
Sample records for oswaldo voysest voysest

  1. Language and organizational culture in the Oswaldo Cruz institute 1900-1930

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    William Franklin Hanes


    Full Text Available The medical literature consumed and produced by the Oswaldo Cruz Institute and the circulation of its personnel in foreign institutions from its beginnings in 1900 through the Vargas coup d’état in Brazil in 1930 testify to the complex, multilingual and international nature of scientific networking in and beyond the belle époque and challenge notions of behavior associated with colonial economic models. To explore the parameters of the Institute’s early organizational culture with respect to language, three of its publications from this period will be examined: a 1911 promotional booklet in German, which details the Institute’s journal holdings and the publications of its researchers; a 1929 English-language travelogue of leprosy treatment centers worldwide; and the journal Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (1909-, which published articles in five languages during this period. The results indicate that the Institute’s flexible, avidly multilingual language policy, partially the result of Brazil’s peripheral, neutral political situation, led to a very strong multilateral position in the scientific community that provided both visibility and recognition as a full peer in the then-internationally emerging field of Tropical Medicine.

  2. Bibliographic collection conservation of Manguinhos library, Oswaldo Cruz foundation: insect disinfection

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    Rejane Ramos Machado


    Full Text Available Report on the procedures against the rare books Coleoptera infestation at Manguinhos Library, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, including anoxic treatment description, deep cleaning and physical re-organization of the collection. The objective of those procedures was to guarantee for future generation the preservation of that collection, which has great historical value, cause some books have their origin in the XVII Century and are part of the Library patrimony since the beginning of the XX Century.

  3. [Brazilian scientists visit the Amazon: The scientific journeys of Oswaldo Cruz and Carlos Chagas (1910-13)]. (United States)

    Schweickardt, Júlio César; Lima, Nísia Trindade


    The article analyzes reports from two scientific journeys into the Amazon conducted by the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, in 1910 and 1913, under the leadership of Oswaldo Cruz and Carlos Chagas, respectively. These reports contributed to the construction of representations and images of the region. Field observations not only provided data for the study and control of tropical diseases but also had a hand in the movement to denounce the serious sanitation conditions under which rubber workers labored. Journeys through the Amazon valley put the scientists in direct contact with the environment and with sick populations; these travels also made them face the huge challenges of learning about malaria and trying to control it. Analyses of these reports are part of studies on 'portraits of Brazil', which raise issues within the history of public health policies. In this endeavor to reveal the process by which scientific records are constructed, we worked with primary sources,from manuscripts to official texts.

  4. O (desconhecimento do rosto do outro: dimensões da (incomunicabilidade em Oswaldo França Júnior e Lya Luft

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    Angela Maria Salgueiro Marques


    Full Text Available O presente texto tem como objetivo analisar o tema do desconhecimento do outro em dois contos de escritores brasileiros contemporâneos: “Eu não o conheci”, de Oswaldo França Júnior, e “A Pedra da Bruxa”, de Lya Luft. Ambos refletem sobre a morte de um filho. Procede-se um estudo comparado dos textos no sentido de apontar algumas semelhanças e diferenças tanto entre aspectos formais, tais como conto e miniconto, quanto entre pontos de vista, espaço, tempo, e a questão da incomunicabilidade, à luz do conceito de “Rosto”, explorado por Emmanuel Lévinas e Giorgio Agamben, que nos auxilia a definir a causa do profundo mal-estar exposto pelos narradores desses contos.Palavras-chave: Oswaldo França Júnior; Lya Luft; Conto; Miniconto; Incomunicabilidade; Rosto.

  5. Scientific collections, tropical medicine and the development of entomology in Brazil: the contribution of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. (United States)

    Sá, M Romero


    The entomological collection of the Institute Oswaldo Cruz is one of the most representative of neotropical insects, comprising a diverse variety of specimens of distinct taxonomic groups, including those not linked to research in tropical medicine. The present work retraces the history of the collection and reports on its main actors and their professional relationships, emphasizing the peculiarity of such an important collection still being housed in a medical research institution.

  6. Contribution of Oswaldo Paulo Forattini to public health: analysis of scientific production. (United States)

    Reis, Juliana Gonçalves; Kobayashi, Keilla Miki; Ueno, Helene Mariko; Ribeiro, Cristiane Martins; Cardoso, Telma Abdalla de Oliveira


    To analyze the main characteristics of the scientific production of Oswaldo Paulo Forattini, researcher and, for 40 years, editor of Revista de Saúde Pública. Descriptive study with bibliometric approach conducted in three steps. (1) identification of bibliographic records using the following search strategy: "Oswaldo Paulo Forattini" OR "Forattini OP" OR "Forattini" up information sources Google Scholar, Web of Science, and PubMed, in July 2016, which retrieved 867 records. (2) composition of research corpus, in which we included 351 bibliographic records of articles, books, book chapters, editorials, book reviews, informative notes and annual reports of the RSP and excluded 516 duplicates and acknowledgement notes, obituary notes, and nonretrievable citations. (3) data organization and analysis, in which we built databases for descriptive analysis and development of the MeSH coauthors and terms networks in VOSviewer software. For analysis of editorials, three reviewers read the full text of each editorial and categorized them according to subject, historical context and perspectives, relating them with historical milestones. Forattini's scientific production occurred from 1946 to 2009, most consisting of articles (n = 218; 62.1%), editorials (n = 43; 12.3%), and books (n = 13; 3.7%). The main subjects were Culicidae (36.8%), Triatominae (12.5%), and Epidemiology (10.0%). The coauthors of articles were his professors, colleagues of his generation, and graduate students. His editorials addressed critical reflections on the production of knowledge, research priorities, and factors that contributed to or hindered progress. The scope of subjects is broad, referring to socioeconomic and scientific development, public health issues in developed countries, or global health. The analysis shows Forattini's commitment with public health, research with vectors, training of researchers, and scientific communication. Analisar as principais características da produ

  7. Origens do paradigma desenvolvimentalista : as contribuições de Oswaldo Aranha e dos militares (1931-1935)


    Mros, Günther Richter


    Esta dissertação busca entender as origens do perfil desenvolvimentista do Estado brasileiro. Argumenta que as ações empreendidas pelo governo Vargas na política externa do país, a partir de 1930, tiveram forte influência da auditoria da dívida externa realizada no período em que Oswaldo Aranha foi ministro da Fazenda (1931-1934). Trata da busca de Aranha, já como embaixador, pela assinatura de acordo de livre-comércio com os Estados Unidos, motivado, segundo fontes, pela força do dólar após ...

  8. Expedições científicas, fotografia e intenção documentária: as viagens do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (1911-1913 Scientific expeditions, photography, and documental intent: the Oswaldo Cruz Institute expeditions (1911-1913

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    Maria Teresa Villela Bandeira de Mello


    Full Text Available Analisa as séries fotográficas produzidas pelo Instituto Oswaldo Cruz em expedições científicas ao interior do Brasil, realizadas entre 1911 e 1913. Detém-se na expedição liderada por Arthur Neiva e Belisário Penna e na elaboração do seu discurso documentário. Explicita escolhas e ênfases adotadas na elaboração de cada texto visual, expresso tanto no material produzido durante o percurso quanto na seleção das imagens para publicação. As análises quantitativa e qualitativa das imagens da expedição de Neiva e Penna revelam um percurso narrativo que articula o meio natural, a vida social e as evidências de adoecimento das populações interioranas, para a constituição de um discurso que difunde o movimento pelo saneamento dos sertões.The article analyzes the photographic series produced by the Oswaldo Cruz Institute in reference to scientific expeditions into the interior of Brazil between 1911 and 1913, with a special focus on the one headed by Arthur Neiva and Belisário Penna and on the development of their documentary discourse. It draws out the choices and emphases used in preparing each visual text, expressed both in the material produced during the journeys and in the process of selecting images for publication. The study's quantitative and qualitative analyses of images from the Neiva-Penna expedition uncover a narrative journey that articulates the natural environment, social life, and evidence of the sickly status of residents of the interior to shape a discourse that disseminates the nascent movement to sanitize the sertão regions.

  9. Helminths of rabbits (Lagomorpha, Leporidae deposited in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute

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    Roberto Magalhães Pinto


    Full Text Available Helminth samples (n = 35 recovered from Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758 Lilljeborg, 1873 (3 and from another rabbit species, Sylvilagus brasiliensis (Linnaeus, 1758 Thomas, 1901 (32, from August 1909 to February 1948 and that are deposited in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute were analyzed. The studied samples were represented by the cysticercus of the cestode Taenia pisiformis (Bloch, 1780 and by the nematodes Passalurus ambiguus (Rudolphi, 1819, Vianella fariasi (Travassos, 1915, Longistriata perfida Travassos, 1943, Trichostrongylus retortaeformis (Zeder, 1800. The scope of the present investigation is to survey the parasites infecting these hosts, commonly used as laboratory animal models in scientific research and supply figurative data on the helminths in order to provide their easy identification, since the presence of autochthonous parasite burdens, if undetected or misinterpreted, can alter the final results of experimental assays, mainly those related to immunological approaches, when cross-reactions can occur.Trinta e cinco amostras de helmintos coletadas de Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758 Lilljeborg, 1873 (3 e de uma outra espécie de coelho, Sylvilagus brasiliensis (Linnaeus, 1758 Thomas, 1901 (32, de agosto de 1909 a fevereiro de 1948 e que estão depositadas na Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, foram analisadas. As amostras estudadas estão representadas pelo cisticerco do cestóide Taenia pisiformis (Bloch, 1780 e pelos nematóides Passalurus ambiguus (Rudolphi, 1819, Vianella fariasi (Travassos, 1915, Longistriata perfida Travassos, 1943, Trichostrongylus retortaeformis (Zeder, 1800. O objetivo da presente investigação é o de inventariar os parasitos que infectam estes hospedeiros, comumente utilizados como modelos de animais de laboratório na pesquisa científica e fornecer dados figurativos sobre os helmintos a fim de facilitar sua identificação, uma vez que

  10. [User satisfaction and responsiveness in the healthcare services at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz]. (United States)

    Hollanda, Eliane; de Siqueira, Sandra Aparecida Venâncio; de Andrade, Gabriela Rieveres Borges; Molinaro, Alex; Vaitsman, Jeni


    The paper discusses the results of research into user satisfaction in three healthcare facilities at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro. The analysis is based on the concepts of user satisfaction and responsiveness. Perceptions and opinions of outpatients from Instituto de Pesquisa Evandro Chagas, Instituto Fernandes Figueira and Centro de Saúde Escola Germano Sinval Faria were investigated. Intention samples were drawn for each institution and a total of 1.339 valid questionnaires were obtained. The study found that patients are satisfied with healthcare at Fiocruz, especially with health professionals. Nevertheless, restroom hygiene and privacy during consultations were less well evaluated. The improvement of these aspects depends not only on financial and technological investments but on changes in organizational culture. The first part of the paper discusses the literature on user satisfaction and responsiveness, with the definition of the categories that guided the study. The methodology is then presented as well as the four health services dimensions assessed - dignity, agility, facilities and communication - and the results are analyzed.

  11. Satisfação e responsividade em serviços de atenção à saúde da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz User satisfaction and responsiveness in the healthcare services at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

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    Eliane Hollanda


    Full Text Available O artigo discute resultados de uma pesquisa sobre satisfação dos usuários com o atendimento em três unidades assistenciais da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, tomando como base as categorias satisfação do usuário e responsividade. Pesquisou-se as percepções e as opiniões de pacientes ambulatoriais sobre o atendimento no Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas, Instituto Fernandes Figueira e Centro de Saúde Escola Germano Sinval Faria. Foram aplicados questionários a partir de amostras intencionais para cada unidade, em um total de 1.339 questionários válidos. A pesquisa encontrou uma alta satisfação entre os usuários, principalmente com o atendimento dos profissionais de saúde. Porém, itens específicos, tais como limpeza dos banheiros e privacidade durante as consultas, não foram bem avaliados. A melhoria desses aspectos depende não somente de investimentos em recursos financeiros e tecnológicos, mas de mudanças na cultura organizacional. Inicialmente é feita uma discussão da literatura sobre satisfação do usuário, identificando os conceitos que nortearam a pesquisa. Em seguida, descrevem-se as etapas metodológicas, as quatro dimensões dos serviços avaliadas - dignidade, agilidade, instalações e informação - e se analisa os resultados da pesquisa.The paper discusses the results of research into user satisfaction in three healthcare facilities at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro. The analysis is based on the concepts of user satisfaction and responsiveness. Perceptions and opinions of outpatients from Instituto de Pesquisa Evandro Chagas, Instituto Fernandes Figueira and Centro de Saúde Escola Germano Sinval Faria were investigated. Intention samples were drawn for each institution and a total of 1.339 valid questionnaires were obtained. The study found that patients are satisfied with healthcare at Fiocruz, especially with health professionals. Nevertheless, restroom hygiene

  12. Type material of Platyhelminthes housed in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute/ FIOCRUZ (CHIOC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 1979 to 2016 (Rhabditophora, Trematoda and Cestoda

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    Daniela A. Lopes


    Full Text Available The second part of the catalogue of type material deposited in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute/ FIOCRUZ (CHIOC, between 1979 and 2016, is presented, to complement the first list of all types that was published in 1979. This part includes Platyhelminthes other than monogenoids, which were covered in the first part published in September 2016. The present catalogue comprises type material for 104 species, distributed across three classes, 40 families and 75 genera. Species names are listed systematically, followed by type host, infection site, type locality and specimens with their collection numbers and references. The classification and the nomenclature of the species have been updated.

  13. Técnicas De Comprensión Lectora En El Área De Lengua Y Literatura, Y Su Influencia En Los Procesos De Aprendizaje De Los Estudiantes De Educación Básica Elemental En La Escuela Dr. Oswaldo Hurtado Larrea Del Cantón Milagro


    Astudillo Erazo, Patricia


    This research is a didactic-pedagogical compendium prepared to implement in the learning process of students SCHOOL DR. OSWALDO HURTADO LARREA CANTON MIRACLE, confident that the implementation of these strategies will develop significant learning basic skills specified in the Upgrading and Strengthening Curriculum of General Basic Education, and thinking that it is inscribed within the broader criterion of recreational endeavor Good Live. The methodological strategies are teaching guidel...

  14. Estudo de 26 casos de Paracoccidioidomicose avaliados no Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ A study of 26 cases of Paracoccidioidomycosis evaluated at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ Otorhinolaryngology Service

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    Francisco X. Palheta-Neto


    Full Text Available A Paracoccidioidomicose (PCM é uma micose profunda sistêmica causada por um fungo dimorfo, de aspecto microscópico similar a roda de leme de navio, o Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb. A PCM apresenta distribuição geográfica restrita ao continente americano, acomete sobretudo indivíduos do sexo masculino, sem predileção por raça. Seu quadro clínico é bastante variado. OBJETIVO: Realizar análise epidemiológica de 26 casos de PCM avaliados no Setor de Otorrinolaringologia da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudou-se retrospectivamente 26 prontuários de pacientes com manifestações otorrinolaringológicas da PCM atendidos no período de outubro de 1998 a setembro de 2001. Avaliou-se: sexo, idade, profissão, grau de escolaridade, se etilistas e/ou tabagistas, sintomatologia, local das lesões, presença de co-infecção, exames complementares realizados e opção terapêutica. RESULTADOS: 23 (88,5% pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 3 (11,5% do sexo feminino, com idade entre 32 e 72 anos. 11 (42,3% pacientes eram agricultores e 21 (80,8% tabagistas e/ou etilistas. Os locais mais comumente atingidos foram a epiglote e a parede nasal lateral. Utilizaram-se derivados sulfamídicos para o tratamento de 14 (53,9% pacientes e imidazólicos em 12 (46,1% casos. DISCUSSÃO: Lesões pulmonares podem ser confundidas com tuberculose, devido a suas semelhanças clínicas e radiográficas. A desnutrição pode predispor quadros clínicos de extrema gravidade. CONCLUSÃO: A anamnese detalhada dos pacientes portadores de PCM revela importantes aspectos, como procedência e hábitos pessoais. A atuação interdisciplinar, sobretudo de médicos e dentistas, colabora para um precoce diagnóstico e adequado acompanhamento do doente.Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM is an acute systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphous fungus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb, whose appearance under the

  15. Type material of Acanthocephala, Nematoda and other non-helminths phyla (Cnidaria, Annelida, and Arthropoda housed in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute/ FIOCRUZ (CHIOC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 1979 to 2016

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    Daniela A. Lopes


    Full Text Available The third part of the catalogue of type material in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute/FIOCRUZ (CHIOC, comprising types deposited between 1979 and 2016, is presented to complement the first list of all types that was published in 1979. This part encompasses Acanthocephala, Nematoda and the other non-helminth phyla Cnidaria, Annelida, and Arthropoda. Platyhelminthes was covered in the first (Monogenoidea and second (Rhabditophora Trematoda and Cestoda parts of the catalogue published in September 2016 and March 2017, respectively. The present catalogue comprises type material for 116 species distributed across five phyla, nine classes, 50 families, and 80 genera. Specific names are listed systematically, followed by type host, infection site, type locality, and specimens with their collection numbers and references. Species classification and nomenclature are updated.

  16. A estruturação do Programa de Capacitação Profissional de Biossegurança no contexto do Projeto de Modernização da Gestão Científica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Development of a Biosafety Training Program aligned with the Scientific Management Modernization Project of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute

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    Maria Eveline de Castro Pereira


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta as etapas de estruturação do Programa de Capacitação Profissional de Biossegurança (PCPB, em consonância com o Projeto de Modernização da Gestão Científica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC, detalhando o ciclo planejamento-desenvolvimento-avaliação, em especial do Curso de Biossegurança em Laboratório de Pesquisa Biomédica. Inicialmente, para o ciclo diagnóstico foram aplicados questionários aos interlocutores dos laboratórios do IOC, os quais revelaram interesse de participação no PCPB para ambas as categorias profissionais (níveis médio e superior, indicando como temáticas preferenciais biossegurança e boas práticas de laboratório. Na fase de planejamento foi definido que o PCPB seria subdivido em dois projetos (Boas Práticas de Laboratório de Saúde Pública para os profissionais de nível médio e Curso de Biossegurança para Laboratórios de Pesquisa Biomédica para profissionais de nível superior. A seguir, na fase de estruturação do curso, os módulos contemplados incluíram: introdutório; riscos químico, físico e biológico; gestão da qualidade e experimentação animal. Assim, no período 2006-2008, foram capacitados 315 profissionais e realizadas avaliações segundo o modelo de David Kirkpatrick. O primeiro nível, chamado de reação, foi aferido e demonstrou que 54,03% dos profissionais declararam que o curso foi excelente; 39,59% classificaram como bom e os demais 6,38% acharam que foi regular ou não opinaram. Para a avaliação do aprendizado foram realizados, a cada módulo, pré e pós-testes. Foi verificado que todos os módulos tiveram acréscimos nas médias do pós-teste em relação ao pré-teste. Os resultados obtidos apontaram estratégias a serem seguidas no aperfeiçoamento desse modelo de educação continuada em biossegurança.In the present paper we report a Biosafety Training Program (BTP developed at Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz aligned with the

  17. The dynamics of biomedical research organization in Brazil: the anatomy of a recent experience at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - DOI: 10.3395/reciis.v3i2.255en

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    Márcia de Oliveira Teixeira


    Full Text Available Biomedical research has undergone changes in the last four decades which have affected the design of new scientific approaches, the study of diseases associated with pathogenic microorganisms and the development of new products and industrial production processes. Additionally, they have affected new methodologies for preventing, treating and diagnosing transmissible and non-transmissible diseases, particularly the neglected ones. By identifying such elements, can we state that Brazil is witnessing the emergence of a new form of organizing the processes of research and production of technical-scientific knowledge in health? We attempt to answer this question through an analysis of the local dynamics in using organization and scientific research coordination tools in a centenarian institution with a strong tradition in biomedical research in Brazil, namely the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. We start by providing an analytical description of the Foundation between 2001 and 2003. This description comprises three sections which cover: the organization and institutional goals; fields of research; management and assessment methods regarding scientific research and technological development at Fiocruz; means of funding and assessment methods and the configuration and dynamics of cooperative networks. We conclude by making some final comments of a general and specific nature. This aims to make a contribution in order to help perfect the local organization process of scientific research targeting technological advancement in the field of Brazilian public health in an institution which has been playing a central role in formulating, implementing and assessing health policies in the country.

  18. A construção discursiva dos reeducandos da Penitenciária Estadual Oswaldo Florentino Leite ‘Ferrugem’ de Sinop entre os anos 2010 e 2011

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    Margarida Korpalski


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como propósito investigar como acontece a construção discursiva dos reeducandos da Penitenciária Oswaldo Florentino Leite “Ferrugem” de Sinop – MT. O corpus da pesquisa compõe-se de bilhetes que circulam entre as alas, que no linguajar do sistema prisional são chamadas de “raios”, entre os reeducandos e com os funcionários da instituição. Abordamos os sentidos que se mostram nos bilhetes e o seu funcionamento, através dos pressupostos teóricos da Análise de Discurso de linha francesa (AD. O procedimento de análise do corpus escolhido se deu com base nos conceitos, defendidos por Michel Pêcheux e Eni Pucinelli Orlandi. Visando compreender os processos de formação dos sentidos nesse espaço discursivo específico, consideramos sujeito, discurso, leitor, texto, formações discursivas, memória discursiva, enunciador, enunciação, interpretação, efeitos de sentido. Observamos os elementos discursivos que os reeducandos utilizam em seus bilhetes, objetivando compreender que relações entre o “formular” e o texto se configuram, nesse caso específico os bilhetes e se constroem como materialidade discursiva. Em nossas análises destacamos: como o discurso se constrói no ato da escritura, as relações que estabelecem os sentidos manifestos que se formulam e circulam na materialidade discursiva; o que estes sentidos manifestos querem dizer e significar perante a relação linguagem mundo e no contexto contemporâneo. Nesse sentido essa compreensão se evidencia no movimento entre sujeito, história e ideologia em um processo de convivência, esperamos ter contribuído na compreensão de como se dá a construção discursiva dentro deste espaço penitenciário em Sinop.Palavras-chave: Análise de Discurso. Construção Discursiva. Bilhetes. Reeducandos.

  19. A construção discursiva dos reeducandos da Penitenciária Estadual Oswaldo Florentino Leite ‘Ferrugem’ de Sinop entre os anos 2010 e 2011

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    Margarida Korpalski


    Full Text Available O estudo que se pretende desenvolver tem como propósito investigar como ocorre a construção discursiva dos reeducandos da Penitenciária Oswaldo Florentino Leite “Ferrugem” de Sinop – MT. O corpus da pesquisa compõe-se de bilhetes que circulam entre as alas (que no linguajar do sistema prisional são chamadas de “raios”, entre os reeducandos e com os funcionários da instituição. Serão abordados os sentidos que se mostram nos bilhetes e o seu funcionamento, através dos pressupostos teóricos da Análise de Discurso de linha francesa (AD As análises do corpus escolhido proceder-se-ão com base nos conceitos, defendidos por Michel Pêcheux e Eni P. Orlandi entre outros teóricos. Visa-se compreender os processos de formação dos sentidos nesse espaço discursivo específico, levando-se em conta sujeito, discurso, leitor, texto, formações discursivas, memória discursiva, enunciador, enunciação, interpretação, efeitos de sentido, entre outros conceitos propostos pela AD. No presente trabalho serão observados os elementos discursivos que os reeducandos utilizam em seus bilhetes, pretende-se compreender que relações entre o “formular” e o texto se configuram, nesse caso específico os bilhetes e se constroem como materialidade discursiva. Como o discurso se constrói no ato da escritura (o texto e quais são as relações que estabelecem os sentidos manifestos que se formulam e circulam na materialidade discursiva. O que estes sentidos manifestos querem dizer e significar perante a relação linguagem mundo e no contexto contemporâneo. Nesse sentido essa compreensão se evidencia no movimento entre sujeito, história e ideologia em um processo de convivência, ao final espera-se compreender como se dá a construção discursiva dentro deste espaço penitenciário em Sinop.Palavras-chave: análise de discurso; sentidos discursivos; reeducandos; Pêcheux.

  20. [The history of Biblioteca de Manguinhos and its rare collections]. (United States)

    Bortoletto, Maria Elide


    This article narrates the creation of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Biblioteca de Manguinhos Library) and its rare collections of books, magazines, journals, brochures, leaflets and theses, important publications on the history of biological sciences and health from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. It also describes the rich original ornaments and decoration of the library room and its furniture. It recovers the history of the library these past hundred years, which is closely associated to the history of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.

  1. Belisário Penna: notas fotobiográficas

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    Thielen Eduardo Vilela


    Full Text Available Entre os sete mil documentos do fundo pessoal Belisário Penna incorporados ao acervo do Departamento de Arquivo e Documentação da Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC, encontram-se 1.500 fotografias, contendo imagens de seus familiares e retratos de Penna, sua vida profissional, abrangendo a atuação do sanitarista em mais de 22 estados brasileiros, além da sua ligação com Oswaldo Cruz (IOC e com movimentos políticos do seu tempo. A biografia de Penna é narrada utilizando alguns de seus retratos.

  2. Em contato com as doenças genéticas: a norma e a razão como tradições culturais presentes no discurso de profissionais médicos do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Martins Antília Januária


    Full Text Available O estudo buscou captar a influência de tradições culturais arraigadas na construção do discurso que médicos do Instituto Fernandes Figueira/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz produzem acerca das crianças com doenças genéticas associadas a malformações congênitas e ao retardo mental, assim como, as reflexões que o atendimento/convívio profissional com tais doenças ensejaram. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas orais do tipo narrativa conversada e do material analisado semioticamente. Os resultados apontaram para quatro tradições culturais muito presentes no discurso médico: a norma, a razão, a família e a religiosidade judaico-cristã. Este artigo, contudo, atém-se as duas primeiras, grifando como as dismorfias e as malformações congênitas associadas às doenças genéticas, cujo prognóstico é sempre encarado como ruim, desafiam as normas arraigadas de perfeição, beleza e produtividade, despertando sentimentos de estranheza, impotência e frustração, e como a razão, uma das principais tradições culturais organizadoras do pensamento moderno, modula o discurso médico sobre as síndromes genéticas associadas ao retardo mental.

  3. Soro ou vacina: controvérsia no controle da peste bubônica no Rio de Janeiro (1899-1901 = Serum or vaccine: controversy in the control of the bubonic plague in Rio de Janeiro (1899-1901

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    Silva, Matheus Alves Duarte da


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa uma controvérsia entre Camillo Terni e Oswaldo Cruz, ocorrida no ano de 1900, em torno do controle da peste bubônica no Rio de Janeiro. Oswaldo Cruz, um dos principais líderes do recém inaugurado Instituto Soroterápico Federal, defendia que o soro antipestoso era o produto a ser utilizado para tratar as vítimas de peste e também para imunizar a população, processo conhecido como soro-vacinação. Camillo Terni, diretor do Laboratório Bacteriológico de Messina, na Itália, e enviado ao Brasil para estudar a doença, ao contrário, defendia que o soro era ineficaz e que a principal estratégia para controlar a doença deveria ser vacinar a população, propagandeando o seu método de preparação da vacina antipestosa. O embate entre os dois foi veiculado na imprensa leiga e especializada e acabou vencido por Oswaldo Cruz, pois o soro tornou-se a principal arma contra a peste e a vacina antipestosa utilizada no Rio de Janeiro não foi a de Terni, mas uma versão modificada daquela criada originalmente pela Comissão Alemã enviada à Índia. O presente artigo investiga como essa vitória foi construída, acompanhando os passos de Terni e de sua vacina no Brasil e as alianças e traduções de interesse que ele e Oswaldo Cruz efetuaram de modo a vencer o debate. Dessa forma, o artigo pretende lançar luzes sobre um capítulo pouco conhecido da história do Instituto Soroterápico Federal

  4. Original Paper Intestinal Helminthiasis among School Children in ...

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    of Basic Medical Science, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Sagamu, Ogun State, 4School of Medical Laboratory Sciences,. Obafemi ... the infections such as poverty, poor sanitation, ignorance and ..... Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Riode Janeiro.

  5. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for simultaneous ...

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    Feb 28, 2011 ... To evaluate the etiology of shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), enteropathogenic E. ... National Center for Biotechnology Information; BLAST, Basic ... Poor sanitation, personal ..... Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro.

  6. Estegomiias em conserva e micróbios de vinha-d'alhos: o Brasil triunfa em Berlim Preserved Stegomyia and vinegared microbes: Brazil's triumph in Berlin

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    Henrique Luiz Cukierman


    Full Text Available O artigo investiga as circunstâncias que levaram o Brasil a alcançar o primeiro prêmio na XIV Exposição de Higiene e Demografia, em Berlim, em 1907. A partir da inédita correspondência trocada entre Henrique da Rocha Lima e Oswaldo Cruz às vésperas da exposição, é possível observar as agruras do empreendimento à brasileira, onde aquilo que se parecia a uma cuidadosa estratégia revela-se como um turbilhão de acontecimentos, no qual a sorte da participação brasileira dependeu de situações pouco ou nada delineadas por planejamento meticuloso e previdente. A correspondência revela ainda que, se assumidas as narrativas glorificadoras de méritos pessoais, a vitória em Berlim foi muito mais de Rocha Lima que de Oswaldo Cruz. À luz de Raízes do Brasil, de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, outra questão abordada diz respeito ao embate entre os mundos ibérico e anglo-saxônico na construção e no reconhecimento da vitória brasileira.This article investigates the circumstances leading to Brazil being awarded the first prize at the XIV International Conference on Demography and Hygiene, held in Berlin in 1907. An examination of the unpublished correspondence between Henrique da Rocha Lima and Oswaldo Cruz prior to the conference/exhibition reveals the peculiarities of a Brazilian-style event, where the outcome seems to be determined by haphazard incidents rather than by meticulously planned strategies. Their letters can also be read as a narrative celebrating individual qualities, as they attribute the victory in Berlin much more to Rocha Lima's than Oswaldo Cruz's personal merits. In the light of Raízes do Brasil, a classic by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, this article also addresses the issue regarding the dispute between the Iberian and Anglo-Saxon worlds over the Brazilian victory.

  7. Correção de dados sobre a Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Pasteur de São Paulo Rectification of data on the Helminthological Collection of the Pasteur Institute

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    Dely Noronha


    Full Text Available A presente nota se destina a corrigir informações anteriores a respeito da condição da Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Pasteur, que é, de fato, uma coleção institucional e que foi designada, erroneamente, como um acervo particular incorporado à Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Também, dados bibliográficos e históricos são retificados.This note is to correct previous information about the status of the Helminthological Collection of the Pasteur Institute, that is, in fact, an institutional collection, and that appeared erroneously as a private survey incorporated to the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute. Also, bibliographical and historical data are rectified.

  8. community perceptions of schistosomiasis transmission, prevalence

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    Jul 7, 2014 ... mentioned contact with contaminated water and drinking / eating dirty water / food, respectively. ..... A combination of river and lake habitats were also mentioned by ..... do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio De Janeiro. 97: 15-18. 15.

  9. [Malaria in pictures: images from Brazil's public health campaigns in the first half of the twentieth century]. (United States)

    Hochman, Gilberto; Mello, Maria Teresa Bandeira de; Santos, Paulo Roberto Elian dos


    The article discusses a set of pictures that illustrate public health activities, practices, and campaigns against malaria in Brazil from 1918 through 1956. Exemplary of certain key moments in this history, the illustrations belong to three archives from the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz collection: Arquivo Belisário Penna, Arquivto Fundação Rockefeller ("Serviço de Malária do Nordeste" series), and Arquivo Rostan Soares. The article links these photographic records to their specific historical-public health contexts and to the campaign models and strategies represented by each archive. It also draws relations with the 20th -century history of the photographic medium itself. It is argued that these images of malaria constitute prime sources in constructing a visual history of the disease in 20th -century Brazil and of the country's public health history.

  10. Taking Care of What We Have : Participatory Natural Resource ...

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    Oswaldo Morales est administrateur de projet et chercheur communautaire pour CAMPlab. Roberto Rigby étudie la biologie marine au Centre de recherches marines à La Havane, à Cuba. Bertha Simmons est coordonnatrice du projet CAMPlab. Eduardo Tinkam est chercheur communautaire pour le projet CAMPlab.

  11. Corpos ultrajados: quando a medicina e a caricatura se encontram Bodies scorned: when medicine and caricature meet

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    Myriam Bahia Lopes


    Full Text Available A caricatura consolida-se, a partir de 1840, com o advento da imprensa ilustrada, que realiza um interessante diálogo entre a pintura histórica e os retratos. Neste artigo, procuramos demonstrar de que forma essa linguagem, no início deste século, fez do dr. Oswaldo Cruz um de seus alvos favoritos. Num pacto de intersubjetividade, a caricatura - linha que brada - reconhece a dor na pele do vacinado e libera, com o humor, a violência da agressão sofrida.With the advent of the illustrated press, in 1840, the art of caricature initiated an interesting dialogue with historical painting and portraiture. The article shows dr. Oswaldo Cruz as target of this humorous language in the early twentieth century. Caricature-a line that cries out-recognizes the pain of its inured subject and, under an unwritten intersubjective pact, uses humor to release the violence of suffered aggression.

  12. Lições da iniciação científica ou a pedagogia do laboratório

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    Neves Rosa Maria Corrêa das


    Full Text Available Este artigo trata da aprendizagem do iniciante em pesquisa científica. Apóia-se nos Estudos de Ciência e Tecnologia (ECT, em especial nos 'estudos de laboratório' para a compreensão da ciência como prática cultural. Centra-se no exame de um caso específico: o Programa de Vocação Científica (Provoc da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz, no Rio de Janeiro. A investigação é de cunho documental, somando-se ao estudo a observação em campo de estagiários deste programa em orientação, no Departamento de Patologia do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC. A análise põe em evidência o caráter prático da aprendizagem do cientista, revelando uma pedagogia própria na ciência cujo princípio fundamental do tornar-se cientista é "estar no laboratório".

  13. The Handbook of Research Impact Assessment. Edition 7. Summer 1997. (United States)


    Treatment of Patients with Chronic-Schizophrenia - A Multi-National, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group Study Versus Haloperidol ", BRITISH JOURNAL OF...34The Scientific Production and International Reputation of Travassos,Lauro", MEMORIAS DO INSTITUTO OSWALDO CRUZ,1992, Vol 87, Iss S1, pp R7-R10 Courtial

  14. The Expositive Discourse as Pedagogical Discourse: Studying Recontextualization in the Production of a Science Museum Exhibition (United States)

    Marandino, Martha


    In this paper I report on the sociological and educational particulars of "The Biodiscovery Space" exhibition of the Life Museum of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using Basil Bernstein's framework of pedagogic discourse and recontextualization. Data for analysis was obtained from interviews with the exhibition…

  15. IEF 2008: An international collaborative effort | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Three Brazilian institutions—the Institute for Ecological Research, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny of the University of São Paolo—joined with IDRC, EcoHealth, and later, the Pan American Health Organization to plan the Forum. The Communities of Practice in Ecohealth ...

  16. The Female Predominance of a Vocational and Scientific Education Programme for High School Students in Rio de Janeiro and Recife, Brazil (United States)

    de Sousa, Isabela Cabral Felix; Braga, Cristiane Nogueira; Frutuoso, Telma de Mello; Ferreira, Cristina Araripe; Vargas, Diego da Silva


    The aim of this research is to understand how students view their volunteer choices to take part in a specific scientific education programme while they attend high school. This programme is called (Provoc) located at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Brazil. Historically, this programme has been characterised by a significant predominance of…

  17. Lineage Divergence Detected in the Malaria Vector Anopheles marajoara (Diptera: Culicidae) in Amazonian Brazil (United States)


    species [22], but see Bourke et al [17]. Genealogical analyses of complete mtDNA COI (Cyto- chrome oxidase I) sequences found that A. marajoara is...darlingi in human malaria transmission in Boa Vista, state of Roraima, Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2006, 101:163-168. 17. Bourke BP, Foster PG

  18. Lecto- and Paralectotype Designations and Redescription of Arachnocoris alboannulatus Costa Lima, 1927 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nabidae) (United States)

    Thaynara S. Martins; Felipe F. F. Moreira; Javier E. Mercado; Jorge A. Santiago-Blay


    The lecto- and a paralectotype of Arachnocoris alboannulatus Costa Lima, 1927 are designated to enhance nomenclatural stability. A redescription based on the type material from Rio de Janeiro deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Brazil, is presented. Specimens are illustrated and measured in detail for the first time.

  19. Missões civilizatórias da República e interpretação do Brasil The civilizing missions of the Republic and interpretations of Brazil

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    Nísia Trindade Lima


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute a importância das viagens ao interior, nas três primeiras décadas da República, para a construção de interpretações do Brasil referidas à idéia do contraste entre sertão e litoral. A proposta de conhecimento dos sertões brasileiros é analisada como expressão de um movimento de forte conteúdo simbólico que acompanhou os projetos de delimitação de fronteiras, saneamento e integração econômica e política. Dado seu impacto na formação de matrizes do pensamento social brasileiro, o artigo discute as representações relacionadas à viagem de Euclides da Cunha a Canudos, consagradas em Os sertões, e aquelas presentes nos relatórios da Missão Rondon e das expedições científicas do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC, atual Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz.The article discusses how journeys into the Brazilian interior during the first three decades of the Republic played a role in constructing interpretations of Brazil underpinned by the notion of contrast between sertão and coast. This missionary movement heavily imbued with symbolism accompanied official projects in boundary definitions, sanitation, settlement, and economic and political integration. Closely associated with the expansion of government presence, it included among its leadership intellectuals informed by scientism and by the ideals of progress identified with the new regime. Bearing in mind their impact in the process of casting Brazilian social thought, the article discusses representations regarding Euclides da Cunha’s journey to the region of Canudos, immortalized in his classic Os sertões, as well as the representations found in reports by the Rondon Mission and scientific expeditions sponsored by the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.

  20. La Casa de las Treinta y Nueve Llaves

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    Oswaldo Díaz Díaz


    Full Text Available Presentamos en estas páginas un capítulo del apasionante libro Los Almeydas, recientemente publicado por la Academia Colombiana de Historia, y en el que su autor, don Oswaldo Díaz Díaz, recoge episodios de la resistencia patriótica contra el ejército pacificador de Tierra Firme.

  1. Pseudolynchia canariensis (Diptera: Hippoboscidae em Buteogallus aequinoctialis (Ciconiiformes: Accipitridae no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Pseudolynchia canariensis (Diptera:Hippoboscidae on Buteogallus aequinoctialis (Ciconiiformes: Accipitridae in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Rodrigo Gredilha


    Full Text Available Registro de Pseudolynchia canariensis em dois gaviões caranguejeiros de vida livre atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Fundação RioZoo. Os dezenoves exemplares coletados foram identificados no Laboratório de Diptera da Fundação Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. O encontro de P. canariensis fora do hospedeiro natural (Columba livia, representa uma contribuição aos estudos da família Hippoboscidae, visto que não há registros sobre aves nativas do continente americano parasitadas por P. canariensis.The record of Pseudolynchia canariensis on two Rufous Crab-Hawk in situ taken care of the Hospital Veterinarian of the RioZoo Foundation. The nineteen collected specimens had been identified in the Laboratory of Diptera, Fundação Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. The findings of P canariensis out natural hosty (Columba livia it represents a contribution to the studies of the family Hippoboscidae considering that it does not have records about native birds of the american continent parasitized by P canariensis.

  2. A instituição da microbiologia e a história da saúde pública no Brasil Microbiology as an institution and the history of public health in Brazil

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    Jaime Larry Benchimol


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a instituição da microbiologia e suas conseqüências para a saúde pública brasileira durante o último quarto do século XIX e o começo do atual. O autor examina o trabalho realizado pela Escola Tropicalista Baiana, a trajetória de outra geração de médicos que, no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo, investigaram a febre amarela e outras doenças à luz da teoria dos germes, procurando descobrir tanto o seu micróbio específico como imunobiológicos e tratamentos eficazes. O artigo examina também a transição da problemática etiológica para a do meio de transmissão da febre amarela e da malária, correlacionando-as com o amadurecimento do pasteurianismo e da Medicina Tropical. A adoção da teoria de Finlay no Brasil e as campanhas sanitárias bem-sucedidas que Oswaldo Cruz empreendeu no Rio de Janeiro, enquanto a cidade era remodelada de acordo com o molde "haussmaniano", inauguram um nova era em que o Instituto Oswaldo Cruz e outras instituições biomédicas logram desenvolver dinâmicos programas de pesquisa em estreita sintonia com a bacteriologia e medicina tropical européia e norte-americana.This article deals with the institution of microbiology and its consequences to Brazilian public health during the last quarter of the XIXth century and the beginning of the XXth century. The author examines the work done by members of Escola Tropicalista Baiana and then by several constituents of another generation of physicians who, in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, researched yellow fever and other diseases from the perspective of the germ theory, trying to discover both its specific microbe as well as effective therapeutic and immunobiological treatments to those diseases. The article also examines the transition of the etiologic issue to the question of the means of transmission not only of yellow fever but also of malaria, correlating it with the coming of age both of Pasteurianism and Tropical Medicine. The

  3. How Brazil turned one public health school into 40



    Brazil built its public health education system through the work of the renowned Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, which established courses across the whole country. The courses eventually became the core curriculum for small schools and now Brazil boasts 40 schools of public health. Foundation President Paulo Buss argues that there are ways that resource-poor countries can improve their public health education.

  4. Outstanding insecurities concerning the use of an Ov16-based ELISA in the Amazonia onchocerciasis focus

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    Sérgio Luiz Bessa Luz


    Full Text Available In a recent issue of Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, published in Rio de Janeiro in February 2014 (109: 87-92, Adami et al. have published a survey reporting Mansonella parasite prevalence in the Amazon Region. This report makes a useful contribution to the existing knowledge of filarial parasite distribution within the Amazon area, parasite prevalence rates in relation to age and occupation and provides observations on the possible clinical impact of Mansonella ozzardi. Their publication also provides an account of what appears to be a novel ELISA that has recently been used in the Simuliidae and Onchocerciasis Laboratory of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We are concerned that the publication of this ELISA may have created an excessively positive impression of the effectiveness of the onchocerciasis recrudescence serological surveillance tools that are presently available for use in the Amazonia onchocerciasis focus. In this letter we have, thus, sought to highlight some of the limitations of this ELISA and suggest how continuing insecurities concerning the detection of antibodies to Onchocerca volvulus within the Amazonia onchocerciasis focus might be minimised.

  5. Forum international écosanté 2008 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

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    Le FIE 2008 est coorganisé par le CRDI, l'International Association of Ecology and Health (IAEH) et un consortium brésilien composé de la Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), de l'Université de São Paulo et de l'Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPÊ), une ONG reconnue. Il se tiendra à l'Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública ...

  6. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (37th) Held in Washington, D.C. on December 4-8, 1988 (United States)


    Naval Medical Research Institute Detachment, Lima, PERU ; Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, PERU . 92 ETIOLOGY OF FEVERS OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN IN...Colorado State University, Department of Environmental Health, Ft. Collins, CO. 10:30 138 HANTAVIRUS INFECTIONS IN HUMANS AND COMMENSAL RODENTS IN... AMAZON BASIN, BRASIL. M.E. Arruda,* A.H. Cochrane, E.H. Nardin and R.S. Nussenzweig. Department of Entomology, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de

  7. Esparganose em alguns vertebrados do Brasil: dificuldades na identificaçao das espécies de Luheella (Spirometra Sparganum in some brazilian vertebrates: problems in the identification of species of Luheella (Spirometra

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    A. Arandas Rego


    Full Text Available Some species of Amphibia and Reptilia are listed as new hosts of spargana, from material deposited in the Helminthological Collection of Oswaldo Cruz Institute. It is discussed the difficulties in identifying the larvae (Sparganum and also the identification of adults of Luheella species from South America. The histopathology induced by spargana in the liver of a species of Amphibia is briefly described.

  8. Serological evidence of rotavirus infection in guinea pig colony Evidência sorológica de infecção por rotavírus em uma clônia de cobaios

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    L. de Castro


    Full Text Available Antibodies reacting with simian rotavirus SAII were detected by enzyme immunoassay (EIA and Western blot assay (WBA in sera from guinea pigs bred for experimental use at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The proportion of antibody-positive animals and the antibody titres rose sharply in 1985, were maintained at a high levels in 1986 and declined in 1987. There were no obvious signs of disease coinciding with serological evidence of infection. Results of WBA suggest that the virus involved belongs to subgroup 1 of group A rotaviruses.Anticorpos reagindo com rotavírus símio SA11 foram demonstrados por ensaio imuno-enzimático (EIE e por "Western blot assay" (WBA em soros de cobaios mantidos para fins experimentais na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A proporção de animais soro-positivos e os níveis de anticorpos subiram rapidametne em 1985, mantiveram-se altos em 1986 e baixaram em 1987. Não foram observados sinais de doença coincidente com a elevação de anticorpos. Resultados de WBA sugerem que o rotavírus responsável pela resposta sorológica pertence ao subgrupo do grupo A.

  9. Studies of Phlebotomine Sand Flies. (United States)


    coils. Holotype, allotype and 20 paratypes to be deposited at Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia , Manaus. Other para- types in Brazilian...collections at Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais and S~o Paulo; Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro; Instituto Evandro Chagas, Be16m; Museu Paraense...of Mr. Joao Ferreira Vidal in the field and labora- tory. Literature Cited Floch, H. & E. Abonnenc. 1943. Phl~botomes de la Guyane Franqaise - v. Inst

  10. Nota sobre Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia Cruzi (mangabeira, 1938, com a descrição da fêmea (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae

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    A. Vianna Martins


    Full Text Available Depois de examinar o tipo de Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia cruzi (Mangabeira, 1938, depositado na coleção do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro, sob o número 941, e 74 espécimens machos da mesma espécie, a maioria da localidade tipo (Camapuan, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, os Autores verificaram que o tufo basal do basistilo é composto de apenas quatro cerdas foliáceas, e não seis, como descrito por Mangabeira, devido á superposição dos dois basistilos no holótipo. Além disso é feita uma descrição da fêmea, até agora não conhecida, e a redescrição do macho, baseada no holótipo.After examining the type of Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia cruzi (Mangabeira, 1938, kept in the collection of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro, under number 941, and 74 male specimens of the species, mostly from the type locality (Camapuan, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, the Authors verified that the basal tuft of the coxite is composed of only four foliaceous setae, and not six, as stated by Mangabeira, due the superposition of the two coxites holotype. A redescription of the male based on the holotype and a description of the previously unknown female are presented.

  11. Sistema colinérgico: revisitando receptores, regulação e a relação com a doença de Alzheimer, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo Colinergic system: revisiting receptors, regulation and the relationship with Alzheimer disease, schizophrenia, epilepsy and smoking


    Ana L. M. Ventura; Paula A. Abreu; Rodrigo C. C. Freitas; Plínio C. Sathler; Natália Loureiro; Helena C. Castro


    OBJETIVO: Revisar a estrutura e o funcionamento do sistema colinérgico central ressaltando seu papel na fisiologia e na fisiopatologia das doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo. MÉTODO: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica no MedLine, LILACS, PubMed e ISI, e na Biblioteca da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, RJ, selecionando-se o período de 1914 a 2009, utilizando os descritores: "receptors", "cholinergic", "Alzheimer disease", "schizophrenia", "epilepsy" e "smoking"...

  12. Sistema colinérgico: revisitando receptores, regulação e a relação com a doença de Alzheimer, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo


    Ventura,Ana L. M.; Abreu,Paula A.; Freitas,Rodrigo C. C.; Sathler,Plínio C.; Loureiro,Natália; Castro,Helena C.


    OBJETIVO: Revisar a estrutura e o funcionamento do sistema colinérgico central ressaltando seu papel na fisiologia e na fisiopatologia das doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo. MÉTODO: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica no MedLine, LILACS, PubMed e ISI, e na Biblioteca da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, RJ, selecionando-se o período de 1914 a 2009, utilizando os descritores: "receptors", "cholinergic", "Alzheimer disease", "schizophrenia", "epilepsy" e "smoking"...

  13. A Novel Field Deployable Point of Care Diagnostic Test for Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (United States)


    additional collaborations with Colombia (CIDEIM, Cali) and Brazil (FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro ), which allowed us to evaluate the test on strains covering a wide...Medical Branch (UTMB), Galveston, Texas. 9 4Laboratório de Pesquisa em Leishmaniose, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro , 10 Brazil.5U.S. Naval Medical...SBS + 8 Bahia MHOM/BR/2001/LTCP13183 + 9 Acre MHOM/BR/2002/NMT- RBO037 + 10 Bahia MHOM/BR/2001/NMT- LTCP14369-P + 11 Rio de Janeiro

  14. Development of the Brazilian anti Schistosomiasis vaccine based on the recombinant FABP Sm14 +GLA-SE

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    Miriam eTendler


    Full Text Available Data herein reported and discussed refer to vaccination with the recombinant Fatty Acid Binding protein family member of the Schistosomes, called Sm14, discovered and developed under a Brazilian platform leaded by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, from the Health Ministry in Brazil, undertaken to assess safety and immunogenicity in healthy volunteers. This paper reviews past and recent outcomes of developmental phases of the Sm14 based anti Schistosomiasis vaccine addressed to, ultimately, impact transmission of the second most prevalent parasitic endemic disease worldwide.



    Albuquerque, Verônica Santos; Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos - UNIFESO; de Campos, José Carlos Lima; Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos


    RESUMOIntrodução: em 2009, no Instituto Fernandes Figueira da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IFF/FIOCRUZ), aconteceu o workshop internacional ser prematuro por um dia com a ilustre Raquel Tamez. O evento buscou capacitar profissionais de saúde para atuação junto ao prematuro, partindo da premissa que o cuidado prestado a esta clientela é, basicamente, cuidar do cérebro em desenvolvimento. Objetivo: descrever como aconteceu o workshop internacional “ser prematuro por um dia” com Raquel Tamez no IFF/FI...

  16. Socio-demographic and health conditions associated with paid work in adults (50-69 years) in Greater Metropolitan Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil


    de Castro, CMS; Mambrini, JVDM; Sampaio, RF; Macinko, J; Lima-Costa, MF


    © 2015 Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz. All rights reserved. Factors associated with paid work were examined in a probabilistic sample of 3,320 adults (50-69 years) in Greater Metropolitan Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Prevalence of paid work was 62.8% in men and 35.8% in women. For both men and women, paid work was positively associated with schooling and negatively associated with self-rated health. The probability of having paid work was higher for single women and those who knew someo...

  17. Coleção de simuliídeos (Diptera - Simuliidae de Adolpho Lutz, sua história e importância Adolpho Lutz's collection of black flies (Diptera - Simuliidae, its history and importance

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    Ana Margarida Ribeiro do Amaral-Calvão


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho é parte de uma dissertação de mestrado em elaboração no curso de pós-graduação em biologia animal da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, apoiado pela CAPES. Nele, são apresentadas as espécies de simuliídeos que pertencem à coleção de Adolpho Lutz depositadas no Laboratório de Simuliídeos e Oncocercose do Departamento de Entomologia do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC. Pioneiro no estudo desses dípteros, Lutz descreveu cerca de 25 espécies de diferentes localidades do Brasil. Vetor da oncocercose, os simuliídeos tiveram sua importância médico-sanitária reconhecida em fins da década de 1920.This paper is part of a master's thesis currently being written under the auspices of the Post-Graduate Program in Animal Biology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with support from CAPES. It presents the species of black flies in Adolpho Lutz's collection, held at the Laboratory of Black Flies and Oncocercosis of the Department of Entomology of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. A pioneer in the study of these dipterons, Lutz described about 25 species from different places in Brazil. A vector of round worm, the black fly's importance to public health was recognized at the end of the 1920s.

  18. Informes clínicos breves

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista de la


    Full Text Available Carcinoma de tiroides / Cristian Roger Barbosa Sandoval y Edgar Jose Figueredo ; tutor Erix Boz6n -- Protocolo para el manejo de pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar manfaco (TABM / Luis Eduardo Jaramillo y Ricardo Sanchez -- Apendicitis aguda: experiencia en el Hospital de La Misericordia / Enrique Villamizar Zuniga ; tutores Efrairn Bonilla, Mizrahinn Mendez -- Comparacion del crecimiento facial en pacientes con fisuras labio-palatinas reparadas mediante dos tecnicas de palatoplastia / Oswaldo J. Gomez ; tutor Rafael Gomez -- Enfermedades del tejido conectivo en neoplasia / MarJioCharry Barrios ; tutor Jorge Rodrfguez Riveros.

  19. Opposing the “lessons of things”, for children and adults

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    Flavia Natércia da Silva Medeiros


    Full Text Available A review of two books recently published by Vieira & Lent, by the Casa da Ciência (House of Science and by the Oswaldo Cruz Museu da Vida (Life Museum, Cruz/Fiocruz, "O Pequeno Cientista Amador – a divulgação científica e o público infantil", and "Terra Incógnita – a interface entre ciência e público" ("The Young Amateur Scientist - scientific divulgation and the youthful public", and "Unknown Land – the interface between science and the public" is presented.

  20. Standardization of intralesional meglumine antimoniate treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis. (United States)

    Duque, Maria Cristina de Oliveira; Vasconcellos, Érica de Camargo Ferreira E; Pimentel, Maria Inês Fernandes; Lyra, Marcelo Rosandiski; Pacheco, Sandro Javier Bedoya; Marzochi, Mauro Celio de Almeida; Rosalino, Cláudia Maria Valete; Schubach, Armando de Oliveira


    Intralesional treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis has been applied for over 30 years at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, with good therapeutic results and without relevant systemic toxicity. Meglumine antimoniate was injected subcutaneously, using a long medium-caliber needle (for example, 30mm × 0.8mm); patients received 1-3 injections, with 15-day intervals. The technique is described in detail sufficient to enable replication. The treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis with intralesional meglumine antimoniate is a simple, effective, and safe technique, which may be used in basic healthcare settings.

  1. Rudolf Barth: um cientista pioneiro na ilha da Trindade Rudolf Barth: a pioneering scientist on the island of Trindade

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    Ortrud Monika Barth


    Full Text Available Em consequência da instituição do Ano Geofísico Internacional, em 1957, a Marinha do Brasil organizou uma expedição à ilha da Trindade, da qual participou Rudolf Barth, pesquisador do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz e do Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha, membro da Academia Brasileira de Ciências e do Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas. Esse cientista retornou à ilha da Trindade no ano seguinte, em uma segunda viagem com a Marinha brasileira. As pesquisas feitas então resultaram em algumas publicações científicas e em dois relatórios inéditos com observações e dados concernentes a fenômenos zoológicos (terrestres, meteorológicos, climatológicos, geomorfológicos e biológicos. Os relatórios são transcritos a seguir.As a result of the institution of the International Geophysical Year in 1957, the Brazilian Navy organized an expedition to the island of Trindade, on which Rudolf Barth participated. He was a researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute and the Naval Research Institute, and a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council. The scientist returned to the island of Trindade the following year, on a second expedition with the Brazilian Navy. The research findings then resulted in some scientific publications and two unpublished reports with observations and data concerning terrestrial, zoological, meteorological, climatological, geomorphological and biological phenomena. The reports are then transcribed.

  2. Estudos de cestóides de peixes do Brasil

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    A. Arandas Rego


    Full Text Available Os autores iniciam com este trabalho um estudo sistemático de determinação dos cestóides de peixes depositados na Coleção helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. São referidas ou descritas as seguintes espécies e seus hospedeiros: Schizochoerus liguloideus (Diesing, 1850 e Nesolecithus janicki Posche, 1922, ambas de Arapaima gigas (Cuvier, (piracuru; Gyrocotyle meandrica Herrera, 1946, de Callorhynchus callorhynchus (L., (quimera; Acanthobothrium dasybati Yamaguti, 1934 e Pterobothriidae não identificado, de uma arraia não determinada; três tipos larvares de trypanorrhyncha e um de Proteocephalidea, de Cynoscion striatus (Cuv. e C. leiarchus (pescadinha; Proteocephalus jandia Woodland, 1934, de um bagre não determinado. Monticellia siluri (Fuhrmann, 1916 e Amphoteromorphus praeputialis sp. n. de Cetopsis caecutiens e Nomimoscolex magna sp. n. de Pimelodus clarias (mandi.The authors start, with this note, a systematic study for determination of cestodes of fishes of the Helminthological Collection of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. The following species and hosts are refered and described: Schizochoerus liguloideus (Diesing, 1850 and Nesolecithus janicki poche, 1922 both of Arapaima gigas (Cuvier; Gyrocotyle meandrica Herrera, 1946 of Callorhynchus callorhynchus (L.,Acanthobothrium dasybati Yamaguti, 1934 and Pterobothriidae unidentified, of an indeterminate ray; three types of larvae of Trypanorrhyncha and type of Proteocephalidea, of Cynoscion striatus (Cuv. and C. leiarchus; Proteocephalus jandia Woodland, 1934 of an indeterminate catfish; Monticellia siluri (Furhrmann, 1916 and Amphoteromorphus praeputialis sp. n. of Cetopsis caecutiens and Nomimoscolex magna sp. n. of Pimelodus clarias.

  3. The epidemiological scenario of feline sporotrichosis in Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (United States)

    Pereira, Sandro Antonio; Gremião, Isabella Dib Ferreira; Kitada, Amanda Akemi Braga; Boechat, Jéssica Sepulveda; Viana, Paula Gonçalves; Schubach, Tânia Maria Pacheco


    Sporotrichosis is a mycosis affecting both humans and animals. Within the context of the ongoing sporotrichosis epidemic in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, sick cats plays an important role in the zoonotic transmission. The aim of this study was to update the number of feline cases diagnosed at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (2005-2011). The medical records of the cats followed were reviewed; the inclusion criterion was the isolation of Sporothrix spp. in culture. In total, 2,301 feline cases were identified. These results should alert sanitary authorities to the difficulties associated with sporotrichosis control.

  4. [Elizabeth Fee: a historian reaching out to wider audiences]. (United States)

    Hochman, Gilberto; Benchimol, Jamie; Wegner, Liene; Azevedo, Nara; Romero Sá, Magali; Martins, Ruth B


    To what activities and topics does a historian in health and medicine, whose articles and books have become fundamental references for scholars of the area, devote her time? Feminism, counter-culture, medical education, global health, the role of international health organizations, and knowledge sharing in the health history are some of the subjects Elizabeth Fee addresses in this interview given at Fiocruz in April where she presented the 2006 inaugural class to the Graduate Program in History of Health Sciences at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz. The topic of her lecture was "The World Health Organization and AIDS: what can we learn from history?"

  5. Oswald e Eisenstein

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    Susanna Busato Feitosa


    Full Text Available Estudo acerca das relações intersemióticas entre  procedimentos estéticos presentes na poesia de Oswaldo de Andrade e na teoria da montagem de Eisenstein. O mecanismo da montagem promove o pensamento relacional e atua no nível da sintaxe analógica, de modo a causar, pela proximidade e contraste dos elementos, o instrumento necessário á construção da imagem e do pensamento. A poesia de Oswald é operada semiotiamente de modo a deflagrar os efeitos imagísticos decorrentes do mecanismo da montagem estrutural.

  6. [Adolpho Lutz's collection of black flies (Diptera - Simuliidae), its history and importance]. (United States)

    Ribeiro do Amaral-Calvão, Ana Margarida; Maia-Herzog, Marilza


    This is part of a master's thesis currently being written under the auspices of the Post-Graduate Program in Animal Biology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with support from CAPES. It presents the species of black flies in Adolpho Lutz's collection, held at the Laboratory of Black Flies and Oncocercosis of the Department of Entomology of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. A pioneer in the study of these dipterons, Lutz described about 25 species from different places in Brazil. A vector of round worm, the black fly's importance to public health was recognized at the end of the 1920s.

  7. Verificação da infecção de moscas da família Tachinidae pela Empusa Cohn, 1855: essas moscas, sugando ulceras lepróticas, se infestaram com o bacilo de Hansen

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    H. C. de Souza-Araujo


    Full Text Available The A. refers that, in his last study, in his last studying trip to Colonia Santa Fé, Minas Gerais State, last month of March (autumn, had captured many wild flies (all from Tachinidae family, according to various entomologists of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, on a leprotic ulceration of the left leg of a lepromatous case of leprosy. The microscopical examination of the abdominal material from sch flies proved the presence, in rather great number, of HANSEN bacilli and a fungus of the genus Empusa COHN 1855. The A. intends to continue, next summer, such interesting research.

  8. Modelo de gerenciamento da manutenção de equipamentos de radiologia convencional


    Couto,Nelson Fraga do; Ribeiro,Rildo Santos; Azevedo,Ana Cecília Pedrosa de; Carvalho,Antonio Carlos Pires


    Foi elaborado um modelo de gerenciamento da manutenção dos equipamentos convencionais de raios X no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho. O modelo foi implementado em várias etapas, que incluíram visitas a centros hospitalares que gerenciam seus equipamentos, linha de colaboração com a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz para realização de cursos e treinamento de técnicos de eletrônica do hospital, montagem de uma esquemateca dos equipamentos em uso, criação de um programa de gerenciamento utiliza...

  9. Evaluación de residuos sólidos generados en la industria del aserrío y su aprovechamiento con alternativas de tecnologías limpias, Iquitos - Loreto - Perú, 2015


    Mogollón Maestre, Guillermo Enrique; Silva Doza, Luz Liliana


    El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en el departamento de Loreto, provincia de Maynas, en los aserraderos que se encontraban en actividad, las mismas que recayeron en: Netrimac SAC, Raúl Oswaldo Oliveira García E.I.R.L, Zambito E.I.R.L.y Sico Maderas S.A.C. La información fue recolectada en los meses de Marzo - Abril del presente año. El estudio tuvo como finalidad cuantificar la generación residuos sólidos en los aserraderos de Iquitos y proponer alternativas de aprovechamiento c...

  10. Residência médica em pediatria: no campo de prática Medical residence in pediatrics: in the field of practice

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    Maria Auxiliadora Monteiro Villar


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou identificar em que medida a especificidade do campo de prática do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, contribui para que os médicos residentes em pediatria desenvolvam seu raciocínio clínico, o feeling de gravidade e o domínio de técnicas diagnóstico-terapêuticas. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevistas temáticas e analisados tendo por base o modelo indiciário. Os resultados apontam para a visão da medicina como ciência e como arte; para o encontro médico-paciente enquanto instância de legitimidade do saber médico; para o conteúdo específico do saber pediátrico como especialidade e para um postulado de gravidade que dificulta a construção do raciocínio clínico e, conseqüentemente, do feeling de gravidade.The study focuses on how specificity of pediatric practice at the Fernandes Figueira Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, contributes to the development of clinical reasoning, the ability to detect evolution in serious illness, and the capacity to use diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. Data were collected using a thematic interview and analyzed by a semiotic model. The results showed a common view of medicine as both science and art, the doctor-patient relationship as legitimating medical knowledge, pediatrics as having its own peculiarities (thus being defined as a medical specialty, and a severity postulate that hinders the development of clinical reasoning and thus the ability to detect evolution in serious illness.

  11. The epidemiological scenario of feline sporotrichosis in Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Sandro Antonio Pereira


    Full Text Available Introduction Sporotrichosis is a mycosis affecting both humans and animals. Within the context of the ongoing sporotrichosis epidemic in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, sick cats plays an important role in the zoonotic transmission. The aim of this study was to update the number of feline cases diagnosed at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (2005-2011. Methods The medical records of the cats followed were reviewed; the inclusion criterion was the isolation of Sporothrix spp. in culture. Results In total, 2,301 feline cases were identified. Conclusions These results should alert sanitary authorities to the difficulties associated with sporotrichosis control.

  12. [History and paradigms in Collective Health: record of a teaching experience]. (United States)

    Nunes, Everardo Duarte


    The paper describes a pedagogical experience at graduate level on the topic of History and Paradigms of Knowledge in Health. The experience originated in the first two courses at the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health, at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) (19921993) and later at the School of Medical Sciences, State University of Campinas (Unicamp) (19942006). The article highlights the contents of the two courses and presents some considerations about the relevance of the subjects that deal with the historical character of the areas of knowledge and provides feedback for reflection on the field of knowledge as a whole and its specific aspects.

  13. Letter to the editor: naltrexone sustained-release/bupropion sustained-release for the management of obesity: review of the data to date

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    Buehler AM


    Full Text Available Anna M Buehler Hospital Alemao Oswaldo Cruz, Institute of Health Education and Sciences, Sao Paulo, BrazilI read with great interest the systematic review by Caixàs et al1 on the effect of naltrexone sustained-release/bupropion sustained-release (NB for the management of obesity. By comprehensively appraising five recent clinical trials, the authors concluded that the naltrexone/bupropion combination might represent an important new therapeutic option for the management of obesity, with a weight reduction effect that is similar to other drugs approved for the treatment of obesity.View original paper by Caixàs and colleagues.

  14. Overview of some biomedical research projects in tropical medicine conducted at the Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas. (United States)

    Romano, E; Cesari, I; Escalante, A; Liprandi, F; O'Daly, J A; Perez, H; Takiff, H


    The Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC) is a government-funded multidisciplinary academic institution dedicated to research, development and technology in many areas of knowledge. Biomedical projects and publications comprise about 40% of the total at IVIC. In this article, we present an overview of some selected research and development projects conducted at IVIC which we believe contain new and important aspects related to malaria, ancylostomiasis, dengue fever, leishmaniasis and tuberculosis. Other projects considered of interest in the general area of tropical medicine are briefly described. This article was prepared as a small contribution to honor and commemorate the centenary of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.

  15. Overview of some biomedical research projects in tropical medicine conducted at the Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas

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    Romano Egidio


    Full Text Available The Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC is a government-funded multidisciplinary academic institution dedicated to research, development and technology in many areas of knowledge. Biomedical projects and publications comprise about 40% of the total at IVIC. In this article, we present an overview of some selected research and development projects conducted at IVIC which we believe contain new and important aspects related to malaria, ancylostomiasis, dengue fever, leishmaniasis and tuberculosis. Other projects considered of interest in the general area of tropical medicine are briefly described. This article was prepared as a small contribution to honor and commemorate the centenary of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.

  16. Relações intra-institucionais na Internet: um estudo exploratório com base em metodologias webométricas

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    Pamela Barreto Lang

    Full Text Available Como uma abordagem inicial para um estudo mais aprofundado sobre a imagem e o impacto da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz na Web, este artigo investiga as correlações entre os sites das unidades finalísticas da Instituição localizada no estado do Rio de Janeiro. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se nas análises de co-link e interlink, e na formação de agrupamentos (clustering analysis. Os dados apontaram para quatro agrupamentos distintos e uma Unidade isolada, além de um baixo nível de integração entre os sites estudados.

  17. Indicadores de desempenho de bibliotecas no campo da saúde: relato de estudo piloto na Fiocruz

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    Maria Cristina S. Guimarães

    Full Text Available Relato de projeto de pesquisa, em curso, sobre a implantação de um programa de avaliação de desempenho de bibliotecas no campo da saúde. Uma equipe de pesquisadores e bibliotecários tomou como ponto de partida a Norma ISO 11620 para derivar um conjunto mínimo de indicadores adequados à avaliação de três diferentes bibliotecas especializadas da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. O relato enfatiza a importância do processo de cooperação entre os profissionais, ingrediente essencial para sustentabilidade da iniciativa e os desafios futuros que se avizinham.

  18. Ensaios terapêuticos com penicilina: II - Sífilis: (Nota prévia

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    A. E. Arêa Leão


    Full Text Available Seis sifiliticos foram tratados com penicilina em doses baixas, no Hospital Evandro Chagas, do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Protossifilomas foram bacterioscópicamente negativos entre 3 e 6 dias e cicatrizaram completamente entre 10 e 13 idas, com a aplicação de 1.200 a 2.400 unidades Oxford por 24 horas. Condilomas sifiliticos e placas mucosas hipertróficos tiveram bacterioscopia negativa entre 6 e 8 dias, cicatrizaram completamente entre 10 e 20 dias, com a aplicação de 1.200 unidades por 24 horas. Porém, doses de 4.800 unidades, no mesmo espaço de tempo, forma insuficientes para controlar outras manifestações luéticas secundárias (roséolas, placas mucosas. Em 3 casos sob contrõle sorológico, verificou-se que a negatividade das reações não acompanha imediatamente a cura clínica. Além disso, conforme já foi observado também com a bouba, os resultados dos testes sorológicos oscilam mezes a fio, negativando e voltando à positividade.Six syphilitic patients were treated with Penicillin in low dosis at the Evandro Chagas Hospital, of the Oswaldo Cruz Insitute. Protosyphilomas were found to be bacterioscopically-negative in between three and six days, and cicatrized completely between 10 and 13 days, under applicatins of 1.200 mucous patches, showed negative bacterioscopical results within between 10 and 20 days, under the applications fo 1.200 Oxford units per 24 hours. Doses of 4.800 units, during the same period of time, however, found insufficient to control other secundary luetic manifestations (roseolar rash. In three cases under sorological control it was found that after a clinical cure had been effected, the Wassermann reaction showed considerable escillation, becoming first negative and then pesitive again.

  19. Asseados e valorosos: o pelotão de saúde Oswaldo Cruz e sua cruzada higienista


    Filho, Lúcio De Franciscis dos Reis Piedade


    O presente artigo analisa o Grupo Escolar Dr. João Bráulio Júnior da cidade de Lambari, ao sul de Minas Gerais, e o seu notável Pelotão de Saúde, cujo propósito era auxiliar na manutenção da higiene na escola em meado do século XX. O texto propõe, para tanto, uma reflexão que abarca as relações entre higiene e educação e trata, para fins de contextualização, das políticas higienistas da República Velha, quando o movimento sanitário encontrava-se em sintonia com as correntes nacionalistas bras...

  20. [Chaulmoogra oil as scientific knowledge: the construction of a treatment for leprosy]. (United States)

    dos Santos, Fernando Sergio Dumas; de Souza, Letícia Pumar Alves; Siani, Antonio Carlos


    The article investigates how knowledge of medicinal plants and related treatment practices are assimilated and transformed. Taking as its focus the use of chaulmoogra oil to treat leprosy, it examines how information on this plant was incorporated and transformed into scientifically validated knowledge when 'Brazilian chaulmoogra' came onto the scene. Pointing to the addition of chaulmoogra byproducts to the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz's production agenda in the 1920s, the study establishes links between productive processes and relates these to the period's scientific context. From the late nineteenth century until the 1940s, chaulmoogra oil was the great hope in efforts to cure leprosy. During this period, chaulmoogric treatment earned a place as scientific knowledge thanks to research studies conducted in laboratories throughout the Western world.

  1. Ciência, saúde e desenvolvimento: a doença de Chagas no Brasil (1943-1962

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    Simone Petraglia Kropf


    Full Text Available Analisa o processo histórico de construção da doença de Chagas, descoberta em 1909, como entidade médica específica e problema de saúde pública no Brasil, focalizando a atuação de um posto de pesquisa do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, criado em 1943, no interior de Minas Gerais. Sugere que o trabalho realizado neste posto proporcionou um consenso básico para que a doença alcançasse legitimidade científica e social, e que os significados atribuídos à doença neste processo estiveram diretamente referidos aos debates sobre as relações entre ciência, saúde e desenvolvimento, no contexto da Segunda Guerra Mundial.

  2. Ensaios terapêuticos com penicilina: IV - Bouba - (Framboesia, pian, yaws: tratamento das ulcerações gomosas, periostites, osteites áreas de rarefação óssea e gangoza (Rhinopharyngitis mutilans

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    F. Nery Guimarães


    Full Text Available Six patients of terciary yaws, were treated with Penicillin in small dosis at Evandro Chagas Hospital of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute. The lesions presented by the patients were: gummatous ulcerations, periostitis, osteitis, osteoporosis and gangoza (rhinopharyngitis mutilans. In all cases, clinic recovery were obtained, the time of treatment varying from 2 to 8 months. The total amount of oxford units 'per" subject varied from 48.000 to 586.800 Patients with bone lesions, ever after the treatment, has not showed complete recomposition of the bone structure, ever so aparently healing and with negative sorologics tests. Identical results has been observed in patient showing the same lesions and treated with neo-arsphenamine. The patients are still under observations at the Hospital.

  3. [Intellectual exchange between Germany and Latin America: an interview with Stefan Rinke]. (United States)

    Rinke, Stefan; da Silva, André Felipe Cândido; Junghans, Miriam; Cavalcanti, Juliana Manzoni; de Muñoz, Pedro Felipe Neves


    Current and former students of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz interviewed German historian Stefan Rinke, of the Freie Universität Berlin, who specializes in examining the historical development of Latin America as it fits into the international context. Rinke's work uses dimensions such as economic and diplomatic relations, migratory flows, and ethnic conflict as tools in his analyses of the networks of interdependence that have tied Latin America to Europe and the USA. His lens goes beyond the Latin American continent to approach globalization as a historical process, with national and regional contexts placed within a general framework. In this interview, Rinke talks about his academic career, global and transnational history, and joint projects between Germany and Latin America.

  4. Helminths of the guinea pig, Cavia porcellus (Linnaeus, in Brazil

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    Roberto Magalhães Pinto


    Full Text Available Worm burdens were evaluated and compared in two groups of the guinea pig, Cavia poreellus (Linnaeus, 1758: animals of the first group were conventionally maintained in an institutional animal house and those of the second group were openly kept in pet shops in Brazil. Animals from both sources were infected only with the nematode Paraspidodera uncinata (Rudolphi, 1819 Travassos, 1914 (10% of prevalence in guinea pigs from lhe institutional facility and 40% in those animals from the pet shop. Other helminth samples recovered from Brazilian guinea pigs during 52 years and that are deposited in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CHIOC were also analyzed. Paraspidodera uncinata and the cestode Monoecocestus parcitesticulatus Rêgo, 1960 were identified in these samples.

  5. Sobre as espécies do gênero Echinostoma Rudolphi, 1809 descritas por Adolpho Lutz em 1924 On the species of the genus Echinostoma Rudolphi, 1809, described by Adolpho Lutz in 1924

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    Anna Kohn


    Full Text Available Os autores redescrevem as espécies E. erraticum, E. exile, E. microrchis, E. neglectum, E. nephrocystis e E. parcespinosum, criadas por Lutz em 1924, apresentando figuras e quadros de medidas.In 1924, LUTZ in his work "Estudos sobre a evolução dos Endotrematodeos brazileiros", proposed six new species under the genus Echinostoma and described them although without offering many details. For this reason, it was not possible to achieve a complete knowledge of these species and as almost the whole material studied by LUTZ was encolosed in the Oswaldo Cruz Helminthological Collection, the authors revised it, presenting redescriptions of the species, as well as original camera lucida drawings, in order to facilitate further investigations on the matter.

  6. A ciência como profissão: entrevista com Carlos Chagas Filho Science as a profession: an interview with Carlos Chagas Filho

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    Nara Azevedo


    Full Text Available A edição desta entrevista privilegia aspectos da extensa trajetória profissional de Carlos Chagas Filho, fundador do Instituto de Biofísica da Universidade do Brasil, atual Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Evidencia seu papel científico e político na ciência brasileira e no cenário internacional. As memórias de Chagas Filho abrangem a vivência no Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, onde iniciou seu treinamento científico; os esforços para estruturar o Laboratório de Física Biológica, sucedido pelo Instituto de Biofísica; a atuação no Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas e na Academia Brasileira de Ciências; a participação na Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura; a presidência da Academia Pontifícia do Vaticano, que o leva a tecer considerações sobre a relação entre ciência e religião.The editing of this interview focuses on aspects of the extensive professional career of Carlos Chagas Filho, who was the founder of the Instituto de Biofísica of the Universidade do Brasil, currently the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. It highlights the scientific and political role he played in Brazilian science and on the international scene. His memoirs include his experience at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, where he began his scientific training; the efforts to create the Laboratório de Física Biológica, succeeded by the Instituto de Biofísica; his work on the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas and the Academia Brasileira de Ciências; the part he played at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; his time as president of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Vatican, which led him to ponder questions about the relationship between science and religion.

  7. Vacina antivariólica: seu primeiro século no Brasil (da vacina jenneriana à animal The small pox vaccine: its first century in Brazil (from the Jennerian to the animal vaccine

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    Tania Fernandes


    Full Text Available Neste artigo abordamos aspectos da institucionalização da vacina antivariólica no Brasil, em cerca de um século. Apresentamos descobertas e discussões ocorridas em outros países, mostrando seus reflexos em nosso país desde a introdução da vacina humanizada até a chegada da vacina animal e a criação do Instituto Vacínico Municipal, por iniciativa particular do dr. Pedro Affonso Franco, o barão de Pedro Affonso. A introdução da vacina animal significou um avanço no controle da doença e impulsionou as discussões que redundaram no alinhamento de grupos médicos e políticos em torno de Oswaldo Cruz ou do barão de Pedro Affonso. Com a incorporação do Instituto Vacínico aos laboratórios de Manguinhos, terminou a polêmica que agitou os meios acadêmicos e políticos.Covering a period of roughly hundred years, the article looks at some of the more meaningful events during the period in which the small pox vaccine was institutionalized in Brazil. Discoveries and discussions then taking place in other countries are also examined, particularly as they influenced Brazil. The process is followed from introduction of the human vaccine to the arrival of the animal vaccine and creation of the Municipal Vaccine Institute - a private initiative by physician Pedro Affonso Franco, also known as the barão de Pedro Affonso. Adoption of the animal vaccine not only represented progress in controlling the disease but also spurred discussions that saw medical and political groups in Brazil taking sides with either Oswaldo Cruz or the barão de Pedro Affonso. The debate continued within the academic and political arenas until the Vaccine Institute was made part of the Manguinhos laboratories.

  8. Viagem(ns a Santos Journey(s to Santos

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    Henrique Luiz Cukierman


    Full Text Available O artigo busca lançar algumas luzes sobre a construção do laboratório de Manguinhos, recontando um de seus episódios precursores: a viagem a Santos empreendida em 1899 por Oswaldo Cruz, um jovem médico às vésperas de tornar-se herói nacional enquanto símbolo brasileiro da ciência. Destinada a confirmar a chegada pela primeira vez da famigerada peste bubônica em terras brasileiras, a viagem constituiria um marco na justificação da construção de uma fábrica de soro antipestoso no Rio de Janeiro, o futuro Instituto Soroterápico Federal, inaugurado em 1900 e no qual viria a ser instalado o embrião do laboratório de Manguinhos. A partir de quatro narrativas distintas, é possível verificar o processo de ‘criação do mundo’ através do qual cada uma delas realiza sua própria expansão do que seria aparentemente uma ‘mesma’ viagem, permitindo assim configurar a historicidade desses relatos.The article intends to shed some light on the creation of the Manguinhos laboratory by recounting an episode which predates it: the journey to Santos taken in 1899 by Oswaldo Cruz, a young physician about to become a national hero and the Brazilian symbol of science. Destined to confirm the arrival of the infamous bubonic plague in Brazil for the first time, this journey was a milestone in justifying construction of a factory to produce anti-plague serum in Rio de Janeiro - the future Instituto Soroterápico Federal, inaugurated in 1900 and later embryo of the Manguinhos laboratory. Four different narratives of this journey reveal different processes of ‘creating the world’, each arriving at its own interpretation of the same journey.

  9. Application of the biotic index IBE-IOC for water quality assessment in wadeable streams in south-east Brazil Uso do índice biótico IBE-IOC para a avaliação da qualidade da água de riachos no sudeste do Brasil

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    Riccardo Mugnai


    Full Text Available AIM: This work presents the results of the first water quality assessment using the biotic index Índice Biótico Estendido - Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IBE-IOC for 1st to 4th order streams in the Serra dos Órgãos region, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The aims were to evaluate the sensitivity of IBE-IOC, verifying its ability to assess anthropogenic impacts over the stream gradient and along the year; METHODS: The sensitivity of the index was evaluated according to the degree of interquartile overlap in Box-and-Whisker plots; RESULTS: The index is able to distinguish different types of environmental integrity and different impacts by deforestation and organic pollution; CONCLUSIONS: Our results supported the recommendation of IBE-IOC as a useful tool for water quality assessment of wadeable streams in this region.OBJETIVO: Este trabalho apresenta o resultado do primeiro biomonitoramento de qualidade da água realizado através do uso do Índice Biótico Estendido - Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IBE-IOC, adaptado para riachos de 1ª a 4ª ordem da região da Serra dos Órgãos, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. O objetivo principal foi avaliar a sensibilidade do IBE-IOC verificando a capacidade de detecção de impactos de origem antropogênica ao longo do gradiente do rio e nas diferentes épocas do ano; MÉTODOS: A sensibilidade do índice foi avaliada de acordo com o grau de sobreposição do interquartil nos Box-and-Whisker plots; RESULTADOS: O índice tem capacidade de distinguir diferentes tipologias de integridade ambiental e diferentes tipos de impactos devidos ao desmatamento e poluição orgânica; CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados suportam a recomendação do IBE-IOC como ferramenta útil para o monitoramento de riachos nesta região.

  10. Modelo de gerenciamento da manutenção de equipamentos de radiologia convencional Maintenance management model for conventional radiology equipments

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    Nelson Fraga do Couto


    Full Text Available Foi elaborado um modelo de gerenciamento da manutenção dos equipamentos convencionais de raios X no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho. O modelo foi implementado em várias etapas, que incluíram visitas a centros hospitalares que gerenciam seus equipamentos, linha de colaboração com a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz para realização de cursos e treinamento de técnicos de eletrônica do hospital, montagem de uma esquemateca dos equipamentos em uso, criação de um programa de gerenciamento utilizando um banco de dados na plataforma Microsoft Windows 98-Access, levantamento operacional e condições de funcionamento dos equipamentos. A criação de uma nova rotina nas manutenções vai ao encontro das necessidades de reduzir o tempo de atendimento, custos, e de melhoria na qualidade da imagem em um serviço de radiodiagnóstico, atendendo também às exigências da Portaria 453/98 do Ministério da Saúde.We developed a management model for maintenance of hospital radiological X-ray equipment. The model was implemented in several steps including visits to other hospitals where equipment management is also done, collaboration work with "Fundação Oswaldo Cruz" for the realization of courses and a training program for the hospital electronic technicians, organization of a small library with the schemes of the radiological equipment in use at "Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho", Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, development of a management software using a database from Access (Microsoft Windows and evaluation of the performance of the radiological equipment. The implementation of a new routine for equipment maintenance fulfils the need for reducing repair delay and costs, improving image quality in radiodiagnosis services, and complying with resolution 453/98 of the Brazilian Ministry of Health.

  11. Carcinoma metastatico do baço

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    A. Penna de Azevedo


    Full Text Available Among the material of the archives of the Pathological Section of the Oswaldo Cruz Institue (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil we found 9 cases of cancer metastasis in the spleen. Four of them were macroscopically apparent, but five had only been diagnosed microscopically. Of these cases of tumors, 3 are adenocarcinoma originated from the pancreas (cases 1, 3, 5,; 3 are primary carcinoma of stomach (cases 7,8 and 9; 1 adenocarcinoma of gall-bladder (case 2; 1 originated form the mammary gland (case 4 and finally 1 form the colon. (case 6.. The incidence of the metastasis observed in the spleen among the total of 6.400 studied autopsies is of 0,14%; The same incidence among those of epithelial blastomata is of 1,8%.

  12. ENERGIA FÓSSIL: implantação de refletores na quadra de esportes, utilizando energia fóssil

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    Alisson Mazzola


    Full Text Available O presente projeto consiste na utilização da energia fóssil para aplicar melhorias na quadra desportiva da escola Oswaldo Cruz, localizada na cidade de Sinop/MT.Tais melhorias poderão ser vistas na iluminação, tomadas e acessibilidade. Todavia, isto irá trazer benefícios para toda a sociedade, como acontecimento de eventos esportivos, lúdicos e sua utilização no período noturno.A energia fornecida para a quadra será através de um motor a combustão (gasolina, que será menos poluente, pois os hidrocarbonetos da gasolina poluem menos que do óleo diesel.Assim será produzido 15 horas de iluminação por cada tanque do motor. 

  13. Samaja: el epistemólogo de la salud

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    Everardo Duarte Nunes


    Full Text Available El día 12 de mayo de 1997, Juan Samaja (Juan Alfonso Samaja Toro defendió su tesis de doctorado "Fundamentos Epistemológicos de las Ciencias de la Salud", en la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública "Sérgio Arouca" de la Fundación Oswaldo Cruz, en Río de Janeiro, bajo la orientación de Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo. En esa ocasión, como Miembro Titular del jurado, presenté los comentarios que son aquí transcritos, exactamente como fueron realizados en aquella fecha. Samaja, filósofo, sociólogo y diplomado en Salud Pública, quien fue profesor de varias universidades argentinas y en diversos países latinoamericanos, falleció el 3 de febrero de 2007, dejando un legado intelectual de fundamental importancia para la Salud Colectiva.

  14. The Duffy binding protein as a key target for a Plasmodium vivax vaccine: lessons from the Brazilian Amazon

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    Taís Nóbrega de Sousa


    Full Text Available Plasmodium vivax infects human erythrocytes through a major pathway that requires interaction between an apical parasite protein, the Duffy binding protein (PvDBP and its receptor on reticulocytes, the Duffy antigen/receptor for chemokines (DARC. The importance of the interaction between PvDBP (region II, DBPII and DARC to P. vivax infection has motivated our malaria research group at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (state of Minas Gerais, Brazil to conduct a number of immunoepidemiological studies to characterise the naturally acquired immunity to PvDBP in populations living in the Amazon rainforest. In this review, we provide an update on the immunology and molecular epidemiology of PvDBP in the Brazilian Amazon - an area of markedly unstable malaria transmission - and compare it with data from other parts of Latin America, as well as Asia and Oceania.

  15. [Forum: health and indigenous peoples in Brazil. Introduction]. (United States)

    Welch, James R


    This Forum on Health and Indigenous Peoples in Brazil explores contemporary challenges to indigenous health and health politics in Brazil. The short collection of articles that follow are based on presentations, originally given at the Indigenous Health Working Group panel at the 10th Brazilian Public Health Conference in Rio Grande do Sul State, by professors Carlos E. A. Coimbra Jr. (Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz), Marina Denise Cardoso (Universidade Federal de São Carlos) and Eliana E. Diehl (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina) with Marcos A. Pellegrini (Universidade Federal de Roraima). In this short Introduction, I introduce these contributions, taking as a point of reference a local example of healthcare inequity derived from a presentation at the same panel by Paulo F. Supretaprã, indigenous community leader from Etênhiritipá village, Mato Grosso State.

  16. Miíases Humanas Causadas por Larvas de Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel (Diptera: Calliphoridae em São Gonçalo, RJ, Brasil: Uma Abordagem Sócio-Econômica

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    José Batista-da-Silva


    Human Myiasis Caused by Larvae of Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel (Diptera: Calliphoridae in São Gonçalo, RJ, Brazil: Socio-Economic Approach Abstract. This study was carried out between April and September 2008 and reports on the occurrence of human myiasis caused by the New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel (Diptera: Calliphoridae in São Gonçalo in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Liquid or solid vaseline was used to suffocate the larvae, which were then preserved in 70% ethanol and sent to the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz for identification. There were 01 male and 02 females black patients with ages ranging from 36 to 76 and C. hominivorax were identified in all 03 cases of myiasis. Open wounds were the main cause of the parasitosis, whereas poor personal hygiene, the low educational level, alcoholism, bedridden patients were possibly secondary factors.

  17. Health research networks on the web: an analysis of the Brazilian presence

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    Pamela Barreto Lang


    Full Text Available In order to map Brazilian institutions’ web presence in an international network of health research institutions, a study was conducted in 2009, including 190 institutions from 42 countries. The sample was based on WHO (World Health Organization collaborating centers, and the methodology used webometric analyses and techniques, especially interlinks, and social network analysis. The results showed the presence of five Brazilian institutions, featuring the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz, showing links to 20 countries and 42 institutions. Through the interface between the health field and the web, the study aims to contribute to future analyses and a plan for strategic repositioning of these institutions in the virtual world, as well as to the elaboration of public policies and recognition of webometrics as an area to be explored and applied to various other fields of knowledge.

  18. [Carlos Chagas Filho: an articulator of the history of sciences in Brazil]. (United States)

    Domingues, Heloisa Maria Bertol


    A letter sent in 1982 by a group of scientists to the president of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico appealed for a policy of preservation of Brazilian scientific culture. The name of Carlos Chagas Filho topped the list of signatures thereby proving his commitment to that proposal, the ideological structure of which was part of his experience in scientific policy in Brazil and abroad. This document harks back to the practice of the history of the sciences in Brazil and the creation of places for the safeguard and organization of scientific memory, such as the Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz and the Sociedade Brasileira de História da Ciência, of which Carlos Chagas Filho was an inaugural member of the board of directors.

  19. Avaliação do curso de especialização em enfermagem nas doenças infecciosas, na FIOCRUZ (1997-1999 Evaluación de la especialización en enfermería de las enfermedades infecciosas, en la FIOCRUZ (1997-1999 Evaluation of the nursing specialization course in infectious diseases at the FIOCRUZ (1997-1999

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    Marizete Pereira da Silva


    Full Text Available O estudo descreve a experiência de implantação e do desenvolvimento do Curso de Especialização em Enfermagem nas Doenças Infecciosas e sua operacionalização no âmbito do Centro de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro de Chagas, da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1997 a 1999. Objetiva mostrar, sob perspectiva histórica do Hospital e das doenças infecciosas, a experiência acumulada no processo de formação de recursos humanos. Justifica o porquê da especialização nas doenças infecciosas à medida que, nos países subdesenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, o perfil das causas de morbimortalidade ainda são significativas. Demonstra processo de adequação do curso avaliado pelos coordenadores, corpo docente e discente, durante o seu desenvolvimento, e aborda a relevância da formação na vida pessoal e profissional de seus egressos que, na sua maioria, se inseriram no mercado de trabalho e desenvolvem ações educativas, intervindo significativamente com novas práticas nos serviços de saúde.El estudio describe la experiencia de implantación y reformulación del desarrollo del Curso de Especialización en Enfermería de las Enfermedades Infecciosas y su ejecución en el ámbito del Centro de Investigación Clínica Hospital Evandro Chagas, de la Fundación Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, em el período de 1997 a 1999. Pretende mostrar sobre una perspectiva histórica del Hospital y de las enfermedades infecciosas, la experiencia acumulada en el proceso de formación de recursos humanos. Justifica el por qué de la especialización en las enfermedades infecciosas, a medida que en los países subdesarrollados y en vías de desarrollo, el perfil de las causas de morbimortalidad son significativas. Demuestra el proceso de adecuación del curso evaluado por los coordinadores, cuerpo docente y discente, durante su desarrollo y aborda la relevancia de la formación en la vida personal y profesional de sus egresados, que

  20. Produzindo um imunizante: imagens da produção da vacina contra a febre amarela Producing an immunizing agent: images from the production of a yellow fever vaccine

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    Aline Lopes Lacerda


    Full Text Available O artigo discute o uso de imagens como fonte de pesquisa para a história da medicina e da saúde pública, a partir da análise de um conjunto de fotografias sobre a produção da vacina contra a febre amarela, pertencente ao arquivo histórico da Fundação Rockefeller, depositado no Departamento de Arquivo e Documentação da Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz. Este arquivo foi produzido entre as décadas de 1930 e 1940 pelas instituições responsáveis pelos trabalhos de pesquisa e combate da doença no Brasil - a Fundação Rockefeller e o Serviço Nacional de Febre Amarela. Levantamos questões gerais recorrentes aos que utilizam imagens como fonte e/ou objeto de interpretação para a produção de conhecimento histórico, indicando os pontos de caráter teórico, conceitual e metodológico que envolvem esse processo para analisar imagens do conjunto arquivístico. A seguir, interpretamos as fotografias dos primórdios da produção da vacina antiamarílica.Through analysis of a set of photographs on the production of a yellow fever vaccine in Brazil, the article discusses the use of images as a research source in the history of medicine and public health. Part of a historical archive belonging to the Fundação Rockefeller, stored at the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, the photographs were produced between the 1930s and 1940s by the Fundação Rockefeller and Brazil's National Yellow Fever Service, institutions then responsible for research and control of the disease in Brazil. The article raises some questions generally posed by those who employ images as sources or objects of interpretation in the production of historical knowledge, and also points to the theoretical, conceptual, and methodological aspects involved in this process of analyzing images. It goes on to interpret these photographs from the beginnings of the yellow fever vaccine.

  1. Ciências possíveis em Machado de Assis: teatro e ciência na educação científica Possible sciences in Machado de Assis: theatre and science in scientific education

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    Thelma Lopes Carlos Gardair


    Full Text Available Este estudo busca compreender como a relação entre teatro e ciência pode ser profícua na educação em ciências, a partir de atividade desenvolvida no "Ciência em Cena", área do Museu da Vida, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz/RJ. A atividade consiste na apresentação da peça "Lição de Botânica", de Machado de Assis, seguida de debate e exibição de cd-rom. Neste artigo foi analisado o primeiro semestre da temporada de 2007, que reuniu 1.827 pessoas. As 171 perguntas elaboradas durante os debates realizados após trinta espetáculos, foram registradas por escrito e interpretadas com base em critérios metodológicos da "análise de conteúdo". O exame dos dados permite discutir a interface entre processos de criação artística e educação científica. Tal discussão está ancorada na perspectiva problematizadora da educação segundo Freire e no entendimento, tal qual Maturana, da educação como um espaço dialógico de convivência, um lugar de perene criação/recriação da vida.This paper investigates how the relationship between art and science can be productive in science education, from an activity developed in "Science on Scene", a visitor area of the Museum of Life, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The activity consists of the presentation of the play "Lessons of Botany", by Machado de Assis, followed by debate and the playing of a CD-rom. In this paper the first semester of the 2007 season was analyzed, including 1.827 spectators. The 171 questions elaborated during the debates carried through after thirty performances, had been registered in writing and interpreted on the basis of "Content Analysis". Examination of the data stimulates the discussion about the interface between the processes of artistic creation and scientific education. This discussion is based within a Freire critical perspective of education, and is seen as a dialogic space, a place of permanent creation/recreation of life.

  2. Artrocentese da articulação temporomandibular: avaliação de resultados e revisão da literatura Temporomandibular joint arthrocententesis: evaluation of results and review of the literature

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    Belmiro Cavalcanti do Egito Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da artrocentese em relação à sintomatologia e movimentação mandibular em uma serie de pacientes com deslocamento anterior de disco e travamento mandibular. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O estudo foi baseado nos dados pré e pós-operatório de pacientes através de exame clínico e radiográfico. A Escala Analógica Visual (EAV foi usada para quantificar a dor no pré e pós-operatório. Foram avaliados 6 pacientes (12 articulações tratados no Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (HUOC com travamento mandibular (2 casos e desarranjo interno (4 casos. O período médio de acompanhamento foi de 11,5 meses. RESULTADOS: A média de abertura bucal pré-operatória foi de 31,83mm e no pós-operatório foi de 36,50mm. A média de dor articular segundo a escala visual analógica encontrada foi de 7 e no pós-operatório foi de 4,3. CONCLUSÃO: A artrocentese mostrou-se efetiva na melhora da dor articular e na movimentação mandibular nesta série de casos.AIM: This study was designed to investigate the effects of arthrocentesis on the improvement of internal derangement symptoms and jaw function in a series of patients with anterior disc displacement and closed lockjaw. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study was based on a review of patients’ records before and after treatment using clinical examinations and radiographs. Visual analog scales were used to measure pain before and after arthrocentesis. Six patients (12 temporomandibular joints with closed lock symptoms (2 cases and internal derangements (4 cases were treated at the Oswaldo Cruz Hospital. The mean follow-up was 11.5 months. RESULTS: The mean maximum vertical opening before treatment was 31.83 mm and after arthrocentesis was 36.50 mm. The visual analog scale for pain before treatment was 7 points (mean and after arthrocentesis the mean was 4.3. CONCLUSION: Arthrocentesis was shown to be effective in reducing pain and increasing jaw motion in this series of cases.

  3. In vivo study on influence of the heterogeneity of tissues in the dose distribution in high energy X ray therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aldred, M.A.


    Several authors investigated the effect of the heterogeneity of tissue in the dose distribution in a radiation-therapy. Practically all of them carried out ''in vitro'' measurements using a solid body immersed in a water phantom, in order to simulate the inhomogeneity, such as bone, air cavity, etc. In the present work, ''in vivo'' measurements were performed utilizing thermoluminescent dosimeters, whose appropriateness and convenience are well known. Eight patients at Instituto de Radioterapia Oswaldo Cruz were selected, that were under irradiation treatments in their pelvic region. The ratio between body entry radiation dose and the corresponding exit dose, when compared to the same ratio for a homogeneous phantom, gives the influence of the heterogeneity of the tissue the radiation crosses. The results found in those eight patients have shown that ''in vivo'' measurements present a ratio about 8% smaller that in homogeneous phantom case. (author) [pt

  4. Fontes para a história dos 50 anos do Ministério da Saúde

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    Lima Ana Luce Girão Soares de


    Full Text Available Este trabalho e um levantamento das fontes sobre a história do Ministério da Saúde existentes no acervo da Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz. Utilizamos como marcos cronológicos os cinqüenta anos anteriores à lei 1.920, de 25 de julho de 1953, que separou a saúde e a educação em pastas autônomas. Nesse período foram lançadas as bases que fundamentariam as políticas públicas de saúde e informariam a estrutura do futuro ministério. Privilegiou-se aqui também a ação dos sanitaristas e intelectuais que figuraram como atores importantes no processo de construção ideológica não só das estruturas de Estado, como também das próprias políticas.

  5. RESENHA SOBRE O LIVRO: CALDART, R. S.; PEREIRA, I. B.; ALENTEJANO, P.; FRIGOTTO, G. Dicionário da Educação do Campo. São Paulo: Expressão Popular, 2012

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    Rafael Rossi


    Full Text Available A obra intitulada: “Dicionário da Educação do Campo” se trata de um esforço coletivo, cuja elaboração contou com a Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio, a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz do Rio de Janeiro e com o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST. Ao todo são 107 pesquisadores ligados à luta pela terra que contribuem em formar os 113 conceitos/verbetes relacionados à Educação do Campo. Os organizadores afirmam que o objetivo deste livro é esclarecer algumas categorias e conceitos que permitem entender a Educação do Campo como um esforço dos movimentos sociais de luta pela terra como uma educação condizente com o território camponês que habitam e labutam.

  6. [The small pox vaccine: its first century in Brazil (from the Jennerian to the animal vaccine)]. (United States)

    Fernandes, T


    Covering a period of roughly hundred years, the article looks at some of the more meaningful events during the period in which the small pox vaccine was institutionalized in Brazil. Discoveries and discussions then taking place in other countries are also examined, particularly as they influenced Brazil. The process is followed from introduction of the human vaccine to the arrival of the animal vaccine and creation of the Municipal Vaccine Institute--a private initative by physician Pedro Affonso Franco, also known as the barao de Pedro Affonso. Adoption of the animal vaccine not only represented progress in controlling the disease but also spurred discussions that saw medical and political groups in Brazil taking sides with either Oswaldo Cruz or the barao de Pedro Affonso. The debate continued within the academic and political arenas until the Vaccine Institute was made part of the Manguinhos laboratories.

  7. O processo de institucionalização das práticas de saúde em uma unidade de produção da Fiocruz

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    Maria Cristina Jorge de Carvalho

    Full Text Available RESUMO O artigo apresenta o resgate do processo de institucionalização das práticas de saúde em uma unidade da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz compreendendo as distintas abordagens das relações saúde-trabalho. Trata-se de estudo de caso desenvolvido por meio de pesquisa documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas, utilizando análise de conteúdo. Constatam-se dificuldades em adequar as formas de regular o trabalho com os princípios do campo da Saúde do Trabalhador devido à carência de integração de ações, uniformização técnica e troca de saberes. Conclui-se que há necessidade de políticas institucionais favorecendo espaços para ampla participação dos trabalhadores em todos os processos para o cuidado de sua saúde e segurança.

  8. Cidade-laboratório: Campinas e a febre amarela na aurora republicana

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    Valter Martins


    Full Text Available No final do século XIX ocorreram epidemias de febre amarela em Campinas. Considerada doença litorânea, a febre assustou leigos e médicos. O debate científico sobre a etiologia da doença deixou revistas e correspondências médicas para orientar ações políticas e sanitárias. Visando combater a enfermidade, a cidade ganhou contornos de laboratório e vivenciou sua "era do saneamento e das demolições", com vitórias sobre o achaque e transtornos à população. A Comissão Sanitária Estadual comandada por Emílio Ribas, ciente da teoria culicidiana de Finlay, ensaiou em Campinas o que ocorreria no Rio de Janeiro de Oswaldo Cruz e Pereira Passos. A novidade do combate aos mosquitos conviveu com antigas práticas caras à teoria miasmática, como as desinfecções.

  9. Adolpho Lutz: um esboço biográfico

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    Benchimol Jaime Larry


    Full Text Available Este artigo retrata as origens familares e a trajetória de Adolpho Lutz (1855-1940 até sua transferência para o Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC, em 1908. Utiliza o cientista como fio condutor para a análise da instituição das medicinas pasteuriana e tropical no Brasil. Examina seus estudos superiores e de aperfeiçoamento na Europa germânica, suas atividades como clínico e como investigador de temas relacionados à helmintologia, parasitologia, veterinária e bacteriologia no interior de São Paulo, sua estada no leprosário de Molokai, no Havaí, e controvérsias médicas de que participou durante o período em que chefiou o Instituto Bacteriológico de São Paulo, especialmente aquelas concernentes ao cólera, às disenterias, à febre tifóide, à malária e à febre amarela.

  10. Subsídios para a construção de projetos em pesquisa social: reflexões epistemológicas e metodológicas

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    Fernando Manuel Bessa Fernandes

    Full Text Available RESUMO O artigo dirige-se a alunos, docentes e pesquisadores. Visa a contribuir para o debate sobre construção e desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa, a partir da experiência profissional dos autores na docência da disciplina Metodologia em Pesquisa Social, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Pública do DCS/Ensp/Fiocruz (Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Busca-se refletir sobre questões comuns, como: O que são 'projeto de pesquisa', 'metodologia', 'método', 'objeto', 'objetivos', 'técnicas'? Como superar a recorrente confusão que se faz entre essas palavras, que gera problemas na construção de projetos? Como pensar as relações entre tais conceitos no processo de construção de um projeto de pesquisa e durante a sua execução?


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    Fabrício Oliveira Fernandes


    Full Text Available Anticarsia gemmatalis (lagarta-da-soja e Spodoptera frugiperda (lagarta-do-cartucho são insetos polífagos e desfolhadores, responsáveis por prejuízos em diversas culturas. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a mortalidade desses insetos através do consumo de dieta artificial com a adição de cepas de Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt. Para a realização dos experimentos foram utilizadas 30 lagartas de A. gemmatalis (3º instar e S. frugiperda (1º instar para cada tratamento, as quais foram acondicionadas em tubos de vidro esterilizados contendo 1 cm3 de dieta artificial. Posteriormente foram adicionadas alíquotas de 150µl de Bt var israelensis (Bti, Bt var kurstaki (Btk, Bt var oswaldo cruz (Bto e água destilada para o controle. O tratamento com Btk resultou em maior mortalidade ambas espécies, seguidas por Bto para A. gemmatalis e Bti para S. frugiperda.

  12. Sleep bruxism: challenges and restorative solutions

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    Mengatto CM


    Full Text Available Cristiane Machado Mengatto, Fábio Herrmann Coelho-de-Souza, Oswaldo Baptista de Souza Junior Department of Conservative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil Abstract: Bruxism is a parafunctional activity related to clenching or grinding the teeth and tooth wear can be a consequence of sleep bruxism (SB. Management of severe tooth wear due to SB is a challenging situation because of the common reduced amount of remaining dental structure and loss of vertical dimension of occlusion. Rationale for the planning of oral rehabilitation of patients with SB presenting severe tooth wear should rely on evidence-based approaches; however, few studies have discussed properties of dental materials for SB rehabilitation and how to cosmetically manage severe tooth wear. This review aimed to provide an overview into bruxism cosmetic rehabilitation and how this can be implemented with good outcomes for the patient. Keywords: sleep bruxism, restoration, rehabilitation, prosthodontics, dentistry

  13. [Triatoma vandae sp.n. of the oliveirai complex from the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae)]. (United States)

    Carcavallo, Rodolfo U; Jurberg, José; Rocha, Dayse da Silva; Galvao, Cleber; Noireau, François; Lent, Herman


    There are several specific complexes belonging to the genus Triatoma Laporte, 1832, which are generally associated to specific geographic areas. Recent publications have linked the oliveirai complex to ecosystems of Mato Grosso, which are also present in other Brazilian states and even in other bordering countries as eastern Paraguay. The study of the abundant material collected during the last years allowed the description of several new species of the oliveirai complex: T. jurbergi Carcavallo, Galvão Lent, 1998; T. baratai Carcavallo Jurberg, 2000 and T. klugi Carcavallo, Jurberg, Lent Galvão, 2001. Another new species belonging to the same complex is described here as T. vandae sp.n. It originates from the state of Mato Grosso, and has been reared in the insectary of the Laboratório Nacional e Internacional de Referência em Taxonomia de Triatomíneos, Departamento de Entomologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro.

  14. A revista Saúde em Debate como fonte e objeto de estudo

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    Daniela Carvalho Sophia


    Full Text Available A presente nota de pesquisa busca divulgar estudo sobre o Centro Brasileiro de Estudos da Saúde e o movimento de reforma sanitária desenvolvido no âmbito do Programa de História das Ciências e da Saúde Pública da Casa de Oswaldo Cruz. Atém-se à revista Saúde em Debate , periódico do Centro, devido à relevância que teve na área ao longo dos dez anos de publicação. A utilização da revista na pesquisa deu visibilidade a questões pertinentes à participação de seus membros na reforma sanitária. Enfatiza-se o fato de que a utilização do periódico como fonte e objeto de estudo para fomentar a produção de pesquisa na área da saúde merece investigação mais ampla.

  15. Suscetibilidade in vitro de isolados de Sporothrix schenckii frente à terbinafina e itraconazol In vitro susceptibility of isolates of Sporothrix schenckii to terbinafine and itraconazole

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    Ana Raquel Mano Meinerz


    Full Text Available O estudo objetiva determinar a atividade in vitro da terbinafina e itraconazol através da técnica de microdiluição em caldo (NCCLSM27-A2 adaptado para um fungo dimórfico frente a 12 isolados de Sporothrix schenckii, sendo seis de esporotricose felina, três de esporotricose humana, um isolado de cão e dois isolados humanos provenientes do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC. O inóculo e as concentrações antifúngicas foram distribuídas em microplacas, as quais foram incubadas a 35°C por cinco dias, quando foi realizada a leitura da concentração inibitória mínima. A concentração inibitória mínima para a terbinafina variou de 0,055µg/ml a 0,109µg/ml e para o itraconazol de 0,219µg/ml a 1,75µg/ml, sendo que para ambos os fármacos as CIMs entre os isolados do IOC foi de 0,875µg/ml. O estudo demonstrou uma alta suscetibilidade do Sporothrix schenckii frente à terbinafina, necessitando mais estudos que correlacionem os testes in vitro frente ao fármaco com a resposta clínica em pacientes com esporotricose.The study objective was to determine the in vitro activity of terbinafine and itraconazole through the microdilution technique in broth (NCCLSM27-A2, adapted for dimorphic fungus, in relation to 12 isolates of Sporothrix schenckii. Six were from feline sporotrichosis, three from human sporotrichosis, one from a dog and two from human isolates originating from Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. The inoculum and antifungal concentrates were distributed on microplates that were incubated at 35°C for five days. Minimum inhibitory concentration readings were made at the end of this period. The MIC for terbinafine ranged from 0.055µg/ml to 0.109µg/ml, and the MIC for itraconazole ranged from 0.219µg/ml to 1.75µg/ml. For both drugs, the MIC from the isolates from IOC was 0.875µg/ml. The present study demonstrates the high susceptibility of Sporothrix schenckii to terbinafine. Further studies to correlate the in vitro susceptibility tests with

  16. A epistemologia narrativa e o exercício clínico do diagnóstico The narrative epistemology and the clinical diagnosis practice

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    Maria Helena Cabral de Almeida Cardoso


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetiva contribuir para a discussão acerca das características narrativas do discurso clínico. Para tanto parte de uma revisão bibliográfica e da análise semiótica de prontuários do Centro de Genética Médica José Carlos Cabral de Almeida, do Departamento de Genética, do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, unidade materno-infantil da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Todos os prontuários utilizados são referentes a portadores da síndrome de Down atendidos no Ambulatório Especializado de Síndrome de Down da referida unidade. O artigo aborda: a questão da possível oposição entre narrativa e ciência; a apresentação dos principais autores e de seus trabalhos que versam sobre narrativa e conhecimento médico; a exemplificação da epistemologia narrativa embutida no discurso médico, via a apresentação de um prontuário, assim como de um heredograma. A conclusão enfatiza a importância da narrativa para o processo de diagnose e tratamento, assim como a construção de um enredo por parte do médico onde se fazem presentes complexas interações biológicas, culturais e sociais.This study aims to discuss the narrative epistemology contained in the medical practice. It was based upon a bibliographic review and a semiotic analysis of medical charts belonging to The Medical Genetic Center José Carlos Cabral de Almeida/Genetic Department/Fernandes Figueira Institute, a maternal-infant care unity of The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. All the analysed charts referred to children diagnosed with Down syndrome that are being or were attended in the Down's Syndrome Outpatient of the above cited unity. The article appraises: the question concerning the possible opposition between narrative and science; a review of multiple authors and their works about narrative and medical knowledge; the narrative epistemology contained in the clinical discourse, using as example of such assumption one chart and one pedigree. The conclusion highlights how

  17. Bases conceituais para uma estratégia de gestão: o caso da Rede Nacional de Bancos de Leite Humano The management strategy of the Brazilian National Network of Human Milk Banks

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    Paulo Ricardo da Silva Maia


    Full Text Available A Rede Nacional de Bancos de Leite Humano (REDEBLH, com sede na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, experimenta rápido desenvolvimento. O trabalho desenvolvido foi reconhecido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde e distinguido, com o prêmio Sasakawa de Saúde - 2001, como o melhor projeto de saúde pública dentre os apresentados. Um dos grandes desafios atuais é dar continuidade ao desenvolvimento de competências que respondam aos desafios decorrentes de seu crescimento. Na realidade, busca-se uma nova estratégia de pensar as questões relacionadas a sua gestão. Este artigo tem como objetivos desenvolver um marco conceitual que possa contribuir para elaboração de um quadro teórico para novas estratégias de gestão da REDEBLH. Através da utilização de conceitos, busca-se, à luz da tipologia de redes descrita na literatura especializada, identificar o perfil institucional da REDEBLH. A partir do entendimento de que é necessário identificar e compreender os processos que ocorrem no âmbito das redes para então pensar as questões relacionadas a sua gestão, foi utilizada como instrumento de análise proposta desenvolvida para formação de redes de inovação.The Brazilian National Network of Human Milk Banks (REDEBLH, with its headquarters in the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, is experiencing rapid growth. The Network's activity has been acknowledged by the World Health Organization and received the Sasakawa Health Award in 2001 for best public health project. One of the main challenges is to ensure continuing development of competencies to respond to the needs arising from such growth. A new strategy is being pursued to deal with the Network's management issues. This article aims to develop a conceptual framework to contribute to the elaboration of a theoretical framework for new management strategies in the REDEBLH. Using such concepts, the aim is to draw on the typology of networks described in the specialized literature to

  18. Currículo por competências na área de biodiagnóstico: desafios de implantação Skill-based curriculum in biological diagnosis: implementation challenges

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    Maria Beatriz S. C. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou investigar a adoção da noção de competências na organização curricular do Curso Técnico de Laboratório em Biodiagnóstico em Saúde, da Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio (EPSJV, unidade técnico-científica da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz. A pesquisa enfocou a viabilidade da ressignificação desse modelo a partir da adoção da matriz crítico-emancipatória proposta por Deluiz, Ramos e Kuenzer. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com professores da instituição. Os resultados apontaram que a adoção do modelo de competências não se deu por opção pedagógica, mas por imposição legal das instâncias normativas. A identificação, definição e construção de competências que orientaram a organização curricular foram efetuadas através da perspectiva totalizante, ao buscar contemplar as diversas dimensões do conhecimento. A operacionalização desse modelo e o desenvolvimento da dimensão subjetiva das competências mostraram-se o maior desafio enfrentado pelos docentes³.This article investigates the incorporation of the notion of 'skills' in the development of the Vocational Course on Laboratory in Biological Diagnosis in Health of the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic Health School (EPSJV, a technical and scientific unit of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz. The conducted research focused on determining validity and viability of understanding the skill-based curriculum in the light of the critical/emancipatory approach proposed by Deluiz, Ramos and Kuenzer. The qualitative research was comprised of interviews with teachers of the institution. Results show that the implementation of skill-based ideas was the result of legal determination, not an agreed pedagogical approach. Besides that, the identification, selection and development of skills guiding the development of the curriculum were performed with a totalizing perspective in mind

  19. Estudo do dengue em área urbana favelizada do Rio de Janeiro: considerações iniciais Dengue in a Rio de Janeiro slum: a preliminary analysis

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    Márcia de Freitas Lenzi


    Full Text Available Este estudo é parte de um programa que visa ao controle e prevenção do dengue em área urbana favelizada vizinha à Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Como resultado da aplicação de um questionário acompanhado de levantamento entomológico, pôde-se observar problemas ligados a informações veiculadas pelas campanhas de saúde pública para o controle do dengue, e suas interpretações por parte da população local, ao se verificar práticas que favorecem a procriação do mosquito, resultantes do esquecimento dessas mensagens ou de interpretação parcial das mesmas. Os dados provenientes do questionário são relativos ao nível de informação sobre dengue, criadouros mais freqüentes; conhecimento e hábitos da população local no tocante à endemia. As conclusões deste estudo apontam para a necessidade de: elaboração de mensagens que informem não só práticas preventivas ideais, mas também ofereçam soluções possíveis; divulgação permanente de mensagens através da mídia; planejamento de atividades de educação em saúde para o estreitamento da relação entre profissionais de saúde e população, com o objetivo da construção de alternativas sustentáveis para o controle do dengue.This study is part of a program to control and prevent dengue in a slum bordering on the grounds of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The results obtained from a questionnaire and entomological survey called attention to problems pertaining to the information transmitted by public health campaigns and its interpretation, since many practices result from misunderstanding or forgetting preventive messages. Dengue-related data include most frequent vector breeding sites, people's knowledge, and dengue-related habits. The study's conclusions in terms of dengue prevention point to the need for drafting messages not only about ideal preventive practices but also teaching possible solutions: disseminating

  20. Viability and molecular authentication of Coccidioides immitis strains from culture collection of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Bezerra,Claudia C.F.; Lima,Renata F. de; Lazera,Márcia S.; Wanke,Bodo; Borba,Cíntia M.


    Twenty Coccidioides immitis strains were evaluated. Only 5 of the 20 strains kept under mineral oil maintained their viability while all 5 subcultures preserved in water remained viable and none of the 13 subcultures kept in soil were viable. A 519 bp PCR product from the csa gene confirmed the identity of the strains.

  1. Viability and molecular authentication of Coccidioides immitis strains from culture collection of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (United States)

    Bezerra, Claudia C F; de Lima, Renata F; Lazera, Márcia S; Wanke, Bodo; Borba, Cíntia M


    Twenty Coccidioides immitis strains were evaluated. Only 5 of the 20 strains kept under mineral oil maintained their viability while all 5 subcultures preserved in water remained viable and none of the 13 subcultures kept in soil were viable. A 519 bp PCR product from the csa gene confirmed the identity of the strains.


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    Hernando Groot Liévano


    momentos, al rememorar a Carlos Chagas, se haga un breve recuento de aquellas condiciones en las cuales se descubrió esta enfermedad y cómo se movieron los mecanismos de su prodigiosa inteligencia y de su instinto clínico para descubrir tal dolencia. Recordemos por un momento la verdadera ebullición científica que había a principios del siglo una vez se conocieron los descubrimientos de Pasteur, luego los de Koch sobre la tuberculosis, y los de Yersin sobre la peste, así como los de Ross y Grassi al descubrir el modo de transmisión del paludismo para no citar sino unos ejemplos de los formidables avances de la medicina entonces.

    Nuestros jóvenes en América, entusiasmados con tantos progresos ansiaban ir a Europa para beber en París la ciencia nueva que abría perspectivas magníficas para la solución de muchos problemas. Aquí, hace unos pocos días recordábamos como, por ejemplo, Luis Zea Uribe se desplaza a Europa y al tornar trae las ideas de establecer un sistema de diagnóstico adecuado para las enfermedades tropicales que se inicia con el de la fiebre tifoidea; y si pasamos a Venezuela, allá José Gregario Hernández y Luis Razetti, con ideas similares, abren en Caracas un laboratorio para tales fines, mucho más precozmente que nosotros, y Carlos Mabran, en Buenos Aires, hace otro tanto.

    El Brasil no se queda atrás, muchas gentes retornan de Europa con un entusiasmo extraordinario; entre ellas se destaca Oswaldo Goncalves Cruz, quien al llegar a Río recibe la noticia de que una enfermedad muy seria está matando la gente en Santos. El Gobierno le encarga el estudio de la situación y es precisamente hace hoy un siglo, el 23 de octubre de 1899, cuando se encuentra con el primer enfermo y le diagnostica clínica y bacteriológicamente peste bubónica. Esta enfermedad, que estaba cobrando muchas víctimas, hace que el Gobierno de Brasil decida establecer un laboratorio para producir suero y vacuna contra el terrible mal transmitido por las

  3. Viability and molecular authentication of Coccidioides immitis strains from culture collection of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Viabilidade e autenticação molecular de cepas de Coccidioides immitis da coleção de culturas do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Claudia C.F. Bezerra


    Full Text Available Twenty Coccidioides immitis strains were evaluated. Only 5 of the 20 strains kept under mineral oil maintained their viability while all 5 subcultures preserved in water remained viable and none of the 13 subcultures kept in soil were viable. A 519 bp PCR product from the csa gene confirmed the identity of the strains.Vinte cepas de Coccidioides immitis foram avaliadas. Cinco das 20 cepas preservadas sob óleo mineral mantiveram-se viáveis, todas as 5 subculturas preservadas em água permaneceram viáveis e nenhuma das 13 subculturas mantidas em solo foi viável. Um produto de PCR de 519 pb do gene csa confirmou a identidade das cepas.

  4. [Urban sporotrichosis: a neglected epidemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]. (United States)

    Silva, Margarete Bernardo Tavares da; Costa, Mônica Motta de Mattos; Torres, Carla Carrilho da Silva; Galhardo, Maria Clara Gutierrez; Valle, Antonio Carlos Francesconi do; Magalhães, Mônica de Avelar F M; Sabroza, Paulo Chagastelles; Oliveira, Rosely Magalhães de


    In the scientific literature, sporotrichosis has traditionally been associated with agricultural work, since the causative agent is found naturally in the soil. However, cases have been reported recently in an urban area, related to zoonotic transmission. The current study aimed to contribute to knowledge on sporotrichosis in an urban area through an exploratory analysis of its socio-spatial distribution in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 1997 to 2007, identifying the areas with the heaviest transmission. The database from the Health Surveillance Service at the Evandro Chagas Institute for Clinical Research, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, was used to estimate incidence rates and spatial distribution. During the study period, 1,848 cases of sporotrichosis were reported, predominantly in adult women not currently in the labor market. The leading source of infection was wounds caused by domestic cats, which contributed to the spread of sporotrichosis in this urban area. Georeferencing of 1,681 cases showed a transmission belt along the border between the city of Rio de Janeiro and the adjacent municipalities in the Greater Metropolitan Area.

  5. South American collaboration in scientific publications on leishmaniasis: bibliometric analysis in SCOPUS (2000-2011). (United States)

    Huamaní, Charles; Romaní, Franco; González-Alcaide, Gregorio; Mejia, Miluska O; Ramos, José Manuel; Espinoza, Manuel; Cabezas, César


    Evaluate the production and the research collaborative network on Leishmaniasis in South America. A bibliometric research was carried out using SCOPUS database. The analysis unit was original research articles published from 2000 to 2011, that dealt with leishmaniasis and that included at least one South American author. The following items were obtained for each article: journal name, language, year of publication, number of authors, institutions, countries, and others variables. 3,174 articles were published, 2,272 of them were original articles. 1,160 different institutional signatures, 58 different countries and 398 scientific journals were identified. Brazil was the country with more articles (60.7%) and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) had 18% of Brazilian production, which is the South American nucleus of the major scientific network in Leishmaniasis. South American scientific production on Leishmaniasis published in journals indexed in SCOPUS is focused on Brazilian research activity. It is necessary to strengthen the collaboration networks. The first step is to identify the institutions with higher production, in order to perform collaborative research according to the priorities of each country.

  6. Concurrent validity and reliability of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale in premature infants. (United States)

    Almeida, Kênnea Martins; Dutra, Maria Virginia Peixoto; Mello, Rosane Reis de; Reis, Ana Beatriz Rodrigues; Martins, Priscila Silveira


    To verify the concurrent validity and interobserver reliability of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) in premature infants followed-up at the outpatient clinic of Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IFF/Fiocruz), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A total of 88 premature infants were enrolled at the follow-up clinic at IFF/Fiocruz, between February and December of 2006. For the concurrent validity study, 46 infants were assessed at either 6 (n = 26) or 12 (n = 20) months' corrected age using the AIMS and the second edition of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, by two different observers, and applying Pearson's correlation coefficient to analyze the results. For the reliability study, 42 infants between 0 and 18 months were assessed using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale, by two different observers and the results analyzed using the intraclass correlation coefficient. The concurrent validity study found a high level of correlation between the two scales (r = 0.95) and one that was statistically significant (p system.

  7. Diagnóstico laboratorial de varíola: II. resultados do segundo ano de atividades, de maio de 1969 a maio de 1970

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    H. G. Schatzinayr


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam os resultados obtidos no diagnóstico laboratorial de varíola, durante o segundo ano de funcionamento de uma unidade montada no Instituto Presidente Castello Branco, da Fundação Instituto Oswaldo Crus, no Rio de Janeiro. O exame de 105 espécimens de crostas e de 76 de líquido vesicular /pustular, forneceu 39 e 34 amostras de vírus da varíola, respectivamente (Tabela 1. A demora em chegar ao laboratório influencia significativamente a taxa de isolamento de vírus (Tabela 2. Foi encontrada estreita relação entre os diagnósticos clínico e laboratorial (Tabela 3, quando possível compará-los. A inoculação em ovos embrionados após 1 a 2 horas do abaixamento da mebrana cório-alantóica, foi considerada como adequada às condições em que são realizados os exames. O laboratório continua a receber regularmente mais especimens para diagnóstico.

  8. Febre amarela. I - Aspectos cíclicos e epidemiológicos

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    M. R. Q. de Kastner


    Full Text Available Relata-se um resumo epidemiológico do surto epizoótico de febre amarela ocorrido no ano de 1973. São postas em evidência a sua incidência, a distribuição por idades, a distribuição por sexo e a distribuição geográfica. Em seguida, são apresentados os resultados obtidos pela revisão dos casos de febre amarela, que vêm sendo estudados, recolhidos e arquivados na Coleção do Serviço de Viscerotomia da Seção de Histopatologia da Febre Amarela do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, desde 1931. O trabalho está documentado com tabelas e gráficos que registram os dados acima indicados. Os autores ressaltam os seguintes pontos: 1 A Febre amarela, urbana e silvestre, apresenta quadros epidemiológicos inteiramente diferentes; 2 A incidência da febre amarela silvestre ocorre principalmente no sexo masculino, de acordo com os dados estatisticamente significativos; 3 A idade mais atingida pela forma silvestre é a entre 20 e 30 anos; 4 A febre amarela silvestre continua em áreas enzoóticas, ao longo dos cursos d'água; 5 Parece existir uma relação entre as condições climáticas e a incidência da febre amarela; 6 Os surtos de febre amarela ocorrem aproximadamente de 7 em 7 anos; 7 É do máximo valor o programa de vacinação e o serviço de viscerotomia da SUCAM.It is presented an epidemiological summary of epizootic yellow fever outbreak happened in 1973. Its incidence, the distribution according to ages, to sex and geographical distribuion are pointed out. The results of the revision of yellow fever cases, which have been studied, collected and archived in viscerotomy Service collection of Histopathology of Yellow section of Oswaldo Cruz Institute, since 1931 are presented. The article is ilustrated with tables and graphics which registrate the data indicated above. The authors emphasize the following items: 1 Urban and jungle yellow fever present epidemiological aspects completely different; 2 Jungle yellow fever incidence occurs mainly

  9. Validade concorrente e confiabilidade da Alberta Infant Motor Scale em lactentes nascidos prematuros Concurrent validity and reliability of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale in premature infants

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    Kênnea Martins Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a validade concorrente e a confiabilidade interobservador da Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS em lactentes prematuros acompanhados no ambulatório de seguimento do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IFF/Fiocruz. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 88 lactentes nascidos prematuros no ambulatório de seguimento do IFF/Fiocruz entre fevereiro e dezembro de 2006. No estudo de validade concorrente, 46 lactentes com 6 (n = 26 ou 12 (n = 20 meses de idade corrigida foram avaliados pela AIMS e pela escala motora da Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 2ª edição, por dois observadores diferentes, utilizando-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para análise dos resultados. No estudo de confiabilidade, 42 lactentes entre 0 e 18 meses foram avaliados pela AIMS por dois observadores diferentes, utilizando-se o intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC para análise dos resultados. RESULTADOS: No estudo de validade concorrente, a correlação encontrada entre as duas escalas foi alta (r = 0,95 e estatisticamente significativa (p OBJECTIVE: To verify the concurrent validity and interobserver reliability of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS in premature infants followed-up at the outpatient clinic of Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IFF/Fiocruz, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: A total of 88 premature infants were enrolled at the follow-up clinic at IFF/Fiocruz, between February and December of 2006. For the concurrent validity study, 46 infants were assessed at either 6 (n = 26 or 12 (n = 20 months' corrected age using the AIMS and the second edition of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, by two different observers, and applying Pearson's correlation coefficient to analyze the results. For the reliability study, 42 infants between 0 and 18 months were assessed using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale, by two different observers and the results analyzed using the intraclass correlation

  10. Defeitos congênitos no Município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: uma avaliação através do SINASC (2000-2004 Birth defects in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an evaluation through birth certificates (2000-2004

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    Fernando Antônio Ramos Guerra


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a ocorrência de defeitos congênitos em nascidos vivos no Município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, com base no Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC, no período de 1º de janeiro de 2000 a 31 de dezembro de 2004. Através de um estudo seccional e descritivo, estudaram-se as variáveis relativas aos defeitos congênitos (presença e aparelho ou sistema acometido, aos serviços de saúde, às mães, às gestações, aos recém-natos e aos partos. Constatou-se uma prevalência de defeitos congênitos de 83/10 mil nascidos vivos. Os sistemas orgânicos mais afetados foram o osteomuscular, nervoso central, genital, as fendas lábio-palatinas e as anomalias cromossômicas. A maioria dos casos nasceu nas maternidades municipais e na rede privada, e maior prevalência de defeitos congênitos ocorreu no Instituto Fernandes Figueira da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Os defeitos congênitos foram mais prevalentes entre os filhos de mulheres mais velhas e menos instruídas. O percentual de casos ignorados foi alto, chegando a 21% em algumas maternidades. Uma maior divulgação das informações do SINASC sobre defeitos congênitos deveria ser estimulada. Estudos de confiabilidade são recomendados para melhor aproveitamento das informações.To evaluate the occurrence of birth defects in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using the Live Birth Information System (SINASC, we performed a cross-sectional study on all live newborns with birth defects from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2004. The variables referred to birth defects (presence and system affected, type of health service, mothers, gestations, live births, and deliveries. Prevalence of birth defects was 83/10,000 live births. The most frequent birth defects involved the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, cleft lip and palate, and chromosomal anomalies. The majority of cases were born in public (municipal and private maternity hospitals, with the highest prevalence

  11. Dinâmica populacional e parasitismo de Himenópteros parasitóides de Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius (Diptera, Calliphoridae, no Rio de Janeiro, RJ Population dynamics and parasitism of hymenopterans parasitoids of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius (Diptera, Calliphoridae, in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil

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    Alessandra Ribeiro de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi realizado no período de agosto de 1999 a julho de 2000 com o objetivo de conhecer os parasitóides de Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794 (Diptera, Calliphoridae e avaliar sua dinâmica populacional no Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC/ FIOCRUZ e Jardim Zoológico, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ. As coletas foram realizadas semanalmente através da exposição de larvas de terceiro instar da mosca e seu substrato de criação, carne bovina moída em putrefação. Foram identificadas três espécies de himenópteros parasitóides: Tachinaephagus zealandicus Ashmead, 1904 (Encyrtidae, Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani, 1875 (Pteromalidae and Nasonia vitripennis (Walker, 1836 (Pteromalidae. Nos dois locais, T. zealandicus foi a espécie com maior taxa de parasitismo de C. megacephala, seguida por P. vindemiae e N. vitripennis. A população de parasitóides diminuiu drasticamente no verão (temperatura média = 28°C; precipitação = 6,5 mm.O pico populacional desses insetos foi verificado no final do outono e durante todo o inverno. No Jardim Zoológico, o lixo acumulado no local de coleta exerceu forte influência na dinâmica populacional dos himenópteros parasitóides identificados nesse estudo e o pico populacional de parasitismo foi verificado em junho e julho de 2000.This study was carried out from August 1999 to July 2000 to evaluate the population dynamics and to know the parasitoids of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794 at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC/ FIOCRUZ and Jardim Zoológico, in Rio de Janeiro City. Samplings were conducted weekly with third instar larvae of the fly and putrefying ground beef. It was identified three species of hymenopterans parasitoids: Tachinaephagus zealandicus Ashmead, 1904 (Encyrtidae, Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani, 1875 (Pteromalidae and Nasonia vitripennis (Walker, 1836 (Pteromalidae. In both sampling areas, T. zealandicus was the species with the highest parasitism rate of C

  12. Influence of FTO rs9939609 polymorphism on appetite, ghrelin, leptin, IL6, TNFα levels, and food intake of women with morbid obesity

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    Magno FCCM


    Full Text Available Fernanda Cristina Carvalho Mattos Magno,1 Helena Chrispim Guaraná,1 Ana Carolina Proença Fonseca,2 Giselda Maria Kalil Cabello,2 João Régis Ivar Carneiro,3 Aline Pereira Pedrosa,1 Ana Carolina Ximenes,1 Eliane Lopes Rosado1 1Institute of Nutrition, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; 2Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ, Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC, Human Genetics Laboratory, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; 3Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, University Hospital Clementino Fraga Filho, Service of Nutrology, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Background: The fat mass and obesity-related (FTO gene has a strong relationship with obesity, extreme obesity and inflammatory state, and may also be associated with food intake regulation.Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of the rs9939609 single-nucleotide polymorphism of the FTO gene on appetite, ghrelin, leptin, interleukin 6 (IL6, tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα levels and food intake of morbidly obese women.Materials and methods: The study comprised 70 women, aged between 20 and 48 years, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The participants were selected according to the body mass index between 40 and 60 kg/m2. Anthropometric and biochemical data were measured during fasting. Hormones and inflammatory data were measured before and after the participants ate an isocaloric meal. Dietary records were calculated and analyzed using a nutritional assessment program. Visual analog scales were used for behaviors of the sensations of appetite and food preferences. The FTO rs9939609 variant was genotyped using real-time polymerase chain reaction.Results: Participants with the AA genotype had lower values of ghrelin and IL6 and higher values of leptin than those with TT and TA in the postprandial period. Comparing the plasma concentrations of ghrelin, insulin, IL6 and TNFα intragenotypes, it was observed that those with TT had decreased leptin and increased IL6

  13. Sistema colinérgico: revisitando receptores, regulação e a relação com a doença de Alzheimer, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo Colinergic system: revisiting receptors, regulation and the relationship with Alzheimer disease, schizophrenia, epilepsy and smoking

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    Ana L. M. Ventura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Revisar a estrutura e o funcionamento do sistema colinérgico central ressaltando seu papel na fisiologia e na fisiopatologia das doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo. MÉTODO: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica no MedLine, LILACS, PubMed e ISI, e na Biblioteca da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, RJ, selecionando-se o período de 1914 a 2009, utilizando os descritores: "receptors", "cholinergic", "Alzheimer disease", "schizophrenia", "epilepsy" e "smoking", além de referências cruzadas dos artigos selecionados e análise adicional de referências na literatura específica do tema. RESULTADOS: Efeitos importantes da ativação de receptores colinérgicos nicotínicos e muscarínicos sobre o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso central (SNC têm sido descritos. A dessensibilização e a internalização dos receptores acoplados à proteína G mediadas pela ativação de proteínas cinases têm sido descritas em proliferação, diferenciação e morte celular, além de síndromes neuropsiquiátricas. CONCLUSÃO: As informações produzidas a partir de estudos do sistema de neurotransmissão colinérgica podem auxiliar no desenvolvimento de medicamentos mais específicos para o tratamento da doença de Alzheimer, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo.OBJECTIVES: To review articles regarding important topics about cholinergic system and its ionotropic and G-protein coupled receptors as well as their regulation, also enlightening its importance in central nervous system (CNS development and in several neuropsychiatric conditions such as Alzheimer disease, schizophrenia, epilepsy and smoking. METHOD: Bibliographical research was completed through MedLine, LILACS, PubMed, ISI and the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Library, RJ, specifically for 1914 to 2009, using the descritors: "receptors", "cholinergic", Alzheimer "disease", "schizophrenia", "epilepsy" and "smoking", in addition to the cross-reference of the


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    Charles Huamaní


    Full Text Available Objectives: Evaluate the production and the research collaborative network on Leishmaniasis in South America. Methods: A bibliometric research was carried out using SCOPUS database. The analysis unit was original research articles published from 2000 to 2011, that dealt with leishmaniasis and that included at least one South American author. The following items were obtained for each article: journal name, language, year of publication, number of authors, institutions, countries, and others variables. Results: 3,174 articles were published, 2,272 of them were original articles. 1,160 different institutional signatures, 58 different countries and 398 scientific journals were identified. Brazil was the country with more articles (60.7% and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ had 18% of Brazilian production, which is the South American nucleus of the major scientific network in Leishmaniasis. Conclusions: South American scientific production on Leishmaniasis published in journals indexed in SCOPUS is focused on Brazilian research activity. It is necessary to strengthen the collaboration networks. The first step is to identify the institutions with higher production, in order to perform collaborative research according to the priorities of each country.

  15. Feline sporotrichosis: associations between clinical-epidemiological profiles and phenotypic-genotypic characteristics of the etiological agents in the Rio de Janeiro epizootic area. (United States)

    Boechat, Jéssica Sepulveda; Oliveira, Manoel Marques Evangelista; Almeida-Paes, Rodrigo; Gremião, Isabella Dib Ferreira; Machado, Ana Caroline de Sá; Oliveira, Raquel de Vasconcelos Carvalhaes; Figueiredo, Anna Barreto Fernandes; Rabello, Vanessa Brito de Souza; Silva, Karoline Benevides de Lima; Zancopé-Oliveira, Rosely Maria; Schubach, Tânia Maria Pacheco; Pereira, Sandro Antonio


    Sporotrichosis is caused by species of the genus Sporothrix. From 1998 to 2015, 4,703 cats were diagnosed at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Even after the description of the Sporothrix species, the characterisation of feline isolates is not performed routinely. To characterise the clinical isolates from cats at the species level and correlate them with the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the cats. Forty seven Sporothrix spp. isolates from cats assisted at Fiocruz from 2010 to 2011 were included. Medical records were consulted to obtain the clinical and epidemiological data. The isolates were identified through their morphological and physiological characteristics. T3B polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fingerprinting was used for molecular identification of the species. In phenotypic tests, 34 isolates were characterised as S. brasiliensis, one as S. schenckii and 12 as Sporothrix spp. PCR identified all isolates as S. brasiliensis. S. brasiliensis is the only etiological agent of feline sporotrichosis in Rio de Janeiro to date. None association was found between the isolates and the clinical and epidemiological data. In addition, we strongly recommend the use of molecular techniques for the identification of isolates of Sporothrix spp.

  16. Molecular analysis of yellow fever virus 17DD vaccine strain

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    Paulo R. Post


    Full Text Available The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation produces most of the yellow fever (YF vaccine prepared world wide. As part of a broader approach to determine the genetic variability in YF l7D seeds and vaccines and its relevance to viral attenuation the 17DD virus was purifed directly from chick embryo homogenates which is the source of virus used for vaccination of millions of people in Brazil and other countries for half a century. Neutralization and hemagglutination tests showed that the purified virus is similar to the original stock. Furthermore, radioimmune precipitation of 35S-methionine-labeled viral proteins using mouse hyperimmune ascitic fluid revealed identical patterns for the purified 17DD virus and the YF l7D-204 strain except for the 17DD E protein which migrated slower on SDS-PAGE. This difference is likely to be due to N-linked glycosylation. Finally, comparison by northern blot nybridization of virion RNAs of purified 17DD with two other strains of YF virus only fenome-sized molecules for all three viruses. These observations suggest that vaccine phenotype is primarily associated with the accumulation of mutations.

  17. Processos de formação e produção de conhecimento: cinco olhares sobre a Educação Popular e Saúde

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    Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal David


    Full Text Available Neste suplemento da Interface, trazemos cinco entrevistados com histórias de origem e trajetos diferentes, mas cuja práxis se construiu e se constrói em torno dos princípios da Educação Popular e Saúde. São eles: Selvino Heck, atual assessor especial da Secretaria Geral da Presidência da República, diretor do Departamento de Educação Popular e Mobilização da Secretaria Nacional de Articulação Social da Secretaria Geral e secretário executivo da Comissão Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica; Regina Helena Simões Barbosa, professora e pesquisadora do Instituto de Estudos de Saúde Coletiva da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Ivanilde Batista, servidora da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde de Goiás, fundadora e militante da Aneps-GO; Paulette Cavalcanti, professora e pesquisadora da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz em Pernambuco; e Julio Alberto Wong Un, professor e pesquisador do Instituto de Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal Fluminense.

  18. Causes of unplanned interruption of radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diegues, Sylvia Suelotto; Ciconelli, Rozana Mesquita; Segreto, Roberto Araujo


    Objective: To evaluate the occurrence and causes of unplanned interruption of radiotherapy. Materials and methods: Retrospective study developed in the Division of Radiotherapy of Hospital Alemao Oswaldo Cruz in Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, with data collected from 560 dossiers of patients submitted to radiotherapy in the period between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2005. Chi-squared and Student t tests were utilized in the data analysis, and p < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: Interruption of treatment was identified in 350 cases, corresponding to 62.5% of the patients. The reasons for treatment interruption were the following: preventive device maintenance (55%), patient's own private reasons (13%), adverse reactions to the treatment or to combined radiotherapy/chemotherapy (6%), clinical worsening (3%), two or more combined reasons (23%). The interruption time interval ranged between 1 and 24 days (mean 1.4 day). One-day interruption was mostly due to preventive device maintenance (84.4%); two-five-day interruption was due to combined reasons (48.28%). Conclusion: The most frequent cause of interruption was preventive device maintenance, with maximum two-day time interval. (author)

  19. Um nematodeo parasito do pinguim Spheniscus magellanicus (Forster (Ascaridoidea, Anisakidae A nematode parasite of the penguin Spheniscus magellanicus (Forster (Ascaroidea, Anisakidae

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    Cláudia Portes Santos


    Full Text Available O material estudado foi coletado no "pinguim naufragado", Sphenicus magellanicus (Forster, na baia de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro e cedido pela bióloga Carla Chediak. Foram examinadas onze fêmeas e três machos, sendo depositados na coleção do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC sob o numero 31.639. Foi ainda examinado o material pertencente a coleção do IOC, ainda não identificado, tambem coletado do mesmo hospedeiro no Rio de Janeiro, de numeros 20.986 e 30.257.The nematodes were collected from the penguin Spheniscus magellanicus (Forster (Sphenisciformes. A study from the main species of Contracaecum that occur in penguins and piscivorous birds from the south hemisphere is made, more specifically the C. eudyptulae Johnston & Mawson, 1942a, C. eudyptes Johnston & Mawson, 1953, C. heardi Mawson, 1953, C. antarcticum Johnston, 1938, C. prevosli Tchéprakoff, 1966, C. spiculigerum (Rudolphi, 1809, C. osculatum (Rudolphi, 1802, C. scotti (Leiper & Atkinson, 1914 and C. pelagicum Johnston & Mawson, 1942b. C. pelagicum is redescribed and turns to be a new rference for Spheniscus magellanicus (Foster.

  20. Notas de participação do CEBES na organização da 8ª Conferência Nacional de Saúde: o papel da Revista Saúde em Debate

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    Daniela Carvalho Sophia

    Full Text Available O presente artigo é produto da tese 'O CEBES e o movimento de reforma sanitária: história, política e saúde pública (1970-1980' desenvolvida na Casa de Oswaldo Cruz. A investigação tem como objetivo examinar a trajetória do Centro Brasileiro de estudos da Saúde entre 1976 e 1986. Este artigo atém-se em abordar a participação do Centro na 8ª Conferência Nacional de Saúde, ocorrida no ano de 1986. A Revista foi escolhida como fonte e objeto de estudo, procurando-se compreender seu papel na articulação entre os pesquisadores e a agenda da saúde pública brasileira. A utilização da Revista Saúde em Debate deu visibilidade a questões pertinentes à participação de seus membros na Reforma sanitária. Nesse processo, foi possível observar que a criação desse periódico permitiu uma discussão sobre outras formas de produzir e organizar informações sobre saúde na instituição.

  1. The Einstein-Brazil Fogarty: A decade of synergy. (United States)

    Nosanchuk, Joshua D; Nosanchuk, Murphy D; Rodrigues, Marcio L; Nimrichter, Leonardo; Carvalho, Antonio C Campos de; Weiss, Louis M; Spray, David C; Tanowitz, Herbert B


    A rich, collaborative program funded by the US NIH Fogarty program in 2004 has provided for a decade of remarkable opportunities for scientific advancement through the training of Brazilian undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students from the Federal University and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation systems at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The focus of the program has been on the development of trainees in the broad field of Infectious Diseases, with a particular focus on diseases of importance to the Brazilian population. Talented trainees from various regions in Brazil came to Einstein to learn techniques and study fungal, parasitic and bacterial pathogens. In total, 43 trainees enthusiastically participated in the program. In addition to laboratory work, these students took a variety of courses at Einstein, presented their results at local, national and international meetings, and productively published their findings. This program has led to a remarkable synergy of scientific discovery for the participants during a time of rapid acceleration of the scientific growth in Brazil. This collaboration between Brazilian and US scientists has benefitted both countries and serves as a model for future training programs between these countries.

  2. Enfermagem e atenção à saúde do trabalhador: a experiência da ação de imunização na Fiocruz/Manguinhos Nursing and healthcare for workers: the experience of the immunization action at Fiocruz/Manguinhos

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    Paula Raquel dos Santos


    Full Text Available O trabalhador, ao realizar atividades em que exista o contato com agentes patogênicos, se expõe ao risco de adquirir doenças que podem levá-lo à morte. A imunização aparece como uma das medidas de prevenção e proteção contra o seu adoecimento. Este artigo apresenta a experiência de imunização em trabalhadores, no período de 2005 a 2008, através da implantação do projeto Ações Integradas de Enfermagem em Vigilância da Saúde do Trabalhador na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, campus Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro (Fiocruz/Manguinhos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório quantitativo, utilizando dados primários resultantes da construção do projeto de trabalho na linha temática da vigilância em saúde do trabalhador. Nesse período, aplicaram-se 12.904 doses de vacinas variadas em uma população de trabalhadores de atividades e faixas etárias diversificadas. Construção civil, segurança, jardinagem, manutenção e serviço de limpeza foram aquelas com maior mobilização e receptividade dos trabalhadores. A experiência possibilitou a instalação da sala de vacina no CST/DIREH, realização de campanhas nas unidades, realização de ações de imunização específicas para trabalhadores e de grupos operativos e palestras voltadas à educação em saúde.The worker, while doing his activities in contact with patogenic agents, is exposed to the risk of getting diseases that could result in death. The immunizaton appears as one of the ways to preserve and protect against this contamination. This article presents an experience of workers immunization during the period of 2005 to 2008, by the implantation of the project Nursing Integral Actions of Worker's Health Vigilance at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz, Manguinhos campus, Rio de Janeiro. This is a descriptive, explorative and quantitative study, using primary data from the construction of the project. During the project 12.904 doses of different vaccines were applied

  3. A gestão de recursos humanos em uma instituição pública brasileira de ciência e tecnologia em saúde: o caso Fiocruz The management of human resources in a public institution of science and technology in health: the Fiocruz case

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    Márcio Luiz Braga Corrêa de Mello


    Full Text Available A partir da década de 1970, a crise do padrão de acumulação capitalista firmado no binômio taylorismo-fordismo levou à sua substituição por formas produtivas flexibilizadas e desregulamentadas. Para enfrentar os novos desafios e garantir sua sobrevivência, as empresas passaram a investir em modernas tecnologias e adotaram concepções organizacionais com ênfase na formação e na gestão de recursos humanos, com o objetivo de atender aos requisitos do processo de trabalho. Este artigo relata a experiência da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz na perspectiva da mudança, fazendo uma abordagem crítica da gestão de recursos humanos em uma instituição pública de ciência e tecnologia em saúde, órgão de referência do Ministério da Saúde que ocupa posição estratégica no Sistema Único de Saúde e na formulação da política nacional de ciência e tecnologia em saúde. O artigo destaca as propostas de inovação em consonância com os princípios da Carta Iberoamericana de Qualidade na Gestão Pública e com os critérios do Modelo Iberoamericano de Excelência em Gestão, visando contribuir para aprimorar a gestão de recursos humanos na Fiocruz, na premissa de que a maior qualificação do corpo de profissionais permitirá que a instituição amplie sua atuação e capacidade de melhorar a saúde da população.Since de seventies, the crisis of the capitalist standard of accumulation based on the Taylorist/Fordist binomial caused its substitution by flexible and deregulated production forms. In order to face the new challenges and to guarantee their survival, companies have invested in modern technologies adopted organizational concepts with emphasis in the development and management of human resources, so as to answer the requirements of the new working processes. This article discusses the case of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, from the perspective of change, with a critical approach to the management of human resources in a public

  4. O desenvolvimento compartilhado de impressos como estratégia de educação em saúde junto a trabalhadores de escolas da rede pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Shared development of printed material as a health education strategy with public school employees in Rio de Janeiro State

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    Kátia Reis de Souza


    Full Text Available Descrevem-se, aqui, o processo e o produto da experiência de elaboração do mural: Um Dia de Merendeira, realizada junto a trabalhadores de escolas da rede pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro por equipe de pesquisadores e alunos do Curso de Especialização em Saúde do Trabalhador do Centro de Estudos da Saúde do Trabalhador e Ecologia Humana da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, em parceria com o Sindicato dos Profissionais de Educação do Rio de Janeiro. A partir de "oficinas em saúde" pautadas na investigação participativa foram levantados problemas e questões relacionadas ao cotidiano de trabalho de merendeiras e serventes. Produzido para socializar nas escolas os resultados das oficinas, o mural é significativo da realidade daquele segmento específico e pretende informar e estimular a reflexão. Com base no referencial de educação popular de Paulo Freire, realizaram-se seis encontros seguindo um roteiro de trabalho para a construção do impresso educativo incluindo a seleção de conteúdos, escolha do gênero comunicativo, estilo e formato do impresso. A criatividade presente nas imagens elaboradas pelos trabalhadores a partir das situações vividas durante a realização de suas tarefas fez, das reuniões, um rico momento de troca, em que as participantes expuseram idéias, valores, crenças, afetos e histórias de vida.This article describes the process and results of an experience with preparing a mural entitled A Day in the Life of the School Lunch Cook, conducted with public school employees in the State of Rio de Janeiro by a team of researchers and students from the Specialization Course in Workers' Health at the Center for Studies on Workers' Health of the National School of Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, in partnership with the School Employees' Union. "Health workshops" based on participatory research were used to raise questions related to daily work by school lunch cooks and

  5. Detection of Hepatitis B Virus Antigens in Paraffin-embedded Liver Specimens from the Amazon Region, Brazil

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    Simonetti SRR


    Full Text Available Hepatic viscerotomy of paraffin-preserved old specimens, collected in the period from 1934 to 1967, were analyzed by immunohistochemical assays to detect hepatitis B, hepatitis D, dengue and yellow fever virus antigens. The material belongs to the Yellow Fever Collection, Department of Pathology, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and the cases were diagnosed at that time according to clinical aspects and histopathological findings reporting viral hepatitis, yellow fever, focal necrosis and hepatic atrophy. From the 79 specimens, 69 were collected at the Labrea Region and the other 10 in different other localities in the Amazon Region. The five micra thick histological slices were analyzed for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg and hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg by immunoperoxidase technique. An immunofluorescence assay was applied to the detection of hepatitis D, yellow fever and dengue virus antigens. Nine (11.4% histological samples were HBsAg reactive and 5 (6.3% were HBcAg reactive. The oldest reactive sample was from 1934. Viral antigens related to the other pathologies were not detected in this study. Our results confirm that the methodology described may be used to elucidate the aetiology of hepatitis diseases even after a long time of conservation of the specimens.


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    Maria Roseane dos Santos


    Full Text Available Corresponde a estudo descritivo de corte transversal, buscou-se evidenciar o impacto da TARV sobre o perfil lipídico. Realizada com 37 pacientes atendidos no ambulatório de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do centro de referência para HIV do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz em Recife-PE/Brasil. Através da realização de entrevistas, coleta de informações sobre terapia antirretroviral, curva de CD4 e carga viral obtidas nos prontuários. Tendo como aprovação no comitê de ética e pesquisa CAAE de nº 11365112.8.0000.5192. Revela o impacto no perfil lipídico associado ao uso contínuo da TARV, demostrando aumento do TG 54%, CT 49%, VLDL (41%, LDL-c 19% e diminuição do HDL-c 24%.   As associações de esquemas de ITRN e IRNN apresentaram o maior número de alterações. As drogas da TARV induzem distúrbios metabólicos graves e associados com outros fatores encontrados como HAS 19%, tabagismo 35% e sedentarismo 81% constituem uma forte predisposição de aterosclerose e consequentemente riscos cardiovasculares.

  7. O PalhaSUS e a Saúde em Movimento nas Ruas: relato de um encontro

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    Marcus Vinicius Campos Matraca


    Full Text Available Relatamos a experiência gerada pelo encontro entre os projetos PalhaSUS e Estratégia Saúde da Família para População em Situação de Rua (ESF POP RUA, identificando (i sua afinidade metodológica com a Educação Popular em Saúde e (ii a singularidade do território de atuação, a rua, ambiente propício para esse casamento. O encontro foi mediado, por um lado, pela Coordenação de Saúde da Família e pelo Núcleo de Cultura, Ciência e Saúde, da Secretária Municipal de Saúde e Defesa Civil do Rio de Janeiro, e, por outro lado, pelo PalhaSUS desenvolvido no Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, introduzido no processo formativo da primeira equipe da ESF POP RUA. Após as atividades, os agentes de saúde assumiram um segundo papel, como palhaços mediadores da promoção da saúde com alegria, confirmando o potencial de integração da Dialogia do Riso nas ações e políticas de combate à miséria.

  8. Nodular typhlitis associated with the nematodes Heterakis gallinarum and Heterakis isolonche in pheasants: frequency and pathology with evidence of neoplasia

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    Menezes Rodrigo Caldas


    Full Text Available An investigation related to the frequency and pathology of Heterakis gallinarum and pathology of Heterakis isolonche in pheasants from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was conducted by means of clinical examinations, necropsies, and histopathological analysis in 50 ring-necked pheasants from backyard flocks of 11 localities; also, histological sections of caeca of golden pheasants deposited in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CHIOC have been considered in the present study. During necropsies, only specimens of H. gallinarum were recovered with a prevalence of 90%, mean intensity of 81.9 and range of infection of 1-413. Gross lesions were characterized by congestion, thickening, petechial haemorrhages of the mucosa, intussusception, and nodules in the cecal wall. Under microscopy, chronic difuse typhlitis, haemosiderosis, granulomas with necrotic center in the submucosa and leiomyomas in the submucosa, muscular and serosa associated with immature H. gallinarum worms were observed. The examination of histological sections previously deposited in the CHIOC, revealed more severe alterations associated with concomitant infections with H. gallinarum and H. isolonche in golden pheasants, and were characterized by several necrotic areas with cholesterol clefts in the submucosa, giant cell granulomas in the submucosa, and serosa centralized by necrosis and worm sections and neoplastic nodules in the muscular and submucosa.

  9. Avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana de antissépticos e desinfetantes utilizados em um serviço público de saúde

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    Lúcia Margarete dos Reis


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como objetivo determinar in vitro a atividade antimicrobiana de antissépticos e desinfetantes utilizados no serviço de atenção primária à saúde de uma cidade do norte do Paraná, utilizando microrganismos padronizados pelo Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Para tanto, foram realizadas análises da atividade antimicrobiana e da estabilidade química de três diferentes antissépticos e um desinfetante utilizados no serviço de atenção primária à saúde. A partir das análises realizadas no primeiro, sétimo, décimo quarto e vigésimo primeiro dias, após a abertura dos frascos, verificou-se que as amostras mantiveram sua atividade antimicrobiana in vitro em relação às cepas padronizadas, evidenciadas pela ausência de crescimento de unidades formadoras de colônias e estabilidade química dos princípios ativos dos antissépticos. O estudo permitiu verificar a eficácia das amostras frente a análises microbiológicas in vitro utilizando microrganismos padronizados.

  10. Paragangliomas of the head and neck: clinical, morphological and immunohistochemical aspects

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    Pedro de Alcântara de Andrade Filho


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Protein marker positivity can assist in the definition of the therapeutic approach towards head and neck paragangliomas. The establishment of the therapeutic approach should incorporate the results of such an investigation. OBJECTIVE: To establish criteria for benignancy and malignancy of vagal and jugular-tympanic paragangliomas, via the study of the relationships of sex, age, tumor size, duration of complaints, site, family history, presence of metastases, treatment, histological architecture and cell type with the immunohistochemical reactions to S100 protein, chromogranin and AgKi67. DESIGN: A retrospective study of histological and clinical records. SETTING: The Heliópolis and Oswaldo Cruz tertiary general hospitals, São Paulo. SAMPLE: 8 cases of head and neck paragangliomas. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Determination of degree of positivity to paragangliomas via immunohistochemical reactions. RESULTS: 1. The protein markers for the principal cells (AgKi67 and chromogranin were sensitive in 100% of the tumors when used together. 2. S100 protein was well identified in the cytoplasm and nucleus of sustentacular cells and underwent reduction in the neoplasias. CONCLUSIONS: Chromogranin was proven to be a generic marker for neuroendocrine tumors; S100 protein was positive in all 8 cases and the AgKi67 had low positivity in all cases.

  11. ENERGIA EÓLICA: uma fonte energética limpa e renovável em nosso meio

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    Full Text Available Segundo o IBGE, no ano de 2010, a população brasileira teve um crescimento de 1,12%. Tendo em vista que tal crescimento necessita de uma grande demanda energética, precisa-se de fontes alternativas. Um bom meio supressor é a energia eólica. Meio de energia renovável e limpa. Segundo o documentário, Energia Eólica: a caçada pelos ventos, exibido pela TV Zabelê: “É uma dádiva da natureza o fato da nossa região ter esse grande potencial eólico [...].” No entanto, sua instalação necessita-se de grandes investimentos. Tendo em vista este grande crescimento populacional o projeto de pesquisa Energia Eólica: Uma fonte energética limpa e renovável em nosso meio, tem como objetivo a produção de um pequeno campo de energia eólica, em uma biblioteca na escola Oswaldo Cruz, na cidade de Sinop, Mato Grosso. Desta forma temos a possibilidade de reduzir 70% do consumo energético convencional, proporcionando uma economia financeira considerável. A implantação deste projeto está prevista para o segundo semestre de 2014.


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    D.F.B Ovigli


    Full Text Available Considering that since the 1980’s it has a paradigm change, strengtheningthe perception of Science as a human construction and not as "natural truth", newapproaches of teaching emphasizes the importance of the History of Science inthe educational process, also recommended by the Brazilian PCNs. In thiscontext, it is presented the conclusion of the elaboration and evaluation of anillustrated historical panel that is in permanent exposition in the Interactive Spaceof Biotechnology of the CBME. It presents 25 pictures, inserted in a timeline thatselects important events related to cell biology, microbiology and immunology. Thetimeline is initiated in century XVI, with the microbial theory of the illnesses;spontaneous generation and the experiments of Needham and Spallanzani alsoare commented, as well as the production of the first vaccine. Koch, in centuryXIX, is remembered with its postulates and the discovery of some illnessescausative agents. Brazilians’ researchers - Adolfo Lutz, Oswaldo Cruz, Vital Braziland Carlos Chagas – and institutes are presented too. The panel revealed itself asan important source of information, awakening the interest of the visitors for thesubject. The idea was based on presenting Science as a human knowledgeadventure, emphasizing the scientific process in the construction of theknowledge, based on procedures, needs and different interests and values.

  13. Observatório da Saúde no Legislativo: as proposições em saúde no âmbito do Congresso Nacional (2011- 2012

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    Pricken de BEM


    Full Text Available RESUMO O Observatório da Saúde no Legislativo (OSL é um espaço virtual ( constituído por um banco de dados públicos permanente, sediado na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Brasília e destinado ao acompanhamento dos projetos legislativos de interesse à saúde em tramitação no congresso nacional e oferecimento gratuito das informações mais relevantes sobre as proposições legislativas em matéria sanitária. A 54ª Legislatura iniciou-se no ano de 2011 e, desde então, novas proposições foram sendo apresentadas pelo novo corpo político do congresso nacional, renovado com as últimas eleições. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar resultados de pesquisa realizada na base de dados da Câmara e Senado Federal quanto às proposições legislativas relativas à saúde e acompanhar sua tramitação e evolução no período de 2011 e 2012. No período estudado, constatou-se que cerca de 10% das proposições apresentadas foram relativas à saúde, tendo a maioria delas relação com álcool e drogas. Com o nascimento do observatório, a população ganha o poder fiscalizador e apoiador nas políticas de saúde. Esse projeto visa, também, empoderar o cidadão ao socializar informações acerca do seu direito, possibilitando, assim, o trinômio conhecer – exigir – vivenciar. ABSTRACT The Observatory for Health in the Legislative Power is a virtual space (observató built by a permanent public database, based at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Brasília/Brazil – and is aimed to follow the ongoing legislative bills addressed to public health in the Brazilian parliament and to offer free relevant information about the legislative propositions on sanitary subject. The 54º Parliamentary Term began on the year of 2011 and new propositions are being presented by the new political body of the national parliament, which was renewed with latest election. The objective of this article is to present results of

  14. O doador marginal: experiência de um centro de transplante de fígado The marginal donor: a single-center experience in orthotopic liver transplantation

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    Olival Cirilo Lucena da Fonseca-Neto


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Desde que o uso de enxertos marginais é solução aceita para escassez de órgãos para transplante, ele tornou-se muito comum em todo mundo e a literatura vem mostrando efetividade desses enxertos no transplante de fígado. OBJETIVO: Apresentar a experiência do Serviço de Transplante Hepático do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz, em transplante de fígado com o uso de doadores marginais. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo em 137 transplantes ortotópicos de fígado, usando enxertos marginais entre 1999 e 2006, com acompanhamento mínimo de 180 dias. Os receptores foram classificados de acordo com a função inicial do enxerto no pós-operatório como normal (FN e disfunção primária (DP. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos FN e DP com os seguintes parâmetros dos doadores: idade, sódio sérico, tempo de protrombina, esteatose hepática, transaminases sérica, pressão sanguínea, drogas vasoativas, índice de massa corpórea, parada cardíaca antes da doação de órgão, doador em assistolia e tempo de isquemia quente. Análise da curva de sobrevida (Kaplan-Meier de pacientes e de enxertos de fígado de pacientes que receberam fígado de doadores ideais versus doadores marginais não mostrou diferença com significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: Pode ser recomendado o uso de enxertos marginais para transplantes hepáticos, inclusive os provenientes de doadores com o coração parado.BACKGROUND: Since marginal grafts are a solution to deal with the shortage of organ donors, its use became more common worldwide, and the literature had shown its effectiveness in the liver transplantation (LT outcomes. AIM: To present a single center experience, at the Liver Transplantation Unit of Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital, with orthotopic LT using marginal organ donors. METHODS: Retrospectivety review of 137 orthotopic LT using marginal grafts between 1999 and 2006, with a minimum 180

  15. A road map for leptospirosis research and health policies based on country needs in Latin America. (United States)

    Pereira, Martha Maria; Schneider, Maria Cristina; Munoz-Zanzi, Claudia; Costa, Federico; Benschop, Jackie; Hartskeerl, Rudy; Martinez, Julio; Jancloes, Michel; Bertherat, Eric


    This report summarizes the presentations, discussions and the recommendations coming from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute/FIOCRUZ International Workshop for Leptospirosis Research Based on Country Needs and the 5th Global Leptospirosis Environmental Action Network meeting, which was held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10-12 November 2015. The event focused on health policy and worked to develop a road map as a consensus document to help guide decision-making by policymakers, funding bodies, and health care professionals. The direction that leptospirosis research should take in the coming years was emphasized, taking into account the needs of countries of Latin America, as well as experiences from other world regions, as provided by international experts. The operational concepts of "One Health" and translational research underlaid the discussions and the resulting recommendations. Despite the wide geographic distribution of leptospirosis and its impact in terms of incidence, morbidity, and mortality, leptospirosis is not yet considered a "tool-ready" disease for global initiatives. Surveillance programs need new tools and strategies for early detection, prevention, and follow-up. The major recommendations developed at the Rio meeting cover both health policy and research. The health policy recommendations should be taken into account by decisionmakers, government officials, and the Pan American Health Organization. The priorities for research, technological development, and innovation should be considered by research institutions, universities, and stakeholders.

  16. The Human Hookworm Vaccine. (United States)

    Hotez, Peter J; Diemert, David; Bacon, Kristina M; Beaumier, Coreen; Bethony, Jeffrey M; Bottazzi, Maria Elena; Brooker, Simon; Couto, Artur Roberto; Freire, Marcos da Silva; Homma, Akira; Lee, Bruce Y; Loukas, Alex; Loblack, Marva; Morel, Carlos Medicis; Oliveira, Rodrigo Correa; Russell, Philip K


    Hookworm infection is one of the world's most common neglected tropical diseases and a leading cause of iron deficiency anemia in low- and middle-income countries. A Human Hookworm Vaccine is currently being developed by the Sabin Vaccine Institute and is in phase 1 clinical testing. The candidate vaccine is comprised of two recombinant antigens known as Na-GST-1 and Na-APR-1, each of which is an important parasite enzyme required for hookworms to successfully utilize host blood as a source of energy. The recombinant proteins are formulated on Alhydrogel(®) and are being tested in combination with a synthetic Toll-like receptor 4 agonist. The aim of the vaccine is to induce anti-enzyme antibodies that will reduce both host blood loss and the number of hookworms attached to the gut. Transfer of the manufacturing technology to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ)/Bio-Manguinhos (a Brazilian public sector developing country vaccine manufacturer) is planned, with a clinical development plan that could lead to registration of the vaccine in Brazil. The vaccine would also need to be introduced in the poorest regions of Africa and Asia, where hookworm infection is highly endemic. Ultimately, the vaccine could become an essential tool for achieving hookworm control and elimination, a key target in the 2012 London Declaration on Neglected Tropical Diseases. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Noroviruses associated with acute gastroenteritis in a children's day care facility in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Gallimore C.I.


    Full Text Available Noroviruses (Norwalk-like viruses are an important cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. They are the most common cause of outbreaks of gastroenteritis in the adult population and occur in nursing homes for the elderly, geriatric wards, medical wards, and in hotel and restaurant settings. Food-borne outbreaks have also occurred following consumption of contaminated oysters. This study describes the application of a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR assay using random primers (PdN6 and specific Ni and E3 primers, directed at a small region of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase-coding region of the norovirus genome, and DNA sequencing for the detection and preliminary characterisation of noroviruses in outbreaks of gastroenteritis in children in Brazil. The outbreak samples were collected from children <5 years of age at the Bertha Lutz children's day care facility at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, that occurred between 1996 and 1998, where no pathogen had been identified. At the Bertha Lutz day care center facility, only Fiocruz's employee children are provided for, and they come from different social, economic and cultural backgrounds. Three distinct genogroup II strains were detected in three outbreaks in 1997/98 and were most closely related to genotypes GII-3 (Mexico virus and GII-4 (Grimsby virus, both of which have been detected in paediatric and adult outbreaks of gastroenteritis worldwide.

  18. Description of Rhodnius marabaensis sp. n. (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) from Pará State, Brazil (United States)

    Souza, Eder dos Santos; Von Atzingen, Noé Carlos Barbosa; Furtado, Maria Betânia; de Oliveira, Jader; Nascimento, Juliana Damieli; Vendrami, Daniel Pagotto; Gardim, Sueli; da Rosa, João Aristeu


    Abstract Rhodnius marabaensis sp. n. was collected on 12 May 2014 in the Murumurú Environmental Reserve in the city of Marabá, Pará State, Brazil. This study was based on previous consultation of morphological descriptions of 19 Rhodnius species and compared to the identification key for the genus Rhodnius. The examination included specimens from 18 Rhodnius species held in the Brazilian National and International Triatomine Taxonomy Reference Laboratory in the Oswaldo Cruz Institute in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The morphological characteristics of the head, thorax, abdomen, genitalia, and eggs have been determined. Rhodnius prolixus and Rhodnius robustus were examined in more detail because the BLAST analysis of a cyt-b sequence shows they are closely related to the new species, which also occurs in the northern region of Brazil. The most notable morphological features that distinguish Rhodnius marabaensis sp. n. are the keel-shaped apex of the head, the length of the second segment of the antennae, the shapes of the prosternum, mesosternum and metasternum, the set of spots on the abdomen, the male genitalia, the posterior and ventral surfaces of the external female genitalia, and the morphological characteristics of the eggs. Rhodnius jacundaensis Serra, Serra & Von Atzingen (1980) nomen nudum specimens deposited at the Maraba Cultural Center Foundation - MCCF were examined and considered as a synonym of Rhodnius marabaensis sp. n. PMID:27833419

  19. Description of the immature stages and redescription of the female of Ixodes schulzei Aragão & Fonseca, 1951 (Acari: Ixodidae), an endemic tick species of Brazil. (United States)

    Barros-Battesti, Darci M; Onofrio, Valeria C; Faccini, João L H; Labruna, Marcelo B; Arruda-Santos, Ana D; Giacomin, Flávia G


    Ixodes schulzei Aragão & Fonseca, 1951 is a tick endemic to Brazil, where nine species of Ixodes Latreille, 1796 are currently known to occur. Larvae, nymphs and females of I. schulzei were obtained from a laboratory colony originating from an engorged female collected on a free-living water rat Nectomys squamipes from the Santa Branca municipality, São Paulo State. Only female ticks were obtained from engorged nymphs. Unfed immature and female adult specimens were measured and the descriptions were based on optical and scanning electron microscopy, as were drawings of some features of the larva. Both immature stages present the very long palpi and basis capituli, and the female has large, contiguous porose areas. However, the basis capituli is triangular, with a slight central elevation in the larva and nymph, whereas in the female this area is depressed. The I. schulzei types deposited at the FIOCRUZ (Instituto Oswaldo Cruz) were also examined, as was other material from collections, such as the IBSP (Coleção Acarológica do Instituto Butantan), CNC-FMVZ/USP (Coleção Nacional de Carrapatos da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da USP) and USNTC (United States National Tick Collection). In addition, the relationship between I. schulzei and other immature neotropical species of Ixodes is discussed.

  20. Web ontology and semantics for governance of scientific research and technological development in inputs for public health - DOI: 10.3395/reciis.v1i2.89en

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    Laura Cristina Simões Viana


    Full Text Available The increasing adoption of information and communication technology (ICT in public administration has changed the way governments make the purchases of products and service procurement, activities that are essential for the rendering of services in quantities and quality appropriate to meet the needs of the population. The present project suggests the use of a type of ICT aiming at good governance of scientific research and technological development in inputs for health at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz: Web semantics and ontologies. From a theoretical point of view, this project is in tune with one of the emerging approaches for the understanding and outlining of current policies for research and technological development in health - an innovation systems approach. Despite the economic advantages of the adoption of electronic methods in governmental purchasing policy, it is necessary to keep in mind that it is a long term change process, since many administrative stages are being transferred to the electronic environment, requiring a new work flow design, as well as integration of electronic purchasing and management and administration systems such as, for instance, orders, purchase orders, logistics, finance and accounting. We propose the sharing of ontologies so as to allow interoperability between systems used in the purchasing process as well as in other key institutional management and administration systems.

  1. Biogeography of Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae in Ecuador: implications for the design of control strategies

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    Abad-Franch Fernando


    Full Text Available Chagas disease control strategies strongly depend on the triatomine vector species involved in Trypanosoma cruzi transmission within each area. Here we report the results of the identification of specimens belonging to various species of Triatominae captured in Ecuador (15 species from 17 provinces and deposited in the entomological collections of the Catholic University of Ecuador (Quito, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Brazil, the Natural History Museum London (UK, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK, the National Institute of Hygiene (Quito, and the Vozandes Hospital (Quito. A critical review of published information and new field records are presented. We analysed these data in relation to the life zones where triatomines occur (11 life zones, excluding those over 2,200 m altitude, and provide biogeographical maps for each species. These records are discussed in terms of epidemiological significance and design of control strategies. Findings relevant to the control of the main vector species are emphasised. Different lines of evidence suggest that Triatoma dimidiata is not native to Ecuador-Peru, and that synanthropic populations of Rhodnius ecuadoriensis in southern Ecuador-northern Peru might be isolated from their sylvatic conspecifics. Local eradication of T. dimidiata and these R. ecuadoriensis populations might therefore be attainable. However, the presence of a wide variety of native species indicates the necessity for a strong longitudinal surveillance system.

  2. Gestantes colonizadas pelo Streptococcus do grupo B e seus recém-nascidos: análise crítica da conduta adotada no Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Beta-hemolytic streptococcus in pregnant women and their newborn infants: a critical analysis of the protocol used at Fernandes Figueira Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, in Brazil

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    Natalie Del-Vecchio L. Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a aplicação do protocolo do Centers of Disease Control (CDC, 2002 quanto à profilaxia da sepse neonatal precoce por Streptococcus do grupo B (SGB. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com revisão de prontuários de 125 gestantes colonizadas pelo SGB e 133 recém-nascidos, no período de janeiro/2003 a dezembro/2006. A conduta intraparto foi considerada correta quando a gestante recebia antibioticoprofilaxia pelo menos quatro horas antes do parto, ou quando não recebia, mas era submetida a parto cesáreo eletivo. A conduta intraparto foi considerada incorreta quando a gestante recebia antibioticoprofilaxia menos de quatro horas antes do parto, a prescrição antibiótica estava incorreta ou quando não havia profilaxia prescrita. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de colonização materna pelo SGB foi de 4,7%. A época de coleta do swab vaginal/retal variou entre 14 e 40 semanas de gestação, com média de 32 semanas. Das gestantes colonizadas, 54 (43% receberam conduta intraparto correta. Dos 133 recém-nascidos estudados, 95 (71% receberam avaliação diagnóstica corretamente, 17 (13% evoluíram com sepse clínica e um (0,75% apresentou sepse comprovada. A incidência de sepse foi maior em recém-nascidos cujas mães não receberam profilaxia intraparto corretamente, porém esta associação não apresentou diferença estatística significativa (18 versus 7%, p>0,05. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar de o protocolo para prevenção de sepse precoce pelo SGB estar implementado na instituição, ainda é possível observar falhas na profilaxia intraparto materna. Essas falhas representam oportunidades perdidas na prevenção da sepse precoce pelo SGB.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of the guidelines of the Centers of Disease Control (CDC, 2002 regarding the prophylaxes of group B Streptococcus (GBS early onset neonatal sepsis. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study by chart review of 125 pregnant women colonized by GBS and 133 neonates born at a 3rd level maternity hospital, from January/2003 to December/2006. The intrapartum management was deemed correct when pregnant women were given prophylactic antibiotic at least four hours before delivery or when they did not receive medication but were submitted to elective cesarean section. The intrapartum management was considered incorrect when the pregnant woman was given antibiotic prophylaxis less than four hours before delivery, when the antibiotic prescription was inadequate or no prophylaxis had been prescribed. RESULTS: The prevalence of maternal colonization by GBS was 4.7%. The time when the vaginal/rectal swab was collected ranged between 14-40 (mean 32 weeks of gestation. Among the colonized mothers, 54 (43% received correct intrapartum management. Among 133 studied infants, 95 (71% received a correct diagnosis; 17 (13% developed clinical sepsis and one (0.75% had proven bacterial sepsis. The incidence of sepsis was higher in infants whose mothers did not receive a correct intrapartum prophylaxis, but this difference was not significant (18 versus 7%, p>0.05. CONCLUSIONS: Although the guidelines to prevent perinatal GBS disease are in place, there are flaws in the intrapartum prophylaxis and in infants' evaluation. These flaws represent missed opportunities to prevent early onset GBS sepsis.

  3. Integração laboratórios-vigilância sanitária: uma revisão | Integration laboratories-sanitary surveillance: a review

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    Rosane Gomes Alves Lopes


    Full Text Available Identificar literatura nacional e internacional sobre laboratório e vigilância sanitária para refletir sobre a integração desses serviços no Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária foi o objetivo da revisão integrativa com busca sistemática em três repositórios: Banco de Teses e Dissertações; Scientific Electronic Library Online – Brasil e Pubmed Central. A seleção seguiu critérios pré-definidos e a análise considerou: tipo de produção acadêmica (mestrado, doutorado ou artigo científico, ano e instituição de origem, tema focalizado. Predominaram trabalhos oriundos do mestrado (64,7% e, como instituição, a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (36,5%, sendo 90,0% no Instituto Nacional de Controle da Qualidade em Saúde. O controle da qualidade de produtos é área expressiva das publicações (71,0%, incluindo-se nela alimentos, medicamentos e vacinas. Estudos relacionados a políticas públicas e vigilância sanitária tematizaram: medicamentos genéricos; estudos de equivalência farmacêutica; alimentação e nutrição; e integração da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária com outros atores na inovação de vacinas e na Rede Brasileira de Laboratórios Analíticos em Saúde. A integração se expressou mediante as atividades cooperativas entre laboratórios e serviços, restando aprimorá-la, tendo-se em vista que, no Brasil, os laboratórios e os serviços de vigilância são diferenciados e vinculam-se a entes governamentais distintos. ============================================= This integrative review with systematic search aimed to identify national and international literature on laboratory and sanitary surveillance to reflect on the integration of these services in the National System of Sanitary Surveillance Three repositories were used: Banco de Teses e Dissertações; Scientific Electronic Library Online - Brazil and Pubmed Central. The selection followed pre-defined criteria and the analysis considered

  4. Evaluation of Brazilian medical devices using agar diffusion cytotoxicity assay Avaliação de dispositivos médicos brasileiros utilizando o ensaio de citotoxicidade pela difusão em ágar

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    Mirian N. P. Vidal


    Full Text Available Over the last decades, governmental actions and mechanisms created to protect consumer rights have been linked to a growing effort to guarantee the quality and reliability of products. Samples of condoms (latex, medical devices and blood bags (PVC - polyvinyl chloride have been tested using the agar diffusion assay. This assay evaluates the cytotoxicity induced by biomaterials by measuring the biological reactivity of mammalian cell cultures in contact with these materials. PVC is used in the production of medical devices because of its specific properties, such as flexibility, obtained after the addition of plasticizers (phthalates, which can cause toxicity even at low doses. Latex is a natural elastomer used for surgical gloves and condoms with a formulation that includes dispersion of liquid latex and chemicals, such as antioxidants and a vulcanizing accelerator, both of which are able to induce cytotoxicity. Samples were analyzed by the National Institute of Quality Control in Health - INCQS of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz in accordance with the governmental sanitary surveillance actions on respect to the quality control. We observed an increase in the quality of the products in relation to the results of the agar diffusion assay during the period between 2000 and 2007. This situation, together with other actions, reflects in an improvement in the quality of products that can be translated in the health of the population.Durante as últimas décadas, a disseminação de ações governamentais e os mecanismos criados para proteger os direitos dos consumidores se associaram em crescentes esforços para garantir a qualidade e confiabilidade dos produtos. As amostras de preservativos (látex, dispositivos médicos e bolsas de sangue (PVC - cloreto polivinílico foram testadas utilizando o ensaio de difusão em ágar. O teste avalia a citotoxicidade induzida por biomateriais, medindo a reatividade biológica de culturas de células de mam

  5. Clinical characteristics and evolution of syphilis in 24 HIV+ individuals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Características clínicas e evolutivas da sífilis em 24 indivíduos HIV+ no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Maria Clara Gutierrez-Galhardo


    Full Text Available A total of 24 patients with syphilis and HIV infection were treated from January 1997 to March 2003 at the Infectious Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of the Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The caseload consisted of 20 males (83.3% and four females (16.7%, with a mean age of 38.04 years and mean T CD4+ count of 389.5 cells/mL. Syphilis was diagnosed as secondary in 16 (62.5% patients, late latent in eight (33.3%, and tertiary in one (4.2%. Manifestations of secondary syphilis were palmar and plantar erythematopapulous cutaneous lesions in nine (37.5%, papulous exanthema in four (16.7%, patchy alopecia in 3 (12.5% and osteochondritis in one patient (4.2%. Tertiary syphilis was characterized by verrucous lesions. Neurosyphilis was diagnosed in four patients (16.7%, with headache as the only manifestation in two patients. Drugs used in treatment included benzathine penicillin, ceftriaxone, erythromycin, and crystalline penicillin. Cure was achieved in 18 patients (75%. Five patients (20.8% were retreated, three of whom presented a history of re-exposure. This study confirms the importance of establishing the diagnosis of neurosyphilis in patients with HIV infection, in addition to performing follow-up on treatment for syphilis.Foram tratados 24 indivíduos com sífilis e infecção pelo HIV, de Março de 1997 a Janeiro de 2003, no ambulatório de Dermatologia Infecciosa do Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foram 20 homens (83,3% e quatro mulheres (16,7% com idade média de 38,04 anos e contagem média de linfócitos T CD4 de 389,5 céls/mm³. A sífilis foi classificada como secundária em 16 pacientes (62,5%, latente tardia em oito (33,3% e terciária em uma paciente (4,2%. As manifestações de sífilis secundária foram de lesões cutâneas eritematopapulosas em regiões palmar e plantar em nove (37,5%, exantema papuloso em

  6. Feline sporotrichosis: epidemiological and clinical aspects. (United States)

    Gremião, Isabella D F; Menezes, Rodrigo C; Schubach, Tânia M P; Figueiredo, Anna B F; Cavalcanti, Maíra C H; Pereira, Sandro A


    Feline sporotrichosis, which is caused by species of the Sporothrix schenckii complex, is endemic to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. More than 4000 cases of the disease were diagnosed at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil, between 1998 and 2012. Sporotrichosis in cats has been reported in several countries, but nowhere has an outbreak of animal sporotrichosis been as large as that seen in Brazil. The clinical manifestations of the disease range from an isolated skin lesion that can progress to multiple skin lesions and even fatal systemic involvement. Nodules and ulcers are the most common types of lesions, and respiratory signs and mucosa involvement are frequent. The definitive diagnosis depends on isolation of the etiologic agent in culture. Cytology, histopathology, and serology are useful tools for preliminary diagnosis. Severe pyogranulomatous inflammatory infiltrate, high fungal load, and extension of lesions to mucosa, cartilage, and bone in the nose of cats are indicative of an agent of high virulence in this endemic region. Itraconazole is the drug of choice, while, in refractory cases, amphotericin B or potassium iodide might be alternative treatments; however, recurrence after discharge may occur. Sporotrichosis persists as a neglected disease in Rio de Janeiro, and the treatment of cats remains a challenging and long-term endeavor. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  7. Serodiagnosis of chronic Chagas infection by using EIE-Recombinant-Chagas-Biomanguinhos kit

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    Gomes Yara M


    Full Text Available A kit based on an enzyme immunoassay, EIE-Recombinant-Chagas-Biomanguinhos, developed by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, was evaluated for the serodiagnosis of chronic Chagas disease. Evaluation was performed with 368 serum samples collected from individuals living in an endemic area for Chagas disease: 131 patients in the chronic phase with confirmed clinical, epidemiological, and serological diagnosis (indirect immunofluorescence, indirect hemagglutination or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and 237 nonchagasic seronegative individuals were considered negative control. The EIE-Recombinant-Chagas-Biomanguinhos kit showed high sensitivity, 100% (CI 95%: 96.4-100% and high specificity, 100% (CI 95%: 98-100%. The data obtained were in full agreement with clinical and conventional serology data. In addition, no cross-reaction was observed with sera from patients with cutaneous (n=14 and visceral (n=3 leishmaniasis. However, when these sera were tested by conventional serological assays for Chagas disease, cross-reactions were detected in 14.3% and 33.3% of the patients with cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis, respectively. No cross-reactions were observed when sera from nonchagasic seronegative patients bearing other infectious disease (syphilis, n=8; HTLV, n=8; HCV, n=7 and HBV, n=12 were tested. In addition, sera of patients with inconclusive results for Chagas disease by conventional serology showed results in agreement with clinical evaluation, when tested by the kit. These results are relevant and indicate that the refered kit provides a safe immunodiagnosis of Chagas disease and could be used in blood bank screening.

  8. Luz, arte, ciência... ação! Lights, art, science - action!

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    Thelma Lopes


    Full Text Available O principal objetivo do presente artigo é refletir sobre as principais interações entre teatro, ciência e tecnologia, ao longo da história do teatro, e discutir, a partir de nossa experiência no Ciência em Cena, espaço integrante do Museu da Vida, de que modos essas interações podem estar presentes no cotidiano de um museu de ciências. A palavra 'ciência' deve ser compreendida aqui em sentido amplo, englobando não apenas as ciências naturais, mas também as ciências humanas, assim como a palavra 'tecnologia' deve ser associada à ciência aplicada. Arte e ciência serão entendidas como processos criativos, como formas de representação do mundo e expressão do conhecimento humano.The article offers some reflections on the main interactions between theater, science, and technology down through the history of theater. Based on our experience at "Science in the Spotlight", part of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz's Museum of Life, we discuss how these interactions can be part of a science museum's daily activities. We use the word 'science' in its broad sense, encompassing not only the natural but human sciences as well; likewise, we use the word 'technology' as it relates to applied science. Art and science are understood here as creative processes, as ways of representing the world and expressing human knowledge.

  9. Prevalence of Babesia spp. and Anaplasma marginale in cattle in the municipality of Palma, MG

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    Marluce Aparecida Mattos Paula


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Paula M.A.M., Oliveira F.C.R., Melo Jr O.A. & Frazão-Teixeira E. [Prevalence of Babesia spp. and Anaplasma marginale in cattle in the municipality of Palma, MG.] Prevalência de Babesia spp. e Anaplasma marginale em bovinos no município de Palma, MG. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 37(4: 359-365, 2015. Laboratório de Biologia Estrutural, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/ Fiocruz, Avenida Brasil, 4365, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21040-361, Brasil. E-mail: We verified the prevalence of hemoparasites in 40 cattle with ages varying from one month to 12 years old, in two farms of the Municipality of Palma, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Two blood smear samples were collected from each animal: one from the tail tip and another from the ear tip. The smears were fixed, stained and observed under 100X lighted microscope magnifying glass. Twenty- -seven out of 40 animals studied (67.5% had at least one species of hemoparasite. Among these, 21 (52.5% were infected with Babesia spp., 10 (25% with Anaplasma marginale and four (10% parasitized with both hemoparasites. The studied region is potentially enzootic for the detected parasites and there is high risk for clinical cases of tick-borne disease. Both anatomic points, tail and ear tips, are good spots for blood collection and smear confection for hemoparasite investigation.

  10. Leprosy exposure, infection and disease: a 25-year surveillance study of leprosy patient contacts. (United States)

    Sarno, Euzenir Nunes; Duppre, Nadia Cristina; Sales, Anna Maria; Hacker, Mariana Andréa; Nery, José Augusto; de Matos, Haroldo José


    Contact surveillance is a valuable strategy for controlling leprosy. A dynamic cohort study of leprosy contacts was initiated in 1987 at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. The objective of this work was to review the data on the major risk factors leading up to the infectious stage of the disease, estimate incidence rates of leprosy in the cohort and characterise the risk factors for the disease among the contacts under surveillance. The incidence rate of leprosy among contacts of leprosy patients was estimated at 0.01694 cases per person-year in the first five years of follow-up. The following factors were associated with acquiring the disease: (i) not receiving the BCG vaccine, (ii) a negative Mitsuda reaction and (iii) contact with a patient with a multibacillary clinical form of leprosy. The contacts of index patients who had high bacilloscopic index scores > 1 were at especially high risk of infection. The following factors were associated with infection, which was defined as a seropositive reaction for anti-phenolic glicolipid-1 IgM: (i) young age (< 20 years), (ii) a low measured Mitsuda reaction (< 5 mm) and (iii) contact with an index patient who had a high bacilloscopic index. BCG vaccination and re-vaccination were shown to be protective among household contacts. The main conclusions of this study indicate an urgent need for additional leprosy control strategies in areas with a high incidence of the disease.

  11. Leprosy exposure, infection and disease: a 25-year surveillance study of leprosy patient contacts

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    Euzenir Nunes Sarno


    Full Text Available Contact surveillance is a valuable strategy for controlling leprosy. A dynamic cohort study of leprosy contacts was initiated in 1987 at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. The objective of this work was to review the data on the major risk factors leading up to the infectious stage of the disease, estimate incidence rates of leprosy in the cohort and characterise the risk factors for the disease among the contacts under surveillance. The incidence rate of leprosy among contacts of leprosy patients was estimated at 0.01694 cases per person-year in the first five years of follow-up. The following factors were associated with acquiring the disease: (i not receiving the BCG vaccine, (ii a negative Mitsuda reaction and (iii contact with a patient with a multibacillary clinical form of leprosy. The contacts of index patients who had high bacilloscopic index scores > 1 were at especially high risk of infection. The following factors were associated with infection, which was defined as a seropositive reaction for anti-phenolic glicolipid-1 IgM: (i young age (< 20 years, (ii a low measured Mitsuda reaction (< 5 mm and (iii contact with an index patient who had a high bacilloscopic index. BCG vaccination and re-vaccination were shown to be protective among household contacts. The main conclusions of this study indicate an urgent need for additional leprosy control strategies in areas with a high incidence of the disease.

  12. Further genetic characterization of the two Trypanosoma cruzi Berenice strains (Be-62 and Be-78) isolated from the first human case of Chagas disease (Chagas, 1909). (United States)

    Cruz, R E; Macedo, A M; Barnabé, C; Freitas, J M; Chiari, E; Veloso, V M; Carneiro, C M; Bahia, M T; Tafuri, Washington L; Lana, M


    We describe here an extension of a previous genetic characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi strains (Be-62 and Be-78) isolated from the patient Berenice, the first human case of Chagas disease [Chagas, C., 1909. Nova Tripanomíase humana. Estudos sobre morfologia e o ciclo evolutivo do Schizotrypanum cruzi, n. gen., n. sp., agente etiolójico da nova entidade morbida do homem. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 1, 159-218]. We wanted to verify the composition of T. cruzi populations originated from these two isolates. In the present work, 22 enzymatic loci (MLEE), nine RAPD primers and 7 microsatellite loci were analyzed. Clones from both strains were also characterized to verify whether these strains are mono or polyclonal. Be-62 and Be-78 strains were different in 3 out of 22 enzymatic systems, in 3 out of 9 RAPD primers tested and in all microsatellite loci investigated. However, our data suggests that both strains are phylogenetically closely related, belonging to genetic group 32 from Tibayrenc and Ayala [Tibayrenc, M., Ayala, F.J., 1988. Isoenzime variability in Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas' disease: genetical, taxonomical, and epidemiological significance. Evolution 42, 277-292], equivalent to zymodeme 2 and T. cruzi II major lineage which, in Brazil, comprises parasites from the domestic cycle of the disease. Microsatellite analyses showed differences between the parental strains but suggested that both populations are monoclonal since each strain and their respective clones showed the same amplification products.

  13. Dengue situation in Brazil by year 2000

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    Hermann G Schatzmayr


    Full Text Available Dengue virus types 1 and 2 have been isolated in Brazil by the Department of Virology, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, in 1986 and 1990 respectively, after many decades of absence. A successful continental Aedes aegypti control program in the Americas, has been able to eradicate the vector in most countries in the 60's, but the program could not be sustained along the years. Dengue viruses were reintroduced in the American region and the infection became endemic in Brazil, like in most Central and SouthAmerican countries and in the Caribbean region, due to the weaning of the vector control programs in these countries. High demographic densities and poor housing conditions in large urban communities, made the ideal conditions for vector spreading. All four dengue types are circulating in the continent and there is a high risk of the introduction in the country of the other two dengue types in Brazil, with the development of large epidemics. After the Cuban episode in 1981, when by the first time a large epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome have been described in the Americas, both clinical presentations are observed, specially in the countries like Brazil, with circulation of more than one dengue virus type. A tetravalent potent vaccine seems to be the only possible way to control the disease in the future, besides rapid clinical and laboratory diagnosis, in order to offer supportive treatment to the more severe clinical infections.

  14. Viabilidade e autenticação molecular de cepas de Coccidioides immitis da coleção de culturas do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


    Bezerra, Claudia C.F.; Lima, Renata F. de; Lazera, Márcia S.; Wanke, Bodo; Borba, Cíntia M.


    Twenty Coccidioides immitis strains were evaluated. Only 5 of the 20 strains kept under mineral oil maintained their viability while all 5 subcultures preserved in water remained viable and none of the 13 subcultures kept in soil were viable. A 519 bp PCR product from the csa gene confirmed the identity of the strains.Vinte cepas de Coccidioides immitis foram avaliadas. Cinco das 20 cepas preservadas sob óleo mineral mantiveram-se viáveis, todas as 5 subculturas preservadas em água permanecer...

  15. O sistema público de saúde e as ações de reabilitação no Brasil The public health care system and rehabilitation actions in Brazil

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    Carla Trevisan Martins Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Realizar um levantamento histórico das ações de reabilitação no contexto do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa de materiais publicados entre 1980 e 2009 nas bases de dados SciELO, LILACS e MEDLINE. Foram utilizadas as seguintes palavras-chave em português: Sistema Único de Saúde, reabilitação, políticas de saúde, assistência médica, história. Em inglês foram utilizadas as palavras rehabilitation e public health. Também foram pesquisadas as leis federais e os manuais do Ministério da Saúde, junto à Coordenação de Programas de Reabilitação da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, na biblioteca da Fundação Instituto Oswaldo Cruz e na base de dados BIREME. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se apenas um pequeno número de publicações (quatro livros, três manuais do Ministério da Saúde, quatro artigos nacionais, uma dissertação de mestrado e uma tese de doutorado. Entretanto, a análise desses materiais mostrou que, como muitos municípios ainda não são capazes de garantir o direito universal e integral à saúde, as ações de reabilitação são muitas vezes levadas a cabo de forma precária, sem apoio de uma política adequada e integral. Por outro lado, houve avanços concretos no sentido de ampliar o atendimento à população com necessidades especiais. CONCLUSÕES: Ainda persistem fatores que dificultam o alcance de ótimos resultados na atenção à pessoa com necessidades especiais. Cabe especialmente aos municípios o desafio de assumir o planejamento das ações, estabelecendo a oferta adequada de serviços e promovendo, assim, a equidade de acesso e a integralidade da assistência.OBJECTIVE: To produce a historical account of rehabilitation actions in the context of the Brazilian Unified Health Care System (SUS. METHODS: Search of SciELO, LILACS, and MEDLINE databases for literature published between 1980 and 2009. The following Portuguese search terms were used: Sistema Único de Saúde, reabilita


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    José A.C. NERY


    Full Text Available It is well known that reactions are commonplace occurrences during the course of leprosy disease. Stigmatization may even be attributable to reactions which are also responsible for the worsening of neural lesions. A cohort of 162 newly-diagnosed baciloscopically positive patients from the Leprosy Care Outpatient Clinic of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ was selected for this study. While 46% of the multibacillary (MB patients submitted to the 24 fixed-dose multidrug therapy (MDT regimen suffered reactions during treatment, it was found that all MBs were susceptible and that constant attention and care were required at all times. Fourteen per cent were classified as BB, 52% as BL, and 33% as LL. None of the variables under study, such as, sex, age, clinical form, length of illness, length of dermatological lesions, baciloscopic index (BI, or degree of disability proved to be associate with reaction among the patients studied. Reversal Reaction (RR occurred in 45%, and Erythema Nodosum Leprosum (ENL occurred in 55%. Among BB patients who developed reactions (15 patients, 93% presented RR; while among the LL patients who developed reactions (34 patients, 91% presented ENL. Likewise, ENL was very frequent among those with disseminate lesions, while RR was most often observed in patients with segmentary lesions. RR was also most likely to occur during the initial months of treatment. It was demonstrated that the recurrence rate of ENL was significantly higher than that of RR. Neither grade of disability nor BI was shown to be associated with RR and ENL reaction. However, the RR rate was significantly higher among patients showing BI 3.Reações são ocorrências comuns no curso da hanseníase e são responsáveis pelo agravamento das lesões neurais. Uma coorte de 162 pacientes recém-diagnosticados, baciloscopicamente positivos, em acompanhamento no Ambulatório de Hanseníase da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ foi selecionada para estudo

  17. Visibilidad de los estudios en análisis de redes sociales en América del Sur: su evolución y métricas de 1990-2013

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    Adilson Luiz Pinto

    Full Text Available El estudio visa analizar la productividad científica de los países de América del Sur sobre el tema de los Análisis de Redes Sociales, según la representación de los países, instituciones, investigadores y referencias teóricas (las citas utilizadas en estas producciones. Estudio temporal de 1990 hasta 2013 (31/5/2013; descriptivo bibliográfico por averiguar el estado de las Análisis de Redes Sociales en contenidos de la literatura blanca; cuantitativo por aplicar volúmenes de datos de frecuencia de publicación y de citas utilizando técnicas de la Bibliometría y Cientometría; la coleta de datos fue total en la base de datos Web of Science, refinando los datos para los países seleccionados Argentina n=166, Brasil n=775, Bolivia n=28, Chile n=179, Colombia n=78, Ecuador n=19, Paraguay n=8, Perú n=33, Uruguay n=21, Venezuela n=48. Los países Guyana Francesa, Islas Malvinas, Suriname no publicaran ningún artículo recuperando n=922 artículos científicos; el tratamiento de los datos fue en Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, CiteSpace y DetDraw. Como datos relevantes, las principales relaciones por países fueron en especial con los Estados Unidos de América, cooperados con Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela y Perú. Entre los países de América del Sur la centralidad de la red se hace por Brasil, Argentina y Chile. Entre las universidades, las con más destaques son: Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, donde todas estas instituciones concentran un universo de colaboraciones y hacen con que los estudios de análisis de redes sociales se desarrollen, teniendo como principales representantes Herrmann HJ Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule - Switzerland, Carrasco JA Universidad de Concepción - Chile, Bastos FI Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Brasil, Costa LD Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil, Moll

  18. O quadro de trabalhadores federais em saúde no Brasil: uma análise no contexto dos anos 2000 The federal health work force in Brazil: an analysis in the context of the 2000's

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    Luciane Galdino Alberto


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa o quadro de trabalhadores do Ministério da Saúde e entidades vinculadas - agências reguladoras da saúde e Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - de 2000 a 2008, relacionando a evolução quantitativa e o perfil dos vínculos dos trabalhadores federais da saúde com os condicionantes históricos e as políticas para o funcionalismo. As estratégias metodológicas da pesquisa foram: revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e de dados primários e secundários. Os resultados sugerem que a partir de 2003 houve uma recomposição parcial de quadros na administração pública federal, por meio de concursos públicos. Tal movimento foi heterogêneo entre áreas, sendo que a saúde apresentou um aumento de servidores ativos inferior à média federal. Observaram-se diferenças na situação do quadro de trabalhadores do Ministério da Saúde e entidades vinculadas. O nível central do Ministério foi pouco beneficiado com a realização de concursos, mantendo baixa proporção de servidores e alta dependência de consultores, terceirizados e contratos temporários. As agências reguladoras da saúde receberam servidores concursados a partir de 2005, mas em 2008 ainda apresentavam trabalhadores com outros tipos de vínculos. Na Fiocruz, observou-se um incremento do número de servidores, porém um aumento maior dos terceirizados. Por fim, discutem-se os desafios de conformação de uma adequada força de trabalho no Ministério da Saúde e entidades vinculadas, visto que no Brasil a esfera federal mantém um papel estratégico para a consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde.This paper analyzes the work force of the Brazilian Ministry of Health and associated entities -the health regulatory agencies and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation -from 2000 to 2008, focusing on the quantitative evolution and types of employment relation. The methods involved a bibliographical review, documental analysis and analysis of primary and secondary data. The

  19. Resultados do controle de qualidade de produtos hemoderivados: análise sanitária Results of quality control of plasma derivatives products: sanitary analysis

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    Marisa C. Adati


    Full Text Available O Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde - INCQS, unidade técnico-científica da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Fiocruz, desempenha seu papel no controle de qualidade pericial, de bens e serviços sujeitos ao regime de Vigilância Sanitária, em particular medicamentos denominados de hemoderivados. Este trabalho fundamentou-se na análise de 3.100 lotes de hemoderivados, no período de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2004, assim distribuídos: 31,6% (n=980 de albumina humana, 28,7% (n=890 de fator VIII, 21,4% (n=662 de imunoglobulina humana, 8,3% (n=257 de fator IX, 7,1% (n=220 de imunoglobulinas específicas como anti-Rho (D, antitetânica, anti-rábica, anti-Hepatite B e antivaricela zoster e 2,9% (n=91 de complexo protrombínico. As amostras foram recebidas para análise oriundas dos segmentos: portos, aeroportos e fronteiras de Brasília, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo e de apreensões realizadas pelos estados de Pernambuco, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro e Rio Grande do Sul. Quanto à modalidade de análise: 92,3% correspondem à análise controle, 5,9% fiscal, 1,4% orientação e 0,4% análise prévia. Da internalização dos hemoderivados importados: 40,0% ocorreram pelo aeroporto de Brasília, 26,9% por São Paulo e 25,2% pelo Rio de Janeiro. Concluindo, dos lotes de hemoderivados analisados, 99,1% apresentaram resultados satisfatórios e 0,9% foram insatisfatórios quanto ao ensaio de inspeção visual, solubilidade, ensaio de estabilidade e químico, e quanto ao teste de pirogênio e toxicidade inespecífica. Desta forma, monitorar a qualidade dos produtos hemoderivados é um instrumento fundamental no exercício das ações de Vigilância Sanitária.The technical scientific unit of the National Institute of Quality Control in Health (INCQS, part of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, has a role of investigational quality control of products and services related to health surveillance, in particular medicines denominated plasma

  20. Suicide risk and alcohol and drug abuse in outpatients with HIV infection and Chagas disease. (United States)

    Guimarães, Patrícia M; Passos, Sonia R; Calvet, Guilherme A; Hökerberg, Yara H; Lessa, José L; Andrade, Carlos A de


    To evaluate psychiatric comorbidities in outpatients receiving care for HIV and Chagas disease at Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas (IPEC), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cross-sectional study with a consecutive sample of 125 patients referred to an outpatient psychiatric clinic from February to December 2010. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) was used. Factors associated with more frequent mental disorders were estimated by odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) by multiple logistic regression. Seventy-six (60.8%) patients with HIV, 40 (32%) patients with Chagas disease, and nine (7.2%) patients with human T-lymphotropic virus were interviewed. The majority were women (64%), with up to 8 years of formal education (56%), and unemployed (81.6%). The median age was 49 years. Suicide risk (n=71) (56%), agoraphobia (n=65) (52%), major depressive episode (n=56) (44.8%), and alcohol/drug abuse (n=43) (34.4%) predominated, the latter being directly associated with lower family income (OR = 2.64; 95%CI 1.03-6.75) and HIV infection (OR = 5.24; 95%CI 1.56-17.61). Suicide risk was associated with non-white skin color (OR = 2.21; 95%CI 1.03-4.75), unemployment (OR = 2.72; 95%CI 1.01-7.34), and diagnosis of major depression (OR = 3.34; 95%CI 1.54-7.44). Measures targeting adverse socioeconomic conditions and psychiatric and psychological monitoring and care should be encouraged in this population, considering the association with abuse of alcohol/other psychoactive drugs and suicide risk.

  1. Prevalence of sexual problems and related help-seeking behaviors among mature adults in Brazil: data from the global study of sexual attitudes and behaviors

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    Edson Duarte Moreira Junior

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Relatively little is known about the usual frequency of sexual activity and how older individuals cope with sexual problems. The objective was to study sexual activity, prevalence of sexual problems and related help-seeking behaviors among middle-aged and older men and women in Brazil. DESIGN AND SETTING: Population survey, by Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. METHODS: Interviews were held with 1,199 Brazilians aged 40-80 years (471 men and 728 women. The standardized questionnaire investigated demographics, general health, sexual behavior, attitudes and beliefs. RESULTS: Overall, 92.6% of men and 58.3% of women had had sexual intercourse during the preceding year. More than half of the men and women had done so more than once a week. Early ejaculation (30.3% was the commonest male sexual problem, followed by inability to reach orgasm (14.0%, erectile difficulties (13.1% and lack of sexual interest (11.2%. For women, the commonest sexual problems were lubrication difficulties (23.4% and lack of sexual interest (22.7%. Depression was a significant correlate of sexual problems, for men and women. More women than men had sought help for sexual problem(s from a healthcare professional. CONCLUSIONS: The findings highlight the importance of encouraging greater use of available healthcare services, including consultation with a medical doctor regarding sexual health. This should not only enable men and women to maintain satisfactory sexual function well into their later years, but may also result in overall improvement in the quality of healthcare.

  2. Educação, prevenção e drogas: resultados e desdobramentos da avaliação de um jogo educativo

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    Monteiro Simone Souza


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados da avaliação do "Jogo da Onda", um jogo sobre a prevenção contra HIV/AIDS e uso de drogas, desenvolvido pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Informado por uma abordagem qualitativa (grupo focal, observação direta do uso do jogo e questionário, o estudo analisa a opinião de 62 estudantes e 17 educadores da rede pública de ensino (Rio de Janeiro/Brasil sobre o uso do jogo e as temáticas tratadas no material. Para os estudantes e educadores o jogo gera informação, estimula a reflexão e o diálogo acerca de situações do cotidiano relacionadas ao uso de drogas. A visão dos jovens acerca dos temas do jogo aponta para a relevância da percepção do usuário na avaliação do alcance das mensagens veiculadas em recursos de educação em saúde. Os resultados do estudo motivaram o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de novos conteúdos, principalmente sobre saúde reprodutiva e relações de gênero, que irão integrar as edições futuras do "Jogo da Onda". Os novos conteúdos privilegiam as interfaces entre os desafios enfrentados pela juventude na atualidade: epidemia de HIV/AIDS, DST, consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas, iniciação sexual, gravidez não-planejada, entre outros.

  3. Changing mortality profile among HIV-infected patients in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: shifting from AIDS to non-AIDS related conditions in the HAART era.

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    Beatriz Grinsztejn

    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: We describe temporal trends in the mortality rates and factors associated with AIDS and non-AIDS related mortality at the Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute (IPEC, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ. METHODS: Adult patients enrolling from 1986 through 2009 with a minimum follow up of 60 days were included. Vital status was exhaustively checked using patients' medical charts, through active contact with individuals and family members and by linkage with the Rio de Janeiro Mortality database using a previously validated algorithm. The CoDe protocol was used to establish the cause of death. Extended Cox proportional hazards models were used for multivariate modeling. RESULTS: A total of 3530 individuals met the inclusion criteria, out of which 868 (24.6% deceased; median follow up per patient was 3.9 years (interquartile range 1.7-9.2 years. The dramatic decrease in the overall mortality rates was driven by AIDS-related causes that decreased from 9.19 deaths/100PYs n 1986-1991 to 1.35/100PYs in 2007-2009. Non-AIDS related mortality rates remained stable overtime, at around 1 death/100PYs. Immunodeficiency significantly increased the hazard of both AIDS-related and non-AIDS-related causes of death, while HAART use was strongly associated with a lower hazard of death from either cause. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm the remarkable decrease in AIDS-related mortality as the HIV epidemic evolved and alerts to the conditions not traditionally related to HIV/AIDS which are now becoming more frequent, needing careful monitoring.

  4. First record of a nematode Metastrongyloidea (Aelurostrongylus abstrusus larvae) in Achatina (Lissachatina) fulica (Mollusca, Achatinidae) in Brazil. (United States)

    Thiengo, Silvana C; Fernandez, Monica A; Torres, Eduardo J L; Coelho, Pablo M; Lanfredi, Reinalda M


    Achatina (Lissachatina) fulica was introduced in Brazil in the 1980s for commercial purposes ("escargot" farming) and nowadays, mainly by human activity, it is widespread in at least 23 out of 26 Brazilian states and Brasília, including the Amazonian region and natural reserves, where besides a general nuisance for people it is a pest and also a public health concern, since it is one of the natural intermediate host of Angiostrongylus cantonensis, ethiological agent of the meningoencephalitis in Asia. As Brazil is experiencing the explosive phase of the invasion, the Laboratório de Malacologia do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz has been receiving samples of these molluscs for identification and search for Angiostrongylus cantonensis and Angiostrongylus costaricensis larvae. While examining samples of A. fulica different nematode larvae were obtained, including Aelurostrongylus, whose different species are parasites of felids, dogs, primates, and badger. Morphological and morphometric analyses presented herein indicated the species Aelurostrongylus abstrusus, as well as the occurrence of other nematode larvae (Strongyluris-like) found in the interior of the pallial cavity of A. fulica. This is the first report in Brazil of the development of A. abstrusus infective larvae in A. fulica evidencing the veterinary importance of this mollusc in the transmission of A. abstrusus to domestic cats. Since the spread of A. fulica is pointed out in the literature as one of the main causative spread of the meningoencephalitis caused by A. cantonensis the authors emphasize the need of sanitary vigilance of snails and rats from vulnerable areas for A. cantonensis introduction as the port side areas.

  5. [Development of Rhodnius pictipes Stal, 1872 fed on mice and through a silicone membrane (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae)]. (United States)

    Rocha, D da S; da Fonseca, A H; Costa, F A; Jurberg, J; Galvão, C


    Rhodnius pictipes (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) from Serra Norte, State of Pará, Brazil, acclimatized in an insectary at the Laboratório Nacional e Internacional de Referência em Taxonomia de Triatomíneos, Departamento de Entomologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, were fed through a silicone membrane. In order to know the viability and the efficiency of this membrane compared with insects fed on mice, the number of bloodmeals taken, period of development of the five nymphal instars, longevity of adults, average amount of blood intake in each meal and percent of mortality were observed. A total of 310 insects, were used, comprising 50 nymphs of each instar, as well as 30 male and 30 female adults. Insects fed artificially had reduced minimal and maximal periods of development than the group fed on mice. The largest relative increase of body weight was observed in the 2nd instar followed by the 1st, and the amount of blood ingested increased during the development, to the 5th instar for both groups. There were no significant differences between the groups fed artificially and in vivo according to Tukey's test for p > 0.05. The percent of mortality in the 1st instar was 18% for artificially fed and 16% for the group fed on mice; these percentages decreased as insects developed until the 4th instar, without mortality, returning to increase in the 5th instar. R. pictipes was shown to be easily adaptable to artificial feeding, and could be considered as an important and viable experimental model.

  6. Suicide risk and alcohol and drug abuse in outpatients with HIV infection and Chagas disease

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    Patrícia M. Guimarães


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate psychiatric comorbidities in outpatients receiving care for HIV and Chagas disease at Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas (IPEC, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study with a consecutive sample of 125 patients referred to an outpatient psychiatric clinic from February to December 2010. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI was used. Factors associated with more frequent mental disorders were estimated by odds ratios (OR with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI by multiple logistic regression. Results: Seventy-six (60.8% patients with HIV, 40 (32% patients with Chagas disease, and nine (7.2% patients with human T-lymphotropic virus were interviewed. The majority were women (64%, with up to 8 years of formal education (56%, and unemployed (81.6%. The median age was 49 years. Suicide risk (n=71 (56%, agoraphobia (n=65 (52%, major depressive episode (n=56 (44.8%, and alcohol/drug abuse (n=43 (34.4% predominated, the latter being directly associated with lower family income (OR = 2.64; 95%CI 1.03-6.75 and HIV infection (OR = 5.24; 95%CI 1.56-17.61. Suicide risk was associated with non-white skin color (OR = 2.21; 95%CI 1.03-4.75, unemployment (OR = 2.72; 95%CI 1.01-7.34, and diagnosis of major depression (OR = 3.34; 95%CI 1.54-7.44. Conclusion: Measures targeting adverse socioeconomic conditions and psychiatric and psychological monitoring and care should be encouraged in this population, considering the association with abuse of alcohol/other psychoactive drugs and suicide risk.

  7. Mapping the dengue scientific landscape worldwide: a bibliometric and network analysis. (United States)

    Mota, Fabio Batista; Fonseca, Bruna de Paula Fonseca E; Galina, Andréia Cristina; Silva, Roseli Monteiro da


    Despite the current global trend of reduction in the morbidity and mortality of neglected diseases, dengue's incidence has increased and occurrence areas have expanded. Dengue also persists as a scientific and technological challenge since there is no effective treatment, vaccine, vector control or public health intervention. Combining bibliometrics and social network analysis methods can support the mapping of dengue research and development (R&D) activities worldwide. The aim of this paper is to map the scientific scenario related to dengue research worldwide. We use scientific publication data from Web of Science Core Collection - articles indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) - and combine bibliometrics and social network analysis techniques to identify the most relevant journals, scientific references, research areas, countries and research organisations in the dengue scientific landscape. Our results show a significant increase of dengue publications over time; tropical medicine and virology as the most frequent research areas and biochemistry and molecular biology as the most central area in the network; USA and Brazil as the most productive countries; and Mahidol University and Fundação Oswaldo Cruz as the main research organisations and the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention as the most central organisation in the collaboration network. Our findings can be used to strengthen a global knowledge platform guiding policy, planning and funding decisions as well as to providing directions to researchers and institutions. So that, by offering to the scientific community, policy makers and public health practitioners a mapping of the dengue scientific landscape, this paper has aimed to contribute to upcoming debates, decision-making and planning on dengue R&D and public health strategies worldwide.

  8. [Effects of lead exposure on the human body and health implications]. (United States)

    Moreira, Fátima Ramos; Moreira, Josino Costa


    To review the literature concerning the risks associated with exposure to lead and lead compounds, especially in children and in populations that are occupationally exposed. Using "chumbo" [lead] and "efeitos" [effects] as search terms, two large databases, namely PubMed (United States National Library of Medicine) and LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde [Latin American and Caribbean Literature in the Health Sciences]), were searched for studies on lead toxicity from 1988 to 2002. Other sources used to conduct the search include the web page of the United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, in Atlanta, Georgia, and the library of the Toxicology Laboratory of the Center for Workers' Health and Human Ecology at the National School of Public Health [Centro de Estudos da Saúde de Trabalhador e Ecologia Humana, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública], Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The toxic effects of lead and lead compounds have been extensively studied for over a century. In recent years, epidemiologic studies have focused primarily on the neurotoxic effects of lead on children, particularly in terms of impaired intellectual ability and behavioral problems. However, there is still insufficient information on the mechanisms of action that account for such toxicity. More in-depth studies are also needed on the effects of lead exposure on bone, the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the kidneys, the liver, the male and female reproductive systems, and the endocrine system. The potential teratogenicity and carcinogenicity of lead, as well as its effect on pregnancy outcomes and neonatal growth and development, also require further study.

  9. Bibliometric assessment of the Latin-American contributions in dengue. (United States)

    Vera-Polania, Felipe; Perilla-Gonzalez, Yuliana; Martinez-Pulgarin, Dayron F; Baquero-Rodriguez, Juan D; Munoz-Urbano, Marcela; Lagos-Gallego, Mariana; Lagos-Grisales, Guillermo J; Villegas, Soraya; Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J


    Despite efforts in prevention and control of dengue, it is still a public health problem in the region. There are estimations of 13 million people affected in the Americas, therefore, it is of outmost importance to research it. An assessment on the Latin- American contributions on dengue was done. Bibliometric study at SCI (1980- 2013), MEDLINE/GOPUBMED (1802-2013), Scopus (1959-2013), SCIELO (2004-2013), LILACS (1980- 2013). Different study types, characterized by years, city/country of origin, journals and more productive authors, by country, cites and H index have been conducted. At SCI, 2598 articles were retrieved (21% of the total). Brazil was found to be the highest contributor (31.2%), then Puerto Rico (12.9%) and Mexico (10.7%). At Scopus, there are 2646 articles (16.7% of the total), 31.2% Brazil, 11.1% Mexico, 9.3% Cuba; the region received 41881 citations, 25.4% from Brazil (H index=45), 14.4% Cuba (H index=35) and 12.88% Puerto Rico (H index=38); 9.1% in Brazil were from Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; 1.6% of Mexico corresponded to Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, 4.9% of Cuba are from Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kouri. At Medline, there are 2799 records (33.9% from Brazil). At SciELO there are 825 records (46.6% Brazil). At LILACS, there are 1178 records (46.8% Brazil). Brazil is the best producer in the region. In Puerto Rico and Brazil, there observed the epidemiologic burden of the disease. Scientific production in bibliographical data bases, particularly regional, is low, as compared to the high impact of the disease of in urban zones of the region.

  10. Study of the scientific production on leishmaniasis in Latin America. (United States)

    Perilla-Gonzalez, Yuliana; Gomez-Suta, Daniela; Delgado-Osorio, Nathalia; Hurtado-Hurtado, Natalia; Baquero-Rodriguez, Juan D; Lopez-Isaza, Andres F; Lagos-Grisales, Guillermo J; Villegas, Soraya; Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J


    Leishmaniasis is a highly relevant neglected tropical disease. It has important consequences in affected populations, including a high fatality rate in its visceral form. It is present in Latin America, then it is necessary to promote more research on it. A bibliometric assessment of the Latin American scientific production in leishmaniasis was done. Bibliometric study at SCI (1980-2013), MEDLINE/GOPUBMED (1802-2013), Scopus (1959-2013), SCIELO (2004-2013), LILACS (1980-2013). Different study types, characterized by years, city/country of origin, journals and more productive authors, by country, cites and H index. At SCI, 2857 articles were found (17.7% of the total). Brazil was the highest producer (58.1%), followed by Colombia (9.9%) and Venezuela (5.6%); the region received 41186 citations, 54.2% of Brazil (H index=62), 12.1% Colombia (H index=30) and 4.5% of Venezuela (H index=25). At Scopus, there are 3681 (14.7% of the total), 53.2% Brazil, 6.8% Colombia and 6.0% Venezuela; 38.46% at Brazil were from Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; 30.6% of Colombia corresponded to Universidad de Antioquia; 31.34% at Venezuela were from Universidad Central de Venezuela. At Medline there are 4525 records (60.6% of Brazil). At SciELO there are 1068 records (67.5% Brazil). At LILACS, there are 1740 records (56.0% Brazil). Scientific production of Brazil predominates in the region, with one single institution generating more articles than Colombia and Venezuela together. Scientific production in bibliographical data bases, particularly regional, is still relatively low, and the disease neglected when compared to other tropical conditions such as dengue and malaria.

  11. A trajetória de Virgínia Schall: integrando Saúde, Educação, Ciência e Literatura

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    Denise Nacif Pimenta

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo apresenta a trajetória profissional de Virgínia Schall, interrompida precocemente, destacando sua atuação na integração dos campos da Saúde, da Educação e da Divulgação Científica no Brasil. A contextualização da sua produção acadêmica e literária como pesquisadora da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz permite demonstrar a contribuição de Virginia para o fortalecimento da instituição e para a formação de dezenas de pesquisadores e alunos. Com abordagem marcadamente inter e multidisciplinar, Virgínia foi pioneira no campo da Educação em Saúde, Ensino de Ciências e Divulgação Científica, tendo participado da implantação de dois cursos de pós-graduação e atuado regularmente como consultora ad hoc do CNPq, CAPES, SVS/MS e MEC, consolidando políticas públicas nacionais nas áreas referidas. Além de autora de diversos livros infanto-juvenis e informativos/materiais educativos sobre saúde, ambiente e ciência, Virginia concebeu o Museu da Vida na Fiocruz-RJ, como um espaço de integração entre ciência, cultura e sociedade, voltada para informação, educação em ciência, saúde e tecnologia. Foi também poetisa, integrante da Academia Feminina Mineira de Letras, produzindo diversificada e premiada obra literária em prosa e poesia.

  12. Current millennium biotechniques for biomedical research on parasites and host-parasite interactions

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    Teixeira Antonio RL


    Full Text Available The development of biotechnology in the last three decades has generated the feeling that the newest scientific achievements will deliver high standard quality of life through abundance of food and means for successfully combating diseases. Where the new biotechnologies give access to genetic information, there is a common belief that physiological and pathological processes result from subtle modifications of gene expression. Trustfully, modern genetics has produced genetic maps, physical maps and complete nucleotide sequences from 141 viruses, 51 organelles, two eubacteria, one archeon and one eukaryote (Saccharomices cerevisiae. In addition, during the Centennial Commemoration of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute the nearly complete human genome map was proudly announced, whereas the latest Brazilian key stone contribution to science was the publication of the Shillela fastidiosa genomic sequence highlythed on a Nature cover issue. There exists a belief among the populace that further scientific accomplishments will rapidly lead to new drugs and methodological approaches to cure genetic diseases and other incurable ailments. Yet, much evidence has been accumulated, showing that a large information gap exists between the knowledge of genome sequence and our knowledge of genome function. Now that many genome maps are available, people wish to know what are we going to do with them. Certainly, all these scientific accomplishments will shed light on many more secrets of life. Nevertheless, parsimony in the weekly announcements of promising scientific achievements is necessary. We also need many more creative experimental biologists to discover new, as yet un-envisaged biotechnological approaches, and the basic resource needed for carrying out mile stone research necessary for leading us to that "promised land"often proclaimed by the mass media.

  13. Considerações gerais sôbre a vegetação do Estado de Goiás: notas preliminares sôbre a fitosociologia do Planalto Central do Brasileiro Preliminary observations on the vegetation of Goiás

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    Henrique P. Veloso


    Full Text Available Em junho de 1947, fomos convidados pelo general DEJALMA POLY COELHO, chefe da Comissão de Estudos do Planalto Central Brasileiro, para colaborarmos com o Grupo de Geógrafos chefiado pelo Prof. FRANCIS RUELLAN, a quem foi confiada parte dos trabalhos para a localização de novo Distrito Federal da República. A Diretoria do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, nos incumbiu então de estudar as condições fito-ecológicas de trechos do Estado de Goiás, paralelamente às observações bio-geográficas que teríamos de realizar para a Comissão. Desde 1945 que vimos observando, em viagens, a vegetação do tipo Cerrado, nos Estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Mato Grosso, Outrossim, em notas já publicadas sôbre a vegetação dos Estados de Mato Grosso e Minas Gerais, tivemos a oportunidade de apreciar, ligeiramente, a importãncia do Cerrado como uma climática e o papel que o mesmo desempenha na configuração bio-geográfica do brasil. Queremos salientar, mais uma vez, a grande necessidade que temos de estudar determinados pontos de outras regiões, para podermos apresentar um trabalho ecológico sôbre o Cerrado brasileiro que, apesar de muito bem conhecido sob o ponto de vista da Sistemática, é quase desconhecido quanto ao papel das espécies dentro das associações e sias reações aos habitats. Com os dados ecológicos que possuíamos e com os estudos que realizamos no Estado de Goiás, sòmente nos falta obter uma visão mais ampla das formações e fazer alguns levantamentos sociológicos nas associações do Cerrado dos Estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Baía para completarmos assim, a nossa monografia sôbre a vegetação do Centro Oeste do Brasil. Na apresentação desta nota não poderiamos deixar de agradecer ao Prof. ALFREDO PORTO DOMINGUES e aos componentes do Grupo pos, recebemos contribuição valiosa de todos, que muito fizeram para o bom andamento dos trabalhos de campo. Expressamos também nossos agradecimentos a quantos

  14. In vitro antimicrobial activity of linezolid tested against vancomycin-resistant enterococci isolated in Brazilian hospitals

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    Reis Adriana O.


    Full Text Available The emergence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE has been described recently in Brazil. This is in contrast to the USA and Europe, where the VRE appeared in the late 1980s. The progressive increase in VRE isolation poses important problems in the antimicrobial therapy of nosocomial infections. Treatment options and effective antimicrobial agents for VRE are often limited and the possibility of transfer of vancomycin genes to other Gram-positive microorganisms continues. In the search for antimicrobial agents for multiresistant Gram-positive cocci, compounds such as linezolid and quinupristin/dalfopristin have been evaluated. The present study was conducted to evaluate the in vitro activity of the oxazolidinone linezolid and 10 other antimicrobial agents, including quinupristin-dalfopristin, against multiresistant enterococci isolated in Brazilian hospitals. Thirty-three vancomycin resistant isolates (17 Enterococcus faecium and 16 E. faecalis, were analyzed. Strains were isolated from patients at São Paulo Hospital, Oswaldo Cruz Hospital, Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual, Santa Marcelina Hospital, Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, and Hospital de Clínicas do Paraná. The samples were tested by a broth microdilution method following the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS recommendations. All isolates were molecular typed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE. Linezolid was the most active compound against these multiresistant enterococci, showing 100% inhibition at the susceptible breakpoints. Quinupristin/dalfopristin and teicoplanin showed poor activity against both species. The molecular typing results suggest that there has been interhospital spread of vancomycin resistant E. faecium and E. faecalis among Brazilian hospitals. The results of this study indicate that linezolid is an appropriate therapeutic option for the treatment of vancomycin-resistant enterococci infections in Brazil.

  15. Os anofelinos do sub-gênero kerteszia em relação à distribuição das bromeliáceas em comunidades florestais do município de Brusque, Estado de Santa Catarina

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    Henrique P. Veloso


    Full Text Available Die vorliegende Arbeit bildet einem Teil der Studien, die unter Leitung des nationalen Malaria-Dienstes in Zusammenarbeit mit Technikern des Institutes Oswaldo Cruz im Sueden Brasiliens durchgefuehrt werden und sich mit dem Problem des Wechselspiels zwischen Malaria und Bromeliacen befassen. Die verfasser bearbeiten in dieser Niederschrift, die den Anfang einer Serie ueber die erwaehnten Fragen darstellt, die Entwicklung der Anophelinen der Untergattung Kerteszia in den Wasseransammlungen der Blattwinkel von Bromelien. Es wurde das Munizip Brusque ausgewaehlt, da hier die Abhaengigkeit der Bevoelkerung vom Wald eine sehr enge ist und da dieses Gebiet fuer die Oekologie und Topographie der Suedregion charakteristisch ist. Den hier gefundenen Wald nennen die Autoren die “Suedbrasilianische Regenformation”. Vor der Ankunft der Arbeitsgruppe wurden die folgenden Methoden zur Bekaempfung der Brutstaetten der Malariauebertraeger angewendet: 1. Manuelle Entfernung der Bromelien aus den die Staedte umgebenden Waeldern, 2. Abholzung. Da diese beiden Methoden zu drastisch sind, benutzten die erwaehnten Techniker anfangs eine 0,5% ige Loesung von Kupfersulfat als “Bromelicid” und spaeter PariserGruen, das vom Flugzeug aus verstaeubt wurde. Um ueberfluessige Schaeden an den Pflanzengesellschaften zu vermeiden, wurde daran gedacht, auf Grund oekologischer Betrachtungen das Problem “Bromeliaceae-Malaria” nach dem Vorbild Pittendrigh’s in Trinidad zu loesen. Es wurde folgenden Arbeitsplan durchgefuehrt: 1. Studium der Vergesellchaftungen im Hinblick auf die Soziologie und ihre Beziehungen zu den Bromelien, 2. Auszaehlung der in den Bromelien enthaltenen Larven und Puppen, 3. Kenntnis des Mittelwertes der Larven, die sich zu Imagines entwickeln und 4. Mikrolima der Waelder usw. Die Oekologie der bromelien wurde in einer frueheren Publikation veroeffentlich (Veloso, H. P., 1952. Das botanische Material der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde von Spezialisten

  16. Network analysis to support research management: evidence from the Fiocruz Observatory in Science, Technology and Innovation in Health

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    Fonseca, B.; Sampaio, R.B.; Silva, M.V.; Dos Santos, P.X.


    Brazil has been encouraging the establishment of research networks to address strategic health issues in response to social demands, creating an urgent need to develop indicators for their evaluation. The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a national research, training and production institution, has initiated the development of an “Observatory in Science, Technology and Innovation in Health” to monitor and evaluate research and technological development for the formulation of institutional policies. In this context, we are proposing the use of social network analysis to map cooperation in strategic areas of research, identify prominent researchers and support internal research networks. In this preliminary study, coauthorship analysis was used to map the cooperative relations of Fiocruz in tuberculosis (TB) research, an important public health issue for which diagnosis and adequate treatment are still challenging. Our findings suggest that Brazilian research organizations acting in TB research are embedded in highly connected networks. The large number of international organizations present in the Brazilian network reflects the global increase in scientific collaboration and Brazil’s engagement in international collaborative research efforts. Fiocruz frequent cooperation with high-income countries demonstrates its concern in benefiting from the access to facilities, funding, equipment and networks that are often limited in its research setting. Collaboration with high burden countries has to be strengthened, as it could improve access to local knowledge and better understanding of the disease in different endemic contexts. Centrality analysis consolidated information on the importance of Fiocruz in connecting TB research institutions in Brazil. Fiocruz Observatory intends to advance this analysis by looking into the mechanisms of collaboration, identifying priority themes and assessing comparative advantages of the network members, an important contribution

  17. The life history of Hepatozoon leptodactyli (Lesage, 1908 Pessoa, 1970: a parasite of the common laboratory animal: the frog of the genus Leptodactylus

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    Sylvio Celso Goncalves da Costa


    Full Text Available The main object of the present paper is to furnish a brief account to the knowledgement of Protozoa parasitic in common Brazilian frog of the genus Leptodactylus for general students in Zoology and for investigators that use this frog as a laboratory animal. Hepatozoon leptodactyli (Haemogregarina leptodactyli was found in two species of frogs - Leptodactylus ocellatus and L. pentadactylus - in which develop schizogony whereas sporogony occurs in the leech Haementeria lutzi as was obtainded in experimental conditions. Intracellular forms have been found in peripheral circulation, chiefly in erythrocytes, but we have found them in leukocytes too. Tissue stages were found in frog, liver, lungs, spleen, gut, brain and heart. The occurence of hemogregarine in the Central Nervous System was recorded by Costa & al,(13 and Ball (2. Some cytochemical methods were employed in attempt to differentiate gametocytes from trophozoites in the peripheral blood and to characterize the cystic membrane as well. The speorogonic cycle was developed in only one specie of leech. A brief description of the parasite is given.Os autores apresentam uma revisão da hemogregarina parasita de rãs do gênero Leptodactylus. A posisção sistemática sob o ponto de vista genérico fica definida com os estudos do ciclo no vetor Haementeria lutzi, publicados em nota preliminar por um dos autores (Pessoa 24 quando utilizou rãs L. petadactylus em trabalho experimental. Este trabalho experimental continua sendo desenvolvido no Laboratório de Protozoologia do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, utilizando a rã L. ocellatus e as sanguessugas Haementeria vizuttoi e Haementeria gracilis. Algumas técnicas citoquímicas foram empregadas para melhor caracterização dos esquizontes e das granulações do citoplasma das formas sanguíneas.

  18. Review of 21 cases of mycetoma from 1991 to 2014 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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    Felipe Maurício Soeiro Sampaio


    Full Text Available Mycetoma is caused by the subcutaneous inoculation of filamentous fungi or aerobic filamentous bacteria that form grains in the tissue. The purpose of this study is to describe the epidemiologic, clinic, laboratory, and therapeutic characteristics of patients with mycetoma at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 1991 and 2014. Twenty-one cases of mycetoma were included in the study. There was a predominance of male patients (1.3:1 and the average patient age was 46 years. The majority of the cases were from the Southeast region of Brazil and the feet were the most affected anatomical region (80.95%. Eumycetoma prevailed over actinomycetoma (61.9% and 38.1% respectively. Eumycetoma patients had positive cultures in 8 of 13 cases, with isolation of Scedosporium apiospermum species complex (n = 3, Madurella mycetomatis (n = 2 and Acremonium spp. (n = 1. Two cases presented sterile mycelium and five were negative. Six of 8 actinomycetoma cases had cultures that were identified as Nocardia spp. (n = 3, Nocardia brasiliensis (n = 2, and Nocardia asteroides (n = 1. Imaging tests were performed on all but one patients, and bone destruction was identified in 9 cases (42.68%. All eumycetoma cases were treated with itraconazole monotherapy or combined with fluconazole, terbinafine, or amphotericin B. Actinomycetoma cases were treated with sulfamethoxazole plus trimethoprim or combined with cycles of amikacin sulphate. Surgical procedures were performed in 9 (69.2% eumycetoma and in 3 (37.5% actinomycetoma cases, with one amputation case in each group. Clinical cure occurred in 11 cases (7 for eumycetoma and 4 for actinomycetoma, and recurrence was documented in 4 of 21 cases. No deaths were recorded during the study. Despite of the scarcity of mycetoma in our institution the cases presented reflect the wide clinical spectrum and difficulties to take care of this neglected disease.

  19. Ocorrência e Sazonalidade de Muscóides (Diptera, Calliphoridae de Importância Sanitária no Município de Itaboraí, RJ, Brasil

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    José Antonio Batista-da-Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo contribuir com o conhecimento da entomofauna de Calliphoridae (Diptera no município de Itaboraí, RJ, Brasil e quantificar as espécies mais predominantes de importância sanitária. As moscas foram capturadas em oito diferentes pontos no período de um ano, usando sempre isca de peixe. Após triagem, as espécies foram separadas por espécie e inseridas na coleção entomológica do Laboratório de Transmissores de Leishmaniose (Setor de Entomologia Médica e Forense do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - IOC/FIOCRUZ. Foram capturadas 1792 moscas pertencentes a sete (7 espécies da família Calliphoridae: Chloroprocta idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy (0,11%, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius (87,94%, Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann (6,70%, Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann (1,23%, Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius (0,56%, Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius (0,33%, Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann (3,13%.Occurrence and seasonality of muscoid (Diptera, Calliphoridae of public healthimportance in Itaboraí (RJ, BrazilAbstract. This work was carried out to contribute to the knowledge of Calliphoridae flies (Diptera in Itaboraí, RJ, Brazil and quantify the predominant species of health importance. The flies were captured in eight different points in the city over a one year period, always using fish as bait, separated by species and kept properly in an entomological box in the Laboratório de Transmissores de Leishmaniose (Setor de Entomologia Médica e Forense - IOC / FIOCRUZ, RJ. A total of 1792 Calliphoridae flies were captured, belonging to seven (7 species: Chloroprocta idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy (0.11%, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius (87.94%, Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann (6.70%, Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann (1.23%, Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius (0.56%, Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius (0.33%, Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann (3.13%.

  20. Indicadores Bibliométricos, Indexación y Revisión por Pares, Mitos y Realidades

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


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    Bibliometric Indicators, Indexing And Peer Review, Facts And Fancy

    A mediados de 2010 los profesionales de medicina y áreas biológicas fuimos gratamente sorprendidos por la información del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Colombia acerca del buen “posicionamiento” de su revista BIOMÉDICA en el Science Citation Index Expanded y en el Journal Citation Report/ Science Edition, como parte del ISI Web of Knowledge. El índice de citación logrado (0.573 es importante no sólo en lo que a la cifra se refiere; también a que esta revista está catalogada entre las mejores sobre el tema de medicina tropical, siendo segunda en Latinoamérica después de las “Memorias del Instituto Oswaldo Cruz” de Brazil (1. No menos importante es ver que el gigante empresarial Thompson-Reuters se interesa desde ya en América Latina.

    El crecimiento exponencial de la información en general, y de la científi ca en particular, le ha dado especial fortaleza a los índices bibliométricos. Además de estar de moda, son convenientes y necesarios. La medición es útil para el usuario globalizado y esto también aplica para publicaciones periódicas en español que usualmente juegan en ligas menores; se nota entre estas un esfuerzo para aceptar el reto y resolverlo lo mejor posible.El problema de búsqueda en bibliotecas, de visibilidad de las revistas, de temática y de calidad, hace importante la indexación (término informático relacionado con inclusión en bases de datos de publicaciones matemáticamente medibles, sobre todo en las ciencias.

  1. Papel da criocirurgia no tratamento das neoplasias cutâneas do segmento cabeça e pescoço: análise de 1900 casos

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    Antonio Azoubel Antunes

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Demonstrar a experiência dos autores na utilização da criocirurgia como tratamento de lesões benignas e malignas da pele e mucosa no segmento cabeça e pescoço. MÉTODO: Os autores realizam um estudo retrospectivo multicêntrico de 1900 casos de pacientes portadores de neoplasias benignas e malignas da cabeça e do pescoço, atendidos e tratados no Centro de Oncologia do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (CEON/HUOC/UPE, Hospital de Câncer de Pernambuco (HCP e clínica privada, no período de abril de 1977 a abril de 2002 (25 anos. Comparam, ainda, os dados obtidos com a revisão bibliográfica realizada, bem como sua experiência pessoal na utilização de tal modalidade terapêutica. RESULTADOS: Do total de pacientes, 57,9% eram do sexo masculino e a quinta e sexta décadas de vida foram as mais frequentemente acometidas (58,9%. O Carcinoma basocelular foi o tipo histológico predominante (63,1% - 1200 casos, seguido dos hemangiomas (14,2% - 270 casos. O tempo médio de exposição das lesões ao nitrogênio líquido foi de 15 e 35 segundos, e o tempo médio de cicatrização de 14 e 21 dias para as lesões benignas e malignas respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A indicação da criocirurgia deve obedecer alguns critérios de avaliação como o aspecto macroscópico e tamanho da lesão, tipo histológico, localização, idade e perfil social de cada paciente. Quando indicada e executada corretamente, oferece idênticos índices de cura aos outros métodos terapêuticos convencionais.

  2. A criocirurgia como tratamento alternativo do xerodema pigmentoso = The criosurgery as alternative treatment of xeroderma pigmentosum

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    Antunes, Antonio Azoubel


    Full Text Available A criocirurgia consiste em tratar lesões patológicas da pele e mucosas pelo congelamento intenso da área afetada. Sua indicação deve obedecer a critérios de avaliação, como o aspecto macroscópico da lesão, tamanho, tipo histológico, localização e idade do paciente, sendo indicado para o tratamento das lesões provenientes do Xeroderma Pigmentoso (XP. O objetivo do presente estudo é instituir a experiência dos autores quanto ao uso da criocirurgia no tratamento de 12 pacientes com lesões em pele e mucosa da região da cabeça e pescoço associadas ao XP, em um período de 25 anos, discutindo suas aplicações e aspectos de sucesso e insucesso. Durante o período de abril de 1977 a abril de 2002 (25 anos, foram tratados pela criocirurgia, no Centro de Oncologia (CEON do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (HUOC – Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE, Departamento de Cabeça e Pescoço – Hospital de Câncer de Pernambuco e na clínica privada de um dos autores, 1900 (mil e novecentos casos de pacientes portadores de lesões benignas e malignas da pele e mucosa na região de cabeça e pescoço, dos quais 12 pacientes (0,7% eram portadores de XP. Do total da amostra, 66,6% eram do sexo masculino e todos os casos ocorreram na 1ª e 2ª décadas de vida. A criocirurgia constitui-se um excelente método alternativo de tratamento para as lesões de pele e mucosa decorrentes do XP, sempre que indicada de maneira criteriosa

  3. O falso dilema sobre a luta antivetorial e as perspectivas de controle da doença de Chagas no Brasil: BHC ou BNH? The false dilemma about antivectorial strategies and possibilities for controlling Chagas' disease in Brazil: BHC or BNH?

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    José R. Coura


    Full Text Available As bases técnicas para o controle da doença de Chagas no Brasil foram estabelecidas com a criação do posto avançado de pesquisa do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz em Bambuí, no oeste de Minas Gerais, no começo da década de 40, sob a liderança de Emmanuel Dias. Entretanto, somente com a criação do Departamento Nacional de Endemias Rurais (DNERu, em março de 1956, sob a direção de Mario Pinotti, no governo de Juscelino Kubitschek, as medidas de controle foram implementadas. Das "campanhas" de controle das 12 endemias rurais estabelecidas pelo DNERu, a malária, pelo seu caráter de doença aguda e explosiva, sempre teve a maior parte orçamentária. A doença de Chagas e as outras endemias foram sempre relegadas a um plano secundário de prioridade. Por outro lado, a partir da década de 60, os "novos ecologistas" passaram a criticar o uso de inseticidas, com o slogan de que para controlar a doença de Chagas era necessário o BNH (construção de casas, e não o BHC (uso de inseticidas. Esta opinião, embora equivocada para o controle a curto prazo, teve uma enorme influência negativa sobre o controle dos vetores domiciliados. Apesar disso, algum progresso foi feito neste sentido. Na década de 70, a epidemia de meningite meningocócica e a priorização do Programa Especial de Controle da Esquistossomose (PECE, pelo Ministro Almeida Machado, com deslocamento de verbas e de pessoal da Superintendência de Campanhas (Sucam para esses programas, atrasaram ainda mais o controle da doença de Chagas. Somente na década de 80, com a decisão política do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES de alocar 10 bilhões de cruzeiros do Finsocial, o programa de controle da doença de Chagas teve um importante desenvolvimento em 2.000 municípios de 19 Estados brasileiros. Mais uma vez o programa sofre um atraso nesta década, com o deslocamento do pessoal da Sucam para a campanha contra a epidemia da dangue. Finalmente, conclu

  4. Hipertensão arterial sistêmica no setor de emergência: o uso de medicamentos sintomáticos como alternativa de tratamento Systemic hypertension at emergency units: the use of symptomatic drugs as choice for management

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    Sandro Gonçalves de Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a resposta terapêutica dos pacientes atendidos no Setor de Emergência com sintomas e pressão arterial (PA elevada, ao tratamento com medicação sintomática ou anti-hipertensiva. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico randomizado, cego, envolvendo 100 pacientes atendidos na Emergência Cardiológica do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz com sintomas associados à pressão arterial sistólica (PAS entre 180 e 200 mmHg e/ou pressão arterial diastólica (PAD entre 110 e 120 mmHg. Os pacientes foram randomizados para tratamento com medicação sintomática (dipirona ou diazepam ou anti-hipertensiva (captopril. Aqueles portadores de qualquer condição clínica associada, que necessitassem de tratamento imediato na Unidade de Emergência, foram excluídos do estudo. Atingiram o critério de alta os pacientes que, ao final do período de observação de noventa minutos, tornaram-se assintomáticos e tiveram seus níveis tensionais sistólicos reduzidos para abaixo de 180 mmHg e diastólicos para aquém de 110 mmHg. RESULTADOS: A idade média da população estudada foi 54,4 anos. A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo feminino, hipertensos crônicos em tratamento farmacológico irregular, com baixa taxa de aderência às medidas não farmacológicas e classificados quanto ao índice de massa corpórea (IMC, em sobrepeso e obesos grau I. Cefaléia, dor torácica tipo D (não anginosa e dispnéia foram as queixas mais freqüentes. A proporção de pacientes tratados com medicação sintomática que atingiu o critério de alta foi semelhante àquela de pacientes medicados com anti-hipertensivo (p=0,165. Não foi encontrada associação entre o diagnóstico prévio de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS (p=0,192, tratamento farmacológico (p=0,687 e não-farmacológico e o critério de alta. CONCLUSÃO: Uma maior proporção (não significativa de pacientes tratados com medicação sintomática obtiveram redução da PA aquém dos n

  5. A saúde entre o Estado e a sociedade Health: between the State and society

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    Mozart Abreu Lima


    Full Text Available Ele testemunhou, 'de dentro', os estertores da ditadura militar brasileira, durante o governo João Baptista Figueiredo. Foi o "ministro interno" da Saúde do Brasil, nas palavras do próprio titular da pasta, Waldir Arcoverde. Respondeu, no Ministério da Saúde, por importantes mudanças, e para isso enfrentou com a verve nordestina as contínuas ameaças e pressões da chamada comunidade de informações, que à época governava o Brasil com mão de ferro. Mozart Abreu Lima foi um dos principais estrategistas da saúde pública brasileira no período de passagem da ditadura para a lenta e gradual restauração do Estado de direito. Para a cadeira de secretário geral do Ministério da Saúde levou a inteligência que o destacou na elaboração do plano diretor da Central de Medicamentos, a Ceme, e a cultura de gestão descentralizada e participativa experimentada na Superintendência para o Desenvolvimento do Nordeste, a Sudene. Embora se apresente como um homem de esquerda, não hesita em aplaudir a política industrial implantada pelos governos militares, em especial a partir da administração Geisel. Nacionalista contumaz, Mozart Abreu Lima fez história na Fiocruz, como um dos mentores da criação do Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade (INCQ. Principal responsável pela extraordinária logística que viabilizou a realização dos dias nacionais de vacinação, modelo de imunização hoje mundialmente consagrado, nesta entrevista concedida a Carlos Fidélis Ponte, pesquisador da Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, ele desvenda os bastidores de sua experiência no poder, revela esquemas de corrupção na fiscalização da saúde, apresenta conceitos de gestão pública e critica o Brasil das instituições descartáveis, do Estado empobrecido e desmantelado, de caso pensado, transformado em mercado de fast-food.He was an inside witness to the death throes of Brazil's military dictatorship, under the João Baptista Figueiredo administration. He

  6. A profile of patients treated at a national leprosy outpatient referral clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1986-2007 Perfil de los enfermos tratados en un servicio nacional de remisión de pacientes ambulatorios con lepra en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 1986-2007

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    Mariana A. Hacker


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To analyze a profile of patients treated at a national leprosy outpatient referral clinic in metropolitan Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, over a period of more than two decades, and the subgroup of nationally registered leprosy cases from the same residential area, as well as all registered cases statewide. METHODS: An observational, descriptive analysis was carried out for patients treated from 1986 to 2007 at the Souza Araújo Outpatient Clinic (Ambulatório Souza Araújo, ASA, a national referral center for the diagnosis and treatment of leprosy at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz that serves clients from the city of Rio de Janeiro and other municipalities in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro State. Demographic and clinical data for the subgroup of leprosy cases registered with Brazil's National Disease Notification System (Sistema Nacional de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, SINAN between 2001 and 2007 and residing in the same municipalities as the ASA patients, and for all registered cases statewide, were also analyzed. RESULTS: Among the ASA patients, there was a decrease in average family income (from 3.9 to 2.7 times the minimum salary between the periods 1998-2002 and 2003-2007; the proportion of multibacillary (MB patients (from 52.7% to 46.9%; and the proportion of patients younger than 15 years old (from 12.8% to 8.7%. Among the MB patients, the average initial and final bacilloscopic indices were significantly higher in 2003-2007. Compared with the SINAN cases, more ASA cases involved disability and were younger than 15 years old. CONCLUSIONS: Patients living with leprosy in the metropolitan area of the state of Rio de Janeiro belong to the most deprived social strata and have not benefited from the overall improvement in socioeconomic conditions in Brazil.OBJETIVO: Analizar el perfil de los enfermos tratados en un servicio nacional de remisión de pacientes ambulatorios con lepra ubicado en la zona

  7. A doença de Chagas em Minas Gerais: esbôco crítico dos trabalhos publicados até 1951 Chagas' disease in Minas Geraes: a critical sudy of the papers published up to 1951

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    J. Pellegrino


    engrandece a ciência latino-americana. Os trabalhos publicados sôbre a doença de Chagas em Minas Gerais, compreendendo tôdas as inves tigações aí realizadas e as contribuições que com material procedente do Estado se realizaram fora dêle, foram divididos em cinco grandes grupos: l.º — Trabalhos realizados em Lassance 2.º — Trabalhos realizados em Bambuí 3.º — Trabalhos realizados em Belo Horizonte 4.º — Trabalhos realizados em outras zonas do Estado 5.º — Profilaxia da doença de Chagas em larga escala. I — Os trabalhos realizados em Lassance cobrem um longo período de quase 30 anos, período êsse que vai desde 1909, data da descoberta de um novo tripanosoma e da descrição da nova entidade mórbida do homem feita por CHAGAS, ate 1936, data da publicação de trabalhos de pesquisadores de Manguinhos, apresentados no ano anterior à Nona Reunião da Sociedade Argentina de Patologia Regional convocada em homenagem à memória do grande tropicalista brasileiro CARLOS CHAGAS. Pràticamente, as pesquisas desenvolvidas em Lassance e os trabalhos realizados com o abundante material que de lá foi canalizado para o Instituto Oswaldo Cruz — investigações condensadas em uma centena de publicações — foram feitas por CHAGAS e colaboradores durante a vida do descobridor da esquizotripanose. Neste período, CHAGAS e pesquisadores que, sob sua orientação, trabalharam em Lassance e Manguinhos, descreveram a nova doença nas suas diversas...The critical study of the papers published up to 1951 on Chagas' disease in the State of Minas Geraes (Brazil, was divided into five chapters: 1 Work made in Lassance; 2 Work made in Bambuí; 3 Work made in Belo Horizonte; 4 Work made in other parts of the State; 5 Large-scale prophylaxis of Chagas' disease. 1 The work made in Lassance covers a long period of almost 30 years, from 1909, when a new trypanosoma was discovered and the corresponding disease was described by Chagas, up to 1936. The researches made in

  8. Influence of the nutritional status in the clinical and therapeutical evolution in adults and elderly with American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis. (United States)

    Oliveira, A G L; Brito, P D; Schubach, A O; Oliveira, R V C; Saheki, M N; Lyra, M R; Salgueiro, M M; Terceiro, B F; Pimentel, M I F; Vasconcellos, E C; Valete-Rosalino, C M


    The objective of this study is to describe the nutritional status of adult and elderly patients with American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis (ATL). It was conducted a longitudinal study in 68 adult and elderly patients with ATL treating at the Surveillance Leishmaniasis Laboratory at the Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), from 2009 to 2012. The nutritional assessment included the body mass index (BMI) and serum albumin levels. The clinical evolution (epithelialization and wound healing) was measured up to two years after ATL treatment. Most of the sample was composed of men (71%), adults (73%), with household income of 1-5 minimum wages (79%), and incomplete elementary school (48.5%). The predominant ATL form was cutaneous (72%), and 39% presented comorbidities, the most frequent was hypertension (30.8%). The most prevalent clinical and nutritional events were: recent decrease in food intake (23.9%); nasal obstruction (22.1%); oral ulcer (14.7%), anorexia and dysphagia (13.2% each) and odynophagia (10.3%). The total healing time was 115.00 (IR=80-230) days for skin lesions, and 120.00 (IR=104.50-223.50) days for mucous membrane lesions. Low body weight in 10%, and hypoalbuminemia in 12% of the patients have been observed. Low body weight was associated with age, mucosal leishmaniasis (ML), nasal obstruction, recent decrease in food intake and hypoalbuminemia. As for serum albumin depletion, association with the ML, dyspnea, dysphagia, odynophagia, recent decrease in food intake, absence of complete healing of the skin lesions, and increased healing time for mucous membrane lesions, was observed. The ML and their events that affect the alimentary intake have been related to the impairment of the nutritional status. Additionally, serum albumin depletion negatively affected the healing of the lesions, suggesting that a nutritional intervention can increase the effectiveness of the ATL treatment. Copyright © 2013 The Authors

  9. Public health policy and the building up of a Brazilian medical identity. (United States)

    de Castro-Santos, L A


    Since George Herbert Mead studied "the social self" and the interactionists went further in distinguishing "images of self", a lecture on the building up of a Brazilian medical identity should try to focus on the patterns of self-images, presented images, and aspired-to images among the Brazilian medical elites during the First Republic (1889-1930). In no other period of Brazilian history were those "images" of professional identity so close--in contrast, later periods of Brazilian history witnessed an almost permanent "collision" or the clashing of such images among public health specialists. Oswaldo Cruz, Carlos Chagas, Artur Neiva and Belisário Pena are perhaps the best examples of successful careers as "sanitarians" (to recall John Duffy's historical work on luminaries before and after the "New Public Health" in the United States), and as important political actors during Brazil's First Republic. In light of the prominent political, policy-oriented, and scientific roles public health professionals played in Brazil, it is interesting to suggest that in large part such prominence resulted from the symbolic impact of the ideologies of sanitary reform on the political agenda of that period of Brazilian history. Where many studies look for personal rivalries and disputes around Chagas and Neiva as public figures, we may also see the importance of finding identity-building processes among public health specialists as an integrated group (e.g., trying to appear as "significant others" for the new generations of medical graduates in the country), regardless of existing rivalries. Cruz and Chagas, especially, were names with great impact in the Brazilian press (pro and con), a circumstance made possible largely by their easy and direct access to the Brazilian presidents Rodrigues Alves and Epitácio Pessoa, and, most clearly, by public health being one of Brazil's political priorities to find a place among the "civilized nations" of the world. A task that further

  10. Impact of PGL-I seropositivity on the protective effect of BCG vaccination among leprosy contacts: a cohort study.

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    Nádia C Düppre

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Contacts of leprosy patients are at increased risk of developing leprosy and need to be targeted for early diagnosis. Seropositivity to the phenolic glycolipid I (PGL-I antigen of Mycobacterium leprae has been used to identify contacts who have an increased risk of developing leprosy. In the present study, we studied the effect of seropositivity in patient contacts, on the risk of developing leprosy, stratified by Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG vaccination after index case diagnosis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Leprosy contacts were examined as part of the surveillance programme of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute Leprosy Outpatient Clinic in Rio de Janeiro. Demographic, social, epidemiological and clinical data were collected. The presence of IgM antibodies to PGL-I in sera and BCG vaccination status at the time of index case diagnosis were evaluated in 2,135 contacts. During follow-up, 60 (2.8%; 60/2,135 leprosy cases were diagnosed: 41 among the 1,793 PGL-I-negative contacts and 19 among the 342 PGL-I-positive contacts. Among PGL-I-positive contacts, BCG vaccination after index case diagnosis increased the adjusted rate of developing clinical manifestations of leprosy (Adjusted Rate Ratio (aRR = 4.1; 95% CI: 1.8-8.2 compared with the PGL-I-positive unvaccinated contacts (aRR = 3.2; 95% CI: 1.2-8.1. The incidence density was highest during the first year of follow-up for the PGL-I-positive vaccinated contacts. However, all of those contacts developed PB leprosy, whereas most MB cases (4/6 occurred in PGL-I-positive unvaccinated contacts. CONCLUSION: Contact examination combined with PGL-I testing and BCG vaccination remain important strategies for leprosy control. The finding that rates of leprosy cases were highest among seropositive contacts justifies targeting this specific group for close monitoring. Furthermore, it is recommended that PGL-I-positive contacts and contacts with a high familial bacteriological index

  11. Factors associated with colposcopy-histopathology confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia among HIV-infected women from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

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    Angela Cristina Vasconcelos de Andrade

    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Despite the availability of preventive strategies (screening tests and vaccines, cervical cancer continues to impose a significant health burden in low- and medium-resourced countries. HIV-infected women are at increased risk for infection with human papillomavirus (HPV and thus development of cervical squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN. METHODS: Study participants included HIV-infected women enrolling the prospective open cohort of Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (IPEC/FIOCRUZ. At cohort entry, women were subjected to conventional Papanicolaou test, HPV-DNA test and colposcopy; lesions suspicious for CIN were biopsied. Histopathology report was based on directed biopsy or on specimens obtained by excision of the transformation zone or cervical conization. Poisson regression modeling was used to assess factors associated with CIN2+ diagnosis. RESULTS: The median age of the 366 HIV-infected women included in the study was 34 years (interquartile range: 28-41 years. The prevalence of CIN1, CIN2 and CIN3 were 20.0%, 3.5%, and 2.2%, respectively. One woman was found to have cervical cancer. The prevalence of CIN2+ was 6.0%. Factors associated with CIN2+ diagnosis in the multivariate model were age < years compared to ≥ 35 years (aPR  =  3.22 95%CI 1.23-8.39, current tobacco use (aPR  =  3.69 95%CI 1.54-8.78, nadir CD4 T-cell count <350 cells/mm3 when compared to ≥ 350 cells/mm3 (aPR  =  6.03 95%CI 1.50-24.3 and concomitant diagnosis of vulvar and/or vaginal intraepithelial lesion (aPR  =  2.68 95%CI 0.99-7.24. DISCUSSION: Increased survival through wide-spread use of highly active antiretroviral therapy might allow for the development of cervical cancer. In Brazil, limited cytology screening and gynecological care adds further complexity to the HIV-HPV co-infection problem. Integrated HIV care and cervical cancer prevention programs are needed for the prevention of cervical

  12. Aging with HIV: an overview of an urban cohort in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil across decades of life

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    Thiago Silva Torres


    Full Text Available The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy during the 1990s was crucial to the decline in the rates of morbidity and death related to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS and turned human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection into a chronic condition. Consequently, the HIV/AIDS population is becoming older. The aim of this study was to describe the immunological, clinical and comorbidity profile of an urban cohort of patients with HIV/AIDS followed up at Instituto de Pesquisa Clinica Evandro Chagas, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Retrospective data from 2307 patients during January 1st, 2008 and December 31st, 2008 were collected. For continuous variables, Cuzick's non-parametric test was used. For categorical variables, the Cochran-Armitage non-parametric test for tendency was used. For all tests, the threshold for statistical significance was set at 5%. In 2008, 1023 (44.3%, 823 (35.7%, 352 (15.3% and 109 (4.7% were aged 18-39, 40-49, 50-59 and >60 years-old, respectively. Older and elderly patients (>40 years were more likely to have viral suppression than younger patients (18-39 years (p 0.001. No significant difference in the latest CD4+ T lymphocyte count in the different age strata was observed, although elderly patients (> 50 years had lower CD4+ T lymphocyte nadir (p 0.02. The number of comorbidities increased with age and the same pattern was observed for the majority of the comorbidities, including diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, erectile dysfunction, HCV, renal dysfunction and also for non-AIDSrelated cancers (p 0.001. With the survival increase associated to successful antiretroviral therapy and with the increasing new infections among elderly group, the burden associated to the diagnosis and treatment of the non-AIDS related HIV comorbidities will grow. Longitudinal studies on the impact of aging on the HIV/AIDS population are still necessary

  13. Evaluation of Brazilian biotechnology patent activity from 1975 to 2010. (United States)

    Dias, F; Delfim, F; Drummond, I; Carmo, A O; Barroca, T M; Horta, C C; Kalapothakis, E


    The analysis of patent activity is one methodology used for technological monitoring. In this paper, the activity of biotechnology-related patents in Brazil were analyzed through 30 International Patent Classification (IPC) codes published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). We developed a program to analyse the dynamics of the major patent applicants, countries and IPC codes extracted from the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) database. We also identified Brazilian patent applicants who tried to expand protection abroad via the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). We had access to all patents published online at the INPI from 1975 to July 2010, including 9,791 biotechnology patent applications in Brazil, and 163 PCTs published online at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from 1997 to December 2010. To our knowledge, there are no other online reports of biotechnology patents previous to the years analyzed here. Most of the biotechnology patents filed in the INPI (10.9%) concerned measuring or testing processes involving nucleic acids. The second and third places belonged to patents involving agro-technologies (recombinant DNA technology for plant cells and new flowering plants, i.e. angiosperms, or processes for obtaining them, and reproduction of flowering plants by tissue culture techniques). The majority of patents (87.2%) were filed by nonresidents, with USA being responsible for 51.7% of all biotechnology patents deposited in Brazil. Analyzing the resident applicants per region, we found a hub in the southeast region of Brazil. Among the resident applicants for biotechnology patents filed in the INPI, 43.5% were from São Paulo, 18.3% were from Rio de Janeiro, and 9.7% were from Minas Gerais. Pfizer, Novartis, and Sanofi were the largest applicants in Brazil, with 339, 288, and 245 biotechnology patents filed, respectively. For residents, the largest applicant was the governmental institution FIOCRUZ (Oswaldo Cruz

  14. Impact of PGL-I Seropositivity on the Protective Effect of BCG Vaccination among Leprosy Contacts: A Cohort Study (United States)

    Düppre, Nádia C.; Camacho, Luiz Antonio B.; Sales, Anna M.; Illarramendi, Ximena; Nery, José Augusto C.; Sampaio, Elizabeth P.; Sarno, Euzenir N.; Bührer-Sékula, Samira


    Background Contacts of leprosy patients are at increased risk of developing leprosy and need to be targeted for early diagnosis. Seropositivity to the phenolic glycolipid I (PGL-I) antigen of Mycobacterium leprae has been used to identify contacts who have an increased risk of developing leprosy. In the present study, we studied the effect of seropositivity in patient contacts, on the risk of developing leprosy, stratified by Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccination after index case diagnosis. Methodology/Principal Findings Leprosy contacts were examined as part of the surveillance programme of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute Leprosy Outpatient Clinic in Rio de Janeiro. Demographic, social, epidemiological and clinical data were collected. The presence of IgM antibodies to PGL-I in sera and BCG vaccination status at the time of index case diagnosis were evaluated in 2,135 contacts. During follow-up, 60 (2.8%; 60/2,135) leprosy cases were diagnosed: 41 among the 1,793 PGL-I-negative contacts and 19 among the 342 PGL-I-positive contacts. Among PGL-I-positive contacts, BCG vaccination after index case diagnosis increased the adjusted rate of developing clinical manifestations of leprosy (Adjusted Rate Ratio (aRR) = 4.1; 95% CI: 1.8–8.2) compared with the PGL-I-positive unvaccinated contacts (aRR = 3.2; 95% CI: 1.2–8.1). The incidence density was highest during the first year of follow-up for the PGL-I-positive vaccinated contacts. However, all of those contacts developed PB leprosy, whereas most MB cases (4/6) occurred in PGL-I-positive unvaccinated contacts. Conclusion Contact examination combined with PGL-I testing and BCG vaccination remain important strategies for leprosy control. The finding that rates of leprosy cases were highest among seropositive contacts justifies targeting this specific group for close monitoring. Furthermore, it is recommended that PGL-I-positive contacts and contacts with a high familial bacteriological index, regardless of

  15. Equipe de trabalho

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    Gabriel Gerber Hornink


    Junior, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC, Brasil Raul Herrera Faúndez, Instituto de Biología Vegetal y Biotecnologia, Universidad de Talca, Chile Wagner Seixas da Silva, Instituto de Bioquímica Médica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brasil 2. Avaliadores (Jan-Jul, 2014 Adriana Cassina, Departamento de Bioquímica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Uruguai André Amaral Gonçalves Bianco, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp, Brasil Daniela Kiyoko Yokaichiya, Doutora em Bioquímica (Unicamp. Eduardo Galembeck, Departamento de Bioquímica Instituto de Biologia, UNICAMP, Brasil Gabriel Gerber Hornink, Depto. Bioquímica, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal-MG, Brasil Jair Adriano Kopke de Aguiar, Departamento de Bioquímica/ICB, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF, Brasil José Maurício Scheedorf da Silva, Departamento de Bioquímica/ ICB, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal-MG Leila Maria Beltramini, Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade Estadual de São Paulo - USP, Brasil Manuel João da Costa, Escola de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade do Minho, Portugal Maria Elena Infante-Malachias, Universidade de São Paulo (USP, Brasil Maria Lucia Bianconi, Instituto de Bioquímica Médica Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brasil Mauricio Roberto Motta Pinto da Luz, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Nelma Regina Segnini Bossolan, Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo - USP, Brasil Paulo De Avila Junior, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC, Brasil Paulo Granjeiro, Laboratório de Processos Biotecnológicos e Purificação de Macromoléculas, Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei (UFJS, Brasil Vera Maria Treis Trindade, Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde, Departamento de Bioquímica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do

  16. Notas de Ixodologia: II - uma nova espécie do gênero Amblyomma e uma nova espécie do gênero Ixodes (Acari Ixodidae

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    Flavio da Fonseca


    Full Text Available A new tick, Amblyomma parkeri, n. sp., is described as a parasite of Coendu sp. from S. Paulo, Brazil. Female holotype, nymph and larva are described (Figs. 2 e 3. The n. sp. differs completly from Koch's species Amblyomma longirostre, the common parasite of the Erethizotidae. Standard data for measures of the female dorsal scutum ixodidae are proposed as follows (fig. 1: PA = Antero-posterior; PB = Postero-basal; PM = Postero-median; TT = Transversal; OO = Inter-ocular; OT= Occulo-transversal; SS = Inter-scapular; CC = Cervical; PT = Postero-transversal; ST = Scapulo-transversal; NPT = Normal to the postero-transversal; NST = Normal to the scapulo-transversal. In the female holotype the standard data are as follows: PA = 2.00 mm; PB = 2.26 mm; PM = 1.10 mm; TT = 2.20 mm; OO = 2.26 mm; SS = 0,84 mm; CC = 0.63 mm; SC = 0.12 mm; NPT = 0.20mm; STN = 0.1 mm. Peritrema 0.80 x 0.42 mm with a narrow postero-internal angle and a large, elongated macula. Coxa I with two short spines and all other coxae with only one shorter spine, shortest in coxa IV. Hypostoma spatulated with formula 3/3. Gnathosoma 1.42 mm long and basis 0.63 mm long by 0.84 greatest wide. Palpi with smoth external surface, 1.00 mm long. Type lot No. 4458 from Cotia, S. Paulo, Brazil; in the acarological collection of the Escola Paulista de Medicina, S. Paulo. Ixodes didelphidis, n. sp., differing from Ixodes loricatus Neumann by the shape of the peritremata (figs. 4 a 5 of the male and female and by the number of the punctations in this organ is described form Didelphidae, Muridae and Cavidae. Twenty eight lots were obtained from Anápolis, Goiás, Brasil, where I. loricatus is subtituded by the n. sp. under description. Comparison with NEUMANN'S types of I. loricatus was possible through the courtesy of Prof. A. BRIZARD from Toulouse, who kindly loaned NEUMANN'S material. Female cotypes N° 40 and male allotype N° 531 in the Collection of Ixodidae of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute.


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    Luanda Dias da Silva Salviano


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a associação entre os valores da fração exalada de óxido nítrico (FeNO e do volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1 e o grau de controle da asma, segundo proposta do Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA, em crianças e adolescentes asmáticos atendidos no Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz(IFF/FIOCRUZ. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com revisão de prontuários de 90 asmáticos entre 7 e17 anos de idade, acompanhados no Ambulatório de Asma do IFF/FIOCRUZ e encaminhados ao setor de Prova de Função Respiratória (PFR entre março de 2013 e setembro de 2014. Após classificação segundo o GINA, os pacientes realizaram espirometria completa e medida da FeNO. Posteriormente, foram separados em dois grupos: em uso regular e não regular de corticosteroide inalatório (CI, independentemente do padrão ventilatório na espirometria. Resultados: Observou-se associação entre os valores de VEF1 e o grau de controle da asma segundo o GINA (p=0,001 em todos os pacientes analisados, independentemente do uso de CI, mas não houve associação entre os valores de VEF1 e os níveis da FeNO. Conclusões: A correlação observada entre o GINA e o VEF1 reforça a importância da espirometria no seguimento clínico desses pacientes. Embora não tenha sido detectada associação entre o valor da FeNO e o grau de controle da asma e o VEF1,a FeNO pode constituir um método precoce para detectar inflamação nas vias aéreas, antes mesmo dos sintomas e das alterações espirométricas.

  18. Elemental changes in hemolymph and urine of Rhodnius prolixus induced by in-vitro exposure to mercury: A study using SR-TXRF

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mantuano, Andrea; Barroso, Regina C. [Physics Institute/State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), RJ (Brazil); Almeida, Andre P. de; Braz, Delson [Nuclear Engineering Program/COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Cardoso, Simone C. [Physics Institute/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Penna, Patricia A.; Gonzalez, Marcelo S. [Laboratory of Biochemistry and Physiology of Insects/Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Full text: In the last years have been studied the effects of the pollution of humans and others vertebrates, however, the effects on invertebrates are poorly knows. Some pollutants introduced in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are potentially toxic to living organisms. Almost the environmental pollutants, the heavy metals are not degradable and can persist during long time of many ecosystems causing ecologic changes often disastrous to species that habit there. Actually some works has shown that the heavy metals beyond be toxic and interfere on development and reproduction of some species of terrestrial and marine invertebrates. When are present in cells, the chemical form and connection type of metals are critical factors that determinate the toxicity. So, the ambient pollution has chronic effects and acute of animals health and can affect any systems and organs. The intoxications that current often are caused by aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel. Know that these elements can change cellular structures, enzymes and replace metal cofactors in enzyme activities. In insects, the effects of pollution change according to specie studied. The pollution can act on the weight reduction and increasing the relative growth rate. In this work, we investigated the effect of mercury exposure on the elemental content in hemolymph and urine of Rhodnius prolixus the insect vector of Chagas' disease, which is one of the most important vectors in Latin American and also, the most well-know studied insect in terms of both physiology and vector-parasite interactions. Five-stage nymphs of Rhodnius prolixus were collected from colony of a Laboratory Physiology and Biochemistry of Insects, Institute Oswaldo Cruz RJ. For treatment of insects, mercury chloride has been added to rabbit blood. After feeding the nymphs were separated and packed for two days for collection of hemolymph and urine. The SR-TXRF measurements were performed at the X

  19. Elemental changes in hemolymph and urine of Rhodnius prolixus induced by in-vitro exposure to mercury: A study using SR-TXRF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mantuano, Andrea; Barroso, Regina C.; Almeida, Andre P. de; Braz, Delson; Cardoso, Simone C.; Penna, Patricia A.; Gonzalez, Marcelo S.


    Full text: In the last years have been studied the effects of the pollution of humans and others vertebrates, however, the effects on invertebrates are poorly knows. Some pollutants introduced in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are potentially toxic to living organisms. Almost the environmental pollutants, the heavy metals are not degradable and can persist during long time of many ecosystems causing ecologic changes often disastrous to species that habit there. Actually some works has shown that the heavy metals beyond be toxic and interfere on development and reproduction of some species of terrestrial and marine invertebrates. When are present in cells, the chemical form and connection type of metals are critical factors that determinate the toxicity. So, the ambient pollution has chronic effects and acute of animals health and can affect any systems and organs. The intoxications that current often are caused by aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel. Know that these elements can change cellular structures, enzymes and replace metal cofactors in enzyme activities. In insects, the effects of pollution change according to specie studied. The pollution can act on the weight reduction and increasing the relative growth rate. In this work, we investigated the effect of mercury exposure on the elemental content in hemolymph and urine of Rhodnius prolixus the insect vector of Chagas' disease, which is one of the most important vectors in Latin American and also, the most well-know studied insect in terms of both physiology and vector-parasite interactions. Five-stage nymphs of Rhodnius prolixus were collected from colony of a Laboratory Physiology and Biochemistry of Insects, Institute Oswaldo Cruz RJ. For treatment of insects, mercury chloride has been added to rabbit blood. After feeding the nymphs were separated and packed for two days for collection of hemolymph and urine. The SR-TXRF measurements were performed at the X

  20. Graphene oxide-silver nanocomposite as a promising biocidal agent against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    de Moraes ACM


    Full Text Available Ana Carolina Mazarin de Moraes,1 Bruna Araujo Lima,2 Andreia Fonseca de Faria,1 Marcelo Brocchi,2 Oswaldo Luiz Alves1 1Laboratory of Solid State Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil; 2Department of Genetics, Evolution and Bioagents, Institute of Biology, University of Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA has been responsible for serious hospital infections worldwide. Nanomaterials are an alternative to conventional antibiotic compounds, because bacteria are unlikely to develop microbial resistance against nanomaterials. In the past decade, graphene oxide (GO has emerged as a material that is often used to support and stabilize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs for the preparation of novel antibacterial nanocomposites. In this work, we report the synthesis of the graphene-oxide silver nanocomposite (GO-Ag and its antibacterial activity against relevant microorganisms in medicine. Materials and methods: GO-Ag nanocomposite was synthesized through the reduction of silver ions (Ag+ by sodium citrate in an aqueous GO dispersion, and was extensively characterized using ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The antibacterial activity was evaluated by microdilution assays and time-kill experiments. The morphology of bacterial cells treated with GO-Ag was investigated via transmission electron microscopy. Results: AgNPs were well distributed throughout GO sheets, with an average size of 9.4±2.8 nm. The GO-Ag nanocomposite exhibited an excellent antibacterial activity against methicillin-resistant S. aureus, Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterococcus faecalis, and Escherichia coli. All (100% MRSA cells were inactivated after 4 hours of exposure to GO-Ag sheets. In addition, no toxicity was found for either pristine GO or bare Ag

  1. Relationship between napping during night shift work and household obligations of female nursing personnel

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    Silva Costa A


    Full Text Available Aline Silva-Costa,1,2 Frida Marina Fischer,1 Rosane Harter Griep,2 Lúcia Rotenberg2 1School of Public Health, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; 2Laboratory of Health, Environment and Education, Oswaldo Cruz Institute (Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Abstract: Night shift employment involves displacing sleep to the daytime. For female workers, the opportunity for daytime sleep is influenced by routine housework demands, which aggravates sleep deprivation. Allowing naps to be taken during the night shift of work is a frequent practice at some hospitals and can help reduce the effects of sleep deprivation. We hypothesize that an association between domestic work and the length of naps during night work exists for nursing professionals. To test this hypothesis, two cross-sectional studies were conducted in two different hospitals. In Study 1, female workers answered questionnaires regarding sleeping habits, professional work, and housework demands. In Study 2, data regarding napping during shifts was obtained by actigraphy, a noninvasive method of monitoring the human sleep–wake cycle. The demand for the performance of housework was measured by (i domestic work hours (total time spent performing domestic work per week, and (ii domestic workload, which considers the degree of sharing domestic tasks and the number of people living at home. The populations from the two studies were subdivided into groups, based on the duration of napping at work. Data on naps were analyzed according to domestic demands, using the Mann–Whitney and Chi-squared tests. Among the two study populations (Studies 1 and 2, those in Study 2 were older, had shorter professional weekly work hours, worked more night shifts, and dedicated more time to housework. Significant associations were only found in Study 2, where greater time napping at work was associated with both greater time spent doing housework and greater domestic workload. The known benefits of

  2. Health and inequality: institutions and public policies in the 21st century Salud y desigualdad: instituciones y políticas públicas en el siglo XXI

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    Lígia Giovanella


    Full Text Available Este trabajo informa acerca del contenido del seminario "Salud y desigualdad: instituciones y políticas públicas en el siglo XXI", patrocinado por la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública de Brasil/Fundación Oswaldo Cruz y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, que tuvo lugar del 29 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre de 2001 en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. El seminario constó de dos discursos que proporcionaron una perspectiva general de las desigualdades sanitarias en América Latina y de las políticas recientes destinadas a reducir estas desigualdades, de una mesa redonda que analizó las investigaciones sobre las raíces sociales de la pobreza en Brasil, y de tres talleres, el primero de los cuales trató de la pobreza, las desigualdades sociales y la equidad en el campo de la salud. Los participantes presentaron un análisis detallado de las vulnerabilidades de los grupos sociales y de las innovaciones en las políticas para combatir la pobreza y reducir las desigualdades sociales y sanitarias. El segundo taller, titulado "Instituciones, políticas, cultura y desigualdad", se centró en la influencia de las tradiciones culturales y políticas latinoamericanas en las instituciones y en la magnitud de la pobreza y la desigualdad. Se estudiaron nuevas iniciativas para aumentar la participación comunitaria en la vigilancia y gestión de las políticas públicas, fortaleciendo así la democracia. El tercer taller exploró las perpectivas de las políticas públicas para desarrollar la equidad en el campo de la salud. Se revisaron las repercusiones de las reformas de los sistemas de salud de América Latina en el acceso a los servicios y se compararon los planes de aseguramiento adoptados en Brasil, Chile, y Colombia. Los tres talleres proporcionaron una lista de temas para posibles proyectos de investigación conjunta entre los patrocinadores del seminario y otras instituciones. Los participantes del seminario concluyeron que los investigadores y

  3. Indicadores de Efetividade em custo de atividades-meio no modelo de gestão para resultados: a experiência do Ipec/Fiocruz

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    Marcelino José Jorge


    Full Text Available Indicadores de Efetividade em custo de atividades-meio no modelo de gestão para resultados: a experiência do Ipec/Fiocruz REPeC - Revista de Educação e Pesquisa em Contabilidade, Brasília, v . 4, n. 2, art. 1, p. 1-22, mai/ago. 2010. 3 Key-words: Management by results. Support Activity. Cost-effectiveness. Performance indicator. R E sum E n Históricamente, la adopción de la doctrina de la administración pública gerencial en las organizaciones gubernamentales brasileñas resultó en la adopción casi exclusiva de in - dicadores de acompañamiento y evaluación de las actividades-fin con base en resultados, sin al mismo tiempo haber sido construidos y monitoreados indicadores de evaluación de las actividades-medio en aquellas organizaciones. El objetivo de este artículo es discutir si las medidas del grado de substitución de la promoción de la efectividad en coste a través de la reglamentación a priori de los procedimientos de compras por la promoción de la efectivi - dad en costes a través de la competencia entre proveedores pueden servir de indicadores informativos para la evaluación del desempeño de la actividad-medio en organizaciones públicas que adoptaron el modelo de gestión para resultados. Con base en los principios de la administración pública gerencial, es testada la hipótesis de que el uso de esos indi - cadores para evaluar actividades-medio contribuye para la evaluación y el monitoreo de la efectividad en coste en organizaciones que adoptaron el modelo de gestión para resulta - dos, independientemente de los efectos del modelo de gestión para resultados sobre las actividades-fin de la organización. La evidencia empírica proviene de un estudio de caso sobre el uso de los recursos presupuestarios en el Instituto de Investigación Clínica Evan - dro Chagas (Ipec de la Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz en el período 2004-2007.

  4. Metodologia para gerenciar projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento com foco em produtos: uma proposta Management methodology for product-oriented R&D projects: a proposal

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    Andréia Azevedo Pinheiro


    presents the case of the Pharmaceutical Technology Institute, a unit of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, and proposes an original model for similar institutes.

  5. Health and inequality: institutions and public policies in the 21st century

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    Lígia Giovanella


    Full Text Available Este trabajo informa acerca del contenido del seminario "Salud y desigualdad: instituciones y políticas públicas en el siglo XXI", patrocinado por la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública de Brasil/Fundación Oswaldo Cruz y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, que tuvo lugar del 29 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre de 2001 en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. El seminario constó de dos discursos que proporcionaron una perspectiva general de las desigualdades sanitarias en América Latina y de las políticas recientes destinadas a reducir estas desigualdades, de una mesa redonda que analizó las investigaciones sobre las raíces sociales de la pobreza en Brasil, y de tres talleres, el primero de los cuales trató de la pobreza, las desigualdades sociales y la equidad en el campo de la salud. Los participantes presentaron un análisis detallado de las vulnerabilidades de los grupos sociales y de las innovaciones en las políticas para combatir la pobreza y reducir las desigualdades sociales y sanitarias. El segundo taller, titulado "Instituciones, políticas, cultura y desigualdad", se centró en la influencia de las tradiciones culturales y políticas latinoamericanas en las instituciones y en la magnitud de la pobreza y la desigualdad. Se estudiaron nuevas iniciativas para aumentar la participación comunitaria en la vigilancia y gestión de las políticas públicas, fortaleciendo así la democracia. El tercer taller exploró las perpectivas de las políticas públicas para desarrollar la equidad en el campo de la salud. Se revisaron las repercusiones de las reformas de los sistemas de salud de América Latina en el acceso a los servicios y se compararon los planes de aseguramiento adoptados en Brasil, Chile, y Colombia. Los tres talleres proporcionaron una lista de temas para posibles proyectos de investigación conjunta entre los patrocinadores del seminario y otras instituciones. Los participantes del seminario concluyeron que los investigadores y

  6. Unicentric study of cell therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/pulmonary emphysema

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    João Tadeu Ribeiro-Paes


    Full Text Available João Tadeu Ribeiro-Paes1, Aldemir Bilaqui2, Oswaldo T Greco2, Milton Artur Ruiz2, Monica Y Marcelino3, Talita Stessuk1, Carolina A de Faria3, Mario R Lago21Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP, Campus de Assis, Assis, SP, Brazil; 2Cardiovascular Diseases Institute (IMC, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil; 3Inter-units Biotechnology Post Graduation Program, USP-IPT-I, Butantan, São Paulo, SP, BrazilAbstract: Within the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD spectrum, lung emphysema presents, as a primarily histopathologic feature, the destruction of pulmonary parenchyma and, accordingly, an increase in the airflow obstruction distal to the terminal bronchiole. Notwithstanding the significant advances in prevention and treatment of symptoms, no effective or curative therapy has been accomplished. In this context, cellular therapy with stem cells (SCs arises as a new therapeutic approach, with a wide application potential. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety of SCs infusion procedure in patients with advanced COPD (stage IV dyspnea. After selection, patients underwent clinical examination and received granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, immediately prior to the bone marrow harvest. The bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC were isolated and infused into a peripheral vein. The 12-month follow-up showed a significant improvement in the quality of life, as well as a clinical stable condition, which suggest a change in the natural process of the disease. Therefore, the proposed methodology in this study for BMMC cell therapy in sufferers of advanced COPD was demonstrated to be free of significant adverse effects. Although a larger sample and a greater follow-up period are needed, it is possible to infer that BMMC cell therapy introduces an unprecedented change in the course or in the natural history of emphysema, inhibiting or slowing the progression of disease. This clinical trial was registered with (NCT

  7. Pharmacotherapy follow-up: Role in active malaria surveillance in a travel medicine centre outside the transmission area in Brazil. (United States)

    Pedro, R S; Brasil, P; Pina-Costa, A; Machado, C R; Damasceno, L S; Daniel-Ribeiro, C T; Guaraldo, L


    Malaria is a potentially severe disease, widespread in tropical and subtropical areas. Apart from parasite drug resistance, which receives the largest share of attention, several factors directly influence the response to antimalarial treatment such as incorrect doses, adverse drug events, lack of adherence to treatment, drug quality and drug-drug interactions. Pharmacotherapy follow-up can be used to monitor and improve the effectiveness of treatment, prevent drug-related problems and ensure patient safety. The aim of this study was to describe the results of the implementation of pharmacotherapy follow-up of patients with malaria seen at a reference centre for malaria diagnosis and treatment (CPD-Mal) located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, an area without malaria transmission. A descriptive study was conducted from January 2009 to September 2013 at the Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas (INI) of the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz). All malaria patients enrolled in the study were treated according to the Brazilian Malaria Therapy Guidelines. Data collected during pharmacotherapy follow-up were recorded in a standardized form. The variables included were age, gender, comorbidities, antimalarials and concomitant medications used, adverse drug reactions (ADR), clinical and parasitological cure times, and treatment outcomes classified as success, recurrence (recrudescence or relapse); and lost to follow-up. The ADR were classified by severity (DAIDS-NIH), organ system affected (WHO-ART) and likelihood to be caused by drugs (Naranjo scale). One hundred thirteen cases of malaria were included. Patients were aged between 13 and 66 years and the majority of them (75.2%) were male. Ninety-four ADR were observed, most classified as mild (85.1%), related to disorders of the gastrointestinal system (63.8%), such as nausea and vomiting, and assessed as "possibly" caused by the antimalarial drugs (91.5%). The majority of clinical (90.9%) and parasitological

  8. Prólogo

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    Alta Hooker


    Full Text Available Este volumen no. 17 de la Revista Ciencia e Interculturalidad, presenta una compilación estructurada en 4 secciones temáticas, las cuales comprenden 8 artículos. La primera sección denominada Educación, presenta 2 artículos: El manejo del idioma en Ciencias de la Educación en la especialidad de Español, autoría de Luisa Emilia Ruiz y Luisa Maribel Rodríguez y Metodologías en la enseñanza del cálculo de probabilidades en undécimo grado de educación secundaria, autoría de Fernando Manuel Amador Núñez, Melvin Leonel Reyes Gómez y con la tutoría de William Oswaldo Flores López.En la segunda sección, Educación Superior en la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense, los artículos intitulados: La autonomía universitaria que fortalece la gestión curricular intercultural de la autora Letisia Castillo Gómez y el artículo Propuesta metodológica en la aplicación de la derivada en IngenieríaAgroforestal, II semestre 2013, coautoría de Ernesto Vanegas Sevilla, Yahaira Bermúdez Vargas y con la tutoría de Luis Antonio López Mairena.En la tercera sección, Ciencias Sociales, se presenta el artículo: la relación entre algunos modelos de participación popular ruso, cubano y venezolano (Estudio histórico comparativo, autoría de María Fátima Pinho de Oliveira y el artículo: Afectacionespsicológicas que experimentan adolescentes afrodescendientes con padres embarcados, autoría de Marina Danila Mc coy, Lyssette Newball Crisanto, con la tutoria de Neidy Gutiérrez Soza.En la cuarta sección, Agropecuaria, los artículos intitulados: Prendimiento de dos tipos de injertos en cacao en distintas fases lunares, Siuna, 2014. Coautoría de Mario Reyes Martínez, Lesther Marín Mendieta y Oscar Montalván Castellón yEstrategias de mercadotecnia de la empresa familiar Café el Golfo, Guayabo Central, Siuna, 2013, coautoría de Isabel del Socorro Masis Suazo, Thelma Arelis Centeno Lagos y FranciscoGutiérrez Garmendia.

  9. Physa cubensis Pfeiffer, 1839 (Pulmonata: Physidae

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    W. Lobato Paraense


    Full Text Available A description of Physa cubensis Pfeiffer, 1839, based on 15 speciments collected in Havana, Cuba, is presented. The shell, measuring 9.0 x 4,8mm to 12.3 x 6.4mm, is ovate-oblong, thin, diaphanous, horncolored, shining. Spire elevated, broadly conical; protoconch distinct, roundish, reddish-brown. About five moderately shouldered, roundly convex whorls, penultimate whorl expanded; spiral striation subobsolete; growth line faint on the intermediate whorls, clearly visible on the body whorl, crowded here and there. Suture well impressed. Aperture elongated 2.05 - 2.67 (mean 2.27 times as long as the remaining length of the shell, narrow obovulate-lunate; upper half acute-angled, lower half oval, narrowly rounded at the base; outer lip sharp, inner lip completely closing the umbilical region; a thick callus on the parietal wall; columellar plait well marked. Ratios: shell width/shell length - 0.52-0.61 (mean 0.55; spire length/shell length = 0.27 - 0.33 (mean 0.31; aperture length/shell length = 0.67 - 0.73 (mean 0.69. Oral lappets laterally mucronate; foot spatulate with acuminate tail. Mantle relection with 6 - 8 short triangular dentations in the right lobe (columellar side and 4 - 6 in the left lobe (near the pneumostome. Renal tube tightly folded into a zigzag course. Ovotestis, ovispermiduct, seminal vesicle, oviduct, nidamental gland, uterus and vagina as in Physa marmorata (see Paraense, 1986, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 81: 459-469. Spermathecal body egg-shaped or pear-shaped; spermathecal ducta uniformly narrow with expanded base, a little longer than the body. Spermiduct, prostate and vas deferens as in P. marmorata (Paraense, loc. cit.. Penis wide proximally, narrowing gradually apicad; penial canal with subterminal outlet. Penial sheath following the width of the penis and ending up by a bulbous expansion somewhat narrower than the proximal portion. Penaial sheath/prepuce ration = 1,25 - 1,83 (mean 1.49. Prepuce much wider than the bulb of

  10. O ritmo das transformações, a exclusão, a legislação urbana e a condição humana na cidade The rythm of transformations, exclusion, urban legislation and human condition in cities

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    Wilson Benes de Oliveira Cardoso


    Full Text Available Este estudo faz parte de uma pesquisa no Departamento de Saúde e Saneamento Ambiental da Fiocruz. O recorte significa uma leitura crítica do Plano Diretor da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa identifica áreas de sombra, e fragilidades do Plano. Para recuperar uma nova concepção na criação de um planejamento que permita enfrentar as dificuldades e as alarmantes exigências do presente é preciso: o abandono das teses mecanicistas; consideração da integridade de objeto e compreensão da área de planejamento da cidade como uma realidade fundamental. A cidade é um espaço de ações contrastantes, um jogo de causas e efeitos, impulsos e reações; tem um passado agindo no presente e um futuro que é possível escolher. Num mundo comandado pela lei do valor mundializado, os planos se tornam tributários dos interesses da produção e renunciam a vocação de servir à sociedade. A saída é fazer surgir uma singularidade em cada sujeito que somos nós, considerando suas verdades, suas experiências e permitir espaço para suas manifestações e realizações, gerando novas versões na cena da cultura e encaminhando "re-sentimentos" de pessoas deixadas a meio caminho pelos interesses citados.The study constituites part of one research in Department of Heath and Sanitation Environment in the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Our research try to identify shadow areas of the Director Plan. Promote a planning that is able to face the situation, difficulties and the big demands of the present require: to fall away mechanical thesis; to consider the planning in its integrities of object and understand that the planning area of the city is the fundamental reality.The area of the city is a space of actions fighting against, a playing of causes and effects, impulsives and reactions; has a past acting in the present and a future that is necessary to choose. In the world commanded by law of world value, the plans became tributary of the aim of production

  11. [Institutional insertion of Chagas' disease control]. (United States)

    Silveira, Antônio Carlos; Pimenta, Fabiano


    After the starting of the Center for studies and prophylaxis of Chagas disease in 1943, with the help of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, in the city of Bambuí, state of Minas Gerais, technological and methodological basis for the extensive control of the disease were conceived. A main step to achieve success was the introduction of a new insecticide (gammexane, P 530) and the demonstration of its efficacy in the vector control. A consequence of these improvements was the official inauguration of the first prophylactic campaign for Chagas disease in Brazil, held in Uberaba in May, 1950. Even with the knowledge of how to control the vectorial transmission, financial resources were not available by this time, at a necessary degree to make it both regularly and in all the affected area. The institutional allocation of these activities is useful to understand the low priority given to them at that time. Several national services were created in 1941, for diseases as malaria, pest, smallpox, among others, but Chagas was included in a group of diseases with lower importance, inside a Division of Sanitary Organization. In 1956, the National Department of Rural endemies (DNERu) allocate all the major endemic diseases in a single institution, however this was not translated in an implementation program for the control of Chagas disease. After profound changes at the Ministry of Health, in 1970, the Superintendência de Campanhas de Saúde Pública (SUCAM) was in charge of all rural endemies including Chagas disease, which now could compete with other diseases transmitted by vectors, formerly priorities, included in the National Division. With this new status, more funds were available, as well as redistribution of personnel and expenses from the malaria program to the vectorial control of Chagas disease. In 1991 the Health National foundation was created to substitute SUCAM in the control of endemic diseases and it included all the units of the Ministry of Health related to

  12. Identification of risk factors for death from tetanus in Pernambuco, Brazil: a case-control study Identificação de fatores de risco para morte por tétano em Pernambuco, Brasil: um estudo de caso-controle

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    Demócrito B. MIRANDA-FILHO


    Full Text Available A case-control study was conducted to identify risk factors for death from tetanus in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Information was obtained from medical records of 152 cases and 152 controls, admitted to the tetanus unit in the State University Hospital, in Recife, from 1990 to 1995. Variables were grouped in three different sets. Crude and adjusted odds ratios, p-values and 95% confidence intervals were estimated. Variables selected in the multivariate analysis in each set were controlled for the effect of those selected in the others. All factors related to the disease progression - incubation period, time elapsed between the occurrence of the first tetanus symptom and admission, and period of onset - showed a statistically significant association with death from tetanus. Similarly, signs and/or symptoms occurring on admission or in the following 24 hours (second set: reflex spasms, neck stiffness, respiratory signs/symptoms and respiratory failure requiring artificial ventilation (third set were associated with death from tetanus even when adjusted for the effect of the others.Um estudo de caso-controle foi conduzido no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, para identificar fatores de risco para morte por tétano. As informações foram obtidas dos prontuários médicos de 152 casos e 152 controles, admitidos na Unidade de Tétano do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz, na cidade do Recife, de 1990 a 1995. As variáveis foram agrupadas em três diferentes conjuntos. Foram estimados os "odds ratios" brutos e ajustados, o intervalo de confiança de 95% e o valor de "p". As variáveis selecionadas na análise multivariada em cada conjunto, foram controladas para os efeitos daquelas selecionadas nos demais. Todos os fatores relacionados à progressão da doença - período de incubação, tempo decorrido entre o primeiro sintoma de tétano e a admissão no hospital, e período de progressão - mostraram uma associação estatisticamente significante

  13. O falso dilema sobre a luta antivetorial e as perspectivas de controle da doença de Chagas no Brasil: BHC ou BNH?

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    José R. Coura


    Full Text Available As bases técnicas para o controle da doença de Chagas no Brasil foram estabelecidas com a criação do posto avançado de pesquisa do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz em Bambuí, no oeste de Minas Gerais, no começo da década de 40, sob a liderança de Emmanuel Dias. Entretanto, somente com a criação do Departamento Nacional de Endemias Rurais (DNERu, em março de 1956, sob a direção de Mario Pinotti, no governo de Juscelino Kubitschek, as medidas de controle foram implementadas. Das "campanhas" de controle das 12 endemias rurais estabelecidas pelo DNERu, a malária, pelo seu caráter de doença aguda e explosiva, sempre teve a maior parte orçamentária. A doença de Chagas e as outras endemias foram sempre relegadas a um plano secundário de prioridade. Por outro lado, a partir da década de 60, os "novos ecologistas" passaram a criticar o uso de inseticidas, com o slogan de que para controlar a doença de Chagas era necessário o BNH (construção de casas, e não o BHC (uso de inseticidas. Esta opinião, embora equivocada para o controle a curto prazo, teve uma enorme influência negativa sobre o controle dos vetores domiciliados. Apesar disso, algum progresso foi feito neste sentido. Na década de 70, a epidemia de meningite meningocócica e a priorização do Programa Especial de Controle da Esquistossomose (PECE, pelo Ministro Almeida Machado, com deslocamento de verbas e de pessoal da Superintendência de Campanhas (Sucam para esses programas, atrasaram ainda mais o controle da doença de Chagas. Somente na década de 80, com a decisão política do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES de alocar 10 bilhões de cruzeiros do Finsocial, o programa de controle da doença de Chagas teve um importante desenvolvimento em 2.000 municípios de 19 Estados brasileiros. Mais uma vez o programa sofre um atraso nesta década, com o deslocamento do pessoal da Sucam para a campanha contra a epidemia da dangue. Finalmente, conclu

  14. In vivo and in vitro evaluation of octyl methoxycinnamate liposomes

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    de Carvalho Varjão Mota A


    Full Text Available Aline de Carvalho Varjão Mota,1 Zaida Maria Faria de Freitas,1 Eduardo Ricci Júnior,1 Gisela Maria Dellamora-Ortiz,1 Ralph Santos-Oliveira,2 Rafael Antonio Ozzetti,3 André Luiz Vergnanini,3 Vanessa Lira Ribeiro,4 Ronald Santos Silva,4 Elisabete Pereira dos Santos11Faculty of Pharmacy, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2Nuclear Engineering Institute, National Nuclear Energy Commission, 3Allergisa Dermatocosmetic Research, University of Campinas, São Paulo, 4Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, National Insitute of Quality Control in Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilAbstract: Solar radiation causes damage to human skin, and photoprotection is the main way to prevent these harmful effects. The development of sunscreen formulations containing nanosystems is of great interest in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries because of the many potential benefits. This study aimed to develop and evaluate an octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC liposomal nanosystem (liposome/OMC to obtain a sunscreen formulation with improved safety and efficacy by retaining OMC for longer on the stratum corneum.Methods: The liposome/OMC nanostructure obtained was tested for enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase from Rhizomucor miehei and biodistribution with liposomes labeled with technetium-99m. The liposome/OMC formulation was then incorporated in a gel formulation and tested for ocular irritation using the hen’s egg test-chorio-allantoic membrane (HET-CAM assay, in vitro and in vivo sun protection factor, in vitro release profile, skin biometrics, and in vivo tape stripping.Results: The liposome/OMC nanosystem was not hydrolyzed from R. miehei by lipase. In the biodistribution assay, the liposome/OMC formulation labeled with technetium-99m had mainly deposited in the skin, while for OMC the main organ was the liver, showing that the liposome had higher affinity for the skin than OMC. The liposome/OMC formulation was classified as nonirritating in

  15. A tecnologia de realidade virtual como recurso para formação em saúde pública à distância: uma aplicação para a aprendizagem dos procedimentos antropométricos The technology of virtual reality resource for formation in public health in the distance: an application for the learning of anthropometric procedures

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    Elomar Christina Vieira Castilho Barilli


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta a pesquisa desenvolvida no Laboratório de Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro em parceria com a Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca (ENSP da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, abordando a integração educação à distância e realidade virtual (RV como resposta às demandas educativas da saúde pública que exigem o desenvolvimento de habilidades motoras. O campo de aplicação foi a formação dos profissionais do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (VAN, por ser a base de uma das políticas públicas brasileiras com alvo no monitoramento das carências de nutrientes. O protótipo constitui-se de um ambiente virtual complementar para o curso de aperfeiçoamento em VAN, que integra a oferta de cursos da educação à distância da ENSP, abordando os procedimentos antropométricos por serem os mais utilizados no levantamento do estado nutricional da população. Os ambientes RV foram construídos em linguagem virtual modeling language, utilizada para executar aplicações na Internet. Tendo 189 participantes visitado o ambiente virtual, pôde-se constatar a hipótese de que a RV pode ser utilizada como recurso pedagógico para colaborar com os processos de formação profissional à distância que exijam o desenvolvimento de habilidades motoras.This article presents the research developed in the Laboratory of Computational Methods in Engineering of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in partnership with the Program of Distance Education of the National School of Public Health Sergio Arouca (ENSP, approaching the integration between Distance Education and Virtual Reality (VR technology as reply to the public health educative demands that require the development of motor abilities. The application field was the formation of the professionals of the Food and Nutritional Surveillance, as is the base of one of the Brazilian public policies targeting the

  16. Cardiomiopatía de Chagas.

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    Fernando Rosas A.


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    La cardiomiopatía de Chagas es la causa más frecuente de cardiomiopatía en América Latina. Se constituye en la cuarta enfermedad parasitaria del continente, y es uno de los mayores problemas de salud pública en Colombia estimándose que existen 1.200.000 personas infectadas y que de éstos proba-blemente 25% desarrollaran una miocardiopatia crónica.

    En nuestro país pocas series clínicas han sido descritas, generalmente asociadas a falla cardíaca secundaria a una cardiomiopatía dilatada. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar una reseña histórica de la enfermedad en la que se incluyen los primeros trabajos clínicos desarrollados en nuestro medio. Así mismo, algunos aspectos de la fisiopatología y de la evolución clínica. Finalmente presentaremos la reciente experiencia acumulada en nuestro país en este campo por diferentes investigadores.

    Reseña Histórica
    En el año 1909 fue publicado el artículo original del Dr. Carlos Chagas, titulado “Nueva Trypanosomiasis Humana: estudios sobre la morfología y el ciclo evolutivo del Schizotrypanum Cruzi, agente etiológico de una nueva entidad mórbida en el hombre” (1. En él se describe como el Dr. Chagas, fue encomendado en 1907, por el Dr. Oswaldo Cruz (Director del instituto que posteriormente llevó su nombre, para ejecutar una campaña antipalúdica en los servicios de construcción de ferrocarriles en el norte del estado de Minas Gerais.

    En esa zona conoció la existencia de una hematófago denominado por los campesinos como “Barbeiro”, llamado así por que su picadura se localizaba usualmente en el rostro y era poco sintomática. El insecto habitaba en domicilios humanos, atacaba al hombre en la noche (después de apagar las luces, se ocultaba durante el día en las paredes y en los techos de las casas construidas en bahareque y paja. El hematófago fue identificado como perteneciente a la familia Reduviidae. Algunos de los

  17. PREFACE: 21st Latin American Symposium on Solid State Physics (SLAFES XXI) (United States)

    Aguiar, J. Albino


    Colombia e-mail: Professor Laura T Corredor Bohórquez Departamento de Física Universidade Federal de Pernambuco 50670-901 Recife PE Brazil e-mail: Professor Arkady Shanenko Departamento de Física Universidade Federal de Pernambuco 50670-901 Recife PE Brazil e-mail: Professor Renato F Jardim Instituto de Física Universidade de S\\~ao Paulo CP 66318 S\\~ao Paulo SP Brazil e-mail: Professor Francois Peeters Department Fysica Universiteit Antwerpen Groneneborgerlann 171 B-2020, Antwerpen Belgium e-mail: Organizing committee ChairmanCarlos Arturo Parra Vargas Proceedings EditorJosé Albino Aguiar Program ChairJairo Roa-Rojas SecretaryAura Janeth Barón González TreasurerArmando Sarmiento Santos Speaker ChairRafael González Hernández Fernando Naranjo Mayorga David A Landínez Téllez Jesús Oswaldo Morán José Sierra Ortega

  18. Sistema de informações hospitalares do sistema único de saúde (SIH-SUS: uma avaliação preliminar do seu desempenho no monitoramento da doença hemolítica perinatal Rh(D The Hospital Information System of the Brazilian National Unified Health System: a preliminary evaluation of performance in monitoring RhD hemolytic disease of the newborn

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    Gustavo Lobato


    Full Text Available Considerando a utilização de bases administrativas na vigilância epidemiológica, propõe-se aqui avaliar a adequação do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde (SIH-SUS na identificação dos casos de doença hemolítica perinatal ocorridos no Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IFF/FIOCRUZ, entre 1998 e 2003. Foram analisadas informações disponibilizadas pelo Serviço Neonatal, pelo Arquivo Médico e os dados da Autorização de Internação Hospitalar (AIH consolidados no SIH-SUS. A identificação dos casos de doença hemolítica perinatal se deu através dos campos Diagnóstico Primário, Diagnóstico Secundário e Procedimento Realizado. Nesse período, 194 neonatos foram diagnosticados com doença hemolítica perinatal. No Arquivo Médico, 148 casos foram registrados, porém apenas 147 AIHs foram emitidas e 145 consolidadas no SIH-SUS. Entre essas, 84 AIHs arrolavam a doença hemolítica perinatal como Diagnóstico Primário; considerando também o Diagnóstico Secundário, mais 38 casos foram identificados; e nenhum caso adicional foi recuperado pelo Procedimento Realizado. Assim, o SIH-SUS identificou apenas 122 (62,9% dos 194 neonatos com doença hemolítica perinatal assistidos no IFF/FIOCRUZ. Mesmo que ainda requerendo uma reavaliação em outros hospitais, a utilização do SIH-SUS no monitoramento da doença hemolítica perinatal não parece recomendável. Estudos ancilares são necessários quando do emprego de dados secundários nesse contexto.This study aimed to evaluate the adequacy of the Hospital Information System of the National Unified Health System (SIH-SUS in identifying cases of RhD hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN at the Fernandes Figueira Institute (IFF/FIOCRUZ from 1998 to 2003. Neonatal records, data from the Medical Archives, and AIH (Hospital Admissions Authorization Form data consolidated in the SIH-SUS were analyzed. Cases were identified according to the

  19. Estudo comparativo da eminectomia e do uso de miniplaca na eminência articular para tratamento da luxação recidivante da articulação temporomandibular Comparative study of eminectomy and use of bone miniplate in the articular eminence for the treatment of recurrent temporomandibular joint dislocation

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    Álvaro B. Cardoso


    temporomandibular joint of patients operated on at Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital from January to September 2003. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The sample consisted of 11 patients. Eminectomy was performed on nine joints of five patients and the placement of a miniplate on the articular eminence was performed on 11 joints of six patients. Data collection was carried out through analysis of patient's medical charts and new postoperative visit. RESULTS: The results showed that there were no major postoperative complications with either technique. Maximum mouth opening was greater with eminectomy procedure and none of the patients operated on presented any recurrence of dislocation. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that both techniques were effective in the treatment of recurrent dislocation of the temporomandibular joint.

  20. Os efeitos do chumbo sobre o organismo humano e seu significado para a saúde Effects of lead exposure on the human body and health implications

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    Fátima Ramos Moreira


    , Georgia, and the library of the Toxicology Laboratory of the Center for Workers' Health and Human Ecology at the National School of Public Health [Centro de Estudos da Saúde de Trabalhador e Ecologia Humana,Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública], Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. CONCLUSIONS: The toxic effects of lead and lead compounds have been extensively studied for over a century. In recent years, epidemiologic studies have focused primarily on the neurotoxic effects of lead on children, particularly in terms of impaired intellectual ability and behavioral problems. However, there is still insufficient information on the mechanisms of action that account for such toxicity. More in-depth studies are also needed on the effects of lead exposure on bone, the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the kidneys, the liver, the male and female reproductive systems, and the endocrine system. The potential teratogenicity and carcinogenicity of lead, as well as its effect on pregnancy outcomes and neonatal growth and development, also require further study.

  1. Carcinoma primário do pâncreas

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    A. Penna de Azevedo


    Full Text Available O estudo anatomopatológico baseado em uma coleção de 6823 necrópsias, constantes do arquivo da Seção de Anatomia Patológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, realizadas durante os anos de 1919 a 1944, revelou a existência de 28 casos de carcinoma primário do pâncreas. A incidência deste tipo de tumor entre o total das necropsias examinadas atinge a 0,40% e, entre os casos de câncer observados na referida série de necrópsias, a 4,08%. O tumor localizou-se na cabeça do pâncreas em 20 casos (71,4%; na cauda, em um caso (3,5%; difuso, em cinco casos (17,8% e sem localização precisada, em dois casos (7,1%. O tipo histológico predominante foi o adenocarcinoma, reconhecido em 2 casos (78,57%; e em seguida o carcinoma acinoso, em seis casos (21,43%. Geralmente se observa o tipo cirrótico e, em alguns casos, era pronunciada a formação de mucina. A incidência das metástases, em relação aos casos de adenocarcinoma, foi de 95,45% (21 vêzes em 22 casos e, em relação ao carcinoma acinoso, de 100% (6 vêzes em 6 casos. Entre os órgãos atingidos pelas metástases citam-se em ordem decrescente: o fígado e os gânglios linfáticos (70,3% o peritônio (25,9%, o pulmão (22,2%, a suprarrenal (18,5%, a pleura bago e rim (7,4%, os intestinos, tiróide, pericárdio, epiploon, estomago, ovário e seio venoso longitudinal superior (3,7%.Em um só caso, não houve produção de metástase (3,57%. Em relação às metástases no peritônio, é interessante acentuar a sua maior freqüência nos casos de adenocarcinoma (7 vêzes em 22 casos. A distribuição do tumor, segundo o sexo, foi de 19 casos em indivíduos do sexo masculino (67,8% e nove casos, para os do sexo feminino (32,1%, fornecendo a relação de cêrca de 2:1. Segundo a nacionalidade, observaram-se 21 casos (75% em brasileiros e sete casos (25% em estrangeiros. Segundo a côr, em 15 casos (53,5% eram indivíduos de côr branca, em oito casos, (28,5% de c

  2. A inserção institucional do controle da doença de Chagas

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    Antônio Carlos Silveira


    Full Text Available Em 1943, a partir da criação do "Centro de Estudos e Profilaxia da Moléstia de Chagas" da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz de Bambuí em Minas Gerais, são concebidas as bases tecnológicas e metodológicas para o controle extensivo da enfermidade. Para isso foi decisivo o advento de um novo inseticida (o gammexane, P 530 e a demonstração de sua eficácia no controle dos vetores da doença de Chagas. Como resultado prático desses acontecimentos em "maio de 1950 foi oficialmente inaugurada, em Uberaba, a primeira campanha de profilaxia da doença de Chagas, no Brasil". Mesmo que se dispusesse desde então de meios para fazer o controle da transmissão vetorial da endemia chagásica, não se dispunha dos recursos financeiros exigidos para fazê-lo de forma abrangente e regular. O baixo nível de prioridade conferida a essa atividade se expressava em sua inserção institucional. Em 1941, foram criados os Serviços Nacionais, de malária, peste, varíola, entre outros, enquanto a doença de Chagas fazia parte da Divisão de Organização Sanitária (DOS, que reunia enfermidades consideradas de menor importância. Em 1956 o Departamento Nacional de Endemias Rurais (DNERu incorporou todas as chamadas grandes endemias em uma única instituição, mas na prática isso não significou a implementação das ações de controle da doença de Chagas. Com a reestruturação do Ministério da Saúde em 1970, a Superintendência de Campanhas de Saúde Pública (SUCAM abarcou todas as endemias rurais, e a doença de Chagas passou a ter o status de Divisão Nacional, na mesma posição hierárquica daquelas outras doenças transmitidas por vetores antes consideradas prioritárias. Essa condição determinou a possibilidade de uma repartição de recursos mais equilibrada, o que efetivamente ocorreu, com a realocação de pessoal e insumos do programa de malária para o controle vetorial da doença de Chagas. Em 1991, a Fundação Nacional de Saúde sucedeu a SUCAM

  3. Plancto e hidrobiologia sanitária de tanques tropicais com dáfnias e rotíferos

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    Lejeune P. H. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available The engineers of the modern University City are constructing a graceful bridge, named PONTE OSWALDO CRUZ, that crosses a portion of the Guanabara Bay (Fig. 1. The work at west pillar stopped for 3 years (The concret structure in Est. 1. As it will be seen from n.º 1 — 5 of the fig. 1, Est. I, the base of the structure will have five underground boxes of reinforcement, but, to-day they are just like as five uncovered water ponds, until at present: May 1963. (Est. I — fig. 3, n.º 3 — pond n.º 3; A. — old level of the water; B.— actual level of the water; c.— green water; E.— mass of bloom of blue algae Microcystis aeruginosa. Soon after SW portion, as 5 cells in series, of the pillar abutments, and also the NE portion nearly opposite in the Tibau Mount will be filled up with earth, a new way will link Rio City and the University City. We see to day Est. I, fig. 1 — the grasses on the half arenous beach of the Tibau Point. These natural Cyperaceae and Gramineae will be desappear because of so a new road, now under construction, when completed will be 33 feet above the mean sea level, as high as the pillar, covering exactly as that place. Although rainfall was the chief source of water for these ponds, the first water (before meterorological precipitations of whatever first rain it might fall was a common tap water mixed with Portland Cement, which exuded gradually through the pores of the concret during its hardenning process. Some data of its first cement water composition are on the chemical table, and in Tab. n.º 4 and "Resultado n.º 1". The rain — receiving surface of each pond were about 15 by 16 feet, that is, 240 square feet; when they were full of water, their depth was of 2 feet 3", having each pond about 4,000 gallons. Climatic conditions are obviously similar of those of the Rio de Janeiro City: records of temperature, of precipitation and evaporation are seen on the graphics, figs. 2, 3, 4. Our conceptions of 4

  4. Endocardites sépticas: (contribuição etiopatogênica Septic endocardites

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    J. Guilherme Lacorte


    Full Text Available In the present paper the A. A. reviewed the more fundamental problems in the ethiopathogenic process of bacterial endocardits and report the bacte¬riological observations done by them in 20 cases of the disecase observed at the Section of Pathological Anatomy and Bacteriology of the Hospital S. Francisco de Assis in charge of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. The A.A. isolated Pneumococcus from 10 out the 20 cases, Gonococcus from 2, Staphylococcus from 2, Streptococcus from 5 and Friedlaender bacil¬lus from 1 . The A.A. mainly lay stress on the necessity of the bacteriological exa¬minations being made by a specialist, owing to the difficulties sometimes met with and to the consequences of a detailed examination of the isolated germ.Expomos e analisamos, no presente trabalho, as principais idéias emitidas acerca das endocardites sépticas. De grande importância foram as de Schottmueller sôbre o caráter autônomo da endocardite lenta, assim a especificidade do seu agente etiológico. Observações posteriores trouxeram restrições à teoria desse autor e as nossas se encontram nesse número, conforme se poderá ver no capitulo anterior. Além do Streptococcus viridans muitas outras bactérias têm ocasionado casos clínicos típicos de endocardite lenta ou sub-aguda. Outro ponto para o qual se têm dirigido os pesquisadores é o que trata da mutação do Streptococcus haemohjticus em Streptococcus viridans, o pri¬meiro dado como mais freqüente nas endocardites agudas. A tendência dos modernos autores é nesse sentido e nós temos observado, não raro, mutações dessa natureza. Há mesmo autores que admitem uma só espécie de estrepto-coco não passando de acidentes ocasionados por diferentes fatores físicos, químicos e biológicos as características descritas pelos que admitem várias espécies. As hemoculturas nem sempre foram positivas nos nossos casos, o que têm acontecido a todos os autores que estudaram o assunto. Em primeiro

  5. “Itinerario Histórico de la ALANAM”

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    Zoilo Cuéllar-Montoya


    Carral y de Teresa, de México; Oswaldo Hercelles García, del Perú y Marcel Granier Doyeux, de Venezuela. Los esfuerzos de Esguerra Gómez cristalizaron en Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, México, Lima y Caracas, el 29 de noviembre de 1967, en las horas del medio día, con la instalación official de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Academias Nacionales de Medicina (ALANAM.

    “La esperanza del autor de estas líneas –anotó en la introducción del libro– es la concientización, ojalá, de la totalidad de los Académicos de los diferentes países iberoamericanos, de los trabajos realizados por la ALANAM durante todos estos años” y, agrego hoy: concientización que debe alcanzar también los objetivos, las esperanzas y las inconmensurables posibilidades de la Asociación, en este continente tan golpeado por toda suerte de problemas sociales, uno de los principales el de la seguridad social y, dentro de ella, el del ejercicio profesional de los médicos y sus colaboradores así como, inseparablemente ligado a éste, el de la salud de nuestros pueblos. La Asociación, desde sus primeras reuniones, tuvo muy en claro su misión en el estudio de dichos problemas, en el aporte de sugerencias y, en cuanto pudo, de soluciones a muchos de ellos...

  6. As ocupações supostamente subalternas: o exemplo da enfermagem brasileira The supposedly subaltern professions: the example of Brazilian nursing

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    Luiz Antonio de Castro Santos


    , highlighting the ways through which women professionals were capable of creating their own territory of autonomous action. In Brazil, the configuration of the public health field in the early 1920s was intimately associated with nation-building processes, and demanded new professionals for traditionally female occupations. The training of the young candidates took place at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, in Rio de Janeiro, at São Paulo's Institute of Hygiene, at Medical Schools, in foreign centers such as the Teachers College and the Toronto School of Nursing, as well as by means of on-the-job training. The sociological literature has stressed the (basically male medical dominance, to the detriment of a focus on the new emerging professions. This trend has been clear in Brazil, and it is time that the "sociological gaze" took a close interest in the unique role played by women as health educators and visiting nurses, based in community health centers as early as 1925 in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and other centers, and in rural health units across the nation. Health education was the key element in this new scenario of campaigns against endemic diseases a national practice which Brazilians called "campanhismo" - that stressed non-authoritarian means in place of old schemes of medical policy.

  7. Equipe de trabalho Jan/Jul-2015

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    Equipe REB Ensino de Bioquímica


    Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC, BrasilRaul Herrera Faúndez, Instituto de Biología Vegetal y Biotecnologia, Universidad de Talca, ChileWagner Seixas da Silva, Instituto de Bioquímica Médica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brasil2. Avaliadores V13. N1, 2015André Amaral Gonçalves Bianco, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp, Brasil.Cristiane Matté, Instituto de Biociências, Departamento de Bioquímica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, BrasilEduardo Galembeck, Departamento de Bioquímica Instituto de Biologia, UNICAMP, Brasil.Gabriel Gerber Hornink, Depto. Bioquímica, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal-MG, Brasil.Jair Adriano Kopke de Aguiar, Departamento de Bioquímica/ICB, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF, Brasil.José Maurício Scheedorf da Silva, Departamento de Bioquímica/ ICB, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal-MG, Brasil.Mauricio Roberto Motta Pinto da Luz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brasil.Nelma Regina Segnini Bossolan, Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo (USP Brasil.Paulo De Avila Junior, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC, BrasilRodrigo Maciel Lima, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense, Brasil.Thiago Corrêa de Souza, Instituto de Ciências da natureza, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal-MG, Brasil.Vera Maria Treis Trindade, Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde, Departamento de Bioquímica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, Brasil3. Apoio institucionalSBBq – Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular: Presidente em exercício: Jerson Lima da SilvaVice-presidente: José Roberto Meyer FernandesSecretário geral: Walter R. TerraPrimeiro Secretário: Sandro Roberto MaranaTesoureira geral: Alícia Juliana KowaltowiskiPrimeiro tesoureiro: Maurício da Silva BaptistaCoordenador de Política Internacional

  8. Recuerdo del descubrimiento de la enfermedad de Chagas.

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    Hernando Groot Liévano


    condiciones en las cuales se descubrió esta enfermedad y cómo se movieron los mecanismos de su prodigiosa inteligencia y de su instinto clínico para descubrir tal dolencia. Recordemos por un momento la verdadera ebullición científica que había a principios del siglo una vez se conocieron los descubrimientos de Pasteur, luego los de Koch sobre la tuberculosis, y los de Yersin con la peste, así como los de Ross y Grassi (o Grassi y Ross al descubrir el modo de transmisión del paludismo para no citar sino unos ejemplos de los formidables avances de la medicina entonces.

    Nuestros jóvenes en América, entusiasmados con tantos progresos ansiaban ir a Europa para beber en París la ciencia nueva que abría perspectivas magníficas para la solución de muchos problemas. Aquí, hace unos pocos días recordábamos como, por ejemplo, Luis Zea Uribe se desplaza a Europa, y al tornar trae las ideas de establecer un sistema de diagnóstico adecuado para las enfermeda-des tropicales, que se inicia con el de la fiebre tifoidea; y si pasamos a Venezuela, allá José Gregorio Hernández y Luis Razetti, con ideas similares, abren en Caracas un laboratorio para tales fines, mucho más precozmente que nosotros, y Carlos Mabran en Buenos Aires, hace otro tanto.

    El Brasil no se queda atrás; muchas gentes retornan de Europa con un entu-siasmo extraordinario; entre ellas se destaca Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz, quien al llegar a Río recibe la noticia de que una enfermedad muy seria está matando la gente en Santos; el Gobierno le encarga el estudio de la situación y es precisamente hace hoy un siglo, el 23 de octubre de 1899, cuando se encuentra con un primer enfermo y le diagnostica clínica y bacteriológica-mente peste bubónica...

  9. Expediente - 2014 (2

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    Revista de Ensino de Bioquímica


    Junior, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC, Brasil Raul Herrera Faúndez, Instituto de Biología Vegetal y Biotecnologia, Universidad de Talca, Chile Wagner Seixas da Silva, Instituto de Bioquímica Médica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brasil 2. Avaliadores V12. N2, 2014 Adriana Cassina, Departamento de Bioquímica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Uruguai. André Amaral Gonçalves Bianco, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp, Brasil. Daniela Kiyoko Yokaichiya, Doutora em Bioquímica, EUA. Eduardo Galembeck, Departamento de Bioquímica Instituto de Biologia, UNICAMP, Brasil. Gabriel Gerber Hornink, Depto. Bioquímica, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal-MG, Brasil. Jair Adriano Kopke de Aguiar, Departamento de Bioquímica/ICB, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF, Brasil. José Maurício Scheedorf da Silva, Departamento de Bioquímica/ ICB, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal-MG, Brasil. Leila Maria Beltramini, Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade Estadual de São Paulo - USP, Brasil Marília Gabriella Alves Goulart Pereira, Departamento de Bioquímica/ ICB, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal-MG, Brasil. Marise Fonseca dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil. Michele Waltz Comar, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Brasil. Miguel Ángel MedinaTorres, Departamento de Biologia Molecular e Bioquímica, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Málaga, Espanha. Paulo De Avila Junior, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC, Brasil Patrícia Cristina Rodrigues, Pós-doutoranda, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brasil. Rodrigo Maciel Lima, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense, Brasil. Thiago Corrêa de Souza, Instituto de Ciências da natureza, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal-MG, Brasil. Vera Maria Treis Trindade, Instituto de Ciências B

  10. Editorial

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    Sandra Caponi


    Full Text Available This issue of the INTERthesis, which, for technical reasons, is being released in the month of May of 2008, corresponds to the second semester of 2007. In the search of bigger efficiency in the management of articles received, and the prompt reply to the authors, we are implanting an electronic management system, task which, at a first moment, demands time and hard work; the effort, however, will certainly make things faster in a near future. As well as the other editions of the Journal, the articles assembled here evidence the multiplicity of speeches and areas of knowledge, characteristics of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Human Sciences (DICH of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC. The diversity of proposed approaches in these texts allows closeness among several areas of knowledge and speeches characterized by a critical way of looking at our present and our history. The Journal opens with an article by Luis David Castiel, recognized researcher of the National School of Public Health of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (ENSP/Fiocruz, associate publisher of the prestigious ` Notebooks of Public Health Journal' and author of several books and writings dedicated to explore the interfaces between the health sciences and the human sciences . In the article that we publish here, Castiel discusses, one more time, in a discerning and critical way, the problematic of the risk which was also his approach in other studies. However, this time, the author carries through an inciting sociological analysis concerning the issue of the Brazilian youth identity in relation to the risks in the contemporary culture. The text proposes to discuss the construction of fluid identities in a society marked by the precariousness and the excesses of several kinds, and the consequent attitudes of exposition (adventure and avoidance (prevention taken over by the youth. The second article also refers to the youth, and it is dedicated to an evaluation of

  11. Estudos dos agrupamentos vegetativos relacionados com as áreas onde foram efetuadas as pesquisas sôbre a febre amarela silvestre no Município de Passos, Estado de Minas Gerais

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    Henrique P. Veloso


    Full Text Available The work reported here was carried-out on the invitation of Dr. Henry Kumm, Director of the Rockefeller Foundation, and by appointment from Dr. Henrique Aragão, Director of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. It was done during the investigation of sylvan yellow fever, in June 1947, with a view to establishing the phyto-ecological conditions of the county of Passos. The pe¬riod was, however, too short for definite conclusions to be reached. Thanks are due to Dr. O. R. Causey, Chief of Research on Yellow Fever for transpor¬tation and other help. THE REGIONAL VEGETATION. Aerial photographs of the county of Passos shoto that it is covered by three great types of vegetation: Rain Forest, Secondary Pasture Land and Scrub.1 Detailed investigation, however, brings out the fact that these correspond to different seres; furthermore, each type presents not only the specific, characteristics of the biological form dominant for the climate, but also are at various stages, which express HABITATS differing from those of the normal sere. The phytogeographic survey of the region shows that most of it is now covered by secondary pasture land (disclimax in which Melinis minutiflora, v. "fat grass" (fig. 1, predominates. The mosaic of Rain Forest and of small patches of Scrub reveals the effects of human intervention (BARRETO, H. L. de Mello 1; consequently, all the formations have to be regarded as secon¬dary, though some of them probably include relicts of the primitive climax (WARMING, E. 2. On close examination, the Scrub cannot be considered as the climax, because of the following facts: 1. In the zone of Rain-Forest stretches of forest are present in very varied topographic conditions and the reconstitution of the associations show that man has destroyed an ecological unit (fig. 2. 2. In the zone of Scrub the characteristic patches are small. The banks of rivers and brooks, the valleys and ravine and whatever the soil has retained some humidity, is being invaded

  12. Zika virus epidemic: the newest international emergency

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    Ruth Minamisava


    strengthen our control strategies for an effective protection. What do we have that is new to envision a better outcome? An international effort, funding for research to better fight the Zika virus, and mobilization of the population and health professionals considering the severity of the disease it causes and its consequences. Difficulties? Many, no doubt. In addition to the vector control difficulties already known in fighting dengue, other mosquitos of the genus Aedes circulating in Brazil can act as vectors of the Zika virus(7-8, which creates new possibilities for transmitting and spreading the infection. However, the need for emergency actions is clear, at least to reduce the impact and the fear of congenital malformations in future generations. A relentless fight against the mosquito should be the main focus of our actions and this implies in reviewing our attitudes as citizens. There is no room for mere spectators. The battle has begun and it will be a long one! It is time to act! It is time for the nation to work together! It is time to call the entire country to action!   REFERENCES 1. Zanluca C, Melo VCA de, Mosimann ALP, Santos GIV dos, Santos CND dos, Luz K. First report of autochthonous transmission of Zika virus in Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz [Internet]. 2015 [cited 2016 mar 31];110(4:569-72. Available from: 2. World Health Organization [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization (SW [cited 2016 mar 31]. WHO | Zika vírus. Fact sheet. Updated January 2016. Available from: 3. World Health Organization [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization (SW [cited 2016 mar 31]. Frequently asked questions on IHR Emergency Committee. Available from: 4. Butler D. Zika virus: Brazil’s surge in small-headed babies questioned by report. Nature [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2016 mar 31];530(7588:13-4. Available from: http

  13. Editorial

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    Gildenir Carolino Santos


    from Fluminense Federal University, discuss the process of youth subjectivation and new ways of knowledge production. It also analyzes the creation and development of a workshop with students in a public school in the city of Niterói, in Rio de Janeiro state."Perceptions and actors’ practices in virtual communities" is the fifth work by the author Rejane Ramos Machado, from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. The purpose of this article is to describe the main characteristics of a tool for managing virtual communities, the interaction processes, the conditions that favored or limited knowledge construction and how this practice occurred in virtual communities of a federal public institution.The next paper, "VITAE: learning objects retrieval based on Web 2.0," Geovália Oliveira Coelho (Federal Institute of Minas Gerais, Lucila Ishitani and Maria Augusta Vieira Nelson (Minas Gerais Pontifical Catholic University propose a mechanism for retrieving learning objects, called VITAE, based on Web 2.0 principles.Search section, with the seventh work "Opinion of university students on distance education in the context of pharmaceutical Sciences", Aníbal de Freitas Santos Junior (University of Bahia State and Hildonice de Souza Batista (Open University of Brazil bring the discussion about the insertion of Distance Education (DE in Pharmaceutical Sciences practice. The authors suggest that respondents are aware of the need of Distance Education in their formation, but at the same time they are concerned about the level of quality and complementarity of studies, due to the specificity of each practical activity that involves the patient and pharmaceutical professional.Ending this section, the work "The perception of the graduates about curricular changes occurred in the undergraduate nursing course", a contribution of Marcia Maria Ribera Lopes Spessoto (Mato Grosso do Sul State University, Giselle Cristina Martins Real (Grande Dourados Federal University and Maria Helena Salgado Bagnato

  14. Fatores com influência sobre saúde e conforto de operários em indústria gráfica Factors affecting the Health and comfort of workers in a printing trade

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    João de Barros Barreto


    segurança, com a agravante de se ter cota acima de 20y em 7% dos operários; parece, assim, recomendavel certo cuidado com esses operários. E, por mais forte razão, para os outros, expostos ao chumbo...Following a detailed report already published (Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 45 (1, 123, 1947 on the frequency amd causes of industrial accidents in the Government printing plant (Imprensa Nacional, this publication deals with physical and chemical factors which can affect the health and comfort of the workers, in the new installations of said industry. Effective temperature determinations were carried out, in order to estimate the efficiency of ventilation systems employed, and the effects of adian; heat from the sun and internal heat sources upon physical environmental conditions. When such conditions were found to be unconfortable, improving uneasures were suggested. In a review of printing processes, due consideration is given to noxious agents which may set up local irritating or caustic effects as well as to those possibly responsible for acute or chronic general diseases. The A.A. give special consideration to potential sources of lead poisoning and thus some possible manifestations of saturnism were considered. In two random samples, one of 113 workers exposed, and another of 43 workers not exposed, to lead risks, the following signs and symptoms were investigated: Burton line, anorexia, nausea, metallic taste, constipation, epigastric pain, intestinal colic, pallor, insomnia, headache, tremor and extensor weakness of wrists. A significant difference, by the x² method, was found between the samples as a whole. On account of some workers being not able to give accurate informations, it was impossible to disclose whether all the observed signs and symptoms were indicative of actual or past intoxication. In another random sample including 74 of those 156 workers, lead determinations in urine were made by the Bambach and Burkey method, with Pulfrich Photometer

  15. El HTLV-I y la PET/HAM un modelo de investigación en virología y biología molecular

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    Felipe García Vallejo


    ="MsoNormal">Además, el derivado del acido cafeíco, el 3,5 dicafeoilquinico (3,5DCQA, se constituye en potencial inhibidor irreversible de la integrasa viral. De manera integral nuestros resultados han permitido tener una visión mucho mas detallada sobre la biología molecular del HTLVI y de una de sus enfermedades asociadas, la PET/MAH del Pacífico colombiano, cuya incidencia es una de las

    mayores del mundo.

    Nuestros estudios continúan con el fin de poder desarrollar novedosas estrategias terapéuticas antirretrovirales, empleando principios activos derivados del café como una aproximación al abordaje de nuevas y más baratas estrategias antirretrovirales, que pueden ser extrapolables a la infección con el VIH-1 y otros virus humanos.



    1. GARCÍA VALLEJO F. Molecular and immunological characteristics in the pathogenesis of tropical spastic paraparesis HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM. J. Ciencia e Cultura 1996; 48 :351-358.

    2. DOMÍNGUEZ M C, CASTILLO A, CABRERA J, EIZURU Y, AKIBA S, GARCÍA-VALLEJO F. Envelope sequence variation and phylogenetic relations of human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV Type I from endemic areas of Columbia. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2002; 18: 887- 890.

    3. BALCÁZAR N, SÁNCHEZ G, GARCÍA-VALLEJO F. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Human T-Lymphotropic Virus type 1 from Tumaco, Colombia. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2003; 98

  16. Resumos dos Trabalhos Apresentados em Painéis no Workshop Baía de Guanabara, IGEO/UFRJ - 2002

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    ância. Resultados Preliminares da Análise Polínica de Sedimentos da Superfície de Depósitos do Fundo da Baía de Guanabara. Cintia Ferreira Barreto (;, Laboratório de Palinologia, Departamento de Geologia, Instituto de Geociências/ UFRJ. Marcia Aguiar de Barros, Laboratório de Palinologia, Departamento de Geologia, Instituto de Geociências/ UFRJ. Ortrud Monika Barth, Laboratório de Ultraestrutura Viral, Departamento de Virologia/ Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Claudia Gutterres Vilela, Laboratório de Micropaleontologia, Departamento de Geologia, Instituto de Geociências/UFRJ. Beatriz Beck Eichler, Instituto Oceanográfico/USP. Patrícia Pinheiro B. Eichler, Instituto Oceanográfico/USP. O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados preliminares obtidos nas análises palinológicas de depósitos do fundo da Baía da Guanabara, situada no centro da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro (RJ, localizada entre os paralelos de 22º 24’ e 22º 57’ de latitude sul e os meridianos de 42º 33’ e 43º 19’W. Tem como objetivo investigar a sedimentação polínica atual na Baía de Guanabara, fornecendo dados para futuros estudos paleoecológicos e tafonômicos na referida região. A Baía da Guanabara, em função de sua posição geográfica, está inteiramente compreendida na área intertropical e, em decorrência, possui um clima quente e chuvoso tipicamente tropical, responsável pelo desenvolvimento da exuberante Mata Atlântica. A vegetação original do entorno da Baía é bastante diversificada, de acordo com os 149 Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ Volume 26 / 2003 diferentes ecossistemas encontrados na região. Esta vegetação pode estar representada nos sedimentos de superfície, através dos palinomorfos. Segundo Amador (1992, Anais, Congresso da ABEQUA 3, p. 199-224, a baía de Guanabara é atualmente o mais degradado ambiente costeiro brasileiro, devido à ação antrópica depredatória e impactante, iniciada com a colonização a