
Sample records for p53 em doentes

  1. Sofrimento e qualidade de vida em doentes com cancro no HDES, E.P.E.


    Morins, Gonçalo João dos Reis, 1980-


    Tese de mestrado, Cuidados Paliativos, 2009, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa Os cuidados paliativos visam melhorar a qualidade de vida dos doentes através da prevenção e alívio do sofrimento. Ao longo da minha vivência profissional com doentes oncológicos diversas inquietações foram surgindo, pretendendo com este trabalho encontrar respostas para estas. O presente trabalho intitulado Sofrimento e Qualidade de Vida em doentes com cancro no HDES, E.P.E. , tem como objectivos a...

  2. Ansiedade, depressão e stress em doentes com dor crónica


    Almeida, João Henrique Gonçalves de


    O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal perceber em que medida é que as dimensões ansiedade, depressão, vulnerabilidade ao stress, intensidade da dor e incapacidade relacionadas com a dor, afetam os doentes com dor crónica. Para o efeito, foi utilizada uma amostra de 53 doentes que frequentam a Consulta de Psicologia Clínica – Dor Crónica da Unidade de Dor Crónica do Pólo Hospital Geral do Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (CHUC), com idades compreendidas entre os 25 e os ...

  3. Expressão da proteína P53 no adenocarcinoma gástrico: correlação clínica, anatomopatológica e significância prognostica

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    Frederico Theobaldo Ramos Rocha

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a expressão da proteína p53 no adenocarcinoma gástrico e correlacioná-la com variáveis clínicas e anatomopatológicas, tais como: idade, sexo, infiltração da parede gástrica (T, tipo histológico (Laurén, grau de diferenciação histológica, comprometimento linfonodal, estadiamento (TNM e sobrevida. MÉTODO: Foram analisados os registros médicos e reestudadas as lâminas de peças cirúrgicas de 45 doentes com adenocarcinomas gástricos submetidos à gastrectomia parcial e total no Serviço de Cirurgia Oncológica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Maceió-AL e no Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, no período de 1991 a 2002. A expressão da proteína p53 foi avaliada pelo método imunohistoquímico com o anticorpo monoclonal DO-7 e comparada com idade, sexo, infiltração na parede gástrica, tipo histológico, grau de diferenciação, comprometimento linfonodal, estadiamento e sobrevida. RESULTADOS: Dos 45 doentes, 27 eram do sexo masculino (60%. A média das idades foi 53,9 anos (26 - 75 anos, e mediana de 57 anos. Em 40 doentes (88,9% o tumor foi classificado como bem diferenciado. Quanto à infiltração na parede gástrica, em 28 doentes (62,2% foram classificados como profundos. Em 25 doentes (55,6% não havia comprometimento linfonodal. O estudo histológico revelou que 29 doentes (64,4% apresentavam tumores classificados como tipo intestinal de Laurén. O estadiamento TNM demonstrou que 33 (73,3% doentes apresentavam tumores avançados. Quanto à expressão da p53, 18 doentes (40% foram considerados positivos. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 1020,4 dias (63 - 3920 dias e mediana de 798 dias. Trinta e um (68,9% doentes evoluíram para óbito. As variáveis: idade, estadiamento, comprometimento linfonodal e infiltração do tumor na parede gástrica, foram fatores prognósticos relacionados à sobrevida com significado estatístico (p<0,05. Não houve correlação estat

  4. Bloqueio do plano transverso abdominal contínuo bilateral em doente com cirurgia abdominal prévia

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    Isabel Flor de Lima


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam um caso clínico em que foi realizado um bloqueio do plano do músculo transverso abdominal, com colocação de cateter bilateral, para analgesia pós-operatória de laparotomia exploradora, em doente com cirurgia abdominal prévia, insuficiência cardíaca, renal e hepática, em opção à analgesia epidural e aos opioides endovenosos em perfusão.

  5. Perfil neuropsicológico em doentes com epilepsia do lobo temporal

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    Daniela Marques


    Full Text Available A epilepsia do lobo temporal (ELT é o tipo de epilepsia refractária mais comum nos adultos. Existe um consenso quanto ao compromisso da memória na ELT com esclerose hipocampal. Contudo, no que respeita a outras funções como é o caso da atenção, funções executivas, rendimento intelectual e linguagem, o consenso não é tão generalizado. Para este estudo analisámos retrospectivamente um grupo de 76 doentes com epilepsia refractária, 48 doentes com epilepsia do lobo temporal (23 com lateralização à direita e 25 com lateralização à esquerda e 28 doentes com epilepsia extratemporal. Aplicámos uma batería de provas utilizada no âmbito do programa da Cirurgia da Epilepsia do Hospital de Egas Moniz em Lisboa, Portugal. Os resultados mostram que a bateria aplicada apresenta consistência interna no âmbito da avaliação dos doentes com ELT. Encontrámos que os doentes com ELT apresentam um padrão generalizados de défices, o que pode ser indicativo de compromisso noutras áreas, para além do hipocampo. Um achado que consideramos pertinente foi o facto da memória verbal com interferência (memoria a longo termo se manter adequada, sugerindo que esta função não está comprometida na ELT. Em suma, para além do padrão generalizado de défices cognitivos, também conseguimos observar o impacto da doença ao nível das variáveis sociodemográficas, assim como establecer uma relação com os achados neurobiológicos anteriormente descritos na literatura.

  6. Tratamento da recidiva hemorrágica por varizes do esôfago em doentes esquistossomóticos operados Treatment of recurrent hemorrhage esophageal varices in schistosomotic patients after surgery

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    José Cesar Assef


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Padronizar o tratamento da recidiva hemorrágica por varizes do esôfago em esquistossomóticos, após operações não-derivativas. MÉTODOS: Tratamos 45 doentes esquistossomóticos que apresentaram recidiva hemorrágica por varizes do esôfago. Realizamos ultra-sonografia abdominal, e, estudos angiográficos constituindo-se dois grupos: Grupo A - Dezenove doentes (42,2% com ausência do baço, artéria esplênica ocluída e artéria e veia gástricas esquerdas pérvias, caracterizando a esplenectomia na operação anterior. Grupo B - Vinte e seis doentes (57,8% com imagem esplênica ausente, artérias esplênica e gástrica esquerda ocluídas e veia gástrica esquerda não-opacificada, evidenciando esplenectomia e alguma forma de desvascularização gastroesofágica praticadas anteriormente. Os doentes do Grupo A foram reoperados para executar a desvascularização gastroesofágica e os do Grupo B, submetidos a programa de escleroterapia endoscópica. RESULTADOS: No Grupo A, um paciente (5,3% apresentou recidiva hemorrágica no pós-operatório tardio. Na avaliação endoscópica final, as varizes esofágicas diminuíram, em número ou calibre, em 14 doentes (73,7%, desapareceram em três (15,8% e em dois (10,5%, permaneceram inalteradas. No Grupo B, seis pacientes (23,1% apresentaram recidiva do sangramento, controlada em quatro deles e em dois, que persistiram com sangramento praticou-se a derivação mesentérico-cava e ambos morreram. Na última avaliação endoscópica, as varizes esofágicas desapareceram em 17 doentes (65,4%, reduziram o número ou calibre em sete (26,9% e, em dois (7,7%, permaneceram inalteradas. CONCLUSÕES: 1 A desvacularização gastroesofágica é adequada para os doentes esplenectomizados, com a artéria e a veia gástricas esquerdas pérvias. 2 Um programa de longa duração de escleroterapia endoscópica das varizes do esôfago pode ser uma opção para os doentes esplenectomizados, com a artéria g

  7. Qualidade de vida em doentes com asma

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    Lara Noronha Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resumo: Neste artigo é descrito um estudo, cujo objectivo é a medição da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (QdVRS de doentes com asma e a apresentação de uma primeira aproximação aos valores normativos, com base no SF-6D, para aquele tipo de doentes. Pretende-se ainda averiguar a capacidade de medidas genéricas de medição da QdVRS distinguirem grupos em termos de características sociodemográficas. Aplicaram-se, por entrevista pessoal, as versões portuguesas do EQ-5D, do SF-6D, do AQLQ(S e do ACQ a uma amostra representativa da população portuguesa com asma.A maioria dos indivíduos não apresentou problemas significativos nas dimensões medidas, excepto na função física, onde os indivíduos reportaram limitações moderadas. Em média, os inquiridos apresentam valores de utilidade de 0,86. Os homens, os mais jovens, os solteiros, os indivíduos com habilitações literárias mais elevadas, os empregados, os indivíduos com rendimentos mais elevados e aqueles que residiam em zonas urbanas foram os que reportaram níveis de utilidade mais elevados. Por outro lado, os indivíduos que se encontravam num estádio mais avançado da doença reportaram, como era de esperar, níveis médios de utilidade inferiores aos dos que se encontravam num estádio menos grave da doença. Foram obtidos valores normativos para o SF-6D para doentes com asma por género, grupo etário, estado civil, habilitações literárias, situação profissional, local de residência e rendimento médio mensal líquido.As medidas de utilidade baseadas em preferências utilizadas neste estudo discriminam adequadamente grupos de doentes com asma, de acordo com grupos sociodemográficos. Os valores normativos obtidos podem ser usados em estudos de avaliação económica e estudos clínicos, uma vez que incorporam as preferências dos doentes

  8. Utilidade dos marcadores tumorais no acompanhamento de doentes com carcinoma brônquico

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    C. Robalo Cordeiro


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os autores descrevem dois estudos de Marcadores Tumorais realizados no lnstituto de Patologia Geral da Faculdade de Medicina de Coimbra, em colaboração com o Serviço de Pneumologia dos HUC.Num primeiro trabalho, em que se dosearam CEA, NSE, SCC, CA19.9 e CA125, em 58 doentes com Carcinoma Brônquico (CB, em 29 índivíduos saudáveis e em 15 doentes com Tuberculose Pulmonar (TP, apenas se realizaram estudos de especificidade e de sensibilidade (isolada e em paineis de marcadores.No segundo trabalho realizaram-se doseameotos de CEA, NSE, TPS, CYFRA 21.1., e SCC, no soro, em líquidos de lavagem broocoalveolar e em líquidos pleurais, em 24 doentes com CB, em 9 doentes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC, em 8 doentes com TP e em 14 indivíduos saudáveis; acompanhou-se 12 doentes em terapêutica citostática e 4 doentes submetidos a intervenção cirúrgica.Dos resultados obtidos salientam-se diferenças significativas nos valores obtidos, com o TPS, no soro, comparando os doentes com CB, quer com todo o grupo controlo (DPOC e saudáveis,- p=0.007 -, quer apenas com os indivíduos saudáveis - p=0.0007 -; na comparação dos níveis séricos dos doentes com DPOC com os dos indivíduos saudáveis, igualmente se registaram diferenças significativas para o TPS- p=0.002 -, bern como para o CEA- p=0.0004 - e para o CYFRA 21.1.- p=0.04.Das correlaçõoes histopatológicas, apenas o CEA revelou níveis significativamente elevados- p=0.02- em adenocarcinomas, relativamente aos outros tipos.Verificaram-se diferenças significativas, para os doentes come sem metástases a distância, nos valores de CEA- p=0.01 -,bern como, no que diz respeito ao TPS, nos doentes estadiados ate ao grupo IIIa, relativamente aos estadios IIIb e IV -p=0.02-. Do acompanhamento dos doentes em quimioterapia e cirurgia, retiram-se úteis sugestões, que se discutem.Relativamente aos estudos nos líquidos de Lavagem broncoalveolar, e embora se verifiquem

  9. Linfoma não-Hodgkin em adultos: perfil proteico do LCR e do soro de 25 doentes

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    Full Text Available Vinte e cinco pacientes com linfoma não-Hodgkin estudados para detecção de sinais e sintomas de comprometimento neurológico foram investigados quanto ao perfil proteico do líquido cefalorraqueano (LCR. Amostras de LCR e de soro sanguíneo colhidas no mesmo período foram estudadas comparativamente para analisar a barreira hemato-encefálica e a produção intratecal de IgG .Em 48% dos doentes foram registradas queixas e/ou sinais ao exame neurológico. A análise demonstrou: aumento das proteínas totais no LCR em 52%; imunoliberação local em um paciente HIV soropositivo; aumento de globulinas gama no LCR de dois pacientes na ausência de células neoplásicas no LCR e melhora clínica pós-quimioterapia; e registro de banda oligoclonal apenas no LCR em um doente HTLV-I soropositivo. Esses dados mostram que o estudo do perfil proteico no LCR contribui para a caracterização das manifestações do linfoma não-Hodgkin no sistema nervoso.

  10. Qualidade de vida em doentes com asma Quality of life in asthma patients


    Lara Noronha Ferreira; Ulisses Brito; Pedro Lopes Ferreira


    Neste artigo é descrito um estudo, cujo objectivo é a medição da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (QdVRS) de doentes com asma e a apresentação de uma primeira aproximação aos valores normativos, com base no SF-6D, para aquele tipo de doentes. Pretende-se ainda averiguar a capacidade de medidas genéricas de medição da QdVRS distinguirem grupos em termos de características sociodemográficas. Aplicaram-se, por entrevista pessoal, as versões portuguesas do EQ-5D, do SF-6D, do AQLQ(S) e d...

  11. Dependência tabágica, assertividade e alexitimia em doentes cardíacos

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    Vânia Rocha


    Full Text Available O tabagismo é uma das principais causas evitáveis de morte, aumentando acentuadamente o risco de infarto do miocárdio. Este último está associado a certas variáveis psicossociais relacionadas com o tabagismo, nomeadamente a alexitimia e a falta de assertividade. O objetivo do presente artigo foi caracterizar os dois tipos de dependência tabágica (fisiológica e comportamental, a assertividade e a alexitimia, e avaliar a relação das variáveis entre si, em 30 doentes homens internados com infarto. Foram aplicados o Teste de Fagerström, o Questionário de Glover-Nilsson, a Escala de "Rathus" e a TAS-20. Os resultados indicam que a alexitimia encontra-se relacionada com a dependência comportamental e com a assertividade, sugerindo que os sujeitos menos assertivos e com dificuldade em gerir afetos negativos e situações de estresse, podem recorrer ao tabagismo como mecanismo de enfrentamento. Nas intervenções voltadas à interrupção do hábito de fumar em doentes infartados deve-se enfatizar as competências sociais e de regulação emocional.

  12. Estudo do polimorfismo genético no gene p53 (códon 72 em câncer colorretal Role of the genetic polymorphism of p53 (codon 72 gene in colorectal cancer

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    Jacqueline Miranda de Lima


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Polimorfismos genéticos são variações genéticas que podem ocorrer em seqüências codificadoras e não-codificadoras, levando a alterações qualitativas e/ou quantitativas das proteínas em questão. O p53 é o gene mais comumente alterado no câncer humano. O polimorfismo desse gene no códon 72 ocorre por substituição de uma base e tem sido associado a maior risco de câncer. OBJETIVO: Determinar a possível associação entre o polimorfismo no códon 72 (72 arginina/prolina do gene p53 e câncer colorretal. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados em 100 pacientes com câncer colorretal e em 100 indivíduos sem câncer, pareados quanto ao sexo idade, o hábito de fumar, o etilismo e no grupo caso o estádio, o grau de diferenciação e a evolução da doença. O genótipo (72 arginina/prolina foi determinado por PCR, utilizando-se primers (seqüências de nucleotídeos específicos. RESULTADOS: O genótipo homozigoto arginina/arginina foi prevalente em 56% no grupo controle e em 58% no grupo caso. Não se observou diferença entre os dois grupos. No estádio IV este genótipo foi mais freqüente quando comparado ao estádio I (80% versus 14%. Não se observou diferença entre as variações do genótipo e fumo, álcool, evolução clínica ou grau de diferenciação. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência do genótipo arginina/arginina foi a mais freqüente nos dois grupos. Não foi encontrada correlação entre maior risco de câncer e o polimorfismo no códon 72 prolina/arginina do gene p53. Apesar do pequeno número de doentes com câncer em estádio avançado (IV, estes tiveram maior prevalência do genótipo arginina/arginina.BACKGROUND: Polymorphisms are genetic variations that can occur in sequences of codons, leading to defective proteins. p53 is the most commonly gene affected in human cancer. The polymorphism of this gene occurs by a substitution of a base in codon 72 and may increase the risk of cancer. AIM: To investigate the

  13. O rosto social da morte : as representações sociais da morte no doente paliativo


    Neves, Susana Maria Ribeiro das, 1977-


    Tese de mestrado, Cuidados Paliativos, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2010 Neste trabalho desenvolvemos uma investigação empírica, com uma população de 83 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos e idades compreendidas entre os 30 e os 95 anos, considerando ainda dois grupos, conforme o contexto: doentes paliativos – em unidades de internamento de cuidados paliativos – e doentes crónicos não (diagnosticados como) paliativos – em internamento de lar e/ou apoio domiciliário, em I.P.S.S., ...

  14. Terapia espelho no doente com hemiparesia pós AVC : revisão sistemática da literatura


    Pereira, Catarina Isabel


    Introdução: O Acidente Vascular Cerebral é uma das principais causas de morte em Portugal e os doentes que sobrevivem a esta doença ficam frequentemente com hemiparesia e hemiplegia. Existem varias técnicas de reabilitação para recuperar a funcionalidade total ou parcial dos membros afetados, mas recentemente tem ganho destaque a técnica da terapia espelho. Objetivo: Avaliar níveis de recuperação da hemiparesia em doentes com acidente vascular cerebral após a aplicação da te...

  15. Estudo prospectivo de extubação endotraqueal não programada em doentes de cuidados intensivos

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    Antoni-Jordi Betbesé


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A extubação endotraqueal não programada (ENP é uma ocorrência frequente em doentes submetidos a ventilação mecânica ou em fase de desmame ventilatório, associando-se a um aumento da morbilidade e mortalidade, devido à própria ENP ou a acidentes relacionados com a reentubação. Este trabalho propõe­se analizar a magiutude do problema numa UCI assim como determinar as variáveis com valor predictivo da necessidadc de reentubação.Foram incluídos no estudo todos os doentes requerendo entubação endotraqueal>48 horas admitidos entre Maio 1993 e Janeiro de 1996 (n=750. As ENP classificaram-se em extubações acidentais (EA durante mobilizações, etc. - e em autoextubações (AE sempre que devidas à intervenção activa do doente. Foram analizados a idade, sexo, SAPS, tipo de suporte ventilatório (suporte ventilatório “total” ou desmame, diâmetro do tubo, dias de ventilação, mortalidade, causa da reentubação e nível de sedação. As modalidades de desmame foram: Pressão Assistida (PA, CPAP ou peça em T, conforrne protocolo pré-definido, e os critérios para iniciar desmame foram: 1 PMI>25cmH2O; 2 FR 10 ml/Kg; 4 SatO2>com FiO2=0,4; 5 Temp48 horas foi 34,4%, sendo de 13% nas AE e de 23% nas EA. As únicas variáveis com valor predictive foram os dias de ventilação e a modalidade de desmame.Concluiu-se que a reentubação depende fundamental mente do tipo de suporte ventilatório. A probabilidade de necessitar de reentubação é maior durante o suporte ventilatório “total” do que em fase de desmame, sendo sugerido que nalguns doentes o tempo de ventilação é demasiadamente prolongado. COMENTÁRIO: Para todos os que trabalham em euldados intenslvos, a escolha de um processo de desmame ventilatório que pennita conduzir à rápída extubação e à eventual

  16. Doença intersticial pulmonar em doentes com artrite reumatóide: comparação com a alveolite fibrosante criptogénica

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    B.A. Rajasekaran


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os autores efectuaram um estudo prospectivo longitudinal com o objectivo de comparar a história natural da alveolite fibrosante criptogénica (AFC com a doença do interstício pulmonar (DIP relacionada com a artrite reumatóide (AR.Seleccionaram 1 grupo de 18 doentes com AFC e um grupo de 18 doentes com AR e doença do interstício pulmonar. Ambos os grupos apresentavam idade, sexo e duração da doença semelhantes, tendo todos os doentes sido submetidos a uma avaliação clínica, estudo funcional respiratório e TAC torácica de alta resolução.Os resultados revelaram que, em termos clínicos, a dispneia apresentava uma evolução média de 30 meses até ao diagnóstico nos 2 grupos, sendo mais frequente o hipocratismo digital nos doentes apenas com AFC. A presença de Factor Reumatóide foi superior nos doentes com AR e, segundo estes autores, estava relacionada com um pior prognóstico a nível articular mas parecia ser um factor protector contra a fibrose pulmonar neste grupo.A nível de estudo funcional respiratório, os resultados foram praticamente sobreponíveis quer a nível do VEMS, capacidade vital e capacidade de difusão (DLCO nos 2 grupos de doentes.Radiologicamente, nos doentes com artrite reumatóide, a TAC revelou uma maior percentagem de alveolite (vidro despolido em 4 casos, tendo os restantes 14 doentes fibrose pulmonar estabelecida, tal como no outro grupo estudado. Os doentes com AR apresentavam ainda uma distribuição mais periférica das lesões pulmonares, ao contrário dos outros doentes, em que predominavam as alterações basais.Uma diminuição mais acentuada da DLCO correlacionou-se com a existência de fibrose em favo na TAC em ambos os grupos. COMENTÁRIO: A alveolite fibrosante criptogénica, sinónimo de fibrose pulmonar idiopática, possui um mau prognóstico, com uma sobrevida média aos 5 anos após o diagnóstico de cerca de 50%, e aos 10 anos de aproximadamente 20%.A incidência de doença do

  17. Qualidade de vida em doentes com asma Quality of life in asthma patients

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    Lara Noronha Ferreira


    Full Text Available Neste artigo é descrito um estudo, cujo objectivo é a medição da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (QdVRS de doentes com asma e a apresentação de uma primeira aproximação aos valores normativos, com base no SF-6D, para aquele tipo de doentes. Pretende-se ainda averiguar a capacidade de medidas genéricas de medição da QdVRS distinguirem grupos em termos de características sociodemográficas. Aplicaram-se, por entrevista pessoal, as versões portuguesas do EQ-5D, do SF-6D, do AQLQ(S e do ACQ a uma amostra representativa da população portuguesa com asma. A maioria dos indivíduos não apresentou problemas significativos nas dimensões medidas, excepto na função física, onde os indivíduos reportaram limitações moderadas. Em média, os inquiridos apresentam valores de utilidade de 0,86. Os homens, os mais jovens, os solteiros, os indivíduos com habilitações literárias mais elevadas, os empregados, os indivíduos com rendimentos mais elevados e aqueles que residiam em zonas urbanas foram os que reportaram níveis de utilidade mais elevados. Por outro lado, os indivíduos que se encontravam num estádio mais avançado da doença reportaram, como era de esperar, níveis médios de utilidade inferiores aos dos que se encontravam num estádio menos grave da doença. Foram obtidos valores normativos para o SF-6D para doentes com asma por género, grupo etário, estado civil, habilitações literárias, situação profissional, local de residência e rendimento médio mensal líquido. As medidas de utilidade baseadas em preferências utilizadas neste estudo discriminam adequadamente grupos de doentes com asma, de acordo com grupos sociodemográficos. Os valores normativos obtidos podem ser usados em estudos de avaliação económica e estudos clínicos, uma vez que incorporam as preferências dos doentes e traduzem a utilidade atribuída ao seu estado de saúde.In this paper we present a study whose main aim is the

  18. Rabdomiólise recorrente secundária à hiponatremia em doente com polidipsia psicogênica primária

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    Diana Tavares Aguiar


    Full Text Available A rabdomiólise é caracterizada por destruição de tecido muscular esquelético, sendo as suas principais causas o trauma, os tóxicos e os distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos. Entre esses últimos, inclui-se a rabdomiólise induzida por hiponatremia, uma situação rara, que ocorre principalmente em doentes com polidipsia psicogênica. Esta acomete maioritariamente doentes com esquizofrenia, cursando com hiponatremia em quase 25% dos casos. É também nesse contexto que a rabdomiólise secundária a hiponatremia ocorre mais frequentemente. Neste artigo, descreveu-se o caso de um homem de 49 anos, com antecedentes de esquizofrenia, medicado com clozapina, trazido ao serviço de urgência por quadro de coma e convulsões. Foi objetivada hiponatremia hiposmolar grave, com edema cerebral em tomografia computorizada, sendo feito posteriormente o diagnóstico de hiponatremia secundária à polidipsia psicogênica. Foi iniciada terapêutica de correção de hiponatremia e internado em unidade de terapia intensiva. Feita correção de hiponatremia, contudo apresentou analiticamente marcada rabdomiólise, de agravamento crescente, com creatinofosfoquinase de 44.058UI/L no 3º dia de internação. Houve posterior redução progressiva com a terapêutica, sem ocorrência de lesão renal. Este caso alerta para a necessidade de monitorização dos marcadores de rabdomiólise na hiponatremia grave, ilustrando um quadro de rabdomiólise secundária à hiponatremia induzida por polidipsia psicogênica, situação a considerar em doentes sob terapêutica com neurolépticos.

  19. Sistema de Apoio à Decisão para o Transporte Não Urgente de Doentes em Veículo Partilhado

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    José António Oliveira


    Full Text Available O transporte não urgente de doentes em Portugal foi alvo de reformulação legislativa de modo a reduzir os custos que acarretava. Neste artigo apresentam-se métodos heurísticos para a formação de agrupamentos de doentes a serem transportados na mesma viatura. São apresentados resultados computacionais que validam os algoritmos desenvolvidos. Os algoritmos podem ser facilmente integrados num sistema de apoio à decisão.

  20. Expressão imuno-histoquímica de c-erb-B2 e p53 em carcinomas gástricos Imunohistochemical expression of c-erb-B2 and p53 in gastric carcinomas

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    Maria Dirlei F. S. Begnami


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Em nosso meio, os carcinomas gástricos ainda são neoplasias bastante freqüentes e responsáveis por altas taxas de mortalidade. Recentemente, têm-se demonstrado a expressão de p53 e a amplificação do gene c-erb-B2 nos carcinomas gástricos. A relevância e o significado biológico destas alterações ainda não foram totalmente estabelecidos. OBJETIVO: Estudar as expressões imuno-histoquímicas de p53 e c-erb-B2 em 482 casos de carcinomas gástricos. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram construídos três blocos de tissue microarray (TMA utilizando-se duplicatas de 482 casos de carcinomas gástricos. Os cortes foram corados por hematoxilina e eosina (HE, tendo sido feita pesquisa para p53 e c-erb-B2. Foram considerados positivos para p53 os casos com marcação nuclear em mais de 10% das células tumorais. Para o c-erb-B2 foram considerados positivos os casos com marcação de membrana completa em mais de 10% das células tumorais. RESULTADOS: A expressão de p53 e c-erb-B2 foi observada em 30% e 12% dos casos, respectivamente. Em relação aos tipos histológicos observou-se correlação entre os carcinomas do tipo intestinal e a expressão de c-erb-B2 (p INTRODUCTION: Gastric cancer is one of the commonest cancers in our country being responsible for a high mortality rate. Recently, the expression of p53 and amplification of c-erb-B2 gene have been described in gastric carcinoma. The relevance and biological significance of these findings are not established yet. OBJECTIVE: The authors investigated p53, c-erb-B2 immunohistochemical expression in 482 cases of gastric carcinomas. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Tissue microarray (TMA blocks were designed using replicate samples of paraffin-embedded tissue from 482 gastric carcinomas. Sections were stained with HE, and antibodies to p53 and c-erb-B2. Cases were considered p53 positive if nuclear staining was detected in > 10% of the tumor cells. Cases were assessed c-erb-B2 positive if the

  1. C18. Docetaxel como quimioterapia de 2ª linha nos doentes com CPNPC: estudo prospectivo multicêntrico.

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    A.S. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Durante cinco anos (1998-2002 foi realizado um estudo prospectivo com docetaxel (75 mg/m2 d1 3/3 semanas como tratamento de 2ª linha em doentes com CPNPC.Características: sexoM/F:94/15; idade:58.6(33-74; SP£1:96(88%; histologia: adenocarcinoma-52,pavimento-celular-41; estadio IIIB/ IV:19/90. 94% tratados inicialmente com derivados da platina.Administrados 355 ciclos de docetaxel (3.3/doente. RP em 21 doentes (19.3% IC 95% 11.7-26.8 e estabilização em 36(33%. Ausência de correlação entre resultados com quimioterapia de 1ª linha (taxa de resposta/intervalo até progressão e taxa de resposta ao docetaxel.Neutropenia grau ¾: 52 doentes (48%; 4:neutropenia febril; uma morte tóxica. Efeitos adversos não-hematológicos: alopécia (59%, astenia (28% e polineuropatia (22%.Sobrevivência mediana global: 12.7 meses, sobrevivência pósdocetaxel:6.1 meses, tempo até progressão:12 semanas e taxas de sobrevivência 1 e 2 anos:19 e 7%, respectivamente.Resultados positivos apesar de doentes maioritáriamente quimioresistentes ou quimiorefractários(>70% e estadio IV(>80%. Conclui-se que a administração de docetaxel em doentes com CPNPC e SP70% pts were refractory to 1st-line CT and >80% were in stage IV.We conclude that for NSCLC pts with PS<2, docetaxel as a 2nd-line-CT is a worthwile treatment with acceptable toxicity that significantly prolongs survival. Palavras-chave: CPNPC, docetaxel, Key-words: NSCLC, docetaxel

  2. Reacções adversas aos antibacilares em doentes internados: Gravidade e factores de risco

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    Ana Sofia Vilariça


    édia do grupo de doentes com RA foi de 58,4 dias. Esta demora média apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p< 0,001 em relação à demora média dos doentes sem RA, que foi de 26 dias. Os fármacos mais implicados foram a isoniazida (62,2% e a rifampicina (51,9%. Dos 134 casos em que foi possível caracterizar a gravidade das RA, em 106 casos (79% houve necessidade de suspensão do fármaco. A relação causal fármaco-RA foi definitiva em 23 casos (17%. Dos 13 doentes (9,6% que faleceram, em 6 (4,4% a RA esteve directamente implicada na causa de morte.A ocorrência de qualquer RA foi associada ao alcoolismo (risco relativo [RR] de 3,0; 95% de intervalo confiança [IC], 1,1-7,9 e aos níveis de CD4 < 350 células/mm 3 ([RR] de 2,6; [IC], 1,4-5.No modelo preditivo, as reacções hepáticas foram associadas à ocorrência de hepatites virais B e/ou C ([RR] de 2,5; [IC], 1,2-5,1 e aos níveis de CD4 < 350 células/mm3 ([RR] de 5,5; [IC], 1,6-18,6.Conclusões: Os antibacilares estão associados a um número significativo de RA que podem condicionar grande morbilidade, prolongamento do internamento e mesmo alguma mortalidade. Os nossos resultados mostram que o alcoolismo e os níveis de CD4 <350 células/mm3 foram significativamente associados a um elevado risco de ocorrência de qualquer RA e que as hepatites B e C e os níveis de CD4 < 350 células/mm3 foram associados, também de forma significativa, ao risco de RA hepáticas.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (3: 431-451 Abstract: Introduction: Given Mycobacterium tuberculosis’s characteristics, the treatment of tuberculosis (TB infection is administered over a long period of time (for six months or more with a combination of several drugs which could cause adverse reactions (AR. These can cause significant morbidity and compromise tuberculosis treatment regimens.Aim: To determine the incidence and severity of and risk factors for major

  3. Função pulmonar em doentes obesos submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica

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    C. Guimarães


    Full Text Available Resumo: A obesidade é considerada um problema de saúde pública da atualidade. Devido ao facto de alterar a relação entre pulmões, parede torácica e diafragma, a obesidade tem sido relacionada com alterações da função pulmonar. Em Portugal, existem dados muito limitados entre a relação da obesidade com a função pulmonar.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações da função respiratória nos doentes obesos mórbidos e o comportamento dos parâmetros obtidos nas provas funcionais respiratórias (PFR no pré e pós cirurgia bariátrica.Realizamos um estudo retrospectivo pré e pós cirurgia bariátrica em 36 doentes obesos mórbidos, com uma média de idades de 40,6 anos sendo 64% do sexo feminino e com um índice de massa corporal (IMC médio de 49,7 kg/m2. Todos os doentes foram avaliados clínica e funcionalmente antes da cirurgia bariátrica e após estabilização do peso na sequência deste procedimento tendo-se realizado espirometria, volumes pulmonares, difusão do monóxido de carbono (DLCO, pressões máximas respiratórias e gasometria arterial. Previamente à cirurgia a maioria mostrava alterações nas PFR, 34 doentes apresentavam uma diminuição da capacidade residual funcional (CRF dos quais 6 tinham síndrome restritiva. Apenas 2 doentes não expressavam qualquer alteração funcional ou gasométrica. Após a cirurgia bariátrica o IMC médio reduziu para 34 kg/m2 e verificou-se uma melhoria significativa de quase todos os parâmetros funcionais havendo resolução dos padrões restritivos, mantendo, contudo, ainda 13 doentes a CRF diminuída.Foi apenas encontrada correlação com significado estatístico entre a redução do IMC e o aumento da CRF (r = −0,371; p = 0,028.Este estudo sugere uma relação entre obesidade e restrição pulmonar e aponta para um

  4. Freqüência de pólipos em doentes operados de câncer colorretal Frequency of adenomatous polyps after surgical resection of colorectal cancer

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    Beatriz Pinho ROCHA


    Full Text Available Introdução - Estudos epidemiológicos e gênicos mostram que os pólipos colônicos do tipo adenoma são lesões pré-neoplásicas. O seguimento de um paciente com câncer colorretal visa principalmente o diagnóstico e retirada de pólipos adenomatosos. Objetivo - Estudar a freqüência do aparecimento de pólipos adenomatosos em doentes com câncer colorretal em acompanhamento clínico após ressecção tumoral. Casuística e Métodos - Foi estudada, retrospectivamente, a freqüência de pólipos do tipo adenoma em 68 pacientes com idade média de 59 anos, submetidos a cirurgia curativa para tratamento de câncer colorretal e a colonoscopia de controle. Resultados - A incidência de pólipos adenomatosos foi de 18%, sendo maior acima de 45 anos (20% e no cólon esquerdo (38%. Em relação ao tipo histológico, 61% eram tubulares, 22% vilosos e 17% túbulo-vilosos. Discussão - Assim como em outros relatos da literatura, a incidência de pólipos foi superior em indivíduos com mais de 45 anos, sendo em mais da metade do tipo tubular. A freqüência de pólipos foi maior nos dois primeiros anos de acompanhamento.Introduction - Epidemiologic and molecular biologic studies have already demonstrated that adenomatous colonic polyps are precancerous diseases. The main indication of the colonoscopy in the surveillance of colorectal cancer treated patients is the diagnosis and resection of adenomatous polyps. Aim - To study the frequency of adenomatous polyps after surgically resection of colorectal cancer. Material and Methods - Sixty eight patients, mean age 59 years old, with total resection of colorectal cancer, submitted to various colonoscopies during the follow up were studied retrospectively. The histological type and the characteristics of the polyp were described. Results - The frequency of polyps was 18%, being higher in the patients with more than 45 years (20%. The site of the polyps was in the left colon in 38% of the patients with

  5. Prevalência de insónia de novo em doentes com síndrome de apneia obstrutiva do sono tratados com suporte ventilatório nocturno

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    P. Caetano Mota


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: A insónia de novo (IN associada ao uso do suporte ventilatório nocturno (SVN tem sido uma realidade constatada na prática clínica, contudo é de salientar a escassez de dados referentes à sua prevalência. O nosso objectivo consistiu em determinar a prevalência de IN e seus factores de risco em doentes com síndrome de apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS sob SVN. Material e métodos: Estudo descritivo transversal que incluiu 80 doentes com SAOS sob SVN. Efectuada comparação entre dois grupos, com e sem IN, relativamente a características demográficas, relacionadas com a doença, e personalidade. Foram excluídos os doentes sob medicação ansiolítica e/ou antidepressiva, com perda ponderal superior ou igual a 10%, e com sintomas da síndrome das pernas inquietas. Resultados: A mediana de idades dos doentes incluídos foi de 60,0 (intervalo interquartil (IIQ 10,0 anos; 82,5% eram do sexo masculino. Os valores iniciais medianos da escala de sonolência de Epworth (ESE e do índice de apneia-hipopneia (IAH foram de 12,5 (IIQ 9,0 e de 44,1 (IIQ 22,4/h, respectivamente. A maioria dos doentes (91,3% estava sob pressão positiva nas vias aéreas em modo automático (auto-adjusting positive airway pressure (APAP. A insónia prévia ao uso de SVN estava presente em 30% (n = 24 dos doentes. A prevalência de IN foi de 21,4% (12/56 e os subtipos de insónia inicial e/ou intermédia foram os mais frequentes (n = 11. Foi encontrada uma relação negativa estatisticamente significativa entre a IN e a pressão em 90% do tempo de SVN (P90 (p = 0.040. Conclusões: Os doentes com SAOS sob SVN apresentaram uma prevalência elevada de IN. Os doentes com IN apresentaram níveis inferiores de pressão de SVN comparativamente com os outros. Abstract: Introduction: New-onset insomnia (NOI associated with nocturnal ventilatory support (NVS is

  6. A família do p53: aspectos estruturais e funcionais do p73 e do p63 The p53 family: structural and functional aspects of p73 and p63

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    Alfredo Ribeiro-Silva


    Full Text Available O p53 é um gene regulador chave do ciclo celular que, quando sofre mutações, leva ao desenvolvimento de neoplasias, atuando, portanto, como um gene supressor tumoral em condições normais. Recentemente foram identificados genes homólogos ao p53 denominados p73 e p63, provavelmente oriundos de um gene ancestral comum. Apesar da grande homologia estrutural, os membros da família do p53 possuem diferenças funcionais entre si. O presente artigo tem por finalidade discorrer sobre os principais aspectos estruturais e funcionais do p73 e do p63, ressaltando seus papéis na tumorigênese humana. O p73 ativa vários genes responsivos ao p53 e, quando superexpresso, inibe a ação do p53. Raramente encontra-se mutado em neoplasias, e seu papel na tumorigênese humana ainda é motivo de controvérsias. O p63 não é um gene supressor tumoral clássico, sendo essencial para a manutenção de uma população de células precursoras (células-tronco em vários tecidos epiteliais. O p63 marca as células basais de vários órgãos epiteliais, como a pele e a próstata, podendo ser considerado um marcador de indiferenciação celular. O p63 é um marcador recentemente descrito e ainda requer maior investigação para determinar seu papel no desenvolvimento de neoplasias em humanos.The p53 gene has a key role in the cell cycle control. When mutated, it promotes the development of neoplasms, acting in so far as a tumor suppressor gene in normal conditions. Recently, genes homologue to p53 were identified, named p73 e p63, probably originated from a common ancestral gene. Despite the great structural homology, the members of p53 family have functional differences. This article aims to discourse about the major structural and functional aspects of p73 and p63, reinforcing their role in human tumorigenesis. P73 activates several p53 responsive genes and, when overexpressed, inhibits the p53 action. It is rarely mutated in neoplasms and its role in human

  7. Impacto do tratamento do cancro colorrectal no doente e cônjuge : implicações na qualidade de vida, morbilidade psicológica, representações de doenças e stress pós-traumático


    Figueiredo, Ana Paula Rodrigues da Silva


    Dissertação de mestrado em Educação - Área de Especialização em Educação para a Saúde O presente trabalho, com o título “Impacto do tratamento no doente com cancro colorrectal e cônjuge: Qualidade de vida, representações da doença, satisfação marital, morbilidade psicológica e stress pós-traumático”, tem como objectivo avaliar o impacto do tratamento de cirurgia, cirurgia/quimioterapia e cirurgia/radioterapia no doente com cancro colorrectal e no respectivo conjugue nas várias dimensões ps...

  8. Reacções adversas aos antibacilares em doentes internados: Gravidade e factores de risco

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    Ana Sofia Vilariça


    média do grupo de doentes com RA foi de 58,4 dias. Esta demora média apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,001 em relação à demora média dos doentes sem RA, que foi de 26 dias. Os fármacos mais implicados foram a isoniazida (62,2% e a rifampicina (51,9%. Dos 134 casos em que foi possível caracterizar a gravidade das RA, em 106 casos (79% houve necessidade de suspensão do fármaco. A relação causal fármaco-RA foi definitiva em 23 casos (17%. Dos 13 doentes (9,6% que faleceram, em 6 (4,4% a RA esteve directamente implicada na causa de morte. A ocorrência de qualquer RA foi associada ao alcoolismo (risco relativo [RR] de 3,0; 95% de intervalo confiança [IC], 1,1–7,9 e aos níveis de CD4 < 350 células/ mm3 ([RR] de 2,6 ; [IC], 1,4–5. No modelo preditivo, as reacções hepáticas foram associadas à ocorrência de hepatites virais B e/ou C ([RR] de 2,5; [IC], 1,2–5,1 e aos níveis de CD4 < 350 células/mm3 ([RR] de 5,5; [IC], 1,6–18,6. Conclusões: Os antibacilares estão associados a um número significativo de RA que podem condicionar grande morbilidade, prolongamento do internamento e mesmo alguma mortalidade. Os nossos resultados mostram que o alcoolismo e os níveis de CD4 <350 células/mm3 foram significativamente associados a um elevado risco de ocorrência de qualquer RA e que as hepatites B e C e os níveis de CD4 < 350 células/mm3 foram associados, também de forma significativa, ao risco de RA hepáticas. Abstract: Introduction: Given Mycobacterium tuberculosis's characteristics, the treatment of tuberculosis (TB infection is administered over a long period of time (for six months or more with a combination of several drugs which could cause adverse reactions (AR. These can cause significant morbidity and compromise tuberculosis treatment regimens. Aim: To determine the incidence and severity of and risk factors for major

  9. Osteonecrose da mandíbula associada aos bifosfonatos em doentes com cancro do pulmão

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    Inês Neves


    Full Text Available Resumo: A osteonecrose da mandíbula (ONM pode surgir como complicação do tratamento com bifosfonatos. Esta patologia tem sido descrita em doentes com cancro e o seu desenvolvimento associado a exposição prolongada a altas doses de bifosfonatos. Má higiene dentária, história de uso de próteses ou extração dentária, quimioterapia, corticosteroides e radioterapia da cabeça e pescoço são fatores de risco reportados. Nas fases iniciais pode ser assintomática, contudo, o doente posteriormente desenvolve dor significativa e exposição óssea progressiva. Os autores descrevem 3 casos de ONM em doentes com cancro do pulmão após exposição prolongada a bifosfonatos e na presença de fatores de risco conhecidos. A ONM pode atingir seriamente a qualidade de vida dos doentes com cancro. O diagnóstico precoce poderá reduzir ou mesmo evitar as consequências da lesão óssea progressiva. Abstract: Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ can occur as a complication of bisphosphonate therapy. This condition has been described in cancer patients and its development has been associated with prolonged exposure to high doses of bisphosphonates. Bad dental hygiene, a history of prosthesis or dental extraction, chemotherapy, corticosteroids, and radiation therapy of the head and neck are risk factors reported. In the initial stages it may be asymptomatic, but the patient subsequently develops severe pain and progressive exposed bone. The authors describe three cases of ONJ in lung cancer patients after prolonged exposure to bisphosphonates and there were known risk factors. ONJ can seriously affect the quality of life of cancer patients. An early diagnosis may reduce or avoid the consequences of progressive bone lesion. Palavras-chave: Osteonecrose da mandíbula associada aos bifosfonatos, Cancro do pulmão, Fatores de risco, Tratamento, Keywords: Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the

  10. Controlo intensivo da glicémia em doentes críticos


    Ferreira, AR


    Trabalho realizado no contexto do estágio de Cuidados Intensivos do Internato Médico Complementar A evolução da medicina intensiva durante as últimas três a quatro décadas trouxe um aumento tremendo na sobrevivência imediata dos doentes críticos, com patologias previamente letais. É por isso frequente na actualidade que os doentes entrem numa fase crónica de doença crítica, durante a qual permanecem dependentes do suporte de orgãos vitais por um ...

  11. Resultados do tratamento do carcinoma espinocelular anal e do seu precursor em doentes HIV-positivos Outcome of treatment of anal squamous cell carcinoma and its precursor in HIV-infected patients

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    Sidney Roberto Nadal


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A incidência de carcinomas espinocelulares anais vem aumentando nos doentes HIV-positivos. O tratamento consiste de radio e/ou quimioterapia, eventualmente seguidos pela ressecção do tumor. O objetivo é avaliar o seguimento desses doentes para verificar as recidivas e a evolução do NIAA para câncer. Apresentação da casuística da Equipe Técnica de Proctologia do Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas, de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Acompanhamos 45 doentes HIV-positivos portadores de carcinoma espinocelular anal e seu precursor no período de 1996 a 2006. Eram 30 neoplasias intra-epiteliais anais de alto grau (NIAA, tratadas com ressecção local e 15 carcinomas invasores do canal anal. Nove das 15 lesões invasivas foram submetidas ao esquema de Nigro isolado ou associado à ressecção local, amputação abdominoperineal ou colostomia para derivação. RESULTADOS: No seguimento ambulatorial das NIAA tivemos recidiva em 16,7% e não observamos evolução para carcinoma, num período mínimo de três anos. Entre os nove tumores submetidos ao esquema de Nigro, com ou sem operação complementar, cinco estão livres de tumor. Nenhum tratamento foi feito em cinco doentes. Em três, devido às péssimas condições clínicas, e em dois, pois recusaram tratamento. Outro teve diagnóstico na vigência de oclusão intestinal sendo submetido à colostomia de derivação. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que a NIAA pode reincidir após excisão local em doentes HIV-positivos, mas não evolui para carcinoma invasor e que os doentes de câncer anal invasor podem ser tratados da mesma maneira que a população soronegativa para o HIV desde que as condições clínicas o permitam.OBJECTIVE: Incidence of anal squamous cell carcinoma is increasing mainly among HIV-positive patients. Treatment consists of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, sometimes followed by tumor resection. The objective was to evaluate the follow-up of such patients to verify recurrences

  12. PCNA and p53 expression in oral leukoplakia with different degrees of keratinization Expressão do PCNA e p53 em leucoplasias de mucosa jugal com diferentes graus de queratinização

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    Melaine de Almeida Lawall


    Full Text Available Leukoplakias are oral lesions that may have many clinical and histological aspects and they are usually associated with malignancy when dysplastic alterations are shown. However, these transformations may occur in non-dysplastic lesions that show harmless clinical aspect. For this reason, the proposal was to study the p53 and PCNA immunohistochemical expression in non-dysplastic leukoplakias, trying to correlate the results only with the epithelial keratinization degree. For this, 24 leukoplakias degrees I, II and III of Grinspan were used, all of them located in oral mucosa. Most of the leukoplakias showed p53 and PCNA expression in their different keratinization degrees. The p53 marking was confined to the basal and parabasal layers, while the PCNA marking occurred in practically all epithelial layers. The expression pattern of these markers was histologically and statistically similar between the lesions with these keratinization variations. It was evident that non-dysplastic epithelium of leukoplakias showed submicroscopical signs of alterations that lead to malignant transformation, and that the keratinization degree did not correlate to a greater risk of this event.As leucoplasias são lesões orais que podem apresentar vários aspectos clínicos e histológicos e são associadas à malignidade geralmente quando apresentam alterações displásicas. Contudo, essas transformações podem ocorrer em lesões sem displasia que apresentam aspecto clínico inocente. Por esse motivo nossa proposta foi estudar a expressão imuno-histoquímica do p53 e PCNA em leucoplasias sem displasias, buscando correlacionar os resultados apenas com o grau de queratinização epitelial. Para isso foram utilizadas as leucoplasias Grau I, II e III de Grinspan, num total de 24 lesões, todas localizadas em mucosa jugal. A maior parte das leucoplasias, em seus diferentes graus de queratinização, apresentou expressão de p53 e PCNA. A marcação do p53 restringiu

  13. Avaliação da expressão do gene MGMT nos tecidos normal e neoplásico de doentes com câncer colorretal

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    Adriana Teixeira Cordeiro

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a expressão tecidual do gene de reparo MGMT comparando a mucosa cólica normal e neoplásica em doentes com câncer colorretal. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 44 portadores de adenocarcinoma colorretal confirmado por estudo histopatológico. Foram excluídos doentes suspeitos de pertencerem a famílias com câncer colorretal hereditário (HNPCC e PAF e os portadores de câncer do reto médio e inferior submetidos a tratamento quimioradioterápico neoadjuvante. A expressão do gene MGMT foi avaliada pela técnica da reação de polimerase em cadeia em tempo real (RT-PCR. A comparação dos resultados encontrados para expressão do gene MGMT entre tecidos normais e neoplásicos foi feita pelo teste t de Student pareado, adotando-se nível de significância de 5% (p <0,05. RESULTADOS: A expressão tecidual do gene MGMT em todos os doentes foi menor no tecido neoplásico quando comparada a do tecido normal (p=0,002. CONCLUSÃO: O gene de reparo MGMT encontra-se menos expresso no tecido neoplásico quando comparados aos tecidos normais em portadores de CCR esporádico.

  14. Valor Diagnóstico do Aumento dos Eosinóftlos e Linfocitos no Lavado Bronco-Alveolar em Doentes com Insuficiência Respiratória Aguda e Infiltrados Pulmonares Difusos


    Kazui Soma; Nobukazu Takada; Masaru Kubota; Masato Katagiri; Nobuo Yanase; Tomoyuki Tomita; Takashj Ohwada


    RESUMO: Os autores analisaram de 1983 a 199 1, a utilidade da contagem diferencial de células no Lavado Bronco-Alveolar (LBA) em doentes com Insuficiência Respiratória Aguda (IRA) e Infiltrados Pulmonares Difusos (IPD), com particular interesse nos que apresentavam níveis elevados de eosinóflos ou de linfocitos no LBA. Foram estudados 118 doentes com insuficiência respiratória para aguda e com PaO2

  15. P53 and Rb tumor suppressor gene alterations in gastric cancer Alterações dos genes supressores tumorais p53 e Rb no câncer gástrico

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    Rejane Mattar


    Full Text Available Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes has been frequently observed in gastric carcinogenesis. Our purpose was to study the involvement of p53, APC, DCC, and Rb genes in gastric carcinoma. METHOD: Loss of heterozygosity of the p53, APC, DCC and Rb genes was studied in 22 gastric cancer tissues using polymerase chain reaction; single-strand conformation polymorphism of the p53 gene exons 5-6 and exons 7-8 was studied using 35S-dATP, and p53 expression was detected using a histological immunoperoxidase method with an anti-p53 clone. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: No loss of heterozygosity was observed in any of these tumor suppressor genes; homozygous deletion was detected in the Rb gene in 23% (3/13 of the cases of intestinal-type gastric carcinoma. Eighteen (81.8% cases showed band mobility shifts in exons 5-6 and/or 7-8 of the p53 gene. The presence of the p53 protein was positive in gastric cancer cells in 14 cases (63.6%. Normal gastric mucosa showed negative staining for p53; thus, the immunoreactivity was likely to represent mutant forms. The correlation of band mobility shift and the immunoreactivity to anti-p53 was not significant (P = .90. There was no correlation of gene alterations with the disease severity. CONCLUSIONS: The inactivation of Rb and p53 genes is involved in gastric carcinogenesis in our environment. Loss of the Rb gene observed only in the intestinal-type gastric cancer should be further evaluated in association with Helicobacter pylori infection. The p53 gene was affected in both intestinal and diffuse histological types of gastric cancer.A inativação de genes supressores tumorais tem sido freqüentemente observada na carcinogênese gástrica. O nosso objetivo foi estudar o envolvimento dos genes p53, APC, DCC e Rb no câncer gástrico. MÉTODO: Vinte e dois casos de câncer gástrico foram estudados por PCR-LOH (reação de polimerase em cadeia- perda de alelo heterozigoto dos genes p53, APC, DCC e Rb; e por PCR-SSCP (rea

  16. Fisiopatologia da Dispneia em doentes cardíacos com Congestão Pulmonar** Trabalbo vencedor ex-aqueo do Prémio Thomé Villar/Boehringer Ingelheim, 1995

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    Miguel Mota Carmo


    Full Text Available SUMÁRIO: O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a importância da comparticipação das alterações do controlo da ventilaçõe da força dos músculos respiratórios na génese da dispneia em doentes cardíacos com estase pulmonar. Para isso comparámos 48 doentes (GI, com uma idade média de 61 anos e uma pressão capilar pulmonar (PCP de 19,9 mmHg, com um grupo de 35 controlos (GII, com uma idade média de 62 anos. Foram efectuadas as seguintes avaliações: volumes e capacidades pulmonares pelo método de diluição do hétio e por pneumotacografia, pressão de oclusão e resposta ventilatória em hipercánia, bem como a quantificação simultânea da dispneia utilizando uma escala visual analógica. Foram também medidas as pressões máximas dos músculos respiratórios, ao nível da boca, em repouso. Os doentes cardíacos foram submetidos a cateterismo cardíaco direito com determinação do débito cardíaco por termodilui determinação. Nestes doentes encontrou-se um aumento da pressão de oclusão basal em comparação com o grupo controlo (P0,1 GI-1,7 cmH20 / GII -1,35 cmH20; p<0,001, provavelmente devido ao padrão espirométrico restritivo que apresentavam. Não se detectaram alterações na variação da P0,1 durante a prova de hiperclápnia pelo que admitimos que o controlo central da ventilação se encontrava integro. Durante esta prova e para um mesmo aumento da ventilação, os doentes cardiacos apresentaram um maior grau de dispneia. A redução das pressões máximas respiratórias, bem como o aumento da “drive” respiratória em repouso, poderão estar implicadas na génese da dispneia oeste grupo de doentes. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether pulmonary congestion (PC in cardiac patients may induce changes in the control of breathing or in the

  17. Respostas das citocinas T 2 desencadeadas por Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulento nos doentes com tuberculose pulmonar em estado avançado

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    Diane J. Ordway


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Avaliaram-se in vitro as respostas das citocinas Tipo 1 e Tipo 2 de dadores portugueses saudáveis vacinados à nascença com BCG, com Mantoux positivo (induração≥5 mm e de doentes com tuberculose pulmonar (TP. Foi efectuado o estudo por ELISA da produção de IFN-γ e IL-5 por Células Mononucleares do Sangue Periférico (CMSP dos dadores após estimulação com M. tuberculosis e antigénio solúvel PPD. Foi confirmada a presença intracelular de IFN-γ e de IL-4 em subpopulações de células T por análise multiparamétrica, em citometria de fluxo. As CMSP dos doentes com tuberculose estimuladas com PPD e M. tuberculosis demonstraram uma diminuição na produção de IFN-γ sem aumento da produção de IL-5 em resposta ao painel de antigénios. Nos doentes com tuberculose observou-se uma frequência diminuída de IFN-γ intracelular nas células T CD4+ e CD8+, em comparação com os grupos controlos. Após estimulação das CMSP com M. tuberculosis, os doentes demonstraram um aumento médio de IL-4 intracelular no fenótipo T CD4+, mais evidente na subpopulação T CD8+. O aumento da secreção de IL-4 nos doentes com tuberculose verificou-se sobretudo nos indivíduos em estado avançado da doença. Os resultados obtidos por Citometria de Fluxo contradizem de alguma forma os obtidos por ELISA. A secreção de IL-4 intracelular representa uma medida mais sensível da produção de citocinas tipo 2 do que a quantificação de IL-5 por técnicas de ELISA. Estes novos resultados sugerem que pode ocorrer uma mudança de T 1 para T 2 em doentes com tuberculose em estado avançado.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2001; VII (2: ABSTRACT: In vitro Type 1 and Type 2 cytokine responses were assessed in healthy Portuguese donors who were BGC vaccinated at birth and Mantoux positive (induration 5≥mm and pulmonary tuberculosis patients

  18. Medicina Centrada no Doente

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    Cláudia Silveira


    Full Text Available A Gazeta Médica está em movimento ascendente, com dinamismo e capacidade de atração de artigos originais, revisões e casos clínicos de grande qualidade. A presença de trabalhos que demonstram a importância de cuidados de saúde baseados na entrega de valor são predominantes, onde a capacidade de diagnóstico e tratamento de patologias cada vez mais complexas e as necessidades de cada doente se encontram no centro do exercício da medicina. O sexto número da Gazeta Médica revela um conjunto de trabalhos desenvolvidos de forma integrada por equipas multidisciplinares, da relevância da discussão de casos clínicos e da organização dos cuidados de saúde orientados à doença e ao doente. O artigo “Abordagem sistémica de tolerância ao exercício: um caso para modelação matemática” apresenta um modelo matemático adaptado e desenvolvido pelos autores para a prescrição de exercício físico, dada a importância de antecipar a tolerância ao esforço físico de cada indivíduo. O artigo conclui com a oportunidade existente na criação de um núcleo de investigação em medicina desportiva com inclusão da modelação matemática em sistemas dinâmicos. O Instituto CUF de Oncologia apresenta dois artigos originais, o primeiro sobre os primeiros casos tratados em Portugal em recidivas locorregionais com recurso à radioterapia e hipertermia, e o segundo com uma síntese da casuística tratada na unidade de Oncologia pulmonar do Hospital CUF Porto entre 2014 e 2016 e a comparação com o seu referencial nacional. São ainda apresentados casos clínicos diversos onde é evidente a importância do trabalho multidisciplinar e em equipa na obtenção de melhores outcomes clínicos. Fecho o editorial com referência ao primeiro artigo de perspetiva sobre os Cuidados Pediátricos em São Tomé e Príncipe que nos transportam para uma prática médica diferente da que experienciamos nos países europeus, onde existem desafios e

  19. Avaliação espirométrica de doentes com sequela de tuberculose submetidos à lobectomia

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    Elias Amorim

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a espirometria no pré e pós-operatório de doentes com sequela de tuberculose, submetidos à lobectomia. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 20 doentes, com idade entre 15 e 56 anos, de ambos os sexos, com história pregressa de tratamento de tuberculose, apresentando infecção de repetição ou hemoptises. Foram submetidos à lobectomia pulmonar. O tempo de tratamento da tuberculose foi seis meses e o aparecimento dos sintomas entre um e 32 anos. Foram avaliadas a capacidade vital (CV, a capacidade vital forçada (CVF, o volume expiratório forçado (VEF1, o VEF1/CVF, o fluxo expiratório forçado (FEF e o pico de fluxo expiratório (PFE após o primeiro, terceiro e sexto meses em relação ao pré-operatório. O nível de significância (á aplicado em todos os testes foi 5%, ou seja, considerou-se significativo quando p<0,05. RESULTADOS: As Médias encontradas foram as seguintes: Capacidade Vital (CV Pré-operatória-2,83 ; 1º PO 2,12; 3º PO 2,31; 6º PO 2,43. Capacidade Vital Forçada (CVF Pré-operatória- 2,97; 1º PO 2,21; 3º PO 2,35; 6º PO 2,53. Volume Expiratório no 1º Segundo (VEF1 Pré-operatório 2,23; 1º PO 1,75; 3º PO 1,81; 6º PO 1,97. Houve diminuição acentuada das funções respiratórias no primeiro mês de pós-operatório, porém houve melhora dos parâmetros a partir do terceiro mês, com progressivo aumento até o sexto mês de pós-operatório. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve recuperação dos parâmetros espirométricos, comparados aos do pré operatório, após seis meses de pós-operatório nos pacientes com sequela de tuberculose submetidos à lobectomia.

  20. Heterotopia pancreática: análise clínico-patológica de 18 doentes

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    Sansom Henrique Bromberg

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as características clínico-patológicas do tecido pancreático heterotópico em órgãos digestivos abdominais. MÉTODOS: Realizamos estudo retrospectivo analisando 18 portadores de pâncreas heterotópico diagnosticados histologicamente. Seus dados clínicos e histopatológicos foram revistos. O tecido pancreático heterotópico foi classificado em três modelos histológicos: tipo I constituído por três componentes do pâncreas normal (ácinos, ductos e ilhotas, tipo II com dois componentes e tipo três com somente um componente. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi de 52,7 anos, variando de 34 a 73 anos, com nove homens e nove mulheres. Sintomas foram observados em somente quatro doentes, sendo suas lesôes diagnosticadas por gastroscopia. Os 14 restantes eram assintomáticos e suas anomalias descobertas acidentalmente. A maioria das lesões situava-se no trato superior: sete (38,9% no estômago, seis (33,3% no duodeno e três (16,6% no jejuno. A heterotopia localizou-se preferencialmente na submucosa (83,3%, mas também foi observada na muscular própria e na sub-serosa. Em sete (38,9% espécimes todos os componentes pancreáticos foram constatados (tipo I, em oito (44,4% estavam presentes glândulas exócrinas e ductos excretores (tipo II e em três (16,7% somente o tecido exócrino foi observado (tipo III. CONCLUSÃO: A heterotopia pancreática é rara. Doentes com ectopia pancreática diagnosticadas pelo estudo patológico, assintomáticos ou com sintomas discretos devem permanecer em observação. As lesões detectadas acidentalmente durante procedimentos cirúrgicos necessitam ser removidas por procedimentos conservadores.

  1. Infecção por Rhodococcus em doente imunocompetente - a propósito de um caso

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    Susana Barbosa


    Full Text Available Resumo: O Rhodococcus equi raramente causa infecção no humano, sendo que a maioria dos casos descritos estão associados a doentes imunodeprimidos. Os autores apresentam o caso de um homem de 65 anos que foi admitido no serviço de urgência por agravamento da dispneia habitual, tosse e febre. Foi internado com o diagnóstico de sépsis com ponto de partida respiratório em pneumonia de focos múltiplos e peritonite. Medicado empiricamente com ceftriaxone, com melhoria clínica. Isolamento no líquido ascítico de Rhodococcus spp. Cumpriu 2 meses de antibioterapia com doxiciclina, com boa evolução clínica, analítica e radiológica. Os autores apresentam este caso dada a raridade da situação e pretendem realçar a necessidade de um elevado índice de suspeição para o diagnóstico da infecção por este agente em doentes imunocompetentes. Abstract: Rhodococcus equi rarely causes human infection, and most of the described cases are associated with immunosuppressed patients. The authors present a 65-year-old man who was admitted to the emergency department with worsening of dyspnoea, cough and fever. He was admitted with a diagnosis of sepsis with respiratory starting point in multiple foci pneumonia and peritonitis. He was medicated empirically with ceftriaxone, with clinical improvement. Isolation in the ascites fluid of Rhodococcus spp. He completed two months of antibiotic treatment with doxycycline, with clinical, analytical and radiological improvement. The authors present this case due to the rarity of the situation and highlight the need for a high index of suspicion for the infection diagnosis by this agent in immunocompetent patients.

  2. O critério de positividade para a análise imunoistoquímica da p53 na confirmação da displasia do esôfago de Barrett faz diferença? Does positive criterium for p53 immunohistochemical analysis in the confirmation of Barrett's dysplasia make difference?

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    César Vivian Lopes


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: O esôfago de Barrett é uma complicação da doença do refluxo gastroesofágico com importante potencial de malignização. Relata-se que a expressão do marcador tumoral p53 se acentua com a progressão displasia-adenocarcinoma. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a expressão da p53 no epitélio de Barrett com presença ou não de displasia conforme dois critérios de positividade. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: O material foi constituído por biopsias endoscópicas de 42 doentes com esôfago de Barrett. Cortes histológicos foram corados pela hematoxilina-eosina, pelo PAS-alcian blue e avaliados quanto à expressão imunoistoquímica da p53. O diagnóstico de displasia foi firmado pela concordância entre três patologistas. Foram utilizados dois critérios de positividade para a p53: 1. a coloração de, pelo menos, metade dos núcleos e 2. o encontro de qualquer núcleo corado. RESULTADOS: O número total de fragmentos foi de 229, com média de 5,4 por paciente. A displasia foi detectada em seis (14,3% casos. Para diferentes critérios de positividade, a p53 foi detectada, respectivamente, em 5 (13,9% e 14 (38,9% com epitélio metaplásico não-displásico. Especificamente nos seis casos displásicos, a p53 foi detectada, conforme o critério de positividade, em um (16,7% e quatro (66,7% casos, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Nesta pequena série, a expressão imunoistoquímica da p53, independente do critério de positividade, não foi de auxílio para a confirmação de alterações displásicas no esôfago de Barrett.BACKGROUND: Barrett's esophagus is the most serious complication of the gastroesophageal reflux disease and presents a malignant potential. The expression of the tumoral marker p53 increases with the dysplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence. AIMS: To evaluate the p53 expression in Barrett's esophagus with or without dysplasia according to the two positive immunostaining criteria. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The material was constituted by endoscopic

  3. Análise comparativa da imunoexpressão da proteína p53 (clones DO-7 e PAb-240 em carcinomas de células escamosas intrabucais e labiais Comparative analysis of p53 protein immunostaining (antibodies DO-7 and PAb-240 in oral cavity and lip squamous cell carcinomas

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    José de Assis Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A carcinogênese caracteriza-se como um processo multifatorial, e a inativação da proteína p53 é uma alteração genética comumente observada nos carcinomas de células escamosas de boca (CCEB. OBJETIVO: Analisar e comparar a imunoexpressão da proteína p53, por meio dos clones DO-7 e PAb-240, em CCEB com localização intrabucal e em lábio inferior. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 40 casos de CCEB, sendo 20 de localização intrabucal e 20 em lábio inferior. Foi realizado um estudo imuno-histoquímico utilizando os anticorpos anti-p53 clone DO-7 e PAb-240. A imunoquantificação foi realizada por meio de análise digital de imagem, e os resultados, submetidos a tratamentos estatísticos. RESULTADOS: A imunoexpressão da proteína p53 foi verificada com o anticorpo DO-7 em 13 casos (65% de carcinoma intrabucal e em 19 (95% de carcinoma de lábio inferior. Imunorreatividade para o anticorpo PAb-240 foi observada em 9 casos (45% de lesões intrabucais e em 15 (75% localizados em lábio inferior. Não foram observadas, segundo o teste de Mann-Whitney, diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p > 0,05 na expressão da proteína p53 entre as duas localizações estudadas, independentemente do anticorpo avaliado. Foram identificadas, pelo teste de Wilcoxon, diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a expressão dos clones DO-7 e PAb-240 em cada um dos grupos analisados (valor p = 0,013 - lábio inferior; valor p = 0,016 - intrabucal. CONCLUSÕES: A expressão da proteína p53 observada nos CCEB, com localizações intrabucais e labiais, sugere a ocorrência de mutações no gene TP53. As diferenças quantitativas obtidas entre os anticorpos estudados, independentemente da localização das lesões, refletem uma especificidade distinta entre os clones DO-7 e PAb-240. O desenvolvimento de mais estudos será fundamental para estabelecer o anticorpo mais adequado para proteína p53 em CCEB

  4. Doentes obesos: complicações respiratórias na unidade pós-anestésica

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    J. Mendonça


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: A obesidade tem sido associada a eventos respiratórios e a maioria destes ocorrem no pós-operatório imediato na unidade pós-anestésica (UPA. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o «outcome» e a incidência de eventos adversos respiratórios (ARE pós-operatórios em doentes com obesidade durante a sua permanência na UPA. Métodos: Estudo prospetivo caso-controlo com emparelhamento de 27 pares de adultos com obesidade e doentes com IMC  0,025. A análise multivariada identificou a obesidade e o bloqueio neuromuscular residual como fatores de risco independentes para a ocorrência de eventos respiratórios. A duração da estadia na UPA foi superior nos doentes obesos (120 min vs 84 min, p > 0,01. Conclusões: A incapacidade de respirar profundamente foi o ARE mais frequente no período pós-operatório imediato nos doentes obesos. A obesidade foi considerada um fator de risco independente para ocorrência de ARE na UPA. Os doentes obesos tiveram maior tempo de estadia na UPA mas não tiveram maior tempo de internamento hospitalar. Abstract: Introduction: Obesity has been associated with respiratory complications, and the majority of these complications occur in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome and incidence of adverse respiratory events (AREs in obese patients during their stay in the PACU Methods: We conducted a prospective control study that included 27 obese patients matched with an equal number of patients with body mass index (BMI < 30 (non-obese control group; the 2 groups of patients were similar in respect to gender distribution, age, and type of surgery and had been admitted into the PACU after elective surgery (May 2011. The AREs were identified during PACU stay. Descriptive analysis of variables was performed, and the Mann-Whitney U test, Chi-square test, or Fisher's exact test

  5. Osteossarcomas humanos de alto grau: imunoexpressão de p53, erb-2 e P-glicoproteína, e correlação com o parâmetro anaplasia P-glycoprotein, erb2 and p53 expression in high-grade human osteosarcomas and their correlation with anaplasia

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    Maria Teresa de Seixas Alves


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Osteossarcoma (OS, o mais freqüente tumor primário maligno do osso, tem comportamento local agressivo e alto índice de disseminação sistêmica. Os eventos que permitem o crescimento e a disseminação tumoral ainda permanecem controversos. Os estudos sobre a carcinogênese e a progressão dessa neoplasia, com base na imunoexpressão de c-erb-B2, P-glicoproteína (P-gp e p53, apresentam resultados conflitantes acerca do real valor prognóstico e suas correlações com parâmetros histológicos. A anaplasia, em neoplasias na infância, constitui parâmetro histológico de agressividade tumoral e quimiorresistência. Nos OS primários ou metastáticos, seu significado permanece controverso. Por outro lado, em outras neoplasias humanas, a expressão do c-erb-B2 relaciona-se com p53, grau nuclear e outros parâmetros de agressividade. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a imunoexpressão de p53, c-erb-B2 e P-gp em OS, correlacionando os par��metros entre si e com a presença de anaplasia. MÉTODO: O estudo incluiu 96 biópsias pré-quimioterapia de pacientes com OS de alto grau, diagnosticados entre 1991 e 2000. A pesquisa imuno-histoquímica de p53, P-gp e c-erb-B2 foi feita pela técnica da estreptoavidina-biotina-peroxidase. Foram considerados positivos os casos onde havia imunoexpressão em 10% ou mais das células neoplásicas. Somente colorações membranosa (para cerb-B2 e P-gp e nuclear (para p53 foram consideradas positivas. Anaplasia foi definida como no tumor de Wilms, sendo considerada presente ou ausente. RESULTADOS: Anaplasia pôde ser avaliada em 82/96 casos, estando presente em 29 (35,36%. Imunoexpressão de p53 foi detectada em 25 dos 60 casos (36,23%; de P-gp, em 30 dos 73 casos (41,1%; e de c-erb-B2, em 22 dos 55 casos (40%. Os resultados demonstraram associação entre as imunoexpressões de c-erb-B2 e p53 (p = 0,042, p53 e o parâmetro anaplasia (p = 0,015, anaplasia e Pg (p = 0.034 CONCLUSÕES: A imunoexpressão de p53, c

  6. A resposta broncodilatadora em doentes com DPOC (dados do estudo UPLIFT

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    D. Tashkin


    Full Text Available Resumo: No início do estudo, foi realizada espirometria antes e depois de 80 μg de ipratrópio e 400 μg de salbutamol, administrados 90 e 30 minutos antes, respectivamente. A administração de dois broncodilatadores e a sua temporalidade teve como objectivo atingir a broncodilatação máxima ou quase máxima. O FEV1 basal após esta broncodilatação, no estudo UPLIFT, permitiu: - examinar a resposta broncodilatadora aguda numa grande coorte de doentes com DPOC moderada a muito grave; - determinar o que pode ser considerado critério de resposta usando vários critérios de reversibilidade; - avaliar as características dos doentes com e sem reversibilidade.

  7. Expressão de p53, p16 E COX-2 em carcinoma escamoso de esôfago e associação histopatológica p53, p16 E COX-2 expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and histopathological association

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    Izabella Paz Danezi Felin


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: O câncer de esôfago representa cerca de 2% dos tumores malignos e a terceira causa mais comum de câncer do trato gastrointestinal. A associação do prognóstico do câncer de esôfago com alguns marcadores imunoistoquímicos, como as proteínas p53, p16 e a ciclooxigenase 2 (COX-2 tem sido relatada. A detecção de marcadores moleculares através de imunoistoquímica pode ser utilizada para avaliação prognóstica. OBJETIVOS: Investigar a associação entre a expressão das proteínas p53, p16 e a COX-2 com o estádio do carcinoma escamoso de esôfago. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas 31 amostras de ressecção cirúrgica por esofagectomia diagnosticadas como carcinoma de células escamosas de esôfago e 31 amostras não-tumorais referentes a cada caso. Realizou-se a revisão histopatológica e o estádio pTNM. Amostras tumorais e não-tumorais adjacentes foram submetidas a análise imunoistoquímica para avaliar o conteúdo das proteínas p53, p16 e COX-2. Foi considerada positiva a expressão nuclear para p53 em quantidade igual ou superior a 10,00% das células e presença da expressão citoplasmática de acordo com três escores (1, 2, 3 de intensidade (leve, moderada, acentuada de imunocoloração para COX-2. RESULTADOS: Em área tumoral, as análises revelaram 48,38% de positividade para p53, 16,12% de positividade para p16, e 100,00% de positividade escores 1+, 2+ ou 3+ para COX-2. No entanto, quando se avaliou possível relação da expressão destes marcadores com o estádio, apenas a COX-2, escore 3+ intensidade acentuada mostraram associação significativa. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo demonstrou que existe relação positiva entre a expressão de COX-2, escore 3+ e estádio mais avançado no carcinoma de esôfago.BACKGROUND: The esophageal carcinoma represents about 2% of malignant tumors and is the third most common cause of gastrointestinal cancer. The correlation between immunohistochemistry markers, such as p53, p16

  8. A resposta broncodilatadora em doentes com DPOC (dados do estudo UPLIFT

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    D. Tashkin


    Full Text Available Resumo: No início do estudo, foi realizada espirometria antes e depois de 80 μg de ipratrópio e 400 μg de salbutamol, administrados 90 e 30 minutos antes, respectivamente. A administração de dois broncodilatadores e a sua temporalidade teve como objectivo atingir a broncodilatação máxima ou quase máxima. O FEV1 basal após esta broncodilatação, no estudo UPLIFT, permitiu: – examinar a resposta broncodilatadora aguda numa grande coorte de doentes com DPOC moderada a muito grave; – determinar o que pode ser considerado critério de resposta usando vários critérios de reversibilidade; – avaliar as características dos doentes com e sem reversibilidade.

  9. Revisão sistemática do efeito dos broncodilatadores na capacidade para o exercício em doentes com DPOC


    J.J.W. Liesker; P.J. Wijkstra; N.H.T.T. Hacken; G.H. Koëter; D.S. Postma; H.A.M. Kerstjens


    RESUMO: A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC) constitui um importante problema de saúde pública a nível mundial e a morbilidade e mortalidade associadas a esta doença continuam a aumentar. Sendo uma doença para a qual não existe um tratamento curativo efectivo, tem sido dada ênfase às medidas preventi-vas, da qual se salienta a prevenção tabágica.Pelo facto de as medidas de prevenção tabágica apresentarem uma eficácia em apenas cerca de 20% dos doentes, o tratamento sin...

  10. OTUD5 regulates p53 stability by deubiquitinating p53.

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    Judong Luo

    Full Text Available The p53 tumour suppressor protein is a transcription factor that prevents oncogenic progression by activating the expression of apoptosis and cell-cycle arrest genes in stressed cells. The stability of p53 is tightly regulated by ubiquitin-dependent degradation, driven mainly by its negative regulators ubiquitin ligase MDM2.In this study, we have identified OTUD5 as a DUB that interacts with and deubiquitinates p53. OTUD5 forms a direct complex with p53 and controls level of ubiquitination. The function of OTUD5 is required to allow the rapid activation of p53-dependent transcription and a p53-dependent apoptosis in response to DNA damage stress.As a novel deubiquitinating enzyme for p53, OTUD5 is required for the stabilization and the activation of a p53 response.

  11. Impacto das comorbilidades num programa de reabilitação respiratória em doentes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica

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    A. Carreiro


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC apresenta um impacto crescente a nível mundial. Devido ao seu impacto sistémico, e porque constitui um importante fator de risco para outras comorbilidades crónicas, a DPOC não pode já ser considerada uma doença com envolvimento exclusivamente pulmonar. Objetivo: Determinar a frequência das comorbilidades em doentes com DPOC que são submetidos a um programa de reabilitação respiratória (PRR e avaliar a influência das suas características basais, bem como das suas comorbilidades nos resultados do PRR. Métodos: O presente estudo incluiu todos os doentes com DPOC que foram admitidos na Unidade de Reabilitação Respiratória para um PRR. A resposta à reabilitação respiratória (RR foi avaliada pela melhoria na tolerância ao exercício (prova de marcha de 6 min, na dispneia (índice de dispneia de Mahler e na qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (questionário respiratório de St. George. Resultados: Foram incluídos 114 doentes com DPOC. A maioria dos doentes (96,5% tinha pelo menos uma comorbilidade. As doenças metabólicas (71,1%, as doenças cardiovasculares (67,5%, outras patologias respiratórias (57,9% e a ansiedade/depressão (21,1% foram as mais prevalentes. Apresentaram melhoria na tolerância ao exercício, na qualidade de vida e na dispneia, respetivamente, 64,9, 64,9 e 51,1% dos doentes.A globalidade dos resultados foi semelhante em todos os estadios da DPOC e em todos os subgrupos de comorbilidades. A análise por regressão logística demonstrou que a insuficiência respiratória e a doença coronária influenciaram negativamente a melhoria na qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde, e que a ansiedade/depressão se relacionou com uma melhoria menos acentuada da dispneia. Conclusão: A RR proporcionou melhoria nos doentes de todos os subgrupos de comorbilidades, salientando o papel fundamental do treino de exercício na reabilitação das

  12. O papel da neutropenia no prognóstico do doente oncológico com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade

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    S. Aliberti


    Full Text Available Resumo: A doença infecciosa contribui para uma elevada morbilidade e mortalidade no doente oncológico, representando a pneumonia adquirida na comunidade a mais frequente.O desenvolvimento de PAC no doente neoplásico parece advir da modificação de mecanismos de defesa imunitária resultante, quer da patologia maligna, quer do tratamento oncológico. O risco de infecção relacionada com o tipo de neoplasia pode associar-se ao défice de imunidade humoral, celular ou do número de neutrófilos. As doenças hematológicas malignas podem predispor o doente às infecções devido à substituição da medula por células neoplásicas. Consequentemente, estes doentes têm neutropenia funcional, apesar de apresentarem, muitas vezes, um número normal ou aumentado de neutrófilos. Por outro lado, estes doentes podem ter neutropenia como efeito secundário da quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia (neutropenia absoluta.A gravidade da neutropenia foi considerada como principal factor de risco isolado no doente neoplásico, com particular relevância se o número de neutrófilos ≤500cel/mm3.A mortalidade global atribuída à neutropenia febril no doente neoplásico é de 30–50%. Nas últimas décadas, o tratamento das infecções na população oncológica foi direccionado, primariamente, para o manuseamento da neutropenia febril, devido ao facto de o local da infecção não ser determinado em 50–80% dos casos.As guidelines da American Thoracic Society de 2001 utilizavam a neutropenia para identificar os quadros mais graves de PAC nos doentes oncológicos. Os doen tes com patologia hematológica e neutropenia funcional ou indivíduos com qualquer tipo de neoplasia e neutropenia absoluta foram excluídos das referidas guidelines. A decisão de incluir doentes com tumores sólidos não neutropénicos foi baseada, apenas, na opinião de

  13. Desnutrição e Qualidade de Vida em Doentes com Cancro do Pulmão Não Pequenas Células

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    S. Xará


    Full Text Available Resumo: O cancro está associado a uma deterioração do estado nutricional e da qualidade de vida (QdV, mas não se conhece a dimensão destas consequências nos doentes com cancro do pulmão não pequenas células (CPNPC. O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação entre a qualidade de vida e a desnutrição em doentes com CPNPC. O estado nutricional foi avaliado pelo Patient Generated – Subjective Global Assessment e a QdV foi avaliada através do European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life – C30 e do módulo específico para doentes com cancro do pulmão. Foi avaliada uma amostra com cinquenta e seis doentes diagnosticados com CPNPC. Uma elevada proporção de doentes encontra-se desnutrida (35,7%, dos quais 1,8% em estadios precoces vs 33,9% em estadios avançados de doença. A desnutrição está associada a dimensões de QdV como a falta de apetite (rho = 0,70, fadiga (rho = 0,54, náuseas e vómitos (rho = 0,52 e também obstipação (rho = 0,56. Os doentes com CPNPC apresentam elevada frequência de desnutrição nos estadios avançados de doença. Os doentes desnutridos apresentam mais sintomatologia e piores estado de saúde global, de funcionamento físico, emocional, social e de desempenho, do que os doentes sem desnutrição. A desnutrição está associada com pior QdV, especificamente nos parâmetros: falta de apetite, náuseas e vómitos, obstipação e fadiga. Abstract: Cancer is related to a deterioration of nutritional status and quality of life (QoL, but the extent of these conditions in patients with Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC has not been studied. The aim of the present study was to assess the association between QoL and undernutrition in NSCLC patients. Nutritional status was evaluated with Patient Generated – Subjective Global Assessment and Qo

  14. Fatores preditivos de coledocolitíase em doentes com pancreatite aguda biliar Predictors of choledocholithiasis in patients sustaining acute biliary pancreatitis

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    José Gustavo Parreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o papel da fosfatase alcalina (FA, gama glutamiltransferase (gamaGT e ultra-sonografia (US como fatores preditivos de coledocolitíase em doentes com pancreatite aguda biliar (PAB. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram coletados prospectivamente durante um período de 31 meses. Quarenta doentes foram incluídos, sendo 30 mulheres, com média etária de 49 + 16 anos. Foram registrados os dados de todos os doentes com pancreatite aguda biliar. Aqueles doentes ictéricos e com a forma grave da doença foram excluídos. As dosagens de FA e GGT, assim como a US, eram realizadas na admissão e 48 horas antes da cirurgia. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à colangiografia intra-operatória (CIO ou à colangiografia retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE pré-operatória, que era definida baseada na probabilidade de coledocolitíase. Com o intuito de identificar os indicadores de coledocolitíase, as variáveis foram comparadas entre os pacientes com ou sem coledocolitíase. Os testes t de Student, Qui-quadrado e Fisher foram empregados para a análise estatística, considerando-se pBACKGROUND: To assess the role of alkaline phosphatase (AP, gamil-glutamyltransferase (gammaGT and abdominal ultrasound (US as predictors of choledocholithiasis in patients sustaining acute biliary pancreatitis. METHODS: Data was prospectively collected during a period of 31 months. Forty patients were included, 30 were female and the mean age was 49 + 16. All patients sustaining acute biliary pancreatitis were enrolled. Patients with clinical jaundice and severe pancreatitis were excluded. Serum content of AP and gGT as well as US were assessed at admission and 48 hours before cholecistectomy. All patients underwent intra-operative cholangiography (IOC or pre-operative endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP, which was indicated based on the odds of choledocholithiasis. In order to identify the predictors of choledocholithiasis, variables were compared between patients

  15. Associação entre a expressão das proteínas p53 e Ki-67 e os achados clínico-patológicos em pacientes com carcinoma invasor do colo uterino Association between p53 and Ki-67 expression and clinicopathologic features in patients with carcinoma of the cervix

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    Agnaldo L. Silva-Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a associação da expressão das proteínas p53 e Ki-67 no tumor com achados clínico-patológicos em pacientes com carcinoma invasor de colo uterino. MÉTODOS: foram estudadas amostras de tumor obtidas de 36 pacientes submetidas a histerectomia radical para tratamento de carcinoma invasor do colo uterino estádio IB (FIGO. Amostras do tumor foram fixadas em formol e incluídas em parafina. O material foi analisado pela histopatologia (hematoxilina e eosina e processado para marcação imuno-histoquímica por anticorpos monoclonais contra as proteínas p53 e Ki-67. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste de chi2 para a avaliação das diferenças entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: a idade das pacientes variou de 27 a 73 anos (48,7±10,4 anos. O estadiamento clínico (FIGO foi IB1 em 27 casos (75% e IB2 em 9 casos (25%. A expressão tumoral da proteína p53 foi positiva em metade dos casos. Em relação à expressão do Ki-67, foi evidenciado alto grau de proliferação celular em 73,3% dos casos. Não houve associação da expressão das proteínas p53 e Ki-67 no tumor com idade (p=0,091 e 0,900, estadiamento (p=0,054 e 0,667, tipo histológico (p=0,674 e 0,674, grau de diferenciação (p=0,07 e 0,282, presença de invasão linfovascular (p=0,248 e 0,667, acometimento parametrial (p=0,729 e 0,763 e metástases para os linfonodos pélvicos (p=0,729 e 0,636, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: a expressão tumoral das proteínas p53 e Ki-67 não se associou com achados clínico-patológicos em pacientes com carcinoma invasor do colo uterino estádio IB.PURPOSE: to evaluate the association between p53 and Ki-67 expression in the tumor and clinicopathological features in patients with carcinoma of the cervix. METHODS: samples were taken from the tumor of 36 patients with stage IB (FIGO cervical carcinoma submitted to radical hysterectomy. Tissue samples were taken from the tumor, fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. The specimens were

  16. Avaliação tardia de doentes gastrectomizados por úlcera péptica: aspectos clínicos, endoscópicos e histopatológicos Late follow-up of gastrectomized patients for peptic ulcer: clinical, endoscopic and histopathological aspects

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    João de Souza Coelho-Neto


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Atualmente são raras as vezes em que é necessária a realização de uma gastrectomia, já que os inibidores da bomba de prótons associados aos esquemas antibióticos usados para erradicar o Helicobacter pylori, mudaram o enfoque do tratamento da úlcera péptica. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar tardiamente os doentes submetidos a gastrectomia parcial no tratamento da úlcera péptica, em época em que o Helicobacter pylori ainda não era erradicado de forma intencional, incluindo os sintomas pós-operatórios em comparação com os pré-operatórios e a incidência de síndromes pós-gastrectomias; avaliação endoscópica, incluindo o tipo de cirurgia realizada e os achados macroscópicos da mucosa do coto gástrico, duodeno ou jejuno, dependendo do tipo de reconstrução; avaliação histopatológica, incluindo a pesquisa da bactéria por dois métodos: histológico e teste de urease; e sua possível associação presente no estômago remanescente com as avaliações clínica, endoscópica e histopatológica pós-operatórias. CASUÍSTICAS E MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta e nove doentes gastrectomizados por úlcera péptica entre os anos de 1985 e 1993 foram avaliados, sendo que 44 (74,6% eram do sexo masculino e tinham idade média de 55 anos, com variação de 31 a 77 anos, passaram por entrevista clínica e por exame endoscópico. O Helicobacter pylori foi pesquisado nas peças cirúrgicas ressecadas, para constatação da sua presença ou não no pré-operatório. RESULTADOS: A avaliação clínica no pós-operatório tardio mostrou que 96% dos doentes apresentaram excelentes e bons resultados (Visick I e II. Os sintomas pós-operatórios mais comuns foram dispepsia leve e outras queixas, como diarréia, anemia e dumping, que ocorreram, respectivamente, em 11 (18,6%, 2 (3,4% e 2 (3,4% casos. A reconstrução tipo Billroth I trouxe melhores resultados clínicos tardios, quando comparada com as reconstruções tipo Billroth II e Y-de-Roux. Na avalia

  17. "Lar, doce Lar": a perspetiva de morrer em casa...


    Costa, Tânia; Souza, Cláudia; Coelho, Patrícia


    O avanço tecnológico contribuiu para generalizar a hospitalização do doente terminal. Contudo, contrariamente ao ambiente hospitalar, o domicílio detém componentes que proporcionam segurança, conforto e esperança no doente. Identificar as necessidades dos doentes/família em cuidados paliativos domiciliários para colmatar as lacunas entre cuidados atuais e desejos dos doentes. Priorizar e orientar a intervenção em cuidados paliativos.

  18. Revisão sistemática do efeito dos broncodilatadores na capacidade para o exercício em doentes com DPOC

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    J.J.W. Liesker


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC constitui um importante problema de saúde pública a nível mundial e a morbilidade e mortalidade associadas a esta doença continuam a aumentar. Sendo uma doença para a qual não existe um tratamento curativo efectivo, tem sido dada ênfase às medidas preventi-vas, da qual se salienta a prevenção tabágica.Pelo facto de as medidas de prevenção tabágica apresentarem uma eficácia em apenas cerca de 20% dos doentes, o tratamento sintomático com broncodilatadores tem ocupado o lugar principal no tratamento da DPOC.Um dos principais objectivos da terapêutica com broncodilatadores é reduzir a limitação dos débitos nas vias aéreas e, em consequência, melhorar a dispneia e a tolerância ao exercício físico. Os autores fazem uma revisão sistemática da avaliação dos efeitos da terapêutica com broncodilatadores sobre a dispneia e a capacidade para o exercício.Compararam os efeitos de três grupos de broncodilatadores: anticolinérgicos, β2 agonistas e derivados das xantinas e pesquisaram se o efeito de cada um dos broncodilatadores no exercício com carga incremental era comparável ao efeito sobre o exercício de carga constante.O tipo de exercícios que utiliza cargas crescentes pode ser realizado em cicloergómetro, em tapete ro-lante ou com a prova de shuttle. Os exercícios que utilizam uma carga constante (steady-state incluem a prova de marcha de seis e de doze minutos e o exercício em cicloergómetro.A revisão de 33 estudos realizados em dupla ocultação, aleatorizados e controlados por placebo, escritos na língua inglesa, permitiu verificar que cerca de metade dos estudos revelou um efeito significativo da terapêutica broncodilatadora na capacidade para o exercício.Os agentes anticolinérgicos (brometo de ipratrópio e oxitrópio apresentaram um efeito ben

  19. Expressão imuno-histoquímica dos marcadores pcna, KI67 e p53 em carcinomas epidermóides do trato aerodigestivo superior

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    João Paulo Esposito

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Os carcinomas epidermóides do trato aerodigestivo superior são tumores de comportamento biológico heterogêneo. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se a expressão imuno-histoquímica dos marcadores Ki67, PCNA e P53 apresenta correlações com parâmetros prognósticos clínico-patológicos. MÉTODOS: Determinação da expressão imuno-histoquímica dos antígenos Ki67, PCNA e P53 em espécimes tumorais fixados e embebidos em parafina de 53 pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide em diferentes sítios primários do trato aerodigestivo superior. RESULTADOS: Os marcadores tiveram altos índices de expressão imuno-histoquímica, sendo 46,5% para o Ki67, 66,5% para o PCNA e 36,5% para o P53. Não houve correlação da expressão do Ki67 e do PCNA com o estadiamento TNM (AJCC, nem com o grau de malignidade. A expressão do Ki67 apresentou correlação positiva com a expressão do PCNA (p = 0,037. O mesmo aconteceu para o PCNA e o número de mitoses por campo (p = 0,001. CONCLUSÕES: De acordo com estes resultados, concluiu-se que a determinação da imunorreatividade dos marcadores Ki67 e PCNA é um método objetivo e quantificável para avaliar proliferação celular que pode subsidiar as informações prognósticas.

  20. Paracoccidioidomicose subaguda progressiva: tratamento de um doente com anfotericina B e nutrição parenteral

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    Paulo Camara Marques Pereira


    Full Text Available Os Autores descrevem um caso de paracoccidioidomicose subaguda progressiva, com quadro clínico sugestivo de síndrome de má absorção, em que o doente não se beneficiara apenas com o tratamento antifúngico convencional. Ao se introduzir como medida auxiliar a nutrição parenteral houve evidente melhora clínica e laboratorial. Desta maneira os Autores propõe o uso associado da nutrição parenteral no tratamento de doentes com esta forma clínica de paracoccidioidomicose.

  1. Análise de terapias coadjuvantes de intervenção terapêutica na funcionalidade em doentes com acidente vascular encefálico


    Sousa, João Paulo de


    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia Objectivo: Analisar as diferentes terapias coadjuvantes de intervenção terapêutica na funcionalidade de doentes com Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE). Metodologia: Foi realizada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados PubMed e PEDro. Foram utilizadas as palavras-chave: “stroke”, “physical therapy” e “outcome FIM”. Resultado: Obtiveram-se 144 estudos, após a...

  2. Suporte relacionado ao cuidado em saúde ao doente com aids: o modelo de comboio e a enfermagem

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    Edilene Aparecida Araújo da Silveira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a relação e a troca de suporte entre o doente com AIDS e pessoas à sua volta. O estudo está baseado no modelo de comboio das relações sociais que tem como uma de suas características a representação da rede em três círculos concêntricos. Os participantes eram pessoas que estavam internadas e que falaram sobre o suporte relacionado ao cuidado em saúde proporcionado por pessoas próximas, ou seja, que pertenciam ao círculo interno do comboio. A maioria dos participantes descreveu o círculo como sendo composto por no máximo cinco integrantes, sendo que pessoas da família foram as mais citadas. Os profissionais de saúde precisam conhecer o paciente e seu comboio, reconhecendo-os no contexto psicossocial e cultural de forma a favorecer a aceitação da soropositividade, mudanças no estilo de vida, ajuda nos cuidados de saúde e adesão ao tratamento.

  3. Caracterização patológica e gênica (gene P53) dos tumores mamários em cadelas.


    Daniela Maria Bastos de Souza


    Os tumores mamários em cadelas tem alta incidência e malignidade sendo provocados por vários fatores de risco incluindo idade, atividade hormonal, nutrição, vírus, pseudogestação e administração de progestágenos exógenos. O gene p53, conhecido como um gene supressor de tumor, tem apresentado mutações relacionadas com neoplasias. Neste trabalho, o objetivo foi caracterizar os tumores mamários em cadelas, avaliar o comprometimento da mama lateral ao tumor e o envolvimento de fatores de risco...

  4. Avaliação carotídea em doentes submetidos a revascularização miocárdica

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    Luiz Roberto Felizzola

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Como a doença carotídea é a principal causa isolada de acidente vascular cerebral de origem tromboembólica, acredita-se ser imprescindível o seu diagnóstico precoce. O presente estudo tem por objetivo realizá-lo, mantendo os conceitos de praticidade e viabilidade econômica, adequando-se às condições socioeconômicas desfavoráveis locais. MÉTODO: No período de 18 meses foram avaliados 50 doentes, sendo 35 homens e 15 mulheres, com média de idade de 67,2 anos. Todos apresentavam indicação de revascularização miocárdica, considerados coronariopatas graves. Avaliou-se a incidência e o grau de estenose carotídea com base no mapeamento dúplex. Da mesma forma, foi avaliada a relação com possíveis fatores de risco: diabetes melito, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, tabagismo, sintomatologia neurológica focal prévia, doença arterial troncular dos membros inferiores e presença de sopro carotídeo. RESULTADOS: A incidência de estenose carotídea hemodinamicamente significativa (>50% foi de 48%, e crítica (>70% de 32%. Mostraram-se fatores de risco estatisticamente significativos, antecedentes de diabetes melito, sintomatologia neurológica focal prévia, presença de sopro carotídeo e presença de alterações arteriais tronculares dos membros inferiores. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que no grupo estudado houve aumento significativo de risco para estenose carotídea hemodinamicamente significativa e crítica, em relação à população geral. Desta forma, justifica-se o rastreamento ultra-sonográfico para doença carotídea em doentes coronariopatas, principalmente quando os fatores de risco significativos se fizerem presentes.

  5. Estudo da mutação do recetor do fator de crescimento epidérmico, durante 5 anos, numa população de doentes com cancro do pulmão de não pequenas células

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    A.S. Castro


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: Em 2006, a Unidade de Pneumologia Oncológica do Serviço de Pneumologia do Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho iniciou a sequenciação da mutação do recetor do fator de crescimento epidérmico (EGFR em doentes com CPNPC selecionados e desde 2010 realiza a sequenciação sistematicamente em todos os doentes, independentemente da histologia, hábitos tabágicos, idade ou sexo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o grupo de doentes que efetuou a sequenciação entre 2006-2010, determinar a frequência da mutação EGFR, avaliar as sobrevidas globais e após uso de inibidores da tirosina quinase (ITK, nos doentes que efetuaram esta terapêutica em 2.a e 3.a linha com conhecimento do estado da mutação do EGFR. Métodos: Análise estatística descritiva dos doentes que efetuaram sequenciação EGFR em 2006-2010 e sobrevida mediana global nos doentes que efetuaefetuaram ITK em 2.a e 3.a linha. Registo do material disponível para análise e demora média de resultado do exame, de acordo com o material enviado. Resultados: A sequenciação foi efetuada em 374 doentes, 71,1% sexo masculino, 67,1% não/ex-fumadores, 32,9% fumadores; 57,8% adenocarcinoma e 23,5% carcinoma epidermoide (CE. A mutação foi detetada em 49 doentes (13,1%. No total dos doentes estudados, a taxa de mutação foi de 9% no sexo masculino e 23% no sexo feminino. A sobrevida mediana global após o uso de erlotinib foi de 14 meses para os doentes com mutação positiva do EGFR versus 6 meses nos doentes não mutados (p = 0,003. Conclusão: O nosso grupo teve uma taxa de mutação global de 13,1%, com predomínio no sexo feminino, não fumadores, histologia adenocarcinoma. Em doentes selecionados (2006/2009, a taxa de mutação foi de 16%; nos doentes não selecionados (2010 foi de 10,4%. Este estudo tem vindo a permitir um melhor conhecimento da taxa de mutação do EGFR na população portuguesa, bem como avaliar os resultados das

  6. Reactivity of p53 protein in canine transmissible venereal tumor Reatividade da proteína P53 no tumor venéreo transmissível canino

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    J.V. Moro


    Full Text Available The expression of p53 protein was evaluated in canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT, as following: natural occurrence (n=8; resistant to chemotherapy (n=4; and allogeneic transplanted in progression (n=8, stable (n=8, and regression (n=8stages. The collected specimens were submitted to GM1 immunohistochemical reaction. Results showed a mean percentage of immunomarked cells around 18.6% in CTVT of natural occurrence, 23.8% in CTVT resistant to chemotherapy, 22.9% in allogeneic transplanted CTVT in both progression and stable stages, and 35.8% in transplanted CTVT in regression stage. The results suggest that there is a functional abnormality in p53 gene and its products in the studied tumors; although, it is not possible to correlate the percentage of cells marked by p53 and a prognosis.A expressão da proteína p53 foi avaliada em espécimes de tumor venéreo transmissível canino (TVT de ocorrência natural (n=8; resistente à quimioterapia (n=4 e transplantado em cão nas fases de progressão tumoral (n=8, de latência (n=8 e de regressão (n=8. Os espécimes foram submetidos à reação de imunoistoquímica. Os resultados mostraram porcentagem média de células imunomarcadas de 18,6% no TVT de ocorrência natural, de 23,8% no TVT refratário, 22,9% nos TVTs transplantados nas fases de progressão e latência e de 35,8% na fase de regressão. Os resultados sugerem que há uma anormalidade funcional no gene P53 e seus produtos nos tumores estudados, apesar de não ser possível correlacionar a porcentagem de células marcadas pelo p53 ao prognóstico.

  7. Inability of p53-reactivating compounds Nutlin-3 and RITA to overcome p53 resistance in tumor cells deficient in p53Ser46 phosphorylation. (United States)

    Ma, Teng; Yamada, Shumpei; Ichwan, Solachuddin J A; Iseki, Sachiko; Ohtani, Kiyoshi; Otsu, Megumi; Ikeda, Masa-Aki


    The p53 tumor suppressor protein plays key roles in protecting cells from tumorigenesis. Phosphorylation of p53 at Ser46 (p53Ser46) is considered to be a crucial modification regulating p53-mediated apoptosis. Because the activity of p53 is impaired in most human cancers, restoration of wild-type p53 (wt-p53) function by its gene transfer or by p53-reactivating small molecules has been extensively investigated. The p53-reactivating compounds Nutlin-3 and RITA activate p53 in the absence of genotoxic stress by antagonizing the action of its negative regulator Mdm2. Although controversial, Nutlin-3 was shown to induce p53-mediated apoptosis in a manner independent of p53 phosphorylation. Recently, RITA was shown to induce apoptosis by promoting p53Ser46 phosphorylation. Here we examined whether Nutlin-3 or RITA can overcome resistance to p53-mediated apoptosis in p53-resistant tumor cell lines lacking the ability to phosphorylate p53Ser46. We show that Nutlin-3 did not rescue the apoptotic defect of a Ser46 phosphorylation-defective p53 mutant in p53-sensitive tumor cells, and that RITA neither restored p53Ser46 phosphorylation nor induced apoptosis in p53Ser46 phosphorylation-deficient cells retaining wt-p53. Furthermore, treatment with Nutlin-3 or RITA together with adenoviral p53 gene transfer also failed to induce apoptosis in p53Ser46 phosphorylation-deficient cells either expressing or lacking wt-p53. These results indicate that neither Nutlin-3 nor RITA in able to induce p53-mediated apoptosis in the absence of p53Ser46 phosphorylation. Thus, the dysregulation of this phosphorylation in tumor cells may be a critical factor that limits the efficacy of these p53-based cancer therapies. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. O papel da neutropenia no prognóstico do doente oncológico com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade The role of neutropenia on outcomes of cancer patients with community-acquired pneumonia

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    Fátima Caeiro


    Full Text Available A doença infecciosa contribui para uma elevada morbilidade e mortalidade no doente oncológico, representando a pneumonia adquirida na comunidade a mais frequente. O desenvolvimento de PAC no doente neoplásico parece advir da modificação de mecanismos de defesa imunitária resultante, quer da patologia maligna, quer do tratamento oncológico. O risco de infecção relacionada com o tipo de neoplasia pode associar-se ao défice de imunidade humoral, celular ou do número de neutrófilos. As doenças hematológicas malignas podem predispor o doente às infecções devido à substituição da medula por células neoplásicas. Consequentemente, estes doentes têm neutropenia funcional, apesar de apresentarem, muitas vezes, um número normal ou aumentado de neutrófilos. Por outro lado, estes doentes podem ter neutropenia como efeito secundário da quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia (neutropenia absoluta. A gravidade da neutropenia foi considerada como principal factor de risco isolado no doente neoplásico, com particular relevância se o número de neutrófilos ≤500cel/mm³. A mortalidade global atribuída à neutropenia febril no doente neoplásico é de 30-50%. Nas últimas décadas, o tratamento das infecções na população oncológica foi direccionado, primariamente, para o manuseamento da neutropenia febril, devido ao facto de o local da infecção não ser determinado em 50-80% dos casos. As guidelines da American Thoracic Society de 2001 utilizavam a neutropenia para identificar os quadros mais graves de PAC nos doentes oncológicos. Os doen tes com patologia hematológica e neutropenia funcional ou indivíduos com qualquer tipo de neoplasia e neutropenia absoluta foram excluídos das referidas guidelines. A decisão de incluir doentes com tumores sólidos não neutropénicos foi baseada, apenas, na opinião de especialistas. Assim, os clínicos podiam sentir-se confiantes e tratar a PAC no doente oncológico não neutropénico como na

  9. Peso corporal e comorbilidade são indicadores da mortalidade em doentes com DPOC sob oxigenioterapia Body weight and comorbidity predict mortality in COPD patients treated with oxygen therapy

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    S Marti


    1 a 6 proporcional ao risco de morte relacionado com a referida patologia. O score 1 é atribuído ao EAM, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, doença vascular periférica, doença cerebrovascular, demência, conectivopatia, doença péptica, doença hepática ligeira e diabetes. O score 2 é conferido à diabetes com lesão orgânica múltipla, hemiplegia, doença renal e neoplasias, incluindo leucemia e linfomas. O score 3 é atribuído à doença hepática moderadamente grave, enquanto o score 6 às doenças neoplásicas metastizadas e à SIDA. A DPOC foi excluída desta lista. No presente estudo foram incluídos 128 doentes de um total de 202 indivíduos com DPOC sob oxigenioterapia domiciliária de longa duração. A maioria dos doentes era do sexo masculino (98% com uma idade média de 68,9±9,7 anos. A distribuição de acordo com o índice de massa corporal (IMC foi a seguinte: IMC 45mmHg em 81 casos - 63%. As patologias associadas mais frequentes foram a diabetes e a doença cardiovascular. O follow-up foi efectuado por pneumologistas em 73% dos indivíduos e clínicos gerais nos restantes, ao longo de 3,2 anos. Em 6 indivíduos, o follow-up terminou antes da referida data pela instituição de outra medida terapêutica: ventiloterapia não invasiva (3; transplante pulmonar (2 e cirurgia de redução de volume (1. O follow-up incluía o controlo da oxigenioterapia de forma a avaliar a compliance do doente e a necessidade de ajuste de aporte do oxigénio. As causas de morte foram obtidas através do registo de mortalidade catalão baseado na informação contida nas certidões de óbito e codificadas de acordo com a 10.ª Revisão da Classificação de Doenças internacional (ICD. Um total de 78 indivíduos (61% faleceu no decurso do período de follow-up. A taxa de sobrevivência aos 3 anos foi de 55%. A mortalidade por patologia respiratória foi de 77%. A comorbilidade avaliada pelo índice de Charlson estava presente em 38% dos doentes. Um IMC <25 kg

  10. O papel moderador do tipo de família na relação entre incapacidade funcional e qualidade de vida em doentes com lombalgia crônica

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    Maria Salomé Martins Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resumo A lombalgia crônica constituise como uma doença que interfere na qualidade de vida e na capacidade funcional do paciente. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar o efeito moderador do “Tipo de Família” na relação entre a incapacidade funcional e a qualidade de vida em doentes com lombalgia crônica. Participaram no estudo 213 pacientes com lombalgia há mais de 3 meses. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Medical Outcome Study (MOS-20; Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ; Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales (FACES II. Foram realizadas análises de regressão com o objetivo de testar o efeito moderador do tipo de família. Os resultados revelaram que os doentes com níveis mais baixos de incapacidade funcional apresentavam melhor qualidade de vida nas famílias intermédias e equilibradas, com relação mais forte nestas últimas. De acordo com os resultados, os programas de intervenção na lombalgia crônica, além do doente, devem incluir a família, particularmente nas equilibradas, que são as que mais sentem o impacto da doença na sua qualidade de vida.

  11. O papel da neutropenia no prognóstico do doente oncológico com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade** Eur Respir J 2009; 33:142-147

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    S. Aliberti


    Full Text Available Resumo: A doença infecciosa contribui para uma elevada morbilidade e mortalidade no doente oncológico, representando a pneumonia adquirida na comunidade a mais frequente.O desenvolvimento de PAC no doente neoplásico pa-rece advir da modificação de mecanismos de defesa imunitária resultante, quer da patologia maligna, quer do tratamento oncológico. O risco de infecção relacionada com o tipo de neoplasia pode associarse ao défice de imunidade humoral, celular ou do número de neutrófilos. As doenças hematológicas malignas podem predispor o doente às infecções devido à substituição da medula por células neoplásicas. Consequentemente, estes doentes têm neutropenia funcional, apesar de apresentarem, muitas vezes, um número normal ou aumentado de neutrófilos. Por outro lado, estes doentes podem ter neutropenia como efeito secundário da quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia (neutropenia absoluta.A gravidade da neutropenia foi considerada como principal factor de risco isolado no doente neoplásico, com particular relevância se o número de neutrófilos ≤500cel/mm3.A mortalidade global atribuída à neutropenia febril no doente neoplásico é de 30-50%. Nas últimas décadas, o tratamento das infecções na população oncológica foi direccionado, primariamente, para o manuseamento da neutropenia febril, devido ao facto de o local da infecção não ser determinado em 50-80% dos casos. As guidelines da American Thoracic Society de 2001 utilizavam a neutropenia para identificar os quadros mais graves de PAC nos doentes oncológicos. Os doentes com patologia hematológica e neutropenia funcional ou indivíduos com qualquer tipo de neoplasia e neutropenia absoluta foram excluídos das referidas guidelines. A decisão de incluir doentes com tumores sólidos não neutropénicos foi baseada, apenas, na opinião de especialistas

  12. Determination of carcinoembryonic antigen levels in peripheral and draining venous blood in patients with colorectal carcinoma Determinação dos níveis do antígeno carcinoembriônico no sangue periférico e no efluente venoso em doentes com carcinoma colorretal

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    Jaques Waisberg


    greater than 5 ng/mL. CONCLUSION: The CEA-p and CEA-d levels in the colorectal carcinoma patients were not shown to be different. The results from this study suggest that, in colorectal neoplasm without venous invasion, there may not be notable CEA drainage from the tumor by the portal vein effluent blood.RACIONAL: O problema da relação entre os níveis de CEA no sangue e o conteúdo de CEA tissular no carcinoma colorretal e os mecanismos de liberação do CEA das células neoplásicas nos tecidos vizinhos à neoplasia e sua conseqüente entrada dentro do sangue periférico são importantes para o entendimento da biologia do carcinoma colorretal. Ainda não foi convenientemente elucidado se o CEA no sangue é drenado principalmente pelo sangue do sistema portal ou pelos linfáticos para o ducto torácico ou, ainda, por ambos os sistemas. OBJETIVO: Estudar o comportamento dos níveis do CEA no sangue periférico (CEA-p e no sangue do efluente venoso (CEA-d de doentes com tumores colorretais operados curativamente. MÉTODO: foram estudados 28 doentes, sendo 12 (42,9% homens e 16 (57,1% mulheres. A média de idade foi de 66,1 anos (43 a 84 anos. Imediatamente após a laparotomia, o sangue venoso periférico foi extraído por punção venosa antecubital e o sangue do efluente venoso coletado da veia principal de drenagem das lesões. Os valores de CEA-p, CEA-d e do gradiente entre o CEA-d e CEA-p abaixo de 5,0 ng/mL foram considerados normais. RESULTADOS: Oito (28,6% doentes foram classificados no estádio A de Dukes, 9 (32,1% no estádio B e 11 (39,3% no estádio C. A neoplasia estava localizada no reto em 14 (50,0%, no cólon transverso em 5 (17,9%, no cólon sigmóide em 4 (14,3%, no ceco e/ou cólon ascendente em 3 (10,7%, e no cólon descendente em 2 (7,1% enfermos. O exame histopatológico revelou adenocarcinoma bem diferenciado em todos os enfermos. Em apenas um (3,6% doente a neoplasia, estadiada como Dukes C, exibia invasão venosa. O gradiente entre os níveis de

  13. INGN 201: Ad-p53, Ad5CMV-p53, Adenoviral p53, INGN 101, p53 gene therapy--Introgen, RPR/INGN 201. (United States)


    Introgen's adenoviral p53 gene therapy [INGN 201, ADVEXIN] is in clinical development for the treatment of various cancers. The p53 tumour suppressor gene is deleted or mutated in many tumour cells and is one of the most frequently mutated genes in human tumours. INGN 201 has been shown to kill cancer cells directly. In August 2002, Introgen announced plans to file an application for INGN 201 with the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) for the treatment of head and neck cancer; the European filing will be submitted simultaneously with the previously scheduled (planned for 2004) submission of a Biologics License Application (BLA) for ADVEXIN to the US FDA. On 20 February 2003, INGN 201 received orphan drug designation from the US FDA for head and neck cancer. INGN 201 is available for licensing although Introgen favours retaining partial or full rights to the therapy in the US. Introgen Therapeutics and its collaborative partner for the p53 programme, Aventis Gencell, have been developing p53 gene therapy products. The agreement was originally signed by Rhône-Poulenc Rorer's Gencell division, which became Aventis Gencell after Rhône-Poulenc Rorer merged with Hoechst Marion Roussel to form Aventis Pharma. According to the original agreement, Introgen was responsible for phase I and preclinical development in North America, while Aventis Gencell was responsible for clinical trials conducted in Europe and for clinical trials in North America beyond phase I. In April 2001, Aventis Gencell and Introgen restructured their existing collaboration agreement for p53 gene therapy products. Aventis Gencell indicated that p53 research had suffered from internal competition for resources and was pulling back from its development agreement with Introgen for p53 gene therapy products. Introgen will assume responsibility for worldwide development of all p53 programmes and will obtain exclusive worldwide commercial rights to p53-based gene therapy

  14. Elevação da lipase e amilase no doente crítico: estudo retrospectivo Increased lipase and amilase levels in critically ill patients: retrospective study

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    Margarida Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: A elevação da lipase e amilase séricas são frequentemente encontradas em doentes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva sem que exista doença pancreática prévia, constituindo um desafio diagnóstico e terapêutico. Baseados nesta evidência os autores propuseram-se a determinar a incidência de hiperlipasemia assintomática nos doentes críticos, fatores desencadeantes e evolução clínica destes doentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo dos doentes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva de 1 de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2006, excluídas internações por pancreatite aguda, história de patologia pancreática, insuficiência renal ou falta de dados. Pacientes foram distribuídos em dois grupos (com e sem hiperlipasemia e feita comparação considerando diversas variáveis clínicas, laboratoriais, imagiológicas. Análise estatística: SPSS 13; testes t de Student e qui² (IC 95%, com significância estatística se p38 ºC (pOBJECTIVES: Elevated lipase and amylase are commonly found in patients in intensive care unit without a previously recognized pancreatic illness, constituting a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The authors therefore proposed to determine the frequency of asymptomatic high serum lipase in critically ill patients, involved risk factors and outcome. METHODS: Retrospective study of patients admitted in an intensive care unit from January 1 to December 31, 2006, excluding admissions for acute pancreatitis, history of pancreatic disease, renal insufficiency or lacking of data. Patients were divided in two groups (with and without high serum lipase that were compared for clinical, laboratory and radiological variables. Statistical analysis: SPSS 13; Student's t test and Chi-square test (CI 95% with statistical significance if p< 0.05. RESULTS: 102 patients were included with high serum lipase was present in 39.2% of patients, mean lipase of 797U/L. Patients with high serum lipase had longer hospital

  15. Tratamento de doença bílio-pancreática em pacientes portadores de divertículo duodenal periampolar

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    Carlos Roberto Puglia

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o tratamento da doença bílio-pancreática na presença do divertículo periampolar. MÉTODO: De janeiro de 1999 a julho de 2003, 13 doentes com diagnóstico de divertículo periampolar e doença bílio-pancreática associada foram tratados pelo grupo de vias biliares e pâncreas do Departamento de Cirurgia da Santa Casa de São Paulo. Foram analisados retrospectivamente quanto à idade, sexo, quadro clínico e exames laboratoriais e radiológicos, com intuito diagnóstico. O tratamento endoscópico ou cirúrgico e seus resultados foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: Quatro pacientes eram do sexo masculino (30,8% e nove (69,2% do sexo feminino, a maioria com idade superior a 70 anos. Os principais sintomas foram de icterícia (61,5% e dor abdominal (53,8%. Dois doentes apresentaram-se com pancreatite aguda e um com hemorragia digestiva alta. Onze doentes tinham coledocolitíase e dois, diagnóstico de colangiocarcinoma. Dez doentes foram submetidos a colangio-pancreatografia retrógrada endoscópica com 30% de sucesso no tratamento da coledocolitíase. Os outros doentes foram operados: três coledocoduodenostomias, quatro coledocolitotomias com drenagem em T da via biliar. Três doentes foram submetidos à diverticulectomia (23,1% e um deles (7,7% à papiloesfincteroplastia. A mortalidade na amostra foi de 7,7%. CONCLUSÃO: A taxa de sucesso do tratamento endoscópico da coledocolitíase foi baixa na presença de divertículo periampolar e a diverticulectomia com ou sem esfincteroplastia pode elevar a morbidade e a mortalidade nestes doentes.

  16. Inhibition of p53 acetylation by INHAT subunit SET/TAF-Iβ represses p53 activity. (United States)

    Kim, Ji-Young; Lee, Kyu-Sun; Seol, Jin-Ee; Yu, Kweon; Chakravarti, Debabrata; Seo, Sang-Beom


    The tumor suppressor p53 responds to a wide variety of cellular stress signals. Among potential regulatory pathways, post-translational modifications such as acetylation by CBP/p300 and PCAF have been suggested for modulation of p53 activity. However, exactly how p53 acetylation is modulated remains poorly understood. Here, we found that SET/TAF-Iβ inhibited p300- and PCAF-mediated p53 acetylation in an INHAT (inhibitor of histone acetyltransferase) domain-dependent manner. SET/TAF-Iβ interacted with p53 and repressed transcription of p53 target genes. Consequently, SET/TAF-Iβ blocked both p53-mediated cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in response to cellular stress. Using different apoptosis analyses, including FACS, TUNEL and BrdU incorporation assays, we also found that SET/TAF-Iβ induced cellular proliferation via inhibition of p53 acetylation. Furthermore, we observed that apoptotic Drosophila eye phenotype induced by either dp53 overexpression or UV irradiation was rescued by expression of dSet. Inhibition of dp53 acetylation by dSet was observed in both cases. Our findings provide new insights into the regulation of stress-induced p53 activation by HAT-inhibiting histone chaperone SET/TAF-Iβ.

  17. O treino ao exercício melhora a dispneia de esforço em doentes com DPOC. Papel dos factores mecânicos

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    F. Gigliotti


    ção neuroventilatória. Se, por um lado, impõe aos músculos respiratórios uma maior carga elástica, obrigando a um maior esforço para que se possa manter um nível ventilatório adequado, por outro, a hiperinsuflação reduz a contractilidade máxima dos músculos que passam a operar numa relação comprimento/tensão mais desfavorável.Esta sensação de maior esforço, que não se traduz em variações proporcionais de débitos e volumes, constitui a dissociação neuromecânica ou neuroventilatória e tem como consequência a dispneia7.No trabalho que comentamos, para uma mesma carga suportada, o exercício reduziu a dispneia ao diminuir o esforço inspiratório, a hiperinsuflação pulmonar e a frequência respiratória, melhorando assim o coupling neuroventilatório.Outras formas terapêuticas, como a administração de broncodilatadores, também podem reduzir a dispneia de esforço nos doentes com DPOC, o que pode ser atribuído igualmente à redução da hiperinsuflação pulmonar e à melhoria do coupling neuroventilatório, já que nestes doentes não existe habitualmente um aumento importante dos débitos expiratórios8. Na maioria dos casos, o aumento do FEV1 com a broncodilatação não ultrapassa os 12%.Para além da coupling neuroventilatória, os autores pretenderam neste estudo avaliar os efeitos do treino ao exercício na drive ventilatória central. Durante muitos anos, o aparecimento da hipercapnia nos doentes com DPOC foi interpretado como consequência de uma redução do estímulo ventilatório que parte dos centros respiratórios (drive para os músculos respiratórios. Sabe-se hoje que, quando comparados com indivíduos saudáveis, os doentes com DPOC apresentam antes uma drive ventilatória aumentada9. Esta pode ser avaliada pela pressão de oclusão (P0.1, pela variação da ventilação (VE ou pelo

  18. Detecção imunoistoquímica das oncoproteínas p21ras, c-myc E p53 no carcinoma hepatocelular e no tecido hepático não-neoplásico Immunohistochemical detection of p21ras, c-myc and p53 oncoproteins in hepatocellular carcinoma and in non-neoplastic liver tissue

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    Vera Lucia Nunes Pannain


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: A hepatocarcinogênese é um processo no qual as alterações genéticas e epigenéticas são bem conhecidas em modelos animais, mas carece de estudos no homem. OBJETIVOS: Analisar a freqüência das oncoproteínas p21ras, c-myc e p53 no carcinoma hepatocelular e no fígado não-neoplásico. Verificar ainda a associação destas oncoproteínas com os padrões e graus histológicos, assim como com as infecções pelos vírus das hepatites B e C. MÉTODOS: Foi analisada por método imunoistoquímico a detecção das oncoproteínas p21ras, c-myc e p53 em 47 casos de carcinoma hepatocelular e no tecido não-neoplásico circunjacente ao tumor (40 casos. RESULTADOS: As oncoproteínas p21ras, c-myc e p53 foram detectadas, respectivamente, em 44,7%, 53,2% e 36,2% dos casos de carcinoma hepatocelular. A imunorreatividade do p21ras e c-myc mostrou uma associação significativa. Contudo, não houve associação significativa entre a detecção do p21ras, c-myc e p53 com os diferentes graus e padrões histológicos, nem tampouco com as infecções pelos vírus das hepatites B e C. A mesma associação significativa entre o p21ras e c-myc foi encontrada no tecido não-neoplásico dos casos de cirrose em relação aos que não apresentaram cirrose, enquanto que o p53 foi negativo em todos os casos. CONCLUSÕES: A imunorreatividade das oncoproteínas p21ras, c-myc e p53 corrobora evidências prévias de sua detecção no carcinoma hepatocelular, o que sugere poder haver participação destas proteínas na hepatocarcinogênese humana. A significativa associação entre as proteínas p21ras, c-myc e p53 no carcinoma hepatocelular e na cirrose pode apontar uma interação entre as mesmas, sobretudo na hepatocarcinogênese pela via da cirrose.BACKGROUND: Genetic and epigenetic alterations have been described in animal hepatocarcinogenesis models but need to be studied in human being. AIMS: To assess the immunoreactivity of p21ras, c-myc and p53

  19. Nuclear inclusion bodies of mutant and wild-type p53 in cancer: a hallmark of p53 inactivation and proteostasis remodelling by p53 aggregation. (United States)

    De Smet, Frederik; Saiz Rubio, Mirian; Hompes, Daphne; Naus, Evelyne; De Baets, Greet; Langenberg, Tobias; Hipp, Mark S; Houben, Bert; Claes, Filip; Charbonneau, Sarah; Delgado Blanco, Javier; Plaisance, Stephane; Ramkissoon, Shakti; Ramkissoon, Lori; Simons, Colinda; van den Brandt, Piet; Weijenberg, Matty; Van England, Manon; Lambrechts, Sandrina; Amant, Frederic; D'Hoore, André; Ligon, Keith L; Sagaert, Xavier; Schymkowitz, Joost; Rousseau, Frederic


    Although p53 protein aggregates have been observed in cancer cell lines and tumour tissue, their impact in cancer remains largely unknown. Here, we extensively screened for p53 aggregation phenotypes in tumour biopsies, and identified nuclear inclusion bodies (nIBs) of transcriptionally inactive mutant or wild-type p53 as the most frequent aggregation-like phenotype across six different cancer types. p53-positive nIBs co-stained with nuclear aggregation markers, and shared molecular hallmarks of nIBs commonly found in neurodegenerative disorders. In cell culture, tumour-associated stress was a strong inducer of p53 aggregation and nIB formation. This was most prominent for mutant p53, but could also be observed in wild-type p53 cell lines, for which nIB formation correlated with the loss of p53's transcriptional activity. Importantly, protein aggregation also fuelled the dysregulation of the proteostasis network in the tumour cell by inducing a hyperactivated, oncogenic heat-shock response, to which tumours are commonly addicted, and by overloading the proteasomal degradation system, an observation that was most pronounced for structurally destabilized mutant p53. Patients showing tumours with p53-positive nIBs suffered from a poor clinical outcome, similar to those with loss of p53 expression, and tumour biopsies showed a differential proteostatic expression profile associated with p53-positive nIBs. p53-positive nIBs therefore highlight a malignant state of the tumour that results from the interplay between (1) the functional inactivation of p53 through mutation and/or aggregation, and (2) microenvironmental stress, a combination that catalyses proteostatic dysregulation. This study highlights several unexpected clinical, biological and therapeutically unexplored parallels between cancer and neurodegeneration. Copyright © 2017 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 Pathological Society of Great

  20. Presença da Proteína p53 como Prognóstico de Recidiva/Progressão de Neoplasia Intra-epitelial Vulvar III p53 Protein Overexpression as a Prognostic Marker for Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia III Recurrence/Progression

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    Isabel Cristina Chulvis do Val Guimarães


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar o valor da presença da proteína p53 nos casos de recidiva/progressão da neoplasia intra-epitelial vulvar (VIN III. Métodos: foram selecionadas 20 pacientes com VIN III indiferenciada, seguidas semestralmente por período de até quatro anos, divididas em dois grupos: quatorze sem e seis com recidiva/progressão da lesão. Os casos de recidiva/progressão foram distribuídos da seguinte forma: em três pacientes a recidiva ocorreu uma única vez, em duas, houve dupla recorrência e apenas uma evoluiu para carcinoma escamoso. Em ambos os grupos foram avaliados o sítio vulvar acometido e a presença da proteína p53 com análise do padrão de marcação imunohistoquímica. Estudo semelhante foi realizado nos casos de recidiva/progressão além da análise do intervalo de tempo para o surgimento de recidiva/progressão. Resultados: observou-se recidiva da VIN III em 25% dos casos e, em 5%, progressão para carcinoma. O tempo médio de recidiva foi de 24,5 meses. A localização multifocal da lesão primária foi a mais freqüente (50% em ambos os grupos. Na maioria dos casos (87,5%, a recidiva/progressão ocorreu na mesma localização da lesão vulvar primária. A presença da proteína p53 mostrou-se positiva em 50% das lesões primárias de VIN III e em 75% dos casos de recidiva/progressão. Conclusões: a presença da proteína p53 parece desempenhar papel importante na gênese e na predição do curso clínico das VIN III. As recidivas/progressão das VIN III tendem a ocorrer na mesma área da doença inicial, sugerindo a presença de campo molecular alterado.Purpose: to evaluate p53 overexpression value in vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN III recurrence/progression. Methods: twenty patients with undifferentiated VIN III were selected and followed up every six months for four years and divided into two groups: fourteen without and six with recurrence/progression lesion. The recurrence/progression cases were

  1. p53 Aggregates penetrate cells and induce the co-aggregation of intracellular p53.

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    Karolyn J Forget

    Full Text Available Prion diseases are unique pathologies in which the infectious particles are prions, a protein aggregate. The prion protein has many particular features, such as spontaneous aggregation, conformation transmission to other native PrP proteins and transmission from an individual to another. Protein aggregation is now frequently associated to many human diseases, for example Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or type 2 diabetes. A few proteins associated to these conformational diseases are part of a new category of proteins, called prionoids: proteins that share some, but not all, of the characteristics associated with prions. The p53 protein, a transcription factor that plays a major role in cancer, has recently been suggested to be a possible prionoid. The protein has been shown to accumulate in multiple cancer cell types, and its aggregation has also been reproduced in vitro by many independent groups. These observations suggest a role for p53 aggregates in cancer development. This study aims to test the «prion-like» features of p53. Our results show in vitro aggregation of the full length and N-terminally truncated protein (p53C, and penetration of these aggregates into cells. According to our findings, the aggregates enter cells using macropinocytosis, a non-specific pathway of entry. Lastly, we also show that once internalized by the cell, p53C aggregates can co-aggregate with endogenous p53 protein. Together, these findings suggest prion-like characteristics for p53 protein, based on the fact that p53 can spontaneously aggregate, these aggregates can penetrate cells and co-aggregate with cellular p53.

  2. Glycerol restores the p53 function in human lingual cancer cells bearing mutant p53

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ota, Ichiro; Yane, Katsunari; Yuki, Kazue; Kanata, Hirokazu; Hosoi, Hiroshi; Miyahara, Hiroshi


    Mutations in p53, tumor suppressor gene, have recently been shown to have an impact on the clinical course of several human tumors, including head and neck cancers. The genetic status of the p53 gene has been focused on as the most important candidate among various cancer-related genes for prognosis-predictive assays of cancer therapy. We examined the restoration of radiation- or cisplatin (CDDP)-induced p53-dependent apoptosis in human lingual cancer cells. The results suggest that glycerol is effective in inducing a conformational change of p53 and restoring normal function of mutant p53, leading to enhanced radiosensitivity or chemosensitivity through the induction of apoptosis. We have also represented the same results in vivo as in vitro. Thus, this novel tool for enhancement of radiosensitivity or chemosensitivity in cancer cells bearing m p53 may be applicable for p53-targeted cancer therapy. (author)

  3. p53 Acetylation: Regulation and Consequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reed, Sara M.; Quelle, Dawn E.


    Post-translational modifications of p53 are critical in modulating its tumor suppressive functions. Ubiquitylation, for example, plays a major role in dictating p53 stability, subcellular localization and transcriptional vs. non-transcriptional activities. Less is known about p53 acetylation. It has been shown to govern p53 transcriptional activity, selection of growth inhibitory vs. apoptotic gene targets, and biological outcomes in response to diverse cellular insults. Yet recent in vivo evidence from mouse models questions the importance of p53 acetylation (at least at certain sites) as well as canonical p53 functions (cell cycle arrest, senescence and apoptosis) to tumor suppression. This review discusses the cumulative findings regarding p53 acetylation, with a focus on the acetyltransferases that modify p53 and the mechanisms regulating their activity. We also evaluate what is known regarding the influence of other post-translational modifications of p53 on its acetylation, and conclude with the current outlook on how p53 acetylation affects tumor suppression. Due to redundancies in p53 control and growing understanding that individual modifications largely fine-tune p53 activity rather than switch it on or off, many questions still remain about the physiological importance of p53 acetylation to its role in preventing cancer

  4. p53 Acetylation: Regulation and Consequences

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reed, Sara M. [Department of Pharmacology, The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA 52242 (United States); Medical Scientist Training Program, The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA 52242 (United States); Quelle, Dawn E., E-mail: [Department of Pharmacology, The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA 52242 (United States); Medical Scientist Training Program, The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA 52242 (United States); Department of Pathology, The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA 52242 (United States)


    Post-translational modifications of p53 are critical in modulating its tumor suppressive functions. Ubiquitylation, for example, plays a major role in dictating p53 stability, subcellular localization and transcriptional vs. non-transcriptional activities. Less is known about p53 acetylation. It has been shown to govern p53 transcriptional activity, selection of growth inhibitory vs. apoptotic gene targets, and biological outcomes in response to diverse cellular insults. Yet recent in vivo evidence from mouse models questions the importance of p53 acetylation (at least at certain sites) as well as canonical p53 functions (cell cycle arrest, senescence and apoptosis) to tumor suppression. This review discusses the cumulative findings regarding p53 acetylation, with a focus on the acetyltransferases that modify p53 and the mechanisms regulating their activity. We also evaluate what is known regarding the influence of other post-translational modifications of p53 on its acetylation, and conclude with the current outlook on how p53 acetylation affects tumor suppression. Due to redundancies in p53 control and growing understanding that individual modifications largely fine-tune p53 activity rather than switch it on or off, many questions still remain about the physiological importance of p53 acetylation to its role in preventing cancer.

  5. Hypophosphatemia in critically ill children Hipofosfatemia em crianças gravemente doentes

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    Fernanda Souza de Menezes


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to review clinical studies on hypophosphatemia in pediatric intensive care unit patients with a view to verifying prevalence and risk factors associated with this disorder. We searched the computerized bibliographic databases Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, and LILACS to identify eligible studies. Search terms included critically ill, pediatric intensive care, trauma, sepsis, infectious diseases, malnutrition, inflammatory response, surgery, starvation, respiratory failure, diuretic, steroid, antiacid therapy, mechanical ventilation. The search period covered those clinical trials published from January 1990 to January 2004. Studies concerning endocrinological disorders, genetic syndromes, rickets, renal diseases, anorexia nervosa, alcohol abuse, and prematurity were not included in this review. Out of 27 studies retrieved, only 8 involved pediatric patients, and most of these were case reports. One clinical trial and one retrospective study were identified. The prevalence of hypophosphatemia exceeded 50%. The commonly associated factors in most patients with hypophosphatemia were refeeding syndrome, malnutrition, sepsis, trauma, and diuretic and steroid therapy. Given the high prevalence, clinical manifestations, and multiple risk factors, the early identification of this disorder in critically ill children is crucial for adequate replacement therapy and also to avoid complications.Este estudo objetivou realizar revisão da literatura para verificar prevalência, fatores de risco e condições clínicas associadas à hipofosfatemia em crianças gravemente doentes. Para a pesquisa foram utilizadas as bases de dados Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, Lilacs abrangendo estudos clínicos publicados de janeiro de 1990 a janeiro de 2004. Os termos utilizados para pesquisa foram: critically ill, pediatric intensive care, trauma, sepsis, infectious diseases, malnutrition, inflammatory response, surgery, starvation

  6. Neoplasias astrocitárias e correlação com as proteínas p53 mutada e Ki-67 Astrocytic neoplasms and correlation with mutate p53 and Ki-67 proteins

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    Gustavo Rassier Isolan


    Full Text Available As neoplasias astrocitárias correspondem a 60% dos tumores do sistema nervoso central, sendo o estudo da biologia molecular um importante passo para a compreensão da gênese e comportamento biológico destas doenças. As proteínas Ki-67, que é um marcador de proliferação celular, e p53, que é o produto do gene supressor de tumor de mesmo nome, são importantes marcadores tumorais. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e quantificar as proteínas Ki-67 e produto do gene supressor de tumor TP53 em diferentes graus de malignidade das neoplasias astrocitárias, bem como analisar suas relações com idade e sexo. Foram estudadas por imuno-histoquímica as proteínas Ki-67 e p53 em 47 pacientes com neoplasias astrocitárias ressecadas cirurgicamente, classificadas previamente e revisadas quanto ao grau de malignidade, de acordo com o proposto pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Os núcleos celulares imunomarcados foram quantificados no programa Imagelab-softium pela razão paramétrica absoluta entre os núcleos de células positivas e o número total de células tumorais, sendo contadas 1000 células. O delineamento utilizado foi transversal não controlado. Para análise estatística as variáveis foram divididas em grupos, que para a Ki-67 foram ausente, 5% e para a p53 foram ausente (0, The astrocytic neoplasms respond by 60% of the central nervous system tumors, being the study of the molecular biology an important step for the understanding of the genesis and biological behavior of these diseases. The Ki-67 proteins, which are markers of the cellular proliferation, and p53, which is the product of the tumor suppressor gene TP53, are both important tumoral markers. This study intends to identify and quantify the Ki-67 and p53 proteins in astrocytic tumors of different grades of malignancy, as well as to analyze their relations with age and gender. Ki-67 and p53 proteins in 47 patients with surgically resected astrocytic neoplasms were

  7. Estudo das manifestações neurológicas em 93 doentes com intoxicação exógena por substancias químicas não medicamentosas

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    S. Agapejev


    Full Text Available Foram analisadas as manifestações neurológicas em 93 doentes com suspeita de intoxicação exógena. A detecção das substancias tóxicas foi realizada no sangue, urina e líquido cefalorraqueano. Verificou-se nítido predomínio do comprometimento do sistema nervoso central em relação ao periférico e aparente tropismo de herbicidas e organofosforados para o sistema nervoso central, comparando-se o comportamento dos metais pesados e organoclorados. São analisados os prováveis mecanismos de ação dessas substancias no sistema nervoso e são apresentados os sinais e/ou sintomas que foram observados.

  8. Urodele p53 tolerates amino acid changes found in p53 variants linked to human cancer

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    Villiard Éric


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Urodele amphibians like the axolotl are unique among vertebrates in their ability to regenerate and their resistance to develop cancers. It is unknown whether these traits are linked at the molecular level. Results Blocking p53 signaling in axolotls using the p53 inhibitor, pifithrin-α, inhibited limb regeneration and the expression of p53 target genes such as Mdm2 and Gadd45, suggesting a link between tumor suppression and regeneration. To understand this relationship we cloned the p53 gene from axolotl. When comparing its sequence with p53 from other organisms, and more specifically human we observed multiple amino acids changes found in human tumors. Phylogenetic analysis of p53 protein sequences from various species is in general agreement with standard vertebrate phylogeny; however, both mice-like rodents and teleost fishes are fast evolving. This leads to long branch attraction resulting in an artefactual basal emergence of these groups in the phylogenetic tree. It is tempting to assume a correlation between certain life style traits (e.g. lifespan and the evolutionary rate of the corresponding p53 sequences. Functional assays of the axolotl p53 in human or axolotl cells using p53 promoter reporters demonstrated a temperature sensitivity (ts, which was further confirmed by performing colony assays at 37°C. In addition, axolotl p53 was capable of efficient transactivation at the Hmd2 promoter but has moderate activity at the p21 promoter. Endogenous axolotl p53 was activated following UV irradiation (100 j/m2 or treatment with an alkylating agent as measured using serine 15 phosphorylation and the expression of the endogenous p53 target Gadd45. Conclusion Urodele p53 may play a role in regeneration and has evolved to contain multiple amino acid changes predicted to render the human protein defective in tumor suppression. Some of these mutations were probably selected to maintain p53 activity at low temperature. However

  9. Impacto do ecocardiograma transesofágico intraoperatório na mortalidade em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio com circulação extracorpórea

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    Marcello Fonseca Salgado Filho

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar as taxas de mortalidade e morbidade de doentes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio (RVM com circulação extracorpórea (CEC que utilizaram rotineiramente o ecocardiograma transesofágico intraoperatório (ETEio. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo, observacional com avaliação de prontuários de 360 doentes no período entre abril de 2010 a abril de 2012. Foram analisados: idade, peso, altura sexo, EUROscore, diabete melito, fração de ejeção e artérias acometidas. Os desfechos foram compilados no intra e no pós-operatório (infarto do miocárdio, acidente vascular cerebral, disfunção renal, hemodiálise, fibrilação atrial, tempo de internação no centro de tratamento intensivo. RESULTADOS: foram incluídos 53 doentes, com 27 recebendo a monitoração. Foram excluídos 307 porque não foram operados pela mesma equipe cirúrgica. Os dois grupos foram homogêneos quanto a idade, peso e sexo, porém, a fração ejeção foi menor no grupo que recebeu o ecotransesofágico (G ETEio: 56,3%; G Não ETEio: 65,9% ± 11; p=0,01. Nos doentes em que não foi utilizado o ETEio, a mortalidade foi maior (G ETEio: 0% e G Não ETEio: 7,6%; p=0,01. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos quanto à incidência de acidente vascular encefálico, infarto agudo do miocárdio, fibrilação atrial aguda e lesão renal. CONCLUSÃO: a utilização do ecocardiograma transesofágico intraoperatório em pacientes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio, com circulação extracorpórea, diminuiu a mortalidade perioperatória; orientou quanto a utilização dos fármacos inotrópicos e vasodilatadores e contribuiu para uma melhor evolução dos doentes.

  10. O efeito da ingestão de um café com e sem canela na glicémia pós prandial em adultos saudáveis


    Fernandes, Sara Raquel Soares


    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Nutrição Clínica Introdução: A canela é uma das especiarias mais conhecidas e de uso generalizado. Estudos anteriores demonstraram que a sua ingestão reduz tanto a glicemia pós-prandial como os níveis de stress oxidativo, o que parece estar subjacente à resistência à insulina. A maioria dos estudos sobre a canela procura verificar seus efeitos em doentes diabéticos de tipo 2, mas estudos em indivíduos saudáveis são raros. Objeti...

  11. Colonização por Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina: Que impacto na morbilidade de doentes pediátricos com fibrose quística?

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    Joana Fermeiro


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: Ao Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA é classicamente reconhecido um papel patogénico no âmbito da fibrose quística (FQ.Objectivos: Avaliação da evolução da prevalência e incidência da colonização por MRSA, impacto clínico no ano após o primeiro isolamento, factores de risco e padrão de resistência antimicrobiana.Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos doentes pediátricos colonizados por MRSA seguidos no centro de FQ do Hospital de Santa Maria de 2003 a 2007.Resultados: O MRSA foi isolado em secreções respiratórias de 12 dos 60 doentes seguidos durante este período (colonização crónica em 3 doentes. A idade média à data do primeiro isolamento foi de 9 anos e 10 meses e o tempo médio entre o diagnóstico de FQ e a aquisição de MRSA de 5 anos e 7 meses.Verificou-se um aumento da prevalência e incidência de colonização por MRSA, com um máximo atingido em 2007 (prevalência 14,3% e incidência 8,9%. Quatro doentes cumpriram antibioticoterapia profiláctica antiestafilocócica com flucloxacilina.No ano após o primeiro isolamento de MRSA, constatou-se um aumento do número de dias de internamento em 4 doentes (2 com colonização crónica e deterioração da função pulmonar em 5, incluindo a totalidade dos doentes com colonização crónica. Apenas um doente apresentou diminuição de percentil de índice de massa corporal.As resistências mais frequentemente encontradas foram à rifampicina e à clindamicina.Conclusões: Este estudo revelou ocorrência de deterioração clínica relevante em doentes com colonização crónica por MRSA, reforçando a importância da implementação de estratégias eficazes e precoces de erradicação.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 527-542 Abstract: Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA plays a well-recognised pathogenic role in cystic fibrosis (CF.Aims: To evaluate the prevalence and incidence of colonisation by MRSA

  12. RITA (Reactivating p53 and Inducing Tumor Apoptosis) is efficient against TP53abnormal myeloma cells independently of the p53 pathway. (United States)

    Surget, Sylvanie; Descamps, Géraldine; Brosseau, Carole; Normant, Vincent; Maïga, Sophie; Gomez-Bougie, Patricia; Gouy-Colin, Nadège; Godon, Catherine; Béné, Marie C; Moreau, Philippe; Le Gouill, Steven; Amiot, Martine; Pellat-Deceunynck, Catherine


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the p53-reactivating drugs RITA and nutlin3a in killing myeloma cells. A large cohort of myeloma cell lines (n = 32) and primary cells (n = 21) was used for this study. This cohort contained cell lines with various TP53 statuses and primary cells with various incidences of deletion of chromosome 17. Apoptosis was evaluated using flow cytometry with Apo2.7 staining of the cell lines or via the loss of the myeloma-specific marker CD138 in primary cells. Apoptosis was further confirmed by the appearance of a subG1 peak and the activation of caspases 3 and 9. Activation of the p53 pathway was monitored using immunoblotting via the expression of the p53 target genes p21, Noxa, Bax and DR5. The involvement of p53 was further studied in 4 different p53-silenced cell lines. Both drugs induced the apoptosis of myeloma cells. The apoptosis that was induced by RITA was not related to the TP53 status of the cell lines or the del17p status of the primary samples (p = 0.52 and p = 0.80, respectively), and RITA did not commonly increase the expression level of p53 or p53 targets (Noxa, p21, Bax or DR5) in sensitive cells. Moreover, silencing of p53 in two TP53(mutated) cell lines failed to inhibit apoptosis that was induced by RITA, which confirmed that RITA-induced apoptosis in myeloma cells was p53 independent. In contrast, apoptosis induced by nutlin3a was directly linked to the TP53 status of the cell lines and primary samples (p RITA, in contrast to nutlin3a, effectively induced apoptosis in a subset of MM cells independently of p53. The findings and could be of interest for patients with a 17p deletion, who are resistant to current therapies.

  13. Qualidade de Sono e Parâmetros de Dessaturação Nocturna em Doentes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica e Hipoxémia entre 55-70 mmHg

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    José Moutinho Dos Santos


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A dessaturação nocturna é um facto reconhecido em doentes com insuficiência respiratória crónica (IRC sendo sobretudo responsabilizada no seu mecanismo fisiopatológico a redução da ventilação alveolar particularmente durante o sono REM. Este fenómeno é importante em doentes com hipoxémia basal moderada (PaO2 basal entre 55-70 mmHg dada a posição particular da SaO2 na curva de dissociação de hemoglobina. Por outro lado, tem sido referido na literatura alterações da qualidade do sono em doentes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica que afectam a normal estrutura do sono. O objectivo do trabalho foi avaliar de que modo a qualidade do sono poderia afectar os parâmetros de dessaturação nocturna e a sua definição como doente dessaturador.Vinte doentes (15 homens; 5 mulheres; idade X±dp - 68,2±6,1 anos com IRC estabilizada secundária a DPOC (FEV1 - 1,024±0,431 litros; 47±16,5 % do prognosticado foram submetidos a estudo poligráfico do sono em duas noites consecutivas em ar ambiente, sem medicação sedativa e sob medicação broncodilatora habitual. Na primeira noite de sono o padrão geral foi de insónia e sono fragmentado (aumento do tempo de latência ao sono e do número de “arousals” e diminuição da eficiência do sono com consequente redução do tempo em sono 3-4 e sono REM. Na segunda noite de estudo, verificou-se redução significativa do tempo de latência (72±65,5 vs. 28±31,4 minutos; p=0.008 e aumento da eficiência do sono (52±26,5 vs. 76±13.4%; p<0.0001 sem variação significativa do número de “arousals” e do tempo em sono profundo mas com aumento significativo do sono REM (6±4,8 vs. 11±6,5 %. Não se constataram diferenças significativas nos parâmetros de dessaturação nocturna nas duas noites embora se verifique grande variabilidade

  14. Glioblastoma pediátrico: estudo clínico patológico de 12 casos com imunoistoquímica para proteína p53 Pediatric glioblastoma: a clinicopathological study of 12 cases with p53 protein immunohistochemistry

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    Leonora Zozula Blind Pope


    Full Text Available Glioblastoma é um dos tumores primários mais letais do sistema nervoso central (SNC. Apesar dos significativos progressos, há poucas análises em crianças. Com o objetivo de avaliar localização, idade, sexo, sobrevida e imunoistoquímica para proteína p53, foram coletados casos de glioblastomas pediátricos do "Banco de Tumores do SNC de Curitiba", durante 1987-2003 e do Hospital Municipal Jesus, Rio de Janeiro, de 1970 a 1988. Doze preencheram os critérios de inclusão. A idade variou até 12 anos (média 7, sendo sete do sexo feminino e cinco do masculino. A sobrevida média foi 7,9 meses. Localizavam-se em hemisférios cerebrais (58,4%, mesencéfalo e tronco (33,3% e um no cerebelo. A imunoistoquímica demonstrou p53 positivo em 9 (75%. Em conclusão, glioblastoma tem comportamento semelhante entre crianças e adultos, sendo nestas menos freqüentes. Acomete hemisférios cerebrais com maior freqüência que estruturas infratentoriais, mostrando alta sensitividade com a imunomarcação para proteína p53, sendo nestes casos mais agressivos, com menor sobrevida.Glioblastoma is one of the most lethal central nervous system (CNS primary tumor. Although significant progress, only few analysis have been made in pediatric glioblastoma, which are less common and have worse prognosis than in adults. To evaluate gender, site, age, survival, and immunohistochemistry to p53, we selected cases of pediatric glioblastoma of "CNS Tumors Database in Curitiba", 1987-2003 and of the Hospital Municipal Jesus, Rio de Janeiro, 1970-1988. Twelve tumors were included. The age ranged from up to 12 years (median 7. There were 7 females and 5 males. The median survival was 7.9 months. Location was: cerebral hemispheres (58.4%, mesencephalon and brainstem (33.3% and one case in the cerebellum. Immunostained to p53 in 9 (75% cases. In conclusion, glioblastoma behaves similarly in children and adults. It is rare in children, affects both cerebral hemispheres more

  15. Perfil epidemiológico das infecções bacterianas do aparelho respiratório em doentes com fibrose quística

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    Sofia Quintas


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Com o intuito de caracterizar a evolução do perfil epidemiológico das infecções bacterianas do aparelho respiratório dos doentes com Fibrose Quística (FQ, os autores realizaram um estudo retrospectivo da prevalência e incidência das mesmas em 78 doentes com FQ seguidos no Centro Especializado de FQ da Clínica Universitária de Pediatria do Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa durante um período de 5 anos (1995-1999.A Pseudomonas aeruginosa foi a bactéria mais frequentemente isolada nos três primeiros anos do estudo (60-73%, sendo ultrapassada nos dois anos seguintes pelo Staphylococcus aureus. No entanto, a Pseudomonas aeruginosa constituiu sempre o principal agente de colonização crónica (44-59%, com um pico de início da mesma entre os 0 e os 5 anos (34%. Verificou-se ao longo dos 5 anos um aumento significativo da prevalência de colonização intermitente e crónica por Staphylococcus aureus (48% para 83% e 32% para 54%. A prevalência de isolamentos de Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina e de Burkholderia cepacia quase que duplicou neste período. As taxas de isolamento e de colonização crónica por Alcaligenes xylosoxidans aumentaram bruscamente a partir de 1997 (de 3% e 0% em 1996 para 7% e 5% em 1997 e 10% e 7% em 1999. A colonização crónica por Haemophilus influenzae manteve uma prevalência média de 22%, apesar dum aumento dos isolamentos (de 42% para 61%. Em 55% dos doentes observou-se colonização crónica por dois ou mais agentes.Em função destes resultados são discutidos os esquemas terapêuticos e as medidas de prevenção de contágios que têm sido preconizados nos doentes com FQ do nosso centro.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2003; IX (4: 337-352 ABSTRACT: With the aim of characterizing the evolution of the epidemiological profile of respiratory bacterial infections of patients having Cystic Fibrosis (CF, the authors

  16. Fibrose quística – Caracterização clínica de uma amostra de doentes portugueses

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    Micaela Guardiano


    Full Text Available Resumo: Apesar dos rápidos avanços na compreensão dos determinantes moleculares da fibrose quística, esta continua a ser uma das doenças recessivas letais mais comuns na população caucasiana em todo o mundo. A realidade dos doentes portugueses continua a ser pouco conhecida, pela escassez de trabalhos publicados referentes à nossa população.Este trabalho tem como objectivos: fazer uma avaliação clínica de um grupo de doentes portugueses com fibrose quística, com 2 mutações identificadas e comparar a apresentação clínica de um grupo de doentes homozigóticos para a mutação F508del com doentes não homozigóticos para esta mutação.Para tal, seleccionou-se um grupo de doentes em seguimento na Consulta de Pneumologia Pediátrica do HSJ que foram caracterizados do ponto de vista fenotípico e classificados de acordo com critérios de gravidade.Todos os doentes desta amostra apresentaram mutações de classe I e/ou II, que se associam, classicamente, a fenótipo mais grave. Em conformidade com a gravidade genotípica, todos os doentes apresentaram um fenótipo de insuficiência pancreática mas com maior variabilidade de manifestações pulmonares.Não se encontraram variações significativas em termos de idade de diagnóstico, formas de apresentação e gravidade da doença entre doentes homozigóticos F508del e restantes doentes. Em contrapartida, doentes com o mesmo genótipo (homozigóticos F508del apresentaram diferentes espectros de manifestações clínicas e de gravidade fenotípica. Tanto ou mais do que a caracterização genotípica, o tempo de evolução da doença e os factores externos (nomeadamente a sujeição a estímulos infecciosos deverão interferir na gravidade do fenótipo num dado momento.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (4: 381-406 Abstract: Even though there have been rapid advances in

  17. The p53-dependent radioadaptive response (United States)

    Ohnishi, Takeo

    We already reported that conditioning exposures at low doses, or at low dose-rates, lowered radiation-induced p53-dependent apoptosis in cultured cells in vitro and in the spleens of mice in vivo. In this study, the aim was to characterize the p53-dependent radioadaptive response at the molecular level. We used wild-type (wt) p53 and mutated (m) p53 containing cells derived from the human lung cancer H1299 cell line, which is p53-null. Cellular radiation sensitivities were determined with a colony-forming assay. The accumulation of p53, Hdm2, and iNOS was analyzed with Western blotting. The quantification of chromosomal aberrations was estimated by scoring dicentrics per cell. In wtp53 cells, it was demonstrated that the lack of p53 accumulation was coupled with the activation of Hdm2 after low dose irradiation (0.02 Gy). Although NO radicals were only minimally induced in wtp53 cells irradiated with a challenging irradiation (6 Gy) alone, NO radicals were seen to increase about 2-4 fold after challenging irradiation following a priming irradiation (0.02 Gy). Under similar irradiation conditions with a priming and challenging irradiation in wtp53 cells, induction of radioresistance and a depression of chromosomal aberrations were observed only in the absence of Pifithrin-α (a p53 inhibitor), RITA or Nutlin-3 (p53-Hdm2 interaction inhibitors), aminoguanidine (an iNOS inhibitor) and c-PTIO (an NO radical scavenger). On the other hand, in p53 dysfunctional cells, a radioadaptive response was not observed in the presence or absence of those inhibitors. Moreover, radioresistance developed when wtp53 cells were treated with ISDN (an NO generating agent) alone. These findings suggest that NO radicals are an initiator of the radioadaptive response acting through the activation of Hdm2 and the depression of p53 accumulations.

  18. Doenças pulmonares intersticiais: Acuidade diagnóstica e riscos da biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica Interstitial lung disease: Diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy

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    Miguel Guerra


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem a sua casuística de biópsias pulmonares cirúrgicas em doentes com doença pulmonar intersticial, de forma a determinar a acuidade diagnóstica, os riscos e a morbimortalidade associados ao procedimento. Entre Janeiro de 1998 e Dezembro de 2007, 53 doentes (idade média de 47,2±13 anos foram referenciados para a realização de biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica, dos quais 22 eram mulheres (41,5%. As biópsias pulmonares foram realizadas quer por videotoracoscopia (37 doentes, 69,8%, quer por minitoracotomia (16 doentes, 30,2%. Foi escolhido o pulmão direito para biopsar em 88,7% dos casos. Registaram-se complicações pós-operatórias em 5 doentes (9,4%: fuga aérea prolongada em 3 doentes (5,7%, persistência de loca de pneumotórax num doente (1,9% e hemorragia com necessidade de revisão de hemostase noutro doente (1,9%. Ocorreu um óbito de causa desconhecida num doente sem risco acrescido. A duração média da drenagem foi de 4,4±3 dias e o tempo de internamento médio de 5,5±4 dias. O diagnóstico histológico definitivo foi conseguido em 50 doentes, registando-se uma acuidade diagnóstica de 94,3%. Em conclusão, o potencial benefício de um diagnóstico histopatológico conclusivo através de uma biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica deve ser balanceado com os riscos associados ao procedimento cirúrgico, especialmente para aqueles doentes com disfunção cardiopulmonar severa.This study reports our experience, diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy in patients with interstitial lung diseases. From January 1998 – December 2007 surgical lung biopsy was performed in 53 patients (22 female [41.5%]; age 47.2±13 years. A total of 37 patients (69.8% underwent videothoracoscopic lung biopsy and minithoracotomy was performed in 16 patients (30.2%. Right lung was the choice in 47 patients (88.7%. Postoperative complications were rare (9.4% and included three prolonged air leaks (5.7%, one pneumothorax requiring a

  19. Fibrose quística em adultos Cystic fibrosis in adults

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    C Damas


    Full Text Available Os autores efectuaram uma revisão de doentes adultos com fibrose quística (FQ, seguidos na consulta de Pneumologia no período de 1994-2004 (n=8: cinco mulheres e três homens, com idades compreendidas entre 20 e 34 anos (mediana = 27 anos, cuja idade de diagnóstico variou entre os 18 meses e os 31 anos. O diagnóstico foi obtido por prova de suor (positiva em seis doentes e estudo genético (homozigotia para a mutação ÄF508 em quatro doentes. O atingimento respiratório traduziu-se por sinusite e bronquiectasias, acompanhando-se o envolvimento pulmonar por alterações funcionais e também gasométricas na maioria dos doentes, ainda que de gravidade variável e não relacionada com a idade de diagnóstico. Verificou-se colonização da árvore brônquica em cinco doentes: Pseudomonas aeruginosa em quatro e Staphilococcus aureus em quatro (verificando-se colonização concomitante por estes agentes em três. As principais causas de exacerbação foram infecções respiratórias e hemoptises. Quanto ao atingimento não respiratório, quatro doentes apresentavam envolvimento digestivo (com cirrose hepática num caso, um insuficiência renal em hemodiálise, e em apenas um foi efectuado espermograma para documentação de infertilidade. Quatro doentes tinham osteopenia documentada por densitometria óssea. As medidas terapêuticas mais utilizadas foram a cinesiterapia, os broncodilatadores, a alfa-dornase, mucolíticos, suplementos vitamínicos e enzimáticos, antibioterapia e oxigenoterapia. Relativamente à evolução, uma doente abandonou a consulta, uma doente faleceu, um doente aguardava transplante pulmonar e os restantes mantiveram as suas características clínicas habituais. Neste grupo, a gravidade da doença pulmonar não se relacionou com o diagnóstico mais tardio, o que se pode dever à diversidade de apresentação fenotípica da FQ na idade adulta.The authors reviewed adult cystic fibrosis patients followed in the Pulmonology

  20. Colonic carcinoid tumors: a clinicopathologic study of 23 patients from a single institution Tumores carcinóides do cólon: estudo clinicopatológico de 23 doentes de uma única instituição

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    Daniel Reis Waisberg


    éia, massa abdominal palpável e sangramento pelo reto. Não foram observados doentes com síndrome carcinóide. A lesão estava localizada no ceco em 16 (69,6% doentes, no cólon sigmóide em 3 (13,0%, no colo ascendente em 3 (13,0% e no cólon transverso em 1 (4,3%. Vinte e um (91,3% doentes foram operados com intenção curativa. Disseminação da doença para o fígado e peritônio foi encontrada em dois (8,7% doentes que foram submetidos ao desvio intestinal. A média do tamanho das lesões intestinais foi 3,7 ± 1,2 cm (1,5 a 6,2 cm. Lesões múltiplas (duas ou mais ocorreram em três (13,0% casos. Nas lesões ressecadas, os linfonodos estavam comprometidos em 10 (47,6% e livres em 11 (52,4%. Invasão venosa e infiltração neural estavam ambas presentes em cinco (23,8% doentes. A neoplasia penetrava a muscularis propria em todos as lesões ressecadas. Quatro (17,4% doentes apresentaram outra neoplasia maligna primária. Três (13,0% doentes faleceram devido a complicações pós-operatórias e outros cinco (21,7% morreram devido às metástases metacrônicas ou recidiva local. Quinze doentes (65,2% permanecem vivos e sem sinais de doença ativa. A média do período de seguimento foi de 12 anos (1,2 a 18 anos, a média de tempo de sobrevivência foi de 50,7 ± 34,2 meses e o índice de sobrevivência de 5 anos foi 62.7%. CONCLUSÕES: Os tumores carcinóide do cólon localizam-se, geralmente, no cólon direito e podem ser clinicamente ocultos até que atinjam estádios avançados. Devido ao índice relativamente baixo de sobrevivência, é recomendado que, além da ressecção cirúrgica padronizada, seja realizada vigilância intensa para doença metastática, especialmente durante os 2 primeiros anos após a operação. Doentes com carcinóide do cólon necessitam de avaliação de todo o trato gastrointestinal para verificar a presença de outras neoplasias malignas primárias, além de seguimento pós-operatório por período maior de tempo, pois a recidiva após 5

  1. RITA can induce cell death in p53-defective cells independently of p53 function via activation of JNK/SAPK and p38. (United States)

    Weilbacher, A; Gutekunst, M; Oren, M; Aulitzky, W E; van der Kuip, H


    Significant advances have been made in the development of small molecules blocking the p53/MDM2 interaction. The Mdm2 inhibitor Nutlin-3 is restricted to tumors carrying wtp53. In contrast, RITA, a compound that binds p53, has recently been shown also to restore transcriptional functions of mtp53. As more than 50% of solid tumors carry p53 mutations, RITA promises to be a more effective therapeutic strategy than Nutlin-3. We investigated effects of RITA on apoptosis, cell cycle and induction of 45 p53 target genes in a panel of 14 cell lines from different tumor entities with different p53 status as well as primary lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Nine cell strains expressed wtp53, four harbored mtp53, and three were characterized by the loss of p53 protein. A significant induction of cell death upon RITA was observed in 7 of 16 cell lines. The nonmalignant cells in our panel were substantially less sensitive. We found that in contrast to Nultin-3, RITA is capable to induce cell death not only in tumor cells harboring wtp53 and mtp53 but also in p53-null cells. Importantly, whereas p53 has a central role for RITA-mediated effects in wtp53 cells, neither p53 nor p63 or p73 were essential for the RITA response in mtp53 or p53-null cells in our panel demonstrating that besides the known p53-dependent action of RITA in wtp53 cells, RITA can induce cell death also independently of p53 in cells harboring defective p53. We identified an important role of both p38 and JNK/SAPK for sensitivity to RITA in these cells leading to a typical caspase- and BAX/BAK-dependent mitochondrial apoptosis. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that RITA can induce apoptosis through p38 and JNK/SAPK not only in tumor cells harboring wtp53 and mtp53 but also in p53-null cells, making RITA an interesting tumor-selective drug.

  2. S100A4 interacts with p53 in the nucleus and promotes p53 degradation. (United States)

    Orre, L M; Panizza, E; Kaminskyy, V O; Vernet, E; Gräslund, T; Zhivotovsky, B; Lehtiö, J


    S100A4 is a small calcium-binding protein that is commonly overexpressed in a range of different tumor types, and it is widely accepted that S100A4 has an important role in the process of cancer metastasis. In vitro binding assays has shown that S100A4 interacts with the tumor suppressor protein p53, indicating that S100A4 may have additional roles in tumor development. In the present study, we show that endogenous S100A4 and p53 interact in complex samples, and that the interaction increases after inhibition of MDM2-dependent p53 degradation using Nutlin-3A. Further, using proximity ligation assay, we show that the interaction takes place in the cell nucleus. S100A4 knockdown experiments in two p53 wild-type cell lines, A549 and HeLa, resulted in stabilization of p53 protein, indicating that S100A4 is promoting p53 degradation. Finally, we demonstrate that S100A4 knockdown leads to p53-dependent cell cycle arrest and increased cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Thus, our data add a new layer to the oncogenic properties of S100A4 through its inhibition of p53-dependent processes.

  3. Changes in the management of patients with severe acute pancreatitis Mudanças no manejo de doentes com pancreatite aguda grave

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    Tercio De Campos


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Severe acute pancreatitis is present in up to 25% of patients with acute pancreatitis, with considerable mortality. Changes in the management of acute pancreatitis in the last 2 decades contributed to reduce the mortality. AIM: To show the evolution in the management of severe acute pancreatitis, comparing two different approaches. METHODS: All patients with severe acute pancreatitis from 1999 to 2005 were included. We compared the results of a retrospective review from 1999 to 2002 (group A with a prospective protocol, from 2003 to 2005 (group B. In group A severe pancreatitis was defined by the presence of systemic or local complications. In group B the Atlanta criteria were used to define severity. The variables analyzed were: age, gender, etiology, APACHE II, leukocytes, bicarbonate, fluid collections and necrosis on computed tomography, surgical treatment and mortality. RESULTS: Seventy-one patients were classified as severe, 24 in group A and 47 in group B. The mean APACHE II in groups A and B were 10.7 ± 3.5 and 9.3 ± 4.5, respectively. Necrosis was seen in 12 patients (50% in group A and in 21 patients (44.7% in group B. Half of the patients in group A and two (4.3% in group B underwent to pancreatic interventions. Mortality reached 45.8% in group A and 8.5% in group B. CONCLUSION: A specific approach and a prospective protocol can change the results in the treatment of patients with severe acute pancreatitis.RACIONAL: A pancreatite aguda grave está presente em até 25% dos doentes com pancreatite aguda, com mortalidade considerável. Mudanças no tratamento da pancreatite aguda nas últimas duas décadas contribuíram para a redução da mortalidade destes doentes. OBJETIVO: Mostrar a evolução do manejo da pancreatite aguda, comparando duas diferentes abordagens. MÉTODOS: Todos os doentes com pancreatite aguda grave de 1999 a 2005 do Serviço de Emergência da Santa Casa de São Paulo, SP, foram incluídos. Os

  4. Telemonitorização domiciliária de insuficientes respiratórios crónicos graves e de doentes asmáticos

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    Manuela Zamith


    Full Text Available Resumo: Durante nove meses avaliámos um dispositivo portátil para transferência de dados pela Internet entre doentes e profissionais de saúde: oximetria, ECG, respostas a questionários e mensagens. Foram incluídos 51 insuficientes respiratórios crónicos (IRC graves acompanhados no Hospital de Pulido Valente (Lisboa e no Hospital do Espírito Santo (Évora e 21 asmáticos deste último hospital. A utilização e a aceitação deste dispositivo foram avaliadas através de questionários que registaram a opi-nião dos doentes e dos profissionais de saúde. Nos IRC de Lisboa avaliou-se a repercussão deste programa sobre internamentos hospitalares e qualidade de vida dos doentes.Aprender a utilizar o sistema foi mais difícil para os doentes IRC; a maioria (80% teve problemas com o equipamento, qualificados como raros/ocasionais em 62% dos casos.Para 31 doentes IRC seguidos no hospital de Lisboa, a utilização do sistema foi classificada como correcta em12 doentes, incorrecta em 7 e razoável em12 doentes. Os primeiros tiveram redução do número e duração dos internamentos em relação a igual período anterior ao programa de telemonitorização e melhoria da qualidade de vida, em particular no domínio da actividade. Com este sistema de telemonitorização 80% dos doentes IRC sentiram-se mais/muito mais apoiados e 33 (75% utilizariam este sistema no futuro, se ele estivesse disponível. No grupo de doentes asmáticos, 81% gostariam de manter este tipo de vigilância. O serviço foi considerado útil pelos investigadores. Concluímos que a telemonitorização domiciliária constitui uma contribuição positiva para a gestão dos doentes crónicos e a sua divulgação deverá ser considerada no futuro.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (3: 385-418 Abstract: For 9 months we evaluated a portable device to transfer patient-clinician data by

  5. Em busca de lugares perdidos: assistência ao doente mental revelada através de histórias de vida

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    Dorisdaia Carvalho de Humerez


    Full Text Available O trabalho em questão tem por objetivo conhecer a história de vida de doentes mentais; resgatar suas expectativas, projetos e possibilidades dentro ou fora da instituição psiquiátrica e refletir com base na experiência dos sujeitos, sobre a assistência ao doente mental. Os discursos revelaram a qualidade da vivência nos lugares antes, durante e depois do enlouquecer, sendo que, no depois, os relatos, passam a ter outro significado, mesmo quando o lugar, materialmente, é o mesmo de antes do adoecer. Os sujeitos conseguem sobreviver olhando para o passado, que na maior parte foi também de dificuldades, porém tinham o essencial: desempenhavam papéis aceitos socialmente, compartilhavam no grupo social e antecipavam-se no porvir. Os sujeitos deste estudo expõem o uso de astúcia e esperteza para driblar a ordem a que estão submetidos. Reivindicam o resgate do identitário, do relacional, querem compartilhar, de alguma forma, da vida com os outros e participar das gestões sobre seu destino. Explicitaram também que a vivência do não-lugar não é apenas no hospital psiquiátrico, mas a cultura manicomial que habita as famílias, os ambulatórios, os hospitais-dia, as universidades, as enfermarias psiquiátricas dos hospitais gerais. Desconstruir o manicômio, portanto, será rever a cultura, ou o manicômio mental. Não se trata de um processo apenas no interior da psiquiatria, mas atravessa diferentes dimensões: da política, das leis, da organização social, das instituições disciplinares, enfim, do imaginário coletivo.

  6. Expression of p53 and p21 in primary glioblastomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gross, M.W.; Nashwan, K.; Engenhart-Cabillic, R.; Kraus, A.; Mennel, H.D.; Schlegel, J.


    Background and purpose: primary glioblastomas (GBMs) are highly radioresistant, and in contrast to secondary GBMs, they bear wild-type (wt) p53 protein, which is stabilized in a proportion of these tumors. Therefore, it was investigated in vivo whether p53 expression has prognostic value in patients undergoing radiochemotherapy. Additionally, the authors tried to identify, in vitro, subgroups of primary GBM with different susceptibilities to irradiation, on the basis of their p53 and p21 responses to ionizing radiation. Material and methods: tumor tissue samples from 31 patients suffering from primary GBM undergoing a combined radiochemotherapy with topotecan were investigated. The percentage of cells expressing p53 protein was determined immunohistochemically. Additionally, primary cultures from eleven primary GBMs were established and investigated. p53 and p21 expressions were evaluated before irradiation with 10 Gy and at 2 and 8 h after irradiation. p53 protein expression was measured by western analysis and p21 mRNA expression by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results: the percentage of p53-positive cells within the tumor specimens obtained from the 31 patients ranged from 0% to 28%, the median value being 4.3%. No significant correlation with disease-free survival or overall survival was found. In vitro, p53 protein was detected in seven of eleven cultures from primary GBM. After irradiation a decrease in p53 protein expression was seen in six of the seven p53-positive cultures. Half of the cultures (two of four) without basal p53 expression showed an increase in p53 expression after irradiation. Basal overexpression of p21 was detected in six of the eleven cultures; in four out of six irradiation led to a decrease in p21 expression. In all cell lines (five of eleven) initially showing absent p21 expression, irradiation induced p21 expression. Despite these responses, G1 arrest was not detectable in any of the GBM cultures

  7. Immunohistochemical study of p53, pRb, p16 in esophageal cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zo, Jae Ill; Zo, Kyung Ja; Park, Jong Ho; Kim, Mi Hee


    To confirm the expression of molecular genetic alterations of p53, pRb, p16 in esophageal cancer and to investigate the expression of p53, pRb, p16 in esophageal cancer according to the pathologic steps of carcinogenesis, immuno-histochemistry was performed in 15 resected esophageal cancer specimens with multiple separated lesions after pathologic mapping. The accumulation of mutant p53 was observed in 60 % of dysplasia and 47 % of invasive cancer, while pRb was not detected in 91 % of dysplasia and 72.7 % of invasive cancer. But p16 was not observed in 0 % in dysplasia and 7 % of invasive cancer. But p16 was not observed in 0 % in dysplasia and 28.6 % in invasive cancer. There was no simultaneous negative pRb and p16 expression. There was no relations between p53 and p16, pRb. As a results, the expression of p53, pRb, p16 was co-related well with molecular genetic changes and inactivation of p53, pRb, p16 was co-related well with molecular genetic changes and inactivation of p53 and pRb was common and early event in esophageal carcinogenesis in Korea, but inactivation of p16 was a infrequent change. (author). 17 refs., 2 tabs., 7 figs

  8. Tumor protein 53-induced nuclear protein 1 (TP53INP1 enhances p53 function and represses tumorigenesis

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    Jeyran eShahbazi


    Full Text Available Tumor protein 53-induced nuclear protein 1 (TP53INP1 is a stress-induced p53 target gene whose expression is modulated by transcription factors such as p53, p73 and E2F1. TP53INP1 gene encodes two isoforms of TP53INP1 proteins, TP53INP1α and TP53INP1β, both of which appear to be key elements in p53 function. When associated with homeodomain-interacting protein kinase-2 (HIPK2, TP53INP1 phosphorylates p53 protein at Serine 46, enhances p53 protein stability and its transcriptional activity, leading to transcriptional activation of p53 target genes such as p21, PIG-3 and MDM2, cell growth arrest and apoptosis upon DNA damage stress. The anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic activities of TP53INP1 indicate that TP53INP1 has an important role in cellular homeostasis and DNA damage response. Deficiency in TP53INP1 expression results in increased tumorigenesis; while TP53INP1 expression is repressed during early stages of cancer by factors such as miR-155. This review aims to summarize the roles of TP53INP1 in blocking tumor progression through p53-dependant and p53-independent pathways, as well as the elements which repress TP53INP1 expression, hence highlighting its potential as a therapeutic target in cancer treatment.

  9. The malarial impact on the nutritional status of Amazonian adult subjects Impacto da malaria no estado nutricional de doentes adultos da Amazônia

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    Paulo C. M. Pereira


    , sem história de malária; G2 - controle (n = 40, com história de malária, mas sem manifestação de doença atual; G3 - doentes com Plasmodium vivax (n = 19 e G4 - doentes com Plasmodium faleiparum (n = 31. O diagnóstico de malária foi estabelecido por manifestações clínicas e confirmado laboratorialmente (gota espessa e esfregaço. No global as medidas antropométricas e bioquímicas discriminaram os grupos diferentemente. As medidas antropométricas do pêso, altura, reservas calóricas e estoque proteicos somáticos, apresentaram pouca sensibilidade, discriminado apenas os grupos extremos (Gl > G4. As medidas bioquímicas, no geral diferenciaram dois grandes grupos, os sadios e os doentes (G1+G2 e (G3+G4. Os doentes com Plasmodium falciparum (G4 foram os que se apresentaram em pior estado nutricional para a maioria das variáveis, sem entretanto, nenhuma variável individual que os discriminasse significativamente do G3. Estes dados permitem concluir que a malária resulta em desnutrição do hospedeiro, cuja gravidade está relacionada ao tipo e estágio da doença.

  10. Human neuroblastoma cells with acquired resistance to the p53 activator RITA retain functional p53 and sensitivity to other p53 activating agents. (United States)

    Michaelis, M; Rothweiler, F; Agha, B; Barth, S; Voges, Y; Löschmann, N; von Deimling, A; Breitling, R; Doerr, H Wilhelm; Rödel, F; Speidel, D; Cinatl, J


    Adaptation of wild-type p53 expressing UKF-NB-3 cancer cells to the murine double minute 2 inhibitor nutlin-3 causes de novo p53 mutations at high frequency (13/20) and multi-drug resistance. Here, we show that the same cells respond very differently when adapted to RITA, a drug that, like nutlin-3, also disrupts the p53/Mdm2 interaction. All of the 11 UKF-NB-3 sub-lines adapted to RITA that we established retained functional wild-type p53 although RITA induced a substantial p53 response. Moreover, all RITA-adapted cell lines remained sensitive to nutlin-3, whereas only five out of 10 nutlin-3-adapted cell lines retained their sensitivity to RITA. In addition, repeated adaptation of the RITA-adapted sub-line UKF-NB-3(r)RITA(10 μM) to nutlin-3 resulted in p53 mutations. The RITA-adapted UKF-NB-3 sub-lines displayed no or less pronounced resistance to vincristine, cisplatin, and irradiation than nutlin-3-adapted UKF-NB-3 sub-lines. Furthermore, adaptation to RITA was associated with fewer changes at the expression level of antiapoptotic factors than observed with adaptation to nutlin-3. Transcriptomic analyses indicated the RITA-adapted sub-lines to be more similar at the gene expression level to the parental UKF-NB-3 cells than nutlin-3-adapted UKF-NB-3 sub-lines, which correlates with the observed chemotherapy and irradiation sensitivity phenotypes. In conclusion, RITA-adapted cells retain functional p53, remain sensitive to nutlin-3, and display a less pronounced resistance phenotype than nutlin-3-adapted cells.

  11. p53 Over-expression and p53 mutations in colon carcinomas: Relation to dietary risk factors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voskuil, D.W.; Kampman, E.; Kraats, A.A. van; Balder, H.F.; Muijen, G.N.P. van; Goldbohm, R.A.; Veer, P. van 't


    Epidemiological studies have suggested that dietary factors may differently affect p53-dependent and p53-independent pathways to colon cancer. Results of such studies may depend on the method used to assess p53 status. This case-control study of 185 colon-cancer cases and 259 controls examines this

  12. Regulation of autophagy by cytoplasmic p53. (United States)

    Tasdemir, Ezgi; Maiuri, M Chiara; Galluzzi, Lorenzo; Vitale, Ilio; Djavaheri-Mergny, Mojgan; D'Amelio, Marcello; Criollo, Alfredo; Morselli, Eugenia; Zhu, Changlian; Harper, Francis; Nannmark, Ulf; Samara, Chrysanthi; Pinton, Paolo; Vicencio, José Miguel; Carnuccio, Rosa; Moll, Ute M; Madeo, Frank; Paterlini-Brechot, Patrizia; Rizzuto, Rosario; Szabadkai, Gyorgy; Pierron, Gérard; Blomgren, Klas; Tavernarakis, Nektarios; Codogno, Patrice; Cecconi, Francesco; Kroemer, Guido


    Multiple cellular stressors, including activation of the tumour suppressor p53, can stimulate autophagy. Here we show that deletion, depletion or inhibition of p53 can induce autophagy in human, mouse and nematode cells subjected to knockout, knockdown or pharmacological inhibition of p53. Enhanced autophagy improved the survival of p53-deficient cancer cells under conditions of hypoxia and nutrient depletion, allowing them to maintain high ATP levels. Inhibition of p53 led to autophagy in enucleated cells, and cytoplasmic, not nuclear, p53 was able to repress the enhanced autophagy of p53(-/-) cells. Many different inducers of autophagy (for example, starvation, rapamycin and toxins affecting the endoplasmic reticulum) stimulated proteasome-mediated degradation of p53 through a pathway relying on the E3 ubiquitin ligase HDM2. Inhibition of p53 degradation prevented the activation of autophagy in several cell lines, in response to several distinct stimuli. These results provide evidence of a key signalling pathway that links autophagy to the cancer-associated dysregulation of p53.

  13. SV40 large T-p53 complex: evidence for the presence of two immunologically distinct forms of p53

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milner, J.; Gamble, J.


    The transforming protein of SV40 is the large T antigen. Large T binds a cellular protein, p53, which is potentially oncogenic by virtue of its functional involvement in the control of cell proliferation. This raises the possibility that p53 may mediate, in part, the transforming function of SV40 large T. Two immunologically distinct forms of p53 have been identified in normal cells: the forms are cell-cycle dependent, one being restricted to nondividing cells (p53-Go) and the second to dividing cells (p53-G divided by). The authors have now dissociated and probed the multimeric complex of SV40 large T-p53 for the presence of immunologically distinct forms of p53. Here they present evidence for the presence of p53-Go and p53-G divided by complexed with SV40 large T

  14. Fístula pancreática após duodenopancreatectomia: correlação dos aspectos intra-operatórios e histologicos do pâncreas

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    Fernando Leal Pereira

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre a ocorrência de fístula pancreática pós-anastomose pancreatojejunal, em doentes submetidos à duodenopancreatectomia por neoplasia maligna periampolar, com aspectos histológicos de fibrose e inflamação encontrados no tecido pancreático e com o calibre do ducto pancreático principal. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo interessando doentes que foram submetidos ao tratamento com ressecção cirúrgica. Verificou-se o índice de fístulas pancreáticas encontradas. Classificou-se de acordo com a histologia da fibrose e da inflamação pancreática. RESULTADOS: Identificaram-se 77 doentes, com média de idade de 57,6 anos, sendo 62,4% do sexo masculino. De acordo com o tipo de operação realizada, 66,3% constituíram-se em gastroduodenopancreatectomia e 33,7% em duodenopancreatectomia com preservação do piloro. Em relação ao número de fístulas diagnosticadas, identificou-se que 23,4% doentes apresentaram tal complicação pós-operatória, sendo que em 66,7% a causa era neoplasia de papila. Achados macroscópicos intraoperatórios, identificou-se classificação da textura pancreática, tida como normal, em 85,8% e, quanto ao calibre do ducto principal pancreático, foi encontrada média de 4,9mm. Houve relação importante entre a consistência endurecida do coto pancreático e a ausência da fístula. Nos doentes com tecido normal ou amolecido, o índice de fístula foi 25,4%. Quanto ao diâmetro ductal, identificou-se (p <0,05 maior número de deiscências da anastomose pancreática na ausência de dilatação ductal. Evidenciou-se que doentes com valores médios do diâmetro de ducto de 5,4mm (76,7% não mostraram esta complicação. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de fibrose e de dilatação ductal habitualmente coexistem e estão relacionadas à menor porcentagem de fístulas enteropancreáticas.

  15. Linfopenia em doentes submetidos a ventilação mecânica por exacerbação de insuficiência respiratória crónica: estudo prospectivo

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    Paulo Marcelino


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Objectivo: avaliar e caracterizar a linfopenia em doentes admitidos numa unidade de cuidados intensivos para suporte ventilatório por exacerbação de insuficiência respiratória crónica e eventual relação com a gravidade da doença.Material e métodos: estudo prospectivo com 6 meses de duração e mais 6 meses de seguimento após alta da unidade. Incluídos 24 doentes, 22 homens, com APACHE II médio de 19,7, 3 dos quais com possibilidade de seguimento após a alta. Foram colhidas análises para determinação das subpopulações linfocitárias na admissão e a cada 7 dias de ventilação mecânica. Excluídos doentes com sinais de infecção ou imunossupressão prévia, à excepção dos corticóides.Resultados: a linfopenia foi encontrada em 79,2 % dos doentes com depleção de todas as subpopulações linfocitárias sendo mais expressiva a depleção de linfócitos B CD19+. Esta linfopenia não se relacionou com os níveis séricos de cortisol, e apesar de se relacionar com uma maior gravidade clínica não esteve associada a uma maior mortalidade. O registo evolutivo no internamento mostrou tendencialmente uma recuperação da linfopenia.Conclusões: a linfopenia é frequente em doentes ventilados por exacerbação de doença respiratória crónica. Trata-se de uma linfopenia não selectiva, que recupera ao longo do internamento, mais acentuada ao nível dos linfócitos B CD19+. Estes doentes apresentam indices de gravidade maior mas sem diferenças na mortalidade. O seguimento ambulatório destes doentes mostrou-se difícil e foi inconclusivo.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (5: 373-381 ABSTRACT: Objectives: Evaluate and characterize lymphopenia in patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU for mechanical ventilation due to aggravated chronic respiratory failure and its probable relation to severity

  16. Fibrose quística em adultos

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    C. Damas


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os autores efectuaram uma revisão de doentes adultos com fibrose quística (FQ, seguidos na consulta de Pneumologia no período de 1994-2004 (n=8: cinco mulheres e três homens, com idades compreendidas entre 20 e 34 anos (mediana=27 anos, cuja idade de diagnóstico variou entre os 18 meses e os 31 anos. O diagnóstico foi obtido por prova de suor (positiva em seis doentes e estudo genético (homozigotia para a mutação ΔF508 em quatro doentes. O atingimento respiratório traduziu-se por sinusite e bronquiectasias, acompanhando-se o envolvimento pulmonar por alterações funcionais e também gaso-métricas na maioria dos doentes, ainda que de gravidade variável e não relacionada com a idade de diagnóstico. Verificou-se colonização da árvore brônquica em cinco doentes: Pseudomonas aeruginosa em quatro e Staphilococcus aureus em quatro (verificando-se coloni-zação concomitante por estes agentes em três. As principais causas de exacerbação foram infecções res-piratórias e hemoptises. Quanto ao atingimento não respiratório, quatro doentes apresentavam envolvimento digestivo (com cirrose hepática num caso, um insuficiência renal em hemo-diálise, e em apenas um foi efectuado espermograma para documentação de infertilidade. Quatro doentes tinham osteopenia documentada por densitometria óssea. As medidas terapêuticas mais utilizadas foram a cine-siterapia, os broncodilatadores, a alfa-dornase, muco-líticos, suplementos vitamínicos e enzimáticos, antibio-terapia e oxigenoterapia. Relativamente à evolução, uma doente abandonou a consulta, uma doente faleceu, um doente aguardava transplante pulmonar e os restantes mantiveram as suas características clínicas habituais. Neste grupo, a gravidade da doença pulmonar não se relacionou com o diagnóstico mais tardio, o que se pode dever à diversidade de apresenta

  17. Restoration of mp53 to wtp53 by chemical chaperones restores p53-dependent apoptosis after radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohnishi, T.; Asakawa, I.; Tamamoto, T.; Takahashi, A.; Ohnishi, K.


    The mutations of many kinds of cancer related genes have been investigated for the predictive assay against cancer therapy by the application of molecular biology. A tumor suppressor gene product of wtp53 plays important roles in cancer suppression through the induction of cell growth arrest, DNA repair or apoptosis. The p53 exerts its function by induction of downstream genes and/or interaction to various proteins. Mutations in the p53 gene (mp53) cause conformational alterations in the p53 protein, the majority of which can no longer induce expression of the downstream genes. The genetic status of p53 gene has been focused as the most important candidate among them for cancer therapy. The gene therapy of p53 has been already applied. We reported that the transfection of mp53 gene increased the radio-, thermo- and chemo-resistance, and depressed apoptosis introduced with them through bax-induction and proteolysis of PARP and caspase-3. From these results, we propose that the gene therapy of wtp53 to p53-deleted cancer cells may be very useful for cancer therapy by the combination with radiotherapy. Even in the case of mp53 cancer cells, we succeeded the restoration of mp53 to wtp53 by glycerol or C-terminal peptide of p53 as chemical chaperones. These experimental progresses might support effective cancer therapy against individual patients bearing with different p53 gene status by the use of the most suitable treatment to them in the near future

  18. Resposta dos volumes pulmonares ao salbutamol inalado numa grande população de doentes com hiperinsuflação grave

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    M.F. Newton


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A avaliação da eficácia dos broncodilatadores inalados é feita habitualmente pela medição do volume expiratório máximo no primeiro segundo (FEV1 antes e após a administração destes fármacos. Outras medições da função pulmonar, como os volumes pulmonares, não são avaliadas por rotina na maior parte dos laboratórios. Contudo, a compreensão dos efeitos dos broncodilatadores sobre os volumes pulmonares é importante, já que a hiperinsuflação pulmonar é responsável em grande parte por um excessivo trabalho respiratório e pelo aumento da dispneia observados nos doentes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva.Os autores começam por apontar o FEV1 como um marcador que pode ser pouco sensível à resposta aos broncodilatadores e dão como exemplos de parâmetros mais sensíveis a capacidade inspiratória e a avaliação das curvas débito-volume parciais. Salientam a vantagem da capacidade inspiratória relativamente ao FEV1, como factor preditivo da melhoria da tolerância ao exercício e da dispneia.No presente estudo, os autores avaliam os padrões de resposta dos volumes pulmonares – capacidade residual funcional (FRC, volume residual (RV, capacidade vital forçada (FVC e capacidade inspiratória (IC – aos broncodilatadores inalados em doentes com hiperinsuflação pulmonar moderada e grave devida primariamente à doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC.Realizaram um estudo retrospectivo que envolveu 957 doentes (534 homens, 423 mulheres; idade: 64,7±0,37 anos, sendo 281 gravemente hiperinsuflados (TLC > 133% do teórico, FEV1 /FVC% < 85% do teórico e os restantes 676 moderadamente hiperinsuflados (TLC entre 115% e 133% do teórico, FEV1 / FVC% < 85% do teórico.Em todos os doentes foi realizado um estudo funcional respiratório completo antes e após a administração de 200 ¼ g de

  19. Sofrimento do doente oncológico em situação paliativa El sufrimiento de pacientes con cáncer en situación paliativa Suffering of cancer patients in a palliative situation

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    Márcia Lúcia Sousa Dias Alves


    Full Text Available Contexto: o aumento da incidência do número de doentes crónicos da população portuguesa tornou-se um fenómeno preocupante com repercussões sociais, económicas e de saúde, estes doentes apresentam níveis de sofrimento variáveis. Este foco representa uma área de intervenção importante nos cuidados de enfermagem à pessoa em situação paliativa quer na perspetiva da sua prevenção quer no seu alívio. Objetivo: analisar a perceção do doente oncológico em situação paliativa quanto ao sofrimento e às suas várias dimensões. Metodologia: desenhou-se um estudo descritivo-correlacional com dimensão transversal. Aplicou-se o Inventário de Experiências Subjetivas de Sofrimento na Doença a 38 doentes em situação paliativa, internados num serviço de cirurgia e hemato-oncologia e que tivessem mais de 18 anos. Resultados: os doentes evidenciaram níveis intermédios de sofrimento global e observou-se a existência de correlação significativa entre a idade e a dimensão do sofrimento sócio relacional. Conclusão: pensamos ter contribuído para alicerçar de uma forma estruturada a importância desta área de intervenção do enfermeiro à pessoa em situação paliativa e desenvolver intervenções ao nível da prevenção e alívio do sofrimento destes doentes.Contexto: el aumento de la incidencia del número de enfermos crónicos de la población portuguesa se ha convertido en un fenómeno preocupante con consecuencias sociales, económicas y, cuyos pacientes presentan niveles variables de sufrimiento. Este enfoque representa un área de intervención importante para los cuidados de enfermería a la persona en situación paliativa bien desde la perspectiva de su prevención, bien en su alivio. Objetivos: analizar la percepción del paciente con cáncer en situación paliativa con respecto al sufrimiento y a sus diversas dimensiones. Metodología: se diseñó un estudio descritivo-correlacional con una dimensión transversal

  20. P53 family members modulate the expression of PRODH, but not PRODH2, via intronic p53 response elements.

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    Ivan Raimondi

    Full Text Available The tumor suppressor p53 was previously shown to markedly up-regulate the expression of the PRODH gene, encoding the proline dehydrogenase (PRODH enzyme, which catalyzes the first step in proline degradation. Also PRODH2, which degrades 4-hydroxy-L-proline, a product of protein (e.g. collagen catabolism, was recently described as a p53 target. Here, we confirmed p53-dependent induction of endogenous PRODH in response to genotoxic damage in cell lines of different histological origin. We established that over-expression of TAp73β or TAp63β is sufficient to induce PRODH expression in p53-null cells and that PRODH expression parallels the modulation of endogenous p73 by genotoxic drugs in several cell lines. The p53, p63, and p73-dependent transcriptional activation was linked to specific intronic response elements (REs, among those predicted by bioinformatics tools and experimentally validated by a yeast-based transactivation assay. p53 occupancy measurements were validated in HCT116 and MCF7 human cell lines. Conversely, PRODH2 was not responsive to p63 nor p73 and, at best, could be considered a weak p53 target. In fact, minimal levels of PRODH2 transcript induction by genotoxic stress was observed exclusively in one of four p53 wild-type cell lines tested. Consistently, all predicted p53 REs in PRODH2 were poor matches to the p53 RE consensus and showed very weak responsiveness, only to p53, in the functional assay. Taken together, our results highlight that PRODH, but not PRODH2, expression is under the control of p53 family members, specifically p53 and p73. This supports a deeper link between proteins of the p53-family and metabolic pathways, as PRODH modulates the balance of proline and glutamate levels and those of their derivative alpha-keto-glutarate (α-KG under normal and pathological (tumor conditions.

  1. Screening of medicinal plant phytochemicals as natural antagonists of p53-MDM2 interaction to reactivate p53 functioning. (United States)

    Riaz, Muhammad; Ashfaq, Usman A; Qasim, Muhammad; Yasmeen, Erum; Ul Qamar, Muhammad T; Anwar, Farooq


    In most types of cancer, overexpression of murine double minute 2 (MDM2) often leads to inactivation of p53. The crystal structure of MDM2, with a 109-residue amino-terminal domain, reveals that MDM2 has a core hydrophobic region to which p53 binds as an amphipathic α helix. The interface depends on the steric complementarity between MDM2 and the hydrophobic region of p53. Especially, on p53's triad, amino acids Phe19, Trp23 and Leu26 bind to the MDM2 core. Results from studies suggest that the structural motif of both p53 and MDM2 can be attributed to similarities in the amphipathic α helix. Thus, in the current investigation it is hypothesized that the similarity in the structural motif might be the cause of p53 inactivation by MDM2. Hence, molecular docking and phytochemical screening approaches are appraised to inhibit the hydrophobic cleft of MDM2 and to stop p53-MDM2 interaction, resulting in reactivation of p53 activity. For this purpose, a library of 2295 phytochemicals were screened against p53-MDM2 to find potential candidates. Of these, four phytochemicals including epigallocatechin gallate, alvaradoin M, alvaradoin E and nordihydroguaiaretic acid were found to be potential inhibitors of p53-MDM2 interaction. The screened phytochemicals, derived from natural extracts, may have negligible side effects and can be explored as potent antagonists of p53-MDM2 interactions, resulting in reactivation of the normal transcription of p53.

  2. Interplay between PTB and miR-1285 at the p53 3'UTR modulates the levels of p53 and its isoform Δ40p53α. (United States)

    Katoch, Aanchal; George, Biju; Iyyappan, Amrutha; Khan, Debjit; Das, Saumitra


    p53 and its translational isoform Δ40p53 are involved in many important cellular functions like cell cycle, cell proliferation, differentiation and metabolism. Expression of both the isoforms can be regulated at different steps. In this study, we explored the role of 3'UTR in regulating the expression of these two translational isoforms. We report that the trans acting factor, Polypyrimidine Tract Binding protein (PTB), also interacts specifically with 3'UTR of p53 mRNA and positively regulates expression of p53 isoforms. Our results suggest that there is interplay between miRNAs and PTB at the 3'UTR under normal and stress conditions like DNA damage. Interestingly, PTB showed some overlapping binding regions in the p53 3'UTR with miR-1285. In fact, knockdown of miR-1285 as well as expression of p53 3'UTR with mutated miR-1285 binding sites resulted in enhanced association of PTB with the 3'UTR, which provides mechanistic insights of this interplay. Taken together, the results provide a plausible molecular basis of how the interplay between miRNAs and the PTB protein at the 3'UTR can play pivotal role in fine tuning the expression of the two p53 isoforms. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  3. DRAGO (KIAA0247), a new DNA damage-responsive, p53-inducible gene that cooperates with p53 as oncosuppressor. [Corrected]. (United States)

    Polato, Federica; Rusconi, Paolo; Zangrossi, Stefano; Morelli, Federica; Boeri, Mattia; Musi, Alberto; Marchini, Sergio; Castiglioni, Vittoria; Scanziani, Eugenio; Torri, Valter; Broggini, Massimo


    p53 influences genomic stability, apoptosis, autophagy, response to stress, and DNA damage. New p53-target genes could elucidate mechanisms through which p53 controls cell integrity and response to damage. DRAGO (drug-activated gene overexpressed, KIAA0247) was characterized by bioinformatics methods as well as by real-time polymerase chain reaction, chromatin immunoprecipitation and luciferase assays, time-lapse microscopy, and cell viability assays. Transgenic mice (94 p53(-/-) and 107 p53(+/-) mice on a C57BL/6J background) were used to assess DRAGO activity in vivo. Survival analyses were performed using Kaplan-Meier curves and the Mantel-Haenszel test. All statistical tests were two-sided. We identified DRAGO as a new p53-responsive gene induced upon treatment with DNA-damaging agents. DRAGO is highly conserved, and its ectopic overexpression resulted in growth suppression and cell death. DRAGO(-/-) mice are viable without macroscopic alterations. However, in p53(-/-) or p53(+/-) mice, the deletion of both DRAGO alleles statistically significantly accelerated tumor development and shortened lifespan compared with p53(-/-) or p53(+/-) mice bearing wild-type DRAGO alleles (p53(-/-), DRAGO(-/-) mice: hazard ratio [HR] = 3.25, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.7 to 6.1, P < .001; p53(+/-), DRAGO(-/-) mice: HR = 2.35, 95% CI = 1.3 to 4.0, P < .001; both groups compared with DRAGO(+/+) counterparts). DRAGO mRNA levels were statistically significantly reduced in advanced-stage, compared with early-stage, ovarian tumors, but no mutations were found in several human tumors. We show that DRAGO expression is regulated both at transcriptional-through p53 (and p73) and methylation-dependent control-and post-transcriptional levels by miRNAs. DRAGO represents a new p53-dependent gene highly regulated in human cells and whose expression cooperates with p53 in tumor suppressor functions.

  4. Prevalência e caracterização clínica dos doentes com insuficiência respiratória parcial grave internados numa UCI

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    Alexandra Borba


    Full Text Available Resumo: Objectivos: A insuficiência respiratória parcial aguda (IRPA grave é uma situação comum na prática dos cuidados intensivos, mas os estudos existentes são insuficientes. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se estudar a prevalência e caracterizar clinicamente a população de doentes internados numa UCI que apresentam insuficiência respiratória parcial aguda grave.Material e métodos: Numa unidade de cuidados intensivos médico-cirúrgica avaliaram-se retrospectiva-mente os doentes internados durante o ano de 2004.Resultados: 37,6% dos doentes apresentaram IRPA grave. A análise estatística demonstrou que estes doentes diferiam dos doentes sem IRPA nos tempos de internamento e ventilação, índices de gravidade e mortalidade.Conclusão: A IRPA é uma situação com elevada prevalência e relevância em cuidados intensivos, mas as carac-terísticas destes doentes estão mal definidas, em parte devido à ausência de critérios claros na sua definição. Para melhor compreender este fenómeno são necessá-rios mais estudos, prospectivos e multicêntricos.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (3: 339-352 Abstract: Objective: The authors analysed patients with severe partial respiratory failure (SPRF admitted to a general Intensive Care Unit (ICU. The prevalence and clinical characteristics of these patients were evaluated.This work aims to study the rate of and to clinically characterise the patient population admitted to an Intensive Care Unit with acute severe partial respiratory failure.Material and methods: In 16-bed ICU of a central Hospital in Lisbon, patients admitted in the year 2004 were analysed. Patients with SPRF were recruited form patients with an ICU stay>24 hours. They were selected according to PaO2 and FiO2 and clinically characterized.Results: During the study period 472 patients were admitted, and 378 presented an ICU stay>24 hours and were enrolled. From those, 142 (37.6% met criteria for SPRF. Of these, 45 (31.7% a pulmonary

  5. The novel fusion proteins, GnRH-p53 and GnRHIII-p53, expression and their anti-tumor effect.

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    Peiyuan Jia

    Full Text Available p53, one of the most well studied tumor suppressor factor, is responsible to a variety of damage owing to the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in the tumor cells. More than 50% of human tumors contain mutation or deletion of p53. Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH, as the ligand of Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRH-R, was used to deliver p53 into tumor cells. The p53 fusion proteins GnRH-p53 and GnRH iii-p53 were expressed and their targeted anti-tumor effects were determined. GnRH mediates its fusion proteins transformation into cancer cells. The intracellular delivery of p53 fusion proteins exerted the inhibition of the growth of H1299 cells in vitro and the reduction of tumor volume in vivo. Their anti-tumor effect was functioned by the apoptosis and cell cycle arrest induced by p53. Hence, the fusion protein could be a novel protein drug for anti-tumor therapy.

  6. p53 mutations promote proteasomal activity. (United States)

    Oren, Moshe; Kotler, Eran


    p53 mutations occur very frequently in human cancer. Besides abrogating the tumour suppressive functions of wild-type p53, many of those mutations also acquire oncogenic gain-of-function activities. Augmentation of proteasome activity is now reported as a common gain-of-function mechanism shared by different p53 mutants, which promotes cancer resistance to proteasome inhibitors.

  7. Doenças pulmonares intersticiais: Acuidade diagnóstica e riscos da biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica

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    Miguel Guerra


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os autores descrevem a sua casuística de biópsias pulmonares cirúrgicas em doentes com doença pulmonar intersticial, de forma a determinar a acuidade diagnóstica, os riscos e a morbimortalidade associados ao procedimento. Entre Janeiro de 1998 e De-zembro de 2007, 53 doentes (idade média de 47,2±13 anos foram referenciados para a realização de biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica, dos quais 22 eram mulheres (41,5%. As biópsias pulmonares foram realizadas quer por videotoracoscopia (37 doentes, 69,8%, quer por minitoracotomia (16 doentes, 30,2%. Foi escolhido o pulmão direito para biopsar em 88,7% dos casos. Registaram-se complicações pós-operatórias em 5 doentes (9,4%: fuga aérea prolongada em 3 doentes (5,7%, persistência de loca de pneumotórax num doente (1,9% e hemorragia com necessidade de revisão de hemostase noutro doente (1,9%. Ocor-reu um óbito de causa desconhecida num doente sem risco acrescido. A duração média da drenagem foi de 4,4±3 dias e o tempo de internamento médio de 5,5±4 dias. O diagnóstico histológico definitivo foi conseguido em 50 doentes, registando-se uma acuidade diagnóstica de 94,3%. Em conclusão, o potencial benefício de um diagnóstico histopatológico conclusivo através de uma biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica deve ser balanceado com os riscos associados ao procedimento cirúrgico, especialmente para aqueles doentes com disfunção cardiopulmonar severa.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (3: 433-442 Abstract: This study reports our experience, diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy in patients with interstitial lung diseases. From January 1998 – December 2007 surgical lung biopsy was performed in 53 patients (22 female [41.5%]; age 47.2±13 years. A total of 37 patients (69.8% underwent videothoracoscopic lung biopsy and minithoracotomy was performed in 16 patients (30.2%. Right lung was the

  8. Interstitial lung disease: Diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy

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    Miguel Guerra


    Full Text Available This study reports our experience, diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy in patients with interstitial lung diseases. From January 1998 – December 2007 surgical lung biopsy was performed in 53 patients (22 female [41.5%]; age 47.2 ± 13 years. A total of 37 patients (69.8% underwent videothoracoscopic lung biopsy and minithoracotomy was performed in 16 patients (30.2%. Right lung was the choice in 47 patients (88.7%. Postoperative complications were rare (9.4% and included three prolonged air leaks (5.7%, one pneumothorax re-quiring a chest drain (1.9%, and one haemothorax requiring reoperation (1.9%. One patient died of cardiac arrest of unknown cause. Average chest tube duration was 4.4 ± 3 days and average hospital stay 5.4 ± 4 days. Lung biopsy contributed to the diagnosis in 50 patients (94.3%. In conclusion, the potential benefits of diagnostic surgical lung biopsy must be considered against the risks of the procedure especially in patients with severe cardiopulmonary dysfunction. Resumo: Os autores descrevem a sua casuística de biópsias pulmonares cirúrgicas em doentes com doença pulmonar intersticial, de forma a determinar a acuidade diagnóstica, os riscos e a morbimortalidade associados ao procedimento. Entre Janeiro de 1998 e Dezembro de 2007, 53 doentes (idade média de 47,2 ± 13 anos foram referenciados para a realização de biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica, dos quais 22 eram mulheres (41,5%. As biópsias pulmonares foram realizadas quer por videotoracoscopia (37 doentes, 69,8%, quer por minitoracotomia (16 doentes, 30,2%. Foi escolhido o pulmão direito para biopsar em 88,7% dos casos. Registaram-se complicações pós-operatórias em 5 doentes (9,4%: fuga aérea prolongada em 3 doentes (5,7%, persistência de loca de pneumotórax num doente (1,9% e hemorragia com necessidade de revisão de hemostase noutro doente (1,9%. Ocorreu um

  9. Tuberculose multirresistente – um problema ignorado em Portugal

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    H. Peres


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O número crescente do doentes seropositivos (HIV+ com tuberculose, a forte suspeita clínica de resistências à terapêutica antibacilar e a alta taxa de mortalidade destes doentes, levaram a que o Serviço de Patologia Clínica do Hospital de Curry Cabral iniciasse em 1995 o estudo sistemático da fármaco-resistência das estirpes de Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolado em doentes seropositivos. Posteriormeote o estudo foi alargado a todos os doentos em que o bacilo da tuberculose foi isolado, incluindo doentes provenients de outros hospitals, sobretudo da área de Lisboa. Pretendeu-se avaliar a incidência de Tuberculose multirresistente particularmente em doentes seropositivos, conhecer os padrões de resistênocia mais frequentes e alertar para a necessidade urgente de medidas adequadas para o seu control, com especial ênfase para a transmissão nosocomial. SUMMARY: In 1995 the Microbiology Department of Hospital de Curry Cabral started systematic drug susceptibility testing of M. tuberculosis strains isolated in HIV seropositive patients, due to the increasing number of HIV associated tuberculosis, the clinical suspicion of drug resistance and the high mortality rate. Subsequently, the study included every patient with tuberculosis from this hospital and a few patients from other hospitals in Lisbon. The purpose of this study was to know the incidence of multidrug- resistant tuberculosis in HIV patients, the patterns of drug resistance and emphasize the urgent need for approprite infection control measures to prevent spread of MDR-tb. Palavras-chave: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Tuberculose multliresistente, SIDA, Tuberculose nosocomial, Key-words: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mutidrug-resistant tuberculosis, MDR-TB, AIDS, Nocomial tuberculosis

  10. Targeting the p53 Pathway in Ewing Sarcoma (United States)

    Neilsen, Paul M.; Pishas, Kathleen I.; Callen, David F.; Thomas, David M.


    The p53 tumour suppressor plays a pivotal role in the prevention of oncogenic transformation. Cancers frequently evade the potent antitumour surveillance mechanisms of p53 through mutation of the TP53 gene, with approximately 50% of all human malignancies expressing dysfunctional, mutated p53 proteins. Interestingly, genetic lesions in the TP53 gene are only observed in 10% of Ewing Sarcomas, with the majority of these sarcomas expressing a functional wild-type p53. In addition, the p53 downstream signaling pathways and DNA-damage cell cycle checkpoints remain functionally intact in these sarcomas. This paper summarizes recent insights into the functional capabilities and regulation of p53 in Ewing Sarcoma, with a particular focus on the cross-talk between p53 and the EWS-FLI1 gene rearrangement frequently associated with this disease. The development of several activators of p53 is discussed, with recent evidence demonstrating the potential of small molecule p53 activators as a promising systemic therapeutic approach for the treatment of Ewing Sarcomas with wild-type p53. PMID:21197471

  11. Enhancement of radiosensitivity of recombinant Ad-p53 gene on human lung adenocarcinoma cell with different p53 status

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pang Dequan; Wang Peiguo; Wang Ping; Zhang Weiming


    Objective: To investigate the enhancement of radiosensitivity of recombinant Ad-p53 gene on human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines(A549 and GLC-82) with different p53 status in vitro. Methods: Two human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines of A549 and GLC-82 were examined on their difference in p53 status with immunohistochemistry stain and PCR-SSCP technique. Expand Ad-wtp53 was transfected into tumor cells. Clonogenic assays were performed to evaluate the inhibition effect on cell growth and the degree of sensitization to irradiation. Apoptosis and cell cycle changes were determined using the flow cytometry assay. Results: The A549 cell line presented positive P53 expression while GLC-82 negative. GLC-82 bore mutant p53 on the exon 7. The wtp53 gene could be efficiently expressed in the two cell lines and greatly inhibit the cell growth. Its efficiency didn't depend on the intrinsic p53 genetic status. After irradiation, its function of inducing G 1 arrest and apoptosis on GLC-82 cell line was much stronger than the A549 cell line. In both the A549 and GLC-82 cell lines, the combination of Ad-p53 plus radiation resulted in more apoptosis than the others. There was no significant difference between two groups. Conclusions: Ad-p53 can depress the tumor growth and enhance the radiosensitivity of human lung adenocarcinoma cells. And this effect is independent of endogenous p53 status. (authors)

  12. The expanding universe of p53 targets. (United States)

    Menendez, Daniel; Inga, Alberto; Resnick, Michael A


    The p53 tumour suppressor is modified through mutation or changes in expression in most cancers, leading to the altered regulation of hundreds of genes that are directly influenced by this sequence-specific transcription factor. Central to the p53 master regulatory network are the target response element (RE) sequences. The extent of p53 transactivation and transcriptional repression is influenced by many factors, including p53 levels, cofactors and the specific RE sequences, all of which contribute to the role that p53 has in the aetiology of cancer. This Review describes the identification and functionality of REs and highlights the inclusion of non-canonical REs that expand the universe of genes and regulation mechanisms in the p53 tumour suppressor network.

  13. p53-dependent and p53-independent anticancer activity of a new indole derivative in human osteosarcoma cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cappadone, C., E-mail: [Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy); Stefanelli, C. [Department for Life Quality Studies, University of Bologna, Rimini Campus, Rimini (Italy); Malucelli, E. [Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy); Zini, M. [Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy); Onofrillo, C. [Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy); Locatelli, A.; Rambaldi, M.; Sargenti, A. [Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy); Merolle, L. [ELETTRA–Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Trieste (Italy); Farruggia, G. [Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy); National Institute of Biostructures and Biosystems, Roma (Italy); Graziadio, A. [Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy); Montanaro, L. [Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy); Iotti, S. [Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy); National Institute of Biostructures and Biosystems, Roma (Italy)


    Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common primary malignant tumor of bone, occurring most frequently in children and adolescents. The mechanism of formation and development of OS have been studied for a long time. Tumor suppressor pathway governed by p53 gene are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of osteosarcoma. Moreover, loss of wild-type p53 activity is thought to be a major predictor of failure to respond to chemotherapy in various human cancers. In previous studies, we described the activity of a new indole derivative, NSC743420, belonging to the tubulin inhibitors family, capable to induce apoptosis and arrest of the cell cycle in the G2/M phase of various cancer cell lines. However, this molecule has never been tested on OS cell line. Here we address the activity of NSC743420 by examine whether differences in the p53 status could influence its effects on cell proliferation and death of OS cells. In particular, we compared the effect of the tested molecule on p53-wild type and p53-silenced U2OS cells, and on SaOS2 cell line, which is null for p53. Our results demonstrated that NSC743420 reduces OS cell proliferation by p53-dependent and p53-independent mechanisms. In particular, the molecule induces proliferative arrest that culminate to apoptosis in SaOS2 p53-null cells, while it brings a cytostatic and differentiating effect in U2OS cells, characterized by the cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase and increased alkaline phosphatase activity. - Highlights: • The indole derivative NSC743420 induces antitumor effects on osteosarcoma cells. • p53 status could drive the activity of antitumor agents on osteosarcoma cells. • NSC743420 induces cytostatic and differentiating effects on U2OS cells. • NSC743420 causes apoptosis on p53-null SaOS2 cells.

  14. p53-dependent and p53-independent anticancer activity of a new indole derivative in human osteosarcoma cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cappadone, C.; Stefanelli, C.; Malucelli, E.; Zini, M.; Onofrillo, C.; Locatelli, A.; Rambaldi, M.; Sargenti, A.; Merolle, L.; Farruggia, G.; Graziadio, A.; Montanaro, L.; Iotti, S.


    Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common primary malignant tumor of bone, occurring most frequently in children and adolescents. The mechanism of formation and development of OS have been studied for a long time. Tumor suppressor pathway governed by p53 gene are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of osteosarcoma. Moreover, loss of wild-type p53 activity is thought to be a major predictor of failure to respond to chemotherapy in various human cancers. In previous studies, we described the activity of a new indole derivative, NSC743420, belonging to the tubulin inhibitors family, capable to induce apoptosis and arrest of the cell cycle in the G2/M phase of various cancer cell lines. However, this molecule has never been tested on OS cell line. Here we address the activity of NSC743420 by examine whether differences in the p53 status could influence its effects on cell proliferation and death of OS cells. In particular, we compared the effect of the tested molecule on p53-wild type and p53-silenced U2OS cells, and on SaOS2 cell line, which is null for p53. Our results demonstrated that NSC743420 reduces OS cell proliferation by p53-dependent and p53-independent mechanisms. In particular, the molecule induces proliferative arrest that culminate to apoptosis in SaOS2 p53-null cells, while it brings a cytostatic and differentiating effect in U2OS cells, characterized by the cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase and increased alkaline phosphatase activity. - Highlights: • The indole derivative NSC743420 induces antitumor effects on osteosarcoma cells. • p53 status could drive the activity of antitumor agents on osteosarcoma cells. • NSC743420 induces cytostatic and differentiating effects on U2OS cells. • NSC743420 causes apoptosis on p53-null SaOS2 cells.

  15. Hipersonolência diurna e variáveis polissonográficas em doentes com síndroma de apneia do sono

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    O. Mediano


    Full Text Available Resumo: A síndroma de apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS caracteriza-se por episódios repetidos de obstrução da via aérea superior, hipoxemia nocturna e fragmentação do sono. A hipersonolência diurna constitui um sintoma frequente nos doentes com esta síndroma, embora possa estar ausente. A sua presença representa uma limitação significativa da qualidade de vida do indivíduo, bem como um aumento da morbilidade e mortalidade da SAOS, visto ser um importante factor de risco para acidentes de viação e laborais, podendo originar alterações cognitivo-comportamentais relevantes.O mecanismo desencadeante de hipersonolência diurna não é claro. Alguns autores relacionaram esta com a arquitectura anormal do sono, o que, no entanto, não foi confirmado por outros investigadores. Alguns estudos salientaram a relação entre a hipersonolência diurna e os níveis de dessaturação nocturna da oxi-hemoglobina, mas este facto não foi comprovado cientificamente.O objectivo do presente trabalho foi analisar quais os mecanismos responsáveis pela sonolência diurna nos doentes com SAOS. Assim, numerosas variáveis registadas no estudo polissonográfico foram compara das em dois grupos de indivíduos com esta patologia, apresentando um deles hipersonolência diurna inequívoca e o outro a total ausência da mesma.Foram avaliados 65 indivíduos seguidos no Departamento Respiratório do Hospital Universitário do Son Dureta (Palma de Maiorca que possuíam no registo poligráfico nocturno um índice de apneia/hipopneia (IAH >20/h. A sonolência excessiva foi determinada utilizando a escala de sono de Epworth (ESE e o teste de latência múltipla. A sua presença foi considerada sempre que o score de ESE >10 e o score do teste de latência múltipla 10 min.Cerca de 25 indivíduos foram excluídos devido a discrepância entre os resultados das referidas determinações. Dos 40 doentes restantes, 23 apresentavam hipersonolência diurna e 17 n

  16. Interplay between PTB and miR-1285 at the p53 3′UTR modulates the levels of p53 and its isoform Δ40p53α (United States)

    Katoch, Aanchal; George, Biju; Iyyappan, Amrutha; Khan, Debjit


    Abstract p53 and its translational isoform Δ40p53 are involved in many important cellular functions like cell cycle, cell proliferation, differentiation and metabolism. Expression of both the isoforms can be regulated at different steps. In this study, we explored the role of 3′UTR in regulating the expression of these two translational isoforms. We report that the trans acting factor, Polypyrimidine Tract Binding protein (PTB), also interacts specifically with 3′UTR of p53 mRNA and positively regulates expression of p53 isoforms. Our results suggest that there is interplay between miRNAs and PTB at the 3′UTR under normal and stress conditions like DNA damage. Interestingly, PTB showed some overlapping binding regions in the p53 3′UTR with miR-1285. In fact, knockdown of miR-1285 as well as expression of p53 3′UTR with mutated miR-1285 binding sites resulted in enhanced association of PTB with the 3′UTR, which provides mechanistic insights of this interplay. Taken together, the results provide a plausible molecular basis of how the interplay between miRNAs and the PTB protein at the 3′UTR can play pivotal role in fine tuning the expression of the two p53 isoforms. PMID:28973454

  17. Human neuroblastoma cells with acquired resistance to the p53 activator RITA retain functional p53 and sensitivity to other p53 activating agents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Michaelis, M.; Rothweiler, F.; Agha, B.; Barth, S.; Voges, Y.; Loeschmann, N.; von Deimling, A.; Breitling, R.; Doerr, H. Wilhelm; Roedel, F.; Speidel, D.; Cinatl, J.; Cinatl Jr., J.; Stephanou, A.

    Adaptation of wild-type p53 expressing UKF-NB-3 cancer cells to the murine double minute 2 inhibitor nutlin-3 causes de novo p53 mutations at high frequency (13/20) and multi-drug resistance. Here, we show that the same cells respond very differently when adapted to RITA, a drug that, like nutlin-3,

  18. A importância do gene p53 na carcinogênese humana The importance of the p53 gene in human carcinogenesis

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    Agnes C. Fett-Conte


    Full Text Available Existem várias razões que justificam o título de "guardião do genoma" do gene P53. Seu envolvimento, direto ou indireto, tem sido observado na etiopatogenia de praticamente todas as neoplasias humanas, incluindo as leucemias e linfomas. Conhecer seus mecanismos de ação é fundamental para compreender os aspectos moleculares da carcinogênese. O presente trabalho apresenta uma revisão sobre as características deste gene e sua importância no diagnóstico, prognóstico e terapêutica, o que faz dele um alvo em potencial das estratégias de terapia gênica.There are several reasons which justify the name of 'guardian of the genome' given to the P53 gene. Its involvement either directly or indirectly has been observed in the pathology of practically all human neoplasias, including leukemia and lymphomas. Knowledge of its mechanisms of action is fundamental to understand molecular aspects of carcinogenesis. This work presents a revision of the characteristics of this gene and its importance in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment and why this makes it a potential target for gene therapy strategies.

  19. Matérias estranhas em canela em pó e páprica em pó, comercializadas no estado de São Paulo

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    CORREIA Marlene


    Full Text Available Com objetivos de padronizar metodologias para matérias estranhas em canela em pó e páprica em pó e de avaliar as condições higiênicas desses condimentos, foram adquiridas, no período de agosto a novembro de 1998, 78 amostras de canela em pó e 56 de páprica em pó, em estabelecimentos comerciais de seis cidades do Estado de São Paulo. Foram utilizados métodos da Association of Official Analytical Chemists International (AOAC - 1995, 16.14.12/968.38b para canela em pó e 16.14.22/977.25B para páprica em pó. Os métodos mostraram-se adequados, sem resíduos interferentes no papel de filtro que dificultasse o diagnóstico da análise e viáveis de serem utilizados nos laboratórios de Microscopia de Alimentos. Os resultados obtidos indicaram 100% das amostras contendo fragmentos de insetos; pêlos de roedor foram isolados em 73,1% de amostras de canela em pó e 34,0% de páprica em pó, enquanto ácaros mortos apareceram, respectivamente, em 37,2% e 12,5% de amostras. É necessário revisão da legislação de alimentos em vigor, com o estabelecimento de níveis de tolerância para fragmentos de insetos.

  20. Expression of Egr1 and p53 in human carotid plaques and apoptosis induced by 7-oxysterol or p53. (United States)

    Miah, Sayem; Zadeh, Shahram Nour Mohammad; Yuan, Xi-Ming; Li, Wei


    Egr-1 and p53 are involved in pathology of both atherosclerosis and cancer. However, it is unknown whether p53 and Egr1 are interactively involved in apoptosis in atherosclerosis. We found that in human carotid plaques, the expression of p53 was inversely correlated with Egr1. In U937 cells, 7β-hydroxycholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol induced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), transient up-regulation of Egr1 followed by late induction of p53 and apoptosis. Cells with nuclear fragmentation induced by 7-oxysterol or p53 showed increased levels of p53, but decreased levels of Egr1. In conclusion, ROS induced by 7-oxysterols may function as an early initiator of Egr1 expression. The late induced p53 by 7-oxysterols contributes to apoptotic cell death and is linked to the reduction of Egr1 levels, which resembles the differential expression of p53 and Egr1 in human atheroma progression. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  1. Estudo retrospectivo de um grupo de doentes submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica


    Santos, Mariline


    Trabalho final do 6º ano médico (Medicina interna - Nutrição clínica), com vista à atribuição do Grau de Mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de mestrado integrado em Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra Objectivo: Estudar retrospectivamente uma população de doentes obesos submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica. Avaliar as técnicas cirúrgicas usadas e respectivas complicações assim como avaliar a eficácia da cirurgia bariátrica a longo prazo não só como terapêutica de obesidade como também das co...

  2. Disruption of focal adhesion kinase and p53 interaction with small molecule compound R2 reactivated p53 and blocked tumor growth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golubovskaya, Vita M; Ho, Baotran; Zheng, Min; Magis, Andrew; Ostrov, David; Morrison, Carl; Cance, William G


    Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) is a 125 kDa non-receptor kinase that plays a major role in cancer cell survival and metastasis. We performed computer modeling of the p53 peptide containing the site of interaction with FAK, predicted the peptide structure and docked it into the three-dimensional structure of the N-terminal domain of FAK involved in the complex with p53. We screened small molecule compounds that targeted the site of the FAK-p53 interaction and identified compounds (called Roslins, or R compounds) docked in silico to this site. By different assays in isogenic HCT116p53 + / + and HCT116 p53 - / - cells we identified a small molecule compound called Roslin 2 (R2) that bound FAK, disrupted the binding of FAK and p53 and decreased cancer cell viability and clonogenicity in a p53-dependent manner. In addition, dual-luciferase assays demonstrated that the R2 compound increased p53 transcriptional activity that was inhibited by FAK using p21, Mdm-2, and Bax-promoter targets. R2 also caused increased expression of p53 targets: p21, Mdm-2 and Bax proteins. Furthermore, R2 significantly decreased tumor growth, disrupted the complex of FAK and p53, and up-regulated p21 in HCT116 p53 + / + but not in HCT116 p53 - / - xenografts in vivo. In addition, R2 sensitized HCT116p53 + / + cells to doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil. Thus, disruption of the FAK and p53 interaction with a novel small molecule reactivated p53 in cancer cells in vitro and in vivo and can be effectively used for development of FAK-p53 targeted cancer therapy approaches

  3. TRIM65 negatively regulates p53 through ubiquitination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Yang [Department of Respiration, The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130021 (China); Ma, Chengyuan [Department of Neurosurgery, The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130021 (China); Zhou, Tong [Department of Endocrinology, The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130021 (China); Liu, Ying [Department of Respiration, The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130021 (China); Sun, Luyao [Department of Infectious Diseases, The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130021 (China); Yu, Zhenxiang, E-mail: [Department of Respiration, The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130021 (China)


    Tripartite-motif protein family member 65 (TRIM65) is an important protein involved in white matter lesion. However, the role of TRIM65 in human cancer remains less understood. Through the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) gene alteration database, we found that TRIM65 is upregulated in a significant portion of non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) patients. Our cell growth assay revealed that TRIM65 overexpression promotes cell proliferation, while knockdown of TRIM65 displays opposite effect. Mechanistically, TRIM65 binds to p53, one of the most critical tumor suppressors, and serves as an E3 ligase toward p53. Consequently, TRIM65 inactivates p53 through facilitating p53 poly-ubiquitination and proteasome-mediated degradation. Notably, chemotherapeutic reagent cisplatin induction of p53 is markedly attenuated in response to ectopic expression of TRIM65. Cell growth inhibition by TRIM65 knockdown is more significant in p53 positive H460 than p53 negative H1299 cells, and knockdown of p53 in H460 cells also shows compromised cell growth inhibition by TRIM65 knockdown, indicating that p53 is required, at least in part, for TRIM65 function. Our findings demonstrate TRIM65 as a potential oncogenic protein, highly likely through p53 inactivation, and provide insight into development of novel approaches targeting TRIM65 for NSCLC treatment, and also overcoming chemotherapy resistance. - Highlights: • TRIM65 expression is elevated in NSCLC. • TRIM65 inactivates p53 through mediating p53 ubiquitination and degradation. • TRIM65 attenuates the response of NSCLC cells to cisplatin.

  4. Melhoria da capacidade inspiratória em repouso e da hiperinsuflação com o tiotrópio em doentes com DPOC e com aumento dos volumes estáticos pulmonares

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    B. Celli


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O reconhecimento da eficácia de um broncodilatador na DPOC deve incluir o registo dos volumes pulmonares, que fornecem informação acerca da hiperinsuflação e, consequentemente, da dispneia. É reconhecido que após a administração de um broncodilatador as alterações do VEMS não reflectem necessariamente alterações do grau de dispneia, podendo este parâmetro funcional não demonstrar o potencial benéfico de um fármaco na DPOC.As modificações da Capacidade Inspiratória (CI demonstraram já uma melhor correlação com a dispneia e intolerância ao esforço, em relação a outros parâmetros espirométricos, pois reflectem modificações da hiperinsuflação.O tiotrópio é um anticolinérgico que antagoniza de forma prolongada o receptor muscarínico M3, proporcionando uma melhoria clínica e funcional em doentes com DPOC. Este estudo randomizado, duplamente cego, com controlo de placebo, pretendeu avaliar as alterações da CI em repouso e dos volumes pulmonares após administração a longo prazo do tiotrópio.A população estudada de 81 doentes com DPOC (62% do sexo masculino; 72% ex-fumadores, com idade superior a 40 anos (idade média de 64 anos, apresentava um valor basal médio de VEMS de 1,12 l (43% do previsto. Nas 3 visitas efectuadas (0, 2 e 4 semanas, o VEMS, a capacidade vital forçada e lenta, a CI e o volume de gás intratorácico foram determinados antes da administração do tiotrópio (–60 e –15 minutos e após a toma da droga (30, 60, 120 e 180 minutos. Verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos grupos tiotrópio/placebo em relação ao VEMS, capacidades vitais, CI e volume de gás intratorácico. Neste estudo, a redução do volume de gás intratorácico foi similar ao obtido aos 3 e 6 meses após cirurgia de redução de volume

  5. Immunohistochemical expression of p53, BCL-2, BAX and VEGFR1 proteins in nephroblastomas A expressão imuno-histoquímica das proteínas p53, BCL-2, BAX e VEGFR1 em nefroblastomas

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    Ana Paula Percicote


    marcadores imuno-histoquímicos tem por objetivo adequar o tratamento ao grupo de risco e reduzir recidivas e óbitos. Entre os marcadores mais estudados estão p53, B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2, BCL-2 associated protein X (BAX e fator de crescimento vascular endotelial e seu receptor 1 (VEGFR1, relacionados com a via apoptótica, o reparo do ácido desoxirribonucleico (DNA e a neovascularização. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a expressão imuno-histoquímica de p53, BCL-2, BAX e VEGFR1 em amostras de nefroblastoma humano e correlacioná-las com fatores prognósticos clínico-patológicos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram utilizadas 29 amostras de nefroblastomas retiradas dos Serviços de Anatomia Patológica de dois hospitais de Curitiba, com diagnósticos entre 1994 e 2007. Por meio da técnica de imunoperoxidase, com as amostras em arranjo tecidual em matriz, realizou-se análise da imuno-histoquímica desses marcadores e sua comparação com fatores prognósticos clínico-patológicos. RESULTADOS: A maior imunoexpressão de VEGFR1 nos componentes blastematoso e epitelial mostrou associação positiva ao grupo de risco, sendo que isso poderia estar relacionado com a maior capacidade de invasão vascular neoplásica que pode ser conferida por esse fator de crescimento endotelial, aumentando, assim, as chances de metástases e alterando o estadimento, o grupo de risco e a evolução clínica. CONCLUSÃO: A expressão imuno-histoquímica aumentada de VEGFR1 mostrou associação diretamente proporcional ao grupo de risco dos pacientes com nefroblastoma.

  6. Validação da versão em português da escala London Chest Activity of Daily Living (LCADL em doentes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica

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    Fábio Pitta


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: Diversos questionários desenvolvidos em língua inglesa visam avaliar especificamente a limitação pela dispnéia durante actividades da vida diária (AVD em doentes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC, como a escala London Chest Activity of Daily Living (LCADL. No entanto, nenhum destes questionários foi ainda traduzido para a língua portuguesa. O objectivo desse estudo foi verificar a validade e a reprodutibilidade da versão em português da LCADL em pacientes com DPOC. Métodos: Trinta e um doentes com DPOC (17 homens; 69±7 anos; FEV1 44±15% predito responderam por duas vezes à versão em português da LCADL com intervalo de uma semana. O tradicional questionário Saint George na doença respiratória (SGRQ, já validado em português, foi utilizado como critério de validação. Resultados: Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre a aplicação e a reaplicação da LCADL. O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse dos domínios da escala entre o dia 1 e dia 2 foi de: Cuidado pessoal r=0,96; doméstico r=0,99; actividade física r=0,92; lazer r=0,95; escore total r=0,98. Foram observadas correlações significativas do escore total da LCADL com os domínios e o escore total do SGRQ (0,36p<0,05 para todos. O escore total da LCADL correlacionou-se também significativamente com a distância percorrida no teste da caminhada de 6 minutos (r=-0,48; p=0,006. Conclusões: A versão em língua portuguesa da LCADL demonstrou ser reprodutível e válida em pacientes com DPOC. Portanto, o presente estudo fornece uma nova e importante ferramenta para avaliar a limitação na capacidade de realizar AVD nessa população.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (1: 27-47 Abstract: Introduction: While there are several subjective English tools, such as the London Chest Activity of Daily Living scale

  7. Chemical Variations on the p53 Reactivation Theme

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    Carlos J. A. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Among the tumor suppressor genes, p53 is one of the most studied. It is widely regarded as the “guardian of the genome”, playing a major role in carcinogenesis. In fact, direct inactivation of the TP53 gene occurs in more than 50% of malignancies, and in tumors that retain wild-type p53 status, its function is usually inactivated by overexpression of negative regulators (e.g., MDM2 and MDMX. Hence, restoring p53 function in cancer cells represents a valuable anticancer approach. In this review, we will present an updated overview of the most relevant small molecules developed to restore p53 function in cancer cells through inhibition of the p53-MDMs interaction, or direct targeting of wild-type p53 or mutated p53. In addition, optimization approaches used for the development of small molecules that have entered clinical trials will be presented.

  8. A surrogate p53 reporter in Drosophila reveals the interaction of eIF4E and p53

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Corujo, G.; Campagno, R.; Rivera Pomar, R.; Ferrero, P.; Lu, W.J.


    eIF4E promotes translation upon binding the mRNA 5'cap and it is required for cell proliferation. p53 is a proapoptotic protein which is activated in response to DNA damage. There is evidence that suggests that eIF4E and p53 are connected in a mechanism that regulates their function. We propose a model for that such a mechanism to explain the equilibrium between apoptosis and cell proliferation. Our data shows a correlation between the overexpression of eIF4E and the suppression of apoptosis triggered by the overexpression of p53 in Drosophila imaginal discs. We also studied a reporter transgene which expresses GFP in response to p53 activation by gamma radiation. We could confirm that this p53 surrogate works in imaginal discs as well as in embryos. This provided us a tool to quantify the effect on the GFP signal by overexpression of eIF4E to confirm how these two proteins could interact in vivo. Our results suggest that p53 and eIF4E are indeed in an equilibrium that decides if a cell shall proliferate or die. (authors)

  9. Both p53-PUMA/NOXA-Bax-mitochondrion and p53-p21cip1 pathways are involved in the CDglyTK-mediated tumor cell suppression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Zhendong; Wang, Hao; Zhang, Libin; Tang, Aifa; Zhai, Qinna; Wen, Jianxiang; Yao, Li; Li, Pengfei


    CDglyTK fusion suicide gene has been well characterized to effectively kill tumor cells. However, the exact mechanism and downstream target genes are not fully understood. In our study, we found that CDglyTK/prodrug treatment works more efficiently in p53 wild-type (HONE1) cells than in p53 mutant (CNE1) cells. We then used adenovirus-mediated gene delivery system to either knockdown or overexpress p53 and its target genes in these cells. Consistent results showed that both p53-PUMA/NOXA/Bcl2-Bax and p53-p21 pathways contribute to the CDglyTK induced tumor cell suppression. Our work for the first time addressed the role of p53 related genes in the CDglyTK/prodrug system.

  10. Both p53-PUMA/NOXA-Bax-mitochondrion and p53-p21cip1 pathways are involved in the CDglyTK-mediated tumor cell suppression

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Zhendong, E-mail: [Department of Clinical laboratory, Peking University Shenzhen Hospital, Guangdong (China); Wang, Hao [Department of pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China); Zhang, Libin; Tang, Aifa; Zhai, Qinna; Wen, Jianxiang; Yao, Li [Department of Clinical laboratory, Peking University Shenzhen Hospital, Guangdong (China); Li, Pengfei, E-mail: [Department of pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China)


    CDglyTK fusion suicide gene has been well characterized to effectively kill tumor cells. However, the exact mechanism and downstream target genes are not fully understood. In our study, we found that CDglyTK/prodrug treatment works more efficiently in p53 wild-type (HONE1) cells than in p53 mutant (CNE1) cells. We then used adenovirus-mediated gene delivery system to either knockdown or overexpress p53 and its target genes in these cells. Consistent results showed that both p53-PUMA/NOXA/Bcl2-Bax and p53-p21 pathways contribute to the CDglyTK induced tumor cell suppression. Our work for the first time addressed the role of p53 related genes in the CDglyTK/prodrug system.

  11. p53 specific (auto)immunity in mice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lauwen, Marjolein Monique


    Self-tolerance to p53 is a major potential limitation for the activation of the endogenous T-cell repertoire. So far, p53 specific CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell immunity has been described in cancer patients and healthy individuals. However, the restrictions of tolerance on the recruitment of p53 specific T

  12. Exploring a minimal two-component p53 model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Tingzhe; Zhu, Feng; Shen, Pingping; Yuan, Ruoshi; Xu, Wei


    The tumor suppressor p53 coordinates many attributes of cellular processes via interlocked feedback loops. To understand the biological implications of feedback loops in a p53 system, a two-component model which encompasses essential feedback loops was constructed and further explored. Diverse bifurcation properties, such as bistability and oscillation, emerge by manipulating the feedback strength. The p53-mediated MDM2 induction dictates the bifurcation patterns. We first identified irradiation dichotomy in p53 models and further proposed that bistability and oscillation can behave in a coordinated manner. Further sensitivity analysis revealed that p53 basal production and MDM2-mediated p53 degradation, which are central to cellular control, are most sensitive processes. Also, we identified that the much more significant variations in amplitude of p53 pulses observed in experiments can be derived from overall amplitude parameter sensitivity. The combined approach with bifurcation analysis, stochastic simulation and sampling-based sensitivity analysis not only gives crucial insights into the dynamics of the p53 system, but also creates a fertile ground for understanding the regulatory patterns of other biological networks

  13. Hipersonolência diurna e variáveis polissonográficas em doentes com síndroma de apneia do sono

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    O. Mediano


    Full Text Available Resumo: A síndroma de apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS caracteriza-se por episódios repetidos de obstrução da via aérea superior, hipoxemia nocturna e fragmentação do sono. A hipersonolência diurna constitui um sintoma frequente nos doentes com esta síndroma, embora possa estar ausente. A sua presença representa uma limitação significativa da qualidade de vida do indivíduo, bem como um aumento da morbilidade e mortalidade da SAOS, visto ser um importante factor de risco para acidentes de viação e laborais, podendo originar alterações cognitivo-comportamentais relevantes.O mecanismo desencadeante de hipersonolência diurna não é claro. Alguns autores relacionaram esta com a arquitectura anormal do sono, o que, no entanto, não foi confirmado por outros investigadores. Alguns estudos salientaram a relação entre a hipersonolência diurna e os níveis de dessaturação nocturna da oxi-hemoglobina, mas este facto não foi comprovado cientificamente.O objectivo do presente trabalho foi analisar quais os mecanismos responsáveis pela sonolência diurna nos doentes com SAOS. Assim, numerosas variáveis registadas no estudo polissonográfico foram comparadas em dois grupos de indivíduos com esta patologia, apresentando um deles hipersonolência diurna inequívoca e o outro a total ausência da mesma.Foram avaliados 65 indivíduos seguidos no Departamento Respiratório do Hospital Universitário do Son Dureta (Palma de Maiorca que possuíam no registo poligráfico nocturno um índice de apneia/hipopneia (IAH >20/h. A sonolência excessiva foi determinada utilizando a escala de sono de Epworth (ESE e o teste de latência múltipla. A sua presença foi considerada sempre que o score de ESE >10 e o score do teste de latência múltipla 10 min.Cerca de 25 indivíduos foram excluídos devido a discrepância entre os resultados das referidas determinações. Dos 40 doentes restantes, 23 apresentavam hipersonolência diurna e 17 n

  14. The Transcriptional Landscape of p53 Signalling Pathway

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    Chizu Tanikawa


    Full Text Available Although recent cancer genomics studies have identified a large number of genes that were mutated in human cancers, p53 remains as the most frequently mutated gene. To further elucidate the p53-signalling network, we performed transcriptome analysis on 24 tissues in p53+/+ or p53−/− mice after whole-body X-ray irradiation. Here we found transactivation of a total of 3551 genes in one or more of the 24 tissues only in p53+/+ mice, while 2576 genes were downregulated. p53 mRNA expression level in each tissue was significantly associated with the number of genes upregulated by irradiation. Annotation using TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas database revealed that p53 negatively regulated mRNA expression of several cancer therapeutic targets or pathways such as BTK, SYK, and CTLA4 in breast cancer tissues. In addition, stomach exhibited the induction of Krt6, Krt16, and Krt17 as well as loricrin, an epidermal differentiation marker, after the X-ray irradiation only in p53+/+ mice, implying a mechanism to protect damaged tissues by rapid induction of differentiation. Our comprehensive transcriptome analysis elucidated tissue specific roles of p53 and its signalling networks in DNA-damage response that will enhance our understanding of cancer biology.

  15. Adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction: relationship between clinicopathological data and p53, cyclin D1 and Bcl-2 immunoexpressions Adenocarcinoma da junção esôfago-gástrica: relação entre os dados cllnipatológicos e a imunoexpressão de p53, ciclina D1 e Bcl-2

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    Dárcio Matenhauer Lehrbach


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma has an aggressive behavior, and TNM (UICC staging is not always accurate enough to categorize patient's outcome. OBJECTIVES: To evaluated p53, cyclin D1 and Bcl-2 immunoexpressions in esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma patients, without Barrett's esophagus, and to compared to clinicopathological characteristics and survival rate. METHODS: Tissue sections from 75 esophagogastric junction adenocarcinomas resected from 1991 to 2003 were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for p53, cyclin D1 and Bcl-2 using streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method. The mean follow-up time was 60 months SD = 61.5 (varying from 4 to 273 months. RESULTS: Fifty (66.7% of the tumors were intestinal type and 25 (33.3% were diffuse. Vascular, lymph node and perineural infiltration were verified in 16%, 80% and 68% of the patients, respectively. The patients were distributed according to the TNM staging in IA in 4 (5.3%, IB in 10 (13.3%, II in 15 (20%, IIA in 15 (20%, IIIB in 15 (20% and IV in 16 (21.3%. Immunohistochemical analysis was positive for p53, cyclin D1 and bcl-2 in 68%, 18.7% and 100%, respectively. There was no association between immunoexpression and vascular and/or perineural invasions, clinicopathological characteristics and patients' survival rate. CONCLUSION: In this selected population, there was no association between the immunomarkers, p53, cyclin D1 and bcl-2 and clinicopathological data and/or overall survival.CONTEXTO: O adenocarcinoma da junção esôfago-gástrica tem um comportamento agressivo e o estádio TNM não é sempre suficiente para categorizar o paciente de acordo com a evolução do mesmo. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a imunoexpressão do p53, ciclina D1 e Bcl-2 em pacientes com adenocarcinoma da junção esôfago-gástrica sem esôfago de Barrett e comparar com as características clínicas e sobrevida. MÉTODOS: Cortes histológicos de 75 adenocarcinomas da esôfago-gástrica ressecados de 1991 a

  16. Expression of p53 in oligodendrogliomas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.M. Kros (Johan); J.J.C.J. Godschalk (J. J C J); K.K. Krishnadath (Kausilia); C.G. van Eden (C.)


    textabstractThe expression of the nuclear protein p53 in oligodendrogliomas was investigated by immunohistochemistry, using a monoclonal anti-p53 antibody (DO-7) on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material in 84 histologically verified cases, and compared with the histopathological grade and

  17. Expression of p53 in oligodendrogliomas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kros, J. M.; Godschalk, J. J.; Krishnadath, K. K.; van Eden, C. G.


    The expression of the nuclear protein p53 in oligodendrogliomas was investigated by immunohistochemistry, using a monoclonal anti-p53 antibody (DO-7) on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material in 84 histologically verified cases, and compared with the histopathological grade and survival.

  18. Indicadores de Prognóstico em Câncer de Mama com Axila Negativa: Receptor de Estrógeno e Expressão de P53 e de c-erbB-2 Prognostic Indicators In Lymph Node-Negative Breast Cancer: Estrogen Receptor and P53 and c-erbB-2 Protein Expression

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    Adriana Harter Teixeira Bolaséll


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar o valor prognóstico do receptor de estrógeno e da expressão das proteínas p53 e c-erbB-2 no câncer de mama com axila negativa. Métodos: foi realizado estudo imuno-histoquímico em material incluido em parafina, do arquivo do Instituto de Pesquisas Cito-Oncológicas (IPCO da Fundação Faculdade Federal de Ciências Médicas de Porto Alegre (FFFCMPA, de 50 casos de câncer de mama sem comprometimento dos linfonodos axilares, em mulheres menopausadas, tratadas na Irmandade da Santa Casa de Porto Alegre (ISCMPA e no Hospital Santa Rita de Porto Alegre (HSR de janeiro 1990 a dezembro de 1994. Para análise estatística foram utilizados os testes de c² com correção de Yates, teste exato de Fisher e curvas de sobrevida pelo método de Kaplan-Meier comparados pelo teste log rank. O seguimento médio das pacientes foi de 3,6 anos (3,1-4,5. Dos 50 casos, 14 apresentaram recidiva no período observado. Resultados: a média de idade foi 61 anos (variação de 46 a 78 anos. A mastectomia radical modificada (MRM foi realizada em 35 pacientes (70% e 15 (30% foram submetidas a setorectomia com esvaziamento axilar e posterior radioterapia. Metade das pacientes que apresentaram recidiva apresentaram-na nos três primeiros anos após o diagnóstico. O tamanho médio do tumor foi 2,8 cm (1,98-3,13 e o tipo histológico mais freqüente foi o carcinoma ductal infiltrante de tipo histológico não-especial (92%, conforme a graduação histológica de Bloom e Richardson, sendo 3 grau I (6,6%, 35 grau II (76% e 8 grau III (17,4%; nos tumores que recidivaram não houve nenhum grau I, 9 (25,7% eram grau II e 3 (37,5% eram grau III. Em relação ao prognóstico, a taxa de intervalo livre de doença foi menor quando da associação de tumor pouco diferenciado (grau III com receptor de estrógeno negativo (p = 0,006, p53 positivo (p = 0,006 e c-erbB-2 positivo (p = 0,001. Conclusão: mulheres menopausadas com câncer de mama sem comprometimento

  19. The maternal genes Ci-p53/p73-a and Ci-p53/p73-b regulate zygotic ZicL expression and notochord differentiation in Ciona intestinalis embryos. (United States)

    Noda, Takeshi


    I isolated a Ciona intestinalis homolog of p53, Ci-p53/p73-a, in a microarray screen of rapidly degraded maternal mRNA by comparing the transcriptomes of unfertilized eggs and 32-cell stage embryos. Higher expression of the gene in eggs and lower expression in later embryonic stages were confirmed by whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR); expression was ubiquitous in eggs and early embryos. Knockdown of Ci-p53/p73-a by injection of antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MOs) severely perturbed gastrulation cell movements and expression of notochord marker genes. A key regulator of notochord differentiation in Ciona embryos is Brachyury (Ci-Bra), which is directly activated by a zic-like gene (Ci-ZicL). The expression of Ci-ZicL and Ci-Bra in A-line notochord precursors was downregulated in Ci-p53/p73-a knockdown embryos. Maternal expression of Ci-p53/p73-b, a homolog of Ci-p53/p73-a, was also detected. In Ci-p53/p73-b knockdown embryos, gastrulation cell movements, expression of Ci-ZicL and Ci-Bra in A-line notochord precursors, and expression of notochord marker gene at later stages were perturbed. The upstream region of Ci-ZicL contains putative p53-binding sites. Cis-regulatory analysis of Ci-ZicL showed that these sites are involved in expression of Ci-ZicL in A-line notochord precursors at the 32-cell and early gastrula stages. These results suggest that p53 genes are maternal factors that play a crucial role in A-line notochord differentiation in C. intestinalis embryos by regulating Ci-ZicL expression. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. p53 in differentiation of thyroid cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seyama, Toshio; Ito, Takashi; Akiyama, Mitoshi; Hayashi, Yuzo; Dohi, Kiyohiko.


    P53 is a tumor suppressor gene with such a recessive nature and is inactivated in many carcinomas. DNA was extracted from 10 primary papillary adenocarcinomas and eight undifferentiated carcinomas of the thyroid, using three 5 μm sliced paraffin segments, and then amplified by PCR. The products were analyzed for mutations in the p53 gene exons 5 to 8 by the direct sequencing method and for allelic deletion by the RFLP method. In five human thyroid carcinomas, DNA was extracted from each tissue and analyzed. Mutations in the p53 gene exons 5 to 8 and p53 gene deletions were not detected in the 10 papillary adenocarcinomas, mutations were detected in seven of eight cases and allelic deletions was detected in three of the five cases examined. In each of the five cases which had both differentiated and undifferentiated tissues in the same tumor, p53 gene mutations were not detected in the differentiated tissues while mutations and gene deletions were detected in the undifferentiated sections. The p53 gene was analyzed using paraffin-embedded tissues by the combined use of the direct sequencing and PCR methods and by the RFLP method. It was found that the progression of human thyroid carcinoma is closely related to the p53 genetic changes. Furthermore, the analysis of differentiated and undifferentiated tissues in the same tumor showed that human undifferentiated thyroid carcinomas develop from differentiated carcinomas. (J.P.N.)

  1. Biologic effect of exogenous wild p53 combined with irradiation on human melanoma cell lines with different p53 status

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Min Fengling; Zhang Hong; Li Wenjian; Liu Bing; Zhou Qingming; Duan Xin; Gao Qingxiang


    Objective: To investigate the effect of low dose irradiation on gene transfer efficiency and the effect of adenoviral-mediated exogenous P53 overexpression on apoptosis and radiosensitivity of radioresistant human melanoma cell lines A375(wild type p53)and WM983a(mutant type p53). Methods: Control vector, a replication deficient recombinant adenoviral vector containing a CMV promoter and green fluorescent protein (AdCMV-GFP), was used to transfect A375 cells and WM983a cells preirradiated with or without 1 Gy X-ray. The transduction efficiency of GFP gene was determined with fluorescence microscope directly. These two types of cells irradiated by 1 Gy X-ray were transfected with a replication deficient recombinant adenoviral vector carrying human wild p53 (AdCMV-p53), and mRNA level was detected by RT-PCR. The cell cycle delay and the expression of exogenous P53 were detected using flow cytometry (FCM) at different times after transfection. Tunel technique was used to detect cell apoptosis. The radiosensivity of A375 and WM983a cells after p53 transduction was analyzed by colony formation. Results: It is found that 1 Gy irradiation increased the gene transfection efficiency of A375 and WM983a cells. The expression of exogenous P53 was found to range from 60% to 80% among transfected cells during the first three days after transduction and then declined continuously down to the control level on day 10. G 1 cell cycle arrest was also observed after p53 gene transduction. WM983a cells transfected with p53 showed higher sensitivity to X-ray-induced cell killing than A375 cells. Conclusions: It is indicated that low dose of ionizing radiation can improve gene transfection efficiency of A375 and WM983a cells mediated by adenovirus vector. Althrough the overexpresion of exogenous p53 may not inhibit cell growth and induce apoptosis of melanoma cell line A375 and WM983a irt vitro, the two cell lines are much more sensitive to cell death induced by irradiation. It is

  2. p53 and the pathogenesis of skin cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benjamin, Cara L.; Ananthaswamy, Honnavara N.


    The p53 tumor suppressor gene and gene product are among the most diverse and complex molecules involved in cellular functions. Genetic alterations within the p53 gene have been shown to have a direct correlation with cancer development and have been shown to occur in nearly 50% of all cancers. p53 mutations are particularly common in skin cancers and UV irradiation has been shown to be a primary cause of specific 'signature' mutations that can result in oncogenic transformation. There are certain 'hot-spots' in the p53 gene where mutations are commonly found that result in a mutated dipyrimidine site. This review discusses the role of p53 from normal function and its dysfunction in pre-cancerous lesions and non-melanoma skin cancers. Additionally, special situations are explored, such as Li-Fraumeni syndrome in which there is an inherited p53 mutation, and the consequences of immune suppression on p53 mutations and the resulting increase in non-melanoma skin cancer in these patients

  3. Análise de um acidente por contaminação fúngica em uma biblioteca pública no município do Rio de Janeiro

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    Maria Cristina Strausz

    Full Text Available Partindo de um acidente de contaminação por fungos ocorrido em dezembro de 1997 em uma biblioteca pública no município do Rio de Janeiro, foi testada a aplicabilidade de uma proposta metodológica de análise sociotécnica de acidentes, que foi desenvolvida pelo Centro de Estudo de Saúde do Trabalhador e Ecologia Humana (CESTEH/Fiocruz, para análise de acidentes industriais ampliados. O acidente foi conseqüência de um fato anunciado meses antes, quando os trabalhadores da biblioteca denunciaram, através de um abaixo-assinado, os problemas de descontrole da temperatura ambiente, que se traduzia em desconforto, sintomas respiratórios e afastamento do trabalho, decorrentes daquelas condições. O evento foi caracterizado como um caso de Síndrome do Edifício Doente, que é um problema decorrente da má qualidade do ar de interiores, especialmente em ambientes climatizados artificialmente. Nesse sentido, despertou a atenção dos profissionais de bibliotecas do Brasil para um problema bastante comum, embora pouco estudado, especialmente no campo da saúde pública e, dentro dela, o campo da saúde do trabalhador.

  4. System-based strategies for p53 recovery. (United States)

    Azam, Muhammad Rizwan; Fazal, Sahar; Ullah, Mukhtar; Bhatti, Aamer I


    The authors have proposed a systems theory-based novel drug design approach for the p53 pathway. The pathway is taken as a dynamic system represented by ordinary differential equations-based mathematical model. Using control engineering practices, the system analysis and subsequent controller design is performed for the re-activation of wild-type p53. p53 revival is discussed for both modes of operation, i.e. the sustained and oscillatory. To define the problem in control system paradigm, modification in the existing mathematical model is performed to incorporate the effect of Nutlin. Attractor point analysis is carried out to select the suitable domain of attraction. A two-loop negative feedback control strategy is devised to drag the system trajectories to the attractor point and to regulate cellular concentration of Nutlin, respectively. An integrated framework is constituted to incorporate the pharmacokinetic effects of Nutlin in the cancerous cells. Bifurcation analysis is also performed on the p53 model to see the conditions for p53 oscillation.

  5. Microbial Regulation of p53 Tumor Suppressor.

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    Alexander I Zaika


    Full Text Available p53 tumor suppressor has been identified as a protein interacting with the large T antigen produced by simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40. Subsequent research on p53 inhibition by SV40 and other tumor viruses has not only helped to gain a better understanding of viral biology, but also shaped our knowledge of human tumorigenesis. Recent studies have found, however, that inhibition of p53 is not strictly in the realm of viruses. Some bacterial pathogens also actively inhibit p53 protein and induce its degradation, resulting in alteration of cellular stress responses. This phenomenon was initially characterized in gastric epithelial cells infected with Helicobacter pylori, a bacterial pathogen that commonly infects the human stomach and is strongly linked to gastric cancer. Besides H. pylori, a number of other bacterial species were recently discovered to inhibit p53. These findings provide novel insights into host-bacteria interactions and tumorigenesis associated with bacterial infections.

  6. Battle Against Cancer: An Everlasting Saga of p53

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    Qian Hao


    Full Text Available Cancer is one of the most life-threatening diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells. The tumor suppressor p53 is the master regulator of tumor cell growth and proliferation. In response to various stress signals, p53 can be activated and transcriptionally induces a myriad of target genes, including both protein-encoding and non-coding genes, controlling cell cycle progression, DNA repair, senescence, apoptosis, autophagy and metabolism of tumor cells. However, around 50% of human cancers harbor mutant p53 and, in the majority of the remaining cancers, p53 is inactivated through multiple mechanisms. Herein, we review the recent progress in understanding the molecular basis of p53 signaling, particularly the newly identified ribosomal stress—p53 pathway, and the development of chemotherapeutics via activating wild-type p53 or restoring mutant p53 functions in cancer. A full understanding of p53 regulation will aid the development of effective cancer treatments.

  7. Gain-of-function mutant p53 but not p53 deletion promotes head and neck cancer progression in response to oncogenic K-ras (United States)

    Acin, Sergio; Li, Zhongyou; Mejia, Olga; Roop, Dennis R; El-Naggar, Adel K; Caulin, Carlos


    Mutations in p53 occur in over 50% of the human head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (SCCHN). The majority of these mutations result in the expression of mutant forms of p53, rather than deletions in the p53 gene. Some p53 mutants are associated with poor prognosis in SCCHN patients. However, the molecular mechanisms that determine the poor outcome of cancers carrying p53 mutations are unknown. Here, we generated a mouse model for SCCHN and found that activation of the endogenous p53 gain-of-function mutation p53R172H, but not deletion of p53, cooperates with oncogenic K-ras during SCCHN initiation, accelerates oral tumour growth, and promotes progression to carcinoma. Mechanistically, expression profiling of the tumours that developed in these mice and studies using cell lines derived from these tumours determined that mutant p53 induces the expression of genes involved in mitosis, including cyclin B1 and cyclin A, and accelerates entry in mitosis. Additionally, we discovered that this oncogenic function of mutant p53 was dependent on K-ras because the expression of cyclin B1 and cyclin A decreased, and entry in mitosis was delayed, after suppressing K-ras expression in oral tumour cells that express p53R172H. The presence of double-strand breaks in the tumours suggests that oncogene-dependent DNA damage resulting from K-ras activation promotes the oncogenic function of mutant p53. Accordingly, DNA damage induced by doxorubicin also induced increased expression of cyclin B1 and cyclin A in cells that express p53R172H. These findings represent strong in vivo evidence for an oncogenic function of endogenous p53 gain-of-function mutations in SCCHN and provide a mechanistic explanation for the genetic interaction between oncogenic K-ras and mutant p53. PMID:21952947

  8. Regulation of p53 tetramerization and nuclear export by ARC. (United States)

    Foo, Roger S-Y; Nam, Young-Jae; Ostreicher, Marc Jason; Metzl, Mark D; Whelan, Russell S; Peng, Chang-Fu; Ashton, Anthony W; Fu, Weimin; Mani, Kartik; Chin, Suet-Feung; Provenzano, Elena; Ellis, Ian; Figg, Nichola; Pinder, Sarah; Bennett, Martin R; Caldas, Carlos; Kitsis, Richard N


    Inactivation of the transcription factor p53 is central to carcinogenesis. Yet only approximately one-half of cancers have p53 loss-of-function mutations. Here, we demonstrate a mechanism for p53 inactivation by apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain (ARC), a protein induced in multiple cancer cells. The direct binding in the nucleus of ARC to the p53 tetramerization domain inhibits p53 tetramerization. This exposes a nuclear export signal in p53, triggering Crm1-dependent relocation of p53 to the cytoplasm. Knockdown of endogenous ARC in breast cancer cells results in spontaneous tetramerization of endogenous p53, accumulation of p53 in the nucleus, and activation of endogenous p53 target genes. In primary human breast cancers with nuclear ARC, p53 is almost always WT. Conversely, nearly all breast cancers with mutant p53 lack nuclear ARC. We conclude that nuclear ARC is induced in cancer cells and negatively regulates p53.

  9. Aggregation-primed molten globule conformers of the p53 core domain provide potential tools for studying p53C aggregation in cancer. (United States)

    Pedrote, Murilo M; de Oliveira, Guilherme A P; Felix, Adriani L; Mota, Michelle F; Marques, Mayra de A; Soares, Iaci N; Iqbal, Anwar; Norberto, Douglas R; Gomes, Andre M O; Gratton, Enrico; Cino, Elio A; Silva, Jerson L


    The functionality of the tumor suppressor p53 is altered in more than 50% of human cancers, and many individuals with cancer exhibit amyloid-like buildups of aggregated p53. An understanding of what triggers the pathogenic amyloid conversion of p53 is required for the further development of cancer therapies. Here, perturbation of the p53 core domain (p53C) with sub-denaturing concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride and high hydrostatic pressure revealed native-like molten globule (MG) states, a subset of which were highly prone to amyloidogenic aggregation. We found that MG conformers of p53C, likely representing population-weighted averages of multiple states, have different volumetric properties, as determined by pressure perturbation and size-exclusion chromatography. We also found that they bind the fluorescent dye 4,4'-dianilino-1,1'-binaphthyl-5,5'-disulfonic acid (bis-ANS) and have a native-like tertiary structure that occludes the single Trp residue in p53. Fluorescence experiments revealed conformational changes of the single Trp and Tyr residues before p53 unfolding and the presence of MG conformers, some of which were highly prone to aggregation. P53C exhibited marginal unfolding cooperativity, which could be modulated from unfolding to aggregation pathways with chemical or physical forces. We conclude that trapping amyloid precursor states in solution is a promising approach for understanding p53 aggregation in cancer. Our findings support the use of single-Trp fluorescence as a probe for evaluating p53 stability, effects of mutations, and the efficacy of therapeutics designed to stabilize p53. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  10. Tumor hypoxia, p53, and prognosis in cervical cancers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haensgen, Gabriele; Krause, Ulf; Becker, Axel; Stadler, Peter; Lautenschlaeger, Christine; Wohlrab, Wolfgang; Rath, Friedrich W.; Molls, Michael; Dunst, Juergen


    Background: The p53 protein is involved in the regulation of initiation of apoptosis. In vitro, p53-deficient cells do not respond to hypoxia with apoptosis as do p53-normal cells, and this may lead to a relative growth advantage of cells without a functioning p53 under hypoxia. On the basis of this hypothesis, a selection of cells with a functionally inactive p53 may occur in hypoxic tumors. The development of uterine cervical carcinomas is closely associated with infections of human papilloma viruses, which may cause a degradation of the tumor suppressor gene p53, resulting in a restriction of apoptosis. Thus, cervical cancers have often a functionally inactive p53. The purpose of our clinical study was therefore to investigate the association between p53, hypoxia, and prognosis in cervical cancers in which the oxygenation status can be determined by clinical methods. Material and Methods: Seventy patients with locally advanced squamous cell cervical cancer Stages IIB (n=14), IIIB (n=49), and IVA (n=7) were investigated in the period from 1996 through 1999. All were treated with definitive radiotherapy with curative intent by a combination of external radiotherapy plus high-dose-rate afterloading. Before therapy, tumor oxygenation was measured with a needle probe polarographically using the Eppendorf histograph. Hypoxic tumors were defined as those with pO 2 measurements below 5 mm Hg (HF5). Pretreatment biopsies were taken and analyzed immunohistologically for p53 protein expression with the DO-7 antibody. The DNA index was measured by flow cytometry. The statistical data analysis was done with SPSS 9.0 for Windows. Results: The 3-year overall survival was 55% for the whole group of patients. Clinical prognostic factors in a multivariate analysis were pretreatment hemoglobin level (3-year survival 62% for patients with a pretreatment hemoglobin ≥11 g/dl vs. 27% for hemoglobin <11 g/dl, p=0.006) and FIGO stage (Stage IIB: 65%; Stage IIIB: 60%; Stage IVA: 29%, p

  11. Papel neuroprotector da hipotermia terapêutica pós paragem cardio-respiratória

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    Ana Abreu


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVOS: A hipotermia terapêutica demonstrou ter efeitos neuro e cardioprotectores, com melhoria da sobrevida e redução das sequelas neurológicas em doentes vítimas de paragem cardio-respiratória. O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a evolução dos doentes submetidos a hipotermia terapêutica após paragem cardio-respiratória. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo observacional dos doentes submetidos a hipotermia terapêutica após paragem cardio-respiratória numa unidade de cuidados intensivos polivalente durante 10 meses. Aos doentes admitidos até 12 horas após paragem cardio-respiratória foi induzida a hipotermia terapêutica através da administração de fluidos arrefecidos e arrefecimento corporal externo e mantida a temperatura alvo, 33°C, durante 24 horas. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 12 doentes, idade (mediana de 64 anos, 58% do sexo masculino. A paragem cardio-respiratória ocorreu em meio hospitalar em 6 doentes. O índice de Charlson, o Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA e o Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II, no primeiro dia, foram 2.9 [IIQ 6.8], 11 [IIQ 2.75], e 24.5 [IIQ 15.25], respectivamente. A taxa de mortalidade na unidade de cuidados intensivos polivalente foi de 42% (N=5. Dos 7 sobreviventes, 5 recuperaram o estado neurológico prévio à paragem cardio-respiratória. A hipotermia terapêutica foi iniciada cerca de 120 minutos [IIQ 78.75], após recuperação de circulação espontânea. A maioria dos doentes (75% necessitou de suporte vasopressor. Foi constatado, nos 3 dias subsequentes à paragem cardio-respiratória e hipotermia terapêutica, uma diminuição do valor mediano de SOFA (11[IIQ 2.75], no dia 0, 10 [IIQ 3], no dia 1 e 7 [IIQ 4.5], no dia 2. CONCLUSÃO: A aplicação de um protocolo de hipotermia terapêutica revelou ser simples e eficaz e permitiu obter em doentes com indicação, boa recuperação neurológica.

  12. Analysis of p53- immunoreactivity in astrocytic brain tumors

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    Shinkarenko T.V.


    Full Text Available P53 is an antioncogene with the frequently occured mutations in human tumor cells, leading to corresponding protein overexpression which can be detected by immunohistochemistry. Researches dedicated to the investigation of possibilities of using this technique gave controversial results. The authors investigated features of p53 protein expression in astrocytic brain tumors with different degrees of malignancy. Analyzed the relationship of the expression level of p53 by tumor cells with clinical parameters and Ki-67 proliferation index (PI as well. Tissues were collected from 52 cases with diagnosed astrocytic brain tumors. The sections were immunohistochemically stained with p53 and Ki-67. For each marker, 1000 tumor cells were counted and the ratio of positive tumor cells was calculated using software package ImageJ 1,47v. In normal brain tissue p53- expression was not identified. p53-immunoreactive tumor cells were detected in 25% (1/4 pilocytic astrocytomas, 33.3% (2/6 of diffuse astrocytomas, 53.8% (7/13 anaplastic astrocytomas, 58.6% (17/29 glioblastomas. A high proportion of p53-immunoreactive cells (> 30% was observed only in glioblastomas. The level of p53-imunoreactivity was not related to the age, gender and Grade WHO (p> 0,05. Spearman correlation coefficient between the relative quantity of ki-67- and p53-immunoreactive nuclei showed weak direct correlation (0.023, but the one was not statistically significant (p> 0,05. The level of p53-imunoreactivity is not dependent from age and sex of patients, Grade (WHO and proliferative activity (p>0,05 but the high level of p53-immunoreactive cells (>30% is found in glioblastoma specimens only, that may be due to the accumulation of mutations in DNA of tumor cells. There is insignificant weak relationship between relative quantities of ki-67- and p53-immunoreactive tumor cells (p>0,05.

  13. Múltiplas Recidivas Oligometastáticas em Doente com Tumor de Pulmão Não-Pequenas Células

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orlando Nunes


    Apresenta-se o caso de uma doente jovem, com recidiva de adenocarcinoma primário do pulmão oligoprogressiva, mas múltipla, na mama, pele e sistema nervoso central, dois, 12 e 27 meses após cirurgia curativa, tratada localmente com cirurgia e gamma knife, com longa sobrevivência e mantendo-se clinicamente assintomática. Recebido: 09/05/2017 - Aceite: 31/08/2017

  14. The nucleolus directly regulates p53 export and degradation. (United States)

    Boyd, Mark T; Vlatkovic, Nikolina; Rubbi, Carlos P


    The correlation between stress-induced nucleolar disruption and abrogation of p53 degradation is evident after a wide variety of cellular stresses. This link may be caused by steps in p53 regulation occurring in nucleoli, as suggested by some biochemical evidence. Alternatively, nucleolar disruption also causes redistribution of nucleolar proteins, potentially altering their interactions with p53 and/or MDM2. This raises the fundamental question of whether the nucleolus controls p53 directly, i.e., as a site where p53 regulatory processes occur, or indirectly, i.e., by determining the cellular localization of p53/MDM2-interacting factors. In this work, transport experiments based on heterokaryons, photobleaching, and micronucleation demonstrate that p53 regulatory events are directly regulated by nucleoli and are dependent on intact nucleolar structure and function. Subcellular fractionation and nucleolar isolation revealed a distribution of ubiquitylated p53 that supports these findings. In addition, our results indicate that p53 is exported by two pathways: one stress sensitive and one stress insensitive, the latter being regulated by activities present in the nucleolus.

  15. Cardioplasty and Roux-en-Y partial gastrectomy (Serra-Dória procedure for reoperation of achalasia Cardioplastia e gastrectomia parcial em Y-de-Roux (operação de Serra-Dória para reoperações no megaesôfago

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helio Ponciano


    period developed esophagitis.RACIONAL: Nas operações de cardiomiotomia para tratamento do megaesôfago ocorre recidiva dos sintomas em até 15% dos pacientes, sendo que alguns necessitam reoperação. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados de reoperações através de cardioplastia e gastrectomia parcial em Y-de-Roux, conforme técnica proposta por Serra-Dória. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados de forma retrospectiva, 20 pacientes com megaesôfago previamente tratados por cardiomiotomia. A causa de recidiva dos sintomas foi esofagite de refluxo em nove (45,0%, miotomia incompleta em um (5,0%, cicatrização da miotomia em cinco (25,0% e presença de megaesôfago avançado em cinco (25.0%. Analisaram-se as complicações intra e pós-operatórias. Os pacientes foram avaliados sob o ponto de vista clínico (disfagia, regurgitação, pirose e variação de peso, radiológico e endoscópico, no pré e no pós-operatório imediato e tardio. RESULTADOS: Cinco (25,0% doentes apresentaram complicações no pós-operatório imediato. Não houve mortalidade. Todos os doentes melhoraram da disfagia, com quase total desaparecimento da regurgitação e pirose. Houve manutenção ou aumento de peso em 64,7% dos pacientes. O estudo radiológico mostrou diminuição do calibre do esôfago em 53,0% e manutenção nos demais. Não houve aumento do calibre em nenhum dos pacientes. No exame endoscópico realizado no pós-operatório tardio em 17 pacientes, observou-se que 6 entre 9 que apresentavam esofagite de refluxo, melhoraram; 2 entre 8, que apresentavam esôfago normal no pré-operatório, desenvolveram esofagite. CONCLUSÕES: A operação de Serra-Dória para tratamento do megaesôfago, operado por cardiomiotomia com recidiva dos sintomas, apresentou baixa morbidade e ausência de mortalidade. Permitiu expressivo alívio dos sintomas e diminuição do calibre do esôfago em vários doentes. Possibilitou, também, melhora da esofagite de refluxo, havendo, entretanto, a possibilidade

  16. Immunohistochemical analysis of P53 protein in odontogenic cysts (United States)

    Gaballah, Essam Taher M.A.; Tawfik, Mohamed A.


    The p53 is a well-known tumor suppressor gene, the mutations of which are closely related to the decreased differentiation of cells. Findings of studies on immunohistochemical P53 expression in odontogenic cysts are controversial. The present study was carried-out to investigate the immunohistochemical expression of P53 protein in odontogenic cysts. Thirty paraffin blocks of diagnosed odontogenic cysts were processed to determine the immunohistochemical expression of P53 protein. Nine of the 11 odontogenic keratocysts (81.8%) expressed P53, one of three dentigerous cyst cases expressed P53, while none of the 16 radicular cysts expressed P53 protein. The findings of the present work supported the reclassification of OKC as keratocystic odontogenic tumor. PMID:23960493

  17. Knockout and transgenic mice of Trp53: what have we learned about p53 in breast cancer?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blackburn, Anneke C; Jerry, D Joseph


    The human p53 tumor suppressor gene TP53 is mutated at a high frequency in sporadic breast cancer, and Li-Fraumeni syndrome patients who carry germline mutations in one TP53 allele have a high incidence of breast cancer. In the 10 years since the first knockout of the mouse p53 tumor suppressor gene (designated Trp53) was published, much has been learned about the contribution of p53 to biology and tumor suppression in the breast through the use of p53 transgenic and knockout mice. The original mice deficient in p53 showed no mammary gland phenotype. However, studies using BALB/c-Trp53-deficient mice have demonstrated a delayed involution phenotype and a mammary tumor phenotype. Together with other studies of mutant p53 transgenes and p53 bitransgenics, a greater understanding has been gained of the role of p53 in involution, of the regulation of p53 activity by hormones, of the effect of mouse strain and modifier genes on tumor phenotype, and of the cooperation between p53 and other oncogenic pathways, chemical carcinogens and hormonal stimulation in mammary tumorigenesis. Both p53 transgenic and knockout mice are important in vivo tools for understanding breast cancer, and are yet to be exploited for developing therapeutic strategies in breast cancer

  18. Estado da Arte dos Doentes com Cancro do Pulmão de Não Pequenas Células: Doença Avançada e Mutação EGFR Positiva

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    Bárbara Parente


    Full Text Available O aparecimento de terapêuticas dirigidas, trouxe na última década uma enorme esperança para os doentes com cancro do pulmão. Os inibidores dos recetores do fator de crescimento epidérmico (EGFR, erlotinib e gefitinib (inibidores de tirosina quinase TKI, estiveram na vanguarda das mudanças da prática de tratamento para doença avançada do cancro do pulmão de não pequenas células (CPNPC, nos últimos 10 anos, com a descoberta de mutações EGFR que conferem sensibilidade a inibidores da tirosina quinase no CPNPC. O ano de 2004, marcou o início da era da medicina de precisão para o cancro do pulmão. Os estudos randomizados de fase III investigaram o papel de dois inibidores de EGFR-TKI, gefitinib e erlotinib, como tratamento de primeira linha em comparação com a quimioterapia à base de platina, em doentes com CPNPC doença avançada com mutações de ativação do EGFR. Um TKI de segunda geração (afatinib encontra-se já aprovado pela EMA com a mesma indicação após resultados dos clínicos do Lux Lung 3 e 6. No entanto, os doentes com mutação EGFR positiva, regra geral, progridem após 10-12 meses de tratamento, necessitando de novas opções terapêuticas. Inibidores de 3ª geração entretanto desenvolvidos (dirigidos à mutação de resistência do T790M, e outras, após rebiópsia, demostraram uma notável eficácia, em doentes já tratados e com um perfil de toxicidade ainda menor que os TKI de 1ª e 2ª geração. Recebido: 30/05/2016 - Aceite: 03/06/2016

  19. Infection with E1B-mutant adenovirus stabilizes p53 but blocks p53 acetylation and activity through E1A

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Savelyeva, I.; Dobbelstein, M.


    to the suppression of p21 transcription. Depending on the E1A conserved region 3, E1B-defective adenovirus impaired the ability of the transcription factor Sp1 to bind the p21 promoter. Moreover, the amino terminal region of E1A, binding the acetyl transferases p300 and CREB-binding protein, blocked p53 K382...... accumulation of p53, without obvious defects in p53 localization, phosphorylation, conformation and oligomerization. Nonetheless, p53 completely failed to induce its target genes in this scenario, for example, p21/CDKN1A, Mdm2 and PUMA. Two regions of the E1A gene products independently contributed...... acetylation in infected cells. Mutating either of these E1A regions, in addition to E1B, partially restored p21 mRNA levels. Our findings argue that adenovirus attenuates p53-mediated p21 induction, through at least two E1B-independent mechanisms. Other virus species and cancer cells may employ analogous...

  20. p53 downregulates the Fanconi anaemia DNA repair pathway. (United States)

    Jaber, Sara; Toufektchan, Eléonore; Lejour, Vincent; Bardot, Boris; Toledo, Franck


    Germline mutations affecting telomere maintenance or DNA repair may, respectively, cause dyskeratosis congenita or Fanconi anaemia, two clinically related bone marrow failure syndromes. Mice expressing p53(Δ31), a mutant p53 lacking the C terminus, model dyskeratosis congenita. Accordingly, the increased p53 activity in p53(Δ31/Δ31) fibroblasts correlated with a decreased expression of 4 genes implicated in telomere syndromes. Here we show that these cells exhibit decreased mRNA levels for additional genes contributing to telomere metabolism, but also, surprisingly, for 12 genes mutated in Fanconi anaemia. Furthermore, p53(Δ31/Δ31) fibroblasts exhibit a reduced capacity to repair DNA interstrand crosslinks, a typical feature of Fanconi anaemia cells. Importantly, the p53-dependent downregulation of Fanc genes is largely conserved in human cells. Defective DNA repair is known to activate p53, but our results indicate that, conversely, an increased p53 activity may attenuate the Fanconi anaemia DNA repair pathway, defining a positive regulatory feedback loop.

  1. N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase inhibits p53-mediated cell cycle arrest and coordinates with p53 to determine sensitivity to alkylating agents. (United States)

    Song, Shanshan; Xing, Guichun; Yuan, Lin; Wang, Jian; Wang, Shan; Yin, Yuxin; Tian, Chunyan; He, Fuchu; Zhang, Lingqiang


    Alkylating agents induce genome-wide base damage, which is repaired mainly by N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase (MPG). An elevated expression of MPG in certain types of tumor cells confers higher sensitivity to alkylation agents because MPG-induced apurinic/apyrimidic (AP) sites trigger more strand breaks. However, the determinant of drug sensitivity or insensitivity still remains unclear. Here, we report that the p53 status coordinates with MPG to play a pivotal role in such process. MPG expression is positive in breast, lung and colon cancers (38.7%, 43.4% and 25.3%, respectively) but negative in all adjacent normal tissues. MPG directly binds to the tumor suppressor p53 and represses p53 activity in unstressed cells. The overexpression of MPG reduced, whereas depletion of MPG increased, the expression levels of pro-arrest gene downstream of p53 including p21, 14-3-3σ and Gadd45 but not proapoptotic ones. The N-terminal region of MPG was specifically required for the interaction with the DNA binding domain of p53. Upon DNA alkylation stress, in p53 wild-type tumor cells, p53 dissociated from MPG and induced cell growth arrest. Then, AP sites were repaired efficiently, which led to insensitivity to alkylating agents. By contrast, in p53-mutated cells, the AP sites were repaired with low efficacy. To our knowledge, this is the first direct evidence to show that a DNA repair enzyme functions as a selective regulator of p53, and these findings provide new insights into the functional linkage between MPG and p53 in cancer therapy.

  2. Expression of Androgen Receptor Is Negatively Regulated By p53

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fatouma Alimirah


    Full Text Available Increased expression of androgen receptor (AR in prostate cancer (PC is associated with transition to androgen independence. Because the progression of PC to advanced stages is often associated with the loss of p53 function, we tested whether the p53 could regulate the expression of AR gene. Here we report that p53 negatively regulates the expression of AR in prostate epithelial cells (PrECs. We found that in LNCaP human prostate cancer cells that express the wild-type p53 and AR and in human normal PrECs, the activation of p53 by genotoxic stress or by inhibition of p53 nuclear export downregulated the expression of AR. Furthermore, forced expression of p53 in LNCaP cells decreased the expression of AR. Conversely, knockdown of p53 expression in LNCaP cells increased the AR expression. Consistent with the negative regulation of AR expression by p53, the p53-null HCT116 cells expressed higher levels of AR compared with the isogenic HCT116 cells that express the wildtype p53. Moreover, we noted that in etoposide treated LNCaP cells p53 bound to the promoter region of the AR gene, which contains a potential p53 DNA-binding consensus sequence, in chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. Together, our observations provide support for the idea that the loss of p53 function in prostate cancer cells contributes to increased expression of AR.

  3. [Punish or cherish: p53, metabolism and tumor suppression]. (United States)

    Albagli, Olivier


    The p53 gene is essential for tumor suppression, but how it does so remains unclear. Upon genotoxic or oncogenic stresses, increased p53 activity induces transient cell cycle arrest, senescence or apoptosis, the three cornerstones of the so-called triumvirate. Accordingly, it has long been thought that p53 suppresses tumorigenesis by somehow counteracting cell proliferation or survival. However, several recently described genetically modified mice indicate that p53 can suppress tumorigenesis without triggering these three responses. Rather, as an important mechanism for tumor suppression, these mutant mice point to the ability of p53 to prevent the Warburg effect, that is to dampen glycolysis and foster mitochondrial respiration. Interestingly, these metabolic functions of p53 rely, in part, on its "unstressed" (basal) expression, a feature shared by its mechanistically linked anti-oxydant function. Together, these "conservative" activities of p53 may prevent tumor initiation by promoting and maintaining a normal oxidative metabolism and hence underly the "daily" tumor suppression by p53 in most cells. Conversely, destructive activities elicited by high p53 levels and leading to senescence or apoptosis provide a shield against partially or overtly transformed cells. This last situation, although relatively infrequent throughout life, is usual in experimental settings, which could explain the disproportionally high number of data implicating the triumvirate in tumor suppression by p53. © 2015 médecine/sciences – Inserm.

  4. p53-competent cells and p53-deficient cells display different susceptibility to oxygen functionalized graphene cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. (United States)

    Petibone, Dayton M; Mustafa, Thikra; Bourdo, Shawn E; Lafont, Andersen; Ding, Wei; Karmakar, Alokita; Nima, Zeid A; Watanabe, Fumiya; Casciano, Daniel; Morris, Suzanne M; Dobrovolsky, Vasily N; Biris, Alexandru S


    Due to the distinctive physical, electrical, and chemical properties of graphene nanomaterials, numerous efforts pursuing graphene-based biomedical and industrial applications are underway. Oxidation of pristine graphene surfaces mitigates its otherwise hydrophobic characteristic thereby improving its biocompatibility and functionality. Yet, the potential widespread use of oxidized graphene derivatives raises concern about adverse impacts on human health. The p53 tumor suppressor protein maintains cellular and genetic stability after toxic exposures. Here, we show that p53 functional status correlates with oxygen functionalized graphene (f-G) cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in vitro. The f-G exposed p53-competent cells, but not p53-deficient cells, initiated G 0 /G 1 phase cell cycle arrest, suppressed reactive oxygen species, and entered apoptosis. There was p53-dependent f-G genotoxicity evident as increased structural chromosome damage, but not increased gene mutation or chromatin loss. In conclusion, the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential for f-G in exposed cells was dependent on the p53 functional status. These findings have broad implications for the safe and effective implementation of oxidized graphene derivatives into biomedical and industrial applications. Published 2017. This article has been contributed to by US Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA. Published 2017. This article has been contributed to by US Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.

  5. Mutations in p53, p53 protein overexpression and breast cancer survival

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Rössner ml., Pavel; Gammon, M. D.; Zhang, Y.J.; Terry, M. B.; Hibshoosh, H.; Memeo, L.; Mansukhani, M.; Long, CH.M.; Gabrowski, G.; Agrawal, M.; Kalra, T.S.; Teitelbaum, S. L.; Neugut, A. I.; Santella, R. M.


    Roč. 13, č. 9B (2009), s. 3847-3857 ISSN 1582-1838 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50390512 Keywords : Breast cancer * p53 mutations * Survival Subject RIV: DN - Health Impact of the Environment Quality Impact factor: 5.228, year: 2009

  6. Mutant p53 protein localized in the cytoplasm inhibits autophagy. (United States)

    Morselli, Eugenia; Tasdemir, Ezgi; Maiuri, Maria Chiara; Galluzzi, Lorenzo; Kepp, Oliver; Criollo, Alfredo; Vicencio, José Miguel; Soussi, Thierry; Kroemer, Guido


    The knockout, knockdown or chemical inhibition of p53 stimulates autophagy. Moreover, autophagy-inducing stimuli such as nutrient depletion, rapamycin or lithium cause the depletion of cytoplasmic p53, which in turn is required for the induction of autophagy. Here, we show that retransfection of p53(-/-) HCT 116 colon carcinoma cells with wild type p53 decreases autophagy down to baseline levels. Surprisingly, one third among a panel of 22 cancer-associated p53 single amino acid mutants also inhibited autophagy when transfected into p53(-/-) cells. Those variants of p53 that preferentially localize to the cytoplasm effectively repressed autophagy, whereas p53 mutants that display a prominently nuclear distribution failed to inhibit autophagy. The investigation of a series of deletion mutants revealed that removal of the DNA-binding domain from p53 fails to interfere with its role in the regulation of autophagy. Altogether, these results identify the cytoplasmic localization of p53 as the most important feature for p53-mediated autophagy inhibition. Moreover, the structural requirements for the two biological activities of extranuclear p53, namely induction of apoptosis and inhibition of autophagy, are manifestly different.

  7. Existe diferença no estadiamento entre doentes operados de câncer colorretal no sistema previdenciário e na clinica privada?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Cuiabano Paes Leme

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar se existe diferença no estadiamento de doentes submetidos à ressecção intestinal por câncer colorretal no sistema previdenciário e na clínica privada. MÉTODO: Foram estudados de forma retrospectiva 41 doentes (16 homens e 25 mulheres com idade média de 59,4 anos operados no sistema previdenciário (SP e 33 doentes (18 homens e 15 mulheres com idade média de 60,8 anos operados na clínica privada (CP. Foram avaliados o estadiamento TNM, a frequência de operações de urgência, de operações paliativas e do uso de colostomia. RESULTADOS: Não se observou diferença entre o estadiamento dos dois grupos. A frequência de operações de urgência foi 26,8% no SP e 12,1% na CP (p=0,100. As operações paliativas ( 19,5% SP x 6,1% CP e o uso de colostomia ( 26,8 SP X 15,2 CP foram maiores no sistema previdenciário porém os valores não foram estatisticamente significantes, valores de p=0,087 e p=0,352 respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Não há diferença significante entre o estadiamento TNM de doentes operados no sistema previdenciário e privado.

  8. The genetic alteration of p53 in esophageal cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Jae Il; Baik, Hee Jong; Kim, Chang Min; Kim, Mi Hee [Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Genetic alterations in the p53 gene have been detected in various human malignancies, and its alterations inactive the function of p53 as a tumor suppressor. Point mutation and gene deletion are the main mechanisms of p53 inactivation. To determine the incidence of genetic alteration of p53 and their clinical implications in Korean patients of esophageal cancer, we investigated p53 alterations in 26 esophageal cancer tissues paired with its normal tissue by Southern blot analysis, PCR-SSCP, and direct sequencing. Allelic loss of chromosome 17p occurred in 12 out of 21 informative cases(57%) by Southern blot analysis, and 16 cases showed mobility shift in PCR-SSCP, so overall incidence of p53 gene alterations was 77%(20/26). The mutations detected was randomly dispersed over exon4-8 and was frequently G-T transversion and C:T transitions. Three identical mutations were clustered at codon 213 suggested the same etiologic agents in this cases. The p53 gene alterations play a significant role in the development of esophageal cancers, however, no relationship between p53 mutation and clinical data was detected so far. 9 refs. (Author).

  9. Tobacco, alcohol, and p53 overexpression in early colorectal neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terry, Mary Beth; Neugut, Alfred I; Mansukhani, Mahesh; Waye, Jerome; Harpaz, Noam; Hibshoosh, Hanina


    The p53 tumor suppressor gene is commonly mutated in colorectal cancer. While the effect of p53 mutations on colorectal cancer prognosis has been heavily studied, less is known about how epidemiologic risk factors relate to p53 status, particularly in early colorectal neoplasia prior to clinically invasive colorectal cancer (including adenomas, carcinoma in situ (CIS), and intramucosal carcinoma). We examined p53 status, as measured by protein overexpression, in 157 cases with early colorectal neoplasia selected from three New York City colonoscopy clinics. After collecting paraffin-embedded tissue blocks, immunohistochemistry was performed using an anti-p53 monoclonal mouse IgG 2 a [BP53-12-1] antibody. We analyzed whether p53 status was different for risk factors for colorectal neoplasia relative to a polyp-free control group (n = 508). p53 overexpression was found in 10.3%, 21.7%, and 34.9%, of adenomatous polyps, CIS, and intramucosal cases, respectively. Over 90% of the tumors with p53 overexpression were located in the distal colon and rectum. Heavy cigarette smoking (30+ years) was associated with cases not overexpressing p53 (OR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.1–2.9) but not with those cases overexpressing p53 (OR = 1.0, 95% CI = 0.4–2.6). Heavy beer consumption (8+ bottles per week) was associated with cases overexpressing p53 (OR = 4.0, 95% CI = 1.3–12.0) but not with cases without p53 overexpression (OR = 1.6, 95% CI = 0.7–3.7). Our findings that p53 overexpression in early colorectal neoplasia may be positively associated with alcohol intake and inversely associated with cigarette smoking are consistent with those of several studies of p53 expression and invasive cancer, and suggest that there may be relationships of smoking and alcohol with p53 early in the adenoma to carcinoma sequence

  10. Estudo das mutações C282Y, H63D e S65C do gene HFE em doentes brasileiros com sobrecarga de ferro Study of C282Y, H63D and S65C mutations in the HFE gene in Brazilian patients with iron overload

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    Rodolfo D. Cançado


    Full Text Available Hemocromatose é uma das doenças genéticas mais freqüentes no ser humano e uma das causas mais importantes de sobrecarga de ferro. Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar a freqüência das mutações C282Y, H63D e S65C do gene HFE em doentes brasileiros com sobrecarga de ferro, verificar a coexistência de anemia hemolítica hereditária, hepatite C e consumo excessivo de bebida alcoólica nestes doentes e avaliar a influência destas variáveis sobre os depósitos de ferro do organismo. Saturação da transferrina, ferritina sérica e análise das mutações C282Y, H63D e S65C do gene HFE, pelo método da PCR, foram determinadas em cinqüenta doentes com sobrecarga de ferro atendidos no Hemocentro da Santa Casa de São Paulo entre janeiro de 2000 e maio de 2004. A freqüência de mutação do gene HFE nos doentes com sobrecarga de ferro foi de 76,0% (38/50. Saturação da transferrina e ferritina foram significativamente maiores nos doentes homozigotos para a mutação C282Y confirmando a correlação entre genótipo C282Y/C282Y e maior risco de sobrecarga de ferro. A coexistência de hepatite C, consumo excessivo de bebida alcoólica ou anemia hemolítica hereditária estão implicados em aumento dos estoques de ferro e constituem fator de risco adicional em pacientes com mutação do gene HFE para a condição de sobrecarga de ferro.Hemochromatosis is one of the most frequent genetic diseases in humans and one of the most important causes of iron overload. The aims of this study were to determine the frequency of C282Y, H63D and S65C mutations of the HFE gene in Brazilian patients with iron overload, to verify the coexistence of chronic hemolytic anemia, hepatitis C and excessive alcohol consumption and to evaluate the influence of these variables on body iron deposits. Transferrin saturation, serum ferritin and C282Y, H63D and S65C HFE gene mutations (by PCR method were determined in 50 patients with iron overload in the Hemocentro da

  11. Hormonal control of p53 and chemoprevention

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jerry, D Joseph; Minter, Lisa M; Becker, Klaus A; Blackburn, Anneke C


    Improvements in the detection and treatment of breast cancer have dramatically altered its clinical course and outcome. However, prevention of breast cancer remains an elusive goal. Parity, age of menarche, and age at menopause are major risk factors drawing attention to the important role of the endocrine system in determining the risk of breast cancer, while heritable breast cancer susceptibility syndromes have implicated tumor suppressor genes as important targets. Recent work demonstrating hormonal modulation of the p53 tumor suppressor pathway draws together these established determinants of risk to provide a model of developmental susceptibility to breast cancer. In this model, the mammary epithelium is rendered susceptible due to impaired p53 activity during specific periods of mammary gland development, but specific endocrine stimuli serve to activate p53 function and to mitigate this risk. The results focus attention on p53 as a molecular target for therapies to reduce the risk of breast cancer

  12. Casuística de uma unidade de Ortogeriatria

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    Mónica Brinquinho


    Full Text Available A fratura do fémur está associada a importante morbimortalidade, sendo que menos de metade dos doentes regressam ao seu nível prévio de autonomia. Uma abordagem multidisciplinar permite uma reabilitação funcional imediata, bem como melhor gestão de comorbilidades, prevenção de fraturas secundárias e das quedas. Objetivos: apresentação da casuística de 3 meses de uma unidade de Ortogeriatria. Material e métodos: Descreve-se a demografia dos doentes admitidos, grau de dependência funcional, comorbilidades, intercorrências, tempo de internamento, mortalidade e destino à data de alta. O ganho de funcionalidade no internamento foi também avaliado. Resultados: De outubro/2015 a janeiro/2016 foram admitidos 66 doentes após cirurgia de fratura proximal do fémur. Média de idades foi 82,94±6,93 anos; 86% eram mulheres. O tempo de internamento foi de 7,8±4,68 dias, sendo o tempo médio para realizar cirurgia de 3±3,37 dias. Quanto ao grau de funcionalidade prévio 47% eram Katz A; à admissão 85% tinham mRankin ≤3. Identificaram-se várias comorbilidades em 89% dos doentes; nas intercorrências, a mais frequente foi a anemia (53%. Houve um ganho na funcionalidade relativamente à admissão na unidade de 75,8% e em relação ao estado funcional anterior ao evento de 19,7%. Setenta e um porcento dos doentes tiveram alta para o domicílio; a taxa de mortalidade foi de 1,52%. Conclusões: A unidade demonstrou eficiência no controlo das comorbilidades, reduzidas complicações e baixa mortalidade. Registou-se um ganho funcional comparando com a admissão em 3 em cada 4 doentes e em relação ao estado basal prévio em 1 em cada 5 doentes.

  13. Friend or Foe: MicroRNAs in the p53 network. (United States)

    Luo, Zhenghua; Cui, Ri; Tili, Esmerina; Croce, Carlo


    The critical tumor suppressor gene TP53 is either lost or mutated in more than half of human cancers. As an important transcriptional regulator, p53 modulates the expression of many microRNAs. While wild-type p53 uses microRNAs to suppress cancer development, microRNAs that are activated by gain-of-function mutant p53 confer oncogenic properties. On the other hand, the expression of p53 is tightly controlled by a fine-tune machinery including microRNAs. MicroRNAs can target the TP53 gene directly or other factors in the p53 network so that expression and function of either the wild-type or the mutant forms of p53 is downregulated. Therefore, depending on the wild-type or mutant p53 context, microRNAs contribute substantially to suppress or exacerbate tumor development. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  14. Comparação das contagens das células de Langerhans de tecidos contendo carcinoma anal em doentes com e sem infecção pelo HIV Comparison of Langerhans cells counts from tissues containing anal carcinoma of patients with and without HIV infection

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    Sidney Roberto Nadal


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As células de Langerhans (LC são derivadas da medula óssea e constituem-se nas principais apresentadoras de antígeno da pele.conferindo desta forma, a resposta imune cutânea. Seu número está reduzido nos imunodeprimidos, incluindo na infecção pelo HIV, e a presença do tumor inibe sua migração, impedindo que os linfócitos T promovam regressão das células neoplásicas. OBJETIVO: Conhecer as diferenças entre as contagens de LC no tecido tumoral de doentes de carcinomas anais com e sem AIDS. MÉTODO: Avaliamos 24 doentes, sendo 14 com HIV e 10 outros sem HIV . O tratamento para o carcinoma foi semelhante nos dois grupos. Cortes retirados de blocos parafinados submetidos ao teste imunoistoquímico com anticorpo anti-CD68. Contamos as LC com método da histometria e os comparamos aos números obtidos com amostras previamente conhecidas de doentes sem doença infecciosa anorretal ou infecção pelo HIV. Revisamos também a evolução e as contagens séricas de linfócitos T CD4+ de doentes HIV-positivos. RESULTADOS: Observamos que o carcinoma anal foi mais freqüente em mulheres HIV-negativas e em homens HIV-positivos e que esses ultimos eram mais jovens. As LC foram menos numerosas nos doentes HIV-positivos e as maiores contagens estavam associadas com pior evolução. Os doentes HIV-positivos com os níveis mais baixos de linfócitos T CD4+ também tiveram as piores evoluções. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que as LC estavam diminuídas nos doentes HIV-positivos, portadores de carcinoma anal, quando comparados aos soronegativos.Langerhans cells (LC are bone marrow derived dendritic cells that represent the major antigen-presenting cells (APC in the skin, thus representing an integral part of the cutaneous immune response. Immunossupression decreases their number, including HIV infection, and skin tumors products are sufficient to immobilize LC within the tumor, preventing their migration to lymph nodes. This reduces the

  15. A dual role of p53 in the control of autophagy. (United States)

    Tasdemir, Ezgi; Chiara Maiuri, M; Morselli, Eugenia; Criollo, Alfredo; D'Amelio, Marcello; Djavaheri-Mergny, Mojgan; Cecconi, Francesco; Tavernarakis, Nektarios; Kroemer, Guido


    Genotoxic stress can induce autophagy in a p53-dependent fashion and p53 can transactivate autophagy-inducing genes. We have observed recently that inactivation of p53 by deletion, depletion or inhibition can trigger autophagy. Thus, human and mouse cells subjected to knockout, knockdown or pharmacological inhibition of p53 manifest signs of autophagy such as depletion of p62/SQSTM1, LC3 lipidation, redistribution of GFP-LC3 in cytoplasmic puncta, and accumulation of autophagosomes and autolysosomes, both in vitro and in vivo. Inhibition of p53 causes autophagy in enucleated cells, indicating that the cytoplasmic, non-nuclear pool of p53 can regulate autophagy. Accordingly, retransfection of p53(-/-) cells with wild-type p53 as well as a p53 mutant that is excluded from the nucleus (due to the deletion of the nuclear localization sequence) can inhibit autophagy, whereas retransfection with a nucleus-restricted p53 mutant (in which the nuclear localization sequence has been deleted) does not inhibit autophagy. Several distinct autophagy inducers (e.g., starvation, rapamycin, lithium, tunicamycin and thapsigargin) stimulate the rapid degradation of p53. In these conditions, inhibition of the p53-specific E3 ubiquitin ligase HDM2 can avoid p53 depletion and simultaneously prevent the activation of autophagy. Moreover, a p53 mutant that lacks the HDM2 ubiquitinylation site and hence is more stable than wild-type p53 is particularly efficient in suppressing autophagy. In conclusion, p53 plays a dual role in the control of autophagy. On the one hand, nuclear p53 can induce autophagy through transcriptional effects. On the other hand, cytoplasmic p53 may act as a master repressor of autophagy.

  16. Combining Oncolytic Virotherapy with p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene Therapy

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    Christian Bressy


    Full Text Available Oncolytic virus (OV therapy utilizes replication-competent viruses to kill cancer cells, leaving non-malignant cells unharmed. With the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved OV, dozens of clinical trials ongoing, and an abundance of translational research in the field, OV therapy is poised to be one of the leading treatments for cancer. A number of recombinant OVs expressing a transgene for p53 (TP53 or another p53 family member (TP63 or TP73 were engineered with the goal of generating more potent OVs that function synergistically with host immunity and/or other therapies to reduce or eliminate tumor burden. Such transgenes have proven effective at improving OV therapies, and basic research has shown mechanisms of p53-mediated enhancement of OV therapy, provided optimized p53 transgenes, explored drug-OV combinational treatments, and challenged canonical roles for p53 in virus-host interactions and tumor suppression. This review summarizes studies combining p53 gene therapy with replication-competent OV therapy, reviews preclinical and clinical studies with replication-deficient gene therapy vectors expressing p53 transgene, examines how wild-type p53 and p53 modifications affect OV replication and anti-tumor effects of OV therapy, and explores future directions for rational design of OV therapy combined with p53 gene therapy.

  17. The role of p53 and pRB in apoptosis and cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hickman, Emma S; Moroni, M Cristina; Helin, Kristian


    Loss of function of both the p53 pathway and the retinoblastoma protein (pRB) pathway plays a significant role in the development of most human cancers. Loss of pRB results in deregulated cell proliferation and apoptosis, whereas loss of p53 desensitizes cells to checkpoint signals, including...

  18. CLCA2 as a p53-Inducible Senescence Mediator

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    Chizu Tanikawa


    Full Text Available p53 is a tumor suppressor gene that is frequently mutated in multiple cancer tissues. Activated p53 protein regulates its downstream genes and subsequently inhibits malignant transformation by inducing cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, DNA repair, and senescence. However, genes involved in the p53-mediated senescence pathway are not yet fully elucidated. Through the screening of two genome-wide expression profile data sets, one for cells in which exogenous p53 was introduced and the other for senescent fibroblasts, we have identified chloride channel accessory 2 (CLCA2 as a p53-inducible senescence-associated gene. CLCA2 was remarkably induced by replicative senescence as well as oxidative stress in a p53-dependent manner. We also found that ectopically expressed CLCA2 induced cellular senescence, and the down-regulation of CLCA2 by small interfering RNA caused inhibition of oxidative stress-induced senescence. Interestingly, the reduced expression of CLCA2 was frequently observed in various kinds of cancers including prostate cancer, whereas its expression was not affected in precancerous prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Thus, our findings suggest a crucial role of p53/CLCA2-mediated senescence induction as a barrier for malignant transformation.

  19. Targeting p53 by small molecules in hematological malignancies


    Saha, Manujendra N; Qiu, Lugui; Chang, Hong


    p53 is a powerful tumor suppressor and is an attractive cancer therapeutic target. A breakthrough in cancer research came from the discovery of the drugs which are capable of reactivating p53 function. Most anti-cancer agents, from traditional chemo- and radiation therapies to more recently developed non-peptide small molecules exert their effects by enhancing the anti-proliferative activities of p53. Small molecules such as nutlin, RITA, and PRIMA-1 that can activate p53 have shown their ant...

  20. Actinomycin D synergistically enhances the cytotoxicity of CDDP on KB cells by activating P53 via decreasing P53-MDM2 complex. (United States)

    Wang, Lin; Pang, Xiao-Cong; Yu, Zi-Ru; Yang, Sheng-Qian; Liu, Ai-Lin; Wang, Jin-Hua; Du, Guan-Hua


    The aim of this study is to investigate the synergism of low dose of actinomycin D (LDActD) to the cytotoxicity of cisplatin (CDDP) on KB cells. The role of P53 reactivation by LDActD in the synergism and its mechanism were further studied. Cell viability was determined by MTT assay. Apoptosis was determined by AnnexinV-FITC/PI staining. Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) was detected by JC-1 staining. Expression of proteins was detected by Western blotting (WB) and/or immunofluorescence (IF). Molecular docking of actinomycin D (ACTD) to Mouse double minute 2 homolog (MDM2) and Mouse double minute 2 homolog X (MDMX). MDMX was analyzed by Discovery Studio. The content of P53-MDM2 complex was detected by ELISA assay. The cytotoxicity of CDDP was increased by the combination of LDActD in kinds of cancer cells. Molecular docking showed strong interaction between ACTD and MDM2/MDMX. Meanwhile, LDActD significantly decreased P53-MDM2 complex. Significant increase of the apoptotic activity by the combination therapy in KB cells is P53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA) dependent. In addition to the decrease in MMP, LDActD increased P53 regulated protein and decreased BCL-XL in KB cells. LDActD efficiently enhanced the cytotoxicity of CDDP in cancer cells and induced P53-PUMA-dependent and mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in KB cells. The reactivation of P53 was probably achieved by disturbing the interaction of P53 and MDM2/MDMX.

  1. Knockdown of p53 suppresses Nanog expression in embryonic stem cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abdelalim, Essam Mohamed, E-mail: [Qatar Biomedical Research Institute, Qatar Foundation, Doha 5825 (Qatar); Molecular Neuroscience Research Center, Shiga University of Medical Science, Setatsukinowa-cho, Otsu, Shiga 520-2192 (Japan); Department of Cytology and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia (Egypt); Tooyama, Ikuo [Molecular Neuroscience Research Center, Shiga University of Medical Science, Setatsukinowa-cho, Otsu, Shiga 520-2192 (Japan)


    Highlights: •We investigate the role of p53 in ESCs in the absence of DNA damage. •p53 knockdown suppresses ESC proliferation. •p53 knockdown downregulates Nanog expression. •p53 is essential for mouse ESC self-renewal. -- Abstract: Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) express high levels of cytoplasmic p53. Exposure of mouse ESCs to DNA damage leads to activation of p53, inducing Nanog suppression. In contrast to earlier studies, we recently reported that chemical inhibition of p53 suppresses ESC proliferation. Here, we confirm that p53 signaling is involved in the maintenance of mouse ESC self-renewal. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of p53 induced downregulation of p21 and defects in ESC proliferation. Furthermore, p53 knockdown resulted in a significant downregulation in Nanog expression at 24 and 48 h post-transfection. p53 knockdown also caused a reduction in Oct4 expression at 48 h post-transfection. Conversely, exposure of ESCs to DNA damage caused a higher reduction of Nanog expression in control siRNA-treated cells than in p53 siRNA-treated cells. These data show that in the absence of DNA damage, p53 is required for the maintenance of mouse ESC self-renewal by regulating Nanog expression.

  2. Infecção pulmonar por rhodococcus equi em doente vih+ - revisão baseada num caso clínico

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    João Faria


    Full Text Available Apesar do aumento no número de casos de infecção humana por Rhodococcus equi (R. equi registado nas últimas décadas, sobretudo em indivíduos infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH, esse diagnóstico permanece uma raridade. Os autores apresentam um caso de infecção pulmonar por R. equi num homem de 36 anos com síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA. A doença manifestou-se de forma insidiosa, apresentando-se radiologicamente sob a forma de lesão pulmonar esquerda com cavitação e nível hidroaéreo, tendo sido inicialmente colocada a hipótese diagnóstica de tuberculose pulmonar (TP dada a pesquisa de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR na expectoração ter sido positiva. Posteriormente, foi possível isolar o R. equi nas culturas de expectoração e lavado broncoalveolar (LBA. O estudo anátomo-patológico confirmou a presença concomitante de malacoplaquia pulmonar. O doente cumpriu antibioterapia dirigida ao agente e teve boa evolução clínica, analítica e radiológica. A propósito deste caso, os autores fazem uma revisão teórica do tema à luz dos conhecimentos actuais.

  3. Regulation of Metabolic Activity by p53

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    Jessica Flöter


    Full Text Available Metabolic reprogramming in cancer cells is controlled by the activation of multiple oncogenic signalling pathways in order to promote macromolecule biosynthesis during rapid proliferation. Cancer cells also need to adapt their metabolism to survive and multiply under the metabolically compromised conditions provided by the tumour microenvironment. The tumour suppressor p53 interacts with the metabolic network at multiple nodes, mostly to reduce anabolic metabolism and promote preservation of cellular energy under conditions of nutrient restriction. Inactivation of this tumour suppressor by deletion or mutation is a frequent event in human cancer. While loss of p53 function lifts an important barrier to cancer development by deleting cell cycle and apoptosis checkpoints, it also removes a crucial regulatory mechanism and can render cancer cells highly sensitive to metabolic perturbation. In this review, we will summarise the major concepts of metabolic regulation by p53 and explore how this knowledge can be used to selectively target p53 deficient cancer cells in the context of the tumour microenvironment.

  4. Post-translational regulation enables robust p53 regulation. (United States)

    Shin, Yong-Jun; Chen, Kai-Yuan; Sayed, Ali H; Hencey, Brandon; Shen, Xiling


    The tumor suppressor protein p53 plays important roles in DNA damage repair, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Due to its critical functions, the level of p53 is tightly regulated by a negative feedback mechanism to increase its tolerance towards fluctuations and disturbances. Interestingly, the p53 level is controlled by post-translational regulation rather than transcriptional regulation in this feedback mechanism. We analyzed the dynamics of this feedback to understand whether post-translational regulation provides any advantages over transcriptional regulation in regard to disturbance rejection. When a disturbance happens, even though negative feedback reduces the steady-state error, it can cause a system to become less stable and transiently overshoots, which may erroneously trigger downstream reactions. Therefore, the system needs to balance the trade-off between steady-state and transient errors. Feedback control and adaptive estimation theories revealed that post-translational regulation achieves a better trade-off than transcriptional regulation, contributing to a more steady level of p53 under the influence of noise and disturbances. Furthermore, post-translational regulation enables cells to respond more promptly to stress conditions with consistent amplitude. However, for better disturbance rejection, the p53- Mdm2 negative feedback has to pay a price of higher stochastic noise. Our analyses suggest that the p53-Mdm2 feedback favors regulatory mechanisms that provide the optimal trade-offs for dynamic control.

  5. Role of Tumor Suppressor P53 in Megakaryopoiesis and Platelet Function (United States)

    Apostolidis, Pani A.; Woulfe, Donna S.; Chavez, Massiel; Miller, William M.; Papoutsakis, Eleftherios T.


    The pathobiological role of p53 has been widely studied, however its role in normophysiology is relatively unexplored. We previously showed that p53 knock-down increased ploidy in megakaryocytic cultures. This study aims to examine the effect of p53 loss on in vivo megakaryopoiesis, platelet production and function, and to investigate the basis for greater ploidy in p53−/− megakaryocytic cultures. Here, we used flow cytometry to analyze ploidy, DNA synthesis and apoptosis in murine cultured and bone marrow megakaryocytes following thrombopoietin administration and to analyze fibrinogen binding to platelets in vitro. Culture of p53−/− marrow cells for 6 days with thrombopoietin gave rise to 1.7-fold more megakaryocytes, 26.1±3.6% of which reached ploidy classes ≥64N compared to 8.2±0.9% of p53+/+ megakaryocytes. This was due to 30% greater DNA synthesis in p53−/− megakaryocytes and 31% greater apoptosis in p53+/+ megakaryocytes by day 4 of culture. Although the bone marrow and spleen steady-state megakaryocytic content and ploidy were similar in p53+/+ and p53−/− mice, thrombopoietin administration resulted in increased megakaryocytic polyploidization in p53−/− mice. Although their platelet counts were normal, p53−/− mice exhibited significantly longer bleeding times and p53−/− platelets were less sensitive than p53+/+ platelets to agonist-induced fibrinogen binding and P-selectin secretion. In summary, our in vivo and ex-vivo studies indicate that p53 loss leads to increased polyploidization during megakaryopoiesis. Our findings also suggest for the first time a direct link between p53 loss and the development of fully functional platelets resulting in hemostatic deficiencies. PMID:22024107

  6. Reacções cutâneas adversas aos inibidores do receptor do factor de crescimento epidérmico: estudo de 14 doentes Adverse cutaneous reactions to epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors: a study of 14 patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felicidade Santiago


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: O cetuximab e o erlotinib, inibidores do receptor do factor de crescimento epidérmico, provocam frequentemente reacções cutâneas adversas peculiares. OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar do ponto de vista clínico-evolutivo as reacções cutâneas adversas e avaliar a sua abordagem terapêutica. METODOLOGIA: Entre março/2005 e setembro/2009 foram seguidos 14 doentes com idade média de 59,6 anos, em tratamento com cetuximab (7 ou erlotinib (7, por neoplasia pulmonar (10 ou colorrectal (4. Retrospectivamente foi avaliado o padrão clínico evolutivo de reacção cutânea, o intervalo entre a introdução do fármaco e o início dos sintomas e a resposta ao tratamento. RESULTADOS: Doze doentes apresentaram erupção papulopustulosa predominantemente na face, decote e dorso, em média 13,5 dias após o início do fármaco. Efectuaram tratamento oral com minociclina ou doxiciclina e tópico com metronidazol, peróxido de benzoílo e/ou corticoide. Ocorreu melhoria das lesões em todos os doentes. Cinco doentes, em média oito semanas após o início da terapia, apresentaram granulomas piogénicos periungueais, em quatro casos associados a paroníquia, melhorados com tratamento tópico (antibióticos, corticoides e antissépticos. Observou-se xerose em alguns doentes e, de forma isolada, outros efeitos adversos, como telangiectasias e angiomas, alterações dos cabelos e cílios e nevos melanocíticos eruptivos. Na maioria dos doentes, a terapêutica com o inibidor do receptor do factor de crescimento epidérmico foi mantida. CONCLUSÃO: Com o crescente uso destas terapêuticas-alvo, torna-se obrigatório reconhecer e tratar os seus efeitos cutâneos adversos, assegurando uma intervenção atempada de forma a permitir a manutenção desta terapêuticaBACKGROUND: Cetuximab and erlotinib, epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors, often cause peculiar adverse cutaneous reactions. OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to evaluate adverse cutaneous reactions

  7. An adaptive molecular timer in p53-meidated cell fate decision (United States)

    Zhang, Xiao-Peng; Wang, Ping; Liu, Feng; Wang, Wei

    The tumor suppressor p53 decides cellular outcomes in the DNA damage response. It is intriguing to explore the link between p53 dynamics and cell fates. We developed a theoretical model of p53 signaling network to clarify the mechanism of cell fate decision mediated by its dynamics. We found that the interplay between p53-Mdm2 negative feedback loop and p53-PTEN-Mdm2 positive feedback loop shapes p53 dynamics. Depending on the intensity of DNA damage, p53 shows three modes of dynamics: persistent pulses, two-phase dynamics with pulses followed by sustained high levels and straightforward high levels. Especially, p53 shows two-phase dynamics upon moderated damage and the required number of p53 pulses before apoptosis induction decreases with increasing DNA damage. Our results suggested there exists an adaptive molecular timer that determines whether and when the apoptosis switch should be triggered. We clarified the mechanism behind the switching of p53 dynamical modes by bifurcation analysis. Moreover, we reproduced the experimental results that drug additions alter p53 pulses to sustained p53 activation and leads to senescence. Our work may advance the understanding the significance of p53 dynamics in tumor suppression. This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11175084, 11204126 and 31361163003).

  8. The p53 gene with emphasis on its paralogues in mosquitoes

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    Tien-Huang Chen


    Full Text Available The p53 gene is highly important in human cancers, as it serves as a tumor-suppressor gene. Subsequently, two p53 homologues, i.e., p73 and p63, with high identity of amino acids were identified, leading to construction of the p53 family. The p53 gene is highly important in human cancer because it usually transcribes genes that function by causing apoptosis in mammalian cells. In contrast, p63 and p73 tend to be more important in modulating development than inducing cell death, even though they share similar protein structures. Relatively recently, p53 was also identified in mosquitoes and many other insect species. Uniquely, its structure lacks the sterile alpha motif domain which is a putative protein-protein interaction domain and exclusively exists at the C-terminal region in p73 and p63 in mammals. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that the p53 gene derived from mosquitoes is composed of two paralogues, p53-1 and p53-2. Of these, only p53-2 is responsively upregulated by dengue 2 virus (DENV2 in C6/36 cells which usually survive the infection. This indicates that the p53 gene is closely related to DENV infection in mosquito cells. The specific significance of p53-2's involvement in cell survival from virus-induced stress is described and briefly discussed in this report. Keywords: p53 homologue, Paralogue, Mosquitoes, Phylogeny, Cell survival

  9. Dopaminergic Neuron-Specific Deletion of p53 Gene Attenuates Methamphetamine Neurotoxicity. (United States)

    Lu, Tao; Kim, Paul P; Greig, Nigel H; Luo, Yu


    p53 plays an essential role in the regulation of cell death in dopaminergic (DA) neurons and its activation has been implicated in the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine (MA). However, how p53 mediates MA neurotoxicity remains largely unknown. In this study, we examined the effect of DA-specific p53 gene deletion in DAT-p53KO mice. Whereas in vivo MA binge exposure reduced locomotor activity in wild-type (WT) mice, this was significantly attenuated in DAT-p53KO mice and associated with significant differences in the levels of the p53 target genes BAX and p21 between WT and DAT-p53KO. Notably, DA-specific deletion of p53 provided protection of substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive fibers following binge MA, with DAT-p53KO mice having less decline of TH protein levels in striatum versus WT mice. Whereas DAT-p53KO mice demonstrated a consistently higher density of TH fibers in striatum compared to WT mice at 10 days after MA exposure, DA neuron counts within the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) were similar. Finally, supportive of these results, administration of a p53-specific inhibitor (PFT-α) provided a similarly protective effect on MA binge-induced behavioral deficits. Neither DA specific p53 deletion nor p53 pharmacological inhibition affected hyperthermia induced by MA binge. These findings demonstrate a specific contribution of p53 activation in behavioral deficits and DA neuronal terminal loss by MA binge exposure.

  10. HMGB1-mediated DNA bending: Distinct roles in increasing p53 binding to DNA and the transactivation of p53-responsive gene promoters. (United States)

    Štros, Michal; Kučírek, Martin; Sani, Soodabeh Abbasi; Polanská, Eva


    HMGB1 is a chromatin-associated protein that has been implicated in many important biological processes such as transcription, recombination, DNA repair, and genome stability. These functions include the enhancement of binding of a number of transcription factors, including the tumor suppressor protein p53, to their specific DNA-binding sites. HMGB1 is composed of two highly conserved HMG boxes, linked to an intrinsically disordered acidic C-terminal tail. Previous reports have suggested that the ability of HMGB1 to bend DNA may explain the in vitro HMGB1-mediated increase in sequence-specific DNA binding by p53. The aim of this study was to reinvestigate the importance of HMGB1-induced DNA bending in relationship to the ability of the protein to promote the specific binding of p53 to short DNA duplexes in vitro, and to transactivate two major p53-regulated human genes: Mdm2 and p21/WAF1. Using a number of HMGB1 mutants, we report that the HMGB1-mediated increase in sequence-specific p53 binding to DNA duplexes in vitro depends very little on HMGB1-mediated DNA bending. The presence of the acidic C-terminal tail of HMGB1 and/or the oxidation of the protein can reduce the HMGB1-mediated p53 binding. Interestingly, the induction of transactivation of p53-responsive gene promoters by HMGB1 requires both the ability of the protein to bend DNA and the acidic C-terminal tail, and is promoter-specific. We propose that the efficient transactivation of p53-responsive gene promoters by HMGB1 depends on complex events, rather than solely on the promotion of p53 binding to its DNA cognate sites. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Mitofusin-2 is a novel direct target of p53

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Weilin; Cheng, Xiaofei; Lu, Jianju; Wei, Jianfeng; Fu, Guanghou; Zhu, Feng; Jia, Changku; Zhou, Lin; Xie, Haiyang; Zheng, Shusen


    Research highlights: → Mfn2 is a novel target gene of p53. → Mfn2 mRNA and protein levels can be up-regulated in a p53-dependent manner. → Mfn2 promoter activity can be elevated by the p53 protein. → P53 protein binds the Mfn2 promoter directly both in vitro and in vivo. -- Abstract: The tumor suppressor p53 modulates transcription of a number of target genes involved in cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, DNA repair, and other important cellular responses. Mitofusin-2 (Mfn2) is a novel suppressor of cell proliferation that may also exert apoptotic effects via the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Through bioinformatics analysis, we identified a p53 binding site in the Mfn2 promoter. Consistent with this, we showed that the p53 protein binds the Mfn2 promoter directly both in vitro and in vivo. Additionally, we found that Mfn2 mRNA and protein levels are up-regulated in a p53-dependent manner. Furthermore, luciferase assays revealed that the activity of the wild-type Mfn2 promoter, but not a mutated version of the promoter, was up-regulated by p53. These results indicate that Mfn2 is a novel p53-inducible target gene, which provides insight into the regulation of Mfn2 and its associated activities in the inhibition of cell proliferation, promotion of apoptosis, and modulation of tumor suppression.

  12. Differential sensitivity of p53+ and p53- cells to caffeine-induced radiosensitization and override of G2 delay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powell, S.N.; DeFrank, J.S.; Connell, P.; Eogan, M.; Preffer, F.; Dombkowski, D.; Tang, W.; Friend, S.H.


    Purpose: Most drug discovery efforts have focused on finding new DNA damaging agents to kill tumor cells preferentially. An alternative approach is to find ways to increase tumor specific killing by modifying tumor specific responses to that damage. We asked whether cells lacking the G1/S arrest in response to X-rays are more sensitive to X-ray damage when treated with agents that override G2/M arrest. Materials and Methods: Mouse embryonic fibroblasts genetically matched to be (+/+) or (-/-) p53 and rat embryonic fibroblasts (REF) made (+) or (-) for wild-type p53 function by transfection were irradiated with and without caffeine, a known checkpoint inhibitor. Caffeine treatment was maintained for 24 hours from 1 hour prior to irradiation. Cell survival following ionizing radiation was measured by clonogenic assay. For cell-cycle analysis, cells were in exponential asynchronous growth at the time of irradiation. The proportion of cells in G1, S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle were recorded immediately before and following irradiation and subsequently at 3,6,9,12,24 and 48 hours following irradiation. Results: Caffeine was found to cause radiosensitzation at low dose (0.5mM) in (-/-) cells but not in (+/+) cells. The sensitization enhancement ratio (SER) was 1.45 at 0.1 survival and 1.56 at 0.01 survival. At this dose of caffeine, this SER reflected therapeutic gain as there was no detectable effect on (+/+) cells. At 1mM caffeine, sensitization of (-/-) cells was 1.77, but (+/+) cells now also showed sensitization (SER=1.25). In (-/-) cells at 0.1mM caffeine the SER was 1.5 at 0.01 survival. The transfected REF cells (functionally null for p53) also exhibited caffeine-induced radiosensitization at both 0.5 and 2mM caffeine with a SER 1.45 for 2mM at 0.1 survival. No significant sensitization could be demonstrated for REF cells at the same doses of caffeine. The REF cells, with wild-type p53, transfected with pCMVneo alone showed no change in radiosensitivity or

  13. 40 Years of Research Put p53 in Translation (United States)

    Marcel, Virginie; Nguyen Van Long, Flora; Diaz, Jean-Jacques


    Since its discovery in 1979, p53 has shown multiple facets. Initially the tumor suppressor p53 protein was considered as a stress sensor able to maintain the genome integrity by regulating transcription of genes involved in cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and DNA repair. However, it rapidly came into light that p53 regulates gene expression to control a wider range of biological processes allowing rapid cell adaptation to environmental context. Among them, those related to cancer have been extensively documented. In addition to its role as transcription factor, scattered studies reported that p53 regulates miRNA processing, modulates protein activity by direct interaction or exhibits RNA-binding activity, thus suggesting a role of p53 in regulating several layers of gene expression not restricted to transcription. After 40 years of research, it appears more and more clearly that p53 is strongly implicated in translational regulation as well as in the control of the production and activity of the translational machinery. Translation control of specific mRNAs could provide yet unsuspected capabilities to this well-known guardian of the genome.

  14. ZNF307, a novel zinc finger gene suppresses p53 and p21 pathway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jing; Wang Yuequn; Fan Xiongwei; Mo Xiaoyang; Wang Zequn; Li Yongqing; Yin Zhaochu; Deng Yun; Luo Na; Zhu Chuanbing; Liu Mingyao; Ma Qian; Ocorr, Karen; Yuan Wuzhou; Wu Xiushan


    We have cloned a novel KRAB-related zinc finger gene, ZNF307, encoding a protein of 545 aa. ZNF307 is conserved across species in evolution and is differentially expressed in human adult and fetal tissues. The fusion protein of EGFP-ZNF307 localizes in the nucleus. Transcriptional activity assays show ZNF307 suppresses transcriptional activity of L8G5-luciferase. Overexpressing ZNF307 in different cell lines also inhibits the transcriptional activities of p53 and p21. Moreover, ZNF307 works by reducing the p53 protein level and p53 protein reduction is achieved by increasing transcription of MDM2 and EP300. ZNF307 might suppress p53-p21 pathway through activating MDM2 and EP300 expression and inducing p53 degradation

  15. Expressão de p53, p16 E COX-2 em carcinoma escamoso de esôfago e associação histopatológica p53, p16 E COX-2 expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and histopathological association


    Izabella Paz Danezi Felin; Ivana Grivicich; Carlos Roberto Felin; Andrea Regner; Adriana Brondani da Rocha


    RACIONAL: O câncer de esôfago representa cerca de 2% dos tumores malignos e a terceira causa mais comum de câncer do trato gastrointestinal. A associação do prognóstico do câncer de esôfago com alguns marcadores imunoistoquímicos, como as proteínas p53, p16 e a ciclooxigenase 2 (COX-2) tem sido relatada. A detecção de marcadores moleculares através de imunoistoquímica pode ser utilizada para avaliação prognóstica. OBJETIVOS: Investigar a associação entre a expressão das proteínas p53, p16 e a...

  16. Papel neuroprotector da hipotermia terapêutica pós paragem cardio-respiratória


    Ana Abreu; Ana Duque; Carolina Paulino; João Brito; Joana Silvestre; João Gonçalves-Pereira; Vítor Mendes; Camila Tapadinhas; Pedro Póvoa


    OBJECTIVOS: A hipotermia terapêutica demonstrou ter efeitos neuro e cardioprotectores, com melhoria da sobrevida e redução das sequelas neurológicas em doentes vítimas de paragem cardio-respiratória. O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a evolução dos doentes submetidos a hipotermia terapêutica após paragem cardio-respiratória. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo observacional dos doentes submetidos a hipotermia terapêutica após paragem cardio-respiratória numa unidade de cuidados intensivos polivale...

  17. Effect of recombinant adenovirus encoding human p53 tumor suppressor gene (rAd-p53) on the growth and radiotherapeutic sensitivity of human lymphoma cell lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Zeyang; Fan Wo; Li Dongqing; Zhu Ran; Wang Yongqing; Wu Jinchang


    Objective: To explore the inhibitory effect and radiation sensitization of recombinant adenovirus encoding human p53 tumor suppressor gene (rAd-p53) on human lymphoma cell lines. Methods: Human lymphoma cell lines Raji and Daudi were treated with rAd-p53, radiation therapy and combined treatment, respectively. The cell growth inhibition was assessed by MTT. The p53 protein expression was detected by Western blotting, and p53 mRNA was detected by BT-PCB. Results: The MTT results showed that the inhibitory effect and radiosensitivity enhancement of rAd-p53 on human lymphoma cell lines were not obvious [Raji: (27.5±4.1)%; Daudi: (28.1±1.6)%]. The results of Western blotting and BT-PCB showed that extrinsic p53 protein and p53 mRNA were expressed to some degree, but not at high-level. In addition, the results didn't demonstrate obvious radiosensitivity enhancement. Conclusions: The role of inhibition and radiosensitivity enhancement of rAd-p53 was not significant on human lymphoma cell lines. (authors)

  18. Adenocarcinoma do pulmão em doente com esclerodermia: Um caso clínico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Bento


    Full Text Available Resumo: A esclerodermia é uma doença do tecido conjuntivo de etiologia desconhecida, que tem sido associada a um risco acrescido de malignidade. O cancro do pulmão é a neoplasia mais frequente, nestes doentes.Apresenta-se o caso clínico de uma mulher de 42 anos, não fumadora, com esclerodermia, que desenvolveu agravamento progressivo do seu estado geral e derrame pleural com características de exsudado, sem evidência de infecção ou malignidade. A TAC torácica mostrou zonas de fibrose, a broncofibroscopia, os lavados brônquico e broncoalveolar foram normais. Foi excluída neoplasia extrapulmonar. Na pleuroscopia, observaram-se formações nodulares, cujas biópsias revelaram tratar-se de adenocarcinoma pulmonar. Iniciou quimioterapia, desenvolvendo ao 48.° dia neutropenia febril e sépsis, vindo a morrer 12 dias depois.Salientamos este caso pela relação, apesar de rara, entre a esclerodermia e o cancro do pulmão e pela importância de uma vigilância pulmonar cuidadosa, em indivíduos com esta doença reumatológica, pelo risco acrescido de neoplasia. Abstract: Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma is a connective tissue disorder of unknown aetiology characterised by immune abnormalities, which has been related to an increased risk of malignancy. Lung cancer is the most prevalent among these patients.We present a clinical case of a 42 years old non smoker female with systemic sclerosis. She presented progressive general health status worsening and an exudative pleural effusion, with no evidence of infection or malignancy. Chest high resolution computed tomography revealed pulmonary fibrosis. Bronchoscopy, bronchial and bronchoalveolar lavage were normal. Extrapulmonary malignancies were excluded. Pleural nodularities were found on pleuroscopy and the biopsy was compatible with lung adenocarcinoma. Chemotherapy was then started, which complicated with febrile neutropenia, sepsis and patient death 12 days after.The purpose of this case

  19. The Prognostic Impact of p53 Expression on Sporadic Colorectal Cancer Is Dependent on p21 Status

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kruschewski, Martin; Mueller, Kathrin; Lipka, Sybille; Budczies, Jan; Noske, Aurelia; Buhr, Heinz Johannes; Elezkurtaj, Sefer


    The prognostic value of p53 and p21 expression in colorectal cancer is still under debate. We hypothesize that the prognostic impact of p53 expression is dependent on p21 status. The expression of p53 and p21 was immunohistochemically investigated in a prospective cohort of 116 patients with UICC stage II and III sporadic colorectal cancer. The results were correlated with overall and recurrence-free survival. The mean observation period was 51.8 ± 2.5 months. Expression of p53 was observed in 72 tumors (63%). Overall survival was significantly better in patients with p53-positive carcinomas than in those without p53 expression (p = 0.048). No differences were found in recurrence-free survival (p = 0.161). The p53+/p21− combination was seen in 68% (n = 49), the p53+/p21+ combination in 32% (n = 23). Patients with p53+/p21− carcinomas had significantly better overall and recurrence-free survival than those with p53+/p21+ (p < 0.0001 resp. p = 0.003). Our data suggest that the prognostic impact of p53 expression on sporadic colorectal cancer is dependent on p21 status

  20. Molecular mechanism of X-ray-induced p53-dependent apoptosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakano, Hisako [Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. of Medical Center (Japan)


    Radiation-induced cell death has been classified into the interphase- and mitotic-ones, both of which apoptosis involving. This review described the molecular mechanism of the apoptosis, focusing on its p53-dependent process. It is known that there are genes regulating cell death either negatively or positively and the latter is involved in apoptosis. As an important factor in the apoptosis, p53 has become remarkable since it was shown that X-ray-induced apoptosis required RNA and protein syntheses in thymocytes and those cells of p53 gene-depleted mouse were shown to be resistant to gamma-ray-induced apoptosis. Radiation sensitivity of MOLT-4 cells derived from human T cell leukemia, exhibiting the typical X-ray-induced p53-dependent apoptosis, depends on the levels of p53 mRNA and protein. p53 is a gene suppressing tumor and also a transcription factor. Consequently, mutation of p53 conceivably leads to the failure of cell cycle regulation, which allows damaged cells to divide without both repair and exclusion due to loss of the apoptotic mechanism, and finally results in carcinogenesis. The radiation effect occurs in the order of the cell damage, inhibition of p53-Mdm2 binding, accumulation of p53, activation of mdm2 transcription, Mdm2 accumulation, p53-protein degradation and recovery to the steady state level. Here, the cystein protease (caspases) plays an important role as a disposing mechanism for cells scheduled to die. However, many are unknown to be solved in future. (K.H.) 119 refs.

  1. Gene expression patterns associated with p53 status in breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Troester, Melissa A; Herschkowitz, Jason I; Oh, Daniel S; He, Xiaping; Hoadley, Katherine A; Barbier, Claire S; Perou, Charles M


    Breast cancer subtypes identified in genomic studies have different underlying genetic defects. Mutations in the tumor suppressor p53 occur more frequently in estrogen receptor (ER) negative, basal-like and HER2-amplified tumors than in luminal, ER positive tumors. Thus, because p53 mutation status is tightly linked to other characteristics of prognostic importance, it is difficult to identify p53's independent prognostic effects. The relation between p53 status and subtype can be better studied by combining data from primary tumors with data from isogenic cell line pairs (with and without p53 function). The p53-dependent gene expression signatures of four cell lines (MCF-7, ZR-75-1, and two immortalized human mammary epithelial cell lines) were identified by comparing p53-RNAi transduced cell lines to their parent cell lines. Cell lines were treated with vehicle only or doxorubicin to identify p53 responses in both non-induced and induced states. The cell line signatures were compared with p53-mutation associated genes in breast tumors. Each cell line displayed distinct patterns of p53-dependent gene expression, but cell type specific (basal vs. luminal) commonalities were evident. Further, a common gene expression signature associated with p53 loss across all four cell lines was identified. This signature showed overlap with the signature of p53 loss/mutation status in primary breast tumors. Moreover, the common cell-line tumor signature excluded genes that were breast cancer subtype-associated, but not downstream of p53. To validate the biological relevance of the common signature, we demonstrated that this gene set predicted relapse-free, disease-specific, and overall survival in independent test data. In the presence of breast cancer heterogeneity, experimental and biologically-based methods for assessing gene expression in relation to p53 status provide prognostic and biologically-relevant gene lists. Our biologically-based refinements excluded genes

  2. Effect of p53 genotype on gene expression profiles in murine liver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morris, Suzanne M.; Akerman, Gregory S.; Desai, Varsha G.; Tsai, Chen-an; Tolleson, William H.; Melchior, William B.; Lin, Chien-Ju; Fuscoe, James C.; Casciano, Daniel A.; Chen, James J.


    The tumor suppressor protein p53 is a key regulatory element in the cell and is regarded as the 'guardian of the genome'. Much of the present knowledge of p53 function has come from studies of transgenic mice in which the p53 gene has undergone a targeted deletion. In order to provide additional insight into the impact on the cellular regulatory networks associated with the loss of this gene, microarray technology was utilized to assess gene expression in tissues from both the p53 -/- and p53 +/- mice. Six male mice from each genotype (p53 +/+ , p53 +/- , and p53 -/- ) were humanely killed and the tissues processed for microarray analysis. The initial studies have been performed in the liver for which the Dunnett test revealed 1406 genes to be differentially expressed between p53 +/+ and p53 +/- or between p53 +/+ and p53 -/- at the level of p ≤ 0.05. Both genes with increased expression and decreased expression were identified in p53 +/- and in p53 -/- mice. Most notable in the gene list derived from the p53 +/- mice was the significant reduction in p53 mRNA. In the p53 -/- mice, not only was there reduced expression of the p53 genes on the array, but genes associated with DNA repair, apoptosis, and cell proliferation were differentially expressed, as expected. However, altered expression was noted for many genes in the Cdc42-GTPase pathways that influence cell proliferation. This may indicate that alternate pathways are brought into play in the unperturbed liver when loss or reduction in p53 levels occurs

  3. p18(Hamlet) mediates different p53-dependent responses to DNA-damage inducing agents. (United States)

    Lafarga, Vanesa; Cuadrado, Ana; Nebreda, Angel R


    Cells organize appropriate responses to environmental cues by activating specific signaling networks. Two proteins that play key roles in coordinating stress responses are the kinase p38alpha (MAPK14) and the transcription factor p53 (TP53). Depending on the nature and the extent of the stress-induced damage, cells may respond by arresting the cell cycle or by undergoing cell death, and these responses are usually associated with the phosphorylation of particular substrates by p38alpha as well as the activation of specific target genes by p53. We recently characterized a new p38alpha substrate, named p18(Hamlet) (ZNHIT1), which mediates p53-dependent responses to different genotoxic stresses. Thus, cisplatin or UV light induce stabilization of the p18(Hamlet) protein, which then enhances the ability of p53 to bind to and activate the promoters of pro-apoptotic genes such as NOXA and PUMA leading to apoptosis induction. In a similar way, we report here that p18(Hamlet) can also mediate the cell cycle arrest induced in response to gamma-irradiation, by participating in the p53-dependent upregulation of the cell cycle inhibitor p21(Cip1) (CDKN1A).

  4. Stimulation of autophagy by the p53 target gene Sestrin2. (United States)

    Maiuri, Maria Chiara; Malik, Shoaib Ahmad; Morselli, Eugenia; Kepp, Oliver; Criollo, Alfredo; Mouchel, Pierre-Luc; Carnuccio, Rosa; Kroemer, Guido


    The oncosuppressor protein p53 regulates autophagy in a dual fashion. The pool of cytoplasmic p53 protein represses autophagy in a transcription-independent fashion, while the pool of nuclear p53 stimulates autophagy through the transactivation of specific genes. Here we report the discovery that Sestrin2, a novel p53 target gene, is involved in the induction of autophagy. Depletion of Sestrin2 by RNA interference reduced the level of autophagy in a panel of p53-sufficient human cancer cell lines responding to distinct autophagy inducers. In quantitative terms, Sestrin2 depletion was as efficient in preventing autophagy induction as was the depletion of Dram, another p53 target gene. Knockout of either Sestrin2 or Dram reduced autophagy elicited by nutrient depletion, rapamycin, lithium or thapsigargin. Moreover, autophagy induction by nutrient depletion or pharmacological stimuli led to an increase in Sestrin2 expression levels in p53-proficient cells. In strict contrast, the depletion of Sestrin2 or Dram failed to affect autophagy in p53-deficient cells and did not modulate the inhibition of baseline autophagy by a cytoplasmic p53 mutant that was reintroduced into p53-deficient cells. We conclude that Sestrin2 acts as a positive regulator of autophagy in p53-proficient cells.

  5. The antagonism between MCT-1 and p53 affects the tumorigenic outcomes

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    Lin Tai-Du


    Full Text Available Abstract Background MCT-1 oncoprotein accelerates p53 protein degradation via a proteosome pathway. Synergistic promotion of the xenograft tumorigenicity has been demonstrated in circumstance of p53 loss alongside MCT-1 overexpression. However, the molecular regulation between MCT-1 and p53 in tumor development remains ambiguous. We speculate that MCT-1 may counteract p53 through the diverse mechanisms that determine the tumorigenic outcomes. Results MCT-1 has now identified as a novel target gene of p53 transcriptional regulation. MCT-1 promoter region contains the response elements reactive with wild-type p53 but not mutant p53. Functional p53 suppresses MCT-1 promoter activity and MCT-1 mRNA stability. In a negative feedback regulation, constitutively expressed MCT-1 decreases p53 promoter function and p53 mRNA stability. The apoptotic events are also significantly prevented by oncogenic MCT-1 in a p53-dependent or a p53-independent fashion, according to the genotoxic mechanism. Moreover, oncogenic MCT-1 promotes the tumorigenicity in mice xenografts of p53-null and p53-positive lung cancer cells. In support of the tumor growth are irrepressible by p53 reactivation in vivo, the inhibitors of p53 (MDM2, Pirh2, and Cop1 are constantly stimulated by MCT-1 oncoprotein. Conclusions The oppositions between MCT-1 and p53 are firstly confirmed at multistage processes that include transcription control, mRNA metabolism, and protein expression. MCT-1 oncogenicity can overcome p53 function that persistently advances the tumor development.

  6. Tumor suppressor p53 biology, its role in radioresponse and the analysis of p53 mutation/expression among Filipino breast cancers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deocaris, Custer C.


    Ionizing radiation remains one of the most effective tools for the treatment of breast cancer. It combines properties of a potent DNA-damaging agent and high degree of spatial specificity to the target tissue. Nonetheless, there remain considerable differences in the outcome for treatment of tumors of differing histological type treated by radiotherapy. The identification of predictive indicators of radiosensitivity is crucial for selecting patients suited for preoperative radiotherapy as well as those unwarranted for postoperative treatments. To improve prognostication, numerous genes involved in the breast carcinogenesis have been studied and thus far over the last decade several multi-center researches converge on the role of tumor suppressor p53 in tumor biology. The p53 gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 17 and encodes a 53-kd nuclear protein, p-53, also referred to as 'the guardian of the genome', it orchestrates multiple cellular processes such as cell growth control, DNA repair and programmed cell death. During radiotherapy, genotoxic damage induces p53 overexpression in order to control the rate of proliferating damaged cells, repair damage or induce the apoptotic pathway. Its molecular inactivation in a tumor cell, typically by a point mutation, leads to chemo/radio resistance due to the inability of the molecule to trigger p53-dependent programmed cell death

  7. Phenotype specific analyses reveal distinct regulatory mechanism for chronically activated p53.

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    Kristina Kirschner


    Full Text Available The downstream functions of the DNA binding tumor suppressor p53 vary depending on the cellular context, and persistent p53 activation has recently been implicated in tumor suppression and senescence. However, genome-wide information about p53-target gene regulation has been derived mostly from acute genotoxic conditions. Using ChIP-seq and expression data, we have found distinct p53 binding profiles between acutely activated (through DNA damage and chronically activated (in senescent or pro-apoptotic conditions p53. Compared to the classical 'acute' p53 binding profile, 'chronic' p53 peaks were closely associated with CpG-islands. Furthermore, the chronic CpG-island binding of p53 conferred distinct expression patterns between senescent and pro-apoptotic conditions. Using the p53 targets seen in the chronic conditions together with external high-throughput datasets, we have built p53 networks that revealed extensive self-regulatory 'p53 hubs' where p53 and many p53 targets can physically interact with each other. Integrating these results with public clinical datasets identified the cancer-associated lipogenic enzyme, SCD, which we found to be directly repressed by p53 through the CpG-island promoter, providing a mechanistic link between p53 and the 'lipogenic phenotype', a hallmark of cancer. Our data reveal distinct phenotype associations of chronic p53 targets that underlie specific gene regulatory mechanisms.

  8. Acetylation Is Crucial for p53-Mediated Ferroptosis and Tumor Suppression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shang-Jui Wang


    Full Text Available Although previous studies indicate that loss of p53-mediated cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and senescence does not completely abrogate its tumor suppression function, it is unclear how the remaining activities of p53 are regulated. Here, we have identified an acetylation site at lysine K98 in mouse p53 (or K101 for human p53. Whereas the loss of K98 acetylation (p53K98R alone has very modest effects on p53-mediated transactivation, simultaneous mutations at all four acetylation sites (p534KR: K98R+ 3KR[K117R+K161R+K162R] completely abolish its ability to regulate metabolic targets, such as TIGAR and SLC7A11. Notably, in contrast to p533KR, p534KR is severely defective in suppressing tumor growth in mouse xenograft models. Moreover, p534KR is still capable of inducing the p53-Mdm2 feedback loop, but p53-dependent ferroptotic responses are markedly abrogated. Together, these data indicate the critical role of p53 acetylation in ferroptotic responses and its remaining tumor suppression activity.

  9. p53-Induced Apoptosis Occurs in the Absence of p14ARF in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

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    Sally Hopkins-Donaldson


    Full Text Available Malignant pleural mesotheliomas (MPMs are usually wild type for the p53 gene but contain homozygous deletions in the INK4A locus that encodes p14ARF, an inhibitor of p53-MDM2 interaction. Previous findings suggest that lack of p14ARF expression and the presence of SV40 large T antigen (L-Tag result in p53 inactivation in MPM. We did not detect SV40 L-Tag mRNA in either MPM cell lines or primary cultures, treatment of p14ARF-deficient cells with cisplatin (CDDP increased both total and phosphorylated p53 and enhanced p53 DNA-binding activity. On incubation with CDDP, levels of positively regulated p53 transcriptional targets p21WAF, PIG3, MDM2, Bax, PUMA increased in p14ARF-deficient cells, whereas negatively regulated survivin decreased. Significantly, p53-induced apoptosis was activated by CDDP in p14ARF-deficient cells, treatment with p53-specific siRNA rendered them more CDDP-resistant. p53 was also activated by: 1 inhibition of MDM2 (using nutlin-3; 2 transient overexpression of p14ARF; and 3 targeting of survivin using antisense oligonucleotides. However, it is noteworthy that only survivin downregulation sensitized cells to CDDP-induced apoptosis. These results suggest that p53 is functional in the absence of p14ARF in MPM and that targeting of the downstream apoptosis inhibitor survivin can sensitize to CDDP-induced apoptosis.

  10. Gene expression and apoptosis induction in p53-heterozygous irradiated mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Masi, Alessandra; Antoccia, Antonio; Dimauro, Ivan; Argentino-Storino, Alberta; Mosiello, Alberto; Mango, Ruggiero; Novelli, Giuseppe; Tanzarella, Caterina


    The role of the p53-genetic background in the expression of genes involved in either cell cycle checkpoint activation or apoptosis was evaluated in p53+/+ and p53+/- mouse strains at both basal levels and after DNA-induced damage. The spleen, colon, kidneys, lungs and liver of both strains were harvested from untreated animals and from mice exposed to 7.5 Gy of X-rays and sacrificed after 5 h. No significant differences were observed in the basal levels of p53 protein, CDKN1A and bax mRNA and spontaneous apoptosis, neither among the different organs within the same strain, nor between the same organ in the p53+/+ and p53+/- strains. After X-ray exposure, p53-dependent regulation was strikingly tissue-specific. In wild-type irradiated mice, p53 protein level increased after radiation treatment in all the organs analysed, whereas both CDKN1A and bax genes transcription increased in the spleen, colon and lungs, as assessed by means of quantitative RT-PCR. In p53+/- irradiated mice, on the contrary, a significant p53 induction was detected only in the spleen, while CDKN1A and bax genes levels increased in the spleen, colon and lungs, revealing the existence of different mechanisms of gene regulation in different organs. Apoptosis induction was observed in the spleen and colon of both strains, even if to lower extent in p53+/- mice compared to p53+/+ animals. In conclusion, in the spleen and colon, target gene transcription and apoptosis may be related to p53 genotype after DNA damage-induction. Moreover, our findings highlight the selectivity of p53 in transactivation following DNA damage in vivo, resulting in tissue-specific responses

  11. Gene expression and apoptosis induction in p53-heterozygous irradiated mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Di Masi, Alessandra [Department of Biology, University of Rome ' Roma Tre' , Viale G. Marconi, 446, 00146 Rome (Italy); Antoccia, Antonio [Department of Biology, University of Rome ' Roma Tre' , Viale G. Marconi, 446, 00146 Rome (Italy); Dimauro, Ivan [Department of Biology, University of Rome ' Roma Tre' , Viale G. Marconi, 446, 00146 Rome (Italy); Argentino-Storino, Alberta [Research Toxicology Centre S.p.A., Via Tito Speri, 18, 00040 Pomezia (RM) (Italy); Mosiello, Alberto [Research Toxicology Centre S.p.A., Via Tito Speri, 18, 00040 Pomezia (RM) (Italy); Mango, Ruggiero [Centre of Excellence for Genomic Risk Assessment in Multifactorial and Complex Diseases, School of Medicine, University of Rome ' Tor Vergata' , Rome (Italy); Novelli, Giuseppe [Centre of Excellence for Genomic Risk Assessment in Multifactorial and Complex Diseases, School of Medicine, University of Rome ' Tor Vergata' , Rome (Italy); Tanzarella, Caterina [Department of Biology, University of Rome ' Roma Tre' , Viale G. Marconi, 446, 00146 Rome (Italy)]. E-mail:


    The role of the p53-genetic background in the expression of genes involved in either cell cycle checkpoint activation or apoptosis was evaluated in p53+/+ and p53+/- mouse strains at both basal levels and after DNA-induced damage. The spleen, colon, kidneys, lungs and liver of both strains were harvested from untreated animals and from mice exposed to 7.5 Gy of X-rays and sacrificed after 5 h. No significant differences were observed in the basal levels of p53 protein, CDKN1A and bax mRNA and spontaneous apoptosis, neither among the different organs within the same strain, nor between the same organ in the p53+/+ and p53+/- strains. After X-ray exposure, p53-dependent regulation was strikingly tissue-specific. In wild-type irradiated mice, p53 protein level increased after radiation treatment in all the organs analysed, whereas both CDKN1A and bax genes transcription increased in the spleen, colon and lungs, as assessed by means of quantitative RT-PCR. In p53+/- irradiated mice, on the contrary, a significant p53 induction was detected only in the spleen, while CDKN1A and bax genes levels increased in the spleen, colon and lungs, revealing the existence of different mechanisms of gene regulation in different organs. Apoptosis induction was observed in the spleen and colon of both strains, even if to lower extent in p53+/- mice compared to p53+/+ animals. In conclusion, in the spleen and colon, target gene transcription and apoptosis may be related to p53 genotype after DNA damage-induction. Moreover, our findings highlight the selectivity of p53 in transactivation following DNA damage in vivo, resulting in tissue-specific responses.

  12. Lactato sérico como marcador prognóstico em crianças gravemente doentes Blood lactate concentration as prognostic marker in critically ill children

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    Adriana Koliski


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a utilidade do lactato como marcador de hipoperfusão tecidual e como índice prognóstico em crianças criticamente doentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, longitudinal, tipo observacional de 75 pacientes admitidos na UTI pediátrica do Hospital de Clínicas (UFPR entre novembro de 1998 e maio de 1999. De acordo com o nível de lactato na admissão, os pacientes foram divididos em grupo A (lactato > 18 mg/dl e grupo B (lactato 18 mg/dl evidenciou sinais clínicos de hipoperfusão na admissão. A normalização ou diminuição dos níveis de lactato a partir de 24 horas de internação esteve significativamente relacionada com a maior probabilidade de sobrevida.OBJECTIVE: To assess the use of lactate as a marker of tissue hypoperfusion and as a prognostic index in critically ill patients. METHODS: Prospective, longitudinal, observational study of 75 patients admitted to the pediatric ICU of Hospital de Clínicas of Universidade Federal do Paraná, between November 1998 and May 1999. According to the lactate level on admission, patients were divided into group A (lactate > 18 mg/dl and group B (lactate 18 mg/dl showed clinical signs of hypoperfusion on admission. The normalization or reduction of lactate levels at and after 24 hours of admission was significantly related with higher chances of survival.

  13. Family matters: sibling rivalry and bonding between p53 and p63 in cancer. (United States)

    Romano, Rose-Anne; Sinha, Satrajit


    The p53 family (p53, p63 and p73) is intimately linked with an overwhelming number of cellular processes during normal physiological as well as pathological conditions including cancer. The fact that these proteins are expressed in myriad isoforms, each with unique biochemical properties and distinct effects on tumorigenesis, complicates their study. A case in point is Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) where p53 is often mutated and the ΔNp63 isoform is overexpressed. Given that p53 and p63 can hetero-dimerize, bind to quite similar DNA elements and share common co-factors, any alterations in their individual expression levels, activity and/or mutation can severely disrupt the family equilibrium. The burgeoning genomics data sets and new additions to the experimental toolbox are offering crucial insights into the complex role of the p53 family in SCC, but more mechanistic studies are needed. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. p53 tumor suppressor gene: significance in neoplasia - a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alam, J.M.


    p53 is a tumor suppressor gene located on chromosome 17p13.1. Its function includes cell cycle control and apoptosis. Loss of p53 function, either due to decreased level or genetic transformation, is associated with loss of cell cycle control, decrease, apoptosis and genomic modification, such mutation of p53 gene is now assessed and the indicator of neoplasia of cancer of several organs and cell types, p53 has demonstrated to have critical role in defining various progressive stages of neoplasia, therapeutic strategies and clinical application. The present review briefly describes function of p53 in addition to its diagnostic and prognostic significance in detecting several types of neoplasia. (author)

  15. As moedas doentes, os números públicos e a antropologia do dinheiro

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    Federico Neiburg


    Full Text Available Situado na fronteira entre a antropologia da ciência (econômica e a antropologia das culturas monetárias, este artigo propõe uma compreensão dos sentidos sociais e culturais do dinheiro centrada na análise das articulações entre as idéias e as práticas monetárias eruditas e as ordinárias. O texto critica a matriz analítica normativa que predomina em boa parte da literatura sociológica, tributária da própria ciência econômica, e que está preocupada em diagnosticar a "natureza" dos "problemas monetários", distinguindo moedas "normais" de "doentes". Critica também a matriz que predomina em boa parte da literatura antropológica que observa a moeda através da lente da grande divisão entre as moedas "modernas" e as "outras". Ao ter como principal referência empírica as inflações brasileira e argentina da segunda metade do século XX, sugere uma agenda de pesquisas que considera: 1. a presença dos modelos e dos dispositivos monetários criados pelos especialistas nos sentidos e nas práticas ordinárias associadas com o dinheiro; 2. a presença das idéias e das práticas monetárias ordinárias nas formas através das quais os especialistas percebem e agem sobre a moeda; 3. o fato de que os universos de produção de idéias e de dispositivos monetários eruditos, isto é, aqueles que estão referidos às teorias e às políticas monetárias, são suscetíveis de serem analisados com os mesmos instrumentos utilizados para estudar qualquer outro universo nativo; e 4. que esse universo de idéias e de práticas, como não poderia ser de outro modo, está situado no tempo e exige uma análise histórica.Situated on the border between the anthropology of science (economics and the anthropology of monetary cultures, this article investigates the social and cultural meanings of money through an analysis of the inter-connections between academic and everyday monetary ideas and practices. The text critiques the normative analytic

  16. Potential diagnostic value of serum p53 antibody for detecting colorectal cancer: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Meng, Rongqin; Wang, Yang; He, Liang; He, Yuanqing; Du, Zedong


    Numerous studies have assessed the diagnostic value of serum p53 (s-p53) antibody in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC); however, results remain controversial. The present study aimed to comprehensively and quantitatively summarize the potential diagnostic value of s-p53 antibody in CRC. The present study utilized databases, including PubMed and EmBase, systematically regarding s-p53 antibody diagnosis in CRC, accessed on and prior to 31 July 2016. The quality of all the included studies was assessed using quality assessment of studies of diagnostic accuracy (QUADAS). The result of pooled sensitivity, pooled specificity, positive likelihood ratio (PLR) and negative likelihood ratio (NLR) were analyzed and compared with overall accuracy measures using diagnostic odds ratios (DORs) and area under the curve (AUC) analysis. Publication bias and heterogeneity were also assessed. A total of 11 trials that enrolled a combined 3,392 participants were included in the meta-analysis. Approximately 72.73% (8/11) of the included studies were of high quality (QUADAS score >7), and all were retrospective case-control studies. The pooled sensitivity was 0.19 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.18-0.21] and pooled specificity was 0.93 (95% CI, 0.92-0.94). Results also demonstrated a PLR of 4.56 (95% CI, 3.27-6.34), NLR of 0.78 (95% CI, 0.71-0.85) and DOR of 6.70 (95% CI, 4.59-9.76). The symmetrical summary receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.73. Furthermore, no evidence of publication bias or heterogeneity was observed in the meta-analysis. Meta-analysis data indicated that s-p53 antibody possesses potential diagnostic value for CRC. However, discrimination power was somewhat limited due to the low sensitivity.

  17. 1800MHz Microwave Induces p53 and p53-Mediated Caspase-3 Activation Leading to Cell Apoptosis In Vitro.

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    Fuqiang Xing

    Full Text Available Recent studies have reported that exposure of mammalian cells to microwave radiation may have adverse effects such as induction of cell apoptosis. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying microwave induced mammalian cell apoptosis are not fully understood. Here, we report a novel mechanism: exposure to 1800MHz microwave radiation induces p53-dependent cell apoptosis through cytochrome c-mediated caspase-3 activation pathway. We first measured intensity of microwave radiation from several electronic devices with an irradiation detector. Mouse NIH/3T3 and human U-87 MG cells were then used as receivers of 1800MHz electromagnetic radiation (EMR at a power density of 1209 mW/m2. Following EMR exposure, cells were analyzed for viability, intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS generation, DNA damage, p53 expression, and caspase-3 activity. Our analysis revealed that EMR exposure significantly decreased viability of NIH/3T3 and U-87 MG cells, and increased caspase-3 activity. ROS burst was observed at 6 h and 48 h in NIH/3T3 cells, while at 3 h in U-87 MG cells. Hoechst 33258 staining and in situ TUNEL assay detected that EMR exposure increased DNA damage, which was significantly restrained in the presence of N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC, an antioxidant. Moreover, EMR exposure increased the levels of p53 protein and p53 target gene expression, promoted cytochrome c release from mitochondrion, and increased caspase-3 activity. These events were inhibited by pretreatment with NAC, pifithrin-α (a p53 inhibitor and caspase inhibitor. Collectively, our findings demonstrate, for the first time, that 1800MHz EMR induces apoptosis-related events such as ROS burst and more oxidative DNA damage, which in turn promote p53-dependent caspase-3 activation through release of cytochrome c from mitochondrion. These findings thus provide new insights into physiological mechanisms underlying microwave-induced cell apoptosis.


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    The p53 tumor suppressor is a tetrameric transcription factor that is posttranslational modified at >20 different sites by phosphorylation, acetylation, or sumoylation in response to various cellular stress conditions. Specific posttranslational modifications, or groups of modifications, that result from the activation of different stress-induced signaling pathways are thought to modulate p53 activity to regulate cell fate by inducing cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, or cellular senescence. Here we review recent progress in characterizing the upstream signaling pathways whose activation in response to various genotoxic and non-genotoxic stresses result in p53 posttranslational modifications.

  19. Effect of hydroxyurea on the promoter occupancy profiles of tumor suppressor p53 and p73

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    Lu Xin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The p53 tumor suppressor and its related protein, p73, share a homologous DNA binding domain, and mouse genetics studies have suggested that they have overlapping as well as distinct biological functions. Both p53 and p73 are activated by genotoxic stress to regulate an array of cellular responses. Previous studies have suggested that p53 and p73 independently activate the cellular apoptotic program in response to cytotoxic drugs. The goal of this study was to compare the promoter-binding activity of p53 and p73 at steady state and after genotoxic stress induced by hydroxyurea. Results We employed chromatin immunoprecipitation, the NimbleGen promoter arrays and a model-based algorithm for promoter arrays to identify promoter sequences enriched in anti-p53 or anti-p73 immunoprecipitates, either before or after treatment with hydroxyurea, which increased the expression of both p53 and p73 in the human colon cancer cell line HCT116-3(6. We calculated a model-based algorithm for promoter array score for each promoter and found a significant correlation between the promoter occupancy profiles of p53 and p73. We also found that after hydroxyurea treatment, the p53-bound promoters were still bound by p73, but p73 became associated with additional promoters that that did not bind p53. In particular, we showed that hydroxyurea induces the binding of p73 but not p53 to the promoter of MLH3, which encodes a mismatch repair protein, and causes an up-regulation of the MLH3 mRNA. Conclusion These results suggest that hydroxyurea exerts differential effects on the promoter-binding functions of p53 and p73 and illustrate the power of model-based algorithm for promoter array in the analyses of promoter occupancy profiles of highly homologous transcription factors.

  20. The role of p53 molecule in radiation and hyperthermic therapies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasumoto, Jun-ichi; Takahashi, Akihisa; Ohnishi, Ken; Ohnishi, Takeo


    In recent years, cancer-related genes have been analyzed at the molecular level as predictive indicators for cancer therapy. Among those genes, the tumor suppressor gene p53 is worthy of notice in cancer therapy, because the p53 molecule prevents the malignant degeneration of non-cancer cells by regulating cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis, and DNA repair. An abnormality of the p53 gene introduces a genetic instability and increases the incidence of carcinogenesis and teratogenesis. Therefore, p53 is called a guardian of the genome. Mutations of p53 are observed at a high frequency in human tumors, and are recognized in about half of all malignant tumors in human head and neck cancers. We previously reported that radio- and heat-sensitivities of human cultured tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells are p53-dependent, and are closely correlated with the induction of apoptosis. In a human cell culture system, the interactive hyperthermic enhancement of radiosensitivity was observed in wild-type p53 cells, but not in mutated p53 cells. In a transplanted tumor system, the combination therapies of radiation and hyperthermia induced efficient tumor growth depression and apoptosis in the wild-type p53 tumors. In this review, we discuss the p53 activation signaling pathways through the modification of p53 molecules, such as phosphorylation after radiation and hyperthermia treatments. (author)

  1. Tumour suppressor protein p53 regulates the stress activated bilirubin oxidase cytochrome P450 2A6

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hu, Hao, E-mail: [The University of Queensland, National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology (Entox), 4072 Brisbane, Queensland (Australia); Yu, Ting, E-mail: [The University of Queensland, National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology (Entox), 4072 Brisbane, Queensland (Australia); Arpiainen, Satu, E-mail: [Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology and Medical Research Center Oulu, Oulu University Hospital and University of Oulu, Oulu (Finland); Lang, Matti A., E-mail: [The University of Queensland, National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology (Entox), 4072 Brisbane, Queensland (Australia); Hakkola, Jukka, E-mail: [Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology and Medical Research Center Oulu, Oulu University Hospital and University of Oulu, Oulu (Finland); Abu-Bakar, A' edah, E-mail: [The University of Queensland, National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology (Entox), 4072 Brisbane, Queensland (Australia)


    Human cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6 enzyme has been proposed to play a role in cellular defence against chemical-induced oxidative stress. The encoding gene is regulated by various stress activated transcription factors. This paper demonstrates that p53 is a novel transcriptional regulator of the gene. Sequence analysis of the CYP2A6 promoter revealed six putative p53 binding sites in a 3 kb proximate promoter region. The site closest to transcription start site (TSS) is highly homologous with the p53 consensus sequence. Transfection with various stepwise deletions of CYP2A6-5′-Luc constructs – down to − 160 bp from the TSS – showed p53 responsiveness in p53 overexpressed C3A cells. However, a further deletion from − 160 to − 74 bp, including the putative p53 binding site, totally abolished the p53 responsiveness. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay with a probe containing the putative binding site showed specific binding of p53. A point mutation at the binding site abolished both the binding and responsiveness of the recombinant gene to p53. Up-regulation of the endogenous p53 with benzo[α]pyrene – a well-known p53 activator – increased the expression of the p53 responsive positive control and the CYP2A6-5′-Luc construct containing the intact p53 binding site but not the mutated CYP2A6-5′-Luc construct. Finally, inducibility of the native CYP2A6 gene by benzo[α]pyrene was demonstrated by dose-dependent increases in CYP2A6 mRNA and protein levels along with increased p53 levels in the nucleus. Collectively, the results indicate that p53 protein is a regulator of the CYP2A6 gene in C3A cells and further support the putative cytoprotective role of CYP2A6. - Highlights: • CYP2A6 is an immediate target gene of p53. • Six putative p53REs located on 3 kb proximate CYP2A6 promoter region. • The region − 160 bp from TSS is highly homologous with the p53 consensus sequence. • P53 specifically bind to the p53RE on the − 160 bp region. • HNF4

  2. Pigmentation, Melanocyte Colonization, and p53 Status in Basal Cell Carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frey, L. M.; Houben, R.; Brocker, E. B.


    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common neoplasm in the Caucasian population. Only a fraction of BCC exhibits pigmentation. Lack of melanocyte colonization has been suggested to be due to p53-inactivating mutations in the BCC cells interfering with the p53-proopiomelanocortin pathway and the production of alpha melanocyte-stimulating hormone in the tumor. To evaluate this, we determined tumor pigmentation as well as expression of melan-A and of p53 in 49 BCC tissues by means of immunohistochemistry. As expected, we observed a positive relation between tumor pigmentation and melan-A positive intra-tumoral melanocytes. Melanocyte colonization and, to a lesser extent, p53 overexpression showed intraindividual heterogeneity in larger tumors. p53 overexpression, which is indicative of p53 mutations, was not correlated to melanocyte colonization of BCC. Sequencing of exon 5-8 of the p53 gene in selected BCC cases revealed that colonization by melanocytes and BCC pigmentation is neither ablated by p53 mutations nor generally present in BCCs with wild-type p53.

  3. Therapeutic targeting of the p53 pathway in cancer stem cells (United States)

    Prabhu, Varun V.; Allen, Joshua E.; Hong, Bo; Zhang, Shengliang; Cheng, Hairong; El-Deiry, Wafik S.


    Introduction Cancer stem cells are a high profile drug target for cancer therapeutics due to their indispensable role in cancer progression, maintenance, and therapeutic resistance. Restoring wild-type p53 function is an attractive new therapeutic approach for the treatment of cancer due to the well-described powerful tumor suppressor function of p53. As emerging evidence intimately links p53 and stem cell biology, this approach also provides an opportunity to target cancer stem cells. Areas covered Therapeutic approaches to restore the function of wild-type p53, cancer and normal stem cell biology in relation to p53, and the downstream effects of p53 on cancer stem cells. Expert opinion The restoration of wild-type p53 function by targeting p53 directly, its interacting proteins, or its family members holds promise as a new class of cancer therapies. This review examines the impact that such therapies may have on normal and cancer stem cells based on the current evidence linking p53 signaling with these populations. PMID:22998602

  4. Hypoxia-induced p53 modulates both apoptosis and radiosensitivity via AKT (United States)

    Leszczynska, Katarzyna B.; Foskolou, Iosifina P.; Abraham, Aswin G.; Anbalagan, Selvakumar; Tellier, Céline; Haider, Syed; Span, Paul N.; O’Neill, Eric E.; Buffa, Francesca M.; Hammond, Ester M.


    Restoration of hypoxia-induced apoptosis in tumors harboring p53 mutations has been proposed as a potential therapeutic strategy; however, the transcriptional targets that mediate hypoxia-induced p53-dependent apoptosis remain elusive. Here, we demonstrated that hypoxia-induced p53-dependent apoptosis is reliant on the DNA-binding and transactivation domains of p53 but not on the acetylation sites K120 and K164, which, in contrast, are essential for DNA damage–induced, p53-dependent apoptosis. Evaluation of hypoxia-induced transcripts in multiple cell lines identified a group of genes that are hypoxia-inducible proapoptotic targets of p53, including inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase (INPP5D), pleckstrin domain–containing A3 (PHLDA3), sulfatase 2 (SULF2), B cell translocation gene 2 (BTG2), cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2), and KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 3 (KANK3). These targets were also regulated by p53 in human cancers, including breast, brain, colorectal, kidney, bladder, and melanoma cancers. Downregulation of these hypoxia-inducible targets associated with poor prognosis, suggesting that hypoxia-induced apoptosis contributes to p53-mediated tumor suppression and treatment response. Induction of p53 targets, PHLDA3, and a specific INPP5D transcript mediated apoptosis in response to hypoxia through AKT inhibition. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of AKT led to apoptosis in the hypoxic regions of p53-deficient tumors and consequently increased radiosensitivity. Together, these results identify mediators of hypoxia-induced p53-dependent apoptosis and suggest AKT inhibition may improve radiotherapy response in p53-deficient tumors. PMID:25961455

  5. Polimorfismo do gene tp53 no códon 72 em pacientes com suspeita de LMC Codon 72 polymorphism of the TP53 gene in patients suspected to have CML

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    Camila S. Hamú


    Full Text Available A leucemia mielóide crônica (LMC é uma doença proliferativa do sistema hematopoiético, caracterizada pela expansão clonal de uma célula-tronco primitiva e pluripotente denominada stem cell. Este tipo de leucemia está associado, em 90% dos casos, à translocação t(9;22(q34;q11. Essa alteração cromossômica estrutural codifica para uma proteína quimérica BCR-ABL, que confere às células leucêmicas uma alta resistência à morte, independente do agente indutor desse processo. A proteína p53 é uma reguladora transcricional induzida por danos no DNA, fato que resulta na parada do ciclo celular com conseqüente ativação de mecanismos de reparo ou mesmo na indução à apoptose. As mutações no gene TP53 são as alterações genéticas mais comuns em tumores malignos humanos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo genotipar e determinar a freqüência alélica do polimorfismo do TP53 no códon 72 (arginina - Arg e prolina - Pro, em pacientes com suspeita de LMC, pela Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase. Desta forma, os resultados indicaram que 73,4% (23/30 dos pacientes apresentaram homozigose para arginina (Arg/Arg e 26,6% (7/30 heterozigose (Arg/Pro. Não foi encontrado nenhum paciente homozigoto para prolina (Pro/Pro. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o polimorfismo do gene TP53 no códon 72 não é um fator de risco importante para a iniciação, promoção e progressão da LMC.Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML is a proliferative disorder of the hematopoietic system characterized by clonal expansion of a primitive and pluripotent stem cell. In this type of leukemia, up to 90% of all cases is associated to a specific chromosomal translocation, t(9;22(q34;q11. The genomic alteration results in a chimeric protein, BCR-ABL, that confers a high resistance leukemia cells to death, independent of the induction mechanism of this process. Protein p53 is a transcriptional factor expressed after DNA damage which ceases cell cycle progression and

  6. Germ-line mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene in patients with high risk for cancer inactivate the p53 protein. (United States)

    Frebourg, T; Kassel, J; Lam, K T; Gryka, M A; Barbier, N; Andersen, T I; Børresen, A L; Friend, S H


    Germ-line mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene have been observed in patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, brain tumors, second malignancies, and breast cancers. It is unclear whether all of these mutations have inactivated p53 and thereby provide an increased risk for cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the biological significance of these germ-line mutations by the functional and structural analysis of the resulting mutant p53 proteins. We analyzed the ability of seven germ-line mutant proteins observed in patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, second primary neoplasms, or familial breast cancer to block the growth of malignant cells and compared the structural properties of the mutant proteins to that of the wild-type protein. Six of seven missense mutations disrupted the growth inhibitory properties and structure of the wild-type protein. One germ-line mutation retained the features of the wild-type p53. Genetic analysis of the breast cancer family in which this mutation was observed indicated that this germ-line mutation was not associated with the development of cancer. These results demonstrate that germ-line p53 mutations observed in patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome and with second malignancies have inactivated the p53 tumor suppressor gene. The inability of the germ-line p53 mutants to block the growth of malignant cells can explain why patients with these germ-line mutations have an increased risk for cancer. The observation of a functionally silent germ-line mutation indicates that, before associating a germ-line tumor suppressor gene mutation with cancer risk, it is prudent to consider its functional significance.

  7. Germ-line mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene in patients with high risk for cancer inactivate the p53 protein. (United States)

    Frebourg, T; Kassel, J; Lam, K T; Gryka, M A; Barbier, N; Andersen, T I; Børresen, A L; Friend, S H


    Germ-line mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene have been observed in patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, brain tumors, second malignancies, and breast cancers. It is unclear whether all of these mutations have inactivated p53 and thereby provide an increased risk for cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the biological significance of these germ-line mutations by the functional and structural analysis of the resulting mutant p53 proteins. We analyzed the ability of seven germ-line mutant proteins observed in patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, second primary neoplasms, or familial breast cancer to block the growth of malignant cells and compared the structural properties of the mutant proteins to that of the wild-type protein. Six of seven missense mutations disrupted the growth inhibitory properties and structure of the wild-type protein. One germ-line mutation retained the features of the wild-type p53. Genetic analysis of the breast cancer family in which this mutation was observed indicated that this germ-line mutation was not associated with the development of cancer. These results demonstrate that germ-line p53 mutations observed in patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome and with second malignancies have inactivated the p53 tumor suppressor gene. The inability of the germ-line p53 mutants to block the growth of malignant cells can explain why patients with these germ-line mutations have an increased risk for cancer. The observation of a functionally silent germ-line mutation indicates that, before associating a germ-line tumor suppressor gene mutation with cancer risk, it is prudent to consider its functional significance. Images PMID:1631137

  8. Paracrine Apoptotic Effect of p53 Mediated by Tumor Suppressor Par-4

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    Ravshan Burikhanov


    Full Text Available The guardian of the genome, p53, is often mutated in cancer and may contribute to therapeutic resistance. Given that p53 is intact and functional in normal tissues, we harnessed its potential to inhibit the growth of p53-deficient cancer cells. Specific activation of p53 in normal fibroblasts selectively induced apoptosis in p53-deficient cancer cells. This paracrine effect was mediated by p53-dependent secretion of the tumor suppressor Par-4. Accordingly, the activation of p53 in normal mice, but not p53−/− or Par-4−/− mice, caused systemic elevation of Par-4, which induced apoptosis of p53-deficient tumor cells. Mechanistically, p53 induced Par-4 secretion by suppressing the expression of its binding partner, UACA, which sequesters Par-4. Thus, normal cells can be empowered by p53 activation to induce Par-4 secretion for the inhibition of therapy-resistant tumors.

  9. Germ-line mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene in patients with high risk for cancer inactivate the p53 protein.


    Frebourg, T; Kassel, J; Lam, K T; Gryka, M A; Barbier, N; Andersen, T I; Børresen, A L; Friend, S H


    Germ-line mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene have been observed in patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, brain tumors, second malignancies, and breast cancers. It is unclear whether all of these mutations have inactivated p53 and thereby provide an increased risk for cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the biological significance of these germ-line mutations by the functional and structural analysis of the resulting mutant p53 proteins. We analyzed the ability of seven germ-...

  10. Apoptosis in spermatogonia irradiated P53 null mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streit-Bianchi, M.; Hendry, J.H.; Roberts, S.A.; Morris, J.D.; Durgaryan, A.A.


    Complete text of publication follows. The exposure of germ cells to ionizing radiations is of concern both from high-dose therapeutic exposures and from low doses causing deleterious trans-generational mutations. P53 protein plays an important role in cellular damage and is expressed in the testis normally during meiosis, its expression being localised to the preleptotene and early/mid pachytene spermatocytes. P53 null mice, heterozygotes possessing a 129 Sv/C57BL6 genetic background and B6D2F1 mice have been irradiated to 1 and 2 Gy single doses. Fractionated exposures of 1+1 Gy at 4 hours interval were also carried out. Apoptosis induction, spermatogonia and spermatocytes survival were assessed by microscope analysis of histological samples at 4 to 96 hours after irradiation in time-course experiments. The same end-points were also assessed at 72 and 96 hours after irradiation to single doses in the region between 20cGy to 2Gy. A dose dependent level of p53 expression was observed at 4 hours after irradiation to 1 and 2 Gy which returned to normal level by 24 hours. Our data support a two process mode of apoptosis with a first wave around 12 hours followed by a second wave at 2-3 days. The first wave apoptosis is substantially reduced in p53 null mice whereas the second wave is reduced in B6D2F1 mice. The initial increase in apoptosis was delayed in some stages of the of germ cells development which were identified by the spermatids shape. Clear correlation exists between apoptosis and survival assessed in stage XI-XII Tubules 72 hours after irradiation. The data are in agreement with other data in literature indicating that irradiated spermatogonia die through apoptosis. The lack of apoptosis observed in p53 null mice results in a very high survival rate of daughter cells assessed later. Theses spermatocytes and the following progenitor cells are likely to carry mutations as most will not die in the smaller second wave of apoptosis observed 3 days after

  11. Pax3 stimulates p53 ubiquitination and degradation independent of transcription.

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    Xiao Dan Wang

    Full Text Available Pax3 is a developmental transcription factor that is required for neural tube and neural crest development. We previously showed that inactivating the p53 tumor suppressor protein prevents neural tube and cardiac neural crest defects in Pax3-mutant mouse embryos. This demonstrates that Pax3 regulates these processes by blocking p53 function. Here we investigated the mechanism by which Pax3 blocks p53 function.We employed murine embryonic stem cell (ESC-derived neuronal precursors as a cell culture model of embryonic neuroepithelium or neural crest. Pax3 reduced p53 protein stability, but had no effect on p53 mRNA levels or the rate of p53 synthesis. Full length Pax3 as well as fragments that contained either the DNA-binding paired box or the homeodomain, expressed as GST or FLAG fusion proteins, physically associated with p53 and Mdm2 both in vitro and in vivo. In contrast, Splotch Pax3, which causes neural tube and neural crest defects in homozygous embryos, bound weakly, or not at all, to p53 or Mdm2. The paired domain and homeodomain each stimulated Mdm2-mediated ubiquitination of p53 and p53 degradation in the absence of the Pax3 transcription regulatory domains, whereas Splotch Pax3 did not stimulate p53 ubiquitination or degradation.Pax3 inactivates p53 function by stimulating its ubiquitination and degradation. This process utilizes the Pax3 paired domain and homeodomain but is independent of DNA-binding and transcription regulation. Because inactivating p53 is the only required Pax3 function during neural tube closure and cardiac neural crest development, and inactivating p53 does not require Pax3-dependent transcription regulation, this indicates that Pax3 is not required to function as a transcription factor during neural tube closure and cardiac neural crest development. These findings further suggest novel explanations for PAX3 functions in human diseases, such as in neural crest-derived cancers and Waardenburg syndrome types 1 and 3.

  12. p63 expression confers significantly better survival outcomes in high-risk diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and demonstrates p53-like and p53-independent tumor suppressor function

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Xu-Monette, Zijun Y; Zhang, Shanxiang; Li, Xin


    with a pan-p63-monoclonal antibody and correlated it with other clinicopathologic factors and clinical outcomes. p63 expression was observed in 42.5% of DLBCL, did not correlate with p53 levels, but correlated with p21, MDM2, p16INK4A, Ki-67, Bcl-6, IRF4/MUM-1 and CD30 expression, REL gains, and BCL6...... was likely due to the association of p63 expression with high-risk IPI, and potential presence of ∆Np63 isoform in TP63 rearranged patients (a mere speculation). Gene expression profiling suggested that p63 has both overlapping and distinct functions compared with p53, and that p63 and mutated p53 antagonize...

  13. Cuidar o doente com tuberculose pulmonar – ensinar para viver melhor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria B.M.P. Cristino


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Além de implementarmos medidas de isolamento dos doentes com Tuberculose pulmonary, investimos na educação para a saúde, através do ensino organizodo, com o objectivo de motivar o doente a participar de forma activa no seu tratmento. Foi também elaborado um folheto Informativo para complemento do ensinmo efectuado.Após a realização do ensino, foi aplicado um questionário a·vinte doentes, o qual permitiu avaliar os conhecinmentos por eles adquiridos.Da análise global dos resultados do questionário verificámos que 13 (65% doentes responderam correctamente a todas as perguntas e 7 (35% erraram apenas uma pergunta. SUMMARY: Besides implementing isolation measures the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, we invested in education for health through organised teaching, being our objective the motivation of the patient to activity, we also elaborated on informative handout.After the teaching activity was carried out, a questionnaire was completed by twenty patients, which gave us information about the specific knowledge learnt by each of them.Results showed that 13 (65% patients answered correctly all the questions while 7 (35% failed only one question. Palvaras-chave: Tuberculose, Enfermeiras, Ensino

  14. p53-dependent non-coding RNA networks in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blume, C. J.; Hotz-Wagenblatt, A.; Hüllein, J.; Sellner, L.; Jethwa, A.; Stolz, T.; Slabicki, M.; Lee, K.; Sharathchandra, A.; Benner, A.; Dietrich, S.; Oakes, C. C.; Dreger, P.; te Raa, D.; Kater, A. P.; Jauch, A.; Merkel, O.; Oren, M.; Hielscher, T.; Zenz, T.


    Mutations of the tumor suppressor p53 lead to chemotherapy resistance and a dismal prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Whereas p53 targets are used to identify patient subgroups with impaired p53 function, a comprehensive assessment of non-coding RNA targets of p53 in CLL is missing. We

  15. Thymocyte apoptosis induced by p53-dependent and independent pathways

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, A.R.; Purdie, C.A.; Harrison, D.J.; Morris, R.G.; Bird, C.C.; Hooper, M.L.; Wyllie, A.H.


    The authors studied the dependence of apoptosis on p53 expression in cells from the thymus cortex. Short-term thymocyte cultures were prepared from mice constitutively heterozygous or homozygous for a deletion in the p53 gene introduced into the germ line after gene targeting. Wild-type thymocytes readily undergo apoptosis after treatment with ionizing radiation, the glucocorticoid methylprednisolone, or etoposide (an inhibitor of topoisomerase II), or after Ca 2+ -dependent activation by phorbol ester and a calcium ionophore. In contrast, homozygous null p53 thymocytes are resistant to induction of apoptosis by radiation or etoposide, but retain normal sensitivity to glucocorticoid and calcium. The time-dependent apoptosis that occurs in untreated cultures is unaffected by p53 status. Cells heterozygous for p53 deletion are partially resistant to radiation and etoposide. Results show that p53 exerts a significant and dose-dependent effect in the initiation of apoptosis, but only when it is induced by agents that cause DNA-strand breakage. (Author)

  16. Interaction of p53 with prolyl isomerases: Healthy and unhealthy relationships. (United States)

    Mantovani, Fiamma; Zannini, Alessandro; Rustighi, Alessandra; Del Sal, Giannino


    The p53 protein family, comprising p53, p63 and p73, is primarily involved in preserving genome integrity and preventing tumor onset, and also affects a range of physiological processes. Signal-dependent modifications of its members and of other pathway components provide cells with a sophisticated code to transduce a variety of stress signaling into appropriate responses. TP53 mutations are highly frequent in cancer and lead to the expression of mutant p53 proteins that are endowed with oncogenic activities and sensitive to stress signaling. p53 family proteins have unique structural and functional plasticity, and here we discuss the relevance of prolyl-isomerization to actively shape these features. The anti-proliferative functions of the p53 family are carefully activated upon severe stress and this involves the interaction with prolyl-isomerases. In particular, stress-induced stabilization of p53, activation of its transcriptional control over arrest- and cell death-related target genes and of its mitochondrial apoptotic function, as well as certain p63 and p73 functions, all require phosphorylation of specific S/T-P motifs and their subsequent isomerization by the prolyl-isomerase Pin1. While these functions of p53 counteract tumorigenesis, under some circumstances their activation by prolyl-isomerases may have negative repercussions (e.g. tissue damage induced by anticancer therapies and ischemia-reperfusion, neurodegeneration). Moreover, elevated Pin1 levels in tumor cells may transduce deregulated phosphorylation signaling into activation of mutant p53 oncogenic functions. The complex repertoire of biological outcomes induced by p53 finds mechanistic explanations, at least in part, in the association between prolyl-isomerases and the p53 pathway. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Proline-directed foldases: Cell signaling catalysts and drug targets. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Estudo dos factores limitativos do exercício físico em doentes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica

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    Fátima Rodrigues


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC é uma das principais causas de morbilidade e mortalidade em todo o mundo. Os doentes com DPOC moderada/grave apresentam, com frequência, intolerância ao exercício físico nas actividades da vida diária, o que afecta a sua qualidade de vida. São apontadas na literatura diversas causas para a diminuição da tolerância ao exercício físico: a obstrução brônquica, a hiperinsuflação pulmonar, a fraqueza dos músculos respiratórios e dos músculos periféricos, entre outras.O presente trabalho teve por objectivo identificar os factores potencialmente implicados na limitação do exercício num grupo de doentes com DPOC moderada a grave.Estudaram-se 24 doentes do sexo masculino com 64,13+8,46 anos (46-83 anos, FEV1:46,96 + + 12,99% do teórico, FRC: 144,71+26,86% do teórico, DLCO: 69,88+16,49 % teórico, PaO2:78,25+7,82 mmHg, PaCO2:40,78+4,28 mmHg. Os doentes foram submetidos a um teste incremental progressivo limitado por sintomas em cicloergómetro. Correlacionaram-se os parâmetros funcionais em repouso e no exercício com o consumo máximo de oxigénio, a carga suportada e a duração da prova.Os factores que contribuíram de forma mais significativa para a limitação do desempenho no exercício foram a alteração das trocas gasosas, a limitação ventilatória e um menor índice de massa corporal na avaliação nutricional.A hiperinsuflação pulmonar avaliada em repouso não se correlacionou com o desempenho no exercício. Quanto à hiperinsuflação pulmonar no exercício, contribuiu de forma importante para a intolerância ao esforço, através da restrição progressiva à expansão do volume corrente necessária para fazer face ao aumento das exigências metabólicas do exercício.Os parâmetros funcionais avaliados em repouso n

  18. HEXIM1, a New Player in the p53 Pathway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lew, Qiao Jing; Chu, Kai Ling; Chia, Yi Ling; Cheong, Nge [Expression Engineering Group, Bioprocessing Technology Institute, A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), 20 Biopolis Way, #06-01, Singapore 138668 (Singapore); Chao, Sheng-Hao, E-mail: [Expression Engineering Group, Bioprocessing Technology Institute, A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), 20 Biopolis Way, #06-01, Singapore 138668 (Singapore); Department of Microbiology, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117597 (Singapore)


    Hexamethylene bisacetamide-inducible protein 1 (HEXIM1) is best known as the inhibitor of positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb), which controls transcription elongation of RNA polymerase II and Tat transactivation of human immunodeficiency virus. Besides P-TEFb, several proteins have been identified as HEXIM1 binding proteins. It is noteworthy that more than half of the HEXIM1 binding partners are involved in cancers. P53 and two key regulators of the p53 pathway, nucleophosmin (NPM) and human double minute-2 protein (HDM2), are among the factors identified. This review will focus on the functional importance of the interactions between HEXIM1 and p53/NPM/HDM2. NPM and the cytoplasmic mutant of NPM, NPMc+, were found to regulate P-TEFb activity and RNA polymerase II transcription through the interaction with HEXIM1. Importantly, more than one-third of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients carry NPMc+, suggesting the involvement of HEXIM1 in tumorigenesis of AML. HDM2 was found to ubiquitinate HEXIM1. The HDM2-mediated ubiquitination of HEXIM1 did not lead to protein degradation of HEXIM1 but enhanced its inhibitory activity on P-TEFb. Recently, HEXIM1 was identified as a novel positive regulator of p53. HEXIM1 prevented p53 ubiquitination by competing with HDM2 in binding to p53. Taken together, the new evidence suggests a role of HEXIM1 in regulating the p53 pathway and tumorigenesis.

  19. Regulation of Mdmx and its role in the p53 pathway

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meulmeester, Erik


    The p53 protein is an important tumor suppressor that acts as a key regulator of the integrity of the genome. Two essential regulators of the p53 protein are Mdm2 and its homologue Mdmx. Like Mdm2, Mdmx represses p53-induced transcription. However, Mdmx cannot ubiquitinate or degrade p53 opposed to

  20. p53 expression in biopsies from children with Langerhans cell histiocytosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bank, Micha I; Lundegaard, Pia Rengtved; Carstensen, Henrik


    based on CD1a positivity. The slides were stained with p53 antibody and semiquantitatively evaluated using a grading system from 1 to 5 as an estimate for 0% to 20%, 20% to 40%, 40% to 60%, 60% to 80%, and 80% to 100% p53-positive for pathologic Langerhans cells (pLC), respectively. RESULTS: The p53...... protein was expressed in various degrees in pLC in all lesions. The degree of p53 expression could not be correlated to either clinical manifestation or outcome. CONCLUSIONS: An increased expression of p53 in pLC indicates an altered DNA repair control with or without abnormal control of apoptosis....


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    Albenones José de Mesquita


    Full Text Available <p class="western" align="justify">A total of 53 samples of products from animal origin and drinking water was examined for the presence of <em>Aeromonas spp.em> <em>Aeromonas> occurred in 26.41% (14/53 of the samples. The raw products showed high frequency of contamination and relatively high count Aeromonas hydrophila was the dominating species, 57.5%, being followed of <em>A. veroniem> (22.5%, <em>A. sobriaem> (17.5% and <em>A. mediaem> (2.5%. None of the <em>Aeromonas sppem>. was isolated from chlorinated or unchlorinated drinking water.p> <p class="western" align="justify">KEY-WORDS: <em>Aeromonas>; animal origin products; drinking water.p> <p class="western" align="justify">Um total de 53 amostras de produtos de origem animal e água de consumo foi examinado para se verificar a presença de <em>Aeromonas> <em>spp>. Desse total, 14/53 (26,41% amostras foram positivas para <em>Aeromonas>. Os produtos crus apresentaram maior freqüência de contaminação e contagem relativamente elevadas. A espécie <em>Aeromonas> <em>hydrophila> foi a mais freqüente (57,5%, seguida pelas espécies <em>A. veroniem> (22,5%, <em>A. sobriaem> (17,5% e A. media (2,5%. Nenhuma amostra de água de consumo, clorada ou não clorada, mostrou-se positiva para <em>Aeromonas> <em>ssp.> <p class="western" align="justify">PALAVRA-CHAVE: <em>Aeromonas>; produtos de origem animal; água de consumo.p>

  2. Morphological Heterogeneity of p53 Positive and p53 Negative Nuclei in Breast Cancers Stratified by Clinicopathological Variables

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    Katrin Friedrich


    Full Text Available The study was aimed to detect differences in nuclear morphology between nuclear populations as well as between tumours with different p53 expression in breast cancers with different clinicopathological features, which also reflect the stage of tumour progression. The p53 immunohistochemistry was performed on paraffin sections from 88 tumour samples. After the cells had been localised by means of an image cytometry workstation and their immunostaining had been categorised visually, the sections were destained and stained by the Feulgen protocol. The nuclei were relocated and measured cytometrically by the workstation.

  3. Mutual interactions between P53 and growth factors in cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asschert, JGW; Vellenga, E; De Jong, S; De Vries, EGE


    The function of p53 armour suppressor protein is determined by various intrinsic properties of the protein. The effect of p53 DNA-binding, and platein-protein interactions are determined by the conformation of the protein. Thus p53 fulfils its role in cell cycle control and the onset of apoptotic

  4. DNA double strand break repair is enhanced by P53 following induction by DNA damage and is dependent on the C-terminal domain of P53

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Tang; Powell, Simon N.


    Purpose: The tumor suppressor gene p53 can mediate cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in response to DNA damage. Accumulating evidence suggests that it may also directly or indirectly influence the DNA repair machinery. In the present study, we investigated whether p53, induced by DNA damage, could enhance the rejoining of double-strand DNA breaks. Materials and Methods: DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) were made by restriction enzyme digestion of a plasmid, between a promoter and a 'reporter' gene: luciferase (LUC) or chloramphenicol acetyl-transferase (CAT). Linear or circular plasmid DNA (LUC or CAT) was co-transfected with circular β-Gal plasmid (to normalize for uptake) into mouse embryonic fibroblasts genetically matched to be (+/+) or (-/-) for p53. Their ability to rejoin linearized plasmid was measured by the luciferase or CAT activity detected in rescued plasmids. The activity detected in cells transfected with linear plasmid was scored relative to the activity detected in cells transfected with circular plasmid. Results: Ionizing radiation (IR, 2 Gy) enhanced the dsb repair activity in wild type p53 cells; however, p53 null cells lose this effect, indicating that the enhancement of dsb repair was p53-dependent. REF cells with dominant-negative mutant p53 showed a similar induction compared with the parental REF cells with wild-type p53. This ala-143 mutant p53 prevents cell cycle arrest and transactivation of p21 WAF1/cip1) following IR, indicating that the p53-dependent enhancement of DNA repair is distinct from transactivation. Immortalized murine embryonic fibroblasts, 10(1)VasK1 cells, which express p53 cDNA encoding a temperature-sensitive mutant in the DNA sequence specific binding domain (ala135 to val135) with an alternatively spliced C-terminal domain (ASp53: amino-acids 360-381) and, 10(1)Val5 cells, which express the normal spliced p53 (NSp53) with the same temperature-sensitive mutant were compared. It was found that 10(1)VasK1 cells showed no DNA

  5. Restriction of human herpesvirus 6B replication by p53

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Øster, Bodil; Kofod-Olsen, Emil; Bundgaard, Bettina


    Human herpesvirus 6B (HHV-6B) induces significant accumulation of p53 in both the nucleus and cytoplasm during infection. Activation of p53 by DNA damage is known to induce either growth arrest or apoptosis; nevertheless, HHV-6B-infected cells are arrested in their cell cycle independently of p53...

  6. Reacção paradoxal da pressão arterial ao tratamento com pressão positiva na via aérea em doentes com apneia do sono

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    C. Chaves Loureiro


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: Doentes com síndrome de Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAOS podem desenvolver hipertensão arterial (HTA sendo a pressão positiva na via aérea (PAP um tratamento eficaz no controlo da pressão arterial (PA. Objectivos: Analisar uma população de doentes com SAOS que desenvolveu aumento inesperado da PA após o uso de PAP e verificar a existência de correlações entre o aumento da PA, quer com os índices de gravidade da SAOS, quer com a adesão ao tratamento com suporte ventilatório nocturno. Métodos: Análise retrospectiva e descritiva de 30 doentes com SAOS e hipertensão previamente controlada, tratados com PAP, em média durante um ano, que desenvolveram um aumento da pressão arterial, definida como aumento de 5 mmHg na Pressão Arterial Sistólica (PAS e/ou Diastólica (PAD, após instituição de terapêutica PAP. Análise correlativa do aumento da PA com os índices de gravidade da SAOS e com a adesão ao tratamento, utilizando o coeficiente de Pearson. Resultados: De 508 doentes consecutivos seguidos no nosso Departamento, tratados com suporte ventilatório nocturno, 30 evoluíram com aumento de PA após o início do tratamento (idade 58 anos (SD 10,8, índice de Apneia-Hipopneia (IAH 46,1 (SD 18,68. Após o uso de PAP, a variação da Pressão Arterial Média (PAM, da PAS e da PAD foi, respectivamente, de 16 mmHg, 20 mmHg e 6 mmHg (SD: 15,0; 25,0; 19,4. Nenhum doente mostrou aumento significativo de Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC. O valor da Escala de Sonolência de Epworth (ESE diminuiu 8,9 pontos (SD 5,48. As variações de PAM, PAS e PAD não se relacionaram com P90/P95, IAH residual, fugas ou adesão a PAP. Conclusões: Neste grupo que desenvolveu um aumento da PA com o uso de PAP não se identificaram características específicas. Não foram encontradas correlações entre os aumentos

  7. A última escolha: repensar a morte em vida


    Roque, Margarida Abenta


    Tese de mestrado, Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2010 A presente dissertação de mestrado em Filosofia, intitulada A última escolha: repensar a morte em vida, consistirá numa análise expositiva de natureza ética das opções de final de vida que se colocam aos indivíduos doentes ou em estado terminal, abstendo-se de juízos de matriz legal ou jurídica. Tomando Peter Singer como autor de referência intelectual nesta dissertação, o nosso ponto de partida cons...

  8. Andrographolide induces degradation of mutant p53 via activation of Hsp70. (United States)

    Sato, Hirofumi; Hiraki, Masatsugu; Namba, Takushi; Egawa, Noriyuki; Baba, Koichi; Tanaka, Tomokazu; Noshiro, Hirokazu


    The tumor suppressor gene p53 encodes a transcription factor that regulates various cellular functions, including DNA repair, apoptosis and cell cycle progression. Approximately half of all human cancers carry mutations in p53 that lead to loss of tumor suppressor function or gain of functions that promote the cancer phenotype. Thus, targeting mutant p53 as an anticancer therapy has attracted considerable attention. In the current study, a small-molecule screen identified andrographlide (ANDRO) as a mutant p53 suppressor. The effects of ANDRO, a small molecule isolated from the Chinese herb Andrographis paniculata, on tumor cells carrying wild-type or mutant p53 were examined. ANDRO suppressed expression of mutant p53, induced expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 and pro-apoptotic proteins genes, and inhibited the growth of cancer cells harboring mutant p53. ANDRO also induced expression of the heat-shock protein (Hsp70) and increased binding between Hsp70 and mutant p53 protein, thus promoting proteasomal degradation of p53. These results provide novel insights into the mechanisms regulating the function of mutant p53 and suggest that activation of Hsp70 may be a new strategy for the treatment of cancers harboring mutant p53.


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    Celina de Arruda Camargo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Estudou-se a ecologia dos microrganismos aeróbios patogênicos em duas Enfermarias de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, observando-se predomínio de bactérias Gram negativas. A etiologia das infecções, adquiridas ou não no hospital, dos doentes internados, mostrou também predomínio acentuado de bactérias Gram negativas. As mãos e narinas de funcionários em contato direto com os doentes, mostraram presença de flora bacteriana aeróbia mista constituída de Gram positivos (patogênico e não patogênicos e Gram negativos. Os resultados obtidos com a antissepsia de utensílios sanitários com solução contendo composto quaternário de amônio, metanol e etanol foram excelentes.

  10. Mutations in the p53 homolog p63: allele-specific developmental syndromes in humans.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bokhoven, J.H.L.M. van; McKeon, F.


    p63 is the most recently discovered but most ancient member of the p53 family. In marked contrast to p53, p63 is highly expressed in embryonic ectoderm and in the basal, regenerative layers of many epithelial tissues in the adult. The p63-knockout mouse dies at birth and lacks limbs, epidermis,

  11. Cisplatinum and Taxol Induce Different Patterns of p53 Phosphorylation

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    Giovanna Damia


    Full Text Available Posttranslational modifications of p53 induced by two widely used anticancer agents, cisplatinum (DDP and taxol were investigated in two human cancer cell lines. Although both drugs were able to induce phosphorylation at serine 20 (Ser20, only DDP treatment induced p53 phosphorylation at serine 15 (Ser15. Moreover, both drug treatments were able to increase p53 levels and consequently the transcription of waf1 and mdm-2 genes, although DDP treatment resulted in a stronger inducer of both genes. Using two ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM cell lines, the role of ATM in druginduced p53 phosphorylations was investigated. No differences in drug-induced p53 phosphorylation could be observed, indicating that ATM is not the kinase involved in these phosphorylation events. In addition, inhibition of DNA-dependent protein kinase activity by wortmannin did not abolish p53 phosphorylation at Ser15 and Ser20, again indicating that DNA-PK is unlikely to be the kinase involved. After both taxol and DDP treatments, an activation of hCHK2 was found and this is likely to be responsible for phosphorylation at Ser20. In contrast, only DDP was able to activate ATR, which is the candidate kinase for phosphorylation of Ser15 by this drug. This data clearly suggests that differential mechanisms are involved in phosphorylation and activation of p53 depending on the drug type.

  12. The pro-survival function of p53 in HeLa cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jin Kyu; Kang, Mi Young; Jang, Eun Yeong; Kim, Jin Hong [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Jeongeup (Korea, Republic of)


    The rate of apoptosis and autophagy was variable with different p53 status after IR treatment of cells. The influence of p53 status on cell fate suggests a role of p53 in two fundamentally important cell biological pathways: autophagy and apoptosis. p53 coordinates cell cycle arrest and apoptosis to govern cell fate. This study was done to identify p53-mediated regulation of cell's fate. Autophagy induced by IR may prevent cells from undergoing apoptosis, implying an interlink modulation between autophagy and apoptosis. The rate of apoptosis and autophagy was determined with different p53 status after IR treatment of HeLa cells in this study. Our research on IR-induced cellular responses may provide new information about fate decision between the processes of apoptosis and autophagy.

  13. Adenocarcinoma do pulmão em doente com esclerodermia: Um caso clínico

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    João Bento


    Full Text Available Resumo: A esclerodermia é uma doença do tecido conjuntivo de etiologia desconhecida, que tem sido associada a um risco acrescido de malignidade. O cancro do pulmão é a neoplasia mais frequente, nestes doentes.Apresenta-se o caso clínico de uma mulher de 42 anos, não fumadora, com esclerodermia, que desenvolveu agravamento progressivo do seu estado geral e derrame pleural com características de exsudado, sem evidência de infecção ou malignidade. A TAC torácica mostrou zonas de fibrose, a broncofibroscopia, os lavados brônquico e broncoalveolar foram normais. Foi excluída neoplasia extrapulmonar. Na pleuroscopia, observaram-se formações nodulares, cujas biópsias revelaram tratar-se de adenocarcinoma pulmonar. Iniciou quimioterapia, desenvolvendo ao 48.º dia neutropenia febril e sépsis, vindo a morrer 12 dias depois.Salientamos este caso pela relação, apesar de rara, entre a esclerodermia e o cancro do pulmão e pela importância de uma vigilância pulmonar cuidadosa, em indivíduos com esta doença reumatológica, pelo risco acrescido de neoplasia.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (1: 93-99 Abstract: Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma is a connective tissue disorder of unknown aetiology characterised by immune abnormalities, which has been related to an increased risk of malignancy. Lung cancer is the most prevalent among these patients.We present a clinical case of a 42 years old non smoker female with systemic sclerosis. She presented progressive general health status worsening and an exudative pleural effusion, with no evidence of infection or malignancy. Chest high resolution computed tomography revealed pulmonary fibrosis. Bronchoscopy, bronchial and bronchoalveolar lavage were normal. Extra-pulmonary malignancies were excluded. Pleural nodularities were found on pleuroscopy and the biopsy was compatible with lung adenocarcinoma. Chemotherapy was then started, which complicated with febrile neutropenia, sepsis and patient death 12

  14. Mutant Mice Lacking the p53 C-Terminal Domain Model Telomere Syndromes

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    Iva Simeonova


    Full Text Available Mutations in p53, although frequent in human cancers, have not been implicated in telomere-related syndromes. Here, we show that homozygous mutant mice expressing p53Δ31, a p53 lacking the C-terminal domain, exhibit increased p53 activity and suffer from aplastic anemia and pulmonary fibrosis, hallmarks of syndromes caused by short telomeres. Indeed, p53Δ31/Δ31 mice had short telomeres and other phenotypic traits associated with the telomere disease dyskeratosis congenita and its severe variant the Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome. Heterozygous p53+/Δ31 mice were only mildly affected, but decreased levels of Mdm4, a negative regulator of p53, led to a dramatic aggravation of their symptoms. Importantly, several genes involved in telomere metabolism were downregulated in p53Δ31/Δ31 cells, including Dyskerin, Rtel1, and Tinf2, which are mutated in dyskeratosis congenita, and Terf1, which is implicated in aplastic anemia. Together, these data reveal that a truncating mutation can activate p53 and that p53 plays a major role in the regulation of telomere metabolism.

  15. Structural Basis of Competitive Recognition of p53 and MDM2 by HAUSP/USP7: Implications for the Regulation of the p53-MDM2 Pathway.

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    Full Text Available Herpesvirus-associated ubiquitin-specific protease (HAUSP, also known as USP7, a deubiquitylating enzyme of the ubiquitin-specific processing protease family, specifically deubiquitylates both p53 and MDM2, hence playing an important yet enigmatic role in the p53-MDM2 pathway. Here we demonstrate that both p53 and MDM2 specifically recognize the N-terminal tumor necrosis factor-receptor associated factor (TRAF-like domain of HAUSP in a mutually exclusive manner. HAUSP preferentially forms a stable HAUSP-MDM2 complex even in the presence of excess p53. The HAUSP-binding elements were mapped to a peptide fragment in the carboxy-terminus of p53 and to a short-peptide region preceding the acidic domain of MDM2. The crystal structures of the HAUSP TRAF-like domain in complex with p53 and MDM2 peptides, determined at 2.3-A and 1.7-A resolutions, respectively, reveal that the MDM2 peptide recognizes the same surface groove in HAUSP as that recognized by p53 but mediates more extensive interactions. Structural comparison led to the identification of a consensus peptide-recognition sequence by HAUSP. These results, together with the structure of a combined substrate-binding-and-deubiquitylation domain of HAUSP, provide important insights into regulation of the p53-MDM2 pathway by HAUSP.

  16. P53 expression in prostatic cancer: an immunohistochemical study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Nuaimy, W.M.; Al-Allaf, L.I.; Alnaimi, H.A.


    Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in men and second leading cause of cancer death in the Western world. P53 alterations are the most frequent genetic changes in human cancers. Mutation of the p53 gene has been implicated in the development of >50% of all human cancer. The current study aims at evaluating the immuno-histochemical expression of p53 protein in patients with cancer of prostate, as prognostic parameter in correlation with other parameters including PSA receptors, and to correlate the results with those of other studies. (authors).

  17. The critical role of catalase in prooxidant and antioxidant function of p53 (United States)

    Kang, M Y; Kim, H-B; Piao, C; Lee, K H; Hyun, J W; Chang, I-Y; You, H J


    The tumor suppressor p53 is an important regulator of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, although downstream mediators of p53 remain to be elucidated. Here, we show that p53 and its downstream targets, p53-inducible ribonucleotide reductase (p53R2) and p53-inducible gene 3 (PIG3), physically and functionally interact with catalase for efficient regulation of intracellular ROS, depending on stress intensity. Under physiological conditions, the antioxidant functions of p53 are mediated by p53R2, which maintains increased catalase activity and thereby protects against endogenous ROS. After genotoxic stress, high levels of p53 and PIG3 cooperate to inhibit catalase activity, leading to a shift in the oxidant/antioxidant balance toward an oxidative status, which could augment apoptotic cell death. These results highlight the essential role of catalase in p53-mediated ROS regulation and suggest that the p53/p53R2–catalase and p53/PIG3–catalase pathways are critically involved in intracellular ROS regulation under physiological conditions and during the response to DNA damage, respectively. PMID:22918438

  18. Mathematical Modeling of E6-p53 interactions in Cervical Cancer (United States)

    Khattak, Faryal; Haseeb, Muhammad; Fazal, Sahar; Bhatti, A I; Ullah, Mukhtar


    Background: Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women throughout the world. The human papillomavirus (HPV) E6 viral protein plays an essential role in proteasomal degradation of the cancer suppressant protein p53. As a result, p53 negative regulation and apoptosis relevant activities are abrogated, facilitating development of cervical cancer. Methods: A mathematical model of E6-p53 interactions was developed using mathematical laws. In-silico simulations were carried out on CellDesigner and as a test case the small molecule drug RITA was considered for its ability to rescue the functions of tumor suppressor p53 by inhibiting E6 mediated proteasomal degradation. Results: Using a computational model we scrutinized how p53 responds to RITA, and chemical reactions of this small molecule drug were incorporated to perceive the full effects. The evolved strategy allowed the p53 response and rescue of its tumor suppressor function to be delineated, RITA being found to block p53 interactions with E6 associated proteins. Conclusion: We could develop a model of E6-p53 interactions with incorporation of actions of the small molecule drug RITA. Suppression of E6 associated proteins by RITA induces accumulation of tumor suppressant p53. Using CellDesigner to encode the model ensured that it can be easily modified and extended as more data become available. This strategy should play an effective role in the development of therapies against cancer. Creative Commons Attribution License

  19. p53 Dependent Centrosome Clustering Prevents Multipolar Mitosis in Tetraploid Cells (United States)

    Yi, Qiyi; Zhao, Xiaoyu; Huang, Yun; Ma, Tieliang; Zhang, Yingyin; Hou, Heli; Cooke, Howard J.; Yang, Da-Qing; Wu, Mian; Shi, Qinghua


    Background p53 abnormality and aneuploidy often coexist in human tumors, and tetraploidy is considered as an intermediate between normal diploidy and aneuploidy. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether and how p53 influences the transformation from tetraploidy to aneuploidy. Principal Findings Live cell imaging was performed to determine the fates and mitotic behaviors of several human and mouse tetraploid cells with different p53 status, and centrosome and spindle immunostaining was used to investigate centrosome behaviors. We found that p53 dominant-negative mutation, point mutation, or knockout led to a 2∼ 33-fold increase of multipolar mitosis in N/TERT1, 3T3 and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), while mitotic entry and cell death were not significantly affected. In p53-/- tetraploid MEFs, the ability of centrosome clustering was compromised, while centrosome inactivation was not affected. Suppression of RhoA/ROCK activity by specific inhibitors in p53-/- tetraploid MEFs enhanced centrosome clustering, decreased multipolar mitosis from 38% to 20% and 16% for RhoA and ROCK, respectively, while expression of constitutively active RhoA in p53+/+ tetraploid 3T3 cells increased the frequency of multipolar mitosis from 15% to 35%. Conclusions p53 could not prevent tetraploid cells entering mitosis or induce tetraploid cell death. However, p53 abnormality impaired centrosome clustering and lead to multipolar mitosis in tetraploid cells by modulating the RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway. PMID:22076149

  20. Stress-specific response of the p53-Mdm2 feedback loop

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    Jensen Mogens H


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The p53 signalling pathway has hundreds of inputs and outputs. It can trigger cellular senescence, cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis in response to diverse stress conditions, including DNA damage, hypoxia and nutrient deprivation. Signals from all these inputs are channeled through a single node, the transcription factor p53. Yet, the pathway is flexible enough to produce different downstream gene expression patterns in response to different stresses. Results We construct a mathematical model of the negative feedback loop involving p53 and its inhibitor, Mdm2, at the core of this pathway, and use it to examine the effect of different stresses that trigger p53. In response to DNA damage, hypoxia, etc., the model exhibits a wide variety of specific output behaviour - steady states with low or high levels of p53 and Mdm2, as well as spiky oscillations with low or high average p53 levels. Conclusions We show that even a simple negative feedback loop is capable of exhibiting the kind of flexible stress-specific response observed in the p53 system. Further, our model provides a framework for predicting the differences in p53 response to different stresses and single nucleotide polymorphisms.

  1. P53 function influences the effect of fractionated radiotherapy on glioblastoma tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haas-Kogan, Daphne A.; Kogan, Scott S.; Yount, Garret; Hsu, Jennie; Haas, Martin; Deen, Dennis F.; Israel, Mark A.


    Purpose: Glioblastoma multiforme brain tumors (GM) are treated with a spectrum of fractionation regimens based on the clinical and anatomical characteristics of the tumor but rarely based on the molecular characteristics of the individual neoplasm. This study tests the hypothesis that the response of cell lines derived from GM to fractionated radiotherapy depends on the function of wild-type p53 (wt p53), a tumor suppressor gene frequently mutated in GM tumors. Methods and Materials: Isogenic derivatives of glioblastoma cells differing only in p53 function were prepared using a retroviral vector expressing a dominant negative mutant of p53 (mt p53). Radiation survival in vitro was quantitated using linear quadratic and repair-saturation mathematical models. Apoptosis was assayed by a terminal deoxynucleotide transferase-labeling technique and chromatin morphology. Results: We have previously reported the generation of isogenic GM cell lines differing only in p53 function. U87-175.4, lacking wt p53 function, had a significantly lower α/β value than U87-LUX.8, expressing functional wt p53, leading us to hypothesize that fractionated irradiation would preferentially spare GM cells harboring mt p53 compared with those expressing functional, wt p53. Survival curves following either 2.0 Gy or 3.5 Gy/fraction demonstrated that lack of functional wt p53 was associated with resistance to fractionated irradiation. Radiation-induced apoptosis could not account for the observed differences in clonogenic survival. Rather, our data suggested that a deficit in the G1-checkpoint contributed to increased resistance to fractionated irradiation of cells expressing mutant p53. Conclusions: The effect of fractionated radiotherapy in GM may depend on the function of the tumor suppressor gene p53. A potential clinical consequence of these findings is that hyperfractionation regimens may provide a therapeutic advantage specifically for tumors expressing wt p53 whereas a radiotherapy

  2. Chronology of p53 protein accumulation in gastric carcinogenesis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Craanen, M. E.; Blok, P.; Dekker, W.; Offerhaus, G. J.; Tytgat, G. N.


    p53 Protein accumulation in early gastric carcinoma was studied in relation to the histological type (Lauren classification) and the type of growth pattern, including the chronology of p53 protein accumulation during carcinogenesis. Forty five, paraffin embedded gastrectomy specimens from early

  3. A nanobody modulates the p53 transcriptional program without perturbing its functional architecture (United States)

    Bethuyne, Jonas; De Gieter, Steven; Zwaenepoel, Olivier; Garcia-Pino, Abel; Durinck, Kaat; Verhelle, Adriaan; Hassanzadeh-Ghassabeh, Gholamreza; Speleman, Frank; Loris, Remy; Gettemans, Jan


    The p53 transcription factor plays an important role in genome integrity. To perform this task, p53 regulates the transcription of genes promoting various cellular outcomes including cell cycle arrest, apoptosis or senescence. The precise regulation of this activity remains elusive as numerous mechanisms, e.g. posttranslational modifications of p53 and (non-)covalent p53 binding partners, influence the p53 transcriptional program. We developed a novel, non-invasive tool to manipulate endogenous p53. Nanobodies (Nb), raised against the DNA-binding domain of p53, allow us to distinctively target both wild type and mutant p53 with great specificity. Nb3 preferentially binds ‘structural’ mutant p53, i.e. R175H and R282W, while a second but distinct nanobody, Nb139, binds both mutant and wild type p53. The co-crystal structure of the p53 DNA-binding domain in complex with Nb139 (1.9 Å resolution) reveals that Nb139 binds opposite the DNA-binding surface. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Nb139 does not disturb the functional architecture of the p53 DNA-binding domain using conformation-specific p53 antibody immunoprecipitations, glutaraldehyde crosslinking assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation. Functionally, the binding of Nb139 to p53 allows us to perturb the transactivation of p53 target genes. We propose that reduced recruitment of transcriptional co-activators or modulation of selected post-transcriptional modifications account for these observations. PMID:25324313

  4. The prognostic value of p53 mutation in pediatric marrow hypoplasia

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    Sharaf Alzahraa EA


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The tumor suppressor gene p53 is involved in the control of cell proliferation, particularly in stressed cells. p 53 gene mutations are the most frequent genetic event found in human cancers. Fanconi Anemia (FA is the most common representative of inherited bone marrow failure syndromes (IBMFS with a leukemic propensity. P 53 DNA alteration has not been studied before in Egyptian children with FA. Patients and methods we investigated p53 mutation in the bone marrow and peripheral blood of forty children, FA (n = 10, acquired aplastic anemia (AAA (n = 10, and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP as a control (n = 20, using real-time PCR by TaqMan probe assay Results Mutation of p53 gene was demonstrated in the BM of 90% (9/10 of children with FA, compared to 10% (1/10 in AAA (p Conclusion mutation of p53 gene in hypoplastic marrow especially FA may represent an early indicator of significant DNA genetic alteration with cancer propensity.

  5. A construção do "sujeito-doente" em LER The construction of the "sick-subject" in RSI

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    Marilene Affonso Romualdo Verthein


    Full Text Available Na atualidade assiste-se a uma grande polêmica em relação ao nexo entre a doença e o trabalho. A das lesões por esforços repetitivos (LER, que, em 1997, passam, com a nova Norma de Avaliação de Incapacidade do Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social, a se denominar distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT. Entre os novos signos que esse processo de adoecimento traz, destaca-se o afunilamento marcado pelos DORT, ao privilegiar o aspecto subjetivo na análise da doença. Esse posicionamento do INSS tem como pressuposto a noção de um sujeito predisposto a adoecer e de uma saúde como capacidade para o trabalho. Neste artigo, analisa-se o contexto histórico que caracteriza saúde/trabalho e corpo/doença, questiona-se a construção de um sujeito-doente e a maneira como esse tal modo de subjetivação desenha uma armadilha para aprisionar esse sujeito. Finalmente, apresenta-se o esforço do INSS-RJ para obter um perfil que caracterize a doença relacionada ao trabalho, combatendo e reduzindo os casos de LER e os custos com o pagamento de indenização aos trabalhadores.There is a running debate over the relationship between work and disease, namely the disease known as repetitive strain injury (RSI, or else work-related osteomuscular disturbances (in Portuguese DORT, as it was renamed in 1997 by the Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social (INSS in accordance with the Disability Assessment Norms. Standing out among the signs brought about by this new infirmity process is its restricted focus on the subjective aspects in the analysis of the disease. Underlying the INSS stance is the view of a sickness-prone subject and the notion of health as capacity for work. This paper analyzes the historical context which characterizes these health/work and body/disease notions. It also discusses the construction of the ‘sick-subject’ and the way in which such a subjectivizing process entraps the subject itself. Finally, we show the

  6. Correlation between p53 expression and clinical-pathological characteristics of gastric cancer

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    Radovanović Dragče


    Full Text Available Backgraund/Aim. Gene p53, or “cell genome keeper”, has a preventive effect on the occurrence of genetic aberrations and prevents abnormal expansion of (tumor cells. In gastric cancer cells in most cases we register high expression of mutated p53 gene, which correlates with prognosis and specific clinicalpathological characteristics of gastric cancer. Methods. Using the imunohistochemical method we determined the level of expression of p53 protein in 62 gastric cancers and 30 precancerous conditions (intestinal metaplasia of the stomach. We analyzed the relationship of the level of p53 expression and clinical pathological characteristics of gastric cancer. Results. Expression of p53 was positive in 42 (67.7% tumor cases and in 7 (14.3% cases of intestinal metaplasia. Expression of P53 and stomach cancer were in direct correlation (p = 0.000. Sensitivity for p53 in stomach cancer cases was 67.7% (42/62, and specifility was 76.7% (23/30. Expression of mutated p53 protein was in direct correlation with the invasion of lymph nodes (p = 0.034 and with invasion of blood vessels by carcinoma cells (p = 0.042. Conclusion. There is a direct correlation between p53 expression and gastric cancer and it indicates the ability of carcinoma cells to invade blood vessels.

  7. Mitochondrial localization of the low level p53 protein in proliferative cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferecatu, Ioana; Bergeaud, Marie; Rodriguez-Enfedaque, Aida; Le Floch, Nathalie [Laboratoire de Genetique et Biologie Cellulaire - CNRS UMR 8159, Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Versailles, France and Laboratoire de Genetique Moleculaire et Physiologique, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Versailles (France); Oliver, Lisa [INSERM U601, Universite de Nantes, Faculte de Medecine, Nantes Cedex (France); Rincheval, Vincent; Renaud, Flore [Laboratoire de Genetique et Biologie Cellulaire - CNRS UMR 8159, Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Versailles, France and Laboratoire de Genetique Moleculaire et Physiologique, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Versailles (France); Vallette, Francois M. [INSERM U601, Universite de Nantes, Faculte de Medecine, Nantes Cedex (France); Mignotte, Bernard [Laboratoire de Genetique et Biologie Cellulaire - CNRS UMR 8159, Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Versailles, France and Laboratoire de Genetique Moleculaire et Physiologique, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Versailles (France); Vayssiere, Jean-Luc, E-mail: [Laboratoire de Genetique et Biologie Cellulaire - CNRS UMR 8159, Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Versailles, France and Laboratoire de Genetique Moleculaire et Physiologique, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Versailles (France)


    p53 protein plays a central role in suppressing tumorigenesis by inducing cell cycle arrest or apoptosis through transcription-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Emerging publications suggest that following stress, a fraction of p53 translocates to mitochondria to induce cytochrome c release and apoptosis. However, the localization of p53 under unstressed conditions remains largely unexplored. Here we show that p53 is localized at mitochondria in absence of apoptotic stimuli, when cells are proliferating, localization observed in various cell types (rodent and human). This is also supported by acellular assays in which p53 bind strongly to mitochondria isolated from rat liver. Furthermore, the mitochondria subfractionation study and the alkaline treatment of the mitochondrial p53 revealed that the majority of mitochondrial p53 is present in the membranous compartments. Finally, we identified VDAC, a protein of the mitochondrial outer-membrane, as a putative partner of p53 in unstressed/proliferative cells.

  8. p53 Maintains Genomic Stability by Preventing Interference between Transcription and Replication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Constance Qiao Xin Yeo


    Full Text Available p53 tumor suppressor maintains genomic stability, typically acting through cell-cycle arrest, senescence, and apoptosis. We discovered a function of p53 in preventing conflicts between transcription and replication, independent of its canonical roles. p53 deficiency sensitizes cells to Topoisomerase (Topo II inhibitors, resulting in DNA damage arising spontaneously during replication. Topoisomerase IIα (TOP2A-DNA complexes preferentially accumulate in isogenic p53 mutant or knockout cells, reflecting an increased recruitment of TOP2A to regulate DNA topology. We propose that p53 acts to prevent DNA topological stress originating from transcription during the S phase and, therefore, promotes normal replication fork progression. Consequently, replication fork progression is impaired in the absence of p53, which is reversed by transcription inhibition. Pharmacologic inhibition of transcription also attenuates DNA damage and decreases Topo-II-DNA complexes, restoring cell viability in p53-deficient cells. Together, our results demonstrate a function of p53 that may underlie its role in tumor suppression.

  9. Mitochondrial localization of the low level p53 protein in proliferative cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferecatu, Ioana; Bergeaud, Marie; Rodriguez-Enfedaque, Aida; Le Floch, Nathalie; Oliver, Lisa; Rincheval, Vincent; Renaud, Flore; Vallette, Francois M.; Mignotte, Bernard; Vayssiere, Jean-Luc


    p53 protein plays a central role in suppressing tumorigenesis by inducing cell cycle arrest or apoptosis through transcription-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Emerging publications suggest that following stress, a fraction of p53 translocates to mitochondria to induce cytochrome c release and apoptosis. However, the localization of p53 under unstressed conditions remains largely unexplored. Here we show that p53 is localized at mitochondria in absence of apoptotic stimuli, when cells are proliferating, localization observed in various cell types (rodent and human). This is also supported by acellular assays in which p53 bind strongly to mitochondria isolated from rat liver. Furthermore, the mitochondria subfractionation study and the alkaline treatment of the mitochondrial p53 revealed that the majority of mitochondrial p53 is present in the membranous compartments. Finally, we identified VDAC, a protein of the mitochondrial outer-membrane, as a putative partner of p53 in unstressed/proliferative cells.

  10. Hypoxia-induced p53 modulates both apoptosis and radiosensitivity via AKT

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leszczynska, K.B.; Foskolou, I.P.; Abraham, A.G.; Anbalagan, S.; Tellier, C.; Haider, S.; Span, P.N.; O'Neill, E.E.; Buffa, F.M.; Hammond, E.M.


    Restoration of hypoxia-induced apoptosis in tumors harboring p53 mutations has been proposed as a potential therapeutic strategy; however, the transcriptional targets that mediate hypoxia-induced p53-dependent apoptosis remain elusive. Here, we demonstrated that hypoxia-induced p53-dependent

  11. P53 suppresses expression of the 14-3-3gamma oncogene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qi Wenqing


    Full Text Available Abstract Background 14-3-3 proteins are a family of highly conserved proteins that are involved in a wide range of cellular processes. Recent evidence indicates that some of these proteins have oncogenic activity and that they may promote tumorigenesis. We previously showed that one of the 14-3-3 family members, 14-3-3gamma, is over expressed in human lung cancers and that it can induce transformation of rodent cells in vitro. Methods qRTPCR and Western blot analysis were performed to examine 14-3-3gamma expression in non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC. Gene copy number was analyzed by qPCR. P53 mutations were detected by direct sequencing and also by western blot. CHIP and yeast one hybrid assays were used to detect p53 binding to 14-3-3gamma promoter. Results Quantitative rtPCR results showed that the expression level of 14-3-3gamma was elevated in the majority of NSCLC that we examined which was also consistent with protein expression. Further analysis of the expression pattern of 14-3-3gamma in lung tumors showed a correlation with p53 mutations suggesting that p53 might suppress 14-3-3 gamma expression. Analysis of the gamma promoter sequence revealed the presence of a p53 consensus binding motif and in vitro assays demonstrated that wild-type p53 bound to this motif when activated by ionizing radiation. Deletion of the p53 binding motif eliminated p53's ability to suppress 14-3-3gamma expression. Conclusion Increased expression of 14-3-3gamma in lung cancer coincides with loss of functional p53. Hence, we propose that 14-3-3gamma's oncogenic activities cooperate with loss of p53 to promote lung tumorigenesis.

  12. Expressão de p53, p16 E COX-2 em carcinoma escamoso de esôfago e associação histopatológica


    Felin,Izabella Paz Danezi; Grivicich,Ivana; Felin,Carlos Roberto; Regner,Andrea; Rocha,Adriana Brondani da


    RACIONAL: O câncer de esôfago representa cerca de 2% dos tumores malignos e a terceira causa mais comum de câncer do trato gastrointestinal. A associação do prognóstico do câncer de esôfago com alguns marcadores imunoistoquímicos, como as proteínas p53, p16 e a ciclooxigenase 2 (COX-2) tem sido relatada. A detecção de marcadores moleculares através de imunoistoquímica pode ser utilizada para avaliação prognóstica. OBJETIVOS: Investigar a associação entre a expressão das proteínas p53, p16 e a...

  13. Biological activity and safety of adenoviral vector-expressed wild-type p53 after intratumoral injection in melanoma and breast cancer patients with p53-overexpressing tumors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dummer, R; Bergh, J; Karlsson, Y; Horovitz, JA; Mulder, NH; Huinin, DT; Burg, G; Hofbauer, G; Osanto, S

    p53 mutations are common genetic alterations in human cancer. Gene transfer of a wild-type (wt) p53 gene reverses the loss of normal p53 function in vitro and in vivo. A phase I dose escalation study of single intratumoral (i.t.) injection of a replication-defective adenoviral expression vector


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    Hélio Teixeira MD.


    Full Text Available Competência no exercício da medicina depende de um processo evolutivo ao longo da vida do profissional, processo este fundamentado em eficiência, experiência e em princípios éticos. A eficiência depende da cultura médica, de habilidades técnicas e relacionamento interpessoal com o paciente. A experiência ao longo da vida vai refinando o médico, favorecendo o evolver do conhecimento e da sabedoria vivencial. Finalmente, a ética médica se fundamenta na justiça, compaixão e amor ao próximo. Didaticamente, distinguimos 3 fases da evolução profissional do médico: a infância profissional ou visão linear: o médico se restringe em geral ao atendimento da doença, negligenciando o doente. É quase exclusivamente técnico e tem percepção acanhada da medicina-arte. b Maturidade profissional ou visão humanística: resultado de evolução da personalidade, da cultura e da experiência do médico, agora voltado para o doente com sua doença. c Excelência profissional ou visão holística: estágio máximo que se pode alcançar, quando o médico vislumbra a si e ao seu cliente em todas suas dimensões integradas e atua como mestre, procurando despertar no paciente condições próprias de cura, oriundas de sua essência. Conclui-se que exercer medicina com competência significa desempenhar adequadamente a ciência e a arte médica.

  15. P53 autoantibodies in 1006 patients followed up for breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Metcalfe, Su; Wheeler, Terence K; Picken, Sheila; Negus, Susanne; Jo Milner, A


    Serial plasma samples from 1006 patients with breast cancer revealed: (i) no correlation of p53 autoantibody status with disease status at the time of sample collection, or with menopausal status at time of primary diagnosis of breast cancer; (ii) 155 out of 1006 (15%) of patients were positive for p53 autoantibodies, and these patients tended to have a persistent autoantibody status throughout follow up, irrespective of disease behaviour; and (iii) where a negative autoantibody status was found at primary diagnosis of breast cancer, this negative status persisted throughout follow up, irrespective of later disease behaviour. We conclude that screening for p53 autoantibody status is not informative on residual tumour activity nor on therapeutic responsiveness. Dysfunction of the tumour-suppressor protein, p53, may be due to either mutational or epigenetic factors, each of which may lead to accumulation of cytoplasmic p53. Abnormal accumulation of p53 in breast cancer tissue is predictive of poor prognosis [1,2]. Humoral studies [3,4] have shown that cancer patients may develop immunity to abnormally expressed p53, as revealed by p53 autoantibodies in the blood. Again, prognostic correlates have been noted, with presence of circulating p53 autoantibodies at diagnosis of breast cancer being associated with reduced overall survival [5,6] and with poor prognostic factors such as high histological grade and the absence of hormone receptors [5,7,8]. Little is known of the potential value of p53 autoantibody in follow up of cancer. In lung cancer there is evidence that autoantibodies to p53 may provide a useful tool to monitor response to therapy [9,10], whereas serial measurements of autoantibodies to p53 in 40 patients with advanced ovarian cancer were not found to be clinically useful [11]. In breast cancer some 30% of node-negative patients will relapse within 5 years, but there is no current means to predict those who are at risk. We performed the present study to

  16. Mutant Mice Lacking the p53 C-Terminal Domain Model Telomere Syndromes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Simeonova, I.; Jaber, S.; Draskovic, I.; Bardot, B.; Fang, M.; Bouarich-Bourimi, R.; Lejour, V.; Charbonnier, L.; Soudais, C.; Bourdon, J.C.; Huerre, M.; Londono-Vallejo, A.; Toledo, F.


    Mutations in p53, although frequent in human cancers, have not been implicated in telomere-related syndromes. Here, we show that homozygous mutant mice expressing p53(Delta31), a p53 lacking the C-terminal domain, exhibit increased p53 activity and suffer from aplastic anemia and pulmonary fibrosis,

  17. Pre-irradiation at a low dose-rate blunted p53 response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Akihisa


    We investigated whether chronic irradiation at a low dose-rate interferes with the p53-centered signal transduction pathyway induced by radiation in human cultured cells and C57BL/6N mice. In in vitro experiments, we found that a challenge with X-ray irradiation immediately after chronic irradiation resulted in lower levels of p53 than those observed after the challenge alone in glioblastoma cells (A-172). In addition, the levels of p53-centered apoptosis and its related proteins after the challenge were strongly correlated with the above-mentioned phenomena in squamous cell carcinoma cells (SAS/neo). In in vivo experiments, the accumulation of p53 and Bax, and the induction of apoptosis were observed dose-dependently in mouse spleen at 12 h after a challenge with X-rays (3.0 Gy). However, we found significant suppression of p53 and Bax accumulation and the induction of apoptosis 12 h after challenge irradiation at 3.0 Gy with a high doses-rate following chronic pre-irradiation (1.5 Gy, 0.001 Gy/min). These findings suggest that chronic pre-irradiation suppressed the p53 function through radiation-induced signaling and/or p53 stability. (author)

  18. miR-34 and p53: New Insights into a Complex Functional Relationship.

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    Francisco Navarro

    Full Text Available miR-34, a tumor suppressor miRNA family transcriptionally activated by p53, is considered a critical mediator of p53 function. However, knockout of the mouse miR-34 family has little or no effect on the p53 response. The relative contribution of different miR-34 family members to p53 function or how much p53 relies on miR-34 in human cells is unclear. Here we show that miR-34a has a complex effect on the p53 response in human cells. In HCT116 cells miR-34a overexpression enhances p53 transcriptional activity, but the closely related family members, miR-34b and miR-34c, even when over-expressed, have little effect. Both TP53 itself and MDM4, a strong p53 transactivation inhibitor, are direct targets of miR-34a. The genes regulated by miR-34a also include four other post-translational inhibitors of p53. miR-34a overexpression leads to variable effects on p53 levels in p53-sufficient human cancer cell lines. In HCT116, miR-34a overexpression increases p53 protein levels and stability. About a quarter of all mRNAs that participate in the human p53 network bind to biotinylated miR-34a, suggesting that many are direct miR-34a targets. However, only about a fifth of the mRNAs that bind to miR-34a also bind to miR-34b or miR-34c. Two human cell lines knocked out for miR-34a have unimpaired p53-mediated responses to genotoxic stress, like mouse cells. The complex positive and negative effects of miR-34 on the p53 network suggest that rather than simply promoting the p53 response, miR-34a might act at a systems level to stabilize the robustness of the p53 response to genotoxic stress.

  19. R248Q mutation--Beyond p53-DNA binding. (United States)

    Ng, Jeremy W K; Lama, Dilraj; Lukman, Suryani; Lane, David P; Verma, Chandra S; Sim, Adelene Y L


    R248 in the DNA binding domain (DBD) of p53 interacts directly with the minor groove of DNA. Earlier nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies indicated that the R248Q mutation resulted in conformation changes in parts of DBD far from the mutation site. However, how information propagates from the mutation site to the rest of the DBD is still not well understood. We performed a series of all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to dissect sterics and charge effects of R248 on p53-DBD conformation: (i) wild-type p53 DBD; (ii) p53 DBD with an electrically neutral arginine side-chain; (iii) p53 DBD with R248A; (iv) p53 DBD with R248W; and (v) p53 DBD with R248Q. Our results agree well with experimental observations of global conformational changes induced by the R248Q mutation. Our simulations suggest that both charge- and sterics are important in the dynamics of the loop (L3) where the mutation resides. We show that helix 2 (H2) dynamics is altered as a result of a change in the hydrogen bonding partner of D281. In turn, neighboring L1 dynamics is altered: in mutants, L1 predominantly adopts the recessed conformation and is unable to interact with the major groove of DNA. We focused our attention the R248Q mutant that is commonly found in a wide range of cancer and observed changes at the zinc-binding pocket that might account for the dominant negative effects of R248Q. Furthermore, in our simulations, the S6/S7 turn was more frequently solvent exposed in R248Q, suggesting that there is a greater tendency of R248Q to partially unfold and possibly lead to an increased aggregation propensity. Finally, based on the observations made in our simulations, we propose strategies for the rescue of R248Q mutants. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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    Iolanda Aparecida Nunes


    Full Text Available <p class="western" align="justify">Its was analised 53 chicken carcasses and commercial cuts acquired in supermarkets of Goiânia-GO aiming to isolate <em>Salmonella>. The contamination rate was 13.2% and serotypes <em>S. brandenburgem>, <em>S. typhimuriumem>, <em>S. agonaem>, <em>S. derbyem> and <em>S. hadorem> were identified.p> <p class="western" align="justify">KEY-WORDS: <em>Salmonella>; chicken; chicken carcasses; commercial cuts.p> <p class="western" align="justify">No presente estudo foram analisadas, com vistas ao isolamento de <em>Salmonella>, 53 amostras de carcaças e cortes comerciais de frangos colhidas em supermercados e casas de carnes de Goiânia - GO. Observou-se freqüência média do patógeno de 13,2%, sendo identificados os sorotipos <em>E. brandenburgem>, <em>S. typhimuriumem>, <em>S.> <em>agona>, <em>S. derbyem> e <em>S. Hadarem>.> <p class="western" align="justify">PALAVRAS-CHAVE: <em>Salmonella>; frango de corte; carcaça; cortes comerciais.p>

  1. Functions of MDMX in the Modulation of the p53-Response

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    Kristiaan Lenos


    Full Text Available The MDM family proteins MDM2 and MDMX are two critical regulators of the p53 tumor suppressor protein. Expression of both proteins is necessary for allowing the embryonal development by keeping the activity of p53 in check. Upon stresses that need to activate p53 to perform its function as guardian of the genome, p53 has to be liberated from these two inhibitors. In this review, we will discuss the various mechanisms by which MDMX protein levels are downregulated upon various types of stress, including posttranslational modifications of the MDMX protein and the regulation of mdmx mRNA expression, including alternative splicing. In addition, the putative function(s of the described MDMX splice variants, particularly in tumor development, will be discussed. Lastly, in contrast to common belief, we have recently shown the existence of a p53-MDMX feedback loop, which is important for dampening the p53-response at later phases after genotoxic stress.

  2. Increased Arf/p53 activity in stem cells, aging and cancer. (United States)

    Carrasco-Garcia, Estefania; Moreno, Manuel; Moreno-Cugnon, Leire; Matheu, Ander


    Arf/p53 pathway protects the cells against DNA damage induced by acute stress. This characteristic is the responsible for its tumor suppressor activity. Moreover, it regulates the chronic type of stress associated with aging. This is the basis of its anti-aging activity. Indeed, increased gene dosage of Arf/p53 displays elongated longevity and delayed aging. At a cellular level, it has been recently shown that increased dosage of Arf/p53 delays age-associated stem cell exhaustion and the subsequent decline in tissue homeostasis and regeneration. However, p53 can also promote aging if constitutively activated. In this context, p53 reduces tissue regeneration, which correlates with premature exhaustion of stem cells. We discuss here the current evidence linking the Arf/p53 pathway to the processes of aging and cancer through stem cell regulation. © 2017 The Authors. Aging Cell published by the Anatomical Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Efetividade no diagnóstico da tuberculose em Foz do Iguaçu, tríplice fronteira Brasil, Paraguai e Argentina

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    Reinaldo Antonio Silva-Sobrinho


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a efetividade dos serviços de saúde no diagnóstico da tuberculose em Foz do Iguaçu-PR. Realizou-se uma pesquisa avaliativa, com desenho epidemiológico transversal. Foram entrevistados 101 doentes de tuberculose em 2009, utilizando um instrumento baseado no Primary Care Assessment Tool . A análise ocorreu a partir de proporções e respectivos intervalos de confiança (95% e mediana. O Pronto Atendimento (37% e a Atenção Básica à Saúde (ABS (36% foram os locais mais buscados. O acesso à consulta no mesmo dia alcançou 70%, mas a suspeição da doença foi menor que 47%; a baciloscopia realizada em 50% dos doentes. Concluiu-se que apesar desses serviços atenderem rapidamente, isso não determinou alcance do diagnóstico, levando o doente a procurar os serviços especializados, mais efetivos na descoberta dos casos. A busca pela ABS gerou maior tempo e maior número de retornos para o diagnóstico da tuberculose na tríplice fronteira.

  4. Divergent evolution of human p53 binding sites: cell cycle versus apoptosis.

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    Monica M Horvath


    Full Text Available The p53 tumor suppressor is a sequence-specific pleiotropic transcription factor that coordinates cellular responses to DNA damage and stress, initiating cell-cycle arrest or triggering apoptosis. Although the human p53 binding site sequence (or response element [RE] is well characterized, some genes have consensus-poor REs that are nevertheless both necessary and sufficient for transactivation by p53. Identification of new functional gene regulatory elements under these conditions is problematic, and evolutionary conservation is often employed. We evaluated the comparative genomics approach for assessing evolutionary conservation of putative binding sites by examining conservation of 83 experimentally validated human p53 REs against mouse, rat, rabbit, and dog genomes and detected pronounced conservation differences among p53 REs and p53-regulated pathways. Bona fide NRF2 (nuclear factor [erythroid-derived 2]-like 2 nuclear factor and NFkappaB (nuclear factor of kappa light chain gene enhancer in B cells binding sites, which direct oxidative stress and innate immunity responses, were used as controls, and both exhibited high interspecific conservation. Surprisingly, the average p53 RE was not significantly more conserved than background genomic sequence, and p53 REs in apoptosis genes as a group showed very little conservation. The common bioinformatics practice of filtering RE predictions by 80% rodent sequence identity would not only give a false positive rate of approximately 19%, but miss up to 57% of true p53 REs. Examination of interspecific DNA base substitutions as a function of position in the p53 consensus sequence reveals an unexpected excess of diversity in apoptosis-regulating REs versus cell-cycle controlling REs (rodent comparisons: p < 1.0 e-12. While some p53 REs show relatively high levels of conservation, REs in many genes such as BAX, FAS, PCNA, CASP6, SIVA1, and P53AIP1 show little if any homology to rodent sequences. This

  5. The expression of p53 protein in patients with multiple myeloma

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    Marković Olivera


    Full Text Available Introduction: Although mutations of p53 are one of the most often acquired genetic changes in malignant tumors, these mutations are rare events in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM. Moreover, there are a few literature data about clinical significance of p53 overexpression in multiple myeloma. Objective The aim of our study was to evaluate the clinical significance of p53 immunoexpression in multiple myeloma. Method A total of 58 patients with newly diagnosed MM (26 females and 32 males, mean age 62 years were enrolled in the study. The diagnosis of MM was made according to criteria of Chronic Leukemia-Myeloma Task Force. Clinical staging was done according to Durie and Salmon classification (4 patients had disease stage I, 15 patients stage II and 39 patients stage III. The histological grade and histological stage were determined according to predominant plasma cell morphology and volume of myeloma infiltration, respectively. Standard immunohistochemical analysis with p53 antibody in B5-fixed and paraffin- embedded bone marrow specimens was used to evaluate the expression of p53 in myeloma cells. The specimens were considered positive when ≥5% of plasma cells exhibited clear nuclear positivity. Results Out of 58 patients, p53 expression was detected in 9 (15.52%. No significant correlation was found between p53 expression and clinical stage (I+II vs. III, Я2-microglobulin level (≤6 mg/L vs. >6mg/L, histological grade (I vs. II+III, histological stage (<20% vs. 21-50% vs. >50% and the extent of osteolytic lesions (≤3 vs. >3 lesions. Median survival of patients with p53 immunoreactivity in =>5% of plasma cells was 10 months, whilst median survival of patients with p53 immunoreactivity in <5% of plasma cells was 36 months. However, such difference was not significant (p=0.2. Conclusion The frequency of p53 immunoexpression in our group of newly diagnosed MM was relatively low. Although p53 immunoexpression was not

  6. Bioluminescence Detection of Cells Having Stabilized p53 in Response to a Genotoxic Event

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    Alnawaz Rehemtulla


    Full Text Available Inactivation of p53 is one of the most frequent molecular events in neoplastic transformation. Approximately 60% of all human tumors have mutations in both p53 alleles. Wild-type p53 activity is regulated in large part by the proteosome-dependent degradation of p53, resulting in a short p53 half-life in unstressed and untransformed cells. Activation of p53 by a variety of stimuli, including DNA damage induced by genotoxic drugs or radiation, is accomplished by stabilization of wild-type p53. The stabilized and active p53 can result in either cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis. Surprisingly, the majority of tumor-associated, inactivating p53 mutations also result in p53 accumulation. Thus, constitutive elevation of p53 levels in cells is a reliable measure of p53 inactivation, whereas transiently increased p53 levels reflect a recent genotoxic stress. In order to facilitate noninvasive imaging of p53 accumulation, we here describe the construction of a p53-luciferase fusion protein. Induction of DNA damage in cells expressing the fusion protein resulted in a time-dependent accumulation of the fusion that was noninvasively detected using bioluminescence imaging and validated by Western blot analysis. The p53-Luc protein retains p53 function because its expression in HCT116 cells lacking functional p53 resulted in activation of p21 expression as well as induction of apoptosis in response to a DNA damaging event. Employed in a transgenic animal model, the proposed p53-reporter fusion protein will be useful for studying p53 activation in response to exposure to DNA-damaging carcinogenic agents. It could also be used to study p53 stabilization as a result of inactivating p53 mutations. Such studies will further our understanding of p53's role as the “guardian of the genome” and its function in tumorigenesis.

  7. Características clínicas de doentes com neoplasia do pulmão e neoplasias primárias síncronas ou metácronas com outras localizações Clinical characteristics of patients with lung cancer and metachronous or synchronous tumours with other locations

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    Inês Vaz Luís


    Full Text Available O cancro do pulmão é a causa mais comum de morte por doença oncológica. Os doentes com diagnóstico de neoplasia - qualquer que seja a localização - têm risco acrescido de desenvolver um segundo tumor. Pretendeu-se caracterizar uma população com neoplasia do pulmão e o diagnóstico síncrono ou metácrono de tumor primário com outra localização. Foi feito um estudo retrospectivo, referente ao período de 2000-2007, analisando-se os processos clínicos de doentes seguidos na Unidade de Pneumologia Oncológica do nosso hospital em que estavam referenciadas duas neoplasias. Dos doentes seguidos na Unidade (n=1046 no período referido, 4,2% (n=44 tinham evidência de duas neoplasias. A maioria (88,6% dos doentes eram homens, com idade média elevada (70,1±10 anos. Oitenta e seis por cento (n=38 tinham hábitos tabágicos e 65,4% dos doentes com registo de história familiar de neoplasia (n=26 tinham história familiar relevante (n=17. A doença oncológica manifestou-se em primeiro lugar na próstata, cólon, cabeça e pescoço ou bexiga. O cancro do pulmão foi em geral a segunda neoplasia. O intervalo de tempo médio entre a primeira e a segunda neoplasia foi de 62,9±64,9 meses (max: 240, min: 0, sendo que geralmente a segunda neoplasia foi detectada em estádio avançado. A sobrevivência média foi de 8,6±8,24 meses (max: 32; min: 1, permanecendo vivos quatro doentes. Os presentes dados levam-nos a sugerir vigilância clínica prolongada em doentes com diagnóstico prévio de cancro. Sugerimos um algoritmo que possibilite vigiar melhor estes doentes e estudo prospectivo para verificar se existem marcadores moleculares nesta população.Lung cancer is the leading form of cancer death worldwide. Cancer patients are at a high risk of developing a second cancer. The present study attempts to determine the characteristics of a population with lung cancer diagnosed with another cancer. We analysed records of patients from the

  8. Robustness of the p53 network and biological hackers. (United States)

    Dartnell, Lewis; Simeonidis, Evangelos; Hubank, Michael; Tsoka, Sophia; Bogle, I David L; Papageorgiou, Lazaros G


    The p53 protein interaction network is crucial in regulating the metazoan cell cycle and apoptosis. Here, the robustness of the p53 network is studied by analyzing its degeneration under two modes of attack. Linear Programming is used to calculate average path lengths among proteins and the network diameter as measures of functionality. The p53 network is found to be robust to random loss of nodes, but vulnerable to a targeted attack against its hubs, as a result of its architecture. The significance of the results is considered with respect to mutational knockouts of proteins and the directed attacks mounted by tumour inducing viruses.

  9. Stabilization and activation of p53 are regulated independently by different phosphorylation events (United States)

    Chernov, Mikhail V.; Ramana, Chilakamarti V.; Adler, Victor V.; Stark, George R.


    Treatment of mouse or human cells with the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors H7 or bisindolylmaleimide I induced an increase in the lifetime of p53, leading to its accumulation. In inhibitor-treated cells, p53 translocated to the nuclei and bound to DNA but was not competent to induce transcription. However, transactivation could be induced by subsequent DNA damage. Phorbol ester, a potent activator of PKC, significantly inhibited the accumulation of p53 after DNA damage. Therefore, constitutive PKC-dependent phosphorylation of p53 itself, or of a protein that interacts with p53, is required for the rapid degradation of p53 in untreated cells. Furthermore, an increase in the lifetime of p53 is not accompanied necessarily by its activation. Treatment with the PKC inhibitors decreased the overall level of p53 phosphorylation but led to the appearance of a phosphopeptide not seen in tryptic digests of p53 from untreated cells. Therefore, the lifetime and activities of p53 are likely to be regulated by distinct alterations of the phosphorylation pattern of p53, probably caused by the actions of different kinases. PMID:9482877

  10. [Application of PLA Method for Detection of p53/p63/p73 Complexes in Situ in Tumour Cells and Tumour Tissue]. (United States)

    Hrabal, V; Nekulová, M; Nenutil, R; Holčaková, J; Coates, P J; Vojtěšek, B


    PLA (proximity ligation assay) can be used for detection of protein-protein interactions in situ directly in cells and tissues. Due to its high sensitivity and specificity it is useful for detection, localization and quantification of protein complexes with single molecule resolution. One of the mechanisms of mutated p53 gain of function is formation of proten-protein complexes with other members of p53 family - p63 and p73. These interactions influences chemosensitivity and invasivity of cancer cells and this is why these complexes are potential targets of anti-cancer therapy. The aim of this work is to detect p53/p63/p73 interactions in situ in tumour cells and tumour tissue using PLA method. Unique in-house antibodies for specific detection of p63 and p73 isoforms were developed and characterized. Potein complexes were detected using PLA in established cell lines SVK14, HCC1806 and FaDu and in paraffin sections of colorectal carcinoma tissue. Cell lines were also processed to paraffin blocks. p53/T-antigen and ΔNp63/T-antigen protein complexes were detected in SVK14 cells using PLA. Interactions of ΔNp63 and TAp73 isoforms were found in HCC1806 cell line with endogenous expression of these proteins. In FaDu cell line mut-p53/TAp73 complex was localized but not mut-p53/ΔNp63 complex. p53 tetramer was detected directly in colorectal cancer tissue. During development of PLA method for detection of protein complexes between p53 family members we detected interactions of p53 and p63 with T-antigen and mut-p53 and ΔNp63 with TAp73 tumour suppressor in tumour cell lines and p53 tetramers in paraffin sections of colorectal cancer tissue. PLA will be further used for detection of p53/p63, p53/p73 and p63/p73 interactions in tumour tissues and it could be also used for screening of compounds that can block formation of p53/p63/p73 protein complexes.Key words: p53 protein family - protein interaction mapping - immunofluorescence This work was supported by MEYS - NPS I

  11. Role of wild-type p53 in apoptotic and non-apoptotic cell death induced by X-irradiation and heat treatment in p53-mutated mouse M10 cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Atsushi; Nakano, Hisako; Shinohara, Kunio


    The sensitizing effects of wild-type p53 on X-ray-induced cell death and on heat-induced apoptosis in M10, a radiosensitive and Trp53 (mouse p53 gene)-mutated lymphoma cell line which dies through necrosis by X-irradiation, were investigated using three M10 derived transfectants with wild-type TP53 (human p53 gene). Cell death was determined by colony formation and/or dye exclusion test, and apoptosis was detected as the changes in nuclear morphology by Giemsa staining. Expression of wild-type p53 protein increased radiosensitivity of cell death as determined by both clonogenic and dye exclusion assays. This increase in radiosensitivity was attributable largely to apoptosis induction in addition to a small enhancement of necrosis. Interestingly neither pathway to cell death was accompanied by caspase-3 activation. On the other hand, heat-induced caspase-3 dependent apoptotic cell death without transfection was further increased by the transfection of wild-type p53. In conclusion, the introduction of wild-type p53 enhanced apoptotic cell death by X-rays or heat via different mechanisms that do or do not activate caspase-3, respectively. In addition, p53 also enhanced the X-ray-induced necrosis in M10 cells. (author)

  12. Doxycyclin induces p53 expression in SaOs (osteosarcoma) cell line ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The p53 tumour suppressor gene plays an important role in preventing cancer development. This study determined if p53 can be induced in osteosarcoma cell line upon treatment ... represent an important component of the p53 tumor suppressor pathway. Keywords: Tumor suppressor, oncogene, mdm2, cyclinE, apoptosis ...

  13. NGF-mediated transcriptional targets of p53 in PC12 neuronal differentiation

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    Labhart Paul


    Full Text Available Abstract Background p53 is recognized as a critical regulator of the cell cycle and apoptosis. Mounting evidence also suggests a role for p53 in differentiation of cells including neuronal precursors. We studied the transcriptional role of p53 during nerve growth factor-induced differentiation of the PC12 line into neuron-like cells. We hypothesized that p53 contributed to PC12 differentiation through the regulation of gene targets distinct from its known transcriptional targets for apoptosis or DNA repair. Results Using a genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation cloning technique, we identified and validated 14 novel p53-regulated genes following NGF treatment. The data show p53 protein was transcriptionally activated and contributed to NGF-mediated neurite outgrowth during differentiation of PC12 cells. Furthermore, we describe stimulus-specific regulation of a subset of these target genes by p53. The most salient differentiation-relevant target genes included wnt7b involved in dendritic extension and the tfcp2l4/grhl3 grainyhead homolog implicated in ectodermal development. Additional targets included brk, sdk2, sesn3, txnl2, dusp5, pon3, lect1, pkcbpb15 and other genes. Conclusion Within the PC12 neuronal context, putative p53-occupied genomic loci spanned the entire Rattus norvegicus genome upon NGF treatment. We conclude that receptor-mediated p53 transcriptional activity is involved in PC12 differentiation and may suggest a contributory role for p53 in neuronal development.

  14. p53 functions as a cell cycle control protein in osteosarcomas.


    Diller, L; Kassel, J; Nelson, C E; Gryka, M A; Litwak, G; Gebhardt, M; Bressac, B; Ozturk, M; Baker, S J; Vogelstein, B


    Mutations in the p53 gene have been associated with a wide range of human tumors, including osteosarcomas. Although it has been shown that wild-type p53 can block the ability of E1a and ras to cotransform primary rodent cells, it is poorly understood why inactivation of the p53 gene is important for tumor formation. We show that overexpression of the gene encoding wild-type p53 blocks the growth of osteosarcoma cells. The growth arrest was determined to be due to an inability of the transfect...

  15. 2-Sulfonylpyrimidines: Mild alkylating agents with anticancer activity toward p53-compromised cells. (United States)

    Bauer, Matthias R; Joerger, Andreas C; Fersht, Alan R


    The tumor suppressor p53 has the most frequently mutated gene in human cancers. Many of p53's oncogenic mutants are just destabilized and rapidly aggregate, and are targets for stabilization by drugs. We found certain 2-sulfonylpyrimidines, including one named PK11007, to be mild thiol alkylators with anticancer activity in several cell lines, especially those with mutationally compromised p53. PK11007 acted by two routes: p53 dependent and p53 independent. PK11007 stabilized p53 in vitro via selective alkylation of two surface-exposed cysteines without compromising its DNA binding activity. Unstable p53 was reactivated by PK11007 in some cancer cell lines, leading to up-regulation of p53 target genes such as p21 and PUMA. More generally, there was cell death that was independent of p53 but dependent on glutathione depletion and associated with highly elevated levels of reactive oxygen species and induction of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, as also found for the anticancer agent PRIMA-1(MET)(APR-246). PK11007 may be a lead for anticancer drugs that target cells with nonfunctional p53 or impaired reactive oxygen species (ROS) detoxification in a wide variety of mutant p53 cells.

  16. Basal p53 expression is indispensable for mesenchymal stem cell integrity. (United States)

    Boregowda, Siddaraju V; Krishnappa, Veena; Strivelli, Jacqueline; Haga, Christopher L; Booker, Cori N; Phinney, Donald G


    Marrow-resident mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) serve as a functional component of the perivascular niche that regulates hematopoiesis. They also represent the main source of bone formed in adult bone marrow, and their bifurcation to osteoblast and adipocyte lineages plays a key role in skeletal homeostasis and aging. Although the tumor suppressor p53 also functions in bone organogenesis, homeostasis, and neoplasia, its role in MSCs remains poorly described. Herein, we examined the normal physiological role of p53 in primary MSCs cultured under physiologic oxygen levels. Using knockout mice and gene silencing we show that p53 inactivation downregulates expression of TWIST2, which normally restrains cellular differentiation to maintain wild-type MSCs in a multipotent state, depletes mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, and suppresses ROS generation and PPARG gene and protein induction in response to adipogenic stimuli. Mechanistically, this loss of adipogenic potential skews MSCs toward an osteogenic fate, which is further potentiated by TWIST2 downregulation, resulting in highly augmented osteogenic differentiation. We also show that p53 - /- MSCs are defective in supporting hematopoiesis as measured in standard colony assays because of decreased secretion of various cytokines including CXCL12 and CSF1. Lastly, we show that transient exposure of wild-type MSCs to 21% oxygen upregulates p53 protein expression, resulting in increased mitochondrial ROS production and enhanced adipogenic differentiation at the expense of osteogenesis, and that treatment of cells with FGF2 mitigates these effects by inducing TWIST2. Together, these findings indicate that basal p53 levels are necessary to maintain MSC bi-potency, and oxygen-induced increases in p53 expression modulate cell fate and survival decisions. Because of the critical function of basal p53 in MSCs, our findings question the use of p53 null cell lines as MSC surrogates, and also implicate dysfunctional

  17. p53 functions as a cell cycle control protein in osteosarcomas. (United States)

    Diller, L; Kassel, J; Nelson, C E; Gryka, M A; Litwak, G; Gebhardt, M; Bressac, B; Ozturk, M; Baker, S J; Vogelstein, B


    Mutations in the p53 gene have been associated with a wide range of human tumors, including osteosarcomas. Although it has been shown that wild-type p53 can block the ability of E1a and ras to cotransform primary rodent cells, it is poorly understood why inactivation of the p53 gene is important for tumor formation. We show that overexpression of the gene encoding wild-type p53 blocks the growth of osteosarcoma cells. The growth arrest was determined to be due to an inability of the transfected cells to progress into S phase. This suggests that the role of the p53 gene as an antioncogene may be in controlling the cell cycle in a fashion analogous to the check-point control genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

  18. p53 functions as a cell cycle control protein in osteosarcomas. (United States)

    Diller, L; Kassel, J; Nelson, C E; Gryka, M A; Litwak, G; Gebhardt, M; Bressac, B; Ozturk, M; Baker, S J; Vogelstein, B


    Mutations in the p53 gene have been associated with a wide range of human tumors, including osteosarcomas. Although it has been shown that wild-type p53 can block the ability of E1a and ras to cotransform primary rodent cells, it is poorly understood why inactivation of the p53 gene is important for tumor formation. We show that overexpression of the gene encoding wild-type p53 blocks the growth of osteosarcoma cells. The growth arrest was determined to be due to an inability of the transfected cells to progress into S phase. This suggests that the role of the p53 gene as an antioncogene may be in controlling the cell cycle in a fashion analogous to the check-point control genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Images PMID:2233717

  19. The expanding regulatory universe of p53 in gastrointestinal cancer. (United States)

    Fesler, Andrew; Zhang, Ning; Ju, Jingfang


    Tumor suppresser gene TP53 is one of the most frequently deleted or mutated genes in gastrointestinal cancers. As a transcription factor, p53 regulates a number of important protein coding genes to control cell cycle, cell death, DNA damage/repair, stemness, differentiation and other key cellular functions. In addition, p53 is also able to activate the expression of a number of small non-coding microRNAs (miRNAs) through direct binding to the promoter region of these miRNAs.  Many miRNAs have been identified to be potential tumor suppressors by regulating key effecter target mRNAs. Our understanding of the regulatory network of p53 has recently expanded to include long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). Like miRNA, lncRNAs have been found to play important roles in cancer biology.  With our increased understanding of the important functions of these non-coding RNAs and their relationship with p53, we are gaining exciting new insights into the biology and function of cells in response to various growth environment changes. In this review we summarize the current understanding of the ever expanding involvement of non-coding RNAs in the p53 regulatory network and its implications for our understanding of gastrointestinal cancer.

  20. Super p53 for Treatment of Ovarian Cancer (United States)


    System 3, Clontech) containing wt-p53, p53-CC, and ZsGreen (control) were made. Ad-ZsGreen was tested in ID8 cells, which showed very high expression...views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army...MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14

  1. Chk1 inhibition activates p53 through p38 MAPK in tetraploid cancer cells. (United States)

    Vitale, Ilio; Senovilla, Laura; Galluzzi, Lorenzo; Criollo, Alfredo; Vivet, Sonia; Castedo, Maria; Kroemer, Guido


    We have previously shown that tetraploid cancer cells succumb through a p53-dependent apoptotic pathway when checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) is depleted by small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or inhibited with 7-hydroxystaurosporine (UCN-01). Here, we demonstrate that Chk1 inhibition results in the activating phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK). Depletion of p38 MAPK by transfection with a siRNA targeting the alpha isoform of p38 MAPK (p38alpha MAPK) abolishes the phosphorylation of p53 on serines 15 and 46 that is induced by Chk1 knockdown. The siRNA-mediated downregulation and pharmacological inhibition of p38alpha MAPK (with SB 203580) also reduces cell death induced by Chk1 knockdown or UCN-01. These results underscore the role of p38 MAPK as a pro-apoptotic kinase in the p53-dependant pathway for the therapeutic elimination of polyploidy cells.

  2. Inhibition of Endothelial p53 Improves Metabolic Abnormalities Related to Dietary Obesity

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    Masataka Yokoyama


    Full Text Available Accumulating evidence has suggested a role for p53 activation in various age-associated conditions. Here, we identified a crucial role of endothelial p53 activation in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. Endothelial expression of p53 was markedly upregulated when mice were fed a high-calorie diet. Disruption of endothelial p53 activation improved dietary inactivation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase that upregulated the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α in skeletal muscle, thereby increasing mitochondrial biogenesis and oxygen consumption. Mice with endothelial cell-specific p53 deficiency fed a high-calorie diet showed improvement of insulin sensitivity and less fat accumulation, compared with control littermates. Conversely, upregulation of endothelial p53 caused metabolic abnormalities. These results indicate that inhibition of endothelial p53 could be a novel therapeutic target to block the vicious cycle of cardiovascular and metabolic abnormalities associated with obesity.

  3. The tumor suppressors pRB and p53 as regulators of adipocyte differentiation and function

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hallenborg, Philip; Feddersen, Søren; Madsen, Lise


    BACKGROUND: The retinoblastoma protein (pRB) and p53 are crucial members of regulatory networks controlling the cell cycle and apoptosis, and a hallmark of virtually all cancers is dysregulation of expression or function of pRB or p53. Although they are best known for their role in cancer...

  4. P53 overexpression in head and neck carcinoma and radiotherapy results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Awwad, Saif; Jaros, Evelyn; Somes, James; Lunec, John


    Purpose: P53 gene mutations are the common genetic changes encountered in human cancers, and there is extensive evidence that the P53 status may determine tumor response to therapy. This study was carried out to investigate whether there is any correlation between accumulation (overexpression) of P53 protein and poor prognosis in patients with head and neck carcinomas treated with radical radiotherapy. Methods and Materials: Seventy-nine patients with head and neck carcinomas who were diagnosed and treated in 1989-90 with curative radiotherapy were studied retrospectively. Paraffin sections from archival material were studied using immunohistochemical staining (IHC) with mouse monoclonal antibodies (D0-7) to human P53 protein. Univariate and multivariate analysis of loco-regional tumor control and patient survival were performed on possible prognostic factors. Results: Forty-two (53%) patients showed positive IHC staining in their tumors. Fifty-three percent of the laryngeal, 64% of the oropharyngeal, and 43% of the oral cavity carcinomas showed P53 overexpression. All tumor specimens with vascular, lymphatic, and/or sarcolemmal invasion showed P53 overexpression. The proportion of tumor-stained nuclei was higher in the poorly differentiated than in the well and moderately differentiated tumors (p < 0.05), but there was no correlation with the patient overall or disease-free 5-year actuarial survival. There was no difference in the 5-year actuarial survival and disease-free survival between patients with P53 immunostaining in their tumors and those with no immunostaining (59% vs. 65% and 57% vs. 51%, respectively). The TNM tumor stage was the most significant prognostic factor with 5-year actuarial survival of 87% for early and 14% for late stages (p << 0.0001). There was a significant correlation between immunostaining and history of smoking (p = 0.02). Conclusion: The data demonstrate that the P53 accumulation as detected by immunohistochemical staining in a

  5. Association of p53 protein expression with clinical outcome in advanced supraglottic cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Jin Oh; Hong, Seong Eon


    To determine the incidence and prognostic effect of p53 expression in patients with advanced supraglottic cancer. Twenty-one cases of total 48 advanced supraglottic cancer patients who received postoperative adjuvant radiation therapy were evaluated by immunohistochemical staining employing p53 monoclonal antibody. Three out of six stage III patients and four out of fifteen stage IV patients showed p53 expression without statistically significant difference (p=0.608). Five year survival rates are 93% in p53 negative, 86% in p53 positive patients and there was no significant difference(p=0.776). p53 expression does not show statistically significant correlation with primary tumor status(p=0.877), lymph node status(p=0.874) and age(p=0.64). There was no statistically significant correlation between traditionally known risk factors and p53 expression

  6. Inactivation and inducible oncogenic mutation of p53 in gene targeted pigs.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simon Leuchs

    Full Text Available Mutation of the tumor suppressor p53 plays a major role in human carcinogenesis. Here we describe gene-targeted porcine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs and live pigs carrying a latent TP53(R167H mutant allele, orthologous to oncogenic human mutant TP53(R175H and mouse Trp53(R172H, that can be activated by Cre recombination. MSCs carrying the latent TP53(R167H mutant allele were analyzed in vitro. Homozygous cells were p53 deficient, and on continued culture exhibited more rapid proliferation, anchorage independent growth, and resistance to the apoptosis-inducing chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin, all characteristic of cellular transformation. Cre mediated recombination activated the latent TP53(R167H allele as predicted, and in homozygous cells expressed mutant p53-R167H protein at a level ten-fold greater than wild-type MSCs, consistent with the elevated levels found in human cancer cells. Gene targeted MSCs were used for nuclear transfer and fifteen viable piglets were produced carrying the latent TP53(R167H mutant allele in heterozygous form. These animals will allow study of p53 deficiency and expression of mutant p53-R167H to model human germline, or spontaneous somatic p53 mutation. This work represents the first inactivation and mutation of the gatekeeper tumor suppressor gene TP53 in a non-rodent mammal.

  7. 53BP1 and USP28 mediate p53-dependent cell cycle arrest in response to centrosome loss and prolonged mitosis. (United States)

    Fong, Chii Shyang; Mazo, Gregory; Das, Tuhin; Goodman, Joshua; Kim, Minhee; O'Rourke, Brian P; Izquierdo, Denisse; Tsou, Meng-Fu Bryan


    Mitosis occurs efficiently, but when it is disturbed or delayed, p53-dependent cell death or senescence is often triggered after mitotic exit. To characterize this process, we conducted CRISPR-mediated loss-of-function screens using a cell-based assay in which mitosis is consistently disturbed by centrosome loss. We identified 53BP1 and USP28 as essential components acting upstream of p53, evoking p21-dependent cell cycle arrest in response not only to centrosome loss, but also to other distinct defects causing prolonged mitosis. Intriguingly, 53BP1 mediates p53 activation independently of its DNA repair activity, but requiring its interacting protein USP28 that can directly deubiquitinate p53 in vitro and ectopically stabilize p53 in vivo. Moreover, 53BP1 can transduce prolonged mitosis to cell cycle arrest independently of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), suggesting that while SAC protects mitotic accuracy by slowing down mitosis, 53BP1 and USP28 function in parallel to select against disturbed or delayed mitosis, promoting mitotic efficiency.

  8. Conformational detection of p53's oligomeric state by FlAsH Fluorescence


    Webber, Tawnya M.; Allen, Andrew C.; Ma, Wai Kit; Molloy, Rhett G.; Kettelkamp, Charisse N.; Dow, Caitlin A.; Gage, Matthew J.


    The p53 tumor suppressor protein is a critical checkpoint in prevention of tumor formation, and the function of p53 is dependent on proper formation of the active tetramer. In vitro studies have shown that p53 binds DNA most efficiently as a tetramer, though inactive p53 is predicted to be monomeric in vivo. We demonstrate that FlAsH binding can be used to distinguish between oligomeric states of p53, providing a potential tool to explore p53 oligomerization in vivo. The FlAsH tetra-cysteine ...

  9. p21-LacZ reporter mice reflect p53-dependent toxic insult

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasey, Douglas B.; Wolf, C. Roland; MacArtney, Thomas; Brown, Ken; Whitelaw, C. Bruce A.


    There is an urgent need to discover less toxic and more selective drugs to treat disease. The use of transgenic mice that report on toxic insult-induced transcription can provide a valuable tool in this regard. To exemplify this strategy, we have generated transgenic mice carrying a p21-LacZ transgene. Transgene activity reflected endogenous p21 gene activation in various tissues, displayed compound-specific spatial expression signatures in the brain and immune tissues and enabled p53-dependent and p53-independent responses to be identified. We discuss the application of these mice in delineating the molecular events in normal cellular growth and disease and for the evaluation of drug toxicity

  10. O escore de CHADS2 na predição de eventos cerebrovasculares: uma metanálise

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Santos


    Full Text Available O escore de CHADS2 é um método de estratificação do risco de eventos cardiovasculares, sendo útil na decisão terapêutica em doentes de moderado/alto risco. Esta metanálise tem como objectivo averiguar se o escore de CHADS2 é eficaz na predição de eventos cerebrovasculares em doentes com Fibrilação Auricular (FA. Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica informatizada nos motores de busca PubMed, EMBASE e SciELO, durante o período de março de 2011 a abril de 2012. Os estudos foram seleccionados de acordo com critérios predeterminados. A metanálise incidiu em seis estudos de coorte, observacionais e prospectivos, que avaliaram a capacidade preditiva do escore de CHADS2 para eventos cerebrovasculares e morte. Os endpoints definidos (mortalidade e/ou Acidente Vascular Cerebral [AVC] não fatal foram comparados entre doentes com CHADS2 2, e também em função da presença/ausência de FA. No que diz respeito à ocorrência de eventos cardiovasculares combinados, morte e AVC, observou-se um maior risco no grupo com escore de CHADS2 > 2 e com FA crônica, com Odds Ratio (OR respectivamente de 2.92 (IC:2.08-4.10; p 2, independentemente da presença de FA: OR = 2.93 (IC:2.81-3.06; p < 0,00001 nos doentes com FA; OR = 2.94; (IC:2.87-3.01; p < 0,00001 nos doentes sem FA. Os estudos indicam claramente a capacidade discriminativa do escorede CHADS2 para o risco de eventos cerebrovasculares, independentemente da presença ou não de FA, permitindo desta forma identificar doentes de moderado/alto risco e seleccionar estratégias terapêuticas adequadas.

  11. P53 overexpression and outcome of radiation therapy in head and neck cancers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, In Ah; Choi, Ihl Bhong; Kang, Ki Mun; Jang, Ji Young; Kim, Kyung Mi; Park, Kyung Shin; Kim, Young Shin; Kang, Chang Suk; Cho, Seung Ho; Kim, Hyung Tae


    Experimental studies have implicated the wild type p53 in cellular response to radiation. Whether altered p53 function can lead to changes in clinical radiocurability remains an area of ongoing study. This study was performed to investigate whether any correlation between change of p53 and outcome of curative radiation therapy in patients with head and neck cancers. Immunohistochemical analysis with a mouse monoclonal antibody (D0-7) specific for human p53 was used to detect to overexpression of protein in formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor sample from 55 head and neck cancer patients treated with curative radiation therapy (median dose of 7020 cGy) from February 1988 to March 1996 at St. Mary's Hospital. Overexpression of p53 was correlated with locoregional control and survival using Kaplan-Meier method. A Cox regression multivariate analysis was performed that included all clinical variables and status of p53 expression. Thirty-seven (67.2%) patients showed overexpression of p53 by immunohistochemical staining in their tumor. One hundred percent of oral cavity, 76% of laryngeal, 66.7% of oropharyngeal, 66.7% of hypopharyngeal cancer showed p53 overexpression (p=0.05). The status of p53 had significant relationship with stage of disease (p=0.03) and history of smoking (p=0.001). The overexpression of p53 was not predictive of response rate to radiation therapy. The locoregional control was not significantly affected by p53 status. Overexpression of p53 didn't have any prognostic implication for disease free survival and overall survival. Primary site and stage of disease were significant prognostic factors for survival. The p53 overexpression as detected by immunohistochemical staining had significant correlation with stage, primary site of disease and smoking habit of patients. The p53 overexpression didn't have any predictive value for outcome of curative radiation therapy in a group of head and neck cancers

  12. P53 overexpression and outcome of radiation therapy in head and neck cancers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, In Ah; Choi, Ihl Bhong; Kang, Ki Mun; Jang, Ji Young; Kim, Kyung Mi; Park, Kyung Shin; Kim, Young Shin; Kang, Chang Suk; Cho, Seung Ho; Kim, Hyung Tae [College of Medicine, The Catholic Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Experimental studies have implicated the wild type p53 in cellular response to radiation. Whether altered p53 function can lead to changes in clinical radiocurability remains an area of ongoing study. This study was performed to investigate whether any correlation between change of p53 and outcome of curative radiation therapy in patients with head and neck cancers. Immunohistochemical analysis with a mouse monoclonal antibody (D0-7) specific for human p53 was used to detect to overexpression of protein in formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor sample from 55 head and neck cancer patients treated with curative radiation therapy (median dose of 7020 cGy) from February 1988 to March 1996 at St. Mary's Hospital. Overexpression of p53 was correlated with locoregional control and survival using Kaplan-Meier method. A Cox regression multivariate analysis was performed that included all clinical variables and status of p53 expression. Thirty-seven (67.2%) patients showed overexpression of p53 by immunohistochemical staining in their tumor. One hundred percent of oral cavity, 76% of laryngeal, 66.7% of oropharyngeal, 66.7% of hypopharyngeal cancer showed p53 overexpression (p=0.05). The status of p53 had significant relationship with stage of disease (p=0.03) and history of smoking (p=0.001). The overexpression of p53 was not predictive of response rate to radiation therapy. The locoregional control was not significantly affected by p53 status. Overexpression of p53 didn't have any prognostic implication for disease free survival and overall survival. Primary site and stage of disease were significant prognostic factors for survival. The p53 overexpression as detected by immunohistochemical staining had significant correlation with stage, primary site of disease and smoking habit of patients. The p53 overexpression didn't have any predictive value for outcome of curative radiation therapy in a group of head and neck cancers.

  13. Patients' satisfaction with information on disease and morbidity La satisfacción del paciente con la información ofrecida sobre su enfermedad y morbilidad Satisfação do doente com a informação sobre a doença e morbidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Carlos Amado Martins


    Full Text Available This descriptive-correlational study aimed to evaluate the relation between patients' satisfaction with information they have about their disease and its morbidity. A questionnaire was applied in two samples: 235 individuals with recent experience of illness (network sampling and 254 hospitalized cancer patients post-surgery (consecutive sampling. The Escala de Conhecimentos sobre a Doença(12 [Patients' Satisfaction with Information Questionnaire - PSIQ] and the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist were used. Results show that participants were dissatisfied with information received and this dissatisfaction was more pronounced in hospitalized patients. An inverse statistically significant correlation (pOBJETIVO: el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la relación entre la satisfacción de los pacientes con la información sobre la enfermedad y su morbilidad. Metodología: se trata de un estudio descriptivo y de correlación resultante de la aplicación de un cuestionario a dos muestras; siendo una de 235 personas con experiencia reciente de enfermedad (muestra en redes y la otra de 254 pacientes hospitalizados después de una cirugía de cáncer (muestra consecutiva. Fue utilizada la Escala de Conocimientos sobre la Enfermedad y el Rotterdam Symptom Checklist. RESULTADOS: los encuestados se muestran insatisfechos con la información, y esta insatisfacción es más pronunciada en los pacientes hospitalizados. Existe una correlación inversa estadísticamente significativa (pO estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a satisfação dos doentes com a informação sobre a doença e a sua morbidade. É um estudo descritivo-correlacional, resultante da aplicação de questionário a duas amostras: 235 indivíduos com experiência recente de doença (amostra em redes e 254 doentes oncológicos, internados pós-cirurgia (amostra consecutiva. Utilizada a Escala de Conhecimentos sobre a Doença e a Rotterdam Symptom Checklist. Os resultados mostram que os

  14. p53 regulates cytoskeleton remodeling to suppress tumor progression. (United States)

    Araki, Keigo; Ebata, Takahiro; Guo, Alvin Kunyao; Tobiume, Kei; Wolf, Steven John; Kawauchi, Keiko


    Cancer cells possess unique characteristics such as invasiveness, the ability to undergo epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and an inherent stemness. Cell morphology is altered during these processes and this is highly dependent on actin cytoskeleton remodeling. Regulation of the actin cytoskeleton is, therefore, important for determination of cell fate. Mutations within the TP53 (tumor suppressor p53) gene leading to loss or gain of function (GOF) of the protein are often observed in aggressive cancer cells. Here, we highlight the roles of p53 and its GOF mutants in cancer cell invasion from the perspective of the actin cytoskeleton; in particular its reorganization and regulation by cell adhesion molecules such as integrins and cadherins. We emphasize the multiple functions of p53 in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton remodeling in response to the extracellular microenvironment, and oncogene activation. Such an approach provides a new perspective in the consideration of novel targets for anti-cancer therapy.

  15. Discrimination of p53 immunohistochemistry-positive tumors by its staining pattern in gastric cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ando, Koji; Oki, Eiji; Saeki, Hiroshi; Yan, Zhao; Tsuda, Yasuo; Hidaka, Gen; Kasagi, Yuta; Otsu, Hajime; Kawano, Hiroyuki; Kitao, Hiroyuki; Morita, Masaru; Maehara, Yoshihiko


    Immunohistochemistry staining of p53 is a cheap and simple method to detect aberrant function of p53. However, there are some discrepancies between the result of immunohistochemistry staining and mutation analysis. This study attempted to find a new definition of p53 staining by its staining pattern. Immunohistochemistry staining of p53 and TP53 gene mutation analysis were performed in 148 gastric cancer patients. Also SNP-CGH array analysis was conducted to four cases. Positive staining of p53 was observed in 88 (59.5%) tumors. Tumors with positive p53 staining showed malignant features compared to negative tumors. Mutation of TP53 gene was observed in 29 (19.6%) tumors with higher age and differentiated type. In positive p53 tumors, two types could be distinguished; aberrant type and scattered type. With comparison to TP53 gene mutation analysis, all the scattered type had wild-type TP53 gene (P = 0.0003). SNP-CGH array showed that scattered-type tumors had no change in the structure of chromosome 17. P53-scattered-type staining tumors may reflect a functionally active nonmutated TP53 gene. In interpretation of p53 immunohistochemistry staining, distinguishing p53-positive tumors by their staining pattern may be important in gastric cancer

  16. Wildtype p53-specific Antibody and T-Cell Responses in Cancer Patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Anders Elm; Stryhn, Anette; Justesen, Sune


    patients. Detection of antibodies against wt p53 protein has been used as a diagnostic and prognostic marker and discovery of new T-cell epitopes has enabled design of cancer vaccination protocols with promising results. Here, we identified wt p53-specific antibodies in various cancer patients......(264-272) in breast cancer patients and against HLA-A*01:01 binding peptide wt p53(226-234) and HLA-B*07:02 binding peptide wt p53(74-82) in renal cell cancer and breast cancer patients, respectively. Finally, we analyzed antibody and T-cell responses against wt p53 15-mer peptides in patients with metastatic renal...

  17. Retention of the In Vitro Radiosensitizing Potential of Gemcitabine Under Anoxic Conditions, in p53 Wild-Type and p53-Deficient Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wouters, An; Pauwels, Bea; Lambrechts, Hilde A.J.; Pattyn, Greet G.O.; Ides, Johan; Baay, Marc; Meijnders, Paul; Peeters, Marc; Vermorken, Jan B.; Lardon, Filip


    Purpose: Whereas radiosensitization by gemcitabine is well studied under normal oxygen conditions, little is known about its radiosensitizing potential under reduced oxygen conditions. Therefore, the present study evaluated the impact of anoxia on gemcitabine-mediated radiosensitization. Methods and Materials: The clonogenic assay was performed in three isogenic A549 cell lines differing in p53 status (24 h, 0-15 nM gemcitabine, 0-8 Gy irradiation, normoxia vs. anoxia). Using radiosensitizing conditions, cells were collected for cell cycle analysis and apoptosis detection. Results: Whereas wild-type p53 A549-LXSN cells were more sensitive to radiation than p53-deficient A549-E6 cells, both cell lines showed similar radiosensitization by gemcitabine under normoxia and anoxia. Independent of p53 functionality, gemcitabine was able to overcome anoxia-induced G 0/1 arrest and established an (early) S phase block in normoxic and anoxic cells. The percentage early and late apoptotic/necrotic cells increased with the gemcitabine/radiation combination, with a significant difference between A549-LXSN and A549-E6. Conclusions: This study is the first to show that gemcitabine retains its radiosensitizing potential under low oxygen conditions. Although radiosensitization was observed in both p53 wild-type and p53-deficient cells, p53 status might influence induction of apoptosis after gemcitabine/radiation treatment, whereas no effect on cell cycle progression was noticed.

  18. Pre-irradiation at a low dose-rate blunted p53 response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, A.; Ohnishi, K.; Asakawa, I.; Tamamoto, T.; Yasumoto, J.; Yuki, K.; Ohnishi, T.; Tachibana, A.


    Full text: We have studied whether the p53-centered signal transduction pathway induced by acute radiation is interfered with chronic pre-irradiation at a low dose-rate in human cultured cells and whole body of mice. In squamous cell carcinoma cells, we found that a challenge irradiation with X-ray immediately after chronic irradiation resulted in lower levels of p53 than those observed after the challenge irradiation alone. In addition, the induction of p53-centered apoptosis and the accumulation of its related proteins after the challenge irradiation were strongly correlated with the above-mentioned phenomena. In mouse spleen, the induction of apoptosis and the accumulation of p53 and Bax were observed dose-dependently at 12 h after a challenge irradiation. In contrast, we found significant suppression of them induced by challenge irradiation at a high dose-rate when mice were pre-irradiated with chronic irradiation at a low dose-rate. These findings suggest that chronic pre-irradiation suppressed the p53 function through radiation-induced p53-dependent signal transduction processes. There are numerous papers about p53 functions in apoptosis, radiosensitivity, genomic instability and cancer incidence in cultured cells or animals. According to our data and other findings, since p53 can prevent carcinogenesis, pre-irradiation at a low dose-rate might enhance the predisposition to cancer. Therefore, it is possible that different maximal permissible dose equivalents for the public populations are appropriate. Furthermore, concerning health of human beings, studies of the adaptive responses to radiation are quite important, because the radiation response strongly depends on experience of prior exposure to radiation

  19. AAVPG: A vigilant vector where transgene expression is induced by p53

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bajgelman, Marcio C.; Medrano, Ruan F.V.; Carvalho, Anna Carolina P.V.; Strauss, Bryan E., E-mail:


    Using p53 to drive transgene expression from viral vectors may provide on demand expression in response to physiologic stress, such as hypoxia or DNA damage. Here we introduce AAVPG, an adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector where a p53-responsive promoter, termed PG, is used to control transgene expression. In vitro assays show that expression from the AAVPG-luc vector was induced specifically in the presence of functional p53 (1038±202 fold increase, p<0.001). The AAVPG-luc vector was an effective biosensor of p53 activation in response to hypoxia (4.48±0.6 fold increase in the presence of 250 µM CoCl{sub 2}, p<0.001) and biomechanical stress (2.53±0.4 fold increase with stretching, p<0.05). In vivo, the vigilant nature of the AAVPG-luc vector was revealed after treatment of tumor-bearing mice with doxorubicin (pre-treatment, 3.4×10{sup 5}±0.43×10{sup 5} photons/s; post-treatment, 6.6×10{sup 5}±2.1×10{sup 5} photons/s, p<0.05). These results indicate that the AAVPG vector is an interesting option for detecting p53 activity both in vitro and in vivo. - Highlights: • AAV vector where transgene expression is controlled by the tumor suppressor p53. • The new vector, AAVPG, shown to function as a biosensor of p53 activity, in vitro and in vivo. • The p53 activity monitored by the AAVPG vector is relevant to cancer and other diseases. • AAVPG reporter gene expression was activated upon DNA damage, hypoxia and mechanical stress.

  20. Genetic Stabilization by p53 Involves Growth Regulatory and Repair Pathways

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisa Wiesmüller


    Full Text Available p53 performs a plethora of activities, which are directed towards the maintenance of the genomic integrity and constitute its universal role as a tumor suppressor. 1000 to 10000 latent p53 molecules are permanently available in order to monitor DNA exchange processes in mitotically growing cells. After the introduction of major DNA injuries the levels of posttranslationally modified p53 proteins rise, which in turn transcriptionally signal transient cell cycle arrest or apoptotic cell death, depending on the extent of damage. Taken together, p53 inhibits the manifestation of genomic instabilities at different control levels both during naturally occurring metabolic processes and in response to genotoxic treatments.

  1. Hepatotoxicidade Induzida por Fármacos Anti-tuberculosos

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    Jaime R. Ungo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Com o objectivo de:Investigar a possível associação entre a infecção pelo virus da Hepatite C (VHC e/ou vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH com a ocorrência de hepatotoxicidade induzida pela medicação antibacilar.Investigar o possivel papel que o alfa-interferão 2a possa ter. permitindo a re-introdução da terapêutica anti-tuberculosa em doentes com infecção pelo VHC em que se observam clevações recorrentes dos niveis de transaminases enquanto submetidos a medicação com antibacilares.Procedeu-se a um estudo prospectivo em doentes internados no A. G. Holley Hospital com o diagnóstico de tuberculose, no período compreendido entre Dezembro de 1994 e Março de 1996. A população de doentes deste Hospital é essencialmente formada por doentes não aderentes à terapêutica em ambulatório ou doentes em que a existência de patologia associada, problemas psiquiátricos ou sociais interferem com a eficácia terapêutica em ambulatório.Os doentes eram submetidos a uma avaliarção analítica com determinação de ALT, AST, bilirrubina total, serologias para Hepatite A, B, C e VIH e doseamento urinário de drogas. Os exames para avaliação da funrção hepática eram determinados mensalmente após o inicio da medicação e, caso se verificassem altcrarções passavam a ser determinados com periodicidade bissemanal.Todos os doentes com infecção pelo VHC, VIH negativos, que apresentaram elevação recorrente das provas de funrção hepatica (P.F.H. após re-introdução da terapêutica antibacilar, çntraram no protocolo com alfa-interferão. Estes doentes eram submetidos a biópsia hepática e se nesta, se observasse inflamação activa. iniciavam terapêutlca com alfa-interferão. Uma vez que as P.F.H. normalizassem ou se verificasse uma melhoria de pelo menos 50%, sob terapêutica com interferao, re-introduzia-se sequencialmente terapêutica com isoniazida (INH, rifabutina (RBT e pirazinamida (PZA com determina

  2. Oncogenic c-Myc-induced lymphomagenesis is inhibited non-redundantly by the p19Arf–Mdm2–p53 and RP–Mdm2–p53 pathways


    Meng, X; Carlson, NR; Dong, J; Zhang, Y


    The multifaceted oncogene c-Myc plays important roles in the development and progression of human cancer. Recent in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that the p19Arf–Mdm2–p53 and the ribosomal protein (RP)–Mdm2–p53 pathways are both essential in preventing oncogenic c-Myc-induced tumorigenesis. Disruption of each pathway individually by p19Arf deletion or by Mdm2C305F mutation, which disrupts RP-Mdm2 binding, accelerates Eμ-myc transgene-induced pre-B/B-cell lymphoma in mice at seemingly s...

  3. The 52Cr(p, γ)53Mn reaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vuister, P.H.

    The 52Cr(p, γ)53Mn reaction was investigated in the energy region Ep = 1.36–2.26 MeV. The resonance energies, the corresponding 53Mn excitation energies and the resonance strengths of 199 resonances, assigned to this reaction, are reported. The excitation energies and gamma-ray branchings of 13

  4. A combination of p53-activating APR-246 and phosphatidylserine-targeting antibody potently inhibits tumor development in hormone-dependent mutant p53-expressing breast cancer xenografts

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    Liang Y


    Full Text Available Yayun Liang,1 Benford Mafuvadze,1 Cynthia Besch-Williford,2 Salman M Hyder1 1Deparment of Biomedical Sciences and Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, Columbia, MO, USA; 2IDEXX BioResearch, Columbia, MO, USA Background: Between 30 and 40% of human breast cancers express a defective tumor suppressor p53 gene. Wild-type p53 tumor suppressor protein promotes cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis and inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor–dependent angiogenesis, whereas mutant p53 protein (mtp53 lacks these functions, resulting in tumor cell survival and metastasis. Restoration of p53 function is therefore a promising drug-targeted strategy for combating mtp53-expressing breast cancer. Methods: In this study, we sought to determine whether administration of APR-246, a small-molecule drug that restores p53 function, in combination with 2aG4, an antibody that targets phosphatidylserine residues on tumor blood vessels and disrupts tumor vasculature, effectively inhibits advanced hormone-dependent breast cancer tumor growth. Results: APR-246 reduced cell viability in mtp53-expressing BT-474 and T47-D human breast cancer cells in vitro, and significantly induced apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner. However, APR-246 did not reduce cell viability in MCF-7 breast cancer cells, which express wild-type p53. We next examined APR-246’s anti-tumor effects in vivo using BT-474 and T47-D tumor xenografts established in female nude mice. Tumor-bearing mice were treated with APR-246 and/or 2aG4 and tumor volume followed over time. Tumor growth was more effectively suppressed by combination treatment than by either agent alone, and combination therapy completely eradicated some tumors. Immunohistochemistry analysis of tumor tissue sections demonstrated that combination therapy more effectively induced apoptosis and reduced cell proliferation in tumor xenografts than either agent alone. Importantly, combination therapy dramatically reduced the density of blood

  5. The role of p53 in the response to mitotic spindle damage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meek, D.W.


    The p53 tumour suppressor protein has defined roles in G1/S and G2/M cell cycle checkpoint in response to a range of cellular stresses including DNA damage, dominant oncogene expression, hypoxia, metabolic changes and viral infection. In addition to these responses, p53 can also be activated when damage occurs to the mitotic spindle. Initially, spindle damage activates a p53-independent checkpoint which functions at the metaphase-anaphase transition and prevents cells from progressing through mitosis until the completion of spindle formation. Cells eventually escape from this block (a process termed 'mitotic slippage'), and an aberrant mitosis ensues in which sister chromatids fail to segregate properly. After a delay period, p53 responds to this mitotic failure by instituting a G1-like growth arrest, with an intact nucleus containing 4N DNA, but without the cells undergoing division. Cells lacking wild-type p53 are still able to arrest transiently at mitosis, and also fail to undergo division, underscoring that the delay in mitosis is p53-independent. However, these cells are not prevented from re-entering the cell cycle and can reduplicate their DNA unchecked, leading to polyploidy. Additionally, p53-null cells which experience spindle failure often show the appearance of micronuclei arising from poorly segregated chromosomes which have de-condensed and been enclosed in a nuclear envelope. The ability of p53 to prevent their formation suggests an additional G2 involvement which prevents nuclear breakdown prior to mitosis. The molecular mechanism by which p53 is able to sense mitotic failure is still unknown, but may be linked to the ability of p53 to regulate duplication of the centrosome, the organelle which nucleates spindle formation. (authors)

  6. Revascularização do miocárdio sem circulação extracorpórea em idosos: análise da morbidade e mortalidade Off-pump myocardial revascularization in the elderly: analysis of morbidity and mortality

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    Ana Maria Rocha Pinto e Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a evolução intra-hospitalar de doentes com 70 anos de idade ou mais, submetidos a revascularização do miocárdio sem circulação extracorpórea, com uso de shunt intracoronário, operados na urgência, emergência e eletivamente. MÉTODOS: Foram submetidos à cirurgia 87 doentes com idade entre 70 e 92 anos de julho de 1989 a julho de 2005. Dos 87 doentes, 50 (57,5% eram portadores de angina instável, sendo três (3,4% na vigência de infarto agudo do miocárdio. Foram operados em caráter de emergência e urgência 31 (35,6% doentes. De todo o grupo, havia 13 (14,9% doentes com infarto ocorrido em até 30 dias e 34 (39,1% com infarto ocorrido há mais de 30 dias. RESULTADOS: As complicações mais freqüentes foram: fibrilação atrial (32,2%, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (12,6%, broncopneumonia (10,3%, sepse (3,4%, infarto agudo do miocárdio peri-operatório (2,3%, mediastinite (1,1%, acidente isquêmico transitório (1,1%, pneumotórax (1,1%. O tempo médio de intubação foi de 18,50±19,09 horas; permanência em UTI, 2,92±2,03 dias, e hospitalar, 10,55±7,16 dias. Apenas nove (10,3% doentes receberam concentrado de hemácias no pós-operatório e nenhum foi reoperado por sangramento. A mortalidade hospitalar foi de 4,6%. CONCLUSÃO: Em doentes acima de 70 anos, operados na emergência, urgência e eletivamente, a revascularização do miocárdio sem extracorpórea com shunt intracoronário apresentou adequada evolução pós-operatória e baixos índices de complicações e mortalidade em relação à população estudada.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the in-hospital outcome of elderly patients aged 70 years and older who underwent off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery with an intraluminal shunt in urgent, emergent, and elective coronary revascularizations. METHODS: From July 1989 to July 2005, we analyzed 87 patients ranging in age from 70 to 92 years. Of the 87 patients enrolled, 50 (57.5% patients had

  7. Relationship between P53 and bystander effect induced by radiated hepatoma cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Meijia; Shen Bo; Yuan Dexiao; Cheng Honghong; Shao Chunlin


    The role of p53 in bystander responses on normal liver cells were investigated by co-culturing irradiated hepatoma cells with non-irradiated bystander Chang liver cells. It was found that radiosensitivity of the hepatoma cells was relative to p53. HepG2 cells with wtp53 had the highest radiosensitivity followed by PLC/PRF/5 cells with mtp53 and Hep3B cells with null-p53. The induction of bystander micronucleus(MN) was observed only in the Chang liver cells that had been co-cultured with HepG2 cells but not co-cultured with PLC/PRF/5 or Hep3B. Also, this bystander MN was relative to the irradiation dose and the cell co-culture rime. When the hepatoma cells were treated with pifithrin-α, a p53 inhibitor, their radiosensitivities were reduced, and the bystander effect was diminished. The results indicate that p53 could regulate not only the radiosensitivity but also the bystander response. (authors)

  8. Recusa Escolar em Adolescentes: Caracterização e Situação 27 a 60 Meses Após a Admissão em Hospital de Dia

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    Dora Leal


    sintomatologia emocional e comportamental actual. Resultados: A maioria dos jovens com recusa escolar apresentou diagnóstico de perturbação afectiva – perturbação de humor e de ansiedade, e um grande número de perturbação de comportame nto. Os jovens com recusa escolar necessitaram de uma intervenção mais longa e de um maior número de sessões. Neste estudo, 27 a 60 meses após a admissão em hospital de dia, os doentes com menos de 25 sessões apresentaram mais alterações emocionais e comportamentais e maior necessidade de seguimento psiquiátrico do que os doentes com mais de 100 sessões. Após 27 a 60 meses da admissão em hospital de dia, 15% não tinham ocupação laboral, 50% apresentavam sintomatologia emocional e comportamental significativa e 38,5% ainda necessitavam de seguimento psiquiátrico, sendo estes indicadores mais marcados nos jovens com diagnóstico de perturbações afectivas. Conclusão: A recusa escolar tem um impacto muito significativo na vida dos adolescentes, quer a curto quer a médio prazo, pelo que necessita de uma intervenção abrangente e intensiva, nomeadamente nos doentes com perturbação afectiva.

  9. p53-Dependent suppression of genome instability in germ cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Otozai, Shinji [Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Osaka University School of Medicine, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Ishikawa-Fujiwara, Tomoko [Department of Radiation Biology and Medical Genetics, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, B4, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Oda, Shoji [Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Chiba 277-8562 (Japan); Kamei, Yasuhiro [Department of Radiation Biology and Medical Genetics, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, B4, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Ryo, Haruko [Nomura Project, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Osaka 565-0085 (Japan); Sato, Ayuko [Department of Pathology, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo 663-8501 (Japan); Nomura, Taisei [Nomura Project, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Osaka 565-0085 (Japan); Mitani, Hiroshi [Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Chiba 277-8562 (Japan); Tsujimura, Tohru [Department of Pathology, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo 663-8501 (Japan); Inohara, Hidenori [Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Osaka University School of Medicine, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Todo, Takeshi, E-mail: [Department of Radiation Biology and Medical Genetics, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, B4, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan)


    Highlights: • Radiation-induced microsatellite instability (MSI) was investigated in medaka fish. • msh2{sup −/−} fish had a high frequency of spontaneous MSI. • p53{sup −/−} fish had a high frequency of radiation-induced MSI. • p53 and msh2 suppress MSI by different pathways: mismatch removal and apoptosis. - Abstract: Radiation increases mutation frequencies at tandem repeat loci. Germline mutations in γ-ray-irradiated medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) were studied, focusing on the microsatellite loci. Mismatch-repair genes suppress microsatellite mutation by directly removing altered sequences at the nucleotide level, whereas the p53 gene suppresses genetic alterations by eliminating damaged cells. The contribution of these two defense mechanisms to radiation-induced microsatellite instability was addressed. The spontaneous mutation frequency was significantly higher in msh2{sup −/−} males than in wild-type fish, whereas there was no difference in the frequency of radiation-induced mutations between msh2{sup −/−} and wild-type fish. By contrast, irradiated p53{sup −/−} fish exhibited markedly increased mutation frequencies, whereas their spontaneous mutation frequency was the same as that of wild-type fish. In the spermatogonia of the testis, radiation induced a high level of apoptosis both in wild-type and msh2{sup −/−} fish, but negligible levels in p53{sup −/−} fish. The results demonstrate that the msh2 and p53 genes protect genome integrity against spontaneous and radiation-induced mutation by two different pathways: direct removal of mismatches and elimination of damaged cells.

  10. p53-Dependent suppression of genome instability in germ cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otozai, Shinji; Ishikawa-Fujiwara, Tomoko; Oda, Shoji; Kamei, Yasuhiro; Ryo, Haruko; Sato, Ayuko; Nomura, Taisei; Mitani, Hiroshi; Tsujimura, Tohru; Inohara, Hidenori; Todo, Takeshi


    Highlights: • Radiation-induced microsatellite instability (MSI) was investigated in medaka fish. • msh2 −/− fish had a high frequency of spontaneous MSI. • p53 −/− fish had a high frequency of radiation-induced MSI. • p53 and msh2 suppress MSI by different pathways: mismatch removal and apoptosis. - Abstract: Radiation increases mutation frequencies at tandem repeat loci. Germline mutations in γ-ray-irradiated medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) were studied, focusing on the microsatellite loci. Mismatch-repair genes suppress microsatellite mutation by directly removing altered sequences at the nucleotide level, whereas the p53 gene suppresses genetic alterations by eliminating damaged cells. The contribution of these two defense mechanisms to radiation-induced microsatellite instability was addressed. The spontaneous mutation frequency was significantly higher in msh2 −/− males than in wild-type fish, whereas there was no difference in the frequency of radiation-induced mutations between msh2 −/− and wild-type fish. By contrast, irradiated p53 −/− fish exhibited markedly increased mutation frequencies, whereas their spontaneous mutation frequency was the same as that of wild-type fish. In the spermatogonia of the testis, radiation induced a high level of apoptosis both in wild-type and msh2 −/− fish, but negligible levels in p53 −/− fish. The results demonstrate that the msh2 and p53 genes protect genome integrity against spontaneous and radiation-induced mutation by two different pathways: direct removal of mismatches and elimination of damaged cells

  11. p53-Mediated Molecular Control of Autophagy in Tumor Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Mrakovcic


    Full Text Available Autophagy is an indispensable mechanism of the eukaryotic cell, facilitating the removal and renewal of cellular components and thereby balancing the cell’s energy consumption and homeostasis. Deregulation of autophagy is now regarded as one of the characteristic key features contributing to the development of tumors. In recent years, the suppression of autophagy in combination with chemotherapeutic treatment has been approached as a novel therapy in cancer treatment. However, depending on the type of cancer and context, interference with the autophagic machinery can either promote or disrupt tumorigenesis. Therefore, disclosure of the major signaling pathways that regulate autophagy and control tumorigenesis is crucial. To date, several tumor suppressor proteins and oncogenes have emerged as eminent regulators of autophagy whose depletion or mutation favor tumor formation. The mammalian cell “janitor” p53 belongs to one of these tumor suppressors that are most commonly mutated in human tumors. Experimental evidence over the last decade convincingly reports that p53 can act as either an activator or an inhibitor of autophagy depending on its subcellular localization and its mode of action. This finding gains particular significance as p53 deficiency or mutant variants of p53 that accumulate in the cytoplasm of tumor cells enable activation of autophagy. Accordingly, we recently identified p53 as a molecular hub that regulates autophagy and apoptosis in histone deacetylase inhibitor-treated uterine sarcoma cells. In light of this novel experimental evidence, in this review, we focus on p53 signaling as a mediator of the autophagic pathway in tumor cells.


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    G. Sathish Kumar


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Urothelial Cell Carcinoma (UCC of urinary bladder is the seventh commonest cancer wordwide.1 At initial diagnosis, 30% of UCC display solid and invasive growth patterns and are locally advanced or metastatic at the time of diagnosis. 70% of tumours are noninvasive papillary UCC confined to the epithelium and subepithelial connective tissue,2 which can be managed by endoscopic resection. A significant number of post-resected cases, progress for recurrence of tumour and infiltration to muscle layers. Invasive bladder cancer has high morbidity and uniform mortality when it is metastatic. There are no effective tools to predict aggressiveness of tumour, so that these cases can be managed more successfully. Mutated Tp53/p53 is the genetic abnormality most frequently associated with UCC and related to cell transformation, malignancy and high recurrence rates.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS This is a descriptive study conducted in the departments of urology and pathology and during the period of March 2014 to February 2015. All consecutive cystoscopic biopsies, Trans urethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT and radical cystectomy specimens histopathologically diagnosed as UCC were included in the study. p53 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Positive and negative controls were used. Bivariate analysis was done using Chi-square test in all cases. RESULTS A total of 80 cases were analysed. Significant association of p53 expression was found in higher grades of tumour. Also, noted relation of p53 mutation with tumour size, multifocality, multiplicity, muscle invasion and tumour stage, which were statistically not significant. CONCLUSION Bladder tumour grade shows significant association to p53 expression. Papillary neoplasm of low malignant potential (PUNLMP tumours are negative for p53, and in the present study, there was significant difference in p53 over expression low-grade papillary UCC compared with PUNLMP. 90% of low

  13. An N-terminal Region of Mot-2 Binds to p53 In Vitro

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    Sunil C. Kaul


    Full Text Available The mouse mot-2 protein was earlier shown to bind to the tumor suppressor protein, p53. The mot-2 binding site of p53 was mapped to C-terminal amino acid residues 312–352, which includes the cytoplasmic sequestration domain. In the present study, we have found that both mot-1 and mot-2 bind to p53 in vitro. By using His-tagged deletion mutant proteins, the p53-binding domain of mot-2 was mapped to its Nterminal amino acid residues 253–282, which are identical in mot-1 and mot-2 proteins. Some peptides containing the p53-binding region of mot-2 were able to compete with the full-length protein for p53 binding. The data provided rationale for in vitro binding of mot-1 and mot-2 proteins to p53 and supported the conclusion that inability of mot-1 protein to bind p53 in vivo depends on secondary structure or its binding to other cellular factors. Most interestingly, the p53-binding region of mot-2 was common to its MKT-077, a cationic dye that exhibits antitumor activity, binding region. Therefore it is most likely that MKT-077-induced nuclear translocation and restoration of wild-type p53 function in transformed cells takes place by a competitional mechanism.

  14. P-Glycoprotein/MDR1 regulates pokemon gene transcription through p53 expression in human breast cancer cells. (United States)

    He, Shengnan; Liu, Feng; Xie, Zhenhua; Zu, Xuyu; Xu, Wei; Jiang, Yuyang


    P-glycoprotein (Pgp), encoded by the multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1) gene, is an efflux transporter and plays an important role in pharmacokinetics. In this study, we demonstrated that the pokemon promoter activity, the pokemon mRNA and protein expression can be significantly inhibited by Pgp. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay showed that Pgp can bind the pokemon prompter to repress pokemon transcription activity. Furthermore, Pgp regulated pokemon transcription activity through expression of p53 as seen by use of p53 siRNA transfected MCF-7 cells or p53 mutated MDA-MB-231 cells. Moreover, p53 was detected to bind with Pgp in vivo using immunoprecipitation assay. Taken together, we conclude that Pgp can regulate the expression of pokemon through the presence of p53, suggesting that Pgp is a potent regulator and may offer an effective novel target for cancer therapy.

  15. Changes in protein expression in p53 deleted spontaneous thymic lymphomas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Honoré, Bent; Vorum, Henrik; Pedersen, Anders Elm


    with the protein expression in p53+/+ and p53-/- thymocytes. Only a minority (13 proteins) of the quantitatively changed proteins were common for the two thymic lymphoma cell lines, suggesting that the p53 deficiency mainly results in genetic dysfunctions which are individual for a given tumor. Two of the detected...... structure containing motifs of the glyoxalase-bleomycin resistance protein family (MDR) as deduced from the cDNA....

  16. Synthesis and evaluation of modified chalcone based p53 stabilizing agents

    KAUST Repository

    Iftikhar, Sunniya; Khan, Sardraz; Bilal, Aishah; Manzoor, Safia; Abdullah, Muhammad; Emwas, Abdul-Hamid M.; Sioud, Salim; Gao, Xin; Chotana, Ghayoor Abbas; Faisal, Amir; Saleem, Rahman Shah Zaib


    Tumor suppressor protein p53 induces cell cycle arrest and apoptotic cell death in response to various cellular stresses thereby preventing cancer development. Activation and stabilization of p53 through small organic molecules is, therefore, an attractive approach for the treatment of cancers retaining wild-type p53. In this context, a series of nineteen chalcones with various substitution patterns of functional groups including chloro, fluoro, methoxy, nitro, benzyloxy, 4-methyl benzyloxy was prepared using Claisen-Schmidt condensation. The compounds were characterized using NMR, HRMS, IR and melting points. Evaluation of synthesized compounds against human colorectal (HCT116) and breast (Cal-51) cancer cell lines revealed potent antiproliferative activities. Nine compounds displayed GI50 values in the low micromolar to submicromolar range; for example (E)-1-phenyl-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one (SSE14108) showed GI50 of 0.473 ± 0.043 µM against HCT116 cells. Further analysis of these compounds revealed that (E)-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one (SSE14105) and (E)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one (SSE14106) caused rapid (4 and 8-hour post-treatment) accumulation of p53 in HCT116 cells similar to its induction by positive control, Nutlin-3. Such activities were absent in 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)propiophenone (SSE14106H2) demonstrating the importance of conjugated ketone for antiproliferative and p53 stabilizing activity of the chalcones. We further evaluated p53 levels in the presence of cycloheximide (CHX) and the results showed that the p53 stabilization was regulated at post-translational level through blockage of its degradation. These chalcones can, therefore, act as fragment leads for further structure optimization to obtain more potent p53 stabilizing agents with enhanced anti-proliferative activities.

  17. Synthesis and evaluation of modified chalcone based p53 stabilizing agents

    KAUST Repository

    Iftikhar, Sunniya


    Tumor suppressor protein p53 induces cell cycle arrest and apoptotic cell death in response to various cellular stresses thereby preventing cancer development. Activation and stabilization of p53 through small organic molecules is, therefore, an attractive approach for the treatment of cancers retaining wild-type p53. In this context, a series of nineteen chalcones with various substitution patterns of functional groups including chloro, fluoro, methoxy, nitro, benzyloxy, 4-methyl benzyloxy was prepared using Claisen-Schmidt condensation. The compounds were characterized using NMR, HRMS, IR and melting points. Evaluation of synthesized compounds against human colorectal (HCT116) and breast (Cal-51) cancer cell lines revealed potent antiproliferative activities. Nine compounds displayed GI50 values in the low micromolar to submicromolar range; for example (E)-1-phenyl-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one (SSE14108) showed GI50 of 0.473 ± 0.043 µM against HCT116 cells. Further analysis of these compounds revealed that (E)-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one (SSE14105) and (E)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one (SSE14106) caused rapid (4 and 8-hour post-treatment) accumulation of p53 in HCT116 cells similar to its induction by positive control, Nutlin-3. Such activities were absent in 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)propiophenone (SSE14106H2) demonstrating the importance of conjugated ketone for antiproliferative and p53 stabilizing activity of the chalcones. We further evaluated p53 levels in the presence of cycloheximide (CHX) and the results showed that the p53 stabilization was regulated at post-translational level through blockage of its degradation. These chalcones can, therefore, act as fragment leads for further structure optimization to obtain more potent p53 stabilizing agents with enhanced anti-proliferative activities.

  18. Depression of p53-independent Akt survival signals in human oral cancer cells bearing mutated p53 gene after exposure to high-LET radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakagawa, Yosuke [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, Nara 634-8521 (Japan); Takahashi, Akihisa [Advanced Scientific Research Leader Development Unit, Gunma University, 3-39-22 Showa-machi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-8511 (Japan); Kajihara, Atsuhisa; Yamakawa, Nobuhiro; Imai, Yuichiro [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, Nara 634-8521 (Japan); Ota, Ichiro; Okamoto, Noritomo [Department of Otorhinolaryngology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, Nara 634-8521 (Japan); Mori, Eiichiro [Department of Radiation Oncology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, Nara 634-8521 (Japan); Noda, Taichi [Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, Nara 634-8521 (Japan); Furusawa, Yoshiya [Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group, Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8555 (Japan); Kirita, Tadaaki [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, Nara 634-8521 (Japan); Ohnishi, Takeo, E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, Nara 634-8521 (Japan)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer High-LET radiation induces efficiently apoptosis regardless of p53 gene status. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer We examined whether high-LET radiation depresses the Akt-survival signals. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer High-LET radiation depresses of survival signals even in the mp53 cancer cells. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer High-LET radiation activates Caspase-9 through depression of survival signals. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer High-LET radiation suppresses cell growth through depression of survival signals. -- Abstract: Although mutations and deletions in the p53 tumor suppressor gene lead to resistance to low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation, high-LET radiation efficiently induces cell lethality and apoptosis regardless of the p53 gene status in cancer cells. Recently, it has been suggested that the induction of p53-independent apoptosis takes place through the activation of Caspase-9 which results in the cleavage of Caspase-3 and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). This study was designed to examine if high-LET radiation depresses serine/threonine protein kinase B (PKB, also known as Akt) and Akt-related proteins. Human gingival cancer cells (Ca9-22 cells) harboring a mutated p53 (mp53) gene were irradiated with 2 Gy of X-rays or Fe-ion beams. The cellular contents of Akt-related proteins participating in cell survival signaling were analyzed with Western Blotting 1, 2, 3 and 6 h after irradiation. Cell cycle distributions after irradiation were assayed with flow cytometric analysis. Akt-related protein levels decreased when cells were irradiated with high-LET radiation. High-LET radiation increased G{sub 2}/M phase arrests and suppressed the progression of the cell cycle much more efficiently when compared to low-LET radiation. These results suggest that high-LET radiation enhances apoptosis through the activation of Caspase-3 and Caspase-9, and suppresses cell growth by suppressing Akt-related signaling, even in mp

  19. Hipersonolência diurna e variáveis polissonográficas em doentes com síndroma de apneia do sono Daytime sleepiness and polysomnographic variables in sleep apnoea patients

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    O Mediano


    Full Text Available A síndroma de apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS caracteriza-se por episódios repetidos de obstrução da via aérea superior, hipoxemia nocturna e fragmentação do sono. A hipersonolência diurna constitui um sintoma frequente nos doentes com esta síndroma, embora possa estar ausente. A sua presença representa uma limitação significativa da qualidade de vida do indivíduo, bem como um aumento da morbilidade e mortalidade da SAOS, visto ser um importante factor de risco para acidentes de viação e laborais, podendo originar alterações cognitivo-comportamentais relevantes. O mecanismo desencadeante de hipersonolência diurna não é claro. Alguns autores relacionaram esta com a arquitectura anormal do sono, o que, no entanto, não foi confirmado por outros investigadores. Alguns estudos salientaram a relação entre a hipersonolência diurna e os níveis de dessaturação nocturna da oxi-hemoglobina, mas este facto não foi comprovado cientificamente. O objectivo do presente trabalho foi analisar quais os mecanismos responsáveis pela sonolência diurna nos doentes com SAOS. Assim, numerosas variáveis registadas no estudo polissonográfico foram comparadas em dois grupos de indivíduos com esta patologia, apresentando um deles hipersonolência diurna inequívoca e o outro a total ausência da mesma. Foram avaliados 65 indivíduos seguidos no Departamento Respiratório do Hospital Universitário do Son Dureta (Palma de Maiorca que possuíam no registo poligráfico nocturno um índice de apneia/hipopneia (IAH >20/h. A sonolência excessiva foi determinada utilizando a escala de sono de Epworth (ESE e o teste de latência múltipla. A sua presença foi considerada sempre que o score de ESE >10 e o score do teste de latência múltipla 10 min. Cerca de 25 indivíduos foram excluídos devido a discrepância entre os resultados das referidas determinações. Dos 40 doentes restantes, 23 apresentavam hipersonolência diurna e 17 não. Nenhum dos

  20. Phosphorylation and nuclear accumulation are distinct events contributing to the activation of p53

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Hagan, Heather M.; Ljungman, Mats


    It has been recently shown that ionizing radiation (IR) and the mRNA synthesis inhibitor 5,6-dichloro-1-b-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole (DRB) act in synergy to induce p53-mediated transactivation of reporter plasmids in human cells [Oncogene 19 (2000) 3829]. We have extended these studies and show that ionizing radiation and DRB also act in synergy to induce ATM-mediated phosphorylation of the ser15 site of p53 and enhance the expression of endogenous p21 protein. Examination of the localization of p53 revealed that while DRB did not induce phosphorylation of the ser15 site of p53 but efficiently accumulated p53 in the nucleus, ionizing radiation induced phosphorylation of the ser15 site of p53 without prolonged nuclear accumulation. Importantly, the combination of DRB and IR resulted in a strong accumulation of phosphorylated p53 in the nucleus that was more persistent then p53 accumulation after IR alone. Furthermore, the nuclear export inhibitor leptomycin B showed a similar synergy with IR as did DRB regarding ser15 phosphorylation of p53 and p21 induction. These results suggest that the synergistic activation of the p53 response by the combination treatment is due to the activation of two distinct pathways where DRB causes the prolonged nuclear accumulation of p53 while ionizing radiation activates p53 by ATM-mediated phosphorylation

  1. Mutant p53 drives cancer by subverting multiple tumour suppression pathways

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sue eHaupt


    Full Text Available The tumour suppressor p53 normally acts as a brake to halt damaged cells from perpetrating their genetic errors into future generations. If p53 is disrupted by mutation, it may not only lose these corrective powers, but counter-productively acquire new capacities that drive cancer. A newly emerging manner in which mutant p53 executes its cancer promoting functions is by harnessing key proteins (including many transcription factors, which normally partner with its wild type, tumour-inhibiting counterpart. In association with the subverted activities of these protein partners, mutant p53 is empowered to act across multiple fundamental cellular pathways (regulating cell division and metabolism and corrupt them to become cancer promoting.

  2. The Histone Lysine Demethylase JMJD3/KDM6B Is Recruited to p53 Bound Promoters and Enhancer Elements in a p53 Dependent Manner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Williams, Kristine; Christensen, Jesper; Rappsilber, Juri


    linked to the regulation of different biological processes such as differentiation of embryonic stem cells, inflammatory responses in macrophages, and induction of cellular senescence via regulation of the INK4A-ARF locus. Here we show here that JMJD3 interacts with the tumour suppressor protein p53. We...... find that the interaction is dependent on the p53 tetramerization domain. Following DNA damage, JMJD3 is transcriptionally upregulated and by performing genome-wide mapping of JMJD3, we demonstrate that it binds genes involved in basic cellular processes, as well as genes regulating cell cycle......, response to stress and apoptosis. Moreover, we find that JMJD3 binding sites show significant overlap with p53 bound promoters and enhancer elements. The binding of JMJD3 to p53 target sites is increased in response to DNA damage, and we demonstrate that the recruitment of JMJD3 to these sites is dependent...

  3. O Cyfra 21-1 é um determinante prognóstico no carcinoma pulmonar não de pequenas células (CPNPC: resultado de uma meta-análise que incluiu 2063 doentes

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    J.-L. Pujol


    óstico e que, de algum modo, possam influenciar a respectiva programação terapêutica.Das variáveis biológicas, com bem demonstrado valor prognóstico no cancro do pulmão, podem citar-se os níveis séricos elevados de fosfatase alcalina ou de desidrogenase láctica (LDH, a hiperleucocitose ou a hiponatremia 1. Mais recentemente 2, indicam-se também como factores de prognóstico a ploidia, as mutações p53, ou o aumento de expressão da proteína bcl-2, cuja aplicação, na prática clínica, ainda não é rotineira, pela complexidade (e custos das técnicas envolvidas na sua manipulação, mas sobre os quais recai um interesse sucessivamente crescente pelas implicações que potencialmente acarretam na área dos chamados novos alvos terapêuticos.Dentro da problemática do estudo dos marcadores tumorais séricos, acessíveis na prática clínica diária, tem tomado um lugar de crescente interesse a determinação do valor sérico pré-terapêutico de alguns, como é o caso da citoqueratina Cyfra 21-1, cujo valor, como factor de prognóstico nos CPNPC, tem sido objecto de múltiplos trabalhos, de resultados nem sempre concordantes.Daí o relevo da presente meta-análise, que vem confirmar a importância desse marcador tumoral como determinante prognóstico nos CPNPC.Enquanto as recomendações da American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society (ATS/ERS não indicam qualquer marcador tumoral na avaliação pré-terapêutica dos CPNPC 3, nas recomendações da Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française (SPLF 4, o Cyfra 21-1 é apontado como tendo valor na avaliação pré-terapêutica deste grupo de tumores, onde revela valor prognóstico independente.Estas afirmações são feitas com base em estudos prospectivos de grupos de doentes, mas questionase o seu interesse clínico, caso a caso, não sendo indicado como factor

  4. Substrate Stiffness Influences Doxorubicin-Induced p53 Activation via ROCK2 Expression

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    Takahiro Ebata


    Full Text Available The physical properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM, such as stiffness, are involved in the determination of the characteristics of cancer cells, including chemotherapy sensitivity. Resistance to chemotherapy is often linked to dysfunction of tumor suppressor p53; however, it remains elusive whether the ECM microenvironment interferes with p53 activation in cancer cells. Here, we show that, in MCF-7 breast cancer cells, extracellular stiffness influences p53 activation induced by the antitumor drug doxorubicin. Cell growth inhibition by doxorubicin was increased in response to ECM rigidity in a p53-dependent manner. The expression of Rho-associated coiled coil-containing protein kinase (ROCK 2, which induces the activation of myosin II, was significantly higher when cells were cultured on stiffer ECM substrates. Knockdown of ROCK2 expression or pharmacological inhibition of ROCK decreased doxorubicin-induced p53 activation. Our results suggest that a soft ECM causes downregulation of ROCK2 expression, which drives resistance to chemotherapy by repressing p53 activation.

  5. Tumor suppressor WWOX and p53 alterations and drug resistance in glioblastomas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ming-Fu eChiang


    Full Text Available Tumor suppressor p53 are frequently mutated in glioblastomas (GBMs and appears to contribute, in part, to resistance to temozolomide and therapeutic drugs. WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WWOX (FOR or WOX1 is a proapoptotic protein and is considered as a tumor suppressor. Loss of WWOX gene expression is frequently seen in malignant cancer cells due to promoter hypermethylation, genetic alterations, and translational blockade. Intriguingly, ectopic expression of wild type WWOX preferentially induces apoptosis in human glioblastoma cells harboring mutant p53. WWOX is known to physically bind and stabilize wild type p53. Here, we provide an overview for the updated knowledge in p53 and WWOX, and postulate a potential scenarios that wild type and mutant p53, or isoforms, modulate the apoptotic function of WWOX. We propose that triggering WWOX activation by therapeutic drugs under p53 functional deficiency is needed to overcome TMZ resistance and induce GBM cell death.

  6. p53 expression and mutation analysis of odontogenic cysts with and without dysplasia. (United States)

    Cox, Darren P


    Overexpression of p53 protein is well described in odontogenic cystic lesions (OCLs), including those with epithelial dysplasia; however, most p53 antibodies stain both wild-type and mutated p53 protein and may not reflect genotype. Direct sequencing of the p53 gene has not identified mutations in OCLs with dysplasia. The purpose of this study was to determine the molecular basis of p53 expression in several types of OCLs with and without dysplasia. The study material comprised 13 OCLs: odontogenic keratocyst (n = 5), orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst (n = 5), dentigerous cyst (n = 2), lateral periodontal cyst (n = 1), and unspecified developmental odontogenic cyst (UDOC) (n = 1). Five of these had features of mild or moderate epithelial dysplasia. One intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) that was believed to have arisen from an antecedent dysplastic orthokeratinized OC was also included. Immunohistochemistry was performed using the DO7 monoclonal antibody that recognizes wild-type and mutated p53. DNA was extracted from microdissected tissue for all samples and exons 4 to 8 of the p53 gene direct sequenced. In 4 of 5 OCLs with dysplasia there was strong nuclear staining of basal and suprabasal cells. In all cases without dysplasia, nuclear expression in basal cells was either negative or weak and was absent in suprabasal cell nuclei. A mutation in exon 6 of the p53 gene (E224D) was identified in both the dysplastic orthokeratinized OC and the subsequent intraosseous SCC. OCLs with features of dysplasia show increased expression of p53 protein that does not reflect p53 mutational status. One dysplastic OC shared the same p53 mutation with a subsequent intraosseous SCC, indicating that p53 mutation may be associated with malignant transformation in this case. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. FATS is a transcriptional target of p53 and associated with antitumor activity

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    Zhang Xifeng


    Full Text Available Abstract Frequent mutations of p53 in human cancers exemplify its crucial role as a tumor suppressor transcription factor, and p21, a transcriptional target of p53, plays a central role in surveillance of cell-cycle checkpoints. Our previous study has shown that FATS stabilize p21 to preserve genome integrity. In this study we identified a novel transcript variant of FATS (GenBank: GQ499374 through screening a cDNA library from mouse testis, which uncovered the promoter region of mouse FATS. Mouse FATS was highly expressed in testis. The p53-responsive elements existed in proximal region of both mouse and human FATS promoters. Functional study indicated that the transcription of FATS gene was activated by p53, whereas such effect was abolished by site-directed mutagenesis in the p53-RE of FATS promoter. Furthermore, the expression of FATS increased upon DNA damage in a p53-dependent manner. FATS expression was silent or downregulated in human cancers, and overexpression of FATS suppressed tumorigenicity in vivo independently of p53. Our results reveal FATS as a p53-regulated gene to monitor genomic stability.

  8. Conformational detection of p53's oligomeric state by FlAsH Fluorescence. (United States)

    Webber, Tawnya M; Allen, Andrew C; Ma, Wai Kit; Molloy, Rhett G; Kettelkamp, Charisse N; Dow, Caitlin A; Gage, Matthew J


    The p53 tumor suppressor protein is a critical checkpoint in prevention of tumor formation, and the function of p53 is dependent on proper formation of the active tetramer. In vitro studies have shown that p53 binds DNA most efficiently as a tetramer, though inactive p53 is predicted to be monomeric in vivo. We demonstrate that FlAsH binding can be used to distinguish between oligomeric states of p53, providing a potential tool to explore p53 oligomerization in vivo. The FlAsH tetra-cysteine binding motif has been incorporated along the dimer and tetramer interfaces in the p53 tetramerization domain to create reporters for the dimeric and tetrameric states of p53, though the geometry of the four cysteines is critical for efficient FlAsH binding. Furthermore, we demonstrate that FlAsH binding can be used to monitor tetramer formation in real-time. These results demonstrate the potential for using FlAsH fluorescence to monitor protein-protein interactions in vivo.

  9. Using a preclinical mouse model of high-grade astrocytoma to optimize p53 restoration therapy. (United States)

    Shchors, Ksenya; Persson, Anders I; Rostker, Fanya; Tihan, Tarik; Lyubynska, Natalya; Li, Nan; Swigart, Lamorna Brown; Berger, Mitchel S; Hanahan, Douglas; Weiss, William A; Evan, Gerard I


    Based on clinical presentation, glioblastoma (GBM) is stratified into primary and secondary types. The protein 53 (p53) pathway is functionally incapacitated in most GBMs by distinctive type-specific mechanisms. To model human gliomagenesis, we used a GFAP-HRas(V12) mouse model crossed into the p53ER(TAM) background, such that either one or both copies of endogenous p53 is replaced by a conditional p53ER(TAM) allele. The p53ER(TAM) protein can be toggled reversibly in vivo between wild-type and inactive conformations by administration or withdrawal of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT), respectively. Surprisingly, gliomas that develop in GFAP-HRas(V12);p53(+/KI) mice abrogate the p53 pathway by mutating p19(ARF)/MDM2 while retaining wild-type p53 allele. Consequently, such tumors are unaffected by restoration of their p53ER(TAM) allele. By contrast, gliomas arising in GFAP-HRas(V12);p53(KI/KI) mice develop in the absence of functional p53. Such tumors retain a functional p19(ARF)/MDM2-signaling pathway, and restoration of p53ER(TAM) allele triggers p53-tumor-suppressor activity. Congruently, growth inhibition upon normalization of mutant p53 by a small molecule, Prima-1, in human GBM cultures also requires p14(ARF)/MDM2 functionality. Notably, the antitumoral efficacy of p53 restoration in tumor-bearing GFAP-HRas(V12);p53(KI/KI) animals depends on the duration and frequency of p53 restoration. Thus, intermittent exposure to p53ER(TAM) activity mitigated the selective pressure to inactivate the p19(ARF)/MDM2/p53 pathway as a means of resistance, extending progression-free survival. Our results suggest that intermittent dosing regimes of drugs that restore wild-type tumor-suppressor function onto mutant, inactive p53 proteins will prove to be more efficacious than traditional chronic dosing by similarly reducing adaptive resistance.

  10. A dynamic P53-MDM2 model with time delay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mihalas, Gh.I. [Department of Biophysics and Medical Informatics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Piata Eftimie Murgu, nr. 3, 300041 Timisoara (Romania)]. E-mail:; Neamtu, M. [Department of Forecasting, Economic Analysis, Mathematics and Statistics, West University of Timisoara, Str. Pestalozzi, nr. 14A, 300115 Timisoara (Romania)]. E-mail:; Opris, D. [Department of Applied Mathematics, West University of Timisoara, Bd. V. Parvan, nr. 4, 300223 Timisoara (Romania)]. E-mail:; Horhat, R.F. [Department of Biophysics and Medical Informatics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Piata Eftimie Murgu, nr. 3, 300041 Timisoara (Romania)]. E-mail:


    Specific activator and repressor transcription factors which bind to specific regulator DNA sequences, play an important role in gene activity control. Interactions between genes coding such transcription factors should explain the different stable or sometimes oscillatory gene activities characteristic for different tissues. Starting with the model P53-MDM2 described into [Mihalas GI, Simon Z, Balea G, Popa E. Possible oscillatory behaviour in P53-MDM2 interaction computer simulation. J Biol Syst 2000;8(1):21-9] and the process described into [Kohn KW, Pommier Y. Molecular interaction map of P53 and MDM2 logic elements, which control the off-on switch of P53 in response to DNA damage. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2005;331:816-27] we enveloped a new model of this interaction. Choosing the delay as a bifurcation parameter we study the direction and stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions. Some numerical examples are finally given for justifying the theoretical results.

  11. A dynamic P53-MDM2 model with time delay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mihalas, Gh.I.; Neamtu, M.; Opris, D.; Horhat, R.F.


    Specific activator and repressor transcription factors which bind to specific regulator DNA sequences, play an important role in gene activity control. Interactions between genes coding such transcription factors should explain the different stable or sometimes oscillatory gene activities characteristic for different tissues. Starting with the model P53-MDM2 described into [Mihalas GI, Simon Z, Balea G, Popa E. Possible oscillatory behaviour in P53-MDM2 interaction computer simulation. J Biol Syst 2000;8(1):21-9] and the process described into [Kohn KW, Pommier Y. Molecular interaction map of P53 and MDM2 logic elements, which control the off-on switch of P53 in response to DNA damage. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2005;331:816-27] we enveloped a new model of this interaction. Choosing the delay as a bifurcation parameter we study the direction and stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions. Some numerical examples are finally given for justifying the theoretical results

  12. p53 represses autophagy in a cell cycle-dependent fashion. (United States)

    Tasdemir, Ezgi; Maiuri, Maria Chiara; Orhon, Idil; Kepp, Oliver; Morselli, Eugenia; Criollo, Alfredo; Kroemer, Guido


    Autophagy is one of the principal mechanisms of cellular defense against nutrient depletion and damage to cytoplasmic organelles. When p53 is inhibited by a pharmacological antagonist (cyclic pifithrin-alpha), depleted by a specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) or deleted by homologous recombination, multiple signs of autophagy are induced. Here, we show by epistatic analysis that p53 inhibition results in a maximum level of autophagy that cannot be further enhanced by a variety of different autophagy inducers including lithium, tunicamycin-induced stress of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or inhibition of Bcl-2 and Bcl-X(L) with the BH3 mimetic ABT737. Chemical inducers of autophagy (including rapamycin, lithium, tunicamycin and ABT737) induced rapid depletion of the p53 protein. The absence or the inhibition of p53 caused autophagy mostly in the G(1) phase, less so in the S phase and spares the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle. The possible pathophysiological implications of these findings are discussed.

  13. Novel small molecule induces p53-dependent apoptosis in human colon cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Sang Eun; Min, Yong Ki; Ha, Jae Du; Kim, Bum Tae; Lee, Woo Ghil


    Using high-throughput screening with small-molecule libraries, we identified a compound, KCG165 [(2-(3-(2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethoxy)-1,10b-dihydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-c] quinazolin-5(6H)-one)], which strongly activated p53-mediated transcriptional activity. KCG165-induced phosphorylations of p53 at Ser 6 , Ser 15 , and Ser 20 , which are all key residues involved in the activation and stabilization of p53. Consistent with these findings, KCG165 increased level of p53 protein and led to the accumulation of transcriptionally active p53 in the nucleus with the increased occupancy of p53 in the endogenous promoter region of its downstream target gene, p21 WAF1/CIP . Notably, KCG165-induced p53-dependent apoptosis in cancer cells. Furthermore, we suggested topoisomerase II as the molecular target of KCG165. Together, these results indicate that KCG165 may have potential applications as an antitumor agent

  14. Rescue of the apoptotic-inducing function of mutant p53 by small molecule RITA. (United States)

    Zhao, Carolyn Y; Grinkevich, Vera V; Nikulenkov, Fedor; Bao, Wenjie; Selivanova, Galina


    Expression of mutant p53 correlates with poor prognosis in many tumors, therefore strategies aimed at reactivation of mutant p53 are likely to provide important benefits for treatment of tumors that are resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We have previously identified and characterized a small molecule RITA which binds p53 and induces a conformational change which prevents the binding of p53 to several inhibitors, including its own destructor MDM2. In this way, RITA rescues the tumor suppression function of wild type p53. Here, we demonstrate that RITA suppressed the growth and induced apoptosis in human tumor cell lines of a diverse origin carrying mutant p53 proteins. RITA restored transcriptional transactivation and transrepression function of several hot spot p53 mutants. The ability of RITA to rescue the activity of different p53 mutants suggests its generic mechanism of action. Thus, RITA is a promising lead for the development of anti-cancer drugs that reactivate the tumor suppressor function of p53 in cancer cells irrespective whether they express mutant or wild type p53.

  15. P-Glycoprotein/MDR1 Regulates Pokemon Gene Transcription Through p53 Expression in Human Breast Cancer Cells

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    Wei Xu


    Full Text Available P-glycoprotein (Pgp, encoded by the multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1 gene, is an efflux transporter and plays an important role in pharmacokinetics. In this study, we demonstrated that the pokemon promoter activity, the pokemon mRNA and protein expression can be significantly inhibited by Pgp. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay showed that Pgp can bind the pokemon prompter to repress pokemon transcription activity. Furthermore, Pgp regulated pokemon transcription activity through expression of p53 as seen by use of p53 siRNA transfected MCF-7 cells or p53 mutated MDA-MB-231 cells. Moreover, p53 was detected to bind with Pgp in vivo using immunoprecipitation assay. Taken together, we conclude that Pgp can regulate the expression of pokemon through the presence of p53, suggesting that Pgp is a potent regulator and may offer an effective novel target for cancer therapy.

  16. Non-Canonical Cell Death Induced by p53

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    Atul Ranjan


    Full Text Available Programmed cell death is a vital biological process for multicellular organisms to maintain cellular homeostasis, which is regulated in a complex manner. Over the past several years, apart from apoptosis, which is the principal mechanism of caspase-dependent cell death, research on non-apoptotic forms of programmed cell death has gained momentum. p53 is a well characterized tumor suppressor that controls cell proliferation and apoptosis and has also been linked to non-apoptotic, non-canonical cell death mechanisms. p53 impacts these non-canonical forms of cell death through transcriptional regulation of its downstream targets, as well as direct interactions with key players involved in these mechanisms, in a cell type- or tissue context-dependent manner. In this review article, we summarize and discuss the involvement of p53 in several non-canonical modes of cell death, including caspase-independent apoptosis (CIA, ferroptosis, necroptosis, autophagic cell death, mitotic catastrophe, paraptosis, and pyroptosis, as well as its role in efferocytosis which is the process of clearing dead or dying cells.

  17. The prognostic value of p53 positive in colorectal cancer: A retrospective cohort study. (United States)

    Wang, Peng; Liang, Jianwei; Wang, Zheng; Hou, Huirong; Shi, Lei; Zhou, Zhixiang


    This retrospective cohort study aimed to discuss the prognostic value of p53 positive in colorectal cancer. A total of 124 consecutive patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer were evaluated at the National Cancer Center/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2010. The expression of p53 in colorectal cancer was examined by immunohistochemistry. Based on the expression levels of p53, the 124 patients were divided into a p53 positive group and a p53 negative group. In this study, 72 patients were in the p53 positive group and 52 in the p53 negative group. The two groups were well balanced in gender, age, body mass index, American Society of Anesthesiologists scores, and number of lymph nodes harvested. p53 positive was associated with carcinoembryonic antigen ≥5 ng/mL ( p = 0.036), gross type ( p = 0.037), degree of tumor differentiation ( p = 0.026), pathological tumor stage ( p = 0.019), pathological node stage ( p = 0.004), pathological tumor-node-metastasis stage ( p = 0.017), nerve invasion ( p = 0.008), and vessel invasion ( p = 0.018). Tumor site, tumor size, and pathological pattern were not significantly different between these two groups. Disease-free survival and overall survival in the p53 positive group were significantly shorter than the p53 negative group ( p = 0.021 and 0.025, respectively). Colorectal cancer patients with p53 positive tended to be related to a higher degree of malignancy, advanced tumor-node-metastasis stage, and shorter disease-free survival and overall survival. p53 positive was independently an unfavorable prognostic marker for colorectal cancer patients.

  18. Evaluation of nuclear unrest and p53 immunostaining in Wilms' tumor. (United States)

    Salama, Asmaa; Kamel, Ahmad


    Nuclear unrest is a term applied to Wilms' tumors (WT) that show nuclear abnormalities close to anaplasia but without abnormal mitoses. p53 is claimed to be associated with anaplasia and poor prognosis. This study was undertaken to evaluate the clinical significance of nuclear unrest and p53 immunostaining in Wilms' tumor. This is a retrospective study of 63 patients who presented at NCI with Wilms' tumors, and underwent preoperative chemotherapy followed by nephrectomy. Histopathologic assessment and p53 immunohistochemistry were done. WT with nuclear unrest grade III closely resembled anaplastic tumors and both of them (group 1) constituted 19% of cases. Group 1 constituted 29% of cases showing blastema dominant morphology compared to 9.4% of cases without blastema dominant morphology with significant statistical difference (p=0.047). Almost 83% of cases that achieved 1st complete remission were stages I, II and III, while 17% were stages IV and V with significant statistical difference (p<0.001). Stage affected the 3-year relapse-free-survival (RFS) significantly (p=0.014) as it was more in stages I, II and III than in stages IV and V (75.4% versus 50%). Blastema dominant morphology and high risk state significantly lowered the 3-year overall survival (OS) into 54.8% in comparison to 80.9% for cases with non-blastema dominant morphology (p=0.042). Regarding p53 immunohistochemistry, group 1 tumors showed positive p53 more than group 2 with significant statistical difference (p=0.014). p53 Positive immunostaining was significantly associated with high risk nephroblastoma (p=0.004). Tumor stage and blastema dominant morphology are potent prognostic factors. p53 is linked to blastema dominant morphology. WT with nuclear unrest grade III closely resembles anaplastic WT. It may be appropriate to group tumors with nuclear unrest grade III with anaplastic histology regarding treatment stratification. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. Evaluation of nuclear unrest and p53 immunostaining in Wilms' tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salama, A.; Kamel, A.


    Nuclear unrest is a term applied to Wilms' tumors (WT) that show nuclear abnormalities close to anaplasia but without abnormal mitoses. p53 is claimed to be associated with anaplasia and poor prognosis. This study was undertaken to evaluate the clinical significance of nuclear unrest and p53 immunostaining in Wilms' tumor. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study of 63 patients who presented at NCI with Wilms' tumors, and underwent preoperative chemotherapy followed by nephrectomy. Histopathologic assessment and p53 immunohistochemistry were done. Results: WT with nuclear unrest grade III closely resembled anaplastic tumors and both of them (group 1) constituted 19% of cases. Group 1 constituted 29% of cases showing blastema dominant morphology compared to 9.4% of cases without blastema dominant morphology with significant statistical difference (p = 0.047). Almost 83% of cases that achieved 1st complete remission were stages I, II and III, while 17% were stages IV and V with significant statistical difference (p < 0.001). Stage affected the 3-year relapse-free-survival (RFS) significantly (p = 0.014) as it was more in stages I, II and III than in stages IV and V (75.4% versus 50%). Blastema dominant morphology and high risk state significantly lowered the 3-year overall survival (OS) into 54.8% in comparison to 80.9% for cases with non-blastema dominant morphology (p = 0.042). Regarding p53 immunohistochemistry, group 1 tumors showed positive p53 more than group 2 with significant statistical difference (p = 0.014). p53 Positive immunostaining was significantly associated with high risk nephroblastoma (p = 0.004). Conclusion: Tumor stage and blastema dominant morphology are potent prognostic factors. p53 is linked to blastema dominant morphology. WT with nuclear unrest grade III closely resembles anaplastic WT. It may be appropriate to group tumors with nuclear unrest grade III with anaplastic histology regarding treatment stratification

  20. Down-Regulation of p53 by Double-Stranded RNA Modulates the Antiviral Response (United States)

    Marques, Joao T.; Rebouillat, Dominique; Ramana, Chilakamarti V.; Murakami, Junko; Hill, Jason E.; Gudkov, Andrei; Silverman, Robert H.; Stark, George R.; Williams, Bryan R. G.


    p53 has been well characterized as a tumor suppressor gene, but its role in antiviral defense remains unclear. A recent report has demonstrated that p53 can be induced by interferons and is activated after vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infection. We observed that different nononcogenic viruses, including encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3), induced down-regulation of p53 in infected cells. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and a mutant vaccinia virus lacking the dsRNA binding protein E3L can also induce this effect, indicating that dsRNA formed during viral infection is likely the trigger for down-regulation of p53. The mechanism of down-regulation of p53 by dsRNA relies on translation inhibition mediated by the PKR and RNase L pathways. In the absence of p53, the replication of both EMCV and HPIV3 was retarded, whereas, conversely, VSV replication was enhanced. Cell cycle analysis indicated that wild-type (WT) but not p53 knockout (KO) fibroblasts undergo an early-G1 arrest following dsRNA treatment. Moreover, in WT cells the onset of dsRNA-induced apoptosis begins after p53 levels are down-regulated, whereas p53 KO cells, which lack the early-G1 arrest, rapidly undergo apoptosis. Hence, our data suggest that the down-regulation of p53 facilitates apoptosis, thereby limiting viral replication. PMID:16103161

  1. Disruption of the MDM2-p53 interaction strongly potentiates p53-dependent apoptosis in cisplatin-resistant human testicular carcinoma cells via the Fas/FasL pathway

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koster, R.; Timmer-Bosscha, H.; Bischoff, R.; Gietema, J. A.; de Jong, S.

    Wild-type p53 has a major role in the response and execution of apoptosis after chemotherapy in many cancers. Although high levels of wild-type p53 and hardly any TP53 mutations are found in testicular cancer (TC), chemotherapy resistance is still observed in a significant subgroup of TC patients.

  2. Isolation and characterization of DUSP11, a novel p53 target gene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Caprara, Greta; Zamponi, Raffaella; Melixetian, Marina


    target gene. Consistent with this, the expression of DUSP11 is induced in a p53-dependent manner after treatment with DNA damaging agents. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis showed that p53 binds to 2 putative p53 DNA binding sites in the promoter region of DUSP11. Colony formation and proliferation...

  3. Imunolocalização das proteínas dos genes supressores de tumores TP53 e p16CDKN2 no front invasivo do carcinoma epidermóide de cavidade bucal Immunolocalization of TP53 and p16CDKN2 tumour suppressor genes proteins in invasive front of oral epidermoid carcinoma

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    Alfredo Maurício Batista De-Paula


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A carcinogênese bucal é um processo multipassos no qual eventos genéticos promovem o rompimento de vias regulatórias normais que controlam funções celulares básicas. O carcinoma epidermóide de cavidade bucal (CECB surge como conseqüência de múltiplos eventos moleculares induzidos pelos efeitos de vários carcinógenos influenciados por fatores ambientais contra um quadro de resistência ou suscetibilidade herdada geneticamente. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a importância clínica e morfológica da imunoexpressão das proteínas p53 e p16 na região do front invasivo de uma série de 35 casos rotineiramente processados de CECB. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Amostras de CECB primários tratados exclusivamente por cirurgia foram investigadas. O sistema TNM foi empregado para o estadiamento clínico dos pacientes. Para a gradação morfológica das lesões foi adotado o sistema de gradação do front invasivo. A técnica de imuno-histoquímica foi realizada nas lesões fixadas em formalina tamponada a 10% e emblocadas em parafina para identificação das proteínas p53 e p16. As contagens foram realizadas e submetidas a tratamentos estatísticos específicos. RESULTADOS: As taxas de imunolocalização para as proteínas p53 e p16 foram de 63% e 66%, respectivamente, nas 35 amostras de carcinoma estudadas. Não houve relação entre as expressões das proteínas p53 e p16 com os parâmetros clínico-morfológicos analisados. Não houve correlação entre a expressão imuno-histoquímica das proteínas p53/p16. CONCLUSÃO: A expressão das proteínas p53 e p16 não influenciou os parâmetros clínico-morfológicos analisados neste estudo e aparentemente não representa base molecular para o significado biológico da região do front invasivo tumoral. A ausência de forte correlação entre as expressões imuno-histoquímicas das proteínas p53 e p16 sugere que as mesmas podem participar de atividade biológicas do controle do ciclo celular por

  4. Protein expression of P13K and P53 in prediction of response to radiotherapy in cervical cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teja Kisnanto; Devita Tetriana; Iin Kurnia; Sudiono S; Mellova Amir; Budiningsih Siregar; Ramli; Andrijono; Setiawan Soetopo; Irwan; Tjahya Kurjana; Bethy S Hernowo; Maringan DL Tobing


    Cervical cancer is a malignant disease that is common in women and is the first order of malignant disease in Indonesia. Radiotherapy is the main treatment on cervical cancer, especially at an advanced stage (IIB-IIB). P13K and P-53 protein plays a role in the regulation of apoptosis (programmed cell death). The purpose of this study was to determine the protein expression of P13K and P-53 in the prediction of response to radiotherapy action in patients with cervical cancer. Microscopic preparations obtained from biopsy tissue cancer (IIB-IIIB) to 20 patients from RSCM and RSHS. The method used is the method of immunohistochemistry using P13K and P-53 protein biomarkers in cervical cancer tissue preparations. P13K protein expression value obtained by the method of immuno reactive Score (IRS). P13K protein positive expression marked in blue on the cell cytoplasm and P-53 protein is characterized by brown or dark colors contained in the cell nucleus. Results showed that IRS value by 10% a negative P13K, P13K IRS weaker by 70%, IRS P13K was at 15%, and the IRS P13K stronger by 5%. While the index positive P-53 was obtained by 75% and negative P-53 index by 5%. Radiotherapy response analysis showed that there were 75% good response and 25% a bad response. The conclusion from this study is the expression of the protein P13K and P-53 for response prediction of radiotherapy IRS P13K values obtained in response to both radiotherapy is higher compared with radiotherapy response is bad, and the P-53 protein is not found differences in response to radiotherapy between positive and negative expressions. (author)

  5. A asma agudizada em adultos. Revisão do tema

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G.J. Rodrigo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Todos os doentes com asma podem sofrer exacerbações da sua doença. Os internamentos e as idas ao serviço de urgência contribuem para uma larga proporção dos custos em cuidados de Saúde dirigidos a estes doentes. Desta forma, a prevenção, bem como o tratamento adequado dos episódios de agudização da asma, representam uma área com um elevado potencial para uma redução substancial dos custos em cuidados de Saúde. As exacerbações podem apresentar uma gravidade que varia de ligeira até potencialmente fatal. A mortalidade associa-se frequentemente a uma incapacidade para reconhecer a gravidade da exacerbação, resultando num tratamento inadequado e num atraso em referenciar o doente para a urgência hospitalar. Nesta revisão temática, os autores descrevem a epidemiologia, os custos, a fisiopatologia, a mortalidade e o tratamento da asma agudizada do adulto no serviço de urgência e na unidade de cuidados intensivos.A asma representa a 11.º diagnóstico mais frequente que motiva a ida ao serviço de urgência nos EUA, afectando sobretudo os grupos etários da adolescência e adultos jovens. As mulheres recorrem à urgência e são internadas duas vezes mais do que os homens1. Na última década tem-se assistido a um declínio do número de doentes com exacerbações graves de asma requerendo internamento em unidades de cuidados intensivos. Uma meta-análise recente atribui aos corticosteróides inalados, quando comparados com o placebo, a redução das taxas de internamento hospitalar em doentes com asma agudizada2. Provavelmente, a maior parte dos internamentos, incluindo os que requerem cuidados intensivos, podem ser evitados.Apenas cerca de 20% dos asmáticos recorreram alguma vez a um serviço de urgência. Contudo, estes doentes contribuem para mais de 80% dos custos directos totais. O internamento e as idas à urg

  6. A asma agudizada em adultos. Revisão do tema

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    G.J. Rodrigo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Todos os doentes com asma podem sofrer exacerbações da sua doença. Os internamentos e as idas ao serviço de urgência contribuem para uma larga proporção dos custos em cuidados de Saúde dirigidos a estes doentes. Desta forma, a prevenção, bem como o tratamento adequado dos episódios de agudização da asma, representam uma área com um elevado potencial para uma redução substancial dos custos em cuidados de Saúde. As exacerbações podem apresentar uma gravidade que varia de ligeira até potencialmente fatal. A mortalidade associa-se frequentemente a uma incapacidade para reconhecer a gravidade da exacerbação, resultando num tratamento inadequado e num atraso em referenciar o doente para a urgência hospitalar. Nesta revisão temática, os autores descrevem a epidemiologia, os custos, a fisiopatologia, a mortalidade e o tratamento da asma agudizada do adulto no serviço de urgência e na unidade de cuidados intensivos.A asma representa a 11.º diagnóstico mais frequente que motiva a ida ao serviço de urgência nos EUA, afectando sobretudo os grupos etários da adolescência e adultos jovens. As mulheres recorrem à urgência e são internadas duas vezes mais do que os homens1. Na última década tem-se assistido a um declínio do número de doentes com exacerbações graves de asma requerendo internamento em unidades de cuidados intensivos. Uma meta-análise recente atribui aos corticosteróides inalados, quando comparados com o placebo, a redução das taxas de internamento hospitalar em doentes com asma agudizada2. Provavelmente, a maior parte dos internamentos, incluindo os que requerem cuidados intensivos, podem ser evitados.Apenas cerca de 20% dos asmáticos recorreram alguma vez a um serviço de urgência. Contudo, estes doentes contribuem para mais de 80% dos custos directos totais. O internamento e as idas à urg

  7. Nuclear accumulation and activation of p53 in embryonic stem cells after DNA damage. (United States)

    Solozobova, Valeriya; Rolletschek, Alexandra; Blattner, Christine


    P53 is a key tumor suppressor protein. In response to DNA damage, p53 accumulates to high levels in differentiated cells and activates target genes that initiate cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Since stem cells provide the proliferative cell pool within organisms, an efficient DNA damage response is crucial. In proliferating embryonic stem cells, p53 is localized predominantly in the cytoplasm. DNA damage-induced nuclear accumulation of p53 in embryonic stem cells activates transcription of the target genes mdm2, p21, puma and noxa. We observed bi-phasic kinetics for nuclear accumulation of p53 after ionizing radiation. During the first wave of nuclear accumulation, p53 levels were increased and the p53 target genes mdm2, p21 and puma were transcribed. Transcription of noxa correlated with the second wave of nuclear accumulation. Transcriptional activation of p53 target genes resulted in an increased amount of proteins with the exception of p21. While p21 transcripts were efficiently translated in 3T3 cells, we failed to see an increase in p21 protein levels after IR in embryonal stem cells. In embryonic stem cells where (anti-proliferative) p53 activity is not necessary, or even unfavorable, p53 is retained in the cytoplasm and prevented from activating its target genes. However, if its activity is beneficial or required, p53 is allowed to accumulate in the nucleus and activates its target genes, even in embryonic stem cells.

  8. P53 activation, a key event of the cellular response to gamma irradiation; L'activation de la proteine p53, un evenement determinant de la reponse cellulaire aux radiations ionisantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Drane, P.; Alvarez, S.; Meiller, A.; May, E. [CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses, Dept. de Radiobiologie et de Radiopathologie, Lab. de Cancerogenese Moleculaire, CNRS, UMR 217, 92 (France)


    The tumor suppressor gene p53 encodes a protein whose major function is to protect organisms from proliferation of potentially tumorigenic cells. In normal conditions (unstressed cells), the p53 protein is inert and maintained at low level through its association with the Mdm2 oncogene, causing its translocation from the nucleus into the cytoplasm and its degradation through ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. In response to damaged DNA or to a variety of stresses, p53 accumulates in the nucleus and is activated as a transcriptional trans-activator. Posttranslational modifications of p53 including multi-site phosphorylation and acetylation are the major mechanism of p53 regulation. After exposure to ionising radiation, p53 activation implicates ATM, ATR, Chk2 and Chk1 kinases that phosphorylate the N-terminal domain on Ser15 (ATM and/or ATR), and Ser20 (Chk2 and/or Chk1), causing the dissociation of the p53/Mdm2 complex and thereby the stabilisation of p53. The process initiated by {gamma}-irradiation exposure involves also increased interaction of the p53 N-terminal domain with CBP/p300 and P/CAF leading to acetylation of the distant C-terminal domain at Lys 320, 373 and 382. In addition, the ATM-mediated dephosphorylation of Ser376 creates a fixation site for 14-3-3 protein. Taken together, phosphorylation, acetylation and association with co factors induce the stimulation of p53 transcriptional activity resulting in the expression of a set of genes involved, notably, in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. This stress-induced p53 pathways lead to one of two outcomes: growth arrest or apoptosis and consequently protects the organism from the genotoxic effects of ionising radiation. (author)

  9. Heterozygous inactivation of tsc2 enhances tumorigenesis in p53 mutant zebrafish

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    Seok-Hyung Kim


    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC is a multi-organ disorder caused by mutations of the TSC1 or TSC2 genes. A key function of these genes is to inhibit mTORC1 (mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 kinase signaling. Cells deficient for TSC1 or TSC2 have increased mTORC1 signaling and give rise to benign tumors, although, as a rule, true malignancies are rarely seen. In contrast, other disorders with increased mTOR signaling typically have overt malignancies. A better understanding of genetic mechanisms that govern the transformation of benign cells to malignant ones is crucial to understand cancer pathogenesis. We generated a zebrafish model of TSC and cancer progression by placing a heterozygous mutation of the tsc2 gene in a p53 mutant background. Unlike tsc2 heterozygous mutant zebrafish, which never exhibited cancers, compound tsc2;p53 mutants had malignant tumors in multiple organs. Tumorigenesis was enhanced compared with p53 mutant zebrafish. p53 mutants also had increased mTORC1 signaling that was further enhanced in tsc2;p53 compound mutants. We found increased expression of Hif1-α, Hif2-α and Vegf-c in tsc2;p53 compound mutant zebrafish compared with p53 mutant zebrafish. Expression of these proteins probably underlies the increased angiogenesis seen in compound mutant zebrafish compared with p53 mutants and might further drive cancer progression. Treatment of p53 and compound mutant zebrafish with the mTORC1 inhibitor rapamycin caused rapid shrinkage of tumor size and decreased caliber of tumor-associated blood vessels. This is the first report using an animal model to show interactions between tsc2, mTORC1 and p53 during tumorigenesis. These results might explain why individuals with TSC rarely have malignant tumors, but also suggest that cancer arising in individuals without TSC might be influenced by the status of TSC1 and/or TSC2 mutations and be potentially treatable with mTORC1 inhibitors.

  10. P53 Gene Mutagenesis in Breast Cancer

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Sommer, Steve S


    .... The central hypothesis of this proposal is that variability in the patterns of p53 mutagensis in breast cancer reflects differences in exposures to different amounts and/or types of diverse environmental mutagens...

  11. MDM2, p53 and pRb Expression Prior to Definitive Chemoradiotherapy in Esophageal Carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Mee Sun; Nam, Taek Keun; Lee, Jae Hyuk; Cho, Sang Hee; Song, Ju Young; Ahn, Sung Ja; Chung, Ik Joo; Chung, Woong Ki; Nah, Byung Sik


    Purpose: This study evaluated the pretreatment expression patterns of MDM2, p53, and pRb proteins to determine if the expression patterns could predict the outcome of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and aid in the decisions for the selection of treatment modalities. Materials and Methods: Fifty-one patients that were treated with definitive hemoradiotherapy for stage I∼ IVa esohageal squamous cell carcinoma were selected for this study. Radiotherapy was administered with daily 1.8∼2 Gy fractions up to a median dose of 54 Gy for primary tumors, and with four cycles of cisplatin/5-fluorouracil chemotherapy that was administered every 4 weeks, the first two cycles of which were administered concurrently with radiotherapy. Expression of MDM2, p53, and pRb was investigated by immunohistochemical analysis using pretreatment biopsy specimens. Results: MDM2, p53, and pRb were detected with high immunoreactivity in 19.6%, 27.5%, and 66.7% of the patients, respectively. However, there was no significant correlation between expression of these factors and clinical outcome. By the use of multivariate analysis with nine covariates-age, tumor location, tumor length, stage, pathological response, clinical response, MDM2 expression, p53 expression, and pRb expression, only pathological response and stage were significant factors for cause-specific survival. Conclusion: Expression of MDM2, p53, and pRb was not found to be clinically significant for predicting outcomes after CCRT in this study. Further studies with a larger patient population and longer follow-up periods are needed to re-evaluate the expression pattern and to identify new predictors for CCRT response

  12. Clinical utility of anti-p53 auto-antibody: systematic review and focus on colorectal cancer. (United States)

    Suppiah, Aravind; Greenman, John


    Mutation of the p53 gene is a key event in the carcinogenesis of many different types of tumours. These can occur throughout the length of the p53 gene. Anti-p53 auto-antibodies are commonly produced in response to these p53 mutations. This review firstly describes the various mechanisms of p53 dysfunction and their association with subsequent carcinogenesis. Following this, the mechanisms of induction of anti-p53 auto-antibody production are shown, with various hypotheses for the discrepancies between the presence of p53 mutation and the presence/absence of anti-p53 auto-antibodies. A systematic review was performed with a descriptive summary of key findings of each anti-p53 auto-antibody study in all cancers published in the last 30 years. Using this, the cumulative frequency of anti-p53 auto-antibody in each cancer type is calculated and then compared with the incidence of p53 mutation in each cancer to provide the largest sample calculation and correlation between mutation and anti-p53 auto-antibody published to date. Finally, the review focuses on the data of anti-p53 auto-antibody in colorectal cancer studies, and discusses future strategies including the potentially promising role using anti-p53 auto-antibody presence in screening and surveillance.

  13. Structure and stability insights into tumour suppressor p53 evolutionary related proteins.

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    Bruno Pagano

    Full Text Available The p53 family of genes and their protein products, namely, p53, p63 and p73, have over one billion years of evolutionary history. Advances in computational biology and genomics are enabling studies of the complexities of the molecular evolution of p53 protein family to decipher the underpinnings of key biological conditions spanning from cancer through to various metabolic and developmental disorders and facilitate the design of personalised medicines. However, a complete understanding of the inherent nature of the thermodynamic and structural stability of the p53 protein family is still lacking. This is due, to a degree, to the lack of comprehensive structural information for a large number of homologous proteins and to an incomplete knowledge of the intrinsic factors responsible for their stability and how these might influence function. Here we investigate the thermal stability, secondary structure and folding properties of the DNA-binding domains (DBDs of a range of proteins from the p53 family using biophysical methods. While the N- and the C-terminal domains of the p53 family show sequence diversity and are normally targets for post-translational modifications and alternative splicing, the central DBD is highly conserved. Together with data obtained from Molecular Dynamics simulations in solution and with structure based homology modelling, our results provide further insights into the molecular properties of evolutionary related p53 proteins. We identify some marked structural differences within the p53 family, which could account for the divergence in biological functions as well as the subtleties manifested in the oligomerization properties of this family.

  14. Carcinoma pleomórfico do pulmão em doente com síndroma de Mounier-Kuhn

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    Daniela Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resumo: O carcinoma pleomórfico do pulmão (CPP é um tumor maligno raro e de prognóstico reservado. Está inserido no grupo dos carcinomas pulmonares pouco diferenciados não pequenas células, exibe componente sarcomatoso ou sarcoma like (células fusiformes/ /células gigantes.Atendendo à raridade do tumor e às dificuldades no diagnóstico, é apresentado pelos autores o caso de um carcinoma pleomórfico do pulmão diagnosticado por biópsia aspirativa num paciente de 44 anos, fumador, e cuja apresentação inicial consistiu numa tumefacção dorsal. À data de diagnóstico apresentava estádio IV (TNM, não tendo sido possível efectuar tratamento dirigido ao tumor pelo mau performance status apresentado pelo doente, mas apenas terapêutica de suporte. A sobrevida do doente foi de 5 meses. Na sequência do estudo clínico, foi confirmada a síndroma de Mounier-Kuhn.Reportam-se os aspectos clínico-imagiológicos mais importantes, assim como os aspectos citológicos e imunocitoquímicos que caracterizam esta entidade e permitiram efectuar o diagnóstico. Abstract: Pleomorphic carcinoma of the lung (PLC is a rare malignant tumour presenting with a poor clinical outcome. It is included in the group of non-small cell lung carcinomas that contain sarcoma or sarcoma-like components (spindle cells/giant cells.Because of its rarity and diagnostic difficulties, the authors report a case of PLC in a 44 year-old patient, smoker, with the initial clinical presentation of a dorsal tumoural mass. As the time of diagnosis the tumour was in stage IV (TNM, the patient was treated only with supportive therapy and died five months later. During clinical evaluation, a Mounier-Kuhn Syndrome was confirmed.Clinical-imagiological aspects of this situation are reported as well as cytological and immunocytochemical features. Palavras-chave: Carcinoma pleomórfico, biópsia aspirativa, imunocitoquímica, síndroma de Mounier-Kuhn, Key-words: Pleomorphic carcinoma

  15. Immunohistochemical study of p53 overexpression in radiation-induced colon cancers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Minami, Kazunori; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Mokarim, A.; Matsuzaki, Sumihiro; Ito, Masahiro; Sekine, Ichiro.


    The expressions of p53 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were studied immunohistochemically from paraffin sections of 7 cases (9 lesions) of radiation-induced colon cancer and 42 cases of spontaneous colon cancer. Age distribution of radiation-induced and spontaneous colon cancer were 68.1 years (range, 56 to 77 years) and 67.4 years (range, 31 to 85 years), respectively. Among the radiation-induced colon cancers, there were 3 lesions of mucinous carcinoma (33%), a much higher than found for spontaneous mucinous cancer. Immunohistochemically, p53 protein expression was detected in 7/9 (78%) of radiation-induced cancers and in 23/42 (55%) of spontaneous colon cancers. χ 2 analysis found no significant differences between radiation-induced and spontaneous colon cancers in age distribution or p53-positive staining for frequency, histopathology, or Dukes'' classification. In radiation colitis around the cancers including aberrant crypts, spotted p53 staining and abnormal and scattered PCNA-positive staining were observed. In histologically normal cells, p53 staining was almost absent and PCNA-positive staining was regularly observed in the lower half of the crypt. In radiation colitis including aberrant glands, cellular proliferation increased and spotted p53 expression was observed. This study suggests that radiation colitis and aberrant glands might possess malignant potential and deeply associate with carcinogenesis of radiation-induced colon cancer. (author)

  16. Tratamento da leishmaniose tegumentar americana pelo niridazol

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    Miroslau Constante Baranski


    Full Text Available Foi empregue o niridazol um derivado do nitrotiazol, em doze pacientes com leishmaniose tegumentar americana. Em todos êles, o diagnóstico clínico da doença foi confirmado pela biópsia das lesões e em oito dêles também pela positividade da intradetermorreação de Montenegro. Oito pacientes tinham lesões mucosas metastáticas em atividade e lesões cutâneas iniciais cicatrizadas há tempo mais ou menos longo. Dois apresentavam concomitância de lesões cutâneas e mucosas em atividade, e dois tinham lesões cutâneas exclusivas. A duração da doença variou de 2 meses a 32 anos. A posologia diária do niridazol foi uniformememente de 25 mg/kg de pêso corpóreo. O medicamento foi administrado por via oral, em duas tomadas diárias, sempre com o doente internado em hospital. Quando a tolerância o permitia, o paciente recebia cinco séries de tratamento de 10 dias de duração cada, intercaladas por períodos áe suspensão da droga de 10 dias entre uma série e outra. Isso foi possível em 10 dos 12 pacientes. O tratamento foi bem tolerado em 5 doentes e de tolerância regular em 4. Mal tolerado em um paciente pela ocorrência de alucinações e excitação mental e interrompido pela péssima tolerância em dois doentes devido ao aparecimento de convulsões generalizadas com perda da consciência. O tratamento acompanhou-se de grande incidência, de efeitos colaterais. A ocorrência de para-efeitos mais intensos não foi devida às más condições hepáticas. Provas de função hepática. hemogramas, estudos bioquímicos do sangue e exames de urina, realizados antes, durante e após o tratamento, não revelaram alterações significativas. Biópsias hepáticas por punção com agulha em dez doentes, prévias e posteriores ao tratamento, não detectaram lesões hepáticas que pudessem ser atribuídas à medicação. O seguimento dos doentes prolongou-se pelo prazo de dois a 36 meses apos o tratamento. Alterações eletrocardiogr

  17. Impact of Alu repeats on the evolution of human p53 binding sites

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    Sirotin Michael V


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The p53 tumor suppressor protein is involved in a complicated regulatory network, mediating expression of ~1000 human genes. Recent studies have shown that many p53 in vivo binding sites (BSs reside in transposable repeats. The relationship between these BSs and functional p53 response elements (REs remains unknown, however. We sought to understand whether the p53 REs also reside in transposable elements and particularly in the most-abundant Alu repeats. Results We have analyzed ~160 functional p53 REs identified so far and found that 24 of them occur in repeats. More than half of these repeat-associated REs reside in Alu elements. In addition, using a position weight matrix approach, we found ~400,000 potential p53 BSs in Alu elements genome-wide. Importantly, these putative BSs are located in the same regions of Alu repeats as the functional p53 REs - namely, in the vicinity of Boxes A/A' and B of the internal RNA polymerase III promoter. Earlier nucleosome-mapping experiments showed that the Boxes A/A' and B have a different chromatin environment, which is critical for the binding of p53 to DNA. Here, we compare the Alu-residing p53 sites with the corresponding Alu consensus sequences and conclude that the p53 sites likely evolved through two different mechanisms - the sites overlapping with the Boxes A/A' were generated by CG → TG mutations; the other sites apparently pre-existed in the progenitors of several Alu subfamilies, such as AluJo and AluSq. The binding affinity of p53 to the Alu-residing sites generally correlates with the age of Alu subfamilies, so that the strongest sites are embedded in the 'relatively young' Alu repeats. Conclusions The primate-specific Alu repeats play an important role in shaping the p53 regulatory network in the context of chromatin. One of the selective factors responsible for the frequent occurrence of Alu repeats in introns may be related to the p53-mediated regulation of Alu

  18. Synergistic anti-tumor effects of nitroreductase mutants and p53

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    Mahboobeh Razmkhah


    Conclusion: Combination of T41L/F70A NTR with p53 may have more advantages for treatment of different types of cancers compared to the other NTRs and p53 alone. The present study results may open new windows for getting desired outcome in gene therapy of different types of cancer.

  19. Recent progress of the study of p53 control mechanism by ionizing radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawai, Hidehiko


    Reviewed are the recent findings on the control mechanism of function and activity of p53 as a response factor to stress of ionizing radiation. The p53 protein is controlled to be essentially inactive in cells under normal conditions and is activated by various stresses. The role of p53 as a stress-responding and tumor-suppressing factor in cells with damaged DNA is discussed in relation with its participation in G1/S and G2/M checkpoints, DNA repair, and apoptosis. The stress like radiation affects the control mechanisms of stability and function of p53 through modification of its N-terminal region (the activation domain of transcription), DNA binding region (core domain) and C-terminal region (domains of the nuclear export signaling, tetramer formation and its own regulation). MDM2 (mouse double minute 2) family, the most important regulatory factor of p53, forms a negative feedback cycle since the family is the target factor of p53 transcription and also suppressor of p53. MDM2 is regulated by phosphorylation and by interaction with itself or other factors like p300/CBP. Further studies on p53 are thus important in various fields as well as in radiation biology. (N.I.)

  20. Policitemia vera: associação entre enfartes cerebrais e úlceras gástricas

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    Tiago Borges


    A PV é uma neoplasia mieloproliferativa crónica cujo curso clínico se caracteriza frequentemente por fenómenos trombóticos. O diagnóstico ocorre na sequência de tromboses em cerca de 30% dos casos, sendo que os eventos arteriais e cerebrovasculares são mais frequentes. Em contrapartida, a associação com doença ulcerosa péptica não é tão linear mas a positividade para Helicobacter pylori e a hemorragia gastrointestinal foram descritas como mais prevalentes em doentes com neoplasias mieloproliferativas. Especificamente nos doentes com PV e como ilustrado neste caso, a presença de ferropenia ou microcitose pode indiciar esta associação, sendo porventura pertinente uma vigilância dos doentes com PV relativamente ao atingimento gastroduodenal.

  1. Nuclear accumulation and activation of p53 in embryonic stem cells after DNA damage

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    Rolletschek Alexandra


    Full Text Available Abstract Background P53 is a key tumor suppressor protein. In response to DNA damage, p53 accumulates to high levels in differentiated cells and activates target genes that initiate cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Since stem cells provide the proliferative cell pool within organisms, an efficient DNA damage response is crucial. Results In proliferating embryonic stem cells, p53 is localized predominantly in the cytoplasm. DNA damage-induced nuclear accumulation of p53 in embryonic stem cells activates transcription of the target genes mdm2, p21, puma and noxa. We observed bi-phasic kinetics for nuclear accumulation of p53 after ionizing radiation. During the first wave of nuclear accumulation, p53 levels were increased and the p53 target genes mdm2, p21 and puma were transcribed. Transcription of noxa correlated with the second wave of nuclear accumulation. Transcriptional activation of p53 target genes resulted in an increased amount of proteins with the exception of p21. While p21 transcripts were efficiently translated in 3T3 cells, we failed to see an increase in p21 protein levels after IR in embryonal stem cells. Conclusion In embryonic stem cells where (anti-proliferative p53 activity is not necessary, or even unfavorable, p53 is retained in the cytoplasm and prevented from activating its target genes. However, if its activity is beneficial or required, p53 is allowed to accumulate in the nucleus and activates its target genes, even in embryonic stem cells.

  2. Generation of a selectively cytotoxic fusion protein against p53 mutated cancers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kousparou, Christina A; Yiacoumi, Efthymia; Deonarain, Mahendra P; Epenetos, Agamemnon A


    A significant number of cancers are caused by defects in p21 causing functional defects in p21 or p53 tumour-suppressor proteins. This has led to many therapeutic approaches including restoration by gene therapy with wild-type p53 or p21 using viral or liposomal vectors, which have toxicity or side-effect limitations. We set out to develop a safer, novel fusion protein which has the ability to reconstitute cancer cell lines with active p21 by protein transduction. The fusion protein was produced from the cell-translocating peptide Antennapedia (Antp) and wild-type, full-length p21 (Antp-p21). This was expressed and refolded from E. coli and tested on a variety of cell lines and tumours (in a BALB/c nude xenograft model) with differing p21 or p53 status. Antp-p21 penetrated and killed cancer cells that do not express wild type p53 or p21. This included cells that were matched to cogenic parental cell lines. Antp-p21 killed cancer cells selectively that were malignant as a result of mutations or nuclear exclusion of the p53 and p21 genes and over-expression of MDM2. Non-specific toxicity was excluded by showing that Antp-p21 penetrated but did not kill p53- or p21- wild-type cells. Antp-p21 was not immunogenic in normal New Zealand White rabbits. Recombinant Antp peptide alone was not cytotoxic, showing that killing was due to the transduction of the p21 component of Antp-p21. Antp-p21 was shown to penetrate cancer cells engrafted in vivo and resulted in tumour eradication when administered with conventionally-used chemotherapeutic agents, which alone were unable to produce such an effect. Antp-p21 may represent a new and promising targeted therapy for patients with p53-associated cancers supporting the concept that rational design of therapies directed against specific cancer mutations will play a part in the future of medical oncology

  3. Generation of a selectively cytotoxic fusion protein against p53 mutated cancers

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    Kousparou Christina A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A significant number of cancers are caused by defects in p21 causing functional defects in p21 or p53 tumour-suppressor proteins. This has led to many therapeutic approaches including restoration by gene therapy with wild-type p53 or p21 using viral or liposomal vectors, which have toxicity or side-effect limitations. We set out to develop a safer, novel fusion protein which has the ability to reconstitute cancer cell lines with active p21 by protein transduction. Methods The fusion protein was produced from the cell-translocating peptide Antennapedia (Antp and wild-type, full-length p21 (Antp-p21. This was expressed and refolded from E. coli and tested on a variety of cell lines and tumours (in a BALB/c nude xenograft model with differing p21 or p53 status. Results Antp-p21 penetrated and killed cancer cells that do not express wild type p53 or p21. This included cells that were matched to cogenic parental cell lines. Antp-p21 killed cancer cells selectively that were malignant as a result of mutations or nuclear exclusion of the p53 and p21 genes and over-expression of MDM2. Non-specific toxicity was excluded by showing that Antp-p21 penetrated but did not kill p53- or p21- wild-type cells. Antp-p21 was not immunogenic in normal New Zealand White rabbits. Recombinant Antp peptide alone was not cytotoxic, showing that killing was due to the transduction of the p21 component of Antp-p21. Antp-p21 was shown to penetrate cancer cells engrafted in vivo and resulted in tumour eradication when administered with conventionally-used chemotherapeutic agents, which alone were unable to produce such an effect. Conclusions Antp-p21 may represent a new and promising targeted therapy for patients with p53-associated cancers supporting the concept that rational design of therapies directed against specific cancer mutations will play a part in the future of medical oncology.

  4. p53 and the Viral Connection: Back into the Future ‡

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    Ronit Aloni-Grinstein


    Full Text Available The discovery of the tumor suppressor p53, through its interactions with proteins of tumor-promoting viruses, paved the way to the understanding of p53 roles in tumor virology. Over the years, accumulating data suggest that WTp53 is involved in the viral life cycle of non-tumor-promoting viruses as well. These include the influenza virus, smallpox and vaccinia viruses, the Zika virus, West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1, Human herpes simplex virus-1, and more. Viruses have learned to manipulate WTp53 through different strategies to improve their replication and spreading in a stage-specific, bidirectional way. While some viruses require active WTp53 for efficient viral replication, others require reduction/inhibition of WTp53 activity. A better understanding of WTp53 functionality in viral life may offer new future clinical approaches, based on WTp53 manipulation, for viral infections.

  5. Expression of p53 protein in high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ali, Abir Salwa; Grönberg, Malin; Federspiel, Birgitte


    of immunoreactive p53 protein in GEP-NEC. Materials and methods Tumor tissues from 124 GEP-NEC patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease treated with platinum-based chemotherapy were collected from Nordic centers and clinical data were obtained from the Nordic NEC register. Tumor proliferation rate...... In this cohort of GEP-NEC patients, p53 expression could not be correlated with clinical outcome. However, in patients with colorectal NECs, p53 expression was correlated with shorter PFS and OS. Further studies are needed to establish the role of immunoreactive p53 as a prognostic marker for GEP-NEC patients.......Background Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas (GEP-NECs) are aggressive, rapidly proliferating tumors. Therapeutic response to current chemotherapy regimens is usually short lasting. The aim of this study was to examine the expression and potential clinical importance...

  6. p53 Represses the Oncogenic Sno-MiR-28 Derived from a SnoRNA.

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    Feng Yu

    Full Text Available p53 is a master tumour repressor that participates in vast regulatory networks, including feedback loops involving microRNAs (miRNAs that regulate p53 and that themselves are direct p53 transcriptional targets. We show here that a group of polycistronic miRNA-like non-coding RNAs derived from small nucleolar RNAs (sno-miRNAs are transcriptionally repressed by p53 through their host gene, SNHG1. The most abundant of these, sno-miR-28, directly targets the p53-stabilizing gene, TAF9B. Collectively, p53, SNHG1, sno-miR-28 and TAF9B form a regulatory loop which affects p53 stability and downstream p53-regulated pathways. In addition, SNHG1, SNORD28 and sno-miR-28 are all significantly upregulated in breast tumours and the overexpression of sno-miR-28 promotes breast epithelial cell proliferation. This research has broadened our knowledge of the crosstalk between small non-coding RNA pathways and roles of sno-miRNAs in p53 regulation.

  7. Significant difference in p53 and p21 protein immunoreactivity in HPV 16 positive and HPV negative breast carcinomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hennig, E.M.; Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo; Kvinnsland, S.; Holm, R.; Nesland, J.M.


    Human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 has previously been found in 19/41 breast carcinomas (46%) in women with a history of HPV 16 positive CIN III lesions. There was no significant difference in distribution of histological subtypes, mean or median tumour diameter or number of regional lymph node metastases in the HPV positive and HPV negative breast carcinoma groups. P53, p21 and c-erbB-2 proteins were analyzed by immunohistochemistry in the HPV 16 positive and HPV negative breast carcinomas. There was a significant difference in p53 and p21 protein immunoreactivity between HPV 16 positive and HPV negative breast carcinomas (p=0.0091 and p=0.0040), with a significant less detectable p53 and p21 protein immunoreactivity in the HPV 16 positive cases. There was also a significant difference in the coexpression of p53/p21 between the HPV 16 positive and HPV 16 negative breast carcinomas (p=0.002). No significant difference in immunostaining for c-erbB-2 protein in the two groups was found (p=0.15), or for the coexpression of p53/c-erbB-2 (p=0.19). The significantly lower expression of p53 and p21 proteins in HPV 16 positive than in HPV 16 negative breast carcinomas supports the hypothesis of inactivation and degradation of wild-type p53 proteins by HPV 16 E6 and that p53 mutation is not necessary for transformation in the HPV 16 positive cases. (orig.)

  8. Impact of the p53 status of tumor cells on extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis signaling. (United States)

    Wachter, Franziska; Grunert, Michaela; Blaj, Cristina; Weinstock, David M; Jeremias, Irmela; Ehrhardt, Harald


    The p53 protein is the best studied target in human cancer. For decades, p53 has been believed to act mainly as a tumor suppressor and by transcriptional regulation. Only recently, the complex and diverse function of p53 has attracted more attention. Using several molecular approaches, we studied the impact of different p53 variants on extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis signaling. We reproduced the previously published results within intrinsic apoptosis induction: while wild-type p53 promoted cell death, different p53 mutations reduced apoptosis sensitivity. The prediction of the impact of the p53 status on the extrinsic cell death induction was much more complex. The presence of p53 in tumor cell lines and primary xenograft tumor cells resulted in either augmented, unchanged or reduced cell death. The substitution of wild-type p53 by mutant p53 did not affect the extrinsic apoptosis inducing capacity. In summary, we have identified a non-expected impact of p53 on extrinsic cell death induction. We suggest that the impact of the p53 status of tumor cells on extrinsic apoptosis signaling should be studied in detail especially in the context of therapeutic approaches that aim to restore p53 function to facilitate cell death via the extrinsic apoptosis pathway.

  9. Microdissecção e captura a laser na investigação do gene TP53 em tecidos incluídos em parafina Laser-capture microdissection for TP53 gene analysis in paraffin-embedded tissues

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shadia Muhammad Ihlaseh


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Microdissecção e captura a laser (MCL é uma técnica de desenvolvimento recente que permite a coleta de células individuais ou pequeno conjunto de células para análise molecular. Atualmente, no Brasil, há raros microscópios para MCL, de modo que a divulgação dos procedimentos inerentes a essa técnica é oportuna para destacar seu amplo potencial para diagnóstico e investigação. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho descreve a padronização dos procedimentos de MCL e de extração de DNA de material fixado em formalina e incluído em parafina. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados o éxon 8 do gene TP53 e o gene da ciclofilina em amostras de tecido normal e de neoplasias de fígado e rim provenientes de modelo de carcinogênese química induzida em rato. A extração do DNA foi comprovada por reação em cadeia da polimerase (nested-PCR. RESULTADOS: Foram padronizados os procedimentos de preparo dos cortes histológicos, de microdissecção e captura a laser e de obtenção de seqüências gênicas pela reação de nested-PCR para tecidos incluídos em parafina. Obtivemos amplificação de 48,3% das amostras para o éxon 8 do gene TP53 e 51,7% para o gene da ciclofilina. Considerando pelo menos um dos dois segmentos gênicos, foram amplificadas 79,3% das amostras. DISCUSSÃO E CONCLUSÃO: A extração de DNA de tecidos fixados em formalina e incluídos em parafina e a técnica de nested-PCR foram adequadamente padronizadas para produtos gênicos de interesse, obtidos de material coletado por MCL. Esses procedimentos podem ser úteis para a obtenção de seqüências de DNA de arquivos para análise molecular.BACKGORUND: Laser-capture micro-dissection (LCM is a recently developed procedure that provides single cells or specific cell groups for molecular analysis. Currently, there are few LCM systems in Brazil, in such a way that it is necessary to disseminate the technical procedures inherent to the methodology, and also to

  10. Diagnostic value of progesterone receptor, p16, p53 and pHH3 expression in uterine atypical leiomyoma. (United States)

    Liang, Yun; Zhang, Xiaofei; Chen, Xiaoduan; Lü, Weiguo


    The differential diagnosis between atypical leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma may be hard based on morphological criterion at times. It would be helpful to find out biomarkers that can be used to distinguish them. The aim of the study was to investigate the diagnostic value of progesterone receptor (PR), p16, p53 and pHH3 expression in a series of uterine smooth muscle tumors. Immunohistochemical expression of PR, p16, p53 and pHH3 was investigated on 32 atypical leiomyomas, 15 leiomyosarcomas and 15 usual leomyomas. The difference in expression was compared between atypical leiomyoma and other groups. The expression of PR, p16, and pHH3 was found significantly different between atypical leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas, but lack of significant difference between atypical leiomyomas and usual leiomyomas. There was no significant difference with regard to p53 distribution among these uterine smooth muscle tumors. High p16, pHH3 expression and low PR expression preferred the diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma. The panel of antibodies used in this study is a useful complementary analysis in the assessment of problematic uterine smooth muscle tumors.

  11. p53 modulates the AMPK inhibitor compound C induced apoptosis in human skin cancer cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, Shi-Wei [Institute of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Wu, Chun-Ying [Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Wang, Yen-Ting [Department of Medical Research and Education, Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan (China); Kao, Jun-Kai [Institute of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Department of Pediatrics, Children' s Hospital, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan (China); Lin, Chi-Chen; Chang, Chia-Che; Mu, Szu-Wei; Chen, Yu-Yu [Institute of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Chiu, Husan-Wen [Institute of Biotechnology, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (China); Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (China); Chang, Chuan-Hsun [Department of Surgical Oncology, Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan (China); Department of Nutrition Therapy, Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan (China); School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan (China); Liang, Shu-Mei [Institute of Biotechnology, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (China); Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (China); Chen, Yi-Ju [Department of Dermatology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Huang, Jau-Ling [Department of Bioscience Technology, Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan, Taiwan (China); Shieh, Jeng-Jer, E-mail: [Institute of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Department of Education and Research, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan (China)


    Compound C, a well-known inhibitor of the intracellular energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), has been reported to cause apoptotic cell death in myeloma, breast cancer cells and glioma cells. In this study, we have demonstrated that compound C not only induced autophagy in all tested skin cancer cell lines but also caused more apoptosis in p53 wildtype skin cancer cells than in p53-mutant skin cancer cells. Compound C can induce upregulation, phosphorylation and nuclear translocalization of the p53 protein and upregulate expression of p53 target genes in wildtype p53-expressing skin basal cell carcinoma (BCC) cells. The changes of p53 status were dependent on DNA damage which was caused by compound C induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and associated with activated ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein. Using the wildtype p53-expressing BCC cells versus stable p53-knockdown BCC sublines, we present evidence that p53-knockdown cancer cells were much less sensitive to compound C treatment with significant G2/M cell cycle arrest and attenuated the compound C-induced apoptosis but not autophagy. The compound C induced G2/M arrest in p53-knockdown BCC cells was associated with the sustained inactive Tyr15 phosphor-Cdc2 expression. Overall, our results established that compound C-induced apoptosis in skin cancer cells was dependent on the cell's p53 status. - Highlights: ► Compound C caused more apoptosis in p53 wildtype than p53-mutant skin cancer cells. ► Compound C can upregulate p53 expression and induce p53 activation. ► Compound C induced p53 effects were dependent on ROS induced DNA damage pathway. ► p53-knockdown attenuated compound C-induced apoptosis but not autophagy. ► Compound C-induced apoptosis in skin cancer cells was dependent on p53 status.

  12. p53 modulates the AMPK inhibitor compound C induced apoptosis in human skin cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Shi-Wei; Wu, Chun-Ying; Wang, Yen-Ting; Kao, Jun-Kai; Lin, Chi-Chen; Chang, Chia-Che; Mu, Szu-Wei; Chen, Yu-Yu; Chiu, Husan-Wen; Chang, Chuan-Hsun; Liang, Shu-Mei; Chen, Yi-Ju; Huang, Jau-Ling; Shieh, Jeng-Jer


    Compound C, a well-known inhibitor of the intracellular energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), has been reported to cause apoptotic cell death in myeloma, breast cancer cells and glioma cells. In this study, we have demonstrated that compound C not only induced autophagy in all tested skin cancer cell lines but also caused more apoptosis in p53 wildtype skin cancer cells than in p53-mutant skin cancer cells. Compound C can induce upregulation, phosphorylation and nuclear translocalization of the p53 protein and upregulate expression of p53 target genes in wildtype p53-expressing skin basal cell carcinoma (BCC) cells. The changes of p53 status were dependent on DNA damage which was caused by compound C induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and associated with activated ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein. Using the wildtype p53-expressing BCC cells versus stable p53-knockdown BCC sublines, we present evidence that p53-knockdown cancer cells were much less sensitive to compound C treatment with significant G2/M cell cycle arrest and attenuated the compound C-induced apoptosis but not autophagy. The compound C induced G2/M arrest in p53-knockdown BCC cells was associated with the sustained inactive Tyr15 phosphor-Cdc2 expression. Overall, our results established that compound C-induced apoptosis in skin cancer cells was dependent on the cell's p53 status. - Highlights: ► Compound C caused more apoptosis in p53 wildtype than p53-mutant skin cancer cells. ► Compound C can upregulate p53 expression and induce p53 activation. ► Compound C induced p53 effects were dependent on ROS induced DNA damage pathway. ► p53-knockdown attenuated compound C-induced apoptosis but not autophagy. ► Compound C-induced apoptosis in skin cancer cells was dependent on p53 status

  13. O sentido de ser internado em hospital psiquiátrico à luz da fenomenologia de Heidegger


    Marcela Martins Furlan


    O campo da Saúde Mental no Brasil tem se voltado para a construção de serviços comunitários de atenção psiquiátrica, pautados nos preceitos da Reforma Psiquiátrica, como possibilidade de substituir a lógica asilar pelo resgate das habilidades sóciorelacionais do doente mental, a partir da reabilitação psicossocial, sob a abordagem interdisciplinar. Entretanto, a experiência em psiquiatria mostra que o doente mental mantém-se transitando entre o serviço comunitário e o hospital psiquiátrico, s...

  14. Detection of genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens in Xpc−/−p53+/− mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melis, Joost P.M.; Speksnijder, Ewoud N.; Kuiper, Raoul V.; Salvatori, Daniela C.F.; Schaap, Mirjam M.; Maas, Saskia; Robinson, Joke; Verhoef, Aart; Benthem, Jan van; Luijten, Mirjam; Steeg, Harry van


    An accurate assessment of the carcinogenic potential of chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs is essential to protect humans and the environment. Therefore, substances are extensively tested before they are marketed to the public. Currently, the rodent two-year bioassay is still routinely used to assess the carcinogenic potential of substances. However, over time it has become clear that this assay yields false positive results and also has several economic and ethical drawbacks including the use of large numbers of animals, the long duration, and the high cost. The need for a suitable alternative assay is therefore high. Previously, we have proposed the Xpa*p53 mouse model as a very suitable alternative to the two-year bioassay. We now show that the Xpc*p53 mouse model preserves all the beneficial traits of the Xpa*p53 model for sub-chronic carcinogen identification and can identify both genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens. Moreover, Xpc*p53 mice appear to be more responsive than Xpa*p53 mice towards several genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens. Furthermore, Xpc*p53 mice are far less sensitive than Xpa*p53 mice for the toxic activity of DNA damaging agents and as such clearly respond in a similar way as wild type mice do. These advantageous traits of the Xpc*p53 model make it a better alternative for in vivo carcinogen testing than Xpa*p53. This pilot study suggests that Xpc*p53 mice are suited for routine sub-chronic testing of both genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens and as such represent a suitable alternative to possibly replace the murine life time cancer bioassay. Highlights: ► The Xpc*p53 mouse model is able to identify genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens. ► Time, animals and cost can be significantly reduced compared to the 2-year bioassay. ► Xpc*p53 mice are more advantageous for carcinogen identification than Xpa*p53 mice. ► Xpc*p53 mice exhibit a wild type response upon exposure to genotoxicants.

  15. Dose selenomethionine have radio-protective effect on cell lines with wild type p53?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuji, K.; Hagihira, T.; Ohnishi, K.; Ohnishi, T.; Matsumoto, H.


    Full text: Selenium compounds are known to have cancer preventive effects. It is reported recently that selenium in the form of selenomethionine (SeMet) can protect cells with wild type p53 from UV-induced cell killing by activating the DNA repair mechanism of p53 tumor suppressor protein via redox factor Ref1 by reducing p53 cysteine residue 275 and 277. In contrast, SeMet has no protective effect on UV-induced cell killing in p53-null cells. If SeMet also has protective effect in cells with wild type p53 on cell killing by photon irradiation, SeMet can be used as normal tissue radio-protector. We examined the effect of SeMet on cell killing by X-ray irradiation in several cell lines with different p53 status at exponentially growing phase. Cell lines used in this experiment were as follows: H1299/neo; human lung cancer cell line of p53 null type tranfected with control vector with no p53, H1299/wp53; wild type p53 transfected counterpart. A172/neo; human glioblastoma cell line with wild type p53, A172/mp53-248; mp53-248 (248-mutant, ARG >TRP) transfected counterpart. SAS/neo; human tongue cancer cell line with wild type p53, and SAS/mp53-248; mp53-248 transfected counterpart. Cells were subcultured at monolayer in D-MEM containing 10% FBS. Survivals of the cells were determined by colony forming ability. Ten-MV linac X-ray was used to irradiate the cells. Exponentially growing cells were incubated with 20μM of SeMet for 15 hours before irradiation. After 24 hours exposure of SeMet, cells were incubated up to two weeks in growth medium for colony formation. Twenty-four hours exposure of 20μM of SeMet had no cytotoxicity on these cell lines. SeMet had no modification effect on cell killing by photon irradiation in H1299/neo, H1299/wp53, SAS/neo, SAS/mp53-248, and A172/mp53-248. On the other hand, SeMet sensitized A172/neo in radiation cell killing. The effects of p53 on interaction of SeMet and photon irradiation differ according to cell lines

  16. Bladder-like graphical representation of p53 gene alterations in some human cancers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Helal, N.L.; Dorrah, M.; LI, C.


    the p53 tumor suppressor gene is mutated in about half of all human cancer cells. These mutations are not only important in tumor progression but apparently also in the response of some tumors to chemotherapy and radiation treatment, thus to clinical outcome. Recent studies have shown that cells carrying p53 mutations are more resistant to radiation and chemotherapy than cells with functional p53. More than 15000 tumors with Tp53 mutations were published, leadingto the description of more than 1500 different Tp53 mutants (at the site http:// p53. To exploit this huge bulk of data, specific analytic tools were highly warranted. Also, new computational techniques for rapid determination of such information and comparative studies of different mutations are required. In the present study, a mathematical method for the IARC library p53 mutation database comparing p53 mutations occurring in four different cancers was described. The sizes of the four cancers in the database were bladder (860), liver (786), brain (1170) and skin (38) cancers, for a total of 2854 of p53 mutations. The study was carried out on exons 4-8 of p53 for the four cancers under investigation. From this study, it can be quantitatively obtained some information for each characteristic sequence. The data showed that exon 8 was the most mutant exon in skin cancer and exon 7 was the lowest one. In hepatocellular carcinoma, exon 4 was the most mutant exon and exon 7 was the lowest mutant exon. Brain cancer showed high mutation in exon 8 and low mutation at exon 6. Finally, bladder mutation was mostly mutated at exon 6 comparing to the least value of exon 7. It is expected that this study of p53 mutation may provide useful information for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer

  17. RNA content in the nucleolus alters p53 acetylation via MYBBP1A (United States)

    Kuroda, Takao; Murayama, Akiko; Katagiri, Naohiro; Ohta, Yu-mi; Fujita, Etsuko; Masumoto, Hiroshi; Ema, Masatsugu; Takahashi, Satoru; Kimura, Keiji; Yanagisawa, Junn


    A number of external and internal insults disrupt nucleolar structure, and the resulting nucleolar stress stabilizes and activates p53. We show here that nucleolar disruption induces acetylation and accumulation of p53 without phosphorylation. We identified three nucleolar proteins, MYBBP1A, RPL5, and RPL11, involved in p53 acetylation and accumulation. MYBBP1A was tethered to the nucleolus through nucleolar RNA. When rRNA transcription was suppressed by nucleolar stress, MYBBP1A translocated to the nucleoplasm and facilitated p53p300 interaction to enhance p53 acetylation. We also found that RPL5 and RPL11 were required for rRNA export from the nucleolus. Depletion of RPL5 or RPL11 blocked rRNA export and counteracted reduction of nucleolar RNA levels caused by inhibition of rRNA transcription. As a result, RPL5 or RPL11 depletion inhibited MYBBP1A translocation and p53 activation. Our observations indicated that a dynamic equilibrium between RNA generation and export regulated nucleolar RNA content. Perturbation of this balance by nucleolar stress altered the nucleolar RNA content and modulated p53 activity. PMID:21297583

  18. Survivin inhibits anti-growth effect of p53 activated by aurora B

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Ji-Eun; Kim, Tae-Kyung; Lee, Joong-Seob; Oh, Se-Yeong; Kwak, Sungwook; Jin, Xun; Sohn, Jin-Young; Song, Min-Keun; Sohn, Young-Woo; Lee, Soo-Yeon; Pian, Xumin; Lee, Jang-Bo; Chung, Yong Gu; Choi, Young Ki; You, Seungkwon; Kim, Hyunggee


    Genomic instability and apoptosis evasion are hallmarks of cancer, but the molecular mechanisms governing these processes remain elusive. Here, we found that survivin, a member of the apoptosis-inhibiting gene family, and aurora B kinase, a chromosomal passenger protein, were co-overexpressed in the various glioblastoma cell lines and tumors. Notably, exogenous introduction of the aurora B in human BJ cells was shown to decrease cell growth and increase the senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity by activation of p53 tumor suppressor. However, aurora B overexpression failed to inhibit cell proliferation in BJ and U87MG cells transduced with dominant-negative p53 as well as in p53 -/- mouse astrocytes. Aurora B was shown to increase centrosome amplification in the p53 -/- astrocytes. Survivin was shown to induce anchorage-independent growth and inhibit anti-proliferation and drug-sensitive apoptosis caused by aurora B. Overexpression of both survivin and aurora B further accelerated the proliferation of BJ cells. Taken together, the present study indicates that survivin should accelerate tumorigenesis by inhibiting the anti-proliferative effect of p53 tumor suppressor that is activated by aurora B in normal and glioblastoma cells containing intact p53

  19. ER, p53 and MIB-1 are significantly associated with malignant phyllodes tumor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nurhayati H Munawer


    Full Text Available Background: Phyllodes tumors (PT are rare. We evaluated the expression status of ER, Bcl2, p53, and MIB-1 protein in these tumors. Methods: One hundred and ninety-three tumors were examined using immunohistochemistry on tissue microarray. Results: ERβ (p <0.001, and p53 (p=0.006 in the stromal component were associated with tumor size. p53 expression was significantly associated with both epithelial and stro­mal components of malignant PTs (p<0.05. In PT, the decreased expressions of p53 and MIB-1 were significantly different with positive Bcl2 protein expression in epi­thelial component (p=0.000. Besides, MIB-1 was also found to be associated with ERα and ERβ in stromal component (p=0.000. Conclusion: The expression of p53 with tumor size and histological grade in PTs may increase risk for malignancy.

  20. P53 Gene Mutation as Biomarker of Radiation Induced Cell Injury and Genomic Instability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Gene expression profiling and its mutation has become one of the most widely used approaches to identify genes and their functions in the context of identify and categorize genes to be used as radiation effect markers including cell and tissue sensitivities. Ionizing radiation produces genetic damage and changes in gene expression that may lead to cancer due to specific protein that controlling cell proliferation altered the function, its expression or both. P53 protein encoded by p53 gene plays an important role in protecting cell by inducing growth arrest and or cell suicide (apoptosis) after deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage induced by mutagen such as ionizing radiation. The mutant and thereby dysfunctional of this gene was found in more than 50% of various human cancers, but it is as yet unclear how p53 mutations lead to neoplastic development. Wild-type p53 has been postulated to play a role in DNA repair, suggesting that expression of mutant forms of p53 might alter cellular resistance to the DNA damage caused by radiation. Moreover, p53 is thought to function as a cell cycle checkpoint after irradiation, also suggesting that mutant p53 might change the cellular proliferative response to radiation. P53 mutations affect the cellular response to DNA damage, either by increasing DNA repair processes or, possibly, by increasing cellular tolerance to DNA damage. The association of p53 mutations with increased radioresistance suggests that alterations in the p53 gene might lead to oncogenic transformation. Current attractive model of carcinogenesis also showed that p53 gene is the major target of radiation. The majority of p53 mutations found so far is single base pair changes ( point mutations), which result in amino acid substitutions or truncated forms of the p53 protein, and are widely distributed throughout the evolutionary conserved regions of the gene. Examination of p53 mutations in human cancer also shows an association between particular carcinogens and

  1. Chk2 regulates transcription-independent p53-mediated apoptosis in response to DNA damage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Chen; Shimizu, Shigeomi; Tsujimoto, Yoshihide; Motoyama, Noboru


    The tumor suppressor protein p53 plays a central role in the induction of apoptosis in response to genotoxic stress. The protein kinase Chk2 is an important regulator of p53 function in mammalian cells exposed to ionizing radiation (IR). Cells derived from Chk2-deficient mice are resistant to the induction of apoptosis by IR, and this resistance has been thought to be a result of the defective transcriptional activation of p53 target genes. It was recently shown, however, that p53 itself and histone H1.2 translocate to mitochondria and thereby induces apoptosis in a transcription-independent manner in response to IR. We have now examined whether Chk2 also regulates the transcription-independent induction of apoptosis by p53 and histone H1.2. The reduced ability of IR to induce p53 stabilization in Chk2-deficient thymocytes was associated with a marked impairment of p53 and histone H1 translocation to mitochondria. These results suggest that Chk2 regulates the transcription-independent mechanism of p53-mediated apoptosis by inducing stabilization of p53 in response to IR

  2. Polymorphism at codon 36 of the p53 gene. (United States)

    Felix, C A; Brown, D L; Mitsudomi, T; Ikagaki, N; Wong, A; Wasserman, R; Womer, R B; Biegel, J A


    A polymorphism at codon 36 in exon 4 of the p53 gene was identified by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and direct sequencing of genomic DNA PCR products. The polymorphic allele, present in the heterozygous state in genomic DNAs of four of 100 individuals (4%), changes the codon 36 CCG to CCA, eliminates a FinI restriction site and creates a BccI site. Including this polymorphism there are four known polymorphisms in the p53 coding sequence.

  3. Identification of two novel functional p53 responsive elements in the herpes simplex virus-1 genome. (United States)

    Hsieh, Jui-Cheng; Kuta, Ryan; Armour, Courtney R; Boehmer, Paul E


    Analysis of the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) genome reveals two candidate p53 responsive elements (p53RE), located in proximity to the replication origins oriL and oriS, referred to as p53RE-L and p53RE-S, respectively. The sequences of p53RE-L and p53RE-S conform to the p53 consensus site and are present in HSV-1 strains KOS, 17, and F. p53 binds to both elements in vitro and in virus-infected cells. Both p53RE-L and p53RE-S are capable of conferring p53-dependent transcriptional activation onto a heterologous reporter gene. Importantly, expression of the essential immediate early viral transactivator ICP4 and the essential DNA replication protein ICP8, that are adjacent to p53RE-S and p53RE-L, are repressed in a p53-dependent manner. Taken together, this study identifies two novel functional p53RE in the HSV-1 genome and suggests a complex mechanism of viral gene regulation by p53 which may determine progression of the lytic viral replication cycle or the establishment of latency. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. p53 inactivation in chewing tobacco-induced oral cancers and leukoplakias from India. (United States)

    Saranath, D; Tandle, A T; Teni, T R; Dedhia, P M; Borges, A M; Parikh, D; Sanghavi, V; Mehta, A R


    The inactivation of p53 tumour suppressor gene vis-á-vis point mutation, overexpression and degradation due to Human Papilloma virus (HPV) 16/18 infection, was examined in chewing tobacco-associated oral cancers and oral leukoplakias from India. The analysis of mutations was assessed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) of exons 5-9 on DNA from 83 oral cancer cases, and the mutations confirmed by direct nucleotide sequencing of the PCR products. p53 protein expression was evaluated by immunohistochemical analysis on paraffin-embedded sections of 62 representative oral cancer biopsies and 22 leukoplakias, using p53-specific monoclonal antibody DO-7. The presence of HPV16/18 was detected in the 83 oral cancer cases by PCR analysis using HPV L1 consensus sequences, followed by Southern hybridization with type-specific oligonucleotide probes. Forty-six per cent (38/83) of oral cancer tumours showed p53 alterations, with 17% (14/83) showing point mutations, 37% (23/62) with overexpression and 25% (21/83) with presence of HPV16 wherein the E6 HPV16 protein degrades p53. HPV18 was not detected in any of the samples. Ninety-two per cent concordance was observed between missense point mutations and overexpression of p53 protein. A significant correlation was not observed between p53 alterations in oral cancer and clinico-pathological profile of the patients. Twenty-seven per cent (6/22) of oral leukoplakias showed p53 overexpression. The overall p53 alterations in oral cancer tissues and oral lesions are comparable to data from the oral cancers reported in the Western countries with smoking and alcohol-associated oral cancers, and suggest a critical role for p53 gene in a significant proportion of oral cancers from India. The overexpression of p53 protein in leukoplakias may serve as a valuable biomarker for identifying individuals at high risk of transformation to malignant phenotype.

  5. Tratamento cirúrgico postergado da pancreatite aguda biliar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Altenfelder Silva

    Full Text Available A análise do tratamento cirúrgico de doentes portadores de pancreatite biliar mostra a existência de controvérsias em relação à oportunidade da intervenção, principalmente se deve ser precoce ou postergada. Do mesmo modo, a possibilidade do emprego de procedimentos endoscópicos no pré, intra ou pós-operatório e o advento da videolaparoscopia, trouxeram novos aspectos à discussão. Não existe consenso sobre a escolha da melhor conduta. Em função disso, analisamos retrospectivamente os resultados imediatos de 107 doentes portadores de forma leve de pancreatite, todos com menos de três sinais de gravidade, segundo o critério de estratificação proposto por Ranson, e que foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico postergado na mesma internação, no período de janeiro de 1988 a maio de 1999, tanto por via convencional como por via laparoscópica. Desses, 80 doentes (75% eram do sexo feminino, 90% da raça branca e a média de idade foi de 46 anos. Os doentes foram operados em média após 9,5 dias de internação e receberam alta hospitalar após 2,9 dias, o que resultou numa permanência hospitalar média de 12,6 dias. A colangiografia intra-operatória foi realizada em 102 casos (96% e a colangiografia endoscópica pré-operatória em 24 doentes (22,4%. Os resultados mostraram incidência de coledocolitíase em 25 casos (23%, taxa de morbidade de 12% e mortalidade nula. Dos 107 casos estudados, 64 (60% foram operados pela via de acesso convencional e 43 (40% pela via laparoscópica. A comparação dos resultados entre as vias de acesso empregadas mostrou diferença estatística significante em relação ao intervalo de tempo pós-operatório, que foi menor nos doentes submetidos à via de acesso laparoscópica. Concluímos, assim, que o tratamento cirúrgico postergado de doentes portadores de pancreatite biliar na forma leve apresenta baixas morbidade e mortalidade e pode ser feito tanto pela via convencional como pela via

  6. Differential programming of p53-deficient embryonic cells during rotenone block (United States)

    Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in chemical toxicities. The present study used an in vitro model to investigate the differential expression of metabolic pathways during cellular stress in p53- efficient embryonic fibroblasts compared to p53-deficient cells. These c...

  7. HER-2 positive and p53 negative breast cancers are associated with poor prognosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)


    p53 and HER-2 coexpression in breast cancer has been controversial. These markers were tested using immunohistochemistry and HercepTest. HER-2 expression is related to reduced breast cancer survival (p = .02) . p53 expression relates to HER-2 expression (p = .029). Coexpression between p53 and HER-2 has no relation to prognosis. On univariate and multivariate analysis, combination of HER-2 positive and p53 negative expression was associated with a poor prognosis (p = .018 and p = .027, respectively), while the combination of HER-2 negative and p53 positive expression was associated with a favorable prognosis (p = .022 and p = .010, respectively). Therefore the expression of these markers should be considered collectively.

  8. HER-2 positive and p53 negative breast cancers are associated with poor prognosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)


    p53 and HER-2 coexpression in breast cancer has been controversial. These markers were tested using immunohistochemistry and HercepTest. HER-2 expression is related to reduced breast cancer survival (p = .02) . p53 expression relates to HER-2 expression (p = .029). Coexpression between p53 and HER-2 has no relation to prognosis. On univariate and multivariate analysis, combination of HER-2 positive and p53 negative expression was associated with a poor prognosis (p = .018 and p = .027, respectively), while the combination of HER-2 negative and p53 positive expression was associated with a favorable prognosis (p = .022 and p = .010, respectively). Therefore the expression of these markers should be considered collectively.

  9. Transactivation domain of p53 regulates DNA repair and integrity in human iPS cells. (United States)

    Kannappan, Ramaswamy; Mattapally, Saidulu; Wagle, Pooja A; Zhang, Jianyi


    The role of p53 transactivation domain (p53-TAD), a multifunctional and dynamic domain, on DNA repair and retaining DNA integrity in human iPS cells has never been studied. p53-TAD was knocked out in iPS cells using CRISPR/Cas9 and was confirmed by DNA sequencing. p53-TAD KO cells were characterized by: accelerated proliferation, decreased population doubling time, and unaltered Bcl2, BBC3, IGF1R, Bax and altered Mdm2, p21, and PIDD transcripts expression. In p53-TAD KO cells p53 regulated DNA repair proteins XPA, DNA polH and DDB2 expression were found to be reduced compared to p53-WT cells. Exposure to low dose of doxorubicin (Doxo) induced similar DNA damage and DNA damage response (DDR) measured by RAD50 and MRE11 expression, Checkpoint kinase 2 activation and γH2A.X recruitment at DNA strand breaks in both the cell groups indicating silencing p53-TAD do not affect DDR mechanism upstream of p53. Following removal of Doxo p53-WT hiPS cells underwent DNA repair, corrected their damaged DNA and restored DNA integrity. Conversely, p53-TAD KO hiPS cells did not undergo complete DNA repair and failed to restore DNA integrity. More importantly continuous culture of p53-TAD KO hiPS cells underwent G2/M cell cycle arrest and expressed cellular senescent marker p16 INK4a . Our data clearly shows that silencing transactivation domain of p53 did not affect DDR but affected the DNA repair process implying the crucial role of p53 transactivation domain in maintaining DNA integrity. Therefore, activating p53-TAD domain using small molecules may promote DNA repair and integrity of cells and prevent senescence.

  10. Tratamento a longo prazo com budesonido inalado em pessoas com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica, que mantêm hábitos tabágicos

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    R.A. Pawels


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC é caracterizada por uma limitação progressiva e predominantemente irreversivel do débito das vias aéreas. O declinio da função pulmonar na DPOC relacionase com a presenya de alteraçõs inflamatórias nas vias aéreas e no parênquima pulmonar. A intlamação das vias aéreas na DPOC difere da que ocorre na asma. Os glucocorticóides inalados são usados com sucesso na asma e alguns estudos de monstraram um efeito destes fármacos na intlamação das vias aéreas na DPOC. Neste estudo, os autores testaram a hipótese de que um tratamento regular com budesonido inalado poderia reduzir a taxa de declínio da função pulmonar em doentes com DPOC ligeira que mantinham os habitos tabágicos.Tratouse de um estudo multicêntrico aleatorizado, controlado com placebo, em dupla ocultação, que incluiu 1277 doentes, com idade media de 52 anos, sendo 73% do sexo masculino, fumadores de uma média de 39 UMA, com um volume expiratório máximo no 1° segundo (FEV 1 médio de 77% do valor teórico e uma fraca reversibilidade a 1 mg de terbutalina inalada (em média: 2.85% do valor teórico. Foram medicados com 400 μg duas vezes por dia ou placebo, inalados através de um sistema de inalador de pó seco (Turbuhaler, durante um período de três anos.Nos 912 doentes que completaram o estudo, verificouse um declínio médio do FEV1 pós-broncodilatador de 140 ml no grupo do budesonido e de 180 ml no grupo placebo, no final dos 3 anos (p=0.05. Nos primeiros 6 meses do estudo, o FEV1 melhorou 17 ml/ano no grupo do budesonido e teve um declínio de 81 milano no grupo placebo (p0.36.Os autores conclucm que o eteito global do tratamento com budesonido nos doentes com DPOC nos 3 anos de estudo foi limitado, quando comparado com o efeito que é obtido nos doentes asmáticos O pequeno efeito ben

  11. The Role of Tumor Protein 53 Mutations in Common Human Cancers and Targeting the Murine Double Minute 2–P53 Interaction for Cancer Therapy

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    Tayebeh Hamzehloie


    Full Text Available The gene TP53 (also known as protein 53 or tumor protein 53, encoding transcription factor P53, is mutated or deleted in half of human cancers, demonstrating the crucial role of P53 in tumor suppression. There are reports of nearly 250 independent germ line TP53 mutations in over 100 publications. The P53 protein has the structure of a transcription factor and, is made up of several domains. The main function of P53 is to organize cell defense against cancerous transformation. P53 is a potent transcription factor that is activated in response to diverse stresses, leading to the induction of cell cycle arrest, apoptosis or senescence. The P53 tumor suppressor is negatively regulated in cells by the murine double minute 2 (MDM2 protein. Murine double minute 2 favors its nuclear export, and stimulates its degradation. Inhibitors of the P53-MDM2 interaction might be attractive new anticancer agents that could be used to activate wild-type P53 in tumors. Down regulation of MDM2 using an small interfering RNA (siRNA approach has recently provided evidence for a new role of MDM2 in the P53 response, by modulating the inhibition of the cyclin dependent kinase 2 (cdk2 by P21/WAF1 (also known as cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1 or CDK-interacting protein 1.

  12. Integral analysis of p53 and its value as prognostic factor in sporadic colon cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fariña Sarasqueta, Arantza; Morreau, Hans; Forte, Giusi; Corver, Wim E; Miranda, Noel F de; Ruano, Dina; Eijk, Ronald van; Oosting, Jan; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Wezel, Tom van


    p53 (encoded by TP53) is involved in DNA damage repair, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, aging and cellular senescence. TP53 is mutated in around 50% of human cancers. Nevertheless, the consequences of p53 inactivation in colon cancer outcome remain unclear. Recently, a new role of p53 together with CSNK1A1 in colon cancer invasiveness has been described in mice. By combining data on different levels of p53 inactivation, we aimed to predict p53 functionality and to determine its effects on colon cancer outcome. Moreover, survival effects of CSNK1A1 together with p53 were also studied. Eighty-three formalin fixed paraffin embedded colon tumors were enriched for tumor cells using flow sorting, the extracted DNA was used in a custom SNP array to determine chr17p13-11 allelic state; p53 immunostaining, TP53 exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 mutations were determined in combination with mRNA expression analysis on frozen tissue. Patients with a predicted functional p53 had a better prognosis than patients with non functional p53 (Log Rank p=0.009). Expression of CSNK1A1 modified p53 survival effects. Patients with low CSNK1A1 expression and non-functional p53 had a very poor survival both in the univariate (Log Rank p<0.001) and in the multivariate survival analysis (HR=4.74 95% CI 1.45 – 15.3 p=0.009). The combination of mutational, genomic, protein and downstream transcriptional activity data predicted p53 functionality which is shown to have a prognostic effect on colon cancer patients. This effect was specifically modified by CSKN1A1 expression

  13. Baculovirus p35 gene is oppositely regulated by P53 and AP-1 like factors in Spodoptera frugiperda

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohareer, Krishnaveni; Sahdev, Sudhir; Hasnain, Seyed E.


    Highlights: ► Baculovirus p35 is regulated by both viral and host factors. ► Baculovirus p35 is negatively regulated by SfP53-like factor. ► Baculovirus p35 is positively regulated by SfAP-1-like factor. -- Abstract: Baculovirus p35 belongs to the early class of genes of AcMNPV and requires viral factors like Immediate Early protein-1 for its transcription. To investigate the role of host factors in regulating p35 gene expression, the putative transcription factor binding sites were examined in silico and the role of these factors in influencing the transcription of p35 gene was assessed. We focused our studies on AP-1 and P53-like factors, which are activated under oxidative stress conditions. The AP-1 motif is located at −1401 while P53 motif is at −1912 relative to p35 translation start site. The predicted AP-1 and P53 elements formed specific complexes with Spodoptera frugiperda nuclear extracts. Both AP-1 and P53 motif binding proteins were down regulated as a function of AcMNPV infection in Spodoptera cells. To address the question whether during an oxidative outburst, the p35 transcription is enhanced; we investigated the role of these oxidative stress induced host transcription factors in influencing p35 gene transcription. Reporter assays revealed that AP-1 element enhances the transcription of p35 by a factor of two. Interestingly, P53 element appears to repress the transcription of p35 gene.

  14. Baculovirus p35 gene is oppositely regulated by P53 and AP-1 like factors in Spodoptera frugiperda

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mohareer, Krishnaveni [Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Biology, Center for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad 500001 (India); Institute of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad Campus, Prof. C.R. Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500046 (India); Sahdev, Sudhir [Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Biology, Center for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad 500001 (India); Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals, Gurgaon, New Delhi (India); Hasnain, Seyed E., E-mail: [Institute of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad Campus, Prof. C.R. Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500046 (India); Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, IIT Delhi, New Delhi 110016 (India); ILBS, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi (India); King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA (Saudi Arabia)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Baculovirus p35 is regulated by both viral and host factors. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Baculovirus p35 is negatively regulated by SfP53-like factor. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Baculovirus p35 is positively regulated by SfAP-1-like factor. -- Abstract: Baculovirus p35 belongs to the early class of genes of AcMNPV and requires viral factors like Immediate Early protein-1 for its transcription. To investigate the role of host factors in regulating p35 gene expression, the putative transcription factor binding sites were examined in silico and the role of these factors in influencing the transcription of p35 gene was assessed. We focused our studies on AP-1 and P53-like factors, which are activated under oxidative stress conditions. The AP-1 motif is located at -1401 while P53 motif is at -1912 relative to p35 translation start site. The predicted AP-1 and P53 elements formed specific complexes with Spodoptera frugiperda nuclear extracts. Both AP-1 and P53 motif binding proteins were down regulated as a function of AcMNPV infection in Spodoptera cells. To address the question whether during an oxidative outburst, the p35 transcription is enhanced; we investigated the role of these oxidative stress induced host transcription factors in influencing p35 gene transcription. Reporter assays revealed that AP-1 element enhances the transcription of p35 by a factor of two. Interestingly, P53 element appears to repress the transcription of p35 gene.

  15. G2-block after irradiation of cells with different p53 status

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zoelzer, Friedo [University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Department of Radiology, Toxicology and Civil Protection, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic); University Duisburg-Essen, Institute of Medical Radiobiology, Medical Faculty, Essen (Germany); Jagetia, Ganesh [University Duisburg-Essen, Institute of Medical Radiobiology, Medical Faculty, Essen (Germany); Mizoram University, Department of Zoology, School of Life Sciences, Aizawl (India); Streffer, Christian [University Duisburg-Essen, Institute of Medical Radiobiology, Medical Faculty, Essen (Germany)


    Although it is clear that functional p53 is not required for radiation-induced G{sub 2} block, certain experimental findings suggest a role for p53 in this context. For instance, as we also confirm here, the maximum accumulation in the G{sub 2} compartment after X-ray exposure occurs much later in p53 mutants than in wild types. It remains to be seen, however, whether this difference is due to a longer block in the G{sub 2} phase itself. We observed the movement of BrdU-labeled cells through G{sub 2} and M into G{sub 1}. From an analysis of the fraction of labeled cells that entered the second posttreatment cell cycle, we were able to determine the absolute duration of the G{sub 2} and M phases in unirradiated and irradiated cells. Our experiments with four cell lines, two melanomas and two squamous carcinomas, showed that the radiation-induced delay of transition through the G{sub 2} and M phases did not correlate with p53 status. We conclude that looking at the accumulation of cells in the G{sub 2} compartment alone is misleading when differences in the G{sub 2} block are investigated and that the G{sub 2} block itself is indeed independent of functional p53. (orig.) [German] Obwohl klar ist, dass ein funktionelles p53-Protein fuer die Ausbildung des strahleninduzierten G{sub 2}-Blocks nicht zwingend erforderlich ist, gibt es experimentelle Befunde, die nahe legen, dass p53 in diesem Zusammenhang doch eine gewisse Rolle spielt. Zum Beispiel bestaetigen wir hier fruehere Berichte, dass die Akkumulation von Zellen im G{sub 2}-Kompartiment bei p53-Mutanten deutlich spaeter nach Bestrahlung ihr Maximum erreicht als bei p53-Wildtypen. Es bleibt jedoch zu klaeren, ob dieser Unterschied seinen Grund in einem laengeren Block der G{sub 2}-Phase selbst hat. Beobachtet wurde die Bewegung von BrdU-markierten Zellen durch G{sub 2} und M nach G{sub 1}. Aus der zeitlichen Veraenderung des Anteils markierter Zellen im G{sub 1}-Kompartiment des naechsten Zellzyklus konnte die

  16. Imiquimod activates p53-dependent apoptosis in a human basal cell carcinoma cell line. (United States)

    Huang, Shi-Wei; Chang, Shu-Hao; Mu, Szu-Wei; Jiang, Hsin-Yi; Wang, Sin-Ting; Kao, Jun-Kai; Huang, Jau-Ling; Wu, Chun-Ying; Chen, Yi-Ju; Shieh, Jeng-Jer


    The tumor suppressor p53 controls DNA repair, cell cycle, apoptosis, autophagy and numerous other cellular processes. Imiquimod (IMQ), a synthetic toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 ligand for the treatment of superficial basal cell carcinoma (BCC), eliminates cancer cells by activating cell-mediated immunity and directly inducing apoptosis and autophagy in cancer cells. To evaluate the role of p53 in IMQ-induced cell death in skin cancer cells. The expression, phosphorylation and subcellular localization of p53 were detected by real-time PCR, luciferase reporter assay, cycloheximide chase analysis, immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry. Using BCC/KMC1 cell line as a model, the upstream signaling of p53 activation was dissected by over-expression of TLR7/8, the addition of ROS scavenger, ATM/ATR inhibitors and pan-caspase inhibitor. The role of p53 in IMQ-induced apoptosis and autophagy was assessed by genetically silencing p53 and evaluated by a DNA content assay, immunoblotting, LC3 puncta detection and acridine orange staining. IMQ induced p53 mRNA expression and protein accumulation, increased Ser15 phosphorylation, promoted nuclear translocation and up-regulated its target genes in skin cancer cells in a TLR7/8-independent manner. In BCC/KMC1 cells, the induction of p53 by IMQ was achieved through increased ROS production to stimulate the ATM/ATR-Chk1/Chk2 axis but was not mediated by inducing DNA damage. The pharmacological inhibition of ATM/ATR significantly suppressed IMQ-induced p53 activation and apoptosis. Silencing of p53 significantly decreased the IMQ-induced caspase cascade activation and apoptosis but enhanced autophagy. Mutant p53 skin cancer cell lines were more resistant to IMQ-induced apoptosis than wildtype p53 skin cancer cell lines. IMQ induced ROS production to stimulate ATM/ATR pathways and contributed to p53-dependent apoptosis in a skin basal cell carcinoma cell line BCC/KMC1. Copyright © 2015 Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology

  17. Wild type p53 transcriptionally represses the SALL2 transcription factor under genotoxic stress.

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    Carlos Farkas

    Full Text Available SALL2- a member of the Spalt gene family- is a poorly characterized transcription factor found deregulated in various cancers, which suggests it plays a role in the disease. We previously identified SALL2 as a novel interacting protein of neurotrophin receptors and showed that it plays a role in neuronal function, which does not necessarily explain why or how SALL2 is deregulated in cancer. Previous evidences indicate that SALL2 gene is regulated by the WT1 and AP4 transcription factors. Here, we identified SALL2 as a novel downstream target of the p53 tumor suppressor protein. Bioinformatic analysis of the SALL2 gene revealed several putative p53 half sites along the promoter region. Either overexpression of wild-type p53 or induction of the endogenous p53 by the genotoxic agent doxorubicin repressed SALL2 promoter activity in various cell lines. However R175H, R249S, and R248W p53 mutants, frequently found in the tumors of cancer patients, were unable to repress SALL2 promoter activity, suggesting that p53 specific binding to DNA is important for the regulation of SALL2. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay demonstrated binding of p53 to one of the identified p53 half sites in the Sall2 promoter, and chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis confirmed in vivo interaction of p53 with the promoter region of Sall2 containing this half site. Importantly, by using a p53ER (TAM knockin model expressing a variant of p53 that is completely dependent on 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen for its activity, we show that p53 activation diminished SALL2 RNA and protein levels during genotoxic cellular stress in primary mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs and radiosensitive tissues in vivo. Thus, our finding indicates that p53 represses SALL2 expression in a context-specific manner, adding knowledge to the understanding of SALL2 gene regulation, and to a potential mechanism for its deregulation in cancer.

  18. Identification of a p53-response element in the promoter of the proline oxidase gene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maxwell, Steve A.; Kochevar, Gerald J.


    Proline oxidase (POX) is a p53-induced proapoptotic gene. We investigated whether p53 could bind directly to the POX gene promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays detected p53 bound to POX upstream gene sequences. In support of the ChIP results, sequence analysis of the POX gene and its 5' flanking sequences revealed a potential p53-binding site, GGGCTTGTCTTCGTGTGACTTCTGTCT, located at 1161 base pairs (bp) upstream of the transcriptional start site. A 711-bp DNA fragment containing the candidate p53-binding site exhibited reporter gene activity that was induced by p53. In contrast, the same DNA region lacking the candidate p53-binding site did not show significant p53-response activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) in ACHN renal carcinoma cell nuclear lysates confirmed that p53 could bind to the 711-bp POX DNA fragment. We concluded from these experiments that a p53-binding site is positioned at -1161 to -1188 bp upstream of the POX transcriptional start site

  19. Electrophoretic detection of protein p53 in human leukocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paponov, V.D.; Kupsik, E.G.; Shcheglova, E.G.; Yarullin, N.N.


    The authors have found an acid-soluble protein with mol. wt. of about 53 kD in peripheral blood leukocytes of persons with Down's syndrome. It was present in different quantities in all 20 patients tested, but was virtually not discovered in 12 healthy blood donors. This paper determines the possible identity of this protein with protein p53 from mouse ascites carcinoma by comparing their electrophoretic mobilities, because the accuracy of electrophoretic determination of the molecular weight of proteins is not sufficient to identify them. The paper also describes experiments to detect a protein with electrophoretic mobility identical with that of a protein in the leukocytes of patients with Down's syndrome in leukocytes of patients with leukemia. To discover if protein p53 is involved in cell proliferation, the protein composition of leukocytes from healthy blood donors, cultured in the presence and absence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA), was compared. Increased incorporation of H 3-thymidine by leukocytes of patients with Down's syndrome is explained by the presence of a population of immature leukocytes actively synthesizing DNA in the peripheral blood of these patients, and this can also explain the presence of protein p53 in the leukocytes of these patients

  20. Essentials in clinical application of p53 for tumors intervention-example of liver cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guan Yongsong; He Qing


    Recombinant human adenovirus p53 (Ad-p53)injection has been used for treating tumors in combination with several local therapeutic methods. Taking liver cancer as an example, this article introduces the combination of Ad-p53 in procedures of interventional therapy. Mechanisms of their effects are emphasized to pursue an optimal synergism in killing tumors. Intratumoral injection is suggested as the first choice of Ad- p53 administration with the least recommended dosage for a single tumor. The optimal time for intervention of liver cancer is supposed to be 2 to 5 days after the administration of Ad-p53. There are several theories on the therapeutic method taking p53 as a target, some of them are contradictional; therefore one has to select either activating or inhibiting the p53 pathway beforehand. For advanced malignancies, the selection should be cautious for appropriater cases from the proper candidates. (authors)

  1. Referência a aprovação de comissão de ética e a consentimento dos doentes na Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia e noutras revistas médicas portuguesas com fator de impacto

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    M.J. Bernardes


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: A referência a aprovação de comissão de ética (CE e a consentimento dos doentes, nas publicações que envolvem humanos, poderá ser inferior à recomendada. Neste artigo, esta situação foi analisada na Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia e nas outras 2 revistas médicas portuguesas com fator de impacto indexadas na ISI Web of Knowledge. Métodos: A referência a aprovação de CE e a consentimento dos doentes foi pesquisada em todas as publicações que envolveram humanos na Acta Médica Portuguesa, Acta Reumatológica Portuguesa e Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, de 1 de julho de 2010 a 30 de junho de 2011. A pesquisa incluiu a avaliação do envolvimento de doentes vulneráveis e potencialmente identificáveis. Resultados: A maior parte das publicações analisadas, que incluíram uma proporção considerável de doentes vulneráveis (23% e de casos clínicos potencialmente identificáveis (14%, foram casos clínicos (49%. Globalmente, a aprovação de CE variou entre 0% e 28%, nos casos clínicos e nos estudos prospetivos, respetivamente, e o consentimento dos participantes entre 0% e 26%. Não se registaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos resultados entre as revistas estudadas. Conclusões: A referência a aprovação de CE e a consentimento dos doentes nas 3 revistas médicas portuguesas mais cotadas foi inferior à das suas congéneres mundiais. Estes resultados devem ser tidos em consideração e reavaliados em futuras investigações, tendo em vista a proteção dos participantes e a confiança da sociedade nos procedimentos envolvidos. Abstract: Introduction: Reporting of ethical committee (EC approval and patient consent in publications involving human subjects may be lower than recommended. In this paper this ethical issue was analysed in the Portuguese Journal of Pulmonology and in the other two Portuguese medical journals with impact factor indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge. Methods

  2. Chemotherapy-Induced Apoptosis in a Transgenic Model of Neuroblastoma Proceeds Through p53 Induction

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    Louis Chesler


    Full Text Available Chemoresistance in neuroblastoma is a significant issue complicating treatment of this common pediatric solid tumor. MYCN-amplified neuroblastomas are infrequently mutated at p53 and are chemosensitive at diagnosis but acquire p53 mutations and chemoresistance with relapse. Paradoxically, Myc-driven transformation is thought to require apoptotic blockade. We used the TH-MYCN transgenic murine model to examine the role of p53-driven apoptosis on neuroblastoma tumorigenesis and the response to chemotherapy. Tumors formed with high penetrance and low latency in p53-haploinsufficient TH-MYCN mice. Cyclophosphamide (CPM induced a complete remission in p53 wild type TH-MYCN tumors, mirroring the sensitivity of childhood neuroblastoma to this agent. Treated tumors showed a prominent proliferation block, induction of p53 protein, and massive apoptosis proceeding through induction of the Bcl-2 homology domain-3-only proteins PUMA and Bim, leading to the activation of Bax and cleavage of caspase-3 and -9. Apoptosis induced by CPM was reduced in p53-haploinsufficient tumors. Treatment of MYCN-expressing human neuroblastoma cell lines with CPM induced apoptosis that was suppressible by siRNA to p53. Taken together, the results indicate that the p53 pathway plays a significant role in opposing MYCN-driven oncogenesis in a mouse model of neuroblastoma and that basal inactivation of the pathway is achieved in progressing tumors. This, in part, explains the striking sensitivity of such tumors to chemotoxic agents that induce p53-dependent apoptosis and is consistent with clinical observations that therapy-associated mutations in p53 are a likely contributor to the biology of tumors at relapse and secondarily mediate resistance to therapy.

  3. Co-morbidade fadiga e depressão em pacientes com câncer colo-retal Enfermedad concomitante: fatiga y depresión en pacientes con cáncer colon-rectal Comorbidities between fatigue and depression in patients with colorectal cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliano dos Santos


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como objetivos caracterizar e identificar a comorbidade entre fadiga e depressão em pacientes com câncer colorretal. A amostra não-probabilística foi de 154 pacientes ambulatoriais (53% homens; idade média 49,6±11,7 anos; escolaridade média 8,9±5,4 anos. A fadiga foi avaliada pela Escala de Fadiga de Piper Revisada e o humor pelo Inventário de Depressão de Beck. A Fadiga foi relatada por 76 (49,4% pacientes e foi intensa (escore total > 6 para 19,7% deles. Escores que sugerem depressão (IDB>20 foram encontrados em 11 (7,1% pacientes. Fadiga e depressão estavam correlacionadas (r=0,395; p 0,001. A co-morbidade fadiga moderada/intensa e disforia/depressão ocorreu em 12,3%. A Fadiga estava presente na totalidade dos doentes deprimidos (100%, e a depressão ocorreu em 18% dos doentes fatigados. Fadiga e depressão são fenômenos relacionados, a sua comorbidade pode ser muito deletéria ao doente; a depressão foi mais importante para a ocorrência de fadiga do que a fadiga para a depressão.El estudio tuvo como objetivos caracterizar e identificar la relación entre la fatiga y la depresión en pacientes con cáncer colon-rectal. La muestra no probabilística fue de 154 pacientes de ambulatorio (53% hombres; edad promedio 49,6±11,7 años; escolaridad promedio 8,9±5,4 anos. La fatiga fue evaluada por la Escala de Fatiga de Piper Revisada y el humor por el Inventario de Depresión de Beck. La Fatiga fue relatada por 76 (49,4% pacientes y fue intensa (puntaje total > 6 para 19,7% de ellos. Puntajes que sugieren depresión (IDB>20 fueron encontrados en 11 (7,1% pacientes. La fatiga y la depresión estaban correlacionados (r= 0,395; p 0,001. La enfermedad concomitante fatiga moderada/intensa y disforia/depresión ocurrió en 12,3%. La Fatiga estaba presente en la totalidad de los enfermos deprimidos (100%, y la depresión ocurrió en 18% de los enfermos fatigados. Fatiga y depresión son fenómenos relacionados

  4. Circumvention and reactivation of the p53 oncogene checkpoint in mouse colon tumors. (United States)

    Aizu, Wataru; Belinsky, Glenn S; Flynn, Christopher; Noonan, Emily J; Boes, Colleen C; Godman, Cassandra A; Doshi, Bindi; Nambiar, Prashant R; Rosenberg, Daniel W; Giardina, Charles


    The p53 tumor suppressor protein is sequence-normal in azoxymethane (AOM)-induced mouse colon tumors, making them a good model for human colon cancers that retain a wild type p53 gene. Cellular localization and co-immunoprecipitation experiments using a cell line derived from an AOM-induced colon tumor (AJ02-NM(0) cells) pointed to constitutively expressed Mdm2 as being an important negative regulator of p53 in these cells. Although the Mdm2 inhibitory protein p19/ARF was expressed in AJ02-NM(0) cells, its level of expression was not sufficient for p53 activation. We tested the response of AJ02-NM(0) cells to the recently developed Mdm2 inhibitor, Nutlin-3. Nutlin-3 was found to activate p53 DNA binding in AJ02-NM(0) cells, to a level comparable to doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). In addition, Nutlin-3 increased expression of the p53 target genes Bax and PERP to a greater extent than doxorubicin or 5-FU, and triggered a G2/M phase arrest in these cells, compared to a G1 arrest triggered by doxorubicin and 5-FU. The differences in the cellular response may be related to differences in the kinetics of p53 activation and/or its post-translational modification status. In an ex vivo experiment, Nutlin-3 was found to activate p53 target gene expression and apoptosis in AOM-induced tumor tissue, but not in normal adjacent mucosa. Our data indicate that Mdm2 inhibitors may be an effective means of selectively targeting colon cancers that retain a sequence-normal p53 gene while sparing normal tissue and that the AOM model is an appropriate model for the preclinical development of these drugs.

  5. Frequency of p53 Gene Mutation and Protein Expression in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ara, N.; Atique, M.; Ahmed, S.; Bukhari, S. G. A.


    Objective: To determine the frequency of p53 gene mutation and protein expression in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) and to establish correlation between the two. Study Design: Analytical study. Place and Duration of Study: Histopathology Department and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), Rawalpindi, from May 2010 to May 2011. Methodology: Thirty diagnosed cases of OSCC were selected by consecutive sampling. Seventeen were retrieved from the record files of the AFIP, and 13 fresh/frozen sections were selected from patients reporting to the Oral Surgery Department, Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry (AFID). Gene p53 mutation was analyzed in all the cases using PCRSSCP analysis. DNA was extracted from the formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections and fresh/frozen sections. DNA thus extracted was amplified by polymerase chain reaction. The amplified products were denatured and finally analyzed by gel electrophoresis. Gene mutation was detected as electrophoretic mobility shift. The immunohistochemical marker p53 was applied to the same 30 cases and overexpression of protein p53 was recorded. Results: Immunohistochemical expression of marker p53 was positive in 67% (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 48.7 - 80.9) of the cases. Mutations of the p53 gene were detected in 23% (95% CI 11.5 - 41.2) of the OSCC. No statistically significant correlation was found between p53 gene mutation and protein p53 expression (rs = - 0.057, p = 0.765). Conclusion: A substantial number of patients have p53 gene mutation (23%) and protein p53 expression (67%) in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). (author)

  6. p53 as the focus of gene therapy: past, present and future. (United States)

    Valente, Joana Fa; Queiroz, Joao A; Sousa, Fani


    Several gene deviations can be responsible for triggering oncogenic processes. However, mutations in tumour suppressor genes are usually more associated to malignant diseases, being p53 one of the most affected and studied element. p53 is implicated in a number of known cellular functions, including DNA damage repair, cell cycle arrest in G1/S and G2/M and apoptosis, being an interesting target for cancer treatment. Considering these facts, the development of gene therapy approaches focused on p53 expression and regulation seems to be a promising strategy for cancer therapy. Several studies have shown that transfection of cancer cells with wild-type p53 expressing plasmids could directly drive cells into apoptosis and/or growth arrest, suggesting that a gene therapy approach for cancer treatment can be based on the re-establishment of the normal p53 expression levels and function. Up until now, several clinical research studies using viral and non-viral vectors delivering p53 genes, isolated or combined with other therapeutic agents, have been accomplished and there are already in the market therapies based on the use of this gene. This review summarizes the different methods used to deliver and/or target the p53 as well as the main results of therapeutic effect obtained with the different strategies applied. Finally, the ongoing approaches are described, also focusing the combinatorial therapeutics to show the increased therapeutic potential of combining gene therapy vectors with chemo or radiotherapy. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  7. p53-Dependent Nestin Regulation Links Tumor Suppression to Cellular Plasticity in Liver Cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tschaharganeh, Darjus F; Xue, Wen; Calvisi, Diego F


    The p53 tumor suppressor coordinates a series of antiproliferative responses that restrict the expansion of malignant cells, and as a consequence, p53 is lost or mutated in the majority of human cancers. Here, we show that p53 restricts expression of the stem and progenitor-cell-associated protei...... by p53 restricts cellular plasticity and tumorigenesis in liver cancer....

  8. CD40-mediated apoptosis in murine B-lymphoma lines containing mutated p53

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hollmann, Annette C; Gong, Qiaoke; Owens, Trevor


    Crosslinking CD40 induces normal B-cells to proliferate and differentiate but causes many tumor cell lines to undergo apoptosis. As p53 is required for many apoptotic pathways, we analyzed the effects of CD40 ligation and their correlation with p53 function in four murine B-lymphoma lines. A20...... of detectable p21 mRNA in A20 and M12 cells. P21 mRNA was increased to detectable levels in M12 cells upon CD40 ligation; however, blocking this effect with the p53 inhibitor pifithrin had no effect on CD40-mediated apoptosis. Sequencing showed that p53 in A20 and M12 cells contained point mutations leading...... to amino acid substitutions in DNA binding regions, but was unmutated in WEHI231 and WEHI 279. These results suggest that CD40-mediated apoptosis can occur in the absence of functional p53....

  9. p53 and Ki-67 in Barrett's carcinoma: is there any value to predict recurrence after circumferential endoscopic mucosal resection? p53 e Ki-67 no carcinoma do esôfago de Barrett: algum valor na predição da recurrência após mucosectomia endoscópica circunferencial?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Vivian Lopes


    adenocarcinoma superficial do esôfago de Barrett é inadequado para avaliação histopatológica de suas margens. Nesses casos, a imunoistoquímica poderia ser de auxílio para predição da recurrência tumoral. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o valor da detecção imunoistoquímica da p53 e do Ki-67 na predição da recurrência tumoral após mucosectomia endoscópica circunferencial do câncer no esôfago de Barrett. MÉTODOS: Foi analisado o material proveniente de mucosectomias de 41 pacientes. Todas as biopsias endoscópicas pré-mucosectomia apresentavam displasia de alto grau e câncer foi detectado em 23 casos. A imunorreatividade foi definida pela coloração de, pelo menos, 90% dos núcleos em cada campo de grande aumento, podendo ser classificada como superficial ou difusa, conforme a distribuição celular dos núcleos corados. RESULTADOS: A mucosectomia detectou o câncer em 21 casos. Nesses casos, a p53 revelou padrão difuso de positividade para a maioria dos casos (90,5% vs. 20% e o Ki-67 demonstrou padrão difuso para todos os portadores de câncer (100% vs. 30%. Por sua vez, pacientes sem câncer revelaram padrão negativo ou apenas superficial para a p53 (80% vs. 9,5% e para o Ki-67 (70% vs. 0%. Durante seguimento médio de 31,6 meses, cinco (12,2% pacientes apresentaram seis episódios de câncer recurrente. Neste grupo, os fragmentos de mucosectomia não demonstraram nenhuma diferença significativa na expressão imunoistoquímica da p53 e do Ki-67 nos pacientes desenvolvendo câncer após o tratamento endoscópico. CONCLUSÕES: A imunoistoquímica da p53 e do Ki-67 é útil na confirmação do câncer; contudo não demonstra nenhum valor na predição da recurrência tumoral após mucosectomia endoscópica circunferencial do esôfago de Barrett com adenocarcinoma.

  10. The p53-mediated cytotoxicity of photodynamic therapy of cancer: Recent advances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zawacka-Pankau, Joanna; Krachulec, Justyna; Grulkowski, Ireneusz; Bielawski, Krzysztof P.; Selivanova, Galina


    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising modality for the treatment of both pre-malignant and malignant lesions. The mechanism of action converges mainly on the generation of reactive oxygen species which damage cancer cells directly as well as indirectly acting on tumor vasculature. The exact mechanism of PDT action is not fully understood, which is a formidable barrier to its successful clinical application. Elucidation of the mechanisms of cancer cell elimination by PDT might help in establishing highly specific, non-genotoxic anti-cancer treatment of tomorrow. One of the candidate PDT targets is the well-known tumor suppressor p53 protein recognized as the guardian of the genome. Together with its family members, p73 and p63 proteins, p53 is involved in apoptosis induction upon stress stimuli. The wild-type and mutant p53-targeting chemotherapeutics are currently extensively investigated as a promising strategy for highly specific anti-cancer therapy. In photodynamic therapy porphyrinogenic sensitizers are the most widely used compounds due to their potent biophysical and biochemical properties. Recent data suggest that the p53 tumor suppressor protein might play a significant role in porphyrin-PDT-mediated cell death by direct interaction with the drug which leads to its accumulation and induction of p53-dependent cell death both in the dark and upon irradiation. In this review we describe the available evidence on the role of p53 in PDT

  11. Converging Mechanisms of p53 Activation Drive Motor Neuron Degeneration in Spinal Muscular Atrophy

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    Christian M. Simon


    Full Text Available The hallmark of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA, an inherited disease caused by ubiquitous deficiency in the SMN protein, is the selective degeneration of subsets of spinal motor neurons. Here, we show that cell-autonomous activation of p53 occurs in vulnerable but not resistant motor neurons of SMA mice at pre-symptomatic stages. Moreover, pharmacological or genetic inhibition of p53 prevents motor neuron death, demonstrating that induction of p53 signaling drives neurodegeneration. At late disease stages, however, nuclear accumulation of p53 extends to resistant motor neurons and spinal interneurons but is not associated with cell death. Importantly, we identify phosphorylation of serine 18 as a specific post-translational modification of p53 that exclusively marks vulnerable SMA motor neurons and provide evidence that amino-terminal phosphorylation of p53 is required for the neurodegenerative process. Our findings indicate that distinct events induced by SMN deficiency converge on p53 to trigger selective death of vulnerable SMA motor neurons.

  12. Prognosis for Survival of Young Women with Breast Cancer by Quantitative p53 Immunohistochemistry (United States)

    Axelrod, David E.; Shah, Kinsuk; Yang, Qifeng; Haffty, Bruce G.


    p53 protein detected immunohistochemically has not been accepted as a biomarker for breast cancer patients because of disparate reports of the relationship between the amount of p53 protein detected and patient survival. The purpose of this study was to determine experimental conditions and methods of data analysis for which p53 stain intensity could be prognostic for survival of young breast cancer patients. A tissue microarray of specimens from 93 patients was stained with anti-p53 antibody, and stain intensity measured with a computer-aided image analysis system. A cut-point at one standard deviation below the mean of the distribution of p53 stain intensity separated patients into two groups with significantly different survival. These results were confirmed by Quantitative Nuclear Grade determined by DNA-specific Feulgen staining. P53 provided information beyond ER and PR status. Therefore, under the conditions reported here, p53 protein can be an effective prognostic factor for young breast cancer patients. PMID:26322145

  13. Changes in p53 expression in mouse fibroblasts can modify motility and extracellular matrix organization. (United States)

    Alexandrova, A; Ivanov, A; Chumakov, P; Kopnin, B; Vasiliev, J


    Effects of p53 expression on cell morphology and motility were studied using the derivatives of p53-null 10(1) mouse fibroblasts with tetracycline-regulated expression of exogenous human p53. Induction of p53 expression was accompanied by significant decrease in extracellular matrix (fibronectin) and reduction of matrix fibrils, diminution of the number and size of focal contacts, decrease of cell areas, establishment of more elongated cell shape and alterations of actin cytoskeleton (actin bundles became thinner, their number and size decreased). Expression of His175 and Gln22/ Ser23 p53 mutants caused no such effects. To study the influence of p53 expression on cell motility we used wound technique and videomicroscopy observation of single living cells. It was found that induction of p53 expression led to increase of lamellar activity of cell edge. However, in spite of enhanced lamellar activity p53-expressing cells migrated to shorter distance and filled the narrow wound in longer time as compared with their p53-null counterparts. Possible mechanisms of the influence of p53 expression on cell morphology and motility are discussed.

  14. p53 is important for the anti-proliferative effect of ibuprofen in colon carcinoma cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janssen, Astrid; Schiffmann, Susanne; Birod, Kerstin; Maier, Thorsten J.; Wobst, Ivonne; Geisslinger, Gerd; Groesch, Sabine


    S-ibuprofen which inhibits the cyclooxygenase-1/-2 and R-ibuprofen which shows no COX-inhibition at therapeutic concentrations have anti-carcinogenic effects in human colon cancer cells; however, the molecular mechanisms for these effects are still unknown. Using HCT-116 colon carcinoma cell lines, expressing either the wild-type form of p53 (HCT-116 p53 wt ) or being p(HCT-116 p53 -/- ), we demonstrated that both induction of a cell cycle block and apoptosis after S- and R-ibuprofen treatment is in part dependent on p53. Also in the in vivo nude mice model HCT-116 p53 -/- xenografts were less sensitive for S- and R-ibuprofen treatment than HCT-116 p53 wt cells. Furthermore, results indicate that induction of apoptosis in HCT-116 p53 wt cells after ibuprofen treatment is in part dependent on a signalling pathway including the neutrophin receptor p75 NTR , p53 and Bax

  15. COX-2 and p53 in human sinonasal cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmila, Reetta; Cyr, Diane; Luce, Danièle


    The causal role of wood-dust exposure in sinonasal cancer (SNC) has been established in epidemiological studies, but the mechanisms of SNC carcinogenesis are still largely unknown. Increased amounts of COX-2 are found in both premalignant and malignant tissues, and experimental evidence link COX-2...... to development of cancer. Many signals that activate COX-2 also induce tumor suppressor p53, a transcription factor central in cellular stress response. We investigated COX-2 and p53 expressions by immunohistochemistry in 50 SNCs (23 adenocarcinomas, and 27 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC); 48 analyzed for COX-2...... displayed adenocarcinoma. COX-2 was expressed at higher levels in adenocarcinoma as compared to SSC (p COX-2 expression showed significant association with occupational exposure to wood dust (p = 0.024), and with nonsmoking status (p = 0.001). No statistically significant associations between...

  16. Letramento funcional em saúde e conhecimento de doentes renais em tratamento pré-dialítico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katarinne Lima Moraes

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: analisar o letramento funcional em saúde (LFS e o conhecimento sobre doença renal crônica de 60 pacientes em tratamento pré-dialítico. Método: estudo transversal. O LFS foi mensurado pelo instrumento B-TOFHLA; e o conhecimento, por questionário. Foram realizados testes de correlação de Pearson e Qui-quadrado e modelos de regressões lineares. Resultados: todos entrevistados apresentaram LFS inadequado, e a maioria apresentou conhecimento insuficiente em relação à doença e ao tratamento. Menor escolaridade foi fator preditivo para piores escores de LFS. Conhecimento insuficiente foi relacionado à idade e ao comprometimento cognitivo. Conclusão: embora não tenha sido encontrada associação entre as variáveis preditivas, a limitada capacidade de obter e usar informações relacionadas à saúde e o conhecimento insuficiente em relação à própria doença e tratamento podem contribuir para piores desfechos de DRC. São necessárias estratégias de intervenções adequadas ao limitado LFS e maior conhecimento e habilidade dos profissionais para lidar com o assunto.

  17. cDNA sequencing improves the detection of P53 missense mutations in colorectal cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szybka, Malgorzata; Kordek, Radzislaw; Zakrzewska, Magdalena; Rieske, Piotr; Pasz-Walczak, Grazyna; Kulczycka-Wojdala, Dominika; Zawlik, Izabela; Stawski, Robert; Jesionek-Kupnicka, Dorota; Liberski, Pawel P


    Recently published data showed discrepancies beteween P53 cDNA and DNA sequencing in glioblastomas. We hypothesised that similar discrepancies may be observed in other human cancers. To this end, we analyzed 23 colorectal cancers for P53 mutations and gene expression using both DNA and cDNA sequencing, real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. We found P53 gene mutations in 16 cases (15 missense and 1 nonsense). Two of the 15 cases with missense mutations showed alterations based only on cDNA, and not DNA sequencing. Moreover, in 6 of the 15 cases with a cDNA mutation those mutations were difficult to detect in the DNA sequencing, so the results of DNA analysis alone could be misinterpreted if the cDNA sequencing results had not also been available. In all those 15 cases, we observed a higher ratio of the mutated to the wild type template by cDNA analysis, but not by the DNA analysis. Interestingly, a similar overexpression of P53 mRNA was present in samples with and without P53 mutations. In terms of colorectal cancer, those discrepancies might be explained under three conditions: 1, overexpression of mutated P53 mRNA in cancer cells as compared with normal cells; 2, a higher content of cells without P53 mutation (normal cells and cells showing K-RAS and/or APC but not P53 mutation) in samples presenting P53 mutation; 3, heterozygous or hemizygous mutations of P53 gene. Additionally, for heterozygous mutations unknown mechanism(s) causing selective overproduction of mutated allele should also be considered. Our data offer new clues for studying discrepancy in P53 cDNA and DNA sequencing analysis

  18. Arecoline-induced growth arrest and p21WAF1 expression are dependent on p53 in rat hepatocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, W.-W.; Guh, J.-Y.; Tsai, J.-F.; Hwang, C.-C.; Chen, H.-C.; Huang, J.-S.; Yang, Y.-L.; Hung, W.-C.; Chuang, L.-Y.


    Betel-quid use is associated with the risk of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma and arecoline, the major alkaloid of betel-quid, is hepatotoxic in mice. Therefore, we studied the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of arecoline in normal rat hepatocytes (Clone-9 cells). Arecoline dose-dependently (0.1-1 mM) decreased cell cycle-dependent proliferation while inducing DNA damage at 24 h. Moreover, arecoline (1 mM)-induced apoptosis and necrosis at 24 h. Arecoline dose-dependently (0.1-0.5 mM) increased transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) mRNA, gene transcription and bioactivity and neutralizing TGF-β antibody attenuated arecoline (0.5 mM)-inhibited cell proliferation at 24 h. Arecoline (0.5 mM) also increased p21 WAF1 protein expression and p21 WAF1 gene transcription. Moreover, arecoline (0.5 mM) time-dependently (8-24 h) increased p53 serine 15 phosphorylation. Pifithrin-α (p53 inhibitor) and the loss of the two p53-binding elements in the p21 WAF1 gene promoter attenuated arecoline-induced p21 WAF1 gene transcription at 24 h. Pifithrin-α also attenuated arecoline (0.5 mM)-inhibited cell proliferation at 24 h. We concluded that arecoline induces cytotoxicity, DNA damage, G 0 /G 1 cell cycle arrest, TGF-β1, p21 WAF1 and activates p53 in Clone-9 cells. Moreover, arecoline-induced p21 WAF1 is dependent on p53 while arecoline-inhibited growth is dependent on both TGF-β and p53

  19. Butein activates p53 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells via blocking MDM2-mediated ubiquitination

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    Zhou Y


    Full Text Available Yuanfeng Zhou,1,2 Kuifeng Wang,2 Ni Zhou,2 Tingting Huang,2 Jiansheng Zhu,2 Jicheng Li1 1Institute of Cell Biology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China; 2Department of Infectious Diseases, Affiliated Taizhou Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Taizhou, People’s Republic of China Introduction: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of butein on p53 in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC cells and the related molecular mechanisms by which p53 was activated. Methods: MTS assay and clonogenic survival assay were used to examine the antitumor activity of butein in vitro. Reporter gene assay was adopted to evaluate p53 transcriptional activity. Flow cytometry and western blotting were performed to study apoptosis induction and protein expression respectively. Xenograft model was applied to determine the in vivo efficacy and the expression of p53 in tumor tissue was detected by immunohistochemistry. Results: HCC cell proliferation and clonogenic survival were significantly inhibited after butein treatment. With the activation of cleaved-PARP and capsase-3, butein induced apoptosis in HCC cells in a dose-dependent manner. The transcriptional activity of p53 was substantially promoted by butein, and the expression of p53-targeted gene was increased accordingly. Mechanism studies demonstrated that the interaction between MDM2 and p53 was blocked by butein and MDM2-mediated p53 ubiquitination was substantially decreased. Short-hairpin RNA experiment results showed that the sensitivity of HCC cells to butein was substantially impaired after p53 was knocked down and butein-induced apoptosis was dramatically decreased. In vivo experiments validated substantial antitumor efficacy of butein against HepG2 xenograft growth, and the expression of p53 in butein-treated tumor tissue was significantly increased. Conclusion: Butein demonstrated potent antitumor activities in HCC by activating p53, and butein or its analogs had

  20. Role of Peroxiredoxin I in Rectal Cancer and Related to p53 Status

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Miao-Fen; Lee, Kuan-Der; Yeh, Chung-Hung; Chen, Wen-Cheng; Huang, Wen-Shih; Chin, Chih-Chien; Lin, Paul- Yang; Wang, Jeng-Yi


    Background: Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy is widely accepted for the treatment of localized rectal cancer. Although peroxiredoxin I (PrxI) and p53 have been implicated in carcinogenesis and cancer treatment, the role of PrxI and its interaction with p53 in the prognosis and treatment response of rectal cancer remain relatively unstudied. Methods and Materials: In the present study, we examined the levels of PrxI and p53 in rectal cancer patients using membrane arrays and compared them with normal population samples. To demonstrate the biologic changes after manipulation of PrxI expression, we established stable transfectants of HCT-116 (wild-type p53) and HT-29 (mutant p53) cells with a PrxI silencing vector. The predictive capacities of PrxI and p53 were also assessed by relating the immunohistochemical staining of a retrospective series of rectal cancer cases to the clinical outcome. Results: The membrane array and immunochemical staining data showed that PrxI, but not p53, was significantly associated with the tumor burden. Our immunochemistry findings further indicated that PrxI positivity was linked to a poor response to neoadjuvant therapy and worse survival. In cellular and animal experiments, the inhibition of PrxI significantly decreased tumor growth and sensitized the tumor to irradiation, as indicated by a lower capacity to scavenge reactive oxygen species and more extensive DNA damage. The p53 status might have contributed to the difference between HCT-116 and HT-29 after knockdown of PrxI. Conclusion: According to our data, the level of PrxI combined with the p53 status is relevant to the prognosis and the treatment response. We suggested that PrxI might be a new biomarker for rectal cancer.

  1. The p53 gene as a modifier of intrinsic radiosensitivity: implications for radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bristow, Robert G.; Benchimol, Samuel; Hill, Richard P.


    Background and purpose: Experimental studies have implicated the normal or 'wild type' p53 protein (i.e. WTp53) in the cellular response to ionizing radiation and other DNA damaging agents. Whether altered WTp53 protein function can lead to changes in cellular radiosensitivity and/or clinical radiocurability remains an area of ongoing study. In this review, we describe the potential implications of altered WTp53 protein function in normal and tumour cells as it relates to clinical radiotherapy, and describe novel treatment strategies designed to re-institute WTp53 protein function as a means of sensitizing cells to ionizing radiation. Methods and Materials: A number of experimental and clinical studies are critically reviewed with respect to the role of the p53 protein as a determinant of cellular oncogenesis, genomic stability, apoptosis, DNA repair and radioresponse in normal and transformed mammalian cells. Results: In normal fibroblasts, exposure to ionizing radiation leads to a G1 cell cycle delay (i.e. a 'G1 checkpoint') as a result of WTp53-mediated inhibition of G1-cyclin-kinase and retinoblastoma (pRb) protein function. The G1 checkpoint response is absent in tumour cells which express a mutant form of the p53 protein (i.e. MTp53), leading to acquired radioresistance in vitro. Depending on the cell type studied, this increase in cellular radiation survival can be mediated through decreased radiation-induced apoptosis, or altered kinetics of the radiation-induced G1 checkpoint. Recent biochemical studies support an indirect role for the p53 protein in both nucleotide excision and recombinational DNA repair pathways. However, based on clinicopathologic data, it remains unclear as to whether WTp53 protein function can predict for human tumour radiocurability and normal tissue radioresponse. Conclusions: Alterations in cell cycle control secondary to aberrant WTp53 protein function may be clinically significant if they lead to the acquisition of mutant

  2. Tumores da córtex da supra-renal: o uso do p53 na diferenciação entre carcinomas e adenomas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Falconi Rodrigo A. R.


    Full Text Available A marcação imunohistoquímica da proteina p53 foi estudada em tumores da adrenal conservados em formol ou em blocos de parafina, pelo método da avidina-biotina-peroxidase com recuperação antigênica. Foram estudados 24 carcinomas e 26 adenomas com o objetivo de verificar se o marcador mostrava capacidade de distinção entre eles. Em 62,5% dos carcinomas a marcação foi positiva enquanto que nos adenomas foi de 15,4%, diferença essa estatisticamente significante (p=0,0003. A sensibilidade, especificidade e valor preditivo positivo desse marcador para o diagnóstico do câncer foram, respectivamente: 83,3%, 71,8% e 62,5%. Não houve relação entre o índice de marcação e outros parâmetros clínicos, como peso do tumor, estádio local, recidiva e metástases. Os autores concluem que o marcador é útil no diagnóstico diferencial de massas da adrenal, mas não tem relação com a agressividade biológica da neoplasia maligna.

  3. Immunohistochemical positive stained p53 protein in bladder transitional cell carcinoma

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    Halimi Monireh


    Full Text Available Background: Molecular genetics and immunopathologic analysis of bladder cancer have shown some abnormalities in a number of genes and proteins that have been implicated in the development and progression of such tumors, mainly in the p53 pathway. Aims: To investigate the rate of positively stained p53 protein in patients with urothelial papillary carcinoma of the bladder (UCB by immunohistochemistry and its relationship with tumor grade, gender and age of the patients. Settings and Design: During the present cross-sectional study, 100 paraffin-embedded specimens of UCB, which were provided from biopsies of the bladder by transurethral access, were immunohistochemically stained and studied for p53 protein from May 2006 to May 2007 in our referral center pathology laboratory. Materials and Methods: First, 4 µm slices of paraffin sections were provided and then stained by the avidin-biotin peroxidase method. The rate of positively stained p53 protein (defined as positive nuclear staining in over 10% of the cells was assessed. This rate was also estimated and compared between grades, genders and age-related groups (< 70 years, ≥70 years. Statistical Analysis: The χ2 , Fisher′s exact test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for comparing. Results: The overall rate of positively stained specimens was 11% for nuclear p53 protein. This rate was significantly higher in females (10/29 vs. 1/71; P < 0.001; odds ratio [OR]: 0.23; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 4.43-306.08, patients with 70 or older than 70 years (8/42 vs. 3/58; P = 0.04; OR: 0.55; 95% CI: 1.07-17.39 and in high-grade tumors (10/58 vs. 1/42; P = 0.02; OR: 0.59; 95% CI: 0.01-0.95. Conclusions: The rate of positively stained p53 protein for UCB was lower in our population. This rate was also higher in females, patients with 70 or older than 70 years and high grade of UCB.

  4. Requirement of the ATM/p53 tumor suppressor pathway for glucose homeostasis. (United States)

    Armata, Heather L; Golebiowski, Diane; Jung, Dae Young; Ko, Hwi Jin; Kim, Jason K; Sluss, Hayla K


    Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) patients can develop multiple clinical pathologies, including neuronal degeneration, an elevated risk of cancer, telangiectasias, and growth retardation. Patients with A-T can also exhibit an increased risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The ATM protein kinase, the product of the gene mutated in A-T patients (Atm), has been implicated in metabolic disease, which is characterized by insulin resistance and increased cholesterol and lipid levels, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. ATM phosphorylates the p53 tumor suppressor on a site (Ser15) that regulates transcription activity. To test whether the ATM pathway that regulates insulin resistance is mediated by p53 phosphorylation, we examined insulin sensitivity in mice with a germ line mutation that replaces the p53 phosphorylation site with alanine. The loss of p53 Ser18 (murine Ser15) led to increased metabolic stress, including severe defects in glucose homeostasis. The mice developed glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. The insulin resistance correlated with the loss of antioxidant gene expression and decreased insulin signaling. N-Acetyl cysteine (NAC) treatment restored insulin signaling in late-passage primary fibroblasts. The addition of an antioxidant in the diet rendered the p53 Ser18-deficient mice glucose tolerant. This analysis demonstrates that p53 phosphorylation on an ATM site is an important mechanism in the physiological regulation of glucose homeostasis.

  5. Mutant p53 interactions with supercoiled DNA

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Brázdová, Marie; Němcová, Kateřina; Činčárová, Lenka; Šebest, Peter; Pivoňková, Hana; Brázda, Václav; Fojta, Miroslav; Paleček, Emil


    Roč. 24, č. 6 (2007), s. 639-640 ISSN 0739-1102. [Alban 2007: The 15th Conversation . 19.06.2007-23.06.2007, Albany] R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 1K04119; GA ČR(CZ) GP204/06/P369; GA MŠk(CZ) LC06035 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50040507; CEZ:AV0Z50040702 Keywords : mutant p53 * supercoiled DNA * cancer Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics

  6. Tumor Suppressor p53 Stimulates the Expression of Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Membrane Protein 1. (United States)

    Wang, Qianli; Lingel, Amy; Geiser, Vicki; Kwapnoski, Zachary; Zhang, Luwen


    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with multiple human malignancies. EBV latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is required for the efficient transformation of primary B lymphocytes in vitro and possibly in vivo The tumor suppressor p53 plays a seminal role in cancer development. In some EBV-associated cancers, p53 tends to be wild type and overly expressed; however, the effects of p53 on LMP1 expression is not clear. We find LMP1 expression to be associated with p53 expression in EBV-transformed cells under physiological and DNA damaging conditions. DNA damage stimulates LMP1 expression, and p53 is required for the stimulation. Ectopic p53 stimulates endogenous LMP1 expression. Moreover, endogenous LMP1 blocks DNA damage-mediated apoptosis. Regarding the mechanism of p53-mediated LMP1 expression, we find that interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5), a direct target of p53, is associated with both p53 and LMP1. IRF5 binds to and activates a LMP1 promoter reporter construct. Ectopic IRF5 increases the expression of LMP1, while knockdown of IRF5 leads to reduction of LMP1. Furthermore, LMP1 blocks IRF5-mediated apoptosis in EBV-infected cells. All of the data suggest that cellular p53 stimulates viral LMP1 expression, and IRF5 may be one of the factors for p53-mediated LMP1 stimulation. LMP1 may subsequently block DNA damage- and IRF5-mediated apoptosis for the benefits of EBV. The mutual regulation between p53 and LMP1 may play an important role in EBV infection and latency and its related cancers. IMPORTANCE The tumor suppressor p53 is a critical cellular protein in response to various stresses and dictates cells for various responses, including apoptosis. This work suggests that an Epstein-Bar virus (EBV) principal viral oncogene is activated by cellular p53. The viral oncogene blocks p53-mediated adverse effects during viral infection and transformation. Therefore, the induction of the viral oncogene by p53 provides a means for the virus to cope with infection and

  7. Contribution of caspase-3 differs by p53 status in apoptosis induced by X-irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Daisuke; Tokino, Takashi; Watanabe, Naoki


    We investigated the effect of p53 status on involvement of caspase-3 activation in cell death induced by X-irradiation, using rat embryonic fibroblasts (REFs) transduced with a temperature-sensitive mutant (mt) p53 gene. Cells with wild-type (wt) p53 showed greater resistance to X-irradiation than cells with mt p53. In cells with wt p53, X-irradiation-induced apoptosis was not inhibited by the caspase-3 inhibitor acetyl-L-aspartyl-L-methionyl-L-glutaminyl-L-aspartyl-aldehyde (Ac-DMQD-CHO) and caspase-3 activity was not elevated following X-irradiation, although induction of p53 and p21/WAF-1 protein was observed. In contrast, irradiated cells with mt p53 showed 89% inhibition of cell death with Ac-DMQD-CHO and 98% inhibition with the antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC). In cells with mt p53, caspase-3 activity was increased approximately 5 times beyond baseline activity at 24 h after irradiation. This increase was almost completely inhibited by NAC. However, inhibition of caspase-3 by Ac-DMQD-CHO failed to decrease production of reactive oxygen species by cells with mt p53. Differential involvement of caspase-3 is a reason for differences in sensitivity to X-irradiation in cells with different p53 status. Caspase-3 activation appears to occur downstream from generation of reactive oxygen species occurring independently of wt p53 during X-irradiation-induced cell death. (author)

  8. Drug resistance to inhibitors of the human double minute-2 E3 ligase is mediated by point mutations of p53, but can be overcome with the p53 targeting agent RITA. (United States)

    Jones, Richard J; Bjorklund, Chad C; Baladandayuthapani, Veerabhadran; Kuhn, Deborah J; Orlowski, Robert Z


    The human double minute (HDM)-2 E3 ubiquitin ligase plays a key role in p53 turnover and has been validated preclinically as a target in multiple myeloma (MM) and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). HDM-2 inhibitors are entering clinical trials, and we therefore sought to understand potential mechanisms of resistance in lymphoid models. Wild-type p53 H929 MM and Granta-519 MCL cells resistant to MI-63 or Nutlin were generated by exposing them to increasing drug concentrations. MI-63-resistant H929 and Granta-519 cells were resistant to Nutlin, whereas Nutlin-resistant cells displayed cross-resistance to MI-63. These cells also showed cross-resistance to bortezomib, doxorubicin, cisplatin, and melphalan, but remained sensitive to the small molecule inhibitor RITA (reactivation of p53 and induction of tumor cell apoptosis). HDM-2 inhibitor-resistant cells harbored increased p53 levels, but neither genotoxic nor nongenotoxic approaches to activate p53 induced HDM-2 or p21. Resequencing revealed wild-type HDM-2, but mutations were found in the p53 DNA binding and dimerization domains. In resistant cells, RITA induced a G(2)-M arrest, upregulation of p53 targets HDM-2, PUMA, and NOXA, and PARP cleavage. Combination regimens with RITA and MI-63 resulted in enhanced cell death compared with RITA alone. These findings support the possibility that p53 mutation could be a primary mechanism of acquired resistance to HDM-2 inhibitors in MCL and MM. Furthermore, they suggest that simultaneous restoration of p53 function and HDM-2 inhibition is a rational strategy for clinical translation.

  9. Ensemble-based computational approach discriminates functional activity of p53 cancer and rescue mutants.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Özlem Demir


    Full Text Available The tumor suppressor protein p53 can lose its function upon single-point missense mutations in the core DNA-binding domain ("cancer mutants". Activity can be restored by second-site suppressor mutations ("rescue mutants". This paper relates the functional activity of p53 cancer and rescue mutants to their overall molecular dynamics (MD, without focusing on local structural details. A novel global measure of protein flexibility for the p53 core DNA-binding domain, the number of clusters at a certain RMSD cutoff, was computed by clustering over 0.7 µs of explicitly solvated all-atom MD simulations. For wild-type p53 and a sample of p53 cancer or rescue mutants, the number of clusters was a good predictor of in vivo p53 functional activity in cell-based assays. This number-of-clusters (NOC metric was strongly correlated (r(2 = 0.77 with reported values of experimentally measured ΔΔG protein thermodynamic stability. Interpreting the number of clusters as a measure of protein flexibility: (i p53 cancer mutants were more flexible than wild-type protein, (ii second-site rescue mutations decreased the flexibility of cancer mutants, and (iii negative controls of non-rescue second-site mutants did not. This new method reflects the overall stability of the p53 core domain and can discriminate which second-site mutations restore activity to p53 cancer mutants.

  10. Risk factors for indications of intraoperative blood transfusion among patients undergoing surgical treatment for colorectal adenocarcinoma Fatores de risco para indicação de transfusão sanguínea intraoperatória em doentes operados por adenocarcinoma colorretal

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    Iara Gonçalves


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Identification of risk factors for requiring transfusions during surgery for colorectal cancer may lead to preventive actions or alternative measures, towards decreasing the use of blood components in these procedures, and also rationalization of resources use in hemotherapy services. This was a retrospective case-control study using data from 383 patients who were treated surgically for colorectal adenocarcinoma at "Fundação Pio XII", in Barretos-SP, Brazil, between 1999 and 2003. OBJECTIVE: To recognize significant risk factors for requiring intraoperative blood transfusion in colorectal cancer surgical procedures. METHODS: Univariate analyses were performed using Fisher's exact test or the chi-squared test for dichotomous variables and Student's t test for continuous variables, followed by multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: In the univariate analyses, height (P = 0.06, glycemia (P = 0.05, previous abdominal or pelvic surgery (P = 0.031, abdominoperineal surgery (POBJETIVO: Identificar fatores de risco de indicação de transfusão sanguínea intraoperatória em doentes submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico por adenocarcinoma colorretal. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, tipo caso-controle, realizado na Fundação Pio XII, em Barretos, SP, utilizando-se base de dados de prontuários de 383 pacientes admitidos entre 1999 e 2003. Utilizou-se teste exato de Fischer ou qui ao quadrado para variáveis dicotômicas e t de Student para variáveis contínuas, na análise univariada, adotando-se nível de significância de 10% (P<0,10; na análise multivariada foi aplicado o teste de regressão logística múltipla, com nível de significância de 5% (P<0,05; as razões de chances e os respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95% foram calculados. RESULTADOS: Nas análises univariadas foram consideradas significantes as variáveis altura (P = 0,06, glicemia (P = 0,05, antecedente de cirurgia abdominal ou pélvica (P

  11. Molecular Dynamic Simulation Insights into the Normal State and Restoration of p53 Function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jianzhong Chen


    Full Text Available As a tumor suppressor protein, p53 plays a crucial role in the cell cycle and in cancer prevention. Almost 50 percent of all human malignant tumors are closely related to a deletion or mutation in p53. The activity of p53 is inhibited by over-active celluar antagonists, especially by the over-expression of the negative regulators MDM2 and MDMX. Protein-protein interactions, or post-translational modifications of the C-terminal negative regulatory domain of p53, also regulate its tumor suppressor activity. Restoration of p53 function through peptide and small molecular inhibitors has become a promising strategy for novel anti-cancer drug design and development. Molecular dynamics simulations have been extensively applied to investigate the conformation changes of p53 induced by protein-protein interactions and protein-ligand interactions, including peptide and small molecular inhibitors. This review focuses on the latest MD simulation research, to provide an overview of the current understanding of interactions between p53 and its partners at an atomic level.

  12. p53 regulates the proliferation, differentiation and spontaneous transformation of mesenchymal stem cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Armesilla-Diaz, Alejandro, E-mail: [Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiopathology, Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas, CSIC, Ramiro de Maeztu, 9, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Elvira, Gema; Silva, Augusto [Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiopathology, Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas, CSIC, Ramiro de Maeztu, 9, 28040 Madrid (Spain)


    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have been extensively studied and gained wide popularity due to their therapeutic potential. Spontaneous transformation of MSC, from both human and murine origin, has been reported in many studies. MSC transformation depends on the culture conditions, the origin of the cells and the time on culture; however, the precise biological characteristics involved in this process have not been fully defined yet. In this study, we investigated the role of p53 in the biology and transformation of murine bone marrow (BM)-derived MSC. We demonstrate that the MSC derived from p53KO mice showed an augmented proliferation rate, a shorter doubling time and also morphologic and phenotypic changes, as compared to MSC derived from wild-type animals. Furthermore, the MSC devoid of p53 had an increased number of cells able to generate colonies. In addition, not only proliferation but also MSC differentiation is controlled by p53 since its absence modifies the speed of the process. Moreover, genomic instability, changes in the expression of c-myc and anchorage independent growth were also observed in p53KO MSC. In addition, the absence of p53 implicates the spontaneous transformation of MSC in long-term cultures. Our results reveal that p53 plays a central role in the biology of MSC.

  13. Suicide genes or p53 gene and p53 target genes as targets for cancer gene therapy by ionizing radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Bing; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; Zhang Hong


    Radiotherapy has some disadvantages due to the severe side-effect on the normal tissues at a curative dose of ionizing radiation (IR). Similarly, as a new developing approach, gene therapy also has some disadvantages, such as lack of specificity for tumors, limited expression of therapeutic gene, potential biological risk. To certain extent, above problems would be solved by the suicide genes or p53 gene and its target genes therapies targeted by ionizing radiation. This strategy not only makes up the disadvantage from radiotherapy or gene therapy alone, but also promotes success rate on the base of lower dose. By present, there have been several vectors measuring up to be reaching clinical trials. This review focused on the development of the cancer gene therapy through suicide genes or p53 and its target genes mediated by IR. (authors)

  14. Transcriptional Inhibition of the Human Papilloma Virus Reactivates Tumor Suppressor p53 in Cervical Carcinoma Cells (United States)

    Kochetkov, D. V.; Ilyinskaya, G. V.; Komarov, P. G.; Strom, E.; Agapova, L. S.; Ivanov, A. V.; Budanov, A. V.; Frolova, E. I.; Chumakov, P. M.


    Inactivation of tumor suppressor p53 accompanies the majority of human malignancies. Restoration of p53 function causes death of tumor cells and is potentially suitable for gene therapy of cancer. In cervical carcinoma, human papilloma virus (HPV) E6 facilitates proteasomal degradation of p53. Hence, a possible approach to p53 reactivation is the use of small molecules suppressing the function of viral proteins. HeLa cervical carcinoma cells (HPV-18) with a reporter construct containing the b-galactosidase gene under the control of a p53-responsive promoter were used as a test system to screen a library of small molecules for restoration of the transcriptional activity of p53. The effect of the two most active compounds was studied with cell lines differing in the state of p53-dependent signaling pathways. The compounds each specifically activated p53 in cells expressing HPV-18 and, to a lesser extent, HPV-16 and exerted no effect on control p53-negative cells or cells with the intact p53-dependent pathways. Activation of p53 in cervical carcinoma cells was accompanied by induction of p53-dependent CDKN1 (p21), inhibition of cell proliferation, and induction of apoptosis. In addition, the two compounds dramatically decreased transcription of the HPV genome, which was assumed to cause p53 reactivation. The compounds were low-toxic for normal cells and can be considered as prototypes of new anticancer drugs. PMID:17685229

  15. A Novel Protein Interaction between Nucleotide Binding Domain of Hsp70 and p53 Motif

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    Asita Elengoe


    Full Text Available Currently, protein interaction of Homo sapiens nucleotide binding domain (NBD of heat shock 70 kDa protein (PDB: 1HJO with p53 motif remains to be elucidated. The NBD-p53 motif complex enhances the p53 stabilization, thereby increasing the tumor suppression activity in cancer treatment. Therefore, we identified the interaction between NBD and p53 using STRING version 9.1 program. Then, we modeled the three-dimensional structure of p53 motif through homology modeling and determined the binding affinity and stability of NBD-p53 motif complex structure via molecular docking and dynamics (MD simulation. Human DNA binding domain of p53 motif (SCMGGMNR retrieved from UniProt (UniProtKB: P04637 was docked with the NBD protein, using the Autodock version 4.2 program. The binding energy and intermolecular energy for the NBD-p53 motif complex were −0.44 Kcal/mol and −9.90 Kcal/mol, respectively. Moreover, RMSD, RMSF, hydrogen bonds, salt bridge, and secondary structure analyses revealed that the NBD protein had a strong bond with p53 motif and the protein-ligand complex was stable. Thus, the current data would be highly encouraging for designing Hsp70 structure based drug in cancer therapy.

  16. Aberrations of the p53 pathway components p53, MDM2 and CDKN2A appear independent in diffuse large B cell lymphoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Michael Boe; Ino, Y; Gerdes, A M


    The two gene products of the CDKN2A gene, p16 and p19ARF, have recently been linked to each of two major tumour suppressor pathways in human carcinogenesis, the RB1 pathway and the p53 pathway. p16 inhibits the phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma gene product by cyclin D-dependent kinases...

  17. Down-regulation of Wild-type p53-induced Phosphatase 1 (Wip1) Plays a Critical Role in Regulating Several p53-dependent Functions in Premature Senescent Tumor Cells* (United States)

    Crescenzi, Elvira; Raia, Zelinda; Pacifico, Francesco; Mellone, Stefano; Moscato, Fortunato; Palumbo, Giuseppe; Leonardi, Antonio


    Premature or drug-induced senescence is a major cellular response to chemotherapy in solid tumors. The senescent phenotype develops slowly and is associated with chronic DNA damage response. We found that expression of wild-type p53-induced phosphatase 1 (Wip1) is markedly down-regulated during persistent DNA damage and after drug release during the acquisition of the senescent phenotype in carcinoma cells. We demonstrate that down-regulation of Wip1 is required for maintenance of permanent G2 arrest. In fact, we show that forced expression of Wip1 in premature senescent tumor cells induces inappropriate re-initiation of mitosis, uncontrolled polyploid progression, and cell death by mitotic failure. Most of the effects of Wip1 may be attributed to its ability to dephosphorylate p53 at Ser15 and to inhibit DNA damage response. However, we also uncover a regulatory pathway whereby suppression of p53 Ser15 phosphorylation is associated with enhanced phosphorylation at Ser46, increased p53 protein levels, and induction of Noxa expression. On the whole, our data indicate that down-regulation of Wip1 expression during premature senescence plays a pivotal role in regulating several p53-dependent aspects of the senescent phenotype. PMID:23612976

  18. Expression of CD44 and P53 in renal cell carcinoma: Association with tumor subtypes

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    Farahnaz Noroozinia


    Full Text Available Renal cell carcinoma (RCC is a common malignancy of the kidney and accurate prediction of prognosis is valuable for the design of adjuvant therapy and counseling and effective scheduling of follow-up visits. Molecular genetic investigations of CD44 and P53 in RCC may be helpful in this regard. We studied the CD44 and P53 expressions semi-quantitatively on paraffin-embedded specimens of 64 RCC patients (37 male/27 female who underwent surgery from 2003 to 2008 by immunohistochemistry and analyzed the correlation of P53 and CD44 expression in RCC and outcome. Thirteen of 64 (20.3% specimens were P53 positive, 30/64 (46.9% were CD44 positive and five tumors with positive P53 expressed CD44 protein (P = 0.5. A statistically significant correlation was not found between CD44 and P53 expression (P = 0.5 and age (P = 0.07, sex (P= 0.3, tumor size (P = 0.7, grade (P = 0.23, vascular invasion (P = 1.00 and ureteral invasion (P = 1.00. Furthermore, a significant correlation was not found between P53 expression with age (P = 0.3, sex (P = 0.7, tumor size (P = 0.7, grade (P = 0.1, vascular inva-sion (P = 1.00 and ureteral invasion (P = 1.00. According to our findings, only P53 expression is generally accompanied by non-conventional subtype tumor.

  19. RUNX Family Participates in the Regulation of p53-Dependent DNA Damage Response

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    Toshinori Ozaki


    Full Text Available A proper DNA damage response (DDR, which monitors and maintains the genomic integrity, has been considered to be a critical barrier against genetic alterations to prevent tumor initiation and progression. The representative tumor suppressor p53 plays an important role in the regulation of DNA damage response. When cells receive DNA damage, p53 is quickly activated and induces cell cycle arrest and/or apoptotic cell death through transactivating its target genes implicated in the promotion of cell cycle arrest and/or apoptotic cell death such as p21WAF1, BAX, and PUMA. Accumulating evidence strongly suggests that DNA damage-mediated activation as well as induction of p53 is regulated by posttranslational modifications and also by protein-protein interaction. Loss of p53 activity confers growth advantage and ensures survival in cancer cells by inhibiting apoptotic response required for tumor suppression. RUNX family, which is composed of RUNX1, RUNX2, and RUNX3, is a sequence-specific transcription factor and is closely involved in a variety of cellular processes including development, differentiation, and/or tumorigenesis. In this review, we describe a background of p53 and a functional collaboration between p53 and RUNX family in response to DNA damage.

  20. Alterations in the K-ras and p53 genes in rat lung tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belinsky, S.A.; Swafford, D.S.; Finch, G.L.; Mitchell, C.E. [Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM (United States)] [and others


    Activation of the K-ras protooncogene and inactivation of the p53 tumor suppressor gene are events common to many types of human cancers. Molecular epidemiology studies have associated mutational profiles in these genes with specific exposures. The purpose of this paper is to review investigations that have examined the role of the K-ras and p53 genes in lung tumors induced in the F344 rat by mutagenic and nonmutagenic exposures. Mutation profiles within the K-ras and p53 genes, if present in rat lung tumors, would help to define some of the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer induction by various environmental agents. Pulmonary adenocarcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas were induced by tetranitromethane (TNM), 4-methylnitrosamino-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), beryllium metal, plutonium-239, X-ray, diesel exhaust, or carbon black. These agents were chosen because the tumors they produced could arise via different types of DNA damage. Mutation of the K-ras gene was determined by approaches that included DNA transfection, direct sequencing, mismatch hybridization, and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. The frequency for mutation of the K-ras gene was exposure dependent. The transition mutations formed could have been derived from deamination of cytosine. Alteration in the p53 gene was assessed by immunohistochemical analysis for p53 protein and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of exons 4 to 9. None of the 93 adenocarinomas examined was immunoreactive toward the anti-p53 antibody CM1. In contrast, 14 of 71 squamous cell carcinomas exhibited nuclear p53 immunoreactivity with no correlation to type of exposure. However, SSCP analysis only detected mutations in 2 of 14 squamous cell tumors that were immunoreactive, suggesting that protein stabilization did not stem from mutations within the p53 gene. Thus, the p53 gene does not appear to be involved in the genesis of most rat lung tumors. 2 figs., 2 tabs., 48 refs.

  1. Tratamento cirúrgico do megacólon chagásico: retocolectomia abdominal com anastomose colorretal mecânica término-lateral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Hyppolito da Silva

    Full Text Available Trinta e cinco doentes portadores de megacólon chagásico foram operados pela técnica da retocolectomia abdominal com anastomose colorretal mecânica término-lateral durante o período de 1993 a 1997. Vinte (57,14% doentes eram do sexo feminino e 15 (42,85% do masculino. A idade variou de 27 a 76 anos, com média de 51 anos. A operação constou de ressecção do segmento dilatado, sepultamento do coto retal na altura da reflexão peritoneal com grampeador, dissecção do espaço retrorretal até o plano dos músculos elevadores e anastomose colorretal mecânica término-lateral posterior. Em quatro (11,42% doentes a anastomose foi anterior. Em três (8,57% doentes, o teste de escape da anastomose foi positivo, o que obrigou a complementação manual da sutura em dois (5,71 % e sutura e ostomia derivativa em um (2,85%. Ocorreram sete (20,00% complicações pós-operatórias precoces, sendo quatro consideradas relevantes (11,42% e quatro (11,42% complicações tardias. Houve um (2,85% óbito por complicação clínica. Os doentes submetidos a colostomia foram reoperados para fechamento da mesma sem intercorrências. A totalidade dos doentes apresenta hábito intestinal normal. Não houve referências a alterações gênito-urinárias, nem a incontinência fecal. A anastomose foi tocada ou visibilizada em todos os pacientes examinados, durante o seguimento ambulatorial. Não houve casos de fecaloma no coto retal. Embora os resultados iniciais sejam bastante satisfatórios, é necessário maior tempo de observação para se avaliar a possibilidade de recidiva.

  2. Functional Significance of Mutant p53 in Breast Cancer

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    O'Lear, Renee


    ... in those cells with irreparable damage. In human tumors, many hot-spot mutations are found within the DNA-binding domain of p53, rendering it incapable of sequence-specific transactivation of target genes such as p21, bax, and mdm2...

  3. Rastreio de disgrafia motora em escolares da rede pública de ensino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marielza Regina Ismael Martins


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Rastrear sinais de alerta para a disgrafia em escolares do 6º ano do ensino fundamental. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório, de coorte transversal realizado com 630 escolares avaliados através do Inventário Disgráfico Analítico (adaptado, que reconhece as dificuldades da escrita através do traçado dos grafismos. RESULTADOS : Em 22% (n = 138 da amostra apareceram todos os indicativos de disgrafia, sendo que o indicador mais prevalente foi o de linha ascendente/descendente/flutuante (53,6%. Se correlacionados os indicadores ao gênero,os meninos apresentaram diferença significativa (p < 0,05 na maioria deles. Dentre os sinais de alerta de co-ocorrências, a dislexia foi a que obteve maior indicador (22%. CONCLUSÃO: Considerando o grande número de sinais de alerta para disgrafia encontrados nos escolares, torna-se pertinente o rastreio para que uma intervenção precoce seja realizada.

  4. Distinct p53 genomic binding patterns in normal and cancer-derived human cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Botcheva K.; McCorkle S. R.; McCombie W. R.; Dunn J. J.; Anderson C. W.


    We report here genome-wide analysis of the tumor suppressor p53 binding sites in normal human cells. 743 high-confidence ChIP-seq peaks representing putative genomic binding sites were identified in normal IMR90 fibroblasts using a reference chromatin sample. More than 40% were located within 2 kb of a transcription start site (TSS), a distribution similar to that documented for individually studied, functional p53 binding sites and, to date, not observed by previous p53 genome-wide studies. Nearly half of the high-confidence binding sites in the IMR90 cells reside in CpG islands, in marked contrast to sites reported in cancer-derived cells. The distinct genomic features of the IMR90 binding sites do not reflect a distinct preference for specific sequences, since the de novo developed p53 motif based on our study is similar to those reported by genome-wide studies of cancer cells. More likely, the different chromatin landscape in normal, compared with cancer-derived cells, influences p53 binding via modulating availability of the sites. We compared the IMR90 ChIPseq peaks to the recently published IMR90 methylome1 and demonstrated that they are enriched at hypomethylated DNA. Our study represents the first genome-wide, de novo mapping of p53 binding sites in normal human cells and reveals that p53 binding sites reside in distinct genomic landscapes in normal and cancer-derived human cells.

  5. The miR-1000-p53 pathway regulates apoptosis and virus infection in shrimp. (United States)

    Gong, Yi; Ju, Chenyu; Zhang, Xiaobo


    The p53 protein plays an important role in apoptosis which is involved in the immunity of animals. However, effects of the miRNA-mediated regulation of p53 expression on apoptosis and virus infection are not extensively investigated. To address this issue, the miRNA-mediated p53-dependent apoptotic pathway was explored in this study. The results indicated that p53 could regulate the apoptotic activity of Marsupenaeus japonicas shrimp and influence the infection of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). The further data presented that miR-1000 could target the 3'-untranslated region (3'UTR) of p53 gene. The results of in vivo experiments showed that the miR-1000 overexpression led to significant decreases of shrimp apoptotic activity and the capacity of WSSV infection, while the miR-1000 silencing resulted in significant increases of apoptotic activity and virus infection, indicating that miR-1000 took great effects on apoptosis and virus infection by targeting p53. Therefore, our study revealed a novel mechanism that the miR-1000-p53 pathway regulated apoptosis and virus infection in shrimp. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. MG132 plus apoptosis antigen-1 (APO-1) antibody cooperate to restore p53 activity inducing autophagy and p53-dependent apoptosis in HPV16 E6-expressing keratinocytes. (United States)

    Lagunas-Martínez, Alfredo; García-Villa, Enrique; Arellano-Gaytán, Magaly; Contreras-Ochoa, Carla O; Dimas-González, Jisela; López-Arellano, María E; Madrid-Marina, Vicente; Gariglio, Patricio


    The E6 oncoprotein can interfere with the ability of infected cells to undergo programmed cell death through the proteolytic degradation of proapoptotic proteins such as p53, employing the proteasome pathway. Therefore, inactivation of the proteasome through MG132 should restore the activity of several proapoptotic proteins. We investigated whether in HPV16 E6-expressing keratinocytes (KE6 cells), the restoration of p53 levels mediated by MG132 and/or activation of the CD95 pathway through apoptosis antigen-1 (APO-1) antibody are responsible for the induction of apoptosis. We found that KE6 cells underwent apoptosis mainly after incubation for 24 h with MG132 alone or APO-1 plus MG132. Both treatments activated the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis pathways. Autophagy was also activated, principally by APO-1 plus MG132. Inhibition of E6-mediated p53 proteasomal degradation by MG132 resulted in the elevation of p53 protein levels and its phosphorylation in Ser46 and Ser20; the p53 protein was localized mainly at nucleus after treatment with MG132 or APO-1 plus MG132. In addition, induction of its transcriptional target genes such as p21, Bax and TP53INP was observed 3 and 6 h after treatment. Also, LC3 mRNA was induced after 3 and 6 h, which correlates with lipidation of LC3B protein and induction of autophagy. Finally, using pifithrin alpha we observed a decrease in apoptosis induced by MG132, and by APO-1 plus MG132, suggesting that restoration of APO-1 sensitivity occurs in part through an increase in both the levels and the activity of p53. The use of small molecules to inhibit the proteasome pathway might permit the activation of cell death, providing new opportunities for CC treatment.

  7. hSSB1 regulates both the stability and the transcriptional activity of p53


    Xu, Shuangbing; Wu, Yuanzhong; Chen, Qiong; Cao, Jingying; Hu, Kaishun; Tang, Jianjun; Sang, Yi; Lai, Fenju; Wang, Li; Zhang, Ruhua; Li, Sheng-Ping; Zeng, Yi-Xin; Yin, Yuxin; Kang, Tiebang


    The tumor suppressor p53 is essential for several cellular processes that are involved in the response to diverse genotoxic stress, including cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, apoptosis and senescence. Studies of the regulation of p53 have mostly focused on its stability and transactivation; however, new regulatory molecules for p53 have also been frequently identified. Here, we report that human ssDNA binding protein SSB1 (hSSB1), a novel DNA damage-associated protein, can interact with p53 and...

  8. p21(Waf1/Cip1) expression and the p53/MDM2 feedback loop in gastric carcinogenesis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Craanen, M. E.; Blok, P.; Offerhaus, G. J.; Meijer, G. A.; Dekker, W.; Kuipers, E. J.; Meuwissen, S. G.


    Data are non-existent regarding coincidental alterations in the expression of p53 and its downstream target genes MDM2 and p21(Waf1/Cip1) in gastric carcinogenesis. An immunohistochemical study was therefore performed to examine the interrelationships of p53, MDM2, and p21(Waf1/Cip1) expression in a

  9. Radiotherapy modulates expression of EGFR, ERCC1 and p53 in cervical cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almeida, V.H. de; Melo, A.C. de; Nogueira-Rodrigues, A.; Pimenta-Inada, H.K.; Alves, F.G.; Moralez, G.; Thiago, L.S.; Ferreira, C.G.; Sternberg, C., E-mail: [Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Meira, D.D. [Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Vitória, ES (Brazil); Pires, A.C. [Fonte Medicina Diagnóstica, Niterói, RJ (Brazil)


    Cervical cancer is a public health problem and the molecular mechanisms underlying radioresistance are still poorly understood. Here, we evaluated the modulation of key molecules involved in cell proliferation, cell cycle and DNA repair in cervical cancer cell lines (CASKI and C33A) and in malignant tissues biopsied from 10 patients before and after radiotherapy. The expression patterns of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), excision repair cross-complementation group 1 (ERCC1) and p53 were evaluated in cancer cell lines by quantitative PCR and western blotting, and in human malignant tissues by immunohistochemistry. The mutation status of TP53 gene was evaluated by direct sequencing. Among cell lines, absent or weak modulations of EGFR, ERCC1 and p53 were observed after exposure to 1.8 Gy. Conversely, increased expressions of p53 (5/10 patients; P=0.0239), ERCC1 (5/10 patients; P=0.0294) and EGFR (4/10 patients; P=0.1773) were observed in malignant tissues after radiotherapy with the same radiation dose. TP53 mutations were found only in one patient. Here we show that a single dose of radiotherapy induced EGFR, ERCC1 and p53 expression in malignant tissues from cervical cancer patients but not in cancer cell lines, highlighting the gap between in vitro and in vivo experimental models. Studies on larger patient cohorts are needed to allow an interpretation that an up regulation of p53, EGFR and ERCC1 may be part of a radioresistance mechanism. (author)

  10. Association between p53 codon 72 polymorphism and systemic lupus erythematosus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Nabavi


    Full Text Available Aim : Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE is a systemic vasculitic disorder, with multiple genes involved in the disease pathogenesis. The p53 gene plays an important role in controlling the cell cycle. We aimed to study the prevalence of p53 polymorphism in SLE patients and analyze the relationship between the p53 polymorphism and clinical-laboratory features of the disease. Material and methods : This case-control study was conducted on patients with confirmed SLE at Namazi Hospital, Shiraz, Iran. Seventy-seven patients with SLE including 9 (11.8% men and 68 (88.2% women with mean age of 25.61 ±10.69 years and 80 healthy controls with mean age of 51.82 ±14.25 years were included. The patients’ information, including the epidemiological profile, disease history, disease symptoms and also the laboratory findings, were extracted from the hospital records. The p53 expression was determined in lyzed lymphocytes. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 14.00 for Windows considering p < 0.05 as statistically significant. Results : The frequencies of Arg/Arg, Pro/Pro and Arg/Pro among normal controls were 38.8%, 28.8% and 37.5%, respectively, but in the patients, Arg/Arg, Pro/Pro and Arg/Pro genotypes frequencies were shown to be 29.2%, 12.3% and 58.5%, respectively. Thus, heterozygous form of this polymorphism was shown to be associated with the disease more than the homozygous alleles. There was a significant relationship between the different allele types of p53 and some clinical features of SLE. There was no association between the different allele types and any of the initial manifestations of the disease and the laboratory findings, as well. Conclusions: In an Iranian population the functional oncoprotein of p53 with codon 72 polymorphism may play an important role in the pathogenesis and clinical presentation of SLE.

  11. Human Cytomegalovirus nuclear egress and secondary envelopment are negatively affected in the absence of cellular p53

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuan, Man I; O’Dowd, John M.; Chughtai, Kamila; Hayman, Ian; Brown, Celeste J.; Fortunato, Elizabeth A., E-mail:


    Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection is compromised in cells lacking p53, a transcription factor that mediates cellular stress responses. In this study we have investigated compromised functional virion production in cells with p53 knocked out (p53KOs). Infectious center assays found most p53KOs released functional virions. Analysis of electron micrographs revealed modestly decreased capsid production in infected p53KOs compared to wt. Substantially fewer p53KOs displayed HCMV-induced infoldings of the inner nuclear membrane (IINMs). In p53KOs, fewer capsids were found in IINMs and in the cytoplasm. The deficit in virus-induced membrane remodeling within the nucleus of p53KOs was mirrored in the cytoplasm, with a disproportionately smaller number of capsids re-enveloped. Reintroduction of p53 substantially recovered these deficits. Overall, the absence of p53 contributed to inhibition of the formation and function of IINMs and re-envelopment of the reduced number of capsids able to reach the cytoplasm. -- Highlights: •The majority of p53KO cells release fewer functional virions than wt cells. •Nucleocapsids do not efficiently exit the nucleus in p53KO cells. •Infoldings of the inner nuclear membrane are not efficiently formed in p53KO cells. •Cytoplasmic capsids are not efficiently re-enveloped in p53KO cells. •Reintroduction of p53 largely ameliorates these phenotypes.

  12. Loss of p53 promotes anaplasia and local invasion in ret/PTC1-induced thyroid carcinomas. (United States)

    La Perle, K M; Jhiang, S M; Capen, C C


    Papillary thyroid carcinomas in humans are associated with the ret/PTC oncogene and, following loss of p53 function, may progress to anaplastic carcinomas. Mice with thyroid-targeted expression of ret/PTC1 developed papillary thyroid carcinomas that were minimally invasive and did not metastasize. These mice were crossed with p53-/- mice to investigate whether loss of p53 would promote anaplasia and metastasis of ret/PTC1-induced thyroid tumors. The majority of p53-/- mice died or were euthanized by 17 weeks of age due to the development of thymic lymphomas, soft tissue sarcomas, and testicular teratomas. All ret/PTC1 mice developed thyroid carcinomas, but tumors in p53-/- mice were more anaplastic, larger in diameter, more invasive, and had a higher mitotic index than tumors in p53+/+ and p53+/- mice. Thyroid tumors did not metastasize in any of the experimental p53+/+ and p53+/- mice anaplasia and invasiveness of thyroid carcinomas.

  13. Long Non-coding RNA, PANDA, Contributes to the Stabilization of p53 Tumor Suppressor Protein. (United States)

    Kotake, Yojiro; Kitagawa, Kyoko; Ohhata, Tatsuya; Sakai, Satoshi; Uchida, Chiharu; Niida, Hiroyuki; Naemura, Madoka; Kitagawa, Masatoshi


    P21-associated noncoding RNA DNA damage-activated (PANDA) is induced in response to DNA damage and represses apoptosis by inhibiting the function of nuclear transcription factor Y subunit alpha (NF-YA) transcription factor. Herein, we report that PANDA affects regulation of p53 tumor-suppressor protein. U2OS cells were transfected with PANDA siRNAs. At 72 h post-transfection, cells were subjected to immunoblotting and quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Depletion of PANDA was associated with decreased levels of p53 protein, but not p53 mRNA. The stability of p53 protein was markedly reduced by PANDA silencing. Degradation of p53 protein by silencing PANDA was prevented by treatment of MG132, a proteasome inhibitor. Moreover, depletion of PANDA prevented accumulation of p53 protein, as a result of DNA damage, induced by the genotoxic agent etoposide. These results suggest that PANDA stabilizes p53 protein in response to DNA damage, and provide new insight into the regulatory mechanisms of p53. Copyright© 2016 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved.

  14. Role of p53 status in radiation sensitivity and cell cycle progression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zellars, Richard C.; Loney, Tania; Schott, Ann F.; Davis, Mary A.; Maybaum, Jonathan; Clarke, Michael F.; Lawrence, Theodore S.


    Purpose: Although p53 function plays a major role in G1 arrest after radiation, the influence of p53 status on progress through other phases of the cell cycle and on radiation sensitivity of human tumors is less clear. We investigated these issues using cells with a conditional expression system for wild type p53. Methods: A temperature sensitive murine wild type p53 plasmid was used (Ginsberg D, et al: Mol. Cell.Biol . 11:582, 1991). At the permissive temperature (32 deg. C), this plasmid produces a protein which assumes a conformation that exhibits wild type p53 function. However, when cells are cultured at 38 deg. C, this protein assumes an inactive conformation. HT29 human colon cancer cells (which are p53 mutant) were transduced with this plasmid (designated PEP A and PEP G cells) or a control vector (designated CCH1 cells) using electroporation and Geneticin selection. The presence of murine p53 transcript in the PEP cells was confirmed by Northern analysis. Results: Cells were cultured under 3 conditions: 1) 38 deg. C at all times; 2) 32 deg. C for 24 hours prior to irradiation and 3) 32 deg. C for 24 hours after irradiation. We found that culturing under permissive temperatures produced a small decrease in surviving fraction in the PEP clones (0.61 ± 0.10 and 0.64 ± 0.07, for PEP A and G, respectively) but not the CCH1 controls (1.14 ± 0.15). PEP cells tended to be more radiosensitive than CCH1 cells (even under non-permissive conditions) and demonstrated a trend towards increased radiosensitivity under both Conditions 2 and 3. In addition, flow cytometry revealed that a 24 hour exposure to permissive conditions increased the fraction of cells in G1 slightly and in G2/M substantially. S phase was almost absent. Conclusion: Restoration of p53 function in HT29 human colon cancer cells using this temperature sensitive system produced increased cytotoxicity and radiation sensitivity as well as cell cycle redistribution. It will be important to assess the

  15. Functional Significance of Mutant p53 in Breast Cancer

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    O'Lear, Rene


    ... in those cells with irreparable damage. In human tumors, many hot-spot mutations are found within the DNA-binding domain of p53, rendering it incapable of sequence-specific transactivation of target genes such as p2l, bax, and mdm2...

  16. Absence of p53 in Clara cells favours multinucleation and loss of cell cycle arrest

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clarke Alan R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The p53 oncosuppressor protein is a critical mediator of the response to injury in mammalian cells and is mutationally inactivated in the majority of lung malignancies. In this analysis, the effects of p53-deficiency were investigated in short-term primary cultures of murine bronchiolar Clara cells. Clara cells, isolated from gene-targeted p53-deficient mice, were compared to cells derived from wild type littermates. Results p53 null cultures displayed abnormal morphology; specifically, a high incidence of multinucleation, which increased with time in culture. Multinucleated cells were proficient in S phase DNA synthesis, as determined by BrdU incorporation. However, multinucleation did not reflect altered rates of S phase synthesis, which were similar between wild type and p53-/- cultures. Nucleation defects in p53-/- Clara cells associated with increased centrosome number, as determined by confocal microscopy of pericentrin-stained cultures, and may highlight a novel role of p53 in preserving genomic integrity in lung epithelial cells. Effects of p53-deficiency were also studied following exposure to DNA damage. A p53-dependent reduction in the BrdU index was observed in Clara cells following ionizing radiation. The reduction in BrdU index in wild type cells displayed serum-dependency, and occurred only in the absence of serum. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that in murine primary Clara cell culture, cell cycle arrest is a p53-mediated response to DNA damage, and that extracellular factors, such as serum, influence this response. Conclusion These findings highlight functions of wild type p53 protein in bipolar spindle formation, centrosome regulation, and growth control in bronchiolar Clara cells.

  17. Antigen-specific immunotherapy in ovarian cancer and p53 as tumor antigen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeij, Renee; Leffers, Ninke; Melief, Cornelis J.; Daemen, Toos; Nijman, Hans W.

    This review discusses the results of different immunization strategies, identifies possible drawbacks in study design and provides potential solutions for augmentation of clinical efficacy. A potential target for cancer immunotherapy is p53, as approximately 50% of ovarian cancer cells carry p53

  18. The absence of Ser389 phosphorylation in p53 affects the basal gene expression level of many p53-dependent genes and alters the biphasic response to UV exposure in mouse embryonic fibroblasts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bruins, Wendy; Bruning, Oskar; Jonker, Martijs J.; Zwart, Edwin; van der Hoeven, Tessa V.; Pennings, Jeroen L. A.; Rauwerda, Han; de Vries, Annemieke; Breit, Timo M.


    Phosphorylation is important in p53-mediated DNA damage responses. After UV irradiation, p53 is phosphorylated specifically at murine residue Ser389. Phosphorylation mutant p53.S389A cells and mice show reduced apoptosis and compromised tumor suppression after UV irradiation. We investigated the

  19. O Manejo Clínico da Asma em 1999: Uma Visão e a Realidade da Asma na Europa (Estudo AIRE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K.F. Rabe


    Full Text Available RESUMO: As recomen dações sobre o manejo clfnico da asma fomecem orientações para urn controlo 6ptimo da asma. Esta investigação, avaliaua pelos niveis actuais do contwlo J a asma pelus doentes, ern parte retlete ate que pontu as recomendações sao implementadas.Doentes actuais com asma foram identificados por telefone e111 73 HHO residencias em 7 pafses europeus (França. Alemanha, ltalia, llolanua, Espanha, Suícia c lnglat crra. A entrevista consistiu na ava li ação da uti lizac;iio de serviços Lie saúde, gravidade de sintomas, limitação das actividades e controlo da asma.Foram identificados 3 488 doentes actuais com asma, e 2 803 (80.4% completaram o inquetito, 46% dos J oemes refeliram sintomas diaries e 30% perturbac;oes relacionadas com a asma durante o sono, pelo menos uma vez por sernana.Nos ultimos 12 meses, 25% dos doentes referiram o recurso mio e perado a uma consulta urgente, 10% uma ou mais visitas á urgencia e 7% hospitalizção noctuma devida a asma.Nas (iltimas 4 semanas, mais doentes (63% uti lizaram medicação aliviadora que corticóides inalados (23%. A percepção do controlo da asma pelos doentes nao coinciuia cum a sua gravidade de sintomas; c aproximadamente 50% dos doentes com sintomas persistentes moderados ou graves consideravam a sua asma bem ou total mente controlada.O nível actual do controlo da asrna na Europa está Ionge de ati ngir os objectives do tratamento a Iongo prazo. A percepção do controlo da asma pelos doentes e diferente do seu controlo da asma actual.

  20. The structure formed by inverted repeats in p53 response elements determines the transactivation activity of p53 protein

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Brázda, Václav; Čechová, Jana; Battistin, M.; Coufal, Jan; Jagelská, Eva; Raimondi, I.; Inga, A.


    Roč. 483, č. 1 (2017), s. 516-521 ISSN 0006-291X R&D Projects: GA ČR GA15-21855S Institutional support: RVO:68081707 Keywords : tumor-suppressor p53 * cruciform structures * dna-conformation Subject RIV: CE - Biochemistry OBOR OECD: Biochemistry and molecular biology Impact factor: 2.466, year: 2016