows in the Potiguar semiarid

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    Suênia Flávia de Araújo Dantas


    Full Text Available O semiárido potiguar pode ser uma excelente alternativa para a implantação de projetos de produção de palma irrigada e adensada por apresentar, em grande parte de seu território, clima desfavorável a produção dessa cultura em sistema de sequeiro. A irrigação e adensamento surge como uma alternativa viável economicamente para investidores. Assim, teve-se como objetivo estudar a viabilidade econômica da produção da palma forrageira irrigada e adensada no semiárido potiguar. A partir da análise dos dados, foi considerado o custo de produção de um hectare no município de Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte. No projeto foram analisados o investimento, custos de manutenção, rentabilidade e estimativa de crescimento ao longo de oito anos. Por meio de fluxo de caixa, considerando taxa mínima de atratividade de 8%, foram obtidos o Valor Presente Líquido [VPL], taxa interna de retorno [TIR] e o payback, assim como o cálculo do ponto de nivelamento. O projeto foi considerado economicamente viável, com a constatação de VPL igual a R$ 105.892,49 e TIR de 88%. O lucro líquido anual do projeto alcançou R$ 22.552,20, o que acumulado durante oito anos pode atingir R$ 158.319,80. Com base no payback o investidor teria retorno do investimento inicial em um ano e nove meses. A produtividade mínima para que a atividade desse lucro foi de 70.103 kg ha-1.ano-1. = The Potiguar semiarid can be an excellent alternative, in great part of its territory, to implement projects of irrigated forage cactus in narrow rows because of the unfavorable weather to the production of this crop in rainfed system. Narrowing and irrigating come as feasible alternatives to investors. Thus, the objective was to study the economic feasibility of irrigated forage cactus production in narrow rows in the Potiguar semiarid. It was considered the production cost of one hectare based on the data collected in the city of Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte. In the project, it was

  9. Isolation and characterization of microcrystalline cellulose obtained ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this study, microcrystalline cellulose, coded MCC-PNF, was obtained from palm nut (Elaeis guineensis) fibres. MCC-PNF was examined for its physicochemical and powder properties. The powder properties of MCC-PNF were compared to those of the best commercial microcrystalline cellulose grade, Avicel PH 101.

  10. Comparative study on the microbiology and shelf life stability of palm ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The microbiological and biochemical changes and shelf life stability of Elaeis guineensis and Raphia hookeri brands of palm wine were determined. R. hookeri brands were found to habour more heterotrophic and coliform population than the E. guineensis, whereas the later haboured more yeast species. Identification tests ...

  11. Exportación del aceite de oliva. Empresas y empresarios, 1900-1936

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    Full Text Available Los avances de la Revolución Industrial en el último tercio del siglo XIX trajeron consigo trascendentales innovaciones en todos los sectores de la economía. Desde la agricultura a la industria, pasando por el transporte y demás servicios, experimentaron cambios profundos que afectaron de Heno a uno de los cultivos e industrias derivadas que más se habían extendido en las décadas centrales del si­glo, el olivar y la industria aceitera. Mercados como el lubricado de maquinarias, el alumbrado o la fabricación de jabón, entre otros, se fueron perdiendo en un corto período de tiempo. Son las consecuencias, para el sector aceitero, de lo que conocemos como la Crisis agraria finise cular.

  12. Nutrient elements distribution in cultivated and uncultivated soils ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Okai stream was surrounded by a three-year old fallow land dominated by oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), raphia palm (Raphia spp), cocoyam (Colocasia esculentus), avocado tree (Persea Americana), shrubs (mainly Sponelias munibin) and sparsely distributed grasses. The upland farm close to this stream was grown to ...

  13. Multipurpose uses of forage species, estimation of availability and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The percentage crude fibre content of Icancina trichantha (73. 8%) was highest compared with the other browse species. Browse species from Edemani community gave significantly (P < 0.05) higher crude fibre contents than those from Obukpa community. Elaeis guineensis had significantly (P < 0.05) the highest ash ...


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    Gonzalez Roy


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar la densidad y la estructura poblacional de la palma bombona Iriartea deltoidea en un bosque de tierra firme de la zona sur del Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu, en la Amazonia Colombiana. En seis parcelas de 1 ha y 90 transectos de 50 x 1 m, se censaron todos los individuos de la especie. Para cada individuo, se registró la altura del tallo, el estado morfológico de las hojas (i.e. hojas enteras, hojas divididas, forma de las pinnas, la formación de raíz fúlcrea, la altura del cono de la raíz y el estado fenol��gico (brácteas, inflorescencias e infrutescencias. Se encontraron 2819 individuos (376±58 ind/ha que se agruparon en tres grandes categorías de edad significativamente diferentes (e.g. plántulas, juveniles y adultos. La gran categoría Plántulas se caracterizó por individuos con hojas no divididas, sin formación de raíces fúlcreas y comprendió el 96.6% de los individuos muestreados. Esta se subdividió en seis categorías de plántulas estadísticamente significativas dadas por cambios en la altura, número y morfología de las hojas. La gran categoría Juvenil consistió en individuos con hojas divididas en pinnas, formación de raíces fúlcreas con altura de cono radicular menor a 1 m, sin estructuras reproductivas y con 1.5% (42 de los individuos totales. Esta se subdividió en dos categorías de juveniles (I y II. La categoría Adultos incluyó todos los individuos con hojas divididas en pinnas, formación de raíces fúlcreas con altura del cono radicular mayor a 1 m y con presencia de estructuras reproductivas. Estos correspondieron al 1.9% (54 de los individuos y se subdividieron en dos categorías: Adultos I y Adultos II, dadas principalmente por diferencias significativas en la altura. La densidad de la población presentó una distribución típica de poblaciones naturales de plantas tropicales, siguiendo un modelo de Poisson en donde abundan individuos de

  15. Estimation of land use conflicts due to the dynamic of african Palm cultivation using remote sensing in Cesar, Colombia

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    Angie López-Duque


    Full Text Available Se presentan métodos de evaluación del conflicto por uso de la tierra en el departamento del Cesar, debido al cultivo de Palma africana. Se evaluó si la dinámica de cultivo de palma en distintas épocas, ha incluido desplazamiento de usos más adecuados de la tierra, ocupación de áreas protegidas, o sustitución de ecosistemas boscosos, para resolver algunos supuestos y corroborar declaraciones sobre el establecimiento de esta especie. Se determinó la ubicación, extensión y crecimiento del área de las plantaciones de palma y los conflictos de uso de la tierra por expansión de su cultivo, con base en análisis espaciales. Se hacen recomendaciones a la comunidad científica y a los palmicultores, considerando que aunque son mínimos los usos inadecuados de la tierra por la siembra de palma, principalmente se presentan conflictos por subutilización de tierras moderadamente fértiles, así como la invasión de áreas de retiros a corrientes hídricas y nacimientos de agua.

  16. La junta de obras de los puertos: aspectos económicos, financieros y contables de su normativa reguladora. Una aplicación a la junta de obras del Puerto de la Luz y Las Palmas (Islas Canarias a través del estudio del libro diario, 1907-1908

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    Candelaria Castro Pérez


    Para la aplicación empírica de este estudio se ha tomado como fuente primaria la contabilidad desarrollada por la Junta de Obras de los Puertos de La Luz y Las Palmas para los años 1907-1908, reflejada en su primer Libro Diario, en el cual se registran todas las operaciones y por tanto constituye el fiel reflejo de la realidad económica del puerto. Dicho análisis nos permite mostrar la diversidad de operaciones económicas realizadas por la Junta en el intervalo temporal objeto de estudio, así como los movimientos de capitales que constituyeron su financiación y la posterior inversión de los mismos. Este estudio será la base para contrastar la realidad económica con las obligaciones impuestas por la normativa vigente en el período analizado.

  17. Dicty_cDB: Contig-U15486-1 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 3 ( AY442211 ) Drosophila subobscura strain Palma-5 A+T rich reg... 34 1.6 3 ( AY442221 ) Drosophila subobs...phila subobscura strain Palma-1 A+T rich reg... 34 1.6 3 ( AY442209 ) Drosophila subobscura strain Hierro-21...h ... 34 1.6 3 ( AY442212 ) Drosophila subobscura strain Barcelona-12 A+T ric... 34 1.6 3 ( AY442210 ) Droso

  18. Explant age, auxin concentrations and media type affect callus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effects of explant age of oil palm (Elaeis huineensis) embryo axes, 15 and 18 weeks after anthesis (WAA), media type (Eeuwens and Murashige and Skoog) supplemented with various concentrations of 2,4-D on callus production employing standard in vitro techniques were investigated. The results of the study showed ...

  19. Assessment of an oil palm population from Nigerian Institute for Oil ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), a monocotyledonous plant belonging to the Arecaceae family, is one of the most important oil crops in the world. In Nigeria, oil palm has benefited immensely from conventional breeding efforts resulting in high yields that have been achieved with this breeding material. However, oil palm ...

  20. logical studies of nephrolepis biserrata (swartz)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    (c): N. undulata on the (Azardiracta indica) tree trunk opposite. Staff Club, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. (d): N. undulata as epiphytic fern (plant) on Elaeis guniensis near the Department of Botany car park, Obafemi Awolowo University,. Ile-Ife. Fig. 2. Plant forms and habits. (a): Nephrolepis biserrata showing sori ...

  1. Estrategia para el balance cero CO2 en un desarrollo turístico mediterráneo existente

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    Fernández, A.


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to show the carbon reduction strategy for the integrated regeneration of Playa de Palma, Palma de Mallorca. The article will describe the strategy which has been established and the measures planned in order to reach the target of zero CO2 emissions for 2050, and will provide a description of an energy model based 100% on renewable energies. The strategies include not only technological measures aimed at energy efficiency and the integration of renewable energies in buildings and the urban environment, but also other measures designed to change energy consumption patterns. In this latter respect, in addition to citizen awareness programmes, energy demand management models based on intelligent electrical networks will be implemented. The viable implementation of the strategies requires the establishment of energy business models and models for the corporate structures set up around the Palma Beach energy agency.En este artículo se describirá la estrategia que se ha establecido en el desarrollo de regeneración integral de Playa de Palma (Palma de Mallorca y medidas planificadas con el fin implantar el objetivo de emisiones Cero CO2 para el 2050 y la descripción del modelo energético basado 100% en energías renovables. Las estrategias incluyen medidas tecnológicas de eficiencia energética e integración de renovables en edificios y ámbito urbano pero también otras que inciden en la modificación de los patrones de consumo. En este sentido se plantearán además de planes de sensibilización al ciudadano, modelos de la gestión de la demanda energética apoyados en redes eléctricas inteligentes. Así mismo se establecerán los modelos de negocio energético y estructuras societarias constituidas entorno al ente energético Playa de Palma requeridos para hacer viable la implantación de las estrategias.

  2. Economic advantages to optimising chemical products in pre-treatment in reverse osmosis desalination plants; Ventajas economicas al optimizar los productos quimicos en el pretratamiento de plantas desaladoras por osmosis inversa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Munoz Elguera, A.; Alday Ansola, J.; Perez Baez, S. O.


    This article reports the results of a process of optimising the dosage of Sodium hypochlorite and Metabisulphite, performed on sea water in the pre-treatment division of the Las Palmas III reverse osmosis desalination plant, currently operated by Empresa Mixta de Aguas de las Palmas (EMALSA), responsible for providing drinking water to more than 400.000 people in the city of Las Palmas, capital of Grand Canary Island. The results of this optimisation process, contrary to the opinion of the operators of the plant, after reducing the amount of Metabisulphite normally used in the plant by 70%, and Sodium hypochlorite by 30%, there were no adverse effects on the microbiological quality of the sea water. Moreover, the performance of the membranes was improved (bad odors disappeared, along with organic material sediments, etc.). (Author) 9 refs.

  3. Monitoring diffuse degassing in monogentic volcanic field during a quiescent period: the case of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma,Canary Islands, Spain) (United States)

    Burns, F.; Cole, M.; Vaccaro, W.; Alonso Cótchico, M.; Melián, G.; Asensio-Ramos, M.; Padron, E.; Hernandez Perez, P. A.; Perez, N. M.


    Volcanic activity at La Palma (Canary Islands) in the last 123 ka has taken place exclusively at the southern part of the island, where Cumbre Vieja volcano, which is characterized by a main north-south rift zone 20 km long and up to 1950 m in elevation and covering an area of 220 km2 with vents located also at the northwest and northeast. Cumbre Vieja is the most active basaltic volcano in the Canaries with 7 historical eruptions being San Juan (1949) and Teneguía (1971) the most recent ones. Since no visible degassing (fumaroles, etc.) at Cumbre Vieja occurs, our geochemical program for the volcanic surveillance of Cumbre Vieja is mainly focused on diffuse degassing monitoring. Diffuse CO2 emission surveys are yearly performed in summer to minimize the influence of meteorological variations. About 570 sampling sites were selected for each survey to obtain a homogeneous distribution after taking into consideration the local geology, structure, and accessibility. Measurements of soil CO2 efflux were performed in situ by means of a portable non-dispersive infrared sensor following the accumulation chamber method. The soil CO2 efflux values of the 2017 survey ranged from non-detectable to 47.7 g m-2 d-1. Statistical-graphical analysis of the data show two different geocheleemical populations; background (B) and peak (P) represented by 98.2% and 1.8% of the total data, respectively. The geometric means of the B and P populations are 2.9 and 36.5 g m-2 d-1, respectively. Most of the area showed B values while the P values were mainly observed both flanks of the main N-S volcanic rift. To estimate the diffuse CO2 emission in metric tons per day released from Cumbre Vieja (220 km2) for the 2017 survey, we ran about 100 sGs simulations. The estimated 2017 diffuse CO2 output released to atmosphere by Cumbre Vieja was at 801 ± 27 t d-1, value relatively higher than the background average of CO2 emission estimated on 374 t d-1 and within the background range of 132 t d-1

  4. Antagonismo in vitro de Trichoderma harzianum Rifai sobre Fusarium solani (Mart. Sacc., asociado a la marchitez en maracuyá

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    Carol Libeth Suárez Meza


    Full Text Available Cultivos de maracuyá de la región Caribe colombiana presentan problemas de marchitez y el hongo Fusarium solani (Mart. Sacc., está asociado a esta patología. Plantas de maracuyá de la Estación Experimental (E.E Caribia de Corpoica poseen este problema y por tal razón se determinó el antagonismo in vitro de aislamientos de Trichoderma harzianum Rifai, frente a F. solani, aislado de plantas enfermas de maracuyá (Passiflora edulis. Utilizando la técnica de cultivo dual en platos Petri con Agar Sabouraud, se evaluaron competencia por nutrientes y espacio, micoparasitismo y porcentaje de inhibición del crecimiento radial (PICR, empleando un diseño estadístico factorial 2x6x1 con arreglo completamente aleatorio. Se obtuvieron tres aislamientos nativos de T. harzianum (TCN-009, TCN-010, TCN-014 de suelo de Palma de Aceite (Elaeis guineensis de la E.E Caribia, y se compararon con tres aislamientos comerciales (TCC-001, TCC-005, TCC-006. TCC-001 y TCN-014, reportaron ser más competentes por nutrientes y espacio, con el mayor radio de crecimiento de 7,50 y 7,32 cm el día 10, comparado a FSM-011 en el cual solo fue de 2,30 cm. Aunque, TCN-014 mostró micoparasitismo grado 4 con ambos aislamientos de F. solani y TCC-005 únicamente con FSM-012, el cual fue más susceptible a ser micoparasitado. En cuanto al PICR, los tratamientos con mejores porcentajes de inhibición fueron TA-9, TA-12 y TA-6 con valores de 70,56, 68,52 y 65,32% respectivamente. El aislamiento del patógeno mayormente inhibido fue FSM-011. Todos estos resultados demuestran que hubo antagonismo in vitro al utilizar los aislamientos nativos y comerciales de T. harzianum sobre F. solani.  Palabras clave: Passiflora, competencia, micoparasitismo, inhibición, antagonismo.

  5. Liquid Soap Production with Blends Of Rubber Seed Oil (RSO) And ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The production of liquid detergent using locally sourced palm fruit bunch (Elaeis Guineesis) waste saponier has been investigated. An optimum blend ratio of rubber seed oil to palm kernel oil RSO:PKO 20:80 being constituent elements used for the production of the soap; was obtained using the Duncan Multiple Range ...

  6. Isolation of a kernel oleoyl-ACP thioesterase gene from the oil palm ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We have isolated a cDNA clone from the developing kernel of the oil palm Elaeis guineensis which encodes a thioesterase enzyme. Its highest homology was to the Brassica napus oleoyl-ACP thioesterase with which it had 72% homology at the nucleotide level, over the coding region examined, and 83% identity (90% ...

  7. The semi-wild oil palm and its industry in Africa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zeven, A.C.


    The oil palm (Elaeis quineensis Jacq.) is of great importance to the people of West Tropical and Equatorial Africa. This palm is there a major food crop under semi-wild conditions and since the end of the 18th century a principal commercial crop. In the first chapters the centres of

  8. Diversificación de productos y segmentación de la demanda turística en la isla de La Palma: aplicaciones de cara a la política turística

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    Díaz Pérez, Flora M


    Full Text Available The Canary Islands have traditionally been a destination for mass tourism, a fact that is not, however, necessarily incompatible with a growing trend towards segmentation in tourist markets. In fact, the experience of other traditional destinations, like the Balearic Islands, shows that the two trends can take place at the same time. This article presents the results of a segmentation study carried out on a representa-tive sample of the tourist market for the island of La Palma (Canary Islands in early 2002. More specifi-cally, we cross demand segments and services to study a possible imbalance between tourist expectations for the services offered and the services that are actually contracted in the destination. The segments studied were: nationality (German and Spanish, income and type of establishment; and the services studied: excur-sions, recreational activities in general and sports activities in particular. The results show that the best posi-tive response to the destination is found for excursions for both nationalities. For the other services offered, however, (recreational activities and more specifically sports activities, the response differs substantially from one nationality to another, suggesting that the destination in general is in a better position to cover the contracting expectations of Spanish domestic tourism. In summary, the results of the study lead us to con-clude that the cultural factors associated with nationality have the strongest influence on defining tourist service consumer behaviour

  9. Efeito da adubação e do uso de nematicida na composição química da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill Fertilization and nematicide effects on the chemical composition of cactus forage cv. "Gigante"

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    Margareth Maria Teles


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Zootecnia da UFRPE, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da adubação e de nematicida na composição da palma forrageira cv. gigante, com sintoma de amarelecimento. Para o plantio utilizaram-se cladódios de cor amarela de palma (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill. Cv. Gigante provenientes da Estação Experimental de Caruaru - IPA, onde foi observado o amarelecimento das plantas. Os tratamentos constaram da presença e ausência de macronutrientes, micronutrientes e de nematicida, em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para teores de matéria seca, de K, de Ca e de Mg. Para teores de N, de P e de S, a análise de variância revelou diferença significativa. A média geral para teores de MS, N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S foi de 7,29; 1,19; 0,17; 3,31; 1,84; 0,59 e 0,17%, respectivamente. A adição de micronutrientes e de nematicida não influenciou os resultados obtidos para teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Os teores de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio foram superiores nos cladódios mais jovens da planta. Os nutrientes nitrogênio, fósforo e enxofre foram os únicos que influenciaram a composição química.This experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the Animal Science Department/UFRPE and aimed to evaluate the fertilization and nematicide effects on the chemical composition of cactus forage cv. "Gigante" suffering chlorotic symptoms. Chlorotic cladodes of Cactus forage cv. "Gigante" were used as planting material and they were collected at the Caruaru Experimental Station/IPA in the same location where those symptoms were previously observed. The treatments tested the presence or absence of macronutrients, micronutrients, and nematicide. A completely randomized block design was used and the treatments were replicated four times. No significant differences were found for dry matter

  10. Substituição do milho e do feno de capim-tifton por palma forrageira. Produção de proteína microbiana e excreção de uréia e de derivados de purina em vacas lactantes Effects of replacing of corn and Tifton hay with forage cactus on microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen metabolism in lactating dairy cows

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    Veronaldo Souza de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com os objetivos de estimar a produção e a eficiência de síntese de proteína microbiana utilizando-se a excreção total de derivados de purinas (DP e avaliar as concentrações de uréia na urina, de uréia e N-uréia no plasma e no leite de vacas holandesas em lactação alimentadas com dietas formuladas com diferentes níveis (0; 12,0; 25,0; 38,0 e 51,0% de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill em substituição total ao milho (Zea mays L. e parcial ao feno de capim-tifton (Cynodon spp. Foram utilizadas cinco vacas holandesas distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5 x 5. Cada período experimental teve duração de 17 dias, dez para adaptação dos animais à dieta e sete para coleta de dados. O volume urinário foi estimado em amostras spot de urina obtidas 4 horas após a alimentação. O volume urinário (27,62 L, a excreção urinária de ácido úrico (35,78 mmol/dia, alantoína na urina (288,42 mmol/dia, alantoína no leite (18,11 mmol/dia e alantoína total (306,54 mmol/dia, a excreção de derivados de purina total (342,33 mmol/dia e de purinas absorvidas (350,03 mmol/dia, a síntese de proteína microbiana (1.376,07g/dia e a eficiência da síntese de proteína microbiana (115,38 g/kgNDTconsumido não foram afetados pela substituição do milho e do feno de tifton por palma na dieta. A excreção de uréia na urina (mg/kg PV e as concentrações de uréia e N-uréia no plasma (mg/dL decresceram de forma linear, enquanto a excreção e as concentrações de uréia e N-uréia no leite e de glicose plasmática não foram influenciadas pelos níveis de palma na dieta. O milho pode ser substituído integralmente e o feno, parcialmente, por palma forrageira em dietas para vacas holandesas em lactação, pois a substituição não afetou a produção de proteína microbiana ou as perdas do nitrogênio dietético pela excreção de uréia.The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of replacing

  11. Balanço de compostos nitrogenados e produção de proteína microbiana em novilhas leiteiras alimentadas com palma forrageira, bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e uréia associados a diferentes suplementos Nitrogenous compounds balance and microbial protein production in crossbred heifers fed forage cactus, sugar cane bagasse and urea associated to different supplements

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    Ricardo Alexandre Silva Pessoa


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da associação de palma forrageira ao bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e à uréia sobre o balanço de compostos nitrogenados e a produção de proteína microbiana em novilhas leiteiras recebendo ou não suplemento. Foram utilizadas 25 novilhas da raça Girolando, com peso vivo médio inicial de 227 kg, confinadas, distribuídas em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, estabelecidos de acordo com o peso dos animais. A ração controle (sem suplemento foi composta de 64,0% de palma forrageira, 30,0% de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, 4,0% de mistura uréia:sulfato de amônio (9:1 e 2,0% de mistura mineral, com base na matéria seca (MS, e as rações experimentais, de 57,0% de palma forrageira, 26,0% de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, 3,5% de mistura uréia:sulfato de amônio, 1,8% de mistura mineral e 11,7% de suplemento (0,5% do PV dos animais. Os suplementos testados foram: farelo de trigo, farelo de soja, farelo de algodão ou caroço de algodão. O balanço de nitrogênio não foi influenciado pelas dietas e apresentou valor médio de 49,3 g/dia. A suplementação com farelo de algodão ou com farelo de soja aumentou a excreção de nitrogênio na urina, a concentração de uréia e nitrogênio uréico no plasma e a excreção urinária de uréia e nitrogênio uréico. A associação da palma forrageira ao bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e à uréia, sem o uso de suplementos, permite eficiência de síntese microbiana de 105 gPBmic/kg de NDT consumido. A suplementação com caroço de algodão proporciona maior excreção urinária de alantoína e derivados de purina e melhor eficiência de síntese microbiana, portanto, é a mais indicada nestas condições.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of association of forage cactus to sugar cane bagasse and urea on nitrogenous compounds balance and microbial protein synthesis in milk heifers supplemented or not. Twenty-five Holstein-Gir crossbred heifers

  12. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Chukwuma, FO. Vol 4, No 1 (2006) - Articles Use of Straight –Run Gasoline (Srg) as A Leaching Solvent for Oil Palm (Elaeis Guineensis) Kernel Seed Abstract. ISSN: 1596-3497. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors · FAQ's · More about AJOL · AJOL's Partners ...

  13. Draft Genome Sequence of the Phytopathogenic Fungus Ganoderma boninense, the Causal Agent of Basal Stem Rot Disease on Oil Palm. (United States)

    Utomo, Condro; Tanjung, Zulfikar Achmad; Aditama, Redi; Buana, Rika Fithri Nurani; Pratomo, Antonius Dony Madu; Tryono, Reno; Liwang, Tony


    Ganoderma boninense is the dominant fungal pathogen of basal stem rot (BSR) disease on Elaeis guineensis We sequenced the nuclear genome of mycelia using both Illumina and Pacific Biosciences platforms for assembly of scaffolds. The draft genome comprised 79.24 Mb, 495 scaffolds, and 26,226 predicted coding sequences. Copyright © 2018 Utomo et al.

  14. Degradation of Palm Oil Induced By Ionizing Radiation | Egbe | West ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    X-irradiated Palm Oil of the Elaeis guineensis specie was studied by assessing the effect of the radiation on the Peroxide, Iodine and Fatty acid values of the oil. These were compared with values of fresh and thermoxidized palm oil. Results showed a rise in the peroxide value by as much as 52.5% for thermoxidized oil and ...

  15. Sky Glow from Cities: The Army Illumination Model v2 (United States)


    corresponding to one 10th magnitude star per square degree and will not be pursued further here). Benn and Ellison find that the sky brightness at La Palma ...not have electricity, liquid and pressurized lamps are 23 included. For these latter two, liquid Citronella, lamp oil , liquid paraffin and...Properties; AFGL-TR-79-0214; Air Force Geophysics Laboratory: Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, 1979. 19. Benn, C. R. and Ellison, S. L. La Palma Night-Sky

  16. ASTRO 850: Teaching Teachers about Exoplanets (United States)

    Barringer, Daniel; Palma, Christopher


    The Earth and Space Science Partnership (ESSP) is a collaboration among Penn State scientists, science educators and seven school districts across Pennsylvania. Penn State also offers through its fully online World Campus the opportunity for In-Service science teachers to earn an M.Ed. degree in Earth Science, and we currently offer a required online astronomy course for that program. We have previously presented descriptions of how have incorporated research-based pedagogical practices into ESSP-sponsored workshops for in-service teachers (Palma et al. 2013), a pilot section of introductory astronomy for non-science majors (Palma et al. 2014), and into the design of an online elective course on exoplanets for the M.Ed. in Earth Science (Barringer and Palma, 2016). Here, we present the finished version of that exoplanet course, ASTRO 850. We gratefully acknowledge support from the NSF MSP program award DUE#0962792.

  17. Slavia takes the Czech path

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haluza, I.


    Biodiesel was the main reason Slavia Capital bought the oil processing company, Palma Tumys, Bratislava last year. The biofuels added to fuel produced from oil are one of the core products of this investment group. But today Slavia is profiting more from the production of edible oils and margarine produced by the Palma Group. It has benefited from the global increase in food prices. But Palma is also profiting from the experience and contacts of its new Czech managers appointed by the new owner. They have found a place in Czech stores for Slovak oils and margarines. In the past the company only used to supply its products to Czech bakers. And they even found a place for biodiesel. Petr Zejdlik is Czech and is the chairman of the board of Palma Group. Matej Valtr, is also Czech and is responsible for managing company strategies. They replaced the former owners, original Slovak privatizers who used to manage the company and did not do badly. They managed to keep one of the biggest Slovak food processing companies in good shape and in profit and j with stable revenues of around 90 mil. EUR. But finally they gave in to international competition from Bunge, Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland and sold the company to a financially strong investor. (author)

  18. Production of meat of rabbit, an alternative for the cooperative sector palmero to inclination of a project of municipal initiative of local development

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    Raúl Rosales Guzmán


    Full Text Available The present article contains an analysis on the possibilities offered by the cooperative sector in La Palma, which is supported by the local development initiative of breeding rabbits. This activity can be easily carried out with minimal cost and effort, and is supported by a tradition in the local population, mainly in the private sector. The proposal will allow the production of rabbit meat in order to ease the difficult situation regarding meat supply; constitute the fundamental problem of how to incorporate research conducted the cooperative sector in La Palma to development projects municipal initiative? The Group of Local Development in La Palma has a project portfolio in which many important enterprises take part, with lack of initiation on the cooperative sector, which is basic for La Palma’s and Cuba’s economy. This proposal is also sustained by the fact that all cooperatives in that territory have a great deal of resources of all kinds (human, natural, etc which will allow for a sustainable development and the improvement of life quality standards for associates and inhabitants in general.  The aim of the research conducted to analyze the possibilities of the cooperative sector in the municipality of La Palma, incorporating the process of local development initiative, through a project on breeding rabbit and improve the supply of meat in the town

  19. Caroço de algodão em dietas à base de palma forrageira para vacas leiteiras: síntese de proteína microbiana Whole cottonseed in forage cactus based diets: synthesis of microbial protein

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    Airon Aparecido Silva de Melo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da inclusão de caroço de algodão em substituição parcial à silagem de sorgo e ao farelo de soja em dietas à base de palma forrageira sobre a produção de proteína microbiana, a eficiência de síntese de proteína microbiana e as concentrações de uréia na urina e de uréia e N-uréia no plasma e no leite de vacas holandesas em lactação. Foram utilizados cinco animais aos 50 dias de lactação, distribuídos em quadrado latino 5 × 5. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco níveis (0,0; 6,25; 12,50; 18,75 e 25,00% de inclusão de caroço de algodão na MS da dieta. A inclusão de caroço de algodão na dieta não influenciou a síntese de nitrogênio ou proteína microbiana, cujos valores médios foram 295,08 e 1.844,27 g/dia, respectivamente. As eficiências de síntese de nitrogênio e proteína microbiana diminuíram linearmente, em proporções de 0,30 e 1,43 g para cada 1% de caroço de algodão na dieta, respectivamente. Os níveis de uréia na urina e de uréia e N-uréia no plasma e no leite não foram afetados pela inclusão de caroço de algodão na dieta. Portanto, em dietas à base de palma forrageira, a inclusão de caroço de algodão em níveis de até 25% da MS não interfere na síntese de proteína microbiana e nas concentrações de uréia.The objective of this trial was to investigate the effects of partial replacement of sorghum silage and soybean meal with whole cottonseed on microbial protein synthesis and efficiency and nitrogen metabolism in lactating Holstein cows receiving forage cactus based diets. Five animals were randomly assigned to a 5 × 5 Latin square design and were fed diets containing (% of DM: 0.0, 6.25, 12.50, 18.75, and 25.00% of whole cottonseed. Inclusion of whole cottonseed in the diet did not affect microbial nitrogen and microbial protein synthesis, which averaged 295.08 and 1844.27 g/day, respectively. Microbial protein synthesis and microbial nitrogen

  20. Capacidade de Absorção do Conhecimento e a Comunicação com o Ambiente Externo: Uma Análise em Empresas de Palmas/TO

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    Suzana Gilioli Nunes


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi avaliar a capacidade de absorção do conhecimento organizacional, tendo como uma das suas dimensões a comunicação com o ambiente externo. Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativo com cem empresas pertencentes aos setores de comércio e de serviços, localizadas na cidade de Palmas, TO. O questionário aplicado envolveu a utilização de uma escala da capacidade de absorção do conhecimento, desenvolvida por Matusik e Heeley (2005. Os autores avaliam que a capacidade de absorção é composta de múltiplas dimensões: 1 relação da empresa com seu ambiente externo, 2 a estrutura, as rotinas de conhecimentos, e o grupo principal de criação de valor e, 3 absorção de habilidades individuais. Os resultados demonstraram que as empresas pesquisadas possuíam alto grau de predominância de relacionamento com o ambiente. Palavras-chave: Capacidade de Absorção do Conhecimento; Conhecimento; Comunicação com o ambiente externo.   ABSTRACT The main objective of this research was to evaluate the absorption capacity of organizational knowledge, having as one of its dimensions communication with the external environment. One quantitative study with a hundred companies belonging to the trade and service sectors has been developed, located in the city of Palmas, TO. The questionnaire involved the use of a range of absorption capacity of the knowledge developed by Matusik and Heeley (2005. The authors estimate that the absorption capacity is made up of multiple dimensions: 1 the company's relationship with its external environment, 2 the structure, routines of knowledge, and the main group of value creation and, 3 absorption of individual skills . The results showed that the surveyed enterprises had a high degree of dominance relationship with the environment. Keywords: Absorption Capacity of Knowledge; Knowledge; Communication with the external environment.   RESUMEN El principal

  1. Alimentation des lapins ( Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) à base de Azolla ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les systèmes intégrés de production constituent l'une des voies essentielles pour une agriculture durable. Cette étude a pour but d'évaluer l'effet d'une alimentation à base de Azolla filiculoïdes, Elaeis guineensis, Ipomoea aquatica et Panicum maximum sur les performances zootechniques des lapins et le potentiel nutritif ...

  2. article ndiayeoumar.MDI

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    L'alimentation hydrique est le principal facteur limitant la productivité du palmier à huile (Elaeis guineensis. Jacq.). Les réponses physiologiques des plantules, soumises à un déficit hydrique, ont été évaluées sous serre, dans des pots durant 4 mois. En vue d'identifier des critères discriminants au jeune âge pour une.

  3. Évaluation de la sensibilité de sept clones de palmier à huile ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectifs : Évaluer la sensibilité de 7 clones d'Elaeis guineensis à Coelaenomenodera lameensis (Coleoptera : Hispinae) et estimer les dégâts occasionnés par l'insecte au terme d'un cycle de développement complet sur chaque type de matériel clonal. Méthodologies et Résultats : des insectes adultes de C. lameensis ont ...

  4. Concentration of Naegleria fowleri in natural waters used for recreational purposes in Sonora, Mexico (November 2007-October 2008). (United States)

    Lares-Villa, Fernando; Hernández-Peña, Claudia


    A survey was designed to know the concentration of Naegleria fowleri in recreational areas in Hornos, Sonora, during a year. Samples were taken monthly at La Isleta and Las Palmas and the total amoeba counts were obtained by the most probable number method (MPN). The identification of N. fowleri was made by PCR. The maximum concentration of total thermophilic amoebae was 9175 MPN/L for La Isleta and 3477 MPN/L for Las Palmas. Thermophilic Naegleria were present mainly during summer and fall. October's concentrations were up to 201 MPN/L, at both places. The maximum concentrations of N. fowleri were 201 MPN/L and 18 MPN/L for La Isleta and Las Palmas respectively, and were isolated from August to October. The presence of N. fowleri in these particular natural bodies of water reinforces the need for adaptation of preventive measures to avoid cases of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Síntese de proteína microbiana e concentrações de uréia em vacas alimentadas com dietas à base de palma forrageira e diferentes volumosos Microbial protein synthesis and urea nitrogen concentrations in lactating dairy cows fed spineless cactus and different forages based diets

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    Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira


    Full Text Available Cinco vacas da raça Holandesa foram distribuídas em um quadrado latino 5 × 5 com o objetivo de estimar a produção de proteína microbiana utilizando-se a excreção total de derivados de purinas (DP, por meio de coletas spot de urina, e as concentrações de nitrogênio (N-uréia no plasma, no leite e na urina. As cinco dietas foram formuladas com diversos volumosos (bagaço de cana-de-açúcar; feno de capim-tifton; feno de capim-elefante; silagem de sorgo; e uma mistura de silagem de sorgo + bagaço de cana associados à palma forrageira. As concentrações de uréia (10,98 mg/dL e N-uréia (5,11 mg/dL no leite não foram afetadas pelos volumosos, assim como as concentrações plasmáticas de uréia (28,10 mg/dL e N-uréia (13,09 mg/dL. As excreções urinárias de uréia, N-uréia, alantoína e derivados de purina, purinas absorvidas, a síntese de N-microbiano e as concentrações de alantoína no leite não foram alteradas. Os volumosos utilizados podem ser associados a palma forrageira na alimentação de vacas Holandesas, pois não alteram a produção de proteína microbiana.Five Holstein cows were allotted to a 5 × 5 Latin square design with the objective of evaluating the microbial protein production, using the total excretion of purine derivatives (PD, obtained from spot urine collection, plasma and milk urea and nitrogen (N-urea. The five treatments contained different forage sources: sugar cane bagasse (CB, tifton hay (TH, elephant grass hay (EH, sorghum silage (SS and a mixture of sugar cane bagasse + sorghum silage (CBSS. The milk urea (10.98 mg/dL and N-urea (5.11 mg/dL concentrations were not influenced by the forage sources, such as plasma urea (28.10 mg/dL and N-urea (13.09 mg/dL concentrations. The urinary urea, N-urea, allantoin and PD excretions, the absorbed purine, N-microbial synthesis and milk allantoin concentration remained unchanged. The different forage sources in association with forage cactus did not change

  6. Determinación de razas fisiológicas de Fusariumoxysporumf.sp. Dianthien suelos cultivados y en variedades de clavel en la finca "flores las palmas".

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    Benavides Joaquín L.


    Full Text Available


    EI problema fitosanitario más Limitante del cultivo del clavel en Colombia es el marchitamiento vascular ocasionado por Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi con pérdidas económicas muy importantes. EI objetivo del trabajo fue la determinación de las razas fisiológicas del patógeno en la línea "Flores Las Palmas·, localizada en el Municipio de Tocancipá, Cundinamarca, a partir de muestras de plantas de clavel afectadas y de suelo. La investigación consistió en la obtención de 50 aislamientos del hongo a partir de plantas afectadas por la enfermedad y de 50 alistamientos de suelo, los cuales se inocularon en las variedades diferenciales de clavel lbiza, Taiga, Raggio di Sole, Pink Calypso, Niki y San Remo. Los resultados mostraron que 41

    (82% de los 50 aislamientos del hongo obtenidos de plantas enfermas de clavel estándar se clasificaron como raza 2 del patógeno, cinco aislamientos (10% se caracterizaron como de baja patogenicidad, por l0 cual no fue posible determinar la raza a la cual pertenecen y cuatro aislamientos (8% se caracterizaron por no ser patogénicos en plantas de clavel. De los 50 aislamientos del hongo obtenidos a partir de muestras de suelo, solamente uno de ellos (2% Jue patogénico en plantas de clavel y se clasifico como raza 2, siendo los demás aislamientos no patogénicos en plantas de clavel.

  7. Valoración ecosistémica a partir del uso de métricas de paisaje aplicando sistemas de información geográfica en cultivos de palma africana

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    Claudia Mayelly Ramírez Cano


    Full Text Available La valoración del paisaje es una herramienta que contribuye en los procesos de gestión y planificación mediante la generación de indicadores que permiten caracterizar las condiciones del territorio. En esta investigación se analizaron las métricas de paisaje a partir de: área de la clase (CA, área total del paisaje (TA, porcentaje del área total del paisaje (PLAND, número de parches de la clase (NP y densidad de parches (PD, relación área-perímetro promedio (MPAR, índice de diversidad de Shannon (SDI e índice de equitatividad de Shannon  (SEI y la valoración se realizó con la adaptación metodológica de los autores Paula Másmela y Alejandro Gómez, dicha adaptación permitió discernir sobre las características y calidad del paisaje en el municipio de Puerto Wilches, Santander, Colombia, durante el periodo entre 1987 y 2015.  La valoración paisajística se realizó a partir de imágenes de satélite mediante análisis multitemporal de las coberturas para cuantificar y caracterizar las transformaciones paisajísticas dadas en el territorio. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que en el año 1987 el paisaje era más dinámico, constituido por variedad de coberturas y ecosistemas; mientras en 2015 existe una implementación a gran escala del monocultivo de palma africana que rompe con la estructura paisajística, sin embargo, el resultado de calidad visual arrojó clasificación media, que evidencia la importancia de realizar una revisión a fondo sobre las actuales políticas de ordenación del territorio.

  8. Tocopherols, Tocomonoenols, and Tocotrienols in Oils of Costa Rican Palm Fruits: A Comparison between Six Varieties and Chemical versus Mechanical Extraction. (United States)

    Irías-Mata, Andrea; Stuetz, Wolfgang; Sus, Nadine; Hammann, Simon; Gralla, Katrin; Cordero-Solano, Aracelly; Vetter, Walter; Frank, Jan


    Palm oil is one of the richest sources of tocotrienols and may contain other non-tocopherol vitamin E congeners. The vitamin E profiles of fully ripened fruit mesocarp of three Elaeis guineensis, two Elaeis oleifera, and one hybrid O × G palm fruit genotypes from Costa Rica were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after mechanical extraction by a screw press and chemical extraction with hexane. γ-Tocotrienol, α-tocotrienol, and α-tocopherol were the most abundant tocochromanols, while other tocopherols (β-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol, and δ-tocopherol) and α-tocomonoenol were detected at minor concentrations. Significant differences in vitamin E profiles between genotypes were observed, and the variety E. oleifera Quepos (CB9204) had by far the highest content of total tocotrienols (890 μg/g of oil) and total vitamin E (892 μg/g of oil). Chemical extraction with hexane afforded up to 2.5-fold higher vitamin E yields than screw press extraction. α-Tocomonoenol co-eluted with γ-tocopherol in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analyses and is a possible source of error in the quantification of γ-tocopherol in foods.

  9. Avaliação das qualidades culinárias de batatinhas alemãs cultivadas sob diferentes condições de clima solo no estado de São Paulo Culinary quality avaliation of german potatoes varieties

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    Olavo José Boock


    Full Text Available Foram avaliadas as qualidades culinárias de 18 cultivares alemães de batatinha - Solanum tuberosum L. - utilizando nas determinações tubérculos provenientes de ensaios de competição de cultivares, instalados em quatro diferentes regiões batateiras do Estado de São Paulo. Os cultivares lux, ômega, sálvia, baku, rubin e ceres apresentaram os teores mais elevados de matéria seca e fécula, mas levando-se em conta os resultados da produção de tubérculos, os que apresentaram valores acima da média foram: baku, ômega, lux, palma, ulla, bola, wiebke, topi, prima e ceres. Nas provas culinárias, os que se mostraram mais indicados para o preparo de saladas foram: ceres, rubin, prinzess, umbra, sálvia, prima, palma, jetta, gelbling, wiebke, ulla, ática, broca e lux. No preparo de "chips" e "french-fried", ômega classificou-se no grupo ótimo. No grupo bom para "chips" tivemos ceres, umbra e rubin. No bom para "french-fried", classificaram-se os três cultivares citados como bons para "chips" mais ou seguintes: jetta, prinzess, ulla e palma. Os métodos utilizados nas determinações aproximaram-se dos caseiros, mas forneceram informações valiosas sobre as principais qualidades culinárias dos cultivares em estudo.Eighteen German potato varieties were tested for their cooking qualities, with tubers provenients from four field trials settled in different potato regions of the State of São Paulo. The highest dry matter and starch content, per unit of weight were lux, ômega, sálvia, baku, rubin and ceres. Per unity of area, the values of baku, ômega, lux, palma, ulla, bola, wiebke, topi, prinzess and ceres were higher than the average. For salad purpose, the best results were from ceres, rubin, prinzess, umbra, sálvia, prima, palma, jetta, gelbling, wiebke, ulla, atica, broca and lux. Omega was the best one for making chips and French-fried. Ceres, umbra and rubin also gave good chips. All these cultivars, more jetta, prinzess, ulla

  10. Fútbol y conflictividad sociopolítica durante la dictadura de Franco. Un estudio de caso

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    Néstor García Lázaro


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente investigación es ahondar la relación existente entre el fútbol y la conflictividadsociopolítica durante los períodos de dictadura. Para ello nos centramos en estudiar los desórdenespúblicos que tienen lugar durante y después del encuentro que enfrenta a la Unión Deportiva LasPalmas contra el Córdoba en el Estadio Insular el 4 de marzo de 1962. Nos basamos principalmenteen la documentación generada por las autoridades franquistas, como es el caso del Servicio de Informaciónde la Guardia Civil, la Dirección General de Seguridad y el Gobernador Civil de Las Palmas;la prensa oficial de la época y la de las organizaciones antifranquistas. Explicamos este conflicto comofruto de las condiciones económicas, sociales y políticas que se viven durante los años anteriores enla ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, que generan un gran descontento entre todas las clases socialescon la dictadura imperante. De esta investigación se desprende el cariz nacionalista del conflictoy la importancia que el mismo tuvo para las autoridades franquistas, que emprendieron una serie deacciones para mejorar la situación de las islas.The aim of this research is to deepen the relationship between football and socio-political conflictduring periods of dictatorship. For this study we focus on public disorder occurring during and afterthe match pitting the Union Deportiva Las Palmas against Córdoba at Estadio Insular March 4, 1962.To do this we rely primarily on the documentation generated by the Francoist authorities, such as theInformation Service of the Civil Guard, the Dirección General de Seguridad and the Civil Governorof Las Palmas; the official press of the time and the propaganda of the anti-Franco organizations. Weexplain this conflict as a result of the economic, social and political conditions that is lived in the yearsbefore on the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, that generate a lot of discontent among all


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    Ramiro Fernández Mayo


    Full Text Available From the 23rd to the 26th of November, it took place in La Palma the International Symposium PISA under Examination -a change in knowledge, a change in tests and a change in schools-. The author, who took part in the symposium, describes and extracts conclusions from the long and fruitful talks among the most credited specialists who came from all over the world and attended the symposium by courtesy of CESE -Comparative Education Society in Europe- and its Chairman, Mr Miguel A. Pereyra, a La Palma native-born citizen.



    Suárez García, Carlos Félix



  13. Diaspididae (Hemiptera, Coccoidea in sori of two fern species

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    Marcelo Santos


    Duas Espécies de Cochonilhas (Hemiptera: Diaspididae Associadas com Soros de Samambaias Resumo. A presente comunicação relata a presença de duas espécies de cochonilhas Hemiberlesia palmae (Cockerell e Pinnaspis strachani (Cooley (Coccoidea, Diaspididae, associadas respectivamente com Asplenium serratum L. (Aspleniaceae e Niphidium crassifolium (L. Lellinger (Polypodiaceae. É o primeiro registro de uma samambaia como planta hospedeira de Hemiberlesia palmae.  Nas duas espécies de samambaias, os diaspidídeos encontravam-se concentrados principalmente ao redor dos soros.

  14. Genome-wide analysis of LTR-retrotransposons in oil palm. (United States)

    Beulé, Thierry; Agbessi, Mawussé Dt; Dussert, Stephane; Jaligot, Estelle; Guyot, Romain


    The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a major cultivated crop and the world's largest source of edible vegetable oil. The genus Elaeis comprises two species E. guineensis, the commercial African oil palm and E. oleifera, which is used in oil palm genetic breeding. The recent publication of both the African oil palm genome assembly and the first draft sequence of its Latin American relative now allows us to tackle the challenge of understanding the genome composition, structure and evolution of these palm genomes through the annotation of their repeated sequences. In this study, we identified, annotated and compared Transposable Elements (TE) from the African and Latin American oil palms. In a first step, Transposable Element databases were built through de novo detection in both genome sequences then the TE content of both genomes was estimated. Then putative full-length retrotransposons with Long Terminal Repeats (LTRs) were further identified in the E. guineensis genome for characterization of their structural diversity, copy number and chromosomal distribution. Finally, their relative expression in several tissues was determined through in silico analysis of publicly available transcriptome data. Our results reveal a congruence in the transpositional history of LTR retrotransposons between E. oleifera and E. guineensis, especially the Sto-4 family. Also, we have identified and described 583 full-length LTR-retrotransposons in the Elaeis guineensis genome. Our work shows that these elements are most likely no longer mobile and that no recent insertion event has occurred. Moreover, the analysis of chromosomal distribution suggests a preferential insertion of Copia elements in gene-rich regions, whereas Gypsy elements appear to be evenly distributed throughout the genome. Considering the high proportion of LTR retrotransposon in the oil palm genome, our work will contribute to a greater understanding of their impact on genome organization and evolution

  15. cultivadas bajo un gradiente de sombra

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    Marco V. Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el crecimiento de 9 especies de palmas cultivadas bajo un gradiente de sombra producido por mallas de polipropileno negro de 40, 50, 60, 70 y 80% de sombra, más un tratamiento de malla aluminizada de 70%, y uno con plantas a pleno sol. Las especies evaluadas fueron Caryota mitis (cola de pez, Chamaedorea costaricana (pacaya, Chamaedorea tepejilote (tepejilote, Dypsis lutescens (areca, Licuala elegans (licuala, Phoenix roebelenii (fénix, Ptychosperma macarthurii (palma macarthur, Roystonea regia (palma real, y Veitchia merrillii (navideña. Se midió la altura de las plantas, la longitud de las hojas maduras, y el número de hojas cosechadas, durante 5 cosechas por 2 años. En general, la altura de las plantas y la longitud de las hojas fueron menores a 0-40% de sombra, se incrementaron a 50-70%, y decrecieron a 80%. C. mitis, C. tepejilote, L. elegans y P. macarthurii, se comportaron como especies obligadas de sombra y no sobrevivieron a pleno sol. C. costaricana y D. lutescens sobrevivieron a plena exposición solar, y su crecimiento alcanzó valores máximos a 50-60%. P. roebelenii, R. regia, y V. merrillii mostraron un crecimiento reducido a 0-40%, pero éste mejoró bajo los demás niveles de sombra a lo largo del gradiente. En general, 1-2 años es un periodo apropiado para el cultivo de palmas de crecimiento rápido (R. regia, Chamedorea spp., D. lutescens en casas de mallas. Palmas de lento crecimiento (L.elegans pueden permanecer 3-5 años en una casa de sombra. Se discute estrategias para el uso de gradientes de sombra en el tiempo y en el espacio, según la utilidad y los requerimientos de las especies, los requisitos establecidos por el mercado, y el ciclo de producción del material vegetal.

  16. Variability of Mediterranean aerosols properties at three regional background sites in the western Mediterranean Basin (United States)

    Sicard, Michaël.; Totems, Julien; Barragan, Rubén.; Dulac, François; Mallet, Marc; Comerón, Adolfo; Alados-Arboledas, Lucas; Augustin, Patrick; Chazette, Patrick; Léon, Jean-François; Olmo-Reyes, Francisco José; Renard, Jean-Baptiste; Rocadenbosch, Francesc


    In the framework of the project ChArMEx (the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment,, the variability of aerosol optical, microphysical and radiative properties is examined in three regional background sites on a southwest - northeast (SW-NE) straight line in the middle of the western Mediterranean Basin (WMB). The three sites are on the northward transport pathway of African dust: - Ersa, Corsica Island, France (43.00ºN, 9.36ºW, 80 m a.s.l), - Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca Island, Spain (39.55ºN, 2.62ºE, 10 m a.s.l) and - Alborán, Alboran Island, Spain (35.94ºN, 3.04ºW, 15 m a.s.l). AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) sun-photometer products are mainly used. A preliminary analysis shows that at Ersa and Palma sites the annual aerosol optical depth (AOD) has a similar trend with a peak around 0.2 in July. The winter/spring AOD is lower in Palma than in Ersa, while it is reverse in summer/autumn. The aerosol particle size distribution (and the coarse mode fraction) shows clearly the SW-NE gradient with a decreasing coarse mode peak (and a decreasing coarse mode fraction from 0.5 - 0.35 - 0.2 in July) along the axis Alborán - Palma de Mallorca - Ersa. In addition to the seasonal and annual variability analysis, the analysis of AERONET products is completed with a large variety of ground-based and sounding balloons remote sensing and in situ instruments during the Special Observation Period (SOP) of the ADRIMED campaign in June 2013. The second part of the presentation will focus on the comparison of the observations at Palma de Mallorca and Ersa of the same long-range transported airmasses. The observations include lidar vertical profiles, balloon borne OPC (Optical Particle Counter) and MSG/SEVIRI AOD, among others.


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    Full Text Available Biodiesel es promocionado como combustible alternativo para sustituir combustibles de origen fósil y reducir emisiones de carbono. Algunos estudios han sido llevados a cabo para estudiar las emisiones de vehículos diesel de baja potencia. Sin embargo, las emisiones sólidas y gaseosas emitidas por vehículos de trabajo operados con biodiesel de palma africana y diesel de bajo contenido de azufre (~ 15 ppm han sido poco estudiadas. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el desempeño y emisiones de un motor Diesel Cummins, 4 tiempos, 9.5 litros, 6 cilindros con sistema de inyección "common rail", y sistema de recirculación de gases. El motor desarrolló una menor potencia (10 % cuando fue operado con biodiesel de palma africana. El motor cumplió con la norma ambiental 2004 cuando fue operado con combustible diesel, sin embargo, con biodiesel de palma africana las emisiones de material particulado y los óxidos de nitrógeno estuvieron fuera de norma.

  18. Mejoras al programa de mantenimiento de máquinas deslodadoras para la extracción de aceite de palma // Improving the maintenance program of extracting fruit palm oil machines

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    Jesús Cabrera - Gómez


    Full Text Available ResumenLa aplicación de nuevos enfoques de mantenimiento a partir de la identificación de oportunidades demejora de la confiabilidad operacional y los elementos que la componen, es una necesidad paratodas las organizaciones que pretendan incrementar sus indicadores de eficiencia. Las máquinasque son objeto de estudio en el presente trabajo, pertenecen a una importante empresa cuyo objetoes la extracción de aceite a partir de los frutos de la palma africana. Estas máquinas son atendidas,en teoría, a partir de un programa de mantenimiento preventivo que ha demostrado limitaciones, todavez que la mayor parte de las intervenciones realizadas en los últimos años muestran un caráctereminentemente reactivo. A partir de la realización de un análisis en el que fueron establecidas lasfunciones, los fallos funcionales, los modos de fallo y sus efectos, se identificaron los requerimientosde mantenimiento de estas máquinas y las tareas necesarias para asegurar la continuidad de lasfunciones, las que se cocentraron en una propuesta de programa con marcada tendencia a lasactividades proactivas.Palabras claves: mantenimiento de equipos rotatorios, confiabilidad operacional, mantenimiento__________________________________________________________________________AbstractThe application of new maintenance approaches related with operational reliability improvement andits elements is a necessity for all enterprises that intend to increase efficiency indicators. The rotatingmachines studied in this paper belong to an important plant that extracts oil from African palm treefruits. These machines are submitted, in theory, to a preventive maintenance program, but actuallythe most of maintenance activities are reactive. An analysis in order to identify functions, functionalfailures, failure modes and failure effects was made. Maintenance tasks for assuring the continuity offunctions were also identified and concentred in a proposal with a very proactive

  19. Penambahan Sabut Kelapa Pada Media Tanam Dan Frekuensi Penyiraman Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elais guineensis Jacq.) Di Main Nursery


    Juanda, Chriso


    100301129 Chriso Juanda, ?Penambahan Sabut Kelapa Pada Media Tanam Dan Frekuensi Penyiraman Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Di Main Nursey? , dibawah bimbingan Charloq dan Revandy I.M. Damanik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon penambahan sabut kelapa pada media tanam dan frekuensi penyiraman terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kelapa sawit di main nursery. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2017 hingga Maret 2017 di PPKS Aek Pancur, Kecamat...

  20. Oil palm genome sequence reveals divergence of interfertile species in old and new worlds (United States)

    Singh, Rajinder; Ong-Abdullah, Meilina; Low, Eng-Ti Leslie; Manaf, Mohamad Arif Abdul; Rosli, Rozana; Nookiah, Rajanaidu; Ooi, Leslie Cheng-Li; Ooi, Siew–Eng; Chan, Kuang-Lim; Halim, Mohd Amin; Azizi, Norazah; Nagappan, Jayanthi; Bacher, Blaire; Lakey, Nathan; Smith, Steven W; He, Dong; Hogan, Michael; Budiman, Muhammad A; Lee, Ernest K; DeSalle, Rob; Kudrna, David; Goicoechea, Jose Louis; Wing, Rod; Wilson, Richard K; Fulton, Robert S; Ordway, Jared M; Martienssen, Robert A; Sambanthamurthi, Ravigadevi


    Oil palm is the most productive oil-bearing crop. Planted on only 5% of the total vegetable oil acreage, palm oil accounts for 33% of vegetable oil, and 45% of edible oil worldwide, but increased cultivation competes with dwindling rainforest reserves. We report the 1.8 gigabase (Gb) genome sequence of the African oil palm Elaeis guineensis, the predominant source of worldwide oil production. 1.535 Gb of assembled sequence and transcriptome data from 30 tissue types were used to predict at least 34,802 genes, including oil biosynthesis genes and homologues of WRINKLED1 (WRI1), and other transcriptional regulators1, which are highly expressed in the kernel. We also report the draft sequence of the S. American oil palm Elaeis oleifera, which has the same number of chromosomes (2n=32) and produces fertile interspecific hybrids with E. guineensis2, but appears to have diverged in the new world. Segmental duplications of chromosome arms define the palaeotetraploid origin of palm trees. The oil palm sequence enables the discovery of genes for important traits as well as somaclonal epigenetic alterations which restrict the use of clones in commercial plantings3, and thus helps achieve sustainability for biofuels and edible oils, reducing the rainforest footprint of this tropical plantation crop. PMID:23883927

  1. Survey of economic trees in fresh water swamp of Calabar | Okon ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Values of mean count and variance for Elaeis guineensis were 8.8/2.2; 6.0/2.0; 6.2/3.7; 6.0/2.0 and 6.6/2.3 for the plots respectively. Colocasia esculenta had mean count and variance of 127.2/74.7;194.4/180.8; 215.6/426.7; 158.0/69.5 and 169.8/19.2 respectively. The mean values were observed to be greater than ...

  2. Indicadores de eficiência do uso da água e de nutrientes de clones de palma forrageira em condições de sequeiro no Semiárido brasileiro

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    Thieres George Freire Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência produtiva de três clones de palma forrageira resistentes à Cochonilha do Carmim, cultivados em condições de sequeiro no Semiárido brasileiro. Os clones avaliados foram IPA-Sertânia (IPA, Miúda (MIU e Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM. Foram calculados os indicadores de eficiência do uso da água: produtividade da água da cultura (PA C, produtividade econômica da água (PEA e eficiência do uso de nutrientes (EUN, todos com base na água precipitada (Prec. e na evapotranspiração real da cultura (ETr. A ETr foi quantificada por meio do método do balanço de água no solo. Verificou-se que não houve diferença estatística entre a PA C em base seca (MS nos clones avaliados tanto em termos de Prec. como de ETr, mas eles diferiram em base fresca. A OEM foi o clone mais eficiente em base fresca (PA C(Prec. ~ 104,8 kg MV ha-1 mm-1; PA C(ETr. ~ 112,1 kg MV ha-1 mm-1, seguido pelo clone IPA, que também se mostrou eficiente quanto a ETr (PA C(ETr. ~ 101,1 kg MV ha-1 mm-1. A MIU foi o clone menos eficiente para o Semiárido brasileiro. Não houve diferença da PEA (PEA(Prec. ~ 35,4 R$ ha-1 mm-1; PEA(ETr. ~ 39,5 R$ ha-1 mm-1 e da EUN, com exceção da eficiência do uso do magnésio com base na ETr, que foi maior para OEM (EUN(Mg ~ 111,4 g ha-1 mm-1 e IPA (EUN(Mg ~ 77,4 g ha-1 mm-1, e do sódio com base na precipitação, que foi superior para os clones OEM (EUN(Mg ~ 4854,3 mg ha-1 mm-1 e MIU (EUN(Mg ~ 3383,6 mg ha-1 mm-1.

  3. Palm utilization and management in Asia: examples for the neotropics

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    Full Text Available UTILISATION DES PALMIERS ET GESTION RATIONNELLE DES FORETS EN ASIE : EXEMPLES POUR LES NEOTROPIQUES. L’Asie tropicale est dotée de la plus grande diversité de palmiers du monde et présente la plus grande diversité d’utilisation. Les palmiers ont depuis longtemps été mis en valeur nombre de leurs produits, tant de subsistance que destinés à la vente, sont profondément intégrés aux cultures locales. Les technologies traditionnelles d’exploitation des populations sylvestres ou semi sylvestres, ainsi que les techniques de transformation associées aux nombreux produits qui en sont issus, sont plus avancées en Asie que dans les tropiques du Nouveau Monde. Plus d’une douzaine de palmiers indigènes fournissent des quantités non négligeables d’aliments, fibres, boissons, rotin, matériaux de construction et autres produits. Cet article examine les produits comestibles de 61 espèces de palmiers asiatiques. À partir de ces exemples, des suggestions sont faites pour le développement et la mise en valeur des palmiers néotropicaux, dans le but d’accroître la production d’aliments et de matériaux utiles. UTILIZACIÓN DE LAS PALMERAS Y MANEJO FORESTAL EN ASIA: EJEMPLOS PARA LOS NEOTRÓPICOS. El Asia tropical está dotada de la mayor diversidad de palmas del mundo, presentando al mismo tiempo la más alta diversidad de utilización de las mismas. Por sus productos, tanto de subsistencia como comerciales, muchos de ellos profundamente integrados en las culturas locales, la palma tiene una larga historia de manejo. En Asia, las tecnologías tradicionales de explotación de las poblaciones de palmas silvestres o semisilvestres, así como las técnicas de procesamiento asociadas a numerosos productos de palmas, están más avanzadas que en los Neotrópicos. Las palmas nativas asiáticas proporcionan cantidades significantes de alimentos, fibras, bebidas, rota, material de construcción y otros productos. Este artículo examina los

  4. Hormigas zompopas (Atta cephalotes influyen positivamente en la biodiversidad vegetal de bosques húmedos tropicales

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    Javier Ruiz


    Full Text Available REALIZAMOS OBSERVACIONES DE LA HISTORIA NATURAL DE LA HORMIGA ZOMPOPA (Atta cephalotes en el período de 1995 a 2010. Monitoreamos una población de hormigas zompopas en 2003 y realizamos experimentos de campo en 2006 en el bosque húmedo tropical de la Estación Biológica La Unión en Nicaragua. Los nidos de hormiga zompopa fueron mapeados dentro de una parcela permanente de 6.5 hectáreas. Se estimó lacomposición de especies vegetales en el área del nido de la hormiga, y se realizó un conteo de plántulas dicotiledóneas y plántulas de palmas (monocotiledóneas. Los resultados indican que las hormigas zompopas prefieren defoliar plántulas de especies dicotiledóneas,favoreciendo la regeneración de palmas sobre el nido de las hormigas. Las zompopas favorecen la regeneración de palmas en áreas donde ellas establecen el montículo principal de sus nidos. En el artículo se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados para la dinámicade la regeneración en bosques húmedos tropicales.

  5. Establecimiento de la agroindustria palmera en la región del Catatumbo, Norte de Santander (1999 -2010)


    Niyireth Fernanda Gutiérrez Montenegro


    El artículo busca establecer la evolución del cultivo de la palma de aceite en la región del Catatumbo desde la década de los años noventa hasta el año 2010, analizando el modelo económico nacional, regional y departamental que impulsó este tipo de agroindustrias inmersas en políticas de desarrollo rural. A lo largo del análisis, se intenta demostrar que la evolución del cultivo de palma de aceite en la región, no solo respondió a políticas agrarias de fomento empresarial en el Catatumbo, Nor...

  6. Efeitos de genótipos, ambientes e de tratamentos hidrotérmicos na concentração de isoflavonas agliconas em grãos de soja Effects of genotypes, environments and hydrothermal treatments on the isoflavone aglycone concentration in soybean grains

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    Mercedes Concórdia Carrão-Panizzi


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de tratamentos hidrotérmicos, da variabilidade genética e de ambientes no teor de isoflavonas agliconas em grãos de soja [Glycine max (L. Merrill]. O estudo foi realizado com as cultivares de soja BR 36, FEPAGRO RS-10 e BRS 155, cultivadas em Londrina, em Capanema e em Palmas, PR, na safra 1999/2000, mediante tratamentos hidrotérmicos de 40, 50 e 60°C por 12 e 18 horas. As maiores concentrações de isoflavonas totais (280 mg/100 g foram observadas nos grãos colhidos em Palmas, onde a temperatura média durante o enchimento de vagens foi mais baixa (19ºC. Em Londrina (23ºC, houve menor concentração de isoflavonas (140 mg/100 g. A cultivar BRS 155 apresentou o maior teor de isoflavonas totais em Palmas e em Londrina. Grãos não-tratados da BRS 155 apresentaram em média 4,0 mg/100 g de agliconas, as quais aumentaram para 52 mg/100 g, após os tratamentos hidrotérmicos. O tratamento a 50ºC por 12 horas foi mais efetivo no desenvolvimento de isoflavonas agliconas. A 60°C, houve redução das agliconas, decorrente da inativação das b-glicosidases. As formas malonil, que são termicamente instáveis, também foram reduzidas nas temperaturas mais altas.The objective of this work was to assess the effects of hydrothermal treatments and the environmental and genetic variability on the isoflavone aglycones concentration in soybean [Glycine max (L. Merrill] grains. The study was carried out with the soybean cultivars BR 36, FEPAGRO RS-10, and BRS 155, cultivated in three locals of Paraná State (Londrina, Capanema, and Palmas, during 1999/2000 soybean season, submitted to hydrothermal treatments at 40, 50 and 60°C for 12 and 18 hours. Higher concentrations of total isoflavones (280 mg/100 g were observed in grains harvested in Palmas, where the average temperature during pod filling was 19ºC. In Londrina (23ºC, there was lower concentration of isoflavones (140 mg/100 g. The cultivar BRS

  7. White-faced monkey (Cebus capucinus) ecology and management in neotropical agricultural landscapes during the dry season


    Heather E. Williams; Christopher Vaughan


    Habitat use by a C. capucinus troop was studied in an agricultural landscape during late dry season (March-April 1994) in northwest Costa Rica. Riparian forests, palm canals and living fence rows accounted for 82 % of observations, significantly more than the other six habitats present. The study troop consumed 24 species of plants and five animals. Feeding concentrated on the introduced African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) (33.6 %) and mango (Mangifera indica) (27.2 %), found mostly in palm ...

  8. Non-tenera Contamination and the Economic Impact of SHELL Genetic Testing in the Malaysian Independent Oil Palm Industry


    Ooi, Leslie C.-L.; Low, Eng-Ti L.; Abdullah, Meilina O.; Nookiah, Rajanaidu; Ting, Ngoot C.; Nagappan, Jayanthi; Manaf, Mohamad A. A.; Chan, Kuang-Lim; Halim, Mohd A.; Azizi, Norazah; Omar, Wahid; Murad, Abdul J.; Lakey, Nathan; Ordway, Jared M.; Favello, Anthony


    Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is the most productive oil bearing crop worldwide. It has three fruit forms, namely dura (thick-shelled), pisifera (shell-less) and tenera (thin-shelled), which are controlled by the SHELL gene. The fruit forms exhibit monogenic co-dominant inheritance, where tenera is a hybrid obtained by crossing maternal dura and paternal pisifera palms. Commercial palm oil production is based on planting thin-shelled tenera palms, which typically yield 30% more oil than dura p...

  9. Somaclonal variation associated with oil palm (Elaeis guineensis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 26, 2014 ... Malaysia and Indonesia together accounting for around. 83% of world palm oil production in 2001 (Wahid et al.,. 2004). The oil palm is an important economic crop, producing food and raw materials for the food, confectionary, cosmetics and ... inherently very slow, and high heterogeneity is still observed ...


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    J. Dransfield


    Full Text Available In April 1968 while I was botanising in the Fourth Division of Sarawak, I was shown by Mr. David Senada, District Forest Officer, Bintulu, a tall fan palm growing by the new Bintulu to Miri road, about 15 km from Bintulu.

  11. Amerindian names of Colombian palms (Palmae

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    Diana Marmolejo


    Full Text Available A glossary of 1276 Amerindian names or name variants of palms is presented, representing at least 121 species in 64 aboriginal languages of Colombia. The species with documented names in the largest number of languages are Bactris gasipaes, Oenocarpus bataua, Mauritia flexuosa,Euterpe precatoria, andAstrocaryum chambira, which are five of the most used palms in South America. The languages with the largest number of named species are uitoto (48, tikuna (47, muinane (43, siona (34, sikuani (31 and miraña (30. These figures reflect the detailed studies carried out with these ethnic groups, besides the palm diversity of their territories and their knowledge about it. The names are presented in three separate lists –arranged by species, by language, and a global list of names that includes references for each individual record.

  12. Projections of climate potential for a touristic resort in Mallorca (United States)

    Amengual Pou, Arnau; Homar Santaner, Victor; Romero March, Romualdo; Alonso Oroza, Sergio; Ramis Noguera, Climent


    Platja de Palma, in the Island of Mallorca, is one of the most popular touristic areas in the Mediterranean with more than 8 million tourist-nights spent per year. Socioeconomic activities undertaken in Platja de Palma are very closely linked with its climate. Therefore, optimization of residential and tourism opportunities in the medium term should necessarily take into account the close interdependence between the evolution of the main atmospheric parameters and the sea, sun and sand tourism (S3), the main tourist model exploited in the area and heavily dependent on the climate. We used the Climate Index for Tourism (CIT, Freitas et al. 2008) to estimate the satisfaction of the S3 tourist in terms of the environmental conditions of the day. The CIT integrates thermal aspects, aesthetic and physical parameters, and derive a measure of perceived satisfaction for the average tourists in terms of three thresholds: unacceptable conditions, acceptable, and ideal. In the first place, we analyzed the evolution of the CIT using data from the proximity weather station in Palma airport for the period 1973-2008. Then, the impact of climate change on the tourism potential of the resort was assessed by calculating the CIT for future climate scenarios. We used regional climate simulation results from the European project ENSEMBLES and for the period 2001-2050. In order to compute the CIT index, daily series of temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, cloudiness and wind near surface are necessary. Model output series are calibrated using observations from Palma airport. In addition, future CIT series are also calibrated using values directly derived from observations. The analysis of the observed period reveals an increase in the number of days per year of acceptable conditions for S3 tourism since 1973 but a decrease in the frequency of ideal conditions, mainly during summer and autumn. Also, ideal conditions in Platja de Palma have increased in frequency during spring

  13. 76 FR 68500 - Performance Review Board Appointments (United States)


    ...-Bartels, Leslie Ishee, Mary Katherine Iudicello, Fay Jackson, Andrew Jacobson, Rachel Keable, Edward..., Bernard More, Robert Mulhern, Thomas Nedd, Michael O'Dell, Margaret Owens, Glenda Palma, Juan Payne...

  14. DVD. Ilu ei sünni patta panna / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    Lühiarvustus DVDl ilmunud Brian De Palma krimimüsteeriumile "Must daalia" ("The Black Dahlia"; 2006), mis põhineb James Ellroy samanimelisel romaanil, osades Mia Kirsner, Scarlett Johannson, Aaron Eckhart

  15. Effect of temperature on energy potential of pyrolysis products from oil palm shells


    Lina María Romero Millán; María Alejandra Cruz Domínguez; Fabio Emiro Sierra Vargas


    Context: Taking into account that near 220 000 tons of oil palm shells are produced every year in Colombia, as a waste of the Elaeis Guineensis palm oil transformation process, the aim of this work is to determine the energy potential of oil palm shells, when transformed through slow pyrolysis process. Methods: Using a fixed bed lab scale reactor, different oil palm shells pyrolysis tests were performed between 300°C and 500°C. The effect of the temperature in the process product yield an...

  16. Ingesta y evolución ponderal de ratas alimentadas con diferentes aceites crudos y fritos

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    Pérez-Granados, A. M.


    Full Text Available Olive oil, sunflower oil and palm olein, unused or used in repeated potato frying until the oils reached the limit of 25% of polar compounds (PC were used. Wistar rats were fed over 28 days diets containing 8% of: olive oil, olive oil from 48 fryings, olive oil from 69 fryings (25% PC, sunflower oil, sunflower oil from 48 fryings (25% PC, palm olein and palm olein from 80 fryings (25% PC Body weight and food intake were monitored weekly and food efficiency was calculated. At the end of the experiment the animals were sacrificed to separate the liver and calculate the hepatosomatic index. The consumption of frying oils did not modify food Intake, body weight food efficiency nor liver weight but hepatosomatic index was higher in rats consuming frying palm olein compared to unused palm olein.

    Se utilizaron aceites de oliva, girasol y oleína de palma, crudos o procedentes de frituras repetidas de patatas sin reposición de aceite hasta alcanzar el límite del 25% de compuestos polares (CP. Ratas Wistar se alimentaron durante 28 días con dietas que contenían un 8% de: aceite de oliva, aceite de oliva de 48 frituras, aceite de oliva de 69 frituras (25% CP, aceite de girasol, aceite de girasol de 48 frituras (25% CP, oleína de palma y oleína de palma de 80 frituras (25% CP. Peso e ingesta se controlaron semanalmente y se calculó el coeficiente de eficacia alimentaria. Al final del experimento los animales se sacrificaron para extraer los hígados y determinar el índice hepatosomático. El consumo de los aceites empleados en fritura no modificó la ingesta, peso, coeficiente de eficacia alimentaria ni el peso de los hígados, observándose únicamente un incremento del índice hepatosomático en los animales que ingirieron la oleína de palma frita frente a la cruda.

  17. Efeitos da substituição do feno de capim-tifton e do farelo de milho pela palma forrageira e pelo farelo de soja sobre a ingestão de alimentos e parâmetros fisiológicos - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v27i4.1149 Effect of the replacement of Tifton grass hay and the corn meal by forage cactus and soybean meal on the ingestion of foods and physiological parameters - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v27i4.1149

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    Veronaldo Oliveira


    Full Text Available O experimento objetivou avaliar o comportamento ingestivo de vacas leiteiras da raça Holandesa em lactação, alimentadas com rações contendo diferentes níveis (0; 12,0; 25,0; 38,0 e 51,0% de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill. Foram utilizadas 5 vacas, distribuídas em delineamento de quadrado latino. As variáveis comportamentais foram observadas a intervalos de 5 minutos, em 24 horas. Os registros de temperatura ambiente, umidade relativa do ar, temperatura retal e freqüência respiratória foram efetuados pela manhã e à tarde. A inclusão de palma influenciou linearmente os tempos de ruminação (redução e ócio (aumento; quadraticamente o consumo de matéria seca (CMS e a eficiência de alimentação e de ruminação em função do CMS e linearmente decrescente o consumo de fibra em detergente neutro (CFDN, a eficiência de ruminação e alimentação em função do CFDN. A temperatura retal no turno da tarde e a ingestão de água diminuíram linearmenteThe experiment was conducted to evaluate the ingestive behavior of lactating Holstein cows fed diet with different replacement levels (0; 12.9; 25.8; 38.7 e 51.6% of forage cactus (Opuntia fícus indica, Mill. Five cows were assigned to a 5x5 square design. The registration of variables behaviors was accomplished in a visual way, at intervals of five minutes, in 24 hours. The registration of room temperature, humidity relative, rectal temperature and respiratory frequency were performed in the morning and in the afternoon. The rumination time decreased linearly and resting increased linearly; the dry matter intake (DMI, the rumination and feeding efficiency in function of DMI had quadratic behavior; the fiber neutral detergent intake (FNDI, the rumination and feeding efficiency in function of FNDI decreased linearly; the rectal temperature in the afternoon and the water intake decreased linearly, in function of forage cactus levels in the diet

  18. Hernández Socorro, María de los Reyes: Construcciones de Eva

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    José Javier Azanza López


    Full Text Available Resulta difícil resistirse a morder la apetitosa manzana que nos ofrece la inocente a la vez que seductora Eva (1914, Colección Montesdeoca García-Sáenz, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria del pintor tarraconense Julio Moisés y Fernández de Villasante, imagen icónica de la no menos tentadora propuesta concebida por María de los Reyes Hernández Socorro, catedrática de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, que plantea las diversas interpretaciones de algo más de medio centenar de artistas (veinticinco creadoras femeninas y veintisiete creadores masculinos del ámbito canario sobre sus respectivas madres, en el marco cronológico comprendido entre 1846 y 2013.

  19. First occurrence of Alcaeorrhynchus grandis (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) preying on defoliating caterpillars of oil palm in the state of Para, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro, Rafael C.; Lemos, Walkymario P.; Muller, Antonio A.


    The oil palm Elaeis guineensis is usually attacked by pests, particularly, defoliating caterpillars. Between 2004 and 2006 a stinkbug predator (Asopinae) was registered preying on caterpillars of Brassolis sophorae L., Opsiphanes invirae Hubner (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) and Sibine spp. (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae), reducing their populations in commercial oil palm plantations in the State of Para, Brazil. Specimens of the natural enemy were collected, mounted, and identified as Alcaeorrhynchus grandis (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), corresponding to the first report of the occurrence of this stinkbug attacking defoliating caterpillars of oil palm in Brazil. (author)

  20. First occurrence of Alcaeorrhynchus grandis (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) preying on defoliating caterpillars of oil palm in the state of Para, Brazil; Primeira ocorrencia de Alcaeorrhynchus grandis (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) predando lagartas desfolhadoras do dendezeiro no estado do Para, Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro, Rafael C.; Lemos, Walkymario P.; Muller, Antonio A. [EMBRAPA Amazonia Oriental, Belem, PA (Brazil). Lab. de Entomologia], e-mail:, e-mail:; Muller, Antonio A. [Embrapa Amazonia Oriental, Belem, PA (Brazil). Lab. de Entomologia; Bernardino, Aline S.; Buecke, Joel [Grupo Agropalma S/A., Tailandia, PA (Brazil)


    The oil palm Elaeis guineensis is usually attacked by pests, particularly, defoliating caterpillars. Between 2004 and 2006 a stinkbug predator (Asopinae) was registered preying on caterpillars of Brassolis sophorae L., Opsiphanes invirae Hubner (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) and Sibine spp. (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae), reducing their populations in commercial oil palm plantations in the State of Para, Brazil. Specimens of the natural enemy were collected, mounted, and identified as Alcaeorrhynchus grandis (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), corresponding to the first report of the occurrence of this stinkbug attacking defoliating caterpillars of oil palm in Brazil. (author)

  1. Development of extended-release formulation of domperidone using ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Raphia hookeri (Family: Palmae) is the largest palm in ... previous work of Majekodunmi and Makper [7]. All other ... individually using an analytical balance (Mettler, .... Also, the retention of all the ... assessed to ensure acceptable mechanical.

  2. On the agronomy and botany of salak (Salacca zalacca)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ashari, S.


    Keywords: Salak, Salacca zalacca, Palmae, dioecious, haustorium, simple leaf, compound leaf, sucker, phyllotaxis, seedling, inflorescence, fruit, hand pollination, farm yard manure, fertilizer, shading, walking palm.

    Salak is a dioecious, suckering

  3. Järgmisel nädalal algab Veneetsia filmifestival / Andris Feldmanis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Feldmanis, Andris, 1982-


    Tänavune Veneetsia filmifestival toimub 30. augustist 9. septembrini. Kuldlõvile kandideerib 20 filmi, žüriid juhib Catherine Deneuve, elutööpreemia saab David Lynch. Festival algab Brian de Palma filmiga "Must daalia"

  4. Investigation of the retronasal perception of palm wine ( Elaeis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 9, No 2 (2009) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  5. Recloning of regenerated plantlets from elite oil palm ( Elaeis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Plant regeneration in oil palm cv. Tenera via somatic embryogenesis was conducted using regenerated plantlets as an explant source. Explants from different positions – apex, middle and basal segments of regenerated plantlets – were cultured in N6 medium supplemented with 100, 120 and 140 mg/L 2 ...

  6. Predictive Model Equations for Palm Kernel (Elaeis guneensis J ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Estimated error of ± 0.18 and ± 0.2 are envisaged while applying the models for predicting palm kernel and sesame oil colours respectively. Keywords: Palm kernel, Sesame, Palm kernel, Oil Colour, Process Parameters, Model. Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 6 (1) 2006 pp. 34-38 ...

  7. Ultrastructural Study of Elaeis guineensis (Oil Palm) Leaf and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    INFORMM), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800. Minden, Penang, Malaysia. .... the stock culture maintained in the same medium at 4 °C. The test microorganism was .... unavailable, and health facilities inaccessible. CONCLUSION. This study confirms ...

  8. Antifungal evaluation of shell pyrolysates of oil palm ( Elaeis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The medicinal values of oil palm and coconut shells are not much known in herbal medicine and the two mostly constitute waste products. The antifungal effects of steam-distilled pyrolysates obtained from the two shells and the respective organic solvent fractions were evaluated against human pathogenic fungi ...

  9. Economic potential of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq

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    Juan Sierra Márquez


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to highlight the economic importance of the optimal use of products and byproducts of oil palm. In Colombia, productive crops per hectare can generate, over one year, an average of 3.14 tons of oil, and up to 21.68 t of solid and liquid waste when the plant is on a productive stage. These data allowed the researcher to estimate that more than nine million of t of solid and liquid waste was produced from the 450 131 ha present in 2014, in Colombia; the produced biomass was used to generate energy and steam, releasing carbon dioxide back again into the environment. These residues have great potential in many industries, some to be developed, therefore, it is of special importance to try to maximize the use of waste produced by oil palm production, to generate economic and environmental benefits. An example of this is the palm kernel cake, with a nutritional potential in animal feed, fiber in the biocompound industry, biomass and stipe in the timber industry, glycerol, biodiesel, and liquid effluents in the chemical and biotechnological industry. The use of these raw materials may help to establish a positive balance in the cultivation of this species of oil palm in the country.

  10. O caboclo de Palma Sola e arredores


    Debona, Narcelio Inácio


    Resumo: O presente trabalho discute os elementos da identidade do caboclo e as transformações sofridas por eles, enquanto grupo social, a partir de suas relações com os migrantes de origem europeia, com as colonizadoras e com o processo de colonização, com a indústria madeireira e com a mudança de suas oc pações principais para as atividades ligadas à exploração madeireira e à prestação de serviços temporários para colonos. A pesquisa inicia com uma contextualização da região extremo-oeste de...


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    Full Text Available Salacca dransfieldiana Mogea, S. magnifica Mogea and S. sarawak-ensis Mogea are proposed as new species of flabellate-leaved Salacca.A key to the four recognized species, descriptions and illustrations arepresented.

  12. Odna shpionskaja semja, ne sttshitaja prizrakov v dzhungljahh / Jevgeni Levik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Levik, Jevgeni


    Brian De Palma erootiline põnevusfilm "Saatuslik naine", Robert Rodriguez'e koguperefilm "Väikesed spioonid 2", animafilm "Džungliraamat", režissöör Steve Trenbirth, õudusfilm "Kummituslaev", režissöör Steve Beck

  13. Kuidas tehti filmi "Arminägu" / Timo Diener

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Diener, Timo


    Mängufilm "Arminägu" ("Scarface") : stsenarist Oliver Stone : režissöör Brian De Palma : peaosas Al Pacino : produtsent Martin Bregman : Ameerika Ühendriigid 1983. Järgneb 20. ja 27. okt. 2003, lk. 38

  14. Palm (Elaeis guineensis L. kernel cake in diets for dairy cowsTorta de dendê (Elaeis guineensis L. em dietas de vacas leiteiras

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    Odislei Fagner Ribeiro Cunha


    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of different dietary inclusion levels of palm (Elaeisguineensis L. kernel cake (PKC for lactating dairy cows on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and milk production. Diets containing 0, 113, 228, 342g of PKC/kg dry matter were formulated and fed to eight crossbred (Holandês x Zebu dairy cows with mean weight of 382kg at 60-90 days of lactation. The cows were used in a double 4 x 4 Latin square design. Each experimental period lasted for 15 days, with 11 days adaptation and four days sampling. Increasing the levels of PKC in the diet reduced the intake of dry matter (DM, crude protein (CP, hemicellulose, non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFC and total digestible nutrients (TDN. The NDF intake was higher at the 113g/kg PKC inclusion level compared to other treatments. There was linear decreasing effect on fat corrected milk with the inclusion of PKC. There was linear reduction in digestibility of dry matter(DM and total carbohydrate (TC, but no effect was observed on the NDF and ADF digestibility. Linear increase was observed on crude protein (CP, NFC and ether extract (EE digestibility. The digestibility of these nutrients probably increased because of the longer retention time of the digest in the rumen caused by reduced DM intake. The addition of PKC decreased the nutritive value of the diets, which subsequently reduced linearly milk production.O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão (0.0; 113,4; 227,8 e 341,7 g/kg de matéria seca da torta de dendê (TD em dietas para vacas leiteiras lactantes sobre o consumo, digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca e dos nutrientes e produção de leite. Foram utilizadas oito vacas mestiças Holandês x Zebu, primíparas, com peso médio de 382 kg, entre 60 e 90 dias de lactação, distribuídas em duplos quadrados latinos 4 x 4. Cada período experimental teve duração de 15 dias, sendo 11 dias para adaptação e quatro para coletas. Avaliou- se o consumo, expresso em kg/dia, g/kgpv0,75 e g/kg PV, a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca ( MS, proteina bruta (PB, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, fibra em detergente ácido (FDA, hemicelulose (HEM, carboidratos não fibrosos (CNF, extrato etéreo (EE e nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT e a produção de leite corrigida para gordura (PLCG. A inclusão de níveis crescentes de TD na dieta acarretou redução linear no consumo de MS, PB, HEM, CNF e NDT. O consumo de FDN apresentou efeito quadrático e os maiores valores foram observados com o nível de inclusão de TD de 113,4 g/kg MS. Houve efeito linear decrescente sobre a PLCG com a inclusão da TD. Houve redução linear da digestibilidade da MS e dos CT, porém não se observou efeito sobre a digestibilidade da FDN e FDA. Observou-se ainda aumento linear da digestibilidade da PB, CNF e EE. O aumento da digestibilidade destes nutrientes provavelmente ocorreu devido ao maior tempo de retenção da digesta no rúmen ocasionado pela redução no consumo de MS. A adição de TD diminui o valor nutritivo das dietas reduzindo linearmente a produção de leite.


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    Flávia Jorge de Lima


    Full Text Available Este artigo identificou propriedades micromorfológicas comuns em depósitos de colúvio formados por diferentes processos e condições ambientais, com o intuito de obter informações que auxiliem no reconhecimento de microfeições indicadoras de ambiente úmido.  Para tanto foram comparadas uma seção estratigráfica do Planalto Sedimentar do Araripe com os elementos micromorfológicos do nível 4Cb da seção HS1 na superfície Palmas/Água Doce - Sul do Brasil, gerados na passagem de condições paleoclimáticas secas para úmidas. Os métodos incluem: i descrição com base no critério litoestratigráfico para seção Rampa de colúvio de fácie proximal - CSM-C, e no pedoestratigráfico para a seção HS1; ii caracterização das propriedades sedimentológicas; iii - Descrição e análise micromorfológica dos materiais. O nível 4Cb foi usado como referência por ser de origem coluvial e o principal responsável pela colmatação de um paleocanal de segunda ordem. Comparando a unidade 4Cb, gerada em condições ambientais transicionais de clima mais seco para mais úmido, com a seção CSM-C, pode-se concluir que: I a componente água esteve presente em ambas unidades coluviais, tanto durante quanto após o evento deposicional. Isto demonstra que ambas têm importante significado paleoambiental, sobretudo para o sul do Ceará, que está inserido no contexto semiárido. II as evidências micromorfológicas comuns de depleção e migração de oxihidróxido de ferro permitem apontar que as condições paleoambientais de formação dos colúvios foram similares, gerados na transição de um ambiente mais seco para mais úmido. III o acúmulo das microfeições hidromórficas e de migração dos oxihidróxidos de ferro com aberturas de poros testemunham a continuidade da presença da água no sistema.

  16. Evidence for magmatic underplating and partial melt beneath the Canary Islands derived using teleseismic receiver functions (United States)

    Lodge, A.; Nippress, S. E. J.; Rietbrock, A.; García-Yeguas, A.; Ibáñez, J. M.


    In recent years, an increasing number of studies have focussed on resolving the internal structure of ocean island volcanoes. Traditionally, active source seismic experiments have been used to image the volcano edifice. Here we present results using the analysis of compressional to shear (P to S) converted seismic phases from teleseismic events, recorded by stations involved in an active source experiment "TOM-TEIDEVS" (Ibáñez et al., 2008), on the island of Tenerife, Canary Islands. We supplement this data with receiver function (RF) analysis of seismograms from the Canary Islands of Lanzarote and La Palma, applying the extended-time multitaper frequency domain cross-correlation estimation method (Helffrich, 2006). We use the neighbourhood inversion approach of Sambridge (1999a,b) to model the RFs and our results indicate magmatic underplating exists beneath all three islands, ranging from 2 to 8 km, but showing no clear correlation with the age of the island. Beneath both La Palma and Tenerife, we find localized low velocity zones (LVZs), which we interpret as due to partial melt, supported by their correlation with the location of historical earthquakes (La Palma) and recent earthquakes (Tenerife). For Lanzarote, we do not sample the most recently volcanically active region and find no evidence for a LVZ. Instead, we find a simple gradational velocity structure, with discontinuities at ˜4, 10 and 18 km depth, in line with previous studies.

  17. Macrominerals balance in goats fed with spineless cactus and soybean hulls Balanço de macrominerais em caprinos alimentados com palma forrageira e casca de soja

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    Evaristo Jorge de Oliveira Souza


    Full Text Available It were evaluated the balance of minerals in diets based on spineless cactus and different levels of soybean hulls in place of the Tifton 85 grass hay. It were used five goats, castrated, without racial pattern set, provided with permanent rumen cannula and with 40±5,16 kg of BW. The 5 x 5 Latin Square was adopted. In the experimental treatments, soybean hulls were included, in the proportions of 0%; 6,25%; 12,5%; 18,75% e 25% of the diet to replace the Tifton 85 grass hay. It was decrease in consumption of minerals and the consumption of crude protein was increased by 1444, 34 g/day, which favored the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein and non-fibrous carbohydrate. The blood concentrations of Ca grew linearly according to the inclusion of soybean hulls in the diet and for Mg the response was quadratic and lower blood concentrations of Mg 5,02 mg/dL, with the inclusion 11,5% of soybean hulls, were checked. The urinary concentrations of K and Cl decreased linearly with the addition of soybean hulls. The inclusion of soybean hulls in the diet of goats did not provided imbalance of macrominerals: Na, Cl, P and Cl.Avaliou-se o balanço de minerais de dietas à base de palma forrageira e diferentes níveis de casca de soja em substituição ao feno de capim-Tifton 85. Foram utilizados cinco caprinos, castrados, sem padrão racial definido, com cânulas ruminais permanentes, com peso vivo médio 40±5,16 kg. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental quadrado latino 5 x 5. Nas dietas incluiu-se a casca de soja, nas proporções 0%; 6,25%; 12,5%; 18,75%, e 25% da dieta em substituição ao feno capim-Tifton 85. Assim, houve diminuição do consumo de minerais e aumento do consumo de proteína bruta em 1444, 34 g/dia, o que favoreceu a digestibilidade da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta e carboidratos não fibrosos. As concentrações sangüíneas de Ca aumentaram linearmente em função da inclusão de casca de

  18. Predation by Corallus annulatus (Boidae on Rhynchonycteris naso (Emballonuridae in a lowland tropical wet forest, Costa Rica

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    Lewis, Todd R.


    Full Text Available Corallus annulatus (Northern Annulated Tree-boa is a little-studied tropical Boid occurring disjunctively throughout Central America and tropical South America in mostly lowland tropical moist and wet forests (Holdridge, 1967; Stafford & Henderson, 1996; Smith & Acevedo, 1997; Henderson et al., 2001. Prior to this report and to the best of our knowledge, small rodents were the only documented prey for wild specimens of C. annulatus (Henderson et al., 1995. Caño Palma Biological Station is situated on the northeast coast of Costa Rica approximately 8 km north of Tortuguero. C. annulatus has previously been recorded from Manicaria forest at Caño Palma (Myers, 1990; Burger, 2001. On 12th January 2002 and 15th July 2003 we found two separate C. annulatus specimens with Rhynchonycteris naso (Proboscis bat in their stomachs.

  19. Molecular phylogenetics of Micromeria (Lamiaceae) in the Canary Islands, diversification and inter-island colonization patterns inferred from nuclear genes. (United States)

    Puppo, Pamela; Curto, Manuel; Gusmão-Guedes, Joana; Cochofel, Jaqueline; Pérez de Paz, Pedro Luis; Bräuchler, Christian; Meimberg, Harald


    Here we reconstruct the evolutionary history of Micromeria in the Canary Islands using eight nuclear markers. Our results show two centers of diversification for Micromeria, one in the eastern islands Gran Canaria and Lanzarote, the other in the western islands, Tenerife, La Palma and El Hierro. Suggested directions of inter-island colonization are the following: Gran Canaria to Lanzarote and La Gomera; Tenerife to La Palma (from the paleoisland of Teno), to El Hierro (from the younger, central part), and to La Gomera and Madeira (from the paleoislands). Colonization of La Gomera probably occurred several times from Gran Canaria and Tenerife. The taxonomic implications of these results are discussed. Incongruence among the different markers was evaluated and, using next generation sequencing, we investigated if this incongruence is due to gene duplication. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Mid-tertiary dispersal, not gondwanan vicariance explains distribution patterns in the wax palm subfamily (Ceroxyloideae: Arecaceae)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trénel, Philipp; Gustafsson, Mats H.G.; Baker, William J.


    The Ceroxyloideae is a small but heterogeneous subfamily of palms (Arecaceae, Palmae). It includes a Caribbean lineage (tribe Cyclospathae), a southern hemisphere disjunction (tribe Ceroxyleae), and an amphi-Andean element (tribe Phytelepheae), until recently considered a distinct subfamily (Phyt...

  1. Botanical profile of bee pollen from the southern coastal region of Bahia, Brazil Perfil botânico do pólen apícola proveniente do litoral sul da Bahia, Brasil

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    Marcos da Costa Dórea


    Full Text Available This paper aims to identify the botanical origin of pollen loads collected by Apis mellifera L. in Canavieiras municipality, Bahia state. It provides a list of polliniferous plant species from the Atlantic Forest biome that are important for the development of regional apiculture. Using the acetolysis method, 35 bee-pollen samples were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that pollen types Elaeis (23.99%, Mimosa pudica (22.78% and Cecropia (13.68% were the most abundant among the samples. These also showed the highest relative frequencies of the material studied and were important pollen sources for bees in the study area.O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar a origem botânica das bolotas de pólen coletadas pelas abelhas Apis mellifera L. no município de Canavieiras, Bahia, gerando uma lista de plantas poliníferas pertencentes ao bioma Mata Atlântica e importantes para o desenvolvimento da apicultura regional. Foram analisadas palinologicamente 35 amostras de pólen apícola, utilizando-se o processo de acetólise para, em seguida, serem feitas análises qualitativas e quantitativas. Os resultados revelaram que os tipos polínicos Elaeis (23,99%, Mimosa pudica (22,78% e Cecropia (13,68% foram os mais abundantes no pólen apícola analisado. Estes tipos polínicos também apresentaram as maiores frequências relativas de todo o material estudado e representam importantes plantas fontes de pólen para as abelhas na área estudada.

  2. DVD-d. "Borat", "United 93", "Must Daalia", "Vimm 2" / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Uued mängufilmide DVD-d : Larry Charlesi "Borat" (peaosas Sacha Baron Cohen; USA 2006), Paul Greengrassi "United 93" (USA 2006), Brian De Palma "Must Daalia" ("The Black Dahlia", USA 2006), Takashi Shimizu "Vimm 2" ("The Grudge 2", USA 2006)

  3. Must lill heidab suure varju / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Brian De Palma krimimüsteerium "Must daalia" ("The Black Dahlia"), mis põhineb James Ellroy samanimelisel romaanil : operaator Vilmos Zsigmond : osades Josh Hartnett, Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank, Scarlett Johansson : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2006. Film noir'i stilistika kasutamisest filmis

  4. Sequential motor task (Luria's Fist-Edge-Palm Test in children with benign focal epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spikes Tarefa motora sequencial (Teste de Lúria punho-lado-palma em crianças com epilepsia focal benigna da infância com descarga centrotemporal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Silvia Molleis Galego Miziara


    Full Text Available This study evaluated the sequential motor manual actions in children with benign focal epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS and compares the results with matched control group, through the application of Luria's fist-edge-palm test. The children with BECTS underwent interictal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT and School Performance Test (SPT. Significant difference occurred between the study and control groups for manual motor action through three equal and three different movements. Children with lower school performance had higher error rate in the imitation of hand gestures. Another factor significantly associated with the failure was the abnormality in SPECT. Children with BECTS showed abnormalities in the test that evaluated manual motor programming/planning. This study may suggest that the functional changes related to epileptiform activity in rolandic region interfere with the executive function in children with BECTS.Esse estudo avaliou ações motoras manuais sequenciais em crianças com epilepsia focal benigna da infância com descarga centrotemporal (EBICT e comparou os resultados com o grupo controle pareado, através do teste de Lúria (punho-lado-palma. As crianças com EBICT realizaram single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT interictal e Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos nas atividades motoras de três movimentos iguais e três movimentos diferentes. As crianças com piores resultados no TDE e com SPECT alterado apresentaram mais erros no teste de imitação manual. Crianças com epilepsia fracassaram nos testes de avaliação motora que envolvem programação/planejamento. Esse estudo sugere que mudanças funcionais relacionadas à atividade epileptiforme na região rolândica interfere com as funções executivas de crianças com EBICT.

  5. Determinação de fatores da equação universal de perda de solo em Sumé, PB Determination of the factors of the universal soil loss equation in Sumé (Paraíba State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abel W. de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Para se alcançar os objetivos previstos neste trabalho, determinaram-se os fatores da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (EUPS em condições de chuva natural, num Luvissolo de Sumé, PB, em que os dados relativos aos anos de 1983-1990 foram obtidos na Estação Experimental de Sumé, PB, pertencente à Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB, cujos tratamentos foram os seguintes: parcela descoberta e em alqueive contínuo, parcela com caatinga nativa, parcela com caatinga nova, parcelas em pousio, parcela com palma cultivada morro abaixo e parcela com palma cultivada em nível. Os valores médios anuais do fator erosividade da chuva expressos em EI30 e PI30 foram de 4.928 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 e 19.734 mm-2 h-1, respectivamente. Os valores do fator erodibilidade do solo (K foram calculados em 0,013 t h MJ-1 mm-1 e 0,003 t ha-1 mm-2, enquanto os valores determinados para o fator uso e manejo do solo foram os seguintes: 0,0015 (caatinga nativa, 0,0174 (caatinga nova, 0,0133 (cobertura morta, 0,0056 (cobertura morta, 0,5103 (palma cultivada morro abaixo e 0,2355 (palma cultivada em nível. O valor do fator práticas conservacionistas para palma cultivada em nível foi de 0,46The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE factors were determined in a Haplargs under natural rainfall conditions. Data concerning to the years of 1983 -1990 were obtained at the Sumé Experimental Station (Paraíba State - Brazil of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB. The treatments consisted of runoff plots with bare soil, native semiarid vegetation runoff plot, mulch runoff plot, palm leaf under downhill runoff plot and under contour palm leaf runoff plot. The annual average of the rainfall erosivity factors EI30 and PI30 were 4,928 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 and 19,734 mm-2 h-1, respectively. The calculated annual mean values of the erodibility parameters were calculated in 0.013 t h MJ-1 mm-1 and 0.003 t h ha-1 mm-2. The calculated values for the support practice factor cropping

  6. In vitro maintenance, under slow-growth conditions, of oil palm germplasm obtained by embryo rescue

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julcéia Camillo


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the in vitro maintenance of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis and E. oleifera accessions under slow-growth conditions. Plants produced by embryo rescue were subject to 1/2MS culture medium supplemented with the carbohydrates sucrose, mannitol, and sorbitol at 1, 2, and 3% under 20 and 25±2ºC. After 12 months, the temperature of 20°C reduced plant growth. Sucrose is the most appropriate carbohydrate for maintaining the quality of the plants, whereas mannitol and sorbitol result in a reduced plant survival.

  7. Efecto del suplemento de aceites vegetales sobre el perfil lipídico en ratas wistar.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elpidia Poveda


    Full Text Available Introducción. Se informan efectos sobre el perfil lipídico por acción de los tocoferoles, tocotrienoles y ácidos grasos saturados, monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados. Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto del consumo de aceites vegetales de alta utilización en Colombia (palma, soya, maíz, girasol y canola sobre las concentraciones sanguíneas de triglicéridos, colesterol total y colesterol-HDL en ratas Wistar. Metodología. Se cuantificaron tocoferoles, tocotrienoles y ácidos grasos de los aceites por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución. A los animales se les suministró un suplemento de 0,2 ml/día de aceite durante 4 semanas; se sacrificó un gru o de cada tratamiento (grupos tratados con aceite de palma, aceite de soya, aceite de maíz, aceite de girasol y aceite de canola para obtener muestras de sangre y cuantificar triglicéridos, colesterol total y colesterol- HDL. Los datos se analizaron según media, desviación estándar, análisis de varianza y Bonferroni. Resultados. No se presentaron diferencias en los triglicéridos a excepción del grupo control versus soya en la tercera semana de tratamiento; se observó también una tendencia a la disminución en el grupo de palma y al aumento en los de girasol y canola. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en colesterol total en ninguna de las semanas de intervención. Se presentaron diferencias en las concentraciones de colesterol HDL en las semanas de tratamiento (p=0,005, una tendencia a la disminución en el grupo de palma y al aumento en el grupo de girasol y maíz. Conclusión. Los aceites modifican el perfil lipídico; el bajo contenido de ácidos grasos saturados, el contenido de tocoferoles y tocotrienoles son favorables para el aumento del colesterol HDL; los tocotrienoles probablemente disminuyen los troglicéridos y atenúan las respuestas desfavorables de los ácidos grasos saturados.

  8. Vacas leiteiras submetidas a diferentes estratégias alimentares Digestibilidade e balanço de energia - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v27i2.1231 Milking cows submited to distinct feeding strategies. Energy balance and digestibility - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v27i2.1231

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcilio Azevedo


    Full Text Available O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de cinco estratégias de alimentação sobre a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e balanço de energia líquida de lactação. Cinco vacas da raça Holandesa foram distribuídas em um quadrado latino (5x5. As estratégias foram: mistura completa: MC; ingredientes separados: IS; silagem de sorgo + concentrado juntos e palma separada: S+C/P; palma + concentrado juntos e silagem de sorgo separada: P+C/S; palma + silagem de sorgo juntas e concentrado separado: P+S/C. A digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (DMS, matéria orgânica (DMO, proteína bruta (DPB, extrato etéreo (DEE, carboidratos-totais (DCHT, carboidratos-não-fibrosos (DCNF, fibra em detergente neutro (DFDN e o teor de NDT (67,16; 68,97; 77,24; 52,97; 66,72; 73,39; 53,42; 62,73%, respectivamente não foram influenciados (p >0,05 pelas diferentes estratégias (MC, IS, S+C/P, P+C/S, P+S/C. Melhor utilização da energia foi verificada quando a palma foi associada à silagem de sorgoThe aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of five feeding strategies on the apparent digestibility of the nutrients and net energy for lactation balance. Five Holstein cows were assigned in a (5X5 latin square design. The strategies were: total mixed ration: TMR; separated ingredients: SI; sorghum silage + concentrate and separated spineless cactus: S+C/SC; spineless cactus + concentrate and separated sorghum silage SC+C/S; spineless cactus + sorghum silage and separated concentrate: SC+S/C. The apparent digestibility of dry matter (DMD, organic matter (MOD, crude protein (CPD, ether extract (EED, total carbohydrates (TCD, nonfiber carbohydrates (NFCD, neutral detergent fiber (NDFD and TDN values (67,16; 68,97; 77,24; 52,97; 66,72; 73,39; 53,42; 62,73%, respectively was not affected (P >0,05 by feeding strategies (MC, IS, S+C/P, P+C/S, P+S/C. The energy utilization was better when spineless catus was associated with sorghum silage

  9. The evolutionary history of Afrocanarian blue tits inferred from genomewide SNPs. (United States)

    Gohli, Jostein; Leder, Erica H; Garcia-Del-Rey, Eduardo; Johannessen, Lars Erik; Johnsen, Arild; Laskemoen, Terje; Popp, Magnus; Lifjeld, Jan T


    A common challenge in phylogenetic reconstruction is to find enough suitable genomic markers to reliably trace splitting events with short internodes. Here, we present phylogenetic analyses based on genomewide single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of an enigmatic avian radiation, the subspecies complex of Afrocanarian blue tits (Cyanistes teneriffae). The two sister species, the Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) and the azure tit (Cyanistes cyanus), constituted the out-group. We generated a large data set of SNPs for analysis of population structure and phylogeny. We also adapted our protocol to utilize degraded DNA from old museum skins from Libya. We found strong population structuring that largely confirmed subspecies monophyly and constructed a coalescent-based phylogeny with full support at all major nodes. The results are consistent with a recent hypothesis that La Palma and Libya are relic populations of an ancient Afrocanarian blue tit, although a small data set for Libya could not resolve its position relative to La Palma. The birds on the eastern islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote are similar to those in Morocco. Together they constitute the sister group to the clade containing the other Canary Islands (except La Palma), in which El Hierro is sister to the three central islands. Hence, extant Canary Islands populations seem to originate from multiple independent colonization events. We also found population divergences in a key reproductive trait, viz. sperm length, which may constitute reproductive barriers between certain populations. We recommend a taxonomic revision of this polytypic species, where several subspecies should qualify for species rank. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Transferring and implementing the general dynamic model of oceanic island biogeography at the scale of island fragments: the role of geological age and topography in plant diversification in the Canaries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Otto, Rüdiger; Whittaker, Robert J.; von Gaisberg, Markus


    ontogenies, featuring surfaces of varying age. Here, we extend the GDM to apply at a local scale within islands, and test the predictions analytically within individual islands. Location El Hierro, La Palma and Tenerife (Canary Islands). Methods Following the GDM logic, we derive predictions...

  11. The mechanical design for the WEAVE prime focus corrector system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abrams, Don Carlos; Dee, Kevin; Agócs, Tibor; Lhome, Emilie; Peñate, José; Jaskó, Attila; Bányai, Evelin; Burgal, José A.; Dalton, Gavin; Middleton, Kevin; Bonifacio, Piercarlo; Aguerri, J. Alfonso L.; Trager, S. C.; Balcells, Marc

    WEAVE is the next-generation, wide-field, optical spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. The WHT will undergo a significant adaptation to accommodate this facility. A two- degree Prime Focus Corrector (PFC), that includes an Atmospheric

  12. Discovery of a Probable Nova in M81 and Photometry of Three M81 Novae (United States)

    Hornoch, K.; Errmann, R.; Carlisle, Ch.; Vaduvescu, O.


    We report the discovery of a probable nova in M81 on a co-added 1600-s narrow-band H-alpha CCD image taken with the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) + WFC at La Palma under ~1.6" seeing on 2015 Jan.

  13. Zonsonderzoek met de DOT

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rutten, R.J.


    De Dutch Open Telescope is een nieuwe zonnetelescoop van Utrechtse makelij die recent is geinstalleerd op het Canarische eiland La Palma. Hij is geheel open, een revolutionair concept, en levert daardoor uitzonderlijk hoge beeldscherpte. In dit artikel een korte schets van de onderzoekingen die de

  14. Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report - Vol 6, No 1 (2014)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Treatment of Pseudoarthrosis After Minimally Invasive Hallux Valgus Correction · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. M Cianforlini, C Rosini, M Marinelli, L de Palma, 39-42. ...

  15. Accelerated in vitro propagation of elite oil palm genotypes (Elaeis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 14, 2016 ... Thus, this study aimed to apply a cloning protocol, using somatic embryogenesis, .... A: Cutting of an adult plant oil palm to perform stem slitting and measurements, in ..... strand breaks induced by reactive oxygen species.

  16. Thermoliquefaction of palm oil fiber (Elaeis sp.) using supercritical ethanol. (United States)

    Oliveira, Aline L P C; Almeida, Priscila S; Campos, Maria C V; Franceschi, Elton; Dariva, Cláudio; Borges, Gustavo R


    Thermoliquefaction of palm oil fiber was investigated using supercritical ethanol as solvent. A semi-continuous laboratory scale unit was developed to investigate the effects of temperature (300-500°C), heating rate (10-30°C.min -1 ) and cracking time (10-30min) on the conversion of biomass in bio-oil. The main advantage of the proposed process is that a pure solvent is pumping through the reactor that contains the biomass, dispensing the use of biomass slurries. The yield of bio-oil ranged from 56% to 84%, depending on the experimental conditions. It was observed that an increase in working temperature led to an increase in the bio-oil production. Cracking time and heating rate variation had not shown a considerable effect on the conversion of biomass. The chemical profiles of bio-oil determined by GC/MS, indicate that at low temperature mainly sugar derivatives are produced, while at higher temperatures alcohols and phenolic are the majority compounds of the bio-oil. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Investigating circular patterns in linear polarization observations of Venus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mahapatra, G.; Stam, D.M.; Rossi, L.C.G.; Rodenhuis, M.; Snik, Frans; Keller, C.U.


    In this work, we analyse linear polarization data of the planet at a distance, obtained with the Extreme Polarimeter (ExPo) on the William Herschel Telescope
    on La Palma. These spatially resolved, high-accuracy polarization observations of Venus show faint circular patterns centered on the

  18. Retrieving the cloud coverage on Earth-like exoplanets using polarimetry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rossi, L.C.G.; Stam, D.M.; Turbet, M.


    In this work, we analyse linear polarization data of the planet at a distance, obtained with the Extreme Polarimeter (ExPo) on the William Herschel Telescope
    on La Palma. These spatially resolved, high-accuracy polarization observations of Venus show faint circular patterns centered on the

  19. The 11th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net 2012)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pitsillides, A.; Douligeris, C.; Vassiliou, V.; Heijenk, Geert; Cavalcante de Oliveira, J.

    Message from the General Chairs Welcome to the 2012 Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop in Ayia Napa, Cyprus. We are excited to host Med-Hoc-Net. As a major annual international workshop, following recent successful workshops in Sicily (2006), Corfu (2007), Palma de Mallorca (2008), Haifa

  20. Proxy magnetometry with the Dutch Open Telescope

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rutten, R.J.; Hammerschlag, R.H.; Sütterlin, P.; Bettonvil, F.C.M.


    Superb movies from the Dutch Open Telescope (DOT) on La Palma have proven the validity of the open concept of this innovative telescope for high-resolution imaging of the solar atmosphere. A five- camera speckle-burst registration system is being installed that should permit consistent and