
Sample records for paa kaernkraftverk och

  1. Understanding PaaS

    CERN Document Server

    McGrath, Michael


    The least understood feature of cloud computing, Platform as a Service (PaaS), is also the most powerful and cost effective. This concise overview shows you why organizations that properly wield PaaS can quickly gain a strong competitive advantage. You'll learn how PaaS enables developers to pursue low cost R&D projects, lets system administrators focus on systems rather than servers, and helps architects evaluate new technology quickly and directly. Many reliable PaaS providers are available today, including services from Amazon, Red Hat, and Google. This book offers valuable advice for tec

  2. Build your own PaaS with Docker

    CERN Document Server

    Hane, Oskar


    This book is intended for those who want to take full advantage of separating services into module containers and connect them to form a complete platform. It will give you all the insights and knowledge needed to run your own PaaS.

  3. Poly(aspartic acid) (PAA) hydrolases and PAA biodegradation: current knowledge and impact on applications. (United States)

    Hiraishi, Tomohiro


    Thermally synthesized poly(aspartic acid) (tPAA) is a bio-based, biocompatible, biodegradable, and water-soluble polymer that has a high proportion of β-Asp units and equivalent moles of D- and L-Asp units. Poly(aspartic acid) (PAA) hydrolase-1 and hydrolase-2 are tPAA biodegradation enzymes purified from Gram-negative bacteria. PAA hydrolase-1 selectively cleaves amide bonds between β-Asp units via an endo-type process, whereas PAA hydrolase-2 catalyzes the exo-type hydrolysis of the products of tPAA hydrolysis by PAA hydrolase-1. The novel reactivity of PAA hydrolase-1 makes it a good candidate for a biocatalyst in β-peptide synthesis. This mini-review gives an overview of PAA hydrolases with emphasis on their biochemical and functional properties, in particular, PAA hydrolase-1. Functionally related enzymes, such as poly(R-3-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerases and β-aminopeptidases, are compared to PAA hydrolases. This mini-review also provides findings that offer an insight into the catalytic mechanisms of PAA hydrolase-1 from Pedobacter sp. KP-2.

  4. Musik- och Kulturskolans framtid… : En kvalitativ studie om musiklärares och rektorers tankar om dagens och framtidens musik- och kulturskola


    Nilsson, David


    Den här undersökningen syftar till att få en djupare förståelse för hur musik- och kulturskolans verksamhet kan se ut i framtiden. Jag vill få en inblick i vilka faktorer som påverkar utvecklingen av den kommunala musik- och kulturskolan, samt hur musik- och kulturskolan väljer att förhålla sig till dessa faktorer. För att undersöka detta har jag använt mig av kvalitativ intervju som forskningsmetod för att därigenom få fram fyra instrumentallärares och tre musikledares tankar och erfarenhete...

  5. Challenges for the comprehensive management of Cloud Services in a PaaS framework

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garcia-Gomez, S.; Jimenez-Ganan, M.; Taher, Y.; Momm, C.; Junker, F.; Biro, J.; Menychtas, A.; Andrikopoulos, V.; Strauch, S.


    The 4CaaSt project aims at developing a PaaS framework that enables flexible definition, marketing, deployment and management of Cloud-based services and applications. This paper describes the major challenges tackled by 4CaaSt for the comprehensive management of applications and services in a PaaS.

  6. Kreativitet och innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Jacob Østergaard; Skov, Hanne


    Kreativitet i arbetsterapi beskriver och analyserar kreativitetens många uttryck ur flera olika perspektiv: dels som en etablerad dimension av arbetsterapeutiska arbetsmetoder och yrkeskunskap, dels som en aktuell och efterfrågad grund för ny utveckling och innovation inom framtidens vård. Boken...... innehåller många praktiska exempel på hur vi kan se krea­tiviteten i arbetsterapeutens arbete såväl med klienter som när det gäller de system och den miljö människor lever och arbetar i. Boken beskriver också hur arbetsterapeuter arbetar och tänker kreativt samt hur de använder sig av kreativa strategier...

  7. Autism och Asperger syndromtvå studier om pedagogers ochspecialpedagogers kunskaper och erfarenheter


    Lindgren, Pauline; Olsson, Sofia; Simonsson, Daniel


    Lindgren, P, Olsson, S & Simonsson, D. (2008) Autism och Asperger syndrom – två studier om pedagogers och specialpedagogers kunskaper och erfarenheter (Autism and Asperger syndrome – two studies of teachers´ and special educators´ knowledge and experience). Högskolan, Kristianstad. Specialpedagogiska programmet. Syftet med vårt arbete är att undersöka vilka kunskaper som specialpedagoger inom grund-skola och grundsärskola har, samt hur pedagoger uppfattar sina kunskaper och erfarenheter när d...

  8. Study of Ag+/PAA (polyacrylic acid) and Ag0/PAA aqueous system at equilibrium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keghouche, N.; Mostafavi, M.; Delcourt, M.O.


    When submitted to gamma radiation the system Ag + -PAA-water leads to clusters Ag 0 n /PAA (3 420 nm) interacting with the clusters. Potentiometric measurements carried out on Ag + solutions in the presence of PAA at various pH show that the deprotonated form (polyacrylate anion) is strongly bonded to Ag + , on the opposite of the protonated form of PAA. One of the oligomer clusters can be stabilized for more than one year. Studying it by infra-red spectrometry reveals important modifications in the vibration bands of the COO - group circa 1400 and 1600 cm -1 according to the bonding of PAA with Ag + or Ag 0 [fr

  9. Hjälplöshet och hopplöshet : samtidig och prediktiv relation till depression och ångest


    Hansson, Charlotta; Lindberg, Sarah


    Forskning visar att hjälplöshet och hopplöshet är betydelsefulla faktorer för förståelse av depression och ångest. Enligt Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress (CATS) är känslor av hjälplöshet och hopplöshet dessutom prediktiva för psykopatologi. Hjälplöshet definieras som den inlärda förväntan att egen ansträngning inte kan åstadkomma skillnad, och hopplöshet som att egen ansträngning leder till försämring. Den här studien undersökte relationen mellan hjälplöshet/hopplöshet och depression/ån...

  10. Sociala medier och levnadsvanor : Användning av Facebook och Twitter samt mat-, motions- och sömnvanor


    Lindström, Anna


    Bakgrund: Ohälsosamma levnadsvanor bidrar avsevärt till sjukdomsbördan. Allt mer tid spenderas vid skärm och forskning tyder på negativa effekter på mat-, motions- och sömnvanor. Teknikens utveckling har förändrat skärmtiden. Sociala medier har intagit en viktig plats i mångas liv och skärmtid är inte längre automatisk förknippat till faktorer såsom stillasittande samt möjlighet att äta mer. Forskning om levnadsvanor och sociala medier saknas. Syfte: Att undersöka graden av användning av de s...

  11. Metoder och verktyg för motivation till och integration av arbetsmiljöarbete


    Åteg, Mattias; Nygren, Olle; Andersson, Ing-Marie; Laring, Jonas; Neely, Greg; Rosén, Gunnar


    Rapporten utgår från forskningsområdet "Hur kan och bör arbetsmiljöarbete bedrivas och integreras i organisationers kärnverksamhet?" vid tema SMARTA, Arbetslivsinstitutet. I ett tidigare arbete har ett antal egenskaper identifierats som viktiga för motivation och engagemang för arbetsmiljöarbete, sk Moveit-egenskaper. Dessa egenskaper och deras roll i arbetsmiljöarbetet ställs här i relation till perspektivet integrerat arbetsmiljöarbete, där arbetsmiljön ingår i styrsystemet och arbetsmiljöa...

  12. Fotboll och huliganism i Skandinavien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Kristian

    De skandinaviska länderna är lika i en rad hänseenden, exempelvis samhällsstruktur, lagstiftning och kultur. Också när det gäller fotboll finns stora likheter ? Danmark, Norge och Sverige introducerades ungefär samtidigt under 1970- och 80-talen till den engelska fotbollen och dess supporterkultu...

  13. 4CaaSt : Comprehensive management of Cloud services through a PaaS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garcia-Gomez, S.; Lelli, F.; Eschriche-Vicente, M.; Arozarena-Llopis, P.; Taher, Y.; Momm, C.; Spriestersbach, A.; Jimenez-Ganan, M.; Le Jeune, G.; Dao, M.; Carrie, S.P.; Niemoller, J.; Mazmanov, D.; Biro, J.; Giesmann, A.; Junker, F.


    The 4CaaSt project aims at developing a PaaS framework that enables flexible definition, marketing, deployment and management of Cloud-based services and applications. The major innovations proposed by 4CaaSt are the blueprint and its lifecycle management, a one stop shop for Cloud services and a

  14. Bland prinsessor och soldater : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av genus och stereotyper i två Disneyfilmer


    Jonsson, Andreas


    Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur genus representeras och hur feministisk kritik syns i Disneyfilmerna Mulan och Frost. Arbetet behandlar kopplingen till tidigare Disneyfilmer och stereotypa framställningar av manligt och kvinnligt. Det utgår från ett genusperspektiv som tar hänsyn till könsroller som är resultatet av sociala konstruktioner. Metod: Filmerna har studerats i sin helhet och sedan har specifika scener och sekvenser valts ut för närmare studie. De har analys...

  15. Projektering av produktions- och lagerhall


    Englund, Elin


    Detta examensarbete är utfört åt Ingenjörsbyrå Mathias Smeds. Syftet med arbetet var att projektera en hallbyggnad som skulle fungera som produktions- och lagerhall åt företaget i fråga och åt andra företag som köper delar i hallen. I arbetet ingår att uppgöra bygglovshandlingar, en byggsättsbeskrivning, en jämförelse mellan energikällor och enkel kostnadskalkyl. Efter diskussioner och möten med beställaren blev resultatet en hall med limträstomme och med NR-takstolar som vindsbjälklag. Y...

  16. Teckensnitt och dess personlighetsdrag


    Linnarsson, Johan; Borja, Mårten


    När du arbetar med teckensnitt, vare sig du skapar – eller helt enkelt väljer ett teckensnitt, finns det konsekvenser till följd av skapandet och/eller valet. Läslighet och läsbarhet ligger i hjärtat av teckensnitts utformning – men principerna kring läslighet och läsbarhet är flexibla och kan komma att bortses ifrån, beroende på den tänkta kontexten för teckensnittet. Ett grepp om historiken bakom användningen av vissa teckensnitt, såväl som kunskap om de möjliga associationer de kan väcka ä...

  17. Sex- och samlevnadsundervisning i Sörmlands skolor


    Karolina Öjemalm, Karolina


    Sexualitet är ett grundläggande behov hos människor och påverkar individens upplevelse av hälsa och välbefinnande. Skolan fungerar som en viktig arena för att främja unga vuxnas sexuella hälsa och sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen i skolan kan ha stor betydelse för unga vuxnas utveckling. Sex- och samlevnadsundervisning har varit obligatorisk i svenska skolor sedan år 1955. Trots det visar en kvalitetsgranskning av sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen i svenska skolor från år 1999 att kvaliteten...

  18. Vinylskivor, Nivea och Teinitalo, Genus- och åldersperspektiv på reklam i ungdomstidningen Suosikki 1964


    Rydman, Ina


    Populärkulturen och ungdomskulturen uppkom på 1950-talet då Finland hade börjat klassas som ett modernt konsumtionssamhälle. Ett ekonomiskt uppsving under efterkrigstiden ledde till ökad konsumtion i samhället och till den så kallade tonårsindustrin. Det skedde en amerikanisering som syntes i finsk media och i reklam vilket präglade ungdomskulturen. I början av 1960-talet var en stor del av landets befolkning unga och de hörde till babyboom-generationen. I ungdomstidningar kan man se tecken p...

  19. KR’PTA. Samtidspoesin och Derrida : Spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg


    Schmidt, Lisa


    Lisa Schmidt, KR’PTA. Samtidspoesin och Derrida. Spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Hel­dén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg. (CR’PT. Contemporary Poetry and Derrida: Traces and Scarring in the Poetry of Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen and Anna Hallberg.) Through the analyses of three contemporary Nordic poets whose work challenges the boun­daries of literature and even the laws of grammar, I draw attention to the term linguistic materialism. I also sketch an historical line between t...

  20. Tidsperspektiv, mindfulness och stress: : en korrelationsstudie


    Koudriavtseva, Antonina


    Denna studie undersökte det potentiella sambandet mellan tidsperspektiv, mindfulness och upplevd stress. Kring 60 studenter besvarade en online-enkät som inkluderade den svenska versionen av Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire och Perceived Stress Scale. Analyserna omfattade bivariata korrelationer, multipel linjär regressionsanalys och path analys. I linje med hypoteserna indikerade resultaten statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan mindfulness, ett ...

  1. Lämplighetsbedömningar av unga kvinnor och män – Värme- och kompetensdimensionernas betydelse i rekrytering


    Rönnblad, Charlotta


    I frågan om social bedömning av andra individer och grupper utgör värme och kompetens två centrala dimensioner. Värme syftar på hur snäll, vänlig och omtänksam en person är, dess funktion är att bedöma vad personens avsikt är. Kompetens tyder på hur intelligent, självsäker och rationell en person är, dess funktion är att bedöma hur kapabel personen är att utföra avsikterna. Vanligtvis attribueras män utgående från kompetensdimensionen och kvinnor från värmedimensionen. Utgående från teorin om...

  2. Budgetering och budgeteringsprocessen inom ekonomiförvaltningen


    Finnström, Anders


    Syftet med undersökningen är att ge en bild av vad budgetering är och budgeteringsprocessen inom ekonomiförvaltningen. Forskningsproblemet är att ta reda på vilken kritiken är mot budgetering, hur man kan förbättra budgetarbetet och få fram vilka de alternativa metoderna är till budgetering. I lärdomsprovets teoretiska del behandlas vad en budget är, syften med en budget, huvud- och delbudgetar, budgeteringsprocessen, kritik och alternativa metoder till budgeteringen. I den empiriska delen ha...

  3. Barbröstade grabbar, med färgat hår och litervis med öl : En analys av Aftonbladets skildring av herr- och damfotboll i Herr-VM 2006 och Dam-VM 2007


    Mårtensson, Henning


    I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt hur män och kvinnor framställs i bild och text i Aftonbladets rapportering från herrarnas fotbolls-VM i Tyskland 2006 och damernas fotbolls-VM i Kina 2007. Mitt syfte var att titta på hur konstrueringen av en nationell diskurs skiljer sig åt i texterna om dam- och herrfotboll, om det finns någon tydlig manlig och kvinnlig diskurs på bilderna, samt hur väl min undersökning stämmer in på beprövade genusteorier. För att kunna besvara mitt syfte använde jag m...

  4. Vad och hur gör de? − att synliggöra lärande i grundskolans slöjdpraktik via videoetnografi och mikroanalys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marléne Johansson


    Full Text Available Artikeln bygger på resultat och erfarenheter av etnografiskt insamlade videoinspelningar från grundskolans slöjdundervisning utgående från tre studier; dels vid ett projekt med förstudier under slutet av 1990-talet (Johansson, 1996, dels vid avhandlingsprojektet Slöjdpraktik i skolan (Johansson, 2002 och dels inom forskningsprojektet Kommunikation och lärande i slöjdpraktiker, (”Komolär-projektet”, under 2005−2010 (Lindström, Borg, Johansson & Lindberg, 2003.Att insamla empiri i autentiska slöjdmiljöer är av intresse då lärandesituationer kan synliggöras när elever med hjälp av material och redskap arbetar med att tillverka artefakter. Utifrån detaljerade analyser av slöjdaktiviteter går det att upptäcka det som utspelar sig och möjligheter ges att uppfatta något annat jämfört med vad man kan tro känna väl eller ha förenklade och till och med felaktiga uppfattningar om. Videoobservationer möjliggör att antaganden istället görs på empiriskt grundat datamaterial. Med risk att videofilma och analysera det man tror sig veta och söka har forskningsprojektens insamlingar mer förutsättningslöst arbetat efter vad och hur elever och lärare gör i slöjdpraktik och vad man får veta när slöjdaktiviteter analyseras mer ingående. Videomaterialen har analyserats både på en mer övergripande nivå och detaljerat med hjälp av mikroanalyser. Därefter har lärandet synliggjorts och beskrivits bland annat i teman för att visa hur personerna är resurser för varandra och hur lärandet utvecklas genom olika språkanvändning och med slöjdpraktikens fysiska redskap och material.Sökord: metod, slöjd, klassrumsforskning, videoetnografi, mikroanalysURN:NBN:no-29955

  5. Surdegsbröd och jästbröd : skillnad i smak och GI-värde


    Björkman, Andreas; Jeppsson, Julia


    Inledning: Surdeg är idag en trend som fångats av många och de flesta bagerier ochdagligvarubutiker säljer bröd som kallas för surdegsbröd. Ett traditionellt surdegsbröd är ettbröd där surdegen används som enda hävningsmedel i brödet. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka skillnader i sensoriska egenskaper, utifrån ettkonsumentperspektiv, samt GI-värde mellan surdegsbröd, jästbröd och bröd bakat på bådesurdeg och jäst. Material och metod: Metoderna som användes var två olika konsumenttester för att...

  6. Förbättring av IKEAs Kvalitetstester och Hantering av Kundklagomål : - Köksluckor och Bänkskivor


    Assbring, Lisa; Halilović, Elma


    IKEA grundades 1943 av Ingvar Kamprad och återförsäljs idag i 44 länder runt om i världen. Med den 25-års garanti på kök som IKEA erbjuder har det blivit allt viktigare för dem att bekräfta kvaliteten på kökssortimentet och hur tillfredsställd kunden är. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att identifiera de mest kritiska faktorerna för köksfronter och bänkskivor baserat på nuvarande kundklagomål och vilka testmetoder som kan användas för att testa dessa faktorer i produktutvecklingsproc...

  7. Belöning och motivation


    Blomqvist, Johnny


    Många företag använder sig av belöningssystem för att hålla kvar den nuvarande personalen och för att motivera personalen till ett bättre resultat i framtiden. För att ett belöningssystem skall fungera måste personalen vara motiverade. Syftet med detta arbete är att utreda vad personalen i några företag på Kimitoön anser om belöning och betydelsen av belöning i arbetet. I undersökningen utreder jag även motivationens betydelse i arbetet och vilken typ av belöning som motiverar på längre si...

  8. Chaos Paintball : -En investering och finansieringsbedömning


    Eriksson, Per; Söderqvist, Hanna


     I uppsatsen "Chaos Paintball, en investerings- och finansieringsbedömning" har en undersökning gällande en nyinvestering och finansieringen avseende nya aktiviteter och en byggnad genomförts. Undersökningen har utförts genom att tre olika byggnadsalternativ har tagits i beaktande och beräkningar på byggnadsalternativen har gjorts. Företagets planerade aktiviteter har undersökts genom att, med hjälp av kalkyler, genomföra beräkningar. Detta har lett fram till en rekommendation om vilka aktivi...

  9. ADO.NET och Entity Framework : En jämförelse av prestanda mellan en objektorienterad databas och en relationsdatabas


    Lindgren, Emelie; Andreasen, Ulrika


    Denna uppsats mäter och jämför prestanda mellan en objektorienterad databas och en relationsdatabas. Uppsatsen bygger på en utredande karaktär utifrån vår hypotes och vårt intresse att testa den.Hypotesen bygger på problematiken omkring mängden kod utvecklaren måste skriva för att kunna koppla ihop applikation med databas. En större mängd skriven kod som utvecklaren måste skriva borde göra att prestanda och svarstider blir långsammare. Därför ville vi undersöka om verktyg som medför en mindre...

  10. Facebook applikationsutveckling : En analys och guide


    Klinkmann, Samuel


    Facebook har blivit det ledande sociala nätverket på nätet. Facebook erbjuder även mycket goda möjligheter för företag att presentera sig, skapa sig ett brand på sidan och utveckla nya försäljningsinitiativ. Arcada har redan en tid haft en Facebook-sida. Nu ville de satsa mera på den och därför prova på att göra en kampanj i form av en facebook-applikation. Detta gjordes i och med deras brandförnyelse för läsåret 2011-2012. Detta examensarbete analyserar applikationen jag gjort tillsamma...

  11. Gymnasierektors ledarskapsparadox: att vara verksamhetschef och pedagogisk utvecklare

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingemar Johansson


    Full Text Available Forskning om rektors ledarskap är omfattande, men studier som undersöker gymnasierektors arbetssituation och ledarskap är mer sällsynta. Avsikten med den föreliggande studien var att bidra till att denna kunskapslucka fylls igen. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio gymnasierektorer genomfördes med fokus på rektors arbetsuppgifter, möjlighet att planera och styra arbetet, förväntningar kring ledarskapet, samt möjlighet att utvecklas och lära i arbetet. I resultaten av den tematiska analysen framträdde fyra teman: (1 ledarskapsideal, (2 kollegialt stöd, (3 ledarskap i en förändringsbenägen organisation, och (4 begränsat utrymme för reflektion. Ett övergripande, gemensamt tema: "Ledarskapsparadox" speglar de högst varierande omständigheter och förhållanden i vardagen som en gymnasierektor ska kunna hantera, vilka också präglar resultatet av analysen. Ett något oväntat resultat var att gymnasierektor upplevde stort, eget ansvar för elevernas bästa. Studien kastar nytt ljus på gymnasierektorers ledarskap, och bidrar till ökad förståelse för vad rollen som ledare för en komplex organisation som gymnasieskolan kan innebära. Genom att knyta an till en arbetspsykologisk ledarskapsteori och formulera en arbetspsykologisk hypotes kan studien bidra till forskningen om arbetsintegrerat lärande (AIL.

  12. Peracetic acid (PAA) disinfection of primary, secondary and tertiary treated municipal wastewaters. (United States)

    Koivunen, J; Heinonen-Tanski, H


    The efficiency of peracetic acid (PAA) disinfection against enteric bacteria and viruses in municipal wastewaters was studied in pilot-scale. Disinfection pilot-plant was fed with the primary or secondary effluent of Kuopio municipal wastewater treatment plant or tertiary effluent from the pilot-scale dissolved air flotation (DAF) unit. Disinfectant doses ranged from 2 to 7 mg/l PAA in the secondary and tertiary effluents, and from 5 to 15 mg/l PAA in the primary effluents. Disinfection contact times were 4-27 min. Disinfection of secondary and tertiary effluents with 2-7 mg/l PAA and 27 min contact time achieved around 3 log reductions of total coliforms (TC) and enterococci (EC). PAA disinfection also significantly improved the hygienic quality of the primary effluents: 10-15 mg/l PAA achieved 3-4 log reductions of TC and EC, 5 mg/l PAA resulting in below 2 log reductions. F-RNA coliphages were more resistant against the PAA disinfection and around 1 log reductions of these enteric viruses were typically achieved in the disinfection treatments of the primary, secondary and tertiary effluents. Most of the microbial reductions occurred during the first 4-18 min of contact time, depending on the PAA dose and microorganism. The PAA disinfection efficiency remained relatively constant in the secondary and tertiary effluents, despite of small changes of wastewater quality (COD, SS, turbidity, 253.7 nm transmittance) or temperature. The disinfection efficiency clearly decreased in the primary effluents with substantially higher microbial, organic matter and suspended solids concentrations. The results demonstrated that PAA could be a good alternative disinfection method for elimination of enteric microbes from different wastewaters.

  13. Preparation, optimization and property of PVA-HA/PAA composite hydrogel. (United States)

    Chen, Kai; Liu, Jinlong; Yang, Xuehui; Zhang, Dekun


    PVA-HA/PAA composite hydrogel is prepared by freezing-thawing, PEG dehydration and annealing method. Orthogonal design method is used to choose the optimization combination. Results showed that HA and PVA have the maximum effect on water content. PVA and freezing-thawing cycles have the maximum effect on creep resistance and stress relaxation rate of hydrogel. Annealing temperature and freezing-thawing cycles have the maximum effect on compressive elastic modulus of hydrogel. Comparing with the water content and mechanical properties of 16 kinds of combination, PVA-HA/PAA composite hydrogel with freezing-thawing cycles of 3, annealing temperature of 120°C, PVA of 16%, HA of 2%, PAA of 4% has the optimization comprehensive properties. PVA-HA/PAA composite hydrogel has a porous network structure. There are some interactions between PVA, HA and PAA in hydrogel and the properties of hydrogel are strengthened. The annealing treatment improves the crystalline and crosslinking of hydrogel. Therefore, the annealing PVA-HA/PAA composite hydrogel has good thermostability, strength and mechanical properties. It also has good lubrication property and its friction coefficient is relative low. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Konflikter och mobbning på arbetsplatsen : En osynlig kostnad


    Karlsson, Linda


    Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka vilka negativa konsekvenser konflikter och mobbning kan orsaka medarbetare och organisationer. Den ekonomiska krisen har medfört nedskärningar, ökad osäkerhet och hård konkurrens som påverkat arbetsmiljöerna i Finland. Eftersom arbetsvälbefinnande sjunkit på grund av dessa yttre faktorer, vill jag med detta examensarbete beskriva varför arbetsvälfärden borde få hög proritet. Detta examensarbete är baserat på litteratur, lagar, statistik och inter...

  15. Komplexitet för kvalitet i lärande och undervisning: bedömning av komplexa problem och studenters resonemang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sofia Kjellström


    Full Text Available Vi utbildar studenter för att de ska ha möjlighet att lösa mycket komplexa samhällsproblem,men hur vet vi att de har utvecklat de former av tänkande och handlande som krävs? Forskning visar att vuxna tänker, talar och handlar utifrån olika nivåer av komplexitet, och att utbildning i hög grad påverkar människors förmågor. Model of Hierarchical Complexity(MHC är en teori som beskriver hur komplext information sätts samman och hur komplext personer resonerar i en fråga, vanligtvis på någon av nivåerna konkret, abstrakt, formellt, systematiskt eller metasystematisk. Syftet med denna artikel är att introducera MHC och visa på dess relevans som verktyg inom högre utbildning. Med hjälp av teorin är det möjligt att analysera både hur komplex en uppgift är och hur studenter klarar av att lösa den, vilket speglar förståelse inom ett ämne. Med modellen som mått på komplexitet tydliggörs svårighetsgraden i det som ska läras och på vilken nivå studenterna klarar att ta till sig kunskapsinnehållet. Avslutningsvis diskuteras hur studenter kan stödjas att utvecklasina förmågor till komplext resonerande och därmed skapa kvalitet i både lärande och undervisningOne of the aims of higher education is to teach students to solve complex problems, but what is the complexity of problems and the reasoning of students? The Model of Hierarchical Complexity (MHC is a theory applicable to all domains in which information is organized and accounts for increases in behavioral complexity which includes cognitive or reasoning complexity. The paper is a theoretical introduction to MHC as a tool for teaching in higher education. The model clarifies and shows the gap between the complexity in the subject and the students understanding of the same subject. We also discuss how to support the development of more complex reasoning in students.

  16. Controlled protein adsorption on PMOXA/PAA based coatings by thermally induced immobilization (United States)

    Mumtaz, Fatima; Chen, Chaoshi; Zhu, Haikun; Pan, Chao; Wang, Yanmei


    In this work, poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline-random-glycidyl methacrylate) (PMOXA-r-GMA) and poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(glycidyl methacrylate) (PAA-b-PGMA) copolymers were synthesized via cationic ring-opening polymerization (CROP) of 2-methyl-2-oxazoline (MOXA) and reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization of acrylic acid (AA) followed by their random and block copolymerization with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), respectively, and then characterized carefully. PMOXA/PAA based coatings were then prepared by simply spin coating the mixture of PMOXA-r-GMA and PAA-b-PGMA copolymer solutions onto silicon/glass substrates followed by annealing at 110 °C. The coatings were rigorously characterized by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), the static water contact angle (WCA) test, ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results demonstrated that the coating based mixed PMOXA/PAA brushes with desired surface composition could be attained by simply maintaining their percentage in the mixture of PMOXA-r-GMA and PAA-b-PGMA copolymer solutions. Finally, the switchable behavior of PMOXA/PAA based coatings toward bovine serum albumin (BSA) adsorption was investigated by fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled BSA (FITC-BSA) assay and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), which indicated that the coating based mixed PMOXA/PAA brushes could control BSA adsorption/desorption from very low to high amount (>90% desorption) through adjusting the composition of PMOXA-r-GMA and PAA-b-PGMA solution used in preparing PMOXA/PAA based coatings upon pH and ionic strength change. Furthermore, PMOXA/PAA based coatings displayed efficient repeatability of reversible BSA adsorption/desorption cycles.

  17. Employer branding. : - En fallstudie vid Sandvik AB om uppfattningar av begreppet employer branding och hur detta tillämpas idag och i framtiden.


    Eriksson, Johan


    Employer branding är ett begrepp som är aktuellt bland företagen just nu och allt fler väljer att satsa på employer branding som marknadsföringsstrategi. Den här studien handlar om employer branding på Sandvik och begreppet employer branding.Syftet med denna fallstudie av en global koncern är att förklara och beskriva begreppet employerbranding, samt hur man arbetar med detta och vilka framtidsvisioner man har på Sandvik.Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med ett antal ny...

  18. Konflikten mellan arbetsliv och familjeliv : En kvalitativ studie om småbarnsföräldrars upplevelser av psykisk hälsa och balans i tillvaron


    Ahlzén, Amanda


    Dagens arbetsliv ställer helt andra krav på individen än förr. På arbetsmarknaden krävs flexibilitet och eget ansvar, där individen förväntas kunna arbeta när som helst och var som helst. Dessa faktorer har bidragit till en obalans mellan arbetsliv och familjeliv som kan orsaka olika former av ohälsa. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur småbarnsföräldrar upplever sin psykiska hälsa i relation till balansen mellan arbetsliv och familjeliv. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod och dat...

  19. Millennials och baby boomers attityder till fake news : Generationernas upplevelser av nyhetsmediers sanningshalt


    Adolfsson, Claes; Strömberg, Markus; Stenberg, John


    Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på generationerna millennials och baby boomers inställning till mediernas sanningshalt och politiska neutralitet. Detta gjordes med hjälp av följande frågeställningar: Vilka attityder och vilken inställning har millennials och baby boomers till nyhetsmediernas sanningshalt? Finns skillnader och likheter kvar när vi väger in variablerna kön och politiskt ställningstagande?   För att definiera generationerna använde vi oss av Cliff Zukins generationsteor...

  20. Starbucksfenomenet i Finland : Hur uppfattar och upplever finska konsumenter tillhörande generation Y och Z varumärket Starbucks?


    Emtö, Anna


    I den här undersökningen har jag undersökt hur finska konsumenter uppfattar och upplever varumärket Starbucks. Jag har utfört undersökningen genom att använda mig av fokusgruppintervjuer. Intervjuerna utfördes på basen av min frågeguide som utvecklats kring de relevanta teoriområden som är presenterade i arbetet. Mitt urval för intervjuerna var finska konsumenter tillhörande generationerna Y och Z i och med att dessa vuxit upp med varumärket samt upplevt inflytandet av sociala medier i vardag...

  1. Atmospheric Chemistry of CH3CH2OCH3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Mads Peter Sulbæk; Bjørn Svendsen, Sissel; Østerstrøm, Freja From


    The atmospheric chemistry of methyl ethyl ether, CH3CH2OCH3, was examined using FT-IR/relative-rate methods. Hydroxyl radical and chlorine atom rate coefficients of k(CH3CH2OCH3+OH) = (7.53 ± 2.86) × 10−12 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 and k(CH3CH2OCH3+Cl) = (2.35 ± 0.43) × 10−10 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 were...

  2. Thermal decomposition of FC(O)OCH3 and FC(O)OCH2CH3. (United States)

    Berasategui, M; Argüello, G A; Burgos Paci, M A


    The thermal decomposition of methyl and ethyl formates has been extensively studied due to their importance in the oxidation of several fuels, pesticidal properties and their presence in interstellar space. We hitherto present the study of the thermal decomposition of methyl and ethyl fluoroformates, which could help in the elucidation of the reaction mechanisms. The reaction mechanisms were studied using FTIR spectroscopy in the temperature range of 453-733 K in the presence of different pressures of N2 as bath gas. For FC(O)OCH3 two different channels were observed; the unimolecular decomposition which is favored at higher temperatures and has a rate constant kFC(O)OCH3 = (5.3 ± 0.5) × 1015 exp[-(246 ± 10 kJ mol-1/RT)] (in units of s-1) and a bimolecular channel with a rate constant kFC(O)OCH3 = (1.6 ± 0.5) × 1011 exp[-(148 ± 10 kJ mol-1/RT)] (in units of s-1 (mol L)-1). However for ethyl formate, only direct elimination of CO2, HF and ethylene operates. The rate constants of the homogeneous first-order process fit the Arrhenius equation kFC(O)OCH2CH3 = (2.06 ± 0.09) × 1013 exp[-(169 ± 6 kJ mol-1/RT)] (in units of s-1). The difference between the mechanisms of the two fluoroformates relies on the stabilization of a six-centered transition state that only exists for ethyl formate. First principles calculations for the different channels were carried out to understand the dynamics of the decomposition.

  3. Surface modification of cation exchange membranes by graft polymerization of PAA-co-PANI/MWCNTs nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nemati, Mahsa; Hosseini, Sayed Mohsen; Bagheripour, Ehsan; Madaeni, Sayed Siavash


    Surface modification of polyvinylchloride based heterogeneous cation exchange membrane was performed by graft polymerization of PAA and PAA-co-PANI/MWCNTs nanoparticles. The ion exchange membranes were prepared by solution casting technique. Spectra analysis confirmed graft polymerization clearly. SEM images illustrated that graft polymerization covers the membranes by simple gel network entanglement. The membrane water content was decreased by graft polymerization of PAA-co-PANI/MWCNTs nanoparticles on membrane surface. Membrane transport number and selectivity declined initially by PAA graft polymerization and then began to increase by utilizing of composite nanoparticles in modifier solution. The sodium and barium flux was improved sharply by PAA and PAAco- 0.01%wt PANI/MWCNTs graft polymerization on membrane surface and then decreased again by more increase of PANI/MWCNTs nanoparticles content ratio in modifier solution. The electrodialysis experiment results in laboratory scale showed higher dialytic rate in heavy metals removal for grafted-PAA and grafted-PAA-co-PANI/MWCNTs modified membrane compared to pristine one. Membrane areal electrical resistance was also decreased by introducing graft polymerization of PAA and PAA-co-PANI/MWCNTs NPs on membrane surface.

  4. Förskolechefens anavar och uppdrag i ett kommunalt förvaltningsperspektiv

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    Anita Eriksson


    Full Text Available The revision of the Swedish Education Act and of the Pre-School Curriculum of 2010 involved a demand for improved pedagogical quality and for an alteration and clarification of roles and responsibilities within the pre-school sector. In the revision the responsibilities, authorizations and rights to make decisions of the Heads of Preschool were articulated and clarified. This article describes and discusses how the new responsibilities and tasks of the Heads of Preschool have been interpreted and how the response to the revisions has manifested itself within a framework of municipal public administration. The data used consists of a questionnaire answered by 48 administrative officials with responsibility for education government in different municipalities. The result shows that the Heads of Preschool in a majority of municipalities are faced with increasing responsibilities and a new accountability structure. In order to meet the demands for improved pedagogical quality they are also expected to provide competence development opportunities for preschool staff.2010-års revideringen av skollagen och förskolans läroplan innebar dels ökade krav på pedagogisk kvalitet och dels på en förändrad och förtydligad ansvarsstruktur i förskolan. För förskolechefens del explicitgjordes och förtydligades både ansvar, befogenhet och beslutsrätt. I artikeln beskrivs och problematiseras hur förskolechefens ansvar och uppdrag tolkas och kommer till uttryck i ett övergripande kommunalt förvaltningsperspektiv i samband med dessa revideringar. Data utgörs av en enkätundersökning besvarad av 48 förvaltningstjänstemän anställda i olika kommuner. Resultatet visar att förskolechefen i flertalet kommuner har tilldelats ett stort ansvar när det gäller att tolka och initiera den förtydligade ansvarsstrukturen och skapa förutsättningar i form av kompetensutvecklingsinsatser för förskolepersonalen för att möta de ökade kraven p

  5. IKEA nätbutik och hemleverans - En marknadsundersökning


    Hasselström, Matias


    Konkurrensen på marknaderna blir ständigt hårdare. Internet och nät handel har medfört möjligheten att nå kunder dygnet runt och nästan helt utan geografiska begränsningar. För att företaget skall klara av konkurrensen måste deras produkter och tjänster tillfredsställa de alltmer krävande kundernas behov. För att tillfredsställa kundernas behov måste företagen undersöka vad kunderna efterfrågar och om företaget möter dessa krav. I detta arbete beskrivs hur en marknadsundersökning för IKEA nät...

  6. Sociala medier - en påverkande faktor på identitetsutveckling och psykiskt välbefinnande : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors uppfattningar och erfarenheter av sociala medier


    Wiksten, Isabell; Ström, Johanna


    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och uppmärksamma unga kvinnors uppfattningar och erfarenheter avseende hur sociala medier påverkar deras identitetsutveckling och psykiska välbefinnande. Det är en kvalitativ studie baserad på två fokusgrupper med tre högskole- och universitetsstuderande kvinnor, i åldern 18 - 25. Det genomfördes även en individuell intervju med en professionell som är verksam på en stödmottagning för psykisk ohälsa. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i analysen är symbolis...

  7. Morphological and Optical Characterization of High Density Au/PAA Nanoarrays

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohamed Shaban


    Full Text Available Hexagonal nanoarrays of Au nanorods and nanopillar were deposited on nanoporous anodic alumina (PAA membranes utilizing dc electrodeposition. The surface morphologies and optical properties were characterized by using field emission-scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM and UV-Vis spectrophotometer, respectively. The optical reflectance spectra of the as-prepared, pore widened, and 2D-Au nanorods-coated PAA membranes were studied in detail. The effects of the angle of incident, pore widening time, and electrodeposition time on the characteristic peaks positions and intensities of the fabricated nanoarrays were addressed. As the angle of incident increased, the interference peaks and transverse surface resonance are shifted to longer wavelengths, but the longitudinal surface plasmon resonance is shifted to shorter wavelengths. Also, the reflected intensities are decreased linearly for the as-prepared sample and decreased exponentially for Au/PAA samples. Using the modified Kubelka-Munk radiative transfer model, the energy gap is increased from 2.83 to 3.06 eV and the refractive index is decreased from 1.84 to 1.36 for the as-prepared and 70 min pore widened PAA membranes, respectively. Based on the advantages of the fabrication approach and the enhanced and controlled properties, this generation of Au/PAA arrays can be used as efficient building blocks for nanoelectronics and nanophotonic devices.

  8. Crystallization-induced dynamic resolution R-epimer from 25-OCH3-PPD epimeric mixture. (United States)

    Zhang, Sainan; Tang, Yun; Cao, Jiaqing; Zhao, Chen; Zhao, Yuqing


    25-OCH3-PPD is a promising antitumor dammarane sapogenin isolated from the total saponin-hydrolyzed extract of Panax ginseng berry and Panax notoginseng leaves. 20(R)-25-OCH3-PPD was more potent as an anti-cancer agent than 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD and epimeric mixture of 25-OCH3-PPD. This paper describes the rapid separation process of the R-epimer of 25-OCH3-PPD from its epimeric mixture by crystallization-induced dynamic resolution (CIDR). The optimized CIDR process was based on single factor analysis and nine well-planned orthogonal design experiments (OA9 matrix). A rapid and sensitive reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with evaporative light-scattering detector (ELSD) was developed and validated for the quantitation of 25-OCH3-PPD epimeric mixture and crystalline product. Separation and quantitation were achieved with a silica column using a mobile phase consisting of methanol and water (87:13, v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0mL/min. The ELSD detection was performed at 50°C and 3L/min. Under conditions involving 3mL of 95% ethanol, 8% HCl, and a hermetically sealed environment for 72h, the maximum production of 25(R)-OCH3-PPD was achieved with a chemical purity of 97% and a total yield of 87% through the CIDR process. The 25(R)-OCH3-PPD was nearly completely separated from the 220mg 25-OCH3-PPD epimeric mixture. Overall, a simple and steady small-batch purification process for the large-scale production of 25(R)-OCH3-PPD from 25-OCH3-PPD epimeric mixture was developed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Teoretisk och praktisk genomgång av IPv6 och dess säkerhetsaspekter


    Andersson, David


    Den här uppsatsen går teoretiskt och praktiskt igenom IPv6 för att skapa en förståelse för det nya protokollet. Uppsatsen beskriver utöver den teoretiska genomgången av protokollet även det praktiska arbete som ligger bakom implementationen som är tänkt att kunna ge såväl privatpersoner som mindre organisationer tillgång till en säker IPv6 lösning även om Internetleverantören endast kan erbjuda IPv4.   Arbetet är gjort på eget initiativ då behovet av kunskap kring IPv6 växer lavinartat och då...

  10. Balans mellan arbete och familjeliv : Ett vinnande koncept för alla


    Holmgren, Viktor; Ajena, David


    Under de senaste årtionden har en stor förändring skett hos familjers olika sätt att förhålla sig till arbetslivet. Den traditionella arbetsdagen på 8-timmar är inte längre normen, och den framväxande informations- och kommunikations teknologin gör att en anställd kan få tillgång till allt arbete 24/7. En följd av dessa förändringar är att efterfrågan på familjerelaterande- och hushållsnäratjänster har ökat både för män och kvinnor. Rapporten har visat forskning och studier som påvisar att de...

  11. Ogräs, åkertistlar och taggiga växter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lars Klintwall


    Full Text Available Psykiatriska diagnoser är kontroversiella. Vissa, ofta psykiatriker, menar att psykiska tillstånd går att dela upp i distinkta klasser medan andra, ofta psykologer, menar att all sådan uppdelning gör våld på verkligheten. Dessutom har psykiatrin anklagats för att vara moraliserande: vem kan avgöra vad som är sjukt och friskt? Är autism en sjukdom? Utifrån en pragmatisk begreppsanalys är uppdelningen mellan sjukt och friskt nödvändigtvis godtycklig. Precis som när en trädgårdsmästare avgör vad som är ogräs så beror det på situationen och ens syften. Och precis som växterarter ibland är distinkta arter så kan vissa psykiatriska diagnoser vara distinkta klasser, och andra inte. Kanske är autism en avgränsad diagnos, kanske inte. Men ibland är inte artsuppdelning det mest användbara för en trädgårdsmästare, precis som det inte behöver vara det för psykiatrin. Istället kan man formulera nya kategoriseringar helt baserade på pragmatiska hänsyn. Ibland räcker det med taggiga växter och socialt indifferenta barn.

  12. Från outsiderfilmmakare till etablerad indieregissör : David Lynch, Jim Jarmusch och Steven Soderbergh


    Simberg, Maximilian


    Det här arbetet behandlar kreativ frihet och konstnärligt oberoende i filmskapande, utgående från begreppet independent film och regissörerna David Lynch, Jim Jarmusch och Steven Soderbergh. Den centrala frågeställningen är hur det har varit möjligt för en filmkonstnär att uppnå konstnärligt oberoende och samtidigt ha en långlivad och framgångsrik karriär. Arbetets fokus ligger på de tre regissörernas genombrottsfilmer; Eraserhead, Stranger Than Paradise och sex, lies, and videotape, och förs...

  13. Evidensgraderingssystemet GRADE : Ett sätt att granska vetenskaplig kunskap om metoder och arbetssätt i hälso- och sjukvården


    Roback, Kerstin; Carlsson, Per


    Beslut om införande av nya behandlingsmetoder och arbetssätt i sjukvården präglas alltid av en viss grad av osäkerhet. De studier som gjorts av metodens för- och nackdelar kan vara av olika god kvalitet och därmed ge mer eller mindre säkra resultat. Efter att användningen av systematiska litteraturstudier vid medicinsk teknologiutvärdering tog fart på 1980-talet började man efterfråga ett beslutsunderlag som även tar hänsyn till olika studiers kvalitet. Detta initierade utvecklingen av flera ...

  14. Circumstances in a nuclear power plant. Organization of risk and institutionalization of safety; Omstaendigheter paa ett kaernkraftverk. Organisering av risk och institutionalisering av saekerhet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wessblad, H


    Risk societies are made of risk organisations. This dissertation is an ethnographic study of a risk organisation, of a nuclear power plant. Risk organizations have larger demands on their organization than traditional companies have. Risk societies, to come or already present, have new political agendas. Within a risk society the major task is to reduce and distribute the negative side effects of industrial production, not to increase and distribute well-fare in society, as it has been in an industrial society. This is a study of a risk organisation claimed to produce these negative side effects. The title of this thesis relates to specific occasions in the organisation. The branch concept, circumstances, defines `situations beyond normal performance`, which are to be reported to the nuclear authorities. These circumstances are rarely endangering man or material, but given the nature of nuclear power production, they have a potential to escalate to something larger. This dissertation focuses on how the organisation deals with these issues and reproduces safety as something taken-for-granted. The material is gathered using participant observation of different functions in the plant. The work is based on narration of situations, meetings, interviews, and small talk etc, in every-day-interaction. The dissertation describes how business-as-usual produce safety. It is a description of how values, norms, attitudes, ideas, knowledge are produced and reproduced. These issues are discussed mainly in an institutional theory perspective. What has become apparent is that functions governed by routines and instructions tend to be more flexible and reflecting than those dealing with new tasks, such as problem solving projects. Thus, these new projects tend to reproduce earlier established procedures. Through the narration of the various functions of the plant joined with theoretical discussions, different themes have been found describing how the organisation deals with difficulties and how it reproduces its normal practice. The themes are gathered under `safety is a fine art`. Legitimization of the organisation was related to the plant`s capacity to present an articulated rationality, while safety was in large produced by tacit knowledge

  15. Salinity, dissolved organic carbon and water hardness affect peracetic acid (PAA) degradation in aqueous solutions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Dibo; Steinberg, Christian E.W.; Straus, David L.


    Peracetic acid (PAA) is used in aquaculture under different conditions for disinfection and therapeutic purposes. There is limited information about its environmental fate, particularly its persistence in aquatic systems with different physical–chemical conditions. This study investigated PAA...... had only minor impact. For commercial aquaculture, actual PAA concentration in the raw product needs to be measured; the fate of PAA in individual facilities must be carefully monitored and feasible application strategies need to be investigated to achieve maximal disinfection and therapeutic...

  16. Anti-lung cancer effects of novel ginsenoside 25-OCH(3)-PPD. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Rayburn, Elizabeth R; Hang, Jie; Zhao, Yuqing; Wang, Hui; Zhang, Ruiwen


    20(S)-25-methoxyl-dammarane-3beta, 12beta, 20-triol (25-OCH(3)-PPD), a newly identified natural product from Panax notoginseng, exhibits activity against a variety of cancer cells. Herein, we report the effects of this compound on human A549, H358, and H838 lung cancer cells, and compare these effects with a control lung epithelial cell line, BEAS-2B. 25-OCH(3)-PPD decreased survival, inhibited proliferation, and induced apoptosis and G1 cell cycle arrest in the lung cancer cell lines. The P. notoginseng compound also decreased the levels of proteins associated with cell proliferation and cell survival. Moreover, 25-OCH(3)-PPD inhibited the growth of A549 lung cancer xenograft tumors. 25-OCH(3)-PPD demonstrated low toxicity to non-cancer cells, and no observable toxicity was seen when the compound was administered to animals. In conclusion, our preclinical data indicate that 25-OCH(3)-PPD is a potential therapeutic agent in vitro and in vivo, and further preclinical and clinical development of this agent for lung cancer is warranted.

  17. Flavours – det smakar doft : Upplevelsen av mat och vin i kombination


    Hult, Jonas; Lagnetoft, David; Nygren, Nadia


    Inledning: Den vetenskapliga förankringen om mat och vin i kombination är låg. Upplevelsenav en måltid involverar alla de mänskliga sinnena, vilket således har gjort den svår att mäta.Hur stor roll spelar egentligen grundsmakerna och krävs det ytterligare element för att lyfta enkombination av mat och vin till högre höjder?Bakgrund: Förutom smaklökarna på tungan som bildar den grundläggande uppfattningen avdet vi stoppar i munnen, är det främst munkänsla och flavours som bidrar till helheten ...

  18. Dubbel ABC-analys av inrednings- och gåvoartiklar för en blombutik


    Ruokolainen, Daniela


    Kirkkonummen Kukkapiste är en blombutik i Kyrkslätt centrum, som år 2012 utvidgade sitt sortiment av inrednings- och gåvoartiklar. Konkurrensen är hög och en ABC-analys kan hjälpa företagare att identifiera vilka faktorer i ett företag som det lönar sig att lägga tid och resurser på, vilket i sin tur effektiverar verksamheten. Syftet med detta arbete är att med hjälp av en dubbel ABC-analys för Kirkkonummen Kukkapiste ta reda på vilka inrednings- och gåvoartiklar som binder mest kapital och v...

  19. Ramverk för en drift- och underhållsstrategi ur ett regelstyrt infrastrukturperspektiv


    Espling, Ulla


    Att förvalta statens järnvägar är en komplex uppgift där hänsyn måste tas till interna och externa faktorer och processer samtidigt som krav på effektivitet ställs från ägare, kunder och slutkunder. Banverket bildade 1988 genom att det affärsdrivande verket Statens Järnvägar delades i ett infrastrukturverk, Banverket, och ett trafikutövningsverk SJ. Vid tidpunkten för delningen var infrastrukturanläggningarna i stort behov av upprustning och förnyelse. Till att börja med tillämpades regelstyr...

  20. Peracetic Acid (PAA Disinfection: Inactivation of Microbial Indicators and Pathogenic Bacteria in a Municipal Wastewater Plant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Bonetta


    Full Text Available Several studies have noted that treated and untreated wastewaters are primary contributors of a variety of pathogenic microorganisms to the aquatic ecosystem. Conventional wastewater treatment may not be sufficient to achieve microbiologically safe effluent to be discharged into natural waters or reused, thus requiring wastewater effluents to be disinfected. In recent years, peracetic acid (PAA has been adopted as a disinfectant for wastewater effluents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the disinfection efficiency of PAA at low doses (range 0.99–2.10 mg/L against microbial indicators and pathogenic bacteria in a municipal wastewater plant. Samples of untreated sewage and effluents before and after PAA treatment were collected seasonally for 1 year and were analysed for pathogenic Campylobacter, Salmonella spp., E. coli O157:H7 and E. coli virulence genes using molecular methods; moreover, the detection of specific microbial indicators (E. coli, faecal coliforms, enterococci, C. perfringens and Salmonella spp. were carried out using culturing methods. Salmonella spp. DNA was found in all untreated sewage and effluent before PAA treatment, whereas it was recovered in 50% of the samples collected after PAA treatment. Although E. coli O157:H7 was never identified, the occurrence of Shiga-like toxin I amplicons was identified in 75% of the untreated sewage samples, in 50% of the effluents assayed before PAA treatment, and in 25% of the effluents assayed after PAA treatment, whereas the stx2 gene was never found. Campylobacter coli was only detected in one effluent sample before PAA treatment. In the effluents after PAA treatment, a lower load of indicator bacteria was observed compared to the effluents before treatment. The results of this study highlight that the use of low doses of PAA seems to lead to an improvement of the microbiological quality of the effluent, although it is not sufficient to guarantee its suitability for irrigation

  1. Bankvärldens framtid : En studie kring hur banker utnyttjar den teknologiska utvecklingen och digitaliseringen av tjänster, samt dess påverkan på kundrelationer, förtroende och lojalitet


    Grip, Sebastian; Hellström, Gustav; Skyttevall, Tobias


    Titel: Bankvärldens framtid: En studie kring hur banker utnyttjar den teknologiska utvecklingen och digitaliseringen av tjänster samt dess påverkan på kundrelationer, förtroende och lojalitet   Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi   Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Högskola   Författare: Sebastian Grip, Gustav Hellström och Tobias Skyttevall (92/04/22), (94/02/28), (95/05/21) Handledare: Hadjikhani, Annoch   Datum: 05–06–17   Bakgrund: Att skapa en lojal kun...

  2. Human mesenchymal stem cell osteoblast differentiation, ECM deposition, and biomineralization on PAH/PAA polyelectrolyte multilayers. (United States)

    Pattabhi, Sudhakara Rao; Lehaf, Ali M; Schlenoff, Joseph B; Keller, Thomas C S


    Polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEMU) coatings built layer by layer with alternating pairs of polyelectrolytes can be tuned to improve cell interactions with surfaces and may be useful as biocompatible coatings to improve fixation between implants and tissues. Here, we show that human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) induced with bone differentiation medium (BDM) to become osteoblasts biomineralize crosslinked PEMUs built with the polycation poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and the polyanion poly(acrylic acid) (PAA). Degrees of hMSC osteoblast differentiation and surface biomineralization on the smooth PAH-terminated PEMUs (PAH-PEMUs) and microstructured PAA-terminated PEMUs (PAA-PEMUs) reflect differences in cell-deposited extracellular matrix (ECM). BDM-induced hMSCs expressed higher levels of the early osteoblast differentiation marker alkaline phosphatase and collagen 1 (COL1) sooner on PAA-PEMUs than on PAH-PEMUs. Cells on both types of PEMUs proceeded to express the later stage osteoblast differentiation marker bone sialoprotein (BSP), but the BDM-induced cells organized a more amorphous Collagen I and denser BSP localization on PAA-PEMUs than on PAH-PEMUs. These ECM properties correlated with greater biomineralization on the PAA-PEMUs than on PAH-PEMUs. Together, these results confirm the suitability of PAH/PAA PEMUs as a substrate for hMSC osteogenesis and highlight the importance of substrate effects on ECM organization and BSP presentation on biomineralization. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Ledarskapet och de två faktorerna : En induktiv studie för att förstå hur organisationsfaktorer och könsstereotyper påverkar ledarskap


    Larsson, Hampus; Tang, Vinh; Vannfält, Jessica


    Sammanfattning   Titel: Ledarskapet och de två faktorerna: En induktiv studie för att förstå hur organisationsfaktorer och könsstereotyper påverkar ledarskap.   Seminariedatum: 2018-01-09   Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalen Högskola   Ämne/kurs: FOA300, examensarbete i företagsekonomi på kandidatnivå.   Författare: Larsson, Hampus 930903, Tang, Vinh 940523, Vannfält, Jessica 911031   Handledare: Magnus Linderström   Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att genom en i...

  4. Water-soluble derivatives of 25-OCH3-PPD and their anti-proliferative activities. (United States)

    Zhou, Wu-Xi; Sun, Yuan-Yuan; Yuan, Wei-Hui; Zhao, Yu-Qing


    (20R)-25-Methoxyl-dammarane-3β,12β,20-triol (25-OCH 3 -PPD, AD-1) is a dammarane-type sapogenin showing anti-tumor potential. In the search for new anti-tumor agents with higher potency than our previously identified compound 25-OCH 3 -PPD, 11 novel sulfamic acid and diacid derivatives that could improve water solubility and contribute to good drug potency and pharmacokinetic profiles were designed and synthesized. Their in vitro anti-tumor activities in MCF-7, A-549, HCT-116, and BGC-823 cell lines and one normal cell line were tested by standard MTT assay. Results showed that compared with compound 25-OCH 3 -PPD, compounds 1, 4, and 5 exhibited higher cytotoxic activity on almost all cell lines, together with lower toxicity in the normal cell. In particular, compound 1 exhibited the best anti-tumor activity in the in vitro assays. The water solubility of 25-OCH 3 -PPD and its derivatives was tested and the results showed that the solubility of 25-OCH 3 -PPD sulfamic acid and diacid derivatives were better than that of 25-OCH 3 -PPD in water, which may provide valuable data for the research and development of new anti-tumor agents. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Tre lampor och ett ben : produktserie för Gotlands Lampfabrik


    Johansson, Emma


    Gotlands Lampfabrik är en nystartad verksamhet (2009) som drivs av Jonas Kling och Jane Odell centralt på Gotland. De producerar stilrena lampskärmar i ett ljust polymermaterial med papp på båda sidorna. Produktionen är liten och görs för hand på plats i den egna fabriken i Väskinde. Sortimentet består av 33 lampskärmar och i nuläget producerar inte Gotlands Lampfabrik sina egna lampben eller upphängningar utan köper in dem från fristående parter vilket medför att sortimentet kan uppfattas so...

  6. Primary aromatic amines (PAAs) in black nylon and other food-contact materials, 2004-2009

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trier, Xenia Thorsager; Okholm, B.; Foverskov, Annie


    Primary aromatic amines (PAAs) were analysed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in migrates from 234 samples of food-contact materials, including black nylon (polyamide) kitchen utensils (n = 136), coloured plastics (28), and clear/printed multilayer film/laminates (41......), from retailers, importers, and food producers. A further 29 utensils in use were obtained from colleagues. Very high PAA migration was found from black nylon kitchen utensils to the food simulant 3% acetic acid: the 'non-detectable' limit (20 mu g aniline equivalents kg-1 food) was exceeded by up...... migration test conditions influenced the final test results. Long-term release of PAAs was fitted by diffusion modelling experiments and long-term release was also seen as expected from used utensils. Toxicologists consider these migration levels of the suspected carcinogenic PAAs as a problem of major...

  7. LCA som verktyg för ökad kunskap om miljöpåverkan från golvmaterialen vinyl, linoleum och parkett : Utifrån certifieringskriterier om relevans, potential och styrbarhet


    Yilmaz, Secil


    Life Cycle Assesment, LCA, används för att sammanställa och utvärdera in- och utflöden ur ett system samt potentiell miljöpåverkan under en produkts livscykel. Beräkningarna görs genom att se hela produkten ur ett livscykelperspektiv, dvs. från det att produkten är en råvara till det att den hanteras som avfall. Beroende på måldefinition och systemgränser kan detaljgraden och tidsramen för LCA-studien varieras. LCA används för att identifiera möjligheter att förbättra produkten i olika delar ...

  8. Boye och "jag" : En grammatisk analys av en litterär persona


    Lindström, Elina


    I denna uppsats använder jag den interpersonella metafunktionen inom systemisk-funktionell grammatik för att undersöka sex av Karin Boyes dikter, detta med syfte att se huruvida en sådan här analys kan säga något av intresse om diktjaget. Analysen genomfördes enligt Holmberg och Karlssons modell i Grammatik med betydelse, där subjekt och finit tagits ut varpå språkhandlingar markerats och modalitet kommenterats. Dikterna är hämtade ur Boyes Samlade dikter. Av min analys framgår att jaget beha...

  9. Krav och Kontroll på arbetet : - vilka förklaringsvariabler påverkar individens upplevelse?


    Sjöberg-Linna, Annica


    Arbetsmiljön kan enligt Karasek och Theorell (1990) karaktäriseras i två dimensioner, psykologiska krav från arbetet och i vilken utsträckning individen möter dessa med hjälp av egenkontrollen. De har utvecklat krav-kontroll modellen som mäter den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Modellen används i denna studie för att undersöka huruvida några förklaringsvariabler relaterar till individens upplevelse av krav och kontroll på arbetet. Deltagarna fick besvara en enkät besående av olika variabler och s...

  10. Room-temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of SiOCH films using tetraethoxysilane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaoka, K.; Yoshizako, Y.; Kato, H.; Tsukiyama, D.; Terai, Y.; Fujiwara, Y.


    Carbon-doped silicon oxide (SiOCH) thin films were deposited by room-temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) using tetraethoxysilane (TEOS). The deposition rate and composition of the films strongly depended on radio frequency (RF) power. The films deposited at low RF power contained more CH n groups. The SiOCH films showed high etch rate and low refractive index in proportion to the carbon composition. The deposition with low plasma density and low substrate temperature is effective for SiOCH growth by PECVD using TEOS

  11. Enhanced corrosion protective PANI-PAA/PEI multilayer composite coatings for 316SS by spin coating technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Syed, Junaid Ali; Lu, Hongbin; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang, E-mail:


    Highlights: • PANI-PAA/PEI multilayers with controllable thickness were fabricated by spin assembly. • PAA matrix results in the homogeneous dispersion of PANI in the composite coatings. • Spin coating combined with heating assures the linear increase in thickness with n. • The corrosion protection property of PANI-PAA/PEI coatings were optimized at n = 20. • Enhanced protection owing to multilayer structure that lengthens the diffusion pathway of ions. - Abstract: In the present study, polyaniline-polyacrylic acid/polyethyleneimine (PANI-PAA/PEI) composite coatings with a multilayer structure for corrosion protection of 316 stainless steels (316SS) were prepared by an alternate deposition. Spin coating combined with heating assists removal of residual water that result in a linear increase in thickness with layer number (n). The combination of PANI-PAA composite with PEI and their multilayer structure provides a synergistic enhancement of corrosion resistance properties as determined by electrochemical measurements in 3.5% NaCl solution. Importantly, the PANI-PAA/PEI coating with an optimized layer number of n = 20 shows improved corrosion protection. The superior performance was attributed to the formation of an interfacial oxide layer as well as the multilayer structure that extend the diffusion pathway of corrosive ions.

  12. Nu mår man? : en kvalitativ studie om tidspress och välmående


    Asfedai Larsson, Joel; Falk, Emil


    Tidigare forskning visar att många akademiker upplever hög arbetsbelastning och påtaglig tidspress på arbetsplatsen. Det kan leda till en konflikt mellan arbete och fritid. Tidspress och välmående är aktuella ämnen, vilket dagspressen styrker. Tidigare forskning upplever dessutom en kunskapslucka vad gäller forskning om obalans mellan arbete och fritid, samt vilket effekt det får på individens välmående. Studiens syfte är således att utforska hur redovisningskonsulten upplever tidspress utifr...

  13. Vinstvarningars påverkan på företag i Large och Small Cap? :  


    Maliqi, Agon; Persson, Henric


    Den här studien undersöker hur vinstvarningar påverkar stora och små företag. För att förklara dess påverkan på företagen har den effektiva marknadshypotesen och behavioral finance använts som grund. Avgränsningen har gjorts till Stockholmsbörsen då inga tidigare studier haft fokus på den. Empirin visar att företag i Large Cap påverkas med i snitt -4,63% och företagen i Small Cap med -8,42%. Large Cap visade signifikanta abnorma avkastningar under eventdatumet och dagen efter medan Small Cap ...

  14. Inre och yttre motivation till träning : en kvalitativ studie bland regebundet aktiva kvinnor


    Jonsson, Johanna


    Bakgrund: Regelbunden träning är viktig för både fysiskt och psykisktvälbefinnande. För att bibehålla en regelbundenhet i träningen krävs det ettengagemang och en motivation. En person kan motiveras av både inre ochyttre faktorer beroende på personens intresse. Trots att människor tenderaratt vara mer stillasittande, tycks intresset för träning och hälsa öka. Inteminst syns detta på sociala medier, där bilder och inlägg medträningsbudskap förmedlas frekvent. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att under...

  15. Varumärket IKEA : en studie om identitet och image vid företagets etablering i Karlstad


    Almqvist, Jessica; Reinholdsson, Åsa


    IKEA är i nuläget ett av Sveriges och världens starkaste varumärken och under sommaren 2007 kommer IKEA att etablera sig i Karlstad. För att ett varumärke ska kunna anses vara starkt krävs det att företagets identitet och image stämmer överens. Identitet är de signaler som företaget sänder ut till kunden och image är den uppfattning som uppstår i kundens medvetande om själva företaget. Intresset i nuläget var att se till vad IKEA har för identitet och vad boende i Karlstad med omnejd har för ...

  16. Electrical conduction of polyimide films prepared from polyamic acid (PAA and pre-imidized polyimide (PI solution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Electrical conduction characteristics in two different polyimide films prepared by the imidization of polyamic acid (PAA and pre-imidized polyimide (PI solution were investigated. It is found that the current density of the polyimide film from PAA was higher than that of the polyimide film from PI at the same electric field, even though the conduction mechanism in both polyimide films follows the ionic hopping model. The hopping distance was calculated to be 2.8 nm for PAA type and 3.2 nm for PI type polyimide film. It is also found that the decay rate of the residual electrostatic charges on the polyimide films becomes faster in the PAA type than in the PI type polyimide film.

  17. Imageskapande och marknadsföringskommunikation : En deskriptiv studie om Örebro Bostäders arbete i Vivalla och Markbacken


    Abedian Sanandaji, Foad


    Slutsatsen efter genomfört arbetet är att Örebro Bostäder AB bland annat har en önskvärd image av Vivalla som ett område med en unik och personlig omgivning med mindre individuella bostadsområden där det finns något för alla smaker. I Markbacken vill Öbo behålla och förstärka en image av variation, där allt från barnfamiljer till den som söker ett lite mer exklusivt boende skall lockas. Vidare har undersökningen visat att dessa önskvärda imager främst förmedlas via mun till mun-metoden, massm...

  18. Motivation beroende på anställningsform? : En fallstudie om motivationsrelaterade skillnader mellan fast anställda och inhyrda medarbetare på ett bank- och försäkringsföretag


    Sundqvist Swahn, Sofia; Emthén, Niklas; Persson, Katarina


    Bemanningsbranschen växer och allt fler personer blir anställda via bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretagens viktigaste uppgift är att öka flexibiliteten på arbetsmarknaden. De gör det lättare för företagen att snabbt anpassa arbetsstyrkan till efterfrågan. Samtidigt finns problem och risker med att hyra in personal. Flertalet studier kring dessa problem tangerar ämnena motivation och/eller inhyrda medarbetare, men forskningen är begränsad vad gäller inhyrda medarbetares motivation. Under anta...

  19. Water and Wastewater Disinfection with Peracetic Acid and UV Radiation and Using Advanced Oxidative Process PAA/UV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeanette Beber de Souza


    Full Text Available The individual methods of disinfection peracetic acid (PAA and UV radiation and combined process PAA/UV in water (synthetic and sanitary wastewater were employed to verify the individual and combined action of these advanced oxidative processes on the effectiveness of inactivation of microorganisms indicators of fecal contamination E. coli, total coliforms (in the case of sanitary wastewater, and coliphages (such as virus indicators. Under the experimental conditions investigated, doses of 2, 3, and 4 mg/L of PAA and contact time of 10 minutes and 60 and 90 s exposure to UV radiation, the results indicated that the combined method PAA/UV provided superior efficacy when compared to individual methods of disinfection.

  20. Views on quality assurance at Finnish and Swedish nuclear power plants and at Halden Reactor; Syn paa kvalitetssaekring vid finlaendska och svenska kaernkraftverk samt vid Haldenreaktorn

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hammar, L.; Lidh, B. [ES-konsult (Sweden); Wahlstroem, B.; Reiman, T. [VTT Automation (Finland)


    The paper reports on a study within the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research, NKS on quality systems at nuclear installations in Finland, Norway and Sweden. In the study a total of 74 people at the NPPs in Barsebaeck, Forsmark, Loviisa, Olkiluoto, Oskarshamn and Ringhals, and at the research reactor in Halden were interviewed in the period 30 August to 13 December 2000 concerning their views in regard of quality and quality systems. The study was concluded with a seminar held in the Ringhals nuclear power plant in Januar 2001. The study covered a number of aspects in regard of quality management, including the quality concept, quality systems, topical quality issues and approaches, rules and procedures, competency and training, the process approach to quality management, the promotion of quality consciousness and future prospects. The study reflects the significant progress made in the management of quality in nuclear power in the Nordic countries since the early phase in the seventies. The most distinctive characteristic of today's approach to quality is seen in that responsibility for the quality is assumed directly in conjunction with the working processes. It could be noted that the work patterns at the nuclear installations have been largely modified during the recent years as a result of persistent endeavours to continuously improve the quality of operation. Challenges were seen in currently reduced revenues due to descending electricity prices and the likely prospect of further increased regulatory safety requirements. The report is aimed for those working with quality issues at the nuclear power plants as well as for those interested in quality management in general or in the safety aspects of nuclear power in particular. (au)

  1. Sol och stränder eller bra bibliotek? : En studie över vilka faktorer som påverkar utlandsstudenters val av destination och lärosäte


    Jokinen, Charlotta; Halling, Lisa Kristin


    Sammanfattning Akademi:     Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling, Mälardalens högskola. Nivå:             Kandidatuppsats i marknadsföring, 15 hp. Datum:         2009-05-18 Författare:   Lisa Kristin Halling och Charlotta Jokinen. Handledare: Lars Albert. Bakgrund:   I dagens samhälle är det vanligt att åka utomlands på semester och tidigare forskning har gjorts för att undersöka vilka faktorer det är som påverkar en resenär vid val av destination. Det är även vanligt förekomma...

  2. För vilka finns kroppspositivismen? : En diskursanalytisk och semiotisk studie av hur kroppsaktivister på Instagram artikulerar kroppspositivism


    Wallén, Camilla


    Denna studie har genomförts med syfte att undersöka hur kroppsaktivister artikulerar kropp och kroppspositivitet genom bilder och texter på deras Instagramkonton. Studien syftar även till att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, artikulationerna av kroppspositivitet skiljer sig mellan olika kroppsaktivister. Slutligen syftar studien till att studera hur kroppsaktivisterna artikulerar syftet med rörelsen. Det teoretiska ramverket består av tidigare forskning och etablerade teorier i postmodern fem...

  3. Bristande samsyn i lärares definition av hot och våld : En kvalitativ studie om förekomst av hot och våld mot lärare på högstadieskolor.


    Eklund, Anton; Johansson, Tommy


    Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att studera förekomsten av hot och våld mot lärare på högstadieskolor, hur man på de undersökta skolorna arbetar med att minimera förekomsten av hot och våld samt hur lärare definierar sin syn på vad som kan vara hot och våld från föräldrar och elever. Studien är baserad på ett riktat bekvämlighetsurval där skyddsombud på högstadieskolor i den undersökta kommunen valdes ut. I samband med analysen av studiens resultat har Lintons rollteori använts för att s...

  4. Hydrogels of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) synthesized by radiation-induced crosslinking of homopolymers (United States)

    Kadłubowski, Sławomir; Henke, Artur; Ulański, Piotr; Rosiak, Janusz M.


    pH-sensitive PVP-PAA hydrogels have been prepared by electron-beam-induced irradiation at pH close to pKa of carboxylic groups. Protonation of these groups promoted the formation of hydrogen bonds between the PAA and PVP segments within the crosslinked structure and caused interpolymer complex formation. To demonstrate possible future application of such gels, we tested them as simple chemical detectors. When loaded with glucose oxidase, the PAA-PVP gel's turbidity and shrinkage was triggered by the presence of glucose due to a drop in pH caused by the enzymatic reaction.

  5. Kan ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet kombineras? : En studie av en neoklassisk jämviktsmodell och dess relation till hållbarhet


    Pettersson, David


    Bakgrunden till examensarbetet är att aktiviteter kopplat till den globala ekonomin samt tillväxt av denna har skapat en situation som i dagsläget inte uppfyller den ekologiska dimensionen av hållbarhet. Lösningar för att minska den miljöpåverkan som sker idag samtidigt som ekonomisk tillväxt sker har kritiserats och istället föreslås ekonomier med låg eller ingen tillväxt. Med bakgrund till detta har forskningsprojektet Bortom BNP-tillväxt startat och examensarbetet genomförs hos ekonomiska ...

  6. Om rättssäkerheten i instans- och processordningen : ur ett svenskt asylrättsligt perspektiv


    Gisslén, Kristofer


    Den 1 Mars 2006 ersattes den gamla UtlL (1989:529) av en ny UtlL (2005:716) med stora förändringar i instans- och processordningen. De grundläggande kraven på denna var att öppenheten i asylprocessen skulle öka, att de sökande skulle ges ökade möjligheter till muntlig förhandling vid överklagande av asyl- och medborgarskapsärenden, att processen skulle bestå av en tvåpartsprocess och att instans- och processordningen skulle utformas så att kraven på skyndsam handläggning uppfylldes. I denna u...

  7. Hur äldres sexualitet och sexuella hälsa är kopplade till deras livskvalitet : En litteraturstudie


    Heinrich, Elsa; Johansson, Amanda


    Sexualiteten och den sexuella hälsan är en grundpelare i att varje människas individualitet. Det finns ett fördomsfullt synsätt angående äldre och deras sexualitet där gruppen blir betraktade som asexuell. Ämnet är tabubelagt och det föreligger relativt lite kunskap kring det. Livskvalitet är en subjektiv upplevelse som förändras över tid. Åldrandet bidrar till flera riskfaktorer som kan leda till nedsatt livskvalitet. Denna litteraturstudies syfte var att undersöka hur sexualitet och sexuell...

  8. "Oftast du vet själv vad är det rätta" : Högstadieelevers sociala mediavanor och regelperception i onlinesammanhang


    Bergman, Mikael


    Sammanfattning: Sociala medier spelar en allt större roll i hur vi kommunicerar och uttrycker oss. Denna studie är ämnad att utveckla och koppla ihop den redan existerande forskningen om ungdomars sociala mediavanor på Snapchat och Instagram, och forskning om vad sociala mediaanvändare upplever vad man kan och får publicera på dessa sociala medier. Denna studie utforskar detta genom tre fokusgruppsintervjuer med 15 åriga niondeklassare. Resultatet analyseras genom dramaturgi som till stor del...

  9. Higher Ground : Stevie Wonder och New Age


    Nyman, Jonas


    Syftet med min uppsats är att jämföra religiösa företeelser från tre av Stevie Wonders album med New Age för att på så sätt uttröna om Stevie Wonders texter påverkats av New Age- föreställningar. Jag hittar både skillnader och likheter när jag jämför det religiösa budskapet i Stevie Wonders texter med New Age. De New Age- företeelser som går att hitta i texterna är få i förhållande till New Age i sin helhet och det är svårt att avgöra vilka influenser som kommer ifrån Stevie Wonder, New Age ...

  10. A new inorganic-organic composite coagulant, consisting of polyferric sulphate (PFS) and polyacrylamide (PAA). (United States)

    Moussas, P A; Zouboulis, A I


    Currently, research is focused on the synthesis of new composite coagulants, which are constituted of both inorganic and organic materials. In this paper, the development of relevant reagents was investigated, by combining the inorganic pre-polymerised iron-based coagulant Polyferric Sulphate (PFS) with an organic, non-ionic polymer (Polyacrylamide, PAA) under different PAA/Fe (mg/l) and OH/Fe molar ratios. Moreover, the new reagents were characterised in terms of typical properties, stability and morphological analysis (XRD, FTIR, SEM). Their coagulation performance, when treating low or high turbid kaolin-humic acid suspensions, was also investigated, whereas the applied coagulation mechanisms were discussed by using the Photometric Dispersion Analysis (PDA) analysis. The results show that the new coagulation reagents present improved properties, including increased effective polymer species concentration, and they exhibit very good stability. The respective tests using PDA confirmed that the predominant coagulation mechanism of PFS-PAA is the bridge formation mechanism. Coagulation experiments in low or high turbid kaolin-humic acid suspensions reveal that the novel composite reagent PFS-PAA exhibits better coagulation performance, when compared with simple PFS, in terms of zeta-potential reduction, turbidity and organic matter removal and residual iron concentration.

  11. Lekfull kreativitet. Fysiska användargränssnitt som erbjuder social och fysisk interaktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brooks, Eva Irene


    I den här artikeln presenteras en studie som ägde rum under två år i fem olika förskolor i Danmark och som inkluderade 55 barn. Specifikt undersökte vi hur fysiska användargränssnitt kan stötta social och fysisk interaktion. Studien applicerade en design-baserad metodologi som följde en iterativ,......, cyklisk process. Analysen visade att fysiska gränssnitt som främjar utforskande aktiviteter, verbala interaktioner och samarbete har en potential att erbjuda lekfulla lärande situationer som understödjer fria men också guidade aktiviteter....

  12. Arkitekturer i operativsystem : en fallstudie i monolitisk och micro kernel


    Hjortsberg, Andreas; Frederiksen, Kristofer


    Den tekniska utvecklingen driver fram allt mer avancerade datorsystem. Samtidigt ställs allt större krav på stabilitet och flexibilitet i de operativsystem som ska användas på dessa system. De senaste årtiondena har micro kernel arkitekturen varit föremål för intensiv forskning och det finns idag ett flertal operativsystem på marknaden som använder denna arkitektur. Traditionella monolitiska operativsystem är relativt resurskrävande system som ofta anklagats för att sakna struktur. Micro kern...

  13. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of a PaaX-like protein from Sulfolobus solfataricus P2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, Yi; Lou, Zhiyong; Sun, Yuna; Xue, Fei; Feng, Changzeng; Gong, Xiaocui; Yang, Dongmei; Bartlam, Mark; Meng, Zhaohui; Zhang, Keqin


    In this study, the PaaX-like protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 was successfully crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using ammonium sulfate as a precipitant. PaaX is a global regulator of the phenylacetyl-coenzyme A catabolon that adjusts the expression of different operons to that of the paa-encoded central pathway. In this study, the PaaX-like protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 was successfully crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using ammonium sulfate as a precipitant. Diffraction data were obtained to a resolution of 3.0 Å using synchrotron radiation at the Photon Factory. The crystal belonged to space group P321, with unit-cell parameters a = 86.4, b = 86.4, c = 105.5 Å

  14. Digitala spel : En kvalitativ studie om E-sportspelares erfarenheter från karriär och upplevd hälsa


    Szilagyi, Ivan


    Ungdomar och unga vuxna är de främsta användarna av digitala spel och även de främsta entusiasterna av fenomenet E-sport. Spelvanor är av betydelse då studier har påvisat att det finns determinanter, både fysiologiska och psykologiska som kan påverka individens välbefinnande.Syftet med studien var att undersöka professionella E-sportspelares erfarenheter av att utöva sin sport och hur de upplever att detta påverkar hälsan. En kvalitativ metod användes och datainsamling utfördes genom intervju...

  15. Löslighet och transport av sällsynta jordartsmetaller i Källfallsfältets gruvsandsmagasin


    de Campos Pereira, Hugo


    Löslighet och transport av sällsynta jordartsmetaller i Källfallsfältets gruvsandsmagasin Hugo de Campos Pereira Syftet med detta arbete har varit att kartlägga vilka mekanismer som styr lösligheten av sällsynta jordartsmetaller (eng. rare earth elements, REE) i sulfidhaltig anrikningssand vid den föredetta gruvan Källfallsfältet i Västmanland. För syftet har markvatten- och grundvattenprovtagning utförts, tillsammans med laktester och geokemisk modellering med Visual MINTEQ ver. 3.0. Resulta...

  16. Verksamhetsanalys, Planering och Utveckling av en webbtjänst


    Kindstedt, Tomas


    Arbetet behandlar utvecklingsprocessen av programmet SECTMA, ett cirkeltränings-program designat för människor som utövar kampsporter. Programmet är designat för alla konditionsnivåer från toppidrottare till de som endast vill förbättra sin kondition. Arbetet är tudelat, i den första delen går jag igenom teori för STOF och Agile för att skapa en grund och en förståelse för hur jag vill utveckla programmet. Den andra delen följer med utvecklingsprocessen stegvis. STOF erbjuder ett ramverk...

  17. Analysis of primary aromatic amines (PAA) in black nylon kitchenware 2014

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trier, Xenia; Granby, Kit

    is 0,01 mg of substance per kg of food or food simulant. The detection limit applies to the sum of primary aromatic amines released’ Since July 1st 2011, an additional EU regulation has come into place, which states that each consignment of polyamide (nylon) kitchen utensils from China and Hong Kong......% acetic acid as food simulant at an exposure temperature of 100°C and time from ½-4 hours, depending on the foreseeable use of the utensil. The samples were collected by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority at importers and retail shops. Of the 20 PAAs analysed. four PAAs were detected, being aniline (ANL...

  18. Guide för referenshantering : APA-manual inom Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap (BUVA)


    Engdahl, Ingrid


    Denna guide behandlar först hur du enligt APA refererar i löpande text och därefter hur man skriver en referenslista. För en komplett guide till APA Style hänvisas till Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (American Psychological Association, 2010) eller till hemsidan, där det finns tydlig introduktion i ljud och bild till APA Style.

  19. M2-metoden: Minne och motivation i harmoni för ökad genomströmning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonard Suppatt Ngaosuvan


    Full Text Available God genomströmning är en ekonomisk förutsättning för lärosäten inom högre utbildning. Studiens syfte var att testa en didaktisk metod där studenter övar med tentamensuppgifter under kursens gång. Metoden testades på ett moment i metod och statistik på en samhällsvetenskaplig utbildning. Ett treveckorsmoment i kvantitativ metod och statistik genomfördes på avancerad nivå och bestod av föreläsningar, statistikövningar och gruppövningar. Inför momentet presenterades 117 uppgifter ur vilka ett stratifierat slumpvist urval konstituerade salstentan. Studenterna arbetade självständigt med studieuppgifterna med lärarstöd. Resultatet visade god genomströmning, där samtliga 64 förstagångstentander blev godkända. Metodens framgång i genomströmning förklaras i termer av både minnes- och motivationspsykologi. 

  20. Batman: En musikalisk berättelse : En analys av filmerna Batman: The Movie, Batman och The Dark Knight


    Bohlin, Benjamin


    Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera hur filmmusiken har använts i Batman: The Movie (1966), Batman (1989) och The Dark Knight (2008). Att se en narrativ användning och beskrivning av Batman samt hur upplevelsen av filmen ändras när man ser den utan musik. Kompositörerna till filmerna är, för Batman: The Movie (1966) Nelson Riddle, till Batman (1989) är det Danny Elfman och till The Dark Knight (2008) är kompositörerna Hans Zimmer och James Newton Howard. Filmerna analyserats från ett mult...

  1. Work-life balance utifrån ett arbetsgivarperspektiv : Om arbetsgivares arbete och inställning mot work-life balance


    Eriksson, Johan


    I och med att tid spenderad på arbetsplatsen verkar fortsätta öka blir allt mindre och mindre tid kvar till familj och fritid, eller det som i denna uppsats benämns som övrigt liv. Den vanligaste orsaken till att en individ upplever obalans är att arbetssfären är för dominerande och lämnar kvar för lite tid till övriga sfärer. Därför har syftet i denna uppsats varit att öka förståelsen för hur och varför olika arbetsgivare arbetar med work-life balance samt att ta reda på vad de har för instä...

  2. Akzo Nobel Science Award: Svensk upptaeckt botar framtidens cancer

    CERN Multimedia


    'Akzo Nobel Science Award: Svensk upptaeckt botar framtidens cancerStockholm, 27 februari, 2003. Aarets Akzo Nobel Science Award Sweden paa 500 000 kronor gaar till professorn i medicinsk straalningsfysik Anders Brahme. Han prisas foer "sin unika forskargaerning inom straalbehandlingsysiken samt kombinationen av grundforskning, tillaempad forskning och interaktion med industrin"' (1 page).

  3. Etik och marknadsföring i bloggar : Var går gränsen för smygreklam?


    Hellman, Anna


    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att belysa marknadsföringen i bloggar och dess etiska problem. Avsikten är att redogöra för var gränsen för smygreklam går och att få reda på hur mycket bloggarna känner till om ämnet. Bloggarnas andel av sociala medier samt mängden bloggläsare har vuxit explosionsartat. Marknadsföring och reklam i soci-ala medier har vuxit i och med populariteten av sociala medier bland folket. På grund av den ökade marknadsföringen i bloggar har smygreklam uppstått. Efterso...

  4. Description of development of an analytical method for measurement of PAA in tattoo ink and PMU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Pia

    This review gives a background on azo pigments and primary aromatic amines (PAA) and describe how to develop a robust method for analyzing these in tattoo ink.......This review gives a background on azo pigments and primary aromatic amines (PAA) and describe how to develop a robust method for analyzing these in tattoo ink....

  5. Synthesis and photoluminescence enhancement of nano-PAA-ZnCl_2 with controllable dimension and morphology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Jianguo; Wang, Kaige; Zhou, Yukun; Wang, Shuang; Zhang, Chen; Wang, Guiren


    Highlights: • One kind of large area nano-PAA-ZnCl_2 composite film is fabricated, its dimension and morphology is controllable. The properties of nano-composite films have been heavily influenced by the concentration of initial ZnCl_2 solution, the depth of nano-PAAM substrate and the growth time of ZnCl_2 crystals. • At room temperature, the nano-PAA-ZnCl_2 film has the same excitation center (335 nm) and emission center (430 nm) as the nano-PAAM substrate, and the PL intensities can be doubly enhanced. • After annealing at 500 °C, the emission peak spectra of the nano-composite films stabilized at 385 nm, 402 nm, and 430 nm. - Abstract: One kind of ZnCl_2 nano-films with controllable dimension and morphology is successfully synthesized on the top surface of nano-porous anodic alumina membrane (nano-PAAM) by self-organized method. The nano-PAA-ZnCl_2 composite films are characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometer, and laser confocal Raman spectroscopy. The results indicate that the concentration of initial ZnCl_2 solution, the depth of nano-PAAM substrate and the growth time of ZnCl_2 crystals have important influences on the properties of nano-composite films. Furthermore, the characteristics of nano-composites such as the photoluminescence (PL) spectra are investigated. Compared with the nano-PAAM substrate, at room temperature, all of the nano-PAA-ZnCl_2 composite films have both the same excitation center (335 nm) and emission center (430 nm), no matter what the nano-composite morphologies being; and the PL intensity of nano-PAA-ZnCl_2 composite films are all enhanced and the maximum enhancement is two times; after annealing at 500 °C, the emission spectra of the nano-composite films stabilized at the 385 nm, 402 nm and 430 nm. The research provides a new, simple, economical and practical technology to fabricate nano-PAA composite films with higher luminousintensity.

  6. Intestinal Targeting of Ganciclovir Release Employing a Novel HEC-PAA Blended Lyomatrix. (United States)

    Mabrouk, Mostafa; Mulla, Jameel A S; Kumar, Pradeep; Chejara, Dharmesh R; Badhe, Ravindra V; Choonara, Yahya E; du Toit, Lisa C; Pillay, Viness


    A hydroxyethylcellulose-poly(acrylic acid) (HEC-PAA) lyomatrix was developed for ganciclovir (GCV) intestine targeting to overcome its undesirable degradation in the stomach. GCV was encapsulated within the HEC-PAA lyomatrix prepared by lyophilization. Conventional tablets were also prepared with identical GCV concentrations in order to compare the GCV release behavior from the lyomatrix and tablets. GCV incorporation (75.12%) was confirmed using FTIR, DSC, and TGA. The effect of GCV loading on the microstructure properties of the lyomatrix was evaluated by SEM, AFM, and BET surface area measurements. The in vitro drug release study showed steady and rapid release profiles from the GCV-loaded lyomatrix compared with the tablet formulation at identical pH values. Minimum GCV release was observed at acidic pH (≤40%) and maximum release occurred at intestinal pH values (≥90%) proving the intestinal targeting ability of the lyomatrix. Kinetic modeling revealed that the GCV-loaded lyomatrix exhibited zero-order release kinetics (n = 1), while the tablets were best described via the Peppas model. Textural analysis highlighted enhanced matrix resilience and rigidity gradient (12.5%, 20 Pa) for the GCV-loaded lyomatrix compared to the pure (7%, 9.5 Pa) HEC-PAA lyomatrix. Bench-top MRI imaging was used to confirm the mechanism of GCV release behavior by monitoring the swelling and erosion rates. The swelling and erosion rate of the tablets was not sufficient to achieve rapid zero-order GCV release as with the lyomatrix. These combined results suggest that the HEC-PAA lyomatrix may be suitable for GCV intestinal targeting after oral administration.

  7. Fascians funktion och olika fysioterapeutiska interventioners effekt på fascian


    Hackman, Mikaela


    Fasciabehandlingar är ett relativt nytt område inom fysioterapin, även om intresse för ämnet funnits redan under antikens tid. Forskningsmetoderna har i dag blivit bättre och vi kan undersöka vävnader som varit omöjliga att undersöka tidigare, på grund av tek-nikbrist. Syftet med det här arbetet är att ta reda på vad forskningen idag kommit fram till i fråga om fascia, ffa då det handlar om smärta, och hur fysioterapeuten kan ha nytta av kunskapen vid behandling av klienter. Den första forskn...

  8. Från yrkesvalslärare till karriärvägledare : Studie- och yrkesvägledaryrket i ett professionaliseringsperspektiv


    Holmsten, Nina; Lehninger, Jeannette


    I Sverige finns det idag ett stort antal yrken och en del av dessa är i en professionaliseringsprocess. Studie- och yrkesvägledaryrket är ett exempel på ett yrke i denna process. Syftet är att beskriva utvalda aktörers syn på studie- och yrkesvägledaryrkets avgränsningar, kompetens samt eventuella auktorisation i ett professionaliseringsperspektiv. En kvalitativ metod har använts och fem elitintervjuer har genomförts med representanter från Lärarförbundet, Lärarnas Riksförbund, Sveriges vägle...

  9. Musikbranschen i förändring : Artistens möjligheter med och utan skivbolag


    Järnström, Sofia Maria


    Syftet med mitt examensarbete är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning artister kan nå en publik utan att ingå ett skivkontrakt och att klargöra för vilka kanaler som finns tillgäng-liga för självständig marknadsföring. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och jag kommer att fokusera på fyra intervjuer med personer inom branschen. Jag fokuserar på dessa frågor: 1) Hur kan en artist nå ut med sin musik, utan att ha ett skivbolag bakom sig som marknadsförare och distributör? 2) Vilka nya...

  10. 25-OCH3-PPD induces the apoptosis of activated t-HSC/Cl-6 cells via c-FLIP-mediated NF-κB activation. (United States)

    Wu, Yan-ling; Wan, Ying; Jin, Xue-Jun; OuYang, Bing-Qing; Bai, Ting; Zhao, Yu-Qing; Nan, Ji-Xing


    25-OCH(3)-PPD is a dammarane-type triterpene sapogenin isolated from the roots, leaves and seeds of Panax notoginseng, which has shown anti-tumor effects in several human cancer lines. In this study, we evaluated the effects of 25-OCH(3)-PPD on apoptosis of activated t-HSC/Cl-6 cells induced by tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). The inhibitory effects of eleven compounds isolated from Panax ginseng and P. notoginseng were detected in activated t-HSC/Cl-6 cells. 25-OCH(3)-PPD produced a significant inhibitory effect on activated t-HSC/Cl-6 cells. However, 25-OCH(3)-PPD showed almost no effect on the cell viability of Chang liver cells, a type of normal human hepatic cell line. Therefore, we aimed to determine the anti-fibrotic potential of 25-OCH(3)-PPD and to characterize the signal transduction pathways involved in activated HSCs. 25-OCH(3)-PPD decreased the fibrosis markers, including α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), transforming growth factor β-1 (TGF-β1) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1). 25-OCH(3)-PPD elevated the level of cellular GSH in activated HSCs, which demonstrated that 25-OCH(3)-PPD might inhibit HSC activation by its antioxidant capacity. Further analyses revealed that 25-OCH(3)-PPD increased the levels of cleaved caspase-3, decreased the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax and the expression of survivin via c-FLIP-mediated NF-κB activation and shed light on the regulation of apoptosis. Therefore, 25-OCH(3)-PPD may prove to be an excellent candidate agent for the therapy of hepatic fibrosis. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Determination of 25-OCH3-PPD and the related substances by UPLC-MS/MS and their cytotoxic activity. (United States)

    Ding, Meng; Lu, Jingjing; Zhao, Chen; Zhang, Sainan; Zhao, Yuqing


    20(R)-25-methoxyl-dammarane-3β,12β,20-triol (25-OCH3-PPD) is a promising antitumor compound belonging to triterpenoid saponins isolated from radix notoginseng. A systematic research on the related impurities in raw material of 25-OCH3-PPD has not been conducted. In this study, three impurities obtained by HPLC-ELSD and characterized by (13)C NMR and MS were observed in the raw material of 25-OCH3-PPD. Cytotoxic activities of the related substances were also evaluated, of which impurity B with 25-OCH3-PPD showed synergistic inhibitory activity against BGC-823 with IC50 values of 8.33μM. Furthermore, a rapid and selective UPLC-MS/MS method was developed for simultaneous determination of the principal component and three related substances in the raw material of 25-OCH3-PPD. Multiple reaction monitoring scan mode was used for the quantification of 20(R)-25-OCH3-PPD and its three related substances. The four constituents were separated within 11min on a BEH C18 column (100 mm×2.1mm, 1.7μm) using a mobile phase comprising methanol and 0.03% formic acid water (82:18, v/v) at a flow rate of 0.2mL/min. The proposed UPLC-MS/MS method displayed acceptable levels of linearity, precision, repeatability, and accuracy. In addition, the proposed method was successfully applied for the establishment of a rational quality control standard for the raw material of 25-OCH3-PPD. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Effektivisering av materialhantering inom hälso- och sjukvård : En fallstudie på Barnonkologen, Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus


    Forsberg, Marcus; Tådne, Lukas


    Barnonkologen vid Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus är en barnavdelning för blod- och tumörsjukdomar. Avdelningen hanterar dagligen en stor mängd förbrukningsvaror för att kunna utföra en högkvalitativ och säker vård för patienterna. Ett identifierat behov är att effektivisera det nuvarande inventerings- och beställningsförfarandet på avdelningen, samt att organisera förråden efter personalens behov. Denna studie utreder och ger förslag på hur Barnonkologen kan förbättra sin hantering av förbrukning...

  13. Preparation of chitosan/MCM-41-PAA nanocomposites and the adsorption behaviour of Hg(II) ions (United States)

    Fu, Yong; Huang, Yue; Hu, Jianshe


    A novel functional hybrid mesoporous composite material (CMP) based on chitosan and MCM-41-PAA was reported and its application as an excellent adsorbent for Hg(II) ions was also investigated. Innovatively, MCM-41-PAA was prepared by using diatomite and polyacrylic acid (PAA) with integrated polymer-silica hybrid frameworks, and then CMP was fabricated by introducing MCM-41-PAA to chitosan using glutaraldehyde as a cross-linking agent. The structure and morphology of CMP were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectra, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller measurements. The results showed that the CMP possessed multifunctional groups such as -OH, -COOH and -NH2 with large specific surface area. Adsorption behaviour of Hg(II) ions onto CMP was fitted better by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the Langmuir model when the initial Hg(II) concentration, pH, adsorption temperature and time were 200 mg l-1, 4, 298 K and 120 min, respectively, as the optimum conditions. The corresponding maximum adsorption capacity could reach 164 mg g-1. According to the thermodynamic parameters determined such as free energy, enthalpy and entropy, the adsorption process of Hg(II) ions was spontaneous endothermic adsorption.

  14. Preparation of chitosan/MCM-41-PAA nanocomposites and the adsorption behaviour of Hg(II) ions (United States)

    Fu, Yong; Huang, Yue; Hu, Jianshe


    A novel functional hybrid mesoporous composite material (CMP) based on chitosan and MCM-41-PAA was reported and its application as an excellent adsorbent for Hg(II) ions was also investigated. Innovatively, MCM-41-PAA was prepared by using diatomite and polyacrylic acid (PAA) with integrated polymer–silica hybrid frameworks, and then CMP was fabricated by introducing MCM-41-PAA to chitosan using glutaraldehyde as a cross-linking agent. The structure and morphology of CMP were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectra, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller measurements. The results showed that the CMP possessed multifunctional groups such as –OH, –COOH and –NH2 with large specific surface area. Adsorption behaviour of Hg(II) ions onto CMP was fitted better by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the Langmuir model when the initial Hg(II) concentration, pH, adsorption temperature and time were 200 mg l−1, 4, 298 K and 120 min, respectively, as the optimum conditions. The corresponding maximum adsorption capacity could reach 164 mg g−1. According to the thermodynamic parameters determined such as free energy, enthalpy and entropy, the adsorption process of Hg(II) ions was spontaneous endothermic adsorption. PMID:29657793

  15. Föräldrar och förskolans matematik : En enkätundersökning om föräldrars inställning och uppfattning om matematik på förskolan


    Elvsén, Johanna


    Enligt Lpfö-98 skall man på förskolan arbeta med att barnen utvecklar sin förmåga att upptäcka och använda matematik i meningsfulla sammanhang. Jag tror att en förutsättning för en lyckad förskoleverksamhet är att man har föräldrarnas stöd och intresse i de aktiviteter som förekommer och har därför genom enkäter undersökt hur föräldrar uppfattar matematik i förskolan, viken inställning de har, samt deras eventuella tankar om utformningen. Detta har jämförts med den aktuella förskolans tankar ...

  16. Slutrapport - utökad samordning av landskapsövervakning och uppföljning av Natura 2000


    Ståhl, Göran; Gardfjell, Hans; Glimskär, Anders; Hagner, Åsa; Holm, Sören; Walheim, Mats


    I denna kortversion av 2006 års slutrapport från projektet ”utökad samordning av landskaps- övervakning och uppföljning av Natura 2000” redovisas de viktigaste resultaten på ett sätt som gör dem enklare tillgängliga för inriktningsbeslut om ambitionsnivå för uppföljnings- arbetet. Nuvarande målsättning är att Naturamoment införlivas i Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS) och Riksinventeringen av Skog (RIS) från och med 2008; under 2009 beräknas kompletteran...

  17. I betraktarens ögon – Betydelsen av kön och ålder för studenters läraromdömen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Karlsson


    Full Text Available Under senare år har studenters läraromdömen allt mer hamnat i fokus inom skola såväl som högre utbildning. Parallellt med dessa utvecklingar har olika typer av internettjänster genom vilka studenter kan betygsätta sina lärare dykt upp i flera länder. I Sverige lanserades 2008 tjänsten ”Studenter tycker till” (STT där studenter kan registrera sig och fylla i bedömningar av lärare enligt kriterierna utlärningsförmåga, kunskap, engagemang och lärandestöd. I denna studie undersöks betydelsen av lärarens kön och ålder för studenters läraromdömen genom en kvantitativ analys av omdömen av 98 högskole- och universitetslärare som givits på hemsidan STT. Syftet är att synliggöra hur sociala markörer, i detta fall om läraren är man eller kvinna, ung eller gammal, spelar en stor roll för hur en lärare utvärderas. Resultaten visar att kvinnor och unga lärare systematiskt ges lägre betyg av studenter, än män och äldre lärare. Studenter är således inte könsblinda eller oberoende av föreställningar om förhållandet mellan ålder och kompetens i sina bedömningar. Studien aktualiserar betydelsen av sociala markörer så som kön och ålder måste synliggöras och tas i beaktning när studenters utvärderingar av lärare och kurser behandlas inom högre utbildning.

  18. 3D Printed, PVA–PAA Hydrogel Loaded-Polycaprolactone Scaffold for the Delivery of Hydrophilic In-Situ Formed Sodium Indomethacin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mershen Govender


    Full Text Available 3D printed polycaprolactone (PCL-blended scaffolds have been designed, prepared, and evaluated in vitro in this study prior to the incorporation of a polyvinyl alcohol–polyacrylic acid (PVA–PAA hydrogel for the delivery of in situ-formed sodium indomethacin. The prepared PCL–PVA–PAA scaffold is proposed as a potential structural support system for load-bearing tissue damage where inflammation is prevalent. Uniaxial strain testing of the PCL-blended scaffolds were undertaken to determine the scaffold’s resistance to strain in addition to its thermal, structural, and porosimetric properties. The viscoelastic properties of the incorporated PVA–PAA hydrogel has also been determined, as well as the drug release profile of the PCL–PVA–PAA scaffold. Results of these analyses noted the structural strength, thermal stability, and porosimetric properties of the scaffold, as well as the ability of the PCL–PVA–PAA scaffold to deliver sodium indomethacin in simulated physiological conditions of pH and temperature. The results of this study therefore highlight the successful design, fabrication, and in vitro evaluation of a 3D printed polymeric strain-resistant supportive platform for the delivery of sodium indomethacin.

  19. Synthesis and photoluminescence enhancement of nano-PAA-ZnCl{sub 2} with controllable dimension and morphology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Jianguo [State Key Laboratory of Cultivation Base for Photoelectric Technology and Functional Materials, Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology of Shaanxi Province, National Center for International Research of Photoelectric Technology & Nano-functional Materials and Application, Institute of Photonics and Photon-Technology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069 (China); Physics Department, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069 (China); Wang, Kaige, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Cultivation Base for Photoelectric Technology and Functional Materials, Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology of Shaanxi Province, National Center for International Research of Photoelectric Technology & Nano-functional Materials and Application, Institute of Photonics and Photon-Technology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069 (China); Zhou, Yukun; Wang, Shuang; Zhang, Chen [State Key Laboratory of Cultivation Base for Photoelectric Technology and Functional Materials, Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology of Shaanxi Province, National Center for International Research of Photoelectric Technology & Nano-functional Materials and Application, Institute of Photonics and Photon-Technology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069 (China); Wang, Guiren [State Key Laboratory of Cultivation Base for Photoelectric Technology and Functional Materials, Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology of Shaanxi Province, National Center for International Research of Photoelectric Technology & Nano-functional Materials and Application, Institute of Photonics and Photon-Technology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069 (China); Mechanical Engineering Department & Biomedical Engineering Program, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC 29208 (United States); and others


    Highlights: • One kind of large area nano-PAA-ZnCl{sub 2} composite film is fabricated, its dimension and morphology is controllable. The properties of nano-composite films have been heavily influenced by the concentration of initial ZnCl{sub 2} solution, the depth of nano-PAAM substrate and the growth time of ZnCl{sub 2} crystals. • At room temperature, the nano-PAA-ZnCl{sub 2} film has the same excitation center (335 nm) and emission center (430 nm) as the nano-PAAM substrate, and the PL intensities can be doubly enhanced. • After annealing at 500 °C, the emission peak spectra of the nano-composite films stabilized at 385 nm, 402 nm, and 430 nm. - Abstract: One kind of ZnCl{sub 2} nano-films with controllable dimension and morphology is successfully synthesized on the top surface of nano-porous anodic alumina membrane (nano-PAAM) by self-organized method. The nano-PAA-ZnCl{sub 2} composite films are characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometer, and laser confocal Raman spectroscopy. The results indicate that the concentration of initial ZnCl{sub 2} solution, the depth of nano-PAAM substrate and the growth time of ZnCl{sub 2} crystals have important influences on the properties of nano-composite films. Furthermore, the characteristics of nano-composites such as the photoluminescence (PL) spectra are investigated. Compared with the nano-PAAM substrate, at room temperature, all of the nano-PAA-ZnCl{sub 2} composite films have both the same excitation center (335 nm) and emission center (430 nm), no matter what the nano-composite morphologies being; and the PL intensity of nano-PAA-ZnCl{sub 2} composite films are all enhanced and the maximum enhancement is two times; after annealing at 500 °C, the emission spectra of the nano-composite films stabilized at the 385 nm, 402 nm and 430 nm. The research provides a new, simple, economical and practical technology to fabricate nano-PAA composite films with higher

  20. In vivo kinetic analysis of the penicillin biosynthesis pathway using PAA stimulus response experiments. (United States)

    Deshmukh, Amit T; Verheijen, Peter J T; Maleki Seifar, Reza; Heijnen, Joseph J; van Gulik, Walter M


    In this study we combined experimentation with mathematical modeling to unravel the in vivo kinetic properties of the enzymes and transporters of the penicillin biosynthesis pathway in a high yielding Penicillium chrysogenum strain. The experiment consisted of a step response experiment with the side chain precursor phenyl acetic acid (PAA) in a glucose-limited chemostat. The metabolite data showed that in the absence of PAA all penicillin pathway enzymes were expressed, leading to the production of a significant amount of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6APA) as end product. After the stepwise perturbation with PAA, the pathway produced PenG within seconds. From the extra- and intracellular metabolite measurements, hypotheses for the secretion mechanisms of penicillin pathway metabolites were derived. A dynamic model of the penicillin biosynthesis pathway was then constructed that included the formation and transport over the cytoplasmic membrane of pathway intermediates, PAA and the product penicillin-G (PenG). The model parameters and changes in the enzyme levels of the penicillin biosynthesis pathway under in vivo conditions were simultaneously estimated using experimental data obtained at three different timescales (seconds, minutes, hours). The model was applied to determine changes in the penicillin pathway enzymes in time, calculate fluxes and analyze the flux control of the pathway. This led to a reassessment of the in vivo behavior of the pathway enzymes and in particular Acyl-CoA:Isopenicillin N Acyltransferase (AT). Copyright © 2015 International Metabolic Engineering Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Motivation : En studie om lärares och elevers syn på motivation i skolan


    Sundström, Jenny; Wiman, Malin


    I vårt examensarbete undersöker vi olika typer av motivation. Vårt syfte med arbetet var att undersöka lärares syn motivation samt elevers egen motivation i skolan. De frågeställningar vi utgick från var: 1. Vilken typ av motivation har elever i år 4 och år 5? 2. Finns det någon skillnad mellan pojkars och flickors motivation? 3. Vilken typ av motivation strävar lärare efter att elever ska erhålla och använda sig av? 4. Hur ser lärare på intrinsic (inre) motivation, extrinsic (yttre) motivati...

  2. Sjuksköterskor och skötares upplevelser av möten i psykiatrisk öppenvård : En intervjustudie


    Bäckman, Jenny; Nyman, Nyman


    Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors och skötares upplevelser av möten med patienter i psykiatrisk öppenvård.   Bakgrund – I psykiatrisk öppenvård möter sjuksköterskor och skötare många olika människor med individuella behov. Sedan tidigare forskning har det framkommit att patienters känsla av trygghet uppkommer genom faktorer som personalens inställning och empati. Relationen mellan personal och patient är viktig för patientens känsla av att bli tagen på allvar samt att bli b...

  3. Elevated phenylacetic acid levels do not correlate with adverse events in patients with urea cycle disorders or hepatic encephalopathy and can be predicted based on the plasma PAA to PAGN ratio. (United States)

    Mokhtarani, M; Diaz, G A; Rhead, W; Berry, S A; Lichter-Konecki, U; Feigenbaum, A; Schulze, A; Longo, N; Bartley, J; Berquist, W; Gallagher, R; Smith, W; McCandless, S E; Harding, C; Rockey, D C; Vierling, J M; Mantry, P; Ghabril, M; Brown, R S; Dickinson, K; Moors, T; Norris, C; Coakley, D; Milikien, D A; Nagamani, S C; Lemons, C; Lee, B; Scharschmidt, B F


    Phenylacetic acid (PAA) is the active moiety in sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPBA) and glycerol phenylbutyrate (GPB, HPN-100). Both are approved for treatment of urea cycle disorders (UCDs) - rare genetic disorders characterized by hyperammonemia. PAA is conjugated with glutamine in the liver to form phenylacetyleglutamine (PAGN), which is excreted in urine. PAA plasma levels ≥ 500 μg/dL have been reported to be associated with reversible neurological adverse events (AEs) in cancer patients receiving PAA intravenously. Therefore, we have investigated the relationship between PAA levels and neurological AEs in patients treated with these PAA pro-drugs as well as approaches to identifying patients most likely to experience high PAA levels. The relationship between nervous system AEs, PAA levels and the ratio of plasma PAA to PAGN were examined in 4683 blood samples taken serially from: [1] healthy adults [2], UCD patients of ≥ 2 months of age, and [3] patients with cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy (HE). The plasma ratio of PAA to PAGN was analyzed with respect to its utility in identifying patients at risk of high PAA values. Only 0.2% (11) of 4683 samples exceeded 500 μg/ml. There was no relationship between neurological AEs and PAA levels in UCD or HE patients, but transient AEs including headache and nausea that correlated with PAA levels were observed in healthy adults. Irrespective of population, a curvilinear relationship was observed between PAA levels and the plasma PAA:PAGN ratio, and a ratio>2.5 (both in μg/mL) in a random blood draw identified patients at risk for PAA levels>500 μg/ml. The presence of a relationship between PAA levels and reversible AEs in healthy adults but not in UCD or HE patients may reflect intrinsic differences among the populations and/or metabolic adaptation with continued dosing. The plasma PAA:PAGN ratio is a functional measure of the rate of PAA metabolism and represents a useful dosing biomarker. © 2013.

  4. "Humankind before the flood" : En kvalitativ studie om användningen av retorik i en dokumentärfilm av och med Leonardo DiCaprio


    Björnberg, Nana; Hansen, Jonna


    Följande studie undersökte Before the Flood, en dokumentärfilm av och med Leonardo DiCaprio, utifrån ett retoriskt perspektiv. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om och i så fall på vilket sätt Leonardo DiCaprio, experter och skaparna bakom dokumentärfilmen använde retoriska strategier för att förstärka Before the Flood’s budskap och verka övertygande inför sin publik. Som metod tillämpade studien kvalitativ textanalys och de tre grundläggande appellformerna, visuell retorik samt argumentation ...

  5. Analys och förslag till förbättringar med avseende på GUI och funktion ur ett användbarhetsperpektiv av programvaran Service Desk Manager


    Lindström, Håkan


    Företaget Kerfi AB i Norrköping är en leverantör av informationsteknik och har bland annat specialistkompetens inom service management. För detta använder de programvara från företaget CA technologies. CA Service Desk Manager är en så kallad IT Service Management applikation med processer för samordning och styrning av service management. Under inledande diskussioner kom det fram att även om programvaran har varit i bruk under flera år så finns det fortfarande problem med användargränssnittet...

  6. Hållbarhetsredovisning : Identifiering och prioritering av hållbarhetsfrågor i en verksamhet som Sweco Environment


    Söderström, Anna-Karin


    I en hållbarhetsredovisning redovisar en organisation information om sin påverkan inom ekonomisk, miljömässig och social hållbar utveckling. Några av de inledande stegen i en redovisningsprocess är att identifiera organisationens hållbarhetsfrågor, och att bestämma frågornas prioriteringsordning för att på så sätt kunna bestämma ett väsentligt innehåll till redovisningen. De här stegen av redovisningsprocessen har varit i fokus under arbetet. En identifiering och prioritering av konsultbolage...

  7. Etching Enhancement Followed by Nitridation on Low-k SiOCH Film in Ar/C5F10O Plasma (United States)

    Miyawaki, Yudai; Shibata, Emi; Kondo, Yusuke; Takeda, Keigo; Kondo, Hiroki; Ishikawa, Kenji; Okamoto, Hidekazu; Sekine, Makoto; Hori, Masaru


    The etching rates of low-dielectric-constant (low-k), porous SiOCH (p-SiOCH) films were increased by nitrogen-added Ar/C5F10O plasma etching in dual-frequency (60 MHz/2 MHz)-excited parallel plate capacitively coupled plasma. Previously, perfluoropropyl vinyl ether [C5F10O] provided a very high density of CF3+ ions [Nagai et al.: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 (2006) 7100]. Surface nitridation on the p-SiOCH surface exposed to Ar/N2 plasma led to the etching of larger amounts of p-SiOCH in Ar/C5F10O plasma, which depended on the formation of bonds such as =C(sp2)=N(sp2)- and -C(sp)≡N(sp).

  8. Machoideal och/eller meningslös underhållning? : Om fem mäns berättelser kring krigsfilmen Saving Private Ryan med fokus på maskulinitet och publiken som meningsskapare.


    Olsson, Eva


    Uppsatsen undersöker fem mäns berättelser kring krigsfilmen Saving Private Ryan, med fokus på maskulinitet. Föreställningarna och bilderna kring maskulinitet som kan urskiljas i intervjupersonernas berättelser, knyts till R.W. Connells teoretiska ramverk kring hegemonisk maskulinitet och de hierarkiska relationerna mellan olika maskuliniteter. Vidare resoneras det kring hur berättelserna exemplifierar en syn på mediepublik som aktiva meningsskapare, då intervjupersonerna tar fasta på olika as...

  9. Fantasifull utflykt med skilda perspektiv : En studie om genus, normbrytning och stereotyper i bilderboken Se upp för krokodilen! (2013)


    Ljungberg, Sofia


    Studien undersöker hur könsroller gestaltas ur ett genusperspektiv i bilderboken Se upp för krokodilen! (Moroni & Eriksson, 2013). Syftet är att få djupare kunskaper om hur dessa skildringar speglar målen i läroplanen för förskolan om att motverka traditionella könsnormer och främja jämställdhet och likabehandling mellan könen. Forskare menar att bilderboken är ett användbart och didaktiskt verktyg för att fånga barns intressen och påverka deras tankegångar. Tidigare forskning (Kåreland, ...

  10. Karlstads universitet - Ut i skogen, vad ska jag dit och göra? : En rapport om skapandet av ett unikt monterkoncept


    Bergman, Karin; Jernberg, Jonna


    Sammanfattning Mässor förekom som fenomen redan under medeltiden och har allt sedan dess använts som en kanal för försäljning och marknadsföring. Idag tävlar företag och organisationer om mässbesökares uppmärksamhet genom att skapa attraktiva montrar med vinnande koncept som ska locka människor och få dem att lägga företagsnamnet på minnet. Detta är vad Karlstads universitet haft i åtanke då de utformat beskrivningen till detta projekt. Bakgrunden till projektet är att universitetet finns r...

  11. It´s called being fabulous! : Genus och sexualitet i de visuella praktikerna kring Youtube-fenomenet Pewdiepie


    Abrahamsson, Ola


    Denna uppsats behandlar hur olika föreställningar kring genus och sexualitet tar sig uttryck, dels i de videos som producerar på internet av karaktären Pewdiepie men också i det material som fansen genererar. Studien fokusera på en specifik videohändelse, en sekvens där Pewdiepie ikläder sig en rosa boa och bland annat säger säger ”It’s not called being gay. It’s called being fabulous!” samt vad som görs med denna händelse, hur den remedieras och tas i bruk av fansen. Detta har jag gjort geno...

  12. Gympa på skärmen : En kvalitativ studie om IKT-stöd i undervisning i idrott och hälsa


    Herco, Adnan


    Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka elevernas upplevelser och erfarenheter av IKT-stöd i undervisningen i idrott och hälsa och hur användningen av IKT bidrog till deras lärande. Den metod som användes i studien var kvalitativa intervjuer genom stimulated recall och nio elever från en högstadieskola intervjuades. Eleverna som intervjuades i studien hade deltagit i IKT-stödd undervisning under en tvåårsperiod där en del av lektionerna spelades in på video. Videodokumentationens syf...

  13. Functional characterization of the gene FoOCH1 encoding a putative α-1,6-mannosyltransferase in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense. (United States)

    Li, Min-Hui; Xie, Xiao-Ling; Lin, Xian-Feng; Shi, Jin-Xiu; Ding, Zhao-Jian; Ling, Jin-Feng; Xi, Ping-Gen; Zhou, Jia-Nuan; Leng, Yueqiang; Zhong, Shaobin; Jiang, Zi-De


    Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (FOC) is the causal agent of banana Fusarium wilt and has become one of the most destructive pathogens threatening the banana production worldwide. However, few genes related to morphogenesis and pathogenicity of this fungal pathogen have been functionally characterized. In this study, we identified and characterized the disrupted gene in a T-DNA insertional mutant (L953) of FOC with significantly reduced virulence on banana plants. The gene disrupted by T-DNA insertion in L953 harbors an open reading frame, which encodes a protein with homology to α-1,6-mannosyltransferase (OCH1) in fungi. The deletion mutants (ΔFoOCH1) of the OCH1 orthologue (FoOCH1) in FOC were impaired in fungal growth, exhibited brighter staining with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-Concanavalin A, had less cell wall proteins and secreted more proteins into liquid media than the wild type. Furthermore, the mutation or deletion of FoOCH1 led to loss of ability to penetrate cellophane membrane and decline in hyphal attachment and colonization as well as virulence to the banana host. The mutant phenotypes were fully restored by complementation with the wild type FoOCH1 gene. Our data provide a first evidence for the critical role of FoOCH1 in maintenance of cell wall integrity and virulence of F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. MKB and SMB in the Northern countries[Environmental impact assessment; Strategic environmental assessment; Radiactive waste disporal]; MKB och SMB i Norden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Broden, K. [Studsvik RadWaste AB (Sweden); Andersson, K. [Krinta konsult (Sweden)


    A meeting on Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment has been held in Turku, Finland, August 22-24 2001. It was held within the framework of two NKS projects: SOS-3 (Radioactive waste) and SOS- 1 (Risk assessment and strategies for safety). The meeting included presenta- tions, discussions and a study visit to the final repository for low- and intermedi- ate level radioactive waste and the intermediate storage for spent nuclear fuel at Olkiluoto. Abstract in Danish: Inom ramen for NKS-projekten SOS-3 (Avfall) och SOS-1 (Riskvaardering och strategi for saakerhet) har ett seminarium om miljokonsekvensbeskrivningar och strategisk miljokonsekvensbedomning haallits i Aabo 22-24 augusti, 2001. Seminariet omfattade foredrag, diskussioner samt en studieresa till Olkoluoto daar besok gjordes till mellanlagret for anvaant braansle och till slutforvaret for laag- och medelaktivt avfall. Under forutsaattning att styrelsen for NKS samtycker kommer ett nytt MKB- seminarium att haallas i Osthammar 2002. (au)

  15. Water and Wastewater Disinfection with Peracetic Acid and UV Radiation and Using Advanced Oxidative Process PAA/UV


    Beber de Souza, Jeanette; Queiroz Valdez, Fernanda; Jeranoski, Rhuan Felipe; Vidal, Carlos Magno de Sousa; Cavallini, Grasiele Soares


    The individual methods of disinfection peracetic acid (PAA) and UV radiation and combined process PAA/UV in water (synthetic) and sanitary wastewater were employed to verify the individual and combined action of these advanced oxidative processes on the effectiveness of inactivation of microorganisms indicators of fecal contamination E. coli, total coliforms (in the case of sanitary wastewater), and coliphages (such as virus indicators). Under the experimental conditions investigated, doses o...

  16. Natural gold composition studied by proton activation analysis (PAA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cojocaru, V.; Badica, T.; Popescu, I.V.


    The minor and trace element concentration of natural gold is essential for provenance studies of gold archaeological artifacts. In this work proton activation analysis is used in order to find what elements can be put into evidence in natural gold. For that purpose some gold nuggets from Romania were used. It was found that PAA is a good supplemental method to neutron activation analysis. (authors)

  17. Leksaker baserade på teknik sedda ur ett genusperspektiv : En studie om 6-åringars preferenser och användande av könsstereotypa konstruktionsleksaker


    Bernström, Annelie


    Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med barn i förskoleklass och genom enkätundersökningar hos pedagoger har jag fått svar på mina frågeställningar som handlar om pojkar, flickor och deras leksaksval då det gäller teknikbaserade leksaker. Syftet var att försöka se om det fanns skillnader i valet och användandet av dessa leksaker och i så fall försöka tydliggöra dem, och dessutom ta reda på varför barnen är olika i sina leksakspreferenser. Resultatet påvisar att för barnen i denna förskoleklass är ko...

  18. Natural product ginsenoside 25-OCH3-PPD inhibits breast cancer growth and metastasis through down-regulating MDM2. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Zhang, Xu; Qin, Jiang-Jiang; Voruganti, Sukesh; Nag, Subhasree Ashok; Wang, Ming-Hai; Wang, Hui; Zhang, Ruiwen


    Although ginseng and related herbs have a long history of utility for various health benefits, their application in cancer therapy and underlying mechanisms of action are not fully understood. Our recent work has shown that 20(S)-25-methoxyl-dammarane-3β, 12β, 20-triol (25-OCH(3)-PPD), a newly identified ginsenoside from Panax notoginseng, exerts activities against a variety of cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. This study was designed to investigate its anti-breast cancer activity and the underlying mechanisms of action. We observed that 25-OCH(3)-PPD decreased the survival of breast cancer cells by induction of apoptosis and G1 phase arrest and inhibited the growth of breast cancer xenografts in vivo. We further demonstrated that, in a dose- and time-dependent manner, 25-OCH(3)-PPD inhibited MDM2 expression at both transcriptional and post-translational levels in human breast cancer cells with various p53 statuses (wild type and mutant). Moreover, 25-OCH(3)-PPD inhibited in vitro cell migration, reduced the expression of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers, and prevented in vivo metastasis of breast cancer. In summary, 25-OCH(3)-PPD is a potential therapeutic and anti-metastatic agent for human breast cancer through down-regulating MDM2. Further preclinical and clinical development of this agent is warranted.

  19. I nöd och lust : En praktisk studie om hållbara bröllopssminkningar inspirerat av årstidernas färger


    Guldbrand, Ida


    Syftet med detta arbete är att beskriva med vilka sminktekniker och produkter man får till hållbara bröllopssminkningar inspirerade av årstidernas färger, för att visa hur färger, tekniker och produkter anpassas i bröllopssminkningar. Detta för att visa de egna kunskaperna inom området och för att kunna inspirera blivande brudar. Arbetet kommer även vara till nytta för estenomer, branschmänniskor och andra människor som är intresserade av området då de också kan inspireras av arbetet. So...

  20. Tjernobyl och rennäringen - Lägesrapport från Sverige

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Åhman


    Full Text Available Status report about Chernobyl and reindeer husbandry in Sweden including participants' discussion.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Den 1 juli hojdes grånsvårdet for Cs-137 i bl a renkott från 300 till 1 500 Bq/kg. Efter hojningen av grånsvårdet friklassades nåstan alla samebyar i Norrbottens lån under sarvslakten. Samtliga fjållsamebyar i Norrbottens lån utom den sydligaste år tills vidare helt friklassade. Tre samebyar i sodra delen av Jåmtlands lån var friklassade under sarvslakten. I ovrigt omfattas all renslakt i Våsterbottens och Jåmtlands lån av kontroll betråffande Cs-137. Under juli - aug i år var cesiumhalten lågre ån vid motsvarande tidpunkt i f jol (tabell 1 och figur 1. Under juli - aug slaktades drygt 1 000 renar i skogslandet i sodra delen av Våsterbottens lån (tabell 3. Fr.o.m. andra veckan i juli godkåndes de fiesta slaktkropparna. Halveringstiden for Cs-137 i renarna, som betade i skogslandet kring inlandsbanan i sodra delen av Våsterbottenslån, har beråknats till ca en vecka. Genom tidigarelåggning av sarvslakter i Våsterbottens lån (tabell 3 och norra delen av Jåmtlands lån (tabell 5 minskades kassationen med ett par tusen slaktkroppar. Under senare delen av september steg cesiumhalten till ungefår samma nivå som i f jol. En långsiktig prognos har utarbetats betråffande halten Cs-137 i renar på naturbete. Prognosen visar att omfattande åtgårder kommer att behova vidtagas under de nårmaste 15 - 25 åren om ren-kottet från samebyarna i sodra delen av Våsterbottens lån och norra delen av Jåmtlands lån skall kunna god-kånnas som livsmedel vid ett riktvårde på 1 500 Bq Cs-137/kg kott.

  1. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of PaaAC, the main component of the hydroxylase of the Escherichia coli phenylacetyl-coenzyme A oxygenase complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grishin, Andrey M.; Ajamian, Eunice; Zhang, Linhua; Cygler, Miroslaw


    The expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the PaaAC complex is reported. This is the main component of the E. coliphenylacetyl-coenzyme A oxygenase complex. The Escherichia coli paa operon encodes enzymes of the phenylacetic acid-utilization pathway that metabolizes phenylacetate in the form of a coenzyme A (CoA) derivative. The phenylacetyl-coenzyme A oxygenase complex, which has been postulated to contain five components designated PaaABCDE, catalyzes ring hydroxylation of phenylacetyl-CoA. The PaaAC subcomplex shows low sequence similarity to other bacterial multicomponent monooxygenases (BMMs) and forms a separate branch on the phylogenetic tree. PaaAC, which catalyzes the hydroxylation reaction, was purified and crystallized in the absence of a bound ligand as well as in complexes with CoA, 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA, benzoyl-CoA and the true substrate phenylacetyl-CoA. Crystals of the ligand-free enzyme belonged to space group P2 1 2 1 2 1 and diffracted to 2.65 Å resolution, whereas complexes with CoA and its derivatives crystallized in space group P4 1 2 1 2 and diffracted to ∼2.0 Å resolution. PaaAC represents the first crystallized BMM hydroxylase that utilizes a CoA-linked substrate

  2. Word of mouth muntligt och via sociala medier : - På vilket sätt påverkar det turisters reseplanering?


    Hugosson, Jennie; Ahlberg, Madeleine


    Vår studie belyser hur informationsspridning både muntligt och via internet kan påverka turisters reseplaneringsprocess. Studien undersöker vilka känslomässiga attityder individer upplever genom word of mouth och electronic word of mouth och hur vida dessa attityder påverkar valet av ett nytt resmål. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur word of mouth kan påverka turisters val av nya resmål. För att möjliggöra detta har vi genomfört intervjuer med respondenter utifrån förutbestämda kriterie...

  3. Webb Couture : En studie om hur modedesign kan inspirera och förändra webbdesignprocessen för att utmana User Experience standarder


    Carlfjord, Adam; Gustavsson, Henrik


    Webbdesign är ett hantverk med potential till oändlig variation och oräkneliga möjligheter, men det är även en process styrd av standarder och förhållningssätt för att optimera resultatet för slutanvändaren. Begrepp så som user experience och framför allt user experience design har i och med utvecklingen blivit allt viktigare aktörer inom webbdesign. Samtidigt som de underlättar i utvecklingsprocessen genom att diktera hur design bör utformas, skapar de inte också då begränsningar av potentia...

  4. Vem leder organisationens narrativ? : En jämförelse mella Kvinnojouren Emblas och Rädda Barnens kommunikation på Facebook


    Pakola Monsen, Rebecca


    Det är inget nytt att undersöka interaktioner på Facebook, dock är det oftast ur privatpersoners synvinkel Facebook undersöks och inte lika ofta ur en organisations synvinkel. Den här studien syftar till att fylla en del av gapet i medie- och kommunikationsforskningen om hur ideella organisationer beter sig på Facebook genom att undersöka den narrativa processen hos två ideella organisationer och hur delaktiga användare är i organisationernas berättelse beroende på organisationens storlek, Kv...

  5. Bör Barnkonventionen bli lag i Sverige? : En komparativrättslig studie om barnets rättigheter i Sverige och Norge.


    Hedman, Wendela


    Abstrakt ”Bör barnkonventionen bli lag i Sverige? – En komparativrätts-lig studie on barnets rättigheter genom barnkonventionen i Sverige & Norge” Uppsatsen diskuterar med en komparativrättslig metodik implementeringen och inkorporering av barnkonventionen i Sverige och Norge. I tre steg ämnar uppsatsen att undersöka huruvida barnkonventionen bör implementeras till fullo och göras till svensk lag på samma sätt som Norge har valt att göra.Uppsatsen fokuserar på FN:s barnrättkommittés yttra...

  6. Bildskapande i relation till genus i förskolans verksamhet : Att skapa sig själv och genus


    Brännlund, Angelika


    Studiens syfte är att bidra till ökad medvetenhet för verksamma inom förskolans område kring frågor som rör pedagogers förhållningssätt kring relationen mellan bildskapande och genus, men även hur dessa förhållningssätt kan påverka barnens möjligheter i deras bildskapande. En viktig fråga som burits med från starten av arbetet och som lyser igenom i resultatdelen har varit: Vilka möjligheter att förhålla sig till bildskapande och genus kan uppstå om ett kritiskt sätt att tänka kring könsstere...

  7. Results of a Pilot-Scale Disinfection Test using Peracetic Acid (PAA) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taylor, Paul Allen [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    The purpose of this report is to present the results of a small pilot-scale test using PAA to disinfect a side stream of the effluent from the ORNL STP. These results provide the basis for requesting approval for full-scale use of PAA at the ORNL STP.

  8. Modellering och analys av grundvattenflödet i en byggnads grundläggning


    Hargelius, Malcolm


    På en fastighet i Luthagen i Uppsala uppfördes en byggnad grundlagd på träpålar år 1936. Under 60-talet uppstod läckage på en spillvattenledning vilket ledde till en kontaminering av sprickvattenakviferen där träpålar är särskilt utsatta för påverkan av bakterie, svamp- och virusangrepp till följd av torrläggning. För att spola bort kontaminerat sprickvatten och för att hålla en jämn sprickvattennivå i akviferen installerades påfyllningsbrunnar på två platser i källaren under huset. Brunnarna...

  9. Lärares yrkesetiska dilemman och den ökande juridifieringen i Sverige

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gunnel Colnerud


    Full Text Available Följande artikel under temat “Etikbølgen i yrkesutdanning og praksis” beskriver och diskuterar etik och juridik i läraryrket med utgångspunkt i det dilemma som lärare själva anser vara ett av de svåraste enligt två svenska empiriska studier – att ingripa mot en kollega som handlar etiskt klandervärt mot elever. Artikeln diskuterar vidare den dygdetiska kritik mot regeletik som förekom vid tillkomsten av de etiska principerna. Vidare pekar den på de problem som följer av att lärarna är föremål för en tilltagande juridifiering. En våg, en bølge, kan beröra endast ytan som en krusning eller vara en djupgående och energirik rörelse. För att använda den aktuella metaforen på mitt studieobjekt skulle jag vilja påstå att diskussionen av lärares yrkesetik och medvetenheten om svenska lärares etiska riktlinjer utvecklades till en våg av endast blygsam storlek. I dagsläget (2014 har den ersatts av en juridisk våg med stor kraft.Nyckelord: etik i läraryrket, etiska dilemman, juridifiering av lärarpraktikenEnglish summary: Teachers’ ethical dilemmas and the juridification of the Swedish schoolIn this article, ethics and law in the teaching profession are described and discussed, starting with the ethical dilemma that teachers point to as the most difficult, according to referred empirical studies – intervention when a colleague acts in an ethically incorrect way towards students. Furthermore the author discusses the critique coming from virtue ethics in relation to ethical principles and shows that even Aristotle suggests ethical principles under certain circumstances. Swedish teachers’ ethical principles had very little time to be achieved before an increasing juridification of teaching took place. This phenomenon is discussed in terms of professional autonomy and professional judgement.

  10. "Vi är inte en tummelplats för dårar" : Hur journalister och ansvariga utgivare resonerar kring och förhåller sig till användargenererat material i lokaltidningar


    Öberg, Therese; Borgström, Johanna


    Sedan 1700-talet har läsarnas medverkan varit en väsentlig del i tidningarnas produktion. Utan deras deltagande har det inte heller blivit någon tidning. En förändring på området skedde när professionaliseringen av publicistrollen blev ett faktum och läsarnas medverkan ifrågasattes. Samhällsförändringar och tekniska utvecklingar har sedan lett fram till det vi har idag: ett samhälle där medieorganisationerna är i allt större behov av att läsarna återigen deltar i olika former. Syftet med stud...

  11. Review of national and international demands on fire protection in nuclear power plants and their application in the Swedish nuclear industry; Oeversikt av nationell och internationell kravbild avseende brandskydd paa kaernkraftverk och hur dessa tillaempas i svensk kaernkraftindustri

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fredholm, Lotta (Tyrens AB, Malmoe (Sweden))


    The aim of this report has been to detect and describe differences between rules regarding fire safety and the interpretation of the rules and make suggestions on how all parties involved are able to develop a harmonized approach to the fire conditions and how fire requirements aspects can be optimized and modernized. International and national laws and requirements for fire protection are compared and analyzed with the content and structure of the USNRCs RG.1189, which is considered the document that has the most complete accounts of the fire requirements both in terms of structure and content. The national laws, rules and guidelines that have been studied are general fire protection rules as well as nuclear specific rules. The studied national rules also includes Safety Analysis Reports (SAR) and Technical Specifications (TS). This study shows that the Swedish SAR and TS are markedly different from each other in how the fire requirements are presented as well as the methodology and level of detail of how they are fulfilled. These differences make it difficult to compare the quality of the fire protection between different sites and it also makes it different to learn from each other. The main reason to the differences are the lack of national guidance of how to fulfil the general requirements. The main conclusion of the screening of national requirements, is that many of the references used in the SAR are not suited for operation at a nuclear plant. The differences are often the purpose, examples of purposes that are not necessarily met by complying with national laws, rules, advices are: - Prevent fire to influence redundant safety equipment in different fire cells. - Prevent fire to influence redundant safety equipment in the same fire cell. - Prevent extensive consequences of fire in cable rooms. - Prevent extensive consequences of fires in oil that are not included in the Swedish regulation for handling highly flammable liquids. The international regulations regarding fire safety at nuclear power plants that have been studied are regulation from USA, Finland, Great Britain, Canada, Germany and the international organisations IAEA and WENRA. The conclusion of this study is that the differences between the regulations mostly are differences in detailed fire safety design. Some differences can not easily be explained by national. Differences and the resulting effect on the overall fire safety is very difficult to evaluate. Regarding how to improve the Swedish regulations regarding fire safety at nuclear power plants there are different possibilities. One is to complement the regulations with acceptable solutions on how to design the fire protection. If this shall be done IAEAs Safety Guides seem to be the easiest of the more detailed fire requirements to adopt to Swedish conditions. Another way of improving the regulation is to give more guidance on how to proof that the rules are fulfilled. In this case the Canadian guidelines may be a good source of ideas and information

  12. Face to Face : Marknadsföring på Facebook - en studie av åsikter från ett inifrån- och utifrånperspektiv.


    Christensson, Annika; Hedborn, Jenny; Källberg, Hanna


    Sociala nätverk, eller så kallade communityn är ett fenomen som fått större betydelse idag och snabbt spridit sig runt om i världen. Communityn Facebook har blivit känd för att den samlar många användare och har en god målgruppskännedom, vilket gör Facebook till en attraktiv marknadsföringsplats som har uppmärksammats av en rad olika företag och organisationer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka möjligheter och begränsningar Facebook har som marknadsföringskanal, samt undersöka s...

  13. Finansiell Bootstrapping i SME : en kvantitativ studie om hur ett starkt socialt och affärsmässigt nätverk påverkar valet av bootstrappingmetoder


    Nilsson, Ida; Sacic, Zehra


    Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är se hur ett starkt socialt och affärsmässigt nätverk påverkar valet av bootstrappingmetoder i små och medelstora företag (SME). Detta eftersom SME står för 99,9 procent av samtliga företag på den svenska marknaden och därmed är betydelsefulla för landets ekonomiska tillväxt och sysselsättning. Däremot möter SME svårigheter vid extern finansiering av sin verksamhet. SME kompenserar detta genom att engagera sig i olika ”bootstrappingaktiviteter”. Bootstrapping...

  14. Expansion av e-handelsverksamhet i detaljhandeln : En studie om utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer


    Steen Lagerstam, Nathalie


    I vårt allt mer digitaliserade samhälle har internet fått en central roll, och har förändrat många aspekter i vårt vardagsliv. Ett av de områden som påverkats starkt av denna utveckling, är den svenska detaljhandelns e-handelsmarknad. De senaste 10 åren har dess omsättning sexdubblats, och prognoser tyder på att denna expansiva trend kommer att hålla i sig. Detta innebär helt nya förutsättningar för de svenska detaljhandelsföretag som tidigare bara bedrivit försäljning i fysiska butiker, elle...

  15. Solcellsparkeringen : En jämförande fallstudie för elbilar och bensinbilar


    Myrén Andersson, Isac; Yttermyr-Sütt, Frans


    Av Sveriges totala växthusgasutsläpp är det i nuläget transportsektorn som står för den största andelen och står för mer än 30 % av alla utsläpp. Med ett ökande fordonsbestånd och ett fortsatt behov av transporter blir lösningar som minskar utsläppen från denna sektor avgörande för Sveriges hållbara utveckling. Eftersom 93 % av Sveriges drygt 4,7 miljoner personbilar drivs av fossila bränslen skulle investeringar i alternativa färdmedel såsom elbilar kunna leda Sverige i rätt riktning. Förfat...

  16. A novel pAA virulence plasmid encoding toxins and two distinct variants of the fimbriae of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jønsson, Rie; Struve, Carsten; Boll, Erik J.


    phylogenetically distinct, strains harboring the major pilin subunits from both AAF/III and AAF/V. Whole-genome and plasmid sequencing revealed that in these six strains the agg3A and agg5A genes were located on a novel pAA plasmid variant. Moreover, the plasmid also encoded several other virulence genes including...... some not previously found on pAA plasmids. Thus, this plasmid endows the host strains with a remarkably high number of EAEC associated virulence genes hereby likely promoting strain pathogenicity....

  17. Låt inte gästen få sista ordet. : En kvalitativ studie om hur tjänsteföretag inom besöksnäringen arbetar och skulle kunna arbeta med Sociala medier, WOM och eWOM


    Braunander, Joacim; Olofsson, Fredrik


    Internet har utvecklats snabbt de senaste åren och med utvecklingen har sociala medier blivit en stor del av Internet. Sociala medier innebär all form av kommunikation som sker på Internet så som exempelvis Tripadvisor, Facebook, Twitter, eller Instagram. Konsumenter som väljer att kommentera upplevelser och produkter på sociala medier ökar. Enligt forskning så litar framtida konsumenter mer på andra konsumenters kommentarer än vad de litar på företagets marknadsföring över deras ...

  18. Hydrologi i Ulleråker : En studie om dagvattenhantering och dess inverkan på grundvatten


    Dahlquist, Josefin; Larsson, Martin; Rickfält, Tea


    Vattenbehovet stiger i världen till följd av ökande befolkning. Med ökad urbaniseringskapas mer hårdgjorda ytor där föreningar ackumuleras. Dagvattnet transporterar dessa föroreningar som således kan nå grundvattnet. Ett miljömål har antagits i Sverigeför att skydda grundvattentäkter och därmed säkra framtida dricksvattenförsörjning. Rullstensåsar innehåller stora grundvattenmagasin och har hög infiltrationsförmåga för vatten från markytan. Uppsala kommun tar 95 % av sitt dricksvatten från ru...

  19. Multifaktormodeller på den svenska marknaden - En studie av OMX Stockholm mellan 1996 och 2014


    Hammarfrid, Peter; Henningsson, Tom


    Bakgrund:CAPM räcker i flera tillfällen inte till för att estimera framtida avkastning. Vissa av prisavvikelsernafrån CAPM är väldokumenterade och har bestått över tid, vilket har lett till uppkomsten avkorrigerande faktorer. En modell som använder sig av två sådana korrigerande faktorer är Fama ochFrenchs tre-faktormodell. Den har testats flertalet gånger på den svenska marknaden där den visat gehögre förklaringsgrader än CAPM. År 2012 samt år 2014 presenterades två nya multifaktormodeller,s...

  20. Brazilian policies and strategies for rural territorial development in Mozambique: South-South cooperation and the case of ProSAVANA and PAA


    Clements, Elizabeth Alice [UNESP


    This thesis analyzes Brazil's present role in South-South development cooperation in Africa, focusing on the implementation and impact of Brazilian policies for rural territorial development in Mozambique. Specifically, two different programs for agricultural development-ProSAVANA and PAA Africa-are examined. ProSAVANA is an ongoing trilateral program run by the governments of Brazil, Japan and Mozambique that aims to modernize agriculture in three provinces in Northern Mozambique. PAA Africa...

  1. Våga vara dig själv : Att förstå och skapa en illusion av ljus med digitala medier


    Persson, Jasmin; Lundbladh, Mia


    Vi omges ständigt av ljus i vår vardag, det finns naturligt ljus samt artificiellt. Även under de grå dagarna finns det ljus och dess närvaro är alltid där även om den inte alltid är som klarast. I detta kandidatarbete beskrivs ljuset ur olika synvinklar, men framförallt hur Rembrandt och impressionisterna i sina konstverk använt ljuset i sitt skapande. För att få en bredare syn på vår process tar vi hjälp av de två begreppen “fluid” och “fire” som kommer från aktör-nätver...

  2. o PAA e o PNPB

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dinalva Donizete Ribeiro


    Full Text Available The public policy for Family Agriculture, as a strategy of capitalist development in Brazilian countryside promotes tensions and conflicts to the families that make use of them. This policy is based on programs, actions and strategies that aim to insert the families in the production process, making them suitable to the market system. At the same time it denies the peasant rationality, it hides structural issues of the field, such as the need for land reform, exploitation and expropriation of the wealth and conflicts (reexistents. In order to handle and analyze such issues, highlighting the conflicts surrounding the relation between public policy and peasant families, it was analyzed the processes of implementation of the Production and Use of Biodiesel National Program (PNPB and the Acquisition of Food from Familiar Agriculture Program (PAA, in rural settlements in Jataí and Perolândia, in the Southwest area of Goiás. The data presented and discussed make up a larger research bounded to the Graduation Program in Geography from Goiás Federal University, Campus Jataí, since 2010.

  3. Employer branding på Q-Med : En fallstudie i hur företagsspecifika värden förmedlas till potentiella och befintliga medarbetare


    Nilsson, Stina; Ljungmark, Erik


    Sammanfattning "Employer branding på Q-Med – En fallstudie i hur företagsspecifika värden förmedlas till potentiella och befintliga medarbetare" Datum: 19 januari, 2011 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 ECTS Institution: Akademin för hållbar samhälls‐ och teknikutveckling, HST, Mälardalens Högskola Författare: Erik Ljungmark 29 januari 1980, Stina Nilsson 25 april 1983 Titel: Employer branding på Q-Med – En fallstudie i hur företagsspecifika värden förmedlas till potentiella och...

  4. Feminismens skilda erfarenheter : Problematiken att kombinera islam och feminism för muslimska kvinnor i Sverige


    Malmberg, Erik


    Till följd av att en muslimsk kvinna misshandlades i en förort till Stockholm på grund av att hon bar slöja, genomfördes den politiska manifestationen Hijabuppropet. Denna manifestation resulterade i att kvinnor uppmanades att beslöja sig i syfte att visa solidaritet för den misshandlade kvinnan, och muslimska kvinnor som en marginaliserad samhällsgrupp. Agerandet möttes med en stark kritik från bland annat den svenska kvinnorörelsen som menade att slöjan är anti-feministisk och representerar...

  5. Reduktion av slöseri inom den spanska ölindustrin : – en studie av åtgärder och metoder i spåren av krisen


    Carlström, Carl


    Den rådande eurokrisen har påverkat det spanska samhället och den spanska ölindustrin negativt. Industrin står inför utmaningar vad gäller minskad försäljning och förändrade kundpreferenser. I tider då intäkterna och försäljningen minskar finns det många sätt att öka sina marginaler. Ett av detta sätt är att börja arbeta med resurseffektivitet och att se till att slöseriet av de resurser man har minskar. De frågor studien besvarar är hur bryggeriindustrin i Spanien har arbetat för att minska ...

  6. Madalam veohind jääb Eestis veel unistuseks / Kadri Paas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paas, Kadri, 1982-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 1. okt. lk. 22. Vedajad sõltuvad Eesti kütusemüüjate diktaadist, mistõttu kütusehinnad ei ole siin samas tempos vähenenud. Vt. samas: Nafta nõudlus kuivab kokku; Kadrin Kärner, Kadri Paas. Jaan Lepp: kütusehindade tõus on firmadele jätnud kustumatu jälje; Diagramm: Nafta ja bensiini hind jätkuvas languses. Küsimusele vastab Ilo Rannu

  7. She’s the Boss – HR och kvinnligt chefskap : Hur Human Resources kan arbeta för att främja kvinnorschefskarriärer


    Linderfyhr, Jessica; Malm, Mikaela


    Enligt undersökningar som chefsorganisationen Ledarna publicerar årligen finns det en återkommande problematik med att rekrytera unga kvinnor till chefspositioner. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka vad som kan inverka på kvinnors vilja att söka en chefstjänst och att utforma en HR strategi som främjar och motiverar kvinnor att söka chefstjänster. Unga kvinnor kan känna tvekan inför chefskap på grund av känslan av bristande erfarenhet och svårighet med att identifiera sig med den ster...

  8. Det gränslösa arbetslivets genomtränglighet i Spotify-rekryterarnas sfärer : hur flexibilitet och tillgänglighet påverkar work-life balance


    Andersson, Emelie; Hallgren, Malin


    Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med en förståelse för hur rekryterare upplever och hanterar flexibilitet, tillgänglighet och work-life balance i en multinationell och expanderande organisation präglad av det gränslösa arbetslivet. Denna förståelse är betydelsefull då det gränslösa arbetslivet innebär ett stort eget ansvar för individen, vilket skapar en utmaning för individen själv att måna om sin work-life balance och upprätthållandet av ett långsiktigt välmående. För att uppfylla studi...

  9. Livsbalans i det nya arbetslivet : En kvantitativ studie om chefer och övriga anställda


    Eltell, Maria; Nordin, Matilda


    Syfte: Det nya arbetslivet har inneburit en rad förändringar för den lönearbetande populationen i Sverige, gällande allt ifrån tid, rum och tillgänglighet i de alltmer flexibla arbetsvillkoren. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka ett antal faktorer i det nya arbetslivet som kan ha inverkan på den lönearbetande populationens livsbalans. Studien undersöker också om det finns skillnader mellan chefers och övriga anställdas livsbalans samt även om chefens nivå i hierarkin påverkar liv...

  10. Landbaserade godstransporter, klimat och styrmedel : underlagsrapporter 1-10


    Carlén, Björn; Hultkrantz, Lars; Liu, Xing; Lunander, Anders; Mandell, Svante; Mellin, Anna; Nilsson, Jan-Eric; Pyddoke, Roger; Sorkina, Edith; Vierth, Inge


    VTI notat 28-2014 innehåller de tio underlagsrapporter som ligger till grund för VTI rapport 831: ”Landbaserade godstransporter, klimat och styrmedel – Sammanfattande rapport”. I VTI rapport 831 diskuterar forskarna flera dimensioner av hur växthusgaserna från godstransportsektorn ska kunna minskas, till exempel med hjälp av så kallade Gröna korridorer. Vidare diskuteras hur man ska se på de klimatpolitiska konsekvenserna av överflyttning från väg till järnväg eller elektrifierade fordon på v...

  11. Importprocessen för inrednings- och gåvoartiklar från USA till Finland : En handbok för företagaren


    Smeds, Desiré; Backlund, Johanna


    Det här examensarbetet handlar om import från USA med fokus på inrednings- och gåvoartiklar. I arbetet lyfter vi steg för steg fram de delar som utgör importprocessen hela vägen från hur man hittar en pålitlig leverantör till förtullningen av produkterna här i Finland. Syftet med arbetet är att det skall kunna fungera som en handbok för företag som vill starta en småskalig importverksamhet av inrednings- och gåvoartiklar. Vi tar även upp information om import och internationell handel i a...

  12. Att arbeta i restaurangbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om arbetstagares upplevelser av psykosocial arbetsmiljö och stress


    Sauer, Emma


    En utgångspunkt för arbetslivet bör vara att skapa en arbetsmiljö som ger individer förutsättningar att ingå, kvarstå och utvecklas i arbetet. Arbetsmiljön är betydande för både individers hälsa och verksamheters utveckling samt förutsättningar för tillväxt. Arbetsplatsen betonas därmed vara en betydande arena för förebyggande insatser. Det är arbetsgivaren som har huvudsakligt ansvar för arbetsmiljön. Ingen arbetstagare ska riskera att skadas eller drabbas av ohälsa i arbetet. Syftet med stu...

  13. Riskuppfattningar om preventivmedel för män och kvinnor : altruism, riskbenägenhet och traditionella könsroller


    Nilsson Gauffin, Rebecka


    Preventivmedel för kvinnor innefattar en betydande andel biverkningar. Hittills har män inte upplevt några allvarliga biverkningar av de testade preventivmedlen för män, trots detta är det biverkningarna som stoppat preventivmedel för män från att lanseras på marknaden. I denna studie argumenteras för att en möjlig förklaring till detta ligger i skilda riskuppfattningar om preventivmedel för män och kvinnor. Studien undersöker riskuppfattningar om preventivmedel samt hur individers egenskaper...

  14. Interkulturell kommunikation i en kinesisk kontext : En undersökning av svenska och kinesiska företagsrepresentanters upplevelser av det interkulturella mötet. Ett teoretiskt perspektiv på en praktisk utmaning.


    Hjalmarsson, Ida


    Jag har genom en förberedande fältstudie, litteraturgenomgång och enkätintervjuer undersökt svenska och kinesiska företagsrepresentanters upplevelser av det interkulturella mötet, med utgångspunkt i svenska företag som opererar på den kinesiska marknaden. Det var uppsatsens syfte och jag har utgått ifrån frågeställningen: Hur upplever svenska och kinesiska företagsrepresentanter det interkulturella mötet? Subfrågor till denna är: Vilka kulturella faktorer skapar det kinesiska sättet att kommu...

  15. Vem vill betala för musik? : En studie om populariteten av digitala musiktjänster och illegal fildelning bland Generation Y i en svenskspråkig yrkeshögskola


    Hjort, Ted


    Generation Y skiljer sig mycket från tidigare generationer enligt många forskare och inte minst då när det gäller konsumtionsbeteende och värderingar. Till Generation Y tillhör de personer som är födda från åttiotalets början till mitten av nittiotalet. Under de senaste tio åren har sättet vi konsumerar musik ändrat mycket drastiskt. Genom internet och digitaliseringen av musiken har de flesta och inte minst Generation Y gått över från att köpa Cd-skivor i butiken till att ladda ner, båd...

  16. Ginsenoside 25-OCH3-PPD promotes activity of LXRs to ameliorate P2X7R-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome in the development of hepatic fibrosis. (United States)

    Han, Xin; Song, Jian; Lian, Li-Hua; Yao, You-Li; Shao, Dan-Yang; Fan, Ying; Hou, Li-Shuang; Wang, Ge; Zheng, Shuang; Wu, Yan-Ling; Nan, Ji-Xing


    Ginseng is widely used in energy drinks, dietary supplements and herbal medicines, and its pharmacological actions are related with energy metabolism. As an important modulating energy metabolism pathway, liver X receptors (LXRs) can promote the resolving of hepatic fibrosis and inflammation. The present study aims to evaluate the regulation of 25-OCH3-PPD, a ginsenoside isolated from Panax ginseng, against hepatic fibrosis and inflammation in thioacetamide (TAA)-stimulated mice by activating LXRs pathway. 25-OCH3-PPD decreases serum ALT/AST levels and improves the histological pathology of liver in TAA-induced mice; attenuates transcripts of pro-fibrogenic markers associated with hepatic stellate cell activation; attenuates the levels of pro-Inflammatory cytokines and blocks apoptosis happened in liver; inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome by affecting P2X7R activation; regulates PI3K/Akt and LKB1/AMPK-SIRT1. 25-OCH3-PPD also facilitates LX25Rs and FXR activities decreased by TAA stimulation. 25-OCH3-PPD also decreases α-SMA via regulation of LXRs and P2X7R-NLRP3 in vitro. Our data suggest the possibility that 25-OCH3-PPD promotes activity of LXRs to ameliorate P2X7R-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome in the development of hepatic fibrosis.

  17. Sambandet mellan Theory of Mind, språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner hos barn i treårsåldern


    Nilsson, Anna; Sirén, Ellen


    Barns fem första levnadsår präglas av en omfattande utveckling av språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner, vilka är färdigheter som visat sig ha en stor påverkan på hur barn utvecklar förståelse för sina egna och andras tankar, det vill säga deras Theory of Mind. En central aspekt inom forskning har varit att undersöka hur förmågorna samvarierar vid olika åldrar. Syftet i föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan Theory of Mind, språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner hos...

  18. Låt medborgarna skapa staden : Om tactical urbanism och idéburen stadsförbättring samt medborgarnas rätt till staden


    Bretz, Martin


    I skapandet av staden har människan möjlighet att göra om sig själv och förverkliga sitt hjärtas önskan. Hur och för vem staden ska utformas för är troligtvis en diskussion vilken kommer att finnas lika länge som staden i sig. Genom historien har privat ägande och andra samhälleliga former av dominans kontrollerat dess rum, vilket ofta resulterat i olika former av proteströrelser.   Tactical urbanism har i flertalet städer världen över blivit en populär metod för att förbättra livskvaliteten ...

  19. Från tonåring till toppbloggare : En kvalitativ fallstudie om självpresentation och det personliga varumärket kommunicerat genom en blogg


    Laricchia, Daniela


    Sammanfattning Detta är en fallstudie över en Sveriges mest välkända och framgångsrika bloggar –, driven av Kenza Zouiten. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur man via självpresentation genom en blogg kan bygga upp och skapa sig ett starkt personligt varumärke. De frågeställningar studien utgick ifrån var hur Kenza Zouiten väljer att framställa sig själv som person i skriven text och i bilder, samt huruvida det finns några skillnader i hur hon väljer att framställa sig själ...

  20. En undersökning av Norwegians kriskommunikation under flygstrejken 2015. : En textanalys av Facebookinlägg och pressmeddelanden.


    Emma, Mickelsson


    Numera lever vi i ett krissamhälle där vi nästan varje dag nås av budskap från olika typer av kriser. När en organisation drabbas av en kris är det viktigt att tänka på vilken kommunikation man använder för att nå ut med sitt budskap. Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur en organisation använder sig av olika försvarsstrategier och retoriska appeller i sin kriskommunikation. Organisationen som valdes ut var flygbolaget Norwegian och deras hantering av den 11 dagar långa flygs...

  1. Ripsteg mot spetskunskap i samisk matematik:lärares perspektiv på transformeringsaktiviteter i samisk förskola och sameskola


    Jannok-Nutti, Ylva


    Syftet med föreliggande avhandling är att utifrån lärarperspektiv beskriva, analysera och försöka förstå transformering av utbildning i matematik så att ett samiskt perspektiv blir utgångspunkt för utbildningen. Avhandlingen genomfördes såsom ett aktionsforskningsprojekt med fokus på lärares perspektiv avseende transformering och genomförande av transformeringsaktiviteter i matematik. Teoretiska utgångspunkter togs utifrån Smiths teori om urfolksperspektiv, Banks teori för integrering av mult...

  2. Att lära sig se trådraken – om tvekan och fokusförskjutning på väg mot förändrat kunnande

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    Marléne Johansson


    Full Text Available Utgångspunkten i denna artikel är empiriskt förankrade exempel från textilslöjdspraktiker i den svenska skolan; grundskolans slöjdundervisning årskurs 8 och ett specialutformat program inom gymnasieskolan med textil inriktning i årskurserna 1 och 3. Artikelns videoutdrag handlar alla om principiellt samma handling – trådrak mönsterutläggning på tyg – men, dels finns det två olika inramningar (grundskolan och gymnasieskolan, och dels exemplifierar de olika skeden av kunnande. Syftet är att beskriva skillnader i kunnande och vad som framstår som svårt för elever med liten eller ingen erfarenhet av att lägga ut mönster på ett tyg inför tillklippning och hur kunnandet förändras med ökande erfarenhet, liksom vilka nya svårigheter som följer med att elever arbetar med mönster av ökande komplexitet. Det som vid en första blick kan framstå som samma handling utvecklas över tid från något som framstår som enkel handling till att utvecklas i komplexitet. I de tvekan-situationer som beskriv finns potential för ett förändrat deltagande, där förändringen idealt är ett mer kompetent deltagande där ingen tvekan förekommer. Med ökad förtrogenhet kan uppmärksamheten förflyttas till något annat. Det vi är förtrogna med blir till rutiner och därmed behövs det en avvikelse för att fånga uppmärksamheten. I avvikelsen ligger möjligheterna till fortsatt lärande. Artikelns empiriska exempel synliggör dessa skillnader i kunnande som annars oreflekterat kan uppfattas som lika. Eleverna bygger in kunskap i sina handlingar, fokus flyttar från att inte veta vad man tittar på till självklarheten i handlingen. Eleverna lär sig se och urskilja.

  3. Arbetet med arbetsgivarvarumärkets attraktivitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie i tre företag om hur arbetet med "Employer branding" ser ut och implementeras i företag.


    Drugge, Marie; Bernelind, Diana


    Arbetet med att stärka ett arbetsgivarvarumärkes attraktivitet, både internt och externt, det alltmer välbekanta begreppet “Employer branding”, är ett vanligt förekommande koncept i dagens organisationer. Syftet med studien är att försöka ta reda på vad fenomenet “Employer branding” är och hur organisationer kan bedriva arbetet med att göra sitt arbetsgivarvarumärket attraktiv på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Tieto, COWI och Klarna AB är de företag som deltar i studien. Begreppen legitimitet o...

  4. Vad behöver eleverna undervisning i för att utveckla sitt skrivande? Förväntningsnormer och didaktiska beslut i svensklärares bedömningssamtal

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    Per Blomqvist


    Full Text Available I studien samtalar tre lärargrupper om elevers skrivande och skrivundervisning i ämnet svenska på gymnasiet. Det teoretiska perspektiv som läggs på dessa samtal är didaktiskt och inriktas på hur lärare formulerar och använder bedömningsinformation om elevers skrivande för beslut om skrivundervisningens innehåll. Resultatet visar att lärares bedömningar av elevers skrivande behandlar fler och delvis andra aspekter av skrivförmåga än vad deras didaktiska beslut sedan omfattar. De kvalitetsuppfattningar och förväntningsnormer som lärarna uttrycker i sina bedömningar av elevers skrivande inriktas huvudsakligen på texters kommunikativa kvaliteter, den stilistiska utformningen och textuppbyggnaden, följt av ämnesinnehåll och källanvändning. De didaktiska beslut som fattas utifrån bedömningen av elevers texter inriktas däremot i stort sett enbart på att eleverna behöver skrivundervisning i att disponera text och att använda källor. Detta gör att överensstämmelsen är låg mellan lärarnas beslut om skrivundervisningens inriktning och deras förväntningar på vad eleverna ska kunna. De didaktiska besluten omfattar i begränsad utsträckning den bedömningsinformation som lärarna själva har formulerat.Nyckelord: Skrivbedömning, kvalitetsuppfattningar, förväntningsnormer, didaktiska beslut, formativ bedömning, svenskämnets didaktik, svenska på gymnasietAbstractThis article presents an analysis of teacher group discussions about students’ writing in the subject of Swedish in upper secondary school. The study adopts a pedagogical perspective on these discussions and focuses on examining teachers’ expressed assessment criteria and relating them to their pedagogical decision-making. The results reveal that the teachers’ assessments of students’ writing focus on much more, and partly other, criteria than their pedagogical decisions. The quality standards that teachers express in the discussions about

  5. Co-existence of COPD and bronchiectasis: a risk factor for a high ratio of main pulmonary artery to aorta diameter (PA:A from computed tomography in COPD patients

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    Dou S


    Full Text Available Shuang Dou,1 Chunyan Zheng,1 Xiuli Ji,2 Wei Wang,1 Mengshuang Xie,1 Liwei Cui,1 Wei Xiao1 1Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan, People’s Republic of China; 2Department of Pulmonary Disease, Jinan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Jinan, People’s Republic of China Background: Pulmonary vascular disease, especially pulmonary hypertension, is an important complication of COPD. Bronchiectasis is considered not only a comorbidity of COPD, but also a risk factor for vascular diseases. The main pulmonary artery to aorta diameter ratio (PA:A ratio has been found to be a reliable indicator of pulmonary vascular disease. It is hypothesized that the co-existence of COPD and bronchiectasis may be associated with relative pulmonary artery enlargement (PA:A ratio >1.Methods: This retrospective study enrolled COPD patients from 2012 through 2016. Demographic and clinical data were collected. Bhalla score was used to determine the severity of bronchiectasis. Patient characteristics were analyzed in two ways: the high (PA:A >1 and low (PA:A ≤1 ratio groups; and COPD with and without bronchiectasis groups. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess risk factors for high PA:A ratios.Results: In this study, 480 COPD patients were included, of whom 168 had radiographic bronchiectasis. Patients with pulmonary artery enlargement presented with poorer nutrition (albumin, 35.6±5.1 vs 38.3±4.9, P<0.001, lower oxygen partial pressure (74.4±34.5 vs 81.3±25.4, P<0.001, more severe airflow obstruction (FEV1.0, 0.9±0.5 vs 1.1±0.6, P=0.004, and a higher frequency of bronchiectasis (60% vs 28.8%, P<0.001 than patients in the low ratio group. Patients with both COPD and bronchiectasis had higher levels of systemic inflammation (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, P<0.001 and fibrinogen, P=0.006 and PA:A ratios (P<0.001. A higher PA:A ratio was significantly closely correlated with a higher Bhalla score (r=0.412, P<0

  6. Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN and peroxyacetic acid (PAA measurements by iodide chemical ionisation mass spectrometry: first analysis of results in the boreal forest and implications for the measurement of PAN fluxes

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    G. J. Phillips


    Full Text Available We describe measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate (CH3C(OO2NO2, PAN and peroxyacetic acid (CH3C(OOOH, PAA in the Boreal forest using iodide chemical ionization mass spectrometry (ICIMS. The measurements were made during the Hyytiälä United Measurement of Photochemistry and Particles – Comprehensive Organic Particle and Environmental Chemistry (HUMPPA-COPEC-2010 measurement intensive. Mixing ratios of PAN and PAA were determined by measuring the acetate ion signal (CH3C(OO, m/z = 59 resulting from reaction of CH3C(OO2 (from the thermal dissociation of PAN or CH3C(OOOH with iodide ions using alternatively heated and ambient temperature inlet lines. During some periods of high temperature (~ 30 °C and low NOx (< 1 ppbv, PAA mixing ratios were similar to, or exceeded those of PAN and thus contributed a significant fraction of the total acetate signal. PAA is thus a potential interference for ICIMS measurements of PAN, and especially eddy covariance flux measurements in environments where the PAA flux is likely to be a significant proportion of the (short timescale acetate ion variability. Within the range of mixing ratios of NOx measured during HUMPPA-COPEC, the modelled ratio of PAA-to-PAN was found to be sensitive to temperature (through the thermal decomposition rate of PAN and the HO2 mixing ratio, thus providing some constraint to estimates of photochemical activity and oxidation rates in the Boreal environment.

  7. Antitumor activity of ginseng sapogenins, 25-OH-PPD and 25-OCH3-PPD, on gastric cancer cells. (United States)

    Zhao, Chen; Su, Guangyue; Wang, Xude; Zhang, Xiaoshu; Guo, Shuang; Zhao, Yuqing


    25-Hydroxyprotopanaxadiol (25-OH-PPD) and 25-methoxylprotopanaxadiol (25-OCH3-PPD), two ginseng sapogenins, have potent antitumor activity and their effects on gastric cancer (BGC-823, SGC-7901, MKN-28) cells and a gastric mucosa (GES-1) cell line are reported. Both compounds significantly inhibited the growth of gastric cancer cells, while having lesser inhibitory effects on GES-1 cells by MTT assay. A mechanistic study revealed that the two ginseng sapogenins could induce apoptosis in BGC-823 cells by morphological observation, DNA fragmentation, flow cytometry and western blot analysis. Besides, the apoptosis was inhibited by Ac-DEVD-CHO, a caspase 3 inhibitor, which was confirmed by cell viability analysis. These results indicate that 25-OH-PPD and 25-OCH3-PPD have potential to be promising agents for the treatment of gastric cancer.

  8. Dömda att leva i skuggan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hälsan hos personer med albinism i Rwanda, utifrån begreppen diskriminering, coping och socialt stöd


    Niyonkuru, Elsie Diane


    Bakgrund: Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) är en ärftlig sjukdom som fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt påverkar de drabbade individerna. Okunskap, fördomar och myter om albinism utgör de största orsakerna till den diskriminering som personer med albinism utsatts för särskilt i vissa länder i Afrika söder om Sahara. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva hälsan hos personer med albinism i Rwanda, utifrån begreppen diskriminering, coping och socialt stöd. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats ligger t...

  9. Den inre och yttre självkänslans betydelse för tendensen att bruka self-handicapping


    Ottosson, Olivia


    Självkänsla är något vi ständigt bär med oss och den inverkar på vårt agerande samt våra val i livet. Johnson (2003) delar in självkänslan i två delar den inre och yttre, vilka kan kombineras till fyra personligheter. Forskning har visat att självkänslan samvarierar med tendensen till att bruka self-handicapping. Self-handicapping innebär att människan skapar hinder för sig själv påhittade eller verkliga. Etthundrasju studenter fyllde i en enkät bestående av 58 påståenden, vilken mätte inre, ...

  10. Isolation, structural determination, and evaluation of the biological activity of 20(S)-25-methoxyl-dammarane-3beta, 12beta, 20-triol [20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD], a novel natural product from Panax notoginseng. (United States)

    Zhao, Y; Wang, W; Han, L; Rayburn, E R; Hill, D L; Wang, H; Zhang, R


    Ginseng has been used extensively for medicinal purposes, with suggested utility for indications as diverse as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Herein we report the discovery and characterization of 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD, a ginsenoside that inhibits growth and survival of cancer cells. The novel dammarane triterpene sapogenin (C31H56O4; molecular weight 492) was isolated from the total hydrolyzed saponins extracted from the leaves of Panax notoginseng using conventional and reverse-phase silica gel chromatography. Based on physicochemical characteristics and NMR data, the compound was identified as 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD. The biological activities of 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD and its known analogs, 20(S)-PPD and Rg3, were evaluated in 12 human cancer cell lines. In all cell lines, the order of cytotoxicity of the test compounds was 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD > 20(S)-PPD > Rg3. 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD also induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase, and inhibited proliferation in breast cancer cell lines, demonstrating its potent biological effects. In regard to cytotoxicity, the IC50 values of 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD for most cell lines were in the lower microM range, a 5-15-fold greater cytotoxicity relative to 20(S)-PPD and a 10-100-fold increase over Rg3. These findings suggest a structure-activity relationship among dammarane-type sapogenins. The data presented here may provide a basis for the future development of 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD as a novel anti-cancer agent.

  11. Disproportionation and thermochemical sulfate reduction reactions in S-H20-Ch4 and S-D2O-CH4 systems from 200 to 340 °C at elevated pressures (United States)

    Yuan, Shunda; Chou, I-Ming; Burruss, Robert A.


    Elemental sulfur, as a transient intermediate compound, by-product, or catalyst, plays significant roles in thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) reactions. However, the mechanisms of the reactions in S-H2O-hydrocarbons systems are not clear. To improve our understanding of reaction mechanisms, we conducted a series of experiments between 200 and 340 °C for S-H2O-CH4, S-D2O-CH4, and S-CH4-1m ZnBr2 systems in fused silica capillary capsules (FSCC). After a heating period ranging from 24 to 2160 hours (hrs), the quenched samples were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. Combined with the in situ Raman spectra collected at high temperatures and pressures in the S-H2O and S-H2O-CH4 systems, our results showed that (1) the disproportionation of sulfur in the S-H2O-CH4 system occurred at temperatures above 200 °C and produced H2S, SO42-, and possibly trace amount of HSO4-; (2) sulfate (and bisulfate), in the presence of sulfur, can be reduced by methane between 250 and 340 °C to produce CO2 and H2S, and these TSR temperatures are much closer to those of the natural system (2O-CH4 system may take place simultaneously, with TSR being favored at higher temperatures; and (4) in the system S-D2O-CH4, both TSR and the competitive disproportionation reactions occurred simultaneously at temperatures above 300 °C, but these reactions were very slow at lower temperatures. Our observation of methane reaction at 250 °C in a laboratory time scale suggests that, in a geologic time scale, methane may be destroyed by TSR reactions at temperatures > 200 °C that can be reached by deep drilling for hydrocarbon resources.

  12. Är vi överens om det? Samspel och samstämmighet i svensklärares bedömningssamtal om gymnasieelevers skrivande

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    Per Blomqvist


    Full Text Available Artikeln beskriver svensklärares interaktion och samstämmighet i samtal om summativ bedömning av gymnasieelevers skrivande. I ett dialogiskt perspektiv (Linell, 2011 undersöks interaktionella mönster avseende dominans, dynamik och koherens i tre svensklärargruppers bedömningssamtal. Dessa interaktionella mönster ställs i relation till uttryck för samstämmighet inom och mellan lärargrupperna. Resultatet visar att lärarna uttrycker hög grad av samstämmighet i bedömningssamtalen men att de bedömningar som lärarna gör enskilt i anslutning till samtalen enbart till viss del överensstämmer med gruppens beslut. Lägst grad av samstämmighet uppvisar den lärargrupp som i samtalen framstod som mest samstämmig. Där kännetecknas beslutsprocesserna av låg intensitet genom att få alternativ till bedömningar prövas. I de lärargrupper där intensiteten är högre genom att flera lärare styr samtalet i olika riktningar och där lärarna tillsammans prövar flera olika förslag på bedömning överensstämmer även enskilda lärares bedömningar i högre grad med gruppens beslut. Bedömningsöverensstämmelsen mellan lärargrupperna är däremot låg.

  13. Planering och genomförandet av en leende-kampanj för de anställda på Esbo IKEA


    Hietanen, Laura


    Kundservice är viktigt för ett företags framgång och därför bör de investera i det. Då kundernas upplevelser överrensstämmer med de förväntningar de haft för företaget kommer de mer sannolikt att komma tillbaka och berätta om upplevelserna till personer i sin omgivning. De anställda har en avgörande roll i detta sammanhang. De kan med sitt agerande inverka både positivt samt negativt på synen på kundservicenivån i företaget. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att planera samt genomföra en leen...

  14. [Minna Ahokas. Valistus suomalaisessa kirjakulttuurissa 1700-luvulla. Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk 188] / Tuija Laine

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laine, Tuija, 1964-


    Arvustus: Minna Ahokas. Valistus suomalaisessa kirjakulttuurissa 1700-luvulla. Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk 188. Diss. Sasatamala : Finska Vetenskaps-societeten. (Suomen Tiedeseura, 2011)

  15. Technology and costs for decommissioning Swedish nuclear power plants; Teknik och kostnader foer rivning av svenska kaernkraftverk

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hedin, Gunnar; Gustavsson, Boerje [Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB, Vaesteraas (Sweden); Carlsson, Jan [Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co., Stockholm (Sweden)


    SKB has already performed three studies on available technology and approximate costs for decommissioning Swedish NPPs (years 1986, 1994 and 2000). The present report is an update of the year 2000 report with emphasis on areas that have been studied since the publication of that report. The report also gives a review of the technologies that have been chosen for decommissioning the Swedish reactors. The cost-estimation has also been updated and indexed to the present monetary situation. Areas in need for further studies are pointed in the report.

  16. The Influence of Lyophilized EmuGel Silica Microspheres on the Physicomechanical Properties, In Vitro Bioactivity and Biodegradation of a Novel Ciprofloxacin-Loaded PCL/PAA Scaffold

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    Mostafa Mabrouk


    Full Text Available A new composite poly(caprolactone (PCL and poly(acrylic acid (PAA (PCL:PAA 1:5 scaffold was synthesized via dispersion of PCL particles into a PAA network. Silica microspheres (Si (2–12 μm were then prepared by a lyophilized micro-emulsion/sol-gel (Emugel system using varying weight ratios. The model drug ciprofloxacin (CFX was used for in situ incorporation into the scaffold. The physicochemical and thermal integrity, morphology and porosity of the system was analyzed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD, Attenuated Total Refelctance Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC, SEM, surface area analysis and liquid displacement, respectively. The mechanical properties of the scaffold were measured by textural analysis and in vitro bioactivity, biodegradation and pH variations were evaluated by XRD, FTIR and SEM after immersion in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF. The in vitro and in vivo studies of the prepared scaffold were considered as future aspects for this study. CFX release was determined in phosphate buffer saline (PBS (pH 7.4; 37 °C. The incorporation of the Si microspheres and CFX into the scaffold was confirmed by XRD, FTIR, DSC and SEM, and the scaffold microstructure was dependent on the concentration of Si microspheres and the presence of CFX. The system displayed enhanced mechanical properties (4.5–14.73 MPa, in vitro bioactivity, biodegradation and controlled CFX release. Therefore, the PCL/PAA scaffolds loaded with Si microspheres and CFX with a porosity of up to 87% may be promising for bone tissue engineering.

  17. Toroidal cores of Mn{sub x}Co{sub 1−x}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/PAA nanocomposites with potential applications in antennas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alcalá, Olgi [Laboratorio de Física de la Materia Condensada, Centro de Física, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Apartado 20632, Caracas, 1020-A (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); Briceño, Sarah [Laboratorio de Materiales, Centro de Ingenieria de Materiales y Nanotecnología, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Apartado 20632, Caracas, 1020-A (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); Brämer-Escamilla, Werner [Laboratorio de Física de la Materia Condensada, Centro de Física, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Apartado 20632, Caracas, 1020-A (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); Silva, Pedro, E-mail: [Laboratorio de Física de la Materia Condensada, Centro de Física, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Apartado 20632, Caracas, 1020-A (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)


    In this work, we study the electrical response of toroidal coils with cores of mixed ferrites magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) embedded in a polyacrylamide matrix (Mn{sub x}Co{sub 1−x}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/PAA, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1). The MNPs were synthesized by thermal decomposition of molecular precursors and Mn{sub x}Co{sub 1−x}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/PAA toroidal cores were constructed by using the method of copolymerization of MNPs with acrylamide and bis-acrylamide. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) patterns of MNPs correspond to the cubic spinel phase. The MNPs average size obtained by using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) ranges from 6 to 12 nm. In order to compare our results we measure the characteristics of a commercial toroidal coil and we found that the impedance curves show a resonance peak for each configuration (commercial and Laboratory-made coils) around 75 MHz; the signal intensity of the Laboratory-made coil increases by one order of magnitude with respect to the commercial coil. We found that both, magnetic and electrical measurements, are related to the manganese concentration. The advantage of the designed Mn{sub x}Co{sub 1−x}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/PAA toroidal coils system lies in the fact that versatile combinations of Mn{sup 2+} and Co{sup 2+} components can bring facile tuning of the electrical and magnetic properties to optimize the impedance of the coils. - Highlights: • We prepare Mn{sub x}Co{sub 1−x}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanoparticles (MNPs) using a thermal decomposition method. • Mn{sub x}Co{sub 1−x}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/PAA nanocomposite were prepared embedding the MNPs in a Polyacrylamide matrix. • Toroidal coils with cores of the Mn{sub x}Co{sub 1−x}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4}/PAA nanocomposite were prepared. • We Compare Impedance measurements in our cores with that of a commercial core T50. • The intensity peak around 75 MHz was one order of magnitude greater in our cores.

  18. Hur reagerar läsarna på sponsrade inlägg publicerade på Isabella Löwengrips blogg? : En teoriprövande studie av Stuart Halls teori om inkodning och avkodning.


    Lorentzon, Karin; Gustafsson, Victor


    Denna studie handlar om hur ett sponsrat blogginlägg av en influencer inkodas och hur läsarna i kommentarerna avkodar meddelandet och reagerar på inlägget. Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för hur läsare avkodar sponsrade blogginlägg. Vi antog innan genomförandet att fler skulle avkoda meddelandena på ett sätt som skulle vara mer kritiskt gentemot samarbetet, därför har det gjorts en teoriprövande studie av Stuart Halls teori om inkodning och avkodning. För uppnå vårt syfte har vi använt...

  19. Självkänsla hos daghemsbarn : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur barnträdgårdslärare bekräftar och stärker barnets självkänsla på daghem


    Fant, Sofia


    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på hur en barnträdgårdslärare kan stärka och bekräfta barnets självkänsla på daghem. Vilken syn och uppfattning finns det om självkänslan på daghem och hur kan man stödja barnen på bästa sätt när det gäller självkänslan? I detta examensarbete har jag genom litteratur tagit fram vad självkänsla är, men även olika definitioner kring självkänslan och hur miljön runt om kan påverka självkänslan hos barnet. I intervjuerna som blev gjorda framkom ...

  20. Luhmanns masmedieteori och Internet som ett artificiellt intelligent semiotiskt system Luhmanns massmedieteori och Internet som ett artificiellt intelligent semiotiskt system [Luhmann’s mass-media theory and Internet as an artificial intelligent semiotic system

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    Peter Kåhre


    Full Text Available Artikeln diskuterar hur en modern form av AI-programmering, som kallas Konnektionism i en design som kallas Distribuerad AI (DAI, påverkar den uppfattning Luhmann har om massmediernas roll för den andra ordningens observationer. DAI använder noder för att skapa aktivitet i systemen och inte de koder som styr processerna i den klassiska eller symboliska formen av AI. Luhmanns teori kan utvecklas genom att ersätta systemens koder med noder som förändras beroende på i vilken relation de står till andra noder. På så sätt kan kommunikationsbegreppet utvecklas så att det också omfattar systemens interaktioner med omvärlden. Det skapar en bättre förutsättning för att observationsmöjligheter direkt uppstår genom systemens relationer till omvärlden. Internet och AI-programmerade söksystem och robotar kan då fungera som ett artificiellt semiotiskt system som skapar möjligheter att göra observationer.The article discusses how a modern form of AI programming, known as Connectionism in a design known as Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI, affects the perception Luhmann has on mass media's role concerning second-order observations. DAI uses nodes to create activity in the systems and not the codes used by the Classic or Symbolic form of AI. Luhmann’s theory can be developed by replacing the systems codes with nodes that change depending on their relations to other nodes. In this way, we can reformulate the concept of communication, so that it includes the systems interactions with the environment. It creates better conditions so that observing opportunities may arise directly from these interactions. Internet and AI-programmed search systems and robots can then act as an artificial semiotic system that creates opportunities for making observations.

  1. Conformational and spectroscopic study of xanthogen ethyl formates, ROC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3. Isolation of CH3CH2OC(O)SH (United States)

    Juncal, Luciana C.; Cozzarín, Melina V.; Romano, Rosana M.


    ROC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3, with R = CH3sbnd , (CH3)2CHsbnd and CH3(CH2)2sbnd , were obtained through the reaction between potassium xanthate salts, ROC(S)SK, and ethyl chloroformate, ClC(O)OCH2CH3. The liquid compounds were identified and characterized by 1H and 13C NMR and mass spectrometry. The conformations adopted by the molecules were studied by DFT methods. 6 conformers were theoretically predicted for R = CH3sbnd and (CH3)2CHsbnd , while the conformational flexibility of the n-propyl substituent increases the total number of feasible rotamers to 21. For the three molecules, the conformers can be associated in 3 groups, being the most stable the AS forms - the Cdbnd S double bond anti (A) with respect to the Csbnd S single bond and the Ssbnd C single bond syn (S) with respect to the Cdbnd O double bond - followed by AA and SS conformers. The vibrational spectra were interpreted in terms of the predicted conformational equilibrium, presenting the ν(Cdbnd O) spectral region signals corresponding to the three groups of conformers. A moderated pre-resonance Raman enhancement of the ν(Cdbnd S) vibrational mode of CH3(CH2)2OC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3 was detected, when the excitation radiation approaches the energy of a n → π∗ electronic transition associated with the Cdbnd S chromophore. UV-visible spectra in different solvents were measured and interpreted in terms of TD-DFT calculations. The unknown molecule CH3CH2OC(O)SH was isolated by the UV-visible photolysis of CH3OC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3 isolated in Ar matrix, and also obtained as a side-product of the reaction between potassium xanthate salts, ROC(S)SK, and ethyl chloroformate, ClC(O)OCH2CH3.

  2. Knowledge transfer in Swedish Nuclear Power Plants in connection with retirements; Kompetensoeverfoering paa svenska kaernkraftverk i samband med pensionsavgaangar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larsson, Annika; Ohlsson, Kjell; Roos, Anna


    This report displays how the Swedish nuclear power plants Forsmark, Oskarshamn and Ringhals work with knowledge management. The report also consists of a literature review of appropriate ways to extract tacit knowledge as well as methods to transfer competence. The report is made up of a smaller number of interviews at the nuclear power plants in combination with a questionnaire distributed to a larger number of people at the plants. The results of the interview study is that only one of the Swedish nuclear power plants have a programme to transfer knowledge from older staff to newer. This is, however, not a programme for everyone. Another plant has a programme for knowledge building, but only for their specialists. At both plants, which lack a programme, the interviewees request more structure in knowledge transfer; even though they feel the current way of transferring knowledge with mentors works well. Besides more structure, interviewees present a wish to have more time for knowledge transfer as well as the opportunity to recruit more than needed. Recruiting more than needed is however not very simple due to multiple causes such as nominal sizing departments and a difficulty of recruiting people to work far from larger cities. The way things are now, many feel too under-staffed and under a lot of time pressure daily to also have time for knowledge transfer besides their normal work.

  3. Investigation of the O+allyl addition/elimination reaction pathways from the OCH2CHCH2 radical intermediate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    FitzPatrick, Benjamin L.; Lau, K.-C.; Butler, Laurie J.; Lee, S.-H.; Lin, Jim Jr-Min


    These experiments study the preparation of and product channels resulting from OCH 2 CHCH 2 , a key radical intermediate in the O+allyl bimolecular reaction. The data include velocity map imaging and molecular beam scattering results to probe the photolytic generation of the radical intermediate and the subsequent pathways by which the radicals access the energetically allowed product channels of the bimolecular reaction. The photodissociation of epichlorohydrin at 193.3 nm produces chlorine atoms and c-OCH 2 CHCH 2 radicals; these undergo a facile ring opening to the OCH 2 CHCH 2 radical intermediate. State-selective resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) detection resolves the velocity distributions of ground and spin-orbit excited state chlorine independently, allowing for a more accurate determination of the internal energy distribution of the nascent radicals. We obtain good agreement detecting the velocity distributions of the Cl atoms with REMPI, vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization at 13.8 eV, and electron bombardment ionization; all show a bimodal distribution of recoil kinetic energies. The dominant high recoil kinetic energy feature peaks near 33 kcal/mol. To elucidate the product channels resulting from the OCH 2 CHCH 2 radical intermediate, the crossed laser-molecular beam experiment uses VUV photoionization and detects the velocity distribution of the possible products. The data identify the three dominant product channels as C 3 H 4 O (acrolein)+H, C 2 H 4 +HCO (formyl radical), and H 2 CO (formaldehyde)+C 2 H 3 . A small signal from C 2 H 2 O (ketene) product is also detected. The measured velocity distributions and relative signal intensities at m/e=27, 28, and 29 at two photoionization energies show that the most exothermic product channel, C 2 H 5 +CO, does not contribute significantly to the product branching. The higher internal energy onset of the acrolein+H product channel is consistent with the relative barriers en route to

  4. Investigation of the O+allyl addition/elimination reaction pathways from the OCH2CHCH2 radical intermediate (United States)

    Fitzpatrick, Benjamin L.; Lau, Kai-Chung; Butler, Laurie J.; Lee, Shih-Huang; Lin, Jim-Min, Jr.


    These experiments study the preparation of and product channels resulting from OCH2CHCH2, a key radical intermediate in the O+allyl bimolecular reaction. The data include velocity map imaging and molecular beam scattering results to probe the photolytic generation of the radical intermediate and the subsequent pathways by which the radicals access the energetically allowed product channels of the bimolecular reaction. The photodissociation of epichlorohydrin at 193.3 nm produces chlorine atoms and c-OCH2CHCH2 radicals; these undergo a facile ring opening to the OCH2CHCH2 radical intermediate. State-selective resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) detection resolves the velocity distributions of ground and spin-orbit excited state chlorine independently, allowing for a more accurate determination of the internal energy distribution of the nascent radicals. We obtain good agreement detecting the velocity distributions of the Cl atoms with REMPI, vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization at 13.8 eV, and electron bombardment ionization; all show a bimodal distribution of recoil kinetic energies. The dominant high recoil kinetic energy feature peaks near 33 kcal/mol. To elucidate the product channels resulting from the OCH2CHCH2 radical intermediate, the crossed laser-molecular beam experiment uses VUV photoionization and detects the velocity distribution of the possible products. The data identify the three dominant product channels as C3H4O (acrolein)+H, C2H4+HCO (formyl radical), and H2CO (formaldehyde)+C2H3. A small signal from C2H2O (ketene) product is also detected. The measured velocity distributions and relative signal intensities at m/e=27, 28, and 29 at two photoionization energies show that the most exothermic product channel, C2H5+CO, does not contribute significantly to the product branching. The higher internal energy onset of the acrolein+H product channel is consistent with the relative barriers en route to each of these product channels

  5. Variable-energy positron annihilation study of subnanopores in SiOCH-based PECVD films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Kenji; Oka, Toshitaka; Kobayashi, Yoshinori; Suzuki, Ryoichi; Ohdaira, Toshiyuki


    Subnanoporosity was introduced into SiOCH-based thin films by mixing tetraethyl orthosilicate with hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) in the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition process, and was evaluated by the variable-energy positron annihilation lifetime technique. It was found that with increasing the HMDSO fraction both porosity and pore size were enhanced, as evidenced by the decreased refractive index and increased ortho-positronium lifetime. The lifetimes from 2.0 to 6.8 ns suggested the tunable pore volumes within a range of 0.1-0.7 nm 3

  6. Den komplexa väven Att organisera för barns övergångar till och från förskoleklass

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Ackesjö


    Full Text Available This study focuses on how children's transitions to and from preschool classes are organized in different schools. Principal’s arguments for this organization were sought via a web-based survey and analyzed using the frame factor theory in addition to theories of practical sense and the concept of continuity. The results show that children tend to make more transitions between social communities the younger they are. The distribution of the principal’s answers show that the majority of them, because of external conditions, split the preschool groups to new classes in the transition to preschool class. However, the same movements are not indicated in the transition to first grade. The results show how the work of organizing chidren’s transitions represent a complex web of external actual conditions as the number of children and the recruitment area of the school, the internal logics and ideas about what is best for children and best for continued learning as well as the school's own traditions of working with transitions. Föreliggande studie fokuserar på hur barns övergångar till och från förskoleklass organiseras på olika skolor. Via en webbaserad enkät söks skolledares argument för denna organisering. I analysen nyttjas ett ramfaktorteoretiskt tänkande som kompletteras med teorier om praktiskt förnuft samt kontinuitetsbegreppet. Resultaten visar att barn tenderar att göra fler övergångar mellan barngrupper och sociala gemenskaper ju yngre de är. Fördelningen av skolledarnas svar visar att majoriteten, på grund av yttre villkor, delar förskolegrupperna till nya klasser i övergången till förskoleklass. Däremot indikeras inte samma rörlighet i övergången till årskurs 1. Resultaten visar hur arbetet med att organisera övergångarna utgör en komplex väv av yttre faktiska villkor som barnantal och upptagningsområdets storlek, av inre logiker och föreställningar om vad som är det bästa för barnen och det b

  7. Att veta när man ska göra det man vet att man ska göra : om barn med ADHD, uppfattning av tid och att komma ihåg att göra det man har planerat


    Hillertz, Anna


    I den här studien undersöks om det är bristande tidsuppfattning som orsakar sämre prospektivt minne hos barn med diagnos ADHD. Studien syftar även till att utreda vad prospektivt minne har för relation till arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Studien har genomförts genom att två grupper, en grupp barn med diagnos ADHD och en kontrollgrupp, har utfört uppgifter som ger mått på prospektivt minne, tidsuppfattning, arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Barnen i ADHD-gruppen har även deltagit i ...

  8. Förhållandet mellan den fria rörligheten inom EU och internationella dubbelbeskattningsavtal : En analys med utgångspunkt i EU-domstolens praxis


    Österman, Catharina


    När en skattskyldig blir beskattad flera gånger för samma inkomst, i minst två länder och under samma tidsperiod, uppstår juridisk dubbelbeskattning. En vanlig metod för att i möjligaste mån undvika dubbelbeskattning är att stater ingår bilaterala dubbelbeskattningsavtal med varandra. I ett dubbelbeskattningsavtal avgör de avtalsslutande staterna vilken stat som, i en rad olika situationer, ska ha beskattningsrätt och vilken stat som till följd därav avstår från sin rätt till beskattning. Där...

  9. Amperometric biosensor based on direct electrochemistry of hemoglobin in poly-allylamine (PAA) film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kafi, A.K.M.; Lee, Dong-Yun; Park, Sang-Hyun; Kwon, Young-Soo


    Hemoglobin (Hb) was immobilized in poly-allylamine (PAA) film onto the gold electrode by layer by layer (LBL) method. The modified electrode exhibited a pair of well-defined peaks during cyclic voltammetry, which was attributed from the direct electron transfer of heme proteins. The immobilized Hb showed an excellent electrocatalytical response to the reduction of hydrogen peroxide. The sensor exhibited a fast response and high sensitivity. Through the use of optimized conditions, the linear range for H 2 O 2 detection was from 2.5 x 10 -6 M to 5 x 10 -4 M with detection limit of 0.2 μM. The proposed biosensor showed long-lasting stability and excellent reproducibility

  10. Low-k SiOCH Film Etching Process and Its Diagnostics Employing Ar/C5F10O/N2 Plasma (United States)

    Nagai, Mikio; Hayashi, Takayuki; Hori, Masaru; Okamoto, Hidekazu


    We proposed an environmental harmonic etching gas of C5F10O (CF3CF2CF2OCFCF2), and demonstrated the etching of low-k SiOCH films employing a dual-frequency capacitively coupled etching system. Dissociative ionization cross sections for the electron impact ionizations of C5F10O and c-C4F8 gases have been measured by quadrupole mass spectroscopy (QMS). The dissociative ionization cross section of CF3+ from C5F10O gas was much higher than those of other ionic species, and 10 times higher than that of CF3+ from C4F8 gas. CF3+ is effective for increasing the etching rate of SiO2. As a result, the etching rate of SiOCH films using Ar/C5F10O/N2 plasma was about 1000 nm/min, which is much higher than that using Ar/C4F8/N2 plasma. The behaviours of fluorocarbon radicals in Ar/C5F10O/N2 plasma, which were measured by infrared diode laser absorption spectroscopy, were similar to those in Ar/C4F8/N2 plasma. The densities of CF and CF3 radicals were markedly decreased with increasing N2 flow rate. Etching rate was controlled by N2 flow rate. A vertical profile of SiOCH with a high etching rate and less microloading was realized using Ar/C5F10O/N2 plasma chemistry.

  11. Comparison Of Several Metrology Techniques For In-line Process Monitoring Of Porous SiOCH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fossati, D.; Imbert, G.; Beitia, C.; Yu, L.; Plantier, L.; Volpi, F.; Royer, J.-C.


    As porous SiOCH is a widely used inter-metal dielectric for 65 nm nodes and below, the control of its elaboration process by in-line monitoring is necessary to guarantee successful integration of the material. In this paper, the sensitivities of several non-destructive metrology techniques towards the film elaboration process drifts are investigated. It appears that the two steps of the process should be monitored separately and that corona charge method is the most sensitive technique of the review for this application

  12. Studiemotivation en jämförelse mellan gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om motivationsnivå och Self-Determination Theory : en jämförelse mellan gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om motivationsnivå och Self-Determination Theory


    Hagdahl, Kristina; Jimmy, Hammarbäck


    Studien handlar om svenska gymnasieelevers motivation för att studera matematikämnet. Den teoretiska grunden hämtas ifrån Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur väl gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om sin motivationsnivå kan prediceras genom de fyra ingående motivationsorienteringarna i Self-Determination Theory: (1) external regulation; (2) introjected regulation; (3) identified regulation; och (4) intrinsic motivation. Deltagarna (n = 132), 44...

  13. UV absorption spectrum of CH3OCH2 radicals and kinetics of the reaction of CH3OCH2O2 radicals with NO and NO2 in the gas phase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langer, S.; Ljungström, E.; Ellermann, T.


    Alkyl and alkylperoxy radicals originating from dimethyl ether have been studied in the gas phase at 296 K. A pulse radiolysis-UV absorption technique was used. Absorption cross-sections were quantified over the wavelength range 220-350 nm. At 230 nm, sigma(CH3OCH2) = (4.2 +/- 0.5) X 10(-18) cm(2...

  14. Synthesis, surface modification/decoration of luminescent–magnetic core/shell nanomaterials, based on the lanthanide doped fluorides (Fe3O4/SiO2/NH2/PAA/LnF3)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Runowski, Marcin; Lis, Stefan


    The synthesized magnetite nanoparticles (10–15 nm) were successfully coated with amine modified silica nanoshell, which led to the formation of core/shell type nanostructures (30–50 nm). The as-prepared nanoparticles were surface modified with polyacrylic acid (PAA) via electrostatic interactions of –NH 2 and –COOH groups. Afterwards, the surface PAA molecules acted as complexing agents of the introduced lanthanide (Ln 3+ ) ions. Subsequently, the as-prepared nanostructures were surface decorated with luminescent LnF 3 nanoparticles, forming Eu 3+ or Tb 3+ doped Fe 3 O 4 /SiO 2 /NH 2 /PAA/LnF 3 nanomaterials (50–100 nm). The obtained luminescent–magnetic products exhibited simultaneously bright red or green emission under UV lamp irradiation (λ ex =254 nm), and a response for the applied magnetic field (strong magnet attracts the colloidal particles, dispersed in aqueous medium). After the synthesis, properties of the nanomaterials were investigated by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and spectrofluorometry (analysis of excitation/emission spectra and luminescence decay curves). Such advanced nanomaterials can be potentially used in multimodal imaging, targeted therapies and as multifunctional contrast agents, novel luminescent–magnetic tracers, protection of documents, etc. - Highlights: • Luminescent–magnetic nanomaterials Fe 3 O 4 /SiO 2 /NH 2 /PAA/LnF 3 were synthesized. • Core/shell nanostructures were obtained by surface modification of nanoparticles. • Luminescent lanthanide fluoride nanoparticles doped with Eu 3+ and Tb 3+ ions. • Multifunctional core/shell nanostructures exhibited red or green emission. • Nanomaterials formed stable aqueous colloids.

  15. [Stat-kyrka-samhälle : Den stormaktstida samhällsordningen i Sverige och Östersjöpinserna] / Enn Küng

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Küng, Enn, 1963-


    Arvustus: Stat-kyrka-samhälle : Den stormaktstida samhällsordningen i Sverige och Östersjöpinserna. (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Studia Baltica Stockholmiensa, 21). Stockholm, 2000. Stockholmi Ülikooli Balti Uuringute Keskuse teaduslik väljaanne "Riik-kirik-ühiskond" Rootsi suurriigi provintsipoliitikast Eesti- ja Liivimaal 16.-17. sajandil

  16. Omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med en röntgenundersökning : En litteraturstudie


    Mohsen, Nadja; Imsirovic, Amela


    Bakgrund: Att besöka en röntgenavdelning kan vara något nytt och skrämmande för många barn. Den nya miljön kan orsaka rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn. Därför är det viktigt att röntgensjuksköterskan har kunskap om barnets behov för att upplevelsen på röntgenavdelningen ska vara så bra som möjligt. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med röntgenundersökning. Metod: Detta arbete är en litteraturstu...

  17. Interpretation of the quasi-elastic neutron scattering on PAA by rotational diffusion models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bata, L.; Vizi, J.; Kugler, S.


    First the most important data determined by other methods for para azoxy anisolon (PAA) are collected. This molecule makes a rotational oscillational motion around the mean molecular direction. The details of this motion can be determined by inelastic neutron scattering. Quasielastic neutron scattering measurements were carried out without orienting magnetic field on a time-of-flight facility with neutron beam of 4.26 meV. For the interpretation of the results two models, the spherical rotation diffusion model and the circular random walk model are investigated. The comparison shows that the circular random walk model (with N=8 sites, d=4A diameter and K=10 10 s -1 rate constant) fits very well with the quasi-elastic neutron scattering, while the spherical rotational diffusion model seems to be incorrect. (Sz.N.Z.)

  18. Colhendo os frutos : dificuldades e conquistas da modalidade do PAA compra-institucional em uma Universidade Pública


    Paula, Natália Ferreira de


    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Islandia Bezerra Coorientadora : Profª Dra. Mônica de Caldas Rosa dos Anjos Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Alimentação e Nutrição. Defesa: Curitiba, 27/07/2016 Inclui referências : f. 72-79;81-89 Resumo: O Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos da Agricultura Familiar (PAA) foi criado no Brasil em 2003, a partir de proposições da sociedade civil e adotado como uma estratégia de...

  19. En socialpsykologisk analys av samkönat partnervåld ur ett makt- och normativitetsperspektiv


    von Braun, Thérèse


    Uppsatsens syfte var att nå en större teoretisk förståelse av samkönat partnervåld, genom att analysera olika forskningsartiklars narrativa konstruktioner av våldet. De två frågeställningarna var: 1. Hur diskuterar forskningslitteraturen samkönat partnervåld med fokus på temana relationsdynamik, karaktär hos parterna, kön, genus och sexualitet samt betydelsen av social kontext? 2. Hur diskuterar forskningslitteraturen det professionella bemötandet av samkönat partnervåld? De 21 valda primärdo...

  20. Omsättning, rörelseresultat och kapitalstruktur – Påverkas företags kapitalstruktur av förändringar i dess omsättning eller rörelseresultat?


    Lisstorp, Mattias; Steinberger, Paul


    Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur omsättning och rörelseresultat har samband med företagets kapitalstruktur. Resultaten jämförs med befintlig teori för att verifiera de teoretiska ansatserna. Regressionsanalys av tidsserier för 32 svenska börsnoterade företag med mer än 20 miljarder svenska kronor i omsättning 2010 har använts vid den här undersökningen. Data från åren 2004 till 2010 till varje företag är tagen från databasen ”Affärsdata” och undersöks genom regressionsanalys. Först u...

  1. Households on the electricity market. Information and actions; Hushaall paa elmarknaden. Information och agerande

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thelander, Aasa


    Twelve years ago the consumers in Sweden were given opportunities to choose among electricity suppliers. Sweden was among the first countries to introduce an electricity reform aimed at reconfiguring the electricity market. Today consumers have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of suppliers and type of contracts. However, still the large majority of consumers have neither chosen a new supplier nor a contract. Previous research has blamed lack of information for the so called passivity. Some of the studies are dated and little attention has been paid to the consumers' motives for not making a choice. The aim of this study is to analyse motives, strategies and need of information among consumers. One type of information is analysed namely the information the energy suppliers provide their costumers. The study shows that the consumers think the information is significant. The information of three energy suppliers are analysed and compared to the consumer's need. In order to understand consumers the consumer as an active subject is stressed. Consequently the consumers not yet having made a choice are seen as active and focus is on their motives and need of information for not making a choice as well as doing so. Different empirical materials have been collected. A survey has been used to gain an over-all-picture of motives, strategies and need of information. In-depth interviews have been carried out to be able to understand the consumers and get more nuanced descriptions related to their life conditions. A text analysis of three energy suppliers' information has been performed. The study shows that consumers not having made any choices present a number of motives. Four groups of motives have been identified; laziness, loyalty (to their supplier), chosen passivity and those who experience some kind of obstacles for taking action. Every group has their special way of reasoning and need of information. They all regard the information from their supplier as important and trustworthy but not inspiring. There is a gap between consumer needs and the information provided. The information is not targeted to different types of consumers nor in terms of the product neither in terms of the type of service they buy or have the possibility to buy. The information provided does not motivate consumer activity. Energy appears to be a low involvement product and information from suppliers confirms their understanding. Motivating consumers to change supplier or contract need other types of information combined with assistance about how to be a active consumer choosing supplier and contract

  2. Households on the energy market. Information and actions; Hushaall paa elmarknaden. Information och agerande

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thelander, Aasa


    Twelve years ago the consumers in Sweden were given opportunities to choose among electricity suppliers. Sweden was among the first countries to introduce an electricity reform aimed at reconfiguring the electricity market. Today consumers have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of suppliers and type of contracts. However, still the large majority of consumers have neither chosen a new supplier nor a contract. Previous research has blamed lack of information for the so called passivity. Some of the studies are dated and little attention has been paid to the consumers' motives for not making a choice. The aim of this study is to analyse motives, strategies and need of information among consumers. One type of information is analysed namely the information the energy suppliers provide their costumers. The study shows that the consumers think the information is significant. The information of three energy suppliers are analysed and compared to the consumer's need. In order to understand consumers the consumer as an active subject is stressed. Consequently the consumers not yet having made a choice are seen as active and focus is on their motives and need of information for not making a choice as well as doing so. Different empirical materials have been collected. A survey has been used to gain an over-all-picture of motives, strategies and need of information. In-depth interviews have been carried out to be able to understand the consumers and get more nuanced descriptions related to their life conditions. A text analysis of three energy suppliers' information has been performed. The study shows that consumers not having made any choices present a number of motives. Four groups of motives have been identified; laziness, loyalty (to their supplier), chosen passivity and those who experience some kind of obstacles for taking action. Every group has their special way of reasoning and need of information. They all regard the information from their supplier as important and trustworthy but not inspiring. There is a gap between consumer needs and the information provided. The information is not targeted to different types of consumers nor in terms of the product neither in terms of the type of service they buy or have the possibility to buy. The information provided does not motivate consumer activity. Energy appears to be a low involvement product and information from suppliers confirms their understanding. Motivating consumers to change supplier or contract need other types of information combined with assistance about how to be a active consumer choosing supplier and contract

  3. A computational study of the addition of ReO3L (L = Cl(-), CH3, OCH3 and Cp) to ethenone. (United States)

    Aniagyei, Albert; Tia, Richard; Adei, Evans


    The periselectivity and chemoselectivity of the addition of transition metal oxides of the type ReO3L (L = Cl, CH3, OCH3 and Cp) to ethenone have been explored at the MO6 and B3LYP/LACVP* levels of theory. The activation barriers and reaction energies for the stepwise and concerted addition pathways involving multiple spin states have been computed. In the reaction of ReO3L (L = Cl(-), OCH3, CH3 and Cp) with ethenone, the concerted [2 + 2] addition of the metal oxide across the C=C and C=O double bond to form either metalla-2-oxetane-3-one or metalla-2,4-dioxolane is the most kinetically favored over the formation of metalla-2,5-dioxolane-3-one from the direct [3 + 2] addition pathway. The trends in activation and reaction energies for the formation of metalla-2-oxetane-3-one and metalla-2,4-dioxolane are Cp Cp Cp Cp Cp. The direct [2 + 2] addition pathways leading to the formations of metalla-2-oxetane-3-one and metalla-2,4-dioxolane is thermodynamically the most favored for the ligands L = OCH3 and Cl(-). The difference between the calculated [2 + 2] activation barriers for the addition of the metal oxide LReO3 across the C=C and C=O functionalities of ethenone are small except for the case of L = Cl(-) and OCH3. The rearrangement of the metalla-2-oxetane-3-one-metalla-2,5-dioxolane-3-one even though feasible, are unfavorable due to high activation energies of their rate-determining steps. For the rearrangement of the metalla-2-oxetane-3-one to metalla-2,5-dioxolane-3-one, the trends in activation barriers is found to follow the order OCH3 Cp. The trends in the activation energies for the most favorable [2 + 2] addition pathways for the LReO3-ethenone system is CH3 > CH3O(-) > Cl(-) > Cp. For the analogous ethylene-LReO3 system, the trends in activation and reaction energies for the most favorable [3 + 2] addition pathway is CH3 > CH3O(-) > Cl(-) > Cp [10]. Even though the most favored pathway in the ethylene-LReO3 system is

  4. Synthesis, surface modification/decoration of luminescent–magnetic core/shell nanomaterials, based on the lanthanide doped fluorides (Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}/SiO{sub 2}/NH{sub 2}/PAA/LnF{sub 3})

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Runowski, Marcin; Lis, Stefan, E-mail:


    The synthesized magnetite nanoparticles (10–15 nm) were successfully coated with amine modified silica nanoshell, which led to the formation of core/shell type nanostructures (30–50 nm). The as-prepared nanoparticles were surface modified with polyacrylic acid (PAA) via electrostatic interactions of –NH{sub 2} and –COOH groups. Afterwards, the surface PAA molecules acted as complexing agents of the introduced lanthanide (Ln{sup 3+}) ions. Subsequently, the as-prepared nanostructures were surface decorated with luminescent LnF{sub 3} nanoparticles, forming Eu{sup 3+} or Tb{sup 3+} doped Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}/SiO{sub 2}/NH{sub 2}/PAA/LnF{sub 3} nanomaterials (50–100 nm). The obtained luminescent–magnetic products exhibited simultaneously bright red or green emission under UV lamp irradiation (λ{sub ex}=254 nm), and a response for the applied magnetic field (strong magnet attracts the colloidal particles, dispersed in aqueous medium). After the synthesis, properties of the nanomaterials were investigated by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and spectrofluorometry (analysis of excitation/emission spectra and luminescence decay curves). Such advanced nanomaterials can be potentially used in multimodal imaging, targeted therapies and as multifunctional contrast agents, novel luminescent–magnetic tracers, protection of documents, etc. - Highlights: • Luminescent–magnetic nanomaterials Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}/SiO{sub 2}/NH{sub 2}/PAA/LnF{sub 3} were synthesized. • Core/shell nanostructures were obtained by surface modification of nanoparticles. • Luminescent lanthanide fluoride nanoparticles doped with Eu{sup 3+} and Tb{sup 3+} ions. • Multifunctional core/shell nanostructures exhibited red or green emission. • Nanomaterials formed stable aqueous colloids.

  5. Pre/post-strike atmospheric assessment system (PAAS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peglow, S. G.; Molitoris, J. D.


    The Pre/Post-Strike Atmospheric Assessment System was proposed to show the importance of local meteorological conditions in the vicinity of a site suspected of storing or producing toxic agents and demonstrate a technology to measure these conditions, specifically wind fields. The ability to predict the collateral effects resulting from an attack on a facility containing hazardous materials is crucial to conducting effective military operations. Our study approach utilized a combination of field measurements with dispersion modeling to better understand which variables in terrain and weather were most important to collateral damage predictions. To develop the PAAS wind-sensing technology, we utilized a combination of emergent and available technology from micro-Doppler and highly coherent laser systems. The method used for wind sensing is to probe the atmosphere with a highly coherent laser beam. As the beam probes, light is back-scattered from particles entrained in the air to the lidar transceiver and detected by the instrument. Any motion of the aerosols with a component along the beam axis leads to a Doppler shift of the received light. Scanning in a conical fashion about the zenith results in a more accurate and two-dimensional measurement of the wind velocity. The major milestones in the benchtop system development were to verify the design by demonstrating the technique in the laboratory, then scale the design down to a size consistent with a demonstrator unit which could be built to take data in the field. The micro-Doppler heterodyne system we developed determines absolute motion by optically mixing a reference beam with the return signal and has shown motion sensitivity to better than 1 cm/s. This report describes the rationale, technical approach and laboratory testing undertaken to demonstrate the feasibility and utility of a system to provide local meteorological data and predict atmospheric particulate motion. The work described herein was funded by

  6. "Stendum, feg och impotent är Turkiets president" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av den tyska mediedebatten om Jan Böhmermann-affären utifrån olika argument för yttrandefrihet.


    Lindström, Malin


    Den här uppsatsen undersöker argument för yttrandefrihet som framkommit i den så kallade Böhmermannaffären som inträffade våren 2016 i Tyskland, då den tyska satirikern Jan Böhmermann läste upp en niddikt om Turkiets president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Erdoğan kände sig kränkt och anmälde Böhmermann enligt ett tyskt lagrum. Undersökningen syftar till att utröna vilka typargument för yttrandefrihet som framkommit i debatten om Böhmermannaffären från olika aktörer och utifrån vilket intresse dessa ...

  7. Atmospheric chemistry of (CF3)2CHOCH3, (CF3)2CHOCHO, and CF3C(O)OCH3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østerstrøm, Freja From; Wallington, Timothy J.; Andersen, Mads Peter Sulbæk


    Smog chambers with in situ FTIR detection were used to measure rate coefficients in 700 Torr of air and 296 ± 2 K of: k(Cl+(CF3)2CHOCH3) = (5.41 ± 1.63) × 10(-12), k(Cl+(CF3)2CHOCHO) = (9.44 ± 1.81) × 10(-15), k(Cl+CF3C(O)OCH3) = (6.28 ± 0.98) × 10(-14), k(OH+(CF3)2CHOCH3) = (1.86 ± 0.41) × 10(-1...

  8. Främja medarbetarnas engagemang : Ett ledarskapsverktyg för att öka engagemang och undvika utbrändhet


    Järnström, Ida


    De senaste åren har engagemang varit ett mycket omtalat ämne, då forskning har visat att engagemang har en positiv inverkan på organisationens framgång. Dagens turbulenta värld tvingar dock organisationerna att kräva högre prestationer av sina medarbetare trots färre resurser, vilket kan resultera i oengagemang och utbrändhet. Detta bekräftas utgående från gallupundersökningar, vilka visar att en endast en liten del av medarbetarna verkligen är engagerade på sina arbetsplatser. Syftet med...

  9. Wind power's impact on birds and bats; Vindkraftens paaverkan paa faaglar och fladdermoess

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Wind turbines can be a danger to birds and bats. Therefore it is important to place the turbines correct. The risks can be minimized with the help of knowledge of birds and bats behavior. It was found in a synthesis report published 2011, where research from Europe and the U.S. are summarized. The report shows which environments should be avoided and the species that are affected in different areas. This popular science brochure is based on the synthesis report 'Wind power's impact on birds and bats'.

  10. Measurements on and simulations of a biogas-fuelled bus; Maetningar paa och simulering av biogasbuss

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olsson, L.O.; Nilsson, Johan


    Mathematical models for torque/fuel consumption and emissions have been studied for a biogas-fuelled bus used in urban traffic in Linkoeping, Sweden. It is noted that the cycle ECE R-49 is not representative for city buses, but that the Braunschweig cycle gives rather good agreement. 2 refs, 37 figs

  11. Arbetstidsförkortning : för ökad arbetstillfredsställelse och bättre relationer.


    Hultberg, Jenny; Klarenius, Karna; Liljekvist, Per


    Bakgrund: Redan på 1700-talet diskuterade Owen att det inte var bra att ha barn som arbetade långa arbetspass i treskift. Detta synsätt införde han på sin fabrik, vilket han fick mycket kritik för. Först 1962 väcktes tanken på 6-timmars arbetsdag i Sverige. Sedan dess har flera försök genomförts bl.a. hos Helsingborgs stads äldreomsorg, äldreomsorgen i Höganäs kommun samt Toyota Center i Mölndal. Problem: Dagens företag är relativt fokuserade på traditionella mått som t.ex. lönsamhet och prod...

  12. Patientstråldosjämförelse vid konventionell urografi och lågdos CT-urografi


    Gohil, Jignasa; Bertell, Sara


    Röntgensjuksköterskans huvudområde är radiografi som innefattar bland annat användning av joniserande strålning. CT undersökningar av urinvägssystemen och dess funktion ökar. CT ger en högre stråldos till patienter, jämfört med konventionell röntgen, vilket kan medföra olika sorters skador hos den som bestrålats. ALARAprincipen skall användas för att minska joniserande strålning så mycket som möjligt. Studien är utförd på Höglandsjukhuset i Eksjö där de har implementerat lågdosprotokoll på CT...

  13. Spectroscopic study; Estudio espectroscopico del PAA con iones de Eu{sup 3+} como material luminescente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores, M.; Rodriguez, R. [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Arroyo, R. [Departamento de Quimica, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, A.P. 55-534, 09340 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    This work is focused about the spectroscopic properties of a polymer material which consists of Polyacrylic acid (Paa) doped at different concentrations of Europium ions (Eu{sup 3+}). They show that to stay chemically joined with the polymer by a study of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) of {sup 1} H, {sup 13} C and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (Ft-IR) they present changes in the intensity of signals, just as too when this material is irradiated at {lambda} = 394 nm. In according with the results obtained experimentally in this type of materials it can say that is possible to unify chemically the polymer with this type of cations, as well as, varying the concentration of them, since that these are distributed homogeneously inside the matrix maintaining its optical properties. These materials can be obtained more quickly and easy in solid or liquid phase and they have the best conditions for to make a quantitative analysis. (Author)

  14. Rehabilitering efter dekompression och diskoperation - framställandet av en fysioterapeutisk patientanvisning : Ett beställningsarbete av Tölö sjukhus


    Nyberg, Jasmina


    Examensarbetet är ett praktiskt inriktat examensarbete med fokus på rehabiliteringen efter en dekompressions- och diskoperation. Det är ett beställningsarbete av Tölö sjukhus med syftet att framställa en fysioterapeutisk patientanvisning. Önskemål från uppdragsgivare var att utforma en tydlig patientanvisning för ryggopererade bestående av skriftliga instruktioner angående postoperativ rehabilitering i form av vardagliga aktiviteter, fysisk aktivitet, ryggens viloställningar, vi...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. V. Shmatkova


    Full Text Available The complexes [SnCl4(2-OH-HB-4R-b] ·CH3CN (R = 4-OCH3 (І, 4-Br(II were obtained by interaction of SnCl4 with salicyloylhydrazones 4–R- benzaldehydes (2-OH-HB-4R-b in acetonitrile. The composition and structure (O(C=O-N(CH=N – the coordination of ligand’s amide form were established by element analysis methods, conductometry, thermogravimetry and IR spectroscopy. It was studied the anti-inflammatory activity of (I, II and previously synthesized, structurally characterized [SnCl4(2-OH-HB-4R-b∙H] (R=N (CH32 (III in model of aseptic carrageenan induced swelling, and it is shown that compound (II demonstrates the highest activity.

  16. Volkswagen - Ett globalt fusk : En deskriptiv studie om biljättens utsläppsskandal och dess påverkan


    Edlund, Erik; de Bourgh, Oscar


    Genom åren har ett flertal bolag världen över involverats i olika slags skandaler, en del som rena brott och andra som skylls på misstag eller olyckshändelser. Några av det större slaget är t.ex. BP-skandalen där miljontals fat med olja läckte ut i mexikanska golfen, detta skylldes på en olyckshändelse. Andra exempel är Enron som gjorde ett rent bedrägeri i form av bokföringsbrott eller Stora Enso som sysslade med barnarbete i utvecklingsländer, vilket blossade upp som en skandal i form av bo...

  17.  Svensk företagsetablering i Dubai :   - en studie om företagens motiv och processer


    Thaqi, Alban; Edvinsson, Sandra


    Inledning Ett ökat intresse för globalisering har gjort att företag söker sig till nya marknader kontinuerligt, svenska företag utgör inget undantag. En mycket aktuell marknad för utlandsetablering är Dubai. Från att ha varit ett litet fisk- och pärlsamhälle är det idag ett globalt center för affärer som attraherar aktörer från hela världen. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka varför samt hur svenska företag väljer att etablera sig i Dubai. Metod Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod...

  18. Structure of X-ray photoelectron spectra of low-energy and core electrons of Ln(C6H4OCH3COO-3

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teterin Yury A.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the results of an X-ray photo electron spectroscopy of lanthanide ortho-metoxybenzoates Ln(C6H4OCH3COO-3, where Ln represents lanthanides La through Lu except for Pm and C6H4OCH3COO- - residuum of ortho-metoxybenzoic acid. The core and outer electron X-ray photo electron spectroscopy spectra in the binding energy range of 0-1250 eV were shown to exhibit a complex, fine structure. The said structure was established due to the outer (0-15 eV binding energy and inner (15-50 eV binding energy valence molecular orbital from the filled Ln5p and O2s atomic shells multiple splitting, many-body perturbation, dynamic effect, etc. The mechanisms of such a fine structure formation were shown to manifest different probabilities in the spectrum of a certain electronic shell. There fore, the fine X-ray photo electron spectroscopy spectral structure resulting from a certain mechanism can be interpreted and its quantitative parameters related to the physical and chemical properties of the studied com pounds (degree of delocalization and participation of Ln4f electrons in the chemical bond, electronic configuration and oxidation states, density of uncoupled electrons on paramagnetic ions, degree of participation of the low binding energy filled electronic shells of lanthanide and ligands information of the outer and in nervalence molecular orbitals, lanthanide close environment structure in amorphous materials, etc.

  19. Insamling av geografisk information med UAV över området Stomsjö i Värnamo kommun : En effektiv arbetsmetod för kartering i 2D och 3D samt dokumentation av arbetsgång och kvalitetssäkring av geografisk information


    Bauner, Mikael


    I detta examensarbetesprojekt genomfördes en flygkartering över deponiområdet Stomsjö i Värnamo kommun, mha. en drönare, eller den i detta sammanhang mer använda benämningen UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). Värnamo kommuns tekniska avdelning var i behov av beräkning av massor vid deponin, ett område på ca 15 hektar samt modellering av densamma. Den låga kostnaden för inköp av UAV och programvara motiverade kommunen att driva egen verksamhet jämfört med att köpa tjänsterna från konsulter. Projek...

  20. Reply to the Comment by A. Wyttenbach and L. Tobler and correction for errata on 'Minor and trace element determination of food spices and pulses of different origins by NAA and PAA'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyamoto, Y.; Kajikawa, A.; Zaidi, J.H.; Nakanishi, T.; Sakamoto, K.; Kanazawa Univ.


    Reply is given to the comment by A. Wyttenbach and L. Tobler in J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 247 (2001) 457 on the article by Y. Miyamoto et. al. published in J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 243 (2000) 747 on 'Minor and trace element determination of food spices and pulses of different origins by NAA and PAA'. (N.T.)

  1. Koolipärimuse kogumisest Noarootsis ja Vormsis 2006. aasta kevadel : Rootsi-Eesti lastenaljade kogumik Det var en ko och det var poängen / Piret Voolaid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Voolaid, Piret, 1971-


    Autor käsitleb artiklis Ahvenamaa Põhjamaade Instituudi (Nordens Institut på Åland) eestvedamisel korraldatud lastepärimuse projekti, mille käigus koguti koolipärimust Soomest Ahvenamaalt ja Rootsist Gotlandilt ning Eestist endistelt rannarootsi aladelt. Kogutu põhjal ilmus rootsikeelne antoloogiline naljakogumik Det var en ko och det var poängen. Artiklis keskendutakse välitööde kogumismetoodikale ja tulemustele Eestis. Välitööd toimusid Noarootsi Koolis ja Vormsi Põhikoolis

  2. Improving thermal stability and efficacy of BCNU in treating glioma cells using PAA-functionalized graphene oxide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lu YJ


    Full Text Available Yu-Jen Lu1,2,#, Hung-Wei Yang1,#, Sheng-Che Hung3, Chiung-Yin Huang2, Shin-Ming Li4, Chen-Chi M Ma4, Pin-Yuan Chen2, Hong-Chieh Tsai2, Kuo-Chen Wei2, Jyh-Ping Chen1 1Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Chang Gung University, Kwei-San, Taoyuan, Taiwan; 2Department of Neurosurgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kwei-San, Taoyuan, Taiwan; 3Department of Radiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; 4Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan#These authors contributed equally to this workBackground: 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl-1-nitrosourea (BCNU, a commercial chemotherapeutic drug for treating malignant brain tumors, has poor thermal stability and a short half-life. Immobilization of BCNU on a nanocarrier might increase the thermal stability of BCNU and extend its half-life.Methods: Nanosized graphene oxide (GO could be modified by polyacrylic acid (PAA to improve the aqueous solubility and increase the cell penetration efficacy of the nanocarrier. PAA–GO intended as a drug carrier for BCNU was prepared and characterized in this study. The size and thickness of PAA–GO was investigated by transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy, and the presence of PAA functional groups was confirmed by electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. BCNU was conjugated to PAA–GO by covalent binding for specific killing of cancer cells, which could also enhance the thermal stability of the drug.Results: Single layer PAA–GO (about 1.9 nm with a lateral width as small as 36 nm was successfully prepared. The optimum drug immobilization condition was by reacting 0.5 mg PAA–GO with 0.4 mg BCNU, and the drug-loading capacity and residual drug activity were 198 µg BCNU/mg PAA–GO and 70%, respectively. This nanocarrier significantly prolonged the half-life of bound BCNU from 19 to 43 hours compared with free drug and showed efficient intracellular

  3. Pulsmätning och stegräkning från Android Wear : Utveckling av en applikation för att spara mätdata


    Lund, Fredrik


    Detta examensarbete beskriver utvecklingen av en applikation för att överföra data från en Android Wear smartklocka till en Android smarttelefon som sedan skickar datan vidare till en server. Servern sätter in datan i en MySQL-databas. Android Wear smartklockornas sensorer undersöks även. Smartklockorna har sensorer för stegräkning och pulsmätning. I examensarbetet beskrivs det hur sensorerna fungerar. Därtill genomgås Androids historia i korta drag samt basfunktionerna i Android operativsyst...

  4. Characterization of a distonic isomer C6H5C+(OH)OCH2 of methyl benzoate radical cation by associative ion-molecule reactions (United States)

    Dechamps, Noémie; Flammang, Robert; Gerbaux, Pascal; Nam, Pham-Cam; Nguyen, Minh Tho


    The C6H5C+(OH)OCH2 radical cation, formally a distonic isomer of ionized methyl benzoate, has been prepared by dissociative ionization of neopentyl benzoate, as earlier suggested by Audier et al. [H.E. Audier, A. Milliet, G. Sozzi, S. Hammerum, Org. Mass. Spectrom. 25 (1990) 44]. Its distonic character has now been firmly established by its high reactivity towards neutral methyl isocyanide (ionized methylene transfer) producing N-methyl ketenimine ions. Other mass spectrometric experiments and ab initio quantum chemical calculations also concur with each other pointing toward the existence of a stable distonic radical cation.

  5. Solar heating, wood chips and pellets at Harpsund. An evaluation; Solvaerme, flis och pellets paa Harpsund. Utvaerdering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nilsson, Leif; Perers, Bengt


    Harpsund is well-known for being the representation residence for the Swedish prime minister. Besides this function, it is also a production unit for milk and meat, with a livestock of about 500 animals. At Harpsund, a new production plant for heating and domestic hot water with a new distribution net was built by the Swedish authorities. Wood chips from the forests belonging to the estate are used for the heat production, together with wood pellets and solar heat. The old heating system was based on a technique with local production in each building and was in need of modernization. The new plant has been designed very attractively - great care has been taken to make it fit into the atmosphere of the surroundings. The solar collectors are placed on the roof of a garage for farming machines. The heat central contains three burners: one for wood chips with thermal power 250 kW, one 400 kW burner for pellets and one small 25 kW burner for pellets. The smallest unit is intended to support the solar system during the summer season. From the garage with the 327 m{sup 2} Aquasol Big AR solar collectors the solar heated glycol/ water is transported to the heat central in a culvert. The distance is 150 m. At the heat central, there is also a heat accumulator with a volume of 40 m{sup 3} of water. This is used both for the burners and for the solar heat. The monitoring and analysis of the plant show that it has good reliability and it is evident that the production capacity is adequate for all conceivable climate conditions. During one year of monitoring, the heat central produced 1,494 MWh of which 86 % came from wood chips, 9 % from pellets and 5 % from solar heat. It is unfavourable that the solar heat has to work against the return temperature of the heat distribution system. Also, the collector area seems to be somewhat too large for the demand for domestic hot water. The result for the specific investment for solar heat is therefore high: 13.21 SEK/kWh,year. It might be possible to improve this result slightly through some optimization measures, possibly to 10.72 SEK/kWh,year. This evaluation presents a thorough analysis of the performance of the solar heating system, together with data for the overall system coordination and details for the temperature dynamics of the heat accumulator. In all, the analysis shows a very attractive plant, well suited for demonstration purposes.

  6. Mapping weathering and corrosion damage on biological treatment plants; Kartlaeggning av vittrings- och korrosionsskador paa biologiska behandlingsanlaeggningar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boubitsas, Dimitrios; Aakesson, Urban (Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute, CBI, Stockholm (Sweden)); Hellstroem, Hanna; Henriksson, Gunilla (Swedish National Testing and Research Inst., Boraas (Sweden))


    Problems regarding that leachate from food waste have been corroding vehicles and concrete slabs has been reported by Biogas- and composting plants. The results from this project show that concrete doesn't have enough resistance in these environments where food waste is treated. No matter which quality of concrete is put in use these problems will occur, though in different speeds. To ensure the function of the concrete construction, the concrete must be protected with a sealing coat. These sealing coats must be able to endure the aggressive nature from leachate coming from food waste and be resistant to mechanical abrasion from vehicles. In the report several seal coatings are shown that have been used for solving measures. Some of these have worked, while others didn't work as well. To be able to ensure the function within the different seal coatings they have to be tested in 'their proper' environment considering the chemical temperature and composition of the leachate. There are no standard methods to perform this, they have to be developed. There are plans for a new study where you bring out specific demands and standard methods for seal coats in food waste environments. Corrosion problems also occur on gathering vehicles for food waste and mechanic equipment at treatment plants, it is desired also to deal with these issues and a study is recommended regarding the influence from food waste on metal materials that are in contact with food waste

  7. Supply of biofuels in short term and long term; Utbudet av biobraenslen paa kort och laang sikt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lundmark, Robert (Luleaa Univ. of Technology, Luleaa (Sweden))


    The report aims to assess the economics of biofuels-supply in Sweden. This is done by constructing supply curves for the relevant categories of biomass. Further assessment is made on the future supply with a 10- and 25-year perspective, inter alia, to allow the adaptation of forest and agricultural sector technologies to more efficient use of biomass. The presence of regional and international markets is also included in the analysis. The model allows an estimate of a range for each category of biomass. These then form the basis for constructing different aggregate supply curves. The results indicate economic opportunities to increase the harvesting of biomass for a given cost. This increase is dependent on the prevailing cost. However, the results indicate that previous studies overestimate the potential reasons, why a higher degree of confidence is needed in order to formulate various policy measures

  8. Survey results of corroding problems at biological treatment plants; Kartlaeggning av vittrings- och korrosionsskador paa biologiska behandlingsanlaeggningar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boubitsas, Dimitrios; Aakesson, Urban (CBI, Boraas (Sweden)); Hellstroem, Hanna; Henriksson, Gunilla (SP, Boraas (Sweden))


    Problems regarding that leachate from food waste have been corroding vehicles and concrete slabs has been reported by Biogas- and composting plants. This is an issue that has been reported to Swedish Waste Management more often within the same pace as the volume of food waste gathering is increasing all around Sweden. The problem has also been addressed at inspections according to SPCR 120 Biogoedsel and SPCR 152 Kompost, where several plants have requested guidance/support/investigation to help solve their specific issue. Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Inst., has earlier completed some investigations which have been ordered by private plant owners/municipalities and the result from these investigations have often proved that the exposure classification has not been adjusted for its purpose. There is no clear definition regarding construction of concrete that is meant for usage in a receiving hall for food waste. It is likely that concrete for Biogas- and Composting plants are built to meet the demands of agricultural environments. The project will examine the magnitude of the problem regarding corrosion- and weathering damage on concrete slabs and cisterns at biological treatment plants. The project will also culminate to actual solutions for plants that are hit and to give advice to those in the danger zone and those who plan for new constructions. Through a survey handed to Biogas- and composting plants around the country, the width of the problem has been examined and what solutions plants have found and executed to solve this issue. A literature review has been implemented to find specific demands regarding concrete that is meant for a certain environment. Another four treatment plants have been examined. The studies that have been made are chemical analysis of leachate from food waste, analysis of drill cores and analysis of reinforcement corrosion. The results from this project show that concrete doesn't have enough resistance in these environments where food waste is treated. No matter which quality of concrete is put in use these problems will occur, though in different speeds. To ensure the function of the concrete construction, the concrete must be protected with a sealing coat. These sealing coats must be able to endure the aggressive nature from leachate coming from food waste and be resistant to mechanical abrasion from vehicles. In the report several seal coatings are shown that have been used for solving measures. Some of these have worked, while others didn't work as well. To be able to ensure the function within the different seal coatings they have to be tested in 'their proper' environment considering the chemical temperature and composition of the leachate. There are no standard methods to perform this, they have to be developed. There are plans for a new study where you bring out specific demands and standard methods for seal coats in food waste environments. Corrosion problems also occur on gathering vehicles for food waste and mechanic equipment at treatment plants, it is desired also to deal with these issues and a study is recommended regarding the influence from food waste on metal materials that are in contact with food waste

  9. Överensstämmelsen mellan ett företags önskade employer brand och den faktiska uppfattningen bland de anställda.


    Leander, Kajsa; Johannesson, Maria


    Employer branding (som kan ses som ett företags arbetsgivarvarumärke) är ett begrepp som det under det senaste decenniet riktats mycket uppmärksamhet mot och i denna uppsats undersöks hur ett företags önskade interna employer brand överensstämmer med uppfattningen de anställda har om företaget i fråga. För att undersöka den interna uppfattningen har en kvantitativ undersökning genomförts i form av enkäter som sedan kompletterats med en kvalitativ undersökning bestående av intervjuer för att p...

  10. 1+1=3? : en studie om co-branding och dess påverkan på ett varumärkes värde


    Lindberg, Ida; Andersson, Sandra


    Co-branding, vilket är en typ av varumärkessamarbete, har på senare tid blivit en populär strategi i strävan efter att skapa ett högre värde för konsumenten samt nå fördelar så som ökade intäkter samt möjligheten att skapa och attrahera lojala kunder. Dock finns det siffror som pekar på att många co-brandingsamarbeten misslyckas. Mot denna bakgrund har syftet med denna studie varit att, utifrån lojala kunders perspektiv, undersöka vilken påverkan ett varumärkessamarbete av typen co-branding k...

  11. Feeding biogas onto the national gas grid - Technical and economical aspects on omitting propane addition; Inmatning av biogas paa naturgasnaetet - Tekniska och ekonomiska aspekter paa slopad propantillsats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nelsson, Corfitz


    Biogas injection into the natural gas grid is a common practice in Sweden today. In order to condition the biogas to the quality matching the natural gas, propane (approx. 8 %) is injected in the biogas. This is a costly procedure which also introduces fossil components into a renewable gas flow. Because of this, it is desired to terminate the propane injection and inject biogas straight into the gas grid. This might affect certain customers and will affect billing procedures and this study has briefly examined the impact of injection of biogas in the gas grid without propane addition. The main findings are: 1. It seems technically possible to inject biogas without propane into the gas grid. Attention has to be paid to the quality requirements of certain sensitive customers, but most customers can accept the quality variations. 2. It is recommended that the minimum methane content of injected biogas is raised to 98 %. This might affect the operation and choice of upgrading equipment and will have to be evaluated from both a technical and an economical viewpoint in each case. 3. Downgrading the natural gas to biogas quality by air injection is not an option. 4. In order to make simplify billing procedures, the geographic location of biogas site injecting gas into the distribution network is crucial. The biogas site should be placed as close to the transmission network as possible. Further, two case studies concerning biogas injection into the transmission network are briefly discussed.

  12. Survival and growth for pubescent birch, pendula birch and common alder growing on farmland areas; Oeverlevnad och tillvaext hos glasbjoerk, vaartbjoerk och klibbal planterade paa aakermark

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johansson, Tord


    Pendula birches (Betula pendula Roth) and pubescent birches (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) were planted on former farmland. Before planting, the ground was harrowed or the ground was sprayed with terbuthylazine. Tree shelters were used as protection against weeds, voles and wild habitat. Birches treated with terbuthylazine showed the lowest survival. Birches growing in tree shelters were tallest and those growing on spots treated with terbuthylazine were smallest. The diameter at 0.1 m did not differ in a statistically significant way between the treatments. In another experiment with different herbicides, common alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) and pendula birch (Betula pendula Roth) were planted on former farmland that had been treated with glyphosate, terbuthylazine and propyzamide or after ground had been harrowed or not treated. In the study on herbicide-treated plants, birch had the highest plant survival. Mostly, species treated with glyphosate were thicker than species treated in other ways. Both species appeared sensitive to terbuthylazine, but not to glyphosate. Birch was not sensitive for propyzamide in opposite to alder. Some practical recommendations concerning afforestation of former farmland, especially weeding, are given.

  13. Familjearbetaren hos en ensamförsörjare : en kvalitativ studie om ensamförsörjarens livssituation och hur familjearbetet påverkas


    Sjöblom, Mikaela; Azimi, Diana


    Syftet med vårt lärdomsprov är att redogöra för familjearbetarnas åsikter om familjearbetet har specifika drag i utförandet av det hos familjer med en försörjare. I teoridelen tas det upp om familjepolitiken i Finland, familjearbete samt om hur en ensamförsörjares livssituation kan se ut. I undersökningen använde vi oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer. Undersökningspersonerna bestod av åtta familjearbetare från fyra olika kommuner. Intervjuerna gjordes både i grupper och som individue...

  14. Tack, men nej tack : En undersökning om Online Behavioral Advertising och dess förhållande till blockeringstjänster


    Holgersson, Pontus; Haglund, Martin


    Online Behavioral Advertising betyder att man spårar användares beteende över Internet för att kunna skapa skräddarsydda annonser till användare baserat på deras internetaktiviteter. Det är kostnadseffektivt och ger möjlighet för företag att skapa relevanta annonser för internetanvändare. Online Behavioral Advertising möts ofta av motstånd eftersom att företag inkräktar på den personliga integriteten när man samlar in information om människor för att skapa annonser. Samtidigt har användandet ...

  15. Electrical and control equipment in nuclear power plants. Problems when replacing aging equipment; El och kontrollutrustning i kaernkraftverk - Problematik vid utbyte av aaldrad utrustning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nordling, Anna; Haakansson, Goeran


    Interoperability between different technical systems is more complicated when old and new technology meet, such as between analog and digital technology. New electrical and I and C equipment is selected with consideration to simplify and improve the compatibility and interoperability. The original construction of nuclear power plants with electricity and I and C equipment had more natural interfaces. Generally experienced guidance, to the management of interoperability and interfaces, feels insufficient. Skills transfer programs are identified as a major need, as more and more important personnel are retiring and important information is lost with them. Lack of appropriate skills directly affects the ability to produce accurate and complete requirements specification. Failure modes of newer electrical and I and C equipment are perceived as more complex than the older equipment. When choosing equipment, attempts are made to minimize unnecessary features, to reduce the number of potential failure modes. There is a lack of consistent understanding of the meaning of robustness in electrical technology and I and C technology, in the nuclear plant engineering departments. The overall picture is that the robustness has worsened since the facilities were built. The Swedish nuclear power plants have an internal organizational structure with separated client and support organization. This splits the nuclear organization into two distinct parts which threaten to separate the two entities focus. Engineering departments at the Swedish nuclear power plants express a need for increased expertise in the client organization (blocks). Competence requested is for example, system knowledge to facilitate and enhance the quality of the initial analysis performed in the blocks. Suppliers receive more recently larger turnkey projects, both to minimize costs but also to minimize the interfaces and co-function problems. This, however, heightens demands for knowledge transfer between suppliers and the construction, as the facility staff even after the supplier's commitment must be familiar with how the new components and systems operate. Part of this is that higher demands should be made on suppliers, concerning the documentation and to provide knowledge of new failure modes and protection features of the new equipment. Cooperation between nuclear power plants, where the purchase to a larger degree is coordinated is increasing, and this gives the plants a greater opportunity to make greater demands on suppliers.

  16. Survey of biological processes for odor reduction; Kartlaeggning och studie av biologiska processer foer luktreduktion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arrhenius, Karine; Rosell, Lars [SP Technical Research Inst. of Sweden, Boraas (Sweden); Hall, Gunnar [SIK Swedish Inst. for Food and Biotechnology, Gothenburg (Sweden)


    This project aims to characterize chemical and subsequently odor emissions from a digester plant located closed to Boraas in Sweden (Boraas Energi och Miljoe AB). The digestion produces mainly 2 by-products, biogas and high quality organic biofertilizer. Biogas is a renewable source of electrical and heat energy and subsequently digester have a promising future. Unfortunately, release of unpleasant odours is one of the problems that may limit development of the technique as odours strongly influence the level of acceptance of the neighbours. The number of complaints due to odours depends mostly, upon the degree of odour release, the weather condition and plant environment (which influence the risks for spreading out), and the tolerance of the neighbours. These parameters are strongly variable. Many processes inside the plant distributed on a large surface may contribute to odour release. Chemical emissions were studied, in this project, by extensive sampling inside the plant. Results were then evaluated regarding risk for odour releases. The goal was to suggest controls and routines to limit releases. The conditions leading to the higher risks for odour emissions were studied by performing sampling at different periods of the year and subsequently different weather conditions. At first, places for measurement were chosen together with personal of the plant. Three zones are considered to mainly contribute to the odour emissions: the landfill region, the cisterns region and the leaching lake region. Totally 13 places were studied with regard to odour and chemical emissions under 2008-2009 at different weather conditions. Some results from a previous project (2007) are also presented here. Results show that the spreading out of can be maintained to an acceptable level as long as the plant is functioning without disturbances. The early stages of the treatment of waste should be confined in locals with closed doors to avoid spreading out of odours. Through controlled

  17. Addition of ash on drained forested peatlands in southern Sweden. Effects on forest production, fluxes of greenhouse gases and water chemistry; Tillfoersel av aska i tallskog paa dikad torvmark i soedra Sverige. Effekter paa skogsproduktion, avgaang av vaexthusgaser och vattenkemi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sikstroem, Ulf; Ernfors, Maria; Jacobson, Staffan; Klemedtsson, Leif; Nilsson, Mats; Ring, Eva


    , accumulation of tree biomass needs to increase by approximately 2%. In run off, sampled in the main ditches, the electric conductivity increased after addition of 3.1 tonnes of crushed ash, as well as the concentrations of B, Br, Ca, Cd, Co, K, Cl, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, P, PO{sub 4}-P, S, SO{sub 4}-S and Zn. For most elements, the increase appeared immediately after the ash application, and lasted from a few months to the whole observation period (c. one year). The concentrations of Pb and V was lower than expected during six and nine months, respectively. Thereafter, the Pb-concentration tended to be higher than the control. The concentration of TOC was reduced during eight months, and pH was reduced during three months after the ash addition. The effects on ground water chemistry corresponded to the effects on chemistry in run off. Two months after treatment, the concentrations of B, Ca, Cd, Co, K, Cl{sup -}, Li, Mn, Na, P, S och SO{sub 4}{sup 2-}S were elevated in the groundwater in the ash treated area. For some of the elements this was evident down to 90 - 100 cm depth. The concentrations of As and TOC at 30 - 40 cm tended to be lower in the area treated with ash. The results from this study demonstrate the initial effects (1 - 2.5 years) of wood ash addition in some drained, oligotrophic peatland forests in southern Sweden. Ash addition may affect the turn over of the peat, and potentially affect other ecosystem properties, for several decades. Hence, in order to confirm the duration of the shown short-term effects, to establish the duration of not yet ceased effects, and, establish effects that might show up in a long-term perspective, continuous follow up of the established experiments is important. This long-term monitoring is also a prerequisite of a more complete evaluation of the benefits and possible detrimental effects on the environment of wood ash addition.

  18. Rotational Spectrum, Conformational Composition, and Quantum Chemical Calculations of Cyanomethyl Formate (HC(O)OCH2C≡N), a Compound of Potential Astrochemical Interest. (United States)

    Samdal, Svein; Møllendal, Harald; Carles, Sophie


    The rotational spectrum of cyanomethyl formate (HC(O)OCH2C≡N) has been recorded in the 12–123 GHz spectral range. The spectra of two conformers were assigned. The rotamer denoted I has a symmetry plane and two out-of plane hydrogen atoms belonging to the cyanomethyl (CH2CN) moiety. In the conformer called II, the cyanomethyl group is rotated 80.3° out of this plane. Conformer I has an energy that is 1.4(6) kJ/mol lower than the energy of II according to relative intensity measurements. A large number of rotational transitions have been assigned for the ground and vibrationally excited states of the two conformers and accurate spectroscopic constants have been obtained. These constants should predict frequencies of transitions outside the investigated spectral range with a very high degree of precision. It is suggested that cyanomethyl formate is a potential interstellar compound. This suggestion is based on the fact that its congener methyl formate (HC(O)OCH3) exists across a large variety of interstellar environments and the fact that cyanides are very prevalent in the Universe. The experimental work has been augmented by high-level quantum chemical calculations. The CCSD/cc-pVQZ calculations are found to predict structures of the two forms that are very close to the Born–Oppenheimer equilibrium structures. MP2/cc-pVTZ predictions of several vibration–rotation interaction constants were generally found to be rather inaccurate. A gas-phase reaction between methyl formate and the cyanomethyl radical CH2CN to produce a hydrogen atom and cyanomethyl formate was mimicked using MP2/cc-pVTZ calculations. It was found that this reaction is not favored thermodynamically. It is also conjectured that the possible formation of cyanomethyl formate might be catalyzed and take place on interstellar particles.

  19. Suppressor mutations identify amino acids in PAA-1/PR65 that facilitate regulatory RSA-1/B″ subunit targeting of PP2A to centrosomes in C. elegans. (United States)

    Lange, Karen I; Heinrichs, Jeffrey; Cheung, Karen; Srayko, Martin


    Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation is a key mechanism for the spatial and temporal regulation of many essential developmental processes and is especially prominent during mitosis. The multi-subunit protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) enzyme plays an important, yet poorly characterized role in dephosphorylating proteins during mitosis. PP2As are heterotrimeric complexes comprising a catalytic, structural, and regulatory subunit. Regulatory subunits are mutually exclusive and determine subcellular localization and substrate specificity of PP2A. At least 3 different classes of regulatory subunits exist (termed B, B', B″) but there is no obvious similarity in primary sequence between these classes. Therefore, it is not known how these diverse regulatory subunits interact with the same holoenzyme to facilitate specific PP2A functions in vivo. The B″ family of regulatory subunits is the least understood because these proteins lack conserved structural domains. RSA-1 (regulator of spindle assembly) is a regulatory B″ subunit required for mitotic spindle assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans. In order to address how B″ subunits interact with the PP2A core enzyme, we focused on a conditional allele, rsa-1(or598ts), and determined that this mutation specifically disrupts the protein interaction between RSA-1 and the PP2A structural subunit, PAA-1. Through genetic screening, we identified a putative interface on the PAA-1 structural subunit that interacts with a defined region of RSA-1/B″. In the context of previously published results, these data propose a mechanism of how different PP2A B-regulatory subunit families can bind the same holoenzyme in a mutually exclusive manner, to perform specific tasks in vivo.

  20. Suppressor mutations identify amino acids in PAA-1/PR65 that facilitate regulatory RSA-1/B″ subunit targeting of PP2A to centrosomes in C. elegans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen I. Lange


    Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation is a key mechanism for the spatial and temporal regulation of many essential developmental processes and is especially prominent during mitosis. The multi-subunit protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A enzyme plays an important, yet poorly characterized role in dephosphorylating proteins during mitosis. PP2As are heterotrimeric complexes comprising a catalytic, structural, and regulatory subunit. Regulatory subunits are mutually exclusive and determine subcellular localization and substrate specificity of PP2A. At least 3 different classes of regulatory subunits exist (termed B, B′, B″ but there is no obvious similarity in primary sequence between these classes. Therefore, it is not known how these diverse regulatory subunits interact with the same holoenzyme to facilitate specific PP2A functions in vivo. The B″ family of regulatory subunits is the least understood because these proteins lack conserved structural domains. RSA-1 (regulator of spindle assembly is a regulatory B″ subunit required for mitotic spindle assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans. In order to address how B″ subunits interact with the PP2A core enzyme, we focused on a conditional allele, rsa-1(or598ts, and determined that this mutation specifically disrupts the protein interaction between RSA-1 and the PP2A structural subunit, PAA-1. Through genetic screening, we identified a putative interface on the PAA-1 structural subunit that interacts with a defined region of RSA-1/B″. In the context of previously published results, these data propose a mechanism of how different PP2A B-regulatory subunit families can bind the same holoenzyme in a mutually exclusive manner, to perform specific tasks in vivo.

  1. Wind power's impacts on birds and bats - Synthesis report; Vindkraftens paaverkan paa faaglar och fladdermoess - Syntesrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rydell, Jens; Hedenstroem, Anders; Green, Martin (Biologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet (Sweden)); Engstroem, Henri (Sveriges Ornitologiska Foerening/ Evolutionsbiologiskt Centrum, Uppsala Universitet (Sweden)); Kyed Larsen, Jesper (Vattenfall Wind Power, Fredericia (Denmark)); Pettersson, Jan (JP Faagelvind, Faerjestaden (Sweden))


    Wind power is apparently facing a major expansion and it is probably inevitable that birds and bats will be killed or otherwise adversely affected by wind turbines in the future. However, we believe that the planning framework (30 TWh in 2020) does not conflict with that viable populations of birds and bats are preserved. The risks of negative impacts can be limited significantly by planning and co-operation and using the knowledge that already exists. There are on the other hand also significant knowledge gaps to be filled in order to further reduce uncertainty at future wind projects

  2. Demand-based maintenance and operators support based on process models; Behovsstyrt underhaall och operatoersstoed baserat paa process modeller

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dahlquist, Erik; Widarsson, Bjoern; Tomas-Aparicio, Elena


    There is a strong demand for systems that can give early warnings on upcoming problems in process performance or sensor measurements. In this project we have developed and implemented such a system on-line. The goal with the system is to give warnings about both faults needing urgent actions, as well giving advice on roughly when service may be needed for specific functions. The use of process simulation models on-line can offer a significant tool for operators and process engineers to analyse the performance of the process and make the most correct and fastest decision when problems arise. In this project physical simulation models are used in combination with decision support tools. By using a physical model it is possible to compare the measured data to the data obtained from the simulation and give these deviations as input to a decision support tool with Bayesian Networks (BN) that will result in information about the probability for wrong measurement in the instruments, process problems and maintenance needs. The application has been implemented in a CFB boiler at Maelarenergi AB. After tuning the model the system has been used online during September - October 2010 and May - October 2011, showing that the system is working on-line with respect to running the simulation model but with batch runs with respect to the BN. Examples have been made for several variables where trends of the deviation between simulation results and measured data have been used as input to a BN, where the probability for different faults has been calculated. Combustion up in the separator/cyclones has been detected several times, problems with fuel feed on both sides of the boiler as well. A moisture sensor not functioning as it should and suspected malfunctioning temperature meters as well. Deeper investigations of the true cause of problems have been used as input to tune the BN

  3. Ash recycling to spruce and beech stands effects on nutrients, growth, nitrogen dynamics and carbon balance; Askaaterfoering till gran- och bokbestaand - effekter paa naering, tillvaext, kvaevedynamik och kolbalans

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thelin, Gunnar


    Ash recycling is an important part in a modern, sustainable forestry, especially in whole-tree harvest systems. Nutrients lost at harvest are returned to the forest with the wood-ash. In the project the effects of ash treatment on needle and leaf chemistry, tree growth, soil chemistry, soil water chemistry, and carbon and nitrogen dynamics were studied on 23 Norway spruce sites in south-western Sweden and in ten European beech sites in Scania, southern Sweden. On some of the sites there were previously established ash recycling experiments, but on a majority of the sites ash recycling was performed without experimental lay-out and ash and control plots were established afterwards. The most common dose was two tons of self hardened crushed wood-ash and two tons of Mg-lime. On average seven to eight years after ash recycling the results were 1. increased exchangeable stores of base cations in the soil in the beech and the spruce stands 2. increased base saturation in the beech and the spruce stands and increased BC/Al in the spruce stands 3. increased concentrations and ratios to N of P, Ca, Zn, and S in the needles, the increased P-values are especially important since P is close to or below deficiency levels in a majority of the spruce stands 4. decreased K-concentration in the beech leaves 5. increased tree growth with on average 14 % in the ash treated spruce stands compared to the control plots 6. increased carbon and nitrogen amounts in the biomass in the spruce stands 7. tendencies towards increased amounts of carbon and nitrogen in the soil in the beech stands and no effect in the soil in the spruce stands 8. increased concentrations of Ca, Mg, and SO{sub 4} and no effect on ANC in the soil water 9. no effect on potential net mineralization but increased potential nitrification rates 10. decreased concentration of nitrate in the soil water in the beech stands and no effect in the spruce stands 11. lower system N losses in the beech stands and possibly in the spruce stands The ash treatments appear to have given the positive effects aimed at without negative effects on the carbon balance and the nitrogen dynamics. In addition, tree growth increased in the spruce stands. The positive effects were, however, small on the soil chemistry and the soil water chemistry. The dose two tons of wood-ash and two tons of lime appear to have been too low in order to improve the mineral soil pH and the acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) in the soil water. This is probably due to desorption of historically deposited sulfate. The dose appears to be too low to compensate for whole tree harvest losses of K and P. It is probable that the increased tree growth was caused by the increased tree P-status. This is reinforced by the positive correlation between the tree growth and the needle P concentration and the lack of correlation between the tree growth and the needle N concentration. The improved nutrient status of the trees and the soil implies an improved future sustainable production capacity and makes the trees more stress resistant. There is a high possibility of good profitability in ash recycling for the land owner.

  4. Adsorption Properties of PVA/PAA/clay Composite Hydrogel Synthesized by Gamma Radiation and its Application in Removal of Crystal Violet Dye from Its Aqueous Solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamal, H.; El-Sayed, A. Hegazy; Mohamed, M.M.; Sabaa, M.W.; El-Dessouky, M.M.


    Copolymer hydrogels composed of Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) and Poly acrylic acid (PAA) were prepared by γ-irradiation in the presence of N,N’ methylene bis acrylamide (MBAM) as crosslinking agent or bentonite clay. The copolymers were characterized by FTIR and SEM. The dye adsorption experiments for Crystal Violet dye (CV) were carried out by using bath procedure. UV-visible absorption spectroscopy was used to determine the adsorption behavior. The effect of different copolymer composition, clay concentration, ph, contact time, adsorbent dose, initial dye concentration, and adsorption temperature were investigated to obtain the best experimental conditions. The adsorption equilibrium was attained after about 24h. of contact time. It was found that the adsorption process was correlated with Freundlich isotherm equation. Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of CV dye onto the prepared hydrogels were also evaluated

  5. The influence of opioids on gastric function : experimental and clinical studies


    Walldén, Jakob


    Efter operation och anestesi får patienter ofta en negativ påverkan på magsäck och tarmar. Illamående och kräkningar är ett stort problem och många har svårt att komma igång med intag av föda och normal tarmfunktion då magsäcken och tarmarna ”står stilla”. Flera faktorer bidrar- bl.a. smärtan, det kirurgiska traumat och de läkemedel vi ger i samband med anestesin. Av de senare är opioider, d.v.s morfin och morfinliknande läkemedel, starkt bidragande. I detta avhandlings- arbete har opioiders ...

  6. Studier av radioaktivt cesium i svenska renar. Oversikt over pågående undersokningar 1986

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustaf Åhman


    Full Text Available I samband med den forskning och forsöksverksamhet som bedrivits vid renforsöksavdelningen har vi arbetat med metodik och teknik som kan tillämpas vid studier av radioaktivt cesium i renbetesväxter och i renar. På betessidan har vi bl.a. arbetat med kontaminering av tungmetaller från gruvindustrin och nitrat efter kvävegödsling. Omfattande studier har utförts av renens mineralstatus och mineralämnesomsättning. Erfarenheter och kunskaper från dessa områden har utnyttjats for planering och genomförande av de studier som nu pågår beträffande radioaktivt cesium i renbetesväxter och renar.

  7. Sweden's Future Climate in the short- and medium-term perspective. Basis for development of climate adaptation tools; Sveriges framtida klimat paa kort och medellaang sikt. Underlag foer utveckling av verktyg foer klimatanpassning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlsen, Henrik; Parmhed, Oskar


    This report studies two questions - how the actual amount of greenhouse gas emissions has changed over time in comparison with previous assumptions and what will happen to Sweden's climate from short and medium term perspectives given the future development of the climate in general. The content of this report shall be used as the basis for continued work in the development of climate adaptation tools that can be used primarily in Sweden. The first section of this report presents the development of actual greenhouse gas emissions in recent years. Eight years have passed since IPCC published its emissions scenarios (SRES) and for this reason a comparison between the emissions levels from the report and the experimental data from observations made in recent years is well due. Measurements show that current levels of emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels exceed the average of the SRES families as a whole. Among other implications, this means that emission levels are significantly higher than the levels assumed in the climate scenarios of the Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability (Klimat- och saarbarhetsutredningen). There is little support from the experimental data to indicate that this rate of increase will subside. In addition, studies are indicating that the increased emissions are not solely attributable to a rise in population levels and increased wealth (GNP/capita). Another aspect is that the carbon intensity, measured as the amount of carbon dioxide per unit production price, has been declining since 2000. This is entirely contrary to the assumptions made in all of the emissions scenarios in SRES that carbon dioxide efficiency would continue to increase. The report therefore concludes that work with climate adaptation in Sweden must take into consideration to a greater extent than is currently done today the consequences of emissions levels that are in line with or exceed the highest SRES levels. The second section of this report takes

  8. Algal toxicity of the alternative disinfectants performic acid (PFA), peracetic acid (PAA), chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and their by-products hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and chlorite (ClO2-)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chhetri, Ravi Kumar; Baun, Anders; Andersen, Henrik Rasmus


    Environmental effect evaluation of disinfection of combined sewer overflow events with alternative chemical disinfectants requires that the environmental toxicity of the disinfectants and the main by-products of their use are known. Many disinfectants degrade quickly in water which should......: performic acid (PFA), peracetic acid (PAA) and chlorine dioxide (ClO2) as well as two by-products of their use: hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and chlorite. All of the five chemicals investigated showed clear toxicity to the algae with well-defined dose response curves. The EC50 values ranged from 0.16 to 2.9 mg...

  9. Energy- and value added services in the electric power market in Sweden; Energi- och mervaerdestjaenster paa elmarknaden i Sverige

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsson, Peter


    This report tries to give a comprehensive picture of the offerings of energy- and value added services on the deregulated Swedish electric power market. A compilation of the service offerings from some 50 electric utilities is given. Market movements within deregulated sectors are treated with special emphasis on the electric power business.

  10. Wave loads on foundations for wind turbines. A literature survey; Vaaglaster paa fundament till vindkraftverk - systemdynamik och utmattning: Litteraturstudie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlen, Ingemar


    This report is an overview of literature covering the influence of wave loads on foundations for wind power plants. Relevant subjects are wave motion, wave forces on slender structures, wave statistics for the Swedish coast together with planning and certification.

  11. Blockkedjeteknik


    Andersson, Kim


    Blockkedjan, tekniken bakom Bitcoin och populariserad i dess introduktion, fungerar som en distribuerad databas och en publik huvudbok för transaktioner. Blockkedjetek-niken har även andra implementeringar och användningsområden än endast Bitcoin. Syftet med arbetet är att beskriva blockkedjetekniken och några typiska blockkedjetilllämpningar. I detta arbete presenteras blockkedjans struktur och säkerhet, publika, privata och tillståndsbelagda blockkedjor samt bevis på arbete, bevis på andel ...

  12. Thiolated polymers: evaluation of the influence of the amount of covalently attached L-cysteine to poly(acrylic acid). (United States)

    Palmberger, Thomas F; Albrecht, Karin; Loretz, Brigitta; Bernkop-Schnürch, Andreas


    It was the aim of this study to investigate the influence of the amount of thiol groups being covalently attached to poly(acrylic acid) 450 kDa on its properties. Five different PAA(450)-L-cysteine conjugates (PAA(450)-Cys) were synthesized bearing 53.0 (PAA I), 113.4 (PAA II), 288.8 (PAA III), 549.1 (PAA IV) and 767.0 (PAA V) micromol immobilized thiol groups per gram polymer. Mucoadhesion studies utilizing the rotating cylinder method, tensile studies and disintegration studies were performed. Self-crosslinking properties were measured by the increase in viscosity. Permeation studies were performed on rat small intestine and Caco-2 monolayers using sodium fluorescein as model drug. Following residence times on the rotating cylinder could be identified: PAA I 3.1; PAA II 5.2; PAA III 22.0; PAA IV 33.8; PAA V 53.7; control 1.3 [h]. The disintegration time of all PAA(450)-Cys tablets was strongly dependent on the degree of thiolation of the polymer. Self-crosslinking studies showed that the different PAA(450)-Cys conjugates (3% m/v) in phosphate buffer, pH 6.8, formed intramolecular disulfide bonds. In case of Caco-2 monolayer transport studies following P(app)-values could be identified: PAA I 9.8; PAA II 10.1; PAA III 11.1; PAA IV 8.9; PAA V 8.2; control 6.4 [P(app)x10(-6), cms(-1)]. Mucoadhesive and self-crosslinking properties are strongly dependent on the degree of thiolation of the polymer and with respect to transport studies, an optimum amount of covalently attached L-cysteine could be identified.

  13. "Det är inte mig det är fel på, det är huset" : en studie av prognosfaktorer och bemötande med fokus på sjuka hus-syndromet


    Edvardsson, Berit


    Bakgrund: Sick Building Syndrome, SBS, är fortfarande 2015 ett tillstånd som vållar mycket diskussion. Symtomen kan grupperas i slemhinnesymtom, hudsymtom och allmänna symtom. I definitionen ingår att personen/ personerna som fått symtom har exponerats för dålig inomhusluft i en speciell byggnad. När personen inte är i byggnaden så förbättras eller försvinner symtomen. Många olika faktorer kan orsaka eller medverka till uppkomst eller försämringar av SBS-symtom, som t.ex. luftens innehåll av ...

  14. The Wind Power Handbook. Planning and approval of wind power plants on shore and in coastal areas; Vindkraftshandboken. Planering och proevning av vindkraftverk paa land och i kustnaera vattenomraaden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Wind Power Handbook is designed to make it easier for municipalities and wind energy companies to plan wind power projects. It contains the issues to be considered when planning and review, both the legal bases under essentially Planning and Building Act and the Environmental Code and the environmental assessments. The manual is primarily addressed to the municipalities and various operators. There are many interests to be met at a wind power establishment, which requires knowledge and cooperation of the different actors on the planning and approval process to be effective. Here we have gathered important knowledge base to facilitate the process and to contribute to a balanced decision

  15. Leaning av arbetspunkt för urindiagnostik


    Romar, Arne Johannes


    Lean är en metod som ämnar förbättra arbetsprocesser, öka kvalitén och förhindra slöseri av resurser. Fler och fler företag och institutioner i västvärlden har den senaste tiden börjat implementera läran och verktygen som ursprungligen kom från Toyota och deras produktionssystem. Sjukhus och sjukhuslaboratorier är inget undantag, patienterna och provmängderna blir större samtidigt som krav på inbesparningar sker. Därför behövs alternativa lösningar i form av lean för att få tillstånd en effek...

  16. Maskinunderhållets utveckling från forntiden till framtiden


    Sundius, Erik


    Mitt examensarbete består av två delar, en teoretisk och en praktisk del. Den praktiska delen gjordes i Axxells metallverkstad i Karis. Metallverkstaden erbjuder yrkesutbildning för både ungdomar och vuxna. Arbetet inleddes den 23 februari 2012 och tog ungefär ett år i anspråk. Syftet med arbetet var, enligt uppdragsavtalet, att "förbättra arbetssäkerheten och kvaliteten på undervisningen genom dokumenterade rutiner för service och underhåll" och arbetsrubriken var "Servicehandbok för Axxell ...

  17. Study of the influence of the codopant over the photoluminescent properties of PAA doped with Eu3+, Gd3+, and Tb3+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flores, M.; Arroyo, R.


    The results are presented obtained about the synthesis of acrylic poly acid characterization (PAA) doped with Eu 3+ , Gd 3+ and Tb 3+ . They got ready materials with even of these ions and it was studied the influence of the co dopant in the processes of emission of Eu 3+ (λ em = 618 nm), Gd 3+ (λ em = 624 nm) and Tb 3+ (λ em = 546 nm), as well as their effect in the phosphorescence (λ em = 450 nm) of the polymeric matrix. It was found that the intensity of the emission of Eu 3+ diminishes substantially due to the presence of the ions Gd 3+ , contrary to what happens when the co dopant is Tb 3+ , which causes an increase. In the one case of the emission of Tb 3+ , this it increases with the presence of Gd 3+ but it diminishes when Eu 3+ is present. These results are consequence of the homogeneous distribution of those dopants and of the phenomena of energy transfer that happen in the materials synthesized. (Author)

  18. The Closing Digital Divide: Delivery Modality and Family Attendance in the Pathways for African American Success (PAAS) Program. (United States)

    Murry, Velma McBride; Berkel, Cady; Liu, Na


    Although family-focused, evidence-based programs (EBPs) have the potential to reduce disparities in health and behavioral outcomes for youth, access to such programs is severely limited in the most affected areas, including African American communities in the rural South. As expanding the reach of EBPs is the primary goal of translational research, interest is growing in the potential of technology as a viable platform to disseminate services to areas with limited resources. To test whether African American families in the rural South would be willing to engage in a technology-based family-focused EBP to prevent adolescent risk behavior, we examined attendance using data from two arms of a three-arm community-based trial of the Pathways for African American Success (PAAS) program. In the overall study, sixth graders (N = 412) and their primary caregivers were randomly assigned to the following conditions: (a) in-person, small group sessions led by facilitators; (b) self-directed, technology-based sessions; or (c) a literature control with home-mailed educational materials. Results indicated that attendance was higher in the technology condition than in the small group condition. Parental age, education, and socioeconomic status did not limit attendance in the technology condition. We conclude from these results that the use of technology can be an acceptable strategy for disseminating parenting EBPs to African American families in the rural South.

  19. Teorin i praktiken - praktiken i teorin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Birthe; Lindhart, Lars


    Vad ligger bakom våra föreställningar om "teori" och "praktik"? Är de varandras motsatser och oförenliga? Eller är de aspekter både i lärande och yrkesutövande? I boken talas om den "praktikchock" som ofta möter blivande lärare när de är ute i skolornas "verklighet" för första gången. Denna antol...... antologi med alla sina lärda, inspirerande och insiktsfulla bidrag vänder sig till verksamma lärare och lärarstuderande som närmar sig slutet av sin utbildning och alla andra som arbetar med mötet mellan teori och praktik....

  20. Manuell grönsaksskärare


    Langborg, Ida


    Denna rapport är en skriftlig sammanställning av det produktutvecklingsprojekt som gjorts som kandidatarbete inom programmet Design och produktframtagning KTH, under våren 2010. Köket är idag en viktig samlingspunkt för familjer och vänner och antalet köksredskap är oändligt många och anpassade till det moderna köket. Många redskap är stora, drivs av elektricitet för att effektivisera matlagningen och på så sätt spara tid, samtidigt som det ligger en trend i ekologi och energibesparing. Själv...

  1. Mindfulness – en metod för studerande : En systematisk litteraturstudie


    Evatt, Maria


    I detta examensarbete undersöktes mindfulness inom högskole- och universitets studerande. Studerande har visats ha ett behov av verktyg för att hantera stress och för stärkande av studieförmågan under skolgången. Mindfulness är en form av tillvaro och medveten närvaro. Tidigare forskning har visat goda resultat och effekter inom målgrupper såsom t.ex. stresshantering och hälsa. Tillsvidare har ännu lite forskning utförts inom området mindfulness och studerande. Ämnet mindfulness undersöktes d...

  2. Representationer av kvinnor i tv-spel : En semiotisk bildanalys om hur genus konstrueras i spelet Overwatch


    Skönergård, Johan


    Tv-spel har sedan dess begynnelse kontinuerligt växt storartat och är numera en stor ekonomisk nöjesindustri med flera miljoner användare varje dag. Tv- och film har under flera år granskats och undersökts gällande exempelvis vilka meddelanden dessa sänder ut och reproducerar till dess konsumenter genom bland annat könsroller, våld, etnicitet och klass. Även om tv-spel som medieplattform även blivit granskad gällande liknande fenomen som tv- och film så är forskningsområdet fortfarande relati...

  3. Peracetic acid degradation in freshwater aquaculture systems and possible practical implications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Meinelt, Thomas; Straus, David L.


    , and it decays rapidly when applied to freshwater in aquaculture systems. The rapid decay is beneficial in an environmental context but a challenge to aquaculturists. To assess the impact of organic matter content and temperature on PAA decay, twenty-four batch experiments were set up using PAA doses ranging...... from 0 to 2.0 mg/l. The results revealed that increasing organic matter content significantly facilitated PAA decay, and positive temperature-decay correlations were found. Instantaneous PAA consumption above 0.2 mg/l was observed, and PAA half-lives were found to be in the order of a few minutes....... The relative PAA recovery, calculated as measured PAA concentration over time compared to the PAA concentration applied, decreased with declining dose. Measurements of PAA residuals during water treatment scenarios at three different freshwater fish farms revealed moderate to substantial PAA consumption...

  4. Addition of ash and PK with or without N on a peatland in southern Sweden. Effects on tree growth and needle element concentrate; Tillfoersel av aska och PK med eller utan N paa en torvmark i soedra Sverige. Effekter paa traedtillvaext och aemneshalter i barr

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sikstroem, Ulf (Forestry Research Inst. of Sweden, Uppsala (Sweden))


    In Sweden, about 1.3 million tonnes of ash are produced annually. Out of that amount, 150 000 - 300 000 tonnes have been estimated to originate from forest fuels, i.e. ashes that potentially can be brought back to the forest. Apart from being a compensatory measure after intensive forest harvest (e.g. including tops and branches), the ash may be used to increase the tree growth on peat soils (ash fertilization). On peat soils, tree growth is generally increased after addition of ash or phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) fertilizers. However, in some cases also nitrogen (N) addition is required. On sparsely stocked mires, fertilization may promote the regeneration as well as increase the growth of the trees. Sufficient drainage and supply of plant-available N are some prerequisites for increasing tree growth by PK-addition. In 1982, Skogforsk established a field experiment (168 Perstorp) located in the province of Scania in a sparsely stocked Pinus Sylvestris (L.) sapling stand on a ditched mire where different nutrient regimes were tested. The experiment had a randomized block design including four blocks and seven treatments. Ash and different dozes of P (raw phosphate) and K (potassium chloride), with or without simultaneous N addition, were included as well as un untreated control. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects on tree growth and needle elemental concentrations 26 years after treatment. The addition of similar dozes of P (approx. 40 kg P/ha), as ash (2.5 tonnes/ha) or as PK-fertilizer rendered similar growth responses. The increase in stem-wood growth was in the order of 1,6 - 1,9 m3/ha/yr during the 26-year period. The N-addition had no additional effect. On the control plots, the growth was more or less negligible (approx. 0,04 m3sk/ha/yr). On average, the high dozes of raw-phosphate and potassium chloride (40 kg P/ha and 80 kg K/ha) gave a higher growth increase than the low dozes (20 kg P/ha and 40 kg K/ha), although this effect was not statistically significant. In the low doze plots, the height growth of the main stems (to be left after a cleaning) indicated a shorter effect period. The increased tree growth on an area basis due to the nutrient addition was an effect of both an increase in the number of trees and an increased growth of these trees. The needle N concentrations indicated a sufficient N status of the Pinus sylvestris trees, which was in line with the lacking response on growth after N fertilization. In addition, the P- and K-concentrations in the needles increased significantly in the treatments with ash or PK, where the growth responses were substantial. In conclusion, sufficient drainage combined with addition of ash or PK-fertilizer on this type of mires can result in a pole stage Pinus sylvestris stand. However, the sustainability of the growth is an open question

  5. Monitoring of test roads with MSWI bottom ash in the sub-base. Measurements with falling weight deflectometer on test structures in Malmoe and Umeaa. Analyses of ground water and leachate along test structures in Umeaa; Uppfoeljning av slaggrusprovvaegar. Fallviktsmaetning paa provstraeckor paa Toerringevaegen i Malmoe och Daavamyran i Umeaa. Grundvatten- och lakvattenanalyser paa provstraeckor vid Daavamyran i Umeaa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arm, Maria; Larsson, Lennart; Tiberg, Charlotta; Lind, Bo; Arvidslund, Ola


    A number of test roads and test areas with processed municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash, here called MSWI gravel, have been built in Sweden during the last 10-15 years. The main purpose of the projects reported here was to take advantage of the existing test roads to increase the knowledge of the long-term strength and environmental impact of MSWI gravel, when it is used as a road material. Two test roads with MSWI gravel in the sub-base were monitored through falling weight deflectometer (FWD) measurements and, for one of the roads, by means of sampling and analyses of groundwater and leachate within and along the road. The first road, constructed in 1998, is named Toerringevaegen and is situated outside Malmoe in the south of Sweden. The second road, Daava test road, was constructed in 2001 and is situated outside Umeaa in the north of Sweden. The roads were monitored regarding strength from 2004 to 2008 and Daava test road was also monitored regarding environmental impact from 2006 to 2008. For both roads, comparison was made over time and between the test sections with MSWI gravel and reference sections with crushed rock. Comparison was also made with results from previous studies on these test roads, resulting in a uniquely long monitoring period. The results from Toerringevaegen show that the road section with MSWI gravel in the sub-base retains its strength after several years. The three measurements performed at the Daava road revealed an initially decreasing strength and then a stabilisation. As in previous studies, the strength of the MSWI gravel was found to be about 70% of that of the crushed rock, which has to be taken into account in the design phase. It was concluded that regarding the strength properties MSWI gravel is suitable as sub-base material if the road is properly designed. It can also be used as a filling material, in embankments and as a capping layer. This confirms the conclusions from previous studies. The results from the leachate analyses showed increased cumulative leaching of calcium and sulphate from both sections at the Daava test road, which was surprising. Furthermore, most compounds leached in greater amount from the reference section than from the test section. There was a significant decrease in the leaching of copper, TOC, chloride and sodium over time from the test section, while the decrease of chromium leaching was not as significant. During the first years after construction, the test section leached greater amount of organic compounds analysed than the reference section did, but the concentrations in the leachates decreased significantly and after five-six years they were comparable with those of the reference section. During the last years, the concentrations of organic acids in the leachates from the reference section were higher than in the leachates from the test section. The reason for this is unknown. When results from previous laboratory leaching tests on the MSWI gravel used were compared with the newly proposed maximum values for waste to be used in construction works (general use) and with current limit values for waste disposed in landfills for inert waste, it was clear that chloride, sulphate and copper and initially to some extent chromium were critical compounds. However, all compounds with proposed or fixed limit values were not analysed in the previous study. Comparison between the leachates from the test section and results from previous laboratory leaching of the MSWI gravel showed significantly different patterns. This should be taken into account in the assessment of potential use

  6. ”På Facebook slipper man vara närvarande” : En studie kring unga vuxnas syn på användande, identitetsskapande och kvarlämnade digitala identiteter på Facebook


    Michael, Carlsson; Lahdensuo, Jonna


    Bakgrund: Facebook är ett socialt onlinenätverk som under sina levnadsår har ökat explosionsartat i popularitet. På Facebook sköter många användare stora delar av sina sociala relationer och delar med sig mycket av sig själva. Det finns inget tidigare socialt nätverk i stil med Facebook som har haft samma genomslagskraft hos internetanvändarna. I användandet skapas en digital identitet som lämnar spår på Facebook, även om en användare är död. Kring dessa kvalämnade digitala identiteter vill v...

  7. Granulated wood ash to forest soils. Effects on microorganisms, phosphorus availability, and spatial relationships in the humus layer; Granulerad vedaska till skog paa fastmark. Paaverkan paa fosfortillgaang, mikroorganismer och rumsliga variationsmoenster

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clarholm, Marianne [Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Forest Mycology and Pathology


    The report summarises effects on microorganisms, phosphorus (P) availability and spatial relationships in the humus layer of two spruce forests in south-western Sweden four to seven years after application of 3.2 tonnes (t) (Skogaby), alternatively three or six t (Torup) of granulated wood ash. There were tendencies for increases in pH and in numbers of ciliates, flagellates and small nematodes while no effects were observed for naked amoebae, the major consumers of bacteria among the protozoa. After seven years, the amount of P in microbial biomass in the humus layer in the wood ash treatment (A) in Skogaby was significantly higher than in the control (C), increased amounts of microbial nitrogen and carbon were also recorded. Observations over time indicated that the P availability in the soil first decreased after the ash addition, but later increased above that in the control. The time course was most readily seen in the microbial biomass, which contained 50% of total P in the humus layer, an amount equal to ten times the yearly uptake in trees. The microbial biomass has a much higher P concentration as compared to the needles, the component of the tree with the highest concentration. The P in micro-organisms thus form a buffer against P deficiency for the trees. A test where the {sup 32}P uptake rate of excised mycorrhizal fine roots in the laboratory is used to establish P availability in the field, indicated an increased P availability in (A), which was in contrast to reported decreased uptake of P in trees, decreased P concentration in needles and also in roots, as compared to (C). In six treatments investigated in Skogaby {sup 32}P uptake rates were negatively correlated to the P/C of the microbial biomass. Acid phosphatase activity was always higher in (A) as compared to treatments where soluble P had been added and at two out of five times also higher than in (C ). High phosphatase activity levels were at least partly connected to large amounts of microbial biomass, where fungi were responsible for the increases. Fungal hyphae formed 'cups' around the lower parts of the ash granules, when the moisture situation was favourable, but when the possibility of weathering was investigated by measuring pH under the granules after three years in the field, no decreases was found except in an ammonium sulphate treatment (NS) were no hyphal 'cups' had developed. The. hyphae making up the 'cups' will gather cations leached from the granules. In a study in Torup where 51 soil cores were taken 0.5 m apart in three transects, addition of 3 and 6 t of ash caused significantly increased standard respiration in samples from the upper half of the humus layer four years after addition, without changes in pH. Geostatistical analyses of spatial variation indicated that for respiration, acid phosphatase activity and conductivity, the ash addition in Torup had changed the pattern from one typical for a situation where there is a high external influence and characteristic for Swedish high deposition areas, to another pattern typical for Swedish humus layers of forests less exposed to deposition. The change in pattern was most obvious in the 3 t ash treatment, in the pattern for the 6 t treatment there was again a tendency for an external influence, possibly from the ash. Three tonnes of granulated wood ash were judged as a more suitable dose for soil remediation than six tonnes. Addition of wood ash to a forest floor can be seen as soil remediation and such a treatment can make up for losses of cations from lower soil layers in areas with high deposition. However, Sweden's forests mostly stand on young unweathered bedrock and have large amounts of nutrients stored in the organic forest floor, which can be mobilised when needed. To return P and cations in amounts equivalent to those exported in harvest and to match N added as deposition is not necessary at present to secure sustained tree growth in the next generation, but all the same the right thing to do according to the principal of cautiousness. Returning the increasing amounts of wood ash coming from increased bioenergy use to the forest is also a better long term alternative than storage in a deposit with unknown future problems with leakage e.g. with heavy metals.

  8. Ett företag utifrån en kundsynvinkel - Team Kitchen Ab


    Dristig, Oscar


    Uppdragsgivaren för detta examensarbete är företaget Team Kitchen Ab vars huvudsakliga verksamhetsområde är ordnandet av matlagningskurser för både privata samt företagskunder. Syftet med arbetet är att redogöra för och mäta kundtillfredställelse och tjänstekvalitet hos uppdragsgivaren samt att redogöra för förbättrings-, och utvecklingsmöjligheter inom företagets tjänster och verksamhet. Teorier som behandlas i detta arbete är kvalitet och processer av bl.a. Lecklin och Edvardsson, SERVQUAL ...

  9. Flygande mat - kabinpersonals måltidssituation


    Johansson, Johanna; Hugosson, Ellen


    Inledning Yrket som kabinanställd inom flyget präglas av serviceanda och ansvar för passagerares säkerhet. Arbetsmiljön innebär fysiska påfrestningar vad gäller till exempel kabintryck och låg syrenivå. Mat och måltider intas under olika tider på dygnet och infaller sällan på normala måltidstider. Kabinpersonalens måltider regleras av regler, avtal och policyer rörande arbetstidens längd. Syfte Syftet var att undersöka kabinpersonalens måltider under arbetstid, med fokus på riktlinjer och pol...

  10. How furniture shopping couldchange through omni-channelretailing and the use of technology-based innovations




    Syftet med denna forskning är att få en bättre förståelse för de faktorer som påverkar konsumenternas beslutsfattande vid köp av möbler och hur Omni - kanaler och teknologiska innovationer kan bidra till möbelindustrin och hur det påverkar de olika marknadsföringskanalerna och hur det i slutändan kan förändra upplevelsen för kunden. Den teori som har använts i denna studie omfattar områdena Omni  kanaler, marknadsföring och detaljhandel, allmän detaljhandel och dess kundupplevelse , beslut oc...

  11. Effects of heavy metals and some biotic factors on ectomycorrhizal Scots pine in northern Finland; Effekter av tungmetaller och naagra biotiska faktorer paa tall och dess ektomykorrhiza i norra Finland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahonen-Jonnarth, U.


    In this work, nickel and copper exposure on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was studied experimentally under field conditions. The significance of some biotic factors was also studied. We wanted to test whether the understorey lichen layer has a protective role against nickel exposure, and whether it has any effects on pine seedlings. Effects of defoliation, simulating sawfly grazing, were also examined, since the reduced photosynthesis can be assumed to affect root growth and ectomycorrhiza negatively. Ectomycorrhizal colonization has been found to decrease in pinyon pine due to defoliation. 19 refs

  12. Study of the influence of the codopant over the photoluminescent properties of PAA doped with Eu{sup 3+}, Gd{sup 3+}, and Tb{sup 3+}; Estudio de la influencia del codopante sobre las propiedades fotoluminiscentes de PAA dopado con Eu{sup 3+}, Gd{sup 3+} y Tb{sup 3+}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores, M.; Arroyo, R. [Departamento de Fisica, UAM-I, A.P. 55-534, 09820 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The results are presented obtained about the synthesis of acrylic poly acid characterization (PAA) doped with Eu{sup 3+}, Gd{sup 3+} and Tb{sup 3+}. They got ready materials with even of these ions and it was studied the influence of the co dopant in the processes of emission of Eu{sup 3+} ({lambda}{sub em} = 618 nm), Gd{sup 3+} ({lambda}{sub em} = 624 nm) and Tb{sup 3+} ({lambda}{sub em} = 546 nm), as well as their effect in the phosphorescence ({lambda}{sub em} = 450 nm) of the polymeric matrix. It was found that the intensity of the emission of Eu{sup 3+} diminishes substantially due to the presence of the ions Gd{sup 3+}, contrary to what happens when the co dopant is Tb{sup 3+} , which causes an increase. In the one case of the emission of Tb{sup 3+}, this it increases with the presence of Gd{sup 3+} but it diminishes when Eu{sup 3+} is present. These results are consequence of the homogeneous distribution of those dopants and of the phenomena of energy transfer that happen in the materials synthesized. (Author)

  13. The Swedish National Defence Research Establishment and the plans for Swedish nuclear weapons; Foersvarets forskningsanstalt och planerna paa svenska kaernvapen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jonter, Thomas [Uppsala Univ. (Sweden). Dept. of History


    This study analyses the Swedish nuclear weapons research since 1945 carried out by the Swedish National Defence Research Establishment (FOA). The most important aspect of this research was dealing with protection in broad terms against nuclear weapons attacks. However, another aspect was also important from early on - to conduct research aiming at a possible production of nuclear weapons. FOA performed an extended research up to 1968, when the Swedish Government signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which meant the end of these production plans. Up to this date, five main investigations about the technical conditions were made, 1948, 1953, 1955, 1957 and 1965, which all together expanded the Swedish know-how to produce a bomb. The Swedish plans to procure nuclear weapons were not an issue in the debate until the mid 50's. The reason for this was simple, prior to 1954 the plans were secretly held within a small group of involved politicians, military and researchers. The change of this procedure did take place when the Swedish Supreme Commander in a public defence report in 1954 favoured a Swedish Nuclear weapons option. In 1958 FOA had reached a technical level that allowed the Parliament to make a decision. Two programs were proposed - the L-programme (the Loading Programme), to be used if the parliament would say yes to a production of nuclear weapons, and the S-programme (the Protection Programme), if the Parliament would say no. The debate on the issue had now created problems for the Social Democratic Government. The Prime Minister, Tage Erlander, who had earlier defended a procurement of nuclear weapons, was now forced to reach a compromise. The compromise was presented to the parliament in a creative manner that meant that only the S-programme would be allowed. The Government argued that the technical level did allow a 'freedom of action' up to at least the beginning of the 60's when Sweden was mature to make a decision on the issue. During this period of 'wait and see' FOA was not allowed to conduct research directed towards producing nuclear weapons. On the other hand, it was stated that it was impossible to make a clear-cut line between protection and construction research within a freedom of action. The Parliament accepted the Government's recommendation. Was then protection research the only research that was performed? The question has been under debate in the media and also the issue for one Government investigation. Former classified FOA documents have now been released and enabled this study. The conclusion of this report is that FOA went further in its efforts to make technical and economical estimations than the defined S-programme allowed, at least in a couple of instances. The findings in this report support the assumption that it was a political game that made the Swedish Government introduce the term protection research to escape criticism, while in practical terms construction research was performed in order to obtain technical and economical estimations for a possible production. A second finding of this report is that Sweden reached latent capacity to produce nuclear weapons in 1955. This is at least two years earlier than what is normally accepted in the international literature on nuclear proliferation. For example, in Stephen M Meyer's classic study The Dynamics of Nuclear Proliferation, Sweden is said to have reached latent capacity in 1957. Meyer's study refers to another study in this respect. An analysis of the declassified documents from FOA concludes that this is at least two years to late. A third aim of this report is to analyse the decommissioning of the nuclear weapons research after the NPT was signed in 1968. The fourth aim is to investigate how much plutonium, natural and depleted uranium and heavy water FOA had at its disposal within the research programme. The result of this investigation is given in appendix 2.

  14. Preventive maintenance and life time assessment with respect to cyclic operation; Foerebyggande underhaall och livslaengdsbedoemning med avseende paa cyklisk drift

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Storesund, Jan


    Procedures that may be used for the life time assessments and growth laws for failure mechanisms with respect to cyclic operation has been compiled. Experience and analyzes of the effects of cyclical operation of steam drums, steam boxes, steam accumulators and valves has been compiled. For the strain-induced corrosion cracking in steam drums a correlation between the voltage level and the crack growth rate has been developed.

  15. Deposits on heat exchanging surfaces, causes in the bleaching process and countermeasures; Belaeggningar paa vaermevaexlare, orsaker i blekprocessen och aatgaerder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bjurstroem, Henrik [AaF-Energi och Miljoe AB, Stockholm (Sweden); Staahl, Charlotte; Widell, Lars [AaF-Celpap AB, Stockholm (Sweden)


    Energy conservation in process industry implies to a large extent recovery of heat (or cold) from a process stream and its utilization for another process stream. The savings of energy that can be achieved depend on the process streams, but also on the efficiency of the heat exchange. A small driving temperature difference is a condition for an extensive recovery and a satisfactory preservation of its quality, i.e. its temperature. As process streams contain compounds or components that can precipitate and form deposits on heat exchanging surfaces, the recovery of heat is degraded. In the pulp and paper industry, two trends combine to increase the extent of fouling: a larger degree of closure for the process and a change in pH-profile caused by a switch to elementary chlorine free bleaching. In this study, the occurrence of deposits has been investigated for the mills that produce mechanical pulp and for the fiber line in mills producing chemical pulp. Deposits on the evaporator surfaces are treated in a parallel study. Except for some plants, deposits are not an important problem today. That does not mean that there has not been any problem or that problems will not occur. The origin of deposits lies in the chemistry of the process, but deposits have consequences for the thermal energy management. A list of possible actions in order to avoid deposits or to mitigate their consequences has been dressed in this report. They should be considered with the following order of priority: avoiding that the compounds that may form deposits enter at all the process, section 6.1; avoiding that these compounds form a deposit once they have entered the process, section 6.2; cleaning if nothing else helps or costs too much, section 6.3. Some of these methods are well known or are conventional changes in the processes. Some of these methods are less well proven or less well documented. In a longer time perspective, the kidney technology that is being developed could contribute to lower concentrations of the inorganic components of deposits in the process streams. The formation of oxalate can, however, hardly be avoided. Deposits may nevertheless occur, but their severity will be reduced.

  16. Radiological effects on plants and animals from Clink during operation; Radiologisk paaverkan paa vaexter och djur fraan Clink under drift

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hallberg, Bengt; Aquilonius, Karin; Skoog, Sofie; Huutoniemi, Tommi (Studsvik Nuclear AB, Nykoeping (Sweden)); Torudd, Jesper (Facilia AB, Bromma (Sweden))


    This report is the basis for the environmental impact study which is submitted in connection with applications for construction and operation of the encapsulation plant and final disposal facility. The report presents the results of calculations of Clabs'/Clinks' contribution to dose rates for biota in the environment around the Simpevarp peninsula. The biota referred to in this report means plants and animals excluding humans. Calculations are for the reported releases from CLAB to air and water, and estimated future emissions from the CLAB and Clink, both for normal operation and any mishaps. For future emissions both so-called realistic and conservative estimates were used

  17. Analysis of transaction costs for the supply and demand for wood fuels; Transaktionskostnadsanalys av utbud och efterfraagan paa traedbraenslen. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roos, A.; Bohlin, F.; Hektor, B.; Hillring, B.; Parikka, M. [Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Forest Management and Products


    The objective of the project was to analyse the importance of transaction costs for the supply and demand for woodfuels in Sweden. The project covered the period of great expansion of woodfuel use in the district heating sector, from 1980 until present. It uses literature studies, case studies and surveys. New institutional theory and transaction cost theory was applied. Several transaction costs have influenced both supply from the forest owners and demand from the main users, the district heating plants. Many of these transaction costs have been reduced by the market players, through learning, technical improvements and institutional innovations. Actions to reduce transaction costs have accompanied technical improvements of handling and transport. Strategies for woodfuel procurement have also been analysed. Important conclusions of the project for a change in the energy system are presented.

  18. Abort inom den islamiska rättstraditionen


    Sayed, Mosa


    Den svenska patientpopulationens stora heterogenitet, exempelvis med hänsyn till etnicitet, kultur, religion och nationell härkomst, kan på olika sätt påverka hur patienter uppfattar vad som utgör god vård. Islam och muslimer utgör idag en del av det svenska samhället och representerar en beaktansvärd del av dem som vänder sig till hälso- och sjukvården. Forskning om islam och frågor rörande hälso- och sjukvård i den svenska kontexten är dock begränsad. Inte minst gäller det synen på abort in...

  19. Word-of-blog : Hur WOM på bloggar påverkar ett företags försäljning


    Larsson, Sara; Johansson, Johanna


    Företag har länge använt sig av samtal mellan människor för att sprida budskap om produkter, tjänster och varumärken. Forskare visade redan på 1950-talet att denna typ av informella konversationer, även kallad word-of-mouth (WOM), påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende och företags försäljning. I och med utvecklandet av Internet har WOM fått ytterligare uppmärksamhet och idag ser vi att fler och fler företag använder sig av kanaler såsom internetforum och bloggar som del av sin marknadsföring. Tro...

  20. Doping and Public Health

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Ask Vest

    rad av världens främsta idrottsvetare och dopningsexperter hade mött upp för att presentera papers till en intresserad och engagerad publik. Temat för konferensen var "Doping and Public Health", och den aspekten behandlades också; dock tolkade flera presentatörer temat på sina egna vis, och hela...



    Taboada Vargas, Marco Antonio


    Detta examensarbete handlar om automatisering och assistans att CE-märka en maskin. Arbetet innefattade automationsplanering, tillverkning av elskåp, montering på maskin och igångkörning. Automationsplaneringen bestod av elritningar och programmering. Elsystemet bestod av elskåp med bl.a. programmerbar logik, touch-panel och säkerhetskomponenter. CE-märkning utfördes enligt de direktiv, standarder och säkerhetsföreskrifter som bör följas. Nu med det nya automatiserade systemet är samm...

  2. Elucidating the role of the phenylacetic acid metabolic complex in the pathogenic activity of Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 3. (United States)

    Bartz, Faith E; Glassbrook, Norman J; Danehower, David A; Cubeta, Marc A


    The soil fungus Rhizoctonia solani produces phytotoxic phenylacetic acid (PAA) and hydroxy (OH-) and methoxy (MeO-) derivatives of PAA. However, limited information is available on the specific role that these compounds play in the development of Rhizoctonia disease symptoms and concentration(s) required to induce a host response. Reports that PAA inhibits the growth of R. solani conflict with the established ability of the fungus to produce and metabolize PAA. Experiments were conducted to clarify the role of the PAA metabolic complex in Rhizoctonia disease. In this study the concentration of PAA and derivatives required to induce tomato root necrosis and stem canker, in the absence of the fungus, and the concentration that inhibits mycelial growth of R. solani were determined. The effect of exogenous PAA and derivatives of PAA on tomato seedling growth also was investigated. Growth of tomato seedlings in medium containing 0.1-7.5 mM PAA and derivatives induced necrosis of up to 85% of root system. Canker development resulted from injection of tomato seedling stems with 7.5 mM PAA, 3-OH-PAA, or 3-MeO-PAA. PAA in the growth medium reduced R. solani biomass, with 50% reduction observed at 7.5 mM. PAA, and derivatives were quantified from the culture medium of 14 isolates of R. solani belonging to three distinct anastomosis groups by GC-MS. The quantities ranged from below the limit of detection to 678 nM, below the concentrations experimentally determined to be phytotoxic. Correlation analyses revealed that isolates of R. solani that produced high PAA and derivatives in vitro also caused high mortality on tomato seedlings. The results of this investigation add to the body of evidence that the PAA metabolic complex is involved in Rhizoctonia disease development but do not indicate that production of these compounds is the primary or the only determinant of pathogenicity.

  3. 13C based proteinogenic amino acid (PAA) and metabolic flux ratio analysis of Lactococcus lactis reveals changes in pentose phosphate (PP) pathway in response to agitation and temperature related stresses. (United States)

    Azizan, Kamalrul Azlan; Ressom, Habtom W; Mendoza, Eduardo R; Baharum, Syarul Nataqain


    Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363 is an important starter culture for dairy fermentation. During industrial fermentations, L. lactis is constantly exposed to stresses that affect the growth and performance of the bacterium. Although the response of L. lactis to several stresses has been described, the adaptation mechanisms at the level of in vivo fluxes have seldom been described. To gain insights into cellular metabolism, 13 C metabolic flux analysis and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to measure the flux ratios of active pathways in the central metabolism of L. lactis when subjected to three conditions varying in temperature (30°C, 37°C) and agitation (with and without agitation at 150 rpm). Collectively, the concentrations of proteinogenic amino acids (PAAs) and free fatty acids (FAAs) were compared, and Pearson correlation analysis ( r ) was calculated to measure the pairwise relationship between PAAs. Branched chain and aromatic amino acids, threonine, serine, lysine and histidine were correlated strongly, suggesting changes in flux regulation in glycolysis, the pentose phosphate (PP) pathway, malic enzyme and anaplerotic reaction catalysed by pyruvate carboxylase (pycA). Flux ratio analysis revealed that glucose was mainly converted by glycolysis, highlighting the stability of L. lactis' central carbon metabolism despite different conditions. Higher flux ratios through oxaloacetate (OAA) from pyruvate (PYR) reaction in all conditions suggested the activation of pyruvate carboxylate (pycA) in L. lactis , in response to acid stress during exponential phase. Subsequently, more significant flux ratio differences were seen through the oxidative and non-oxidative pentose phosphate (PP) pathways, malic enzyme, and serine and C1 metabolism, suggesting NADPH requirements in response to environmental stimuli. These reactions could play an important role in optimization strategies for metabolic engineering in L. lactis . Overall, the

  4. 13C based proteinogenic amino acid (PAA and metabolic flux ratio analysis of Lactococcus lactis reveals changes in pentose phosphate (PP pathway in response to agitation and temperature related stresses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kamalrul Azlan Azizan


    Full Text Available Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363 is an important starter culture for dairy fermentation. During industrial fermentations, L. lactis is constantly exposed to stresses that affect the growth and performance of the bacterium. Although the response of L. lactis to several stresses has been described, the adaptation mechanisms at the level of in vivo fluxes have seldom been described. To gain insights into cellular metabolism, 13C metabolic flux analysis and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS were used to measure the flux ratios of active pathways in the central metabolism of L. lactis when subjected to three conditions varying in temperature (30°C, 37°C and agitation (with and without agitation at 150 rpm. Collectively, the concentrations of proteinogenic amino acids (PAAs and free fatty acids (FAAs were compared, and Pearson correlation analysis (r was calculated to measure the pairwise relationship between PAAs. Branched chain and aromatic amino acids, threonine, serine, lysine and histidine were correlated strongly, suggesting changes in flux regulation in glycolysis, the pentose phosphate (PP pathway, malic enzyme and anaplerotic reaction catalysed by pyruvate carboxylase (pycA. Flux ratio analysis revealed that glucose was mainly converted by glycolysis, highlighting the stability of L. lactis’ central carbon metabolism despite different conditions. Higher flux ratios through oxaloacetate (OAA from pyruvate (PYR reaction in all conditions suggested the activation of pyruvate carboxylate (pycA in L. lactis, in response to acid stress during exponential phase. Subsequently, more significant flux ratio differences were seen through the oxidative and non-oxidative pentose phosphate (PP pathways, malic enzyme, and serine and C1 metabolism, suggesting NADPH requirements in response to environmental stimuli. These reactions could play an important role in optimization strategies for metabolic engineering in L. lactis. Overall

  5. 13C based proteinogenic amino acid (PAA) and metabolic flux ratio analysis of Lactococcus lactis reveals changes in pentose phosphate (PP) pathway in response to agitation and temperature related stresses (United States)


    Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363 is an important starter culture for dairy fermentation. During industrial fermentations, L. lactis is constantly exposed to stresses that affect the growth and performance of the bacterium. Although the response of L. lactis to several stresses has been described, the adaptation mechanisms at the level of in vivo fluxes have seldom been described. To gain insights into cellular metabolism, 13C metabolic flux analysis and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to measure the flux ratios of active pathways in the central metabolism of L. lactis when subjected to three conditions varying in temperature (30°C, 37°C) and agitation (with and without agitation at 150 rpm). Collectively, the concentrations of proteinogenic amino acids (PAAs) and free fatty acids (FAAs) were compared, and Pearson correlation analysis (r) was calculated to measure the pairwise relationship between PAAs. Branched chain and aromatic amino acids, threonine, serine, lysine and histidine were correlated strongly, suggesting changes in flux regulation in glycolysis, the pentose phosphate (PP) pathway, malic enzyme and anaplerotic reaction catalysed by pyruvate carboxylase (pycA). Flux ratio analysis revealed that glucose was mainly converted by glycolysis, highlighting the stability of L. lactis’ central carbon metabolism despite different conditions. Higher flux ratios through oxaloacetate (OAA) from pyruvate (PYR) reaction in all conditions suggested the activation of pyruvate carboxylate (pycA) in L. lactis, in response to acid stress during exponential phase. Subsequently, more significant flux ratio differences were seen through the oxidative and non-oxidative pentose phosphate (PP) pathways, malic enzyme, and serine and C1 metabolism, suggesting NADPH requirements in response to environmental stimuli. These reactions could play an important role in optimization strategies for metabolic engineering in L. lactis. Overall, the

  6. Wastewater disinfection by peracetic acid: assessment of models for tracking residual measurements and inactivation. (United States)

    Santoro, Domenico; Gehr, Ronald; Bartrand, Timothy A; Liberti, Lorenzo; Notarnicola, Michele; Dell'Erba, Adele; Falsanisi, Dario; Haas, Charles N


    With its potential for low (if any) disinfection byproduct formation and easy retrofit for chlorine contactors, peracetic acid (PAA) or use of PAA in combination with other disinfectant technologies may be an attractive alternative to chlorine-based disinfection. Examples of systems that might benefit from use of PAA are water reuse schemes or plants discharging to sensitive receiving water bodies. Though PAA is in use in numerous wastewater treatment plants in Europe, its chemical kinetics, microbial inactivation rates, and mode of action against microorganisms are not thoroughly understood. This paper presents results from experimental studies of PAA demand, PAA decay, and microbial inactivation, with a complementary modeling analysis. Model results are used to evaluate techniques for measurement of PAA concentration and to develop hypotheses regarding the mode of action of PAA in bacterial inactivation. Kinetic and microbial inactivation rate data were collected for typical wastewaters and may be useful for engineers in evaluating whether to convert from chlorine to PAA disinfection.

  7. Discursos y prácticas de la cooperación Sur-Sur brasileña en materia agrícola en el África Subsahariana: el caso del ProSavana y del PAA África


    de Andrade e Sousa, Maria Eduarda


    Este artículo aborda la Cooperación Sur-Sur (CSS) brasileña en el África Subsahariana, con el objetivo de investigar en qué medida las iniciativas en materia agrícola pueden contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria de la región. Para ello, dos proyectos, el ProSavana y el PAA África, han sido estudiados en detalle a fin de valorar sus potencialidades desde el punto de vista de la seguridad alimentaria y analizar hasta qué punto están en línea con los principios de la cooperación técnica brasileñ...

  8. Etnobotánica del "coro" (Nicotiana paa, Solanaceae: Un tabaco silvestre poco conocido del extremo sur de Sudamérica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo F. Scarpa


    Full Text Available El "coro" es un tabaco silvestre de Argentina y Chile cuyas raíces son empleadas como fumatorio y mascatorio desde tiempos inmemoriales por grupos indígenas. Si bien existen noticias sobre su empleo desde la época colonial, en la actualidad no hay consenso sobre su identidad botánica a la par que sus modalidades de obtención, procesado y consumo han sido escasamente descriptas. Se efectuaron campañas etnobotánicas al sudoeste de la provincia del Chaco donde se colectaron ejemplares que responden a dicho nombre vernáculo en compañía de indígenas y se analizaron fuentes bibliográficas históricas disponibles. Se comprobó in situ que los mocovíes actualmente fuman sus raíces mezcladas con tabaco tanto en contextos ceremoniales como extra-ceremoniales. Como resultado del análisis bibliográfico se infiere que también lo emplearon en el pasado de manera homóloga indígenas vilelas, qom (tobas; wichi y abipones. Se descarta la correspondencia del "coro" con especies de Trichocline por la inexistencia de registros etnobotánicos al respecto. Se confirma que este fumatorio corresponde a Nicotiana paa Mart. rov. y se presentan y discuten nuevos datos sobre su obtención, procesamiento y consumo.

  9. BIM som Informationsbärare in i Förvaltningen : En studie vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp


    Svens, Therése


    BIM, Building Information Modeling, börjar vinna mark inom byggbranschen i Sverige och är en vedertagen process i vart och vartannat byggprojekt. Forsmarks Kraftgrupp står inför både upprustningar av sina anläggningar och nyproduktion av bland annat kontor, verkstad och hotell. BIM framstår nu som en lukrativ metod för att dra ner på projektkostnaderna, men även för att få ytterligare ordning och struktur på den enorma mängd dokumentation som ackumulerat under de dryga trettio åren av drift. ...

  10. En obekväm sanning eller en stor bluff? : En analys av den visuella gestaltningen av fenomenet "global uppvärmning" i filmmediet


    Eriksson, Anton; Oretoft, Mikael


    En uppsats som kritiskt granskar och analyserar den visuella gestaltningen i två dokumentärfilmer. Huvudtemat i filmerna är global uppvärmning och konsekvenserna av detta. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka den visuella gestaltningen av den miljödebatt som filmerna är en del i och genom detta belysa frågor som berör visuell kultur och popularisering av vetenskap.

  11. Green synthesis of antimicrobial and antitumor N,N,N-trimethyl chitosan chloride/poly (acrylic acid)/silver nanocomposites. (United States)

    Abu Elella, Mahmoud H; Mohamed, Riham R; Abdel-Aziz, Marwa M; Sabaa, Magdy W


    The present study is imported to solve two critical problems we face in our daily life which are microbial pollution and colon cancer. One pot green synthesis of a water soluble polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) between cationic polysaccharide as N,N,N-trimethyl chitosan chloride (TMC) and anionic polymer as poly (acrylic acid) (PAA) in presence of silver nanoparticles to yield (TMC/PAA/Ag) nanocomposites with different Ag weight ratios. Structure of TMC, PAA and TMC/PAA (PEC) were proved via different analysis tools. TMC/PAA and its Ag nanocomposites are used as antimicrobial agents against different pathogenic bacteria and fungi to solve microbial pollution. TMC/PAA-Silver nanocomposites had the highest antimicrobial activity which increases with increasing Ag %. Cytotoxicity data confirmed also that TMC/PAA/Ag (3%) had the most cytotoxic effect (the less cell viability %) towards colon cancer. TMC/PAA (PEC) was formed through electrostatic interactions between N-quaternized (-N + R 3 ) groups in TMC and carboxylate (-COO - ) groups in PAA. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Growth inhibition of Aeromonas salmonicida and Yersinia ruckeri by disinfectants containing peracetic acid. (United States)

    Meinelt, Thomas; Phan, Thy-My; Behrens, Sascha; Wienke, Andreas; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Liu, Dibo; Straus, David L


    Peracetic acid (PAA) is a therapeutic agent used for disinfection in aquaculture, but it must be investigated thoroughly in order to mitigate diseases without harming the fish. Successful disinfectants (like PAA) should not leave dangerous residues in the environment in order to successfully contribute to sustainable aquaculture. The aim of our study was to compare the effectiveness of 6 commercial PAA products with different molecular PAA:H2O2 ratios to reduce bacterial growth of Aeromonas salmonicida and Yersinia ruckeri and to determine effective concentrations and exposure times. All products reduced colony-forming units (CFUs) of A. salmonicida and Y. ruckeri. Products with higher molecular PAA:H2O2 ratios inhibited growth better than products with lower molecular PAA:H2O2 ratios at the same PAA concentration; this indicates that H2O2 is not the driving force in the reduction of A. salmonicida and Y. ruckeri growth by PAA in vitro. The practical application of the products with high molecular PAA:H2O2 ratios should be prioritized if these pathogens are diagnosed.

  13. What makes lithium substituted polyacrylic acid a better binder than polyacrylic acid for silicon-graphite composite anodes? (United States)

    Hays, Kevin A.; Ruther, Rose E.; Kukay, Alexander J.; Cao, Pengfei; Saito, Tomonori; Wood, David L.; Li, Jianlin


    Lithium substituted polyacrylic acid (LiPAA) has previously been demonstrated as a superior binder over polyacrylic acid (PAA) for Si anodes, but from where does this enhanced performance arise? In this study, full cells are assembled with PAA and LiPAA based Si-graphite composite anodes that dried at temperatures from 100 °C to 200 °C. The performance of full cells containing PAA based Si-graphite anodes largely depend on the secondary drying temperature, as decomposition of the binder is correlated to increased electrode moisture and a rise in cell impedance. Full cells containing LiPAA based Si-graphite composite electrodes display better Coulombic efficiency than those with PAA, because of the electrochemical reduction of the PAA binder. This is identified by attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and observed gassing during the electrochemical reaction. Coulombic losses from the PAA and Si SEI, along with depletion of the Si capacity in the anode results in progressive underutilization of the cathode and full cell capacity loss.

  14. Konstruktionen av stress : En kvalitativ studie om hur stress upplevs i banksektorn


    Blohm, Martin; Konradsson, Axel


    Bakgrund: Arbetslivet förändras ständigt till följd av digitaliseringen och tillgången till information ökar kraftigt. Banksektorn är en av de sektorer som påverkats mest av dessa förändringar och studier har visat att arbetsrelaterad stress ökar till följd av detta. Det är lätt att utifrån studier och fackliga undersökningar förknippa stress i banksektorn med arbetsmiljöproblem eftersom fokus ligger på ohälsa och sjukskrivning. Samtidigt vill många människor arbeta i banksektorn och i andra ...

  15. Waste heat recovery from SSAB’s Steel plant in Oxelösund using a Heat Pump


    Abbas Sohani, Amir


    Detta projekt är inriktat på spillvärmepotentialer inom järn och stålindustrin. Högtemperaturvärme-pumpar för medelvarma temperaturkällor har modellerats. SSABs stålverk i Oxelusund har använts som exempel. Järn- och stålindustrin i Sverige är storkonsument av energi, tillsammans med pappers och massaindustrin. Det finns också en stor potential för spillvärmeåtervinning i stålindustrin. Det görs redan i Luleå t ex [1]. Järn och stålindustrins produktionsmetoder och spillvärmeåtervinning, spec...

  16. Du kan, men du gör inget. : En studie av utvecklingssamtal på ett gymnasium.


    Måhl, Anna


    Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att studera tre elevvårdskonferenser för att först se om deras innehåll överensstämmer med vad Cilla Lindblom Larsson skriver om utvecklings-samtal på grundskolan, att de handlar om pojkarnas skolbeteende och de råd och anvis-ningar pojkarna får där är moraliserande och tillrättavisande, och sedan undersöka hur samtalsstrukturen ser ut i dessa konferenser. I arbetets första del undersöker jag vad dessa elevvårdskonferenser handlar om och kommer fram till att de...

  17. Bilderboken ur ett genusperspektiv : En bilderboksanalys av tre svenska böcker som utmanar stereotypa könsroller


    Malmqvist, Hanna


    Syftet med denna studie är att se hur några bilderböcker utmanar de stereotypa könsrollerna. Jag kommer att granska hur pojkar och flickor framställs ur ett genusperspektiv och även titta på hur text och bild kompletterar varandra, med hjälp av Nikolajevas (2000) analysmodell för bilderböcker. Jag har valt att analysera tre stycken böcker och två av dessa har pojkar som huvudkaraktärer och en har en flicka som huvudkaraktär. Med den medvetenhet man har idag kring genus så kan dessa böcker var...

  18. First green kit : ett inredningsprojekt för det offentliga uterummet


    Danielsson, Ida


    Projektet omfattas av ett parkprojekt med analyser och gestaltning av grönstrukturer i Nynäshamns stad. Inriktningen är utformning av allmänna utrymmen i det offentliga uterummet med fokus att öka tillgängligheten och tillgången av grönytor och parker. Projektet syftar i att skapa värdefulla platser för ökad trygghet och trivsel. Målsättningen är också att visualisera en vision om rum för upplevelser och aktiviteter. Rum i vilka allmänheten frivilligt vistas om den fysiska miljön är god. Stad...

  19. Vasalund preschool


    Wettervik, Erik


    När jag började projektet pratade jag med flertalet förskolepedagoger i min bekantskapskrets och sökte upp så mycket information jag kunde om förskoleverksamhet i allmänhet och vad som är önskvärt i en förskolemiljö. Utifrån det listade jag ett antal punkter på vad som vore önskvärt i och omkring min byggnad som jag hela tiden förhållit mig till. Förskolans volym och riktning anpassar sig till de omkring liggande villorna med den sammansatta volymen, utblickar och de olika takhöjderna. Taket...

  20. In vitro free radical scavenging activity of platinum nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watanabe, Aki; Kajita, Masashi; Kim, Juewon; Kanayama, Atsuhiro; Miyamoto, Yusei [Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Bioscience Building 402, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8562 (Japan); Takahashi, Kyoko; Mashino, Tadahiko, E-mail: [Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University, 1-5-30 Shibakoen, Minato, Tokyo 105-8512 (Japan)


    A polyacrylic acid (PAA)-protected platinum nanoparticle species (PAA-Pt) was prepared by alcohol reduction of hexachloroplatinate. The PAA-Pt nanoparticles were well dispersed and homogeneous in size with an average diameter of 2.0 {+-} 0.4 nm (n = 200). We used electron spin resonance to quantify the residual peroxyl radical AOO. generated from 2,2-azobis (2-aminopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) by thermal decomposition in the presence of O{sub 2} and a spectrophotometric method to quantify the residual 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. PAA-Pt scavenged these two radicals in a dose-dependent manner. Platinum was the functional component. PAA-Pt reduced the rate of oxygen consumption required for linoleic acid peroxidation initiated by AOO. generated from AAPH, indicating inhibition of the propagation of linolate peroxidation. A thiobarbituric acid test also revealed dose-dependent inhibition of the linolate peroxidation by PAA-Pt. Fifty micromolar platinum, as PAA-Pt, completely quenched 250 {mu}M DPPH radical for 5 min. Even when twice diluted in half, the PAA-Pt still quenched 100% of the 250 {mu}M DPPH radical. The scavenging activity of PAA-Pt is durable. These observations suggest that PAA-Pt is an efficient scavenger of free radicals.

  1. Är vi där än? - BIM inom produktion och försäljning : En fallstudie om hur BIM kan utveckla byggföretaget


    Eriksson, Christoffer; Hansson, Mikaela


    Titania köpte hösten 2010 in programvaran Revit för att skapa möjligheten att kunna BIM-projektera sina ROT-projekt. En övergång från 2D-projektering har ännu inte skett då den allmänna synen inom företaget är att projekten innehåller för många komplexa delar i utförandet och därför bör lösas på plats. Idag säljer Titania sina råvindslägenheter när dessa står färdiga men de har som mål att tidigarelägga försäljningen av sina projekt, om detta ska kunna ske måste företaget ha mer material att ...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bezugla, T.; Kutsevol, N.; Shyichuk, A.; Ziolkowska, D.


    Dextran-graft-Polyacrylamide copolymers (D-g-PAA) of brush-like architecture were tested as flocculation aids in the model kaolin suspensions. Due to expanded conformation the D-g-PAA copolymers are more effective flocculants than individual PAA with close molecular mass. The internal structure of D-g-PAA copolymers which is determined by number and length of grafted PAA chains, the distance between grafts, etc., has the significant influence on flocculation behavior of such polymers

  3. Bioactivity and cytocompatibility of dicalcium phosphate/poly (amino acid) biocomposite with degradability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang Yunfei [College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064 (China); Shan Wenpeng; Li Xiangde [Key Laboratory for Ultrafine Materials of Ministry of Education, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237 (China); Wei Jie, E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Ultrafine Materials of Ministry of Education, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237 (China); Li Hong [College of Physical Science and Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064 (China); Ma Jian [Hospital of Stomatology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200072 (China); Yan Yonggang, E-mail: [College of Physical Science and Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064 (China)


    A bioactive composite of dicalcium phosphate (DCP) and poly (amino acid) (PAA) was fabricated, and the in vitro bioactivity, degradability, and cellular responses to the DCP/PAA composite (DPC) were investigated as compared to PAA. Apatite formation on DPC surfaces occurred after immersion into simulated body fluid (SBF) for 7 days, but not on the surface of PAA. The weight loss ratio of DPC could reach 18.6 {+-} 0.3 wt% after soaking into phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for 2 months, which was higher than PAA (11.0 {+-} 0.2 wt%). Cell attachment and proliferation of MG-63 cells on DPC was obviously higher than on PAA. Moreover, the cells spread and formed confluent layer on the DPC surfaces. The alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) of the cells on DPC was significantly greater than PAA at day 5 and day 7. The results suggested that introducing DCP into PAA makes the composite bioactive and more degradable, and meanwhile enhances osteoblast-like cells attach, proliferation and osteogenic differentiation.

  4. TGF-β Signaling Is Necessary and Sufficient for Pharyngeal Arch Artery Angioblast Formation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maryline Abrial


    Full Text Available The pharyngeal arch arteries (PAAs are transient embryonic blood vessels that mature into critical segments of the aortic arch and its branches. Although defects in PAA development cause life-threating congenital cardiovascular defects, the molecular mechanisms that orchestrate PAA morphogenesis remain unclear. Through small-molecule screening in zebrafish, we identified TGF-β signaling as indispensable for PAA development. Specifically, chemical inhibition of the TGF-β type I receptor ALK5 impairs PAA development because nkx2.5+ PAA progenitor cells fail to differentiate into tie1+ angioblasts. Consistent with this observation, we documented a burst of ALK5-mediated Smad3 phosphorylation within PAA progenitors that foreshadows angioblast emergence. Remarkably, premature induction of TGF-β receptor activity stimulates precocious angioblast differentiation, thereby demonstrating the sufficiency of this pathway for initiating the PAA progenitor to angioblast transition. More broadly, these data uncover TGF-β as a rare signaling pathway that is necessary and sufficient for angioblast lineage commitment.

  5. Risk perspective on final disposal of nuclear waste. Individuals, society and communication; Riskperspektiv paa slutfoervaring av kaernavfall. Individ, samhaelle och kommunikation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lindblad, Inga-Britt (ed.)


    This report tries to evaluate the importance of the risk perspective in connection with final storage of nuclear waste. The concept 'risk' has different importance for experts and general public, within different research directions and among stakeholders in the nuclear waste issue. The report has been published in order to give an interdisciplinary scientific perspective on the risk concept. The authors have their background in different disciplines: radiation physics, psychology, media- and communications-science. The report treats four different themes: The first theme concerns perspectives on the risk concept and describes various principles for how risks can be handled in the society. The next theme is about comparing various risks. This section shows that risk comparisons can to be done within the framework of a scientific attitude and during certain given conditions. The third theme elucidates results from research about subjective risk, and shows that a large number of factors influence how risks are considered by individuals, and can influence his risk behavior and also how the individual means that the society will make decisions in risk-related questions. The fourth and last theme is about risk communication. Since the risk concept contains many different aspects it is clear that risk should not only be informed about, but also communicated. If a purely mathematical definition of risk was the only valid form, such information, from experts to the citizens, would possibly be sufficient. But since there are other relevant factors to take into consideration (t.ex the individual's own values), a communicative process must take place, i.e. the citizens should have influence on how risks are compared and managed. In the final theme, the authors have chosen to reflect around the themes above, i.e. different perspectives on the risk concept, risk comparisons, subjective risk view and risk communication are discussed.

  6. Frosts during the growing season. Frequency of occurrence and effects on current energy forestry. Sommarfroster. Foerekomster och effekter paa befintliga energiskogsodlingar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christersson, L; Fircks, H von; Perttu, K


    Frost during the summer is very common in Sweden. Two kinds of summer frosts exists; one is called advection frost which is caused by cold air coming down over the country from the north and the other is an inversion frost caused by long-wave radiation from the ground taking place during calm clear nights. In this way the air closest to the ground is cooled. Eleven experimental areas are described as regards prehistory, vegetation, frequency of summer frosts, and energy forestry tests in progress. The amount of frost injuries is reported. Differences in frost hardiness of fast growing Salix clones in the growing state have been demonstrated. The results support the idea that the formation of ice crystals inside the growing tissues always take place around -2 degree C and that this ice crystal formation damages the growing part of the shoot of all tested clones. A fast growing shoot of Salix species has a longer elongation zone and this explains why a fast-growing shoot is more severly damaged than a slowly growing one at the same frost temperature. If the different clones are in a growing state there are only small differences in the amount of frost damage. On the other hand, there are great differences between the clones in the capacity of the surviving lateral buds to sprout. This capacity is foremost seen in clones of the species Salix dasyclados. Two year older shoots of different Salix species have never been damaged by summer frost because summer frosts do not reach the elongating zone of these shoots. In conclusions measures are listed on how to prevent or decrease the injuries caused by summer frosts. With 21 refs.

  7. Benthic processes on and around artificial structures in Swedish coastal waters; Bentiska processer paa och runt artificiella strukturer i Sveriges kustvatten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malm, Torleif (Stockholms Universitet, Stockholms marina forskningscentrum (Sweden)); Engkvist, Roland (Linneuniversitetet, Institutionen foer Naturvetenskap, Vaexjoe (Sweden))


    Within the next few decades, wind farms with an extension of many square kilometres probably will be built in Swedish coastal waters. These installations may affect the ecological communities in various ways, e.g.; by the already known reef-effect, by changing the population structure of key predators such as fish and birds and thereby cause trophic cascades down into the benthic community or by causing changes in the hydrology that may benefit some species, mainly soft bottom species, while others may be disadvantaged. How the wind farms will affect the ecological communities depends probably very much on the initial conditions. During the period 2005-2009 a study was carried out with the aim to investigate the benthic community structure on hard bottoms, before and after larger wind farms have been constructed. The areas explored were Skottarevet in Kattegat, Lillgrund in Oeresund, Utgrunden II in southern Kalmar Strait, Kaarehamn off north-eastern Oeland and Klasaadern off south-western Gotland. For legal and economic reasons, only one farm, Lillgrund was constructed during the project period. Significant differences were found at both species and functional level. The largest divergence was found between the Kattegat and the Baltic Sea with large differences in species composition and in part also with other functional groups. Furthermore, between the Baltic Sea sites, significant differences were also found. The natural communities in the two straits had significantly higher biomass of blue mussels (M. edulis) per square meter compared with the open areas at Gotland and Oeland. In addition,the algal flora differed significantly. Filamentous brown algae favoured by eutrophication dominated the substrate in the straits while the bottoms along the open coastlines were covered with perennial red algae. The wind farm at Lillgrund affected the benthic communities moderately but significant. Mussels and barnacles colonized the surface of the towers and the granite stones in the scour protection quickly. The artificial and natural substrates had a similar community structure after two years. In contrast it seems like the bottom has been affected by the farm throughout the area. Compared with previous years, the natural substrates in 2009 had a larger biomass of mussels and barnacles and a lower biomass of filamentous algae. The differences, however, were small. The conclusion of this study is that wind power farms may potentially cause ecological effects in the benthic communities but as our study lack geographical and temporal extension, this conclusion is weak. As the abiotic conditions around our coasts shift, it is impossible to draw firm conclusions from one site. It is also difficult to draw conclusions from the short period after the construction of the farm. Meteorological and oceanographic processes not related to the wind farm may have contributed to the result


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    Dóri Edson Lopes


    Full Text Available Em meio a debates e reivindicações sobre a necessidade de uma maior intervenção do Estado na questão da segurança e soberania alimentar, é criado em 2003 – pelo governo federal – o Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA. O programa tem como um de seus objetivos cooperar na luta contra a fome no Brasil, além de atender, pelo menos em parte, as reivindicações de movimentos sociais de luta pela terra que buscam um maior reconhecimento e apoio para a produção da agricultura familiar camponesa, que mesmo sendo deixada em segundo plano pelas políticas agrícolas do Estado brasileiro, é responsável por importante contribuição para a soberania e segurança alimentar do país.

  9. Effect of peracetic acid on biofilms formed by Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from a Brazilian cheese processing plant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah Hwa In Lee


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the effect of peracetic acid (PAA, 0.5% on adherent cells of three strains of Listeria monocytogenes strains belonging to serotypes 4b and 1/2b that had been previously isolated from the environment of a Brazilian cheese plant. The assays were conducted using polystyrene microplates and stainless steel coupons and the adhered cells were treated with PAA for 60, 120 and 180 s. On stainless steel, biofilms were partially inactivated by PAA after 60 s and almost 100% of the cells were damaged within 180 s using epifluorescence microscopy with LIVE/DEAD® staining. On polystyrene microplates, PAA decreased (P<0.05 biofilm biomass produced by the three L. monocytogenes isolates at 60 s, when compared with controls (no PAA treatment. However, PAA did not completely eliminate L. monocytogenes cells on polystyrene microplates (decreasing 1.8-2.5 log cycles after treatment with PAA for 180 s. The correct concentration and contact time of PAA is critical for eliminating biofilms formed by L. monocytogenes on stainless steel surfaces, although further studies are needed for defining efficient PAA treatments to remove adherent cells of this pathogen on plastic polymers.

  10. Comparison between Different Extraction Methods for Determination of Primary Aromatic Amines in Food Simulant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morteza Shahrestani


    Full Text Available The primary aromatic amines (PAAs are food contaminants which may exist in packaged food. Polyurethane (PU adhesives which are used in flexible packaging are the main source of PAAs. It is the unreacted diisocyanates which in fact migrate to foodstuff and then hydrolyze to PAAs. These PAAs include toluenediamines (TDAs and methylenedianilines (MDAs, and the selected PAAs were 2,4-TDA, 2,6-TDA, 4,4′-MDA, 2,4′-MDA, and 2,2′-MDA. PAAs have genotoxic, carcinogenic, and allergenic effects. In this study, extraction methods were applied on a 3% acetic acid as food simulant which was spiked with the PAAs under study. Extraction methods were liquid-liquid extraction (LLE, dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME, and solid-phase extraction (SPE with C18 ec (octadecyl, HR-P (styrene/divinylbenzene, and SCX (strong cationic exchange cartridges. Extracted samples were detected and analyzed by HPLC-UV. In comparison between methods, recovery rate of SCX cartridge showed the best adsorption, up to 91% for polar PAAs (TDAs and MDAs. The interested PAAs are polar and relatively soluble in water, so a cartridge with cationic exchange properties has the best absorption and consequently the best recoveries.

  11. Utveckling av riktningsanalys exergiberäkningar i Luleå och Strängnäs kommuner eller Hur kan man veta om man hushållar med resurserna på ett hållbart sätt?


    Delin, Staffan; Gundelius, Eva


    Bakgrunden till projektet är den riktningsanalys som utvecklades av Eva Grundelius år 1991. Riktningsanalysen som är uppbyggd kring sex frågor fungerar som en checklista för hållbar utveckling. Den kan användas i många slag av beslutssituationer. För att göra riktningsanalysen mer operativ och kvantifierbar har den i detta projekt kopplats samman med en exergianalys. Exergi är ett fysiskt mått på resursers värde. Denna analys görs med utgångspunkt från det livsuppehållande systemet, ekosystem...

  12. Pulse versus continuous peracetic acid applications: effects on Rainbow trout performance, biofilm formation and water quality (United States)

    Peracetic acid (PAA) products are being introduced to aquaculture as sustainable disinfectants. Two strategies are used to apply PAA: short term high dose (1-2 mg L-1 PAA) periodic pulse applications or continuous low dose (< 0.2 mg L-1 PAA) applications. In the present study, these strategies and a...

  13. Webbaserad pedagogisk meritportfölj - från idé till verklighet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jakob Johansson


    Full Text Available Pedagogisk meritering och pedagogiska meritportföljer har under det senaste decenniet fått ökad uppmärksamhet. Idag (mars 2011 ger en sökning på Google® 6 140 respektive 1 990 träffar på dessa två sökord. Många av träffarna på Google® handlar om högskolors rekommendationer att dokumentera pedagogiska meriter, men antalet publicerade artiklar i detta ämne är mycket få. Högskolan behöver bra lärare och för att uppnå det så måste undervisning och andra utbildningsinsatser uppmärksammas och belönas. Användandet av pedagogiska meritportföljer anses öka betydelsen av undervisningsinsatsen vid anställningar och befordran och är ett sätt att professionalisera undervisning (Fayne, 1991. Många högskolor och universitet har utarbetat handlingsplaner för hur pedagogiska meriter ska dokumenteras och bedömas liksom strategier för hur medarbetarna ska utveckla sin pedagogiska skicklighet. ”Uppifrån” finns således både skrivna dokument och viljan och intentionen att premiera pedagogiska insatser. Trots detta upplever många medarbetare att pedagogiska insatser inte lönar sig att dokumentera då dessa meriter inte värderas tillräckligt högt, exempelvis i jämförelse med forskningsmeriter. Samtidigt vittnar pedagogiskt sakkunniga om att de pedagogiska meritportföljer som de ombeds granska (vid exempelvis tjänstetillsättningar ofta är ostrukturerade och av varierande kvalité. För att pedagogiska meriter ska få avsedd tyngd vid tjänstetillsättningar fordras att de redovisas på ett sätt som gör det möjligt för sakkunniga att värdera dem. Bedömning av både vetenskapliga och pedagogiska meriter görs i många fall av sakkunniga utan särskild pedagogisk utbildning och de pedagogiska meriterna anses generellt mer svårbedömda än de vetenskapliga (Lindberg, 1997. Någon form av standardisering och mallar i samband med presentation av pedagogiska meriter bör därför kunna vara till hjälp för s

  14. In vivo evaluation of thiolated poly(acrylic acid) as a drug absorption modulator for MRP2 efflux pump substrates. (United States)

    Greindl, Melanie; Föger, Florian; Hombach, Juliane; Bernkop-Schnürch, Andreas


    Recently, several polymers have been reported to modulate drug absorption by inhibition of intestinal efflux pumps such as multidrug resistance proteins (MRPs) and P-glycoprotein (P-gp). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of thiolated poly(acrylic acid) (PAA-Cys) to act as a drug absorption modulator for MRP2 efflux pump substrates in vivo, using sulforhodamine 101 as representative MRP2 substrate. In vitro, the permeation-enhancing effect of unmodified PAA and PAA(250)-Cys(,) displaying 580 micromol free thiol groups per gram polymer, was evaluated by using freshly excised rat intestinal mucosa mounted in Ussing-type chambers. In comparison to that of the buffer control, the sulforhodamine 101 transport in the presence of 0.5% unmodified PAA(250) and 0.5% (w/v) PAA(250)-Cys was 1.3- and 4.0-fold improved, respectively. In vivo, sulforhodamine 101 solutions containing 4% (w/v) unmodified PAA(250) or 4% (w/v) thiolated PAA(250) were orally given to rats. The PAA(250)-Cys solution increased the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC(0-12)) of sulforhodamine 101 3.8-fold in comparison to control and 2.2-fold in comparison to unmodified PAA(250). This in vivo study revealed that PAA(250)-Cys significantly increased the oral bioavailability of MRP2 substrate sulforhodamine 101.

  15. Greger Anderson & Ursula Geisler: Fruktan, fascination, frändskap [... etc.

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fjeldsøe, Michael


    review essay: Greger Andersson & Ursula Geisler (eds.), Fruktan, fascination och frändskap. Det svenska musiklivet och nazismen, Malmö, 2006; Henrik Karlsson, Det fruktade märket. Wilhelm Peterson-Berger, antisemitismen och antinazismen, Malmö, 2005; Horst Weber and Stefan Drees (eds.), Quellen z...

  16. Architecturally Significant Requirements Identification, Classification and Change Management for Multi-tenant Cloud-Based Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chauhan, Muhammad Aufeef; Probst, Christian W.


    presented a framework for requirements classification and change management focusing on distributed Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) systems as well as complex software ecosystems that are built using PaaS and SaaS, such as Tools as a Service (TaaS). We have demonstrated...

  17. Growth inhibition of Aeromonas salmonicida and Yersinia ruckeri by disinfectants containing peracetic acid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meinelt, Thomas; Phan, T.; Behrens, S.


    contribute to sustainable aquaculture. The aim of our study was to compare the effectiveness of 6 commercial PAA products with different molecular PAA:H2O2 ratios to reduce bacterial growth of Aeromonas salmonicida and Yersinia ruckeri and to determine effective concentrations and exposure times. All...... products reduced colony-forming units (CFUs) of A. salmonicida and Y. ruckeri. Products with higher molecular PAA:H2O2 ratios inhibited growth better than products with lower molecular PAA:H2O2 ratios at the same PAA concentration; this indicates that H2O2 is not the driving force in the reduction of A....... salmonicida and Y. ruckeri growth by PAA in vitro. The practical application of the products with high molecular PAA:H2O2 ratios should be prioritized if these pathogens are diagnosed...

  18. Comparing peracetic acid and hypochlorite for disinfection of combined sewer overflows: Effects of suspended-solids and pH. (United States)

    McFadden, M; Loconsole, J; Schockling, A J; Nerenberg, R; Pavissich, J P


    Peracetic acid (PAA) is an alternative disinfectant that may be effective for combined sewer overflow (CSO) disinfection, but little is known about the effect of particle size on PAA disinfection efficiency. In this work, PAA and hypochlorite were compared as disinfectants, with a focus on the effect of wastewater particles. Inactivation experiments were conducted on suspended cultures of Escherichia coli and wastewater suspended solids. Tested size fractions included particle diameters disinfection efficiency decreased with increasing solids size. However, solids size had little effect on PAA disinfection. The PAA disinfection efficiency decreased at pH values above 7.5. Live/dead staining revealed that PAA disinfection leaves most cells in a viable but non-culturable condition. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses suggests that PAA and hypochlorite may inactivate E. coli bacteria by similar mechanisms. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Methodology - evaluation of strategies -and the system for taking care of spent nuclear fuel; Metodval - utvaerdering av strategier och system foer att ta hand om anvaent kaernbraensle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This report deals with the question of how the Swedish spent nuclear fuel is to be disposed of. What are the requirements? What are the alternatives? In the main chapter of the report, an evaluation is made of the KBS-3 method compared with other strategies and systems for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. An appendix to the report presents in general terms how the KBS-3 method has developed from the end of the 1970s up to today. The report is one of a number of supporting documents for SKB's applications for construction and operation of the final repository for spent nuclear fuel. In parallel with and as a basis for the present report, SKB has prepared the reports 'Principer, strategier och system foer slutligt omhaendertagande av anvaent kaernbraensle' ('Principles, strategies and systems for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel') /Grundfelt 2010a/, 'Jaemfoerelse mellan KBS-3-metoden och deponering i djupa borrhaal foer slutlig foervaring av anvaent kaernbraensle' ('Comparison between the KBS-3 method and deposition in deep boreholes for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel') /Grundfelt 2010b/ and 'Utvecklingen av KBS-3-metoden. Genomgaang av forskningsprogram, saekerhetsanalyser, myndighetsgranskningar samt SKB:s internationella forskningssamarbete' ('Development of the KBS-3 method. Review of research programmes, safety assessments, regulatory reviews and SKB's international research cooperation') /SKB 2010a/. The reports are in Swedish, but contain summaries in English. The first report is an update of the comprehensive account of alternative methods presented by SKB in 2000. The second report presents a comparison between the KBS-3 method and the Deep Boreholes concept, plus a status report on research and development in the area of Deep Boreholes. The last report describes how the KBS-3 method has been developed from the end of the 1970s up to today. It further describes how the

  20. Billedet af Øresundsregionen i danske og svenske medier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørsten, Mark; Eberholst, Mads Kæmsgaard; Falkheimer, Jesper


    Den svenska mediebilden av Danmark kan summeras: - SEX, DRUGS, EL, SPORT OCH ROCK´N ROLL – Gratistidningar och nationella svenska mediers bevakning domineras av en enkel servicejournalistik om Öresundsregionen, men inte av brott som man kanske kan tro, säger Jesper Falkheimer, medieforskare och...

  1. Interaction between Al3+ and acrylic acid and polyacrylic acid in acidic aqueous solution: a model experiment for the behavior of Al3+ in acidified soil solution. (United States)

    Etou, Mayumi; Masaki, Yuka; Tsuji, Yutaka; Saito, Tomoyuki; Bai, Shuqin; Nishida, Ikuko; Okaue, Yoshihiro; Yokoyama, Takushi


    From the viewpoint of the phytotoxicity and mobility of Al(3+) released from soil minerals due to soil acidification, the interaction between Al(3+) and acrylic acid (AA) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) as a model compound of fulvic acid was investigated. The interaction was examined at pH 3 so as to avoid the hydrolysis of Al(3+). The interaction between Al(3+) and AA was weak. However, the interaction between Al(3+) and PAA was strong and depended on the initial (COOH in PAA)/Al molar ratio (R(P)) of the solution. For the range of 1/R(P), the interaction between Al(3+) and PAA can be divided into three categories: (1) 1:1 Al-PAA-complex (an Al(3+) combines to a carboxyl group), (2) intermolecular Al-PAA-complex (an Al(3+) combines to more than 2 carboxyl groups of other Al-PAA-complexes) in addition to the 1:1 Al-PAA-complex and (3) precipitation of intermolecular complexes. In conclusion, R(P) is an important factor affecting the behavior of Al(3+) in acidic soil solution.

  2. Fluorescence ON–OFF switching using micelle of stimuli-responsive double hydrophilic block copolymers: Nile Red fluorescence in micelles of poly(acrylic acid-b-N-isopropylacrylamide)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yee, Min Min; Tsubone, Miyabi; Morita, Takuya [Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science & Engineering, Saga University, 1 Honjo, Saga 840-8502 (Japan); Yusa, Shin-ichi [Department of Materials Science and Chemistry, University of Hyogo, 2167 Shosha, Himeji 671-2280 (Japan); Nakashima, Kenichi, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science & Engineering, Saga University, 1 Honjo, Saga 840-8502 (Japan)


    The dual-mode fluorescence ON–OFF switching of Nile Red (NR) by using stimuli-responsive polymeric micelle of poly(acrylic acid-b-N-isopropylacrylamide) (PAA-b-PNIPAM) has been studied. PAA-b-PNIPAM, one of double hydrophilic block copolymers, is known to form PNIPAM-core/PAA-corona micelles in aqueous solutions when the temperature of the solution is elevated up to the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of PNIPAM block. It also forms PAA-core/PNIPAM-corona micelles when the anionic PAA block is charge-neutralized with cationic cetyltrimethylammonium ion. Fluorescence properties of NR in the micelles are elucidated by observing various fluorescence parameters such as intensity, polarization, and quantum yield. It is found that the fluorescence intensity is negligibly low (OFF-state) when PAA-b-PNIPAM exists as a form of unimer, whereas it is remarkably enhanced (ON-state) when the PNIPAM-core or PAA-core micelles are formed. These results demonstrate that a novel fluorescence ON–OFF switching system can be constructed by using PAA-b-PNIPAM micelles and NR.

  3. Final disposal Forsmark, Simpevarp and Laxemar. Inflow of ground water and influence on hydrogeologic and hydrologic conditions; Slutfoervar Forsmark, Simpevarp och Laxemar. Inlaeckage av grundvatten samt paaverkan paa hydrogeologiska och hydrologiska foerhaallanden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Werner, Kent [Golder Associates AB, Stockholm (Sweden)


    This report summarizes the description of the natural (uninfluenced) hydrogeological and hydrological conditions at the possible final repository locations Forsmark, Simpevarp and Laxemar. For each site, the description is based on SKB's site descriptions version 1.2. The report provides assessments of the inflow and the effects on the surroundings (groundwater drawdown and the associated area of influence) due to construction, operation, and closing of a repository for spent nuclear fuel at the above locations. The assessment of the effects of the repository on its surroundings is primarily based on calculation results from two numerical flow models, DarcyTools and MOUSESHE (for Simpevarp, only DarcyTools has been used). The basis for the modelling is SKB's site descriptions version 1.2, which will be updated in the form of new versions. Moreover, the models are based on a preliminary layout of the repository at each location. Hence, the flow models will be developed further when the site descriptions are updated. The results may also be affected by changes of the repository layout. The modelling projects have been performed in the same order as they are presented in the report (Forsmark, Simpevarp and Laxemar). Some aspects of the numerical models, and the coupling between them, have been developed and improved during the course of work. Examples on major differences between the models include the technique to simulate grouting in DarcyTools, and the possibility to visualize modelling results from this model, for instance on other types of background maps. The results show a small inflow and a small area of influence for a repository at Forsmark. The upper parts of the repository (c 100 m depth and upwards) give the largest contribution to the inflow and the area of influence. This indicates that the effects on the surroundings from the deep and the near surface parts of the repository can be analysed separately. For a repository at Simpevarp and Laxemar, the results show that also the deep parts of the repository yield an inflow and cause a lowering of the groundwater table. Hence, it is more difficult to decouple the deep and the near surface parts of the repository at these locations. A repository at Simpevarp causes a larger inflow but a smaller area of influence, compared to a repository at Laxemar. This difference is most likely due to that Simpevarp is located by the sea, whereas Laxemar is located further inland. However, there are differences in terms of how grouting is simulated in the DarcyTools modelling of the locations, which makes the comparison difficult. A simple estimate, based on the net recharge (annual mean) at each site shows that the model calculated inflow to a repository at Forsmark corresponds to an area of influence from c 1 km{sup 2} (hydraulic conductivity in the grouted zone K{sub inj} 10{sup -7} m/s) to c 0.3 km{sup 2} (K{sub inj} = 10{sup -9} m/s). For a repository at Simpevarp, the inflow corresponds an area of influence from c 36 km{sup 2} (skin factor = 0.1) to c 1.5 km{sup 2} (skin factor = 0.001); in the Simpevarp modelling, a 'skin factor' was utilized to simulate the grouting. For a repository at Laxemar, a similar comparison provides an area of influence from c 11 km{sup 2} (K{sub inj} = 10{sup -7} m/s) to c 6.5 km{sup 2} (K{sub inj} = 10{sup -9} m/s). Since the modelling results are preliminary, they principally express differences between the locations in terms of their hydrogeological and hydrological characteristics. The results are yet too preliminary to demonstrate the effects of a repository on its surroundings in absolute terms. Examples of uncertainties in the modelling include the representation of the bedrock in the 'bedrock models', providing the basis for the modelling; this particularly applies to the upper parts of the bedrock. Moreover, the interaction between Quaternary deposits and bedrock is identified as an important factor for the groundwater drawdown and its area of influence. There may be less exchange of groundwater between Quaternary deposits and bedrock than assumed in the present models, which would imply that the models overestimate the groundwater drawdown around the repository. The interaction between surface water (lakes, watercourses and the sea) and groundwater is another important factor for the drawdown and its area of influence. The exchange between surface and groundwater may be larger than assumed in the modelling. This, in turn, could imply that the inflow becomes larger, but also that the area of influence becomes smaller than shown by the modelling. This larger exchange would also imply that the effects on lakes and watercourses are larger than shown by the modelling.

  4. Resistance to and killing by the sporicidal microbicide peracetic acid. (United States)

    Leggett, Mark J; Schwarz, J Spencer; Burke, Peter A; Mcdonnell, Gerald; Denyer, Stephen P; Maillard, Jean-Yves


    To elucidate the mechanisms of spore resistance to and killing by the oxidizing microbicide peracetic acid (PAA). Mutants of Bacillus subtilis lacking specific spore structures were used to identify resistance properties in spores and to understand the mechanism of action of PAA. We also assessed the effect of PAA treatment on a number of spore properties including heat tolerance, membrane integrity and germination. The spore coat is essential for spore PAA resistance as spores with defective coats were greatly sensitized to PAA treatment. Small acid-soluble spore proteins apparently provide no protection against PAA. Defects in spore germination, specifically in germination via the GerB and GerK but not the GerA germination receptors, as well as leakage of internal components suggest that PAA is active at the spore inner membrane. It is therefore likely that the inner membrane is the major site of PAA's sporicidal activity. PAA treatment targets the spore membrane, with some of its activity directed specifically against the GerB and GerK germination receptors. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  5. Utveckling av examination av examensarbeten på kandidatnivå


    Trofast, Tobias; Haugum, Dag; Lundberg, Jonas; Nygren, Victoria; Nyström, Tommie; Svensson, Gary; Thunborg, Maria; Törnqvist, Tomas


    Detta paper beskriver arbetet med att utveckla en modell för utveckling av examination av examensarbeten på kandidatnivå (UEX) vid Institutionen för Teknik och Naturvetenskap, Linköpings Universitet under läsåret 2010-2011. Modellen har utvecklats och testats vid utbildningsprogrammet Grafisk Design och Kommunikation (GDK), men med syfte att kunna appliceras även på andra kandidatprograms examensarbete. Det projektet prövat är om man kan höja kvaliteten på examensarbeten och effektiviteten i ...

  6. Mechanical properties of polyelectrolyte multilayer self-assembled films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dai Xinhua; Zhang Yongjun; Guan Ying; Yang Shuguang; Xu Jian


    The mechanical properties of electrostatic self-assembled multilayer films from polyacrylic acid (PAA) and C 60 -ethylenediamine adduct (C 60 -EDA) or poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) were evaluated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) wear experiments. Because of the higher molecular weight of PAH, the wear resistance of the (PAH/PAA) 10 film is higher than that of the (PAH/PAA) 2 (C 60 -EDA/PAA) 8 film; that is, the former is mechanically more stable than the latter. The mechanical stability of both films can be improved significantly by heat treatment, which changes the nature of the linkage from ionic to covalent. The AFM measurement also reveals that the (PAH/PAA) 2 (C 60 -EDA/PAA) 8 film is softer than the (PAH/PAA) 10 film. The friction properties of the heated films were measured. These films can be developed as potential lubrication coatings for microelectromechanical systems

  7. "Mu vend mu õde ja mina põgeneme Valguskoonused kalduvad ..." = "Min bror min syster och jag flyr Ljuskäglor välter över vägkanten ..." : [luuletused] / Catharina Gripenberg ; tlk. Juta-Tiia Mägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gripenberg, Catharina


    Sisu: "Mu vend mu õde ja mina põgeneme Valguskoonused kalduvad ..." = "Min bror min syster och jag flyr Ljuskäglor välter över vägkanten ..."; "Tean, et kajad vastavad, aga väga lühidalt. Valad sa välja oma ..." = "Vet att ekon svarar, men i all korthet. Gjuter du ut ditt hjärta ..."; "Kirjasõber, ma otsin välja jääkraabitsa ..." = "Brevvän, jag lagrar upp med fönsterskapare ..."; "Säravselge hommik. Linnupojad trügivad välja kolbast ..." = "Det var en glasklar morgon. Fågelungarna knuffas från skallen ..."; Armastuskiri = Kärleksbrev

  8. Interactions between poly(acrylic acid) and sodium dodecyl sulfate: isothermal titration calorimetric and surfactant ion-selective electrode studies. (United States)

    Wang, C; Tam, K C


    Interaction between a monodispersed poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) (M(W) = 5670 g/mol, M(w)/M(n) = 1.02) with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was investigated using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), ion-selective electrode (ISE), and dynamic light scattering measurements. Contrary to previous studies, we report for the first time evidence of interaction between SDS and PAA when the degree of neutralization (alpha) of PAA is lower than 0.2. Hydrocarbon chains of SDS cooperatively bind to apolar segments of PAA driven by hydrophobic interaction. The interaction is both enthalpy and entropy favored (deltaH is negative but deltaS is positive). In 0.05 wt % PAA solution, the SDS concentration corresponding to the onset of binding (i.e., CAC) is approximately 2.4 mM and the saturation concentration (i.e., C(S)) is approximately 13.3 mM when alpha = 0. When PAA was neutralized and ionized, the binding was hindered by the enhanced electrostatic repulsion between negatively charged SDS and PAA chains and improved solubility of the polymer. With increasing alpha to 0.2, CAC increases to approximately 6.2 mM, C(S) drops to 8.6 mM, and the interaction is significantly weakened where the amount of bound SDS on PAA is reduced considerably. The values of CAC and C(S) derived from different techniques are in good agreement. The binding results in the formation of mixed micelles on apolar PAA coils, which then expands and dissociates into single PAA chains. The majority of unneutralized PAA molecules exist as single polymer chains stabilized by bound SDS micelles in solution after the saturation concentration.

  9. Mechanism of Bacillus subtilis spore inactivation by and resistance to supercritical CO2 plus peracetic acid. (United States)

    Setlow, B; Korza, G; Blatt, K M S; Fey, J P; Setlow, P


    Determine how supercritical CO2 (scCO2 ) plus peracetic acid (PAA) inactivates Bacillus subtilis spores, factors important in spore resistance to scCO2 -PAA, and if spores inactivated by scCO2 -PAA are truly dead. Spores of wild-type B. subtilis and isogenic mutants lacking spore protective proteins were treated with scCO2 -PAA in liquid or dry at 35°C. Wild-type wet spores (aqueous suspension) were more susceptible than dry spores. Treated spores were examined for viability (and were truly dead), dipicolinic acid (DPA), mutations, permeability to nucleic acid stains, germination under different conditions, energy metabolism and outgrowth. ScCO2 -PAA-inactivated spores retained DPA, and survivors had no notable DNA damage. However, DPA was released from inactivated spores at a normally innocuous temperature (85°C), and colony formation from treated spores was salt sensitive. The inactivated spores germinated but did not outgrow, and these germinated spores had altered plasma membrane permeability and defective energy metabolism. Wet or dry coat-defective spores had increased scCO2 -PAA sensitivity, and dry spores but not wet spores lacking DNA protective proteins were more scCO2 -PAA sensitive. These findings suggest that scCO2 -PAA inactivates spores by damaging spores' inner membrane. The spore coat provided scCO2 -PAA resistance for both wet and dry spores. DNA protective proteins provided scCO2 -PAA resistance only for dry spores. These results provide information on mechanisms of spore inactivation of and resistance to scCO2 -PAA, an agent with increasing use in sterilization applications. © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  10. Application of polyacrylic acid-poly-N,N-dimethyldiallylammonium chloride polyelectrolyte complexes for structuring of polluted soil of Semipalatinsk nuclear test site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabantseva, T.; Bashenova, A.; Orazzhanova, L.K.; Yashkarova, M.G.; Bimendina, L.A.


    The present communication is devoted to investigation of structuring efficiency of polyacrylic acid-poly-N,N-dimethyldiallylammonium chloride (PAA-PDMDAACI) polyelectrolyte complexes. The granulometric analysis of selected soil samples before and after the treatment of aqueous solution of PAA, PDMDAACI and PAA-PDMDAACI complexes at different molar ratio of polymer components and polymer concentrations was carried out. Analysis shows that nonstoichiometric polyelectrolyte complex [PAA]:[PDMDAACI]=3:1 possesses the best structuring effect. But this result is worse than in the case using of [PAA]:[polyethylene glycol]=1:1 inter-polymer complex

  11. Application and analytical verification of peracetic acid use in different types of freshwater aquaculture systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Lars-Flemming


    of water sanitation with PAA application were used to analytically verify actual PAA concentration under real conditions at different kinds of aquaculture systems. A characteristic instant disinfection demand was found to be significantly positively related to water COD content, and PAA half-lives were...... found to be in the order of a few minutes. The study revealed that PAA degrades so rapidly that insufficient disinfection is a likely outcome. The observations have applications for optimizing water treatment strategies with PAA. The investigations also indicated that the rapid degradation and hence...

  12. Preparation of Ultra Low-κ Porous SiOCH Films from Ring-Type Siloxane with Unsaturated Hydrocarbon Side Chains by Spin-On Deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chun-Xiao, Yang; Chi, Zhang; Qing-Qing, Sun; Sai-Sheng, Xu; Li-Feng, Zhang; Yu, Shi; Shi-Jin, Ding; Wei, Zhang


    An ultra-low-dielectric-constant (ultra low-k, or ULK) porous SiOCH film is prepared using a single ring-type siloxane precursor of the 2,4,6,8-tetravinyl-2,4,6,8-tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane by means of spin-on deposition, followed by crosslinking reactions between the precursor monomers under UV irradiation. The as-prepared film has an ultra low k of 2.41 at 1 MHz due to incorporation of pores and hydrocarbon crosslinkages, a leakage current density of 9.86 × 10 −7 A/cm 2 at 1 MV/cm, as well as a breakdown field strength of ∼1.5 MV/cm. Further, annealing at 300°C results in lower k (i.e., 1.94 at 1 MHz), smaller leakage current density (2.96 × 10 −7 A/cm 2 at 1 MV/cm) and higher breakdown field strength (about 3.5 MV/cm), which are likely caused by the short-ranged structural rearrangement and reduction of defects in the film. Finally, the mechanical properties and surface morphology of films are also evaluated after different temperature annealing. (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  13. Hur fungerar datorer? : En fallstudie av att utveckla pedagogisk multimedia för ett datorhistoriskt museum.


    Ahl, Linda


    Få människor vet hur datorer fungerar, vilka komponenter de är uppbyggda av och hur dessa samverkar. I detta examensarbete har en prototyp till en multimediepresentation utvecklats. Presentationen kommer att placeras på ett datorhistoriskt museum och dess syfte kommer där att vara att hjälpa människor förstå hur datorer fungerar. Prototypen är baserad på bilder och enklare animationer som förklarar samverkan och funktion hos de olika datorkomponenterna, bland annat genom att visa scenarier so...

  14. I skuggan av mitt forna jag : Unga kvinnors upplevelser av våldsutsatthet


    Hellgren, Åsa; Nordström, Alexandra


    Bakgrund: Våld i parrelationer hos ungdomar har ökat de senaste åren och blivit ett stort problem. Våldet kan leda till att de utsatta unga kvinnorna kan få både fysiska och psykiska hälsoproblem som påverkar deras framtid. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Som teoretisk referensram används Kari Martinsens teori om omsorg, inkluderande Martinsens begrepp om det förnimmande och det registrerade ögat, samt begreppen skuld och skam. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva de unga kv...

  15. Det halvt dolda


    Åberg, Elina


    I projektet utformas ett hotell med 34 rum i utkanten av den lilla historiska staden Mariefred, som ligger vid Mälaren 65 km från Stockholm. Hotellet utgörs av en kvadratisk volym med tegelfasad och avfasat hörn, belägen på en platt tomt intill museijärnvägen. Staden domineras i fonden av Gripsholms slott, och hotellets placering underordnar sig slottet och bevarar viktiga siktlinjer. Programmet innehåller utöver centrala funktioner som hotellrum, lobby  och restaurang även en biosalong i bot...

  16. ”Ett vackert hem börjar med golvet” : Linoleummattan i Sverige under tidigt 1900- tal


    Nordström, Frida


    Denna uppsats handlar hur samhällsströmningar i samhället under tidigt 1900-tal påverkade användningen av linoleum i hemmen och i arkitekturen i Sverige. Även utseendet på linoleummattor och tillverkningssätt undersöks. Undersökningen omfattar också den svenska linoleumtillverkaren Forshaga linoleum och andra typer av golvmattor som har tillverkats av dem.
 Linoleum uppfanns av Fredrick Walton på 1860-talet och hade sin storhetstid under de kommande 100 åren. Linoleum är tillv...

  17. ”Varken E=mc2 eller Det förlorade paradiset rafsades ihop av en festprisse” : En kvalitativ studie om introvert beteende i skolan


    Larsson, Sofie; Nordqvist, Micaela


    Denna studie syftar till att lyfta fram begreppet introvert i skolvärlden genom att undersöka hur introverta beteenden kan påverka elevers utbildning. Vi lyfter även fram lärares tillskrivande av introvert beteende. Vi utgår ifrån Jung och H.J. Eysencks definitioner av begreppet introvert samt tar upp olika beteendeteorier och perspektiv på introvert beteende för att kunna identifiera och analysera våra resultat. Studiens metod är en empirisk datainsamling i form av observationer och intervju...

  18. Atmospheric chemistry of C4F9O(CH2)3OC4F9 and CF3CFHCF2O (CH2)3OCF3CFHCF2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toft, A. M.; Hurley, M. D.; Wallington, T. J.


    FTIR smog chamber techniques were used to measure k(Cl + CF3CFHCF2O(CH2)(3)OCF2CFHCF3) = (2.97 +/- 0.17) x 10(-12) k(OH + CF3CFHCF2O(CH2)(3)OCF2CFHCF3) = (2.45 +/- 0.14) x 10(-13), k(Cl + C4F9O(CH2)(3)OC4F9) = (1.45 +/- 0.16) x 10(-12), and k(OH + C4F9O(CH2)(3)OC4F9) = (1.44 +/- 0.10) x 10(-13) c...

  19. A simple method for decomposition of peracetic acid in a microalgal cultivation system. (United States)

    Sung, Min-Gyu; Lee, Hansol; Nam, Kibok; Rexroth, Sascha; Rögner, Matthias; Kwon, Jong-Hee; Yang, Ji-Won


    A cost-efficient process devoid of several washing steps was developed, which is related to direct cultivation following the decomposition of the sterilizer. Peracetic acid (PAA) is known to be an efficient antimicrobial agent due to its high oxidizing potential. Sterilization by 2 mM PAA demands at least 1 h incubation time for an effective disinfection. Direct degradation of PAA was demonstrated by utilizing components in conventional algal medium. Consequently, ferric ion and pH buffer (HEPES) showed a synergetic effect for the decomposition of PAA within 6 h. On the contrary, NaNO3, one of the main components in algal media, inhibits the decomposition of PAA. The improved growth of Chlorella vulgaris and Synechocystis PCC6803 was observed in the prepared BG11 by decomposition of PAA. This process involving sterilization and decomposition of PAA should help cost-efficient management of photobioreactors in a large scale for the production of value-added products and biofuels from microalgal biomass.

  20. Influence of production system, age an sex on carcass parameters and some biochemical meat quality characteristics of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sabine Sampels


    Full Text Available Carcass composition in reindeer is affected by feed intake and the age and sex of the animal. Studies have also shown that age, sex, carcass trim fat content and total intramuscular fat content (IMF influence lipid class composition. The aim of this study was to compare lipid class composition and IMF in relation to carcass weight, conformation and trim fat content, and to investigate how these parameters are affected by age, sex and different feed sources. Five groups of reindeer were studied. Two groups of calves were fed two grain-based pelleted feeds with different lipid compositions for approximately two months before slaughter. One of these groups was fed with conventional pellets, and the other with pellets enriched with linseed cake to increase the amount of n-3 fatty acids in the diet. Three groups of grazing reindeer were also included in the study, consisting of adult males, adult females or calves. Reindeer calves fed pellets had higher slaughter weights, higher trim fat content and better carcass conformation scores compared to the grazing calves. However, there was no significant difference in IMF between pellet-fed and grazing calves. Adult female reindeer had the highest and grazing calves the lowest slaughter weights, trim fat and IMF. There was no difference in lipid class composition in meat from calves fed with the two pelleted feeds, whereas grazing calves had a higher amount of phospholipids. Squalene was identified and quantified as a component of intramuscular lipids in reindeer meat. Effekt av produktionssystem, ålder och kön på slaktkroppskvalitet och några biokemiska egenskaper hos renköttAbstract in Swedish / Sammandrag: Slaktkroppssammansättningen hos renar påverkas av både foderintag, fodersammansättning och djurens ålder och kön. Tidigare har vi visat att renens kön, ålder, mängden intramuskulärt fett (IMF och putsfett på slaktkroppen påverkar sammansättningen av lipidklasser. Syftet med denna

  1. Peracetic acid oxidation of saline waters in the absence and presence of H ₂O ₂: secondary oxidant and disinfection byproduct formation. (United States)

    Shah, Amisha D; Liu, Zheng-Qian; Salhi, Elisabeth; Höfer, Thomas; von Gunten, Urs


    Peracetic acid (PAA) is a disinfectant considered for use in ballast water treatment, but its chemical behavior in such systems (i.e., saline waters) is largely unknown. In this study, the reactivity of PAA with halide ions (chloride and bromide) to form secondary oxidants (HOCl, HOBr) was investigated. For the PAA-chloride and PAA-bromide reactions, second-order rate constants of (1.47 ± 0.58) × 10(-5) and 0.24 ± 0.02 M(-1) s(-1) were determined for the formation of HOCl or HOBr, respectively. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is always present in PAA solutions, reduced HOCl or HOBr to chloride or bromide, respectively. As a consequence, in PAA-treated solutions with [H2O2] > [PAA], the HOBr (HOCl) steady-state concentrations were low with a limited formation of brominated (chlorinated) disinfection byproducts (DBPs). HOI (formed from the PAA-iodide reaction) affected this process because it can react with H2O2 back to iodide. H2O2 is thus consumed in a catalytic cycle and leads to less efficient HOBr scavenging at even low iodide concentrations (acid (MBAA), dibromoacetic acid (DBAA), and tribromoacetic acid (TBAA) formed at up to 260, 106, 230, and 89 μg/L, respectively for doses of 2 mM (ca. 150 mg/L) PAA and [H2O2] acid concentrations.

  2. Comparative Study for Efficacy and Safety of Adenoidectomy according to the Surgical Method: A Prospective Multicenter Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeong-Whun Kim

    Full Text Available There have been several operative techniques for adenoidectomy and their efficacy and morbidity are different according to the technique. This prospective multicenter study was aimed to compare the efficacy and morbidity of coblation adenoidectomy (CA with those of power-assisted adenoidectomy.Prospective multi-institutional study.Children who underwent CA, power-assisted adenoidectomy with cauterization (PAA+C or without cauterization (PAA-C due to adenoid hypertrophy were enrolled from 13 hospitals between July 2013 and June 2014. Mean operation time, degree of intraoperative bleeding and postoperative bleeding rate were evaluated.A total of 388 children (mean age ± standard deviation = 6.6 ± 2.5 years; 245 males and 143 females were included. According to the adenoidectomy technique, the children were classified into 3 groups: (1 CA (n = 116; (2 PAA+C (n = 153; and (3 PAA-C (n = 119. Significant differences were not found in age and sex among three groups. In the CA group, mean operation time was significantly shorter (P < 0.001 and degree of intraoperative bleeding was significantly less (P < 0.001 compared to PAA+C or PAA-C group. Delayed postoperative bleeding rate of PAA-C group was significantly higher than that of CA or PAA+C group (P = 0.016.This prospective multicenter study showed that CA was superior to PAA in terms of mean operation time and degree of intraoperative bleeding.

  3. Assessment of a colorimetric method for the measurement of low concentrations of peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in water. (United States)

    Domínguez-Henao, Laura; Turolla, Andrea; Monticelli, Damiano; Antonelli, Manuela


    The recent growing interest in peracetic acid (PAA) as disinfectant for wastewater treatment demands reliable and readily-available methods for its measurement. In detail, the monitoring of PAA in wastewater treatment plants requires a simple, accurate, rapid and inexpensive measurement procedure. In the present work, a method for analyzing low concentrations of PAA, adapted from the US EPA colorimetric method for total chlorine, is assessed. This method employs N,N-diethyl-p-phenylelnediamine (DPD) in the presence of an excess of iodide in a phosphate buffer system. Pink colored species are produced proportionally to the concentration of PAA in the sample. Considering that PAA is available commercially as an equilibrium solution of PAA and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), a measurement method for H 2 O 2 is also investigated. This method, as the one for the determination of PAA, is also based on the oxidation of iodide to iodine, with the difference that ammonium molybdate Mo(VI) is added to catalyze the oxidation reaction between H 2 O 2 and iodide, quantifying the total peroxides (PAA+ H 2 O 2 ). The two methods are suitable for concentration ranges from about 0.1-1.65 mg L -1 and from about 0.3-3.3 mg L -1 , respectively for PAA and H 2 O 2 . Moreover, the work elucidates some relevant aspects related to the operational conditions, kinetics and the possible interference of H 2 O 2 on PAA measurement. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. The OH-initiated oxidation of atmospheric peroxyacetic acid: Experimental and model studies (United States)

    Wu, Huihui; Wang, Yin; Li, Huan; Huang, Liubin; Huang, Dao; Shen, Hengqing; Xing, Yanan; Chen, Zhongming


    Peroxyacetic acid (PAA, CH3C(O)OOH) plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry, serving as reactive oxidant and affecting radical recycling. However, previous studies revealed an obvious gap between modelled and observed concentrations of atmospheric PAA, which may be partly ascribed to the uncertainty in the kinetics and mechanism of OH-oxidation. In this study, we measured the rate constant of OH radical reaction with PAA (kPAA+OH) and investigated the products in order to develop a more robust atmospheric PAA chemistry. Using the relative rates technique and employing toluene and meta-xylene as reference compounds, the kPAA+OH was determined to be (9.4-11.9) × 10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 at 298 K and 1 atm, which is about (2.5-3.2) times larger than that parameter used in Master Chemical Mechanism v3.3.1 (MCM v3.3.1) (3.70 × 10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1). Incorporation of a box model and MCM v3.3.1 with revised PAA chemistry represented a better simulation of atmospheric PAA observed during Wangdu Campaign 2014, a rural site in North China Plain. It is found that OH-oxidation is an important sink of atmospheric PAA in this rural area, accounting for ∼30% of the total loss. Moreover, the major terminal products of PAA-OH reaction were identified as formaldehyde (HCHO) and formic acid (HC(O)OH). The modelled results show that both primary and secondary chemistry play an important role in the large HCHO and HC(O)OH formation under experimental conditions. There should exist the channel of methyl H-abstraction for PAA-OH reaction, which may also provide routes to HCHO and HC(O)OH formation.

  5. Resonant infrared pulsed laser deposition of a polyimide precursor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dygert, N L; Schriver, K E; Jr, R F Haglund [Department of Physics and Astronomy and W M Keck Foundation Free-Electron Laser Centre, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN 37235 (United States)


    Poly(amic acid) (PAA), a precursor to polyimide, was successfully deposited on substrates without reaching curing temperature, by resonant infrared pulsed laser ablation. The PAA was prepared by dissolving pyromellitic dianhydride and 4, 4' oxidianiline in the polar solvent Nmethyl pyrrolidinone (NMP). The PAA was deposited in droplet-like morphologies when ablation occurred in air, and in string-like moieties in the case of ablation in vacuum. In the as-deposited condition, the PAA was easily removed by washing with NMP; however, once cured thermally for thirty minutes, the PAA hardened, indicating the expected thermosetting property. Plume shadowgraphy showed very clear contrasts in the ablation mechanism between ablation of the solvent alone and the ablation of the PAA, even at low concentrations. A Wavelength dependence in plume velocity was also observed.

  6. Micelle-assisted signaling of peracetic acid by the oxidation of pyreneboronic acid via monomer-excimer switching. (United States)

    Choi, Jiyoung; Lee, Hyo Jin; Cho, Min Jeoung; Chang, Suk-Kyu


    A simple fluorescent probe for the industrial oxidant peracetic acid (PAA) was investigated. PAA-assisted oxidative conversion of pyrene-1-boronic acid into 1-hydroxypyrene was used as the signaling tool. Pyreneboronic acid was found to display selective signaling behavior, being more responsive to PAA than to other commonly used practical oxidants such as H2O2 and HOCl. The changes in pyrene monomer fluorescence to excimer were used in the quantitative analysis of PAA. When using the surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide as a micellar additive, the signaling of PAA was markedly enhanced. Selective fluorescence signaling of PAA by pyrene-1-boronic acid with a detection limit of 1.5×10(-6)M in aqueous environment was successfully achieved. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Lam lam o lam (6/4 e)



    Laulun sanat: Lam, lam o lam, Så undersan, Förtryckt, försökt; Dock likväl älskadt högt! Mitt hjerta är ej mitt, Men ditt: Din lön, Guds Lam, För hån och skam, För sårens flod Och för ditt kors och blod.

  8. Effect of water hardness on peracetic acid toxicity to zebrafish, Danio rerio, embryos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marchand, Pierre_André; Strauss, David L.; Wienke, Andreas


    The use of peracetic acid (PAA) in aquaculture has been suggested as an alternative therapeutic agent. Few data are available concerning fish toxicity by PAA or factors that modify this toxicity. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of water hardness on the acute toxicity of PAA...... acidic in low hardness. In conclusion, aquaculturists using PAA should pay attention to water hardness to avoid acidosis...

  9. Digital Materia


    Lindgren, Marcus; Richey, Emma


    Med tankar från pedagogen Montessori och filosoferna Platon och Baudrillard har detta arbete behandlat frågor om datorn och dess betydelse för en grafiker. Frågeställningen formulerades efter hand och lydde tillslut: ”Hur kan materia te sig i digital form?” Forskningen resulterade i en hypotes för hur digital materia skulle födas i datorn: genom att blanda två uppsättningar av data, såsom två genuppsättningar tillsammans skapar en ny organism. Under produktionen utvecklades därmed en metod fö...

  10. Undervattensfotografering : Vattnets påverkan på ljus


    Lönnström, Mathias


    Syftet med detta arbete var att jag skulle fördjupa mig i undervattensfotografering och diskutera skillnaderna mellan att fotografera i luft från att fotografera i vatten. Jag ville i och med min forskning bygga upp en kunskapsbank åt mig själv inför kommande projekt. Detta åstadkom jag genom att först studera teorin i böcker av Martin Edge och Blain Brown och på så sätt förbereda mig inför de praktiska fotograferingssessionerna jag senare utförde. Efteråt analyserade jag mina erfarenheter oc...

  11. ”… alla vill vi väl ha ett förhållande” : En studie om hur kvinnor i övre medelåldern upplever livet som singel


    Nilsson, Clara


    Sverige är ett av världens mest individualistiska länder. Befolkningen utgörs till 46 procent av singlar och den största gruppen singlar är kvinnor i åldersgrupperna övre medelålder och äldre (Statistiska centralbyrån, 2012). Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen kring hur svenska heterosexuella kvinnor i gruppen övre medelålder upplever singellivet. Jag använde mig utav välkända teorier och begrepp inom sociologin. De tillämpade teorierna och teoretiska begreppen var individualis...

  12. Livsstilsinterventionens betydelse för arbetshälsan


    Nyholm, Eva-Maija


    Arbetshälsan och arbetsplatsen som en hälsofrämjande arena lyfts fram som betydelsefulla faktorer då man diskuterar framtida utmaningar och den samhälleliga utvecklingen. Vi bör sträva efter en längre arbetskarriär med arbetshälsa, samt ökad produktivitet. Välmående i arbetsgemenskapen relateras indirekt till arbetsförmågan. Arbetsförmågan är beroende av medarbetarens upplevda hälsa och prestanda, kunnande, värden, attityd och motivation. Syfte med studien var att kartlägga livsstilsintervent...

  13. Att lita på andras blodgåva : Åsikter om att homosexuella män i praktiken nekas donera blod


    Elwin, Elin


    Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker vilka upp­fattningar sjuksköterskor och homo­sexuella män har kring reglerna för blodgivning, med inriktning på att homosexuella män i praktiken inte får donera blod. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativ intervju som metod. Resultatet framhäver att mina informanter klassificerat blod och människor olika, där både utländskt blod och svenskt blod rangordnas efter potentiell risk för smitta. Sjuksköterskorna och de homosexuella männen hanterar även reglerna olik...

  14. Index viktat efter omsättning : Presterar ett index viktat efter omsättning bättre än ett index viktat efter börsvärde?


    Walljaeger, Christoffer; Uhrdin, Susanna


    Om den effektiva marknadshypotesen inte gäller skulle varje aktie handlas över eller under aktiens verkliga värde. Om så är fallet skulle alla index som är viktade efter börsvärde automatiskt överexponeras när en aktie handlas över dess verkliga värde och underexponera när en aktie handlas under dess verkliga värde. Det här betyder att kapitalviktade index är fundamentalt och strukturellt bristfälliga och kommer kontinuerligt övervikta alla aktier som handlas över verkligt värde och undervikt...

  15. Fattigdomens hjälplöshet – too hot to handle? Hur Astrid Lindgrens böcker om Madicken översatts i USA och Storbritannien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikolowski-Bogomoloff, Angelika


    Full Text Available In children’s literature, power relations are fundamentally assymetrical. This is furthermore accentuated in the process of translation where translation norms, social and cultural norms as well as the power game of adult authorities play a major part.The Swedish author Astrid Lindgren’s ideology is based on the notion that no aspects of life should be hidden from the child, making her thematize as well as break taboos in her writing for children. There has been extensive research on Lindgren’s authorship per se, but research on translations of her books seems to be limited. The fact that discussions on taboo elements in children’s books in general, and Lindgren’s source texts and target texts in particular are sparse indicates that this is a vast – and interesting – field still to be explored.This paper focuses on the American and British translations of Lindgren’s Madicken (1960 and Madicken och Junibackens Pims (1976 in order to find out why and to what extent these books were censored in translation.

  16. Opto-electronic properties and light-emitting device application of widegap layered oxychalcogenides: LaCuOCh (Ch=chalcogen) and La2CdO2Se2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiramatsu, Hidenori; Hirano, Masahiro; Kamioka, Hayato; Ueda, Kazushige; Ohta, Hiromichi; Kamiya, Toshio; Hosono, Hideo


    Electronic and optical properties of widegap oxychalcogenides, LaCuOCh (Ch chalcogen) and La 2 CdO 2 Se 2 , are reviewed with a focus on those relevant to their layered crystal structures, including high hole mobility, degenerate p-type conduction, room temperature exciton, and large third order optical nonlinearity. In particular, the widegap p-type metallic conduction was realized in Mg-doped LaCuOSe: the first demonstration among any class of widegap materials including GaN:Mg. Furthermore, we demonstrate the room temperature operation of a blue light-emitting diode using a pn hetero-junction composed of a LaCuOSe epilayer and an n-type amorphous InGaZn 5 O 8 . Those results strongly suggest that a series of the layered oxychalcogenides are applicable to the light-emitting layers in opto-electronic devices that operate in the ultraviolet-blue region as well as to transparent p-type conductors. (copyright 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (Abstract Copyright [2006], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  17. Leaching and retention of nutrients and trace elements in peat nineteen years after wood ash application and afforestation of a terminated peat cutover area; Utlakning och retention av naeringsaemnen och spaaraemnen i torv nitton aar efter vedasktillfoersel och beskogning paa en avslutad torvtaekt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nilsson, Torbjoern; Lundin, Lars (Dept. of Forest Soils, Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 7001, SE-750 07 Uppsala (Sweden))


    Ash application on peatlands for improved biomass production attracts great interest. On drained peatlands in forestry use, application of wood ash would increase the forest production. Before such activities starts on a large-scale, the existing knowledge in this field should be compiled, with the aim to illustrate positive and negative effects of such a measure and to suggest recommendations for wood ash application to drained and afforested peatlands. The aim of this project was to investigate how much of different nutrients and trace elements that was still left in the peat, 19 years after application of 23 tonnes of wood fly ash, 0.6 tonnes of raw phosphate and 0.25 tonnes of superphosphate per hectare to 14 hectares of a terminated peat cutover area. This area was located on a mire, Flakmossen, in west-central Sweden. As it was nearly 40 years since peat harvesting had terminated on this mire, the area was drained before the application of wood ash and phosphorus fertilizer. A tractor-driven cultivator mixed the applied fertilizers with the upper 30-40 cm of the remaining peat and afterwards different tree species were planted in the cultivated peat. Peat sampling, down to 80 cm depth, was carried out before soil treatment, one year after, three years after and 19 years after the soil treatment. Analyses of these peat samples showed that: - After the soil treatments an initial increase of pH in the upper peat layers (0-40 cm depth) was observed, but 19 years after the soil treatments pH had decreased to levels that were lower than before the treatments. This decrease in pH was probably due to an oxidation of sulphur compounds in the peat, which was a result of the drainage. This acidification of the peat could not be buffered by the large dose of applied wood ash. However, it should be observed that the main part of the peat in this field study consists of reed peat, that has a considerable higher sulphur content than other peat types. - Nineteen years after the soil treatment more than 70 % of Mg, 60 % of K, almost 50 % of Mn and more than 20 % of applied Ca had leached out from the peat. The applied amount of P seemed to be retained in peat, humus layer and biomass. A large proportion of P was probably confined to Fe- and Al-oxides in the peat. - Of the applied amounts of trace elements, approximately 50 % of Cd, 25 % of Ba and less than 10 % of Zn had leached out from the peat. For other trace elements it was difficult to make estimations due to the few analyses of these elements before the soil treatments. However, applied Pb has probably not been leached out from the peat. This investigation shows that before application of ashes to afforested peatlands, with the intention to increase the forest production, it is important to analyse both the peat and ashes to optimize the choices of ash, ash treatment (including possible enrichment of the ash with for example K or P), and ash dose. To receive a sustainable high production of stemwood on such peatlands it probably requires that the ash dose in most cases has to be higher than 3 tonnes per hectare (a dose suggested by the Swedish National Board of Forestry)

  18. Vitamin K3 analogs induce selective tumor cytotoxicity in neuroblastoma. (United States)

    Kitano, Toru; Yoda, Hiroyuki; Tabata, Keiichi; Miura, Motofumi; Toriyama, Masaharu; Motohashi, Shigeyasu; Suzuki, Takashi


    We investigated the cytotoxicity of eight vitamin K3 (VK3) analogs against neuroblastoma cell lines (IMR-32, LA-N-1, NB-39, and SK-N-SH) and normal cell lines (human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and human dermal fibroblasts (HDF)) using a 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. 2-[(2-Methoxy)ethylthio]-3-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (VK3-OCH(3)) showed especially potent cytotoxic activities against neuroblastoma cells compared with normal cells. In a Hoechst 33342 staining experiment, apoptotic morphologies characterized by cell shrinkage, nuclear condensation, and nuclear fragmentation were observed in IMR-32 and LA-N-1 cells after 48 h of treatment with 10(-5) M of VK3-OCH(3). To clarify the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis induced by VK3-OCH(3), we examined the expression of apoptosis related proteins using a Proteome Profiler Array and western blotting. Heme oxygenase (HO)-1 was remarkably increased by VK3-OCH(3) compared with the control (173% in IMR-32 and 170% in LA-N-1 at 24 h). Moreover, caveolin-1 was induced by VK3-OCH(3) at 48 h. In addition, VK3-OCH(3) arrested the cell cycle at the G2/M phase in IMR-32 cells. These results suggest that VK3-OCH(3) exhibited a selective antitumor activity via HO-1-related mechanisms.

  19. Poly(acrylic acid) conjugated hollow mesoporous carbon as a dual-stimuli triggered drug delivery system for chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Xian; Liu, Chang; Wang, Shengyu; Jiao, Jian; Di, Donghua; Jiang, Tongying; Zhao, Qinfu, E-mail:; Wang, Siling, E-mail:


    In this work, we described the development of the redox and pH dual stimuli-responsive drug delivery system and combination of the chemotherapy and photothermal therapy for cancer treatment. The poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) was conjugated on the outlets of hollow mesoporous carbon (HMC) via disulfide bonds. PAA was used as a capping to block drug within the mesopores of HMC for its lots of favorable advantages, such as good biocompatibility, appropriate molecular weight to block the mesopores of HMC, extension of the blood circulation, and the improvement of the dispersity of the nano-carriers in physiological environment. The DOX loaded DOX/HMC-SS-PAA had a high drug loading amount up to 51.9%. The in vitro drug release results illustrated that DOX/HMC-SS-PAA showed redox and pH dual-responsive drug release, and the release rate could be further improved by the near infrared (NIR) irradiation. Cell viability experiment indicated that DOX/HMC-SS-PAA had a synergistic therapeutic effect by combination of chemotherapy and photothermal therapy. This work suggested that HMC-SS-PAA exhibited dual-responsive drug release property and could be used as a NIR-adsorbing drug delivery system for chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy. - Highlights: • Poly(acrylic acid) was grafted on hollow mesoporous carbon (HMC) via disulfide bonds. • The grafted PAA could increase the biocompatibility and stability of HMC. • The DOX-loaded DOX/HMC-SS-PAA had a high drug loading efficiency up to 51.9%. • DOX/HMC-SS-PAA showed redox/pH dual-responsive and NIR-triggered drug release. • DOX/HMC-SS-PAA showed a chemo/photothermal synergistic therapy effect.

  20. Description and evaluation of a peracetic acid air sampling and analysis method. (United States)

    Nordling, John; Kinsky, Owen R; Osorio, Magdalena; Pechacek, Nathan


    Peracetic acid (PAA) is a corrosive chemical with a pungent odor, which is extensively used in occupational settings and causes various health hazards in exposed workers. Currently, there is no US government agency recommended method that could be applied universally for the sampling and analysis of PAA. Legacy methods for determining airborne PAA vapor levels frequently suffered from cross-reactivity with other chemicals, particularly hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ). Therefore, to remove the confounding factor of cross-reactivity, a new viable, sensitive method was developed for assessment of PAA exposure levels, based on the differential reaction kinetics of PAA with methyl p-tolylsulfide (MTS), relative to H 2 O 2 , to preferentially derive methyl p-tolysulfoxide (MTSO). By quantifying MTSO concentration produced in the liquid capture solution from an air sampler, using an internal standard, and utilizing the reaction stoichiometry of PAA and MTS, the original airborne concentration of PAA is determined. After refining this liquid trap high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method in the laboratory, it was tested in five workplace settings where PAA products were used. PAA levels ranged from the detection limit of 0.013 parts per million (ppm) to 0.4 ppm. The results indicate a viable and potentially dependable method to assess the concentrations of PAA vapors under occupational exposure scenarios, though only a small number of field measurements were taken while field testing this method. However, the low limit of detection and precision offered by this method makes it a strong candidate for further testing and validation to expand the uses of this liquid trap HPLC method.

  1. Poly(acrylic acid) conjugated hollow mesoporous carbon as a dual-stimuli triggered drug delivery system for chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Xian; Liu, Chang; Wang, Shengyu; Jiao, Jian; Di, Donghua; Jiang, Tongying; Zhao, Qinfu; Wang, Siling


    In this work, we described the development of the redox and pH dual stimuli-responsive drug delivery system and combination of the chemotherapy and photothermal therapy for cancer treatment. The poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) was conjugated on the outlets of hollow mesoporous carbon (HMC) via disulfide bonds. PAA was used as a capping to block drug within the mesopores of HMC for its lots of favorable advantages, such as good biocompatibility, appropriate molecular weight to block the mesopores of HMC, extension of the blood circulation, and the improvement of the dispersity of the nano-carriers in physiological environment. The DOX loaded DOX/HMC-SS-PAA had a high drug loading amount up to 51.9%. The in vitro drug release results illustrated that DOX/HMC-SS-PAA showed redox and pH dual-responsive drug release, and the release rate could be further improved by the near infrared (NIR) irradiation. Cell viability experiment indicated that DOX/HMC-SS-PAA had a synergistic therapeutic effect by combination of chemotherapy and photothermal therapy. This work suggested that HMC-SS-PAA exhibited dual-responsive drug release property and could be used as a NIR-adsorbing drug delivery system for chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy. - Highlights: • Poly(acrylic acid) was grafted on hollow mesoporous carbon (HMC) via disulfide bonds. • The grafted PAA could increase the biocompatibility and stability of HMC. • The DOX-loaded DOX/HMC-SS-PAA had a high drug loading efficiency up to 51.9%. • DOX/HMC-SS-PAA showed redox/pH dual-responsive and NIR-triggered drug release. • DOX/HMC-SS-PAA showed a chemo/photothermal synergistic therapy effect.

  2. Enhanced apatite-forming ability and antibacterial activity of porous anodic alumina embedded with CaO-SiO2-Ag2O bioactive materials. (United States)

    Ni, Siyu; Li, Xiaohong; Yang, Pengan; Ni, Shirong; Hong, Feng; Webster, Thomas J


    In this study, to provide porous anodic alumina (PAA) with bioactivity and anti-bacterial properties, sol-gel derived bioactive CaO-SiO2-Ag2O materials were loaded onto and into PAA nano-pores (termed CaO-SiO2-Ag2O/PAA) by a sol-dipping method and subsequent calcination of the gel-glasses. The in vitro apatite-forming ability of the CaO-SiO2-Ag2O/PAA specimens was evaluated by soaking them in simulated body fluid (SBF). The surface microstructure and chemical property before and after soaking in SBF were characterized. Release of ions into the SBF was also measured. In addition, the antibacterial properties of the samples were tested against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). The results showed that CaO-SiO2-Ag2O bioactive materials were successfully decorated onto and into PAA nano-pores. In vitro SBF experiments revealed that the CaO-SiO2-Ag2O/PAA specimens dramatically enhanced the apatite-forming ability of PAA in SBF and Ca, Si and Ag ions were released from the samples in a sustained and slow manner. Importantly, E. coli and S. aureus were both killed on the CaO-SiO2-Ag2O/PAA (by 100%) samples compared to PAA controls after 3 days of culture. In summary, this study demonstrated that the CaO-SiO2-Ag2O/PAA samples possess good apatite-forming ability and high antibacterial activity causing it to be a promising bioactive coating candidate for implant materials for orthopedic applications. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Growth and energy yield when cultivating various energy crops on farming soil. Tillvaext och energiutbyte vid odling av olika energigroedor paa jordbruksmark

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thoerner, L.


    In four fields in the south of Sweden different energy crops were tested. In all trials sugar beet, barley, alfalfa, corn, sunflower and quickgrowing species of Salix (energy forest) were grown. In some of the trials broome-grass, potatoes and winter wheat were tested. One trial also included marrow-stem kale, Jerusalem artichoke and a hybride of J artichoke and sunflower. The purpose of the experiment was to illustrate the effect of increasing N-fertilizing and the effect of growing the crops in different climatic conditions. The yield varies between the crops. Some of the crops were harvested in different stages of development. The largest yields were noticed for sugar beet, corn, potatoes and energy forest. For these crops the yield was 11.5-14.5 tons of dry matter per hectare. The yield of potatoes was very large but it is figures for only one place with very good conditions. Barley, sunflower and alfalfa produced 8-10 tons of dry matter per hectare. The smaller yield depends on a short vegetation season for these crops. The year of establishment the energy forest produced about four tons of dry matter in the form of stem wood. When fully established the production has been 12-15 tons of dry matter per hectare and annum. The analysis of plant material indicates small divergences in the content of carbon and heat value.

  4. Condition-based maintenance. With application on a heat exchanger and a pump; Tillstaandsbaserat underhaall. Med applikation paa en vaermevaexlare och en pump

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raaberg, Martin; Slaetteke, Ola


    Regular maintenance is required to extend the life of a plant's components and maintain optimum operation. Unnecessary outages from maintenance may inflict large monetary losses. Therefore, a cost-effective maintenance system should be condition-based rather than time-based. The optimal maintenance scheme requires a process model and a forecast of the operation conditions of this model. At least one of the model parameters should be affected by the maintenance. To determine the actual status of the plant, the model parameters should be estimated. This requires an analysis of available data to detect degradation of the critical components performance. Base load plants usually operate at maximum production or as close to maximum as possible at stabile conditions during long periods. Since the operating time is long and usually at high load in base load plants, advanced control systems and maintenance planning is most profitable in such plants. Advanced control and process optimization requires dynamic process models. Due to the long operating time of a base load plant, it is natural that its process characteristics change, such as wear and fouling. This means that models must be adapted continuously in order to generate a good approximation and thus a good basis for control and optimization. The problem is that the stable operation condition of a base load plant prevents a good estimate of model parameters through the lack of excitation of the process

  5. Oxidation of β-lactam antibiotics by peracetic acid: Reaction kinetics, product and pathway evaluation. (United States)

    Zhang, Kejia; Zhou, Xinyan; Du, Penghui; Zhang, Tuqiao; Cai, Meiquan; Sun, Peizhe; Huang, Ching-Hua


    Peracetic acid (PAA) is a disinfection oxidant used in many industries including wastewater treatment. β-Lactams, a group of widely prescribed antibiotics, are frequently detected in wastewater effluents and surface waters. The reaction kinetics and transformation of seven β-lactams (cefalexin (CFX), cefadroxil (CFR), cefapirin (CFP), cephalothin (CFT), ampicillin (AMP), amoxicillin (AMX) and penicillin G (PG)) toward PAA were investigated to elucidate the behavior of β-lactams during PAA oxidation processes. The reaction follows second-order kinetics and is much faster at pH 5 and 7 than at pH 9 due to speciation of PAA. Reactivity to PAA follows the order of CFR ∼ CFX > AMP ∼ AMX > CFT ∼ CFP ∼ PG and is related to β-lactam's nucleophilicity. The thioether sulfur of β-lactams is attacked by PAA to generate sulfoxide products. Presence of the phenylglycinyl amino group on β-lactams can significantly influence electron distribution and the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) location and energy in ways that enhance the reactivity to PAA. Reaction rate constants obtained in clean water matrix can be used to accurately model the decay of β-lactams by PAA in surface water matrix and only slightly overestimate the decay in wastewater matrix. Results of this study indicate that the oxidative transformation of β-lactams by PAA can be expected under appropriate wastewater treatment conditions. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  6. Synthesis of poly acrylic acid modified silver nanoparticles and their antimicrobial activities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ni, Zhihui [Key Laboratory for Special Functional Materials of Ministry of Education, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 (China); Wang, Zhihua [Institute of Environmental and Analytical Sciences, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 (China); Sun, Lei, E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Special Functional Materials of Ministry of Education, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 (China); Li, Binjie [Key Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 (China); Zhao, Yanbao [Key Laboratory for Special Functional Materials of Ministry of Education, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 (China)


    Poly acrylic acid modified silver (Ag/PAA) nanoparticles (NPs) have been successfully synthesized in the aqueous solution by using tannic acid as a reductant. The structure, morphology and composition of Ag/PAA NPs were characterized by various techniques such as X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), ultraviolet–visible absorption spectroscopy (UV–vis) and thermogravimetry analysis (TGA). The results show that PAA/Ag NPs have a quasi-ball shape with an average diameter of 10 nm and exhibit well crystalline, and the reaction conditions have some effect on products morphology and size distribution. In addition, the as-synthesized Ag/PAA NPs antimicrobial activities against Escherichia coli (E. coli), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) were evaluated by the methods of broth dilution, cup diffusion, optical density (OD600) and electron microscopy observation. The as-synthesized Ag/PAA NPs exhibit excellent antibacterial activity. The antimicrobial mechanism may be attributed to the damaging of bacterial cell membrane and causing leakage of cytoplasm. - Highlights: • Dispersed Ag/PAA NPs with small size were synthesized. • Ag/PAA NPs exhibited excellent antimicrobial properties. • Interaction mechanism between Ag/PAA NPs and bacteria was verified.

  7. Self-assembled nanocomplexes of anionic pullulan and polyallylamine for DNA and pH-sensitive intracellular drug delivery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vora, Lalit; Tyagi, Monica; Patel, Ketan; Gupta, Sanjay; Vavia, Pradeep


    The amalgamation of chemotherapy and gene therapy is promising treatment option for cancer. In this study, novel biocompatible self-assembled nanocomplexes (NCs) between carboxylmethylated pullulan t335 (CMP) with polyallylamine (CMP–PAA NCs) were developed for plasmid DNA (pDNA) and pH-sensitive doxorubicin (DOX) delivery. DOX was conjugated to CMP (DOX–CMP) via hydrazone and confirmed by FTIR and 1 H-NMR. In vitro release studies of pH-sensitive DOX–CMP conjugate showed 23 and 85 % release after 48 h at pH 7.4 (physiological pH) and pH 5 (intracellular/tumoral pH), respectively. The CMP–PAA NCs or DOX–CMP–PAA NCs self-assembled into a nanosized (<250 nm) spherical shape as confirmed by DLS and TEM. The hemolysis and cytotoxicity study indicated that the CMP–PAA NCs did not show cytotoxicity in comparison with plain polyallylamine. Gel retardation assay showed complete binding of pDNA with CMP–PAA NCs at 1:2 weight ratio. CMP–PAA NCs/pDNA showed significantly higher transfection in HEK293 cells compared to PAA/pDNA complexes. Confocal imaging demonstrated successful cellular uptake of DOX–CMP–PAA NCs in HEK293 cells. Thus, NCs hold great potential for targeted pDNA and pH-sensitive intratumoral drug delivery

  8. Synthesis of poly acrylic acid modified silver nanoparticles and their antimicrobial activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ni, Zhihui; Wang, Zhihua; Sun, Lei; Li, Binjie; Zhao, Yanbao


    Poly acrylic acid modified silver (Ag/PAA) nanoparticles (NPs) have been successfully synthesized in the aqueous solution by using tannic acid as a reductant. The structure, morphology and composition of Ag/PAA NPs were characterized by various techniques such as X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), ultraviolet–visible absorption spectroscopy (UV–vis) and thermogravimetry analysis (TGA). The results show that PAA/Ag NPs have a quasi-ball shape with an average diameter of 10 nm and exhibit well crystalline, and the reaction conditions have some effect on products morphology and size distribution. In addition, the as-synthesized Ag/PAA NPs antimicrobial activities against Escherichia coli (E. coli), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) were evaluated by the methods of broth dilution, cup diffusion, optical density (OD600) and electron microscopy observation. The as-synthesized Ag/PAA NPs exhibit excellent antibacterial activity. The antimicrobial mechanism may be attributed to the damaging of bacterial cell membrane and causing leakage of cytoplasm. - Highlights: • Dispersed Ag/PAA NPs with small size were synthesized. • Ag/PAA NPs exhibited excellent antimicrobial properties. • Interaction mechanism between Ag/PAA NPs and bacteria was verified

  9. Elaboration, characterization and application of polysulfone and polyacrylic acid blends as ultrafiltration membranes for removal of some heavy metals from water. (United States)

    Mbareck, Chamekh; Nguyen, Quang Trong; Alaoui, Ouafa Tahiri; Barillier, Daniel


    Polysulfone (PSf)/polyacrylic acid ultrafiltration (PSf/PAA) membranes were prepared from a polymer blend in dimethylformamide by coagulation in water according to the wet phase inversion method. Immobilization of water-soluble PAA within the non-soluble PSf matrix was proven by the increase of ion exchange capacity and the intensity of the carboxyl groups' peak with the increase of PAA content as shown by Fourier transform infrared spectra. These results lead to consider that PSf and PAA form a semi-interpenetrating polymer networks. The obtained membranes showed a decrease of mean surface-pore sizes, the overall porosity and the hydraulic permeability with the increase in PAA content. Such results were imputed to the morphologic modifications of PSf film with the immobilization of increasing PAA amount. PSf/PAA membranes showed high lead, cadmium and chromium rejection which reaches 100% at pH superior to 5.7 and a low rejection at low pH. Moreover, the heavy metal rejection decreases with feed solution concentration and applied pressure increases. These behaviors were attributed to the role of carboxylic groups in ion exchange or complexation. As a matter of fact, the strong lead ion-PAA interactions were revealed by the scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-rays (SEM-EDX).

  10. Test methods for estimating the efficacy of the fast-acting disinfectant peracetic acid on surfaces of personal protective equipment. (United States)

    Lemmer, K; Howaldt, S; Heinrich, R; Roder, A; Pauli, G; Dorner, B G; Pauly, D; Mielke, M; Schwebke, I; Grunow, R


    The work aimed at developing and evaluating practically relevant methods for testing of disinfectants on contaminated personal protective equipment (PPE). Carriers were prepared from PPE fabrics and contaminated with Bacillus subtilis spores. Peracetic acid (PAA) was applied as a suitable disinfectant. In method 1, the contaminated carrier was submerged in PAA solution; in method 2, the contaminated area was covered with PAA; and in method 3, PAA, preferentially combined with a surfactant, was dispersed as a thin layer. In each method, 0·5-1% PAA reduced the viability of spores by a factor of ≥6 log 10 within 3 min. The technique of the most realistic method 3 proved to be effective at low temperatures and also with a high organic load. Vaccinia virus and Adenovirus were inactivated with 0·05-0·1% PAA by up to ≥6 log 10 within 1 min. The cytotoxicity of ricin was considerably reduced by 2% PAA within 15 min of exposure. PAA/detergent mixture enabled to cover hydrophobic PPE surfaces with a thin and yet effective disinfectant layer. The test methods are objective tools for estimating the biocidal efficacy of disinfectants on hydrophobic flexible surfaces. © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  11. Cellulose nanocrystal-filled poly(acrylic acid) nanocomposite fibrous membranes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Ping; Hsieh, You-Lo


    Nanocomposite fibrous membranes have been fabricated by electrospinning cellulose nanocrystal (CNC)-loaded poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) ethanol mixtures. Incorporating CNC in PAA significantly reduced fiber diameters and improved fiber uniformity. The average diameters of the as-spun nanocomposite fibers were significantly reduced from 349 nm to 162 nm, 141 nm, 90 nm and 69 nm at 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% CNC loading (by weight of a constant 4% PAA solution), respectively. CNC was well dispersed in the fibers as isolated rods oriented along the fiber axis and as spheres in the PAA matrix. The Young modulus and stress of the PAA/CNC nanocomposite fibers were significantly improved with increasing CNC loadings by up to 35-fold and 16-fold, respectively. Heat-induced esterification between the CNC surface hydroxyls and PAA carboxyl groups produced covalent crosslinks at the CNC-PAA interfaces, rendering the nanocomposite fibrous membranes insoluble in water, more thermally stable and far more superior in tensile strength. With 20% CNC, the crosslinked nanocomposite fibrous membrane exhibited a very impressive 77-fold increase in modulus and 58-fold increase in stress.

  12. Department of Defense Use of Commercial Cloud Computing Capabilities and Services (United States)


    models (Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service ( SaaS )), and four deployment models (Public...NIST defines three main models for cloud computing: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS . These models help differentiate the implementation responsibilities that fall...and SaaS . 3. Public, Private, Community, and Hybrid Clouds Cloud services come in different forms, depending on the customer’s specific needs

  13. Approaches to estimate body condition from slaughter records in reindeer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Olofsson


    Full Text Available Long-term fluctuations in population densities of reindeer and caribou are common, where pasture is the limiting resource. Pasture quality affects the nutritional status and production of the animals. Therefore, continuous information about changes in the grazing resources is important when making management decisions. The objective of this study was to investigate different possibilities of using routine and additional slaughter records as body condition indicators, and thereby indicators of pasture resources in the summer ranges of reindeer husbandry. Records from 696 reindeer slaughtered in the winter 2002/2003 were included in the study. We developed a model with carcass weight as body condition indicator and two different models combining fatness, conformation, carcass weight, and body size as body condition indicators. The results showed age and sex dependent differences between the variables, and differentiation of animal age and sex improved the precision of models. Adjusting weight for body size also improved weight as a body condition indicator in adults. Conformation and fatness had good resemblance to weight and body size adjusted weight and should preferably be included, together with carcass weight and body size measures, when estimating body condition from carcasses. Our analysis showed that using non-invasive slaughter records is a good and non-expensive method of estimating body condition in reindeer. Abstract in Swedish / Sammandrag:Tillvägagångssätt för skattning avkroppskondition hos ren från slaktregistreringarFluktuationer i ren- och caribou-populationers täthet över tiden är vanliga då betet är en begränsad resurs och beteskvalitén påverkar djurens kondition och produktion. Kontinuerligt uppdaterad information om förändringar i betesresurserna är viktigt i samband med beslutsfattande om förvaltning avresurserna. Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera olika möjliga sätt att anv

  14. Fabrication of CdSe nanocrystals using porous anodic alumina and their optical properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laatar, Fakher, E-mail: [Laboratory of Semiconductors, Nanostructures and Advanced Technology (LSNTA), Center for Research and Technology Energy, Tourist Route Soliman, BP 95, 2050 Hammam-Lif (Tunisia); Science faculty of Bizerte–Carthage University (Tunisia); Hassen, Mohamed [Laboratory of Semiconductors, Nanostructures and Advanced Technology (LSNTA), Center for Research and Technology Energy, Tourist Route Soliman, BP 95, 2050 Hammam-Lif (Tunisia); Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology of Sousse, City Taffala (Ibn Khaldun), 4003 Sousse (Tunisia); Amri, Chohdi [Laboratory of Semiconductors, Nanostructures and Advanced Technology (LSNTA), Center for Research and Technology Energy, Tourist Route Soliman, BP 95, 2050 Hammam-Lif (Tunisia); Laatar, Fekri [Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Minerals and Materials Applications, National Research Center for Materials Science, Technopole Borj Cedria (Tunisia); Smida, Alia; Ezzaouia, Hatem [Laboratory of Semiconductors, Nanostructures and Advanced Technology (LSNTA), Center for Research and Technology Energy, Tourist Route Soliman, BP 95, 2050 Hammam-Lif (Tunisia)


    In this paper, Porous anodic alumina (PAA) template with highly ordered nanopores structure was synthesized on aluminum foils by two step anodization process. PAA template has hexagonal pores with average size between 30 and 180 nm. L-cysteine (L-Cys) functionalized cadmium selenide nanocrystals (CdSe NCs) were successfully embedded inside PAA layers by simple immersion in aqueous solution. The effect of pore diameter enlargement on the microstructure of CdSe NCs/PAA films was systematically studied by FE-SEM, XRD, EDX, Raman, UV–VIS absorbance and PL analysis. FE-SEM microscopy was used to investigate the surface morphology of PAA templates before and after CdSe NCs deposition. XRD investigation demonstrates that CdSe NCs into PAA templates were cubic in nature with zinc-blende structure. Raman measurements exhibit the characteristic modes of CdSe on the PAA layers as well as the films crystallinity as function of widening pores diameter. Optical properties of deposited CdSe NCs on PAA templates have been investigated using optical absorption and PL techniques. Photoluminescence spectroscopy has been used to determine the bandgap energy and the average size of CdSe NCs deposited on PAA layer. This method involves fitting the experimental spectra, using a model based on quantum confinement of electrons in CdSe nanocrystals having spherical and cylindrical forms (Quantum Dots (QDs) and Quantum Wires (QWs)). This model allows correlation between the PL spectra and the microstructure of the CdSe/PAA. Both photoluminescence and optical absorption show that the PL peak energy and the optical absorption edge of CdSe NCs/PAA exhibit similar behavior with changes in nanostructure size. The spectral behaviors of optical absorption and PL are consistent with a quantum confinement model throughout the sizes and shapes of the CdSe nanocrystals of the luminescent films. The effective bandgap energies determined from the PL peaks position are in good agreement with those

  15. Fabrication of CdSe nanocrystals using porous anodic alumina and their optical properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laatar, Fakher; Hassen, Mohamed; Amri, Chohdi; Laatar, Fekri; Smida, Alia; Ezzaouia, Hatem


    In this paper, Porous anodic alumina (PAA) template with highly ordered nanopores structure was synthesized on aluminum foils by two step anodization process. PAA template has hexagonal pores with average size between 30 and 180 nm. L-cysteine (L-Cys) functionalized cadmium selenide nanocrystals (CdSe NCs) were successfully embedded inside PAA layers by simple immersion in aqueous solution. The effect of pore diameter enlargement on the microstructure of CdSe NCs/PAA films was systematically studied by FE-SEM, XRD, EDX, Raman, UV–VIS absorbance and PL analysis. FE-SEM microscopy was used to investigate the surface morphology of PAA templates before and after CdSe NCs deposition. XRD investigation demonstrates that CdSe NCs into PAA templates were cubic in nature with zinc-blende structure. Raman measurements exhibit the characteristic modes of CdSe on the PAA layers as well as the films crystallinity as function of widening pores diameter. Optical properties of deposited CdSe NCs on PAA templates have been investigated using optical absorption and PL techniques. Photoluminescence spectroscopy has been used to determine the bandgap energy and the average size of CdSe NCs deposited on PAA layer. This method involves fitting the experimental spectra, using a model based on quantum confinement of electrons in CdSe nanocrystals having spherical and cylindrical forms (Quantum Dots (QDs) and Quantum Wires (QWs)). This model allows correlation between the PL spectra and the microstructure of the CdSe/PAA. Both photoluminescence and optical absorption show that the PL peak energy and the optical absorption edge of CdSe NCs/PAA exhibit similar behavior with changes in nanostructure size. The spectral behaviors of optical absorption and PL are consistent with a quantum confinement model throughout the sizes and shapes of the CdSe nanocrystals of the luminescent films. The effective bandgap energies determined from the PL peaks position are in good agreement with those

  16. Structuring and capturing of radioactive strontium-90 from the polluted soil of Semipalatinsk nuclear test site by inter-polymer complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bimendina, L.A.; Kudaibergenov, S.E.; Orazzhanova, L.K.; Yashkarova, M.G.; Kaliaskarova, B.


    The model and experiments on application of polymer-polymer complexes stabilized by hydrogen and ionic bonds for structuring of Semipalatinsk nuclear test site soils in order to prevent the wind and water erosion of radionuclides from contaminated soil are considered. It is expected that the treatment by inter-polymer complexes (IPC) would cause the structuring of soil particle. Besides IPSs are able to form thin films on the soil particles surface, aggregate and considerably protect the migration of radionuclides. Both the water soluble polymer-polyacrylic acid (PAA), polyethylene glycol (PEG), poly-N,N,-dimethyldiallylammonium chloride (PDMDAACI) and the PAA-PEG, PAA-PDMDAACI inter-polymer complexes were used as structuring agents. The treatment of soil particles was carried out by two methods: the first method is uniform splash of polymer solution and mixing with soil; the second one is pouring of soil surface by polymer solution. The obtained results are summarized as follows: - Optimal concentration of polymer solutions are arranged between 10 -4 -10 -2 mol·l -1 . The best results corresponds to concentration 10 -2 mol·l -1 ; - Pouring of soil surface is most preferential in comparison with splash of polymer solution and mixing with soil; - Both the individual polymers (PAA, PEG and PDMDAACI) and the PAA-PEG, PAA-PDMDAACI inter-polymer complexes show the structuring effect. However the best results were observed for IPC solution. The best structuring effect has been obtained for equimolar [PAA]:[PEG]=1:1 complex solution with 10 -2 mol·l -1 and at p H=3.0 when the IPC solution is poured through the soil surface. The similar results were obtained for [PAA]:[PDMDAACI]=1:1 system. The capillary moisture capacity and water stability at optimal soil treatment conditions of soil is given. Since PAA, PEG and PAA-PEG complexes form polymer-metal complexes with Sr 2+ ions the possibility of capture of soil radionuclides by means of binding into the complex particles

  17. Preparation of CaO-SiO2-CuO bioactive glasses-embedded anodic alumina with improved biological activities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ni Siyu


    Full Text Available To improve bone cell cytocompatibility properties of porous anodic alumina (PAA and implement anti-bacterial properties, amorphous CaO-SiO2-CuO materials were loaded into PAA nano-pores (termed CaO-SiO2- CuO/PAA by a facile ultrasonic-assisted sol-dipping strategy. The surface features and chemistry of the obtained CaO-SiO2-CuO/PAA were investigated by a field emission scanning microscope (FESEM, an energy-dispersive Xray spectrometer (EDS and an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS. The ability of the CaO-SiO2-CuO/PAA specimens to form apatite via a bio-mineralization processwas evaluated by soaking them in simulated body fluid (SBF in vitro. The surface microstructure and chemical properties after soaking in SBFwere characterized. The release of ions into the SBF was also measured. In addition, rat osteoblasts and two types of bacterial were cultured on the samples to determine their cytocompatibility and antibacterial properties. The results showed that the amorphous CaO-SiO2-CuO materials were successfully decorated into PAA nano-pores and at the same time maintained their nano-featured surfaces. The CaO-SiO2-CuO/PAA samples induced apatite-mineralization in SBF. Meanwhile, the CaO-SiO2-CuO/PAA samples demonstrated great potential for promoting the proliferation of osteoblasts and inhibiting Escherichia coli (E. coli as well as Staphylococcus. aureus (S. aureus growth. Specifically, there was an 86.5±4.1% reduction in E. coli, an 88.0 ± 2.2% reduction in S. aureus for the CaO-SiO2-CuO/PAA surfaces compared to PAA controls. The capability to promote osteoblast proliferation and better antibacterial activity of CaO-SiO2- CuO/PAA may be attributed to the fact that Cu ions can be slowly and constantly released from the samples. Importantly, this was achieved without the use of antibiotics or any pharmaceutical agent. Ultimately, these results suggest that the CaO-SiO2-CuO/PAA substrates possessed improved bone cell cytocompatibility and high

  18. Comparative Study of Molecular Basket Sorbents Consisting of Polyallylamine and Polyethylenimine Functionalized SBA-15 for CO2 Capture from Flue Gas. (United States)

    Wang, Dongxiang; Wang, Xiaoxing; Song, Chunshan


    Polyallylamine (PAA)-based molecular basket sorbents (MBS) have been studied for CO 2 capture in comparison with polyethylenimine (PEI)-based MBS. The characterizations including N 2 physisorption, diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that PAA (M n =15 000) is more rigid and has more steric hindrance inside SBA-15 pores than PEI owing mainly to its different polymer structure. The effects of temperature and PAA loading on the CO 2 sorption capacity of PAA-based MBS have been examined by TGA by using 100 % CO 2 gas stream and compared with PEI/SBA-15. It was found that the capacity of the PAA/SBA-15 sorbent increased with increasing temperature. The optimum capacity of 88 mg CO2  g sorb -1 was obtained at 140 °C for PAA(50)/SBA-15 whereas the optimum sorption temperature was 75 and 90 °C for PEI-I(50)/SBA-15 (PEI-I, M n =423) and PEI-II(50)/SBA-15 (PEI-II, M n =25 000), respectively. The capacity initially increased with the increase of PAA loading and then dropped at high amine contents, owing to the increased diffusion barrier. The highest CO 2 capacity of 109 mg CO2  g sorb -1 was obtained at a PAA loading of 65 wt %, whereas the PAA(50)/SBA-15 sorbent gave the best amine efficiency of 0.23 mol CO2  mol N -1 . The effect of moisture was examined in a fixed-bed flow system with simulated flue gas containing 15 % CO 2 and 4.5 % O 2 in N 2 . It was found that the presence of moisture significantly enhanced CO 2 sorption over PAA(50)/SBA-15 and greatly improved its cyclic stability and regenerability. Compared with PEI/SBA-15, PAA/SBA-15 possesses a better thermal stability and higher resistance to oxidative degradation. However, the CO 2 sorption rate over the PAA(50)/SBA-15 sorbent was much slower. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Standardiserade mätverktyg inom slutenvården – om möjligt, med betoning på röntgenverksamheter : En analys


    Storm, Kent


    Att mäta och dokumentera kliniskt vårdarbetet har inte prioriterats inom röntgenverksamheter. Tillgång till jämförelsedata skulle möjliggöra olika former av standardisering för förbättrad vårdkvalitet och patientsäkerhet. Att SPC- diagram (statistisk process styrning diagram)  inte uppmärksammas får effekt på patientsäkerhetsarbetet. Aktuell studie avser att öka kunskapen om vilka mätverktyg som finns att tillgå, vilka svar de kan ge och deras användbarhet. Syftet var jämföra och analysera ol...

  20. Kauppakaveri : Tjänsteutveckling åt de äldre


    Haarala, Eveliina


    Det verkar som att tjänsteutveckling på senare tid blivit något som man anser trendigt. Jag deltog i ett par kurser i ämnet som var samordnade med Arcada och Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan. I den ena av kurserna fick jag delta i en tjänsteutvecklingsprocess. Det här examensarbetets syfte är att rapportera om utvecklingsprocessen för en tjänst som är formgiven åt åldringar. Problemområdet i arbetet ligger inom de ensamma åldringarna och affärslivet som borde vakna upp och betjäna dem me...

  1. Politisk TV-reklam : En jämförelse mellan partiernas valfilmer inför riksdagsvalet 2014


    Ålbrink, Anna


    Politisk TV-reklam är ett relativt nytt fenomen i Sverige. Mot bakgrund av att partierna i reklamen helt kan styra över meddelandet och att det finns en begränsad mängd svensk forskning på området, är det intressant att undersöka vilka strategier som används. Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra partiernas valfilmer inför riksdagsvalet 2014 och ta reda på vilka strategier som används för att övertyga väljarna i bild och text. Vilka är de centrala budskapen och använder partierna liknande eller...

  2. Att inte bara älska, utan också respektera : - En litteraturstudie om respektens betydelse i barnets uppväxt


    Aspholm, Matilda


    Syftet med denna studie var att förstå respektens betydelse i barnets uppväxt och för familjens samspel samt att få reda på hur man kan förmedla respekt genom fostran och samspel. Syftet var också att granska ifall det finns motsvarigheter mellan de vetenskapliga fostringsteorierna och innehållet i fostringsböcker, som är riktade till föräldrar. Barns rättigheter och lagstiftning inom området tas upp som grund för arbetet. Den teoretiska referensramen består av socialt samspel, föräldrask...

  3. Correlation between stress-induced leakage current and dielectric degradation in ultra-porous SiOCH low-k materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, C., E-mail:; De Wolf, I. [imec, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven (Belgium); Department of Materials Engineering, KU Leuven, 3000 Leuven (Belgium); Li, Y.; Leśniewska, A.; Varela Pedreira, O.; Marneffe, J.-F. de; Ciofi, I.; Verdonck, P.; Baklanov, M. R.; Bömmels, J.; Tőkei, Zs.; Croes, K. [imec, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven (Belgium)


    Stress-Induced Leakage Current (SILC) behavior during the dielectric degradation of ultra-porous SiOCH low-k materials was investigated. Under high voltage stress, SILC increases to a critical value before final hard breakdown. This SILC increase rate is mainly driven by the injected charges and is negligibly influenced by temperature and voltage. SILC is found to be transient and shows a t{sup −1} relaxation behavior, where t is the storage time at low voltages. This t{sup −1} transient behavior, described by the tunneling front model, is caused by both electron charging of neutral defects in the dielectric close to the cathode interface and discharging of donor defects close to the anode interface. These defects have a uniform density distribution within the probed depth range, which is confirmed by the observed flat band voltage shift results collected during the low voltage storage. By applying an additional discharging step after the low voltage storage, the trap energies and spatial distributions are derived. In a highly degraded low-k dielectric, the majority of defects have a trap depth between 3.4 eV and 3.6 eV and a density level of 1 × 10{sup 18 }eV{sup −1 }cm{sup −3}. The relation between the defect density N and the total amount of the injected charges Q is measured to be sub-linear, N ∼ Q{sup 0.45±0.07}. The physical nature of these stress-induced defects is suggested to be caused by the degradation of the Si-O based skeleton in the low-k dielectric.

  4. Evaluation of thirteen haloacetic acids and ten trihalomethanes formation by peracetic acid and chlorine drinking water disinfection. (United States)

    Xue, Runmiao; Shi, Honglan; Ma, Yinfa; Yang, John; Hua, Bin; Inniss, Enos C; Adams, Craig D; Eichholz, Todd


    Free chlorine is a commonly used disinfectant in drinking water treatment. However, disinfection by-products (DBPs) are formed during water disinfection. Haloacetic acids (HAAs) and trihalomethanes (THMs) are two major groups of DBPs. Iodo-HAAs and iodo-THMs (I-HAAs and I-THMs) are formed during the disinfection of the water containing high levels of iodide and are much more toxic than their chlorinated and brominated analogs. Peracetic acid (PAA) is a strong antimicrobial disinfectant that is expected to reduce the formation of HAAs and THMs during disinfection. In this study, the formations of thirteen HAAs and ten THMs, including the iodinated forms, have been investigated during PAA disinfection and chlorination as the comparison. The DBP formations under different iodide concentrations, pHs, and contact times were systematically investigated. Two types of commercial PAAs containing different concentrations of PAA and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) were studied. A solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method was upgraded for THM analysis including I-THMs. HAAs were analyzed by following a recently developed high performance ion chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method. Results show that the ratio of PAA and H 2 O 2 concentration significantly affect the formation of I-THMs and I-HAAs. During PAA disinfection with lower PAA than H 2 O 2 , no detectable levels of THMs and HAAs were observed. During PAA disinfection with higher PAA than H 2 O 2 , low levels of monoiodoacetic acid, diiodoacetic acid, and iodoform were formed, and these levels were enhanced with the increase of iodide concentration. No significant quantities of chloro- or bromo-THMs and HAAs were formed during PAA disinfection treatment. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Evaluation of Combined Peracetic acid and UV treatment for ... (United States)

    The current study evaluates the effectiveness of the combined application of Peracetic acid and ultraviolet radiation as alternative disinfectant agents to the traditional chlorination of wastewater effluents. Various pathogens (E. coli, enterococci and fecal coliforms) were evaluated in the study. Four experiments were conducted using low to high PAA levels and UV dosages. E. coli and enterococci were resistant to low to moderate PAA dosage (0.5- 1 mg/L). These microbes can be removed effectively at high PAA dosage (2.5 mg/L) with 30 min contact time. Fecal coliforms were completely inactivated even at a low PAA dose of 0.7 mg/L. E. coli was more susceptible to UV disinfection than enterococci at low UV dosages. Enterococci required at least 40 mJ/cm2 for 2.5 log inactivation. In combined PAA + UV treatment, low UV intensities between 7 – 40 mJ/cm2 showed poor disinfection performance at a low PAA concentration of 1.5 mg/L. High UV intensities of 120 and 60 mJ/cm2 inactivated all the pathogens to below detection levels even at low to moderate PAA (0.7 mg/L and 1 mg/L) pretreatment concentration. Combined PAA + UV treatment at 1 mg/L (for 15 and 30 min contact time) + 120 and 60 mJ/cm2 did not show any regrowth of microbes, whereas PAA only disinfection with 15 min contact time showed regrowth of enterococci and fecal coliforms. UV only disinfection showed E. coli regrowth. • This pilot scale study was designed for providing necessary parameter optimization

  6. Dually cross-linked single network poly(acrylic acid) hydrogels with superior mechanical properties and water absorbency. (United States)

    Zhong, Ming; Liu, Yi-Tao; Liu, Xiao-Ying; Shi, Fu-Kuan; Zhang, Li-Qin; Zhu, Mei-Fang; Xie, Xu-Ming


    Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) hydrogels with superior mechanical properties, based on a single network structure with dual cross-linking, are prepared by one-pot free radical polymerization. The network structure of the PAA hydrogels is composed of dual cross-linking: a dynamic and reversible ionic cross-linking among the PAA chains enabled by Fe(3+) ions, and a sparse covalent cross-linking enabled by a covalent cross-linker (Bis). Under deformation, the covalently cross-linked PAA chains remain intact to maintain their original configuration, while the Fe(3+)-enabled ionic cross-linking among the PAA chains is broken to dissipate energy and then recombined. It is found that the mechanical properties of the PAA hydrogels are significantly influenced by the contents of covalent cross-linkers, Fe(3+) ions and water, which can be adjusted within a substantial range and thus broaden the applications of the hydrogels. Meanwhile, the PAA hydrogels have excellent recoverability based on the dynamic and reversible ionic cross-linking enabled by Fe(3+) ions. Moreover, the swelling capacity of the PAA hydrogels is as high as 1800 times in deionized water due to the synergistic effects of ionic and covalent cross-linkings. The combination of balanced mechanical properties, efficient recoverability, high swelling capacity and facile preparation provides a new method to obtain high-performance hydrogels.

  7. Defence strategies and antibiotic resistance gene abundance in enterococci under stress by exposure to low doses of peracetic acid. (United States)

    Turolla, Andrea; Sabatino, Raffaella; Fontaneto, Diego; Eckert, Ester M; Colinas, Noemi; Corno, Gianluca; Citterio, Barbara; Biavasco, Francesca; Antonelli, Manuela; Mauro, Alessandro; Mangiaterra, Gianmarco; Di Cesare, Andrea


    Peracetic acid (PAA) is an organic compound used efficiently as disinfectant in wastewater treatments. Yet, at low doses it may cause selection; thus, the effect of low doses of PAA on Enterococcus faecium as a proxy of human-related microbial waste was evaluated. Bacteria were treated with increasing doses of PAA (from 0 to 25 mg L -1 min) and incubated in regrowth experiments under non-growing, limiting conditions and under growing, favorable conditions. The changes in bacterial abundance, in bacterial phenotype (number and composition of small cell clusters), and in the abundance of an antibiotic resistance gene (ARG) was evaluated. The experiment demonstrated that the selected doses of PAA efficiently removed enterococci, and induced a long-lasting effect after PAA inactivation. The relative abundance of small clusters increased during the experiment when compared with that of the inoculum. Moreover, under growing favorable conditions the relative abundance of small clusters decreased and the number of cells per cluster increased with increasing PAA doses. A strong stability of the measured ARG was found, not showing any effect during the whole experiment. The results demonstrated the feasibility of low doses of PAA to inactivate bacteria. However, the stress induced by PAA disinfection promoted a bacterial adaptation, even if potentially without affecting the abundance of the ARG. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. In-Use Evaluation of Peracetic Acid for High-Level Disinfection of Endoscopes. (United States)

    Chenjiao, Wu; Hongyan, Zhang; Qing, Gu; Xiaoqi, Zhong; Liying, Gu; Ying, Fang


    Many high-level disinfectants have been used for disinfection of endoscopes such as 2% glutaraldehyde (GA), 0.55% ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA), and peracetic acid (PAA). Both GA and OPA are widely used in disinfection of endoscopes and have been previously discussed, but there is little research on the practical use of PAA as an endoscope disinfectant. An experimental model of a flexible gastrointestinal endoscope being contaminated with 9 strains of microorganism was designed. After the cleaning and disinfecting procedure was completed, we evaluated the biocidal activity (850 ppm PAA, 2% GA, and 0.55% OPA) on our flexible gastrointestinal endoscope model. We also evaluated sterilization effectiveness of PAA on other bacteria, including some antibiotic-resistant bacteria (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus, and Clostridium difficile). The residual bacterial colony count number of the PAA-disinfected endoscope was significantly lower than that of the GA- and OPA-disinfected endoscopes. The biocidal effect and efficiency of the endoscope disinfection by PAA appeared to be better than either the GA- or OPA-disinfected endoscope. PAA has demonstrated a good sterilization effect on other bacterial species; of particular note are common antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus, and Clostridium difficile. The results of this study demonstrate that PAA is a fast and effective high-level disinfectant for use in the reprocessing of flexible endoscopes.

  9. Enthalpy of formation of anisole: implications for the controversy on the O-H bond dissociation enthalpy in phenol. (United States)

    Simões, Ricardo G; Agapito, Filipe; Diogo, Hermínio P; da Piedade, Manuel E Minas


    Significant discrepancies in the literature data for the enthalpy of formation of gaseous anisole, ΔfHmo(PhOCH3, g), have fueled an ongoing controversy regarding the most reliable enthalpy of formation of the phenoxy radical and of the gas phase O-H bond dissociation enthalpy, DHo(PhO-H), in phenol. In the present work ΔfHmo(PhOCH3, g) was reassessed using a combination of calorimetric determinations and high-level (W2-F12) ab initio calculations. Static-bomb combustion calorimetry led to the standard molar enthalpy of formation of liquid anisole at 298.15 K, ΔfHmo(PhOCH3, l) = −(117.1 ± 1.4) kJ·mol(-1). The corresponding enthalpy of vaporization was obtained as, ΔvapHmo(PhOCH3) = 46.41 ± 0.26 kJ·mol(-1), by Calvet-drop microcalorimetry. These results give ΔfHmo(PhOCH3, g) = −(70.7 ± 1.4) kJ·mol(-1), in excellent agreement with ΔfHmo(PhOCH3, g) = −(70.8 ± 3.2) kJ·mol(-1), obtained from the W2-F12 calculations. The ΔfHmo(PhOCH3, g) here recommended leads to ΔfHmo(PhO•, g) = 55.5 ± 2.4 kJ·mol(-)1 and DH°(PhO-H) = 368.1 ± 2.6 kJ·mol(-1).

  10. Highly Sensitive and Selective In-Situ SERS Detection of Pb(2+), Hg(2+), and Cd(2+) Using Nanoporous Membrane Functionalized with CNTs. (United States)

    Shaban, Mohamed; Galaly, A R


    Porous Anodic Alumina (PAA) membrane was functionalized with CoFe2O4 nanoparticles and used as a substrate for the growing of very long helical-structured Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) with a diameter less than 20 nm. The structures and morphologies of the fabricated nanostructures were characterized by field emission- scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and Raman spectroscopy. By uploading the CNTs on PAA, the characteristic Raman peaks of CNTs and PAA showed 4 and 3 times enhancement, respectively, which leads to more sensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) substrates. For comparison, PAA and CNTs/PAA arrays were used as SERS substrates for the detection of Hg(2+), Cd(2+), and Pb(2+). The proposed sensor demonstrated high sensitivity and selectivity between these heavy metal ions. CNTs/PAA sensor showed excellent selectivity toward Pb(2+) over other metal ions, where the enhancement factor is decreased from ~17 for Pb(2+) to ~12 for Hg(2+) and to ~4 for Cd(2+). Therefore, the proposed CNTs/PAA sensor can be used as a powerful tool for the determination of heavy metal ions in aqueous solutions.

  11. Highly Sensitive and Selective In-Situ SERS Detection of Pb2+, Hg2+, and Cd2+ Using Nanoporous Membrane Functionalized with CNTs (United States)

    Shaban, Mohamed; Galaly, A. R.


    Porous Anodic Alumina (PAA) membrane was functionalized with CoFe2O4 nanoparticles and used as a substrate for the growing of very long helical-structured Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) with a diameter less than 20 nm. The structures and morphologies of the fabricated nanostructures were characterized by field emission- scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and Raman spectroscopy. By uploading the CNTs on PAA, the characteristic Raman peaks of CNTs and PAA showed 4 and 3 times enhancement, respectively, which leads to more sensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) substrates. For comparison, PAA and CNTs/PAA arrays were used as SERS substrates for the detection of Hg2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+. The proposed sensor demonstrated high sensitivity and selectivity between these heavy metal ions. CNTs/PAA sensor showed excellent selectivity toward Pb2+ over other metal ions, where the enhancement factor is decreased from ~17 for Pb2+ to ~12 for Hg2+ and to ~4 for Cd2+. Therefore, the proposed CNTs/PAA sensor can be used as a powerful tool for the determination of heavy metal ions in aqueous solutions. PMID:27143512

  12. On the Formation of the C{sub 2}H{sub 6}O Isomers Ethanol (C{sub 2}H{sub 5}OH) and Dimethyl Ether (CH{sub 3}OCH{sub 3}) in Star-forming Regions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergantini, Alexandre; Maksyutenko, Pavlo; Kaiser, Ralf I., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, University of Hawaii at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 (United States)


    The structural isomers ethanol (CH{sub 3}CH{sub 2}OH) and dimethyl ether (CH{sub 3}OCH{sub 3}) were detected in several low-, intermediate-, and high-mass star-forming regions, including Sgr B2, Orion, and W33A, with the relative abundance ratios of ethanol/dimethyl ether varying from about 0.03 to 3.4. Until now, no experimental data regarding the formation mechanisms and branching ratios of these two species in laboratory simulation experiments could be provided. Here, we exploit tunable photoionization reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PI-ReTOF-MS) to detect and analyze the production of complex organic molecules (COMs) resulting from the exposure of water/methane (H{sub 2}O/CH{sub 4}) ices to energetic electrons. The main goal is to understand the formation mechanisms in star-forming regions of two C{sub 2}H{sub 6}O isomers: ethanol (CH{sub 3}CH{sub 2}OH) and dimethyl ether (CH{sub 3}OCH{sub 3}). The results show that the experimental branching ratios favor the synthesis of ethanol versus dimethyl ether (31 ± 11:1). This finding diverges from the abundances observed toward most star-forming regions, suggesting that production routes on interstellar grains to form dimethyl ether might be missing; alternatively, ethanol can be overproduced in the present simulation experiments, such as via radical–radical recombination pathways involving ethyl and hydroxyl radicals. Finally, the PI-ReTOF-MS data suggest the formation of methylacetylene (C{sub 3}H{sub 4}), ketene (CH{sub 2}CO), propene (C{sub 3}H{sub 6}), vinyl alcohol (CH{sub 2}CHOH), acetaldehyde (CH{sub 3}CHO), and methyl hydroperoxide (CH{sub 3}OOH), in addition to ethane (C{sub 2}H{sub 6}), methanol (CH{sub 3}OH), and CO{sub 2} detected from infrared spectroscopy. The yield of all the confirmed species is also determined.

  13. MKB and SMB in the Northern countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broden, K.; Andersson, K.


    A meeting on Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment has been held in Turku, Finland, August 22-24 2001. It was held within the framework of two NKS projects: SOS-3 (Radioactive waste) and SOS- 1 (Risk assessment and strategies for safety). The meeting included presenta- tions, discussions and a study visit to the final repository for low- and intermedi- ate level radioactive waste and the intermediate storage for spent nuclear fuel at Olkiluoto. Abstract in Danish: Inom ramen for NKS-projekten SOS-3 (Avfall) och SOS-1 (Riskvaardering och strategi for saakerhet) har ett seminarium om miljokonsekvensbeskrivningar och strategisk miljokonsekvensbedomning haallits i Aabo 22-24 augusti, 2001. Seminariet omfattade foredrag, diskussioner samt en studieresa till Olkoluoto daar besok gjordes till mellanlagret for anvaant braansle och till slutforvaret for laag- och medelaktivt avfall. Under forutsaattning att styrelsen for NKS samtycker kommer ett nytt MKB- seminarium att haallas i Osthammar 2002. (au)

  14. Peracetic acid is a suitable disinfectant for recirculating fish-microalgae integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Dibo; Behrens, Sascha; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming


    culture of a marine microalgae Tetraselmis chuii once per day for four days to four PAA productswith differing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)/PAA proportions at two concentrations (1 and 2 mg L−1PAA).The H2O2solutions at equivalent total peroxide (H2O2+ PAA) concentrations were tested in parallel. Theresults...... show that the growth and photosynthesis of T. chuii were not affected by three of the PAA prod-ucts (Wofasteril®E400, Wofasteril®E250 and Applichem®150) and equivalent H2O2solutions at bothconcentrations. In contrast, Wofasteril®Lspez and an equivalent H2O2solution at both concentrationscaused...... which are effective against these threats, but safe to fish and microalgae. For this purpose,peracetic acid (PAA) is a valid option because it is highly effective against fish pathogens and bacteria atlow concentrations and degrades spontaneously to harmless residues. In the present study, we exposedthe...

  15. Self-Assembly Assisted Fabrication of Dextran-Based Nanohydrogels with Reduction-Cleavable Junctions for Applications as Efficient Drug Delivery Systems (United States)

    Wang, Hao; Dai, Tingting; Zhou, Shuyan; Huang, Xiaoxiao; Li, Songying; Sun, Kang; Zhou, Guangdong; Dou, Hongjing


    In order to overcome the key challenge in improving both fabrication efficiency and their drug delivery capability of anti-cancer drug delivery systems (ACDDS), here polyacrylic acid (PAA) grafted dextran (Dex) nanohydrogels (NGs) with covalent crosslinked structure bearing redox sensitive disulfide crosslinking junctions (Dex-SS-PAA) were synthesized efficiently through a one-step self-assembly assisted methodology (SAA). The Dex-SS-PAA were subsequently conjugated with doxorubicin through an acid-labile hydrazone bond (Dex-SS-PAA-DOX). The in vitro drug release behavior, anti-cancer effects in vivo, and biosafety of the as-prepared acid- and redox-dual responsive biodegradable NGs were systematically investigated. The results revealed that the Dex-SS-PAA-DOX exhibited pH- and redox-controlled drug release, greatly reduced the toxicity of free DOX, while exhibiting a strong ability to inhibit the growth of MDA-MB-231 tumors. Our study demonstrated that the Dex-SS-PAA-DOX NGs are very promising candidates as ACDDS for anti-cancer therapeutics.

  16. Svag analys ger allt för långtgående konsekvenser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thinggaard, Frank; Nilsson, Sven-Arne


    I IASB:s diskussionsrapport om möjliga värderingsgrunder vid första redovisningstillfället föreslås att tillgångar och skulder värderas till verkligt värde. I Balans 3/2007 redogjorde Frank Thinggaard och Sven-Arne Nilsson för kriterierna och tillvägagångssättet vid prövningen av relevans. I denn...

  17. Planering, progression, profession: hur studenter blir planerare

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lars Larsson


    Full Text Available De kunskaper som utvecklas med stöd i de nationella examensmålen för värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt är de som ligger närmast den professionella identiteten. Denna kunskapskategori ges begränsat utrymme i de förväntade studieresultat som examineras inom samhällsplanerarprogrammet vid Umeå universitet. Trots detta får studenterna anställning som planerare, ofta kort efter att de tagit sin kandidatexamen. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka hur kunskapsmässig progression underbyggs avseende värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt i en planerarutbildning med kulturgeografi som huvudområde. I denna artikel redovisas en analys av samhällsplanerarprogrammet.De kurser i kulturgeografi som ingår i programmet analyseras utifrån förväntade studieresultat, läraktiviteter och examinationsformer i syfte att spåra den planerade progressionen. Särskild uppmärksamhet ägnas kunskapskategorin värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt. Resultaten diskuteras utifrån en modell för att förstå vilka typer av kunskaper som används vid avvägningar och beslut i planeringsprofessionen. Analysen visar att samhällsplanerarprogrammets planerade progression följer principen att först ge studenterna breda ämneskunskaper, därefter utveckla metodfärdigheter och mot slutet utveckla mer komplexa och handlingsinriktade kunskaper. Den visar också att den planerade progressionen är begränsad i att underbygga normativa aspekter av studenternas värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt.

  18. ”Kalle, du kan ju läsa!” Förskoleklasslärare synliggör förskoleklasselevers skriftspråksutveckling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tarja Alatalo


    Full Text Available Den här studien tar sin utgångspunkt i ett kompetensutvecklingsprojekt där lärare i förskoleklass gavs möjlighet att genom erfarenhet i handling samt reflektion stärka sina ämneskunskaper inom skriftspråksområdet. Sju lärare i förskoleklass intervjuades om sina erfarenheter i samband med bedömning av elevers skriftspråksutveckling. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilket meningsskapande som enligt lärarna sker i samband med bedömningsaktiviteten. Fokus riktades mot lärarnas beskrivningar av det egna, men också elevernas meningsskapande. Studiens grund i sociokulturell teori och pragmatismens begrepp, erfarenhet och meningsskapande som centrala analysverktyg, synliggjorde lärarnas fördjupade förståelse för elevers skriftspråksutveckling. I materialet framträder en bild av att tidigare erfarenheter omvärderades och användes tillsammans med nya erfarenheter för att skapa ny kunskap hos både lärare och elever. Exempelvis beskriver lärare hur elever i samband med bedömningsaktiviteten upptäckte att de kunde läsa. I mötet mellan projektets ämnesfokus och praktisk handling kunde lärarna omvärdera tidigare erfarenheter och upptäcka att elever i förskoleklassen läser, hur de läser och hur de själva kan stimulera eleverna vidare. Studiens avsikt är att öppna för en diskussion om hur kompetensutveckling om skriftspråksutveckling kan öka förskoleklasslärares möjligheter att stimulera elever vidare och öka elevernas förutsättningar att utvecklas i riktning mot skolans kunskapskrav.

  19. Bokföringslagens förändringar år 2016 : Med fokus på småföretag


    Häggblom, Caroline


    Från och med år 2016 ändrades bokföringslagen i Finland. Detta på grund av ett direktiv som Europaparlamentet tillsammans med rådet kom ut med år 2013. I och med denna ändring påverkas alla företag som är bokföringsskyldiga i något skede, vilket innebär att det är ett aktuellt och viktigt ämne att studera. I detta arbete förklaras grunderna i bokföring, vad bokföringslagen innehåller samt ändringarna som skett i lagen och konsekvenserna av dem. Informationen till förändringarna i bokföring...

  20. Characterization and Modeling of SiC Integrated Circuits for Harsh Environment


    Kimoto, Daiki


    Elektronik för extrema miljöer, som kan användas vid hög temperatur, hög strålning och omgivning med frätande gaser, har varit starkt önskvärd vid utforskning av rymden och övervakning av kärnreaktorer. Kiselkarbid (SiC) är en av kandidaterna inom material för extrema miljöer på grund av sin höga temperatur- och höga strålnings-tolerans. Syftet med denna avhandling är att karakterisera 4H-SiC MOSFETar vid hög temperatur och att konstruera SPICE modeller för 4H-SiC MOSFETar. MOSFET-transistore...

  1. A memorable reading experience with motion graphics


    Sandhu, Cecilia


    Studien omfattar ämnet motion graphics (rörlig grafik) och hur det kan förmedla en skriven text. En textbaserad rörlig grafik togs fram för att undersöka om rörelserna gjorde textinnehållet lättare att minnas och förstå jämfört med att läsa texten statiskt. Skillnader men också likheter gällande korttidsminne och läsupplevelse undersöktes genom två testgrupper. Studien visar på att läsarna mindes bättre med motion graphics, att motion graphics i vissa fall kan förmedla en mer positiv och spec...

  2. Relationship status: It's complicated : En undersökning i hur äldreboenden kan stärka relationen till sin målgrupp


    Hanna, Norberg; Victoria, Angberg; Nina, Moradi


    Frågeställning: Vilka behov behöver tillfredsställas hos de boende och anhöriga för att stärka en relation till äldreboendet? Kan digital marknadsföring användas som metod för att stärka relationer och i så fall hur? Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka hur relationen mellan äldreboende och deras målgrupp kan stärkas. Metod: Ansatsen har varit en deduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ metod har använts där sju semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Slutsats: Resultatet visar på fem faktorer som sa...

  3. City Hub : a cloud based IoT platform for Smart Cities


    Lea, Rodger; Blackstock, Michael


    Cloud based Smart City hubs are an attractive approach to addressing some of the complex issues faced when deploying PaaS infrastructure for Smart Cities. In this paper we introduce the general notion of IoT hubs and then discusses our work to generalize our IoT hub as a Smart City PaaS. Two key issues are identified, support for hybrid public/private cloud and interoperability. We briefly describe our approach to these issues and discuss our experiences deploying two cloud-based Smart City h...

  4. Synthesis, Morphology, and Optical Properties of Au/CdS Hybrid Nanocomposites Stabilized by Branched Polymer Matrices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. A. Chumachenko


    Full Text Available Metal/semiconductor (Au/CdS nanocomposites were synthesized in the solution of branched D-g-PAA polymer. TEM and DLS of Au/CdS/D-g-PAA nanocomposites revealed complicated nanocomposite structure consisting of the Au nanoparticles (NPs of 6 nm in size surrounded by small CdS NPs with size of 3 nm. These nanocomposites formed the aggregates-clusters with average size of 50–800 nm. Absorption spectra of Au/CdS nanocomposites consist of the bands of excitons in CdS NPs and surface plasmons in Au ones. The surface plasmon band of gold NPs is red shifted and broadened in Au/CdS/D-g-PAA nanocomposites comparing to the one of Au NPs in Au/D-g-PAA proving the fact of close location of CdS and Au NPs in the synthesized Au/CdS/D-g-PAA nanocomposites. The PL spectra of Au/CdS nanocomposites originate from the radiative transitions in excitons in CdS NPs. The 4-fold increase of intensity of free exciton PL is observed for CdS NPs in Au/CdS/D-g-PAA comparing to CdS ones in CdS/D-g-PAA that is due to PL enhancement by local field of surface plasmons of Au NPs. Also, the 12-fold decrease of intensity of localized exciton PL is observed for CdS NPs in Au/CdS/D-g-PAA comparing to CdS ones in CdS/D-g-PAA. Most probably, it is due to passivation of the surface of CdS NPs carried out by the Au ones.

  5. Natural attenuation potential of phenylarsenicals in anoxic groundwaters. (United States)

    Hempel, Michael; Daus, Birgit; Vogt, Carsten; Weiss, Holger


    The extensive production of chemical warfare agents in the 20th century has led to serious contamination of soil and groundwater with phenyl arsenicals at former ammunition depots or warfare agent production sites worldwide. Most phenyl arsenicals are highly toxic for humans. The microbial degradation of phenylarsonic acid (PAA) and diphenylarsinic acid (DPAA) was investigated in microcosms made of anoxic groundwater/sediment mixtures taken from different depths of an anoxic, phenyl arsenical contaminated aquifer in Central Germany. DPAA was not transformed within 91 days incubation time in any of the microcosms. The removal of PAA can be described by a first order kinetics without a lag-phase (rate: 0.037 d(-1)). In sterilized microcosms, PAA concentrations always remained stable, demonstrating that PAA transformation was a biologically mediated process. PAA transformation occurred under sulfate-reducing conditions due to sulfate consumption and production of sulfide. The addition of lactate (1 mM), a typical substrate of sulfate-reducing bacteria, increased the transformation rate of PAA significantly up to 0.134 d(-1). The content of total arsenic was considerably reduced (> 75%). Intermediates of PAA transformation were detected by high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS). Experiments with a pure strain and sterile controls of Desulfovibrio gigas spiked with PAA showed that the elimination process is linked to the presence of sulfide formed through bacterial activity. Phenyl arsenicals were likely immobilized in the sedimentthrough sulfur substitution and a subsequent sulfur bond under the prevailing sulfate reducing condition. The results of this study indicate that PAA can undergo microbiologically mediated transformation in anoxic aquifers, leading to reduced concentrations in groundwater, which indicate a (enhancend) natural attenuation potential.

  6. Assessment of occupational exposure to gaseous peracetic acid. (United States)

    Dugheri, Stefano; Bonari, Alessandro; Pompilio, Ilenia; Colpo, Marco; Montalti, Manfredi; Mucci, Nicola; Arcangeli, Giulio


    In order to assess short-term exposure to peracetic acid (PAA) in disinfection processes, the Authors compared 4 industrial hygiene monitoring methods to evaluate their proficiency in measuring airborne PAA concentrations. An active sampling by basic silica gel impregnated with methyl p-tolyl sulfoxide (MTSO), a passive solid phase micro-extraction technique using methyl p-tolyl sulfide (MTS) as on-fiber derivatization reagent, an electrochemical direct-reading PAA monitor, and a novel visual test strip PAA detector doped with 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline)-6-sulfonate were evaluated and tested over the range of 0.06-16 mg/m3, using dynamically generated PAA air concentrations. The linear regression analysis of linearity and accuracy showed that the 4 methods were suitable for PAA monitoring. Peracetic acid monitoring in several use applications showed that the PAA concentration (1.8 mg/m3) was immediately dangerous to life or health as proposed by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and was frequently exceeded in wastewater treatment (up to 7.33 mg/m3), and sometimes during food and beverage processes and hospital high-level disinfection operations (up to 6.8 mg/m3). The methods were suitable for the quick assessment of acute exposure in PAA environmental monitoring and can assist in improving safety and air quality in the workplace where this disinfectant is used. These monitoring methods allowed the evaluation of changes to work out practices to reduce PAA vapor concentrations during the operations when workers are potentially overexposed to this strong antioxidant agent. This work is available in Open Access model and licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0 PL license.

  7. Turbidimetric determination of polyacrylamide in aqueous solutions with the use of oxidizing agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karpyuk, A.D.; Kolyada, N.S.; Pshenichnikova, E.Yu.


    Polyacrylamide is widely used in industry. For example, one of the methods for obtaining microspheres of metal oxides, particularly a mixed nuclear fuel, is based on a process involving the ammoniacal precipitation of hydroxides from aqueous solutions of metal nitrates in the presence of polyacrylamide (PAA), which promotes the formation of spheres in the initial stages of the process. Monitoring the industrial process, the course of the treatment of the production waste products, and the composition of the waste water calls for determination of the content of PAA in industrial solutions. The existing methods for determining PAA are based on its chemical properties, which are specified by the presence of amide groupings in its molecule. The use of the classical methods of analysis, which are based on the reactions of PAA with formaldehyde, sulfuric acid, etc. and the hydrolysis of PAA, do not provide reliable results, since PAA is partially or completely hydrolyzed in industrial solutions. In addition, industrial solutions contain various modifiers, including urea and urotropin, and the method of determining PAA from the amount of ammonia evolved is consequently unacceptable. Turbidimetric methods of analysis, in which the content of PAA is evaluated from the turbidity caused by the formation of suspension during hydrolysis or upon the introduction of NaClO 4 or diisotubylphenoxyethoxyethyldimethylbenzyl chloride, are known. The purpose of the present work was to develop a simple quick method for determining polymers in solutions, including solutions from the production and treatment of nuclear fuel. The following reagents were proposed for the turbidimetric determination of PAA: cerium(IV) sulfate, potassium dichromate, and potassium permanganate. 5 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab

  8. PaaS for web applications with OpenShift Origin


    Lossent, A; Rodriguez Peon, A; Wagner, A


    The CERN Web Frameworks team has deployed OpenShift Origin to facilitate deployment of web applications and to improving efficiency in terms of computing resource usage. OpenShift leverages Docker containers and Kubernetes orchestration to provide a Platform-as-a-service solution oriented for web applications. We will review use cases and how OpenShift was integrated with other services such as source control, web site management and authentication services.

  9. PaaS for web applications with OpenShift Origin (United States)

    Lossent, A.; Rodriguez Peon, A.; Wagner, A.


    The CERN Web Frameworks team has deployed OpenShift Origin to facilitate deployment of web applications and to improving efficiency in terms of computing resource usage. OpenShift leverages Docker containers and Kubernetes orchestration to provide a Platform-as-a-service solution oriented for web applications. We will review use cases and how OpenShift was integrated with other services such as source control, web site management and authentication services.

  10. Maintenance strategies and safety on a deregulated market. Mapping of changes in maintenance strategies and their possible consequences; Underhaallsstrategier och saekerhet paa en avreglerad elmarknad. En kartlaeggning av foeraendrade underhaallsstrategier och dess moejliga konsekvenser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kecklund, Lena [MTO Psykologi AB, Huddinge (Sweden)


    The overall purpose of the project was to make a survey of the changes in the Swedish nuclear power plants over the last five years. There is a risk that nuclear power companies after a deregulation will focus especially on reducing operation and maintenance costs and that the changes could have a negative effect on the reactor safety. The task has involved summarising the actual changes, describing the present situation, the need for future development and the differences between the plants as well as identifying possible reactor safety related risks. The survey has been carried out in a broad perspective, studying the changes in equipment, maintenance strategies and the work situation of the staff. Three case studies were carried out at the Swedish nuclear power plants. Documentation from the companies has been analysed and a selection of in total 27 'informed' employees in different positions have been interviewed in total. The project also included a fourth case study concerning railway traffic. This branch of business is interesting because of its longer experience on a deregulated and competitive market. Conclusions concerning the companies individually as well as similarities and differences between them are presented in this report. Results: There have been more changes both in strategy and organisation in the last five years than during the preceding 5-10-year-period and the pace has been relatively rapid. The deregulation of the electricity market was implemented January 1997 and became the main motive force for the changes. The staffing has been reduced or unchanged and the work demands have increased. The maintenance skills have been redistributed within the organisation. New methods and equipment, i.e. RCM, and programmable systems make increased demands for analytical and theoretical competence. In the short term, job satisfaction and motivation have in some cases been negatively influenced by the new organisation forms, according to several of the interviewed. The results indicate, in accordance with other research results, that rationalisations and changes must be combined with work development and the participation of the employees to be successful. Outsourcing has been used for some activities. All the companies have established a joint maintenance department for their units. The companies have been moving towards lean organization which has increased the work load of the staff. Therefore more planning is required to get a optimal resource allocation, to avoid problems at work peaks. All the plants have abandoned a downright customer-supplier relation for the benefit of one competent maintenance supplier with a comprehensive view. As a result the contractual undertaking of the maintenance department towards the production units is made on a long term basis. The new maintenance strategy is based on status controls for condition based maintenance and on riskbased analysing methods. There are modern computer-based maintenance systems at all the plants. Computer-based instruments are used direct in the production line where they require a competence shift in the staff. Positive effects that appeared in the interviews are better possibilities for experience feed back and methods development, access to a wider and larger competence and a joint working method. The results show that there are already some positive effects and there are more to be expected. But it is also clear that these effects have neither come as easily nor as fast as was expected. Possible negative effects: there is a risk that the staffing might be too scarce, especially in work peaks, e.g. unexpected shutdowns. A high work load and much overtime work mean greater strain on the staff. Problems with job satisfaction and motivation, chiefly after the change to a matrix organisation. Uncertainties as to responsibility and roles in the new organisation. The practical competence might 'disappear' in the present competence shift focusing on analytical, computer based methods. The difficulties of risk based methods are several: they might not correspond with reality, they might not measure what they are intended to measure and it might be that the probabilistic risk assessment approach is allowed to dominate over the deterministic at the expense of a good balance between them. There is also a risk that the methods are not enough developed, that the knowledge of how the results should be interpreted is limited and that this might lead to the wrong conclusions. With tighter priorities there is an increasing risk that the wrong things are left out. The feeling of 'ownership' towards a certain production unit as well as the team feeling might disappear when the employees work on several units. Deficiencies in the maintenance instructions become evident when the staff are transferred. If the work routines have not been thoroughly documented there is a risk that the staff make mistakes or that the measures are forgotten. A number of conditions have been identified that might influenced the reactor safety negatively in the long term if they are not taken care of. Such conditions are an increased pressure on the staff, high work load and too much overtime, uncertainties as to responsibility and roles, lack of job satisfaction and motivation and deficient maintenance instructions. Economic pressure and a high rate of change might also give negative influence. It is, however, important to stress that the results indicate that the changes are not carried out with a one-sided focus on cost reductions but with a focus on both individual and organisational learning and development. Safety culture has also been an important part of the change operations. It seems, though, as if it has been more difficult to balance the economy and safety messages to the staff.

  11. Preactivated thiomers as mucoadhesive polymers for drug delivery (United States)

    Iqbal, Javed; Shahnaz, Gul; Dünnhaupt, Sarah; Müller, Christiane; Hintzen, Fabian; Bernkop-Schnürch, Andreas


    This study was aimed to synthesize polymeric excipients with improved mucoadhesive, cohesive and in situ-gelling properties to assure a prolonged retention time of dosage forms at a given target site, thereby achieving an increased uptake and improved oral bioavailability of certain challenging therapeutic agents such as peptides and proteins. Accordingly, poly(acrylic acid)-cysteine-2-mercaptonicotinic acid (PAA-cys-2MNA) conjugates were synthesized by the oxidative S–S coupling of PAA-cys (100-, 250- and 450 kDa) with 2-mercaptonicotinic acid (2MNA). Unmodified PAAs, PAAs-cys (thiomers) and PAA-cys-2MNA (100-, 250- and 450 kDa) conjugates were compressed into tablets to perform disintegration tests, mucoadhesion studies and rheological measurements. Moreover, cytotoxicty of the polymers was determined using Caco-2 cells. The resulting PAA-cys-2MNA (100-, 250- and 450 kDa) conjugates displayed 113.5 ± 12.7, 122.7 ± 12.2 and 117.3 ± 4.6 μmol/g of 2-mercaptonicotinic acid, respectively. Due to the immobilization of 2MNA, the PAA-cys-2MNA (pre-activated thiomers) conjugates exhibit comparatively higher swelling properties and disintegration time to the corresponding unmodified and thiolated polymers. On the rotating cylinder, tablets based on PAA-cys-2MNA (100-, 250- and 450 kDa) conjugates displayed 5.0-, 5.4- and 960-fold improved mucoadhesion time in comparison to the corresponding unmodified PAAs. Results achieved from tensile studies were found in good agreement with the results obtained by rotating cylinder method. The apparent viscosity of PAA-cys-2MNA (100-, 250- and 450 kDa) conjugates was improved 1.6-, 2.5- and 206.2-fold, respectively, in comparison to the corresponding unmodified PAAs. Moreover, pre-activated thiomers/mucin mixtures showed a time dependent increase in viscosity up to 24 h, leading to 7.0-, 18.9- and 2678-fold increased viscosity in comparison to unmodified PAAs (100-, 250- and 450 kDa), respectively. All polymers were

  12. Characterization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles modified with polyacrylic acid and H2O2 for use as a novel radiosensitizer. (United States)

    Morita, Kenta; Miyazaki, Serika; Numako, Chiya; Ikeno, Shinya; Sasaki, Ryohei; Nishimura, Yuya; Ogino, Chiaki; Kondo, Akihiko


    An induction of polyacrylic acid-modified titanium dioxide with hydrogen peroxide nanoparticles (PAA-TiO 2 /H 2 O 2 NPs) to a tumor exerted a therapeutic enhancement of X-ray irradiation in our previous study. To understand the mechanism of the radiosensitizing effect of PAA-TiO 2 /H 2 O 2 NPs, analytical observations that included DLS, FE-SEM, FT-IR, XAFS, and Raman spectrometry were performed. In addition, highly reactive oxygen species (hROS) which PAA-TiO 2 /H 2 O 2 NPs produced with X-ray irradiation were quantified by using a chemiluminescence method and a EPR spin-trapping method. We found that PAA-TiO 2 /H 2 O 2 NPs have almost the same characteristics as PAA-TiO 2 . Surprisingly, there were no significant differences in hROS generation. However, the existence of H 2 O 2 was confirmed in PAA-TiO 2 /H 2 O 2 NPs, because spontaneous hROS production was observed w/o X-ray irradiation. In addition, PAA-TiO 2 /H 2 O 2 NPs had a curious characteristic whereby they absorbed H 2 O 2 molecules and released them gradually into a liquid phase. Based on these results, the H 2 O 2 was continuously released from PAA-TiO 2 /H 2 O 2 NPs, and then released H 2 O 2 assumed to be functioned indirectly as a radiosensitizing factor.

  13. Herrens röst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rösing, Lilian Munk


    Om språket är gränsen mellan djur och människor, vad innebär det när hundar talar? I filmen Upp pratar de animerade hundarna, men med sin husses röst. Lilian Munk Rösing ser filmen i sällskap av bland andra Jacques Lacan, Slavoj Žižek och Renata Salecl och finner en röst utan kropp, en kropp besj...

  14. Effect of Interferon, Polyacrylic Acid, and Polymethacrylic Acid on Tail Lesions in Mice Infected with Vaccinia Virus (United States)

    De Clercq, E.; De Somer, P.


    Intravenous inoculation of mice with vaccinia virus produced characteristic lesions of the tail surface which were suppressed by intraperitoneal administration of interferon and polyacrylic acid (PAA). Polymethacrylic acid (PMAA) stimulated the formation of vaccinia virus lesions. For full activity, both interferon and PAA must be given prior to infection. PAA was still significantly effective at small dose levels (3 mg/kg) and achieved protection for at least 4 weeks. Protection increased with increasing molecular weight of the polymer. The mode of action of PAA is discussed. PMID:5676405

  15. Confirmation that pulse and continuous peracetic acid administration does not disrupt the acute stress response in rainbow trout

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gesto, Manuel; Liu, Dibo; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming


    . If that is true, PAA would also be a good option from the point of view of fish physiology. However, stronger evidence is needed to confirm that the use of PAA is welfare-friendly to fish. Besides habituation, other hypothetical factors such as desensitization, physiological exhaustion or PAA-mediated endocrine...... response was evaluated by measuring plasma cortisol, plasma glucose, plasma lactate and brain serotonergic activity. All fish were equally able to mount a normal physiological stress response to the secondary stressor independent of previous exposure to PAA. This suggests that the decrease in the cortisol...

  16. Deciphering structure-activity relationships in a series of Tat/TAR inhibitors. (United States)

    Pascale, Lise; González, Alejandro López; Di Giorgio, Audrey; Gaysinski, Marc; Teixido Closa, Jordi; Tejedor, Roger Estrada; Azoulay, Stéphane; Patino, Nadia


    A series of pentameric "Polyamide Amino Acids" (PAAs) compounds derived from the same trimeric precursor have been synthesized and investigated as HIV TAR RNA ligands, in the absence and in the presence of a Tat fragment. All PAAs bind TAR with similar sub-micromolar affinities but their ability to compete efficiently with the Tat fragment strongly differs, IC50 ranging from 35 nM to >2 μM. While NMR and CD studies reveal that all PAA interact with TAR at the same site and induce globally the same RNA conformational change upon binding, a comparative thermodynamic study of PAA/TAR equilibria highlights distinct TAR binding modes for Tat competitor and non-competitor PAAs. This led us to suggest two distinct interaction modes that have been further validated by molecular modeling studies. While the binding of Tat competitor PAAs induces a contraction at the TAR bulge region, the binding of non-competitor ones widens it. This could account for the distinct PAA ability to compete with Tat fragment. Our work illustrates how comparative thermodynamic studies of a series of RNA ligands of same chemical family are of value for understanding their binding modes and for rationalizing structure-activity relationships.

  17. A novel amperometric sensor for peracetic acid based on a polybenzimidazole-modified gold electrode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hua, Mu-Yi, E-mail: [Green Research Center, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Chang Gung University, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Rd., Kuei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 33302, Taiwan (China); Biosensor Group, Biomedical Engineering Research Center, Chang Gung University, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Rd., Kuei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 33302, Taiwan (China); Chen, Hsiao-Chien [Green Research Center, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Chang Gung University, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Rd., Kuei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 33302, Taiwan (China); Biosensor Group, Biomedical Engineering Research Center, Chang Gung University, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Rd., Kuei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 33302, Taiwan (China); Tsai, Rung-Ywan [Electronics and Optoelectronics Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, 195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd., Hsinchu 31040, Taiwan (China); Lin, Yu-Chen [Green Research Center, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Chang Gung University, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Rd., Kuei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 33302, Taiwan (China); Biosensor Group, Biomedical Engineering Research Center, Chang Gung University, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Rd., Kuei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 33302, Taiwan (China)


    We have developed a peracetic acid (PAA) sensor based on a polybenzimidazole-modified gold (PBI/Au) electrode. Fourier transform infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy indicated that PAA oxidized 69.4% of the imine in PBI to form PBI N-oxide, increasing the electrochemical reduction current during cyclic voltammetry. The chemical oxidation of the PBI/Au electrode by PAA, followed by its electrochemical reduction, allowed PAA to be detected directly and consecutively by assessing its reduction current. The PAA sensor had a broad linear detection range (3.1 {mu}M-1.5 mM) and a rapid response time (3.9 s) at an applied potential of -0.3 V. Potentially interfering substances, such as hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, and oxygen, had no effect on the ability of the probe to detect PAA, indicating high selectivity of the probe. Furthermore, the detection range, response time, and sensitivity of the sensor could all be improved by modification of the smooth planar electrode surface to a porous three-dimensional configuration. When compared to the analytical characteristics of other PAA sensors operating under optimal conditions, the three-dimensional PBI/Au electrode offers a rapid detection time, a usable linear range, and a relatively low detection limit.

  18. A novel amperometric sensor for peracetic acid based on a polybenzimidazole-modified gold electrode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hua, Mu-Yi; Chen, Hsiao-Chien; Tsai, Rung-Ywan; Lin, Yu-Chen


    We have developed a peracetic acid (PAA) sensor based on a polybenzimidazole-modified gold (PBI/Au) electrode. Fourier transform infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy indicated that PAA oxidized 69.4% of the imine in PBI to form PBI N-oxide, increasing the electrochemical reduction current during cyclic voltammetry. The chemical oxidation of the PBI/Au electrode by PAA, followed by its electrochemical reduction, allowed PAA to be detected directly and consecutively by assessing its reduction current. The PAA sensor had a broad linear detection range (3.1 μM-1.5 mM) and a rapid response time (3.9 s) at an applied potential of -0.3 V. Potentially interfering substances, such as hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, and oxygen, had no effect on the ability of the probe to detect PAA, indicating high selectivity of the probe. Furthermore, the detection range, response time, and sensitivity of the sensor could all be improved by modification of the smooth planar electrode surface to a porous three-dimensional configuration. When compared to the analytical characteristics of other PAA sensors operating under optimal conditions, the three-dimensional PBI/Au electrode offers a rapid detection time, a usable linear range, and a relatively low detection limit.

  19. Effect of peracetic acid on biofilms formed by Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes isolated from dairy plants. (United States)

    Lee, S H I; Cappato, L P; Corassin, C H; Cruz, A G; Oliveira, C A F


    This research investigated the removal of adherent cells of 4 strains of Staphylococcus aureus and 1 Listeria monocytogenes strain (previously isolated from dairy plants) from polystyrene microtiter plates using peracetic acid (PAA, 0.5%) for 15, 30, 60, and 120 s, and the inactivation of biofilms formed by those strains on stainless steel coupons using the same treatment times. In the microtiter plates, PAA removed all S. aureus at 15 s compared with control (no PAA treatment). However, L. monocytogenes biofilm was not affected by any PAA treatment. On the stainless steel surface, epifluorescence microscopy using LIVE/DEAD staining (BacLight, Molecular Probes/Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eugene, OR) showed that all strains were damaged within 15 s, with almost 100% of cells inactivated after 30 s. Results of this trial indicate that, although PAA was able to inactivate both S. aureus and L. monocytogenes monospecies biofilms on stainless steel, it was only able to remove adherent cells of S. aureus from polystyrene microplates. The correct use of PAA is critical for eliminating biofilms formed by S. aureus strains found in dairy plants, although further studies are necessary to determine the optimal PAA treatment for removing biofilms of L. monocytogenes. Copyright © 2016 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Thermodynamic properties of an emerging chemical disinfectant, peracetic acid. (United States)

    Zhang, Chiqian; Brown, Pamela J B; Hu, Zhiqiang


    Peracetic acid (PAA or CH 3 COOOH) is an emerging disinfectant with a low potential to form carcinogenic disinfection by-products (DBPs). Basic thermodynamic properties of PAA are, however, absent or inconsistently reported in the literature. This review aimed to summarize important thermodynamic properties of PAA, including standard Gibbs energy of formation and oxidation-reduction (redox) potential. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of CH 3 COOOH (aq) , CH 3 COOOH (g) , CH 3 COOOH (l) , and CH 3 COOO (aq) - are -299.41kJ·mol -1 , -283.02kJ·mol -1 , -276.10kJ·mol -1 , and -252.60kJ·mol -1 , respectively. The standard redox potentials of PAA are 1.748V and 1.005V vs. standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) at pH 0 and pH 14, respectively. Under biochemical standard state conditions (pH 7, 25°C, 101,325Pa), PAA has a redox potential of 1.385V vs. SHE, higher than many disinfectants. Finally, the environmental implications of the thermodynamic properties of PAA were systematically discussed. Those properties can be used to predict the physicochemical and biological behavior of aquatic systems exposed to PAA. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. [Disinfection efficiency of peracetic acid, alone and in combination with hypochlorite, against Mycobacterium avium in drinking water]. (United States)

    Schiavano, G F; Sisti, M; De Santi, M; Brandi, G


    Peracetic acid (PAA) is a disinfectant with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, but little is known about the feasibility of using it in the field of drinking water treatment. The aim of this study has been assess disinfectant efficacy of PAA, alone or in combination with hypochlorite, against M. avium in drinking water M. avium is a common opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised subjects that is able to survive and grow in drinking water distribution systems. In this study PAA did not show appreciable activity against the greater number of tested strains (16/21) up to 5 ppm of PAA, a weak activity was seen on 4 strains, while a significant reduction in viable cells (about 50%) was seen only on 1 strain after 48 h of treatment with 5 ppm of PAA. We also evidenced that M. avium was unaffected by chlorine concentration usually present in drinking water distribution system. Finally, the combination of PAA and sodium hypochlorite did not promote enhanced antimicrobial efficacy respect to the single disinfectants. In conclusion, our result would indicate that PAA is an unlikely candidate for the disinfection of drinking water from M. avium and further strategies are required to eliminate M. avium from drinking water system.

  2. Tuning the composition of metastable CoxNiyMg100−xy(OH)(OCH3) nanoplates for optimizing robust methane dry reforming catalyst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fan, Xiaoli; Liu, Zhiting; Zhu, Yi-An


    of the metastable precursor CoxNiyMg100−x−y(OH)(OCH3) derived from solvothermal synthesis. The catalyst composition and reaction conditions have been modulated to achieve maximum coke resistance and catalyst stability. Long-term stability for 1000 h time on stream at 800°C has been achieved for the optimized Co0.......075Ni7.425Mg92.5O catalyst. The role of Co in the catalyst has been disclosed through kinetic measurements and detailed characterization of the spent catalysts. Co is enriched on the Co–Ni alloy surface under reforming conditions and accelerates the gasification of coke intermediates. Co also enhances...

  3. Peracetic acid disinfection kinetics for combined sewer overflows: indicator organisms, antibiotic resistance genes, and microbial community. (United States)

    Eramo, Alessia; Medina, William Morales; Fahrenfeld, Nicole L


    Combined sewer overflows (CSOs) degrade water quality and end-of-pipe treatment is one potential solution for retrofitting this outdated infrastructure. The goal of this research was to evaluate peracetic acid (PAA) as a disinfectant for CSOs using viability based molecular methods for antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), indicator organism marker gene BacHum, and 16S rRNA genes. Simulated CSO effluent was prepared using 23-40% wastewater, representing the higher end of the range of wastewater concentrations reported in CSO effluent. PAA residual following disinfection was greatest for samples with the lowest initial COD. Treatment of simulated CSO effluent (23% wastewater) with 100 mg∙min/L PAA (5 mg/L PAA, 20 min) was needed to reduce viable cell sul 1, tet (G), and BacHum (1.0±0.63-3.2±0.25-log) while 25 to 50 mg•min/L PAA (5 mg/L PAA, 5-10 min) was needed to reduce viable cell loads (0.62±0.56-1.6±0.08-log) in 40% wastewater from a different municipal treatment plant. Increasing contact time after the initial decrease in viable cell gene copies did not significantly improve treatment. A much greater applied Ct of 1200 mg∙min/L PAA (20 mg/L PAA, 60 min) was required for significant log reduction of 16S rRNA genes (3.29±0.13-log). No significant losses of mex B were observed during the study. Data were fitted to a Chick-Watson model and resulting inactivation constants for sul 1 and tet (G) > BacHum > 16S rRNA. Amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene indicated the initial viable and total microbial communities were distinct and that treatment with PAA resulted in marked increases of the relative abundance of select phyla, particularly Clostridia which increased by 1-1.5 orders of magnitude. Results confirm that membrane disruption is a mechanism for PAA disinfection and further treatment is needed to reduce total ARGs in CSO effluent.

  4. Faktorer som påverkar barndödligheten i Etiopien


    Östman, Hanna


    Temat för detta examensarbete är barndödlighet i Etiopien. Syftet är att undersöka den höga småbarnsdödligheten, orsakad av diarré och malaria. Detta är ett beställningsarbete för organisationen PADet, som har ett samarbete med yrkeshögskolan Arcada. Med småbarn menas i denna studie, barn under fem år. Frågeställningarna för arbetet är, Vilka är de främsta orsakerna som påverkar småbarnsdödligheten vid diarré och malaria? Och Vad görs idag för att minska på småbarnsdödligheten vid diarré och ...

  5. Social media – En marknadsföringsplan för Arcada Entrepreneurship Society


    Simberg, Per


    Syfte med studien är att utarbeta en marknadsföringsplan i sociala medierna för Arcada Entrepreneurship Society, där man tar fram nuläget och vilka målen är för Arcada Entrepreneurship Society i sociala medierna och hur de skall nå målen. Marknadsföring på sociala medier kräver att man vet vilka sociala medier man behöver för att få fram sitt budskap och hur man skapar en synlighet för sig som Företag/Förening. Det är även viktigt att tänka på vilket innehåll man lägger ut samt när och på...

  6. RedVent. Turned off ventilation at night in schools - risks and opportunities; RedVent. Avstaengd ventilation paa natten i skolor - risker och moejligheter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haegerhed Engman, Linda; Fyhr, Kristina; Langer, Sarka; Ruud, Svein; Ylmen, Peter


    Reduced ventilation rates or shutdown ventilation during nights is often being used in school buildings in order to save energy and can decrease the energy cost for heating and ventilation with at least 30 %. Swedish Building Regulations (BBR) allows reduced ventilation flow in non-residential buildings when no one is using the building but it must not give rise to adverse health effects or damage the building or its installations. Potential risks are mould- and moisture damages and indoor air quality problems. Another question is whether the shut down itself might lead to indoor air quality problems due to chemical reactions between outdoor air and indoor emissions built-up during the night. The study was divided into three steps; an interview with property managers and care-taker, calculations of energy saving potentials and a field study. Measurements were per-formed in one classroom for two weeks in April 2010. Different set-ups for ventilation flow during night time and air tightness of the building envelope were studied; ventilation shut down, intermittent ventilation (15 min every second hour) and continuous full speed ventilation during night. In the studied classroom, shutdown ventilation during nights did not significantly affect the indoor air quality in the classroom during the school day even though there were effects seen during the night. We found a somewhat higher moisture accumulation those nights when the ventilation was shut down and some fractions of particles during intermittent ventilation compared to continues full ventilation during night time. This specific school and classroom were well ventilated and there was no moisture supply from new building material or other types of moisture producing activities. Schools with lower day-time ventilation rates, moisture in building construction, IAQ- or dampness problems as well as buildings close to heavy traffic should analyse the conditions for the specific building before reducing ventilation to minimize the risk for adverse indoor air quality and possible health effects. In conclusion, shutdown ventilation during nights and weekends in school buildings have a large energy saving potential. Properly used, i.e. by controlling moisture supply and chemical emissions, evaluating time-schedules and keeping a good communication with the users, we consider it a low risk that the indoor air quality would be affected during school time

  7. Use of ashes from straw and grass on agricultural land. Conditions and recommendations; Spridning av aska fraan straabraenslen paa aakermark. Foerutsaettningar och rekommendationer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hadders, G.; Floden, S.


    The composition of ashes from straw fuel varies depending on the plant species, any fertilisation during the growing season, and weather conditions during the year in question, etc. The composition of ashes will also vary depending on what type of boiler the fuel has been combusted in. In this report the discussion has been restricted to so-called `grate boilers` with a capacity of <5 MW. In such boilers one can distinguish between the so-called `bottom ashes` from the boiler grate and the `fly-ashes` which are extracted from exhaust gases. Today there are no regulations prescribing how ashes from straw and energy crops shall be handled. However, there is a policy on biofuel ash recycling which was developed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. In their policy the Environmental Protection Agency states that `whatever is removed may be returned`. Through the use of ashes from straw fuels as plant nutrients, the nutrients removed at harvest are returned. At the same time new supplies of minerals from external sources, and thereby following input of undesirable substances such as for instance cadmium, are avoided. The alternative i.e., dumping the ashes in landfills, results in unnecessary costs. In an explanatory note accompanying the agency document, it is stated that the ashes should preferably be returned to the crop and soil from which they had originated. If the ashes are to be spread on other land, the agency proposes that the restrictions imposed on sludge applications be applied here as well. In our opinion, it would be unreasonable for limitations on the use of ashes from agricultural crops as plant nutrients to be more strict than those concerning the use of fertilizers. Since chemical fertilizers can be used on any type of crop, there is no logical reason why the same should not also apply to ashes from straw fuels. Thus we recommend that the application of such ashes to non-energy crops be allowed. If there is reason to suspect high contents of undesirable metals in the soil, a soil analysis should also be performed. However, this advice applies to the use of all types of plant-nutrient amendments, not just straw fuels. Furthermore, it is unreasonable to expect each individual farm to be responsible for carrying out such an analysis. In a number of limited tests with straw ashes, lime spreaders gave better results than conventional manure-spreaders, according to the operator. However, even with this type of spreader the dose was too large. With two pages summary in English. Tables with text in English. 23 refs, 7 tabs

  8. The effect of cleaning on materials wastage in biomass and waste fired power plants; Sotningens inverkan paa materialfoerluster foer bio- och avfallseldade pannor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hjoernhede, Anders; Henderson, Pamela


    The reason for this study is the relatively large material loss caused by soot blowing of heat exchange surface in waste- and biomass fired boilers. The material losses depend on the method of cleaning: Normally soot blowing with a relatively high pressure is used in order to remove deposits on super heater tubes. However, this also damages the tube material. Earlier theories state that the material losses are caused by erosion or rather erosion-corrosion of the tube surface. There is a clear evidence for the existence for this type of damage, but it is often caused by badly adjusted soot blowing equipment. However, even well adjusted equipment causes accelerated metal loss, albeit lower than with badly adjusted soot blowers. This type of material loss is caused by the removal of the outer molten deposit layer. This outer layer of deposit actually acts as a barrier to corrosive species diffusing inwards towards the oxide and uncorroded metal. There is a lamellar oxide under this deposit, which is especially protective if it contains Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}, MoO{sub 3} or Nb{sub 2}O{sub 5}. The lamellar oxide is damaged by the defects produced by the soot blowing and the diffusion of corrosive species into the metal tube. Since molybdenum probably through molybdenum oxide seems to reduce metal losses due to soot blowing, alloys containing molybdenum should be used. The addition of sulphur, or sulphur compounds like ammonium sulphate reduces the deposit growth rate by about 50%. This means that the soot blowing frequency and therefore metal losses are reduced. There is also an indication that certain metals or alloys reduce the tendency for deposits to stick to tubes. Coating with pure nickel is one example of this, but as nickel is sensitive to soot blowing it is not possible to use nickel in areas affected by soot blowing. A common way of reducing metal losses is to mount tube shields on the most affected tubes. These shields are changed regularly. Normally expensive austenitic stainless steels have been used. Cheaper materials like SiCromAl could be used instead. Research indicates that it is beneficial to leave some deposits on the tube, i.e. not to clean completely. A reduction in the soot blowing pressure or frequency also reduces metal losses.

  9. Kritisk självreflektion i komplexa frågor: Att hjälpa studenterna att ta makten över sitt tänkande

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Wolrath Söderberg


    Full Text Available Den här artikeln handlar om studenters kritiska självreflektion. Utgångspunkten är att de former av kritiskt tänkande som vi traditionellt odlar inom högskolan är otillräckliga när det gäller vår tids kritiska frågor, som exempelvis klimatfrågan. När det rör sig om komplexa och värdeladdade frågor där många perspektiv kan vara giltiga har vi att förhålla oss till olika mänskliga mekanismer som på olika vis hindrar oss från att tänka och agera klokt, exempelvis polarisering, bekräftelsebias, glapp mellan tanke och handling och olika former av legitimeringsstrategier för att låta blir att ta ansvar. Här diskuteras sådana hinder och hur vi kan förhålla oss till dem i högre utbildning.

  10. Influence of ozone and paracetic acid disinfection on adhesion of resilient liners to acrylic resin. (United States)

    Ekren, Orhun; Ozkomur, Ahmet


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of paracetic acid (PAA) and ozone disinfection on the tensile bond strength (TBS) of silicone-based resilient liners to acrylic resins. One hundred and twenty dumbbell shaped heat-polymerized acrylic resins were prepared. From the mid segment of the specimens, 3 mm of acrylic were grinded off and separated parts were reattached by resilient liners. The specimens were divided into 2 control (control1, control7) and 4 test groups of PAA and ozone disinfection (PAA1, PAA7, ozone1 and ozone7; n=10). While control groups were immersed in distilled water for 10 min (control1) and 7 days (control7), test groups were subjected to PAA (16 g/L) or ozone rich water (4 mg/L) for 1 cycle (10 min for PAA and 60 min for ozone) per day for 7 days prior to tensile tests. Measurements of the TBS were analyzed using 3-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test. Adhesive strength of Mollosil decreased significantly by application of ozone disinfection. PAA disinfection had no negative effect on the TBS values of Mollosil and Molloplast B to acrylic resin. Single application of ozone disinfection did not have any negative effect on TBS values of Molloplast B, but prolonged exposure to ozone decreased its adhesive strength. The adhesion of resilient liners to acrylic was not adversely affected by PAA disinfection. Immersion in ozonated water significantly decreased TBS of Mollosil. Prolonged exposure to ozone negatively affects adhesion of Molloplast B to denture base materials.

  11. Globus Platform-as-a-Service for Collaborative Science Applications. (United States)

    Ananthakrishnan, Rachana; Chard, Kyle; Foster, Ian; Tuecke, Steven


    Globus, developed as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) for research data management, also provides APIs that constitute a flexible and powerful Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to which developers can outsource data management activities such as transfer and sharing, as well as identity, profile and group management. By providing these frequently important but always challenging capabilities as a service, accessible over the network, Globus PaaS streamlines web application development and makes it easy for individuals, teams, and institutions to create collaborative applications such as science gateways for science communities. We introduce the capabilities of this platform and review representative applications.

  12. Reactions of 11C recoil atoms in the systems H2O-NH3, H2O-CH4 and NH3-CH4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nebeling, B.


    In this study the chemical reactions of recoil carbon 11 in the binary gas mixtures H 2 O-NH 3 , H 2 O-CH 4 and NH 3 -CH 4 in different mixing ratios as well as in solid H 2 O and in a solid H 2 O-NH 3 mixture were analyzed in dependence of the dose. The analyses were to serve e.g. the simulation of chemical processes caused by solar wind, solar radiation and cosmic radiation in the coma and core of comets. They were to give further information about the role of the most important biogeneous element carbon, i.e. carbon, in the chemical evolution of the solar system. Besides the actual high energy processes resulting in the so-called primary products, also the radiation-chemical changes of the primary products were also observed in a wide range of dosing. The generation of the energetic 11 C atoms took place according to the target composition by the nuclear reactions 14 N(p,α) 11 C, 12 C( 3 He,α) 11 C or the 16 O(p,αpn) 11 C reaction. The identification of the products marked with 11 C was carried out by means of radio gas chromatography or radio liquid chromatography (HPLC). (orig./RB) [de

  13. NCBI nr-aa BLAST: CBRC-DNOV-01-2878 [SEVENS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CBRC-DNOV-01-2878 ref|YP_680769.1| murein endopeptidase [Roseobacter denitrificans ...OCh 114] gb|ABG30083.1| murein endopeptidase [Roseobacter denitrificans OCh 114] YP_680769.1 1.4 29% ...

  14. Presolvated Electron Reaction with Methylacetoacetate: Electron Localization, Proton-Deuteron Exchange, and H-atom Abstraction (United States)

    Petrovici, Alex; Adhikary, Amitava; Kumar, Anil; Sevilla, Michael D.


    Radiation-produced electrons initiate various reaction processes that are important to radiation damage to biomolecules. In this work, the site of attachment of the prehydrated electrons with methylacetoacetate (MAA, CH3-CO-CH2-CO-OCH3) at 77 K and subsequent reactions of the anion radical (CH3-CO•−-CH2-CO-OCH3) in the temperature range (77 to ca. 170 K) have been investigated in homogeneous H2O and D2O aqueous glasses by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. At 77 K, the prehydrated electron attaches to MAA forming the anion radical in which the electron is delocalized over the two carbonyl groups. This species readily protonates to produce the protonated electron adduct radical CH3-C(•)OH-CH2-CO-OCH3. The ESR spectrum of CH3-C(•)OH-CH2-CO-OCH3 in H2O shows line components due to proton hyperfine couplings of the methyl and methylene groups. Whereas, the ESR spectrum of CH3-C(•)OH-CH2-CO-OCH3 in D2O glass shows only the line components due to proton hyperfine couplings of CH3 group. This is expected since the methylen protons in MAA are readily exchangeable in D2O. On stepwise annealing to higher temperatures (ca. 150 to 170 K), CH3-C(•)OH-CH2-CO-OCH3 undergoes bimolecular H-atom abstraction from MAA to form the more stable radical, CH3-CO-CH•-CO-OCH3. Theoretical calculations using density functional theory (DFT) support the radical assignments. PMID:25255751

  15. Konstruktion av vertikaltransportör för materialhantering


    Furu, Micke


    Rotab Rostfria Transportörer AB tillverkar och utvecklar material- och godshanteringsutrustning. Företaget levererar även kompletta materialhanteringslösningar i form av godshanteringsanläggningar som ofta består av transportband och paketeringsutrustning. Examensarbetets mål är att utveckla en vertikaltransportör som ska transportera gods mellan två transportband belägna på olika höjder, transporten ska kunna varieras mellan 1000 - 3000 mm. Transportören ska undvika de två stora nackdelarna ...

  16. A fascinating field and a pragmatic enterprise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjørland, Birger


    A reviewer wrote about the book: "I synnerhet Hjørlands kapitel väcker frågor om fältets inriktning och framtid som det hade varit intressant om redaktörerna hade fångat upp och diskuterat i ett avslutande och syntetiserande kapitel. Detta hade kunnat lyfta denna konferensantologi till något mer ...... en spännande samling texter." Hanna Carlsson i Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling:

  17. Preparation by Poly(Acrylic Acid) Sol-Gel Method and Thermoelectric Properties of γ-Na x CoO2 Bulk Materials (United States)

    Li, Xiaoyu; Zhang, Li; Tang, Xinfeng


    γ-Na x CoO2 single-phase powders have been synthesized by a poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) sol-gel (SG) method, and γ-Na x CoO2 bulk ceramic fabricated using spark plasma sintering. The effects of the PAA concentration on the sample phase composition and morphology were investigated. The thermoelectric properties of the γ-Na x CoO2 bulk ceramic were also studied. The results show that the PAA concentration did not significantly affect the crystalline phase of the product. However, agglomeration of γ-Na x CoO2 crystals was suppressed by the steric effect of PAA. The Na x CoO2 bulk ceramic obtained using the PAA SG method had higher crystallographic anisotropy, better chemical homogeneity, and higher density than the sample obtained by solid-state reaction (SSR), leading to improved thermoelectric performance. The PAA SG sample had power factor (in-plane PF = σS 2) of 0.61 mW m-1 K-2 and dimensionless figure of merit ( ZT) along the in-plane direction of 0.19 at 900 K, higher than for the SSR sample (in-plane PF = 0.51 mW m-1 K-2, in-plane ZT = 0.17). These results demonstrate that a simple and feasible PAA SG method can be used for synthesis of Na x CoO2 ceramics with improved thermoelectric properties.

  18. Understanding improved osteoblast behavior on select nanoporous anodic alumina (United States)

    Ni, Siyu; Li, Changyan; Ni, Shirong; Chen, Ting; Webster, Thomas J


    The aim of this study was to prepare different sized porous anodic alumina (PAA) and examine preosteoblast (MC3T3-E1) attachment and proliferation on such nanoporous surfaces. In this study, PAA with tunable pore sizes (25 nm, 50 nm, and 75 nm) were fabricated by a two-step anodizing procedure in oxalic acid. The surface morphology and elemental composition of PAA were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. The nanopore arrays on all of the PAA samples were highly regular. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis suggested that the chemistry of PAA and flat aluminum surfaces were similar. However, contact angles were significantly greater on all of the PAA compared to flat aluminum substrates, which consequently altered protein adsorption profiles. The attachment and proliferation of preosteoblasts were determined for up to 7 days in culture using field emission scanning electron microscopy and a Cell Counting Kit-8. Results showed that nanoporous surfaces did not enhance initial preosteoblast attachment, whereas preosteoblast proliferation dramatically increased when the PAA pore size was either 50 nm or 75 nm compared to all other samples (Paluminum by modifying surface nano-roughness alone (and not changing chemistry) through an anodization process to improve osteoblast density, and, thus, should be further studied as a bioactive interface for orthopedic applications. PMID:25045263

  19. Polyacrylic acid grafted kaolinite via a facile ‘grafting to’ approach based on heterogeneous esterification and its adsorption for Cu2+ (United States)

    Zhao, Ping; Zhou, Qi; Yan, Chunjie; Luo, Wenjun


    Kaolinite (KLN) was successfully decorated by polyacrylic acid (PAA) brushes via a facile ‘one-step’ manner in this study. This process was achieved by heterogeneous esterification between carboxyl on the PAA chains and hydroxyl on the KLN in the presence of Al3+ as catalyst. The prepared composite (denoted as PAA-g-KLN) was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), x-ray diffraction pattern (XRD), Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and thermogravimetry (TG) to confirm the successful grafting of PAA brushes on the surface of KLN. Subsequently, the PAA-g-KLN was used as adsorbent for the removal of Cu2+ from wastewater. Due to the introduction of abundant and highly accessible carboxyl groups on the surface of kaolinite, PAA-g-KLN exhibited an enhanced adsorption performance than raw kaolinite, which could be up to 32.45 mg·g-1 at 45 °C with a fast adsorption kinetic. Theoretical models analysis revealed that Langmuir isotherm model and the pseudo second-order model were more suitable for well elucidation of the experimental data. In addition, the regeneration experiment showed that the PAA-g-KLN could still keep a satisfactory adsorption capacity (>65%) by being reused for 6 consecutive cycles. The study provides an easy and rapid method for surface polyelectrolyte modification on inorganic mineral as a promising adsorbent to remove Cu2+ from aqueous solution.

  20. Respiratory Symptoms in Hospital Cleaning Staff Exposed to a Product Containing Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic Acid, and Acetic Acid. (United States)

    Hawley, Brie; Casey, Megan; Virji, Mohammed Abbas; Cummings, Kristin J; Johnson, Alyson; Cox-Ganser, Jean


    Cleaning and disinfecting products consisting of a mixture of hydrogen peroxide (HP), peracetic acid (PAA), and acetic acid (AA) are widely used as sporicidal agents in health care, childcare, agricultural, food service, and food production industries. HP and PAA are strong oxidants and their mixture is a recognized asthmagen. However, few exposure assessment studies to date have measured HP, PAA, and AA in a health care setting. In 2015, we performed a health and exposure assessment at a hospital where a new sporicidal product, consisting of HP, PAA, and AA was introduced 16 months prior. We collected 49 full-shift time-weighted average (TWA) air samples and analyzed samples for HP, AA, and PAA content. Study participants were observed while they performed cleaning duties, and duration and frequency of cleaning product use was recorded. Acute upper airway, eye, and lower airway symptoms were recorded in a post-shift survey (n = 50). A subset of 35 cleaning staff also completed an extended questionnaire that assessed symptoms reported by workers as regularly occurring or as having occurred in the previous 12 months. Air samples for HP (range: 5.5 to 511.4 ppb) and AA (range: 6.7 to 530.3 ppb) were all below established US occupational exposure limits (OEL). To date, no full-shift TWA OEL for PAA has been established in the United States, however an OEL of 0.2 ppm has been suggested by several research groups. Air samples for PAA ranged from 1.1 to 48.0 ppb and were well below the suggested OEL of 0.2 ppm. Hospital cleaning staff using a sporicidal product containing HP, PAA, and AA reported work-shift eye (44%), upper airway (58%), and lower airway (34%) symptoms. Acute nasal and eye irritation were significantly positively associated with increased exposure to the mixture of the two oxidants: HP and PAA, as well as the total mixture (TM)of HP, PAA, and AA. Shortness of breath when hurrying on level ground or walking up a slight hill was significantly associated

  1. Respiratory Symptoms in Hospital Cleaning Staff Exposed to a Product Containing Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic Acid, and Acetic Acid (United States)

    Hawley, Brie; Casey, Megan; Virji, Mohammed Abbas; Cummings, Kristin J.; Johnson, Alyson; Cox-Ganser, Jean


    Cleaning and disinfecting products consisting of a mixture of hydrogen peroxide (HP), peracetic acid (PAA), and acetic acid (AA) are widely used as sporicidal agents in health care, childcare, agricultural, food service, and food production industries. HP and PAA are strong oxidants and their mixture is a recognized asthmagen. However, few exposure assessment studies to date have measured HP, PAA, and AA in a health care setting. In 2015, we performed a health and exposure assessment at a hospital where a new sporicidal product, consisting of HP, PAA, and AA was introduced 16 months prior. We collected 49 full-shift time-weighted average (TWA) air samples and analyzed samples for HP, AA, and PAA content. Study participants were observed while they performed cleaning duties, and duration and frequency of cleaning product use was recorded. Acute upper airway, eye, and lower airway symptoms were recorded in a post-shift survey (n = 50). A subset of 35 cleaning staff also completed an extended questionnaire that assessed symptoms reported by workers as regularly occurring or as having occurred in the previous 12 months. Air samples for HP (range: 5.5 to 511.4 ppb) and AA (range: 6.7 to 530.3 ppb) were all below established US occupational exposure limits (OEL). To date, no full-shift TWA OEL for PAA has been established in the United States, however an OEL of 0.2 ppm has been suggested by several research groups. Air samples for PAA ranged from 1.1 to 48.0 ppb and were well below the suggested OEL of 0.2 ppm. Hospital cleaning staff using a sporicidal product containing HP, PAA, and AA reported work-shift eye (44%), upper airway (58%), and lower airway (34%) symptoms. Acute nasal and eye irritation were significantly positively associated with increased exposure to the mixture of the two oxidants: HP and PAA, as well as the total mixture (TM) of HP, PAA, and AA. Shortness of breath when hurrying on level ground or walking up a slight hill was significantly associated

  2. Simultaneous harvesting of straw and chaff - for energy purposes. Influence on bale density, yield, field drying process and combustion characteristics; Samtidig skoerd av halm och agnar foer energiaendamaal - inverkan paa avkastning, baldensitet, faelttorkningsfoerlopp och foerbraenningsegenskaper

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lundin, Gunnar; Roennbaeck, Marie


    Introductory field experiments were carried out in central Sweden during 2009 for long- and short-stalked winter wheat crops. Two different types of combine harvesters were used with somewhat different methods of kernel separation. Both harvesters were equipped with the Combi System from Rekordverken. This enabled them to mix the chaff in the straw swath as well as distribute this fraction over the working width. The measurement of crop residue moisture immediately after combine harvesting showed that admixture of chaff reduced the initial moisture in the straw swaths. The added chaff increased the total yield of crop residue with 14%, showing that about half the biologically available chaff was harvested. The combustion analyses showed a slight increase in ash content when chaff was mixed in. This did not cause any significant change in net calorific value or ash melting behavior

  3. Protective effect of a phenolic extract containing indoline amides from Portulaca oleracea against cognitive impairment in senescent mice induced by large dose of D-galactose /NaNO2. (United States)

    Wang, Peipei; Sun, Hongxiang; Liu, Dianyu; Jiao, Zezhao; Yue, Su; He, Xiuquan; Xia, Wen; Ji, Jianbo; Xiang, Lan


    Portulaca oleracea L. is a potherb and also a widely used traditional Chinese medicine. In accordance with its nickname "longevity vegetable", pharmacological study demonstrated that this plant possessed antioxidant, anti-aging, and cognition-improvement function. Active principles pertaining to these functions of P. oleracea need to be elucidated. The present study evaluated the effect of a phenolic extract (PAAs) from P. oleracea which contained specific antioxidant indoline amides on cognitive impairment in senescent mice. PAAs was prepared through AB-8 macroporous resin column chromatography. Total phenol content was determined using colorimetric method, and contents of indoline amides were determined using HPLC-UV method. Senescent Kunming mice with cognitive dysfunction were established by intraperitoneal injection of D-galactose (D-gal, 1250mg/kg/day) and NaNO 2 (90mg/kg/day) for 8 weeks, L-PAAs (360mg/kg/day), H-PAAs (720mg/kg/day), and nootropic drug piracetam (PA, 400mg/kg/day) as the positive control were orally administered. Spatial learning and memory abilities were evaluated by Morris water maze experiment. Activities of AChE, SOD, CAT, and levels of GSH and MDA in the brain or plasma were measured. Hippocampal morphology was observed by HE staining. Chronic treatment of large dose of D-gal/NaNO 2 significantly reduced lifespan, elevated AChE activity, decreased CAT activity, compensatorily up-regulated SOD activity and GSH level, increased MDA level, induced neuronal damage in hippocampal CA1, CA3 and CA4 regions, and impaired cognitive function. Similar to PA, PAAs prolonged the lifespan and improved spatial memory ability. Moreover, PAAs improved learning ability. H-PAAs significantly reversed compensatory increase in SOD activity to the normal level, elevated serum CAT activity, and reduced MDA levels in brain and plasma, more potent than L-PAAs. Besides these, PAAs evidently inhibited hippocampal neuronal damage. However, it had no effect on

  4. Self-Assembly of Charged Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers with Insoluble Blocks of Decreasing Hydrophobicity: From Kinetically Frozen Colloids to Macrosurfactants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    M Jacquin; P Muller; H Cottet; O Theodoly


    We have investigated the self-assembly properties in aqueous solution of amphiphilic diblock copolymers with insoluble blocks of different hydrophobicity and demonstrated that the condition to obtain dynamic micelles is to design samples with insoluble blocks of low enough hydrophobicity. We focus here on results with new water-soluble amphiphilic diblock copolymers poly(diethyleneglycol ethylether acrylate)-b-poly(acrylic acid), or PDEGA-b-PAA. The physical characteristics of PDEGA-b-PAA micelles at high ionization have been determined by small angle neutron scattering (SANS). We show that PDEGA-b-PAA samples form micelles at thermodynamic equilibrium. The critical micelle concentrations (CMCs) decrease strongly with ionic strength and temperature due to a solvent quality decrease for, respectively, the corona and the core. This behavior of reversible aggregation is remarkable as compared to the behavior of kinetically frozen aggregation that has been widely observed with samples of similar architecture and different hydrophobic blocks, for example, poly(styrene)-b-poly(acrylic acid), PS-b-PAA, and poly(butyl acrylate)-b-poly(acrylic acid), PBA-b-PAA. We have measured the interfacial tension between water and the homopolymers PDEGA and PBA at, respectively, 3 and 20 mN/m at room temperature, which permits one to estimate the energy cost to extract a unimer from a micelle. The results are consistent with a micelle association that is fast for PDEGA-b-PAA and kinetically frozen PBA-b-PAA. Hence, PDEGA-b-PAA samples form a new system of synthetic charged macrosurfactant with unique properties of fast dynamic association, tunable charge, and water solubility even at temperatures and NaCl concentrations as high as 65 C and 1 M.

  5. Evaluation of the toxicity data for peracetic acid in deriving occupational exposure limits: a minireview. (United States)

    Pechacek, Nathan; Osorio, Magdalena; Caudill, Jeff; Peterson, Bridget


    Peracetic acid (PAA) is a peroxide-based chemistry that is highly reactive and can produce strong local effects upon direct contact with the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Given its increasing prominence in industry, attention has focused on health hazards and associated risks for PAA in the workplace. Occupational exposure limits (OEL) are one means to mitigate risks associated with chemical hazards in the workplace. A mini-review of the toxicity data for PAA was conducted in order to determine if the data were sufficient to derive health-based OELs. The available data for PAA frequently come from unpublished studies that lack sufficient study details, suffer from gaps in available information and often follow unconventional testing methodology. Despite these limitations, animal and human data suggest sensory irritation as the most sensitive endpoint associated with inhalation of PAA. Rodent RD50 data (the concentration estimated to cause a 50% depression in respiratory rate) were selected as the critical studies in deriving OELs. Based on these data, a range of 0.36-0.51mg/m(3) (0.1-0.2ppm) was calculated for a time-weighted average (TWA), and 1.2-1.7mg/m(3) (0.4-0.5ppm) as a range for a short-term exposure limit (STEL). These ranges compare favorably to other published OELs for PAA. Considering the applicable health hazards for this chemistry, a joint TWA/STEL OEL approach for PAA is deemed the most appropriate in assessing workplace exposures to PAA, and the selection of specific values within these proposed ranges represents a risk management decision. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Photocatalytic applications with CdS • block copolymer/exfoliated graphene nanoensembles: hydrogen generation and degradation of Rhodamine B

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skaltsas, T; Karousis, N; Pispas, S; Tagmatarchis, N


    Amphiphilic block copolymer poly(isoprene-b-acrylic acid) (PI-b-PAA) was used to stabilize exfoliated graphene in water, allowing the immobilization of semiconductor CdS nanoparticles forming CdS • PI-b-PAA/graphene. Characterization using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy proved the success of the preparation method and revealed the presence of spherical CdS. Moreover, UV–Vis and photoluminescence assays suggested that electronic interactions within CdS • PI-b-PAA/graphene exist as evidenced by the significant quenching of the characteristic emission of CdS by exfoliated graphene. Photoillumination of CdS • PI-b-PAA/graphene, in the presence of ammonium formate as a quencher for the photogenerated holes, resulted in the generation of hydrogen by water splitting, monitored by the reduction of 4-nitroaniline to benzene-1,4-diamine (>80 ± 4% at 20 min; 100% at 24 min), much faster and more efficient compared to when reference CdS • PI-b-PAA was used as the photocatalyst (<30 ± 3% at 20 min; 100% at 240 min). Moreover, Rhodamine B was photocatalytically degraded by CdS • PI-b-PAA/graphene, with fast kinetics under visible light illumination in the presence of air. The enhancement of both photocatalytic processes by CdS • PI-b-PAA/graphene was rationalized in terms of effective separation of holes and electrons, contrary to reference CdS • PI-b-PAA, in which rapid recombination of the hole–electron pair is inevitable due to the absence of exfoliated graphene as a suitable electron acceptor. (paper)

  7. Quantitative description and local structures of trivalent metal ions Eu(III) and Cm(III) complexed with poly-acrylic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montavon, G.; Huclier-Markai, S.; Grambow, B.; Bouby, M.; Geckeis, H.; Rabung, T.; Huclier-Markai, S.; Pashalidis, I.; Amekraz, B.; Moulin, C.


    The trivalent metal ion (M(III) = Cm, Eu)/poly-acrylic acid (PAA) system was studied in the pH range between 3 and 5.5 for a molar PAA-to-metal ratio above 1. The interaction was studied for a wide range of PAA (0.05 mg L -1 -50 g L -1 ) and metal ion concentrations (2*10 -9 - 10 -3 M). This work aimed at 3 goals (i) to determine the stoichiometry of M(III)-PAA complexes, (ii) to determine the number of complexed species and the local environment of the metal ion, and (iii) to quantify the reaction processes. Asymmetric flow-field-flow fractionation (AsFIFFF) coupled to ICP-MS evidenced that size distributions of Eu-PAA complexes and PAA were identical, suggesting that Eu bound to only one PAA chain. Time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) measurements performed with Eu and Cm showed a continuous shift of the spectra with increasing pH. The environment of complexed metal ions obviously changes with pH. Most probably, spectral variations arose from conformational changes within the M(Ill)-PAA complex due to pH variation. Complexation data describing the distribution of complexed and free metal ion were measured with Cm by TRLFS. They could be quantitatively described in the whole pH-range studied by considering the existence of only a single complexed species. This indicates that the slight changes in M(III) speciation with pH observed at the molecular level do not significantly affect the intrinsic binding constant. The interaction constant obtained from the modelling must be considered as a mean interaction constant. (authors)

  8. Peracetic acid for secondary effluent disinfection: a comprehensive performance assessment. (United States)

    Antonelli, M; Turolla, A; Mezzanotte, V; Nurizzo, C


    The paper is a review of previous research on secondary effluent disinfection by peracetic acid (PAA) integrated with new data about the effect of a preliminary flash-mixing step. The process was studied at bench and pilot scale to assess its performance for discharge in surface water and agricultural reuse (target microorganisms: Escherichia coli and faecal coliform bacteria). The purposes of the research were: (1) determining PAA decay and disinfection kinetics as a function of operating parameters, (2) evaluating PAA suitability as a disinfectant, (3) assessing long-term disinfection efficiency, (4) investigating disinfected effluent biological toxicity on some aquatic indicator organisms (Vibrio fischeri, Daphnia magna and Selenastrum capricornutum), (5) comparing PAA with conventional disinfectants (sodium hypochlorite, UV irradiation). PAA disinfection was capable of complying with Italian regulations on reuse (10 CFU/100 mL for E. coli) and was competitive with benchmarks. No regrowth phenomena were observed, as long as needed for agricultural reuse (29 h after disinfection), even at negligible concentrations of residual disinfectant. The toxic effect of PAA on the aquatic environment was due to the residual disinfectant in the water, rather than to chemical modification of the effluent.

  9. Nanoporous alumina as templates for multifunctional applications (United States)

    Sousa, C. T.; Leitao, D. C.; Proenca, M. P.; Ventura, J.; Pereira, A. M.; Araujo, J. P.


    Due to its manufacturing and size tailoring ease, porous anodic alumina (PAA) templates are an elegant physical-chemical nanopatterning approach and an emergent alternative to more sophisticated and expensive methods currently used in nanofabrication. In this review, we will describe the ground work on the fabrication methods of PAA membranes and PAA-based nanostructures. We will present the specificities of the electrochemical growth processes of multifunctional nanomaterials with diversified shapes (e.g., nanowires and nanotubes), and the fabrication techniques used to grow ordered nanohole arrays. We will then focus on the fabrication, properties and applications of magnetic nanostructures grown on PAA and illustrate their dependence on internal (diameter, interpore distance, length, composition) and external (temperature and applied magnetic field intensity and direction) parameters. Finally, the most outstanding experimental findings on PAA-grown nanostructures and their trends for technological applications (sensors, energy harvesting, metamaterials, and biotechnology) will be addressed.

  10. SiO{sub 2} nanodot arrays using functionalized block copolymer templates and selective silylation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Su Min; Ku, Se Jin; Kim, Jin-Baek, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 373-1, Guseong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, 305-701 (Korea, Republic of)


    Silicon oxide nanodot arrays were fabricated using functionalized block copolymer templates and selective silylation. A polystyrene-b-poly(acrylic acid/acrylic anhydride) (PS-b-PAA/AN) thin film containing spherical nanodomains was used as a template to build nanoscopic silica structures. A PS-b-PAA/AN thin film was prepared by acid-catalyzed thermal deprotection of polystyrene-b-poly(tert-butyl acrylate) on an SU-8 resist film containing a photoacid generator. This resulting film has excellent solvent and thermal resistance due to crosslinked anhydride linkages in carboxyl-functionalized PAA/AN block domains. Silicon was introduced by spin-spraying of hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) over the entire surface of a self-assembled PS-b-PAA/AN thin film. HMDS was selectively reacted with carboxylic acid groups in spherical domains of a PAA/AN block. SiO{sub 2} nanodot arrays were generated by oxygen reactive ion etching.

  11. Preparation of poly (styrene)-b-poly (acrylic acid)/{gamma}-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, L.D. [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong Polytechnic University, Key Laboratory of Processing and Testing Technology of Glass Functional Ceramics of Shandong Province, Daxue Road, Western University Science Park, Jinan 250353 (China); Liu, W.L., E-mail: [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong Polytechnic University, Key Laboratory of Processing and Testing Technology of Glass Functional Ceramics of Shandong Province, Daxue Road, Western University Science Park, Jinan 250353 (China); Xiao, C.L.; Yao, J.S.; Fan, Z.P.; Sun, X.L.; Zhang, X.; Wang, L. [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong Polytechnic University, Key Laboratory of Processing and Testing Technology of Glass Functional Ceramics of Shandong Province, Daxue Road, Western University Science Park, Jinan 250353 (China); Wang, X.Q. [State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100 (China)


    The use of a block copolymer, poly (styrene)-b-poly (acrylic acid) (PS-b-PAA) to prepare a magnetic nanocomposite was investigated. Poly (styrene)-poly (t-butyl acrylate) block copolymer, being synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization, was hydrolyzed with hydrochloric acid for obtaining PS-b-PAA. The obtained PS-b-PAA was then compounded with the modified {gamma}-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3}, and subsequently the magnetic nanocomposite was achieved. The products were characterized by {sup 1}H NMR, FTIR, gel permeation chromatography, thermogravimetric analysis, transmission electron microscopy and vibrating sample magnetometer. The results showed that the nanocomposites exhibited soft magnetism, with the mean diameter of 100 nm approximately. - Highlights: > Magnetic composites were prepared using {gamma}-Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} and PS-b-PAA. > PS-b-PAA was synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization. > The obtained composite exhibited soft magnetism.

  12. Synthesis of porous poly(styrene-co-acrylic acid) microspheres through one-step soap-free emulsion polymerization: whys and wherefores. (United States)

    Yan, Rui; Zhang, Yaoyao; Wang, Xiaohui; Xu, Jianxiong; Wang, Da; Zhang, Wangqing


    Synthesis of porous poly(styrene-co-acrylic acid) (PS-co-PAA) microspheres through one-step soap-free emulsion polymerization is reported. Various porous PS-co-PAA microspheres with the particle size ranging from 150 to 240 nm and with the pore size ranging from 4 to 25 nm are fabricated. The porous structure of the microspheres is confirmed by the transmission electron microscopy measurement and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis. The reason for synthesis of the porous PS-co-PAA microspheres is discussed, and the phase separation between the encapsulated hydrophilic poly(acrylic acid) segment and the hydrophobic polystyrene domain within the PS-co-PAA microspheres is ascribed to the pore formation. The present synthesis of the porous PS-co-PAA microspheres is anticipated to be a new and convenient way to fabricate porous polymeric particles. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Pulse versus continuous peracetic acid applications: Effects on rainbow trout performance, biofilm formation and water quality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Dibo; Straus, David L.; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming


    Peracetic acid (PAA) products are being introduced to aquaculture as sustainable disinfectants. Two strategies are used to apply PAA: high dose pulse applications, or low dose continuous application. In the present study, their impacts on fish health and water quality were investigated...... by ensuring better water quality....... in triplicate flow-through tanks stocked with rainbow trout. The gentler and shorter water cortisol increase measured along twice-per-week pulse applications of 1 mg L−1 PAA indicated a progressive adaptation of fish. In contrast, the continuous application of 0.2 mg L−1 PAA caused no stress to fish...

  14. CdTe Quantum Dots Embedded in Multidentate Biopolymer Based on Salep: Characterization and Optical Properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghasem Rezanejade Bardajee


    Full Text Available This paper describes a novel method for surface modification of water soluble CdTe quantum dots (QDs by using poly(acrylic acid grafted onto salep (salep-g-PAA as a biopolymer. As-prepared CdTe-salep-g-PAA QDs were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR spectrum, thermogravimetric (TG analysis, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM. The absorption and fluorescence emission spectra were measured to investigate the effect of salep-g-PAA biopolymer on the optical properties of CdTe QDs. The results showed that the optical properties of CdTe QDs were significantly enhanced by using salep-g-PAA-based biopolymer.

  15. Síntese de um poli (ácido âmico para aplicação como interfase em compósitos termoplásticos de alto desempenho Synthesis of a poly (amic acid for appplication as interphase in high performance thermoplastic composites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana B. Nohara


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar a síntese de um poli (ácido âmico (PAA a ser utilizado como formador de interfase no processamento de compósitos termoplásticos de alto desempenho. Os materiais compósitos termoplásticos constituídos de um reforço rígido e de uma matriz dúctil têm as suas propriedades mecânicas fortemente dependentes do mecanismo de transferência de carga fibra/matriz. Por esse motivo, a região da interface/interfase nos materiais compósitos possui um papel fundamental nas propriedades finais do material. O PAA surge como uma alternativa para melhorar a adesão fibra/matriz na região interfacial em compósitos de alto desempenho, constituídos de matrizes termoplásticas, reforçadas com fibras de carbono ou vidro. O PAA é utilizado na forma de sal, na preparação de suspensões poliméricas de matrizes termoplásticas. O PAA estudado neste trabalho foi sintetizado utilizando-se os reagentes BTDA e DHPr. Em seguida, o PAA foi convertido em PI por imidização em solução. Análises por FTIR mostram o sucesso da síntese do PAA e da sua conversão em PI. As técnicas de DSC e TGA determinaram as temperaturas de transição vítrea (~213 °C e de decomposição (~310 °C, respectivamente. Estes resultados motivam a utilização do PAA/PI como formador de interfase na obtenção de compósitos termoplásticos com temperaturas de processamento abaixo de 310 °C.This work is aimed at presenting the synthesis of a poly (amic acid (PAA to be used as interphase precursor in the manufacturing of high performance thermoplastic composites. Thermoplastic composites comprising a rigid reinforcement and a ductile matrix have their mechanical properties strongly dependent on the load transfer mechanism between the reinforcement and matrix. For this reason, the interface/interphase region plays a fundamental hole in the final properties of the composite materials. PAA appeared as an alternative to improve the

  16. Det diskursiva skrivandets funktion – en läromedelsanalys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jenny Magnusson


    Full Text Available Flera forskare har visat att lärare i skolan inte undervisar tillräckligt mycket och tillräckligt tidigt i diskursivt skrivande, ett skrivande som elever behöver för att klara sig i samhället. Som en följd av detta har det diskursiva skrivandet under de senaste åren blivit allt mer uppmärksammat i nya styrdokument och i nya läromedel. Utgångspunkten i den här artikeln är att undersöka vilket stöd lärare får för att klara den uppmärksamheten, alltså de nya kraven som styrdokumenten ställer när det gäller diskursivt skrivande.Det diskursiva skrivandets funktion undersöks här i skrivuppgifter i 19 läromedel i svenska för lågstadiet, där utgångspunkten är den stora betydelse som funktionen har när det gäller skolskrivande, i form av ett tydligt syfte, kontext och mottagare. Ivaničs skrivdiskurser är det analysverktyg som används, och skrivuppgifterna har kategoriserats utifrån dessa diskurser.Det analysen visar är framförallt att variationen är liten i skrivuppgifterna. Eleverna får träna genreform och process, men inte mycket som har med funktion i en samhällskontext utanför skolan att göra. Därutöver visar resultaten att tydliga kontexter och tydliga mottagare är ovanligt i skrivuppgifterna, och i relation till tidigare forskning kan detta ses som problematiskt, då dessa aspekter har visat sig vara avgörande för ett framgångsrikt skrivande.

  17. Electronic nature of zwitterionic alkali metal methanides, silanides and germanides - a combined experimental and computational approach. (United States)

    Li, H; Aquino, A J A; Cordes, D B; Hase, W L; Krempner, C


    Zwitterionic group 14 complexes of the alkali metals of formula [C(SiMe 2 OCH 2 CH 2 OMe) 3 M], (M- 1 ), [Si(SiMe 2 OCH 2 CH 2 OMe) 3 M], (M- 2 ), [Ge(SiMe 2 OCH 2 CH 2 OMe) 3 M], (M- 3 ), where M = Li, Na or K, have been prepared, structurally characterized and their electronic nature was investigated by computational methods. Zwitterions M- 2 and M- 3 were synthesized via reactions of [Si(SiMe 2 OCH 2 CH 2 OMe) 4 ] ( 2 ) and [Ge(SiMe 2 OCH 2 CH 2 OMe) 4 ] ( 3 ) with MOBu t (M = Li, Na or K), resp., in almost quantitative yields, while M- 1 were prepared from deprotonation of [HC(SiMe 2 OCH 2 CH 2 OMe) 3 ] ( 1 ) with LiBu t , NaCH 2 Ph and KCH 2 Ph, resp. X-ray crystallographic studies and DFT calculations in the gas-phase, including calculations of the NPA charges confirm the zwitterionic nature of these compounds, with the alkali metal cations being rigidly locked and charge separated from the anion by the internal OCH 2 CH 2 OMe donor groups. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis and the second order perturbation theory analysis of the NBOs reveal significant hyperconjugative interactions in M- 1 -M- 3 , primarily between the lone pair and the antibonding Si-O orbitals, the extent of which decreases in the order M- 1 > M- 2 > M- 3 . The experimental basicities and the calculated gas-phase basicities of M- 1 -M- 3 reveal the zwitterionic alkali metal methanides M- 1 to be significantly stronger bases than the analogous silanides M- 2 and germanium M- 3 .

  18. Estudo da obtenção através de síntese eletroquímica de poliaminonaftalenos e poliaminoantracenos Preparation of polyaminonaphthalenes and polyaminoanthracenes by electrochemical synthesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franco D. R. Amado


    Full Text Available Os poliaromáticos são um grupo de polímeros condutores composto por poliaminonaftalenos, poliaminoantracenos, poliaminonaftóis e polinaftoquinonas com a presença de dois ou três anéis aromáticos. Neste trabalho, filmes de poliaminoantraceno (PAA e 1,5 polidiaminonaftaleno (1,5-PDAN foram obtidos por eletropolimerização sobre eletrodos de platina, utilizando uma célula de três eletrodos e um único compartimento. Espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR e espectroscopia RAMAN foram usadas para investigar a estrutura do PAA e foi determinada que ela é similar àquela encontrada na polianilina (PAni e nos poliaminonaftalenos. Estudos do comportamento eletroquímico por voltametria cíclica mostraram que tanto o PAA como o 1,5-PDAN apresentam somente um par redox e que o PAA não tem boa estabilidade à ciclagem repetitiva, ao contrário do 1,5-PDAN. Micrografias obtidas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura mostraram filmes compactos e homogêneos, com estrutura globular para ambos os polímeros.The polyaromatics are a group of polymers composed by polyaminonaphthalenes, polyaminoanthracenes and polynaphthoquinones that have aromatic systems with two or three rings. In this work, films of polyaminoanthracene (PAA and 1,5 polydiaminonaphthalene (PDAN-1,5 have been electropolymerized on Pt electrodes in a single compartment cell with three electrodes. Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR and Raman spectroscopies have been used to confirm that the PAA structure is similar to that of polyaniline (PAni. Electrochemical studies have shown that the PAA and the PDAN-1,5 present only one redox pair. However, the PAA did not show a good electrochemical stability, in contrast to PDAN-1,5. The micrographs showed homogeneous and compact films, with globular structure and for both polymers, although PAA showed cracks produced during drying with cold air flow.

  19. Influence of the way of synthesis of poly(methyl methacrylate in the presence of surface modified TiO2 nanoparticles on the properties of obtained nanocomposites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Džunuzović Enis S.


    Full Text Available Incorporation of inorganic nanoparticles can significantly affect the properties of the polymer matrix. The properties of polymer nanocomposites depend on the type of incorporated nanoparticles, their size and shape, their concentration, and interactions with the polymer matrix. Homogeneity of polymer nanocomposites is influenced very much by the preparation method. In this study, TiO2 nanoparticles surface modified with 6-palmitate ascorbic acid (6-PAA were incapsulated in poly(methyl methacrylate (PMMA by in situ radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate initiated by 2,2'-azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN. The surface modification of the TiO2 nanoparticles was achieved by the formation of a charge transfer complex between TiO2 nanoparticles and 6-palmitate ascorbic acid. The radical polymerization of MMA in the presence of TiO2-PAA nanoparticles was conducted in solution (PMMA/TiO2-PAA-R, in bulk (PMMA/TiO2-PAA-M or in suspension (PMMA/TiO2-PAA-S. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the preparation method on the molar masses and thermal properties of PMMA/TiO2-PAA nanocomposite. It was obtained that molar masses of PMMA extracted from the composites had smaller values compared to molar masses of pure PMMA synthesized in the same manner, which indicated that TiO2-PAA nanoparticles affected the reaction of termination. Thermal properties were investigated by DSC and TGA. The values of glass transition temperature, Tg, were influenced by the way the radical polymerization was conducted, even in the case of the pure PMMA. The Tg of composite samples was always smaller than the value of the corresponding PMMA sample and the smallest value was obtained for PMMA/TiO2-PAA-M since they contained the largest amount of low molar mass residue. The TGA results showed that thermal and thermooxidative stability of polymer composites obtained in solution and in suspension was better than for the pure PMMA obtained in the same way.

  20. Biosafety of the Novel Vancomycin-loaded Bone-like Hydroxyapatite/Poly-amino Acid Bony Scaffold

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhi-Dong Cao


    Full Text Available Background: Recently, local sustained-release antibiotics systems have been developed because they can increase local foci of concentrated antibiotics without increasing the plasma concentration, and thereby effectively decrease any systemic toxicity and side effects. A vancomycin-loaded bone-like hydroxyapatite/poly-amino acid (V-BHA/PAA bony scaffold was successfully fabricated with vancomycin-loaded poly lactic-co-glycolic acid microspheres and BHA/PAA, which was demonstrated to exhibit both porosity and perfect biodegradability. The aim of this study was to systematically evaluate the biosafety of this novel scaffold by conducting toxicity tests in vitro and in vivo. Methods: According to the ISO rules for medical implant biosafety, for in vitro tests, the scaffold was incubated with L929 fibroblasts or rabbit noncoagulant blood, with simultaneous creation of positive control and negative control groups. The growth condition of L929 cells and hemolytic ratio were respectively evaluated after various incubation periods. For in vivo tests, a chronic osteomyelitis model involving the right proximal tibia of New Zealand white rabbits was established. After bacterial identification, the drug-loaded scaffold, drug-unloaded BHA/PAA, and poly (methyl methacrylate were implanted, and a blank control group was also set up. Subsequently, the in vivo blood drug concentrations were measured, and the kidney and liver functions were evaluated. Results: In the in vitro tests, the cytotoxicity grades of V-BHA/PAA and BHA/PAA-based on the relative growth rate were all below 1. The hemolysis ratios of V-BHA/PAA and BHA/PAA were 2.27% and 1.42%, respectively, both below 5%. In the in vivo tests, the blood concentration of vancomycin after implantation of V-BHA/PAA was measured at far below its toxic concentration (60 mg/L, and the function and histomorphology of the liver and kidney were all normal. Conclusion: According to ISO standards, the V-BHA/PAA scaffold

  1. Characterization of the porous anodic alumina nanostructures with a metal interlayer on Si substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fang, Chia-Hui; Chen, Hung-Ing; Hsiao, Jui-Ju; Wang, Jen-Cheng; Nee, Tzer-En, E-mail:


    Porous anodic alumina (PAA) films produced by the anodization technique have made possible the mass production of porous nano-scale structures where the pore height and diameter are controllable. A metal interlayer is observed to have a significant influence on the characteristics of these PAA nanostructures. In this study, we investigate in-depth the effect of the current density on the properties of porous anodic alumina nanostructures with a metal interlayer. A thin film layer of tungsten (W) and titanium (Ti) was sandwiched between a porous anodic alumina film and a silicon (Si) substrate to form PAA/W/Si and PAA/Ti/Si structures. The material and optical characteristics of the porous anodic alumina nanostructures, with and without a metal interlayer, on silicon substrates were studied using the scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) measurements. The current densities of the porous anodic alumina nanostructures with the metal interlayer are higher than for the PAA/Si, resulting in an increase of the growth rate of the oxide layer. It can be observed from the X-ray diffraction curves that there is more aluminum oxide inside the structure with the metal interlayer. Furthermore, it has been found that there is a reduction in the photoluminescence intensity of the oxygen vacancy with only one electron due to the formation of oxygen vacancies inside the aluminum oxide during the re-crystallization process. This leads to competition between the two kinds of different oxygen-deficient defect centers (F+ and F centers) in the carrier recombination mechanism from the PL spectra of the porous anodic alumina nanostructures, with and without a metal interlayer, on silicon substrates. -- Highlights: • Study of porous anodic alumina (PAA) films with metal interlayers on silicon. • The highly ordered PAA film with a fairly regular nano-porous structure. • The luminescence properties of PAA films were

  2. NCBI nr-aa BLAST: CBRC-DRER-14-0059 [SEVENS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CBRC-DRER-14-0059 ref|YP_683352.1| hypothetical protein RD1_3158 [Roseobacter denit...rificans OCh 114] gb|ABG32666.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Roseobacter denitrificans OCh 114] YP_683352.1 2.5 41% ...

  3. NCBI nr-aa BLAST: CBRC-DRER-26-0529 [SEVENS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CBRC-DRER-26-0529 ref|YP_683352.1| hypothetical protein RD1_3158 [Roseobacter denit...rificans OCh 114] gb|ABG32666.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Roseobacter denitrificans OCh 114] YP_683352.1 2.5 41% ...

  4. Rational Design of Coordination Polymers with Flexible Oxyethylene Side Chains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Eun Young; Gao, Chunji; Lee, Suck Hyun; Kwon, O Pil


    We rationally designed and synthesized metallopolymers with organic 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid (BDC) linkers with different lengths of oxyethylene side chains in order to examine the influence of side chains on the coordination characteristics. While in a previous report the BDC linkers with alkyl side chains were found to form three-dimensional (3D) isoreticular metal-organic framework (IRMOF) structures or one-dimensional (1D) coordination polymeric structures with short -O(CH 2 ) 6 CH 3 or long -O(CH 2 ) 9 CH 3 side chains, respectively, new BDC linkers with oxyethylene side chains of the same lengths, -(OCH 2 CH 2 ) 2 CH 3 and -(OCH 2 CH 2 ) 3 CH 3 , form only 3D IRMOF structures. This result is attributed to the higher flexibility and smaller volume of oxyethylene side chains compared to alkyl side chains

  5. Ionization of amphiphilic acidic block copolymers. (United States)

    Colombani, Olivier; Lejeune, Elise; Charbonneau, Céline; Chassenieux, Christophe; Nicolai, Taco


    The ionization behavior of an amphiphilic diblock copolymer poly(n-butyl acrylate(50%)-stat-acrylic acid(50%))(100)-block-poly(acrylic acid)(100) (P(nBA(50%)-stat-AA(50%))(100)-b-PAA(100), DH50) and of its equivalent triblock copolymer P(nBA(50%)-stat-AA(50%))(100)-b-PAA(200)-b-P(nBA(50%)-stat-AA(50%))(100) (TH50) were studied by potentiometric titration either in pure water or in 0.5 M NaCl. These polymers consist of a hydrophilic acidic block (PAA) connected to a hydrophobic block, P(nBA(50%)-stat-AA(50%))(100), whose hydrophobic character has been mitigated by copolymerization with hydrophilic units. We show that all AA units, even those in the hydrophobic block could be ionized. However, the AA units within the hydrophobic block were less acidic than those in the hydrophilic block, resulting in the preferential ionization of the latter block. The preferential ionization of PAA over that of P(nBA(50%)-stat-AA(50%))(100) was stronger at higher ionic strength. Remarkably, the covalent bonds between the PAA and P(nBA(50%)-stat-AA(50%))(100) blocks in the diblock or the triblock did not affect the ionization of each block, although the self-association of the block copolymers into spherical aggregates modified the environment of the PAA blocks compared to when PAA was molecularly dispersed.

  6. Smooth model surfaces from lignin derivatives. II. Adsorption of polyelectrolytes and PECs monitored by QCM-D. (United States)

    Norgren, Magnus; Gärdlund, Linda; Notley, Shannon M; Htun, Myat; Wågberg, Lars


    For the first time to the knowledge of the authors, well-defined and stable lignin model surfaces have been utilized as substrates in polyelectrolyte adsorption studies. The adsorption of polyallylamine (PAH), poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), and polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) was monitored using quartz crystal microgravimetry with dissipation (QCM-D). The PECs were prepared by mixing PAH and PAA at different ratios and sequences, creating both cationic and anionic PECs with different charge levels. The adsorption experiments were performed in 1 and 10 mM sodium chloride solutions at pH 5 and 7.5. The highest adsorption of PAH and cationic PECs was found at pH 7.5, where the slightly negatively charged nature of the lignin substrate is more pronounced, governing electrostatic attraction of oppositely charged polymeric substances. An increase in the adsorption was further found when the electrolyte concentration was increased. In comparison, both PAA and the anionic PEC showed remarkably high adsorption to the lignin model film. The adsorption of PAA was further studied on silica and was found to be relatively low even at high electrolyte concentrations. This indicated that the high PAA adsorption on the lignin films was not induced by a decreased solubility of the anionic polyelectrolyte. The high levels of adsorption on lignin model surfaces found both for PAA and the anionic PAA-PAH polyelectrolyte complex points to the presence of strong nonionic interactions in these systems.

  7. Simulering av muskelaktivitet vid pedalbromsning


    Ejdepalm, Erik; Westerdahl, Walter


    En muskeloskeletal kroppsmodell har undersökts med avseende på maximal muskelbelastning genom biomekanisk simulering i programmet AnyBody. En kroppsmodell har låtits interagera med ett reglage i form av en bromspedal från en Saab 9-3 och muskelbelastningen till följd av att pedalen trampas ned har minimerats. De parametrar hos pedalen som har varierats är initialvinkeln och returfjäderns fjäderkonstant. Den sits på vilken kroppsmodellen sitter har flyttats vertikalt och horisontellt i förhåll...

  8. The movement continues : En kvalitativ textanalys av Donald Trump ur ett propagandaperspektiv


    Segerström, Lina


    Den 20 januari 2017 tillträdde Donald Trump som USA:s 45e president. Redan under valkampanjen, som Trump gick in i som en politisk outsider, såg vi en ny kommunikationsstil träda i kraft som enligt Enli (2017) bättre kan beskrivas som amatörism. Språket var rakt, direkt och ofiltrerat och tog ett stort kliv ifrån den traditionella politiska kommunikationen. Trumps huvudsakliga kommunikationsplattform är den sociala mediesajten Twitter där han kommunicerar frekvent och monologiskt med sin publ...

  9. Validering som kommunikationsfärdighet till par där kvinnan har vaginism


    Bernling, Marit; Munck af Rosenschöld, Lisa


    Vaginism är ett sexuellt problem som förekommer hos kvinnor och som i tidigare utvärderade behandlingar betraktats som kvinnans problem. Forskning inom området vaginism är begränsad och kunskap om parrelationens roll för vidmakthållandet av problematiken och upplevd relationstillfredsställelse saknas. Studiens syfte var att utforma en parbehandling där kommunikationsinterventionen validering lärs ut som färdighet, utforska om det fanns ett intresse för deltagande, samt utvärdera om behandling...

  10. Skapandet av en handbok för ett franchiseföretag : Case: Pub Niska


    Juvonen, Jenni


    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att skapa en franchisehandbok för franchiserestaurangen Pub Niska. En franchisehandbok innehåller mer detaljerad information om ett företag, dess riktlinjer och vardagliga rutiner. En franchisehandboks viktigaste uppgift är att säkra kvaliteten i ett koncept. Franchisehandboken för Pub Niska innehåller information om företaget i allmänhet och beskriver hur företaget är uppbyggt samt presenterar riktlinjer för marknadsföring, inredning och ekonomi. Dessuto...

  11. Mödrars upplevelser av att drabbas av postpartumdepression


    Wallin, Rebecca; Pitkämäki, Kia


    Bakgrund: Postpartumdepression (PPD) drabbar mellan 8-15% av alla kvinnor som föder barn och innebär stora påfrestningar för både modern, partnern och spädbarnet. Utvecklandet av PPD har multifaktoriella orsaker som tidigare psykiatrisk sjukdom, dåligt parförhållande och brist på socialt stöd. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av postpartumdepression. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt där vetenskapliga artiklar motsvarande studiens syfte granskades. Samtliga a...

  12. MF-plan till företaget Design TL


    Virtanen, Aino


    Examensarbetet gjordes för företaget Design TL med uppgiften att göra en mark-nadsföringsplan för företaget som skall starta verksamheten 2016. Detta examensar-bete har utförts genom litteraturstudie och information av uppdragsgivaren. Upp-dragsgivaren var Tarja Lamberg. Företaget sysslar med konst, konsthantverks plane-ring och design, tillverkning och försäljning. Uppdragsgivaren gav mig fria händer med planet, det enda som skulle tas i beakta var den begränsade budgeten. Teoride-len satte...

  13. Export eller joint venture? : Ett litet företags internationella expansion.


    Hamilton, Tobias; Tenne, Fredrik


    För små till medelstora företag (SMEs) vars kännetecken är bristande resurser kan konsekvensen av ett felaktigt etableringssätt vid internationell expansion vara skillnaden mellan överlevnad och konkurs (Kuo & Li 2003). Etableringar på utländska marknader kan genomföras via en rad olika etableringssätt. Två av dessa kommer att behandlas i denna uppsats; export och joint venture. Det amerikanska SME-företaget Pro Spot tillverkar svetsar till bilverkstäder och önskar expandera på den europe...

  14. NCBI nr-aa BLAST: CBRC-DRER-26-0448 [SEVENS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CBRC-DRER-26-0448 ref|YP_682608.1| hypothetical protein RD1_2346 [Roseobacter denit...rificans OCh 114] gb|ABG31922.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Roseobacter denitrificans OCh 114] YP_682608.1 2e-89 38% ...

  15. NCBI nr-aa BLAST: CBRC-DDIS-03-0142 [SEVENS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CBRC-DDIS-03-0142 ref|YP_683041.1| 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase [Roseobacter deni...trificans OCh 114] gb|ABG32355.1| 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase [Roseobacter denitrificans OCh 114] YP_683041.1 1e-122 61% ...

  16. Underwater wireless optical MIMO system with spatial modulation and adaptive power allocation (United States)

    Huang, Aiping; Tao, Linwei; Niu, Yilong


    In this paper, we investigate the performance of underwater wireless optical multiple-input multiple-output communication system combining spatial modulation (SM-UOMIMO) with flag dual amplitude pulse position modulation (FDAPPM). Channel impulse response for coastal and harbor ocean water links are obtained by Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. Moreover, we obtain the closed-form and upper bound average bit error rate (BER) expressions for receiver diversity including optical combining, equal gain combining and selected combining. And a novel adaptive power allocation algorithm (PAA) is proposed to minimize the average BER of SM-UOMIMO system. Our numeric results indicate an excellent match between the analytical results and numerical simulations, which confirms the accuracy of our derived expressions. Furthermore, the results show that adaptive PAA outperforms conventional fixed factor PAA and equal PAA obviously. Multiple-input single-output system with adaptive PAA obtains even better BER performance than MIMO one, at the same time reducing receiver complexity effectively.

  17. Lithium polyacrylate as a binder for tin-cobalt-carbon negative electrodes in lithium-ion batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Jing [Dept. of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. B3H 3J5 (Canada); Le, D.-B. [3M Electronic Markets Materials Division, 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 (United States); Ferguson, P.P. [Dept. of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. B3H 3J5 (Canada); Dahn, J.R., E-mail: jeff.dahn@dal.c [Dept. of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. B3H 3J5 (Canada); Dept. of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. B3H 3J5 (Canada)


    A lithium polyacrylate (Li-PAA) binder has been developed by 3M Company that is useful with electrodes comprising alloy anode materials. This binder was used to prepare electrodes made with Sn{sub 30}Co{sub 30}C{sub 40} material prepared by mechanical attrition. The electrochemical performance of electrodes using Li-PAA binder was characterized and compared to those using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) binders. The Sn{sub 30}Co{sub 30}C{sub 40} electrodes using Li-PAA and CMC binders show much smaller irreversible capacity than the ones using PVDF binder. Poor capacity retention is observed when PVDF binder is used. By contrast, the electrodes using Li-PAA binder show excellent capacity retention for Sn{sub 30}Co{sub 30}C{sub 40} materials and a specific capacity of 450 mAh/g is achieved for at least 100 cycles. The results suggest that Li-PAA is a promising binder for electrodes made from large-volume change alloy materials.

  18. Evaluation of peracetic acid permeation during flash sterilization through pharmaceutical plastic polymers used in cytotoxic reconstitution units. (United States)

    Havard, Laurent; Fellous-Jerome, Joelle; Bonan, Brigitte; Pradeau, Dominique; Prognon, Patrice


    Peracetic acid (PAA) permeation in flash sterilization was studied using three different plastic infusion bags made of polypropylene and polyethylene, filled with glucose 5% or NaCl 0.9%. The pH was measured and acetic acid (AA) and PAA concentrations were made by reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). PAA was derivatized by oxidation of methyl tolyl sulfide (MTS) into methyl tolyl sulfoxide (MTSO) detected by ultraviolet (UV) absorbance at 230 nm. The technique has a sensitivity of 0.3 microg x L(-1) and was highly specific. Results showed that pH measurements remain constant and demonstrated the absence of PAA permeation, which was confirmed by the absence of AA permeation regardless of the brand tested, with both unwrapped and overwrapped infusion bags, when flash sterilization is applied. These results allow flash sterilization to be performed with unwrapped infusion bags without any risk of drug degradation by PAA. This makes compounding safer and easier, which improves productivity.

  19. NCBI nr-aa BLAST: CBRC-OPRI-01-0485 [SEVENS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CBRC-OPRI-01-0485 ref|YP_680544.1| magnesium chelatase subunit D [Roseobacter denit...rificans OCh 114] gb|ABG29858.1| magnesium-chelatase 60 kDa subunit [Roseobacter denitrificans OCh 114] YP_680544.1 0.003 28% ...

  20. UniProt search blastx result: AK288277 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK288277 J090017K16 Q160X3|RL11_ROSDO 50S ribosomal protein L11 - Roseobacter denit...rificans (strain ATCC 33942 / OCh 114) (Erythrobacter sp. (strain OCh 114)) (Roseobacter denitrificans) 7.00E-34 ...