
Sample records for onpolyester fabric teknologi

  1. Teknologi med arkitektonisk kvalitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Peter


    Kortfattet artikel om forholdet mellem arkitektonisk fremtræden og den valgte teknologi. Der beskrives to principielt forskellige tilgange til teknologi som redskab for arkitektur: den anonyme teknologi og den synonyme teknologi. Disse to begreber relateres til den aktuelle Projekt-Hus debat om...

  2. Teknologi med arkitektonisk kvalitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Peter


    Kortfattet artikel om forholdet mellem arkitektonisk fremtræden og den valgte teknologi. Der beskrives to principielt forskellige tilgange til teknologi som redskab for arkitektur: den anonyme teknologi og den synonyme teknologi. Disse to begrebet relateres til den aktuelle Projekt-Hus debat om...

  3. Den humane teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fausing, Bent


    Artiklen undersøger hverdagsæstetikkens forestillinger om teknologi i tv-reklamer, nærmere bestemt to mobiltelefoner fra Nokia. Nokias slogan er som bekendt: "Nokia -connecting people". Hvilken funktion tilskrives denne succes-teknologi via billeder, narrativer, lyde, interaktioner og affekter...... personifikation eller antropomorfisering er vigtig for branding af den ny teknologi. Teknologien bliver betragtet som skaber af en teknotranscendens mod en mere kvalificeret humanitet, som er i kontakt med fundamentale humane værdier som intuition, fantasi og sansning. Det drejer sig i alle tilfælde om kvaliteter...

  4. Penerapan Teknologi Cloud Computing Di Universitas Studi Kasus: Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Ukdw


    Kurniawan, Erick


    Teknologi Cloud Computing adalah paradigma baru dalam penyampaian layanan komputasi. Cloud Computing memiliki banyak kelebihan dibandingkan dengan sistem konvensional. Artikel ini membahas tentang arsitektur cloud computing secara umum dan beberapa contoh penerapan layanan cloud computing beserta manfaatnya di lingkungan universitas. Studi kasus yang diambil adalah penerapan layanan cloud computing di Fakultas Teknologi Informasi UKDW.


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    Yuliyanto Budi Setiawan


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi di dunia (termasuk Indonesia dapat membuat perubahan pada sikap dan perilaku penggunanya. Hal ini memunculkan dampak positif dan negatif. Untuk contoh dampak positif: jika pengguna ingin mencari informasi, mereka hanya perlu browsing di internet. Hal ini membuat aktivitas mereka menjadi lebih mudah dan sederhana. Untuk contoh dampak negatifnya: anak-anak dapat mengakses situs porno. Hal ini membuat degradasi/turunnya kepribadian mereka. Jadi, kita harus bijaksana saat menggunakan teknologi.


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    Yuli Fauziah


    Full Text Available Dalam perspektif teknologi informasi, cloud computing atau komputasi awan dapat diartikan sebagai suatu teknologi yang memanfaatkan internet sebagai resource untuk komputasi yang dapat di-request oleh pengguna dan merupakan sebuah layanan dengan pusat server bersifat virtual atau berada dalam cloud (internet itu sendiri. Banyak perusahaan yang ingin memindahkan aplikasi dan storage-nya ke dalam cloudcomputing. Teknologi ini menjadi trend dikalangan peneliti dan praktisi IT untuk menggali potensi yang dapat ditawarkan kepada masyarakat luas. Tetapi masih banyak isu keamanan yang muncul, karena teknologi yang masih baru. Salah satu isu keamanannya adalah Theft of Information, yaitu pencurian terhadap data yang disimpan di dalam Storage aplikasi yang menggunakan teknologi Cloud Computing. Kerugian yang akan diperoleh oleh pengguna teknologi ini sangat besar, karena informasi yang dicuri menyangkut data rahasia milik perusahaan, maupun data-data penting lainnya.Beberapa tindakan untuk mencegah terjadinya pencurian data ini, yaitu dengan  menghindari jenis ancaman keamanan berupa kehilangan atau kebocoran data dan pembajakan account atau service, serta Identity Management dan access control adalah kebutuhan yang utama bagi SaaS Cloud computing perusahaan. Dan salah satu metode yang digunakan dalam keamanan data aspek autentikasi dan otorisasi pada aplikasi atau service cloud computing adalah teknologi Single-sign-on. Teknologi Single-sign-on (SSO adalah teknologi yang mengizinkan pengguna jaringan agar dapat mengakses sumber daya dalam jaringan hanya dengan menggunakan satu akun pengguna saja. Teknologi ini sangat diminati, khususnya dalam jaringan yang sangat besar dan bersifat heterogen, juga pada jaringan cloud computing. Dengan menggunakan SSO, seorang pengguna hanya cukup melakukan proses autentikasi sekali saja untuk mendapatkan izin akses terhadap semua layanan yang terdapat di dalam jaringan. Kata Kunci : Storage, Aplikasi, Software as a

  7. Teknologi VRML untuk Media Promosi Mobil Berbasis Web

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    Aditya Nur Prasetyo


    Full Text Available Peranan teknologi informasi menjadi hal utama yang harus dipenuhi untuk menunjang kegiatan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan, tidak terkecuali bidang promosi suatu produk atau jasa. Dengan penggunaan internet penyampaian informasi mengenai produk yang dipromosikan menjadi lebih mudah dan dapat diakses setiap saat dan dapat dilakukan dimana saja. Medianya pun juga telah berkembang dengan berbagai macam kemudahan, salah satunya adalah media promosi berbasis multimedia. Teknologi virtual reality merupakan salah satu teknologi yang berbasis multimedia dengan memadukan berbagai elemen multimedia. Dengan penggunaan teknologi virtual reality tersebut diharapkan dapat menunjang media promosi agar lebih interaktif, efektif dan menarik. Aplikasi yang dikembangkan merupakan perpaduan antara teknologi virtual reality dengan website. Teknologi virtual reality akan menyajikan produk mobil yang dipromosikan melalui tampilan tiga dimensi yang interaktif. Teknologi tersebut kemudian ditanamkan dalam website sehingga memungkinkan pengguna dapat mengaksesnya kapan dan dimana saja. Teknologi virtual reality dikembangkan menggunakan VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language dan software pemodelan 3D 3ds Max, sedangkan aplikasi berbasis web dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, HTML dan CSS. Aplikasi tersebut juga didukung penggunaan basis data MySQL sehingga mempermudah user dalam mengolah data. Browser yang digunakan perlu dipasangi plug-in Cortona3D Viewer agar dapat menampilkan file tiga dimensi. Hasil dari pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah terancangnya sebuah aplikasi yang menggunakan teknologi VRML untuk media promosi mobil berbasis web. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini menjalankan fungsionalitasnya sesuai dengan rancangan.

  8. Audit Layanan Teknologi Informasi Berbasis Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL

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    Didin Herlinudinkhaji


    Full Text Available IT Service Management adalah salah satu cara untuk mengelola layanan teknologi informasi. Layanan teknologi perlu dikelola dengan baik untuk mendapatkan output dalam bentuk informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh manajemen. Untuk meningkatkan layanan teknologi informasi untuk lebih baik, diperlukan audit meliputi audit layanan teknologi informasi. Audit layanan teknologi informasi dilakukan untuk menentukan kelayakan teknologi informasi denngan terkait, dalam hal ini penulis berfokus pada isu-isu keamanan teknologi informasi. Audit keamanan teknologi informasi dibuat untuk menentukan tingkat keamanan untuk layanan teknologi informasi, sejauh mana informasi tersebut bisa sampai kepada yang berhak menerima, apakah informasi tersebut benar-benar tersedia, apakah informasi tersebut bersifat rahasia. Untuk dapat mengukur tingkat keamanan layanan teknologi informasi, penulis memilih untuk menggunakan metode Information Technology Infrastructure Library Versi 3 (ITIL V3. ITIL adalah set yang terdiri dari Layanan Strategi, Jasa Desain, Jasa Transisi, Layanan Operasi, dan terus-menerus Peningkatan Pelayanan. Dalam hal ini penulis berfokus pada layanan desain pada bagian dari manajemen keamanan informasi, pada bagian ini menjelaskan bagaimana layanan dikatakan baik jika memenuhi 8 poin yang telah distandarisasi secara internasional.

  9. Tatalaksana Teknologi Informasi Metode Cobit


    Hamzah, Ardi


    Metode COBIT perlu diterapkan dalam pengelolaan perusahaan agar penggunaan Teknologi Informasi (TI) sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dan menghasilkan kinerja yang efisien dan efektif serta mencegah atau meminimalisir adanya risiko terhadap penggunaan TI. Penggunaan dan pengelolaan TI juga mempertimbangkan integrasi dimana perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan perangkat manusia membangun intergrasi.Kata kunci: metode COBIT, teknologi informasi, perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan perangkat m...

  10. Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit

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    Prayitno - -


    Full Text Available Abstrak Air limbah rumah sakit mengandung polutan yang bersifat toksid, infeksius, bahkan radioaktif sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan dampak terhadap pencemaran lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat. Disamping itu dengan minimnya jumlah rumah sakit di Indonesia yang memiliki IPAL yaitu sebanyak 36%, dan yang memenuhi persyaratan IPAL sebesar 52% maka potensi dampak yang ditimbulkan akan semakin nyata. Pemilihan teknologi pengelolaan air limbah dengan demikian sangat penting. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aspek – aspek yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam memilih jenis teknologi pengolalaan air limbah rumah sakit secara deskriptif. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan aspek teknis, aspek ekonomis dan aspek keberlanjutan terhadap beberapa teknologi pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit yang berkembangan saat ini, dapat direkomendasi bahwa kombinasi teknologi pengolahan biofilter anaerob – aerob dan ozonasi adalah  teknologi yang efektif dalam pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit.   Kata kunci: limbah rumah sakit, polutan, teknologi pengelolaan limbah Abstract Hospital wastewater contains pollutant which has been recognized toxic, infectious and radioactive that able to degrade environment and community health. In Indonesia, only 36% of hospital has wastewater treatment instrument (IPAL, and among them only 52% meet the national standard.  These situation potentially lead to pollution that threat environments. Promoting hospital water treatments therefore become significant. This reviews aims to analyze general aspect to choose proper technology for hospital water treatments. Using technical and  economical  aspects as well as sustainability perspective, it is recommended that combination of biofilter anaerob – aerob technology and ozonization is the effective strategy to manage and process hospital wastewater in Indonesia. Keywords: hospital wastewater, pollutant, wastewater threatment technology

  11. Forførende teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agger Nielsen, Jeppe

    casestudie i tre kommuner, hvordan og i hvilken form mobil teknologi omsættes til praksis og eventuelt institutionaliseres i den kommunale hjemmepleje. Forskningsmæssigt bidrager afhandlingen til institutionel teori og information system (IS) forskningsområdet, og afhandlingens er positioneret i relation til....... Afhandlingen argumenterer for, at mobil teknologi i hjemmeplejen med fordel kan forstås i en bredere socio-politisk og inter-organisatorisk sammenhæng, snarere end som en simpel it-løsning designet til at forandre administrative arbejdsgange i hjemmeplejen, idet dynamikken i det organisatoriske felt har haft...


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    Margo Purnomo


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang pentingnya kecocokan teknologi dalam manajemen usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM. Dengan asumsi bahwa sebuah penerapan teknologi dapat memiliki dampak kinerja positif hanya jika cocok dengan tugas yang sedang didukungnya bukan tingkat kecanggihan teknologi. Sayangnya, tidak semua teknologi cocok dengan pekerjaan yang sedang didukungnya. Namun demikian, model yang paling sering dikutip lebih banyak dikarakteristikkan pada fokus pemanfaatan bukan pada kecocokannya. Berangkat dari kondisi ini, justru jika melihat perkembangannya terlihat bahwa telah terjadi metamorfosis model pengaruh teknologi informasi terhadap kinerja. Dengan ini diharapkan UMKM dapat memperoleh masukan dan pemahaman baru dalam penggunaan teknologi.This study explains the importance of suitable technology in Small and Medium Enterprerises (SMEs. An applied technology has a positive impact on performance, only if it is appropiate with the jobs that is supported, not with the level of sophisticated technology. Unfortunately, not all of such technology will be suitable with the jobs, they are supported. Nevertheless, model which is used to be cited is more being characterized in the focus of using, not in the appropiateness. Starting from this condition, if we are reffering to the development, there will be a metamorphosis model of technology influence toward performance. It is expected that UMKM will get some input and new understanding in the using of technology.


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    Iwan Vanany


    Full Text Available This paper explores the benefit and barriers of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification technology adoption in Indonesian hospitals context. The investigation methods of this research used interview and semi-structured questionnaire on RFID consultants, RFID researchers, and big hospital managers in Java Island. The benefits and barriers of RFID technology adoption are identified from literature review. The barriers of RFID technology adoption are divided into two aspects, i.e., as business and technology aspects. The results of this study suggest that the benefits of RFID technology adoption are dominated of intangible benefit. Most of the respondents believed that the main barriers of RFID technology adoption are (1 the complexity of RFID technology (2 the lack of complete and valid information, and (3 there is no sufficient budget available. The detail of the outcomes and the implications of this reasarch are also discussed. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Makalah ini berupaya mengeksplorasi manfaat dan hambatan dari pengadopsian teknologi RFID (Radio Frequency Identification dalam konteks rumah sakit di Indonesia. Metode investigasi dari penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan kuesioner semi-struktur untuk konsultan, peneliti teknologi RFID dan manajer rumah sakit berkatagori besar di Pulau Jawa. Manfaat-manfaat dan hambatan-hambatan dari pengadopsian teknologi RFID telah diidentifikasi dari studi literatur. Hambatan dari pengadopsian teknologi RFID dibagi menjadi dua (2 aspek yaitu hambatan dari aspek bisnis dan teknologi. Temuan dari studi ini meyakini bahwa manfaat dari pengadopsian teknologi RFID didominasi oleh manfaat yang bersifat intangible. Sebagian besar responden meyakini bahwa hambatan utama dari pengadopsian teknologi RFID adalah: (1 kompleksnya teknologi RFID, (2 ketiadaan informasi yang lengkap dan valid, (3 tidak tersedianya anggaran yang cukup. Detail dari hasil studi dan implikasinya akan didiskusikan selanjutnya. Kata kunci


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    Mimin Nur Aisyah


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Pengaruh Technology Readiness terhadap Penerimaan Teknologi Komputer pada UMKM di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekplorasi pengaruh kesiapan teknologi terhadap persepsi kemanfaatan sistem dan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan sistem serta pengaruh kedua persepsi terhadap teknologi tersebut terhadap minat menggunakan teknologi komputer dalam membantu proses bisnis pada UMKM di Yogyakarta.  Sampel penelitian ini sejumlah 498 UMKM yang terdaftar di Disperindagkop Yogyakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Data diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data dan uji hipotesis menggunakan model Partial-Least-Square (PLS. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kesiapan teknologi terhadap persepsi kemanfaatan sistem dan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan sistem, serta terdapat pengaruh persepsi kemanfaatan teknologi dan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan teknologi terhadap minat menggunakan teknologi komputer dalam membantu proses bisnis pada UMKM di Yogyakarta.   Kata kunci: kesiapan teknologi, persepsi kemanfaatan, persepsi kemudahan penggunaan, minat menggunakan, UMKM Abstract: The Effect of Technology Readiness toward Acceptance of Computer Technology on SMEs in Yogyakarta. This research aims to explore the effect of technology readiness to the perceived of usefulness of system and perceived ease of use of the system and the influence of both perceptions of these technologies to the behavioral intention of computer technology in business processes in SMEs in Yogyakarta. The research sample number of 498 SMEs were registered in Disperindagkop Yogyakarta. The sampling technique using simple random sampling technique. The data were obtained using a questionnaire. Data analysis and hypothesis testing using a model of the Partial-Least-Square (PLS. The research found that there are significant technology readiness to the perception of the benefit system and perceived ease of use of the system


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    R. Ceha


    Full Text Available Dalam upaya peningkatan mutu mengajar dan mutu pembelajaran di era globalisasi, guru sebaiknya menguasai program komputer, agar dapat memanfaatkan teknologi yang telah tersedia dan untuk memudahkan dalam mengajar. Guru hendaknya dapat menggunakan peralatan yang lebih ekonomis, efisien, dan mampu dimiliki oleh sekolah, tidak menolak digunakannya peralatan teknologi modern yang relevan dengan tuntutan masyarakat dan perkembangan zaman, serta mempunyai berbagai keterampilan yang mendukung tugasnya dalam mengajar. Salah satu keterampilan tersebut adalah bagaimana seorang guru dapat menggunakan media pembelajaran (Syaiful Bahri, 2006. Guru dapat membuat kreasi dan variasi media interaktif, pembuatan CD pembelajaran interaktif, powerpoint, dan dengan media komputer. Masalah utama yang dihadapi mitra saat ini adalah kemampuan guru dalam pemanfaatan IT atau ICT untuk kegiatan pembelajaran belum merata. Selain itu juga masih adanya kesenjangan literasi TIK antar wilayah di satu sisi dan perkembangan internet yang juga membawa dampak negatif terhadap nilai dan norma masyarakat sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya secara aktif dari semua stakeholder sekolah dalam peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diusulkan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru mengenai pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada kegiatan pembelajaran, meningkatkan kemampuan guru untuk membuat bahan ajar pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada di sekolah mitra dalam pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi untuk peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran

  16. Arkitektur, materialer, teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    En redigeret samling af bidrag til en "tænkt" lærebog om arkitektur, materialer og teknologi, udført af studerende i forbindelse med kursus 0.021. Bygning, produkt og projekt, september 2004. Består af ca. 100 artikler, inddelt efter materialer som tegl, træ, sten, beton, metal, glas, plast...

  17. Eksplorasi Teknologi Big Data Hadoop Untuk Sistem Aplikasi Berbasis Komunitas

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    Gede Karya


    Full Text Available Pada tahun 2014, telah dikembangkan aplikasi pembukuan untuk usaha mikro dan kecil (UMK berbasis mobile cloud. Aplikasi tersebut dikembangkan dengan teknologi mobile berbasis Android, teknologi web dan web service serta menggunakan basis data MySQL sebagai back-end. Dengan populasi usaha mikro sebanyak 55,1 juta unit usaha di Indonesia dan terus berkembang, maka aplikasi pembukuan UMK berpotensi digunakan oleh banyak user. Hal ini menimbulkan kebutuhan akan layanan pengelolaan data yang sangat besar baik volume maupun pertumbuhannya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dipersiapkan sisi back-end dengan teknologi big-data processing untuk menjamin ketersediaan dan kehandalan layanan kepada pengguna UMK. Makalah ini fokus pada eksplorasi teknologi big-data Hadoop yang saat ini banyak diterapkan untuk aplikasi komunitas seperti: Google, Facebook, Twitter, dan Amazon. Pembahasan diawali dengan studi tentang Hadoop dan ekosistemnya, kemudian merumuskan pola adopsi untuk aplikasi berbasis komunitas. Setelah itu pola dan teknologi tersebut diterapkan untuk mengembangkan back-end aplikasi pembukuan UMK berbasis mobile cloud. Hasil studi dan penerapannya menunjukkan bahwa Hadoop dapat diadopsi pada aplikasi pembukuan UMK khususnya HBase. Untuk memudahkan akses dan meminimalkan usaha modifikasi, maka akses HBase dari aplikasi dapat menggunakan Apache Phoenix Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC dari beberapa opsi yang tersedia.

  18. Identifikasi Materi Mata Kuliah Teknologi Kendaraan Lanjut

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    Joko Sriyanto


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan isi/materi mata kuliah Teknologi Kendaraan Lanjut (TKL di Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. TKL merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang dikembangkan oleh Jurdiknik Otomotif FT UNY untuk mewadahi perkembangan terkini teknologi otomotif yang akan mulai diberlakukan pada tahun ajaran 2009/2010.Permasalahan di atas dicari jawabannya dengan mengembangkan konsensus dari expert panel yaitu dosen dan praktisi bidang otomotif menggunakan metode Delphi. Metode Delphi adalah suatu metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh pendapat dan konsensus dari sekelompok ahli (expert secara sistematis melalui serangkaian kuesioner tanpa harus mempertemukan mereka secara langsung/tatap muka. Dua putaran Delphi akan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dan mengembangkan konsensus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi terbaru di bidang otomotif yang harus diberikan kepada mahasiswa berdasarkan konsensus dari para ahli di bidang otomotif adalah: (1 Common rail, (2 ASV (Advanced Safety Vehicle, (3 Intellegent Tester seri 2, (4 Hybrid System, dan (5 Smart Entry System.

  19. Development of a Portable Sensitive Equipment Decontamination System. Volume 2: Activated Carbon Fiber Wipe (United States)


    purposes of advertisement . This report has been approved for public release. Registered users should request additional copies from the Defense Technical...vii 46. Results withlOO% well contamination of the keypad 84 47. Location of recovered DEP after spray tests 85 48. Fraction original DEP left on...Polyester o Under Armour Hcatgcar - 95% Polyester, 5% Lycra o Under Armour Heatgear - 80% Polyester, 20% Lycra 3.1.3 Backing Fabric (E.I


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    Apri Kuntariningsih


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKTeknologi pertanian diharapkan dapat membantu petani untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan. Berbagai teknologi pertanian telah diperkenalkan dan disebarluaskan kepada petani, tetapi sebagian besar petani pedesaan masih dianggap tertinggal dari masyarakat lain. Kajian ini bertujuan  mempelajari kegagalan penyebaran teknologi pertanian dalam mengentaskan kemiskinan di daerah pedesaan. Berdasar kajian ini nantinya diharapkan mampu merumuskan strategi dari asepk sosiologis terkait penyebaran teknologi pertanian. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor sosial, ekonomi dan kelembagaan perlu mendapat perhatian lebih dari pembuat kebijakan baik di tingkat nasional dan lokal dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan dampak diseminasi teknologi pertanian dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan petani di daerah pedesaan.ABSTRACTAgricultural technology is expected to help farmers to improve welfare. Various agricultural technologies have been introduced and disseminated to farmers, but to some extents, peasants are still considered lag behind other communities. This paper is conducted investigate the failure of agricultural technologies dissemination in alleviating poverty in rural areas. This strudy showssocial, economic and institutional factors that need more attention from policy makers both at national and local levels in orde to improve impact of agricultural technology dissemination in escalating farmers’ welfare in rural areas. 

  1. Katalog Penjualan Rumah Berbasis Android Menggunakan Teknologi Augmented Reality dan Virtual Reality

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    Alders Paliling


    Full Text Available Penerapan teknologi augmented reality kian diminati oleh pihak produsen untuk memasarkan produk  yang dihasilkan. Teknologi augmented reality mampu meproyeksikan objek dua dimensi ataupun tiga dimensi kedalam lingkungan nyata. Teknologi virtual reality mampu membawa pengguna masuk kedalam lingkungan virtual sehingga pengguna merasa berada dalam lingkungan virtual. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknologi augmented reality yang mampu memproyeksikan objek tiga dimensi rumah sehingga katalog menjadi lebih nyata,  dan teknologi virtual reality yang membuat pengguna berinteraksi langsung dengan objek tiga dimensi rumah dan merasa berada di dalam rumah. Aplikasi yang dibangun memanfaatkan sensor accelerometer yang tertanam dalam perangkat mobile android yang memungkinkan pengguna melihat seisi ruangan dengan memiringkan perangkat mobile android kekiri dan kekanan. Jumlah kamera virtual yang digunakan berjumlah lima yang diletakkan di ruang tamu, ruang keluarga, ruang kamar utama, ruang kamar anak, dan ruang dapur. Aplikasi ini berjalan pada platform android dan menggunakan personal komputer sebagai server yang menyimpan data informasi rumah. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini pengguna dapat merasakan suasana berbeda dalam melihat sebuah katalog. . Kata kunci—Augmentd Reality, Virtual Reality, Katalog, Android

  2. Rancang Bangun Sistem Pilkades Menggunakan Teknologi Smart Card Sebagai Kartu Pemilih

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    I Putu Indra Permana


    Full Text Available Pemilihan Kepala Desa (Pilkades merupakan proses yang tidak terpisahkan dari Negara Indonesia sebagai negara demokrasi. Pilkades saat ini masih menggunakan sistem pemungutan suara (voting secara konvensional, menggunakan media kertas untuk melakukan proses pemilihan. Pelaksanaan sistem voting konvensional tersebut mempunyai banyak kelemahan seperti menghitung hasil voting relatif lebih lama dan menggunakan perhitungan manual. Perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi informasi saat ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan voting Pilkades secara lebih baik yang menjadi solusi cerdas akan kemajuan teknologi yang dapat menggantikan sistem voting konvensional, yaitu dengan media sistem elektronik voting (e-voting menggunakan teknologi smart card sebagai kartu pemilih. Sistem dikemas dalam bentuk aplikasi yang dipasang/di-install pada komputer dan reader/writer tools sebagai media untuk membaca/menulis pada smart card. Sistem e-voting Pilkades dengan teknologi smart card telah berhasil dijalankan dan menghasilkan dashboard hasil voting Pilkades dengan menunjukkan jumlah voting dalam bentuk angka, persentase (%, grafik dan diagram.

  3. Teknologi Hijau Warisan Nenek Moyang di Tanah Parahyangan

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    Handajani Asriningpuri


    Full Text Available Masyarakat tradisional umumnya tidak berkebutuhan majemuk; sederhana; bersahaja; dan menerima keberadaan alam sebagai sahabat, bahkan merupakan bagian kehidupannya. Keadaan ini terjadi di Kampung Naga, Garut, Tanah Parahyangan sebagai suatu kearifan lokal. Dari sudut pandang arsitektur, hal tersebut menginspirasi konsep perancangan. Penelitian ini, membuktikan dari sudut pandang ilmu lingkungan dan arsitektur tentang adanya kaitan kearifan lokal dengan teknologi hijau yang menerapkan “green concept”(ZEB – Zero Energy Building dan 3R – Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. Metoda yang dilakukan adalah metoda diskriptif kualitatif berdasarkan data primer dan sekunder hasil observasi lapangan dan literatur. Kemudian dikaji melalui teori Aarsitektur dan pendekatan Teknologi Hijau, dan dibuktikan melalui Greenship Home Assestment (ketentuan GBCI – Green Building Council Indonesia Hasil kajian dan temuan pemahaman kearifan lokal, akan menginspirasi, membangkitkan semangat hijau, dan menambah wawasan bagiperancang bangunan. Bagi para regulator (pemerintah daerah kearifan lokal harus di pertahankan dan dapat menyadarkan penduduk kampung Naga untuk tetap berkehidupan sesuai ketentuan yang di yakini. Kata Kunci : Green Concept, Kampung Naga, Kearifan lokal, Teknologi Arsitektur

  4. Penerapan Framework COBIT untuk Identifikasi Tingkat Kematangan Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi: Studi Kasus di Fasilkom Unwidha

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    Agustinus Suradi


    Full Text Available Perkembangan IT sebagai media komunikasi data hingga saat ini berkembang sangat pesat. Peranan teknologi informasi dalam suatu lembaga sangat krusial, namun  masalah  yang sering terjadi di lembaga/ instansi adalah penggunaan teknologi informasi yang ternyata tidak sesuai dengan harapan, oleh karena itu diperlukan tata kelola terhadap penggunaan teknologi informasi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi di Fasilkom Unwidha adalah adanya ketidak puasan layanan IT yang diberikan, terdapatnya gangguan layanan yang tidak segera diatasi, adanya koordinasi maintenance infrastruktur IT yang kurang optimal. Sehingga perlu adanya evaluasi terhadap tata kelola teknologi informasi yang diberikan untuk penyelarasan dengan tujuan organisasi agar visi yang diharapkan dapat tercapai. Penelitian ini membahas tentang kondisi tata kelola teknologi informasi di Fasilkom Unwidha, dan sejauh mana telah menerapkan tata kelola teknologi informasi yang baik. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan  framework Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT. Hasil dari analisis ini berupa tingkat kematangan tata kelola  teknologi informasi  yang  mencerminkan  kondisi  tata  kelola  teknologi informasi  di  Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Unwidha. Tingkat kematangan dengan mengacu pada maturity level yang disediakan kerangka kerja COBIT, diperoleh nilai  kematangan 2,84 yaitu pada level Defined Process. Sistem memiliki ruang lingkup Business Goals sebanyak 13, IT Goals sebanyak 18, IT Process sebanyak 30 proses dan 4 Domain.

  5. Hubungan Multitasking Teknologi Informasi Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja (Studi Kasus: Mahasiswa ITS

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    Galang Arga Marendha


    Full Text Available Pada era globalisasi saat ini cara hidup individu umumnya para remaja dan dewasa yang selalu bergerak cepat dalam mendapatkan informasi terbaru agar tidak tertinggal dari yang lain memungkinkan melakukan pekerjaan secara bersamaan. Mayoritas dari individu-individu menganggap melakukan banyak pekerjaan sekaligus dapat digunakan sebagai solusi yang tepat. Dengan kemajuan teknologi saat ini dan perilaku seperti itu, banyak sekali contoh pekerjaan yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama seperti halnya mengirim e-mail saat sedang menonton televisi maupun membuat laporan saat rapat. Teknologi informasi tersebut merupakan komponen yang mendukung peningkatan produktivitas kerja. Dalam hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan perbandingan antara skenario 1 dengan 2 dan skenario 1 dengan 3 berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja karena adanya penambahan tugas me-resume video dan mengerjakan 10 soal matematika, sedangkan perbandingan skenario 2 dengan skenario 3 didapatkan dari hasil wawancara terhadap responden bahwa tidak adanya pengaruh pada produktivitas kerja dikarenakan penambahan tugas me-resume video skenario 2 lebih sulit dari tugas me-resume video skenario 3 serta penambahan 10 soal matematika tidak menjadi masalah dalam pengerjaan skenario 3. Dalam hasil hubungan multitasking teknologi informasi skenario 1 didapatkan hasil 33,1% terhadap produktivitas kerja, kemudian hubungan multitasking teknologi informasi skenario 2 didapatkan hasil 23,6% terhadap produktivitas kerja, dan hubungan multitasking teknologi informasi skenario 3 didapatkan hasil 24,8% terhadap produktivitas kerja. Sehingga dari pengerjaan skenario 2 dan 3 produktivitas kerja responden menurun dikarenakan adanya tambahan kuantitas pengerjaan.


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    I Gede Ratnaya


    Full Text Available Sampai saat ini perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan telah menghantarkan masyarakat menuju babak baru yaitu babak yang memanfaatkan peralatan-peralatan yang merupakan hasil dari teknologi. Penggunaan tenaga manusia yang semakin hari semakin kecil volumenya sering kali menyebabkan orang kehilangan pekerjaannya karena tugasnya telah tergantikan oleh peralatan atau mesin. Sebagai sarana penyampaian informasi dan komunikasi, komputer bisa dipakai sebagai sarana berinternetan. Lewat internet orang bisa mencari bermacam-macam informasi dan berkomunikasi. Peran yang dapat diberikan oleh aplikasi teknologi informasi ini adalah mendapatkan informasi untuk kehidupan pribadi seperti informasi tentang kesehatan, hobi, rekreasi, dan rohani. Selain memberikan keuntungan, ternyata peralatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi juga memberikan dampak negatif bagi penggunanya. Dampak negatif tersebut muncul sebagai akibat dari penggunaan yang salah atau tidak bertanggung jawab dari yang menggunakan. Beberapa dampak negatif tersebut adalah 1. Anak lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu menonton TV ketimbang melakukan hal lainnya (seperti belajar dan olah raga, 2. Anak kehilangan kemampuan berbaur dengan masyarakat dan cenderung nyaman dengan kehidupan online, 3 Adanya pelanggaran hak cipta, 4.  Kejahatan di internet, 5. Penyebaran virus komputer, dan 6. Pornografi, perjudian, penipuan, tayangan kekerasan. Adapun cara mengatasi dampak-dampak negatif tersebut adalah : 1. Gunakan teknologi untuk menjalin hubungan dengan orang yang sudah dikenal, 2. Cari komunitas positif  yang sering melakukan pertemuan didunia nyata, 3. Perlunya penegakkan hukum yang berlaku dengan dibentuknya polisi internet, 4. Menghindari pemakaian telepon seluler yang berfitur canggih oleh anak-anak dibawah umur dan lebih mengawasi penggunaan telepon seluler, 5. Perbanyak membaca buku-buku yang bersifat edukatif dan bersifat keimanan serta aplikasi komputer yang bersifat mendidik, dan 6. Perlunya pengaturan

  7. Menakar Peranan Pustakawan dalam Implementasi Teknologi Informasi di Perpustakaan

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    Agung Nugrohoadhi


    Full Text Available Pustakawan dalam era teknologi informasi ini perlu mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi era perpustakaan digital. Kemampuan dalam beradaptasi dengan lingkungan ini amat diperlukan karena pemustaka sendiri tentunya  mengharapkan layanan yang berorientasi pada teknologi maju sehingga keakuratan data dan kecepatan informasi dapat diperoleh. Khususnya pada perpustakaan yang melayani lembaga perguruan tinggi akan selalu berkembang baik jumlah koleksi, fasilitas maupun pengembangan profesionalisme para pustakawan. Dalam mendukung aktivitas  kegiatan ini perpustakaan  diharapkan akan selalu sigap dalam menyiapkan kebutuhan pemustaka sehingga koleksi yang disediakan mampu mengimbangi kebutuhan informasi yang diperlukan.

  8. Sæbeopera som Forestillingsgenererende Teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waltorp, Karen


    Gennem en række empiriske eksempler fra Mauretanien, Danmark og Sydafrika analyserer artiklen dramaserier på tv som en art social teknologi, der tillader infor- manterne at generere forestillinger om andre liv og andre verdener, der på én gang er langt væk og tæt på. 'Soap operas' produceret i USA...

  9. Studi dan Uji Coba Teknologi Bluetooth sebagai Alternatif Komunikasi Data Nirkabel


    Yulia, Yulia; Santoso, Leo Willyanto


    In Bahasa Indonesia : Bluetooth adalah suatu teknologi baru yang mulai dikenal dan digunakan. Teknologi ini memberikan Perubahan yang signifikan terhadap peralatan elektronik yang kita gunakan. Jika kita melihat sekeliling kita dimana keyboard dihubungkan pada komputer. Demikian juga halnya dengan printer, mouse, monitor dan lain sebagainya. Semua peralatan itu dihubungkan dengan menggunakan kabel. Akibatnya terjadi masalah banyak kabel yang dibutuhkan di kantor, rumah atau tempat-tempat...


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    Kridanto Surendro


    Full Text Available Many believe that information technology will be the major driver for economic wealth in the 21st century, but investing in information technology implementation on supporting corporate business process have a huge risk of failure because of the huge investment involved. There is a need of a comprehensive and structured IT governance from design until monitoring phase. This paper was trying to propose an IT governance model for a fertilizer company as a strategic state company in Indonesia’s macro economics. It identified current IT implementation, governance model requirements aligned with corporate resources and vision and mission base on COBIT standard. COBIT Standard is used because it has a good combination of the width and the depth of IT governance processes compared to other standards. Identification of current IT process maturity level showed that 50% of COBIT IT processes have maturity scale at 2, 37,5% at 1, and 12,5% at 3. None of current IT process maturity level had the same level with the expected one, so all of the process had a gap to be closed. The action in closing the maturity gap need a hard work for PT XYZ management. There are actions about defining policies and procedures, documentation of the defined policies and procedures, and a routine reviews of it. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Teknologi Informasi diyakini sebagai pendukung utama tercapainya tujuan perusahaan di abad 21 ini, namun investasi penerapan teknologi informasi dalam menunjang proses bisnis suatu perusahaan mempunyai resiko kegagalan yang cukup besar dikarenakan nilai investasi yang menyertainya cukup besar. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu tatakelola teknologi informasi yang komprehensif dan terstruktur dari mulai perancangan sampai pengawasannya. Makalah ini mencoba memberikan suatu usulan model tatakelola teknologi informasi di sebuah pabrik pupuk yang merupakan salah satu BUMN yang mempunyai nilai strategis dalam menunjang makro ekonomi di Indonesia


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    Wahyu Susihono


    Full Text Available PT Sumiati Ekspor Internasinal bergerak pada usaha penjualan handycraft yang dipasok oleh lima industri kecil binaannya. Perusahaan akan melakukan privatisasi dalam waktu dekat, manajer pusat menginginkan ada satu industri kecil mengambil alih pengelolaan. Pihak manajemen perusahaan menghendaki ada penilaian teknologi secara internal dan eksternal kepada lima industri kecil binaanya sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan. Dalam Penelitian ini dilakukan penilaian kepada semua industri kecil pemasokhandycraft dengan pendekatan model teknometrik, yaitu memperkirakan derajat sophistication komponen teknologi, evaluasi tiap komponen technoware, humanware, inforware dan organware dan menilai state-of-the-art. Kuesioner yang disebarkan dari lima industri kecil diolah menggunakan pairwise comparison Analytic Hierarchy Process”(AHP, dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan TCC (Technology Contribution Coefficient. Penilaian internal perusahaan dilakukan dengan model DEA (data envelopment analysis. Hasil akhir TCC dan DEA secara kuantitatif dibandingkan. Hasil TCC (Technology Contribution Coefficient secara berturut-turut dari industry yang memperoleh nilai terbesar adalah Industri Maharani 52.23%, Industri Bestari 42.87%, Industri Priyo 41.51%, Industri Rizky 32.66%, Industri Teguh 31.93%. Unsur kontribusi teknologi terbesar yang dihasilkan industri Maharani adalah organware, sedangkan empat perusahaan lainnya humanware. Unsur teknologi yang harus dikembangkan dalam jangka pendek untuk semua industri kecil adalah technoware. Hasil penilaian internal perusahaan dengan model DEA menunjukan bahwa industri Maharani mempunyai rangking tertinggi, sedangkan Industri Rizki pada rangking terrendah. Model teknometrik dikombinasi pairwise comparison AHP dan DEA dapat membantu perusahaan besar melakukan penilaian teknologi kepada industri kecil sejenis. Kata Kunci : penilaian teknologi, model teknometrik, pairwise comparison AHP, DEA   Abstract Sumiati Export International

  12. Dialogmøte om teknologi for trenging av fisk i merd


    Henriksen, Kristian; Sunde, Leif Magne; Digre, Hanne; Svendsen, Erik; Rundtop, Per; Erikson, Ulf Gøran


    SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk arrangerte den 19. mars 2013, i samarbeid med Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens forskningsfond (FHF), et dialogmøte med fokus på teknologi for trenging av fisk i merd. Under møtet ble status for gjeldene teknologi og operasjoner for trenging av fisk i merd, samt resultater fra forskningsprosjekter tilknyttet trengeprosessen, presentert. Videre ble det samlet innspill om utfordringer tilknyttet trenging av fisk i produksjons- og ventemerd fra oppdrettsbedrifter, leverandø...

  13. Kinerja Perusahaan Terkait dengan Terapan dan Kompetensi Teknologi Informasi

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    Eko Purwanto


    Full Text Available AbstractInvestment in information technology (IT implementation in organizations tends to increase manufacturing in Indonesia. Various studies show that implementation of IT that is applied has a major impact on company performance. This study aims to answer, whether at manufacturing organizations in Indonesia, the implementation of IT is applied and competencies have an impact, both directly and indirectly to the performance. The sample of this study is a company registered in the Department of Industry and Trade in East Java, which apply information and communication technologies in local area network. There are 117 companies with 500 employees or more participated in this study. Data were analyzed using SEM, with the application of SPSS and AMOS. The results of this study indicate that the more complete implementation of information technology applied in the company, and the higher the competence of knowledge in information technology, the higher the company's organizational performance is achieved.Keywords: Implementation IT, Competence IT, Organization Performance.AbstrakPenerapan investasi di bidang teknologi informasi (TI dalam organisasi perusahaan cenderung meningkat di Indonesia. Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi TI yang diterapkan memiliki dampak besar pada kinerja perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab, apakah implementasi kompetensi TI di organisasi perusahaan di Indonesia memiliki dampak, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap kinerja. Sampel penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar di Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan di Jawa Timur yang mengaplikasikan informasi dan teknologi komunikasi dalam jaringan area lokal. Ada 117 perusahaan dengan 500 karyawan atau lebih berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan SEM, dengan aplikasi SPSS dan AMOS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi teknologi informasi yang lebih lengkap di perusahaan

  14. Tablet-teknologi i fysioterapi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Duus, Lene; Støve, Morten Pallisgaard; Harbo, Michael


    Projektbaggrund og formål: Med projektet har vi ønsket at udvikle, afdække, implementere og afprøve funktionalitet og design af en app-baseret elektronisk genoptræningsportal. I projektet er der afprøvet en app. rettet mod fysioterapeuten og en app. rettet mod patienten. Formålet var at afdække u...... undervisning i teknologien samt løbende support højt, hvorfor tidsaspektet for deltagerne bliver vigtig. Reference:, Duus, L & Støve Morten P, 2014. Tablet-teknologi i Fysioterapi....

  15. Analisis Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja COBIT 4.1 pada Fakultas Teknik Undip

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    Arini Arumana


    Full Text Available Peran teknologi informasi dalam suatu instansi sudah tidak dapat dielakkan lagi, mengingat perkembangannya yang begitu pesat seiring berjalannya waktu. Namun masalah yang sering terjadi di instansi adalah penggunaan teknologi informasi yang kadang tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan tata kelola terhadap penggunaan teknologi informasi yang biasa disebut dengan IT Governance. Fakultas teknik UNDIP adalah salah satu fakultas yang dalam operasionalnya sangat mengandalkan teknologi informasi, baik dalam aktifitas belajar mengajar maupun dalam menjalankan operasional bisnis. Kondisi sekarang di Fakultas Teknik sendiri tidak terdapat suatu indikator yang dapat menyatakan bahwa kinerja TI yang berjalan telah sesuai dengan visi dan misi Fakultas Teknik, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis tata kelola teknologi informasi, guna mengetahui performa TI sekarang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan oleh managemen atau tidak. Hasil dari analisis ini berupa tingkat kematangan tata kelola TI yang mecerminkan kondisi tata kelola TI di Fakultas Teknik dengan mengacu pada maturity level yang disediakan kerangka kerja COBIT 4.1, yakni dari level 0 (non-existent sampai 5 (optimized. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, secara garis besar kondisi kematangan tata kelola TI Fakultas Teknik berada pada level 2 yakni repeatable but intuitive. Kondisi ini mengacu pada beberapa kelemahan dalam proses-proses TI yang berjalan, diantaranya penetapan dan dokumentasi tindakan, kebijakan dan prosedur yang minim, serta tidak tersedianya service level yang disetujui bersama.


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    Debby Erce Sondakh


    Full Text Available Taksi merupakan layanan transportasi yang umum ditemui di daerah perkotaan. Untuk menggunakan layanan taksi pengguna dapat menunggu taksi yang lewat atau memesan melalui telepon. Kendala yang terjadi dari metode ini adalah panggilan telepon tidak tersambung karena operator sedang melayani konsumen lain, posisi taksi yang berada jauh dari konsumen, atau konsumen tidak mengetahui posisinya saat ini dengan tepat. Ketika menunggu taksi di jalan, pencarian taksi dapat memakan waktu lama. Makalah ini memaparkan tentang pengembangan aplikasi pencarian taksi berbasis teknologi Android, menggunakan model proses Rational Unified Process dari pendekatan rekayasa perangkat lunak. Implementasi teknologi web service menghasilkan aplikasi pencarian taksi terdekat yang dapat mengintegrasikan aplikasi berbasis web dengan platform berbeda, dengan aplikasi mobile berbasis sistem operasi Android. Pada aplikasi mobile, pengguna dapat mencari taksi terdekat sesuai perusahaan terdaftar yang dilacak menggunakan GPS dan melihat posisi taksi pada peta dari Google Maps Application Programming Interface, melihat informasi taksi, serta memesan taksi atau membatalkan pemesanan.


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    Satya Nugroho


    Full Text Available Currently, most of milk in Indonesia should be imported. It is about 78,89 %, and the rest, that is about 22,11% is from local production or local dairy farmers. However, there are some problems faced by the dairy farmers in Kecamatan Musuk. They are capital, workforces, and technology. This study aims at knowing the influence of capital, workforces, and technology to the milk production in Kecamatan Musuk. Ordinary Least Square (OLS was applied for analizing the data. The results show that the regression coefficient values of each independent variable (the variables of capital, workforces, and technology positively influence the production of milk. Based on the T-test (partial, the capital and workforces influence positively and significantly to the production. In addition, technology also has positive effect to the milk production, but it is not significant. Finally, based on F-test, the milk production is influenced by the capital, workforces and technology. It is 87%. Saat ini sebagian besar susu di Indonesia masih harus di impor (sekitar 78,89%, sedangkan 22,11%nya di pasok dari produksi susu domestik yang sebagian besar dihasilkan oleh peternak sapi perah rakyat. Namun ada beberapa permasalaham yang kerap dihadapi oleh peternak sapi perah di Kecamatan Musuk, baik dari segi permodalan, tenaga kerja maupun teknologi yang dipakai.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dari penggunaan faktor produksi modal, tenaga kerja dan teknologi terhadap hasil produksi susu sapi perah di Kecamatan Musuk. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda atau Ordinary Least Square (OLS.Hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa nilai koefisien regresi masing-masing variabel bebas yaitu variabel Modal, Tenaga Kerja, dan Teknologi berpengaruh secara positif terhadap produksi susu sapi perah. Dari hasil uji-t (parsial modal dan tenaga kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan sedangkan teknologi berpengaruh positif namun tidak


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    Atmoko Nugroho


    Full Text Available Tugas Akhir is the last stage that will surely passed by students to earn college scholarship. And one of the activities in the field of data administration is to manage file of Tugas Akhir, especially for the submission title and Coordinators of Tugas Akhir. Coordinators are often difficult to check the title of Tugas Akhir, if it has been filed or is pending, and the difficulties in monitoring the load guidance from their Supervisor of Tugas Akhir. This also forms the basis for making an Information System of Tugas Akhir (Sistem Informasi Tugas Akhir with the aim of assisting Jurusan Teknologi Informasi and students take this. Sistem Informasi Tugas Akhir called SITA also be made online this method applying Prototype system development. Prototype method according to Pressman has experienced several stages, namely: collection needs (listen to customers, design (built / REVISE mock-up and evaluation of prototypes (customer test-drives a mock-up. The collection needs to be done, among others, the acquisition of data. The data used in this information system is the data of Tugas Akhir of Jurusan Teknologi Informasi. The next stage in the design, researchers uses planning tool in the form of Unified Modeling Language system (UML and developed using the PHP programming language. System of web-based information created a purpose to be accessible without being restricted by time and place, whereas the benefit derived is facilitated student and coordinator duties in management of Tugas Akhir.





    2016 PENGARUH KESESUAIAN TUGAS-TEKNOLOGI, KUALITAS INFORMASI, DAN KUALITAS SISTEM TERHADAP KINERJA INDIVIDU PENGGUNA SISTEM ERP THE EFFECT OF TASK-TECHNOLOGY FIT, INFORMATION QUALITY, AND SYSTEM QUALITY TO ERP SYSTEM???S USER PERFORMANCE Sufenny Wijaya Oei Abdul Hamid Habbe Muhammad Achyar Ibrahim Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kesesuaian tugas-teknologi, kualitas informasi, dan kualitas sistem terhadap kinerja individu pengguna sistem Enterpr...

  20. Hjelmkamera som opmærksomhedsunderstøttende teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøhm, Mikkel; Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Peter; Nickelsen, Niels Christian


    Anvendelsen af en relativt simpel teknologi i form af et hjelmkamera kan understøtte og ændre opmærksomhed under og efter håndteringen af en operativ indsats. Hjelmkameraet er fastgjort til den overordnede leder fra brandvæsenet (indsatslederen). Gennem hjelmkameraet er det muligt at opnå indsigt...

  1. Perancangan Buku Batik Plumpungan Salatiga Dengan Menggunakan Teknologi Augmented Realty Berbasis Android

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    Ika Cahya Winata


    Full Text Available Batik Indonesia telah ditetapkan oleh United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO sebagai warisan kemanusiaan untuk budaya lisan dan non-bendawi pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2009. Pengakuan UNESCO ini meliputi teknik, teknologi serta motif batik Indonesia. Indonesia memiliki motif batik yang beragam, dan hampir disetiap daerah memiliki motif batik yang berbeda-beda. Batik Plumpungan Salatiga merupakan karya seni batik kontemporer yang didesain dari batu Prasasti Kota Salatiga. Batik Salatiga ini masih tergolong baru sehingga hanya dikenal oleh golongan tertentu saja. Untuk memperkenalkan batik Plumpungan Salatiga dibutuhkan media informasi yang dapat menarik masyarakat untuk lebih mengenal batik Plumpungan. Media buku dipilih sebagai sarana untuk memberikan informasi tentang batik Plumpungan Salatiga. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi dan permasalahan yang terjadi, Peneliti menggunakan teknologi Augmented Reality sebagai metode dalam memberikan informasi dan menarik minat masyarakat untuk lebih mengenal dan mengetahui tentang batik Plumpungan yang dapat dijalankan pada smartphone Android. Objek penelitian ini adalah batik Plumpungan Salatiga. Metode Augmented Reality ini sudah diujikan kepada pemilik batik dan 20 responden masyarakat didapatkan hasil metode Augmented Reality dapat memberikan informasi mengenai pengaplikasian motif batik Plumpungan Salatiga pada objek 3D yang ditampilkan.

  2. The Communicative Ability of Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak's Graduates (United States)

    Hassan, Sharifah Zakiah Wan; Hakim, Simon Faizal; Rahim, Mahdalela; Noyem, John Francis; Ibrahim, Sueb; Ahmad, Johnny; Jusoff, Kamaruzaman


    This study explores Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Sarawak graduating students' oral proficiency, focusing on grammatical accuracy. Oral proficiency in English has always been the benchmark of language proficiency, and in the context of UiTM's language teaching curriculum, efforts to enhance students' oral proficiency are implemented through…

  3. Evaluasi Kesesuaian Struktur Organisasi Pengelola Teknologi Informasi dengan Rencana Jangka Panjang Instansi (Studi Kasus pada Dinas XYZ

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    Arief Anwar Shodiq


    Full Text Available Setiap lembaga atau instansi memerlukan teknologi informasi (TI untuk mendukung banyak aktivitas dalam menangani proses bisnisnya. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan pengelolaan teknologi informasi yang ideal dan pembentukan struktur organisasi yang relevan dan dapat menjawab kebutuhan akan kelancaran proses bisnisnya. Tidak terkecuali pada Dinas XYZ sebagai lembaga pemerintahan yang bertugas sebagai pengelola pendidikan dan kebudayaan di tingkat provinsi. Dibutuhkan sebuah struktur organisasi pengelola teknologi informasi yang selaras dengan Rencana Jangka Panjang Instansi untuk mendukung tujuan bisnisnya. Dan ketika perencanaan strategis ini diperbaharui, struktur organisasi juga dituntut untuk diperbaharui mengikuti perubahan kebijakan yang baru. Untuk itu, diperlukan analisis komprehensif mengenai perancangan struktur organisasi yang ideal bagi Dinas XYZ ini, yang meliputi studi pendahuluan yang mengkaji literatur dan kondisi kekinian Dinas XYZ, identifikasi Business Goals, identifikasi IT Goals dan IT Process, penentuan struktur organisasi pengelola TI masa depan beserta tanggung jawab masing-masing bagian, dan analisis gap mengenai kondisi saat ini dan kebutuhan TI masa depan, yang semua itu disesuaikan dengan framework COBIT 4.1 sebagai acuan best practice bagi pengelolaan teknologi informasi.


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    Yulia Yulia


    Full Text Available Bluetooth is a new emerging technology. This technology gives significant changes for electronic devices that we are using. If we look around, a keyboard is connected to a computer. So does a printer, a mouse, a monitor and so on. This condition creates a problem of so many scattered wires installed in the offices, houses and other places. Another problem is how to inspect the damaging or boken wires. In this paper, we will have a discussion on specific applications of bluetooth such as services provided by the bluetooth technology; bluetooth method - how bluetooth devices make connections in a piconet; as well as investigation on bluetooth protocol stack. Bluetooth has succesfully built easy connection among devices from many vendor without using cables, with less power dan money. By using bluetooth, we can build small network or Piconet, consisting of several devices without cables. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Bluetooth adalah suatu teknologi baru yang mulai dikenal dan digunakan. Teknologi ini memberikan perubahan yang signifikan terhadap peralatan elektronik yang kita gunakan. Jika kita melihat sekeliling kita dimana keyboard dihubungkan pada komputer. Demikian juga halnya dengan printer, mouse, monitor dan lain sebagainya. Semua peralatan itu dihubungkan dengan menggunakan kabel. Akibatnya terjadi masalah banyak kabel yang dibutuhkan di kantor, rumah atau tempat-tempat lainnya. Masalah lain yang ditemui adalah bagaimana menelusuri kabel-kabel yang terpasang jika ada suatu kesalahan atau kerusakan. Bluetooth memperbaiki penggunaan teknologi kabel yang cenderung menyulitkan ini dengan cara menghubungkan beberapa peralatan tanpa menggunakan kabel. Pada karya tulis ini, dibahas aplikasi spesifik bluetooth, antara lain servis-servis apa saja yang disediakan oleh teknologi bluetooth; cara kerja bluetooth yaitu bagaimana bluetooth device melakukan koneksi di dalam sebuah piconet serta bluetooth protocol stack. Bluetooth telah berhasil

  5. Pendampingan Orang Tua pada Anak Usia Dini dalam Penggunaan Teknologi Digital [Parent Mentoring of Young Children in the Use of Digital Technology

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    Tesa Alia


    BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: Kemajuan teknologi memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap kehidupan masyarakat termasuk dalam ruang lingkup keluarga. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa kemajuan teknologi saat ini terutama berbasis layanan internet memberikan dampak positif dan juga dampak negatif bagi tumbuh kembang anak dalam keluarga. Anak-anak yang lahir setelah era tahun 1980-an merupakan generasi yang hidup di tengah majunya teknologi informasi dan beragam aplikasi sosial dimulai secara daring (online. Melalui gadget seperti smartphone, laptop, komputer, tablet, dan lain sebagainya memberikan kemudahan bagi anak untuk mengakses jaringan internet di mana pun dan kapan pun. Orang tua berperan penting dalam perkembangan komunikasi anak usia dini, khususnya anak di bawah usia lima tahun. Salah satu upaya orang tua dalam memberikan pendidikan bagi anak dalam keluarga di era digital seperti sekarang adalah dengan memberikan pendampingan dalam penggunaan teknologi bagi anak. Melalui pendampingan tersebut, orang tua dapat mengawasi anak dan mengarahkan konten-konten positif bagi anak untuk menggunakan kemajuan teknologi secara tepat  sesuai dengan masa tumbuh kembang anak.


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    Titik Aryati


    Keywords: the utilization of technology; modernization of tax administration system; personal taxpayers compliance. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pemanfaatan teknologi dan modernisasi sistem administrasi perpajakan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak pribadi. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah sistem administrasi perpajakan modern, peraturan pemerintah yang mendukung pemanfaatan teknologi informasi, modernisasi struktur organisasi, modernisasi strategi organisasi, peningkatan sumber daya manusia, good governance, dan whistleblowing system, sedangkan variabel dependennya adalah kepatuhan wajib pajak pribadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer, dengan memberikan kuesioner kepada responden secara online kepada Wajib Pajak orang pribadi dan diisi oleh 180 responden. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode convenience sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Secara parsial, hasil analisis dan hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa variabel sistem administrasi perpajakan modern, modernisasi strategi organisasi, tata pemerintahan yang baik dan sistem whistleblowing berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak pribadi, sedangkan variabel lainnya adalah: peraturan pemerintah, modernisasi struktur organisasi, dan Juga peningkatan sumber daya manusia tidak berdampak terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak pribadi. Kata Kunci: Pemanfaatan teknolog;  modernisasi sistem administrasi perpajakan; Kepatuhan wajib pajak pribadi.

  7. Analisis Kontribusi Teknologi Dan Produktivitas Di PT. Surya Jaya Tulungagung

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    Veronika Yulia Kusumawati


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Teknologi memiliki peranan penting dalam perkembangan berbagai industri.Pentingnya pengetahuan mengenai produktivitas merupakan sarana untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas perusahaan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Technology Contribution Coefficient (TCC untuk mengukur kandungan teknologi, pembobotan kriteria dengan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP, pengukuran produktivitas dengan American Productivity Center (APC, dan diagram Ishikawa untuk menganalisis permasalahan di PT. Surya Jaya, Tulungagung. Hasil penelitian menyajikan : 1 Skor TCC sebesar 0.49 dengan komponen yang memberikan kontribusi penting secara berturut-turut adalah Humanware>Orgaware>Inforware>Technoware.2 Indeks produktivitas total mengalami kenaikan dari tahun 2011 sampai 2012 dengan nilai sebesar 102,38 dan 104, 3 Indeks profitabilitas total mengalami kenaikan dari tahun 2011 sampai 2012 sebesar 102,57 dan 104,47, 4 Indeks perubahan harga tidak mengalami kenaikan maupun penurunan dari tahun 2011 sampai 2012 dengan nilai 1,00, 5 Strategi yang harus diperbaiki berdasarkan diagram Ishikawa meliputi semua input yaitu bahan baku, tenaga kerja, energi dan modal.   Kata Kunci :Produktivitas, TCC, AHP, APC

  8. Pemodelan Kanal Pada Jaringan Area Tubuh Nirkabel Menggunakan Teknologi Bluetooth

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    Rizal Nur Ibrahim


    Full Text Available Pada wireless body area network (WBAN, propagasi radio dari node sensor yang berada di permukaan tubuh manusia sangat kompleks dan unik bila dibandingkan dengan lingkungan yang lain karena tubuh manusia memiliki bentuk yang kompleks dan terdiri dari jaringan tubuh manusia yang berbeda-beda. Oleh karena itu, model kanalnya juga berbeda dengan model kanal di lingkungan lain. Telekomunikasi nirkabel pada aplikasi jaringan area tubuh membutuhkan Medium Access Control (MAC yang dapat beradaptasi, dinamis, dan fleksibel untuk mengatasi berbagai persyaratan aplikasi. MAC yang diusulkan menyesuaikan protokol komunikasi dan parameter yang berdasarkan kepada pencapaian konsumsi daya rendah dan laju data yang tinggi untuk itu dipilih salah satu teknologi komunikasi yang memungkinkan untuk hal ini yaitu Bluetooth. Pada tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan pemodelan kanal pada WBAN untuk mendapatkan bentuk kanal yang sesuai dengan kerakteristik tubuh manusia. Dimana pemodelan kanal ini di fokuskan pada teknologi Bluetooth dengan frekuensi 2,4 GHz. Selain itu, dalam pengerjaannya dilakukan simulasi menggunakan software MATLAB.

  9. Hviler Dansk Økonomi på en Cobb-Douglas teknologi?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harck, Søren H.

    Prisdannelsen og faktorefterspørgslen i Det økonomiske Råds sekretariats SMEC-model af dansk økonomi har siden 1998 været teoretisk begrundet i en underliggende Cobb-Douglas teknologi (i kombination med en antagelse om omkostningsminimering). I SMEC-forgængeren SMEC 94 var det derimod markup...

  10. Perancangan Dan Realisasi Sistem Transmisi Data GPS Menggunakan Teknologi SMS (Short Messaging Service) Sebagai Aplikasi Sistem Personal Tracking




    Abstrak Berprinsip pada pengembangan teknologi dan aplikasi dari sistem penjejakan posisi (tracking), maka dibuatlah sistem personal tracking dengan mentransmisikan data GPS (Global Positioning System) dengan menggunakan teknologi SMS (Short Messaging Service) pada jaringan GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) sebagai media transmisinya.  Dengan sistem GPS akan diperoleh data garis lintang, serta garis bujur dari GPS receiver.  Data tersebut akan diteruskan oleh mikrokontroler untuk ...

  11. Penentuan Koordinat Titik pada Teknologi Garis dalam Grafika Komputer dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Line Equation

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    Mufadhol Mufadhol


    Full Text Available Grafika  Komputer atau  computer graphics  adalah  bagian  dari ilmu  komputer yang  berkaitan  dengan pembuatan  dan  manipulasi gambar  (visual  secara  digital.  Bentuk sederhana  dari grafika  komputer adalah grafika  komputer 2D yang  kemudian  berkembang  menjadi grafika  komputer 3D.  Pola  penggambaran  yang paling sederhana adalah dengan menggunakan titik pada teknologi garis. Algoritma Line Equation merupakan salah satu metode untuk menentukan lokasi koordinat titik pada teknologi garis dalam grafika komputer dengan cara menentukan nilai gradien garis serta garis yang berpotongan dengan sumbu Y, sehingga bisa mengetahui pixel yang akan menyala pada screen coordinate


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    Anna Fitriya


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sistem inventori barang pada pertokoan telah banyak dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi. Pada Toko Karya Indah, kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan inventori barang masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga pihak toko kesulitan untuk mengetahui data barang yang masih tersedia, habis, atau hampir habis. Selain itu, proses yang dilakukan membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sistem inventori barang. Sistem dibangun dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL. Sistem disertai teknologi AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML, khususnya AJAX autocomplete dan AJAX validasi. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah pengolahan data pada sistem inventori barang dengan menggunakan AJAX dapat dilakukan dengan lebih cepat dari pada tanpa AJAX. Kata kunci: sistem inventori, AJAX.


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    Mohammad Idhom


    Full Text Available Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia merupakan proses dan struktur hubungan yang mengendalikan dan mengarahkan suatu organisasi perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi dengan menambahkan nilai agar teknologi informasi dan prosesnya dapat diseimbangkan dengan resikonya. Diperlukan sebuah evaluasi sumber daya manusia dibidang teknologi informasi untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkatan pengelolaan terhadap sumber daya manusia di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Telematika saat ini. Sumber daya manusia di bidang teknologi informasi pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Telematika membutuhkan pengembangan dan pengelolaan sesuai dengan harapan organisasi. Melihat terbatasnya sumber daya manusia di bidang teknologi informasi pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Telematika sangat terbatas sehingga kegiatan operasional masih belum efektif dan memenuhi sasaran yang diharapkan. Melihat kondisi organisasi yang mengalami terbatas pada sumber daya manusia di bidang teknologi informasi dilakukan evaluasi secara detail dengan menggunakan COBIT 4.1.Dalam melakukan evaluasi sumber daya manusia dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT  yang berfokus pada Domain PO7 diharapkan dapat memberikan acuan dan perbaikan yang lebih efektif terhadap organisasi ke depannya.

  14. Analisis Kelayakan Implementasi Teknologi LTE 1.8 GHz Bagi Operator Seluler di Indonesia [Feasibility Analysis of LTE 1.8 GHz for Mobile Operators in Indonesia

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    Sri Ariyanti


    Full Text Available Peningkatan kebutuhan layanan data mendorong operator telekomunikasi berusaha mengimplementasikan jaringan akses broadband yang lebih handal.  Teknologi LTE merupakan salah satu teknologi dengan kecepatan mencapai tiga kali dibanding teknologi HSDPA, sehingga diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan data mobile. Refarming frekuensi 1.8 GHz  untuk penerapan teknologi LTE memberikan efisiensi karena tidak perlu membayar BHP lagi untuk menyewa frekuensi baru. Teknologi 2G GSM selama ini juga semakin ditinggalkan, masyarakat di daerah perkotaan cenderung lebih banyak menggunakan layanan data.  Sebelum diterapkannya teknologi LTE pada frekuensi 1.8 GHz perlu adanya kajian untuk mengetahui kelayakan teknologi LTE pada frekuensi 1.8 GHz. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan cost-benefit analysis implementasi LTE pada frekuensi 1.8 GHz.  Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitataif yang didukung dengan data kuantitatif.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minimal bandiwdth yang diperlukan agar implementasi LTE layak digunakan adalah 15 MHz.  Meskipun tanpa Global Frequency Returning, penggunaan bandwidth 10 MHz tidak layak digunakan untuk implementasi LTE.      *****The incresing of data demand drives mobile operators to implement more reliable broadband access network. LTE technology has downlink peak rate up to three times than HSDPA,  hence it may fulfill the mobile data user requirement. Frequency 1.8 GHz refarming can be implemented to provide efficiency because They do not need to pay licence fee for leasing new frequency. GSM technology will be abandoned since it is not growing anymore. Besides that, dense urban users tend to use data mobile.  Before implementing LTE technology  on 1.8 GHz frequency, It is necessary to analysis the feasibility such technology. This research used qualitative method supported by quantitative  approach.  The result of this research showed that minimum bandwidth to implement 1.8 GHz LTE

  15. The modal transfer analysis by adding transport costs. Case study: The use of bus and private vehicle student Institut Teknologi Sumatera (United States)

    Muliarto, H.; Alhamidi; Syahbandi, M.


    Since the last two years the Institut Teknologi Sumatera to accept new students in large numbers. Increasing the number of students is directly proportional to the increase of private vehicles that enter the campus it is not in line with the policy of the Institut Teknologi Sumatera as Smart, Friendly, and Forest Campus. Institut Teknologi Sumatera as Smart, Friendly, and Forest Campus fact has made some deal with mass public transport, Damri, to provide bus transportation to the Institut Teknologi Sumatera, but the number of bus users is still inferior to the number of private vehicle users. This study was conducted to see the modal transfer of the entire academic community ITERA, from private cars to public transport such as buses, with the addition of transportation costs in the form of parking rates. This study shows the dominant displacement can occur if the respondent charged parking fees of IDR 4.000. Besides the displacement mode of transportation from using private vehicles be using the bus can occur if Trans Lampung fix three systems including bus departure and arrival schedules, facility service providers that support, and the addition of the Bus Trans Lampung.


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    Arsono Laksmana


    Full Text Available The understanding of the antecedent conditions influencing the design of management accounting systems (MAS is very limited. Recently, researchers focus their attention on the understanding how different contingency variables influence MAS. The results of these studies have been, at best, equivocal and numerous calls have been made for further research.This study examines the role of management accounting system characteristics on the relationship to information technology, interdependence and managerial performance. Management accounting system characteristics was defined to the extent on which managers use broad scope MAS information for managerial decision making. Hypotheses were generated for indirect effects of contingency variables. The responses of 110 managers, drawn from manufacturing companies in East Java, were analyzed using a structural equation modelling (SEM. The results indicate that management accounting system characteristics act as a mediator in the relationship between information technology, organizational interdependence and managerial performance. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rancangan sistem akuntansi manajemen (SAM masih sangat terbatas. Akhir-akhir ini perhatian peneliti telah dicurahkan untuk memahami bagaimana variabel kontinjensi yang berbeda mempengaruhi SAM. Banyak penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan hasil yang tidak konsisten, karenanya diperlukan penelitian-penelitian lanjutan. Penelitian ini mengkaji peran karakterisrik sistem akuntansi manajemen terhadap hubungan antara teknologi informasi, saling ketergantungan dan kinerja manajerial. Karakteristik SAM didefinisikan sebagai tingkat dimana manajer menggunakan informasi SAM scope untuk pengambilan keputusan manajerial. Respon yang diperoleh dari 110 manajer yang bekerja pada perusahaan industri manufaktur di Jawa Timur dianalisa dengan menggunakan structural equation modelling (SEM. Hasil penelitian


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    Supardi Supardi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan dan menguji secara empiris hubungan faktor sosial dengan cognitive absorption dan hubungannya terhadap faktor kepercayaan-kepercayaan (perceived ease of use dan perceived usefulness dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi pada proses belajar mengajar diperguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sebanyak 125 dosen jurusan akuntansi di propinsi Yogyakarta sebagai responden. Faktor sosial diukur dengan menggunakan pengaruh rekan sejawat, cognitive absorption diukur dengan menggunakan lima dimensi yaitu temporal dissociation, focused immertion, heightened enjoyment, control, dan curiosity serta kepercayaan-kepercayaan diukur dengan menggunakan perceived ease of use dan perceived usefulness. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah secara non-probability yaitu purposive sampling dengan tipe judgment. Data dianalisis dengan structural equation modeling (SEM menggunakan SmartPLS2.0. Dari hasil pengujian hipotesis, diperoleh temuan bahwa seluruh hipotesis terdukung. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya bukti hubungan secara positif signifikan antara faktor sosial dengan cognitive absorption dan cognitive absorption dengan faktor kepercayaan-kepercayaan dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi. Penelitian ini telah membuktikan adanya pengaruh faktor sosial terhadap cognitive absorption dalam kepercayaan-kepercayaan menggunakan teknologi infomarmasi untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar. Selain itu, penelitian ini telah berhasil mengembangkan model penelitian yang dilakaukan oleh Agarwal dan Karahanna (2000, yaitu dengan memberikan bukti empiris faktor sosial sebagai anteseden bagi cognitive absorption

  18. Hubungan Multitasking Teknologi Informasi terhadap Produktivitas Kerja (Studi Kasus: Mahasiswa ITS)


    Marendha, Galang Arga; Susanto, Tony Dwi; Arifiana, Isrida Yul


    Pada era globalisasi saat ini cara hidup individu umumnya para remaja dan dewasa yang selalu bergerak cepat dalam mendapatkan informasi terbaru agar tidak tertinggal dari yang lain memungkinkan melakukan pekerjaan secara bersamaan. Mayoritas dari individu-individu menganggap melakukan banyak pekerjaan sekaligus dapat digunakan sebagai solusi yang tepat. Dengan kemajuan teknologi saat ini dan perilaku seperti itu, banyak sekali contoh pekerjaan yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama seperti halnya...

  19. Identifikasi dan Tingkat Penerapan Inovasi Teknologi Padi Sawah di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong Sulawesi Tengah

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    Syafruddin Syafruddin


    Full Text Available Pencapaian tingkat swasembada dan ketahanan pangan khususnya beras tidak terlepas dari beberapa dukungan seperti sumberdaya alam dan penerapan inovasi teknologi. Kabupaten Parigi Moutong merupakan salah satu wilayah penghasil beras yang cukup besar di Sulawesi Tengah yang diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber pertumbuhan baru produksi beras Nasional di Indonesia. Pemerintah Daerah menetapkan wilayah ini, sebagai daerah penyangga beras terbesar di Sulawesi Tengah. Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untuk : 1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai permasalahan dan tingkat penerapan inovasi teknologi pertanian di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong dan 2. Menetapkan arahan dan alternatif teknologi yang potensial untuk pengembangan lahan di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sebanyak dua tahap yaitu tahap 1 Desk study dan 2. Penelitian Lapangan. Desk study dilakukan dengan cara penelusuran pustaka dan diskusi dengan stake holders lainnya. Untuk Penelitian lapangan dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode survey dengan melakukan pengamatan kondisi sosial ekonomi dan budaya serta pengamatan tingkat penerapan inovasi teknologi melalui pendekatan Partisifatif Rural Aprasial atau Pengenalan Desa Secara Partisifatif (PRA. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan selama 2 bulan yaitu dari bulan Juni hingga bulan Juli 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat potensi perluasan areal persawahan dan peningkatan luas tanam karena didukung oleh iklim dan irigasi yang cukup baik. Tingkat penerapan teknologi masih cukup rendah terutama penggunaan varietas unggul, benih unggul dan bermutu serta pemupukan. The achievement level of self-sufficiency and food security, particularly in rice production should be supported by natural resources and the application of technology innovation.  Parigi Moutong Regency is one of the largest rice producer areas in Central Sulawesi, which is expected to be a new growth source area of national rice production in Indonesia. Local government

  20. Danske 4. klasseelever er bedre end gennemsnittet til matematik og natur/teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Middelboe, Vibe Abildtrup


    En ny undersøgelse af 4. klasseelevers præstationer i fagene matematik og natur/teknologi viser, at danske elever klarer sig godt internationalt set, og at vi i Danmark har mange elever, der er meget dygtige til matematik. Men den negative sociale arv er fortsat stærk, og lærerne oplever mere stø...


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    Adhi Kusmantoro


    Full Text Available Keamanan dalam teknologi dunia maya pada saat sangat diperlukan mengingat banyaknya masyarakat yang telah mengakuiteknologi, sehingga kecenderungan banyak ingin mengetahui atau bahkan mencuri sesuatu rahasia super yang sifatnya atau hak cipta yang di bawah aeigis hukum untuk mencari keuntungan individu dengan crack atau lebih dikenal dengan hacker.

  2. Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Mobile Learning Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro Berbasis Android

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    Resi Jiwa Kasatria


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi mobile seluler sudah sedemikian cepat dan dapat dirasakan di seluruh dunia dan dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Perkembangan ini dapat pula dilakukan dalam dunia pendidikan dan memungkinkan terobosan baru dalam belajar secara mobile menggunakan perangkat teknologi informasi (handphone atau disebut mobile learning (m-learning. M-learning memiliki beberapa kelebihan di antaranya adalah independensi dalam pembelajaran. Namun, di sisi lain, perangkat pembelajaran m-learning memiliki keterbatasan sumber daya dan keragaman platform sehingga diperlukan rancangan yang mampu menjamin kompatibilitas. Aplikasi Mobile Learning ini dikembangkan menggunakan Java EE untuk menangani servernya dan untuk sisi klien menggunakan Bootstrap mobile. Basis data yang digunakan adalah MySQL. Aplikasi ini akan mempunyai 3 role pengguna yaitu admin yang akan menangani penambahan user dan pengelolaan mata kuliah, dosen yang akan memberikan materi, tugas dan kuis dan mahasiswa yang dapat melihat materi, tugas dan kuis yang diberikan dosen. Mobile Learning ini dapat membantu dosen dan mahasiswa dalam melakukan interaksi dalam berbagi materi, dalam pemberian tugas dan mengerjakan kuis. Mahasiswa maupun dosen tidak lagi harus bertatap muka, yang diperlukan hanyalah koneksi internet untuk melakukan proses belajar mengajar. Selain itu Mobile Learning ini juga dapat berjalan dengan baik saat diuji pada 3 buah versi android yang berbeda yaitu versi 2.3, versi 4.0 dan versi 4.2.

  3. Pengembangan Peta Interaktif Tiga Dimensi Perpustakaan Pusat Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Menggunakan Unreal Engine

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    Mazza Fitroni


    Full Text Available Teknologi yang semakin berkembang pesat saat ini membuat penyampaian informasi kepada masyarakat sangat cepat dan banyak perubahan terutama mengenai bangunan. Dahulu penyampaian informasi mengenai bangunan hanya menggunakan dua dimensi (2D, namun sekarang dapat menggunakan tiga dimensi (3D. Tampilan informasi bangunan gambar 3D ini menjadi terlihat lebih jelas, menarik, dan detail. Tak terkecuali pada perguruan tinggi Intstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS menjadi objek visualisasi 3D sebagai sarana promosi terhadap konsumen atau calon mahasiswa baru. Pada paper ini akan berisi tentang aplikasi virtual peta 3D yang akan menampilkan objek sebuah gedung Perpustakaan Pusat ITS. Aplikasi yang nanti akan digunakan dalam pembuatan virtual 3D adalah dengan Unreal Engine, dan adobe Flash sebagai user interface untuk informasi dan interaksi didalamnya. Aplikasi pendukung utama yaitu 3Ds Max untuk modelling benda 3D. Aplikasi virtual peta 3D nantinya akan menyampaikan tampilan sebuah Gedung Perpustakaan Pusat ITS yang memudahkan pengguna / user untuk mengetahui dan mengunjungi gedung tersebut secara virtual seperti dunia nyata

  4. Teknologi og forskningslære i videregående skole: Hvem er lærerne og hvordan former de faget?

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    Berit Bungum


    Full Text Available Teknologi og forskningslære er et nytt og mangfoldig programfag i videregående skole. Denne artikkelen presenterer en undersøkelse av lærerne i dette faget: hva slags bakgrunn de har, hva de ser som sine styrker og utfordringer i å undervise faget, og hvordan de med utgangspunkt i sin kompetanse realiserer ideene bak læreplanen. Undersøkelsen er utført som en skriftlig spørreundersøkelse med utdypende intervjuer med utvalgte lærere. Resultatene viser at lærerne som har deltatt i undersøkelsen samlet sett er en svært kompetent gruppe, men at de i stor grad framtrer som enten "teknolog" eller "forsker" i hva de ser som sine styrker og utfordringer i faget. Videre beskrives hvordan to lærere, som representerer arketyper av lærere i disse to gruppene, tolker læreplanen ulikt i lys av sin egen kompetanse, og hvordan de på ulike måter realiserer innholdet i Teknologi og forskningslære som fag ved sine skoler.

  5. Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Perajin Batik Tulis Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Pemungutan Zat Warna Alam


    Prima Astuti Handayani; Catur Rini Widyastuti; Adhi Setiawan


    Seiring kemajuan teknologi zat warna alam tergeser oleh keberadaan zat warna sintetis. Penggunaan zat warna alam masih tetap dijaga keberadaannya khususnya pada pembatikan. Kain batik yang menggunakan zat warna alam memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi karena memiliki nilai seni dan warna khas, tidak bersifat karsiogenik, ramah lingkungan serta berkesan etnik dan eksklusif. Zat warna alam coklat untuk pewarnaan batik dapat diperoleh dari kulit soga tingi melalui proses ekstraksi dengan pelarut eta...

  6. Teknologi Pengendalian Gulma Alang-alang dengan Tanaman Legum untuk Pertanian Tanaman Pangan


    Ishak Juarsah


    Di Indonesia, Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv) merupakan salah satu gulma terpenting dan termasuk sepuluh gulma bermasalah di dunia.  Melalui biji dan rimpang, alang-alang dapat tumbuh dan menyebar luas pada hampir semua kondisi lahan. Teknologi pengendalian alang-alang telah banyak dikenal namun belum dapat menjamin eradikasi populasi alang-alang secara berkelanjutan tanpa diikuti oleh kultur teknis dan pola budidaya tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa...

  7. Evaluasi Soft Skills dalam Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Baru di Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Udayana


    Arnata, I Wayan; Surjoseputro, Sutarjo


    : Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi atribut soft skills yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa baru Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Udayana. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain pretest-posttest menggunakan kuesioner yang berisi atribut-atribut soft skills dan penilaian kemampuan pribadi. Dari hasil evaluasi terhadap pengembangan atribut soft skills diperoleh bahwa kemampuan soft skills yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa baru setelah mengikuti pelatihan semuanya men...

  8. Integrasi Arsitektur Dan Manajemen Layanan Ti Untuk Pencapaian Fleksibilitas Teknologi Informasi Pada Organisasi


    Aradea, Aradea


    Peran teknologi Informasi (TI) dalam organisasi saat ini telah mengalami pergeseran paradigma, pada awalnyaTI hanya berfokus pada otomatisasi data, pengolahan data atau manipulasi data, saat ini sudah bergeser padafungsi strategi dan layanan. Kesesuaian dan performa layanan TI dapat menjadi faktor penentu dalampencapaian tujuan dan sasaran organisasi, apabila diposisikan dan difungsikan secara tepat dan selarasdengan visi bisnis organisasi. Hal ini tentu dilakukan dengan sudut pandang yang me...



    Aradea, Aradea


    Peran teknologi Informasi (TI) dalam organisasi saat ini telah mengalami pergeseran paradigma, pada awalnyaTI hanya berfokus pada otomatisasi data, pengolahan data atau manipulasi data, saat ini sudah bergeser padafungsi strategi dan layanan. Kesesuaian dan performa layanan TI dapat menjadi faktor penentu dalampencapaian tujuan dan sasaran organisasi, apabila diposisikan dan difungsikan secara tepat dan selarasdengan visi bisnis organisasi. Hal ini tentu dilakukan dengan sudut pandang yang me...

  10. Analisis Quality of Service (QoS Jaringan Telekomunikasi High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA pada Teknologi 3.5G

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    Mey Fenny Wati Simanjuntak


    Full Text Available Sejak layanan teknologi 3G pertama kali diperkenalkan, permintaan akan layanan berbasis paket data dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan yang pesat. Menanggapi hal tersebut, para penyedian jaringan telekomunikasi terus berusaha untuk meningkatkan kemampuan jaringannya. Salah satu solusinya menerapkan teknologi High-Speed Downlink Packet Access yang direkomendasikan oleh 3GPP Release 5. Penelitian ini dikhususkan untuk menganalisis Quality of Service jaringan telekomunikasi High-Speed Downlink Packet Access di Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang. Analisis Quality of Service jaringan telekomunikasi High-Speed Downlink Packet Access pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran kualitas jaringan telekomunikasi High-Speed Downlink Packet Access dari sisi bandwidth, throughput, packet loss dan delay. Metode penelitian yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kualitatif observatif, dimana akan dilakukan pengamatan tentang bagaimana QoS jaringan telekomunikasi High-Speed Downlink Packet Access pada teknologi 3.5G di Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang. Proses pengamatan dalam menganalisis Quality of Service jaringan telekomunikasi High-Speed Downlink Packet Access di Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang berdasarkan 4 parameter diantaranya bandwidth, throughput, packet loss dan delay. Aplikasi yang digunakan yaitu monitoring application Elnus Bandwidth Meter dan Axence NetTools Professional 4.0. Selain itu, Quality of Service jaringan telekomunikasi High- Speed Downlink Packet Access di Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang diamati berdasarkan waktu yaitu harian, mingguan dan bulanan.

  11. Beban Biaya Telekomunikasi yang Dikeluarkan Masyarakat Pengaruh dari Adopsi Teknologi [Telecommunication Costs Incurred Expenses Society Effect of Technology Adoption

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    Sri Ariyanti


    Full Text Available Salah satu Rencana Pita Lebar Indonesiatahun 2014 – 2019 yaitu dapat memberikan akses bergerak  di wilayah pedesaan  menjangkau 52% pupulasi dengan data rate mencapai 1 Mbps.  Agar layanan pita lebar dapat terjangkau oleh masyarakat luas, maka harga layanan pita lebar ditargetkan paling tinggi sebesar 5% dari rata-rata pendapatan bulanan pada akhir tahun 2019.  Rencana pita lebar dengan target minimal data rate tersebut tidak akan tercapai tanpa adanya perubahan teknologiTeknologi yang mendukung terpenuhinya data rate tersebut antara lain teknologi 3.5G dan 4G LTE.  Dalam rangka upgrade teknologi, perlu adanya biaya yang cukup besar yang dikeluarkan oleh operator.  Biaya tersebut sangat mempengaruhi besar biaya yang akan dibebankan kepada pelanggan.  Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini mengkaji seberapa besar biaya yang ditanggung pelanggan seluler setelah adanya teknologi baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah biaya yang dibebankan kepada masyarakat sudah sesuai dengan yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah dalam Rencana Pita Lebar Indonesia. Teknik peneltiian ini menggunakan pendekatan data kuantitatif yang dianalisis dengan ekonometrika.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan data penegeluarna telekomunikasi rumah tangga maupun data ARPU, biaya yang dibebankan kepada pelanggan sudah memenuhih persyaratan yang telah ditetapaka oleh rencana pita lebar Indonesia yaitu kurang dari 5%. *****One of the Indonesia Broadband Plan in 2014 – 2019 is that it can be provided mobile data reaching 52% rural areas with data rate up to 1 Mbps. In order to be affordable, so that maximum price is 5% of the average monthly income at the end of 2019.  That data rate cannot be achieved without upgrading the technology. The technology of 3.5G and 4G are among others technology that can support high data rate.  In order to upgrade technology, it needs a considerable cost from mobile operators, while it can influence the cost

  12. Safety aspects of using Ag-In-Cd absorber made by PT. Batan Teknologi (Persero) in the core of multi purposes reactor G.A. Siwabessy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anggoro Septilarso; Zulkarnain; Heryudo Kusumo


    Safety Evaluation has been carried out for the using of Ag-In-Cd Absorber made by PT. Batan Teknologi (Persero) in the core of Multi Purposes Reactor G.A. Siwabessy (RSG-GAS). PT. Batan Teknologi (Persero) only licensed by NUKEM GmbH to produce Fuel Element and Control Element U-Al, U 3 O 8 -Al dan U 3 Si 2 -Al, and not including to produce Ag-In-Cd Absorber. But, BAPETEN evaluator think that the danger would be greater if RSG-GAS use the older absorber than use Ag-In-Cd Absorber made by PT. Batan Teknologi. For this purposes, BAPETEN set some requirements and acceptance criteria to be met by the absorber, that is cold test, hot test, shutdown margin value, control rod drop test and visual test. The test show that Ag-In-Cd Absorber meets all the requirements and acceptance criteria required by BAPETEN. (author)


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    Adi Nugroho


    Full Text Available Interoperabilitas, dalam arti cara bagaimana suatu sistem yang memiliki platform perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak tertentu dapat berkomunikasi dengan sistem-sistem yang memiliki platform yang berbeda, mungkin merupakan bagian dari ‘masa lalu’. Di masa-masa yang akan datang, interoperabilitas yang selama ini ditangani secara manual oleh organisasi-organisasi/perusahaan-perusahaan akan ditangani langsung oleh vendor-vendor penyedia komputasi awan (cloud computing yang memang memiliki sumberdaya-sumberdaya manusia (analis sistem, pemrogram, pakar jaringan, perangkat keras (komputer-komputer server yang berjumlah sangat banyak dan berkemampuan raksasa, serta perangkat lunak (sistem operasi, server aplikasi, server Web yang memang memenuhi syarat untuk itu. Di masa yang akan datang, untuk mendapatkan layanan-layanan  (service dan tempat penyimpanan tertentu, organisasi-organisasi/ perusahaan-perusahaan tidak perlu berinvestasi terlalu tinggi untuk menyediakannya sendiri; mereka bisa saja menyewanya dari vendor-vendor komputasi awan yang saat ini mulai bermunculan. Google dan Amazon adalah para pendahulu dari teknologi komputasi awan (cloud computing ini. Melalui tulisan ini, kita tidak akan membahas struktur internal keduanya secara rinci, melainkan kita akan mencoba membahas kelebihan serta kekurangan kedua vendor komputasi awan ini dari sudutpandang para manajer di bidang Teknologi Informasi yang akan melakukan investasi yang bermanfaat bagi organisasi/perusahaannya.


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    Adi Nugroho


    Full Text Available Interoperabilitas, dalam arti cara bagaimana suatu sistem yang memiliki platform perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak tertentu dapat berkomunikasi dengan sistem-sistem yang memiliki platform yang berbeda, mungkin merupakan bagian dari masa lalu. Di masa-masa yang akan datang, interoperabilitas yang selama ini ditangani secara manual oleh organisasi-organisasi/perusahaan-perusahaan akan ditangani langsung oleh vendor-vendor penyedia komputasi awan (cloud computing yang memang memiliki sumberdaya-sumberdaya manusia (analis sistem, pemrogram, pakar jaringan, perangkat keras (komputer-komputer server yang berjumlah sangat banyak dan berkemampuan raksasa, serta perangkat lunak (sistem operasi, server aplikasi, server Web yang memang memenuhi syarat untuk itu. Di masa yang akan datang, untuk mendapatkan layanan-layanan (service dan tempat penyimpanan tertentu, organisasi-organisasi/ perusahaan-perusahaan tidak perlu berinvestasi terlalu tinggi untuk menyediakannya sendiri; mereka bisa saja menyewanya dari vendor-vendor komputasi awan yang saat ini mulai bermunculan. Google dan Amazon adalah para pendahulu dari teknologi komputasi awan (cloud computing ini. Melalui tulisan ini, kita tidak akan membahas struktur internal keduanya secara rinci, melainkan kita akan mencoba membahas kelebihan serta kekurangan kedua vendor komputasi awan ini dari sudutpandang para manajer di bidang Teknologi Informasi yang akan melakukan investasi yang bermanfaat bagi organisasi/perusahaannya.

  15. Inovasi Desain, Teknologi, dan Pemasaran Lewat Website Usaha Kecil Menengah Batik dan Lutik (Lurik Batik di Kecamatan Laweyan Surakarta

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    Anastasia Riani Suprapti


      Tujuan penelitian terapan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan mengembangkan produk batik dan lutik yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Laweyan Surakarta dengan inovasi desain dan teknologi baru. Program ini bekerja sama dengan mitra UKM Batik Dewi (UKM 1 dan Batik Sinung Rejeki (UKM2 yang terletak di Kecamatan Laweyan. Pengusaha batik Laweyan dengan produknya berupa batik dan tekstil bermotif batik (printing dan cap dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini ternyata memiliki daya tahan yang baik, ditengah persaingan dengan produk sejenis dari daerah lain maupun dari luar negeri. Secara garis besar pola yang digunakan dalam implementasi penelitian ini meliputi: diskusi (FGD, kerja bengkel, operasional pabrik, pelatihan dan pendampingan (kelompok dan individu. Seperti halnya Usaha Kecil Menengah pada umumnya, pengusaha batik di Laweyan juga menghadapi masalah Internal meliputi  permodalan, inovasi desain, pemasaran, dan manajemen keuangan, yang meliputi administrasi keuangan/pembukuan. Beberapa solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi diantaranya adalah melakukan Inovasi desain dan teknologi, pengaturan layout pabrik, dan pemasaran lewat web. Selain itu mengembangkan desain motif batik yang lebih diminati pasar diberikan juga untuk pengembangan teknik kombinasi batik-lurik ikat dengan cara lukis dan pengelantangan. Penggunaan media teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk promosi lewat website. Adapun untuk usaha pengembangan manajemen pemasaran,  diusahakan media promosi dan menjalin kerjasama pemasaran  dengan instansi terkait, misalnya dengan mengikuti pameran-pameran di Solo dan Jakarta.

  16. Udvikling af en internetsøgestrategi til identifikation af ny medicinsk teknologi inden for prostatacancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thygesen, Marianne; Vondeling, Hindrik; Douw, Karla


    internetsider efter efficiens. Her er efficiens forstået som mindst antal minutter brugt pr. fund af information om en ny væsentlig medicinsk teknologi. Resultater: Strategien består af ti sider, som bør benyttes i følgende rækkefølge: YahooHealth, DoctorsGuide, The National Electronic Library for Medicines...

  17. Perencanaan Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Berdasarkan Framework CobiT (Studi Kasus Pada Direktorat Metrologi)


    Falahah, Falahah


    Tatakelola Teknologi Informasi (TI) merupakan salah satu aspek penting dari tatakelola Perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Pengelolaan TI yang baik akan menjamin efisiensi dan pencapaian kualitas layanan yang baik bagi tujuan bisnis Perusahaan. Penerapan tata kelola ini harus direncanakan dengan baik agar dapat diimplementasikan sesuai dengan kondisi dan kemampuan Perusahaan.Salah satu kerangka kerja tatakelola TI adalah CobiT. Dalam dokumentasi resminya CobiT juga disertai dengan serangkaian pedo...


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    Musran Munizu


    Full Text Available The effective Supply chain management (SCM has increasingly become an important way to enhance competitive strength as well as business performance. Trust, commitment, and well-integrated supply chain by Information Technology (IT support are important elements to improve supply chain performance. The objectives of this study are to examine and analyze the effects of trust variables on supply chain performance, trust on commitment, commitment on supply chain performance, information technology on supply chain performance, and effects of trust variable on supply chain performance through commitment variable to Small and Medium Industries (SMIs of passion fruit processing in Makassar. This study used a quantitative approach, where the questionnaire as main tools for data collection. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis and partial least square-path modeling (PLS-PM. Data computation used SmartPLS 2.0 Software. The results show that trust has a significant effect on supply chain performance, and it also has a significant effect on commitment. Furthermore, commitment has a significant effect on supply chain performance, and information technology has a significant effect on supply chain performance. Trust can improve the supply chain performance by commitment indirectly, and it gives smaller effect on supply chain performance directly than indirectly mediated by commitment. Then, supply chain performance is more influenced by information technology rather than trust and commitment. The results of this study may have implications for the important role of management in maintaining trust, commitment and utilizing information technology in the supply chain system.Keywords: trust, commitment, Information technology, supply chain performance, SMIs of passion fruit processingAbstrakPengelolaan rantai pasokan yang efektif telah menjadi cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan kinerja perusahaan. Kepercayaan, komitmen, dan dukungan teknologi


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    Audita Nuvriasari


    menjadi kendala dan pendorong bagi UKM dalam mengadopsi e-commerce dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari dukungan organisasional, kompetensi teknologi dan lingkungan eksternal terhadap pengadopsian e-commerce. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 34 UKM yang ada di wilayah Moyudan, DIY yang telah menggunakan teknologi informasi (internet dalam kegiatan bisnisnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan inferensial untuk memecahkan permasalahan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif dapat ditunjukkan bahwa tujuan utama UKM menggunakan internet dalam kegiatan bisnisnya adalah untuk pencarian informs bisnis (97,1%. Sedangkan faktor utama yang menjadi penghambat bagi UKM dalam mengadopsi e-commerce adalah keterbatasan kemampuan dan ketermpilan sumber daya manusia dalam penguasaan teknologi informasi (70,6%. Manfaat utama yang diperoleh UKM dengan pengadopsian e-commerce dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnisnya adalah dapat dengan mudah mengakses informasi bisnis (85,3%. Hasil lain dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positip dan signifikan antara dukungan organisasional, kompetensi teknologi dan lingkungan eksternal terhadap pengadopsian e-commerce. Kata Kunci: e-commerce, dukungan organisasional, kompetensi teknologi, lingkungan eksternal



    Purwadi, Purwadi; Sunarto, Faisal; Muttaqin, Alfan; Seto, Tri Handoko


    IntisariTelah dilakukan kajian aplikasi mobile zappeline sebagai media teknologi modifikasi cuaca (tmc) dan media penipisan polutan udara (asap) pada sebuah truk Mitsubishi Colt Diesel berukuran 5,960 x 1,970 meter. Dengan kendaraan tersebut, direkomendasikan dimensi zappeline berbentuk bangun ruang eliptical dengan jari-jari diagonal a dan b masing-masing 3,25 dan 0,65 meter. Selanjutnya, karakteristik aerodinamik dan fisika dihitung dengan memecahkan beberapa persamaan fisika secara numerik...

  1. Biomedisinsk teknologi i idrett: Hvor går grensene?

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    Sigmund Loland


    Full Text Available I denne artikkelen drøfter jeg bruk av biomedisinsk teknologi i prestasjonsfremmende hensikt i konkurranseidrett. Mer presist utforsker jeg mulighetene for å skille mellom etisk akseptabel og etisk uakseptabel bruk. Jeg kritiserer WADAs normative grunnlag for å forby visse biomedisinske midler og metoder, og argumenterer for at eventuelle forbud må bygge på tydeligere verdisyn på idrett. Jeg undersøker to idealtypiske syn og deres teknologiske implikasjoner. Det smale synet er liberalt og avviser begrensninger i bruk av biomedisinske midler og metoder blant voksne idrettsutøvere som dårlig begrunnet paternalisme. Det brede synet innebærer en mer restriktiv holdning og aksepterer en viss regulering av trening og prestasjonsutvikling også utenfor konkurransene. I en avsluttende del veier jeg det smale og det brede synet mot hverandre og reflekterer over hvilket syn som vil dominere framtidens idrett.Nøkkelord: etikk, idrett, biomedisinsk teknologi, dopingEnglish summary: The use of biomedical technology in sport: Are there any limits?In the article I examine the use of biomedical technology to enhance performance in competitive sport. More specifically I examine the possibilities for distinguishing between ethically acceptable and ethically unacceptable use of such technology. I criticize the World Antidoping Agency's (WADA normative criterion for banning certain technologies as it is vague and unclear. I argue that any ban by WADA has to build on a clear and operational normative view of sport. Two relevant ideal-typical views are examined together with their technological implications. The narrow view is liberal and rejects restrictions on the use of biomedical technology among professional athletes as unjustifiable paternalism. The wider view implies a more restrictive approach and accepts certain regulations of performance-enhancing means and methods outside of competitions. In the conclusion, I compare the narrow and the wider

  2. TANTANGAN DAKWAH DI ERA TEKNOLOGI DAN INFORMASI: Formulasi Karakteristik, Popularitas, dan Materi di Jalan Dakwah

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    nur Ahmad


    Full Text Available Teknologi di era globalisasi telah mengalami kemajuan yang begitu pesat. Berbagai macam media komunikasi bersaing dalam memberikan informasi tanpa batas. Fasilitas internet merupakan yang terlengkap dan efisien, dimana segala bentuk dan macam informasi dapat diakses dengan mudah dan murah termasuk dalam hal ini adalah dakwah di era teknologi didukung dengan semakin menjamurnya warung internet yang memasang tarif murah, kemana dan dengan siapapun. Sekarang kita bisa melakukan dakwah dengan mengunakan fasilitas digital, diantaranya bisa melalui radio, televisi, telepon seluler, media internet, facebook, atau twiter. Berdakwah melalui media internet merupakan salah satu media komunikasi yang fenomenal dan canggih yang lahir di era 60-an. Namun, kemajuan teknologi dan informasi, khususnya media televisi, memungkinkan seorang dai untuk berimprovisasi dengan selingan humor dan hal-hal lain, agar materi ceramahnya tetap menarik untuk disimak. Dampaknya, orientasi dakwah yang diperankan para dai, juga semakin berkembang, bahkan cenderung menjadi bias. Pola berdakwah melalui media sebagai wujud kemajuan teknologi menjadi tantangan bagi diri sendiri bagi seseorang dai. Pengaruh media memungkinkan seorang dai memperoleh popularitas di mata pemirsanya seperti layaknya seorang selebriti (publik figur dan tidak menutup kemungkinan pula setiap kegiatan dakwahnya sering dinilai dengan materi. Kata Kunci: Karakteristik, Popularitas, Materi, Tantangan Dakwah. THE CHALLENGES OF DAWA IN THE ERA OF TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION: THE FORMULATION CHARACTERISTICS, POPULARITY, AND MATERIAL IN THE PATH OF DAWA. Technology in the era of globalization has experienced a rapid progress. A wide range of communication media compete in providing information without limits. The internet is the most comprehensive and efficient, where all shapes and kinds of information can be accessed easily and inexpensively included in this is the dawa in the era of technology supported by the



    Supardi Supardi; Eka Noor Asamara


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan dan menguji secara empiris hubungan faktor sosial dengan cognitive absorption dan hubungannya terhadap faktor kepercayaan-kepercayaan (perceived ease of use dan perceived usefulness) dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi pada proses belajar mengajar diperguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sebanyak 125 dosen jurusan akuntansi di propinsi Yogyakarta sebagai responden. Faktor sosial diukur dengan menggunakan pengaruh rekan sejawat, cognitive ab...

  4. Hvordan kan teknologi skape nye undervisnings- og læringsmåter i fremmedspråksundervisningen fram mot 2030?

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    Eli-Marie Danbolt Drange


    Full Text Available I denne artikkelen drøfter jeg hvordan teknologi kan skape nye undervisnings- og læringsmåter i fremmedspråksundervisningen fram mot 2030. Jeg starter med å skissere et mulig framtidsscenario i form av et blogginnlegg skrevet av en 15 åring i året 2030. Videre i artikkelen tar jeg utgangspunkt i dette framtidsscenarioet og sammenligner det med dagens situasjon, i tillegg til at jeg drøfter hva som må til for at scenarioet kan oppfylles. Læreren spiller en nøkkelrolle i utviklingen av nye undervisnings- og læringsmåter, og det er først når læreren integrerer teknologien i sin undervisning at nye praksiser oppstår. Jeg viser noen konkrete eksempler på bruk av teknologi på nye måter, samt refleksjon rundt utviklingen framover.

  5. Studi Kesiapan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Serta Implementasi E-Goverment dengan Kerangka Kerja Cobit

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    Ahmad Budi Setiawan


    Full Text Available Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat tentang kesiapan pemanfaatan TeknologiInformasi dan Komunikasi (e-readiness pada Kementerian Komunikasi danInformatika dalam rangka implementasi tata kelola pemerintahan secaraelektronis atau e-government. Dalam studi ini juga dibahas mengenai strategi implementasi e-government menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT. Hasil dari studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT sangat membantu dalam menentukan target kinerja proses-proses TI dalam proses implementasi e-government.

  6. Hubungan Beberapa Faktor Sosial Ekonomi Dengan Sikap Petani Cabai Merah Terhadap Teknologi Pembuatan Pupuk Bokashi.


    Samosir, Lenny Dinamaria


    Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara kelompok atas dasar kelompok petani peserta pelatihan pembuatan pupuk bokashi dan nonpeserta pelatihan pembuatan pupuk bokashi yang diusahan pada lahan cabai sebanyak 22 sampel. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Sikap petani cabai terhadap teknologi pembuatan bokashi di Desa Sondi Raya adalah positif yaitu dari 22 orang petani cabai, 13 orang (59,09 %) memiliki sikap positif dan 9 orang (40,91 %) mem...

  7. Development of Delta Wing Aerodynamics Research in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Low Speed Wind Tunnel


    Shabudin Mat; I. S. Ishak; Tholudin Mat Lazim; Shuhaimi Mansor; Mazuriah Said; Abdul Basid Abdul Rahman; Ahmad Shukeri Mohd. Kamaludim; Romain Brossay


    This paper presents wind tunnel experiment on two delta wing configurations which are differentiated by their leading edge profiles: sharp and round-edged wings. The experiments were performed as a part of the delta wing aerodynamics research development in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, low speed tunnel (UTM-LST). Steady load balance and flow visualization tests were conducted at Reynolds numbers of 0.5, 1, and 1.5 × 106, respectively. The flow measurement at low Reynolds number was also per...

  8. Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Modul Penganggaran Berbasis Web Menggunakan Teknologi Java Dan Postgresql

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    Hari Rakhmanto Zauhar


    Full Text Available Banyaknya fungsi yang dijalankan di satuan kerja pemerintah telah didukung oleh teknologi informasi yaitu berupa aplikasi-aplikasi yang banyak pula. Namun banyaknya aplikasi tersebut menyebabkan munculnya permasalahan baru yaitu sistem database yang masih terpisah. Saat ini akan dikembangkan suatu aplikasi yang bernama Sistem Informasi Akuntansi dan Pengelolaan Keuangan yang akan mengintegrasikan semua aplikasi operasional di satuan kerja. Aplikasi ini berbasis web dan menggunakan teknologi Java dan PostgreSQL Salah satu fungsi yang wajib ikut diintegrasikan aplikasinya adalah fungsi penganggaran dengan aplikasi Rencana Kerja Anggaran-Kementerian Negara/Lembaga Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran. Aplikasi ini sangat penting karena merupakan awal dari proses pengelolaan keuangan. Jika aplikasi ini tidak ikut diintegrasikan maka akan berpotensi tidak sinkronnya data Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran dari aplikasi Rencana Kerja Anggaran-Kementerian Negara/Lembaga Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran dengan aplikasi Surat Perintah Membayar. Terpisahnya database dari aplikasi Rencana Kerja Anggaran-Kementerian Negara/Lembaga Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran dengan aplikasi Surat Perintah Membayar juga dapat menimbulkan potensi tindakan kriminal manipulasi data Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan AnggaranDengan diintegrasikannya aplikasi Rencana Kerja Anggaran-Kementerian Negara/Lembaga Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran ke dalam aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi dan Pengelolaan Keuangan maka dapat meningkatkan kinerja satuan kerja sekaligus meningkatkan kualitas laporan keuanganya


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    Isye Arieshanti


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Dalam era globalisasi, para pelaku bisnis secara intensif melakukan usaha-usaha untuk memasuki pasar global. Suatu perusahaan semakin membutuhkan transaksi  bisnis yang bersifat fleksibel, yang bisa dilakukan dengan siapa saja, kapan saja dan dimana saja. Tentunya sistem informasi yang dimiliki perusahaan tersebut harus bisa berkomunikasi dengan sistem yang dimiliki oleh patner bisnis, tanpa harus terlalu banyak perjanjian dan persetujuan. Hal ini berarti diperlukan standard infrastruktur sederhana untuk pertukaran data bisnis.Kebutuhan ini dapat dipenuhi oleh teknologi web service sebagai teknologi yang menyediakan infrastruktur sederhana bagi pelaku bisnis untuk berkomunikasi melalui pertukaran pesan XML. Pada Penelitian ini dikembangkan sebuah prototipe aplikasi web service dengan studi kasus reservasi hotel melalui perantara broker. Studi kasus ini dipilih karena dapat merepresentasikan sistem yang terdistribusi. Dimana broker berperan sebagai penghubung antara customer dan beberapa sistem yang terdistribusi.Pada pembuatan aplikasi ini dipilih teknologi J2EE karena framework J2EE yang telah ada mendukung penerapan web service. Dan selain itu, J2EE bersifat netral terhadap berbagai macam platform (tidak



    Syaifullah, M Djazim


    Kajian potensi atmosfer terhadap proses pembentukan dan pertumbuhan awan konvektifpada saat pelaksanaan Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca (TMC) telah dilakukan dengan datapengamatan sounding dari stasiun Tabing Sumatera Barat. Sebanyak 330 buah datapengamatan harian jam 00Z dan 12Z dari Juni sampai dengan Nopember 2010 telahdianalisis. Dengan aplikasi RAOB analisis dilakukan untuk menentukan parameterdan indeks radiosonde sebagai penduga potensi atmosfer di wilayah tersebut. Hasilanalisis kandungan ...

  11. Cellulose acetate electrospun nanofibrous membrane: fabrication ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    337–343. c Indian Academy of Sciences. ... 1Faculty of Bioscience and Medical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81300 Johor, Malaysia ... concentrations were prepared by dissolving the polymer in a mixture of acetic acid/acetone ...

  12. TechTutorer - en ny måde at integrere teknologi i læreruddannelsen?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heiberg, Tobias; Arstorp, Ann-Thérèse

    ’TechTutor-enheden’ skal ses. I rapporten uddybes initiativet, men helt enkelt kan TechTutorerne beskrives som en gruppe af lærerstuderende med særlige kompetencer og interesser inden for det teknologiske felt. Og de samarbejder som TechTutorer om udbud af diverse kursusforløb samt udvikling af...... læreruddannelsen, når det kommer til didaktisering og implementering af teknologi – alt sammen med rapportens forfattere som koordinerende og kvalificerende element. TechTutor-initiativet skal altså overordnet ses som et eksperiment, der centrerer sig omkring nye vinkler på kvalificering og optimering af...


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    Edy Purwo Saputro


    Full Text Available Revolusi dan evolusi perkembangan teknologi informasi dan sistem informasi memicu transformasi dalam semua bidang dan hal ini kemudian menimbulkan fenomena tentang e-lifestyle yaitu mulai dari e-mail, e-banking, e-shopping, e-book, e-wallets, e-learning, e-news, e-commerce, e-trading, e-election, e-business, e-market, e-service dan e-cards. Di satu sisi, e-lifestyle memberikan banyak kemudahan tapi di sisi lain ini menimbulkan ancaman terutama dikaitkan dengan jaminan keamanan di semua transaksi yang terkait e-lifestyle. Terkait ini, jika aspek keamanan tidak mendapatkan prioritas perhatian dari semua pihak, maka akan terjadi fenomena: ‘don’t trust anyone, don’t trust anything’ dan kepercayaan akan menjadi “blind trust”. Hal ini tentu sangat dimungkinkan karena di cyber economy ada berbagai kasus yang mendasari misalnya ‘phising’ (kegiatan pengiriman e-mail palsu yang di dalamnya terkandung link ke sebuah situs web, yang bisa mengarahkan seseorang untuk menyerahkan identitas pribadi, atau ‘clickjacking’ (yaitu kode jahat yang tersembunyi di balik tombol klik di sebuah situs yang dikunjungi oleh seseorang. Aspek keamanan menjadi sangat penting karena fakta perkembangan e-lifestyle di Indonesia pada umumnya dan adopsi e-banking khususnya masih berada pada tahap pertumbuhan


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    Henita Rahmayanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan pengelolaan sampah di Tempat Penampungan Sampah yang terdapat di rumah susun sewa di Jakarta. Proses pengelolaan yang akan dilakukan dengan cara menanamkan konsep pemahaman pemilahan sampah organik dan anorganik di rumah masing-masing dan sistem pembuangan menggunakan saluran pembuangan secara terpisah. Prinsip pengelolaan sampah yang akan diterapkan yaitu merubah sampah yang tidak berguna menjadi bernilai guna. Semua sampah diolah dengan baik di Tempat Penampungan sampah sehingga tidak ada sampah yang diangkut keluar (Zero Waste. Teknologi pengelolaan sampah organik menggunakan sistem Anaerobic Digester sedangkan untuk pengelolaan sampah anorganik menggunakan sistem 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace. Hasil dari pengelolaan sampah organik adalah kompos, limbah cair untuk budidaya ikan lele serta biogas. Untuk hasil sampah anorganik akan dijual kepada pengumpul barang bekas, digunakan sebagai bahan yang dapat diolah untuk berbagai kreasi dan dapat mempunyai nilai ekonomis. Proses ini memerlukan peran aktif dari masyarakat untuk mengelola sampah secara terus menerus sehingga dapat dijadikan contoh untuk tempat-tempat lain.

  15. Kesiapan Operator Seluler dalam Mengimplementasikan Teknologi Long Term Evolution (LTE

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    Sri Ariyanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kesiapan operator seluler dalam mengimplementasikan teknologi Long Term Evolution (LTE. Model penelitian dengan menggunakan mengadopsi teknik Net Readiness Framwork. Adapun kriteria pengukurannya terdiri dari Leadership, Governance, Competencies dan Technology. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada operator seluler di Indonesia dan melakukan wawancara kepada regulator. Kajian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data kuantitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PT. Axis, PT. HCPT dan PT. Telkomsel mempunyai tingkat kesiapan LTE Visionary yang berarti perusahaan sangat antusias dalam perubahan dan lebih dahulu mengambil resiko untuk mengimplementasikan LTE dalam organisasinya yang merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan proses bisnis perusahaan. PT. Indosat dan PT. XL mempunyai nilai kesiapan LTE leader  yang berarti perusahaan mampu mengadaptasi perubahan dan menginspirasi organsiasi lain dalam penerapan LTE. PT. Smartfren pada tingkat kesiapan LTE savvy yang berarti operator seluler memahami sebab dan efek dari perubahan dari munculnya LTE terhadap organisasi, namun belum melakukan adaptasi.


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    Engkos Koswara Natakusumah


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine of research collaboration and authors distribution based on the data and informationmentioned in the Jurnal Teknologi Indonesia (JTI during 5 years, from 2007 up to 2011. To reach this aims, theresearch uses methodology of bibliometric analysis to analyse the citation appeared in every last page of the articlepublished in the JTI; including distribution of articles each year, the number of contributors, the authorship, thedistribution of article languages, the single and many authors who wrote write the articles, the number of documentcited by outhors, and average number of references in an article. The bibliometrics data come from 80 articles,ranging from volume 30 up to volume 34. Then the data are tabulated, analysed and described for the purpose tomake conclusion of the research. The results show that there are domination of publication contribution by auhtors’collaboration in the journal, have significant range of research collaboration and have high rank of publication by 4researchers of 7, 6 and 5 articles published. 


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    Pande Ketut Sudiarta


    Full Text Available Jaringan intranet Universitas Udayana telah menghubungkan ketiga lokasi kampus, yaitu Kampus Bukit, Kampus Sudirman, dan Kampus Nias.  Lokasi kampus yang terpisah-pisah dan kampus Bukit yang memiliki area yang cukup luas memerlukan prasarana teleponi yang memadai.  Selama ini, komunikasi teleponi masih memanfaatkan provider seperti PT Telkom, walaupun komunikasi telepon hanya untuk komunikasi antar fakultas atau antar fakultas dengan rektorat di area kampus bukit.  Demikian juga untuk komunikasi telepon antar lokasi kampus yang berbeda. Walaupun beberapa fakultas dan juga gedung Rektorat memiliki perangkat PABX namun keberadaan kebanyakan hanya melayani komunikasi dalam satu gedung saja.  Pemanfaatan intranet kampus UNUD baru dimanfaatkan untuk akses Internet, akses Sistem Informasi dan untuk videoconference. Dengan beban trafik yang ada, jaringan intranet masih memungkinkan untuk dibebani dengan trafik yang lebih tinggi. Dengan demikian, untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan bandwith,  diupayakan dengan mengembangakan sistem teleponi berbasis VoIP yang memanfaatkan infrastruktur yang ada. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah menyediakan fasilitas telepon internal kampus yang tidak berbayar. Melalui teknologi VoIP ini,  komunikasi dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara baik menggunakan telepon analog maupun softphone yang dapat diinstall di masing-masing PC atau laptop. Hal ini nanti tentu akan memberikan efisiensi waktu bagi civitas karena mudah dihubungi dan secara langsung akan berdampak pada efisiensi biaya telekomunikasi di kampus. Infrastruktur yang dikembangkan menggunakan protokol SIP memanfaatkan Free Software Linux Fedora sebagai Operating System, Asterisk dan Ondo sebagai aplikasi server.  Di sisi pemakai, perangkat telepon dapat menggunakan dua model, pertama menggunakan softphone  yang ditujukan untuk personal dengan memanfaatkan nomor induk pegawai (NIP atau nomor induk mahasiswa (NIM sebagai nomor telepon. Model telepon ini aksesnya

  18. Studi Migrasi Public Switched Telephone Network (Pstn) Menuju Jaringan Telekomunikasi Berbasis Paket Next Generation Network (Ngn) Dengan Teknologi Softswitch


    Suseno, Andrias Danang; Najib, Warsun; Samiyono, -


    Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) adalah sistem telekomunikasi berbasis circuit-switched. Pada awalnya PSTN hanya menyediakan layanan voice. PSTN sekarang telah berkembang ke arah pelayanan komunikasi data yang didorong oleh berkembangnya dunia internet dengan Internet Protokol (IP)-nya. Telah muncul teknologi Voice over IP (VoIP) yang mampu melewatkan trafik voice pada jaringan data dengan mengubah voice menjadi paket. VoIP telah mendorong trend/kecenderungan terjadinya konvergensi an...


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    Raida Agustina


    Full Text Available Cocoa beans produced by smallholders have low quality because of gaps in information on post-harvest tecnology. Information is needed to provide decision-support making for choosing one alternative implementation of the handling technology cocoa most appropriate and in accordance with the conditions of its territory which can improve the quality of dried cocoa beans. The purpose of this study was developed an  decision-support system software as a tool for decision making cocoa post-harvest handling, obtain the best alternative based on technical analysis and economic analysis, evaluate the feasibility of investment, and know the value of the sensitivity of each alternative. This study was carried out from July to December 2010 in Bandar Baru sub district, Pidie Jaya district of Aceh province. Survey and interview were used to collecting data. Collected data used to create a database for a decision-support system model of cocoa post-harvest handling technology, which was processed using  the Java programming language. Based on the analysis post harvest technology of cocoa to farmers and investors indicated a mechanical alternative is the best alternative because it produces the greatest benefits. Mechanical alternative  gives farmers a profit of Rp.1,419,279,165 per year and gives investors a profit of Rp. 1,023,246,397 per year and feasibility analysis shows NPV Rp 923,577,155 and the value of R/C ratio of 3 is also available in mechanical alternative. The results of sensitivity analysis on each alternative show that the most influential variables on the profitability of farmers and investors is wage labor, the price of fresh cacao fruit, and the price of dry beans. Keywords: Decision-support system, information, cocoa, post harvest technology   ABSTRAK Biji kakao yang dihasilkan perkebunan rakyat memiliki mutu yang rendah karena adanya kesenjangan dalam informasi mengenai teknologi penanganan pascapanen. Informasi dibutuhkan untuk memberi

  20. Perancangan Web Interface Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS Dengan Memperhatikan Aspek Usability

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    Hendry Setyawans Sutedjo


    Full Text Available Informasi dalam sebuah website atau web diharapkan dapat sampaikan dan diterima oleh pencari informasi dengan mudah. Di dalam Dunia pendidikan, informasi yang ada di dalam web juga diharapkan mampu diterima oleh para penggunanya dengan tujuan media komunikasi online seperti website dapat membantu para pelajar menerima ilmu yang disampaikan melalui media online. Untuk Mengetahui seberapa mudahnya informasi itu ditangkap ditandai dengan seberapa mudah website itu digunakan (usable. Untuk mengetahui seberapa mudah penggunaan suatu website digunakan analisa usability, banyak metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah usability terutama dari sisi interface web. Heuristic evaluation merupakan salah satu teknik dalam melakukan hal tersebut yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini guna menilai seberapa mudahnya website Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember dalam menyampaikan informasi yang ada. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan juga Quality Function Deployment (QFD untuk mengidentifikasi keinginan pengguna terhadap tampilan dari web ITS

  1. Sistem Reminder Donor Darah dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Location Based Service

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    Ismail Abdus Shobar


    Full Text Available Donor darah merupakan kegiatan kemanusiaan yang bertujuan untuk membantu anggota masyarakat yang membutuhkan darah. Kegiatan donor darah diselenggarakan dan dikelola oleh Palang Merah Indonesia. Menurut catatan Palang Merah Indonesia, secara keseluruhan kebutuhan kantung darah yang tidak terpenuhi melebihi satu juta kantung darah. Untuk itu dibutuhkan peningkatan produksi kantung darah. Salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah perancangan suatu sistem informasi geografis (GIS yang memudahkan pendonor untuk mendonorkan darahnya kembali dengan reminder donor darah dan membantu PMI mendapatkan kantung darah. Makalah ini membahas perancangan sistem reminder donor darah dengan menggunakan teknologi location based service. Kemudian untuk menguji sistem, dibuatkan sebuah prototype dengan hasil pengujian sistem menunjukkan bahwa sistem reminder donor darah dapat memudahkan pendonor dalam mendonorkan darahnya kembali sehingga memberikan motivasi bagi pendonor untuk lebih giat dalam mendonorkan darahnya. Sistem ini berpotensi meningkatkan produktivitas PMI dalam mengumpulkan kantong darah sehingga pemenuhan kebutuhan kantung darah masyarakat dapat meningkat yang pada akhirnya dapat menyelamatkan lebih banyak nyawa manusia khususnya di Indonesia. Kata kunci: donor darah, reminder, GIS, location based service.


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    Dewa Ketut Sastrawidana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas teknologi biofilm konsorsium bakteri pada  reaktor semianaerob-aerob ntuk mengolah air limbah pencelupan tekstil. Bakteri pada reaktor semianaerob terdiri dari  Aeromonas sp. Pseudomonas sp, dan Flavobacterium sp. sedangkan pada reaktor aerob terdiri dari Vibrio sp. Plesiomonas sp. dan Enterobacter sp. Perombakan proses pertumbuhan terlekat diawali dengan menumbuhkan konsorsium bakteri pada masing-masing reaktor selama 10  hari menggunakan pada batu vulkanik merah sebagai media pelekatan bakteri. Setelah terbentuk biofilm,selanjutnya digunakan untuk merombak limbah denagn waktu tinggal limbah 2 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan teknologi biofilm cukup efektif diaplikasikan pada skala lapang menghasilkan efisiensi perombakan TSS, BOD dan COD secara berturut-turut sebesar 84,7%; 80,56% dan 90,40%. Uji toksisitas air limbah tekstil menggunakan ikan nila dengan waktu paparan 3 hari menunjukkan bahwa air limbah tekstil sebelum diolah berkatagori toksik ringan dengan nilai EC50 adalah 88,80% sedangkan setelah diolah dalam reaktor biofilm konsorsium bakteri sistem anaerob-aerob selama 2 hari menjadi katagori tidak toksik dengan nilai EC50 sebesar 101,64%. Dengan demikian, pengolahan limbah tektil dengan sistem kombinasi anaerob-aerob menghasilkan kualitas limbah dengan kriteria sudah memenuhi baku mutu untuk dibuang ke lingkungan.

  3. Tingkat Kematangan Infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi pada Domain Acquire and Implement Menggunakan COBIT 4.1 (Studi Kasus: UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “VETERAN” Jawa Timur

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    Ronggo Alit


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan hasil wawancara UPT Perpustakaan kekurangan perangkat komputer dan masih menggunakan server milik UPT Telematika serta kecepatan akses wifi akan lambat jika banyak yang menggunakan sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian ini yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan dan menghasilkan rekomendasi guna meningkatkan pengelolaan infrastruktur teknologi informasi. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan COBIT Framework 4.1 tahap penelitian diawali dengan analisa data wawancara kemudian diidentifikasi IT goals, IT process, serta Control Objectives. Perhitungan maturity level untuk mengetahui gap antara kondisi sekarang dengan kondisi yang diharapkan dan rekomendasi digunakan untuk mengatasi gap tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh 4 IT Goals, 10 IT Processes dan 17 detailed control objectives. Karena pemilihan subdomain disesuaikan dengan masalah dan kebutuhan maka subdomain yang digunakan adalah PO3, PO7, AI3 dan AI5. Ditemukan gap sebesar 1.5 dan maturity level sebesar 2.5 sehingga berada pada level 3 artinya perpustakaan telah memiliki mekanisme dan prosedur yang jelas mengenai tata cara dan manajemen teknologi informasi.

  4. Pengkajian Rakitan Teknologi Budidaya Kentang dan Strategi Pengembangannya : Studi Kasus di Wilayah Prima Tani Lahan Kering Dataran Tinggi Kabupaten Magetan


    Santoso, Pudji; Yuniarti; Purnomo, Sudarmadi; Subandi


    Pengkajian Rakitan Teknologi Budidaya Kentang dan Strategi Pengembangannya : Studi Kasus di Wilayah Prima Tani Lahan Kering Dataran Tinggi Kabupaten Magetan. The assessment on improving the cultivation technology of potato as demonstration plot in farmer's land was done in Prima Tani area of Magetan regency in Genilangit village, during dry season on June – September 2007. Collecting data was done using farm record keeping method on the application of improving cultivation technology of potat...

  5. Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Perajin Batik Tulis Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Pemungutan Zat Warna Alam

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    Prima Astuti Handayani


    Full Text Available Seiring kemajuan teknologi zat warna alam tergeser oleh keberadaan zat warna sintetis. Penggunaan zat warna alam masih tetap dijaga keberadaannya khususnya pada pembatikan. Kain batik yang menggunakan zat warna alam memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi karena memiliki nilai seni dan warna khas, tidak bersifat karsiogenik, ramah lingkungan serta berkesan etnik dan eksklusif. Zat warna alam coklat untuk pewarnaan batik dapat diperoleh dari kulit soga tingi melalui proses ekstraksi dengan pelarut etanol. Tujuan spesifik dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah perajin batik Desa Pandan Kabupaten Rembang mampu membuat zat warna batik dari alam, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dirinya sendiri, sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi metode ceramah mengenai pembuatan zat warna; metode praktek tentang proses pembuatan zat warna dari kulit soga tingi; metode tanya jawab untuk mengetahui sejauh mana peserta mampu menerima atau terlibat dalam kegiatan, dan evaluasi untuk memperoleh gambaran penafsiran dan analisis untuk memperoleh simpulan dari semua kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang sudah dilaksanakan.


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    Klaudius Jevanda B.S.


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat distribusi Linux bernama Lubuntu yang memfokuskan diri pada desktop yang ringan serta ditujukan untuk menjadi lingkungan web server yang free dalam bentuk live USB. Dimana, penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang desain dan implementasi dari distribusi Linux Lubuntu itu sendiri yang nantinya bisa terus diperbaiki, disempurnakan dan dimungkinkan untuk dimodifikasi serta dipelajari oleh pihak lain. Lubuntu dikembangkan dengan memodifikasi dari Linux Lubuntu 14.04 dari tahap penambahan program, penghapusan program dan konfigurasi sampai pada tahap pembuatan Live USB untuk LAMP (Linux Apache Mysql PHP menggunakan metode remastering. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa Live USB yang berisi tool untuk lingkungan web server. Tool utama dalam Live USB diantaranya adalah phpmyadmin, gimp, inkscape, dan bluefish. Keluaran penelitian ini, diharapkan bisa digunakan sebagai sistem operasi dan dikhususkan dalam lingkungan web server yang nyaman untuk dipergunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar pada matakuliah sistem operasi, pemrograman basis web I, dan pemrograman basis web II di Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas palembang. Kata kunci: linux, web server, LAMP, remastering, live usb.


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    Maya Rini Handayani


    Full Text Available Seiring dengan perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI yang semakin pesat, kebutuhan akan suatu konsep dan mekanisme belajar mengajar (pendidikan berbasis TI menjadi tidak terelakkan lagi. Konsep yang kemudian terkenal dengan sebutan e-Learning ini membawa pengaruh terjadinya proses transformasi pendidikan konvensional ke dalam bentuk digital, baik secara isi (contents dan sistemnya. Sistem e-Learning mutlak diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi perkembangan jaman dengan dukungan Teknologi Informasi dimana semua menuju ke era digital, baik mekanisme maupun konten. Pengembangan sistem e-Learning harus didahului dengan melakukan analisa terhadap kebutuhan dari pengguna (user needs. Sesuai dengan paradigma rekayasa sistem dan perangkat lunak, kebutuhan dari pengguna ini memiliki kedudukan tertinggi, dan merupakan dasar kreasi dan kerja pengembang. Agar penelitian ini dapat memberikan hasil yang baik, maka penulisan laporannya menggunakan berbagai macam data, keterangan data, serta informasi penting yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber, didasarkan pada (1 data primer, yaitu data yang diperoleh secara langsung dari obyek penelitian ( dosen dan mahasiswa , (2 data sekunder, yaitu data yang diperoleh dari buku-buku, literatur sebagai pelengkap dalam penyusunan laporan penelitian ini. Metode Studi Pustaka, yaitu metode pengumpulan data melalui pemahaman literatur maupun buku dan juga browsing internet sebagai acuan untuk menentukan landasan teori. Metode angket / kuesioner, yaitu pengumpulan data dengan membagikan kuesioner kepada para dosen dan mahasiswa di lingkungan FTIK USM


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    Indra Kusuma Harta


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Prototipe Egg Boiler (Pengkukus Telur Otomatis sebagai media pembelajaran untuk mata pelajaran Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan pada materi Teknologi Tepat Guna di Kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan dalam bidang pendidikan. Hasil uji validasi ahli media memperoleh skor sebesar 0,75 dalam kategori tinggi. Uji validasi isi dengan nilai sebesar 0,81 dalam kategori sangat tinggi.  Sedangkan hasil uji coba perorangan dengan nilai sebesar 0.93, uji coba kelompok kecil dengan nilai sebesar 0.71, dan uji coba lapangan dengan nilai sebesar 0.82. Pada uji coba lapangan juga dilakukan dengan menganalisis nilai dari kegiatan praktikum, nilai yang diperoleh 87.4 dikategorikan dengan hasil belajar tinggi. Dari hasil nilai pre-test dan post-test tersebut secara keseluruhan mengalami peningkatan. Sehingga Pototipe Egg Boiler yang telah dikembangkan sangat membantu siswa dalam memahami materi dan praktikum mata pelajaran Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan untuk materi Teknologi Tepat Guna di Kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja.

  9. Aplikasi Pengenalan Ikan Hias Predator Air Tawar Menggunakan Teknologi Augmented Reality Berbasis Android

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    Jimmy Moedjahedy


    Full Text Available Penggemar dan komunitas hobi ikan hias predator di Manado makin berkembang dan orang yang ingin membelinya pun semakin bertambah. Berdasarkan pengamatan peneliti dibeberapa toko yang menjual ikan hias, pengenalan tentang ikan hias predator masih sangat kurang bahkan ditempat penjualan masih ada yang belum memiliki katalog tentang jenis ikan hias predator. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, peneliti membuat aplikasi pengenalan ikan hias predator dengan menggunakan teknologi augmented reality berbasia android dimana pengguna dapat memanfaatkan smartphone mereka untuk melihat jenis dan info tentang ikan hias yang akan mereka beli dengan jelas dan atraktif. Metode rekayasa perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah metode spiral karena metode ini menawarkan pendekatan yang lebih baik untuk membuat suatu program dengan cepat dan bertahap. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi android yang dapat menunjukan 9 jenis ikan hias predator dalam bentuk 3D yang dapat dilihat dari 4 sisi dan 6 jenis ikan lainnya dalam bentuk gambar serta informasi tertulis tentang ikan yang akan dipelihara.   Kata kunci : Augemented Reality, 3D, Android


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    Timothy Anggriawan


    Full Text Available Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah mengalami percepatan yang tinggi. Keadaan tersebut membuat banyak hal dapat dilakukan dengan lebih mudah dan efisien. Seiring dengan hal tersebut kebutuhan akan informasi yang cepat dan akurat juga semakin tinggi. Dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan penyajian informasi yang cepat, jelas, dan akurat sehingga dapat membantu proses pengambilan keputusan dalam proses verifikasi data. Metode dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu pertama, melakukan pengumpulan data Akta  PPAT. Kedua, perancangan aplikasi pencetakan Akta PPAT, QR Code, dan pengecekan Akta. Ketiga, pembuatan aplikasi pendaftaran Akta QR Code PPAT menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP yang dapat dijalankan pada browser. Hasil dari pembuatan aplikasi berupa aplikasi pendaftaran Akta PPAT yang dapat menampilkan proses penginputan data para pihak, pengeditan data pada Akta PPAT, pencetakan Akta QR Code. Aplikasi dapat menampilkan hasil pengecekan Akta melalui scan QR Code pada aplikasi dalam bentuk teks file, dan melakukan validasi data pada hasil scan. Simpulan yang dapat ditarik adalah aplikasi dapat menampilkan hasil cetak Akta dan QR Code.

  11. Perancangan Dan Realisasi Sistem Transmisi Data GPS Menggunakan Teknologi SMS (Short Messaging Service Sebagai Aplikasi Sistem Personal Tracking

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    Full Text Available Abstrak Berprinsip pada pengembangan teknologi dan aplikasi dari sistem penjejakan posisi (tracking, maka dibuatlah sistem personal tracking dengan mentransmisikan data GPS (Global Positioning System dengan menggunakan teknologi SMS (Short Messaging Service pada jaringan GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications sebagai media transmisinya.  Dengan sistem GPS akan diperoleh data garis lintang, serta garis bujur dari GPS receiver.  Data tersebut akan diteruskan oleh mikrokontroler untuk dikirim ke ponsel pengamat melalui komunikasi SMS.  Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa device personal tracking berhasil mengirimkan data berupa IMEI, Tanggal satelit, waktu satelit, koordinat longitude, koordinat latitude, dan jumlah satelit yang berhasil ditangkap oleh device ke ponsel pengamat.  Dari data koordinat tersebut pengamat dapat memantau posisi device personal tracking berada dengan bantuan aplikasi pendukung yaitu Google Maps. Kata kunci: GPS, Personal Tracking, SMS, Google Maps.   Abstract Base on technology and application development of tracking, personal tracking system was made by transmiting GPS (Global Positioning System data using SMS (Short Messaging Service technology with GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications network as transmitter media.  BY GPS system, we can get datas such as latitude and longitude of GPS receiver.  Those datas will be processed by microcontroller to be sent from GSM/GPRS module to user cellular phone through SMS communication.  The test result showed that the device can be sending datas such as IMEI, UTC date, UTC time, longitude coordinate, latitude coordinate, and number sattelite which detected by device to user’s phonecell.  From those coordinate, user can be monitoring the device’s position with the Google Maps application. Keywords: GPS, Personal Tracking, SMS, Google Maps.


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    Lies Sunarmintyastuti


    Full Text Available Peramalan penentuan jumlah permintaan konsumen berbasis teknologi informasi terhadap produk bordir di Kota Tasikmalaya, mempunyai tujuan khusus untuk menentukan jumlah kebutuhan permintaan konsumen secara periodik, berkala dan pola kebutuhan permintaan konsumen dimasa yang akan datang secara trend, musiman. Penelitian ini berawal dari konsep pemikiran bagaimana supaya produsen bordir di Kota Tasikmalaya mendapatkan pendapatan yang optimal dan efisien dalam biaya produksi bordir mereka. Pendekatan peramalan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Time Series dengan menggunakan Single Exponential Smoothing Modeluntuk mendapatkan nilai peramalan secara periodik, Double Exponential Smoothing Modeluntuk mendapatkan nilai peramalan secara trend dan Triple Exponential SmoothingModeldengan Multiplicative Seasonal Modeluntuk mendapatkan nilai peramalan secara musiman, serta pengujian peramalan menggunakan MAD, MAPE dan MSE untuk mencari error terkecil. Pada tahap berikutnya dibangun sebuah sistem peramalan penentuan permintaan konsumen dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem waterfall dan pembuatansoftware yang dirancang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dengan editor NetBeans dan database MySQL.

  13. Demand-side management project for Tenaga Nasional Berhad: Energy efficiency study: Institut Teknologi Mara (ITM) complex. Final report. Export trade information

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This study, conducted by the California Energy Commission, was funded by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency. The report focuses on energy efficiency and conservation measures at the Institut Teknologi Mara (ITM) Complex for Tenaga Nasional Berhad in Malaysia. The study is divided into the following sections: Preface; (1.0) Executive Summary; (2.0) Facility Background and Site Information; (3.0) Site Energy Use; (4.0) Energy Using Systems; (5.0) On-Site Electricity and Energy Generation; (6.0) Technical Project Summary; Figures, Tables, Appendices.

  14. Development of Delta Wing Aerodynamics Research in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Low Speed Wind Tunnel

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    Shabudin Mat


    Full Text Available This paper presents wind tunnel experiment on two delta wing configurations which are differentiated by their leading edge profiles: sharp and round-edged wings. The experiments were performed as a part of the delta wing aerodynamics research development in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, low speed tunnel (UTM-LST. Steady load balance and flow visualization tests were conducted at Reynolds numbers of 0.5, 1, and 1.5 × 106, respectively. The flow measurement at low Reynolds number was also performed at as low as speed of 5 m/s. During the experiments, laser with smoke flow visualizations test was performed on both wings. The study has identified interesting features of the interrelationship between the conventional leading edge primary vortex and the occurrence and development of the vortex breakdown above the delta wings. The results conclude the vortex characteristics are largely dependent on the Reynolds number, angle of attack, and leading-edge radii of the wing.


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    Yosafanto Adi


    Full Text Available Sistem Keuangan merupakan infrastruktur teknologi informasi yang ada di Dana Pensiun Sekolah Kristen Salatiga. Sistem Keuangan dapat mengelola berbagai laporan mulai dari pencatatan kas hingga pembuatan laporan keuangan. Pentingnya sistem keuangan dalam operasional, menjadikannya  harus dalam kondisi yang optimal. Perlu adanya kontrol dan evaluasi terhadap kinerja sistem informasi (SI agar sistem yang dibangun organisasi dapat mencapai tujuan bisnis. Untuk itu diperlukannya evaluasi kinerja sistem keuangan, pada penelitian ini standar yang digunakan untuk proses evaluasi kinerja yaitu COBIT 5. Framework COBIT 5 dapat menjadi sebuah alat evaluasi kinerja SI untuk menilai seberapa jauh SI  dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tujuan bisnis. Berdasarkan evaluasi kinerja pada sistem keuangan menggunakan COBIT 5 didapatkan hasil bahwa organisasi sudah mengimplementasikan semua proses, yang berarti Dana Pensiun Sekolah Kristen Salatiga sudah mencapai tingkat kapabilitas pada level 1 (Performed Process maupun level 2 (Managed Process. Untuk memperbaiki tingkat kapabilitas proses-proses TI tersebut, maka COBIT 5 telah memberikan panduan berupa rekomendasi guna penyelerasan antara tujuan bisnis Dana Pensiun Sekolah Kristen dengan tujuan TI dalam rangka meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas Sistem Keuangan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi.

  16. Pola Proses Penyebaran dan Penerimaan Informasi Teknologi Kamera DSLR

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    Sidiq Setyawan


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Kamera DSLR sebagai sebuah produk inovasi memiliki cara tersendiri untuk dapat diterima dan diadopsi oleh sebuah sistem sosial khususnya fotografer non profesional di Kota Solo. Difusi inovasi menjelaskan secara sistematis bagaimana sebuah produk inovasi DSLR disebarluaskan dan diterima oleh golongan inovasi di dalamnya. Sebagai sebuah bentuk komunikasi khusus, dalam teori difusi inovasi terdapat dua pokok utama kajian komunikasi, yakni bagaimana seorang komunikator maupun komunikan dalam golongan inovasi bertindak untuk menyebarkan pesan dan menerima pesan. Kedua pokok bahasan ini yang menjadi kunci bagaimana sebuah produk inovasi mampu efektif disebarkan dan diterima (diadopsi oleh golongan inovasi di dalamnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskiptif kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan metode studi kasus. Studi kasus cocok digunakan bila penelitian berkenaan dengan how dan why. Peneliti menjabarkan hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan dalam bentuk narasi. Sampel dari populasi yang diambil melalui proses teknik cuplikan dengan maximum variation sampling atau pengambilan sampel variasi maksimum. Selain menggunakan teknik sampel variasi maksimum, peneliti menggunakan teknik cuplikan snowball sampling. Peneliti mengambil sampel fotografer non profesional di Kota Solo. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui in-depth interview (wawancara mendalam dan observasi lingkungan terhadap sampel penelitian. Untuk validasi data, peneliti menggunakan triangulasi sumber Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa memiliki memiliki karakteristik dan saluran komunikasi komunikasi tersendiri ketika mereka menerima informasi mengenai inovasi dan memutuskan untuk mengadopsi teknologi tersebut. Hal ini misalnya bisa dilihat dari pemilihan media dalam berkomunikasi dan menggunakan berbagai media untuk referensi mengumpulkan informasi terkait dengan inovasi.   Kata kunci: difusi inovasi, innovator, early adopter, early majority, late majority, pola komunikasi.

  17. Fabrication and hemocompatibility assessment of novel polyurethane-based bio-nanofibrous dressing loaded with honey and Carica papaya extract for the management of burn injuries

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    Balaji A


    Full Text Available Arunpandian Balaji,1 Saravana Kumar Jaganathan,2–4 Ahmad Fauzi Ismail,5 Rathanasamy Rajasekar6 1Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia; 2Department for Management of Science and Technology Development, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; 3Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; 4IJNUTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia; 5Advanced Membrane Technology Research Center, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia; 6Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Building and Mechanical Sciences, Kongu Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India Abstract: Management of burn injury is an onerous clinical task since it requires continuous monitoring and extensive usage of specialized facilities. Despite rapid improvizations and investments in burn management, >30% of victims hospitalized each year face severe morbidity and mortality. Excessive loss of body fluids, accumulation of exudate, and the development of septic shock are reported to be the main reasons for morbidity in burn victims. To assist burn wound management, a novel polyurethane (PU-based bio-nanofibrous dressing loaded with honey (HN and Carica papaya (PA fruit extract was fabricated using a one-step electrospinning technique. The developed dressing material had a mean fiber diameter of 190±19.93 nm with pore sizes of 4–50 µm to support effective infiltration of nutrients and gas exchange. The successful blending of HN- and PA-based active biomolecules in PU was inferred through changes in surface chemistry. The blend subsequently increased the wettability (14% and surface energy (24% of the novel dressing. Ultimately, the presence of hydrophilic biomolecules and high porosity enhanced the water absorption ability of the PU

  18. Service quality that improves customer satisfaction in a university: a case study in Institut Teknologi Indonesia (United States)

    Theresia, L.; Bangun, R.


    Universities should provide better service quality to get more customers. The purpose of this study was to find service quality which has impact on the increasing of customer satisfaction in a university. This study is a case study in Institut Teknologi Indonesia (ITI). The result of the study will help ITI to improve its service quality to increase customer satisfaction. This study employs path analysis technique. The data were collected through questionnaires developed from the literature. Questionnaires have two parts namely 1) service quality and 2) customer satisfaction. Service quality is measured through 22 questions with five service quality dimensions: 1) Tangibles, 2) Reliability, 3) Responsiveness, 4) Assurance and 5) Empathy. Customer Satisfaction is measured through 4 questions. The data then are processed by SPSS. The results showed that the students preferred to tangible quality improvement than intangible aspect.


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    Detania Savitri


    Fungsi ayah dalam keluarga adalah sebagai pencari nafkah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga, sementara ibu berfungsi dalam mendidik anak. Ayah yang bekerja penuh waktu akan berkurang interaksinya dengan anak. Disisi lain, teknologi komunikasi diciptakan untuk mempermudah interaksi antar individu. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui apakah smartphone dapat meningkatkan intensitas kedekatan interaksi antara ayah dan anak. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga ingin mengetahui apakah ayah dapat memberikan sosialisasi kepada anak melalui smartphone dan mengontrol keseharian anak. Artikel ini menggunakan perspektif fungsionalis. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan oleh penulis dengan mewawancarai tiga ayah dan tiga anak berusia 20 tahun ke atas yang sama-sama menggunakan smartphone di kota Depok. Temuan yang diperoleh penulis yaitu smartphone dapat merubah interaksi ayah dengan anak, dan ayah dapat memberikan kontrol sosial kepada anak dalam interaksi melalui smartphone. Dalam interaksi ayah dan anak, smartphone juga dapat digunakan ayah untuk mensosialisasikan nilai-nilai kepada anak.


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    Sujianto Sujianto


    Full Text Available Continuous development of certified teachers in vocational high school tech­no­logy clump. The purpose of this study is to describe the continuing professionality deve­lop­ment of teachers certifiedcertified teachers through investments investing in self-development educators, scientific publications, and innovative work wetherboth independently, in groups, or insti­tutionalizedinsti­tutionally. This research uses a descriptive quantitative study design study, with and  a the research subjects are who is certified vocational teachers educators asin Malang Raya. The Research research instruments used in this study are questionnaires and interview guides. The results of this study indi­cate that continuing professionality development of certified teachers certified in vocational educators high school clumps technology clump is still relatively low, most teachers only are categorized in the categories category of sometimes doing self-development investments, scientific publications, and innovative works. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan profesionalitas berkelanjutan guru bersertifikat pendidik melalui investasi pengembangan diri, publi­kasi ilmiah, dan karya inovatif baik secara mandiri, berkelompok, atau melembaga. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan subjek penelitian guru kejuruan bersertifikat pendidik se-Malang Raya. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan profesionalitas berkelanjutan guru berser­tifikat pendidik di SMK rumpun teknologi se-Malang Raya masih tergolong rendah, sebagian besar guru hanya kadang-kadang me­lakukan investasi pengembangan diri, publikasi ilmiah, dan membuat karya inovatif.

  1. Analisis Redaman Pada Jaringan FTTH (Fiber To The Home Dengan Teknologi GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network Di PT MNC Kabel Mediacom

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    Minal Abral


    Full Text Available iber optic merupakan teknologi yang menyediakan kapasitas bandwith besar dengan kecepatan tinggi, tidak dipengaruhi interferensi gelombang elektromagnetik, Sejalan dengan berkembang secara pesatnya penggunaan serat optik sebagai medium penghantar, ada kemungkinan terjadinya hilang informasi akibat kerugian dari pemanjangan kabel fiber optic ataupun penyambungan kabel fiber optic, kerugian tersebut yaitu redaman. Dalam penerapan metode link power budget, perhitungan redaman dilakukan dengan data yang diperoleh berdasarkan standarisasi dan pengukuran menggunakan perangkat optical power meter. Hasil analisa perhitungan, sistem mampu dalam keadaan normal menggunakan layanan gigabit passive optical network dapat diterima oleh perangkat akhir jaringan fiber to the home pada pelanggan perusahaan PT MNC Kabel Mediacom yang berada di Kelurahan Jati RW 02 Pulo Gadung Jakarta Timur.

  2. Manajemen Sumber Daya Teknologi Informasi Laboratorium Komputer Menggunakan Balanced Scorecard (BSC dan COBIT 5

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    M. Panji Ismail


    Full Text Available Laboratorium komputer merupakan salah satu sarana pembelajaran yang berbasis Teknologi Informasi (TI yang terdiri dari tiga sumber daya TI, yaitu software, hardware, dan brainware. Tidak adanya kesesuaian antara kemampuan hardware dengan spesifikasi hardware yang digunakan dapat menghambat pengguna (brainware dalam melakukan praktikum dan pembelajaran di laboratorium. Selain itu, ketidaksesuaian tersebut juga mengakibatkan software berjalan lambat dan computer sering error sehingga praktikum menjadi terganggu dan berjalan tidak lancar. Untuk mengetahui kesesuaian antar sumber daya TI yang ada di laboratorium dibutuhkan proses pengukuran manajemen sumber daya TI yang ada saat ini. Skala likert menjadi salah satu metode untuk mengukur kinerja software, hardware, dan tata kelola laboratorium saat ini. Hasil pengukuran kemudian dievaluasi menggunakan framework Balance Scorecard (BSC dengan melalui beberapa tahapan dan penyelarasan strategi TI. Setelah mengetahui hasil evaluasi dan kendala-kendala apa saka yang ada dalam melakukan pengelolaan maka langkah berikutnya adalah menentukan bagaimana cara memperbaiki dan melakukan peningkatan tata kelola TI. COBIT 5 akan menjadi framework pelengkap untuk memperbaiki sekaligus memprediksi pengembangan manajemen sumber daya TI. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa integrase antara COBIT 5 dengan Balance Scorecard (BSC memberikan kemampuan dalam melakukan pengukuran tata kelola laboratorium serta memberikan kemampuan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan secara kontinyu.


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    Eni Kusrini


    Full Text Available Teknik transfer gen banyak dikembangkan untuk mengintroduksi molekul DNA ke dalam embrio. Keberhasilan transfer gen menggunakan metode transfeksi ditentukan oleh berbagai faktor, antara lain pemilihan larutan transfeksi yang sesuai dengan mempertimbangkan kesediaan secara komersial, mudah diaplikasikan, keberhasilan tinggi, dan tidak bersifat toksik terhadap embrio. Studi awal untuk mengetahui keberhasilan transfer gen terhadap embrio ikan wild betta digunakan Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai model terhadap ikan betta. GFP merupakan gen yang mengkodekan protein dan memiliki sifat berpendar hijau. Induk jantan dan betina dipijahkan dengan perbandingan 1:1 pada wadah baskom dengan ketinggian air ± 14 cm serta diberikan substrat. Transfeksi dilakukan pada embrio fase pembelahan 2 sel. Larutan transfeksi dibuat dari campuran DNA plasmid pada media NaCl 0.9% hingga mencapai konsentrasi akhir 100 μL media (campuran transfast + DNA + NaCl. Aktivitas gen ini dapat divisualisasikan dengan menggunakan sinar ultra violet. Keberhasilan dari teknik transfer gen tersebut dibuktikan dengan adanya ekspresi gen atau deteksi DNA gen GFP yang dimasukkan. Ekspresi hasil korporasi DNA ke dalam telur melalui transfeksi pada wild betta dan keberhasilan transfer gen GFP dapat dibuktikan dengan analisis PCR. Tujuan dari penulisan makalah ini adalah menguraikan tentang metode transfeksi yang efektif untuk teknologi transfer gen terhadap ikan wild betta.

  4. Teknologi Pengendalian Gulma Alang-alang dengan Tanaman Legum untuk Pertanian Tanaman Pangan

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    Ishak Juarsah


    Full Text Available Di Indonesia, Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv merupakan salah satu gulma terpenting dan termasuk sepuluh gulma bermasalah di dunia.  Melalui biji dan rimpang, alang-alang dapat tumbuh dan menyebar luas pada hampir semua kondisi lahan. Teknologi pengendalian alang-alang telah banyak dikenal namun belum dapat menjamin eradikasi populasi alang-alang secara berkelanjutan tanpa diikuti oleh kultur teknis dan pola budidaya tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa lahan alang-alang dapat dikendalikan/dikelola menjadi lahan produktif setelah direhabilitasi dengan tanaman legume (Mucuna sp. untuk usaha tani tanaman pangan lahan kering berorientasi konservasi tanah. Bahan hijauan tanaman Mucuna dapat meningkatkan kadar C-organik, memperbaiki sifat fisika, kimia tanah dan meningkatkan  produksi tanaman pangan. In Indonesia, Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv is one of important weeds and included to ten most problematic weeds around the world. Through its seeds and roots, alang-alang can grow and expand in nearly all soil conditions. Many technologies for controlling have been known but can not ensure the eradication of weeds population, however the controlling via food crops cropping systems for the whole years is the best method so far to have sustainability of the agriculture land. Research showed that alang-alang area could be controlled/managed became more productive land after rehabilitation with legume (ie Mucuna sp. especially for dry land conservation oriented. Mucuna green materials might increase C-organic content, both soil chemical and physical improvement, furthermore increased foodcrops production.


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    Dhini Suryandini


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan auditor dari perangkat lunak audit dengan menggunakan Model Penerimaan Teknologi (TAM. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode survei melalui surat dan email yang dikirim ke auditor di 4 perusahaan-perusahaan CPA di Indonesia. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS. Metode tersebut merupakan metode alternatif Pemodelan Persamaan Struktur dengan menggunakan program aplikasi Smart PLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara perceived usefulness (PU dan attitude terhadap penggunaan audit software (ATT, antara perceived usefulness (PU dan actual use (AU, experience (EXP dan perceived usefulness (PU, dan computer-self-efficacy (CSE dan perceived ease of use (PEOU. Ada 2 faktor yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan baik secara langsung dan tidak langsung pada penerimaan auditor dari perangkat lunak audit. Perceived usefulnes mempunyai pengaruh positif secara langsung terhadap actual use (AU. The aim of this research is to test the factors, influencing the auditor acceptance of audit software by using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM. The data were collected by using survey method through mail and email delivered to the auditors in big 4 CPA’s firms in Indonesia. The data were analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS method. It is the alternative method of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM in which Smart PLS application program is applied. The results of this research indicate that there are positive relationship between perceived usefulness (PU and attitude to the use of the audit software (ATT, between perceived usefulness (PU and actual use (AU, between experience (EXP and perceived usefulness (PU, and between computer-self-efficacy (CSE and perceived ease of use (PEOU.  There are 2 factors that have significant influence on the auditor acceptance of audit software directly and indirectly. Perceived

  6. Visualisasi Iklan Cetak Mobil VW ”New Beetle” Sebagai Pencitraan Hubungan Manusia dan Teknologi

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    Hendro Aryanto


    Full Text Available When a new car is launched to the market, sometimes it begins with the appearing of the product advertisement. This happened with VW’s products. In VW Beige ”New Beetle” and VW Black ”New Beetle” print ad versions, they are shown as symbols of beauty and comfort because of their modern technology. VW ”New Beetle” could be the peoples’ choice in many countries with different geographical and cultural backgrounds. In the commodity society, beauty is priceless, for it is supported by the image culture which emphasizes appearance. This point will support belief and loyalty to the brand. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Ketika sebuah mobil baru diluncurkan ke pasar, biasanya diawali dengan pemunculan iklan produk tersebut. Ini yang nampak pada produk VW. Pada iklan cetak versi lipstik VW Beige ”New Beetle” dan VW Black ”New Beetle”, merupakan simbol kecantikan dan kenyamanan karena teknologinya yang modern. VW ”New Beetle” bisa menjadi pilihan orang-orang di negara manapun yang mempunyai geografis yang berbeda-beda tentunya dengan budaya yang berbeda pula. Dalam masyarakat komoditas, kecantikan adalah sangat berharga, karena didukung budaya citra yang mengutamakan penampilan. Hal ini akan mendukung keyakinan dan kesetiaan pada merek tersebut. Kata kunci: iklan cetak, VW Beetle, citra, manusia, teknologi.

  7. An Ethology of Urban Fabric(s)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fritsch, Jonas; Thomsen, Bodil Marie Stavning


    The article explores a non-metaphorical understanding of urban fabric(s), shifting the attention from a bird’s eye perspective to the actual, textural manifestations of a variety of urban fabric(s) to be studied in their real, processual, ecological and ethological complexity within urban life. We...... effectuate this move by bringing into resonance a range of intersecting fields that all deal with urban fabric(s) in complementary ways (interaction design and urban design activism, fashion, cultural theory, philosophy, urban computing)....


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    Markus Mangampa


    Full Text Available Salah satu jenis udang yang cukup potensial untuk dikembangkan adalah udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei. Budidaya ini berkembang dengan teknologi intensif, namun terbatas pada golongan masyarakat menengah ke atas (padat modal. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi pengaruh penggunaan tokolan terhadap produksi, Rasio Konversi Pakan (RKP pada pembesaran udang vaname teknologi intensif. Riset ini dilaksanakan di tambak Punaga, Takalar, Instalasi Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau (BRPBAP, menggunakan empat petak masing masing berukuran 4.000 m2/petak. Hewan uji adalah udang vaname dengan perlakuan: (A pembesaran dengan tebar benur (PL-12, dan (B pembesaran dengan tebar tokolan (PL-27. Setiap perlakuan dengan 2 ulangan, kepadatan benur dan tokolan adalah 50 ekor/m2, dan pemeliharaan berlangsung 80 hari di tambak. Hasil yang diperoleh pada perlakuan B memperlihatkan pertumbuhan mutlak (11,114±0,258 g/ekor, sintasan (92,55±0,23%, produksi (2.087,5±88,2 kg/petak lebih tinggi daripada perlakuan A yaitu: pertumbuhan mutlak (10,085±0,120 g/ekor, sintasan (90,83±8,51%, produksi (1.831,0±149,9 kg/petak, namun ketiga peubah ini berbeda tidak nyata antara kedua perlakuan. RKP lebih rendah pada perlakuan B (1,096±0,034 berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan A (1,257±0,048. Peubah kualitas air memperlihatkan sebaran kisaran yang merata untuk kedua perlakuan, kecuali nitrit (NO2 memperlihatkan kisaran yang tinggi pada perlakuan B (0,18235 mg/L dibandingkan dengan perlakuan A (0,0328 mg/L pada akhir penelitian. Hal ini disebabkan waktu panen yang berbeda sesuai dengan kondisi musim yaitu kualitas air sumber semakin menurun. Kualitas air sumber yang menurun ini diikuti oleh meningkatnya total vibrio di air laut mencapai; 4,33104 cfu/mL dibandingkan dalam air tambak 829.102 cfu/mL. Kesimpulan memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan tokolan (PL-27 menghasilkan produksi yang tinggi dan rasio konversi pakan yang rendah. One species of shrimps that

  9. Aplikasi Penilaian Kinerja Dosen pada Proses Belajar Mengajar Berbasis Web: Studi Kasus di Badan Penjamin Mutu Internal Institut Teknologi Padang

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    Harison Son


    Full Text Available The lecturer has the main duty of Tridharma of Higher Education, namely education, research and community service. Currently, the assessment of lecturers using questionnaires by students at the Padang Institute of Technology is still ineffective and the data is less valid. With this application, the internal quality assurance agency of Padang Technology Institute will not be bothered to calculate student questionnaire data as much as 2500 people. The results of this application provide a detailed value to the lecturer, in which a lecturer has a low score and in which part a lecturer excels based on the question items. This value will be calculated by the application of each student who has filled the questionnaire. The application will provide information on the value of the whole lecturer and can be the basis to make improvements to the weakness of the lecturer in detail and accurately. This application is designed using PHP programming language and MySql database. Lecturer performance appraisal results can be obtained directly, to determine the highest to lowest score and can also see the results of the overall lecturer's score accessed on the account of each lecturer on the campus information system. Dosen mempunyai tugas pokok tridharma Perguruan Tinggi, yaitu pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Saat ini, penilaian dosen menggunakan kuesioner oleh mahasiswa di Institut Teknologi Padang masih tidak efektif dan datanya kurang valid. Dengan adanya Aplikasi ini badan penjamin mutu internal Institut Teknologi Padang tidak akan direpotkan untuk mengalkulasi data angket mahasiswa sebanyak 2500 orang. Hasil dari aplikasi ini memberikan nilai secara detail kepada dosen, di bagian mana seorang dosen yang mempunyai nilai rendah dan di bagian mana seorang dosen unggul berdasarkan item pertanyaan. Nilai ini akan di kalkulasi oleh aplikasi setiap mahasiswa yang telah mengisi kuesioner dan akan memberikan informasi nilai secara


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    M. Dwipayana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan self-efficacy siswa antara kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran Sains Teknologi Masyarakat (STM dibandingkan dengan kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran langsung (Direct Instruction. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian semu (quasi experiment dengan rancangan pretest-posttest non equivalent control group design Populasi dalam penelitian ini semua siswa kelas VII SMP 2 Singaraja dan sampel sebanyak 75 orang siswa. Data self-efficacy dikumpulkan dengan metode kuisioner dan data kemampuan pemecahan masalah dikumpulkan dengan tes essay. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Manova. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan self- efficacy siswa antara kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran STM dibandingkan dengan kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran langsung (Direct Instruction dengan rata-rata nilai gain score STM lebih unggul dari nilai gain score DI berturut-turut yaitu 0,53>0,48 pada variabel kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan 0,55>0,41 pada variabel self-efficacy. Hasil Uji LSD menunjukan gain score kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan self-efficacy antara kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran STM lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran langsung (Direct Instruction.

  11. Analisis Kinerja Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi untuk Menunjang Kinerja Karyawan Menggunakan Framework IT Balanced Scorecard (Studi Kasus pada Wi-Fi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

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    Bertho Molly


    Wi-Fi UKSW merupakan fasilitas jaringan internet yang dibangun untuk memfasilitasi dan mendukung kebutuhan civitas UKSW dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengukuran bagaimana tingkat pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi berdasarkan kinerja karyawan Wi-Fi UKSW. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode IT Balanced Scorecard sebagai sarana pengukuran yang jelas, memantau dan mengoptimalkan realisasi dari nilai atau manfaat bisnis dan manfaat Teknologi Informasi dimana IT Balanced Scorecard mempunyai 4 perspektif (Perspektif Kontribusi Perusahaan, Perspektif Orientasi Pengguna, Perspektif Penyempurnaan Operasional, dan Perspektif Orientasi Masa Depan. Penelitian ini dimulai dari tahapan perencanaan, tahapan studi kelayakan awal dan studi literature, tahapan wawancara dan observasi, tahapan analisis data, serta tahapan membuat dan menyusun laporan serta rekomendasi menggunakan IT Balanced Scorecard. Adapun beberapa hal yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini dan harus ditangani yaitu, dibutuhkannya penambahan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM untuk membantu kinerja Wi-Fi UKSW baik dalam hal penanganan complain maupun penyelesaian proyek mengingat Wi-Fi UKSW selalu dibutuhkan dan digunakan oleh semua civitas UKSW serta perlu adanya evaluasi dan upgrade terhadap sistem aplikasi monitoring Wi-Fi. Karena sebagai sarana penyedia layanan jaringan internet yang mana semua yang dilakukan karyawan Wi-Fi UKSW berhubungan erat dengan Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi dan hasilnya, yang kehadirannya memberikan nilai manfaat yang baik khususnya bagi kemajuan kinerja karyawan Wi-Fi UKSW. Kata kunci: Kinerja SI dan TI, IT Balanced Scorecard, Wi-Fi UKSW Abstract Wi-Fi SWCU is an internet network facility built to facilitate and support the needs of SWCU civities in teaching and learning. The purpose of this research is take measurements of what is the level the use of Information Systems and Information Technology based on of employee performance

  12. Fabrication of recyclable superhydrophobic cotton fabrics (United States)

    Han, Sang Wook; Park, Eun Ji; Jeong, Myung-Geun; Kim, Il Hee; Seo, Hyun Ook; Kim, Ju Hwan; Kim, Kwang-Dae; Kim, Young Dok


    Commercial cotton fabric was coated with SiO2 nanoparticles wrapped with a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) layer, and the resulting material surface showed a water contact angle greater than 160°. The superhydrophobic fabric showed resistance to water-soluble contaminants and maintained its original superhydrophobic properties with almost no alteration even after many times of absorption-washing cycles of oil. Moreover, superhydrophobic fabric can be used as a filter to separate oil from water. We demonstrated a simple method of fabrication of superhydrophobic fabric with potential interest for use in a variety of applications.

  13. Kajian Teknologi High Altitude Platform (HAP [Study of High Altitude Platform (HAP Technology

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    Amry Daulat Gultom


    Full Text Available High Altitude Platform (HAP merupakan solusi alternatif untuk mengatasi keterbatasan infrastruktur terestrial maupun satelit. HAP merupakan pesawat ataupun balon udara yang ditempatkan pada ketinggian 20-50 km di atas permukaan bumi. Kelebihan yang utama dari HAP adalah kemudahan dalam penempatan, fleksibilitas, biaya operasionalnya rendah, delay  propagasi rendah, sudut elevasi lebar, cakupan yang luas. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi HAP untuk komunikasi pita lebar dan perkembangannya di Indonesia. Analisis dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan mengolah data literatur yang didapat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Indonesia terdapat potensi teknologi HAP untuk komunikasi pita lebar dengan lebar pita 2x300 MHz di band 27,9-28,2 GHz dan 31-31,3 GHz. Namun, belum ada peraturan yang mengatur alokasi frekuensi untuk HAP secara khusus di Indonesia.*****High Altitude Platform (HAP has been developed as an alternative solution in order to overcome limitation of terrestrial and satellite communication system. HAP is an aircraft or balloon situated on 20-50 km above the earth. Main advantages of HAP are flexibility in deployment, low propagation delay, wide elevation angle and broad coverage. The research is conducted to gather HAP potential for broadband communication and its development in Indonesia. Analysis is conducted by descriptive analysis from literature study gather. The research result shows that in Indonesia, there is potential of HAP technology for broadband communication with 2x300 MHz bandwidth within 27,9-28,2 GHz and 31-31,3 GHz. Yet, there are no specific regulations managing frequency allocation for HAP in Indonesia.


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    Sisilia Sari Dewi


    Full Text Available Penggabungan dari empat pendidikan tinggi di bawah Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT merupakan wujud implementasi visi YPT dalam mencapai world class university. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa hal tersebut memunculkan tingkat kekhawatiran yang berbeda-beda terhadap suatu risiko pada proses TI yang sudah dijalankan. Begitu pula dengan tingkat kemapanan setiap proses TI yang merealisasikan sasaran pengendalian. Maka dari itu, perlu dibuat pemetaan terhadap profil risiko dan tingkat kemapanan pada masing-masing lembaga. Penelitian berfokus pada domain Plan and Organise,yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemetaan proses TI di Telkom University berdasarkan COBIT 4.1, pemetaan profil risiko dan tingkat kemapanan di empat fakultas dengan kuadran prioritas, serta untuk mendapatkan teknik pengendalian umum untuk merealisasikan sasaran pengendalian dalam rangka integrasi manajemen menjadi Telkom University. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keempat lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang bergabung menjadi Telkom University memiliki bobot risiko dan tingkat kemapanan proses TI yang berbeda-beda. Selain itu, proses-proses TI yang sudah dijalankan oleh masing-masing lembaga juga berbeda-beda. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Telkom University sebaiknya melakukan integrasi terhadap pengelolaan teknologi informasi serta menerapkan langkah-langkah prioritas untuk proses TI yang berada dalam kuadran under-controlled

  15. Online Group Discussion pada Mata Kuliah Teknologi Pembelajaran Fisika

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    Yuberti Yuberti


    penawaran akses internet yang menggiurkan demi menarik minat penggunanya. Beberapa fenomena tersebut menunjukkan semakin banyak kalangan yang memanfaatkan internet dan menjadikanya sebagai gaya hidup untuk berintaksi, bersosialisasi, belajar dan mendapatkan informasi. Meluasnya pemanfaatan internet bisa menjadi potensi besar dalam pengembangan pembelajaran dengan sistem online memungkinkan pebelajar untuk mengakses infromasi secara fleksibel tanpa terbatas waktu dan tempat. Diskusi tidak lagi terjadi secara tatap muka, namun dapat terus berlangsung meskipun dalam lingkungan maya. Sebagaimana pelaksanaan metode pembelajaran maya lainnya. Pelaksanaannya diskusi online itu sendiri pada dasarnya mengadopsi dari metode pembelajaran diskusi tatap muka. Kata kunci: online group discussion, teknologi pembelajaran

  16. Peranan Teknologi dalam Mendukung Proses Berpikir Level C3 Siswa pada Materi Operasi Himpunan melalui Penggunaan Swish Max4

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    Arinaldi Arinaldi


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi pada abad ke-21 ini sudah sangat pesat, membuat guru menjadi lebih kreatif dalam hal membuat media pembelajaran yang inovatif, menarik, serta tidak ketinggalan zaman. Dengan menggunakan media visual guru dapat memberikan visual tertentu pada siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, yang nantinya diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalam berpikir C3. Lalu dilatar belakangi oleh kemampuan siswa yang rendah dalam mengerjakan soal applikasi operasi pada himpunan dikehidupan sehari-hari sekaligus memvisualisasikan operasi himpunan, berdasarkan survei peneliti melalui wawancara dengan guru SMP Negeri 11 Tanjungpinang. Sehingga pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan media visual berbasis multimedia berbantuan software swish max4, untuk membantu siswa berpikir hingga level C3 atau pada ranah mengaplikasikan khususnya pada materi operasi himpunan dan juga dapat memvisualisasikan operasi himpunan dikehidupan sehari-hari. Telah dilakukan eksperimen di kelas VII.1 dan kelas VII.2 pada SMP Negeri 11 Tanjungpinang, memperoleh hasil posttest kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi 76,24 dibangdingkan dengan kelas kontrol 66,92, terbukti bahwa kelas yang diberikan treatment media swish max4  dapat membantu siswa dalam berpikir hingga level C3 atau mengapplikasikan. Kata kunci : Swish max4, berpikir level C3, Soal applikasi operasi himpunan

  17. Polymorphous computing fabric (United States)

    Wolinski, Christophe Czeslaw [Los Alamos, NM; Gokhale, Maya B [Los Alamos, NM; McCabe, Kevin Peter [Los Alamos, NM


    Fabric-based computing systems and methods are disclosed. A fabric-based computing system can include a polymorphous computing fabric that can be customized on a per application basis and a host processor in communication with said polymorphous computing fabric. The polymorphous computing fabric includes a cellular architecture that can be highly parameterized to enable a customized synthesis of fabric instances for a variety of enhanced application performances thereof. A global memory concept can also be included that provides the host processor random access to all variables and instructions associated with the polymorphous computing fabric.

  18. Establishment proper of the balanced scorecard indicators to support decision making in a university: a case study in Institut Teknologi Indonesia (United States)

    Theresia, L.; Lahuddin, A. H.; Bangun, R.


    Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a powerful tool in decision making process. Nevertheless, it is not rare that the BSC does not give satisfactory results because the indicators chosen do not reflect the needs of the organization. Therefore, indicator establishment is very crucial in the utilization of BSC. This research aims to determine the indicators BSC for a university and the research is a case study in Institut Teknologi Indonesia (ITI). In this study, BSC structure and indicators, comparison made by 4 previous researchers was used as the initial guide to determine the structure and indicators of ITI. And then, questionnaires were distributed to selected respondents and a focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted in order to produce indicators of BSC based on the mental model of the ITI. It is found 15 indicators based on the mental model of ITI. Furthermore, the relationships between the indicators are seen as dynamic relationships, and by using system dynamics, some feedback loops that are considered critical to organizational success can be identified and isolated.

  19. Kepuasan Mahasiswa Telkom University Dalam Pemanfaatan Situs Sebagai Media Informasi


    Putra, Raditya Pratama; Putri, Yuliani Rachma


    Proses komunikasi saat ini semakin berkembang dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang memadukan antara teknologi informasi dan teknologi komunikasi sehingga muncul istilah Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Teknologi tersebut melahirkan sebuah sarana yaitu internet. Masyarakat menggunakan media, didasari oleh motif sebagai harapan khalayak ketika menggunakan media, dan kesenjangan kepuasan khalayak setelah menggunakan media. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui motif informasi, motif iden...



    Wahyono, Sri


    Enhanced landfill mining (ELFM) adalah konsep baru yang terintegrasi tentang recovery material dan energi pada sebuah landfill yang bermanfaat bagi keberlanjutan pengelolaan material dan pengelolaan landfill. Konsep tersebut mengintegrasikan berbagai teknologi seperti teknologi ekskavasi, teknologi pemilahan, teknologi termal, teknologi transformasi dan daur ulang. Hal tersebut juga terintegrasi dengan aspek non teknis seperti aspek regulasi, market, ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan. Konsep EL...

  1. Fabrication of superhydrophobic cotton fabrics using crosslinking polymerization method (United States)

    Jiang, Bin; Chen, Zhenxing; Sun, Yongli; Yang, Huawei; Zhang, Hongjie; Dou, Haozhen; Zhang, Luhong


    With the aim of removing and recycling oil and organic solvent from water, a facile and low-cost crosslinking polymerization method was first applied on surface modification of cotton fabrics for water/oil separation. Micro-nano hierarchical rough structure was constructed by triethylenetetramine (TETA) and trimesoyl chloride (TMC) that formed a polymeric layer on the surface of the fabric and anchored Al2O3 nanoparticles firmly between the fabric surface and the polymer layer. Superhydrophobic property was further obtained through self-assembly grafting of hydrophobic groups on the rough surface. The as-prepared cotton fabric exhibited superoleophilicity in atmosphere and superhydrophobicity both in atmosphere and under oil with the water contact angle of 153° and 152° respectively. Water/oil separation test showed that the as-prepared cotton fabric can handle with various oil-water mixtures with a high separation efficiency over 99%. More importantly, the separation efficiency remained above 98% over 20 cycles of reusing without losing its superhydrophobicity which demonstrated excellent reusability in oil/water separation process. Moreover, the as-prepared cotton fabric possessed good contamination resistance ability and self-cleaning property. Simulation washing process test showed the superhydrophobic cotton fabric maintained high value of water contact angle above 150° after 100 times washing, indicating great stability and durability. In summary, this work provides a brand-new way to surface modification of cotton fabric and makes it a promising candidate material for oil/water separation.


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    A.K.M. Mobarok Hossain


    Full Text Available Global demand for knitted garments is growing at a faster rate than that of woven items.Currently around 50% of clothing needs in the developed countries is met by knit goods. So ensuring the required quality in a knitted fabric is a vital issue for the manufacturer. One of the major problems encountered in knitted fabric is spirality. It affects particularly single jersey fabric and presents a serious problem during garment confection and use. So controlling spirality is a basic requirement for producing quality knitted fabric. Though there are several factors that contribute to knitted fabric spirality, yarn twist and relative tightness of the fabric are said tobe the most significant ones. In this work the basic single jersey fabric, i.e. plain jersey cotton fabrics were produced by a Hosiery knitting machine and spirality values were observed for different yarn T.P.I. and tightness factor at relaxed state. It was found that tightness factor has a direct influence on knitted fabric spirality with a high degree of correlation. The work thus gives an idea to deal this problem by controlling the knitting parameters.

  3. Facile fabrication of a superhydrophobic fabric with mechanical stability and easy-repairability. (United States)

    Zhu, Xiaotao; Zhang, Zhaozhu; Yang, Jin; Xu, Xianghui; Men, Xuehu; Zhou, Xiaoyan


    The poor mechanical stability of superhydrophobic fabrics severely hindered their use in practical applications. Herein, to address this problem, we fabricated a superhydrophobic fabric with both mechanical stability and easy-repairability by a simple method. The mechanical durability of the obtained superhydrophobic fabric was evaluated by finger touching and abrasion with sandpaper. The results show that rough surface textures of the fabric were retained, and the fabric surface still exhibited superhydrophobicity after tests. More importantly, when the fabric lost its superhydrophobicity after a long-time abrasion, it can be easily rendered with superhydrophobicity once more by a regeneration process. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. DISAIN TEKNOLOGI SURYA SEBAGAI "FORM-GIVER" PADA ARSITEKTUR Implementasi Bangunan Perumahan di Indonesia

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    Jimmy Priatman


    faktor penentu disain sistem surya yang mempengaruhi disain arsitektur yang akan membentuk suatu langgam arsitektur baru yang dinamakan "arsitektur surya". Kata kunci: Disain Teknologi Surya, Arsitektur Surya.

  5. Fabric circuits and method of manufacturing fabric circuits (United States)

    Chu, Andrew W. (Inventor); Dobbins, Justin A. (Inventor); Scully, Robert C. (Inventor); Trevino, Robert C. (Inventor); Lin, Greg Y. (Inventor); Fink, Patrick W. (Inventor)


    A flexible, fabric-based circuit comprises a non-conductive flexible layer of fabric and a conductive flexible layer of fabric adjacent thereto. A non-conductive thread, an adhesive, and/or other means may be used for attaching the conductive layer to the non-conductive layer. In some embodiments, the layers are attached by a computer-driven embroidery machine at pre-determined portions or locations in accordance with a pre-determined attachment layout before automated cutting. In some other embodiments, an automated milling machine or a computer-driven laser using a pre-designed circuit trace as a template cuts the conductive layer so as to separate an undesired portion of the conductive layer from a desired portion of the conductive layer. Additional layers of conductive fabric may be attached in some embodiments to form a multi-layer construct.

  6. Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Wireless Internet Protocol Access System di Kota Malang

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    Ahmad Budi Setiawan


    Full Text Available WIPAS (Wireless Internet Protocol Accsess System adalah salah satu teknologi pita lebar (broadband yang terbaru. Teknologi tersebut dikembangkan berdasarkan model point-to-multipoint access system pada jaringan nirkabel tetap atau Fixed Wireless Access (FWA dengan memanfaatkan pita frekuensi 26-GHz. Dengan besarnya pita frekuensi yang digunakan, teknologi WIPAS dapat menampung kapasitas akses untuk lalu lintas jaringan yang sangat besar. Dalam penelitian ini akan dikaji dan dievaluasi efektifitas penggunaan teknologi WIPAS melalui kasus pemanfaatan teknologi WIPAS untuk pemberdayaan komunitas di kota Malang. Dalam penelitian ini juga akan dideskripsikan pemanfaatan teknologi WIPAS untuk melihat manfaat penggunaan teknologi tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan evaluasi terhadap infrastruktur yang telah dibangun untuk melihat efektifitas pemanfaatan WIPAS. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebuah kajian evaluatif tentang pemanfaatan WIPAS di kota Malang dan rekomendasi untuk implementasi lebih lanjut.

  7. Pembuatan Tata Kelola Keamanan Informasi Kontrol Akses Berbasis ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Pada Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Surabaya I

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    Margo Utomo


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang pesat saat ini turut berimbas kepada penggunaan teknologi informasi di lingkungan pemerintahan. KPPN Surabaya I sebagai instansi vertikal dari Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan juga menerapkan teknologi informasi dalam untuk mendukung kegiatan pelayanan terhadap satuan kerja yang berada di lingkup bayarnya. Sayangnya masalah keamanan informasi yang merupakan bagian penting dari teknologi informasi sering kali kurang mendapatkan perhatian. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa munculnya ancaman ataupun kelemahan dalam teknologi informasi dapat menggangu jalannya kegiatan pelayanan yang menggunakan teknologi informasi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengelolaan teknologi informasi berbasis risiko yang dituangkan dalam tata kelola untuk mengelola ancaman ataupun kelemahan yang muncul. ISO/IEC 27001:2005 merupakan framework sistem manajemen keamanan informasi yang dapat dijadikan dasar dalam pengelolaan keamanan informasi. Tata kelola keamanan informasi yang dibuat ini menitikberatkan pada kontrol akses yang merupakan salah satu kotrol keamanan dari ISO/IEC 27001:2005

  8. Fabrication Facilities (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Fabrication Facilities are a direct result of years of testing support. Through years of experience, the three fabrication facilities (Fort Hood, Fort Lewis, and...

  9. Penyuluhan Dan Pelatihan Teknologi Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Berbasis Kearifan Dan Sumber Daya Alam Lokal Untuk Perbaikan Tingkat Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Karangsari Wedomartani Sleman

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    Sri Handayani


    Full Text Available Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan teknologi pemanfaatan tanaman obat berbasis kearifan dan sumber daya alam lokal untuk perbaikan tingkat kesehatan masyarakat desa karangsari wedomartani Sleman. Pada akhirnya kegiatan ini akan memberikan wawasan, pengetahuan, kemampuan, dan keterampilan kepada warga terutama para remaja dan  ibu –ibu dalam memanfaatkan bahan alam di lingkungan sekitar sebagai minuman kesehatan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2016 dengan peserta kegiatan adalah remaja dan ibu-ibu PKK desa Wedomartani Sleman. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan analisis permasalahan di lapangan, diikuti oleh persiapan rancangan  pelaksanaan program, pelatihan dan sosialisasi program yang dilengkapi alat dan bahan serta sarana dan prasarana penunjang kegiatan. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan sosialisasi serta pengarahan pembuatan minuman kesehatan berbasis sumber daya alam local. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa 100% para peserta pelatihan merasakan bahwa kegiatan ini bermanfaat dan memiliki kemauan yang kuat untuk belajar hal baru. Dengan pelatihan yang berkelanjutan,diharapkan peserta memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup bahkan menunjang kebutuhan ekonomi.   Kata kunci: Tanaman obat, sumber daya alam local

  10. Keabsahan Informasi pada Media Sosial sebagai Alat Bukti dalam Pembuktian Tindak Pidana Pencemaran Nama Baik Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008


    Sirait, Togi Robson


    Perkembangan Teknologi merukan salah satu dampak dari globalisasi yang tidak bias dihindarkan. Era globalisasi ini telah menjadi pendorong lahirnya era teknologi informasi. Perkembangan teknologi telah menyebabkan dunia menjadi tanpa batas dan menyebabkan perubahan sosial secara signifikan berlangsung demikian cepat. Sehingga dapat dikatakan teknologi informasi saat ini telah menjadi pedang bermata dua, karena selain memberikan kontribusi bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan, kemajuan, dan peradaba...

  11. Geoinformation postgraduate education at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia - towards a centre of high quality postgraduate education and research (United States)

    Peters, S.; Kanniah, K. D.; Rahman, A. A.


    Studying at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) will ensure academic and technological excellence. The Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate (FGHT), established in 1972, focus on education and research for undergraduate as well as postgraduate programs in the related disciplines such as geomatic engineering, geoinformatics, remote sensing, property management and land administration & development. FGHT strives to be a leading academic center in geoinformation and real estate in Southeast Asia. Graduates and alumni form major strong professional societies and work force in the related industries. Many of our graduates end up with good jobs not just in Malaysia but also in other countries (Asian, Middle East, Africa and Europe). The strong team and knowledgeable academic members in this faculty provide excellent ingredients for the success of the programs (i.e. with the relevant and up-to-date curriculum and syllabus). FGHT is continuously working to provide and offer first-class geoinformation and real estate education and research in the country and be at a par with other leading institutions in other parts of the globe. The Department of Geoinformation at FGHT runs a Bachelor of Engineering in Geomatic and a Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics. At the postgraduate levels, namely M.Sc. and PhD programs, the offered disciplines are Geomatic Engineering, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing. In the following, the state of the art of FGHT's postgraduate education in Geoinformation is presented, including a comparison with other universities in Malaysia, program content and curriculum information, alumni statistics as well as future strategies.

  12. Digital fabrication

    CERN Document Server


    The Winter 2012 (vol. 14 no. 3) issue of the Nexus Network Journal features seven original papers dedicated to the theme “Digital Fabrication”. Digital fabrication is changing architecture in fundamental ways in every phase, from concept to artifact. Projects growing out of research in digital fabrication are dependent on software that is entirely surface-oriented in its underlying mathematics. Decisions made during design, prototyping, fabrication and assembly rely on codes, scripts, parameters, operating systems and software, creating the need for teams with multidisciplinary expertise and different skills, from IT to architecture, design, material engineering, and mathematics, among others The papers grew out of a Lisbon symposium hosted by the ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa entitled “Digital Fabrication – A State of the Art”. The issue is completed with four other research papers which address different mathematical instruments applied to architecture, including geometric tracing system...

  13. Telematika Dakwah Di Dunia Broadcasting


    Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin


    Peran teknologi informasi dan teledakwah dalam aktifitas dakwah menjadi tren baru pada era teknologi informasi untuk memvisualisasikan dakwah dalam bentuk media cetak dan elektronik. Teknologi informasi dan teledakwah merupakan sarana penunjang dakwah yang mutakhir jika kita ingin menyebarkan dakwah keseluruh pelosok desa di Indonesia, yang dapat dijangkau oleh infrastruktur media Televisi lain sebagainya. Seorang Da'i perlu memahami penggunaaan serta pemilihan media teknologi informasi dan t...

  14. Fabric based supercapacitor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yong, S; Tudor, M J; Beeby, S P; Owen, J R


    Flexible supercapacitors with electrodes coated on inexpensive fabrics by the dipping technique. This paper present details of the design, fabrication and characterisation of fabric supercapacitor. The sandwich structured supercapacitors can achieve specific capacitances of 11.1F/g, area capacitance 105 −2 and maintain 95% of the initial capacitance after cycling the device for more than 15000 times


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    Aliza Aini Md Ralib


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Continuous advancement in wireless technology and silicon microfabrication has fueled exciting growth in wireless products. The bulky size of discrete vibrating mechanical devices such as quartz crystals and surface acoustic wave resonators impedes the ultimate miniaturization of single-chip transceivers. Fabrication of acoustic wave resonators on silicon allows complete integration of a resonator with its accompanying circuitry.  Integration leads to enhanced performance, better functionality with reduced cost at large volume production. This paper compiles the state-of-the-art technology of silicon compatible acoustic resonators, which can be integrated with interface circuitry. Typical acoustic wave resonators are surface acoustic wave (SAW and bulk acoustic wave (BAW resonators.  Performance of the resonator is measured in terms of quality factor, resonance frequency and insertion loss. Selection of appropriate piezoelectric material is significant to ensure sufficient electromechanical coupling coefficient is produced to reduce the insertion loss. The insulating passive SiO2 layer acts as a low loss material and aims to increase the quality factor and temperature stability of the design. The integration technique also is influenced by the fabrication process and packaging.  Packageless structure using AlN as the additional isolation layer is proposed to protect the SAW device from the environment for high reliability. Advancement in miniaturization technology of silicon compatible acoustic wave resonators to realize a single chip transceiver system is still needed. ABSTRAK: Kemajuan yang berterusan dalam teknologi tanpa wayar dan silikon telah menguatkan pertumbuhan yang menarik dalam produk tanpa wayar. Saiz yang besar bagi peralatan mekanikal bergetar seperti kristal kuarza menghalang pengecilan untuk merealisasikan peranti cip. Silikon serasi  gelombang akustik resonator mempunyai potensi yang besar untuk menggantikan unsur

  16. Fabrication of cotton fabric with superhydrophobicity and flame retardancy. (United States)

    Zhang, Ming; Wang, Chengyu


    A simple and facile method for fabricating the cotton fabric with superhydrophobicity and flame retardancy is described in the present work. The cotton fabric with the maximal WCA of 160° has been prepared by the covalent deposition of amino-silica nanospheres and the further graft with (heptadecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetradecyl) trimethoxysilane. The geometric microstructure of silica spheres was measured by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The cotton textiles before and after treatment were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The wetting behavior of cotton samples was investigated by water contact angle measurement. Moreover, diverse performances of superhydrophobic cotton textiles have been evaluated as well. The results exhibited the outstanding superhydrophobicity, excellent waterproofing durability and flame retardancy of the cotton fabric after treatment, offering a good opportunity to accelerate the large-scale production of superhydrophobic textiles materials for new industrial applications. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Aplikasi Informasi Restoran Berbasis Web Services di Kota Manado

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    Stenly Richard Pungus


    Full Text Available Teknologi web services adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan terbentuknya komunikasi antar dua atau lebih perangkat komputer yang memiliki lintas platform yang berbeda. Web services menggunakan teknologi XML dengan format SOAP dalam melakukan pertukaran informasi. Teknologi ini cocok untuk diintegrasikan di dalam proses bisnis, termasuk salah satunya adalah bisnis restoran khususnya restoran-restoran yang ada di kota Manado. Teknologi ini menjawab permasalahan yang dialami oleh para wisatawan yang datang berkunjung di kota Manado. Karena ketika mereka berkunjung di kota Manado, mereka kadangkala belum mengetahui informasi kuliner apa saja yang disajikan oleh restoran-restoran yang ada di kota Manado. Sehingga pada akhirnya dengan menggunakan teknologi ini, akan mempermudah wisatawan yang datang berkunjung di kota Manado dalam berkuliner. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan teknologi JSON dan JAVA web services pada perangkat mobile Android sehingga dapat menjadi media informasi bagi wisatawan lokal  maupun wisatawan asing yang datang berkunjung di kota Manado dalam berkuliner. Penelitian ini didasarkan atas alur kerja metodologi penelitian Rational Unified Process (RUP yaitu metodologi penelitian yang bersifat parallel dalam setiap tahapan proses pembangunannya. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan dan menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi yang telah diuji. Aplikasi yang dibangun berhasil mengimplementasikan teknologi web services dari bahasa pemrograman Java dengan teknologi web services dari bahasa pemrograman PHP. Penggabungan kedua teknologi ini, menggabungkan informasi restoran-restoran yang ada di kota Manado untuk terintegrasi ke dalam sebuah aplikasi Android tanpa memandang apakah restoran terebut memiliki web services ataukah tidak. Apabila restoran tersebut tidak memiliki web services, mereka bisa menggunakan alternatif lain untuk memanfaatkan web services yang disediakan khusus bagi restoran-restoran yang tidak memiliki web services

  18. Nuclear Fabrication Consortium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levesque, Stephen [EWI, Columbus, OH (United States)


    This report summarizes the activities undertaken by EWI while under contract from the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) for the management and operation of the Nuclear Fabrication Consortium (NFC). The NFC was established by EWI to independently develop, evaluate, and deploy fabrication approaches and data that support the re-establishment of the U.S. nuclear industry: ensuring that the supply chain will be competitive on a global stage, enabling more cost-effective and reliable nuclear power in a carbon constrained environment. The NFC provided a forum for member original equipment manufactures (OEM), fabricators, manufacturers, and materials suppliers to effectively engage with each other and rebuild the capacity of this supply chain by : Identifying and removing impediments to the implementation of new construction and fabrication techniques and approaches for nuclear equipment, including system components and nuclear plants. Providing and facilitating detailed scientific-based studies on new approaches and technologies that will have positive impacts on the cost of building of nuclear plants. Analyzing and disseminating information about future nuclear fabrication technologies and how they could impact the North American and the International Nuclear Marketplace. Facilitating dialog and initiate alignment among fabricators, owners, trade associations, and government agencies. Supporting industry in helping to create a larger qualified nuclear supplier network. Acting as an unbiased technology resource to evaluate, develop, and demonstrate new manufacturing technologies. Creating welder and inspector training programs to help enable the necessary workforce for the upcoming construction work. Serving as a focal point for technology, policy, and politically interested parties to share ideas and concepts associated with fabrication across the nuclear industry. The report the objectives and summaries of the Nuclear Fabrication Consortium

  19. New polymorphous computing fabric

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolinski, Christophe; Gokhale, Maya; McCabe, Kevin P.


    This paper introduces a new polymorphous computing Fabric well suited to DSP and Image Processing and describes its implementation on a Configurable System on a Chip (CSOC). The architecture is highly parameterized and enables customization of the synthesized Fabric to achieve high performance for a specific class of application. For this reason it can be considered to be a generic model for hardware accelerator synthesis from a high level specification. Another important innovation is the Fabric uses a global memory concept, which gives the host processor random access to all the variables and instructions on the Fabric. The Fabric supports different computing models including MIMD, SPMD and systolic flow and permits dynamic reconfiguration. We present a specific implementation of a bank of FIR filters on a Fabric composed of 52 cells on the Altera Excalibur ARM running at 33 MHz. The theoretical performance of this Fabric is 1.8 GMACh. For the FIR application we obtain 1.6 GMAC/s real performance. Some automatic tools have been developed like the tool to provide a host access utility and assembler.

  20. Secure Automated Fabrication: an overview of remote breeder fuel fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nyman, D.H.; Graham, R.A.


    The Secure Automated Fabrication (SAF) line is an automated, remotely controlled breeder fuel pin fabrication process which is to be installed in the Fuels and Materials Examination Facility (FMEF). The FMEF is presently under construction at Hanford and is scheduled for completion in 1984. The SAF line is scheduled for startup in 1987 and will produce mixed uranium-plutonium fuel pins for the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) and the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant (CRBRP). The fabrication line and support systems are described

  1. Fabric Reconstruction Based on Sustainable Development: Take the Type of Fabric Recycling as an Example

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    Zhangting Guan


    Full Text Available Sustainable development is a very important concept of our time, it wants to do is to live in harmony with people, to protect the environment where our human survival. Fabric recycling refers to the use of a variety of traditional and high-tech means of the existing fabric fabric design and processing. So that the surface of a rich visual texture and tactile texture "through the fabric recycling approach. However, the fabric form and clothing design coordination between the clothing design is essential to the link! Garment fabric is not only the material basis of clothing modeling But also an important form of plastic arts. Fabric recycling art has gradually become a new breakthrough point of fashion design! And become an important means to increase the added value of clothing products. But at the same time fabric recycling also follow the concept of sustainable development. This paper analyzes the relationship between fabric reengineering and sustainable development. Combined with practice to explore the fabric processing technology and its creative ideas and some of its environmental performance.

  2. Optimum processing parameters for the fabrication of twill flax fabric-reinforced polypropylene (PP) composites (United States)

    Zuhudi, Nurul Zuhairah Mahmud; Minhat, Mulia; Shamsuddin, Mohd Hafizi; Isa, Mohd Dali; Nur, Nurhayati Mohd


    In recent years, natural fabric thermoplastic composites such as flax have received much attention due to its attractive capabilities for structural applications. It is crucial to study the processing of flax fabric materials in order to achieve good quality and cost-effectiveness in fibre reinforced composites. Though flax fabric has been widely utilized for several years in composite applications due to its high strength and abundance in nature, much work has been concentrated on short flax fibre and very little work focused on using flax fabric. The effectiveness of the flax fabric is expected to give higher strength performance due to its structure but the processing needs to be optimised. Flax fabric composites were fabricated using compression moulding due to its simplicity, gives good surface finish and relatively low cost in terms of labour and production. Further, the impregnation of the polymer into the fabric is easier in this process. As the fabric weave structure contributes to the impregnation quality which leads to the overall performance, the processing parameters of consolidation i.e. pressure, time, and weight fraction of fabric were optimized using the Taguchi method. This optimization enhances the consolidation quality of the composite by improving the composite mechanical properties, three main tests were conducted i.e. tensile, flexural and impact test. It is observed that the processing parameter significantly affected the consolidation and quality of composite.

  3. International light water nuclear fuel fabrication supply. Are fabrication services assured?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rothwell, Geoffrey


    This paper examines the cost structure of fabricating light water reactor (LWR) fuel with low-enriched uranium (LEU, with less than 5% enrichment). The LWR-LEU fuel industry is decades old, and (except for the high entry cost of designing and licensing a fuel fabrication facility and its fuel), labor and additional fabrication lines can be added at Nth-of-a-Kind cost to the maximum capacity allowed by a site license. The industry appears to be competitive: nuclear fuel fabrication capacity is assured with many competitors and reasonable prices. However, nuclear fuel assurance has become an important issue for nations now to considering new nuclear power plants. To provide this assurance many proposals equate 'nuclear fuel banks' (which would require fuel for specific reactors) with 'LEU banks' (where LEU could be blended into nuclear fuel with the proper enrichment) with local fuel fabrication. The policy issues (which are presented, but not answered in this paper) become (1) whether the construction of new nuclear fuel fabrication facilities in new nuclear power nations could lead to the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and (2) whether nuclear fuel quality can be guaranteed under current industry arrangements, given that fuel failure at one reactor can lead to forced shutdowns at many others. (author)

  4. A facile fabrication of multifunctional knit polyester fabric based on chitosan and polyaniline polymer nanocomposite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tang, Xiaoning [College of Textiles, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Laboratory of New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile, The Growing Base for State Key Laboratory, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Tian, Mingwei [College of Textiles, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Laboratory of New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile, The Growing Base for State Key Laboratory, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center for Marine Biomass Fibers, Materials and Textiles of Shandong Province, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Qu, Lijun, E-mail: [College of Textiles, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Laboratory of New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile, The Growing Base for State Key Laboratory, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center for Marine Biomass Fibers, Materials and Textiles of Shandong Province, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Zhu, Shifeng [College of Textiles, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Laboratory of New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile, The Growing Base for State Key Laboratory, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Guo, Xiaoqing [College of Textiles, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Laboratory of New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile, The Growing Base for State Key Laboratory, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center for Marine Biomass Fibers, Materials and Textiles of Shandong Province, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Han, Guangting [Laboratory of New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile, The Growing Base for State Key Laboratory, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center for Marine Biomass Fibers, Materials and Textiles of Shandong Province, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong 266071 (China); and others


    Highlights: • Multifunctional knit polyester fabric was facile fabricated by the combination of pad-dry-cure process and in situ chemical polymerization route. • High electrical conductivity and efficient water-repellent properties were endowed to the polymer nanocomposite coated fabric. • The polymer nanocomposite coated fabric also performed efficient and durable photocatalytic activities under the illumination of ultraviolet light. - Abstract: Knit polyester fabric was successively modified and decorated with chitosan layer and polyaniline polymer nanocomposite layer in this paper. The fabric was firstly treated with chitosan to form a stable layer through the pad-dry-cure process, and then the polyaniline polymer nanocomposite layer was established on the outer layer by in situ chemical polymerization method using ammonium persulfate as oxidant and chlorhydric acid as dopant. The surface morphology of coated fabric was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the co-existence of chitosan layer and granular polyaniline polymer nanocomposite was confirmed and well dispersed on the fabric surface. The resultant fabric was endowed with remarkable electrical conductivity properties and efficient water-repellent capability, which also have been found stable after water laundering. In addition, the photocatalytic decomposition activity for reactive red dye was observed when the multifunctional knit polyester fabric was exposed to the illumination of ultraviolet lamp. These results indicated that chitosan and polyaniline polymer nanocomposite could form ideal multifunctional coatings on the surface of knit polyester fabric.

  5. A facile fabrication of multifunctional knit polyester fabric based on chitosan and polyaniline polymer nanocomposite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, Xiaoning; Tian, Mingwei; Qu, Lijun; Zhu, Shifeng; Guo, Xiaoqing; Han, Guangting


    Highlights: • Multifunctional knit polyester fabric was facile fabricated by the combination of pad-dry-cure process and in situ chemical polymerization route. • High electrical conductivity and efficient water-repellent properties were endowed to the polymer nanocomposite coated fabric. • The polymer nanocomposite coated fabric also performed efficient and durable photocatalytic activities under the illumination of ultraviolet light. - Abstract: Knit polyester fabric was successively modified and decorated with chitosan layer and polyaniline polymer nanocomposite layer in this paper. The fabric was firstly treated with chitosan to form a stable layer through the pad-dry-cure process, and then the polyaniline polymer nanocomposite layer was established on the outer layer by in situ chemical polymerization method using ammonium persulfate as oxidant and chlorhydric acid as dopant. The surface morphology of coated fabric was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the co-existence of chitosan layer and granular polyaniline polymer nanocomposite was confirmed and well dispersed on the fabric surface. The resultant fabric was endowed with remarkable electrical conductivity properties and efficient water-repellent capability, which also have been found stable after water laundering. In addition, the photocatalytic decomposition activity for reactive red dye was observed when the multifunctional knit polyester fabric was exposed to the illumination of ultraviolet lamp. These results indicated that chitosan and polyaniline polymer nanocomposite could form ideal multifunctional coatings on the surface of knit polyester fabric


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    Yulia Yulia


    Full Text Available Most people argue that Information System (IS/Information System (IT investments are closely related to cost and benefit without understand the benefit that will be received. However, companies keep investing money to create application systems because they have seen some relationship between the costs of IT and the economic performance of company. Costs are much easier to identify and calculate then benefits, especially intangible benefits. The hardest and most tedious part is the effort to quantify intangible benefits into monetary values in order to make the cost-benefit analysis more accurate. Most of business and IS/IT managers prefer not to go into detail when talking about intangible benefits because the depth of analysis is uncertain. The more practical way in using this financial approach is to focus on tangible benefits, such as cost saving, reduced staff, etc. Unfortunately, reducing or even eliminating the intangible benefits contribution to the IS/IT implementation has degraded the economic value of the investment. Based on this issue, some thinkers have introduced a much more practical way for business and IS/IT managers to get snapshots of how IS/IT investment is going to be measured, for example, using the non-financial approach. Some people believe that the two approaches must be combined to have a better and more accurate result. In this paper, information economics methodology, which combines both financial and non-financial approaches, will be used to assess and justify IS/IT investment. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Investasi Sistem Informasi (SI/Teknologi Informasi (TI seringkali hanya dipandang sebagai suatu biaya yang harus dikeluarkan tanpa tahu manfaat apa yang akan diperoleh. Akan tetapi investasi terhadap suatu sistem aplikasi terus dilakukan karena perusahaan melihat bahwa ada hubungan antara biaya TI dengan performa ekonomi dari perusahaan. Biaya lebih mudah diidentifikasikan dan dihitung dibandingkan manfaat


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    Pepi Rospina Pertiwi


    Full Text Available Farmers group is lead by a farmer leader that was expected to improve a dynamic of group activities. The farmer leader has significant role in ensuring the relationship between farmers in relation to the information sharing of the agricultural innovation. This study was aimed to examine the leadership role of the farmer leaders in the process of technology diffusion namely PTT Paddy, an innovation that was currently being introduced. An explanatory research design was chosen to describe the phenomenon of the leadership role of farmer leaders that was evaluated by other farmers. The research was conducted in the subdistrict Carenang, Serang, Banten. Forty participants in successfull farmer groups were selected to evaluate farmer leadership characteristics. The results showed that the farmer leaders have been helping the group to achieve goals, improving communication, increasing the motivation of the farmers, facilitating the farming infrastructure, and solving problems. The role of the farmer leaders as bridging agent in communication is categorized satisfactory. This role is effectively used in the process of the innovation dissemination of PTT Paddy to the farmers. Kelompok tani dipimpin oleh seorang kontak tani yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan dinamika kegiatan kelompok. Kontak tani memiliki peran penting dalam memastikan hubungan antara petani dengan berbagi informasi mengenai inovasi pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti peran kontak tani dalam proses difusi teknologi yaitu Pengelolaan Tanaman dan Sumberdaya Terpadu (PTT Padi, sebuah inovasi yang saat ini sedang diperkenalkan. Desain penelitian adalah eksplanatory research dipilih untuk menggambarkan fenomena peran kontak tani yang dievaluasi oleh petani lain. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Carenang, Serang, Banten. Empat puluh peserta dalam kelompok tani terpilih untuk mengevaluasi karakteristik kontak tani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontak tani telah membantu

  8. Drip bloodstain appearance on inclined apparel fabrics: Effect of prior-laundering, fibre content and fabric structure. (United States)

    de Castro, Therese C; Carr, Debra J; Taylor, Michael C; Kieser, Jules A; Duncan, Warwick


    The interaction of blood and fabrics is currently a 'hot topic', since the understanding and interpretation of these stains is still in its infancy. A recent simplified perpendicular impact experimental programme considering bloodstains generated on fabrics laid the foundations for understanding more complex scenarios. Blood rarely impacts apparel fabrics perpendicular; therefore a systematic study was conducted to characterise the appearance of drip stains on inclined fabrics. The final drip stain appearance for 45° and 15° impact angles on torso apparel fabrics (100% cotton plain woven, 100% polyester plain woven, a blend of polyester and cotton plain woven and 100% cotton single jersey knit) that had been laundered for six, 26 and 52 cycles prior to testing was investigated. The relationship between drop parameters (height and volume), angle and the stain characteristics (parent stain area, axis 1 and 2 and number of satellite stains) for each fabric was examined using analysis of variance. The appearance of the drip stains on these fabrics was distorted, in comparison to drip stains on hard-smooth surface. Examining the parent stain allowed for classification of stains occurring at an angle, however the same could not be said for the satellite stains produced. All of the dried stains visible on the surface of the fabric were larger than just after the impacting event, indicating within fabric spreading of blood due to capillary force (wicking). The cotton-containing fabrics spread the blood within the fabrics in all directions along the stain's circumference, while spreading within the polyester plain woven fabric occurred in only the weft (width of the fabric) and warp (length) directions. Laundering affected the formation of bloodstain on the blend plain woven fabric at both impact angles, although not all characteristics were significantly affected for the three impact conditions considered. The bloodstain characteristics varied due to the fibre content

  9. Influence of Fabric Parameters on Thermal Comfort Performance of Double Layer Knitted Interlock Fabrics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Afzal Ali


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of various fabric parameters on the thermal resistance, thermal conductivity, thermal transmittance, thermal absorptivity and thermal insulation of polyester/cotton double layer knitted interlock fabrics. It was found that by increasing fibre content with higher specific heat increases the thermal insulation while decreases the thermal transmittance and absorptivity of the fabric. It was concluded that double layer knitted fabrics developed with higher specific heat fibres, coarser yarn linear densities, higher knitting loop length and fabric thickness could be adequately used for winter clothing purposes.

  10. A facile method to fabricate superhydrophobic cotton fabrics (United States)

    Zhang, Ming; Wang, Shuliang; Wang, Chengyu; Li, Jian


    A facile and novel method for fabricating superhydrophobic cotton fabrics is described in the present work. The superhydrophobic surface has been prepared by utilizing cationic poly (dimethyldiallylammonium chloride) and silica particles together with subsequent modification of (heptadecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetradecyl) trimethoxysilane. The size distribution of silica particles was measured by Particle Size Analyzer. The cotton textiles before and after treatment were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The wetting behavior of cotton samples was investigated by water contact angle measurement. Moreover, the superhydrophobic durability of coated cotton textiles has been evaluated by exposure, immersion and washing tests. The results show that the treated cotton fabrics exhibited excellent chemical stability and outstanding non-wettability with the WCA of 155 ± 2°, which offers an opportunity to accelerate the large-scale production of superhydrophobic textiles materials for new industrial applications.


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    Desy Anggar Sary


    Full Text Available Pemberdayaan SDM pertanian perlu terus dikembangkan agar semakin maju dan efisien serta diarahkan untuk meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi dan menganalisis pelaksanaan program, kendala yang dihadapi dan solusi program, strategi program pemberdayaan petani melalui teknologi dan informasi pertanian pada usaha ternak domba di Kabupaten Temanggung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1 pelaksanaan program tersebut telah sesuai dengan komponen A, B dan E, 2 kendala yang dihadapi  penyuluh berkaitan  dengan SDM  termasuk  rendah dengan  solusi  memberikan  penyuluhan dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami oleh petani; kendala yang dihadapi petani adalah kesulitan mendapatkan pakan ternak segar pada musim kemarau dengan solusi mencari sumber protein lain, pemasaran hasil ternak domba terbatas dan munculnya pesaing dengan solusi peningkatan kualitas hasil ternak yang kompetitif, 3 strategi pemberdayaan mencakupi kegiatan memberi pelatihan secara nyata dan tepat guna serta intensifikasi  pengelolaan pertanian dan peternakan domba. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini bahwa program FEATI/P3TIP komponen A,B dan E telah dilaksanakan di Desa Purwodadi Kecamatan Tembarak Kabupaten Temanggung sehingga mampu memberdayakan petani melalui UP FMA menjadi embrio agribisnis. Diajukan saran agar diberikan pelatihan dasar pertanian dan peternakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan petani peserta program pemberdayaan.  The agricultural human resources empowermentneed to develop to be more advanced and efficient and directed to improve the quantity and quality of production. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and analyze the execution of the program, the obstacles encountered and solutions programs, strategies farmer empowerment through technology and information on the business of sheep farming in the district Temanggung.The results showed; 1 implementation of the program in accordance  with the component A, B and E, 2

  12. Penilaian Kandungan Komponen Teknologi Humanware pada IKM (Studi Kasus: IKM Mebel Propinsi DI. Yogyakarta

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    Siti Rohmatul Umah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKKemampuan sumber daya manusia (humanware merupakan faktor penentu dalam keberhasilan suatu organisasi dalam menghadapi tantangan-tantangan perusahaan dalam era globalisasi. Usaha perbaikan dan pengembangan SDM dapat dilakukan secara terarah dan optimal bila diketahui terlebih dahulu kondisi dari komponen humanware pada suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kandungan komponen humanware pada IKM mebel di propinsi DI Yogyakarta. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode technometrik. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner pada sampel 20 IKM mebel DIY dengan dua kategori pemilik dan pekerja. Perhitungan data dilakukan dengan metode teknometrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa batas bawah kecanggihan humanware kategori pemilik ada pada level 1 klasifikasi kemampuan mengoperasikan dan batas atas ada pada level 3 klasifikasi kemampuan memperbaiki. Sedangkan untuk kategori pekerja, batas bawah ada pada level 1 klasifikasi kemampuan mengoperasikan dan batas atas pada level 3 klasifikasi memperbaiki. Hal ini mengimplikasikan bahwa sumber daya manusia pada IKM Mebel baik pemilik dan pekerja memiliki kemampuan yang sama yaitu mempunyai kemampuan dan ketrampilan mengoperasikan dan memperbaiki peralataan produksi. Kata kunci : Kandungan teknologi, humanware, IKM MebelABSTRACTOne of methods performance improving in Small and Medium Industries is by improve technology capability. One of technology components is humanware, where human resource capability in a organization is determinant of organization’s succesfull in facing treats in globalization era. The Improvement and development programs for human resources can be implemented optimally if is known already the conditions of humanware in a organization. The paper is aim to assess humanware content in SME’s in furniture industry with using technometric method. Sample of observation was 20 participants from SME’s Furniture in Yogyakarta province. Respondents

  13. Fabric Reconstruction Based on Sustainable Development: Take the Type of Fabric Recycling as an Example


    Zhangting Guan


    Sustainable development is a very important concept of our time, it wants to do is to live in harmony with people, to protect the environment where our human survival. Fabric recycling refers to the use of a variety of traditional and high-tech means of the existing fabric fabric design and processing. So that the surface of a rich visual texture and tactile texture "through the fabric recycling approach. However, the fabric form and clothing design coordination between the clothing design is...

  14. Metallic Reactor Fuel Fabrication for SFR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Song, Hoon; Kim, Jong-Hwan; Ko, Young-Mo; Woo, Yoon-Myung; Kim, Ki-Hwan; Lee, Chan-Bock [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The metal fuel for an SFR has such advantages such as simple fabrication procedures, good neutron economy, high thermal conductivity, excellent compatibility with a Na coolant, and inherent passive safety 1. U-Zr metal fuel for SFR is now being developed by KAERI as a national R and D program of Korea. The fabrication technology of metal fuel for SFR has been under development in Korea as a national nuclear R and D program since 2007. The fabrication process for SFR fuel is composed of (1) fuel slug casting, (2) loading and fabrication of the fuel rods, and (3) fabrication of the final fuel assemblies. Fuel slug casting is the dominant source of fuel losses and recycled streams in this fabrication process. Fabrication on the rod type metallic fuel was carried out for the purpose of establishing a practical fabrication method. Rod-type fuel slugs were fabricated by injection casting. Metallic fuel slugs fabricated showed a general appearance was smooth.

  15. One-pot fabrication and antimicrobial properties of novel PET nonwoven fabrics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin Song; Wang Zheng; Qi Jiancheng; Wu Jinhui; Tian Tao; Hao Limei; Yang Jingquan; Hou Lili


    Recently, with the ever-growing demand for healthy living, more and more research is focused on materials capable of killing harmful microorganisms around the world. It is believed that designing such protective materials for hygienic and biomedical applications can benefit people in professional areas and daily life. Thus, in this paper, one novel kind of antibacterial poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) nonwoven fabrics was conveniently one-pot prepared, with the combined immobilization of two biological antimicrobial agents, i.e. ε-polylysine and natamycin, by using the soft methacrylate nonwoven fabrics adhesives. Then, the antimicrobial activities of the functional fabrics were investigated by using the standard shaking-flask method, showing excellent antibacterial efficiency (AE) against both Escherichia coli (8099) and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) (AE > 99.99%) compared with untreated PET nonwoven fabrics. The anti-bioaerosol tests also showed similar trends. Meantime, scanning electron microscopy analysis indicated that the bacteria on the antibacterial PET appeared to be partly bacteriolyzed and showed much less viability than those on the pristine ones. Moreover, the long residual biocidal action of such modified PET fabrics was also evaluated, and the antibacterial activity of antibacterial fibers was unaffected by the 3 month artificially accelerated aging.

  16. One-pot fabrication and antimicrobial properties of novel PET nonwoven fabrics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lin Song; Wang Zheng; Qi Jiancheng; Wu Jinhui; Tian Tao; Hao Limei; Yang Jingquan [Institute of Medical Equipment, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Tianjin 300161 (China); Hou Lili, E-mail: [National Bio-protection Engineering Center, Tianjin 300161 (China)


    Recently, with the ever-growing demand for healthy living, more and more research is focused on materials capable of killing harmful microorganisms around the world. It is believed that designing such protective materials for hygienic and biomedical applications can benefit people in professional areas and daily life. Thus, in this paper, one novel kind of antibacterial poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) nonwoven fabrics was conveniently one-pot prepared, with the combined immobilization of two biological antimicrobial agents, i.e. {epsilon}-polylysine and natamycin, by using the soft methacrylate nonwoven fabrics adhesives. Then, the antimicrobial activities of the functional fabrics were investigated by using the standard shaking-flask method, showing excellent antibacterial efficiency (AE) against both Escherichia coli (8099) and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) (AE > 99.99%) compared with untreated PET nonwoven fabrics. The anti-bioaerosol tests also showed similar trends. Meantime, scanning electron microscopy analysis indicated that the bacteria on the antibacterial PET appeared to be partly bacteriolyzed and showed much less viability than those on the pristine ones. Moreover, the long residual biocidal action of such modified PET fabrics was also evaluated, and the antibacterial activity of antibacterial fibers was unaffected by the 3 month artificially accelerated aging.

  17. Fabrication of integrated metallic MEMS devices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yalcinkaya, Arda Deniz; Ravnkilde, Jan Tue; Hansen, Ole


    A simple and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible fabrication technique for microelectromechanical (MEMS) devices is presented. The fabrication technology makes use of electroplated metal layers. Among the fabricated devices, high quality factor microresonators are characteri......A simple and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible fabrication technique for microelectromechanical (MEMS) devices is presented. The fabrication technology makes use of electroplated metal layers. Among the fabricated devices, high quality factor microresonators...

  18. Optics fabrication technical challenges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chabassier, G.; Ferriou, N.; Lavastre, E.; Maunier, C.; Neauport, J.; Taroux, D.; Balla, D.; Fornerod, J.C.


    Before the production of all the LMJ (MEGAJOULE laser) optics, the CEA had to proceed with the fabrication of about 300 large optics for the LIL (laser integration line) laser. Thanks to a fruitful collaboration with high-tech optics companies in Europe, this challenge has been successfully hit. In order to achieve the very tight requirements for cleanliness, laser damage threshold and all the other high demanding fabrication specifications, it has been necessary to develop and to set completely new fabrication process going and to build special outsize fabrication equipment. Through a couple of examples, this paper gives an overview of the work which has been done and shows some of the results which have been obtained: continuous laser glass melting, fabrication of the laser slabs, rapid-growth KDP (potassium dihydrogen phosphate) technology, large diffractive transmission gratings engraving and characterization. (authors)

  19. Fabricating architectural volume

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feringa, Jelle; Søndergaard, Asbjørn


    The 2011 edition of Fabricate inspired a number of collaborations, this article seeks to highlight three of these. There is a common thread amongst the projects presented: sharing the ambition to close the rift between design and fabrication while incorporating structural design aspects early on...

  20. Facebook

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Estrid


    En teknologi som Facebook bliver af de fleste forstået som en 'teknologi for alle'. At dette ikke stemmer overens med virkeligheden viser artiklen gennem en case om en studerende, som på grund af sin mangetydlige identitet, ikke passer ind i Facebook offentligheden.......En teknologi som Facebook bliver af de fleste forstået som en 'teknologi for alle'. At dette ikke stemmer overens med virkeligheden viser artiklen gennem en case om en studerende, som på grund af sin mangetydlige identitet, ikke passer ind i Facebook offentligheden....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gunawan Gunawan


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan informasi dan teknologi menjadi hal yang penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Ponsel saat ini bukan hanya digunakan untuk telepon dan berkirim pesan, seiring perkembangan teknologi ponsel sudah dapat melakukan sama dengan apa yang bisa dilakukan komputer mulai dari internet, email, chating, video dan sebagainya. Teknologi Android merupakan teknologi hasil karya google yang dihadirkan pada telepon pintar atau gadget. Seiring perkembangan teknologi sistem operasi android dan perkembangan gadget pada smartphone dan tablet mengakibatkan banyaknya gadget yang beredar dengan berbagai merek dan spesifikasi yang beragam. Gadget android yang ada di pasar sekarang sudah berjumlah lebih dari 70 jenis yang mengakibatkan kebingungan bagi calon pembeli. Pertimbangan yang digunakan bagi calon pembeli meliputi kriteria dan spesifikasi yang kompleks membuat calon pembeli sulit dalam menentukan gadget yang dirasa tepat sesuai yang diinginkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dengan cara membuat sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan terhadap gadget android dengan menggunakan metode promethee. Dari hasil penelitian dengan metode promethee dihasilkan perankingan rekomendasi terhadap gadget android sesuai yang di inginkan oleh calon pembeli berdasarkan kriteria dan spesifikasi sehingga dapat membantu calon pembeli dalam menentukan gadget yang diinginkan. Dari hasil tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu calon pembeli dalam menentukan gadget yang tepat sesuai kriteria dan spesifikasi yang diinginkan. Kata Kunci: teknologi, gadget,  Android, promethee, sistem.

  2. Fabrication of Durably Superhydrophobic Cotton Fabrics by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment with a Siloxane Precursor

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    Jing Yang


    Full Text Available The surface treatment of fabrics in an atmospheric environment may pave the way for commercially viable plasma modifications of fibrous matters. In this paper, we demonstrate a durably superhydrophobic cotton cellulose fabric prepared in a single-step graft polymerization of hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO by N2 and O2 atmospheric pressure plasma. We systematically investigated effects on contact angle (CA and surface morphology of the cotton fabric under three operational parameters: precursor value; ionization gas flow rate; and plasma cycle time. Surface morphology, element composition, chemical structure and hydrophobic properties of the treated fabric were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM, EDS, FTIR and CA on the fabrics. The results indicated that a layer of thin film and nano-particles were evenly deposited on the cotton fibers, and graft polymerization occurred between cellulose and HMDSO. The fabric treated by O2 plasma exhibited a higher CA of 162° than that treated by N2 plasma which was about 149°. Furthermore, the CA of treated fabrics decreased only 0°~10° after storing at the ambient conditions for four months, and treated fabrics could also endure the standard textile laundering procedure in AATCC 61-2006 with minimum change. Therefore, this single-step plasma treatment method is shown to be a novel and environment-friendly way to make durable and superhydrophobic cotton fabrics.

  3. Structure and yarn sensor for fabric (United States)

    Mee, D.K.; Allgood, G.O.; Mooney, L.R.; Duncan, M.G.; Turner, J.C.; Treece, D.A.


    A structure and yarn sensor for fabric directly determines pick density in a fabric thereby allowing fabric length and velocity to be calculated from a count of the picks made by the sensor over known time intervals. The structure and yarn sensor is also capable of detecting full length woven defects and fabric. As a result, an inexpensive on-line pick (or course) density measurement can be performed which allows a loom or knitting machine to be adjusted by either manual or automatic means to maintain closer fiber density tolerances. Such a sensor apparatus dramatically reduces fabric production costs and significantly improves fabric consistency and quality for woven or knitted fabric. 13 figs.

  4. Fabrics in Function

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bang, Anne Louise


    sensing of fabrics in function. It is proposed that tactile and visual sensing of fabrics is a way to investigate and express emotional utility values. The further purpose is to use experiments with repertory grid models as part of the mapping of the entire research project and also as a basis...

  5. Fabrication and Prototyping Lab (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Purpose: The Fabrication and Prototyping Lab for composite structures provides a wide variety of fabrication capabilities critical to enabling hands-on research and...

  6. A facile fabrication of multifunctional knit polyester fabric based on chitosan and polyaniline polymer nanocomposite (United States)

    Tang, Xiaoning; Tian, Mingwei; Qu, Lijun; Zhu, Shifeng; Guo, Xiaoqing; Han, Guangting; Sun, Kaikai; Hu, Xili; Wang, Yujiao; Xu, Xiaoqi


    Knit polyester fabric was successively modified and decorated with chitosan layer and polyaniline polymer nanocomposite layer in this paper. The fabric was firstly treated with chitosan to form a stable layer through the pad-dry-cure process, and then the polyaniline polymer nanocomposite layer was established on the outer layer by in situ chemical polymerization method using ammonium persulfate as oxidant and chlorhydric acid as dopant. The surface morphology of coated fabric was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the co-existence of chitosan layer and granular polyaniline polymer nanocomposite was confirmed and well dispersed on the fabric surface. The resultant fabric was endowed with remarkable electrical conductivity properties and efficient water-repellent capability, which also have been found stable after water laundering. In addition, the photocatalytic decomposition activity for reactive red dye was observed when the multifunctional knit polyester fabric was exposed to the illumination of ultraviolet lamp. These results indicated that chitosan and polyaniline polymer nanocomposite could form ideal multifunctional coatings on the surface of knit polyester fabric.

  7. MAPP-konference om brugerdrevet innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stacey, Julia


    Er fødevareinnovation kun et spørgsmål om ny teknologi? Nej - for ny teknologi skal anvendes i produkter, som matcher markedets behov. Fødevarevirksomheder kan også være innovative bare ved at bruge kendt teknologi på nye måder, hvis produktet rammer de rigtige nicher på markedet. Innovationen er...

  8. MOX fuel fabrication at AECL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dimayuga, F.C.; Jeffs, A.T.


    Atomic Energy of Canada Limited's mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication activities are conducted in the Recycle Fuel Fabrication Laboratories (RFFL) at the Chalk River Laboratories. The RFFL facility is designed to produce experimental quantities of CANDU MOX fuel for reactor physics tests or demonstration irradiations. From 1979 to 1987, several MOX fuel fabrication campaigns were run in the RFFL, producing various quantities of fuel with different compositions. About 150 bundles, containing over three tonnes of MOX, were fabricated in the RFFL before operations in the facility were suspended. In late 1987, the RFFL was placed in a state of active standby, a condition where no fuel fabrication activities are conducted, but the monitoring and ventilation systems in the facility are maintained. Currently, a project to rehabilitate the RFFL and resume MOX fuel fabrication is nearing completion. This project is funded by the CANDU Owners' Group (COG). The initial fabrication campaign will consist of the production of thirty-eight 37-element (U,Pu)O 2 bundles containing 0.2 wt% Pu in Heavy Element (H.E.) destined for physics tests in the zero-power ZED-2 reactor. An overview of the Rehabilitation Project will be given. (author)

  9. 14 CFR 29.605 - Fabrication methods. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fabrication methods. 29.605 Section 29.605... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Design and Construction General § 29.605 Fabrication methods. (a) The methods of fabrication used must produce consistently sound structures. If a fabrication process...

  10. Pemanfaatan Web E-Commerce untuk Meningkatkan Strategi Pemasaran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hani Atun Mumtahana


    Full Text Available UMKM merupakan salah satu usaha Mikoro yang memberdayakan Industri Rumahan. UMKM Indonesia meemiliki kontribusi sebersar 15.8% terhadap rantai pasok produksi global di tingkat Asean. Perkembangan UMKM dari tahun ke tahun dipengaruhi dengan pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Sistem Informasi. E-commerce merupakan salah satu teknologi yang mendukung perkembangan UMKM dan perdagangan saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak yang pemanfaatan Teknologi E-Commerce dalam peningkatan strategi pemasaran produksi. Teknologi E-commerce dibangun dengan mengunakan aplikasi berbasis webside, sehingga para pelaku usaha dapat mempromosikan hasil usaha dengan mudah. Sasaran utama pemanfaatan Teknolohi E-commerce ini adalah UMKM Industri Kerajinan Kulit di  Magetan. Dari hasil uji coba dan evaluasi yang dilakukan pada Koperasi Mahasiswa STT Dharma Iswara Madiun, menunjukkan bahwa dengan memanfaatkan Teknologi E-commerce memenuhi strategi pemasaran produk yang dapat berdampak pada peningkatan pendapatan.

  11. 14 CFR 27.605 - Fabrication methods. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fabrication methods. 27.605 Section 27.605... STANDARDS: NORMAL CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Design and Construction General § 27.605 Fabrication methods. (a) The methods of fabrication used must produce consistently sound structures. If a fabrication process (such as...

  12. 14 CFR 25.605 - Fabrication methods. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fabrication methods. 25.605 Section 25.605... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Design and Construction General § 25.605 Fabrication methods. (a) The methods of fabrication used must produce a consistently sound structure. If a fabrication process...

  13. Development of technology for fabrication of lithium CPS on basis of CNT-reinforced carboxylic fabric

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tazhibayeva, Irina, E-mail: [Institute of Atomic Energy, National Nuclear Center of RK, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); Baklanov, Viktor; Ponkratov, Yuriy [Institute of Atomic Energy, National Nuclear Center of RK, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); Abdullin, Khabibulla [Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Kazakh National University, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Kulsartov, Timur; Gordienko, Yuriy; Zaurbekova, Zhanna [Institute of Atomic Energy, National Nuclear Center of RK, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); Lyublinski, Igor [JSC «Red Star», Moscow (Russian Federation); NRNU «MEPhI», Moscow (Russian Federation); Vertkov, Alexey [JSC «Red Star», Moscow (Russian Federation); Skakov, Mazhyn [Institute of Atomic Energy, National Nuclear Center of RK, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan)


    Highlights: • Preliminary study of carboxylic fabric wettability with liquid lithium is presented. • Preliminary studies of carboxylic fabric wettability with liquid lithium consist in carrying out of experiments at temperatures 673,773 and 873 К in vacuum during long time. • A scheme of experimental device for manufacturing of lithium CPS and matrix filling procedure with liquid lithium are presented. • The concept of lithium limiter with CPS on basis of CNT-reinforced carboxylic fabric is proposed. - Abstract: The paper describes the analysis of liquid lithium interaction with materials based on carbon, the manufacture technology of capillary-porous system (CPS) matrix on basis of CNT-reinforced carboxylic fabric. Preliminary study of carboxylic fabric wettability with liquid lithium is presented. The development of technology includes: microstructural studies of carboxylic fabric before its CNT-reinforcing; validation of CNT-reinforcing technology; mode validation of CVD-method for CNT synthesize; study of synthesized carbon structures. Preliminary studies of carboxylic fabric wettability with liquid lithium consist in carrying out of experiments at temperatures 673, 773 and 873 К in vacuum during long time. The scheme of experimental device for manufacturing of lithium CPS and matrix filling procedure with liquid lithium are presented. The concept of lithium limiter with CPS on basis of CNT-reinforced carboxylic fabric is proposed.

  14. Development of technology for fabrication of lithium CPS on basis of CNT-reinforced carboxylic fabric

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tazhibayeva, Irina; Baklanov, Viktor; Ponkratov, Yuriy; Abdullin, Khabibulla; Kulsartov, Timur; Gordienko, Yuriy; Zaurbekova, Zhanna; Lyublinski, Igor; Vertkov, Alexey; Skakov, Mazhyn


    Highlights: • Preliminary study of carboxylic fabric wettability with liquid lithium is presented. • Preliminary studies of carboxylic fabric wettability with liquid lithium consist in carrying out of experiments at temperatures 673,773 and 873 К in vacuum during long time. • A scheme of experimental device for manufacturing of lithium CPS and matrix filling procedure with liquid lithium are presented. • The concept of lithium limiter with CPS on basis of CNT-reinforced carboxylic fabric is proposed. - Abstract: The paper describes the analysis of liquid lithium interaction with materials based on carbon, the manufacture technology of capillary-porous system (CPS) matrix on basis of CNT-reinforced carboxylic fabric. Preliminary study of carboxylic fabric wettability with liquid lithium is presented. The development of technology includes: microstructural studies of carboxylic fabric before its CNT-reinforcing; validation of CNT-reinforcing technology; mode validation of CVD-method for CNT synthesize; study of synthesized carbon structures. Preliminary studies of carboxylic fabric wettability with liquid lithium consist in carrying out of experiments at temperatures 673, 773 and 873 К in vacuum during long time. The scheme of experimental device for manufacturing of lithium CPS and matrix filling procedure with liquid lithium are presented. The concept of lithium limiter with CPS on basis of CNT-reinforced carboxylic fabric is proposed.

  15. Mengubah Jarak dengan Penerapan Remote Access Menggunakan Team Viewer


    Fahlepi Roma Doni; Ibnu Dwi Lesmono


    Seiringsemakin maju berkembangan zaman maka teknologi ikut berkembang juga, khususnya teknologi aplikasi yang menunjukkan kemajuan, infrastruktur di bidang komunikasi yang bisa mendukung untuk terciptanya sistem atau aplikasi yang handal ikut mengalami perkembangan pesat juga. Teknologi yang digunakan supaya bisa mengendalikan komputer dari yang berbeda tempat atau wilayah dengan menggunakan sebuah aplikasi remote access, menggunakan aplikasi ini seolah-olah akan berada didepan komputer yang ...

  16. E-Goverment Sembakodroid Monitoring Harga Sembako Berbasis Android


    Ahmad Fahriyannur Rosyady; Risnandar Risnandar; Izzatul Ummah


    ABSTRAK Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan teknologi yang begitu pesat, banyak manusia yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari teknologi. Hal ini menyebabkan banyaknya instansi pemerintah yang memanfaatkan teknologi khususnya di bidang Information Technology (IT) dalam menjalankan business process dalam pemerintahan. Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (Disperindag) Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan sebuah Dinas yang bertugas untuk mengatur dan mengawasi  jalannya arus perdagangan di Jawa Barat. ...



    Krisnandika, Vania Elita


    Abstrak Kebutuhan air meningkat seiring meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan taraf kehidupan masyarakat. Pembangunan yang dilakukan secara terus-menerus dan sangat cepat di Indonesia mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas air permukaan. Teknologi membran merupakan salah satu teknologi pengolahan air yang menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas tinggi. Membran berstruktur nano, khususnya nanofiber, saat ini menjadi perhatian karena menjawab kebutuhan teknologi filtrasi yang efektif dan hemat biaya. Pr...



    Pande Putu Wahyu Pramanda; Pande Ketut Sudiarta; Ngurah Indra ER.


    Berkembangnya dunia teknologi telekomunikasi dan informasi sejalan dengan kebutuhan akan kecepatan dan kestabilan akses internet teknologi UMTS. Metode drive test adalah metode yang biasanya digunakan untuk pengukuran kualitas sebuah site. Pihak provider umumnya menggunakan software TEMS Investigation dalam melakukan drive test. Melakukan drive test dengan TEMS Investigation sangatlah tidak praktis dan memerlukan biaya yang besar. Berkembangnya teknologi smartphone membuat drive test dapat di...

  19. 14 CFR 23.605 - Fabrication methods. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fabrication methods. 23.605 Section 23.605... Fabrication methods. (a) The methods of fabrication used must produce consistently sound structures. If a... fabrication method must be substantiated by a test program. [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964; 30 FR...

  20. Cylindrical fabric-confined soil structures (United States)

    Harrison, Richard A.

    A cylindrical fabric-soil structural concept for implementation on the moon and Mars which provides many advantages is proposed. The most efficient use of fabric is to fashion it into cylindrical tubes, creating cylindrical fabric-confined soil structures. The length, diameter, and curvature of the tubes will depend on the intended application. The cylindrical hoop forces provide radial confinement while end caps provide axial confinement. One of the ends is designed to allow passage of the soil into the fabric tube before sealing. Transportation requirements are reduced due to the low mass and volume of the fabric. Construction requirements are reduced due to the self-erection capability via the pneumatic exoskeleton. Maintenance requirements are reduced due to the passive nature of the concept. The structure's natural ductility is well suited for any seismic activity.

  1. Potassium-argon (argon-argon), structural fabrics (United States)

    Cosca, Michael A.; Rink, W. Jack; Thompson, Jereon


    Definition: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of structural fabrics: The application of 40Ar/39Ar methods to date development of structural fabrics in geologic samples. Introduction: Structural fabrics develop during rock deformation at variable pressures (P), temperatures (T), fluid compositions (X), and time (t). Structural fabrics are represented in rocks by features such as foliations and shear zones developed at the mm to km scale. In ideal cases, the P-T-X history of a given structural fabric can be constrained using stable isotope, cation exchange, and/or mineral equilibria thermobarometry (Essene 1989). The timing of structural fabric development can be assessed qualitatively using geologic field observations or quantitatively using isotope-based geochronology. High-precision geochronology of the thermal and fluid flow histories associated with structural fabric development can answer fundamental geologic questions including (1) when hydrothermal fluids transported and deposited ore minerals, ...

  2. EIT-based fabric pressure sensing. (United States)

    Yao, A; Yang, C L; Seo, J K; Soleimani, M


    This paper presents EIT-based fabric sensors that aim to provide a pressure mapping using the current carrying and voltage sensing electrodes attached to the boundary of the fabric patch. Pressure-induced shape change over the sensor area makes a change in the conductivity distribution which can be conveyed to the change of boundary current-voltage data. This boundary data is obtained through electrode measurements in EIT system. The corresponding inverse problem is to reconstruct the pressure and deformation map from the relationship between the applied current and the measured voltage on the fabric boundary. Taking advantage of EIT in providing dynamical images of conductivity changes due to pressure induced shape change, the pressure map can be estimated. In this paper, the EIT-based fabric sensor was presented for circular and rectangular sensor geometry. A stretch sensitive fabric was used in circular sensor with 16 electrodes and a pressure sensitive fabric was used in a rectangular sensor with 32 electrodes. A preliminary human test was carried out with the rectangular sensor for foot pressure mapping showing promising results.

  3. EIT-Based Fabric Pressure Sensing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Yao


    Full Text Available This paper presents EIT-based fabric sensors that aim to provide a pressure mapping using the current carrying and voltage sensing electrodes attached to the boundary of the fabric patch. Pressure-induced shape change over the sensor area makes a change in the conductivity distribution which can be conveyed to the change of boundary current-voltage data. This boundary data is obtained through electrode measurements in EIT system. The corresponding inverse problem is to reconstruct the pressure and deformation map from the relationship between the applied current and the measured voltage on the fabric boundary. Taking advantage of EIT in providing dynamical images of conductivity changes due to pressure induced shape change, the pressure map can be estimated. In this paper, the EIT-based fabric sensor was presented for circular and rectangular sensor geometry. A stretch sensitive fabric was used in circular sensor with 16 electrodes and a pressure sensitive fabric was used in a rectangular sensor with 32 electrodes. A preliminary human test was carried out with the rectangular sensor for foot pressure mapping showing promising results.

  4. Qualitative Investigation of Some Locally Produced Printed Fabrics ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The results obtained showed that the locally produced fabrics exhibited comparably better end – use performance characteristics in terms of fabric weight per square meter, fabric flammability, and linear density. While the foreign fabrics are better in terms of Crease recovery, fabric handle, fabric sett, fabric shrinkage, and ...

  5. Studi Perencanaan Jaringan Long Term Evolution Area Jabodetabek Studi Kasus PT. Telkomsel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Ariyanti


    Full Text Available Teknologi LTE merupakan teknologi 4G evolusi dari GSM dengan data rate mencapai 100 Mbps. Operator seluler mempunyai kesempatan untuk menggunakan teknologi tersebut melalui refarming frekuensi. Alokasi yang sesuai saat ini yaitu pada frekuensi 1800 MHz dan 2100 MHz. Sebelum menerapkan teknologi LTE, perlu dilakukan perencanaan baik coverage planning maupun capacity planning untuk menghitung jumlah eNodeB . Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran site yang diperlukan untuk penerapan teknologi LTE pada frekuensi 1800 MHz dan 2100 MHz. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan data kuantitatif yaitu menghitung jumlah site yang dibutuhkan untuk menggelar jaringan LTE. Perhitungan jumlah site tersebut meliputi coverage planning dan capacity dimensioning. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Jumlah eNodeB yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun jaringan LTE pada daerah Jabodetabek dengan jumlah pelanggan yang dilayani pada tahun pertama sebesar 2.02 juta, bandwidth 10 MHz pada frekuensi 1800 MHz dan 2100 MHz yaitu sebanyak 2546 buah.

  6. Fabricating nuclear components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Activities of the Nuclear Engineering Division of Vickers Ltd., particularly fabrication of long slim tubular components for power reactors and the construction of irradiation loops and rigs, are outlined. The processes include hydraulic forming for fabrication of various types of tubes and outer cases of fuel transfer buckets, various specialised welding operations including some applications of the TIG process, and induction brazing of specialised assemblies. (U.K.)


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodgers, William [General Motors LLC; Jin, Xiaoshi [ESI Group NA; Zhu, Jiang [Optimal CAE; Wathen, Terrence [General Motors LLC; Doroudian2, Mark [ESI Group NA; Aitharaju, Venkat [General Motors LLC


    Woven fabric composites are extensively used in molding complex geometrical shapes due to their high conformability compared to other fabrics. Preforming is an important step in the overall process, where the two-dimensional fabric is draped to become the three-dimensional shape of the part prior to resin injection. During preforming, the orientation of the yarns may change significantly compared to the initial orientations. Accurate prediction of the yarn orientations after molding is important for evaluating the structural performance of the final part. This paper presents a systematic investigation of the angle changes during the preform operation for carbon fiber twill and satin weave fabrics. Preforming experiments were conducted using a truncated pyramid mold geometry designed and fabricated at the General Motors Research Laboratories. Predicted results for the yarn orientations were compared with experimental results and good agreement was observed

  8. Peningkatan Sifat Mekanik Kawat Anyam (Wire Mesh) Baja Melalui Proses Pelapisan Nikel


    Widagdo, Baskara Surya; Sulistyo, Sulistyo


    Teknologi pelapisan logam telah berkembang dengan pesat. Metode yang dikembangkan bervariasi. Salah satu tujuan teknologi pelapisan logam adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas logam baik dari sifat ketahanan korosi maupun peningkatan ketahanan sifat mekanik seperti tahan aus maupun kekuatan tarik logam tersebut. Paper ini membahas tentang teknologi pelapisan logam berbentuk kawt anyam (wire mesh) menggunakan lapisan nikel. Kawat anyam dibersihkan dengan larutan HCl dan dicuci dengan air sabun ke...

  9. Pembuatan Perangkat Audit Berbasis Risiko Berdasarkan COBIT 5 dan Service Desk Standard pada Service Desk


    Sarah Putri Ramadhani; Hanim Maria Astuti; Anisah Herdiyanti


    SubDirektorat Layanan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi pada Direktorat Pengembangan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (DPTSI) sebagai penyedia layanan TI di lingkungan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) tidak sedikit mengalami gangguan atau insiden yang mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Oleh karena itu terdapat unit service desk yang bertugas menangani berbagai macam keluhan insiden dan memenuhi permintaan layanan TI. Namun DPTSI belum pernah mengadakan pengendalia...

  10. Reviewer Volume 29, Tahun 2009


    Volume 29, Tahun 2009, Reviewer


    Achmad Subagio, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FTP), Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan I, Kampus Tegal Boto, Jember 68121Agustin K., Wardani FTP, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145Bambang Purwantana, Jurusan Teknik Pertanian (TEP), FTP, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Jl. Flora, Bulaksumur,Yogyakarta 55281Chusnul Hidayat, Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian (TPHP), FTP, UGMDidik Purwadi, Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian (TIP), FTP, UGMDjagal Wiseso Marseno, ...



    Dewa Made Mahendra Yudha; Pande Ketut Sudiarta; Ngurah Indra ER


    Penggunaan teknologi dalam sistem komunikasi bergerak sudah berkembang cukup pesat. Salah satu contohnya ada teknologi HSDPA. Pihak provider biasanya melakukan metode walk test untuk mengecek kekuatan sinyal dengan menggunakan software TEMS Investigtions. Dengan kemajuannya Teknologi walk test dapat diterapkan dengan lebih mudah yaitu menggunakan perangkat android yang sudah terinstal aplikasi G-Net track Pro. Pada penelitian ini, akan menggunakan tahapan sesuai alur yang ada pada metode pene...

  12. Preparation of activated carbon fabrics from cotton fabric precursor (United States)

    Salehi, R.; Dadashian, F.; Abedi, M.


    The preparation of activated carbon fabrics (ACFs) from cotton fabric was performed by chemical activation with phosphoric acid (H3PO4). The operation conditions for obtaining the ACFs with the highest the adsorption capacity and process yield, proposed. Optimized conditions were: impregnation ratio of 2, the rate of temperature rising of 7.5 °C min-1, the activation temperature of 500 °C and the activation time of 30 min. The ACFs produced under optimized conditions was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The surface area and pore volume of carbon nanostructures was characterized by BET nitrogen adsorption isotherm at 77 °K. The pore size distribution calculated from the desorption branch according to BJH method. The iodine number of the prepared ACFs was determined by titration at 30 °C based on the ASTM D4607-94. The results showed the improvement of porous structure, fabric shape, surface area (690 m2/g), total pore volume (0.3216 cm3/g), and well-preserved fibers integrity.

  13. Micro-fabricated all optical pressure sensors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Havreland, Andreas Spandet; Petersen, Søren Dahl; Østergaard, Christian


    Optical pressure sensors can operate in certain harsh application areas where the electrical pressure sensors cannot. However, the sensitivity is often not as good for the optical sensors. This work presents an all optical pressure sensor, which is fabricated by micro fabrication techniques, where...... the sensitivity can be tuned in the fabrication process. The developed sensor design, simplifies the fabrication process leading to a lower fabrication cost, which can make the all optical pressure sensors more competitive towards their electrical counterpart. The sensor has shown promising results and a linear...... pressure response has been measured with a sensitivity of 0.6nm/bar....

  14. ITER Central Solenoid Module Fabrication

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, John [General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States)


    The fabrication of the modules for the ITER Central Solenoid (CS) has started in a dedicated production facility located in Poway, California, USA. The necessary tools have been designed, built, installed, and tested in the facility to enable the start of production. The current schedule has first module fabrication completed in 2017, followed by testing and subsequent shipment to ITER. The Central Solenoid is a key component of the ITER tokamak providing the inductive voltage to initiate and sustain the plasma current and to position and shape the plasma. The design of the CS has been a collaborative effort between the US ITER Project Office (US ITER), the international ITER Organization (IO) and General Atomics (GA). GA’s responsibility includes: completing the fabrication design, developing and qualifying the fabrication processes and tools, and then completing the fabrication of the seven 110 tonne CS modules. The modules will be shipped separately to the ITER site, and then stacked and aligned in the Assembly Hall prior to insertion in the core of the ITER tokamak. A dedicated facility in Poway, California, USA has been established by GA to complete the fabrication of the seven modules. Infrastructure improvements included thick reinforced concrete floors, a diesel generator for backup power, along with, cranes for moving the tooling within the facility. The fabrication process for a single module requires approximately 22 months followed by five months of testing, which includes preliminary electrical testing followed by high current (48.5 kA) tests at 4.7K. The production of the seven modules is completed in a parallel fashion through ten process stations. The process stations have been designed and built with most stations having completed testing and qualification for carrying out the required fabrication processes. The final qualification step for each process station is achieved by the successful production of a prototype coil. Fabrication of the first

  15. Natural fabric of Hildegardia populifolia composites

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Guduri, BBR


    Full Text Available The influence of Hildegardia populofolia fabric content, fabric orientation, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and silane coupling agent treatment on the surface properties of the fabric, mechanical and fracture properties of Hildegardia populifolia...

  16. Engineering Non-Wetting Antimicrobial Fabrics (United States)

    van den Berg, Desmond

    This research presents novel techniques and a review of commercially available fabrics for their antimicrobial potential. Based on previous research into the advantages of superhydrophobic self-cleaning surfaces against bacterial contamination, insights into what can make a superhydrophobic fabric inherently antimicrobial were analyzed. Through comparing the characterization results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical profilometry to microbiology experiments, hypotheses into the relationship between the contact area of a bacterial solution and the extent of contamination is developed. Contact scenario experiments, involving the use of fluorescence microscopy and calculating colony forming units, proved that the contamination potential of any fabric is due to the wetting state exhibited by the fabric, as well as the extent of surface texturing. Transmission experiments, utilizing a novel technique of stamping a contaminated fabric, outlined the importance of retention of solutions or bacteria during interactions within the hospital environment on the extent of contamination.

  17. Properties of natural fabric Polyalthia cerasoides

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Jayaramudu, J


    Full Text Available of this fabric were compared with those of two natural fabrics reported in the literature. This uniaxial fabric has sufficient tensile modulus and can be used as reinforcement in the development of green composites....

  18. Junction and circuit fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackel, L.D.


    Great strides have been made in Josephson junction fabrication in the four years since the first IC SQUID meeting. Advances in lithography have allowed the production of devices with planar dimensions as small as a few hundred angstroms. Improved technology has provided ultra-high sensitivity SQUIDS, high-efficiency low-noise mixers, and complex integrated circuits. This review highlights some of the new fabrication procedures. The review consists of three parts. Part 1 is a short summary of the requirements on junctions for various applications. Part 2 reviews intergrated circuit fabrication, including tunnel junction logic circuits made at IBM and Bell Labs, and microbridge radiation sources made at SUNY at Stony Brook. Part 3 describes new junction fabrication techniques, the major emphasis of this review. This part includes a discussion of small oxide-barrier tunnel junctions, semiconductor barrier junctions, and microbridge junctions. Part 3 concludes by considering very fine lithography and limitations to miniaturization. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dwi Yulistyanti


    Full Text Available Salah satu teknologi baru mengalami perkembangan pesat teknologi komputasi awan (cloud storage. SMK Setia Negara Depok adalah sekolah kejuruan yang mempromosikan pengembangan dan penggunaan teknologi informasi untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa. Oleh karena itu, sekolah merasa perlu untuk memperkenalkan media penyimpanan dan berbagi data pada siswa bahwa tidak ada hambatan untuk penyelesaian tugas, yaitu aplikasi Dropbox. Model yang digunakan dari Technology Acceptance Model (TAM untuk menyertakan dua variabel eksternal, yaitu CSE dan TT dan 4 menerima variabel PEOU, PU, ATT dan IU untuk mengetahui aplikasi Dropbox penerimaan teknologi. Beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi atau moderasi antara jenis kelamin / seks dan tingkat / kelas. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan kuesioner dengan 176 responden. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan Model Structural Equation (SEM dengan menggunakan AMOS 18.0. Dari hasil yang sudah di peroleh yaitu Para siswa/i SMK Setia Negara Depok sudah cukup siap dan menerima teknologi aplikasi Dropbox untuk digunakan menyelesaikan tugas kelompok siswa yang dijelaskan melalui hubungan kausal indeks terhadap penerimaan teknologi aplikasi Dropbox di SMK Setia Negara. Dengan jumlah responden yaitu 176 Ditinjau dari indentitas responden pada penelitian, responden yang memiliki jumlah lebih banyak adalah siswa kelas X1I (63.6%, jenis kelamin perempuan (77.3%, yang merupakan gabungan dari siswa kelas XI dan XII. Penilaian disini diantaranya berdasarkan pria dan wanita, setelah dilakukan penelitian pria tidak ada yang berpengaruh pada setiap variabel yang ada, sedangkan wanita sangat berpengaruh pada penerimaan terhadap teknologi, itu terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan. Dan juga Penilaian disini menggunakan tingkatan/kelas, yaitu XI dan XII, setelah dilakukan penelitian tingkatan/kelas XI tidak ada yang berpengaruh pada setiap variabel yang ada, sedangkan tingkatan/kelas XII sangat berpengaruh pada penerimaan terhadap teknologi

  20. APT target-blanket fabrication development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fisher, D.L.


    Concepts for producing tritium in an accelerator were translated into hardware for engineering studies of tritium generation, heat transfer, and effects of proton-neutron flux on materials. Small-scale target- blanket assemblies were fabricated and material samples prepared for these performance tests. Blanket assemblies utilize composite aluminum-lead modules, the two primary materials of the blanket. Several approaches are being investigated to produce large-scale assemblies, developing fabrication and assembly methods for their commercial manufacture. Small-scale target-blanket assemblies, designed and fabricated at the Savannah River Site, were place in Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) for irradiation. They were subjected to neutron flux for nine months during 1996-97. Coincident with this test was the development of production methods for large- scale modules. Increasing module size presented challenges that required new methods to be developed for fabrication and assembly. After development, these methods were demonstrated by fabricating and assembling two production-scale modules.

  1. Fabrication and characterization of high impact hybrid matrix composites from thermoset resin and dyneema-glass fabric reinforcement (United States)

    Patel, R. H.; Sharma, S.; Pansuriya, T.; Malgani, E. V.; Sevkani, V.


    Hybrid composites have been fabricated by hand lay-up technique with epoxy resin and diethylene tri amine as a hardener for high impact energy absorption with sandwich stacking of different reinforcements of dyneema and glass fabric. High impact grade composites are nowadays gaining a lot of importance in the field of high mechanical load bearing applications, ballistics and bulletproofing. The present work emphases on the fabrication and mechanical properties of the hybrid composites of cut resistant dyneema fabric along with glass fabric reinforced in the thermosetting resin. i.e. epoxy. The prime importance while fabricating such materials have been given to the processing along with selection of the raw materials. High impact resistive materials with low density and henceforth low weight have been manufactured and characterized by IZOD impact tester, UTM, Archimedes density meter and SEM. Throughout the work, satisfactory results have been obtained. Impact resistance was observed to be boosted three times as that of the reference sample of glass fabric and epoxy. The density of the hybrid composite is observed to be 25% as that of the reference sample.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bambang Setiarso


    Full Text Available Masalah Y2K temyata membuat pusing manusia yang menggunakan komputer untuk memasuki milenium ketiga mendatang, pasalnya adalah adanya suatu bahaya yang mengancam seluruh sistem yang operasionalnya menggunakan teknologi informasi (komputer. Ancamanini adalah masalah pemrogaman komputer hanya 2 karakter (digit dalam mempresentasikan tahun, dikenal dengan ancaman "millennium bug" atau masalah Y2K (problem tahun 2000. Masalah ini menyebabkan sistem komputer, bisa perangkat keras, perangkat lunaknya yang menyimpan tahun dengan format dua angka, tidak dapat membedakan tahun 2000 dengan tahun 1900 karena keduanya sama-sama direpresentasikan oleh sistem komputer menjadi angka 00.Sekarang kita lihat dulu pengertian teknologi informasi yang lebih holistikyaitu: teknologi informasi mencakup komponen teknologi yang dibutuhkan untuk mengolah, menyimpan, dan menyampaikan informasi.

  3. Porosity Prediction of Plain Weft Knitted Fabrics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Owais Raza Siddiqui


    Full Text Available Wearing comfort of clothing is dependent on air permeability, moisture absorbency and wicking properties of fabric, which are related to the porosity of fabric. In this work, a plug-in is developed using Python script and incorporated in Abaqus/CAE for the prediction of porosity of plain weft knitted fabrics. The Plug-in is able to automatically generate 3D solid and multifilament weft knitted fabric models and accurately determine the porosity of fabrics in two steps. In this work, plain weft knitted fabrics made of monofilament, multifilament and spun yarn made of staple fibers were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed plug-in. In the case of staple fiber yarn, intra yarn porosity was considered in the calculation of porosity. The first step is to develop a 3D geometrical model of plain weft knitted fabric and the second step is to calculate the porosity of the fabric by using the geometrical parameter of 3D weft knitted fabric model generated in step one. The predicted porosity of plain weft knitted fabric is extracted in the second step and is displayed in the message area. The predicted results obtained from the plug-in have been compared with the experimental results obtained from previously developed models; they agreed well.

  4. Superamphiphobic cotton fabrics with enhanced stability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Bi, E-mail: [National Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 (China); Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 (China); College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 (China); Ding, Yinyan; Qu, Shaobo [College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 (China); Cai, Zaisheng, E-mail: [College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 (China)


    Highlights: • Superamphiphobic cotton fabrics were prepared. • Water and hexadecane contact angels reach to 164.4° and 156.3°, respectively. • Nanoporous organically modified silica alcogel particles were synthesized. • The superamphiphobic cotton fabrics exhibit enhanced stability against abrasion, laundering and acid. - Abstract: Superamphiphobic cotton fabrics were prepared by alternately depositing organically modified silica alcogel (ormosil) particles onto chitosan precoated cotton fabrics and subsequent 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctyltrimethoxysilane (PFOTMS) modification. Transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy images reveal that the ormosil particles display a fluffy, sponge-like nanoporous structure, and the entire cotton fiber surface is covered with highly porous networks. PFOTMS acts as not only a modifier to lower the surface energy of the cotton fabric but also a binder to enhance the coating stability against abrasion and washing. The treated cotton fabrics show highly liquid repellency with the water, cooking oil and hexadecane contact angels reaching to 164.4°, 160.1° and 156.3°, respectively. Meanwhile, the treated cotton fabrics exhibit good abrasion resistance and high laundering durability, which can withstand 10,000 cycles of abrasion and 30 cycles of machine wash without apparently changing the superamphiphobicity. The superamphiphobic cotton fabric also shows high acid stability, and can withstand 98% H{sub 2}SO{sub 4}. Moreover, the superamphiphobic coating has almost no influence on the other physical properties of the cotton fabrics including tensile strength, whiteness and air permeability. This durable non-wetting surface may provide a wide range of new applications in the future.

  5. Modelling the Effect of Weave Structure and Fabric Thread Density on Mechanical and Comfort Properties of Woven Fabrics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maqsood Muhammad


    Full Text Available The paper investigates the effects of weave structure and fabric thread density on the comfort and mechanical properties of various test fabrics woven from polyester/cotton yarns. Three different weave structures, that is, 1/1 plain, 2/1 twill and 3/1 twill, and three different fabric densities were taken as input variables whereas air permeability, overall moisture management capacity, tensile strength and tear strength of fabrics were taken as response variables and a comparison is made of the effect of weave structure and fabric density on the response variables. The results of fabric samples were analysed in Minitab statistical software. The coefficients of determinations (R-sq values of the regression equations show a good predictive ability of the developed statistical models. The findings of the study may be helpful in deciding appropriate manufacturing specifications of woven fabrics to attain specific comfort and mechanical properties.

  6. Shock wave fabricated ceramic-metal nozzles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Carton, E.P.; Stuivinga, M.E.C.; Keizers, H.L.J.; Verbeek, H.J.; Put, P.J. van der


    Shock compaction was used in the fabrication of high temperature ceramic-based materials. The materials' development was geared towards the fabrication of nozzles for rocket engines using solid propellants, for which the following metal-ceramic (cermet) materials were fabricated and tested: B4C-Ti

  7. 14 CFR 31.35 - Fabrication methods. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fabrication methods. 31.35 Section 31.35 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: MANNED FREE BALLOONS Design Construction § 31.35 Fabrication methods. The methods of fabrication...

  8. Smart Fabrics Technology Development (United States)

    Simon, Cory; Potter, Elliott; Potter, Elliott; McCabe, Mary; Baggerman, Clint


    Advances in Smart Fabrics technology are enabling an exciting array of new applications for NASA exploration missions, the biomedical community, and consumer electronics. This report summarizes the findings of a brief investigation into the state of the art and potential applications of smart fabrics to address challenges in human spaceflight.

  9. Analisis Jaringan VPN Menggunakan PPTP dan L2TP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syariful Ikhwan


    Full Text Available VPN adalah teknologi yang membuat jaringan private (pribadi dengan menggunakan jaringan publik agar proses pertukaran data menjadi aman. Teknologi VPN biasanya diterapkan untuk koneksi antara kantor pusat dan kantor cabang. Dinhubkominfo Kabupaten Banyumas sebagai tempat penelitian memiliki beberapa kantor cabang (SKPD. Data yang dipertukarkan antar kantor cabang pada Dinhubkominfo terdiri dari beberapa jenis, namun pada penelitian ini hanya difokuskan pada pertukaran layanan FTP. Teknologi vpn yang saat ini digunakan pada jaringan Dinhubkominfo adalah PPTP. Akan tetapi, penggunaan teknologi tersebut belum tersebut masih belum diketahui tingkat performansi jaringan dibandingkan dengan penggunaan teknologi vpn yang lain. Pada penelitian ini akan dibandingkan penggunaan dua teknologi vpn yang berbeda yaitu antara PPTP dan L2TP, dimana parameter yang digunakan adalah throughput, delay, jitter, dan packet loss. Proses pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menambahkan beban trafik sebesar 512 kbps, 1024 kbps, dan 2048 kbps. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh data bahwa, rata-rata nilai Delay pada L2TP lebih besar hingga 41% dibanding saat menggunakan PPTP, rata-rata Throughput PPTP naik hingga 34% dibandingkan L2TP, Rata-rata Jitter pada PPTP lebih besar hingga 44% dibandingkan L2TP, sedangkan packet loss yang terjadi pada masing-masing layanan vpn adalah 0

  10. FabricS: A user-friendly, complete and robust software for particle shape-fabric analysis (United States)

    Moreno Chávez, G.; Castillo Rivera, F.; Sarocchi, D.; Borselli, L.; Rodríguez-Sedano, L. A.


    Shape-fabric is a textural parameter related to the spatial arrangement of elongated particles in geological samples. Its usefulness spans a range from sedimentary petrology to igneous and metamorphic petrology. Independently of the process being studied, when a material flows, the elongated particles are oriented with the major axis in the direction of flow. In sedimentary petrology this information has been used for studies of paleo-flow direction of turbidites, the origin of quartz sediments, and locating ignimbrite vents, among others. In addition to flow direction and its polarity, the method enables flow rheology to be inferred. The use of shape-fabric has been limited due to the difficulties of automatically measuring particles and analyzing them with reliable circular statistics programs. This has dampened interest in the method for a long time. Shape-fabric measurement has increased in popularity since the 1980s thanks to the development of new image analysis techniques and circular statistics software. However, the programs currently available are unreliable, old and are incompatible with newer operating systems, or require programming skills. The goal of our work is to develop a user-friendly program, in the MATLAB environment, with a graphical user interface, that can process images and includes editing functions, and thresholds (elongation and size) for selecting a particle population and analyzing it with reliable circular statistics algorithms. Moreover, the method also has to produce rose diagrams, orientation vectors, and a complete series of statistical parameters. All these requirements are met by our new software. In this paper, we briefly explain the methodology from collection of oriented samples in the field to the minimum number of particles needed to obtain reliable fabric data. We obtained the data using specific statistical tests and taking into account the degree of iso-orientation of the samples and the required degree of reliability

  11. Fabrication of thermo-responsive cotton fabrics using poly(vinyl caprolactam-co-hydroxyethyl acrylamide) copolymer. (United States)

    Xiao, Min; González, Edurne; Monterroza, Alexis Martell; Frey, Margaret


    A thermo-responsive polymer with hydrophilic to hydrophobic transition behavior, poly(vinyl caprolactam-co-hydroxyethyl acrylamide) P(VCL-co-HEAA), was prepared by copolymerization of vinyl caprolactam and N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide via free radical solution polymerization. The resulting copolymer was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of P(VCL-co-HEAA) was determined at 34.5°C. This thermo-responsive polymer was then grafted onto cotton fabrics using 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) as crosslinker and sodium hypophosphite (SHP) as catalyst. FTIR and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) studies confirmed the successful grafting reaction. The modified cotton fabric exhibited thermo-responsive behavior as evidenced by water vapor permeability measurement confirming decreased permeability at elevated temperature. This is the first demonstration that a PVCL based copolymer is grafted to cotton fabrics. This study provides a new thermo-responsive polymer for fabrication of smart cotton fabrics with thermally switchable hydrophilicity. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Innovation og digitalisering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivang, Reimer


    Kapitet fokuserer på, hvordan og hvorfor den digitale teknologi og innovation er to sider af samme sag. Den digitale teknologi er af mange anerkendt som en af nutidens største forandringskræfter. Perez (2002) benævner det ligefrem en teknologisk revolution og sammenligner den digitale teknologi m......, at innovationsprocesser ofte vil være det bedste perspektiv til at forstå, identificere og realisere det virkelige potentiale i digitalisering....

  13. Characterization of electro-conductive fabrics prepared by in situ chemical and electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole onto polyester fabric

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maiti, Syamal; Das, Dipayan; Sen, Kushal, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Surface resistivity of the fabrics decreased rapidly with an increase in add-on. • Add-on and resistivity were not correlated below a resistivity value of about 200 Ω. • Higher add-on but lower surface roughness resulted in lower surface resistivity. • The voltage–current and voltage–temperature behaviours were found to be non-linear. • Electro-conductive fabric exhibited 98% electromagnetic shielding efficiency. - Abstract: This paper reports a study on electro-conductive fabrics prepared by a combined in situ chemical and electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole. Specific observations are made to establish the roles of add-on and surface roughness on the surface resistivity of the electro-conductive fabrics. The performance characteristics of the fabrics are reported in terms of electrical conductivity, voltage–current and voltage–temperature characteristics and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding capability. The surface resistivity of the fabric was found to be as low as 11.79 Ω. The voltage–current profile of the fabric is observed to be non-ohmic as well as the voltage–temperature curve is found to be exponential. The EMI shielding efficiency of the fabric was found to be about 98%.

  14. Characterization of electro-conductive fabrics prepared by in situ chemical and electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole onto polyester fabric

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maiti, Syamal; Das, Dipayan; Sen, Kushal


    Highlights: • Surface resistivity of the fabrics decreased rapidly with an increase in add-on. • Add-on and resistivity were not correlated below a resistivity value of about 200 Ω. • Higher add-on but lower surface roughness resulted in lower surface resistivity. • The voltage–current and voltage–temperature behaviours were found to be non-linear. • Electro-conductive fabric exhibited 98% electromagnetic shielding efficiency. - Abstract: This paper reports a study on electro-conductive fabrics prepared by a combined in situ chemical and electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole. Specific observations are made to establish the roles of add-on and surface roughness on the surface resistivity of the electro-conductive fabrics. The performance characteristics of the fabrics are reported in terms of electrical conductivity, voltage–current and voltage–temperature characteristics and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding capability. The surface resistivity of the fabric was found to be as low as 11.79 Ω. The voltage–current profile of the fabric is observed to be non-ohmic as well as the voltage–temperature curve is found to be exponential. The EMI shielding efficiency of the fabric was found to be about 98%

  15. Influence of Clothing Fabrics on Skin Microcirculation

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    CHENG Ling; PAN Ning; ZHAO Lian-ying; HUAUNG Gu


    This study investigated the effects of clothing fabric on human skin microcirculation. Once skin is covered with a clothing fabric, human sensations, namely, coolness, warmth, softness, and roughness, are amused immediately, and the cutaneous micrecireulation may be changed consequently. Since the complex relationships of the human skin, the environment, and the clothing, there is few publication focusing on the physiological responses of the skin to the fabrics. In this paper, a Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) was used to test the dynamic responses of the skin blood flow when the fabric was placed on the skin. Effects of different fabrics on the skin blood flux were investigated. The results show that cold stimulation of fabric has remarkable influences on the skin blood flux, and the surface properties of fabric are of importance to affect the human skin blood flow.

  16. A simple cost-effective and eco-friendly wet chemical process for the fabrication of superhydrophobic cotton fabrics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richard, Edna; Lakshmi, R.V.; Aruna, S.T.; Basu, Bharathibai J.


    Superhydrophobic surfaces were created on hydrophilic cotton fabrics by a simple wet chemical process. The fabric was immersed in a colloidal suspension of zinc hydroxide followed by subsequent hydrophobization with stearic acid. The wettability of the modified cotton fabric sample was studied by water contact angle (WCA) and water shedding angle (WSA) measurements. The modified cotton fabrics exhibited superhydrophobicity with a WCA of 151° for 8 μL water droplet and a WSA of 5–10° for 40 μL water droplet. The superhydrophobic cotton sample was also characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The method is simple, eco-friendly and cost-effective and can be applied to large area of cotton fabric materials. It was shown that superhydrophobicity of the fabric was due to the combined effect of surface roughness imparted by zinc hydroxide and the low surface energy of stearic acid.

  17. A simple cost-effective and eco-friendly wet chemical process for the fabrication of superhydrophobic cotton fabrics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Richard, Edna; Lakshmi, R.V.; Aruna, S.T., E-mail:; Basu, Bharathibai J.


    Superhydrophobic surfaces were created on hydrophilic cotton fabrics by a simple wet chemical process. The fabric was immersed in a colloidal suspension of zinc hydroxide followed by subsequent hydrophobization with stearic acid. The wettability of the modified cotton fabric sample was studied by water contact angle (WCA) and water shedding angle (WSA) measurements. The modified cotton fabrics exhibited superhydrophobicity with a WCA of 151° for 8 μL water droplet and a WSA of 5–10° for 40 μL water droplet. The superhydrophobic cotton sample was also characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The method is simple, eco-friendly and cost-effective and can be applied to large area of cotton fabric materials. It was shown that superhydrophobicity of the fabric was due to the combined effect of surface roughness imparted by zinc hydroxide and the low surface energy of stearic acid.

  18. Fabrication and characterization of active nanostructures (United States)

    Opondo, Noah F.

    Three different nanostructure active devices have been designed, fabricated and characterized. Junctionless transistors based on highly-doped silicon nanowires fabricated using a bottom-up fabrication approach are first discussed. The fabrication avoids the ion implantation step since silicon nanowires are doped in-situ during growth. Germanium junctionless transistors fabricated with a top down approach starting from a germanium on insulator substrate and using a gate stack of high-k dielectrics and GeO2 are also presented. The levels and origin of low-frequency noise in junctionless transistor devices fabricated from silicon nanowires and also from GeOI devices are reported. Low-frequency noise is an indicator of the quality of the material, hence its characterization can reveal the quality and perhaps reliability of fabricated transistors. A novel method based on low-frequency noise measurement to envisage trap density in the semiconductor bandgap near the semiconductor/oxide interface of nanoscale silicon junctionless transistors (JLTs) is presented. Low-frequency noise characterization of JLTs biased in saturation is conducted at different gate biases. The noise spectrum indicates either a Lorentzian or 1/f. A simple analysis of the low-frequency noise data leads to the density of traps and their energy within the semiconductor bandgap. The level of noise in silicon JLT devices is lower than reported values on transistors fabricated using a top-down approach. This noise level can be significantly improved by improving the quality of dielectric and the channel interface. A micro-vacuum electron device based on silicon field emitters for cold cathode emission is also presented. The presented work utilizes vertical Si nanowires fabricated by means of self-assembly, standard lithography and etching techniques as field emitters in this dissertation. To obtain a high nanowire density, hence a high current density, a simple and inexpensive Langmuir Blodgett technique

  19. Abstrak Proposal


    Ir.Fatahuddin, MP



  20. Study of transport properties of copper/zinc-oxide-nanorods-based Schottky diode fabricated on textile fabric

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, Azam; Hussain, Mushtaque; Abbasi, Mazhar Ali; Ibupoto, Zafar Hussain; Nur, Omer; Willander, Magnus


    In this work, a copper/zinc-oxide (ZnO)-nanorods-based Schottky diode was fabricated on the textile fabric substrate. ZnO nanorods were grown on a silver-coated textile fabric substrate by using the hydrothermal route. Scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction techniques were used for the structural study. The electrical characterization of copper/ZnO-nanorods-based Schottky diodes was investigated by using a semiconductor parameter analyzer and an impedance spectrometer. The current density–voltage (J–V) and capacitance–voltage (C–V) measurements were used to estimate the electrical parameters. The threshold voltage (V th ), ideality factor (η), barrier height (ϕ b ), reverse saturation current density (J s ), carrier concentration (N D ) and built-in potential (V bi ) were determined by using experimental data and (simulated) curve fitting. This study describes the possible fabrication of electronic and optoelectronic devices on textile fabric substrate with an acceptable performance. (paper)

  1. Fabrication of fuel elements interplay between typical SNR Mark Ia specifications and the fuel element fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biermann, W.K.; Heuvel, H.J.; Pilate, S.; Vanderborck, Y.; Pelckmans, E.; Vanhellemont, G.; Roepenack, H.; Stoll, W.


    The core and fuel were designed for the SNR-300 first core by Interatom GmbH and Belgonucleaire. The fuel was fabricated by Alkem/RBU and Belgonucleaire. Based on the preparation of drawings and specifications and on the results of the prerun fabrication, an extensive interplay took place between design requirements, specifications, and fabrication processes at both fuel plants. During start-up of pellet and pin fabrication, this solved such technical questions as /sup 239/Pu equivalent linear weight, pellet density, stoichiometry of the pellets, and impurity content. Close cooperation of designers and manufacturers has allowed manufacture of 205 fuel assemblies without major problems

  2. Design Thinking for Digital Fabrication in Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith, Rachel Charlotte; Iversen, Ole Sejer; Hjorth, Mikkel


    In this paper, we argue that digital fabrication in education may benefit from design thinking, to foster a more profound understanding of digital fabrication processes among students. Two related studies of digital fabrication in education are presented in the paper. In an observational study we...... found that students (eleven to fifteen) lacked an understanding of the complexity of the digital fabrication process impeding on the potentials of digital fabrication in education. In a second explorative research through design study, we investigated how a focus on design thinking affected the students...

  3. Innovative Application of Fabric Recycling in Fashion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chenyang Lee


    Full Text Available With the continuous development of the socialist market economy, human aesthetic standards are constantly changing, the occurrence of this situation to the development of the garment industry challenges, that is a single fabric has long been unable to meet people's aesthetic needs, And then the art of fabric reengineering will be born. This paper elaborates the meaning of fabric reworking art. This paper systematically describes the meaning of fabric reengineering to garment designer and garment itself, and comprehensively summarizes the fabric recycling technique and its characteristics.

  4. Overview of MOX fuel fabrication achievements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bairiot, H.; Vliet, J. van; Chiarelli, G.; Edwards, J.; Nagai, S.H.; Reshetnikov, F.


    Such overview having been adequately covered in an OECD/NEA publication providing the situation as of end 1994, this paper is mainly devoted to an update as of end 1998. The Belgian plant, Belgonucleaire/Dessel, is now dedicated exclusively to the fabrication of MOX fuel and has operated consistently around its nameplate capacity (35tHM/a) through the 1990s involving a large variety of PWR and BWR fuels. The two French plants have also achieved routine operation during the 1990s. CFCa, historically the largest FBR MOX fuel manufacturer, is utilizing the genuine COCA process for that type of fuel and the MIMAS process for LWR fuel: a nominal capacity (40 tHM/a) has been gradually approached. MELOX has operated at 100 tHM/a, as defined in the operating licence granted originally. The British plant, MDF/Sellafield with 8tHM/a nameplate capacity is devoted to fuel and has manufactured several small fabrication campaigns. In Japan, JNC operates three facilities located at Tokai: PFDF, devoted to basic research and fabrication of test fuels, PFFF/ATR line, for the fabrication of Fugen fuel and of corresponding fuel for the critical facility DCA, and PFPF for the fabrication of FBR fuel. In Russia, fabrication techniques have been developed to fuel four BN-800 FBRs contemplated to be constructed and be fuelled with the civilian Pu stockpile. Two demonstration facilities Paket (Mayak) and RIAR (Dimitrovgrad) fabricated respectively pellet and vipac type FBR MOX fuel for BR-5, BOR-60, BN-350 and BN-600. The paper includes a brief description of each of the fabrication routes mentioned, as well as the production of respectively LWR and FBR MOX fuel in each fabrication facility, since the start-up of the plant, since 1 January 1993 and since 1 January 1998 up to 31 December 1998. (author)

  5. Robust and durable superhydrophobic fabrics fabricated via simple Cu nanoparticles deposition route and its application in oil/water separation. (United States)

    Wang, Jintao; Wang, Hongfei


    The exploitation of separation materials with high selectivity for oil pollutants is of great importance due to severe environmental damage from oil spillages and industrial discharge of oils. A facile in situ growth process for creating superhydrophobic-superoleophilic fabrics for oil-water separation is developed. This proposed method is based mainly on the deposition Cu nanoparticles and subsequent hydrophobic modification. Compared with the hydrophilicity of original fabric, the water contact angle of the modified fabric rises to 154.5°, suggesting its superhydrophobicity. The as-prepared fabrics also exhibit wonderful oil-water selectivity, excellent recyclability, and high separation efficiency (>94.5%). Especially, via pumping the fabric rolled into a multilayered tube, various types of oils on water surface can be continuously separated in situ without any water uptake. Furthermore, the superhydrophobic fabrics show excellent superhydrophobic stability, and can resist different chemicals, such as salty, acidic, and alkaline solutions, oils, and hot water. After the abrasion of 400cycles, the broken fabric still possesses highly hydrophobicity with water contact angle of 145°. Therefore, due to simple fabrication steps, low cost, and scalable process, the as-prepared fabrics can be applied in the separation of oils and other organic solvents from water. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Fabrication of Nanoimprint stamps for photonic crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kouba, J; Kubenz, M; Mai, A; Ropers, G; Eberhardt, W; Loechel, B


    We report on fabrication of nanoimprint stamps for fabrication of two dimensional photonic crystals in visible range of spectra. Nanoimprint stamps made of silicon and/or nickel were successfully fabricated using electron beam lithography and advanced dry etching techniques. The quality of the stamps was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. The fabricated stamps were also evaluated by imprinting them into suitable polymer materials

  7. Reviewer Volume 27, Tahun 2007


    Volume 27, Tahun 2007, Reviewer


    1. Abdul Rozaq, Dr., Ir., DAA Jurusan Teknik Pertanian (TEP), Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FTP), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta2. Bambang Purwantana, Ir., Dr., M.Agr. Jurusan TEP, FTP-UGM3. Chusnul Hidayat, Ir., Dr. Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian (TPHP), Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FTP), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta4. Haryadi, Ir., Dr., Prof., M. App. Sc. Jurusan TPHP, FTP-UGM5. Lilik Sutiarso, Ir., Dr., M. Eng. Jurusan TEP, FTP-UGM6. Pudji Hastuti, Ir...

  8. Heat Transfer in Directional Water Transport Fabrics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chao Zeng


    Full Text Available Directional water transport fabrics can proactively transfer moisture from the body. They show great potential in making sportswear and summer clothing. While moisture transfer has been previously reported, heat transfer in directional water transport fabrics has been little reported in research literature. In this study, a directional water transport fabric was prepared using an electrospraying technique and its heat transfer properties under dry and wet states were evaluated, and compared with untreated control fabric and the one pre-treated with NaOH. All the fabric samples showed similar heat transfer features in the dry state, and the equilibrium temperature in the dry state was higher than for the wet state. Wetting considerably enhanced the thermal conductivity of the fabrics. Our studies indicate that directional water transport treatment assists in moving water toward one side of the fabric, but has little effect on thermal transfer performance. This study may be useful for development of “smart” textiles for various applications.


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    Lena Ellitan


    Full Text Available To date, the role of technology management as a factor of success in technological innovation has been a subject of significant interest among practitioners and academicians. Despite the plethora of attention given to the numerous issues of management of new technology adoption and implementation, many organizations still fail to manage their technology efficiently, effectively, and strategically. This paper is based on a field investigation via face to face interviews with top management in East Java involving medium and large manufacturing companies from the tobacco, plastic, pulp, furniture, textile, cable and plywood sectors. This research seeks to investigate the extent of technology adoption and its management in medium and large Indonesian manufacturing companies. Further, this study investigates the technology benefits perceived by respondents. The study found that: (1 Indonesian manufacturing companies still lack a strategic perspective when adopting technologies and they are more concerned with short-term issues; (2 they face problems related to people, organizational issues, limited budgets and lack of government support; (3 these problems limit the choice of technologies and together with the national economic situation, reinforces the short-term mindset of top management. In addition, the investigation of critical success factors and inhibitors of technology adoption is necessary for identification of a proper vision and strategic viewpoint of managing new technology. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Sampai sekarang, peranan manajemen teknologi sebagai factor keberhasilan dalam inovasi teknologi menjadi topik yang menarik perhatian para praktisis maupun akademisi. Walaupun masalah-masalah manajemen teknologi dan implementasinya telah banyak diperhatikan, masih ada banyak perusahaan yang belum mampu mengatur teknologi secara efisien, secara efektif atau dengan strategi yang tepat. Makalah ini dibuat berdasarkan survei lapangan yang


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    Khafiizh Hastuti


    Full Text Available Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi diperlukan untuk mendukung Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM. Teknologi informasi mampu mendukung UMKM memiliki daya saing global. Fakta yang ditemukan, masih banyak pemilik UMKM yang tidak memanfaatkan teknologi informasi, dengan alasan tidak mengerti komputer dan biaya yang tidak terjangkau. Sanggar “Amerta Laksita” dan “Gamelan Ndelik” merupakan mitra UMKM yang tidak menerapkan teknologi informasi dengan alasan tersebut. Aplikasi mobile (aplikasi bergerak menjadi pilihan untuk mendukung pemasaran mitra. Aplikasi bergerak dapat mendukung mitra menjangkau pemasaran sampai ke tingkat global, biaya yang terjangkau, serta memberikan kebebasan bagi mitra untuk mengelola isi konten secara mandiri. Program pendampingan dilaksanakan dalam beberapa kegiatan yaitu analisis pemasaran terkait dengan perencanaan strategi pemasaran secara on-line, transfer pengetahuan tentang aplikasi bergerak, pengembangan aplikasi bergerak untuk pemasaran, teknik mengelola aplikasi bergerak, sampai ke publikasi ke pasar aplikasi, yaitu Google Play. Program ini mampu mendorong mitra untuk lebih mengetahui aplikasi bergerak, sehingga mitra dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dalam usahanya, dan mampu mengelola konten aplikasi, seperti memasang gambar, teks, dan lain sebagainya, secara mandiri.

  11. De gennemsigtige gener

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Linda


    Gener, gentest, reproduktion, kortlægning, registrering, kontrol, social stempling, tvang,identifikation, privatsfære, teknologi......Gener, gentest, reproduktion, kortlægning, registrering, kontrol, social stempling, tvang,identifikation, privatsfære, teknologi...

  12. Fabrication of nanowires and nanostructures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mátéfi-Tempfli, Stefan; Mátéfi-Tempfli, M.; Piraux, L.


    We report on different approaches that we have adopted and developed for the fabrication of nanowires and nanostructures. Methods based on template synthesis and on self organization seem to be the most promising for the fabrication of nanomaterials and nanostructures due to their easiness and low...... cost. The development of a supported nanoporous alumina template and the possibility of using this template to combine electrochemical synthesis with lithographic methods open new ways for the fabrication of complex nanostructures. The numerous advantages of the supported template and its compatibility...

  13. Screen printing of a capacitive cantilever-based motion sensor on fabric using a novel sacrificial layer process for smart fabric applications (United States)

    Wei, Yang; Torah, Russel; Yang, Kai; Beeby, Steve; Tudor, John


    Free-standing cantilevers have been fabricated by screen printing sacrificial and structural layers onto a standard polyester cotton fabric. By printing additional conductive layers, a complete capacitive motion sensor on fabric using only screen printing has been fabricated. This type of free-standing structure cannot currently be fabricated using conventional fabric manufacturing processes. In addition, compared to conventional smart fabric fabrication processes (e.g. weaving and knitting), screen printing offers the advantages of geometric design flexibility and the ability to simultaneously print multiple devices of the same or different designs. Furthermore, a range of active inks exists from the printed electronics industry which can potentially be applied to create many types of smart fabric. Four cantilevers with different lengths have been printed on fabric using a five-layer structure with a sacrificial material underneath the cantilever. The sacrificial layer is subsequently removed at 160 °C for 30 min to achieve a freestanding cantilever above the fabric. Two silver electrodes, one on top of the cantilever and the other on top of the fabric, are used to capacitively detect the movement of the cantilever. In this way, an entirely printed motion sensor is produced on a standard fabric. The motion sensor was initially tested on an electromechanical shaker rig at a low frequency range to examine the linearity and the sensitivity of each design. Then, these sensors were individually attached to a moving human forearm to evaluate more representative results. A commercial accelerometer (Microstrain G-link) was mounted alongside for comparison. The printed sensors have a similar motion response to the commercial accelerometer, demonstrating the potential of a printed smart fabric motion sensor for use in intelligent clothing applications.

  14. Improved Sound Absorption Performance of Nonwoven Fabric using Fabric Facing and Air Back Cavity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ismail Ahmad Yusuf


    Full Text Available This paper presents the improvement methods to increase sound absorption performance of polyethylene based nonwoven fabric (PNF. The methods are placing a woven fabric in front of the sample as well as providing air cavity behind the sample. The samples were experimentally tested in an impedance tube based on ISO 10354-2:2001 whereby two microphones are used and the transfer matrix methods are employed. From the results, it can be seen that placing front woven fabric effectively increases sound absorption performance. Moreover, introducing air cavity gap behind the sample is also found to be more significant to increase sound absorption.

  15. Advanced fuel fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernard, H.


    This paper deals with the fabrication of advanced fuels, such as mixed oxides for Pressurized Water Reactors or mixed nitrides for Fast Breeder Reactors. Although an extensive production experience exists for the mixed oxides used in the FBR, important work is still needed to improve the theoretical and technical knowledge of the production route which will be introduced in the future European facility, named Melox, at Marcoule. Recently, the feasibility of nitride fuel fabrication in existing commercial oxide facilities was demonstrated in France. The process, based on carbothermic reduction of oxides with subsequent comminution of the reaction product, cold pressing and sintering provides (U, Pu)N pellets with characteristics suitable for irradiation testing. Two experiments named NIMPHE 1 and 2 fabricated in collaboration with ITU, Karlsruhe, involve 16 nitride and 2 carbide pins, operating at a linear power of 45 and 73 kW/m with a smear density of 75-80% TD and a high burn-up target of 15 at%. These experiments are currently being irradiated in Phenix, at Marcoule. (orig.)

  16. Screen printing of a capacitive cantilever-based motion sensor on fabric using a novel sacrificial layer process for smart fabric applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei, Yang; Torah, Russel; Yang, Kai; Beeby, Steve; Tudor, John


    Free-standing cantilevers have been fabricated by screen printing sacrificial and structural layers onto a standard polyester cotton fabric. By printing additional conductive layers, a complete capacitive motion sensor on fabric using only screen printing has been fabricated. This type of free-standing structure cannot currently be fabricated using conventional fabric manufacturing processes. In addition, compared to conventional smart fabric fabrication processes (e.g. weaving and knitting), screen printing offers the advantages of geometric design flexibility and the ability to simultaneously print multiple devices of the same or different designs. Furthermore, a range of active inks exists from the printed electronics industry which can potentially be applied to create many types of smart fabric. Four cantilevers with different lengths have been printed on fabric using a five-layer structure with a sacrificial material underneath the cantilever. The sacrificial layer is subsequently removed at 160 °C for 30 min to achieve a freestanding cantilever above the fabric. Two silver electrodes, one on top of the cantilever and the other on top of the fabric, are used to capacitively detect the movement of the cantilever. In this way, an entirely printed motion sensor is produced on a standard fabric. The motion sensor was initially tested on an electromechanical shaker rig at a low frequency range to examine the linearity and the sensitivity of each design. Then, these sensors were individually attached to a moving human forearm to evaluate more representative results. A commercial accelerometer (Microstrain G-link) was mounted alongside for comparison. The printed sensors have a similar motion response to the commercial accelerometer, demonstrating the potential of a printed smart fabric motion sensor for use in intelligent clothing applications. (paper)

  17. Understanding core conductor fabrics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swenson, D E


    ESD Association standard test method ANSI/ESD STM2.1 - Garments (STM2.1), provides electrical resistance test procedures that are applicable for materials and garments that have surface conductive or surface dissipative properties. As has been reported in other papers over the past several years 1 fabrics are now used in many industries for electrostatic control purposes that do not have surface conductive properties and therefore cannot be evaluated using the procedures in STM2.1 2 . A study was conducted to compare surface conductive fabrics with samples of core conductor fibre based fabrics in order to determine differences and similarities with regards to various electrostatic properties. This work will be used to establish a new work item proposal within WG-2, Garments, in the ESD Association Standards Committee in the USA.

  18. Fabrication of rectangular cross-sectional microchannels on PMMA with a CO2 laser and underwater fabricated copper mask (United States)

    Prakash, Shashi; Kumar, Subrata


    CO2 lasers are commonly used for fabricating polymer based microfluidic devices. Despite several key advantages like low cost, time effectiveness, easy to operate and no requirement of clean room facility, CO2 lasers suffer from few disadvantages like thermal bulging, improper dimensional control, difficulty to produce microchannels of other than Gaussian cross sectional shapes and inclined surface walls. Many microfluidic devices require square or rectangular cross-sections which are difficult to produce using normal CO2 laser procedures. In this work, a thin copper sheet of 40 μm was used as a mask above the PMMA (Polymethyl-methacrylate) substrate while fabricating the microchannels utilizing the raster scanning feature of the CO2 lasers. Microchannels with different width dimensions were fabricated utilizing a CO2 laser in with mask and without-mask conditions. A comparison of both the fabricating process has been made. It was found that microchannels with U shape cross section and rectangular cross-section can efficiently be produced using the with mask technique. In addition to this, this technique can provide perfect dimensional control and better surface quality of the microchannel walls. Such a microchannel fabrication process do not require any post-processing. The fabrication of mask using a nanosecond fiber laser has been discussed in details. An underwater laser fabrication method was adopted to overcome heat related defects in mask preparation. Overall, the technique was found to be easy to adopt and significant improvements were observed in microchannel fabrication.

  19. Fabricating Copper Nanotubes by Electrodeposition (United States)

    Yang, E. H.; Ramsey, Christopher; Bae, Youngsam; Choi, Daniel


    Copper tubes having diameters between about 100 and about 200 nm have been fabricated by electrodeposition of copper into the pores of alumina nanopore membranes. Copper nanotubes are under consideration as alternatives to copper nanorods and nanowires for applications involving thermal and/or electrical contacts, wherein the greater specific areas of nanotubes could afford lower effective thermal and/or electrical resistivities. Heretofore, copper nanorods and nanowires have been fabricated by a combination of electrodeposition and a conventional expensive lithographic process. The present electrodeposition-based process for fabricating copper nanotubes costs less and enables production of copper nanotubes at greater rate.

  20. Quantum Bridge Fabrication Using Photolithography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quinones, R.


    The need for high-speed performance electronics in computers integrated circuits and sensors, require the fabrication of low energy consumption diodes. Nano fabrication methods require new techniques and equipment. We are currently developing a procedure to fabricate a diode based on quantum-effects. The device will act like a traditional diode, but the nanometer scale will allow it to reach high speeds without over heating. This new diode will be on a nano-bridge so it can be attenuated by an electromagnetic wave. The goal is to obtain similar current vs voltage response as in a silicon diode

  1. Laser-assisted fabrication of materials

    CERN Document Server

    Manna, Indranil


    Laser assisted fabrication involves shaping of materials using laser as a source of heat. It can be achieved by removal of materials (laser assisted cutting, drilling, etc.), deformation (bending, extrusion), joining (welding, soldering) and addition of materials (surface cladding or direct laser cladding). This book on ´Laser assisted Fabrication’ is aimed at developing in-depth engineering concepts on various laser assisted macro and micro-fabrication techniques with the focus on application and a review of the engineering background of different micro/macro-fabrication techniques, thermal history of the treated zone and microstructural development and evolution of properties of the treated zone.

  2. One-step fabrication of robust fabrics with both-faced superhydrophobicity for the separation and capture of oil from water. (United States)

    Li, Jian; Yan, Long; Zhao, Yuzhu; Zha, Fei; Wang, Qingtao; Lei, Ziqiang


    In this work, a facile and inexpensive one-step sonochemistry irradiation method was developed for the fabrication of SiO2 nanoparticles functionalized with octadecyltrimethoxysilane and their in situ incorporation into cotton fabrics. The double sides of as-prepared fabrics show both superhydrophobic and superoleophilic properties simultaneously with a high water contact angle of 159 ± 1° and an oil contact angle of 0°. Thus, it can be used to separate and capture a series of oils from water, like kerosene, toluene and chloroform, etc. In addition, the as-prepared fabrics still have superhydrophobicity with a water contact angle of above 150° after 40 separation cycles with the separation efficiency for the kerosene-water mixture always above 94.6%. More importantly, the as-prepared fabrics showed robust and stable superhydrophobic properties towards hot water, many corrosive solutions (acidic, basic, salt liquids) and mechanical abrasion. Therefore, this reported fabric has the advantages of scalable fabrication, high separation efficiency, stable recyclability, and excellent durability, exhibiting the strong potential for industrial production.

  3. Computational modelling of buckling of woven fabrics

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Anandjiwala, RD


    Full Text Available for reducing unit production cost is critically important if garment industries in developed countries are keen to improve their competitiveness vis-à-vis low labour cost countries. The mechanics of the buckling behaviour of woven fabric started... of woven fabric. INTRODUCTION The buckling, bending and drape behaviours of a woven fabric influence its performance during actual use and during the process of making-up into the end product. These properties are important, particularly when the fabric...

  4. Hemp nanocellulose: fabrication, characterisation and application


    Dasong, Dai


    This thesis was submitted for the award of Doctor of Philosophy and was awarded by Brunel University London Nanocellulose has gained lots of attentions in recent years due to the development of nanotechnology. Thousands of publications have been reported about the fabrication, characterization and application of nanocellulose, among which most of the nanocelluloses were fabricated from the microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) or pulp, and only two methods about the nanocellulose fabrication ha...

  5. Flame retardant treatments of PBI fabric. (United States)

    Temin, S. C.


    Fabrics knitted or woven from polybenzimidazole (PBI) fibers were treated to reduce flammability in oxygen atmospheres, particularly that of 5 psia oxygen. Bromination to approximately 15% weight gain of such fabrics led to markedly lower burning rates; samples brominated to over 80% weight gain were self-extinguishing in 5 psia oxygen. The loss in tensile strength of fabrics due to bromination was negligible although shrinkage was observed. Free fibers showed negligible losses on bromination. Treatment of PBI fabric with organophosphorus compounds also achieved self-extinguishing character in 5 psia oxygen but the enhanced flameproofing was largely lost on leaching. Reaction with POCl3 in pyridine led to a permanent reduction in flammability.

  6. Pilling Resistance of Knitted Fabrics

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    Full Text Available Knitted fabrics with different quantity of elastane, conspicuous by high viscosity and elasticity, having one of the most important performance properties - resistance to pilling are often used in the production of high quality sportswear. During technological process imitating operating conditions, the behaviour of knitted fabrics may be changed by different industrial softeners from 12 % to 20 % of active substance, for example fatty acid condensate (Tubingal 5051 or silicone micro emulsion (Tubingal SMF. The aim of this investigation is to define the influence of fibrous composition and chemical softeners to the propensity of fuzzing and pilling of plain and plated jersey pattern knitted fabrics. The results of investigations showed that fibrous composition and thickness of materials (up to 6 % and washing as well as softening (from 33 % to 67 % change the resistance of knitted fabrics to pilling.

  7. A biomimic thermal fabric with high moisture permeability

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    Fan Jie


    Full Text Available Moisture comfort is an essential factor for functional property of thermal cloth, especially for thick thermal cloth, since thick cloth may hinder effective moisture permeation, and high moisture concentration in the micro-climate between skin and fabric would cause cold feeling. Here, we report a biomimic thermal fabric with excellent warm retention and moisture management properties. In this fabric, the warp yarn system constructs many tree-shaped channel nets in the thickness direction of the fabric. Experimental result indicates that the special hierarchic configuration of warp yarns endows the biomimic thermal fabric with a better warm retention and water vapor management properties compared with the traditional fabrics.

  8. Fabrication and characterisation of fabric supercapacitor


    Yong, Sheng


    Fabric supercapacitor is a flexible electrochemical device for energy storage application. It is designed to power up flexible electronic systems used for, for example, information sensing, data computation and communication. The development of a flexible supercapacitor is important for e-textiles since supercapacitor can achieve higher energy density than a standard parallel plate capacitor and a larger power density compared with a battery. This research area is currently facing barriers on...

  9. Stirling Microregenerators Fabricated and Tested (United States)

    Moran, Matthew E.


    A mesoscale Stirling refrigerator patented by the NASA Glenn Research Center is currently under development. This refrigerator has a predicted efficiency of 30 percent of Carnot and potential uses in electronics, sensors, optical and radiofrequency systems, microarrays, and microsystems. The mesoscale Stirling refrigerator is most suited to volume-limited applications that require cooling below the ambient or sink temperature. Primary components of the planar device include two diaphragm actuators that replace the pistons found in traditional-scale Stirling machines and a microregenerator that stores and releases thermal energy to the working gas during the Stirling cycle. Diaphragms are used to eliminate frictional losses and bypass leakage concerns associated with pistons, while permitting reversal of the hot and cold sides of the device during operation to allow precise temperature control. Three candidate microregenerators were fabricated under NASA grants for initial evaluation: two constructed of porous ceramic, which were fabricated by Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, and one made of multiple layers of nickel and photoresist, which was fabricated by Polar Thermal Technologies. The candidate regenerators are being tested by Johns Hopkins Applied Physics in a custom piezoelectric-actuated test apparatus designed to produce the Stirling refrigeration cycle. In parallel with the regenerator testing, Johns Hopkins is using deep reactive ion etching to fabricate electrostatically driven, comb-drive diaphragm actuators. These actuators will drive the Stirling cycle in the prototype device. The top photograph shows the porous ceramic microregenerators. Two microregenerators were fabricated with coarse pores and two with fine pores. The bottom photograph shows the test apparatus parts for evaluating the microregenerators, including the layered nickel-and-photoresist regenerator fabricated using LIGA techniques.

  10. Fabrication of semi-transparent superoleophobic thin film from fabrics and nanoparticle-based hierarchical structure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nishizawa S.


    Full Text Available Superoleophobic thin films have many potential applications including fluid transfer, fluid power systems, stain resistant and antifouling materials, and microfluidics among others. Transparency is also desired with superhydrophobicity for their numerous applications; however transparency and oleophobicity are almost incompatible relationship with each other in the point of surface structure. Because oleophobicity required rougher structure at nano-micro scale than hydrophobicity, and these rough structure brings light scattering. So far, there is very few report of the compatible of transparency and superoleophobicity. In this report, we proposed the see-through type fabrics using the nanoparticle-based hierarchical structure thin film for improving both of oleophobicity and transparency. The vacant space between fibrils of fabrics has two important roles: the one is to through the light, another one is to introduce air layer to realize Cassie state of liquid droplet on thin film. To realize the low surface energy and nanoscale rough structure surface on fibrils, we used the spray method with perfluoroalkyl methacrylic copolymer (PMC, silica nano particles and volatile solvent. From the SEM image, the hierarchical structures of nanoparticle were formed uniformly on the fabrics. The transparency of thin film obtained was approximately 61% and the change of transparency between pre-coated fabrics and coated was 11%. From investigation of the surface wettability, the contact angles of oils (rapeseed oil and hexadecane and water droplet on the fabricated film were over 150 degree.

  11. Status report, canister fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersson, Claes-Goeran; Eriksson, Peter; Westman, Marika; Emilsson, Goeran


    The report gives an account of the development of material and fabrication technology for copper canisters with cast inserts during the period from 2000 until the start of 2004. The engineering design of the canister and the choice of materials in the constituent components described in previous status reports have not been significantly changed. In the reference canister, the thickness of the copper shell is 50 mm. Fabrication of individual components with a thinner copper thickness is done for the purpose of gaining experience and evaluating fabrication and inspection methods for such canisters. As a part of the development of cast inserts, computer simulations of the casting processes and techniques used at the foundries have been performed for the purpose of optimizing the material properties. These properties have been evaluated by extensive tensile testing and metallographic inspection of test material taken from discs cut at different points along the length of the inserts. The testing results exhibit a relatively large spread. Low elongation values in certain tensile test specimens are due to the presence of poorly formed graphite, porosities, slag or other casting defects. It is concluded in the report that it will not be possible to avoid some presence of observed defects in castings of this size. In the deep repository, the inserts will be exposed to compressive loading and the observed defects are not critical for strength. An analysis of the strength of the inserts and formulation of relevant material requirements must be based on a statistical approach with probabilistic calculations. This work has been initiated and will be concluded during 2004. An initial verifying compression test of a canister in an isostatic press has indicated considerable overstrength in the structure. Seamless copper tubes are fabricated by means of three methods: extrusion, pierce and draw processing, and forging. It can be concluded that extrusion tests have revealed a

  12. Status report, canister fabrication

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andersson, Claes-Goeran; Eriksson, Peter; Westman, Marika [Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co., Stockholm (Sweden); Emilsson, Goeran [CSM Materialteknik AB, Linkoeping (Sweden)


    The report gives an account of the development of material and fabrication technology for copper canisters with cast inserts during the period from 2000 until the start of 2004. The engineering design of the canister and the choice of materials in the constituent components described in previous status reports have not been significantly changed. In the reference canister, the thickness of the copper shell is 50 mm. Fabrication of individual components with a thinner copper thickness is done for the purpose of gaining experience and evaluating fabrication and inspection methods for such canisters. As a part of the development of cast inserts, computer simulations of the casting processes and techniques used at the foundries have been performed for the purpose of optimizing the material properties. These properties have been evaluated by extensive tensile testing and metallographic inspection of test material taken from discs cut at different points along the length of the inserts. The testing results exhibit a relatively large spread. Low elongation values in certain tensile test specimens are due to the presence of poorly formed graphite, porosities, slag or other casting defects. It is concluded in the report that it will not be possible to avoid some presence of observed defects in castings of this size. In the deep repository, the inserts will be exposed to compressive loading and the observed defects are not critical for strength. An analysis of the strength of the inserts and formulation of relevant material requirements must be based on a statistical approach with probabilistic calculations. This work has been initiated and will be concluded during 2004. An initial verifying compression test of a canister in an isostatic press has indicated considerable overstrength in the structure. Seamless copper tubes are fabricated by means of three methods: extrusion, pierce and draw processing, and forging. It can be concluded that extrusion tests have revealed a

  13. CW RFQ fabrication and engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schrage, D.; Young, L.; Roybal, P.


    The design and fabrication of a four-vane RFQ to deliver a 100 mA CW proton beam at 6.7 MeV is described. This linac is an Oxygen-Free Electrolytic (OFE) copper structure 8 m in length and was fabricated using hydrogen furnace brazing as the joining technology

  14. Novel fabric pressure sensors: design, fabrication, and characterization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Yangyong; Hua, Tao; Zhu, Bo; Li, Qiao; Yi, Weijing; Tao, Xiaoming


    Soft and pliable pressure sensors are essential elements in wearable electronics which have wide applications in modern daily lives. This paper presents a family of fabric pressure sensors made by sandwiching a piece of resistive fabric strain sensing element between two tooth-structured layers of soft elastomers. The pressure sensors are capable of measuring pressure from 0 to 2000 kPa, covering the whole range of human–machine interactions. A pressure sensitivity of up to 2.98 × 10 −3 kPa −1 was obtained. Theoretical modeling was conducted based on an energy method to predict the load–displacement relationship for various sensor configurations. By adjusting the Young's modulus of the two conversion layers, as well as the geometrical dimensions, the measurement ranges, and sensitivities of the sensors can be quantitatively determined. The sensors are being used for pressure measurements between the human body and garments, shoes, beds, and chairs

  15. Impediments for Digital Fabrication in Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith, Rachel Charlotte; Iversen, Ole Sejer; Veerasawmy, Rune


    with eight primary and lower secondary teachers, the findings point to four central impediments for integrating digital fabrication and design into school environments. The findings extend current perceptions of digital technology in education towards exploratory processes of investigation in which......Digital fabrication technologies are increasingly integrated across subjects in primary and secondary education. Focus on the potentials of these technologies has mainly been on the support to STEM oriented learning goals, while emphasis on teachers' roles with the new learning processes...... of technology and design is largely absent. The paper addresses the experiences and challenges that digital fabrication technology present for teachers in educational environments, and the impediments that are linked to the teachers' roles in design processes of digital fabrication. Based on a research study...

  16. Fabrication of 3D Silicon Sensors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kok, A.; Hansen, T.E.; Hansen, T.A.; Lietaer, N.; Summanwar, A.; /SINTEF, Oslo; Kenney, C.; Hasi, J.; /SLAC; Da Via, C.; /Manchester U.; Parker, S.I.; /Hawaii U.


    Silicon sensors with a three-dimensional (3-D) architecture, in which the n and p electrodes penetrate through the entire substrate, have many advantages over planar silicon sensors including radiation hardness, fast time response, active edge and dual readout capabilities. The fabrication of 3D sensors is however rather complex. In recent years, there have been worldwide activities on 3D fabrication. SINTEF in collaboration with Stanford Nanofabrication Facility have successfully fabricated the original (single sided double column type) 3D detectors in two prototype runs and the third run is now on-going. This paper reports the status of this fabrication work and the resulted yield. The work of other groups such as the development of double sided 3D detectors is also briefly reported.

  17. Comparison of compression properties of stretchable knitted fabrics and bi-stretch woven fabrics for compression garments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maqsood, Muhammad


    Stretchable fabrics have diverse applications ranging from casual apparel to performance sportswear and compression therapy. Compression therapy is the universally accepted treatment for the management of hypertrophic scarring after severe burns. Mostly stretchable knitted fabrics are used in

  18. Breeder reactor fuel fabrication system development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bennett, D.W.; Fritz, R.L.; McLemore, D.R.; Yatabe, J.M.


    Significant progress has been made in the design and development of remotely operated breeder reactor fuel fabrication and support systems (e.g., analytical chemistry). These activities are focused by the Secure Automated Fabrication (SAF) Program sponsored by the Department of Energy to provide: a reliable supply of fuel pins to support US liquid metal cooled breeder reactors and at the same time demonstrate the fabrication of mixed uranium/plutonium fuel by remotely operated and automated methods

  19. Hasil Cetak Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik Sebagai Alat Bukti Tindak Pidana Pencemaran Nama Baik Melalui Media Daring

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    Aris Hardinanto


    Full Text Available Perkembangan dan perubahan dunia menjadi sangat cepat sebagai akibat dari kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, terutama teknologi transportasi dan komunikasi telah membuat berbagai kemudahan terhadap mobilitas masyarakat. Arus perkembangan informasi antar negara tidak dapat lagi dikendalikan oleh pemerintah, sehingga peran dalam mengendalikan arus mobiltias penduduk melalui jejaring sosial. Pertumbuhan yang seperti ini mengakibatkan perubahan sosial di masyarakat seluruh dunia, lintas batas negara. Kejahatan jenis baru sebagai dampak negatif dari perkembangan teknologi informasi muncul seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi. Kejahatan menggunakan media teknologi informasi atau komputer dan internet disebut Computer Related Crime atau Cybercrime. Kedudukan alat bukti sebagai penegak hukum pidana materiil menjadi parameter hakim untuk memutus suatu perkara. Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik memberikan ruang terhadap hasil cetak alat bukti elektronik dalam cybercrime sebagai alat bukti yang sah. Hasil cetak alat bukti elektronik sah apabila alat bukti elektronik itu dapat dijamin keasliannya. Dengan demikian kedudukan alat bukti elektronik dalam cybercrime memiliki kriteria yang ketat dibanding alat bukti konvensional. Metode penelitian dalam jurnal ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach, pendekatan kasus (case approach serta pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach Kata kunci: alat bukti elektronik, cybercrime. 


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    Josua Tarigan


    Full Text Available As organization search more secure authentication method for user access, biometric security technology is gaining more and more attention. The implementation of biometric security technology in accounting information systems was physical access, virtual access, e-commerce applications and covert suveillance. There are three phase when an organization implementation biometric technology: strategic planning and budgeting, developing a system reliability plan and documentation. The challenges will face when develop biometric technology as control in accounting information system are standardization, hybrid technology uses, life cycle management. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Adanya keinginan setiap organisasi untuk mencari metode pengamanan authentication yang lebih untuk akses user, dijawab dengan adanya teknologi biometric security yang mendapat perhatian yang cukup besar bagi organisasi. Implementasi teknologi biometric security cukup luas dalam sistem informasi akuntansi yaitu sebagai pengendalian pada physical access, virtual access, e-commerce applications dan covert surveillance. Dalam mengimplementasikan teknologi biometric, ada tiga tahapan yang harus dilakukan organisasi, yakni strategic planning and budgeting, developing a system reliability plan dan documentation. Tantangan yang akan dihadapi dalam mengembangkan teknologi biometric sebagai pengendalian dalam sistem informasi akuntansi yakni standarisasi, aplikasi teknologi hybrid dan manajemen siklus hidup pada biometric security. Kata kunci: authentication, akses user dan biometric security.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hendrik Kusbandono


    Full Text Available Pengembangan EA di perguruan tinggi merupakan pekerjaan yang besar dan penuh dengan tantangan, salah satu tantangan tersebut adalah tuntutan manajemen dan stakeholder. Solusi dari masalah tersebut adalah pemodelan EA yang memandang elemen-elemen yang berbeda dalam suatu perguruan tinggi secara keseluruhan sebagai satu kesatuan. Penerapan EA bertujuan untuk menciptakan keselarasan antara bisnis dan TI bagi kebutuhan organisasi dan tidak bisa dilepaskan bagaimana organisasi tersebut membuat dan merencanakan enterprise. Penggunaan dan pemilihan framework EA yang tepat akan mempercepat danmenyederhanakan pengembangan arsitektur dalam pengembangan di masa depan sebagai respon terhadap kebutuhan bisnis. TOGAF ADM merupakan sebuah framework yang kompleks yang mampu memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan pengembangan EA, juga memiliki metode yang umum, menerima penggabungan dengan framework lain, sehingga dapat menghasilkan arsitektur yang spesifik terhadap kebutuhan organisasi. Pemodelan EA pada proses akademik di UMP menghasilkan blueprint arsitektur bisnis, data, aplikasi, dan teknologi. Dengan proses tahapan TOGAF ADM pada Fase Persiapan menghasilkan prinsip (bisnis, data, aplikasi, dan teknologi, pada Fase Visi Arsitektur menghasilkan visi arsitektur (bisnis, data, aplikasi, dan teknologi, pada Fase Arsitektur Bisnis menghasilkan blueprint arsitektur bisnis, pada Fase Arsitektur Sistem Informasi menghasilkan blueprint arsitektur sistem informasi berupa data dan aplikasi, sedangkan Fase Arsitektur Teknologi menghasilkan blueprint arsitektur teknologi.

  2. Evaluation of Whiteness in Linen and Semi-linen Fabrics

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    Liucina Kot


    Full Text Available Whiteness of textiles is one of the main "white" product quality indicators described by the following parameters: lightness of a colour, colour tone (white shade, white uniformity and stability under the influence of physical factors. “White” textile products can be perceived by comparing them with a white standard (Pantone colour palette. On the other hand, the whiteness of the fabric can be estimated using the colorimeter and determining lightness of a fabric L. The purpose of a research is to assess the whiteness of a linen and semi-linen fabric using two different methods, to carry out a comparative analysis of the results and to associate fabric whiteness with the fabric structure parameters. Two methods were used for experiment (colorimeter Spectraflash SF450X and expert assessment of whiteness. The analysed colours of a fabric were divided into five colours: white, whitish, light grey, grey and dark grey. The examination of the two methods, different results were obtained: testing with colorimeter, white colour was found in only one fabric, while the experts found the fabrics of white colour much more. The opinions of experts vary also. Fabric lightness L was associated with fabric structure parameters – the warp and weft settings and fabric weave. It was found that these fabric structure parameters affect the lightness of a colour of a fabric L very little.DOI:

  3. Smart fabric sensors and e-textile technologies: a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castano, Lina M; Flatau, Alison B


    This paper provides a review of recent developments in the rapidly changing and advancing field of smart fabric sensor and electronic textile technologies. It summarizes the basic principles and approaches employed when building fabric sensors as well as the most commonly used materials and techniques used in electronic textiles. This paper shows that sensing functionality can be created by intrinsic and extrinsic modifications to textile substrates depending on the level of integration into the fabric platform. The current work demonstrates that fabric sensors can be tailored to measure force, pressure, chemicals, humidity and temperature variations. Materials, connectors, fabric circuits, interconnects, encapsulation and fabrication methods associated with fabric technologies prove to be customizable and versatile but less robust than their conventional electronics counterparts. The findings of this survey suggest that a complete smart fabric system is possible through the integration of the different types of textile based functional elements. This work intends to be a starting point for standardization of smart fabric sensing techniques and e-textile fabrication methods. (topical review)

  4. Process for fabrication of cermets (United States)

    Landingham, Richard L [Livermore, CA


    Cermet comprising ceramic and metal components and a molten metal infiltration method and process for fabrication thereof. The light weight cermets having improved porosity, strength, durability, toughness, elasticity fabricated from presintered ceramic powder infiltrated with a molten metal or metal alloy. Alumina titanium cermets biocompatible with the human body suitable for bone and joint replacements.

  5. Micromechanical Structures Fabrication; FINAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rajic, S


    Work in materials other than silicon for MEMS applications has typically been restricted to metals and metal oxides instead of more ''exotic'' semiconductors. However, group III-V and II-VI semiconductors form a very important and versatile collection of material and electronic parameters available to the MEMS and MOEMS designer. With these materials, not only are the traditional mechanical material variables (thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, Young's modulus, etc.) available, but also chemical constituents can be varied in ternary and quaternary materials. This flexibility can be extremely important for both friction and chemical compatibility issues for MEMS. In addition, the ability to continually vary the bandgap energy can be particularly useful for many electronics and infrared detection applications. However, there are two major obstacles associated with alternate semiconductor material MEMS. The first issue is the actual fabrication of non-silicon micro-devices and the second impediment is communicating with these novel devices. We have implemented an essentially material independent fabrication method that is amenable to most group III-V and II-VI semiconductors. This technique uses a combination of non-traditional direct write precision fabrication processes such as diamond turning, ion milling, laser ablation, etc. This type of deterministic fabrication approach lends itself to an almost trivial assembly process. We also implemented a mechanical, electrical, and optical self-aligning hybridization technique for these alternate-material MEMS substrates

  6. Fierce competition in the US fabrication market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwartz, M.H.; Supko, E.M.


    The US fuel fabrication market has a clear international presence, but a future in which there is presently no expectation of growth in requirements. This market continues to be characterised by annual production capacity significantly exceeding current and anticipated fuel fabrication requirements, resulting in an extremely competitive market for LWR fuel fabrication services. (UK)

  7. Nuclear fuel fabrication in India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kondal Rao, N.


    The important role of a nuclear power programme in meeting the growing needs of power in India is explained. The successful installation of Tarapur Atomic Power Station and Rajasthan Atomic Power Station as well as the work at Madras Atomic Power Station are described. The development of the Atomic Fuels Division and the Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad which is mainly concerned with the fabrication of fuel elements and the reprocessing of fuels are explained. The N.F.C. essentially has the following constituent units : Zirconium Plant (ZP) comprising of Zirconium Oxide Plant, Zirconium Sponge Plant and Zirconium Fabrication Plant; Natural Uranium Oxide Plant (UOP); Ceramic Fuel Fabrication Plant (CFFP); Enriched Uranium Oxide Plant (EUOP); Enriched Fuel Fabrication Plant (EEFP) and Quality Control Laboratory for meeting the quality control requirements of all plants. The capacities of various plants at the NFC are mentioned. The work done on mixed oxide fuels and FBTR core with blanket assemblies, nickel and steel assemblies, thermal research reactor of 100 MW capacity, etc. are briefly mentioned. (K.B.)

  8. Nuclear fuel fabrication in India

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kondal Rao, N


    The important role of a nuclear power program in meeting the growing needs of power in India is explained. The successful installation of Tarapur Atomic Power Station and Rajasthan Atomic Power Station as well as the work at Madras Atomic Power Station are described. The development of the Atomic Fuels Division and the Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad which is mainly concerned with the fabrication of fuel elements and the reprocessing of fuels are explained. The N.F.C. essentially has the following constituent units : Zirconium Plant (ZP) comprising of Zirconium Oxide Plant, Zirconium Sponge Plant and Zirconium Fabrication Plant; Natural Uranium Oxide Plant (UOP); Ceramic Fuel Fabrication Plant (CFFP); Enriched Uranium Oxide Plant (EUOP); Enriched Fuel Fabrication Plant (EEFP) and Quality Control Laboratory for meeting the quality control requirements of all plants. The capacities of various plants at the NFC are mentioned. The work done on mixed oxide fuels and FBTR core with blanket assemblies, nickel and steel assemblies, thermal research reactor of 100 MW capacity, etc. are briefly mentioned.

  9. Weaves and Colours of Lithuanian Folk Skirts Fabrics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available In the article weaves and colours of Lithuanian folk skirts fabrics are analysed. The investigation objects are the skirts from funds of three Lithuanian Museums: 258 skirts from National M. K. Čiurlionis Museum of Art, 85 skirts from Lithuanian Open Air Museum and 16 skirts from A. and A. Tamošaitis gallery “Židinys”. Distribution of skirts fabrics according to weaves was estimated, and it shows, that fabrics of plain weave are most widespread (53 %, combined and twill weaves are less popular (19 % and 18 %, respectively. The weaves of fabrics are determined during investigation and plans of weave were made proposing recommendations for manufacturing of similar fabrics. Also distribution of colours and number of colours in the fabrics were analysed. The biggest number of colours is in fabrics of simple weaves (plain and twill, and the most characteristic are green, red, black and blue colours. DOI:

  10. Digital fabrication of multi-material biomedical objects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheung, H H; Choi, S H, E-mail: shchoi@hku.h [Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road (Hong Kong)


    This paper describes a multi-material virtual prototyping (MMVP) system for modelling and digital fabrication of discrete and functionally graded multi-material objects for biomedical applications. The MMVP system consists of a DMMVP module, an FGMVP module and a virtual reality (VR) simulation module. The DMMVP module is used to model discrete multi-material (DMM) objects, while the FGMVP module is for functionally graded multi-material (FGM) objects. The VR simulation module integrates these two modules to perform digital fabrication of multi-material objects, which can be subsequently visualized and analysed in a virtual environment to optimize MMLM processes for fabrication of product prototypes. Using the MMVP system, two biomedical objects, including a DMM human spine and an FGM intervertebral disc spacer are modelled and digitally fabricated for visualization and analysis in a VR environment. These studies show that the MMVP system is a practical tool for modelling, visualization, and subsequent fabrication of biomedical objects of discrete and functionally graded multi-materials for biomedical applications. The system may be adapted to control MMLM machines with appropriate hardware for physical fabrication of biomedical objects.

  11. Digital fabrication of multi-material biomedical objects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheung, H H; Choi, S H


    This paper describes a multi-material virtual prototyping (MMVP) system for modelling and digital fabrication of discrete and functionally graded multi-material objects for biomedical applications. The MMVP system consists of a DMMVP module, an FGMVP module and a virtual reality (VR) simulation module. The DMMVP module is used to model discrete multi-material (DMM) objects, while the FGMVP module is for functionally graded multi-material (FGM) objects. The VR simulation module integrates these two modules to perform digital fabrication of multi-material objects, which can be subsequently visualized and analysed in a virtual environment to optimize MMLM processes for fabrication of product prototypes. Using the MMVP system, two biomedical objects, including a DMM human spine and an FGM intervertebral disc spacer are modelled and digitally fabricated for visualization and analysis in a VR environment. These studies show that the MMVP system is a practical tool for modelling, visualization, and subsequent fabrication of biomedical objects of discrete and functionally graded multi-materials for biomedical applications. The system may be adapted to control MMLM machines with appropriate hardware for physical fabrication of biomedical objects.

  12. Surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) fabrics for trace analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Jun; Zhou, Ji; Tang, Bin; Zeng, Tian; Li, Yaling; Li, Jingliang; Ye, Yong; Wang, Xungai


    Highlights: • Gold nanoparticles are in-situ synthesized on silk fabrics by heating. • Flexible silk fabrics with gold nanoparticles are used for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). • SERS activities of silk fabrics with different gold contents are investigated. - Abstract: Flexible SERS active substrates were prepared by modification of silk fabrics with gold nanoparticles. Gold nanoparticles were in-situ synthesized after heating the silk fabrics immersed in gold ion solution. Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties of the treated silk fabrics varied as the concentration of gold ions changed, in relation to the morphologies of gold nanoparticles on silk. In addition, X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to observe the structure of the gold nanoparticle treated silk fabrics. The SERS enhancement effect of the silk fabrics treated with gold nanoparticles was evaluated by collecting Raman signals of different concentrations of p-aminothiophenol (PATP), 4-mercaptopyridine (4-MPy) and crystal violet (CV) solutions. The results demonstrate that the silk fabrics corresponding to 0.3 and 0.4 mM of gold ions possess high SERS activity compared to the other treated fabrics. It is suggested that both the gold content and morphologies of gold nanoparticles dominate the SERS effect of the treated silk fabrics.

  13. Surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) fabrics for trace analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Jun [National Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Yarn and Fabric Formation and Clean Production, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073 (China); Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials & Key Laboratory for the Synthesis and Application of Organic Functional Molecules, Ministry of Education & College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062 (China); Zhou, Ji [Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials & Key Laboratory for the Synthesis and Application of Organic Functional Molecules, Ministry of Education & College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062 (China); Tang, Bin, E-mail: [National Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Yarn and Fabric Formation and Clean Production, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073 (China); Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria 3216 (Australia); Zeng, Tian; Li, Yaling [Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials & Key Laboratory for the Synthesis and Application of Organic Functional Molecules, Ministry of Education & College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062 (China); Li, Jingliang [Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria 3216 (Australia); Ye, Yong, E-mail: [Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials & Key Laboratory for the Synthesis and Application of Organic Functional Molecules, Ministry of Education & College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062 (China); Wang, Xungai [National Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Yarn and Fabric Formation and Clean Production, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073 (China); Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria 3216 (Australia)


    Highlights: • Gold nanoparticles are in-situ synthesized on silk fabrics by heating. • Flexible silk fabrics with gold nanoparticles are used for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). • SERS activities of silk fabrics with different gold contents are investigated. - Abstract: Flexible SERS active substrates were prepared by modification of silk fabrics with gold nanoparticles. Gold nanoparticles were in-situ synthesized after heating the silk fabrics immersed in gold ion solution. Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties of the treated silk fabrics varied as the concentration of gold ions changed, in relation to the morphologies of gold nanoparticles on silk. In addition, X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to observe the structure of the gold nanoparticle treated silk fabrics. The SERS enhancement effect of the silk fabrics treated with gold nanoparticles was evaluated by collecting Raman signals of different concentrations of p-aminothiophenol (PATP), 4-mercaptopyridine (4-MPy) and crystal violet (CV) solutions. The results demonstrate that the silk fabrics corresponding to 0.3 and 0.4 mM of gold ions possess high SERS activity compared to the other treated fabrics. It is suggested that both the gold content and morphologies of gold nanoparticles dominate the SERS effect of the treated silk fabrics.

  14. Integrated Fabrication of a Microgripper

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Successful implementation of simple mechanism on silicon chip is a prerequisite for monolithic microrobot-ic systems. This paper describes the integrated fabrication of polycrystalline silicon microgripper. Link, fixed andactive joint, and sliding flange structures with dimensions of micrometers have been fabricated on the substrate ofmonocrystalline silicon using silicon microfabrication technology. This microgripper, which may be applied to trans-ducers or sensors, can be batch-fabricated in IC-compatible process. The movable mechanical elements are built onlayers that are later removed, so that they are free for translation and rotation. Under external driving, a microgrip-per cut from substrate would be able to catch tiny filament or small particle with dimension of 10~ 200 micrometers.

  15. Cascade reactor: granule fabrication processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erlandson, O.D.; Winkler, E.O.; Maya, I.; Pitts, J.H.


    A key feature of Cascade is the granular blanket. Of the many blanket material options open to Cascade, fabrication of Li 2 O granules was felt to offer the greatest challenge. The authors explored available methods for initial Li 2 O granule fabrication. They identified three cost-effective processes for fabricating Li 2 O granules: the VSM drop-melt furnace process, which is based on melting and spheroidizing irregularly shaped Li 2 O feed granules; the LiOH process, which spheroidizes liquefied LiOH and uses GA Technologies' sphere-forming procedures; and the Li 2 CO 3 sol-gel process, used for making spherical fuel particles for the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). Each process is described below

  16. Functional electronic screen printing – electroluminescent smart fabric watch


    de Vos, Marc; Torah, Russel; Beeby, Steve; Tudor, John


    Motivation for screen printed smart fabrics.Introduce functional electronic screen printing on fabrics.Printed smart fabric watch design.Printing process for electroluminescent watch.Demonstration video.Conclusions and further work.Examples of other screen printed smart fabrics.

  17. Fabrication of toroidal composite pressure vessels. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dodge, W.G.; Escalona, A.


    A method for fabricating composite pressure vessels having toroidal geometry was evaluated. Eight units were fabricated using fibrous graphite material wrapped over a thin-walled aluminum liner. The material was wrapped using a machine designed for wrapping, the graphite material was impregnated with an epoxy resin that was subsequently thermally cured. The units were fabricated using various winding patterns. They were hydrostatically tested to determine their performance. The method of fabrication was demonstrated. However, the improvement in performance to weight ratio over that obtainable by an all metal vessel probably does not justify the extra cost of fabrication

  18. Typical IAEA operations at a fuel fabrication plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morsy, S.


    The IAEA operations performed at a typical Fuel Fabrication Plant are explained. To make the analysis less general the case of Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Fuel Fabrication Plants is considered. Many of the conclusions drawn from this analysis could be extended to other types of fabrication plants. The safeguards objectives and goals at LEU Fuel Fabrication Plants are defined followed by a brief description of the fabrication process. The basic philosophy behind nuclear material stratification and the concept of Material Balance Areas (MBA's) and Key Measurement Points (KMP's) is explained. The Agency operations and verification methods used during physical inventory verifications are illustrated

  19. OPO fabric decontamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Severa, J.; Bar, J.; Grujbar, V.


    Samples of five polypropylene-based man-made fabrics were studied with regard to the degree of contamination and possibilities of decontamination in order to assess their suitability as material for protective clothing in the nuclear industry. The contamination degree of the fabrics in an aqueous solution of a fission product mixture was found to be low. Soaking in a mixture of the Sapon detergent and sodium hexametaphosphate at a concentration of both materials of 1 g/l with subsequent washing in a solution of the Zenit detergent at a concentration of 3 g/l was suggested as the most suitable decontamination procedure. It reduces the initial contamination by almost 99%. (Z.M.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    GROSU Marian C


    Full Text Available A coated material is a composite structure that consists of at least two components: base material and coating layer. The purpose of coating is to provide special properties to base material, with potential to be applied in EMI shielding and diverse smart technical fields. This paper reports the results of a study about some physical and magnetic properties of coated woven fabrics made from cotton yarns with fineness of 17 metric count. For this aim, a plain woven fabric was coated with a solution hard magnetic polymer based. As hard magnetic powder, barium hexaferrite (BaFe12O19 was selected. The plain woven fabric used as base has been coated with five solutions having different amounts of hard magnetic powder (15% - 45% in order to obtain five different magnetic woven fabrics. A comparison of physical properties regarding weight (g/m2, thickness (mm, degree of charging (% and magnetic properties of magnetic woven samples were presented. Saturation magnetizing (emu/g, residual magnetizing (emu/g and coercive force (kA/m of pure hard magnetic powder and woven fabrics have been studied as hysteresis characteristics. The magnetic properties of the woven fabrics depend on the mass percentage of magnetic powder from coating solution. Also, the residual magnetism and coercive field of woven fabrics represents only a part of bulk barium hexafferite residual magnetism and coercive field.

  1. Fabrication of HTTR first loading fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kato, S.; Yoshimuta, S.; Hasumi, T.; Sato, K.; Sawa, K.; Suzuki, S.; Mogi, H.; Shiozawa, S.; Tanaka, T.


    This paper summarizes the fabrication of the first loading fuel for HTTR, High Temperature engineering Test Reactor constructed by JAERI, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The fuel fabrication started at the HTR fuel facility of NFI, Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd., June 1995. 4,770 fuel rods were fabricated through the fuel kernel, coated fuel particle and fuel compaction process, then 150 fuel elements were assembled in the reactor building December 1997. Fabrication technology for the fuel was established through a lot of R and D activities and fabrication experience of irradiation examination samples spread over about 30 years. Most of all, very high quality and production efficiency of fuel were achieved by the development of the fuel kernel process using the vibration dropping technology, the continuous 4-layer coating process and the automatic compaction process. As for the inspection technology, the development of the automatic measurement equipment for coated layer thickness of a coated fuel particle and uranium content of a fuel compact contributed to the higher reliability and rationalization of the inspection process. The data processing system for the fabrication and quality control, which was originally developed by NFI, made possible not only quick feedback of statistical quality data to the fabrication processes, but also automatic document preparation, such as inspection certificates and accountability control reports. The quality of the first loading fuel fully satisfied the design specifications for the fuel. In particular, average bare uranium fraction and SiC defective fraction of fuel compacts were 2x10 -6 and 8x10 -5 , respectively. According to the preceding irradiation examinations being performed at JMTR, Japan Materials Testing Reactor of JAERI, the specimen sampled from the first loading fuel shows good irradiation performance. (author)

  2. Relationship between the Physical Properties and Hand of Jean Fabric

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kawamura Atsushi


    Full Text Available We investigated the distinctive characteristics of jean fabrics (denim fabrics obtained from jeans and compared the physical properties and the hand. We used 13 kinds of jean fabric from commercial jeans and 26 other fabric types. The physical properties were measured using the Kawabata evaluation system, and the fabric hand was evaluated by 20 subjects using a semantic differential method. To characterise the hand of jean fabrics compared with other fabrics, we used principal component analysis and obtained three principal components. We found that jean fabrics were characterised by the second principal component, which was affected by feelings of thickness and weight. We further characterised the jean fabrics according to ‘softness & smoothness’ and ‘non-fullness’, depending on country of origin and type of manufacturer. The three principal components were analysed using multiple linear regression to characterise the components according to the physical properties. We explained the hand of fabrics including jean fabrics using its association with physical properties.

  3. Fabrication technology for ODS Alloy MA957

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    ML Hamilton; DS Gelles; RJ Lobsinger; MM Paxton; WF Brown


    A successful fabrication schedule has been developed at Carpenter Technology Corporation for the production of MA957 fuel and blanket cladding. Difficulties with gun drilling, plug drawing and recrystallization were overcome to produce a pilot lot of tubing. This report documents the fabrication efforts of two qualified vendors and the support studies performed at WHC to develop the fabrication-schedule

  4. Toward an Active Fabric-Based Air Decontamination System

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Gaddy, G. A; Bratcher, Matthew S; Mills, G; Huang, S; Slaten, B. L; Debortoli, J


    ...) particles that were grafted on cotton fabric and on TiO2 particles that were embedded in glass fabric Modified TiO2 particles were grafted onto cotton fabric and irradiated in the presence of CHCl3...

  5. Fabrication of superhydrophobic and antibacterial surface on cotton fabric by doped silica -based sols with nanoparticles of copper (United States)

    Berendjchi, Amirhosein; Khajavi, Ramin; Yazdanshenas, Mohammad Esmaeil


    The study discussed the synthesis of silica sol using the sol-gel method, doped with two different amounts of Cu nanoparticles. Cotton fabric samples were impregnated by the prepared sols and then dried and cured. To block hydroxyl groups, some samples were also treated with hexadecyltrimethoxysilane. The average particle size of colloidal silica nanoparticles were measured by the particle size analyzer. The morphology, roughness, and hydrophobic properties of the surface fabricated on cotton samples were analyzed and compared via the scanning electron microscopy, the transmission electron microscopy, the scanning probe microscopy, with static water contact angle (SWC), and water shedding angle measurements. Furthermore, the antibacterial efficiency of samples was quantitatively evaluated using AATCC 100 method. The addition of 0.5% (wt/wt) Cu into silica sol caused the silica nanoparticles to agglomerate in more grape-like clusters on cotton fabrics. Such fabricated surface revealed the highest value of SWC (155° for a 10-μl droplet) due to air trapping capability of its inclined structure. However, the presence of higher amounts of Cu nanoparticles (2% wt/wt) in silica sol resulted in the most slippery smooth surface on cotton fabrics. All fabricated surfaces containing Cu nanoparticles showed the perfect antibacterial activity against both of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

  6. Blockchain kan forbedre sundhedsvæsnet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damsgaard, Jan


    Med blockchain-teknologi får vi en mulighed for at gentænke vores udskældte sundheds-IT-systemer.......Med blockchain-teknologi får vi en mulighed for at gentænke vores udskældte sundheds-IT-systemer....

  7. Electromagnetic micropores: fabrication and operation. (United States)

    Basore, Joseph R; Lavrik, Nickolay V; Baker, Lane A


    We describe the fabrication and characterization of electromagnetic micropores. These devices consist of a micropore encompassed by a microelectromagnetic trap. Fabrication of the device involves multiple photolithographic steps, combined with deep reactive ion etching and subsequent insulation steps. When immersed in an electrolyte solution, application of a constant potential across the micropore results in an ionic current. Energizing the electromagnetic trap surrounding the micropore produces regions of high magnetic field gradients in the vicinity of the micropore that can direct motion of a ferrofluid onto or off of the micropore. This results in dynamic gating of the ion current through the micropore structure. In this report, we detail fabrication and characterize the electrical and ionic properties of the prepared electromagnetic micropores.

  8. Kinetic Friction of Sport Fabrics on Snow

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Werner Nachbauer


    Full Text Available After falls, skiers or snowboarders often slide on the slope and may collide with obstacles. Thus, the skier’s friction on snow is an important factor to reduce incidence and severity of impact injuries. The purpose of this study was to measure snow friction of different fabrics of ski garments with respect to roughness, speed, and contact pressure. Three types of fabrics were investigated: a commercially available ski overall, a smooth downhill racing suit, and a dimpled downhill racing suit. Friction was measured for fabrics taped on a short ski using a linear tribometer. The fabrics’ roughness was determined by focus variation microscopy. Friction coefficients were between 0.19 and 0.48. Roughness, friction coefficient, and friction force were highest for the dimpled race suit. The friction force of the fabrics was higher for the higher contact pressure than for the lower one at all speeds. It was concluded that the main friction mechanism for the fabrics was dry friction. Only the fabric with the roughest surface showed friction coefficients, which were high enough to sufficiently decelerate a sliding skier on beginner and intermediate slopes.

  9. Stainless steel fabrications: past and present

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daniels, R.


    The paper deals with stainless steel fabrications of Fairey Engineering Company for the nuclear industry. The manufacture of stainless steel containers for Magnox and Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors, flexible fabrication facility, and welding development, are all briefly described. (U.K.)

  10. Composite metal foil and ceramic fabric materials (United States)

    Webb, Brent J.; Antoniak, Zen I.; Prater, John T.; DeSteese, John G.


    The invention comprises new materials useful in a wide variety of terrestrial and space applications. In one aspect, the invention comprises a flexible cloth-like material comprising a layer of flexible woven ceramic fabric bonded with a layer of metallic foil. In another aspect, the invention includes a flexible fluid impermeable barrier comprising a flexible woven ceramic fabric layer having metal wire woven therein. A metallic foil layer is incontinuously welded to the woven metal wire. In yet another aspect, the invention includes a material comprising a layer of flexible woven ceramic fabric bonded with a layer of an organic polymer. In still another aspect, the invention includes a rigid fabric structure comprising a flexible woven ceramic fabric and a resinous support material which has been hardened as the direct result of exposure to ultraviolet light. Inventive methods for producing such material are also disclosed.

  11. Redundancy of Supply in the International Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Market: Are Fabrication Services Assured?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seward, Amy M.; Toomey, Christopher; Ford, Benjamin E.; Wood, Thomas W.; Perkins, Casey J.


    For several years, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has been assessing the reliability of nuclear fuel supply in support of the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. Three international low enriched uranium reserves, which are intended back up the existing and well-functioning nuclear fuel market, are currently moving toward implementation. These backup reserves are intended to provide countries credible assurance that of the uninterrupted supply of nuclear fuel to operate their nuclear power reactors in the event that their primary fuel supply is disrupted, whether for political or other reasons. The efficacy of these backup reserves, however, may be constrained without redundant fabrication services. This report presents the findings of a recent PNNL study that simulated outages of varying durations at specific nuclear fuel fabrication plants. The modeling specifically enabled prediction and visualization of the reactors affected and the degree of fuel delivery delay. The results thus provide insight on the extent of vulnerability to nuclear fuel supply disruption at the level of individual fabrication plants, reactors, and countries. The simulation studies demonstrate that, when a reasonable set of qualification criteria are applied, existing fabrication plants are technically qualified to provide backup fabrication services to the majority of the world's power reactors. The report concludes with an assessment of the redundancy of fuel supply in the nuclear fuel market, and a description of potential extra-market mechanisms to enhance the security of fuel supply in cases where it may be warranted. This report is an assessment of the ability of the existing market to respond to supply disruptions that occur for technical reasons. A forthcoming report will address political disruption scenarios.

  12. Experimental Fabrication Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Provides aviation fabrication support to special operations aircraft residing at Fort Eustis and other bases in the United States. Support is also provided to AATD...

  13. Fabrication of multilayer nanowires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaur, Jasveer, E-mail:; Singh, Avtar; Kumar, Davinder [Department of Physics, Punjabi University Patiala, 147002, Punjab (India); Thakur, Anup; Kaur, Raminder, E-mail: [Department of Basic and Applied Sciences, Punjabi University Patiala, 147002, Punjab (India)


    Multilayer nanowires were fabricated by potentiostate ectrodeposition template synthesis method into the pores of polycarbonate membrane. In present work layer by layer deposition of two different metals Ni and Cu in polycarbonate membrane having pore size of 600 nm were carried out. It is found that the growth of nanowires is not constant, it varies with deposition time. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to study the morphology of fabricated multilayer nanowires. An energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) results confirm the composition of multilayer nanowires. The result shows that multilayer nanowires formed is dense.

  14. Fabrication of multilayer nanowires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaur, Jasveer; Singh, Avtar; Kumar, Davinder; Thakur, Anup; Kaur, Raminder


    Multilayer nanowires were fabricated by potentiostate ectrodeposition template synthesis method into the pores of polycarbonate membrane. In present work layer by layer deposition of two different metals Ni and Cu in polycarbonate membrane having pore size of 600 nm were carried out. It is found that the growth of nanowires is not constant, it varies with deposition time. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to study the morphology of fabricated multilayer nanowires. An energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) results confirm the composition of multilayer nanowires. The result shows that multilayer nanowires formed is dense.

  15. Text-Fabric

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roorda, Dirk


    Text-Fabric is a Python3 package for Text plus Annotations. It provides a data model, a text file format, and a binary format for (ancient) text plus (linguistic) annotations. The emphasis of this all is on: data processing; sharing data; and contributing modules. A defining characteristic is that

  16. Characterisation of new natural cellulosic fabric Grewia tilifolia

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Jayaramudu, J


    Full Text Available to observe uniaxial orientation in natural fabrics. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Materials The fabric exracted from the branches of the tree Grewia tilifolia, Sodium Hydroxide pellets purified(Merk specialities private limited, Mumbai, India...) Benzene, Sodium Chlorite, Acetic acid, Sodium bisulphate and Ethnol S.d.fine-Chem Limited, Mumbai, India were the materials used in the present work. 2.2. Extraction of the fabric from the tree The fabric samples of Grewia tilifolia were...

  17. Fabrication of submicron proteinaceous structures by direct laser writing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serien, Daniela [Center for International Research on Integrative Biomedical Systems, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, 153-8505 Tokyo (Japan); Takeuchi, Shoji, E-mail: [Center for International Research on Integrative Biomedical Systems, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, 153-8505 Tokyo (Japan); ERATO Takeuchi Biohybrid Innovation Project, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, 153-8505 Tokyo (Japan)


    In this paper, we provide a characterization of truly free-standing proteinaceous structures with submicron feature sizes depending on the fabrication conditions by model-based analysis. Protein cross-linking of bovine serum albumin is performed by direct laser writing and two-photon excitation of flavin adenine dinucleotide. We analyze the obtainable fabrication resolution and required threshold energy for polymerization. The applied polymerization model allows prediction of fabrication conditions and resulting fabrication size, alleviating the application of proteinaceous structure fabrication.

  18. Alloy Fabrication Laboratory (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — At NETL’s Alloy Fabrication Facility in Albany, OR, researchers conduct DOE research projects to produce new alloys suited to a variety of applications, from gas...

  19. Evaluasi Manajemen Keamanan Informasi Menggunakan Indeks Keamanan Informasi (KAMI Berdasarkan ISO/IEC 27001:2013 pada Direktorat Pengembangan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (DPTSI ITS Surabaya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Firzah Abdullah Basyarahil


    Full Text Available DPTSI merupakan sebuah direktorat untuk menangani permasalahan teknologi informasi dan sistem informasi yang dimiliki oleh ITS. Menurut UU. No. 12 Tahun 12 Ttg. Perguruan Tinggi, misi mencari, menemukan, dan menyebarluaskan kebenaran ilmiah tersebut dapat diwujudkan apabila perguruan tinggi di kelola berdasarkan suatu Tata kelola perguruan tinggi yang baik (Good University Governance. Pengelolaan Informasi merupakan salah satu aspek dalam Good University Governance, termasuk kualitas dan keamanan pengelolaan informasi. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dari keamanan informasi, kementrian Kominfo membuat alat bantu untuk mengukur tingkat kematangan dan kelengkapan dalam keamanan informasi yang disebut dengan Indeks Keamanan Informasi (KAMI. Penggunaan Indeks KAMI ini juga diikuti dengan penerapan ISO 27001 sebagai standar keamanan internasional yang dapat membantu sebuah organisasi memastikan bahwa keamanan informasi yang diterapkan sudah efektif. Hasil dari penggunaan Indeks KAMI versi 3.1 di DPTSI ITS ini adalah tingkat ketergantungan penggunaan sistem elektronik sebesar 26 dari total skor 50 dan masuk kedalam kategori Tinggi dimana sistem elektronik adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari proses kerja yang berjalan. Hasil penilaian kelima area yang telah dilakukan adalah sebesar 249 dari 645 dan berada pada kategori tidak layak. Dari hasil tersebut maka dibuat rekomendasi berdasarkan kontrol ISO 27002:2013 untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang mendapat nilai kurang. Kemudian rekomendasi dari penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dan evaluasi bagi pihak DPTSI ITS Surabaya dalam melakukan perbaikan yang berkaitan dengan mitigasi atau pencegahan kerentanan keamanan informasi, serta memastikan regulasi dapat dicapai dengan baik dan kebijakan keamanan institusi di masa yang akan datang.

  20. Silicone nanocomposite coatings for fabrics (United States)

    Eberts, Kenneth (Inventor); Lee, Stein S. (Inventor); Singhal, Amit (Inventor); Ou, Runqing (Inventor)


    A silicone based coating for fabrics utilizing dual nanocomposite fillers providing enhanced mechanical and thermal properties to the silicone base. The first filler includes nanoclusters of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and a metal oxide and a second filler of exfoliated clay nanoparticles. The coating is particularly suitable for inflatable fabrics used in several space, military, and consumer applications, including airbags, parachutes, rafts, boat sails, and inflatable shelters.

  1. One-step fabrication of multifunctional micromotors (United States)

    Gao, Wenlong; Liu, Mei; Liu, Limei; Zhang, Hui; Dong, Bin; Li, Christopher Y.


    Although artificial micromotors have undergone tremendous progress in recent years, their fabrication normally requires complex steps or expensive equipment. In this paper, we report a facile one-step method based on an emulsion solvent evaporation process to fabricate multifunctional micromotors. By simultaneously incorporating various components into an oil-in-water droplet, upon emulsification and solidification, a sphere-shaped, asymmetric, and multifunctional micromotor is formed. Some of the attractive functions of this model micromotor include autonomous movement in high ionic strength solution, remote control, enzymatic disassembly and sustained release. This one-step, versatile fabrication method can be easily scaled up and therefore may have great potential in mass production of multifunctional micromotors for a wide range of practical applications.Although artificial micromotors have undergone tremendous progress in recent years, their fabrication normally requires complex steps or expensive equipment. In this paper, we report a facile one-step method based on an emulsion solvent evaporation process to fabricate multifunctional micromotors. By simultaneously incorporating various components into an oil-in-water droplet, upon emulsification and solidification, a sphere-shaped, asymmetric, and multifunctional micromotor is formed. Some of the attractive functions of this model micromotor include autonomous movement in high ionic strength solution, remote control, enzymatic disassembly and sustained release. This one-step, versatile fabrication method can be easily scaled up and therefore may have great potential in mass production of multifunctional micromotors for a wide range of practical applications. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Videos S1-S4 and Fig. S1-S3. See DOI: 10.1039/c5nr03574k

  2. Manganese Oxide on Carbon Fabric for Flexible Supercapacitors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jianfeng Zhang


    Full Text Available We report the fabrication of uniform large-area manganese oxide (MnO2 nanosheets on carbon fabric which oxidized using O2 plasma treatment (MnO2/O2-carbon fabric via electrodeposition process and their implementation as supercapacitor electrodes. Electrochemical measurements demonstrated that MnO2/O2-carbon fabric exhibited capacitance as high as 275 F/g at a scan rate of 5 mV/s; in addition, it showed an excellent cycling performance (less than 20% capacitance loss after 10,000 cycles. All the results suggest that MnO2/O2-carbon fabric is a promising electrode material which has great potential for application on flexible supercapacitors.

  3. Towards neuromorphic electronics: Memristors on foldable silicon fabric

    KAUST Repository

    Ghoneim, Mohamed T.


    The advantages associated with neuromorphic computation are rich areas of complex research. We address the fabrication challenge of building neuromorphic devices on structurally foldable platform with high integration density. We present a CMOS compatible fabrication process to demonstrate for the first time memristive devices fabricated on bulk monocrystalline silicon (100) which is next transformed into a flexible thin sheet of silicon fabric with all the pre-fabricated devices. This process preserves the ultra-high integration density advantage unachievable on other flexible substrates. In addition, the memristive devices are of the size of a motor neuron and the flexible/folded architectural form factor is critical to match brain cortex\\'s folded pattern for ultra-compact design.

  4. Improvement of the process for immobilization of silver nanoparticles onto cotton and peco fabrics to prepare antibacterial fabrics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Truong Thi Hanh; Nguyen Thi Thu; Dang Van Phu; Le Anh Quoc; Nguyen Quoc Hien


    Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with diameter about 11.6 ± 0.7 nm in chitosan solution were synthesized by γ-irradiation at the dose of 17.6 kGy, and then immobilized onto fabrics. The Ag-NPs contents onto cotton and peco fabrics were about 1700 and 140 mg/kg for the initial AgNPs concentrations of 1000 and 100 ppm, respectively. The AgNPs colloidal solution was characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy and TEM image. The AgNPs size has been estimated by using Debye-Scherrer formula from X ray diffraction pattern. The presence of AgNPs on fabrics was confirmed from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. The antibacterial activity of AgNPs cotton and peco fabrics after 60 washings against Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumonia was found to be > 99.40%. Effects of AgNPs on multidrug-resistant pathogens from the clinical specimens were also tested. In addition, the AgNPs fabrics were innoxious to the skin (k=0) by skin-irritation testing to animal (rabbit). (author)

  5. Fabricating 3D figurines with personalized faces. (United States)

    Tena, J Rafael; Mahler, Moshe; Beeler, Thabo; Grosse, Max; Hengchin Yeh; Matthews, Iain


    We present a semi-automated system for fabricating figurines with faces that are personalised to the individual likeness of the customer. The efficacy of the system has been demonstrated by commercial deployments at Walt Disney World Resort and Star Wars Celebration VI in Orlando Florida. Although the system is semi automated, human intervention is limited to a few simple tasks to maintain the high throughput and consistent quality required for commercial application. In contrast to existing systems that fabricate custom heads that are assembled to pre-fabricated plastic bodies, our system seamlessly integrates 3D facial data with a predefined figurine body into a unique and continuous object that is fabricated as a single piece. The combination of state-of-the-art 3D capture, modelling, and printing that are the core of our system provide the flexibility to fabricate figurines whose complexity is only limited by the creativity of the designer.

  6. 3D bioprinting for vascularized tissue fabrication (United States)

    Richards, Dylan; Jia, Jia; Yost, Michael; Markwald, Roger; Mei, Ying


    3D bioprinting holds remarkable promise for rapid fabrication of 3D tissue engineering constructs. Given its scalability, reproducibility, and precise multi-dimensional control that traditional fabrication methods do not provide, 3D bioprinting provides a powerful means to address one of the major challenges in tissue engineering: vascularization. Moderate success of current tissue engineering strategies have been attributed to the current inability to fabricate thick tissue engineering constructs that contain endogenous, engineered vasculature or nutrient channels that can integrate with the host tissue. Successful fabrication of a vascularized tissue construct requires synergy between high throughput, high-resolution bioprinting of larger perfusable channels and instructive bioink that promotes angiogenic sprouting and neovascularization. This review aims to cover the recent progress in the field of 3D bioprinting of vascularized tissues. It will cover the methods of bioprinting vascularized constructs, bioink for vascularization, and perspectives on recent innovations in 3D printing and biomaterials for the next generation of 3D bioprinting for vascularized tissue fabrication. PMID:27230253

  7. Nanocrystal thin film fabrication methods and apparatus (United States)

    Kagan, Cherie R.; Kim, David K.; Choi, Ji-Hyuk; Lai, Yuming


    Nanocrystal thin film devices and methods for fabricating nanocrystal thin film devices are disclosed. The nanocrystal thin films are diffused with a dopant such as Indium, Potassium, Tin, etc. to reduce surface states. The thin film devices may be exposed to air during a portion of the fabrication. This enables fabrication of nanocrystal-based devices using a wider range of techniques such as photolithography and photolithographic patterning in an air environment.


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    I Made Narsa


    Full Text Available In recent years, the business's environments have changed and facing the transition era from industrial age to information and communications age. These changes caused by advanced in technology, intimately connected with transportation technology, information and communications technology, and manufacturing technology. These changes tend to revolutionary than evolutionary. There are many changes in various aspects cause the changes of the business's environment, thereabouts changes in management and organization paradigm, market, marketing (e.g. E-Commerce, nature and characteristics of production, the vision, mission, and business strategy, and cost management systems (e.g. in performance evaluation-the balanced scorecard. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Pada beberapa tahun terakhir ini, lingkungan bisnis telah berubah dan berada dalam masa transisi dari era revolusi industri menuju era revolusi informasi dan komunikasi. Perubahan ini dipicu oleh perubahan teknologi sebagai denominator, khususnya pada tiga sektor utama yaitu (1 teknologi transportasi; (2 teknologi manufaktur; dan (3 teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Perubahan yang terjadi cenderung bersifat revolusioner daripada evolusioner. Perubahan lingkungan ini telah membawa perubahan pada paradigma organisasi dan manajemen, perubahan pasar, pemasaran (dengan bertumbuhkembangnya bisnis lewat internet, perubahan sifat dan karakteristik produksi, perubahan visi. misi dan strategi usaha, dan perubahan pada sistem manajemen biaya. Kata kunci: perubahan, lingkungan bisnis, teknologi, revolusioner.

  9. Silicon fabric for multi-functional applications

    KAUST Repository

    Sevilla, Galo T.; Rojas, Jhonathan Prieto; Ahmed, Sally; Hussain, Aftab M.; Inayat, Salman Bin; Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa


    This paper reports a generic process flow to fabricate mechanically flexible and optically semi-transparent thermoelectric generators (TEGs), micro lithium-ion batteries (μLIB) and metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors (MOSCAPs) on mono-crystalline silicon fabric platforms from standard bulk silicon (100) wafers. All the fabricated devices show outstanding mechanical flexibility and performance, making an important step towards monolithic integration of Energy Chip (self-powered devices) including energy harvesters and electronic devices on flexible platforms. We also report a recyclability process for the remaining bulk substrate after release, allowing us to achieve a low cost flexible platform for high performance applications. © 2013 IEEE.

  10. Silicon fabric for multi-functional applications

    KAUST Repository

    Sevilla, Galo T.


    This paper reports a generic process flow to fabricate mechanically flexible and optically semi-transparent thermoelectric generators (TEGs), micro lithium-ion batteries (μLIB) and metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors (MOSCAPs) on mono-crystalline silicon fabric platforms from standard bulk silicon (100) wafers. All the fabricated devices show outstanding mechanical flexibility and performance, making an important step towards monolithic integration of Energy Chip (self-powered devices) including energy harvesters and electronic devices on flexible platforms. We also report a recyclability process for the remaining bulk substrate after release, allowing us to achieve a low cost flexible platform for high performance applications. © 2013 IEEE.

  11. Fabrication of tungsten wire reinforced nickel-base alloy composites (United States)

    Brentnall, W. D.; Toth, I. J.


    Fabrication methods for tungsten fiber reinforced nickel-base superalloy composites were investigated. Three matrix alloys in pre-alloyed powder or rolled sheet form were evaluated in terms of fabricability into composite monotape and multi-ply forms. The utility of monotapes for fabricating more complex shapes was demonstrated. Preliminary 1093C (2000F) stress rupture tests indicated that efficient utilization of fiber strength was achieved in composites fabricated by diffusion bonding processes. The fabrication of thermal fatigue specimens is also described.

  12. OpenSoC Fabric

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Recent advancements in technology scaling have shown a trend towards greater integration with large-scale chips containing thousands of processors connected to memories and other I/O devices using non-trivial network topologies. Software simulation proves insufficient to study the tradeoffs in such complex systems due to slow execution time, whereas hardware RTL development is too time-consuming. We present OpenSoC Fabric, an on-chip network generation infrastructure which aims to provide a parameterizable and powerful on-chip network generator for evaluating future high performance computing architectures based on SoC technology. OpenSoC Fabric leverages a new hardware DSL, Chisel, which contains powerful abstractions provided by its base language, Scala, and generates both software (C++) and hardware (Verilog) models from a single code base. The OpenSoC Fabric2 infrastructure is modeled after existing state-of-the-art simulators, offers large and powerful collections of configuration options, and follows object-oriented design and functional programming to make functionality extension as easy as possible.

  13. Fabrics for fire resistant passenger seats in aircraft (United States)

    Tesoro, G. C.


    The essential elements of the problem and of approaches to improved fire resistance in aircraft seats are reviewed. The performance requirements and availability of materials, delay in the ignition of upholstery fabric by a small source are considered a realistic objective. Results of experimental studies on the thermal response of fabrics and fabric/foam combinations suggest significant conclusions regarding: (1) the ignition behavior of a commercial 90/10 wool/nylon upholstery fabric relative to fabrics made from thermally stable polymers; (2) the role of the foam backing; (3) the behavior of seams. These results, coupled with data from other sources, also confirm the importance of materials' interactions in multicomponent assemblies, and the need for system testing prior to materials' selection. The use of an interlinear or thermal barrier between upholstery fabric and foam is a promising and viable approach to improved fire resistance of the seat assembly, but experimental evaluation of specific combinations of materials or systems is an essential part of the selection process.

  14. Towards Automated and Objective Assessment of Fabric Pilling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rocco Furferi


    Full Text Available Pilling is a complex property of textile fabrics, representing, for the final user, a non-desired feature to be controlled and measured by companies working in the textile industry. Traditionally, pilling is assessed by visually comparing fabrics with reference to a set of standard images, thus often resulting in inconsistent quality control. A number of methods using machine vision have been proposed all over the world, with almost all sharing the idea that pilling can be assessed by determining the number of pills or the area occupied by the pills on the fabric surface. In the present work a different approach is proposed: instead of determining the number of pills, a machine vision-based procedure is devised with the aim of extracting a number of parameters characterizing the fabric. These are then used to train an artificial neural network to automatically grade the fabrics in terms of pilling. Tested against a set of differently pilled fabrics, the method shows its effectiveness.

  15. Property-process relationships in nuclear fuel fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tikare, V.


    Nuclear fuels are fabricated using many different techniques as they come in a large variety of shapes and compositions. The design and composition of nuclear fuels are predominantly dictated by the engineering requirements necessary for their function in reactors of various designs. Other engineering properties requirements originate from safety and security concerns, and the easy of handling, storing, transporting and disposing of the radioactive materials. In this chapter, the more common of these fuels will be briefly reviewed and the methods used to fabricate them will be presented. The fuels considered in this paper are oxide fuels used in LWRs and FRs, metal fuels in FRs and particulate fuels used in HTGRs. Fabrication of alternative fuel forms and use of standard fuels in alternative reactors will be discussed briefly. The primary motivation to advance fuel fabrication is to improve performance, reduce cost, reduce waste or enhance safety and security of the fuels. To achieve optimal performance, developing models to advance fuel fabrication has to be done in concert with developing fuel performance models. The specific properties and microstructures necessary for improved fuel performance must be identified using fuel performance models, while fuel fabrication models that can determine processing variables to give the desired microstructure and materials properties must be developed. (author)

  16. Development Of Methodologies Using PhabrOmeter For Fabric Drape Evaluation (United States)

    Lin, Chengwei

    Evaluation of fabric drape is important for textile industry as it reveals the aesthetic and functionality of the cloth and apparel. Although many fabric drape measuring methods have been developed for several decades, they are falling behind the need for fast product development by the industry. To meet the requirement of industries, it is necessary to develop an effective and reliable method to evaluate fabric drape. The purpose of the present study is to determine if PhabrOmeter can be applied to fabric drape evaluation. PhabrOmeter is a fabric sensory performance evaluating instrument which is developed to provide fast and reliable quality testing results. This study was sought to determine the relationship between fabric drape and other fabric attributes. In addition, a series of conventional methods including AATCC standards, ASTM standards and ISO standards were used to characterize the fabric samples. All the data were compared and analyzed with linear correlation method. The results indicate that PhabrOmeter is reliable and effective instrument for fabric drape evaluation. Besides, some effects including fabric structure, testing directions were considered to examine their impact on fabric drape.

  17. Safeguards through secure automated fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeMerschman, A.W.; Carlson, R.L.


    Westinghouse Hanford Company, a prime contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy, is constructing the Secure Automated Fabrication (SAF) line for fabrication of mixed oxide breeder fuel pins. Fuel processing by automation, which provides a separation of personnel from fuel handling, will provide a means whereby advanced safeguards concepts will be introduced. Remote operations and the inter-tie between the process computer and the safeguards computer are discussed

  18. Fabrication of miniaturized electrostatic deflectors using LIGA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackson, K.H.; Khan-Malek, C.; Muray, L.P.


    Miniaturized electron beam columns (open-quotes microcolumnsclose quotes) have been demonstrated to be suitable candidates for scanning electron microscopy (SEM), e-beam lithography and other high resolution, low voltage applications. In the present technology, microcolumns consist of open-quotes selectively scaledclose quotes micro-sized lenses and apertures, fabricated from silicon membranes with e-beam lithography, reactive ion beam etching and other semiconductor thin-film techniques. These miniaturized electron-optical elements provide significant advantages over conventional optics in performance and ease of fabrication. Since lens aberrations scale roughly with size, it is possible to fabricate simple microcolumns with extremely high brightness sources and electrostatic objective lenses, with resolution and beam current comparable to conventional e-beam columns. Moreover since microcolumns typically operate at low voltages (1 KeV), the proximity effects encountered in e-beam lithography become negligible. For high throughput applications, batch fabrication methods may be used to build large parallel arrays of microcolumns. To date, the best reported performance with a 1 keV cold field emission cathode, is 30 nm resolution at a working distance of 2mm in a 3.5mm column. Fabrication of the microcolumn deflector and stigmator, however, have remained beyond the capabilities of conventional machining operations and semiconductor processing technology. This work examines the LIGA process as a superior alternative to fabrication of the deflectors, especially in terms of degree of miniaturization, dimensional control, placement accuracy, run-out, facet smoothness and choice of suitable materials. LIGA is a combination of deep X-ray lithography, electroplating, and injection molding processes which allow the fabrication of microstructures

  19. A note on the interplay between symmetries, reduction and ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A note on the interplay between symmetries, reduction and conservation laws of Stokes' first problem for third-grade rotating fluids ... Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia; Ibnu Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies, Universiti Teknologi ...

  20. Antibacterial property of fabrics coated by magnesium-based brucites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Ying; Sha, Lin; Zhao, Jiao; Li, Qian; Zhu, Yimin, E-mail:; Wang, Ninghui


    Highlights: • Magnesium-based antibacterial agents composited by brucites with different particle sizes were proposed for the first time. • The coating process for making antibacterial fabrics was easy to operate and apply in industrial application. • The materials used in the antibacterial fabrics were environmental-friendly and cost-effective. • Reduction percentage of as-prepared antibacterial fabrics against E. coli and S. aureus reached to 96.6%, 100% respectively. • The antibacterial fabrics attained excellent washing durability. - Abstract: A kind of environmental-friendly magnesium-based antibacterial agent was reported for the first time, which was composited by brucites with different particle sizes. The antibacterial fabrics were produced by coating the magnesium-based antibacterial agents on the 260T polyester pongee fabrics with waterborne polyurethane. The coating process was simple, low-cost, and harmless to human health and environment. Characteristics of the antibacterial agents and fabrics were studied by particulate size distribution analyzer (PSDA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results demonstrated that the coating layer was covered tightly on the fabrics and compositing of different particles by a certain proportion made full filling of the coating layer. Meanwhile, compositing did not change the structure of brucites. The antibacterial fabrics presented strong antibacterial properties against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), with the reduction percentage of 96.6% and 100%, respectively, and the antibacterial fabrics attained excellent washing durability.


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    Heri Wijayanto


    Full Text Available Teknologi informasi (TI berkembang dengan mengedepankan affectivities, efficiency, accountable, use friendly, familiar, dan real time, hal itu merupakan solusi sekaligus tuntutan jaman. Perusahaan berusaha mengadopsi teknologi informasi yang terbaru dan tercanggih untuk dapat memenangkan persaingan, hal ini sejalan dengan paradigma bahwa penguasa dunia adalah yang menguasai teknologi informasi. Dalam era persaingan bisnis yang dinamis dan sangat cepat berubah, teknologi informasi tidak lagi dipandang sebagai pelengkap atau pendukung, akan tetapi sudah menjadi salah satu penentu bagi kesuksesan bisnis suatu perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pengaruh System quality terhadap user satisfaction dalam Implementasi SIM di Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Analisis data dengan menggunakan dua macam teknik, yaitu : Confirmatory Factor Analysis dan Regresion Weight pada SEM. Hasil pengujian diperoleh nilai CR (critical rasio sebesar 2.744, dan p value sebesar 0.006, karena nilai CR diatas 1.96, dan p value dibawah 0.05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem quality berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap user satisfactions pada implementasi SIM di Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo.

  2. Analisa Penerapan Sistem Hybrid Pada Kapal KPC-28 Dengan Kombinasi Diesel Engine dan Motor Listrik Yang Disuplai Dengan Batterai

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    Tangguh Tangguh Bimantoro


    Full Text Available Teknologi Hybrid System Vessel akhir-akhir ini sedang menjadi bahasan yang sering dibicarakan di dunia pendidikan dan teknologi permesinan. Teknologi Hybrid System Vessel yang dimaksud adalah kapal yang berjalan dengan dua sumber tenaga, mesin yang bekerja dengan sumber tenaga bahan bakar dan motor listrik yang bekerja dengan sumber tenaga listrik. Oleh karena adanya permasalahan tersebut maka dikembangkanlah konsep system hybrid pada kapal.Hybrid ini mengacu teknologi pada mobil hybrid yang sudah dikembangkan sekarang, tujuan dari hybrid ini adalah sebagai penghematan BBM dan juga sebagai pereduksi emisi di system permesinan kapal.Penelitian ini menggunakan simulasi dengan software Maxsurf, kemudian dilakukan dengan metode perhitungan manual yang nantinya digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah batterai yang dibutuhkan pada penggerak motor induksi. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa desain  Hybrid System kapal KPC – 28, serta hasil analisa Hybrid System di kapal apakah memberikan effisiensi bahan bakar yang cukup hemat dengan tanpa menggunakan Hybrid System pada mesin kapal tersebut.

  3. MOX Fabrication Isolation Considerations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eric L. Shaber; Bradley J Schrader


    This document provides a technical position on the preferred level of isolation to fabricate demonstration quantities of mixed oxide transmutation fuels. The Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative should design and construct automated glovebox fabrication lines for this purpose. This level of isolation adequately protects the health and safety of workers and the general public for all mixed oxide (and other transmutation fuel) manufacturing efforts while retaining flexibility, allowing parallel development and setup, and minimizing capital expense. The basis regulations, issues, and advantages/disadvantages of five potential forms of isolation are summarized here as justification for selection of the preferred technical position.

  4. Adaptive Robotic Fabrication for Conditions of Material Inconsistency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nicholas, Paul; Zwierzycki, Mateusz; Clausen Nørgaard, Esben


    This paper describes research that addresses the variable behaviour of industrial quality metals and the extension of computational techniques into the fabrication process. It describes the context of robotic incremental sheet metal forming, a freeform method for imparting 3D form onto a 2D thin...... and the fabrication process? Here, two adaptive methods are presented that aim to increase forming accuracy with only a minimum increase in fabrication time, and that maintain ongoing input from the results of the fabrication process. The first method is an online sensor-based strategy and the second method...

  5. Fique Fabric: A Promising Reinforcement for Polymer Composites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Neves Monteiro


    Full Text Available A relatively unknown natural fiber extracted from the leaves of the fique plant, native of the South American Andes, has recently shown potential as reinforcement of polymer composites for engineering applications. Preliminary investigations indicated a promising substitute for synthetic fibers, competing with other well-known natural fibers. The fabric made from fique fibers have not yet been investigated as possible composite reinforcement. Therefore, in the present work a more thorough characterization of fique fabric as a reinforcement of composites with a polyester matrix was performed. Thermal mechanical properties of fique fabric composites were determined by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA. The ballistic performance of plain woven fique fabric-reinforced polyester matrix composites was investigated as a second layer in a multilayered armor system (MAS. The results revealed a sensible improvement in thermal dynamic mechanical behavior. Both viscoelastic stiffness and glass transition temperature were increased with the amount of incorporated fique fabric. In terms of ballistic results, the fique fabric composites present a performance similar to that of the much stronger KevlarTM as an MAS second layer with the same thickness. A cost analysis indicated that armor vests with fique fabric composites as an MAS second layer would be 13 times less expensive than a similar creation made with Kevlar™.

  6. Off-plane x-ray reflection grating fabrication (United States)

    Peterson, Thomas J.; DeRoo, Casey T.; Marlowe, Hannah; McEntaffer, Randall L.; Miles, Drew M.; Tutt, James H.; Schultz, Ted B.


    Off-plane X-ray diffraction gratings with precision groove profiles at the submicron scale will be used in next generation X-ray spectrometers. Such gratings will be used on a current NASA suborbital rocket mission, the Off-plane Grating Rocket Experiment (OGRE), and have application for future grating missions. The fabrication of these gratings does not come without challenges. High performance off-plane gratings must be fabricated with precise radial grating patterns, optically at surfaces, and specific facet angles. Such gratings can be made using a series of common micro-fabrication techniques. The resulting process is highly customizable, making it useful for a variety of different mission architectures. In this paper, we detail the fabrication method used to produce high performance off-plane gratings and report the results of a preliminary qualification test of a grating fabricated in this manner. The grating was tested in the off-plane `Littrow' configuration, for which the grating is most efficient for a given diffraction order, and found to achieve 42% relative efficiency in the blaze order with respect to all diffracted light.


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    Yulia Yulia


    Full Text Available Technological growth has made a strong friction to the market. Customer becomes an important factor which must be paid attention to. Information which is easy to get increases customer's bargaining power. Customer always wants to get what they desire easily, cheaper, and of good quality. This structural change obliges a company to develop an e-Business strategy which is innovative, by focusing on the market. This structural change also requires a change in the business process on a large scale. At the same time, company has to develop an e-Business infrastructure that is oriented toward continuous service improvement and innovation. PT. V faces this structural change by developing an e-Business system for a VCD rental service. Using the system, which administers VCD rental with delivery system and SMS facility, customers can, by themselves, loan VCDs, return loaned VCDs, browse newest films, and perform other activities, just by sending SMS, without having to visit the rental place. For this reason, the customers will save time and money, become more efficient and effective. The use of SMS as a facility in e-Business has various advantages such as omitting problems with location and time for doing business, and omitting the errors of manual processing. In the end, e-Business is expected to raise market share and to adapt the company's business process according to customer's needs. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Perkembangan teknologi telah membuat adanya pergeseran kekuatan kepada pelanggan atau pasar. Pelanggan menjadi faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan. Informasi yang semakin mudah diperoleh, membuat daya tawar pelanggan semakin tinggi dan pelanggan selalu ingin mendapat yang diinginkan dengan mudah, murah, berkualitas dan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Perubahan struktural ini mengharuskan sebuah perusahaan untuk mengembangkan sebuah strategi e-Bisnis yang inovatif, dengan memusatkan perhatian kepada pasar. Perubahan struktural ini juga

  8. Neuronal representation of fabric texture for thermal microenvironment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liu Yuqing


    Full Text Available Fabric, our second skin with moisture and thermal capacity for skin temperature regulation, can arouse feelings of pleasant and discomfort. To examine the neurocognitive ability and emotion of fabric tactile perception under different local temperatures, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging with the same denim fabric stimuli and forearm contact area, and found a functional dissociation: the affective regions was more involved during warm condition, the discriminative regions were more involved during neutral condition and the basis regions were significance during cool condition. The higher local skin temperature environment can result in the improvement of sensitivity and discriminability by dorsal pathway (spatial and ventral pathway (frequency for fabric perception. Our results help to explain how the brain uses internal models to interpret external fabric tactile stimuli with micro environmental changing.

  9. Fabrication and Testing of Deflecting Cavities for APS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mammosser, John; Wang, Haipeng; Rimmer, Robert; Jim, Henry; Katherine, Wilson; Dhakal, Pashupati; Ali, Nassiri; Jim, Kerby; Jeremiah, Holzbauer; Genfa, Wu; Joel, Fuerst; Yawei, Yang; Zenghai, Li


    Jefferson Lab (Newport News, Virginia) in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne, IL) has fabricated and tested four first article, 2.8 GHz, deflecting SRF cavities, for Argonne's Short-Pulse X-ray (SPX) project. These cavities are unique in many ways including the fabrication techniques in which the cavity cell and waveguides were fabricated. These cavity subcomponents were milled from bulk large grain niobium ingot material directly from 3D CAD files. No forming of sub components was used with the exception of the beam-pipes. The challenging cavity and helium vessel design and fabrication results from the stringent RF performance requirements required by the project and operation in the APS ring. Production challenges and fabrication techniques as well as testing results will be discussed in this paper.

  10. The effect of fabric structural parameters and fiber type on the comfort-related properties of commercial apparel fabrics

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Stoffberg, ME


    Full Text Available The effect of fabric structural parameters and fiber type on the comfort-related properties, namely water vapor resistance and thermal resistance, of commercial apparel (suiting) fabrics, containing both natural and man-made fibers have been studied...

  11. Fabrication and operational experience with the interim storage cask

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scott, P.L.


    This paper discusses the fabrication and operational experience of the Interim Storage Cask (ISC). The ISC is a dry storage cask which is used to safely store a Core Component Container (CCC) containing up to seven Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) spent fuel assemblies at the US Department of Energy's Hanford Site. Under contract to B and W Hanford Company (BWHC), General Atomics (GA) designed and fabricated thirty ISC casks which BWHC is remotely loading at the FFTF facility. BWHC designed and fabricated the CCCS. As of December 1997, thirty ISCs have been fabricated, of which eighteen have been loaded and moved to a storage site adjacent to the FFTF facility. Fabrication consisted of three sets of casks. The first unit was completed and acceptance tested before any other units were fabricated. After the first unit passed all acceptance tests, nine more units were fabricated in the first production run. Before those nine units were completed, GA began a production run of twenty more units. The paper provides an overview of the cask design and discusses the problems encountered in fabrication, their resolution, and changes made in the fabrication processes to improve the quality of the casks. The paper also discusses the loading process and operational experiences with loading and handling of the casks. Information on loading times, worker dose exposure, and total dose for loading are presented

  12. Geometrical Modeling of Woven Fabrics Weavability-Limit New Relationships

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dalal Mohamed


    Full Text Available The weavability limit and tightness for 2D and 3D woven fabrics is an important factor and depends on many geometric parameters. Based on a comprehensive review of the literature on textile fabric construction and property, and related research on fabric geometry, a study of the weavability limit and tightness relationships of 2D and 3D woven fabrics was undertaken. Experiments were conducted on a representative number of polyester and cotton woven fabrics which have been woven in our workshop, using three machines endowed with different insertion systems (rapier, projectiles and air jet. Afterwards, these woven fabrics have been analyzed in the laboratory to determine their physical and mechanical characteristics using air permeability-meter and KES-F KAWABATA Evaluation System for Fabrics. In this study, the current Booten’s weavability limit and tightness relationships based on Ashenhurst’s, Peirce’s, Love’s, Russell’s, Galuszynskl’s theory and maximum-weavability is reviewed and modified as new relationships to expand their use to general cases (2D and 3D woven fabrics, all fiber materiel, all yarns etc…. The theoretical relationships were examined and found to agree with experimental results. It was concluded that the weavability limit and tightness relationships are useful tools for weavers in predicting whether a proposed fabric construction was weavable and also in predicting and explaining their physical and mechanical properties.

  13. Systematic investigation of drip stains on apparel fabrics: The effects of prior-laundering, fibre content and fabric structure on final stain appearance. (United States)

    de Castro, Therese C; Taylor, Michael C; Kieser, Jules A; Carr, Debra J; Duncan, W


    Bloodstain pattern analysis is the investigation of blood deposited at crime scenes and the interpretation of that pattern. The surface that the blood gets deposited onto could distort the appearance of the bloodstain. The interaction of blood and apparel fabrics is in its infancy, but the interaction of liquids and apparel fabrics has been well documented and investigated in the field of textile science (e.g. the processes of wetting and wicking of fluids on fibres, yarns and fabrics). A systematic study on the final appearance of drip stains on torso apparel fabrics (100% cotton plain woven, 100% polyester plain woven, blend of polyester and cotton plain woven and 100% cotton single jersey knit) that had been laundered for six, 26 and 52 cycles prior to testing was investigated in the paper. The relationship between drop velocity (1.66±0.50m/s, 4.07±0.03m/s, 5.34±0.18m/s) and the stain characteristics (parent stain area, axes 1 and 2 and number of satellite stains) for each fabric was examined using analysis of variance. The experimental design and effect of storing blood were investigated on a reference sample, which indicated that the day (up to five days) at which the drops were generated did not affect the bloodstain. The effect of prior-laundering (six, 26 and 52 laundering cycles), fibre content (cotton vs. polyester vs. blend) and fabric structure (plain woven vs. single jersey knit) on the final appearance of the bloodstain were investigated. Distortion in the bloodstains produced on non-laundered fabrics indicated the importance of laundering fabrics to remove finishing treatments before conducting bloodstain experiments. For laundered fabrics, both the cotton fabrics and the blend had a circular to oval stain appearance, while the polyester fabric had a circular appearance with evidence of spread along the warp and weft yarns, which resulted in square-like stains at the lowest drop velocity. A significant (pfibre content (pfibres/yarns, while for the

  14. The fabrication techniques of Z-pinch targets. Techniques of fabricating self-adapted Z-pinch wire-arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiu Longhui; Wei Yun; Liu Debin; Sun Zuoke; Yuan Yuping


    In order to fabricate wire arrays for use in the Z-pinch physical experiments, the fabrication techniques are investigated as follow: Thickness of about 1-1.5 μm of gold is electroplated on the surface of ultra-fine tungsten wires. Fibers of deuterated-polystyrene (DPS) with diameters from 30 to 100 microns are made from molten DPS. And two kinds of planar wire-arrays and four types of annular wire-arrays are designed, which are able to adapt to the variation of the distance between the cathode and anode inside the target chamber. Furthermore, wire-arrays with diameters form 5-24 μm are fabricated with tungsten wires, respectively. The on-site test shows that the wire-arrays can self-adapt to the distance changes perfectly

  15. High-Thermal-Conductivity Fabrics (United States)

    Chibante, L. P. Felipe


    Heat management with common textiles such as nylon and spandex is hindered by the poor thermal conductivity from the skin surface to cooling surfaces. This innovation showed marked improvement in thermal conductivity of the individual fibers and tubing, as well as components assembled from them. The problem is centered on improving the heat removal of the liquid-cooled ventilation garments (LCVGs) used by astronauts. The current design uses an extensive network of water-cooling tubes that introduces bulkiness and discomfort, and increases fatigue. Range of motion and ease of movement are affected as well. The current technology is the same as developed during the Apollo program of the 1960s. Tubing material is hand-threaded through a spandex/nylon mesh layer, in a series of loops throughout the torso and limbs such that there is close, form-fitting contact with the user. Usually, there is a nylon liner layer to improve comfort. Circulating water is chilled by an external heat exchanger (sublimator). The purpose of this innovation is to produce new LCVG components with improved thermal conductivity. This was addressed using nanocomposite engineering incorporating high-thermalconductivity nanoscale fillers in the fabric and tubing components. Specifically, carbon nanotubes were added using normal processing methods such as thermoplastic melt mixing (compounding twin screw extruder) and downstream processing (fiber spinning, tubing extrusion). Fibers were produced as yarns and woven into fabric cloths. The application of isotropic nanofillers can be modeled using a modified Nielsen Model for conductive fillers in a matrix based on Einstein s viscosity model. This is a drop-in technology with no additional equipment needed. The loading is limited by the ability to maintain adequate dispersion. Undispersed materials will plug filtering screens in processing equipment. Generally, the viscosity increases were acceptable, and allowed the filled polymers to still be

  16. Fabrication of elliptical SRF cavities (United States)

    Singer, W.


    The technological and metallurgical requirements of material for high-gradient superconducting cavities are described. High-purity niobium, as the preferred metal for the fabrication of superconducting accelerating cavities, should meet exact specifications. The content of interstitial impurities such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon must be below 10 μg g-1. The hydrogen content should be kept below 2 μg g-1 to prevent degradation of the quality factor (Q-value) under certain cool-down conditions. The material should be free of flaws (foreign material inclusions or cracks and laminations) that can initiate a thermal breakdown. Traditional and alternative cavity mechanical fabrication methods are reviewed. Conventionally, niobium cavities are fabricated from sheet niobium by the formation of half-cells by deep drawing, followed by trim machining and electron beam welding. The welding of half-cells is a delicate procedure, requiring intermediate cleaning steps and a careful choice of weld parameters to achieve full penetration of the joints. A challenge for a welded construction is the tight mechanical and electrical tolerances. These can be maintained by a combination of mechanical and radio-frequency measurements on half-cells and by careful tracking of weld shrinkage. The main aspects of quality assurance and quality management are mentioned. The experiences of 800 cavities produced for the European XFEL are presented. Another cavity fabrication approach is slicing discs from the ingot and producing cavities by deep drawing and electron beam welding. Accelerating gradients at the level of 35-45 MV m-1 can be achieved by applying electrochemical polishing treatment. The single-crystal option (grain boundary free) is discussed. It seems that in this case, high performance can be achieved by a simplified treatment procedure. Fabrication of the elliptical resonators from a seamless pipe as an alternative is briefly described. This technology has yielded good

  17. Development of Partial Tubular Flat Knitting Fabric Composite Preform

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiang Wei Qing


    Full Text Available After building some structures of partial tubular flat knitting fabric composite preform, the influencing factor on tubular section was analyzed and the fabric was knitted selectively. The partial tubular flat knitting fabric composite preform were Knitted by changing different yarn, row number and two-sided partial tubular flat knitting fabric. Multilayer sheet would be got after hot pressing and it has big market prospects and good application value.

  18. Strategies for the fabrication of porous platinum electrodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kloke, Arne; Stetten, Felix von; Kerzenmacher, Sven [Laboratory for MEMS Applications, Department of Microsystems Engineering-IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg (Germany); Zengerle, Roland [Laboratory for MEMS Applications, Department of Microsystems Engineering-IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg (Germany); BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (Germany)


    Porous platinum is of high technological importance due to its various applications in fuel cells, sensors, stimulation electrodes, mechanical actuators and catalysis in general. Based on a discussion of the general principles behind the reduction of platinum salts and corresponding deposition processes this article discusses techniques available for platinum electrode fabrication. The numerous, different strategies available to fabricate platinum electrodes are reviewed and discussed in the context of their tuning parameters, strengths and weaknesses. These strategies comprise bottom-up approaches as well as top-down approaches. In bottom-up approaches nanoparticles are synthesized in a first step by chemical, photochemical or sonochemical means followed by an electrode formation step by e.g. thin film technology or network formation to create a contiguous and conducting solid electrode structure. In top-down approaches fabrication starts with an already conductive electrode substrate. Corresponding strategies enable the fabrication of substrate-based electrodes by e.g. electrodeposition or the fabrication of self-supporting electrodes by dealloying. As a further top-down strategy, this review describes methods to decorate porous metals other than platinum with a surface layer of platinum. This way, fabrication methods not performable with platinum can be applied to the fabrication of platinum electrodes with the special benefit of low platinum consumption. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  19. Teknologiers mellemkomst i ambulant behandling og egenomsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ballegaard, Stinne Aaløkke; Aarhus, Rikke


    Vigtige tendenser i den danske sundhedssektor i disse år er centralisering af behandling og øget egenomsorg. Teknologi ses ofte som en del af denne udvikling, omend der eksisterer både dystopiske og utopiske forestillinger om, hvorvidt teknologi fremmedgør eller støtter patienten. I denne artikel...

  20. Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy for Electro-Mechanical Characterization of Conductive Fabrics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tushar Kanti Bera


    Full Text Available When we use a conductive fabric as a pressure sensor, it is necessary to quantitatively understand its electromechanical property related with the applied pressure. We investigated electromechanical properties of three different conductive fabrics using the electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS. We found that their electrical impedance spectra depend not only on the electrical properties of the conductive yarns, but also on their weaving structures. When we apply a mechanical tension or compression, there occur structural deformations in the conductive fabrics altering their apparent electrical impedance spectra. For a stretchable conductive fabric, the impedance magnitude increased or decreased under tension or compression, respectively. For an almost non-stretchable conductive fabric, both tension and compression resulted in decreased impedance values since the applied tension failed to elongate the fabric. To measure both tension and compression separately, it is desirable to use a stretchable conductive fabric. For any conductive fabric chosen as a pressure-sensing material, its resistivity under no loading conditions must be carefully chosen since it determines a measurable range of the impedance values subject to different amounts of loadings. We suggest the EIS method to characterize the electromechanical property of a conductive fabric in designing a thin and flexible fabric pressure sensor.

  1. Process for fabricating mixed-oxide powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elmaleh, D.; Giraudel, A.


    A physical-chemical process for fabricating homogeneous powders suitable for sintering is described. It can be applied to the synthesis of all mixed oxides having mutually compatible and water soluble salts. As a specific example, the fabrication of lead titanate-zirconate powders used to make hot pressed ceramics is described. These ceramics show improved piezoelectric properties [fr

  2. Remote fabrication of breeder reactor fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerber, E.W.; Hoitink, N.C.; Graham, R.A.


    The Secure Automated Fabrication (SAF) Line, a remotely operable plutonium fuel fabrication facility, incorporates advanced automation techniques. Included in the plant are 24 robots used to perform complex operations, and to enhance equipment standardization and ease of maintenance. Automated equipment is controlled remotely from centrally located supervisory computer control consoles or alternatively from control consoles dedicated to individual systems

  3. CMOS compatible fabrication of flexible and semi-transparent FeRAM on ultra-thin bulk monocrystalline silicon (100) fabric

    KAUST Repository

    Ghoneim, Mohamed T.; Hanna, Amir; Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa


    Commercialization of flexible electronics requires reliable, high performance, ultra-compact and low power devices. To achieve them, we fabricate traditional electronics on bulk mono-crystalline silicon (100) and transform the top portion into an ultra-thin flexible silicon fabric with prefabricated devices, preserving ultra-large-scale-integration density and same device performance. This can be done in a cost effective manner due to its full compatibility with standard CMOS processes. In this paper, using the same approach, for the first time we demonstrate a ferroelectric random access memory (FeRAM) cell on flexible silicon fabric platform and assess its functionality and practical potential.

  4. CMOS compatible fabrication of flexible and semi-transparent FeRAM on ultra-thin bulk monocrystalline silicon (100) fabric

    KAUST Repository

    Ghoneim, Mohamed T.


    Commercialization of flexible electronics requires reliable, high performance, ultra-compact and low power devices. To achieve them, we fabricate traditional electronics on bulk mono-crystalline silicon (100) and transform the top portion into an ultra-thin flexible silicon fabric with prefabricated devices, preserving ultra-large-scale-integration density and same device performance. This can be done in a cost effective manner due to its full compatibility with standard CMOS processes. In this paper, using the same approach, for the first time we demonstrate a ferroelectric random access memory (FeRAM) cell on flexible silicon fabric platform and assess its functionality and practical potential.

  5. Fabrication of superconducting niobium radio frequency structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirchgessner, J.; Amato, J.; Brawley, J.


    During the last several years a variety of superconducting radio frequency structures have been designed, fabricated and tested. The diverse structures and fabrication techniques are described. This paper is a description of the authors' experiences in this field

  6. Fabrication of preliminary fuel rods for SFR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Sun Ki; Oh, Seok Jin; Ko, Young Mo; Woo, Youn Myung; Kim, Ki Hwan


    Metal fuels was selected for fueling many of the first reactors in the US, including the Experimental Breeder Reactor-I (EBR-I) and the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) in Idaho, the FERMI-I reactor, and the Dounreay Fast Reactor (DFR) in the UK. Metallic U.Pu.Zr alloys were the reference fuel for the US Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) program. Metallic fuel has advantages such as simple fabrication procedures, good neutron economy, high thermal conductivity, excellent compatibility with a Na coolant and inherent passive safety. U-Zr-Pu alloy fuels have been used for SFR (sodium-cooled fast reactor) related to the closed fuel cycle for managing minor actinides and reducing a high radioactivity levels since the 1980s. Fabrication technology of metallic fuel for SFR has been in development in Korea as a national nuclear R and D program since 2007. For the final goal of SFR fuel rod fabrication with good performance, recently, three preliminary fuel rods were fabricated. In this paper, the preliminary fuel rods were fabricated, and then the inspection for QC(quality control) of the fuel rods was performed

  7. Technical study report on fuel fabrication system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kono, Shusaku; Tanaka, Kenya; Ono, Kiyoshi; Iwasa, Katsuyoshi; Hoshino, Yasushi; Shinkai, Yasuo


    The feasibility study of FBR and related fuel cycle is performed for developing the FBR recycle system which ensures safety, economic competitiveness, efficient utilization of resources, reduction of environmental burden and enhancement of nuclear non-proliferation under consistency of FBR reactor and fuel cycle systems. In this study, a conceptual design study and system characteristics evaluation are conducted for fuel fabrication systems of pellet process, vibropack process for oxide and nitride fuel and casting process for metal fuel. Technical issues in each process are also extracted. In 1999 fiscal year, a conceptual design study were conducted for the fuel fabrication plants adopting (1) the short pellet process which simplifies the conventional MOX pellet fabrication processes, (2) vibropack processes of aqueous gelation process, improved RIAR process, improved ANL process and fluoride volatility process, (3) casting processes of injection process, centrifuging process. As a result, attainable perspective was obtained for each fuel fabrication system through the evaluation of apparatuses, layout and facility volume, etc. In each fuel fabrication system, technical issues for practical use were made clear. Hereafter, more detailed study will be performed for each system, and research programs for phase II study will be planned. (author)

  8. Composite fabrication via resin transfer molding technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jamison, G.M.; Domeier, L.A.


    The IMPReS (Integrated Modeling and Processing of Resin-based Structures) Program was funded in FY95 to consolidate, evaluate and enhance Sandia`s capabilities in the design and fabrication of composite structures. A key driver of this and related programs was the need for more agile product development processes and for model based design and fabrication tools across all of Sandia`s material technologies. A team of polymer, composite and modeling personnel was assembled to benchmark Sandia`s existing expertise in this area relative to industrial and academic programs and to initiate the tasks required to meet Sandia`s future needs. RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) was selected as the focus composite fabrication technology due to its versatility and growing use in industry. Modeling efforts focused on the prediction of composite mechanical properties and failure/damage mechanisms and also on the uncured resin flow processes typical of RTM. Appropriate molds and test composites were fabricated and model validation studies begun. This report summarizes and archives the modeling and fabrication studies carried out under IMPReS and evaluates the status of composite technology within Sandia. It should provide a complete and convenient baseline for future composite technology efforts within Sandia.

  9. Electroless plating of Cu-Ni-P alloy on PET fabrics and effect of plating parameters on the properties of conductive fabrics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gan Xueping; Wu Yating; Liu Lei; Shen Bin; Hu Wenbin


    Electroless plating of Cu-Ni-P alloy on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fabrics and effect of plating parameters on the properties of alloy-coated fabrics were investigated. The deposition rate increased with the increase of temperature, pH and nickel ion concentration. The addition of K 4 Fe(CN) 6 to the solution could reduce the deposition rate and make the deposits become more compact. The color of the deposits also had a corresponding improvement, changing from dark-brown to copper-bright with the addition of K 4 Fe(CN) 6 to the plating solution. The deposits have an intensified copper (1 1 1) plane orientation with the addition of K 4 Fe(CN) 6 to the plating bath. The surface electrical resistance of alloy-coated fabrics increased with increase of nickel ions concentration in the solution. The addition of K 4 Fe(CN) 6 to the solution reduced significantly the surface resistance of alloy-coated fabrics. The conductive fabrics with high shielding effectiveness could be prepared at the optimum condition with 0.0038 M nickel ions and 2 ppm K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . As the deposit weight on the fabric was 40 g/m 2 , the shielding effectiveness of alloy-coated fabrics was more than 85 dB at frequency ranging from 100 MHz to 20 GHz


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rhafidilla Vebrynda


    Full Text Available Di dalam artikel ini, peneliti ingin melihat perkembangan teknologi di Indonesia sebagai sebuah peluang untuk menjalankan sebuah program berita berbasis video kiriman masyarakat. Perkembangan teknologi tersebut adalah teknologi penyiaran, teknologi sosial media dan teknologi dalam proses produksi sebuah video. Di Indonesia, jumlah televisi semakin banyak. Setiap stasiun televisi harus bersaing untuk dapat bertahan hidup. Net TV merupakan sebuah stasiun televisi baru di Indonesia yang harus memiliki berbagai program unggulan baru agar dapat bersaing dengan televisi lainnya yang sudah ada. Net TV menggunakan berbagai platform media untuk menjalankan program Net Citizen Journalism (Net CJ. Penggunaan berbagai platform media dikenal dengan istilah multiplatform dan secara teoritis dikenal dengan istilah konvergensi. Konvergensi yaitu saat meleburnya domain-domain dalam berbagai media komunikasi. Artikel ini menggunakan metode studi kasus untuk melihat bagaimana konvergensi terjadi dalam proses pengelolaan program Net CJ. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumen. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan dari tiga sudut pandang yaitu dari pengelola program, pengguna/audience dan pengamat media. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dengan menggunakan berbagai platform media yang fungsinya berbeda, memiliki satu tujuan yang sama yaitu untuk menjalankan program Net CJ. Adapun berbagai platform dalam proses produksi program yaitu tayangan TV konvensional, streaming TV, website, aplikasi Net CJ, facebook, twitter, instagram dan path. Konvergensi media dijalankan dalam dua proses, yaitu proses produksi dan proses promosi program berita.

  11. Respiration sensor made from indium tin oxide-coated conductive fabrics (United States)

    Kim, Sun Hee; Lee, Joo Hyeon; Jee, Seung Hyun


    Conductive fabrics with new properties and applications have been the subject of extensive research over the last few years, with wearable respiration sensors attracting much attention. Different methods can be used to obtain fabrics that are electrically conducting, an essential property for various applications. For instance, fabrics can be coated with conductive polymers. Here, indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated conductive fabrics with cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol (C-PVA) were prepared using a doctor-blade. The C-PVA was employed in the synthesis to bind ITO on the fabrics with the highest possible mechanical strength. The feasibility of a respiration sensor prepared using the ITO-coated conductive fabric was investigated. The ITO-coated conductive fabric with the C-PVA was demonstrated to have a high potential for use in respiration sensors.

  12. Double-shell target fabrication workshop-2016 report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Y. Morris [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Oertel, John [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Farrell, Michael [General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States); Baumann, Ted [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Huang, Haibo [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Nikroo, Abbas [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    On June 30, 2016, over 40 representatives from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), General Atomics (GA), Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE), Schafer Corporation, and NNSA headquarter attended a double-shell (DS) target fabrication workshop at Livermore, California. Pushered-single-shell (PSS) and DS metalgas platforms potentially have a large impact on programmatic applications. The goal of this focused workshop is to bring together target fabrication scientists, physicists, and designers to brainstorm future PSS and DS target fabrication needs and strategies. This one-day workshop intends to give an overall view of historical information, recent approaches, and future research activities at each participating organization. Five topical areas have been discussed that are vital to the success of future DS target fabrications, including inner metal shells, foam spheres, outer ablators, fill tube assembly, and metrology.

  13. Fabricating solid carbon porous electrodes from powders (United States)

    Kaschmitter, James L.; Tran, Tri D.; Feikert, John H.; Mayer, Steven T.


    Fabrication of conductive solid porous carbon electrodes for use in batteries, double layer capacitors, fuel cells, capacitive dionization, and waste treatment. Electrodes fabricated from low surface area (Electrodes having a higher surface area, fabricated from powdered carbon blacks, such as carbon aerogel powder, carbon aerogel microspheres, activated carbons, etc. yield high conductivity carbon compositives with excellent double layer capacity, and can be used in double layer capacitors, or for capacitive deionization and/or waste treatment of liquid streams. By adding metallic catalysts to be high surface area carbons, fuel cell electrodes can be produced.

  14. Fabrication of biopolymer cantilevers using nanoimprint lithography

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Keller, Stephan Sylvest; Feidenhans'l, Nikolaj Agentoft; Fisker-Bødker, Nis


    The biodegradable polymer poly(l-lactide) (PLLA) was introduced for the fabrication of micromechanical devices. For this purpose, thin biopolymer films with thickness around 10 μm were spin-coated on silicon substrates. Patterning of microcantilevers is achieved by nanoimprint lithography. A major...... challenge was the high adhesion between PLLA and silicon stamp. Optimized stamp fabrication and the deposition of a 125 nm thick fluorocarbon anti-stiction coating on the PLLA allowed the fabrication of biopolymer cantilevers. Resonance frequency measurements were used to estimate the Young’s modulus...

  15. Fabric quality issues related to apparel merchandising

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Das, Sonali


    Full Text Available The objectives of this study are to develop an understanding of fabric quality related issues and research gaps relevant to apparel manufacturing and merchandising within the South African context. The specific focus is on fabric objective...

  16. Study of Quilted Fabrics Used in Outdoor Clothing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malgorzata Matusiak


    Full Text Available Quilted fabrics are more and more frequently used in outdoor clothing, especially jackets. They are usually composed of two or three layers connected together by sewing or thermal quilting. They are characterised by different properties, depending on the structure of the quilted fabrics. In the presented work, five variants of quilted fabrics were studied in terms of of their comfort-related properties, such as thermal resistance, thermal conductivity, thermal absorptivity, water-vapour resistance and air permeability. On the basis of the results, it was possible to assess the quilted fabrics from the point of view of their usability for outdoor clothing.

  17. Fabricating customized hydrogel contact lens (United States)

    Childs, Andre; Li, Hao; Lewittes, Daniella M.; Dong, Biqin; Liu, Wenzhong; Shu, Xiao; Sun, Cheng; Zhang, Hao F.


    Contact lenses are increasingly used in laboratories for in vivo animal retinal imaging and pre-clinical studies. The lens shapes often need modification to optimally fit corneas of individual test subjects. However, the choices from commercially available contact lenses are rather limited. Here, we report a flexible method to fabricate customized hydrogel contact lenses. We showed that the fabricated hydrogel is highly transparent, with refractive indices ranging from 1.42 to 1.45 in the spectra range from 400 nm to 800 nm. The Young’s modulus (1.47 MPa) and hydrophobicity (with a sessile drop contact angle of 40.5°) have also been characterized experimentally. Retinal imaging using optical coherence tomography in rats wearing our customized contact lenses has the quality comparable to the control case without the contact lens. Our method could significantly reduce the cost and the lead time for fabricating soft contact lenses with customized shapes, and benefit the laboratorial-used contact lenses in pre-clinical studies.

  18. SRF Cavity Fabrication and Materials

    CERN Document Server

    Singer, W


    The technological and metallurgical requirements of material for highgradient superconducting cavities are described. High-purity niobium, as the preferred metal for the fabrication of superconducting accelerating cavities, should meet exact specifications. The content of interstitial impurities such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon must be below 10μg/g. The hydrogen content should be kept below 2μg/g to prevent degradation of the Q-value under certain cool-down conditions. The material should be free of flaws (foreign material inclusions or cracks and laminations) that can initiate a thermal breakdown. Defects may be detected by quality control methods such as eddy current scanning and identified by a number of special methods. Conventional and alternative cavity fabrication methods are reviewed. Conventionally, niobium cavities are fabricated from sheet niobium by the formation of half-cells by deep drawing, followed by trim machining and Electron-Beam Welding (EBW). The welding of half-cells is a delicate...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syarif Hidayatulloh


    Full Text Available Abstract - The increasing use of the internet is testament to the rapid development of technology. GSM-WLAN is one technology that is manifested by the provider with the aim can hit 3G and 4G technology which requires a very large investment funds for the internet service provider. One of its main objectives is the big cities that became the majority of the largest internet usage in Indonesia, Bandung City region was no exception as the capital of the province and city tours. Therefore please note the acceptance of these technologies in the community. The model that is used to find out the level of acceptance and use of such technology is a Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT. In this study examined factors that supposedly affects the acceptance and use of technology GSM-WLAN in Bandung. Those factors among other performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and price value to account for the contribution of each variable to predict the user's stance on such technology by using user groups as a moderator variable. Data processing method used is a Structural Equation Models (SEM that use software AMOS. The data processing of the obtained results performance expectancy value and price effect on attitudes toward the use of GSM technology-WLAN. While the moderator variable user groups influence on the attitude of the users in using GSM technology WLAN. Keywords: Internet, WLAN, GSM-UTAUT, SEM Abstrak - Penggunaan internet yang semakin meningkatnya merupakan bukti perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat. GSM-WLAN merupakan salah satu teknologi yang dihadirkan oleh para provider dengan tujuan dapat menekan penggunaan teknologi 3G dan 4G yang memerlukan innvestasi dana yang sangat besar bagi para penyedia layanan internet. Salah satu sasaran utamanya ialah kota-kota besar yang menjadi mayoritas penggunaan internet terbesar di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali wilayah Kota Bandung sebagai Ibu kota

  20. Conductive Cotton Fabrics for Motion Sensing and Heating Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mengyun Yang


    Full Text Available Conductive cotton fabric was prepared by coating single-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs on a knitted cotton fabric surface through a “dip-and-dry” method. The combination of CNTs and cotton fabric was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM and Raman scattering spectroscopy. The CNTs coating improved the mechanical properties of the fabric and imparted conductivity to the fabric. The electromechanical performance of the CNT-cotton fabric (CCF was evaluated. Strain sensors made from the CCF exhibited a large workable strain range (0~100%, fast response and great stability. Furthermore, CCF-based strain sensors was used to monitor the real-time human motions, such as standing, walking, running, squatting and bending of finger and elbow. The CCF also exhibited strong electric heating effect. The flexible strain sensors and electric heaters made from CCF have potential applications in wearable electronic devices and cold weather conditions.

  1. Mod en ny forståelse af den digitaliseringsstrategiske proces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivang, Reimer


    Den digitale teknologi er vigtig, og vigtigheden kan ikke kun afspejles i den konstant stigende mængde af litteratur, der relaterer sig til fænomenet. Men vigtigheden er også identificeret på Danfoss, der er afhandlingens empiriske kontekst. Der synes at være enighed om, at den digitale teknologi...

  2. Kronisk træthedssyndrom, en usynlig sygdom?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jentoft Olsen, Rikke Katrine; Martlev, Lasse; Fernandez Guerra, Paula


    Seahorse XF-teknologi kan måle cellers evne til at producere energi under stress og afslører dysfunktionelle energisystemer i kronisk træthedssyndrom......Seahorse XF-teknologi kan måle cellers evne til at producere energi under stress og afslører dysfunktionelle energisystemer i kronisk træthedssyndrom...

  3. Evaluation on Performances of Yoghurt Used Modern Technology Versus Natural One

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W Sayang Yupardhi


    , fresh milk, lactic acids bacteria, incubator, ampel bamboo   Abstrak. Penelitian untuk mempelajari performans (cita-rasa termasuk: warna, aroma/bau, tekstur, keasaman/rasa asam/pH, dan finansial suatu produk susu yaitu yogurt yang menggunakan teknologi modern versus alami (bambu ampel telah dilakukan di PT Perusahaan Prima Rasa, Denpasar. Penelitian ini terdiri atas dua perlakuan (perlakuan A = teknologi modern, dan B = teknologi alami. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1 mempelajari perbedaan cita-rasa dan keuntungan finansial yogurt yang menggunakan teknologi modern dan alami, 2 dipakai sebagai acuan dalam membuat suatu usaha bisnis produk susu dimasa yang akan datang, dan 3 meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas yogurt serta pendapatan asli daerah Bali. Dalam penelitian ini pembuatan yogurt yang menggunakan teknologi modern (perlakuan A menggunakan beberapa bahan-bahan dan alat-alat seperti susu sapi segar, skim, starter (bakteri asam laktat impor dari Kanada dan harganya mahal, inkubator listrik atau steroform untuk pemeramannya. Sedangkan pembuatan yogurt yang menggunakan teknologi alami (perlakuan B prosesnya hampir sama dengan yang menggunakan teknologi modern, hanya saja tidak menggunakan starter impor dan tidak menggunakan inkubator listrik (menggunakan bamboo ampel dan starter yang digunakan adalah bakteri asam laktat yang secara alami terdapat dalam bambu ampel tersebut. Bambu ampel yang digunakan sebagai inkubator itu ditutupi dengan daun pisang yang telah dilayukan. Bambu ampel ini mudah didapat, tersedia sepanjang tahun dan murah harganya. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak enam kali. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa dengan t test, keuntungan finansial dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yogurt dengan teknologi alami mempunyai aroma lebih kuat secara nyata sebesar 14,29% dibandingkan yogurt dengan teknologi modern, tetapi teksturnya (kelembutannya adalah sebaliknya, yogurt dengan teknologi modern lebih tinggi secara nyata

  4. Fabrication of off-axis parabolic mirrors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bezik, M.J.; Gerth, H.L.; Sladky, R.E.; Washington, C.A.


    The report describes the fabrication process, including metal preparation, copper electroplating, single-crystal-diamond turning, optical inspection, and polishing, used to manufacture the focusing mirrors for the 10-kJ laser fusion experiment being conducted by the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Fabrication of these mirrors by the techniques described resulted in diffraction-limited optics at a 10.6 μm wavelength

  5. Gentrification and community fabric in Chicago. (United States)

    Betancur, John


    Critical authors of gentrification point to its deleterious impacts on displaced residents. Research on the nature or actual forms of impacts has not advanced much, however. This paper attempts to specify impacts on low-income racial/ethnic groups (Latinos in particular) in five Chicago neighbourhoods, with a particular focus on neighbourhood-based fabrics of support and advancement. Limited in their mobility and exchange value resources, lower-income groups depend on such fabrics far more than do the higher income. In fact, they have fewer choices and are most vulnerable to place-based shifts. The case seems especially challenging for minorities who, like European immigrants before them, depend largely on place-based platforms/social fabrics but, unlike them, confront the added factors of race and urban restructuring.

  6. Alternative Fabrication of Recycling Fast Reactor Metal Fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ki-Hwan; Kim, Jong Hwan; Song, Hoon; Kim, Hyung-Tae; Lee, Chan-Bock


    Metal fuels such as U-Zr/U-Pu-Zr alloys have been considered as a nuclear fuel for a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) related to the closed fuel cycle for managing minor actinides and reducing a high radioactivity levels since the 1980s. In order to develop innovative fabrication method of metal fuel for preventing the evaporation of volatile elements such as Am, modified casting under inert atmosphere has been applied for metal fuel slugs for SFR. Alternative fabrication method of fuel slugs has been introduced to develop an improved fabrication process of metal fuel for preventing the evaporation of volatile elements. In this study, metal fuel slugs for SFR have been fabricated by modified casting method, and characterized to evaluate the feasibility of the alternative fabrication method. In order to prevent evaporation of volatile elements such as Am and improve quality of fuel slugs, alternative fabrication methods of metal fuel slugs have been studied in KAERI. U-10Zr-5Mn fuel slug containing volatile surrogate element Mn was soundly cast by modified injection casting under modest pressure. Evaporation of Mn during alternative casting could not be detected by chemical analysis. Mn element was most recovered with prevention of evaporation by alternative casting. Modified injection casting has been selected as an alternative fabrication method in KAERI, considering evaporation prevention, and proven benefits of high productivity, high yield, and good remote control

  7. Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment for Grey Cotton Knitted Fabric

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chi-wai Kan


    Full Text Available 100% grey cotton knitted fabric contains impurities and yellowness and needs to be prepared for processing to make it suitable for coloration and finishing. Therefore, conventionally 100% grey cotton knitted fabric undergoes a process of scouring and bleaching, which involves the use of large amounts of water and chemicals, in order to remove impurities and yellowness. Due to increased environmental awareness, pursuing a reduction of water and chemicals is a current trend in textile processing. In this study, we explore the possibility of using atmospheric pressure plasma as a dry process to treat 100% grey cotton knitted fabric (single jersey and interlock before processing. Experimental results reveal that atmospheric pressure plasma treatment can effectively remove impurities from 100% grey cotton knitted fabrics and significantly improve its water absorption property. On the other hand, if 100% grey cotton knitted fabrics are pretreated with plasma and then undergo a normal scouring process, the treatment time is reduced. In addition, the surface morphological and chemical changes in plasma-treated fabrics were studied and compared with the conventionally treated fabrics using scanning electron microscope (SEM, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy-attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS. The decrease in carbon content, as shown in XPS, reveal the removal of surface impurities. The oxygen-to-carbon (O/C ratios of the plasma treated knitted fabrics reveal enhanced hydrophilicity.

  8. Fabricated Elastin. (United States)

    Yeo, Giselle C; Aghaei-Ghareh-Bolagh, Behnaz; Brackenreg, Edwin P; Hiob, Matti A; Lee, Pearl; Weiss, Anthony S


    The mechanical stability, elasticity, inherent bioactivity, and self-assembly properties of elastin make it a highly attractive candidate for the fabrication of versatile biomaterials. The ability to engineer specific peptide sequences derived from elastin allows the precise control of these physicochemical and organizational characteristics, and further broadens the diversity of elastin-based applications. Elastin and elastin-like peptides can also be modified or blended with other natural or synthetic moieties, including peptides, proteins, polysaccharides, and polymers, to augment existing capabilities or confer additional architectural and biofunctional features to compositionally pure materials. Elastin and elastin-based composites have been subjected to diverse fabrication processes, including heating, electrospinning, wet spinning, solvent casting, freeze-drying, and cross-linking, for the manufacture of particles, fibers, gels, tubes, sheets and films. The resulting materials can be tailored to possess specific strength, elasticity, morphology, topography, porosity, wettability, surface charge, and bioactivity. This extraordinary tunability of elastin-based constructs enables their use in a range of biomedical and tissue engineering applications such as targeted drug delivery, cell encapsulation, vascular repair, nerve regeneration, wound healing, and dermal, cartilage, bone, and dental replacement. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Advanced fabrication of hyperbolic metamaterials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shkondin, Evgeniy; Sukham, Johneph; Panah, Mohammad Esmail Aryaee


    Hyperbolic metamaterials can provide unprecedented properties in accommodation of high-k (high wave vector) waves and enhancement of the optical density of states. To reach such performance the metamaterials have to be fabricated with as small imperfections as possible. Here we report on our...... advances in two approaches in fabrication of optical metamaterials. We deposit ultrathin ultrasmooth gold layers with the assistance of organic material (APTMS) adhesion layer. The technology supports the stacking of such layers in a multiperiod construction with alumina spacers between gold films, which...

  10. Fabricating plasmonic components for nano-and meta-photonics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boltasseva, Alexandra; Nielsen, Rasmus Bundgaard; Jeppesen, Claus


    Different fabrication approaches for realization of metal-dielectric structures supporting propagating and localized surface plasmons are described including fabrication of nanophotonic waveguides and plasmonic nanoantennae....

  11. Fabrication of keratin-silica hydrogel for biomedical applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kakkar, Prachi; Madhan, Balaraman, E-mail:


    In the recent past, keratin has been fabricated into different forms of biomaterials like scaffold, gel, sponge, film etc. In lieu of the myriad advantages of the hydrogels for biomedical applications, a keratin-silica hydrogel was fabricated using tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS). Textural analysis shed light on the physical properties of the fabricated hydrogel, inturn enabling the optimization of the hydrogel. The optimized keratin-silica hydrogel was found to exhibit instant springiness, optimum hardness, with ease of spreadability. Moreover, the hydrogel showed excellent swelling with highly porous microarchitecture. MTT assay and DAPI staining revealed that keratin-silica hydrogel was biocompatible with fibroblast cells. Collectively, these properties make the fabricated keratin-silica hydrogel, a suitable dressing material for biomedical applications. - Highlights: • Keratin-silica hydrogel has been fabricated using sol–gel technique. • The hydrogel shows appropriate textural properties. • The hydrogel promotes fibroblast cells proliferation. • The hydrogel has potential soft tissue engineering applications like wound healing.

  12. Material control in nuclear fuel fabrication facilities. Part I. Fuel descriptions and fabrication processes, P.O. 1236909 Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borgonovi, G.M.; McCartin, T.J.; Miller, C.L.


    The report presents information on foreign nuclear fuel fabrication facilities. Fuel descriptions and fuel fabrication information for three basic reactor types are presented: The information presented for LWRs assumes that Pu--U Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX) will be used as fuel

  13. Semiconductors detectors: basics principals, fabrication and repair

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza Coelho, L.F. de.


    The fabrication and repairing techniques of semiconductor detectors, are described. These methods are shown in the way they are applied by the semiconductor detector laboratory of the KFA-Julich, where they have been developed during the last 15 years. The history of the semiconductor detectors is presented here, being also described the detector fabrication experiences inside Brazil. The key problems of manufacturing are raised. In order to understand the fabrication and repairing techniques the working principles of these detectors, are described. The cases in which worked during the stay in the KFA-Julich, particularly the fabrication of a plane Ge (Li) detector, with side entry, and the repair of a coaxial Ge (Li) is described. The vanguard problems being researched in Julich are also described. Finally it is discussed a timetable for the semiconductor detector laboratory of the UFRJ, which laboratory is in the mounting stage now. (Author) [pt

  14. Fabrication of pressure vessels for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sampaio, M.S.P. de


    The status of the technology used in the fabrication of pressure vessel for nuclear power plants and the performance of the Brazilian industry in this area are presented. The followng aspects are discussed: qualification of the industries for the supplying equipment in its requirement categories; the calculation of the components; the choice of the materials; the fabrication process; and, the destructive and nondestructive tests associated to the fabrication. (E.G.) [pt

  15. Mesh joinery: a method for building fabricable structures


    Cignoni, Paolo; Pietroni, Nico; Malomo, Luigi; Scopigno, Roberto


    Mesh joinery is an innovative method to produce illustrative shape approximations suitable for fabrication. Mesh joinery is capable of producing complex fabricable structures in an efficient and visually pleasing manner. We represent an input geometry as a set of planar pieces arranged to compose a rigid structure by exploiting an efficient slit mechanism. Since slices are planar, a standard 2D cutting system is sufficient to fabricate them.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kasdi Subagyono


    Full Text Available Upaya mitigasi di sektor pertanian menjadi sangat penting karena sektor ini berkontribusi terhadap munculnya emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK, namun demikian kajian terhadap kebutuhan teknologi untuk mitigasi belum dilakukan. Kajian difokuskan pada seleksi teknologi, kendala dan peluang untuk mengatasi masalah. Seleksi teknologi didasarkan pada criteria dan opsi teknologi yang diperlukan. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan dari berbagai lembaga baik badan, pusat dan lembaga-lembaga terkait lainnya serta melalui lokakarya yang melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan. Seleksi teknologi untuk mitigasi mempertimbangkan criteria umum yang meliputi pengurangan emisi GRK dari tanaman dan ternak, konservasi sumberdaya, untuk keberlanjutan keanekaragaman hayati, mengangkat isu energi hijau, keberlanjutan keamanan pangan, dan mengangkat isu energi alternatif; dan spesifik criteria yang meliputi memprioritaskan teknologi lokal untuk mitigasi, keberlanjutan plasma nutfah spesifik lokasi, memprioritaskan teknologi yang murah untuk petani miskin, introduksi varietas tanaman yang rendah emisi, mengganti sebagian pupuk kimia dengan pupuk organik, serta mengurangi emisi gas metana (CH4. Kriteria tersebut diskor kedalam 4 kelas, yaitu nilai tinggi/relevansi tinggi/sangat berdampak (skor 5, nilai sedang/relevan/berdampak sedang (skor: 3; nilai rendah/kurang relevan/kurang berdampak (skor: 1; dan tidak relevan/tidak berdampak (skor: 0. Hasil kjian menunjukkan bahwa prioritas teknologi yang dibutuhkan untuk mitigasi: (a untuk lahan sawah: varietas tanaman dengan emisi rendah, pemupukan yang tepat, tanpa olah tanah/olah tanah minimum, dan irigasi berselang, (b untuk tanaman tahunan: teknologi tebang baker yang tepat dan biofuel, (c untuk peternakan: teknologi pengomposan dan biogas, dan (d untuk lahan gambut: menghindari tebang bakar, menghindari drainasi yang berlebihan dan menjaga kelembaban tanah.   Mitigation action in agriculture sector is crucial since it contributes to

  17. U-10Mo Baseline Fuel Fabrication Process Description

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hubbard, Lance R. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Arendt, Christina L. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Dye, Daniel F. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Clayton, Christopher K. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Lerchen, Megan E. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Lombardo, Nicholas J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Lavender, Curt A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Zacher, Alan H. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    This document provides a description of the U.S. High Power Research Reactor (USHPRR) low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel fabrication process. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the baseline process flow diagram (PFD) presented in Appendix A. The baseline PFD is used to document the fabrication process, communicate gaps in technology or manufacturing capabilities, convey alternatives under consideration, and as the basis for a dynamic simulation model of the fabrication process. The simulation model allows for the assessment of production rates, costs, and manufacturing requirements (manpower, fabrication space, numbers and types of equipment, etc.) throughout the lifecycle of the USHPRR program. This document, along with the accompanying PFD, is updated regularly

  18. Proceedings of the twelfth target fabrication specialists` meeting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research in fabrication for inertial confinement fusion (ICF) comprises at least three broad categories: targets for high energy density physics on existing drivers, ignition capsule fabrication, and cryogenic fuel layer formation. The latter two are being pursued primarily for the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Scientists from over 14 laboratories, universities, and businesses contributed over 100 papers on all aspects of ICF target fabrication. The NIF is well along in construction and photos of poured concrete and exposed steel added to the technical excitement. It was clear from the meeting that there has been significant progress toward the fabrication of an ignition target for NIF and that new techniques are resulting in higher quality targets for high energy density research.

  19. Proceedings of the twelfth target fabrication specialists' meeting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Research in fabrication for inertial confinement fusion (ICF) comprises at least three broad categories: targets for high energy density physics on existing drivers, ignition capsule fabrication, and cryogenic fuel layer formation. The latter two are being pursued primarily for the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Scientists from over 14 laboratories, universities, and businesses contributed over 100 papers on all aspects of ICF target fabrication. The NIF is well along in construction and photos of poured concrete and exposed steel added to the technical excitement. It was clear from the meeting that there has been significant progress toward the fabrication of an ignition target for NIF and that new techniques are resulting in higher quality targets for high energy density research

  20. Three-dimensional metamaterials fabricated using Proton Beam Writing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bettiol, A.A., E-mail: [Centre for Ion Beam Applications, Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, 2 Science Dr. 3, Singapore 117542 (Singapore); Turaga, S.P.; Yan, Y.; Vanga, S.K. [Centre for Ion Beam Applications, Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, 2 Science Dr. 3, Singapore 117542 (Singapore); Chiam, S.Y. [NUS High School for Maths and Science, 20 Clementi Avenue 1, Singapore 129957 (Singapore)


    Proton Beam Writing (PBW) is a direct write lithographic technique that has recently been applied to the fabrication of three dimensional metamaterials. In this work, we show that the unique capabilities of PBW, namely the ability to fabricate arrays of high resolution, high aspect ratio microstructures in polymer or replicated into metal, is well suited to metamaterials research. We have also developed a novel method for selectively electroless plating silver directly onto polymer structures that were fabricated using PBW. This method opens up new avenues for utilizing PBW for making metamaterials and other sub-wavelength metallic structures. Several potential applications of three dimensional metamaterials fabricated using PBW are discussed, including sensing and negative refractive index materials.

  1. Quality assurance in the fuel fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darmayan, P.


    The paper concentrates on the evolutions that FBFC Franco Belge de Fabrication de Combustible has initiated in order to make a further step in improving quality: 1. Improving each personnel's involment and responsability towards quality. 2. Incorporating quality assurance in a total quality management policy, involving both the fabrication teams of FBFC and the design teams of Framatome in order to improve quality. (orig./HP)

  2. Long time durability tests of fabric inlet stratification pipes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Elsa; Furbo, Simon


    and that this destroys the capability of building up thermal stratification for the fabric inlet stratification pipe. The results also show that although dirt, algae etc. are deposited in the fabric pipes in the space heating tank, the capability of the fabric inlet stratifiers to build up thermal stratification...

  3. Fabrication of Greener Membranes from Ionic Liquid Solutions

    KAUST Repository

    Kim, DooLi


    Membrane technology plays a crucial role in different separation processes such as biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and food industries, drinking water supply, and wastewater treatment. However, there is a growing concern that solvents commonly used for membrane fabrication, such as dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethylacetamide (DMAc), and 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), are toxic to the environment and human health. To explore the possibility of substituting these toxic solvents by less toxic or safer solvents, polymers commonly used for membrane fabrication, such as polyacrylonitrile (PAN), cellulose acetate (CA), polyethersulfone (PES), and poly(ether imide sulfone) (EXTEMTM), were dissolved in ionic liquids. Flat sheet and hollow fiber membranes were then fabricated. The thermodynamics of the polymer solutions, the kinetics of phase inversion and other factors, which resulted in significant differences in the membrane structure, compared to those of membranes fabricated from more toxic solvents, were investigated. Higher water permeance with smaller pores, unique and uniform morphologies, and narrower pore size distribution, were observed in the ionic liquid-based membranes. Furthermore, comparable performance on separation of peptides and proteins with various molecular weights was achieved with the membranes fabricated from ionic liquid solutions. In summary, we propose less hazardous polymer solutions to the environment, which can be used for the membrane fabrication with better performance and more regular morphology.

  4. Fabrication of PWR fuel assembly and CANDU fuel bundle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, G.S.; Suh, K.S.; Chang, H.I.; Chung, S.H.


    For the project of localization of nuclear fuel fabrication, the R and D to establish the fabrication technology of CANDU fuel bundle as well as PWR fuel assembly was carried out. The suitable boss height and the prober Beryllium coating thickness to get good brazing condition of appendage were studied in the fabrication process of CANDU fuel rod. Basic Studies on CANLUB coating method also were performed. Problems in each fabrication process step and process flow between steps were reviewed and modified. The welding conditions for top and bottom nozzles, guide tube, seal and thimble screw pin were established in the fabrication processes of PWR fuel assembly. Additionally, some researches for a part of PWR grid brazing problems are also carried out

  5. MQXFS1 Quadrupole Fabrication Report

    CERN Document Server

    Ambrosio, G; Bossert, R; Cavanna, E; Cheng, D; Chlachidize, G; Cooley, L D; Dietderich, D; Felice, H; Ferracin, P; Ghosh, A; Hafalia, R; Holik, E F; Izquierdo Bermudez, S; Juchno, M; Krave, S; Marchevsky, M; Muratore, J; Nobrega, F; Pan, H; Perez, J C; Pong, I; Prestemon, S; Ravaioli, E; Sabbi, G L; Santini, C; Schmalzle, J; Schmalzle, J; Stoynev, S; Strauss, T; Vallone, G; Wanderer, P; Wang, X; Yu, M


    This report presents the fabrication and QC data of MQXFS1, the first short model of the low-beta quadrupoles (MQXF) for the LHC High Luminosity Upgrade. It describes the conductor, the coils, and the structure that make the MQXFS1 magnet. Qualification tests and non-conformities are also presented and discussed. The fabrication of MQXFS1 was started before the finalization of conductor and coil design for MQXF magnets. Two strand design were used (RRP 108/127 and RRP 132/169). Cable and coil cross-sections were “first generation”.

  6. MQXFS1 Quadrupole Fabrication Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ambrosio, G. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Anerella, M. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Bossert, R. [European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Cavanna, E. [European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Cheng, D. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Chlachidize, G. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Cooley, L. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Dietderich, D. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Felice, H. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Ferracin, P. [European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Ghosh, A. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Hafalia, R. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Holik, E. F. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Bermudez, S. Izquierdo [European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Juchno, M. [European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Krave, S. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Marchevsky, M. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Muratore, J. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Nobrega, F. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Pan, H. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Perez, J. C. [European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Pong, I. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Prestemon, S. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Ravaioli, E. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Sabbi, G. L. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Santini, C. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Schmalzle, J. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Stoynev, S. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Strauss, T. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States); Vallone, G. [European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva (Switzerland); Wanderer, P. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Wang, X. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Yu, M. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States)


    This report presents the fabrication and QC data of MQXFS1, the first short model of the low-beta quadrupoles (MQXF) for the LHC High Luminosity Upgrade. It describes the conductor, the coils, and the structure that make the MQXFS1 magnet. Qualification tests and non-conformities are also presented and discussed. The fabrication of MQXFS1 was started before the finalization of conductor and coil design for MQXF magnets. Two strand design were used (RRP 108/127 and RRP 132/169). Cable and coil cross-sections were “first generation”.

  7. The Flexible Fabric of Space (United States)

    VanNorsdall, Erin Leigh


    This poster will clearly illustrate my understanding of how the fabric of space behaves. The poster will be on a large trampoline with a heavy bowling ball in the center. The observer will be able to clearly understand the much more complicated property of how an object in space, such as a star, literally bends the fabric of the space around as a result of its density. This will also help to explain, in very simple terms, how space-time is bendable, and therefore, travel in space can be as well.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yudhi Gunardi


    Full Text Available Teknologi modern dewasa ini khususnya dalam dunia teknologi robot mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Banyak Negara maju berlomba-lomba untuk membuat robot yang semakin canggih. Begitu pula di Indonesia yang mulai mengembangkan teknologi robot. Salah satu pemanfaatan teknologi robot yang dikembangkan adalah pengontrollan robot menggunakan suara manusia sebagai alat bantu jalan bagi penderita tuna daksa. Perancangan alat ini menggunakan Arduino sebagai main boardminimum system, open source bahasa C++ pemrograman arduino, easy voice recognition sebagai sensor perekam suara dan driver motor sebagai pengendali motor DC.  Easy voice recognition dan spectrum analyzer sebagai pencatat frekuensi ideal yang menjadi acuan keberhasilan perekaman oleh easyVR. Pada pengujian alat bantu jalan didapat bahwa proses pengenalan kata disederhanakan menjadi “ma” (maju, “kan” (putar kanan, “kir” (putar kiri, “op” (berhenti, “back” (mundur dari 5 tipe masukan perintah untuk menghindari adanya disindentification oleh easyVR. Dengan ruang kerja yang ideal bagi alat ini adalah di ruang tanpa derau atau tenang dengan presentasi 86%, sedangkan pada ruangan berderau presentasi 46%. Faktor pengucapan perintah menjadi faktor utama keberhasilan alat selain faktor lingkungan

  9. Pembuatan Virtual Kampus Sistem Komputer Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro Menggunakan Jaringan Lokal Berbasis VRML

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hendra Taufiq Oktafianto


    Full Text Available Dalam bidang informasi banyak cara dalam menginformasikan data, baik secara tertulis, gambar, suara, gambar dan suara. Saat ini banyak dikembangkan teknologi dengan menggunakan metode visual yang interaktif, seperti dunia virtual yang membuat seolah-olah informasi tersebut di dapat sesuai dengan pengalaman memasuki daerah yang di lihat pada dunia virtual tersebut. Metode tersebut adalah pengembangan teknologi virtual reality yang dibuat dengan menggunakan 3DS Max sebagai software untuk menghasilkan gambar yang menarik. Pengaplikasian yang dikembangkan dengan media web dimana setiap pengguna lebih mudah dalam dalam menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Metode pengambangan yang dirancang adalah memadukan teknologi virtual reality dengan web. Dimana aplikasi tersebut terdapat didalam tampilan web yang didukun basis data untuk mempermudah aktor admin dalam mengolah data. Pada browser yang digunakan akan di pasang plug-in cortona3d agar dapat menampilkan file ekstensi tiga dimensi yang dapat di tampilkan browser. Hasil dari pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah terancangnya sebuah aplikasi yang menggunakan teknologi virtual reality modeling language dengan studi kasus Kampus Sistem Komputer Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro menggunakan jaringan lokal berbasis VRML

  10. Pengembangan Mobile Collaborative Learning System Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Zachman dan DICE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M Husni Syahbani


    Full Text Available Mobile Learning adalah proses pembelajaran yang menggunakan teknologi perangkat mobile dan jaringan nirkabel, Ada banyak media yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat proses belajar lebih mudah dan menyenangkan, salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan perangkat mobile seperti telepon seluler, tablet dan komputer desktop, dengan Teknologi ini setiap materi pembelajaran dapat hadir dalam banyak format seperti yang video, suara dll. Kombinasi antara teknologi perangkat mobile dan jaringan nirkabel dapat memecahkan masalah dalam proses belajar, banyak pelajar merasa sulit untuk mengelola materi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka dan bagaimana belajar dengan efektif dan efisien. Jadi penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengembangkan sistem yang berupa kombinasi antara teknologi perangkat mobile dan jaringan nirkabel yang disebut Mobile Collaboration Learning System (MCLs. Dalam pengembangan MCLs menggunakan kerangka pendekatan Zachman untuk mengidentifikasi kegiatan dan proses dalam pembelajaran yang dapat membantu studi pelajar dengan mudah dan interaktif dan berkolaborasi. Dengan kerangka pendekatan Zachman membuat MCLs menyelaraskan dengan kebutuhan peserta didik dan dosen di sekolah. Pendekatan ini menghasilkan sistem persyaratan yang dianalisis menggunakan kerangka DICE untuk mengetahui bagaimana risiko pengembangan sistem ini untuk direalisasikan.

  11. A Review on Fabricating Tissue Scaffolds using Vat Photopolymerization. (United States)

    Chartrain, Nicholas A; Williams, Christopher B; Whittington, Abby R


    Vat Photopolymerization (stereolithography, SLA), an Additive Manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing technology, holds particular promise for the fabrication of tissue scaffolds for use in regenerative medicine. Unlike traditional tissue scaffold fabrication techniques, SLA is capable of fabricating designed scaffolds through the selective photopolymerization of a photopolymer resin on the micron scale. SLA offers unprecedented control over scaffold porosity and permeability, as well as pore size, shape, and interconnectivity. Perhaps even more significantly, SLA can be used to fabricate vascular networks that may encourage angio and vasculogenesis. Fulfilling this potential requires the development of new photopolymers, the incorporation of biochemical factors into printed scaffolds, and an understanding of the effects scaffold geometry have on cell viability, proliferation, and differentiation. This review compares SLA to other scaffold fabrication techniques, highlights significant advances in the field, and offers a perspective on the field's challenges and future directions. Engineering de novo tissues continues to be challenging due, in part, to our inability to fabricate complex tissue scaffolds that can support cell proliferation and encourage the formation of developed tissue. The goal of this review is to first introduce the reader to traditional and Additive Manufacturing scaffold fabrication techniques. The bulk of this review will then focus on apprising the reader of current research and provide a perspective on the promising use of vat photopolymerization (stereolithography, SLA) for the fabrication of complex tissue scaffolds. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  12. SRF Cavity Fabrication and Materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singer, W [DESY (Germany)


    The technological and metallurgical requirements of material for highgradient superconducting cavities are described. High-purity niobium, as the preferred metal for the fabrication of superconducting accelerating cavities, should meet exact specifications. The content of interstitial impurities such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon must be below 10μg/g. The hydrogen content should be kept below 2μg/g to prevent degradation of the Q-value under certain cool-down conditions. The material should be free of flaws (foreign material inclusions or cracks and laminations) that can initiate a thermal breakdown. Defects may be detected by quality control methods such as eddy current scanning and identified by a number of special methods. Conventional and alternative cavity fabrication methods are reviewed. Conventionally, niobium cavities are fabricated from sheet niobium by the formation of half-cells by deep drawing, followed by trim machining and Electron-Beam Welding (EBW). The welding of half-cells is a delicate procedure, requiring intermediate cleaning steps and a careful choice of weld parameters to achieve full penetration of the joints. The equator welds are particularly critical. A challenge for a welded construction is the tight mechanical and electrical tolerances. These can be maintained by a combination of mechanical and radio-frequency measurements on halfcells and by careful tracking of weld shrinkage. The established procedure is suitable for large series production. The main aspects of quality assurance management are mentioned. Another cavity fabrication approach is slicing discs from the ingot and producing cavities by deep drawing and EBW. Accelerating gradients at the level of 35–45 MV·m–1 can be achieved by applying Electropolishing (EP) treatment. Furthermore, the single-crystal option (grain boundary free) is promising. It seems that in this case, high performance can be achieved by a simplified treatment procedure. Fabrication of the

  13. Solid freeform fabrication of biological materials (United States)

    Wang, Jiwen

    This thesis investigates solid freeform fabrication of biological materials for dental restoration and orthopedic implant applications. The basic approach in this study for solid freeform fabrication of biological materials is micro-extrusion of single or multiple slurries for 3D components and inkjet color printing of multiple suspensions for functionally graded materials (FGMs). Common issues associated with micro-extrusion and inkjet color printing are investigated. These common issues include (i) formulation of stable slurries with a pseudoplastic property, (ii) cross-sectional geometry of the extrudate as a function of the extrusion parameters, (iii) fabrication path optimization for extrusion process, (iv) extrusion optimization for multi-layer components, (v) composition control in functionally graded materials, and (vi) sintering optimization to convert the freeform fabricated powder compact to a dense body for biological applications. The present study clearly shows that the rheological and extrusion behavior of dental porcelain slurries depend strongly on the pH value of the slurry and extrusion conditions. A slurry with pseudoplastic properties is a basic requirement for obtaining extruded lines with rectangular cross-sections. The cross-sectional geometry of the extrudate is also strongly affected by extrusion parameters including the extrusion nozzle height, nozzle moving speed, extrusion rate, and critical nozzle height. Proper combinations of these extrusion parameters are necessary in order to obtain single line extrudates with near rectangular cross-sections and 3D objects with dimensional accuracy, uniform wall thickness, good wall uprightness, and no wall slumping. Based on these understandings, single-wall, multi-wall, and solid teeth have been fabricated via micro-extrusion of the dental slurry directly from a CAD digital model in 30 min. Inkjet color printing using stable Al2O3 and ZrO 2 aqueous suspensions has been developed to fabricate

  14. Implementasi Cell ID dan GPS dalam Pencarian Lokasi Fasilitas Kesehatan Terdekat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fahmi Candra Permana


    Full Text Available Cell ID dan GPS merupakan layanan berbasis lokasi dan teknologi yang banyak membantu manusia dalam hal navigasi dan penemuan tempat-tempat yang bermanfaat di sekitarnya. Salah satu komponen utama dari teknologi ini dapat diterapkan pada telepon seluler. Dalam penelitian ini, dirancang sebuah aplikasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi berdasar implementasi dari Cell ID dan GPS untuk mengetahui posisi user dan lokasi fasilitas kesehatan terdekat di sekitar user dan penggunaan JSON sebagai sarana untuk menyimpan database pada web. Aplikasi ini diimplementasikan pada telepon seluler dengan sistem operasi Android. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Cell ID dan GPS dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik dengan memanfaatkan akses Internet dan Google Maps untuk mencari fasilitas kesehatan terdekat dan menggambarkan daerah sekitar user.

  15. Micro/nano-fabrication technologies for cell biology. (United States)

    Qian, Tongcheng; Wang, Yingxiao


    Micro/nano-fabrication techniques, such as soft lithography and electrospinning, have been well-developed and widely applied in many research fields in the past decade. Due to the low costs and simple procedures, these techniques have become important and popular for biological studies. In this review, we focus on the studies integrating micro/nano-fabrication work to elucidate the molecular mechanism of signaling transduction in cell biology. We first describe different micro/nano-fabrication technologies, including techniques generating three-dimensional scaffolds for tissue engineering. We then introduce the application of these technologies in manipulating the physical or chemical micro/nano-environment to regulate the cellular behavior and response, such as cell life and death, differentiation, proliferation, and cell migration. Recent advancement in integrating the micro/nano-technologies and live cell imaging are also discussed. Finally, potential schemes in cell biology involving micro/nano-fabrication technologies are proposed to provide perspectives on the future research activities.

  16. Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Polymer Actuator Using Nanofiber Sheet (United States)

    Kato, Hayato; Shimizu, Akikazu; Sato, Taiga; Kushida, Masahito


    Carbon nanotube polymer actuators were developed using composite nanofiber sheets fabricated by multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWCNTs) and poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP). Nanofiber sheets were fabricated by electrospinning method. The effect of flow rate and polymer concentration on nanofiber formation were verified for optimum condition for fabricating nanofiber sheets. We examined the properties of MWCNT/PVDF-HFP nanofiber sheets, as follows. Electrical conductivity and mechanical strength increased as the MWCNT weight ratio increased. We fabricated carbon nanotube polymer actuators using MWCNT/PVDF-HFP nanofiber sheets and succeeded in operating of our actuators.

  17. Multiple simultaneous fabrication of molecular nanowires using nanoscale electrocrystallization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasegawa, Hiroyuki; Ueda, Rieko; Kubota, Tohru; Mashiko, Shinro


    We carried out a multiple simultaneous fabrication based on the nanoscale electrocrystallization to simultaneously construct molecular nanowires at two or more positions. This substrate-independent nanoscale electrocrystallization process enables nanowires fabrication at specific positions using AC. We also succeeded in multiple fabrications only at each gap between the electrode tips. We found that π-stack was formed along the long axis of the nanowires obtained by analyzing the selected-area electron diffraction. We believe this technique has the potential for expansion to the novel low-cost and energy-saving fabrication of high-performance nanodevices

  18. Fuel Fabrication Capability Research and Development Plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Senor, David J.; Burkes, Douglas


    The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive review of the mission of the Fuel Fabrication Capability (FFC) within the Global Threat Reduction Initiative Convert Program, along with research and development (R&D) needs that have been identified as necessary to ensuring mission success. The design and fabrication of successful nuclear fuels must be closely linked endeavors. Therefore, the overriding motivation behind the FFC R&D program described in this plan is to foster closer integration between fuel design and fabrication to reduce programmatic risk. These motivating factors are all interrelated, and progress addressing one will aid understanding of the others. The FFC R&D needs fall into two principal categories, 1) baseline process optimization, to refine the existing fabrication technologies, and 2) manufacturing process alternatives, to evaluate new fabrication technologies that could provide improvements in quality, repeatability, material utilization, or cost. The FFC R&D Plan examines efforts currently under way in regard to coupon, foil, plate, and fuel element manufacturing, and provides recommendations for a number of R&D topics that are of high priority but not currently funded (i.e., knowledge gaps). The plan ties all FFC R&D efforts into a unified vision that supports the overall Convert Program schedule in general, and the fabrication schedule leading up to the MP-1 and FSP-1 irradiation experiments specifically. The fabrication technology decision gates and down-selection logic and schedules are tied to the schedule for fabricating the MP-1 fuel plates, which will provide the necessary data to make a final fuel fabrication process down-selection. Because of the short turnaround between MP-1 and the follow-on FSP-1 and MP-2 experiments, the suite of specimen types that will be available for MP-1 will be the same as those available for FSP-1 and MP-2. Therefore, the only opportunity to explore parameter space and alternative processing

  19. Flexible and wearable electronic silk fabrics for human physiological monitoring (United States)

    Mao, Cuiping; Zhang, Huihui; Lu, Zhisong


    The development of textile-based devices for human physiological monitoring has attracted tremendous interest in recent years. However, flexible physiological sensing elements based on silk fabrics have not been realized. In this paper, ZnO nanorod arrays are grown in situ on reduced graphene oxide-coated silk fabrics via a facile electro-deposition method for the fabrication of silk-fabric-based mechanical sensing devices. The data show that well-aligned ZnO nanorods with hexagonal wurtzite crystalline structures are synthesized on the conductive silk fabric surface. After magnetron sputtering of gold electrodes, silk-fabric-based devices are produced and applied to detect periodic bending and twisting. Based on the electric signals, the deformation and release processes can be easily differentiated. Human arterial pulse and respiration can also be real-time monitored to calculate the pulse rate and respiration frequency, respectively. Throat vibrations during coughing and singing are detected to demonstrate the voice recognition capability. This work may not only help develop silk-fabric-based mechanical sensing elements for potential applications in clinical diagnosis, daily healthcare monitoring and voice recognition, but also provide a versatile method for fabricating textile-based flexible electronic devices.

  20. Fabric protectors. Part II - Propane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and petroleum distillates levels in air after application of fabric protectors. (United States)

    Otson, R; Williams, D T; Bothwell, P D


    Propane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and petroleum distillates levels in air which were generated during the use of aerosol type fabric protectors were monitored by means of the NIOSH charcoal tube, a glass bulb grab sampling, and the GASBADGE passive device techniques. Although 1982 ACGIH TLV-STEL were readily exceeded in an unventilated test room, when fabric was sprayed with 450 g of fabric protector in an unconfined area within a home the generated vapors quickly dispersed and STEL and 8-hour TWA-TLV were not exceeded.

  1. Accuracy of CAD-CAM-fabricated removable partial dentures. (United States)

    Arnold, Christin; Hey, Jeremias; Schweyen, Ramona; Setz, Jürgen M


    The conventional fabrication of removable partial dentures (RPDs) is a complex, error-prone, time-consuming, and expensive process. The use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) techniques, especially rapid prototyping, promises a more effective method for fabricating RPD frameworks. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the fit of RPD clasps fabricated by means of 4 different CAD-CAM-systems and to compare those fittings with that of the conventional lost-wax casting technique (LWT). A master model of a partially edentulous maxilla with the canines and second molars as the remaining teeth was fabricated. After the model was optically scanned, we designed a quadrangularly supported RPD with 4 clasps and a palatal strap major connector. A standard tessellation language data set was used to fabricate 12 identical RPDs by using 4 different CAD-CAM techniques: indirect rapid prototyping (wax inject printing combined with LWT), direct rapid prototyping (selective laser melting), indirect milling (wax milling with LWT), and direct milling (resin milling [polyetheretherketone]). Three conventionally cast RPDs (LWT) served as the control group. The fit accuracy of the clasps (n=12 for each group) was determined in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions by using light microscopy. Indirectly milled RPDs (117 ±34 μm horizontal and 45 ±21 μm vertical) and directly milled RPDs (43 ±23 μm horizontal, and 38 ±21 μm vertical) showed significantly better (P<.05) fit than did conventionally fabricated LWT RPDs (133 ±59 μm horizontal; 73 ±25 μm vertical). The worst fit was found for RPDs fabricated using indirect rapid prototyping (323 ±188 μm horizontal and 112 ±60 μm vertical) or direct rapid prototyping (365 ±205 μm horizontal and 363 ±133 μm vertical), which were unstable on the master model, making them unsuitable for clinical use. Most RPDs exhibited smaller vertical measuring distances. Compared with the LWT

  2. Interfacing robotics with plutonium fuel fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowen, W.W.; Moore, F.W.


    Interfacing robotic systems with nuclear fuel fabrication processes resulted in a number of interfacing challenges. The system not only interfaces with the fuel process, but must also interface with nuclear containment, radiation control boundaries, criticality control restrictions, and numerous other safety systems required in a fuel fabrication plant. The robotic system must be designed to allow operator interface during maintenance and recovery from an upset as well as normal operations

  3. Quality assurance for breeder reactor fuel fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marx, E.R.


    Fuel performance in the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) depends on fabrication of fuel to rigorous quality standards. The quality program including Management, Procurement, Fabrication, Inspection, Records, and Audits is discussed as well as unique mixed oxide fuel inspections such as homogeneity inspection, analytical chemistry, and nondestructive fissile assay

  4. Design and fabrication of the MFTF-B magnet system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tatro, R.E.; Kozman, T.A.


    The MFTF-B superconducting magnet system consists of 40 NbTi magnets and two Nb 3 Sn magnets. General Dynamics (GD) designed all magnets except for the small trim coils. GD then fabricated 20 NbTi magnets, while LLNL fabricated 20 NbTi magnets and two Nb 3 Sn magnets. The design phase was completed in February 1984 and included the competitive procurement of magnet structural fabrication, superconductor, G-10CR insulation, support struts and bearings, vapor-cooled leads, and thermal shields for all magnets. Fabrication of all magnets was completed in March 1985. At GD, dual assembly lines were necessary during fabrication in order to meet the aggressive LLNL schedule. The entire magnet system has been installed and aligned at LLNL, and Tech Demo tests will be performed during September-November 1985

  5. Compound Half-Backed Weave Design For Digital Jacquard Fabric (United States)

    Zhang, Meng; Zhou, Jiu


    Based on layered-combination design mode and compound structure, this paper presents a design method, named compound half-backed weave in order to achieve innovating weave structure and surface effect of fabric. This design method includes primary weaves chosen, half-backed technical points set up and half-backed weave databases established. The fabric produced using compound half-backed weave designed by this method can exhibit a unique half-backed effect that only half of the threads on the fabric surface remain in a state of being covered by adjacent wefts. Compound half-backed weave can not only meets the design need of jacquard fabric with different digital images and effectively improves the efficiency of structural design, but also puts forward new theory and method for innovative design of digital jacquard fabric.

  6. Selective laser etching or ablation for fabrication of devices

    KAUST Repository

    Buttner, Ulrich


    Methods of fabricating devices vial selective laser etching are provided. The methods can include selective laser etching of a portion of a metal layer, e.g. using a laser light source having a wavelength of 1,000 nm to 1,500 nm. The methods can be used to fabricate a variety of features, including an electrode, an interconnect, a channel, a reservoir, a contact hole, a trench, a pad, or a combination thereof. A variety of devices fabricated according to the methods are also provided. In some aspects, capacitive humidity sensors are provided that can be fabricated according to the provided methods. The capacitive humidity sensors can be fabricated with intricate electrodes, e.g. having a fractal pattern such as a Peano curve, a Hilbert curve, a Moore curve, or a combination thereof.



    Wahyu Prabawati Putri Handayani; Mugi Harsono


    Abstrak: Aplikasi Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Pada Komputerisasi Kegiatan Pertanahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Pada Komputerisasi Kegiatan Pertanahan. Sebuah metodologi survey digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data 100 karyawan. Path analysis menunjukkan bahwa (1) Computer self-efficacy berpengaruh pada persepsi kemudahan penggunaan dan persepsi manfaat teknologi, (2) Persepsi kemudahan penggunaan teknologi berpeng...

  8. Artificial Intelligence Base Telemedicine Robotic


    Hakika, Kisti; TS, Hendra Yunianto; Afriyanti, Liza


    Telemedicine atau pelayanan kesehatan jarak jauh bukan hal yang baru lagi dalam dunia kesehatan.Penggunaan teknologi sangat membantu dalam mengimplementasikan telemedicine. Namun perkembangantelemedicine mengalami kemajuan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi. Salah satu perkembanganteknologi adalah robot. Secara umum kegunaan robot adalah untuk menggantikan tugas manusia. Padamakalah ini, akan dibuat simulasi telemedicine berupa konsultasi antara dokter dan pasien menggunakansebua...

  9. Er jeres ledere 'likeable'?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Rikke Kristine


    Færdigheder: Oftest er lederne langtfra de første til at kaste sig over ny teknologi. It-kundskaberne på chefgangen trænger til en opgradering.......Færdigheder: Oftest er lederne langtfra de første til at kaste sig over ny teknologi. It-kundskaberne på chefgangen trænger til en opgradering....

  10. Neomillenial Learning Styles og Mønsterbrydere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levinsen, Karin


    forudsætninger for at imødegå fremtidens udfordringer. Baby Boomers har tilegnet sig det meste af deres kompetencer indenfor Informations- og Kommunikations Teknologi (IKT) som voksne, mens de yngre Millennials er såkaldte digitale indfødte (digital natives) for hvem trådløse net og mobil teknologi er dagligdags...

  11. Bedre fysisk helbred, men mindre velfærd?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sabir, Fatima


    I den moderne etiske diskussion af behandlingsmuligheder for neurologiske sygdomme, såsom Alzheimer og Parkinsons sygdom, har særligt én teknologi gjort sig bemærket, nemlig deep brain stimulation (DBS). Denne teknologi er fokus for udtalelsen fra Det Etiske Råd, som har til formål at udlægge de...

  12. Mechanical stop mechanism for overcoming MEMS fabrication tolerances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hussein, Hussein; Bourbon, Gilles; Le Moal, Patrice; Lutz, Philippe; Haddab, Yassine


    A mechanical stop mechanism is developed in order to compensate MEMS fabrication tolerances in discrete positioning. The mechanical stop mechanism is designed to be implemented on SOI wafers using a common DRIE etching process. The various fabrication tolerances obtained due to the etching process are presented and discussed in the paper. The principle and design of the mechanism are then presented. Finally, experiments on microfabricated positioning prototypes show accurate steps unaffected by the fabrication tolerances. (technical note)

  13. Automatic measurement for dimensional changes of woven fabrics based on texture (United States)

    Liu, Jihong; Jiang, Hongxia; Liu, X.; Chai, Zhilei


    Dimensional change or shrinkage is an important functional attribute of woven fabrics that affects their basic function and price in the market. This paper presents a machine vision system that evaluates the shrinkage of woven fabrics by analyzing the change of fabric construction. The proposed measurement method has three features. (i) There will be no stain of shrinkage markers on the fabric specimen compared to the existing measurement method. (ii) The system can be used on fabric with reduced area. (iii) The system can be installed and used as a laboratory or industrial application system. The method processed can process the image of the fabric and is divided into four steps: acquiring a relative image from the sample of the woven fabric, obtaining a gray image and then the segmentation of the warp and weft from the fabric based on fast Fourier transform and inverse fast Fourier transform, calculation of the distance of the warp or weft sets by gray projection method and character shrinkage of the woven fabric by the average distance, coefficient of variation of distance and so on. Experimental results on virtual and physical woven fabrics indicated that the method provided could obtain the shrinkage information of woven fabric in detail. The method was programmed by Matlab software, and a graphical user interface was built by Delphi. The program has potential for practical use in the textile industry.

  14. Micro Machining Enhances Precision Fabrication (United States)


    Advanced thermal systems developed for the Space Station Freedom project are now in use on the International Space Station. These thermal systems employ evaporative ammonia as their coolant, and though they employ the same series of chemical reactions as terrestrial refrigerators, the space-bound coolers are significantly smaller. Two Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts between Creare Inc. of Hanover, NH and Johnson Space Center developed an ammonia evaporator for thermal management systems aboard Freedom. The principal investigator for Creare Inc., formed Mikros Technologies Inc. to commercialize the work. Mikros Technologies then developed an advanced form of micro-electrical discharge machining (micro-EDM) to make tiny holes in the ammonia evaporator. Mikros Technologies has had great success applying this method to the fabrication of micro-nozzle array systems for industrial ink jet printing systems. The company is currently the world leader in fabrication of stainless steel micro-nozzles for this market, and in 2001 the company was awarded two SBIR research contracts from Goddard Space Flight Center to advance micro-fabrication and high-performance thermal management technologies.

  15. Investigation on mechanical properties of basalt composite fabrics (experiment study) (United States)

    Talebi Mazraehshahi, H.; Zamani, H.


    To fully appreciate the role and application of composite materials to structures, correct understanding of mechanical behaviors required for selection of optimum material. Fabric reinforced composites are composed of a matrix that is reinforced with pliable fabric, glass fabric is most popular reinforcement for different application specially in aircraft structure, although other fabric material are also used. At this study new fabric material called basalt with epoxy resin introduced and mechanical behaviors of this material investigated from view point of testing. For this study two type of fabric with different thickness used. Comparison between this composite reinforcement with popular reinforcement as carbon, glass, kevlar performed. To determine mechanical properties of epoxy based basalt fabric following test procedure performed : 1). Tensile testing according to ASTM D3039 in 0° and 90° direction to find ultimate strength in tension and shear, modulus of elasticity, elangation and ultimate strain. 2). Compression testing according to EN 2850 ultimate compression strength and maximum deformation under compression loading. 3). Shear testing according to ASTM D3518-94 to find in plane shear response of polymer matrix composites materials. 4). Predict flexural properties of sandwich construction which manufactured from basalt facing with PVC foam core according to ASTM C393-94. Material strength properties must be based on enough tests of material to meet the test procedure specifications [1]. For this reason six specimens were manufactured for testing and the tests were performed on them using an INSTRON machine model 5582. In the study, the effect of percent of resin in basalt reinforced composite was investigated. Also the weights of the ballast based composites with different percent of resin were measured with conventional composites. As the weight is an important parameter in aerospace industry when the designer wants to replace one material with

  16. Simple process to fabricate nitride alloy powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Jae Ho; Kim, Dong-Joo; Kim, Keon Sik; Rhee, Young Woo; Oh, Jang-Soo; Kim, Jong Hun; Koo, Yang Hyun


    Uranium mono-nitride (UN) is considered as a fuel material [1] for accident-tolerant fuel to compensate for the loss of fissile fuel material caused by adopting a thickened cladding such as SiC composites. Uranium nitride powders can be fabricated by a carbothermic reduction of the oxide powders, or the nitriding of metal uranium. Among them, a direct nitriding process of metal is more attractive because it has advantages in the mass production of high-purity powders and the reusing of expensive 15 N 2 gas. However, since metal uranium is usually fabricated in the form of bulk ingots, it has a drawback in the fabrication of fine powders. The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has a centrifugal atomisation technique to fabricate uranium and uranium alloy powders. In this study, a simple reaction method was tested to fabricate nitride fuel powders directly from uranium metal alloy powders. Spherical powder and flake of uranium metal alloys were fabricated using a centrifugal atomisation method. The nitride powders were obtained by thermal treating the metal particles under nitrogen containing gas. The phase and morphology evolutions of powders were investigated during the nitriding process. A phase analysis of nitride powders was also part of the present work. KAERI has developed the centrifugal rotating disk atomisation process to fabricate spherical uranium metal alloy powders which are used as advanced fuel materials for research reactors. The rotating disk atomisation system involves the tasks of melting, atomising, and collecting. A nozzle in the bottom of melting crucible introduces melt at the center of a spinning disk. The centrifugal force carries the melt to the edge of the disk and throws the melt off the edge. Size and shape of droplets can be controlled by changing the nozzle size, the disk diameter and disk speed independently or simultaneously. By adjusting the processing parameters of the centrifugal atomiser, a spherical and flake shape

  17. Optimizing The DSSC Fabrication Process Using Lean Six Sigma (United States)

    Fauss, Brian

    Alternative energy technologies must become more cost effective to achieve grid parity with fossil fuels. Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are an innovative third generation photovoltaic technology, which is demonstrating tremendous potential to become a revolutionary technology due to recent breakthroughs in cost of fabrication. The study here focused on quality improvement measures undertaken to improve fabrication of DSSCs and enhance process efficiency and effectiveness. Several quality improvement methods were implemented to optimize the seven step individual DSSC fabrication processes. Lean Manufacturing's 5S method successfully increased efficiency in all of the processes. Six Sigma's DMAIC methodology was used to identify and eliminate each of the root causes of defects in the critical titanium dioxide deposition process. These optimizations resulted with the following significant improvements in the production process: 1. fabrication time of the DSSCs was reduced by 54 %; 2. fabrication procedures were improved to the extent that all critical defects in the process were eliminated; 3. the quantity of functioning DSSCs fabricated was increased from 17 % to 90 %.

  18. Regulations concerning the fabricating business of nuclear fuel materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    As regards an application for permission of an fabricating business of nuclear fuel materials, it should describe the site of the fabricating facilities and the structure and equipments of buildings (fire-resistant, aseismatic, waterproof, ventilating and air-tight structures), etc. The business plan to be attached to the foregoing application should contain 1) scheduled date when the fabricating business starts, 2) scheduled amounts of products classified by the kinds in each business year within 5 years since the business starts, 3) the amount and the procurement plan of funds necessary for the operation, etc. For the permission of change of a fabricating business, an application must be filed. One who wants to obtain the permission of design and construction of fabricating facilities must file an application. One who wants to undergo inspection of the construction of fabricating facilities must file an application in which various items must be written. After such inspection has been done and it is regarded as passable, a certificate of passing inspection will be given. (Rikitake, Y.)

  19. Construction, fabrication, and installation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This standard specifies the construction, fabrication, and installation requirements that apply to concrete containment structures of a containment system designated as class containment components, parts and appurtenances for nuclear power plants

  20. Design, fabrication and installation of irradiation facilities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sim, Bong Shick; Kim, Y. S.; Lee, C. Y. and others


    The principal contents of this project are to design, fabricate and install the steady-state fuel test loop in HANARO for nuclear technology development. Procurement and fabrication of main equipment, licensing and technical review for fuel test loop have been performed during 2 years(1997, 1998) for this project. Following contents are described in the report. - Procurement and fabrication of the equipment, piping for OPS - IPS manufacture - License - Technical review and evaluation of the FTL facility. As besides, as these irradiation facilities will be installed in HANARO, review of safety concern, discussion with KINS for licensing and review ofHANARO interface have been performed respectively. (author)

  1. Structural and electrical characteristics of high-k/metal gate metal oxide semiconductor capacitors fabricated on flexible, semi-transparent silicon (100) fabric

    KAUST Repository

    Rojas, Jhonathan Prieto


    In pursuit of flexible computers with high performance devices, we demonstrate a generic process to fabricate 10 000 metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors (MOSCAPs) with semiconductor industry\\'s most advanced high-k/metal gate stacks on widely used, inexpensive bulk silicon (100) wafers and then using a combination of iso-/anisotropic etching to release the top portion of the silicon with the already fabricated devices as a mechanically flexible (bending curvature of 133 m−1), optically semi-transparent silicon fabric (1.5 cm × 3 cm × 25 μm). The electrical characteristics show 3.7 nm effective oxide thickness, −0.2 V flat band voltage, and no hysteresis from the fabricated MOSCAPs.

  2. Structural and electrical characteristics of high-k/metal gate metal oxide semiconductor capacitors fabricated on flexible, semi-transparent silicon (100) fabric

    KAUST Repository

    Rojas, Jhonathan Prieto; Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa; Sevilla, Galo T.


    In pursuit of flexible computers with high performance devices, we demonstrate a generic process to fabricate 10 000 metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors (MOSCAPs) with semiconductor industry's most advanced high-k/metal gate stacks on widely used, inexpensive bulk silicon (100) wafers and then using a combination of iso-/anisotropic etching to release the top portion of the silicon with the already fabricated devices as a mechanically flexible (bending curvature of 133 m−1), optically semi-transparent silicon fabric (1.5 cm × 3 cm × 25 μm). The electrical characteristics show 3.7 nm effective oxide thickness, −0.2 V flat band voltage, and no hysteresis from the fabricated MOSCAPs.

  3. Flexible Thermoelectric Generators on Silicon Fabric

    KAUST Repository

    Sevilla, Galo T.


    In this work, the development of a Thermoelectric Generator on Flexible Silicon Fabric is explored to extend silicon electronics for flexible platforms. Low cost, easily deployable plastic based flexible electronics are of great interest for smart textile, wearable electronics and many other exciting applications. However, low thermal budget processing and fundamentally limited electron mobility hinders its potential to be competitive with well established and highly developed silicon technology. The use of silicon in flexible electronics involve expensive and abrasive materials and processes. In this work, high performance flexible thermoelectric energy harvesters are demonstrated from low cost bulk silicon (100) wafers. The fabrication of the micro- harvesters was done using existing silicon processes on silicon (100) and then peeled them off from the original substrate leaving it for reuse. Peeled off silicon has 3.6% thickness of bulk silicon reducing the thermal loss significantly and generating nearly 30% more output power than unpeeled harvesters. The demonstrated generic batch processing shows a pragmatic way of peeling off a whole silicon circuitry after conventional fabrication on bulk silicon wafers for extremely deformable high performance integrated electronics. In summary, by using a novel, low cost process, this work has successfully integrated existing and highly developed fabrication techniques to introduce a flexible energy harvester for sustainable applications.

  4. W-band LiGA fabricated klystron (United States)

    Song, Liqun


    Klystrino-W-band klystron was proposed by scientists at SLAC to satisfy recent applications in advanced accelerators, medical treatment, radars and communications. LiGA (a German acronym for lithographe, galvanoformung, and abformung) is introduced in the fabrication of klystrino for the first time in the history of microwave tube fabrication. The cold test experiments show that LiGA fabrication yields best surface smoothness compared with an alternative way EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining). Resultantly LiGA fabricated klystrino has the smallest wall loss which maximizes the circuit efficiency of the output structure. A multiple-gap coupled cavity is motivated to be employed as the klystrino output cavity for maximizing the efficiency. Klytrino is simulated by 1-D, 2-D and 3-D simulation codes. Particularly a complete klystrino is simulated intensively using 2-D MAGIC Particle-in-Cell (PIC) code either for beam absence or beam presence. Many simulation techniques are developed such as model transformation from 3-D to 2-D, circuit parameter simulation, dispersion characteristic analysis, pre bunched electron beam mode and so on. Klystrino, as a 3-D structure, is modeled by 3-D MAFIA for analyzing the cold circuit properties. 3-D MAGIC is explored to simulate klystrino for the actual structure analysis and actual beam interaction process observation.

  5. Nanocarbon materials fabricated using plasmas (United States)

    Hatakeyama, Rikizo


    Since the discovery of fullerenes more than three decades ago, new kinds of nanoscale materials of carbon allotropes called "nanocarbons" have so far been discovered or synthesized at successive intervals as cases such as carbon nanotubes, carbon nanohorns, graphene, carbon nanowalls, and a carbon nanobelt, while nanodiamonds were actually discovered before then. Their attractively excellent mechanical, physical, and chemical properties have driven researchers to continuously create one of the hottest frontiers in materials science and technology. While plasma states have often been involved in their discovery, on the other hand, plasma-based approaches to this exciting field originally hold promising and enormous potentials for advancing and expanding industrial/biomedical applications of nanocarbons of great diversity. This article provides an extensive overview on plasma-fabricated nanocarbon materials, where the term "fabrication" is defined as synthesis, functionalization, and assembly of devices to cover a wide range of issues associated with the step-by-step plasma processes. Specific attention has been paid to the comparative examination between plasma-based and non-plasma methods for fabricating the nanocarobons with an emphasis on the advantages of plasma processing, such as low-temperature/large-scale fabrication and diversity-carrying structure controllability. The review ends with current challenges and prospects including a ripple effect of the nanocarbon studies on the development of related novel nanomaterials such as transition metal dichalcogenides. It contains not only the latest progress in the field for cutting-edge scientists and engineers, but also the introductory guidance to non-specialists such as lower-class graduate students.

  6. Study on the improvement of hydrophilic character on polyvinylalcohol treated polyester fabric

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Pitchai


    Full Text Available Polyester fabric was treated with polyvinyl alcohol in alkaline medium. The moisture regain, water retention and wettability of the PVA treated polyester fabric were tested. The PVA treated PET fabric was dyed with disperse dye. The presence of PVA in the treated PET fabric was assessed by spot test. The treated fabric was also characterized by scanning electron microscope, FTIR and differential scanning calorimetry. The PVA treated polyester fabric showed improved hydrophilic character over intact and sodium hydroxide treated PET fabrics.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Hoirul Basori


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  8. Process development and fabrication for sphere-pac fuel rods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Welty, R.K.; Campbell, M.H.


    Uranium fuel rods containing sphere-pac fuel have been fabricated for in-reactor tests and demonstrations. A process for the development, qualification, and fabrication of acceptable sphere-pac fuel rods is described. Special equipment to control fuel contamination with moisture or air and the equipment layout needed for rod fabrication is described and tests for assuring the uniformity of the fuel column are discussed. Fuel retainers required for sphere-pac fuel column stability and instrumentation to measure fuel column smear density are described. Results of sphere-pac fuel rod fabrication campaigns are reviewed and recommended improvements for high throughput production are noted

  9. Fabrication of detectors and transistors on high-resistivity silicon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holland, S.


    A new process for the fabrication of silicon p-i-n diode radiation detectors is described. The utilization of backside gettering in the fabrication process results in the actual physical removal of detrimental impurities from critical device regions. This reduces the sensitivity of detector properties to processing variables while yielding low diode reverse-leakage currents. In addition, gettering permits the use of processing temperatures compatible with integrated-circuit fabrication. P-channel MOSFETs and silicon p-i-n diodes have been fabricated simultaneously on 10 kΩ/centerreverse arrowdot/cm silicon using conventional integrated-circuit processing techniques. 25 refs., 5 figs

  10. Anodic Aluminum Oxide Templates for Nano wires Array Fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nur Ubaidah Saidin; Kok, K.Y.; Ng, I.K.


    This paper reports on the process developed to fabricate anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) templates suitable for the fabrication of nano wire arrays. Anodization process has been used to fabricate the AAO templates with pore diameters ranging from 15 nm to 30 nm. Electrodeposition of parallel arrays of high aspect ratio nickel nano wires were demonstrated using these fabricated AAO templates. The nano wires produced were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the orientations of the electrodeposited nickel nano wires were governed by the deposition current and electrolyte conditions. (author)

  11. The Effect Of Weave Construction On Tear Strength Of Woven Fabrics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eryuruk Selin Hanife


    Full Text Available The tear strength of a woven fabric is very important, since it is more closely related to serviceability of the fabric. Tearing strength of the fabrics depend on the mobility of the yarn within the fabric structure. In this study, the tearing strength of four types of fabrics warp rib, weft rib, ripstop and plain weave were analysed, which were produced in different densities and with filament and texturised polyester yarns.

  12. The quality challenge for fuel fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lannegrace, J.-P.


    Fuel fabrication is a key segment of the nuclear fuel cycle, since safe and economic operation of reactors is highly dependent on the quality of the fuel. Achieving and controlling quality is, therefore, of paramount importance to fuel fabricators dominating nearly every aspect of the business. The quality policy, concepts and assurance system at three French plants are outlined. The need for integrated inspection, process optimization and good employee motivation is stressed. (author)

  13. Silver Nanowire Arrays : Fabrication and Applications


    Feng, Yuyi


    Nanowire arrays have increasingly received attention for their use in a variety of applications such as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), plasmonic sensing, and electrodes for photoelectric devices. However, until now, large scale fabrication of device-suitable metallic nanowire arrays on supporting substrates has seen very limited success. This thesis describes my work rst on the development of a novel successful processing route for the fabrication of uniform noble metallic (e.g. A...

  14. Laser target fabrication, structure and method for its fabrication (United States)

    Farnum, Eugene H.; Fries, R. Jay


    The disclosure is directed to a laser target structure and its method of fabrication. The target structure comprises a target plate containing an orifice across which a pair of crosshairs are affixed. A microsphere is affixed to the crosshairs and enclosed by at least one hollow shell comprising two hemispheres attached together and to the crosshairs so that the microsphere is juxtapositioned at the center of the shell.

  15. A Wear Geometry Model of Plain Woven Fabric Composites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gu Dapeng


    Full Text Available The paper g describes a model meant for analysis of the wear geometry of plain woven fabric composites. The referred model consists of a mathematical description of plain woven fabric based on Peirce’s model coupled with a stratified method for the solution of the wear geometry. The evolutions of the wear area ratio of weft yarn, warp yarn and matrix resin on the worn surface are simulated by MatLab software in combination of warp and weft yarn diameters, warp and weft yarn-to-yarn distances, fabric structure phases (SPs. By comparing theoretical and experimental results from the PTFE/Kevlar fabric wear experiment, it can be concluded that the model can present a trend of the component area ratio variations along with the thickness of fabric, but has a inherently large error in quantitative analysis as an idealized model.

  16. New Fabrication Strategies for Polymer Electrolyte Batteries

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Shriver, D


    .... The objective of this research was to fabricate lithium-polymer batteries by techniques that may produce a thin electrolyte and cathode films and with minimal contamination during fabrication. One such technique, ultrasonic spray was used. Another objective of this research was to test lithium cells that incorporate the new polymer electrolytes and polyelectrolytes.

  17. Flame-resistant pure and hybrid woven fabrics from basalt (United States)

    Jamshaid, H.; Mishra, R.; Militky, J.


    This work has been formulated to investigate the burning behavior of different type of fabrics. The main concentration is to see how long the fabric resists after it catches the fire and the propagation of fire can be reduced by using flame resistant fiber i.e basalt. Basalt fiber is an environmental friendly material with low input, high output, low energy consumption and less emission. The goal of present investigations is to show the dependence of fabric flammability on its structure parameters i.e weave type, blend type etc. Fabric weaves have strong effect on flammability properties. Plain weave has the lowest burning rate as the density of the plain weave fabric is more and the structure is tight which gives less chances of flame passing through the fabric. Thermal stability is evaluated with TGA of all hybrid and nonhybrid fabrics and compared. The thermal stability of the basalt fiber is excellent. When comparing thermal analysis curves for hybrid samples it demonstrates that thermal stability of the samples containing basalt is much higher than the non- hybrid samples. Percentage weight loss is less in hybrid samples as compared to non-hybrid samples. The effectiveness of hybridization on samples may be indicated by substantial lowering of the decomposition mass. Correlation was made between flammability with the infrared radiations (IR)

  18. Analysis of mechanical fabrication experience with CEBAF's production SRF cavities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mammosser, J.; Kneisel, P.; Benesch, J.


    CEBAF has received a total of 360 five-cell niobium cavities, the largest group of industrially fabricated superconducting cavities so far. An extensive data base exists on the fabrication, surface treatment, assembly and cavity performance parameters. Analysis of the mechanical features of the cavities includes the following: the spread in fabrication tolerances of the cells derived from field profiles of the ''as fabricated'' cavities and the ''as fabricated'' external Q-values of the fundamental power coupler compared to dimensional deviations. A comparison is made of the pressure sensitivity of cavities made of materials from different manufacturers between 760 torr (4.2 K) and 23 torr (2 K)

  19. TRIGA International, a new TRIGA fuel fabrication facility at CERCA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harbonnier, G.


    At the time when General Atomics expressed its intention to cease fuel fabrication on its site of San Diego, CERCA has been chosen to carry on the fabrication of TRIGA fuel. After negotiations in 1994 and 1995, a partnership 50%/50% was decided and on July 1995, a new company was founded, with the name TRIGA INTERNATIONAL SAS, head office in Paris and fuel fabrication facility at CERCA in Romans. The intent of this presentation is, after a short reminder about TRIGA fuel design and fabrication to describe the new facility with special emphasis on the safety features associated with the modification of existing fabrication buildings. (author)

  20. Fabrication and characterization of jute fabrics reinforced polypropylene-based composites: effects of ionizing radiation and disaccharide (sucrose) (United States)

    Sahadat Hossain, Md.; Uddin, Muhammad B.; Razzak, Md.; Sarwaruddin Chowdhury, A. M.; Khan, Ruhul A.


    Composites were prepared successfully by compression molding technique using jute fabrics (reinforcing agent) and polypropylene (matrix). Jute fabrics were treated with disaccharide (sucrose) solution and composites were fabricated with the treated fabric and polypropylene. The fiber content of the prepared composites was 40% by weight. It was found that the sucrose (2% solution) decreased the tensile strength (TS) and elongation at break about 6% and 37%, respectively, but tensile modulus and impact strength improved about 27% and 32%, respectively. When gamma radiation was applied through the untreated and treated composites the mechanical properties were improved much higher in non-treated Jute/PP-based composites than that of sucrose treated composites. For 5.0 kGy gamma dose the highest mechanical properties were observed for non-treated composites. At 5.0 kGy gamma dose the improvement of TS was 14% and 2% for non-treated and sucrose treated composites, respectively. The water uptake property of the sucrose treated composites was performed up to 10 days and composites absorbed 18% water. The functional groups of the both composites were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy machine. The scanning electron microscopic images of the both composites were taken for the surface and fiber adhesion analysis.

  1. Coated U(Mo) Fuel: As-Fabricated Microstructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Emmanuel Perez; Dennis D. Keiser, Jr.; Ann Leenaers; Sven Van den Berghe; Tom Wiencek


    As part of the development of low-enriched uranium fuels, fuel plates have recently been tested in the BR-2 reactor as part of the SELENIUM experiment. These fuel plates contained fuel particles with either Si or ZrN thin film coating (up to 1 µm thickness) around the U-7Mo fuel particles. In order to best understand irradiation performance, it is important to determine the starting microstructure that can be observed in as-fabricated fuel plates. To this end, detailed microstructural characterization was performed on ZrN and Si-coated U-7Mo powder in samples taken from AA6061-clad fuel plates fabricated at 500°C. Of interest was the condition of the thin film coatings after fabrication at a relatively high temperature. Both scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were employed. The ZrN thin film coating was observed to consist of columns comprised of very fine ZrN grains. Relatively large amounts of porosity could be found in some areas of the thin film, along with an enrichment of oxygen around each of the the ZrN columns. In the case of the pure Si thin film coating sample, a (U,Mo,Al,Si) interaction layer was observed around the U-7Mo particles. Apparently, the Si reacted with the U-7Mo and Al matrix during fuel plate fabrication at 500°C to form this layer. The microstructure of the formed layer is very similar to those that form in U-7Mo versus Al-Si alloy diffusion couples annealed at higher temperatures and as-fabricated U-7Mo dispersion fuel plates with Al-Si alloy matrix fabricated at 500°C.

  2. Layerless fabrication with continuous liquid interface production. (United States)

    Janusziewicz, Rima; Tumbleston, John R; Quintanilla, Adam L; Mecham, Sue J; DeSimone, Joseph M


    Despite the increasing popularity of 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM), the technique has not developed beyond the realm of rapid prototyping. This confinement of the field can be attributed to the inherent flaws of layer-by-layer printing and, in particular, anisotropic mechanical properties that depend on print direction, visible by the staircasing surface finish effect. Continuous liquid interface production (CLIP) is an alternative approach to AM that capitalizes on the fundamental principle of oxygen-inhibited photopolymerization to generate a continual liquid interface of uncured resin between the growing part and the exposure window. This interface eliminates the necessity of an iterative layer-by-layer process, allowing for continuous production. Herein we report the advantages of continuous production, specifically the fabrication of layerless parts. These advantages enable the fabrication of large overhangs without the use of supports, reduction of the staircasing effect without compromising fabrication time, and isotropic mechanical properties. Combined, these advantages result in multiple indicators of layerless and monolithic fabrication using CLIP technology.

  3. Fabrication of a New Electrostatic Linear Actuator (United States)

    Matsunaga, Takashi; Kondoh, Kazuya; Kumagae, Michihiro; Kawata, Hiroaki; Yasuda, Masaaki; Murata, Kenji; Yoshitake, Masaaki


    We propose a new electrostatic linear actuator with a large stroke and a new process for fabricating the actuator. A moving slider with many teeth on both sides is suspended above lower electrodes on a substrate by two bearings. A photoresist is used as a sacrificial layer. Both the slider and the bearings are fabricated by Ni electroplating. The bearings are fabricated by the self-alignment technique. Bearings with 0.6 μm clearance can be easily fabricated. All processes are performed at low temperatures up to 110°C. It is confirmed that the slider can be moved mechanically, and also can be moved by about 10 μm when a voltage pulse of 50 V is applied between the slider and the lower electrodes when the slider is upside down. However, the slider cannot move continuously because of friction. We also calculate the electrostatic force acting on one slider tooth. The simulation result shows that the reduction of the electrostatic force to the vertical direction is very important for mechanical movement of the actuator.

  4. Investigation on mechanical properties of basalt composite fabrics (experiment study

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    Talebi Mazraehshahi H.


    Full Text Available To fully appreciate the role and application of composite materials to structures, correct understanding of mechanical behaviors required for selection of optimum material. Fabric reinforced composites are composed of a matrix that is reinforced with pliable fabric, glass fabric is most popular reinforcement for different application specially in aircraft structure, although other fabric material are also used. At this study new fabric material called basalt with epoxy resin introduced and mechanical behaviors of this material investigated from view point of testing. For this study two type of fabric with different thickness used. Comparison between this composite reinforcement with popular reinforcement as carbon, glass, kevlar performed. To determine mechanical properties of epoxy based basalt fabric following test procedure performed : 1. Tensile testing according to ASTM D3039 in 0° and 90° direction to find ultimate strength in tension and shear, modulus of elasticity, elangation and ultimate strain. 2. Compression testing according to EN 2850 ultimate compression strength and maximum deformation under compression loading. 3. Shear testing according to ASTM D3518-94 to find in plane shear response of polymer matrix composites materials. 4. Predict flexural properties of sandwich construction which manufactured from basalt facing with PVC foam core according to ASTM C393-94. Material strength properties must be based on enough tests of material to meet the test procedure specifications [1]. For this reason six specimens were manufactured for testing and the tests were performed on them using an INSTRON machine model 5582. In the study, the effect of percent of resin in basalt reinforced composite was investigated. Also the weights of the ballast based composites with different percent of resin were measured with conventional composites. As the weight is an important parameter in aerospace industry when the designer wants to replace one

  5. Novel nanocomposite Kevlar fabric membranes: Fabrication characterization, and performance in oil/water separation (United States)

    Karimnezhad, Hanieh; Rajabi, Laleh; Salehi, Ehsan; Derakhshan, Ali Ashraf; Azimi, Sara


    Nanocomposite membranes with hydrophilic surface were fabricated for separation of oil (n-hexane) from oil/water emulsion. Three different nanomaterials namely, para-aminobenzoate alumoxane (PAB-A), boehmite-epoxide and polycitrate alumoxane (PC-A) were coated on the Kevlar fabric (support), according to a three-step dip-coating protocol. FTIR, SEM, TEM, UV/vis spectrophotometer, and wettability analyses were used to characterize the composite membranes. The three coating layers interacted chemically with one another and also physically with the Kevlar fabric. Water uptake measurements indicated that the membrane is a hydrophilic one. SEM and TEM analyses showed the smooth surface of the composite membrane and three-dimensional dendrimeric hyper-branched structure of (PC-A), respectively. A dead-end filtration setup was applied to test the membranes performance under natural gravity force. Effect of pH as an important variable affecting separation process was investigated with the neutral pH provided the optimum condition for the separation. Oil rejection and permeate fluxes were also monitored. The optimum flux and rejection obtained, were 7392 (Lm-2 h-1) and 89.06% at pH 7, respectively. Fouling occurred as a gel layer on the membrane surface. The deposited oil droplets on the surface of the membrane were successfully washed away with satisfactory permeate flux recovery (FRR = 88.88% at neutral pH), using hot distilled water and acidic solution as eluents.

  6. Decontamination of polypropylene fabrics by dry cleaning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Severa, J.; Knajfl, J.


    Polypropylene fabrics can efficiently be decontaminated by dry cleaning in benzine or perchloroethylene, this also in case the fabric was greased in addition to radioactive contamination. For heavily soiled fabric, it is advantageous to first dry clean it and then wash it. The positive effect was confirmed of intensifiers on the cleaning process, especially of benzine soap. In practice, its concentration should be selected within 1 and 10 - 3 . Decontamination by dry cleaning and subsequent washing is advantageous in that that the resulting activity of waste water from the laundry is low. Radioactive wastes from the dry cleaning process have a low weight and can be handled as solid waste. (M.D.)

  7. Fabrication of Josephson Junction without shadow evaporation (United States)

    Wu, Xian; Ku, Hsiangsheng; Long, Junling; Pappas, David

    We developed a new method of fabricating Josephson Junction (Al/AlOX/Al) without shadow evaporation. Statistics from room temperature junction resistance and measurement of qubits are presented. Unlike the traditional ``Dolan Bridge'' technique, this method requires two individual lithographies and straight evaporations of Al. Argon RF plasma is used to remove native AlOX after the first evaporation, followed by oxidation and second Al evaporation. Junction resistance measured at room temperature shows linear dependence on Pox (oxidation pressure), √{tox} (oxidation time), and inverse proportional to junction area. We have seen 100% yield of qubits made with this method. This method is promising because it eliminates angle dependence during Junction fabrication, facilitates large scale qubits fabrication.

  8. HIP technologies for fusion reactor blankets fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le Marois, G.; Federzoni, L.; Bucci, P.; Revirand, P.


    The benefit of HIP techniques applied to the fabrication of fusion internal components for higher performances, reliability and cost savings are emphasized. To demonstrate the potential of the techniques, design of new blankets concepts and mock-ups fabrication are currently performed by CEA. A coiled tube concept that allows cooling arrangement flexibility, strong reduction of the machining and number of welds is proposed for ITER IAM. Medium size mock-ups according to the WCLL breeding blanket concept have been manufactured. The fabrication of a large size mock-up is under progress. These activities are supported by numerical calculations to predict the deformations of the parts during HIP'ing. Finally, several HIP techniques issues have been identified and are discussed

  9. Skin compatibility and antimicrobial studies on biofunctionalized polypropylene fabric

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anjum, Sadiya [Bioengineering Laboratory, Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110016 (India); Gupta, Amlan; Sharma, Deepika [Department of Pathology, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Sikkim Manipal University, Gangtok 737102 (India); Dalal, Prashansa [Bioengineering Laboratory, Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110016 (India); Gupta, Bhuvanesh, E-mail: [Bioengineering Laboratory, Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110016 (India)


    The aim of this study was the development of antimicrobial fabric which can be used as skin contacting material. The nanosilver loaded bioactive nanogels of polyacrylamide were prepared by gamma irradiation process and the particle size was observed to be in the range of 10–50 nm. In this study, we used polyethylene glycol as carrier for the combination of functional nanogel and essential oils together. Plasma functionalized polypropylene fabric was used as the base material for the bio-immobilization. Bioactive emulsion was coated on the fabric which exhibited excellent antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Skin irritation studies were carried out over a period of 3 d on Swiss albino mice. Histopathology studies of the fabric did not show adverse inflammatory response in contact with the skin. The biofunctionalized fabric offers appear to be promising material for skin contacting applications. - Highlights: • Antimicrobial processing of PP fabric for skin contacting material • Polyethylene glycol is used for the carrier of bioactive nanogels. • Synergistic effect of functional nanosilver and essential oil has been investigated. • Skin compatibility and histopathological studies of material have been observed.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vedat ÖZYAZGAN


    Full Text Available In this paper Ne 30/1 cotton yarn obtained by using pure cotton fibers is employed. 1x1, 2x1 and 3x1 Rib fabrics were knitted with yarns at different gauges. During the knitting process, the tension was kept constant. In order to investigate the relaxation on the knitting process fabric samples were treated using three relaxation processes; dry, wet and full respectively. After each relaxation process, stitches dimensions were measured. As a result of these measurements, it is observed that as the relaxation increases the stitches length decreases while the stitches width increases. In rib knitting, As the fabric stretches increases the stitch length increases. As a result it is observed that as the stitch length increases, the width of the stitches increases linearly. In all rib fabrics, increase in the stitch density leads to an increase in the weight of the fabric.

  11. MITG test assembly design and fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schock, A.


    The design, analysis, and evaluation of the Modular Isotopic Thermoelectric Generator (MITG), described in an earlier paper, led to a program to build and test prototypical, modules of that generator. Each test module duplicates the thermoelectric converters, thermal insulation, housing and radiator fins of a typical generator slice, and simulates its isotope heat source module by means of an electrical heater encased in a prototypical graphite box. Once the approx. 20-watt MITG module has been developed, it can be assembled in appropriate number to form a generator design yielding the desired power output. The present paper describes the design and fabrication of the MITG test assembly, which confirmed the fabricability of the multicouples and interleaved multifoil insulation called for by the design. Test plans, procedures, instrumentation, results, and post-test analyses, as well as revised designs, fabrication procedures, and performance estimates, are described in subsequent papers in these proceedings

  12. Fabrication process of expanded cooling jackets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weber, C.M.


    The present invention concerns the fabrication process of heat exchangers and in particular, the fabrication and assembly process of cooling jackets of the system driving the control rods used in nuclear reactors. The cooling jackets are assembled for cooling the stator of a tubular motor displacing the control rods. The fabrication and assembling of the cooling jacket is made up by the following operations: - a sleeve has an inner fluid inlet and outlet ways, - an external socket is fitted to the sleeve, - on the external socket a continuous welding is realized, which join the socket to the sleeve, and define a serie of parallel welded turns, - a pressure is established between the sleeve and the socket by a fluid through the outlet or inlet ways of the sleeve. When the other way is sealed up, the socket expands between the welded turns, and the fluid can pass through the jacket [fr

  13. Fabrication of CFRP/Al Active Laminates (United States)

    Asanuma, Hiroshi; Haga, Osamu; Ohira, Junichiro; Takemoto, Kyosuke; Imori, Masataka

    This paper describes fabrication and evaluation of the active laminate. It was made by hot-pressing of an aluminum plate as a high CTE material, a unidirectional CFRP prepreg as a low CTE material and an electric resistance heater, a KFRP prepreg as a low CTE material and an insulator between them, and copper foils as electrodes. In this study, fabricating conditions and performances such as curvature change and output force were examined. Under optimized fabricating conditions, it became clear that 1) the curvature of the active laminate linearly changes as a function of temperature, between room temperature and its hot pressing temperature without hysteresis by electric resistance heating of carbon fiber in the CFRP layer and cooling, and 2) the output force against a fixed punch almost linearly increases with increasing temperature during heating from 313K up to around the glass transition temperature of the epoxy matrix.

  14. Robust and durable superhydrophobic cotton fabrics for oil/water separation. (United States)

    Zhou, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Zhaozhu; Xu, Xianghui; Guo, Fang; Zhu, Xiaotao; Men, Xuehu; Ge, Bo


    By introducing the incorporation of polyaniline and fluorinated alkyl silane to the cotton fabric via a facile vapor phase deposition process, the fabric surface possessed superhydrophobicity with the water contact angle of 156° and superoleophilicity with the oil contact angle of 0°. The as-prepared fabric can be applied as effective materials for the separation of water and oil mixture with separation efficiency as high as 97.8%. Compared with other materials for oil/water separation, the reported process was simple, time-saving, and repeatable for at least 30 times. Moreover, the obtained fabric kept stable superhydrophobicity and high separation efficiency under extreme environment conditions of high temperature, high humidity, strong acidic or alkaline solutions, and mechanical forces. Therefore, this reported fabric has the advantages of scalable fabrication, high separation efficiency, stable recyclability, and excellent durability, exhibiting the strong potential for industrial production.

  15. Moisture Comfort and Antibacterial Properties of Elastic Warp-Knitted Fabrics

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    Yu Zhi-Cai


    Full Text Available Multifunction elastic warp-knitted fabrics were fabricated on a crochet machine with the use of metal composite yarns/viscose yarn and bamboo polyester/ crisscross-section polyester hybrid yarns as the front face and back face of the knitted fabric structure, respectively. We investigated the effect of the blend ratio of bamboo charcoal/ crisscross-section polyester multiply yarns on the fabric's moisture comfort properties, such as water vapour transmission (WVT, water evaporation rate (WER, and water absorbency. The results showed that blending ratio significantly influenced WVT and WER. Moreover, antibacterial activity of the elastic warp- knitted fabric was tested against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in accordance with AATCC 90-2011. Finally, the extension- stress value curves were used to analyse the elastic stretching property, and the fabric exhibited greater breaking elongation and lower stress value in the walewise than in the weft direction.

  16. Minor Actinide Laboratory at JRC-ITU: Fuel fabrication facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandez, A.; McGinley, J.; Somers, J.


    The Minor Actinide Laboratory (MA-lab) of the Institute for Transuranium Elements is a unique facility for the fabrication of fuels and targets containing minor actinides (MA). It is of key importance for research on Partitioning and Transmutation in Europe, as it is one of the only dedicated facilities for the fabrication of MA containing materials, either for property measurements or for the production of test pins for irradiation experiments. In this paper a detailed description of the MA-Lab facility and the fabrication processes developed to fabricate fuels and samples containing high content of minor actinides is given. In addition, experience gained and improvements are also outlined. (authors)

  17. Controlled Fabrication of Metallic Electrodes with Atomic Separation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morpurgo, A.; Robinson, D.; M. Marcus, C.


    We report a new technique for fabricating metallic electrodes on insulating substrates with separations on the 1 nm scale. The fabrication technique, which combines lithographic and electrochemical methods, provides atomic resolution without requiring sophisticated instrumentation. The process is...

  18. Fabrication of three-dimensional nanofibrous macrostructures by electrospinning

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    Ping Zhu


    Full Text Available Electrospinning has been widely used in fabricating nanofibers and nanofibrous membranes. Recently, the fabrication of three-dimensional (3D nanofibrous macrostructures has become a hot subject in the development of electrospinning technology. In this paper, the 3D nanofibrous macrostructure was constructed by using electrospinning apparatus with both dynamic and static 3D collecting templates. The effect of the governing parameters on the formation process of 3D macrostructure is studied, such as the applied voltage, the flow rate, the needle-tip-to-collector distance, and the rotating speed. It was found that laying the collecting device either in parallel or perpendicularly with some gap in between, would lead to orderly deposition of nanofibers. In this study, a “dumbbell” dynamic collector was used to fabricate special 3D macrostructures consisting of multilayers of fibrous membranes. By adjusting the rotating speed of the collector, the formation process of multilayer 3D macrostructure can be controlled. An umbrella-shaped static structure collector was used to fabricate 3D framework structures. It is feasible to fabricate various 3D nanofibrous structures via electrospinning with 3D collecting templates, which has great potential in tissue engineering.

  19. Analisis Penanganan Carding dan Perlindungan Nasabah dalam Kaitannya dengan Undang- Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik No.11 Tahun 2008


    Panjaitan, Leonard Tiopan


    Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) secara langsung dan tidaklangsung berpotensi melahirkan kejahatan-kejahatan siber (Cybercrime)khususnya Carding. UU ITE No.11 tahun 2008 merupakan jaminankepastian hukum yang akan membuat seluruh aktivitas pemanfaatanTIK di dalam negeri terlindungi dengan baik dari potensi kejahatan danpenyalahgunaan teknologi. Kepastian hukum ini juga harus dirasakanoleh pelaku industri kartu kredit termasuk kastemer. Dengan cara inimaka bertransaksi di internet denga...

  20. Tinjauan Yuridis Perjanjian Kerjasama Pengadaan Armada Kendaraan Bus Wisata Antara PT. Lingga Jati Al Manshurin Dengan P.O. Karona


    Sinabang, Rajamin P.


    Perkembangan masyarakat telah dipengaruhi oleh kemajuan teknologi. Hal ini yang memperbaharui penggunaan berbagai aturan hukum untuk bentuk-bentuk tertentu, hingga sampai pada bentuk pelayanan (service) tertentu dari pengusaha dalam bidang teknologi, khususnya dalam usaha pengangkutan darat. Sehingga dibutuhkan bus dari perusahaan penyedia armada kendaraan bus untuk pengangkutan tersebut, yaitu melalui perjanjian kerjasama pengadaan armada bus, yang dilakukan oleh PT. Lingga Jati Al Manshurin...

  1. Penerapan Bahasa Alami Sederhana pada Online Public Access Catalog (Opac) Berbasis Web Semantik


    Andri, Andri


    Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) merupakan sistem katalog online yang memanfaatkan teknologi komputer dan internet sebagai media pengaksesan dan penyimpanan datanya. Sebuah katalog biasanya memberikan informasi mengenai koleksi yang disimpan dalam sebuah perpustakaan digital. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibuat sebuah prototipe aplikasi pencarian pada katalog online di perpustakaan Universitas Binadarma Palembang berbasis teknologi web semantik serta menerapkan pengolahan bahasa alami sederha...

  2. Implementasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Recurrent Dengan Metode Pembelajaran Gradient Descent Adaptive Learning Rate Untuk Pendugaan Curah Hujan


    Salman, Afan Galih


    Penggunaan teknologi di bidang Artificial Intellegence khususnya teknologi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) dalampendugaan curah hujan dapat dilakukan dengan metoda pendekatan pembelajaran. Berdasarkan kemampuanbelajar yang dimilikinya, maka JST dapat dilatih untuk mempelajari dan menganalisa pola data masa lalu danberusaha mencari suatu formula atau fungsi yang akan menghubungkan pola data masa lalu dengan keluaranyang diinginkan pada saat ini. Keakuratan hasil prediksi JST diukur berdasarkan ko...

  3. Fabrication of Te and Te-Au Nanowires-Based Carbon Fiber Fabrics for Antibacterial Applications

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    Ting-Mao Chou


    Full Text Available Pathogenic bacteria that give rise to diseases every year remain a major health concern. In recent years, tellurium-based nanomaterials have been approved as new and efficient antibacterial agents. In this paper, we developed the approach to directly grow tellurium nanowires (Te NWs onto commercial carbon fiber fabrics and demonstrated their antibacterial activity. Those Te NWs can serve as templates and reducing agents for gold nanoparticles (Au NPs to deposit. Three different Te-Au NWs with varied concentration of Au NPs were synthesized and showed superior antibacterial activity and biocompability. These results indicate that the as-prepared carbon fiber fabrics with Te and Te-Au NWs can become antimicrobial clothing products in the near future.


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    Sobari Sobari


    Full Text Available Survei kebutuhan informasi yang telah dilaksanakan di wilayah kabupaten Jayawijaya bertujuan untuk mengetahui subjek-subjek informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat setempat serta untuk mengetahui usaha masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Hasil analisis survei menyimpulkan bahwa kebutuhan informasi masyarakat Jayawijaya lebih dominan pada subjek-subjek informasi bidang teknologi tepat guna, teknologi pedesaan atau teknologi sederhana. Subjek-subjek informasi lain yang juga banyak dibutuhkan adalah masalah sosial budaya, Kesehatan masyarakat, sistem peraturan perundang-undangan, hukum, kepemerintahan, administrasi, manajemen dan masalah perkantoran. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasinya, masyarakat Jayawijaya masih mengandalkan perpustakaan sebagai tempat memperoleh bUkubuku atau bahan bacaan. Kebutuhan buku-buku pelajaran dan buku-buku bacaan anak-anak sekolah di wilayah kabupaten Jayawijaya, khususnya wilayah Wamena masih dirasakan sangat kurang.

  5. Implementasi Server VoIP Berbasis SIP Pada LAN Nirkabel

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    Mohammad Shoffa Al Arofat


    Full Text Available Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP merupakan teknologi yang memungkinkan percakapan suara jarak jauh melalui protokol internet. Dalam telekomunikasi, diperlukan teknologi pensinyalan yang berguna untuk membangun, mengawasi, dan melepas hubungan antara dua titik. Salah satu teknologi pensinyalan yang banyak digunakan untuk VoIP adalah Session Initiation Protocol, dengan implementasinya yang berupa perangkat lunak Open SIP Server. Selain pensinyalan, ada beberapa parameter yang perlu diperhatikan dalam implementasi VoIP, yaitu Mean Opinion Score (MOS, network impairment, dan bandwidth. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap enam codec, yaitu G.722, PCMA, PCMU, Speex, GSM, dan BV16. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa codec yang menggunakan bandwidth paling rendah adalah Speex (27,12 kbps; Rata-rata delay yang dihasilkan oleh sipdroid lebih baik daripada jitsi.

  6. Fabrication of vanadium cans for neutron diffraction experiments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, Chin man; Baik, Sung Hoon; Park, Sun Kyu


    The laser weld technique of vanadium developed to experiment for neutron diffraction of HANARO. The demands for this laser welding technique were applied to process control in vanadium film welding and to fabricate various sizing vanadium cans. The vanadium can had a advantage to have less coherent in neutron. KAERI developed the fabrication jig of 6-12 mm diameter cans using 0.125 mm vanadium thin film, and investigated the laser welding procedure for making the various diameter and length of vanadium cans using the fabricated jigs and Nd:YAG laser. (author)

  7. NERVA turbopump bearing retainer fabrication on nonmetallic retainer (United States)

    Accinelli, J. B.


    The need for a low-wear, lightweight, high strength bearing retainer material with a radiation degradation threshold of 10 to the 9th power rads (C) prompted development of nonmetallic reinforced polymers of the following types: (1) polybenzimidazole, (2) polyimide, and (3) polyquinoxaline. Retainers were machined from tubular laminates (billets), including reinforcement by either glass or graphite fabric or filament. Fabrication of billets involves hot preimpregnation of the reinforcement fabric or filament with polymer followed by wrapping this prepreg over a heated mandrel to form a tube with the required thickness and length.

  8. Fabrication and Characterisation of Membrane-Based Gold Electrodes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bakmand, Tanya; Kwasny, Dorota; Dimaki, Maria


    This work presents a versatile, membrane based electrochemical sensor with thin film electrodes fabricated through Ebeam evaporation directly on porous materials (membranes). Here, the fabrication of the electrodes is described along with possible methods for integration in fluidic systems...

  9. Fabrication of Superconducting Detectors for Studying the Universe (United States)

    Brown, Ari-David


    Superconducting detectors offer unparalleled means of making astronomical/cosmological observations. Fabrication of these detectors is somewhat unconventional; however, a lot of novel condensed matter physics/materials scientific discoveries and semiconductor fabrication processes can be generated in making these devices.

  10. Highly conductive templated-graphene fabrics for lightweight, flexible and foldable supercapacitors (United States)

    Zhang, Ping; Zhang, Hanzhi; Yan, Casey; Zheng, Zijian; Yu, You


    The templated-rGO fabric, featuring high conductivity (<1.0 Ω □-1) and low density (160 mg cm-2), is prepared by a simple dip-coating technique with sequentially coating nickel via polymer-assisted metal deposition (PAMD) and reduced-graphene oxide (rGO) on textile fabric templates at very mild conditions and is used in the fabrication of energy storage devices. As a proof of concept, both the layered and planar supercapacitors (SCs) are successfully fabricated using the rGO fabrics as templates, and both exhibit excellent electrochemical performance, ultrahigh stability with 2000 charge-discharge cycles and mechanical flexibility at bending (r  =  3 mm) and even folding states. It is found that the material of textile fabric used has a profound effect on the electrochemical property of SCs. The comparison result reveals that loose natural cotton fabrics are more suitable than tight man-made nylon fabrics for preparing high-performance SCs. In addition, such supercapacitor can be sewed into commercial textiles and powers a LED light, indicating promising applications in wearable electronics.

  11. Fabrication, fabrication control and in-core follow up of 4 LEU leader fuel elements based on U3Si2 in RECH-1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chavez, J.C.; Barrera, M.; Olivares, L.; Lisboa, J.


    The RECH-1 MTR reactor has been converted from HEU to MEU (45% enrichment) and the decision to a LEU (20% enrichment) conversion was taken some years ago. This LEU conversion decision involved a local fuel development and fabrication based on U 3 Si 2 -Al dispersion fuel, and a fabrication qualification stage that resulted in four fuel elements fully complying with established fabrication standards for this type of fuel. This report-presents relevant points of these four leaders fuel elements fabrication, in particular a fuel plate core homogeneity control development. A summary of the intended in core follow-up studies for the leaders fuel elements is also presented here. (author)

  12. Superparamagnetic photocurable nanocomposite for the fabrication of microcantilevers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Suter, M; Ergeneman, O; Zürcher, J


    We present a photocurable polymer composite with superparamagnetic characteristics for the fabrication of microcantilevers. Uniform distribution and low particle agglomeration (......We present a photocurable polymer composite with superparamagnetic characteristics for the fabrication of microcantilevers. Uniform distribution and low particle agglomeration (...

  13. Rapsodie first core manufacture. 1. part: processing plant; Fabrication du premier coeur de rapsodie. Premiere partie: l'atelier de fabrication

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Masselot, Y; Bataller, S; Ganivet, M; Guillet, H; Robillard, A; Stosskopf, F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This report is the first in a series of three describing the processes, results and peculiar technical problems related to the manufacture of the first core of the fast reactor Rapsodie. A detailed study of manufacturing processes(pellets, pins, fissile sub-assemblies), the associated testings (raw materials, processed pellets and pins, sub-assemblies before delivery), manufacturing facilities and improvements for a second campaign are described. (author) [French] Ce rapport est le premier d'une serie de trois qui decrivent les procedes, les resultats et les problemes techniques particuliers de la fabrication du du premier coeur de la pile a neutrons rapides Rapsodie. Il comporte une etude detaillee des procedes de fabrication (pastilles, aiguilles, assemblages combustibles) et des methodes de controle associees (matieres premieres, pastilles et aiguilles en cours de fabrication, assemblages fissiles avant livraison), ainsi qu'une decription complete des installations de l'atelier de fabrication et les modifications apportees pour une deuxieme campagne. (auteur)

  14. Fibers and fabrics with insulating, water-proofing, and flame-resistant properties (United States)

    Hrubesh, Lawrence W.; Poco, John F.; Coronado, Paul R.


    Fibers, and fabrics produced from the fibers, are made water repellent, fire-retardant and/or thermally insulating by filling void spaces in the fibers and/or fabrics with a powdered material. When the powder is sufficiently finely divided, it clings tenaciously to the fabric's fibers and to itself, resisting the tendency to be removed from the fabric.

  15. Utilization of process TEG for fabrication of HTS circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hato, T.; Okada, Y.; Maruyama, M.; Suzuki, H.; Wakana, H.; Adachi, S.; Kawabe, U.; Tanabe, K.


    We improved the fabrication process of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) sampler circuits with multilayer structures by utilizing a test elements group (TEG). Among a lot of difficulties in the HTS circuit fabrication process, loss of oxygen is one of the most significant problems. Since the film transition temperature (T c ) has a strong relationship with the resistance at room temperature, we fabricated a test pattern on the same wafer of the circuits and measured the resistance at room temperature by using a prober to estimate the T c of each layer. By introducing the measurement of the normal resistance after each process, we found better process conditions without a T c drop. Moreover, we constructed a low-temperature probing system, in which we can measure the junction TEG. The system enabled feedback of the fabrication condition soon after the junction process. The utilization of the process TEG contributed to reproducible fabrication of HTS circuits and that is a promising advance of the HTS circuit technology

  16. An improved fabrication process for Si-detector-compatible JFETs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piemonte, Claudio; Dalla Betta, Gian-Franco; Boscardin, Maurizio; Gregori, Paolo; Zorzi, Nicola; Ratti, Lodovico


    We report on JFET devices fabricated on high-resistivity silicon with a radiation detector technology. The problems affecting previous versions of these devices have been thoroughly investigated and solved by developing an improved fabrication process, which allows for a sizeable enhancement in the JFET performance. In this paper, the main features of the fabrication technology are presented and selected results from the electrical and noise characterization of transistors are discussed

  17. Panel fabrication utilizing GaAs solar cells (United States)

    Mardesich, N.


    The development of the GaAs solar cells for space applications is described. The activities in the fabrication of GaAs solar panels are outlined. Panels were fabricated while introducing improved quality control, soldering laydown and testing procedures. These panels include LIPS II, San Marco Satellite, and a low concentration panel for Rockwells' evaluation. The panels and their present status are discussed.

  18. Fuel Fabrication Capability Research and Development Plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Senor, David J.; Burkes, Douglas


    The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive review of the mission of the Fuel Fabrication Capability (FFC) within the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) Convert Program, along with research and development (R&D) needs that have been identified as necessary to ensuring mission success. The design and fabrication of successful nuclear fuels must be closely linked endeavors.

  19. 16 CFR 303.24 - Pile fabrics and products composed thereof. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Pile fabrics and products composed thereof... CONGRESS RULES AND REGULATIONS UNDER THE TEXTILE FIBER PRODUCTS IDENTIFICATION ACT § 303.24 Pile fabrics and products composed thereof. The fiber content of pile fabrics or products composed thereof may be...

  20. Piezoresistive effect in top-down fabricated silicon nanowires

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reck, Kasper; Richter, Jacob; Hansen, Ole


    We have designed and fabricated silicon test chips to investigate the piezoresistive properties of both crystalline and polycrystalline nanowires using a top-down approach, in order to comply with conventional fabrication techniques. The test chip consists of 5 silicon nanowires and a reference...