
Sample records for padecen esclerosis multiple

  1. Esclerosis múltiple: aspectos generales y abordaje farmacológico Multiple sclerosis: general features and pharmacologic approach

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    Nielsen Lagumersindez Denis


    Full Text Available La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad autoinmune, inflamatoria y desmielinizante del sistema nervioso central, de etiología desconocida y evolución crónica. Existen diferentes hipótesis etiológicas que hablan de una estrecha interrelación entre factores genéticos predisponentes y factores ambientales disímiles, capaces de desencadenar la respuesta autoinmune a nivel del sistema nervioso central. La hipótesis de la patogenia autoinmune se basa en estudios en modelos experimentales y hallazgos en biopsias de pacientes afectados por la enfermedad. Datos acumulativos reportan que el estrés oxidativo desempeña una función fundamental en la patogénesis de la esclerosis múltiple. Las especies reactivas de oxígeno generadas por macrófagos han sido implicadas como mediadoras de la desmielinización y el daño axonal, tanto en la encefalomielitis autoinmune experimental, como en la esclerosis múltiple propiamente. El diagnóstico de la enfermedad es difícil porque no existe una única prueba confirmatoria. El tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple abarca el tratamiento de los relapsos agudos y los síntomas, así como la modificación de la enfermedad. Estos aspectos requieren un enfoque individualizado, basado en la evolución de esta afección y la tolerabilidad de los tratamientos. Además de la dieta, entre los tratamientos no farmacológicos para la esclerosis múltiple se recomienda la terapia física. Por otra parte, se han realizado varios ensayos clínicos en los que se han empleado extractos naturales, suplementos nutricionales y otros agentes con resultados alentadores. La farmacología ha dotado a los neurólogos de un amplio arsenal de fármacos de probada eficacia; sin embargo, los resultados de los laboratorios de investigación en los últimos años hacen muy probable que las posibilidades terapéuticas aumenten considerablemente en el futuro.Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune, inflammatory and desmyelinization

  2. Beneficios de la terapia con resistómetro inspiratorio en los pacientes con esclerosis multiple frente a terapias respiratorias convencionales


    Martín Sánchez, Carlos


    [ES] La Universidad de Salamanca (USAL) a través del programa de Doctorado en Oncología Clínica realiza un estudio con ASPRODES, la Asociación Salmantina de Esclerosis Múltiple (ASDEM) y la Asociación Zamorana de Esclerosis Múltiple (AZDEM) para llevar a cabo un estudio experimental con el fin de analizar las ventajas que la terapia respiratoria con resistómetro inspiratorio puede aportar a los pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple frente a las técnicas de fisioterapia respiratoria convencional. ...

  3. Incapacidad laboral en esclerosis múltiple: a propósito de un caso Working disability in multiple sclerosis: a propos of a case

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    Gian C. Navarro Chumbes


    Full Text Available Enfermera de 34 años de edad que acude a la Unidad Médica de Valoración de Incapacidades del INSS (Instituto Nacional de Seguridad Social para valoración de Incapacidad Temporal (IT; diagnosticada de Esclerosis Múltiple (EM hace 10 años, presentó 6 brotes, por lo que requirió tratamiento con Acetato de Glatirámero y se le adaptó el puesto de trabajo. Actualmente tiene un EDSS (Expanded Disability Status Scale estimado de 1,0, y actualmente no está con tratamiento inmunomodulador. Este caso clínico lo que busca es conocer de qué manera se valora la incapacidad laboral en los casos de trabajadores que padecen de EM, asimismo cómo se determina el grado de menoscabo en función del EDSS y qué aspectos laborales son tomados en consideración.A 34-year old woman, nurse, who arrives to the Medical Assessment Disability Unit of SSNI (Social Security National Institute for to assess Temporary Disability (TD, she was diagnosed of Multiple Sclerosis (MS 10 years ago, she had 6 outbreaks and because of that she was treated with Glatiramer Acetate and also her workstation was adapted. At the moment she has an EDSS (Expanded Disability Status Scale of 1.0, and now she does not receive immunomodulator treatment. With this case report we want to know the way that labour disability is evaluated for workers that complain of MS, also how the damage degree is determined according to EDSS and what labour aspects are taken into consideration.

  4. Multiple sclerosis test or the 4 humors: cerebrospinal fluid serum, tears and saliva; Esclerosis multiple test de los 4 humores: liquido cefalorraquideo, suero, lagrimas y saliva

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oehninger Gatti, C; Buzo Del Puerto, R; Chouza Antelo, C; Scotti Bianchi, C; Cibils, D; Alcantara Pelaez, J; Gomez, A; Heuguerot Oliveira, C


    4 were studied biological fluids easily accessible to the immune exploration (cerebrospinal fluid, serum, tears and saliva) in 25 patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) during a push clinical disease. The level of interleukin-2 receptor soluble (RsIL-2) was significantly increased by at least 3 of these 4 fluids, compared with normal controls. The sensitivity and specificity of its determination for the diagnosis of the condition was higher than other immunochemical parameters, oligoclonal distribution (OD) of immunoglobulin (Ig) light chain imbalance-and-evoked electrophysiological studies. This method is used to establish a more accurate diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis as well as to monitor its biological activity with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) (Author) [Spanish] Se estudiaron 4 fluidos biologicos de facil acceso a la exploracion inmune (liquido cefalorraquideo, suero, lagrimas y saliva) en 25 pacientes con Esclerosis Multiple (EM) obtenidos durante un empuje clinico de la enfermedad. El nivel del receptor de Interleukina-2 soluble (RsIL-2) se encontro significativamente aumentado en por lo menos 3 de estos 4 fluidos, en comparacion con el de los controles normales. La sensibilidad y especificidad de su determinacion para el diagnostico de la afeccion, fue mayor que la de otros parametros inmunoquimicos - distribucion oligoclonal (DO) de inmunoglobulinas (Ig), disbalance de cadenas livianas - y estudios electrofisiologicos -potenciales evocados-. Este metodo es utilizado para establecer un diagnostico mas certero de la Esclerosis Multiple asi como tambien para monitorizar su actividad biologica junto con la resonancia magnetica nuclear (RMN)(Author)

  5. Inmunopatología de la esclerosis múltiple

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    Francisco J Quintana


    Full Text Available La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad inflamatoria desmielinizante que afecta el sistema nervioso central y que es considerada una de las principales causas de discapacidad en jóvenes adultos. Las causas de la esclerosis múltiple son aún desconocidas, aunque se cree que una combinación de factores genéticos y ambientales resulta en una respuesta autoinmune que promueve la degeneración neuronal/axonal. En esta revisión se analiza la asociación entre la respuesta inmune y la neurodegeneración en la esclerosis múltiple.

  6. Grupos sanguíneos ABO, RhD y esclerosis múltiple ABO and RhD blood groups in multiple sclerosis

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    Leslie Pérez-Ruiz


    Full Text Available La fisiopatología de la esclerosis múltiple es incierta; la hipótesis más fundada es la existencia de un proceso autoinmune en el que existe predisposición genética. El sistema de grupos sanguíneos está compuesto por antígenos fácilmente detectables, por lo que constituye excelente marcador genético. Para determinar frecuencia de distribución de los grupos sanguíneos en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple, se estudiaron 70 enfermos, de quienes se obtuvieron datos demográficos, clínicos y de escalas evolutivas. Se seleccionaron 180 controles al azar simple mediante muestreo multietápico del universo integrado por 4 747 donantes de sangre. Se determinaron los grupo sanguíneos ABO y RhD. Se calculó X² con precisión del 95 % e intervalo de confianza de las diferencias porcentuales. En ambos grupos fue más frecuente el RhD+ (85,7 % casos y 90 % controles. El grupo sanguíneo A estuvo en el 60 % de los pacientes y el grupo O predominó en los donantes (55 %, con diferencia significativa p=0,003 y OR=2,85. De acuerdo con este estudio, existe una asociación entre el grupo sanguíneo A con la esclerosis múltiple.The physiopathology of multiple sclerosis is uncertain. The best founded hypothesis is the existence of an autoimmune process in which genetic predisposition plays a role. The system of blood groups consists of easily detectable antigens; therefore, it is an excellent genetic marker. To determine the distribution frequency of blood groups in patients with multiple sclerosis, 70 ill persons were studied, about whom demographic, clinical and evolutionary scale data were obtained. 180 controls were selected by simple random multistage sampling of a universe of 4 747 blood donors. Blood groups ABO and RhD were determined. X² was calculated with a 95% accuracy and confidence interval of percent differences. RhD+ was more frequent in both groups (85.7 % cases and 90% controls. Blood group A was found in 60 % patients, whereas

  7. Esclerosis múltiple. : nuestra experiencia


    Houlne, M.; Zalazar, M.; Sagaz, A.; López Laur, José Daniel


    Objetivos: analizar la experiencia obtenida y evaluar los resultados urodinámicos del estudio de 18 pacientes con esclerosis múltiple. Material y Métodos: se estudiaron 18 casos, valorándose la historia clínica, ecografía vesical y renal, analizándolos urodinámicamente con uroflujometría, residuo post miccional (RPM), cistotonometría y electromiografía esfinteriana. Urocultivo y antibiograma de orina. Resultados: del análisis de toda...

  8. Esclerosis sistémica complicada con síncope y bloqueo AV completo


    Francisco Femenía; Mauricio Arce; Martín Arrieta


    La esclerosis sistémica es una compleja enfermedad que afecta el tejido conectivo, el sistema vascular y el sistema inmunológico, y se caracteriza por fibrosis cutánea y de órganos viscerales. Los bloqueos de rama y los hemibloqueos se presentan en el 25 a 75% de los casos y constituyen predictores independientes de mortalidad. Los bloqueos auriculoventriculares de segundo o tercer grado son muy raros. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 47 años de edad, con diagnóstico de esclerosis sistémic...

  9. Esclerosis Tuberosa. Revisión


    Fernández Concepción, Otman; Gómez García, Ariel; Sardiñaz Hernández, Norberto


    Se realiza una revisión actualizada sobre las peculiaridades clínicas, radiológicas y neuropatológicas de la esclerosis tuberosa, la más representativa de las enfermedades neurocutáneas que evolucionan con manchas hipocrómicas y segunda en frecuencia de las facomatosis. Las manchas hipocrómicas asociadas con espasmos infantiles o cardiomegalia en lactantes y la evidencia de crisis epilépticas y angiofibromas faciales en la infancia tardía, constituyen las formas habituales de presentación de ...

  10. Esclerosis sistémica complicada con síncope y bloqueo AV completo

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    Francisco Femenía


    Full Text Available La esclerosis sistémica es una compleja enfermedad que afecta el tejido conectivo, el sistema vascular y el sistema inmunológico, y se caracteriza por fibrosis cutánea y de órganos viscerales. Los bloqueos de rama y los hemibloqueos se presentan en el 25 a 75% de los casos y constituyen predictores independientes de mortalidad. Los bloqueos auriculoventriculares de segundo o tercer grado son muy raros. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 47 años de edad, con diagnóstico de esclerosis sistémica, quien presenta episodio sincopal secundario a bloqueo auriculoventricular completo con necesidad de implante de marcapasos definitivo.

  11. Esclerosis múltiple: alteraciones cognitivas y actividades de la vida diaria = Multiple sclerosis : cognitive impairments and activities of daily living

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    Alegre Ayala, Jorge


    Full Text Available RESUMENLas alteraciones cognitivas ocasionadas por la Esclerosis Múltiple (EM dificultan el desempeño ocupacional de estos pacientes. No existe un patrón específico de deterioro cognitivo aunque son comunes las afectaciones de la memoria, los procesos atencionales, la velocidad de procesamiento de la información, las funciones ejecutivas, la fluidez verbal y la capacidad visuoespacial. Pese a no ser tan conocidos como los problemas físicos, los déficit cognitivos provocan limitaciones en la capacidad de estas personas para realizar sus actividades de la vida diaria (AVD. El artículo muestra explicaciones sobre las principales alteraciones cognitivas de la enfermedad y ejemplos de actividades de la vida diaria dañadas por éstas. SUMMARY Cognitive impairments caused by Multiple Sclerosis make these patients´ occupational performance difficult. It is not exist a specific pattern of cognitive injury although they are usual the affections in memory, attention process, speed of information processing, executive functions, verbal fluency and visual and spatial skills. Though are not so known like physical problems, the cognitive deficits provokes limitations in the ability of these persons to realize their activities of daily living. Article shows explains about principal cognitive impairments and examples of damage in the activities of daily living caused by Multiple Sclerosis.

  12. Significación en el diagnóstico de esclerosis múltiple y experiencia ante el descubrimiento de la enfermedad


    Salinas Pérez, Virginia


    Busca describir los significados de la vivencia del diagnóstico de esclerosis múltiple como enfermedad crónica, singular y progresiva, y analizar e interpretar la experiencia que viven estos pacientes desde que experimentan síntomas y hasta el reconocimiento de la enfermedad. La población son pacientes con esclerosis múltiple de la Unidad de Neuroinmunología del Hospital Carlos Haya de Málaga. La muestra total fue de 25 participantes. Tuvo un diseño cualitativo fenomenológico descriptivo, y e...

  13. Multiple Sclerosis (United States)

    ... National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Esclerosis Múltiple: Esperanza en la Investigacion Order NINDS Publications ... National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Esclerosis Múltiple: Esperanza en la Investigacion Order NINDS Publications ...

  14. Esclerosis múltiple: Revisión bibliográfica Multiple sclerosis: Bigliographical review

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    Dania Ruíz García


    Full Text Available La esclerosis múltiple es la causa principal de discapacidad neurológica en adultos jóvenes. Tiene un amplio espectro clínico, desde formas benignas a malignas. En Cuba, región tropical considerada de baja prevalencia, existen alrededor de 550 a 1 650 pacientes. La enfermedad se inicia entre los 20 y los 40 años, predomina en mujeres, su etiología es desconocida y diversos mecanismos patogénicos han sido planteados. Es inmunomediada y se caracteriza por desmielinización, edema, remielinización y daño axonal. Existe en forma silente, o sea, que es activa incluso durante la aparente estabilidad clínica. Sus formas clínicas son exacerbación-remisión, crónica progresiva, benigna y aguda fulminante. Para el diagnóstico se utilizan los criterios de Mc Donalds revisados. La resonancia magnética de imágenes tiene valor para el diagnóstico y para el pronóstico. La metilprednisolona se emplea en el tratamiento de los brotes y para retardar las recurrencias, y el interferón beta 1, en la forma progresiva secundaria.Multiple sclerosis is the main cause of neurological disability in young adults. It has a wide clinical spectrum from benign to malignant forms. In Cuba , a tropical region considered of low prevalence, there are approximately from 550 to 1 650 patients. The disease begins in individuals aged 20-40, with a predominance of females. Its aetiology is unknown, and diverse pathogenic mechanisms have been suggested. It is immunomediated, and it is also characterized by demyelination, edema, remyelination, and axonal damage. There is a silent form that may be active even during the apparent clinical stability. Its clinical forms are exacerbation-remission, progressive chronic, benign, and fulminant acute. The reviewed McDonald's criteria are used for the diagnosis. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI is valuable for the diagnosis and prognosis. Methylprednisolone is used to treat outbreaks, and to delay relapses, whereas


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    Vladimir V. Markelov


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe data presented in this manuscript suggest a pivotal role of the central nervous system (CNS in the regulation of immune status. We describe here that some neurochemical disturbances may provoke development of various diseases including multiple sclerosis. Some theoretic and practical backgrounds, how to improve the multiple sclerosis sufferers and patients with other autoimmune disorders, are also given.RESUMENLos datos que presentamos en este manuscrito, sugieren un papel guia del sistema nervioso central (SNC en la regulación del estado inmune. Describimos aquí que varias alteraciones neuroquímicas pueden provocar el desarrollo de varias enfermedades, incluyendo esclerosis múltiple. También se comenta acerca del trasfondo teórico y práctico, y cómo mejorar a víctimas y pacientes con esclerosis múltiple y otras alteraciones autoinmunes.

  16. Adenopatía supraclavicular como forma de presentación de un carcinoma de cérvix asociado al complejo esclerosis tuberosa con linfangioleiomiomatosis


    Pablo López Mato; Alfonso Varela Fariña; Elena Seco Hernández; Antonio J. Chamorro Fernández


    La linfangioleiomiomatosis es una proliferación del tejido muscular broncovascular que recientemente se ha definido como una expresión incompleta de la entidad “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”, una facomatosis a la que se asocian diversas neoplasias. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma de cérvix con metástasis supraclaviculares y cervicales, asociado a linfangioleiomiomatosis en el contexto de un “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”.

  17. Adenopatía supraclavicular como forma de presentación de un carcinoma de cérvix asociado al complejo esclerosis tuberosa con linfangioleiomiomatosis

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    Pablo López Mato


    Full Text Available La linfangioleiomiomatosis es una proliferación del tejido muscular broncovascular que recientemente se ha definido como una expresión incompleta de la entidad “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”, una facomatosis a la que se asocian diversas neoplasias. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma de cérvix con metástasis supraclaviculares y cervicales, asociado a linfangioleiomiomatosis en el contexto de un “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”.





    La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa. Aunque su diagnóstico sigue siendo clínico, los exámenes adicionales pueden ser utilizados para excluir otras enfermedades, así como para confirmar el diagnóstico. Uno de ellos son las neuroimagenes, donde la más utilizada es la resonancia nuclear magnética (RNM). En la literatura hay pocos signos específicos; el tracto corticoespinal, giro precentral y el cuerpo calloso son los principales sitios de alteración. Un s...



    Cano Segundo, Eunice Dayen


    Introducción: La Esclerosis Múltiple (EM) es una enfermedad inflamatoria y desmielinizante del Sistema Nervioso Central, se presenta en adultos jóvenes ocasionando discapacidad, repercutiendo en su Calidad de Vida (CdV), que se define como la percepción del impacto global de la enfermedad y su tratamiento en los pacientes. Objetivo: Conocer características epidemiológicas y calidad de vida de pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo y tran...

  20. Caracterización de la esclerosis tuberosa en pacientes que consultan al Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia


    Dagoberto Nicanor Cabrera Hémer; Jaime Carrizosa Moog; Olga Juliana Cuéllar; Dionis Vallejo Mesa; José Vladimir Tobón Areiza; José William Cornejo Ochoa


    La esclerosis tuberosa (ET) es una enfermedad autosómica dominante, que afecta muchos sistemas y cursa con diversas manifestaciones clínicas, entre ellas epilepsia, retardo mental y lesiones cutáneas. Se hizo un estudio retrospectivo para contribuir a la caracterización de la esclerosis tuberosa en Medellín, Colombia. Se revisaron 21 historias, 62% mujeres y 38% hombres; la edad media al momento del diagnóstico fue 23 meses, todos los pacientes tenían epilepsia y lesiones cutáneas, las crisis...

  1. Calcinosis en Esclerosis Sistémica

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    Tamara Caínzos Romero


    Full Text Available Paciente de 85 años diagnosticada de esclerosis sistémica con esclerodermia limitada de años de evolución con ANA positivos a título de 1:5120 patrón anticentrómero, antiScl-70 y anti-Jo negativos. Sus principales manifestaciones clínicas son: Raynaud grave y úlceras digitales a tratamiento con nifedipino y bosentán, hipertensión pulmonar leve, esclerodactilia y calcificación extensa de tejidos blandos en ambas manos, 4º dedo de mano derecha y 4º-5º dedos de mano izquierda, con deformidades en flexión bilaterales, que pueden observarse en estudios de radiografía simple de ambas manos. La calcinosis resulta del depósito de cristales de hidroxiapatita de calcio fundamentalmente. Aunque los resultados son, en general malos, se han utilizado diltiazem, colchicina y los AINES en los casos que se produce una reacción inflamatoria similar a la pseudogota, en los casos más graves es necesario recurrir a la cirugía.

  2. Ocurrencia simultánea de neurofibromatosis y esclerosis tuberosa, adquiridas como neomutaciones


    Janeiro, P; Cunha, M; Cordeiro, I; Santos, H; Antunes, N


    Introducción. La neurofibromatosis tipo 1 y la esclerosis tuberosa son dos síndromes neurocutáneos distintos, resultado de la mutación de genes supresores tumorales, que aumentan la propensión a la génesis tumoral. Ambas tienen una herencia autosómica dominante y la mitad de los casos corresponden a nuevas mutaciones. Estas enfermedades raramente se presentan asociadas. Caso clínico. Niño sin antecedentes familiares de enfermedades neurocutáneas, que presenta características de neurofibrom...

  3. Compromiso neuronal en esclerosis múltiple Neuronal injury in multiple sclerosis

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    Jorge Correale


    Full Text Available La esclerosis múltiple (EM ha sido considerada clásicamente como una enfermedad desmielinizante. Si bien el compromiso neurodegenerativo fue previamente descripto, sólo recientemente ha sido enfatizado. Por estudios recientes se ha identificado la degeneración axonal como el mayor determinante de discapacidad neurológica irreversible en pacientes con EM. El daño axonal se inicia tempranamente y permanece silente durante años, la discapacidad neurológica se desarrolla cuando se alcanza cierto umbral de pérdida axonal y los mecanismos de compensación se agotan. Se han propuesto tres hipótesis para explicar el daño axonal: 1 El daño es causado por un proceso inflamatorio, 2 Existe una excesiva acumulación de Ca2+ intraaxonal, 3 Los axones desmielinizados evolucionan a un proceso degenerativo producto de la falta de soporte trófico provisto por la mielina o células formadoras de mielina. Si bien la EM fue tradicionalmente considerada como una enfermedad de la sustancia blanca, el proceso de desmielinización también ocurre en la corteza cerebral. Las lesiones corticales muestran injuria neuronal representada por transección de axones y dendritas, así como apoptosis de neuronas. Dado que los métodos convencionales de resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN son limitados en su capacidad para brindar información sobre el compromiso axonal en EM, procedimientos como tensor de difusión, espectroscopia por resonancia magnética, resonancia magnética funcional, y nuevas técnicas para medir atrofia han sido desarrollados recientemente para monitorear su evolución. El reconocimiento de que EM es en parte un proceso neurodegenerativo impone abordar de manera crítica la patogenia de la enfermedad, a fin de considerar nuevas estrategias de tratamiento.The concept of multiple sclerosis (MS as a demyelinating disease is deeply ingrained. Although the existence of a neurodegenerative component has always been apparent, it has only recently

  4. Association between systemic lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis: lupoid sclerosis; Asociacion de LES y esclerosis multiple: esclerosis lupoide.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medina, Yimy F; Martinez, Jose B; Fernandez, Andres R; Quintana, Gerardo; Restrepo, Jose Felix; Rondon, Federico; Gamarra, Antonio Iglesias


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with/without antiphospholipid syndrome are autoimmune illnesses. It has been described in many occasions the association of these two illnesses and the clinical picture of MS with characteristics of laboratory of SLE. When they affect to the central nervous system they can make it in a defined form for each illness or they can also make it in interposed or combined form of the two illnesses what has been called lupoid sclerosis; making that in some cases difficult the differentiation of the two illnesses and therefore to address the treatment. We present four cases of lupoid sclerosis, discuss the clinical and laboratory characteristics of this entity and we make a differentiation of the multiple sclerosis with the neurological affectation of SLE especially for images and laboratory results.

  5. Programa de actividad física en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple.


    Casas Dueso, Esther


    El siguiente proyecto tiene como objetivos valorar la efectividad de la práctica de un programa de ejercicios físicos dirigidos a pacientes con esclerosis múltiple (EM), evaluando la flexibilidad, coordinación y su calidad de vida, estado de ánimo y autonomía. La intervención se llevará a cabo mediante la creación de una guía práctica de diferentes ejercicios físicos según partes afectadas. La EM es una enfermedad del sistema nervioso central (SNC) en el que se diferencian dos ...

  6. Anestesia subaracnóidea para cesariana em paciente portadora de esclerose múltipla: relato de caso Anestesia subaracnoidea para cesárea en paciente portadora de esclerosis múltiple: relato de caso Subarachnoid anesthesia for cesarean section in a patient with multiple sclerosis: case report

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    Fabiano Timbó Barbosa


    ón de cesárea. Después de la monitorización se realizó anestesia subaracnoidea con bupivacaína a 0,5% hiperbara (12,5 mg asociada a la morfina (0,1 mg. El procedimiento evolucionó sin interferencias y la paciente recibió su alta hospitalaria 48 horas después del parto sin empeoramiento de los síntomas preexistentes. CONCLUSIONES: El presente caso nos sugiere que la anestesia raquidea puede ser administrada en paciente portador de esclerosis múltiple sin la incidencia obligatoria de exacerbaciones agudas de los síntomas en el período postoperatorio.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Multiple sclerosis is an acquired disease characterized by demyelinated areas in the brain and spinal cord. The clinical presentation depends on the anatomical areas involved. The main causes of death are infection, respiratory failure, and status epilepticus. It affects genetically predisposed patients after contact with environmental factors, especially viruses. The objective of this report was to present the anesthetic technique used in a patient with multiple sclerosis undergoing cesarean section. CASE REPORT: A 32-year old patient, 60 kg, with multiple sclerosis, treated with methylprednisolone, was admitted to the obstetric ward for a cesarean section. After monitoring, subarachnoid anesthesia was performed with 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine (12.5 mg associated with morphine (0.1 mg. The procedure evolved without any intercurrences and the patient was discharged from the hospital 48 hours after delivery without worsening of her symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: This case suggests that spinal anesthesia can be administered in patients with multiple sclerosis without the acute worsening of their symptoms in the postoperative period.

  7. Perfil descritivo de esclerose múltipla com início até os 16 anos nos pacientes de um centro de referência do estado de São Paulo Perfil descriptivo de esclerosis múltiple con inicio hasta los 16 años de edad en los pacientes del centro de referencia del litoral de la provincia de São Paulo Descriptive profile of multiple sclerosis starting until the age of 16 in the reference center of the state of São Paulo

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    Yára Dadalti Fragoso


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil de pacientes com esclerose múltipla iniciada até os 16 anos de idade no litoral do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. DESCRIÇÃO DOS CASOS: Análise retrospectiva das características dos pacientes que tiveram o episódio inicial de esclerose múltipla até os 16 anos. Nesta situação encontravam-se nove meninas e quatro meninos (7,1% da população total de esclerose múltipla da região. A idade média por ocasião do diagnóstico foi de 13,9 anos (variação entre 8 e 16, sendo a média atual de 19,5 anos (12 a 28. A apresentação inicial da doença foi: ataxia (quatro casos, neurite óptica (dois, motora cortical (dois, sensitiva cortical (dois, distonia (dois e esclerose múltipla medular (um. Todos os pacientes iniciaram com a forma remitente-recorrente da esclerose múltipla e dois deles, atualmente, apresentam a forma progressiva secundária. COMENTÁRIOS: A esclerose múltipla com início até os 16 anos precisa ser adequadamente registrada e discutida entre pediatras, neurologistas e neuropediatras. Poucos médicos têm bom conhecimento desta condição e a demora no diagnóstico e no tratamento pode ter consequências devastadoras para essas crianças e adolescentes.OBJETIVO: Describir el perfil de los pacientes con esclerosis múltiple iniciada hasta los 16 años de edad, en la región del litoral de la provincia de São Paulo, Brasil. DESCRIPCIÓN DE LOS CASOS: Análisis retrospectivo, a partir de los registros médicos, de las características de los pacientes que tuvieron episodio inicial de esclerosis multiple hasta los 16 años de edad. Fueron nueve muchachas y cuatro muchachos en esta situación (7,1% de la población total de esclerosis multiple en la región. El promedio de edad en el momento del diagnóstico fue de 13,9 años (variación 8-16, siendo el promedio de edad actual de 19,5 años (12-28. La presentación inicial de la enfermedad fue ataxia (4 casos, neuritis óptica (2 casos, motora

  8. Rol de las células T regulatorias en esclerosis múltiple Role of T-regulatory cells in multiple sclerosis

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    Juan Ignacio Rojas


    Full Text Available La esclerosis múltiple (EM es una enfermedad inflamatoria autoinmune desmielinizante del sistema nervioso central (SNC. La mayoría de las enfermedades autoinmunes se originan por la activación anormal de la respuesta inflamatoria contra auto-antígenos (la mayoría de ellos desconocidos a la fecha como consecuencia de la pérdida de la tolerancia periférica. Las células T-regulatorias constituyen un grupo esencial de linfocitos T encargados del mantenimiento de la tolerancia periférica, la prevención de enfermedades autoinmunes y la limitación de enfermedades inflamatorias crónicas. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la tolerancia periférica, las células T-regulatorias serían componentes cruciales en el escenario fisiopatológico de los procesos autoinmunes, incluyendo la EM. El presente trabajo recopila los conocimientos actuales sobre la función de las células T-regulatorias en la EM, la enfermedad autoinmune desmielinizante del SNC más prevalente en los seres humanos.Multiple sclerosis (MS is an autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS. Most of autoimmune diseases arise by an abnormal activation of the inflammatory response against self-antigens (most of them unknown up to date as a consequence of dysfunction in peripheral tolerance. Regulatory T-cells are essential for maintaining peripheral tolerance, preventing autoimmune diseases and limiting chronic inflammatory conditions. Based on that knowledge, T-regulatory cells have emerged as a key component of the physiopathology of autoimmune diseases including MS. This review compiles the current knowledge on the role and function of T-regulatory cells in MS, the most prevalent CNS autoimmune disease in humans.

  9. Isquemia microvascular miocárdica, un compromiso asintomático en esclerosis sistémica


    Rausch, Gretel


    La Esclerosis Sistémica (ES) es una enfermedad autoinmune y multisistémica, cuya afectación básica es una lesión vascular generalizada, que produce isquemia y fibrosis secundaria del tejido comprometido. El compromiso miocárdico primario (sin compromiso pulmonar o renal), es frecuente, y un grave factor de riesgo de muerte. Junto con la fibrosis pulmonar y la hipertensión pulmonar, es una de las principales causas de mortalidad. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

  10. Programa de atención a pacientes con Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA): Información para el personal sanitario de los Centros de Atención Primaria


    Visús Susín, Daniel


    Etimológicamente, esclerosis significa endurecimiento (skerós es "endurecmiento patológico" y osis, "enfermedad") y hace referencia al estado de la médula espinal en las fases avanzadas de la enfermedad. Lateral significa "al lado" y pone de manifiesto la ubicación del daño en la médula espinal. Por último, el término amiotrófica significa "sin nutrición muscular" y se refiere a la pérdida de señales que los nervios envían normalmente a los músculos. La Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA...

  11. Interfaces naturales como factor de progreso cognitivo y social en personas que padecen Trastorno del Espectro Autista


    Pons, Claudia; Contreras, Víctor; Zavala, Gonzalo; Fernández, Daniel; Holc, Matías; Passarelli, Cinthya


    El trastorno de espectro autista (TEA) es una alteración del desarrollo que se especifica por deficiencias cualitativas en la comunicación y en la interacción social, comportamiento caracterizado por patrones repetitivos y estereotipados. Los niños con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA), como también otros niños que no padecen este trastorno, presentan una característica bien definida por la aceptación a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Objetivo. Este proyecto t...

  12. La teoría del todo (2014, una mirada hacia los efectos de la Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica en la vida de Stephen Hawking

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    Full Text Available Stephen Hawking, autor de las teorías más fundamentales sobre el comportamiento de los agujeros negros, entreotras consideraciones sobre el tiempo y el espacio; padece de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, la cual le fue diagnosticadadurante su último año en Oxford, tal y como se describe en la película La teoría del todo (2014 dirigida por James Marsh y producida por Anthony McCarten. La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA o enfermedad de Lou Gehrig es una alteración neurodegenerativa progresiva que ocasiona debilitamiento gradual de la musculatura voluntaria.Se caracteriza por una pérdida progresiva de la moto?neurona de la corteza motora, tronco del encéfalo y médulaespinal.

  13. Esclerosis Múltiple en Pacientes Pediátricos: Fisiopatología, Diagnóstico y Manejo

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    Oscar Mauricio Espitia Segura


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Revisar la literatura disponible sobre esclerosis múltiple en la población pediátrica.Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura encontrada en las bases de datos Scopus y PubMed posterior al año 2000.Resultados y Conclusiones: La Esclerosis Múltiple es una enfermedad con una tasa de incidencia de 2 – 4 / 100.000 habitantes en Colombia, de la cual la población pediátrica representa entre 2,7 – 5% de los casos. Las causas que se han atribuido a la enfermedad son múltiples, incluyendo factores ambientales como infecciones virales o bacterianas, exposición a humo de cigarrillo o deficiencia de vitamina D, entre otras, genéticas e inmunológicas. Su diagnóstico se basa en los hallazgos clínicos e imagenológicos, previa exclusión de enfermedades más comunes. Su tratamiento se divide en tres ejes: el tratamiento de eventos agudos, el tratamiento modificador de la enfermedad y el tratamiento sintomático. Para el primero los medicamentos de primera elección son los corticoides, para el segundo los medicamentos inmunomoduladores como Acetato de Glatiramer y para el tercero se debe realizar un enfoque multidisciplinario. Su pronóstico a largo plazo es variable y depende en alguna medida de la respuesta al tratamiento.

  14. Efectos cardiovasculares de fingolimod en el tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple

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    Miguel A. Urina, MD., MSc


    Full Text Available Fingolimod es un medicamento modificador de la enfermedad para pacientes con esclerosis múltiple de tipo recaída remisión; la molécula es un análogo de esfingosina fosfato que debido a su mecanismo de acción, produce en 0,5% de los pacientes, una disminución de la frecuencia cardíaca durante la administración de la primera dosis y un aumento leve de la presión arterial al segundo mes de tratamiento. En este articulo se revisan los mecanismos celulares por los cuales fingolimod causa estos eventos y se reportan recomendaciones de seguridad basados en la US Food and Drug Administration (FDA para el inicio de pacientes en tratamiento con este medicamento.

  15. Descubriendo el significado de los fenómenos cronicidad, progresión y singularidad en el diagnóstico de la esclerosis múltiple Discovering the meaning of the phenomena of chronic disease, progression and singularity in the multiple sclerosis diagnosis

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    Virginia Salinas Pérez


    Full Text Available Justificación: Los pacientes asignarán un significado a fenómenos que definen la enfermedad en su vivencia ante el diagnóstico. Objetivo: Describir qué significa para los pacientes los fenómenos de cronicidad, singularidad y progresión en el diagnóstico de esclerosis múltiple. Metodología: cualitativa fenomenológica descriptiva. Muestreo intencional en 13 participantes. Se realizó entrevistas en profundidad con guión semi-estructurado y análisis de contenido según método de Taylor-Bogdan. Resultados: El fenómeno crónico desde la esperanza en la investigación y el tándem brote-recaída-degenerativo como amenaza real. Los pacientes necesitan información veraz y positiva en el diagnóstico. Conclusiones: El fenómeno crónico está relacionado con la capacidad previa de ser sano con sentimientos de tristeza e impotencia. Entienden la progresión como degeneración con miedo e incertidumbre de futuro. La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad desconocida en el diagnóstico y la califican de extraña o diferente para cada uno.Justification: The patients will assign a meaning and significance to define the disease in their experience about the diagnosis. Aim: Describe what it means for a person the phenomena of chronic disease, singularity and progression as a result of the multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Method: Qualitative methodology with phenomenological descriptive approach. It used intentional sampling up to thirteen participants. They were deeply interviewed with a half-organized outline and it carried out content analysis according to the Taylor-Bogdan method. Results: The chronic phenomenon in the hope in the research and the attack-relapse-degenerative tandem is a real threat. The patients need a truthful and positive information in the diagnosis. Conclusions: The chronic phenomenon is related to the previous capacity of being healthy with the feelings of sadness and impotence. They understand the progression like

  16. Uso de esteronitronas para el tratamiento y prevención del ictus o accidente cerebrovascular, enfermedades de alzheimer, parkinson y esclerosis lateral amiotrófica


    Marco-Contelles, José; Alcázar González, Alberto


    Uso y preparación de esteronitronas con alta permeabilidad a la barrera hematoencefálica, capacidad antioxidante y neuroprotectora, como potenciales fármacos para el tratamiento del ictus o accidente cerebrovascular, enfermedades de Alzheimer, Parkinson y esclerosis lateral amiotrófica.

  17. Esclerosis sistémica complicada con síncope y bloqueo AV completo Systemic sclerosis complicated with syncope and complete AV block

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    Francisco Femenía


    Full Text Available La esclerosis sistémica es una compleja enfermedad que afecta el tejido conectivo, el sistema vascular y el sistema inmunológico, y se caracteriza por fibrosis cutánea y de órganos viscerales. Los bloqueos de rama y los hemibloqueos se presentan en el 25 a 75% de los casos y constituyen predictores independientes de mortalidad. Los bloqueos auriculoventriculares de segundo o tercer grado son muy raros. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 47 años de edad, con diagnóstico de esclerosis sistémica, quien presenta episodio sincopal secundario a bloqueo auriculoventricular completo con necesidad de implante de marcapasos definitivo.Systemic sclerosis is a complex disease that affects the connective tissue, the vascular system and the immune system. It typically produces skin and organ fibrosis. Cardiac bundle branch blocks and fascicular blocks occur in 25-75% of the cases and were found to be independent predictors of mortality. Second and third degree atrioventricular block are very rare. We present the case of a 47 year-old female with diagnosis of systemic sclerosis, presented with syncope secondary to complete atrioventricular block requiring permanent pacemaker implantation.

  18. Esclerosis Tuberosa. Revisión

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    Otman Fernández Concepción


    Full Text Available Se realiza una revisión actualizada sobre las peculiaridades clínicas, radiológicas y neuropatológicas de la esclerosis tuberosa, la más representativa de las enfermedades neurocutáneas que evolucionan con manchas hipocrómicas y segunda en frecuencia de las facomatosis. Las manchas hipocrómicas asociadas con espasmos infantiles o cardiomegalia en lactantes y la evidencia de crisis epilépticas y angiofibromas faciales en la infancia tardía, constituyen las formas habituales de presentación de le enfermedad, aunque no es raro observar formas paucisintomáticas en la adultez. Los nódulos subependimarios, las tuberosidades corticales y los astrocitomas de células gigantes son las manifestaciones neuropatológicas características de este proceso, identificables radiológicamente mediante tomografía axial computadorizada y resonancia magnética nuclear craneales. El diagnóstico precoz permite brindar consejo genético a los padres; y la evaluación periódica de los casos, la identificación temprana de posibles complicaciones.An updated review on the clinical, radiological and neuropathological pecularities of tuberous sclerosis is made. This is the most representative of the neurocutaneous diseases that evolve with hypochromic stains and is the second in frequency of pharcomatosis. The hypochromic stains associated with infantile spasms or cardiomegaly in infants and the evidence of epileptic seizures and facial angiofibromas in late childhood are the habitual forms of presentation of this disease, although it is not rare to observe oligosymptomatic forms in adults. The subepindemal nodules, the cortical tuberosities and the astrocytomas of giant cells are the characteristic neuropathological manifestations of this process that may be radiologically identified by CAT and cranial magnetic resonance imaging. The early diagnosis allows to give genetic counseling to parents, to periodically evaluate the cases, and to identify the

  19. Relación entre soporte social y TIC´s en cuidadores familiares de personas con Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica


    Melenge Díaz, Brigitte


    Introducción: La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa devastadora que se manifiesta por debilidad muscular y produce dificultades progresivas de movilización, comunicación, alimentación y, en última instancia, respiración, creando una dependencia creciente de familiares y de otros cuidadores La experiencia de cuidado demanda esfuerzo físico, emocional y social requiriendo todo tipo de apoyos, en especial aquellos que brinda la tecnología para proveer soport...

  20. Estrés y afrontamiento en pacientes afectados de esclerosis múltiple. Estudio comparativo con población comunitaria


    Lara, Silvia; Kirchner, Teresa


    La Esclerosis Múltiple (EM) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que lleva implícita no sólo limitaciones físicas, sino también numerosos estresores psicosociales. Los objetivos de este estudio son: 1) analizar los problemas más comúnmente narrados por afectados de EM, la intensidad de estrés que les generan, el grado de control percibido sobre ellos y las estrategias de afrontamiento que utilizan para minimizar su impacto 2) contrastar el nivel de estrés, de control sobre el estresor y el uso...

  1. Multiple sclerosis: general features and pharmacologic approach; Esclerosis multiple: aspectos generales y abordaje farmacologico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nielsen Lagumersindez, Denis; Martinez Sanchez, Gregorio [Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Universidad de La Habana, La Habana (Cuba)


    Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune, inflammatory and desmyelinization disease central nervous system (CNS) of unknown etiology and critical evolution. There different etiological hypotheses talking of a close interrelation among predisposing genetic factors and dissimilar environmental factors, able to give raise to autoimmune response at central nervous system level. Hypothesis of autoimmune pathogeny is based on study of experimental models, and findings in biopsies of affected patients by disease. Accumulative data report that the oxidative stress plays a main role in pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Oxygen reactive species generated by macrophages has been involved as mediators of demyelinization and of axon damage, in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and strictly in multiple sclerosis. Disease diagnosis is difficult because of there is not a confirmatory unique test. Management of it covers the treatment of acute relapses, disease modification, and symptoms management. These features require an individualized approach, base on evolution of this affection, and tolerability of treatments. In addition to diet, among non-pharmacologic treatments for multiple sclerosis it is recommended physical therapy. Besides, some clinical assays have been performed in which we used natural extracts, nutrition supplements, and other agents with promising results. Pharmacology allowed neurologists with a broad array of proved effectiveness drugs; however, results of research laboratories in past years make probable that therapeutical possibilities increase notably in future. (Author)

  2. Papel de los polimorfismos de los genes hemo-oxigenasa 1 y 2 en el riesgo de desarrollo de esclerosis múltiple


    Millán Pascual, Jorge


    La esclerosis múltiple (en adelante EM) muestra una susceptibilidad genética conocida desde las primeras descripciones de la enfermedad y, aunque los esfuerzos para desentrañar y comprender las bases genéticas de la enfermedad han sido contínuos, tanto con abordajes poblacionales como moleculares, los resultados son hasta la fecha modestos. La susceptibilidad genética se confirma en hechos incuestionables como la existencia de un riesgo étnico diferente, la agregación familiar y la asimetría ...

  3. Caracterización de la esclerosis tuberosa en pacientes que consultan al Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia

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    Dagoberto Nicanor Cabrera Hémer


    Full Text Available La esclerosis tuberosa (ET es una enfermedad autosómica dominante, que afecta muchos sistemas y cursa con diversas manifestaciones clínicas, entre ellas epilepsia, retardo mental y lesiones cutáneas. Se hizo un estudio retrospectivo para contribuir a la caracterización de la esclerosis tuberosa en Medellín, Colombia. Se revisaron 21 historias, 62% mujeres y 38% hombres; la edad media al momento del diagnóstico fue 23 meses, todos los pacientes tenían epilepsia y lesiones cutáneas, las crisis más frecuentes fueron las parciales con generalización secundaria (66%, 47% tuvieron espasmos infantiles, la mayoría presentaron dos o más tipos de crisis (90%. Todos los pacientes recibieron anticonvulsivantes, los más frecuentemente utilizados fueron: fenobarbital, ácido valproico, vigabatrina, carbamazepina y clonazepam. En general, la mayoría de los pacientes requirieron varios medicamentos durante la evolución de su enfermedad y los pocos que lograron un adecuado control de la epilepsia, lo hicieron con anticonvulsivantes de primera generación. CONCLUSIÓN:las características de nuestra serie son similares a las reportadas en la literatura mundial. Los antiepilépticos de primera generación siguen siendo la principal herramienta terapéutica para el tratamiento inicial de los pacientes Medellín.

  4. Astrocitoma subependimario de células gigantes asociado a complejo de esclerosis tuberosa: recomendaciones para el diagnóstico oportuno y tratamiento.


    Matilde Ruiz; Sandra Sánchez; Alejandro Rea; Roberto Sanromán; Joao García; Antonio Bravo; Infante Cantú; Hugo Ceja; Ariadna González; María del Mar Sáez


    RESUMEN El complejo de esclerosis tuberosa es una enfermedad genética poco frecuente, autosómica dominante con fenotipo y expresión clínica muy variables. Se caracteriza por alteraciones en la migración, diferenciación y proliferación celulares con formación de múltiples tumores benignos llamados hamartomas, las cuales afectan principalmente piel, encéfalo, riñón, ojo, corazón y pulmón. Los astrocitomas subependimarios de células gigantes son tumores benignos de crecimien...

  5. La difícil decisión de ventilación mecánica en esclerosis lateral amiotrófica: A propósito de dos casos

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    Full Text Available Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA es una enfermedad progresiva y debilitante, invariablemente fatal que afecta a las neuronas motoras, en la que las funciones cognitivas del paciente permanecen intactas y habitualmente en las fases avanzadas se presenta insuficiencia respiratoria ventilatoria requiriendo alguna modalidad de soporte ventilatorio. Dos casos con diagnóstico de ELA forma bulbar se beneficiaron de esta intervención terapéutica en nuestra ciudad.

  6. Estudio del virus JC, agente causal de la leucoencafalopatía multifocal progresiva, en pacientes de esclerosis múltiple recurrente-remitente tratados con Natalizumab


    Domínguez Mozo, María Inmaculada


    La esclerosis múltiple (EM) es una enfermedad desmielinizante inflamatoria crónica que afecta al sistema nervioso central (SNC) y cuyo origen es presumiblemente autoinmune, siendo en los países desarrollados la segunda causa de discapacidad entre personas jóvenes después de los accidentes de tráfico. Durante los últimos años se han desarrollado, o actualmente están en ensayo clínico, una gran cantidad de fármacos para tratar esta patología. Entre todos ellos cabe destacar natalizumab, u...

  7. La teoría del todo (2014, una mirada hacia los efectos de la Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica en la vida de Stephen Hawking/ The theory of everything (2014, a closer to the effects of Amiotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in the life of Stephen Hawking

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    Sofia Aguiñaga?Malanco et al.


    Full Text Available Stephen Hawking, autor de las teorías más fundamentales sobre el comportamiento de los agujeros negros, entreotras consideraciones sobre el tiempo y el espacio; padece de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, la cual le fue diagnosticadadurante su último año en Oxford, tal y como se describe en la película La teoría del todo (2014 dirigida porJames Marsh y producida por Anthony McCarten. La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA o enfermedad de Lou Gehriges una alteración neurodegenerativa progresiva que ocasiona debilitamiento gradual de la musculatura voluntaria.Se caracteriza por una pérdida progresiva de la moto?neurona de la corteza motora, tronco del encéfalo y médulaespinal.

  8. Are cannabinoids effective in multiple sclerosis?

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    Rodrigo Meza


    Full Text Available Resumen En el último tiempo, se han descrito diversos beneficios con el uso de cannabinoides en diferentes situaciones clínicas. Dentro de ellas se ha planteado un posible efecto en el control de la esclerosis múltiple, pero la real utilidad clínica es tema de debate. Para responder a esta pregunta utilizamos la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en múltiples bases de datos. Identificamos 25 revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen 35 estudios que responden la pregunta de interés, entre ellos 26 estudios aleatorizados. Extrajimos los datos, realizamos un metanálisis y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que el uso de cannabinoides en esclerosis múltiple no reduce la espasticidad ni el dolor, y probablemente se asocia a efectos adversos frecuentes.

  9. Seasonal distribution and evolving forms of multiple sclerosis patients diagnosed from April 2004 to November 2007 Distribución estacional y formas evolutivas de esclerosis múltiple en pacientes diagnosticados entre Abril del 2004 y Noviembre del 2007

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    Hermes Fundora-Hernández


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis (MS was first reported in Cuba in 1965. The most frequent appearance is observed in the first six months of the year. OBJECTIVE: To determine the seasonal distribution and evolving forms of MS patients diagnosed with the disease between April 2004 and November 2007. METHOD: Twenty-one patients with suspected MS and 42 outbreaks were studied. Patients were classified according to Lublin and Revingold's criteria for clinical forms and according to McDonald. RESULTS: Most patients were classified in outbreak and remission and only two patients classified as primary-progressive multiple sclerosis. The higher number of outbreaks occurred in the first two quarters of the year. CONCLUSION: It is recommended to study further weather variables that may be related to the emergence of these outbreaks in our environment.INTRODUCCIÓN: La esclerosis múltiple (EM fue reportada en Cuba por primera vez en 1965. Se ha venido observando la aparición más frecuente en los primeros seis meses del año. OBJETIVO: Determinar la distribución estacional y formas evolutivas de EM en pacientes con diagnóstico de esta enfermedad entre abril 2004 y noviembre 2007. MÉTODO: Se estudiaron 21 pacientes con sospecha de EM y un total de 42 brotes. Los pacientes fueron clasificados según los criterios de Lublin y Revingold para las formas evolutivas y según los criterios de McDonald. RESULTADOS: Solo dos pacientes clasificaron en la forma evolutiva progresiva primaria; los primeros dos trimestres del año fueron los de mayor número de brotes. CONCLUSIÓN: Se recomienda profundizar en las variables climatológicas que pudieran tener vínculo con la aparición de estos brotes en nuestro medio.

  10. Estudio clínico y de resonancia magnética orientado al conocimiento del sustrato patológico de la discapacidad en la esclerosis múltiple primariamente progresiva


    Tur Gómez, Carmen


    Con el objetivo de contribuir al estudio de los mecanismos que subyacen al aumento de la discapacidad en la esclerosis múltiple primariamente progresiva (EMPP), fijamos tres objetivos principales. Asimismo, nos propusimos hacer una revisión de la literatura sobre EMPP publicada hasta el momento actual, utilizando la web como herramienta de trabajo, que sirviera como introducción a los estudios de la tesis. El primer objetivo consistió en investigar el grado de correlación entre...

  11. Evaluation of suffering in individuals with multiple chemical sensitivity


    García-Sierra, Rosa; Álvarez-Moleiro, María


    Los estudios cualitativos muestran que las personas que padecen sensibilidad química múltiple (SQM), o intolerancia ambiental idiopática, piensan que existe una falta de conciencia por parte de los profesionales sanitarios acerca de la enfermedad, lo que dificulta la comunicación. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el sufrimiento de las personas que padecen SQM y evaluar la repercusión de la enfermedad en cada dimensión del sufrimiento, mediante un estudio descriptivo y correlacional. U...

  12. Fibroma desmoplásico de mandíbula asociado a esclerosis tuberosa: Revisión de la literatura y presentación de un caso Desmoplastic fibroma of the jaw associated with tuberous sclerosis: Literature review and case report

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    M. Acosta Feria


    Full Text Available La esclerosis tuberosa es una anomalía congénita del desarrollo embrionario que se transmite de forma autosómica dominante caracterizada por la presencia por trastornos neurológicos, cutáneos o dermatológicos, y retraso mental. Se pueden afectar otros órganos y sistemas, y dar manifestaciones orofaciales. La lesión a nivel del esmalte dental constituye la lesión intraoral más frecuente. Rara vez se pueden encontrar lesiones óseas en los maxilares. El fibroma desmoplásico es un infrecuente tumor fibroso intraóseo localmente agresivo de lento crecimiento, que se asocia muy rara vez a la esclerosis tuberosa. Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente de 33 años afecto de esclerosis tuberosa con una lesión en la mandíbula diagnosticada como fibroma desmoplásico. Se discuten los métodos diagnósticos, presentación clínica y tratamiento.Tuberous sclerosis is a congenital anomaly of embryonic development with an autosomal dominant inheritance. It is characterized by the presence of neurologic and dermatologic disorders and mental retardation. It can affect other organs and systems and produce orofacial manifestations. Dental enamel defects are the most frequent intraoral lesion. Bone lesions rarely occur in the upper jaw. Desmoplastic fibroma is an infrequent, slow-growing, locally aggressive intraosseous fibrous tumor that rarely is associated with tuberous sclerosis. We report the clinical case of a 33-year-old man with tuberous sclerosis and a jaw lesion diagnosed as desmoplastic fibroma. The diagnostic methods, clinical presentation, and treatment are discussed.

  13. Enfermedad cardíaca grave en la esclerosis sistémica Severe cardiac disease in scleroderma

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    Alejandro R. Grinberg


    Full Text Available Una mujer de 36 años de edad con diagnóstico de esclerosis sistémica (ES desarrolló un cuadro agudo de miositis esquelética e insuficiencia cardíaca grave. Evolucionó con shock cardiogénico y a pesar del tratamiento con drogas inotrópicas y altas dosis de corticoides falleció a los cinco días de haber ingresado. La autopsia reveló áreas de necrosis coagulativa miocárdicas con miocitolisis y necrosis en banda de contracción. Son muy pocos los casos comunicados de insuficiencia cardíaca grave asociada a la ES.A 36 year-old female with a diagnosis of systemic sclerosis suffered from an acute episode of skeletal myositis and refractory heart failure with cardiogenic shock. Despite immunosuppressive treatment with high doses of corticosteroids and hemodynamic support she died five days after admission. The autopsy showed cardiac myocytolysis, myocyte necrosis and contraction band necrosis. There are very few reported cases of severe heart failure associated to systemic sclerosis.

  14. Is tumor necrosis factor - 376a promoter polymorphism associated with susceptibility to multiple sclerosis? ¿El polimorfismo-376A del promotor del gen del factor de necrosis tumoral se asocia con una mayor susceptibilidad a padecer esclerosis múltiple?

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    Marcelo A. Kauffman


    Full Text Available A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP at position -376 of the tumor necrosis factor á gene (TNFA has been associated with susceptibility to multiple sclerosis (MS in Spain. However, no association was found in populations from the USA and The Netherlands. Here we investigate the association between the TNFA - 376A SNP and MS susceptibility in Argentinean patients with MS. The A/G genotype was found in 4.4% of patients (n=90 and in 4.8% of healthy individuals (n=84; p=0.92; odds ratio=0.93; confidence interval: 0.23- 3.84. Thus, no significant differences in genotype and allele frequencies were found between healthy individuals and patients with MS in Argentina.Un polimorfismo de nucleótido único (SNP, por sus iniciales en inglés en la posición -376 del gen codificante del factor de necrosis tumoral á (TNFA ha sido asociado en España con un mayor riesgo a padecer esclerosis múltiple (EM. Sin embargo, esta asociación no fue encontrada en estudios hechos en poblaciones provenientes de los EE.UU. y Holanda. Aquí investigamos la asociación entre el SNP TNFA -376A y el desarrollo de EM en una población de pacientes argentinos con EM. El genotipo A/G fue encontrado en 4.4% de los pacientes (n=90 y en 4.8% de los controles sanos (n=84; p=0.92; odds ratio=0.93; intervalo de confianza: 0.23-3.84. En consecuencia, no encontramos diferencias en las frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas entre los sujetos enfermos y los controles sanos en Argentina.

  15. The genetics of multiple sclerosis: review of current and emerging candidates

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    Muñoz-Culla M


    Full Text Available Maider Muñoz-Culla,1,2 Haritz Irizar,1,2 David Otaegui1,2 1Multiple Sclerosis Unit, Instituto Biodonostia, San Sebastián, Spain; 2Red Española de Esclerosis Múltiple (REEM, Barcelona, Spain Abstract: Multiple sclerosis (MS is a complex disease in which environmental, genetic, and epigenetic factors determine the risk of developing the disease. The human leukocyte antigen region is the strongest susceptibility locus linked to MS, but it does not explain the whole heritability of the disease. To find other non-human leukocyte antigen loci associated with the disease, high-throughput genotyping, sequencing, and gene-expression studies have been performed, producing a valuable quantity of information. An overview of the genomic and expression studies is provided in this review, as well as microRNA-expression studies, highlighting the importance of combining all the layers of information in order to elucidate the causes or pathological mechanisms occurring in the disease. Genetics in MS is a promising field that is presumably going to be very productive in the next decade understanding the cross talk between all the factors contributing to the development of MS. Keywords: multiple sclerosis, genetics, gene expression, microRNA

  16. Las variables meteorológicas no explican el gradiente norte-sur en la mortalidad por esclerosis múltiple en España Meteorological variables do not explain the North-South gradient in mortality from multiple sclerosis in Spain

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    Dolores Prieto-Salceda


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comprobar si las variables meteorológicas justifican el gradiente norte-sur en la mortalidad por esclerosis múltiple (EM en España. Métodos: La tasa de mortalidad por EM ajustada por edad en cada provincia de 1975 a 1998 se correlacionó con la media anual de diferentes variables meteorológicas. Resultados: Las temperaturas mínima, media y máxima, el número medio de horas de sol y el número de días soleados se correlacionaron negativamente con la mortalidad por EM, mientras que la cantidad de lluvia se correlacionó positivamente con la EM. La mayor parte de las correlaciones desaparecen al ajustar por latitud. En cambio, la mortalidad por EM está asociada con la latitud incluso después de ajustar por los factores meteorológicos. Conclusión: El gradiente norte-sur en la mortalidad por EM en España no puede explicarse completamente por factores meteorológicos. Son necesarias otras hipótesis para justicar esta asociación.Objectives: To determine whether weather conditions explain the North-South gradient in multiple sclerosis (MS mortality described in Spain. Methods: The age-adjusted MS mortality rate by Spanish provinces from 1975 to 1998 was correlated with several climatic variables. Results: MS mortality was negatively correlated with minimum, average and maximum temperatures, the mean number of hours of sunshine, and the mean number of sunny days. A positive correlation was found with the average amount of rain. Most correlations disappeared after adjusting by latitude. However, MS mortality was associated with latitude after adjusting by climatic factors. Conclusions: The North-South gradient in MS mortality in Spain cannot be fully explained by weather differences. Therefore, other hypotheses are required to explain this association.

  17. C3c intrathecal synthesis evaluation in patients with multiple sclerosis Evaluación de la síntesis intratecal de C3c en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple

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    Bárbara Padilla-Docal


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Multiple sclerosis (MS is a chronic, inflammatory and progressive disease of the central nervous system in which local inflammatory injuries of the brain white matter appears, being the most outstanding feature the myeline loss (demyelination. OBJECTIVE: To determine if the complement system might be involved in the MS immunopathogeny favouring the mechanism intervening in the myelin destruction. METHOD: Samples of sera and CSF from twelve patients with a diagnosis of MS obtained at the moment of the admission to the hospital at the beginning of the break out, were collected. Levels of C3c and albumin in sera and in CSF were quantified using radial immunodiffusion plates. RESULTS: High values over 80% of intrathecal synthesis were obtained except in one of the patients. CONCLUSION: Intrathecal synthesis of C3c and its liberation to the CSF means that the activation of the complement system in any of the two ways has taken place, and that once performed its biological functions, has suffered a degradation process.INTRODUCCIÓN: La esclerosis múltiple (EM es una enfermedad crónica, inflamatoria y progresiva del sistema nervioso central que cursa con la aparición de lesiones inflamatorias focales en la sustancia blanca cerebral, en las que lo más llamativo es la pérdida de mielina (desmielinización. OBJETIVO: Conocer si el sistema de complemento puede estar involucrado en la inmunopatogenia de la EM favoreciendo los mecanismos que median la destrucción de la mielina. MÉTODO: Se colectaron muestras de suero y LCR de doce pacientes con diagnóstico de EM obtenidas en el momento del ingreso al inicio del brote. Se cuantificaron los niveles de C3c y albúmina en suero y en LCR en placas de inmunodifusión radial. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron altos valores que superan el 80% de síntesis intratecal, menos en uno de los pacientes. CONCLUSION: La síntesis intratecal de C3c y su liberación al LCR significa que ha sucedido la activaci

  18. Impactos emocionales, conyugales y familiares de la Esclerosis Múltiple según pacientes y cuidadores y apoyo a los cuidadores a través de un proceso de conversaciones reflexivas terapéuticas, desde la terapia sistémica


    Blanco Dávila, Luisa


    El objetivo de esta investigación es comprender el impacto emocional e interaccional en los ámbitos familiar y conyugal desde la perspectiva de pacientes y cuidadores, en familias con un miembro con esclerosis múltiple (EM), a través de conversaciones reflexivas con un enfoque sistémico. Se revisaron los conceptos de cuidador, calidad de vida, bienestar psicológico bajo las premisas epistemológicas socioconstruccionistas. Se utilizó una metodología mixta: encuestas sobre la calidad de vida de...

  19. Esclerosis múltiple: análisis de necesidades y calidad de vida de los afectados y su entorno

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    José Carrón Sánchez


    Full Text Available La evolución en el paradigma desde el que se contempla la discapacidad, y en concreto la esclerosis múltiple, ha estado marcada por los cambios en el concepto de salud, en el avance en los derechos sociales subjetivos y en la implantación progresiva de un modelo inclusivo para su abordaje. Con esta investigación se pretende responder a las preguntas de ese nuevo paradigma, revisando la situación epidemiológica, los estudios anteriores, y el desarrollo de una metodología complementaria desde lo cuantitativo y lo cualitativo. El trabajo de campo –desarrollado en el ámbito de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra– y su posterior análisis nos ofrece una prevalencia considerablemente mayor que la habitualmente manejada hasta ahora, un perfil con características bastante estables en el que destaca el importante grado incapacitante y su correlato socioeconómico, y el aumento en los tratamientos farmacológicos respecto a datos anteriores. La ausencia de una respuesta curativa y el avance en las terapias paliativas exigen, como paso ineludible, la necesidad de poner el foco en aquellos aspectos que mejoren la calidad de vida de las personas afectadas y su entorno.

  20. Ansiedad y depresión en la esclerosis múltiple remitente-recidivante: relación con las alteraciones neuropsicológicas y la percepción subjetiva de deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con discapacidad mínima/leve.


    Teresa Olivares-Pérez; Antonieta Nieto-Barco; Moisés Betancort-Montesinos; Yaiza Pérez- Martín; Miguel Ángel Hernández-Pérez; José Barroso-Ribal


    Introducción. La ansiedad y la depresión son trastornos psiquiátricos vinculados a la Esclerosis Múltiple (EM). Sin embargo, la ansiedad no ha sido prácticamente estudiada. Objetivos. Examinar la asociación de ambos trastornos con el deterioro neuropsicológico y su contribución a la autopercepción de deterioro cognitivo. Sujetos y métodos. Se estudiaron 33 pacientes con EM Remitente-Recidivante y niveles de discapacidad mínima-leve. Instrumentos: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS); ...

  1. Rabdomioma cardiaco como manifestación de esclerosis tuberosa: Presentación de dos casos y revisión de la literatura Cardiac rhabdomyoma as manifestation of tuberous sclerosis: Presentation of two cases and literature review

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    Rafael Lince


    Full Text Available Los rabdomiomas cardiacos son tumores benignos dependientes de las fibras musculares miocárdicas, los cuales usualmente son múltiples, pero tienden a disminuir tanto en número como en tamaño con el crecimiento, con una regresión espontánea en 90% de los casos. Hacen parte de los tumores cardiacos primarios, los cuales son poco frecuentes, con una incidencia que varía entre 0,0017% y 0,28%. El más frecuente de los tumores cardiacos primarios es el rabdomioma. Se describe asociación con esclerosis tuberosa hasta en 72% de los casos, razón por la cual ésta debe buscarse ante el hallazgo de rabdomioma cardiaco.Cardiac rhabdomyomas are benign tumors derived from cardiac muscle fibers. They are usually multiple, but tend to decrease both in number and size with growth, with spontaneous regression in 90% of cases. These lesions are part of the primary cardiac tumors, which are uncommon, and have a variable incidence between 0.0017 and 0.28%. The most common primary cardiac tumor is the rhabdomyoma. An association between rhabdomyoma and tuberous sclerosis has been described in up to 72% of cases. For this reason, a patient with cardiac rhabdomyoma should be investigated for tuberous sclerosis.

  2. Defective carbohydrate metabolism in multiple sclerosis


    Mathur, Deepali


    La esclerosis múltiple (EM) es una enfermedad crónica del sistema nervioso central (SNC) en el que episodios repetidos de inflamación (bortes), dan lugar a inflamación que conduce a la interrupción de la vaina de mielina por daños producidos en la misma. Junto a este fenómeno de inflación focal, existe una inflamación difusa en el SNC, que unida a la anterior, dará lugar a que aparezca un proceso de neurodegeneración, que será el responsable último de la afectación axonal y neuronal difusa qu...

  3. Sensibilización a los alérgenos de las penicilinas en pacientes que padecen enfermedades alérgicas

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    Olimpio Rodríguez-Santos


    Full Text Available Los antibióticos ß-lactámicos son los más utilizados, dada su eficacia para patógenos bacterianos comunes y su precio relativamente bajo. Para evaluar la sensibilización a los alérgenos mayores y menores de la penicilina en pacientes que padecen enfermedades alérgicas, se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de casos y controles, en el universo de 458 individuos derivados al Servicio de Alergia Previsora (Camagüey, Cuba, desde enero del 2010 hasta noviembre del 2016. Se seleccionó una muestra de 178 niños y adultos con el diagnóstico de asma, rinitis y urticaria de las edades 6 a 60 años. Los que tenían antecedentes, no confirmados, de alergia a penicilinas se consideraron casos (n=60 y los que no tenían el antecedente controles (n=118. Toda la muestra tenía pruebas de Prick positivas a uno o más de los ácaros domésticos Dermatophagoides pteronysinus, Dermatophagoides siboney y Blomia tropicalis, así como a algún alimento. Un grupo de ellos también resultaron positivos a PPL y MD. Se distribuyeron los pacientes en sensibilizados o no con los alérgenos PPL y MD. La prevalencia general de alergia a las penicilinas fue de 24,15% (15,7% en los casos y 8,9% en los controles. La prueba DAP® - Penicilinas mostró mayor número de positivos en los casos que en los controles (p=0,037, OR=5,21. Del total de alérgicos a las penicilinas, el mayor número de pacientes correspondieron al sexo femenino (p=0,031. El test cutáneo con alérgenos PPL y MD puede confirmar el diagnóstico de alergia a penicilinas en pacientes atópicos.

  4. Esclerosis lateral amiotrófica: ¿es el astrocito la célula primariamente dañada?

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    Roberto E. Sica


    Full Text Available La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA es considerada una enfermedad primaria de las motoneuronas. Ninguno de los procesos que conforman su patogenia ha probado ser su causa. Tampoco pudo demostrarse que factores ambientales la originen. Las neuronas mueren por apoptosis, hecho que abre la posibilidad de que ello sea debido a cambios en su ambiente, sin que constituyan el blanco directo de la noxa que ocasiona la enfermedad. El examen del medio que circunda a las motoneuronas encuentra a los astrocitos como responsables de su bienestar. Éstos son células plásticas, adaptan su función al tipo de neurona con la que se relacionan, cada población astrocitaria es única; si fuera afectada, las neuronas que le son dependientes padecerían. En el caso de las motoneuronas, esta circunstancia llevaría a la alteración de la producción astrocitaria de neurotransmisores y transportadores y a la carencia de nutrientes y factores tróficos que le suministran. Para explicar por qué en la ELA los síntomas se trasladan de un grupo muscular al vecino, observación correlacionada con lo que ocurre en las neuronas motoras corticales y espinales, la hipótesis aquí sostenida sugiere que el factor causante migra de un astrocito a otro, lesionándolos y privando a las motoneuronas del cuidado que le prodigan. También propone que una proteína del astrocito se pliega defectuosamente, transformándose en infecciosa e induciendo el plegamiento errado de sus similares normales, trasladándose entre los astrocitos protoplásmicos y a los astrocitos fibrosos que rodean la vía piramidal, utilizando para ello las sinapsis de hendidura.

  5. Tuberous Sclerosis (United States)

    ... National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Esclerosis tuberosa Order NINDS Publications Patient Organizations Child Neurology ... National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Esclerosis tuberosa Order NINDS Publications Definition Tuberous sclerosis (TSC) ...

  6. Multiple sclerosis and anterograde axonal degeneration study by magnetic resonance. Asociacion de esclerosis multiple y degeneracion Walleriana estudio por resonancia magnetica

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    Martinez Pardo, P; Capdevila Cirera, A; Sanz Marin, P M; Gili Planas, J [Centro de Resonancia Magnetica de Barcelona (Spain)


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system that affects specifically the myelin. Its diagnosis by imaging techniques is, since the development of magnetic resonance (MR), relatively simple, and its occasional association with anterograde axonal degeneration (WD) has been reported. In both disorders, there is a lengthening of the T1 and T2 relaxation times. In the present report, 76 patients with MS with less than 4 plaques in the typical periventricular position were studied retrospectively, resulting in a rate of association with anterograde axonal degeneration of 8%. We consider that in spite of their same behavior in MR,MS and WD, with moreover represent completely different pathologies, are perfectly differential by MR. The S-E images with longer repetition and echo times in the axial and coronal planes have proved to be those most sensitive for this differentiation. Given that MS is specific pathology of then myelin, the axonal damages in delayed until several plaques adjacent to an axon affect it. We consider that this, added to the restriction of our study group (less than 4 plaques), is the cause of the pow percentage of the MS-WD association in our study. (Author).

  7. Early diagnosis of Balo's concentric sclerosis by diffusion tensor tractography: a case report and literature review

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    Juan Alberto Nader Kawachi


    Full Text Available La esclerosis concéntrica de Baló es una variante infrecuente de enfermedad desmielinizante relacionada con la esclerosis múltiple, inicialmente considerada de progresión fatal. En estudios recientes se reportan variantes no fatales de esclerosis concéntrica de Baló en los que se enfatiza la importancia del diagnóstico por medio de la imagen por resonancia magnética, utilizando además la espectroscopia y las secuencias de difusión y perfusión. En los últimos años se ha logrado reproducir la imagen tridimensional de un fascículo en particular y observar la presencia de lesiones por medio de la tractografía por imagen por resonancia magnética mediante la técnica de tensor de difusión. Presentamos el caso de una mujer joven con síntomas neurológicos focales agudos, incluyendo paresia de extremidades derechas, cuyo diagnóstico por biopsia fue de esclerosis concéntrica de Baló, confirmando el resultado de los estudios de imagen. La paciente recibió tratamiento con bolos de metilprednisolona, obteniendo remisión clínica completa a largo plazo. A nuestro entender, este es el primer reporte que describe los hallazgos de la esclerosis concéntrica de Baló utilizando la técnica de tensor de difusión. Consideramos que dicha técnica permitirá en el futuro la detección temprana de la enfermedad, su tratamiento oportuno y permitirá establecer nuevos criterios de clasificación y estratificación. Este caso demuestra la existencia de variantes benignas de esclerosis concéntrica de Baló, que tienen buena respuesta a la terapia con glucocorticoides y donde se logra la recuperación funcional.

  8. Support for disease management, depression, self-care, and clinical indicators among Hispanics with type 2 diabetes in San Diego County, United States of America Indicadores clínicos y apoyo para el manejo de la enfermedad, la depresión, el autocuidado en hispanos que padecen diabetes tipo 2 en el Condado de San Diego, Estados Unidos

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    Addie L. Fortmann


    Full Text Available This study used a social-ecological framework to examine predictors of depression, diabetes self-management, and clinical indicators of health risk among Hispanics with type 2 diabetes residing in the United States (U.S.-Mexico border region in San Diego County, California, United States of America. Important links were observed between greater social-environmental support for disease management and less depression, better diabetes self-management, and lower body mass index and serum triglyceride concentrations. Less depressive symptomatology was also related to lower hemoglobin A1c levels. Findings suggest that programs aiming to improve diabetes self-management and health outcomes in Hispanics with type 2 diabetes should consider multilevel, social, and environmental influences on health, behavior, and emotional well-being.En este estudio se utilizó un marco socioecológico para analizar los factores predictivos de la depresión, la autogestión de la diabetes y los indicadores clínicos de riesgo para la salud en hispanos que padecen diabetes tipo 2 residentes en la zona fronteriza entre México y los Estados Unidos del Condado de San Diego en California. Se observaron vínculos importantes entre un mayor apoyo socioambiental para el manejo de la enfermedad y una presencia menor de la depresión, una mejor autogestión de la diabetes, y menores índices de masa corporal y concentraciones de triglicéridos séricos. La presencia menor de síntomas depresivos también se relacionó con niveles inferiores de hemoglobina A1c. Estos resultados indican que los programas dirigidos a mejorar la autogestión de la diabetes y los resultados en materia de salud en los hispanos que padecen diabetes tipo 2 deben tener en cuenta las influencias sociales y ambientales sobre la salud, el comportamiento y el bienestar emocional.

  9. Efeito da equoterapia na estabilidade postural de portadores de esclerose múltipla: estudo preliminar Efecto de la hipoterapia en la estabilidad postural de portadores de esclerosis múltiple: estudio preliminar Effect of hippotherapy on the postural stability of patients with multiple sclerosis: a preliminary study

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    Karla Mendonça Menezes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo se propôs a verificar se a estimulação por meio da equoterapia é capaz de desencadear alterações no controle postural de portadores de esclerose múltipla (EM. MÉTODO: Fizeram parte deste estudo 11 portadores de EM divididos em Grupo Intervenção (GI e Grupo Controle (GC. O GI foi inserido num programa de hipoterapia durante 4 meses, sendo conduzidas 2 sessões semanais com duração de 50 minutos cada. A estabilidade postural foi avaliada utilizando uma plataforma de força (para calcular o deslocamento do centro de pressão (COP, durante 30 segundos, em postura ereta quasi-estática, com olhos abertos e fechados, antes e após o treinamento com equoterapia. O tratamento estatístico foi feito através do ANOVA e Post hoc de Tukey com pOBJETIVO: El objetivo de éste estudio fue identificar los efectos de la hipoterapia sobre el control postural en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple (EM. MÉTODO: Hicieron parte de este estudio 11 portadores de EM divididos en Grupo Intervención (GI y Grupo Control (GC. El GI fue insertado en un programa de hipoterapia durante cuatro meses, siendo realizadas dos sesiones semanales con duración de 50 minutos cada una. La estabilidad postural fue evaluada utilizando una plataforma de fuerza (para calcular el desplazamiento del centro de presión (COP, durante 30 segundos en postura erecta casi-estática, con ojos abiertos y cerrados, antes y después del entrenamiento con hipoterapia. El tratamiento estadístico fue realizado a través de ANOVA y Post hoc de Tukey con pOBJECTIVE: This study intended to identify the effects of hippotherapy on the postural control of multiple sclerosis (MS patients. METHODS: Eleven MS patients were separated into two groups: Intervention Group (IG and Control Group (CG. Hippotherapy consisted of two 50-minute sessions each week for four months. Postural stability was evaluated before and after hippotherapy using a force plate to calculate the center of

  10. Factores de Riesgo para Recurrencia de Convulsiones y Pronóstico a Corto Plazo en Cirugía de Epilepsia para Esclerosis Mesial Temporal.

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    Héctor Jaramillo Betancur


    Full Text Available

    Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo para recurrencia de convulsiones y la clasificación posquirúrgica a corto plazo en pacientes operados por esclerosis mesial temporal (EMT.

    Métodos: Estudio de casos y controles anidado en la cohorte de pacientes con EMT diagnosticados por resonancia magnética con dos años de seguimiento posquirúrgico; se excluyeron pacientes con EMT bilateral. Se evaluaron características clínicas prequirúrgicas, foco epileptogénico en video-EEG y variables quirúrgicas con respecto a recurrencia de convulsiones en los primeros dos años posquirúrgicos y clasificación de Engel en el primer y segundo aniversario de la cirugía.

    Resultados: Entre octubre de 2001 y junio de 2008 se han evaluado 144 pacientes con EMT candidatos a cirugía de epilepsia; a junio de 2007, se han operado 89 pacientes, 51.7% con EMT izquierda. 35.8% de los pacientes presentaron recurrencia de convulsiones antes del segundo año posquirúrgico; el factor de riesgo prequirúrgico asociado a recurrencia fue foco bitemporal o temporal único con diseminación contralateral por video-EEG (OR: 6.32; IC95% 1.64-26.41, y posquirúrgico, la presencia de convulsiones durante el primer mes posoperatorio (p:0.0004; no se encontró asociación con recurrencia para: género, convulsiones tónico-clónicas generalizadas prequirúrgicas, lado de la EMT ni tiempo de evolución prequirúrgica de la epilepsia. 66.3% y 75.8% de los pacientes estaban en Engel I al primer y segundo aniversario de la cirugía, respectivamente. 91% de los pacientes intervenidos estaban en buen pronóstico posquirúrgico a los dos años.

    Conclusión: La localización del foco epileptogénico por electrofisiología es factor determinante en el pronóstico posquirúrgico a corto plazo en EMT.

    Palabras clave

    Cirugía de epilepsia, convulsiones, epilepsia del lóbulo temporal

  11. Placa fibrosa de la frente o del cuero cabelludo: Un marcador cutáneo temprano del complejo de la esclerosis tuberosa Forehead or scalp fibrous plaque: An earley cutaneous marker in tuberous sclerosis complex

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    A. E Saponaro


    Full Text Available El complejo de la Esclerosis tuberosa es una afección hereditaria, que se transmite en forma autosómica dominante. Se caracteriza por convulsiones, retraso mental y manifestaciones en diversos órganos. Los signos cutáneos suelen ser determinantes para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. Entre éstos se destaca la placa fibrosa, la que se localiza más frecuentemente en la frente, pero puede observarse en cualquier área del cuero cabelludo. Cuando está presente, suele ser el signo cutáneo inicial de la enfermedad, como ocurrió en nuestro paciente, subdiagnosticado. Su importancia radica entonces en reconocerlo como un marcador precoz y patognomónico de la enfermedad.The complex of tuberous sclerosis is an hereditary disease that passes in the autosomal dominant way. It is characterized by convulsions, mental retardation and manifestations in different organs. The cutaneous signs are used to be determinant for the diagnosis of the illness. Among these, it is important the fibrous plaque, which is usually localized in the forehead, but it can also be observed in any area of the scalp.When it is presented, it is used to be the first cutaneous sign of the illness, and like it happened in our patient, underdiagnosed. So, the importance of the fibrous plaque lies in recognizing it as an early cutaneous marker and pathognomonic of the disease.

  12. Actualización en el tratamiento de la neuropatía óptica inflamatoria desmielinizante Updating on the treatment of the demyelinating inflammatory optical neuropathy

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    Yaimara Hernández Silva


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de proporcionar una actualización de las drogas que se emplean para retrasar la aparición de esclerosis múltiple en el manejo de la neuropatía óptica inflamatoria desmielinizante. El artículo presenta el origen y la justificación de la terapia esteroidea en este grupo de enfermedad, así como los mecanismos de acción y beneficios de tratamientos más modernos como los inmunomoduladores e inmunosupresores. El trabajo también introduce muchas de las drogas con efectos neuroprotectores que se encuentran en fases experimentales, cuyo uso prevendría la neurodegeneración que se produce a nivel de las células ganglionares retinianas en esta enfermedad neurológica. Las opciones terapéuticas actuales ofrecen variantes de tratamiento adicionales a pacientes con mayores probabilidades de desarrollo de esclerosis múltiple y retrasan la aparición de un segundo brote, así como las secuelas invalidantes que esta suele originar.A bibliographic review was conducted to provide an updating of drugs used to retard the appearance of multiple sclerosis in the management of the demyelinating inflammatory optical neuropathy. Present paper shows the origin and the justification of the steroid therapy in this disease, as well as the mechanisms of action and benefits of more recent treatments, e.g. the ongoing immunomodulations and immunosuppressive ones and also to introduce many drugs in experimental phase having neuroprotection effects whose use will prevent the neurodegenerative effect produced at level of the retinal ganglion cells in this neurologic disease. The current therapeutical options offer variants of additional treatment to those patients with greater possibilities to development multiple sclerosis and retarding the appearance of a second outbreak, as well as its disabling sequelae.

  13. Noticias de la ciencia

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    Oscar F. Ramos M.


    Full Text Available Efectos anti-androgenicos del ddt : El DDT es un pesticida órganoclorado desarrollado durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y actualmente de uso común para el control de la malaria. / Clonacion y caracterización de un tercer locus implicado en la enfermedad de Alzheimer: La enfermedad de Alzheimer es un trastorno degenerati vo del sistema nervioso central, el cual se manifiesta en el adulto por pérdida progresiva de la memoria hasta la demencia total. / caracterización molecular de un Autoantigeno involucrado en la Esclerosis múltiple:  La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad autoinmune que se caracteriza por una destrucción de la mielina mediada por los linfocitos T, B Y los macrófagos.

  14. Esclerosis sistémica


    Mérida, Sara


    Enfermedades Raras en Asturias. Dirección General de Salud Pública y Participación. Informes breves 10 Also called scleroderma (if it affects the skin) or syndrome CREST is a connective tissue disease characterized by changes in skin, blood vessels, skeletal muscles and in to unknown causes. Este proyecto ha sido financiado a cargo de los fondos para la cohesión territorial 2010 del Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social que fueron aprobados en el CISNS, como apoyo a la ...

  15. Ensinando e aprendendo com portadores de Esclerose Múltipla: relato de experiência Enseñando y aprendiendo com los portatodes de Esclerósis Multiple: relato de experiencia Teaching and learning with Multiple Sclerosis patients: experience report

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    Lúcia Helena Rios Barbosa de Almeida


    Full Text Available Relatode experiência realizado para descrever a vivência de um grupo de estudantes de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Piauí, diante da realidade do ser portador de Esclerose Múltipla. A experiência evidencia a necessidade de uma equipe integrada para obter conhecimentos fundamentais e oferecer uma assistência holística ao portador. Enfatiza-se o impacto das ações desenvolvidas pelos estudantes, na Associação Piauiense de Esclerose Múltipla, possibilitando-os a conviver melhor com as dificuldades advindas com a doença. Além disso, a comunidade em geral é favorecida através dos conhecimentos repassados mediante atividades desenvolvidas pelo grupo. Concluímos que um conhecimento mais amplo acerca de uma patologia ainda tão cheia de mistérios só é possível quando se alia teoria à realidade do paciente.Este es un relato de una experiência de trabajo realizado por un grupo de estudiantes de Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Piauí, sobre la siutación de un portador de Esclerosis Multiple. La experiencia demuestra la necesidad de un equipo integrado para obtener conocimientos fundamentales y ofrecer una asistencia integral al portador. Aquí se enfatiza las acciones desarrolladas por los estudiantes, dentro de la APPEM (Asociación Piauiense de Esclerósis Multiple, posible a coexistir mejor él las dificultades que se sucedierón con la enfermedad. Favorecen la comunidad en general con el conocimiento repasado por medio de las actividades desarrolladas para el grupo. Un conocimiento más amplio acerca de una patología llena de misterios, solo es posible, cuando se junta la teoria a la realidad del paciente.This report describes the experience of a group of nursing students from Universidad Federal do Piauí, in face of the reality of multiple sclerosis patient. The experience highlight the necessity of an integrated team to achieve fundamental knowledge and to offer a holistic assistance to the patient. The

  16. Anestesia combinada raqui-peridural em paciente portadora de esclerose lateral amiotrófica: relato de caso Anestesia combinada raquiepidural en paciente portadora de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica: relato de caso Combined spinal-epidural block in a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: case report

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    Adriano Bechara de Souza Hobaika


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A esclerose lateral amiotrófica é uma doença que se inicia entre a quinta e a sexta década de vida e provoca a degeneração e morte dos neurônios motores superiores e inferiores. Quando os músculos responsáveis pela ventilação são acometidos, o paciente evolui para o óbito em alguns anos em decorrência da insuficiência respiratória. RELATO DO CASO: Sexo feminino, 63 anos, esclerose lateral amiotrófica, submetida a tratamento cirúrgico de fratura transtrocantérica de fêmur. Quadro de fraqueza em membros superiores e inferiores, disartria, consciente e orientada. Aparelho respiratório: tosse ineficaz, diminuição da força dos músculos intercostais e diafragma e redução do murmúrio vesicular em bases pulmonares. Primeiramente, a punção peridural foi realizada em L3/L4, onde um cateter de silicone foi introduzido 5 cm. A seguir, a punção raquidiana foi feita em L4/L5 com administração de 7,5 mg de bupivacaína hiperbárica. Mais 37 mg de ropivacaína a 0,37% foram administrados pelo cateter peridural para que o bloqueio sensitivo alcançasse o dermátomo T10. O procedimento transcorreu sem complicações e a paciente recebeu alta hospitalar após três dias. CONCLUSÕES: As evidências têm demonstrado que a administração de bloqueios no neuroeixo parece ser segura em pacientes com esclerose lateral amiotrófica, pois evita a manipulação das vias aéreas e as complicações ventilatórias.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica es una enfermedad que empieza entre la quinta y la sexta década de vida y que provoca la degeneración y la muerte de las neuronas motoras superiores e inferiores. Cuando los músculos responsables de la ventilación son acometidos, el paciente evoluciona a óbito en algunos años debido a la insuficiencia respiratoria. RELATO DEL CASO: Sexo femenino, 63 años, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, sometida a tratamiento quirúrgico de fractura

  17. Hepatoportal sclerosis clinical different evolutionary stages: presentation of 3 cases and literature review Esclerosis hepatoportal en estadios clínicos evolutivos diferentes: presentación de 3 casos y revisión de la literatura

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    Alejandro Martínez-Caselles


    Full Text Available Hepatoportal sclerosis (HPS is characterized by presinusoidal intrahepatic portal hypertension associated with splenomegaly and anemia in patients with non-cirrhotic liver. Liver biopsy is essential, especially to rule out other processes. Being a disease of unknown etiology, the majority of cases have been described in eastern countries. However, it may be an underdiagnosed disease in the West. Symptoms are related to portal hypertension and the clinical spectrum is wide, ranging from anemia with normal liver function tests to bleeding due to esophageal varices. Treatment is directed to the complications and the prognosis is better than in patients with cirrhosis. We report three cases of HPS presenting at different clinical stages and the findings of liver biopsies, the clinical outcomes and a review of scientific literature.La esclerosis hepatoportal se caracteriza por hipertensión portal intrahepática presinusoidal asociada a esplenomegalia y anemia en pacientes con un hígado no cirrótico. La biopsia hepática es fundamental, sobre todo para descartar otros procesos. Se trata de un cuadro de etiología desconocida cuya gran mayoría de los casos se ha descrito en países orientales, si bien podría estar infradiagnosticada en Occidente. Se manifiesta con síntomas asociados a la hipertensión portal y el espectro clínico es muy amplio: desde anemia con pruebas de función hepática normales hasta hemorragia por varices esofagogástricas. Su tratamiento es el de las complicaciones y el pronóstico es mejor que en los pacientes con cirrosis. Presentamos tres casos de EHP que presentan estadios clínicos diferentes, así como los hallazgos de las biopsias hepáticas, su evolución clínica posterior y una revisión de la literatura científica.

  18. Serial contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance and magnetization transfer in the study of patients with multiple sclerosis; Resonancia magnetica con contraste y transferencia de magnetizacion en el estudio seriado de pacientes con esclerosis multiple

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rovira, A; Alonso, J; Cucurella, G; Nos, C; Tintore, M; Pedraza, S; Rio, J; Montalban, X [Hospital General i Universitari Vall d` Hebron. Barcelona (Spain)


    To demonstrate the changes in the magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) of different demyelinating plaques, correlating them with the baseline values in T1-weighted contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) sequences in order to relate them more closely to the underlying disease. The study was based on 33 demyelinating plaques obtained from six patients clinically diagnosed as having remitting-recurring multiple sclerosis (MS). All the patients underwent two MR studies at a 3 to 5-month interval, including contrast-enhanced T1 and T2- weighted sequences and magnetization transfer images. The latter were used to calculate the MTR for each of the demyelinating plaques included in the study. The statistical analysis of the results obtained revealed statistically significant between initial MTR values and those of subsequent T1-weighted sequences. The MTR demonstrate significant differences between plaques according to contrast-enhanced T1-weigh tes sequences, probably indicating variable degrees of edema, demyelination and tissue destruction. These differences should be taken into account to enable the use of T1-weighted sequences to quantify the lesion load in MS patients. (Author) 35 refs.

  19. The effects of progressive muscular relaxation as a nursing procedure used for those who suffer from stress due to multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Novais, Paolla Gabrielle Nascimento; Batista, Karla de Melo; Grazziano, Eliane da Silva; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa


    to evaluate the effect of progressive muscle relaxation as a nursing procedure on the levels of stress for sufferers of multiple sclerosis. random clinical trials conducted at the Neurology outpatients unit at a University Hospital. The sample consisted of 40 patients who were being monitored as outpatients (20 in a control group and 20 in an experimental group). The Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique was used. The control variables were collected through interviews that were recorded on forms and on the Perceived Stress Scale that we used. Five meetings were held every fortnight covering a period of eight weeks. The experimental group was advised to carry out daily progressive muscle relaxation activities. After eight weeks of these activities, they were evaluated again to measure their levels of stress. In order to analyze the data used, the software package Statistics for Social Sciences version 19.0 was used. the application of the t test showed a significant reduction in the Perceived Stress Scale scores in the experimental group (pencontros quinzenais em um período de oito semanas. O grupo experimental foi orientado a realizar diariamente o Relaxamento Muscular Progressivo. Após oito semanas de intervenção avaliou-se novamente os níveis de estresse. Para análise dos dados foi utilizado o pacote Estatístico para Ciências Sociais-versão 19.0. a aplicação do Teste t demonstrou uma diminuição significante dos escores da Escala de Stress Percebido no grupo experimental (p<0,001), evidenciando diminuição nos níveis de estresse após a prática do relaxamento. a intervenção Relaxamento Muscular Progressivo contribui para redução dos níveis de estresse em pessoas com Esclerose Múltipla, podendo ser incluída como prática na assistência de enfermagem prestada a esses pacientes. NCT 02673827. evaluar el efecto del Relajamiento Muscular Progresivo, como intervención de Enfermería en los niveles de estrés en personas con Esclerosis

  20. Interfaces gestuales aplicadas como complemento cognitivo y social para niños con TEA

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    Contreras, Víctor


    Full Text Available El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA es una alteración del desarrollo que se especifica por deficiencias cualitativas en la comunicación y en la interacción social, comportamiento caracterizado por patrones repetitivos y estereotipados. Los niños con trastorno del espectro autista, como también otros niños que no padecen este trastorno, presentan una afinidad por las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC. En este artículo describiremos un proyecto cuyo objetivo es investigar acerca del uso de interfaces naturales de usuario para complementar las actividades educativas, sociales y cognitivas, en niños que padecen TEA.

  1. Trasplante de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas en enfermedades autoinmunes Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in autoimmune diseases

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    Flavio Albarracín


    Full Text Available El trasplante de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas, células con capacidad de autorrenovación y reconstitución de todos los tipos de células sanguíneas, se utiliza en el tratamiento de numerosas enfermedades potencialmente letales incluyendo leucemias y linfomas. Hoy en día es posible además aplicarlo en el tratamiento de enfermedades autoinmunes graves, como esclerosis múltiple, lupus eritematoso sistémico o esclerosis sistémica, resistentes a la terapia convencional. Estudios en modelos animales nos demuestran que la transferencia de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas podría revertir el proceso de autoinmunidad, un fenómeno que puede explicarse mediante diferentes mecanismos. El resultado de los estudios clínicos que se están llevando a cabo, así como también estudios en pacientes y modelos animales, ayudarán a determinar el rol que el transplante de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas puede jugar en el tratamiento de enfermedades autoinmunes.Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells, which are capable of self renewal and reconstitution of all types of blood cells, can be a treatment for numerous potential lethal diseases, including leukemias and lymphomas. It may now be applicable for the treatment of severe autoimmune diseases, such as therapy-resistant multiple sclerosis, lupus and systemic sclerosis. Studies in animal models show that the transfer of hematopoietic stem cells can reverse autoimmunity. The outcome of ongoing clinical trials, as well as of studies in patients and animal models, will help to determine the role that stem-cell transplantation can play in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.


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    Tomás Omar Zamora Bastidas


    Full Text Available

    Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 53 años, diagnosticada y tratada inicialmente para esclerosis múltiple, quien presentó varias recaídas y serias secuelas motoras, visuales y de la sensibilidad. Se llevaron a cabo estudios paraclínicos donde se informó anticuerpos antiacuaporina 4 positivos, anticuerpos antinucleares 1/80, anticardiolipinas y virus linfotrópico humano I y II negativos. Se presenta en reunión de casos clínicos del Departamento de Medicina Interna de la augusta Universidad del Cauca, se hace un replanteamiento del diagnóstico y se concluye un síndrome de Devic. El síndrome de Devic, actualmente denominado Desórdenes del Espectro de la neuromielitis óptica, es un desorden autoinmune, inflamatorio y desmielinizante del sistema nervioso central, que afecta principalmente al nervio óptico bilateral, el quiasma óptico y la médula espinal. Puede coexistir, además, con manifestaciones de vasculitis tipo lupus eritematoso sistémico o síndrome de anticuerpos antifosfolípidos. Su principal diagnóstico diferencial es justamente la esclerosis múltiple.



    We report the case of a woman of 53 years, initially diagnosed and treated for multiple sclerosis, who presented several relapses and serious motor, visual and sensitivity sequels. Paraclinical studies were performed, they reported antibodies acuaporine 4 positive, antinuclear antibodies 1/80, anti-cardiolipin antibodies and human T-lymphotropic virus I and II negative. It comes in clinical cases meeting developed in the Department of Internal Medicine of the august Univesity of Cauca, a rethinking of the diagnosis, which it concludes Devic’s syndrome. The Devic’s syndrome, currently known as Optic neuromyelitis Spectrum Disorders, is an autoimmune disorder, inflammatory and demyelinating central nervous system that primarily affects the bilateral optic

  3. Types of Cancer Teens Get (United States)

    ... Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions ... en español Tipos de cáncer que padecen los adolescentes Cancer is rare in teens. Certain diseases like ...

  4. Los incendios y su salud (United States)

    El humo de los incendios puede tener un efecto adverso en la salud de las personas, especialmente en aquellas que padecen de enfermedades cardíacas y pulmonares. Vea cómo minimizar su exposición al humo.

  5. The roles of fatigue, depression, and Big Five Personality traits in males with and without multiple sclerosis disease

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    Siamak Khodarahimi


    Full Text Available El objeto de esta investigación ha sido analizar el papel de la fatiga, la depresión y los rasgos de personalidad en varones con y sin esclerosis múltiple (EM, así como investigar la influencia de la edad y los años de educación en tales constructos. Participaron 30 varones con EM y otros 30 sin ella, elegidos en la ciudad de Shiraz, Irán, de acuerdo a un método de muestreo. Se aplicó la Escala de Gravedad de la Fatiga (FSS, el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI, el Inventario de Personalidad NEO – Revisado (NEO-PI-R y un cuestionario demográfico. Los datos mostraron que los pacientes que tenían EM tenían significativamente mayor fatiga, depresión y neuroticismo en comparación con el grupo control. Los datos de los pacientes sin MS mostraban que tenían mayor nivel de extraversión, apertura a la experiencia, afabilidad y responsabilidad en comparación con los pacientes que tenían EM. No hubo efecto significativo de la edad y el número de años de educación en la fatiga, la depresión o los cinco grandes rasgos de personalidad

  6. Psychometric properties of a revised Spanish 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale adaptation in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Eduardo Fernández-Jiménez


    Full Text Available En la esclerosis múltiple (EM son escasas las investigaciones centradas en evaluar la alexitimia con la Escala de Alexitimia de Toronto (TAS-20. A pesar de ello, no se ha evaluado aún su estructura factorial en dicha población y, además, las anteriores traducciones al español necesitan modificaciones. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron evaluar la validez factorial y la fiabilidad de una traducción mejorada en español de la TAS-20 (la TAS-20-S, la cual fue administrada en una muestra de 221 pacientes con EM. Se realizaron análisis factoriales confirmatorios para comparar el ajuste de seis modelos factoriales. También se calcularon coefi- cientes de consistencia interna y de fiabilidad test-retest. Los modelos trifactorial correlacionado y el de orden superior conformados por Dificultad en Identificar Sentimientos, Dificultad en Describir Sentimientos y Pensamiento Externamente Orientado lograron el mejor ajuste. Los coeficientes alfa oscilaron entre 0,87 y 0,67; las correlaciones medias inter-ítem entre 0,48 y 0,20; y las correlaciones test-retest tras 6 meses oscilaron entre 0,61 y 0,52. El 18,10% de la muestra presentó niveles elevados de alexitimia. La TAS-20-S presentó una adecuada fiabilidad así como la tradicional estructura trifactorial, por lo que su uso es ahora recomendable para evaluar un aspecto del procesamiento emocional en EM.

  7. Tratamiento Quirúrgico de las Esclerosis Faciales.

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    Ricardo Salazar López


    En este estudio se hará una descripción del cuadro clínico y evolución de esta entidad, un análisis de su fisiopatología, una historia de la descripción y tratamiento de la misma, posteriormente se propone el tratamiento quirúrgico mediante colgajos musculares y se presentan varios casos clínicos...

  8. Uso de derivados de quinazollnas y sus composiciones farmacéuticas en enfermedades neurodegenerativas


    Martínez, Ana; Redondo, Miriam; Sanz-SanCristóbal, Marina; Gil, Carmen; Morales-García, José A.; Pérez Castillo, Ana; Pérez Martín, María Concepción


    Uso de derivados de quinazolinas y sus composiciones farmacéuticas en enfermedades neurodegenerativas. La invención se refiere a derivados heterocíclicos de quinazolinas y a su potencial para el tratamiento de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y/o neurológicas, entre otras la enfermedad de Parkinson, enfermedad de Alzheimer o esclerosis. Además, la invención se refiere a composiciones farmacéuticas que comprenden dichos compuestos derivados de quinazolinas.

  9. Complejo nódulo subependimario-astrocitoma subependimario gigantocelular en niños con esclerosis tuberosa Subependymal nodules-subependymal giant cell astrocytoma complex in children with tuberous sclerosis

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    Lucas Bongiorni


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue describir las características clínico imagenológicas de niños con esclerosis tuberosa que presentaron el complejo Nódulo Subependimario (NS-Astrocitoma Subependimario Gigantocelular(ASGC y analizar el comportamiento evolutivo de dicho "complejo" para detectar precozmente su crecimiento y evitar las complicaciones de la hipertensión endocraneana (HTE. Evaluamos 22 pacientes con diagnóstico anátomo patológico de ASGC. El diagnóstico del tumor se realizó a una media de 10.1 años. Pudimos observar la evolución de NS a ASGC; estos NS se ubicaron adyacentes al agujero de Monro y con el tiempo tuvieron un importante crecimiento con intensa captación de contraste e hidrocefalia. La aceleración en el crecimiento de estos NS y su "transformación" en ASGC se produjo a los 10 años de edad promedio, con un diámetro medio de 9 mm. Ningún NS alejado de los forámenes de Monro evolucionó a ASGC. Quince pacientes (68% fueron operados con síntomas de hipertensión endocraneana. La edad media de la cirugía fue 10.8 años. Seis pacientes presentaron déficit visual. En estos últimos, el diámetro medio mayor del tumor fue 31.5 mm, mayor que los 18.7 mm del grupo de pacientes que no presentó secuela visual. El seguimiento clínico imagenológico periódico de toda lesión subependimaria próxima a los agujeros de Monro, permitiría en etapa presintomática anticipar un tratamiento quirúrgico, que reduciría la incidencia de HTE. Estudios prospectivos podrían determinar si el complejo NS-ASGC corresponde a una misma entidad en distinta etapa evolutiva, o son dos lesiones con diferente potencial de crecimiento.The object of this paper is to describe the imaging and clinical characteristics of subependymal nodule (SN - subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SGCA complex in tuberous sclerosis and analyze its evolution in order to attempt early detection and the prevention of intracranial hypertension. We evaluated 22 patients with

  10. Costo-efectividad del tratamiento con interferón beta en pacientes con síndrome clínico aislado de alto riesgo en Colombia

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    Luis Alfonso Zarco


    Full Text Available Introducción. En 85 % de los pacientes con esclerosis múltiple se presenta como manifestación inicial un primer evento desmielinizante o síndrome clínico aislado. En estos casos, el tratamiento con interferón beta retrasa hasta dos años la progresión a esclerosis múltiple. Sin embargo, en Colombia este medicamento es costoso. Objetivo. Determinar si el tratamiento del síndrome clínico aislado con interferón beta es costo-efectivo al retrasar la esclerosis múltiple en dos años. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un análisis de costo-efectividad empleando un árbol de decisiones basado en la perspectiva del paciente y la sociedad. A partir de una revisión sistemática de la literatura y de conceptos de expertos se definieron las diversas probabilidades. Los costos de la enfermedad se calcularon por medio de la revisión de historias y la aplicación de encuestas a los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio. Para controlar la incertidumbre se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad mediante una simulación de Monte Carlo con mil pacientes. Resultados. El costo del tratamiento con interferón sobrepasa los Col$ 95’000.000 (US$ 50.000 por paciente durante los dos años. Aproximadamente, 80 % corresponde a los costos del medicamento. El costo de la recaída se acerca a Col$ 39’139.200 (US$ 21.744, y los costos indirectos corresponden a Col$ 10’958.400 (US$ 6.088. La tasa representativa del mercado fue de Col$ 1.800. Con el tratamiento se ganan sólo 0,06 años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD adicionales. La razón de costo-efectividad ‘incremental’ (sic. supera el umbral, incluso en el análisis de sensibilidad. Conclusión. La administración de interferón beta en pacientes con síndrome clínico aislado de alto riesgo en los primeros dos años no es costo-efectiva en Colombia.

  11. Comparación de cambios clínicos y hemodinámicos en pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta según tipo de manejo.


    Escobar Diaz, Alejandro


    Existen varias causas de la insuficiencia venosa profunda, la insuficiencia venosa superficial es una de ellas; por tal motivo, una intervención activa de la insuficiencia superficial ya sea cirugía convencional, esclerosis o radiofrecuencia mejora el reflujo del sistema venoso profundo. En nuestro medio no se acostumbra a intervenir los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta bajo la creencia de exacerbar la enfermedad o generar complicaciones. Se pretende documentar los cambios clínicos y ...

  12. Obesidad


    Hervera Abad, Marta


    La obesidad es actualmente el problema relacionado con la alimentación más común entre los animales de compañía en los países desarrollados. Entre un 25 y un 40% de las mascotas padecen sobrepeso u obesidad, y esta proporción parece tender a aumentar.

  13. Poblaciones en riesgo durante los incendios forestales

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    El humo de incendios forestales representa una seria amenaza para la salud de las personas que padecen enfermedades cardíacas y pulmonares, los adultos de mayor edad y los niños.  Created: 10/25/2007 by Emergency Communications System.   Date Released: 10/25/2007.

  14. Desempeño mnésico y funciones ejecutivas en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple (EM

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    Fernanda López-Ramón


    Full Text Available The Episodic Memory (EM and the Executive Functions (EF are cognitive areas that are affected in patients with diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS. Nowadays there exists scarce works destined to explore the influence of the EF on measures of mnesic performance in MS. For this reason, we analyze the effect of the EF on the performance in a set of memory measures. We worked with a clinical group (n=36 and with a control group (n=36 compared by age and educational level. The results show that the clinical group obtained significantly low average values in all the mnesic indexes (with exception of recognition and in all the executive measures. All the executive indexes showed significant associations with some of the indexes of mnesic performance. These findings suggest that the problems in the episodic memory in EM patients could be analyzed as the manifestation of a global disorder that could be similar to the one that involves the EF.


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    Viriam Leiva Díaz


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación consistió en analizar la capacidad de agencia de autocuidado que poseen laspersonas con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide, quienes habitan en los cantones de Palmares y San Ramón. Se desarrolló una metodología de investigación cuantitativa de tipo descriptiva transversal. En cuanto a la población participante del estudio, estuvo conformada por 13 personas diagnosticadas con artritis reumatoide; respecto de los instrumentos utilizados para recolectar información, a los colaboradores se les aplicó el instrumento “Escala de apreciación de la capacidad de agencia de autocuidado”, propuesta por Dorothea Orem. Se determinó que los participantes poseen alta capacidad de agencia de autocuidado en las diferentes categorías, ya que únicamente se detectó baja capacidad de agencia de autocuidado en cuanto a interacción social (2 personas, y respecto del consumo insuficiente de alimentos (5 personas. La escala ASA permite a la Enfermera (o determinar la capacidad de agencia de autocuidado, de forma oportuna y eficaz. Además, permitió a las investigadoras observar un panorama general de las necesidades de autocuidado de la población participante y constatar que esta presenta alta capacidad de agencia de autocuidado.

  16. Multiple-Ring Digital Communication Network (United States)

    Kirkham, Harold


    Optical-fiber digital communication network to support data-acquisition and control functions of electric-power-distribution networks. Optical-fiber links of communication network follow power-distribution routes. Since fiber crosses open power switches, communication network includes multiple interconnected loops with occasional spurs. At each intersection node is needed. Nodes of communication network include power-distribution substations and power-controlling units. In addition to serving data acquisition and control functions, each node acts as repeater, passing on messages to next node(s). Multiple-ring communication network operates on new AbNET protocol and features fiber-optic communication.

  17. Valoración de la discromatopsia adquirida mediante nueva aplicación informática en pacientes con neuropatías ópticas desmielinizantes


    Fernández Jiménez-Ortiz, Héctor


    Las neuritis ópticas son una de las manifestaciones más frecuentes e invalidantes de la esclerosis múltiple. Se ve afectada entre otras funciones visuales la percepción del color, produciendo una discromatopsia adquirida. La mayoría de pruebas existentes para evaluar la discromatopsias fueron diseñadas para los casos congénitos (pruebas de Farnsworth e Ishihara). Así mismo, las pruebas empleadas para el estudio de las neuritis ópticas se basan en otras funciones visuales como agudeza visual y...

  18. Molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of cannabinoids in the brain


    Puighermanal Puigvert, Emma, 1983-


    El sistema endocannabinoid és un sistema neuromodulador endogen que regula diverses funcions fisiològiques, incloent el control del moviment, la memòria, l’ansietat i el dolor, entre altres. Els compostos cannabinoids es troben principalment a la planta Cannabis sativa i exerceixen els seus efectes actuant al sistema endocannabinoid. Els cannabinoids tenen potencial terapèutic, principalment per l’esclerosi múltiple, el dolor i l’èmesi, tot i que una limitació important pel seu ús recau en el...

  19. Multiple Input - Multiple Output (MIMO) SAR (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This effort will research and implement advanced Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) techniques which have the potential to improve...


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    A. A. Bosov


    Full Text Available Purpose. The development of complicated techniques of production and management processes, information systems, computer science, applied objects of systems theory and others requires improvement of mathematical methods, new approaches for researches of application systems. And the variety and diversity of subject systems makes necessary the development of a model that generalizes the classical sets and their development – sets of sets. Multiple objects unlike sets are constructed by multiple structures and represented by the structure and content. The aim of the work is the analysis of multiple structures, generating multiple objects, the further development of operations on these objects in application systems. Methodology. To achieve the objectives of the researches, the structure of multiple objects represents as constructive trio, consisting of media, signatures and axiomatic. Multiple object is determined by the structure and content, as well as represented by hybrid superposition, composed of sets, multi-sets, ordered sets (lists and heterogeneous sets (sequences, corteges. Findings. In this paper we study the properties and characteristics of the components of hybrid multiple objects of complex systems, proposed assessments of their complexity, shown the rules of internal and external operations on objects of implementation. We introduce the relation of arbitrary order over multiple objects, we define the description of functions and display on objects of multiple structures. Originality.In this paper we consider the development of multiple structures, generating multiple objects.Practical value. The transition from the abstract to the subject of multiple structures requires the transformation of the system and multiple objects. Transformation involves three successive stages: specification (binding to the domain, interpretation (multiple sites and particularization (goals. The proposed describe systems approach based on hybrid sets

  1. Multiple constant multiplication optimizations for field programmable gate arrays

    CERN Document Server

    Kumm, Martin


    This work covers field programmable gate array (FPGA)-specific optimizations of circuits computing the multiplication of a variable by several constants, commonly denoted as multiple constant multiplication (MCM). These optimizations focus on low resource usage but high performance. They comprise the use of fast carry-chains in adder-based constant multiplications including ternary (3-input) adders as well as the integration of look-up table-based constant multipliers and embedded multipliers to get the optimal mapping to modern FPGAs. The proposed methods can be used for the efficient implementation of digital filters, discrete transforms and many other circuits in the domain of digital signal processing, communication and image processing. Contents Heuristic and ILP-Based Optimal Solutions for the Pipelined Multiple Constant Multiplication Problem Methods to Integrate Embedded Multipliers, LUT-Based Constant Multipliers and Ternary (3-Input) Adders An Optimized Multiple Constant Multiplication Architecture ...

  2. Tablero de comunicación hipermedia con Integración de estrategias pedagógicas para personas con TGD

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    Godoy, Diego Alberto


    Con iTablero e integrando estrategias pedagógicas se pretende acercar a los niños que padecen TGD a nuestra forma de comunicarnos y entendernos, facilitarles su camino y ayudarles a desarrollar sus potencialidades, adaptando la forma de enseñar a sus características para facilitar, fomentar y optimizar la creación de sus aprendizajes.

  3. Angioedema hereditario en Medellín, Colombia: evaluación clínica y de la calidad de vida

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    María Dulfary Sánchez


    Conclusión. Este estudio provee información sobre la primera familia caracterizada con angioedema hereditario de tipo 1 en el Valle de Aburrá, Colombia. Aunque para ello se usó un instrumento genérico, se confirmó, además, el efecto negativo de la enfermedad en la calidad de vida de los individuos que la padecen.

  4. Síndrome de Denys-Drash: Presentación de un caso DENYS-DRASH'S SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT

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    Neri Georgina Campañá Cobas


    Full Text Available El síndrome de Denys-Drash se caracteriza por pseudohemafroditismo masculino, tumor de Wilms y glomerulopatía con rápida progresión a la insuficiencia renal terminal, es producido por una mutación en el gen supresor TW1 localizado en el cromosoma 11p 13. La lesión glomerular se caracteriza por una esclerosis mesangial difusa. Reportamos un caso con genitales ambiguos, cariotipo 46 XY, síndrome nefrótico congénito a los 7 días de nacido, con rápida progresión a la insuficiencia renal terminal. Se hizo necesaria la diálisis peritoneal, y murió al mes de edad por sepsis generalizada. En el análisis del tejido renal se demuestra la esclerosis mesangial difusa.Denys-Drash's syndrome is characterized by male pseudohermaphroditism, Wilms' tumor and glomerulopathy with fast progression to terminal renal failure. It is produced by a mutation in the TW1 suppressor gene located in the chromosome 11p 13. The glomerular lesion is characterized by a diffuse mesangial sclerosis. A case with ambiguous genitalia, 46 XY karyotype, and congenital nephrotic syndrome at 7 days of age, with fast progression to terminal renal failure, is reported. Peritoneal dialysis was necessary and the patient died at one month of age due to generalized sepsis. The diffuse mesangial sclerosis is showed in the analysis of the renal tissue.

  5. Tumor intracardiaco en el recién nacido

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    Yanett Sarmiento Portal


    Full Text Available Introducción: los tumores primarios cardiacos son raros durante la infancia y en su mayoría benignos, siendo los rabdomiomas los más comunes, asociándose en más del 60% de los casos con esclerosis tuberosa. La mayoría de ellos tienden a involucionar, pero algunos, según su localización y manifestaciones clínicas, requerirán tratamiento quirúrgico. Caso clínico: recién nacido del sexo femenino, hija de madre de 34 años. Nace producto de cesárea iterada a las 40 semanas, Apgar 9-9 y peso al nacer 2800 gramos. Tuvo seguimiento por Genética Clínica durante el embarazo por detectarse en ultrasonido prenatal la presencia de tumoración intracardiaca, la cual se confirma al realizar ecografía postnatal, con un área tumoral de 3,5mm. Se diagnostica Rabdomioma intracardiaco que no obstruye el tracto de salida, con seguimiento clínico y ecocardiográfico mensual y evolución favorable. Conclusiones: los tumores cardiacos fetales son extraordinariamente raros. Se pueden diagnosticar por ecografía desde la vida intrauterina. La actitud recomendada es expectante por la posibilidad de regresión espontánea, excepto en aquellos casos con repercusión clínica. En el seguimiento se debe descartar la presencia de esclerosis tuberosa por su elevada asociación con esta entidad.

  6. Esclerodermia localizada: Diagnósticos diferenciales Localized scleroderma: Differential diagnosis

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    MB Leroux


    Full Text Available La esclerodermia localizada constituye un desorden autoinmune órgano específico, que compromete sobre todo la piel. Se caracteriza por inflamación seguida de esclerosis e incluye distintas formas clínicas. La etiología de la esclerodermia localizada no ha sido establecida. El diagnóstico diferencial incluye cuadros esclerodermiformes, desencadenados por factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos que están siendo estudiados. Entre ellos se incluyen: exposición a radiaciones o tóxicos, consumo de medicamentos, infecciones y enfermedades de origen endocrino-metabólico, genético e inflamatorio. En primer lugar, se debe descartar la esclerodermia sistémica. En segundo lugar, se clasifican las entidades con predominio de esclerosis o atrofia. Por último, se incluyen algunas enfermedades en un cuadro comparativo.Localized scleroderma is an autoimmune organ specific disorder with an important skin compromise. It is an inflammatory process with several distinct clinical characteristics. The etiology of localized scleroderma has not been established yet. Differential diagnosis includes sclerodermiform onset unchained by intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are presently studied. Among them must be taking into account: exposure to radiation or toxic agents, therapeutic drugs, infections and diseases of endocrine, metabolic, genetic or inflammatory etiology. Firstly, it must be point out that systemic scleroderma must be ruled out. Secondly, disorders predominantly with sclerosis and atrophy must be classified and lastly, some other diseases are included in a comparative table.

  7. The multiple Dirichlet product and the multiple Dirichlet series


    Onozuka, Tomokazu


    First, we define the multiple Dirichlet product and study the properties of it. From those properties, we obtain a zero-free region of a multiple Dirichlet series and a multiple Dirichlet series expression of the reciprocal of a multiple Dirichlet series.

  8. Consenso brasileiro para transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas para tratamento de doenças autoimunes Brazilian consensus on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for autoimmune diseases

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    Júlio C. Voltarelli


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, foram revisadas a literatura internacional e a experiência nacional com transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH para doenças autoimunes. A evidência acumulada indica que o TCTH autólogo pode beneficiar pacientes com esclerose múltipla em fase inflamatória, refratária aos tratamentos medicamentosos disponíveis, e pacientes com esclerose sistêmica cutânea difusa de caráter progressivo, com ou sem comprometimento sistêmico. Esse tratamento deveria ser disponibilizado na rede pública de saúde, numa fase inicial, em centros de referência com experiência em TCTH e no manejo clínico de doenças autoimunes sistêmicas graves.In this paper, international literature and national experience on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT for autoimmune diseases were reviewed. Cumulative evidence indicates that autologous HSCT may benefit patients with inflammatory multiple esclerosis, refractory to available drug therapy, and progressive forms of diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis with or without systemic involvement. Initially, this treatment should be available in reference centers of the public health system, with experience in performing HSCT and in treating severe systemic autoimmune diseases.

  9. Reportes clínicos breves

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Secnidazol-Metronidazol en el tratamiento de vaginitis por cocobacilos gram-negativos y gardnerella vaginales / Incidencia de la retinopatía de la prematuridad en el Instituto Materno Infantil / La hernia incisional en el Hospital San Juan de Dios de Bogotá, D.C. Estudio retrospectivo: 1987-1990 / Esclerosis sistémica: estudio descriptivo / Determinación de las alteraciones del intercambio gaseoso en pacientes con neumopatía crónica durante la anestesia general y regional para procedimientos quirúrgicos extra torácicos.

  10. Presión aórtica y rigidez arterial en pacientes con esclerodermia


    Toro Parodi, Aythami


    La Esclerosis Sistémica (ES) es un trastorno generalizado del tejido conectivo caracterizado por el engrosamiento y la fibrosis tanto de la piel como de órganos internos asociándose a daño vascular. Tradicionalmente, la afectación vascular en la ES ha sido considerada principalmente microvascular (1). Sin embargo, existe evidencia reciente que muestra que la ES podría también asociarse a lesión macrovascular (2) debido a la situación de inflamación crónica sostenida que predispondría al incre...

  11. Aislamiento, caracterización y reprogramación de células multipotentes murinas en ratones transgénicos "mTert-EGFP"


    Pericuesta Camacho, Eva


    La presente tesis está compuesta por tres artículos científicos publicados (Pericuesta et al., 2006; Ramirez et al., 2006; Ramírez et al., 2007) y un último trabajo realizado para completar el análisis de las células troncales en tejidos adultos. La importancia de las células troncales ha crecido enormemente en las últimas décadas debido al gran potencial que presentan para tratar enfermedades hasta hoy incurables como el Parkinson, la diabetes tipo I, la enfermedad de Alzheimer, esclerosis m...

  12. Mood and quality of life among people with progressive neurological illnesses


    Marita P. McCabe; Lucy Firth; Elodie O´Connor


    El presente estudio ex post facto fue diseñado para examinar el estado de ánimo y la calidad de vida (QQL) entre 423 personas con enfermedad neurológica progresiva. En particular, se ha investigado la relación entre las variables de la enfermedad y el estado de ánimo y calidad de vida de 120 personas con enfermedad de la neuronales motoras (MND), 48 con enfermedad de Huntington (HD), 143 con Parkinson y 112 con esclerosis múltiple (MS). Los resultados demostraron que las personas con HD co...

  13. Tratamiento del dolor neuropático central; futuras terapias analgésicas: revisión sistemática


    R. Mora Moscoso; M. Guzmán Ruiz; A.M. Soriano Pérez; R. de Alba-Moreno


    Introducción: el dolor neuropático central (DNC) es aquel causado por una lesión primaria o disfunción del sistema nervioso central que genera una patología incapacitante, difícil de reconocer y tratar. Las causas más frecuentes son accidente cerebrovascular (ACV), esclerosis múltiple y lesión medular traumática. Objetivos: realizar revisión sistemática de las principales causas de dolor neuropático central, presentar evidencia de la efectividad y tolerabilidad de las opciones terapéuticas ac...

  14. Stress from an administrative perspective in public transport drivers in Mexico City: Minibus and metrobus

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    Fernando Lámbarry


    Full Text Available El estrés es una de las enfermedades laborales que más afectan a los trabajadores en todo el mundo,perjudicando su productividad y rendimiento tanto propio como de las organizaciones donde laboran,e incluso su salud física y mental. Según la Organización Internacional del Trabajo son los trabajadoresmexicanos quienes mayormente lo padecen a nivel mundial, toda vez que una de las profesiones másestresantes es ser conductor de transporte público. Es por ello que el objetivo de esta investigación esestudiar el estrés laboral en los conductores de autobuses de tránsito rápido y microbuses de la Ciu-dad de México. El método empleado se fundamenta en el análisis estadístico factorial exploratorio. Apartir de lo anterior, se concluye que los factores que más inciden en la aparición de estrés son organi-zacionales, ambientales (físico/individual, intrínsecos del puesto, extraorganizacionales e individuales.Aunque divergentes entre los conductores, son los de minibús los que más lo padecen.

  15. Diabetes mellitus en adultos mayores costarricenses

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    Gilbert Brenes-Camacho


    Full Text Available El propósito del artículo es describir la prevalencia de la diabetes mellitus (DM entre los adultos mayores costarricenses. Se analiza la magnitud de la prevalencia, los problemas de medición de la misma, así como los factores asociados con la enfermedad, la enfermedad controlada, y el tener niveles altos de hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1C entre la población sin diagnóstico previo de DM. Una cuarta parte de los adultos mayores de Costa Rica padecen de DM y cerca de la mitad de los que la padecen, no la tienen controlada. Los factores asociados con la prevalencia de la enfermedad son los usuales destacados por la literatura científica: actividad física, obesidad e historia familiar de DM. Se halla evidencia de un posible problema de acceso diferencial a servicios de control de DM, ya que los adultos mayores que habitan fuera de la gran área metropolitana de San José tienen un riesgo menor de tener controlada su enfermedad. Los adultos mayores sin pensión también tienen un riesgo mayor de tener niveles altos de HbA1C.

  16. Diabetes mellitus en adultos mayores costarricenses

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    Rosero-Bixby, Luis


    Full Text Available El propósito del artículo es describir la prevalencia de la diabetes mellitus (DM entre los adultos mayores costarricenses. Se analiza la magnitud de la prevalencia, los problemas de medición de la misma, así como los factores asociados con la enfermedad, la enfermedad controlada, y el tener niveles altos de hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1C entre la población sin diagnóstico previo de DM. Una cuarta parte de los adultos mayores de Costa Rica padecen de DM y cerca de la mitad de los que la padecen, no la tienen controlada. Los factores asociados con la prevalencia de la enfermedad son los usuales destacados por la literatura científica: actividad física, obesidad e historia familiar de DM. Se halla evidencia de un posible problema de acceso diferencial a servicios de control de DM, ya que los adultos mayores que habitan fuera de la gran área metropolitana de San José tienen un riesgo menor de tener controlada su enfermedad. Los adultos mayores sin pensión también tienen un riesgo mayor de tener niveles altos de HbA1C.

  17. Incapacidad laboral por diabetes mellitus: características epidemiológicas y complicaciones macro y microangiopáticas más frecuentes

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    Raúl Jesús Regal Ramos


    Full Text Available La diabetes mellitus (DM es la enfermedad metabólica más frecuente y conlleva la disminución en la calidad de vida de los sujetos que la padecen, así como la pérdida de años de vida productiva a consecuencia de las complicaciones crónicas o de la mortalidad. Objetivo: Conocer las características epidemiológicas de los pacientes con invalidez permanente (IP debida a DM y conocer cuáles son las complicaciones más frecuentes que motivaron la IP y su relación con las distintas ocupaciones. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en el que se recogieron pacientes valorados en la Unidad Médica de la Dirección Provincial del INSS de Madrid entre los años 2005 a 2011 con el diagnóstico de diabetes. Se excluyeron aquellos expedientes que no fueron calificados como IP, aquellos que presentaban otras patologías no relacionadas con la diabetes subsidiarias de probable incapacidad (como procesos oncológicos, demencia, esclerosis múltiple,.. y los casos de diabetes secundarias. Se estudian las variables edad, sexo, estado civil, profesión, régimen de afiliación a la Seguridad Social, y las recogidas en el apartado diagnóstico del informe médico de síntesis (tipo de diabetes, complicaciones derivadas de la DM y factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Resultado: El total de pacientes estudiados fue de 896. Respecto a la población general ocupada de nuestro entorno observamos un 31% más de varones (p< 0,0005; Razón de prevalencia =1,56 y un 28% más de ocupaciones del grupo VII de la CNO-11 (industria y construcción (p < 0,005; Razón de prevalencia =2,3. El 48% de las profesiones científicas y el 36 % de las administrativas estaban diagnosticados de oftalmopatía. El 39% de trabajadores de industria y construcción estaban diagnosticados de algún grado de coronariopatía. Conclusión: Nuestros resultados permiten objetivar que la oftalmopatía es la complicación que más se asocia a invalidez permanente en profesiones de alta

  18. Dimensión respiratoria de la escala ALSFRS-R y la función respiratoria en la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica Respiratory domain of revised amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Functional Rating Scale

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    Sandra E. Lima


    Full Text Available Virtualmente todos los pacientes con esclerosis lateral amiotrófica tendrán disnea, que es quizá el síntoma más penoso de esta devastadora enfermedad. El objetivo de este estudio fue correlacionar la dimensión respiratoria de la escala ALSFRS-R, la capacidad vital forzada y las presiones estáticas máximas bucales. Se estudiaron prospectivamente 20 pacientes consecutivos sin disnea durante 24 meses. El puntaje total de la escala ALSFRS-R disminuyó de 34.3 ± 10.3 a 22.1 ± 8.0 (p = 0.0325; la contribución de la dimensión respiratoria fue insignificante. En quienes refirieron disnea (n: 12, la capacidad vital forzada cayó un 41 ± 21 % del valor inicial pero con similar caída (46 ± 23%, 8 pacientes no refirieron disnea. La correlación entre la escala ALSFRS-R con la capacidad vital forzada (litros fue r: 0.73, (p = 0.0016 y con la presión inspiratoria máxima (cm H2O, r: 0.84, p = 0.0038. La correlación entre la capacidad vital forzada (% con la disnea fue r s: 0.23, p = 0.1400. La correlación de la disnea con la presión inspiratoria máxima (% fue r s: 0.58, p = 0.0300 y con la presión espiratoria máxima (%, r s: 0.49, p = 0.0400. La dimensión respiratoria de la escala ALSFRS-R no permitió predecir el grado de deterioro funcional respiratorio. Esto sugiere que dicha dimensión no reemplaza a las mediciones funcionales respiratorias y, debido a que la insuficiencia respiratoria puede no ser evidente, la realización de dichas pruebas provee una base objetiva de seguimiento y permite planear medidas con anticipación.Virtually all patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis will complain of dyspnea, which is perhaps the most distressing symptom of this devastating disease. The objective was to correlate respiratory domain of ALSFRS-R with forced vital capacity and maximal static pressures in the mouth. We designed a prospective study in 20 consecutive patients without dyspnea during 24 months. The global decline of ALSFRS

  19. Outcome of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis treated With non-invasive ventilation and riluzole Sobrevida en pacientes con esclerosis lateral amiotrófica esporádica tratados con ventilación no invasiva y riluzole

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    Martín Sívori


    Full Text Available Sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (sALS is a progressive degenerative motor neuron disorder lacking specific treatment. Riluzole is the only drug able to modestly slow down the course of the disease. Respiratory insufficiency is the main cause of death; non invasive ventilation (NIV has shown to improve survival. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of NIV and riluzole on survival. Ninety seven patients with a diagnosis of sALS were assessed and followed up for 60 months. Twenty nine patients received NIV and 68 did not (nNIV. Overall median survival In the NIV group was 15.41 ± 7.78 months vs. 10.88 ± 7.78 months in the nNIV group (p= 0.028. Median survival time was not different in patients receiving riluzole (n=44, as compared with those who did not (n=53, although at month 4th and 5th riluzole treated patients showed a modest benefit. In those who only received NIV (n=11 or only riluzole (n=26, survival time was 13.45 ± 13.44 months and 11.19 ± 7.79 months, respectively. Patients who received both NIV and riluzole (n=18 had a median survival time of 16.61 ± 10.97 months vs. 10.69 ± 7.86 months for those who received only supportive treatment (n=42 (p= 0.021. NIV improved survival in our series of patients. Riluzole did not show any significant impact on survival when employed as the only therapy. Patients receiving both treatments simultaneously had a significant longer survival.La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica esporádica (sALS es una enfermedad degenerativa para la que no existe tratamiento etiológico eficaz. El riluzole prolonga poco la sobrevida. La principal causa de muerte es la insuficiencia respiratoria. Uno de los tratamientos para esta última es la ventilación asistida no invasiva (NIV con equipos de doble nivel de presión. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el impacto en la sobrevida de estos enfermos combinando ventilación no invasiva y riluzole. Se evaluaron y siguieron durante 60 meses 97 pacientes con

  20. White matter cysts in patients with tuberous sclerosis; Quistes de sustancia blanca en pacientes con esclerosis tuberosa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marti-Bonmati, L; Dosda, R [Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset. Servicio de Resonancia Magnetica ATQ-Quiron. Valencia (Spain); Menor, F [Hospital Infantil La Fe. Valencia (Spain); Arana, E [Hospital Casa de La Salud. Valencia (Spain); Poyatos, C [Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset. Valencia (Spain)


    The presence of cysts in the white matter of the central nervous system of patients with tuberous sclerosis (TS) is an uncommon finding that has been reported only recently in neuroimaging studies. This article assesses the prevalence of these lesions in a large series of patients studied by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and their relationship to other epidemiological and imaging findings. MRI studies were performed in 46 patients (23 males and 23 females) with a mean age of 12.7 years, and the results were examined retrospectively in the search for cortical tubers, subependymal nodules and white matter nodules, lines and cysts. Nine patients (19.6%) presented cysts in white matter. Seven had only one cyst and the remaining two patients each had two. Multiple regression analysis relating the presence of the cysts with other neuroimaging findings in these patients revealed a statistically significant relationship only with white matter nodules (odds ratio: 7.5; p=0.006). White matter cysts are small, supratentorial lesions of deep location. There is a statistically relationship between the presence of these cysts and that of nodular lesions in the white matter. This finding supports the theory that the cyst originate from white matter nodules. (Author) 17 refs.

  1. [Not Available]. (United States)

    Domínguez, Raúl; Garnacho-Castaño, Manuel Vicente; Maté-Muñoz, José Luis


    La fuerza influye directamente en el estado de salud y en la capacidad de fitness, motivo por el que el entrenamiento contra resistencias o resistance training (RT) se incluye dentro de aquellos programas de ejercicio encaminados a mejorar la salud y calidad de vida. Debido a que muchasenfermedades cursan con alteración de la masa y funcionalidad muscular y a que el RT es la principal modalidad de ejercicio encaminada a mejorar la función muscular, el objetivo de la presente revisión bibliográfica ha sido exponer las evidencias actuales sobre las adaptaciones delRT, así como su posible aplicación en patologías como la obesidad, diabetes, dislipemia, hipertensión, cáncer, Parkinson, esclerosis múltiple o fibromialgia. El RT en estas enfermedades puede aumentar los niveles de masa muscular, disminuyendo los niveles de masa grasa, los nivelesde ácidos grasos en sangre y la glucemia, incrementando la sensibilidad a la insulina, y disminuyendo los niveles de citokinas inflamatorias. El RT, además, mejora el gasto cardiaco y la funcionalidad endotelial, regulando la tensión arterial e incrementando el consumo de oxígeno. Las ganancias de fuerza muscular mejoran la funcionalidad y la calidad de vida, especialmente en población con una afectación neuromuscular grave, como pudieran ser los enfermos de esclerosis múltiple, fibromialgia o Parkinson. Por ello, el RT debe ser incorporado como parte del tratamiento en las personas que presentan determinado tipo de patologías.

  2. Mixed multiplicities for arbitrary ideals and generalized Buchsbaum-Rim multiplicities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Callejas-Bedregal, R.; Jorge Perez, V.H.


    We introduce first the notion of mixed multiplicities for arbitrary ideals in a local d-dimensional noetherian ring (A, m) which, in some sense, generalizes the concept of mixed multiplicities for m-primary ideals. We also generalize Teissier's Product Formula for a set of arbitrary ideals. We also extend the notion of the Buchsbaum-Rim multiplicity (in short, we write BR-multiplicity) of a submodule of a free module to the case where the submodule no longer has finite colength. For a submodule M of A p we introduce a sequence e BR k (M), k = 0,...,d + p - 1 which in the ideal case coincides with the multiplicity sequence c 0 (I, A),...,c d (I, A) defined for an arbitrary ideal I of A by Achilles and Manaresi in [AM]. In case that M has finite colength in A p and it is totally decomposable we prove that our BR-multiplicity sequence essentially falls into the standard BR-multiplicity of M. (author)

  3. Registro de pacientes con esclerodermia. Desarrollo de una herramienta clínica para la detección precoz de úlceras digitales complicadas e isquemia grave.


    Sánchez Quirós, Belén


    La esclerosis sistémica es una enfermedad rara del tejido conectivo que se caracteriza por el engrosamiento de la piel y la afectación de diferentes órganos internos. El fenómeno de Raynaud (FR) suele ser la primera manifestación apareciendo en la mayoría de los pacientes y provocando isquemia. Sin embargo, las úlceras digitales (UD) solo están presentes en el 30%. La detección precoz de UD incipientes, con la consiguiente aplicación de un tratamiento adecuado, evitará pérdida de la capacidad...

  4. Supervivencia y factores pronósticos en una serie de 317 pacientes con esclerodermia


    Oliveró Soldevila, Susana; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina


    La esclerosis sistèmica és una malaltia del teixit conectiu que té una gran variabilitat a la seva expressió y evolució clíniques. El càlcul de la supervivència dels malalts no ofereix resultats uniformes als diferents estudis realitzats. En aquest treball estudiem la supervivència i factors de risc associats al pronòstic a 317 pacients espanyols amb ES controlats en un únic hospital universitari. Tal i com mostra aquest estudi la supervivència a l'esclerodermia ha aumentat a la última dècada...

  5. Measurement of acute psychological stress


    Arza Valdés, Adriana


    Bibliografia. La incidencia de la ansiedad, depresión, epilepsia, esclerosis múltiple, estrés patológico, así como otras enfermedades relacionadas con el estrés, ha aumentado significativamente en los últimos años, probablemente debido los cambios drásticos en el modo de vida actual. Según la OMS, los problemas tanto sociales como médicos asociados al estrés están claramente en aumento, afectando seriamente la salud mental y el bienestar no sólo de adultos, sino también de jóvenes y niños....

  6. Gastrojejunal anastomosis stricture after laparoscopic gastric bypass: Our experience with 62 patients Estenosis de la anastomosis gastroyeyunal en el bypass gástrico laparoscópico: Nuestra experiencia con 62 pacientes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Campillo-Soto


    complicación nada desdeñable en la cirugía bariátrica por laparoscopia, llegándose, en algunas series, a alcanzar el 15%. Presentamos nuestra casuística en una serie de 62 casos consecutivos y el manejo realizado. Pacientes y método: desde enero-2004 a septiembre-2006 hemos realizado de manera consecutiva 62 bypass gástricos por laparoscopia según técnica de Wittgrove modificada. La anastomosis gastroyeyunal se realiza con material de autosutura tipo CEAA nº 21 término-lateral (ILS; Ethicon y después de comprobar la estanqueidad anastomótica se dan dos puntos de válvula tipo Hoffmeister a cada lado de la anastomosis. En 4 casos (6,45% se reconvirtió a laparotomía, realizándose la anastomosis de la misma manera. El seguimiento tiene un rango de 3-35 meses, realizado en 61 enfermos, pues un paciente falleció por tromboembolismo pulmonar en el postoperatorio inmediato tras reintervención, a las dos semanas del bypass gástrico, por necrosis de un pequeño fragmento del remanente gástrico. En todos los pacientes con intolerancia persistente a la alimentación se realizó tránsito baritado y/o gastroscopia. Cuando se evidenció estenosis gastroyeyunal se procedió a dilatación neumática endoscópica (recomendando dilatar la anastomosis hasta como máximo 1,5 cm. Resultados: en 5 casos (8,1% se desarrolló una estenosis gastroyeyunal, en 4 de estos casos el diagnóstico inicial fue por tránsito baritado y en 1 caso por endoscopia. Dos pacientes tenían antecedentes de HDA que precisaron esclerosis endoscópica de la lesión sangrante (esclerosis circunferencial a las 48 horas de la cirugía y esclerosis de puntos sangrantes. Todos los casos se resolvieron mediante dilatación endoscópica, precisando en dos casos dos sesiones de dilatación y el resto una. En el seguimiento no se han detectado re-estenosis. Conclusión: la estenosis gastroyeyunal es consecuencia de realizar una anastomosis de pequeño calibre (con vistas a evitar así el r

  7. Robust multiple frequency multiple power localization schemes in the presence of multiple jamming attacks.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmed Abdulqader Hussein

    Full Text Available Localization of the wireless sensor network is a vital area acquiring an impressive research concern and called upon to expand more with the rising of its applications. As localization is gaining prominence in wireless sensor network, it is vulnerable to jamming attacks. Jamming attacks disrupt communication opportunity among the sender and receiver and deeply impact the localization process, leading to a huge error of the estimated sensor node position. Therefore, detection and elimination of jamming influence are absolutely indispensable. Range-based techniques especially Received Signal Strength (RSS is facing severe impact of these attacks. This paper proposes algorithms based on Combination Multiple Frequency Multiple Power Localization (C-MFMPL and Step Function Multiple Frequency Multiple Power Localization (SF-MFMPL. The algorithms have been tested in the presence of multiple types of jamming attacks including capture and replay, random and constant jammers over a log normal shadow fading propagation model. In order to overcome the impact of random and constant jammers, the proposed method uses two sets of frequencies shared by the implemented anchor nodes to obtain the averaged RSS readings all over the transmitted frequencies successfully. In addition, three stages of filters have been used to cope with the replayed beacons caused by the capture and replay jammers. In this paper the localization performance of the proposed algorithms for the ideal case which is defined by without the existence of the jamming attack are compared with the case of jamming attacks. The main contribution of this paper is to achieve robust localization performance in the presence of multiple jamming attacks under log normal shadow fading environment with a different simulation conditions and scenarios.

  8. Optimizing antiemetic therapy in multiple-day and multiple cycles of chemotherapy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ellebaek, E.; Herrstedt, J.


    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Only a few studies have investigated the effect of antiemetic therapy in patients treated with multiple-day or multiple cycles of chemotherapy. The present review will assess the available data, highlight the current recommendations and draw attention towards the remaining...... of chemotherapy the addition of a NK1-receptor antagonist aprepitant to standard antiemetic therapy has increased the antiemetic effect, and multiple cycle extension studies have demonstrated that this increment in effect is sustained during multiple cycles of chemotherapy. A recent study indicated...... that the dopamine D2-receptor antagonist metopimazine has some additive effect on delayed symptoms induced by multiple-day chemotherapy. SUMMARY: The development of the NK1-receptor antagonist aprepitant has significantly improved the antiemetic control in patients treated with multiple cycles of chemotherapy. Far...

  9. Multiple sclerosis (United States)

    ... indwelling catheter Osteoporosis or thinning of the bones Pressure sores Side effects of medicines used to treat the ... Daily bowel care program Multiple sclerosis - discharge Preventing pressure ulcers Swallowing problems Images Multiple sclerosis MRI of the ...

  10. Beyond KNO multiplicative cascades and novel multiplicity scaling laws

    CERN Document Server

    Hegyi, S


    The collapse of multiplicity distributions P/sub n/ onto a universal scaling curve arises when P/sub n/ is expressed as a function of the standardized multiplicity (n-c)/ lambda with c and lambda being location and scale parameters governed by leading particle effects and the growth of average multiplicity. It is demonstrated that self- similar multiplicative cascade processes such as QCD parton branching naturally lead to a novel type of scaling behavior of P/sub n/ which manifests itself in Mellin space through a location change controlled by the degree of multifractality and a scale change governed by the depth of the cascade. Applying the new scaling rule it is shown how to restore data collapsing behavior of P/sub n/ measured in hh collisions at ISR and SPS energies. (21 refs).

  11. Manifiesto de los agravios, bexaciones, y molestias, Que padecen los indios del reyno del Peru

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicente Morachimo


    Full Text Available Este texto es un memorial presentado en 1732 al Rey de España por Vicente Morachimoo Vicente Mora Chimo Cápac, noble indígena descendiente de los antiguos señores delreino Chimú, procurador y diputado general de los indios del Perú en la corte española.Este importante texto forma parte de la amplia producción discursiva promovida sobretodo en el siglo XVIII por las noblezas indígenas del Perú colonial, expresión delfenómeno conocido como movimiento inca o renacimiento inca. Esa produccióndiscursiva es estudiada en el libro de Carlos García-Bedoya La literatura peruana en elperiodo de estabilización colonial (Lima: Fondo Editorial de la UNMSM, 2000.Tomamos el texto de un microfilm sacado de un ejemplar del texto conservado en laBiblioteca Nacional de Santiago de Chile, que por cierto debió pertenecer a nuestraantigua Biblioteca Nacional hasta los años de la Guerra del Pacífico. Se ha respetado lapuntuación y la ortografía del original, salvo la sustitución de la antigua S larga pornuestra s normal.

  12. Quantum theory of multiple-input-multiple-output Markovian feedback with diffusive measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chia, A.; Wiseman, H. M.


    Feedback control engineers have been interested in multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) extensions of single-input-single-output (SISO) results of various kinds due to its rich mathematical structure and practical applications. An outstanding problem in quantum feedback control is the extension of the SISO theory of Markovian feedback by Wiseman and Milburn [Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 548 (1993)] to multiple inputs and multiple outputs. Here we generalize the SISO homodyne-mediated feedback theory to allow for multiple inputs, multiple outputs, and arbitrary diffusive quantum measurements. We thus obtain a MIMO framework which resembles the SISO theory and whose additional mathematical structure is highlighted by the extensive use of vector-operator algebra.

  13. Generalized internal multiple imaging

    KAUST Repository

    Zuberi, Mohammad Akbar Hosain


    Various examples are provided for generalized internal multiple imaging (GIMI). In one example, among others, a method includes generating a higher order internal multiple image using a background Green\\'s function and rendering the higher order internal multiple image for presentation. In another example, a system includes a computing device and a generalized internal multiple imaging (GIMI) application executable in the computing device. The GIMI application includes logic that generates a higher order internal multiple image using a background Green\\'s function and logic that renders the higher order internal multiple image for display on a display device. In another example, a non-transitory computer readable medium has a program executable by processing circuitry that generates a higher order internal multiple image using a background Green\\'s function and renders the higher order internal multiple image for display on a display device.

  14. Generalized internal multiple imaging

    KAUST Repository

    Zuberi, Mohammad Akbar Hosain; Alkhalifah, Tariq


    Various examples are provided for generalized internal multiple imaging (GIMI). In one example, among others, a method includes generating a higher order internal multiple image using a background Green's function and rendering the higher order internal multiple image for presentation. In another example, a system includes a computing device and a generalized internal multiple imaging (GIMI) application executable in the computing device. The GIMI application includes logic that generates a higher order internal multiple image using a background Green's function and logic that renders the higher order internal multiple image for display on a display device. In another example, a non-transitory computer readable medium has a program executable by processing circuitry that generates a higher order internal multiple image using a background Green's function and renders the higher order internal multiple image for display on a display device.

  15. Multiplicity: An Explorative Interview Study on Personal Experiences of People with Multiple Selves. (United States)

    Ribáry, Gergő; Lajtai, László; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Maraz, Aniko


    Background and aims: Personality psychology research relies on the notion that humans have a single self that is the result of the individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that can be reliably described (i.e., through traits). People who identify themselves as "multiple" have a system of multiple or alternative, selves, that share the same physical body. This is the first study to explore the phenomenon of multiplicity by assessing the experiences of people who identify themselves as "multiple." Methods: First, an Internet forum search was performed using the terms "multiplicity" and "multiple system." Based on that search, people who identified themselves as multiple were contacted. Interviews were conducted by a consultant psychiatrist, which produced six case vignettes. Results: Multiplicity is discussed on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ and several other personal websites, blogs, and forums maintained by multiples. According to the study's estimates, there are 200-300 individuals who participate in these forums and believe they are multiple. Based on the six interviews, it appears that multiples have several selves who are relatively independent of each other and constitute the personality's system. Each "resident person" or self, has their own unique behavioral pattern, which is triggered by different situations. However, multiples are a heterogeneous group in terms of their system organization, memory functions, and control over switching between selves. Conclusions: Multiplicity can be placed along a continuum between identity disturbance and dissociative identity disorder (DID), although most systems function relatively well in everyday life. Further research is needed to explore this phenomenon, especially in terms of the extent to which multiplicity can be regarded as a healthy way of coping.

  16. Multiple purpose electrical profit; Emprendimiento electrico de prestacion multiple

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Assennato, H. [Electrica de Azul Ltda., Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    This paper shows the multiple purpose aspects of electrification projects in rural and isolated areas. The multiple aspects involved in the electrification process may include, over electric power supply: improvement of life quality, irrigation and rural mechanization. 4 figs., 6 tabs., 4 refs.

  17. Multiple myeloma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, Jeong Ick; Ha, Choon Ho; Choi, Karp Shik


    Multiple myeloma is a malignant plasma cell tumor that is thought to originate proliferation of a single clone of abnormal plasma cell resulting production of a whole monoclonal paraprotein. The authors experienced a case of multiple myeloma with severe mandibular osteolytic lesions in 46-year-old female. As a result of careful analysis of clinical, radiological, histopathological features, and laboratory findings, we diagnosed it as multiple myeloma, and the following results were obtained. 1. Main clinical symptoms were intermittent dull pain on the mandibular body area, abnormal sensation of lip and pain due to the fracture on the right clavicle. 2. Laboratory findings revealed M-spike, reversed serum albumin-globulin ratio, markedly elevated ESR and hypercalcemia. 3. Radiographically, multiple osteolytic punched-out radiolucencies were evident on the skull, zygoma, jaw bones, ribs, clavicle and upper extremities. Enlarged liver and increased uptakes on the lesional sites in RN scan were also observed. 4. Histopathologically, markedly hypercellular marrow with sheets of plasmoblasts and megakaryocytes were also observed.

  18. Multiple exostotic hypochondroplasia: Syndrome of combined hypochondroplasia and multiple exostoses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dominguez, R.; Young, L.W.; Girdany, B.R.; Steele, M.W.


    This is a report of a family with major focus on the daughter who had short stature. The mother had hypochondroplasia and the father had multiple exostoses. The daughter's skeletal roentgenograms show features of both hypochondroplasia and multiple exostoses. The roentgenographic, clinical and genetic aspects of these skeletal dysplasias are reviewed and hypochrondroplasia is contrasted with achondroplasia. The genetic and counseling implications of the association of hypochondroplasia and multiple exostoses are discussed. (orig.)

  19. Multiple exostotic hypochondroplasia: Syndrome of combined hypochondroplasia and multiple exostoses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dominguez, R.; Young, L.W.; Girdany, B.R.; Steele, M.W.


    This is a report of a family with major focus on the daughter who had short stature. The mother had hypochondroplasia and the father had multiple exostoses. The daughter's skeletal roentgenograms show features of both hypochondroplasia and multiple exostoses. The roentgenographic, clinical and genetic aspects of these skeletal dysplasias are reviewed and hypochrondroplasia is contrasted with achondroplasia. The genetic and counseling implications of the association of hypochondroplasia and multiple exostoses are discussed.

  20. Interacción paciente-alumno/docente a partir de la ansiedad del acto quirúrgico


    Mattano, Claudia Aurora; Capraro, María Cecilia; Capraro, Carlos Gabriel; Sparacino, Sandra; Schuler, Mónica P.; Bogo, Hernán; Ricciardi, Nicolás; Capraro, María Eugenia; Ricciardi, Alfredo


    El comportamiento de los individuos afecta positiva o negativamente a su salud dental del mismo modo que ciertas enfermedades o problemas dentales afectan al comportamiento de aquellos que la padecen. Entre las conductas de riesgo para la salud bucodental, se encuentran los hábitos orales perjudiciales, las conductas relacionadas con la dieta alimenticia, bruxismo, ansiedad comportamientos disruptivos y la evitación de tratamientos dentales. En la situación dental el miedo y la ansiedad son p...

  1. Emociones en padres y madres con hijos diagnosticados de EMG que han cometido un acto delictivo violento


    Martínez Fenoll, Carla


    Antecedentes: El diagnóstico de enfermedad mental grave (EMG) conlleva en los familiares la aparición de diversas emociones, especialmente negativas, que se relacionan directamente con un deterioro de su calidad de vida. Cuando la EMG se relaciona con un acto delictivo violento aumenta tanto la estigmatización de las personas que la padecen, como los cuidados requeridos por sus familiares, por lo que, en estos últimos, las emociones reportadas pueden ser diferentes y particulares. Objetivos: ...

  2. Multiple homicides. (United States)

    Copeland, A R


    A study of multiple homicides or multiple deaths involving a solitary incident of violence by another individual was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, Florida, during 1983-1987. A total of 107 multiple homicides were studied: 88 double, 17 triple, one quadruple, and one quintuple. The 236 victims were analyzed regarding age, race, sex, cause of death, toxicologic data, perpetrator, locale of the incident, and reason for the incident. This article compares this type of slaying with other types of homicide including those perpetrated by serial killers. Suggestions for future research in this field are offered.

  3. Neutron Multiplicity Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frame, Katherine Chiyoko [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Neutron multiplicity measurements are widely used for nondestructive assay (NDA) of special nuclear material (SNM). When combined with isotopic composition information, neutron multiplicity analysis can be used to estimate the spontaneous fission rate and leakage multiplication of SNM. When combined with isotopic information, the total mass of fissile material can also be determined. This presentation provides an overview of this technique.

  4. Patogénesis de la osteoartritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Londoño Buenaventura


    Full Text Available La osteoartritis (OA se define como el deterioro progresivo de una articulación, con pérdida y abrasión del cartílago articular acompañada de cambios histológicos, bioquímicos, estructurales y fisiológicos. Este proceso usualmente esta acompañado de alteraciones articulares consistentes en esclerosis subcondral, seudoquistes, neoformación ósea, engrosamiento sinovial y capsular y episodios de inflamación leve a moderada (I. Aunque se han utilizado diversos términos como enfermedad articular degenerativa y osteoartrosis para designar la enfermedad, el consenso actual es que el de osteoartritis es el mas adecuado.

  5. Desarrollo rural en las montañas andaluzas. Un análisis desde la sustenibilidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este artículo se inicia con una breve caracterización de las montañas andaluzas, atendiendo tanto a sus caracteres ecológicos como humanos. Se analizan a continuación los aspectos más importantes de la crisis de los modos de vida tradicionales de la que se deriva el actual modelo territorial relacionado con el agotamiento demográfico, el desequilibrio funcional, la esclerosis paisajistica y la pérdida de identidad cultural. Se estudian por último las posibilidades de desarrollo rural, derivadas principalmente de la aplicación de políticas europeas, desde la perspectiva de la sostenibilidad.

  6. [Multiple meningiomas]. (United States)

    Terrier, L-M; François, P


    Multiple meningiomas (MMs) or meningiomatosis are defined by the presence of at least 2 lesions that appear simultaneously or not, at different intracranial locations, without the association of neurofibromatosis. They present 1-9 % of meningiomas with a female predominance. The occurrence of multiple meningiomas is not clear. There are 2 main hypotheses for their development, one that supports the independent evolution of these tumors and the other, completely opposite, that suggests the propagation of tumor cells of a unique clone transformation, through cerebrospinal fluid. NF2 gene mutation is an important intrinsic risk factor in the etiology of multiple meningiomas and some exogenous risk factors have been suspected but only ionizing radiation exposure has been proven. These tumors can grow anywhere in the skull but they are more frequently observed in supratentorial locations. Their histologic types are similar to unique meningiomas of psammomatous, fibroblastic, meningothelial or transitional type and in most cases are benign tumors. The prognosis of these tumors is eventually good and does not differ from the unique tumors except for the cases of radiation-induced multiple meningiomas, in the context of NF2 or when diagnosed in children where the outcome is less favorable. Each meningioma lesion should be dealt with individually and their multiple character should not justify their resection at all costs. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  7. Multiplicity: An Explorative Interview Study on Personal Experiences of People with Multiple Selves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gergő Ribáry


    Full Text Available Background and aims: Personality psychology research relies on the notion that humans have a single self that is the result of the individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that can be reliably described (i.e., through traits. People who identify themselves as “multiple” have a system of multiple or alternative, selves, that share the same physical body. This is the first study to explore the phenomenon of multiplicity by assessing the experiences of people who identify themselves as “multiple.”Methods: First, an Internet forum search was performed using the terms “multiplicity” and “multiple system.” Based on that search, people who identified themselves as multiple were contacted. Interviews were conducted by a consultant psychiatrist, which produced six case vignettes.Results: Multiplicity is discussed on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ and several other personal websites, blogs, and forums maintained by multiples. According to the study's estimates, there are 200–300 individuals who participate in these forums and believe they are multiple. Based on the six interviews, it appears that multiples have several selves who are relatively independent of each other and constitute the personality's system. Each “resident person” or self, has their own unique behavioral pattern, which is triggered by different situations. However, multiples are a heterogeneous group in terms of their system organization, memory functions, and control over switching between selves.Conclusions: Multiplicity can be placed along a continuum between identity disturbance and dissociative identity disorder (DID, although most systems function relatively well in everyday life. Further research is needed to explore this phenomenon, especially in terms of the extent to which multiplicity can be regarded as a healthy way of coping.

  8. Multiple sclerosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grunwald, I.Q.; Kuehn, A.L.; Backens, M.; Papanagiotou, P.; Shariat, K.; Kostopoulos, P.


    Multiple sclerosis is the most common chronic inflammatory disease of myelin with interspersed lesions in the white matter of the central nervous system. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a key role in the diagnosis and monitoring of white matter diseases. This article focuses on key findings in multiple sclerosis as detected by MRI. (orig.) [de

  9. Neutron-multiplication measurement instrument

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nixon, K.V.; Dowdy, E.J.; France, S.W.; Millegan, D.R.; Robba, A.A.


    The Advanced Nuclear Technology Group of the Los Alamos National Laboratory is now using intelligent data-acquisition and analysis instrumentation for determining the multiplication of nuclear material. Earlier instrumentation, such as the large NIM-crate systems, depended on house power and required additional computation to determine multiplication or to estimate error. The portable, battery-powered multiplication measurement unit, with advanced computational power, acquires data, calculates multiplication, and completes error analysis automatically. Thus, the multiplication is determined easily and an available error estimate enables the user to judge the significance of results.

  10. Neutron multiplication measurement instrument

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nixon, K.V.; Dowdy, E.J.; France, S.W.; Millegan, D.R.; Robba, A.A.


    The Advanced Nuclear Technology Group of the Los Alamos National Laboratory is now using intelligent data-acquisition and analysis instrumentation for determining the multiplication of nuclear material. Earlier instrumentation, such as the large NIM-crate systems, depended on house power and required additional computation to determine multiplication or to estimate error. The portable, battery-powered multiplication measurement unit, with advanced computational power, acquires data, calculates multiplication, and completes error analysis automatically. Thus, the multiplication is determined easily and an available error estimate enables the user to judge the significance of results

  11. Neutron-multiplication measurement instrument

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nixon, K.V.; Dowdy, E.J.; France, S.W.; Millegan, D.R.; Robba, A.A.


    The Advanced Nuclear Technology Group of the Los Alamos National Laboratory is now using intelligent data-acquisition and analysis instrumentation for determining the multiplication of nuclear material. Earlier instrumentation, such as the large NIM-crate systems, depended on house power and required additional computation to determine multiplication or to estimate error. The portable, battery-powered multiplication measurement unit, with advanced computational power, acquires data, calculates multiplication, and completes error analysis automatically. Thus, the multiplication is determined easily and an available error estimate enables the user to judge the significance of results

  12. Multiple Improvements of Multiple Imputation Likelihood Ratio Tests


    Chan, Kin Wai; Meng, Xiao-Li


    Multiple imputation (MI) inference handles missing data by first properly imputing the missing values $m$ times, and then combining the $m$ analysis results from applying a complete-data procedure to each of the completed datasets. However, the existing method for combining likelihood ratio tests has multiple defects: (i) the combined test statistic can be negative in practice when the reference null distribution is a standard $F$ distribution; (ii) it is not invariant to re-parametrization; ...

  13. Thyroid autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases Anticuerpos antitiroideos en enfermedades autoinmunes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Regina M. Innocencio


    Full Text Available Abnormalities in the thyroid function and thyroid autoantibodies have been frequently described in patients with autoimmune diseases but seldom in antiphospholipid syndrome patients. In order to determine the prevalence of thyroid function and autoimmune abnormalities, we compared serum thyrotropin (TSH, serum free thyroxine (T4 levels, thyroid antithyroglobulin (TgAb and antithyroperoxidase (TPOAb levels of 25 patients with systemic sclerosis, 25 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 13 patients with antiphospholipid syndrome to a control group of 113 healthy individuals. Evaluation included a thorough clinical examination with particular attention to thyroid disease and a serologic immune profile including rheumatoid factor, antinuclear and anticardiolipin antibody measurements. Subclinical hypothyroidism (4.2Ciertas anormalidades en la función tiroidea y anticuerpos antitiroideos han sido frecuentemente descriptos en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes, y más raramente en pacientes con el síndrome antifosfolipídico. Para determinar la prevalencía de anormalidades en la función tiroidea y de autoinmunidad, comparamos los niveles séricos de tirotropina (TSH tiroxina libre en suero (T4 anticuerpos antitiroglobulina (TgAb y antitiroperoxidasa (TPOAb en 25 pacientes con esclerosis sistémica, 25 pacientes con artritis reumatoidea y 13 pacientes con el síndrome antifosfolipídico con un grupo control de 113 individuos aparentemente sanos. La evaluación incluyó un completo examen clínico con particular atención para las enfermedades de la tiroides y una evaluación inmunológica incluyendo dosaje del factor reumatoideo, anticuerpos antinucleares y anticardiolipina. Hipotiroidismo subclínico (4.2

  14. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output OFDM with Index Modulation


    Basar, Ertugrul


    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with index modulation (OFDM-IM) is a novel multicarrier transmission technique which has been proposed as an alternative to classical OFDM. The main idea of OFDM-IM is the use of the indices of the active subcarriers in an OFDM system as an additional source of information. In this work, we propose multiple-input multiple-output OFDM-IM (MIMO-OFDM-IM) scheme by combining OFDM-IM and MIMO transmission techniques. The low complexity transceiver structu...

  15. Stability Properties of Network Diversity Multiple Access with Multiple-Antenna Reception and Imperfect Collision Multiplicity Estimation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramiro Samano-Robles


    Full Text Available In NDMA (network diversity multiple access, protocol-controlled retransmissions are used to create a virtual MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output system, where collisions can be resolved via source separation. By using this retransmission diversity approach for collision resolution, NDMA is the family of random access protocols with the highest potential throughput. However, several issues remain open today in the modeling and design of this type of protocol, particularly in terms of dynamic stable performance and backlog delay. This paper attempts to partially fill this gap by proposing a Markov model for the study of the dynamic-stable performance of a symmetrical and non-blind NDMA protocol assisted by a multiple-antenna receiver. The model is useful in the study of stability aspects in terms of the backlog-user distribution and average backlog delay. It also allows for the investigation of the different states of the system and the transition probabilities between them. Unlike previous works, the proposed approach considers the imperfect estimation of the collision multiplicity, which is a crucial process to the performance of NDMA. The results suggest that NDMA improves not only the throughput performance over previous solutions, but also the average number of backlogged users, the average backlog delay and, in general, the stability of random access protocols. It is also shown that when multiuser detection conditions degrade, ALOHA-type backlog retransmission becomes relevant to the stable operation of NDMA.

  16. Multiple Primary Tumors

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dec 5, 2017 ... Multiple primary tumors occur in clinical practice causing diagnostic dilemma. It is not very .... was estrogen receptor negative, progesterone receptor negative, and ... cervical, ovarian, and urinary bladder cancers. Multiple.

  17. Patients with multiple contact allergies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlsen, Berit Christina; Andersen, Klaus Ejner; Menné, Torkil


    Patients with multiple contact allergies, also referred to as polysensitized, are more frequent than predicted from prevalence of single sensitivities. The understanding of why some people develop multiple contact allergies, and characterization of patients with multiple contact allergies...... of developing multiple contact allergies. Evidence of allergen clusters among polysensitized individuals is also reviewed. The literature supports the idea that patients with multiple contact allergies constitute a special entity within the field of contact allergy. There is no generally accepted definition...... of patients with multiple contact allergies. We suggest that contact allergy to 3 or more allergens are defined as multiple contact allergies....

  18. Niños violentados: el cine-debate como opción terapéutica


    Teresa Fernández de Juan


    A partir de un recuento sobre las características e importancia del uso del cine- debate, se analiza su pertinencia en el trabajo con niños que padecen maltrato intrafamiliar a partir de una primera experiencia piloto realizada en un grupo de once menores, hijos de madres violentadas. A lo largo de ocho sesiones se abor-daron problemas tales como la autoestima y autocuidado, valores (respeto, responsabilidad, unión y solidaridad), integración familiar, control de impulsos, e...



    Rivas R,Edith; Rivas L,Angélica; Barría P,R Mauricio; Sepúlveda R,Catalina


    Los adolescentes constituyen la población más expuesta a contraer enfermedades de transmisión sexual, entre otros aspectos, porque muchos experimentan su primera relación sexual sin protección. El VIH/SIDA persiste como una enfermedad socialmente temida y causa de discriminación, evidenciándose déficit de conocimientos sobre formas de contagio, conduciendo a actitudes perjudiciales hacia quienes padecen este mal. El objetivo del estudio fue describir los conocimientos y actitudes de estudiant...

  20. Trastornos de la personalidad: influencia sobre la conducta delictiva y repercusiones forenses en la jurisdicción penal


    González Guerrero, Laura


    Los trastornos de la personalidad representan exacerbaciones desadaptativas e inflexibles de los rasgos individuales, que tienen su reflejo en la cognición, emoción, motivación, relaciones y conductas de los individuos que los padecen. El principal objetivo del estudio desarrollado ha sido alcanzar un mayor conocimiento sobre cada uno de los trastornos específicos de la personalidad en el contexto jurídico penal, especialmente su influencia diferencial sobre la conducta delictiva. Para ello s...

  1. VIH e infecciones oportunistas: un tema de actualidad y motivo de interés en nuestra familia FELSOCEM.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Felipe Parra Velasco


    Full Text Available Me complace observar, la forma en que los estudiantes de medicina se concientizan de problemas grandes de nuestra sociedad, que impactan la salud en términos de mortalidad. Es el caso del VIH; referenciado en un artículo de la edición anterior; denominado “Infecciones oportunistas en individuos VIH hospitalizados. Hospital Vargas de Caracas. 2005 - 2006”, poniendo en manifiesto las infecciones oportunistas como factor determinante en la sobrevida de los pacientes que padecen esta enfermedad (...

  2. MultipleColposcopyJCO (United States)

    Performing multiple biopsies during a procedure known as colposcopy—visual inspection of the cervix—is more effective than performing only a single biopsy of the worst-appearing area for detecting cervical cancer precursors. This multiple biopsy approach

  3. Generalized internal multiple imaging

    KAUST Repository

    Zuberi, M. A. H.


    Internal multiples deteriorate the image when the imaging procedure assumes only single scattering, especially if the velocity model does not have sharp contrasts to reproduce such scattering in the Green’s function through forward modeling. If properly imaged, internal multiples (internally scattered energy) can enhance the seismic image. Conventionally, to image internal multiples, accurate, sharp contrasts in the velocity model are required to construct a Green’s function with all the scattered energy. As an alternative, we have developed a generalized internal multiple imaging procedure that images any order internal scattering using the background Green’s function (from the surface to each image point), constructed from a smooth velocity model, usually used for conventional imaging. For the first-order internal multiples, the approach consisted of three steps, in which we first back propagated the recorded surface seismic data using the background Green’s function, then crosscorrelated the back-propagated data with the recorded data, and finally crosscorrelated the result with the original background Green’s function. This procedure images the contribution of the recorded first-order internal multiples, and it is almost free of the single-scattering recorded energy. The cost includes one additional crosscorrelation over the conventional single-scattering imaging application. We generalized this method to image internal multiples of any order separately. The resulting images can be added to the conventional single-scattering image, obtained, e.g., from Kirchhoff or reverse-time migration, to enhance the image. Application to synthetic data with reflectors illuminated by multiple scattering (double scattering) demonstrated the effectiveness of the approach.

  4. El virus HHV-6 y su relación con los trastornos del neurodesarrollo.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alma Dzib Goodin


    Full Text Available Casos / Brief Report Resumen El virus HHV-6 es parte de la familia de los herpesvirus y se encuentra presente en la mayoría de los humanos, aunque sólo se activa para atacar a su huésped en casos donde se presenta inmunodepresión. Posee dos subtipos que se diferencian por el tamaño y la forma de infección que son el HHV-6A y el HHV-6B. En los recién nacidos, se le ha detectado y relacionado con trastornos neuro pediátricos desde hace más de 15 años. Principalmente se le relaciona con la epilepsia benigna, las convulsiones febriles, la encefalitis, la meningoencefalitis, la meningitis y la esclerosis multiple. Actualmente el virus se evoca en estudios de caso relacionados con los trastornos del neurodesarrollo, debido a que éste puede atacar el Sistema Nervioso Central. El daño causado se manifestaría a largo plazo a través de una presentación sintomática similar a lo que se observa por ejemplo en los trastornos del espectro autista. Este artículo busca analizar la presencia del virus y su relación con los trastornos del desarrollo en infantes alrededor del mundo.

  5. Programas de fisioterapia y rehabilitación cardiaca en la tercera edad


    Marqués Sulé, Elena


    Los ancianos padecen varios problemas que afectan a su calidad de vida, posiblemente los más evidentes lo son a nivel del aparato locomotor. Otras patologías, como la patología cardiaca, repercuten de forma muy evidente en la funcionalidad de la persona mayor. Prácticamente la vejez y los procesos fisiopatológicos que conlleva la misma son subsidiarios de fisioterapia. Los ancianos representan un elevado porcentaje del total de pacientes que sufren patolgías cardiacas. Aun así, tradicionalmen...

  6. Tuberculosis en el hospital de infecciosas Francisco Javier Muñíz 1998 al 2001


    Moretti, Blanca


    El número de pacientes con Tuberculosis (TB) ha aumentado y este incremento se debe a que los pacientes con hiv (+) padecen, entre sus enfermedades oportunistas, de TB. En algunas ocasiones el modo de presentación de la misma es multirresistente. El hospital Muñiz no se encontraba preparado para la gran afluencia de este tipo de enfermos, y resulta necesario conocer el perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes internados a fin de adecuar acciones para su cuidado. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la prevale...

  7. Caso Clínico: Plan de cuidados al paciente con hemorragia subaracnoidea


    Sánchez Galarraga, Iciar


    Trabajo fin de grado en Enfermería Introducción: La hemorragia subaracnoidea es una de las enfermedades cerebrovasculares que a pesar de ser poco frecuente en España, tiene una mortalidad elevada y produce secuelas que conllevan un gran impacto en la vida de quienes la padecen. Objetivo: Realizar un plan de cuidados estandarizado para el paciente con hemorragia subaracnoidea compleja. Material y Método: Durante el primer día de ingreso, se realiza una entrevista a cerca del estado de...

  8. El efecto de autogeneración como estrategia de rehabilitación de la memoria


    Quijano, María; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali - Colombia; Aponte, Mónica; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali - Colombia


    La memoria es uno de los procesos psicológicos más importantes en el desarrollo humano, ya que juega un papel esencial en el aprendizaje y en consecuencia en la realización de muchas de las actividades de la vida diaria; razón por la cual, el compromiso de esta facultad es considerada una de las alteraciones más incapacitantes en los seres humanos y que más afecta a las personas que padecen enfermedades asociadas con envejecimiento y trauma craneoence...

  9. Trastornos Asociados a la Deficiencia de Yodo. Vigilancia permanente es deficitaria en zonas vulnerables


    Hernando Vargas-Uricoechea; Carlos Hernán Sierra-Torres; Claudia Milena Holguín Betancourt; Laura Cristancho Torres


    Los Desórdenes por Deficiencia de Yodo (DDY) son uno de los mayores problemas en salud pública en el mundo actual, en especial en niños y embarazadas. Estos trastornos truncan el desarrollo socioeconómico en aquellas zonas que los padecen; las poblaciones que viven en zonas yodo-deficientes siempre van a estar expuestas a sufrir las consecuencias originadas por esta deficiencia, en especial el aumento en la mortalidad perinatal, retardo mental, alteraciones en la síntesis de hormonas tiroide...

  10. Alteraciones emocionales en la enfermedad de Parkinson idiopático sin demencia


    Hurtado González, Carlos Alberto


    [ES]Actualmente la enfermedad de Parkinson ha comenzado a ser considerada como una patología de carácter neuroconductual cognitivo que se encuentra relacionada con alteraciones emocionales como la depresión, ansiedad y apatía que contribuyen a desmejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes que padecen esta enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo tiene como propósito estudiar y analizar las alteraciones emocionales (depresión, ansiedad y apatía) en pacientes con EP sin demencia en est...



    Ricci A, Paolo; Lema C, Rodrigo; Solà D, Vicente; Wash F, Alex; Pardo S, Jack


    Antecedentes: La neuralgia del nervio pudendo pocas veces es sospechada y menos diagnosticada. Por esta razón, las pacientes que la padecen, consultan múltiples veces antes de llegar a un diagnóstico definitivo. Objetivo: Revisar la seguridad y eficacia de la infiltración de nervio pudendo, en el tratamiento del dolor en pacientes con neuralgia del nervio pudendo. Método: Seguimiento prospectivo de cinco pacientes ingresadas bajo el diagnóstico de síndrome de atrapamiento del nervio pudendo. ...

  12. Uso de técnicas de recomendación en sistemas dispersos


    Fernández Iglesias, Diego


    [Resumen] En esta tesis nos centramos en el problema que padecen los sistemas de recomendación basados en filtrado colaborativo para recomendar cuando pocos usuarios han valorado los mismos productos: el problema de la dispersión de datos. El análisis de datasets realizado en el dominio de recomendación de películas evidencia las limitaciones de las medidas de similitud tradicionales de los algoritmos basados en vecinos y el elevado número de usuarios con pocas puntuaciones. Para paliar e...

  13. Reporte de familias con neurofibromatosis y otras enfermedades genéticas


    Orraca Castillo, Miladys; Licourt Otero, Deysi; Sánchez Álvarez de La Campa, Ana Isabel


    La neurofibromatosis tipo 1, es una enfermedad genética que primariamente afecta el desarrollo y crecimiento celular del sistema nervioso, clínicamente se caracteriza por máculas café con leche, neurofibromas, pecas en regiones no expuestas al sol, nódulos de Lisch, lesiones óseas y glioma óptico. En el presente trabajo se describen dos familias, en las cuales algunos individuos padecen esta enfermedad y otros miembros de la misma familia muestran una diferente enfermedad genética. La coexist...

  14. Determinación de la producción de Öxido Nítrico en Macrófagos Activados J774.1 como respuesta al tamaño de la carga fagocítica de partículas de látex y Leishmania amazonensis Determination of Nitric Oxide Production in Activate Macrophages J774.1 as effect of Phagocitic Load Volume of Latex Beads and Leishmania amazonensis


    Camargo Jiménez Maria Helena; Camacho Maria Marcela


    La leishmaniosis es una enfermedad parasitaria causada por el protozoario Leishmania. Cercade 12 millones de personas padecen esta enfermedad y 350 millones de personas están enriesgo de contraerla. Existe evidencia de que la infección por Leishmania amazonensisdisminuyela producción de óxido nítrico (NO) de macrófagos; se ha interpretado que este deterioroes inducido por el parásito. Esta investigación corrobora esta idea, pero contradice que seaexclusivo de la infección. En este trabajo, cu...

  15. Definición y clasificación de las úlceras por presión


    Blanco López, José Luis


    Recordar, repasar y revisar conceptos relacionados con las Úlceras por Presión (UPP), como su etiopatogenia etiología, clasificación y epidemiología, a la vez de servir de introducción del tema, nos ayudará a compartir y unificar con los podólogos interesados unas recomendaciones en el ámbito de los cuidados y la educación sanitaria de las personas con riesgo de desarrollar úlceras por presión o de aquellas que ya las padecen.

  16. Intervención fisioterápica prequirúrgicaen gonartrosis. Revisión bibliográfica narrativa


    Ochoa García, Patricia


    La artrosis es una enfermedad degenerativa que genera un elevado coste sociosanitario. Tiene una incidencia elevada y afecta de forma severa la calidad de vida de los pacientes que la padecen. El objetivo planteado en este trabajo es conocer lo publicado sobre las técnicas fisioterápicas utilizadas en el tratamiento prequirúrgico de gonartrosis. La búsqueda de información se ha llevado a cabo utilizando bases de datos como Pubmed (Medline), PEDro y Science Direct y se han utilizado las palabr...

  17. Definición y clasificación de las úlceras por presión


    Blanco López, José Luis


    Recordar, repasar y revisar conceptos relacionados con las Úlceras por Presión (UPP), como su etiopatogenia etiología, clasificación y epidemiología, a la vez de servir de introducción del tema, nos ayudará a compartir y unificar con los podólogos interesados unas recomendaciones en el ámbito de los cuidados y la educación sanitaria de las personas con riesgo de desarrollar úlceras por presión o de aquellas que ya las padecen.

  18. Probióticos, prebióticos y simbióticos en el síndrome de intestino irritable


    Guzmán Calderón, Edson; Montes Teves, Pedro; Monge Salgado, Eduardo


    El síndrome del intestino irritable es un trastorno común que afecta a millones de personas en todo el mundo. Dicho transtorno tiene un impacto significativo en la calidad de vida de las personas que lo padecen afectando en mayor o menor medida la esfera sociolaboral de estos individuos con el consecuente sufrimiento individual e impacto macroeconómico por aumento en las tasas de ausentismo y rendimiento laboral. Los prebióticos y probióticos son suplementos de la dieta no digerible, elemento...

  19. Aspectos éticos en el tamizaje de hipoacusia neonatal en Chile


    Cardemil M, Felipe


    La hipoacusia neonatal representa una de las anormalidades congênitas más frecuentes. La importancia radica en que si no se detecta oportunamente, impacta en el desarrollo del lenguaje, en las habilidades de comunicación, y en el desarrollo cognitivo y social de las personas. En Chile no se tienen estimaciones certeras de la incidencia poblacional en los recién nacidos que padecen esta condición, debido a que no existe un programa nacional de tamizaje neonatal de hipoacusia. En el presente ar...

  20. Orchestrating Multiple Intelligences (United States)

    Moran, Seana; Kornhaber, Mindy; Gardner, Howard


    Education policymakers often go astray when they attempt to integrate multiple intelligences theory into schools, according to the originator of the theory, Howard Gardner, and his colleagues. The greatest potential of a multiple intelligences approach to education grows from the concept of a profile of intelligences. Each learner's intelligence…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nandigama Pratap Kumar


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Meningiomas of the spinal canal are common tumours with the incidence of 25 percent of all spinal cord tumours. But multiple spinal canal meningiomas are rare in compare to solitary lesions and account for 2 to 3.5% of all spinal meningiomas. Most of the reported cases are both intra cranial and spinal. Exclusive involvement of the spinal canal by multiple meningiomas are very rare. We could find only sixteen cases in the literature to the best of our knowledge. Exclusive multiple spinal canal meningiomas occurring in the first two decades of life are seldom reported in the literature. We are presenting a case of multiple spinal canal meningiomas in a young patient of 17 years, who was earlier operated for single lesion. We analysed the literature, with illustration of our case. MATERIALS AND METHODS In September 2016, we performed a literature search for multiple spinal canal meningiomas involving exclusively the spinal canal with no limitation for language and publication date. The search was conducted through, a wellknown worldwide internet medical address. To the best of our knowledge, we could find only sixteen cases of multiple meningiomas exclusively confined to the spinal canal. Exclusive multiple spinal canal meningiomas occurring in the first two decades of life are seldom reported in the literature. We are presenting a case of multiple spinal canal meningiomas in a young patient of 17 years, who was earlier operated for solitary intradural extra medullary spinal canal meningioma at D4-D6 level, again presented with spastic quadriparesis of two years duration and MRI whole spine demonstrated multiple intradural extra medullary lesions, which were excised completely and the histopathological diagnosis was transitional meningioma. RESULTS Patient recovered from his weakness and sensory symptoms gradually and bladder and bowel symptoms improved gradually over a period of two to three weeks. CONCLUSION Multiple

  2. Maltreatment in multiple-birth children. (United States)

    Lang, Cathleen A; Cox, Matthew J; Flores, Glenn


    The rate of multiple births has increased over the last two decades. In 1982, an increased frequency of injuries among this patient population was noted, but few studies have evaluated the increased incidence of maltreatment in twins. The study aim was to evaluate the features of all multiple-birth children with substantiated physical abuse and/or neglect over a four-year period at a major children's hospital. A Retrospective chart review was conducted of multiple-gestation children in which at least one child in the multiple set experienced child maltreatment from January 2006 to December 2009. Data regarding the child, injuries, family, and perpetrators were abstracted. We evaluated whether family and child characteristics were associated with maltreatment, and whether types of injuries were similar within multiple sets. For comparison, data from the same time period for single-birth maltreated children also were abstracted, including child age, gestational age at birth, and injury type. There were 19 sets of multiple births in which at least one child had abusive injuries and/or neglect. In 10 of 19 sets (53%), all multiples were found to have a form of maltreatment, and all children in these multiple sets shared at least one injury type. Parents lived together in 63% of cases. Fathers and mothers were the alleged perpetrator in 42% of the cases. Multiple-gestation-birth maltreated children were significantly more likely than single-birth maltreated children to have abdominal trauma (13% vs. 1%, respectively; pchildren often, but not always, were abused. In sets with two maltreated children, children usually shared the same modes of maltreatment. Multiples are significantly more likely than singletons to be younger and experience fractures and abdominal trauma. The findings support the current standard practice of evaluating all children in a multiple set when one is found to be abused or neglected. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Multiple sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stenager, Egon; Stenager, E N; Knudsen, Lone


    In a cross-sectional study of 117 randomly selected patients (52 men, 65 women) with definite multiple sclerosis, it was found that 76 percent were married or cohabitant, 8 percent divorced. Social contacts remained unchanged for 70 percent, but outgoing social contacts were reduced for 45 percent......, need for structural changes in home and need for pension became greater with increasing physical handicap. No significant differences between gender were found. It is concluded that patients and relatives are under increased social strain, when multiple sclerosis progresses to a moderate handicap...

  4. Applying Multiple Intelligences (United States)

    Christodoulou, Joanna A.


    The ideas of multiple intelligences introduced by Howard Gardner of Harvard University more than 25 years ago have taken form in many ways, both in schools and in other sometimes-surprising settings. The silver anniversary of Gardner's learning theory provides an opportunity to reflect on the ways multiple intelligences theory has taken form and…

  5. Multiple-membrane multiple-electrolyte redox flow battery design (United States)

    Yan, Yushan; Gu, Shuang; Gong, Ke


    A redox flow battery is provided. The redox flow battery involves multiple-membrane (at least one cation exchange membrane and at least one anion exchange membrane), multiple-electrolyte (one electrolyte in contact with the negative electrode, one electrolyte in contact with the positive electrode, and at least one electrolyte disposed between the two membranes) as the basic characteristic, such as a double-membrane, triple electrolyte (DMTE) configuration or a triple-membrane, quadruple electrolyte (TMQE) configuration. The cation exchange membrane is used to separate the negative or positive electrolyte and the middle electrolyte, and the anion exchange membrane is used to separate the middle electrolyte and the positive or negative electrolyte.

  6. Multiplicity: discussion points from the Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry multiplicity expert group. (United States)

    Phillips, Alan; Fletcher, Chrissie; Atkinson, Gary; Channon, Eddie; Douiri, Abdel; Jaki, Thomas; Maca, Jeff; Morgan, David; Roger, James Henry; Terrill, Paul


    In May 2012, the Committee of Health and Medicinal Products issued a concept paper on the need to review the points to consider document on multiplicity issues in clinical trials. In preparation for the release of the updated guidance document, Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry held a one-day expert group meeting in January 2013. Topics debated included multiplicity and the drug development process, the usefulness and limitations of newly developed strategies to deal with multiplicity, multiplicity issues arising from interim decisions and multiregional development, and the need for simultaneous confidence intervals (CIs) corresponding to multiple test procedures. A clear message from the meeting was that multiplicity adjustments need to be considered when the intention is to make a formal statement about efficacy or safety based on hypothesis tests. Statisticians have a key role when designing studies to assess what adjustment really means in the context of the research being conducted. More thought during the planning phase needs to be given to multiplicity adjustments for secondary endpoints given these are increasing in importance in differentiating products in the market place. No consensus was reached on the role of simultaneous CIs in the context of superiority trials. It was argued that unadjusted intervals should be employed as the primary purpose of the intervals is estimation, while the purpose of hypothesis testing is to formally establish an effect. The opposing view was that CIs should correspond to the test decision whenever possible. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. Multiple primary cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Gyu Sik; Lee, Ouk; Kim, So Sun; Kim, Ho Joon; Chun, Byung Hee; Joh, Young Duck


    It is rare for one human being to be afflicted with more than one cancer. However with further advances in therapeutic regimens, histopathologic observation, diagnostic modalities, and increased curiosity, there are increasing number of case reports of multiple primary cancer. The present study evaluates 25 histologically confirmed cases of multiple primary cancer from 1974 to 1988 at Kosin Medical Center. The most frequent site of the first primary cancer in male was stomach and in female, uterine cervix. The first primary cancer in female occurred in endocrine-related organs (breast, uterus and thyroid) in 63.6 percent. Synchronous cancers are diagnosed simultaneously or within an interval of about six months and synchronous cancers were 16 out of 25 cases. Metachronous cancers are diagnosed at interval of more than six months. There were 9 metachronous cancers and average interval between the first and second primary cancer was 22.8 months. The incidence of multiple primary cancer was 0.11 percent. The average age was 51.9 years at the time of the first primary cancer (53.1 years in male and 50.3 years in female). CT scan was most helpful in early detection of multiple primary cancers facilitating biopsy and surgery. Multiple primary cancers are beyond the medical curiosity. Early diagnosis of the disease and careful follow-up study, based on an awareness of the possibility of second cancers, will substantially increase the survival of these patients

  8. Multiple attenuation to reflection seismic data using Radon filter and Wave Equation Multiple Rejection (WEMR) method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erlangga, Mokhammad Puput [Geophysical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Ganesha Street no.10 Basic Science B Buliding fl.2-3 Bandung, 40132, West Java Indonesia (Indonesia)


    Separation between signal and noise, incoherent or coherent, is important in seismic data processing. Although we have processed the seismic data, the coherent noise is still mixing with the primary signal. Multiple reflections are a kind of coherent noise. In this research, we processed seismic data to attenuate multiple reflections in the both synthetic and real seismic data of Mentawai. There are several methods to attenuate multiple reflection, one of them is Radon filter method that discriminates between primary reflection and multiple reflection in the τ-p domain based on move out difference between primary reflection and multiple reflection. However, in case where the move out difference is too small, the Radon filter method is not enough to attenuate the multiple reflections. The Radon filter also produces the artifacts on the gathers data. Except the Radon filter method, we also use the Wave Equation Multiple Elimination (WEMR) method to attenuate the long period multiple reflection. The WEMR method can attenuate the long period multiple reflection based on wave equation inversion. Refer to the inversion of wave equation and the magnitude of the seismic wave amplitude that observed on the free surface, we get the water bottom reflectivity which is used to eliminate the multiple reflections. The WEMR method does not depend on the move out difference to attenuate the long period multiple reflection. Therefore, the WEMR method can be applied to the seismic data which has small move out difference as the Mentawai seismic data. The small move out difference on the Mentawai seismic data is caused by the restrictiveness of far offset, which is only 705 meter. We compared the real free multiple stacking data after processing with Radon filter and WEMR process. The conclusion is the WEMR method can more attenuate the long period multiple reflection than the Radon filter method on the real (Mentawai) seismic data.

  9. Accurate scaling on multiplicity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golokhvastov, A.I.


    The commonly used formula of KNO scaling P n =Ψ(n/ ) for descrete distributions (multiplicity distributions) is shown to contradict mathematically the condition ΣP n =1. The effect is essential even at ISR energies. A consistent generalization of the concept of similarity for multiplicity distributions is obtained. The multiplicity distributions of negative particles in PP and also e + e - inelastic interactions are similar over the whole studied energy range. Collider data are discussed. 14 refs.; 8 figs

  10. Automatic plankton image classification combining multiple view features via multiple kernel learning. (United States)

    Zheng, Haiyong; Wang, Ruchen; Yu, Zhibin; Wang, Nan; Gu, Zhaorui; Zheng, Bing


    Plankton, including phytoplankton and zooplankton, are the main source of food for organisms in the ocean and form the base of marine food chain. As the fundamental components of marine ecosystems, plankton is very sensitive to environment changes, and the study of plankton abundance and distribution is crucial, in order to understand environment changes and protect marine ecosystems. This study was carried out to develop an extensive applicable plankton classification system with high accuracy for the increasing number of various imaging devices. Literature shows that most plankton image classification systems were limited to only one specific imaging device and a relatively narrow taxonomic scope. The real practical system for automatic plankton classification is even non-existent and this study is partly to fill this gap. Inspired by the analysis of literature and development of technology, we focused on the requirements of practical application and proposed an automatic system for plankton image classification combining multiple view features via multiple kernel learning (MKL). For one thing, in order to describe the biomorphic characteristics of plankton more completely and comprehensively, we combined general features with robust features, especially by adding features like Inner-Distance Shape Context for morphological representation. For another, we divided all the features into different types from multiple views and feed them to multiple classifiers instead of only one by combining different kernel matrices computed from different types of features optimally via multiple kernel learning. Moreover, we also applied feature selection method to choose the optimal feature subsets from redundant features for satisfying different datasets from different imaging devices. We implemented our proposed classification system on three different datasets across more than 20 categories from phytoplankton to zooplankton. The experimental results validated that our system

  11. Multiple embryos, multiple nepionts and multiple equatorial layers in Cycloclypeus carpenteri. (United States)

    Briguglio, Antonino; Kinoshita, Shunichi; Wolfgring, Erik; Hohenegger, Johann


    In this study, 17 specimens of Cycloclypeus carpenteri have been analyzed by means of microCT scanning. We used CT scanning technique as it enables the visualization and the quantifications of internal structures of hollow specimens without their destruction. It has been observed that many specimens possessing the natural morphology of this taxon, actually contain multiple embryos (up to 16 in one single specimen) and, in some few cases, multiple nepionts each with its own heterosteginid chambers (up to three separated nepionts). The diameter of each proloculus has been measured, and as a result, they are very variable even within the same specimen, therefore questioning the long known theory that schizonts have smaller proloculi than gamonts and also questioning the fact that proloculi in the same species should all have comparable size. Furthermore, we have observed the presence of additional equatorial planes on several specimens. Such additional planes are always connected to what seems to be the main equatorial plane. Such connections are T-shaped and are located at the junction between two equatorial layers; these junctions are made by a chamberlet, which possesses an unusually higher number of apertures. The connections between equatorial planes are always perfectly synchronized with the relative growth step and the same chamber can be therefore followed along the multiple equatorial planes. Apparently there is a perfect geometric relationship between the creation of additional equatorial planes and the position of the nepionts. Whenever the nepionts are positioned on different planes, additional planes are created and the angle of the nepionts is related to the banding angle of the equatorial planes. The presence of additional planes do not hamper the life of the cell, on the contrary, it seems that the cell is still able to build nicely shaped chamberlets and, after volumetric calculations, it seems all specimens managed to keep their logistic growth

  12. Síndrome Asperger: Intervención en la pragmática con alumnos de Educación Primaria


    Ortuño-Giné, Anaïs


    Actualmente el número de alumnos con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE) ha ido en aumento en las aulas de centros ordinarios. Hoy en día podemos ver muchos alumnos con Trastornos Generalizados de Desarrollo (TGD) o Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA), dentro de los que se encuentra el Síndrome de Asperger, que es con el que más alumnos están escolarizados de forma ordinaria. Para los alumnos con estas características la escuela inclusiva es complicada, ya que padecen un déficit notable...

  13. El Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad en las relaciones interpersonales


    Tienza Nebreda, Cristina


    El trabajo se basa en la revisión bibliográfica de uno de los trastornos de la personalidad más curiosos y complejos, el Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad (TLP). Afecta aproximadamente al 2% de la población general y se caracteriza fundamentalmente por la inestabilidad en las relaciones interpersonales de las personas que lo padecen. Se profundiza en las características clínicas que lo describen, los tratamientos existentes, así como las teorías fundamentales que darían explicación a la men...

  14. Psicopatología, emotividad negativa y desadaptación en mujeres víctimas de violencia de género


    Santandreu Oliver, Marta


    La violencia contra las mujeres constituye un grave problema que causa una evidente alarma social y que compromete seriamente la salud física y psicológica de las mujeres y la de sus hijas e hijos. El objetivo general de esta tesis doctoral por compendio de publicaciones es conocer los fenómenos psicológicos que explican las causas y consecuencias de la psicopatología asociada que padecen un conjunto de mujeres víctimas de violencia de género que acudieron al servicio de asistencia psicológic...

  15. Tratamiento combinado de cicatrices de larga evolución: Resultado estético y reparador en una adolescente Combined treatment of old scars: Aesthetic and reparative results in an adolescent


    G M Ferraro; M C Arrastia; M E Ziella; I Hrabar; A Santos Muñoz; M R Tantignone


    Las cicatrices extensas son lesiones que condicionan la vida de los pacientes que las padecen, produciendo retracción social o como en este caso condicionando la vestimenta de una joven adolescente de 15 años. Se realiza el tratamiento de cicatrices postquemadura que padece desde los 2 meses de edad, combinando diversos métodos como peeling, mesoterapia, dermoabrasión y ultrasonido, obteniendo como resultado la mejoría clínica, estética y psicológica, brindándole una calidad de vida superior....

  16. Las interacciones educativas de padres con hijos con deficiencias auditivas. Una revisión desde la perspectiva del estatus auditivo de los padres


    Jiménez Morago, Jesús Miguel; Muñoz Silva, Alicia


    En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión de las características de las interacciones educativas de padres con hijos con defi ciencias auditivas. Para ello, se distingue entre las familias en las que los padres son oyentes de aquéllas en las que los padres también padecen pérdidas de audición. El análisis de las peculiaridades de las interacciones educativas en ambos tipos de familias arroja diferencias notables, principalmente relacionadas con la calidad de la estimulaci...

  17. Estudio de las Inteligencias Múltiples en el TDAH: propuesta de intervención


    León-Sánchez, Susana de los Ángeles


    La Teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples, (IM) aparece en 1983 como alternativa al concepto tradicional de inteligencia y reconoce la existencia de diferentes formas de entender y estudiar de forma más contextualizada y pragmática. En este estudio se investigan las dificultades que pueden mostrar, en sus inteligencias múltiples, un grupo de niños que padecen TDAH de los tres subtipos, con respecto a un grupo de niños que no padece dicho trastorno, para poder realizar un programa de intervenci...

  18. Adenovirus oncolíticos como estrategia terapéutica para tumores del sistema nervioso central


    Vera-Cano, B. (Beatriz); Alonso M.M. (Marta Maria); Saez-Castresana, J. (Javier)


    La descripción de los distintos tumores cerebrales y sus alteraciones genéticas ha demostrado ser una herramienta importante para la mejora en el diagnóstico y clasificación de los pacientes que los padecen. Sin embargo, los avances en el tratamiento de estas enfermedades no han ido a la par y a pesar de todos los esfuerzos terapéuticos estos pacientes siguen sucumbiendo a la enfermedad. Los adenovirus oncolíticos diseñados para replicarse y destruir a las células tumorales representan una es...

  19. Disability due to auditory and vestibular dysfunction in a specialized care center


    Gutiérrez-Márquez, Aralia; Jáuregui-Renaud, Kathrine; Viveros-Renteria, Leticia; Villanueva-Padrón, Laura Alejandra


    Objetivo: identificar la limitación que en su vida diaria padecen los pacientes evaluados por hipoacusia o enfermedad vestibular en un Centro de Atención Especializada del IMSS. Método: participaron 530 pacientes evaluados por primera vez con hipoacusia (n=252) o enfermedad vestibular (n=278), de los cuales eran económicamente activos 54 y 50% respectivamente. Después de la evaluación especializada y de la administración un cuestionario de síntomas co cleovestibulares, se identificó la frecue...

  20. Ozonoterapia y electroestimulación en retinosis pigmentaria Ozone therapy and electrical stimulation in pigmentary retinitis


    Lázaro Joaquín Pérez Aguiar; Obel García Báez; Ceferino Román González; Silvia Menéndez Cepero


    OBJETIVO: Profundizar en los efectos de la ozonoterapia y electroestimulación sobre la función visual de los pacientes que padecen retinosis pigmentaria. MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 186 pacientes portadores de retinosis pigmentaria. Fueron agrupados atendiendo a los estadios clínicos de la clasificación cubana (4 grupos). Se aplicó ozonoterapia y electroestimulación, una sesión diaria de cada una durante 14 días. Se realizó un examen oftalmológico antes y después del tratamiento, para la agudeza v...

  1. Las enfermedades "olvidadas" de América Latina y el Caribe: un problema de salud pública global


    Altagracia-Martínez, Marina; Kravzov-Jinich, Jaime; Moreno-Bonett, Consuelo; López-Naranjo, Francisco; Martínez-Núñez, Juan Manuel


    Las enfermedades tropicales olvidadas (ETO) son un grupo de enfermedades infecciosas y no infecciosas que empobrecen a las poblaciones que las padecen. Dentro de las principales causas de dichas enfermedades la más común es la extrema pobreza de muchos pobladores que viven en países en desarrollo. Su control y eliminación es reconocido como una prioridad a alcanzar en las metas de desarrollo del milenio de las Naciones Unidas. Los objetivos de la presente revisión son describir la situación d...

  2. Efectividad de la terapia de presión negativa en las úlceras de pie diabético. Revisión crítica de la literatura


    Liñeira García, Tamara


    El aumento de la esperanza de vida en el último siglo ha generado una población envejecida con problemas de salud crónicos, en ocasiones difíciles de tratar. Entre los problemas de salud crónicos destacan las heridas crónicas, concretamente las úlceras de pie diabético, que suponen un importante problema de salud tanto para las personas que las padecen como para los sistemas sanitarios. Este tipo de heridas crónicas se caracterizan por su difícil manejo con terapias convencionales que en o...

  3. Osteoporosis post-menopáusica, una revisión exhaustiva de su manejo actual


    Herrero Rochina, Soledad


    La Osteoporosis es una enfermedad caracterizada por una baja densidad mineral y un deterioro de la micro-arquitectura ósea, lo que desencadena una fragilidad de la misma y una mayor probabilidad de tener una fractura. Se estima que unos 200 millones de personas la sufren actualmente, y que el 30-40% de las mujeres post-menopáusicas la padecen. Además, debido a que es una enfermedad en muchas ocasiones silente, un gran porcentaje de mujeres no están diagnosticadas. El presente trabajo tiene...

  4. Complejidades de la ciudad moderna e ideales utópicos


    Sharp, Dennis


    El presente artículo se centra en el dilema que padecen muchas de nuestras ciudades. Cómo convivir con la presencia del pasado, reconocerla y al mismo tiempo , ser sensible y creativo con ello, sin sofocar al pasado ni a las aspiraciones de futuro. Como muchas grandes ciudades, Buenos Aires es un sitio en donde la evidencia física del pasado posee una fuerte influencia sobre el esquema de la ciudad, facilitando un contexto –y un escenario- para el presente, así como una inspiración para de...

  5. Impacto de la cirugía bariátrica en la calidad de vida y en la calidad de alimentación


    Safar, María Nahime


    La obesidad mórbida es una enfermedad crónica resultante de una compleja interacción entre factores genéticos y medioambientales, que se caracteriza por el exceso de grasa corporal progresiva. Se asocia a un mayor riesgo de mortalidad sobre todo de origen cardiovascular, así como a una serie de comorbilidades, además de una gran afectación psicológica que disminuye la calidad y la esperanza de vida de los pacientes que la padecen. La cirugía de la obesidad mórbida o cirug...

  6. Programas de Rehabilitación Psicosocial en la Atención Comunitaria a las Personas con Psicosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan González Cases


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende presentar los principales programas de rehabilitación psicosocial enfocados hacia la mejora de la calidad de vida, autonomía, integración social y manejo de la enfermedad en personas que padecen un trastorno mental grave y duradero, en especial esquizofrenia. Además se señalarán algunas consideraciones metodológicas sobre la aplicación de dichos programas, sus elementos esenciales y la importancia de implementar programas e intervenciones que tengan cierto aval de eficacia y utilidad.

  7. Estimulación del nervio tibial para el tratamiento de la incontinencia fecal. Valoración de la respuesta motora anorrectal y determinación de los parámetros técnicos de estimulación que predicen mejor respuesta clínica


    Rodríguez Carrillo, Rodolfo


    INTRODUCCIÓN. La incontinencia fecal es un proceso con una relativa alta prevalencia, que oscila en estudios epidemiológicos entre el 11 y el 17%. Afecta de manera considerable la calidad de vida de las personas que la padecen. Obedece a una etiopatogenia multifactorial en donde se ven involucrados factores anatómicos y funcionales. La aplicación de las terapias de neuroestimulación en el campo de la patología pélvica se ha llevado a cabo de manera progresiva. La existencia de patología...

  8. Epidemiología de la disfunción eréctil: Factores de riesgo


    Prieto Castro, Rafael; Campos Hernández, Pablo; Robles Casilda, Rafael; Ruíz García, Jesús; Requena Tapia, María José


    En 1993, la conferencia de consenso sobre la impotencia del NIH (Nacional Institute of Health), define la Disfunción Eréctil (DE) como "la incapacidad permanente para iniciar o mantener una erección suficiente como para permitir una relación sexual satisfactoria". La Disfunción Eréctil (DE), es un trastorno frecuente que afecta negativamente a la calidad de vida de los varones que la padecen. Su prevalencia varía entre diferentes países, culturas y razas. Los primeros estudios poblaciones pub...

  9. Evaluación de la intervención psicooncológica mediante Counselling en pacientes con cáncer diferenciado de tiroides en tratamiento con radioyodo.


    Javaloyes Bernácer, Nuria


    El hecho de recibir un diagnóstico de cáncer y el tratamiento del mismo causan habitualmente una profunda herida emocional a las personas que lo padecen y a su familia. Por esto, el paciente diagnosticado de cáncer debe ser tratado de forma que mantenga la mejor calidad de vida (CV) y bienestar psicológico posibles, cuidando de manera especial todos los factores que originen problemas emocionales (ansiedad y/o depresión) y alteraciones de la vida social, laboral y familiar. Los pacientes ...

  10. Sinopsis: Informe De La Nutricion Mundial 2014: Fortalecer la accion y la responsabilidad para acelerar los progresos en nutricion en el mundo


    International Food Policy Research Institute


    Una buena nutrición es fundamental para promover vidas saludables, medios de subsistencia sólidos y resistentes, y economías prósperas. Sin ella, estos empeños se asientan sobre terreno inestable. Los niños con retraso de crecimiento no pueden crecer ni desarrollarse adecuadamente, y padecen en especial problemas de daño cerebral y sistemas inmunes debilitados. Las mujeres malnutridas en edad fértil no tienen suficiente hierro en la sangre para alimentar sus músculos. Muchos adultos tienen ta...

  11. Interrelaciones entre el estrés, inmunidad y parasitismo en el herrerillo común (Parus caeruleus).


    Tomás Gutiérrez, Gustavo


    RESUMEN Cada vez es mayor el conocimiento existente sobre las interacciones entre parásitos y hospedadores en condiciones naturales. Sin embargo, aún no están bien establecidos los costes y compromisos a que se enfrentan los hospedadores que padecen infecciones parasitarias crónicas. Los parásitos sanguíneos pueden causar estrés fisiológico a sus hospedadores mediante la destrucción celular y el consumo de hemoglobina. El importante papel que las proteínas de estrés (heat shock proteins, H...

  12. Desarrollo legislativo de protección por dependencia. Oportunidades del sector privado: Caso de Castilla y León


    Mª Cristina Fernández Ramos; J. Iñaki De la Peña Esteban


    RESUMEN: En España, la intensidad del envejecimiento de la población difiere entre regiones. Las más envejecidas entre las que se encuentra la Comunidad de Castilla y León, deberían ser las más interesadas en desarrollar la normativa sobre dependencia. En este trabajo analizamos el desarrollo normativo existente en Castilla y León con el fin de encontrar aquellas lagunas de cobertura de dependencia que padecen sus habitantes. Con lo anterior se determinan los nichos de mercado en los que el ...

  13. El rol del fisioterapeuta en el manejo de la Enfermedad de Pompe


    Rocío del Pilar Ruiz Agudelo; Laura Lorena Alba; Rosmary Martínez-Rueda


    Antecedentes: La enfermedad de Pompe está catalogada dentro del grupo de enfermedades huérfanas.  A pesar de existir tratamiento, quienes la padecen pueden sufrir secuelas relacionadas con la misma, en parte por la dificultad de un diagnóstico temprano y adecuado de la patología. Objetivo: Describir las diferentes alternativas de tratamiento fisioterapéutico para la enfermedad de Pompe. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión bibliométrica. Se consultaron en bases de datos y portales científicos...

  14. Effects of diet and exercise on metabolic syndrome and the underlying factors = Efectos de la dieta y el ejercicio sobre el síndrome metabólico y sus factores


    Morencos Martínez, Esther


    Introducción. El número de personas que padecen síndrome metabólico ha incrementado a nivel mundial durante las últimas dos décadas. Existen numerosos estudios que tratan de comparar prevalencias según los diferentes criterios y estimaciones del riesgo metabólico. De ellos se puede concluir que el principal hallazgo ha sido recalcar la necesidad de una definición estándar universal. A pesar de estas discrepancias no hay lugar a duda sobre el problema de salud pública que esto conlleva. Se nec...

  15. Calidad de vida en pacientes con diferentes subtipos de estreñimiento de acuerdo a los criterios de ROMA III


    M.C. Ruiz-López; E. Coss-Adame


    Antecedentes: El estreñimiento funcional y el síndrome de intestino irritable con estreñimiento son altamente prevalentes y generan alteración en la calidad de vida de quienes los padecen. Objetivos: Evaluar la calidad de vida en pacientes con estreñimiento funcional y síndrome de intestino irritable, de acuerdo a los criterios de ROMA III, utilizando cuestionarios: PAC-QOL y SF-36. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal tipo encuesta autoadministrado. Se aplicó PAC-QOL, SF-36 y cues...

  16. Acoso escolar


    Armero Pedreira, P.; Bernardino Cuesta, B.; Bonet de Luna, C.


    El bullying, acoso escolar o violencia entre iguales, produce mucho sufrimiento en quienes lo padecen. Aunque tradicionalmente se suele enfatizar la relación acosador-acosado, hay más actores. Tanto por la angustia que causa a la víctima, por el refuerzo que recibe el acosador cuyas conductas agresivas quedan impunes, como por la insensibilización o indefensión aprendida de los espectadores, debe ser abordado como un problema grupal y social. El mejor tratamiento es la prevención y se debe tr...

  17. Adolescentes y violencia de género en las redes sociales


    Tarriño Concejero, Lorena; García-Carpintero Muñoz, Mª Ángeles


    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia de las redes sociales en la Violencia de Género en adolescentes y jóvenes. Este estudio se plantea conocer y revisar la violencia de género que se promueve en las redes sociales de más auge actualmente. Las consecuencias que tienen en las personas que la padecen y su impacto en la salud. Analizaremos la intervención enfermera en estos fenómenos emergentes en la población joven y adolescentes. Para dimensionar el fenómeno ...

  18. Seropositividad a Leptospira interrogans en perros de la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina


    Seghesso Zabala, Ada; Anthony Omezzolli, Lilian María; Poli Lovagnini, Georgina; Francois Barbagelata, Silvina


    Introducción: la leptospirosis es una de las zoonosis más difundidas mundialmente. La aparición de epidemias urbanas ocasionadas por las inundaciones, la transformaron en un grave problema para la salud pública. Una de las especies animales más afectadas por la leptospirosis es la canina. Los perros se infectan con Leptospira interrogans y padecen la enfermedad, que constituye uno de los factores de riesgo más importante en la transmisión de leptospiras en zonas urbanas. El diagnóstico de cer...

  19. Calidad de vida y discapacidad auditiva en Chile


    Suazo Díaz, Pilar


    [ES] La pérdida auditiva es una discapacidad sensorial que genera diversas dificultades en el desarrollo biopsicosocial de las personas que la padecen, pudiendo afectar a su calidad de vida. La investigación que se presenta buscó describir y analizar la percepción de calidad de vida (CV) de las personas en situación de discapacidad auditiva de Chile. Para este efecto, se utilizó metodología mixta explicativa secuencial. En el abordaje cuantitativo participaron 102 personas con pérdidas de...

  20. Atención a menores con trastorno del espectro autista. Una propuesta de atención integral e integradora en un modelo comunitario


    Iglesias Mateos, Sara


    El Trastorno del Espectro Autista es un trastorno neurológico que abarca numerosos síntomas. Estos síntomas no se presentan con la misma incidencia en todos aquellos que lo padecen. Tampoco aparece el mismo número de síntomas, ni concurren siempre de manera conjunta. Es por ello que la intervención debe ser individual y estar adaptada a sus características tanto personales como socioculturales. Este trabajo se presenta como una propuesta de intervención desde una perspectiva comunitaria...

  1. Reseña de "Reflexiones en torno al libro Pobreza extrema en México, evaluación microsociológica"


    Mónica Vela Cuevas


    Los investigadores sociales del mundo han mostrado en las últimas décadas un especial interés por el tema de la pobreza. Esto responde sin duda, a la urgencia de entender y de encontrar mecanismos efectivos de solución a este fenómeno social tan complejo, tan extendido en nuestras sociedades y que tantos estragos causa en las comunidades, las familias y las personas que lo padecen. Dado que la pobreza no es un ente abstracto sino una situación de vida concreta, que degrada, ...

  2. Influencia de las vías serotoninérgica, dopaminérgica y la vía común (MAO) en las dimensiones de personalidad de Cloninger. Una aproximación desde la genética.


    Real López, Matías


    Introducción: En los últimos años existe un interés creciente por el estudio de los Trastornos de Personalidad debido a la gran interferencia que suponen en diversos ámbitos de la vida de aquellos que los padecen. La genética ha experimentado un gran avance y es una herramienta importante para aportar nuevos descubrimientos en trastornos complejos como son los TP; sin embargo, en la literatura reciente no se han encontrado relaciones directas de dichos trastornos con genes concretos, de ahí e...

  3. Procesos de plasticidad cerebral en pacientes con daño adquirido


    Márquez Noriego, Blanca Esther


    Los accidentes cerebrovasculares y los traumatismos craneoencefálicos son las dos patologías principales causantes de daño cerebral adquirido. Los avances médicos han permitido disminuir considerablemente la mortalidad derivada de dichas patologías. Consecuentemente, el número de personas que padecen déficits derivados de estas lesiones aumenta a nivel mundial. Estos déficits son consecuencia del daño cerebral, el cual puede afectar a varias áreas, según las características propias de la lesi...

  4. Funciones ejecutivas en niños con trastorno del lenguaje: algunos antecedentes desde la neuropsicología


    Nancy Lepe-Martínez; Claudia P. Pérez-Salas; Cristian A. Rojas-Barahona; Carlos Ramos-Galarza


    El trastorno del lenguaje es un problema de la comunicación con alta incidencia y prevalencia en la población escolar, el cual afecta negativamente el desempeño académico, y el desarrollo social y afectivo de los niños que lo padecen. Existe evidencia de que en este trastorno se encuentran afectadas funciones ejecutivas (fe), además de los componentes del lenguaje (fonológico, morfosintáctico, semántico y pragmático), los cuales se han estudiado tradicionalmente. Este ...

  5. Aplicación del Método de Monte Carlo a la Planificación en Radioterapia y a la Reconstrucción de Espectros de Fotones de Aceleradores Lineales de Partículas (LinAc)


    Juste Vidal, Belen Jeanine


    La radioterapia es uno de los tratamientos más generalizados aplicados a los pacientes que padecen determinados tipos de cáncer. Sin embargo, la efectividad de este tipo de tratamientos en la destrucción de las células cancerígenas lleva asociada la posibilidad de sufrir los efectos secundarios de la radiación sobre los tejidos sanos circundantes. El riesgo de lesión de las células sanas depende fundamentalmente de la orientación del haz emitido por la unidad de radioterapia y de la intensida...

  6. Stress from an administrative perspective in public transport drivers in Mexico City: Minibus and metrobus


    Fernando Lámbarry; Mara Maricela Trujillo; Cintia Guadalupe Cumbres


    El estrés es una de las enfermedades laborales que más afectan a los trabajadores en todo el mundo,perjudicando su productividad y rendimiento tanto propio como de las organizaciones donde laboran,e incluso su salud física y mental. Según la Organización Internacional del Trabajo son los trabajadoresmexicanos quienes mayormente lo padecen a nivel mundial, toda vez que una de las profesiones másestresantes es ser conductor de transporte público. Es por ello que el objetivo de esta investigació...

  7. La creatividad en los niños con Síndrome de Asperger


    Quirant Gómez, Borja


    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra de Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017 Actualmente la creatividad es muy importante para el desarrollo durante la niñez. Sobre todo, para los niños y niñas que padecen algún trastorno del desarrollo, ya que tienen mayor dificultad para expresar sus sentimientos y emociones. En este contexto, el objetivo del trabajo es medir la creatividad mediante los test de Torrance de los niños/as que cursan segundo de Educación ...

  8. Cáncer de mama y de ovario: significados, dolor y sufrimiento en la cotidianidad de mujeres pacientes


    Alicia M. Tinoco García


    El presente estudio tiene por objetivo conocer, explicar y comprender los significados, el dolor y sufrimiento en la cotidianidad de mujeres que padecen cáncer de mama y de ovario. Aborda la subjetividad e intersubjetividad de las pacientes en su realidad cotidiana y contexto sociocultural. La investigación encuentra sustento teórico en la Sociología de la salud, Antropología de la salud y en otras ciencias de frontera que abordan problemas de salud-enfermedad, dolor y sufrimiento; así como e...

  9. Multiple photon resonances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elliott, C.J.; Feldman, B.J.


    A detailed theoretical analysis is presented of the interaction of intense near-resonant monochromatic radiation with an N-level anharmonic oscillator. In particular, the phenomenon of multiple photon resonance, the process by which an N-level system resonantly absorbs two or more photons simultaneously, is investigated. Starting from the Schroedinger equation, diagrammatic techniques are developed that allow the resonant process to be analyzed quantitatively, in analogy with well-known two-level coherent phenomena. In addition, multiple photon Stark shifts of the resonances, shifts absent in two-level theory, are obtained from the diagrams. Insights into the nature of multiple photon resonances are gained by comparing the quantum mechanical system with classical coupled pendulums whose equations of motion possess identical eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In certain limiting cases, including that of the resonantly excited N-level harmonic oscillator and that of the equally spaced N-level system with equal matrix elements, analytic results are derived. The influence of population relaxation and phase-disrupting collisions on the multiple photon process are also analyzed, the latter by extension of the diagrammatic technique to the density matrix equations of motion. 11 figures

  10. Multiplication modules over non-commutative rings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tuganbaev, A A


    It is proved that each submodule of a multiplication module over a regular ring is a multiplicative module. If A is a ring with commutative multiplication of right ideals, then each projective right ideal is a multiplicative module, and a finitely generated A-module M is a multiplicative module if and only if all its localizations with respect to maximal right ideals of A are cyclic modules over the corresponding localizations of A. In addition, several known results on multiplication modules over commutative rings are extended to modules over not necessarily commutative rings

  11. Multiple intelligences: Can they be measured?


    Kirsi Tirri; Petri Nokelainen; Erkki Komulainen


    This paper is about issues relating to the assessment of multiple intelligences. The first section introduces the authors’ work on building measures of multiple intelligences and moral sensitivities. It also provides a conceptual definition of multiple intelligences based on Multiple Intelligences theory by Howard Gardner (1983). The second section discusses the context specificity of intelligences and alternative approaches to measuring multiple intelligences. The third section analyses the ...

  12. Multiple Intelligences and quotient spaces


    Malatesta, Mike; Quintana, Yamilet


    The Multiple Intelligence Theory (MI) is one of the models that study and describe the cognitive abilities of an individual. In [7] is presented a referential system which allows to identify the Multiple Intelligences of the students of a course and to classify the level of development of such Intelligences. Following this tendency, the purpose of this paper is to describe the model of Multiple Intelligences as a quotient space, and also to study the Multiple Intelligences of an individual in...

  13. Rehabilitation and multiple sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalgas, Ulrik


    In a chronic and disabling disease like multiple sclerosis, rehabilitation becomes of major importance in the preservation of physical, psychological and social functioning. Approximately 80% of patients have multiple sclerosis for more than 35 years and most will develop disability at some point......, a paradigm shift is taking place and it is now increasingly acknowledged that exercise therapy is both safe and beneficial. Robot-assisted training is also attracting attention in multiple sclerosis rehabilitation. Several sophisticated commercial robots exist, but so far the number of scientific studies...... promising. This drug has been shown to improve walking ability in some patients with multiple sclerosis, associated with a reduction of patients' self-reported ambulatory disability. Rehabilitation strategies involving these different approaches, or combinations of them, may be of great use in improving...

  14. The cause multiplicity and the multiple cause style of adverse events in Japanese nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyazaki, Takamasa


    An adverse event in a nuclear power plant occurs due to either one cause or multiple causes. To consider ways of preventing adverse events, it is useful to clarify whether events are caused by single or multiple causes. In this study, the multiple causes is expressed using the cause multiplicity and the multiple cause style. Classified causes of adverse events in Japanese nuclear power plants were analyzed, with the following results: the cause multiplicity of serious adverse events is higher than that of minor adverse events, and the multiple cause style can be expressed by combining two styles: series type and parallel type. Also, for a multiple cause event, a new method of displaying the event is presented as a cause-chain chart where the cause items are arranged in a sequential way and are connected considering the mutual relations among the causes. This new display method shows the whole flow of issues concerning the event more simply than the conventional display method of the chain of phenomena, and would be useful for considering the terminating point of the chain of causes. (author)

  15. Hadron multiplicity as the limit of jet multiplicity at high resolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lupia, S.; Ochs, W.


    Recently exact numerical results from the evolution equation for parton multiplicities in QCD jets have been obtained. A comparison with various approximate results is presented. A good description is obtained not only of the jet multiplicities measured at LEP-1 but also of the hadron multiplicities for cm s energies above 1.6 GeV in e + e - annihilation. The solution suggests that a final state hadron can be represented by a jet in the limit of small (nonperturbative) k perpendicular to cut-off Q 0 . In this description using as adjustable parameters only the QCD scale Λ and the cut-off Q 0 , the coupling α s can be seen to rise towards large values above unity at low energies. (orig.)

  16. Fatigue and Multiple Sclerosis (United States)

    ... to navigation Skip to content Menu Navigation National Multiple Sclerosis Society Sign In In Your Area Donate Donate ... of MS What Causes MS? Who Gets MS? Multiple Sclerosis FAQs Types of MS Related Conditions Symptoms & Diagnosis ...

  17. Correlations in multiple production on nuclei and Glauber model of multiple scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zoller, V.R.; Nikolaev, N.N.


    Critical analysis of possibility for describing correlation phenomena during multiple production on nuclei within the framework of the Glauber multiple seattering model generalized for particle production processes with Capella, Krziwinski and Shabelsky has been performed. It was mainly concluded that the suggested generalization of the Glauber model gives dependences on Ng(Np) (where Ng-the number of ''grey'' tracess, and Np-the number of protons flying out of nucleus) and, eventually, on #betta# (where #betta#-the number of intranuclear interactions) contradicting experience. Independent of choice of relation between #betta# and Ng(Np) in the model the rapidity corrletor Rsub(eta) is overstated in the central region and understated in the region of nucleus fragmentation. In mean multiplicities these two contradictions of experience are disguised with random compensation and agreement with experience in Nsub(S) (function of Ng) cannot be an argument in favour of the model. It is concluded that eiconal model doesn't permit to quantitatively describe correlation phenomena during the multiple production on nuclei

  18. Multiple Voices, Multiple Realities: Self-Defined Images of Self among Adolescent Hispanic English Language Learners (United States)

    Ajayi, Lasisi J.


    Acquisition of multiple identities to negotiate new forms of social participation and the concomitant attendant multiple languages and multiple cultures is "sine qua non" to success in English language learning classrooms. This study therefore, investigates how middle school Hispanic students reconceptualize their identities to negotiate…

  19. Health Literacy - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Health Literacy URL of this page: ... W XYZ List of All Topics All Health Literacy - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on ...

  20. Salmonella Infections - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Salmonella Infections URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Salmonella Infections - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features ...

  1. Cosmetic Dentistry - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Cosmetic Dentistry URL of this page: ... W XYZ List of All Topics All Cosmetic Dentistry - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on ...

  2. Rotavirus Infections - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Rotavirus Infections URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Rotavirus Infections - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features ...

  3. Multiple sclerosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadashima, Hiromichi; Kusaka, Hirofumi; Imai, Terukuni; Takahashi, Ryosuke; Matsumoto, Sadayuki; Yamamoto, Toru; Yamasaki, Masahiro; Maya, Kiyomi


    Eleven patients with a definite diagnosis of multiple sclerosis were examined in terms of correlations between the clinical features and the results of cranial computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results: In 5 of the 11 patients, both CT and MRI demonstrated lesions consistent with a finding of multiple sclerosis. In 3 patients, only MRI demonstrated lesions. In the remaining 3 patients, neither CT nor MRI revealed any lesion in the brain. All 5 patients who showed abnormal findings on both CT and MRI had clinical signs either of cerebral or brainstem - cerebellar lesions. On the other hand, two of the 3 patients with normal CT and MRI findings had optic-nerve and spinal-cord signs. Therefore, our results suggested relatively good correlations between the clinical features, CT, and MRI. MRI revealed cerebral lesions in two of the four patients with clinical signs of only optic-nerve and spinal-cord lesions. MRI demonstrated sclerotic lesions in 3 of the 6 patients whose plaques were not detected by CT. In conclusion, MRI proved to be more helpful in the demonstration of lesions attributable to chronic multiple sclerosis. (author)

  4. Neutron source multiplication method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clayton, E.D.


    Extensive use has been made of neutron source multiplication in thousands of measurements of critical masses and configurations and in subcritical neutron-multiplication measurements in situ that provide data for criticality prevention and control in nuclear materials operations. There is continuing interest in developing reliable methods for monitoring the reactivity, or k/sub eff/, of plant operations, but the required measurements are difficult to carry out and interpret on the far subcritical configurations usually encountered. The relationship between neutron multiplication and reactivity is briefly discussed and data presented to illustrate problems associated with the absolute measurement of neutron multiplication and reactivity in subcritical systems. A number of curves of inverse multiplication have been selected from a variety of experiments showing variations observed in multiplication during the course of critical and subcritical experiments where different methods of reactivity addition were used, with different neutron source detector position locations. Concern is raised regarding the meaning and interpretation of k/sub eff/ as might be measured in a far subcritical system because of the modal effects and spectrum differences that exist between the subcritical and critical systems. Because of this, the calculation of k/sub eff/ identical with unity for the critical assembly, although necessary, may not be sufficient to assure safety margins in calculations pertaining to far subcritical systems. Further study is needed on the interpretation and meaning of k/sub eff/ in the far subcritical system

  5. Connecting the Production Multiple

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lichen, Alex Yu; Mouritsen, Jan

    &OP process itself is a fluid object, but there is still possibility to organise the messy Production. There are connections between the Production multiple and the managerial technology fluid. The fluid enacted the multiplicity of Production thus making it more difficult to be organised because there were...... in opposite directions. They are all part of the fluid object. There is no single chain of circulating references that makes the object a matter of fact. Accounting fluidity means that references drift back and forth and enact new realities also connected to the chain. In this setting future research may......This paper is about objects. It follows post ANT trajectories and finds that objects are multiple and fluid. Extant classic ANT inspired accounting research largely sees accounting inscriptions as immutable mobiles. Although multiplicity of objects upon which accounting acts has been explored...

  6. Superresolution Imaging Using Resonant Multiples

    KAUST Repository

    Guo, Bowen


    A resonant multiple is defined as a multiple reflection that revisits the same subsurface location along coincident reflection raypaths. We show that resonant first-order multiples can be migrated with either Kirchhoff or wave-equation migration methods to give images with approximately twice the spatial resolution compared to post-stack primary-reflection images. A moveout-correction stacking method is proposed to enhance the signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of the resonant multiples before superresolution migration. The effectiveness of this procedure is validated by synthetic and field data tests.

  7. Vascular comorbidities in multiple sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thormann, Anja; Magyari, Melinda; Koch-Henriksen, Nils


    To investigate the occurrence of vascular comorbidities before and after the clinical onset of multiple sclerosis. In this combined case-control and cohort study, all Danish born citizens with onset of multiple sclerosis 1980-2005 were identified from the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Registry...... and randomly matched with controls regarding year of birth, gender, and municipality on January 1st in the year of multiple sclerosis (MS) onset (index date). Individual-level information on comorbidities was obtained from several independent nationwide registries and linked to the study population by unique...

  8. Superresolution Imaging Using Resonant Multiples

    KAUST Repository

    Guo, Bowen; Schuster, Gerard T.


    A resonant multiple is defined as a multiple reflection that revisits the same subsurface location along coincident reflection raypaths. We show that resonant first-order multiples can be migrated with either Kirchhoff or wave-equation migration methods to give images with approximately twice the spatial resolution compared to post-stack primary-reflection images. A moveout-correction stacking method is proposed to enhance the signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of the resonant multiples before superresolution migration. The effectiveness of this procedure is validated by synthetic and field data tests.

  9. A multiplicity logic unit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bialkowski, J.; Moszynski, M.; Zagorski, A.


    The logic diagram principle of operation and some details of the design of the multiplicity logic unit are presented. This unit was specially designed to fulfil the requirements of a multidetector arrangement for gamma-ray multiplicity measurements. The unit is equipped with 16 inputs controlled by a common coincidence gate. It delivers a linear output pulse with the height proportional to the multiplicity of coincidences and logic pulses corresponding to 0, 1, ... up to >= 5-fold coincidences. These last outputs are used to steer the routing unit working with the multichannel analyser. (orig.)

  10. Safe Dynamic Multiple Inheritance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ernst, Erik


    Multiple inheritance and similar mechanisms are usually only supported at compile time in statically typed languages. Nevertheless, dynamic multiple inheritance would be very useful in the development of complex systems, because it allows the creation of many related classes without an explosion...... in the size and level of redundancy in the source code. In fact, dynamic multiple inheritance is already available. The language gbeta is statically typed and has supported run-time combination of classes and methods since 1997, by means of the combination operator '&'. However, with certain combinations...

  11. Fission neutron multiplicity calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maerten, H.; Ruben, A.; Seeliger, D.


    A model for calculating neutron multiplicities in nuclear fission is presented. It is based on the solution of the energy partition problem as function of mass asymmetry within a phenomenological approach including temperature-dependent microscopic energies. Nuclear structure effects on fragment de-excitation, which influence neutron multiplicities, are discussed. Temperature effects on microscopic energy play an important role in induced fission reactions. Calculated results are presented for various fission reactions induced by neutrons. Data cover the incident energy range 0-20 MeV, i.e. multiple chance fission is considered. (author). 28 refs, 13 figs

  12. Atrial Fibrillation - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Atrial Fibrillation URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Atrial Fibrillation - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on ...

  13. Domestic Violence - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Domestic Violence URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Domestic Violence - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on ...

  14. Herbal Medicine - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Herbal Medicine URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Herbal Medicine - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on ...

  15. Elder Abuse - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Elder Abuse URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Elder Abuse - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on ...

  16. Zika Virus - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Zika Virus URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Zika Virus - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on ...

  17. Diabetic Foot - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Diabetic Foot URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Diabetic Foot - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on ...

  18. Child Abuse - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Child Abuse URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Child Abuse - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on ...

  19. Testing for Nonuniform Differential Item Functioning with Multiple Indicator Multiple Cause Models (United States)

    Woods, Carol M.; Grimm, Kevin J.


    In extant literature, multiple indicator multiple cause (MIMIC) models have been presented for identifying items that display uniform differential item functioning (DIF) only, not nonuniform DIF. This article addresses, for apparently the first time, the use of MIMIC models for testing both uniform and nonuniform DIF with categorical indicators. A…

  20. Hadron multiplicity as the limit of jet multiplicity at high resolution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lupia, S.; Ochs, W. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Muenchen (Germany). Werner-Heisenberg-Institut


    Recently exact numerical results from the evolution equation for parton multiplicities in QCD jets have been obtained. A comparison with various approximate results is presented. A good description is obtained not only of the jet multiplicities measured at LEP-1 but also of the hadron multiplicities for cm s energies above 1.6 GeV in e{sup +}e{sup -} annihilation. The solution suggests that a final state hadron can be represented by a jet in the limit of small (nonperturbative) k {sub perpendicular} {sub to} cut-off Q{sub 0}. In this description using as adjustable parameters only the QCD scale {Lambda} and the cut-off Q{sub 0}, the coupling {alpha}{sub s} can be seen to rise towards large values above unity at low energies. (orig.). 8 refs.

  1. Multiple solid-phase microextraction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koster, EHM; de Jong, GJ


    Theoretical aspects of multiple solid-phase microextraction are described and the principle is illustrated with the extraction of lidocaine from aqueous solutions. With multiple extraction under non-equilibrium conditions considerably less time is required in order to obtain an extraction yield that

  2. Formation of multiple networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Magnani, Matteo; Rossi, Luca


    we introduce the first network formation model for multiple networks. Network formation models are among the most popular tools in traditional network studies, because of both their practical and theoretical impact. However, existing models are not sufficient to describe the generation of multiple...

  3. A Robust Two-Phase Pumped Loop With Multiple Evaporators and Multiple Radiators, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — NASA's future spacecraft require advanced thermal management technologies to provide effective cooling for multiple instruments and reject heat through multiple...

  4. The University as learning space and practice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Lozano Estivalis


    Full Text Available La universidad española es un espacio privilegiado para los mestizajes teórico-prácticos tan necesarios en las llamadas sociedades del conocimiento. Sin embargo, los procesos de adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior la alejan de las dinámicas críticas para instalarla en la reproducción de un saber rentable. La esclerosis del pensamiento universitario libre, creativo y utópico está marcado por el triunfo de la racionalidad instrumental al servicio del Mercado. Reivindicar la universidad como espacio y práctica de aprendizaje real exige hacer frente a las servidumbres voluntarias que sostienen un sistema cultural desigual, jerárquico y excluyente.

  5. Attenuation of multiples in image space (United States)

    Alvarez, Gabriel F.

    In complex subsurface areas, attenuation of 3D specular and diffracted multiples in data space is difficult and inaccurate. In those areas, image space is an attractive alternative. There are several reasons: (1) migration increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the data; (2) primaries are mapped to coherent events in Subsurface Offset Domain Common Image Gathers (SODCIGs) or Angle Domain Common Image Gathers (ADCIGs); (3) image space is regular and smaller; (4) attenuating the multiples in data space leaves holes in the frequency-Wavenumber space that generate artifacts after migration. I develop a new equation for the residual moveout of specular multiples in ADCIGs and use it for the kernel of an apex-shifted Radon transform to focus and separate the primaries from specular and diffracted multiples. Because of small amplitude, phase and kinematic errors in the multiple estimate, we need adaptive matching and subtraction to estimate the primaries. I pose this problem as an iterative least-squares inversion that simultaneously matches the estimates of primaries and multiples to the data. Standard methods match only the estimate of the multiples. I demonstrate with real and synthetic data that the method produces primaries and multiples with little cross-talk. In 3D, the multiples exhibit residual moveout in SODCIGs in in-line and cross-line offsets. They map away from zero subsurface offsets when migrated with the faster velocity of the primaries. In ADCIGs the residual moveout of the primaries as a function of the aperture angle, for a given azimuth, is flat for those angles that illuminate the reflector. The multiples have residual moveout towards increasing depth for increasing aperture angles at all azimuths. As a function of azimuth, the primaries have better azimuth resolution than the multiples at larger aperture angles. I show, with a real 3D dataset, that even below salt, where illumination is poor, the multiples are well attenuated in ADCIGs with the new

  6. Body Weight - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Supplements Videos & Tools You Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Body Weight URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Body Weight - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on this page, ...

  7. Applications of Fast Truncated Multiplication in Cryptography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laszlo Hars


    Full Text Available Truncated multiplications compute truncated products, contiguous subsequences of the digits of integer products. For an n-digit multiplication algorithm of time complexity O(nα, with 1<α≤2, there is a truncated multiplication algorithm, which is constant times faster when computing a short enough truncated product. Applying these fast truncated multiplications, several cryptographic long integer arithmetic algorithms are improved, including integer reciprocals, divisions, Barrett and Montgomery multiplications, 2n-digit modular multiplication on hardware for n-digit half products. For example, Montgomery multiplication is performed in 2.6 Karatsuba multiplication time.

  8. The Future Multiple

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spaniol, Matthew Jon; Rowland, Nicholas James


    /value – The original contribution is in demonstrating how plural futures and the singular future co-exist in practice. Thus, an eclipse of the future by futures can only ever be partial. For “futures” to be conceptually potent, “the future” must be at least provisionally believable and occasionally useful. Otherwise......, if “the future” were so preposterous an idea, then “futures” would cease to be a critical alternative to it. Futures needs the future; they are relationally bound together in a multiplicity. This paper considers what such a logical reality implies for a field that distances itself from the future and self......). Multiplicity, as a post-ANT sensibility, helps one make sense of the empirical materials. This paper examines the possibility that rather than being alternatives to one another, plural futures and the singular future might co-exist in practice, and, thus, constitute a multiplicity. Design...

  9. Multiplicity in difference geometry


    Tomasic, Ivan


    We prove a first principle of preservation of multiplicity in difference geometry, paving the way for the development of a more general intersection theory. In particular, the fibres of a \\sigma-finite morphism between difference curves are all of the same size, when counted with correct multiplicities.

  10. ALICE Photon Multiplicity Detector

    CERN Multimedia

    Nayak, T


    Photon Multiplicity Detector (PMD) measures the multiplicity and spatial distribution of photons in the forward region of ALICE on a event-by-event basis. PMD is a pre-shower detector having fine granularity and full azimuthal coverage in the pseudo-rapidity region 2.3 < η < 3.9.

  11. More Popsicle-Stick Multiplication. (United States)

    Dunkels, Andrejs


    A way to use tongue depressors in a model of multiplication is presented. The original intent was to use the sticks to teach about fractions, but "mistakes" in student responses led to new ideas. It is felt that teachers should use the model in teaching multiplication. (MP)

  12. Mechanisms of multiple production processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dremin, I.M.


    Theoretical approaches to multiple production processes are discussed. A large number of models proceeds from the notion about common excited system produced by colliding hadrons. This class of models includes the hydrodynamical, statistical, thermodynamical and statistical bootstrap models. Sometimes the production process is due to excitation and decay of two colliding particles. The fragmentation bremsstrahlung and inelastic diffraction models belong to this group. The largest group of models describes the multiple production process as a result of formation of many excited centers. The typical example is the multiperipheral model. An interesting direction is given by the attempts to interrelate the mechanism of multiple production with internal structure of particles that is with their constituents (C-group)'-quarks, gluons, etc. Besides the models there are phenomenological (p group) attempts to connect different features of multiple production. Experimental data indicate the existence of leading and pionization particles thus giving an evidence for applications of different models. The data about increase of total and inclusive cross sections, the behaviour of the mean multiplicity and correlations at high energies provide a clue for further development of multiple production theory

  13. Multiplicative properties of quantum channels (United States)

    Rahaman, Mizanur


    In this paper, we study the multiplicative behaviour of quantum channels, mathematically described by trace preserving, completely positive maps on matrix algebras. It turns out that the multiplicative domain of a unital quantum channel has a close connection to its spectral properties. A structure theorem (theorem 2.5), which reveals the automorphic property of an arbitrary unital quantum channel on a subalgebra, is presented. Various classes of quantum channels (irreducible, primitive, etc) are then analysed in terms of this stabilising subalgebra. The notion of the multiplicative index of a unital quantum channel is introduced, which measures the number of times a unital channel needs to be composed with itself for the multiplicative algebra to stabilise. We show that the maps that have trivial multiplicative domains are dense in completely bounded norm topology in the set of all unital completely positive maps. Some applications in quantum information theory are discussed.

  14. Optimized simultaneous inversion of primary and multiple reflections; Inversion linearisee simultanee des reflexions primaires et des reflexions multiples

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pelle, L.


    The removal of multiple reflections remains a real problem in seismic imaging. Many preprocessing methods have been developed to attenuate multiples in seismic data but none of them is satisfactory in 3D. The objective of this thesis is to develop a new method to remove multiples, extensible in 3D. Contrary to the existing methods, our approach is not a preprocessing step: we directly include the multiple removal in the imaging process by means of a simultaneous inversion of primaries and multiples. We then propose to improve the standard linearized inversion so as to make it insensitive to the presence of multiples in the data. We exploit kinematics differences between primaries and multiples. We propose to pick in the data the kinematics of the multiples we want to remove. The wave field is decomposed into primaries and multiples. Primaries are modeled by the Ray+Born operator from perturbations of the logarithm of impedance, given the velocity field. Multiples are modeled by the Transport operator from an initial trace, given the picking. The inverse problem simultaneously fits primaries and multiples to the data. To solve this problem with two unknowns, we take advantage of the isometric nature of the Transport operator, which allows to drastically reduce the CPU time: this simultaneous inversion is this almost as fast as the standard linearized inversion. This gain of time opens the way to different applications to multiple removal and in particular, allows to foresee the straightforward 3D extension. (author)

  15. Multiple sclerosis and organic solvents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, J T; Brønnum-Hansen, Henrik; Rasmussen, K


    We investigated a possible causal relation between exposure to organic solvents in Danish workers (housepainters, typographers/printers, carpenters/cabinetmakers) and onset of multiple sclerosis. Data on men included in the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Register (3,241 men) were linked with data from......, and butchers. Over a follow-up period of 20 years, we observed no increase in the incidence of multiple sclerosis among men presumed to be exposed to organic solvents. It was not possible to obtain data on potential confounders, and the study design has some potential for selection bias. Nevertheless......, the study does not support existing hypotheses regarding an association between occupational exposure to organic solvents and multiple sclerosis....

  16. Human Supervision of Multiple Autonomous Vehicles (United States)


    AFRL-RH-WP-TR-2013-0143 HUMAN SUPERVISION OF MULTIPLE AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES Heath A. Ruff Ball...REPORT TYPE Interim 3. DATES COVERED (From – To) 09-16-08 – 03-22-13 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE HUMAN SUPERVISION OF MULTIPLE AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES 5a...Supervision of Multiple Autonomous Vehicles To support the vision of a system that enables a single operator to control multiple next-generation

  17. Multicentric malignant transformation of multiple exostoses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozaki, T.; Hillmann, A.; Winkelmann, W.; Blasius, S.; Link, T.


    We treated a patient with large multiple chondrosarcomas derived from multiple cartilaginous exostoses. One sarcoma originated in the left pubic bone and the other sarcoma in the posterior aspect of the greater trochanter of the left femur. Thirty months after hindquarter amputation, the patient is alive without relapse. This is the first report of a patient with synchronous multiple malignant transformation of multiple cartilaginous exostoses. (orig.)

  18. Teaching Individuals with Profound Multiple Disabilities to Access Preferred Stimuli with Multiple Microswitches (United States)

    Tam, Gee May; Phillips, Katrina J.; Mudford, Oliver C.


    We replicated and extended previous research on microswitch facilitated choice making by individuals with profound multiple disabilities. Following an assessment of stimulus preferences, we taught 6 adults with profound multiple disabilities to emit 2 different responses to activate highly preferred stimuli. All participants learnt to activate…

  19. Multiple group membership and well-being

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sønderlund, Anders L.; Morton, Thomas A.; Ryan, Michelle K.


    multiple group membership and well-being, but only for individuals high in SIC. This effect was mediated by perceived identity expression and access to social support. Study 2 (N = 104) also found that multiple group memberships indirectly contributed to well-being via perceived identity expression......A growing body of research points to the value of multiple group memberships for individual well-being. However, much of this work considers group memberships very broadly and in terms of number alone. We conducted two correlational studies exploring how the relationship between multiple group...... and social support, as well as identity compatibility and perceived social inclusion. But, in this study the relationship between multiple group memberships and well-being outcomes was moderated by the perceived value and visibility of group memberships to others. Specifically, possessing multiple, devalued...

  20. Influencia de la medicación antiepiléptica sobre los resultados escolares de niños epilépticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elia Margarita Pestana Knight


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de conocer la influencia de la medicación antiepiléptica sobre los resultados escolares se estudiaron 30 niños que padecen crisis epilépticas parciales y que asisten a escuelas primarias normales. En entrevista familiar se recogió: medicación antiepiléptica usada, dosis en sangre y resultados académicos del último curso escolar que se correlacionó con las variables estudiadas con el test de correlación múltiple. El 80 % (24 niños recibió tratamiento en monoterapia y 6 (20 % politerapia. La fenitoína correlacionó significativamente (p With the aim of knowing the influence of antiepileptic drug therapy on learning outcomes, 30 children with partial epileptic crisis that go to normal primary schools, were studied. These data were collected in family interviews: antiepileptic drug therapy used, dose in blood, and academic outcomes in the last school course correlated with the variables studied with the multiple correlation test. Twenty four children (80 % received monotherapy treatment, and six (20 % received politherapy. Phenytoin significantly correlated (p < 0.005 with M school outcomes. There is a relation of the increased drug levels in blood with the worst academic results.

  1. Multiple-source multiple-harmonic active vibration control of variable section cylindrical structures: A numerical study (United States)

    Liu, Jinxin; Chen, Xuefeng; Gao, Jiawei; Zhang, Xingwu


    Air vehicles, space vehicles and underwater vehicles, the cabins of which can be viewed as variable section cylindrical structures, have multiple rotational vibration sources (e.g., engines, propellers, compressors and motors), making the spectrum of noise multiple-harmonic. The suppression of such noise has been a focus of interests in the field of active vibration control (AVC). In this paper, a multiple-source multiple-harmonic (MSMH) active vibration suppression algorithm with feed-forward structure is proposed based on reference amplitude rectification and conjugate gradient method (CGM). An AVC simulation scheme called finite element model in-loop simulation (FEMILS) is also proposed for rapid algorithm verification. Numerical studies of AVC are conducted on a variable section cylindrical structure based on the proposed MSMH algorithm and FEMILS scheme. It can be seen from the numerical studies that: (1) the proposed MSMH algorithm can individually suppress each component of the multiple-harmonic noise with an unified and improved convergence rate; (2) the FEMILS scheme is convenient and straightforward for multiple-source simulations with an acceptable loop time. Moreover, the simulations have similar procedure to real-life control and can be easily extended to physical model platform.

  2. Multiple Stars Across the H-R Diagram

    CERN Document Server

    Hubrig, Swetlana; Tokovinin, Andrei; Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held in Garching, Germany, 12-15 July 2005


    Stars show a marked tendency to be in systems of different multiplicity, ranging from simple binaries and triples to globular clusters with several 10,000's of stars. The formation and evolution of multiple systems remains a challenging part of astrophysics, and the contributions in this book report on the significant progress that had been made in this research field in the last years. The reader will find a variety of research topics addressed, such as the dynamical evolution in multiple stars, the effects of the environment on multiple system parameters, stellar evolution within multiple stars, multiplicity of massive stars, pre-main sequence and intermediate mass stars, multiplicity of low-mass stars from embedded protostars to open clusters, and brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets in multiples. This book presents the proceedings of the ESO Workshop on Multiple Stars across the H-R Diagram held in the summer of 2005.

  3. Assessing Children's Multiplicative Thinking (United States)

    Hurst, Chris; Hurrell, Derek


    Multiplicative thinking is a "big idea" of mathematics that underpins much of the mathematics learned beyond the early primary school years. This paper reports on a current study that utilises an interview tool and a written quiz to gather data about children's multiplicative thinking. The development of the tools and some of the…

  4. Restoration of γ-ray multiplicity distributions from experiments with low efficiency multiplicity filters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellia, G.; Del Zoppo, A.; Migneco, E.; Russo, G.; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Catania


    The restoration of γ-ray multiplicity distributions from experimental p-fold coincidence distributions is discussed. It is shown that the restoration of the multiplicity from measurements with low total detection efficiency is an 'incorrectly posed problem'. While in the literature the analysis of the experimental data has been attempted only in terms of the lowest central moments of the multiplicity distribution, in this paper an unfolding method based on the minimization of the directioned discrepancies in the probability space is used. The method is found to work very well even if the total efficiency Ω <= 0.1. Realistic tests and a comparison with the usual method of analysis are presented. (orig.)

  5. Does vagotomy protect against multiple sclerosis? (United States)

    Sundbøll, Jens; Horváth-Puhó, Erzsébet; Adelborg, Kasper; Svensson, Elisabeth


    To examine the association between vagotomy and multiple sclerosis. We conducted a matched cohort study of all patients who underwent truncal or super-selective vagotomy and a comparison cohort, by linking Danish population-based medical registries (1977-1995). Hazard ratios (HRs) for multiple sclerosis, adjusting for potential confounders were computed by means of Cox regression analysis. Median age of multiple sclerosis onset corresponded to late onset multiple sclerosis. No association with multiple sclerosis was observed for truncal vagotomy (0-37 year adjusted HR=0.91, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.48-1.74) or super-selective vagotomy (0-37 year adjusted HR=1.28, 95% CI: 0.79-2.09) compared with the general population. We found no association between vagotomy and later risk of late onset multiple sclerosis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Efectos pleiotrópicos de las estatinas: Características farmacológicas útiles en la prevención, tratamiento y regresión de la enfermedad cardiovascular Pleiotropic effect of statins: Useful pharmacological characteristics in prevention, treatment and regression of cardiovascular disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darío Echeverri


    Full Text Available Los resultados benéficos de las estatinas en el manejo de la hipercolesterolemia en los múltiples estudios clínicos, han demostrado, además, efectos no relacionados con la acción hipolipemiante. Estudios experimentales in-vitro y ex-vivo han documentado una gran evidencia de efectos tales como incremento en la expresión de óxido nítrico y efectos anti-inflamatorios, inmunomodulatorios, anti-trombóticos, anti-proliferativos y anti-oxidantes los cuales reciben el nombre de pleiotrópicos. Los potentes efectos hipolipemiantes y pleiotrópicos podrían explicar los beneficios en aterosclerosis, hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus, estenosis aórtica, psoriasis, esclerosis múltiple y rechazo post-transplante entre otras patologías. Sin embargo, la cantidad de información experimental a favor de estos efectos, debería estimular a la iniciación de mejores estudios para clarificar de una manera mayor el significado clínico.Among the beneficial results of statins in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia, other effects not related to the hypolipemic action have been demonstrated in multiple studies. Experimental in vitro and ex-vivo studies have documented a great evidence of different effects such as an increment in the nitric oxide (NO expression, as well as anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-thrombotic, anti-proliferative, and anti-oxidant effects. These are the pleiotropic effects. The potent hypolipemic and pleiotropic effects could explain the benefit in atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, aortic stenosis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and post-transplant rejection, among other pathologies. Nevertheless, the amount of experimental information in favour of these effects should stimulate the initiation of better studies in order to clarify in an accurate way its clinical significance.

  7. Brain MRI lesions in neuromyelitis optica: clinical case; Lesiones cerebrales de resonancia magnetica en neuromielitis optica: caso clinico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosales Bravo, Luis Guillermo; Heyden Cordero, Marvin; Chinchilla Weinstok, Dennis; Mendelewicz Goldwaig, Isaias, E-mail: [Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social, Hospital Mexico, Div. de Neurologia, San Jose (Costa Rica)


    Many cases of patients with neuromyelitis optica have submitted without demyelinating lesions in the cerebral white matter, it has documented that this entity can cause from the onset of illness or through its natural evolution. Diagnostic methods currently as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and specific antibodies in plasma (such as antiaquaporin-4) have been diagnosed of neuromyelitis optica cases that were initially confused with multiple sclerosis. Disease in Costa Rica has been little prevalent and is not exactly known what the prevalence and incidence. The degree of disorder is illustrated through a case study, both in the cerebral white matter as spinal cord, in a patient with neuromyelitis optica during a follow-up period of 4 years. This is the first case that has been reported in the scientific literature of Costa Rica. (author) [Spanish] Muchos casos de pacientes con neuromielitis optica se han presentado sin lesiones desmielinizantes en la sustancia blanca cerebral, se ha documentado que esta entidad puede causarlas desde el inicio de la enfermedad o a traves de su evolucion natural. Los metodos de diagnostico en la actualidad como la Imagen por Resonancia Magnetica (IRM) y la determinacion de anticuerpos especificos en plasma (como la antiaquaporina-4) han logrado diagnosticar algunos casos de neuromielitis optica que inicialmente fueron confundidos con esclerosis multiple. La enfermedad en Costa Rica ha sido poco prevalente y no se ha conocido con exactitud cual es la prevalencia e incidencia. El grado de afeccion ha sido ilustrado a traves de un caso clinico, tanto en la sustancia blanca cerebral como espinal, en un paciente con neuromielitis optica durante un periodo de seguimiento de 4 anos. Este es el primer caso que ha sido reportado en la literatura cientifica de Costa Rica. (autor)

  8. Interferon Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis


    Alajbegovic, Azra; Deljo, Dervis; Alajbegovic, Salem; Djelilovic-Vranic, Jasminka; Todorovic, Ljubica; Tiric-Campara, Merita


    Introduction: In the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) differ: treatment of relapse, treatment slow the progression of the disease (immunomodulators and immunosuppression), and symptomatic treatment. The aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the application of interferon therapy in the treatment of MS-E: Process the disease, patients with multiple sclerosis who have passed the commission for multiple sclerosis at the Neurology Clinic of Clinical Center of Sarajevo University as a refere...

  9. Immunomodulation of multiple myeloma. (United States)

    Tohnya, Tanyifor M; Figg, William D


    Multiple myeloma is a multi-process disease, and these different processes are responsible for the reduced sensitivity to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, hence the relapse and refractory nature of multiple myeloma. Emphasis is now placed on the hypothesis that myeloma cell growth, inhibition of apoptosis and drug resistance are dependent on immunomodulatory cytokines such as IL-6 and pro-angiogenic factors such as VEGF. In addition to its anti-angiogenic effects, the immunomodulatory properties of thalidomide make it a possible therapy for patients with advanced multiple myeloma. This has lead to the clinical development of a number of immunomodulatory thalidomide analogues (IMiDs) which are more potent and have less side effects than the parent drug, thalidomide. In the August 15(th) issue of Journal of Clinical Oncology, Schey SA et al. suggested that an IMiD (CC-4047) maybe efficacious due to T-cell co-stimulation, and safe in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. This article demonstrates a supporting role for IMiDs as immunomodulatory adjuvant therapy.

  10. Sudden multiple fractures in a patient with sarcoidosis in multiple organs. (United States)

    Sada, Mitsuru; Saraya, Takeshi; Ishii, Haruyuki; Goto, Hajime


    A 30-year-old man who incidentally fractured his right olecranon and other multiple phalanges was admitted to our hospital. He had a 2-year history of uveitis and bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy (BHL), and pulmonary sarcoidosis was diagnosed from transbronchial lung biopsy. Right elbow arthrodesis was performed, and biopsied specimens showed non-caseating epithelioid cell granuloma, suggesting osseous sarcoidosis. He was discharged uneventfully without further treatment, but BHL had progressed with the appearance of lung parenchymal lesions 3 months later. At that time, involvement of other organs was also noted on Gallium-67 scintigraphy, showing accumulations in BHL, axillary and inguinal lymph nodes, enlarged liver and spleen and subcutaneous areas. After initiation of steroid therapy, multiple organ involvement improved, and no further bone involvement has been recognised to date. Osseous sarcoidosis complicated by bone fracture is an extremely rare presentation, but should be considered in patients with sarcoidosis, especially when multiple organs are involved.

  11. Multiple myeloma.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Collins, Conor D


    Advances in the imaging and treatment of multiple myeloma have occurred over the past decade. This article summarises the current status and highlights how an understanding of both is necessary for optimum management.

  12. Multiple Sclerosis (United States)

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a nervous system disease that affects your brain and spinal cord. It damages the myelin sheath, the material that surrounds and protects your nerve cells. This damage slows down ...

  13. Multiple relay selection for delay-limited applications

    KAUST Repository

    Alsharoa, Ahmad M.; Abediseid, Walid; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    A multiple relay selection system model that implements the decode-and-forward mode is investigated. All communication nodes are assumed to be equipped by multiple antennas. Furthermore, lattices space-time coded multiple-input multiple-output half

  14. Hadron multiplicities at COMPASS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Du Fresne von Hohenesche, Nicolas [Institut fuer Kernphysik, Universitaet Mainz, Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 45, 55128 Mainz (Germany); Collaboration: COMPASS Collaboration


    Quark fragmentation functions (FF) D{sub q}{sup h}(z,Q{sup 2}) describe final-state hadronization of quarks q into hadrons h. The FFs can be extracted from hadron multiplicities produced in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. The COMPASS collaboration has recently measured charged hadron multiplicities for identified pions and kaons using a 160 GeV/c muon beam impinging on an iso-scalar target. The data cover a large kinematical range and provide an important input for global QCD analyses of world data at NLO, aiming at the determination of FFs in particular in the strange quark sector. The newest results from COMPASS on pion and kaon multiplicities will be presented.

  15. Multiple giant cell lesions in a patient with Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Berg, Henk; Schreuder, Willem Hans; Jongmans, Marjolijn; van Bommel-Slee, Danielle; Witsenburg, Bart; de Lange, Jan


    A patient with Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines (NSML) and multiple giant cell lesions (MGCL) in mandibles and maxillae is described. A mutation p.Thr468Met in the PTPN11-gene was found. This is the second reported NSML patient with MGCL. Our case adds to the assumption that, despite a

  16. Sentencing Multiple Crimes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Most people assume that criminal offenders have only been convicted of a single crime. However, in reality almost half of offenders stand to be sentenced for more than one crime.The high proportion of multiple crime offenders poses a number of practical and theoretical challenges for the criminal......, and psychology offer their perspectives to the volume. A comprehensive examination of the dynamics involved with sentencing multiple offenders has the potential to be a powerful tool for legal scholars and professionals, particularly given the practical importance of the topic and the relative dearth of research...

  17. Closed-Loop Surface Related Multiple Estimation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lopez Angarita, G.A.


    Surface-related multiple elimination (SRME) is one of the most commonly used methods for suppressing surface multiples. However, in order to obtain an accurate surface multiple estimation, dense source and receiver sampling is required. The traditional approach to this problem is performing data

  18. Toric Codes, Multiplicative Structure and Decoding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Johan Peder


    Long linear codes constructed from toric varieties over finite fields, their multiplicative structure and decoding. The main theme is the inherent multiplicative structure on toric codes. The multiplicative structure allows for \\emph{decoding}, resembling the decoding of Reed-Solomon codes and al...

  19. Generation of multiple excitons in Ag2S quantum dots: Single high-energy versus multiple-photon excitation

    KAUST Repository

    Sun, Jingya; Yu, Weili; Usman, Anwar; Isimjan, Tayirjan T.; Del Gobbo, Silvano; Alarousu, Erkki; Takanabe, Kazuhiro; Mohammed, Omar F.


    We explored biexciton generation via carrier multiplication (or multiple-exciton generation) by high-energy photons and by multiple-photon absorption in Ag2S quantum dots (QDs) using femtosecond broad-band transient absorption spectroscopy. Irrespective of the size of the QDs and how the multiple excitons are generated in the Ag2S QDs, two distinct characteristic time constants of 9.6-10.2 and 135-175 ps are obtained for the nonradiative Auger recombination of the multiple excitons, indicating the existence of two binding excitons, namely, tightly bound and weakly bound excitons. More importantly, the lifetimes of multiple excitons in Ag 2S QDs were about 1 and 2 orders of magnitude longer than those of comparable size PbS QDs and single-walled carbon nanotubes, respectively. This result is significant because it suggests that by utilizing an appropriate electron acceptor, there is a higher possibility to extract multiple electron-hole pairs in Ag2S QDs, which should improve the performance of QD-based solar cell devices. © 2014 American Chemical Society.

  20. Generation of multiple excitons in Ag2S quantum dots: Single high-energy versus multiple-photon excitation

    KAUST Repository

    Sun, Jingya


    We explored biexciton generation via carrier multiplication (or multiple-exciton generation) by high-energy photons and by multiple-photon absorption in Ag2S quantum dots (QDs) using femtosecond broad-band transient absorption spectroscopy. Irrespective of the size of the QDs and how the multiple excitons are generated in the Ag2S QDs, two distinct characteristic time constants of 9.6-10.2 and 135-175 ps are obtained for the nonradiative Auger recombination of the multiple excitons, indicating the existence of two binding excitons, namely, tightly bound and weakly bound excitons. More importantly, the lifetimes of multiple excitons in Ag 2S QDs were about 1 and 2 orders of magnitude longer than those of comparable size PbS QDs and single-walled carbon nanotubes, respectively. This result is significant because it suggests that by utilizing an appropriate electron acceptor, there is a higher possibility to extract multiple electron-hole pairs in Ag2S QDs, which should improve the performance of QD-based solar cell devices. © 2014 American Chemical Society.

  1. Deep convolutional neural network based antenna selection in multiple-input multiple-output system (United States)

    Cai, Jiaxin; Li, Yan; Hu, Ying


    Antenna selection of wireless communication system has attracted increasing attention due to the challenge of keeping a balance between communication performance and computational complexity in large-scale Multiple-Input MultipleOutput antenna systems. Recently, deep learning based methods have achieved promising performance for large-scale data processing and analysis in many application fields. This paper is the first attempt to introduce the deep learning technique into the field of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output antenna selection in wireless communications. First, the label of attenuation coefficients channel matrix is generated by minimizing the key performance indicator of training antenna systems. Then, a deep convolutional neural network that explicitly exploits the massive latent cues of attenuation coefficients is learned on the training antenna systems. Finally, we use the adopted deep convolutional neural network to classify the channel matrix labels of test antennas and select the optimal antenna subset. Simulation experimental results demonstrate that our method can achieve better performance than the state-of-the-art baselines for data-driven based wireless antenna selection.

  2. La feminidad normativa y la violencia sexual en el III Reich. La deconstrucción de las identidades femeninas y la explotación sexual de las mujeres en los campos de concentración y exterminio


    Yolanda Beteta Martín


    El artículo ofrece una visión general de la violencia ejercida sobre las mujeres en los campos de concentración y exterminio nazis a través de los testimonios ofrecidos por las propias supervivientes. Las mujeres, por el simple de serlo, padecen un tipo de violencia específica que tiene una doble significación: política y simbólica. Por ello la violencia sexual deba ser analizada como una categoría de análisis propia que incorpore una perspectiva de género. El artículo se estructura en dos pa...

  3. Aportaciones de la psicología de la personalidad al estudio de la fibromialgia, una investigación sobre el autoconcepto de los afectados


    Hernández Crego, Mateo Javier


    La presente investigación trata de evaluar una variable de personalidad concreta en las personas que padecen fibromialgia: el auto-concepto. Por ello, integrando a un tiempo la visión del teórico de la personalidad y la perspectiva no-experta en la aproximación al estudio del self, nuestra investigación se fundamenta en las teorías implícitas de personalidad que afectan tanto a la percepción que los pacientes tienen acerca de sí mismos como a la visión que de ellos vienen sus familiares y...

  4. Revisión sistemática de la anomia como síntoma de la afasia


    San José Cascón, Paula


    La anomia se define como la dificultad para encontrar las palabras que se precisan durante el habla, dependiendo de qué nivel cognitivo se vea afectado, se dará lugar a un tipo de anomia u otro, aunque no es un síntoma único de la afasia, sí que es común en todas ellas, causando un impedimento en la comunicación de los pacientes que lo padecen, por ello, se precisa de una rehabilitación logopédica. Se pretende realizar una revisión sobre la literatura de la anomia en pacientes afásicos, qu...

  5. Implicaciones metabólicas del consumo exesivo de fructosa


    Esquivel-Solís, Viviana; Gómez-Salas, Georgina


    En los últimos años se ha dado un auge importante en la producción de alimentos endulzados con edulcorantes distintos a la sacarosa o azúcar de mesa, que por aportar menos calorías, son utilizados ya sea para perder peso o para mantener un peso saludable, o bien, para ofrecer opciones alimenticias a individuos que padecen de diabetes o intolerancia a la glucosa. Uno de los edulcorantes de mayor utilización es el jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa, el cual, en comparación con la sacarosa, tiene u...

  6. Síndrome de burnout en profesionales de enfermería que realizan jornada física complementaria en servicios de cuidados críticos y urgencias


    Cañadas-De la Fuente, Guillermo Arturo; Albendín-García, Luis; Fuente, Emilia Inmaculada de la; San Luis, Concepción; Gómez-Urquiza, José Luis; Cañadas, Gustavo Raúl


    RESUMEN Fundamentos: El síndrome de burnout es un trastorno que afecta a las personas que lo padecen, a las instituciones en las que éstas prestan servicio y a la calidad de los cuidados a los pacientes. El objetivo fue estudiar los niveles de síndrome de burnout en los profesionales de enfermería de urgencias con jornada física complementaria y conocer su relación con características de personalidad y realización de jornada física complementaria y conocer su relación con características de ...

  7. Propuestas de políticas sociales con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida en el trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad


    Ana Cid Foix


    Este artículo relaciona los efectos del estrés en los periodos pre y postnatal con los hallazgos morfológicos y funcionales en el cerebro de los que padecen el trastorno por déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH). Las consecuencias de este trastorno generan un problema social motivado por las dificultades que estos niños presentan en la integración familiar, escolar y en relación con los demás. Se revisan los tratamientos realizados hasta ahora. El fármaco más prescrito ha sido el metilf...

  8. Ictericia Neonatal


    Blanco de la Fuente, María Isabel


    El motivo que ha llevado a la realización de este trabajo fin de grado sobre el tema de la ICTERICIA NEONATAL se debe a la elevada frecuencia de su aparición en la población. Un porcentaje elevado de RN la padecen al nacer siendo, en la mayor parte de los casos, un proceso fisiológico resuelto con facilidad debido a una inmadurez del sistema hepático y a una hiperproducción de bilirrubina. La ictericia neonatal es la pigmentación de color amarillo de la piel y mucosas en ...



    Guillermo Arturo Cañadas-De la Fuente; Luis Albendín-García; Emilia Inmaculada de la Fuente; Concepción San Luis; José Luis Gómez-Urquiza; Gustavo Raúl Cañadas


    Fundamentos: El síndrome de burnout es un trastorno que afecta a las personas que lo padecen, a las instituciones en las que éstas prestan servicio y a la calidad de los cuidados a los pacientes. El objetivo fue estudiar los niveles de síndrome de burnout en los profesionales de enfermería de urgencias con jornada física complementaria y conocer su relación con características de personalidad y realización de jornada física complementaria y conocer su relación con características de personali...

  10. Método Pilates vs. TENS en el dolor lumbar


    García Lapuente, Rubén


    El dolor lumbar es una de las afecciones más comunes en el ser humano ya que se estima que aproximadamente solo dos de cada diez personas vivirán sin dolor de espalda. Las principales consecuencias de esta patología son el dolor y la discapacidad que generan mucha limitación entre quienes la padecen. Justificación del trabajo: el método Pilates sigue sumando adeptos a todos los niveles. Puesto que la lumbalgia es una afección tan común y el ejercicio está indicado para su recuperación es n...

  11. Liderazgo en las vacunas sobre "dar información a los padres"


    Bodí Belda, María José


    La vacunación en los últimos años se está incrementando en los casos de niños que padecen enfermedades graves y que bien por la propia enfermedad o por el tratamiento de ésta, se encuentran en un estado de inmunodepresión. Constituye uno de los tratamientos preventivos que más vidas ha salvado en las últimas décadas y tiene especial relevancia en este grupo de pacientes pediátricos, para los cuales contraer una enfermedad infecciosa podría poner en riesgo su vida. En este trabajo, se plantean...

  12. Tratamientos integrales en el POS para la rehabilitación de niños, niñas y adolescentes con anorexia y bulimia


    Monroy Fontalvo, Tania Paola


    Este trabajo busca establecer si en Colombia el ordenamiento jurídico contempla un tratamiento integral para la rehabilitación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes que padecen de anorexia y bulimia. Para ello, se hará una descripción de la anorexia y la bulimia en niños, niñas y adolescentes, se examinarán las normas que desarrollan el POS estableciendo la reglamentación que se consagra para la rehabilitación de estas enfermedades y se llegará a la conclusión de acuerdo al pronunciamiento de la...

  13. Guía de práctica clínica: síndrome del intestino irritable con estreñimiento y estreñimiento funcional en adultos: concepto, diagnóstico y continuidad asistencial. (Parte 1 de 2)


    F. Mearin; C. Ciriza; M. Mínguez; E. Rey; J.J. Mascort; E. Peña; P. Cañones; J. Júdez


    En esta Guía de práctica clínica analizamos el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de pacientes adultos con estreñimiento y molestias abdominales, bajo el espectro del síndrome del intestino irritable y el estreñimiento funcional. Tienen una importante repercusión personal, sanitaria y social, afectando a la calidad de vida de los pacientes que las padecen. En el síndrome del intestino irritable con predomino del estreñimiento, este es la alteración deposicional predominante junto con dolor abdo...

  14. Discriminación por obesidad: Perspectiva Jurídica


    Baile Ayensa, José Ignacio


    La presente Tesis Doctoral es un estudio sobre la discriminación que padecen las personas obesas. Consta, básicamente, de las siguientes dos partes: a) un análisis psicosocial de la obesidad y la segregación que sufren las personas obesas; b) un análisis jurídico sobre cómo el Derecho debería prohibir la discriminación por obesidad. El análisis psicosocial constituye el presupuesto científico del que se parte en este trabajo doctoral, pues en él, y tras explicar qué entiende la comunidad cien...

  15. La enfermedad mental desde la perspectiva del Trabajo Social. Percepciones y actitudes de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Valladolid


    Abascal Redondo, Ana María


    La enfermedad mental sigue siendo actualmente una gran desconocida y por ende las personas que la padecen sufren un estigma social que actúa como obstaculizador en su día a día. Desde el Trabajo Social se trabaja con este colectivo de forma integral por lo que una de sus funciones es la de sensibilizar a las personas y lograr de esta manera una integración real de este colectivo. Es por ello, que este trabajo trata de conocer a través del Cuestionario de Atribución AQ-27 el estigma hacia las ...

  16. Una Ventana al Trabajo Infantil Doméstico: La experiencia en Colombia


    González, Paula


    Entrado el siglo XXI, nadie puede poner en duda que el trabajo infantil es un problema que lesiona severamente a las sociedades de los países que lo padecen. Sobre este tema se ha escrito muchísimo y se han hecho desarrollos legislativos muy importantes que van desde la Declaración de los Derechos del Niño proclamada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en noviembre de 1959, hasta la suscripción de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño adoptada por la Asamblea General de las Nac...

  17. Alicación móvil-control diabetes


    Palomo Velasco, Jesús


    En este proyecto se ha desarrollado una aplicación móvil desarrollada para la plataforma Android y pensada principalmente para la monitorización de las personas que padecen diabetes. En ella se informará de las actividades físicas realizadas mediante el uso de la API de Google Fit, además del tiempo de actividad, una estimación de las calorias consumidas, y una observación/consejo de tipo nutricional en función de dichas calorias. El usuario dispondrá de una sección de configuración donde pod...

  18. Estudio sobre el estado nutricional, calidad de vida, y capacidad funcional en pacientes con fibromialgia. Estudio ENCAVI


    Arranz, Laura Isabel


    [spa] La fibromialgia es una enfermedad reumática, clasificada con el código OMS CIE-10- M79.7 (versión 2007), de carácter crónico que causa dolor muscular generalizado, rigidez, fatiga, alteraciones del sueño y trastornos cognitivos entre otros síntomas. La prevalencia en España está alrededor del 2.4%, aunque algunos estudios han situado esta cifra entorno al 4%, siendo las mujeres las que más la padecen, con gran diferencia respecto a los hombres. La fibromialgia, además, se presenta frecu...

  19. Obesidad y autoestima.


    Díaz Guzmán, M.C.; Díaz Guzmán, M.T.


    La obesidad se extiende a un ritmo alarmante, no sólo en los países industrializados, sino también en países en desarrollo. Así lo ponen de manifiesto los datos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2004) que informa que al menos 300 millones de personas padecen obesidad y que esta es una condición compleja que acarrea graves problemas sociales y psíquicos y afectos a todas las edades y estratos socioeconómicos. Por tanto, intentamos justificar cómo la variable autoestim...

  20. La Construcción Social de la Hiperactividad


    Ángela María Vargas Rodríguez; Carlos José Parales Quenza


    El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (tdah)es una afección frecuente, con alta variabilidad en su preva-lencia a través de contextos, y de interés por la repercusión que tiene sobre el desempeño escolar de quienes la padecen. Se exploraron las construcciones simbólicas que hacen diferentes actores acerca de niños diagnosticados con TDAH. Con tal fin se realizaron entrevistas abiertas de tipo semántico y episódico a 31 participantes bogotanos, distribuidos en grupos de maestro...

  1. Burnout enfermero: qué es y cómo prevenirlo


    Díez Laso, Lorena


    El síndrome de Burnout es considerado un importante problema social, ya que muchos trabajadores padecen o pueden padecer sus consecuencias no siendo conscientes de ello. El personal de enfermería es de los más afectados por el Burnout, debido a las situaciones que viven y el entorno en el que trabajan. Eliminar el Burnout es imposible pero, a través de la promoción de la salud y la prevención mediante estrategias se puede llegar a controlar su aparición y desarrollo. El objetivo de esta monog...

  2. Functional Multiple-Set Canonical Correlation Analysis (United States)

    Hwang, Heungsun; Jung, Kwanghee; Takane, Yoshio; Woodward, Todd S.


    We propose functional multiple-set canonical correlation analysis for exploring associations among multiple sets of functions. The proposed method includes functional canonical correlation analysis as a special case when only two sets of functions are considered. As in classical multiple-set canonical correlation analysis, computationally, the…

  3. Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Penstimulasian Multiple Intelligences Siswa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edy Legowo


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini membahas mengenai penerapan teori multiple intelligences dalam pembelajaran di sekolah. Pembahasan diawali dengan menguraikan perkembangan konsep inteligensi dan multiple intelligences. Diikuti dengan menjelaskan dampak teori multiple intelligences dalam bidang pendidikan dan pembelajaran di sekolah. Bagian selanjutnya menguraikan tentang implementasi teori multiple intelligences dalam praktik pembelajaran di kelas yaitu bagaimana pemberian pengalaman belajar siswa yang difasilitasi guru dapat menstimulasi multiple intelligences siswa. Evaluasi hasil belajar siswa dari pandangan penerapan teori multiple intelligences seharusnya dilakukan menggunakan authentic assessment dan portofolio yang lebih memfasilitasi para siswa mengungkapkan atau mengaktualisasikan hasil belajarnya melalui berbagai cara sesuai dengan kekuatan jenis inteligensinya.

  4. The INEL beryllium multiplication experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, J.R.; King, J.J.


    The experiment to measure the multiplication of 14-MeV neutrons in bulk beryllium has been completed. The experiment consists of determining the ratio of 56 Mn activities induced in a large manganese bath by a central 14-MeV neutron source, with and without a beryllium sample surrounding the source. In the manganese bath method a neutron source is placed at the center of a totally-absorbing aqueous solution of MnSo 4 . The capture of neutrons by Mn produces a 56 Mn activity proportional to the emission rate of the source. As applied to the measurement of the multiplication of 14- MeV neutrons in bulk beryllium, the neutron source is a tritium target placed at the end of the drift tube of a small deuteron accelerator. Surrounding the source is a sample chamber. When the sample chamber is empty, the neutrons go directly to the surrounding MnSO 4 solution, and produce a 56 Mn activity proportional to the neutron emission rate. When the chamber contains a beryllium sample, the neutrons first enter the beryllium and multiply through the (n,2n) process. Neutrons escaping from the beryllium enter the bath and produce a 56 Mn activity proportional to the neutron emission rate multiplied by the effective value of the multiplication in bulk beryllium. The ratio of the activities with and without the sample present is proportional to the multiplication value. Detailed calculations of the multiplication and all the systematic effects were made with the Monte Carlo program MCNP, utilizing both the Young and Stewart and the ENDF/B-VI evaluations for beryllium. Both data sets produce multiplication values that are in excellent agreement with the measurements for both raw and corrected values of the multiplication. We conclude that there is not real discrepancy between experimental and calculated values for the multiplication of neutrons in bulk beryllium. 12 figs., 11 tabs., 18 refs

  5. Extending Data Worth Analyses to Select Multiple Observations Targeting Multiple Forecasts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vilhelmsen, Troels Norvin; Ferre, Ty Paul


    . In the present study, we extend previous data worth analyses to include: simultaneous selection of multiple new measurements and consideration of multiple forecasts of interest. We show how the suggested approach can be used to optimize data collection. This can be used in a manner that suggests specific...... measurement sets or that produces probability maps indicating areas likely to be informative for specific forecasts. Moreover, we provide examples documenting that sequential measurement election approaches often lead to suboptimal designs and that estimates of data covariance should be included when...

  6. Multiple mononeuropathy (United States)

    ... with multiple mononeuropathy are prone to new nerve injuries at pressure points such as the knees and elbows. They should avoid putting pressure on these areas, for example, by not leaning on the elbows, crossing the knees, ...

  7. Multiple Sclerosis After Infectious Mononucleosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Trine Rasmussen; Rostgaard, Klaus; Nielsen, Nete Munk


    BACKGROUND: Infectious mononucleosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus has been associated with increased risk of multiple sclerosis. However, little is known about the characteristics of this association. OBJECTIVE: To assess the significance of sex, age at and time since infectious mononucleosis......, and attained age to the risk of developing multiple sclerosis after infectious mononucleosis. DESIGN: Cohort study using persons tested serologically for infectious mononucleosis at Statens Serum Institut, the Danish Civil Registration System, the Danish National Hospital Discharge Register, and the Danish...... Multiple Sclerosis Registry. SETTING: Statens Serum Institut. PATIENTS: A cohort of 25 234 Danish patients with mononucleosis was followed up for the occurrence of multiple sclerosis beginning on April 1, 1968, or January 1 of the year after the diagnosis of mononucleosis or after a negative Paul...

  8. Multiple Thymoma with Myasthenia Gravis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dong Hyun Seo


    Full Text Available The actual incidence of multiple thymoma is unknown and rarely reported because it remains controversial whether the cases represent a disease of multicentric origin or a disease resulting from intrathymic metastasis. In this case, a patient underwent total thymectomy for multiple thymoma with myasthenia gravis via bilateral video-assisted thoracic surgery. A well-encapsulated multinodular cystic mass, measuring 57 mm×50 mm×22 mm in the right lobe of the thymus, and a well-encapsulated mass, measuring 32 mm×15 mm×14 mm in the left lobe, were found. Both tumors were type B2 thymoma. Few cases of multiple thymoma with myasthenia gravis have ever been reported in the literature. We report a case of synchronous multiple thymoma associated with myasthenia gravis.

  9. On Utmost Multiplicity of Hierarchical Stellar Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gebrehiwot Y. M.


    Full Text Available According to theoretical considerations, multiplicity of hierarchical stellar systems can reach, depending on masses and orbital parameters, several hundred, while observational data confirm the existence of at most septuple (seven-component systems. In this study, we cross-match the stellar systems of very high multiplicity (six and more components in modern catalogues of visual double and multiple stars to find among them the candidates to hierarchical systems. After cross-matching the catalogues of closer binaries (eclipsing, spectroscopic, etc., some of their components were found to be binary/multiple themselves, what increases the system's degree of multiplicity. Optical pairs, known from literature or filtered by the authors, were flagged and excluded from the statistics. We compiled a list of hierarchical systems with potentially very high multiplicity that contains ten objects. Their multiplicity does not exceed 12, and we discuss a number of ways to explain the lack of extremely high multiplicity systems.

  10. Multiple Sclerosis and Vitamin D (United States)

    ... Editors David C. Spencer, MD Steven Karceski, MD Multiple sclerosis and vitamin D Andrew J. Solomon, MD WHAT ... caused by improper immune responses (autoimmune diseases), including multiple sclerosis (MS). A recent Patient Page in Neurology provided ...

  11. Multiple Hierarchies and Organizational Control (United States)

    Evans, Peter B.


    Uses a control-loss model to explore the effects of multiple channels in formal organizations, and presents an argument for the superior control properties of dual hierarchies. Two variant forms of multiple hierarchies are considered. (Author)

  12. Multiple Intelligences: Current Trends in Assessment (United States)

    Harman, Marsha J.; Kordinak, S. Thomas; Bruce, A. Jerry


    With his theory of multiple intelligences, Howard Gardner challenged the presumption that intelligence is a single innate entity. He maintained that multiple intelligences exist and are related to specific brain areas and symbol systems. Each of the intelligences has its merits and limits, but by using a multiple intelligences approach, more…

  13. Enfermedad de Hodgkin: nuevos conceptos clínico-patológicos Hodgkin´s disease: new clinico-pathologic features

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José René Mesa Cuervo


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Hodgkin, considerada una neoplasia linfoide, se clasifica en 5 grupos a partir de la conferencia de Rye en 1966. La variedad esclerosis nodular es la más frecuente, afecta generalmente regiones supradiafragmáticas y se divide en 2 grados, con características morfológicas y pronósticas diferentes. El grado II, de mal pronóstico, exige formas de tratamiento más agresivas. La celularidad mixta suele tener mayor diseminación de la enfermedad y junto a la esclerosis nodular, se catalogan como formas clásicas de la enfermedad, con positividad para los marcadores inmunofenotípicos CD15 y CD30. El predominio linfocítico se considera un linfoma de células del centro germinal y emerge como entidad clínicopatológica diferente. La depleción linfocítica se diagnostica con baja frecuencia y tiene un pronóstico desfavorable. El diagnóstico diferencial con linfomas no hodgkinianos no siempre es posible y actualmente se señala que la delimitación entre ambos tipos de linfomas no está bien definida. El grupo no clasificado tiende a desaparecerHodgkin´s disease, considered a lymphoid neoplasia, is classified in 5 groups, since Rye Conference in 1960. Nodular sclerosis variety is commonest, generally involve supradiaphragmatic regions and is divided in two grades with distinct morphologic ant prognostic features. Grade II of badly prognosis demand a more aggresive treatment. Mixed cellularity ussualy has a greater disease spreading level and joined with nodular sclerosis, are classified as classic forms of disease, positive to immunophenotypical markers, CD15 and CD30. Lymphocytic predominance is to be considered as a cell lymphoma of germinal center and emerge as a distinct clinico-pathologic entity with a unfavourable prognosis. Differential diagnosis in non-Hodgkin´s lymphomas, unusually is possible and at present, delimitation between both types of lymphoma, es not well defined. Non classified group have a tendency to

  14. Efecto neuroprotector de los cannabinoides en las enfermedades neurodegenerativas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Suero-García


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Se analiza la situación actual de las investigaciones relacionadas con las sustancias cannabinoides, así como su interacción con el organismo, clasificación, efectos terapéuticos y su uso en las enfermedades neurodegenerativas. Métodos: Se realiza una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica relacionada con las sustancias cannabinoides y sus derivados sintéticos, haciendo especial hincapié en la forma de interactuar con el organismo y los efectos que provocan dichas interacciones. Concretamente, se estudiarán sus efectos neuroantiinflamatorio y analgésico lo que conlleva al efecto neuroprotector en enfermedades neurodegenerativas tales como Alzheimer, Parkinson, Huntington, esclerosis múltiple y esclerosis lateral amiotrófica. Resultados: Desde hace miles de años la planta Cannabis Sativa ha sido utilizada por muchas culturas con distintos fines, de ocio, textiles, analgésicos, pero no es hasta finales del siglo XX cuando se empieza a incentivar los estudios científicos relacionados con ésta. La planta posee una mezcla de unos 400 componentes, de los cuales 60 pertenecen al grupo de los cannabinoides siendo los principales el cannabinol, cannabidiol y tetrahidrocannabinol. Con el descubrimiento de las sustancias cannabinoides, sus derivados, y los receptores que interactúan, se amplían las posibilidades terapéuticas teniendo un especial interés el efecto neuroprotector que estas sustancias contienen. Conclusiones. Se ha demostrado el gran potencial de los cannabinoides como sustancias terapéuticas más allá de su uso analgésico o antiemético, esto es, en enfermedades neurodegenerativas en las que pueden no solo disminuir los síntomas, sino frenar el proceso de la enfermedad. Otra posible aplicación puede ser en el campo oncológico, siendo particularmente intensa la actividad investigadora realizada en los últimos 15 años.

  15. High-multiplicity processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shelkov, G.; Sisakyan, A.; Mandzhavidze, I.


    We wish to demonstrate that investigation of asymptotically high multiplicity (AHM) hadron reactions may solve, or at least clear up, a number of problems unsolvable by other ways. We would lean upon the idea: (i) the reactions final state entropy is proportional to multiplicity and, by this reason, just in the AHM domain one may expect the equilibrium final state and (ii) the AHM final state is cold because of the energy-momentum conservation laws. This means that the collective phenomena may become important in the AHM domain. The possibility of hard processes dominance is considered also

  16. Realization of a gamma multiplicity filter and gamma multiplicity measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azgui, F.


    A gamma multiplicity filter for the study of reaction mechanism has been realised. It's composed of six NaI(Tl) counters. The flexibility of the geometry allows many configurations. This set up has been tested with gamma radioactive sources and with the 252 Cf source to resolve problems of gamma-efficiency of the NaI(Tl) counters and the contamination of neutrons in these detectors. A logical electronic unit (Encodeur) has been constructed and the around electronic has been developped. This gamma multiplicity filter has been coupled with a detector of high resolution Ge(Li), and used in two reactions: 12 C + 55 Mn at E( 12 C) = 54 MeV; α + 63 Cu at E(α) = 52 MeV. The dominant process is the fusion-evaporation. The compound nucleus 67 Ga, is formed at the same excitation energy. The values of multiplicities Msub(γ) have been extracted using a program based on the formalism of W.J. Ockels. The fractionalization of the angular momentum is well observed for some residual nuclei ( 63 Zn, 64 Zn, 65 Zn), and for each residual nucleus, the average gamma multiplicity is lower with projectile α than that with projectile 12 C. For the most strongly output channel p2n, an entry point for the 64 Zn has been determined in the reactions. All these observations are in good agreement with those published, in the same region (f-p shell) of nuclei. This set up can be coupled with different central detector as, ''X'', neutrons charged particles detectors, and will be used with the new machine SARA to make a systematic study of transfer of angular momentum to the fragments at 30 MeV/A [fr

  17. Genetic variants and multiple myeloma risk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martino, Alessandro; Campa, Daniele; Jurczyszyn, Artur


    BACKGROUND: Genetic background plays a role in multiple myeloma susceptibility. Several single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) associated with genetic susceptibility to multiple myeloma were identified in the last years, but only a few of them were validated in independent studies. METHODS...... with multiple myeloma risk (P value range, 0.055-0.981), possibly with the exception of the SNP rs2227667 (SERPINE1) in women. CONCLUSIONS: We can exclude that the selected polymorphisms are major multiple myeloma risk factors. IMPACT: Independent validation studies are crucial to identify true genetic risk...

  18. Piercing and Tattoos - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Piercing and Tattoos URL of this page: https://medlineplus. ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Piercing and Tattoos - Multiple Languages To use the sharing ...

  19. Multiple-valued logic design based on the multiple-peak BiCMOS-NDR circuits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kwang-Jow Gan


    Full Text Available Three different multiple-valued logic (MVL designs using the multiple-peak negative-differential-resistance (NDR circuits are investigated. The basic NDR element, which is made of several Si-based metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor (MOS and SiGe-based heterojunction-bipolar-transistor (HBT devices, can be implemented by using a standard BiCMOS process. These MVL circuits are designed based on the triggering-pulse control, saw-tooth input signal, and peak-control methods, respectively. However, there are some transient states existing between the multiple stable levels for the first two methods. These states might affect the circuit function in practical application. As a result, our proposed peak-control method for the MVL design can be used to overcome these transient states.

  20. The Multiple Control of Verbal Behavior (United States)

    Michael, Jack; Palmer, David C.; Sundberg, Mark L.


    Amid the novel terms and original analyses in Skinner's "Verbal Behavior", the importance of his discussion of multiple control is easily missed, but multiple control of verbal responses is the rule rather than the exception. In this paper we summarize and illustrate Skinner's analysis of multiple control and introduce the terms "convergent…

  1. Multiplicity in Early Stellar Evolution (United States)

    Reipurth, B.; Clarke, C. J.; Boss, A. P.; Goodwin, S. P.; Rodríguez, L. F.; Stassun, K. G.; Tokovinin, A.; Zinnecker, H.

    Observations from optical to centimeter wavelengths have demonstrated that multiple systems of two or more bodies is the norm at all stellar evolutionary stages. Multiple systems are widely agreed to result from the collapse and fragmentation of cloud cores, despite the inhibiting influence of magnetic fields. Surveys of class 0 protostars with millimeter interferometers have revealed a very high multiplicity frequency of about 2/3, even though there are observational difficulties in resolving close protobinaries, thus supporting the possibility that all stars could be born in multiple systems. Near-infrared adaptive optics observations of class I protostars show a lower binary frequency relative to the class 0 phase, a declining trend that continues through the class II/III stages to the field population. This loss of companions is a natural consequence of dynamical interplay in small multiple systems, leading to ejection of members. We discuss observational consequences of this dynamical evolution, and its influence on circumstellar disks, and we review the evolution of circumbinary disks and their role in defining binary mass ratios. Special attention is paid to eclipsing PMS binaries, which allow for observational tests of evolutionary models of early stellar evolution. Many stars are born in clusters and small groups, and we discuss how interactions in dense stellar environments can significantly alter the distribution of binary separations through dissolution of wider binaries. The binaries and multiples we find in the field are the survivors of these internal and external destructive processes, and we provide a detailed overview of the multiplicity statistics of the field, which form a boundary condition for all models of binary evolution. Finally, we discuss various formation mechanisms for massive binaries, and the properties of massive trapezia.

  2. Rough multiple objective decision making

    CERN Document Server

    Xu, Jiuping


    Rough Set TheoryBasic concepts and properties of rough sets Rough Membership Rough Intervals Rough FunctionApplications of Rough SetsMultiple Objective Rough Decision Making Reverse Logistics Problem with Rough Interval Parameters MODM based Rough Approximation for Feasible RegionEVRMCCRMDCRM Reverse Logistics Network Design Problem of Suji Renewable Resource MarketBilevel Multiple Objective Rough Decision Making Hierarchical Supply Chain Planning Problem with Rough Interval Parameters Bilevel Decision Making ModelBL-EVRM BL-CCRMBL-DCRMApplication to Supply Chain Planning of Mianyang Co., LtdStochastic Multiple Objective Rough Decision Multi-Objective Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling UnderRough Random EnvironmentRandom Variable Stochastic EVRM Stochastic CCRM Stochastic DCRM Multi-Objective rc-PSP/mM/Ro-Ra for Longtan Hydropower StationFuzzy Multiple Objective Rough Decision Making Allocation Problem under Fuzzy Environment Fuzzy Variable Fu-EVRM Fu-CCRM Fu-DCRM Earth-Rock Work Allocation Problem.

  3. [Future challenges in multiple sclerosis]. (United States)

    Fernández, Óscar


    Multiple sclerosis occurs in genetically susceptible individuals, in whom an unknown environmental factor triggers an immune response, giving rise to a chronic and disabling autoimmune disease. Currently, significant progress is being made in our knowledge of the frequency and distribution of multiple sclerosis and its risk factors, genetics, pathology, pathogenesis, diagnostic and prognostic markers, and treatment. This has radically changed patients' and clinicians' expectations of multiple sclerosis and has raised hope that there will soon be a way to control the disease. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  4. Asian American Health - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Asian American Health URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Asian American Health - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features ...

  5. Rotator Cuff Injuries - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... Are Here: Home → Multiple Languages → All Health Topics → Rotator Cuff Injuries URL of this page: ... V W XYZ List of All Topics All Rotator Cuff Injuries - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features ...

  6. Multiple-Symbol Detection Of Multiple-Trellis-Coded MDPSK (United States)

    Divsalar, Dariush; Simon, Marvin K.; Shahshahani, Mehrdad M.


    In proposed scheme for detection and decoding of multiple-trellis-coded multilevel differential-phase-shift-keyed (MDPSK) radio signals, observation time for differential detection extended from conventional 2 to larger number of symbol periods. Decreases rate of error in differential detection of uncoded MDPSK by increasing number of symbol periods.

  7. Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Penstimulasian Multiple Intelligences Siswa


    Edy Legowo


    Tulisan ini membahas mengenai penerapan teori multiple intelligences dalam pembelajaran di sekolah. Pembahasan diawali dengan menguraikan perkembangan konsep inteligensi dan multiple intelligences. Diikuti dengan menjelaskan dampak teori multiple intelligences dalam bidang pendidikan dan pembelajaran di sekolah. Bagian selanjutnya menguraikan tentang implementasi teori multiple intelligences dalam praktik pembelajaran di kelas yaitu bagaimana pemberian pengalaman belajar siswa yang difasilita...

  8. Novel applications of multitask learning and multiple output regression to multiple genetic trait prediction. (United States)

    He, Dan; Kuhn, David; Parida, Laxmi


    Given a set of biallelic molecular markers, such as SNPs, with genotype values encoded numerically on a collection of plant, animal or human samples, the goal of genetic trait prediction is to predict the quantitative trait values by simultaneously modeling all marker effects. Genetic trait prediction is usually represented as linear regression models. In many cases, for the same set of samples and markers, multiple traits are observed. Some of these traits might be correlated with each other. Therefore, modeling all the multiple traits together may improve the prediction accuracy. In this work, we view the multitrait prediction problem from a machine learning angle: as either a multitask learning problem or a multiple output regression problem, depending on whether different traits share the same genotype matrix or not. We then adapted multitask learning algorithms and multiple output regression algorithms to solve the multitrait prediction problem. We proposed a few strategies to improve the least square error of the prediction from these algorithms. Our experiments show that modeling multiple traits together could improve the prediction accuracy for correlated traits. The programs we used are either public or directly from the referred authors, such as MALSAR ( package. The Avocado data set has not been published yet and is available upon request. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.

  9. Multiples waveform inversion

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Dongliang


    To increase the illumination of the subsurface and to eliminate the dependency of FWI on the source wavelet, we propose multiples waveform inversion (MWI) that transforms each hydrophone into a virtual point source with a time history equal to that of the recorded data. These virtual sources are used to numerically generate downgoing wavefields that are correlated with the backprojected surface-related multiples to give the migration image. Since the recorded data are treated as the virtual sources, knowledge of the source wavelet is not required, and the subsurface illumination is greatly enhanced because the entire free surface acts as an extended source compared to the radiation pattern of a traditional point source. Numerical tests on the Marmousi2 model show that the convergence rate and the spatial resolution of MWI is, respectively, faster and more accurate then FWI. The potential pitfall with this method is that the multiples undergo more than one roundtrip to the surface, which increases attenuation and reduces spatial resolution. This can lead to less resolved tomograms compared to conventional FWI. The possible solution is to combine both FWI and MWI in inverting for the subsurface velocity distribution.

  10. Treatment of Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis (United States)

    Pierson, Susan H.; Griffith, Nathan


    Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis is an increasingly recognized entity. This article reviews the cognitive impairment of multiple sclerosis, its prevalence, its relationship to different types of multiple sclerosis, and its contribution to long-term functional prognosis. The discussion also focuses on the key elements of cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis which distinguish it from other forms of cognitive impairment. Therapeutic interventions potentially effective for the cognitive impairment of multiple sclerosis are reviewed including the effects of disease modifying therapies and the use of physical and cognitive interventions. PMID:16720960

  11. Humanizing Outgroups Through Multiple Categorization (United States)

    Prati, Francesca; Crisp, Richard J.; Meleady, Rose; Rubini, Monica


    In three studies, we examined the impact of multiple categorization on intergroup dehumanization. Study 1 showed that perceiving members of a rival university along multiple versus simple categorical dimensions enhanced the tendency to attribute human traits to this group. Study 2 showed that multiple versus simple categorization of immigrants increased the attribution of uniquely human emotions to them. This effect was explained by the sequential mediation of increased individuation of the outgroup and reduced outgroup threat. Study 3 replicated this sequential mediation model and introduced a novel way of measuring humanization in which participants generated attributes corresponding to the outgroup in a free response format. Participants generated more uniquely human traits in the multiple versus simple categorization conditions. We discuss the theoretical implications of these findings and consider their role in informing and improving efforts to ameliorate contemporary forms of intergroup discrimination. PMID:26984016

  12. [Delivery in multiple pregnancies]. (United States)

    Colla, F; D'Addato, F; Grio, R


    A knowledge of clinical physiognomy in pathologies related to multiple births is indispensable for improving maternal and feto-neonatal prognosis. This study is a contribution to the solution of this problem. A meta-analysis of data for multiple births at Department B of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic at the University of Turi during the decade 1989-1998 was carried out, focusing on the arrangement and presentation of fetuses, the various types of birth, the gestational age at which birth occurred, the weight of neonates, neonatal mortality and maternal morbidity. Out of 11,523 births, there were a total of 194 (1.68%) multiple births, including 190 sets of twins and 4 triplets. 154 (79.38%) premature births were reported; 20 occurred 1500 g). The perinatal mortality rate was 3.82%. Maternal complications mainly occurred during the placental state, in the immediate postpartum and in puerperio. The authors feel that a more careful medical and social assistance, preventive hospitalisation, early recognition of the risk, constant monitoring for the optimal timing of birth, and lastly, qualified medical assistance during labour (expert gynecologist, trained obstetric staff) with other medical personnel (anesthetist, neonatal specialist) represent winning strategies to solve the problems arising during multiple pregnancies.

  13. Application of neutron multiplicity counting to waste assay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pickrell, M.M.; Ensslin, N. [Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States); Sharpe, T.J. [North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC (United States)


    This paper describes the use of a new figure of merit code that calculates both bias and precision for coincidence and multiplicity counting, and determines the optimum regions for each in waste assay applications. A {open_quotes}tunable multiplicity{close_quotes} approach is developed that uses a combination of coincidence and multiplicity counting to minimize the total assay error. An example is shown where multiplicity analysis is used to solve for mass, alpha, and multiplication and tunable multiplicity is shown to work well. The approach provides a method for selecting coincidence, multiplicity, or tunable multiplicity counting to give the best assay with the lowest total error over a broad spectrum of assay conditions. 9 refs., 6 figs.

  14. Multiple sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stenager, E; Knudsen, L; Jensen, K


    In a cross-sectional investigation of 116 patients with multiple sclerosis, the social and sparetime activities of the patient were assessed by both patient and his/her family. The assessments were correlated to physical disability which showed that particularly those who were moderately disabled...

  15. Multiple sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stenager, E; Jensen, K


    An investigation on the correlation between ability to read TV subtitles and the duration of visual evoked potential (VEP) latency in 14 patients with definite multiple sclerosis (MS), indicated that VEP latency in patients unable to read the TV subtitles was significantly delayed in comparison...

  16. Veto-Consensus Multiple Kernel Learning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhou, Y.; Hu, N.; Spanos, C.J.


    We propose Veto-Consensus Multiple Kernel Learning (VCMKL), a novel way of combining multiple kernels such that one class of samples is described by the logical intersection (consensus) of base kernelized decision rules, whereas the other classes by the union (veto) of their complements. The

  17. An efficient method for generalized linear multiplicative programming problem with multiplicative constraints. (United States)

    Zhao, Yingfeng; Liu, Sanyang


    We present a practical branch and bound algorithm for globally solving generalized linear multiplicative programming problem with multiplicative constraints. To solve the problem, a relaxation programming problem which is equivalent to a linear programming is proposed by utilizing a new two-phase relaxation technique. In the algorithm, lower and upper bounds are simultaneously obtained by solving some linear relaxation programming problems. Global convergence has been proved and results of some sample examples and a small random experiment show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and efficient.

  18. Treatment of Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis


    Pierson, Susan H.; Griffith, Nathan


    Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis is an increasingly recognized entity. This article reviews the cognitive impairment of multiple sclerosis, its prevalence, its relationship to different types of multiple sclerosis, and its contribution to long-term functional prognosis. The discussion also focuses on the key elements of cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis which distinguish it from other forms of cognitive impairment. Therapeutic interventions potentially effective for the co...

  19. Universal features of multiplicity distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balantekin, A.B.; Washington Univ., Seattle, WA


    Universal features of multiplicity distributions are studied and combinants, certain linear combinations of ratios of probabilities, are introduced. It is argued that they can be a useful tool in analyzing multiplicity distributions of hadrons emitted in high energy collisions and large scale structure of galaxy distributions

  20. Sequential and simultaneous multiple explanation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert Litchfield


    Full Text Available This paper reports two experiments comparing variants of multiple explanation applied in the early stages of a judgment task (a case involving employee theft where participants are not given a menu of response options. Because prior research has focused on situations where response options are provided to judges, we identify relevant dependent variables that an intervention might affect when such options are not given. We use these variables to build a causal model of intervention that illustrates both the intended effects of multiple explanation and some potentially competing processes that it may trigger. Although multiple explanation clearly conveys some benefits (e.g., willingness to delay action to engage in information search, increased detail, quality and confidence in alternative explanations in the present experiments, we also found evidence that it may initiate or enhance processes that attenuate its advantages (e.g., feelings that one does not need more data if one has multiple good explanations.

  1. Multiple sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stenager, E; Jensen, K


    Forty-two (12%) of a total of 366 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) had psychiatric admissions. Of these, 34 (81%) had their first psychiatric admission in conjunction with or after the onset of MS. Classification by psychiatric diagnosis showed that there was a significant positive correlation...

  2. Spatial photon correlations in multiple scattering media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smolka, Stephan; Muskens, O.; Lagendijk, A.


    We present the first angle-resolved measurements of spatial photon correlations that are induced by multiple scattering of light. The correlation relates multiple scattered photons at different spatial positions and depends on incident photon fluctuations.......We present the first angle-resolved measurements of spatial photon correlations that are induced by multiple scattering of light. The correlation relates multiple scattered photons at different spatial positions and depends on incident photon fluctuations....

  3. Multiplicity distribution and multiplicity moment of black and grey particles in high energy nucleus–nucleus interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghosh, Dipak; Deb, Argha; Datta, Utpal; Bhattacharyya, S.


    In this paper we have studied the multiplicity distribution of black and grey particles emitted from 16 O–AgBr interactions at 2.1 AGeV and 60 AGeV. We have also calculated the multiplicity moment up to the fifth order for both the interactions and for both kinds of emitted particles. The variation of multiplicity moment with the order number has been investigated. It is seen that in the case of black particles multiplicity moment up to fourth order remains almost constant as energy increases from 2.1 AGeV to 60 AGeV. Fifth order multiplicity moment increases insignificantly with energy. However in the case of grey particles no such constancy of multiplicity moment with energy of the projectile beam is obtained. Later we have extended our study on the basis of Regge–Mueller approach to find the existence of second order correlation during the emission of black as well as the grey particles. The second Mueller moment is found to be positive and it increases as energy increases in the case of black particles. On the contrary in the case of grey particles the second Mueller moment decreases with energy. It can be concluded that as energy increases correlation among the black particles increases. On the other hand with the increase of energy correlation among the grey particles is found to diminish. (author)

  4. The ALICE forward multiplicity detector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm Christensen, Christian; Gulbrandsen, Kristjan; Sogaard, Carsten


    The ALICE Forward Multiplicity Detector (FMD) is a silicon strip detector with 51,200 strips arranged in 5 rings, covering the range $-3.4......The ALICE Forward Multiplicity Detector (FMD) is a silicon strip detector with 51,200 strips arranged in 5 rings, covering the range $-3.4...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ciocchini M


    Full Text Available A 27 year-old woman was initially referred to the division of nephrology because of polyuria and the finding of renal cysts. She did not have nervous system manifestations. According to the "2012 International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Consensus Conference" the diagnosis of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC was completed. TSC is an autosomal dominant inherited multisystem disease with nearly complete penetrance. Clinical manifestations can vary widely even in patients belonging to a same linage. The morbidity and mortality depends on renal or respiratory complications on adulthood. This report highlight the need of a high level of suspicions in patients with manifestations compatible with this disease and shows the importance of a multidisciplinary team working together to arrive to the appropriate diagnosis.

  6. Compromiso pulmonar en esclerosis sistémica Lung involvement in systemic sclerosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Quadrelli


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar las características clínicas de los pacientes con esclerodermia y compromiso pulmonar y evaluar si existen factores clínicos predictores de mayor riesgo de enfermedad intersticial. Se estudiaron en forma retrospectiva 40 pacientes con esclerodermia. Fueron divididos en 2 grupos: capacidad de difusión del monóxido de carbono (DLCO normal (n = 22 y DLCO disminuida (n = 18, 45%. Los pacientes con DLCO disminuida no fueron diferentes en edad (51.1 ± 13.5 vs. 53.5 ± 9.3 años, p = 0.5182, sexo (varones 13.6%, p = 0.6088 , presencia de Raynaud (86.6% vs. 85%, p = 0.6272, síndrome de ojo seco (6.2% vs. 10.5%, p = 1.0000 prevalencia de enfermedad difusa (94.1% vs. 83.3%, p = 0.6026 o de dilatación esofágica. El tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad no fue diferente. La sensibilidad de la disnea para detectar una DLCO alterada fue 46.6% con una especificidad del 90% y la de la caída de la saturación de O2 (SaO2 del 71.4% y 80% respectivamente. Los pacientes con DLCO baja tuvieron mayor prevalencia de anticuerpos anti-Scl 70 positivos (5/9 vs. 0/11, p = 0.0081 y de incapacidad ventilatoria restrictiva aunque en 56.7% de los pacientes con DLCO disminuida la capacidad pulmonar total (CPT era normal. La presencia de hipertensión pulmonar medida por ecocardiograma Doppler fue idéntica (11/13 vs. 10/11, p = 1.0000. Los pacientes con DLCO disminuida tuvieron una prevalencia muy superior de tomografía computada de tórax con evidencias de compromiso intersticial (82.3% vs. 5.8%, p ≤ 0.0001. En conclusión, nuestros datos sugieren que la disminución de la DLCO es un hallazgo, muy frecuentemente asociado a TAC de tórax con compromiso intersticial y que no hay variables clínicas que permitan predecir su anormalidad.The objective of this study was to determine clinical predictors of interstitial lung disease in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc and pulmonary involvement as defined by presence of a decreased diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO. Forty subjects with SSc were retrospectively evaluated. Patients were categorized according to their level of DLCO (< o ≥ 80% of predicted. Sensitivity of dyspnea to detect a decreased DLCO was 46.6% and specificity 90%, whereas oxygen desaturation showed a sensitivity of 71.4% and a specificity of 80%. Patients with decreased DLCO (n = 18 were not different in age (51.1 ± 13.5 vs. 53.5 ± 9.3 y, p = 0.5182, sex (male 13.6%, p = 0.6088, prevalence of Raynaud (86.6% vs. 85%, p = 0.6272, sicca syndrome (6.2% vs. 10.5% p = 1.0000 diffuse cutaneous involvement (94.1% vs. 83.3%, p = 0.6026 or esophageal dilatation. The duration of symptoms since diagnosis was no different. Prevalence of pulmonary hypertension assessed by Doppler echocardiography or abnormal nailfold capillaroscopic findings were identical in both populations. Patients with low DLCO had a significatly higher prevalence of anti topoisomerase antibodies. (5/9 vs. 0/11, p = 0.0081 and restrictive lung disease. Patients with low DLCO showed a significantly higher prevalence of abnormal HRCT findings suggestive of ILD (82.3% vs. 5.8%, p ≤ 0.0001. We conclude that a low DLCO is a frequent finding in SSc patients, strongly associated with HRCT signs of ILD. We have not found clinical factors predictive for a low DLCO.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Santos Revilla


    Full Text Available The tuberous sclerosis complex is a phakomatosis, characterized by cutaneous lesions, epilepsy and mental retardation; woth variable affectation in brain, kidneys, heart and other organs. With dominant autosomic character, there are between 60 to 70% de novo mutations. Renal lesions can be identified in up to 57.5% of patients We report the case of a 20 years old male patient from the Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. He presents cuteanousangiofibroma, Shegreen patches, subependymal calcifications, renal angiomyolipomas and mild metal retardation; along with the diverse forms of clinical-pathologic presentations of tuberous sclerosis complex.

  8. Mean associative multiplicities in deep inelastic processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dzhaparidze, G.Sh.; Kiselev, A.V.; Petrov, V.A.


    The associative hadron multiplicities in deep inelastic and Drell--Yan processes are studied. In particular the mean multiplicities in different hard processes in QCD are found to be determined by the mean multiplicity in parton jet [ru

  9. Multiple trauma in children: critical care overview. (United States)

    Wetzel, Randall C; Burns, R Cartland


    Multiple trauma is more than the sum of the injuries. Management not only of the physiologic injury but also of the pathophysiologic responses, along with integration of the child's emotional and developmental needs and the child's family, forms the basis of trauma care. Multiple trauma in children also elicits profound psychological responses from the healthcare providers involved with these children. This overview will address the pathophysiology of multiple trauma in children and the general principles of trauma management by an integrated trauma team. Trauma is a systemic disease. Multiple trauma stimulates the release of multiple inflammatory mediators. A lethal triad of hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy is the direct result of trauma and secondary injury from the systemic response to trauma. Controlling and responding to the secondary pathophysiologic sequelae of trauma is the cornerstone of trauma management in the multiply injured, critically ill child. Damage control surgery is a new, rational approach to the child with multiple trauma. The selection of children for damage control surgery depends on the severity of injury. Major abdominal vascular injuries and multiple visceral injuries are best considered for this approach. The effective management of childhood multiple trauma requires a combined team approach, consideration of the child and family, an organized trauma system, and an effective quality assurance and improvement mechanism.

  10. Multiple Sclerosis. (United States)

    Plummer, Nancy; Michael, Nancy, Ed.

    This module on multiple sclerosis is intended for use in inservice or continuing education programs for persons who administer medications in long-term care facilities. Instructor information, including teaching suggestions, and a listing of recommended audiovisual materials and their sources appear first. The module goal and objectives are then…

  11. Multiple sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stenager, E; Knudsen, L; Jensen, K


    In a cross-sectional study of 94 patients (42 males, 52 females) with definite multiple sclerosis (MS) in the age range 25-55 years, the correlation of neuropsychological tests with the ability to read TV-subtitles and with the use of sedatives is examined. A logistic regression analysis reveals...

  12. Multiple relay selection for delay-limited applications

    KAUST Repository

    Alsharoa, Ahmad M.


    A multiple relay selection system model that implements the decode-and-forward mode is investigated. All communication nodes are assumed to be equipped by multiple antennas. Furthermore, lattices space-time coded multiple-input multiple-output half duplex channel is applied. The main goal is to increase the throughput of the system by selecting multiple number of relays. The selection criteria depends on the maximum decoding delay at relays where the system implements a decoding time-out algorithm at each relay. This leads to a significant saving in the overall system power consumptions and attempts to solve the relays synchronization problem. All results are presented using numerical simulations. © 2012 IEEE.

  13. Measuring multiple residual-stress components using the contour method and multiple cuts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prime, Michael B [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Swenson, Hunter [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Pagliaro, Pierluigi [U. PALERMO; Zuccarello, Bernardo [U. PALERMO


    The conventional contour method determines one component of stress over the cross section of a part. The part is cut into two, the contour of the exposed surface is measured, and Bueckner's superposition principle is analytically applied to calculate stresses. In this paper, the contour method is extended to the measurement of multiple stress components by making multiple cuts with subsequent applications of superposition. The theory and limitations are described. The theory is experimentally tested on a 316L stainless steel disk with residual stresses induced by plastically indenting the central portion of the disk. The stress results are validated against independent measurements using neutron diffraction. The theory has implications beyond just multiple cuts. The contour method measurements and calculations for the first cut reveal how the residual stresses have changed throughout the part. Subsequent measurements of partially relaxed stresses by other techniques, such as laboratory x-rays, hole drilling, or neutron or synchrotron diffraction, can be superimposed back to the original state of the body.

  14. Least-squares reverse time migration of multiples

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Dongliang


    The theory of least-squares reverse time migration of multiples (RTMM) is presented. In this method, least squares migration (LSM) is used to image free-surface multiples where the recorded traces are used as the time histories of the virtual sources at the hydrophones and the surface-related multiples are the observed data. For a single source, the entire free-surface becomes an extended virtual source where the downgoing free-surface multiples more fully illuminate the subsurface compared to the primaries. Since each recorded trace is treated as the time history of a virtual source, knowledge of the source wavelet is not required and the ringy time series for each source is automatically deconvolved. If the multiples can be perfectly separated from the primaries, numerical tests on synthetic data for the Sigsbee2B and Marmousi2 models show that least-squares reverse time migration of multiples (LSRTMM) can significantly improve the image quality compared to RTMM or standard reverse time migration (RTM) of primaries. However, if there is imperfect separation and the multiples are strongly interfering with the primaries then LSRTMM images show no significant advantage over the primary migration images. In some cases, they can be of worse quality. Applying LSRTMM to Gulf of Mexico data shows higher signal-to-noise imaging of the salt bottom and top compared to standard RTM images. This is likely attributed to the fact that the target body is just below the sea bed so that the deep water multiples do not have strong interference with the primaries. Migrating a sparsely sampled version of the Marmousi2 ocean bottom seismic data shows that LSM of primaries and LSRTMM provides significantly better imaging than standard RTM. A potential liability of LSRTMM is that multiples require several round trips between the reflector and the free surface, so that high frequencies in the multiples suffer greater attenuation compared to the primary reflections. This can lead to lower

  15. Multiple-Access Quantum-Classical Networks (United States)

    Razavi, Mohsen


    A multi-user network that supports both classical and quantum communication is proposed. By relying on optical code-division multiple access techniques, this system offers simultaneous key exchange between multiple pairs of network users. A lower bound on the secure key generation rate will be derived for decoy-state quantum key distribution protocols.

  16. Multiple electromagnetic excitations of relativistic projectiles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Llope, W.J.; Braun-Munzinger, P.


    Conditions optimum for the first experimental verification of the multiplication electromagnetic excitations of nuclei in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions are described. The relative magnitudes of three important physical processes that might interfere with such a measurement are compared to the predicted strengths for the single and multiple electromagnetic excitations for various choices of the projectile mass and beam energy. Strategies are presented for making inferences concerning the presence of multiple excitation strength in experimental data

  17. Spin-orbit interaction in multiple quantum wells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao, Ya-Fei


    In this paper, we investigate how the structure of multiple quantum wells affects spin-orbit interactions. To increase the interface-related Rashba spin splitting and the strength of the interface-related Rashba spin-orbit interaction, we designed three kinds of multiple quantum wells. We demonstrate that the structure of the multiple quantum wells strongly affected the interface-related Rashba spin-orbit interaction, increasing the interface-related Rashba spin splitting to up to 26% larger in multiple quantum wells than in a stepped quantum well. We also show that the cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction similarly influenced the spin relaxation time of multiple quantum wells and that of a stepped quantum well. The increase in the interface-related Rashba spin splitting originates from the relationship between interface-related Rashba spin splitting and electron probability density. Our results suggest that multiple quantum wells can be good candidates for spintronic devices

  18. Spin-orbit interaction in multiple quantum wells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hao, Ya-Fei, E-mail: [Physics Department, Zhejiang Normal University, Zhejiang 321004 (China)


    In this paper, we investigate how the structure of multiple quantum wells affects spin-orbit interactions. To increase the interface-related Rashba spin splitting and the strength of the interface-related Rashba spin-orbit interaction, we designed three kinds of multiple quantum wells. We demonstrate that the structure of the multiple quantum wells strongly affected the interface-related Rashba spin-orbit interaction, increasing the interface-related Rashba spin splitting to up to 26% larger in multiple quantum wells than in a stepped quantum well. We also show that the cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction similarly influenced the spin relaxation time of multiple quantum wells and that of a stepped quantum well. The increase in the interface-related Rashba spin splitting originates from the relationship between interface-related Rashba spin splitting and electron probability density. Our results suggest that multiple quantum wells can be good candidates for spintronic devices.

  19. Chromosomal radiosensitivity in patients with multiple sclerosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milenkova, Maria; Milanov, Ivan; Kmetska, Ksenia; Deleva, Sofia; Popova, Ljubomira; Hadjidekova, Valeria; Groudeva, Violeta; Hadjidekova, Savina; Domínguez, Inmaculada


    Highlights: • We studied radiosensitivity to in vitro γ-irradiated lymphocytes from MS patients. • Immunotherapy in RRMS patients reduced the yield of radiation induced MN. • The group of treated RRMS accounts for the low radiosensitivity in MS patients. • Spontaneous yield of MN was similar in treated and untreated RRMS patients. - Abstract: Multiple sclerosis is a clinically heterogeneous autoimmune disease leading to severe neurological disability. Although during the last years many disease-modifying agents as treatment options for multiple sclerosis have been made available, their mechanisms of action are still not fully determined. In the present study radiosensitivity in lymphocytes of patients with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis and healthy controls was investigated. Whole blood cultures from multiple sclerosis patients and healthy controls were used to analyze the spontaneous and radiation-induced micronuclei in binucleated lymphocytes. A subgroup of patients with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis was treated with immunomodulatory agents, interferon β or glatiramer acetate. The secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients group was not receiving any treatment. Our results reveal that the basal DNA damage was not different between relapsing–remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients, and healthy controls. No differences between gamma-irradiation induced micronuclei frequencies in binucleated cells from relapsing–remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients, and healthy controls were found either. Nevertheless, when we compared the radiation induced DNA damage in binucleated cells from healthy individuals with the whole group of patients, a reduction in the frequency of micronuclei was obtained in the patients group. Induced micronuclei yield was significantly lower in the irradiated samples from treated relapsing–remitting multiple

  20. Chromosomal radiosensitivity in patients with multiple sclerosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milenkova, Maria; Milanov, Ivan; Kmetska, Ksenia [III Neurological Clinic, University Hospital Saint Naum, Sofia (Bulgaria); Deleva, Sofia; Popova, Ljubomira; Hadjidekova, Valeria [Laboratory of Radiation Genetics, NCRRP, Sofia (Bulgaria); Groudeva, Violeta [Department of Diagnostic Imaging, University Hospital St. Ekaterina, Sofia (Bulgaria); Hadjidekova, Savina [Department of Medical Genetics, Medical University, Sofia (Bulgaria); Domínguez, Inmaculada, E-mail: [Department of Cell Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Seville, Avda. Reina Mercedes 6, 41012 (Spain)


    Highlights: • We studied radiosensitivity to in vitro γ-irradiated lymphocytes from MS patients. • Immunotherapy in RRMS patients reduced the yield of radiation induced MN. • The group of treated RRMS accounts for the low radiosensitivity in MS patients. • Spontaneous yield of MN was similar in treated and untreated RRMS patients. - Abstract: Multiple sclerosis is a clinically heterogeneous autoimmune disease leading to severe neurological disability. Although during the last years many disease-modifying agents as treatment options for multiple sclerosis have been made available, their mechanisms of action are still not fully determined. In the present study radiosensitivity in lymphocytes of patients with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis and healthy controls was investigated. Whole blood cultures from multiple sclerosis patients and healthy controls were used to analyze the spontaneous and radiation-induced micronuclei in binucleated lymphocytes. A subgroup of patients with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis was treated with immunomodulatory agents, interferon β or glatiramer acetate. The secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients group was not receiving any treatment. Our results reveal that the basal DNA damage was not different between relapsing–remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients, and healthy controls. No differences between gamma-irradiation induced micronuclei frequencies in binucleated cells from relapsing–remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients, and healthy controls were found either. Nevertheless, when we compared the radiation induced DNA damage in binucleated cells from healthy individuals with the whole group of patients, a reduction in the frequency of micronuclei was obtained in the patients group. Induced micronuclei yield was significantly lower in the irradiated samples from treated relapsing–remitting multiple

  1. (Re conocer, diagnosticar y cuidar dolores que “no se ven”: narrativas encontradas sobre la migraña en Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romina Del Monaco


    Full Text Available En este artículo se investiga la forma en que se construye el diagnóstico biomédico de la migraña, los relatos de aquellos que padecen estos dolores de cabeza y de sus vínculos cercanos. A diferencia de otros padecimientos crónicos, la migraña es un dolor con un doble estatus. A pesar de que los saberes expertos legitiman y dan forma al diagnóstico (aunque se carece de una etiología clara y precisa, se observan explicaciones múltiples y fragmentarias acerca de los motivos que producen el malestar combinando aspectos biológicos con dimensiones sociales tales como los modos de vida de quienes padecen. Asimismo, las formas de cuidar y convivir con la dolencia están atravesadas por una serie de sentidos atribuidos socialmente al dolor que se asocian con las excusas y exageraciones. La perspectiva teórica-metodológica se inscribe en el dominio de la antropología de la salud, siguiendo los lineamientos de la investigación cualitativa y, específicamente, el análisis de las narrativas. El trabajo de campo consistió, en primer lugar, en la realización de entrevistas en profundidad y observación participante en un hospital público del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, Argentina. En segundo lugar, a través de la técnica de bola de nieve, se realizaron entrevistas a otras personas que padecían migraña y vínculos próximos (parejas, familiares, conocidos por fuera de la institución.

  2. De la cuestión de la psicosomática en el campo del psicoanálisis: Puntos de convergencia y divergencia Points of convergence and divergence about the question of psychosomatics: Different perspectives from psicoanálisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana Szapiro


    Full Text Available Los objetivos de este trabajo son: en primer lugar, la exposición sintética de los aspectos más importantes de la obra de los autores de diferentes corrientes psicoanalíticas en relación a la temática. Así, se remarcan los aportes más relevantes con relación a la temática de Joyce Mc. Dougall (1991, Hebe Lenarduzzi (2005, Zulma López Arranz (2009 y Liliana Szapiro (1992-2011. En segundo lugar, puntuar puntos de convergencia y de divergencia en la obra de los autores arriba mencionados con relación a: a. Diferenciación entre fenómeno psicosomático y síntoma neurótico b. Singularidades de la estructuración subjetiva de los sujetos que padecen fenómenos psicosomáticos c. Singularidades en la Dirección de la Cura de los sujetos que padecen estas dolencias.The aims of this work are: 1 To present briely the theoretico-clinical developments of the different psycoanalytical currents that have dealt with psychosomatics. We will state the most recent contributions of authors such as Joyce Mc. Dougall(1991, Hebe Lenarduzzi (2005, Zulma López Arranz (2009 y Liliana Szapiro (1992-2011 2 To show the points of convergence and divergence of the above mentioned authors in relation to: a. The difference between psychosomatic phenome non and neurotic symptom. b. The singularities of the psyco logical structure of the subjects that suffer from psychosomatic illnesses. c. The singularities in the Direction of the Cure of the subjects that suffer from psychosomatic illnesses.

  3. Photodynamic therapy for multiple primary lung cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konaka, C.; Okunaka, T.; Sakai, H.; Furukawa, K.; Hayata, Y.; Kato, H.


    In recent years, multiple primary lung cancers have been reported with greater frequency. As for the treatment of multiple primary lung cancer, operative excision is usually difficult for all lesions due to problems of pulmonary function. PDT is a good therapeutic modality in the treatment of multiple primary lung cancer, especially central type lung cancer, for preservation of lung function. Since 1980, 50 patients of endoscopically-evaluated early stage lung cancers have been treated with PDT at Tokyo Medical College. Within this group, 16 patients were classified as having multiple primary lung cancers. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of PDT in the treatment of these patients with multiple primary bronchogenic carcinoma. (author). 6 refs., 2 tabs

  4. Multiple myeloma: diagnosis and treatment. (United States)

    Nau, Konrad C; Lewis, William D


    Multiple myeloma, the most common bone malignancy, is occurring with increasing frequency in older persons. Typical symptoms are bone pain, malaise, anemia, renal insufficiency, and hypercalcemia. Incidental discovery on comprehensive laboratory panels is common. The disease is diagnosed with serum or urine protein electrophoresis or immunofixation and bone marrow aspirate analysis. Skeletal radiographs are important in staging multiple myeloma and revealing lytic lesions, vertebral compression fractures, and osteoporosis. Magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography or computed tomography are emerging as useful tools in the evaluation of patients with myeloma; magnetic resonance imaging is preferred for evaluating acute spinal compression. Nuclear bone scans and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry have no role in the diagnosis and staging of myeloma. The differential diagnosis of monoclonal gammopathies includes monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance, smoldering (asymptomatic) and symptomatic multiple myeloma, amyloidosis, B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Waldenström macroglobulinemia, and rare plasma cell leukemia and heavy chain diseases. Patients with monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance or smoldering multiple myeloma should be followed closely, but not treated. Symptomatic multiple myeloma is treated with chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation, if possible. Melphalan, prednisolone, dexamethasone, vincristine, doxorubicin, bortezomib, and thalidomide and its analogue lenalidomide have been used successfully. It is important that family physicians recognize and appropriately treat multiple myeloma complications. Bone pain is treated with opiates, bisphosphonates, radiotherapy, vertebroplasty, or kyphoplasty; nephrotoxic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided. Hypercalcemia is treated with isotonic saline infusions, steroids, furosemide, or bisphosphonates. Because of susceptibility to infections

  5. Laboratory diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sand, T.; Stovner, L.J.; Rinck, P.A.; Nilsen, G.; Romslo, I.


    In 26 patients with multiple sclerosis 100% responded abnormally to magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. Lesions in the posterior fossa were observed in 18 patients. The auditory brain stem response was abnormal in 15 patients, and 22 had abnormal immunoglobulins in the cerebrospinal fluid. The correlation between abnormalities of the auditory brain stem response and the magnetic resonance images was greatest in a subgroup where the two investigations were performed within a ten day interval. Results from magnetic resonance imaging, evoked potentials and cerebrospinal fluid investigations were used to reclassify 13 of 15 patients with clinically ''possible'' or ''probable''multiple sclerosis to a higher level using Poser's criteria. Evoked potentials (the auditory brain stem response in particular) correlated best with clinical multiple sclerosis category. The authors recommend that the magnetic resonance imaging is established as a first-hand investigation in evaluation of multiple sclerosis. Evoked potentials and cerebrospinal fluid investigations may prove to be more specific, however, and these investigations should also be performed as a routine. 23 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs

  6. Parenting Multiples (United States)

    ... when your babies do. Though it can be hard to let go of the thousand other things you need to do, remember that your well-being is key to your ability to take care of your babies. What Problems Can Happen? It may be hard to tell multiple babies apart when they first ...

  7. Experimental demonstration of multiple-inputs multiple-outputs OFDM/OQAM visible light communications (United States)

    Lin, Bangjiang; Tang, Xuan; Ghassemlooy, Zabih; Lin, Chun; Zhang, Min


    We experimentally demonstrate a 2×2 optical multiple-inputs multiple-outputs (MIMO) visible light communications system based on the modified orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing/offset quadrature amplitude modulation scheme. The adjacent subcarrier frequency-domain averaging (ASFA) with the full-loaded (FL) and half-loaded (HL) preamble structures is proposed for demultiplexing and mitigating the intrinsic imaginary interference (IMI) effect. Compared with the conventional channel estimation (CE) method, ASFA offers improved transmission performance. With the FL method, we obtain more accurate MIMO CE to mitigate the IMI effect and the optical noise compared to the HL method.

  8. Additive versus multiplicative muon conservation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nemethy, P.


    Experimental elucidation of the question of muon conservation is reviewed. It is shown that neutral-current experiments have not yet yielded information about muonium-antimuonium conversion at the weak-interaction level and that all the charged-current experiments agree that there is no evidence for a multiplicative law. The best limits, from the muon-decay neutrino experiment at LAMPF and from the inverse muon-decay experiment in the CERN neutrino beam, definitely exclude multiplicative law schemes with a branching ratio R approximately 1/2. It is concluded that unless the dynamics conspire to make a multiplicative law with very small R it would appear that muon conservation obeys conserved additive lepton flavor law. (U.K.)

  9. A newborn with multiple fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kantorova, E.; Kratky, L.; Nevsimal, I.; Marik, K.; Kozlowski, K.


    Sometimes newborns with multiple fractures are diagnosed as osteogenesis imperfecta in spite of absence of radiographic findings supporting this diagnosis. A newborn with multiple fractures was diagnosed as osteogenesis imperfecta. Analysis of the structure of the long bones, pattern of fractures and poorly developed muscles suggested the diagnosis of fetal akinesia deformation syndrome. This was confirmed by pregnancy history and clinical findings. Multiple fractures in a newborn may present with diagnostic radiographic features as in osteogenesis imperfecta, or as in lethal gracile bone dysplasias or achondrogenesis type IA. If those features are absent, other diseases should be considered. Radiographs should be compared with pregnancy history and clinical findings in the newborn. (authors)

  10. Hemichorea after multiple bee stings. (United States)

    An, Jin Young; Kim, Ji Seon; Min, Jin Hong; Han, Kyu Hong; Kang, Jun Ho; Lee, Suk Woo; Kim, Hoon; Park, Jung Soo


    Bee sting is one of the most commonly encountered insect bites in the world. Despite the common occurrence of local and systemic allergic reactions, there are few reports of ischemic stroke after bee stings. To the best our knowledge, there have been no reports on involuntary hyperkinetic movement disorders after multiple bee stings. We report the case of a 50-year-old man who developed involuntary movements of the left leg 24 hours after multiple bee stings, and the cause was confirmed to be a right temporal infarction on a diffusion magnetic resonance imaging scan. Thus, we concluded that the involuntary movement disorder was caused by right temporal infarction that occurred after multiple bee stings.

  11. Multiple sclerosis in women having children by multiple partners. A population-based study in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Basso, Olga; Campi, Rita; Frydenberg, Morten


    We investigated whether having children with multiple men is a risk factor for being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). We studied a cohort of 151,328 women, of whom 64,704 had different men fathering their children and 86,624 the same partner for all births. Women were included if they had ...

  12. A discriminator with a current-sum multiplicity output for the PHENIX multiplicity vertex detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, R.S.; Kennedy, E.J.; Jackson, R.G.


    A current output multiplicity discriminator for use in the front-end electronics (FEE) of the Multiplicity Vertex Detector (MVD) for the PHENIX detector at RHIC has been fabricated in the a 1.2-micro CMOS, n-well process. The discriminator is capable of triggering on input signals ranging from 0.25 MIP to 5 MIP. Frequency response of the discriminator is such that the circuit is capable of generating an output for every bunch crossing (105 ns) of the RHIC collider. Channel-to-channel threshold matching was adjustable to ± 4 mV. One channel of multiplicity discriminator occupied an area of 85 micro x 630 micro and consumed 515 microW from a single 5-V supply. Details of the design and results from prototype device testing are presented

  13. Multiple Stages 2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, John

    Multiple stages 2: theatrical futures, set design, community plays, cultural capitals, democracy & drama, WWII dramas, performance on adoption, promenade about emigration, qualities in political theatre, performance analysis, dramaturgical education, Toulmin Variations...

  14. Facilitating Multiple Intelligences through Multimodal Learning Analytics (United States)

    Perveen, Ayesha


    This paper develops a theoretical framework for employing learning analytics in online education to trace multiple learning variations of online students by considering their potential of being multiple intelligences based on Howard Gardner's 1983 theory of multiple intelligences. The study first emphasizes the need to facilitate students as…

  15. Multiple-copy entanglement transformation and entanglement catalysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan Runyao; Feng Yuan; Li Xin; Ying Mingsheng


    We prove that any multiple-copy entanglement transformation [S. Bandyopadhyay, V. Roychowdhury, and U. Sen, Phys. Rev. A 65, 052315 (2002)] can be implemented by a suitable entanglement-assisted local transformation [D. Jonathan and M. B. Plenio, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3566 (1999)]. Furthermore, we show that the combination of multiple-copy entanglement transformation and the entanglement-assisted one is still equivalent to the pure entanglement-assisted one. The mathematical structure of multiple-copy entanglement transformations then is carefully investigated. Many interesting properties of multiple-copy entanglement transformations are presented, which exactly coincide with those satisfied by the entanglement-assisted ones. Most interestingly, we show that an arbitrarily large number of copies of state should be considered in multiple-copy entanglement transformations

  16. Demyelination versus remyelination in progressive multiple sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bramow, Stephan; Frischer, Josa M; Lassmann, Hans


    The causes of incomplete remyelination in progressive multiple sclerosis are unknown, as are the pathological correlates of the different clinical characteristics of patients with primary and secondary progressive disease. We analysed brains and spinal cords from 51 patients with progressive...... multiple sclerosis by planimetry. Thirteen patients with primary progressive disease were compared with 34 with secondary progressive disease. In patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, we found larger brain plaques, more demyelination in total and higher brain loads of active demyelination...... compared with patients with primary progressive disease. In addition, the brain density of plaques with high-grade inflammation and active demyelination was highest in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis and remained ~18% higher than in primary progressive multiple sclerosis after adjustments...

  17. Multiple sclerosis research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Battaglia, M.A.


    This volume proceedings contains four contributions which are in INIS scope, dealing with MRI and SPECT in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and assessment of disease activity. (H.W.). refs.; figs.; tabs

  18. Multiple Sclerosis: Can It Cause Seizures? (United States)

    ... multiple sclerosis and epilepsy? Answers from B Mark Keegan, M.D. Epileptic seizures are more common in ... controlled with anti-seizure medication. With B Mark Keegan, M.D. Lund C, et al. Multiple sclerosis ...

  19. Concentraciones del activador tisular del plasminógeno y del inhibidor del activador del plasminógeno en pacientes con homocistinuria clásica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz Meneses


    Full Text Available El aumento moderado o severo de Homocisteína (Hcy en sangre y las alteraciones en el sistema fibrinolítico, se asocian con enfermedad vascular que afecta venas y arterias de todos los calibres. Los pacientes con homocistinuria clásica padecen con mucha frecuencia eventos tromboembólicos, que son su principal causa de mortalidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las concentraciones de Hcy, Inhibidor del Activador del Plasminógeno tipo 1 (PAI-1 y Activador tisular del Plasminógeno (tPA en pacientes con homocistinuria clásica, en familiares de éstos y en población control sana.

  20. Cáncer y fallo ovárico precoz: aspectos psicosociales. Estudio longitudinal en mujeres jóvenes que criopreservan su tejido ovárico


    Sáez Mansilla, Cristina María


    El cáncer afecta cada vez a gente más joven, que todavía se encuentra en edad reproductiva. De hecho, aproximadamente el 9.5% del total de los pacientes que padecen cáncer está por debajo de los 45 años (Altekruse et al., 2010) y se prevé que el 2.4% de mujeres y el 1.5% de hombres de Estados Unidos desarrollará un cáncer aproximadamente a los 40 años de edad (SEER, 2009). Al mismo tiempo, los avances en los tratamientos contra el cáncer han ocasionado una mejora en las tasas de supervivenci...

  1. Nutrigym Kids Center "Club Integral Infantil en el Sector Ceibos de Guayaquil


    Espol; Orellana Vélez, María Verónica; Vargas Pino, Jonathan Roberto


    Nutrigym Kids Center Club infantil en el sector ceibos de Guayaquil ha sido desarrollado para un segmento de mercado específico con un problema actual de salud que está predominado en el país que es la obesidad infantil. El segmento de mercado son los niños entre los 5 y 11 años de edad que padecen sobrepeso u obesidad y ademas que no estén interesados en actividades deportiva comunes la ubicación es estratégica puesto que estará en un sector donde la mayoría de los posibles clientes es cla...

  2. Terapia asistida por animales de compañía aplicada en una residencia geriátrica en el medio rural.


    Muñoz Gómez, Bárbara


    Establecemos en qué ámbitos de la evaluación geriátrica se detectan cambios por la utilización de la TAAC en un grupo de mayores institucionalizados en una residencia del medio rural. La población está formada por 23 personas, la mayoría mujeres, de edad media 86,04 ± 7,89, viudas, que saben leer y escribir, amas de casa y que trabajan en el campo, padecen patologías cerebrales, consumen analgésicos y ansiolíticos, y acuden más veces al médico en Junio. Intervenimos en 12 sesiones s...

  3. Identifying the Multiple Intelligences of Your Students (United States)

    McClellan, Joyce A.; Conti, Gary J.


    One way of addressing individual differences among adult learners is to identify the Multiple Intelligences of the learner. Multiple Intelligences refers to the concept developed by Howard Gardner that challenges the traditional view of intelligence and explains the presence of nine different Multiple Intelligences. The purpose of this study was…

  4. Suicide among Danes with multiple sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brønnum-Hansen, H; Stenager, E; Nylev Stenager, E


    OBJECTIVE: To compare the suicide risk among Danish citizens with multiple sclerosis with that of the general population, and to evaluate changes over 45 years. METHODS: The study was based on linkage of the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Registry to the Cause of Death Registry. It comprised all 10...... taken their own lives, whereas the expected number of suicides was 54.2 (29.1 men, 25.1 women). Thus the suicide risk among persons with multiple sclerosis was more than twice that of the general population (SMR = 2.12). The increased risk was particularly high during the first year after diagnosis (SMR...... = 3.15). CONCLUSIONS: The risk of suicide in multiple sclerosis was almost twice as high as expected more than 20 years after diagnosis. The excess suicide risk has not declined since 1953....

  5. Privacy Protection on Multiple Sensitive Attributes (United States)

    Li, Zhen; Ye, Xiaojun

    In recent years, a privacy model called k-anonymity has gained popularity in the microdata releasing. As the microdata may contain multiple sensitive attributes about an individual, the protection of multiple sensitive attributes has become an important problem. Different from the existing models of single sensitive attribute, extra associations among multiple sensitive attributes should be invested. Two kinds of disclosure scenarios may happen because of logical associations. The Q&S Diversity is checked to prevent the foregoing disclosure risks, with an α Requirement definition used to ensure the diversity requirement. At last, a two-step greedy generalization algorithm is used to carry out the multiple sensitive attributes processing which deal with quasi-identifiers and sensitive attributes respectively. We reduce the overall distortion by the measure of Masking SA.

  6. SUMMIT (Serially Unified Multicenter Multiple Sclerosis Investigation): creating a repository of deeply phenotyped contemporary multiple sclerosis cohorts. (United States)

    Bove, Riley; Chitnis, Tanuja; Cree, Bruce Ac; Tintoré, Mar; Naegelin, Yvonne; Uitdehaag, Bernard Mj; Kappos, Ludwig; Khoury, Samia J; Montalban, Xavier; Hauser, Stephen L; Weiner, Howard L


    There is a pressing need for robust longitudinal cohort studies in the modern treatment era of multiple sclerosis. Build a multiple sclerosis (MS) cohort repository to capture the variability of disability accumulation, as well as provide the depth of characterization (clinical, radiologic, genetic, biospecimens) required to adequately model and ultimately predict a patient's course. Serially Unified Multicenter Multiple Sclerosis Investigation (SUMMIT) is an international multi-center, prospectively enrolled cohort with over a decade of comprehensive follow-up on more than 1000 patients from two large North American academic MS Centers (Brigham and Women's Hospital (Comprehensive Longitudinal Investigation of Multiple Sclerosis at the Brigham and Women's Hospital (CLIMB; BWH)) and University of California, San Francisco (Expression/genomics, Proteomics, Imaging, and Clinical (EPIC))). It is bringing online more than 2500 patients from additional international MS Centers (Basel (Universitätsspital Basel (UHB)), VU University Medical Center MS Center Amsterdam (MSCA), Multiple Sclerosis Center of Catalonia-Vall d'Hebron Hospital (Barcelona clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) cohort), and American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC-Multiple Sclerosis Interdisciplinary Research (AMIR)). We provide evidence for harmonization of two of the initial cohorts in terms of the characterization of demographics, disease, and treatment-related variables; demonstrate several proof-of-principle analyses examining genetic and radiologic predictors of disease progression; and discuss the steps involved in expanding SUMMIT into a repository accessible to the broader scientific community.

  7. The problem of multiple carcinomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kegel, W.; Schmieder, A.


    This retrospective study reports on the occurrence of multiple carcinomas among the patients of our Department of Radiotherapy. Examination of 1290 patients during 1978 to 1980 showed in 76 cases (5.8%) simultaneously or successively secondary or tertiary tumours. These multiple tumours were most frequent in the mammary gland, in the female genital organs and in the respiratory system. Women had an incidence which was double of that displayed by men. Diagnosis and therapy of malignant tumours must always consider the possibility of multiplicity of carcinomas, either simultaneously or succesively, appearing spontaneously or as a result of iatrogenic influences. This applies in particular to the multicentric and bilateral occurrence of the early types of cancer of the female breast. (orig.) [de


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Hazin Alencar


    Full Text Available The field of project management has historically focused on the administration of one project at a time, a focus that is insufficient given the growing need for organizations to manage multiple projects simultaneously. The requirements of Multiple Project Management (MPM involves demands and practices that are different from those of single projects. MPM poses a special need for coordination of shared resources across multiple projects in a way that can maintain the firm’s strategic focus and facilitate effective decision making. The construction industry is noteworthy for its frequent need for the management of multiple projects. This paper offers a review of the last five years of indexed literature related to multiple project management in the construction industry, identifies gaps and suggests promising new avenues of inquiry.

  9. General Dimensional Multiple-Output Support Vector Regressions and Their Multiple Kernel Learning. (United States)

    Chung, Wooyong; Kim, Jisu; Lee, Heejin; Kim, Euntai


    Support vector regression has been considered as one of the most important regression or function approximation methodologies in a variety of fields. In this paper, two new general dimensional multiple output support vector regressions (MSVRs) named SOCPL1 and SOCPL2 are proposed. The proposed methods are formulated in the dual space and their relationship with the previous works is clearly investigated. Further, the proposed MSVRs are extended into the multiple kernel learning and their training is implemented by the off-the-shelf convex optimization tools. The proposed MSVRs are applied to benchmark problems and their performances are compared with those of the previous methods in the experimental section.

  10. Collectively loading programs in a multiple program multiple data environment (United States)

    Aho, Michael E.; Attinella, John E.; Gooding, Thomas M.; Gooding, Thomas M.; Miller, Samuel J.


    Techniques are disclosed for loading programs efficiently in a parallel computing system. In one embodiment, nodes of the parallel computing system receive a load description file which indicates, for each program of a multiple program multiple data (MPMD) job, nodes which are to load the program. The nodes determine, using collective operations, a total number of programs to load and a number of programs to load in parallel. The nodes further generate a class route for each program to be loaded in parallel, where the class route generated for a particular program includes only those nodes on which the program needs to be loaded. For each class route, a node is selected using a collective operation to be a load leader which accesses a file system to load the program associated with a class route and broadcasts the program via the class route to other nodes which require the program.

  11. Intestinal perforation caused by multiple magnet ingestion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nergul Corduk


    Full Text Available Multiple magnet ingestion is rare, but can cause serious gastrointestinal complications. We report a case of 7-year-old girl with multiple intestinal perforations caused by multiple magnet ingestion. The aim of this report is to draw attention to magnetic toys, results of magnet ingestion and the importance of timing of operation.

  12. Optical encryption of multiple three-dimensional objects based on multiple interferences and single-pixel digital holography (United States)

    Wang, Ying; Liu, Qi; Wang, Jun; Wang, Qiong-Hua


    We present an optical encryption method of multiple three-dimensional objects based on multiple interferences and single-pixel digital holography. By modifying the Mach–Zehnder interferometer, the interference of the multiple objects beams and the one reference beam is used to simultaneously encrypt multiple objects into a ciphertext. During decryption, each three-dimensional object can be decrypted independently without having to decrypt other objects. Since the single-pixel digital holography based on compressive sensing theory is introduced, the encrypted data of this method is effectively reduced. In addition, recording fewer encrypted data can greatly reduce the bandwidth of network transmission. Moreover, the compressive sensing essentially serves as a secret key that makes an intruder attack invalid, which means that the system is more secure than the conventional encryption method. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method and show that the system has good security performance. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61405130 and 61320106015).

  13. Management of the multiple limb amputee. (United States)

    Davidson, J H; Jones, L E; Cornet, J; Cittarelli, T


    Multiple limb amputations involving at least one upper extremity are very uncommon. The amputation of both an upper and lower limb is even more uncommon. Due to the rarity of these amputations therapists are uncertain regarding the most appropriate treatment methods. While the majority of the protocols used for single limb amputations are appropriate for these multiple limb amputees, there are differences. Loss of multiple limbs creates a problem of overheating for the individual. Loss of an arm and leg results in difficulty donning the prostheses and difficulty using crutches and parallel bars during mobilization. A review is given of 16 multiple limb amputees seen in our rehabilitation centre in the last 15 years. Return to work was seen in one third and was not related to the number of the amputations. A higher proportion of these multiple limb amputations occur through alcoholism or attempted suicide behaviour than occurs with either single upper limb amputations or lower limb amputations. This existing behaviour can create a management problem for the rehabilitation team during rehabilitation. Guidelines as to appropriate prosthetic and preprosthetic care are provided to assist the practitioner who has the acute and long term care of these patients. All multiple limb amputees should be referred to a specialized rehabilitation centre to discuss prosthetic options and long term rehabilitation requirements. This paper does not discuss bilateral lower limb amputations when not combined with an upper limb amputation.

  14. Multiple intracranial hydatid cysts: MR findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pumar, J.; Alvarez, M.; Leira, R.; Prieto, J.M.; Arrojo, L.; Pereira, J.; Vidal, J.


    Multiple intracranial hydatid cysts are uncommon and usually localized in the supratentorial compartment. We report a case studied by CT and MR of multiple intracranial hydatid cysts scattered in various anatomic sites: supratentorial, infratentorial and also intraventricular. (orig.)

  15. Extending Data Worth Analyses to Select Multiple Observations Targeting Multiple Forecasts. (United States)

    Vilhelmsen, Troels N; Ferré, Ty P A


    Hydrological models are often set up to provide specific forecasts of interest. Owing to the inherent uncertainty in data used to derive model structure and used to constrain parameter variations, the model forecasts will be uncertain. Additional data collection is often performed to minimize this forecast uncertainty. Given our common financial restrictions, it is critical that we identify data with maximal information content with respect to forecast of interest. In practice, this often devolves to qualitative decisions based on expert opinion. However, there is no assurance that this will lead to optimal design, especially for complex hydrogeological problems. Specifically, these complexities include considerations of multiple forecasts, shared information among potential observations, information content of existing data, and the assumptions and simplifications underlying model construction. In the present study, we extend previous data worth analyses to include: simultaneous selection of multiple new measurements and consideration of multiple forecasts of interest. We show how the suggested approach can be used to optimize data collection. This can be used in a manner that suggests specific measurement sets or that produces probability maps indicating areas likely to be informative for specific forecasts. Moreover, we provide examples documenting that sequential measurement election approaches often lead to suboptimal designs and that estimates of data covariance should be included when selecting future measurement sets. © 2017, National Ground Water Association.

  16. Multiple scattering processes: inverse and direct

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kagiwada, H.H.; Kalaba, R.; Ueno, S.


    The purpose of the work is to formulate inverse problems in radiative transfer, to introduce the functions b and h as parameters of internal intensity in homogeneous slabs, and to derive initial value problems to replace the more traditional boundary value problems and integral equations of multiple scattering with high computational efficiency. The discussion covers multiple scattering processes in a one-dimensional medium; isotropic scattering in homogeneous slabs illuminated by parallel rays of radiation; the theory of functions b and h in homogeneous slabs illuminated by isotropic sources of radiation either at the top or at the bottom; inverse and direct problems of multiple scattering in slabs including internal sources; multiple scattering in inhomogeneous media, with particular reference to inverse problems for estimation of layers and total thickness of inhomogeneous slabs and to multiple scattering problems with Lambert's law and specular reflectors underlying slabs; and anisotropic scattering with reduction of the number of relevant arguments through axially symmetric fields and expansion in Legendre functions. Gaussian quadrature data for a seven point formula, a FORTRAN program for computing the functions b and h, and tables of these functions supplement the text

  17. Multiple oncocytomas and renal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Velasquez, G.; Glass, T.A.; D'Souza, V.J.; Formanek, A.G.


    Renal oncocytoma, although rare, is being diagnosed more frequently, and criteria to differentiate it from other tumors have been described. Multiple oncocytomas have been reported, but an association between multiple oncocytomas and renal carcinoma in the same kidney has not been described. The authors report a case with two oncocytomas and a renal carcinoma in the right kidney as well as a right adrenal adenoma

  18. Multiple sex partner

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    intercourse, about 60% reported having a single sexual partner and 40% reported having multiple ... masturbation, start having sex at a younger age, have sex with married people and/or .... sex were considered unacceptable by 89 vs.

  19. Charged-particle multiplicities in B-meson decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alam, M.S.; Csorna, S.E.; Fridman, A.; Hicks, R.G.; Panvini, R.S.; Andrews, D.; Avery, P.; Berkelman, K.; Cabenda, R.; Cassel, D.G.; DeWire, J.W.; Ehrlich, R.; Ferguson, T.; Gilchriese, M.G.D.; Gittelman, B.; Hartill, D.L.; Herrup, D.; Herzlinger, M.; Holzner, S.; Kandaswamy, J.; Kreinick, D.L.; Mistry, N.B.; Morrow, F.; Nordberg, E.; Perchonok, R.; Plunkett, R.; Silverman, A.; Stein, P.C.; Stone, S.; Weber, D.; Wilcke, R.; Sadoff, A.J.; Bebek, C.; Haggerty, J.; Hempstead, M.; Izen, J.M.; Loomis, W.A.; MacKay, W.W.; Pipkin, F.M.; Rohlf, J.; Tanenbaum, W.; Wilson, R.; Chadwick, K.; Chauveau, J.; Ganci, P.; Gentile, T.; Kagan, H.; Kass, R.; Melissinos, A.C.; Olsen, S.L.; Poling, R.; Rosenfeld, C.; Rucinski, G.; Thorndike, E.H.; Green, J.; Sannes, F.; Skubic, P.; Snyder, A.; Stone, R.; Brody, A.; Chen, A.; Goldberg, M.; Horwitz, N.; Lipari, P.; Kooy, H.; Moneti, G.C.; Pistilli, P.


    The charged multiplicity has been measured at the UPSILON(4S) and a value of 5.75 +- 0.1 +- 0.2 has been obtained for the mean charged multiplicity in B-meson decay. Combining this result with the measurement of prompt letpons from B decay, the values 4.1 +- 0.35 +- 0.2 and 6.3 +- 0.2 +- 0.2 are found for the semileptonic and nonleptonic charged multiplicities, respectively. If b→c dominance is assumed for the weak decay of the B meson, then the semileptonic multiplicity is consistent with the recoil mass determined from the lepton momentum spectrum

  20. Mean associated multiplicities in deep inelastic processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dzhaparidze, G.Sh.; Kiselev, A.V.; Petrov, V.A.


    A formula is derived for the mean hadron multiplicity in the target fragmentation range of deep inelastic scattering processes. It is shown that in the high-x region the ratio of the mean multiplicities in the current fragmentation region and in the target fragmentation region tends to unity at high energies. The mean multiplicity for the Drell-Yan process is considered

  1. Mean associated multiplicities in deep inelastic processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dzhaparidze, G.S.; Kiselev, A.V.; Petrov, V.A.


    A formula is derived for the mean multiplicity of hadrons in the target-fragmentation region in the process of deep inelastic scattering. It is shown that in the region of large x the ratio of the mean multiplicities in the current- and target-fragmentation regions tends to unity at high energies. The mean multiplicity in the Drell-Yan process is also discussed



    Nur Samsiyah


    Multiple intelegence is integrated inteligence possessed by anyone. Intelligence has been difined as the composition of ability and skill. Multiple intelligence consists of nine types of intelligence, i.e. linguistic, logic-mathematic, spatial, musical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic and extencial intelligence, each of which has its own characteristics. Multiple intelligence learning strategy empowers students to access information through intelligence that they do ha...

  3. Cooperation evolution in random multiplicative environments (United States)

    Yaari, G.; Solomon, S.


    Most real life systems have a random component: the multitude of endogenous and exogenous factors influencing them result in stochastic fluctuations of the parameters determining their dynamics. These empirical systems are in many cases subject to noise of multiplicative nature. The special properties of multiplicative noise as opposed to additive noise have been noticed for a long while. Even though apparently and formally the difference between free additive vs. multiplicative random walks consists in just a move from normal to log-normal distributions, in practice the implications are much more far reaching. While in an additive context the emergence and survival of cooperation requires special conditions (especially some level of reward, punishment, reciprocity), we find that in the multiplicative random context the emergence of cooperation is much more natural and effective. We study the various implications of this observation and its applications in various contexts.

  4. Multiples least-squares reverse time migration

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Dongliang


    To enhance the image quality, we propose multiples least-squares reverse time migration (MLSRTM) that transforms each hydrophone into a virtual point source with a time history equal to that of the recorded data. Since each recorded trace is treated as a virtual source, knowledge of the source wavelet is not required. Numerical tests on synthetic data for the Sigsbee2B model and field data from Gulf of Mexico show that MLSRTM can improve the image quality by removing artifacts, balancing amplitudes, and suppressing crosstalk compared to standard migration of the free-surface multiples. The potential liability of this method is that multiples require several roundtrips between the reflector and the free surface, so that high frequencies in the multiples are attenuated compared to the primary reflections. This can lead to lower resolution in the migration image compared to that computed from primaries.

  5. Multiple chemical sensitivity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tran, Marie Thi Dao; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars; Kupers, Ron


    BACKGROUND: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a chronic condition characterized by recurrent, non-specific symptoms in response to chemically unrelated exposures in non-toxic concentrations. Although the pathophysiology of MCS remains unknown, central sensitization may be an important factor...

  6. Jet multiplicity distributions: medium dependence in MLLA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armesto, Nestor; Pajares, Carlos; Quiroga-Arias, Paloma


    We study the medium dependence of the multiplicity distributions in the modified leading logarithmic approximation. We focus in the enhancement in the number of branchings as the partons travel trough a dense medium created in a heavy-ion collision. We study the effect of a higher number of splittings in some jet observables by introducing the medium as a constant (f med ) in the splitting functions. Having as our ansatz for the quark and gluon jets mean multiplicities left angle n G right angle =e γy and left angle n Q right angle =r -1 e γy , we study in an analytic approach the dependence with the medium (f med ) of the anomalous dimension (γ), the multiplicity ratio (r), and so the mean multiplicities. We also obtain the higher-order moments of the multiplicity distribution, what allows us to study its dispersion. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nur Samsiyah


    Full Text Available Multiple intelegence is integrated inteligence possessed by anyone. Intelligence has been difined as the composition of ability and skill. Multiple intelligence consists of nine types of intelligence, i.e. linguistic, logic-mathematic, spatial, musical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic and extencial intelligence, each of which has its own characteristics. Multiple intelligence learning strategy empowers students to access information through intelligence that they do have respectively. To activate the students’ multiple intelligence, teachers can train the students to listening, reading, writing and balanced-intelligence. This strategy can be adopted by teachers with ubique focus for each student with his/ her most outstanding intelligence.

  8. Pareto-depth for multiple-query image retrieval. (United States)

    Hsiao, Ko-Jen; Calder, Jeff; Hero, Alfred O


    Most content-based image retrieval systems consider either one single query, or multiple queries that include the same object or represent the same semantic information. In this paper, we consider the content-based image retrieval problem for multiple query images corresponding to different image semantics. We propose a novel multiple-query information retrieval algorithm that combines the Pareto front method with efficient manifold ranking. We show that our proposed algorithm outperforms state of the art multiple-query retrieval algorithms on real-world image databases. We attribute this performance improvement to concavity properties of the Pareto fronts, and prove a theoretical result that characterizes the asymptotic concavity of the fronts.

  9. Perceived health status in celiac disease Percepción del estado de salud en la enfermedad celiaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Casellas


    Full Text Available Introduction: chronic conditions modify perceived health in affected individuals. For this reason celiac disease, being a chronic condition, may impair health-related quality of life (HRQOL. Objective: to analyze the impact of celiac disease in affected individuals. Method: observational, cross-sectional, prospective study in patients with celiac disease by administering two HRQOL questionnaires: EuroQol-5D and GastroIntestinal Quality of Life (GIQLI. Results: 54 stable patients on a gluten-free diet for a median 60 months, and 9 newly diagnosed individuals still on their usual diet were included. Overall GIQLI score was significantly higher, meaning a better HRQOL, in treated celiac patients versus pre-treated celiac patients (3.1 [2.7-3.5] vs. 2.4 [2.1-2.6], p Introducción: las enfermedades crónicas modifican la percepción de salud de los individuos que las padecen. Por este motivo, al ser la enfermedad celiaca una enfermedad crónica, podría causar un deterioro de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS. Objetivo: analizar el impacto de la enfermedad celiaca en las personas que la padecen. Método: estudio observacional transversal prospectivo en pacientes con enfermedad celiaca administrando dos cuestionarios genéricos de medida de la CVRS: el EuroQol-5D y el GastroIntestinal Quality of Life (GIQLI. Resultados: se han incluido 54 pacientes controlados con dieta sin gluten durante una mediana de 60 meses y 9 recién diagnosticados y que aún no habían iniciado la dieta sin gluten. La puntuación global del GIQLI fue significativamente más alta, representativa de una mejor CVRS, en los celiacos tratados que en los que aún no habían iniciado la dieta (3,1 [2,7-3,5] vs. 2,4 [2,1-2,6], p < 0,01. Del mismo modo, el valor de preferencia del estado de salud del EuroQol fue también significativamente mejor en los celiacos tratados (0,87[0,8-1,0] vs. 0,7 [0,5-0,8], p < 0,01. La escala visual analógica del EuroQol fue tambi

  10. Interesting images: Multiple coronary artery aneurysms. (United States)

    Howard, Jonathon M; Viswanath, Omar; Armas, Alfredo; Santana, Orlando; Rosen, Gerald P


    We present the case of a 65-year-old male who presented with stable angina and dyspnea on exertion. His initial workup yielded a positive treadmill stress test for reversible apical ischemia, and transthoracic echocardiogram demonstrated impaired systolic function. Cardiac catheterization was then performed, revealing severe atherosclerotic disease including multiple coronary artery aneurysms. As a result, the patient was advised to and subsequently underwent a coronary artery bypass graft. This case highlights the presence of multiple coronary artery aneurysms and the ability to appreciate these pathologic findings on multiple imaging modalities, including coronary angiogram, transesophageal echocardiography, and direct visualization through the surgical field.

  11. Can multiple-choice questions simulate free-response questions?


    Lin, Shih-Yin; Singh, Chandralekha


    We discuss a study to evaluate the extent to which free-response questions could be approximated by multiple-choice equivalents. Two carefully designed research-based multiple-choice questions were transformed into a free-response format and administered on the final exam in a calculus-based introductory physics course. The original multiple-choice questions were administered in another similar introductory physics course on final exam. Findings suggest that carefully designed multiple-choice...

  12. Multiple Unerupted Teeth with Amelogenesis Imperfecta in Siblings


    Shruthi Hegde


    Amelogenesis imperfecta encompasses a group of inherited abnormalities that are generally considered to primarily affect the formation and/or calcification of enamel. This case report describes the unusual presentation of amelogenesis imperfecta in siblings as multiple unerupted teeth, multiple pulpal calcifications, and multiple dilacerations of roots along with the defect in the enamel. The intent of our report is to highlight a rare co-occurrence of amelogenesis imperfecta with multiple mo...

  13. Multiple sclerosis - etiology and diagnostic potential. (United States)

    Kamińska, Joanna; Koper, Olga M; Piechal, Kinga; Kemona, Halina


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and demyelinating disease of autoimmune originate. The main agents responsible for the MS development include exogenous, environmental, and genetic factors. MS is characterized by multifocal and temporally scattered central nervous system (CNS) damage which lead to the axonal damage. Among clinical courses of MS it can be distinguish relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPSM), primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS), and progressive-relapsing multiple sclerosis (RPMS). Depending on the severity of signs and symptoms MS can be described as benign MS or malignant MS. MS diagnosis is based on McDonald's diagnostic criteria, which link clinical manifestation with characteristic lesions demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, and visual evoked potentials. Among CSF laboratory tests used to the MS diagnosis are applied: Tibbling & Link IgG index, reinbegrams, and CSF isoelectrofocusing for oligoclonal bands detection. It should be emphasized, that despite huge progress regarding MS as well as the availability of different diagnostics methods this disease is still a diagnostic challenge. It may result from fact that MS has diverse clinical course and there is a lack of single test, which would be of appropriate diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for quick and accurate diagnosis.

  14. Selective interferometric imaging of internal multiples

    KAUST Repository

    Zuberi, M. A H


    Internal multiples deteriorate the image when the imaging procedure assumes only single scattering, especially if the velocity model does not reproduce such scattering in the Green’s function. If properly imaged, internal multiples (and internally-scattered energy) can enhance the seismic image and illuminate areas otherwise neglected or poorly imaged by conventional single-scattering approaches. Conventionally, in order to image internal multiples, accurate, sharp contrasts in the velocity model are required to construct a Green’s function with all the scattered energy. As an alternative, we develop a three-step procedure, which images the first-order internal scattering using the background Green’s function (from the surface to each image point), constructed from a smooth velocity model: We first back-propagate the recorded surface data using the background Green’s function, then cross-correlate the back-propagated data with the recorded data and finally cross-correlate the result with the original background Green’s function. This procedure images the contribution of the recorded first-order internal multiples and is almost free of the single-scattering recorded energy. This image can be added to the conventional single-scattering image, obtained e.g. from Kirchhoff migration, to enhance the image. Application to synthetic data with reflectors illuminated by multiple scattering only demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach.

  15. Multiple sclerosis - etiology and diagnostic potential

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joanna Kamińska


    Full Text Available Multiple sclerosis (MS is a chronic inflammatory and demyelinating disease of autoimmune originate. The main agents responsible for the MS development include exogenous, environmental, and genetic factors. MS is characterized by multifocal and temporally scattered central nervous system (CNS damage which lead to the axonal damage. Among clinical courses of MS it can be distinguish relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPSM, primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS, and progressive-relapsing multiple sclerosis (RPMS. Depending on the severity of signs and symptoms MS can be described as benign MS or malignant MS. MS diagnosis is based on McDonald’s diagnostic criteria, which link clinical manifestation with characteristic lesions demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF analysis, and visual evoked potentials. Among CSF laboratory tests used to the MS diagnosis are applied: Tibbling & Link IgG index, reinbegrams, and CSF isoelectrofocusing for oligoclonal bands detection. It should be emphasized, that despite huge progress regarding MS as well as the availability of differentdiagnostics methods this disease is still a diagnostic challenge. It may result from fact that MS has diverse clinical course and there is a lack of single test, which would be of appropriate diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for quick and accurate diagnosis.

  16. Multiple-Symbol, Partially Coherent Detection of MPSK (United States)

    Simon, Marvin K.; Divsalar, Dariush


    Proposed method of reception of multiple-phase-shift-keyed (MPSK) radio signals involves multiple-symbol, partially coherent detection. Instead of attempting to determine phase of transmitted signal during each symbol period as in coherent detection, receiver acquires signal data during multiple-symbol observation interval, then produces maximum-likelihood-sequence estimate of phases transmitted during interval. Combination of coherent-reception and incoherent-reception decision rules are used.

  17. Multiple Primary Tumors

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Feb 7, 2018 ... breast and ascending colon. KEYWORDS: Carcinoid, colorectal cancer, metachronous, synchronous. Multiple Primary Tumors. MA Adeyanju, AA Ilori. Address for correspondence: Dr. MA Adeyanju,. Department of Surgery, Federal Medical Centre, Ebute Metta,. Lagos, Nigeria. E-mail: mbadeyanju@yahoo.

  18. Dynamics of multiple-goal pursuit. (United States)

    Louro, Maria J; Pieters, Rik; Zeelenberg, Marcel


    The authors propose and test a model of multiple-goal pursuit that specifies how individuals allocate effort among multiple goals over time. The model predicts that whether individuals decide to step up effort, coast, abandon the current goal, or switch to pursue another goal is determined jointly by the emotions that flow from prior goal progress and the proximity to future goal attainment, and proximally determined by changes in expectancies about goal attainment. Results from a longitudinal diary study and 2 experiments show that positive and negative goal-related emotions can have diametrically opposing effects on goal-directed behavior, depending on the individual's proximity to goal attainment. The findings resolve contrasting predictions about the influence of positive and negative emotions in volitional behavior, critically amend the goal gradient hypothesis, and provide new insights into the dynamics and determinants of multiple-goal pursuit.

  19. Multiple paternity in reptiles: patterns and processes. (United States)

    Uller, Tobias; Olsson, Mats


    The evolution of female promiscuity poses an intriguing problem as benefits of mating with multiple males often have to arise via indirect, genetic, effects. Studies on birds have documented that multiple paternity is common in natural populations but strong evidence for selection via female benefits is lacking. In an attempt to evaluate the evidence more broadly, we review studies of multiple paternity in natural populations of all major groups of nonavian reptiles. Multiple paternity has been documented in all species investigated so far and commonly exists in over 50% of clutches, with particularly high levels in snakes and lizards. Marine turtles and lizards with prolonged pair-bonding have relatively low levels of multiple paternity but levels are nevertheless higher than in many vertebrates with parental care. There is no evidence that high levels of polyandry are driven by direct benefits to females and the evidence that multiple paternity arises from indirect genetic benefits is weak. Instead, we argue that the most parsimonious explanation for patterns of multiple paternity is that it represents the combined effect of mate-encounter frequency and conflict over mating rates between males and females driven by large male benefits and relatively small female costs, with only weak selection via indirect benefits. A crucial step for researchers is to move from correlative approaches to experimental tests of assumptions and predictions of theory under natural settings, using a combination of molecular techniques and behavioural observations.

  20. Observation of laser multiple filamentation process and multiple electron beams acceleration in a laser wakefield accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Wentao; Liu, Jiansheng; Wang, Wentao; Chen, Qiang; Zhang, Hui; Tian, Ye; Zhang, Zhijun; Qi, Rong; Wang, Cheng; Leng, Yuxin; Li, Ruxin; Xu, Zhizhan


    The multiple filaments formation process in the laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) was observed by imaging the transmitted laser beam after propagating in the plasma of different density. During propagation, the laser first self-focused into a single filament. After that, it began to defocus with energy spreading in the transverse direction. Two filaments then formed from it and began to propagate independently, moving away from each other. We have also demonstrated that the laser multiple filamentation would lead to the multiple electron beams acceleration in the LWFA via ionization-induced injection scheme. Besides, its influences on the accelerated electron beams were also analyzed both in the single-stage LWFA and cascaded LWFA

  1. Familial multiple lipomatosis: a case report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veger, H. T. C.; Ravensbergen, N. J. C.; Ottenhof, A.; da Costa, S. A.


    Lipoma is the most common type of soft tissue tumour. Multiple lipomas localised in different areas of the body are rare and can occur in specific hereditary syndromes. Familial multiple lipomatosis is a rare benign hereditary syndrome with a proposed autosomal-dominant inheritance. We present the

  2. 7 CFR 783.8 - Multiple benefits. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Multiple benefits. 783.8 Section 783.8 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FARM SERVICE AGENCY, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SPECIAL PROGRAMS TREE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM § 783.8 Multiple benefits. Persons may not receive or retain...

  3. Mediation Analysis with Multiple Mediators


    VanderWeele, T.J.; Vansteelandt, S.


    Recent advances in the causal inference literature on mediation have extended traditional approaches to direct and indirect effects to settings that allow for interactions and non-linearities. In this paper, these approaches from causal inference are further extended to settings in which multiple mediators may be of interest. Two analytic approaches, one based on regression and one based on weighting are proposed to estimate the effect mediated through multiple mediators and the effects throu...

  4. The MARVEL assembly for neutron multiplication

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    David L. Chichester; Mathew T. Kinlaw


    A new multiplying test assembly is under development at Idaho National Laboratory to support research, validation, evaluation, and learning. The item is comprised of three stacked, highly-enriched uranium (HEU) cylinders, each 11.4 cm in diameter and having a combined height of up to 11.7 cm. The combined mass of all three cylinders is 20.3 kg of HEU. Calculations for the bare configuration of the assembly indicate a multiplication level of >3.5 (keff=0.72). Reflected configurations of the assembly, using either polyethylene or tungsten, are possible and have the capability of raising the assembly's multiplication level to greater than 10. This paper describes simulations performed to assess the assembly's multiplication level under different conditions and describes the resources available at INL to support the use of these materials. We also describe some preliminary calculations and test activities using the assembly to study neutron multiplication.

  5. The MARVEL assembly for neutron multiplication. (United States)

    Chichester, David L; Kinlaw, Mathew T


    A new multiplying test assembly is under development at Idaho National Laboratory to support research, validation, evaluation, and learning. The item is comprised of three stacked, highly-enriched uranium (HEU) cylinders, each 11.4 cm in diameter and having a combined height of up to 11.7 cm. The combined mass of all three cylinders is 20.3 kg of HEU. Calculations for the bare configuration of the assembly indicate a multiplication level of >3.5 (k(eff)=0.72). Reflected configurations of the assembly, using either polyethylene or tungsten, are possible and have the capability of raising the assembly's multiplication level to greater than 10. This paper describes simulations performed to assess the assembly's multiplication level under different conditions and describes the resources available at INL to support the use of these materials. We also describe some preliminary calculations and test activities using the assembly to study neutron multiplication. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Polyakov-Wiegmann formula and multiplicative gerbes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gawedzki, Krzysztof; Waldorf, Konrad


    An unambiguous definition of Feynman amplitudes in the Wess-Zumino-Witten sigma model and the Chern-Simon gauge theory with a general Lie group is determined by a certain geometric structure on the group. For the WZW amplitudes, this is a (bundle) gerbe with connection of an appropriate curvature whereas for the CS amplitudes, the gerbe has to be additionally equipped with a multiplicative structure assuring its compatibility with the group multiplication. We show that for simple compact Lie groups the obstruction to the existence of a multiplicative structure is provided by a 2-cocycle of phases that appears in the Polyakov-Wiegmann formula relating the Wess-Zumino action functional of the product of group-valued fields to the sum of the individual contributions. These phases were computed long time ago for all compact simple Lie groups. If they are trivial, then the multiplicative structure exists and is unique up to isomorphism.

  7. Mathematical Modeling of Loop Heat Pipes with Multiple Capillary Pumps and Multiple Condensers. Part 1; Stead State Stimulations (United States)

    Hoang, Triem T.; OConnell, Tamara; Ku, Jentung


    Loop Heat Pipes (LHPs) have proven themselves as reliable and robust heat transport devices for spacecraft thermal control systems. So far, the LHPs in earth-orbit satellites perform very well as expected. Conventional LHPs usually consist of a single capillary pump for heat acquisition and a single condenser for heat rejection. Multiple pump/multiple condenser LHPs have shown to function very well in ground testing. Nevertheless, the test results of a dual pump/condenser LHP also revealed that the dual LHP behaved in a complicated manner due to the interaction between the pumps and condensers. Thus it is redundant to say that more research is needed before they are ready for 0-g deployment. One research area that perhaps compels immediate attention is the analytical modeling of LHPs, particularly the transient phenomena. Modeling a single pump/single condenser LHP is difficult enough. Only a handful of computer codes are available for both steady state and transient simulations of conventional LHPs. No previous effort was made to develop an analytical model (or even a complete theory) to predict the operational behavior of the multiple pump/multiple condenser LHP systems. The current research project offered a basic theory of the multiple pump/multiple condenser LHP operation. From it, a computer code was developed to predict the LHP saturation temperature in accordance with the system operating and environmental conditions.

  8. Prediction and Migration of Surface-related Resonant Multiples

    KAUST Repository

    Guo, Bowen


    Surface-related resonant multiples can be migrated to achieve better resolution than migrating primary reflections. We now derive the formula for migrating surface-related resonant multiples, and show its super-resolution characteristics. Moreover, a method is proposed to predict surface-related resonant multiples with zero-offset primary reflections. The prediction can be used to indentify and extract the true resonant multiple from other events. Both synthetic and field data are used to validate this prediction.

  9. Multiplicities and parton dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knuteson, R.O.


    The production of strongly interacting particles from the annihilation of electrons and positrons at high energies is studied, with emphasis on the multiplicity, or number, of particles produced. A probabilistic branching model based on the leading log approximation in QCD is formulated to predict the evolution of particle number with the energy of collision. Direct integration of a master equation for the probabilities allows a comparison to the experimentally observed particle distribution. The production of strongly interacting particles from proton-antiproton collisions is also considered. A model for the production of particles from parton-parton collisions is presented and the growth in multiplicity with energy demonstrated

  10. Jet multiplicity distributions: medium dependence in MLLA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Armesto, Nestor; Pajares, Carlos; Quiroga-Arias, Paloma [Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Departamento de Fisica de Particulas and IGFAE, Santiago de Compostela (Spain)


    We study the medium dependence of the multiplicity distributions in the modified leading logarithmic approximation. We focus in the enhancement in the number of branchings as the partons travel trough a dense medium created in a heavy-ion collision. We study the effect of a higher number of splittings in some jet observables by introducing the medium as a constant (f{sub med}) in the splitting functions. Having as our ansatz for the quark and gluon jets mean multiplicities left angle n{sub G} right angle =e{sup {gamma}}{sup y} and left angle n{sub Q} right angle =r{sup -1}e{sup {gamma}}{sup y}, we study in an analytic approach the dependence with the medium (f{sub med}) of the anomalous dimension ({gamma}), the multiplicity ratio (r), and so the mean multiplicities. We also obtain the higher-order moments of the multiplicity distribution, what allows us to study its dispersion. (orig.)

  11. Multiple social identifications and adolescents' self-esteem. (United States)

    Benish-Weisman, Maya; Daniel, Ella; Schiefer, David; Möllering, Anna; Knafo-Noam, Ariel


    The research examined the relationship between multiple social identifications and self-esteem. Early adolescents (M = 11.4, SD = .95) and mid-adolescents (M = 15.9, SD = 1.18) from Germany and Israel (n = 2337) were studied. Respondents described their social identification as students, family members, and as members of the majority national group and reported self-esteem. A longitudinal, cross-sectional and cross-cultural design revealed, as predicted, multiple social identifications related positively to self-esteem concurrently; they also related positively to self-esteem longitudinally over the course of a year. Moreover, multiple social identifications were found to be antecedent to self-esteem, not vice versa. Finally, multiple social identifications were found to decrease over time. The article discusses the contribution of multiple social identifications to self-esteem at different ages and in various contexts. Copyright © 2015 The Foundation for Professionals in Services for Adolescents. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Charged track multiplicity in B meson decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brandenburg, G.; Ershov, A.; Gao, Y. S.; Kim, D. Y.-J.; Wilson, R.; Browder, T. E.; Li, Y.; Rodriguez, J. L.; Yamamoto, H.; Bergfeld, T.


    We have used the CLEO II detector to study the multiplicity of charged particles in the decays of B mesons produced at the Υ(4S) resonance. Using a sample of 1.5x10 6 B meson pairs, we find the mean inclusive charged particle multiplicity to be 10.71±0.02 -0.15 +0.21 for the decay of the pair. This corresponds to a mean multiplicity of 5.36±0.01 -0.08 +0.11 for a single B meson. Using the same data sample, we have also extracted the mean multiplicities in semileptonic and nonleptonic decays. We measure a mean of 7.82±0.05 -0.19 +0.21 charged particles per BB(bar sign) decay when both mesons decay semileptonically. When neither B meson decays semileptonically, we measure a mean charged particle multiplicity of 11.62±0.04 -0.18 +0.24 per BB(bar sign) pair. (c) 2000 The American Physical Society

  13. Multiple Indicator Stationary Time Series Models. (United States)

    Sivo, Stephen A.


    Discusses the propriety and practical advantages of specifying multivariate time series models in the context of structural equation modeling for time series and longitudinal panel data. For time series data, the multiple indicator model specification improves on classical time series analysis. For panel data, the multiple indicator model…

  14. Multiplication in Silicon p-n Junctions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moll, John L.


    Multiplication values were measured in the collector junctions of silicon p-n-p and n-p-n transistors before and after bombardment by 1016 neutrons/cm2. Within experimental error there was no change either in junction fields, as deduced from capacitance measurements, or in multiplication values i...

  15. Whole brain white matter changes revealed by multiple diffusion metrics in multiple sclerosis: A TBSS study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Yaou; Duan, Yunyun; He, Yong; Yu, Chunshui; Wang, Jun; Huang, Jing; Ye, Jing; Parizel, Paul M.; Li, Kuncheng; Shu, Ni


    Objective: To investigate whole brain white matter changes in multiple sclerosis (MS) by multiple diffusion indices, we examined patients with diffusion tensor imaging and utilized tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) method to analyze the data. Methods: Forty-one relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients and 41 age- and gender-matched normal controls were included in this study. Diffusion weighted images were acquired by employing a single-shot echo planar imaging sequence on a 1.5 T MR scanner. Voxel-wise analyses of multiple diffusion metrics, including fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD) were performed with TBSS. Results: The MS patients had significantly decreased FA (9.11%), increased MD (8.26%), AD (3.48%) and RD (13.17%) in their white matter skeletons compared with the controls. Through TBSS analyses, we found abnormal diffusion changes in widespread white matter regions in MS patients. Specifically, decreased FA, increased MD and increased RD were involved in whole-brain white matter, while several regions exhibited increased AD. Furthermore, white matter regions with significant correlations between the diffusion metrics and the clinical variables (the EDSS scores, disease durations and white matter lesion loads) in MS patients were identified. Conclusion: Widespread white matter abnormalities were observed in MS patients revealed by multiple diffusion metrics. The diffusion changes and correlations with clinical variables were mainly attributed to increased RD, implying the predominant role of RD in reflecting the subtle pathological changes in MS

  16. Whole brain white matter changes revealed by multiple diffusion metrics in multiple sclerosis: A TBSS study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Yaou, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China); Duan, Yunyun, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China); He, Yong, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 (China); Yu, Chunshui, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China); Wang, Jun, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 (China); Huang, Jing, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China); Ye, Jing, E-mail: [Department of Neurology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China); Parizel, Paul M., E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital and University of Antwerp, Wilrijkstraat 10, 2650 Edegem, 8 Belgium (Belgium); Li, Kuncheng, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China); Shu, Ni, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 (China)


    Objective: To investigate whole brain white matter changes in multiple sclerosis (MS) by multiple diffusion indices, we examined patients with diffusion tensor imaging and utilized tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) method to analyze the data. Methods: Forty-one relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients and 41 age- and gender-matched normal controls were included in this study. Diffusion weighted images were acquired by employing a single-shot echo planar imaging sequence on a 1.5 T MR scanner. Voxel-wise analyses of multiple diffusion metrics, including fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD) were performed with TBSS. Results: The MS patients had significantly decreased FA (9.11%), increased MD (8.26%), AD (3.48%) and RD (13.17%) in their white matter skeletons compared with the controls. Through TBSS analyses, we found abnormal diffusion changes in widespread white matter regions in MS patients. Specifically, decreased FA, increased MD and increased RD were involved in whole-brain white matter, while several regions exhibited increased AD. Furthermore, white matter regions with significant correlations between the diffusion metrics and the clinical variables (the EDSS scores, disease durations and white matter lesion loads) in MS patients were identified. Conclusion: Widespread white matter abnormalities were observed in MS patients revealed by multiple diffusion metrics. The diffusion changes and correlations with clinical variables were mainly attributed to increased RD, implying the predominant role of RD in reflecting the subtle pathological changes in MS.

  17. Interger multiplication with overflow detection or saturation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schulte, M.J.; Balzola, P.I.; Akkas, A.; Brocato, R.W.


    High-speed multiplication is frequently used in general-purpose and application-specific computer systems. These systems often support integer multiplication, where two n-bit integers are multiplied to produce a 2n-bit product. To prevent growth in word length, processors typically return the n least significant bits of the product and a flag that indicates whether or not overflow has occurred. Alternatively, some processors saturate results that overflow to the most positive or most negative representable number. This paper presents efficient methods for performing unsigned or two's complement integer multiplication with overflow detection or saturation. These methods have significantly less area and delay than conventional methods for integer multiplication with overflow detection and saturation.

  18. Least squares reverse time migration of controlled order multiples (United States)

    Liu, Y.


    Imaging using the reverse time migration of multiples generates inherent crosstalk artifacts due to the interference among different order multiples. Traditionally, least-square fitting has been used to address this issue by seeking the best objective function to measure the amplitude differences between the predicted and observed data. We have developed an alternative objective function by decomposing multiples into different orders to minimize the difference between Born modeling predicted multiples and specific-order multiples from observational data in order to attenuate the crosstalk. This method is denoted as the least-squares reverse time migration of controlled order multiples (LSRTM-CM). Our numerical examples demonstrated that the LSRTM-CM can significantly improve image quality compared with reverse time migration of multiples and least-square reverse time migration of multiples. Acknowledgments This research was funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41430321 and 41374138).

  19. Gait Characteristics in Adolescents With Multiple Sclerosis. (United States)

    Kalron, Alon; Frid, Lior; Menascu, Shay


    Multiple sclerosis is a progressive autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. A presentation of multiple sclerosis before age18 years has traditionally been thought to be rare. However, during the past decade, more cases have been reported. We examined gait characteristics in 24 adolescents with multiple sclerosis (12 girls, 12 boys). Mean disease duration was 20.4 (S.D. = 24.9) months and mean age was 15.5 (S.D. = 1.1) years. The mean expanded disability status scale score was 1.7 (S.D. = 0.7) indicating minimal disability. Outcomes were compared with gait and the gait variability index value of healthy age-matched adolescents. Adolescents with multiple sclerosis walked slower with a wider base of support compared with age-matched healthy control subjects. Moreover, the gait variability index was lower in the multiple sclerosis group compared with the values in the healthy adolescents: 85.4 (S.D. = 8.1) versus 96.5 (S.D. = 7.4). We present gait parameters of adolescents with multiple sclerosis. From a clinical standpoint, our data could improve management of walking dysfunction in this relatively young population. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Incidence and significance of Multiple Primary Malignant Neoplasms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Eun Kyung; Cho, Moon June; Ha, Sung Whan; Park, Charn Il; Bang, Young Ju; Kim, Noe Kyung


    To know the three questions about multiple primary cancers: 1) what are the characteristics of persons having multiple primary cancer? 2) Dose presence of a single primary concern after the susceptibility to multiple primary cancers? 3) Dose the location of one multiple primary cancer influence the site of others?, we analysed 121 cases of multiple primary malignant neoplasms registered in Seoul National University Hospital during 8years from July 1978 to August 1986. Of 121 cases, double primary malignant neoplasms were 119 cases and triple were 2 cases. The incidence of multiple primary malignant neoplasms was 0.7%. The metachronous tumor(> 6 months) was found in 70 cases and the median time between the first and the second was 32 months. The most commonly associated tumors were stomach and primary liver carcinoma. Cervix and Lung cancer, Stomach and Rectal cancer, Stomach and Esophagus cancer were also commonly associated

  1. A General Method for QTL Mapping in Multiple Related Populations Derived from Multiple Parents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan AO


    Full Text Available It's well known that incorporating some existing populations derived from multiple parents may improve QTL mapping and QTL-based breeding programs. However, no general maximum likelihood method has been available for this strategy. Based on the QTL mapping in multiple related populations derived from two parents, a maximum likelihood estimation method was proposed, which can incorporate several populations derived from three or more parents and also can be used to handle different mating designs. Taking a circle design as an example, we conducted simulation studies to study the effect of QTL heritability and sample size upon the proposed method. The results showed that under the same heritability, enhanced power of QTL detection and more precise and accurate estimation of parameters could be obtained when three F2 populations were jointly analyzed, compared with the joint analysis of any two F2 populations. Higher heritability, especially with larger sample sizes, would increase the ability of QTL detection and improve the estimation of parameters. Potential advantages of the method are as follows: firstly, the existing results of QTL mapping in single population can be compared and integrated with each other with the proposed method, therefore the ability of QTL detection and precision of QTL mapping can be improved. Secondly, owing to multiple alleles in multiple parents, the method can exploit gene resource more adequately, which will lay an important genetic groundwork for plant improvement.

  2. Case report 383: Multiple myeloma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kouwenberg, J.J.; Simons, A.J.


    A unique and obviously extremely rare example of multiple myeloma has been presented, affecting the peripheral appendicular skeleton and not the hematopoietic system of the axial skeleton, radiologically and probably pathologically. Only one other similar case has been described. The radiological features were confirmed by the pathological studies: a biopsy specimen obtained from a large osteolytic lesion in a patella showed the typical stigma of multiple myeloma; a biopsy from the iliac creast showed no abnormality. (orig./SHA)

  3. Multiplicities and Correlations at LEP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarkisyan, E.K.G.


    A brief review on recent charge multiplicity and correlation measurements at LEP is given. The measurements of un biased gluon jet multiplicity are discussed. Recent results on charged particle Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac correlations at LEP1 are reported. New results on two-particle correlations of neutral pions are given. Correlations of more than two particles (high-order correlations) obtained using different methods are performed. Recent Bose-Einstein correlation measurements at LEP2 are discussed. (author)

  4. Multiplicities and correlations at LEP

    CERN Document Server

    Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, E


    A brief review on recent charge multiplicity and correlation measurements at LEP is given. The measurements of unbiased gluon jet multiplicity are discussed. Recent results on charged particle Bose- Einstein and Fermi-Dirac correlations at LEP1. are reported. New results on two-particle correlations of neutral pions are given. Correlations of more than two particles (high-order correlations) obtained using different methods are performed. Recent Bose-Einstein correlation measurements at LEP2 are discussed. (13 refs).

  5. 9 CFR 113.7 - Multiple fractions. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Multiple fractions. 113.7 Section 113... § 113.7 Multiple fractions. (a) When a biological product contains more than one immunogenic fraction, the completed product shall be evaluated by tests applicable to each fraction. (b) When similar...

  6. Schooling Built on the Multiple Intelligences (United States)

    Kunkel, Christine D.


    This article features a school built on multiple intelligences. As the first multiple intelligences school in the world, the Key Learning Community shapes its students' days to include significant time in the musical, spatial and bodily-kinesthetic intelligences, as well as the more traditional areas of logical-mathematical and linguistics. In…

  7. Astronomy of binary and multiple stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tokovinin, A.A.


    Various types of binary stars and methods for their observation are described in a popular form. Some models of formation and evolution of binary and multiple star systems are presented. It is concluded that formation of binary and multiple stars is a regular stage in the process of star production

  8. Consequences of hadron-nucleus multiplicity parametrization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, C.P.; Shyam, M.


    Some interesting consequences are analyzed of a new parametrization for the hadron-nucleus multiplicity distributions and they are compared with the experimental data. Further, it is illustrated how the scaling property for the average multiplicity will be modified and it is found that the experimental data support this behaviour. (orig.)

  9. 7 CFR 1437.13 - Multiple benefits. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Multiple benefits. 1437.13 Section 1437.13... General Provisions § 1437.13 Multiple benefits. (a) If a producer is eligible to receive payments under this part and benefits under any other program administered by the Secretary for the same crop loss...

  10. Multiple representations in physics education

    CERN Document Server

    Duit, Reinders; Fischer, Hans E


    This volume is important because despite various external representations, such as analogies, metaphors, and visualizations being commonly used by physics teachers, educators and researchers, the notion of using the pedagogical functions of multiple representations to support teaching and learning is still a gap in physics education. The research presented in the three sections of the book is introduced by descriptions of various psychological theories that are applied in different ways for designing physics teaching and learning in classroom settings. The following chapters of the book illustrate teaching and learning with respect to applying specific physics multiple representations in different levels of the education system and in different physics topics using analogies and models, different modes, and in reasoning and representational competence. When multiple representations are used in physics for teaching, the expectation is that they should be successful. To ensure this is the case, the implementati...

  11. Multiplicities in high energy interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Derrick, M.


    Charged particle multiplicities in hadronic collision have been measured for all energies up to √s = 540 GeV in the center of mass. Similar measurements in e + e - annihilation cover the much smaller range - up to √s = 40 GeV. Data are also available from deep inelastic neutrino scattering up to √s approx. 10 GeV. The experiments measure the mean charged multiplicity , the rapidity density at y = O, and the distributions in prong number. The mean number of photons associated with the events can be used to measure the π 0 and eta 0 multiplicities. Some information is also available on the charged pion, kaon, and nucleon fractions as well as the K 0 and Λ 0 rates and for the higher energy data, the identically equal fraction. We review this data and consider the implications of extrapolations to SSC energies. 13 references

  12. Strategies to reduce hyperthermia in ambulatory multiple sclerosis patients. (United States)

    Edlich, Richard F; Buschbacher, Ralph M; Cox, Mary Jude; Long, William B; Winters, Kathryne L; Becker, Daniel G


    Approximately 400,000 Americans have multiple sclerosis. Worldwide, multiple sclerosis affects 2.5 million individuals. Multiple sclerosis affects two to three times as many women as men. The adverse effects of hyperthermia in patients with multiple sclerosis have been known since 1890. While most patients with multiple sclerosis experience reversible worsening of their neurologic deficits, some patients experience irreversible neurologic deficits. In fact, heat-induced fatalities have been encountered in multiple sclerosis patients subjected to hyperthermia. Hyperthermia can be caused through sun exposure, exercise, and infection. During the last 50 years, numerous strategies have evolved to reduce hyperthermia in individuals with multiple sclerosis, such as photoprotective clothing, sunglasses, sunscreens, hydrotherapy, and prevention of urinary tract infections. Hydrotherapy has become an essential component of rehabilitation for multiple sclerosis patients in hospitals throughout the world. On the basis of this positive hospital experience, hydrotherapy has been expanded through the use of compact aquatic exercise pools at home along with personal cooling devices that promote local and systemic hypothermia in multiple sclerosis patients. The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America and NASA have played leadership roles in developing and recommending technology that will prevent hyperthermia in multiple sclerosis patients and should be consulted for new technological advances that will benefit the multiple sclerosis patient. In addition, products recommended for photoprotection by The Skin Cancer Foundation may also be helpful to the multiple sclerosis patient's defense against hyperthermia. Infections in the urinary tract, especially detrusor-external sphincter dyssynergia, are initially managed conservatively with intermittent self-catheterization and pharmacologic therapy. In those cases, refractory to conservative therapy, transurethral external

  13. Inventory verification measurements using neutron multiplicity counting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ensslin, N.; Foster, L.A.; Harker, W.C.; Krick, M.S.; Langner, D.G.


    This paper describes a series of neutron multiplicity measurements of large plutonium samples at the Los Alamos Plutonium Facility. The measurements were corrected for bias caused by neutron energy spectrum shifts and nonuniform multiplication, and are compared with calorimetry/isotopics. The results show that multiplicity counting can increase measurement throughput and yield good verification results for some inventory categories. The authors provide recommendations on the future application of the technique to inventory verification

  14. Multiple Access Communications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This book constitutes the proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications, MACOM 2016, held in Aalborg, Denmark, in November 2016. The 10 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 12 submissions. They were organized in topical...

  15. A Multiple Items EPQ/EOQ Model for a Vendor and Multiple Buyers System with Considering Continuous and Discrete Demand Simultaneously (United States)

    Jonrinaldi; Rahman, T.; Henmaidi; Wirdianto, E.; Zhang, D. Z.


    This paper proposed a mathematical model for multiple items Economic Production and Order Quantity (EPQ/EOQ) with considering continuous and discrete demand simultaneously in a system consisting of a vendor and multiple buyers. This model is used to investigate the optimal production lot size of the vendor and the number of shipments policy of orders to multiple buyers. The model considers the multiple buyers’ holding cost as well as transportation cost, which minimize the total production and inventory costs of the system. The continuous demand from any other customers can be fulfilled anytime by the vendor while the discrete demand from multiple buyers can be fulfilled by the vendor using the multiple delivery policy with a number of shipments of items in the production cycle time. A mathematical model is developed to illustrate the system based on EPQ and EOQ model. Solution procedures are proposed to solve the model using a Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming (MINLP) and algorithm methods. Then, the numerical example is provided to illustrate the system and results are discussed.

  16. Multiple Robots Localization Via Data Sharing (United States)


    multiple humans, each with specialized skills complementing each other, work to create the solution. Hence, there is a motivation to think in terms of...pygame.Color(255,255,255) COLORBLACK = pygame.Color(0,0,0) F. AUTOMATE.PY The file is a helper file to assist in running multiple simulation

  17. Multiplicity distributions in inelastic reactions on nuclei

    CERN Document Server

    Caneschi, L; Schwimmer, A


    The multiplicity distribution of the number of knocked-out nucleons and the correlation of the former with the multiplicity of the produced mesons, in inelastic particle-nucleus scattering, are computed.

  18. Common pitfalls in statistical analysis: The perils of multiple testing (United States)

    Ranganathan, Priya; Pramesh, C. S.; Buyse, Marc


    Multiple testing refers to situations where a dataset is subjected to statistical testing multiple times - either at multiple time-points or through multiple subgroups or for multiple end-points. This amplifies the probability of a false-positive finding. In this article, we look at the consequences of multiple testing and explore various methods to deal with this issue. PMID:27141478

  19. Medium dependence of multiplicity distributions in MLLA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armesto, Nestor; Pajares, Carlos; Quiroga-Arias, Paloma


    We study the modification of the multiplicity distributions in MLLA due to the presence of a QCD medium. The medium is introduced through a multiplicative constant (f med ) in the soft infrared parts of the kernels of the QCD evolution equations. Using the asymptotic ansatz for mean multiplicities of the quark and gluons, left angle n G right angle =e γy and left angle n Q right angle =r -1 e γy , respectively, we study two cases: fixed γ as previously considered in the literature, and fixed α s . We find opposite behaviors of the dispersion of the multiplicity distributions with increasing f med in both cases. For fixed γ the dispersion decreases, while for fixed α s it increases. (orig.)

  20. Multiplicities of states od equivalent fermion shells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savukinas, A.Yu.; Glembotskij, I.I.


    Classification of states of three or four equivalent fermions has been studied, i.e. possible terms and their multiplicities have been determined. For this purpose either the group theory or evident expressions for the fractional-parentage coefficients have been used. In the first approach the formulas obtained by other authors for the multiplicities of terms through the characters of the transformation matrices of bond moments have been used. This approach happens to be more general as compared with the second one, as expressions for the fractional-parentage coefficients in many cases are not known. The multiplicities of separate terms have been determined. It has been shown that the number of terms of any multiplicity becomes constant when l or j is increased [ru

  1. Multiple inflation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murphy, P.J.


    The Theory of Inflation, namely, that at some point the entropy content of the universe was greatly increased, has much promise. It may solve the puzzles of homogeneity and the creation of structure. However, no particle physics model has yet been found that can successfully drive inflation. The difficulty in satisfying the constraint that the isotropy of the microwave background places on the effective potential of prospective models is immense. In this work we have codified the requirements of such models in a most general form. We have carefully calculated the amounts of inflation the various problems of the Standard Model need for their solution. We have derived a completely model independent upper bond on the inflationary Hubble parameter. We have developed a general notation with which to probe the possibilities of Multiple Inflation. We have shown that only in very unlikely circumstances will any evidence of an earlier inflation, survive the de Sitter period of its successor. In particular, it is demonstrated that it is most unlikely that two bouts of inflation will yield high amplitudes of density perturbations on small scales and low amplitudes on large. We conclude that, while multiple inflation will be of great theoretical interest, it is unlikely to have any observational impact

  2. Remote multiple intracranial hemorrhage in multiple metastatic lung adenocarcinoma following decompression of posterior fossa lesion: Unknown cause

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Subhas Konar


    Full Text Available Cerebral metastasis can present with hemorrhage. However, multiple hemorrhages in metastatic lesions following surgical decompression of a single lesion are never reported. We report a case of cerebral metastasis from lung cancer that developed multiple hemorrhages in supratentorial metastatic lesions following surgical resection of an infratentorial lesion.

  3. Single photon detection with self-quenching multiplication (United States)

    Zheng, Xinyu (Inventor); Cunningham, Thomas J. (Inventor); Pain, Bedabrata (Inventor)


    A photoelectronic device and an avalanche self-quenching process for a photoelectronic device are described. The photoelectronic device comprises a nanoscale semiconductor multiplication region and a nanoscale doped semiconductor quenching structure including a depletion region and an undepletion region. The photoelectronic device can act as a single photon detector or a single carrier multiplier. The avalanche self-quenching process allows electrical field reduction in the multiplication region by movement of the multiplication carriers, thus quenching the avalanche.

  4. [Current therapy of multiple sclerosis]. (United States)

    Antonio García Merino, J


    Since the introduction of interferon beta 1 b for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, there has been a progressive increase in the number of drugs available for this disease. Currently, 11 drugs have been approved in Spain, and their indications depend on specific clinical characteristics. The present article reviews these indications and also discusses other medications without official approval that have also been used in multiple sclerosis. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  5. Time-domain multiple-quantum NMR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weitekamp, D.P.


    The development of time-domain multiple-quantum nuclear magnetic resonance is reviewed through mid 1982 and some prospects for future development are indicated. Particular attention is given to the problem of obtaining resolved, interpretable, many-quantum spectra for anisotropic magnetically isolated systems of coupled spins. New results are presented on a number of topics including the optimization of multiple-quantum-line intensities, analysis of noise in two-dimensional spectroscopy, and the use of order-selective excitation for cross polarization between nuclear-spin species

  6. Curability of Multiple Myeloma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raymond Alexanian


    Full Text Available Among 792 patients with multiple myeloma treated from 1987 to 2010 and assessed after 18 months, there were 167 patients with complete remission. For those 60 patients treated between 1987–1998 and with long followup, the latest relapse occurred after 11.8 years, so that 13 patients have remained in sustained complete remission for longer than 12 years (range 12–22 years. These results suggest that 3% of all patients treated during that period may be cured of multiple myeloma. In addition to immunofixation, more sensitive techniques for the detection of residual disease should be applied more consistently in patients with apparent complete remission in order to identify those with potential cure.

  7. Multiple Family Group Therapy: An Interpersonal/Postmodern Approach. (United States)

    Thorngren, Jill M.; Kleist, David M.


    Multiple Family Group Therapy has been identified as a viable treatment model for a variety of client populations. A combination of family systems theories and therapeutic group factors provide the opportunity to explore multiple levels of intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships between families. This article depicts a Multiple Family Group…

  8. Detection of Multiple Stationary Humans Using UWB MIMO Radar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fulai Liang


    Full Text Available Remarkable progress has been achieved in the detection of single stationary human. However, restricted by the mutual interference of multiple humans (e.g., strong sidelobes of the torsos and the shadow effect, detection and localization of the multiple stationary humans remains a huge challenge. In this paper, ultra-wideband (UWB multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO radar is exploited to improve the detection performance of multiple stationary humans for its multiple sight angles and high-resolution two-dimensional imaging capacity. A signal model of the vital sign considering both bi-static angles and attitude angle of the human body is firstly developed, and then a novel detection method is proposed to detect and localize multiple stationary humans. In this method, preprocessing is firstly implemented to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR of the vital signs, and then a vital-sign-enhanced imaging algorithm is presented to suppress the environmental clutters and mutual affection of multiple humans. Finally, an automatic detection algorithm including constant false alarm rate (CFAR, morphological filtering and clustering is implemented to improve the detection performance of weak human targets affected by heavy clutters and shadow effect. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method can get a high-quality image of multiple humans and we can use it to discriminate and localize multiple adjacent human targets behind brick walls.

  9. Active neutron multiplicity analysis and Monte Carlo calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krick, M.S.; Ensslin, N.; Langner, D.G.; Miller, M.C.; Siebelist, R.; Stewart, J.E.; Ceo, R.N.; May, P.K.; Collins, L.L. Jr


    Active neutron multiplicity measurements of high-enrichment uranium metal and oxide samples have been made at Los Alamos and Y-12. The data from the measurements of standards at Los Alamos were analyzed to obtain values for neutron multiplication and source-sample coupling. These results are compared to equivalent results obtained from Monte Carlo calculations. An approximate relationship between coupling and multiplication is derived and used to correct doubles rates for multiplication and coupling. The utility of singles counting for uranium samples is also examined

  10. Prevalence of multiple birth in Isfahan, Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Yazdekhasti


    Full Text Available Background: According to increasing rate of using assisted reproductive technology (ART which result in higher rates of multiple birth and natal difficulties, we aimed to determine the prevalence rate of multiple birth pregnancies. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study evaluating birth files in 2009–2010 of main hospitals of Isfahan, Iran. Results: Among 31640 files' studies, 614 cases of multiple birth pregnancies were investigated. The product of these pregnancies were 1286 (50.2% females infants including 557 twins (17.6/1000, 56 triplets (1.8/1000, and one case of quadruple (0.03/1000. Infants weigh <2500 g were 84.9% of all. Mothers had a mean age of 27.9 ± 4.9 which 30.4% of them had a positive history of using ART. Conclusion: The prevalence of multiple birth pregnancies is growing. The need for more mother and child care is important. Using ART world wide is leading more multiple birth which could be a cause for more complicated pregnancies.

  11. Emotional Disorders in People with Multiple Sclerosis (United States)

    ... Evidence-based Guideline for PATIENTS and their FAMILIES EMOTIONAL DISORDERS IN PEOPLE WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS This fact sheet presents the current research on emotional disorders in multiple sclerosis (MS) and summarizes the ...

  12. Palliative radiotherapy for multiple myeloma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furusawa, Mitsuhiro; Baba, Yuji; Murakami, Ryuji; Yokoyama, Toshimi; Nishimura, Ryuichi; Uozumi, Hideaki; Takada, Chitose; Takahashi, Mutsumasa


    This study reviews the experience of palliative radiotherapy to patients with multiple myeloma to define the optimal dose for pain relief. The records of 31 patients (66 sites) with multiple myeloma irradiated for palliation at Kumamoto University hospital between 1985 and 1994 were reviewed. Total dose ranged from 8 to 50 Gy, with a mean of 32.2 Gy. Symptoms included pain (78.1%), neurological abnormalities (28.1%), and palpable masses (34.3%). Symptomatic remission was obtained in 45 of 46 evaluable sites (97.8%). Complete remission of symptoms were obtained in 28.3%, and partial remission in 69.6%. According to fraction size, there was no significant difference between 3-5 Gy and 1.8-2 Gy. The incidence of complete remission increased when a total dose of more than 20 Gy was given. When the quality of life is considered, hypofractionation was recommended for the palliative radiation therapy of multiple myeloma. (author)

  13. Treatment of multiple scalp cylindroma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radmilo Rončević


    Full Text Available Cylindroma is a rare, benign adnexal tumor of the skin. The most frequent tumor location is the head, especially the scalp, and neck area. This type of tumor can occur as solitary or multiple tumors. Tumor diagnosis is relatively easy and is based on clinical findings and biopsy. The therapy of choice is surgical excision with parts or entire scalp excision depending on whether it is solitary or multiple tumor. We presented a 65-year-old male patient with multiple scalp tumors of 0.5–6 cm in diameter. An entire scalp excision was performed and the postoperative wounds (i.e., the periosteum of the skull and the fascia galea were covered with free skin graft of partial thickness. In order to prevent profuse bleeding, we placed a tourniquet around his head and performed bilateral temporary ligature of temporal artery prior to surgery. During the nine-year follow-up, there were no new tumors or tumor recurrence reported.

  14. Multiple sclerosis and herpesvirus interaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guilherme Sciascia do Olival


    Full Text Available Multiple sclerosis is the most common autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, and its etiology is believed to have both genetic and environmental components. Several viruses have already been implicated as triggers and there are several studies that implicate members of the Herpesviridae family in the pathogenesis of MS. The most important characteristic of these viruses is that they have periods of latency and exacerbations within their biological sanctuary, the central nervous system. The Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, human herpesvirus 6 and human herpesvirus 7 viruses are the members that are most studied as being possible triggers of multiple sclerosis. According to evidence in the literature, the herpesvirus family is strongly involved in the pathogenesis of this disease, but it is unlikely that they are the only component responsible for its development. There are probably multiple triggers and more studies are necessary to investigate and define these interactions.

  15. Development of Multiple Capsule Robots in Pipe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shuxiang Guo


    Full Text Available Swallowable capsule robots which travel in body cavities to implement drug delivery, minimally invasive surgery, and diagnosis have provided great potential for medical applications. However, the space constraints of the internal environment and the size limitations of the robots are great challenges to practical application. To address the fundamental challenges of narrow body cavities, a different-frequency driven approach for multiple capsule robots with screw structure manipulated by external electromagnetic field is proposed in this paper. The multiple capsule robots are composed of driven permanent magnets, joint permanent magnets, and a screw body. The screw body generates a propulsive force in a fluidic environment. Moreover, robots can form new constructions via mutual docking and release. To provide manipulation guidelines for active locomotion, a dynamic model of axial propulsion and circumferential torque is established. The multiple start and step-out frequencies for multiple robots are defined theoretically. Moreover, the different-frequency driven approach based on geometrical parameters of screw structure and the overlap angles of magnetic polarities is proposed to drive multiple robots in an identical electromagnetic field. Finally, two capsule robots were prototyped and experiments in a narrow pipe were conducted to verify the different motions such as docking, release, and cooperative locomotion. The experimental results demonstrated the validity of the driven approach for multiple capsule robots in narrow body cavities.

  16. Exclusive description of multiple production on nuclei in the additive quark model. Multiplicity distributions in interactions with heavy nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levchenko, B.B.; Nikolaev, N.N.


    In the framework of the additive quark model of multiple production on nuclei we calculate the multiplicity distributions of secondary particles and the correlations between secondary particles in πA and pA interactions with heavy nuclei. We show that intranuclear cascades are responsible for up to 50% of the nuclear increase of the multiplicity of fast particles. We analyze the sensitivity of the multiplicities and their correlations to the choice of the quark-hadronization function. We show that with good accuracy the yield of relativistic secondary particles from heavy and intermediate nuclei depends only on the number N/sub p/ of protons knocked out of the nucleus, and not on the mass number of the nucleus (N/sub p/ scaling)

  17. Tehran Survey of Potential Risk Factors for Multiple Births

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reza Omani Samani


    Full Text Available Background The multiple pregnancy incidence is increasing worldwide. This increased incidence is concerning to the health care system. This study aims to determine the frequency of multiple pregnancy and identify factors that affect this frequency in Tehran, Iran. Materials and Methods This cross-sectional study included 5170 mothers in labor between July 6-21, 2015 from 103 hospitals with Obstetrics and Gynecology Wards. The questionnaire used in this study consisted of five parts: demographic characteristics; information related to pregnancy; information related to the infant; information regarding the multiple pregnancy; and information associated with infertility. We recruited 103 trained midwives to collect data related to the questionnaire from eligible participants through an interview and medical records review. Frequencies and odds ratios (OR for the association between multiple pregnancy and the selected characteristics (maternal age, economic status, history of multiple pregnancy in first-degree relatives, and reproductive history were computed by multiple logistic regression. Stata software, version 13 (Stata Corp, College Station, TX, USA was used for all statistical analyses. Results Multiple pregnancy had a prevalence of 1.48% [95% confidence interval (CI: 1.19-1.85]. After controlling for confounding variables, we observed a significant association between frequency of multiple pregnancy and mother’s age (OR=1.04, 95% CI: 1.001-1.09, P=0.044, assisted reproductive technique (ART, OR=6.11, 95% CI: 1.7- 21.97, P=0.006, and history of multiple pregnancy in the mother’s family (OR=5.49, 95% CI: 3.55-9.93, P=0.001. Conclusion The frequency of multiple pregnancy approximated results reported in previous studies in Iran. Based on the results, we observed significantly greater frequency of multiple pregnancy in older women, those with a history of ART, and a history of multiple pregnancy in the mother’s family compared to the other

  18. Making the Most of Multiple Choice (United States)

    Brookhart, Susan M.


    Multiple-choice questions draw criticism because many people perceive they test only recall or atomistic, surface-level objectives and do not require students to think. Although this can be the case, it does not have to be that way. Susan M. Brookhart suggests that multiple-choice questions are a useful part of any teacher's questioning repertoire…

  19. Beyond cross-domain learning: Multiple-domain nonnegative matrix factorization

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Jim Jing-Yan; Gao, Xin


    Traditional cross-domain learning methods transfer learning from a source domain to a target domain. In this paper, we propose the multiple-domain learning problem for several equally treated domains. The multiple-domain learning problem assumes that samples from different domains have different distributions, but share the same feature and class label spaces. Each domain could be a target domain, while also be a source domain for other domains. A novel multiple-domain representation method is proposed for the multiple-domain learning problem. This method is based on nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), and tries to learn a basis matrix and coding vectors for samples, so that the domain distribution mismatch among different domains will be reduced under an extended variation of the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) criterion. The novel algorithm - multiple-domain NMF (MDNMF) - was evaluated on two challenging multiple-domain learning problems - multiple user spam email detection and multiple-domain glioma diagnosis. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is experimentally verified. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Beyond cross-domain learning: Multiple-domain nonnegative matrix factorization

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Jim Jing-Yan


    Traditional cross-domain learning methods transfer learning from a source domain to a target domain. In this paper, we propose the multiple-domain learning problem for several equally treated domains. The multiple-domain learning problem assumes that samples from different domains have different distributions, but share the same feature and class label spaces. Each domain could be a target domain, while also be a source domain for other domains. A novel multiple-domain representation method is proposed for the multiple-domain learning problem. This method is based on nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), and tries to learn a basis matrix and coding vectors for samples, so that the domain distribution mismatch among different domains will be reduced under an extended variation of the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) criterion. The novel algorithm - multiple-domain NMF (MDNMF) - was evaluated on two challenging multiple-domain learning problems - multiple user spam email detection and multiple-domain glioma diagnosis. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is experimentally verified. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.