
Sample records for organik tri-butil phosfat

  1. Nilai orientasi alami manusia dan pengetahuan organik sebagai determinan perilaku beli pangan organik

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    Tony Wijaya


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji model perilaku beli pangan organik. Model ini mempresentasikan pengaruh dari orientasi nilai alami manusia, pengetahuan organik, sikap membeli pangan organik, norma subjektif, kontrol perilaku and niat beli terhadap perilaku beli pangan organik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Sejumlah 516 responden dari Yogyakarta, Surabaya dan Jakarta berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Structural equation modeling (SEM digunakan untuk analisis data. Pengujian model sesuai dengan data empiris. Orientasi alami manusia dan pengetahuan organik berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap sikap membeli makan organik. Sikap membeli pangan organik, norma subjektif dan kontrol perilaku berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap niat beli makan organik. Kontrol perilaku memberikan kontribusi positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap perilaku beli pangan organik. Niat beli pangan organik berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku beli pangan organik.


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    Doni Purnama Alamsyah


      Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara di ASEAN yang memiliki populasi manusia cukup padat, salah satu provinsinya adalah Jawa Barat dengan Ibu Kota Bandung. Namun demikian jumlah populasi yang tinggi tidak diimbangi dengan pola hidup sehat, terlihat dari rendahnya konsumsi pada produk organik. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji faktor yang membentuk kepercayaan konsumen pada produk organik. Confirmatory Factor Analisys digunakan sebagai teknik analisis data, dengan survey pada konsumen yang ada di Kota Bandung sebanyak 351 reponden. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kepercayaan konsumen pada produk organik belum optimal. Penelitian ini menyempurnakan penelitian sebelumnya dimana terdapat faktor yang mampu membentuk kepercayaan konsumen pada produk organik diantaranya adalah  reliable, dependable, trustworthy, expectation, enviromental protection, dan safer.   Kata Kunci: Kepercayaan, Produk Organik, Confirmatory Factor Analisys

  3. Preferensi Konsumen dan Produsen Produk Organik di Indonesia

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    Sri Muljaningsih


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari kebiasaan konsumen dan produsen produk organik. Sampling penelitian ini kebetulan dilakukan pada pertemuan yang diselenggarakan oleh Aliansi Organik Indonesia (AOI. Pemantauan pasar dilakukan di Jakarta, Bogor, Depasar, dan Malang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara langsung dengan responden. Responden terdiri atas 63 konsumen, 21 produsen produk organik. Analisis data dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor apa yang mempengaruhi preferensi masing-masing individu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa preferensi konsumen terhadap beras, buah, dan sayuran organik adalah baik untuk kesehatan, tetapi keluhannya produk tersebut lebih mahal. Preferensi produsen bahwa produk organik semisal beras, buah, dan sayuran adalah harus mempunyai sertifikat. Preferensi konsumen tidak dibatasi usia dan pendidikan, sedangkan preferensi produsen masih tidak memahami manfaat kesehatan dari produk organik.Kata kunci: konsumen,  produsen, produk organik, survey pasar


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    Northa Idaman


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study were (1 to analyze the product attributes which considered necessary by the consumers of organic rice in Sukabumi Region, (2 to analyze the contribution of attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control toward the intention to buy organic rice in Sukabumi Region, and (3 to formulate the managerial implication to improve the intention to buy organic rice in Kabupaten Sukabumi. The analyzed data on the 151 respondents were collected from four sub-districts in Sukabumi using convenience-sampling method. While analysis used were descriptive, cochran, and structural  equation  modelling. The result show that there were three attributes which were necessitated by the consumers in Sukabumi Region in buying organic rice, and there were big contributions from two constructs in forming the intention to buy organic rice in Sukabumi Region. Keywords: organic rice, consumer attittude, theory of planned behavior, structural equation modelling (SEMABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah (1 menganalisis atribut-atribut produk yang dipentingkan oleh konsumen terhadap beras organik di Kabupaten Sukabumi. (2 menganalisis kontribusi sikap terhadap perilaku pembelian beras organik (attitude toward behavior, norma subjektif (subjective norms, dan kontrol perilaku (perceived behavioral control terhadap minat (intention membeli beras organik di Kabupaten Sukabumi, (3 merumuskan implikasi manajerial yang dapat diambil dari hasil penelitian untuk meningkatkan minat membeli beras organik di Kabupaten Sukabumi. Analisis data dilakukan terhadap 151 responden yang dikumpulkan dari empat kecamatan di Kabupaten Sukabumi menggunakan metode convenience-sampling. Analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, Cochran dan structural  equation  modelling.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga atribut yang dipentingkan oleh konsumen di Kabupaten Sukabumi dalam membeli beras organik, serta kontribusi yang besar

  5. Studi Awal Desain Pabrik Pupuk Organik Granul Dari Organic Waste

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    Zulfatul Hanna


    Full Text Available 800x600 Banyak pertanian di Indonesia yang masih bergantung pada penggunaan pupuk kimia. Padahal penggunaan pupuk kimia yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan penurunan bahan organik tanah. Untuk menyeimbangkannnya saat ini petani juga sedang menggalakkan penggunaan pupuk organik. Sehingga membuat kebutuhan pupuk organik meningkat setiap tahunnya. Pendirian pabrik pupuk organik granul ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk organik untuk petani. Prosess pembuatan pupuk organik granul terdiri dari pencampuran bahan baku, yakni sampah organik, kotoran sapi, kotoran domba, dan dipotong dengan rotary knife cutter. Tahap berikutnya adalah proses fermentasi, dengan penambahan bioactivator agar meningkatkan kandungan C-organik, phosphor, dan kalium. Selanjutnya adalah proses granulasi, pembesaran dari partikel dengan proses aglomerasi. Ukuran yang diharapkan pada proses granulasi ini adalah 2-4 mm sehingga produk undersize maupun oversize akan dikembalikan ke dalam granulator setelah melewati screener. Selanjutnya pupuk organik granul dikeringkan. Selanjutnya produk dipisahkan berdasarkan ukurannya lalu didinginkan di Rotary cooler. Setelah keluar dari Rotary Cooler suhu keluaran sekitar 40 oC dan masih mengandung kadar air sebesar 13,7%. Produk dari rotary cooler siap untuk di packaging dan masuk ke dalam pupuk organik granul storage. Dari analisa ekonomi didapatkan BEP sebesar 45% dengan POT sesudah pajak sebesar 4,8 tahun. Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

  6. Senyawa Organik Dalam Air Minum

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    Sri Soewasti Soesanto


    Full Text Available Kadar zat   organik   yang berlebihan dalam  air  minum  tidak diperbolehkan karena selain menimbulkan warna, bau dan  rasa yang tidak  diinginkan, juga mungkin bersifat toksik baik secara langsung maupun setelah bersenyawa dengan zat lain yang ada.Zat organik yang ada dalam air minum dapat berasal dari alam atau sebagai dampak dari kegiatan manusia.


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    Fety Nurlia Muzayanah


    Full Text Available Organic food market share in Indonesian only 0,5–2% from all agricultural products. There are problems in organic food marketing in Indonesia such as consumer confidence and limited information about organics food. This research aimed to analyze correlation of gender, occupation, age and education in intention to purchase organic foods, factors influencing purchase resistance of organic foods, and the pendidikan konsumen process. This research was involved 150 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaire survey. The result showed that gender, occupation, age and education not correlate with purchase intention of organic foods. Result from Structural Equation Modeling (SEM showed that factors caused purchase resistance was negative attitude toward organic foods, unaffordability of organic foods, and lack of awareness in organic foods but subjective norm don’t have significant correlation with purchase intention. Market Education process that can do is educate consumers about health benefits of organic food, organics certification and economics value of organic food.Keywords: consumer behavior, market education, organic foods,  SEMABSTRAKPangsa pasar pangan organik di Indonesia baru mencapai 0,5-2 persen dari keseluruhan produk pertanian. Beberapa kendala pemasaran pangan organik di Indonesia seperti consumer confidence dan terbatasnya informasi mengenai produk organik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan gender, pekerjaan, usia, dan pendidikan terakhir terhadap minat beli pangan organik, mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi resistensi pembelian pangan organik, dan mengidentifikasi proses pendidikan konsumen. Penelitian ini melibatkan 150 responden. Responden terdiri dari dosen, staf kependidikan, dan mahasiswa yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil analisis menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara gender, pekerjaan, usia, dan pendidikan


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    Basudewo Krisna Jumna


    Full Text Available Sentra padi organik Kabupaten  Sragen adalah di Kecamatan Tanon, Sidoharjo, Gondang, Sambirejo, Masaran, Kabupaten Sragen adalah daerah penghasil padi organik terbesar di Jawa Tengah dan daerah yang pertama kali mendapatkan sertifikasi untuk padi organik di Jawa Tengah sejak tahun 2001, Pada tahun 2009 Sragen telah mengekspor 1.000 ton beras organik.Sampai dengan tahun 2012 Kabupaten Sragen mampu memberikan kontribusi luas panen dan Karangmalang. Produksi organik yang paling memenuhi standar adalah di Sukorejo, Kec. Sambirejo karena airnya langsung dari sumber. Desa Sukorejo merupakan salah satu desa yang konsisten dalam menerapkan pertanian organik. Petani organik Desa Sukorejo secara mandiri dapat menghasilkan pupuk organik dan pestisida organik. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 12 key person yang terdiri dari unsur akademisi/peneliti, swasta, pemerintah, dan masyarakat. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis AHP. Dari penelitian diperoleh hasil olah data mengunakan analisis hirarki proses (AHP dapat terlihat bahwa strategi pengembangan usahatani padi organik di Kecamatan Sambirejo Kabupaten Sragen tersusun atas beberapa kriteria program yang di prioritaskan dalam pembentukannya yaitu pertama kriteria pemasaran (nilai bobot 0,428, kedua kriteria budidaya (nilai bobot 0,221, ketiga kriteria input (nilai bobot 0,169, keempat kriteria lembaga (nilai bobot 0,092, dan kelima kriteria pasca panen (nilai bobot 0,090.Adapun saran dari penelitian ini antara lain diharapkan pemerintah dan pihak yang berkepentingan berkenan untuk mengaplikasikan kebijakan berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini. Serta dengan adanya pasar pemasaran produk pertanian organik di Kabupaten Sragen terutama di sentra-sentra produksi komoditas tertentu serta dengan mengadakan pameran gelar pangan organik, gelar budaya, desa wisata organik dan dengan adanya kemitraan antara petani dengan pihak swasta dan pengguna

  9. Studi Pengembangan Pertanian Padi Sawah Organik Berdasarkan Kesesuaian Lahan dan Potensi Pupuk Organik dari Limbah Pertanian di Kecamatan Temon Kabupaten Kulon Progo

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    Rusiyah Rusiyah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Revolusi Hijau telah menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif, baik pada lingkungan, keanekaragaman hayati pertanian, maupun sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Tujuan  penelitian ini mengkaji: 1 tingkat kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman padi sawah, 2 potensi pupuk organik dari  limbah pertanian,3 karakteristik  sosial ekonomi petani, dan 4 merumuskan  strategi  pengembangan pertanian padi  sawah organik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Teknik pengambilan sampel  dengan  purposive area sampling untuk aspek fisik lahan dan purposive sampling untuk sampel petani. Teknik  pengolahan data  dengan Software LCLP, tabel frekuensi, dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dan  kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelas kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman padi sawah di daerah penelitian adalah sesuai marginal (S3 dengan luas 1.165,77 ha atau  99,11% dan tidak sesuai saat ini (N1 dengan luas 10,51 ha atau 0,89%, potensi pupuk organik dari limbah pertanian  pada  musim tanam I adalah  5.070,05 ton dan  musim tanam II adalah 3.595,04 ton, karakteristik sosial ekonomi internal petani  memiliki  kekuatan lebih baik dibandingkan karakteristik sosial ekonomi eksternal  petani bagi  pengembangan pertanian padi sawah organik di daerah penelitian, strategi pengembangan pertanian padi sawah  organik di Kecamatan Temon dapat dilakukan  sebagai berikut: (a pemberian penghargaan/apresiasi kepada petani yang telah berhasil mengembangkan pertanian organik, (b pemerintah perlu membantu petani dalam mendapatkan  sertifikat produk pertanian organik, (c pembuatan lahan percontohan/demplot pertanian organik, (d pemberdayaan peran kelembagaan, (e kegiatan sosialisasi kepada petani, konsumen  pedagang, pemerintah daerah, penyuluh, dan institusi terkait lainnya, (f mengintegrasikan pembangunan bidang pertanian dan peternakan,(g pelatihan teknologi pembuatan pupuk organik dan

  10. Pemanfaatan Residu Pembakaran Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga

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    Eko Naryono


    Full Text Available Pembakaran sampah organik rumah tangga menghasilkan residu padat 25-30% yang terdiri dari abu bawah (BA, abu atas (FA dan kondensat air yang mengandung tar. Abu bawah sebagian besar terdiri dari bahan anorganik seperti Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl dan logam berat antara lain Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb dan Zn, sedangkan abu atas tersusun dari bahan organik dan anorganik. Bahan organik yang terdapat dalam residu antara lain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH, chloro benzene (CB, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioksin (PCDD dan furan (PCDF. Residu pembakaran biomass perlu diolah atau dimanfaatkan agar tidak mengganggu lingkungan. Salah satu metode pengolahan yang mudah diterapkan dan aman terhadap lingkungan adalah pemadatan dan stabilisasi menggunakan semen atau lempung sebagai binder. Pemanfaatan produk ini dapat digunakan untuk batako atau batu bata. Berdasarkan prediksi, pembakaran sampah kota Malang sebesar 400 ton/hari menghasilkan abu 72 ton/hari. Pemakaian abu sebesar 25% pada pembuatan batako dengan perbandingan semen : pasir : abu sebesar 3,75 : 30 : 1,25 dapat menghasilkan batako setiap hari 366545 buah. Kata kunci : Abu, Batako, Residu, Pemadatan, Sampah organik rumah tangga


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    Kustiawati Ningsih


    Full Text Available Salah satu faktor penting dalam agribisnis hortikultura adalah kelembagaan pemasaran dan salah satu komoditi yang menjanjikan adalah buah naga organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penerimaan petani dan marjin pemasaran buah naga organik di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Hasil analisis usahatani menunjukkan adanya keuntungan dalam usahatani buah naga organik, hal ini ditunjukkan oleh nilai R/C=2,34. Bila dibandingkan dengan nilai R/C rasio usahatai tembakau Madura yaitu sebesar 1,38 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa usahatani buah naga organik lebih efisien sehingga dapat dikatakan usahatani buah naga organik dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif usahatani tembakau Madura. Kisaran (Acquirement marjin pemasaran antara lembaga-lembaga pemasaran cenderung bervariasi dan timpang. Besarnya marjin pemasaran pada tengkulak dan pedagang pengumpul masing-masing Rp 5.000/kg dan Rp 4.000/kg. Besarnya bagian petani (farmer share buah naga organik pada tengkulak dan pedagang pengumpul masing-masing 10%dan 10,67%. Secara ekonomi, buah naga organik masih menguntungkan. Keuntungan ini masih dapat ditingkatkan dengan memperbaiki sistem produksi, sehingga produktivitas dapat ditingkatkan. Diperkirakan dengan proses produksi ini dapat memperbaiki kualitas dan kuantitas, terutama pada tingkat lebih tinggi lagi, sehingga memiliki peluang mengakses pasar lebih luas, khususnya pasar luar negeri (ekspor.  ABSTRACTOne important factor in the agribusiness of horticulture is institutional marketing and one of the commodities that prospecive is organic dragon fruit. This study aims to determine the revenue of farmers and marketing margin of organic dragon fruit in Pamekasan. Results of the analysis showed profit in organic dragon fruit farming, this is indicated by the value of R / C = 2,34. When compared with the value of R / C ratio of Madura tobacco farming in the amount of 1.38 it can be concluded that organic dragon fruit farming more efficient so that it can be said dragon

  12. Isolasi Dye Organik Alam dan Karakterisasinya Sebagai Sensitizer

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    Nurussaniah Nurussaniah


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui cara mengisolasi dan karakteristik dye organik alam sebagai sensitizer. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan, isolasi dye organik alam, karakterisasi sifat optik, analisis dan menyimpulkan. Isolasi dye organic alam dilakukan untuk memperoleh sari dari bahan-bahan alam. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan alam yaitu jagung (Zea mays dan labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata. Karakterisasi optik dye organik alam dalam penelitian ini dilihat dari spektrum absorbansi yang diukur menggunakan Spektrophotometer Uv-Vis. Spektrum absorbansi dye diukur dalam kuvet optik, pada panjang gelombang 350-800 . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isolasi dye organik alam diperoleh melalui metode ekstraksi, yaitu suatu metode untuk memperoleh sari dari bahan-bahan alam. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan dengan melarutkan biji jagung (Zea mays dan daging buah labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata dalam pelarut etanol dengan konsentrasi 1:5. Karaktistik optik jagung (Zea mays dan labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata  menunjukkan panjang gelombang yaitu berada pada cahaya tampak dengan rentang panjang gelombang 350 – 500 nm.  Dengan demikian  dye  beta-karoten yang berasal dari jagung (Zea mays dan labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sensitizer dalam prototipe Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC.

  13. Inovasi Pupuk Organik Kotoran Ayam Dan Eceng Gondok Dikombinasi Dengan Bioteknologi Mikoriza Bentuk Granul


    Asngad, A


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat formula pupuk organik limbah dari campuran kotoran ayam dan eceng gondok sebagai pupuk organik dasar dan memproduksi pupuk organik unggul kombinasi pupuk organik dasar dan pupuk hayati spora CMA dalam kemasan granul. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen dan analisis laboratorium dilakukan untuk mengetahui kuantitas dan kualitas hara pupuk yang dihasilkan, serta kandungan logam berat. Pupuk secara diskriptif dibandingkan dengan baku mutu pupuk orga...



    A Asngad


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat formula pupuk organik limbah dari campuran kotoran ayam dan eceng gondok sebagai pupuk organik dasar dan memproduksi pupuk organik unggul kombinasi pupuk organik dasar dan pupuk hayati spora CMA dalam kemasan granul. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen dan analisis laboratorium dilakukan untuk mengetahui kuantitas dan kualitas hara pupuk yang dihasilkan, serta kandungan logam berat. Pupuk secara diskriptif dibandingkan dengan baku mutu pupuk orga...

  15. Organik Balık Üretimi'nin Mevcut Durumu.

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    Ahmet Adem Tekinay


    Full Text Available Doğal koşullar altında, hiçbir koruyucu katkı maddesi ve genetik modifikasyona maruz bırakılmamış organik tarım prensiplerine göre üretilmiş tamamen doğal olan hammaddelerden hazırlanan yemlerle beslenen ve bir kontrol kuruluşunda sertifikalanan balıklar “organik balık” olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Organik balık, daha düşük stok yoğunluğu ile hayvanın refahını sağlayan, pestisid, kimyasal ürün ve genetik olarak değişime uğramamış ürünler kullanmayarak insan sağlığına önem veren bir üretim modelidir. Dünyanın birçok gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkesinde uygulanan bu alternatif üretim modeli, dünya akauakültür üretiminin sadece %0,01’ini oluşturmasına rağmen, bu ürüne olan talep üretim miktarının ve piyasaya sürülen tür çeşitliliğinin artmasına sebep olmuştur. Bununla birlikte, organik su ürünleri üretimi, organik tarım kadar hızlı gelişememiştir. Bu durumun en büyük nedenlerinden biri organik su ürünleri için geliştirilmiş uluslar arası standartların olmamasıdır


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    Elfayetti Elfayetti


    Full Text Available Pertanian organik merupakan sistem pertanian yang holistik yang mendukung dan mempercepat biodeversiti, siklus biologi dan aktivitas biologi tanah(International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements,2014. Geografi Pertanian merupakan mata kuliah di Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi FIS Unimed. Dalam Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi yang diterapkan di Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi FIS Unimed merupakan matakuliah wajib pada semester genap, tepatnya pada semester IV (empat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pertumbuhan berat cacing tanah pada pupuk kascing dari limbah kangkung dan bayam dan untuk mengetahui kandungan hara N, P, K dan pH kascing dari limbah kangkung dan bayam pada tanah ultisol. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan pada pupuk organik, maka harus diupayakan bagaimana memperoleh pupuk yang memiliki unsur hara yang padat dan pengadaannya relatif murah dan mudah. Pemanfaatan limbah organik untuk budidaya cacing tanah merupakan salah satu tindakan yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Rendahnya bahan organik, N, P, K menunjukkan bahwa tanah pada percobaan ini membutuhkan bahan organik. Pemberian bahan organik seperti cacing diharapkan dapat meningkatkan Produktivitas Ultisol dimana Kascing mempunyai sifat-sifat kimia, fisika, dan biologi tanah yang baik, sehingga dapat meningkatkan serapan hara dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1. Jenis makanan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan cacing tanah dan kualitas kascing yang dihasilkan. 2.Terdapat perbedaaan pada bobot cacing tanah yang dihasilkan dengan adanya perbedaan jenis makanan. Jenis makanan bayam memberikan tingkat pertumbuhan cacing tanah terbaik dengan terjadinya pertambahan bobot sebesar 650 gram yang awalnya hanya 250 gram. 3. Dari beberapa parameter sifat kimia dan biologi kascing, maka jenis makanan bayam memberikan nilai N tertinggi yaitu 0,52 dan pada pakan kangkung terdapatnilai p tertinggi yaitu 0,35. Kata Kunci


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    A Asngad


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat formula pupuk organik limbah dari campuran kotoran ayam dan eceng gondok sebagai pupuk organik dasar dan memproduksi pupuk organik unggul kombinasi pupuk organik dasar dan pupuk hayati spora CMA dalam kemasan granul. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen dan analisis laboratorium dilakukan untuk mengetahui kuantitas dan kualitas hara pupuk yang dihasilkan, serta kandungan logam berat. Pupuk secara diskriptif dibandingkan dengan baku mutu pupuk organik menurut SK Mentan 2009. Hasil analisis hara makro dan mikro, serta logam berat pada pupuk organik dasar sudah memenuhi persyaratan baku mutu pupuk organik. Perbanyakan pupuk  hayati CMA diperoleh 35 butir spora CMA/gram. Formula pembuatan campuran pupuk organik dasar: 2 kotoran ayam, 1 eceng gondok. Pupuk tersebut ditambah dengan 1 kg inokulum CMA atau pupuk hayati, 0,5 kg clay merah, 0,5 kg fosfat alam, 0,25 kg clay putih; 500 cc air. Hasil analisis hara makro dan mikro, campuran pupuk organik dasar dan hayati yang telah digranul sesuai dengan standar pupuk organik dari SK Mentan 2009. Disimpulkan bahwa campuran pupuk organik dari bahan dasar (kotoran ayam dan gulma air, yang ditambah dengan pupuk hayati dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti pupuk anorganik. Pupuk granul lebih efisien dan efektif digunakan untuk berbagai campuran dan di lapang. The research objective is to make the formula of organic fertilizer from water weed and chicken poop mixture as the basic organic fertilizer and to produce excellent organic fertilizer from the combination of basic organic fertilizer and biologic CMA spore fertilizer in a granule package. The study was conducted with an experimental method and laboratory analysis to determine the quantity and quality of fertilizer nutrients and heavy metal content that was descriptively compared to the standard organic fertilizer by SK Mentan 2009. The results showed that the quantity and quality of the fertilizer


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    Abdul Muiz Liddinillah Sanfiyan


    Full Text Available Permasalahan sistem pengolahan sampah yang ada di Kabupaten Tegal adalah masih menggunakan sistem Open Dumping. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS Kabupaten Tegal pada tahun 2016, komposisi sampah organik adalah yang terbesar kedua setelah sampah plastik dan sangat berpotensi mengalami penambahan setiap tahunnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat perancangan pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah organik zero waste di Kabupaten Tegal, dengan studi kasus di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA sampah Penujah. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah sistem pengolahan sampah organik yang ada di Kabupaten Tegal dengan menggunakan sistem pengolahan sampah zero waste. Sistem pengolahan sampah organik zero waste adalah sistem pengolahan sampah yang tidak menghasilkan sampah kembali. Jadi, diharapkan jumlah sampah organik akan berkurang secara bertahap. Sampah organik dapat dirubah menjadi biogas melalui proses fermentasi yang dibantu oleh bakteri secara anaerob di dalam reaktor biodigester. Biogas tersebut ditampung di dalam tempat penampungan untuk kemudian didistribusikan ke dalam genset biogas sebagai bahan bakar pembangkit listrik. Sisa pengolahan biogas dapat dirubah menjadi pupuk cair dan pupuk kompos yang bernilai ekonomis.

  19. Pengaruh Jenis Bahan pada Proses Pirolisis Sampah Organik menjadi Bio-Oil sebagai Sumber Energi Terbarukan

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    M. Sigit Cahyono


    Full Text Available Sampah organik merupakan potensi sumber energi yang melimpah di Indonesia. Sampah organik berupa daun dan ranting kering bisa dikonversi menjadi bahan bakar berupa bio-oil melalui proses fast pirolisis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis bahan terhadap rendemen dan nilai kalor bio-oil yang dihasilkan dari proses pirolisis sampah organik. Bahan baku berupa daun dan ranting kering campuran tanaman angsana, mahoni dan mangga dengan komposisi daun bervariasi 0%, 50%, dan 100%, dipotong-potong dengan ukuran maksimal 10 cm. Kemudian bahan baku tersebut dipanaskan di dalam reaktor pirolisis pada suhu 500 C selama 1 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kalor tertinggi (5175,35 J/g dan rendemen tertinggi (24,5% didapatkan pada bio-oil yang dihasilkan dari pirolisis ranting 100%. Kata kunci: Sampah Organik, Bio-oil, Pirolisis, Rendemen, Nilai Kalor

  20. Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Industri Tahu sebagai Pupuk Cair Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea Reptans Poir)


    Aliyenah, Aliyenah; A Napoleon, A Napoleon; Yudono, Bambang


    Penelitian tentang Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Industri Tahu Sebagai Pupuk Cair Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir) ini telah dilaksanakan pada Ja-nuari - Maret 2013. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan limbah cair industri tahu agar dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk cair organik untuk tanaman kangkung darat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan meng-gunakan Rancang Acak Kelompok (RAK), dengan perlakuan konsentrasi pupuk cair organik dari ...


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    Listiatie Budi Utami


    Full Text Available Kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir. merupakan tanaman hiperakumulator  logam timbal (Pb, padahal kangkung darat banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan kandungan timbal (Pb kangkung darat pada berbagai dosis pupuk organik; serta untuk mengetahui dosis pupuk organik yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan menurunkan kandungan timbal (Pb dalam kangkung darat. Penelitian dilakukan secara Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL dengan perlakuan pemberianpupuk organik dengan dosis 0 gram, 50 gram, 100 gram, 150 gram, 200 gram, dan 250 gram dalam 2 kg tanah dari TPA Piyungan, Bantul. Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali dan dilakukan selama 4 minggu. Pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang daun, panjang akar, dan berat basah tanaman. Pada minggu ke-4, dilakukan pengukuran kadar timbal (Pb dalam daun. Dilakukan uji ANOVA dan BNT 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk organik dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat. Dosis yang paling efektif untuk pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat adalah 200 gram dalam 2 kg tanah. Pemberian pupuk organik tidak dapat menurunkan kandungan Pb dalam tanaman kangkung darat.


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    Muhtarudin Muhtarudin


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan suplementasi hidrolisat bulu ayam, mineral, makro organik (Ca, Mg organik serta mikro organik (Zn, Cu, Cr, Se organik guna meningkatkan kecernaan zat-zat makanan, pertambahan bobot badan, dan efisiensi ransum kambing peranakan Etawah jantan. Percobaan menggunakan kambing peranakan Etawah jantan sebanyak 20 ekor. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah: R0 = 40% rumput gajah + 60% konsentrat, R1 = R0 + 3 % tepung bulu ayam, R2 = R1 + Mineral Makro-organik (Ca, Mg organik, R3 = R2 + Mineral Mikro-organik (Zn,Cu, Cr, Se organik. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa perlakuan campuran bulu ayam, Ca-PUFA, Mg-PUFA (mineral makro organik dan Zn, Cu, Se, dan Cr, lisinat (mineral mikro organik atau R3 dapat meningkatkan kecernaan bahan organik, energi, pertambahan bobot badan, dan efisiensi ransum dari kambing peranakan Etawah jantan. THE EFFECT SUPLEMENTATION OF HYDROLYZED OF FEATHER MEAL AND ORGANIC MINERAL ON NUTRIENTS DIGESTIBILITY, DAILY GAIN, AND RATIONS EFFICIENCY OF MALE ETAWAH CROSS GOATS ABSTRACT The objective of research were to evaluate the effect of supplementation of hydrolyzed of feather meal, organic macro mineral (Ca and Mg-Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid /PUFA and organic micro mineral (Zn, Cu, Cr, and Se-lysinat to improve nutrient digestibility, daily gain and rations efficiency of male Etawah cross goats. The research were used 20 male Etawah cross goats. Random block design were used this research was used, with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were arranged : R0= 40 % of forage + 60% concentrates; R1= R0 + 3% of hydrolyzed of feather meal ; R2= R1 + organic macro mineral (Ca and Mg -PUFA; R3 = R2+ organic micro mineral (Zn,Cu, Cr, and Se-lysinat. The results showed that mixing treatment of hydrolyzed feathers meal, organic macro and micro mineral (Ca and Mg


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    - Sudarmin


    Full Text Available Abstract: Learning Models of Organic Chemistry Subject Integrated with Science Generic Skills. The aim of the study is to investigate how Organic Chemistry and Generic Science Skills Teaching Model can be developed for prospective chemistry teachers. This research and development study involves 79 stu­dents of Chemistry Education Department of Sema­rang State University. The data are collected using a test of organic chemistry concepts and generic science skills, a questionnaire, and an observation sheet and then analyzed using N-gain test. The result shows that the OCGSSM teaching model improves the pro­spective chemistry teachers' generic science skills in high and medium category. The high achieving stu­dent group has better comprehension of generic skills in logical consistency, observation, abstraction, symbolic language, sense of scale, and logical frame aspects than low achieving student group. Abstrak: Model Pembelajaran Kimia Organik Terintegrasi Kemampuan Generik Sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran kimia organik terintegrasi kemampuan generik sains. Penelitian dan pengembangan melibatkan 79 mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia Jurusan Kimia Universitas Negeri Semarang. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes penguasaan konsep kimia organik terintegrasi kemam­puan generik sains, angket, dan lembar observasi, dan dianalisis dengan uji N-gain. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penerapan MPKOKG meningkatkan penguasaan kemampuan generik sains calon guru kimia dengan taraf pencapaian tinggi dan sedang. Mahasiswa kelompok prestasi tinggi memiliki penguasaan kemam­puan generik sains konsistensi logis, pengamatan, abstraksi, bahasa simbolik, kesadaran tentang skala serta logical frame lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok prestasi rendah.


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    Listiatie Budi Utami


    pupuk organik dengan dosis 0 gram, 50 gram, 100 gram, 150 gram, 200 gram, dan 250 gram dalam 2 kg tanah dari TPA Piyungan, Bantul. Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali dan dilakukan selama 4 minggu. Pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang daun, panjang akar, dan berat basah tanaman. Pada minggu ke-4, dilakukan pengukuran kadar timbal (Pb dalam daun. Dilakukan uji ANOVA dan BNT 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk organik dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat. Dosis yang paling efektif untuk pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat adalah 200 gram dalam 2 kg tanah. Pemberian pupuk organik tidak dapat menurunkan kandungan Pb dalam tanaman kangkung darat.

  5. Organik Tavukçulukta Mera Kompozisyonu, Besleme ve Barındırma Teknikleri

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    Hasan Eleroğlu


    Full Text Available Dünya’daki gelişmelere paralel olarak, Türkiye’de de organik tavukçuluk sektöründe gelişmeler yaşanmaktadır. Son yıllarda artan taleplerin karşılanması amacıyla üretim artışı söz konusu olup, yeni organik işletmeler sayısında artış gözlenmektedir. Hayvanların besin maddesi ihtiyaçlarının belli bir kısmının meradan sağlanması için yerel bitkilerden yararlanılarak, uygun mera kompozisyonunun ekonomik üretimi destekleyecek şekilde oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Bununla birlikte, çevre koşulları ve barındırma tekniklerinin kanatlının performansı, sağlığı, refahı, ürün kalitesi üzerine etkisi bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle çevre koşulları ve barındırma tekniklerinin, yerel koşullara uyumlu ve organik standartları sağlayacak şekilde düzenlenmesi gerekmektedir. Hayvanların günlük besin maddesi ihtiyaçlarının dengeli olarak karşılanmasında, hayvanların severek tükettikleri buğdaygil ve baklagil yem bitkileri yanında otlatmaya dayanıklı endemik bitkilerden oluşan karışımlardan yararlanılarak, mera kompozisyonu belirlenmelidir. Sabit ve taşınır barındırma sistemlerinde kullanılacak malzemelerin organik üretim standartlarına uygun olmalıdır. Kümes içi ve mera donanımları arasında bulunan yemlik ve sulukların organizasyonunda yöresel iklim koşulları dikkate alınmalı, özellikle ısıtma sistemlerinde aydınlatma yapmayan ısı kaynaklarının seçilmesi gerekmektedir. Yabani kuş ve yırtıcı hayvanlardan korunma amaçlı geliştirilen sistemler üzerinde durulmalı, ürün elde etme ve değerlendirme aşamasında, ürün kalitesinin maksimum düzeyde korunabileceği uygulamalar üzerinde durulmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, organik tavukçuluk üzerinde durularak, örnek olarak Sivas koşullarında organik etlik piliç üretiminde kullanılmak üzere oluşturulan mera kompozisyonu ile birlikte organik tavuk yetiştirmede kullanılan barındırma sistemi


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    Nurhasanah Nurhasanah


    Full Text Available Research in the use of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus to reduce odors in liquid organic fertilizer has been conducted in Bogor for 6 months. This study begin with a liquid organic fertilizer produced from 1 kg of shrimp waste, 1 kg of maize, 1 kg of bean sprouts, 10 liters of coconut water, 500 ml of EM4 and 500 g of sugar through fermentation process for 6 weeks. Then the result of liquid organic fertilizer was added by an ingredient lemongrass as deodorizing with doses of 0, 10%, 20% and 30% (w/v. After that it is fermented for 2 weeks. The next stage was the application of liquid organic fertilizer as a foliar fertilizer at chillies (Capsicum annum planting using a completely randomized design (CRD 1 factors type of using liquid organic fertilizer (control, liquid organic fertilizer without lemongrass, liquid organic fertilizer + 10% lemongrass, liquid organic fertilizer + 20% lemongrass and liquid organic fertilizer + 30% lemongrass respectively at doses of 0, 6, 12 and 18 ppm. The parameters measured were odor (NH3 and H2S, levels of macro nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S and micro nutrients (Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe after fermenting process, and the production of crops (fruit number and fruit weight after planting. Research results show that the higher dose of lemongrass added cause levels of odor (NH3 and H2S in the liquid organic fertilizer decreased and content of macro nutrients, micro nutrients, and phytohormones increased. The planting results indicate liquid organic fertilizer which added 20% lemongrass in a dose of 12 ppm was the optimal dose in increasing crop production. Penelitian penggunaan sereh (Cymbopogon citratus dalam menurunkan bau pada pupuk organik cair telah dilakukan di Bogor selama 6 bulan. Penelitian ini diawali dengan membuat pupuk organik cair yang dihasilkan dari 1 kg limbah udang, 1 kg jagung, 1 kg touge, 10 Liter air kelapa, 500 ml EM4 dan 500 g gula pasir melalui proses fermentasi selama 6 minggu. Kemudian pada


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    Pradita Ajeng Wiguna


    Full Text Available Sampah menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang belum terselesaikan dalam masyarakat. Salah satu jenis sampah yang jumlahnya melimpah adalah sampah organik berupa dedaunan. Hal ini menuntut cara penanganan alternatif yang kreatif dan inovatif menjadi produk berdaya guna. Sebuah upaya yang dilakukan adalah pemanfaatan sampah daun sebagai pigmen warna organik untuk tinta printer. Pembuatan pigmen warna dilakukan dengan mereduksi sampah daun hingga berbentuk serbuk karbon yang homogen yaitu membakar sampah daun dalam kondisi oksigen rendah kemudian dilakukan proses pencampuran sederhana dengan bahan lain pembuat tinta. Tinta yang dihasilkan diuji transmitansinya dengan memvariasikan massa karbon yaitu dari 1 sampai 6 gram, hasilnya menunjukan bahwa semakin banyak massa karbon ,intensitas cahayanya semakin rendah. Uji laju absorbsi menunjukan bahwa tinta karbon memiliki kelajuan yang hampir sama dengan jenis tinta di pasaran, yaitu 1,04 mm/s. Saat uji kinerja tinta karbon pada printer menunjukan hasil yang lebih hitam dan halus sehingga sesuai jika diaplikasikan sebagai tinta printer.


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    Wiharyanto Oktiawan


    Full Text Available Limbah Rumah Pemotongan Hewan (RPH Kota Semarang yang didominasi oleh rumen sapi jika tidak diolah dapat menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan pada manusia dan kerusakan lingkungan. Dampak negatif dari limbah adalah proses pembuangan dan pembersihannya memerlukan biaya serta efeknya dapat mencemari lingkungan. Hal ini mendorong adanya inovasi dan pengembangan teknologi pengolahan air limbah yang murah dan mudah operasional dan pemeliharaannya serta biaya yang sedikit. Upaya meningkatkan keuntungan akan keberadaan limbah dilakukan cara mengolah limbah menjadi produk yang bermanfaat dan bernilai jual. Keuntungan yang bisa diperoleh dari proses pengolahan limbah tersebut menjadi biogas, bioenergi, dan pupuk. Pupuk yang mengandung magnesium yang tinggi yang beredar di pasaran biasanya berbentuk granul/ serbuk. Apabila tanaman mengalami kekurangan magnesium maka akan menyebabkan kuningnya daun dan menghambat proses fotosintesis yang terjadi di daun. Penambahan limbah garam pada penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kandungan unsur hara makro C,N,P,K, dan Mg, tidak mencemari lingkungan, tidak merusak struktur tanah, serta mudah dalam pengaplikasiannya. Variasi rasio serat kasar dengan cairan rumen bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan paling optimum,antara lain: 100:0 ,75:25 , 50:50 , 25:75 , 0:100 (serat kasar:cairan rumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan limbah garam tidak mempengaruhi terhadap kandungan unsur hara C-Organik dan Nitrogen, sedangkan pada kandungan Fospor, Kalium, dan Magnesium memiliki pengaruh dari penambahan limbah garam. Kandungan unsur hara makro paling optimum yaitu C-Organik pada fermentor B1 sebesar 1,44%, Ntotal pada fermentor B2 sebesar 0,73%, Fospor (P2O5 pada fermentor B3 sebesar 2,243%, Kalium pada fermentor B3 sebesar 13,05, dan Mg pada fermentor B3 sebesar 26,82%. meskipun demikian, pupuk organik cair ini belum memenuhi persyaratan teknis Permentan No.70/Permentan/SR.140/10/2011 tentang pupuk organik, pupuk

  9. Penggunaan Unit Slow Sand Filter, Ozon Generator dan Rapid Sand Filter Skala Rumah Tangga Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Air Sumur Dangkal Menjadi Air Layak Minum (Parameter Zat Organik dan Deterjen

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    Anindya Prawita Sari


    Full Text Available Air sumur merupakan air tanah yang sering kali digunakan masyarakat untuk aktivitas sehari-hari. Air sumur dengan kadar organik dan deterjen tinggi tidak layak dikonsumsi masyarakat karena dapat menyebabkan berbagai macam penyakit. Selain itu, adanya zat organik dan deterjen mempengaruhi warna dan bau air sumur sehingga tidak layak konsumsi. Slow sand filter merupakan unit pengolahan yang mampu meremoval zat organik pada air. Slow sand filter dan rapid sand filter tidak menggunakan bahan kimia dalam proses pengolahan sehingga lebih ekonomis dan efektif. Sedangkan ozon, efektif digunakan untuk meremoval zat organik yang ada dalam air dengan mengubah rantai zat organik menjadi lebih sederhana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan slow sand filter, ozon generator dan rapid sand filter dalam menyisihkan beban deterjen dan zat organik pada air sumur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi removal pada unit slow sand filter untuk beban organik dan deterjen sebesar 57,6% dan 60,5 %, pada unit ozonasi sebesar 47,4% dan 17,5%, dan pada unit rapid sand filter sebesar 50,0% dan 50,9 %.



    Listiatie Budi Utami; Ulfah Rachmawati


    Kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) merupakan tanaman hiperakumulator  logam timbal (Pb), padahal kangkung darat banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan kandungan timbal (Pb) kangkung darat pada berbagai dosis pupuk organik; serta untuk mengetahui dosis pupuk organik yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan menurunkan kandungan timbal (Pb) dalam kangkung darat. Penelitian dilakukan secara Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan...

  11. Ekstraksi Pemisahan Neodimium dari Samarium, Itrium dan Praseodimium Memakai Tri Butil Fosfat

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    Maria Veronica Purwani


    Full Text Available The extraction of Nd(OH3 (neodymium hydroxide concentrate containing Y (yttrium, Sm (samarium and Pr (praseodymium as product of monazite processed has been done. The purpose of this study is to determine the separation of Nd from Y, Pr and Nd Sm in Nd concentrate. The aqueous phase was concentrated Nd (OH3 in HNO3 and extractant while organic phase was Tri Butyl Phosphate (TBP in kerosene. Parameters studied were pH and concentration feed, concentration of TBP in kerosene, extraction time and stirring speed. The result showed that the optimization of separation extraction neodymium from samarium, yttrium and praseodymium in Nd(OH3 concentrated with TBP, obtained the optimum condition of pH = 0.2, concentration of feed 100 g /L, concentration of TBP in kerosene 5%, extraction time 15 minutes and stirring speed 150 rpm. With the conditions, Separation Factor (SF obtained for Nd-Y, Nd-Pr, Nd-Sm are 2.242, 4.811, 4.002 respectively, while D and extraction efficiency of Nd are 0.236 and 19.07%.

  12. Komposit Nano TiO2 Dengan PCC, Zeolit atau Karbon Aktif Untuk Menurunkan Total Krom dan Zat Organik Pada Air Limbah Industri Penyamakan Kulit

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    Bumiarto Nugroho Jati


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menurunkan total krom dan zat organik pada limbah industri penyamakan kulit dengan menggunakan nano TiO2 yang dikompositkan dengan adsorben karbon aktif, zeolit, dan precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC dalam suatu reaktor fotokatalitik yang disusun secara batch dan dilengkapi dengan 6 buah lampu UV dan magnetic stirrer. Penurunan kadar krom total diukur dengan menggunakan Atomic Absorption Spectro-photometer (AAS dan penurunan zat organik dianalisa dengan menggunakan titrasi permanganatometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengolahan terbaik untuk penurunan kadar krom total adalah dengan menggunakan komposit TiO2:PCC = 8:2 yang dapat menurunkan total krom hampir 100% pada menit ke-170 dengan konsentrasi awal 214,35 mg/L. Untuk penurunan kadar zat organik, pengolahan terbaik dengan menggunakan komposit TiO2:PCC = 9:1 yang dapat menurunkan kadar zat organik hingga 100% pada menit ke-180. 


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    Nurhayati (Nurhayati


    Full Text Available Penelitian dilaksanakan untuk melihat pengaruh tingkat yogurt dan waktu fermentasi terhadap kecernaan in vitro bahan kering, bahan organik, protein, dan serat kasar kulit nanas fermentasi. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial dengan 2 faktor yaitu tingkat yogurt (0, 3, 6, dan 9 ml/kg dan lama waktu fermentasi (24, 48, dan 72 jam yang diulang sebanyak 5 kali. Bahan yang digunakan adalah kulit nanas, plain yogurt yang mengandung bakteri Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus dan Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus, bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk analisis proksimat protein dan serat kasar kulit nanas fermentasi, larutan saliva buatan McDougall dan cairan rumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05 tingkat yogurt terhadap kecernaan in vitro bahan kering, bahan organik, dan protein kasar tetapi tidak berbeda nyata terhadap kecernaan serat kasar. Waktu fermentasi berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05 terhadap kecernaan bahan kering, bahan organik, protein kasar, dan serat kasar secara in vitro. Interaksi tingkat yogurt dengan waktu fermentasi memberikan perbedaan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05 terhadap kecernaan bahan kering, bahan organik dan protein kasar tetapi tidak memberikan perbedaan pengaruh nyata terhadap kecernaan serat kasar. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa tingkat yogurt 6 ml/kg dan waktu fermentasi 72 jam dapat meningkatkan kecernaan in vitro bahan kering, bahan organik, dan protein kasar serta menurunkan kecernaan in vitro serat kasar kulit nanas fermentasi. (Kata kunci: Fermentasi, Kecernaan in vitro, Kulit nanas, Yogurt

  14. Pengaruh macam limbah organik dan pengenceran terhadap produksi biogas dari bahan biomassa limbah peternakan ayam

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    Full Text Available Pamungkas GS, Sutarno, Mahajoeno E. 2012. Pengaruh macam limbah organik dan pengenceran terhadap produksi biogas dari bahan biomassa limbah peternakan ayam. Bioteknologi 9: 18-25. Kelangkaan bahan bakar merupakan masalah penting saat ini, sehingga diperlukan berbagai alternative sumbernya. Dengan sistem biodigester anaerob, limbah peternakan ayam dengan penambahan limbah organik lain dapat menghasilkan biogas, sebagai sumber energi terbarukan (renewable energy. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (i menguji produksi biogas dari pencerna anaerob limbah peternakan ayam dengan perlakuan pengenceran, dan penambahan berbagai substrat sampah organik skala laboratorium, (ii mengetahui produksi biogas dari pencerna anaerob sistem curah limbah peternakan ayam dengan frekuensi agitasi berbeda pada skala semi pilot. Penelitian dilakukan dua tahap yaitu penelitian skala laboratorium dan skala semi pilot. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL yang terdiri dari 2 faktor yaitu, rasio pengenceran, dan penambahan substrat. Hasil dari produksi biogas terbaik direkomendasikan pada penelitian skala semi pilot sistem curah. Perlakuan dalam tahapan semi pilot dengan interval waktu pengadukan, yaitu 4 jam/hari dan 8 jam/hari. Produksi biogas tertinggi diperoleh dari penyampuran kotoran ayam dengan eceng gondok pengenceran 1:1 sebesar 0,60 L dalam 6 minggu dan efisiensi perombakan COD, TSS, VS adalah 63,80%; 14,79%; 75,14%. Pada sekala semi pilot sistem curah dengan frekuensi pengadukan 8 jam/hari, diperoleh hasil biogas tertinggi sebesar 624,99 L dalam 6 minggu.


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    Latifa Siswati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengetahui model pertanian tanaman hortikultura organic  .Pertanian organik merupakan suatu usahatani untuk melakukan pemberian pupuk berasal dari urin sapi dan tidak mengandung zat kimia . ini berarti limbah yang dihasilkan akan dimanfaatkan kembali menjadi sumberdaya yang dapat menghasilkan.  Pada penelitian ini tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah menemukan tanaman hortikultura organik. Mengetahui pendapatan jenis hortikultura.menerapkan pengembangan agribisnis tanaman unggulan dengan   pupuk urin sapi di lahan  dengan pertanian terpadu memiliki manfaat ekonomis dan ekologis.Metode penelitian adalah ekperimen , dilakukan penanaman tanaman hortikultura kangkung,timun, pare, gambas Unit Pelaksana Teknis Univ.Lancang Kuning kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini  dapat memberikan model tanaman hortikultura organic serta  mengurangi biaya pupuk tanaman.Hasil penelitian Model tanaman kacang panjang diberikan pupuk urin sapi  yang terbaik. penaman sayur di Unit Pelaksana Teknis  Pertanian terpadu diperoleh hasil tanaman dengan pemakaian pupuk urin cair terjadi peningkatan berat tanaman .Pendapatan pertanian terpadu Rp 514.000- per periode.Key word: pupuk cair, hortikultura,pendapatan 

  16. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan Pengolahan Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga menjadi Kompos di Jorong IX Pancahan Kecamatan Rao Kebupaten Pasaman Tahun 2013

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    Nurdin ,


    Full Text Available Dari 10 responden yang di wawancarai oleh peneliti 6 responden mengaku mengetahui cara pembuatan kompos dan 4 di antaranya tidak mengetahui bagaimana cala pembuatan kompos. Dari hasil observasi yang peneliti lakukan responden membuang sampah rumah tangganya ke belakang rumah. Penelitian ini berlujuan untuk mengetahui Faktor-Faktor yang berhubungan dengan Pengolahan Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga Menjadi Kompos Di Jorong trX Pancahan Kecamatan Rao Kabupaten Pasaman Tahun 2013.Penelitian ini bersifat Deskriptif Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross secsional. Dan analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat dengan uji Chi Square. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 330 kepala keluarga dengan jurnlah sampel 75 kepala keluarga yang ada di Jorong IX Pancahan Kecamatan Rao Kabupaten Pasatnan. Data diperoleh dengan cara wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Dimana variabel dependen adalah Pengolahan sampah organik rumah tangga menjadi kompos. sedangkan paria variabel independennya adalah pengetahuan, kebutuhan, dan kemampuan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat 47 (6 I,8% responden mempunyai pengetahuan rendah dengan p=0,03 dan OR=0,308. Responden yang tidak membutuhkan kompos yaitu 44 (57,9% responden dengan p=0,05 dan OR=2,826. Responden yang mampu mengolah sarnpah organik rumah tangga 52 (68,4% responden dengan p=0,10 dan OR=2,623.Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat di Jorong IX Pancahan memiliki pengetahuan yang rendah" Pengetahuan dan kebutuhan berhubungan dengan pengolahan sampah organik rumah tangga menjadi kompos, sedangkan kemampuan tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan. Diperlukan upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan pengolahan sampah organik rumah tangga menjadi kompos dan memberikan pemahaman kepada mayarakat tentang kebutuhan dan manfaat kompos.Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, kebutuhan, kemampuan, Sampah rumah tangga


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    Muhammad Desryadi Ilyas


    Full Text Available PT. Molindo Raya Industrial merupakan perusahaan penghasil pupuk organik P-126 yang berlokasi di Lawang, Kabupaten Malang dengan kapasitas produksi lebih dari 10.000 ton per tahun. Untuk memenangkan persaingan di bidang produksi pupuk organik, perusahaan dituntut untuk melakukan peningkatan kualitas proses produksi secara berkelanjutan dengan mereduksi waste yang ada. Meskipun produksi pupuk organik P-126 di PT. Molindo Raya Industrial mengalami peningkatan, namun masih terdapat beberapa waste, diantaranya waiting yang disebabkan oleh breakdown mesin produksi yang mengakibatkan kerugian perusahaan lebih dari Rp. 500.000.000 per tahun. Waste kedua ialah defect berupa granul yang tidak memenuhi spesfikasi diameter, material hasil cleaning dan karung finished good yang sobek dan waste ketiga ialah over production yang mengakibatkan kerugian perusahaan lebih dari Rp. 400.000.000 per tahun. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dilakukan perbaikan dengan menggunakan metode lean manufacturing yang fokus dalam mereduksi waste dan non value added activity. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan framework DMIC six sigma, tahapan pertama ialah tahap define untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan dengan menggunakan tools Big Picture Mapping, Activity Classification dan identifikasi waste berdasarkan E-DOWNTIME. Tahapan kedua ialah measure yang digunakan untuk mengukur kerugian perusahaan yang diakibatkan adanya waste. Selanjutnya adalah tahap analyze menggunakan tools 5 Why’s dan FMEA untuk mengetahui root cause adanya waste, kemudian tahap terakhir ialah tahap improve, pada tahap improve dilakukan penyusunan dan pemilihan alternatif usulan perbaikan dengan mengunakan pendekatan value engineering. Usulan perbaikan terpilih dalam upaya meningkatkan proses produksi pupuk organik P-126 diantaranya mengevaluasi penjadwalan preventif maintenance mesin produksi, menyusun penjadwalan mesin produksi yang kritis, evaluasi SOP dan penerapan SOP, melaksanakan pelatihan untuk


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    Elfarisna .


    Full Text Available Air limbah cucian beras jika difermentasi selama dua minggu menimbulkan bau. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menambah Efektif Microorganisme (EM 4 dapat memperpendek waktu fermentasi dan tidak menimbulkan bau. Efektif Microorganisme 4 adalah produk dari luar, sementara Indonesia mempunyai banyak mikroorganisme lokal yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Pupuk organik ini telah diteliti pada tanaman anggrek, sayur-sayuran, dan kedelai. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan mikroorganisme lokal yang dapat menghilangkan bau pada air limbah cucian beras yang akan digunakan sebagai pupuk organik. Isolasi dengan menggunakan media Patato Dextrose Agar (PDA dan Mann Rogosa Sharpe Agar (MRSA, dengan sumber inokulan air limbah cucian beras, ragi tape, kombucha, dan yoghurt. Hasil isolasi diperoleh 2 jenis Lactobacillus dari air limbah cucian beras dan yogurt. Ada tujuh khamir yang diperoleh, yaitu dari air limbah cucian beras (4 jenis, ragi tape (2 jenis, dan kombucha (1 jenis. Dari hasil penelitian ini dipilih 1 jenis Lactobacillus, dan 4 jenis khamir yang dapat hidup dengan baik di dalam air limbah cucian beras dan tidak menimbulkan bau.

  19. Penyisihan Limbah Organik Air Lindi TPA Jatibarang Menggunakan Koagulasi-Flokulasi Kimia

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    Arya Rezagama


    Full Text Available Air lindi yang meresap ke dalam tanah yang berpotensi bercampur dengan air tanah sehingga menimbulkan pencemaran tanah, air tanah dan air permukaan. Komposisi limbah lindi dari berbagai TPA berbeda-beda bergantung pada musim, jenis limbah, umur TPA. Proses dalam TPA menghasilkan molekul organik recalcitrant yang ditunjukkan dengan rendahnya rasio BOD/COD dan tingginya nilai NH3-N. Belum optimalnya pengolahan air lindi di Jatibarang membutuhkan pretreatment sebagai bentuk upaya alternatif dalam proses pengolahan air lindi sebelum masuk ke dalam proses aerated lagun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh koagulan kimia pada penyisihan bahan organik air lindi TPA Jatibarang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April- Agustus 2016. Karaktersitik air lindi TPA Jatibarang termasuk dalam kategori "moderately stable" dan lindi muda. Penyisihan bahan organik dengan menggunakan kuagulan kimia FeCl3 dan Al2SO4 menunjukkan nilai yang cukup signifikan untuk parameter COD, BOD, TSS. Penggunaan dosis optimal terjadi pada 16 g/L FeCl3 serta 16 g/L Al2SO4 dapat menurunkan nilai COD sebesar 51% dan 65%, BOD sebesar 50% dan 56%, dan TSS sebesar 24% dan 21%. Perubahan nilai pH akibat penambahan koagulan berpengaruh positif terhadap tingkat penyisihan, namun memberikan dampak negatif yaitu buih yang cukup banyak. Penurunan beban organik menguntungkan bagi sistem pengolahan lindi eksisting TPA Jatibarang.  [Title: Removal of Lindi Water Organic Waste of TPA Jatibarang using Chemical Coagulation- Floculation] Leachate grounding into the soil that potentially could mix with the groundwater caused contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water. The composition of waste landfill leachate from the various location is depending on the season, the type of waste, and landfill age. Process in the TPA produces recalcitrant organic molecules as indicated by the low ratio of BOD/COD and NH3-N high value. The ineffective treatment of leachate at Jatibarang

  20. Seletividade do herbicida fluazifop-p-butil para cucurbitáceas Selectivity of the herbicide fluazifop-p-buthyl for cucurbitaceae

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    R.A. Vidal


    Full Text Available Experimentos foram conduzidos em condições de casa de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar a seletividade do herbicida fluazifop-p-butil nas doses de 0, 94, 188, 376 e 752 g i.a. ha-1 para cinco espécies de cucurbitáceas (abobrinha, melancia, melão, moranga e pepino. Foi determinada a fitotoxicidade aos 14 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos (DAT. Aos 20 DAT foram avaliadas a estatura, área foliar e matéria seca. O melão e o pepino mostraram sensibilidade ao fluazifop-p-butil na maior dose estudada, com maior intensidade no melão. Os resultados demonstraram que existe resposta a estes herbicidas mesmo dentro da classe Dicotiledoneae. Especula-se que essas respostas possam auxiliar no entendimento do completo mecanismo de ação desse herbicida.Experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the selectivity of the herbicide fluazifop-p-buthyl at rates of 0, 94, 188 and 752 g a.i. ha-1 for five cucurbitaceous species (summer squash, watermelon, melon, pumpkin and cucumber. Plant injury at 14 days after treatments (DAT and plant size, leaf area and dry weight at 20 DAT were determined. Melon and cucumber were susceptible to fluazifop-p-buthyl at the highest rate with highest herbicide effect being observed on melon. These results indicated that responses to these herbicides occur, even in the Dicotiledonae class. These responses are thought to help understand the overall mechanism of action of this herbicide.


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    - Mustoyo


    Full Text Available Organic matter is important to soil aggregate stability. The research of effect dosage of goat manure tos oil aggregate in organic farming system was do neon Andisols soil in Permata Hati Farm, CiburialHamlet, North Tugu village, Cisarua sub-district, Bogor district, West Java province. The research was conducted on October 2012 until the end of February 2013. The research purposes are: a Know the goat manure’s dosage influence on soil aggregate in organik farming system, b Determine the dos age of goat manure that can provide the best Mean Weight Diameter (MWD and Aggregate Stability Index (ASIin organik farming system. The research used randomized completely block design (RCBD with 6 treatments and 3 replications. Goat manure dosage were used as treatments are 0 ton ha-1, 5 ton ha-1, 10 ton ha-1, 15 ton ha-1, 20 ton ha-1, and 25 ton ha-1. Data was analyzed by ANOVA and Duncan’sMultiple Range Test (DMRT at 5% level. The research results are showed, with initial number of C-organic >4.5%, goat manure application was significant to change soil aggregate. Goat Manure 5 ton ha-1was enough to increasing Mean Weight Diameter (MWD and ASI (Aggregate Stability Index.


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    Aji Baharudin


    Full Text Available Salah satu penanganan sampah organik adalah memaanfaatkannya menjadi bahan baku kom-pos. Dalam penelitian ini, untuk mempercepat waktu pengomposan,digunakan limbah pepaya dan limbah tomat sebagai inokulan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis inokulan yang lebih efektif di antara dua jenis limbah buah tersebut, melalui eksperimen yang mengguna-kan rancangan post test only group. Obyek penelitian adalah sampah organik yang berasal dari halaman Asrama I Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta sebanyak 60 kg yang diperoleh dengan me-toda integrated sampling, sedangkan sampah limbah pepaya dan tomat sebanyak 2 kg yang di-peroleh dari Pasar Serangan, diambil dengan metoda purposive sampling. Berdasarkan indika-tor kompos matang, dari lima kali ulangan, rata-rata waktu terbentuknya kompos pada kelompok perlakuan dengan inokulan limbah pepaya adalah selama 32,3 hari dan inokulan limbah tomat selama 31,7 hari. Hasil uji statistik dengan t-test bebas memperoleh nilai p < 0,001 yang berarti bahwa perbedaan lama waktu pengomposan antara kedua inokulan tersebut memang bermak-na. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa limbah tomat lebih efektif dan cepat dibandingkan dengan limbah pepaya dalam mempercepat proses pengomposan.

  3. Yeni Çevresel Paradigma Ölçeği ile organik gıda tüketicilerinin çevreye yönelik tutumlarının değerlendirilmesi: Ankara ili örneği


    ATALAY, Ceyda


    Bu tezin temel amacı, araştırma kapsamındaki tüketicilerin organik gıda tüketirken çevreye yöneliktutumlarının “Yeni Çevresel Paradigma Ölçeği” ile incelenmesidir. Ayrıca, tüketicilerin organik gıdatüketimleri konusunda bilgileri, bu ürünleri tüketip tüketmeme nedenleri, organik gıda satın alırken tercihettikleri yerlerin seçimi ve bu gıdaları tüketirken çevreye duyarlı olup olmadıkları da araştırılmıştır.Araştırma Ankara’nın Çankaya ve Yenimahalle ilçelerindeki organik gıda satan 3 ...

  4. Pemanfaatan Polimer Hybrid Tmspma Dan Phosphor Organik Sebagai Bahan Luminesensi Untuk Solid State Lighting Planar

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    Fitrilawati Fitrilawati


    Full Text Available Lampu Solid State Lighting (SSL planar, diharapkan dapat menghasilkan distribusi cahaya yang lebih baik, dibandingkan dengan lampu fluoresensi biasa. Berbeda dengan lampu SSL biasa, pada SSL panel lebar (planar digunakan pendekatan kopling cahaya (Light Wave Coupling-L WC sehingga memerlukan sistem light guiding, yaitu cahaya pengeksitasi dikopling ke dalam substrat sebagai media pandu gelombang. Untuk aplikasi lampu SSL planar dengan pendekatan LWC diperlukan lapisan pengkonversi warna emisi yang berukuran lebar dengan karakteristik yang sesuai dengan perangkat preparasi dan media pandu gelombang. Media pandu gelombang yang akan digunakan adalah Light Guide Plate (LGP, dari PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan bahan luminesensi berbasis polimer hybrid trimethoxysilylpropyl methacrylate (TMSPMA, yang dimodifikasi dengan teknik kopolimerisasi dan phosphor organik. Khusus pada bahan prekursor poli(TMSPMA dilakukan uji kelarutan yang menunjukkan bahan prekursor polimer hybrid poli(TMSPMA beserta kromofor organiknya dapat larut dengan baik pada pelarut polar. Dari hasil tersebut dipilih pelarut yang tepat sehingga pembuatan lapisan tipis dari bahan luminesensi organik dapat dilakukan secara sederhana dengan teknik screen printing. Lapisan tipis yang dihasilkan dengan teknik tersebut dapat mengemisikan cahaya ke seluruh permukaan secara merata sehingga memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan model lampu SSL planar. 


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    Deddy Irawan


    Full Text Available SYNTHESIS OF SUGAR FROM ORGANIC WASTES VIA ACID CATALYSTHYDROLYSIS. Hydrolysis process is an important step from every process to produce biofuel withorganic wastes as raw material. Hydrolysis process with chemical uses hydrochloride acid as catalystin which will transform holocellulose to glucose. Raw material of 100 grams is put into hydrolysisreactor with batch system equipped with pressure control and ratio hydrochloride of 1 : 6 w/v. Thevariables studied were temperature of 110-140oC, HCl concentration of 0.5-1%, time of hydrolysis of15-60 minutes. The sugar concentration was taken and then be analyzed by Nelson-Somogy method.The hydrolysis, which was carried out with the temperature of 120oC, time of 30 minutes, HClconcentration of 0.75%, and the pressure of 6 bar, produced sugar reduction of 27.3 mg/mL and yieldof 15.07%. Proses hidrolisis merupakan satu tahap penting dari rangkaian tahapan proses produksi bahan bakarnabati menggunakan bahan baku sampah organik. Proses hidrolisis secara kimiawi menggunakanHCl sebagai katalis akan mengubah holoselulosa yang terdapat pada sampah organik menjadi gula.Gula yang dihasilkan inilah yang dapat difermentasi menjadi bahan bakar nabati. Bahanbaku sebanyak 100 g dimasukkan dalam reaktor hidrolisis sistem batch yang dilengkapi denganpengukur tekanan dan ditambahkan larutan HCl pada perbandingan 1:6 b/v. Hidrolisis dilakukandengan memvariasikan suhu operasi 100-140oC, waktu proses 15-60 menit, serta konsentrasi HCl 0,5-1%. Hidrolisat yang dihasilkan dianalisis kadar gula menggunakan metode Nelson-somogy. Hasilhidrolisis yang dilakukan pada suhu 120oC selama 30 menit serta konsentrasi HCl 0,75% dan tekananterukur 6 bar menghasilkan gula 27,30 mg/mL dan yield gula sebesar 15,07%.


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    Risang Pramudyo Wardhana


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan klobot jagung sebagai pengganti sebagian kangkung dalam ransum terhadap kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik serta produksi karkas kelinci Peranakan New Zealand White jantan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai Agustus 2013 di Balai Pembibitan dan Budidaya Ternak Non Ruminansia (BPBTNR Surakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan 16 ekor kelinci New Zealand White jantan berumur ±2 bulan dengan bobot badan awal 1301,69±155,01 g. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola searah dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Ransum basal disusun dari dedak halus, BR1 dan kangkung (Ipomoea aquatica. Keempat level perlakuan pakan tersebut adalah dedak halus 55% + BR1 25% + kangkung 20% + klobot jagung 0% (P0; dedak halus 55% + BR1 25% + kangkung 17,5% + klobot jagung 2,5% (P1; dedak halus 55% + BR1 25% + kangkung 15% + klobot jagung 5% (P2 dan dedak halus 55% + BR1 25% + kangkung 12,5% + klobot jagung 7,5% (P3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan klobot jagung sampai level 7,5% dari total ransum tidak berpengaruh terhadap kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik serta karkas kelinci Peranakan New Zealand White jantan. (Kata kunci: Kelinci, Klobot jagung, Kecernaan bahan kering, Kecernaan bahan organik, Karkas

  7. Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Katkı Maddelerinin Kullanımı: 2. Organik Asit, Yağ Asiti, Adsorban




    Organik asitler, yağ asitleri ve adsorbanlar ruminant beslenmesinde kullanılan alternatif katkı maddelerindendir.Bu katkı maddelerinin ruminantlarda sağlık, performans, verim kalitesi ve rumen fermentasyonu üzerinde oluşturabilecekleri etkileri ve bunun ruminant besleme açısından önemi üzerinde durulacaktır


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    Hasrini Sari


    organik, yaitu dengan merekomendasikan informasi-informasi yang sebaiknya ditampilkan pada situs. Kata kunci:  technology acceptance model, pemasaran online, situs, produk organik, structural equation modelling

  9. Pengaruh Macam dan Waktu Aplikasi Bahan Organik pada Tanaman Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas L. Var. Kawi

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    Nur Edy Suminarti


    Full Text Available Diversifikasi pangan merupakan langkah tepat untuk mengantisipasi kondisi rawan pangan.  Hal ini menjadi penting karena setiap tahun luas lahan basah telah mengalami penyusutan sekitar 0,1% dari total luas lahan di Indonesia. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, dan dalam upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan nasional, maka pemanfaatan ubi jalar sebagai sumber bahan pangan alternatif perlu dilakukan. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang macam dan waktu aplikasi bahan organik yang tepat telah dilakukan di Desa Landungsari, Kabupaten Malang. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Petak Terpisah, macam bahan organik ditempatkan pada petak utama, terdiri dari 3 macam, yaitu  pupuk kandang sapi, kompos azolla dan kompos sampah kota.  Waktu aplikasi bahan organik sebagai anak petak, terdiri dari 3 macam, yaitu : 30 hari sebelum tanam, 15 hari sebelum tanam dan bersamaan tanam. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara destruktif, meliputi  komponen pertumbuhan dan panen, analisis pertumbuhan tanaman dan analisis tanah. Uji F taraf 5% ditujukan untuk menguji pengaruh perlakuan, sedang perbedaan diantara rata-rata perlakuan didasarkan pada nilai BNT taraf 5%. Interaksi nyata terjadi pada sebagian besar parameter yang diamati, dan hasil umbi tertinggi didapatkan pada kompos sampah kota yang waktu aplikasinya dilakukan 30 hari sebelum tanam : 28,03 ton umbi ha-1. Food diversification is a precise step to anticipate food shortage condition. It becomes important because wetland area is decreasing of approximately 0,1% each year of total area in Indonesia. Related to that point, also in order to meet food national demand, utilization of sweet potato as alternative food resource needs to be done. Research aimed to get information about proper kind and application time of organic matter had been done at Landungsari, Malang. The design used was Split Plot, kind of organic matter was placed as main plot, consisting of 3 kinds, ie: cow manure, azzola

  10. Otimização da aplicação de Fluazifop-P-Butil em pós-emergência na cultura de soja (Glycine max Optimizing Fluazifop-P-Butyl application on postemergence soybeans (Glycine max

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    P.R.F. Lima


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de redução da dosagem e do volume de calda em função do horário de aplicação do herbicida fluazifop-p-butil em pós-emergência na cultura de soja, mantendo-se o controle das plantas daninhas e a seletividade para a cultura. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental da Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da FCAV/UNESP - Jaboticabal, no ano agrícola 1998/99, na cultura de soja, cultivar FT 2009. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com 24 tratamentos, sendo 20 dispostos no esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 5 e quatro testemunhas. Os fatores testados foram: volume de calda (100 e 200 L de calda/ha; dosagens reduzidas -75,2 e 112,8 g de fluazifop-p-butil/ha (respectivamente a 40 e 60% da dosagem recomendada; e horário de aplicação (5, 9, 13, 17 e 21 horas. As testemunhas foram aplicadas com a dosagem recomendada (188,0 g do fluazifop-p-butil/ha e com os volumes de 100 e 200 L de calda/ha, no mato (sem controle das plantas daninhas e "no limpo" (plantas daninhas controladas com enxada manual. As principais espécies de plantas daninhas que emergiram na área experimental foram capim-carrapicho (Cenchrus echinatus, que compunha 60% da comunidade infestante; capim-colchão (Digitaria horizontalis, 10%; e capim-pé-de-galinha (Eleusine indica, 30%. Todas as aplicações do herbicida fluazifop-p-butil, nos horários até as 9 horas e a partir das 17 horas, controlaram eficientemente as três espécies de plantas daninhas e foram seletivas para a cultura de soja. Portanto, o uso do herbicida fluazifop-p-butil pode ser otimizado por meio de reduções na dosagem e no volume de calda em aplicações durante os horários com condições ambientais favoráveis à pulverização.The objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility of reducing spray concentration and volume of Fluazifop-p-butyl applications on postemergence soybeans, while maintaining weed control and

  11. Hasat Zamanının Nar Suyunun Şeker ve Organik Asit Bileşimleri Üzerine Etkisi

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    Muharrem Gölükcü


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada ülkemizde ticari olarak yetiştirilen Hicaznar çeşidinin hasat zamanına göre meyve suyunun, suda çözünür kurumadde miktarı (SÇKM, pH, titrasyon asitliği (susuz sitrik asit gibi temel özelliklerin yanında şeker ve organik asit bileşimleri tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında analize alınan örnekler beş farklı dönemde hasat edilmiş, analiz edilen kalite karakteristikleri hasat zamanları arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli farklılıklar göstermiştir. Nar suyunun bilişiminde tespit edilen organik asitlerden sitrik, malik, okzalik ve tartarik asit miktarları sırasıyla 6.70-10.19 g/L, 0.28-0.48 g/L, 0.23-0.41 g/L, 0.03-0.09 g/L; örneklerin bileşiminde tespit edilen fruktoz, glikoz, sakkaroz ve maltoz miktarları da sırasıyla %7.69-8.34, %5.44-5.7, %0.08-0.19, %0.59-0.68 değerleri arasında dağılım göstermiştir. Araştırma hasat zamanındaki ilerlemeyle narın şeker içeriğinde artış, asitlik miktarında ise azalış olduğunu göstermiştir.

  12. Desempenho do feijoeiro consorciado com espécies de braquiária em função de doses de fluazifop-p-butil The effect of fluazifop-p-butyl doses on the performance of the common bean plant intercropped with brachiaria species

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    A.J. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Para avaliar o efeito de doses de fluazifop-p-butil no desempenho do feijoeiro consorciado com braquiária, foi conduzido um experimento em Coimbra, MG, nas safras da seca de 2007 e das águas de 2007-2008. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em esquema fatorial, envolvendo duas espécies de braquiária (Brachiaria brizantha e B. decumbens, seis doses de fluazifop-pbutil (0; 7,81; 15,62; 31,25; 62,50; e 125,00 g ha-1, mais o monocultivo de ambas as culturas. O feijoeiro foi plantado a 0,5 m entre linhas, com as sementes de braquiária sendo semeadas nas mesmas fileiras do feijão. Nos sistemas consorciados, além das doses de fluazifop-pbutil, utilizou-se fomesafen (125 g ha-1 e bentazon (336 g ha-1. Para o feijão solteiro foi utilizada uma mistura dos herbicidas fomesafen (125 g ha-1 e fluazifop-p-butil (100 g ha-1. Foram avaliados o estande final de plantas e o rendimento de grãos do feijoeiro com seus componentes primários. Os dados foram submetidos à analise de variância, sendo os efeitos das espécies de braquiária e das safras estudados pelo teste F, e os efeitos das doses de fluazifop-p-butil, por análise de regressão. Conclui-se que B. decumbens é mais competitiva com o feijão que B. hrizantha. Na safra da seca, a utilização de 7,81 g ha-1 de fluazifop-p-butil no consórcio com B. decumbens proporciona rendimento de grãos de feijão equivalente ao do monocultivo. O consórcio com B. brizantha dispensa o uso do herbicida. Na safra das águas, independentemente da espécie de braquiária, é necessária a aplicação de 31,25 g ha-1 de fluazifop-p-butil.To evaluate the effect of fluazifop-p-butyl doses on the performance of bean intercropped with brachiaria species, an experiment was conducted in Coimbra, MG, during the 2007 dry season and 2007-2008 rainy season crops. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. The


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    Dody Priadi


    Full Text Available This study aimed to use woody plant leaves as organic fertilizer (compost and their effects on vegetables and corn. The compost was made from leaves of Samanea saman, Swietenia macrophylla, Nephelium lappaceum and cow dung (1:3, 2:2 and 3:1 using OrgaDec (0.5% w/w, Decomic (0.1% v/w and Dectro (0.1 v/w as bioactivator. The result showed that compost from Samanea saman leaves and cow dung (1:3 using Decomic (0.1% v/w met the organic fertilizer standard. The compost was applied to Ipomoea reptans, Capsicum annuum and Zea mays on a media from compost and latosol soil (1:3, 2:2 and 3:1 using Completely Randomized Design (CRD with 3 replications. The analyzed data using ANOVA showed no significant difference in the growth parameter of tested plants. The best media for Ipomoea reptans was the mixture of compost and latosol soil (3:1 meanwhile for Zea mays and Capsicum annuum were 1:3 and 2:2, respectively.Keywords: compost, compost application, organic fertilizer, woody plant leavesABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan daun tumbuhan berkayu menjadi pupuk organik (kompos serta pengaruhnya terhadap tanaman sayuran dan jagung. Kompos dibuat dari daun kihujan (Samanea saman, daun mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla daun rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum dan kotoran sapi (1:3, 2:2 dan 3:1 dengan penambahan bioaktivator OrgaDec (0,5% w/w, Decomic (0,1% v/w dan Dectro (0,1 v/w. Hasil analisis kimia menunjukkan bahwa kompos yang dibuat dari daun kihujan dan kotoran sapi (1:3 yang menggunakan bioaktivator Decomic (0,1% v/w adalah perlakuan yang paling sesuai dengan baku mutu pupuk organik berdasarkan Permentan No.70/Permentan/SR.140/10/2011. Kompos hasil penelitian diujicobakan kepada tanaman kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans, cabe keriting (Capsicum annuum dan jagung manis (Zea mays pada media campuran kompos dan tanah latosol (1:3, 2:2 dan 3:1 menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL dengan 3 ulangan sedangkan data yang diperoleh diolah dengan ANOVA

  14. Estudo experimental do volume molar excesso de soluções de dietil-1mina/acetonitrila e s-butil-amina/acetonitrila na faixa de 288,15 a 303,15k, a pressão atmosferica, com aplicação do modelo Eras


    Ricardo Belchior Torres


    Resumo: Neste trabalho estudou-se o volume molar excesso vE de soluções de dietil-amina + acetonitrila e s-butil-amina + acetonitrila, à pressão atmosférica, em função da composição e temperatura. A metodologia utilizada foi a densitometria, utilizando um densímetro de oscilação mecânica fabricado pela Anton Paar (Modelo DMA 55). Os dados experimentais foram ajustados em função da composição e da temperatura, através de um polinômio de Redlich-Kister, e utilizados nos cálculos de grandezas as...


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    Niken Subekti


    Full Text Available Rayap Macrotermes gilvus Hagen mempunyai peranan ekologis rayap tanah M. gilvus sebagai degradator primer di dalam hutan, eksplorasi perananannya sebagai agen biologis dalam perbaikan vegetasi dan perbaikan kualitas tanah. Rayap dapat memodifikasi sifat fisik dan kimia tanah. Penelitian tentang kandungan bahan organik telah dilakukan dengan analisis proksimat (metode Weende, sementara akumulasi mineral tanah menggunakan metode X-Ray berdasarkan Analysis Program Cristallynity. Rayap M. gilvus Hagen merupakan komponen penting dalam memodifikasi beragam mineral dari tanah disekitarnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan nyata antara komposisi mineral tanah dalam sarang rayap M. gilvus Hagen dengan mineral tanah disekitar sarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan bahan organik dalam bangunan sarang menghasilkan sebesar 98.33% dan padatannya 1.67%. Padatan ini terdiri dari karbohidrat sebesar 3.16%, abu 4.19%, lemak 23.95%, protein sebesar 39.52%, dan sisanya 29.18% berupa mineral-mineral. Bangunan sarang rayap yaitu SiO2 dan Despujolsite yang dibawa dari lingkungan sekitar kedalan bangunan sarang. Unsur-unsur yang lain diperoleh dari sebagian material yang berasal dari saliva, humus dan tanah sekitar sarang. The termite Macrotermes gilvus Hagen plays an ecological role. Subterranean termites M. gilvus is considered as the primary degradator in the forest, and therefore the exploration of its role as the biological agent to recover the vegetation and soil quality might be useful. Termites could modify the physical and chemical nature of soil. M. gilvus Hagen was an important component in modifying various minerals of the surrounding soil.  Research on the content of the organic materials had been proximat analysis (Weende methode, and the accumulation of soil mineral structure in the mound with X-Ray Methode (Analysis Program Cristallynity 2006. The result of the research indicated that there was significant difference

  16. PyTRiP - a toolbox and GUI for the proton/ion therapy planning system TRiP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toftegaard, J; Bassler, N; Petersen, J B


    Purpose: Only very few treatment planning systems (TPS) are capable of handling heavy ions. Commercial heavy ion TPS are costly and normally restrict the possibility to implement new functionalities. PyTRiP provides Python bindings and a platform-independent graphical user interface (GUI) for the heavy ion treatment program TRiP, and adds seamless support of DICOM files. We aim to provide a front-end for TRiP which does not require any special computer skills. Methods: PyTRiP is written in Python combined with C for fast computing. Routines for DICOM file import/export to TRiPs native file format are implemented. The GUI comes as an executable with all its dependencies including PyTRiP making it easy to install on Windows, Mac and Linux. Results: PyTRiP is a comprehensive toolbox for handling TRiP. Treatment plans are handled using an object oriented structure. Bindings to TRiP (which only runs on Linux, either locally or on a remote server) are performed through a single function call. GUI users can intuitively create treatment plans without much knowledge about the TRiP user interface. Advanced users still have full access to all TRiP functionality. The user interface comes with a comprehensive plotting tool, which can visualize 2D contours, volume histograms, as well as dose- and linear energy transfer (LET) distributions. Conclusion: We developed a powerful toolbox for ion therapy research using TRiP as backend. The corresponding GUI allows to easily and intuitively create, calculate and visualize treatment plans. TRiP is thereby more accessible and simpler to use.

  17. TRI Fotonovela Slideshow - Spanish (United States)

    Presentation designed to introduce the basic concepts of the Toxics Release Inventory, including why TRI is an important resource for commmunities and which tool provides the easiest access to basic TRI data.

  18. ADHD: Tips to Try (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español ADHD: Tips to Try KidsHealth / For Teens / ADHD: Tips to Try Print en español TDAH: Consejos que puedes probar ADHD , short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , is a ...

  19. Organik Gübre Kullanımının Yaygınlaştırılmasında Biogaz Üniteli Süt ve Besi Üretim Çiftlikleri Vasıtası ile ile Sözleşmeli Çiftçilik Modelinin Uygulanabilirliği

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    Jülide ERKMEN


    Full Text Available Ülkemizde mevcut süt ve besi işletmelerinin hayvansal yem ve maliyet girdilerinde problem yaşamaları, hayvansal yem üreticisinin ise hasat ettiği ürünü çoğu zaman elden çıkaramaması ekonomisi tarım ve hayvancılığa dayalı bölgelerde önemli bir sorun olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bununla birlikte biyogaz üniteli süt ve besi üretim çiftliklerinin biyogaz ünitelerinden elde edilen organik gübrenin yakın çevredeki hayvan yemi üreten çiftçiye dağıtılması ve karşılığında üretilen hayvansal yemin alınması suretiylegerçekleştirilecek sözleşmeli çiftçilik modeli, hem organik gübrenin yaygınlaştırılmasında hem de çevresel kirliliğe sebep olan hayvansal atık probleminin ortadan kaldırılmasında güçlü bir rol oynayacaktır. Ayrıca mevcut süt ve besi işletmeleri ile hayvansal yem üreticileri entegre edilerek üretilecek gübre yakın çevrede kullanılacağından paketleme ve pazarlama giderlerini ve ürünlerin elde kalma ihtimalini ortadan kaldıracaktır. Sonuç itibariyle özellikle kırsal bölgelerde biyogaz ünitesinin kurulumu ile organik gübrenin kullanımı teşvik edilecek, yapılacak sözleşme ile yine bu bölgelerde kimyasal gübrenin kullanımı önlenmiş olunacaktır

  20. Tri-generation nation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pichon, Max


    Full text: Sydney and Melbourne councils are looking to outperform each other with ambitious greenhouse and energy efficiency initiatives. Sydney wants to cut CO_2 by 70 per cent by 2030, while Melbourne's 1200 Buildings retrofit project speaks for itself. One key technology both councils are tapping is trigeneration, which generates electricity, heating and cooling from local gas-fired power units. From a physics perspective, a combustion process cannot be more than 30 per cent efficient, so capturing and using the waste heat can lead to great savings. Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore said a third of the council's carbon reduction goal of 3.9Mt a year by 2030 will come from tri-gen. Melbourne is aiming to achieve zero net emissions by 2020, which means eliminating 5.8Mt of CO_2, a lot of it through tri-gen. It has already seen a surge among landlords. GPT, Stockland and Mirvac have all stuck tri-gen units in Sydney office developments, while newly carbon- neutral NAB has installed the technology on its data centre in Melbourne and expects to save 20,000 tonnes of CO_2 a year. But one expert, while welcoming the spike in popularity, says there are traps for the unwary. Johnson Controls' Peter Moser sees two core drivers for its uptake. “First is the prominence of GreenStar and NABERS. Many companies will move to tri-gen as they will want the extra points or stars,” he told WME. “Secondly, there is the continuous increase in the price of energy. At the same time there may be an [emissions trading scheme] or a carbon price introduced, and that puts pressure on the consumer. Combining those two scenarios will see more people adopt tri-gen because it will become more economically viable and the payback periods of tri-gen will come down considerably.” But he points to the importance of pre-planning when considering tri-gen, warning. “To put tri-gen into a building, let alone retrofit a whole city and make it work, you need highly complex teams working together

  1. Employment of the adhesive buthyl-2-cyanoacrylate in the fixation of bone fragments in femural fractures in dogs. Radiologic study; Emprego de adesivo butil-2-cianoacrilato na fixaçäo de esquírolas em fraturas de fêmur de cäes. Aspectos radiológicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Borges, A. P.B.; Rezende, C. M.F.; Sampaio, R.; Oliveira, H. P.; Ponpermayer, L. G.


    The butyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive was utilized in the fixation of bone fragments in femoral fractures in 30 clinically healthy dogs of both sexes. All animals were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and the left femur exposed and fractured at the middle third of the bone. A triangular bone fragment, approximately of 2.0 cm in length was taken off from the proximal fragment of the femur. The fracture was immediately reduced and immobilized using an intramedular Steinman pin. The bone fragment was then reintroduced in the same position and glued on with the adhesive butyl-2-cyanoacrylate, applied in droplets at a distance of 8 mm approximately. Healing was assessed through radiographs at 10 day intervals, when it was observed, in all animals, the bone fragment in place right after the surgical procedure. At the end of the experiment 6.67% of animals showed the bone fragment shifted from the focus of fracture. In 30% of the animals the fracture did not consolidate [Portuguese] O adesivo butil-2-cianoacrilato foi empregado na fixaçäo de esquírolas, em fraturas de fêmur de 30 cäes clinicamente sadios, de ambos os sexos. Os animais foram anestesiados com pentobarbital sódico e tiveram o fêmur esquerdo exposto e fraturado no seu terço médio. Uma esquírola, de aproximadamente 20 mm e de forma triangular, foi retirada do fragmento proximal do fêmur. A fratura foi imediatamente reduzida e imobilizada, utilizando-se pino intramedular de Steinmann. A esquírola foi recolocada em oposiçäo e fixada pelo adesivo butil-2-cianoacrilato, aplicado em gotículas, espaçadas cerca de 8 mm. A consolidaçäo foi avaliada através de radiografias (crânio-caudal e médio-lateral) a intervalos de 10 dias, onde observou-se, em todos os animais, a esquírola em oposiçäo logo após o ato cirúrgico. No final do experimento observou-se, em 6,6//dos casos, a esquírola afastada do foco da fratura. Em 30//dos animais näo houve consolidaçäo da fratura.

  2. ANALISIS POLA INTERAKSI SERANGGA-GLMA PADA EKOSISTEM SAWAH SURJAN DAN LEMBARAN YANG DIKELOLA SECARA ORGANIK DAN KONVENSIONAL (Analysis of Insect-Weed Interaction Pattern in Surjan and Lembaran Rice Farm Ecosystems under Organic and Conventional

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    Tien Aminatun


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur food web dalam pola interaksi serangga-gulma pada ekosistem sawah surjan dan lembaran yang dikelola secara organik dan konvensional.        Penelitian dilakukan pada enam petak sawah surjan dan enam petak sawah lembaran di daerah Kulon Progo dalam dua musim tanam pada bulan Desember 2009 sampai Juli 2010.  Baik sawah surjan maupun sawah lembaran, masing-masing dibedakan dalam dua pengelolaan, yaitu pengelolaan organik dan konvensional, dengan ulangan masing-masing tiga petak.  Lima plot ukuran 1x1 m ditempatkan pada masing-masing petak yang tidak diubah posisinya sampai berakhir satu musim tanam. Inti dari penelitian lapangan ini adalah menghitung jenis dan kelimpahan gulma setiap tiga minggu sekali untuk setiap petak, demikian juga untuk jenis dan kelimpahan dari serangga herbivora untuk setiap jenis tanaman/gulma pada setiap plot. Analisis data dilakukan dengan program Bipartite in R statistics 2.12.0, dan dilakukan uji pengaruh tipe sawah dan cara pengelolaan lahan terhadap struktur dan network level (jumlah jenis trofik atas, jumlah jenis trofik bawah, keterhubungan, diversitas Shannon, dan kemerataan interaksi dengan menggunakan General Linear Model (GLM dalam program SPSS 17.0. Hasil penelitian sawah surjan yang dikelola secara organik mempunyai pola interaksi serangga-gulma yang lebih kompleks dengan lebih banyak link interaksi, jumlah jenis trofik atas dan bawah, indeks diversitas Shannon, dan kemerataan interaksi yang lebih tinggi, serta keterhubungan (connectance yang lebih rendah.  ABSRACT The aims of this research was to analyse food web structure of insect-weed interaction in surjan and lembaran rice field ecosystems under organic and conventional managements. We observed six rice fields of local farms called “surjan” rice fields, and six rice fields of “lembaran” farms in Kulon Progo District, central Java, in two planting seasons in December 2009 until

  3. Enhancing Competitiveness Business Strategy of Organic Vegetables Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP

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    Pristiana Widyastuti


    Full Text Available Public awareness about healthy lifestyles leads people to want to understand more about the food they consume. Choosing organic vegetables is one alternative choices when seeking to have a healthy body and healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, not a lot of organic vegetable farmers in Indonesia succeed in seizing the organic vegetable market rather than the non-organic and the competition with imported organic vegetables into Indonesia prevents farmers from thriving. This study aims to: 1 Analyze the factors affecting the competitiveness of the organic vegetables market; 2 Analyze the appropriate strategy for increasing the competitiveness of the organic vegetables market; 3 Analyze the factors priority strategies for improving the competitiveness of the organic vegetables market. Porter's Generic Model and Analysis Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP is used to determine the best strategy. The research found that organic vegetables marketing channels are still dominated by conventional market; the higher cost for intensive cultivation of organic vegetables. The main strategies are derived from the analysis is focusing on market delivery. There needs to be retailers of organic vegetables either modern or traditional to display these products. The establishment of organic vegetable outlets and online marketing that are not dependent on large retail (hypermarket become recommendations in this study. Bahasa Indonesia Abstrak: Kesadaran masyarakat tentang gaya hidup sehat memberi pilihan kepada masyarakat untuk memahami makanan yang mereka konsumsi. Pilihan sayuran organik merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk memiliki tubuh sehat dan gaya hidup sehat bagi masyarakat. Sayangnya, tidak banyak petani sayuran organik di Indonesia yang berhasil merebut pasar sayuran organik daripada non organic. Persaingan produk impor sayuran organik ke Indonesia membuat petani tidak bisa berkembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1 Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang

  4. Try and try again--qualitative insights into adolescent smoking experimentation and notions of addiction. (United States)

    Leavy, Justine; Wood, Lisa; Phillips, Fiona; Rosenberg, Michael


    addiction is a relatively unexplored issue in youth tobacco control. Increasingly, there is recognition of addiction experiences in regular and irregular teenage smokers. Research was undertaken on behalf of the Smarter than Smoking (STS) project to probe young people's reasons for smoking uptake, their attitudes towards the social acceptability of smoking, predictors of continued smoking after trial and understandings and perceptions of addiction. twenty focus groups were conducted to collect qualitative data from young people (n=92) aged 13 to 15 years from metropolitan and regional areas of Western Australia (WA), from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, including young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. of the young people spoken to, 20% smoked regularly, 40% had tried smoking and 40% had never tried. Acceptability and normalcy of trialling smoking was a recurring theme, with little perceived risk of trial leading to regular smoking or becoming addicted. Even non-smokers accepted 'just having a try' in the context of curiosity, life experiences and 'informed choice'. preventing continuation after trial of smoking among young people needs to increase in importance, given the prevailing norms around 'trying it' and individual choice.

  5. Synergistic Extraction of Lactic Acid with Tri-n-Octylamine and Try-n-Butylphosphate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsumoto, Michiaki.; Yuba, Seiji.; Kondo, Kazuo. (Doshisha University, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (Japan))


    Synergistic extraction system of lactic acid is examined to develop to in situ extractive fermentation process. The addition of try-n-butyl phosphate(TBP) to the extraction system of lactic acid(HA) with tri-n-actylamine(TOA) diluted by hexane causes a large synergism. Extraction reaction with the mixed extractant is interpreted quite well based on the formation of mixed complex, HA[center dot]TOA[center dot]2TBP. Though the addition of hexane solution containing TBP and TOA to the culture of Lactobacillus rhamnosus results in low lactate production, some lactate is produced. (author)

  6. Synergistic Extraction of Lactic Acid with Tri-n-Octylamine and Try-n-Butylphosphate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsumoto, Michiaki.; Yuba, Seiji.; Kondo, Kazuo. [Doshisha University, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (Japan)


    Synergistic extraction system of lactic acid is examined to develop to in situ extractive fermentation process. The addition of try-n-butyl phosphate(TBP) to the extraction system of lactic acid(HA) with tri-n-actylamine(TOA) diluted by hexane causes a large synergism. Extraction reaction with the mixed extractant is interpreted quite well based on the formation of mixed complex, HA{center_dot}TOA{center_dot}2TBP. Though the addition of hexane solution containing TBP and TOA to the culture of Lactobacillus rhamnosus results in low lactate production, some lactate is produced. (author)

  7. Tri-Cities Index of Innovation and Technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fowler, Richard A.; Scott, Michael J.; Butner, Ryan S.


    In 2001 and 2004, the Economic Development Office of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory published companion reports to the Washington Technology Center Index studies that provided additional information on the Tri-Cities (Kennewick-Richland-Pasco) area of the state, its technology businesses, and important advantages that the Tri-Cities have as places to live and do business. These reports also compared the Tri-Cities area to other technology-based metropolitan areas in the Pacific Northwest and nation along critical dimensions known to be important to technology firms. This report updates the material in these earlier reports, and highlights a growing Tri-Cities metropolitan area.

  8. Pengolahan Lindi Menggunakan Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor dengan Proses Anaerobik-Aerobik-Anoksik

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    Nuriflalail Rio Jusepa


    Full Text Available Lindi mengandung konsentrasi organik, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, amonium, nitrit dan nitrat yang tinggi sehingga lindi yang tidak diolah dapat mencemari lingkungan. Pengolahan biologis dengan sistem fluidized attached growth seperti Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan senyawa organik dan senyawa nitrogen. Konsentrasi organik dan nitrogen yang tinggi pada lindi dapat diolah dengan mengatur proses aerobik-anaerobik-anoksik di dalam MBBR. Kapasitas pengolahan MBBR yang digunakan sebesar 10 L dan media Kaldness (K1 sebanyak 2 L. MBBR dioperasikan dengan sistem batch, dengan kondisi aerobik yang berasal dari aerator dan pompa submersible, kondisi anaerobik berasal dari pompa submersible saja, dan kondisi anoksik yang berasal dari pompa submersible dan aerator. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa MBBR dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan senyawa nitrogen dan senyawa organik. Efisiensi penyisihan optimum senyawa organik sebesar 87% pada proses anaerobik baik pada sistem fluidized attached growth maupun suspended growth. Efisiensi penyisihan optimum senyawa nitrogen sebesar 72% pada proses anoksik baik pada sistem fluidized attached growth maupun suspended growth.

  9. Synthesis, Structural, Viscosimetric, And Rheological Study, of A New Trifunctional Phosphorus Epoxyde Prepolymer , Tri-Glycidyl Ether Tri-Mercaptoethanol Of Phosphore (TGETMEP

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    Atiqa Bekhta


    Full Text Available The aim of our work is to synthesize a new phosphorus tri-functional epoxy resin tri-glycidyl ether tri-mercaptoethanol of phosphorus (TGETMEP in two stages. In the first stage, we got the precursor molecule of the epoxy matrix tri-mercaptoethanol phosphate (METR. The second step led us to the synthesis of tri-functional resin TMEP condensation with epichlorohydrin. The standard TGETMEP resin was characterized by the Fourier infrared transformation (FTIR and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR, on one hand. The viscosimetric analysis was investigated by the Hebbelod capillary viscometer and rheometer Rheomat 01, on the other hand. The cross-linked resins and tertiary formulated composites have been studied by the rheometer 01 which was observed by means of SEM.

  10. Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a dataset compiled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It contains information on the release and waste...

  11. The Game of Tri (United States)

    Haggard, Gary; Schonberger, Ann Koch


    The paper-and-pencil game "Tri" is described. The authors argue that students gain logical skills by playing the game, and that the game lends itself to the introduction of diverse mathematical ideas. (SD)


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    Khamdan Cahyari


    Full Text Available Meningkatnya kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia berdampak positif bagi peningkatan jumlah pasar tradisional dan komoditas perdagangannya. Namun, permasalahan sampah yang ditimbulkan oleh kegiatan perdagangan tersebut masih belum dapat ditangani dengan baik. Tidak hanya itu, sampah pasar tradisional yang hanya ditimbun di area tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA telah menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan berupa kontaminasi air tanah, emisi gas rumah kaca dan masalah kesehatan. Sampah pasar tradisional memiliki potensi yang besar untuk diolah menjadi biogas melalui metode anaerobic digestion. Dengan adanya mikroorganisme, proses ini mampu mendegradasi sampah organik menjadi bahan organik yang stabil dan biogas (metana dan karbondioksida. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi proses tersebut adalah adanya senyawa-senyawa antibiotik yang terkandung dalam sampah. Senyawa capsaicinoid dalam sampah buah cabai merupakan senyawa yang berperan dalam rasa pedas cabai memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja mikroorganisme dalam mendegradasi sampah menjadi biogas. Pengaruh konsentrasi buah cabai terhadap produksi biogas ini belum banyak diteliti dan diketahui sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk menentukan konsentrasi minimal yang menyebabkan proses inhibisi (penghambatan.Hasil penelitian membuktikan adanya pengaruh konsentrasi buah cabai (capsaicinoid terhadap produksi biogas. Sampah pasar tradisional dengan konsentrasi 8 g VS/liter yang diumpankan terhadap konsorsium mikroorganisme tanpa adanya buah cabai menghasilkan yield biogas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sampah yang tercampur buah cabai. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi buah cabai semakin besar pengaruh penghambatannya (inhibition. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan menurunnya yield biogas yang dihasilkan. Konsentrasi buah cabai yang menghasilkan yield optimal diperoleh pada nilai konsentrasi 5 dan 8 g VS/liter untuk cabai merah dan cabai rawit secara berturut-turut. Yield tertinggi biogas dan gas metana ialah

  13. Pemanfaatan Limbah Tanaman Rambutan Sebagai Pupuk dan Sirup Di Kelurahan Ngadirgo Mijen Semarang

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    M. Anas Dzakiy,


    Program IbM meliputi brainstorming enterpreneurship dan strategi mengoptimalisasi potensi daerah khususnya tanaman rambutan; pengenalan tentang rambutan dan alternatif pemanfaatannya; pengenalan tentang variasi pupuk dan dampak pupuk kimia terhadap lingkungan; pelatihan pembuatan sirup rambutan; serta pelatihan pembuatan pupuk organik cair berbahan dasar limbah tanaman rambutan dengan aktivator MOL (Mikro Organisme Lokal. Hasil yang dicapai adalah terbukanya wacana tentang strategi peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat dengan mengoptimalkan potensi lokal tanaman rambutan sebagai produk sirup dan pupuk organik cair yang lebih murah dan ramah lingkungan Kata kunci : Rambutan, Enterpreneurship, Pupuk Organik Cair, Sirup


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    Hingdri -


    Full Text Available Teknik pengaturan air pada budidaya tanaman padi melalui Intensifikasi Padi Aerob Terkendali-Berbasis Organik (IPAT-BO perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengtahui aktivitas rhizobacteria, tingkat efisiensi penggunaan air, perkaran tanaman, dan hasil tanaman pada berbagai teknik pengaturan air.Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Winaya Mukti, Tanjungsari pada inceptisol pada skala pot plastik. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK faktor tunggal dengan 16 perlakuan dan diulang tiga kali, yaitu terdiri dari kombinasi antara perlakuan air dan empat varietas. Perlakuan air: tinggi muka air + 5cm, 0 cm, – 5 cm dan  – 10 cm. Empat varietas: Ciherang, Sintanur, Inpari 13 dan Fatmawati..Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruhnyata terhadap populasi Rhizobacteria, perkembangan akar, dan hasil tanaman. Perlakuan tinggi muka air – 10 cm varietas Fatmawati memberikan hasil tertinggi pada volume akar 186,67 ml, populasi bakteri Azotobacter sp. (1,43 x 1010 CFU g-1, bakteri pelarut fosfat (6,07 x 108 CFU g-1, hasil tanaman tertinggi 95,9 g rumpun-1 setara dengan 9,14 ton ha-1 serta meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan air 47,1 % dibandingkan dengan pengenangan 5 cm.Kata kunci:  Teknik pengaturan air, efisiensi penggunaan air, IPAT-BO, populasi rhizobakteria

  15. Hysteroscopic sterilization with occlusion of sheep uterine tube using n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive Esterilização histeroscópica com oclusão da tuba uterina de ovelha com adesivo de n-butil-2-cianoacrilato

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    Sergio Bigolin


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the fertility and analyze the macroscopic, microscopic and morphometric aspects of sheep uterine tube sterilization with a hysteroscopically insert of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive. METHODS: 12 adult sheep, with one previous pregnancy, were distributed as follows: group L (n=3 subjected to laparotomy and Pomeroy uterine tube ligation, group S (n=3 subjected to hysteroscopic application of saline solution in tube isthmus and group AD(n=6, that was subjected to hysteroscopic application of 0.5 ml of n-2-butil-cyanoacrylate in tube isthmus. They were mated with fertile males for ninety days. The non pregnant sheep, at the 90th day, were subjected to laparotomy with uterus and tubes uterine resection. The fragments of uterine tubes were fixated in 10% formalin and processes for histology evaluated, and slices dyes for H.E. Data were evaluated by Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney and Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: All sheep from groups L and AD did not get pregnant (0% in contrast with sheep from group S (100%; the adhesive remained integral in the uterine tube lumen. The percentual of adherences (66.6% and fibrosis responses (100% was significantly higher in the group L than group AD (0% (pOBJETIVO: Avaliar a fertilidade e aspectos macroscópicos, microscópicos e morfométricos da esterilização histeroscópica de tubas uterinas de ovelhas com o adesivo de n-butil-2-cianoacrilato. MÉTODOS: 12 ovelhas adultas, com uma prenhez anterior, foram distribuídas como segue: o grupo L (n=3 submetidas à laparotomia e laqueadura tipo Pomeroy, grupo S (n=3 submetidas à aplicação histeroscópica de solução salina no istmo tubário e grupo AD (n=6, com aplicação histeroscópica de 0,5 ml de cianoacrilato. As ovelhas foram acasaladas com machos de comprovada fertilidade por noventa dias. As ovelhas não prenhes aos 90 dias, foram submetidas à laparotomia com ressecção do útero e tubas uterinas, que foram fixadas em formalina 10%s e os

  16. Tri-maximal vs. bi-maximal neutrino mixing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scott, W.G


    It is argued that data from atmospheric and solar neutrino experiments point strongly to tri-maximal or bi-maximal lepton mixing. While ('optimised') bi-maximal mixing gives an excellent a posteriori fit to the data, tri-maximal mixing is an a priori hypothesis, which is not excluded, taking account of terrestrial matter effects

  17. A Transgenic Tri-Modality Reporter Mouse


    Yan, Xinrui; Ray, Pritha; Paulmurugan, Ramasamy; Tong, Ricky; Gong, Yongquan; Sathirachinda, Ataya; Wu, Joseph C.; Gambhir, Sanjiv S.


    Transgenic mouse with a stably integrated reporter gene(s) can be a valuable resource for obtaining uniformly labeled stem cells, tissues, and organs for various applications. We have generated a transgenic mouse model that ubiquitously expresses a tri-fusion reporter gene (fluc2-tdTomato-ttk) driven by a constitutive chicken β-actin promoter. This "Tri-Modality Reporter Mouse" system allows one to isolate most cells from this donor mouse and image them for bioluminescent (fluc2), fluorescent...

  18. Toxics Release Inventory Chemical Hazard Information Profiles (TRI-CHIP) Dataset (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Chemical Hazard Information Profiles (TRI-CHIP) dataset contains hazard information about the chemicals reported in TRI. Users can...

  19. The cytosolic chaperonin CCT/TRiC and cancer cell proliferation.

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    Chafika Boudiaf-Benmammar

    Full Text Available The molecular chaperone CCT/TRiC plays a central role in maintaining cellular proteostasis as it mediates the folding of the major cytoskeletal proteins tubulins and actins. CCT/TRiC is also involved in the oncoprotein cyclin E, the Von Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor protein, cyclin B and p21(ras folding which strongly suggests that it is involved in cell proliferation and tumor genesis. To assess the involvement of CCT/TRiC in tumor genesis, we quantified its expression levels and activity in 18 cancer, one non-cancer human cell lines and a non-cancer human liver. We show that the expression levels of CCT/TRiC in cancer cell lines are higher than that in normal cells. However, CCT/TRiC activity does not always correlate with its expression levels. We therefore documented the expression levels of CCT/TRiC modulators and partners PhLP3, Hop/P60, prefoldin and Hsc/Hsp70. Our analysis reveals a functional interplay between molecular chaperones that might account for a precise modulation of CCT/TRiC activity in cell proliferation through changes in the cellular levels of prefoldin and/or Hsc/p70 and CCT/TRiC client protein availability. Our observation and approaches bring novel insights in the role of CCT/TRiC-mediated protein folding machinery in cancer cell development.

  20. Crystal structures of fac-tri?chlorido?tris?(tri?methyl?phosphane-?P)rhodium(III) monohydrate and fac-tri?chlorido?tris?(tri?methyl?phosphane-?P)rhodium(III) methanol hemisolvate: rhodium structures that are isotypic with their iridium analogs


    Merola, Joseph S.; Franks, Marion A.


    The crystal structures of two solvates of fac-tri-chlorido-tris-(tri-methyl-phosphane-κP)rhodium(III) are reported, i.e. one with water in the crystal lattice, fac-[RhCl3(Me3P)3]·H2O, and one with methanol in the crystal lattice, fac-[RhCl3(Me3P)3]·0.5CH3OH. These rhodium compounds exhibit distorted octahedral coordination spheres at the metal and are isotypic with the analogous iridium compounds previously reported by us [Merola et al. (2013 ▶). Polyhedron, 54, 67-73]. Comparison is made bet...


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    Muslim Muslim


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pertumbuhan budidaya ikan dalam beberapa dekade ini berkembang sangat pesat, hal ini karena permintaan akan ikan meningkat. Meningkatnya kegiatan budidaya ikan selalu diiringi dengan meningkatnya limbah yang dihasilkan. Hal ini akan sangat cepat berpengaruh bila sistem budidaya yang dipakai adalah semi intesif atau intensif. Limbah tersebut harus segera dihilangkan atau dikurangi, karena akan berdampak pada ikan yang dibudidaya dan lingkungan seperti sungai dan laut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui kemampuan genteng plastik bergelombang mengurangi limbah yang dihasilkan budidaya ikan yaitu Total Suspended Sediment (TSS, Suspended Sediment (SS, amoniak dan bahan organik (COD. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa air limbah budidaya ikan yang mengandung TSS, SS, amoniak dan bahan organik setelah dilewatkan dengan genteng plastik bergelombang konsentrasinya menurun dengan tingkat efisiensi pengurangan yang terjadi di dalam kolam ikan dan di luar kolam ikan adalah sebagai berikut: 74,51% dan 54,42% (TSS; 39,20% dan 49,12% (SS; 19,82% dan 14,2% (amoniak; dan 24,82% dan 22,47% (COD. Ternyata genteng plastik bergelombang mempunyai tingkat pengurangan (g/m3/hr dan tingkat pengurangan spesifik (mg/m2/hr terhadap kandungan amoniak lebih efektif bila dibandingkan dengan material lain seperti plastic rolls, scrub pads, pipa PVC dan lain sebagainya.   ABSTRACT Aquaculture has been developing rapidly during the last few decades; it is due to the increase of fish demand. Increasing aquaculture activities especially with semi-intensive and intensive system have significant effect on waste production, which has to be removed or to be reduced quickly because will effect on fish in rearing tank and environment when through away to environment such as river and sea. The objectives of this study were to know the capability of corrugated plastic to remove or to reduce wastes content produced by aquaculture activities, i.e, Total Suspended

  2. Migration of di- and tri-interstitials in silicon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Posselt, M.; Gao, F.; Zwicker, D.


    A comprehensive study on the migration of di- and tri-interstitials in silicon is performed using classical molecular dynamics simulations with the Stillinger-Weber potential. The initial di- and tri-interstitial configurations with the lowest formation energies are determined, and then, the defect migration is investigated for temperatures between 800 and 1600 K. The defect diffusivity and the self-diffusion coefficient per defect are calculated. Compared to the mono-interstitial, the di-interstitial migrates faster, whereas the tri-interstitial diffuses slower. The migration mechanism of the di-interstitial shows a pronounced dependence on the temperature. Like in the case of the mono-interstitial, the mobility of the di-interstitial is higher than the mobility of the lattice atoms during the defect diffusion. On the other hand, the tri-interstitial mobility is lower than the corresponding atomic mobility. The implications of the present results for the analysis of experimental data on defect evolution and migration are discussed

  3. Environmental Effects on the Polypyrrole Tri-layer Actuator

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    Nirul Masurkar


    Full Text Available Electroactive polymer actuators such as polypyrrole (PPy are exciting candidates to drive autonomous devices that require low weight and low power. A simple PPy tri-layer bending type cantilever which operates in the air has been demonstrated previously, but the environmental effect on this actuator is still unknown. The major obstacle in the development of the PPy tri-layer actuator is to create proper packaging that reduces oxidation of the electrolyte and maintains constant displacement. Here, we report the variation in the displacement as well as the charge transfer at the different environmental condition. PPy trilayer actuators were fabricated by depositing polypyrrole on gold-coated porous poly(vinylidene fluoride (PVDF using the electro-synthesis method. It has been demonstrated that the charge transfer of tri-layer actuators is more in an inert environment than in open air. In addition, tri-layer actuators show constant deflection and enhancement of life due to the negligible oxidation rate of the electrolyte in an inert environment.

  4. Fast Bayesian Non-Negative Matrix Factorisation and Tri-Factorisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brouwer, Thomas; Frellsen, Jes; Liò, Pietro

    We present a fast variational Bayesian algorithm for performing non-negative matrix factorisation and tri-factorisation. We show that our approach achieves faster convergence per iteration and timestep (wall-clock) than Gibbs sampling and non-probabilistic approaches, and do not require additional...... samples to estimate the posterior. We show that in particular for matrix tri-factorisation convergence is difficult, but our variational Bayesian approach offers a fast solution, allowing the tri-factorisation approach to be used more effectively....

  5. Toxic Releases/IGD: EF_TRI (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — EF_TRI is a subset of facilities from FRS_INTEREST and FRS_FACILITY_SITE which are updated on a monthly basis as part of the Locational Reference Tables (LRT)...


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    lianah l


    Full Text Available Kotoran hewan dan sampah organik dapat mencemari di lingkungan air, udara dan  tanah. Penelitian ini bertu- juan untuk membandingkn keefektifan antara pupuk gen- doning dan pupuk bokashi. Proses pengomposan dapat dipercepat dengan bantuan aktifator EM4 (Efektif Mik- roorganisme. Proses pengomposan tersebut juga dapat melibatkan hewan lain yaitu Cacing tanah dan larva kum- bang kelapa (Orcyctes rhinoceros yang disebut dengan nama gendon (bahasa Jawa yang bekerja sama dengan mikroba dalam proses dekomposer. Gendon dalam hal ini memakan bahan organik yang tidak terurai, mencampur bahan organik dan membuat lubang-lubang aerasi. Keha- diran gendon dapat mempercepat penghancuran bahan or- ganik karena mempunyai mulut yang tajam sebagai mesin pencacah sampah organik. Metode penelitian eksperimen sampah organik ditreatmen yaitu dengan menggunakan EM4, dan dengan menggunakan gendon. Peruraian oleh EM4 disebut pupuk Bokashi. Sedang keterlibatan gendon dalam proses pengomposan menghasilkan butir-butir kecil berwarna hitam dinamakan pupuk Gendoning (penemuan pribadi. Dari kedua pupuk tersebut dipraktekan untuk menanam labu air (Lagenaria leucantha. Dari experimen tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pupuk gendoning ini ter- bukti lebih efektif dan efisien dari pupuk bokashi, karena gendon mampu melakukan dekomposisi lebih sempurna dari EM4. Dekomposisi tersebut dilakukan baik secara me- kanik maupun secara enzimatis. Pupuk gendoning adalah hasil bioteknologi sederhana yang dapat menjadi alternatif dalam mengatasi kelangkaan pupuk, sebagai pupuk organ- ik yang efektif dan efisien serta bernilai ekonomis sebagai.

  7. Tolerância de mudas de café a herbicidas aplicados em pós-emergência Tolerance of coffee plants to post emergence herbicide application

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    C.P. Ronchi


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a tolerância de mudas de café à aplicação de herbicidas em pós-emergência. Flumiozaxin, sulfentrazone, flazasulfuron, clethodim, fluazifop-p-butil, imazamox, bentazon, fomesafen, lactofen, oxyfluorfen, chlorimuron-ethil, metribuzin e também as misturas de fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen e de nicosulfuron + atrazine foram aplicados diretamente sobre o topo das plantas, 15 dias após o transplantio das mudas de café para os vasos (3,0 L. Foram feitas avaliações visuais de toxicidade dos herbicidas às plantas de café e, também, avaliações da altura, do diâmetro e da massa seca da parte aérea e das raízes dessas plantas. O metribuzin e a mistura em tanque de nicosulfuron + atrazine causaram morte das plantas de café, enquanto imazamox, sulfentrazone, oxyfluorfen e lactofen causaram severa toxicidade (49 a 64%. Dentre os herbicidas avaliados, aqueles que mais reduziram a altura das plantas, em relação à testemunha, foram imazamox e sulfentrazone (62 e 68%, respectivamente. O acúmulo de matéria seca, tanto da parte aérea como do sistema radicular, foi no máximo 67% daquele apresentado pela testemunha para sulfentrazone, flazasulfuron, imazamox, lactofen e oxyfluorfen. O maior potencial para uso em pós-emergência, sobre o topo das plantas, foi obtido com fluazifop-p-butil, clethodim, fomesafen, chlorimuron-ethil, flumioxazin e fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen, uma vez que causaram apenas leves injúrias e não afetaram o acúmulo de matéria seca do cafeeiro.This work was conducted to evaluate the tolerance of coffee plant seedlings to post emergence herbicide application. Flumiozaxin, sulfentrazone, flazasulfuron, clethodim, fluazifop-p-butil, imazamox, bentazon, fomesafen, lactofen, oxyfluorfen, chlorimuron-ethil, metribuzin and also the mixtures of fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen and of nicosulfuron + atrazine were sprayed directly on top of the plants, 15 days after coffee seedling

  8. Tri-Space Framework for Understanding MNC Behaviour and Strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rana, Mohammad Bakhtiar


    This paper presents a framework called ‘Tri-Space’ that comprises three overlapping social spaces, indicating three different concepts: institution and business systems, civil society, and transnational communities. Tri-space framework broadens the horizon of understanding of how MNCs behave...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reimann, Gregers Peter


    Detailed energy simulations for buildings in Malaysia have become possible after the recent construction of a Malaysian TRY (Test Reference Year) based on 21 years of hourly weather data from Subang Meteorological Station. The climatic parameters contained in the TRY are dry bulb temperature, wet...

  10. Clinical and histopathological results following TriPollar radiofrequency skin treatments. (United States)

    Kaplan, Haim; Gat, Andrea


    Skin laxity, wrinkles and cellulite are common aesthetic problems associated with the aging process. These symptoms are due to the weakening and thinning of dermal connective tissue and the enlargement of hypodermal fat cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the TriPollar RF technology in reducing fat and collagen regeneration. Twelve healthy patients underwent weekly treatments on different body sites using the TriPollar technology. Treatment areas were photographed and measured and patient satisfaction was monitored. One abdominal patient consented to a series of TriPollar treatments prior to her scheduled abdominoplasty. A controlled histopathology analysis was performed on skin samples taken during the abdominoplasty procedure. Histopathological examination revealed marked differences between treated and non-treated abdominal skin areas. An increase of 49% in dermal thickness, focal thickening of collagen fibers and focal shrinkage of fat cells was shown following TriPollar treatments. Average patient satisfaction indicated clear satisfaction with the clinical results achieved. The TriPollar is a safe and effective non-invasive technology leading to skin tightening and body shaping. Histology results indicate changes at the dermal and fat layers following TriPollar treatments resulting in increased collagen regeneration and stimulated fat metabolism.

  11. New Ways to Showcase Sustainability in Your 2012 TRI Report (United States)

    Slides to accompany a presentation for TRI facilities about improvements to the TRI-MEweb reporting application that make it easier to submit pollution prevention information, and why this is beneficial to facilities.


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    Dodik Ariyanto


    Full Text Available Abstract: Tri Hita Karana Culture in UTAUT Model. This study explores the definitions and indicators of questions that represent Tri Hita Karana (THK culture in Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT model. This study uses literature study (to dig definition and field test (to validate. This study finds Social Factor Culture (FSB as a new indicator in UTAUT model. FSB is defined as perceptions of individuals that is considered important (adoption, utilization, and use of Accounting Information Systems. FSB is influenced by the important people around, individual thinking, and the level of spirituality.

  13. Factors that contribute to the willingness to try "street hypnosis". (United States)

    Davis, Orin C; Gao, Xuan


    This study takes a context-specific approach to examine people's willingness to try hypnosis under various conditions and the factors that contribute to their willingness. It examined 378 participants, who completed a web-based hypnosis survey. The results showed that people's willingness to try hypnosis varies by context. Specifically, people are more willing to try hypnosis when it is framed as "peak focus" rather than "hypnosis" and when they perceive the environment as being safer. Moreover, factors including participants' demographics, hypnotists' demographics (relative to the subjects'), participants' control bias, and knowledge of hypnosis affect people's degrees of willingness to try hypnosis, depending on the specific context. The results suggest further analysis of hypnosis occurring in public contexts and the effects it may have on attitudes and therapeutic outcomes.

  14. Can't sleep? Try these tips (United States)

    ... this page: // Can't sleep? Try these tips To use the ... you get the rest you need. What you can do Some people have trouble falling asleep. Others ...

  15. Avaliação de herbicidas no controle de plantas daninhas em mandioquinha-salsa Herbicide efficiency in controlling weeds in peruvian carrot

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    Maria Aparecida Nogueira Sediyama


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a eficiência de herbicidas aplicados em pré e pós-emergência no controle de plantas daninhas e na produção de mandioquinha-salsa na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em Oratórios (MG, de maio a dezembro de 2002. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e 15 tratamentos incluindo duas testemunhas, com e sem capina. Em cada tratamento, foi usado um herbicida em pré e outro em pós-emergência das plantas, aplicados aos três e aos 45 dias após o plantio (DAP respectivamente. A eficiência de controle e a toxidez dos herbicidas foram avaliadas aos 60 DAP e a produção de matéria seca de plantas daninhas aos 60 e 130 DAP. Na colheita, avaliou-se produção de raízes, coroa e parte aérea. A emergência de plantas foi máxima aos 45 DAP e, posteriormente, houve redução no estande, quando se utilizaram os herbicidas atrazine + óleo mineral e oxadiazon, em pós-emergência. Esses herbicidas, apesar de eficientes no controle de plantas daninhas, causaram toxidez à cultura. Na produção de raízes, destacaram-se os tratamentos: atrazine +fluazifop-p-butil; diuron + fluazifop-p-butil; diuron + Oxadiazon; linuron + fluazifop-p-butil; metolachlor + metribuzin + linuron e oxadiazon + diuron, com bom controle de plantas daninhas e rendimentos de raízes comerciais semelhantes ao da testemunha mantida no limpo (8,62 t ha-1.The efficiency of herbicides applied in pre- and post-emergence for weed control in Peruvian carrot production was evaluated at the EPAMIG Experimental Farm, Oratórios, Minas Gerais State, from May to December, 2002. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, with four replications and 15 treatments, including two controls (with and without weeding. Pre- and post-emergence herbicides were used in each treatment applied at 3 and 45 days after planting (DAP, respectively. Efficiency and toxicity were evaluated at 60 DAP and weed dry matter yield at 60 and 130 DAP. At

  16. Tri-party agreement databases, access mechanism and procedures. Revision 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brulotte, P.J.


    This document contains the information required for the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to access databases related to the Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (Tri-Party Agreement). It identifies the procedure required to obtain access to the Hanford Site computer networks and the Tri-Party Agreement related databases. It addresses security requirements, access methods, database availability dates, database access procedures, and the minimum computer hardware and software configurations required to operate within the Hanford Site networks. This document supersedes any previous agreements including the Administrative Agreement to Provide Computer Access to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Administrative Agreement to Provide Computer Access to Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), agreements that were signed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Richland Operations Office (RL) in June 1990, Access approval to EPA and Ecology is extended by RL to include all Tri-Party Agreement relevant databases named in this document via the documented access method and date. Access to databases and systems not listed in this document will be granted as determined necessary and negotiated among Ecology, EPA, and RL through the Tri-Party Agreement Project Managers. The Tri-Party Agreement Project Managers are the primary points of contact for all activities to be carried out under the Tri-Party Agreement. Action Plan. Access to the Tri-Party Agreement related databases and systems does not provide or imply any ownership on behalf of Ecology or EPA whether public or private of either the database or the system. Access to identified systems and databases does not include access to network/system administrative control information, network maps, etc

  17. Proses Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Sitimulyo Kecamatan Piyungan Kabupaten Bantul Dalam Pembentukan Kelompok Pengelola Sampah Mandiri (KPSM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ambar Teguh Sulistyani


    Full Text Available Waste management generally is the responsibility of local government.“Kartamantul” cooperation of waste management in Yogyakarta, Sleman and Bantul, waste disposal is concentrated in TPSA (waste dump Piyungan, particularly in Sitimulyo Village. The volume of the waste is increased which leads to the limitation of TPSA capacity. Recently, government has been experiencing difficulty to provide waste dump facility. In this critical period, the participation of college institution to deliver its sollution and devotion is highly required. Universitas Gadjah Mada, as one of college institutions that concerns to problem raised in environment, has carried out society empowerment. Through action research methodology and data collection technique of direct participative observation, interview, documentation, and focus group discussion can arrange action plan. UGM team along with the society continuously performs experiments until KPSM has professional to produce both solid and liquid organik fertilizer. The intensity of education, consultation, and mentoring has resulted in KPSM capacity enhancement. Pioneering program in environment and household waste management is the opening to the development of “Sitimulyo” organik fertilizer. Besides organik fertilizer produced with organik waste is used by local community, it also has been sold to consumer.

  18. A new unextracted-sample radioimmunoassay method for hepatic endogenous nuclear L-tri-iodothyronine content

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yagura, T.; Walfish, P.G.


    Endogenous L-tri-iodothyronine content in an hepatic nuclear extract was measured by a new unextracted-sample radioimmunoassay method using 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulphonic acid to inhibit the L-[ 125 I]tri-iodothyronine binding to the nuclear L-tri-iodothyronine receptor within the extract. The amount of endogenous L-tri-iodothyronine was 10-40 pg/0.2 ml of hepatic nuclear extract from euthyroid rats, compared with less than 3.125 pg/0.2ml from thyroidectomized rats. The results obtained were compared with a Sephadex G-25 column extracted-sample radioimmunoassay method and showed a good agreement. The values for the endogenous L-tri-iodothyronine content were utilized to correct for the L-tri-iodothyronine concentration within the binding assay mixture in order to accurately determine by Scatchard analysis the binding characteristics of the nuclear L-tri-iodothyronine receptor. The validity of the correction for endogenous L-tri-iodothyronine was demonstrated by using a nuclear extract from a thyroidectomized rat which was preincubated with a small known amount of L-tri-iodothyronine before determining the nuclear L-tri-iodothyronine receptor binding characteristics. It is concluded that the necessity and validity of using endogenous L-tri-iodothyronine corrections in the Scatchard analytical computations of the nuclear L-tri-iodothyronine receptor binding characteristics has been demonstrated, being particularly more important for affinity constant than maximum binding capacity. (author)

  19. Tri-fuel (diesel-biodiesel-ethanol) emulsion characterization, stability and the corrosion effect (United States)

    Low, M. H.; Mukhtar, N. A. M.; Yohaness Hagos, Ftwi; Noor, M. M.


    This paper presents the result of experimenting emulsified tri-fuel in term of stability, physico-chemical properties and corrosion effect on three common metals. The results were interpreted in terms of the impact of five minutes emulsification approach. Tri-fuel emulsions were varied in proportion ratio consist of biodiesel; 0%, 5%, 10%, and ethanol; 5%, 10%, 15%. Fuel characterization includes density, calorific value, flash point, and kinematic viscosity. Flash point of tri-fuel emulsion came with range catalog. Calorific value of tri-fuel emulsion appeared in declining pattern as more ethanol and biodiesel were added. Biodiesel promoted flow resistance while ethanol with opposite effect. 15% ethanol content in tri-fuel emulsion separated faster than 10% ethanol content but ethanol content with 5% yield no phase separation at all. Close cap under static immersion with various ratio of tri-fuel emulsions for over a month, corrosiveness attack was detected via weight loss technique on aluminum, stainless steel and mild steel.

  20. Financial Statement Audit Report of Tri-County Community College. (United States)

    Campbell, Ralph

    This report presents the results of the Tri-County Community College financial statement audit for the fiscal year ending on June 30, 1998. Tri-County Community College is a component of the State of North Carolina, thus the authority to audit is granted by Article 5A of G.S. 147. The accounts and operations of the institution were subject to…

  1. Tri-metallic ferrite oxygen carriers for chemical looping combustion (United States)

    Siriwardane, Ranjani V.; Fan, Yueying


    The disclosure provides a tri-metallic ferrite oxygen carrier for the chemical looping combustion of carbonaceous fuels. The tri-metallic ferrite oxygen carrier comprises, where is a chemical composition. Generally, 0.5.ltoreq.x.ltoreq.2.0, 0.2.ltoreq.y.ltoreq.2.5, and 0.2.ltoreq.z.ltoreq.2.5, and in some embodiments, 0.8.ltoreq.x.ltoreq.1.2, y.ltoreq.1.2, and z.gtoreq.0.8. The tri-metallic ferrite oxygen carrier may be used in various applications for the combustion of carbonaceous fuels, including as an oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion.

  2. Extraboard performance : TriMet case study. (United States)


    This paper examines extraboard operations and management at TriMet, the transit provider for the Portland Oregon metropolitan area. The : extraboard consists of a pool of operators who fill open work resulting from absences and other causes. The pape...

  3. Apolar Distal Pocket Mutants of Yeast Cytochrome c Peroxidase: Hydrogen Peroxide Reactivity and Cyanide Binding of the TriAla, TriVal, and TriLeu Variants (United States)

    Bidwai, Anil K.; Meyen, Cassandra; Kilheeney, Heather; Wroblewski, Damian; Vitello, Lidia B.; Erman, James E.


    Three yeast cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) variants with apolar distal heme pockets have been constructed. The CcP variants have Arg48, Trp51, and His52 mutated to either all alanines, CcP(triAla), all valines, CcP(triVal), or all leucines, CcP(triLeu). The triple mutants have detectable enzymatic activity at pH 6 but the activity is less than 0.02% that of wild-type CcP. The activity loss is primarily due to the decreased rate of reaction between the triple mutants and H2O2 compared to wild-type CcP. Spectroscopic properties and cyanide binding characteristics of the triple mutants have been investigated over the pH stability region of CcP, pH 4 to 8. The absorption spectra indicate that the CcP triple mutants have hemes that are predominantly five-coordinate, high-spin at pH 5 and six-coordinate, low-spin at pH 8. Cyanide binding to the triple mutants is biphasic indicating that the triple mutants have two slowly-exchanging conformational states with different cyanide affinities. The binding affinity for cyanide is reduced at least two orders of magnitude in the triple mutants compared to wild-type CcP and the rate of cyanide binding is reduced by four to five orders of magnitude. Correlation of the reaction rates of CcP and 12 distal pocket mutants with H2O2 and HCN suggests that both reactions require ionization of the reactants within the distal heme pocket allowing the anion to bind the heme iron. Distal pocket features that promote substrate ionization (basic residues involved in base-catalyzed substrate ionization or polar residues that can stabilize substrate anions) increase the overall rate of reaction with H2O2 and HCN while features that inhibit substrate ionization slow the reactions. PMID:23022490

  4. An investigation of the tri-bar gripping system on isometric muscular endurance. (United States)

    Drury, Daniel G; Faggiono, Heath; Stuempfle, Kristin J


    Recently, a new product called the Tri-Bar has been introduced as an alternative to the standard round weightlifting bar. The Tri-Bar has the same weight, length, and circumference as a standard weightlifting bar and differs only in that the shape of the bar is formed like a triangle with rounded edges. Theoretically, the shape of the bar will enhance gripping comfort and increase muscular endurance. We studied 32 moderately trained males who were free from upper-body injury or limitation. Each participant completed 4 visits to the lab as part of 2 separate investigations. The first investigation was a comparison of straight-arm hang times while grasping a standard Olympic bar or a Tri-Bar attached to the top of a power rack. The second investigation involved grasping a standard revolving cable handle or a Tri-Bar revolving handle attached to a weight equal to half the subject's body weight. In both investigations, time was used as a measure of isometric muscular endurance. Differences were determined using a dependent t-test, and a level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Mean hang times were significantly longer when the men hung from the Tri-Bar (107.6 seconds) versus the standard bar (95.4 seconds) (p = 0.015). Conversely, in the investigation using the revolving handles, the round bar produced longer grasping times (71.5 seconds) than the Tri-Bar (62.6 seconds) (p = 0.000). The results of this investigation indicate that a fixed and stable Tri-Bar may help to increase hang time, but a Tri-Bar free to rotate within the grasp may decrease grasping time in comparison to a standard round handle. With regard to exercises that require isometric grasping, the Tri-Bar may be an effective alternative to the standard bar for increasing isometric grasping endurance.

  5. Try This: Collaborative Mind Mapping (United States)

    Mendelson, Melissa


    In this "Try This" article, students learn about collaborative mind mapping. A mind map is a type of graphic organizer that allows for short ideas to be written and linked to related ideas on a "map." A central idea is placed in the middle of the paper with related ideas connected to the central idea as well as to other ideas.…

  6. Di/tri-peptide transporters as drug delivery targets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, C U; Brodin, Birger


    -dependent, and the transporters thus belong to the Proton-dependent Oligopeptide Transporter (POT)-family. The transporters are not drug targets per se, however due to their uniquely broad substrate specificity; they have proved to be relevant drug targets at the level of drug transport. Drug molecules such as oral active beta....../tri-peptide transporters from vesicular storages 3) changes in gene transcription/mRNA stability. The aim of the present review is to discuss physiological, patho-physiological and drug-induced regulation of di/tri-peptide transporter mediated transport....

  7. Seletividade de herbicidas para cebola em semeadura direta Selectivity of herbicides for onions in direct sowing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lino R. Ferreira


    Full Text Available As plantas de cebola provenientes da semeadura direta, têm-se mostrado muito sensíveis aos herbicidas recomendados para a cultura transplantada, principalmente aqueles com ação sobre plantas daninhas dicotiledôneas. Os efeitos do fracionamento da dose dos herbicidas oxyfluorfen, ioxynil-octanoato, fluazifop-p-butil e sethoxydim foram avaliados em dois cultivares (Granex Ouro e Granex 33, no sistema de semeadura direta. A tolerância dos dois cultivares ao oxyfluorfen e ao ioxynil-octanoato aumentou com a idade das plantas e com o parcelamento das doses, aplicando-se doses menores no estádio de duas folhas. Sethoxydim e fluazifop-p-butil foram seletivos para a cultura, independente da dose inicial aplicada e do cultivar avaliado.The plants of onions, from direct sowing, have shown to be quite sensitive toward herbicides recommended for transplanted culture, especially those acting on dycotiledoneous weeds. The effects of dose fractionating of herbicides oxyfluorfen, ioxynil-octanoato, fluazifop-p-butil and sethoxydim were evaluated in two cultivars (Granex Ouro and Granex 33, in the direct sowing system. The tolerance of the two cultivars toward oxyfluorfen and ioxynyl-octanoato increased with the plants age and with the parceling of the doses, applying smaller doses in the two leaves stage. Sethoxydim and fluazifop-p-butyl were selective for the culture, regardless of the applied initial doses and the evaluated cultivar.

  8. O n-butil cianoacrilato na lobectomia pulmonar parcial em felinos: estudo experimental The n-butyl cyanoacrilate in partial lung lobectomy in cats: experimental study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Makoto Ishizaki


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a viabilidade do n-butil cianoacrilato na pneumostasia e hemostasia em lobectomia pulmonar parcial. Foram utilizadas seis gatas hígidas, adultas, com peso médio de três quilogramas. O procedimento cirúrgico consistiu na realização de toracotomia intercostal com lobectomia pulmonar parcial em que se utilizou adesivo cirúrgico para fechamento do lobo pulmonar. Após 21 dias da cirurgia, os animais foram novamente submetidos à toracotomia para a coleta de fragmento da região onde o adesivo fora aplicado, para análise histopatológica. Foram realizadas radiografias de tórax das pacientes para o acompanhamento pré e pós lobectomia pulmonar parcial e, aos dois, sete, 14 e 21 dias subseqüentes. As alterações radiográficas e clínicas encontradas como pneumotórax residual, aumento na densidade pulmonar, enfisema subcutâneo e apatia foram corrigidas em tempo hábil, não comprometendo os resultados do estudo. A histopatologia evidenciou reação inflamatória com predomínio de células mononucleares, neovascularização, proliferação de tecido conjuntivo e pequenas áreas de enfisema e atelectasia, sem comprometimento clínico significativo. Concluiu-se que o cianoacrilato é capaz de produzir adequada pneumostasia e hemostasia, e poderá ser uma opção para a realização de lobectomia pulmonar parcial em felinos.The n-butyl cyanoacrilate tissue adhesive was used in this study aiming to verify the viability of its use for hemostasis and to avoid air leakage in partial lung lobectomy. Six healthy adult female domestic shorthair cats, weight range of three kg were submitted to an intercostal thoracotomy with partial lung lobectomy using n-butyl cyanoacrilate to close the lobe. After 21 days they were submitted to another thoracotomy to collect a fragment of the lung where the adhesive was applied to a histopathological study. Chest films were taken pre and post partial lung lobectomy

  9. The reactants equation of state for the tri-amino-tri-nitro-benzene (TATB) based explosive PBX 9502 (United States)

    Aslam, Tariq D.


    The response of high explosives (HEs), due to mechanical and/or thermal insults, is of great importance for both safety and performance. A major component of how an HE responds to these stimuli stems from its reactant equation of state (EOS). Here, the tri-amino-tri-nitro-benzene based explosive PBX 9502 is investigated by examining recent experiments. Furthermore, a complete thermal EOS is calibrated based on the functional form devised by Wescott, Stewart, and Davis [J. Appl. Phys. 98, 053514 (2005)]. It is found, by comparing to earlier calibrations, that a variety of thermodynamic data are needed to sufficiently constrain the EOS response over a wide range of thermodynamic state space. Included in the calibration presented here is the specific heat as a function of temperature, isobaric thermal expansion, and shock Hugoniot response. As validation of the resulting model, isothermal compression and isentropic compression are compared with recent experiments.

  10. Pengaruh Beberapa Dosis Kompos Dan Azolla ( Azolla Pinnata R. B ) Segar Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil 2 Varietas Tanaman Wortel ( Daucus Carotta L. )


    Huda, M. Syahrial; Widaryanto, Eko; Nugroho, Agung


    Wortel termasuk jenis sayuran umbi yang bernilai ekonomis penting di dunia. Salah satu factor budidaya wortel adalah tanah yang tidak hanya sebagai media akar tanaman namun sebagai media tanaman dapat menyerap nutrisi, air dan oksigen. Salah satu peranan bahan organik adalah memperbaiki sifat fisik tanah. Azolla (Azolla pinnata) ialah tumbuhan paku air yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan organik untuk memperbaiki agregat tanah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk dapat mengetahui pengaruh dosis kom...

  11. Pengaruh Pemberian Berbagai Bentuk Azolla Dan Pupuk N Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Manis (Zea Mays Var. Saccharata)


    Putra, Dwi Firmansyah; Soenaryo, Soenaryo; Tyasmoro, Setyono Yudo


    Jagung manis sangat responsif terhadap pupuk N, agar kebutuhan N terpenuhi dan memberikan nilai tambah dapat menyuburkan tanah tanpa menurunkan produktifitas jagung manis, maka diperlukan penyeimbang berupa pupuk organik yang memiliki kandungan N tinggi. Pupuk organik potensial yang memiliki kandungan N tinggi yaitu Azolla. Azolla dapat ditemukan dalam 3 bentuk yaitu Azolla segar, Azolla kering dan kompos Azolla. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi Azolla segar, Azolla...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tri Handayani Amaliah


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Nilai-Nilai Budaya Tri Hita Karana dalam Penetapan Harga Jual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai budaya yang terdapat di balik penetapan harga yang diimplementasi oleh masyarakat transmigran Bali. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnometodologi melalui tradisi, kebiasaan dan cara penetapan harga jual yang diimplementasikan oleh masyarakat transmigran Bali di Bolaang Mongondow. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam penetapan harga jual yang diterapkan oleh komunitas transmigran Bali di Bolaang Mongondow selain ditujukan untuk meraih keuntungan materi, juga terkandung nilai-nilai budaya Tri Hita Karanayang merefleksikan bahwa nilai ketundukan kepada Sang Pencipta, pelestarian lingkungan dan gotong royong. Abstract: Culture Values of Tri Hita Karana in Selling Price Determination. This research aims to shows the cultural values behind the determination of selling price by Bali transmigrant communities. This research is a qualitative research using ethnomethodoly approach based on tradition, habituation, and cost plus pricing that is implemented by Bali transmigrant communities in Bolaang Mongondow. The research result shows that the determination of selling price by Bali transmigrant communities not only to get the profit but also contains the culture values of Tri Hita Karana which reflects the values of the submission to the creator, environmental conservation, and mutual assistance.

  13. DECS tries out instructional materials on AIDS prevention education. (United States)


    A national try-out of the newly developed print and non-print instructional materials on AIDS Education is being conducted by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) this school year 1993-to 1994. To determine the effectiveness of these materials, various public and private schools in Region IV (Southern Tagalog), VII (Central Visayas) XI (Southern Mindanao) and National Capital Region (Metro, Manila) were chosen as try-out institutions. The AIDS education materials will be tried out in different subjects in some grade and year levels such as civics and culture (grade one); science and health (grades three and six); home economics and livelihood education (grade five); physical education, health and music (second year) and Pilipino Language (third year). The materials for the elementary level consist of posters, cut-out pictures, voice tapes, jingles, talking books and slides, while the secondary school level utilizes modules. For the tertiary level, a Resource Book on AIDS Prevention Education is used by the Teacher Training Institutions and the Non-Formal Education employs the Facilitator's Guide for Levels I-III. These materials will be tried out in both urban and rural schools, with control school and experimental school at each level. full text

  14. Selenium derivatives of thyroxine and tri-iodothyronine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cree, G.M.


    Novel selenium derivatives of thyroxine and tri-iodothyronine are described. They preferably contain at least one 75 Se atom. The compounds are useful in dual isotope assays of thyroid function. (U.K.)

  15. Dye-sensitized solar cells with a tri-layer ZnO photo-electrode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Hui; Bai, Jiafan; Feng, Bo; Lu, Xiong; Weng, Jie; Jiang, Chongxi; Wang, Jianxin, E-mail:


    Graphical abstract: Schematic diagram for the energy-level, the paths of charge transfer, the model of light scattering in the top layer and the assembly of the DSSC. Highlights: •We successfully fabricated ZnO photo-anodes with a tri-layer ZnO structure. •The ZnO seed layer decreased the transfer resistance at the ZnO/FTO interface. •The ZnO light scattering layer could increase the number of photoelectrons. •J{sub sc} and V{sub oc} were greatly enhanced via the use of the tri-layer ZnO structure. •The efficiency of the DSSCs for a tri-layer ZnO structure was the highest. -- Abstract: In this paper, a tri-layer ZnO structure was designed to fabricate the photo-anodes of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The results showed that an overall energy-conversion efficiency of 1.18% was achieved for DSSC with the tri-layer photo-anode, which was 14% higher than that obtained from a bilayer ZnO photo-anode (with an efficiency of 1.04%) and 76% higher than that fabricated with a single layer photo-anode (with an efficiency of 0.67%). The photo-current density and the open circuit voltage have greatly increased via the use of the tri-layer ZnO structure. Thus, the tri-layer ZnO structure might provide a new route for the improvement of the overall energy-conversion efficiency for the DSSC of ZnO.

  16. Dye-sensitized solar cells with a tri-layer ZnO photo-electrode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Hui; Bai, Jiafan; Feng, Bo; Lu, Xiong; Weng, Jie; Jiang, Chongxi; Wang, Jianxin


    Graphical abstract: Schematic diagram for the energy-level, the paths of charge transfer, the model of light scattering in the top layer and the assembly of the DSSC. Highlights: •We successfully fabricated ZnO photo-anodes with a tri-layer ZnO structure. •The ZnO seed layer decreased the transfer resistance at the ZnO/FTO interface. •The ZnO light scattering layer could increase the number of photoelectrons. •J sc and V oc were greatly enhanced via the use of the tri-layer ZnO structure. •The efficiency of the DSSCs for a tri-layer ZnO structure was the highest. -- Abstract: In this paper, a tri-layer ZnO structure was designed to fabricate the photo-anodes of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The results showed that an overall energy-conversion efficiency of 1.18% was achieved for DSSC with the tri-layer photo-anode, which was 14% higher than that obtained from a bilayer ZnO photo-anode (with an efficiency of 1.04%) and 76% higher than that fabricated with a single layer photo-anode (with an efficiency of 0.67%). The photo-current density and the open circuit voltage have greatly increased via the use of the tri-layer ZnO structure. Thus, the tri-layer ZnO structure might provide a new route for the improvement of the overall energy-conversion efficiency for the DSSC of ZnO

  17. Studies of selected transuranium and lanthanide tri-iodides under pressure using absorption spectrophotometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haire, R.G.; Young, J.P.; Peterson, J.R.; Tennessee Univ., Knoxville; Benedict, U.


    The anhydrous tri-iodides of plutonium, americium and curium under pressure have been investigated using absorption spectrophotometry. These initial studies on plutonium and curium tri-iodides together with the published data for americium tri-iodide show that the rhombohedral form of these compounds (BiI 3 -type structure) can be converted to the orthorhombic form (PuBr 3 -type structure) by applying pressure at room temperature. Absorption spectrophotometry can often differentiate between two crystallographic forms of a material and has been used in the present high-pressure studies to monitor the effects of pressure on the tri-iodides. A complication in these studies of the tri-iodides is a significant shift of their absorption edges with pressure from the near UV to the visible spectral region. With curium tri-iodide this shift causes interference with the major f-f absorption peaks and precludes identification by absorption spectrophotometry of the high pressure phase of CmI 3 . (orig.)

  18. Relationship structure-antioxidant activity of hindered phenolic compounds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weng, X. C.


    Full Text Available The relationship between the structure and the antioxidant activity of 21 hindered phenolic compounds was investigated by Rancimat and DPPH· tests. 3-tert-butyl-5-methylbenzene-1,2-diol is the strongest antioxidant in the Rancimat test but not in the DPPH· test because its two hydroxyl groups have very strong steric synergy. 2,6-Ditert-butyl-4-hydroxy-methylphenol exhibits a strong antioxidant activity as 2,6-ditertbutyl- 4-methoxyphenol does in lard. 2,6-Ditert-butyl-4- hydroxy-methylphenol also exhibits stronger activity than 2-tert-butyl-4- methoxyphenol. The methylene of 2,6-ditert-butyl-4-hydroxy-methylphenol can provide a hydrogen atom to active free radicals like a phenolic hydroxyl group does because it is greatly activated by both the aromatic ring and hydroxyl group. Five factors affect the antioxidant activities of the phenolic compounds: how stable the phenolic compound free radicals are after providing hydrogen atoms; how many hy drogen atoms each of the phenolic compounds can provide; how fast the phenolic compounds provide hydrogen atoms; how easily the phenolic compound free radicals can combine with more active free radicals, and whether or not a new antioxidant can form after the phenolic compound provides hydrogen atoms.La relación entre estructura y la actividad antioxidante de 21 compuestos fenólicos con impedimentos estéricos fue investigado mediante ensayos con Rancimat y DPPH·. El 3-terc-butil-5-metilbenceno-1,2-diol es el antioxidante más potente en los ensayos mediante Rancimat pero no mediante ensayos con DPPH·, porque sus dos grupos hidroxilo tienen una fuerte sinergia estérica. El 2,6-Di-terc-butil-4-hidroxi-metil-fenol mostró una actividad antioxidante tan fuerte como el 2,6-di-ter-butil-4-metoxifenol en ensayos con manteca de cerdo. El 2,6-di-terc-butil-4-hidroxi-metilfenol también mostró una actividad más fuerte que el 2-terc-butil-4-metoxifenol. El grupo metileno del 2,6-di-ter-butil-4-hidroxi

  19. Southern California Seismic Network: Caltech/USGS Element of TriNet 1997-2001


    Hauksson, Egill; Small, Patrick; Hafner, Katrin; Busby, Robert; Clayton, Robert; Goltz, James; Heaton, Tom; Hutton, Kate; Kanamori, Hiroo; Polet, Jascha


    The California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and the California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG) are completing the implementation of TriNet, a modern seismic information system for southern California. TriNet consists of two elements, the Caltech-USGS element and the CDMG element (Mori et al., 1998). The Caltech-USGS element (Caltech-USGS TriNet) concentrates on rapid notification and archiving...

  20. Adolescents' interest in trying flavoured e-cigarettes. (United States)

    Pepper, J K; Ribisl, K M; Brewer, N T


    More US adolescents use e-cigarettes than smoke cigarettes. Research suggests flavoured e-cigarettes appeal to youth, but little is known about perceptions of and reasons for attraction to specific flavours. A national sample of adolescents (n=1125) ages 13-17 participated in a phone survey from November 2014 to June 2015. We randomly assigned adolescents to respond to survey items about 1 of 5 e-cigarette flavours (tobacco, alcohol, menthol, candy or fruit) and used regression analysis to examine the impact of flavour on interest in trying e-cigarettes and harm beliefs. Adolescents were more likely to report interest in trying an e-cigarette offered by a friend if it were flavoured like menthol (OR=4.00, 95% CI 1.46 to 10.97), candy (OR=4.53, 95% CI 1.67 to 12.31) or fruit (OR=6.49, 95% CI 2.48 to 17.01) compared with tobacco. Adolescents believed that fruit-flavoured e-cigarettes were less harmful to health than tobacco-flavoured e-cigarettes (p<0.05). Perceived harm mediated the relationship between some flavours and interest in trying e-cigarettes. A minority of adolescents believed that e-cigarettes did not have nicotine (14.6%) or did not know whether they had nicotine (3.6%); these beliefs did not vary by flavour. Candy-flavoured, fruit-flavoured and menthol-flavoured e-cigarettes appeal to adolescents more than tobacco-flavoured or alcohol-flavoured e-cigarettes. This appeal is only partially explained by beliefs about reduced harm. Given adolescents' interest in trying e-cigarettes with certain flavours, policymakers should consider restricting advertisements promoting flavoured products in media that reach large numbers of young people. Future research should examine other reasons for the appeal of individual flavours, such as novelty and perceived luxury. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  1. Tri-Service Green Gun Barrel (PP 1074)

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Rusch, Lawrence F


    ...) PP 1074 Tri-Service Green Gun Barrel. The program's goal was to develop an environmentally friendly process for depositing wear and erosion resistant materials onto gun bores replacing the current hazardous aqueous electro-deposition...

  2. Tri-District Arts Consortium Summer Program. (United States)

    Kirby, Charlotte O.


    The Tri-District Arts Consortium in South Carolina was formed to serve artistically gifted students in grades six-nine. The consortium developed a summer program offering music, dance, theatre, and visual arts instruction through a curriculum of intense training, performing, and hands-on experiences with faculty members and guest artists. (JDD)

  3. Validation of Pleiades Tri-Stereo DSM in Urban Areas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emmanouil Panagiotakis


    Full Text Available We present an accurate digital surface model (DSM derived from high-resolution Pleiades-1B 0.5 m panchromatic tri-stereo images, covering an area of 400 km2 over the Athens Metropolitan Area. Remote sensing and photogrammetry tools were applied, resulting in a 1 m × 1 m posting DSM over the study area. The accuracy of the produced DSM was evaluated against measured elevations by a differential Global Positioning System (d-GPS and a reference DSM provided by the National Cadaster and Mapping Agency S.A. Different combinations of stereo and tri-stereo images were used and tested on the quality of the produced DSM. Results revealed that the DSM produced by the tri-stereo analysis has a root mean square error (RMSE of 1.17 m in elevation, which lies within the best reported in the literature. On the other hand, DSMs derived by standard analysis of stereo-pairs from the same sensor were found to perform worse. Line profile data showed similar patterns between the reference and produced DSM. Pleiades tri-stereo high-quality DSM products have the necessary accuracy to support applications in the domains of urban planning, including climate change mitigation and adaptation, hydrological modelling, and natural hazards, being an important input for simulation models and morphological analysis at local scales.

  4. 2015 TRI National Analysis: Toxics Release Inventory Releases at Various Summary Levels (United States)

    The TRI National Analysis is EPA's annual interpretation of TRI data at various summary levels. It highlights how toxic chemical wastes were managed, where toxic chemicals were released and how the 2015 TRI data compare to data from previous years. This dataset reports US state, county, large aquatic ecosystem, metro/micropolitan statistical area, and facility level statistics from 2015 TRI releases, including information on: number of 2015 TRI facilities in the geographic area and their releases (total, water, air, land); population information, including populations living within 1 mile of TRI facilities (total, minority, in poverty); and Risk Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) model related pounds, toxicity-weighted pounds, and RSEI score. The source of administrative boundary data is the 2013 cartographic boundary shapefiles. Location of facilities is provided by EPA's Facility Registry Service (FRS). Large Aquatic Ecosystems boundaries were dissolved from the hydrologic unit boundaries and codes for the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It was revised for inclusion in the National Atlas of the United States of America (November 2002), and updated to match the streams file created by the USGS National Mapping Division (NMD) for the National Atlas of the United States of America.

  5. Shade evaluation of ceramic laminates according to different try-in materials. (United States)

    Lopes, Lawrence Gonzaga; Vaz, Maysa Magalhaes; de Magalhaes, Ana Paula Rodrigues; Cardoso, Paula Carvalho; de Souza, Joao Batista; de Torres, Erica Miranda


    The porcelain laminate replaces the visible portion of enamel with a ceramic, which is attached to the dental surface. To enhance cosmetic results, a preliminary color matching procedure is performed prior to cementing the veneers. This procedure can be performed using water, water-soluble gel, or try-in paste. The different shades of cement and try-in pastes are intended to obtain better color and esthetics of the final restoration. This study sought to evaluate the shade of ceramic veneers produced by different try-in materials. Forty bovine teeth and 40 ceramic discs (0.6 mm thick) were prepared. The samples were divided into 4 groups (n = 10). For Group 1 samples, no material was used between the tooth and the ceramic, Group 2 interposed samples with water, Group 3 used a water-soluble gel, and Group 4 used try-in paste (value 0). The color was measured with a spectrophotometer, obtaining L*, a*, and b* values to calculate the color difference (ΔE*). The data were subjected to normality tests and 1-way ANOVA. No significant statistical differences were found among the groups, indicating that the different try-in materials had similar effects on the color of the ceramic laminates.

  6. Reasons for Trying E-cigarettes and Risk of Continued Use. (United States)

    Bold, Krysten W; Kong, Grace; Cavallo, Dana A; Camenga, Deepa R; Krishnan-Sarin, Suchitra


    Longitudinal research is needed to identify predictors of continued electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use among youth. We expected that certain reasons for first trying e-cigarettes would predict continued use over time (eg, good flavors, friends use), whereas other reasons would not predict continued use (eg, curiosity). Longitudinal surveys from middle and high school students from fall 2013 (wave 1) and spring 2014 (wave 2) were used to examine reasons for trying e-cigarettes as predictors of continued e-cigarette use over time. Ever e-cigarette users (n = 340) at wave 1 were categorized into those using or not using e-cigarettes at wave 2. Among those who continued using e-cigarettes, reasons for trying e-cigarettes were examined as predictors of use frequency, measured as the number of days using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days at wave 2. Covariates included age, sex, race, and smoking of traditional cigarettes. Several reasons for first trying e-cigarettes predicted continued use, including low cost, the ability to use e-cigarettes anywhere, and to quit smoking regular cigarettes. Trying e-cigarettes because of low cost also predicted more days of e-cigarette use at wave 2. Being younger or a current smoker of traditional cigarettes also predicted continued use and more frequent use over time. Regulatory strategies such as increasing cost or prohibiting e-cigarette use in certain places may be important for preventing continued use in youth. In addition, interventions targeting current cigarette smokers and younger students may also be needed. Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  7. Reasons for Trying E-cigarettes and Risk of Continued Use (United States)

    Kong, Grace; Cavallo, Dana A.; Camenga, Deepa R.; Krishnan-Sarin, Suchitra


    BACKGROUND: Longitudinal research is needed to identify predictors of continued electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use among youth. We expected that certain reasons for first trying e-cigarettes would predict continued use over time (eg, good flavors, friends use), whereas other reasons would not predict continued use (eg, curiosity). METHODS: Longitudinal surveys from middle and high school students from fall 2013 (wave 1) and spring 2014 (wave 2) were used to examine reasons for trying e-cigarettes as predictors of continued e-cigarette use over time. Ever e-cigarette users (n = 340) at wave 1 were categorized into those using or not using e-cigarettes at wave 2. Among those who continued using e-cigarettes, reasons for trying e-cigarettes were examined as predictors of use frequency, measured as the number of days using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days at wave 2. Covariates included age, sex, race, and smoking of traditional cigarettes. RESULTS: Several reasons for first trying e-cigarettes predicted continued use, including low cost, the ability to use e-cigarettes anywhere, and to quit smoking regular cigarettes. Trying e-cigarettes because of low cost also predicted more days of e-cigarette use at wave 2. Being younger or a current smoker of traditional cigarettes also predicted continued use and more frequent use over time. CONCLUSIONS: Regulatory strategies such as increasing cost or prohibiting e-cigarette use in certain places may be important for preventing continued use in youth. In addition, interventions targeting current cigarette smokers and younger students may also be needed. PMID:27503349

  8. 2015 TRI National Analysis: Toxics Release Inventory Releases at Various Summary Levels (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The TRI National Analysis is EPA's annual interpretation of TRI data at various summary levels. It highlights how toxic chemical wastes were managed, where toxic...

  9. Tri-generation in urban networks; Trigeneration en reseau urbain

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malahieude, J.M. [Trigen Energy Corp., New-York (United States)


    The concepts of tri-generation (simultaneous production of heat, electric power and refrigerating energy) and thermal energy distribution networks, are presented. The different components of the tri-generation system from Trigen Energy Corp. are ammonia as a refrigerant for the production of cooled water, screw compressors, gas turbines and an induction motor-generator in order to optimize the combined gas turbine and compressor utilization. The energy efficiency and pollution reduction of the system are evaluated; the system has been enhanced through re-powering and post combustion

  10. Nutritional and Weight-Management Behaviors in Low-Income Women Trying to Conceive (United States)

    Berenson, Abbey B.; Pohlmeier, Ali M.; Laz, Tabassum H.; Rahman, Mahbubur; McGrath, Christine J.


    Objective To evaluate the nutritional habits and weight management strategies of women trying to conceive as compared to women not trying to conceive. Methods This was a cross-sectional survey of health behaviors including nutritional habits and weight management strategies of women aged 16–40 years who were low-income, racially diverse, (n=1,711) and attending reproductive health clinics. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the association between pregnancy intention and various health behaviors after adjusting for demographic variables, gravidity, and obesity status. Results At total of 8.9% (n=153) of the participants stated they were trying to get pregnant. Women trying to conceive were more likely than those not trying to have participated in a number of unhealthy weight loss practices in the past year. These included taking diet pills, supplements or herbs (13.5% vs. 8.8%; adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.97, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.11–3.49;), using laxatives or diuretics or inducing vomiting (7.7% vs. 3.0%; aOR 2.70, CI 1.23–5.91;), and fasting for 24 hours (10.7% vs. 5.5%; aOR 2.15, CI 1.03–4.51;). There were no significant differences between the two groups in amount of exercise, current smoking status or current alcohol consumption Further, fruit, green salad and other vegetables, and intake of soda and fast food were unrelated to pregnancy intention. Conclusion This study highlights that women trying to conceive are more likely to participate in unhealthy and potentially dangerous weight loss practices than women not trying to conceive. PMID:25162259

  11. Nutritional and weight management behaviors in low-income women trying to conceive. (United States)

    Berenson, Abbey B; Pohlmeier, Ali M; Laz, Tabassum H; Rahman, Mahbubur; McGrath, Christine J


    To evaluate the nutritional habits and weight management strategies of women trying to conceive as compared with women not trying to conceive. This was a cross-sectional survey of health behaviors including nutritional habits and weight management strategies of women aged 16-40 years who were low income, racially diverse, (n=1,711), and attending reproductive health clinics. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the association between pregnancy intention and various health behaviors after adjusting for demographic variables, gravidity, and obesity status. A total of 8.9% (n=153) of the participants stated they were trying to get pregnant. Women trying to conceive were more likely than those not trying to have participated in a number of unhealthy weight loss practices in the past year. These included taking diet pills, supplements, or herbs (13.5% compared with 8.8%; adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.97, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.11-3.49), using laxatives or diuretics or inducing vomiting (7.7% compared with 3.0%; adjusted OR 2.70, CI 1.23-5.91), and fasting for 24 hours (10.7% compared with 5.5%; adjusted OR 2.15, CI 1.03-4.51). There were no significant differences between the two groups in amount of exercise, current smoking status, or current alcohol consumption Furthermore, fruit, green salad and other vegetables, and intake of soda and fast food were unrelated to pregnancy intention. This study highlights that women trying to conceive are more likely to participate in unhealthy and potentially dangerous weight loss practices than women not trying to conceive. II.

  12. Development of the Tri-ATHLETE Lunar Vehicle Prototype (United States)

    Heverly, Matt; Matthews, Jaret; Frost, Matt; Quin, Chris


    The Tri-ATHLETE (All Terrain Hex Limed Extra Terrestrial Explorer) vehicle is the second generation of a wheel-on-limb vehicle being developed to support the return of humans to the lunar surface. This paper describes the design, assembly, and test of the Tri-ATHLETE robotic system with a specific emphasis on the limb joint actuators. The design and implementation of the structural components is discussed, and a novel and low cost approach to approximating flight-like cabling is also presented. The paper concludes with a discussion of the "second system effect" and other lessons learned as well as results from a three week long field trial of the vehicle in the Arizona desert.

  13. Exergetic Analysis of an Integrated Tri-Generation Organic Rankine Cycle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ratha Z. Mathkor


    Full Text Available This paper reports on a study of the modelling, validation and analysis of an integrated 1 MW (electrical output tri-generation system energized by solar energy. The impact of local climatic conditions in the Mediterranean region on the system performance was considered. The output of the system that comprised a parabolic trough collector (PTC, an organic Rankine cycle (ORC, single-effect desalination (SED, and single effect LiBr-H2O absorption chiller (ACH was electrical power, distilled water, and refrigerant load. The electrical power was produced by the ORC which used cyclopentane as working fluid and Therminol VP-1 was specified as the heat transfer oil (HTO in the collectors with thermal storage. The absorption chiller and the desalination unit were utilize the waste heat exiting from the steam turbine in the ORC to provide the necessary cooling energy and drinking water respectively. The modelling, which includes an exergetic analysis, focuses on the performance of the solar tri-generation system. The simulation results of the tri-generation system and its subsystems were produced using IPSEpro software and were validated against experimental data which showed good agreement. The tri-generation system was able to produce about 194 Ton of refrigeration, and 234 t/day distilled water.

  14. Tri-allelic SNP markers enable analysis of mixed and degraded DNA samples. (United States)

    Westen, Antoinette A; Matai, Anuska S; Laros, Jeroen F J; Meiland, Hugo C; Jasper, Mandy; de Leeuw, Wiljo J F; de Knijff, Peter; Sijen, Titia


    For the analysis of degraded DNA in disaster victim identification (DVI) and criminal investigations, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been recognized as promising markers mainly because they can be analyzed in short sized amplicons. Most SNPs are bi-allelic and are thereby ineffective to detect mixtures, which may lead to incorrect genotyping. We developed an algorithm to find non-binary (i.e. tri-allelic or tetra-allelic) SNPs in the NCBI dbSNP database. We selected 31 potential tri-allelic SNPs with a minor allele frequency of at least 10%. The tri-allelic nature was confirmed for 15 SNPs residing on 14 different chromosomes. Multiplex SNaPshot assays were developed, and the allele frequencies of 16 SNPs were determined among 153 Dutch and 111 Netherlands Antilles reference samples. Using these multiplex SNP assays, the presence of a mixture of two DNA samples in a ratio up to 1:8 could be recognized reliably. Furthermore, we compared the genotyping efficiency of the tri-allelic SNP markers and short tandem repeat (STR) markers by analyzing artificially degraded DNA and DNA from 30 approximately 500-year-old bone and molar samples. In both types of degraded DNA samples, the larger sized STR amplicons failed to amplify whereas the tri-allelic SNP markers still provided valuable information. In conclusion, tri-allelic SNP markers are suited for the analysis of degraded DNA and enable the detection of a second DNA source in a sample.

  15. Tri-Service Center for Oral Health Studies (TSCOHS) (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Tri-Service Center for Oral Health Studies (TSCOHS), a service of the Postgraduate Dental College, is chartered by the Department of Defense TRICARE Management...

  16. Giving Games the Old College Try

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amy R. Hofer


    Full Text Available In Brief: Based on evidence that games might help students get more engaged in my online class, I decided to overcome my skepticism and road-test two information literacy games. First I tried BiblioBouts, which uses the online citation management tool Zotero to integrate gaming into a research paper assignment that is already part of the course […

  17. Assessment of a novel solid oxide fuel cell tri-generation system for building applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elmer, Theo; Worall, Mark; Wu, Shenyi; Riffat, Saffa


    Highlights: • Experimental assessment of a first-of-its-kind tri-generation system. • High tri-generation efficiencies of 68–71%. • Inclusion of liquid desiccant provides efficiency increase of 9–15%. • System only economically viable with a government’s financial support. - Abstract: The paper provides a performance analysis assessment of a novel solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) liquid desiccant tri-generation system for building applications. The work presented serves to build upon the current literature related to experimental evaluations of SOFC tri-generation systems, particularly in domestic built environment applications. The proposed SOFC liquid desiccant tri-generation system will be the first-of-its-kind. No research activity is reported on the integration of SOFC, or any fuel cell, with liquid desiccant air conditioning in a tri-generation system configuration. The novel tri-generation system is suited to applications that require simultaneous electrical power, heating and dehumidification/cooling. There are several specific benefits to the integration of SOFC and liquid desiccant air conditioning technology, including; very high operational electrical efficiencies even at low system capacities and the ability to utilise low-grade thermal energy in a (useful) cooling process. Furthermore, the novel tri-generation system has the potential to increase thermal energy utilisation and thus the access to the benefits achievable from on-site electrical generation, primarily; reduced emissions and operating costs. Using empirical SOFC and liquid desiccant component data, an energetic, economic and environmental performance analysis assessment of the novel system is presented. Significant conclusions from the work include: (1) SOFC and liquid desiccant are a viable technological pairing in the development of an efficient and effective tri-generation system. High tri-generation efficiencies in the range of 68–71% are attainable. (2) The inclusion of

  18. Synthesis of 2,6-diisopropyl-phenylcarbamoylmethyl-iminodiacetic acid (DISIDA) and 4-n-p-butyl-phenylcarbamoylmethyl-iminodiacetic acid (BUTYL-IDA). Preparation of lyophilized kit to be used as 99(supm)Tc agent in hepatobiliary system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamada, E.S.; Barbosa, M.F. de; Theodora, M.A.; Almeida, M. de; Colturato, M.T.; Muramoto, E.; Silva, C.P.G. da.


    The synthesis of 2,6 diisopropyl IDA (DISIDA) and 4-n-butyl IDA (BUTIL-IDA) is described. Their spectroscopic properties, radiopharmaceutical preparation and their use as 99 (sup m)Tc complex agent in hepatobiliary studies, are also reported. (Author) [pt

  19. Timed intercourse for couples trying to conceive

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Manders, M.; McLindon, L.; Schulze, B.; Beckmann, M.M.; Kremer, J.A.M.; Farquhar, C.


    BACKGROUND: Fertility problems are very common, as subfertility affects about 10% to 15% of couples trying to conceive. There are many factors that may impact a couple's ability to conceive and one of these may be incorrect timing of intercourse. Conception is only possible from approximately five


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henita Rahmayanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan pengelolaan sampah di Tempat Penampungan Sampah yang terdapat di rumah susun sewa di Jakarta. Proses pengelolaan yang akan dilakukan dengan cara menanamkan konsep pemahaman pemilahan sampah organik dan anorganik di rumah masing-masing dan sistem pembuangan menggunakan saluran pembuangan secara terpisah. Prinsip pengelolaan sampah yang akan diterapkan yaitu merubah sampah yang tidak berguna menjadi bernilai guna. Semua sampah diolah dengan baik di Tempat Penampungan sampah sehingga tidak ada sampah yang diangkut keluar (Zero Waste. Teknologi pengelolaan sampah organik menggunakan sistem Anaerobic Digester sedangkan untuk pengelolaan sampah anorganik menggunakan sistem 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace. Hasil dari pengelolaan sampah organik adalah kompos, limbah cair untuk budidaya ikan lele serta biogas. Untuk hasil sampah anorganik akan dijual kepada pengumpul barang bekas, digunakan sebagai bahan yang dapat diolah untuk berbagai kreasi dan dapat mempunyai nilai ekonomis. Proses ini memerlukan peran aktif dari masyarakat untuk mengelola sampah secara terus menerus sehingga dapat dijadikan contoh untuk tempat-tempat lain.

  1. TRI-Worthy Projects for the Deep Space Gateway (United States)

    Wotring, V. E.; Strangman, G. E.; Donoviel, D.


    Preparations for exploration will require exposure to the actual deep space environment. The new TRI for Space Health proposes innovative projects using real space radiation to make medically-relevant measurements affecting human physiology.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yakup Arı


    Full Text Available This study aims to construct continuous-time autoregressive (CAR model and continuous-time GARCH (COGARCH model from discrete time data of foreign exchange rate of United States Dollar (USD versus Turkish Lira (TRY. These processes are solutions to stochastic differential equation Lévy-driven processes. We have shown that CAR(1 and COGARCH(1,1 processes are proper models to represent foreign exchange rate of USD and TRY for different periods of time February 2002- June 2010.

  3. Planning of aid for adolescents in Kaunas who have tried to commit suicide


    Grigonytė, Daina


    Aim of the study: To investigate the possibilities of planning, succession and development of aid for adolescents in Kaunas city who have tried to commit suicide. Objectives: 1. to define the main stages in providing help for adolescents who have tried to commit suicide; 2. to clarify interdepartmental obstacles providing help for adolescents in crisis; 3. to formulate recommendations for the development of aid for adolescents in Kaunas who have tried to commit suicide. Methods: Qualit...

  4. The VA, VCD, Raman and ROA spectra of tri-L-serine in aqueous solution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jürgensen, Vibeke Würtz; Jalkanen, Karl J.


    The structures of one conformer of the nonionic neutral and zwitterionic species of L-serinyl L-serinyl L-serine (SSS or tri-L-serine), together with its cationic and anionic species and the capped N-acetyl tri-L-serine N'-methylamide analog were optimized with density functional theory with the ......The structures of one conformer of the nonionic neutral and zwitterionic species of L-serinyl L-serinyl L-serine (SSS or tri-L-serine), together with its cationic and anionic species and the capped N-acetyl tri-L-serine N'-methylamide analog were optimized with density functional theory...

  5. Investment in hydrogen tri-generation for wastewater treatment plants under uncertainties (United States)

    Gharieh, Kaveh; Jafari, Mohsen A.; Guo, Qizhong


    In this article, we present a compound real option model for investment in hydrogen tri-generation and onsite hydrogen dispensing systems for a wastewater treatment plant under price and market uncertainties. The ultimate objective is to determine optimal timing and investment thresholds to exercise initial and subsequent options such that the total savings are maximized. Initial option includes investment in a 1.4 (MW) Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) fed by mixture of waste biogas from anaerobic digestion and natural gas, along with auxiliary equipment. Produced hydrogen in MCFC via internal reforming, is recovered from the exhaust gas stream using Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) purification technology. Therefore the expansion option includes investment in hydrogen compression, storage and dispensing (CSD) systems which creates additional revenue by selling hydrogen onsite in retail price. This work extends current state of investment modeling within the context of hydrogen tri-generation by considering: (i) Modular investment plan for hydrogen tri-generation and dispensing systems, (ii) Multiple sources of uncertainties along with more realistic probability distributions, (iii) Optimal operation of hydrogen tri-generation is considered, which results in realistic saving estimation.

  6. STDP-based behavior learning on the TriBot robot (United States)

    Arena, P.; De Fiore, S.; Patané, L.; Pollino, M.; Ventura, C.


    This paper describes a correlation-based navigation algorithm, based on an unsupervised learning paradigm for spiking neural networks, called Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP). This algorithm was implemented on a new bio-inspired hybrid mini-robot called TriBot to learn and increase its behavioral capabilities. In fact correlation based algorithms have been found to explain many basic behaviors in simple animals. The main interesting consequence of STDP is that the system is able to learn high-level sensor features, based on a set of basic reflexes, depending on some low-level sensor inputs. TriBot is composed of 3 modules, the first two being identical and inspired by the Whegs hybrid robot. The peculiar characteristics of the robot consists in the innovative shape of the three-spoke appendages that allow to increase stability of the structure. The last module is composed of two standard legs with 3 degrees of freedom each. Thanks to the cooperation among these modules, TriBot is able to face with irregular terrains overcoming potential deadlock situations, to climb high obstacles compared to its size and to manipulate objects. Robot experiments will be reported to demonstrate the potentiality and the effectiveness of the approach.

  7. Generate tri-directional spectra-compatible time histories using HHT method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Bo; Xie, Wei-Chau, E-mail:; Pandey, Mahesh D.


    Highlights: • Hilbert–Huang Transform are applied to modify real earthquake records. • Generate tri-directional time histories compatible with target spectra. • Both GRS and FRS are considered as target spectra. • Target spectra with multiple damping ratios are considered. - Abstract: This paper proposes two algorithms to generate spectrum-compatible time histories based on two approaches recommended by USNRC Standard Review Plan 3.7.1. Hilbert–Huang Transform technique is used to analyze frequency contents and amplitudes of seed motions. Through adjusting the frequency contents and amplitudes of seed motions, spectrum-compatible time histories are obtained. The first algorithm is to generate tri-directional time histories compatible with multi-damping target design spectra (ground response spectra or floor response spectra). The second algorithm is to generate tri-directional time histories compatible with single-damping target design spectra. Examples are presented to demonstrate versatility of these two proposed algorithms to generate spectra-compatible time histories.

  8. Generate tri-directional spectra-compatible time histories using HHT method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Bo; Xie, Wei-Chau; Pandey, Mahesh D.


    Highlights: • Hilbert–Huang Transform are applied to modify real earthquake records. • Generate tri-directional time histories compatible with target spectra. • Both GRS and FRS are considered as target spectra. • Target spectra with multiple damping ratios are considered. - Abstract: This paper proposes two algorithms to generate spectrum-compatible time histories based on two approaches recommended by USNRC Standard Review Plan 3.7.1. Hilbert–Huang Transform technique is used to analyze frequency contents and amplitudes of seed motions. Through adjusting the frequency contents and amplitudes of seed motions, spectrum-compatible time histories are obtained. The first algorithm is to generate tri-directional time histories compatible with multi-damping target design spectra (ground response spectra or floor response spectra). The second algorithm is to generate tri-directional time histories compatible with single-damping target design spectra. Examples are presented to demonstrate versatility of these two proposed algorithms to generate spectra-compatible time histories.

  9. Color agreement between nanofluorapatite ceramic discs associated with try-in pastes and with resin cements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Rigoni


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro color agreement between nanofluorapatite ceramic discs (e.max Ceram / Ivoclar Vivadent / A2 associated with try-in pastes and those bonded with resin cements (Vitique / DMG/ try-in shade A2½ and cement shade A2½, Variolink II / Ivoclar Vivadent / try-in shade A1 and cement shade A1, and Choice 2 / Bisco / try-in shade A2 and cement shade A2, and to evaluate the shade stability of the discs bonded with resin cements. The shades of composite resin discs (Lliss / FGM / A2 and nanofluorapatite ceramic discs with try-in pastes or cements were evaluated according to the Vita Classical shade guide by a digital spectrophotometer (Micro EspectroShade, MHT immediately after placing the try-in pastes or resin cements between composite resin discs and ceramic discs. Other evaluations were performed at 2, 5, and 6 day intervals after cementation with the resin cements. All ceramic discs that received try-in pastes presented an A2 shade. There was no statistical difference in the shade of the ceramic specimens fixed with different cements at the different intervals, as evaluated by the Friedman test (p > 0.05. Two try-in pastes presented shade compatibility with those recommended by the manufacturers. There was no similarity of shades between the ceramic discs with try-in pastes and those with the respective resin cements. Shade stability was observed in ceramic discs with resin cements within the intervals evaluated.

  10. Liquid-liquid extraction of chromium (VI) from sulfuric acid solutions using tri-n-dodecylamine/kerosene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stas, J.


    Extraction of chromium (VI) from sulfuric acid solutions with tri-n-dodecylamine containing octanol-1 as a modifier in kerosene was investigated. All parameters influencing the extraction of chromium (VI) (time of agitation, concentrations of chromium (VI), sulfuric acid, tri-n-dodecylamine and temperature) were studied. Forst of all, tri-n-dodecylamine reacts with sulfuric acid to form tri-n-dodecylamine sulfate and bisulfate salts, then, dichromate ions is extracted by amine bisulfate. The mathematical treatment of the obtained date enabled us to calculate the formation of equilibrium constant of (TDAH) 2 SO 4 TDAHHSO 4 and (TDAH) 2 Cγ 2 O 7 at 25 Centigrade and have been found to be K 1 =10 9.642 (14/mol 4 ), K 2 = 10 -0.899 (L/mol) and K ex 10 10.55 respectively. Stripping of more than 99% of chromium (VI) from the organic phase of tri-n-dodecylamine/kerosene can be easily achieved in two stages using 0.05 M sodium carbonate solution. The synergistic effect of tri-n-butylphosphate and tri-n-octylphosphine oxide on the extraction of chromium (VI) were also studied. (author)

  11. A Ground State Tri-pí-Methane Rearrangement

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zimmerman, H. E.; Církva, Vladimír; Jiang, L.


    Roč. 41, č. 49 (2000), s. 9585-9587 ISSN 0040-4039 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4072921 Keywords : tri-pi-methane * ground state Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 2.558, year: 2000


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Domingos Geraldo Sica


    Full Text Available A busca de soluções alternativas para o tratamento de ferimentos ósseos da face, motivou o presente trabalho, cujo escopo foi estudar a osteossíntese da disjunção experimental da sutura temporozigomática, pelo clássico método com fio de aço inoxidável ou com o uso de adesivo cirúrgico sintético (butil-2-cianoacrilato, utilizando-se como parâmetros de comparação testes biomecânicos onde são aferidas a força de flexão e da tensão de cisalhamento do arco zigomático. Os resultados foram comparados também com estruturas ósseas similares em condições normais (sem disjunção experimental. Foram utilizados 36 cães, com peso variando de dez a doze quilogramas (kg. Os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos iguais de doze animais: grupos Normal, Fio e Cola. Os cães dos grupos Fio e Cola, após anestesia endovenosa, foram submetidos a diérese incisional na região zigomática e, após dissecção cirúrgica era exposto o arco zigomático. Na seqüência, praticava-se a disjunção de sutura temporozigomática, com instrumentos apropriados. O mesmo procedimento era repetido no lado contralateral de cada animal. As osteossínteses das disjunções dos arcos zigomáticos foram praticadas com fio de aço inoxidável ou com cola (butil-2-cianoacrilato, conforme o grupo a que pertencesse o animal. Os 24 animais foram observados por 40 dias, findos os quais foram reoperados para a remoção das peças ósseas, e a seguir submetidos à eutanásia. O grupo Normal era composto por 12 cães, aparentemente hígidos, que tinham removidos os arcos zigomáticos de ambos os lados, e posteriormente submetidos à eutanásia. As 72 peças ósseas (arco zigomático passaram a constituir os "corpos de prova", que foram testados em Máquina de Ensaios Universal, quanto à carga de força de flexão ou de tensão de cisalhamento, que são os dois tipos de esforços físicos mais comuns sobre os ossos da face, na vigência de traumatismos. Os

  13. Equilibrium and kinetics of co-extraction of U(VI) and HNO3 using tri-n-butyl phosphate and tri-iso-amyl phosphate in paraffin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Das, Diptendu; Juvekar, V.A.; Biswas, Sujoy; Roy, S.B.; Bhattacharya, R.


    Tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) is versatile solvent for recovery of actinides as it is cheaper and the extracted actinides can be stripped from the loaded organic phase using plain water. However there are inherent problems associated TBP such as i) formation of the third phase ii) high solubility in aqueous phase iii) radiolytic hydrolysis at high radiation environment and iv) high propensity for extraction of mineral acids. The last mentioned property makes it less suitable for liquid emulsion membrane (LEM) extraction where acid transport to the strip phase drastically reduces extraction efficiency. Therefore there is need to replace TBP with an extractant which has lesser propensity for acid extraction. Many researcher reported Tri-iso-amyl phosphate (TiAP) as an alternative extractant which can sustain high radiation environment without chemical/radiative degradation. However there are no studies available on co-extraction of U(VI) and mineral acids by TiAP. In this research paper equilibrium and kinetics of co-extraction of U(VI) and HNO 3 from nitric acid medium into a hydrocarbon phase (paraffin) using Tri n- butyl phosphate (TBP), Tri-iso-amyl phosphate (TiAP) has been studied. Relative rates of extraction of uranium(VI) and HNO 3 by TiAP and TBP were measured simultaneously using bulk-liquid membrane (BLM) system. Study reveals although TiAP is less efficient in extracting U(IV), than TBP, it transfers lesser quantity of nitric acid to organic phase. Hence TiAP is more suitable as a carrier for LEM extraction than TBP



    R Sudiarditha, I Ketut; Baqi, Fikri Haikal; Handaru, Agung Wahyu


    The purpose of this research are: 1 ) To know description and how picture level job stress, compensation and job satisfaction atPT Tri Megah Makmur. 2) To know the influence of job stress tojob satisfaction atPT Tri Megah Makmur. 3) To know the influence of compensation to job satisfaction atPT Tri Megah Makmur. 4) To know empirically the influence of job stress and compensation tojob satisfaction atPT Tri Megah Makmur. 5) To know how far the contribution of job stress and compensation tojob ...

  15. Multi-bi- and tri-stability using nonlinear plasmonic Fano resonators

    KAUST Repository

    Amin, Muhammad


    A plasmonic Fano resonator embedding Kerr nonlinearity is used to achieve multi-bi- and tri-stability. Fano resonance is obtained by inducing higher-order plasmon modes on metallic surfaces via geometrical symmetry breaking. The presence of the multiple higher order plasmon modes provides the means for producing multi-bi- or tri-stability in the response of the resonator when it is loaded with a material with Kerr nonlinearity. The multi-stability in the response of the proposed resonator enables its use in three-state all optical memory and switching applications. © 2013 IEEE.

  16. 77 FR 59573 - Proposed Amendment of Class D and E Airspace; Tri-Cities, TN; Revocation of Class E Airspace; Tri... (United States)


    ... at Hawkins County Airport, Rogersville, TN, and Virginia Highlands Airport, Abington, VA. The Tri... separation of existing Class E airspace surrounding Virginia Highlands Airport, Abingdon, VA, and Hawkins... publication, the FAA reassessed the proposal to show the separation of Hawkins County Airport, and Virginia...

  17. Flexible inverted polymer solar cells with an indium-free tri-layer cathode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El Hajj, Ahmad; Lucas, Bruno; Schirr-Bonnans, Martin; Ratier, Bernard; Kraft, Thomas M.; Torchio, Philippe


    Indium tin oxide (ITO)-free inverted polymer solar cells (PSCs) have been fabricated without the need of an additional electron transport layer. The indium-free transparent electrode consists of a tri-layer stack ZnO (30 nm)/Ag (14 nm)/ZnO (30 nm) deposited on glass and plastic substrates via ion-beam sputtering. The tri-layer electrodes exhibit similar physical properties to its ITO counterpart, specifically yielding high transmittance and low resistivity (76.5% T at 550 nm, R sq of 8 Ω/◻) on plastic substrates. The novel tri-layer electrode allows for the fabrication of inverted PSCs without the additional ZnO interfacial layer commonly deposited between ITO and the photoactive layer. This allows for the preparation of thinner plastic solar cells using less material than conventional architectures. Initial studies involving the newly realized architecture (tri-layer electrode/P3HT:PCBM/PEDOT:PSS/Ag) have shown great promise for the transition from ITO to other viable electrodes in organic electronics

  18. Magnetic uni- and tri-axial grain-orientation in superconductors with layered structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horii, S.; Yamaki, M.; Ogino, H.; Maeda, T.; Shimoyama, J.


    We report the grain-orientation effects under a modulated rotation magnetic field for Y-based cuprate superconductors and LaFeAsO (La1111). Tri-axial orientation has been successfully achieved only for orthorhombic Y 2 Ba 4 Cu 7 O y and YBa 2 Cu 4 O 8 powders without a twin microstructure, while separation of three crystallographic axes could not be observed in twinned YBa 2 Cu 3 O y (Y123) and tetragonal La1111 powders. The morphology of grains, in addition to the symmetry of crystal structures, seriously affects the degrees of tri-axial orientation, which means that the control of twin microstructures is required for the tri-axial magnetic orientation in Y123.

  19. Uptake of CrO42- ions by Fe-treated tri-calcium phosphate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serrano G, J.; Ramirez S, J. L.; Bonifacio M, J.; Granados C, F.; Badillo A, V. E.


    CrO 4 2- ion adsorption of Fe-treated tri-calcium phosphate was studied by batch experiments as a function of contact time, initial concentration of metal ion and temperature. Adsorption results showed that at ph 5.5 and 1.0 x 10 -4 M chromium concentration the adsorption capacity of Fe-treated tri-calcium phosphate for CrO 4 2- ions was 7.10 x 10 -3 mmol/g. Chromium adsorption data on Fe-treated tri-calcium phosphate at various initial concentration fitted the Freundlich isotherm. By temperature studies the thermodynamic parameters ΔH 0 , ΔG 0 and ΔS 0 were estimated and the obtained results showed that the adsorption reaction was endothermic and spontaneous. (Author)

  20. Trying-out a walking help

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krummheuer, Antonia Lina; Raudaskoski, Pirkko Liisa


    that constitute the trial as a joint activity in which the impaired participant becomes a competent participant and independent walker. The analysis is based on video recordings from a case study in which a person with brain injury is trying out a new type of walking help. The trial is understood as a situated...... learning process in which the participants prepare, enact and assess the performance of the technology supported walking. The paper distinguishes two iterative phases in which the impaired person is constituted as an independent walker: the adjustment and assessment of a body-device relation and, further...

  1. Immunocytological and biochemical analysis of the mode of action of bis (tri-n-butyltin) tri-oxide (TBTO) in Jurkat cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Katika, M.R.; Hendriksen, P.J.M.; Ruijter, de N.C.A.; Loveren, van H.; Peijnenburg, A.A.C.M.


    Bis (tri-n-butyltin) oxide (TBTO) is one of the organotin compounds known to induce immunosuppression. Previously, we examined the effect of TBTO on whole-genome mRNA expression in the human T lymphocyte cell line Jurkat, which led to the hypothesis that induction of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

  2. A new miniaturized negative-index meta-atom for tri-band applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hossain Mohammad Jakir


    Full Text Available In this paper, a miniature negative index meta-atom was designed; simulated, fabricated and measured based on parallel incidence of electromagnetic wave that can maintain a tri-band applications in microwave spectra. Compare to the other multi-band conventional metamaterial, the proposed meta-atom structure allows miniaturization factor and follows better effective medium ratio (EMR. Finite-integration technique (FIT based computer simulation technology (CST electromagnetic simulator was adopted to examine the design of the meta-atom. It exhibits tri-band response in conjunction with backward wave property over a certain frequency band in the microwave regime. Furthermore, the effective medium ratio is considerably improved compared to previously reported metamaterial. Moreover, few parametric analyses were done with the meta-atom. The size, scattering parameters and effective medium parameters of the proposed negative index miniaturized meta-atom is appropriate for tri-band applications.

  3. Bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings of a soliton hierarchy associated with SO(4

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhang Jian


    Full Text Available In our paper, the theory of bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings is generalized to the discrete case. First, based on the six-dimensional real special orthogonal Lie algebra SO(4, we construct bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings associated with SO(4 for a hierarchy from the enlarged matrix spectral problems and the enlarged zero curvature equations. Moreover, Hamiltonian structures of the obtained bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings are constructed by the variational identities.

  4. Trying Physics: Analyzing the Motion of the Quickest Score in International Rugby (United States)

    Goff, John Eric; Lipscombe, Trevor Davis


    The hearts of sports fans were stirred recently by the fastest-ever try scored in international rugby. Welsh winger Dafydd Howells crossed the Fijian try line to score a mere six seconds after Angus O'Brien had started the game with a kickoff, in one of the fixtures in rugby's Junior World Cup played on June 2, 2014, in New Zealand. This…

  5. A tri-modality image fusion method for target delineation of brain tumors in radiotherapy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lu Guo

    Full Text Available To develop a tri-modality image fusion method for better target delineation in image-guided radiotherapy for patients with brain tumors.A new method of tri-modality image fusion was developed, which can fuse and display all image sets in one panel and one operation. And a feasibility study in gross tumor volume (GTV delineation using data from three patients with brain tumors was conducted, which included images of simulation CT, MRI, and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG PET examinations before radiotherapy. Tri-modality image fusion was implemented after image registrations of CT+PET and CT+MRI, and the transparency weight of each modality could be adjusted and set by users. Three radiation oncologists delineated GTVs for all patients using dual-modality (MRI/CT and tri-modality (MRI/CT/PET image fusion respectively. Inter-observer variation was assessed by the coefficient of variation (COV, the average distance between surface and centroid (ADSC, and the local standard deviation (SDlocal. Analysis of COV was also performed to evaluate intra-observer volume variation.The inter-observer variation analysis showed that, the mean COV was 0.14(± 0.09 and 0.07(± 0.01 for dual-modality and tri-modality respectively; the standard deviation of ADSC was significantly reduced (p<0.05 with tri-modality; SDlocal averaged over median GTV surface was reduced in patient 2 (from 0.57 cm to 0.39 cm and patient 3 (from 0.42 cm to 0.36 cm with the new method. The intra-observer volume variation was also significantly reduced (p = 0.00 with the tri-modality method as compared with using the dual-modality method.With the new tri-modality image fusion method smaller inter- and intra-observer variation in GTV definition for the brain tumors can be achieved, which improves the consistency and accuracy for target delineation in individualized radiotherapy.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Ketut R Sudiarditha


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research are: 1 To know description and how picture level job stress, compensation and job satisfaction at PT Tri Megah Makmur. 2 To know the influence of job stress tojob satisfaction at PT Tri Megah Makmur. 3 To know the influence of compensation to job satisfaction at PT Tri Megah Makmur. 4 To know empirically the influence of job stress and compensation tojob satisfaction at PT Tri Megah Makmur. 5 To know how far the contribution of job stress and compensation to job satisfaction at PT Tri Megah Makmur. This research is using descriptive and explanatory survey analysis. This research is taken to 70 sales employees at PT Tri Megah Makmur, While the data collection technique was carried out by spreading kuisioner, which are then processed using SPSS versi 21.00.The analysis shows that: 1 level of compensation and job satisfaction are on a lower level, while the job stress are high. 2Job stress have negative effects and significantly on job satisfaction. 3 compensation have positive effect and significantly on job satisfaction. 4 job stress and compensation significantly influence on job satisfaction.

  7. Adolescents’ Interest in Trying Flavored E-Cigarettes (United States)

    Pepper, J.K.; Ribisl, K.M.; Brewer, N.T.


    Background More U.S. adolescents use e-cigarettes than smoke cigarettes. Research suggests flavored e-cigarettes appeal to youth, but little is known about perceptions of and reasons for attraction to specific flavors. Methods A national sample of adolescents (n=1,125) ages 13-17 participated in a phone survey from November 2014-June 2015. We randomly assigned adolescents to respond to survey items about 1 of 5 e-cigarette flavors (tobacco, alcohol, menthol, candy, or fruit) and used regression analysis to examine the impact of flavor on interest in trying e-cigarettes and harm beliefs. Results Adolescents were more likely to report interest in trying an e-cigarette offered by a friend if it were flavored like menthol (OR=4.00, 95% CI 1.46-10.97), candy (OR=4.53, 95% CI 1.67-12.31), or fruit (OR=6.49, 95% CI 2.48-17.01) compared to tobacco. Adolescents believed that fruit-flavored e-cigarettes were less harmful to health than tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes (preasons for the appeal of individual flavors, such as novelty and perceived prestige. PMID:27633762

  8. Third phase formation in the extraction of Th(NO_3)_4 by Tri-sec-butyl phosphate. A comparison with Tri-n-butyl phosphate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandrasekar, Aditi; Suresh, A.; Sivaraman, N.


    Earlier studies carried out in our laboratory indicated that Tri-sec-butyl phosphate (TsBP) is a potential extractant for U/Th separation. Also, the third phase formation tendency of TsBP is lower compared to its isomers, Tri-n-butyl-phosphate (TBP) and Tri-iso-butyl phosphate (TiBP). In this context, the extraction and third phase formation behaviour of 1.1 M solutions of TiBP and TsBP in n-dodecane in the extraction of Th(IV) from 1 M HNO_3 at 303 K over a wide range of Th concentrations were investigated in the present study and the results are compared with the literature data on TBP system. Concentrations of Th(IV) and HNO_3 loaded in the organic phase before third phase formation (biphasic region) as well as in third phase and diluent-rich phase after third phase formation (triphasic region) were measured as a function of equilibrium aqueous phase Th(IV) concentration. The density of loaded organic phase was also measured at various Th(IV) concentrations. The extraction profiles in the biphasic region indicated that extraction of Th(IV) by TBP is higher than that of TiBP which in turn is higher than that of TsBP. Extractant concentration in the diluent-rich phase and third phase was measured for the triphasic region.

  9. Trauma Risk Management (TRiM): Promoting Help Seeking for Mental Health Problems Among Combat-Exposed U.K. Military Personnel. (United States)

    Jones, Norman; Burdett, Howard; Green, Kevin; Greenberg, Neil


    Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) is a peer-led, occupational mental health support process that aims to identify and assist U.K. military personnel with persistent mental ill health related to potentially traumatic events (PTEs). This study compared help seeking, mental disorder symptoms, and alcohol use between TRiM recipients and personnel experiencing similar combat events who did not receive TRiM; an unexposed group provided context. Records of TRiM activity during a U.K. military deployment in Afghanistan were linked to contemporaneous survey data assessing mental health and combat experiences. The resulting deployment data set was amalgamated with mental health, alcohol use, and help-seeking data collected within 12 weeks of homecoming and again one to two years later. Mental health and help-seeking outcomes were compared between a nonexposed, non-TRiM sample (n = 161), an exposed, non-TRiM sample (n = 149), and an exposed, TRiM-recipient sample (n = 328) using logistic regression analyses. At follow-up, TRiM recipients were significantly more likely to seek help from mental health services than exposed, non-TRiM personnel. At baseline, TRiM recipients had significantly greater adjusted odds of reporting possible posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms than exposed non-TRiM personnel; the difference was not significant at follow-up. TRiM recipients were significantly more likely to report persistent mental disorder and alcohol misuse caseness over the follow-up period. TRiM recipients were significantly more likely to seek help from mental health services than a similar PTE-exposed group that did not receive TRiM; however, TRiM recipients experienced more persistent mental ill-health symptoms and hazardous alcohol use over the period of follow-up despite seeking help.

  10. Co-extraction of lactic acid by tri-n-octylamine and tri-n-butyl phosphate; Tori-n-okuchiruamin to tori-n-rinsanbuchiru niyoru nyusan no kyodochushutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsumoto, Michiaki; Yuba, Seiji; Kondo, Kazui


    Co-extraction of lactic acid was examined as a fundamental research for establishing in situ extraction fermentation process of lactic acid (HA). Addition of tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) into an extraction system of lactic acid by tri-n-octylamine (TOA) using hexane as the dilutor brought about a great cooperative effect. The extracting reaction in this system is analyzed by taking into consideration the formation of HA-TOA-2TBP. Further, when a TBP and TOA-containing hexane solution was added into a culture system of a lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus, latic acid of 65% in a system without addition of an organic solvent was produced. (translated by NEDO)

  11. Energy and environmental evaluation of tri-generation energy systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chicco, G.; Mancarella, P.


    Tri generation facilities manufactured with various technologies represent an important alternative solution for the development more efficient energy systems and low environmental impact. Are described the issues related to modelling and energy and environmental evaluation [it

  12. Composite germanium monochromators - results for the TriCS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schefer, J.; Fischer, S.; Boehm, M.; Keller, L.; Horisberger, M.; Medarde, M.; Fischer, P. [Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland)


    Composite germanium monochromators are in the beginning of their application in neutron diffraction. We show here the importance of the permanent quality control with neutrons on the example of the 311 wafers which will be used on the single crystal diffractometer TriCS at SINQ. (author) 2 figs., 3 refs.

  13. Employing a tri-axial accelerometer for estimating energy ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Tritrac-R3D, a portable tri-axial accelerometer, was assessed for its ability to estimate energy expenditure during simulated load carrying activities. The Tritrac data were compared to metabolic data collected simultaneously by a MetaMax ergospirometry system while ten, healthy male subjects (aged 20.7 ±1.4 years) ...

  14. 77 FR 10475 - Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc., Notice of Intent To Hold Public Scoping... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Utilities Service Tri-State Generation and Transmission... proposed project in Colorado by Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. (Tri-State). The... Association and Y-W Electric Association. In addition, the following repositories will have the AES and MCS...

  15. Profile in various organic soil depth shrimp pond, Tambak Inti Rakyat, Karawang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuni Puji Hastuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTOrganic material in the bottom of the pond is part of the land is a complex and dynamic system, which is sourced from the rest of the feed, plants, and or animals found in the soil that continuously change shape, because it is influenced by biology, physics, and chemistry. This study was aimed to see the profile of organic material consisting of C, N, and C/N ratio and phosphate in different depths of pond with different culture systems. Observation were conducted at Tambak Inti Rakyat, Karawang in traditional, semi-intensive and intensive culture systems. Observation at mangrove area was also observed as control. Sediment samples at the inlet and outlet at three different depths (0‒5 cm, 5‒10 cm, and 10‒15 cm was taken every 30 days to measure the content of C, N, C/N ratio, and total phosphate. During the 120 day maintenance period could be known that in all pond systems were used (traditional, semi-intensive, and intensive the concentration of C-organic and organic-N on average was located in the bottom layer which is a layer of 10‒15 cm. The lack of human intervention from ground pond system, the more diverse the type and amount of organic material contained therein.Keywords: organic materials, subgrade, depth, aquaculture systems, long maintenanceABSTRAKBahan organik di dasar tambak merupakan bagian dari tanah yang merupakan suatu sistem kompleks dan dinamis, yang bersumber dari sisa pakan, tanaman, dan atau binatang yang terdapat di dalam tanah yang terus menerus mengalami perubahan bentuk, karena dipengaruhi oleh faktor biologi, fisika, dan kimia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil bahan organik yang terdiri dari C, N, dan C/N rasio serta fosfat pada kedalaman tambak yang berbeda dengan sistem budidaya yang berbeda pula. Pengamatan dilakukan di Tambak Inti Rakyat Karawang pada sistem budidaya tradisional, semi intensif, dan intensif. Pengamatan di daerah mangrove diamati pula sebagai kontrol. Sampel sedimen di

  16. Evaluation of tri-steps modified styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer membrane for wound dressing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Jen Ming; Huang, Huei Tsz


    Tri-steps modified styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer (SBS) membrane was prepared with epoxidation, ring opening reaction with maleated ionomer and layer-by-layer assembled polyelectrolyte technique. The tri-steps modified SBS membrane was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscope (XPS). The structures of the modified SBS membranes were identified with methylene blue and azocarmine G. The content of amino group on the surface of the modified membrane was calculated from uptake of an acid dye. The values of the contact angle, water absorption, water vapor transmission rate and the adsorption of fibronectin on the membranes were determined. To evaluate the biocompatibility of the tri-steps modified SBS membrane, the cytotoxicity, antibacterial and growth profile of the cell culture of 3T3 fibroblasts on the membrane were evaluated. The bactericidal activity was found on the modified SBS. From the cell culture of 3T3 fibroblasts on the membrane, it revealed that the cells not only remained viable but also proliferated on the surface of the tri-steps modified SBS membranes. As the membranes are sterile semipermeable with bactericidal activity and transparent allowing wound checks, they can be considered for shallow wound with low exudates. - Highlights: ► Styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer (SBS) was modified with tri-steps. ► The tri-steps are epoxidation, ring opening reaction and layer-by-layer assembly. ► Modified SBS membrane for wound dressing is evaluated. ► Membranes are sterile semipermeable with bactericidal activity and transparent. ► Membranes can be considered for shallow wound with low exudates.

  17. The effects of traditional, superset, and tri-set resistance training structures on perceived intensity and physiological responses. (United States)

    Weakley, Jonathon J S; Till, Kevin; Read, Dale B; Roe, Gregory A B; Darrall-Jones, Joshua; Phibbs, Padraic J; Jones, Ben


    Investigate the acute and short-term (i.e., 24 h) effects of traditional (TRAD), superset (SS), and tri-set (TRI) resistance training protocols on perceptions of intensity and physiological responses. Fourteen male participants completed a familiarisation session and three resistance training protocols (i.e., TRAD, SS, and TRI) in a randomised-crossover design. Rating of perceived exertion, lactate concentration ([Lac]), creatine kinase concentration ([CK]), countermovement jump (CMJ), testosterone, and cortisol concentrations was measured pre, immediately, and 24-h post the resistance training sessions with magnitude-based inferences assessing changes/differences within/between protocols. TRI reported possible to almost certainly greater efficiency and rate of perceived exertion, although session perceived load was very likely lower. SS and TRI had very likely to almost certainly greater lactate responses during the protocols, with changes in [CK] being very likely and likely increased at 24 h, respectively. At 24-h post-training, CMJ variables in the TRAD protocol had returned to baseline; however, SS and TRI were still possibly to likely reduced. Possible increases in testosterone immediately post SS and TRI protocols were reported, with SS showing possible increases at 24-h post-training. TRAD and SS showed almost certain and likely decreases in cortisol immediately post, respectively, with TRAD reporting likely decreases at 24-h post-training. SS and TRI can enhance training efficiency and reduce training time. However, acute and short-term physiological responses differ between protocols. Athletes can utilise SS and TRI resistance training, but may require additional recovery post-training to minimise effects of fatigue.

  18. Tri-Clustered Tensor Completion for Social-Aware Image Tag Refinement. (United States)

    Tang, Jinhui; Shu, Xiangbo; Qi, Guo-Jun; Li, Zechao; Wang, Meng; Yan, Shuicheng; Jain, Ramesh


    Social image tag refinement, which aims to improve tag quality by automatically completing the missing tags and rectifying the noise-corrupted ones, is an essential component for social image search. Conventional approaches mainly focus on exploring the visual and tag information, without considering the user information, which often reveals important hints on the (in)correct tags of social images. Towards this end, we propose a novel tri-clustered tensor completion framework to collaboratively explore these three kinds of information to improve the performance of social image tag refinement. Specifically, the inter-relations among users, images and tags are modeled by a tensor, and the intra-relations between users, images and tags are explored by three regularizations respectively. To address the challenges of the super-sparse and large-scale tensor factorization that demands expensive computing and memory cost, we propose a novel tri-clustering method to divide the tensor into a certain number of sub-tensors by simultaneously clustering users, images and tags into a bunch of tri-clusters. And then we investigate two strategies to complete these sub-tensors by considering (in)dependence between the sub-tensors. Experimental results on a real-world social image database demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method compared with the state-of-the-art methods.

  19. Opportunity, satisfaction and regret: trying long acting reversible contraception in a unique scientific circumstance. (United States)

    Burke, Holly M; Packer, Catherine A; Spector, Hannah L; Hubacher, David


    Increased use of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) can reduce unintended pregnancies. However, significant barriers exist to LARC uptake, particularly high up-front costs. In North Carolina in 2014, we interviewed 34 purposively-selected participants (aged 20-30 years) enrolled in a partially randomized patient preference trial to learn about their experiences with and attitudes toward contraception in this unique trial context. Cost of LARC was important in participants' decision-making. Experiencing an unintended pregnancy motivated women to switch to LARC. No participants who tried LARC, even those who experienced side effects, regretted it. Several participants regretted discontinuing their LARC. Concerns about insertion and removal did not influence future willingness to try LARC. Participants discussed the importance of affordability and feeling in control when choosing a contraceptive method. Cost, combined with uncertainty over whether LARC is the right method for them, may deter young women from trying LARC. Intrauterine devices and implants should be made affordable so that women can try them without significant financial commitment. Affordability will likely increase uptake, which will reduce unintended pregnancies. Regret from discontinuing LARC was more more frequently reported than regret from trying LARC. Providers should offer young women LARC and counsel to support continuation.

  20. Les particules et leurs symétries

    CERN Document Server

    Chanfray, Guy


    Les particules élémentaires, initialement au nombre de trois (proton, neutron, électron) se sont rapidement révélées plus nombreuses, notamment grâce aux expériences menées dans des accélérateurs de plus en plus puissants. L'interprétation théorique des données a permis de fonder une classification qui permet aujourd'hui de parler des " vrais " constituants fondamentaux : les quards et les leptons. Ce livre expose la manière dont les lois de symétrie, externes et internes, déterminent les propriétés des particules élémentaires. Il montre comment ces symétries mènent aux lois de conservation, comment le formalisme canonique de la théorie des champs permet de retrouver les diagrammes de Feynman et comment la compréhension des symétries SU(2) et SU (3)F détermine la classification des hadrons en multiples. La deuxième partie de l'ouvrage est consacrée aux grandes théories de jauge, la chromodynamique quantique et la théorie électrofaible. La QCD permet aujourd'hui de comprendre la...

  1. Queens Tri-School Confederation, 1991-92 Evaluation Report. (United States)

    Hannah, Susan; Dworkowitz, Barbara

    An evaluation was done of the Queens Tri-School Confederation, three high schools in the New York City Public Schools funded by a federal grant from the Magnet Schools Assistance Program. The grant provided Hillcrest, Jamaica, and Thomas A. Edison High Schools with funds to develop or expand emergency technician programs at Hillcrest; a law…

  2. Build of tri-crosscheck platform for complex HDL design in LHCb's DAQ system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hou Lei; Gong Guanghua; Shao Beibei


    TELL1 is the off-detector electronics acquisition readout board for the LHCb experiment. In the development of TELL1, three data stream systems are built to tri-crosscheck the complex VHDL implementation for the FPGAs employed by TELL1. This paper will introduce the tri-crosscheck platform as well as the way they are used in the testing. (authors)

  3. Hanford and the tri-cities economy: Review and outlook, March 1989

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scott, M.J.; Belzer, D.B.; March, S.J.; Beck, D.M.; Schultz, R.W.; Harkreader, S.A.


    The economy of the Tri-Cities, Washington area (primarily, Benton and Franklin Counties) is in transition due to major changes in two Department of Energy programs at Hanford---the abrupt ending of the Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP) in December 1987 and the placing of the N Reactor in ''cold standby'' status in February 1988. This report reviews the economic situation in the Tri-Cities during 1988 and presents forecasts for key economic indicators for 1989. This report will be updated about every six months to review the changes in the area economy and forecast the near-term outlook. 6 figs., 33 tabs

  4. Hanford and the tri-cities economy: Review and outlook, March 1989

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scott, M.J.; Belzer, D.B.; March, S.J.; Beck, D.M.; Schultz, R.W.; Harkreader, S.A.


    The economy of the Tri-Cities, Washington area (primarily, Benton and Franklin Counties) is in transition due to major changes in two Department of Energy programs at Hanford---the abrupt ending of the Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP) in December 1987 and the placing of the N Reactor in ''cold standby'' status in February 1988. This report reviews the economic situation in the Tri-Cities during 1988 and presents forecasts for key economic indicators for 1989. This report will be updated about every six months to review the changes in the area economy and forecast the near-term outlook. 6 figs., 33 tabs.

  5. Evaluation of tri-steps modified styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer membrane for wound dressing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Jen Ming, E-mail:; Huang, Huei Tsz


    Tri-steps modified styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer (SBS) membrane was prepared with epoxidation, ring opening reaction with maleated ionomer and layer-by-layer assembled polyelectrolyte technique. The tri-steps modified SBS membrane was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscope (XPS). The structures of the modified SBS membranes were identified with methylene blue and azocarmine G. The content of amino group on the surface of the modified membrane was calculated from uptake of an acid dye. The values of the contact angle, water absorption, water vapor transmission rate and the adsorption of fibronectin on the membranes were determined. To evaluate the biocompatibility of the tri-steps modified SBS membrane, the cytotoxicity, antibacterial and growth profile of the cell culture of 3T3 fibroblasts on the membrane were evaluated. The bactericidal activity was found on the modified SBS. From the cell culture of 3T3 fibroblasts on the membrane, it revealed that the cells not only remained viable but also proliferated on the surface of the tri-steps modified SBS membranes. As the membranes are sterile semipermeable with bactericidal activity and transparent allowing wound checks, they can be considered for shallow wound with low exudates. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer (SBS) was modified with tri-steps. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The tri-steps are epoxidation, ring opening reaction and layer-by-layer assembly. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Modified SBS membrane for wound dressing is evaluated. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Membranes are sterile semipermeable with bactericidal activity and transparent. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Membranes can be considered for shallow wound with low exudates.

  6. Study of Dynamic Flow and Mixing Performances of Tri-Screw Extruders with Finite Element Method


    X. Z. Zhu; G. Wang; Y. D. He; Z. F. Cheng


    There is a special circumfluence in the center region of cross-section for a tri-screw extruder. To study the effect of the dynamic center region on the flow and mixing mechanism of the tri-screw extruder, 2D finite element modeling was used to reduce the axial effects. Based on the particle tracking technology, the nonlinear dynamics of a typical particle motions in the center region was carried out and the mixing process in the tri-screw extruder was analyzed with Poincaré maps. Moreover, m...

  7. Tri-phasic fever in dengue fever. (United States)

    D, Pradeepa H; Rao, Sathish B; B, Ganaraj; Bhat, Gopalakrishna; M, Chakrapani


    Dengue fever is an acute febrile illness with a duration of 2-12 days. Our observational study observed the 24-h continuous tympanic temperature pattern of 15 patients with dengue fever and compared this with 26 others with fever due to a non-dengue aetiology. A tri-phasic fever pattern was seen among two-thirds of dengue fever patients, but in only one with an inflammatory disease. One-third of dengue fever patients exhibited a single peak temperature. Continuous temperature monitoring and temperature pattern analysis in clinical settings can aid in the early differentiation of dengue fever from non-dengue aetiology.

  8. Clinical and histopathological study of the TriPollar home-use device for body treatments. (United States)

    Boisnic, Sylvie; Branchet, Marie-Christine; Birnstiel, Oliver; Beilin, Ghislaine


    Professional non invasive treatments for body contouring based on radiofrequency (RF) became popular in aesthetic clinics due to proven efficacy and safety. A new home-use RF device for body treatments has been developed based on TriPollar technology. Our objective was to evaluate the TriPollar home-use device for circumference reduction, cellulite improvement and skin tightening using objective and subjective methods. An ex-vivo human skin model was used for histological and biochemical evaluations of the TriPollar clinical effect. Additionally, twenty four subjects used the new device on the abdomen and thigh areas and the circumference reduction was measured. Ex-vivo models indicated a significant increase of 82% in hypodermal glycerol release. Histology revealed a 34% alteration in adipocyte appearance. Collagen synthesis increased by 31% following TriPollar treatment. A significant average reduction of 2.4 cm was measured on the treated thighs. On the control thighs a lesser, non-significant reduction was found. Average abdominal laxity was reduced from 1.4 at baseline to 0.8 following treatments. A certain reduction was measured in the abdomen circumferences, although it was not significant. The reported results demonstrate the safety and efficacy of the new TriPollar home-use device for body contouring and skin tightening. Treatment may lead to discrete circumference reduction and moderate laxity improvement.

  9. The Impact of Trying Electronic Cigarettes on Cigarette Smoking by College Students: A Prospective Analysis. (United States)

    Sutfin, Erin L; Reboussin, Beth A; Debinski, Beata; Wagoner, Kimberly G; Spangler, John; Wolfson, Mark


    We assessed the impact of trying electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) on future cigarette smoking in a sample of smokers enrolled in college. In this longitudinal study, first-semester college students at 7 colleges in North Carolina and 4 in Virginia completed a baseline survey and 5 follow-up surveys between fall 2010 and fall 2013. Current cigarette smoking at wave 6 was the primary outcome. Participants (n = 271) reported current cigarette smoking at baseline and no history of e-cigarette use. We measured trying e-cigarettes at each wave, defined as use in the past 6 months. By wave 5, 43.5% had tried e-cigarettes. Even after controlling for other variables associated with cigarette smoking, trying e-cigarettes was a significant predictor of cigarette smoking at wave 6 (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 2.48; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.32, 4.66), as were friends' cigarette smoking (AOR = 4.20; 95% CI = 2.22, 7.96) and lifetime use of other tobacco products (AOR = 1.63; 95% CI = 1.22, 2.17). Trying e-cigarettes during college did not deter cigarette smoking and may have contributed to continued smoking.


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    Riska Listyanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan terlaksananya penerapan HACCP untuk bubur beras me-rah yang ditujukan untuk bayi usia 6-10 bulan, dan secara khusus menetapkan perbedaan lama waktu simpan bubur tersebut antara penerapan HACCP (variasi 1 dengan penerapan HACCP tanpa pengendalian CCP persiapan bahan (variasi 2; sanitasi alat (variasi 3; penjamah (variasi 4; cara pengolahan (variasi 5; penyimpanan (variasi 6 dan penyajian (variasi 7, serta mene-tapkan perbedaan penerimaan bubur beras merah variasi 1 dan bubur organik sebagai kontrol positif. Hal ini dilatar-belakangi karena dalam proses pembuatan bubur beras merah oleh ibu bayi, pada pemilihan bahan, sanitasi alat, penjamah dan cara pengolahan tidak memenuhi sya-rat. Begitu juga pada proses pengolahan bubur organik, pada sanitasi alat, penjamah, penyim-panan dan penyajian juga tidak memenuhi syarat. Metoda pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, dengan bahan penelitian bubur hasil olahan sendiri. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa: bayi homogenisasi yang menerima bubur beras merah olahan sendiri adalah sebesar 73,25 %, dan yang menerima bubur organik pabrikan sebesar 46,5 %; penerimaan bubur beras merah dengan bubur organik berbeda secara bermakna (nilai p: 0,022. Selain itu diketahui pula bahwa lama waktu simpan bubur beras merah variasi 1 lebih dari 12 jam; variasi 2, 12 jam ( p: 1,00; variasi 3, 12 jam (p: 0,831; variasi 4, 11 jam (p: 0,862; variasi 5, 11 jam (p: 0,478; variasi 6, 8 jam (p: 0,155; dan variasi 7, 11 jam (p: 0,473. Dengan demiki-an dapat disimpulkan bahwa lama waktu simpan bubur beras merah variasi 2, 3, 4, 5 dan 6 tidak berbeda dengan variasi 1.

  11. Predictors of trying to lose weight among overweight and obese Mexican-Americans: a signal detection analysis. (United States)

    Bersamin, Andrea; Hanni, Krista D; Winkleby, Marilyn A


    Signal detection analysis, a form of recursive partitioning, was used to identify combinations of sociodemographic and acculturation factors that predict trying to lose weight in a community-based sample of 957 overweight and obese Mexican-American adults (ages 18-69 years). Data were pooled from the 2004 and 2006 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System conducted in a low-income, semi-rural community in California. Overall, 59 % of the population reported trying to lose weight. The proportion of adults who were trying to lose weight was highly variable across the seven mutually exclusive groups identified by signal detection (range 30-79 %). Significant predictors of trying to lose weight included BMI, gender, age and income. Women who were very overweight (BMI > 28.5 kg/m2) were most likely to be trying to lose weight (79 %), followed by very overweight higher-income men and moderately overweight (BMI = 25.0-28.5 kg/m2) higher-income women (72 % and 70 %, respectively). Moderately overweight men, aged 28-69 years, were the least likely to be trying to lose weight (30 %), followed by moderately overweight lower-income women (47 %) and very overweight lower-income men (49 %). The latter group is of particular concern since they have characteristics associated with medical complications of obesity (low education and poor access to medical care). Our findings highlight opportunities and challenges for public health professionals working with overweight Mexican-American adults - particularly lower-income adults who were born in Mexico - who are not trying to lose weight and are therefore at high risk for obesity-related co-morbidities.

  12. Shape of vaginal suppositories affects willingness-to-try and preference. (United States)

    Li, Bangde; Zaveri, Toral; Ziegler, Gregory R; Hayes, John E


    HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a global threat to public health that may be countered, in part, by microbicides. A successful microbicide must be both biologically efficacious and highly acceptable to users. Sensory attributes have a direct influence on product acceptability. We created a series of vaginal suppositories appropriate for use as microbicides to investigate the influence of shape on women's willingness-to-try. The influence of perceived size and firmness on acceptability was also assessed. Sexually-active women (n=99) were invited to participate in an evaluation of vaginal suppositories in 5 different shapes including: Bullet, Long Oval, Round Oval, Teardrop and Tampon. The volume (3mL) and formulation for these five prototypes were identical. After manipulating prototypes ex vivo (in their hands), participants rated their willingness-to-try on a 100-point visual analog scale. The appropriateness of size and firmness were evaluated using 5-point just-about-right (JAR) scales. Each participant evaluated all five prototypes individually. Samples were presented in a counterbalanced monadic sequence using a Williams design. Mean willingness-to-try varied by shape, with Bullet and Long Oval receiving significantly higher scores. This was consistent with JAR data for size, as 70% and 65% of women indicated these shapes were 'just-about-right', respectively. In contrast, a minority of women endorsed the other 3 shapes as having a size that was 'just-about-right'. The proportion of women who felt the firmness was 'just-about-right' was uniformly high, irrespective of shape, suggesting prior attempts to optimize the formula were successful. Perceptions of size and firmness were influenced by the physical length and width of the prototypes, in spite of having constant volume. Women showed high willingness-to-try when asked to assume they were at risk. These results are relevant for behavioral and formulation scientists working on

  13. Studi Eksperimental Pembuatan Ekosemen dari Abu Sampah dan Cangkang Kerang sebagai Bahan Alternatif Pengganti Semen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frieska Ariesta Syafnijal


    Full Text Available Telah dibuat ekosemen dari bahan abu sampah organik dan abu cangkang kerang. Sampah organik dibakar dengan insinerator pada suhu 1000oC. Abu cangkang kerang dipanaskan dengan furnace pada suhu 700oC. Hasil pengujian komposisi awal XRD (X-Ray Diffraction, Abu sampah organik mengandung 69,7% CaCO3; 12,1% KCl; 4% Cd0.15Gd0.85; 3% SiO2; 8,1% Fe ( Se0.5Te0.5 dan 3% Al2ErGe2, Abu cangkang kerang mengandung 100% CaCO3. Ditentukan tiga variasi jumlah komposisi Abu sampah:Abu cangkang kerang yaitu Ekosemen A (58,2%:40%; Ekosemen B (49,1%:49,1% dan Ekosemen C (54,01%:44,09%. Sebagai variabel kontrol digunakan Semen Portland jenis OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement merek ‘Semen Gresik’. Dilakukan pengujian fisika yaitu kuat tekan mortar dan densitas serbuk. Pengujian XRD dilakukan untuk mengetahui komposisi kimia dari ekosemen. Dari hasil pengujian fisika didapat ekosemen B paling mendekati nilai ‘Semen Gresik’ OPC yaitu kuat tekan 3 hari (7,2 kg/cm2 dan densitas serbuk (2,535 gr/ml.   

  14. DataTri, a database of American triatomine species occurrence (United States)

    Ceccarelli, Soledad; Balsalobre, Agustín; Medone, Paula; Cano, María Eugenia; Gurgel Gonçalves, Rodrigo; Feliciangeli, Dora; Vezzani, Darío; Wisnivesky-Colli, Cristina; Gorla, David E.; Marti, Gerardo A.; Rabinovich, Jorge E.


    Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, is transmitted to mammals - including humans - by insect vectors of the subfamily Triatominae. We present the results of a compilation of triatomine occurrence and complementary ecological data that represents the most complete, integrated and updated database (DataTri) available on triatomine species at a continental scale. This database was assembled by collecting the records of triatomine species published from 1904 to 2017, spanning all American countries with triatomine presence. A total of 21815 georeferenced records were obtained from published literature, personal fieldwork and data provided by colleagues. The data compiled includes 24 American countries, 14 genera and 135 species. From a taxonomic perspective, 67.33% of the records correspond to the genus Triatoma, 20.81% to Panstrongylus, 9.01% to Rhodnius and the remaining 2.85% are distributed among the other 11 triatomine genera. We encourage using DataTri information in various areas, especially to improve knowledge of the geographical distribution of triatomine species and its variations in time.

  15. Third phase formation in the extraction of Th(NO{sub 3}){sub 4} by Tri-sec-butyl phosphate. A comparison with Tri-n-butyl phosphate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chandrasekar, Aditi; Suresh, A.; Sivaraman, N. [Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam (India). Chemistry Group


    Earlier studies carried out in our laboratory indicated that Tri-sec-butyl phosphate (TsBP) is a potential extractant for U/Th separation. Also, the third phase formation tendency of TsBP is lower compared to its isomers, Tri-n-butyl-phosphate (TBP) and Tri-iso-butyl phosphate (TiBP). In this context, the extraction and third phase formation behaviour of 1.1 M solutions of TiBP and TsBP in n-dodecane in the extraction of Th(IV) from 1 M HNO{sub 3} at 303 K over a wide range of Th concentrations were investigated in the present study and the results are compared with the literature data on TBP system. Concentrations of Th(IV) and HNO{sub 3} loaded in the organic phase before third phase formation (biphasic region) as well as in third phase and diluent-rich phase after third phase formation (triphasic region) were measured as a function of equilibrium aqueous phase Th(IV) concentration. The density of loaded organic phase was also measured at various Th(IV) concentrations. The extraction profiles in the biphasic region indicated that extraction of Th(IV) by TBP is higher than that of TiBP which in turn is higher than that of TsBP. Extractant concentration in the diluent-rich phase and third phase was measured for the triphasic region.

  16. Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Integrated Tri-generation Systems (United States)

    Cetinkaya, Eda

    Energy demand in the world is increasing with population growth and higher living standards. Today, the need for energy requires a focus on renewable sources without abandoning fossil fuels. Efficient use of energy is one of the most important tasks in modern energy systems to achieve. In addition to the energy need, growing environmental concerns are linked with energy is emerged. Multi-purpose energy generation allows a higher efficiency by generating more outputs with the same input in the same system. Tri-generation systems are expected to provide at least three commodities, such as heating, cooling, desalination, storable fuel production and some other useful outputs, in addition to power generation. In this study, an experimental investigation of gasification is presented and two integrated tri-generation systems are proposed. The first integrated tri-generation system (System 1) utilizes solar energy as input and the outputs are power, fresh water and hot water. It consists of four sub-systems, namely solar power tower system, desalination system, Rankine cycle and organic Rankine cycle (ORC). The second integrated tri-generation system (System 2) utilizes coal and biomass as input and the outputs are power, fuel and hot water. It consists of five sub-systems: gasification plant, Brayton cycle, Rankine cycle, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis plant and an organic Rankine cycle (ORC). Experimental investigation includes coal and biomass gasification, where the experimental results of synthesis gas compositions are utilized in the analysis of the second systems. To maximize efficiency, heat losses from the system should be minimized through a recovery system to make the heat a useful commodity for other systems, such as ORCs which can utilize the low-grade heat. In this respect, ORCs are first analyzed for three different configurations in terms of energy and exergy efficiencies altering working fluids to increase the power output. Among two types of coal and one type

  17. Structuring edible oil with lecithin and sorbitan tri-stearate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pernetti, M.; Malssen, van K.; Kalnin, D.J.E.; Flöter, E.


    The gelation of edible oil by a mixture of lecithin and sorbitan tri-stearate (STS) was studied. The two components individually in oil do not give structure at concentrations between 6% and 20% w/w: viscous, pourable solutions are obtained. A synergetic effect is observed with their mixture, at

  18. Single-crystal diffraction instrument TriCS at SINQ (United States)

    Schefer, J.; Könnecke, M.; Murasik, A.; Czopnik, A.; Strässle, Th; Keller, P.; Schlumpf, N.


    The single-crystal diffractometer TriCS at the Swiss Continuous Spallation Source (SINQ) is presently in the commissioning phase. A two-dimensional wire detector produced by EMBL was delivered in March 1999. The instrument is presently tested with a single detector. First measurements on magnetic structures have been performed. The instrument is remotely controlled using JAVA-based software and a UNIX DEC-α host computer.


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    M. Fransazeli Makorohim


    Full Text Available This study aims to find out about how much influence of muscle power training arm of the ability of basketball Chest passjunior high school students’ extracurricular son of tri bhakti pekanbaru. This study is an experiment that uses the Chest pass test before and after exercise. The study was conducted of Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru. The research data gathered through the data Pree and post test and treated with t-test technique. The analysis shows encountered in the study between Pree test and post test students’ ability to Chest pass significance level. Based on these data it is clear that the alternative hypothesis is accepted that are significant influence of muscle power training arm of the ability of basketball Chest pass junior high school students’ extracurricular Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru. Thus the results of research done to say that exercise variation influence of muscle power training arm of the ability of basketball Chest pass junior high school students’ extracurricular of Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru.

  20. Leaflet escape in a new bileaflet mechanical valve: TRI technologies. (United States)

    Bottio, Tomaso; Casarotto, Dino; Thiene, Gaetano; Caprili, Luca; Angelini, Annalisa; Gerosa, Gino


    Leaflet escape is a mode of structural valve failure for mechanical prostheses. This complication previously has been reported for both monoleaflet and bileaflet valve models. We report 2 leaflet escape occurrences observed in 2 patients who underwent valve replacement with a TRI Technologies valve prosthesis. At the University of Padua, between November 2000 and February 2002, 36 TRI Technologies valve prostheses (26 aortic and 10 mitral) were implanted in 34 patients (12 women and 22 men) with a mean age of 59.9+/-10.3 years (range, 30 to 75 years). There were 5 deaths: 3 in hospital, 1 early after discharge, and 1 late. Two patients experienced a catastrophic prosthetic leaflet escape; the first patient was a 52-year-old man who died 10 days after aortic valve and ascending aorta replacement, and the second was a 58-year-old man who underwent a successful emergency reoperation 20 months after mitral valve replacement. Examination of the explanted prostheses showed in both cases a leaflet escape caused by a leaflet's pivoting system fracture. Prophylactic replacement was then successfully accomplished so far in 12 patients, without evidence of structural valve failure in any of them. Among other significant postoperative complications, we observed 3 major thromboembolisms, 1 hemorrhage, and 1 paravalvular leak. These catastrophes prompted us to interrupt the implantation program, and they cast a shadow on the durability of the TRI Technologies valve prosthesis because of its high risk of structural failure.

  1. A new calibration method for tri-axial field sensors in strap-down navigation systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Xiang; Li, Zhi


    This paper presents a novel calibration method for tri-axial field sensors, such as magnetometers and accelerometers, in strap-down navigation systems. Strap-down tri-axial sensors have been widely used as they have the advantages of small size and low cost, but they need to be calibrated in order to ensure their accuracy. The most commonly used calibration method for a tri-axial field sensor is based on ellipsoid fitting, which has no requirement for external references. However, the self-calibration based on ellipsoid fitting is unable to determine and compensate the mutual misalignment between different sensors in a multi-sensor system. Therefore, a novel calibration method that employs the invariance of the dot product of two constant vectors is introduced in this paper. The proposed method, which is named dot product invariance method, brings a complete solution for the error model of tri-axial field sensors, and can solve the problem of alignment in a multi-sensor system. Its effectiveness and superiority over the ellipsoid fitting method are illustrated by numerical simulations, and its application on a digital magnetic compass shows significant enhancement of the heading accuracy. (paper)

  2. Tri(t-butyl)phosphine-assisted selective hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    A highly efficient and regio-/stereoselective method of hydrosilylating terminal alkynes was developed using Pt(DVDS)-tri(t-butyl) phosphine catalyst system at room temperature.Trans-products or alpha-products were obtained almost exclusively depending on the alkynes and silanes employed.

  3. Ambipolar organic tri-gate transistor for low-power complementary electronics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Torricelli, F.; Ghittorelli, M.; Smits, E.C.P.; Roelofs, C.; Janssen, R.A.J.; Gelinck, G.H.; Kovács-Vajna, Z.M.; Cantatore, E.


    Ambipolar transistors typically suffer from large off-current inherently due to ambipolar conduction. Using a tri-gate transistor it is shown that it is possible to electrostatically switch ambipolar polymer transistors from ambipolar to unipolar mode. In unipolar mode, symmetric characteristics

  4. Treatment plan quality of tri-Co-60 MR-IGRT system in comparison with that of VMAT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Jong Min; Park, So Yeon; Kim, Jung In [Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Hak Jae; Wu, Hong Gyun [Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The ViewRay{sup TM} system combines a 0.35-T MR imaging system and a radiation therapy system using a total of three Co-60 sources. It can perform static intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with multi-leaf collimators (MLCs) with leaf widths of 1.05 cm at the plane of isocenter, at source to axis distance (SAD) of 105 cm. Since the tri-Co-60 MR-IGRT system can acquire near-real-time cine sagittal MR images during treatment, automated respiratory gating can be performed based on these cine images, thus, the target margins for lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) could be reduced considerably by comparison with the internal tarvet volume (ITV) approach. we compared lung SABR treatment plans of the tri-Co-60 MR-IGRT system with gross tumor volume (GTV) to those of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) using TrueBeam STx™ (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA) with ITV in this study. The plan quality of the target volume of the VMAT with ITV was better than that of the GTV-based tri-Co-60 MR-IGRT for lung SABR. No significant differences for OARs were observed between the tri-Co-60 MR-IGRT and VMAT. However, the plan quality of the tri-Co-60 MR-IGRT system was clinically acceptable. Despite the relatively poor plan quality of the tri-Co-60 MR-IGRT system, it still has the advantage of real-time monitoring of tumor motion during treatment.

  5. Tri-functional cannula for retinal endovascular surgery (United States)

    Weiss, Jonathan D [Albuquerque, NM


    A tri-functional cannula combines the functions of tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) solution delivery, illumination and venous pressure measurement. The cannula utilizes a tapered hollow-core optical fiber having an inlet for tPA solution, an attached fiber optic splitter configured to receive illumination light from an optical source such and a LED. A window in the cannula transmits the light to and from a central retinal vein. The return light is coupled to an optical detector to measure the pressure within the vein and determine whether an occlusion has been removed.


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    Full Text Available The principle of applying a single sanction for a single wrongful act. This principle involves the application of a single penalty for a single wrongful act; who has ignored the rule of law his conduct will meet once for illegal acts, violation of law for a corresponding one legal sanction. It does not preclude the simultaneous existence of several forms of legal liability for the unlawful act committed by the same person, when the same act is violated several rules of law. Article 4 of Protocol 7 of the Convention enshrines the "right not to be tried or punished twice", known as traditional „ne bis in idem”: "Nobody can be tried or punished by the criminal jurisdiction of the same State for an offense for which has already been acquitted or convicted by a final decision under the law and penal procedure of that State. (…” In two cases this will expose the principle settled by the European Courts non bis in idem.

  7. Bayburt Koşullarında Organik Olarak Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerel Fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L. Genotiplerinin Bitkisel ve Tarımsal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

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    ümit girgel


    Full Text Available Özet Bu araştırma, organik şartlarda fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L. yerel genotiplerinin morfolojik ve agronomik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla, Bayburt Üniversitesi, Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi deneme alanında 2016 yetiştirme döneminde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada 13 yerel fasulye genotipi ile 3 tescilli çeşit (Önceler-98, Horoz ve Dermason kullanılmıştır. Tesadüf Bloklarında Bölünmüş Parseller deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak yürütülen çalışmada dekara 10 ton olacak şekilde çiftlik gübresi uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada, bitki boyu 32.1-44.3 cm, ilk bakla yüksekliği 6.7-11.1 cm, gövde kalınlığı 5.6-8.4 cm, bakla boyu 85.9-120.7 mm, bakla eni 12.5-15.4 mm, bitkide bakla sayısı 10.0-24.1 adet/bitki, baklada tane sayısı 3.5-5.5 adet/bakla, 1000 tane ağırlığı 393.7-545.5 g, dekara tane verimi 128.3-194.3 kg/da arasında değişim göstermiştir. En yüksek tane verimi dermason fasulye çeşidinden elde edilmiş olup, yine Önceler-98 çeşidi ve Aydıntepe genotipinin tane verimi ve bölgeye adaptasyonu yüksek bulunuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Phaseolus vulgaris L., Genotip, Verim, Verim Öğeleri, Organik Tarım A Research on Determination of the Morphological and Agronomic Characteristics of Local Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. Genotypes Under the Organic Farming System in Bayburt Abstract This study was carried out Bayburt University Food and Agriculture and Livestock Application and Research Center in 2016 growing season to determine the morphological and agronomic characteristics of local genotypes of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. under organic farming conditions. In the study, 13 local bean genotypes and 3 registered varieties (Önceler-98, Horoz and Dermason were used. The experiment was carried out to the randomized complete block design with three replications. By using cow manure, the area was fertilized with 10 tons per decares. In the

  8. Bottom-Up Tri-gate Transistors and Submicrosecond Photodetectors from Guided CdS Nanowalls. (United States)

    Xu, Jinyou; Oksenberg, Eitan; Popovitz-Biro, Ronit; Rechav, Katya; Joselevich, Ernesto


    Tri-gate transistors offer better performance than planar transistors by exerting additional gate control over a channel from two lateral sides of semiconductor nanowalls (or "fins"). Here we report the bottom-up assembly of aligned CdS nanowalls by a simultaneous combination of horizontal catalytic vapor-liquid-solid growth and vertical facet-selective noncatalytic vapor-solid growth and their parallel integration into tri-gate transistors and photodetectors at wafer scale (cm 2 ) without postgrowth transfer or alignment steps. These tri-gate transistors act as enhancement-mode transistors with an on/off current ratio on the order of 10 8 , 4 orders of magnitude higher than the best results ever reported for planar enhancement-mode CdS transistors. The response time of the photodetector is reduced to the submicrosecond level, 1 order of magnitude shorter than the best results ever reported for photodetectors made of bottom-up semiconductor nanostructures. Guided semiconductor nanowalls open new opportunities for high-performance 3D nanodevices assembled from the bottom up.

  9. Pareceristas da RBHCS no Triênio 2015-2017


    Editores RBHCS


    Pareceristas da RBHCS no Triênio 2015-2017   Adelar Heinsfeld (UPF) Adilson Júnior Ishihara Brito (UFPA) Adilson Prizmic Momce (UFMS) Alcileide Cabral do Nascimento (UFRPE) Alexandre de Oliveira Karsburg (UNISINOS) Alfredo Veiga-Neto (UFRGS) Ana Carolina de Carvalho Viotti (UNESP) Ana Paula Korndörfer (UNISINOS) Ana Silvia Volpi Scott (NEPO/Unicamp) Anderson Roberti dos Reis (UFMT) Andréia Orsato (IFSul) Andrés Cobo de Guzmán (Université Gren...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Nyoman Wijaya


    berbicara berhasil menangkap pengetahuan tersembunyi di balik ungkapan wacana Pariwisata Budaya untuk kepentingan kelompok masing-masing. Kata Kunci: pariwisata budaya, PKB, Ekadasarudra, invented art, intelektual organik

  11. Interface-induced spin Hall magnetoresistance enhancement in Pt-based tri-layer structure. (United States)

    Huang, Shun-Yu; Li, Hong-Lin; Chong, Cheong-Wei; Chang, Yu-Ying; Lee, Min-Kai; Huang, Jung-Chun-Andrew


    In this study, we integrated bilayer structure of covered Pt on nickel zinc ferrite (NZFO) and CoFe/Pt/NZFO tri-layer structure by pulsed laser deposition system for a spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) study. In the bilayer structure, the angular-dependent magnetoresistance (MR) results indicate that Pt/NZFO has a well-defined SMR behavior. Moreover, the spin Hall angle and the spin diffusion length, which were 0.0648 and 1.31 nm, respectively, can be fitted by changing the Pt thickness in the longitudinal SMR function. Particularly, the MR ratio of the bilayer structure (Pt/NZFO) has the highest changing ratio (about 0.135%), compared to the prototype structure Pt/Y 3 Fe 5 O 12 (YIG) because the NZFO has higher magnetization. Meanwhile, the tri-layer samples (CoFe/Pt/NZFO) indicate that the MR behavior is related with CoFe thickness as revealed in angular-dependent MR measurement. Additionally, comparison between the tri-layer structure with Pt/NZFO and CoFe/Pt bilayer systems suggests that the SMR ratio can be enhanced by more than 70%, indicating that additional spin current should be injected into Pt layer.

  12. Generation and application of tri-dimensional animation in mechanical design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Li


    The mechanical design can be understood vividly and accurately and can be improved in time when there is any mistake if it is made in tri-dimensional animation. The author introduces the generation process and methods for animation in mechanical design with an example

  13. Male injection drug users try new drugs following U.S. deportation to Tijuana, Mexico. (United States)

    Robertson, Angela M; Rangel, M Gudelia; Lozada, Remedios; Vera, Alicia; Ojeda, Victoria D


    Among male injection drug users (IDUs) in Tijuana, Mexico, U.S. deportation is associated with HIV transmission. Changing drug use behaviors following deportation, including the use of new drugs, may increase HIV risk but are understudied. We identify correlates of trying new drugs following male IDUs' most recent U.S. deportation to Mexico. In 2010, we recruited 328 deported male IDUs in Tijuana, Mexico. Questionnaires collected retrospective data on drug use and other HIV risk behaviors throughout migratory events. Logistic regression identified correlates of trying new drugs/combinations following their most recent deportations. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. Nearly one in six men (n=52, 16%) tried new drugs following their most recent deportation, including heroin (n=31), methamphetamine (n=5), and heroin/methamphetamine combined (n=17). Trying new drugs following deportation was independently associated with U.S. incarceration (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=3.96; 95% confidence interval [C.I.] 1.78, 8.84), increasing numbers of U.S. deportations (AOR=1.11 per deportation; C.I. 1.03, 1.20), feeling sad following deportation (AOR 2.69; C.I. 1.41, 5.14), and perceiving that one's current lifestyle increases HIV/AIDS risk (AOR 3.91; C.I. 2.05, 7.44). Trying new drugs following U.S. deportation may be related to the unique contexts and stressors experienced by drug-abusing migrants as they attempt to reestablish their lives in Mexico. Findings imply an unmet need for health and social programs to alleviate pre- and post-deportation stressors faced by undocumented and return migrants in the U.S.-Mexico context. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Coulomb effect in the tri nucleon system in an optical potential model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adhikari, S.K.; Delfino, A.; Maryland Univ., College Park, MD


    A Saxon-Woods type nucleon-deuteron optical potential in suggested and applied numerically to the study of the static Coulomb effect in the low-energy tri nucleon system. In particular, the observed correlations between the static Coulomb energy of 3 He and the triton binding energy, and that between the neutron-deuteron and the proton-deuteron scattering lengths are simulated with this optical potential. In view of this study and a previous one employing two other effective potentials its is unlikely that a a study of the usual static Coulomb effect in the tri nucleon system will reveal new and meaningful physics. (author). 12 refs, 2 figs

  15. 75 FR 24799 - Safety Zone; Tri-City Water Follies Hydroplane Races Practice Sessions, Columbia River, Kennewick... (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Tri-City Water Follies Hydroplane Races Practice Sessions, Columbia River, Kennewick...-City Water Follies Association hosts annual hydroplane races on the Columbia River in Kennewick... Safety Zone; Tri-City Water Follies Hydroplane Races Practice Sessions, Columbia River, Kennewick, WA (a...

  16. Square lattice honeycomb tri-carbide fuels for 50 to 250 KN variable thrust NTP design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anghaie, Samim; Knight, Travis; Gouw, Reza; Furman, Eric


    Ultrahigh temperature solid solution of tri-carbide fuels are used to design an ultracompact nuclear thermal rocket generating 950 seconds of specific impulse with scalable thrust level in range of 50 to 250 kilo Newtons. Solid solutions of tri-carbide nuclear fuels such as uranium-zirconium-niobium carbide. UZrNbC, are processed to contain certain mixing ratio between uranium carbide and two stabilizing carbides. Zirconium or niobium in the tri-carbide could be replaced by tantalum or hafnium to provide higher chemical stability in hot hydrogen environment or to provide different nuclear design characteristics. Recent studies have demonstrated the chemical compatibility of tri-carbide fuels with hydrogen propellant for a few to tens of hours of operation at temperatures ranging from 2800 K to 3300 K, respectively. Fuel elements are fabricated from thin tri-carbide wafers that are grooved and locked into a square-lattice honeycomb (SLHC) shape. The hockey puck shaped SLHC fuel elements are stacked up in a grooved graphite tube to form a SLHC fuel assembly. A total of 18 fuel assemblies are arranged circumferentially to form two concentric rings of fuel assemblies with zirconium hydride filling the space between assemblies. For 50 to 250 kilo Newtons thrust operations, the reactor diameter and length including reflectors are 57 cm and 60 cm, respectively. Results of the nuclear design and thermal fluid analyses of the SLHC nuclear thermal propulsion system are presented

  17. Ultrasonic spot welding of Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macwan, A.; Patel, V.K.; Jiang, X.Q.; Li, C.; Bhole, S.D.; Chen, D.L.


    Highlights: • The optimal welding condition is achieved at 100 J and 0.1 s. • Failure load first increases and then decreases with increasing welding energy. • The highest failure load after welding is close to that of the clad sheets. • At low energy levels failure occurs in the mode of interfacial failure. • At high energy levels failure takes place at the edge of nugget region. - Abstract: Solid-state ultrasonic spot welding (USW) was used to join Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets, aiming at exploring weldability and identifying failure mode in relation to the welding energy. It was observed that the application of a low welding energy of 100 J was able to achieve the optimal welding condition during USW at a very short welding time of 0.1 s for the tri-layered clad sheets. The optimal lap shear failure load obtained was equivalent to that of the as-received Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets. With increasing welding energy, the lap shear failure load initially increased and then decreased after reaching a maximum value. At a welding energy of 25 J, failure occurred in the mode of interfacial failure along the center Al/Al weld interface due to insufficient bonding. At a welding energy of 50 J, 75 J and 100 J, failure was also characterized by the interfacial failure mode, but it occurred along the Al/Mg clad interface rather than the center Al/Al weld interface, suggesting stronger bonding of the Al/Al weld interface than that of the Al/Mg clad interface. The overall weld strength of the Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets was thus governed by the Al/Mg clad interface strength. At a welding energy of 125 J and 150 J, thinning of weld nugget and extensive deformation at the edge of welding tip caused failure at the edge of nugget region, leading to a lower lap shear failure load

  18. Exposure to tri-o-cresyl phosphate detected in jet airplane passengers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liyasova, Mariya; Li, Bin; Schopfer, Lawrence M.; Nachon, Florian; Masson, Patrick; Furlong, Clement E.; Lockridge, Oksana


    The aircraft cabin and flight deck ventilation are supplied from partially compressed unfiltered bleed air directly from the engine. Worn or defective engine seals can result in the release of engine oil into the cabin air supply. Aircrew and passengers have complained of illness following such “fume events”. Adverse health effects are hypothesized to result from exposure to tricresyl phosphate mixed esters, a chemical added to jet engine oil and hydraulic fluid for its anti-wear properties. Our goal was to develop a laboratory test for exposure to tricresyl phosphate. The assay was based on the fact that the active-site serine of butyrylcholinesterase reacts with the active metabolite of tri-o-cresyl phosphate, cresyl saligenin phosphate, to make a stable phosphorylated adduct with an added mass of 80 Da. No other organophosphorus agent makes this adduct in vivo on butyrylcholinesterase. Blood samples from jet airplane passengers were obtained 24–48 h after completing a flight. Butyrylcholinesterase was partially purified from 25 ml serum or plasma, digested with pepsin, enriched for phosphorylated peptides by binding to titanium oxide, and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Of 12 jet airplane passengers tested, 6 were positive for exposure to tri-o-cresyl phosphate that is, they had detectable amounts of the phosphorylated peptide FGEpSAGAAS. The level of exposure was very low. No more than 0.05 to 3% of plasma butyrylcholinesterase was modified. None of the subjects had toxic symptoms. Four of the positive subjects were retested 3 to 7 months following their last airplane trip and were found to be negative for phosphorylated butyrylcholinesterase. In conclusion, this is the first report of an assay that detects exposure to tri-o-cresyl phosphate in jet airplane travelers. -- Highlights: ► Travel on jet airplanes is associated with an illness, aerotoxic syndrome. ► A possible cause is exposure to tricresyl phosphate in engine lubricating oil. ► A blood

  19. Exposure to tri-o-cresyl phosphate detected in jet airplane passengers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liyasova, Mariya, E-mail: [Eppley Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-5950 (United States); Department of Environmental, Agricultural, and Occupational Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE (United States); Li, Bin, E-mail: [Eppley Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-5950 (United States); Schopfer, Lawrence M., E-mail: [Eppley Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-5950 (United States); Nachon, Florian, E-mail: [Departement de Toxicologie, Institut de Recherche Biomedicale des Armees, 24 avenue des Marquis du Gresivaudan, 38702 La Tronche (France); Masson, Patrick, E-mail: [Departement de Toxicologie, Institut de Recherche Biomedicale des Armees, 24 avenue des Marquis du Gresivaudan, 38702 La Tronche (France); Eppley Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-5950 (United States); Furlong, Clement E., E-mail: [Department of Medicine (Div. Medical Genetics) and Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 (United States); Lockridge, Oksana, E-mail: [Eppley Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-5950 (United States); Department of Environmental, Agricultural, and Occupational Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE (United States)


    The aircraft cabin and flight deck ventilation are supplied from partially compressed unfiltered bleed air directly from the engine. Worn or defective engine seals can result in the release of engine oil into the cabin air supply. Aircrew and passengers have complained of illness following such 'fume events'. Adverse health effects are hypothesized to result from exposure to tricresyl phosphate mixed esters, a chemical added to jet engine oil and hydraulic fluid for its anti-wear properties. Our goal was to develop a laboratory test for exposure to tricresyl phosphate. The assay was based on the fact that the active-site serine of butyrylcholinesterase reacts with the active metabolite of tri-o-cresyl phosphate, cresyl saligenin phosphate, to make a stable phosphorylated adduct with an added mass of 80 Da. No other organophosphorus agent makes this adduct in vivo on butyrylcholinesterase. Blood samples from jet airplane passengers were obtained 24-48 h after completing a flight. Butyrylcholinesterase was partially purified from 25 ml serum or plasma, digested with pepsin, enriched for phosphorylated peptides by binding to titanium oxide, and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Of 12 jet airplane passengers tested, 6 were positive for exposure to tri-o-cresyl phosphate that is, they had detectable amounts of the phosphorylated peptide FGEpSAGAAS. The level of exposure was very low. No more than 0.05 to 3% of plasma butyrylcholinesterase was modified. None of the subjects had toxic symptoms. Four of the positive subjects were retested 3 to 7 months following their last airplane trip and were found to be negative for phosphorylated butyrylcholinesterase. In conclusion, this is the first report of an assay that detects exposure to tri-o-cresyl phosphate in jet airplane travelers. -- Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Travel on jet airplanes is associated with an illness, aerotoxic syndrome. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer A possible cause is exposure to

  20. Remarks on the Colonized Libido: Trying to Think beyond Patriarchy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hilan Bensusan


    Full Text Available In these remarks I attempt to think through some of the consequences of the way we conceive and live our desires. I try to contrast those desires with both our idea of freedom and the way we usually understand nature. This takes me quickly to issues such as pornography, male identity and then to how we gain and preserve our self-esteem. This, in turn, takes me to issues that are somehow linked to the institutional and emotional structures of patriarchy under a regime of heterosexuality as a norm. I try to consider these issues from the point of view of someone who was trained within the practices and thoughts of masculinity and is bothered by the consequences of such training. I endeavour to find a way to rethink the colonization of our desires so that we can find paths to an exercise of our capacities of desire that could be somehow freer.

  1. Design of HTS tri-axial cable in steady-state operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, N.; Toda, M.; Ozcivan, A.N.; Yagai, T.; Tsuda, M.; Hamajima, T.


    By the advantage of more compact structure, small leakage field, and low heat loss, tri-axial cable become to be mainstream design in recently HTS practical project. However, the imbalance current problem was also reported by some practice experiments. Since the HTS tri-axial cable is composed of three concentric phases, an unsymmetrical inductance and capacitance distribution which is determined by twist pitches and radii, gives an inherent imbalance in three-phase currents distribution. In our previous research, we proposed a two sections structure design to overcome this limitation. Inductance has been balanced by twist pitch adjusting. In that case, the imbalance ratio of current only can be caused by capacitance distribution which is depending on voltage and line length. In this paper, we evaluate the thickness of insulation, the unsymmetrical capacitance distribution and cable fabrication error. Then we investigate the imbalance ratio due to the capacitance as functions of voltage and length by using Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP).


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    Yukarie Ayu Wulandari


    Full Text Available Jagung merupakan bahan pangan yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai pangan lokal, pakan, dan bahan baku industri. Mengingat pentingnya jagung, maka perlu adanya upaya untuk peningkatan produktivitasnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh varietas dan sistem budidaya terhadap pertumbuhan, produksi, dan kandungan gizi jagung. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi dengan petak utama varietas (Srikandi Putih-1 dan Srikandi Kuning-1 dan anak petak sistem budidaya (organik dan inorganik yang diulang lima kali. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa varietas Srikandi Putih-1 memberikan hasil tertinggi pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, lingkar batang, pati, dan vitamin A. Varietas Srikandi Kuning-1 memberikan hasil tertinggi pada produksi, protein dan lemak. Sistem budidaya inorganik memberikan hasil tertinggi pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang tongkol, bobot bersih tongkol, bobot pipilan kering, bobot 100 butir, konversihasil/ha, patidan protein. Interaksi varietas Srikandi Putih-1 dengan sistem budidaya organik memberikan hasil tertinggi terhadap jumlah daun, lingkar batang dan kandungan vitamin A. Varietas Srikandi Kuning-1 yang dibudidayakan secara inorganik memberikan hasil tertinggi terhadap bobot bersih tongkol, bobot pipilan kering, bobot 100 butir, konversi hasil ha-1 dan kandungan protein. Kandungan pati tertinggi pada varietas Srikandi Putih-1 yang dibudidayakan secara inorganik, sedangkan kandungan lemak tertinggi pada varietas Srikandi Kuning-1 yang dibudidayakan secara organik.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayten KARACA


    Full Text Available Bu araştırmada, Terme - Ünye yöresinde fındık tarımı yapılan topraklarda üreaz, ß- Glikosidaz, asit ve alkali fosfataz enzim aktiviteleri belirlenmiş ve bu aktiviteler ile toprakların bazı önemli özellikleri ile, iz element ve ağır metal içerikleri arasındaki ilişkiler ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Yapılan regrasyon-korelasyon analiz sonuçlarına göre, üreaz enzim aktivitesi ile organik madde, azot ve ekstrakte edilebilir Cu , asit fosfataz aktivitesi ile organik madde, organik C ve azot arasında pozitif, ekstrakte edilebilir Mn arasında da negatif bir ilişki belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, alkali fosfataz enzim aktivitesi ile pH, alınabilir P, ekstrakte edilebilir Cu, Zn ve Pb arasında önemli pozitif ilişki bulunmuştur. Toprakların ß-Glikosidaz aktivitesi ile toprak özellikleri arasında C/N oranı ve ekstrakte edilebilir Cd miktarı hariç, hiçbir önemli ilişki bulunamamıştır.



    Taufiq, Agus


    Dusun Klumprit II is a dusun that located in Wukirharjo, Prambanan, District Sleman, Province of Yogyakarta. Dusun Klumprit II is a prosperous dusun with themajority of livelihoods are in agricultural and livestock. In this dusun there are alsoseveral home industries such as timber home industry. The residents of Dusun Klumprit II are dominated by old adult populations. The majority of the residents of DusunKlumprit II have a livestock, but unfortunately there were no further management forth...

  5. An OMIC biomarker detection algorithm TriVote and its application in methylomic biomarker detection. (United States)

    Xu, Cheng; Liu, Jiamei; Yang, Weifeng; Shu, Yayun; Wei, Zhipeng; Zheng, Weiwei; Feng, Xin; Zhou, Fengfeng


    Transcriptomic and methylomic patterns represent two major OMIC data sources impacted by both inheritable genetic information and environmental factors, and have been widely used as disease diagnosis and prognosis biomarkers. Modern transcriptomic and methylomic profiling technologies detect the status of tens of thousands or even millions of probing residues in the human genome, and introduce a major computational challenge for the existing feature selection algorithms. This study proposes a three-step feature selection algorithm, TriVote, to detect a subset of transcriptomic or methylomic residues with highly accurate binary classification performance. TriVote outperforms both filter and wrapper feature selection algorithms with both higher classification accuracy and smaller feature number on 17 transcriptomes and two methylomes. Biological functions of the methylome biomarkers detected by TriVote were discussed for their disease associations. An easy-to-use Python package is also released to facilitate the further applications.

  6. Tri-potassium phosphate as a solid catalyst for biodiesel production from waste cooking oil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guan, Guoqing; Kusakabe, Katsuki; Yamasaki, Satoko [Department of Living Environmental Science, Fukuoka Women' s University, 1-1-1 Kasumigaoka, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 813-8529 (Japan)


    Transesterification of waste cooking oil with methanol, using tri-potassium phosphate as a solid catalyst, was investigated. Tri-potassium phosphate shows high catalytic properties for the transesterification reaction, compared to CaO and tri-sodium phosphate. Transesterification of waste cooking oil required approximately two times more solid catalyst than transesterification of sunflower oil. The fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) yield reached 97.3% when the transesterification was performed with a catalyst concentration of 4 wt.% at 60 C for 120 min. After regeneration of the used catalyst with aqueous KOH solution, the FAME yield recovered to 88%. Addition of a co-solvent changed the reaction state from three-phase to two-phase, but reduced the FAME yield, contrary to the results with homogeneous catalysts. The catalyst particles were easily agglomerated by the glycerol drops derived from the homogeneous liquid in the presence of co-solvents, reducing the catalytic activity. (author)

  7. Design and analysis of miniature tri-axial fluxgate magnetometer (United States)

    Zhi, Menghui; Tang, Liang; Qiao, Donghai


    The detection technology of weak magnetic field is widely used in Earth resource survey and geomagnetic navigation. Useful magnetic field information can be obtained by processing and analyzing the measurement data from magnetic sensors. A miniature tri-axial fluxgate magnetometer is proposed in this paper. This miniature tri-axial fluxgate magnetometer with ring-core structure has a dynamic range of the Earth’s field ±65,000 nT, resolution of several nT. It has three independent parts placed in three perpendicular planes for measuring three orthogonal magnetic field components, respectively. A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is used to generate stimulation signal, analog-to-digital (A/D) convertor control signal, and feedback digital-to-analog (D/A) control signal. Design and analysis details are given to improve the dynamic range, sensitivity, resolution, and linearity. Our prototype was measured and compared with a commercial standard Magson fluxgate magnetometer as a reference. The results show that our miniature fluxgate magnetometer can follow the Magson’s change trend well. When used as a magnetic compass, our prototype only has ± 0.3∘ deviation compared with standard magnetic compass.

  8. A study of the stabilities, microstructures and fuel characteristics of tri-fuel (diesel-biodiesel-ethanol) using various fuel preparation methods (United States)

    Lee, K. H.; Mukhtar, N. A. M.; Yohaness Hagos, Ftwi; Noor, M. M.


    In this study, the work was carried out to investigate the effects of ethanol proportions on the stabilities and physicochemical characteristics of tri-fuel (Diesel-Biodiesel-Ethanol). For the first time, tri-fuel emulsions and blended were compared side by side. The experiment was done with composition having 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25 % of ethanol with fixed 10% of biodiesel from palm oil origin on a volume basis into diesel. The results indicated that the phase stabilities of the emulsified fuels were higher compared to the blended fuels. In addition, tri-fuel composition with higher proportion of ethanol were found unstable with high tendency to form layer separation. It was found that tri-fuel emulsion with 5% ethanol content (D85B10E5) was of the best in stability with little separation. Furthermore, tri-fuel with lowest ethanol proportion indicated convincing physicochemical characteristics compared to others. Physicochemical characteristics of tri-fuel blending yield almost similar results to tri-fuel emulsion but degrading as more proportion ethanol content added. Emulsion category had cloudy look but on temporarily basis. Under the microscope, tri-fuel emulsion and blending droplet were similar for its active moving about micro-bubble but distinct in term of detection of collision, average disperse micro-bubble size, the spread and organization of the microstructure.

  9. Optimization of radiographic spot for the TriMeV accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Welch, D.R.; Oliver, B.V.; Rosenthal, S.E.; Olson, C.L.


    The authors are examining diode configurations for the 3-MeV, 30-kA TriMeV electron-beam accelerator at Bechtel Nevada. These include a flat-cathode diode with focusing into a gas cell and a magnetically-immersed diode similar to that used on HERMES III at Sandia National Laboratories. They are in the process of optimizing the diode designs using the hybrid kinetic-fluid simulation code IPROP which models both vacuum flow and gas breakdown. These configurations will be fielded on TriMeV this year. The TriMeV voltage pulse is somewhat unique in that it has a 3-ns rise and fall time with a 14-ns flat top. This sharp rise and fall in voltage make it ideal for studying beam focusing. The flat-cathode diode uses a 3.5-cm radius velvet electron emitter and a 4-cm anode-cathode gap that has produced a 23 kA beam self-focused in vacuum into a gas cell of 2.8-cm radius. The time-integrated beam spot has been optimized experimentally with 10 Torr nitrogen in the ballistic focusing regime where self fields are minimal. New currents < 5 kA were measured at the gas cell wall for 5--15 Torr nitrogen. Below 2 Torr, the net current increases rapidly to the full beam current. IPROP has simulated this behavior in reasonable agreement with experiment. The code predicts that, due to finite plasma current decay, the time-integrated spot is increased as the beam focus moves upstream of the target. If the diode voltage is sufficiently stable, IPROP predicts a root-mean-square (RMS) radius <2 mm in the runaway regime (1 Torr). In an immersed TriMeV diode, a 10--15 kA electron beam is emitted from a sub-millimeter needle cathode into a strong 12--18 Tesia solenoidal field. The remaining current is lost to the outer wall. The large fields are necessary to limit growth of the magnetized ion-hose instability. With careful design of the cathode structure, the authors can minimize the current flowing into the diode from large radius. IPROP calculates an RMS radius <1 mm. With close

  10. "Trying" times: Medicalization, intent, and ambiguity in the definition of infertility. (United States)

    Greil, Arthur L; McQuillan, Julia


    Researchers studying infertility from the perspective of anthropology and other the social sciences seldom examine the assumptions embedded in the biomedical definition of infertility. Implicit in the biomedical definition is the assumption that people can be divided straightforwardly into those who are trying to conceive and those who are not trying to conceive. If being infertile implies "intent to conceive," we must recognize that there are various degrees of intent and that the line between the fertile and the infertile is not as sharp as is usually imagined. Drawing on structured interview data collected from a random sample of Midwestern U.S. women and from qualitative interviews, we demonstrate that that there is a wide range of intent among those classified as infertile according to the biomedical definition. We explore the implications of this for research.

  11. Uptake of CrO{sub 4}{sup 2-} ions by Fe-treated tri-calcium phosphate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serrano G, J.; Ramirez S, J. L.; Bonifacio M, J.; Granados C, F.; Badillo A, V. E., E-mail: juan.serrano@inin.gob.m [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    CrO{sub 4}{sup 2-} ion adsorption of Fe-treated tri-calcium phosphate was studied by batch experiments as a function of contact time, initial concentration of metal ion and temperature. Adsorption results showed that at ph 5.5 and 1.0 x 10{sup -4} M chromium concentration the adsorption capacity of Fe-treated tri-calcium phosphate for CrO{sub 4}{sup 2-} ions was 7.10 x 10{sup -3} mmol/g. Chromium adsorption data on Fe-treated tri-calcium phosphate at various initial concentration fitted the Freundlich isotherm. By temperature studies the thermodynamic parameters {Delta}H{sup 0}, {Delta}G{sup 0} and {Delta}S{sup 0} were estimated and the obtained results showed that the adsorption reaction was endothermic and spontaneous. (Author)

  12. 4.0-A resolution cryo-EM structure of the mammalian chaperonin TRiC/CCT reveals its unique subunit arrangement. (United States)

    Cong, Yao; Baker, Matthew L; Jakana, Joanita; Woolford, David; Miller, Erik J; Reissmann, Stefanie; Kumar, Ramya N; Redding-Johanson, Alyssa M; Batth, Tanveer S; Mukhopadhyay, Aindrila; Ludtke, Steven J; Frydman, Judith; Chiu, Wah


    The essential double-ring eukaryotic chaperonin TRiC/CCT (TCP1-ring complex or chaperonin containing TCP1) assists the folding of approximately 5-10% of the cellular proteome. Many TRiC substrates cannot be folded by other chaperonins from prokaryotes or archaea. These unique folding properties are likely linked to TRiC's unique heterooligomeric subunit organization, whereby each ring consists of eight different paralogous subunits in an arrangement that remains uncertain. Using single particle cryo-EM without imposing symmetry, we determined the mammalian TRiC structure at 4.7-A resolution. This revealed the existence of a 2-fold axis between its two rings resulting in two homotypic subunit interactions across the rings. A subsequent 2-fold symmetrized map yielded a 4.0-A resolution structure that evinces the densities of a large fraction of side chains, loops, and insertions. These features permitted unambiguous identification of all eight individual subunits, despite their sequence similarity. Independent biochemical near-neighbor analysis supports our cryo-EM derived TRiC subunit arrangement. We obtained a Calpha backbone model for each subunit from an initial homology model refined against the cryo-EM density. A subsequently optimized atomic model for a subunit showed approximately 95% of the main chain dihedral angles in the allowable regions of the Ramachandran plot. The determination of the TRiC subunit arrangement opens the way to understand its unique function and mechanism. In particular, an unevenly distributed positively charged wall lining the closed folding chamber of TRiC differs strikingly from that of prokaryotic and archaeal chaperonins. These interior surface chemical properties likely play an important role in TRiC's cellular substrate specificity.

  13. Neutrino tri-bi-maximal mixing from a non-Abelian discrete family symmetry

    CERN Document Server

    Varzielas, I M; Ross, Graham G


    The observed neutrino mixing, having a near maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing angle and a large solar mixing angle, is close to tri-bi-maximal. We argue that this structure suggests a family symmetric origin in which the magnitude of the mixing angles are related to the existence of a discrete non-Abelian family symmetry. We construct a model in which the family symmetry is the non-Abelian discrete group $\\Delta(27)$, a subgroup of $SU(3)$ in which the tri-bi-maximal mixing directly follows from the vacuum structure enforced by the discrete symmetry. In addition to the lepton mixing angles, the model accounts for the observed quark and lepton masses and the CKM matrix. The structure is also consistent with an underlying stage of Grand Unification.

  14. Dual and tri-band bandpass filters based on novel Π-shaped resonator (United States)

    Xiao, Jian-Kang; Zhu, Wen-Jun; Zhao, Wei


    A novel Π-shaped resonator is proposed, and compact dual-band and tri-band bandpass filters that meet IEEE 802.11 application requirements by using the new resonator are designed. The dual-band bandpass filter centres at 2.45 and 5.6 GHz with a simulated passband insertion loss of no more than 0.8 dB, and the tri-band bandpass filter which is got by two-path coupling achieves simulated passband insertion loss of no more than 1.1 dB. The new designs are demonstrated by experiment. The new filters have advantages of simple and compact structures, low passband insertion losses, good frequency selectivity and miniature circuit sizes. All these have prospect to be applied in future wireless communication systems.

  15. Pengaruh cairan lumpur organik unit gas bio terhadap persentase kandungan bahan organik dan protein kasar padatan lumpur organik unit gas bio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mochammad Junus


    Full Text Available The purposes of this study were to analyze: 1 the constitution and characteristics of sludge, solid sludge and sludge flour derived from Biogas Unit (BGU; 2 the influence of organic sludge liquid on the percentage of organic and crude protein content of the BGU organic sludge (BGUOS. The methods used in the study were observation and randomized controlled trial experiments. Data derived from field study were analyzed descriptively while data derived from experiments were analyzed using variance analysis. Differences were shown using the smallest significance-p test with CI 95%. The results showed that organic sludge constitution were odious, the organic sludge was clotting after drying process. In addition it became powder as soft as bran after dried, powdered and brooded. The experiment showed that the composition of BGUOS liquid gave influence to the amount of organic content and crude protein in the powder constitution of BGUOS. The fifth treatment brought the optimum percentage of the organic content and crude protein. The research concluded that BGUOS constitution was detestable in its form of sludge, however it could be transformed into bran constitution by drying and brooding treatment. The optimum amount of organic content and crude protein of BGUOS bran were gained by using 5th treatment. The research suggest it is necessary to maintain BGUOS on the basis of local technology and to study the application of BGUOS solid powder or bran as fish and livestock feed. Keywords: Solid Biogas Unit Organic Sludge (Solid BGUOS, CP

  16. Application of tri-generation systems to the food retail industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tassou, S.A.; Chaer, I.; Sugiartha, N.; Ge, Y.-T. [Brunel University, Uxbridge (United Kingdom). School of Engineering and Design; Marriott, D. [Doug Marriott Associates (United Kingdom)


    The food industry, both food manufacturing and retailing has a need for heating and electrical power as well as refrigeration. Invariably, plant is installed, which consists of heating systems employing low pressure hot water, high pressure hot water or steam, vapour compression refrigeration systems and an electrical power supply derived from the National Grid. The overall utilisation efficiency of these processes is low, because of the relatively low electricity generation efficiency in power stations and distribution losses in the grid. A way of increasing the energy utilisation efficiency of food manufacturing and retail facilities is through tri-generation. This paper considers tri-generation technology and the feasibility of its application to the food retail industry and examines the economics and environmental impacts of the technology compared to conventional systems. The results indicate that the economic viability of these systems is dependent on the relative cost of natural gas and grid electricity. The system investigated can provide payback periods of less than 4.0 years when the relative cost of gas to electricity is below 0.3. (author)

  17. Application of tri-generation systems to the food retail industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tassou, S.A.; Chaer, I.; Sugiartha, N.; Ge, Y.-T.; Marriott, D.


    The food industry, both food manufacturing and retailing has a need for heating and electrical power as well as refrigeration. Invariably, plant is installed, which consists of heating systems employing low pressure hot water, high pressure hot water or steam, vapour compression refrigeration systems and an electrical power supply derived from the National Grid. The overall utilisation efficiency of these processes is low, because of the relatively low electricity generation efficiency in power stations and distribution losses in the grid. A way of increasing the energy utilisation efficiency of food manufacturing and retail facilities is through tri-generation. This paper considers tri-generation technology and the feasibility of its application to the food retail industry and examines the economics and environmental impacts of the technology compared to conventional systems. The results indicate that the economic viability of these systems is dependent on the relative cost of natural gas and grid electricity. The system investigated can provide payback periods of less than 4.0 years when the relative cost of gas to electricity is below 0.3

  18. 40 CFR 52.142 - Federal Implementation Plan for Tri-Cities landfill, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. (United States)


    ...-Cities landfill, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. 52.142 Section 52.142 Protection of... IMPLEMENTATION PLANS Arizona § 52.142 Federal Implementation Plan for Tri-Cities landfill, Salt River Pima... the Tri-Cities landfill located on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community near Phoenix, Arizona...

  19. A Multi-wavelength Study of the Close M-dwarf Eclipsing Binary System BX Tri (United States)

    Perdelwitz, V.; Czesla, S.; Robrade, J.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M.


    We present the first detailed X-ray study of the close dMe binary system BX Tri, whose optical variation has been continously monitored in the frame of the DWARF project (Pribulla et al.(2012)). We observed BX Tri with XMM-Newton for two full orbital periods and confirm that the system is an ultra-active M-dwarf binary showing frequent flares and an X-ray luminosity close to the saturation limit. The strong magnetic activity could have influenced the angular momentum evolution of the system via magnetic braking.

  20. Untersuchungen zur Rauchgasentstickung mittels Schwefelwasserstoff in Tri-n-butylphosphat


    Homann, Jörg


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Reaktion von Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) mit Schwefelwassersoff (H2S) in Tri-n-butylphosphat (TBP) im Hinblick auf ein alternatives Verfahren zur Entstickung von Rauchgasen untersucht. Mittels einer gasvolumetrischen Absorptionsapparatur wurden zuerst Daten zur physikalischen Löslichkeit in TBP ermittelt, die für den Erhalt kinetischer Daten der stofftransportüberlagerten Reaktionen in TBP relevant sind. Es sind dies die Henrykoeffizienten von NO, H2S und die d...

  1. [Tri-phalā (Three Myrobalans) as Described in the Second Part of the Bower Manuscript, the Nāvanītaka]. (United States)

    Natsume, Yohko


    In India, since ancient times Tri-phalā (meaning "three fruits" in Sanskrit) has been considered to be a combination of the following fruits: -Harītakī (Terminalia chebula, Retz.), Āmalaka (Embelica officinalis Gaertn), and Vibhītaka (Terminalia belerica Roxb.). These plants are also listed in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Harītakī and Āmalaka have also been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times in Japan under the Japanese names of (see text) (Kariroku) and (see text) (Annmaroku), respectively. Both have been carefully preserved as treasured drugs in the nationally important Shosoin treasure storehouse. This study attempts to clarify the description of Tri-phalā in the Nāvanītaka, which is the second part of the Bower Manuscript (Bower Ms.), and examines the reasons why these plants were combined. This paper begins with a summary description of Tri-phalā in the context of traditional Asian medicine, followed by the delineation of drug selection principles in Ayurveda. Tri-phalā formulas in the Nāvanītaka are then examined. The Carakasamhitā (CS) treats Tri-phalā as a purifier and tonic (rasāyana), describing it as a formula for rejuvenation and longevity. On the other hand, the Susrutasamhitd (SS) regards Tri-phalā as having the efficacy of balancing kapha (phlegm) and pitta (bile), and also as being a medicine to promote excretion and enhance digestive functions for better nutritional intake. It is described to have an effect of curing diseases by keeping the tridhāu (theree element) valance. Tri-phalā is thus used as an ingredient of laxatives for diseases that result from kapha imbalance and tonic. The Aşţāngahŗdayasamhitā (AHS) considers Tri-phalā to have a particular superiority among cure-all medicines with the power to dispel illness. It controls kapha and overcomes blood diseases. Tri-phalā formulas found in the Nāvanītaka were prescribed for the treatment of abdominal tumors induced by vāyu (wind) disorder

  2. Sintesi stereoselettiva di piridilammine


    Chelucci, Giorgio Adolfo; Baldino, Salvatore; Pinna, Gérard Aimé; Soccolini, Francesco


    Ammino piridine chirali hanno dimostrato la loro validità come leganti per la formazione di complessi metallici utilizzati nella catalisi asimmetrica. Tra i possibili approcci alla sintesi di questi composti noi abbiamo investigato la riduzione diastereoselettiva di N-sostituite (p-totil e tert-butil) piridil chetimmine con una serie di agenti riducenti (NaBH4, L-Selectride, DIBAL, 9-BBN) in diverse condizioni di reazione.

  3. The process of trying to quit smoking from the perspective of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (United States)

    Lundh, Lena; Hylander, Ingrid; Törnkvist, Lena


    To investigate why some patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have difficulty quitting smoking and to develop a theoretical model that describes their perspectives on these difficulties. Grounded theory method was used from the selection of participants to the analyses of semi-structured interviews with 14 patients with COPD. Four additional interviews were conducted to ensure relevance. The analysis resulted in a theoretical model that illustrates the process of 'Patients with COPD trying to quit smoking'. The model illuminates factors related to the decision to try to quit smoking, including pressure-filled mental states and constructive or destructive pressure-relief strategies. The constructive strategies lead either to success in quitting or to continuing to try to quit. The destructive strategies can lead to losing hope and becoming resigned to continuing to smoke. The theoretical model 'Patients trying to quit smoking' contributes to a better understanding of the pressure-filled mental states and destructive strategies experienced by some patients with COPD in the process of trying to quit. This better understanding can help nurses individualise counselling. Moreover, patients' own awareness of these states and strategies may facilitate their efforts to quit. The information in the model can also be used as a supplement to methods such as motivational interviewing (MI). © 2011 The Authors. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences © 2011 Nordic College of Caring Science.

  4. Changes in lipid membrane mechanics induced by di- and tri-phenyltins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Przybyło, Magda; Drabik, Dominik; Szostak, Kamila


    properties of biological membranes. It was found that the membrane/water partition coefficient equals 4, a value significantly higher than octanol/water partition coefficient. In addition, the effect of di- and tri-phenyltin chlorides on the mechanics of model lipid membranes was measured for the first time...

  5. Evolution of Ternary AuAgPd Nanoparticles by the Control of Temperature, Thickness, and Tri-Layer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sundar Kunwar


    Full Text Available Metallic alloy nanoparticles (NPs possess great potential to enhance the optical, electronic, chemical, and magnetic properties for various applications by the control of morphology and elemental composition. This work presents the fabrication of ternary AuAgPd alloy nanostructures on sapphire (0001 via the solid-state dewetting of sputter-deposited tri-metallic layers. Based on the systematic control of temperature, thickness, and deposition order of tri-layers, the composite AuAgPd alloy nanoparticles (NPs with various shape, size, and density are demonstrated. The metallic tri-layers exhibit various stages of dewetting based on the increasing growth temperatures between 400 and 900 °C at 15 nm tri-layer film thickness. Specifically, the nucleation of tiny voids and hillocks, void coalescence, the growth and isolated nanoparticle formation, and the shape transformation with Ag sublimation are observed. With the reduced film thickness (6 nm, tiny alloy NPs with improved structural uniformity and spatial arrangement are obtained due to enhanced dewetting. The growth trend of alloy NPs is drastically altered by changing the deposition order of metallic tri-layers. The overall evolution is governed by the surface diffusion and inter-mixing of metallic atoms, Rayleigh-like instability, surface and interface energy minimization, and equilibrium state of the system. The UV-VIS-NIR reflectance spectra reveal the formation of an absorption band and reflectance maxima at specific wavelengths based on the morphology and composition of AuAgPd alloy NPs. In addition, Raman spectra analysis shows the modulation of intensity and peak position of natural vibration modes of sapphire (0001.

  6. Design, Simulation and Experimental Evaluation of Tri-Phasic Piezoelectric Composite Transducers (United States)

    Tamez, Juan Pedro

    Piezoelectric ceramics exhibit excellent piezoelectric and dielectric properties that is the basis of practically all transducers and piezoelectric devices, but their inherent properties, such as brittleness, non-ductility and poor shapeability may limit their applications in areas such as vibration sensing, impact detection, structural health monitoring and other reinforced structures and energy harvesting. To compensate for such limitations, the 1-3 piezoelectric composites transducers have become the material of choice for many high performance ultrasound transducers since it was invented in the late 1970's [ref. Newnham/Cross]. Extensive studies on 1-3 composites have been performed since then to improve the performance of a transducer by modifying their electromechanical coupling, bandwidth, quality factor, and flexibility and by reducing or eliminating the cross talk, i.e., induced noise between the active piezoelectric elements, especially in high power and low frequency applications. These fundamental issues, their possible solutions and their wide impact underline the motivation of the current work in this dissertation report. The motivation for this dissertation was to study and provide a foundation to designing multiphasic piezoelectric transducers that could be useful for multitude of applications. The goal was to improve the 1-3 diphasic composite transducer by eliminating the cross talk between the active piezoelectric elements while maintaining and improving the figures of merit of the design. To achieve the ultimate goal, the steps outlined below were followed: i. Understanding the theoretical and mathematical modeling for tri-phasic piezoelectric composite. ii. Implement Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and simulations of tri-phasic piezoelectric composites where the different active piezoelectric material PZT-5H and PMN-30%PT is surrounded by a vacuum phase that is enclosed by a hexagonal polymer walls. iii. Propose a redesign of the tri

  7. 2-Acetyl-amino-1,3,4,6-tetra-O-(tri-methyl-silyl)-2-de-oxy-α-d-gluco-pyran-ose. (United States)

    Cheng, Zhao-Dong; Cui, Yan-Li; Mao, Jian-Wei


    The title compound, C20H47NO6Si4, was synthesized by per-O-tri-methyl-silylation of N-acetyl-d-glucosa-mine using chloro-tri-methyl-silane in the presence of hexa-methyl-disiloxane. The tri-methyl-silyl group and acetamido group are located on the same side of the pyran ring, showing an α-configuration glycoside. One of the tri-methyl-silyl groups is disordered over two orientations, with site-occupancy factors of 0.625 (9) and 0.375 (9). In the crystal, N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol-ecules into supra-molecular chains along the a-axis direction.

  8. Multiple attractors and boundary crises in a tri-trophic food chain.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, M.P.; Kooi, B.W.; Kooijman, S.A.L.M.


    The asymptotic behaviour of a model of a tri-trophic food chain in the chemostat is analysed in detail. The Monod growth model is used for all trophic levels, yielding a non-linear dynamical system of four ordinary differential equations. Mass conservation makes it possible to reduce the dimension

  9. Two-dimensional imaging of Debye-Scherrer ring for tri-axial stress analysis of industrial materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasaki, T; Maruyama, Y; Ohba, H; Ejiri, S


    In this study, an application of the two-dimensional imaging technology to the X ray tri-axial stress analysis was studied. An image plate (IP) was used to obtain a Debye-Scherre ring and the image data was analized for determining stress. A new principle for stress analysis which is suitable to two-dimensional imaging data was used. For the verification of this two-dimensional imaging type X-ray stress measurement method, an experiment was conducted using a ferritic steel sample which was processed with a surface grinder. Tri-axial stress analysis was conducted to evaluate the sample. The conventional method for X-ray tri-axial stress analysis proposed by Dölle and Hauk was used to evaluate residual stress in order to compare with the present method. As a result, it was confirmed that a sufficiently highly precise and high-speed stress measurement was enabled with the two-dimensional imaging technology compared with the conventional method

  10. An iterative method for tri-level quadratic fractional programming problems using fuzzy goal programming approach (United States)

    Kassa, Semu Mitiku; Tsegay, Teklay Hailay


    Tri-level optimization problems are optimization problems with three nested hierarchical structures, where in most cases conflicting objectives are set at each level of hierarchy. Such problems are common in management, engineering designs and in decision making situations in general, and are known to be strongly NP-hard. Existing solution methods lack universality in solving these types of problems. In this paper, we investigate a tri-level programming problem with quadratic fractional objective functions at each of the three levels. A solution algorithm has been proposed by applying fuzzy goal programming approach and by reformulating the fractional constraints to equivalent but non-fractional non-linear constraints. Based on the transformed formulation, an iterative procedure is developed that can yield a satisfactory solution to the tri-level problem. The numerical results on various illustrative examples demonstrated that the proposed algorithm is very much promising and it can also be used to solve larger-sized as well as n-level problems of similar structure.

  11. Columbia TriStar omandas "Nimed marmortahvlil" leviõigused / Kairit Tsäro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tsäro, Kairit, 1974-


    Lõppes Albert Kivikase romaani "Nimed marmortahvlil" järgi tehtava mängufilmi võtteperiood. Filmi tootja Taska Productionsi koostööpartner Matila-Röhr Productions sõlmis Columbia TriStariga lepingu, mis tagab filmi levitamise Soomes

  12. An innovative tri-directional broadband piezoelectric energy harvester

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Su, Wei-Jiun, E-mail:; Zu, Jean [Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G8 (Canada)


    This paper presents a tri-directional piezoelectric energy harvester that is able to harvest vibration energy over a wide bandwidth from three orthogonal directions. The harvester consists of a main beam, an auxiliary beam, and a spring-mass system, with magnets integrated to introduce nonlinear force and couple the three sub-systems. Theoretical analysis and experiments were performed at constant acceleration under frequency sweeps to acquire frequency responses. The experimental results show that the voltage can achieve more than 2 V over more than 5 Hz of bandwidth with 1 MΩ load in the three orthogonal directions.

  13. Adaptive behaviour, tri-trophic food-web stability and damping of chaos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Visser, Andre; Mariani, Patrizio; Pigolotti, Simone


    We examine the effect of adaptive foraging behaviour within a tri-trophic food web with intra-guild predation. The intra-guild prey is allowed to adjust its foraging effort so as to achieve an optimal per capita growth rate in the face of realized feeding, predation risk and foraging cost. Adapti...

  14. The Stack-Size of Combinatorial Tries Revisited

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Markus E. Nebel


    Full Text Available In the present paper we consider a generalized class of extended binary trees in which leaves are distinguished in order to represent the location of a key within a trie of the same structure. We prove an exact asymptotic equivalent to the average stack-size of trees with α internal nodes and β leaves corresponding to keys; we assume that all trees with the same parameters α and β have the same probability. The assumption of that uniform model is motivated for example by the usage of tries for the compression of blockcodes. Furthermore, we will prove asymptotics for the r-th moments of the stack-size and we will show that a normalized stack-size possesses a theta distribution in the limit.

  15. Determination of Aluminum in Dialysis Concentrates by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Coprecipitation with Lanthanum Phosphate. (United States)

    Selvi, Emine Kılıçkaya; Şahin, Uğur; Şahan, Serkan


    This method was developed for the determination of trace amounts of aluminum(III) in dialysis concentrates using atomic absorption spectrometry after coprecipitation with lanthanum phosphate. The analytical parameters that influenced the quantitative coprecipitation of analyte including amount of lanthanum, amount of phosfate, pH and duration time were optimized. The % recoveries of the analyte ion were in the range of 95-105 % with limit of detection (3s) of 0.5 µg l -1 . Preconcentration factor was found as 1000 and Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) % value obtained from model solutions was 2.5% for 0.02 mg L -1 . The accuracy of the method was evaluated with standard reference material (CWW-TMD Waste Water). The method was also applied to most concentrated acidic and basic dialysis concentrates with satisfactory results.

  16. Quality of tri-Co-60 MR-IGRT treatment plans in comparison with VMAT treatment plans for spine SABR. (United States)

    Choi, Chang Heon; Park, So-Yeon; Kim, Jung-In; Kim, Jin Ho; Kim, Kyubo; Carlson, Joel; Park, Jong Min


    To investigate the plan quality of tri-Co-60 intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plans for spine stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR). A total of 20 patients with spine metastasis were retrospectively selected. For each patient, a tri-Co-60 IMRT plan and a volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plan were generated. The spinal cords were defined based on MR images for the tri-Co-60 IMRT, while isotropic 1-mm margins were added to the spinal cords for the VMAT plans. The VMAT plans were generated with 10-MV flattening filter-free photon beams of TrueBeam STx ™ (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA), while the tri-Co-60 IMRT plans were generated with the ViewRay ™ system (ViewRay inc., Cleveland, OH). The initial prescription dose was 18 Gy (1 fraction). If the tolerance dose of the spinal cord was not met, the prescription dose was reduced until the spinal cord tolerance dose was satisfied. The mean dose to the target volumes, conformity index and homogeneity index of the VMAT and tri-Co-60 IMRT were 17.8 ± 0.8 vs 13.7 ± 3.9 Gy, 0.85 ± 0.20 vs 1.58 ± 1.29 and 0.09 ± 0.04 vs 0.24 ± 0.19, respectively. The integral doses and beam-on times were 16,570 ± 1768 vs 22,087 ± 2.986 Gy cm 3 and 3.95 ± 1.13 vs 48.82 ± 10.44 min, respectively. The tri-Co-60 IMRT seems inappropriate for spine SABR compared with VMAT. Advances in knowledge: For spine SABR, the tri-Co-60 IMRT is inappropriate owing to the large penumbra, large leaf width and low dose rate of the ViewRay system.

  17. Isothermal and non-isothermal cure of a tri-functional epoxy resin (TGAP): a stochastic TMDSC study


    Hutchinson, John M.; Shiravand, Fatemeh; Calventus Solé, Yolanda; Fraga Rivas, Iria


    The isothermal cure of a highly reactive tri-functional epoxy resin, tri-glycidyl para-amino phenol (TGAP), with diamino diphenyl sulphone (DDS), at two different cure temperatures Tc has been studied by both conventional differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and by a stochastic temperature modulated DSC technique, TOPEM. From a series of isothermal cure experiments for increasing cure times, the glass transition temperature Tg as a function of isothermal cure time is determined by co...

  18. Third family corrections to tri-bimaximal lepton mixing and a new sum rule

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antusch, Stefan; King, Stephen F.; Malinsky, Michal


    We investigate the theoretical stability of the predictions of tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing with respect to third family wave-function corrections. Such third family wave-function corrections can arise from either the canonical normalisation of the kinetic terms or renormalisation group running effects. At leading order both sorts of corrections can be subsumed into a single universal parameter. For hierarchical neutrinos, this leads to a new testable lepton mixing sum rule s=rcosδ+2/3 a (where s,r,a describe the deviations of solar, reactor and atmospheric mixing angles from their tri-bimaximal values, and δ is the observable Dirac CP phase) which is stable under all leading order third family wave-function corrections, as well as Cabibbo-like charged lepton mixing effects

  19. Dampak Penerapan Kultur Lokal Tri Hita Karana terhadap Orientasi Kewirausahaan dan Orientasi Pasar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Gede Riana


    Full Text Available This study aims to investigate the impact of Tri Hita Karana culture toward entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation of SMEs of silver craft in Bali. The population of this research is all small and medium size enterprises of silver craft in Bali. By using purposive random sampling, 110 small and medium size enterprises located in four regencies in Bali were selected as samples. The data collection technique was distributing questionnaires. Furthermore, to test the inter-variabels influence, inferential analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM is applied using Partial Least Square (PLS approach. The findings of this research are Tri Hita Karana culture could improve the entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation. It was also found that the entrepreneurial orientation influence the market orientation.

  20. Predictors of Sexual Intercourse Frequency Among Couples Trying to Conceive. (United States)

    Gaskins, Audrey J; Sundaram, Rajeshwari; Buck Louis, Germaine M; Chavarro, Jorge E


    Little is known about the predictors of sexual intercourse frequency (SIF) among couples trying to conceive despite the well-established link between SIF and fecundity. To evaluate men's and women's demographic, occupational, and lifestyle predictors of SIF among couples. 469 Couples without a history of infertility participating in the Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility and the Environment Study (2005-2009) were followed up for ≤1 year while trying to conceive. At enrollment, both partners were interviewed about demographic, occupational, lifestyle, and psychological characteristics using standardized questionnaires. Multivariable generalized linear mixed models with Poisson distribution were used to estimate the adjusted percent difference in SIF across exposure categories. SIF was recorded in daily journals and summarized as average SIF/mo. The median (interquartile range) SIF during follow-up was 6 (4-9) acts/mo. For every year increase in age for women and men, SIF decreased by -0.8% (95% CI -2.5 to 1.0%) and -1.7% (95% CI -3.1 to -0.3%). Women with high school education or less and those of non-white race had 34.4% and 16.0% higher SIF, respectively. A similar trend was seen for men's education and race. Only couples where both partners (but not just 1 partner) worked rotating shifts had -39.1% (95% CI -61.0 to -5.0%) lower SIF compared to couples where neither partner worked rotating shifts. Men's (but not women's) exercise was associated with 13.2% (95% CI 1.7-26.0%) higher SIF. Diagnosis of a mood or anxiety disorder in men (but not women) was associated with a 26.0% (95% CI -42.7 to -4.4%) lower SIF. Household income, smoking status, body mass index, night work, alcohol intake, and psychosocial stress were not associated with SIF. Even among couples trying to conceive, there was substantial variation in SIF. Both partners' age, education, race, and rotating shift work as well as men's exercise and mental health play an important role in determining

  1. Lung density change after SABR: A comparative study between tri-Co-60 magnetic resonance-guided system and linear accelerator. (United States)

    Kim, Eunji; Wu, Hong-Gyun; Park, Jong Min; Kim, Jung-In; Kim, Hak Jae; Kang, Hyun-Cheol


    Radiation-induced lung damage is an important treatment-related toxicity after lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR). After implementing a tri-60Co magnetic-resonance image guided system, ViewRayTM, we compared the associated early radiological lung density changes to those associated with a linear accelerator (LINAC). Eight patients treated with the tri-60Co system were matched 1:1 with patients treated with LINAC. Prescription doses were 52 Gy or 60 Gy in four fractions, and lung dose-volumetric parameters were calculated from each planning system. The first two follow-up computed tomography (CT) were co-registered with the planning CT through deformable registration software, and lung density was measured by isodose levels. Tumor size was matched between the two groups, but the planning target volume of LINAC was larger than that of the tri-60Co system (p = 0.036). With regard to clinically relevant dose-volumetric parameters in the lungs, the ipsilateral lung mean dose, V10Gy and V20Gy were significantly poorer in tri-60Co plans compared to LINAC plans (p = 0.012, 0.036, and 0.017, respectively). Increased lung density was not observed in the first follow-up scan compared to the planning scan. A significant change of lung density was shown in the second follow-up scan and there was no meaningful difference between the tri-60Co system and LINAC for all dose regions. In addition, no patient developed clinical radiation pneumonitis until the second follow-up scan. Therefore, there was no significant difference in the early radiological lung damage between the tri-60Co system and LINAC for lung SABR despite of the inferior plan quality of the tri-60Co system compared to that of LINAC. Further studies with a longer follow-up period are needed to confirm our findings.

  2. Is pregnancy fatalism normal? An attitudinal assessment among women trying to get pregnant and those not using contraception. (United States)

    Jones, Rachel K


    To assess factors associated with pregnancy fatalism among U.S. adult women. I used data from the Change and Consistency in Contraceptive Use study, which collected information from a national sample of 4634U.S. women aged 18-39 at baseline (59% response rate). I assessed pregnancy fatalism based on agreement with the statement: "It doesn't matter whether I use birth control, when it is my time to get pregnant, it will happen." I compare fatalism among all respondents to fatalism among respondents who were trying to get pregnant and those who did not want to get pregnant but were not using contraception. I used logistic regression to assess associations between nonuse of contraception and pregnancy fatalism at baseline and whether respondents were trying to get pregnant six months later. Overall, 36% of the sample expressed some degree of pregnancy fatalism, and proportions were higher for respondents trying to get pregnant (55%) and those not using contraception (57%). The association between pregnancy fatalism and trying to get pregnant was maintained after controlling for other characteristics (OR 1.4, p=.01), as was the association for nonuse of contraception (OR 2.08, p<.001). Contraceptive nonusers at baseline were more likely than users to be trying to get pregnant six months later, especially if they expressed a fatalistic outlook at baseline. Pregnancy fatalism may be a common outlook among women who are trying to get pregnant. Associations between fatalism and nonuse of contraception may be more complex than previously recognized. Gaining a better understanding of the dynamics of pregnancy planning might inform our understanding of why some women do not use contraception. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  3. Neutron activation analysis of the arovenance relation of tang tri-color glazed potteryies of huangye kiln and yaozhou kiln

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Guoxia; Zhao Weijuan; Gao Zhengyao; Xie Jianzhong; Guo Min


    The technique of neutron activation analysis (NAA) has been employed to measure the content of 29 kinds of elements in the Tang Tri-color glazed potteryies of Huangye kiln and Yaozhou kiln. Then a fuzzy cluster analysis has been conducted to the NAA data. The results indicate that the places of origin of raw materials of body samples in the Tang Tri-color glazed potteryies of Huangye kiln are very concentrated, and that the places of origin of raw materials of body and glaze samples are scattered the places of origin of raw materials of the body and glaze raw material cover that of the body raw material. The source of raw materials of samples in the Tang Tri-color glazed potteryies of Huangye kiln is obviously different from that of samples in the Tang Tri-color glazed potteryies of Yaozhou kiln. (authors)

  4. Tri-reforming and combined reforming of methane for producing syngas with desired hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratios (United States)

    Pan, Wei

    This dissertation is an exploratory study of a new process concept for direct production of synthesis gas (CO + H2) with desired H 2/CO ratios (1.5--2.0) for methanol synthesis and F-T synthesis, using CO2 together with steam and unconverted O2 in flue gas from fossil fuel-fired electric power plants to react with methane or natural gas. This new process is called tri-reforming, referring to simultaneous CO2-steam-O2 reforming of methane or natural gas. This study included (1) The investigation of carbon formation in the tri-reforming process. For comparison, carbon formation in the combined reforming and CO2 reforming reaction was studied as well. (2) The effect of reaction conditions and feed compositions on equilibrium composition (e.g. H2/CO ratio) and equilibrium conversions in the tri-reforming process. (3) The role of catalysts in the tri-reforming process, especially the effect of catalysts on CO2 conversion in the presence of H 2O and O2. It was clearly evidenced from this study that CO in the product stream is probably the major source of carbon over Ni/Al2O3 in the equimolar CO2-CH4 reforming at 650°C and 1 atm. Addition of either O2 or H2O into the CO 2 reforming reaction system can suppress carbon formation. It was demonstrated that carbon-free operation can be achieved in the tri-reforming process. A thermodynamic comparison of tri-reforming with feed compositions of (H2O+CO2+0.5O2)/CH4 (mol ratio) = 1 showed that O2 improves equilibrium CH4 conversion, yet greatly decreases equilibrium CO2 conversion. H2O in tri-reforming has a significant effect on the H2/CO ratio in the products, while O2 has a minor effect. A kinetic study and catalytic performance tests indicated that the support in a supported catalyst has a significant role in enhancing CO2 conversion to CO in the presence of H2O and O2 in tri-reforming. The Ni/MgO catalyst showed superior performance with close to equilibrium CH4 and CO2 conversions at 850°C, 1 atm, and 32,000 ml

  5. Measurement of erythema and tanning responses in human skin using a tri-stimulus colorimeter. (United States)

    Seitz, J C; Whitmore, C G


    A 'Minolta Tri-Stimulus Colorimeter II' was evaluated for obtaining objective measurements of early changes in erythema and tanning. The meter showed a subtle, continuous transition between the primary erythematous response and the delayed tanning of skin which was below the visual threshold for detection. Thereafter, the a* (redness) value of the meter showed a significant linear correlation with the dermatologist's perception of erythema while the b* (yellow) value showed a significant correlation with the perception of tanning. This capability of the tri-stimulus colorimeter to simultaneously evaluate the hue and saturation of skin color affords an improved opportunity to quantitate the transition from erythema to tanning without subjective bias.

  6. Pengaruh Locus Of Control terhadap Kinerja dan Kepuasan Kerja Internal Auditor dengan Tri Hita Karana sebagai Variabel Moderasi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Komang Adi Kurniawan Saputra


    Full Text Available Abstract: The Effect of Locus of Control on Performance and Auditor internal Work Satisfaction with Tri Hita Karana Local Culture as Moderating Variable. This study aims to determine the effect of Locus of Control on performance and job satisfaction of internal auditors star hotels in Bali, as well as local culture Tri Hita Karana as a moderation of this influence. There were 62 internal auditors of star hotels involved in this research. The results of this study indicate a significant influence between Locus of Control on performance and job satisfaction of internal auditors with the local culture Tri Hita Karana as a variable moderation.

  7. Exposure to tri-o-cresyl phosphate detected in jet airplane passengers. (United States)

    Liyasova, Mariya; Li, Bin; Schopfer, Lawrence M; Nachon, Florian; Masson, Patrick; Furlong, Clement E; Lockridge, Oksana


    The aircraft cabin and flight deck ventilation are supplied from partially compressed unfiltered bleed air directly from the engine. Worn or defective engine seals can result in the release of engine oil into the cabin air supply. Aircrew and passengers have complained of illness following such "fume events". Adverse health effects are hypothesized to result from exposure to tricresyl phosphate mixed esters, a chemical added to jet engine oil and hydraulic fluid for its anti-wear properties. Our goal was to develop a laboratory test for exposure to tricresyl phosphate. The assay was based on the fact that the active-site serine of butyrylcholinesterase reacts with the active metabolite of tri-o-cresyl phosphate, cresyl saligenin phosphate, to make a stable phosphorylated adduct with an added mass of 80 Da. No other organophosphorus agent makes this adduct in vivo on butyrylcholinesterase. Blood samples from jet airplane passengers were obtained 24-48 h after completing a flight. Butyrylcholinesterase was partially purified from 25 ml serum or plasma, digested with pepsin, enriched for phosphorylated peptides by binding to titanium oxide, and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Of 12 jet airplane passengers tested, 6 were positive for exposure to tri-o-cresyl phosphate that is, they had detectable amounts of the phosphorylated peptide FGEpSAGAAS. The level of exposure was very low. No more than 0.05 to 3% of plasma butyrylcholinesterase was modified. None of the subjects had toxic symptoms. Four of the positive subjects were retested 3 to 7 months following their last airplane trip and were found to be negative for phosphorylated butyrylcholinesterase. In conclusion, this is the first report of an assay that detects exposure to tri-o-cresyl phosphate in jet airplane travelers. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Is the tri-bimaximal mixing accidental?

    CERN Document Server

    Abbas, Mohammed


    The Tri-bimaximal (TBM) mixing is not accidental if structures of the corresponding leptonic mass matrices follow immediately from certain (residual or broken) flavor symmetry. We develop a simple formalism which allows one to analyze effects of deviations of the lepton mixing from TBM on structure of the neutrino mass matrix and on underlying flavor symmetry. We show that possible deviations from the TBM mixing can lead to strong modifications of the mass matrix and strong violation of the TBM mass relations. As a result, the mass matrix may have an "anarchical" structure with random values of elements or it may have some symmetry which differs from the TBM symmetry. Interesting examples include matrices with texture zeros, matrices with certain "flavor alignment" as well as hierarchical matrices with a two-component structure, where the dominant and sub-dominant contributions have different symmetries. This opens up new approaches to understand the lepton mixing.

  9. Tri-P-LETS: Changing the Face of High School Computer Science (United States)

    Sherrell, Linda; Malasri, Kriangsiri; Mills, David; Thomas, Allen; Greer, James


    From 2004-2007, the University of Memphis carried out the NSF-funded Tri-P-LETS (Three P Learning Environment for Teachers and Students) project to improve local high-school computer science curricula. The project reached a total of 58 classrooms in eleven high schools emphasizing problem solving skills, programming concepts as opposed to syntax,…

  10. Magnetic tri-axial orientation in (Y1-xErx)2Ba4Cu7O15-y superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horii, S.; Okuhira, S.; Yamaki, M.; Haruta, M.; Maeda, T.; Shimoyama, J.


    (Y 1-x Er x ) 2 Ba 4 Cu 7 O 15-y [(Y,Er)247] was synthesized for clarifying a magnetic role of Er ion. The three magnetization axes of (Y,Er)247 were obtained from tri-axial orientation using a modulated rotation magnetic field. Magnetic anisotropy of Er ion is roughly ten times higher than that for Y247 at room temperature. Importance of rare-earth ions was shown for reduction of required magnetic fields in the tri-axial magnetic orientation. We report the tri-axial grain-orientation effects under a modulated rotation magnetic field for (Y 1-x Er x ) 2 Ba 4 Cu 7 O y [(Y, Er)247]. The magnetic easy axis at room temperature was drastically changed around x ∼ 0.1; however, the Er-doping levels for the conversion of magnetic easy axes from the c-axis to the ab-direction and from the a- to b-axes were quite different. Tri-axial single-ion magnetic anisotropy of Er 3+ was roughly 10 times greater than tri-axial magnetic anisotropy generated by both the superconducting CuO 2 plane and the blocking Cu-O chain layer. An appropriate choice of rare-earth (RE) ions in RE-based cuprate superconductors enables the reduction of the required magnetic field for the production of bulks and thick films based on the magnetic orientation technique.

  11. Differential conformational modulations of MreB folding upon interactions with GroEL/ES and TRiC chaperonin components (United States)

    Moparthi, Satish Babu; Carlsson, Uno; Vincentelli, Renaud; Jonsson, Bengt-Harald; Hammarström, Per; Wenger, Jérôme


    Here, we study and compare the mechanisms of action of the GroEL/GroES and the TRiC chaperonin systems on MreB client protein variants extracted from E. coli. MreB is a homologue to actin in prokaryotes. Single-molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and time-resolved fluorescence polarization anisotropy report the binding interaction of folding MreB with GroEL, GroES and TRiC. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements on MreB variants quantified molecular distance changes occurring during conformational rearrangements within folding MreB bound to chaperonins. We observed that the MreB structure is rearranged by a binding-induced expansion mechanism in TRiC, GroEL and GroES. These results are quantitatively comparable to the structural rearrangements found during the interaction of β-actin with GroEL and TRiC, indicating that the mechanism of chaperonins is conserved during evolution. The chaperonin-bound MreB is also significantly compacted after addition of AMP-PNP for both the GroEL/ES and TRiC systems. Most importantly, our results showed that GroES may act as an unfoldase by inducing a dramatic initial expansion of MreB (even more than for GroEL) implicating a role for MreB folding, allowing us to suggest a delivery mechanism for GroES to GroEL in prokaryotes. PMID:27328749

  12. Uranyl ion complexation by the tripodal ligand nitrilo-tri-acetate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thuery, P. [CEA Saclay, DSM/DRECAM/SCM, F-91191 Gif Sur Yvette, (France)


    Reaction of uranyl nitrate with N-(2-acetamido)iminodiacetic acid (ADA) under hydrothermal conditions resulted in the hydrolysis of the amide group and the isolation of the complex [(UO{sub 2})(HNTA)(H{sub 2}O){sub 2}], in which each nitrilo-tri-acetate ligand, protonated at the N site, bridges three metal atoms to give rise to infinite ladder-like ribbons built from 2:2 metallacycles. (author)

  13. An Effective Tri-Clustering Algorithm Combining Expression Data with Gene Regulation Information

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ao Li


    Full Text Available Motivation: Bi-clustering algorithms aim to identify sets of genes sharing similar expression patterns across a subset of conditions. However direct interpretation or prediction of gene regulatory mechanisms may be difficult as only gene expression data is used. Information about gene regulators may also be available, most commonly about which transcription factors may bind to the promoter region and thus control the expression level of a gene. Thus a method to integrate gene expression and gene regulation information is desirable for clustering and analyzing. Methods: By incorporating gene regulatory information with gene expression data, we define regulated expression values (REV as indicators of how a gene is regulated by a specific factor. Existing bi-clustering methods are extended to a three dimensional data space by developing a heuristic TRI-Clustering algorithm. An additional approach named Automatic Boundary Searching algorithm (ABS is introduced to automatically determine the boundary threshold. Results: Results based on incorporating ChIP-chip data representing transcription factor-gene interactions show that the algorithms are efficient and robust for detecting tri-clusters. Detailed analysis of the tri-cluster extracted from yeast sporulation REV data shows genes in this cluster exhibited significant differences during the middle and late stages. The implicated regulatory network was then reconstructed for further study of defined regulatory mechanisms. Topological and statistical analysis of this network demonstrated evidence of significant changes of TF activities during the different stages of yeast sporulation, and suggests this approach might be a general way to study regulatory networks undergoing transformations.

  14. Prediction and analysis of the seasonal performance of tri-generation and CO2 refrigeration systems in supermarkets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ge, Y.T.; Tassou, S.A.; Suamir, I.N.


    Highlights: ► Integration model of a trigeneration with CO 2 refrigeration systems in supermarket. ► Validation of the developed integration model with site and laboratory measurement. ► Application of the trigeneration system in power generation and space conditioning. ► Performance analysis and comparison of the integrated system in supermarket. - Abstract: A modern supermarket energy control system has a concurrent need for electricity, space heating or cooling, and food refrigeration. The power supply to the supermarket is primarily from the national grid, where losses in efficiency are due to the processes of energy conversion and transmission. Combined heat and power (CHP) offers the potential to locally produce electrical power and heating which could save energy and reduce CO 2 emissions in the long run. During the summer months, as the space heating requirement in a supermarket is relatively small, the energy efficiency of a CHP installation can be improved by using excess thermal energy to drive a sorption refrigeration system to provide space cooling or refrigeration. This process is also known as tri-generation. In recent years, the use of CO 2 as a refrigerant in supermarkets has received considerable attention due to its negligible contribution to direct greenhouse gas emissions and excellent thermophysical and heat transfer properties. Consequently, the application of a tri-generation system in a supermarket with CO 2 refrigeration merits further investigation. In this paper, to evaluate the performance of a tri-generation system in the supermarket, a previously tested 80 kWe microturbine device was applied into an operational supermarket to generate power and provide space heating and cooling through exhaust heat. The performance evaluation and comparison for this tri-generation application is based on the prediction from an integrated model of supermarket energy control, cascade CO 2 refrigeration and tri-generation systems. The results

  15. Semi-supervised adaptation in ssvep-based brain-computer interface using tri-training

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bender, Thomas; Kjaer, Troels W.; Thomsen, Carsten E.


    This paper presents a novel and computationally simple tri-training based semi-supervised steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)-based brain-computer interface (BCI). It is implemented with autocorrelation-based features and a Naïve-Bayes classifier (NBC). The system uses nine characters...

  16. Perspective analysis of tri gate germanium tunneling field-effect transistor with dopant segregation region at source/drain (United States)

    Liu, Liang-kui; Shi, Cheng; Zhang, Yi-bo; Sun, Lei


    A tri gate Ge-based tunneling field-effect transistor (TFET) has been numerically studied with technology computer aided design (TCAD) tools. Dopant segregated Schottky source/drain is applied to the device structure design (DS-TFET). The characteristics of the DS-TFET are compared and analyzed comprehensively. It is found that the performance of n-channel tri gate DS-TFET with a positive bias is insensitive to the dopant concentration and barrier height at n-type drain, and that the dopant concentration and barrier height at a p-type source considerably affect the device performance. The domination of electron current in the entire BTBT current of this device accounts for this phenomenon and the tri-gate DS-TFET is proved to have a higher performance than its dual-gate counterpart.

  17. Translating research into practice in Leeds and Bradford (TRiPLaB: a protocol for a programme of research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bibby John


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR has funded nine Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRCs. Each CLAHRC is a partnership between higher education institutions (HEIs and the NHS in nine UK regional health economies. The CLAHRC for Leeds, York, and Bradford comprises two 'research themes' and three 'implementation themes.' One of these implementation themes is Translating Research into Practice in Leeds and Bradford (TRiPLaB. TRiPLaB aims to develop, implement, and evaluate methods for inducing and sustaining the uptake of research knowledge into practice in order to improve the quality of health services for the people of Leeds and Bradford. Methods TRiPLaB is built around a three-stage, sequential, approach using separate, longitudinal case studies conducted with collaborating NHS organisations, TRiPLaB will select robust innovations to implement, conduct a theory-informed exploration of the local context using a variety of data collection and analytic methods, and synthesise the information collected to identify the key factors influencing the uptake and adoption of targeted innovations. This synthesis will inform the development of tailored, multifaceted, interventions designed to increase the translation of research findings into practice. Mixed research methods, including time series analysis, quasi-experimental comparison, and qualitative process evaluation, will be used to evaluate the impact of the implementation strategies deployed. Conclusion TRiPLaB is a theory-informed, systematic, mixed methods approach to developing and evaluating tailored implementation strategies aimed at increasing the translation of research-based findings into practice in one UK health economy. Through active collaboration with its local NHS, TRiPLaB aims to improve the quality of health services for the people of Leeds and Bradford and to contribute to research knowledge regarding the

  18. Fabrication and evaluation of auto-stripped tri-layer wound dressing for extensive burn injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, F.-H.; Tsai, J.-C.; Chen, T.-M.; Chen, K.-S.; Yang, J.-M.; Kang, P.-L.; Wu, T-H.


    In the study, we are going to develop a tri-layer membrane as the artificial skin for extensive burn injury. The first layer is a three-dimensional tri-copolymer sponge of gelatin/hyaluronan/chodroitin-6-sulfate with 70% in porosity and 20-100 μm in pore size. The layer is constructed as a dermis analogous layer to stimulate capillaries penetration, to promote dermal fibroblast migration and to induce the secretion of extra-cellular matrix, which provides a better physiological environment for burn patient recovery. The second layer is as so called auto-stripped layer composed by poly-N-isopropyacrylamide (PNIPAAm). The layer will be automatically peeled off from the tri-copolymer layer once the wound site closed and recovered. The third layer is composed by polypropylene (PP) non-woven fabric, which provides an open structure for exudates drainage out that will reduce the risk of second infection. The tri-layer wound dressing has been successfully prepared by subsequently high-energy plasma treatment, γ-ray irradiation, UV light exposure, and lyophilized process. From the results of MTT, IL-8, IL-1α, IL-6, and TNF-α measurement, the developed material will not induce tissue inflammatory or immune response. The dermal fibroblasts showed initial contact with the material surface through the radial extension of filopodia followed by cytoplasmic webbing that could be examined by SEM. Dermal fibroblasts subsequently flattened for further proliferation and extra-cellular matrix secretion. Dermal analog layer provides a three-dimensional architecture for normal dermis regeneration. The layer can be completely biodegraded within 4 weeks post-operation. After served as a scaffold for the ingrowth of self-fibroblasts, a normal dermis like layer will be regenerated. The dressing will fall off automatically without any damage once the wound site healed completely

  19. Matrices Aléatoires Tri-diagonales et Par Blocs.


    MEKKI, Slimane


    Dans ce mémoire l'étude porte sur la densité de matrice aléatoire, les densités des valeurs propres d'une matrice pour les trois ensembles G.O.E, G.U.E, G.S.E. Après nous avons explicité les formules des densités de valeurs propres des matrices tri-diagonales dans les cas HERMITE et LAGUERRE Des simulations sur les constantes de normalisations pour les densités des matrices aléatoires ou des valeurs propres sont présentées.

  20. Microbialitas lacustres de secuencias triásicas de Argentina


    Benavente, Cecilia Andrea


    Las sucesiones triásicas Cerro de las Cabras y Cerro Puntudo corresponden al relleno sedimentario de la Cuenca Cuyana de rift. La cuenca presenta dos hemigrábenes asimétricos, uno ubicado al norte y otro al sur de polaridad opuesta y desvinculados por un alto topográfico. Los depocentros estudiados son Cerro Puntudo que forma parte del hemigraben norte en donde aflora la Formación Cerro Puntudo; y el depocentro Potrerillos que forma parte del hemigraben sur en el que aflora la Formación Cerro...

  1. Vervluchtiging van EPTC, tri-allaat en parathion na bespuiting van een kleigrond

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bor, G.; Berg, van den F.; Smelt, J.H.; Peppel-Groen, van de A.E.; Leistra, M.


    Op tien tijdstippen na de bespuiting van een onbegroeide kleigrond met EPTC, tri-allaat en parathion werden de snelheden van vervluchtiging van deze middelen bepaald met de kapmethode en de theoretisch-profielmethode (TP-methode). De vervluchtiging was het hoogst op de dag van toepassing. In de

  2. Coronary Heart Disease Knowledge and Risk Factors among Tri-Ethnic College Students (United States)

    Koutoubi, Samer; Huffman, Fatma G.; Ciccazzo, Michele W.; Himburg, Susan P.; Johnson, Paulette


    Objectives: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the United States and Europe. This study identified and compared nutritional knowledge associated with CHD risk factors among tri-ethnic college students. Design: A quantitative, cross-sectional, observational study using questionnaires. Setting: University laboratory.…

  3. Isotopic exchange reaction between barium ion and tri barium phosphate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bilgin, G.B.; Cetin, I.


    Heterogeneous exchange reaction of tri barium phosphate in barium chloride solution has been studied using 133 Ba as a tracer. The results show that the exchange fraction increases as barium chloride concentration increases for different mole ratio of the exchange ion on the solid surface and in the solution. The phenomenon was studied with respect to the previous treatment of the precipitate leading to different crystal sizes and the effect of reaction time. (author)

  4. A novel tri-layer flexible piezoelectric nanogenerator based on surface- modified graphene and PVDF-BaTiO3 nanocomposites (United States)

    Yaqoob, Usman; Uddin, A. S. M. Iftekhar; Chung, Gwiy-Sang


    The fabrication and characterization of a novel tri-layer piezoelectric nanogenerator (PNG) based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF), barium titanate (BTO), and surface-modified n- type graphene (n-Gr) have been investigated. The n-Gr, with its majority of negative charge carriers, plays a vital role in enhancing the energy-harvesting performance by aligning the dipoles in one direction. The tri-layer structure obtains by stacking two layers of PVDF-BTO nanocomposite films, one on each side of the n-Gr layer. The fabricated tri-layer PNG shows a maximum output voltage of 10 V (pk-pk) along with a current of 2.5 μA (pk-pk) at an applied force of 2 N. Furthermore, the PNG Exhibits 5.8 μW instantaneous power at 1 MΩ load resistance. Moreover, the fabricated device demonstrated good stability even after 1000 pressing-releasing cycles. This novel tri-layer PNG structure can opens a promising avenue for future piezoelectric generating technologies.

  5. Electrospun pH-sensitive core-shell polymer nanocomposites fabricated using a tri-axial process. (United States)

    Yang, Chen; Yu, Deng-Guang; Pan, Deng; Liu, Xin-Kuan; Wang, Xia; Bligh, S W Annie; Williams, Gareth R


    A modified tri-axial electrospinning process was developed for the generation of a new type of pH-sensitive polymer/lipid nanocomposite. The systems produced are able to promote both dissolution and permeation of a model poorly water-soluble drug. First, we show that it is possible to run a tri-axial process with only one of the three fluids being electrospinnable. Using an electrospinnable middle fluid of Eudragit S100 (ES100) with pure ethanol as the outer solvent and an unspinnable lecithin-diclofenac sodium (PL-DS) core solution, nanofibers with linear morphology and clear core/shell structures can be fabricated continuously and smoothly. X-ray diffraction proved that these nanofibers are structural nanocomposites with the drug present in an amorphous state. In vitro dissolution tests demonstrated that the formulations could preclude release in acidic conditions, and that the drug was released from the fibers in two successive steps at neutral pH. The first step is the dissolution of the shell ES100 and the conversion of the core PL-DS into sub-micron sized particles. This frees some DS into solution, and later the remaining DS is gradually released from the PL-DS particles through diffusion. Ex vivo permeation results showed that the composite nanofibers give a more than twofold uplift in the amount of DS passing through the colonic membrane as compared to pure DS; 74% of the transmitted drug was in the form of PL-DS particles. The new tri-axial electrospinning process developed in this work provides a platform to fabricate structural nanomaterials, and the core-shell polymer-PL nanocomposites we have produced have significant potential applications for oral colon-targeted drug delivery. A modified tri-axial electrospinning is demonstrated to create a new type of core-shell pH-sensitive polymer/lipid nanocomposites, in which an electrospinnable middle fluid is exploited to support the un-spinnable outer and inner fluids. The structural nanocomposites are able

  6. Application of TRiMiCri for the evaluation of risk based microbiological criteria for Campylobacter on broiler meat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seliwiorstow, Tomasz; Uyttendaele, Mieke; De Zutter, Lieven


    A potential solution for the reduction of consumer exposure to Campylobacter is establishing a microbiological criterion (MC) for Campylobacter on broiler meat. In the present study the freely available software tool TRiMiCri was applied to evaluate risk-based microbiological criteria by two appr...... of microbiological criteria for Campylobacter in the EU is discussed. TRiMiCri provides user friendly software to evaluate the available data and can help risk managers in establishing risk based microbiological criteria for Campylobacter in broiler meat.......A potential solution for the reduction of consumer exposure to Campylobacter is establishing a microbiological criterion (MC) for Campylobacter on broiler meat. In the present study the freely available software tool TRiMiCri was applied to evaluate risk-based microbiological criteria by two...

  7. Tissue distribution and excretion of tri-(2-ethylhexyl)trimellitate in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martis, L.; Woods, F.E.


    The disposition kinetics of tri-(2-ethylhexyl)trimellitate (TEHTM), a new plasticizer for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, was studied in rats following intravenous administration of [ 14 C-carbonyl]tri-(2-ethylhexyl)trimellitate using an oil in water emulsion as the vehicle. The distribution half-life, elimination half-life, and clearance values estimated from the plasma concentration of radioactivity data obtained following iv administration of 10.5 mg/kg of TEHTM (59.9 μCi/kg), were 46.2 min, 5.34 d, and 40.5 ml/kg x h, respectively. Following iv dosage of 15.6 mg/kg of TEHTM (28.0 μCi/kg), significant accumulation of radioactivity was found in the liver, lungs, and spleen, with liver accounting for 72% of the administered dosage at 24. Excretion of TEHTM and its biotransformation products was slow, with 21.3% of the administered radioactivity found in the feces and 2.8% in the urine during the 14-d collection period. Biliary excretion seems to be the major route of elimination of TEHTM. The pharmacokinetic data gathered in the present investigation are compared to di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), a widely used plasticizer for PVC

  8. Insights into operation of planar tri-gate tunnel field effect transistor for dynamic memory application (United States)

    Navlakha, Nupur; Kranti, Abhinav


    Insights into device physics and operation through the control of energy barriers are presented for a planar tri-gate Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (TFET) based dynamic memory. The architecture consists of a double gate (G1) at the source side and a single gate (G2) at the drain end of the silicon film. Dual gates (G1) effectively enhance the tunneling based read mechanism through the enhanced coupling and improved electrostatic control over the channel. The single gate (G2) controls the holes in the potential barrier induced through the proper selection of bias and workfunction. The results indicate that the planar tri-gate achieves optimum performance evaluated in terms of two composite metrics (M1 and M2), namely, product of (i) Sense Margin (SM) and Retention Time (RT) i.e., M1 = SM × RT and (ii) Sense Margin and Current Ratio (CR) i.e., M2 = SM × CR. The regulation of barriers created by the gates (G1 and G2) through the optimal use of device parameters leads to better performance metrics, with significant improvement at scaled lengths as compared to other tunneling based dynamic memory architectures. The investigation shows that lengths of G1, G2 and lateral spacing can be scaled down to 25 nm, 50 nm, and 30 nm, respectively, while achieving reasonable values for (M1, M2). The work demonstrates a systematic approach to showcase the advancement in TFET based Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) through the use of planar tri-gate topology at a lower bias value. The concept, design, and operation of planar tri-gate architecture provide valuable viewpoints for TFET based DRAM.

  9. Weed control in young coffee plantations through post emergence herbicide application onto total area Controle de plantas daninhas em cafezais recém-implantados, com herbicidas aplicados em pós-emergência em área total

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    C.P. Ronchi


    at doses recommended for bean crop, these herbicides may be applied to control weeds in coffee and bean intercropping systems by spraying the entire area.Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar, em campo, a eficiência de vários herbicidas aplicados em pós-emergência em área total no controle de plantas daninhas, em cafezais recém-implantados e no consórcio de café e feijão, assim como seus efeitos sobre essas culturas. Mudas de Coffea arabica, cultivar Catuaí Vermelho, com quatro a seis pares de folhas foram transplantadas para o campo e cultivadas segundo práticas agronômicas usuais. O consórcio de café e feijão foi obtido por meio do plantio de três linhas de feijão nas entrelinhas do cafezal. Quando os herbicidas foram aplicados sobre as culturas, as plantas de café estavam com seis a dez pares de folhas, as de feijão com três folíolos e as plantas daninhas no estádio inicial de desenvolvimento. Fluazifop-p-butil e clethodim foram seletivos às plantas de café e controlaram eficientemente Brachiaria plantaginea e Digitaria horizontalis. Plantas daninhas dicotiledôneas (Amaranthus retroflexus, Bidens pilosa, Coronopus didymus, Emilia sonchifolia, Galinsoga parviflora, Ipomoea grandifolia, Lepidium virginicum e Raphanus raphanistrum foram controladas eficientemente por aplicações isoladas de fomesafen, flazasulfuron e oxyfluorfen, com exceção de B. pilosa, C. didymus e R. raphanistrum para o oxyfluorfen. Aplicações seqüenciais com intervalos de sete dias de fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butil ou clethodim, e as duas misturas comerciais de fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butil controlaram simultaneamente ambos os tipos de plantas daninhas. Cyperus rotundus foi controlada apenas por flazasulfuron. Com exceção de fluazifop-p-butil e clethodim todos os demais tratamentos herbicidas provocaram apenas leves injúrias às folhas mais novas das plantas de café. Contudo, o crescimento das plantas não foi prejudicado, de forma que tanto a

  10. R2 TRI facilities with 1999-2011 risk related estimates throughout the census blockgroup (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This dataset delineates the distribution of estimate risk from the TRI facilities for 1999 - 2011 throughout the census blockgroup of the region using Office of...

  11. Utilization of waste heat from a HCCI (homogeneous charge compression ignition) engine in a tri-generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarabchi, N.; Khoshbakhti Saray, R.; Mahmoudi, S.M.S.


    The waste heat from exhaust gases and cooling water of Homogeneous charge compression ignition engines (HCCI) are utilized to drive an ammonia-water cogeneration cycle (AWCC) and some heating processes, respectively. The AWCC is a combination of the Rankine cycle and an absorption refrigeration cycle. Considering the chemical kinetic calculations, a single zone combustion model is developed to simulate the natural gas fueled HCCI engine. Also, the performance of AWCC is simulated using the Engineering Equation Solver software (EES). Through combining these two codes, a detailed thermodynamic analysis is performed for the proposed tri-generation system and the effects of some main parameters on the performances of both the AWCC and the tri-generation system are investigated in detail. The cycle performance is then optimized for the fuel energy saving ratio (FESR). The enhancement in the FESR could be up to 28.56%. Under optimized condition, the second law efficiency of proposed system is 5.19% higher than that of the HCCI engine while the reduction in CO 2 emission is 4.067% as compared with the conventional separate thermodynamic systems. Moreover, the results indicate that the engine, in the tri-generation system and the absorber, in the bottoming cycle has the most contribution in exergy destruction. - Highlights: • A new thermodynamic tri-generation system is proposed for waste heat recovery of HCCI engine. • A single zone combustion model is developed to simulate the natural gas fueled HCCI engine. • The proposed tri-generation cycle is analyzed from the view points of both first and second laws of thermodynamics. • In the considered cycle, enhancements of 28.56% in fuel energy saving ratio and 5.19% in exergy efficiency are achieved

  12. Constitutive Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements under Tri-directional Shear (United States)

    Labib, Moheb

    The two-dimensional behavior of typical reinforced concrete (RC) structures has been extensively studied in the past several decades by investigating the constitutive behavior of full-scale reinforced concrete elements subjected to a bi-axial state of stress. In order to understand the true behavior of many large complex structures, the goal of this investigation is to develop new constitutive relationships for RC elements subjected to tri-directional shear stresses. Recently, additional out-of-plane jacks were installed on the panel tester at University of Houston so that concrete elements could be subjected to tri-directional shear stresses. This upgrade makes the panel tester the only one of its kind in the US that is capable of applying such combinations of stresses on full-scale reinforced concrete elements. This dissertation presents the details of the mounting and installation of the additional hydraulic jacks on the universal panel tester. The experimental program includes a series of seven reinforced concrete elements subjected to different combinations of in-plane and out-of-plane shear stresses. Increasing the applied out-of-plane shear stresses reduced the membrane shear strength of the elements. The effect of applying out-of-plane shear stresses on the in-plane shear strength was represented by modifying the softening coefficient in the compression stress strain curve of concrete struts. The modified model was able to capture the behavior and the ultimate capacity of the tested elements. The effect of the in-plane shear reinforcement ratio on the interaction between in-plane and out-of-plane shear stresses was evaluated. The model was implemented in the Finite Element package FEAP and was used to predict the ultimate capacity of many structures subjected to a combination of in-plane and out-of-plane shear stresses. The results of the analytical model were used to develop simplified design equations for members subjected to bi-directional shear loads

  13. Senyawa Flavonoida, Fenil Propanoida dan Alkaloida


    Sovia Lenny


    06003489 Sebagian besar senyawa organik bahan alam adalah senyawa-senyawa aromatik. senyawa-senyawa ini tersebar luas sebagai zat warna alam yang menyebabkan warna pada bunga, kayu pohon tropis, bermacam-macam kapang dan lumut termasuk zat warna alizarin, oleh Sovia Lenny

  14. Exploring Environmental Inequity in South Korea: An Analysis of the Distribution of Toxic Release Inventory (TRI Facilities and Toxic Releases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. K. Yoon


    Full Text Available Recently, location data regarding the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI in South Korea was released to the public. This study investigated the spatial patterns of TRIs and releases of toxic substances in all 230 local governments in South Korea to determine whether spatial clusters relevant to the siting of noxious facilities occur. In addition, we employed spatial regression modeling to determine whether the number of TRI facilities and the volume of toxic releases in a given community were correlated with the community’s socioeconomic, racial, political, and land use characteristics. We found that the TRI facilities and their toxic releases were disproportionately distributed with clustered spatial patterning. Spatial regression modeling indicated that jurisdictions with smaller percentages of minorities, stronger political activity, less industrial land use, and more commercial land use had smaller numbers of toxic releases, as well as smaller numbers of TRI facilities. However, the economic status of the community did not affect the siting of hazardous facilities. These results indicate that the siting of TRI facilities in Korea is more affected by sociopolitical factors than by economic status. Racial issues are thus crucial for consideration in environmental justice as the population of Korea becomes more racially and ethnically diverse.

  15. Paper-based inkjet-printed tri-band U-slot monopole antenna for wireless applications

    KAUST Repository

    Abutarboush, Hattan


    Realization of a U-slot tri-band monopole antenna on a low-cost paper substrate using inkjet-printed technology is presented for the first time. The U-shaped slot is optimized to enhance the bandwidth and to achieve tri-band operation of 1.57, 3.2, and 5 GHz with measured impedance bandwidths of 3.21%, 28.1%, and 36%, respectively. The antenna is fabricated through a metallic nanoparticle ink on a standard commercial paper. Thus, the antenna can be used to cover the GPS, WiMAX, HiperLAN/2, and WLAN. The antenna has a compact size of 12 × 37.3 × 0.44 mm3 , leaving enough space for the driving electronics on the paper substrate. The impedance bandwidth, current distributions, radiation patterns, gain, and efficiency of the antenna have been studied through computer simulations and measurements. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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    Lita Ayudia Fitriyani


    program tanggung jawab sosial sebagai kontribusi untuk masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk dari tanggung jawab sosial adalah program pengembangan masyarakat yang dinilai lebih bermanfaat. System Rice Intensification Organic atau SRI Organik adalah salah satu program pengembangan masyarakat yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1 mengevaluasi dampak yang diberikan SRI Organik sebagai program pengembangan masyarakat; 2 mengukur tingkat pendapatan petani SRI Organik; 3 menganalisis peluang SRI Organik dimasa depan sebagai program yang mandiri dan berkelanjutan. Dengan melakukan studi kasus kepada program pengembangan masyarakat yang dilakukan PT Medco E&P Indonesia pada dusun Parit 9 kab. Banyuasin, penulis melakukan analisis dan evaluasi dampak dengan menggunakan SEAGA terhadap 20 responden. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut dimaksudkan untuk memberikan masukan agar menjadikan program pengembangan masyarakat yang lebih efektif di masa depan.   Kata kunci: kesejahteraan, tanggung jawab sosial, pengembangan masyarakat, SRI organik, SEAGA

  17. Permeability changes of coal cores and briquettes under tri-axial stress conditions

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Wierzbicki, M.; Konečný, Pavel; Kožušníková, Alena


    Roč. 59, č. 4 (2014), s. 1129-1138 ISSN 0860-7001 R&D Projects: GA MŠk ED2.1.00/03.0082 Institutional support: RVO:68145535 Keywords : coal * gas permeability * tri-axial stress * coal briquettes Subject RIV: DH - Mining, incl. Coal Mining Impact factor: 0.608, year: 2013

  18. Synthesis of ABA Tri-Block Co-Polymer Magnetopolymersomes via Electroporation for Potential Medical Application

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    Jennifer Bain


    Full Text Available The ABA tri-block copolymer poly(2-methyloxazoline–poly(dimethylsiloxane–poly(2-methyloxazoline (PMOXA–PDMS–PMOXA is known for its capacity to mimic a bilayer membrane in that it is able to form vesicular polymersome structures. For this reason, it is the subject of extensive research and enables the development of more robust, adaptable and biocompatible alternatives to natural liposomes for biomedical applications. However, the poor solubility of this polymer renders published methods for forming vesicles unreproducible, hindering research and development of these polymersomes. Here we present an adapted, simpler method for the production of PMOXA–PDMS–PMOXA polymersomes of a narrow polydispersity (45 ± 5.8 nm, via slow addition of aqueous solution to a new solvent/polymer mixture. We then magnetically functionalise these polymersomes to form magnetopolymersomes via in situ precipitation of iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs within the PMOXA–PDMS–PMOXA polymersome core and membrane. This is achieved using electroporation to open pores within the membrane and to activate the formation of MNPs. The thick PMOXA–PDMS–PMOXA membrane is well known to be relatively non-permeable when compared to more commonly used di-block polymer membranes due a distinct difference in both size and chemistry and therefore very difficult to penetrate using standard biological methods. This paper presents for the first time the application of electroporation to an ABA tri-block polymersome membrane (PMOXA–PDMS–PMOXA for intravesicular in situ precipitation of uniform MNPs (2.6 ± 0.5 nm. The electroporation process facilitates the transport of MNP reactants across the membrane yielding in situ precipitation of MNPs. Further to differences in length and chemistry, a tri-block polymersome membrane structure differs from a natural lipid or di-block polymer membrane and as such the application and effects of electroporation on this type of

  19. Tri-code inductance control rod position indicator with several multi-coding-bars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi Jibin; Jiang Yueyuan; Wang Wenran


    A control rod position indicator named as tri-code inductance control rod position indicator with multi-coding-bars, which possesses simple structure, reliable operation and high precision, is developed. The detector of the indicator is composed of K coils, a compensatory coil and K coding bars. Each coding bar consists of several sections of strong magnetic cores, several sections of weak magnetic cores and several sections of non-magnetic portions. As the control rod is withdrawn, the coding bars move in the center of the coils respectively, while the constant alternating current passes the coils and makes them to create inductance alternating voltage signals. The outputs of the coils are picked and processed, and the tri-codes indicating rod position can be gotten. Moreover, the coding principle of the detector and its related structure are introduced. The analysis shows that the indicator owns more advantage over the coils-coding rod position indicator, so it can meet the demands of the rod position indicating in nuclear heating reactor (NHR). (authors)

  20. Isolation and investigation of antimicrobial effect of 3,4,3'-tri-O ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    3,4,3'-Tri-O-methylflavellagic acid and its glucoside (reported for the first time) were isolated from Anogeissus leocarpus. These compounds were analysed by GC-MS, IR, 1D and 2D-NMR, and also as acetates. Antimicrobial effect of the glucoside on S. aureus, E. coli, Ps. aeruginosa and C. albicans show that it possesses ...

  1. Synthesis of PMMA-b-PU-b-PMMA tri-block copolymers through ARGET ATRP in the presence of air

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    P. Krol


    Full Text Available ARGET (activators regenerated by electron transfer ATRP (atom transfer radical polymerization has been successfully performed (in flasks fitted with rubber septa without the need for use of Schlenk line in the presence of limited amount of air and with a very small (370 ppm amount of copper catalyst together with an appropriate reducing agent Cu(0. Novelty of this work is that the poly(methyl methacrylate-block-polyurethane-block-poly(methyl methacrylate triblock copolymers were synthesized for the first time through ARGET ATRP, by using tertiary bromine-terminated polyurethane as a macroinitiator (MBP-PU-MBP, CuBr2 or CuCl2 as a catalyst and N,N,N',N",N"-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA or 2,2'-bipyridine (Bpy as a complexing agent. As the polymerization time increases, both the monomer conversion and ln([M]0/[M] increased and the molecular weight of copolymer increases linearly with increasing conversion. Theoretical number-average molecular weight (Mn, th of the tri-block copolymers was found to be comparable with number-average molecular weight determined by GPC analyses (Mn, GPC. These results indicate that the formation of the tri-block copolymers was through atom transfer radical polymerization mechanism. 1H and 13C NMR spectral methods were employed to confirm chemical structures of synthesized macroinitiator and tri-block copolymers. Mole percentage of PMMA in the tri-block copolymers was calculated using 1H NMR spectroscopy and was found to be comparable with the GPC results. Additionally, the studies of surface properties (confocal microscopy and SFE of tri-block copolymer coatings confirmed the presence of MMA segments.

  2. Tri-Band PCB Antenna for Wireless Sensor Network Transceivers in Home Automation Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rohde, John; Toftegaard, Thomas Skjødeberg


    A novel tri-band antenna design for wireless sensor network devices in home automation applications is proposed. The design is based on a combination of a conventional monopole wire antenna and discrete distributed load impedances. The load impedances are employed to ensure the degrees of freedom...

  3. Structure study of the tri-continuous mesoporous silica IBN-9 by electron crystallography

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Daliang


    High resolution electron microscopy (HRTEM) has unique advantages for structural determination of nano-sized porous materials compared to X-ray diffraction, because it provides the important structure factor phase information which is lost in diffraction. Here we demonstrate the structure determination of the first tri-continuous mesoporous silica IBN-9 by electron crystallography. IBN-9 has a hexagonal unit cell with the space group P6 3/mcm and a = 88.4 , c = 84.3 . HRTEM images taken along three main directions, [0 0 1], [11̄0] and [1 0 0] were combined to reconstruct the 3D electrostatic potential map, from which the tri-continuous pore structure of IBN-9 was discovered. The different steps of structure determination of unknown mesoporous structures by electron crystallography are described in details. Similar procedures can also be applied for structure determination of other porous and nonporous crystalline materials. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Solar tri-diurnal variation of cosmic rays in a wide range of rigidity (United States)

    Mori, S.; Ueno, H.; Fujii, Z.; Morishita, I.; Nagashima, K.


    Solar tri-diurnal variations of cosmic rays have been analyzed in a wide range of rigidity, using data from neutron monitors, and the surface and underground muon telescopes for the period 1978-1983. The rigidity spectrum of the anisotropy in space is assumed to be of power-exponential type as (P/gamma P sub o) to the gamma exp (gamma-P/P sub o). By means of the best-fit method between the observed and the expected variations, it is obtained that the spectrum has a peak at P (=gamma P sub o) approx = 90 GV, where gamma=approx 3.0 and P sub o approx. 30 GV. The phase in space of the tri-diurnal variation is also obtained as 7.0 hr (15 hr and 23 hr LT), which is quite different from that of approx. 1 hr. arising from the axisymmetric distribution of cosmic rays with respect to the IMF.


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    Full Text Available The philosophy of Tri Hita Karana has been implemented in the social system of Hindu and nonHindu Balinese society. This philosophy emphasize on harmonizing relationship of human to the God (Parhyangan, human to human (Pawongan, and human to the environment (Palemahan. LPD as the custom village financial institution has a social responsibility to the society. This article explains that as a financial institution raising capital from the society has social and economic responsibility to them. According to Regional Act of Bali Province No.8 Year 2002, twenty percent of LPD’s net income shall be provided for the village development plan, and 5 percent for social fund of the village. This shows the role of LPD in increasing the society welfare. This article also describes several implementations of social responsibilities of LPD with Tri Hita Karana philosophy. To be able to show the responsibility, it is suggested for LPD to prepare social responsibility report periodically.

  6. Pengolahan Limbah Rumah Makan dengan Proses Biofilter Aerobik

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    Laily Zoraya Zahra


    Full Text Available Berkembangnya rumah makan/restoran yang semakin pesat dapat dipastikan akan turut menambah buangan air limbah domestik dengan kadar organik yang tinggi dalam jumlah yang tidak sedikit yang dibuang ke badan air.Tingginya kadar organik dalam limbah domestik rumah makan akan menyebabkan aroma yang tidak sedap jika tidak ada pengolahan terlebih dahulu, maka pengolahan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengolah air limbah rumah makan tersebut adalah proses biofilter aerobik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan proses biofilter aerobik dengan aliran downflow dan menggunakan sistem intermitten.Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah media biofilter berupa kerikil dan batu alam serta Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT 8 jam. Parameter pencemar yang diukur efisiensinya adalah BOD, COD, dan TSS. Besarnya penyisihan parameter BOD, COD dan TSS dengan menggunakan biofilter aerob berturut-turut mencapai 94,83%, 92,95%, dan 95%. Reaktor paling baik dalam mengolah air limbah adalah reaktor biofilter dengan media kerikil pada HRT 8 jam.

  7. Introduction of tri-antennary N-glycans in Arabidopsis thaliana plants. (United States)

    Nagels, Bieke; Van Damme, Els J M; Callewaert, Nico; Weterings, Koen


    Because the pathway for protein synthesis is largely conserved between plants and animals, plants provide an attractive platform for the cost effective and flexible production of biopharmaceuticals. However, there are some differences in glycosylation between plants and humans that need to be considered before plants can be used as an efficient expression platform. In the presented research the human genes encoding α1,3-mannosyl-β1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT-IV) and α1,6-mannosyl-β1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT-V) were introduced in the fast cycling model plant Arabidopsis thaliana to synthesize tri-antennary N-glycans. The GnT-IV and -V enzymes were targeted to the Golgi apparatus with plant-specific localization signals. The experiments were performed both in a wild type background, as well as in plants lacking β1,2-xylosyltransferase (XylT) and α1,3-fucosyltransferase (FucT) activity. Glycan analysis of endogenous proteins in the transgenic lines using CE-LIF showed that tri-antennary N-glycans could be produced in the XylT/FucT deficient line, while these structures were not found in the wild type background. Since β-N-acetylhexosaminidases, that remove terminal GlcNAcs, are active in A. thaliana plants, the specificity of these enzymes for different GlcNAc linkages was tested. The results showed that there is no pronounced preference of the A. thaliana hexosaminidases for human-type GlcNAc-linkages. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Modeling and optimal resources allocation of a novel tri-distributed generation system based on sustainable energy resources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soheyli, Saman; Mehrjoo, Mehri; Shafiei Mayam, Mohamad Hossein


    Highlights: • Considering renewable resources as the main prime movers in tri-generation systems. • Using EDM and TDM strategies simultaneously by defining probability functions. • Using an area function to evaluate the practical implementation of the system. • Reducing fuel consumption and pollution up to 154 and 207 times more than SP system. • Reducing the need to power grid and other auxiliary systems to less than 1%. - Abstract: Tri-generation systems with the aim of recycling heat dissipation of equipment and importing the heat into the energy production cycle have been considered by researchers recently because of increasing energy efficiency and decreasing environmental pollution. Many studies have been done in the field of tri-generation systems, but the studies have been more focused on centralized energy sources, such as, steam and gas turbines. Thus, required researches to move the sources of tri-generation systems toward renewable energy resources are not perfect enough. Moreover, the type of operation strategy, which is one of the important issues in investigating tri-generation system, is usually depended on assistant resources, such as, local power grid. In this paper, a novel tri-generation system based on wind and solar renewable energy resources and natural gas as the system prime movers is evaluated. Furthermore, a different operation strategy is considered to minimize the need to auxiliary sources and so the ability to use the system in remote regions, independently. Hence, wind turbines, photovoltaic (PV) modules, and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are considered as prime movers of the system. Moreover, a battery bank and heat storage tanks (HSTs) are deployed to balance the fluctuations in produced energy by wind and solar renewable resources. Hence, thermal demand management (TDM) and electrical demand management (EDM) operation strategies are considered simultaneously and defined as two possible functions to achieve a system with

  9. Spectroscopic Study of the Polar BS Tri (United States)

    Borisov, N. V.; Gabdeev, M. M.; Shimansky, V. V.; Katysheva, N. A.; Shugarov, S. Yu.


    We have analyzed the spectra of the cataclysmic variable BS Tri taken in September 2011 and August 2012 with the 6-m BTA SAO RAS telescope. The object's spectra exhibit a flat continuum with superimposed strong hydrogen Balmer, neutral and ionized helium emission lines. Our analysis of the line profiles has shown that they consist of several components that are formed in the accretion structure and on the irradiated red dwarf surface. The measured radial velocities of one of the components of the line forming in a spot on the red dwarf surface have allowed the parameters of the system to be estimated: M 1 = 0.75 ± 0.02 M ⊙, M 2 = 0.16 ± 0.01 M ⊙, q = 0.21 ± 0.02, and R L2 = 0.18 ± 0.02 R ⊙. The Doppler maps constructed from the emission lines show no disk accretion, defining the system as a polar.

  10. The degrees of tri-axial orientation in RE-doped Bi2212 powders aligned in a modulated rotation magnetic field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagai, R.; Horii, S.; Maeda, T.; Haruta, M.; Shimoyama, J.


    Highlights: •Tri-axial magnetic alignment of Bi2212 with rare-earth (RE) doping was attempted. •Magnetization axes depended on the type of doped RE ions. •RE-doping increased degrees of inplane orientation and inplane magnetic anisotropy. -- Abstract: We report relationship between the degrees of tri-axial orientation and doping level of rare earth (RE) ions in Bi 2 Sr 2 (Ca 1−x RE x )Cu 2 O y (RE-doped Bi2212; RE = Dy, Ho, Er and Tm) powder samples aligned under a modulated rotation magnetic field (MRF) of 10 T. Tri-axial magnetic alignment of the RE-doped Bi2212 with x = 0–0.5 was achieved by single-ion magnetic anisotropy of RE 3+ and tri-axial magnetic anisotropy induced by modulation microstructure in a grain level. The degrees of in-plane and c-axis orientation with ∼3° were achieved for the case of the Tm-doped Bi2212 with x = 0.5. The findings in the present study give us important information for the fabrication of triaxially oriented Bi-based cuprate superconductor materials by the magneto-scientific process

  11. Tri-sector partnerships in social entrepreneurship: discourse and practice of the actors from the circles of action and reflection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla Bronzo


    Full Text Available This article discusses the construction of tri-sector partnerships in three projects conducted in Brazil in different fields of intervention of public policy (access to water, basic education and performance of boards of rights of children and adolescents. Collaborative articulations involving the players from three sectors (the State, civil society and the market are practices that are little studied in the Brazilian and even in the international context, as tri-sector partnerships are rare, despite the proliferation of lines of discourse in support of alliances between governments and civil society or between companies and NGOs in the management of public policy. As a research strategy, this study resorted to cooperative inquiry, a method that involves breaking down the boundaries between the subjects and the objects of the analysis. Besides working toward a better understanding of the challenges of building tri-sector partnerships in the Brazilian context, the article also tries to show the relevance to public policy studies of investigative methods based on the subjects studied, as a means of developing an understanding of the practices, lines of discourse and dilemmas linked to social action in social programs.

  12. Falls classification using tri-axial accelerometers during the five-times-sit-to-stand test. (United States)

    Doheny, Emer P; Walsh, Cathal; Foran, Timothy; Greene, Barry R; Fan, Chie Wei; Cunningham, Clodagh; Kenny, Rose Anne


    The five-times-sit-to-stand test (FTSS) is an established assessment of lower limb strength, balance dysfunction and falls risk. Clinically, the time taken to complete the task is recorded with longer times indicating increased falls risk. Quantifying the movement using tri-axial accelerometers may provide a more objective and potentially more accurate falls risk estimate. 39 older adults, 19 with a history of falls, performed four repetitions of the FTSS in their homes. A tri-axial accelerometer was attached to the lateral thigh and used to identify each sit-stand-sit phase and sit-stand and stand-sit transitions. A second tri-axial accelerometer, attached to the sternum, captured torso acceleration. The mean and variation of the root-mean-squared amplitude, jerk and spectral edge frequency of the acceleration during each section of the assessment were examined. The test-retest reliability of each feature was examined using intra-class correlation analysis, ICC(2,k). A model was developed to classify participants according to falls status. Only features with ICC>0.7 were considered during feature selection. Sequential forward feature selection within leave-one-out cross-validation resulted in a model including four reliable accelerometer-derived features, providing 74.4% classification accuracy, 80.0% specificity and 68.7% sensitivity. An alternative model using FTSS time alone resulted in significantly reduced classification performance. Results suggest that the described methodology could provide a robust and accurate falls risk assessment. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Physical activity profiles of U.S. adults trying to lose weight: NHIS 1998. (United States)

    Kruger, Judy; Galuska, Deborah A; Serdula, Mary K; Kohl, Harold W


    Physical activity is an integral part of weight control programs, but recommended amounts vary. The objectives of this study were to describe the prevalence and characteristics of those who reported using exercise as a weight loss strategy (N=14,716), and to determine the prevalence of meeting various institutionally recommended levels of physical activity (N=8538) among that population. Data were obtained from the 1998 National Health Interview Survey, a face-to-face nationally representative household interview. Questions on leisure-time physical activity were analyzed using SUDAAN. Among those who reported trying to lose weight, 55% reported using exercise as a weight loss strategy alone, and of those, 58% reported eating fewer calories. The prevalence of using exercise as a weight loss strategy was directly associated with education and inversely associated with age and body mass index. Among those who reported using exercise as a weight loss strategy, 57% met the minimal 1998 National Institutes of Health recommendation of >or=150 min.wk; 46% met the lower end of the 2001 American College of Sports Medicine recommendation of 200 min.wk; and 30% met the upper end for 300 min.wk. Only 19% met the 2002 Institute of Medicine recommendation of 420 min.wk. Despite the importance of physical activity in a weight loss program, only about half of the persons trying to lose weight reported using exercise. Even among those, only slightly more than half met the minimal recommendations for physical activity. Efforts are needed to aid those trying to lose weight to incorporate appropriate levels of physical activity into their weight loss strategy.

  14. Control of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Quang Tri province, Vietnam: voices from the human-animal interface. (United States)

    Farrell, Penny C; Hunter, Cynthia; Truong, Bui; Bunning, Michel


    Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is caused by the haemagglutinin 5, neuraminidase 1 (H5N1) influenza A virus. Around 80% of households in rural Vietnam raise poultry, which provides food security and nutrition to their households and beyond. Of these, around 15-20% are semi-commercial producers, producing at least 28% of the country's chicken. Through learning the experiences of these semi-commercial farmers, this study aimed to explore the local understandings and sociocultural aspects of HPAI's impact, particularly the aetiology, diagnosis, and the prevention and control methods in one Vietnamese rural province. This study was conducted in Quang Tri province, Vietnam. Quang Tri province has eight districts. Five of these districts were at high risk of HPAI during the study period, of which three were selected for the present study. Within these three districts, six communes were randomly selected for the study from the list of intervention communes in Quang Tri province. Six out of the 26 intervention communes in Quang Tri were therefore selected. Participants were randomly selected and recruited from lists of semi-commercial farmers, village animal health workers, village human health workers and local authorities so that the study population (representative population) included an amount of variability similar to that of the wider population. A key benefit of this village-level control program was the residential proximity of animal and human health professionals. Participants were well aware of the typical clinical signs for avian influenza and of the reporting process for suspect cases. However there was extensive room for improvement in Quang Tri province regarding access to the HPAI vaccine, essential medical equipment for animal use, and available financial support. This qualitative research study provided an important insight for in-country policy makers and international stakeholders. It is vital that there are continued efforts to prevent and

  15. NTL8 Regulates Trichome Formation in Arabidopsis by Directly Activating R3 MYB Genes TRY and TCL1. (United States)

    Tian, Hainan; Wang, Xianling; Guo, Hongyan; Cheng, Yuxin; Hou, Chunjiang; Chen, Jin-Gui; Wang, Shucai


    The NAM, ATAF1/2, and CUC (NAC) are plant-specific transcription factors that regulate multiple aspects of plant growth and development and plant response to environmental stimuli. We report here the identification of NTM1-LIKE8 (NTL8), a membrane-associated NAC transcription factor, as a novel regulator of trichome formation in Arabidopsis ( Arabidopsis thaliana ). From an activation-tagged Arabidopsis population, we identified a dominant, gain-of-function mutant with glabrous inflorescence stem. By using plasmid rescue and RT-PCR analyses, we found that NTL8 was tagged; thus, the mutant was named ntl8-1 Dominant ( ntl8-1D ). Recapitulation experiment further confirmed that the phenotype observed in the ntl8-1D mutant was caused by elevated expression of NTL8 Quantitative RT-PCR results showed that the expression level of the single-repeat R3 MYB genes TRIPTYCHON ( TRY ) and TRICHOMELESS1 ( TCL1 ) was elevated in the ntl8-1D mutant. Genetic analyses demonstrated that NTL8 acts upstream of TRY and TCL1 in the regulation of trichome formation. When recruited to the promoter region of the reporter gene Gal4:GUS by a fused GAL4 DNA-binding domain, NTL8 activated the expression of the reporter gene. Chromatin immunoprecipitation results indicated that TRY and TCL1 are direct targets of NTL8. However, NTL8 did not interact with SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN LIKE9, another transcription factor that regulates the expression of TRY and TCL1 , in yeast and plant cells. Taken together, our results suggest that NTL8 negatively regulates trichome formation in Arabidopsis by directly activating the expression of TRY and TCL1 . © 2017 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

  16. Gait and posture discrimination in sheep using a tri-axial accelerometer. (United States)

    Radeski, M; Ilieski, V


    Temporo-spatial observation of the leg could provide important information about the general condition of an animal, especially for those such as sheep and other free-ranging farm animals that can be difficult to access. Tri-axial accelerometers are capable of collecting vast amounts of data for locomotion and posture observations; however, interpretation and optimization of these data records remain a challenge. The aim of the present study was to introduce an optimized method for gait (walking, trotting and galloping) and posture (standing and lying) discrimination, using the acceleration values recorded by a tri-axial accelerometer mounted on the hind leg of sheep. The acceleration values recorded on the vertical and horizontal axes, as well as the total acceleration values were categorized. The relative frequencies of the acceleration categories (RFACs) were calculated in 3-s epochs. Reliable RFACs for gait and posture discrimination were identified with discriminant function and canonical analyses. Post hoc predictions for the two axes and total acceleration were conducted, using classification functions and classification scores for each epoch. Mahalanobis distances were used to determine the level of accuracy of the method. The highest discriminatory power for gait discrimination yielded four RFACs on the vertical axis, and five RFACs each on the horizontal axis and total acceleration vector. Classification functions showed the highest accuracy for walking and galloping. The highest total accuracy on the vertical and horizontal axes were 90% and 91%, respectively. Regarding posture discrimination, the vertical axis exhibited the highest discriminatory power, with values of RFAC (0, 1]=99.95% for standing; and RFAC (-1, 0]=99.50% for lying. The horizontal axis showed strong discrimination for the lying side of the animal, as values were in the acceleration category of (0, 1] for lying on the left side and (-1, 0] on the right side. The algorithm developed by

  17. Modelling oil-shale integrated tri-generator behaviour: predicted performance and financial assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jaber, J.O.; Probert, S.D. [Cranfield University, Bedford (United Kingdom). School of Mechanical Engineering; Williams, P.T. [Leeds University (United Kingdom). Dept. of Fuel and Energy


    A simple theoretical model relating the inputs and outputs of the proposed process has been developed; the main objectives being to predict the final products (i.e. the production rates for liquid and gaseous fuels as well as electricity), the total energy-conversion efficiency and the incurred costs under various operating conditions. The tri-production concept involves the use of a circulating fluidised-bed combustor together with a gasifier, retort and simple combined-cycle plant. The mathematical model requires mass and energy balances to be undertaken: these are based on the scarce published data about retorting as well as fluidised-bed combustion and gasification of oil shale. A prima facie case is made that the proposed tri-production plant provides an attractive and economic means for producing synthetic fuels and electricity from oil shale. The unit cost of electricity, so generated, would at present be about 0.057 US$ per kWh, assuming a 10% annual interest charge on the invested capital. If the produced shale oil could be sold for more than 25 US$ per barrel, then the cost of the generated electricity would be appropriately less and hence more competitive. (author)

  18. Modelling oil-shale integrated tri-generator behaviour: predicted performance and financial assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jaber, J.O.; Probert, S.D. [Cranfield University, Bedford (United Kingdom). School of Mechanical Engineering; Williams, P.T. [Leeds University (United Kingdom). Dept. of Fuel and Energy


    A simple theoretical model relating the inputs and outputs of the proposed process has been developed; the main objectives being to predict the final products (i.e., the production rates for liquid and gaseous fuels as well as electricity), the total energy-conversion efficiency and the incurred costs under various operating conditions. The tri-production concept involves the use of a circulating fluidised-bed combustor together with a gasifier, retort and simple combined-cycle plant. The mathematical model requires mass and energy balances to be undertaken: these are based on the scarce published data about retorting as well as fluidised-bed combustion and gasification of oilshale. A prima facie case is made that the proposed tri-production plant provides an attractive and economic means for producing synthetic fuels and electricity from oil shale. The unit cost of electricity, so generated, would at present be about 0.057 US$ per kWh, assuming a 10% annual interest charge on the invested capital. If the produced shale oil could be sold for more than 25 US$ per barrel, then the cost of the generated electricity would be appropriately less and hence more competitive. (author)

  19. Modelling oil-shale integrated tri-generator behaviour: predicted performance and financial assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaber, J.O.; Probert, S.D.; Williams, P.T.


    A simple theoretical model relating the inputs and outputs of the proposed process has been developed; the main objectives being to predict the final products (i.e. the production rates for liquid and gaseous fuels as well as electricity), the total energy-conversion efficiency and the incurred costs under various operating conditions. The tri-production concept involves the use of a circulating fluidised-bed combustor together with a gasifier, retort and simple combined-cycle plant. The mathematical model requires mass and energy balances to be undertaken: these are based on the scarce published data about retorting as well as fluidised-bed combustion and gasification of oil shale. A prima facie case is made that the proposed tri-production plant provides an attractive and economic means for producing synthetic fuels and electricity from oil shale. The unit cost of electricity, so generated, would at present be about 0.057 US$ per kWh, assuming a 10% annual interest charge on the invested capital. If the produced shale oil could be sold for more than 25 US$ per barrel, then the cost of the generated electricity would be appropriately less and hence more competitive. (author)

  20. Early Clinical Outcomes of Tricuspid Valve Repair with a Tri-Ad Annuloplasty Ring in Comparison with the Outcomes Using an MC³ Ring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Woohyun Jung


    Full Text Available Background: We evaluated the early clinical outcomes of tricuspid valve annuloplasty (TAP with the Tri-Ad annuloplasty ring for functional tricuspid regurgitation (TR. Methods: From January 2015 to March 2017, 36 patients underwent TAP with a Tri-Ad ring for functional TR. To evaluate the early clinical outcomes of TAP with the Tri-Ad ring, we conducted a propensity score-matched analysis comparing the Tri-Ad and MC³ tri-cuspid annuloplasty rings (n=34 in each group. The follow-up duration was 11.0±7.07 months. Results: There was 1 case of operative mortality (2.8% and no cases of late mortality. Postoperative complications occurred in 15 patients (41%, including acute kidney injury in 6 patients (16%, bleeding requiring reoperation in 4 patients (11%, and low cardiac output syndrome in 4 patients (11%. There were no ring-related complications, such as atrioventricular block or ring dehiscence. The TR grade decreased significantly (from 2.03±1.06 to 1.18±0.92, p<0.01, as did the systolic pulmonary artery pressure (from 43.53±13.84 to 38.00±9.72 mm Hg, p=0.03. There were no cases of severe residual TR, but moderate TR was observed in 3 patients, all of whom had severe TR preoperatively. Severe preoperative TR was also associated with moderate in the univariate analysis (p<0.01. In the propensity score-matched analysis comparing the Tri-Ad and MC³ rings, there was no significant difference in early clinical outcomes. Conclusion: TAP with the Tri-Ad ring corrected functional TR effectively and provided good early clinical and echocardiographic results without ring-related complications. However, severe preoperative TR was associated with moderate or severe residual TR in the immediate postoperative period. A follow-up study is necessary to confirm the stability of this procedure.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    A mechanistic study of the hydroformylation cycle with a rhodium tri(o-t-butylphenyl)phosphite complex as catalyst is presented. Spectroscopic experiments prove that under hydroformylation conditions this complex is coordinated by only one phosphite. The complex has a high activity in the

  2. Investigating the effect of several thermodynamic parameters on exergy destruction in components of a tri-generation cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salehzadeh, A.; Khoshbakhti Saray, R.; JalaliVahid, D.


    Multiple energy generating cycles such as tri-generation cycles, which produce heat and cold in addition to power through burning of a primary fuel, have increasingly been used in recent decades. On the other hand, advanced exergy analysis of thermodynamic systems by splitting exergy destruction into endogenous and exogenous parts identifies internal irreversibilities of each of the components and the effect of these irreversibilities on the performance of other components. Therefore, main sources of exergy destruction in cycles can be highlighted and useful recommendations in order to improve the performance of thermodynamic cycles can be presented. In the present work, a tri-generation cycle with 100 MW power production, 70 MW heat and 9 MW cooling capacity is considered. For this tri-generation cycle, effects of various thermodynamic parameters on the amount of endogenous and exogenous exergy destructions, exergy loss and the amount of fuel consumption, are investigated. The results indicate that, increasing compressor pressure ratio, pre-heater outlet temperature and excess air leads to better combustion and lower exergy loss and fuel consumption. Increasing the mass flow rate of steam generator, while keeping the cycle outlet temperature constant and considering cooling capacity variable, lead to increase the first- and second-law efficiencies of the cycle. - Highlights: ► Advanced exergy analysis is used to analyze a tri-generation cycle. ► Increasing compressor pressure ratio leads to lower exergy loss and fuel consumption. ► Exergy loss is lowered by increasing pre-heater outlet temperature. ► Increasing the air flow rate of the cycle improves the performance of the cycle

  3. A mass balance of tri-hexabrominated diphenyl ethers in lactating cows. (United States)

    Kierkegaard, Amelie; De Wit, Cynthia A; Asplund, Lillemor; McLachlan, Michael S; Thomas, Gareth O; Sweetman, Andrew J; Jones, Kevin C


    Beef and dairy products can be important vectors of human exposure to polybrominated diphenylethers (BDEs), and hence an understanding of BDE transfer from feed to cows' milk and tissue is important for BDE exposure assessment The fate of tri- to hexaBDEs in lactating cows exposed to a naturally contaminated diet was studied by analyzing feed, feces, and milk samples from a mass balance study. Tissue distribution was studied in one cowslaughtered afterthe experiment The carryover rates from feed to milk ranged from 0.15 to 0.35 for the major congeners. Lower values were observed for several of the tetrabrominated congeners, and this was attributed to metabolism. The dietary absorption efficiency decreased with increasing octanol-water partition coefficient of the BDE congener. The absorption behavior was consistent with a model based on chemical lipophilicity, but agreed less well with a model based on effective molecular diameter, and it violated Lipinski's "rule of 5". The lipid normalized concentrations were similar in all tissues analyzed including liver and milk, suggesting that tissue distribution is governed by partitioning into lipids. Overall, the behavior of the tri- to hexaBDEs was consistent with that observed for other classes of halogenated aromatic contaminants such as PCBs and PCDD/Fs, but it differed markedly from the behavior of the hepta- decaBDEs.

  4. ConDeTri--a content dependent read trimmer for Illumina data. (United States)

    Smeds, Linnéa; Künstner, Axel


    During the last few years, DNA and RNA sequencing have started to play an increasingly important role in biological and medical applications, especially due to the greater amount of sequencing data yielded from the new sequencing machines and the enormous decrease in sequencing costs. Particularly, Illumina/Solexa sequencing has had an increasing impact on gathering data from model and non-model organisms. However, accurate and easy to use tools for quality filtering have not yet been established. We present ConDeTri, a method for content dependent read trimming for next generation sequencing data using quality scores of each individual base. The main focus of the method is to remove sequencing errors from reads so that sequencing reads can be standardized. Another aspect of the method is to incorporate read trimming in next-generation sequencing data processing and analysis pipelines. It can process single-end and paired-end sequence data of arbitrary length and it is independent from sequencing coverage and user interaction. ConDeTri is able to trim and remove reads with low quality scores to save computational time and memory usage during de novo assemblies. Low coverage or large genome sequencing projects will especially gain from trimming reads. The method can easily be incorporated into preprocessing and analysis pipelines for Illumina data. Freely available on the web at

  5. Perbandingan Pendapatan, Curahan Jam Kerja, dan Tenaga Kerja Usaha Tani Tebu Rakyat Intensifikasi (TRI dengan Usaha Tani Padi di Desa Karangmojo Kecamatan Tasikmadu Kabupaten Karanganyar Tahun 1992/1993

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D Dahroni


    Full Text Available Program Tebu Rakyat Intensifikasi (TRI adalah program nasional yang mulai dilaksanakan sejak dikeluarkannya Inpres Nomor 9 Tahun 1975. Mengingat arti pentingnya program TRI sebagai program nasional dan kelompok sasaran yang dituju yakni para petani, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur besarnya perbandingan pendapatan petani dari usaha tani TRI dengan pendapatan petani dari usaha tani padi. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengukur besarnya curahan jam kerja yang dimanfaatkan dari masing-masing cabang usaha tani di Desa Karangmojo, Kecamatan Tasikmadu, Kabupaten Karanganyar. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan yakni metode survai dan penentuan sampel dilaksanakan secara sampling. Sampel wilayah dan sekaligus sebagai daerah penelitian, ialah ditentukan secara purposife. Responden dalam penelitian ini ialah petani yang berusaha pada TRI, petani padi, dan buruh tani. Pengambilan responden dilakukan dengan cara mengambil 55 responden, terdiri dari Kelompok I sebanyak 11 sampel petani TRI dan padi, Kelompok II sebanyak 27 sampel petani TRI dan padi, dan Kelompok III sebanyak 23 sampel petani TRI dan padi. Data yang diambil dalam penelitian ini yakni data primer dan sekunder ditambah data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara bebas kepada pamong penduduk yang ada hubungannya dengan penelitian ini. Jenis data primer yang dikumpulkan berupa pendapatan petani dari usaha tani TRI dan usaha tani padi. Data sekunder yang dikumpulkan antara lain data penduduk, luas penggunaan lahan, pengairan, curah hujan dan pengolahan TRI beserta besarnya rendemen tebu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan dari usaha tani TRI lebih kecil daripada pendapatan usaha tani padi (pendapatan usaha tani padi banyak Rp. 2.297.363,90 sedangkan usaha TRI Rp. 7.927.866,12. Curahan jam kerja (jam kerja dan tenaga kerja yang dimanfaatkan dari usaha tani TRI lebih kecil daripada usaha tani padi (jumlah jam kerja usaha tani padi sebanyak 2.237,29 jam dan usaha

  6. Headway Deviation Effects on Bus Passenger Loads : Analysis of Tri-Met's Archived AVL-APC Data (United States)


    In this paper we empirically analyze the relationship between transit service headway deviations and passenger loads, using archived data from Tri-Met's automatic vehicle location and automatic passenger counter systems. The analysis employs twostage...

  7. TRY – a global database of plant traits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kattge, J.; Diaz, S.; Lavorel, S.


    species richness to ecosystem functional diversity. Trait data thus represent the raw material for a wide range of research from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology to biogeography. Here we present the global database initiative named TRY, which has united a wide range of the plant...... trait research community worldwide and gained an unprecedented buy‐in of trait data: so far 93 trait databases have been contributed. The data repository currently contains almost three million trait entries for 69 000 out of the world's 300 000 plant species, with a focus on 52 groups of traits...... is between species (interspecific), but significant intraspecific variation is also documented, up to 40% of the overall variation. Plant functional types (PFTs), as commonly used in vegetation models, capture a substantial fraction of the observed variation – but for several traits most variation occurs...

  8. Wood-based Tri-Axial Sandwich Composite Materials: Design, Fabrication, Testing, Modeling and Application (United States)

    Jinghao Li; John F. Hunt; Shaoqin Gong; Zhiyong Cai


    As the demand for sustainable materials increases, there are unique challenges and opportunities to develop light-weight green composites materials for a wide range of applications. Thus wood-based composite materials from renewable forests may provide options for some niche applications while helping to protect our environment. In this paper, the wood-based tri-axial...

  9. April 2009 “Tri-elections” in Malaysia: Maintaining the Status Quo


    Tunku Mohar Mokhtar


    By-elections held after the 12th general elections held on March 8, 2008 are of special significance as they indicate the level of support gained by the opposition as well as the receding popularity of the ruling coalition. The three by-elections (hence called tri-elections), one parliamentary and two state assemblies, held in April 2009 show that the composition of the federal parliament and the state assembly of Kedah and Sarawak remained the same. The PR garnered multiethnic support in the...

  10. Tri-bore PVDF hollow fibers with a super-hydrophobic coating for membrane distillation

    KAUST Repository

    Lu, Kang-Jia; Zuo, Jian; Chung, Tai-Shung


    Membranes with good mechanical strength, high vapor flux and outstanding anti-wetting properties are essential for membrane distillation (MD) applications. In this work, porous polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) tri-bore hollow fiber membranes with super-hydrophobicity are developed to achieve these desired properties. The tri-bore hollow fiber offers better mechanical strength than the conventional single-bore fiber. To improve its anti-wetting properties, Teflon® AF 2400 is coated on the membrane surface. The effects of coating on membrane morphology, performance and anti-wetting properties have been thoroughly investigated. With an optimal coating condition (0.025 wt% of Teflon® AF 2400, 30 s), a super-hydrophobic surface with a contact angle of 151o is achieved. The resultant membrane shows an increase of 109% in liquid entry pressure (LEP) with a slight sacrifice of 21% in flux. Long term direct contact MD tests have confirmed that the Teflon® AF 2400 coated membrane has enhanced stability with an average flux of 21 kg m-2 h-1 and rejection of 99.99% at 60 °° C for desalination application.

  11. Tri-bore PVDF hollow fibers with a super-hydrophobic coating for membrane distillation

    KAUST Repository

    Lu, Kang-Jia


    Membranes with good mechanical strength, high vapor flux and outstanding anti-wetting properties are essential for membrane distillation (MD) applications. In this work, porous polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) tri-bore hollow fiber membranes with super-hydrophobicity are developed to achieve these desired properties. The tri-bore hollow fiber offers better mechanical strength than the conventional single-bore fiber. To improve its anti-wetting properties, Teflon® AF 2400 is coated on the membrane surface. The effects of coating on membrane morphology, performance and anti-wetting properties have been thoroughly investigated. With an optimal coating condition (0.025 wt% of Teflon® AF 2400, 30 s), a super-hydrophobic surface with a contact angle of 151o is achieved. The resultant membrane shows an increase of 109% in liquid entry pressure (LEP) with a slight sacrifice of 21% in flux. Long term direct contact MD tests have confirmed that the Teflon® AF 2400 coated membrane has enhanced stability with an average flux of 21 kg m-2 h-1 and rejection of 99.99% at 60 °° C for desalination application.

  12. Fuzzy-Based Hybrid Control Algorithm for the Stabilization of a Tri-Rotor UAV. (United States)

    Ali, Zain Anwar; Wang, Daobo; Aamir, Muhammad


    In this paper, a new and novel mathematical fuzzy hybrid scheme is proposed for the stabilization of a tri-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The fuzzy hybrid scheme consists of a fuzzy logic controller, regulation pole-placement tracking (RST) controller with model reference adaptive control (MRAC), in which adaptive gains of the RST controller are being fine-tuned by a fuzzy logic controller. Brushless direct current (BLDC) motors are installed in the triangular frame of the tri-rotor UAV, which helps maintain control on its motion and different altitude and attitude changes, similar to rotorcrafts. MRAC-based MIT rule is proposed for system stability. Moreover, the proposed hybrid controller with nonlinear flight dynamics is shown in the presence of translational and rotational velocity components. The performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated via MATLAB simulations, in which the proposed fuzzy hybrid controller is compared with the existing adaptive RST controller. It shows that our proposed algorithm has better transient performance with zero steady-state error, and fast convergence towards stability.

  13. Tri-Party Agreement Milestone M-45-07A; complete evaluation of subsurface barrier feasibility: Summary report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cox, G.E.; Peters, B.B.; Treat, R.L. [Enserch Environmental Corp., Richland, WA (United States); Bazinet, G.D.; Cruse, J.M.; Hampsten, K.L. [Westinghouse Hanford Co., Richland, WA (United States)


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) has established the Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS) program to safely manage and dispose the low-level and high-level radioactive and hazardous wastes currently held in 177 tanks and approximately 1,900 sealed capsules located on the Hanford Site. The remediation of the entire Hanford Site is being conducted under the Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order, otherwise known as the Tri-Party Agreement. The three parties that concluded the agreement are the DOE, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). The purpose of the Tri-Party Agreement is to ensure that Hanford Site activities are performed in a manner that protects the public health, welfare, and the environment. The agreement provides a framework and structure for the many different agencies and regulations under which work is performed on the Site, listing responsibilities and attaching scheduled dates of completion for minimum performances (known as milestones). The Tri-Party Agreement Milestone M-45-07A requires that an assessment of the feasibility of subsurface barriers to support retrieval of tank waste be performed. The activities to meet this milestone have been completed, and are documented herein.

  14. Tri-Party Agreement Milestone M-45-07A; complete evaluation of subsurface barrier feasibility: Summary report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cox, G.E.; Peters, B.B.; Treat, R.L.; Bazinet, G.D.; Cruse, J.M.; Hampsten, K.L.


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) has established the Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS) program to safely manage and dispose the low-level and high-level radioactive and hazardous wastes currently held in 177 tanks and approximately 1,900 sealed capsules located on the Hanford Site. The remediation of the entire Hanford Site is being conducted under the Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order, otherwise known as the Tri-Party Agreement. The three parties that concluded the agreement are the DOE, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). The purpose of the Tri-Party Agreement is to ensure that Hanford Site activities are performed in a manner that protects the public health, welfare, and the environment. The agreement provides a framework and structure for the many different agencies and regulations under which work is performed on the Site, listing responsibilities and attaching scheduled dates of completion for minimum performances (known as milestones). The Tri-Party Agreement Milestone M-45-07A requires that an assessment of the feasibility of subsurface barriers to support retrieval of tank waste be performed. The activities to meet this milestone have been completed, and are documented herein





    Organik reaksiyonlar genelde çözücü ortamında yapılır. Son yıllarda yeni bir çözücü sınıfı bulundu ve bunlar iyonik sıvı olarak adlandırılır. Bu çözücüler çoğunlukla oda sıcaklığında sıvıdırlar ve iyonik türlerden oluşurlar. Düşük buhar basınçları, mükemmel kimyasal ve termal kararlılıkları, potansiyel geri kazanımları ve tekrar kullanımları gibi dikkat çekici özelliklere sahiptirler. İyonik sıvılar geniş olarak araştırılmaktadır ve organik sentez, enzimatik kataliz, ayırma işlemleri vb. gibi...

  16. Tri-n-butyl phosphate - the universal solvent for the nuclear fuel cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naylor, A.; Eccles, H.


    Tri-n-butyl phosphates (TBP) is now Widely used in the processes of solvent extraction, especially in those, used in nuclear fuel cycle. Problems, related with actinide separation and purification, can be solved easily by accurate sampling of diluent, concentration and purification degree of a solvent, aqueous phase acidity and temperature. Physical and chemical properties of TBP, mechanism of actinide solvent extraction, TBP hydrolysis and radiolysis are considered

  17. Fatigue behavior of wood-fiber-based tri-axial engineered sandwich composite panels (ESCP) (United States)

    Jinghao Li; John F. Hunt; Shaoqin Gong; Zhiyong Cai


    The static and fatigue bending behavior of wood-fiber-based tri-axial engineered sandwich composite panels (ESCP) has been investigated by four-point bending tests. Fatigue panels and weakened panels (wESCP) with an initial interface defect were manufactured for the fatigue tests. Stress σ vs. number of cycles curves (S-N) were recorded under the different stress...

  18. Components of a Rice-Oilseed Rape Production System Augmented with Trichoderma sp. Tri-1 Control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Oilseed Rape. (United States)

    Hu, Xiaojia; Roberts, Daniel P; Xie, Lihua; Maul, Jude E; Yu, Changbing; Li, Yinshui; Zhang, Yinbo; Qin, Lu; Liao, Xing


    Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causes serious yield losses on many crops throughout the world. A multicomponent treatment that consisted of the residual rice straw remaining after rice harvest and Trichoderma sp. Tri-1 (Tri-1) formulated with the oilseed rape seedcake fertilizer was used in field soil infested with S. sclerotiorum. This treatment resulted in oilseed rape seed yield that was significantly greater than the nontreated control or when the fungicide carbendizem was used in the presence of this pathogen in field trials. Yield data suggested that the rice straw, oilseed rape seedcake, and Tri-1 components of this treatment all contributed incrementally. Similar treatment results were obtained regarding reduction in disease incidence. Slight improvements in yield and disease incidence were detected when this multicomponent treatment was combined with a fungicide spray. Inhibition of sclerotial germination by this multicomponent treatment trended greater than the nontreated control at 90, 120, and 150 days in field studies but was not significantly different from this control. This multicomponent treatment resulted in increased yield relative to the nontreated control in the absence of pathogen in a greenhouse pot study, while the straw alone and the straw plus oilseed rape seedcake treatments did not; suggesting that Tri-1 was capable of promoting growth. Experiments reported here indicate that a treatment containing components of a rice-oilseed rape production system augmented with Tri-1 can control S. sclerotiorum on oilseed rape, be used in integrated strategies containing fungicide sprays for control of this pathogen, and promote plant growth.

  19. Tri-block copolymers with mono-disperse crystallizable diamide segments: synthesis, analysis and rheological properties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Araichimani, A.; Gaymans, R.J.


    Tri-block copolymers with polyether mid-segments and mono-disperse amide end segments were synthesized, analyzed and some properties studied. The end segment was an aromatic diamide (diaramide, TΦB). The polyether mid-segment was a difunctional poly(tetramethylene oxide) (PTMO, 1000 and 2900 g/mol).

  20. HMV Ingenieros Ltda : un modelo de internacionalización para entrar en el mercado Triángulo Norte


    Marín Cadavid, Carolina


    Esta investigación por medio de un estudio de caso estudia el proceso de internacionalización que debería seguir HMV ingenieros Ltda, con el objetivo de ingresar en el mercado Triángulo Norte. Un paso a paso es el modelo que debe llevarse a cabo como guía para incursionar en dicho mercado. Con la experiencia de HMV Ingenieros Ltda, se concluye que presenta una fortaleza para establecer presencia comercial (modo 3) en el mercado de Triángulo Norte. Adicionalmente acorde con las tendencias de l...

  1. Tri-Band CPW-Fed Stub-Loaded Slot Antenna Design for WLAN/WiMAX Applications (United States)

    Li, Jianxing; Guo, Jianying; He, Bin; Zhang, Anxue; Liu, Qing Huo


    A novel uniplanar CPW-fed tri-band stub-loaded slot antenna is proposed for wireless local area network (WLAN) and worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) applications. Dual resonant modes were effectively excited in the upper band by using two identical pairs of slot stubs and parasitic slots symmetrically along the arms of a traditional CPW-fed slot dipole, achieving a much wider bandwidth. The middle band was realized by the fundamental mode of the slot dipole. To obtain the lower band, two identical inverted-L-shaped open-ended slots were symmetrically etched in the ground plane. A prototype was fabricated and measured, showing that tri-band operation with 10-dB return loss bandwidths of 150 MHz from 2.375 to 2.525 GHz, 725 MHz from 3.075 to 3.8 GHz, and 1.9 GHz from 5.0 to 6.9 GHz has been achieved. Details of the antenna design as well as the measured and simulated results are presented and discussed.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Putu Devi Rosalina


    Full Text Available Pesatnya pertumbuhan pariwisata menimbulkan kecenderungan untuk menjaga kontak antara penduduk lokal dan wisatawan. Keharmonisan hubungan kedua pihak ini tentunya menjadi pilar utama dalam perkembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu, membangun pemahaman dua-arah dapat dibina salah satunya melalui penerapan kearifan lokal. Maka, penelitian ini mendiskusikan tentang bagaimana revitalisasi Tri Kaya Parisudha dapat berujung kepada perkembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Munduk. Konsep Tri Kaya Parisudha yang meliputi ‘pikiran’ (Manacika, ‘perkataan’ (Wacika dan ‘perbuatan’ (Kayika, dipercaya dapat menghasilkan energi intelektual, emosional, spiritual dan energi kreatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif-kualitatif secara deskriptif. Kuesioner disebarkan melalui accidental sampling dengan pendekatan 4 skala likert, yang kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam dengan informan melalui purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tri Kaya Parisudha sudah dipahami dan diimplementasikan oleh penduduk Munduk, seiring dengan keterbukaan mereka untuk menyambut turis karena dianggap memberikan dampak positif terhadap pendapatan. Sebagian besar turis, yakni 74% menyatakan sangat puas akan kunjungan mereka. Implementasi TKP kemudian harus lebih ditingkatkan lagi melalui pengetahuan, bahasa dan sikap, yang kemudian bermuara pada peningkatan loyalitas dan pembentukan citra baik bagi suatu destinasi, sehingga pada akhirnya Munduk dapat terus berpegangan pada pariwisata berkelanjutan.

  3. AZO/Au/AZO tri-layer thin films for the very low resistivity transparent electrode applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chu, Chien-Hsun [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China); Wu, Hung-Wei, E-mail: [Department of Computer and Communication, Kun Shan University, Tainan 71003, Taiwan (China); Huang, Jow-Lay [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China); Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung 81148, Taiwan (China); Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (China)


    Highlights: • High-quality Al-doped ZnO (AZO)/Au/AZO transparent conducting oxide films. • AZO films (30 nm) made by RF sputtering; ion sputtering for Au film (5–20 nm). • Effects of Au thickness on optical and electrical properties were analyzed. • The resistivity of 9 × 10{sup −5} Ω cm and the transmittance of 86.2% of the multilayer films were obtained in this study. - Abstract: Aluminum-doped ZnO (AZO)/gold/AZO tri-layer structures with very low resistivity and high transmittance are prepared by simultaneous RF magnetron sputtering (for AZO) and ion sputtering (for Au). The properties of the tri-layer films are investigated at different Au layer thicknesses (5–20 nm). The effects of Au layer thickness and the role of Au on the transmission properties of the tri-layer films were investigated. The very low resistivity of 1.01 × 10{sup −5} Ω cm, mobility of 27.665 cm{sup 2} V{sup −1} s{sup −1}, and carrier concentration of 4.563 × 10{sup 22} cm{sup −3} were obtained at an Au layer thickness of 20 nm. The peak transmittance of 86.18% at 650-nm wavelength was obtained at an Au layer thickness of 8 nm. These results show the films to be a good candidate for high-quality electrode scheme in various display applications.

  4. Cretaceous biota of the Triângulo Mineiro region (Brazil: A review of recent finds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Candeiro, C. R. A.


    Full Text Available The Bauru Group (Adamantina, Uberaba, and Marília Formations crop out in the Triângulo Mineiro region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and yield a rich continental biota. Invertebrate and vertebrate taxa from underlying and overlying strata, as well as biostratigraphical correlations with other fossil sites in Argentina, suggest an Upper Cretaceous age for this biota. The diversity of the fossil assemblage recorded in these formations is summarized here and includes: frogs, lizards, crocodiles, titanosaurs, abelisaurid and carcharodontosaurid dinosaurs. This fossil assemblage provides important clues to understand faunas from other southern landmasses, particularly those from the Cretaceous of the African continent.Los afloramientos del Grupo Bauru (formaciones Adamantina, Uberaba y Marília en la región del Triângulo Mineiro, Provincia de Minas Gerais, Brasil, posee un rico contenido de biota continental. Los taxa de invertebrados y vertebrados de estos estratos, así como las correlaciones biostratigráficas con otros yacimientos fósiles de Argentina, sugieren una edad del Cretácico Tardío. La diversidad de la asociación fósil registrada en las formaciones del Triângulo Mineiro se resume en el presente trabajo e incluye: sapos, lagartos, tortugas, cocodrilianos, titanosaurideos, dinosaurios abelisaurideos y carcharodontosaurideos. Esta asociación es importante para la comprensión de las faunas del sur de América y también de las del Cretácico de África.

  5. Evidence of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in tri-layer targets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galmiche, D.; Holstein, P.A.; Meyer, B.; Rostaing, M.; Wilke, N.


    The results of the experiments carried out on a laser system are reported. The work is performed in order to investigate the problem of target instability under ablative acceleration and to get direct evidence of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. Tri-layer experiments assert the validity of X-ray spectroscopy measurements as experimental method to investigate the problem. A mixing zone is evidenced and general trends of mixing development versus target acceleration are coherent with numerical simulations. Results obtained with optical smoothing demonstrate that the apparent mixing is not due to large scale illumination non uniformities. Numerical simulations confirm that Rayleigh-Taylor instability seems to be the dominant process responsible for the mixing. Benefit of time resolved spectroscopy appears attractive and gives a real knowledge of the mixing layer

  6. Simultaneous two-wavelength tri-window common-path digital holography (United States)

    Liu, Lei; Shan, Mingguang; Zhong, Zhi


    Two-wavelength common-path off-axis digital holography is proposed with a tri-window in a single shot. It is established using a standard 4f optical image system with a 2D Ronchi grating placed outside the Fourier plane. The input plane consists of three windows: one for the object and the other two for reference. Aided by a spatial filter together with two orthogonal linear polarizers in the Fourier plane, the two-wavelength information is encoded into a multiplexed hologram with two orthogonal spatial frequencies that enable full separation of spectral information in the digital Fourier space without resolution loss. Theoretical analysis and experimental results illustrate that our approach can simultaneously perform quantitative phase imaging at two wavelengths.

  7. Structural study of chlorine tri-fluoride and bromine penta-fluoride in liquid and solid phase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rousson, R.


    This research thesis reports the structural study of chlorine tri-fluoride and bromine penta-fluoride between 20 C and about -265 C. After some generalities on these compounds and a presentation of the experimental technique, the author reports and discusses results obtained with these both compounds: Raman spectrum for the liquid and for the solid phase, infrared spectrum for the solid phase, calorimetric measurements. In the case of chlorine tri-fluoride, the author studies the evolution of the liquid spectrum with temperature, shows the existence of an intermediate solid phase, and compares results obtained by Raman spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance. He also applies to bromine penta-fluoride an analysis of normal coordinates of a XF 5 molecule: relationship between force constants and vibration frequencies, application of Wilson method, resolution of the molecular equation, determination of normal vibration modes [fr

  8. A tri-continuous mesoporous material with a silica pore wall following a hexagonal minimal surface

    KAUST Repository

    Han, Yu


    Ordered porous materials with unique pore structures and pore sizes in the mesoporous range (2-50nm) have many applications in catalysis, separation and drug delivery. Extensive research has resulted in mesoporous materials with one-dimensional, cage-like and bi-continuous pore structures. Three families of bi-continuous mesoporous materials have been made, with two interwoven but unconnected channels, corresponding to the liquid crystal phases used as templates. Here we report a three-dimensional hexagonal mesoporous silica, IBN-9, with a tri-continuous pore structure that is synthesized using a specially designed cationic surfactant template. IBN-9 consists of three identical continuous interpenetrating channels, which are separated by a silica wall that follows a hexagonal minimal surface. Such a tri-continuous mesostructure was predicted mathematically, but until now has not been observed in real materials. © 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

  9. Electrochemical reaction rates in a dye-sensitised solar cell - the iodide/tri-iodide redox system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bay, L.; West, K.; Winther-Jensen, B.


    The electrochemical reaction rate of the redox couple iodide/tri-iodide in acetonitrile is characterised by impedance spectroscopy. Different electrode materials relevant for the function of dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSC) are investigated. Preferably, the reaction with the iodide....../tri-iodide couple should be fast at the counter electrode, i.e. this electrode must have a high catalytic activity towards the redox couple, and the same reaction must be slow on the photo electrode. The catalytic activity is investigated for platinum, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), polypyrrole (PPy......), and polyaniline (PANI)-all deposited onto fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass. Both Pt and PEDOT are found to have sufficiently high catalytic activities for practical use as counter electrodes in DSSC. The reaction resistance on FTO and anatase confirmed the beneficial effect of a compact anatase layer on top...

  10. Electrochemical reaction rates in a dye sentisised solar cell - the iodide/tri-iodide redox system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bay, Lasse; West, Keld; Winter-Jensen, Bjørn


    The electrochemical reaction rate of the redox couple iodide / tri-iodide in acetonitrile is characterised by impedance spectroscopy. Different electrode materials relevant for the function of dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSC) are investigated. Preferably, the reaction with the iodide / tri......-iodide couple should be fast at the counter electrode, i.e. this electrode must have a high catalytic activity towards the redox couple, and the same reaction must be slow on the photo electrode. The catalytic activity is investigated for platinum, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), polypyrrole (PPy......), and polyaniline (PANI) - all deposited onto fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) glass. Both Pt and PEDOT are found to have sufficiently high catalytic activities for practical use as counter electrode in DSSC. The reaction resistance on FTO and anatase confirmed the beneficial effect of a compact anatase layer on top...

  11. A tri-continuous mesoporous material with a silica pore wall following a hexagonal minimal surface

    KAUST Repository

    Han, Yu; Zhang, Daliang; Chng, Leng Leng; Sun, Junliang; Zhao, L. J.; Zou, Xiaodong; Ying, Jackie


    Ordered porous materials with unique pore structures and pore sizes in the mesoporous range (2-50nm) have many applications in catalysis, separation and drug delivery. Extensive research has resulted in mesoporous materials with one-dimensional, cage-like and bi-continuous pore structures. Three families of bi-continuous mesoporous materials have been made, with two interwoven but unconnected channels, corresponding to the liquid crystal phases used as templates. Here we report a three-dimensional hexagonal mesoporous silica, IBN-9, with a tri-continuous pore structure that is synthesized using a specially designed cationic surfactant template. IBN-9 consists of three identical continuous interpenetrating channels, which are separated by a silica wall that follows a hexagonal minimal surface. Such a tri-continuous mesostructure was predicted mathematically, but until now has not been observed in real materials. © 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

  12. Tunable multicolor and white-light upconversion luminescence in Yb3+/Tm3+/Ho3+ tri-doped NaYF4 micro-crystals. (United States)

    Lin, Hao; Xu, Dekang; Teng, Dongdong; Yang, Shenghong; Zhang, Yueli


    NaYF4 micro-crystals with various concentrations of Yb(3+) /Tm(3+) /Ho(3+) were prepared successfully via a simple and reproducible hydrothermal route using EDTA as the chelating agent. Their phase structure and surface morphology were studied using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The XRD patterns revealed that all the samples were pure hexagonal phase NaYF4. SEM images showed that Yb(3+)/Tm(3+)/Ho(3+) tri-doped NaYF4 were hexagonal micro-prisms. Upconversion photoluminescence spectra of Yb(3+)/Tm(3+)/Ho(3+) tri-doped NaYF4 micro-crystals with various dopant concentrations under 980 nm excitation with a 665 mW pump power were studied. Tunable multicolor (purple, purplish blue, yellowish green, green) and white light were achieved by simply adjusting the Ho(3+) concentration in 20%Yb(3+)/1%Tm(3+)/xHo(3+) tri-doped NaYF4 micro-crystals. Furthermore, white-light emissions could be obtained using different pump powers in 20%Yb(3+)/1%Tm(3+)/1%Ho(3+) tri-doped NaYF4 micro-crystals at 980 nm excitation. The pump power-dependent intensity relationship was studied and relevant energy transfer processes were discussed in detail. The results suggest that Yb(3+)/Tm(3+) Ho(3+) tri-doped NaYF4 micro-crystals have potential applications in optoelectronic devices such as photovoltaic, plasma display panel and white-light-emitting diodes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  13. Examining the relationship between personality and affect-related attributes and adolescents' intentions to try smoking using the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale. (United States)

    Memetovic, Jasmina; Ratner, Pamela A; Gotay, Carolyn; Richardson, Christopher G


    Assessments of adolescents' smoking intentions indicate that many are susceptible to smoking initiation because they do not have resolute intentions to abstain from trying smoking in the future. Although researchers have developed personality and affect-related risk factor profiles to understand risk for the initiation of substance use and abuse (e.g., alcohol), few have examined the extent to which these risk factors are related to the tobacco use intentions of adolescents who have yet to try tobacco smoking. The objective of this study was to examine the relationships between personality and affect-related risk factors measured by the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) and smoking intentions in a sample of adolescents who have not experimented with tobacco smoking. Data is based on responses from 1352 participants in the British Columbia Adolescent Substance Use Survey (56% female, 76% in Grade 8) who had never tried smoking tobacco. Of these 1352 participants, 29% (n=338) were classified as not having resolute intentions to not try smoking. Generalized estimating equations were used to examine the relationship between each SURPS dimension (Anxiety Sensitivity, Hopelessness, Impulsivity and Sensation Seeking) and the intention to try cigarettes in the future. Hopelessness (AOR 1.06, 95% CI [1.03, 1.10], p<.001), Impulsivity (AOR 1.07 [1.03, 1.11], p<.001) and Sensation Seeking (AOR 1.05 95% CI [1.02, 1.09], p<.01) had independent statistically significant associations with having an intention to try smoking. These findings may be used to inform a prevention-oriented framework to reduce susceptibility to tobacco smoking. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  14. Rapid purification of tri-iodothyronine and thyroxine protein conjugates for antibody production. (United States)

    Burke, C W; Shakespear, R A


    Thyroxine (T-4) and tri-iodothyronine (T-3) were coupled to human serum albumin (HSA) with carbodi-imide. By adsorption chromatography on Sephadex G-25, fractions containing purified conjugate, but not reversibly-bound T-3 or T-4, were obtained, and this procedure took 5 h; considerably less than the conventional dialysis technique. Highly specific high-titre antisera were produced in rabbits and guinea-pigs by injection of these fractions in Freund's adjuvant.

  15. Performance evaluation of a tri-generation system with simulation and experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ge, Y.T.; Tassou, S.A.; Chaer, I.; Suguartha, N.


    A test rig for a tri-generation system was set up in the laboratory to investigate the system performance and application feasibility. The rig was composed of three modules, a power component containing a microturbine, a refrigeration unit consisting of an absorption chiller with gas pipe connection, and a supermarket section containing a display cabinet. This system was supposed to be effectively applied into a supermarket energy control system where cooling, heating and electricity power are simultaneously required and subsequently, valuable test results have been produced. In the mean time, a simulation model for the particular tri-generation system has been established by integrating the component models of the system in accordance with the components' actual flow paths and energy streams. These component models, which include a compressor, recuperator, combustion chamber, gas turbine, electric generator, gas pipes, generator (desorber), rectifier, absorbers, condenser and evaporator etc., were developed based upon the balance of heat and mass. The calculations of heat transfer and phase equilibrium were included in the component models and chemical reaction balances were considered in the model of the combustion chamber. The system model has been validated with the test results and has consequently been used to predict the system performance at different operating and design conditions, such as varied ambient temperature, fuel flow rate and pressure ratio etc. The ultimate results of the performance analysis formulated by the system model can contribute significantly to the optimal component and system designs in various practical applications.

  16. ConDeTri--a content dependent read trimmer for Illumina data.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Linnéa Smeds

    Full Text Available UNLABELLED: During the last few years, DNA and RNA sequencing have started to play an increasingly important role in biological and medical applications, especially due to the greater amount of sequencing data yielded from the new sequencing machines and the enormous decrease in sequencing costs. Particularly, Illumina/Solexa sequencing has had an increasing impact on gathering data from model and non-model organisms. However, accurate and easy to use tools for quality filtering have not yet been established. We present ConDeTri, a method for content dependent read trimming for next generation sequencing data using quality scores of each individual base. The main focus of the method is to remove sequencing errors from reads so that sequencing reads can be standardized. Another aspect of the method is to incorporate read trimming in next-generation sequencing data processing and analysis pipelines. It can process single-end and paired-end sequence data of arbitrary length and it is independent from sequencing coverage and user interaction. ConDeTri is able to trim and remove reads with low quality scores to save computational time and memory usage during de novo assemblies. Low coverage or large genome sequencing projects will especially gain from trimming reads. The method can easily be incorporated into preprocessing and analysis pipelines for Illumina data. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Freely available on the web at

  17. Development of Natural Gas Fired Combined Cycle Plant for Tri-Generation of Power, Cooling and Clean Water Using Waste Heat Recovery: Techno-Economic Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gowtham Mohan


    Full Text Available Tri-generation is one of the most efficient ways for maximizing the utilization of available energy. Utilization of waste heat (flue gases liberated by the Al-Hamra gas turbine power plant is analyzed in this research work for simultaneous production of: (a electricity by combining steam rankine cycle using heat recovery steam generator (HRSG; (b clean water by air gap membrane distillation (AGMD plant; and (c cooling by single stage vapor absorption chiller (VAC. The flue gases liberated from the gas turbine power cycle is the prime source of energy for the tri-generation system. The heat recovered from condenser of steam cycle and excess heat available at the flue gases are utilized to drive cooling and desalination cycles which are optimized based on the cooling energy demands of the villas. Economic and environmental benefits of the tri-generation system in terms of cost savings and reduction in carbon emissions were analyzed. Energy efficiency of about 82%–85% is achieved by the tri-generation system compared to 50%–52% for combined cycles. Normalized carbon dioxide emission per MW·h is reduced by 51.5% by implementation of waste heat recovery tri-generation system. The tri-generation system has a payback period of 1.38 years with cumulative net present value of $66 million over the project life time.

  18. Fabrication of planar, layered nanoparticles using tri-layer resist templates. (United States)

    Hu, Wei; Zhang, Mingliang; Wilson, Robert J; Koh, Ai Leen; Wi, Jung-Sub; Tang, Mary; Sinclair, Robert; Wang, Shan X


    A simple and universal pathway to produce free multilayer synthetic nanoparticles is developed based on lithography, vapor phase deposition and a tri-layer resist lift-off and release process. The fabrication method presented in this work is ideal for production of a broad range of nanoparticles, either free in solution or still attached to an intact release layer, with unique magnetic, optical, radioactive, electronic and catalytic properties. Multi-modal capabilities are implicit in the layered architecture. As an example, directly fabricated magnetic nanoparticles are evaluated to illustrate the structural integrity of thin internal multilayers and the nanoparticle stability in aggressive biological environments, which is highly desired for biomedical applications.

  19. Yan akımlı anaerobik membran biyoreaktör veriminin araştırılması: Sentetik atıksu ve alkollü içki sanayi atıksuyu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Yan akımlı anaerobik membran biyoreaktörlerin verimi yüksek kirliliğe sahip atıksular için laboratuvar ölçekli bir sistem kullanılarak irdelenmiştir. Sistem, yukarı akışlı çamur yataklı anaerobik (UASB reaktör ve ultrafiltrasyon (UF membran modülünden oluşturulmuştur. Sistemin verimi öncelikle seyreltilmiş melastan hazırlanan sentetik atıksu ile farklı hidrolik alıkonma süreleri (1-3 gün ve organik yükleme oranlarında (5-15 kg KOİ/ incelenmiştir. Yapılan deneysel çalışmalar neticesinde, maksimum KOİ giderme verimi (%95 7.5 kg KOİ/m3.gün organik yükleme değerinde (KOİgiriş=15.000 mg/L, HRT=2 gün elde edilmiştir. Organik yükleme değeri 15 kg KOİ/m3.gün değerine çıkartıldığında sistem performansı aniden düşmüştür. Daha sonra, besleme suyu bir alkollü içki sanayi atıksuyu ile değiştirilerek gerçek atıksu ile çalışmalar yürütülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, maksimum toplam sistem verimi ve metan gazı oluşumu sırasıyla %88 ve %74 olarak belirlenmiştir.

  20. April 2009 “Tri-elections” in Malaysia: Maintaining the Status Quo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tunku Mohar Mokhtar


    Full Text Available By-elections held after the 12th general elections held on March 8, 2008 are of special significance as they indicate the level of support gained by the opposition as well as the receding popularity of the ruling coalition. The three by-elections (hence called tri-elections, one parliamentary and two state assemblies, held in April 2009 show that the composition of the federal parliament and the state assembly of Kedah and Sarawak remained the same. The PR garnered multiethnic support in the peninsula while BN remains strong in Sarawak.

  1. Structural isomers of polyfluorinated di- and tri-alkylated phosphate ester surfactants present in industrial blends and in microwave popcorn bags

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trier, Xenia; Juul Nielsen, Nikoline; Christensen, Jan H.


    S-diPAPS, diPAPS and trialkylated (triPAPS) impurities. TriPAPS were also present in industrial and synthetic diPAPS standards, and were verified with an 8:2/8:2/8:2 triPAPS standard. The eight elemental compositions (m/z’s) of diPAPS in the extract represent 19 precursor ion structures, and the six......2CH2O-P(O)(O)−-OCH2CH2(CF2) y F)) and their thioether analogues (x:2/y:2 S-diPAPS, F(CF2) x CH2CH2SCH2-C[CH2O)2P(O)(O)−]-CH2SCH2CH2(CF2) y F), which are used for industrial applications, such as oil- and water-repellent coatings on paper and board. DiPAPS have been found in human blood...

  2. Study of SiO2/PMMA/CE tri-component interpenetrating polymer network composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Junlong; Wang Chuang; Jiao Gengsheng; Wang Qiuya


    A technology of conjugated tri-component interpenetrating polymer networks was applied to synthesize a nano-SiO 2 /polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)/cyanate (CE) composite through an asynchronous synthesis way. The microstructure of the composite was characterized using infrared spectroscopy (IR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The mechanical properties were measured in German-made DL-1000B and XCL-40 universal material test machines, respectively. Results showed that both the impact strength and the flexural strength were in the optimum status when 3% SiO 2 /PMMA/CE was chosen as a sample with the PMMA/CE ratio of 20/80. Compared with the strengths of pure cyanate, those of the composite were raised by 137.28% and 31.29%, respectively. When 3% nano-SiO 2 was added, the impact strength was increased by 29.96% and the flexural strength by 20.05%, compared with the strengths of polymers without SiO 2 . Analysis and measurements by IR and TEM indicated that no chemical reactions took place among components in the composite. The interpenetration of the conjugated tri-component improved the loading capacity of the polymer, hence the toughness enhancement of cyanate.

  3. Physicochemical properties and radiolytic degradation studies on tri-iso-amyl phosphate (TiAP)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sreenivasulu, B.; Sivaraman, Nagarajan [Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu (India). Homi Bhabha National Inst.; Suresh, A.; Rajeswari, S.; Ramanathan, N.; Antony, M.P.; Joseph, M. [Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu (India). Chemistry Group


    The solvent composed of tri-iso-amyl phosphate (TiAP) in n-dodecane (n-DD) is regarded as a promising candidate for reprocessing of spent fuel. In this context, the radiolytic degradation of a solution of TiAP in n-dodecane was investigated by irradiating the solvent to various absorbed dose levels of γ-radiation. The neat extractant or a solution of extractant in n-dodecane was irradiated in the presence of nitric acid. Physicochemical properties such as density, viscosity and interfacial tension (IFT) were measured for unirradiated and irradiated solutions. The extent of degradation was determined by measuring the variation in extraction behavior of U(VI) and Pu(IV) with irradiated solvent systems. Uranium and plutonium retention with irradiated solvents was also measured. The distribution ratio of uranium and plutonium increased with increase in absorbed dose. Effect of alpha degradation was studied by plutonium retention as a function of time using 1.1 M TiAP/n-DD. Laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometric technique was employed to identify the possible radiolytic degradation products. Similar studies were also carried out with tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) based solvent system under identical experimental conditions and the results are compared.

  4. Hanford Diversification and the Tri-Cities Economy FY 1999

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    SCOTT, M.J.


    The missions of the U.S. Department of Energy's Richland Operations Office (DOE/RL) are to safely manage the Hanford Site, to manage and clean up its legacy wastes, and to develop and deploy new science and technology in the environmental and energy fields. Collectively, DOE/RL and its contractors are the most important single entity in the Tri-Cities local economy (Pasco, Kennewick, and Richland, Washington, and the surrounding area). Although the relevant economic region affected by DOE/RL and its contractors actually embraces a geographic area reaching from Yakima in the west to Walla Walla in the east and from Moses Lake in the north to Pendleton, Oregon, in the south, over 90% of economic impacts likely occur in Benton and Franklin Counties. These two counties are defined as the ''local'' Tri-Cities economy for purposes of this study. In the federal fiscal year (FY) 1999 (October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999), the total impact of DOE'S local $1.59 billion budget was felt through payrolls of $542 million and local purchases of goods and services of $226 million. The total local spending of $768 million was up slightly from the FY 1998 total of $765 million. Taking into account the multiplier effects of this spending, the DOE/RL budget sustained an estimated 32% of all local employment (28,250 out of 88,100 jobs) and about 35% of local earned income (almost $1.08 billion out of $3.08 billion). The decrease in these percentages from last year's report reflects an update of the model's economic structure based on the 1997 economic census year, a correction of a programming error in the model found during the update, and a broader definition of earnings that includes proprietor income, not just wages (see the Appendix for revisions to the previous forecasts). DOE budget increases in FY 2000 are expected to result in no change to the number of local DOE contractor jobs and about a $29 million increase in direct local spending

  5. Mono-, bi-, and tri-metallic Ni-based catalysts for the catalytic hydrotreatment of pyrolysis liquids

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yin, Wang; Venderbosch, Robbie H.; He, Songbo; Bykova, Maria V.; Khromova, Sofia A.; Yakovlev, Vadim A.; Heeres, Hero J.

    Catalytic hydrotreatment is a promising technology to convert pyrolysis liquids into intermediates with improved properties. Here, we report a catalyst screening study on the catalytic hydrotreatment of pyrolysis liquids using bi- and tri-metallic nickel-based catalysts in a batch autoclave (initial

  6. Pengaruh Bokhasi Eceng Gondok pada Tanaman Selada (Lactuca sativa L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seprita Lidar


    Full Text Available Isu pertanian organik akhir-akhir ini memang mulai berkembang kembali dengan semakin banyaknya masyarakat yang menyadari pentingnya kesehatan dan mutu bahan pangan yang dikonsumsi. Selain alasan kesehatan, pertanian organik juga diyakini ramah lingkungan karena dapat meminimalkan penggunaan bahan kimia dalam proses produksinya, karena penggunaan pupuk kimia secara terus-menerus dengan dosis yang meningkat justru dapat menyebabkan tanah menjadi keras dan keseimbangan unsur hara tanah terganggu.  Permintaan pasar terhadap tanaman sayuran khususnya selada yang biasanya dikonsumsi mentah terus meningkat, apalagi tanaman selada yang dipupuk dengan pupuk organik. Tanah di Kota Pekanbaru tergolong tanah Podsolid Merah Kuning (PMK yang kandungan bahan organik dan unsur haranya relatif rendah, maka salah satu usaha untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan cara pemupukan yang aman bagi tanaman dan tanah yaitu pupuk bokhasi eceng gondok yang mengandung unsur hara N, P dan K, juga memanfaatkan yang ada di lingkungan yang kalau tidak dimanfaatkan akan menyebabkan pencemaran di perairan.  Dari penelitian yang dilakukan pemberian bokhasi eceng gondok berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman selada dengan dosis terbaik adalah 2000 g/m2. Kata Kunci : Selada, Bokhasi, Eceng Gondok.The issue of organic farming lately indeed began to grow back more and more people will realize the importance of health and quality of food consumed. In addition to health reasons, organic farming is also believed to be environmentally friendly because it can minimize the use of chemicals in the production process, due to the use of chemical fertilizers continuously with increasing doses it can cause the soil to be loud and disturbed soil nutrient balance. Market demand for vegetable crops, especially lettuce is usually consumed raw continue to rise, especially lettuce plants are fertilized with organic fertilizer. Land in the city of Pekanbaru classified as

  7. Fabrication and preliminary study of a biomimetic tri-layer tubular graft based on fibers and fiber yarns for vascular tissue engineering. (United States)

    Wu, Tong; Zhang, Jialing; Wang, Yuanfei; Li, Dandan; Sun, Binbin; El-Hamshary, Hany; Yin, Meng; Mo, Xiumei


    Designing a biomimetic and functional tissue-engineered vascular graft has been urgently needed for repairing and regenerating defected vascular tissues. Utilizing a multi-layered vascular scaffold is commonly considered an effective way, because multi-layered scaffolds can easily simulate the structure and function of natural blood vessels. Herein, we developed a novel tri-layer tubular graft consisted of Poly(L-lactide-co-caprolactone)/collagen (PLCL/COL) fibers and Poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/silk fibroin (PLGA/SF) yarns via a three-step electrospinning method. The tri-layer vascular graft consisted of PLCL/COL aligned fibers in inner layer, PLGA/SF yarns in middle layer, and PLCL/COL random fibers in outer layer. Each layer possessed tensile mechanical strength and elongation, and the entire tubular structure provided tensile and compressive supports. Furthermore, the human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) proliferated well on the materials. Fluorescence staining images demonstrated that the axially aligned PLCL/COL fibers prearranged endothelium morphology in lumen and the circumferential oriented PLGA/SF yarns regulated SMCs organization along the single yarns. The outside PLCL/COL random fibers performed as the fixed layer to hold the entire tubular structure. The in vivo results showed that the tri-layer vascular graft supported cell infiltration, scaffold biodegradation and abundant collagen production after subcutaneous implantation for 10weeks, revealing the optimal biocompatibility and tissue regenerative capability of the tri-layer graft. Therefore, the specially designed tri-layer vascular graft will be beneficial to vascular reconstruction. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  8. The effects of ethylene oxide containing lipopolymers and tri-block copolymers on lipid bilayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baekmark, T. R.; Pedersen, S.; Jorgensen, K.


    oxide moity, anchored to the bilayer by a 1,2-dioctadecanoyl-s,n-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DC18PE) lipid. The second type, which is a novel type of membrane-spanning object, is an amphiphilic tri-block copolymer composed of two hydrophilic stretches of polyethylene oxide separated by a hydrophobic...... stretch of polystyrene. Hence the tri-block copolymer may act as a membrane-spanning macromolecule mimicking an amphiphilic protein or polypeptide. Differential scanning calorimetry is used to determine a partial phase diagram for the lipopolymer systems and to assess the amount of lipopolymer that can...... be loaded into DC16PC lipid bilayers before micellization takes place. Unilamellar and micellar phase structures are investigated by fluorescence quenching using bilayer permeating dithionite. The chain length-dependent critical lipopolymer concentration, denoting the lamellar-to-micellar phase transition...

  9. Synthesis and Ligand-Exchange Reactions of a Tri-Tungsten Cluster with Applications in Biomedical Imaging (United States)

    Noey, Elizabeth; Curtis, Jeff C.; Tam, Sylvia; Pham, David M.; Jones, Ella F.


    In this experiment students are exposed to concepts in inorganic synthesis and various spectroscopies as applied to a tri-tungsten cluster with applications in biomedical imaging. The tungsten-acetate cluster, Na[W[superscript 3](mu-O)[subscript 2](CH[superscript 3]COO)[superscript 9

  10. Resolution enhancement of tri-stereo remote sensing images by super resolution methods (United States)

    Tuna, Caglayan; Akoguz, Alper; Unal, Gozde; Sertel, Elif


    Super resolution (SR) refers to generation of a High Resolution (HR) image from a decimated, blurred, low-resolution (LR) image set, which can be either a single frame or multi-frame that contains a collection of several images acquired from slightly different views of the same observation area. In this study, we propose a novel application of tri-stereo Remote Sensing (RS) satellite images to the super resolution problem. Since the tri-stereo RS images of the same observation area are acquired from three different viewing angles along the flight path of the satellite, these RS images are properly suited to a SR application. We first estimate registration between the chosen reference LR image and other LR images to calculate the sub pixel shifts among the LR images. Then, the warping, blurring and down sampling matrix operators are created as sparse matrices to avoid high memory and computational requirements, which would otherwise make the RS-SR solution impractical. Finally, the overall system matrix, which is constructed based on the obtained operator matrices is used to obtain the estimate HR image in one step in each iteration of the SR algorithm. Both the Laplacian and total variation regularizers are incorporated separately into our algorithm and the results are presented to demonstrate an improved quantitative performance against the standard interpolation method as well as improved qualitative results due expert evaluations.

  11. Hideout and hideout return of tri-sodium phosphate in PWR steam generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feron, D.; You, D. [CEA/DEN - Laboratoire d' Etude de la Corrosion Aqueuse, Saclay (France); Turluer, G. [CEA/IPSN-Service d' Analyse des Materiels et des Structures, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)


    Tri-sodium phosphate is used as a chemical conditioner of several sub-systems in secondary circuits of PWR. As confirmed by the international experience feedback of the secondary water chemistry, it can appear as a pollutant of the secondary water circuits, whereby it can concentrate in some areas of restricted flow or deposits in the steam generators. The issues raised by those occurrences prompted the safety French authorities (IPSN) to develop a model boiler investigation programme to assess the respective sodium/phosphate behaviour as a result of hideout and hideout return processes. Hideout and hideout return experiments have been performed with three model boilers in order to investigate the behaviour of tri-sodium phosphate pollution with three different configurations: only tube-tube support plate crevices, only sludge at the bottom of the tubes, or with only ''free'' tube surfaces. Obtained results, with discontinuous pollutions at some{sup -1}, can be summarised as follow: low hideout on the free surface of the tubes (less than 10%), hideout is more important when tube-tube support plate crevices are present (10 to 30%), maximum hideout is obtained when there is some sludge at the bottom of the tubes (30 to 90%), Hideout return data are always very low compared to the hideout quantities, due to the formation of solid compound with alumina and silica. (authors)

  12. Hideout and hideout return of tri-sodium phosphate in PWR steam generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feron, D.; You, D.; Turluer, G.


    Tri-sodium phosphate is used as a chemical conditioner of several sub-systems in secondary circuits of PWR. As confirmed by the international experience feedback of the secondary water chemistry, it can appear as a pollutant of the secondary water circuits, whereby it can concentrate in some areas of restricted flow or deposits in the steam generators. The issues raised by those occurrences prompted the safety French authorities (IPSN) to develop a model boiler investigation programme to assess the respective sodium/phosphate behaviour as a result of hideout and hideout return processes. Hideout and hideout return experiments have been performed with three model boilers in order to investigate the behaviour of tri-sodium phosphate pollution with three different configurations: only tube-tube support plate crevices, only sludge at the bottom of the tubes, or with only ''free'' tube surfaces. Obtained results, with discontinuous pollutions at some -1 , can be summarised as follow: low hideout on the free surface of the tubes (less than 10%), hideout is more important when tube-tube support plate crevices are present (10 to 30%), maximum hideout is obtained when there is some sludge at the bottom of the tubes (30 to 90%), Hideout return data are always very low compared to the hideout quantities, due to the formation of solid compound with alumina and silica. (authors)

  13. Performance evaluation of a tri-generation system with simulation and experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ge, Y.T.; Tassou, S.A.; Suguartha, N. [Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH (United Kingdom); Chaer, I. [Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment, London South Bank University (T617), Borough Road, London SE1 0AA (United Kingdom)


    A test rig for a tri-generation system was set up in the laboratory to investigate the system performance and application feasibility. The rig was composed of three modules, a power component containing a microturbine, a refrigeration unit consisting of an absorption chiller with gas pipe connection, and a supermarket section containing a display cabinet. This system was supposed to be effectively applied into a supermarket energy control system where cooling, heating and electricity power are simultaneously required and subsequently, valuable test results have been produced. In the mean time, a simulation model for the particular tri-generation system has been established by integrating the component models of the system in accordance with the components' actual flow paths and energy streams. These component models, which include a compressor, recuperator, combustion chamber, gas turbine, electric generator, gas pipes, generator (desorber), rectifier, absorbers, condenser and evaporator etc., were developed based upon the balance of heat and mass. The calculations of heat transfer and phase equilibrium were included in the component models and chemical reaction balances were considered in the model of the combustion chamber. The system model has been validated with the test results and has consequently been used to predict the system performance at different operating and design conditions, such as varied ambient temperature, fuel flow rate and pressure ratio etc. The ultimate results of the performance analysis formulated by the system model can contribute significantly to the optimal component and system designs in various practical applications. (author)

  14. Wet-Oxidation of Spent Organic Waste Tri-butyl Phosphate/Diluents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Dessouky, M.I.; Abed El-Aziz, M.M.; El-Mossalamy, E.H.; Aly, H.F.


    Tri-Butyl Phosphate was used in reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel in the purex process. The amount of uranium retained in the organic phase depends on the type of TBP/Diluent. Destruction of spent TBP is of high interest in waste management. In the present work, oxidative degradation of TBP diluted with kerosene, carbon tetrachloride, benzene and toluene using potassium permanganate as oxidant was carried out to produce stable inorganic dry particle residue which is then immobilized in different matrices. The different factors affecting the destruction of spent waste was investigated. The up take and decontamination factor for both 152 and 154 Eu and 181 Hf and the analysis of the final product have been studied

  15. Biomass production, symbiotic nitrogen fixation and inorganic N use in dual tri-component annual intercrops

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, M.K.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, H.; Ambus, P.


    The interspecific complementary and competitive interactions between pea (Pisum sativum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), grown as dual and tri-component intercrops were assessed in a field study in Denmark. Total biomass production and N use at two levels of ...

  16. A model for additive transport in metal halide lamps containing mercury and dysprosium tri-iodide

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beks, M.L.; Haverlag, M.; Mullen, van der J.J.A.M.


    The distribution of additives in a metal halide lamp is examined through numerical modelling. A model for a lamp containing sodium iodide additives has been modified to study a discharge containing dysprosium tri-iodide salts. To study the complex chemistry the method of Gibbs minimization is used

  17. Herbicidas de aplicação em pós-emergência em amendoim: I: controle de plantas daninhas e persistência no solo Post emergence herbicides in peanuts: I: weed control and persistence in the soil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciano Souza Paes Cruz


    Full Text Available No ano agrícola 1987/88, foi realizado um experimento de campo na Estação Experimental de Ribeirão Preto, do Instituto Agronômico, em latossolo roxo, textura argilosa, com a finalidade de pesquisar a ação dos herbicidas aplicados em pós-emergência no controle de plantas daninhas e sua persistência em solo, na cultura de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L. O experimento foi em parcelas subdivididas com as parcelas distribuídas em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, estudaram-se os tratamentos referentes à presença e à ausência de inoculação, sendo o inoculante preparado com a mistura de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium sp. (SMS-319, SMS-400 e SMS-561; nas subparcelas, os herbicidas fomesafen (250g/ha, lactofen (192g/ha, fluazifop-p-butil (187g/ha, haioxifop-metil (240g/ha e a mistura de fomesafen com fluazifop-p-butil (250 + 187g/ha, além de uma testemunha sem herbicida. Nas entrelinhas das subparcelas, tomaram-se ao acaso cinco pontos paraformar uma amostrado solo composta para análise de persistência dos produtos. As principais plantas daninhas presentes no experimento foram as gramíneas Cenchrus echinatus L. e Eleusine indica (L. Gaerth, e as dicotiledôneas Alternanthera fícoidea(L. R. Br. e Sidaspp. Aos 20 dias da aplicação dos herbicidas, as gramíneas foram 100% controladas pelos graminicidas fluazifop-p-butil e haioxifop-metil. Fomesafen e lactofen controlaram eficientemente A. fícoidea e, regularmente, Sida spp. A mistura de fomesafen com fluazifop-p-butil não apresentou vantagens em relação aos herbicidas isolados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que não houve influenciada inoculação no controle de plantas daninhas e que os herbicidas não foram tóxicos às plantas de amendoim. Os herbicidas fluazifop-p-butil e haioxifop-metil, aos 28 dias, não mais causavam fitotoxicidade na planta-teste, mostrando uma persistência no solo inferior a esse período. Aos 28 dias, no tratamento não inoculado

  18. Karakter Morfofisiologi dan Fisikokimia Beras dengan Berbagai Dosis Pemupukan Organik dan Hayati pada Budidaya Padi Organik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isna Tustiyani


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe awareness of the negative impacts of conventional agriculture has been encouraging people to switch from conventional farming to the organic farming, using organic and biological fertilizers. This farming system changes will influence the character of the plant and the yield. The objective of the research was to investigate the morphophysiology and physicochemical characters of rice with various rates of organic and biological  fertilizer. The experiment was conducted at rice field in Karawang and Bogor, West Java, from May to September 2012. The experiment used a single factor randomized block design consisted of three replications with 12 treatments. The first 6 treatments were 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ton organic fertilizer ha-1, and the other 6 treatments were 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ton organic fertilizer ha-1 combined with 2 l biological fertilizer ha-1. As control treatment was application of anorganic fertilizer with the rate of 400 kg NPK (30-6-8 ha-1. Plot size was 15 m x 10 m, with a double row spacing (legowo 2:1 (25 cm x 15 cm x 50. The results showed that organic fertilizer either without or with biological fertilizers increased the weight of 1,000 grains and decreased amylose content of rice. The score of leaf color in plants with inorganic fertilizer was higher than those with organic fertilizer.Keywords: amylose, gelatinization temperature, leaf color, water uptake ratio, 1,000 grain weight

  19. Polymer-Ceramic Composite Scaffolds: The Effect of Hydroxyapatite and β-tri-Calcium Phosphate


    Boyang Huang; Guilherme Caetano; Cian Vyas; Jonny James Blaker; Carl Diver; Paulo Bártolo


    The design of bioactive scaffolds with improved mechanical and biological properties is an important topic of research. This paper investigates the use of polymer-ceramic composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Different ceramic materials (hydroxyapatite (HA) and β-tri-calcium phosphate (TCP)) were mixed with poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL). Scaffolds with different material compositions were produced using an extrusion-based additive manufacturing system. The produced scaffolds were physi...

  20. Current Topics and Trends in Military Dental Research: A Tri-Service Panel Discussion (United States)


    Tri- Service Panel Discussion presented at/published to SURF 2016 (San Antonio Military Health System & Universities Research Forum), UT San Antonio...meting.) SURF 2016 (San Antonio Mili tary Health System & U niversities Research Forum), UT San Antonio, TX; 20 May 2016 D 11e. OTHER (Describe...if you are a Graduate Health Sciences Education student and your department has told you they cannot fund your publication, the 59th Clinical Research

  1. Discovery of aryl-tri-fluoroborates as potent sodium/iodide sym-porter (NIS) inhibitors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lecat-Guillet, N.; Ambroise, Y.


    The structure-based design of sodium/iodide sym-porter (NIS) inhibitors identified new active compounds. The organo-tri-fluoroborate shown was found to inhibit iodide uptake with an IC50 value of 0.4 μM on rat-derived thyroid cells. The biological activity is rationalized by the presence of the BF3 - ion as a minimal binding motif for substrate recognition at the iodide binding site. (authors)

  2. Discovery of aryl-tri-fluoroborates as potent sodium/iodide sym-porter (NIS) inhibitors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lecat-Guillet, N.; Ambroise, Y. [CEA, DSV, Dept Bioorgan Chem and Isotop Labelling, Inst Biol and Technol, iBiTecS, F-91191 Gif Sur Yvette (France)


    The structure-based design of sodium/iodide sym-porter (NIS) inhibitors identified new active compounds. The organo-tri-fluoroborate shown was found to inhibit iodide uptake with an IC50 value of 0.4 {mu}M on rat-derived thyroid cells. The biological activity is rationalized by the presence of the BF3{sup -} ion as a minimal binding motif for substrate recognition at the iodide binding site. (authors)

  3. Determinación complexométrica de trióxido de azufre en el cemento Portland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Calleja, J.


    Full Text Available Not availableSe describe un método volumétrico (complexométrico para la determinación cuantitativa del trióxido de azufre en el cemento portland, basado en el ataque de la muestra con ácido nítrico, precipitación del trióxido de azufre con nitrato de plomo, redisolución del precipitado con tartrato sodopotásico amortiguamiento de la disolución a pH = 10 y valoración del plomo por complexometría con EDTA (complexonsa III utilizando como indicador negro de eriocromo T. Los resultados concuerdan con los obtenidos por el método gravimétrico clásico (precipitación del trióxido de azufre con cloruro bárico. La diferencia entre dos valores obtenidos por un mismo operador con la misma muestra, aplicando el método propuesto, están dentro de la tolerancia admitida por las normas A. S. T. M. para el método gravimétrico. La diferencia entre valores volumétricos y gravimétricos correspondientes a una misma muestra también entran dentro de dicha tolerancia. El método descrito tiene la ventaja de ser más rápido, no requerir calcinación y poder ser aplicado por cualquier operador con los medios ordinarios de un laboratorio.

  4. Excited- and Ground-State Versions of the Tri-.pi.-methane Rearrangement: Mechanistic and Exploratory Organic Photochemistry

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zimmerman, H. E.; Církva, Vladimír


    Roč. 66, č. 5 (2001), s. 1839-1851 ISSN 0022-3263 Grant - others:NSF(US) CHE-9709005 Keywords : Tri-.pi.-methane rearrangement * molecular systems * reaction Subject RIV: CH - Nuclear ; Quantum Chemistry Impact factor: 3.280, year: 2001

  5. Tri-State Current Source Inverter With Improved Dynamic Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blaabjerg, Frede; Loh, Poh Chiang; Wong, Chow Pang


    Traditional dc-ac current source inverter (CSI) has a right-half-plane (RHP) zero in its control-to-output transfer function. This RHP zero causes the inverter output to fall before rising when a step increase in command reference is required (commonly known as non-minimum-phase effect). To achieve...... a better dynamic response, this paper proposes the design of a tri-state CSI using only an additional semiconductor switch for introducing unique freewheeling states to the traditional six active and three null states of a CSI. With the freewheeling states inserted appropriately within the inverter state...... sequence, the inductive boosting and discharging intervals can be decoupled, allowing the RHP zero to be eliminated with only minor circuit modifications (high level control schemes like predictive and multiloop voltage/current control remain unchanged). The designed inverter can be controlled using...

  6. Feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging-guided liver stereotactic body radiation therapy: A comparison between modulated tri-cobalt-60 teletherapy and linear accelerator-based intensity modulated radiation therapy. (United States)

    Kishan, Amar U; Cao, Minsong; Wang, Pin-Chieh; Mikaeilian, Argin G; Tenn, Stephen; Rwigema, Jean-Claude M; Sheng, Ke; Low, Daniel A; Kupelian, Patrick A; Steinberg, Michael L; Lee, Percy


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the dosimetric feasibility of liver stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) using a teletherapy system equipped with 3 rotating (60)Co sources (tri-(60)Co system) and a built-in magnetic resonance imager (MRI). We hypothesized tumor size and location would be predictive of favorable dosimetry with tri-(60)Co SBRT. The primary study population consisted of 11 patients treated with SBRT for malignant hepatic lesions whose linear accelerator (LINAC)-based SBRT plans met all mandatory Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 1112 organ-at-risk (OAR) constraints. The secondary study population included 5 additional patients whose plans did not meet the mandatory constraints. Patients received 36 to 60 Gy in 3 to 5 fractions. Tri-(60)Co system SBRT plans were planned with ViewRay system software. All patients in the primary study population had tri-(60)Co SBRT plans that passed all RTOG constraints, with similar planning target volume coverage and OAR doses to LINAC plans. Mean liver doses and V10Gy to the liver, although easily meeting RTOG 1112 guidelines, were significantly higher with tri-(60)Co plans. When the 5 additional patients were included in a univariate analysis, the tri-(60)Co SBRT plans were still equally able to pass RTOG constraints, although they did have inferior ability to pass more stringent liver and kidney constraints (P < .05). A multivariate analysis found the ability of a tri-(60)Co SBRT plan to meet these constraints depended on lesion location and size. Patients with smaller or more peripheral lesions (as defined by distance from the aorta, chest wall, liver dome, and relative lesion volume) were significantly more likely to have tri-(60)Co plans that spared the liver and kidney as well as LINAC plans did (P < .05). It is dosimetrically feasible to perform liver SBRT with a tri-(60)Co system with a built-in MRI. Patients with smaller or more peripheral lesions are more likely to have optimal liver

  7. 77 FR 23409 - Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting for Facilities Located in Indian Country and... (United States)


    ... manufactures (including imports), processes, or otherwise uses a TRI chemical yet does not meet the full... chemical or explain why EPA denied the petition. Unlike the analogous process for petitions to add a... deadlines. The risks from chemical accidents are real and current, and EPA encourages the communities in...

  8. Co-extraction and co-stripping of U(VI) and Pu(IV) using tri-iso-amyl phosphate and tri-n-butyl phosphate in n-dodecane from nitric acid media under high loading conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sreenivasulu, Balija; Suresh, Ammath; Sivaraman, Nagarajan; Rao, P.R. Vasudeva [Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam (India). Chemistry Group


    The extraction of Pu(IV) using 1.1 M solution of tri-iso-amyl phosphate (TiAP)/n-dodecane (DD) from plutonium nitrate solutions in nitric acid media was examined as a function of equilibrium aqueous phase metal ion concentration and equilibrium aqueous phase acidity at 303 K. The nitric acid concentration in the organic phase was measured as a function of equilibrium organic phase plutonium concentration. The co-extraction of U(VI) and Pu(IV) was studied using 1.1 M TiAP/DD system as a function of their equilibrium aqueous phase metal ion concentration and compared with 1.1 M tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP)/n-DD system under identical conditions. Co-extraction and co-stripping of U(VI) and Pu(IV) were studied using 1.1 M TiAP/DD and 1.1 M TBP/DD systems in cross current mode to evaluate the number of stages required for the extraction and stripping of heavy metal ions (uranium and plutonium). The extraction and stripping efficiencies were calculated for both the systems. The saturation limit of the organic phase was also established in these studies.

  9. Co-extraction and co-stripping of U(VI) and Pu(IV) using tri-iso-amyl phosphate and tri-n-butyl phosphate in n-dodecane from nitric acid media under high loading conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sreenivasulu, Balija; Suresh, Ammath; Sivaraman, Nagarajan; Rao, P.R. Vasudeva


    The extraction of Pu(IV) using 1.1 M solution of tri-iso-amyl phosphate (TiAP)/n-dodecane (DD) from plutonium nitrate solutions in nitric acid media was examined as a function of equilibrium aqueous phase metal ion concentration and equilibrium aqueous phase acidity at 303 K. The nitric acid concentration in the organic phase was measured as a function of equilibrium organic phase plutonium concentration. The co-extraction of U(VI) and Pu(IV) was studied using 1.1 M TiAP/DD system as a function of their equilibrium aqueous phase metal ion concentration and compared with 1.1 M tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP)/n-DD system under identical conditions. Co-extraction and co-stripping of U(VI) and Pu(IV) were studied using 1.1 M TiAP/DD and 1.1 M TBP/DD systems in cross current mode to evaluate the number of stages required for the extraction and stripping of heavy metal ions (uranium and plutonium). The extraction and stripping efficiencies were calculated for both the systems. The saturation limit of the organic phase was also established in these studies.

  10. Tri-generation based hybrid power plant scheduling for renewable resources rich area with energy storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pazheri, F.R.


    Highlights: • Involves scheduling of the tri-generation based hybrid power plant. • Utilization of renewable energy through energy storage is discussed. • Benefits of the proposed model are illustrated. • Energy efficient and environmental friendly dispatch is analyzed. • Modeled scheduling problem is applicable to any fuel enriched area. - Abstract: Solving power system scheduling is crucial to ensure smooth operations of the electric power industry. Effective utilization of available conventional and renewable energy sources (RES) by tri-generation and with the aid of energy storage facilities (ESF) can ensure clean and energy efficient power generation. Such power generation can play an important role in countries, like Saudi Arabia, where abundant fossil fuels (FF) and renewable energy sources (RES) are available. Hence, effective modeling of such hybrid power systems scheduling is essential in such countries based on the available fuel resources. The intent of this paper is to present a simple model for tri-generation based hybrid power system scheduling for energy resources rich area in presence of ESF, to ensure optimum fuel utilization and minimum pollutant emissions while meeting the power demand. This research points an effective operation strategy which ensure a clean and energy efficient power scheduling by exploiting available energy resources effectively. Hence, it has an important role in current and future power generation. In order to illustrate the benefits of the presented approach a clean and energy efficient hybrid power supply scheme for King Saud University (KSU), Saudi Arabia, is proposed and analyzed here. Results show that the proposed approach is very suitable for KSU since adequate solar power is available during its peak demand periods

  11. Access to Investigational Drugs: FDA Expanded Access Programs or "Right-to-Try" Legislation? (United States)

    Holbein, M E Blair; Berglund, Jelena P; Weatherwax, Kevin; Gerber, David E; Adamo, Joan E


    The Food and Drug Administration Expanded Access (EA) program and "Right-to-Try" legislation aim to provide seriously ill patients who have no other comparable treatment options to gain access to investigational drugs and biological agents. Physicians and institutions need to understand these programs to respond to questions and requests for access. FDA EA programs and state and federal legislative efforts to provide investigational products to patients by circumventing FDA regulations were summarized and compared. The FDA EA program includes Single Patient-Investigational New Drug (SP-IND), Emergency SP-IND, Intermediate Sized Population IND, and Treatment IND. Approval rates for all categories exceed 99%. Approval requires FDA and Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, and cooperation of the pharmaceutical partner is essential. "Right-to-Try" legislation bypasses some of these steps, but provides no regulatory or safety oversight. The FDA EA program is a reasonable option for patients for whom all other therapeutic interventions have failed. The SP-IND not only provides patient access to new drugs, but also maintains a balance between immediacy and necessary patient protection. Rather than circumventing existing FDA regulations through proposed legislation, it seems more judicious to provide the knowledge and means to meet the EA requirements. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Business Strategy Formulation Using Business Model Case Study: PT. Kartina Tri Satria


    Priandita, Audria; Toha, Mohamad


    Muslim fashion in Indonesia is rapidly growing. Until a few decades ago the Islamic fashion is not particularly common in Indonesia, but recently has become a trend, not only among those wearing them, but also as a production sector. PT. Kartina Tri Satria is one of the companies that are in the competition of products or brand fashions which going on at the moment. PT. Kartina can perform some steps to strengthening the quality of the product and to providing excellent service to their custo...

  13. Anchoring Tri(8-QuinolinolatoIron Onto Sba-15 for Partial Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol Using Water as the Solvent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang Xiaoyuan


    Full Text Available Tri(8-quinolinolatoiron complex immobilized onto SBA-15 catalyst has been synthesized through a stepwise procedure. The characterization results indicated that the BET surface area, total pore volume and average pore width decrease after stepwise modification of SBA-15, while the structure keeps intact. Catalytic tests showed that FeQ3-SBA-15 catalyzes the oxidation reaction well with 34.8% conversion of benzyl alcohol and 74.7% selectivity to benzaldehyde when water is used as the solvent after 1 h reaction. In addition, homogeneous catalyst tri(8-quinolinolatoiron exhibits very bad catalytic behavior using water as the solvent.

  14. 2-Acetyl­amino-1,3,4,6-tetra-O-(tri­methyl­silyl)-2-de­oxy-α-d-gluco­pyran­ose (United States)

    Cheng, Zhao-Dong; Cui, Yan-Li; Mao, Jian-Wei


    The title compound, C20H47NO6Si4, was synthesized by per-O-tri­methyl­silylation of N-acetyl-d-glucosa­mine using chloro­tri­methyl­silane in the presence of hexa­methyl­disiloxane. The tri­methyl­silyl group and acetamido group are located on the same side of the pyran ring, showing an α-configuration glycoside. One of the tri­methyl­silyl groups is disordered over two orientations, with site-occupancy factors of 0.625 (9) and 0.375 (9). In the crystal, N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into supra­molecular chains along the a-axis direction. PMID:23795087

  15. Dosimetric feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging-guided tri-cobalt 60 preoperative intensity modulated radiation therapy for soft tissue sarcomas of the extremity. (United States)

    Kishan, Amar U; Cao, Minsong; Mikaeilian, Argin G; Low, Daniel A; Kupelian, Patrick A; Steinberg, Michael L; Kamrava, Mitchell


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the dosimetric differences of delivering preoperative intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) to patients with soft tissue sarcomas of the extremity (ESTS) with a teletherapy system equipped with 3 rotating (60)Co sources and a built-in magnetic resonance imaging and with standard linear accelerator (LINAC)-based IMRT. The primary study population consisted of 9 patients treated with preoperative radiation for ESTS between 2008 and 2014 with LINAC-based static field IMRT. LINAC plans were designed to deliver 50 Gy in 25 fractions to 95% of the planning target volume (PTV). Tri-(60)Co system IMRT plans were designed with ViewRay system software. Tri-(60)Co-based IMRT plans achieved equivalent target coverage and dosimetry for organs at risk (long bone, skin, and skin corridor) compared with LINAC-based IMRT plans. The maximum and minimum PTV doses, heterogeneity indices, and ratio of the dose to 50% of the volume were equivalent for both planning systems. One LINAC plan violated the maximum bone dose constraint, whereas none of the tri-(60)Co plans did. Using a tri-(60)Co system, we were able to achieve equivalent dosimetry to the PTV and organs at risk for patients with ESTS compared with LINAC-based IMRT plans. The tri-(60)Co system may be advantageous over current treatment platforms by allowing PTV reduction and by elimination of the additional radiation dose associated with daily image guidance, but this needs to be evaluated prospectively. Copyright © 2015 American Society for Radiation Oncology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Measurement of factors that negatively influence the outcome of quitting smoking among patients with COPD: psychometric analyses of the Try To Quit Smoking instrument. (United States)

    Lundh, Lena; Alinaghizadeh, Hassan; Törnkvist, Lena; Gilljam, Hans; Galanti, Maria Rosaria


    To test internal consistency and factor structure of a brief instrument called Trying to Quit smoking. The most effective treatment for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is to quit smoking. Constant thoughts about quitting and repeated quit attempts can generate destructive feelings and make it more difficult to quit. Development and psychometric testing of the Trying to Quit smoking scale. The Trying to Quit smoking, an instrument designed to assess pressure-filled states of mind and corresponding pressure-relief strategies, was tested among 63 Swedish patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Among these, the psychometric properties of the instrument were analysed by Exploratory Factor Analyses. Fourteen items were included in the factor analyses, loading on three factors labelled: (1) development of pressure-filled mental states; (2) use of destructive pressure-relief strategies; and (3) ambivalent thoughts when trying to quit smoking. These three factors accounted for more than 80% of the variance, performed well on the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test and had high internal consistency.

  17. Evaluation of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate for identification of common mastitis pathogens in milk. (United States)

    Royster, E; Godden, S; Goulart, D; Dahlke, A; Rapnicki, P; Timmerman, J


    The objective of this study was to validate use of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate (University of Minnesota Laboratory for Udder Health, St. Paul) to identify common mastitis pathogens in milk. A total of 283 quarter and composite milk samples submitted to the University of Minnesota Laboratory for Udder Health during the spring of 2010 were cultured simultaneously using 3 methods: standard laboratory culture (reference method) and the Minnesota Easy Culture System II Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate methods. Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate cultures were incubated for 18 to 24h and interpreted by 2 independent, untrained readers within 5h of each other. An experienced technician completed the standard laboratory culture. For each sample, all 3 study personnel recorded the culture result (yes/no) for each of the following diagnostic categories: no bacterial growth (NG), mixed (2 organisms), contaminated (3 or more organisms), gram-positive (GP), gram-negative (GN), Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Enterococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., and other. For each category, the prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and predictive values of a positive and negative test were calculated, and the agreement between readers and between each reader and the laboratory was assessed. Specificity, overall accuracy, and negative predictive values were generally high (>80%) for the Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate for each category. Sensitivity and positive predictive values were intermediate (>60%) or high (>80%) for the broad categories of NG, GP, GN, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp., and for Staph. aureus, but were generally lower (negative predictive value for Streptococcus spp., and higher interreader agreement for some of the more specific categories. Our conclusion was that Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate results will

  18. Tri-filial presentation of familial tuberous sclerosis with renal tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghoshal, Sushil R; Chatterjee, Shankar D; Ray, Saugata; Chakraborty, Swarup; Achar, Arun; Pathak, TK


    Tuberous sclerosis is a rare neuro-cutaneous syndrome with autosomal dominant penetrance. Only some organs are involved, e.g., skin (earthy skin thickenings, ash leaf patches), cerebral cortex (hamartomatous nodules) and kidneys, (angiolipoma, adenocarcinoma). These hamartomatous swellings resemble potatoes and hence, referred to as tubers. We herein report on three patients (all familial), father, son and granddaughter, with this rare involvement, from the eastern part of India. The father and son had involvement of only the skin (i.e. nose) and kidneys while the disease penetrated further in the subsequent filial generations with son and granddaughter having skin, brain and bilateral kidney involvement. This kind of tri-filial progression has not till date, been reported from this region, making it an interesting case presentation. (author)

  19. Bis(tri-n-hexylsilyl oxide) silicon phthalocyanine: a unique additive in ternary bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic devices. (United States)

    Lessard, Benoît H; Dang, Jeremy D; Grant, Trevor M; Gao, Dong; Seferos, Dwight S; Bender, Timothy P


    Previous studies have shown that the use of bis(tri-n-hexylsilyl oxide) silicon phthalocyanine ((3HS)2-SiPc) as an additive in a P3HT:PC61BM cascade ternary bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic (BHJ OPV) device results in an increase in the short circuit current (J(SC)) and efficiency (η(eff)) of up to 25% and 20%, respectively. The previous studies have attributed the increase in performance to the presence of (3HS)2-SiPc at the BHJ interface. In this study, we explored the molecular characteristics of (3HS)2-SiPc which makes it so effective in increasing the OPV device J(SC) and η(eff. Initially, we synthesized phthalocyanine-based additives using different core elements such as germanium and boron instead of silicon, each having similar frontier orbital energies compared to (3HS)2-SiPc and tested their effect on BHJ OPV device performance. We observed that addition of bis(tri-n-hexylsilyl oxide) germanium phthalocyanine ((3HS)2-GePc) or tri-n-hexylsilyl oxide boron subphthalocyanine (3HS-BsubPc) resulted in a nonstatistically significant increase in JSC and η(eff). Secondly, we kept the silicon phthalocyanine core and substituted the tri-n-hexylsilyl solubilizing groups with pentadecyl phenoxy groups and tested the resulting dye in a BHJ OPV. While an increase in JSC and η(eff) was observed at low (PDP)2-SiPc loadings, the increase was not as significant as (3HS)2-SiPc; therefore, (3HS)2-SiPc is a unique additive. During our study, we observed that (3HS)2-SiPc had an extraordinary tendency to crystallize compared to the other compounds in this study and our general experience. On the basis of this observation, we have offered a hypothesis that when (3HS)2-SiPc migrates to the P3HT:PC61BM interface the reason for its unique performance is not solely due to its frontier orbital energies but also might be due to a high driving force for crystallization.

  20. Complementary and alternative medical therapies for chronic low back pain: What treatments are patients willing to try?

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    Erro Janet


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although back pain is the most common reason patients use complementary and alternative medical (CAM therapies, little is known about the willingness of primary care back pain patients to try these therapies. As part of an effort to refine recruitment strategies for clinical trials, we sought to determine if back pain patients are willing to try acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, meditation, and t'ai chi and to learn about their knowledge of, experience with, and perceptions about each of these therapies. Methods We identified English-speaking patients with diagnoses consistent with chronic low back pain using automated visit data from one health care organization in Boston and another in Seattle. We were able to confirm the eligibility status (i.e., current low back pain that had lasted at least 3 months of 70% of the patients with such diagnoses and all eligible respondents were interviewed. Results Except for chiropractic, knowledge about these therapies was low. Chiropractic and massage had been used by the largest fractions of respondents (54% and 38%, respectively, mostly for back pain (45% and 24%, respectively. Among prior users of specific CAM therapies for back pain, massage was rated most helpful. Users of chiropractic reported treatment-related "significant discomfort, pain or harm" more often (23% than users of other therapies (5–16%. Respondents expected massage would be most helpful (median of 7 on a 0 to 10 scale and meditation least helpful (median of 3 in relieving their current pain. Most respondents indicated they would be "very likely" to try acupuncture, massage, or chiropractic for their back pain if they did not have to pay out of pocket and their physician thought it was a reasonable treatment option. Conclusions Most patients with chronic back pain in our sample were interested in trying therapeutic options that lie outside the conventional medical spectrum. This highlights the need for additional

  1. Complementary and alternative medical therapies for chronic low back pain: What treatments are patients willing to try? (United States)

    Sherman, Karen J; Cherkin, Daniel C; Connelly, Maureen T; Erro, Janet; Savetsky, Jacqueline B; Davis, Roger B; Eisenberg, David M


    Although back pain is the most common reason patients use complementary and alternative medical (CAM) therapies, little is known about the willingness of primary care back pain patients to try these therapies. As part of an effort to refine recruitment strategies for clinical trials, we sought to determine if back pain patients are willing to try acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, meditation, and t'ai chi and to learn about their knowledge of, experience with, and perceptions about each of these therapies. We identified English-speaking patients with diagnoses consistent with chronic low back pain using automated visit data from one health care organization in Boston and another in Seattle. We were able to confirm the eligibility status (i.e., current low back pain that had lasted at least 3 months) of 70% of the patients with such diagnoses and all eligible respondents were interviewed. Except for chiropractic, knowledge about these therapies was low. Chiropractic and massage had been used by the largest fractions of respondents (54% and 38%, respectively), mostly for back pain (45% and 24%, respectively). Among prior users of specific CAM therapies for back pain, massage was rated most helpful. Users of chiropractic reported treatment-related "significant discomfort, pain or harm" more often (23%) than users of other therapies (5-16%). Respondents expected massage would be most helpful (median of 7 on a 0 to 10 scale) and meditation least helpful (median of 3) in relieving their current pain. Most respondents indicated they would be "very likely" to try acupuncture, massage, or chiropractic for their back pain if they did not have to pay out of pocket and their physician thought it was a reasonable treatment option. Most patients with chronic back pain in our sample were interested in trying therapeutic options that lie outside the conventional medical spectrum. This highlights the need for additional studies evaluating their effectiveness and suggests that

  2. Attitude Control of a Single Tilt Tri-Rotor UAV System: Dynamic Modeling and Each Channel's Nonlinear Controllers Design

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    Juing-Shian Chiou


    Full Text Available This paper has implemented nonlinear control strategy for the single tilt tri-rotor aerial robot. Based on Newton-Euler’s laws, the linear and nonlinear mathematical models of tri-rotor UAVs are obtained. A numerical analysis using Newton-Raphson method is chosen for finding hovering equilibrium point. Back-stepping nonlinear controller design is based on constructing Lyapunov candidate function for closed-loop system. By imitating the linguistic logic of human thought, fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs are designed based on control rules and membership functions, which are much less rigid than the calculations computers generally perform. Effectiveness of the controllers design scheme is shown through nonlinear simulation model on each channel.

  3. Hanford Diversification and the Tri-Cities Economy FY 1999

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    SCOTT, M.J.


    The missions of the U.S. Department of Energy's Richland Operations Office (DOE/RL) are to safely manage the Hanford Site, to manage and clean up its legacy wastes, and to develop and deploy new science and technology in the environmental and energy fields. Collectively, DOE/RL and its contractors are the most important single entity in the Tri-Cities local economy (Pasco, Kennewick, and Richland, Washington, and the surrounding area). Although the relevant economic region affected by DOE/RL and its contractors actually embraces a geographic area reaching from Yakima in the west to Walla Walla in the east and from Moses Lake in the north to Pendleton, Oregon, in the south, over 90% of economic impacts likely occur in Benton and Franklin Counties. These two counties are defined as the ''local'' Tri-Cities economy for purposes of this study. In the federal fiscal year (FY) 1999 (October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999), the total impact of DOE'S local $1.59 billion budget was felt through payrolls of $542 million and local purchases of goods and services of $226 million. The total local spending of $768 million was up slightly from the FY 1998 total of $765 million. Taking into account the multiplier effects of this spending, the DOE/RL budget sustained an estimated 32% of all local employment (28,250 out of 88,100 jobs) and about 35% of local earned income (almost $1.08 billion out of $3.08 billion). The decrease in these percentages from last year's report reflects an update of the model's economic structure based on the 1997 economic census year, a correction of a programming error in the model found during the update, and a broader definition of earnings that includes proprietor income, not just wages (see the Appendix for revisions to the previous forecasts). DOE budget increases in FY 2000 are expected to result in no change to the number of local DOE contractor jobs and about a $29 million increase in direct local

  4. Tri-generation System based on Municipal Waste Gasification, Fuel Cell and an Absorption Chiller

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    Giannis Katsaros


    Full Text Available The present work focuses on the design of a novel tri-generation system based on gasification of municipal solid wastes, a solid oxide fuel cell and an ammonia-water absorption chiller. Tri-generation systems can be implemented in buildings such as hospitals and hotels, where there is a continuous and large demand for electricity, heating and cooling. The system is modelled in Aspen Plus and the influence of different operating parameters on the system performance was studied. The findings suggest that low air equivalent ratios and high gasification temperatures enhance the overall system performance. Syngas cleaning with metal sorbents zinc oxide and sodium bicarbonate for the removal of hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen chloride concentrations proved to be very effective, reducing the concentration of contaminants to < 1 ppm (part per million levels. The possibility of covering the demand profiles of a specific building was also investigated: the system could fully meet the electricity and cooling demands, whereas the heat requirements could be satisfied only up to 55%. Moreover, assuming 20 years of operation, the payback period was 4.5 years and the net present value exceeded 5 million euros.

  5. Was Wundt the first to try to make psychology an independent discipline?

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    Karlos Luna


    Full Text Available A recent research rediscovered the figure of Ferdinand Bernard Ueberwasser, a professor at the University of Münster who tried to make psychology an independent discipline almost a century before Wundt. In 1787, Ueberwasser published a book in which he proposed a scientific psychology based on the manipulation of variables and the replication of observations, and that should study areas such as perception, memory, creativity, or empathy. The Napoleonic Wars and the discontinuation of the University of Münster made Ueberwasser's legacy to be almost completely forgotten, until today.

  6. Effect of n-octanol on -uranyl extraction by tri-n-octylammonium sulfate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ochkin, A.V.; Kudrov, A.N.


    The effect of n-octanol on the extraction of uranyl sulfate by solutions of tri-n-octylamine sulfate in benzene has been studied. With the increase of alcohol concentration the coefficient of uranium distribution passes through the maximum. At low alcohol concentrations a decrease in water content in the organic phase is observed. It is shown that the increase in ammonium salt activity in replacement of part of hydrate At high alcohol concentration the decrease in uranium distribution coefficients is observed, which is related to TOA sulfate solvation by alcohol


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    Mehmet Emin AYDIN


    Full Text Available Konya ana tahliye kanalı Konya ovasının drenaj sularını toplayarak tuz gölüne boşaltmaktadır. Konya ovasında Konya şehri atık sularının tabi bir drenaj noktası bulunmaması sebebiyle kent atıksuları da bu kanala deşarj edilmektedir. Kanal güzergahı boyunca bu drenaj suları ve atık sular sulama suyu olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bazı klorlu organik bileşikler toksik ve kanserojen oldukları bilinen bileşiklerdir. Bu çalışmada Konya atıksularının deşarj edildiği ana tahliye kanalından alınan saatlik, günlük ve aylık numuneler gaz kromotoğraf (GC ile analiz edilerek klorlu organik bileşik içerikleri araştırılmıştır.

  8. Farklı Otların Otlu Peynirin Biyojen Amin İçeriği ve Bazı Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

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    Seval Andiç, Yusuf Tunçtürk, Issa Javidi Gençcelep


    Full Text Available Bu çalıflmada 90 günlük depolama süresi boyunca farklı otların (Allium sp., Ferula sp. and Anthriscus sp.Otlu peynirin bazı özellikleri üzerine etkisi incelenmifltir. Otlu peynir örneklerinin organik asit (formik,laktik, asetik, sitrik, ve bütiric ve biyojen amin (feniletilamin, histamin, tiyramin, kadaverin, putresin,ve triptamin içerikleri belirlenmifltir. Otlu peynirlerde en yüksek miktardaki organik asidin laktik asitve biyojen aminin ise feniletilamin oldu¤u bulunmufltur. Otlu peynirlerin kontrol grubu örneklere göredaha yüksek miktarda feniletilamin ve histamin içerdi¤i tespit edilmifltir. Peynir örnekleri arasında ya¤asitleri açısından istatistiksel olarak önemli bir fark bulunmamıfltır. Toplam mezofililik aerob bakteri,laktik asit bakterisi ve koliform bakteri sayılarının depolama süresi boyunca tüm peynir örneklerindeazaldı¤ı saptanmıfltır

  9. Tri-band small monopole antenna based on SRR units

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    Gehan Shehata


    Full Text Available In this paper a novel design for a tri-band monopole antenna coupled with metamaterial units is introduced. The proposed antenna was designed to cover WiMAX (2.5, 3.5 and WLAN (5.2 bands. In our proposal, a coplanar waveguide (CPW fed circular-disk monopole antenna is coupled with three split ring resonator (SRR units which exist on its back side. In our design a monopole antenna and SRR units are designed first to resonate at 5.2 GHz and 2.5 GHz respectively. In addition, antenna is loaded with post to force resonance at 3.5 GHz. SRR units are used for 2.5 GHz resonance to miniaturize antenna size, and our proposed antenna considered an electrically small antenna (ESA at its first resonance frequency. Simulated and measured results exhibit a good agreement that validate our design.

  10. A Tri-O-Bridged Diels-Alder Adduct from Cortex Mori Radicis

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    An-Qi Lu


    Full Text Available Sanggenon X, an unusual tri-O-bridged Diels-Alder adduct, was isolated from Cortex Mori Radicis. Its structure was established by spectroscopic analysis, including NMR and HR-MS (High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Sanggenon X contained three O-bridged rings, where the oxygenated bridgeheads were all quaternary carbons. Chemical methylation was carried out to deduce the linkages of the three O-bridges. The absolute configuration was determined by calculating the ECD (Electronic Circular Dichroism using the TDDFT (Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory method. Sanggenon X showed significant antioxidant activity against Fe2+-Cys-induced lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes, and was as effective as the positive control, curcumin.

  11. APLIKASI MODEL QUAL2Kw UNTUK MENENTUKAN STRATEGI PENANGGULANGAN PENCEMARAN AIR SUNGAI GAJAHWONG YANG DISEBABKAN OLEH BAHAN ORGANIK (Aplication of Qual2Kw Model to Determine the Strategy in Solving Gajahwong River Water Pollution Caused by Organic Matter

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    Agnes Dyah Novitasari Lestari


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan pemodelan kualitas air terhadap Sungai Gajahwong menggunakan model QUAL2Kw untuk parameter DO-BOD. Diselidiki dinamika DO-BOD sungai tersebut pada kondisi eksisting tahun 2011. Oleh karena beban pencemar pada kondisi hujan dan tanpa hujan berbeda, maka prediksi dilakukan pada kedua kondisi tersebut. Hasil pemodelan QUAL2Kw untuk kondisi eksisting Sungai Gajahwong tahun 2011 menunjukkan bahwa pada kondisi hujan dan tanpa hujan, konsentrasi BOD sungai telah melebihi bakumutu air kelas II. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa (1 Pembangunan perumahan yang membuang limbah cairnya ke Sungai Gajahwong pada debit total 0,1 m3/s dengan konsentrasi BOD 10 mg/L dapat meningkatkan BOD serta menurunkan DO Sungai Gajahwong, dan (2 Pengelolaan kualitas air dan penanggulangan pencemaran air oleh bahan organik pada Sungai Gajahwong dapat dilakukan dengan strategi pembuatan IPAL komunal di setiap kabupaten dengan penurunan konsentrasi BOD hulu hingga 2 mg/L.   ABSTRACT Water quality modelling of Gajahwong River has been done using QUAL2Kw model for DO-BOD parameters. The dynamics of DO-BOD of the river on the existing conditions in 2011 has been investigated. Because of  the load of pollutants in the rainy condition and no rain condition was different, then the predictions made on both conditions. QUAL2Kw modelling results for Gajahwong River in year 2011 showed that the BOD concentration of the river on both conditions has exceeded water quality standards class II. The simulation results showed that: (1 Housing construction that discharge its liquid waste into Gajahwong River on total discharge 0,1 m3/s with concentration of BOD 10 mg/L, increased the BOD and decreased the DO of Gajahwong River, and (2 Water quality management and organic pollution control of Gajahwong River can be done by a strategy of making communal WWTP in each district with reduction of the upstream BOD concentration to 2 mg /L.

  12. "I didn't know if it would work, but I tried it anyway". (United States)

    Davidhizar, R


    To be an excellent manager, daring, creative, and innovative solutions should be tried for management problems. A manager may feel he or she is treading on ground where no one walked before; however, the manager who takes no risk will never come up with the novel and original solutions. This article supplies guidelines for the evaluation of creative and innovative solutions. These guidelines are especially appropriate for the employee who needs a smooth transition into management.

  13. Symptoms in smokers trying to quit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helgason Asgeir R


    Full Text Available Abstract Aims To describe the prevalence and intensity of different symptoms in relation to tobacco abstinence. To explore latent dimensions between symptoms in smokers trying to quit. Design A cross sectional study using a questionnaire to retrospectively assess symptoms over a period of 12 months. Setting Swedish telephone quitline, a nationwide free of charge service. Participants All 741 individuals who had called the quitline and signed up for smoking cessation treatment between February 2000 to November 2001 and reported to have been smoke free for at least 24 hours during the previous 12 month period from first contact. Measurements Assessments were made by self-report, and abstinence was defined as "not a single puff of smoke during the last week". A factor analysis approach where individual items aggregate into factors was used to explore the relationship between the different symptoms. Findings High intensity of symptoms related to unsuccessful quitting attempts and included craving, irritability, apprehension/anxiety, difficulties concentrating, restlessness, depression/depressed mood, and insomnia. The factor loadings of all 17 symptoms resulted in three factors with factor 1, psychological being the most important. High scores on this factor relates to unsuccessful quitting attempts. Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT for 5 weeks or longer, reduced symptoms included in factor 1. The other two factors were factor 2 physiological and factor 3 neurological. Conclusion Symptoms that are psychological and/or neurological in nature are interrelated and appear to be the most significant obstacles for successful quitting attempts in a population-based setting. These symptoms may be successfully treated with NRT.

  14. Synthesis of C-glycosyl-bis-1,2,3-triazole derivatives from 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal. (United States)

    Shamim, Anwar; Souza, Frederico B; Trossini, Gustavo H G; Gatti, Fernando M; Stefani, Hélio A


    We have developed an efficient, CuI-catalyzed, microwave-assisted method for the synthesis of bis-1,2,3-triazole derivatives starting from a 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal-derived mesylate. This mesylate was obtained from 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal through C-glycosidation, deprotection of acetate groups to alcohols, and selective mesylation of the primary alcohol. This mesylate moiety was then converted to an azide through a microwave-assisted method with good yield. The azide, once synthesized, was then treated with different terminal alkynes in the presence of CuI to synthesize various bis-triazoles in high yields and short reaction times.

  15. Enzyme active site mimics based on TriAzaCyclophane (TAC)-scaffolded peptides and amino acid residues

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Albada, H.B.


    This thesis describes the scope and limitations of the application of TriAzaCyclophane (TAC)-scaffolded peptides or amino acid residues as enzyme active site mimics, as ligands in asymmetric catalysis and as hydrolysis catalysts attached to vancomycin. For the mimicry of functional group enzymes, of

  16. Elemental composition and structural characteristics of as-received TriTaniumTM orthodontic archwire (United States)

    Ilievska, I.; Petrov, V.; Mihailov, V.; Karatodorov, S.; Andreeva, L.; Zaleski, A.; Mikli, V.; Gueorgieva, M.; Petrova, V.; Stoyanova-Ivanova, A.


    Orthodontic archwires are among the most important devices of fixed orthodontic therapy. Many types of archwires are made available on the market by various manufacturers with different elemental composition and structural characteristics. Knowing this information is important when choosing a suitable archwire for a particular stage of orthodontic treatment. The aim of our study is to characterize a new type orthodontic archwires (TriTaniumTM, American Orthodontics) before their placement in the oral cavity. To achieve the aim, we used modern methods for determining their elemental composition and structural characteristics: laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIBS), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results obtained from the qualitative elemental analysis by LIBS and the quantitative elemental analysis by EDX showed that Ni and Ti are the main elements in the archwire studied. The room-temperature XRD patterns showed peaks typical for a Ni-Ti alloy with an austenite-type structure. Monitoring the phase transitions by means of DSC measurements in the temperature range from –50 °C to +50 °C, we showed that in TriTaniumTM archwires, besides the austenite to martensite transition, there exists a rhombohedral intermediate phase (R phase). This study will be useful in assisting orthodontists in applying appropriate nickel-titanium orthodontic archwires in the clinical practice.

  17. Production of Molecular Iodine and Tri-iodide in the Frozen Solution of Iodide: Implication for Polar Atmosphere. (United States)

    Kim, Kitae; Yabushita, Akihiro; Okumura, Masanori; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso; Cuevas, Carlos A; Blaszczak-Boxe, Christopher S; Min, Dae Wi; Yoon, Ho-Il; Choi, Wonyong


    The chemistry of reactive halogens in the polar atmosphere plays important roles in ozone and mercury depletion events, oxidizing capacity, and dimethylsulfide oxidation to form cloud-condensation nuclei. Among halogen species, the sources and emission mechanisms of inorganic iodine compounds in the polar boundary layer remain unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the production of tri-iodide (I3(-)) via iodide oxidation, which is negligible in aqueous solution, is significantly accelerated in frozen solution, both in the presence and the absence of solar irradiation. Field experiments carried out in the Antarctic region (King George Island, 62°13'S, 58°47'W) also showed that the generation of tri-iodide via solar photo-oxidation was enhanced when iodide was added to various ice media. The emission of gaseous I2 from the irradiated frozen solution of iodide to the gas phase was detected by using cavity ring-down spectroscopy, which was observed both in the frozen state at 253 K and after thawing the ice at 298 K. The accelerated (photo-)oxidation of iodide and the subsequent formation of tri-iodide and I2 in ice appear to be related with the freeze concentration of iodide and dissolved O2 trapped in the ice crystal grain boundaries. We propose that an accelerated abiotic transformation of iodide to gaseous I2 in ice media provides a previously unrecognized formation pathway of active iodine species in the polar atmosphere.

  18. Adaptive sliding mode control of tri-layer conjugated polymer actuators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Xiangjiang; Alici, Gursel; Nguyen, Chuc Huu


    This paper proposes an adaptive sliding mode control methodology to enhance the positioning ability of conducting polymer actuators typified by tri-layer conjugated polymer actuators. This is motivated by the search for an effective control strategy to command such actuators to a desired configuration in the presence of parametric uncertainties and unmodeled disturbances. After analyzing the stability of the adaptive sliding mode control system, experiments were conducted to demonstrate its satisfactory tracking ability, based on a series of experimental results. Implementation of the control law requires a valid model of the conducting polymer actuator and boundaries of the uncertainties and disturbances. Based on the theoretical and experimental results presented, the adaptive sliding mode control methodology is very attractive in the field of smart actuators which contain significant uncertainties and disturbances. (paper)

  19. Tri-filial presentation of familial tuberous sclerosis with renal tumors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghoshal Sushil


    Full Text Available Tuberous sclerosis is a rare neuro-cutaneous syndrome with autosomal dominant penetrance. Only some organs are involved, e.g., skin (earthy skin thickenings, ash leaf patches, cerebral cortex (hamartomatous nodules and kidneys, (angiolipoma, adenocarcinoma. These hamar-tomatous swellings resemble potatoes and hence, referred to as tubers. We herein report on three patients (all familial, father, son and granddaughter, with this rare involvement, from the eastern part of India. The father and son had involvement of only the skin (i.e. nose and kidneys while the disease penetrated further in the subsequent filial generations with son and granddaughter having skin, brain and bilateral kidney involvement. This kind of tri-filial progression has not till date, been reported from this region, making it an interesting case presentation.

  20. Synthesis and 125I labeling of N-succinimidyl-3-(tri-n-butylstannyl)benzoate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Zhenfeng; Wang Yongxian; Zhou Wei; Wang Lihua; Xia Jiaoyun; Yin Duanzhi


    N-succinimidyl-3-(tri-n-butylstannyl)benzoate (ATE) and N-succinimidyl-3-iodo-benzoate (SIB) is synthesized. The structures of ATE and SIB are confirmed with 1 HNMR, MS and IR. The yields of ATE and SIB are 45.4% and 71.4%, respectively. ATE is labeled with 125 I. The labeling field is 93.0% and radiochemical purity is over 98.0%. The synthesis and the labeling of ATE have a important value for indirect label of radiopharmaceuticals. (authors)

  1. The ethical plausibility of the 'Right To Try' laws. (United States)

    Carrieri, D; Peccatori, F A; Boniolo, G


    'Right To Try' (RTT) laws originated in the USA to allow terminally ill patients to request access to early stage experimental medical products directly from the producer, removing the oversight and approval of the Food and Drug Administration. These laws have received significant media attention and almost equally unanimous criticism by the bioethics, clinical and scientific communities. They touch indeed on complex issues such as the conflict between individual and public interest, and the public understanding of medical research and its regulation. The increased awareness around RTT laws means that healthcare providers directly involved in the management of patients with life-threatening conditions such as cancer, infective, or neurologic conditions will deal more frequently with patients' requests of access to experimental medical products. This paper aims to assess the ethical plausibility of the RTT laws, and to suggest some possible ethical tools and considerations to address the main issues they touch. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Parametric study on catalytic tri-reforming of methane for syngas production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chein, Rei-Yu; Wang, Chien-Yu; Yu, Ching-Tsung


    A two-dimensional numerical model for syngas production from tri-reforming of methane (TRM) in adiabatic tubular fixed-bed reactors was established. From the results obtained, it was found that reactant must be preheated to certain temperatures for TRM activation. Although the delay factor accounting for the varying catalytic bed activities produced different temperature and species mole fraction profiles in the reactor upstream, the reactor performance was delay factor independent if the reactor outlet results were used because nearly identical temperature and species mole fraction variations were obtained at the reactor downstream. The numerical results also indicated that reverse water-gas shift reaction plays an important role for H 2 and CO yields. With higher O 2 in reactant, high temperature resulted, leading to lower H 2 /CO ratio. The absence of H 2 O in the reactant caused dry reforming of methane as the dominant reaction, resulting in H 2 /CO ratio close to unity. With the absence of CO 2 in the reactant, steam reforming of methane was the dominant reaction, resulting in H 2 /CO ratio close to 3. Using flue gas from combustion as TRM feedstock, it was found that H 2 /CO ratio was enhanced using lower CH 4 amount in reactant. High-temperature flue gas was suggested for TRM for the activation requirement. - Highlights: • Reactant must be preheated to certain temperature for tri-reforming of methane (TRM) activation. • A delay factor is used to account for varying catalytic activity. • TRM performance is delay factor independent when reactor outlet results are used. • Water-gas shift reaction plays an important role in H 2 yield, CO yield and H 2 /CO ratio in TRM. • Low CH 4 and high temperature are suggested when flue gas is used in TRM.

  3. A tri-modal molecular imaging agent for sentinel lymph node mapping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin, Zhengtao; Hoh, Carl K.; Hall, David J.; Vera, David R.


    Introduction: We report an “instant kit” method to radiolabel fluorescent-tilmanocept with 68 Ga and 99m Tc for tri-modal molecular imaging of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs). Methods: Solutions of sodium acetate, 68 GaCl 3 and Na 99m TcO 4 were added successively to a “kit vial” containing lyophilized 800CW-tilmanocept, SnCl 2 , trehalose and ascorbic acid. After a 30-min incubation, the pH was neutralized with PBS. No purification was required. Radiochemical and fluorescence purity was measured by HPLC and ITLC techniques. In vitro stability was measured by standing gel chromatography (SGC) and ITLC by a 100-fold dilution 0.25 h after radiolabeling. In vivo stability was measured by SGC and ITLC after an 11 h incubation in human plasma. A dose (0.1 nmol, ~ 1 MBq 68 Ga, ~ 25 MBq 99m Tc) was injected to the footpad of 4 mice. Popliteal SLNs were imaged by PET and fluorescence imaging systems at 0.5, 24, 48, 72 h, then excised and assayed for 99m Tc. Results: Radiochemical and fluorescent purity exceeded 98%. The in vitro stability assay demonstrated high irreversibility of both radiolabels and the fluorescent label, and in vivo stability assay demonstrated high stability of the technetium and fluorescent labels to plasma metabolism. Popliteal SLNs were identified by PET and fluorescence imaging within 0.5 h of injection. SLN fluorescence intensity remained constant for 72 h, when ~ 1% of the injected dose resided in the SLN. Conclusions: Fluorescent-labeled tilmanocept can be radiolabeled with 68 Ga and 99m Tc by the sequential addition of each generator eluate to a lyophilized kit. The resulting tri-modal agent provides: PET images for pre-operative SLN mapping, fluorescence imaging up to 72 hours after injection, and quantitative radiometric measurement of SLN accumulation after excision.

  4. Ground-water resources in the tri-state region adjacent to the Lower Delaware River (United States)

    Barksdale, Henry C.; Greenman, David W.; Lang, Solomon Max; Hilton, George Stockbridge; Outlaw, Donald E.


    The purpose of this report is to appraise and evaluate the groundwater resources of a tri-state region adjacent to the lower Delaware River that is centered around Philadelphia, Pa., and Camden, N. J., and includes Wilmington, Del., and Trenton, N.J. Specifically, the region includes New Castle County, Del.; Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Mercer, and Salem Counties in New Jersey; and Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties in Pennsylvania.

  5. Dissolution of uranium dioxide in supercritical carbon dioxide modified with tri-n-butyl phosphate-hydrogen peroxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanekar, A.S.; Pathak, P.N.; Mohapatra, P.K.; Manchanda, V.K.


    Direct dissolution of uranium dioxide in supercritical carbon dioxide modified with tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) has been attempted. The effects of TBP concentration and pressure on the extraction of uranium have been studied. Addition of hydrogen peroxide in the modifier enhances the dissolution/extraction of uranium. (author)

  6. Isothermal and non-isothermal cure of a tri-functional epoxy resin (TGAP): A stochastic TMDSC study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hutchinson, John M.; Shiravand, Fatemeh; Calventus, Yolanda; Fraga, Iria


    Highlights: ► First evaluation of T g of tri-functional epoxy resin TGAP by DSC. ► Clearly shows advantages of TOPEM for isothermal and non-isothermal cure analysis. ► Evidence of highly non-linear enthalpy relaxation in partially cured TGAP system. - Abstract: The isothermal cure of a highly reactive tri-functional epoxy resin, tri-glycidyl para-amino phenol (TGAP), with diamino diphenyl sulphone (DDS), at two different cure temperatures T c has been studied by both conventional differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and by a stochastic temperature modulated DSC technique, TOPEM. From a series of isothermal cure experiments for increasing cure times, the glass transition temperature T g as a function of isothermal cure time is determined by conventional DSC from a second (non-isothermal) scan, and the vitrification time t v is obtained as the time at which T g = T c . In parallel, TOPEM experiments at the same T c lead directly to the determination of t v from the sigmoidal change in the quasi-static heat capacity. It is not possible to identify the glass transition temperature of the fully cured system, T g∞ , in a third scan by conventional DSC. In contrast, with TOPEM a second (non-isothermal) scan at 2 K/min after the isothermal cure gives rise to three separate transitions: devitrification of the partially cured and vitrified material; almost immediate vitrification as the T g of the system again rises; finally another devitrification, at a temperature approximating closely to T g∞ . Thus with TOPEM it is possible to obtain a calorimetric measure of the glass transition temperature of this fully cured system.

  7. Eros, Thánatos y Psique: una complicidad triádica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Serrano Barquín


    Full Text Available Se parte de personajes mitológicos para analizar la relación triádica entre erotismo/ creación, sufrimiento/pulsión de muerte y psicoanálisis, disertación que hacen los autores desde sus diversas prácticas docentes y de investigación. Para ello se retoma la idea de que la creatividad no es coto de poder de algún campo disciplinar específico, que se puede abordar como proceso epistémico, comunicativo, artístico, sensoperceptual, inconsciente. Entrar al mundo de la creación es entrar al mundo de las posibilidades, para imaginar y recrear universos excluidos.


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    Full Text Available Utilization of household organic waste each year is increasing due to various problems will arise such as air pollution, can have an impact of the disease and the danger of flooding. Waste that can be used are organic waste such as leftover vegetables, fruits, leftover dried leaves and twigs. Household organic waste is the most widely used in daily life because of the need for food so that the quantity is more and more produced and will accumulate because the ground is not capable of degrading in significant amounts, so as to damage the environment in the form of air pollution (odor and can cause impact disease. Along with the impact of the organic waste to be treated in a household environment prior to turning it into more useful forms such as liquid organic fertilizer. Liquid fertilizers are more easily absorbed by plants and in the form konsetrat so it is more economical because it can be diluted. This research aims to use household organic waste into liquid fertilizer and see the impact of bio-activator EM4 and Promi to manufacture liquid fertilizer from organic C content. The method used in the form of waste materials vegetables such as kale, mustard greens, spinach and carrots as well as dried leaves 300 g cleaned and cut into small pieces and then put in the composter before fermentation in lightly mist or moistened with a bio-activator before hand and then fermented for 7 days , The fermentation process is done with a variety of bio-activator 2.5 mL, 5 mL, 7.5 mL, 10 mL, and 12.5 mL. Organic liquid fertilizer produced by using EM4 and Promi can be used as a bio-activator in fertilizer use but bio-activator EM4 provide more effective work in mengdegradasi organic waste to produce high levels of organic C approximately 23% compared to bio-activator Compromise approximately 18% and so is the content of other compounds EM4 such as nitrogen for 3.8%, 3.0% P2O5 content of K2O content of 4.2% and 3.2% Compromise Nitrogen levels, levels of 2.5% P2O5 and 3.0% K2O. From the analysis shows that the bio-activator EM 4 produces organic liquid fertilizer with a high C in comparison with the Compromise. Standard liquid fertilizer tailored to Permentan No.11/2011, but both bio-activator can be used to manufacture organic liquid fertilizer.

  9. A comparison of the interfacial tension of tri-iso-amyl phosphate and tri-n-butyl phosphate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sreenivasulu, B.; Rajeswari, S.; Suresh, A.; Antony, M.P.; Sivaraman, N.


    In our recent studies, Tri-iso-amyl Phosphate (TiAP) was found to be a potential extractant for fast reactor fuel reprocessing. It has excellent extraction characteristics, higher capacity to load Pu(IV) without third phase formation, lower aqueous solubility etc. Mixer-Settler runs with TiAP showed excellent extraction and stripping behavior of uranium and plutonium. Physiochemical properties are considered to be important parameters for a solvent to be qualified for the processing of spent nuclear fuels. Prior to the deployment of TiAP in a reprocessing plant, it is necessary to measure the interfacial tension of TiAP. The present study deals with the measurement of interfacial tension (G/IFT) of neat and 1.1M solutions of TiAP and TBP in n-dodecane (DD) (degraded and undegraded solvents). The samples were irradiated in a 60 Co gamma chamber with a dose rate of 5 kGy/hr. IFT of neat and 1.1M solutions of TiAP and TBP in n-DD were measured against 4M HNO 3 at 303K by Drop weight method in which G is given by G = (V´ (r aq - r org ) ´ g) / (2 ´ p ´ r ´ f s ), where f s is the Smith's correction factor, f s = (1 - r/R), V is the volume of the drop at the moment of separation, r aq and r org are the densities of the aqueous and the organic phases, respectively, r is the radius at the capillary tip, R is the drop radius at the moment of separation and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Results indicate that IFT of neat TiAP-HNO 3 system (11.2) is marginally lower than that of 1.1M TiAP/DD-HNO 3 system

  10. Circumference reduction and cellulite treatment with a TriPollar radiofrequency device: a pilot study. (United States)

    Manuskiatti, W; Wachirakaphan, C; Lektrakul, N; Varothai, S


    A wide variety of treatments for circumference reduction and cellulite are available, but most procedures offer suboptimal clinical effect and/or delayed therapeutic outcome. Objective To determine the safety and efficacy of the TriPollar radiofrequency device for cellulite treatment and circumference reduction. Thirty-nine females with cellulite received eight weekly TriPollar treatments. Treatment areas included the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms. Subjects were evaluated using standardized photographs and measurements of body weight, circumference, subcutaneous thickness, and skin elasticity of the treatment sites at baseline, immediately after and 4 weeks after the final treatment. Physicians' evaluation of clinical improvement scores using a quartile grading scale was recorded. Thirty-seven patients (95%) completed the treatment protocol. There was significant circumference reduction of 3.5 and 1.7 cm at the abdomen (P = 0.002) and thigh (P = 0.002) regions, respectively. At 4 weeks after the last treatment, the average circumferential reductions of the abdomen and thighs were sustained. No significant circumferential reductions of the buttocks and arms at the last treatment visit compared to baseline were demonstrated (P = 0.138 and 0.152, respectively). Quartile grading scores correlating to approximately 50% improvement in cellulite appearance were noted. Tripollar radiofrequency provided beneficial effects on the reduction of abdomen and thigh circumference and cellulite appearance.

  11. Proteomic analysis of mouse thymoma EL4 cells treated with bis (tri-n-butyltin)oxide (TBTO)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Osman, A.M.; Kol, S.; Peijnenburg, A.A.C.M.; Blokland, M.H.; Pennings, J.L.A.; Kleinjans, J.C.S.; Loveren, van H.


    Here, we report the results of proteomic analysis of the mouse thymoma EL4 cell line exposed to bis(tri-n-butylin)oxide (TBTO), an immunotoxic organotin compound. The objective of the work was to examine whether TBTO affects the expression of proteins in this cell line and to compare the

  12. What proportion of people who try one cigarette become daily smokers? A meta analysis of representative surveys. (United States)

    Birge, Max; Duffy, Stephen; Miler, Joanna Astrid; Hajek, Peter


    The 'conversion rate' from initial experimentation to daily smoking is a potentially important metric of smoking behavior, but estimates of it based on current representative data are lacking. The Global Health Data Exchange was searched for representative surveys conducted in English speaking, developed countries after year 2000 that included questions about ever trying a cigarette and ever smoking daily. The initial search identified 2776 surveys that were further screened for language, location, year, sample size, survey structure and representativeness. 44 surveys that passed the screening process were accessed and their codebooks were examined to see whether the two questions of interest were included. Eight datasets allowed extraction or estimation of relevant information. Survey quality was assessed with regards to response rates, sampling methods and data collection procedures. PRISMA guidelines were followed, with explicit rules for approaching derived variables and skip patterns. Proportions were pooled using random effects meta-analysis. The eight surveys used representative samples of the general adult population. Response rates varied from 45% to 88%. Survey methods were on par with the best practice in this field. Altogether 216,314 respondents were included of whom 60.3% (95%CI 51.3-69.3) ever tried a cigarette. Among those, 68.9% (95% CI 60.9-76.9%) progressed to daily smoking. Over two thirds of people who try one cigarette become, at least temporarily, daily smokers. The finding provides strong support for the current efforts to reduce cigarette experimentation among adolescents. The transition from trying the first cigarette through occasional to daily smoking usually implies that a recreational activity is turning into a compulsive need that has to be satisfied virtually continuously. The 'conversion rate' from initial experimentation to daily smoking is thus a potentially important metric of smoking behavior, but estimates of it based on

  13. Ex vivo human skin evaluation of localized fat reduction and anti-aging effect by TriPollar radio frequency treatments. (United States)

    Boisnic, Sylvie; Branchet, Marie Christine


    A wide variety of radio frequency (RF) treatments for localized fat and cellulite reduction as well as anti-aging are available nowadays, but only a few have shown the biological mechanism responsible for the clinical results. To determine the biological mechanism of the TriPollar RF device for localized fat and cellulite reduction as well as the collagen remodeling effect. Human skin samples were collected from abdominoplasty surgery and facial lifts, in order to evaluate the lipolytic and anti-aging effects of the apollo device powered by TriPollar RF technology using an ex vivo human skin model. The anti-cellulite effect was evaluated by the dosage of released glycerol and histological analysis of the hypodermis. Skin tightening was evaluated by morphometric analysis of collagen fibers and the dosage of collagen synthesis. Following TriPollar treatment, a significant increase of glycerol release by skin samples was found. The structure of fat cells was altered in shape and a modification of the fibrous tract was also detected in the fat layer. Additional findings indicated stimulation of the dermal fibroblasts with increased collagen synthesis. The detected alteration in the hypodermal layer is manifested by fat and cellulite reduction accompanied by structural and biochemical improvement of dermal collagen, which result in overall skin tightening.

  14. Uni-, bi- and tri-modal warning signals: effects of temporal parameters and sensory modality on perceived urgency

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Erp, Johannes Bernardus Fransiscus; Toet, Alexander; Janssen, Joris B.

    Multi-sensory warnings can potentially enhance risk communication. Hereto we investigated how temporal signal parameters affect perceived urgency within and across modalities. In an experiment, 78 observers rated the perceived urgency of uni-, bi-, and/or tri-modal stimuli as function of 25

  15. Uni-, bi- and tri-modal warning signals : Effects of temporal parameters and sensory modality on perceived urgency

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Erp, J.B.F. van; Toet, A.; Janssen, J.B.


    Multi-sensory warnings can potentially enhance risk communication. Hereto we investigated how temporal signal parameters affect perceived urgency within and across modalities. In an experiment, 78 observers rated the perceived urgency of uni-, bi-, and/or tri-modal stimuli as function of 25

  16. Sistem Reservasi On Line dan Penerapan Metode Servqual pada Hotel TriJaya Cirebon


    Kasih, Julianti; Suprato, Gabriela Stefiyani


    — Information and technology are growing rapidly and are being used in numerous fields. Hotel industry is one of the many fields that utilize information and technology. Hotel is an industry that provides lodging services, food, and also some other services. TriJaya is a hotel that's located in Cirebon. This hotel does not a website yet, so customers need to come to the hotel and manually process their reservation. These reservation processes will be a lot more difficult if there are a lot of...

  17. Endocardial left ventricle feature tracking and reconstruction from tri-plane trans-esophageal echocardiography data (United States)

    Dangi, Shusil; Ben-Zikri, Yehuda K.; Cahill, Nathan; Schwarz, Karl Q.; Linte, Cristian A.


    Two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound (US) has been the clinical standard for over two decades for monitoring and assessing cardiac function and providing support via intra-operative visualization and guidance for minimally invasive cardiac interventions. Developments in three-dimensional (3D) image acquisition and transducer design and technology have revolutionized echocardiography imaging enabling both real-time 3D trans-esophageal and intra-cardiac image acquisition. However, in most cases the clinicians do not access the entire 3D image volume when analyzing the data, rather they focus on several key views that render the cardiac anatomy of interest during the US imaging exam. This approach enables image acquisition at a much higher spatial and temporal resolution. Two such common approaches are the bi-plane and tri-plane data acquisition protocols; as their name states, the former comprises two orthogonal image views, while the latter depicts the cardiac anatomy based on three co-axially intersecting views spaced at 600 to one another. Since cardiac anatomy is continuously changing, the intra-operative anatomy depicted using real-time US imaging also needs to be updated by tracking the key features of interest and endocardial left ventricle (LV) boundaries. Therefore, rapid automatic feature tracking in US images is critical for three reasons: 1) to perform cardiac function assessment; 2) to identify location of surgical targets for accurate tool to target navigation and on-target instrument positioning; and 3) to enable pre- to intra-op image registration as a means to fuse pre-op CT or MR images used during planning with intra-operative images for enhanced guidance. In this paper we utilize monogenic filtering, graph-cut based segmentation and robust spline smoothing in a combined work flow to process the acquired tri-plane TEE time series US images and demonstrate robust and accurate tracking of the LV endocardial features. We reconstruct the endocardial LV


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    I Made Pradana Adiputra


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kompleksitas tugas terhadap kinerja internal auditor  dengan budaya Tri Hita Karana sebagai  variabel moderating  di Kantor Inspektorat di Provinsi Bali. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh auditor di 6 (enam Kantor Inspektorat di Bali (Klungkung, Karangasem, Gianyar, Bangli, Buleleng dan Badung. Teknik sampling yang digunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria tertentu, yaitu kerja internal auditor minimal 1 tahun. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda dan moderated regression analysis. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kompleksitas tugas terhadap kinerja internal auditor dan moderasi tri hita karana pada kompleksitas tugas berpengaruh terhadap kinerja internal auditor pada Kantor Inspektorat di Provinsi Bali This study aimed to examine the effect of task complexity on the performance of the internal auditor with Tri Hita Karana culture as a moderating variable in the Office of the Inspectorate in Bali Province. The study population was all auditors in 6 (six Office Inspectorate in Bali (Klungkung, Karangasem, Gianyar, Bangli, Buleleng and Badung. The sampling technique used purposive sampling to certain criteria, namely the internal auditor's work a minimum of 1 year. The research design used in this study is a survey method by distributing questionnaires. Analysis of data using multiple linear regression and moderated regression analysis. The results of the data analysis showed that there are significant task complexity on the performance of the internal auditors and the moderation of Tri Hita Karana on the complexity of the task affect the performance of the internal auditor in the Office of the Inspectorate in Bali Province

  19. Assembling photoluminescent tri(8-quinolinolato)aluminum into periodic mesoporous organosilicas. (United States)

    Yang, Ying; Zhang, Xin; Kan, Qiubin


    Mesostructured and mesoporous materials are emerging as a new class of optical materials. However, their synthesis is nontrivial. In this work, periodic mesostructured metal complex-containing silicas of MCM- and SBA-type bearing homogeneously distributed photoluminescent tri(8-quinolinolato)aluminum inside the channel walls (denoted as Alq3@PMO-MCM and Alq3@PMO-SBA, respectively) have been achieved via one-pot co-assembling of inorganic/surfactant/optically active species. A comprehensive multianalytical characterization of the structural and optical properties demonstrates that both Alq3@PMO-MCM and Alq3@PMO-SBA series gainfully combine the photoluminescent properties of Alq3 with the porous features of PMOs. Regularly arranged pores provide high surface area to disperse optically active components well and render Alq3-containing PMOs promising materials for optoelectronic applications. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. Using ELECTRE TRI to support maintenance of water distribution networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavio Trojan


    Full Text Available Problems encountered in the context of the maintenance management of water supply are evidenced by the lack of decision support models which gives a manager overview of the system. This paper, therefore, develops a model that uses, in its framework, the multicriteria outranking method ELECTRE TRI. The objective is to sort the areas of water flow measurement of a water distribution network, by priority of maintenance, with data collected from an automated system of abnormalities detection. This sorting is designed to support maintenance decisions in terms of the measure more appropriate to be applied per region. To illustrate the proposed model, an application was performed in a city with 100 thousand water connections. With this model it becomes possible to improve the allocation of maintenance measures for regions and mainly to improve the operation of the distribution network.

  1. "Right to Try" Legislation Moving Through Congress: But Drug Companies and Some Patient Groups Want Changes. (United States)

    Barlas, Stephen


    State "Right to Try" laws, which allow terminally ill patients to seek investigational treatments under certain circumstances, have created pressure for Congress to follow up with a federal law. Though facing opposition from patient advocates and the drug industry, a bill passed by the Senate is now making its way to the House.

  2. Vasorelaxation Study and Tri-Step Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis of Malaysian Local Herbs

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    Yung Sing Ch’ng


    Full Text Available Objectives: The aim of this paper is to investigate the activities of Malaysian local herbs (Clinacanthus nutans Lindau, Strobilanthes crispus, Murdannia bracteata, Elephantopus scaber Linn., Pereskia bleo, Pereskia grandifolia Haw., Vernonia amygdalina, and Swietenia macrophylla King for anti-hypertensive and vasorelaxant activity. An infrared (IR macro-fingerprinting technique consisting of conventional fourier transform IR (FTIR, second-derivative IR (SD-IR, and two-dimensional correlation IR (2D-correlation IR analyses were used to determine the main constituents and the fingerprints of the Malaysian local herbs. Methods: The herbs were collected, ground into powder form, and then macerated by using three different solvents: distilled water, 50% ethanol, and 95% ethanol, respectively. The potentials of the extracts produced from these herbs for use as vasorelaxants were determined. Additionally, the fingerprints of these herbs were analyzed by using FTIR spectra, SD-IR spectra, and 2D-correlation IR spectra in order to identify their main constituents and to provide useful information for future pharmacodynamics studies. Results: Swietenia macrophylla King has the highest potential in terms of vasorelaxant activity, followed by Vernonia amygdalina, Pereskia bleo, Strobilanthes crispus, Elephantopus scaber Linn., Pereskia grandifolia Haw., Clinacanthus nutans Lindau, and Murdannia bracteata. The tri-step IR macro-fingerprint of the herbs revealed that most of them contained proteins. Pereskia bleo and Pereskia grandifolia Haw. were found to contain calcium oxalate while Swietenia macrophylla King was found to contain large amounts of flavonoids. Conclusion: The flavonoid content of the herbs affects their vasorelaxant activity, and the tri-step IR macro- fingerprint method can be used as an analytical tool to determine the activity of a herbal medicine in terms of its vasorelaxant effect.

  3. Knitting neutrino mass textures with or without Tri-Bi maximal mixing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leontaris, G.K., E-mail: [Theoretical Physics Division, Ioannina University, GR-45110 Ioannina (Greece); Vlachos, N.D. [Theoretical Physics Division, Aristotle University, GR-54124 Thessaloniki (Greece)


    The solar and baseline neutrino oscillation data suggest bimaximal neutrino mixing among the first two generations, and trimaximal mixing between all three neutrino flavors. It has been conjectured that this indicates the existence of an underlying symmetry for the leptonic fermion mass textures. The experimentally measured quantities, however, are associated to the latter indirectly and in a rather complicated way through the mixing matrices of the charged leptons and neutrinos. Motivated by these facts, we derive exact analytical expressions which directly link the charged lepton and neutrino mass and mixing parameters to measured quantities and obtain constraints on the parameter space. We discuss deviations from Tri-Bi mixing matrices and present minimal extensions of the Harrison, Perkins and Scott matrices capable of interpreting all neutrino data.

  4. N-succinimidyl 4-methyl-3-(tri-n-butylstannyl)benzoate: synthesis and potential utility for the radioiodination of monoclonal antibodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garg, P.K.; Garg, S.; Zalutsky, M.R.


    N-Succinimidyl 4-methyl-3-(tri-n-butylstannyl)benzoate (MATE) was synthesized in two steps from 4-methyl-3-iodobenzoic acid. Radioiododestannylation of MATE proceeded more slowly than N-succinimidyl 3-(tri-n-butylstannyl)benzoate (ATE), but for reaction periods of 10 min, identical yields were obtained. Paired-label biodistribution studies were performed in mice with an intact monoclonal antibody and an F(ab') 2 fragment labeled using MATE, ATE and Iodogen. Thyroid uptake with MATE was low, comparable to that seen with ATE, and considerably lower than that observed when the Iodogen method was used. With the F(ab') 2 fragment, kidney uptake using MATE was 8-fold higher than that observed when either the ATE or Iodogen methods were used. (Author)

  5. Calibration of tri-axial MEMS accelerometers in the low-frequency range – Part 2: Uncertainty assessment

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    G. D'Emilia


    Full Text Available A comparison among three methods for the calibration of tri-axial accelerometers, in particular MEMS, is presented in this paper, paying attention to the uncertainty assessment of each method. The first method is performed according to the ISO 16063 standards. Two innovative methods are analysed, both suitable for in-field application. The effects on the whole uncertainty of the following aspects have been evaluated: the test bench performances in realizing the reference motion, the vibration reference sensor, the geometrical parameters and the data processing techniques. The uncertainty contributions due to the offset and the transverse sensitivity are also studied, by calibrating two different types of accelerometers, a piezoelectric one and a capacitive one, to check their effect on the accuracy of the methods under comparison. The reproducibility of methods is demonstrated. Relative uncertainty of methods ranges from 3 to 5 %, depending on the complexity of the model and of the requested operations. The results appear promising for low-cost calibration of new tri-axial accelerometers of MEMS type.

  6. A tri-junction diffusion couple analysis of the Nb-Cr-Ti system at 950{degrees}C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thoma, D.J. [Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States); Perepezko, J.H. [Wisconsin Univ., Madison, WI (United States). Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering


    With a three-way diffusion couple consisting of a tri-junction between three elements, a whole spectrum of phase development and ternary equilibria is available within a single isothermal sample. Binary equilibria (for the three binary systems) are also available in single sample by analyzing diffusion zones at composition limits outside the field of ternary interaction. The tri-junction approach was employed to evaluate ternary phase formation, ternary solubility limits of binary phases, and diffusion paths in a candidate high-temperature structural system (Nb-Cr-Ti). Ternary phase equilibria and tie lines have been defined at 950C and results confirmed with isothermal anneals of two-phase ternary alloys. The continuous solubility in TiCr{sub 2}-NbCr{sub 2} region is broadened by at least 5 at. % from binary intermetallic phase fields. No new ternary phases were detected in the Nb-CrTi system at 950C. By examining the relative shifts in the diffusion interfaces, a qualitative ranking of interdiffusion suggests that addition of Nb restricts diffusion of Cr into Ti compared to binary (Cr/Ti) behavior.

  7. Trajectory Tracking of a Tri-Rotor Aerial Vehicle Using an MRAC-Based Robust Hybrid Control Algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zain Anwar Ali


    Full Text Available In this paper, a novel Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC-based hybrid control algorithm is presented for the trajectory tracking of a tri-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV. The mathematical model of the tri-rotor is based on the Newton–Euler formula, whereas the MRAC-based hybrid controller consists of Fuzzy Proportional Integral Derivative (F-PID and Fuzzy Proportional Derivative (F-PD controllers. MRAC is used as the main controller for the dynamics, while the parameters of the adaptive controller are fine-tuned by the F-PD controller for the altitude control subsystem and the F-PID controller for the attitude control subsystem of the UAV. The stability of the system is ensured and proven by Lyapunov stability analysis. The proposed control algorithm is tested and verified using computer simulations for the trajectory tracking of the desired path as an input. The effectiveness of our proposed algorithm is compared with F-PID and the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC. Our proposed controller exhibits much less steady state error, quick error convergence in the presence of disturbance or noise, and model uncertainties.

  8. Theoretical Investigation on the Molecular Structure, Vibrational and NMR Spectra of N, N, 4-Tri chlorobenzenesulfonamide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cinar, M.


    In the present study, the structural properties of N,N,4-Tri chlorobenzenesulfonamide have been studied extensively using Density Functional Theory (DFT) employing B3LYP exchange correlation. The geometry of the molecule was fully optimized, vibrational spectrum was calculated and fundamental vibrations were assigned based on the scaled theoretical wavenumbers. The 1 H and 13 C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shifts of the compound were calculated using the Gauge-Invariant Atomic Orbital (GIAO) method. To investigate the basis set effects, calculations were performed at the 6-31G(d,p), 6-311G(d,p), 6-31++G(d,p) and 6-311++G(d,p) levels. Finally, geometric parameters, vibrational bands and isotropic chemical shifts were compared with available experimental data of compound. The fully optimized geometry of the molecule was found to be consistent with the X-ray crystal structure. The observed and calculated frequencies and chemical shifts were found to be in very good agreement. The computed results appear that the basis set has slight effect on the molecular geometry of N,N,4-Tri chlorobenzenesulfonamide



    Florentina Maria Titin Supriyanti


    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pemanfaatan senyawa bioaktif dari ekstrak kulit batang Artocarpus sp sebagai inhibitor tirosinase pada pigmentasi kulit. Pada penelitian ini digunakan tiga jenis Artocarpus, yaitu A. heterophyllus (nangka), A. altilis (sukun) dan A. communis (kluwih). Kajian difokuskan pada penentuan jenis Artocarpus apakah yang potensial dalam menginhibisi reaksi tirosinase, serta pelarut organik apakah yang mampu mengekstrak senyawa bioaktif tersebut secara optimum. Metode...

  10. Tri-State Synfuels Project Review: Volume 12. Fluor project status. [Proposed Henderson, Kentucky coal to gasoline plant; engineering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The purpose of this report is to document and summarize activities associated with Fluor's efforts on the Tri-State Synfuels Project. The proposed facility was to be coal-to-transport fuels facility located in Henderson, Kentucky. Tri-State Synfuels Company was participating in the project as a partner of the US Department of Energy per terms of a Cooperative Agreement resulting from DOE's synfuel's program solicitation. Fluor's initial work plan called for preliminary engineering and procurement services to the point of commitment for construction for a Sasol Fischer-Tropsch plant. Work proceeded as planned until October 1981 when results of alternative coal-to-methanol studies revealed the economic disadvantage of the Synthol design for US markets. A number of alternative process studies followed to determine the best process configuration. In January 1982 Tri-State officially announced a change from Synthol to a Methanol to Gasoline (MTG) design basis. Further evaluation and cost estimates for the MTG facility eventually led to the conclusion that, given the depressed economic outlook for alternative fuels development, the project should be terminated. Official announcement of cancellation was made on April 13, 1982. At the time of project cancellation, Fluor had completed significant portions of the preliminary engineering effort. Included in this report are descriptions and summaries of Fluor's work during this project. In addition location of key project data and materials is identified and status reports for each operation are presented.

  11. Synthesis and bioactivity study of 30kda linear peg-interferon and its comparison with tri-branched peg-interferon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabar, M.F.; Awan, F.I.


    Summary: Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is conjugated to the therapeutic proteins to enhance their circulating half life. PEGylation is a clinically proven strategy for increasing the therapeutic efficacy of protein-based medicines. PEG size and structure is very important in achieving specific properties in the conjugated protein. In this study we have compared the properties of newly synthesized linear PEG-IFN with a same sized (i.e., 30KDa) tri-branched PEG-IFN synthesized in the same lab earlier. For PEGylation reaction, interferon-alpha2 (IFNalpha2) concentration in sodium borate buffer pH 8.5 was optimized as 4.0mg/ml. The optimized molar ratio of PEG/IFN alpha2 was 3:1 instead of 5:1 in the case of tri-branched PEG published earlier. Other parameters of reaction were same as in our previous publication. Mono PEGylation degree reached to 21%. Cation exchange chromatography was used to separate and purify mono PEGylated IFN from the reaction mixture. The purity of mono PEGylated IFN was greater than 95%. It is noticed that PEGylation was more site specific in tribranched than the linear conjugate. The in vitro bioactivity of linear mPEG-IFN is 10-fold lesser than as reported of tri-branched mPEG3L2-IFN. Thermal stability of linear mPEG-IFN is also smaller than mPEG/sub 3/L/sub 2/-IFN at 4 degree C. (author)

  12. Down-regulatory effect of Thymus vulgaris L. on growth and Tri4 gene expression in Fusarium oxysporum strains. (United States)

    Divband, Kolsum; Shokri, Hojjatollah; Khosravi, Ali Reza


    The aims of this study were to evaluate the efficacy of Thymus vulgaris (T. vulgaris) essential oil on the fungal growth and Tri4 gene expression in Fusarium oxysporum (F. oxysporum) strains. The oil was obtained by water-distillation using a Clevenger-type system. The chemical composition of the essential oil was obtained by gas chromatography- mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) and by retention indices. The antifungal activity was evaluated by broth microdilution assay. A quantitative real time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) assay was also developed specific for F. oxysporum on the basis of trichothecene biosynthetic gene, Tri4, which allowed discrimination from F. oxysporum. Results showed thymol (32.67%) and p-cymene (16.68%) as the main components of T. vulgaris. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values varied from 5 to 20 μg/ml with T. vulgaris (mean: 10.50 μg/ml), while minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) values ranged from 8 to 30 μg/ml with mean value of 16.20 μg/ml qRT-PCR results revealed a downregulation from 4.04 to 6.27 fold of Tri4 gene expression of the fungi exposed to T. vulgaris essential oil. The results suggest that T. vulgaris oil can be considered potential alternative natural fungicide to the synthetic chemicals that are currently used to prevent and control seed-borne diseases. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. 78 FR 17652 - Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. v. Public Service Company of New Mexico... (United States)


    ... Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. v. Public Service Company of New Mexico; Notice of Complaint... CFR 385.206 and 18 CFR 385.212, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. (Complainant), filed a complaint against the Public Service Company of New Mexico (Respondent or PNM) alleging that...

  14. Volatilization of tri-allate, ethoprophos and parathion measured with four methods after spraying on a sandy soil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bor, G.; Berg, van den F.; Smelt, J.H.; Smidt, R.A.; Peppel-Groen, van de A.E.; Leistra, M.


    At about eleven times after application of tri-allate, ethoprophos and parathion to a sandy soil, their rates of volatilization were determined by the aerodynamic method (AD), the Bowen-ratio method (BR), the theoretical-profile method (TP) and the Box method. The volatilization was highest for

  15. Zinc and palladium traces separation from uranium by tri-n-octylamine extraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moraes, S. de; Cipriani, M.; Abrao, A.


    A procedure for the extraction and determination of Zn and Pd as traces from nuclear grade uranium ADU, UO 2 , UO 3 , U 3 O 8 is introduced. The elements are extracted from UO 2 CI 2 -HCI-KI solution with tri-n-octylamine in benzene and determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The adition of potassium iodide to the UO 2 CI 2 -HCI solutions improved the extraction of both elements. Direct burn of the organic phase in the atomic absorption spectrophotometer using hydrogen-air flame provided enhancement of the absorbance for both elements. The relative standard deviations were Zn, 3% and PD, 2.9%

  16. Studies on third phase formation in the extraction of Zr(NO3)4 by solutions of tri-iso-amyl phosphate and tri-n-butyl phosphate in n-dodecane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benadict Rakesh, K.; Suresh, A.; Vasudeva Rao, P.R.


    The knowledge about Limiting Organic Concentration (LOC) and Critical aqueous concentration (CAC) as a function of equilibrium aqueous phase HNO 3 concentration and extractant concentration is essential to restrict the metal ion concentration in the feed and loading of metal ion in to the organic phase to avoid third phase formation. Due to the lesser third phase formation tendency of tri-iso-amyl phosphate (TiAP) compared to tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) in the extraction of tetravalent metal ions, TiAP can be used as an alternate extractant to TBP for Zr/Hf separation. In this regard, the LOC and CAC values in the extraction of Zr(IV) by 1.1 M solutions of TiAP and TBP in n-dodecane from Zr(NO 3 ) 4 solutions with various concentrations of HNO 3 have been measured as a function of (HNO 3 ) aq,eq at 303K. The LOC and the CAC values decrease with increase in (HNO 3 ) aq,eq in all the cases. An increase in TBP concentration from 1.1 M to 2.2 M in the organic phase increases the LOC and the CAC. It is also observed that loading of Zr(IV) in 2.2 M TiAP/n-dodecane is much higher than Zr(IV) loading in 2.2 M TBP/n-dodecane under identical conditions. For example, 0.521 mol/L Zr(IV) can be loaded in 2.2 M TiAP/n-dodecane without third phase formation at 303K (corresponding CAC is 0.736 mol/L at 7.12 M HNO 3 ). It can be concluded that the third phase formation tendency is higher for TBP/n-dodecane-Zr(NO 3 ) 4 /HNO 3 system as compared to TiAP/n-dodecane- Zr(NO 3 ) 4 /HNO 3 system under identical conditions. (author)

  17. Diseño y evaluación funcional de un dispositivo médico para la fijación de mallas mediante adhesivo


    Rosales Parral, Ivan


    Este proyecto esta englobado dentro de las actividades de optimización del diseño del dispositivo médico conocido con el nombre comercial de “Histoacryl® Applicator – Open Hernia Repair” e incluido dentro del pack “Histoacryl® Pro-Set OFX”, propiedad de B. Braun Surgical, S.A. y protegido por la patente WO 2013144849 A1. Este dispositivo ha sido creado para mejorar el método de aplicación del Histoacryl®, un adhesivo quirúrgico de uso interno con formulación n-butil-2-cianoacrilato. El dispos...

  18. Análise de parabenos em amostras de água de cultivo de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) e efeitos em biomarcadores bioquímicos


    Daniele Caetano da Silva


    Os parabenos utilizados como conservantes nas indústrias de cosméticos, alimentos e fármacos não são removidos por completo nas estações de tratamento de água e esgoto, além disso, podem causar danos a biota aquática. O presente estudo teve como finalidade aplicar um método analítico novo para quantificar o metil (MP), etil (EP), propil (PP), butil (BP), benzilparabeno (BzP) e a mistura (metil e propilparabeno) em amostras de água dos aquários com tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). A t...

  19. Parabenos : convergências e divergências científicas e regulatórias


    Christiane da Silva Coelho


    A segurança de produtos cosméticos tem despertado crescente atenção nas últimas décadas e o estudo da toxicidade de seus ingredientes evoluiu consideravelmente. Dentre os conservantes permitidos em cosméticos, destacam-se os parabenos, série homóloga do ácido 4-hidroxibenzóico e incluem os derivados metil, etil, propil e butil parabenos. Desde 1920 e até hoje, os parabenos vêm sendo utilizados para a conservação de cosméticos, alimentos e medicamentos. A larga utilização desses compostos vem ...

  20. ASC Tri-lab Co-design Level 2 Milestone Report 2015

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hornung, Rich [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Jones, Holger [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Keasler, Jeff [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Neely, Rob [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Pearce, Olga [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Hammond, Si [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Trott, Christian [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Lin, Paul [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Vaughan, Courtenay [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Cook, Jeanine [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Hoekstra, Rob [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Bergen, Ben [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Payne, Josh [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Womeldorff, Geoff [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    In 2015, the three Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories that make up the Advanced Sci- enti c Computing (ASC) Program (Sandia, Lawrence Livermore, and Los Alamos) collaboratively explored performance portability programming environments in the context of several ASC co-design proxy applica- tions as part of a tri-lab L2 milestone executed by the co-design teams at each laboratory. The programming environments that were studied included Kokkos (developed at Sandia), RAJA (LLNL), and Legion (Stan- ford University). The proxy apps studied included: miniAero, LULESH, CoMD, Kripke, and SNAP. These programming models and proxy-apps are described herein. Each lab focused on a particular combination of abstractions and proxy apps, with the goal of assessing performance portability using those. Performance portability was determined by: a) the ability to run a single application source code on multiple advanced architectures, b) comparing runtime performance between \

  1. Small Square Reconfigurable Antenna with Switchable Single/Tri-Band Functions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Borhani Kakhki


    Full Text Available A novel frequency reconfigurable slot antenna for suitable switchable radiations at WLAN and a tri-band at Bluetooth, WiMAX and upper WLAN applications is designed and fabricated. Switchable frequency responses are achieved by implementation of a PIN diode within the antenna ground plane. The antenna structure is consist of a square radiation patch with an E-shaped slot, a modified ground plane with an inverted T-shaped strip that act as a parasitic stub and two parallel slots and a protruded strip which is connected to the parasitic stub with a PIN diode. The presented antenna has a compact size of 20×20 mm2 while providing switchable radiations at 2.36-2.5 GHz Bluetooth, 3.51-3.79 GHz WiMAX, and 5.47-5.98 GHz WLAN when diode is ON and 5.04-6.13 GHz WLAN when diode is OFF.

  2. Analysis of the design and economics of molten carbonate fuel cell tri-generation systems providing heat and power for commercial buildings and H2 for FC vehicles (United States)

    Li, Xuping; Ogden, Joan; Yang, Christopher


    This study models the operation of molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) tri-generation systems for “big box” store businesses that combine grocery and retail business, and sometimes gasoline retail. Efficiency accounting methods and parameters for MCFC tri-generation systems have been developed. Interdisciplinary analysis and an engineering/economic model were applied for evaluating the technical, economic, and environmental performance of distributed MCFC tri-generation systems, and for exploring the optimal system design. Model results show that tri-generation is economically competitive with the conventional system, in which the stores purchase grid electricity and NG for heat, and sell gasoline fuel. The results are robust based on sensitivity analysis considering the uncertainty in energy prices and capital cost. Varying system sizes with base case engineering inputs, energy prices, and cost assumptions, it is found that there is a clear tradeoff between the portion of electricity demand covered and the capital cost increase of bigger system size. MCFC Tri-generation technology provides lower emission electricity, heat, and H2 fuel. With NG as feedstock the CO2 emission can be reduced by 10%-43.6%, depending on how the grid electricity is generated. With renewable methane as feedstock CO2 emission can be further reduced to near zero.

  3. Effective detection method for falls according to the distance between two tri-axial accelerometers (United States)

    Kim, Jae-Hyung; Park, Geun-Chul; Kim, Soo-Hong; Kim, Soo-Sung; Lee, Hae-Rim; Jeon, Gye-Rok


    Falls and fall-related injuries are a significant problem in the elderly population. A number of different approaches for detecting falls and activities of daily living (ADLs) have been conducted in recent years. However, distinguishing between real falls and certain fall-like ADL is often difficult. The aim of this study is to discriminate falls from fall-like ADLs such as jogging, jumping, and jumping down. The distance between two tri-axial accelerometers attached to the abdomen and the sternum was increased from 10 to 30 cm in 10-cm intervals. Experiments for falls and ADLs were performed to investigate the feasibility of the detection system for falls developed in this study. When the distances between the two tri-axial electrometers were 20 and 30 cm, fall-like ADLs were effectively distinguished from falls. The thresholds for three parameters — SVM, Diff Z, and Sum_diff_Z — were set; falls could be distinguished from ADL action sequences when the SVM value was larger than 4 g (TH1), the Diff_Z parameter was larger than 1.25 g (TH2), and the Sum_diff_Z parameter was larger than 15 m/s (TH3). In particular, when the SVM, Diff_Z, and Sum_diff_Z parameter were sequentially applied to thresholds (TH1, TH2, and TH3), fall-like ADL action sequences were accurately discriminated from falls.

  4. CKM and Tri-bimaximal MNS Matrices in a SU(5) x (d)T Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Mu-Chun; UC, Irvine; Mahanthappa, K.T.


    We propose a model based on SU(5) x (d) T which successfully gives rise to near tri-bimaximal leptonic mixing as well as realistic CKM matrix elements for the quarks. The Georgi-Jarlskog relations for three generations are also obtained. Due to the (d) T transformation property of the matter fields, the b-quark mass can be generated only when the (d) T symmetry is broken, giving a dynamical origin for the hierarchy between m b and m t . There are only nine operators allowed in the Yukawa sector up to at least mass dimension seven due to an additional Z 12 x Z(prime) 12 symmetry, which also forbids, up to some high orders, operators that lead to proton decay. The resulting model has a total of nine parameters in the charged fermion and neutrino sectors, and hence is very predictive. In addition to the prediction for θ 13 ∼θ c /3√2, the model gives rise to a sum rule, tan 2 θ # circle d ot∼#tan 2 θ # circle d ot# ,TBM - 1/2 θ c cosβ, which is a consequence of the Georgi-Jarlskog relations in the quark sector. This deviation could account for the difference between the experimental best fit value for the solar mixing angle and the value predicted by the tri-bimaximal mixing matrix

  5. 40 CFR 49.22 - Federal implementation plan for Tri-Cities landfill, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. (United States)


    ... outweigh the environmental and social costs imposed as a result of its location or construction. (2) If the... operator of the responsibility to comply fully with applicable provisions of the Federal implementation... 40 Protection of Environment 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Federal implementation plan for Tri...

  6. Seletividade de herbicidas, aplicados em pós-emergência, às plantas de alfafa Selectivity of applied port-emergence herbicides in the alfafa plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gláucia de Mello


    Full Text Available Foram conduzidos doi experimentos na UNESP/Jaboticabal, em casa-de-vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar-se a toxicidade de diferentes herbicidas, aplicados em pós-emergênica, às plantas de alfafa. No primeiro, utilizou-se de um delineamento experimental com parcelas inteiramente casualizadas para avaliar-se os efeitos fitotóxicos dos seguintes herbicidas: MSMA, clethodim + óleo mineral, lactofen, fluazifop-pbutil, fomesafen + óleo mineral haloxyfop-methyl + óleo mineral, fenoxaprop-ethyl, chlorimuronethyl, halosulfuron + óleo mineral, nicosulfuron, acifluorfen, imazethapyr, bentazon + óleo mineral e cyanazine + simazine, todos em só dose. Foram feitas avaliações da fitotoxicidade por meio de notas, atribuídas visualmente, em função dos sintomas constatados nas plantas. A altura das plantas e o peso da matéria seca da parte área foram avaliadas no período de desenvolvimento inicial e após a primeira rebrota. No segundo experimento foi seguido mesmo esquema de instalação e condução do anterior, após escolherse os herbicidas e doses, sendo eles, o MSMA, chlorimuron-ethyl, imazethapyr, bentazon + óleo mineral, clethodim, clethodim + óleo mineral e bentazon + MSMA. Os herbicidas mais seletivos às plantas de alfafa foram haloxyfop-methyl, fluazifop-p-butil, fenoxaprop-ethyl, MSMA, imazethapyr, bentazon e clethodim isolado e adicionado de óleo mineral.Two experiments were carried out in a greenhouse, belonging to the Departamento de Defesa Fitissanitária da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal/UNESP, with the purpose of evaluating the selectivity of different used post-emergence herbicides on alfafa plants. The experimental design was completely randomized to evaluate the phytotoxical effects of following herbicides: MSMA, clethodim plus mineral oil, lactofen, fluazifop-p-butil, fomesafen plus mineral oil, haloxyfop-methyl plus mineral oil, chlorimuron-ethyl, halosulfuron plus mineral oil

  7. Energy efficient methane tri-reforming for synthesis gas production over highly coke resistant nanocrystalline Ni–ZrO_2 catalyst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singha, Rajib Kumar; Shukla, Astha; Yadav, Aditya; Adak, Shubhadeep; Iqbal, Zafar; Siddiqui, Nazia; Bal, Rajaram


    Highlights: • Tri-reforming of methane is an energy efficient process to produce synthesis gas. • Nanocrystalline Ni–ZrO_2 catalyst is prepared for tri-reforming of methane. • Strong metal-support interaction is the driving force for high activity. • The process produces synthesis gas with H_2/CO ratio of around 2. • The produced synthesis gas can be used to synthesize methanol. - Abstract: We report the synthesis of nanocrystalline Ni–ZrO_2 catalyst for tri-reforming of methane (5CH_4 + O_2 + CO_2 + 2H_2O → 6CO + 12H_2) to produce synthesis gas with H_2/CO mole ratio ∼2. Nanocrystalline Ni–ZrO_2 catalyst of size between 10 and 40 nm was prepared by hydrothermal method using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as a surfactant. The prepared catalysts were characterized by N_2-physisorption studies, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), temperature programmed reduction (TPR), H_2-chemisorpton, thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA), Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The catalytic activity was monitored over temperature range between 500 and 800 °C. Different reaction parameters like temperature, Ni-loading, gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) and time on stream (TOS) were studied in detail. 4.8 wt% Ni loading for Ni–ZrO_2 catalyst was found to be the optimum Ni loading which showed the superior catalytic activity for methane tri-reforming. The catalyst was found to be stable for more than 100 h on time on stream with methane, carbon dioxide and steam conversion of ∼95% at 800 °C. The H_2/CO ratio was almost constant to 1.9 throughout the time on stream experiment. Highly dispersed nickel and the presence of strong metal support interaction were found to be the key factor for the superior activity of the catalyst. The effect of O_2 and H_2O concentration on reactant conversions and H_2/CO ratios were also

  8. Five Ways to Try if our Believe about the Truth is Right, That you can Do using Stuff you have at Home, done in five minutes. (United States)

    Hut, R.


    The best way to know if what you believe about the world is true, is by trying stuff out. I will try five things, using stuff you have at home, all in a total of five minutes. Do you want to know how big grey animals clean their teeth? Come to this talk! Fire needs air, right? Do you want to know how to put out a fire using a part of the air? Come to this talk! Do you like this: moving picture but think that I use hard to understand words? Than come and watch me try those five things in five minutes!

  9. Intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging in the liver: comparison of mono-, bi- and tri-exponential modelling at 3.0-T

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cercueil, Jean-Pierre; Petit, Jean-Michel; Nougaret, Stephanie; Pierredon-Foulongne, Marie-Ange; Schembri, Valentina; Delhom, Elisabeth; Guiu, Boris; Soyer, Philippe; Fohlen, Audrey; Schmidt, Sabine; Denys, Alban; Aho, Serge


    To determine whether a mono-, bi- or tri-exponential model best fits the intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) signal of normal livers. The pilot and validation studies were conducted in 38 and 36 patients with normal livers, respectively. The DWI sequence was performed using single-shot echoplanar imaging with 11 (pilot study) and 16 (validation study) b values. In each study, data from all patients were used to model the IVIM signal of normal liver. Diffusion coefficients (D i ± standard deviations) and their fractions (f i ± standard deviations) were determined from each model. The models were compared using the extra sum-of-squares test and information criteria. The tri-exponential model provided a better fit than both the bi- and mono-exponential models. The tri-exponential IVIM model determined three diffusion compartments: a slow (D 1 = 1.35 ± 0.03 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s; f 1 = 72.7 ± 0.9 %), a fast (D 2 = 26.50 ± 2.49 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s; f 2 = 13.7 ± 0.6 %) and a very fast (D 3 = 404.00 ± 43.7 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s; f 3 = 13.5 ± 0.8 %) diffusion compartment [results from the validation study]. The very fast compartment contributed to the IVIM signal only for b values ≤15 s/mm 2 The tri-exponential model provided the best fit for IVIM signal decay in the liver over the 0-800 s/mm 2 range. In IVIM analysis of normal liver, a third very fast (pseudo)diffusion component might be relevant. (orig.)

  10. SuperTRI: A new approach based on branch support analyses of multiple independent data sets for assessing reliability of phylogenetic inferences. (United States)

    Ropiquet, Anne; Li, Blaise; Hassanin, Alexandre


    Supermatrix and supertree are two methods for constructing a phylogenetic tree by using multiple data sets. However, these methods are not a panacea, as conflicting signals between data sets can lead to misinterpret the evolutionary history of taxa. In particular, the supermatrix approach is expected to be misleading if the species-tree signal is not dominant after the combination of the data sets. Moreover, most current supertree methods suffer from two limitations: (i) they ignore or misinterpret secondary (non-dominant) phylogenetic signals of the different data sets; and (ii) the logical basis of node robustness measures is unclear. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new approach, called SuperTRI, which is based on the branch support analyses of the independent data sets, and where the reliability of the nodes is assessed using three measures: the supertree Bootstrap percentage and two other values calculated from the separate analyses: the mean branch support (mean Bootstrap percentage or mean posterior probability) and the reproducibility index. The SuperTRI approach is tested on a data matrix including seven genes for 82 taxa of the family Bovidae (Mammalia, Ruminantia), and the results are compared to those found with the supermatrix approach. The phylogenetic analyses of the supermatrix and independent data sets were done using four methods of tree reconstruction: Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and unweighted and weighted maximum parsimony. The results indicate, firstly, that the SuperTRI approach shows less sensitivity to the four phylogenetic methods, secondly, that it is more accurate to interpret the relationships among taxa, and thirdly, that interesting conclusions on introgression and radiation can be drawn from the comparisons between SuperTRI and supermatrix analyses.

  11. Quantitative Voxel-to-Voxel Comparison of TriBeam and DCT Strontium Titanate Three-Dimensional Data Sets (Postprint) (United States)


    materials such as alumina (Gonzalez et al., 2013), titanium (King et al., 2010) and aluminium (Ludwig, King et al., 2009). 2.1.2. TriBeam data collection...nickel alloys (Echlin, Lenthe et al., 2014), and geological samples (Echlin et al., 2015). The strontium titanate sample was serially sectioned in the

  12. Defining the framework for environmentally compliant cleanup: The Hanford site tri-party agreement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Austin, B.A.; Wisness, S.H.


    The Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order, commonly called the Tri-Party Agreement, was signed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the State of Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology), and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in May of 1989. It was the first three-party agreement of its magnitude in the country and was touted as a landmark agreement. It was one of the most significant actions that has been taken to define the framework for environmentally compliant cleanup actions at the Hanford Site. Accomplishments thus far represent a lot of planning, permitting, and development activities either required by regulation or necessary to ensure an adequate infrastructure to support cleanup activities. Actual cleanup work and construction of new facilities are beginning to accelerate as the Hanford Site moves out of study and development phases into actual cleanup activities. Significant changes to the Hanford Tri-Party Agreement were negotiated between May 1993 and January 1994. These negotiations were precipitated by the completion of a 15-month rebaselining study of the Hanford Site's Tank Waste Remediation System. The revised agreement is based on comments and values the three agencies heard from people of the region during the negotiation process. The recent renegotiation reflected an ability of the agencies and the agreement to change commensurate with technical, economic, and political realities of today. Hanford has moved into a new era of public participation which will continue to watch and guide cleanup efforts in manners satisfactory to regional concerns and values


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enjarlis Enjarlis


    Full Text Available Karbofuran adalah insektisida yang banyak digunakan oleh petani padi di Indonesia. Di perairan karbofuran berpotensi membentuk organoklorida dengan klor atau turunan klor. Oleh sebab itu,   karbofuran  digunakan sebagai objek  penelitian untuk disisihkan dalam air dengan proses ozonasi. Proses ozonasi  mampu menguraikan organik kompleks menjadi sederhana dan  meningkatkan sifat biodegradable. Tujuan penelitian yaitu membandingkan  penyisihan karbofuran  dalam air dengan proses ozonasi non-katalitik dan katalitik menggunakan katalis karbon aktif. Ragam percobaan yaitu pH (2, 7, dan 9 pada  suhu kamar  selama  60 menit.  Analisis konsentrasi karbofuran  menggunakan kromatografi gas dan konsentrasi zat organik  sebagai Chemical Oxigen Deman (COD secara titrasi pada satiap10 menit selama 60 menit. Hasil percobaan memperlihatkan proses ozonasi katalitik dan non-katalitik terbaik  pada kondisi basa (pH 9  dengan penyisihan karbofuran 100 % dan COD turun dari 134 ppm menjadi 38 ppm untuk ozonasi katalitik, sedangkan pada ozonasi non-katalitik penyisihan  karbofuran  46,4 % dan  COD turun menjadi  70 ppm. Perubahan suhu dan pH selama proses baik ozonasi katalitik maupun non-katalitik  tidak menunjukkan perubahan yang berarti.

  14. Influence of gender, age and motives underlying food choice on perceived healthiness and willingness to try functional foods. (United States)

    Ares, Gastón; Gámbaro, Adriana


    The aims of the present study were to study the effect of different carriers and enrichments on the perceived healthiness and willingness to try functional foods; and to evaluate the effect of age, gender and motives underlying food choice. Participants had to evaluate different functional food concepts and had to answer a food choice questionnaire. Results showed that carrier products had the largest effect on consumers' perception of healthiness and willingness to try of the evaluated functional foods concepts. The highest positive relative utilities were achieved when the enrichment was a functional ingredient inherent in the product. Furthermore, gender, age and motives underlying food choice affected the preference patterns for the evaluated functional foods concepts, but it depended on the carrier and enrichment considered, suggesting that functional foods might not be accepted by all the consumers and that they could be tailored for certain groups.

  15. Fabrication and stability investigation of ultra-thin transparent and flexible Cu-Ag-Au tri-layer film on PET (United States)

    Prakasarao, Ch Surya; D'souza, Slavia Deeksha; Hazarika, Pratim; Karthiselva N., S.; Ramesh Babu, R.; Kovendhan, M.; Kumar, R. Arockia; Joseph, D. Paul


    The need for transparent conducting electrodes with high transmittance, low sheet resistance and flexibility to replace Indium Tin Oxide is ever growing. We have deposited and studied the performance of ultra-thin Cu-Ag-Au tri-layer films over a flexible poly-ethylene terephthalate substrate. Scotch tape test showed good adhesion of the metallic film. Transmittance of the tri-layer was around 40 % in visible region. Optical profiler measurements were done to study the surface features. The XRD pattern revealed that film was amorphous. Sheet resistance measured by four probe technique was around 7.7 Ohm/Δ and was stable up to 423 K. The transport parameters by Hall effect showed high conductivity and carrier concentration with a mobility of 5.58 cm2/Vs. Tests performed in an indigenously designed bending unit indicated the films to be stable both mechanically and electrically even after 50,000 bending cycles.

  16. Los Triángulos de Delaunay como Procesamiento Previo para Extractores Difusos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Ramírez Flores


    Full Text Available La información biométrica que se extrae de las huellas dactilares tiende a ser diferente en cada adquisición, dada la incertidumbre existente en las mediciones y la presencia de ruido en las muestras, lo cual puede ocasionar que las palabras código generadas dentro de un extractor difuso posean un número de errores tal que rebase la capacidad de corrección de la codificación. Como consecuencia se tiene que lo anterior puede ocasionar que las huellas dactilares de una misma persona sean catalogadas como no coincidentes en su verificación o bien, que huellas de individuos diferentes parezcan demasiado similares. Para mitigar los efectos antes mencionados y sobrepasar las dificultades del pre-alineamiento de huellas dactilares, se propuso el uso de triángulos de Delaunay, lo cual permite proveer de estabilidad estructural local a la representación espacial de la información biométrica. En esa propuesta, las minucias de la huella son utilizadas como vértices de las triangulaciones y la red formada por éstas es tolerante a distorsiones, rotaciones y traslaciones. Sin embargo, en dicha propuesta se considera a la dispersión de minucias de huellas dactilares como no degenerativa y por tanto no se mencionan los umbrales o criterios necesarios para la formación de dichas triangulaciones, lo cual repercute en el desempeño de los extractores difusos. Con base en ello, este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos al probar la formación de triangulaciones de Delaunay en imágenes de huella dactilar, en donde se aplican umbrales y criterios geométricos para luego contabilizar los triángulos coincidentes entre las estructuras formadas y definir los umbrales que maximicen dichas coincidencias.

  17. A treatment planning comparison between modulated tri-cobalt-60 teletherapy and linear accelerator–based stereotactic body radiotherapy for central early-stage non−small cell lung cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merna, Catherine; Rwigema, Jean-Claude M.; Cao, Minsong; Wang, Pin-Chieh; Kishan, Amar U.; Michailian, Argin; Lamb, James; Sheng, Ke; Agazaryan, Nzhde; Low, Daniel A.; Kupelian, Patrick; Steinberg, Michael L.; Lee, Percy, E-mail:


    We evaluated the feasibility of planning stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for large central early-stage non−small cell lung cancer with a tri-cobalt-60 (tri-{sup 60}Co) system equipped with real-time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance, as compared to linear accelerator (LINAC)–based SBRT. In all, 20 patients with large central early-stage non−small cell lung cancer who were treated between 2010 and 2015 with LINAC-based SBRT were replanned using a tri-{sup 60}Co system for a prescription dose of 50 Gy in 4 fractions. Doses to organs at risk were evaluated based on established MD Anderson constraints for central lung SBRT. R{sub 100} values were calculated as the total tissue volume receiving 100% of the dose (V{sub 100}) divided by the planning target volume and compared to assess dose conformity. Dosimetric comparisons between LINAC-based and tri-{sup 60}Co SBRT plans were performed using Student's t-test and Wilcoxon Ranks test. Blinded reviews by radiation oncologists were performed to assess the suitability of both plans for clinical delivery. The mean planning target volume was 48.3 cc (range: 12.1 to 139.4 cc). Of the tri-{sup 60}Co SBRT plans, a mean 97.4% of dosimetric parameters per patient met MD Anderson dose constraints, whereas a mean 98.8% of dosimetric parameters per patient were met with LINAC-based SBRT planning (p = 0.056). R{sub 100} values were similar between both plans (1.20 vs 1.21, p = 0.79). Upon blinded review by 4 radiation oncologists, an average of 90% of the tri-{sup 60}Co SBRT plans were considered acceptable for clinical delivery compared with 100% of the corresponding LINAC-based SBRT plans (p = 0.17). SBRT planning using the tri-{sup 60}Co system with built-in MRI is feasible and achieves clinically acceptable plans for most central lung patients, with similar target dose conformity and organ at risk dosimetry. The added benefit of real-time MRI-guided therapy may further optimize tumor targeting while

  18. A treatment planning comparison between modulated tri-cobalt-60 teletherapy and linear accelerator-based stereotactic body radiotherapy for central early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. (United States)

    Merna, Catherine; Rwigema, Jean-Claude M; Cao, Minsong; Wang, Pin-Chieh; Kishan, Amar U; Michailian, Argin; Lamb, James; Sheng, Ke; Agazaryan, Nzhde; Low, Daniel A; Kupelian, Patrick; Steinberg, Michael L; Lee, Percy


    We evaluated the feasibility of planning stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for large central early-stage non-small cell lung cancer with a tri-cobalt-60 (tri-(60)Co) system equipped with real-time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance, as compared to linear accelerator (LINAC)-based SBRT. In all, 20 patients with large central early-stage non-small cell lung cancer who were treated between 2010 and 2015 with LINAC-based SBRT were replanned using a tri-(60)Co system for a prescription dose of 50Gy in 4 fractions. Doses to organs at risk were evaluated based on established MD Anderson constraints for central lung SBRT. R100 values were calculated as the total tissue volume receiving 100% of the dose (V100) divided by the planning target volume and compared to assess dose conformity. Dosimetric comparisons between LINAC-based and tri-(60)Co SBRT plans were performed using Student׳s t-test and Wilcoxon Ranks test. Blinded reviews by radiation oncologists were performed to assess the suitability of both plans for clinical delivery. The mean planning target volume was 48.3cc (range: 12.1 to 139.4cc). Of the tri-(60)Co SBRT plans, a mean 97.4% of dosimetric parameters per patient met MD Anderson dose constraints, whereas a mean 98.8% of dosimetric parameters per patient were met with LINAC-based SBRT planning (p = 0.056). R100 values were similar between both plans (1.20 vs 1.21, p = 0.79). Upon blinded review by 4 radiation oncologists, an average of 90% of the tri-(60)Co SBRT plans were considered acceptable for clinical delivery compared with 100% of the corresponding LINAC-based SBRT plans (p = 0.17). SBRT planning using the tri-(60)Co system with built-in MRI is feasible and achieves clinically acceptable plans for most central lung patients, with similar target dose conformity and organ at risk dosimetry. The added benefit of real-time MRI-guided therapy may further optimize tumor targeting while improving normal tissue sparing, which warrants further

  19. Hanford, diversification, and the Tri-Cities Economy FY 1998

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    SCOTT, M.J.


    The missions of the U.S. Department of Energy's Richland Operations Office (DOE/RL) are to safely manage the Hanford Site, to manage and clean up its legacy wastes, and to develop and deploy new science and technology in the environmental and energy fields. Collectively, DOE/RL and its contractors are the most important single entity in the Tri-Cities local economy (Pasco, Kennewick, and Richland, Washington, and the surrounding area). Although the relevant economic region affected by DOE/RL and its contractors actually embraces a geographic area reaching from Yakima in the west to Walla Walla in the east and from Moses Lake in the north to Pendleton, Oregon, in the south, over 90% of economic impacts likely occur in Benton and Franklin Counties. These two counties are defined as the ''local'' Tri-Cities economy for purposes of this study (see Figure 1). In the federal fiscal year (IV) 1998 (October 1, 1997 through September 30, 1998), the total impact of DOEs local $1.6 billion budget was felt through payrolls of $519 million and local purchases of goods and services of $246 million. The total local spending of $765 million was down slightly from the FY 1997 total of $774 million. Taking into account the slightly greater multiplier effects of this spending due to changes in its mix, the DOE/RL budget sustained an estimated 36% of all local employment (31,200 out of 86,000 jobs) and up to 64% of local wage income ($1.55 billion out of $2.40 billion). This was up slightly from the year before (29,500 jobs, $1.49 billion income). DOE budget increases in FY 1999 are expected to result in a net increase of about 200 local DOE contractor jobs over the September 30, 1998 level, or about equal to the FY 1998 average. In addition, economic diversification more than offset the impact of the local DOE losses in FY 1998 and, together with an initial economic boost from privatization of Hanford's tank waste cleanup, is expected to play a significant expansive role in FY 1999

  20. Conducting five-year plan and tri-party agreement community outreach activities at the U. S. Department Of Energy Richland Field Office

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, James M.; Brown, Madeleine C.


    For cleanup to succeed, the public must be informed and involved. Both the Tri-Party Agreement and the Five-Year Plan require significant public interactions. The Tri-Party Agreement has a community relations plan, and the Five-Year Plan has a rigorous community outreach agenda. Both recognize that the public must get every reasonable opportunity to learn about and to voice opinions about DOE's cleanup activities. Beginning this year, our Five-Year Plan public participation action plan will fold in all DOE Environmental Restoration and Waste Management outreach activities at Hanford. This supports the need we recognize to coordinate public involvement activities sitewide. (author)

  1. Extraction of gold(I) cyanide by the methyl tri-n-alkyl ammonium chloride

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Tianxi; Yan Wenfei; Wu Jinguang


    The solvent extraction of KAu(CN) 2 from alkaline solution by the tri-n-alkyl ammonium chloride (N263) using 198 Au tracer has been investigated. The effects of various parameters, such as gold (I) concentration in aqueous phase, cosolvent, phase ratio on the extraction of gold (I) are studied. The results demonstrate that almost all of gold (I) in aqueous phase can be extracted into the organic phase. Water concentration decreases significantly with the increase of gold (I) concentration in the organic phase. No water molecule could be involved in the extraction of gold (I)

  2. 40 CFR 721.1000 - Benzenamine, 3-chloro-2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-(tri-fluoro-methyl)-. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Benzenamine, 3-chloro-2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-(tri-fluoro-methyl)-. 721.1000 Section 721.1000 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL... Significant New Uses for Specific Chemical Substances § 721.1000 Benzenamine, 3-chloro-2,6-dinitro-N,N...

  3. Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups in the Tri-Border Area (TBA) of South America (United States)


    do Iguaçu], “Muslims Prevail Among Small Religions in Foz,” February 3, 2003, as translated for FBIS, “Highlights From the Tri-Border Press for] 23 Gazeta do Iguaçu [Foz do Iguaçu], “Muslims Prevail Among Small Religions in Foz,” February Seguridad y Delitos del Siglo XXI, Escuela Superior de Gendarmería, Buenos Aires, 1996, 13-16. Library of Congress – Federal Research Division

  4. An exact solution for orbit view-periods from a station on a tri-axial ellipsoidal planet (United States)

    Tang, C. C. H.


    This paper presents the concise exact solution for predicting view-periods to be observed from a masked or unmasked tracking station on a tri-axial ellipsoidal surface. The new exact approach expresses the azimuth and elevation angles of a spacecraft in terms of the station-centered geodetic topocentric coordinates in an elegantly concise manner. A simple and efficient algorithm is developed to avoid costly repetitive computations in searching for neighborhoods near the rise and set times of each satellite orbit for each station. Only one search for each orbit is necessary for each station. Sample results indicate that the use of an assumed spherical earth instead of an 'actual' tri-axial ellipsoidal earth could introduce an error up to a few minutes in a view-period prediction for circular orbits of low or medium altitude. For an elliptical orbit of high eccentricity and long period, the maximum error could be even larger. The analytic treatment and the efficient algorithm are designed for geocentric orbits, but they should be applicable to interplanetary trajectories by an appropriate coordinates transformation at each view-period calculation. This analysis can be accomplished only by not using the classical orbital elements.

  5. An exact solution for orbit view-periods from a station on a tri-axial ellipsoidal planet (United States)

    Tang, C. C. H.


    This paper presents the concise exact solution for predicting view-periods to be observed from a masked or unmasked tracking station on a tri-axial ellipsoidal surface. The new exact approach expresses the azimuth and elevation angles of a spacecraft in terms of the station-centered geodetic topocentric coordinates in an elegantly concise manner. A simple and efficient algorithm is developed to avoid costly repetitive computations in searching for neighborhoods near the rise and set times of each satellite orbit for each station. Only one search for each orbit is necessary for each station. Sample results indicate that the use of an assumed spherical earth instead of an 'actual' tri-axial ellipsoidal earth could introduce an error up to a few minutes in a view-period prediction for circular orbits of low or medium altitude. For an elliptical orbit of high eccentricity and long period, the maximum error could be even larger. The analytic treatment and the efficient algorithm are designed for geocentric orbits, but they should be applicable to interplanetary trajectories by an appropriate coordinates transformation at each view-period calculation. This analysis can be accomplished only by not using the classical orbital elements.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Gst Ngurah Putu Dedy Wirawan


    Full Text Available This article examines the application of Tri Hita Karana (THK values involving the harmonisation of conservation and culture at the Bali Botanic Garden, Tabanan, Bali. THK is an Hindu beliefs with three main harmonious concepts including harmony among people, harmony with the natural environment and harmony with God. Balinese recognise ecosystem-based nature management, as in the term Tri Mandala, three different level of spaces according to the purpose and benefits of parhyangan (holy place, palemahan (environment and pawongan (human. These three spaces according to Balinese culture must be harmonious, balanced and preserved in order to support conservation efforts. Combined conservation efforts with cultural values is also a theme that has been utilized by the Bali Botanic Garden in building thematic collections, such as the collection of medicinal plants, traditional ceremonial plants, and ethnobotany artefacts. This collections insight into Balinese cultural conservation supports educational and tourism services at Bali Botanic Garden. The implementation of THK philosophy at Bali Botanic Garden has an important to improves resource efficiency, maintains relationships with the creators, conserves the environment and culture, and maintains harmony in reducing conflict, social imbalances and ensures the sustainability of regional development.

  7. Hipoplasia Enamel Pada Penderita Penyakit Eksantema


    Dewi saputri


    Hipoplasia enamel merupakan gangguan pada masa pemhentukan matriks organik yang menyebabkan gangguan struktur pada enamel sehingga secara klinis terlihat pada suatu bagian dari gigi tidak terbentuk enamel dan kadang-kadang sama sekali tidak terbentuk enamel, serta diikuti dengan perubahan warna pada gigi. Dikenal berbagai faktor penyebab hipoplasia enamel, salah satunya adalah penyakit eksantema yaitu menyebabkan infeksi pada bayi dan anak-anak. Gambaran histopatologis hipoplasia enamel adala...



    Sari, Ratna


    Jamur merupakan organisme heterotrof yang menggunakan bahan organik untuk nutrisinya. Jamur dapat sebagai patogen yang bersifat infeksi sekunder. Penyakit yang umum terjadi pada banyak ikan dapat juga terjadi pada kuda laut, diantaranya adalah jamur, parasit dan bakteri.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenisjamuryang berasosiasi dengan kuda laut (Hippocampus barbouri). Jamur asosiasi kuda laut diperoleh dengan metode swab menggunakan cotton swab microbiology. Identifikasi dil...

  9. Silicon nitride tri-layer vertical Y-junction and 3D couplers with arbitrary splitting ratio for photonic integrated circuits. (United States)

    Shang, Kuanping; Pathak, Shibnath; Liu, Guangyao; Feng, Shaoqi; Li, Siwei; Lai, Weicheng; Yoo, S J B


    We designed and demonstrated a tri-layer Si3N4/SiO2 photonic integrated circuit capable of vertical interlayer coupling with arbitrary splitting ratios. Based on this multilayer photonic integrated circuit platform with each layer thicknesses of 150 nm, 50 nm, and 150 nm, we designed and simulated the vertical Y-junctions and 3D couplers with arbitrary power splitting ratios between 1:10 and 10:1 and with negligible(< -50 dB) reflection. Based on the design, we fabricated and demonstrated tri-layer vertical Y-junctions with the splitting ratios of 1:1 and 3:2 with excess optical losses of 0.230 dB. Further, we fabricated and demonstrated the 1 × 3 3D couplers with the splitting ratio of 1:1:4 for symmetric structures and variable splitting ratio for asymmetric structures.

  10. Push and pull factors determing wine tourism development in the 'Tri Morave' sub-region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jovanović-Tončev Melita


    Full Text Available The subject of this paper are the factors affecting the decision of wine tourists to take a trip to a particular destination. These factors can be divided into internal (push and external (pull factors. The purpose of this study is to determine the development potential as well as the factors that influence participation in wine tourism in Tri Morave sub-region. In order to do that, two researches were conducted: one on the offer side and another on the demand side. Based on the results of the survey on the offer side, one can conclude that Tri Morave sub-region abounds in natural and anthropological resources that should be turned into an integrated wine product. On the other hand, research concerning tourist demand was conducted by polling winery visitors. The obtained data confirms assumptions about the appearance of modern tourists seeking authentic experience, satisfaction of hedonistic needs, and enjoyment of high-quality wine and food. Based on the results of the survey, the purchase of wine and wine tasting are the highest ranked benefits that tourists expect from visits to wineries. The application of Spearman's correlation coefficient points to statistically significant correlation between respondents, who referred to tasting, wine purchase, and authentic tourist experience as the basic motives of their visit, and future behavior of tourists in terms of revisiting and recommendations of the given wine destination to friends.

  11. Synthesis under ambient pressure and tri-axial magnetic orientation in REBa2Cu4O8 (RE = Y, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaki, M.; Horii, S.; Haruta, M.; Maeda, T.; Shimoyama, J.


    REBa 2 Cu 4 O 8 (RE124) was synthesized by a flux method in ambient pressure for RE = Y, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho and Er. Tri-axial orientation of RE124 was achieved in a modulated rotating magnetic field of 10 T. Orientation axes in RE124 depended on the type of RE. Magnetization axes were determined from magnetic anisotropies of Cu and RE ions. We report the rare-earth (RE)-dependent magnetization axes of REBa 2 Cu 4 O 8 , which was synthesized by a flux method under ambient pressure, using powder samples tri-axially oriented in a modulated rotating magnetic field of 10 T. By optimizing the growth temperature and cooling rate, RE124 crystals were successfully grown for RE = Y, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, and Er. From the X-ray diffraction measurement, the magnetically oriented directions were largely dependent on the type of RE ions of RE124. However, the tri-axial magnetic anisotropies of RE124 could be qualitatively understood in terms of the magnitude relation between the single-ion magnetic anisotropy of RE 3+ ions and the magnetic anisotropy generated by the CuO 2 plane and Cu-O chain. For the practical use of this magneto-scientific process, the control of magnetization axes and tri-axial magnetic anisotropies through crystallochemical control is indispensable.

  12. The fines recovery of the phosphoro-uraniferous ores from Itataia-CE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furtado, J.R.V.


    Cyclone desliming previous to flotation is one of the determining factors of the concentration performance of phosfate ores. The physical beneficiation of the phosphoro uraniferous ore of Itataia, carried out in the pilot plant, rejects approximately 10,5% P 2 O 5 and 14% U 3 O 8 contained as ''slimes''. The present investigation was to develop a process to recover the fines through the tecniques of flotation and Seletive Floculation. The low P 2 O 5 content and extremely small size of the ''slimes'', led to a low efficiency in the operation of either flotation. The introduction of a Second disliming step swhed promising results. It is work mentioning that the ore presents siliceous-carbonatic gangue and that the direct flotation of phosphates rejects only the silicate portion. Direct flotation followed by reverse flotation of carbonates led to phosphate concentrates containing 28% P 2 O 5 with recoveries of 60%. The results obtained indicate that the fines treatment may lead to increase of 4,5% in overall recovery without decreasing the grade of the final concentrate. (C.D.G.) [pt

  13. Recall, appeal and willingness to try cigarettes with flavour capsules: assessing the impact of a tobacco product innovation among early adolescents. (United States)

    Abad-Vivero, Erika N; Thrasher, James F; Arillo-Santillán, Edna; Pérez-Hernández, Rosaura; Barrientos-Gutíerrez, Inti; Kollath-Cattano, Christy; Mejía, Raúl; Sargent, James D


    Use of flavour capsule varieties (FCVs) of cigarettes has rapidly increased in many countries. Adolescents are attracted to flavours; yet, surprisingly, no quantitative study has explored adolescents' perceptions of these products. To characterise the appeal of FCVs for young adolescents in Mexico. In 2015, surveys were conducted with a representative sample of Mexican middle school students (n=10 124; ages 11-16 years; mean 12.4 years). Students viewed and rated packs for FCVs and non-FCVs from major brands (Marlboro, Camel, Pall Mall), with brand names removed. For each pack, students were asked to write the brand name (ie, brand recall), to evaluate pack attractiveness, and to indicate the pack they were most interested in trying (including a 'none' option). Logistic generalised estimating equation (GEE) models regressed brand recall, pack attractiveness and interest in trying on brand and FCV (yes vs no), controlling for sociodemographics and smoking risk factors. Marlboro regular, Camel regular, Camel light and Pall Mall FCVs were most often recalled (25%, 17%, 9%, 8%). Packs for Pall Mall FCVs and Camel FCVs were most often rated as very attractive (13%, 9%, respectively) and of interest for trial (22%, 13%) along with Marlboro regular (14%). In GEE models, FCVs were independently associated with greater attractiveness (adjusted OR (AOR)=1.83, 95% CI 1.72 to 1.94) and interest in trying (AOR=1.74, 95% CI 1.54 to 1.96). Perceived pack attractiveness was also independently associated with greater interest in trying (AOR=5.63, 95% CI 4.74 to 6.68). FCVs appear to be generating even greater appeal among young adolescents than established non-FCVs in dominant brand families. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  14. Bias magnetic field and test period dependences of direct and converse magnetoelectric hysteresis of tri-layered magnetoelectric composite (United States)

    Zhou, Yun; Li, Xiao-Hong; Wang, Jian-Feng; Zhou, Hao-Miao; Cao, Dan; Jiao, Zhi-Wei; Xu, Long; Li, Qi-Hao


    The direct and converse magnetoelectric hysteresis behavior for a tri-layered composite has been comparatively investigated and significant similarities have been observed. The results show that both the direct and converse magnetoelectric hysteresis is deeply affected by the bias magnetic field and test period. The test time hysteresis caused by a fast varying bias magnetic field can be reduced by prolonging the test period. The observed coercive field, remanence, and ratio of remanence of the direct and converse magnetoelectric effects with the test period obey an exponential decay law. A hysteretic nonlinear magnetoelectric theoretical model for the symmetrical tri-layered structure has been proposed based on a nonlinear constitutive model and pinning effect. The numerical calculation shows that the theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental results. These findings not only provide insight into the examination and practical applications of magnetoelectric materials, but also propose a theoretical frame for studying the hysteretic characteristics of the magnetoelectric effect.

  15. 75 FR 65705 - Notice of Intent To Rule on Request To Release Airport Property at the Tri-Cities Regional... (United States)


    ... To Release Airport Property at the Tri-Cities Regional Airport, Blountville, TN. AGENCY: Federal... of Blountville, Tennessee. This property, approximately 2.413 acres in Tract 45 and .0324 acres in... 125 of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation [[Page 65706

  16. Formation and proof of stable bi-, tri- and tetraradical polyanions during the electrochemical reduction of cone-polynitrocalix[4]arenes. An ESR-UV-vis spectroelectrochemical study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liška, Alan; Rosenkranz, Marco; Klíma, Jiří; Dunsch, Lothar; Lhoták, Pavel; Ludvík, Jiří


    Graphical abstract: - Abstract: The first intermediates of electrochemical reduction of nitro compounds in nonaqueous DMF are stable radical anions. In the series of mono-, di-, tri- and tetranitro calix[4]arenes each nitro group represents a reduction center, therefore the question about the spin state of intermediary anions arises. In this communication, the voltammetric and coulometric investigation of these compounds is performed together with the spectral measurements (ESR and UV-vis). The in-situ spectroelectrochemical approach proved that during reduction, in all polynitro radicalic intermediates the electrons remain unpaired and thus relatively stable mono-, di-, tri- and tetraradical mono-, di-, tri- and tetraanions, respectively, can be electrochemically generated in aprotic DMF from polynitrocalix[4]arenes. This finding confirms that the nitrophenyl units in polynitrocalix[4]arenes are completely independent and no mutual electronic communication takes place among them

  17. Adsorptive effects of di-tri-octahedral smectite on Clostridium perfringens alpha, beta, and beta-2 exotoxins and equine colostral antibodies. (United States)

    Lawler, Jacquelin Boggs; Hassel, Diana M; Magnuson, Roberta J; Hill, Ashley E; McCue, Patrick M; Traub-Dargatz, Josie L


    To determine the adsorptive capability of di-tri-octahedral smectite (DTOS) on Clostridium perfringens alpha, beta, and beta-2 exotoxins and equine colostral antibodies. 3 C perfringens exotoxins and 9 colostral samples. Alpha, beta, and beta-2 exotoxins were individually co-incubated with serial dilutions of DTOS or bismuth subsalicylate, and the amount of toxin remaining after incubation was determined via toxin-specific ELISAs. Colostral samples from healthy mares were individually co-incubated with serial dilutions of DTOS, and colostral IgG concentrations were determined via single radial immunodiffusion assay. Di-tri-octahedral smectite decreased the amount of each C perfringens exotoxin in co-incubated samples in a dose-dependent manner and was more effective than bismuth subsalicylate at reducing exotoxins in vitro. Decreases in the concentration of IgG were detected in samples of colostrum that were combined with DTOS at 1:4 through 1:16 dilutions, whereas no significant decrease was evident with DTOS at the 1:32 dilution. Di-tri-octahedral smectite effectively adsorbed C perfringens exotoxins in vitro and had a dose-dependent effect on the availability of equine colostral antibodies. Results suggested that DTOS may be an appropriate adjunctive treatment in the management of neonatal clostridiosis in horses. In vivo studies are necessary to fully assess the clinical efficacy of DTOS treatment.

  18. Brain regions involved in observing and trying to interpret dog behaviour. (United States)

    Desmet, Charlotte; van der Wiel, Alko; Brass, Marcel


    Humans and dogs have interacted for millennia. As a result, humans (and especially dog owners) sometimes try to interpret dog behaviour. While there is extensive research on the brain regions that are involved in mentalizing about other peoples' behaviour, surprisingly little is known of whether we use these same brain regions to mentalize about animal behaviour. In this fMRI study we investigate whether brain regions involved in mentalizing about human behaviour are also engaged when observing dog behaviour. Here we show that these brain regions are more engaged when observing dog behaviour that is difficult to interpret compared to dog behaviour that is easy to interpret. Interestingly, these results were not only obtained when participants were instructed to infer reasons for the behaviour but also when they passively viewed the behaviour, indicating that these brain regions are activated by spontaneous mentalizing processes.

  19. Effect of ionizing and nonionizing radiations on the mechanical properties of cellulose tri acetate polymer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sallam, M M; El-Fiki, S A; Nooh, S A [Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Chams Univ, Cairo (Egypt); Eissa, H M [National Institute for Standard, Cairo (Egypt)


    Several quantities including modulus of elasticity, fracture stress, fracture strain, yield tress and yield strain, were calculated for cellulose tri acetate polymer. These samples were exposed to different gamma doses in the range from (32 kg y), and different energies of infrared pulsated laser of 5 watt power in the range (Zero to 9 j/cm 2). The changes in these parameters were found to be due to changes in degree of crystallinity of polymers.4 figs., 3 tabs.


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    Full Text Available İnsanoğlu tarımsal alanda verimi arttırmak ve kaliteli ürün elde etmek için çok eski çağlardan günümüze değin bir çaba içerisindedir. Bu amaca yönelik olarak kimyasal gübre kullanımı uzun zamandan beri başvurulan yöntemlerden biridir. Kimyasal gübreleme ile bitkiler bazı inorganik besin maddelerini bu yolla temin edebilmekte fakat toprağa karıştırılan kimyasal gübreler bitki tarafından yeterince kullanılamamakta, bitki tarafından kullanılmayan kısım yağmur, kar ve sulama suyu vasıtasıyla topraktan uzaklaşıp yer altı kaynak sularına, denizlere, göllere karışarak önemli ekolojik sorunlara neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle tarımda organik madde kullanımı giderek önem kazanmaktadır. En önemli toprak organik maddelerinden olan hümik asit ve fulvik asidin bitki gelişimi üzerindeki yararlı etkileri yapılan pek çok araştırmayla belirlenmiştir. Bu hümik maddelerin toprağın fiziksel, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik özelliklerini, dolayısıyla da bitki gelişimini etkilediği bilinmektedir.Ülkemizin birçok bölgesinde linyit ve turba rezervleri bulunmaktadır. Türkiye’de yaklaşık 8,4 milyar ton linyit rezervi saptanmıştır. Bu tür kömürler genellikle ısınma ve Hidroelektrik Santrallerinde kullanılmaktadır. Ancak bu yöntemlerde kullanılan linyitlerden fazla miktarda verim sağlanamamaktadır. Topraklarımızın kimyasal gübreler sonucu oluşan deformasyonunu ve verimini artırmak için, ülkemizin birçok alanında bulunan özellikle düşük kalorili linyit yataklarının ekonomik açıdan değerlendirilmesi ve ülkemizin topraklarının zenginleştirilmesi için gerekli olan organik gübre (Hümik Asit üretiminde kullanılması daha yararlı olacağı görüşü gittikçe dikkat çekici olmaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Linyit, hümik asit, fülvik asit, organik gübre.