
Sample records for oksida padat studi

  1. Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Padat Puskesmas Se-Kota Pekanbaru

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    Emy Leonita


    Full Text Available Jumlah limbah medis yang bersumber dari fasilitas kesehatan diperkirakan semakin lama semakin meningkat. Berdasarkan Profil Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2008, jumlah puskesmas mencapai 8.548 unit. Pengelolaan limbah medis yang berasal dari rumah sakit, puskesmas, balai pengobatan maupun laboratorium medis di Indonesia masih dibawah standar profesional. Di kota Pekanbaru tidak memiliki data yang akurat tentang pengelolaan limbah medis di puskesmas, maka dari itu dianggap perlu dilakukan penelitian terkait untuk melihat sejauh mana pengelolaan limbah medis padat puskesmas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengelolaan limbah medis padat di Puskesmas se-Kota Pekanbaru. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif, penelitian ini dilakukan di 20 puskesmas yang ada di Pekanbaru. Jumlah  Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah 21 orang yang terdiri dari 20 pemegang program kesehatan lingkungan masing-masing puskesmas dan 1 orang pemegang program sanitasi lingkungan di Dinas Kesehatan Kota. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa puskesmas se kota Pekanbaru telah melakukan pengelolaan sampah padat mulai dari pemilahan, pengumpulan, penampungan, pengangkutan, namun pada tahap pemusnahan masih kurang maksimal. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah dana operasional dan tenaga maintenance yang tidak ada serta mesin insinerator yang tidak berfungsi dengan baik. 

  2. Desain Model E-business Aplikasi Mobile (Studi Kasus: E-makanan Padat Pendamping Asi)


    Pratami, Devi; Puspita, Ika Arum


    Jumlah pengguna internet dari perangkat mobile semakin bertambah. Saat ini android meraup angka lebih dari satu milyar user yang telah mengaktivasi ponsel berbasis android. Dari tingginya angka user tersebut potensi bisnis berasal dari aplikasi-aplikasi yang terdapat di pasar virtual android yang disebut Google Playstore. Pada penelitian ini akan dijabarkan langkah sistematis merancang model e-business dari mobile application dengan studi kasus pengembangan aplikasi e-MPASI atau Makanan Padat...

  3. Karakteristik dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Sabun Padat Transparan yang Diperkaya dengan Ekstrak Kasar Karotenoid Chlorella pyrenoidosa

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    Wayan Agustini


    Full Text Available Sabun berfungsi membersihkan kulit, tidak merusak kulit serta mampu melindungi kulit dari efek radikal bebas. Senyawa yang mampu menangkal radikal bebas adalah antioksidan yang antara lain bersumber dari Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak kasar karotenoid C. pyrenoidosa yang diformulasikan pada sabun padat transparan dan karakteristik sabun yang dihasilkan. Konsentrasi ekstrak kasar karotenoid yang digunakan adalah 5%, 10% dan 15%. Sabun padat transparan dibuat dengan metode setengah panas (semi-boiled. Evaluasi sediaan meliputi warna, kekerasan sabun, pH, kadar air, asam lemak bebas, lemak tidak tersabunkan, aktivitas antioksidan dan daya stabilitas sabun pada penyimpanan suhu 25-30 °C dan 60 °C selama 3 minggu. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa sabun padat transparan yang mengandung ekstrak kasar karotenoid sebanyak 5%, 10%, dan 15% memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dengan nilai IC50 berturut-turut sebesar 66,42 µg/ml,              59,18 µg/ml, dan 10,21 µg/ml. Sabun padat transparan dengan kandungan ekstrak kasar karotenoid sebanyak 5% berwarna kuning neon carrot, ekstrak 10% berwarna kuning pizzaz dan ekstrak 15% berwarna kuning pumpkin. Seluruh sabun beraroma lemongrass. Sabun padat transparan memiliki nilai pH sebesar 9,31-10,47, kadar air 14,45-16,28%, kekerasan sabun 1,40-1,81 mm/detik, jumlah asam lemak bebas 0,42-0,68% dan lemak tidak tersabunkan 1,79-1,84%. Berdasarkan hasil uji stabilitas, sabun tahan disimpan dalam suhu kamar selama 2 tahun, karena sabun relatif stabil pada penyimpanan suhu 60 °C selama 3 minggu.


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    Angga Cipta Narsa


    Full Text Available Ketoconazole is an antifungal azole synthetic which derivatived from imidazole. Ketoconazole is practically insoluble in water and its bioavailability depend on pH condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The purpose of the research is to increase the solubility of ketoconazole by solid dispersion method using Eudragit® E 100, PEG 6000, and glycerol. Solid dispersion was evaluated with respect to solubility, cristalinity, complexation and morphology of solid dispersion. The optimum formulation with the highest solubility was resulted by solid dispersion with ratio ketoconazole - Eudragit® E 100 - glycerol of 1:8:0.5. X-ray diffraction test revealed the change of crystalline ketoconazole and similar to Eudragit® E 100. This result was also supported by spectrum of infrared and endothermic peak of differential scanning calorimetry. Based on scanning electron microscopy morphology of pure Eudragit® E 100 and solid dispersion was similar. Solid dispersion of ketoconazole with Eudragit® E 100 and glycerol improved solubilty. Keywords : ketoconazole, solid dispersion, Eudragit® E 100   ABSTRAK Ketokonazol merupakan zat antijamur sintetik golongan azol yang merupakan turunan imidazol.Ketokonazol praktis tidak larut dalam air dan ketersediaan hayati melalui rute oral sangat beragam tergantung dari kondisi pH saluran pencernaan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kelarutan ketokonazol dengan cara pembuatan dispersi padat mengunakan Eudragit® E 100, PEG 6000, serta gliserol. Dispersi padat di evaluasi dengan uji kelarutan jenuh, kristalinitas, kompleksasi, dan morfologinya.Formula optimal dengan peningkatan kelarutan tertinggi dihasilkan oleh perbandingan dispersi padat ketokonazol - Eudragit® E 100 - gliserol 1:8:0,5. Pengujian difraksi sinar-X menunjukkan adanya perubahan kristalinitas ketokonazol yaitu sama seperti Eudragit® E 100.Hasil ini juga didukung oleh hasil pengujian spetkrofotometer infra merah dan puncak endotermik

  5. Svojstva i primena solova cerijum (IV) oksida sintetisanih postupkom forsirane hidrolize


    Gulicovski, Jelena J.


    Stabilne koloidne disperzije (solovi) cerijum(IV)-oksida dobijeni su metodom forsirane hidrolize, polazeći od cerijum(IV)-nitrata i cerijum(IV)-sulfata u prisustvu različitih količina sumporne i azotne kiseline. Posebna pažnja posvećena je ispitivanju uticaja elektrolita KNO3 i K2SO4 na stabilnost pripremljenih koloidnih disperzija. Takođe, ispitana je mogućnost primene solova CeO2 za formiranje zaštitne prevlake na površini aluminijuma i primene praha CeO2 u oblasti skladištenja vodonika. ...


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    Nunik Cokrowati


    Full Text Available Prospek budidaya Panulirus homarus menjanjikan dari segi ekonomi dan keadaan alam di wilayah NTB serta merupakan spesies komoditi ekspor utama di Indonesia.Potensi akuakultur lobster pasir tentunya membutuhkan teknik budidaya yang sesuai agar mendapatkan hasil yang optimal.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan padat tebar terhadap pertumbuhan dan nilai Survival rate (SR serta untuk mengetahui padat tebar yang dapat menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan nilai SR optimum post puerulus Panulirus homarus.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL dengan faktor tunggal yaitu padat tebar dengan densitas 20 ekor/m2, 40 ekor/m2, 60 ekor/m2, dan 80 ekor/m2. Parameter yang diamati adalah pertumbuhan spesifik dan kelangsungan hidup (SR post puerulus Panulirus homarus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian perlakuan perbedaan padat tebar berpengaruh (P<0,05 terhadap pertumbuhan spesifik dan kelangsungan hidup (SR post puerulus Panulirus homarus. Nilai SGR dan SR tertinggi terdapat pada kepadatan 20 ekor/m2 sebesar 2,15425% dengan nilai SR 75%, dengan kualitas air sebagai faktor pembatas dengan nilai rata-rata pH 7,2, suhu 26,930 C, salinitas 34,4 ppt dan DO 5,86 mg/l nilai tersebut dalam batas toleransi  sebagai kehidupan biota air khususnya  lobster pasir. Kata kunci : Panulirus homarus, padat tebar, survival rate

  7. Potensi Limbah Padat sebagai Benang Gintir Berbasis Sistem Interlacing

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    Nisa Fardani


    Full Text Available Sistem pengelolaan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah menjadi masalah lingkungan yang besar seiring dengan pertumbuhan industri pulp dan kertas di Indonesia. Konversi limbah padat menjadi bahan bakar pelengkap untuk industri kertas juga tidak memberikan hasil yang signifikan untuk memecahkan masalah pencemaran udara pada saat karbon aktif dibebaskan dari proses pembakaran. Masalah ini secara khusus menuntut sistem pengelolaan sampah yang maju dan efektif secara terus-menerus. Baru-baru ini, optimasi pemanfaatan serat-limbah menjadi alternatif khusus untuk mengurangi tumpukan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah. Namun, tidak semua dapat didaur ulang. Karakteristik limbah padat berserat dari industri kertas tisu cenderung menurun gramaturnya, sehingga sangat disayangkan pemanfaatannya akan berkurang bahkan setelah proses daur ulang. Di sisi lain, struktur kimianya yang telah rusak selama proses produksi tampaknya menjadi semangat baru bagi industri tekstil di masa depan dalam mengembangkan teknologi daur ulang limbah padat berserat, yang menghasilkan benang tekstil generasi baru. Fokus dalam penelitian ini ditekankan pada penemuan tas yang terbuat dari bahan serat-limbah menggunakan metode eksperimental. Identifikasi karakteristik serat-sampah berbasis padat dikembangkan melalui teknik eksplorasi multi-ply yarns berdasarkan sistem interlace. Hubungan antara penciptaan produk dan forecasting  tren pada tahun 2013 akan menjadi analisis berikutnya sebagai salah satu cara untuk memecahkan masalah sampah.Kata Kunci: limbah; multi-ply yarns; sistem interlacing.The Potential of Solid Waste as Multiply Yarn Based on Interlacing SystemsSolid-waste disposal in landfills is becoming a massive environmental problem as a result of the growth of the pulp and paper industry in Indonesia. The conversion of solid waste to complementary fuel for the paper industry is also not giving any significant results to solve air contamination, as active carbon is released

  8. PREPARASI KATALIS ABU KULIT KERANG UNTUK TRANSESTERIFIKASI MINYAK NYAMPLUNG MENJADI BIODIESEL (Preparation of Cockle Shell Powder Catalyst for Transesterificationof Calophyllumi inophyllum L. Oil to Biodiesel

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    Zuhra Zuhra


    menggunakan katalis padat dari kulit kerang. Dari pola XRD mengindikasikan bahwa CaCO3 terkonversi dari kulit kerang sempurna menjadi CaO ketika kulit kerang dikalsinasi pada suhu 900 oC. Hasil rekaman SEM diperoleh ukuran partikel katalis setelah dipijar menjadi kecil. Aktivitas katalis tertinggi diperoleh pada penggunaan abu kulit kerang yang dikalsinasi pada suhu 900 oC. Rendemenmetil ester tertinggi mencapai 87,4% setelah 3 jam reaksi. Katalis abu kulit kerang telah terbukti dapat digunakan untuk reaksi transesterifikasi minyak nabati menjadi biodiesel. Kata kunci: Kulit kerang, biodiesel, katalis heterogen, kalsium oksida, minyak nyamplung, transesterikasi

  9. Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Tinta Serbuk Printer Berbahan Baku Arang Aktif dari Limbah Padat Pengolahan Gambir

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    Yudo Purnomo


    Full Text Available Research on the utilization of tannins and catechins of gambier has been done a lot. There is no research report however that examines the utilization of gambier processing solid waste. The objective of the research was to utilize the solid waste of gambier processing as a raw material of printer toner. The research was done through pyrolysis process of solid waste with temperature variation 400, 500, 600oC and time variation 30, 60 minutes. The highest carbon content was obtained 42% with 400oC temperature and 60 minutes. The pyrolysis process of the gambier solid waste was further carried out at the optimum temperature and time. The charcoal was activated with H3PO4 at concentrations 0; 5; and 10% for 24 hours, cooled and washed to remove residual of H3PO4, then drying in the oven at temperature 115oC for 24 hours. Size reduction process used a ball milling for 2 hours with speed 500 rpm. Fixed carbon content was obtained between 43-51%. The results of morphological testing by scanning electron microscope showed that the produced carbon powder had not a uniform size yet. The average particle size was between 5-10 µm with polydispersity index 0.9. The most mineral elements of carbon powder analysis using XRF were Ca, Mg, K, Si, Fe, and P. Testing of print quality based on ISO/IEC 19752:2004 using laser jet printers had not provided optimal results yet.ABSTRAKPenelitian pemanfaatan tanin dan katekin gambir telah banyak dilakukan. Namun, belum dilaporkan penelitian yang mengkaji pemanfaatan limbah padat pengolahan gambir. Tujuan penelitian adalah memanfaatkan limbah padat pengolahan gambir sebagai bahan baku pembuatan tinta serbuk printer. Penelitian dilakukan melalui proses pirolisis limbah padat dengan variasi suhu 400, 500, 600oC dan variasi waktu 30, 60 menit. Kadar karbon terikat tertinggi diperoleh sebesar 42% dengan suhu pirolisis 400oC selama 60 menit. Proses pirolisis limbah padat gambir selanjutnya dilakukan pada suhu dan waktu optimal


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    Putri Nilam Sari


    Full Text Available Pencemaran lingkungan menyebabkan meningkatnya penyebaran penyakit, mengurangi estetika lingkungan, dan berdampak pada pemanasan global. Di Kecamatan Banuhampu sebagian besar sampah masih dibuang sembarangan yang berpotensi merusak lingkungan sekitar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan informan penelitian berjumlah 9 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan belum adanya perencanaan khusus dalam pengelolaan sampah karena tidak adanya tempat pengelolaan sampah. Untuk pelaksanaan pengelolaan sampah, di daerah pinggir kota telah terdapat masyarakat yang bekerjasama dengan Kota Bukittinggi dan di daerah pedesaan telah ada masyarakat yang mengelola sampah dengan membuat kompos, tetapi sebagian besar sampah masih dibuang sembarangan. Diperlukan perwakilan BPLH untuk memanajemen pengelolaan sampah di Kecamatan Banuhampu, membuat Peraturan Daerah khusus sampah, pengembangan metode pengelolaan sampah dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat untuk melaksanakan 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle sehingga jumlah sampah dapat diminimalisir.   Kata Kunci: perilaku, pengelolaan sampah, sampah padat


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    K. Wiyono


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh model multimedia interaktif berbasis gaya belajar dalam meningkatkan penguasaan konsep pendahuluan fisika zat padat mahasiswa calon guru. Metode eksperimen dengan desain control group pretest-posttest design dilaksanakan terhadap 37 mahasiswa kelas eks-perimen dan 36 mahasiswa kelas kontrol di LPTK Sumatera Selatan. Instrumen berupa kuesioner gaya belajar, tes pilihan ganda, angket dan lembar observasi. Uji t beda rerata digunakan melihat peningkatan penguasaan konsep mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan tertinggi terjadi pada gaya belajar visual sebesar 83,0 (kategori tinggi dan terendah pada gaya belajar kinestetik sebesar 66,3 (ketegori sedang. Peningkatan penguasaan konsep kelas eksperimen 74 (kategori tinggi dan kelas kontrol 47 (ketegori sedang. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan  multimedia interaktif berbasis gaya belajar lebih efektif daripada pembelajaran konvensional dalam meningkatkan penguasaan konsep pendahuluan fisika zat padat.This study aims to see the effect of interactive multimedia model based learning styles to improve the concept mastery introductory solid state physics prospective teachers. Experimental methods with pretest posttes control group design implemented of 37 students in the experimental class and 36 students in the control class LPTK South Sumatra. Instruments of learning styles questionnaires, multiple choice tests, questionnaires and observation sheets. The mean difference t test used to see an increase in student concepts of mastery. The results showed that the highest increase occurred in the visual learning style that is equal to 83.0 (high category and the lowest at 66.3 for kinesthetic learning styles (medium category. Increased concept of mastery class experiments 74 (high category and a control class 47 (medium category. Concluded that the use of interactive multimedia-based learning style is more effective than conventional learning in


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    Arif Dwi Santoso


    Full Text Available Studi tentang perkiraan padat penebaran optimum pada ikan kerapu macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus berdasarkan pada kebutuhan oksigen terlarut telah dilakukan pada areal Teluk Hurun, Lampung pada bulan Juli 2003. Rata-rata hasil pengukuran kualitas lingkungan keramba jaring apung 13,5 m3 yang berisi ikan kerapu macan meliputi oksigen terlarut 3,68—6,76 (5,35 ± 0,25 mg/L suhu air 28,64—29,72 (29,09 ± 0,09 oC. Salinitas 32,69—33,0 (32,94 ± 0,13 psu and turbiditas 0,27—13,62 (1,15 ± 0,41 NTU. Data tambahan meliputi laju pemasukan air sungai sekitar 0,02 m3/detik dan kecepatan arus 2,3—5,1 cm/detik. Dari analisis data laju respirasi ikan kerapu macan yang diukur dengan mengunakan fish chamber menghasilkan fungsi korelasi terhadap bobot badan ikan yaitu Y= 0,0038 + 0,6108 dengan R2= 0,7437 dan fungsi padat penebaran yang optimum yaitu Y= 1505,6 X -0.632; R2= 0,7419. Dari kedua fungsi tersebut didapatkan rekomendasi penentuan padat penebaran yang optimum berdasarkan kebutuhan oksigen terlarut dengan batasan sebagai berikut: stok ikan berukuran kurang dari 50 g disarankan ditebar dengan kepadatan 175 ekor/m3, ikan ukuran 100--200 g sekitar 63 ekor/m3 dan ikan ukuran lebih dari 1.200 g sekitar 17 ekor/m3. Study on the optimum stocking rate estimation on tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus base on dissolved oxygen budged was held in aquaculture area Hurun Bay Lampung in July 2003. Environmental parameters of Hurun Bay estuary were monitored at the site of 13.5 m3 floating net cages for E. fuscoguttatus in July 2003. Average dissolved oxygen inside cages was 3.68—6.76 (5.35 ± 0.25 mg/L with water temperature 28.64—29.72 (29.09 ± 0.09 oC. Salinity 32.69—33.0 (32.94 ± 0.13 psu and turbidity 0.27—13.62 (1.15 ± 0.41 NTU. Inflow rate of cages was 0.02 m3/sec with current velocity 2.3—5.1 cm/s. Results showed that the functions of respiration rate for correlation between respiration of E. fucoguttatus and their weight was Y= 0

  13. Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis sebagai Model Diabetes Melitus: Pengaruh Hiperglikemia pada Lipid Darah, Serum Oksida Nitrik, dan Tingkah Laku Klinis (THE LONG TAILED MACAQUE (MACACA FASCICULARIS AS A MODEL OF DIABETES MELITUS : EFFECT OF HYPE

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    Sri Kayati Widyastuti


    Full Text Available Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis sebagai Model Diabetes Melitus: Pengaruh Hiperglikemia pada Lipid Darah, Serum Oksida Nitrik, dan Tingkah Laku Klinis   (THE LONG TAILED MACAQUE (MACACA FASCICULARIS AS A MODEL OF DIABETES MELITUS : EFFECT OF HYPERGLICEMIA ON BLOOD LIPID, SERUM NITRIC OXIDE, AND CLINICAL BEHAVIOUR

  14. Pengaruh Variasi Temperatur Hidrotermal Pada Sintesis Lithium Mangan Oksida (Limn2o4 Spinel Terhadap Efisiensi Adsorpsi Dan Desorpsi Ion Lithium Dari Lumpur Sidoarjo

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    Yusuf Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang material menunjukkan perkembangan yang sangat pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.Salah satu material yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam berbagai aplikasi adalah lithium. Lithium sendiri bisa didapatkan dari air laut brines dan geothermal fluid. Salah satunya adalah Lumpur Sidoarjo. Lithium Mangan Oksida Spinel digunakan sebagai material absorben karena murah, tidak beracun dan mudah didapatkan. Pada penelitian ini metode hidrotermal digunakan sebagai metode sintesis pada LiMn2O4 karena dapat dilakukan pada temperatur yang relatif rendah dan menghasilkan partikel yang lebih homogen. Metode hidrotermal dilakukan pada temperatur 160 oC, 180 oC dan 200 oC selama 24 jam. Pengujian XRD dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur kristal. Pengujian SEM dilakukan untuk mengetahui morfologi material setelah proses hidrotermal. Pengujian BET dilakukan untuk mengetahui surface area. Setelah itu metode acid treatment dilakukan untuk proses adsorpsi dan desorpsi. Adsorpsi dilakukan dengan mencelupkan Lithium Mangan Oksida Spinel yang telah disintesis kedalam Lumpur Sidoarjo.Pengujian ICP dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan lithium yang terdapat pada Lumpur Sidoarjo sebelum dan sesudah adsorpsi untuk mengetahui jumlah lithium yang terserap.Pengujian desorpsi dilakukan dengan mencelupkan LiMn2O4 kedalam larutan HCL. Pada uji XRD menunjukkan bahwa LiMn2O4 berstruktur kristal cubic. Dari hasil uji SEM terlihat bahwa tidak banyak perbedaan morfologi pada ketiga variasi.Partikel cenderung membentuk aglomerasi. Pada hasil uji ICP menunjukkan bahwa LiMn2O4 dengan temperatur hidrotermal 160oC memiliki efisiensi adsorpsi paling tinggi dengan 6,775 ppm. Sementara untuk desorpsi yang paling tinggi adalah 200oC sebesar 0.081 ppm

  15. Studi Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat dari Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit pada PLTU 6 MW di Bangka Belitung

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    Harris Harris


    Full Text Available Limbah padat dari perkebunan kelapa sawit berupa cangkang dan fibre dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber energi alternatif pada PLTU. Cangkang memiliki kandungan energi sebesar 4115 kkal/kg dan fibre sebesar 3500 kkal/kg. Cangkang dan fibre dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar pada PLTU 6 MW, yang digunakan untuk memanaskan air didalam boiler sehingga menghasilkan temperatur uap dan tekanan uap yang mampu memutar turbin uap. Turbin uap berfungsi sebagai prime mover untuk memutar generator sehingga menghasilkan output berupa daya listrik. Pada saat menggunakan bahan bakar cangkang PLTU 6 MW menghasilkan ouput rata – rata sebesar 4.8 MW/hr dan dalam 1 MW output membutuhkan 1.02 ton cangkang dan pada saat menggunakan bahan bakar fibre PLTU 6 MW menghasilkan output rata – rata 2.3 MW/hr dan dalam 1 MW output membutuhkan 1.83 ton fibre. Karena lebih optimal dalam pengoperasian serta maksimalnya output yang dihasilkan dari bahan bakar cangkang, maka efisiensinya pun lebih baik. Efisiensi PLTU 6 MW pada saat menggunakan bahan bakar cangkang sebesar 20.5 % dan efisiensi PLTU 6 MW dari bahan bakar fibre 13 %. Oleh karena itu bahan bakar cangkang merupakan bahan bakar utama yang digunakan pada PLTU 6 MW.

  16. Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Pengelolaan Sampah Padat Perkotaan di Kecamatan Dom Aleixo Kabupaten Dili-Timor Leste

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    João Carlos Soares


    dalam usaha pemberdayaan, penguatan dan fasilitasi masyarakat melalui pendidikan non formal, penyuluhan, pendampingan dan pengembangan program 3R (reuse, reduce dan recycling guna meningkatkan persepsi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan sampah rumah tangganya, (b sebagai model dalam merumuskan kebijakan dan aturan daerah guna meningkatkan persepsi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan sampah padat perkotaan, (c sebagai masukan untuk pemerintah pusat dalam menentukan intansi pengelola sampah perkotaan guna meningkatkan persepsi masyarakat terhadap kinerja Pemkot Dili, (d sebagai masukan untuk pemerintah kota Dili dalam melibatkan peranan stakeholder terhadap kegiatan pengelolaan sampah perkotaan di Kota Dili.    ABSTRACT A case study regarding to public perception of municipal solid waste management in Sub District Dom Aleixo, Dili Timor Leste with a sample of research is household in the village of Comoro and Bairopite.  This research was conducted with the aim to: (1 to assess the public perception of the government's effort to empowering, strengthening and how to facilitate public participation in managing their household waste; (2 to assess the weaknesses and problems faced by the local government of Dili city in terms of: (a formulation of policies and regulations draft about municipal solid waste management in Sub district Dom Aleixo; (b how local government to encourage mobilization of community to participate actively in the activities of the household waste management; (3 to review the institutional structure government of Dili city to reinforce the institution of delegations of urban waste management; (4 to help facilitate the involvement of stakeholders in supporting the government's program on urban waste management in the Dili district.These researches represent the researches which refer to the activity of field or survey. From existing population selected by a number of samples base on sampling technique that is by random sampling. The reason why to choice the

  17. Perancangan, Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Tranduser Ultrasonik 3,5 MHz Untuk Pengujian Bahan Padat

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    Mokhamad Halim Fathoni


    Full Text Available Dalam penelitian ini telah dibuat sepasang transduser ultrasonik untuk pengujian bahan padat. Konstruksi transduser ultrasonik yang dibuat terdiri dari holder berbahan akrilik dan kuningan, backing material berbahan styrofoam, epoxy dan busa karet, elemen aktif berbahan piezoelektrik dan matching layers menggunakan akrilik. Bahan penyusun konstruksi tersebut dilakukan pengujian terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik transduser ultrasonik. Dan untuk menunjang pengujian, maka dibuat sebuah alat sederhana dengan metode transmisi pulsa untuk melakukan pengukuran Time of Flight(TOF gelombang ultrasonik. Karakterisasi bahan transduser dilakukan dengan melakukan beberapa tahap pengujian. Tahap pertama dilakukan  pengujian respon frekuensi pada piezoelektrik untuk mendapatkan frekuensi resonansi yang sesuai. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian bahan backing material untuk mengetahui respon impulse dari sinyal ultrasonik dan menguji bahan matching layers untuk mendapatkan faktor delay pada pengukuran. Setelah karakterisasi bahan didapatkan, maka dilanjutkan dengan implementasi transduser ultrasonik untuk pengujian cacat pada bahan. Pengujian ini menggunakan aluminium berdimensi (15x5x1cm dengan bentuk cacat yang telah ditentukan. Proses pengujian cacat ini dilakukan dengan cara scanning secara manual dengan perubahan jarak setiap 0.5 cm. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh  karakteristik transduser ultrasonik dengan holder berbahan akrilik, backing material berbahan styrofoam, frekuensi resonansi sebesar 3.5 MHz, bandwith sebesar 2.04 MHz, respon impulse >10 siklus, delay sebesar 1,6 us ,Q (faktor kualitas mekanis getaran harmonis sebesar 1,667 dan impedansi sebesar 78,6 ohm. Untuk pengujian cacat bahan didapatkan hasil bahwa transduser ultrasonik bisa mendeteksi adanya cacat dan mengestimasi panjang ukuran cacat dengan error pengukuran sebesar 0.5 cm. Namun, kedalaman cacat tidak bisa ditentukan sehingga


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    Almasyhuri Almasyhuri


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT In situation when the disaster occurres, people can be panic and can not manage appropriate food for the whole family. Therefore, it is required food supply from the authority to fulfill the nutrition need during emergency. For infants, there were milk and food products available in the market that can be given in such situation. However, for children and adults, there are no emergency food available in the market. Some post-disaster surveys indicates that food aid distributed during emergency situation only provides energy source rather than a complete nutrition. Furthermore, these foods still require processing before consumption. The aim of the study is to develop formulated ready-to-eat foods for children and adults that have a dense calories and protein that can be given in disaster-related emergency situation. The foods are produced in solid form, and has good acceptance by both panelist in laboratory and people in the field. In the early stages of research, six formulas in solid form are developed, three have savory taste and three are sweet. One formula that the most preferred by the panelist in the laboratory are chosen. The best formula is then given to field panelists in area of disaster to know their preference. Formula made from soy and sesame with sweet taste has the highest value compared with other types of formulas, and significantly different by Duncan's test from all formulas. In flavor and aroma attributes, this formula is not significantly different from others, however in crispiness; this formula has the best acceptance. The biscuits has energy 2.100 kcal per portion that 11.5 percent of the energy is from protein, 44.4 percent is from fat and the remaining 44 percent is from carbohydrates. Keywords: food formulation, ready-to-eat-biscuit, emergency food, disaster   Abstrak Dalam kejadian bencana alam masyarakat dapat menjadi panik dan tidak dapat menyediakan makanan keluarga, sehingga memerlukan bantuan makanan


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    IGAP. Raka Agung


    Full Text Available Sistem kontrol lampu lalu lintas sangat diperlukan untuk mengatur lalu lintas di persimpangan jalan. Agar sistem kontrol bekerja dengan baik untuk mengatasi kemacetan  salah satu yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan mengatur waktu dan lama nyala lampu lalulintas yang disesuaikan dengan waktu dan hari saat  kondisi lalulintas normal, padat maupun lengang. Dari data kepadatan lalulintas yang didapat di lapangan dilakukan perhitungan untuk mendapatkan waktu dan lama nyala lampu lalulintas yang disimulasikan dengan peralatan yang dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler AT89S52. Mikrokontroler yang difungsikan sebagai sistem kontrol lampu lalu lintas dilengkapi dengan real time clock (RTC DS1307, dimana RTC ini akan digunakan sebagai acuan  waktu yang akan disesuaikan dengan kondisi di lapangan. Data waktu yang didapat dari perhitungan dimasukan ke EEPROM eksternal AT24C04 melalui tombol edit waktu dan tanggal  yang nilainya bisa diubah-ubah sesuai dengan kondisi di lapangan dan juga ditampilkan pada display LCD 16x2. Display lampu lalulintas berupa 12 led dan  dilengkapi juga dengan tombol pengaturan darurat yang diatur secara manual. Dari data volume lalu lintas yang diperoleh dapat diklasifikasikan waktu dan kondisinya yaitu kondisi padat 1 (pukul 07.00-09.00, padat 2 (pukul 11.00-14.00, padat 3 (pukul 16.00-19.00, lengang (pukul 00.00-05.00 dan normal (selain waktu padat dan lengang. Hasil perhitungan nilai nyala lampu lalu lintas yang diperoleh dari persimpangan Jl Waribang-WR.Supratman Denpasar yaitu nyala lampu hijau masing-masing phase dan siklus optimum. Hasil perhitungan nilai nyala lampu lalu lintas yang diperoleh dari persimpangan Jl Waribang-WR.Supratman Denpasar yaitu siklus optimum dan nyala lampu hijau masing-masing phase. Untuk Hari Senin – Kamis untuk kondisi padat 1 didapat 45 detik, 15 detik dan 20 detik, kondisi padat 2 didapat 38 detik, 19 detik dan 9 detik, kondisi  padat 3 didapat 39 detik, 10 detik, 19 detik dan untuk kondisi


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    ni putu wiwin setyari


    Full Text Available Teori perdagangan internasional yang berbicara mengenai keunggulan komparatif dari Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O model menunjukkan jika sebuah negara akan berspesialisasi dalam produk yang menggunakan sumber daya yang dimilikinya secara melimpah. Dengan kata lain, negara berkembang yang notebene relatif lebih kaya akan tenaga kerja daripada modal akan berspesialisasi dalam produk-produk yang bersifat padat karya dan akan menjadi net eksportir dari produk tersebut dalam transaksi internasional. Demikian sebaliknya terjadi di negara maju atau negara industri yang lebih kaya akan modal, akan menjadi net eksportir produk-produk yang bersifat padat modal.  Perdagangan internasional akan meningkatkan produktifitas rata-rata seluruh industri tapi industri dengan keunggulan komparatif akan menikmati peningkatan produktifitas yang lebih besar. Perubahan produktifitas merupakan penyebab sekaligus konsekuensi evolusi kekuatan dinamis dalam perekonomian, perkembangan teknik, akumulasi modal manusia dan modal fisik, perusahaan dan pengaturan institusi. Karena itu penting jika kemudian trend produktifitas industri diidentifikasi untuk melihat dinamisme tersebut. Paper ini mencoba menunjukkan trend produktifitas produk eskpor, baik yang bersifat padat modal dan padat karya dari Indonesia. Hasil estimasi dengan menguji perbedaan rata-rata, median dan varian kedua kelompok industri menunjukkan jika produktifitas industri padat karya memang lebih tinggi daripada industri padat modal. Namun, pertumbuhan beberapa indikator perkembangan industri menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan diantara keduanya.

  1. Pemanfaatan Limbah Investment Menjadi Barang Kerajinan

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    Hastuti Kusreni


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memanfaatkan kembali limbah investment padat yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan teknologi proses pembuatan barang kerajinan yang bisa  diterapkan untuk usaha kecil kerajinan. Pada pembuatan perhiasan dengan metode wax lost casting digunakan bahan investment powder yang menghasilkan limbah padat investment. Limbah padat investment bisa dibuat barang kerajinan dengan cara menambah resin katalist, gips, alkasit, sabut kelapa, semen putih, yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki sifat plastisitas, meningkatkan kekuatan dan mempercepat pengeringan. Untuk menentukan kualitas sampel dilakukan uji terhadap sifat plastisitas, kekuatan, kekerasan dan waktu pengeringan yang dilakukan secara visual. Hasil olahan limbah investment dengan penambahan gips, alkasit, sabut kelapa dengan komposisi 10:2:1:4, pengeringan selama 3 hari menghasilkan barang kerajinan yang kurang keras, plastis dan kuat. Hasil olahan limbah investment dengan penambahan gips, semen putih dengan komposisi 10:2:4, pengeringan selama 3 jam menghasilkan barang kerajinan yang keras dan plastis. Kata kunci : limbah investment padat

  2. Pengujian Alat Konversi Ban Bekas Menjadi Bahan Bakar


    Saputra, Imron Aryadi; Arijanto, Arijanto


    Pirolisis dapat didefinisikan sebagai dekomposisi thermal material organik pada suasana inert (tanpa kehadiran oksigen) dan suhu tinggi sehingga terurai menjadi molekul yang lebih kecil. Pirolisis merupakan bentuk penghematan energi karena dapat menyuling bahan bakar atau bahan kimia yang berguna dari limbah padat. Produk pirolisis berupa gas, cair dan padat. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menguji alat konversi ban bekas menjadi bahan bakar, mengetahui jumlah minyak yang dihasilkan pada pr...


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    Syarifuddin Tonnek


    Full Text Available Produksi tokolan udang windu PL 54 menggunakan hapa pada unit keramba jaring apung (KJA di laut telah dilakukan di Teluk Labuange, Kabupaten Barru dari bulan Mei—Juli 2002. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan padat penebaran terbaik untuk pendederan benur udang windu dalam KJA di laut. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah padat penebaran benur PL 12 sebanyak padat tebar 2.000 ekor/m2 (A, 3.000 ekor/m2 (B, dan 4.000 ekor/m2 (C masing-masing 3 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan tokolan pada perlakuan 2.000 dan 3.000 ekor/m2 tidak berbeda nyata (0,57—0,65 g/ekor (P>0,05, tetapi berbeda nyata pada padat penebaran 4.000 ekor/m2 (0,39 g/ekor (P0.05, but significantly different with stocking density of 4,000 pcs/m2 (P<0.05. Nevertheless average survival rate of juvenile shrimps was not significant on stocking density 2,000 pcs and 3,000 pcs/m2, but significant different with stocking density of 4,000 pcs/me.Therefore, for juvenill production in floating net cages, the best (maximum stocking density of potensial 12 is 3,000 pcs/m2.

  4. Production of ”Tokolan” White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in the Cage with Different Rearing Density

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    E. Supriyono


    Full Text Available Larva rearing is one of the efforts to increase white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei seed quality.  This study was conducted to determine effect of  rearing density on the quality and productivity of white shrimp larvae in cage system. The tested rearing densities were 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 ind/m2 and cultured for 28 days.  The result showed that rearing density did not affect survival rate and coefficient of variation of shrimp length. The treatmentonly affected the shrimp larvae growthwhere 500 ind/m2 rearing density gave the best growth. Keywords: white shrimp, larva, rearing density, net cage   ABSTRAK Penokolan merupakan salah satu usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas benih udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh padat tebar terhadap kualitas dan produktivitas pemeliharaan larva udang vaname di hapa. Padat tebar yang diuji meliputi 500  ,1000, 1500   dan 2000 ekor/m2 selama 28 hari pemeliharaan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa padat tebar tidak mempengaruhi kelangsungan hidup dan koefisien keragaman panjang udang, dan hanya mempengaruhi pertumbuhan. Kepadatan 500 ekor/m2 menghasilkan pertumbuhan terbaik. Kata kunci: vaname, larva, kepadatan, hapa

  5. Effect of Different Medium on Survival Rate and Growth of Chironomus sp. Larvae

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    . Widanarni


    Full Text Available In the ornamental fish and fish for food culture, feeding by natural feed is very suitable since they are easy to digest and their size is suitable with  to larval mouth.  One of natural foods is blood worm Chironomus sp. larvae that has high protein content (till  65.2% of  protein. Until now, blood worm is obtained from nature and their stock depends on the weather.  That problem  may be overcome by culturing blood worm in appropriate culture medium.  Naturally, Chironomus sp. grows well in the water containing sago waste.  This study was carried out to examine the growth of Chironomus sp. reared in the medium containing mud, solid sago waste, solid tapioca wastes and water with no waste in depth of 0.5 cm. After 35-day rearing, survival rate of Chironomus sp was different among the treatments, while growth in length was similar. The best survival rate, 58.93% was obtained in the media containing solid sago waste.   Keywords: Chironomus, blood worm, sago waste, tapioca waste   ABSTRAK Dalam usaha budidaya ikan hias maupun ikan konsumsi, pemberian pakan alami sangat cocok karena mudah dicerna dan sesuai dengan bukaan mulut larva. Salah satu contoh pakan alami adalah Chironomus sp. (blood worm yang mempunyai kandungan protein mencapai 65,2%. Selama ini cacing darah diperoleh dari alam dan suplainya tergantung pada kondisi musim. Hal ini mungkin dapat diatasi dengan membudidayakan cacing darah dengan  media yang sesuai sebagai tempat hidupnya. Secara alami, Chironomus sp. dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik pada limbah sagu. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan Chironomus sp. yang dipelihara pada media berupa lumpur, limbah sagu padat, limbah tapioka padat dan air tanpa limbah dengan ketebalan media 0,5 cm. Setelah 35 hari masa pemeliharaan, diketahui bahwa penggunaan media limbah padat sagu, limbah padat tapioka, lumpur dan air tanpa limbah pada pemeliharaan Chironomus sp. masing-masing menghasilkan tingkat


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    Yulia Tri Rahkadima


    Full Text Available The transesterification  reaction  has performed to convert waste cooking oils into biodiesel with assistant of  heterogen catalyst of calcium oxide using reactor  in a laboratory . The reaction was performed in two stages that is the esterification followed transesterification reaction. The aim of research is to study the effect of temperature and time reaction on viscosity and biodiesel yield. The results showed that obtained biodiesel had viscosity value in accordance with SNI 04-7182-2006 about diesel-fuel viscosity.  At lower temperature (40, 45, and 50°C, the longer reaction time could lead to the increasing of biodiesel yield. Meanwhile, at higher temperature reaction (55°C and 60°C the longer reaction time could reduce biodiesel yield. The highest biodiesel yield was obtained at following reaction condition: temperature reaction 50°C, 6 hours reaction time, ratio oil:MeOH = 1:48 molar ratio, % wt CaO = 8% to weight of waste cooking oil.

  7. Pengaruh Temperatur, Massa Zink, Substrat Dan Waktu Tahan Terhadap Struktur Dan Morfologi Zno Hasil Sintesis Dengan Metode Chemical Vapour Transport (CVT

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    Arisela Distyawan


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Material Zink Oksida (ZnO telah berhasil disintesis menggunakan metode Chemical Vapour Transport dengan bahan dasar prekursor berupa serbuk Zn yang dipanaskan hingga mencapai temperatur uap dalam furnace horisontal. Adapun variasi yang diberikan dalam penelitian adalah berupa temperatur pemanasan (850, 900, dan 950oC, massa prekursor Zn (0,15, 0,25, dan 0,35g, lama waktu sputtering substrat (90 dan 180 detik, dan waktu tahan khusus untuk mengetahui initial growth ZnO (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, dan 60 menit. Pembentukan Zink Oksida (ZnO dikonfirmasi melalui data X-RD, dimana telah terbentuk material ZnO dengan struktur hexagonal wurtzite. Berdarsarkan data XRD juga diketahui ukuran kristal pada sampel sputtering 90 detik mengalami penurunan bersamaan penambahan massa Zn. Dari hasil pengamatan SEM didapatkan bahwa morfologi permukaan lapisan tipis ZnO terdiri dari berbagai macam bentuk berupa nanoparticle, nanowires, nanorods, dan nanotetrapod. Lapisan Zno paling tebal sebesar ±350 nm pada sampel 950oC-0,15g sputter 90 detik. Semakin tinggi temperatur operasi berdampak peningkatan ukuran partikel. Pengujian FTIR turut menguatkan terbentuknya lapisan tipis di permukaan substrat Alumina. Hal ini didasarkan terjadinya penyerapan vibrasi yang membentuk lekukan pada kisaran area 509 cm-1 dari masing-masing sampel.

  8. Pemurnian Silika Pada Abu Layang Dari Pembangkit Listrik Di Paiton (PT YTL) Dengan Pelarutan Asam Klorida Dan Aqua Regia


    Anggia, Denida Mega; Suprapto, Suprapto


    Penelitian mengenai pemurnian silika melalui pelarutan menggunakan asam klorida (HCl) dan aqua regia pada abu layang yang berasal dari PT YTL, Paiton, telah dilakukan.Parameter yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi asam dan waktu pelarutan HCl. Pengaruh pelarutan unsur Fe, Ca, dan Al dari sampel juga diteliti.Dari hasil XRD abu layang, terkandung mineral quartz, mullite, hematite dan kalsium oksida. Kondisi paling baik pada saat pelarutan sampel adalah menggunakan pelarutan a...

  9. Analisis Pengaruh Doping Nitrogen Terhadap Sifat Kapasitif Superkapasitor Berbahan Graphene

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    Diah Ayu Safitri


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan manusia akan barang elektronik semakin meningkat, sehingga meningkat pula kebutuhan akan media penyimpan listrik. Salah satu media penyimpan energy yaitu kapasitor. Electric Double Layer Capacitor (EDLC merupakan superkapasitor yang memiliki waktu hidup yang lebih lama, rapat daya dan kecepatan charging-discharging tinggi. Graphene telah banyak dieksplorasi sebagai material untuk EDLC, salah satunya yaitu dengan pendopingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh doping nitrogen terhadap struktur dan morfologi serta pengaruh doping nitrogen terhadap sifat kapasitif dari elektroda superkapasitor berbahan Graphene. Sintesis graphene diawali dari grafit yang dioksidasi menjadi grafit oksida dengan metode Hummer. Grafit oksida lalu direduksi dengan metode hydrotermal menjadi graphene. Penelitian ini memvariasikan doping nitrogen dengan penambahan NH4OH 0.1 ml, 0.3 ml dan 1 ml. Material yang disintesis ini dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRD(X-Ray Diffraction, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy , EDS (Energy Disspersive X-Ray analysis, FPP (Four Point Probe, dan FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopu. Dari hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa material yang disintesis adalah graphene. Sifat kapasitif Elektroda diukur dengan melakukan uji Cyclic Voltametry (CV dengan rentang scan rate 5, 10, 50 dan 100 mV/s. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan doping nitrogen pada graphene yang paling optimal adalah dengan penambahan NH4OH 0.3 ml yaitu 5.2%at dengan nilai kapasitansi sebesar 208.47 F/g.



    Taer, Erman; Sarah, D.N.; Farma, R.; Taslim, R.


    AbstrakPenumbuhan Mangan Oksida (MnO2) menggunakan penambahan asam sulfat (H2SO4) dan asam nitrat (HNO3) pada larutan penumbuh KMnO4 di atas substrat karbon kayu karet telah berhasil dilakukan. Perbedaan penambahan kedua jenis asam pada larutan penumbuh menyebabkan perbedaan waktu penumbuhan. Warna larutan asal KMnO4 yang berwarna ungu perlahan-lahan berubah menuju warna cokelat yang stabil. Waktu penumbuhan larutan H2SO4 adalah 30 menit sedangkan untuk penambahan larutan HNO3 dengan waktu 12...

  11. Alloying of titanium by oxygen during chamber electroslag remelting/Legiranje titanijuma kiseonikom u peći za elektropretapanje pod troskom

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    Anatoliy D. Ryabtsev


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of alloying titanium by oxygen in the process of chamber electroslag remelting. As an oxygen-containing ligature, we used the electrodes-satellite from the reaction mass residues mixture from the retort lid for magnesium thermal reduction of a titanium sponge, a specially prepared gaseous argon oxygen mixture containing 30% oxygen applied directly to the melting space, microsize (10-15 mm powder particles of titanium oxide and titanium oxide nanopowder with a particle size of 21 ± 5 nm. The structure and the properties of titanium alloyed by oxygen from the oxygen-containing ligature, gas phase and titanium oxide powder during chamber electroslag remelting of the titanium sponge are investigated. It was found that at the oxygen content of 0.053%mas. to 0.22%mas. in the metal formed a homogeneous single-phase structure typical for commercial titanium formed by polyhedral grains of the α-phase. The increase of the oxygen concentration in titanium for more than 0.22%mas. leads to the formation of the microstructure with a typical needle structure, which allows it to be classified as the α ׳-phase. / U radu su prikazani rezultati legiranja titanijuma kiseonikom u procesu elektropretapanja pod troskom u peći. Za vezivo, koje sadrzi kiseonik, korišćene su satelit elektrode iz reakcije masenih ostataka mešavine iz poklopca retorte za termalnu redukciju magnezijumtitanijumskog sunđera, specijalno pripremljena mešavina gasa argona i kiseonika sa 30% kiseonika primenjena direktno na mesto topljenja, čestice praha titanijum-oksida mikroveličine 10-15mm i nanoprah titanijum-oksida veličine čestica od 21± 5 nm. Ispitane su struktura i karakteristike titanijuma legiranog kiseonikom iz veziva , gasne faze i praha titanijum-oksida tokom elektropretapanja titanijumovog sunđera pod troskom u peći. Utvrđeno je da se pri sadržaju kiseonika od 0.22%mas. u metalu formira homogena jednofazna struktura tipi


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    Danang Dwi Saputro


    Full Text Available Kelompok ternak Patra Sutera di Desa Ledok Kecamatan Sambong Kabupaten Blora yang berdiri pada tahun 2013 telah mempunyai sapi 8 ekor yang berada di kandang komunal yang dikelola oleh 6 anggota kelompok. Dalam satu hari setiap ekor sapi dapat menghasilkan limbah padat sebanyak 20-30 kg dan limbah cair sebanyak 100-150 liter yang selama ini belum dikelola dengan baik. Limbah dari kegiatan ternak belum terolah dengan baik dan dibuang ke lingkungan sehingga menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi kesehatan masyarakat sekitar kandang. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi kondisi ini adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan keterampilan atau pendampingan bagaimanakah teknik pembuatan pupuk organic dan reaktor biogas sederhana, mengoperasikan, serta memanfaatkan gas yang dihasilkan. Dalam kegiatan ini akan diberikan pelatihan keterampilan bagaimana cara mengolah limbah ternah untuk dijadikan pupuk dan pestisida organik,serta pengelolaan biodigester. Dari kegiatan ini Anggota kelompok ternak Patra Sutera mendapat pengetahuan dan mengolah limbah kotoran ternak (padat dan cair yang keliar dari biodigester menjadi pupuk yang lebih bermanfaat.

  13. Utjecaj ugljik (IV - oksida na promjene životne sredine

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    Husein Džanić


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the impacts of carbon oxides (C02 from motor exhaust emissions upon changes in the environment, warming up of the Earth and changes of regional and global climate. It has been established that the average annual emission from natural sources is 700 to 1000 x J09 tons of carbon oxides in conjunction with additional 30 x 109 tons introduced by human activities in burning fossil fuels of which some 17. 9 draw origin from mo tor traffic. Global annual concentrations of C02 increases by approximately 0,2% because human beings obtain some 90% of their power needs from burning fossil fuels. It has been established that in the world road motor vehicles emit 7,62 x 109 tons of co2 out of the total emission which is about 42,57 x l 09 tons in the year 1988. Road motor vehicles in Yugoslavia pollute the atmosphere with 21,41% x 106 tons with the annual increase of l, 78% and share in global pollution of 0,28% C02. In this pol1ution Croatia participates with 5,65 x 1(6 tons with the annual increase of 4,19% and its share in global pollution of 0,074% co2 . The author recommends gradual decrease of co2-emission by 50% through reduction of concentrations of 400 ppm in the air to the maximum which may only be attained by substitution in the consumption of fossil fuels. In road traffic gasoline and diesel fuels can successfully be substituted by hydrogen and thus help avoiding inevitable catastrophic consequences in the Earth's biosphere.

  14. A new record of Scylla olivacea (Dcapoda, Bachyura, Prtunidae) from Goa, central west coast of India – A comparative diagnosis

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Padate, V.P.; Rivonker, C; Anil, A.C

    . 2008. General description. Carapace broader than long, with prominent H–shaped groove present on cardiac region (Fig. 2a). Frontal margin (excluding inner supra–orbital angles) Fig. 1—Map of study area indicating sampling sites INDIAN J... photograph, (b) line diagram and S. olivacea (c) coloured photograph, (d) line diagram PADATE et al.: A NEW RECORD 1 OF SCYLLA OLIVACEA 85 with four bluntly pointed spines with slightly concave margins and separated by inverted–V shaped interspaces...


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    M. Soekirno


    Full Text Available Uji laboratorium dan lapangan dengan IGR Triflumuron (OMS-2015 terhadap larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti telah dilakukan di Jakarta. Uji laboratorium dilakukan dengan 6 variasi dosis, yaitu 0,004; 0,011; 0,034; 0,10; 0,33 dan 1,0 ppm Triflumuron terhadap perkembangan larva nyamuk Ae. aegypti di dalam tempayan. Dari uji laboratorium dapat diketahui bahwa Triflumuron dengan dosis 0,004 ppm dapat menekan perkembangan pupa untuk menjadi dewasa dalam waktu 2 minggu, sedangkan dosis 0,10 ppm menekan padat populasi nyamuk Ae. aegypti selama 4 minggu dan dosis 1,0 ppm menekan padat populasi nyamuk Ae. aegypti selama 8 minggu. Uji lapangan dengan menggunakan Triflumuron di daerah pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, seluas 27 hektar dengan dua kali perlakuan, dengan dosis 0,042 dan 0,075 ppm, terjadi penurunan populasi nyamuk Ae. aegypti dewasa dan indeks pupa menjadi 0 dalam 4 hari setelah perlakuan. Penurunan populasi nyamuk Ae. aegypti dewasa terlihat setelah 2 minggu se­sudah perlakuan dengan tidak berhasilnya larva/pupa menjadi nyamuk dewasa. 

  16. Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Grafena dengan Metode Reduksi Grafit Oksida Menggunakan Pereduksi Zn

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    Yudha Taufantri


    Full Text Available Graphene is a thin material, has a hexagonal two-dimentional lattice and is considered as an interesting material for adsorption process. Nowadays, graphene has been known as a potential material for diverse application, such as adsorbent. In this study graphene was synthesized from graphite. Furthermore, graphene was applied for adsorption of dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane (DDT. Graphene was synthesized by Hummer’s method using hydrothermal and reduced by Zn. The samples were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD methods. The results of the XRD showed graphene structure in the 2θ, appeared at 23.9369 with interlayer spacing was about 3.71763 Å, compared with graphite oxide structure in the 2θ appeared at 11.2055 with interlayer spacing was about 7.89649 Å. The results of SEM analysis showed graphene has one layer with planar hexagonal structure and seems transparent whose single layer and multi layers. The graphene adsorption was analyzed by using the UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The results indicated the surface area of graphene was shown as 46.8563 m2/g. The amount of DDT adsorbed by graphene during 15 minutes was 7.5859 mg/g. This adsorption mechanism of DDT and graphene might be due to π-π and hydrogen interactions.   Keywords: Adsorption, dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane (DDT, graphena. DOI:

  17. Pengaruh Fermentasi Fungi, Bakteri Asam Laktat dan Khamir terhadap Kualitas Nutrisi Tepung Sorgum

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    Raden Haryo Bimo Setiarto


    Full Text Available Recently, food security problem in Indonesia is mainly due to the consumption dependence on rice and wheat, while the utilization of local sources of carbohydrates such as tubers and cereals are still limited. Sorghum is one of local cereal that potential to be developed as source of carbohydrates and protein. However, a problem encountered on utilising sorghum as food is the low protein digestibility. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of fermentation of Rhizopus oligosporus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae on nutritional quality and digestibility of sorghum flour. The procedure in this research were pre-treatment of sorghum grains, preparations of inoculum, solid state fermentation, liquid state fermentation, mixture solid-liquid fermentation of sorghum grains, flouring (draining and mashing, microbial (total plate count and chemical analysis (proximate analysis, amino acid analysis, and protein digestibilty. Sorghum flour was made with 4 variations of treatments that was performed in triplo, i.e: control (without fermentation, liquid fermentation (with Lactobacillus plantarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, solid fermentation (with Rhizopus oligosporus, solid and liquid fermentation (with addition of Rhizopus oligosporus,Lactobacillus plantarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The result showed that the number of microbes in fermented sorghum flour was still within the safety limits in accordance to SNI. The fermentation process did not significantly influence the levels of protein, carbohydrate, and fat of sorghum flour. During the fermentation of sorghum, the levels of the amino acids cysteine and lysine increased while several other amino acids decreased. Fermentation increased significantly the digestibility of sorghum protein up to 3,5-5 fold than control without fermentation. ABSTRAK Masalah ketahanan pangan di Indonesia saat ini diantaranya adalah pola konsumsi masyarakat sangat tergantung pada

  18. Optimization of stocking density in intensification of mud crab Scylla serrata cultivation in the resirculation system

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    Yuni Puji Hastuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine optimum stocking density of mud crab Scylla serrata through the applied of different stocking density in every treatment in recirculation system. Experimental design used was complete randomized design (CRD with three density treatments which were 5 (P1, 10 (P2, and 15 ind/container (P3. All treatments replicated three times. The crab with the average of body weight 150 g/ind cultured in a plastic box (40×30×30 cm. Crab was cultured within 60 days and were fed two times a day by at satiation method. The result showed that P2 treatment gave the best result of mangrove crabs production performance among all treatments with 73.33±5.77% survival rate, 0.68±0.01 g/ind/day absolute growth rate and food conversion ratio 10.11±0.01. Treatment P1 gave the good response of stress, it indicated by the lowest glucose of all tretamnets at the level of 31.91 mg/dL in the end of treatment periods. The water quality during study period was fluctuative as affected by different stocking density in the treatments. Keywords: mud crab, stocking density, production performance  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan padat tebar optimal kepiting bakau Scylla serrata melalui penerapan kepadatan tebar yang berbeda pada setiap perlakuan dalam sistem resirkulasi. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan yaitu 5 (P1, 10 (P2, dan 15 ekor/wadah pemeliharaan (P3 dengan tiga ulangan. Kepiting bakau yang digunakan memiliki berat rata-rata 150 g/ekor. Wadah pemeliharaan yang digunakan selama pemeliharaan adalah kontainer plastik yang berukuran 40×30×30 cm. Pemeliharaan kepiting bakau dilaksanakan selama 60 hari dan diberikan pakan berupa ikan rucah dua kali sehari secara at satiation. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan P2 memberikan hasil kinerja produksi terbaik dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya dengan nilai kelangsungan hidup 73,33±5,77%, laju pertumbuhan mutlak 0,68

  19. Pengaruh Tri-n-Oktil Posfin Oksida dan Tingkat Ekstraksi pada Pemurnian Konsentrat Thorium

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    Maria Veronica Purwani


    Full Text Available The extraction of thorium oxalate concentrate as processing product of monazite using Tri Octyl Posfine Oxide (TOPO has been done. The most impurities contained in thorium oxalate concentrate are Ce (cerium and La (lanthanum. The purpose of this study is to purify Th by separating Ce and La using extraction process. The extraction is done by bacth and multistage. The solution of feed or water phase is 10 grams of Th oxalate concentrate dissolved in 10.08 M HNO3 so that the volume becomes 100 mL and the organic phase is TOPO in kerosene. Stripping in each stage conducted three times, first stripping use water, second stripping use 5 % oxalic acid and the third stripping use water. Extraction time at every stage is 15 minutes and stripping time at every stage is 5 minutes with ratio of aqueous phase to organic phase = 1 : 1 . The parameters were studied % TOPO - kerosene and number of extraction stage. The optimum usage of TOPO in kerosene is 5 %. On extraction I obtained Ce concentrate and on extraction II and III obtained Th concentrates. The extraction II efficiency of Th is 39.76 % and extraction III efficiency of Th is 26.33 % . Coefficient of distribution (Kd of Th in stage II is 0.7587 and Kd of Th in stage III is 1.0096. Total extraction efficiency of Th is 80.08 %, total extraction efficiency of Ce is 56.12 %, and total extraction efficiency of La is 1.54 %. The separation factor of Th – Ce in extraction I is 1.00 and separation factor of Th – La in extraction I is 92.0, separation factor of Th – Ce in extraction II is 250.24, and separation factor of Th – La in extraction II is ∞. Separation factor of Th – Ce in extraction III is 124.22 and separation factor of Th – La in extraction III is ∞. Total separation factor of Th – Ce is 1.4270 and total separation factor of Th – La is 4.0459. The content of Th oxalate in stripping product from the extraction II is 97.06 % and in stripping product from the extraction III is

  20. Analisis Kualitas Udara dan Keluhan Kesehatan yang Berkaitan dengan Saluran Pernafasan Pada Pekerja Batubara di PLTU Labuhan Angin Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah Tahun 2017


    Hutagaol, Sari Puspita


    131000721 Pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) merupakan suatu kegiatan yang memproduksi tenaga listrik dengan menggunakan bahan bakar padat, cair, dan/atau gas untuk memanaskan air dalam ketel uap (boiler) yang memproduksi uap untuk menggerakkan turbin yang seporos dengan generator sehingga membangkitkan tenaga listrik. Salah satu pembangkit listrik tenaga uap yang terdapat di sumatera utara adalah pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) Labuhan Angin di Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah. Pembangkit...

  1. Kajian Kehidupan Masyarakat Kampung Lama sebagai Potensi Keberlanjutan Lingkungan Permukiman Kelurahan Gabahan Semarang


    Azahro, Mustovia; Yuliastuti, Nany


    Kelurahan Gabahan merupakan kelurahan paling padat di Kecamatan Semarang Tengah, kepadatan mencapai 26.544 jiwa/km2 (BPS Kota Semarang, 2011). Kepadatan bangunan yang tinggi serta minimnya ruang terbuka hijau menyebabkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan. Dalam kaitannya dengan perkembangan Kota Semarang, Kelurahan Gabahan pernah menjadi pusat Pemerintahan pada tahun 1659. Lokasinya yang berada di pusat kota mengakibatkan Kelurahan Gabahan mengalami tantangan dalam menghadapi tekanan pembangunan...

  2. Tipologi Permukiman Kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya


    Leny Agustin Maharani; Ema Umilia


    Permukiman kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya merupakan salah satu permasalahan kota. Permukiman di daerah ini menjadi rentan karena banyak masuknya penduduk desa ke kota dan memilih bertempat tinggal. Perkembangan kota Surabaya yang begitu pesat tidak diimbangi dengan pemeliharaan dan peningkatan prasarana, sehingga menjadi padat dan kumuh. Maka perlunya suatu tipologi permukiman kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian yaitu merumuskan tipologi permu...

  3. Pembuatan gas methane dari limbah padat penyamakan kulit

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    Prayitno Prayitno


    Full Text Available Leather tanning industry is one of the industry which potentially causes environmental problem. For processing, a lot of water and chemical are used, generates a lot of liquid waste, which are powerful pollution in water an in soil. There will also be animal residues from such operation as cleaning, fleshing, splitting and trimming. Each of these generates solid waste which must be disposed. It is a big problem for handling the solid waste because of their volume and highly odours when they decompose in their solid form. Untanned solid waste and liquid waste generated in the tanning process have a high organic content (protein and fats and their humidity …. are such that they are readily degradated by methane fermentation.


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    Nanik Suciati


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Dalam grafika komputer, telah dikembangkan suatu teknik untuk membuat frame-frame animasi berdasarkan gerakan benda yang dihitung menggunakan rumus-rumus fisika, yang dikenal dengan istilah Physically Based Motion. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, teknik ini juga dapat digunakan untuk mensintesis suara. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, akan dibangun suatu aplikasi yang dapat membuat frame-frame animasi gerakan jatuh bebas benda dengan menggunakan teknik Physically Based Motion, sekaligus mensintesis suara yang sesuai dengan gerakan yang dihasilkan. Sistem akan melakukan penghitungan gerakan benda untuk menghasilkan frame-frame animasi. Disamping itu, data suara yang dihasilkan juga digunakan untuk mensintesis suara, sehingga suara yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan gerakan benda. Setelah dilakukan uji coba terhadap aplikasi yang telah dibuat, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa gerakan dan suara yang dihasilkan sangat dipengaruhi oleh material properties dan jumlah iterasi yang digunakan untuk melakukan penghitungan. Sedangkan jumlah titik, face dan element dari objek mempengaruhi waktu yang digunakan untuk melakukan penghitungan. Kata kunci: Physically Based Motion, Animasi, Suara Digital, Pemodelan Suara.

  5. Sistem Kontrak Pengolahan Limbah Padat Rumah Sakit Pemerintah


    Maulana, Muchsin; Kusnanto, Hari; Suwarni, Agus


    AbstractBackground: Jogja Hospital is a Government-owned Hospital run by the Government of city of Jogyakarta. In its daily activities, the hospital produces waste which, if not properly discharged or burned, may cause adverse effect on workers as well as the surrounding area. Jogja hospital has Incinerator, thus simplifying the management such waste. The waste management including the rules, procedures and policymaking need to be explored to investigate the process of waste management of Jog...

  6. Rearing of Milkfish, Chanos Chanos, in Net Cages at Sea at Various Stocking Densities

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    Kusman Sumawidjaja


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTStocking rate of milkfish, Chanos chanos, from 75 to 225 fish/m3  or from 1,33 to 3,98 kg/m3  did not affect the growth rate, survival rate, feeding efficiency, and final length and weight of fish, each at 2,32%/day, 81,8%, 63,8%, and 185,2 mm and 64,0 g respectively. Final biomass (Y increased from 3,66 to 12,05 kg/m3 with the increase of stocking rate (X with Y = 0,056 X-0,45 (p<0,05.Key words :   Milkfish, Chanos chanos, floating net cage, stocking density. ABSTRAKPadat penebaran ikan bandeng, Chanos chanos, dari 75 hingga 225 ekor/m3 atau dari 1,33 hingga 3,98 kg/m3 tidak mempengaruhi laju pertumbuhan, kelangsungan hidup, efisiensi pemberian pakan serta panjang dan bobot ikan akhir, masing-masing dengan rata-rata 2,32%/hari, 81,8%, 63,8%, 185,2 mm dan 64,0 g. Biomasa akhir (Y meningkat dari 3,66 hingga 12,05 kg/m3 dengan meningkatnya padat penebaran (X dengan persamaan Y = 0,056 X -0,45 (p<0,05.Kata kunci :  Ikan bandeng, Chanos chanos, keramba jaring apung, padat penebaran

  7. Peningkatan Laju Disolusi Dispersi Padat Amorf Genistein dengan PVP K-30

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    Erizal Zaini


    Full Text Available Amorphous solid dispersions of a poorly water-soluble drug genistein in PVP K-30 were prepared by solvent co-evaporation technique using organic solvent methanol. Solid dispersions system was prepared with several variations of drug to polymer 2:1, 1:1 dan 1:2 w/w. Solid state properties of solid dispersion system were evaluated by powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry, and microscopic SEM. Dissolution rate profile were conducted in distilled water medium by using dissolution tester apparatus type II USP. Base on X-ray diffractometry analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and microscopic SEM, crystalline phase of genistein decreased in crystallinity index and formation of amophous state. Dissolution rate profile showed that genistein in amorphous solid dispersion had a faster dissolution rate in comparison to intact genistein. This study proved that preparation of solid dispersion of genistein in PVP K-30 is an effective approach to improve dissolution rate of genistein.



    Wahyono, Sri


    The application of high technology (hitech) for solid waste management andtreatment in Singapore is one of examples of solving the municipal solid waste problem. Singapore with more than 4 million inhabitants produced 7676 ton wastes per day in 2001. Now, all the combustible solid wastes goes to the incinerator plant that can convert the heat into electricity. The ash from incinerator and the incombustible solid wastes are transported via waste harbour in Tuas to the Semakau off shore landfil...


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    Andi Suhandi


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan simulasi perhitungan untuk mendapatkan gambaran pengaruh penambahan lapisan anti refleksi ZnO terhadap persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya Silikon. Proses perhitungan dilakukan dengan bantuan software Sigma Plot. Perhitungan menggunakan konsep-konsep dasar fisika terkait optika, diantaranya konsep refleksi dan transmisi gelombang cahaya ketika melewati bidang batas dua medium yang berbeda kerapatan optiknya, konsep polarisasi cahaya, dan konsep anti refleksi. Hasil simulasi perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya silikon nilainya bergantung pada panjang gelombang cahaya datang (. Persen refleksi turun dari dari 38% ketika permukaan sel surya Silikon tidak dilapisi lapisan antirefleksi ZnO menjadi sekitar 15 % setelah permukaan sel surya silikon dilapisi lapisan ZnO dengan ketebalan sekitar 110 nm. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan bahwa persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya Silikon yang telah dilapisi lapisan anti refleksi ZnO nilainya bervariasi bergantung pada ketebalan lapisan anti refleksi yang digunakan. Dalam rentang data simulasi, ketika tebal lapisan anti refleksi ZnO ditingkatkan, persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya silikon nilainya turun, namun ketika ketebalan lapisan anti refleksi ditingkatkan lagi, ternyata persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya naik kembali. Keadaan ini menunjukkan adanya nilai ketebalan lapisan anti refleksi optimum yang menghasilkan persen refleksi cahaya oleh sel surya bernilai minimum. Penurunan persen refleksi cahaya oleh permukaan sel surya akan meningkatkan persen transmisi cahaya menuju lapisan aktif sel surya, yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan efisiensi konversi sel surya Silikon.

  10. Studi Alternatif Pemilihan Trase Transportasi Massal Surabaya Timur Dengan Surabaya Barat

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    Nirwan Prinanto


    Full Text Available Sistem transportasi darat yang bergerak diatas rel berifat massal dan terbukti sangat efektif dan efisien dalam melaksanakan tugas menghadapi kebutuhan transportasi terutama pada saat jam puncak. Perkembangan ekonomi yang sangat tinggi di Surabaya menimbulkan dampak meningkatnya aktifitas transportasi manusia maupun barang di dalam kota Surabaya. Hal ini jika tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan sistem jaringan transportasi di dalam kota Surabaya akan menyebabkan permasalahan kemacetan di dalam kota Surabaya, karena jaringan jalan di kota Surabaya saat ini sudah sangat padat sehingga akan menghambat aktifitas transportasi di dalam kota Surabaya. Dan satu – satunya alternatif adalah menggunakan jaringan transportasi yang tidak membebani jaringan jalan di Surabaya yaitu sistem transportasi rel. Metode pengerjaan tugas akhir ini yaitu membandingkan beberapa alternatif pola jaringan trase. Kemudian membandingkan beberapa alternatif trase untuk mendapatkan alternatif trase yang baik dan diprioritaskan pembangunannya. Dari trase terpilih, dilakukan analisa konsep perpindahan moda dan moda penunjang lainnya. Dalam menentukan moda yang akan digunakan dan alternatif trase yang akan dipilih dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan multi kriteria analisis. Dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa trase yang diutamakan pembangunannya adalah trase di Surabaya bagian selatan. Moda yang digunakan adalah moda Monorail.


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    . Chaerani


    Full Text Available Field application of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN is still hampered by inefficient mass production. The aim of this study was to compare three published in vitro media (medium Wouts, Bedding and Han for mass propagation of three indigenous EPNs (Heterorhabditis indicus PLR2, H. indicus isolate 5, and Steinernema T96 and one commercial strain (S. carpocapsae #25. The media were impregnated in shredded polyurethane sponge, pre-inoculated with symbiotic bacteria of each nematode and inoculated with the respective infective juveniles (Ijs of the nematode. Nematode yields at three weeks after nematode inoculation were inconsistent accross replications and experiments and generally not significantly influenced by the kind of media tested. Average yields showed that the highest IJ productions were obtained on medium Han for  H. indicus PLR2 (0,4×105 Ijs/g medium and for S. carpocapsae #25  (2.2×105 IJs/g medium, and on  medium Wouts for H. indicus  isolate 5 (6.5×105 Ijs/g medium and Steinernema T96 (1.5×105 IJs/g medium. The Ijs’ body were significantly shorter than those of in vivo propagated, which may impair the nematode pathogenicity. Modifications of the propagation technique and media formulation are needed to improve the quantity and quality of Ijs.

  12. Profil Sensori dan Nilai Gizi Beberapa Jenis Ikan Patin dan Hibrid Nasutus

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    Theresia Dwi Suryaningrum


    Full Text Available Penelitian mengenai profil sensori dan nilai gizi filet patin Siam (Pangasius hypopthalmus, Jambal (Pangasius djambal Bleeker, Pasupati, Nasutus serta hasil silangan Siam dan Nasutus (hibrid Nasutus telah dilakukan. Analisis sensori dilakukan dengan uji pembeda menyeluruh, uji pembeda atribut, uji kesukaan, dan uji rangking. Pengamatan lainnya dilakukan terhadap edible portion dan nilai gizi (proksimat dan profil asam amino. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa filet patin hibrid Nasutus lebih memiliki kesamaan warna dengan filet patin Nasutus daripada filet patin Siam. W arna daging filet patin hibrid Nasutus berbeda nyata dengan induknya yaitu patin Nasutus dan patin Siam. Panelis lebih menyukai warna filet patin hibrid Nasutus dibandingkan dengan patin Pasupati. Patin hibrid Nasutus mempunyai tekstur yang berbeda nyata dengan Nasutus dan Jambal yang kompak dan padat, tetapi mempunyai kesamaan dengan patin Siam dan Pasupati yang agak kompak dan agak padat. Berdasarkan intensitas warna, hasil uji pembeda atribut dan uji kesukaan, maka secara berturut-turut panelis menyukai filet patin Jambal, Nasutus, hibrid Nasutus, Pasupati, dan Siam. Hibrid Nasutus mempunyai edible portionpaling tinggi (49% dibandingkan dengan patin lainnya tetapi mempunyai kadar air, kadar lemak, dan kadar protein yang lebih rendah dan berbeda nyata dengan induknya (patin Siam dan Nasutus. Patin Siam mengandung asam amino esensial paling tinggi di antara berbagai jenis patin yang diteliti. Profil asam amino patin hibrid Nasutus, Jambal, Pasupati, dan Nasutus hampir sama, kecuali pada patin Siam yang mengandung glisin, leusin, isoleusin, histidin, serin, treonin, dan prolin yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan patin lainnya


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    Anang Hari Kristanto


    Full Text Available Kegiatan pemuliaan ikan selain dipengaruhi oleh genetik, juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan. Walaupun faktor ini tidak diwariskan kepada generasi berikutnya, tetapi mempengaruhi fenotif suatu individu atau populasi ikan yang akan dibudidayakan, karena faktor lingkungan yang buruk akan menutup potensi genetik dari individu atau populasi tersebut. Aspek lingkungan yang berpengaruh terhadap pemuliaan tersebut adalah padat tebar dan mortalitas; umur, suhu, dan kualitas air; sifat biologi dan fisiologi; maternal efek; kecondongan, dan cara pemberian pakan; kompensasi pertumbuhan; dan pemeliharaan komunal (bersama. Usaha pemuliaan dan budi daya perlu memperhatikan faktor-faktor ling-kungan.

  14. Kontribusi Perempuan Parengge-Rengge dalam Ekonomi Keluarga

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    Fatimah Depi Susanti


    Full Text Available Kontribusi perempuan dalam usaha kecil tidak dapat diabaikan. Selain ulet, perempuan juga sangat disiplin dalam menjalankan usaha. Tingginya tingkat kebutuhan ekonomi dan rendahnya tingkat pendapatan keluarga menyebabkan perempuan yang seharusnya menjadi ibu dan mengurus rumahtangga, harus terjun yang sifatnya sederhana, padat karya, dan umumnya merupakan perluasan dari pekerjaan rumahtangga, dapat memberikan peluang usaha bagi perempuan, yang sesuai dengan peran domestiknya sehari-hari. Di samping itu, usaha kecil juga dapat menyerap tenaga kerja perempuan, memacu perkembangan ekonomi dan pada akhirnya dapat berkontribusi nyata terhadap perekonomian nasional.

  15. Komponen Kimia Asap Cair Hasil Pirolisis Limbah Padat Kelapa Sawit

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    Abdul Gani Haji


    Full Text Available Chemical components of liquid smoke which is produced via pyrolisis of palm oil solid waste have been analyzed by using gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GC-MS. Solid waste consists of shell, empty fruit bunch, and palm fiber. Solid waste was obtained from palm oil manufactory in Tanjung Semantok,  Aceh province. The objective of this research was to investigate the chemical components in liquid smoke obtained from various palm oil solid waste. Sample was pyrolyzed at 500°C for 5 hours by using tube furnace reactor type 21100 which is equipped by thermolyne as temperature adjustment. The yield of pyrolysis from shell, empty fruit bunch and palm fiber are 52,02; 29,59; and 34,88%, respectively. The results showed that 27; 13 and 11 compounds of chemical were observed in liquid smoke obtained by pyrolysis of shell, empty fruit bunch, and palm fiber, respectively. Overall, acetic acid and phenol are the highest concentration of chemical obtained in this research. Keywords: palm oil solid waste, pyrolysis, liquid smoke, chemical compound

  16. Evaluasi Fungsi Insinerator Dalam Memusnahkan Limbah B3 Di Rumah Sakit NI Dr.Ramelan Surabaya

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    Jahn Leonard Saragih


    Full Text Available Pengelolaan limbah padat B3 di Rumah Sakit TNI Angkatan Laut Dr. Ramelan sangat penting diperhatikan karena dapat berdampak buruk apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan adanya penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi jumlah timbulan dan penanganan limbah padat B3, mengevaluasi manajemen, penyimpanan sementara serta mengevaluasi proses insinerasi. Evaluasi fungsi incinerator di Rumah Sakit TNI Angkatan Laut Dr. Ramelan dilakukan dengan meneliti jumlah timbulan limbah B3, kapasitas pembakaran insinerator, suhu pembakaran insinerator, densitas limbah dan abu pembakaran, dan tes TCLP residu pembakaran incinerator Rumah Sakit TNI Angkatan Laut Dr. Ramelan. Dalam penelitian ini, Rumkital Dr. Ramelan memusnahkan limbah dengan incinerator. Limbah B3 yang dihasilkan Rumkital Dr. Ramelan dimusnakan dengan satu incinerator dengan type KAMINE TYPE BDR-INC 10. Limbah yang dimusnahkan di Rumkital Dr. Ramelan berasal dari Rumkital Dr. Ramelan dan Lantamal Perak. Setelah dilakukan penelitian langsung selama 14 hari berturut-turut, didapatkan bahwa rata-rata timbulan limbah B3 di Rumkital Dr. Ramelan adalah 89.98 Kg/hari dan dengan densitas rata-rata limbah ialah 166,67 kg/m3. Tinggat removal dari pembakaran limbah dengan incinerator di Rumah Sakit TNI Angkatan Laut Dr. Ramelan ialah 82,63%. Pengelolaan abu sisa incinerator Rumkital Dr. Ramelan belum sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku dan dari penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu pengujian kandungan abu incinerator, solidifikasi abu incinerator dengan perbandingan semen:abu adalah 1:3 dan uji TCLP, didapatkan bahwa limbah abu sisa insinerator Rumah Sakit TNI Angkatan Laut Dr. Ramelan Surabaya, dapat ditimbun pada landfill kategori I sesuai dengan Keputusan Kepala Bapedal No.4 Tahun 1995.


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    Arindra Trisna Widiansyah


    Pantai Gatra merupakan salah satu ekowisata pantai di Kabupaten Malang yang memiliki zona pasang surut dengan substrat dominan batu. Substrat berbatu merupakan daerah yang paling padat makroorganismenya. Arthropoda dan Echinodermata mempunyai peranan penting dari segi sumber makanan maupun ekologi. Mengingat belum adanya pelaporan jenis Arthropoda dan Echinodermata di zona pasang surut Pantai Gatra, maka dilakukan penelitian inventarisasi di daerah ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah invetarisasi jenis Arthropoda dan Echinodermata. Hasil penelitian tentang inventarisasi jenis Arthropoda dan Echinodermata di zona pasang surut pantai Gatra Kabupaten Malang, secara keseluruhan ditemukan 14 jenis, 13 genus, dan 11 famili dari filum Arthropoda dan Echinodermata.

  18. Studi Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat Industri Pengolahan Minyak Kelapa Sawit Spent Bleaching Earth sebagai Pengganti Agregat pada Campuran Beton

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    Denny Dermawan


    Full Text Available Palm oil refinery factory has solid waste by product  called Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE. SBE consists of some chemical compounds and one of them  is SiO2 up to 83,05%. SiO2 or silica fume can cause silicosis if it is exposed to the atmosphere and frequently inhaled by the workers.  On the other hand,  SiO2  is one of the material  composition of Portland cement. Thus, it is necessary to conduct a research about the utilization of SBE. as a concrete mixture. SBE is utilized as fine aggregate substitution by the composition of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% of the total amount of fine aggregate. The conducted tests are fineness modulus calculation, compressive strength, setting time, and TCLP. The method used for mix  design is SNI 03-2834-2000 with f’c 28,5 MPa and slump 12 ± 2 cm. This research  shows  that concretes with SBE substitution which achieve the planned compressive strength are 10% SBE with 34,16 MPa and 20% SBE with 29,06 MPa. Based on the TCLP test, the concentration of heavy metal substances in 10% SBE are below the standard. Thus, it is  scientifically proven to conclude that concrete with 10% SBE is technically proper and safe for the environment.

  19. KARAKTERISTIK FISIKOKIMIA DAN ANTIBAKTERI HASIL PURIFIKASI MINYAK BIJI NYAMPLUNG (Calophyllum inophyllum L. Physicochemical and Antibacterial Properties of Degummed Calophyllum inophyllum L. Seed Oil

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    Sawarni Hasibuan


    Full Text Available The high solid fraction in Calophyllum seed oil causes Calophyllum biodiesel-oil produced has a high viscosity, high acid value, high cloud point, and other negative influences that is difficult to meet the biodiesel standard SNI 04-7182-2006. This underlies the need to increase the added value of solid fraction Calophyllum seed oil, such as healthy soap. This research was aimed to purification, fractionation, and characterization of fatty acid component as well as the antibacterial and antioxidant owned. So that Calophyllum seed oil may be considered for healthy soap application. The design used in the purification process is factorial completely randomized design, consisting of three factors, namely acid phosphate concentration, temperature and heating time. Based on the research, it resulted in the best treatment for Calophyllum seed oil’s purification was reached by using 0,2% H3PO4  20% at 80  C for 15 minutes. Major fatty acid component in Calophyllum seed oil purification results are palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid that reached 98,19 percent of the total fatty acids. The results showed that the Calophyllum oil contains components steroids, flavonoids, saponins, and triterpenoids and has an antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus but instead to Escherichia coli. Keywords: Calophyllum inophyllum,  purification, solid fraction, antibacterial, antioxidant Tingginya fraksi padat pada minyak biji nyamplung menyebabkan biodiesel nyamplung yang dihasilkan memiliki viskositas tinggi, bilangan asam tinggi, titik kabut tinggi, dan pengaruh buruk lainnya sehingga sulit memenuhi standar biodiesel SNI 04-7182-2006. Hal ini mendasari perlunya peningkatan nilai tambah fraksi padat minyak biji nyamplung. Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan purifikasi, fraksinasi, dan karakterisasi minyak biji nyamplung. Karakterisasi dilakukan terhadap komponen asam lemak serta uji pengenalan bioantibakteri dan bioantioksidan

  20. Pengaruh NiCrAlY, Ni/Cr2O3/CrxCy Sebagai Variasi Bond Coat Dengan Penambahan Lapisan Al2O3 dan YSZ Pada Inconel 625 Terhadap Struktur Mikro Lapisan Menggunakan Metode Flame Spraying

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    Aprian Immanuel


    Full Text Available Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC berfungsi untuk mengurangi temperatur substrat serta meningkatkan daya tahannya terhadap korosi dan oksidasi. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan flame spraying dari variasi bond coat (Ni-Cr-Al-Y, (Ni/CrO3/CrXCY dan tanpa bond coat serta melapisi kembali lapisan bond coat dengan Al2O3 dan ZrO2 – 8%Y2O3 sebagai Thermal Barrier Coating untuk diteliti pengaruhnya terhadap struktur mikro lapisan yang terbentuk. Hasil flame spray diamati dengan SEM pada variasi bond coat NiCrAlY ditemukan beberapa serbuk dari material top coat dengan beberapa kondisi yaitu meleleh (melted, meleleh sebagian (semi melted, dan tidak meleleh (unmelted. Ditemukan poros yang merata hampir di seluruh permukaan sampel dan munculnya pengintian retak. Perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan ada pada persebaran setiap unsur di setiap spesimen, dan lapisan oksida yang terbentuk pada seluruh variasi bond coat

  1. KUALITAS LIMBAH PADAT MEDIS RUMAH SAKIT (Quality of Solid Medical Waste in Hospital

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    Riris Nainggolan


    Full Text Available Hospital is one of critical and important part of health care chain due to improvement of it. Hospital can cause nosocomial case for example cellulitis at Dr. Sutomo Hospital in Surabaya because the environment of it not fulfil the health requirements. Several studies reported that hospital environmental health not yet fulfil all the health requirements needed. Only 56.5% used incenerator with unperfect result in temperature which is only reached 200°C. The need of waste management recently have taken attention to improve its quality. Important factors such as volume and waste characteristics are major concern. According to measurement result held in Latin America showed that the hospital garbage and waste production every day per bed about 3.6 Kgs while in England approximately 3.3 Kgs. This research aimed to have characteristic information and the medical waste management of several hospital in Jakarta and Medan. The collection of data conducted through research and book reference, interview and laboratory test for 9 (nine parameters. Characteristic and solid medical waste volume in this research are 2.5-53 Kgs of infectious waste. 0.8-60 Kgs of solid material, 0.8-3 Kgs of unused human anatomy, 0.5-3.3 Kgs of chemical side products, 2-6.6 Kgs of plastic waste. Number of patients with one day care per year about 1228 people while for several days care about 4928 people. From the test results showed that Cu, Se, Zn and Cr value over the quality standard requirements based on Government Acts no 18, 1999.Keywords: Medical waste, Waste Quality, Hospital

  2. Peran Sistem Klasifikasi Bahan Bakar Padat Konvensional Hubungannya dengan Diversifikasi Energi

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    Stefano Munir


    Full Text Available The wave of energy crisis nowadays are resulted from the shortage and supply problems,  due  to the depletion  of  oil  resources  along  with  the prevailing  trend  of  global escalating  petroleum  price  linked  to  international  politics.   Based  on  principles  of  National  Energy   Strength,   a sustainable  energy  policy  is  needed  in  the form of guidelines for promoting  the  use  of other energy sources to replace unrenewable conventional fossil fuels.  The objective of this paper is to encourage and promote  the  utilization of renewable fuels through the classification system of conventional fuels.  The classification system could be used as guidelines for selecting and providing solid fuel according to customer or market requirements.


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    Syafrudin Syafrudin


    Full Text Available Besides yielding product, production process also will yield discard product that we called as waste. Thetype of the waste are depended on the raw materials and other process that happened during theproduction process. As a pharmacy industry, PT. Indofarma Tbk also generate waste from their productionprocess which have potency to contaminate the environment because the most material that use for theproduction are chemicals that need to be handled seriously. The waste can be categorize as HazardousWaste and needed furthermore management to control, so it will be secure for the environment. Forpharmacy industry, the hazardous waste is in the form of the chemicals, Waste Water Treatment’s sludge,residu production process like dust from dust collector, incinerator’s fly ash, and other materials which iscame from hazardous materials.

  4. Pemanfaatan limbah padat industri karet remah (crumb rubber untuk pembuatan kompos

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    Supraptiningsih Supraptiningsih


    Full Text Available The objective of the research was to create a compost formula for plant fertilizer. Composts containing 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, and 50 parts of crumb rubber industry solid waste and 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 parts of bran were prepared. The mixing was done by adding 20 ml of molasses and 20 ml of EM4. Moisture content was maintained at 40-60%. The compost was mature in 40 days. The resulting compost was compared to SNI 2803:2010 Solid NPK Fertilizer and Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 70/Permentan/SR-140/10/2011 on Organic Fertilizer. The best compost that met the requirements (except kalium was the compost with 20 parts of bran, 80, 90, and 100 parts of solid waste. The physical properties of the compost were dark brown similar to the color of the soil, insoluble in water, C/N ratio of 20.74 to 25.44, temperature approximately equal to the ambient, and odorless.

  5. Pertumbuhan tiga spesies jangkrik lokal yang dibudidayakan pada padat penebaran dan jenis pakan berbeda

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    Priyantini Widiyaningrum


    Full Text Available In the development of cricket farming, important information in regard with cultivated method, type of crickets, feed stuff, density level, and it's productivity is essential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different density level and rations on growth performace of three species of local crickets, i.e Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer, Gryllus mitratus Burn and Gryllus testaceus Walk.Three levels of box square density (500, 750 and 1000 cricket/box and two levels of additional feed (mustard green and papaya leaveswere used as treatments. The results showed that the density level of approximately 1000 cricket/box had no significant influence on growth performance of the three species local crickets. Nevertheless, higher density level tended to increase mortality rate especially for G. bimaculatus (rate of mortality = 45.86%. The use of feed combination of formulated ration plus mustard green resulted in better growth performance and higher egg production compared to the combination of formulated ration plus papaya leaves.


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    Dinda Wulan Afriani


    terletak di Kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah. Masjid Laksamana Muhammad Cheng Ho Purbalingga merupakan salah satu dari tiga masjid Cheng Ho di Indonesia. Kehadiran masjid ini merupakan wujud simbol keindahan toleransi antar etnis dan budaya dalam sebuah akulturasi. Bentuk arsitektur masjid ini merupakan perpaduan dari budaya Islam- Tiongkok-Arab-Jawa. Keistimewaan masjid ini bukan hanya terletak pada bentuk arsitektur bangunan dan ragam hias arsitekturnya saja. Namun juga pada keindahan makna dan nilai falsafah kehidupan yang terkandung di dalamnya, yang tentu saja selaras dengan peran sertanya dalam masyarakat. Dalam membaca tanda dan makna, artikel ini juga menyajikan penalaran melalui metode semiotika visual secara singkat namun cukup padat.

  7. Karakteristik Morfologi Permukaan Pada Polimer PVdF-LiBOB-ZrO2 dan Potensinya untuk Elektrolit Baterai Litium

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    Etty Marti Wigayati


    Full Text Available Membran elektrolit polimer pada baterai litium ion berfungsi sebagai media transport ion dan sebagai separator antara anoda dan katoda. Dalam penelitian ini, telah dilakukan sintesis membran elektrolit polimer LiBOB (Lithium Bis Oksalato Borate dengan rumus kimia LiB(C2O42 dengan menggunakan Polyvilinidine fluoride (PVdF sebagai matriks dan bahan aditif  Zirkonium Oksida (ZrO2. Metoda yang dipergunakan adalah solution cast. Konsentrasi bahan aditif dibuat bervariasi. Membran yang terbentuk dikarakterisasi morfologi permukaan menggunakan Scanning Electrone Microscope (SEM, sifat elektrokimia dengan Cyclic Voltametric (CV dan kapasitas baterai dengan kurva charge discharge. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa morfologi permukaan rantai polimer saling berikatan dan tersusun dengan bagus. Pori tertutup oleh rantai polimer secara rata yang berikatan membentuk jaring dan saling bertumpukan pada keadaan amorf. Terjadi reaksi oksidasi dan reduksi pada sel baterai dengan kapasitas charge sekitar 24 mAh pada tegangan 4 volt, sedangkan kapasitas discharge bernilai sama sekitar 24 mAh pada tegangan 4 volt dengan penambahan 10% ZrO2.


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    Emma Suryati


    Full Text Available Regenerasi rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii dilakukan dalam rangka penyediaan benih yang bermutu dan mempunyai keunggulan melalui induksi kalus dan embrio dengan penambahan hormon pertumbuhan yang diintroduksi ke dalam media kultur yang dapat memacu induksi kalus dan penebalan pigmen rumput laut. Media kultur yang digunakan adalah media Conwy padat dengan penambahan agar 0,8%-1,6%. Hormon perangsang tumbuh yang digunakan untuk memacu pertumbuhan kalus dan filamen embrio yaitu IAA (Indol acetic acid, kinetin, dan auxilin dengan konsentrasi berkisar 0,4-1 mg/L. Embrio yang dihasilkan merupakan anakan yang mempunyai sifat yang sama dengan induknya. Sintasan dan perkembangan embrio yang paling baik yaitu dengan penambahan IAA dengan konsentrasi 0,4 mg/L pada media padat. Pembentukan anakan dilakukan dengan mengiris embrio dan menumbuhkan pada media cair yang diperkaya dengan hormon yang sama. Pemeliharaan anakan pada media kultur dilakukan hingga mencapai ukuran 2-3 cm. Regeneration of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii was done to provide high quality seed through callus and embryo induction using plant growth regulator which was introducted to the culture medium. This growth regulator can stimulate the callus induction procces and thickening the seaweed pigment. Applied medium culture was agar medium with 0.8%-1.6% concentration enriched with Conwy and the applied growth regulators were IAA (Indol acetic acid, kinetin dan auxilin with 0.4-1 mg/L concentration range. Resulted embryo has the same characteristics with the stock. The best survival rate and embryo growth was IAA treatment with 0.4 mg/L concentration. Formation of embryo was done by transferring them from solid medium to the liquid one with the same growth regulator treatment. The nursery of the seed in culture medium was carried out until it has reached 2-3 cm in size.

  9. PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH CAIR INDUSTRI SUSU (Liquid Waste Management in Milk Factory

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    Wagini Wagini


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui kondisi limbah cair industri susu. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa limbah cair industri susu mengandung zat-zat pencemar dalam tingkat yang membahayakan lingkungan, sehingga limbah cair tersebut perlu didaur ulang. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu instalasi peralatan yang mampu mengolah limbah tersebut. Pada penelitian ini proses pengolahan dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan proses-proses pengolahan secara Fisika, Kimia dan Biologi. Dengan tahapan proses pengolahan yang dipilih meliputi; Proses equalisasi, proses anaerob, proses aerasi, lumpur aktif, proses sedimentasi, proses koagulasi-flokulasi, proses sedimentasi, proses flotasi, proses pengendapan partikel ringan, proses penyaringan dengan pasir dan arang aktif.    Kualitas air hasil pengolahan dianalisa secara Fisika, Kimia dan Biologi melalui parameter-parameter: suhu, kekeruhan, zat padat tersuspensi, zat padat terlarut, daya hantar listrik, PH, BOD, COD dan jumlah bakteri. Penelitian ini menunjukkan air hasil pengolahan aman untuk dibuang ke lingkungan.   ABSTRACT A research to identify the condition of milk industry liquid waste was conducted. The result showed that the waste contained pollutants at the level the endangered the environment. Therefore, the waste had to be recycled in which a liquid waste treatment installation is needed. In this research, the process of milk industry liquid waste was done by combining processing techniques of physics, chemistry and biology. The processing steps include the processes of equalization, anaerobe, aeration, sedimentation, coagulation-flocculation, sedimentation, flotation, sedimentation, filtering with sand and activated carbon. The water resulted from the processes was analyzed in terms of physical, chemical and biological characteristics e.g. temperature, turbidity, suspended solid, solutes solid, conductivity, pH, BOD, COD and amount of bacteria. This research, shows that the water


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    Ratna Dewi Kusumaningtyas


    Full Text Available Organo-mineral fertilizer solid was generated from liquid-waste vinasse with the addition of other materials as variations such as filter cake, boiler ash, urea, and NPK through the evaporation of water content in the material. Each solid OMF has a different mixture. OMF A made of evaporated vinasse or sticky vinasse, OMF B made of vinasse and urea, OMF C made from vinasse and filter cake, omf D made of vinasse and boiler ash 2 : 2, OMF E made of vinasse and boiler ash 2 : 4, OMF F made of vinasse, filter cake, and boiler ash, OMF A3 made of vinasse and 3% NPK, OMF made of A6 vinasse and 6% NPK, OMF A9 made of vinasse and 9% NPK. OMF analysis includes NPK and C/N ratio. Solid OMF which meet the SNI (Indonesian National Standard are OMF A3, OMF A6, OMF A9 based on the quantity of NPK and C/N ratio where NPK is a source of primer macro nutrients on the plant while the C/N ratio equilibrium will determine the equilibrium of the vegetative and generative stage. NPK content and C/N ratio of OMF A3 are 0,63%, 0,45% ,0,38%, and 10,30, respectively.OMF A6 was 0,59%, 0,52% ,0,41%, and 13,66, respectively as well as OMF A9 are 0,68%, 0,52% ,0,45% and 14,16, respectively. OMF that meet SNI applied to the watermelon plants. OMF that gives the best results in plants is OMF A9 compossed from vinasse and NPK 9% because the plants growth faster shown based on plant height and stem diameter, leaf shape, flower and fruit appearance time.


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    Nastiti Siswi Indrasti


    Full Text Available Solid waste from beltpress machine in wastewater treatment plant is produced as much as 1,25 tons/day but hasnot been utilized, causing unpleasant odour and requires a high cost for disposal. Composting is one of alternative technology that can be applied to solve the problem. The objectives of this research were to examine the influence of the initial C/N value and aeration rate to the rate of co-composting process in reaching the C/N value that corresponds to SNI 19-7030-2004, and to characterize the compost produced. The research design used was factorial Complete Random Design (CRD with two factors and two repetitions. The first factor was C/N value, consisted of 25; 30; 35 and the second factor was aeration rate, consisted of 0; 0,4; 0,8 L/ of dry material. Composting was done using 30 L reactor by giving active intermittent aeration for 1 hour/day during the first 7 days of composting. Effects of initial C/N value and aeration rate were significantly different (P0.05 on pH value. Lower initial C/N value and higher aeration rate attained standard C/N value fastest. The best treatment based on the conformity with SNI 19-7030-2004 was initial C/N25 with aeration rate 0,8 L/ dry matter. The compost produced met the SNI standards in macro elements, trace elements,and other elements, but didnot qualify the pH value and moisture content.

  12. Pemanfaatan Limbah Pecahan Genteng sebagai Katalis dalam Reaksi Pirolisis Plastik Polipropilena Menjadi Bahan Bakar Alternatif

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    Rahmat Jaya Eka Syahputra


    Full Text Available Artikel ini mendiskusikan karakterisasi pecahan genteng dan pemanfaatannya untuk memproduksi katalis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik pecahan genteng dan kemudian melakukan modifikasi untuk pembuatan katalis. Katalis dibuat dengan pilarisasi nikel ke dalam pecahan genteng, dan dikarakterisasi menggunakan x-ray diffractometer (XRD. Pirolisis dilakukan terhadap limbah plastik polipropilena hingga diperoleh cairan minyak. Minyak direforming menggunakan katalis pecahan genteng terpilarisasi nikel. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa pecahan genteng mempunyai kandungan logam oksida berdasarkan standar Fe2O3, NiO2, Al2O3, SiO2. Refinement dilakukan menggunakan program Rietica metode Le-Bail dan diperoleh hasil nilai keberterimaan Rp/Rwp <10. Setiap 1,3 kg sampel limbah polipropilena diperoleh hasil minyak sebanyak 1,7 L. Hasil reforming menunjukkan bahwa densitas minyak sebesar 745,919 kg/m3 dan viskositas 0,720 cp. Berdasarkan analisis GC-MS diperoleh fraksi pembentukan terbesar dari katalis pecahan genteng terpilarisasi nikel adalah fraksi C10 - C12. Sehingga, pecahan genteng yang terpilarisasi nikel efektif dijadikan sebagai katalisator dalam proses pirolisis untuk mengubah limbah palstik polipropilena menjadi bahan bakar.

  13. Pemanfaatan Limbah Daun Kelapa Sawit sebagai Bahan Baku Pupuk Kompos

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    Ramayanty Bulan


    Full Text Available Abstrak. Limbah padat pada perkebunan kelapa sawit telah diketahui potensial sebagai bahan baku pupuk organik padat melalui proses pengomposan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan teknik dan mengkarakterisasi proses pengomposan limbah daun kelapa sawit sebagai bahan dasar pupuk organik potensial. Proses pengomposan dilakukan dengan dua faktor perlakuan, meliputi komposisi bahan katalisator kompos (Bokashi, Vermikompos dan Natural dan ukuran cacahan daun sawit (2 cm, 4 cm 6 cm. Parameter yang diamati meliputi persentase penyusutan massa dan fluktuasi perubahan suhu selama proses pengomposan, serta pengukuran zat hara Nitrogen, Phospor, Kalium (NPK dan rasio C/N yang terkandung pada hasil pengomposan yang diukur setelah 10 dan 14 minggu proses pengomposan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode pengomposan dengan bokashi memberikan penyusutan massa terbesar jika dibandingkan dua metode lainnya pada semua ukuran cacahan yaitu sebesar 32%. Cacahan daun sawit yang berukuran kecil cenderung memberikan proses pengomposan yang lebih cepat dan memberikan produk kompos yang lebih baik. Hasil pengukuran setelah proses pengomposan menunjukkan bahwa interaksi dua faktor perlakuan yang diberikan hanya berpengaruh signifikan pada rasio C/N dan tidak signifikan pada zat hara NPK.   Utilization of Waste Palm Leaves as Raw Material Palm Compost Abstract. The use of oil palm plantation solid waste, particularly oil palm leaf as organic compost raw material are now receiving greater attention by researchers, but have not been fully utilized on large scale, either agriculturally or industrially. The aim of present study was to characterize composting process with oil palm leaf as raw material. The research of composting conducted with two combination of composting factor, namely: composting starter composition (i.e. Bokashi, vermi-compost and natural composting and piece of frond dimension (2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm. The percentage of mass reduction and temperature


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    Dian Fitriani


    Full Text Available Soap is a cleaning product made by a chemical reaction between the bases with fatty acids. one additional ingredient in the process of making soap is herbal ingredients such as leaves of buas-buas (Premna cordifolia, Linn. Leaves buas-buas contain substances flavonoid, saponins and essential oils that have antimicrobial activity. based on these compounds, the leaves of wild-wild has potential ly for use as an additional herbal ingredients for herbal soaps. The aims of this study are to make transparent soap with leaf extract of buas-buas as additional ingredients, analyze the herb soap with standard quality parameters such as pH, water content, foam stability, hardness,  the number of free alkali test, and knowing soap antifungal activity against Candida albicans. This study was an experimental study using two herbal formulations 5% and 15%. the soap-making process carried out by the method of melting and pouring process. Test the quality of soap herb products includes pH, water content, foam stability, hardness,  the number of free alkali test, and knowing soap antifungal activity against Candida albicans. The results of the analysis were then compared to the quality standard SNI 06-3532-1994 for soap making. The results of the test the quality of herbal soap products with buas-buas leaf extract showed that the herbal soap with the addition of wild-wild leaf extract has the characteristics meet the quality standards of SNI 06-3532-1994. The concentration of wild-wild leaf extract used influence to decrease transparency properties of soap. The higher the concentration of leaf extract wild-wild, diminishing transparency of soap products. Based on the antifungal test showed that the soap products containing buas-buas leaf extract inhibited the growth of Candida albicans.


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    Doni Purnama Alamsyah


      Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara di ASEAN yang memiliki populasi manusia cukup padat, salah satu provinsinya adalah Jawa Barat dengan Ibu Kota Bandung. Namun demikian jumlah populasi yang tinggi tidak diimbangi dengan pola hidup sehat, terlihat dari rendahnya konsumsi pada produk organik. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji faktor yang membentuk kepercayaan konsumen pada produk organik. Confirmatory Factor Analisys digunakan sebagai teknik analisis data, dengan survey pada konsumen yang ada di Kota Bandung sebanyak 351 reponden. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kepercayaan konsumen pada produk organik belum optimal. Penelitian ini menyempurnakan penelitian sebelumnya dimana terdapat faktor yang mampu membentuk kepercayaan konsumen pada produk organik diantaranya adalah  reliable, dependable, trustworthy, expectation, enviromental protection, dan safer.   Kata Kunci: Kepercayaan, Produk Organik, Confirmatory Factor Analisys

  16. Pemanfaatan limbah lumpur padat dari industri penyamakan kulit untuk pembuatan bata beton pejal

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    Suliestyah Wiryodiningrat


    Full Text Available Abstract Solid sludge waste from the Tanning Industry is still a problem in exile, because it is considered as “B3” waste, and containing chromium. The objective of the research utilize solid sludge waste as a partial with two types of variable I,e : 1. Solid concrete block with coral 2. Solid concrete block without coral. Each variable has three variations in the composition of cement, sand and mud, that were 1 part cement : 5 part cement : 4 parts sand : 1 part sludge (without coral has met the physical requirements of solid concrete block concrete block classification standards, according to SNI-03-0348-1989 quality level IV, which has a minimum compressive strength of 30.25 kg/cm2 (standard 25 kg/cm2 and a maximum water absorption of 13.99% (standard - %. Solid concrete block can be used for buildings that do not bear the burden and protected from the weather. Having held the test of leachate from solid concrete block with TCLP method turned out to produce chromium content : 4.017 mg/ l is still below the threshold (5.00 mg/l, which means that concrete can be used for use outdoors (exposed to rain, because it will not pollute the soil and groundwater and can be transported/brought out the leather tanning factory environment.


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    Primata Mardina


    Full Text Available The effect of ash from pseudo stem of banana as base solid catalyst on free fatty acid content in biodiesel product from crude rice bran oil was investigated. The base solid-catalyzed transesterification for synthesis of biodiesel from crude rice bran oil was carried out in a laboratory scale reactor. The reaction temperature and stirring speed were maintained constant at 60oC and 400 rpm for 30, 60 and 90 minutes. Molar ratio of metanol to crude rice bran oil was 6:1 and the concentration of catalyst was 1% , 2% and 3% based weight of oil. The results showed that the addition of concentration of solid base catalyst brought positive trend on free fatty acid content in biodiesel, which expressed by the declining of the acid value. The smallest acid value was 76.1885 mg KOH/gram at 3% w/w catalyst for 90 minutes of reaction time.


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    I Made Astra


    Full Text Available Energi dapat berubah dari satu bentuk ke bentuk yang  lainnya, perubahannya sering mempengaruhi lingkungan dan udara yang kita hirup dengan berbagai cara. Energy kimia dalam bahan bakar fosil diubah menjadi energy panas, mekanik, atau listrik melalui pembakaran dan  ini sebagai penghasil polutan terbesar. Dan dengan demikian pembangkit listrik, kendaraan bermotor, dan kompor adalah penyebab utama terjadinya polusi udara.  Polutan yang dikeluarkan biasanya dikelompokan menjadi  hidrokarbon (HC, nitrogen oksida (NOx, dan  karbon monoksida (CO. Polutan yang dihasilkan pada pembakaran fosil merupakan faktor terbesar terjadinya asap, hujan asam,  pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim.   The conversion of energy from one form to another often affects the environment and the air we breath in many ways. Pollutants are emitted as the chemical energy in fossil fuels is converten to thermal, mechanical, or electrical energy via combustion, and thus power plants, motor vehicles, and even stoves take the blame for air pollution, and  the pollutants released by the vehicles are usually grouped as hydrocarbons (HC, nitrogen oxides (NOx, and carbon monoxide (CO. Pollutans emitted during the combustion of fossil fuels are responsible for smog, acid rain, and global warming and climate change.

  19. Analisa PerfomaMotor Diesel Berbahan Bakar Komposisi Campuran Antara Minyak Tuak Dengan Minyak Diesel

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    Yusuf Isnaini


    Full Text Available Solar merupakan salah satu jenis minyak bumi yang berasal dari fosil dan diperkirakan akan habis dalam jangka beberapa tahun kedepan. Selain itu, solar juga melepaskan gas-gas antara lain karbon dioksida(CO2, nitrogen oksida (NOx,dan sulfur dioksida (SO2 yang menyebabkan pencemaran udara. Untuk mengantisipasi semakin menipisnya cadangan minyak bumi dan semakin meningkatnya pencemaran udara, dilakukan upaya penelitian terhadap bahan bakar alternatif. Penelitian ini mendiskusikan secara detail tentang perbandingan antara bio solar dengan bahan bakar emulsi 10% minyak tuak melalui proses  pengujian peforma motor diesel yang meliputi torsi, daya dan kebutuhan bahan bakar spesifik serta kadar nilai NOx yang terkandung dalam kedua bahan bakar dan disesuaikan dengan standar nilai dari IMO (International Marine Organization yang tertera dalam MARPOL Annex IV Regulation 13 mengatakan untuk motor diesel dengan putaran diatas 2000 rpm, maka kadar NOx yang diperbolehkan tidak kurang dari 7,7 g/kWh. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terhadap peforma motor bahan bakar emulsi 10% minyak tuak lebih baik dibandingkan bio solar sedangkan terhadap pengujian emisi bio solar lebih baik dari pada emulsi 10% minyak tuak dan dari standart IMO kedua bahan bakar ini masih memenuhi toleransi berat Nox.


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    Bagus Setiawan


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan karakterisasi degradasi termal dari limbah pertanian untuk dijadikan suatu bahan bakar padat alternatif. Penelitian diawali dengan tahap pengumpulan bahan yang dilanjutkan penyeragaman ukuran sampel uji hingga berukuran 20 mesh. Setelah itu masing-masing sampel dikeringkan hingga kadar air maksimal 12 %. Sebelum Sampel seberat 20 gram diuji pirolisis dengan menempatkan sampel dalam reaktor yang telah dialiri nitrogen dengan laju 100 ml/menit. Sampel diuji dengan kondisi heating rate 15 oC/menit, temperatur akhir 600 oC dan holding time 10 menit. Data yang didapat berupa penurunan massa dan perubahan temperatur dicatat dalam laptop dengan menggunakan software RS-Key, Ms Excel dan Adam.NET Utility. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan campuran serbuk gergaji dan jerami memiliki temperatur pirolisis paling rendah, sementara campuran sekam padi dan kulit singkong memiliki massa arang paling banyak.

  1. Kontrol Sosial Keluarga dan Kekerasan Kolektif: Studi Kasus Keterlibatan Pemuda dalam Tawuran Warga di Johar Baru, Jakarta Pusat

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    Dwi Sembodo Aji


    Full Text Available Banyak penelitian yang menyimpulkan bahwa munculnya perilaku kekerasan pada seseorang disebabkan oleh dua hal yaitu keluarga (family effect atau lingkungan ketetanggaan (neighborhood effect. Praktik-praktik dalam keluarga seperti kekerasan yang dilakukan orang tua menentukan kecenderungan anak untuk berprilaku agresif atau tidak. Pada sisi lain, dalam konteks lingkungan komunitas ketetanggaan dengan kondisi yang buruk (padat, kumuh, miskin munculnya kekerasan secara langsung disebabkan oleh pengaruh buruk lingkungan tersebut. Hubunganantara lingkungan ketetanggaan yang buruk, peran keluarga dan proses terbentuknya perilaku kekerasanbelum banyak dijelaskan. Tulisan ini berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana peran keluarga danmekanisme kontrol keluarga dalam mendukung atau mengurangi perilaku kekerasan serta keterlibatan anak pada kekerasan kolektif (tawuran di lingkungan sosial ketetanggaandengan kondisi yang buruk.Penelitian inidilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di sebuah komunitas miskin rawan  konflik di Jakarta. Peneliti mengambil data primer pada keluarga yang memiliki anak dalam kategori pemuda (16-30 tahun, belum menikah serta terlibat dalam kasus kekerasan. Peneliti juga menggunakan data pendukung dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya dan studi lain yang relevan. Many researches conclude that violence is caused by two reasons, both of which are family effect and neighborhood effect. In a family practice, violence is done by parents determines the tendency of aggressive behavior in children. In neighborhood environment with bad living conditions (populous, dirty, and poor health, violence isdirectly caused by adverse environmental effects. The relation between poor neighborhood context, role of family, and formation process of violent behavior is not explained well. This paper explains how role of family and family control mechanism can increase or reduce violent behavior and child's involvement against collective

  2. Penerapan Sistem Remunerasi dan Kinerja Pelayanan

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    Tri Wisesa Soetisna


    Full Text Available Remunerasi dapat memengaruhi motivasi pegawai sekaligus meningkatkan kinerjanya. Demikian halnya di rumah sakit sebagai institusi pelayanan kesehatan yang padat modal, sumber daya manusia serta padat ilmu dan teknologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi pegawai terhadap implementasi sistem remunerasi dan kinerja unit pelayanan bedah jantung dewasa (UPBJD di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mixed methods (kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Desain penelitian kuantitatif adalah potong lintang menggunakan instrumen kuesioner self-assessment. Sedangkan desain penelitian kualitatif adalah deskriptif, dilakukan melalui focus group discussion dan telaah dokumen pada data berupa buku jadwal, buku registrasi, catatan keperawatan, dan rekam medis. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada tahun 2013 di salah satu rumah sakit di Jakarta. Responden/informan adalah staf medis fungsional, perawat, dan petugas administrasi berjumlah 29 orang. Data dianalisis secara univariat (metode kuantitatif, dan content analysis (metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar staf medis fungsional dan perawat tidak puas (71,2% dengan beberapa hal dalam penerapan sistem remunerasi, seperti pada sistem penggajian dan penentuan grading. Terlihat kinerja unit pelayanan bedah jantung dewasa mengalami kenaikan setiap tahun sebelum dan setelah penerapan sistem remunerasi. Diharapkan agar rumah sakit ini dapat memperbaiki sistem remunerasi yang sesuai ketentuan kebijakan dan menyusun formulasi insentif dan bonus yang lebih sesuai dengan kondisi saat ini serta perlu dilakukan sosialisasi yang tepat dan evaluasi secara berkala. Implementation of Remuneration System and Service Performance Remuneration can influence worker`s motivation, and improve their performance. Likewise in hospital as capital-intensive, human resources-intensive as well as knowledge and technology-intensive health care institution. This study aimed to analyze employee

  3. Analisa Kadar Kalsium Oksida (CaO) Pada Berbagai Jenis Pakan Ayam Secara Titrasi Permanganometri Di Baristand Industri Medan


    Tarigan, M. Rosidi


    Livestock woof is food for the livestock of chicken owning complete content nutrisi. mineral calcium is one of very content nutrisi in need of chicken livestock if insuffiency will cause the mineral deficiencies at the chicken livestock.livestock woof can be differentiated according to used type is adapter for type of livestock and livestock age,every the livestock woof contain the nutrisi which different each other. To adjust the need of nutrisi of chicken livestock hence doing content ...

  4. Pengaruh Penambahan Limbah Padat Abu Terbang Batubara(fly Ash) Terhadap Kekuatan Tekan Dan Porositas Genteng Tanah Liat Kabupaten Pringsewu


    Febriyansyah, Puji; Tarkono,; Zulhanif,


    Fly ash, chemicallyis analumino-silicamineral containing Ca, K, and Na elements, fly ash has amoderate to high bonding capacity characteristic , and has acement-forming properties. In this study the authors use the industrial fly ash coal waste as an alternative mixture of tile manufacture. The tiles manufactured by mixing clay, sand, water and fly ash. Then smoothed with ekstuder machine and forming kuweh then aerate for 3 days, before do the dieing process . Tile dried for 4 days, then do f...

  5. Karakteristik Es Krim Bengkuang Dengan Menggunakan Beberapa Jenis Susu

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    Failisnur Failisnur


    Full Text Available Ice cream is a frozen dairy solid product with the addition of other materials that are made through the process of freezing and agitation. The principle of its making to form a cavity of air in the mixture of ice cream ingredients to produce a volume that made the development of the ice cream into a lighter, less dense and has a soft texture. The purposed of the research to see influence the use of a variety of milk to the physical properties, chemical properties and organoleptic to the bengkoang ice cream produced. Research carried out by treatment type of milk used that were fullcream milk, sweetened condensed milk, soy milk powder, green bean powder, and soy milk liquid. The ice cream produced was tested the physics of overrun and melting speed, chemical analysis of protein content, fat and organoleptic of taste and texture. Research results showed that the best treatment was the use of soy milk powder where the value of overrun 37.2%, melting speed 10.1 minutes, protein content 6.9%, fat 13.08%, and organoleptic of  taste and texture was preferred.ABSTRAKEs krim merupakan produk olahan susu beku berbentuk padat dengan penambahan  bahan lain yang dibuat melalui proses pembekuan dan agitasi.  Prinsip pembuatan es krim adalah membentuk suatu rongga udara pada campuran bahan-bahan es krim sehingga dihasilkan pengembangan volume yang membuat es krim menjadi lebih ringan, tidak terlalu padat dan mempunyai tekstur yang lembut. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat pengaruh dari penggunaan beberapa jenis susu terhadap sifat fisik, kimia dan organoleptik es krim bengkuang yang dihasilkan.  Penelitian dilakukan dengan perlakuan  penggunaan susu fullcream, susu kental manis, susu kedelai bubuk, kacang hijau bubuk, dan susu kedelai cair.  Es krim yang dihasilkan dilakukan uji fisika overrun dan kecepatan meleleh, analisis kimia kadar protein, lemak dan uji organoleptik rasa dan tekstur. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan susu kedelai

  6. EFEK PERLAKUAN KIMIAWI DAN HIDROTERMOLISIS PADA BIOMAS TANAMAN JAGUNG (Zea mays L. SEBAGAI SUBSTRAT PRODUKSI BIOETANOL The Effects of Chemical and Hydrothermolysis Pretreatment of Corn Stover Biomass (Zea mays L. as The Bioethanol Production Substrate

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    Wagiman Wagiman


    . Setelah hidrotermolisis, 52,40 % selulosa dan 31,84 % hemise­lulosa terlarut ke dalam air, sedangkan substrat fraksi padat memiliki komposisi selulosa 42,68 %, hemisellulosa 34,68%. Penurunan kristalinitas selulosa terjadi pada substrat dari daun, tongkol, dan kelobot. Hasil SEM mengindikasikanterbentuknya pori­pori pada substrat padat yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektivitas hidrolisis enzimatik.

  7. Kompatibilitas Jamur Entomopatogenik Paecilomyces fumosoroseus dengan Beberapa Bahan Aktif Pestisida Secara In Vitro

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    Fani Fauziah


    Full Text Available Untuk mengurangi penggunaan pestisida di perkebunan teh, maka salah satu upaya pengendalian hama yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengkombinasikan aplikasi pestisida dengan jamur entomopatogenik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompatibilitas antara jamur P. fumosoroseus  dengan beberapa bahan aktif pestisida di laboratorium. Perlakuan dirancang dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL terdiri dari 5 jenis bahan aktif yaitu metomil, bifentrin, imidakloprid, tembaga oksida dan metidation pada taraf konsentrasi sesuai rekomendasi lapang (RL, 0,5x RL dan 2x RL. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa diantara kelima jenis bahan aktif pestisida yang diuji, metidation memiliki tingkat toksisitas yang paling tinggi. Persentase produksi spora tertinggi sebesar 13,77% ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan bifentrin 2x RL. Combining application of pesticides and entomopathogenic fungi is an alternative way for controlling pest in order to reduce pesticides application in the tea field. This research was aimed toexamine the compatibility of Paecilomyces fumosoroseus tosome active agents of pesticide in laboratory. Completely Randomized Block Designed (CRBD with 5 active agents: methomyl, bifenthrin, imidacloprid, copper oxide and metidation in three different concentration was employed in this study, which was based on the existing field recommendation (FR: 0,5x FR and 2x FR. The results showed that among the five tested pesticides, metidation appeared to be the most toxic agentto P. fumosoroseus. Meanwhile, the highest percentage of spore production was counted in bifenthrin 2x RL (13,77%.

  8. Nilai Kalor Bakar Limbah Padat (HuWAC Sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif dalam Produksi Batu Bata

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    Soeparjono Soeparjono


    Full Text Available Menipisnya persediaan minyak bumi dan sulitnya mendapatkan kayu bakar dengan harga murah sebagai bahan bakar untuk kalangan industri kecil produksi batu bata, diperlukan adanya pemikiran mencari bahan bakar alternatif dan murah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai kalor bakar limbah HuWAC sebagai bahan bakar alternatif untuk produksi batu merah. Sasarannya limbah HuWAC pabrik monosodium glutamat AJINOMOTO Mojokerto dengan sampel acak yang dikeringkan panas matahari. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif rancangan deskriptif. Unsur-unsur yang terbakar dalam sampel dilakukan koreksi. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara langsung dengan alat Kalorimeter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kalor bakar yang dihitung dengan formula Dulong, LVH = 2614 kcal/kg dan HHV = 2745 kcal/kg, sedangkan dari alat Kalorimeter Hgr = 2728 kcal/kg. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa HuWAC dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif di kalangan industri kecil produksi batu bata.


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    Markus Mangampa


    Green tiger shrimp is an economically valuable species both in domestic and international markets. The experiment was conducted at Marana Research Station in Maros Regency using nine of one-cubic-meter net-cages submerged in a 250 m2-pond. The aim of the experiment was to investigate the optimum stocking density of green tiger shrimp post larvae during nursery with net cage system in pond. PL-12 of green tiger shrimp fry with average individual length and body weight of 0.11 cm and 0.003 g respectively were stocked at different densities i.e. A= 1,000 ind./cage; B= 1,500 ind./cage; and C= 2,000 ind./cage. Each treatment was made in triplicate and reared for 35 days. Two aeration lines were used for each cage for oxygen supply using portable aerator. Water exchange was done 15 days after stocking date at a rate of 30% of water volume in pond everyday for three days. An average water depth in pond was maintained at 0.8 m. Crumbled commercial shrimp diet was applied daily at a rate of 50%—200% of body weight (BW. Result of the experiment showed that the highest survival rate (SR was achieved by treatment A (70.83% which was statistically different (P0.05.

  10. Perbandingan Kecepatan Kesembuhan Luka Insisi yang Diberi Amoksisilin-Deksametason dan Amoksisilin-Asam Mefenamat pada Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus

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    Ni Kadek Laura Sastrawan


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kecepatan kesembuhan luka insisi pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus yang diberikan obat deksametason dan asam mefenamat ditinjau dari gambaran makroskopik dan mikroskopik. Tiga puluh ekor tikus putih jantan dengan berat 150-200 gram dibagi menjadi tiga perlakuan, yang diinsisi pada daerah linea alba dengan panjang insisi dua cm dengan kedalaman hingga menembus peritoneum. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL. Pengamatan makroskopik dilakukan setiap hari selama 14 hari. Pada hari ketujuh dan hari ke14, lima ekor tikus dari semua kelompok dieutanasi, kemudian kulit hingga peritoneum lokasi luka insisi dikoleksi untuk pemeriksaan histopatologis. Hasil pemeriksaan makroskopik dianalis secara deskriptif dan pemeriksaan histopatologis dianalisis menggunakan uji Non Parametrik. Hasil pemeriksaan makroskopik dan mikroskopik menunjukan bahwa tikus perlakuan III memberikan efek kesembuhan luka lebih cepat dibandingkan tikus perlakuan II dan tikus perlakuan I karena efek dari peradangan terjadi lebih sedikit (minimal dan kerapatan kolagen yang lebih padat.

  11. KAJIAN PENGELOLAAN KUALITAS LIMBAH RUMAH TANGGA DI KOTA MAKASSAR (Study of the Household Waste Quality Management in Makassar City

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    Muhammad Siri Dangnga


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan kajian ini adalah: (1. Untuk mengetahui kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah Kota Makassar mengnai sistm dan pengembangan prasarana serta langkah-langkah yang ditempuh dalam pembuangan limbah rumah tangga, dan (2. Untuk mengetahui konsentrasi sat pencemar pada limbah rumah tangga yang terdapat di saluran pembuangan yang akan dilepas ke lingkungan. Pengelolaan limbah rumah tangga yang diterapkan di Kota Makassar adalah: (1 meningkatkan sistem setempat dari lubang peresapan menjadi tangki septik yang dilengkapi lubang resapan, (2 mengembangkan organisasi pengelola sistem terpusat, (3 mengembangkan sistem jaringan pelayanan air limbah untuk bagian kota yang padat penduduknya, (4 membangun sebuah instalasi pengolahan air limbah (IPAL, (5 memotivasi partisipasi masyarakat dan swasta dalam sistem pengelolaan air limbah, dan (6 mengembangkan sistm interceptor di luar daerah yang dilayani oleh sistem pengelolaan air limbah.     Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa beberapa parameter kandungan limbah rumah tangga telah melampaui baku mutu atau nilai ambang batas untuk limbah Golongan I. Parameter tersebut adalah Oksigen terlarut (DO, fosfat, BOD, dan deterjen.   ABSTRACT The objectives of the study are: (1 to know the government policies in Makassar city about system and infrastructure developing and efforts condacted in household waste disposal. (2 to understand the concentration of pollutant on household waste content which exists in disposal system discharge to the environment. The household waste management applied in Makassar City were to: (1 increase the spot system from infiltrate hole to septic tank equipped with absorption level. (2 develop the central system management organization, (3 develop the waste network system in densely populated city; (4 build the waste management installation, (5 motivate the participation of the general public and private in the waste management system; (6 develop the interceptor system outside territory

  12. Pengaruh Pemberian Urea dan Sulfur pada Pembuatan Silase Limbah Padat Bioetanol yang Diberi Starter Em-4

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    Yani Suryani


    (Effect of urea and sulfur addition on silage from bioethanol solid waste using EM-4 starters  ABSTRACT. In the making of bioethanol made of cassava as basic component produce solid waste that has potential as livestock feed. However, this waste product is of low nutritional value when given directly to the livestocks due to the high crude fiber. Therefore, waste should be done with pretreatment, and one of the way was done by fermentation. The aim of this research was to observe the effect of urea and sulfur additive in the making of bioethanol solid waste silage by using EM-4 starters. This research used 3 x 3 Completely Randomized Design with 3 replicates. The first factor was urea additive with different dosage N1=0%, N2=1.5%, N3=3%, and the second factor was sulfur additive with dosage S1=0.00%, S2=0.02%, S3=0.04%. The measured variables were concentration of lactic acid, pH, dry matter loss, and crude fiber content. The results showed that there were no interactions between urea and sulfur. Addition of 3% urea and 0,04% sulfur in substrate showed the highest of lactic acid with the average value of 1.32% and the lowest pH and crude fiber with average value 3.33 and 9.02%. It was concluded that combination of 3% urea and 0,04% sulfur was the best treatment.


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    Herry Sofyan


    Full Text Available Oil represent one of nature resource which is not new but represent the solid industry of capital, technological solid and have the high risk. This matter need system of decision supporter capable to give the economics analysis needed by taker of decision or decision maker to analyse the prospect of development economics well of oil drilling so that can be made by a decision base of whether the oil well competent developed or not. Intention of this system is to give the amenity for user in taking decision of whether an developed competent oil well or not. Hence from that felt important to be designed and develop by system of decision supporter for the drilling of oilwell pursuant to economic calculation. In this system economics parameter used in the form of Net Present Value ( NPV, Rate Of Return ( ROR, Profit To Investment Ratio ( PEAR, and Pay Out Time ( POT. Methodologies used in develop this system method of Water Fall and this system will be develop to use the software Delphi 7.0. This system will give the output in the form of decision base whether competent oil well drilling project to be developed or not pursuant to its economics calculation. Minyak merupakan salah satu sumber daya alam yang tidak terbaharukan namun merupakan industri yang padat modal, padat teknologi dan mempunyai resiko yang tinggi. Hal ini memerlukan suatu sistem pendukung keputusan yang mampu memberikan analisa ekonomi yang diperlukan oleh pengambil keputusan atau decision maker untuk menganalisa prospek keekonomian pengembangan suatu sumur pemboran minyak sehingga dapat dijadikan dasar keputusan apakah sumur minyak tersebut layak dikembangkan atau tidak. Tujuan dari sistem ini adalah untuk memberikan kemudahan bagi user dalam mengambil keputusan apakah suatu sumur minyak layak dikembangkan atau tidak. Maka dari itu dirasa penting untuk dirancang dan dibangun sistem pendukung keputusan untuk pemboran sumur minyak berdasarkan perhitungan ekonomi. Dalam sistem ini


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    Catur Rini Widyastuti


    Full Text Available Proses produksi biodiesel secara konvensional menggunakan bahan baku yang terbatas jumlahnya, proses yang rumit, dan banyaknya limbah yang dihasilkan menyebabkan produksi biodiesel dalam skala besar tidak dapat direalisasikan dengan mudah. Mikroalga merupakan sumber bahan alam terbarukan yang sangat potensial untuk produksi biodiesel karena kandungan minyaknya yang tinggi, kecepatannya tumbuh pada lahan yang terbatas, serta merupakan produk non-pangan. Salah satu jenis mikroalga dengan kandungan minyak yang relatif besar (28-32% berat kering adalah mikroalga Chlorella sp. Selain bahan baku, pemilihan proses yang lebih sederhana dan ekonomis perlu dikembangkan. Selama ini, proses produksi biodiesel konvensioanal banyak menghasilkan air limbah pada tahap pemisahan produk dari katalis yang larut dan produk samping yang dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengurangi limbah yang dihasilkan selama proses pemisahan tersebut, jenis katalis heterogen dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan katalis homogen alkali yang biasa digunakan. Katalis padat tersebut dapat disintesis dari abu vulkanik yang mengandung unsur-unsur seperti SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, TiO2, MnO, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, serta beberapa elemen minor seperti Zr, Sr, dan V. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji jenis katalis dan aktivitasnya dalam reaksi transesterifikasi minyak mikroalga Chlorella sp menjadi biodiesel. Tahap awal penelitian yang dilakukan adalah preparasi minyak mikroalga yang akan digunakan untuk uji aktivitas katalis. Minyak mikroalga diperoleh dengan ekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut n-heksana. Rendemen minyak yang diperoleh sebesar 12,26%. Dari hasil uji GC-MS diketahui dua kandungan asam lemak terbesar dalam minyak mikroalga, yaitu Dodecanoic acid sebesar 59.52% dan n-Decanoic acid sebesar 12.64%. Selanjutnya minyak mikroalga direaksikan dengan metanol dengan rasio molar 1:6 menggunakan jenis katalis yang disintesis dari abu vulkanik. Preparasi katalis

  15. Penggunaan Poliester Amida Pada Bioplastik Protein Kedelai Dari Limbah Padat Industri Tahu dengan Gliserol sebagai Bahan Pemlastis


    Novayanty, Rena


    The objective of the research was to find out the characteristics bio-plastic film of soy protein – glycerol and bio-plastic film of soy protein– glycerol - polyester amide, and optimum comparison of soy protein – glycerol and polyester amide which are used in bio-plastic film from solid waste of tofu industry. The research includes the process of extraction of soy protein from tofu waste, the formation of bio-plastic film by using solution casting method with the variation of glycerol and ...


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    Euis Yulianingsih


    Full Text Available The objectives of this research were to find out: (1 nutrient content N, P, K of biogas solid waste, (2 C/N ratio of biogas solid waste and (3 physical quality of biogas solid waste consisted of colour, odor, texture and fungi.  The research was conducted in Environmental Health of POLTEKES Banjarmasin from March until July 2009.       The research used Kruskall Wallis analysis and its experimental design was Completely Randomized Design with four treatments of different material of biogas.  Its treatments were material of biogas of mustard vegetable garbage, material of biogas of cabbage vegetable garbage, material of biogas of kangkung vegetable garbage  and material of biogas of cassava vegetable garbage. The result of nutrient content analysis indicated that the highest nutrient content of Nitrogen was at material of biogas of cassava vegetable garbage that was 2.91%. The highest nutrient content of Phosfor was at material of biogas of mustard vegetable garbage was 18.38%.  The highest nutrient content of Kalium was at material of biogas of mustard vegetable garbage was 1.94% and the best C/N ratio was at material of biogas of cassava vegetable garbage was 17.09.   The result of physical quality analysis of biogas solid waste i.e odor, colour, texture and fungi.  In odor parameter, materials of biogas of mustard and cassava vegetable garbage has scoring value 3.00 that was odorous.  In colour parameter, materials of biogas of mustard and cabbage vegetable garbage has scoring value 3.00 its means at the treatments has brown colour, like land colour.  In texture parameter, materials of biogas of mustard and cabbage vegetable garbage has scoring value coming near scoring value 2.00 that was harsh texture, meanwhile materials of biogas of kangkung and cassava vegetable garbage has scoring value 1.00 its means has clotty texture.  In fungi parameter, materias of biogas of mustard and cabbage vegetable garbage has scoring value 3.00 its means no one fungi in the treatments.


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    Kumoro Palupi


    Full Text Available Sungai Cisadane berfungsi sebagai sumber air baku untuk sistem penyediaan air bersih wilayah Serpong dan Tangerang, Kabupaten Tangerang. Meskipun demikian, sungai Cisadane berfungsi pula sebagai tempat pembuangan limbah bagi rumah tangga dan industri yang berlokasi di sepanjang sungai tersebut. Untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai tingkat pencemaran airnya, pada bulan September 1992 telah dilakukan pengambilan sampel air sungai Cisadane. Sampel air diambil di sebelah hulu intake instalasi pengolahan air di Cikokol (Tangerang dan Serpong, masing-masing sebanyak lima dan tiga lokasi. Sebanyak 21 parameter dianalisis, kemudian dihitung Individual Index (II dan Pollution Index (PI - nya. Hasil yang diperoleh, yang menggambarkan kualitas pencemaran air sungai Cisadane pada saat itu, adalah sebagai berikut : Tangerang PI=1891. Pencemar utama adalah fenol, dengan II- 110 dan lemak & minyak, dengan II = 2670.Serpong, PI=574. Pencemar utama adalah fenol, dengan 11 = 810 Parameter lain yang mempunyai II > 1 adalah oksigen terlarut, fosfat, zat besi, fecal coli, nitrat, COD dan zat padat tersuspensi. Hasil tersebut menggambarkan baliwa sungai Cisadane telah tercemar oleh limbah industri dan rumah tangga, serta mungkin pula telah tercemar oleh limbah pertanian, peternakan dan perbengkelan.

  18. Perawatan Pulpektomi Secara Singkat Pada Gigi Sulung Nekrotik (Laporan Kasus

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    Sarworini Bagio Budiardjo


    Full Text Available Perawatan pulpektomi gigi sulung nekrotik akibat atrisi, trauma atau karies yakni pembuangan seluruh jaringan pulpa nekrotik dan menggantikannya dengan bahan pengisi yang padat, dapat diresorbsi serta tampak secara radiografis. Tujuannya antara lain untuk mempertahankan gigi sulung sampai saatnya digantikan dengan gigi tetap pengganti. Perkembangan, anatomi dan histologi gigi sulung membedakan teknik perawatan pulpektomi gigi sulung dan gigi tetap.Indikasinya adalah gigi sulung nekrotik tanpa peradangan periapikal, mahkota mendukung sterilisasi dan dapat direstorasi serta resorbsi akar fisiologis kurang dari sepertiga akar.Kesulitan perawatan terutama karena bentuk saluran akar yang sangat bervariasi dan resorbsi akar yang tidak beraturan. Tahap perawatan terdiri dari persiapan gigi, sterilisasi, pengisian dan restorasi.Keempat tahap dapat diselesaikan dalam satu kali kunjungan.Pada keadaan dimana terjadi kesulitan persiapan gigi, maka tindakan pengisian saluran akar dan restorasi ditunda 1 minggu kemudian, sehingga perawatan pulpektomi diselesaikan dalam 2 kali kunjungan.Dalam laporan kasus, perawatan pulpektomi dilakukan pada gigi insisif dan molar sulung dengan teknik 1-2 kali kunjungan.Sebagai bahan sterilisasi saluran akar digunakan formokresol dan bahan pengisi campuran zinkoksid-eugenol.  


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    Arsyik Ibrahim


    Staphylococcus aureus. Bahan uji diperoleh dengan maserasi daun sungkai dengan metanol, selanjutnya diuji aktivitasnya. Nilai Kadar Hambat Minumum (KHM ekstrak ditentukan dengan metode dilusi cair dan dilanjutkan dengan metode goresan pada media padat. Nilai Kadar Bunuh Minimum (KBM ekstrak ditentukan dengan metode difusi agar padat menggunakan paper disk. Hasil penelitian identifikasi metabolit sekunder ekstrak P. canencens diperoleh golongan senyawa alkaloid, terpenoid - steroid, flavanoid, dan tanin. Ekstrak metanol daun P. canencens Jack. memiliki aktifitas sebagai antibakteri. Nilai KHM ekstrak P. canencens untuk bakteri S..mutans, S.thiposa dan S.aureus adalah konsentrasi 20%, sedangkan untuk bakteri B. subtilis adalah 15%. Nilai KBM ekstrak metanol P. canencens pada konsentrasi 5% efektif membunuh bakteri S.. mutans dan S. thyposa,  sedangkan konsentrasi 1 % efektif membunuh bakteri B.subtilis dan S.aureus. Kata kunci : P. canencens Jack,  Aktivitas  antibakteri, S. mutans, S. thyposa, B. subtillis, S. aureus

  20. Pra Desain Pabrik Substitute Natural Gas (SNG dari Low Rank Coal

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    Asti Permatasari


    Full Text Available Substitute Natural Gas (SNG merupakan campuran gas hidrokarbon dengan sifat mirip seperti gas alam yang dapat diproduksi dari gasifikasi dengan bahan baku berupa batubara atau biomassa. Gasifikasi adalah proses perubahan bahan baku padat menjadi gas. Dengan mengubah bahan baku padat menjadi gas, maka material yang tidak diinginkan yang terkandung di dalam bahan baku tersebut seperti senyawa sulfur, karbon dioksida dan abu dapat dihilangkan dengan menggunakan metode tertentu sehingga dapat dihasilkan gas bersih yang disebut dengan syngas. Syngas yang memiliki kandungan utama CO dan H2 kemudian dikonfersi menjadi SNG yang berupa metana (CH4 melalui proses metanasi sehingga menghasilkan produk utama berupa CH4. SNG merupakan suatu bahan bakar baru yang dapat digunakan industri untuk menggantikan gas alam. Permintaan gas alam masa mendatang diperkirakan akan tumbuh cukup pesat terkait dengan upaya industri untuk beralih ke gas untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap BBM. Gas alam dan minyak bumi sebagai salah satu sumber daya alam memiliki manfaat yang sangat banyak dalam menunjang berbagai sektor kehidupan manusia. Banyaknya manfaat dari sumber daya alam gas alam menyebabkan banyaknya kebutuhan akan gas alam di dunia, dimana kebutuhan tersebut terus bertambah setiap tahunnya. Padahal gas alam yang selama ini banyak dimanfaatkan berbagai sektor di Indonesia sifatnya tidak terbarukan (non renewable serta cadangannya diperkirakan akan menurun. Pemerintah harus menggalakkan pengembangan sumber energy alternative pengganti gas alam dan minyak bumi sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden nomor 5 tahun 2006. Salah satu energi potensial yang dapat menggantikannya adalah SNG dari batubara. Indonesia memiliki cadangan batubara dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak. Wilayah Indonesia diketahui memiliki potensi endapan batubara yang sangat luas. Data dari Pusat Sumber Daya Geologi (2006 menyebutkan bahwa wilayah Sumatera Selatan memiliki jumlah cadangan batubara kualitas


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    Dahlia Astari


    Full Text Available Selamatan desa adalah ritual yang bertujuan untuk mengucapkan rasa syukur atas panen yang melimpah dan menghindarkan diri dari mara bahaya. Di beberapa daerah di Kota Surabaya masih melaksanakan tradisi tersebut terutama di daerah pertanian. Meskipun demikian, RW IV Kelurahan Jajar Tunggal masih mempertahankan tradisi tersebut meskipun kondisi permukiman berada di wilayah padat perkotaan dengan penduduk yang mayoritas beragama Islam dan bekerja di sektor swasta dan bekerja sebagai tukang. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ingin mengetahui pola pemanfaatan ruang yang terjadi pada pelaksanaan selamatan desa dengan memanfaatkan jalan utama untuk melaksanakan tradisi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan behavior mapping dengan pemetaan perilaku yaitu place centered maps. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pola pemanfaatan ruang di jalan utama kampung berbentuk menyebar dan mengelompok di daerah yang rindang dan dekat dengan warung/toko. Sedangkan pada saat selamatan desa, pusat aktivitas terjadi hampir di sepanjang jalan utama kampung   Selamatan desa is a ritual that aims to create a sense of gratitude for a bountiful harvest and refrain from danger. In some areas in the city of Surabaya still  performs  this tradition, especially in the areas that still have agricultural land. However, RW IV Kelurahan Jajar Tunggal still performs this tradition even though the conditions in the settlements located in the dense urban area with a  Muslim  majority society and livelihood as private sector employees and craftmans. Therefore, this study wants to know the pattern of utilization of space that occurs in Selamatan desa that using the main street for the tradition. The Method used is descriptive qualitative with environment behavior study approach with behavior mapping by place centered maps. The results of this study indicate that the pattern of use of the street in everyday activities shaped with


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    Neltje Nobertine Palinggi


    Full Text Available Bungkil kopra adalah hasil ikutan dari ekstraksi minyak dari daging buah kelapa kering yang masih mengandung protein sekitar 16%-18% dan berpotensi digunakan sebagai bahan pakan ikan. Faktor pembatas penggunaan bungkil kopra adalah kualitas nutrisi yang rendah antara lain karena kandungan lemak kasarnya agak tinggi dan mudah tengik sehingga perlu peningkatan ketersediaan biologisnya melalui fermentasi menggunakan mikroorganisme. Mikroba yang digunakan terdiri atas (A Aspergillus niger, (B Saccharomyces cereviceae, (C Rhizopus sp., dan (D Bacillus subtilis. Bungkil kopra yang sudah difermentasi kemudian dikeringkan dan ditepungkan, lalu dilakukan analisis proksimat, uji ketengikan dengan menentukan bilangan peroksidanya, dan komposisi asam aminonya. Juga dilakukan analisis kecernaannya untuk ikan bandeng ukuran sekitar 50 g dengan metode marker menggunakan krom oksida (Cr2O3. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh fermentasi dapat meningkatkan kandungan protein bungkil kopra 21%-42% dan menurunkan kandungan lemak dan serat kasarnya masing-masing 50% dan 27% pada fermentasi menggunakan Rhizophus sp., serta menurunkan bilangan peroksida 10%-47%. Nilai koefisien kecernaan protein dan lemak bungkil kopra yang difermentasi dengan Rhizopus sp., A. niger, dan S. cereviceae lebih tinggi masing-masing 10%-11% dan 9%-13% dibanding bungkil kopra yang difermentasi dengan B. subtilis dan tanpa fermentasi. Bungkil kopra hasil fermentasi dengan Rhizopus  sp. mengalami peningkatan kualitas nutrisi yang terbaik untuk bahan pakan ikan bandeng.

  3. The Prevalence of Skin Diseases and its Association with Hygiene Behavior and Level of Education in a Pesantren, Jakarta Selatan 2013

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    Mohamad A. Sahala


    Full Text Available Skin diseases are very common in places where the society lives in a crowded area. Pesantren is anIslamic school with a dormitory for its students, thus making the spread of skin infection easier to occur. Theobjective of this research was to identify the association between the prevalence of skin diseases with the hygienebehavior and level of education of santris (students of pesantren. This cross-sectional study was conducted in apesantren in South Jakarta. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire consisting of ten questionsabout hygienic behaviors and history of previous dermatological examinations from July until September 2013.Results showed that out of 98 santris, 88 of them had skin diseases (89.7%. The most frequent skin infectionwas scabies with 67 cases (49.3%. Furthermore, 78 (88.6% out of all santris who had skin diseases, werecategorized to have poor hygienic behaviors. There were only 10 santris that did not have any skin disease, 3of them had good hygienic behaviors. There was no significant difference between hygienic behaviors of santrisand the prevalence of skin disease (p=0.350. Associated with the level of education, ibtidaiyah had the highestnumber of santris (51.2% affected by skin diseases. There was a significant difference between the level ofeducation and the prevalence of skin diseases (p<0.001. In coclusion, the prevalence of skin diseases in thepesantren was 89.7%; there was no association between skin diseases and hygienic behaviors. However, therewas an association between skin diseases and level of education. Keywords: skin diseases, prevalence, personal behavior, level of education   Prevalensi Penyakit Kulit dan Hubungannya dengan Perilaku Kebersihandan Tingkat Pendidikan di Pesantren, Jakarta Selatan 2013 Abstrak Penyakit kulit sering terjadi pada masyarakat yang hidup di lingkungan padat penghuni. Pesantrenadalah asrama sekolah Islam yang biasanya padat penghuni sehingga mudah terjadi penularan

  4. Pemanfaatan Residu Pembakaran Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga

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    Eko Naryono


    Full Text Available Pembakaran sampah organik rumah tangga menghasilkan residu padat 25-30% yang terdiri dari abu bawah (BA, abu atas (FA dan kondensat air yang mengandung tar. Abu bawah sebagian besar terdiri dari bahan anorganik seperti Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl dan logam berat antara lain Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb dan Zn, sedangkan abu atas tersusun dari bahan organik dan anorganik. Bahan organik yang terdapat dalam residu antara lain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH, chloro benzene (CB, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioksin (PCDD dan furan (PCDF. Residu pembakaran biomass perlu diolah atau dimanfaatkan agar tidak mengganggu lingkungan. Salah satu metode pengolahan yang mudah diterapkan dan aman terhadap lingkungan adalah pemadatan dan stabilisasi menggunakan semen atau lempung sebagai binder. Pemanfaatan produk ini dapat digunakan untuk batako atau batu bata. Berdasarkan prediksi, pembakaran sampah kota Malang sebesar 400 ton/hari menghasilkan abu 72 ton/hari. Pemakaian abu sebesar 25% pada pembuatan batako dengan perbandingan semen : pasir : abu sebesar 3,75 : 30 : 1,25 dapat menghasilkan batako setiap hari 366545 buah. Kata kunci : Abu, Batako, Residu, Pemadatan, Sampah organik rumah tangga

  5. Devices for irradiation of materials in the fast neutron flux at the RA heavy water reactor in Vinca; Uredjaji za ozracivanje materijala u fluksu brzih neutrona na teskovodnom reaktoru RA u Vinci

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    Pavicevic, M [The Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Yugoslavia)


    Full text: This paper covers the concept, design description and problems of constructing special experimental devices at the RA reactor in Vinca. These devices were used for irradiation of construction materials (graphite, Mg and Al oxides, steel and zircaloy) in the integral fast neutron flux of 2 x 10{sup 20} n/cm{sup 2}. Temperature of samples cooled by heavy water circulating through the hollow uranium fuel elements was measured by thermocouples. Construction of the device, preparation of samples, related flux measurements as well as irradiation were done in cooperation with the nuclear center in Saclay, France. Brief review of the experiences gained in using these experimental spaces at the RA reactor as well as problems of transporting the irradiated capsules from Vinca to France is included. [Serbo-Croat] Pun tekst: Rad obuhvata koncepciju, tehnicki opis i probleme realizacije specijalnih eksperimentalnih uredjaja u reaktoru RA u Vinci, u kojima je tokom 1962. godine izvrseno, na temperaturama ispod 100 deg C, ozracivanje konstrukcionih materijala (grafita, Mg i Al-oksida, celika i cirkaloja) u integralnom fluksu brzih neutrona vrednosti 2 x 10{sup 20} n/cm{sup 2}. Temperatura uzoraka hladjenih teskom vodom, koja protice kroz suplje uranske elemente, merena je termoparovima. Realizacija uredjaja, priprema uzoraka, odgovarajuca merenja fluksa kao i sama ozracivanja vrsena su u saradnji sa Nuklearnim centrom u Saclay-u, Francuska. Dat je kraci pregled iskustava iz eksploatacije ovih novih eksperimentalnih prostora u reaktoru RA, kao i neki problemi vezani za transport aktivnih kapsula sa uzorcima od Vince do Saclay-a (author)

  6. POLA PENGELOLAAN SANITASI DI PERKAMPUNGAN BANTARAN SUNGAI CODE, YOGYAKARTA (Pattern of Sanitation Management in Code Riverside Settlements, Yogyakarta

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    Atyanto Dharoko


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Bantaran Sungai Code merupakan wilayah pusat kota Yogyakarta yang dipenuhi oleh perkampungan padat penduduknya. Sistem kehidupan masyarakat kampung bantaran Sungai Code sudah terintegrasi dengan kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat kota Yogyakarta. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah rendahnya kualitas intrastruktur terutama fasilitas sanitasi karena kendala terbatasnya kemampuan ekonomi masyarakat dan bentuk topograti yang terjal. Akhirnya sungai merupakan tujuan pembuangan akhir limbah sanitasi lingkungan tanpa proses terlebih dahulu. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pola sanitasi komunal lebih dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dari pertimbangan sosial, ekonomi dan kondisi lingkungan yang terjal. Di masa mendatang sistem ini perlu dijadikan dasar pengembangan teknis sistem sanitasi bantaran sungai untuk memperoleh sustainability yang tinggi.   ABSTRACT Code riverside is part of central business district in Yogyakarta composed by densely populated kampungs. Community way of life in the kampungs have been successfully integrated with social-economic of the urban community. The crusial problem faced by the community is lack of infrastructure facilities especially sanitation. This situation is very much related to social-economic constraints of the community and topographical situation as fisical constraints. Finally, sanitation disposals have to be discharged into Code River without pre processing. The study concludes that communal sanitation system becomes the most acceptable system based on socio-economic and topographical constraints. In the future communal sanitation system may become a basic technical considerations to develop sanitation system in the riverside settlements and to achieve sustainability.


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    Esti Rahardianingtyas.


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a disease caused by bacterial infection leptospira interrogans.Leptospira bacteria is a spiral bacterium with solid strands with two flagella periplasmik.Septicaemic phase patient samples taken from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, whereassamples taken at phase immune extracted from urine. The diagnosis of leptospirosis occurdirectly or indirectly. Diagnosis is done by directly isolate and identify the causative agents ofthe agent. Diagnosis is done indirectly by detecting specific antibodies from the patient's body.Gold Standard of the diagnosis of leptospirosis is MAT. Mat made by reacting antibodies toleptospira antigen. Positive results seen with clump formed.Key words: Leptospirosis, Leptospirosis Diagnostic, MAT (Microscopic Agglutination Test Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan karena infeksi bakteri leptospirainterrogans. Bakteri leptospira merupakan bakteri spiral dengan untaian yang padat dengan duaflagella periplasmik. Sampel pasien pada fase septicaemic diambil dari darah dan cairanserebrospinal, sedangkan sampel yang diambil pada fase immune diambil dari urine. Diagnosisleptospirosis dilakukan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Diagnosis secara langsungdilakukan dengan cara mengisolasi agen penyebab dan mengidentifikasi agen tersebut. Diagnosissecara tidak langsung dilakukan dengan cara mendeteksi antibodi spesiflk dari dalam tubuhpasien. Gold Standart dari diagnosis leptospirosis adalah MAT. Mat dilakukan dengan caramereaksikan antibodi dengan antigen leptospira. Hasil positif dilihat dengan terbentuk gumpalanagglutinasiKata kunci: Leptospirosis, Leptospira, Leptospirosis Diagnosis.

  8. Pengaruh komposisi komposit al2o3/ysz dan variasi feed rate terhadap ketahanan termal dan kekuatan lekat pada Ysz-al2o3/ysz double layer tbc

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    Parindra Kusriantoko


    Full Text Available TBC (Thermal Barrier Coating dengan YSZ-Al2O3/YSZ top coat (TCdan MCrAlY sebagai bond coat (BC yang selanjutnya disebut sebagai YSZ-Al2O3/YSZ double layer TBC dibuat dengan menggunakan metode flame spray.Hasil pelapisan sebelum dan sesudah diuji termal dikarakterisasi menggunakan SEM, EDX dan XRD.Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa semakin tinggi powder feed rate akan berpengaruh pada morfologi permukaan lapisan. Feed rate makin rendah menyebabkan struktur yang cenderung kasar dan tidak padat dan cenderung berporos. Lapisan komposit Al2O3/YSZ juga sangat berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan TGO (Thermally Grown Oxide setelah dilakukan uji termal, dimana komposisi paling bagus dengan pertumbuhan TGO paling rendah adalah 15%Al2O3/8YSZ. Hasil pengujian TGA menunjukkan semua sampel mulai teroksidasi pada temperatur 1000-1030oC dan didapatkan sampel paling stabil adalah 15% Al2O3/8YSZ 14 dan 20 gr/min. Dari pengujian XRD sampel yang memiliki fasa yang paling stabil adalah 15%Al2O3/8YSZ dengan fasa t-ZrO2 dan m-ZrO2. Dari pengujian Thermal Torch dan Pull Off komposisi 15%Al2O3/8YSZjuga memiliki ketahanan terhadap pengerusakan yang paling baik dan kelekatan yang baik sebesar 10 MPa.

  9. The growth performance of Osphronemus goramy reared in saline water with electrical field exposure

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    Kukuh Nirmala


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to know the optimal salinity level on growth rates of giant gouramy Osphronemus goramy  reared in different salinity with electrical field exposure. Four different salinities tested were 0; 3; 6 and 9‰ with the electrical field exposure of 10 Volt. The experiment design was arranged in completely randoumizes design with four treatments and three replications. Stock density was 3 fish/l with mean initial total body length of 7.18±0.30 cm and initial body weight of 5.68±0.67 g. Result of study showed that the treatment of 3‰ shows the best growth performance with specific growth rates of 1.02±0.10% and growth of absolute length of 0.56±0.18 cm. Key words: Salinity, electrical field, growth rate, Osphronemus goramy   ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui salinitas optimal untuk pertumbuhan ikan gurame Osphronemus goramy yang dipelihara pada media bersalinitas berbeda dengan paparan medan listrik. Perlakuan meliputi empat salinitas media yang berbeda: 0, 3, 6, dan 9‰ dengan paparan medan listrik 10 Volt. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Padat penebaran ikan adalah 3 ekor/l dengan rata-rata panjang total 7,18±0,30 cm dan bobot rata-rata awal 5,68±0,67 g. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ikan gurame terbaik pada penelitian ini dicapai pada salinitas 3‰ dengan pertumbuhan bobot 1,02±0,10% dan pertumbuhan panjang mutlak 0,56±0,18 cm.   Kata-kata kunci: Salinitas, medan listrik, laju pertumbuhan, Osphronemus goramy


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    Aldes Lesbani


    Full Text Available Biodisel telah diproduksi dari minyak jelantah melalui reaksi transesterifikasi menggunakan katalis hasil dekomposisi kerang darah. Kerang darah didekomposisi pada berbagai temperatur dimulai dari 600-1100oC pada kondisi udara terbuka menggunakan furnace.Produk dekomposisi dianalisa menggunakan difraktometer X-Ray.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan temperatur optimum dekomposisi kerang darah terjadi pada temperatur 900oC.Pola XRD produk dekomposisi pada 900 oC mirip dengan pola XRD kalsium oksida standar. Penggunaan katalis hasil dekomposisi untuk produksi biodiesel menghasilkan viskositas dan densitas biodiesel sebesar 5,81 mm2/s dan 0,87 g/cm3. Hasil ini sesuai dengan standar biodiesel dari SNI yakni viskositas dan densitas yang disyaratkan SNI sebesar 2,3-6,0 mm2/s dan 0,85-0,89 g/cm3.   Biodiesel was produced from waste cooking oil by transestrification reaction using decomposed cockle shell as catalyst. Cockle shell was decomposed at various temperatures ranging from 600-1100oC in open air condition using furnace. The decomposed product was analyzed using X-Ray diffractometer. The results showed that the optimum temperature for decomposition of cockle shell was at 900 oC. The XRD pattern of decomposed product at 900oC was similar with XRD pattern of calcium oxide standard. The use of decomposed shell to produce biodiesel resulted viscosity and density of biodiesel 5.81 mm2/s and 0.87 g/cm3, respectively. These results are appropriate with biodiesel standard form SNI where the viscosity and density of biodiesel from SNI value were 0.85-0.89 g/cm3 and 2.3-6.0 mm2/s.

  11. Perbandingan Angka Positivitas Dan Waktu Deteksi Pertumbuhan Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Antara Media Biakan Cair Kolorometrik dan Media Padat Ogawa Pada Spesimen Sputum,Cairan Pleura, dan Cairan Serebrospinal

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    Full Text Available Cultivation is the gold standard in diagnosing tuberculosis (TB. M. tuberculosis needs 3-4 weeks to growth in solid media, but it is growing faster in liquid media. The aim of this study was to compare the positivity rate and detection time of M. tuberculosis growth using colorimetric liquid and Ogawa solid media. This study did in Laboratory of Clinical Pathology Hasan Sadikin Hospital during June-Desember 2007. The subject was pulmonary, pleuritis or meningitis TB patients. The statistic analyzed using chi square and independent t test. The specimens were 71 sputums, 24 pleural fluids, 20 cerebrospinal fluids (CSF. The positivity rate of liquid media for sputums were 69%, pleural fluids 41.7%, CSF 60%. The positivity rate of solid media for sputums were 52.1%, pleural fluids 25%, CSF 20%. The positivity rate in liquid media was significant for sputum and CSF (p=0..05. The mean detection time in liquid media for sputums were 15.2 (±8.7 days, pleural fluids 8 (±12.7 days, CSF 13.5 (±19.5 days. The mean detection time in solid media for sputums 23 (±9 days, pleural fluids 36 (±18.3 days, CSF 32 (±11.4 days. The mean detection time in liquid media was significant for sputum and pleural fluid (p=0.05. The positivity rate and detection time of M. tuberculosis growth in colorimetric liquid media are higher and faster than in Ogawa solid media, so it is better for diagnosing TB.

  12. Tipologi Permukiman Kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya

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    Leny Agustin Maharani


    Full Text Available Permukiman kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya merupakan salah satu permasalahan kota. Permukiman di daerah ini menjadi rentan karena banyak masuknya penduduk desa ke kota dan memilih bertempat tinggal. Perkembangan kota Surabaya yang begitu pesat tidak diimbangi dengan pemeliharaan dan peningkatan prasarana, sehingga menjadi padat dan kumuh. Maka perlunya suatu tipologi permukiman kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian yaitu merumuskan tipologi permukiman kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya, dilakukan tiga tahapan analisis yaitu pertama mengidentifikasi kondisi eksisting permukiman kumuh menggunakan metode statistik deskripsi, kedua untuk menentukan kriteria tipologi permukiman kumuh menggunakan analisa triangulasi dan delphi serta terakhir merumuskan tipologi permukiman kumuh dengan skoring, analisis cluster dan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian terbentuk 4 tipologi, yaitu tipologi 1 terdiri dari area Karangpilang dan Waru Gunung dengan kategori di semua aspek buruk. Tipologi 2 terdiri dari area Kebraon, Gayungan, Rungkut Menaggal dan Gunung Anyar dengan ciri yaitu aspek fisik kategori sedang, aspek sosial dan hukum kategori baik, serta aspek ekonomi kategori buruk. Tipologi 3 terdiri dari area Pagesangan, Kebonsari, Dukuh Menanggal, Panjang Jiwo dan Gunung Anyar Tambak dengan ciri semua aspek baik, kecuali aspek ekonomi kategori buruk. Sedangkan tipologi 4 terdiri dari area Kutisari dan Kendangsari, yang memiliki ciri yaitu aspek fisik kategori sedang, aspek sosial dan aspek ekonomi kategori buruk dan aspek hukum kategori baik.

  13. Pembentukan Formaldehid Alami pada Beberapa Jenis Ikan Laut selama Penyimpanan dalam Es Curai

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    Jovita Tri Murtini


    Full Text Available Penelitian kadar formaldehid alami pada beberapa jenis ikan laut selama penyimpanan dalam es curai telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui intensitas pembentukan formaldehid alami oleh ikan setelah mati. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan untuk menduga kemungkinan dilakukannya penyalahgunaan formalin pada ikan. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap ikan laut hidup yang terdiri dari 6 jenis ikan yaitu bawal bintang (Trachinotus blochii, kakap putih (Lates calcarifer, bloch., cobia (Rachycentron canadum, bandeng (Chanos chanos, kerapu cantrang Epinephelus fuscoguttatus-lanceolatus, dan kakap merah/jenaha (Lutjanus johnii. Pengambilan sampel di lapangan dilakukan secara bertahap dan setiap pengambilan terdiri dari dua jenis ikan. Ikan tersebut dibawa ke laboratorium Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (BBP4BKP dalam keadaan hidup, kemudian ikan dimatikan dengan cara hipotermal (dimasukkan dalam air es dengan suhu 0–4oC selama 30 menit. Setelah mati ikan dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok dan disimpan dalam peti insulasi yang berisi es dengan perbandingan ikan : es adalah 1 : 3. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap 3 hari selama 18 hari. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar formaldehid, trimethil amin (TMA, trimethil amin oksida (TMAO dan kadar total volatile base (TVB serta komposisi proksimat pada hari pertama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan formaldehid alami pada hari ke 12 penyimpanan pada bawal bintang, kakap putih, cobia, bandeng, kakap merah, dan kerapu cantrang berturut-turut adalah 0.954; 1.572; 0.964; 0,715; 1.381; dan 1.303 ppm. Pada saat itu kondisi ikan masih segar dengan kandungan TVB di bawah 20 mN% kecuali ikan cobia (28,94 mgN%. Kandungan TMA berkisar 6,09–11,81 mgN% dan TMAO 3,22–11,3 mgN% dan selama penyimpanan cenderung meningkat.

  14. KAJIAN INPUT ENERGI PADA BUDIDAYA PADI METODE SYSTEM OF RICE INTENSIFICATION Studies on Energy Input in System of Rice Intensification Method of Rice Cultivation

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    Bambang Purwantana


    Full Text Available System of Rice Intensification (SRI is a rice cultivation method that intensively control and manage macro and micro nutrients as well as irrigation. This paper quantifies and compares the energy uses of SRI and conventional rice cultiva- tion systems. The study was conducted at some SRI’s experimental plots in the districts of Sleman, Kulonprogo, and Bantul, the province of Yogyakarta. The calculation of the energy was based on the farmers’ work schedule, the time required for each operation, the number of laborers, machines, tools, fuel, and all materials and inputs used. The result shows that SRI method consumed 35% less energy to conventional rice cultivation. Energy inputs from seed, water, fertilizer and pesticide were significantly reduces. However, there was higher input of human energy due to compost- ing, land preparation and weeding operations. The specific energy of SRI method was 1.96 MJ ha-1 lower than conven- tional method of 4.43 MJ ha-1. In the SRI method, 56.2 % of energy consumed was classified as direct energy and 43.8% was indirect energy. The SRI method used 61.9 % of renewable energy and 38.1 % of non-renewable energy. The working efficiency in composting and weeding operations should be improved in perspective of machine and tools to reduce the use of human energy. ABSTRAK System of Rice Intensification (SRI, merupakan suatu metode budidaya padi secara intensif dengan pengendalian unsur-unsur hara makro dan mikro disertai pengendalian dan pengaturan kebutuhan air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan energi dan mengidentifikasi kemungkinan penghematan energi pada budidaya padi SRI. Pe- nelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Sleman, Kulonprogo, dan Bantul, Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Pengamatan dilakukan pada plot-plot percobaan budidaya padi SRI dengan melakukan audit seluruh input energi selama proses budidaya dan dikomparasikan dengan input energi pada budidaya padi cara konvensional. Hasil

  15. Growth and immune response of Litopenaeus vannamei fed on β-(1, 3 glucan and poly-β hydroxybutyrate

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    , Sarmin


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This research was aimed to examine the growth performance and non-specific immune response of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei fed on the diet supplemented with β-(1,3 glucan (BG and poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB as feed additives. Shrimp juvenile at an initial body weight of 2.06±0.03 g was randomly distributed into 12 units of aquaria at a density of 20 shrimps/tank and reared for 42 days. The treatments applied in this study were control (without feed additives, 1.5 g/kg BG, 10 g/kg PHB and 1,5 g/kg BG+10 g/kg PHB. Results showed that shrimp fed on 1.5 /kg BG-supplemented feed had significantly higher growth performance and non-specific immune response. Keywords: growth, shrimp, non-specific immune response, Litopenaeus vannamei  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kinerja pertumbuhan dan respons imun nonspesifik udang vaname Litopenaeus vannamei yang diberi pakan dengan penambahan feed additive berupa β-(1,3 glukan (BG dan poli-β-hidroksibutirat (PHB. Juvenil udang 2,06±0,03 g dipelihara pada 12 unit akuarium dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan, serta padat tebar 20 ekor/tank selama 42 hari pemeliharaan. Perlakuan yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penambahan BG (1,5 g/kg, PHB (10 g/kg, dan BG (1,5 g/kg+PHB (10 g/kg, serta kontrol (tanpa penambahan feed additive. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa udang yang diberi 1,5 g/kg BG memiliki kinerja pertumbuhan dan respons imun nonspesifik yang terbaik. Kata kunci: pertumbuhan, udang, respons imun nonspesifik, Litopenaeus vannamei


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    Nawaf Hazim Saeid


    Full Text Available 0 0 1 291 1661 International Islamic University 13 3 1949 14.0 Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";} In the present study the three-dimensional numerical simulation is selected as a tool to investigate the effectiveness of a cross flow heat exchanger. Water is selected to be mixed with nano-particles and flow inside a circular pipe while a pure air is flowing across it. Numerical simulations is carried out under laminar flow for both water and air sides. The thickness of the pipe is neglected in the present preliminary study. From the physics of the problem, the governing parameters can be determined as: the Reynolds, the type and the volume fraction of the nono-fluid. The effect of these governing parameters is studied and the results are presented. The results show significant enhancement of heat transfer with introduction of nano-particles, such as titanium-oxide (TiO2 nano-powder, compared to the pure base fluid. The accuracy of the results presented in the present study depends on the accuracy of the effective properties of the nano-fluids, which are taken from the open literature. ABSTRAK: Dalam kajian ini, simulasi tiga dimensi berangka digunakan untuk mengkaji keberkesanan penukar haba aliran silang.  Air dipilih untuk dicampurkan dengan zarah bersaiz nano dan dialirkan di dalam paip berbentuk bulat, sementara udara tulen mengalir melaluinya.  Simulasi berangka dijalankan di bawah aliran lamina untuk kedua-dua belah air dan udara. Ketebalan paip diabaikan di dalam kajian permulaan ini.  Dari sudut permasalahan fizik, parameter pengawal imbang boleh ditentukan sebagai

  17. Fuel elements based on mixed oxides UO{sub 2} - PuO{sub 2}; Gorivni elementi na bazi mesanih oksida UO{sub 2} - PuO{sub 2}

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    Katanic-Popovic, J; Stevanovic, M [Boris Kidric Institute of nuclear sciences, Vinca, Belgrade (Yugoslavia)


    Questions concerning utilization of plutonium as a fissionable material in fuel elements for nuclear power plants have been discussed. Characteristics and application of fuel elements with mixed UO{sub 2} - PuO{sub 2} fuel for thermal and fast breeder reactors have also been dealt with. In the presentation of technological processes for production of fuel elements based on mixed oxides specific characteristics are given with respect to the work with plutonium and relatively high production costs as compared to classical fuel elements based on sintered UO{sub 2}. (author)


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    Susiana Prasetyo


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan salah satu penghasil teh terbesar di dunia. Menurut data dari Deptan 2010, dengan luas lahan sebesar 127712 ha, Indonesia dapat menghasilkan produktivitas teh sebesar 153971 ton/tahun. Namun sayangnya, selama ini pemanfaatan tanaman teh di Indonesia masih terbatas pada pucuk daunnya saja. Bagian tanaman teh yang memiliki kandungan potensial namun belum dimanfaatkan adalah  biji teh, mengandung 26% saponin, 20-60% minyak dan 11% protein. Saponin merupakan salah satu komponen bioaktif yang telah dimanfaatkan sebagai insektisida pembasmi hama pada tambak udang, bahan baku industri deterjen, shampoo, minuman bir, pembentuk busa pada pemadam kebakaran, dan dapat dimanfaatkan pula sebagai pupuk organik. Pada penelitian ini, saponin biji teh diperoleh melalui ekstraksi biji teh pasca pengepresan menggunakan pelarut IPA 50% secara batch di dalam sebuah ekstraktor berkapasitas 2 L. Pengontakan solvent dengan biji teh dilakukan secara dispersi. Pada penelitian ini, rasio massa pelarut terhadap massa umpan diset 20:1; temperatur divariasikan 25-60 oC, kecepatan pengadukan 100-400 rpm, serta ukuran biji teh divariasikan -40+50 mesh s.d -100+200 mesh. Ekstraksi dilakukan hingga tercapai kesetimbangan. Ekstrak yang diperoleh dipekatkan menggunakan rotavapor vakum pada temperatur di bawah 40oC. Ekstrak pekat saponin kasar yang didapat dimurnikan dengan penambahan eter, etanol dan petroleum eter secara bertahap sehingga diperoleh endapan saponin murni yang kemudian dikeringkan menggunakan tray drier pada temperatur 40oC. Pada penelitian ini, model perpindahan massa sederhana dikembangkan untuk menggambarkan proses ekstraksi padat-cair saponin biji teh. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dimensi diperoleh hubungan antara koefisien perpindahan massa volumetrik (kLa pada lapisan antar fasa padat-cair dengan variabel-variabel ekstraksi yang dinyatakan dalam persamaan bilangan tak berdimensi dengan ralat rata-rata 3,7904 %.DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS FOR MASS


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    Sriyanti Sriyanti


    Full Text Available Energi baru terbarukan merupakan suatu pengembangan teknologi dalam rangka pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam ataupun non-alami yang dimanfaatkan untuk menjadi suatu energy baru seperti biogas dan listrik. Tenaga listrik merupakan sumber energi yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia baik untuk kegiatan industri,kegiatan komersial maupun kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat. Termasuk untuk Desa Wanajaya, sebagai desa yang merupakan penghasil ternak khususnya sapi. Desa ini merupakan pilot project dalam pengembangan biomassa menjadi bio gas, namun karena adanya beberapa kendala maka pilot project tersebut tidak berkelanjutan. Pengolahan kotoran ternak menjadi biogas selain menghasilkan gas metan untuk memasak juga mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan, menghasilkan pupuk organik padat dan pupuk organik cair dan yang lebih penting lagi adalah mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap pemakaian bahan bakar minyak bumi yang tidak bisa diperbaharui. Tujuan kegiatan PKM ini yaitu melakukan tahapan awal di dalam rencana penerapan teknologi tepat guna pemanfaatan kotoran sapi sebagai sumber energi gas dan energi listrik alternatif di Desa Wanajaya, Kec. Wanaraja – Kabupaten Garut. Besarnya produksi kotoran sapi per hari atau per tahunnya menjadi daya tarik dan kekuatan untuk bisa memanfaatkan limbah ternak menjadi biogas dan energi alternatif bagi lingkungan masyarakat local. Selain ketersedian kotoran sapi sebagai modal utama untuk pemanfaatan limbah ternak (kotoran sapi ada factor-faktor lain yang harus diperhatikan, antara lain ; pakan ternak yang digunakan, pengelolaan limbah ternak, jumlah sapi, jarak lokasi timbunan kotoran dengan rumah dan lain-lain. Mengembangkan dan Meningkatkan kemampuan sumberdaya masyarakat didalam pemanfaatan limbah ternak menajdi berbagai alternatif baik sisi energi, biogas dan lainnya


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    Catur Rini Widyastuti


    Full Text Available Selama ini, proses produksi biodiesel konvensioanal banyak menghasilkan air limbah pada tahap pemisahan produk dari katalis yang larut dan produk samping yang dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengurangi limbah yang dihasilkan selama proses pemisahan tersebut, jenis katalis heterogen dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan katalis homogen alkali yang biasa digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji jenis katalis dan aktivitasnya dalam reaksi transesterifikasi minyak mikroalga Chlorella sp menjadi biodiesel. Tahap awal penelitian yang dilakukan adalah preparasi minyak mikroalga yang akan digunakan untuk uji aktivitas katalis. Minyak mikroalga diperoleh dengan ekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut n-heksana. Rendemen minyak yang diperoleh sebesar 12,26%. Dari hasil uji GC-MS diketahui dua kandungan asam lemak terbesar dalam minyak mikroalga, yaitu Dodecanoic acid sebesar 59.52% dan n-Decanoic acid sebesar 12.64%. Selanjutnya minyak mikroalga direaksikan dengan metanol dengan rasio molar 1:6 menggunakan katalis yang disintesis dari abu vulkanik. Preparasi katalis dilakukan dengan dua metode yang berbeda, yaitu refluks dengan larutan H 2 SO 2 M dan secara alkali hidrotermal menggunakan larutan NaOH 2M. Reaksi transesterifikasi berlangsung pada suhu 60 o 4 C dengan penambahan katalis padat sebanyak 5% selama 60 menit. Yield biodiesel yang diperoleh dari reaksi menggunakan katalis yang dipreparasi dengan larutan H 2 SO adalah 28,27% dengan densitas 0,684 g/ mL. Sedangkan reaksi dengan katalis yang dipreparasi secara alkali hidrotermal menghasilkan biodiesel sebanyak 23% dengan densitas 0,69 g/mL.


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    Brata Pantjara


    Full Text Available Kegagalan budi daya udang windu di tambak tanah sulfat masam disebabkan adanya kelarutan unsur toksik dalam tambak yang diduga berasal dari pematang terutama pada saat hujan lebat. Oleh karena itu, dalam pemanfaatan untuk tambak di lahan semacam ini diperlukan upaya mencegah terjadinya kelarutan senyawa toksik tersebut melalui perbaikan pematang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi pematang tambak yang baik di tanah sulfat masam terhadap peningkatan kualitas air dan pertumbuhan serta sintasan udang windu. Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Tambak Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau, Maros. Sebanyak 9 tambak berukuran luasan 800 m2 dan padat penebaran tokolan udang windu 5 ekor/m2. Pemeliharaan terhadap hewan uji dilakukan selama 12 minggu. Perlakuan kondisi pematang adalah pematang yang dilapisi kapur (A; Pematang yang permukaannya ditambah dolomit (B; Pematang yang permukaannya dilapisi plastik (C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tambak dengan kondisi pematang pada A dan C menghasilkan kualitas air yang lebih baik dibandingkan B. Semua perlakuan kondisi pematang menunjukkan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05 terhadap pertumbuhan udang windu. Kondisi pematang pada perlakuan A dan C di tambak tanah sulfat masam berpengaruh nyata (P0.05. The pond dyke condition to A and C treatments in acid sulphate soil was significantly (P<0.15 to compare with B treatment to survival rate. The survival rate was obtained by the end of research each to the A and C treatments were 29.86% and 28.82% and B treatment was 6.1%.

  2. Aplikasi Pelapis Bionanokomposit berbasis Karagenan untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Buah Mangga Utuh

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    Bayu Meindrawan


    Full Text Available Abstract Mango is one of Indonesia export comodities which vulnerable to decay during transportation and storage.Coating is known as an effective method to overcome such shortcomings of mango during storage. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of carrageenan-based bionanocomposite coating application for maintaining quality of mango type Gedong gincu stored at 20 oC as well as characterize the mechanical and water vapor barier properties of resulting film. Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs (1 % w/w carrageenan and beeswax (3 % v/v solution, as hydrophobic component, were incorporated into carrageenan polymer to produce bionanocomposite solution. The results showed the mechanical and water vapor barrier properties of carrageenan films were improved by the addition of beeswax and ZnO NPs. N1B1 (carrageenan + beeswax + ZnO NPs emerged as the most effective coating formulation to delay the change of weight loss, firmness, CO2 production, total acidity as well as alteration in color parameters (L, a and b of mango during storage. Carrageenan-based bionanocomposite coating was potential as alternative method to keep the quality of mango during storage. Abstrak Mangga merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor Indonesia yang rentan mengalami kerusakan selama transportasi dan penyimpanan. Pelapisan dikenal sebagai metode yang efektif untuk mengatasi masalah mangga selama penyimpanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pengaruh aplikasi pelapis bionanokomposit berbasis karagenan dalam mempertahankan kualitas mangga jenis Gedong gincu yang disimpan pada suhu 20 oC serta mengkarakterisasi sifat mekanis dan barier uap air dari film yang dihasilkan. Nanopartikel seng oksida (NP-ZnO (1% b/b karagenan dan beeswax (3 % v/v larutan, sebagai komponen hidrofobik, diinkorporasikan ke dalam polimer karagenan untuk menghasilkan larutan bionanokomposit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sifat mekanis serta barier uap air dari film karagenan mampu

  3. Pemanfaatan limbah abu terbang (fly ash) , abu dasar (bottom ash) batubara dan limbah padat (sludge) industri karet sebagai bahan campuran pada pembuatan batako


    Faisal, Hendri


    Brick-making research has been conducted from a mixture of fly ash as a cement mixed with aggregate materials based bottom ash and sludge, and sand, where fly ash and cement used as an adhesive matrix. The percentage addition of fly ash is 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% of initial weight of cement. The percentage addition of bottom ash and sludge as an aggregate is 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% of initial weight of sand with the time of hardening for 28 days. Parameter tests performed include: metals...

  4. Model Polikultur Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon Fab, Ikan Bandeng (Chanos-chanos Forskal dan Rumput Laut (Gracillaria Sp. Secara Tradisional

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    Murachman - -


    Full Text Available Abstrak Polikultur merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi permasalahan air yang mengakibatkan penurunan produksi ikan di kolam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui menyusun pola manajemen polikultur udang windu (Penaeus monodon Fab., ikan bandeng (Chanos-chanos Forskal dan rumput laut (Gracillaria sp.. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode studi kasus di Dusun Tanjung Sari, Desa Kupang, Kecamatan Jabon, Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Sampel penelitian diambil pada 18 lokasi polikultur dari tiga komoditas tersebut (udang windu, ikan bandeng dan rumput laut dan 20 lokasi polikultur dari dua komunitas (udang windu dan ikan bandeng. Variabel yang dipergunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Variabel penelitian meliputi lingkungan makro tambak, karakteristik pembudidaya, cara pengelolaan tambak dan perlakuan–perlakuan yang diberikan, padat tebar, kualitas air, kesuburan air, produksi tambak, keuntungan pembudidaya polikultur dan model budidaya polikultur tiga komoditas. Model budidaya polikultur terdiri dari enam komponen yaitu penentuan lokasi tambak, persiapan tambak, pemeliharaan, panen, kelembagaan sosial dan kelembagaan ekonomi. Masing-masing komponne tersebut saling berhubungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat tiga faktor yang mendukung penentuan lokasi kolam, yaitu jenis tanah di atas kolam, sumber air tawar, sumber air laut, dan keberadaan hutan mangrove. Kualitas dan kesuburan air cukup baik dan berada pada kisaran standard kualitas air untuk tambak. Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara padat tebar untuk udang windu dan ikan bandeng pada tipe polikultur tiga komoditas dan polikultur dua komoditas. Padat tebar rumput laut pada polikultur tiga komoditas adalah 975 kgha-1. Keberadaan rumput laut pada polikultur tiga komoditas dapat meningkatkan kualitas air menjadi lebih baik dibandingkan pada polikultur dua komoditas. Kandungan oksigen terlarut pada tambak adalah 165 mgl-1, tingkat kejernihan air 50.875 cm, NH3 0

  5. PERANSERTA MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGELOLAAN LINGKUNGAN PERMUKIMAN DI KELURAHAN 5 ULU PALEMBANG (The Community Participation in Settlement Environment Management at Kelurahan 5 Ulu Palembang, Indonesia

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    Korlena Korlena


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kebutuhan untuk permukiman yang baik dan memaciai merupakan salah satu masalah perkotaan yang harus diatasi oleh pemerintah. Kampung lrnprovement Progran (KIP yang berisikan pengembangan infrastruktur pemukiman merupakan jawaban untuk masalah tersebut. Kegunaan KIP adalah untuk memotivasi masyarakat agar dapat menolong dirinya sendiri dalam bentuk partisipasi dalam mengelola lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini berfokus pada partisipasi masyarakat di Kelurahan 5 Ulu Palembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam KIP di sepanjang sungai, dan mengidentifikasi faktor determinan yang mempengaruhi partisipasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan eksplanasi, dengan menggunakan proporsional random sampling dengan unit analisis rumah tangga di 2 wilayah yaitu daerah KIP dan sepanjang sungai. Data dikurnpulkan rnenggunakan kuesioner, interview pengamatan lapangan dan data sekunder. Metode statistik multiple regression digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor sosial-demografi dan sosio-ekonomik terhadap tingkat partisipasi, Uji T-test independent sample dan Mann-Withey-test digunakan untuk membedakan partisipasi di 2 wilayah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1 partisipasi di daerah KIP untuk jalan dan drainase cenderung berupa kontribusi tenaga dan uang, sedangkan pengelolaan sampah padat cenderung dalam bentuk uang, sementara di daerah sepanjang sungai hal tersebut cenderung tenaga saja; (2 tingkat partisipasi masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah KIP lebih tinggi dari pada yang ada di sepanjang sungai; (3 faktor sosial-demografi dan sosio-ekonomi menentukan tingkat partisipasi dalam pengelolaan jalan dan drainase, sedangkan faktor kepemilikan rumah dan faktor pendapatan menentukan tingkat partisipasi dalam pengelolaan limbah padat; (4 faktor determinan yang mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi adalah kepemimpinan formal dan informal, kondisi geografis, infrastruktur KIP, rasa keterasingan, kebutuhan

  6. Pengimbuhan Kunyit dan Seng Oksida dalam Pakan Meningkatkan Kemampuan Ayam Pedaging dalam Mengeliminasi Tantangan Infeksi Escherichia coli (SUPPLEMENTATION CUCURMIN AND ZINC OXIDE INCREASE THE ABILITY OF BROILER CHICKENS IN ELIMINATING ESCHERICHIA COLI CH

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    Sus Derthi Widhyari


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the effect of the feed additive (zinc and herbs in leucocyte profiles,performance, and observe the ability of broiler on E. coli challenge. A total of 160 chickens were dividedinto four groups: Group K-control negativewere given basal diet; Group two were given fed basal, turmeric1.5% + ZnO 180 ppm; Group two were given fed basal, garlic powder 2.5% + Zn0 180 ppm; and group K+ weregiven basal diet and treatment with antibiotics. At the age of three weeks all groups were challenged orallyby inoculation with E.coli at dose of 108CFU/mL. Observed parameters include performance (weight gain,consumption and total leukocytes. Weight gain, consumption were observed at one to five weeks of age,whereas blood samplings for the examination of leukocytes were performed at week three (pre infection,week four and five (one week and two weeks after infection with E.coli. The results showed that thechicken body weight from age one to three weeks was increased sharply. One week after infection weightloss seemed to be decreased. The largest decrease was observed in the group given the combination ofgarlic-Zn, while providing a combination of curcumin-Zn shows that the weight tends to increase. Rationconsumption showed the same pattern as body weight. The highest consumption at the end of the studywas found in the group given the combination of curcumin - Zn, the lowest was in the garlic-Zn. Highleukocyte cells level at one week post infection, showing an animal in a state of infection and the leucocytedecreasing again at two weeks post infection. The conditions indicate the ability of chickens in eliminatinginfectious agents. These results explain the combination of curcumin-Zn showed the best results comparedwith other treatments. Providing supplementation of curcumin - Zn on chicken improved the ability toeliminate E.coli, leukocyte cell profile, and performance.

  7. Perencanaan Modifikasi Rangka Busur Baja pada Jembatan Pemali disertai Damper sebagai Longitudinal Stopper

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    Bintang Mahardhika


    Full Text Available Jembatan Pemali merupakan jembatan yang terletak di Kota Brebes. Jembatan ini menjadi akses penting yang menghubungkan antara Kota Semarang dan Kota Jakarta. Jembatan Pemali sering mengalami perbaikan dalam segi struktural setiap bulannya, hal ini diakibatkan oleh semakin padat volume kendaraan terutama truk dengan muatan berat. Permasalahan ini yang melatarbelakangi pembangunan Jembatan Pemali yang baru agar menunjang dalam sarana transportasi. Penelitian ini memodifikasi Jembatan Pemali menjadi sistem busur rangka baja. Jembatan didesain dengan tinggi 18 meter, bentang 100 meter dan lebar 9 meter. Penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi pembebanan sesuai SNI T-02-2005 dan SNI 1725-2016. Dengan menggunakan progam bantu SAP2000, kombinasi KUAT 1 (SNI-1725-2016 menghasilkan output gaya yang lebih besar daripada kombinasi lainnya sehingga kombinasi tersebut digunakan untuk menentukan profil rangka atas jembatan. Analisis pengaruh damper dengan tipe Lock-Up Device menggunakan progam bantu SAP2000 dengan kombinasi beban yang menentukan dalam perencanaan damper sebagai longitudinal stopper adalah kombinasi EKSTREM I (SNI-1725-2016. Hasil dari analisis dengan progam bantu SAP2000 profil utama yang terbesar pada jembatan busur menggunakan BOX 500x500x25 serta dengan adanya damper struktur utama jembatan mampu mengurangi deformasi sebesar 16%. Dalam merencanakan bangunan bawah jembatan, dilakukan kontrol guling dan geser pada abutment jembatan serta untuk tiang pancang jembatan dilakukan kontrol berdasarkan daya dukung tanah dan tipe material yang digunakan. Dari perencanaan tersebut, didapatkan dimensi abutment 11x11x10 meter serta kebutuhan tiang pancang jembatan 36 buah. Hasil seluruh perhitungan Penelitian ini dituangkan dalam gambar teknik standar.


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    Ferry Johnny Sangari


    Full Text Available Designing a Tidal Power Plant in Mangatasik Minahasa. This research aims to de­sign a tidal powerplant in Mangatasik Minahasa. Data is collected through observations and measurements using GPS, and analyzed using a computer program. Then, the analysis of data is used to design a tidal power plant. The results show that the potential tidal wave in North Sulawesi has a maximum height of 207.68 cm. This tidal wave has a potential electrical energy of 85.57 kilo Joule and potential electrical power of 30.38 kilo Watt. The dam is designed using con­crete buis filled with gravel and covered with a mixture of concrete and equipped with a three water gate. The water turbin is designed using a propeller turbine model type of undershot and made from fiberglass or stainless steel material.   Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan rancangan pembangkit listrik pasang surut air laut di Mangatasik Minahasa. Data didapat melalui pengamatan dan pengukuran meng­gu­na­kan GPS, serta dianalisis menggunakan program komputer. Selanjutnya, hasil analisis di­gu­na­kan untuk merancang pembangkit listrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan potensi gelombang pa­sang surut di Sulawesi Utara mem­punyai tinggi maksimum 207,68 cm. Gelombang pasang surut ini memiliki potensi energi listrik mencapai 85,57 kilo Joule dan daya listrik 30,38 kilo Watt. Ran­cangan dam/bendungan menggunakan buis beton yang diisi dengan sirtu padat dan ditutup de­ngan campuran beton dan dilengkapi dengan 3 pintu air. Rancangan turbin air menggunakan mo­del turbin propeller tipe undershot dan terbuat dari bahan fiberglass atau baja tahan karat.


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    Elfayetti Elfayetti


    Full Text Available Pertanian organik merupakan sistem pertanian yang holistik yang mendukung dan mempercepat biodeversiti, siklus biologi dan aktivitas biologi tanah(International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements,2014. Geografi Pertanian merupakan mata kuliah di Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi FIS Unimed. Dalam Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi yang diterapkan di Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi FIS Unimed merupakan matakuliah wajib pada semester genap, tepatnya pada semester IV (empat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pertumbuhan berat cacing tanah pada pupuk kascing dari limbah kangkung dan bayam dan untuk mengetahui kandungan hara N, P, K dan pH kascing dari limbah kangkung dan bayam pada tanah ultisol. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan pada pupuk organik, maka harus diupayakan bagaimana memperoleh pupuk yang memiliki unsur hara yang padat dan pengadaannya relatif murah dan mudah. Pemanfaatan limbah organik untuk budidaya cacing tanah merupakan salah satu tindakan yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Rendahnya bahan organik, N, P, K menunjukkan bahwa tanah pada percobaan ini membutuhkan bahan organik. Pemberian bahan organik seperti cacing diharapkan dapat meningkatkan Produktivitas Ultisol dimana Kascing mempunyai sifat-sifat kimia, fisika, dan biologi tanah yang baik, sehingga dapat meningkatkan serapan hara dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1. Jenis makanan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan cacing tanah dan kualitas kascing yang dihasilkan. 2.Terdapat perbedaaan pada bobot cacing tanah yang dihasilkan dengan adanya perbedaan jenis makanan. Jenis makanan bayam memberikan tingkat pertumbuhan cacing tanah terbaik dengan terjadinya pertambahan bobot sebesar 650 gram yang awalnya hanya 250 gram. 3. Dari beberapa parameter sifat kimia dan biologi kascing, maka jenis makanan bayam memberikan nilai N tertinggi yaitu 0,52 dan pada pakan kangkung terdapatnilai p tertinggi yaitu 0,35. Kata Kunci

  10. Analisis Penerapan Metode Transmitter Receiver Unit (TRU Upgrading Untuk Mengatasi Traffic Congestion Jaringan GSM Pada BTS Area Purwokerto Kota

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    Alfin Hikmaturokhman


    Full Text Available Semakin banyaknya pengguna selular maka akan semakin banyak trafik yang akan tertampung. Trafik yang melebihi kapasitas kanal yang disediakan dapat menyebabkan kondisi Traffic Congestion. Untuk menanganinya diperlukan metode penambahan kapasitas kanal agar semua trafik dapat tertampung dengan baik. Metode ini disebut dengan TRU Upgrading. Transmitter Receiver Unit (TRU adalah hardware yang terletak pada Radio Base Station dalam BTS yang berisi slot-slot kanal sedangkan metode TRU Upgrading adalah metode dengan menambahkan/upgrade kapasitas kanal yang tersedia dari konfigurasi TRU yang telah ada sebelumnya, misalkan pada BTS Pabuaran memiliki konfigurasi 3x2x3 karena terjadi kejenuhan pelanggan maka konfigurasi TRU diupgrade menjadi 3x4x3. Perubahan konfigurasi TRU maka merubah konfigurasi BTS-nya serta menambah kapasitas kanalnya. Key Performance Indicator (KPI yang baik pada Indosat adalah menggunakan batas GoS 2%. Nilai GoS ini dikaitkan dengan tabel Erlang untuk mendapatkan sebuah nilai intensitas trafik. Jika nilai intensitas trafik konfigurasi TRU yang digunakan kurang dari nilai intensitas trafik pelanggan maka disebut traffic congestion. Sebagai akibat dari traffic congestion adalah kondisi blocking. TRU Upgrading ini dilakukan dengan harapan nilai blocking panggilan menjadi 0 %. Pada Purwokerto kota, diterapkan  TRU Upgrading untuk cell Grendeng 3, Pabuaran 2, dan Unsoed 1 karena trafik pelanggan yang terjadi melebihi nilai intensitas trafik dari konfigurasi TRU yang digunakan.   Untuk cell Unsoed 1 dan Grendeng 3 meski telah dilakukan TRU Upgrading menjadi 4 buah TRU tetap terjadi traffic congestion sebesar 8 sampai dengan 15 Erlang dikarenakan pada cell-cell ini mengcover area yang padat penduduk. Sedang untuk Pabuaran 2 penerapan TRU upgrading mencapai keefektifan sebesar 100%.


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    Imam Taufik


    Full Text Available Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem pergantian air yang paling baik pada pemeliharaan benih ikan betutu. Wadah penelitian: 12 unit bak kayu berlapis plastik (1,9m x 0,8m x 0,5m diisi air 500 L, ditempatkan dalam ruang terlindung dan dilengkapi dengan aerasi. Hewan uji: benih ikan betutu ukuran bobot 0,96±0,08 g/ekor, padat tebar 1 ekor/5 liter air, diberi pakan alami secara berlebih dengan waktu pemeliharaan selama 12 minggu. Perlakuan berupa perbedaan sistem pergantian air: (a resirkulasi, (b semi-statis, dan (c continous flow. Parameter yang diukur: sintasan, pertumbuhan, dan produktivitas benih ikan betutu serta sifat fisika-kimia air pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pergantian air dengan sistem resirkulasi memberikan sintasan yang paling baik terhadap benih ikan betutu (33,0% dibanding continous flow (28,3% dan berbeda nyata (P0,05 dengan nilai secara berturut-turut sebesar: 1,41%; 1,31%; dan 1,50%. The aim of this experiment is to obtain the information on survival rate and growth of sand goby fries. The experiment was conducted at research station CibalagungBogor. Twelve container of 1.9m x 0.8m x 0.5m were used in this experiment, each container was stocked with 1 fish/5L of sand goby fry with 0.96±0.08 gram weight. Three different water exchange were aplied i.e (a recirculation, (b semi static, and (c continous flow. Each treatment was done in three replicates. The result showed that the recirculation gave the best result on survival rate (33.0% compared with continous flow (28.3% and significantly different from semi static (21.3%.

  12. RA Research nuclear reactor, Part I - RA nuclear reactor operation, maintenance and utilization in 1983; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Deo I - Pogon, odrzavanje i eksploatacija nuklearnog reaktora RA u 1983. godini

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Martinc, R; Kozomara-Maic, S; Cupac, S; Raickovic, N; Radivojevic, J; Badrljica, R; Majstorovic, D; Sanovic, V [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    After regular shutdown in November 1982, inspection of the fuel elements from the RA reactor core which was done from December 1982 - February 1983 has shown that there are deposits of aluminium oxides on the surface of the fuel cladding. After restart The RA reactor was operated at power levels from 1.8 - 2 MW, with 80% enriched uranium dioxide fuel elements. It was found that there was no corrosion of the fuel element cladding and that it was not possible to find the cause of surface deposition on the cladding surfaces without further operation. It was decided to purify the heavy water permanently during operation and to increase the heavy water flow by operating two pumps. This procedure was adopted in order to decrease the possibility of corrosion. The Safety committee of the Institute has approved this procedure for operating the RA reactor in 1983. The core was made of 80% enriched fuel, critical experiments were done until June 1983, and after that the operation was continued at power levels up to 2 MW. [Serbo-Croat] Pregledom nuklearnog goriva iz tehnoloskih kanala reaktora RA koji je izvrsen u periodu decembear 1982-feburuar 1983. godine nakon zaustavljanja reaktora po isteku novembarske kampanje 1982. godine, ustanovljeno je da ponovo dolazi do stvaranja taloga u obliku hidratisanih oksida aluminiuma na kosuljicama gorivnih elemenata. Nakon ponovnog pustanja u rad, reaktor je do novembra 1981. godine neprekidno bio u pogonu na snagama 1,8 - 2 MW. Jezgro je bilo formirano iskljucivo sa od gorivnih elemenata sa 80% obogacenim uran dioksidom. Utvrdjeno je da kosuljica gorivnog elementa nije korodirala, i da se bez nastval rada ne moze utvrditi uzrok pojave taloga na povrsini kosuljice. Da bi se mogucnost korozije aluminjumskih komponenti u primarnom kolu raktora svela na sto manju meru odluceno je da se vrsi neprekidno preciscavanje teske vode i da se istovremeno poveca protok teske vode radom dve pumpe, Komitet za sigurnost Instituta odobrio je ovakav nacin


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    Jan Setiawan


    -016-4971 card.  Diffraction pattern on 46S also showed lattice parameter, composition and crystallite size changes.  The lattice parameter changes not significant.  For 6S and 46S sam-ples at 1400 oC, the 6H-SiC phase changes into other phases more than 50 % from its original weight percentage. Keywords: silicon carbide, 4H-SiC, 6H-SiC, oxidation, high temperature. ABSTRAK PERUBAHAN FASA 4H DAN 6H SIC YANG TEROKSIDASI PADA TEMPERATUR TINGGI.  Telah dilakukan proses oksidasi pada silikon karbida yang mengadung fasa 6H dan silikon karbida yang mengandung fasa 4H dan 6H.  Silikon karbida merupakan keramik non oksida dengan sifat-sifat unggulnya yang sangat potensial digunakan dalam dunia industri.  Dalam industri nuklir silikon karbida digunakan sebagai bahan struktur kelongsong pada bahan bakar reaktor air ringan light water reactor (LWR dan sebagai pelapis pada kernel bahan bakar reaktor gas temperatur tinggi (RGTT.  Pada studi ini dilakukan simulasi oksidasi silikon karbida pada kernel apabila terjadi kegagalan pada pipa pendingin utamanya. Sampel dibentuk dari serbuk silikon karbida yang di pres hingga berbentuk pelet dengan diameter 12,7 mm dan ketebalan 1.0 mm kemudian dioksidasi pada temperatur 1000 oC, 1200 oC dan 1400 oC selama 1 jam.  Sampel sebelum dan setelah dioksidasi dilakukan penimbangan dan pengujian difraksi sinar-X menggunakan Difraktometer Panalytical Empyrean dengan Cu sebagai sumber sinar-X.  Analisis pola difraksi dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi General Structure Analysis System (GSAS, dengan hasil yang diperoleh adalah perubahan parameter kisi dan kandungan fasa SiC-nya.  Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa semua sampel yang teroksidasi mengalami peningkatan berat.  Oksidasi sampel 6S menyebabkan kenaikan berat tertinggi pada temperatur 1200 oC, sedangkan sampel 46S memiliki berat dengan kecenderungan meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya temperatur oksidasi.  Analisis pola difraksi sinar-X menunjukkan bahwa fasa domi-nan yang terbentuk pada sampel


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    Imam Taufik


    Full Text Available Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan suhu air yang optimal pada pemeliharaan benih ikan betutu dengan sistem resirkulasi air. Wadah penelitian: 16 unit bak kayu berlapis plastik (1,5 m x 0,7 m x 0,5 m diisi air 300 L yang masing-masing menggunakan bak filter, ditempatkan dalam ruang terlindung dan dilengkapi dengan aerasi. Hewan uji: benih ikan betutu ukuran fingerling (0,65±0,118 g/ekor, padat tebar 1 ekor/5 liter air, diberi makanan alami berupa cacing dan ikan seribu secara berlebih, dengan waktu pemeliharaan 12 minggu. Perlakuan berupa perbedaan suhu air, yaitu: (a 26oC; (b 29oC; (c 32oC; dan (d 24oC–28oC. Parameter yang diukur: sintasan, pertumbuhan, dan produktivitas benih ikan betutu serta sifat fisika-kimia air pemeliharaan. Hasil pene-litian menunjukkan bahwa suhu air paling baik adalah 29oC dan 32oC dan secara nyata (P<0,05 berpengaruh terhadap sintasan, pertumbuhan, dan produktivitas ikan betutu. The objective of the research was know the optimum water temperature in rearing of sand goby fingerlings. Sixteen containers of 1.5 m x 0.7 m x 0.5 m in size were used in this experiment. Each container was stocked with 1 fish/5 L. Average fish weight of 0.65±0.118 gram. Four different water temperatures were applied i.e: (a 26oC; (b 29oC; (c 32oC; and (d 24oC-28oC. The result showed that the water temperature of 29oC and 32oC gave the best result on survival rate, growth rate, and productifity of sand goby.


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    Atit - Kanti


    Full Text Available Penambahan enzim hidrolisis untuk pakan ternak dapat meningkatkan nilai nutrisi pakan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimal untuk produksi enzim amilase dan fitase pada media ampas tahu menggunakan Aspergilus niger, Rhizophus oryzae dan Neurospora sitophila. Uji kemampuan produksi enzim fitase dan amilase oleh Aspergilus niger, Rhizophus oryzae dan Neurospora sitophila dilakukan menggunakan media ampas tahu yang disterilisasi. Pemilihan ketiga isolat ini diawali dengan uji produksi enzim amilase pada kultur cair yang mengandung 2 % pati, dan uji fitase dilakukan pada media yang mengandung 0.5 % sodium fitat. Hasil uji pada medium cair selanjutnya digunakan untuk uji produksi enzim fitase dan fitase pada sistem fermentasi padat (SSF menggunakan ampas tahu sebagai media fermentasi. Untuk mendapatkan produksi enzim yang tinggi dilakukan melalui optimasi waktu inkubasi, suhu inkubasi dan pH media. Fitase dan amilase dapat diproduksi dengan media ampas tahu oleh R. oryzae, A. niger dan N. sitophila. Kondisi optimum untuk produksi fitase, yaitu waktu inkubasi pada hari keempat untuk ketiga kapang, suhu 25 °C untuk R. oryzae dan A. niger, suhu 30°C untuk N. sitophila, pH 8 untuk R. oryzae, pH 6 untuk Aspergillus niger dan N. Sitophila. Neurospora sitophila menghasilkan amilase optimum pada suhu 35°C, sedangkan Aspergillus niger dan Rhizopus oryzae optimum pada suhu 30°C. Penurunan aktivitas produksi amilase menurun oleh R. oryzae pada suhu 40°C. Amilase diproduksi optimal pada pH 6-7. Pakan ternak yang mengandung asam fitat mampu dihidrolisis oleh fitase pada kondisi optimum. Ketiga kapang juga menghasilkan enzim amilase pada media ampas tahu mengindikasikan bahwa ampas tahu merupakan susbtrat yang baik untuk produksi enzim hidrolisis yang berguna untuk meningkatkan nilai nutrisi pakan ternak. (Kata kunci: Amilase, Aspergilus niger, Neurospora sitophila, phytase, Rhizophus oryzae


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    Heru Susanto


    Full Text Available THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MEMBRANE-FOULANT AND FOULANT-FOULANT INTERACTIONS AS THE BASIS FOR CONTROL OF FOULING. Industrial membrane applications for solid liquid and liquid-liquid filtration are limited by fouling and concentration polarization. Because fouling significantly reduces the membrane performance and often changes the membrane selectivity, efforts to overcome the fouling problem are very important from practical applications point of view. This paper presents the basic knowledge required to control fouling and recent development in fouling control including the method developed by the author. Control of fouling can be done by (i commercial membrane modification (post modification by photo-graft polymerization, (ii modification by polymer blending during membrane manufacturing and (iii integration of a pretreatment into membrane processes. The results showed that all the developed methods can significantly reduce the resulting fouling; however, none of the method could totally remove the occurring fouling. The understanding of the membrane-foulant and foulant-foulant interactions is the key to success in control of fouling.Aplikasi teknologi membran untuk pemisahan padat cair di  berbagai industri dibatasi oleh peristiwa fouling yang menyebabkan penurunan laju produk dan perubahan selektifitas membran. Oleh karena itu, pengendalian fouling merupakan upaya yang mutlak harus dilakukan. Makalah ini mempresentasikan pengetahuan dasar yang diperlukan untuk pengendalian fouling dan perkembangan terkini dalam pengendalian fouling termasuk hasil-hasil yang telah dikembangkan oleh penulis. Pengendalian fouling dilakukan dengan (i modifikasi membran komersial (post modification menggunakan metode photo-grafting, (ii modifikasi dengan pencampuran polimer selama proses pembuatan (polymer blend dan (iii integrasi unit perlakuan awal (pre-treatment dengan proses membran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesemua metode yang dikembangkan dapat

  17. SELEKSI DAN IDENTIFIKASI BAKTERI ENDOFIT POTENSIAL PENGHASIL ENZIM PROTEASE DARI TAMAN NASIONAL GUNUNG HALIMUN - (The Selection and Identification of Potential Endophyte Bacteria as Protease Enzyme Producer from Halimun Mount National Park

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    Ruth Melliawati


    Full Text Available Endophytic bacteria have an equal chance to bacteria that live outside the plant tissue as potential bacteria. The selection has done towards 326 bacterial endophyte isolates. This research aimed to find and identify proteolytic potential isolates. The proteolytic selection of endophytic bacteria had done using solid skim milk. The capability of endophytic bacteria to agglomerate milk was tested using liquid skim milk which incubated for 7 days at room temperature. Enzyme production of four selected isolates was made through fermentation in GYS medium. The results showed that 86 isolates have proteolytic potential. Isolate HL.29B.63 had highest protease enzymes activity (65.918 U/mL. Medium optimization was able to increase the enzyme activity into 89.94% (125.04 U/mL. The analysis used 16s rDNA showed that isolate HL.29B.63 was Bacillus amyloliquefacient subs. plantarum strain FZB42.Keywords: endophytic bacteria, fermentation, identification, protease, selection ABSTRAKBakteri endofit mempunyai peluang yang sama dengan bakteri yang hidup diluar jaringan tanaman sebagai bakteri potensial. Seleksi dilakukan terhadap 326 isolat bakteri endofit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari isolat yang berpotensi proteolitik dan mengidentifikasinya. Seleksi proteolitik terhadap bakteri endofitik menggunakan skim milk padat. Uji kemampuan bakteri endofitik dalam menggumpalkan susu menggunakan medium skim milk cair yang diinkubasi selama 7 hari pada suhu ruang. Produksi enzim terhadap empat isolat terseleksi dilakukan melalui fermentasi dalam medium GYS. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 86 isolat mempunyai potensi proteolitik. Isolat HL.29B.63 mempunyai aktif enzim protease tertinggi (65,918 U/mL. Optimasi medium dapat meningkatkan aktivitas enzim sebesar 89,94% (125,04 U/mL. Analisis menggunakan 16s rDNA menunjukkan bahwa isolat HL.29B.63 adalah Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subs. plantarum strain FZB42.Kata kunci: bakteri endofit, fermentasi, identifikasi, protease

  18. Ekosistem mangrove sebagai habitat kepiting bakau (Scylla Serrata di Kampung Nipah Desa Sei Nagalawan Kecamatan Perbaungan Serdang Bedagai Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Sari Marina Saragi


    Full Text Available Highly Utilization of Mangrove field as cultivation field of fish and recreation and tour site by people have big posses to the abundance of Mangrove crab (Scylla serrata because of mangrove play role as habitats of mangrove crabs. The research was conducted for two months from December 2016 to January 2017. This study aims to see the structure of mangrove vegetation, the abundance of Mangrove Crab and the influence of mangrove vegetation structure on the abundance of Mangrove Crab in Kampung Nipah. The results of this research are Vegetation structure of Mangrove in the station I and II show high density, whereas density in station III wide apart. The abundance of mangrove crab in the station I and II showed the higher result from station III. The Influence of Vegetation Structure of Mangrove and Abundance of Mangrove Crab can be related by using regression analysis Y = 0.0241x + 113.6. The correlation coefficient (r that value obtained as 0.79 have a meaning the connection between mangrove density and abundance of mangrove crab are rated in the strong category that has a value 79%. The density of Mangrove to 1000 units will rise up the abundance of mangrove crab to 43.5 an individual.  Tingginya pemanfaatan mangrove sebagai lahan budidaya ikan dan sebagai wisata rekreasi oleh masyarakat sangat mempengaruhi kelimpahan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata karena hutan mangrove merupakan habitat bagi Kepiting Bakau. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama dua bulan yaitu bulan Desember 2016 sampai Januari 2017. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat struktur vegetasi mangrove, kelimpahan Kepiting Bakau dan pengaruh struktur vegetasi mangrove terhadap kelimpahan Kepiting Bakau di Kampung Nipah. Hasil dari penelitian struktur vegetasi mangrove di stasiun I dan II memiliki kerapatan sangat padat, sedangkaan kerapatan di stasiun III jarang. Kelimpahan Kepiting Bakau di Stasiun I dan II lebih tinggi dari kelimpahan di stasiun III. Pengaruh kerapatan mangrove


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    Eric Wibisono


    Full Text Available Manufacturing systems that are often classified as push and pull often invite question: "How far do the differences between those two systems exist?" Many researches have been carried out but succinct answer to the above question is always difficult to reach. The difficulty roots from the variety of definition of the push and pull systems itself and also from the variety of complexity of a manufacturing system. This paper attempts to study the differences in performance between push and pull systems in a relatively simple model that consists of 4 serial processors with buffers located between these processors. Variations being modelled is on the setting of the system's load (high and low and the buffer size with performance being measured include machine utilization, number of outputs and mean flow time of jobs. The approach used is simulation using ProModel software as the tool. From the experiments it can be derived that buffer size turns out to be a very critical factor in system performance. Moreover, it is also proved that when the buffer size is large, push and pull systems do not differ significantly. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Sistem manufaktur yang umumnya dikategorikan menjadi sistem push dan pull sering mengundang pertanyaan: "Seberapa jauh perbedaan dari kedua sistem tersebut ada?" Banyak penelitian telah dilakukan namun jawaban yang lugas atas pertanyaan tersebut sulit diperoleh. Kesulitan ini umumnya berakar dari beragamnya definisi sistem push dan pull itu sendiri serta variasi dari kompleksitas suatu sistem manufaktur. Makalah ini mencoba melihat perbedaan antara kinerja sistem push dan pull dalam suatu model sederhana yang terdiri dari 4 prosesor serial dengan buffer yang diletakkan di antara masing-masing prosesor tersebut. Variasi yang dilakukan adalah pada setting beban kerja sistem (padat dan ringan dan ukuran buffer dengan kinerja yang diukur adalah utilisasi mesin, jumlah output dan rata-rata waktu tinggal job

  20. Model Penilaian Risiko Kebakaran Perkotaan dengan Sistem Pakar berbasis GIS Grid-Based

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    Sabrillah Taridala


    Full Text Available Abstrak Kota Kendari merupakan suatu kawasan perkotaan dengan luas wilayah terkecil dan jumlah penduduk terpadat di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Bencana kebakaran di Kota Kendari sering terjadi dan telah menimbulkan kerugian yang cukup banyak, hingga menelan korban jiwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap tingkat risiko bencana kebakaran di Kota Kendari dengan menggunakan pendekatan Sistem Pakar (Expert System berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa tingkat risiko kebakaran di Kota Kendari terklasifikasi dalam empat kelas, yaitu tingkat risiko kebakaran sangat tinggi sebanyak 206 grid, tingkat risiko kebakaran tinggi sebanyak 6.815 grid, tingkat risiko kebakaran rendah sebanyak 46.175 grid, dan tingkat risiko kebakaran sangat rendah sebanyak 54.640 grid. Tingkat risiko kebakaran sangat tinggi di Kota Kendari merupakan kawasan terbangun yang berpenduduk padat dengan dominasi jenis material bangunan kayu dan campuran, terletak pada daerah dengan morfologi berbukit, dan aksesibilitas hanya dilalui oleh jalan umum yang memiliki lebar jalur lalu lintas <4 meter. Wilayah dengan tingkat risiko sangat rendah merupakan kawasan non-terbangun yang didominasi oleh badan air (sungai dan rawa, hutan dan sebagian kawasan pertanian (kebun. Kawasan tersebut bermorfologi datar, berbukit dan bergunung. Abstract Kendari city is an urban area with the smallest area and the densest population in Southeast Sulawesi Province. Fire disaster in the city of Kendari often occurs and has caused considerable losses, to claim casualties. This study aims to assess the risk degree of fire disaster in Kendari City using Expert System Approach based on Geographic Information System (GIS. The results showed that the degrees of fire risk in Kendari City were classified into four classes, ie very high fire risk degree, 206 grid, high fire risk degree, 6,815 grid, low fire risk degree, 46.175 grid, and very low fire risk, as

  1. Pemanfaatan Teknik Ko-Kristalisasi Untuk Produksi Serbuk Ekstrak Sirsak

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    Lukman Junaidi


    Full Text Available Research on application of co-crystallization technique on production of soursop extract powder conducted to diversify soursop product that could be used as industrial commodity. Treatment on this research was influence of: (1 anti-caking magnesium oxide (MO, magnesium carbonate (MC, and magnesium silicate (MS, and (2 storage period (0, 1, 2, and 3 months, on the characteristics of soursop powder quality. The results showed co-crystallization could be applied to produce soursop powder that met the requirements of SNI 01-4320-1996. Based on its quality characteristics, soursop powder oursop powder MC resulted a better quality compared to s MO and s MS. MC had a quality characteristics: oursop powder Soursop powder water content 1.89%, pH 4.17, sugar content 83.75%, vitamin C 42.7  total soluble solids 98.1%, TPC mg/100g, 55 colonies/g, soursop powder until coliform < 3 MPN, and contain no mold and yeast. Storage of 3 months increased water content, pH, and TPC, and contrarily decreased sugar content, vitamin C  total soluble solids.  Based on the quality characteristics, soursop powder that , and was stored for 3 months still met the SNI 01-4320-1996 requirements.ABSTRAK Penelitian pemanfaatan teknik ko-kristalisasi untuk produksi serbuk ekstrak sirsak dilakukan untuk diversifikasi produk olahan buah sirsak yang dapat dijadikan komoditas industri. Perlakuan yang diamati meliputi pengaruh: (1 penggunaan jenis anti-kempal magnesium oksida (MO, magnesium karbonat (MC, dan magnesium silikat (MS dan (2 masa simpan (0, 1, 2, dan 3 bulan terhadap karakteristik mutu serbuk sirsak. Hasil penelitian menunjuk-kan bahwa teknik ko-kristalisasi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan serbuk sirsak yang memenuhi persyaratan mutu SNI 01-4320-1996. Berdasarkan karakteristik mutunya, serbuk sirsak MC memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan serbuk sirsak MS dan serbuk sirsak MO.  Serbuk sirsak MC memiliki karakteristik mutu: kadar air 1,89%, pH 4

  2. Effectivity of Musa paradisiaca extract to control Saprolegnia sp. infection on giant gourami larvae

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    Sri Nuryati


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Larval stage of giant gourami is a critical period due to fungal infection, such as Saprolegnia sp. infection. There are some plants which have antiseptic compound like banana Musa paradisiaca. This research was aimed to examine the effectiveness of the banana stem extract M. paradisiaca to control Saprolegnia sp. infection on giant gurami larvae through immersion. Eight-day old gorami larvae (at the initial of 0.5±0.03 cm was reared in an aquarium sized 25×25×25 cm3 at the density of 8 fry/L. Culture media were added banana stem extract at the dose of 0; 0.08; 0.12; and 0.16 g/L during 21 days of rearing period. Challenge test was performed for 14 days by giving Saprolegnia sp. spores at the density of 104 cells/mL and banana stem extract. The treatment dose of 0.16 g/L has showen survival 100% than positive control  after the challenge test. Keywords: giant gourami, Musa paradisiaca, Saprolegnia sp., fry  ABSTRAK Fase larva ikan gurami merupakan masa kritis terhadap infeksi cendawan, seperti jenis Saprolegnia sp. Beberapa tanaman memiliki daya antiseptik seperti tanaman pisang ambon Musa paradisiaca. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas ekstrak batang pisang ambon M. paradisiaca dalam mengurangi infeksi Saprolegnia sp. pada larva ikan gurami melalui media pemeliharaan. Larva gurami umur delapan hari (panjang larva 0,5+0,03 cm dipelihara pada akuarium berukuran 25×25×25 cm3 dengan padat tebar 8 ekor/L. Media pemeliharaan diberi ekstrak batang pisang ambon dosis 0; 0,08; 0,12; dan 0,16 g/L selama 21 hari. Uji tantang dilakukan selama 14 hari dengan pemberian spora Saprolegnia sp. kepadatan 104 sel/mL dan ekstrak batang pisang ambon. Perlakuan dosis 0,16 g/L memberikan kelangsungan hidup sebesar 100% yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan kontrol positif setelah uji tantang. Kata kunci: giant gourami, Musa paradisiaca, Saprolegnia sp., larva


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    Ningrum Suhenda


    Full Text Available Penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan pakan dengan variasi kadar karbohidrat dan lemak untuk pertumbuhan benih patin jambal telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Nutrisi Ikan, Bogor. Rancangan percobaan yang dipergunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Sebagai perlakuan yaitu pakan dengan variasi kadar karbohidrat dan lemak. Kadar lemak pakan berkisar antara 4% sampai 10% sedangkan kadar karbohidrat berkisar antara 20% sampai 40%. Pakan diberikan dalam bentuk remah sebanyak 12% dari bobot total ikan per hari untuk 2 minggu ke-1 dan 10% untuk 2 minggu ke-2. Wadah penelitian yang digunakan yaitu akuarium dengan volume air 50 liter yang dilengkapi dengan sistem resirkulasi dan pemanas air dengan debit 4 liter/menit. Benih ikan patin jambal dengan bobot rata-rata 0,326 g ditebar dalam akuarium dengan padat penebaran 50 ekor/akuarium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pakan dengan variasi kadar lemak dan karbohidrat memberikan laju pertumbuhan spesifik tubuh, bobot akhir rata-rata, konversi pakan, retensi protein, dan rasio efisiensi protein yang tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05. Nilai retensi lemak antar perlakuan berbeda nyata (P0.05 among the treatments for the average final body weight, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein retention, and protein efficiency ratio. However, there was a significant difference (p>0.05 for lipid retention values. The lowest lipid retention (47.20% was found in treatments containing lipid level of 10% and carbohydrate level of 20%. These values did not differ significantly (p>0.05 with other diet treatments that have lipid levels of 8% and carbohydrate of 32% (the ratio between carbohydrate and lipid was 4. Diet treatments that have ratio of 4 between carbohydrate and lipid showed specific growth rate of 9.10%, feed conversion ratio of 0.85, protein retention of 42.87%, and protein efficiency ratio of 3.36. The average final body weight for the diet was 4.17 g per


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    Widi Astuti


    Full Text Available Batubara  merupakan  salah  satu  sumber energi  alternatif  yang murah. Oleh karena itu,  penggunaan  batubara  di  Indonesia meningkat pesat  setiap  tahunnya. Penggunaan batubara  ini  menghasilkan  limbah  yang  dapat mencemari lingkungan baik limbah gas  seperti   CO2, NOX,  CO,  SO2,  hidrokarbon  maupun  limbah  padat  yang berupa abu  layang dan  abu  dasar. Abu  layang  mengandung SiO2, Al2O3,  dan sisa karbon yang tidak terbakar sehingga potensial digunakan sebagai adsorben. Pada penelitian ini, kemampuan adsorpsi abu layang ditingkatkan melalui aktivasi termal dan diuji untuk menjerap ion Pb2+ dalam limbah cair artifisial. Adsorpsi dilakukan pada sistem kolom yang berlangsung kontinyu menggunakan bahan isian abu layang teraktivasi, dalam bentuk serbuk dan granular, pada laju alir influen yang bervariasi. Hasilnya, laju alir mempengaruhi nilai kapasitas (qo, konstanta thomas (KtH dan waktu breakthrough.Kata Kunci : Pb2+ , adsorpsi, abu layang, breakthrough Coal is one of the inexpensive alternative energy. Therefore, the usage of coal in indonesia has been increased every year. It produces waste that can pollute the environment including gases waste such as CO2, NOX, CO, SO2, hydrocarbons and solid waste including fly ash and bottom ash. Coal fly ash is composed of  SiO2, Al2O3 and unburned carbon that enables it to act as a potential adsorbent. In this research, the adsorption capasity has increased by thermal activation and used to adsorp Pb2+ ion in wastewater.  The adsorption was carried out in packed column contains powder and granular activated fly ash. In the system, flow rate was varied.  The results show that flow rate influences adsorption capacity, Thomas constant and breakthrough time.Keywords: Pb2+, adsorption, coal fly ash, breakthrough


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    Arief Nugroho


    Full Text Available ENGLISHAbstractSoil is home to biodiversity where 25% of the Earth’s species live in the soil. Soil can provide ecosystem function through complex interactions between organisms in the soil and the soil itself as soil formation, water filtration, as well as providing useful compounds. However, the soil can be a reservoir of disease in humans. This is because the soil is the recipient of the solid waste that causes contamination of soil that may contain hazardous organic and inorganic materials as well as pathogenic microorganisms. The spread of disease-causing agents through the soil can occur as a result of floods, strong winds or transporting soil from endemic areas to other regions. Pathogens that have caused the role of soil-borne diseases are divided into two groups: Euedaphic Pathogenic Organisms (EPOs and Soil Transmitted Pathogens (STP. Prevention efforts need to avoid the spread of disease from soil to human beings as to conduct remediation of soils contaminated with hazardous chemicals as well as efforts to provide a disinfectant, and sanitary environment to prevent contamination of pathogenic microorganisms in the soil.INDONESIANAbstrakTanah merupakan tempat tinggal bagi keragaman hayati dimana 25% dari spesies bumi tinggal di tanah. Tanah dapat berfungsi menyediakan ekosistem melalui berbagai interaksi yang kompleks antara organisme dalam tanah dan tanah itu sendiri seperti pembentukan tanah, penyaringan air, maupun penyediaan senyawa yang bermanfaat. Namun, tanah dapat menjadi reservoir penyakit pada manusia. Hal ini karena tanah adalah penerima limbah padat sehingga menyebabkan kontaminasi tanah yang dapat mengandung bahan organik dan anorganik berbahaya serta mikroorganisme patogen. Penyebaran agen penyebab penyakit melalui tanah dapat terjadi akibat banjir, tiupan angin kencang atau pengangkutan tanah dari daerah endemik ke daerah lainnya. Patogen yang mempunyai peran menyebabkan penyakit yang ditularkan melalui tanah di bagi


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    Maria Ulfah


    Full Text Available EFFECT OF ALUMINA SUPPORT PROPERTIES ON THE NICKEL-MOLIBDENUM BASE HYDROTREATING CATALYST. Effect of surface characteristics of three species of synthesized γ-alumina (alumina-1, alumina-2 and alumina-3 on characteristics NiMo catalysts has been studied. Those aluminas are derived from boehmite Catapal B by varying rasio mol nitric acid to boehmite. A sol-gel method is used to synthesize γ-Al2O3 support. The Nitrogen adsorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD, Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR of H2, Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD of NH3, and mechanical strength are used to characterize the supports and catalysts. The results showed that the surface area alumina affects the formation of crystalline MoO3 in the NiMo catalyst, while γ-Al2O3-3 support which has the highest surface area (about 195 m2/g compared to the other two types of alumina (>195 m2/g does not have a crystalline MoO3. The formation of crystalline MoO3 is not influenced by the acidity alumina. Based on the results of XRD, it is  indicated that the supported alumina-3 NiMo catalyst (having the highest acid strength shows that there is no presence of crystalline MoO3. Pore size distribution of support did not change significantly after the deposition of Ni and Mo oxides. Mechanical strength of support also affects the strength NiMo catalyst. Support alumina-3 which has the highest mechanical strength gives the mechanical strength of the highest NiMo catalyst. Pengaruh sifat penyangga γ-alumina hasil pengembangan (alumina-1, alumina-2 dan alumina-3 pada karakter katalis hydrotreating nikel-molibdenum (NiMo telah dipelajari. Ketiga jenis γ-alumina diturunkan dari boehmite “Catapal B” dengan menvariasikan nisbah mol asam nitrat terhadap boehmite. Pembuatan γ-alumina menggunakan metoda sol-gel. Adsorpsi Nitrogen, X-ray difraksi (XRD, Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR H2, Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD NH3, dan kekuatan mekanik digunakan untuk


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    Deni Mustika


    Full Text Available KARAKTERISTIK PERMUKAAN SERAT SILIKON KARBIDA HASIL PEMINTALAN LISTRIK DARI POLYCARBOSILANE DALAM N,N-DIMETILFORMAMIDA (DMF/ TOLUENA. Silikon karbida (SiC merupakan keramik non oksida yang memiliki sifat unik seperti ketahanan mekanik, kimia dan stabilitas termal sehingga digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi. Hasil pemodelan SiC dari beberapa studi yang menunjukkan stabilitas yang baik terhadap radiasi netron dan permeabilitas yang rendah terhadap produk fisi. Hal ini meningkatkan ketertarikan penggunaan SiC dalam industri nuklir. Untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik SiC, umumnya dibentuk berupa komposit. Komposit dengan penguat serat menunjukkan karakteristik mekanik yang lebih baik dibandingkan penguat partikel ataupun whisker. Pada komposit SiC, sifat mekanik komposit dominan dipengaruhi oleh sifat antar fasa dan atau karakteristik dari permukaan SiC. Electrospinning merupakan metode yang menjanjikan untuk menghasilkan serat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik permukaan serat silikon karbida hasil pemintalan listrik dari polycarbosilane dalam N,N-dimetilformamida (DMF/ toluena. Perbedaan persentase DMF dan polycarbosilane dalam toluene mempengaruhi elektrospinnabilitas dan karakteristik permukaan serat yang dihasilkan. Serat SiC yang dihasilkan dari prekursor polycarbosilane dengan pelarut toluena dan kopelarut     N-N, dimetilformamida (DMF diperoleh serat kontinu, dengan berbentuk sedikit cekungan menyerupai pita. Adanya titik-titik hitam di permukaan serat hasil pirolisis dimungkinkan akibat adanya karbon bebas dan atau kontaminasi dari grafit material tungku. Serat hasil pirolisis memiliki luas muka sebesar 3,321 – 46,14 m2/g dan pori berukuran mikro, dengan distribusi radius pada rentang 1-3 nm, dengan jumlah pori terbanyak memiliki ukuran kurang dari 2 nm. Suhu pirolisis dan sintering yang lebih tinggi diharapkan menghasilkan serat yang minim pori dan densitasnya mampu mendekati densitas teori.   SiC SURFACE

  8. Posisi Perempuan dalam Tempurung dan Ayu Manda: Dua Novel Karya Perempuan dan Laki­Laki Pengarang Bali

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    Anang Santosa


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan posisi tokoh­tokoh perempuan dalam dua novel karya pengarang Bali-Tempurung dan Ayu Manda dengan pendekatan feminis. Tempurung karya perempuan pengarang, Oka Rusmini, dan Ayu Manda garapan I Made Iwan Darmawan. Kedua novel tersebut sama­sama diterbitkan pada tahun 2010. Kedua novel tersebut dipilih karena sangat kental menyajikan beragam persoalan perempuan. Eksploitasi gender sebagai sebuah konstruk sosial budaya, mengakibatkan timbulnya ketidakadilan­ketidakadilan. Ironisnya, ketidakadilan tersebut mengalami pembiaran akibat ketatnya hegemoni adat dan tatanan dalam masyarakat. Masalah tersebut dimunculkan secara padat dan cepat dalam novel Tempurung dan Ayu Manda. Novel Tempurung menampilkan gambaran perempuan­perempuan yang dihegemoni oleh budaya dan masyarakatnya. Pada novel Ayu Manda yang mengambil latar waktu 1960­an, geliat penolakan terhadap ketidakadilan mulai ditampilkan. Akan tetapi, ketika perempuan mulai berbicara tentang dan terlibat cinta, perempuan akan berhadapan dengan kuasa adat istiadat dan tradisi yang siap memarginalkan tubuhnya jika tidak bersepaham dengannya. Temuan yang didapat dari hasil penelitian ini adalah perempuan­perempuan dalam kedua novel tersebut diposisikan sebagai manusia yang berjenis kelamin berbeda sehingga harus diperlakukan berbeda pula. Abstract: This article aims to describe the position of female characters in two novels written by Balinese writers, Tempurung and Ayu Manda, using feminist approach. Tempurung was written by a female writer, Oka Rusmini, whereas Ayu Manda is a work of I Made Iwan Darmawan. Both novels were published in 2010. The two novels were chosen for strongly presenting various woman issues. Gender exploitation as a sociocultural construction brings about discriminations. Ironically, ironically, those discriminations have been allowed because of a firm hegemony of tradition and social order of society. The issue is solidly and fast


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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The rate of rumen microbial crude protein (MCP supply to the intestines is a crucial element in the current rumen models to predict respond of ruminants to a certain diet. Data from tropical pastures always below predicted results from the existing rumen models. Thus, quantification of the rumen MCP supply from tropical grass will improve predictive rate under tropical feeding conditions. Four Brahman crossbred steers (457±20.1 kg were used in a metabolism study. Pangola grass (Digitaria erianthe cv. Steudal was harvested every morning and fed to the animals soon after. Parameters measured were EMPS, intake, fractional passage rates, and rumen ammonia concentration. The EMPS was estimated using purine derivative excretion in urine. Crude protein and water soluble carbohydrates content were 6.3 and 7.4% of dry matter (DM respectively. DM intake was 1.6% live weight. Average rumen ammonia concentration was 69 mg/L whilst rumen passage rates were 7.84 and 6.92 %/h for fluid and solids respectively. EMPS was only 72 g MCP/kg digestible organic matter. It might be concluded that EMPS in steers consuming green pangola grass was below the minimum level for forage diets adopted in the current feeding standards. ABSTRAK Tingkat pasokan protein mikroba rumen (MCP ke usus halus merupakan salah satu unsur kunci dalam meramal respon pertumbuhan ruminan terhadap ransum tertentu. Data MCP hijauan tropis selalu berada di bawah nilai prediksi model rumen yang dipakai saat ini. Dengan demikian, kuantifikasi pasokan MCP rumput tropis diharapkan menjadi masukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan prediksi model rumen untuk pakan daerah tropis. Empat sapi jantan muda Brahman persilangan (457±20,1 kg digunakan dalam sebuah penelitian metabolisme. Rumput pangola (Digitaria erianthe cv. Steudal dipanen setiap pagi dan langsung diberikan kepada ternak dalam kandang metabolis. Parameter yang diukur adalah produksi MCP dan efisiensi sintesis MCP (Emps, konsumsi, laju

  10. Microbial abundance and diversity in water, and immune parameters of red tilapia reared in bioflocs system with different fish density (25 fish/m3, 50 fish/m3, and 100 fish/m3

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    Frid Agustinus


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe objective of this experiment was to study microbial abundance and diversity in the water, and immune parameters of red tilapia Oreochromis sp. cultured in bioflok system with different fish stocking densities. The experiment comprised of two different factors, carbon source addition (bioflocs and control, and fish stocking density (25 fish/m3, 50 fish/m3, dan 100 fish/m3, with an experimental period of 99 days. Microbial load in water was determined biweekly, whereas immune parameters represented by fish blood profile were measured on day 0, 50, and 90. There was no significant difference in total bacteria count in the water of all treatments; there was however a tendency shown by all treatments that the microbial load in water increased along with the culture period. There were 4 genera of bacteria which particularly found in bioflok system, which are Acinetobacter sp., Corynobacterium sp., Listeria sp., dan Pseudomonas sp, and are suggested to play a role in bioflok formation. The percentage of phagocytic index of fish in bioflok system was higher than that in control, and may indicate that bioflok may stimulate the fish immune system.Keywords: bioflocs, red tilapia, bacteria, blood profile. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kelimpahan dan keragaman jenis bakteri dalam air dan parameter imunitas ikan nila Oreochromis sp. yang dipelihara dalam sistem bioflok dengan kepadatan ikan yang berbeda. Penelitian terdiri atas dua faktor perlakuan yaitu penambahan sumber carbon (bioflok dan kontrol, dan padat penebaran ikan (25 ekor/m3, 50 ekor/m3, dan 100 ekor/m3 dengan lama waktu pemeliharaan ikan selama 99 hari. Kelimpahan bakteri diukur setiap 2 minggu sekali selama masa pemeliharaan. Parameter imunitas meliputi gambaran darah diukur dengan pengambilan contoh darah yang dilakukan pada tiga ekor ikan pada hari ke 0, 50, dan 99. Kelimpahan bakteri pada semua perlakuan pada setiap titik pengamatan tidak menunjukkan

  11. Efek Pemberian Suntikan Subkutan Vitamin C Terhadap Luka Insisi Dermal

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    Surya Darma


    Full Text Available Abstrak Vitamin C berfungsi sebagai kofaktor enzyme prolil dan lysil hydroxilase. Enzym tersebut berfungsi dalam proses hidroksilasi yang membentuk ikatan hidroksiprolin dan hidroksilisin pada fibroblast dalam membentuk kolagen. Selain itu Vitaimin C juga berfungsi meregulasi dan menstabilkan trankripsi gen mRNA prokolagen pada proses pembentukan kolagen di dermis. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, peneliti tertarik untuk membuktikan apakah pemberian vitamin C subkutan disekitar luka insisi dermal berefek pada pembentukan kolagen yang lebih padat dalam proses penyembuhan luka. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan tikus Wistar sebanyak 32 ekor, yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu 16 ekor sebagai kontrol dan 16 ekor lagi sebagai perlakuan. Pada kedua kelompok dilakukan insisi di punggung sepanjang 2 cm. Kelompok perlakuan diberi suntikan vitamin C subkutan disekitar luka insisi dermal sebanyak 9 mg (0,09ml, sedangkan kelompokkontrol tidak diberikan.Pada hari kelima dilakukan pengambilan jaringan luka pada kedua sampel untuk pemeriksaan kepadatan kolagen secara mikroskopik. Hasil:Kepadatan kolagen pada hari kelimamenunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna dari efek penyuntikan vitamin C subkutan terhadap kepadatan kolagen (χ2 = 5,833; P<0,05. Kesimpulan: Penyuntikan vitamin C subkutan disekitar luka insisi dermal efektif dalam meeningkatan kepadatan kolagen. Kata kunci: suntikan vitamin C subkutan, kepadatan kolagen.Abstract Vitamin C functions as enzyme co-factor for prolyl and hidroxylase lysil. The enzyme functions in hydroxylase process that builds hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine bondsin fibroblast in the synthesis of collagen. Besides that, vitamin C also functions in regulating and stabilizing procollagen mRNA gen transcription in dermal collagen synthesis. Based on the facts above, researchers are interested to prove whether subcutaneous injection of vitamin C around dermal insisional wound would result in more compact collagen

  12. Efek Pemberian Suntikan Subkutan Vitamin C Terhadap Luka Insisi Dermal

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    Surya Darma


    Full Text Available Abstrak Vitamin C berfungsi sebagai kofaktor enzyme prolil dan lysil hydroxilase. Enzym tersebut berfungsi dalam proses hidroksilasi yang membentuk ikatan hidroksiprolin dan hidroksilisin pada fibroblast dalam membentuk kolagen. Selain itu Vitaimin C juga berfungsi meregulasi dan menstabilkan trankripsi gen mRNA prokolagen pada proses pembentukan kolagen di dermis. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, peneliti tertarik untuk membuktikan apakah pemberian vitamin C subkutan disekitar luka insisi dermal berefek pada pembentukan kolagen yang lebih padat dalam proses penyembuhan luka. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan tikus Wistar sebanyak 32 ekor, yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu 16 ekor sebagai kontrol dan 16 ekor lagi sebagai perlakuan. Pada kedua kelompok dilakukan insisi di punggung sepanjang 2 cm. Kelompok perlakuan diberi suntikan vitamin C subkutan disekitar luka insisi dermal sebanyak 9 mg (0,09ml, sedangkan kelompokkontrol tidak diberikan.Pada hari kelima dilakukan pengambilan jaringan luka pada kedua sampel untuk pemeriksaan kepadatan kolagen secara mikroskopik. Hasil:Kepadatan kolagen pada hari kelimamenunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna dari efek penyuntikan vitamin C subkutan terhadap kepadatan kolagen (χ2 = 5,833; P<0,05. Kesimpulan: Penyuntikan vitamin C subkutan disekitar luka insisi dermal efektif dalam meeningkatan kepadatan kolagen. Kata kunci: suntikan vitamin C subkutan, kepadatan kolagen. Abstract Vitamin C functions as enzyme co-factor for prolyl and hidroxylase lysil. The enzyme functions in hydroxylase process that builds hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine bondsin fibroblast in the synthesis of collagen. Besides that, vitamin C also functions in regulating and stabilizing procollagen mRNA gen transcription in dermal collagen synthesis. Based on the facts above, researchers are interested to prove whether subcutaneous injection of vitamin C around dermal insisional wound would result in more compact collagen


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    Hasnawi Hasnawi


    Full Text Available Tambak teknologi super-intensif tidak memerlukan lahan budidaya yang luas, produksi yang tinggi dimungkinkan dengan padat tebar tinggi dan input teknologi. Keberhasilan teknologi ini sangat ditentukan oleh lokasi budidaya yang tepat, infrastruktur yang memadai dan memenuhi standar, dilengkapi instalasi pengolahan air limbah (IPAL, serta dukungan faktor sosial yang menjadi penentu penerapan dan keberlanjutannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan lokasi potensial pengembangan tambak super-intensif di kawasan pesisir Kabupaten Barru Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Pada tahap awal, kawasan pesisir yang potensial diidentifikasi melalui analisis elevasi lahan dari citra satelit Aster GDEM dan penggunaan lahan dari data Google Earth. Selanjutnya faktor sosial berupa potensi konflik dengan penggunaan lahan saat ini menjadi data awal yang dikumpulkan sebelum dilakukan pengukuran variabel lain. Variabel yang diobservasi langsung antara lain; elevasi lahan, tekstur tanah, ketersediaan infrastruktur pendukung, pasang surut, penggunaan lahan saat ini, dan kualitas perairan dilakukan di sekitar lokasi potensial terpilih. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengaplikasikan sistem informasi geografis (SIG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lokasi potensial dijumpai di Desa Pancana Kecamatan Tanete Rilau dengan luas kawasan sekitar 17,5 ha. Variabel yang diidentifikasi menjadi pembatas utama untuk pengembangan tambak super-intensif di kawasan tersebut adalah elevasi lahan dan keberadaan potensi konflik dengan penggunaan lahan saat ini. A super-intensive pond technology does not require extensive land cultivation, however the high production is expected from its ability to increase stocking density particularly for vannamei species. The success of this technology is highly depend upon proper site selection, availability of supporting infrastructure, the availability of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP, and supporting of social factor determining the implementation

  14. MEKANISME PRODUKSI MINYAK SEL TUNGGAL DENGAN SISTEM FERMENTASI PADAT PADA MEDIA ONGGOK-AMPAS TAHU DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN KAPANG ASPERGILLUS TERREUS [The Production Mechanism of Single Cell Oil from Aspergillus terreus in a Solid Fermentation System Using a Mixture of Tapioca and Tofu Waste Media

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    Tati Sukarti


    Full Text Available Fat is an important nutrient for health. Considering the ever-increasing annual demand for cooking oil as a result of the rapid increase in population new sources of poly-unsaturated fats must be searched for.One potential source is the Single Cell Oil (SCO; production of SCO does not require vast areas of land, production time is relatively short and is not affected by enviromental conditions. Moreover, product synthesis and production volume can be easily controlled; Moreover, the tri-acyl-glyceral produced contain essential fatty acids, i.e linoleic and linolenic acid.The objectives of this research was to study the influence of two mold strains of A. terreus and the C/N ratio of the growth medium consisting of cassava atarch and tofu processing waste on SCO production.This research consisted of two parts. The first part was a study on keeping methods of pure cultures of A. terreus, preparation of starter cultures, isolation of mold from the starter culture and preparation of fermentation media. The second part of the research was fermentation of A. terreus strain FNOC 6039 and FNOC 6040 on solid media made of tapioca and tofu waste having C/N ratios of 25/1, 30/1, 35/1, 40/1 and 45/1. Post-fermentation observations on the growth medium slabs consisted of moisture, starch, total sugars and protein content and SCO production.Both strain of A. terreus and C/N ratio affected moisture, starch, total sugars and protein content of the growth media. The A. terreus FNOC 6040 strain growth on a medium with C/N ratio of 45/1 was the most potential oil producer, i.e. 14,63% crude SCO. The oil was brownish yellow in color and has a slightly fishy aroma.

  15. High Discharge Rate Electrodeposited Zinc Electrode for Use in Alkaline Microbattery

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    A. L. Nor Hairin


    saduran zink. Saduran zink kemudiannya dijadikan elektrod bagi bateri mikro zink-udara beralkali dengan saiz 1 cm2 luas x ca. 305 µm tebal. Penggunaan membran tak organik MCM-41 membolehkan pembuatan sel dengan rekabentuk padat. Kualiti elektrod saduran zink telah dinilai secara lansung daraipada prestasi elektrokimia sel zink-udara. Saduran zink yang disediakan daripada takungan elektrolit 2 M NH4Cl menghasilkan kapasiti discas tertinggi.KEY WORDS (keyword:  Zinc electrodeposition, High discharge rate electrode, MCM-41 separator, Zinc-air cell and Alkaline microbattery.

  16. Desain dan Uji Kinerja Fungsional Sistem Penggerak dan Kendali ROVERGARD

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    Moh Fikri Pomalingo


    Full Text Available Abstract The high population rate has an impact on increasing of land function change from agricultural land become housing and commercial building. As a result, it is difficult to get land for planting in the urban area. Therefore, this research is aimed to design equipment that can be used for planting in the narrow land using vertical gardening. This paper will report about design and functional testing of drive and control system on ROVERGARD. Drive system is based on water pump with additional gear train and chainsprocket mechanism. Control system use was on open loop type based on timer. The performance test of drive system was focused on electrical energy consumption and rotational speed of the system that was measured by multifunctional mini ammeter and tachometer. The control system was tested during 4 days, to evaluate their performances between set point and actual timing while filling water tank and rotate the system at maximal load condition. Electrical power consumption was 208 W at average rotational speed 2703 rpm. Increasing load caused an increase of energy consumption but made the drive rotation decline. The position control performance had on position error around 50 cm. Consequently, setting time on timer must be adjusted. Abstrak Laju pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi, mengakibatkan tingginya alih fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi bangunan perumahan dan komersial. Masalah ini mengakibatkan sulitnya mencari lahan pertanian di daerah padat penduduk khususnya perkotaan. Oleh karena itu perlu dirancang sebuah alat yang dapat digunakan untuk bercocok tanam di lahan sempit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendesain dan menguji sistem penggerak dan kendali pada ROVERGARD. Sistem penggerak berasal dari pompa air yang dimodifikasi. Sedangkan sistem kendali menggunakan tipe open loop berbasis waktu dimana timer sebagai komponen utamanya. Pengujian kinerja penggerak difokuskan pada konsumsi listrik dan rpm yang diukur menggunakan


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    Gunarto Gunarto


    Full Text Available Aplikasi dosis probiotik yang tepat menjadi satu di antara penentu utama dalam peningkatan produksi udang di tambak, karena berkaitan dengan kemampuannya mengurai limbah organik sisa pakan dan sisa metabolisme udang yang dibudidayakan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan dosis fermentasi probiotik yang berbeda pada pertumbuhan, sintasan, produksi udang, nilai rasio konversi pakan, dan kualitas air tambak budidaya intensif udang vaname di tambak. Enam unit tambak masing-masing ukuran 4.000 m2 ditebari benur vaname PL-10 dengan padat tebar 50 ekor/m2. Pakan diberikan dengan dosis 2,5%-100% dari total biomassa udang dengan frekuensi 2–4 kali/hari selama pemeliharaan 105 hari. Tiga dosis berbeda dari aplikasi fermentasi probiotik komersial dijadikan perlakuan, yaitu A. 1 mg/L/minggu, B. 3 mg/L/minggu, dan C. 5 mg/L/minggu. Masing-masing perlakuan dengan dua ulangan. Aplikasi fermentasi probiotik di tambak dilakukan setiap minggu sekali dan dimulai seminggu sebelum tebar hingga mendekati waktu panen. Sampling pertumbuhan dan kualitas air (amoniak, nitrit, nitrat, fosfat, bahan organik total (BOT, klorofil-a, total bakteri Vibrio sp. dan total bakteri dilakukan setiap dua minggu sekali. Pengamatan fluktuasi oksigen terlarut di air tambak selama 24 jam dilakukan pada hari ke-43, 60, dan 90. Sintasan, produksi, dan nilai konversi pakan dihitung setelah udang dipanen. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari perlakuan, maka data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT apabila terjadi perbedaan yang nyata. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian nampak bahwa dosis 5 mg/L fermentasi probiotik, mampu menghasilkan sintasan yang lebih baik dan juga efisien dalam pemanfaatan pakan, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai Rasio Konversi Pakan lebih rendah apabila dibandingkan dengan nilai Rasio Konversi Pakan yang diperoleh pada dosis fermentasi probiotik 3 dan 1 mg/L, meskipun demikian


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    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan kawasan rawan gempa. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari kondisi letak geografis Indonesia, bahwa Indonesia merupakan tempat bertemunya 4 lempeng dunia yaitu, lempeng Indo-Australia, lempeng Eurasia, lempeng Filipina dan lempeng Pasific. Bukti lainnya adalah banyaknya jumlah gunung berapi yang aktif di Indonesia. Jika mendesain sebuah bangunan pada lokasi tanah yang dominan pasir, maka salah satu bahaya yang dihadapi adalah likuifaksi. Likuifaksi adalah suatu kondisi berubahnya perilaku tanah dari padat menjadi cair akibat adanya getaran atau beban sklik. Salah satu penyebab dapat terjadinya likuifaksi adalah gempa. Maka jika mendesain bangunan yang berada pada kondisi tanah pasir serta daerah gempa tinggi, harus dilakukan analisa zona likuifaksi. Saat ini terdapat sebuah proyek pembangunan hotel di Pantai Malimbu, Lombok. Proyek tersebut berada di tanah dominan pasir dan juga termasuk daerah dengan resiko gempa tinggi. Pada perencanaan yang telah dilakukan, pihak perencana tidak melakukan analisa terhadap zona likuifaksi dan pengurangan daya dukung pondasi tiang pancang akibat dari likuifaksi. Untuk menangggulangi adanya bahaya akibat likuifaksi, hanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan angka keamanan (safety factor = 5. Pada tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan perencanaan pondasi tiang pancang dengan membandingkan kondisi likuifaksi dan kondisi tidak likuifaksi. Perencanaan pondasi dilakukan terhadap 4 kondisi. Kondisi 1 adalah kondisi eksisting proyek, dimana tidak meninjau terhadap kemungkinan likuifaksi, meninjau beban gempa, dan safety factor = 5. Kondisi 2 adalah kondisi dimana meninjau kemungkinan likufaksi dan penggunaan safety factor = 1.5. Kondisi 3 adalah kondisi tidak meninjau adanya kemungkinan likuifaksi, meninjau beban gempa dan safety factor = 2. Kondisi 4 adalah kondisi tidak meninjau kemungkinan likuifaksi, tidak meninjau beban gempa dan safety factor = 3. Struktur bangunan atas akan di modelkan dengan program bantu SAP

  19. Thermal capacity of ternary oxide YBa[sub 2]Cu[sub 3]O[sub 7-y] in 300-1100 K interval. Teploemkost' trojnogo oksida YBa[sub 2]Cu[sub 3]O[sub 7-y] v intervale 300-1100 K

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharpataya, G A; Ozerova, Z P; Kolnovalova, I A; Lazarev, V B; Shaplygin, I S [AN SSSR, Moscow (Russian Federation). Inst. Obshchej i Neorganicheskoj Khimii


    Thermal capacity of YBa[sub 2]Cu[sub 3]O[sub 7-y] samples with different thermal prehistory is measured using a differential scanning calorimeter within 300-1100 K interval. It is shown that the combination of thermal capacity temperature dependence curves in these samples demonstrates reversibility and temperature limits of oxygen absorption and release processes with the corresponding changes of the formular index by oxygen from 6.85-6.90 to 6.35 and vice versa. Thermal capacity anomaly, corresponding to the reversible structural transition from orthorhombic to tetragonal phase with the simultaneous oxygen loss is observed within 630-1000 K interval.

  20. Utilization of cinnamon Cinnamomum burmannii leaves and shrimp head in the feed on growth performance of catfish Pangasianodon hypopthalmus

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    Suclyadi Dairun


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTCatfish farming has confronted with the problem of slow growth to reach the fillet size and less tender of fish fillets. This study aimed to investigate the effect of cinnamon leaf flour and shrimp head flour in formulated diets on growth of catfish Pangasianodon hypopthalamus. Catfish with an initial weight of 207.04 ± 2.70 g/fish reared in 12 cages with a dimension of  2×1×1.5 m3 (L×W×H  and its fish density was 15 fishes for 60 days. Fish were fed with following experimental diets: (1 Control; (2 cinnamon leaf (1% (CL; (3 45% of protein source from shrimp head (SH; (4 CL+SH mix.  The fishes fed twice a day with feeding rate 3.5% of fish biomass. The study found that the use of cinnamon leaf and shrimp head increased the specific growth rate 1.67-1.70%, the feed efficiency 57.55-57.67%, and protein retention 55.61% compared to its control (P<0.05. Triglyceride level, cholesterol, and blood HDL were 416.00-524.05 mg/dL, 139.65-156.68 mg/dL, 73.18-103.70 mg/dL (P>0.05, respectively. HSI value ranged between 0.3-1.9% compared to its control (P<0.05.Keywords: Cinnamomum burmannii, feed, growth, Pangasianodon hypopthalmus, shrimp head.  ABSTRAKBudidaya ikan patin dihadapkan pada permasalahan pertumbuhan dan kualitas daging yaitu pertumbuhan yang lambat untuk mencapai ukuran fillet serta tekstur daging kurang kompak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh penggunaan tepung daun kayu manis dan tepung kepala udang dalam pakan terhadap pertumbuhan ikan patin Pangasianodon hypopthalmus. Ikan patin dengan bobot 207,04 ± 2,70 g/ekordipelihara selama 60 hari di hapa sebanyak 12 buah (berukuran 2×1×1,5 m3dengan padat tebar 15 ekor/jaring. Ikan diberi pakan perlakuan yang terdiri dari: (1 Kontrol; (2 daun kayu manis 1% (DKM; (3 45% sumber protein dari kepala udang (TKU; dan (4 campuran DKM+TKU. Pemberian pakan sebanyak 2 kali sehari dengan feeding rate 3,5% dari biomassa ikan. Hasil dari penelitian penggunaan daun kayu manis

  1. Pengaruh waktu kontak terhadap kualitas sambungan hasil las gesek (Friction Welding Magnesium AZ-31

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    Solihin Solihin


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Pengelasan merupakan salah suatu proses penyambungan dua atau lebih bahan teknik, dengan atau tanpa peroses pencairan logam dasarnya. Teknologi Las Gesek (Friction Welding, FW merupakan salah satu teknik pengelasan padat atau pengelasan tanpa proses pencairan (solid-state welding. Pembangkitan panas dalam proses FW dihasilkan dengan cara menggesekkan permukaan material las (base metal hingga mencapai temperatur penyambungannya (semi-solid temperature atau sekitar 80% dari temperature cair bahan, dan dalam hal Magnesium AZ31 adalah sekitar temperatur 5500C. Setelah bahan mencapai temperatur semi-solid tersebut, kemudian diberi tekanan agar terjadi proses penyambungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi proses terhadap kualitas hasil pengelasan gesek, yang meliputi: kekuatan tarik, struktur makro, dan nilai kekerasan bahan hasil las. Parameter pengujiannya adalah variasi waktu kontak las, yaitu selama 3, 5, dan 10 menit. Kecepatan putar spindle selama proses pengelasan ditetapkan 1400 rpm. Hasil pengelasan menunjukkan bahwa waktu kontak gesek 3 menit menghasilkan kekuatan tarik tertinggi (16,78 MPa, bila dibandingkan dengan dua parameter lain. Hasil uji keras pada daerah las (stir zone menunjukkan angka kekerasan rata-rata yang relative konsisten, atau sebesar 60 HRE untuk semua parameter, sedangkan angka kekerasan rata-rata di daerah terpengaruh panas (heat affected zone, HAZ untuk waktu kontak gesek 3, 5 dan 10 menit secara berturut-turut adalah sebesar 69,6; 64,6; dan 60,6 HRE. Hasil penelitian awal ini memberikan potensi studi lanjutan pada berbagai parameter pengelasan lain agar didapatkan kualitas sambungan las gesek yang optimum untuk proses pengelasan gesek Magnesium AZ-31. Kata Kunci: Las gesek, Magnesium AZ-31, struktur makro, cacat void. Abstract: Welding is a process technology aiming to join two or more materials. Friction Welding (FW is including in a solid-state technology cluster, where the heat is

  2. ANALISIS DIAZINON SECARA DIFERENSIAL PULSA VOLTAMETRI DIBANDINGKAN DENGAN KROMATOGRAFI (Diazinon Analysis with Differential Pulse Voltametry Compared to Chromatography

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    Pirim Setiarso


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian penentuan diazinon dari sampel tanah pertanian di beberapa kecamatan Kabupaten Nganjuk Jawa Timur menggunakan elektroda kerja tembaga amalgam padat (CuSAE secara diferensial pulsa voltametri (DPV dibandingkan dengan metode kromatografi. 100 g sampel tanah pertanian yang dihaluskan dengan ukuran 100 mesh diekstraksi menggunakan aseton. Ekstraksi dilakukan menggunakan ekstraktror soxhlet dengan 10 kali sirkulasi. Hasil ekstraksi sebagian ditambahkan surfaktan SDS untuk dianalisis secara voltametri menggunakan elektroda CuSAE dan sebagian dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (HPLC. Analisis voltametri dilakukan pada pH 3 dengan elektrolit pendukung CaCl 2 menggunakan standar adisi, sedangkan analisis dengan HPLC menggunakan grafik standar. Berdasarkan data voltamogram dan kromatogram yang telah diolah dengan program origin 7.0 menghasilkan perolehan kembali rata-rata diazinon (97.40 ± 1.02 % pada voltametri dan (100.98 ± 7.10 % pada HPLC. Analisis diazinon kedua metode dibandingkan dengan uji t (t hitung = 0.4785 < t tabel = 2.31 sehingga tidak ada perbedaan hasil antara metode voltametri dan HPLC. ABSTRACT The research has been done for determination of diazinon in agricultural soil samples from several districts n Nganjuk, East Java . Solid copper amalgam (CuSAE used  as a working electrode using differential ulse voltammetry (DPV compared with chromatographic method. Around 100 g sample of agricultural soil ith a size 100 mesh was extracted using 100 ml acetone. The extraction was done using extractor oxhlet with 10 times the circulation. A part of the extraction  yield  was  added SDS surfactant for analysis by DPV,  and another part analyzed  by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC. Voltammetric analysis carried out at pH 3 with CaCl2 as a supporting electrolyte   using standard addition method, while the analysis by HPLC using calibration curve (standard


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    Wasilah Wasilah


    Full Text Available Abstrak—Pasar Tradisional selama ini kebanyak terkesan kumuh, kotor, semraut dan setrusnya yang merupakan stigma buruk yang dimilikinya. Pasar Tradisional Lelong yang berada di Kecamatan Mariso (Jl. Rajawali yang sudah lama dan masih aktif sampai sekarang selalu dipadati oleh pengunjung sehingga mengakibatkan kemacetan di kawasan sekitar pasar terlebih lagi pada waktu-waktu akhir pekan. Ruang parkir kendaraan dan ornag-orang tumpah menjadi satu memenuhi jalanan di kawasan sekitar tapak, mereka harus berbagi berebut space yang sudah sangat kecil yang tidak dapat menampung keseluruhan pedagang yang berada di pasar tersebut sehingga badan jalan juga digunakan sebagai tempat parkir maupun ajang transaksi. Tujuan perancangan ini adalah menyusun suatu acuan perancangan yang dapat menjadi panduan dalam merancang pasar tradisional dengan penataan modern yang efektif dan efisien yang siap ditransformasikan dalam program perancangan fisik bangunan. Hasil dari laporan ini  meninjau hal-hal yang spesifik dari bangunan, berupa syarat-syarat perencanaan yang meliputi konsep pengolahan tapak, bentuk bagunan, struktur bangunan, material bangunan, penataan ruang dalam dengan menganalisa permasalahan dan potensi yang ada pada pasar berdasarkan prinsip arsitektur modern. Kata kunci: Pasar Tradisional, Padat, Penataan Modern.     Abstract-During the time traditional markets is empressed dirty, filthy, disorganized and so on, which has a bad stigma. Traditional Market Lelong in Mariso (Jl. Rajawali is still exist and active longer with always crowded by the visitors that caused traffic jam around the market especially on the weekend. Vehicle parking spaces and people spilled into the streets at around site, they should share the very small space that can not accommodate the all traders are in the market so that the road is also used as a parking lot or transaction event. The purpose of this design is to develop a reference design that can be a guide in

  4. The concentration of optimum dissolved oxygen levels for growth of mangrove crab Scylla serrata seed in recirculation system

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    Kurnia Faturrohman


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine optimum dissolved oxygen (DO through the addition of aeration and to evaluate the role of dissolved oxygen on production performance and stress responses of mangrove crab Scylla serrata. Experimental design used was complete randomized design with four treatments namely no aeration (A, one point aeration (B, two points aeration (C, and three points aeration (D. All treatments replicated three times. The crab with the average of body weight 45.6±2.1 g/individual cultured in a plastic box (40×30×30 cm3. The stocking densities was 10 crab/box. Crab was cultured within 42 days and were fed two times a day by restricted method (15% of the total biomass. The result showed that C treatment produced 5.51 mg/L dissolved oxygen and gave the best result of mangrove crabs production performance  with 60% survival, 0.83±0.03 g/day absolute growth rate and food conversion ratio 1.1. It also showed good response to the stress that indicated by the cortisol level (10.159 µg/dL. The best results of coefficient of diversity showed by D treatment that was 13.5%. The water quality during study period was fluctuative as affected by different dissolved oxygen value. Keyword: mangrove crabs, dissolved oxygen, production performance  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan kadar oksigen terlarut (OT atau dissolved oxygen (DO yang optimum melalui penentuan titik aerasi serta mengevalusi peranan oksigen terlarut terhadap kinerja produksi dan respons stres kepiting bakau Scylla serrata. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan empat pelakuan (penambahan titik aerasi dengan rincian A, tidak menggunakan titik aerasi; B, satu titik aerasi; C, dua titik aerasi dan D, tiga titik aerasi dan tiga ulangan. Kepiting bakau yang digunakan memiliki berat rata-rata 45,6±2,1 g/ekor dengan padat tebar 10 ekor/wadah. Wadah yang digunakan selama pemeliharaan adalah bak fiber plastik yang berukuran 40

  5. Perencanaan Penerapan Konsep Zero run-off dan Agroforestri Berdasarkan Kajian Debit Sungai di Sub DAS Belik, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Arnellya Fitri


    Full Text Available Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS Belik merupakan salah satu Daerah Tampungan Air (DTA yang berada di daerah perkotaan Kabupaten Sleman. Akibat alih fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi lahan pemukiman yang padat menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya area resapan air hujan. Kurangnya area resapan air hujan menyebabkan kapasitas saluran drainase Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS Belik pada saat hujan  tidak mampu menampung air sehingga banjir di sekitar saluran drainase terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan solusi dengan menggunakan konsep zero run-off  dalam upaya  mencegah genangan banjir di perkotaan yang kurang memiliki ruang terbuka hijau dan area resapan air hujan. Kajian debit banjir yang dilakukan pada sungai Belik menggunakan metode rasional dan metode SCS CN yaitu metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan debit puncak pada satu kejadian hujan. Perhitungan debit diperlukan untuk mengetahui besar limpasan maksimum pada drainase saluran DAS Belik. Metode hidrograf  SCS CN  menggunakan parameter tekstur tanah, tebal hujan, CN wilayah, retensi potensial maksimum air oleh tanah, dan kedalaman hujan efektif. Sedangkan metode rasional menggunakan parameter koefesien aliran, intensitas hujan, dan luas daerah pengaliran dalam menghitung debit limpasan. Keseluruhan hasil perhitungan kedua metode melebihi besar debit pengukuran langsung menggunakan Metode Slope Area, artinya keseluruhan hasil menunjukkan banjir atau limpasan permukaan yang melebihi kapasitas drainase.Kata kunci. Limpasan permukaan, metode SCS CN, metode rasional, zero run-off Belik Watershed is one of the Water Catchment Areas  located in urban areas of Sleman District. Land conversion from agricultural to residential area cause the descending of rain water catchment area. Lack of rain water catchment area can cause drainage channel capacity of Belik sub zone cannot hold rain water, so that flooding occurred around the drainage channel. The aim of this research is to give a way out to

  6. Amsal al-Qur’an: Sebuah Kajian Dalam Psikologi Pendidikan Islam

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    Fitriah M. Suud


    Full Text Available Al-Qur’an memiliki cabang ilmu yang beraneka ragam di dalamnya, salah satunya adalah amsal al-Qur’an, ilmu ini memuat perumpamaan-perumpamaan tentang berbagai hal yang sarat dengan makna dan hikmah yang besar. Amsal al-Qur’an merupakan penyampaian gagasan-gagasan dengan bahasa yang padat dan  indah, menghadirkan sesuatu yang abstrak seolah-olah dapat diindrakan oleh manusia, yang sulit difahami dan dibayangkan menjadi hal yang mudah dicerna dan menjadi kongkrit. Hal ini kemudian menjadi pelajaran besar bagi orang yang mau mengkajinya. Para pendidik di kalangan Islam bisa menjadikan amsal al-Qur’an sebagai contoh yang sangat berharga dalam dunia pendidikan baik dari segi tujuan, materi, metode maupun media yang digunakan. Secara garis besar, amtsal al-Qur’an terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu amsal Musharrah, amsal Kaminah, dan amsal Mursalah. Dalam perkembangan ilmu tafsir, amsal memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap perkembangan berfikir umat Islam dalam mendalami dan memahami Al Qur’an. Ayat - ayat Al-Qur’an yang mengandung amsal, mengandung manfaat dalam pendidikan dan juga kejiwaan. Selain itu amsal al-Qur-an juga tidak sepi dari nilai-nilai psikologi baik psikologi umum maupun psikologi pendidikan Islam. Makalah ini akan menyampaikan amsal al-Qur’an dalam kaitannya dengan psikologi dan nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terkandung di dalamnya. Kata Kunci : Amsal  al-Qur’an, Psikologi, Pendidikan.  Al-Quran has many diverse branches of science within, one of them is the proverb of al-Quran. This science contains parables a lot of things that are fully loaded with meaning and great wisdom. The proverbs of the Qur'an are the transmissions of ideas in a dense and beautiful language, presenting something abstract as if it could be induced by human beings, the difficult to understand and to imagine easily becomes digested and concrete. This case then becomes a big lesson for people who want to study it. Educators in Islamic

  7. Pengaruh Penambahan Gula dan Karagenan Terhadap Mutu Jelly Mentimun

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    Kamsina Kamsina


    Full Text Available Jelly is a semi-solid form of snacks made from fruit juice which is cooked with sugar. Vegetables and fruits Jelly are a drink that is made from natural ingredients such as cucumber jelly maker given additional flour as a thickener, cane sugar as a sweetener, salt and citric acid. Cucumber jelly contains elements of nutritional and functional, efficacious for preventing high blood pressure, digestive cleanse, rejuvenate the skin and others. The purpose of this study to provide an alternative of cucumber processing became cucumber jelly and to increase the added value and shelf life of cucumbers processed products. Research design used a completely randomized design (CRD in factorial used to see the effect of adding sugar 40%, and 30% as well as the addition of carrageenan treatment variations 1% and 0.75%. The results showed that the addition of sugar 30% and 1% carrageenan gave jelly yield of cucumber preferred organoleptic taste, aroma, color and texture was favored on the organoleptic, whereas treatment of sugar concentration 40% and 1% carrageenan gave the highest results for sugar 22.99%, 44.99% moisture content, ash content 0.99%. All treatments showed no contamination of Cu, Sn, As and Pb, for microbial contamination such as Fungus / Yeast and Total Plate Count undetectable (<10 colonies / g as well as Coliform bacteria <2 APM / g as well as shelflife for 3 months at storage temperature conditions 5 - 10 degC.ABSTRAKJelly adalah sejenis makanan ringan berbentuk semi padat yang terbuat dari sari buah-buahan yang dimasak dengan gula. Jelly sayuran adalah minuman  yang dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami seperti mentimun yang diberi tambahan tepung pembuat jelly sebagai pengental, gula tebu  sebagai pemanis, garam dan asam sitrat. Jelly mentimun mengandung unsur nutrisi dan bersifat fungsional, berkhasiat untuk mencegah darah tinggi, membersihkan pencernaan, meremajakan kulit dan lain-lain. Penelitiani ini bertujuan untuk memberikan alternatif

  8. Karakterizacija vakuum plazma naprskane kobalt-nikal-hrom-aluminijum-itrijum prevlake

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    Mihailo R. Mrdak


    -217. Aluminijum u legurama CoNiCrAlY formira β(Co,NiAl fazu koja služi kao rezervoar za obnavljanje zaštitnog oksida α - Al2O3. Legure na bazi Co sa aluminijumom proizvode β - CoAl fazu koja poboljšava otpornost legure na  sulfidizaciju i β - NiAl fazu koja poboljšava otpornost legure na visoko temperaturnu oksidacionu. Prevlake CoNiCrAlY često se deponuju plazma sprej postupkom u vakuumu (VPS. Glavna razlika je što se proces izvodi u vakuumu bez prisustva vazduha uz nizak pritisak u veoma čistim uslovima i uz primenu transferovanog luka za čišćenje površine substrata.  U deponovanom stanju mikrostruktura CoNiCrAlY prevlake se sastoji od dve faze γ i β. γ faza je čvrst rastvor Co, Ni i Cr.  β (Co,NiAl faza je formirana od β - CoAl faze i β - NiAl faze. Prisutna β faza i njen udeo u strukturi je od suštinskog značaja za zaštitu CoNiCrAlY prevlake. Radni vek CoNiCrAlY prevlake u uslovima oksidacije je u direktnoj vezi sa količinom β faze. Stabilnost β(Co,NiAl faze se smanjuje na visokim temperaturama zbog difuzije Al. Cheruvu i Mobarra sa saradnicima (Cheruvu, et al., 2000, pp.50 - 54, (Mobarra, et al., 2006, pp.2202-2207 su ustanovili da na visokim temperaturama Al iz β faze popunjava oksidni sloj na površini prevlake i siromaši β fazu sa Al. Izlaganjem CoNiCrAlY legure na 1100°C se na površini formira TGO zona sa zaštitnim oksidnim slojem α - Al2O3. U zoni blizu zaštitnog oksidnog sloja α - Al2O3 nije prisutna β-(Ni,CoAl faza jer je površinski sloj osiromašio sa Al (Nicholls, Bennett, 2000, pp.413-428. Samo mala količina Al ostaje u regionima bogatim (Ni,Co (Leea, 2005, pp,239 - 242. U ovom području egzistira β - zona iscrpljena sa Al, koja se nalazi ispod gornjeg oksidnog TGO sloja. Debljina β - iscrpljene zone se povećava dužim izlaganjem legure na visokoj temperaturi zbog potrošnje aluminijuma i rasta TGO sloja (Nicholls, Bennett, 2000, pp.413-428. U TGO zoni, pored oksida α - Al2O3, su prisutna i spinel jedinjenja kao


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    Adang Saputra


    Full Text Available Permasalahan yang dihadapi pembudidaya ikan dengan sistem intensif adalah meningkatnya limbah yang terakumulasi pada air dan sedimen. Limbah budidaya ikan pada umumnya berupa padatan dan nutrien terlarut pada air terutama nitrogen dan fosfor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji distribusi nitrogen total dan fosfor total pada budidaya ikan gabus secara intensif yang diberi eceng gondok Eichhornia crassipes dan probiotik (Pseudomonas aeruginosa dan Achromobacter insuavis. Penelitian dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan pemberian kombinasi eceng gondok dan probiotik (A, pemberian eceng gondok (B, dan pemberian probiotik (C, masing-masing perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Benih ikan gabus yang digunakan berukuran panjang 14,74 ± 0,01 cm dan bobot 25,53 ± 0,09 g dengan padat tebar 175 ekor/kolam (50 ekor/m3. Selama 90 hari masa pemeliharaan, ikan gabus diberi pakan berupa pelet dengan kandungan protein sekitar 30%. Jumlah pemberian pakan 5% dari biomassa dengan frekuensi pemberian empat kali dalam sehari (pagi, siang, sore, dan malam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nitrogen dan fosfor pada budidaya ikan gabus terdistribusi pada eceng gondok, sedimen, air, dan ikan. Eceng gondok menyerap nitrogen dan fosfor paling tinggi (P<0,05 dibandingkan air, ikan, dan sedimen. Laju pertumbuhan spesifik bobot (4,37 ± 0,01%/hari dan biomassa (1,88 ± 0,01 g ikan gabus tertinggi dicapai pada pemberian kombinasi eceng gondok dan probiotik. Hasil ini dapat dijadikan landasan untuk pengelolaan limbah nitrogen dan fosfor pada budidaya ikan gabus secara intensif. One of the problems in intensive aquaculture system is the the accumulation of waste in the water and sediment. Aquaculture wastes are discharged into the water in form of solids and dissolved nutrients which mostly consisted of nitrogen and phosphorus. The purpose of this study was to study the dynamics of total nitrogen and phosphorus in an intensive aquaculture media supplied with water

  10. ISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI JAMUR PENDEGRADASI ZAT PEWARNA TEKSTIL (Isolation and Characterization of dye-degrading Fungi

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    Erni Martani


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Industri tekstil tidak saja menghasilkan sandang yang merupakan kebutuhan primer manusia, tetapi juga mengeluarkan limbah yang berpotensi sebagai penyebab pencemaran lingkungan. Komponen utama limbah industri ini adalah berbagai jenis zat pewarna tekstil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat-isolat jamur yang mampu mendegradasi beberapa jenis zat pewarna tekstil. Isolasi dilakukan menggunakan metode surface plating di atas medium Potato Dextrose Agar, dan seleksi kemampuan degradasi pewarna berdasarkan atas toleransi terhadap konsentrasi zat pewarna, serta besar dan kecepatan dekolorisasi beberapa jenis zat pewarna. Sebagai parameter awal digunakan enam zat pewarna tekstil. Isolat-isolat unggul kemudian diidentifikasi awal berdasar atas morfologi mikroskopis terhadap miseliumnya. Dalam penelitian ini juga digunakan beberapa kultur murni jamur pembusuk putih sebagai pembanding. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan limbah cair dan padat beberapa industri tekstil dan industri pulp & paper, tanah gambut dari Kalimantan Tengah dan Riau, tanah sekitar Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Akhir, serta tanah seresah hutan. Dari berbagai sumber tersebut diperoleh 101 isolat jamur. Uji dekolorisasi kualitatif terhadap 6 zat pewarna menghasilkan 6 isolat unggul yang mampu mendekolorisasi lebih dari tiga jenis pewarna dengan kecepatan relatif tinggi. Masing-masing isolat unggul memiliki spesifikasi dalam daya dekolorisasi terhadap ke 6 jenis pewarna. Identifikasi awal terhadap isolat unggul menunjukkan bahwa mereka berasal dari genus Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Penicillium dan Stachybotrys. Sedangkan uji terhadap kultur jamur pembusuk putih sebagai pembanding menghasilkan 2 kultur unggul, yaitu: Phanerochaete chrysosporium dan Pleurotus ostreatus. Secara umum kemampuan dekolorisasi isolat-isolat jamur kebanyakan masih di bawah kemampuan kedua kultur murni tersebut, namun beberapa isolat justru memiliki kemampuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan kultur pembanding

  11. Desain Pabrik Synthetic Gas (Syngas dari Gasifikasi Batu Bara Kualitas Rendah sebagai Pasokan Gas PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja

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    Toto Iswanto


    Full Text Available Menurut data dari Kementrian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM tahun 2013, cadangan gas bumi Indonesia saat ini sebesar 170 TSCF dan akan habis dalam kurun waktu 59 tahun, dengan estimasi tidak ada peningkatan atau penurunan produksi. Di lain pihak, industri-industri kimia di Indonesia, semisal industri pupuk, sangat mengandalkan pasokan gas alam sebagai bahan baku pupuk maupun sumber energi. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi industri pupuk dewasa ini adalah kurangnya pasokan gas alam untuk proses produksi. Di PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja misalnya, kebutuhan gas alam rata-rata untuk proses produksi amonia dan urea mencapai 225 MMSCFD. Namun, pasokan gas dari Pertamina selalu kurang dari jumlah tersebut. Karena selalu berulang, maka hal ini akan mengganggu kinerja PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja sebagai garda terdepan pertahanan pangan nasional bersama petani. Salah satu jenis sumber daya alam yang potensial mengganti dan atau mensubtitusi pemakaian gas alam adalah Synthetic Gas (Syngas. Syngas merupakan gas campuran yang komponen utamanya adalah gas karbon monoksida (CO dan hidrogen (H2 yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam proses pembuatan zat kimia baru seperti metana, amonia, dan urea. Syngas dapat diperoleh dari proses gasifikasi batu bara dimana batu bara diubah dari bentuk padat menjadi gas. Batu bara yang merupakan bahan baku pembuatan syngas jumlahnya sangat melimpah di Indonesia. Menurut data dari Kementrian ESDM tahun 2011, total sumber daya batu bara di Indonesia diperkirakan 119,4 miliar ton, dimana 48%-nya terletak di Sumatera Selatan dan 70% deposit batu bara di Sumatera Selatan tersebut adalah batu bara muda berkualitas rendah. Deposit batu bara terbesar di Sumatera Selatan terletak di Kab. Muara Enim yang letaknya tidak terlalu jauh dengan PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja. Ditambah lagi dengan adanya PT Bukit Asam sebagai produsen terbesar batu bara di Kab. Muara Enim tentu akan mempermudah pasokan batu bara


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    Darmawan Darmawan


    Full Text Available APPLICATION OF ELECTROOSMOSIS FOR DEWATERING OF SLUDGE FROM WASTE WATER TREATMENT. Wastewater treatment produces semi-solid residue (sludge that must be handled carefully during dumping and discharge to avoid polluting the environment. A low cost and easy treatment of dewatering is needed. This research aimed to apply electroosmosis technique for dewatering sludge in order to seek for parameters that can efficiently reduce water content of sludge, including range of voltage, type of electrodes, and distance between electrodes; and to determine the effect of electroosmosis processes on changes of chemical characteristics of sludge. The results showed that: (1 electroosmosis dewatering occurred on the sludge taken from waste water treatment of landfill but not on sludge from water purification plant (PDAM, (2 direct current voltage of 30 volts was the optimum voltage, (3 copper rod cathode provided electroosmosis process as good as stainless steel cathode and both were better than the woven stainless steel cathode, (4 the dewatering time to reduce 1200% (w/w water content to about 400% was about 40 hours for sludge of 2500 cm3 in volume (laboratory bench scale, (5 the anode need to reinserted gradually approaching the cathode due to current lost when the water content at the anode point reached 400% and sludge at the point shrink, and (6 some chemical elements in the sludge decreased significantly after treatment. Pengolahan limbah cair menghasilkan residu berupa bahan semi padat yang dikenal sebagai sludge. Sludge tersebut juga perlu dikelola penyimpanan dan pembuangannya agar tidak mencemari lingkungan. Salah satu pengelolaan sludge yang perlu dilakukan adalah pengeringan (dewatering. Salahsatu teknik dewatering yang mungkin diterapkan ialah teknik elektroosmosis, yaitu teknik yang memanfaatkan adanya pergerakan air pada media poros di dalam medan istrik searah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari parameter sistem dewatering secara


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    Rosidah Radam


    uji  kualitas madu  adalah : Kadar air,  Kadar abu, benda padattak larut air, Gula Pereduksi, dan Kadar gula Sukrosa. Data hasil pengujian kualitas madu ditabulasi dan disimpulkan secara deskriptif. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa madu alam Kecamatan Tabukan mengandung kadar air 17 %, kadar abu 0,26 %, benda padat yang tak larut dalam air 1,41 %, kadar  gula pereduksi 65,63 %, Kadar Gula Sukrosa 3,82 %, Hasil   uji madu  tersebut  berkualitas sangat baik karena sudah memenuhi persyaratan  standar mutu madu SNI 01-3545-2004. Kecuali benda padatyang tak larut air 1,41 % lebih tinggi dari SNI 01-3545-2004 yaitu maksimal 0,5 %. Oleh karena itu madu alam Kecamatan Tabukan tersebut dapat dikembangkan melalui peternakan lebah dengan sistem stup.

  14. Pembentukan mother plant Bacopa australis secara In-vitro dan aklimatisasi dalam aquascape air tawar

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    Media Fitri Isma Nugraha


    Full Text Available Tanaman air adalah bagian penting dari ekosistem air tawar. Salah satu spesies yang terkenal adalah Bacopa australis. Hobiis aquascape saat ini memiliki ketertarikan tinggi terhadap tanaman air dengan kualitas yang bagus dari setiap spesiesnya. Metode perbanyakan tanaman air tanpa tanah, lahan pertanian dan air perlu dilakukan untuk memenuhi keinginan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan formula media kultur jaringan dan zat pengatur tumbuh yang tepat untuk multiplikasi dalam perakitan mother plant (tanaman induk Bacopa australis, serta mendapatkan media terbaik untuk aklimatisasi. Media yang digunakan adalah media Murashige dan Skoog (MS A padat dengan perbedaan konsentrasi zat pengatur tumbuh. Perlakuan uji dalam kombinasi zat pengatur tumbuh (a 0,50 mg/L BAP + 0,50 mg/L kinetin; (b 0,50 mg/L BAP; dan (c 0,50 mg/L 2,4-D. Aklimatisasi tanaman induk dilakukan pada berbagai media antara lain 1 pasir silika + pupuk aqua soil amazonia, 2. pasir malang + pupuk aqua soil amazonia, 3 pasir silika + pupuk cair; 4 pasir malang + pupuk. Hasil yang diperoleh, yaitu formula media kultur terbaik untuk multiplikasi tunas tanaman B. australis secara in-vitro adalah media MS (A yang diperkaya dengan 0,5 mg/L BAP + 0,5 mg/L kinetin, sedangkan aklimatisasi terbaik pada media pasir malang + pupuk aqua soil amazonia. Water plant is an important part of freshwater ecosystems. One of the famous species is Bacopa australis. Today, many aquascape hobbyists have a high interest in aquatic plant species that have good aesthetic appearances. To answer this challenge, a new method in-vitro propagation of aquatic plants, planted without soil, agricultural land and water was conducted. The aim of this research was to find the best growth regulator hormon formula and aclimatisation medium, in creating the mother plant Bacopa australis. The medium used was MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1974 with different growth regulator hormon, i.e: (a 0.50 mg L-1 BAP


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    Mutmainnah Mutmainnah


    Full Text Available Abstrak_ Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki banyak atlet balap berprestasi dalam taraf internasional. Keberadaan sirkuit balap sangat dibutuhkan para atlet untuk menunjang kegiatan dan mengasah kemampuan balap yang dimiliki. Namun, ketersediaan sirkuit yang sesuai dengan standar internasional di Indonesia masih sangat minim. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memberikan ide desain sirkuit balap mobil formula satu di Makassar dengan pendekatan arsitektur modern. Melalui metode eksplorasi desain yaitu metode penjabaran ide dan gagasan yang dirumuskan dalam bentuk gambar. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa tata massa bangunan dipilih sistem terpusat, dimana lintasan yang menjadi pusatnya. Sehingga bangunan disekitarnya berorientasi ke lintasan. Sistem  sirkulasi dari dan menuju tapak dibagi menjadi dua dimana sirkulasi untuk pengunjung dipisah dengan sirkulasi untuk team balap. Jalur masuk dan keluar untuk pengunjung juga dipisah, dengan lebar masingmasing jalan 15 m. Sedangkan bentuk bangunan mengambil analogi bentuk dari mobil formula satu dan bentuk aerodinamika dari mobil formula satu. Aerodinamika adalah pergerakan udara ketika berinteraksi dengan benda padat. Dalam hal kendaraan, aerodinamika adalah kecepatan kendaraan dan hambatan udara ketika kendaraan itu melaju. Penerapan tema arsitektur modern pada bangunan dapat dilihat dari bidang-bidang kaca yang lebar, jenis material yang digunakan diekspos secara polos, dan dari bahan material yang digunakan. Kata kunci : Aerodinamika, Arsitektur Modern, Eksplorasi Desain, Sirkuit. Abstract­_ Indonesia is one of the countries that have many athletes of racing achievement in international level. The existence of a racing circuit is needed athletes to support activities and hone the ability of racing owned. However, the availability of circuits that comply with international standards in Indonesia is still very minimal. Therefore, this study provides the idea of the design of the formula one

  16. BIOSORPSI DAN REDUKSI KROM LIMBAH PENYAMAKAN KULIT DENGAN BIOMASSA Fusarium sp DAN Aspergillus niger (Biosorpstion and Reduction of Chromium Bearing Tannery Wastewater Using The Biomass of Fusarium Sp. and Aspergillus niger

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    Suharjono Triatmojo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk membuktikan bahwa biomassa Fusarium sp dapat mereduksi Cr(VI, dan biomassa Aspergillus niger dapat digunakan untuk mengambil ion krom dari larutan. Fusarium.sp ditumbuhkan pada media cair kentang dekftosa cair, ditambah K2Cr2O7 atau sludge limbah penyamakan kulit. Selanjutnya diamati perubahan warnanya, bila terjadi perubahan warna dan oranye ke ungu atau tak berwarna maka telah terjadi reduksi krom valensi VI menjadi krom valensi Ill. Aspergillus niger ditumbuhkan pada media Potato dectrose agar (PDA padat, dipindahkan ke media cair yang bensi bakto pepton, bakto dektrose dan srukronutrien. Produksi biomassa dilakukan pada labu erlenmeyer; setelah 5 hari dipanen dan dibuat bubuk. Bubuk ini digunakan untuk mengambil krom dari larutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biomassa Fusarium sp dapat digunakan untuk mengambil krom dan larutan yang.mengandung KrCrrO, atau sludge limbah penyamakan kulit. Waktu inkubasi yang lebih lama meningkatkan absorbsi krom oleh biomassa Fascrium sp. Fusarium sp mampu mereduksi Cr(VI menjadi Cr(Iii. Biomassa Aspergillus niger dapat digunakan untuk mengambil krom dari larutan. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pada konsentrasi awal 100 mg/I, pada pH 2,0, berat biomassa 0,1 g, dan waktu kontak 12 jam, yaitu 96,23% untuk Cr(II| dan96,3 % untuk Cr(VI. Fusarium sp. dan A. niger dapat digunakan sebagai bioremediator dalam penanganan limbah penyamakan kulit secara biologi.   ABSTRACT The objectives of this research was to study the biosorption and reduction of chromium bearing tannery wastewater using biomass of Fusarium sp and Aspergillus niger. Fusarium sp was used to investigate bioaccumulation and reduction of chromium in K2 Cr2O7 solution and solution containing sludge of leather tanning waste, and aspergillus niger was used to investigate biosorption of Cr(III and Cr(VI in solution. Fusarium sp was grown on sterilized potato extrose liquid medium, added with K2Cr2O7solution or sludge


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    Clara Meliyanti Kusharto


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe aims of this research was to formulate and improve the nutrient content and define of makassar traditional snack which was enriched with Pupae-mulberry (Pury powder. Experimental study was conducted and proximate analysis was used to determine nutrient content of the product and acceptance test was used by hedonic test of 25-32 semi-trained panelists. This research produced three kinds of traditional snacks, namely Rampari sponge cake, Deppatori Pury, and Pury sticks. Based on organoleptic test product Deppatori was selected to develop further by mixing basic substances consist of rice flour, glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, sesame and water with pupae-mulberry (pury powder. The formulas were F1 (pury powder 5%, F2 (pury powder 10%, and F3 (pury powder 15%. The study showed that by hedonic scale, the panel preferred F2 because the addition more than 10% of Pury powder will make texture harder. Hedonic quality scale indicated that F2 had characteristics yellowish brown color, taste and flavor close to neutral. Nutrient content of Deppatori Pury 10% (per 100 g was water 7.92 g, ash 1.19 g, protein 5.80 g, fat 25.99 g, carbohydrates 67.02 g, energy 484 kcal, calcium 74.14 mg, iron 1.96 mg, phosporus 97.23 mg, respectively and result of microbiology test was 390 cfu/g. Protein contribution of Deppatori-Pury 10% per 100 g serving size to RDA of elderly was 9.4-10.4%. Therefore, two serving size is recommended for Deppatori-Pury as future food to reach 20% RDA protein.Keywords: acceptability, deppatori, makassar’s snack, pury powderABSTRAKTujuan penelitian adalah melakukan formulasi dan meningkatkan kandungan zat gizi serta daya terima kue-kue tradisional Makassar yang diperkaya tepung pupae-mulberry (Pury. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental yang melakukan analisis kandungan zat gizi secara proksimat dan uji penerimaan panelis (organoleptik menggunakan uji hedonik oleh 25-32 orang panelis semi terlatih. Pembuatan kue

  18. DAMPAK LINGKUNGAN PEMANFAATAN ALUR SUNGAI DI KALI BOYONG, KALI KUNING DAN KALI GENDOL (Environmental Impact of Utulization River Courses in Boyong River, Kuning River and Gendol River

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    Darmakusuma Darmanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan sebagian dari hasil studi Program Doktor (S3 pada lokasi penelitian di Kali Boyong, Kali Kuning dan Kali Gendol yang merupakan sungai yang secara periodik merupakan jalur limpahan material sedimen yang berasal dari aktivitas Gunungapi Merapi. Sehingga muncul permasalahan: (a dampak erupsi terhadap fungsi alur sungai sebagai tempat menyimpan, mengalirkan dan memanfaatkan air pada wilayah yang padat penduduk dan (b pemanfaatan alur sungai untuk kegiatan penambangan sirtu dan pertanian, sehingga perlu dikembangkan model pengelolaan lingkungan alur yang dapat meminimalkan dampak yang terjadi, sehingga fungsi alur sungai tetap optimal. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metoda survei dengan cara melakukan pengamatan lingkungan dan pengukuran profil penampang sungai, pengambilan sampel material sedimen yang kemudian dianalisis di laboratorium mengenai diameter butir, berat jenis dan warna, wawancara kepada masyarakat penambang di sekitar wilayah penelitian pada setiap penggal sungai, pengambilan gambar dengan menggunakan foto-digital dan pengumpulan data sekunder. Data yang telah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif pada setiap sungai dan antar sungai dengan pendekatan ekologis dan spasial. Berdasarkan kajian hasil dan pembahasan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dan sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: (a Mendasarkan pada pendekatan ekologis subDas antara hulu-tengah-hilir dan antar subDas kondisi geometrik dari faktor-faktor fisik maupun biotik relatif sama antara Kali Boyong dan Kali Gendol/ Opak sedangkan untuk Kali Kuning agak berbeda karena merupakan “lokasi antara” perpindahan waktu aktivitas Gunungapi Merapi; dan (b Pemanfaatan alur sungai oleh masyarakat sekitar lokasi maupun usaha pemerintah daerah menimbulkan gangguan kelancaran penyimpanan dan penyaluran air sungai pada alurnya dari hulu ke hilir, kegiatan tersebut adalah

  19. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AT KUNING RIVER COURSE IN MERAPI VOLCANO YOGYAKARTA SPECIAL REGION (Pengelolaan Lingkungan Alur Kali Kuning di Gunungapi Merapi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Darmakusuma Darmanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This Research aims at: (a to  study the influence of grain size and amount of sediment to the river course function and geometry, (b analyzing the impact of the using the sediments, water and land to the river channel and (c evaluating the current environmental management and formulating some strategies for future river management. Beside that Merapi Volcano is known as the most active volcano in the world and it is pointed as a National Park because of the amount of vegetation specieses. The methods of this research are threehold: (1 morphometrical measurement of  Kuning River e.g depth and width coupled with the analysis of the sediment (e.g  diameter, specific gravit, percentage of boulders; (2 physical-environmental aspect determination (vegetation, percentage of coverage and (3 social-economic survey in order to determine the household improvements, level of income, socialization of sediment related hazards as well as the sand mining.   These three analysis were conducted in the framework of ecology and spatial concept. The results obtained in this research are: 1 Merapi eruptions materials diturbed the river channel geometry to an abnormal condition following the rules of ecology, also the function of river as: gathering, storage and drainage of water and sediment, 2 utilization of river courses for water supply, agriculture and mining in particular sand, rocks and boulders can be made a spatial planning arrangement and  utilization is also to improve the welfare of local society and the District, 3 evaluation management to catchment or river course is undeveloped and have not even seen, so it requires management that is based on Indonesian regulation and should also noticed the characteristics of Merapi Volcano such as lahar, nuee ardente and the dense of population in the research area. ABSTRAK   Pentelitian ini bertujuam: (a mempelajari pengaruh besaran sedimen terhadap fungsi alur sungai, (b menganalisis dampak terhadap


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    Philip Teguh Imanto


    Full Text Available Keberhasilan pembenihan ikan sangat dipengaruhi keberhasilan produksi jasad pakan rotifer secara tepat dan efisien. Penelitian kultur rotifer dengan tangki volume kecil bertujuan untuk mendapatkan efisiensi produksi yang paling optimal dan memenuhi prinsip dasar akuakultur low volume high density. Penelitian menggunakan tangki polyethylene dengan volume 500 L dan volume media awal 100 L, padat tebar awal 200 ind. rotifer per mL dengan sediaan pakan dasar fitoplankton Nannocloropsis occulata, ragi roti (0,05 g/mio.rot./feeding dan suplemen Scott emulsion (0,005 g/mio.rot./feeding. Penelitian dilakukan secara bertahap; tahap pertama (I tanpa penambahan air laut, peningkatan volume hanya dari penambahan 15 L Nannochloropsis tiap hari sampai hari kelima, tahap kedua (II dengan penambahan alga 40 L dan air laut 40 L; serta tahap ketiga (III dengan menggandakan pemberian ragi roti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada percobaan tahap I: total produksi rata-rata 122,37 x 106 ind. rotifer, pada tahap II: 97,67 x 106 ind. rotifer, dan pada tahap III: dicapai rata-rata total produksi tertinggi dengan 187,17 x 106 ind. rotifer per tanki kultur 500 L. Pengelolaan kultur pada tahap III memberikan hasil terbaik dengan simpangan terkecil antar tangki kultur ulangan, dan membuktikan sebagai pengelolaan terbaik untuk kultur rotifer dengan tangki volume kecil.  Success of marine seed production is highly influenced by effective and efficient production performance of life food rotifer. Observation on rotifer culture using small volume tank was aimed to get the optimum production and efficiency, to fulfill the basic principle of aquaculture “low volume high density”. Polyethylene tanks of 500 L. were used as culture container, with initial 100 liter sea water as culture medium and initial density of 200 ind. rotifer per mL. N. occulata, baker yeast (0.05 g/mio.rotifer/feeding and Scott emulsion (0.005 g/mio.rotifer/feeding were used as basic feed, and


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    Erna Ratnawati


    Full Text Available Tambak di Kabupaten Luwu Utara umumnya tergolong tanah sulfat masam dan banyak digunakan untuk budidaya rumput laut (Gracilaria verrucosa dengan produksi yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor status pembudidaya, kondisi, dan pengelolaan tambak yang mempengaruhi produksi rumput laut. Metode penelitian yang diaplikasikan adalah metode survai untuk mendapatkan data primer dari produksi, status pembudidaya, dan pengelolaan tambak yang dilakukan melalui pengajuan kuisioner kepada responden secara terstruktur, sedangkan kondisi tambak ditentukan melalui pengamatan dan pengukuran langsung di lapangan. Sebagai peubah tidak bebas adalah produksi dan peubah bebas adalah faktor status pembudidaya yang terdiri atas 10 peubah, kondisi tambak yang terdiri atas 12 peubah, dan pengelolaan tambak yang terdiri atas 26 peubah. Analisis regresi berganda dengan peubah boneka digunakan untuk memprediksi produksi rumput laut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi aktual rata-rata rumput laut di tambak tanah sulfat masam sebesar 7.821 kg/ha/tahun dengan prediksi produksi sebesar 23.563 kg kering/ha/tahun. Produksi rumput laut dapat ditingkatkan melalui: peningkatan pengalaman pembudidaya tambak, penambahan jumlah pintu air, tambak dibuat dengan bentuk bujur sangkar atau empat persegi panjang dengan luasan tambak tidak terlalu luas serta peningkatan lama pengeringan tanah dasar tambak, padat penebaran ikan bandeng, dosis kapur dan dosis pupuk Urea, SP-36, KCl, dan Za sebagai pupuk dasar. Brackishwater pond in North Luwu Regency, generally as classified as acid sulfate soils and most of them was used for culturing seaweed (Gracilaria verrucosa with high productivity. Hence, it was conduct research that aim to know the effect of farmer status, condition, and management of pond on the seaweed production. Survey method was applied to find primary data of seaweed production, farmer status and pond management, while


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    Ni Putu Diantariani


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK: Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai minimalisasi konsentrasi zat warna tekstil metilen biru (MB dan congo red (CR melalui fotodegradasi menggunakan komposit ZnO-Arang aktif (ZnO-AC. Penelitian meliputi sintesis seng oksida (ZnO dengan berbagai rasio pelarut (air:etanol, pembuatan komposit ZnO-AC, dan penerapan komposit untuk mengurangi konsentrasi MB dan CR dalam limbah buatan melalui proses fotodegradasi. Karakterisasi dari partikel ZnO hasil sintesis dilakukan dengan Fourier Transformed Infra Red (FTIR, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD, dan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM. Fotodegradasi zat warna tekstil MB dan CR dilakukan dengan memaparkan campuran zat warna dan komposit di bawah radiasi sinar ultraviolet. Intensitas warna sebelum dan sesudah fotodegradasi ditentukan dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer sinar tampak. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar rasio pelarut air:etanol yang digunakan dalam sintesis ZnO, semakin mudah, cepat dan semakin banyak jumlah ZnO yang terbentuk. Spektra FTIR dari ZnO hasil sintesis menunjukkan adanya gugus fungsi Zn-O, O-H, N-H, C-H, dan C-O. Semua puncak difraksi dari ZnO hasil sintesis yang pada 2 31,79-31,91, 34,45-34,57, dan 36,27-36,40 sesuai dengan ZnO Wurtzite fase heksagonal. Karakterisasi ZnO dengan SEM menunjukkan bahwa bentuk partikel ZnO adalah bulat dan ukuran partikelnya berkisar 220,5 nm sampai 1222 nm. Bentuk partikel yang paling mendekati bulat dihasilkan oleh perlakuan sintesis dengan rasio pelarut etanol: air sebanyak 150 mL:150 mL. Persentase fotodegradasi dari MB dan CR dengan komposit ZnO-AC lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kontrol (tanpa komposit ZnO-AC, dengan persentase tertinggi diberikan oleh komposit yang terbuat dari ZnO yang disintesis dengan rasio pelarut air : etanol sebesar 150 mL:150 mL.   ABSTRACT: Research on minimization of textile dyes concentration of methylene blue (MB and congo red (CR through photodegradation using ZnO-Activated Carbon (ZnO-AC composite has been done

  3. Fostering Effective Studying and Study Planning with Study Questions (United States)

    Wilhelm, Pascal; Pieters, Jules M.


    In a course on biological psychology and neuropsychology, study questions were provided that also appeared as test questions in the course exam. This method was introduced to support students in active processing and reproduction of the study texts, and study planning. Data were gathered to test the hypothesis that study question use would be…

  4. Fostering effective studying and study planning with study questions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilhelm, P.; Pieters, J.M.


    In a course on biological psychology and neuropsychology, study questions were provided that also appeared as test questions in the course exam. This method was introduced to support students in active processing and reproduction of the study texts, and study planning. Data were gathered to test the

  5. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies is an acclaimed Open Access journal with broad coverage that promotes multidisciplinary, religious, and biblical aspects of studies in the international theological arena. The journal's publication criteria are based on high ethical standards and the rigor of the methodology and ...

  6. Asian Studies/Global Studies: Transcending Area Studies and Social Sciences

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    John Lie


    Full Text Available The post–World War II growth of area studies, and Asian studies in particular, posed a serious challenge to the mainstream social sciences. Yet the epistemic and institutional foundations of area studies were never well articulated or justified, and the post–Cold War years brought a pervasive sense of crisis to its intellectual mission and justification. In particular, the author focuses on the tensions, if not contradictions, between social science disciplines and area studies. In advocating a more integrated human science, which depends more on mobile networks of scholars than on fixed fields of discipline-bound professors, the author suggests global studies as a fitting field of inquiry in the age of globalization.

  7. Grow-out of spiny lobster Panulirus sp. with high stocking density in controlled tanks

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    Rio Yusufi Subhan


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe aim of this research was to determine optimum stocking density for growing-out of spiny lobster Panulirus sp. in controlled tanks that conducted for 30 days. The experimental spiny lobsters have the initial average weight of 130.39 ± 0.32 g and initial average total length of 140.70 ± 0.06 mm. This study used completely randomized design with three different stocking densities (KT10: 10 ind/m3; KT18: 18 ind/m3; and KT26: 26 ind/m3 and two replications. The parameters observed in this study included water quality (temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and total ammonia nitrogen, physiological responses (total haemocyte count, haemolymph glucose, and frequency of molt, and production performances, such as growth, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and survival rate. The results showed that the spiny lobster could be reared in high stocking density in controlled tanks. Water quality during the study in each treatment was; temperature 26.56–28.65oC, salinity 29.7–33.6 g/L, pH 7.5–8.5, dissolved oxygen 6.15–6.58 mg/L, and total ammonia nitrogen 0.11–0.34 mg/L. The best stocking densities for spiny lobster was 18 ind/m3 (KT18 with 2.5‒3.5×106cells/mL total haemocyte counts, 24.6‒28.3 mg/dL haemolymph glucose, and 38.37 ± 3.20% frequency of molt. The final average body weight and length were 145.06 ± 0.42 g and 142.77 ± 0.19 mm, respectively. The survival rate reached 86.11 ± 3.92% with a specific growth rate 0.35 ± 0.01%/day, and feed conversion ratio 7.87 ± 0.31.Keywords: high stocking density, Panulirus sp., physiological responses, productivity.  ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kepadatan terbaik dalam pembesaran lobster laut Panulirus sp. yang dipelihara dalam bak terkontrol selama 30 hari. Lobster laut yang digunakan pada awal penelitian memiliki bobot 130,39 ± 0,32 g dan panjang total 140,70 ± 0,06 mm. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan

  8. Archives: HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 1 - 50 of 120 ... Archives: HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies. Journal Home > Archives: HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register · Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search ...

  9. The Evaluation of Study Success between Online Study and Classroom Study Environment

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    Singkhamfu Phudinan


    Full Text Available Online study has increasingly become more attractive to students at university level due to convenience access to their instructors and to study resources. This study has developed online social network for study. It proposes to provide lesson content availability, past lecture, by sending online study lesson media to students’ mobile phone or tablet. Approximately 85 undergraduate software engineering students participated for 1.5 semesters. In comparing the use of the study toll, and without the tool, the alterations were found between traditional classroom learning style and online study. Also, the study’s aim was to attest the online study tool’s efficiency. However, these results were not obvious when the achievement factor was controlled by the limitation of time. The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate these two groups of students with extended experiment time for a noticeable result by used questionnaires course examination, and inventory of ILP learning process. The observed, shows that students with online study tools scored higher on course examinations after measures by the mentioned methodology.

  10. ZONASI POTENSI PENCEMARAN AIR TANAH PADA TERAS SUNGAI CODE YOGYAKARTA (Zoning The Potential Groundwater Pollution at Code River Terrace, Yogyakarta

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    Frista Yorhanita


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk membuktikan bahwa biomassa Fusarium sp dapat mereduksi Cr(VI, dan biomassa Aspergillus niger dapat digunakan untuk mengambil ion krom dari larutan. Fusarium.sp ditumbuhkan pada media cair kentang dekftosa cair, ditambah K2Cr2O7 atau sludge limbah penyamakan kulit. Selanjutnya diamati perubahan warnanya, bila terjadi perubahan warna dan oranye ke ungu atau tak berwarna maka telah terjadi reduksi krom valensi VI menjadi krom valensi Ill. Aspergillus niger ditumbuhkan pada media Potato dectrose agar (PDA padat, dipindahkan ke media cair yang bensi bakto pepton, bakto dektrose dan srukronutrien. Produksi biomassa dilakukan pada labu erlenmeyer; setelah 5 hari dipanen dan dibuat bubuk. Bubuk ini digunakan untuk mengambil krom dari larutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biomassa Fusarium sp dapat digunakan untuk mengambil krom dan larutan yang.mengandung KrCrrO, atau sludge limbah penyamakan kulit. Waktu inkubasi yang lebih lama meningkatkan absorbsi krom oleh biomassa Fascrium sp. Fusarium sp mampu mereduksi Cr(VI menjadi Cr(Iii. Biomassa Aspergillus niger dapat digunakan untuk mengambil krom dari larutan. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pada konsentrasi awal 100 mg/I, pada pH 2,0, berat biomassa 0,1 g, dan waktu kontak 12 jam, yaitu 96,23% untuk Cr(II| dan96,3 % untuk Cr(VI. Fusarium sp. dan A. niger dapat digunakan sebagai bioremediator dalam penanganan limbah penyamakan kulit secara biologi.   ABSTRACT The study area of this research was parts of the code river terraces, Yogyakarta. The aims of this research were as follows: (1 to determine the part of the code river terrace which has potential groundwater pollution; (2 to assess the natural physical factors (aquifer materials, depth of groundwater table, and the groundwater flow distance and the non-natural physical factors of environmental sanitation (houses density, population density, horizontal distance between pollution source and well, and the number

  11. SINTESIS BIODIESEL DARI MINYAK LIMBAH BIJI KARET SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI ALTERNATIF (Synthesis of Biodiesel From Waste of Rubber Seed Oil as Alternative Energy Sources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kasmadi Imam Supardi


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Biji karet hanya ditemukan sebagai limbah padat dan belum termanfaatkan sepenuhnya. Minyak limbah biji karet yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengandung asam lemak bebas yang tinggi, yaitu 97,77% dan mempunyai bilangan asam yang tinggi pula yaitu setara dengan 6,2 mg KOH g minyak, sehingga perlu dilakukan esterifikasi untuk menurunkan kandungan asam lemak bebasnya menjadi ester. Metanol (20% volume minyak direaksikan dengan minyak limbah biji karet dengan katalis asam sulfat 98% (0,5% volume minyak menjadi ester. Dalam operasi reaksi transesterifikasi, digunakan variasi optimasi katalis yaitu pada 0,5% sampai 1,5% KOH dengan suhu operasi 60 o C dalam perbandingan metanol dengan minyak 1:3 (volume, dan dengan kecepatan pengadukan yang sama, didapatkan konsentrasi metil ester yang baik pada katalis 0,75%. Uji fisis minyak limbah biji karet hasil reaksi transesterifikasi adalah Specific Gravity 0,9000, Density 919,5, Korosi Lempeng Tembaga 1b, CCR 1,361% W, Kadar Air 0,22%, Viscosity 11,53mm 2 /s, dan Flash Point 182,5 o C. Hasil uji fisis menunjukkan belum semua parameter metil ester atau biodiesel memenuhi standar biodiesel. Hasil uji Performance unjuk kerja menunjukkan biodiesel yang dicampur solar dengan perbandingan volume 20:80 memberikan hasil emisi gas buang paling bersih dan waktu pembakaran yang paling lama. ABSTRACT Waste of rubber seeds is found only as a solid waste and has not fully exploited. Waste of rubber seed oil used in the research contains high free fatty acids, about 97.77% and higher acidity number, namely 6.2 mg KOH / g oil, so it needs esterification to reduce the free fatty acid content to be changed into ester. Methanol (20% volume of oil reacted with  waste of rubber seed oil to become methyl ester with sulfuric acid 98% (0,5% volume of oil as a catalyst. In the operations of transesterification variations of the optimization of catalyst 0.5% until 1.5% KOH was used with operating temperature of 60o C in

  12. Survival and growth responses of snakehead fish Channa striata Bloch. juvenile in aerated and unaerated acid sulfate water

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    , Purnamawati


    25 L dengan padat tebar 2 ekor/L, selama 40 hari. Ikan diberi pakan berupa pakan komersial dengan kadar protein ±40%, pemberian pakan dua kali sehari (pagi dan sore at satiation. Penggantian air dan penyiponan dilakukan dua hari sekali sebanyak 10% dari volume total dalam akuarium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tanpa aerasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap respons biometrik dan fisiologis juvenil ikan gabus. Media tanpa aerasi memberikan hasil yang lebih baik ditunjukkan oleh kelangsungan hidup (92%, laju pertumbuhan spesifik (6,73%/ hari, efisiensi pakan (78,22%, retensi protein (41,91%, retensi energi (30,81%, kadar albumin (6,60 g/100 mL, dan hemoglobin (5,85 g/dL yang lebih tinggi, sedangkan kadar kortisol (219 ng/L dan glukosa darah (43,36 mg/100 mL yang terendah. Kata kunci: media sulfat masam, pertumbuhan, aerasi, Channa striata


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    Gunarto Gunarto


    Full Text Available Penelitian bertujuan untuk membandingkan pengaruh penambahan sumber C- karbohidrat (tepung tapioka dan fermentasi probiotik pada budidaya udang windu dengan pola intensif di tambak terutama melihat efeknya terhadap perbaikan kualitas air, pertumbuhan, sintasan, dan produksi udang windu. Enam petak tambak masing-masing ukuran sekitar 4.000 m2, setelah selesai tahap persiapan tambak (pengeringan, pembalikan tanah dasar, pengapuran, pengisian air, dan pemupukan, kemudian tambak ditebari tokolan udang windu PL-25 dengan padat tebar 20 ekor/m2. Tiga perlakuan diuji yaitu A. Penambahan tepung tapioka  ke air tambak dengan dosis 62% dari total pakan yang diberikan per hari dan diberikan dalam selang waktu lima hari sekali selama masa pemeliharaan pada bulan pertama dan kemudian dengan selang waktu tiga hari sekali selama masa pemeliharaan bulan kedua hingga menjelang panen; B. Pemberian fermentasi probiotik ke air tambak sebanyak 5 mg/L/minggu; dan C. Pemberian fermentasi probiotik ke air tambak sebanyak 10 mg/L/minggu. Masing-masing perlakuan dengan dua ulangan. Sampling pertumbuhan, kualitas air, dan bakteri dilakukan setiap dua minggu sekali. Sintasan, produksi, dan nilai konversi pakan dihitung setelah udang dipanen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tepung tapioka menyebabkan konsentrasi amoniak relatif lebih rendah di perlakuan A daripada di perlakuan B dan C, namun menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak nyata (P>0,05 di antara ketiga perlakuan tersebut. Bahan Organik Total (BOT pada hari ke-112 di perlakuan C paling rendah dan menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata (P0,05 di antara ketiga perlakuan yang diuji. The objective of the research was to compare the effect of addition of carbohydrate source (starch flour and probiotics fermentation to the water quality and the growth, survival, and production of tiger shrimp in intensive brackishwater pond system. Six pond compartments each sized approximately of 4,000 m2, went through preparation

  14. Case Study: Testing with Case Studies (United States)

    Herreid, Clyde Freeman


    This column provides original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies with teaching notes. This month's issue discusses using case studies to test for knowledge or lessons learned.

  15. The Study of the Relationship between Mother's Studies with Study Skills and Mathematics Performance of Students

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    Behnoush Taheri


    Full Text Available Certainly teaching study skills of mathematics has special importance and plays important role in mathematics performance of students. As mothers spend more times with self-children then they can be effect on study and their mathematics performance. Present research implements to study of the relationship between mothers' studies with study skills and mathematics performance of their children. Population of this research is all girl students of first grade in high school at zone one of Tehran and sample is 97 people. For collecting data of this research through standard questionnaire of mathematics studies skills is used for measuring of study skill of mathematics and questions for studying information related to mothers' studies and a math exam for getting information of mathematics performance of students are used. The results indicated that there is not significant relationship between mothers' studies and study skill of mathematics among students. Also, it is indicated that there is positive significant relationship between mothers' studies and mathematic performance of students.

  16. Study of lip prints: A forensic study

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    Vikash Ranjan


    Full Text Available Background: Although several studies have been done on lip prints for human identification in forensic science, there is a doubt about their use in gender determination. Aims: The present study was designed to study the lip groove patterns in all the quadrants of both male and female subjects to identify the sex, based on the patterns of the grooves of the lip prints. Study Design: 300 lip prints were collected from volunteers of D. J. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar (UP. Materials and Methods: Lip prints were recorded with lip stick and transferred on to a glass slide. Statistical Analysis: Pearson chi-square test was adopted for statistical analysis and probability value (P value was calculated. Conclusion: In our study, none of the lip prints were identical, thus confirming the role of lip prints in individual identification. According to Suzuki′s classification, Type I, II, III and IV patterns were significant in gender determination.

  17. Prospective regional studies: The Rhine Meuse study and the Tennessee Valley study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bayer, A.


    Within the scope of this report two regional studies are presented: - the 'Rhein-Maas-Study' within which the expected radiological impact of the population in the Rhein and Maas basin - which is situated within Central Europe - is assessed on the basis of the planned and forecasted development of nuclear energy in the coming decades. - The 'Tennessee Valley Study' within which the expected radiological impact of the population in the Tennessee-Cumberland basis - which is situated within North America - is assessed likewise on the basis of the planned and forecasted development of nuclear energy in the coming decades. (orig./RW)


    The Tampa Asthmatic Children's Study (TACS) was a pilot research study that focused on developing and evaluating air pollution exposure assessment methods and participant recruiting tools for children in the age range of 1-5 years old. The pilot study focused on (a) simple, cost-...

  19. Notizen zu altpr. mosla, moska

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    Bernd Gliwa


    Full Text Available Pastabos dėl pr. mosla, moskaSantraukaŽodžių pr. mosla – v.v.a. leimat (GrG73, moska – leimet (GrA85, Moska – Leimet, Viscus (GrF86, išskyrus lo. viscus, reikšmės nėra aiškios, o pastarasis yra daugiareikšmis. Svarstoma keletas prūsų kalbos rūpimo žodžio kilmės variantų, manant, kad lo. viscus „amalas, klijai iš amalo, spąstai paukš­čiams su klijais“ teisingai perteikia pr. mosla.1. Jei žodis įvardytų masalą, ypač su klijais smulkiems paukščiams gaudyti (plg. v.v.a. lîm–ruote, tada pr. mosla lygintinas su lie. mãsalas, mãsinti, kur pr. šaknyje būtų kaip Noye (Gr. = nage (E 145, pig. lie. nagà. Darybiškai pr. mosla gretintinas su lie. mãsalas kaip lie. dẽglas – su dẽgalas, plerplà – su pler̃palas. Beje, nerasta jokių duomenų, kad baltai būtų taip medžioję.2. Kadangi vok. Mistel „amalas“ galbūt yra vedinys iš Mist „mėšlas“, ieškota mosla sąsajos su lie. mė́šlas, mė́žti. Galima pastarojo žodžio giminystė su lie. mỹžti rodytų šaknies apofonijos i eilę, kur laipsnis ō nelauktinas. Variantas atmetamas.3. Amalas yra krūmu ant medžių augantis parazitas. Pavadinimai įvardija jo formą, pvz.: lie. laumės šluota, vok. dial. Kraigennest „varnos lizdas“. Vok. dial. Wispe, Wespe, atrodo, irgi perteikia augalo formą, plg. norv. visp „krūmelis“, šved. visp „virbų maišiklis“ ir vespelten, vispelten „ama­las“. Šiuo atžvilgiu pr. žodį galima lyginti su lie. mastas „mazgas, juosta“ , mãzgas „t.p.“, užsimègzti „pradėti augti (apie tik apvaisintą vaisių“, – tada pr. mosla [masla] būtų *“kas susimazgojęs; kas auga kaip mazgas“.4. Dažnai pr. (Gr šaknyje atitinka lie. u, pvz.: pr. Songos – lie. šunį, šuo. Tad svarstytina pr. mosla sąsaja su lie. mus-: 2mùsti (muñta, mùto „verdant tirštėti...“, mū̃sas „plėvė ant skysčio; vario oksidas; pelėsiai“. Šalia ū esama ir ly


    Case study critique: Upper Clinch case study (from Research on Methods for Integrating Ecological Economics and Ecological Risk Assessment: A Trade-off Weighted Index Approach to Integrating Economics and Ecological Risk Assessment). This critique answers the questions: 1) does ...

  1. Repository design sensitivity study: Engineering study report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A preliminary sensitivity study of the salt repository design has been performed to identify critical site and design parameters to help guide future site characterization and design optimization activities. The study considered the SCP-conceptual design at the Deaf Smith County site in Texas with the horizontal waste package emplacement mode as the base case. Relative to this base case, parameter variations were compared. Limited studies were performed which considered the vertical emplacement mode geometry. The report presents the reference data base and design parameters on which the study was based (including the range of parameters that might be expected). Detailed descriptions of the numerical modeling methods and assumptions are included for the thermal, thermomechanical and hydrogeological analyses. The impacts of parameter variations on the sensitivity of the rock mass response are discussed. Recommendations are provided to help guide site characterization activities and advanced conceptual design optimization activities. 47 refs., 119 refs., 22 tabs


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    Muzli Muzli


    Full Text Available Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu wilayah yang aktif gempabumi di Indonesia. Sumber gempabumi dapat berasal dari patahan lokal Opak di bagian timur ataupun zona subduksi pada bagian selatan Yogyakarta. Pembuatan peta mikrozonasi gempa sangat dibutuhkan untuk pertimbangan pembangunan infrastruktur atau bangunan yang tahan terhadap gempabumi. Upaya tersebut diharapkan dapat mengurangi dampak resiko yang mungkin ditimbulkan. Pada pertengahan tahun 2014 telah dilakukan pengukuran kecepatan gelombang geser (Vs30 di wilayah Yogyakarta khususnya wilayah Kabupaten Bantul dan Sleman. Pengukuran dilakukan terhadap 55 titik yang menyebar pada dua wilayah Kabupaten tersebut dengan jarak antar titik sekitar 1 sampai 5 km. Vs30 merupakan salah satu parameter yang digunakan dalam peta mikrozonasi. Pengukuran Vs30 dengan metode Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW menggunakan 24 geofon komponen vertikal dengan frekuensi 4.5 Hz. Nilai Vs30 memberikan informasi klasifikasi tanah permukaan sampai pada kedalaman 30 meter. Hasil interpretasi nilai Vs30 menunjukkan bahwa pusat kota yaitu Kotamadya Yogyakarta memiliki resiko amplifikasi gelombang yang relatif besar dengan nilai Vs30 berkisar antara 115-175 m/s. Pembangunan di wilayah ini sangat disarankan untuk memperhatikan aturan yang memenuhi standard sesuai rujukan SNI 1726-2012. Pada sisi lain, wilayah yang memiliki tanah permukaan klasifikasi padat dengan nilai rata-rata Vs30 antara 350-480 m/s adalah Kecamatan Kretek, Sanden, Pandak dan Bambanglipuro. Wilayah ini memiliki potensi untuk pelemahan atau atenuasi gelombang sehingga resiko kerusakan akibat gempabumi relatif lebih kecil.   Yogyakarta region is one of a seismically active region in Indonesia. Earthquake source can be generatedfrom a local fault Opak in the easternor subduction zone in the southern part of Yogyakarta. Map of seismic microzonation is needed for infrastructure development considerations or buildings resistant to earthquakes. The

  3. German Studies in America. German Studies Notes. (United States)

    Sander, Volkmar; Osterle, Heinz D.

    This volume contains two papers, "German Studies in America," by Volkmar Sander, and "Historicism, Marxism, Structuralism: Ideas for German Culture Courses," by Heinz D. Osterle. The first paper discusses the position of German studies in the United States today. The greatest challenge comes from low enrollments; therefore,…

  4. WWC Study Review Guide: Group Design Studies (United States)

    What Works Clearinghouse, 2018


    Underlying all What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) products are WWC Study Review Guides, which are intended for use by WWC certified reviewers to assess studies against the WWC evidence standards. As part of an ongoing effort to increase transparency, promote collaboration, and encourage widespread use of the WWC standards, the Institute of Education…

  5. Social Studies Education and a New Social Studies Movement

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    Bulent Tarman


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to analyze theoretically the need to improve Social Studies Education in Turkey in a pedagogical manner and on the basis of the intended contributions and goals of a New Social Studies Movement to the field.Social Studies Education is an important teaching discipline to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to operate efficiently in a knowledge society.The New Social Studies movement of 1960s in the USA contributed to the development of Social Studies Education.This movement tried to establish a constructivist approach. They emphasized on the importance of an inquiry based approach, and rich and real life situation in the classrooms and skills such as critical thinking, reflective thinking, cooperation and collaboration in Social Studies Education. However, the movement diminished in a short while due to the lack of research to support their theoretically sound ideas, appropriate teaching resources for teachers and students and ill-equipped teachers while their ideas were and still are gaining impetus in many countries in the world.Social Studies Education is relatively new in Turkey. Social Studies Education in Turkey has weaknesses in terms of both in theoretically and practically. The quality of teaching resources and materials and teacher qualifications are not up-to-standards to carry out a constructivist Social Studies Education.A new movement has started in Turkey to improve Social Studies Education. This new Social Studies movement aims to do research in the field on the area, print books and teaching resource for both teachers and students, develop policies, hold academic meetings, publish high quality journals for both academics and practitioners, to create opportunities and gateways for networking. This article critically argues the proposed contribution of the new Social Studies movement to the field in Turkey drawing upon the experiences of the movement of 1960s in

  6. Study of the valorisation of thermal storage and of power-to-heat. Study report + Study synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Canal, Patrick; Gerbaud, Manon; Mouret, Sylvain; Chammas, Maxime; Attard, Pierre; Bucy, Jacques de; Lochmann, Hugo; Le Gars, Loic; Payen, Luc; Lesueur, Herve


    This study aimed at assessing the potential of thermal storage and of power-to-heat in France, and at identifying relevant technological sectors by 2030. In order to do so, the study aimed at quantifying the value of these sectors for applications considered as relevant, this value lying in the valorisation of heat or electric power excesses, in the power arbitration, and in investment savings. Analyses have have been performed on case studies through an assessment of storage value and of P2H (Power-to-Heat) for the collectivity, a joint optimisation of fleet sizing and management, a modelling of power system fundamentals, an analysis of the profitability of storage and P2H projects, and an assessment of the technical source and of the impact on jobs. Thus, after an overview of thermal storage and power-to-heat technologies, and a presentation of the adopted methodology (definition of case studies, case study methodology, modelling hypotheses related to production and consumption, and modelling of the power system), the authors report the study of the sizing of biomass boilers in an urban heat network (determination of the storage value for the community), the study of development of an urban heat network (storage value for the community and for the operator, technological perspective by 2030), the study of the use of power-to-heat and storage for an urban heat network (value for the community, profitability and business model, perspective by 2030), the study of unavoidable heat recovery on an industrial site (value, profitability and business model, perspective by 2030), the study of co-generation and thermal storage on an industrial site (value, impact on income), the study of domestic thermal storage and of the flexibility of the French electric power system (impact of thermal water heaters on the flexibility), and the study of the impact on employment (jobs related to the domestic market and to the development of an exporting sector). Appendices propose sheets

  7. Clinical Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pallesen, Ulla

    universities and practicing dentists restore millions of teeth throughout the World with composite resin materials. Do we know enough about the clinical performance of these restorations over time? Numerous in vitro studies are being published on resin materials and adhesion, some of them attempting to imitate...... in vivo conditions. But real life is different and in vitro studies cannot include all variables. Only clinical studies can provide valid information on the clinical performance of restorations over time. What do we know about longevity of posterior resin restorations? What are the reasons for replacement...... and results from own up to 30-year prospective clinical university studies and practice based studies from Public Dental Health Service on the clinical performance of posterior composite resin restorations....

  8. Initial Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Torp, Kristian


    increased. In the initial study presented here, the time it takes to pass an intersection is studied in details. Two major signal-controlled four-way intersections in the center of the city Aalborg are studied in details to estimate the congestion levels in these intersections, based on the time it takes...

  9. Game Studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Raessens, J.F.F.


    This entry describes game studies as a dynamic interdisciplinary field of academic study and research that focuses on digital games and play in a wide variety of social and cultural contexts. It examines the history of game studies from its prehistory, when games were looked at as part of other

  10. Study protocol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorsteinsson, Troels; Helms, Anne Sofie; Adamsen, Lis


    , and problems related to interaction with peers. Methods/design The RESPECT study is a nationwide population-based prospective, controlled, mixed-methods intervention study looking at children aged 6-18 years newly diagnosed with cancer in eastern Denmark (n = 120) and a matched control group in western Denmark......, and one year after the cessation of treatment. The study is powered to quantify the impact of the combined educational, physical, and social intervention programs. Discussion RESPECT is the first population-based study to examine the effect of early rehabilitation for children with cancer, and to use...

  11. Urban Studies: A Study of Bibliographic Access and Control. (United States)

    Anderson, Barbara E.

    This paper analyzes: (1) the bibliographic access to publications in urban studies via printed secondary sources; (2) development and scope of classification systems and of vocabulary control for urban studies; and (3) currently accessible automated collections of bibliographic citations. Urban studies is defined as "an agglomeration of…

  12. Standardisation And Validation Study Of A New Study Skills ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Concerns have also been raised by various researchers about the latent constructs of existing western scales to assess study skills. The objective of this study was to develop, standardize and validate a culturally sensitive study skills questionnaire (SSQ). Methods: a stratified random sample of secondary school students (n ...

  13. Civilian End Strength Study. Study Sponsor ODCSLOG. (United States)


    Chief of Staff deferred action on the recommendations and requested a subsequent briefing with the following guidance. (1) Need to do more to take...Term Actions ... ..................... 38-39 ix CIVILIAN END STRENGTH STUDY Abstract This study examined the methodology by which the Army determines...DAPE-MBC) and COA ( DACA -OMP) has facilitated this process; an updated LOI, in draft, will clear up some of the problems identified in the test

  14. [Vestibular compensation studies]. [Vestibular Compensation and Morphological Studies (United States)

    Perachio, Adrian A. (Principal Investigator)


    The following topics are reported: neurophysiological studies on MVN neurons during vestibular compensation; effects of spinal cord lesions on VNC neurons during compensation; a closed-loop vestibular compensation model for horizontally canal-related MVN neurons; spatiotemporal convergence in VNC neurons; contributions of irregularly firing vestibular afferents to linear and angular VOR's; application to flight studies; metabolic measures in vestibular neurons; immediate early gene expression following vestibular stimulation; morphological studies on primary afferents, central vestibular pathways, vestibular efferent projection to the vestibular end organs, and three-dimensional morphometry and imaging.

  15. Southeastern Cancer Study Group: breast cancer studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smalley, R.V.; Bartolucci, A.A.; Moore, M.


    During the past 10 years, the Southeastern Cancer Study Group (SECSG) has been engaged in one major adjuvant study and three major advanced disease studies for patients with adenocarcinoma of the breast. The adjuvant study is demonstrating that six months of adjuvant CMF is the therapeutic equivalent of 12 months and that post-operative irradiation is of no added therapeutic benefit. In patients with advanced disease, a low dose 5 drug combination of CMFVP induces more objective responses than single agent 5FU, but improves survival only for those patients with liver metastases when compared to the sequential use of the same 5 single agents. The three drug combination, CAF, utilizing doxorubicin, induces more objective responses than low dose CMFVP, but it does not improve overall survival. The addition of a phase active combination, CAMELEON, (i.e., sequentially alternating therapy) of CAF has not improved the duration of disease control and survival for patients with liver metastases, lymphangitic and nodular lung metastases compared to CAF. Aggressive combination chemotherapeutic approaches to patients with advanced disease provide better and longer disease and tumor control but only marginal improvements in overall survival. Adding additional agents to a maximally tolerable regimen has not improved the therapeutic outcome

  16. Deep Attack Weapons Mix Study (DAWMS) Case Study

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Bexfield, James


    .... This report describes the process used to conduct the Deep Attack Weapons Mix Study (DAWMS) in 1995-1997. This case study focuses on the weapons being procured by the Services and whether a joint viewpoint would result in a more effective mix...

  17. Absorption studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganatra, R.D.


    Absorption studies were once quite popular but hardly anyone does them these days. It is easier to estimate the blood level of the nutrient directly by radioimmunoassay (RIA). However, the information obtained by estimating the blood levels of the nutrients is not the same that can be obtained from the absorption studies. Absorption studies are primarily done to find out whether some of the essential nutrients are absorbed from the gut or not and if they are absorbed, to determine how much is being absorbed. In the advanced countries, these tests were mostly done to detect pernicious anaemia where vitamin B 12 is not absorbed because of the lack of the intrinsic factor in the stomach. In the tropical countries, ''malabsorption syndrome'' is quire common. In this condition, several nutrients like fat, folic acid and vitamin B 12 are not absorbed. It is possible to study absorption of these nutrients by radioisotopic absorption studies

  18. Critical Kinship Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    In recent decades the concept of kinship has been challenged and reinvigorated by the so-called “repatriation of anthropology” and by the influence of feminist studies, queer studies, adoption studies, and science and technology studies. These interdisciplinary approaches have been further...... developed by increases in infertility, reproductive travel, and the emergence of critical movements among transnational adoptees, all of which have served to question how kinship is now practiced. Critical Kinship Studies brings together theoretical and disciplinary perspectives and analytically sensitive...... in the Humanities and Social Sciences today. Critical Kinship Studies should be of particular interest to students and scholars in Anthropology, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Medical Humanities, Politics, Gender and Queer Studies and Globalization....

  19. The extended teamwork 2004/2005 exploratory study. Study plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skjerve, Ann Britt; Strand, Stine; Skraaning, Gyrd Jr.; Nihlwing, Christer; Helgar, Stein; Olsen, Asle; Kvilesjoe, Hans Oeyvind; Meyer, Geir; Droeivoldsmo, Asgeir; Svengren, Haakan


    The report documents the study plan for the Extended Teamwork 2004/2005 exploratory study, which is performed within the Extended Teamwork HRP research program. The purpose of the research program is to generate ideas on how teamwork in nuclear power plants may be affected by the introduction of new operational concepts. The Extended Teamwork 2004/2005 exploratory study contributes with empirical knowledge on the effect of a new operational concept, implying increased automation levels, changed operator roles, redefined competence requirements to the operators, and new technologies to support co-operation, on teamwork. The Extended Teamwork 2004/2005 exploratory study covered occurrences during the early transition phase, i.e., from the time the operators are introduced to the possible future operational environment, to the time they have completed the twelve scenarios comprised by the study. The study assessed how familiarity with operation in the possible future operational environment may affect the extent and quality of co-operation. The report accounts for the motivation for performing the exploratory study, and explains the research question. It describes the theoretical approach, which is based on Co-operation Theory, the human-centered automation approach, and theories on co-operation across distances, and introduces the concept extended teamwork. It also describes the method applied: it provides a detailed description of the possible future operational environment, including requirements with respect to autonomy and authority - both for humans and for automatic agents, and describes the technology applied to support co-operation in the control-room team. In addition, all measurement techniques applied in the study are accounted for (system logs, questionnaires, interviews, etc.). (Author)

  20. Studies on education for radiation and courses of study (2009)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakuraba, Kazuhiro; Nakamura, Hideo; Ukai, Mitsuko


    The Courses of Study are provided as the standards for educational courses in all schools in Japan. The new Courses of Study have been started this year. In this research, we revealed the ways how to teach radiation using the Courses of Study (2009). Education for radiation was first opened for the third grade of secondary school children. The contents in terms of radiation education in this Courses of Study (2009) are the characterization and application of radiation. To promote this new study courses, the knowledge about radiation of young man and woman were also studied. We concluded it is necessary to start radiation education from elementary school. Furthermore to apply the Courses of Study effectively, we need the comments on radiation education from the researcher of radiation. After the comments, teachers are able to make precise educational materials for their own children. (author)

  1. Case-Control Studies - An Efficient Observational Study Design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Stralen, Karlijn J.; Dekker, Friedo W.; Zoccali, Carmine; Jager, Kitty J.


    Case-control studies are an efficient research method for investigating risk factors of a disease. The method involves the comparison of the odds of exposure in a patient group with that of the odds of exposure in a control group. As only a minority of the population is included in the study, less

  2. Multivariate Meta-Analysis of Genetic Association Studies: A Simulation Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Binod Neupane

    Full Text Available In a meta-analysis with multiple end points of interests that are correlated between or within studies, multivariate approach to meta-analysis has a potential to produce more precise estimates of effects by exploiting the correlation structure between end points. However, under random-effects assumption the multivariate estimation is more complex (as it involves estimation of more parameters simultaneously than univariate estimation, and sometimes can produce unrealistic parameter estimates. Usefulness of multivariate approach to meta-analysis of the effects of a genetic variant on two or more correlated traits is not well understood in the area of genetic association studies. In such studies, genetic variants are expected to roughly maintain Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium within studies, and also their effects on complex traits are generally very small to modest and could be heterogeneous across studies for genuine reasons. We carried out extensive simulation to explore the comparative performance of multivariate approach with most commonly used univariate inverse-variance weighted approach under random-effects assumption in various realistic meta-analytic scenarios of genetic association studies of correlated end points. We evaluated the performance with respect to relative mean bias percentage, and root mean square error (RMSE of the estimate and coverage probability of corresponding 95% confidence interval of the effect for each end point. Our simulation results suggest that multivariate approach performs similarly or better than univariate method when correlations between end points within or between studies are at least moderate and between-study variation is similar or larger than average within-study variation for meta-analyses of 10 or more genetic studies. Multivariate approach produces estimates with smaller bias and RMSE especially for the end point that has randomly or informatively missing summary data in some individual studies, when


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    Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


    Full Text Available This study aims to: (1 know the teacher's understanding about the concept of Geography as a platform in Social Studies learning; (2 know the teacher's understanding about geography literacy as a platform in Social Studies learning; and (3 study the right literacy concept as platform for Social Studies lesson. This research uses survey method. The subjects of the study were Social Studies teachers in Surakarta City. Sampling using startified random sampling. The results showed: 1 76% of respondents do not understand about Geography as a platform in Social Studies learning; 2 80% of respondents have not understood geography literacy; 3 Edelson's geography literature which consist of interaction, interconnection, and implication components can be used as an alternative to the implementation of Geography policy as a Platform in Social Studies.

  4. Creole Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This book launches a new approach to creole studies founded on phylogenetic network analysis. Phylogenetic approaches offer new visualisation techniques and insights into the relationships between creoles and non-creoles, creoles and other contact varieties, and between creoles and lexifier...... languages. With evidence from creole languages in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and the Pacific, the book provides new perspectives on creole typology, cross-creole comparisons, and creole semantics. The book offers an introduction for newcomers to the fields of creole studies and phylogenetic analysis. Using...... these methods to analyse a variety of linguistic features, both structural and semantic, the book then turns to explore old and new questions and problems in creole studies. Original case studies explore the differences and similarities between creoles, and propose solutions to the problems of how to classify...

  5. Study Proposal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    This cross sectional study design on mathematical syllabi at preparatory levels of the high schools was to ... Technology, Computer Science and Applied Sciences. It is studied of ..... For example, Jimma University Medical faculty students ...

  6. Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections Observational European study (CIAO Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sartelli Massimo


    Full Text Available Abstract Complicated intra-abdominal infections are frequently associated with poor prognoses and high morbidity and mortality rates. Despite advances in diagnosis, surgery, and antimicrobial therapy, mortality rates associated with complicated intra-abdominal infections remain exceedingly high. In order to describe the clinical, microbiological, and management-related profiles of both community-acquired and healthcare-acquired complicated intra-abdominal infections (IAIs, the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES, in collaboration with the Surgical Infections Society of Europe (SIS-E and other prominent European surgical societies, has designed the CIAO study. The CIAO study is a multicenter, observational study and will be carried out in various surgical departments throughout Europe. The study will include patients undergoing surgery or interventional drainage for complicated IAI.

  7. European Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. O. Pechatnov


    Full Text Available The study of Western countries and teaching courses on the related subjects have longstanding and established tradition at MGIMO-University. The basis of this brilliant research and teaching tradition was laid down by such academicians as E.V. Tarle and V.G. Trukhanovsky, Professor L.I. Clove, Y. Borisov, F.I. Notovitch, G.L. Rozanov. Their work in 1940-1960's at the Department of World History at MGIMO-University progressed in following directions: France studies, German studies, American studies. The work resulted in a number of monographs and textbooks on modern history and foreign policy of the studied countries and regions. The aim of the publications was dictated by the goal of the Institute - to prepare the specialists in international affairs primarily for practical work. A close relationship with the Foreign Ministry was "binding advantage" sometimes limiting researchers in choosing periods and subjects for the study. At the same time the undisputed advantage and quality of regional studies at MGIMO were strengthened by the practical relevance of research, making it a vital and interesting not only for specialists but also for students and researchers from other research centers. Another characteristic of the tradition is the analysis of foreign policy and diplomacy in a close relationship with the socio-economic and political processes. Such an integrated approach to regional geography also formed largely under the influence of institutional profile designed to train highly skilled and versatile specialists in specific countries and regions with a good knowledge of their languages, history, economics, politics, law and culture. Therefore, scientific and educational-methodical work at MGIMO-University has always relied on a wealth of empirical data and has been focused on the analysis of real-world phenomena and processes, acute problems of foreign countries. Scientific research at MGIMO-University traditionally intertwined with

  8. Club studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Demant, Jakob Johan; Ravn, Signe; Harder, Sidsel Kirstine


    Club studies are sociological investigations of youth drug use in the social situation of the club. By being present at the club the researcher tries to gain access to a somehow hidden population of drug users who only to a lesser extent perceive their drug use as problematic. In spite of impress......Club studies are sociological investigations of youth drug use in the social situation of the club. By being present at the club the researcher tries to gain access to a somehow hidden population of drug users who only to a lesser extent perceive their drug use as problematic. In spite...... of impressive club studies conducted in both Great Britain and in the United States, it seems that, broadly speaking, previous efforts can be characterized as either very broad and/or quantitative or very particular, sub-cultural and exclusively qualitative. Through a review of these studies, this article...... suggests a mixed-methods approach to club studies that combine quantitative data, qualitative interviews and ethnography conducted in the club space. By introducing the concept of ‘socionautics', this review suggests that the researcher travels into the social landscape of youth, clubs and drugs...

  9. Feasibility study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gibbs, P.; Kalas, P.


    The feasibility study itself examines the technical, economic and financial implications of a nuclear power station in depth so as to make sure that nuclear power is the right course to take. This means that it is quite an expensive operation and it is to avoid wasting this money that a pre-feasibility study is carried out. This preliminary study should eliminate cases where the electrical system cannot absorb the capacity of a nuclear station of commercial size, where other sources of power such as hydro-electricity, gas or cheap coal would make nuclear obviously uneconomic or where no suitable sites exist. If this first rather simple survey shows that nuclear power is a credible solution to a utilities need for electricity or heat production plant, then the next stage is a full feasibility study. (orig./TK) [de

  10. US country studies program: Results from mitigation studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper describes the U.S. Country Studies Program which was implemented to support the principles and objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). There were three principle objectives in this program: to enhance capabilities to conduct climate change assessments, prepare action plans, and implement technology projects; to help establish a process for developing and implementing national policies and measures; to support principles and objective of the FCCC. As a result, 55 countries are completing studies, more than 2000 analysts engaged in the studies have been trained, and there is a much broader understanding and support for climate change concerns. The article describes experiences of some countries, and general observations and conclusions which are broadly seperated into developed countries and those with economies in transition.

  11. Nursing students motivation toward their studies – a survey study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilsson Kerstin EL


    Full Text Available Abstract Background This study focuses on Swedish nursing students' motivation toward their studies during their three year academic studies. Earlier studies show the importance of motivation for study commitment and result. The aim was to analyze nursing students' estimation of their degree of motivation during different semester during their education and to identify reasons for the degree of motivation. Methods A questionnaire asking for scoring motivation and what influenced the degree of motivation was distributed to students enrolled in a nursing programme. 315 students who studied at different semesters participated. Analyzes were made by statistical calculation and content analysis. Results The mean motivation score over all semesters was 6.3 (ranked between 0–10 and differed significantly during the semesters with a tendency to lower score during the 5th semester. Students (73/315 with motivation score 6 reported positive opinions to becoming a nurse (125/234, organization of the programme and attitude to the studies. The mean score value for the motivation ranking differed significantly between male (5.8 and female (6.8 students. Conclusion Conclusions to be drawn are that nursing students mainly grade their motivation positive distributed different throughout their entire education. The main motivation factor was becoming a nurse. This study result highlights the need of understanding the students' situation and their need of tutorial support.

  12. Clean Cities Case Study: Barwood Cab Fleet Study Summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whalen, P.


    Barwood Cab Fleet Study Summary is the second in a new series called''Alternative Fuel Information Case Studies,'' designed to present real-world experiences with alternative fuels to fleet managers and other industry stakeholders

  13. Study of cluster headache: A hospital-based study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amita Bhargava


    Full Text Available Introduction: Cluster headache (CH is uncommon and most painful of all primary headaches, and continues to be managed suboptimally because of wrong diagnosis. It needs to be diagnosed correctly and specifically treated. There are few studies and none from this region on CH. Materials and Methods: To study the detailed clinical profile of CH patients and to compare them among both the genders. Study was conducted at Mahatma Gandhi hospital, Jodhpur (from January 2011to December 2013. Study comprises 30 CH patients diagnosed according to International Headache Society guidelines (ICHD-II. Routine investigations and MRI brain was done in all patients. All measurements were reported as mean ± SD. Categorical variables were compared using the Chi-square test, and continuous variables were compared using Student′s t-test. SPSS for Windows, Version 16.0, was used for statistical analyses with the significance level set at P = 0.05. Results: M: F ratio was 9:1. Age at presentation was from 22-60 years (mean - 38 years. Latency before diagnosis was 3 months-12 years (mean - 3.5 years. All suffered from episodic CH and aura was found in none. Pain was strictly unilateral (right-19, left-11, predominantly over temporal region-18 (60%. Pain intensity was severe in 27 (90% and moderate in 3 (10%. Pain quality was throbbing in 12 (40%. Peak intensity was reached in 5 minutes-30 minutes and attack duration varied from 30 minutes to 3 hours (mean - 2.45 hours. Among autonomic features, conjunctival injection-23 (76.6% and lacrimation-25 (83.3% were most common. Restlessness during episode was found in 80%. CH duration varied from 10 days to 12 weeks. Circadian periodicity for attacks was noted in 24 (80%. Conclusion: Results are consistent with other studies on many accounts, but is different from Western studies with respect to low frequency of family history, chronic CH, restlessness and aura preceeding the attack. Detailed elicitation of history is

  14. The Religious Studies on Peace in Turkey: A Content Analysis Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    İrfan ERDOĞAN


    By means of research findings, it will be clearly seen which themes on peace were mostly studied in Turkey, which methods were used in the studies and distribution of studies by years and so on. Thus, the research will lead the researchers about the theme and the method to eliminate the deficiencies in the field for after studies. Also the tendency of the religious studies on peace will be determined.

  15. Drinking Game Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Debus, Michael S.


    The paper examines research on drinking game participation from a game studies ontological perspective, covering definition, classification and problems with the, in the studies implied, underlying ontology of drinking games.......The paper examines research on drinking game participation from a game studies ontological perspective, covering definition, classification and problems with the, in the studies implied, underlying ontology of drinking games....

  16. Studying Sideways

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plesner, Ursula


    inequalities in relation to the people we study. This article argues that not all types of social scientific research interviews benefit from an à priori problematization of power and control, ethics and equality, or emancipation. From a constructivist perspective, the article seeks to displace......, we must cultivate interview methods which cause confrontation and disagreement—not to acknowledge asymmetry but to enhance the quality of research.......One strand of the qualitative interview literature has been concerned with the normative or otherwise problematic implications of studying down or studying up (i.e., interviewing “disadvantaged” people or elites). This interview literature is part of a tradition of taking up the problem of power...

  17. Study habits as predictors of academic performance: a case study of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study assessed whether study habits predicted the academic performance of students at Zion Girls' Senior High School. One hundred and twelve students in form 2 were the respondents in the study. The Study Habit Survey questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was analyzed by the use of bivariate ...

  18. A Study of State Social Studies Standards for American Indian Education (United States)

    Warner, Connor K.


    In this study the author surveys social studies standards from 14 U.S. states seeking to answer: (a) what social studies knowledge about American Indians is deemed essential by those states mandating the development of American Indian Education curricula for all public K-12 students? and (b) at what grade levels is this social studies content…

  19. Comparing toxicologic and epidemiologic studies: methylene chloride--a case study. (United States)

    Stayner, L T; Bailer, A J


    Exposure to methylene chloride induces lung and liver cancers in mice. The mouse bioassay data have been used as the basis for several cancer risk assessments. The results from epidemiologic studies of workers exposed to methylene chloride have been mixed with respect to demonstrating an increased cancer risk. The results from a negative epidemiologic study of Kodak workers have been used by two groups of investigators to test the predictions from the EPA risk assessment models. These two groups used very different approaches to this problem, which resulted in opposite conclusions regarding the consistency between the animal model predictions and the Kodak study results. The results from the Kodak study are used to test the predictions from OSHA's multistage models of liver and lung cancer risk. Confidence intervals for the standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) from the Kodak study are compared with the predicted confidence intervals derived from OSHA's risk assessment models. Adjustments for the "healthy worker effect," differences in length of follow-up, and dosimetry between animals and humans were incorporated into these comparisons. Based on these comparisons, we conclude that the negative results from the Kodak study are not inconsistent with the predictions from OSHA's risk assessment model.

  20. Study of deep fracturation of granitic rock mass. Documentary study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bles, J.L.; Landry, J.


    This documentary study realized with the financial support of the European Communities and the CEA aims at the utilization of available data for the understanding of the evolution of natural fractures in granitic rocks from the surface to deep underground. The Mt Blanc road tunnel, the EDF's Arc-Isere gallerie, the Auriat deep borehole and the Pyrenean rock mass of Bassies are studied because detailed structural and geological studies have been realized these last 20 years. In this study are more particularly analyzed the relationship between small fractures and large faults, evolution with depth of fracture density and direction, consequences of rock decompression and relationship between fracturation and groundwater

  1. The modal study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cook, J.R.


    The term ''Modal Study'' refers to a research program conducted for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on the level of protection provided by NRC-certified packages during the shipment of spent nuclear fuel form U.S. power reactors. The objective of the study was to examine the response of the packages to actual highway and railway accident conditions. The Modal Study results show that NRC-certified spent fuel casks would perform their safety functions under severe, actual accident conditions. The study also explains how NRC's cask design conditions, which are expressed in engineering terms, relate to actual accident conditions, with which the public is more familiar. The Modal Study, along with other transportation studies, physical testing of casks, and the spent fuel shipment safety record confirm the view that casks provide a high level of public safety during spent fuel transport

  2. Studying Engineering Practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buch, Anders


    The study of engineering practices has been the focus of Engineering Studies over the last three decades. Theses studies have used ethnographic and grounded methods in order to investigate engineering practices as they unfold in natural settings - in workplaces and engineering education. However......, engineering studies have not given much attention to conceptually clarifying what should be understood by 'engineering practices' and more precisely account for the composition and organization of the entities and phenomena that make up the practices. This chapter investigates and discusses how a 'practice...... will draw out some methodological consequences and discuss the ramifications of a practice theoretical approach for Engineering Studies....

  3. The Korea Nurses' Health Study: A Prospective Cohort Study. (United States)

    Kim, Oksoo; Ahn, Younjhin; Lee, Hea-Young; Jang, Hee Jung; Kim, Sue; Lee, Jung Eun; Jung, Heeja; Cho, Eunyoung; Lim, Joong-Yeon; Kim, Min-Ju; Willett, Walter C; Chavarro, Jorge E; Park, Hyun-Young


    The Korea Nurses' Health Study (KNHS) is a prospective cohort study of female nurses, focusing on the effects of occupational, environmental, and lifestyle risk factors on the health of Korean women. Female registered nurses aged 20-45 years and living in the Republic of Korea were invited to join the study, which began in July 2013. They were asked to complete a web-based baseline survey. The study protocols and questionnaires related to the KNHS are based on the Nurses' Health Study 3 (NHS3) in the United States, although they were modified to reflect the Korean lifestyle. Participants were asked about demographic, lifestyle factors, disease history, occupational exposure, reproductive factors, and dietary habits during their adolescence: Follow-up questionnaires were/will be completed at 6-8 month intervals after the baseline survey. If a participant became pregnant, she answered additional questionnaires containing pregnancy-related information. Among 157,569 eligible female nurses, 20,613 (13.1%) completed the web-based baseline questionnaire. The mean age of the participants was 29.4 ± 5.9 years, and more than half of them were in their 20s. Eighty-eight percent of the participants had worked night shifts as a nurse (mean, 5.3 ± 4.3 nights per month). Approximately 80% of the participants had a body mass index below 23 kg/m 2 . Gastrointestinal diseases were the most prevalent health issues (25.9%). The findings from this prospective cohort study will help to identify the effects of lifestyle-related and occupational factors on reproductive health and development of chronic diseases in Korean women.

  4. Human volunteer studies with non-pharmaceutical chemicals: metabolism and pharmacokinetic studies. (United States)

    Wilks, M F; Woollen, B H


    1. Human volunteer studies are an essential part of drug development but their use in the area of non-pharmaceutical chemicals has so far been very limited. Such studies can have considerable value in the assessment and improvement of the safe use of chemicals. 2. Once metabolic pathways and target metabolites have been identified in volunteers this information can be used in studies in the workplace or in the general population. Studies should be performed selectively only if there is both a toxic hazard and a significant exposure potential. In addition, they should only be carried out if the required information cannot be obtained in any other way. 3. Volunteer studies with non-pharmaceuticals have become increasingly acceptable in the light of established international guidelines, no-fault compensation, improvements in study design and technical developments which allow the use of very low dose levels. The final decision on whether to carry out a study must always rest with an independent ethical committee. 4. The practical aspects of the study should be specified in a detailed protocol conforming with the principles of good clinical practice. The safety of volunteers must be of paramount concern throughout. Depending on the nature of the chemical and the study, it may be advisable to carry out studies in a clinical facility where equipment is available for the treatment of any emergencies that might occur. 5. Numerous investigators have now shown that human volunteer studies are ethically acceptable, practicable and yield important information. The risk to volunteers is minimal and this approach can lead to an improved foundation for occupational hygiene standards, more accurate risk assessment and thus better protection of the workforce and the general population.

  5. Invisibility Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Invisibility Studies explores current changes in the relationship between what we consider visible and what invisible in different areas of contemporary culture. Contributions trace how these changes make their marks on various cultural fields and investigate the cultural significance of these de......Invisibility Studies explores current changes in the relationship between what we consider visible and what invisible in different areas of contemporary culture. Contributions trace how these changes make their marks on various cultural fields and investigate the cultural significance...... conditioned by physical and social settings that create certain possibilities for visibility and visuality, yet exclude others. The richness and complexity of this cultural framework means that no single discipline or interdisciplinary approach could capture it single-handedly. Invisibility Studies begins...

  6. Prospective SAH Study in Japan, 2005(Prospective SAH Study)


    塩川, 芳昭; 栗田, 浩樹; 藤井, 清孝; Yoshiaki, SHIOKAWA; Hiroki, KURITA; Kiyotaka, FUJII; 杏林大学脳神経外科; 杏林大学脳神経外科; 北里大学脳神経外科; Department of Neurosurgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine; Department of Neurosurgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine


    To clarify current treatment status of ruptured cerebral aneurysms in Japan, a prospective multicenter observational study on the treatment results for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage was conducted over calendar year 2005 and final 1-year outcomes were collected. Studied centers were selected from among institutes of committee member of Japanese stroke surgery organization or symposium of vasospasm in Japan. A total of 927 patients were enrolled in this study and treatment policies were le...

  7. Gender Studies transdisziplinär gestalten Designing Trans-Disciplinary Gender Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sigrid Schmitz


    Full Text Available Robin Bauer und Helene Götschel stellen am Beispiel des Curriculum-Projektes „Degendering Science“ Inhalte und Didaktiken für transdisziplinäre Lehrkonzepte vor, um Naturwissenschaften und Gender Studies in einen konstruktiven Dialog zu bringen. Dieses Buch ist mit seinen vielen Beispielen eine Hilfestellung für alle Lehrenden der Gender Studies und es liefert wichtige Anregungen zu aktuellen Herausforderungen und Strategien bei der Institutionalisierung der Gender Studies.On the basis of the curriculum project, “Degendering Science,” Robin Bauer and Helene Götschel propose didactics and contents for trans-disciplinary pedagogical concepts that bring the natural sciences and Gender Studies into a constructive dialogue. Because of its many examples, this book will be helpful for all instructors of Gender Studies and offers important strategies and stimulation for approaching current challenges in the institutionalization of Gender Studies.

  8. Security studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venot, R.


    Full text: Security studies constitute one of the major tools for evaluating the provisions implemented at facilities to protect and control Nuclear Material against unauthorized removal. Operators use security studies to demonstrate that they are complying with objectives set by the Competent Authority to counter internal or external acts aimed at unauthorized removal of NM. The paper presents the context of security studies carried out in France. The philosophy of these studies is based on a postulated unauthorized removal of NM and the study of the behavior of the systems implemented to control and protect NM in a facility. The potential unauthorized removal of NM usually may take place in two stages. The first stage involves the sequence leading to handling of the NM. It occurs inside the physical barriers of a facility and may include action involving the documents corresponding to Material Control and Accounting systems. At this stage it is possible to limit the risk of unauthorized removal of NM by means of detection capabilities of the MC and A systems. The second stage is more specific to theft and involves removing the NM out of the physical barriers of a facility in which they are being held, notably by affecting the Physical Protection System. Operators have to study, from a quantity and time lapse point of view, the ability of the installed systems to detect unauthorized removal, as well as the possibility of tampering with the systems to mask unlawful operations. Operators have also to analyze the sequences during which NM are accessed, removed from their containment and further removed from the facility in which they are stored. At each stage in the process, the probability of detection and the time taken to carry out the above actions have to be estimated. Of course, these two types of studies complement each other. Security studies have begun, in France, for more than fifteen years. Up to now more than fifty security studies are available in the

  9. The household contact study design for genetic epidemiological studies of infectious diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catherine eStein


    Full Text Available Most genetic epidemiological study designs fall into one of two categories: family-based and population-based (case-control. However, recent advances in statistical genetics call for study designs that combine these two approaches. We describe the household contact study design as we have applied it in our several years of study of the epidemiology of tuberculosis. Though we highlight its applicability for genetic epidemiological studies of infectious diseases, there are many facets of this design that are appealing for modern genetic studies, including the simultaneous enrollment of related and unrelated individuals, closely and distantly related individuals, collection of extensive epidemiologic and phenotypic data, and evaluation of effects of shared environment and gene by environment interaction. These study design characteristics are particularly appealing for current sequencing studies.

  10. Security+ study guide study guide and practice exam

    CERN Document Server

    Dubrawsky, Ido; Dubrawsky


    Over 700,000 IT Professionals Have Prepared for Exams with Syngress Authored Study GuidesThe Security+ Study Guide & Practice Exam is a one-of-a-kind integration of text and and Web-based exam simulation and remediation. This system gives you 100% coverage of official CompTIA Security+ exam objectives plus test preparation software for the edge you need to achieve certification on your first try! This system is comprehensive, affordable, and effective!* Completely Guaranteed Coverage of All Exam ObjectivesAll five Security+ domains are covered in full: General Securi

  11. Implementation of case studies in undergraduate didactic nursing courses: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Dutra, Danette K


    The implementation of unfolding scenario-based case studies in the didactic classroom is associated with learner-centered education. The utilization of learner-centered pedagogies, such as case studies, removes the focus from the instructor and instead places it on the student. Learner-centered pedagogies are believed to improve students' levels of cognition. The purpose of this study was to examine how nurse educators are implementing the pedagogies of case studies in their undergraduate didactic courses. The goal was to examine, document, report, and, ultimately, implement the strategies. Purposeful sampling was utilized in this qualitative, multisite-designed study. For each of the four participants, three separate site visits were completed. Observations and post-observational interviews took place at each site visit. Transcribed data from interviews, observations, and course documents were imported into the computer program Nvivo8. Repetitive comparative analysis was utilized to complete the data coding process. The guiding research question of this study sought to investigate the implementation strategies of case studies in didactic nursing courses. The implementation of case studies by the participants reflected two primary patterns: Formal Implementation (FI) and Informal Implementation (II) of case studies. The FI of case studies was further divided into two subcategories: Formal Implementation of case studies used Inside the Classroom setting (FIIC) and Formal Implementation of cases studies used Outside of the Classroom (FIOC). Results of this investigation have led to an increased understanding of implementation strategies of unfolding scenario-based case studies in undergraduate nursing didactic courses. Data collected were rich in the description of specific methodologies for utilization of case studies and may serve as a resource for faculty in development of creative strategies to enhance the didactic classroom experience.

  12. Single Policy Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kronsell, Annica; Manners, Ian James


    Single policy studies are the most common form of European Union (EU) research. Single policy studies are widely used to understand the role of the EU in a wide variety of sectors, together with their development over time, and often offer public policy prescriptions. This chapter discusses...... the relevance of single policy studies in EU research and give examples of how such research can be designed and carried out. The chapter reviews three examples of single policy studies using different methods based on EU environmental policy, the EU biofuels directive, and the EU Common Security and Defence...... Policy (CSDP). The examples are illustrative of how single policy studies can be designed to use different approaches in the analysis: multiple streams approach to policy-making; a comparative hypothesis testing; and feminist institutional theory....

  13. ARHCO studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rogers, L.E.


    Ecological studies at the Hanford Reservation are designed to clarify ecosystem structure and function in and near the radioactive waste management areas. To date, emphasis has been placed on characterizing the abiotic and biotic components of these areas. During the current year, deer, raptors, coots, and mice have been under active study with respect to their potential for dissemination of radioactivity from pond or burial locations via feeding

  14. Cost-of-illness studies for bipolar disorder: systematic review of international studies. (United States)

    Jin, Huajie; McCrone, Paul


    Bipolar disorder (BD) may result in a greater burden than all forms of cancer, Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy. Cost-of-illness (COI) studies provide useful information on the economic burden that BD imposes on a society. Furthermore, COI studies are pivotal sources of evidence used in economic evaluations. This study aims to give a general overview of COI studies for BD and to discuss methodological issues that might potentially influence results. This study also aims to provide recommendations to improve practice in this area, based on the review. A search was performed to identify COI studies of BD. The following electronic databases were searched: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycInfo, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, HMIC and openSIGLE. The primary outcome of this review was the annual cost per BD patient. A narrative assessment of key methodological issues was also included. Based on these findings, recommendations for good practice were drafted. Fifty-four studies were included in this review. Because of the widespread methodological heterogeneity among included studies, no attempt has been made to pool results of different studies. Potential areas for methodological improvement were identified. These were: description of the disease and population, the approach to deal with comorbidities, reporting the rationale and impact for choosing different cost perspectives, and ways in which uncertainty is addressed. This review showed that numerous COI studies have been conducted for BD since 1995. However, these studies employed varying methods, which limit the comparability of findings. The recommendations provided by this review can be used by those conducting COI studies and those critiquing them, to increase the credibility and reporting of study results.

  15. Effects of Study and Self-reward Skills Counselling on Study ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    reward skills counselling on students' study behaviour. It was also intended to ascertain the influence of gender on the study behaviour of participants in the experimental and control groups. Two null hypotheses were formulated.

  16. Hawaii Solar Integration Study: Solar Modeling Developments and Study Results; Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orwig, K.; Corbus, D.; Piwko, R.; Schuerger, M.; Matsuura, M.; Roose, L.


    The Hawaii Solar Integration Study (HSIS) is a follow-up to the Oahu Wind Integration and Transmission Study completed in 2010. HSIS focuses on the impacts of higher penetrations of solar energy on the electrical grid and on other generation. HSIS goes beyond the island of Oahu and investigates Maui as well. The study examines reserve strategies, impacts on thermal unit commitment and dispatch, utilization of energy storage, renewable energy curtailment, and other aspects of grid reliability and operation. For the study, high-frequency (2-second) solar power profiles were generated using a new combined Numerical Weather Prediction model/ stochastic-kinematic cloud model approach, which represents the 'sharp-edge' effects of clouds passing over solar facilities. As part of the validation process, the solar data was evaluated using a variety of analysis techniques including wavelets, power spectral densities, ramp distributions, extreme values, and cross correlations. This paper provides an overview of the study objectives, results of the solar profile validation, and study results.

  17. INEL design studies in support of the Westinghouse EPRI small plant study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burtt, J.D.; Kullberg, C.M.


    In support of the design effort of a Westinghouse EPRI small plant study, several analyses were performed at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. An analysis was performed to study fuel behavior under conditions of a limiting flow coastdown transient. Depressurization capabilities for the reactor coolant system were studied. The post-accident heat removal for the current containment design was studied. The results of all three studies are reported. 31 figs

  18. Electric-powered passenger vehicle design study program. Task 1. Tradeoff studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rowlett, B.H.


    Using the baseline vehicle and power system design established previously to meet the performance goals of the program, three power system computer simulation programs were prepared for the basic vehicle tradeoff studies. These programs simulate the performance of the power system and vehicle over different types of driving conditions such as maximum power acceleration, deceleration, city driving cycles, and hill climbing, and permit accurate determination of the benefits of the unique hybrid power system, the total energy required for the suburban city driving cycle, and the extremes of the operating envelopes of the components so that component design options can be defined and studied. Component design tradeoff studies were conducted, including sensitivity studies to show the criticality of the various losses and unknowns in the analytical models. Also, preliminary vehicle layout studies were performed to determine the best locations of the power system and the batteries. Three basic design options are identified for further study. Economic studies were initiated using analytical models to establish the complete vehicle weight and cost breakdowns. Preliminary reliability and safety studies were completed, and maintainability and safety certification criteria established. The detailed analysis of the power system has verified the feasibility of the system and of the performance expectations. Also, the feasibility of energy recovery from regenerative braking has been confirmed. The sensitivity analysis of the power system shows that sufficient margin for unknown design variables is provided. The preliminary economic analysis indicates that the most difficult objective of the study will be the selection of the cost and weight relationships which are required to achieve the overall cost objectives.

  19. Parents Studying Medicine – the dichotomy of studying with a family (United States)

    Iden, Kirstin; Nürnberger, Frank; Sader, Robert; Dittrich, Winand


    Introduction: In this article the personal study and life situation of parents who are also medical students at the Medical School of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main is discussed. There is a special focus on the topics “studying with children” and “family-friendly university”, which have been present in discussions about university development and in the daily life of academics, especially during the last decade. The workgroup “Individual Student Services” at the medical faculty at the Goethe University tries to meet the necessities of the individual study courses and to support the study success with a new counselling and student service concept. Methods: The experience of parents studying medicine was recorded in semi-structured interviews (Date: April 2010), which were held as part of the sponsored pilot project on part-time medical studies (“Pilot Project Part-time Medical Studies”). Additionally, study results from the Medical School of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main were integrated as well as a literature analysis. Results: It was found that the teaching demands and support services, which have been suggested and needed for years now, have been partially implemented and are without sufficient support at the faculty level to date. Thus the current situation of medical students with children is still difficult and seems a big challenge for everyone involved. Solution: As part of the “Individual Student Services” a new pilot project on part-time medical studies was established in November 2009. Only the use of new, unconventional and innovative ideas allows universities to adequately support the changing and heterogeneous student population and support them to successfully completing their medical studies. PMID:22558026

  20. Information society studies

    CERN Document Server

    Duff, Alistair S


    We are often told that we are ""living in an information society"" or that we are ""information workers."" But what exactly do these claims mean, and how might they be verified? In this important methodological study, Alistair S. Duff cuts through the rhetoric to get to the bottom of the ""information society thesis."" Wide-ranging in coverage, this study will be of interest to scholars in information science, communication and media studies and social theory. It is a key text for the newly-unified specialism of information society studies, and an indispensable guide to the future of this disc

  1. The Development of Study Orientations and Study Success in Students of Pharmacy (United States)

    Nieminen, Juha; Lindblom-Ylanne, Sari; Lonka, Kirsti


    In research literature, two study orientations have been identified: meaning orientation and reproducing orientation. Few studies have examined how study orientations and conceptions of knowledge (epistemologies) interrelate. Further, longitudinal studies of the development of orientations and of conceptions of knowledge in relation to academic…

  2. Job stress, absenteeism and coronary heart disease European cooperative study (the JACE study): Design of a multicentre prospective study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Houtman, I.; Kornitzer, M.; Smet, P. de; Koyuncu, R.; Backer, G. de; Pelfrene, E.; Romon, M.; Boulenguez, C.; Ferrario, M.; Origgi, G.; Sans, S.; Perez, I.; Wilhelmsen, L.; Rosengren, A.; Isacsson, S.-O.; Östergren, P.-O.


    Background: The motives, objectives and design of a multicentre prospective study on job stress, absenteeism and coronary heart disease in Europe (the JACE study) is presented in this paper. Some specific gaps in the reviewed literature are explicitly tapped into by the JACE study. Its objectives


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniar Kusumawati


    Full Text Available Isu nasional menurunnya produksi budidaya ikan bandeng di tambak pantai utara Pulau Jawa didugasebagai akibat rendahnya kualitas benih produk Hatchery Skala Rumah Tangga (HSRT di Bali, yang secara kontinu merupakan sumber utama pasok benih. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas benih, antara lain kualitas telur dan induk, serta manajemen pemeliharaan induk dan larva. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi performa pertumbuhan,aktivitas enzim pencernaan dan nutrisi benih ikan bandeng dari HSRT dan generasi kedua (G2 terseleksi yang dipelihara berdasarkan standar operasional prosedur. Penelitian dilakukan di tambak Pejarakan, dengan hewan uji benih produk HSRT dan benih generasi ke-2 (G-2 terseleksi dengan panjang total rata-rata 11,79 ± 1,64 mm, masing-masing dengan padat tebar 5.000 ekor/petak dengan luasan 0,5 Ha/petak, diberi pakan jenis pelet kering berkadar protein 25 % dan dipelihara selama 6 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan performa benih ikan bandeng dipengaruhi oleh sumber induk dan manajemen pemeliharaan saat larva. Pertumbuhan benih ikan bandeng asal HSRT dengan SOP pemeliharaan larva menunjukkan peningkatan laju pertumbuhan panjang dan bobot sebesar 10,11% dan 47,18% lebih tinggi dibandingkan benih G2-terseleksi, dan 13,82% dan 50,55% lebih tinggi dibandingkan benih HSRT tanpa SOP. Aktivitas enzimatis pada benih HSRT dengan SOP lebih efisien dibandingkan benih G2-terseleksi. Aktivitas enzimatis pada benih HSRT tanpa SOP adalah yang paling rendah dimana hal ini terlihat dari laju pertumbuhannya yang juga paling rendah. Benih HSRT yang dipelihara dengan SOP mampu menekan rasio konversi pakan sebesar 28,29% lebih rendah dibandingkan benih G2-terseleksi, dan 22,64% dibandingkan benih HSRT yang dipelihara tanpa SOP. Currently, there is a national concern regarding the decreasing of milkfish production from ponds in North Java allegedly due to a low quality of milkfish seed produced by small-scale hatcheries in Bali, which

  4. Driving clinical study efficiency by using a productivity breakdown model: comparative evaluation of a global clinical study and a similar Japanese study. (United States)

    Takahashi, K; Sengoku, S; Kimura, H


    A fundamental management imperative of pharmaceutical companies is to contain surging costs of developing and launching drugs globally. Clinical studies are a research and development (R&D) cost driver. The objective of this study was to develop a productivity breakdown model, or a key performance indicator (KPI) tree, for an entire clinical study and to use it to compare a global clinical study with a similar Japanese study. We, thereby, hope to identify means of improving study productivity. We developed the new clinical study productivity breakdown model, covering operational aspects and cost factors. Elements for improving clinical study productivity were assessed from a management viewpoint by comparing empirical tracking data from a global clinical study with a Japanese study with similar protocols. The following unique and material differences, beyond simple international difference in cost of living, that could affect the efficiency of future clinical trials were identified: (i) more frequent site visits in the Japanese study, (ii) head counts at the Japanese study sites more than double those of the global study and (iii) a shorter enrollment time window of about a third that of the global study at the Japanese study sites. We identified major differences in the performance of the two studies. These findings demonstrate the potential of the KPI tree for improving clinical study productivity. Trade-offs, such as those between reduction in head count at study sites and expansion of the enrollment time window, must be considered carefully. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  5. The Implementation of Lesson Study in English Language Learning: A Case Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wakhid Nashruddin


    Full Text Available Lesson Study as a growing interest in the education world has attracted educators, experts, and professionals in the area to make use of it in improving the lessons—it also happens in Indonesia. Originally applied in the teaching of mathematics in Japan, now it turns to be used in other fields, and English is one of them. This paper highlights the guideline on Lesson Study and pictures its application in a private senior high school in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The adaptation of Lesson Study is interesting since Japan and Indonesia have different cultural background. How Lesson Study is usually implemented in Japan and the US and how it is applied in Indonesia will be seen here. As this is a case study, it will only focus on a school and the result should not be used to generalize Lesson Study applications in Indonesia. Interview and observation were instruments used in this study. The interview was used to gain information on how Lesson Study was normally conducted and observation (and the researchers’ involvements was used to see the real implementation of Lesson Study. What happened during the implementation of Lesson Study and during the teaching and learning process become a great attention here.

  6. Longitudinal Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study: rationale, study design and research methodology. (United States)

    Khanna, Rohit C; Murthy, Gudlavalleti Vs; Marmamula, Srinivas; Mettla, Asha Latha; Giridhar, Pyda; Banerjee, Seema; Shekhar, Konegari; Chakrabarti, Subhabrata; Gilbert, Clare; Rao, Gullapalli N


    The rationale, objectives, study design and procedures for the longitudinal Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study are described. A longitudinal cohort study was carried out. Participants include surviving cohort from the rural component of Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study. During 1996-2000, Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Survey was conducted in three rural (n = 7771) and one urban (n = 2522) areas (now called Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study 1). In 2009-2010, a feasibility exercise (Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study 2) for a longitudinal study (Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study 3) was undertaken in the rural clusters only, as urban clusters no longer existed. In Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study 3, a detailed interview will be carried out to collect data on sociodemographic factors, ocular and systemic history, risk factors, visual function, knowledge of eye diseases and barriers to accessing services. All participants will also undergo a comprehensive eye examination including photography of lens, optic disc and retina, Optic Coherence Tomography of the posterior segment, anthropometry, blood pressure and frailty measures. Measures include estimates of the incidence of visual impairment and age-related eye disease (lens opacities, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration) and the progression of eye disease (lens opacities and myopia) and associated risk factors. Of the 7771 respondents examined in rural areas in Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study 1, 5447 (70.1%) participants were traced in Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study 2. These participants will be re-examined. Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study 3 will provide data on the incidence and progression of visual impairment and major eye diseases and their associated risk factors in India. The study will provide further evidence to aid planning eye care services. © 2015 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  7. A proposal to study the esophageal transit by biomagnetic and scintigraphic study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daghastanli, N.A.; Braga, F.J.H.N.; Baffa, O.


    The initial results for a new apparatus to study the esophageal transit time is studied in asymptomatic persons for a yogurt bolus (10 ml). The bolus is uniformly labeled with 5 g of ferrite powder (biomagnetic study, B) or 350 MBq of 99m Tc (scintigraphic study, C). For the B study the detection is made by means two pair of coils in opposite phase excited by a 10 k Hz sinusoidal voltage. The signal response is obtained when the bolus traverses the coils placed on the regions-of-interest (ROIs) of the esophagus (furcula, F and xiphoid process, X) and produces a signal voltage that is measured by a lock-in amplifier Stanford SR530. For C studies an Orbiter Siemens scintillation camera is used linked to a computer. The data analysis shows a (4.1±0.7)s in B studies and (3.7±0.9)s in C studies (R=0.6, P<0.07)

  8. Behavior Modification of Studying Through Study Skills Advice and Self-Control Procedures (United States)

    Richards, C. Steven


    Investigates the efficacy of two behavioral self-control procedures as additions to the typical treatment for college students' study behavior--study skills advice. Predicted self-monitoring would be an effective treatment addition to study skills advice and study skills advice would be superior to the control groups. Results supported…

  9. Enacting Disability: How Can Science and Technology Studies Inform Disability Studies? (United States)

    Galis, Vasilis


    This paper aims to discuss how science and technology studies (STS) can inform disability studies and challenge dominant approaches, such as the medical and the social models, in the ordering and representation of disability. Disability studies and STS have followed somewhat parallel paths in the history of ideas. From a positivist approach to…

  10. International user studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lene; Madsen, Sabine; Jensen, Iben

    In this report, we present the results of a research project about international user studies. The project has been carried out by researchers from the Center for Persona Research and –Application, The IT University in Copenhagen and the Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University...... in Sydhavnen, and it is funded by InfinIT. Based on a qualitative interview study with 15 user researchers from 11 different companies, we have investigated how companies collect and present data about users on international markets. Key findings are: Companies do not collect data about end users in all...... the countries/regions they operate in. Instead, they focus on a few strategic markets. International user studies tend to be large-scale studies that involve the effort of many both internal and external/local human resources. The studies typically cover 2-4 countries/regions and many end users in each country...

  11. World Studies. Japan, India, China: Which Direction? Social Studies: 6478.20. (United States)

    Abrams, Grace C.; Schmidt, Fran

    This Quinmester world studies elective course for grades 7, 8, and 9, focuses on the comparative study of three far eastern nations: China, India, and Japan. The study examines the successes and failures of each nation in dealing with the common problems of over-population, industrialization, and literacy education, leading to speculation as to…

  12. Italian Studies in Southern Africa/Studi d'Italianistica nell'Africa ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Italian Studies in Southern Africa/Studi d'Italianistica nell'Africa Australe - Vol 9, No 1 (1996) ... Politics and power in Giovanni Comisso's Giorni Di Guerra and Pier Vittorio Tondelli's Pao Pao ... Anna Meda, Gerhard van der Linde, 80-81 ...

  13. Effects of curriculum organisation on study progress in engineering studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hulst, M. van der; Jansen, E.


    Procrastination and time investment are important issues in the study of student performance and progress. Previous research on these issues has mainly concentrated upon individual differences between students in personality and time management skills. However, study progress depends not only on

  14. Effects of curriculum organisation on study progress in engineering studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Hulst, M.; Jansen, E.P.W.A.

    Procrastination and time investment are important issues in the study of student performance and progress. Previous research on these issues has mainly concentrated upon individual differences between students in personality and time management skills. However, study progress depends not only on

  15. Accelerator research studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Accelerator Research Studies program at the University of Maryland, sponsored by the Department of Energy under grant number DE-FG05-91ER40642, is currently in the first year of a three-year funding cycle. The program consists of the following three tasks: TASK A, Study of Transport and Longitudinal Compression of Intense, High-Brightness Beams, TASK B, Study of Collective Ion Acceleration by Intense Electron Beams and Pseudospark Produced High Brightness Electron Beams; TASK C, Study of a Gyroklystron High-power Microwave Source for Linear Colliders. In this report we document the progress that has been made during the past year for each of the three tasks

  16. Study Skills Analysis: A Pilot Study Linking a Success and Psychology Course (United States)

    Urciuoli, Jannette Alejandra; Bluestone, Cheryl


    This study explored a concept that learning study skills in the context of the content area under study may transfer across courses, multiplying the benefits towards academic success. Methods that have been reported to influence academic growth at the community college level include success courses and applied study skills. In this pilot project…

  17. Project studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geraldi, Joana; Söderlund, Jonas


    Project organising is a growing field of scholarly inquiry and management practice. In recent years, two important developments have influenced this field: (1) the study and practice of projects have extended their level of analysis from mainly focussing on individual projects to focussing on micro......, and of the explanations of project practices they could offer. To discuss avenues for future research on projects and project practice, this paper suggests the notion of project studies to better grasp the status of our field. We combine these two sets of ideas to analyse the status and future options for advancing...... project research: (1) levels of analysis; and (2) type of research. Analysing recent developments within project studies, we observe the emergence of what we refer to as type 3 research, which reconciles the need for theoretical development and engagement with practice. Type 3 research suggests pragmatic...

  18. Measuring taste impairment in epidemiologic studies: the Beaver Dam Offspring Study. (United States)

    Cruickshanks, K J; Schubert, C R; Snyder, D J; Bartoshuk, L M; Huang, G H; Klein, B E K; Klein, R; Nieto, F J; Pankow, J S; Tweed, T S; Krantz, E M; Moy, G S


    Taste or gustatory function may play an important role in determining diet and nutritional status and therefore indirectly impact health. Yet there have been few attempts to study the spectrum of taste function and dysfunction in human populations. Epidemiologic studies are needed to understand the impact of taste function and dysfunction on public health, to identify modifiable risk factors, and to develop and test strategies to prevent clinically significant dysfunction. However, measuring taste function in epidemiologic studies is challenging and requires repeatable, efficient methods that can measure change over time. Insights gained from translating laboratory-based methods to a population-based study, the Beaver Dam Offspring Study (BOSS) will be shared. In this study, a generalized labeled magnitude scale (gLMS) method was used to measure taste intensity of filter paper disks saturated with salt, sucrose, citric acid, quinine, or 6-n-propylthiouracil, and a gLMS measure of taste preferences was administered. In addition, a portable, inexpensive camera system to capture digital images of fungiform papillae and a masked grading system to measure the density of fungiform papillae were developed. Adult children of participants in the population-based Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, are eligible for this ongoing study. The parents were residents of Beaver Dam and 43-84 years of age in 1987-1988; offspring ranged in age from 21-84 years in 2005-2008. Methods will be described in detail and preliminary results about the distributions of taste function in the BOSS cohort will be presented.

  19. Building theories from case study research: the progressive case study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Steenhuis, H.J.; de Bruijn, E.J.


    Meredith (1998) argues for more case and field research studies in the field of operations management. Based on a literature review, we discuss several existing approaches to case studies and their characteristics. These approaches include; the Grounded Theory approach which proposes no prior

  20. "Oh Events" for the Professor: Studies and Stories of Religious Studies Abroad (United States)

    Barbour, John D.


    This response explains three ways in which the preceding essays are a significant contribution to the study of study abroad, explores three additional issues, and makes three suggestions for future work on religious studies and study abroad. This response is published alongside of six other essays, comprising a special section of the journal (see…

  1. A study of critical paths for feasibility studies of mining projects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sayadi, R.


    This work develops a model for design and realisation of profitability's and feasibility studies of a mining project. The model provides the structure of various necessary procedures to establish the feasibility studies and presents a logical system of task sequencing and information circulating between tasks. The specifications of mining projects, particularly their duration, complexity and high costs, necessitate design and realisation of feasibility study bases on the sufficient understanding of task behaviour and the critical path method view. For this purpose, critical paths with the highest frequency of occurrence were studied through several simulations. In addition, the critical tasks and sub tasks with the most probability were identified. The model introduced in this paper can serve as a perfect tool in feasibility study of a mining project. It can also be used as a basis of future development of mining software

  2. Study management – process experiences form The Elderly Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bilberg, Randi Marie; Andersen, Kjeld; Bogenschutz, Michael P

    and prevention of sites that drift away. Implications The Elderly Study is multi-nationally, including three universities and research center in USA, Germany and Denmark together with a lot of outpatient treatment facilities. The study aims at including 1,000 patients aged 60 and older to examine two therapies......Description An essential, but often not described, part of multisite research projects is the process of managing the overall project per se. The Elderly have implemented strategies and tools used across sites in order to ensure intervention fidelity, uniformness in collection of data...... targeting seniors with alcohol problems. A lot of information, documentations, materials and agreements within and between sites are common phenomenons in the study. Therefore we are using Internet solutions as much as possible. Document management: To avoid having to many different versions of the same...

  3. Conduct of a personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurement study: proposed study protocol. (United States)

    Röösli, Martin; Frei, Patrizia; Bolte, John; Neubauer, Georg; Cardis, Elisabeth; Feychting, Maria; Gajsek, Peter; Heinrich, Sabine; Joseph, Wout; Mann, Simon; Martens, Luc; Mohler, Evelyn; Parslow, Roger C; Poulsen, Aslak Harbo; Radon, Katja; Schüz, Joachim; Thuroczy, György; Viel, Jean-François; Vrijheid, Martine


    The development of new wireless communication technologies that emit radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is ongoing, but little is known about the RF-EMF exposure distribution in the general population. Previous attempts to measure personal exposure to RF-EMF have used different measurement protocols and analysis methods making comparisons between exposure situations across different study populations very difficult. As a result, observed differences in exposure levels between study populations may not reflect real exposure differences but may be in part, or wholly due to methodological differences. The aim of this paper is to develop a study protocol for future personal RF-EMF exposure studies based on experience drawn from previous research. Using the current knowledge base, we propose procedures for the measurement of personal exposure to RF-EMF, data collection, data management and analysis, and methods for the selection and instruction of study participants. We have identified two basic types of personal RF-EMF measurement studies: population surveys and microenvironmental measurements. In the case of a population survey, the unit of observation is the individual and a randomly selected representative sample of the population is needed to obtain reliable results. For microenvironmental measurements, study participants are selected in order to represent typical behaviours in different microenvironments. These two study types require different methods and procedures. Applying our proposed common core procedures in future personal measurement studies will allow direct comparisons of personal RF-EMF exposures in different populations and study areas.

  4. Qualitative "trial-sibling" studies and "unrelated" qualitative studies contributed to complex intervention reviews. (United States)

    Noyes, Jane; Hendry, Margaret; Lewin, Simon; Glenton, Claire; Chandler, Jackie; Rashidian, Arash


    To compare the contribution of "trial-sibling" and "unrelated" qualitative studies in complex intervention reviews. Researchers are using qualitative "trial-sibling" studies undertaken alongside trials to provide explanations to understand complex interventions. In the absence of qualitative "trial-sibling" studies, it is not known if qualitative studies "unrelated" to trials are helpful. Trials, "trial-sibling," and "unrelated" qualitative studies looking at three health system interventions were identified. We looked for similarities and differences between the two types of qualitative studies, such as participants, intervention delivery, context, study quality and reporting, and contribution to understanding trial results. Reporting was generally poor in both qualitative study types. We detected no substantial differences in participant characteristics. Interventions in qualitative "trial-sibling" studies were delivered using standardized protocols, whereas interventions in "unrelated" qualitative studies were delivered in routine care. Qualitative "trial-sibling" studies alone provided insufficient data to develop meaningful transferrable explanations beyond the trial context, and their limited focus on immediate implementation did not address all phenomena of interest. Together, "trial-sibling" and "unrelated" qualitative studies provided larger, richer data sets across contexts to better understand the phenomena of interest. Findings support inclusion of "trial-sibling" and "unrelated" qualitative studies to explore complexity in complex intervention reviews. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Applied Research Study (United States)

    Leach, Ronald J.


    The purpose of this project was to study the feasibility of reusing major components of a software system that had been used to control the operations of a spacecraft launched in the 1980s. The study was done in the context of a ground data processing system that was to be rehosted from a large mainframe to an inexpensive workstation. The study concluded that a systematic approach using inexpensive tools could aid in the reengineering process by identifying a set of certified reusable components. The study also developed procedures for determining duplicate versions of software, which were created because of inadequate naming conventions. Such procedures reduced reengineering costs by approximately 19.4 percent.

  6. Mysore study: A study of suicide notes. (United States)

    Namratha, P; Kishor, M; Sathyanarayana Rao, T S; Raman, Rajesh


    Suicide is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths. Recent data suggest South India as one of the regions with highest suicide rates in the world. In 2013, 134,799 people committed suicide in India according to the statistics released by the National Crime Records Bureau. Suicide note is one of the most important sources to understand suicide, which may be beneficial in suicide prevention. Studies on suicidal notes from this part of the world are sparse. The aim was to study the themes in suicide notes that might be useful in prevention strategies. A descriptive study of all suicide notes of those individuals who committed suicide between 2010 and 2013 available with Police Department, Mysore district was obtained and analyzed. A total of 22 suicide note were available. A majority of suicide note was in age group of 16-40 years (86%) and most were men (59%). All suicide notes were handwritten, the majority (70%) in regional language Kannada. Length of notes varied from just few words to few pages. Contents of suicide notes included apology/shame/guilt (80%), love for those left behind (55%) and instruction regarding practical affairs (23%). Most have blamed none for the act (50%). 23% mentioned that they are committing suicide to prove their innocence. 32% mentioned a last wish. The majority of suicidal note contained "guilt" which is a strong indicator of possible depression in deceased. Creating awareness about suicide among public and ensuring access to professionals trained in suicide prevention is need of the hour in this part of the world.

  7. Doing Cultural Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    du Gay, Paul; Hall, Stuart; Janes, Linda

    What does the Walkman have to do with the 21st century? The long-awaited second edition of this classic textbook takes students on a journey between past and present, giving them the skills do to cultural analysis along the way. Through the notion of the 'circuit of culture', this book teaches st......' for cultural studies. It is an essential classic, reworked for today's students in cultural studies, media studies and sociology....

  8. Descriptive studies of Purepecha: Introductory study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Violeta Vázquez Rojas Maldonado


    Full Text Available Seven papers in this volume are the result of a collective project of linguistic description. This introduction offers a general background for such enterprise. It provides information about some sociolinguistic and grammatical aspects of the Purepecha language, a list of some recent studies on the language, it describes the orthographic conventions employed. We also provide details about the elicitation methodology and the demographic information of the language consultants.

  9. Study Drugs


    Lam, Stephanie Phuong; Roosta, Natalie; Nielsen, Mikkel Fuhr; Meyer, Maria Holmgaard; Friis, Katrine Birk


    In recent years, students around the world, started to use preparations as Ritalin and Modafinil,also known as study drugs, to improve their cognitive abilities1. It is a common use among thestudents in United States of America, but it is a new tendency in Denmark. Our main focus is tolocate whether study drugs needs to be legalized in Denmark or not. To investigate this ourstarting point is to understand central ethical arguments in the debate. We have chosen twoarguments from Nick Bostrom a...

  10. Conduct of a personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurement study: proposed study protocol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radon Katja


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The development of new wireless communication technologies that emit radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF is ongoing, but little is known about the RF-EMF exposure distribution in the general population. Previous attempts to measure personal exposure to RF-EMF have used different measurement protocols and analysis methods making comparisons between exposure situations across different study populations very difficult. As a result, observed differences in exposure levels between study populations may not reflect real exposure differences but may be in part, or wholly due to methodological differences. Methods The aim of this paper is to develop a study protocol for future personal RF-EMF exposure studies based on experience drawn from previous research. Using the current knowledge base, we propose procedures for the measurement of personal exposure to RF-EMF, data collection, data management and analysis, and methods for the selection and instruction of study participants. Results We have identified two basic types of personal RF-EMF measurement studies: population surveys and microenvironmental measurements. In the case of a population survey, the unit of observation is the individual and a randomly selected representative sample of the population is needed to obtain reliable results. For microenvironmental measurements, study participants are selected in order to represent typical behaviours in different microenvironments. These two study types require different methods and procedures. Conclusion Applying our proposed common core procedures in future personal measurement studies will allow direct comparisons of personal RF-EMF exposures in different populations and study areas.

  11. The Field Trip Book: Study Travel Experiences in Social Studies (United States)

    Morris, Ronald V.


    Looking for social studies adventures to help students find connections to democratic citizenship? Look no further! This book provides just the answer teachers need for engaging students in field trips as researching learners with emphasis on interdisciplinary social studies plus skills in collecting and reporting data gathered from field…

  12. Social Studies Student Teachers' Levels of Understanding Sociology Concepts within Social Studies Curriculum (United States)

    Karatekin, Kadir


    This study aims at investigating social studies student teachers' levels of understanding sociology concepts within social studies curriculum. Study group of the research consists of 266 teacher candidates attending the Department of Social Studies, Faculty of Education, Kastamonu University during 2012 to 2013 education year. A semi-structured…

  13. IRD dropout study (United States)

    Yalowitz, Jeffrey S.; Schroer, Michael A.; Dickson, John E., Jr.


    This final report describes work performed by SRS Technologies for the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center under Contract NAS8-39077, entitled 'Integrated Receiver-Decoder Dropout Study'. The purpose of the study was to determine causes of signal fading effects on ultra-high-frequency (UHF) range safety transmissions to the Space Shuttle during flyout. Of particular interest were deep fades observed at the External Tank (ET) Integrated Receiver-Decoder (IRD) during the flyout interval between solid rocket booster separation and ET separation. Analytical and simulation methods were employed in this study to assess observations captured in flight telemetry data records. Conclusions based on the study are presented in this report, and recommendations are given for future experimental validation of the results.

  14. Physics studies in Europe; a comparative study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Steenstrup, S; dalle Rose, LFD; Jones, WG; Tugulea, L; van Steenwijk, FJ

    What are the differences and similarities between physics studies at different universities across Europe (here the definition of Europe is broad)? How much does a student have to work to obtain a degree in physics? Questions like those prompted EUPEN (European Physics Education Network) to make a

  15. 76 FR 40379 - New Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Study Logistic Formative Research Methodology Studies... (United States)


    ...; Comment Request; Study Logistic Formative Research Methodology Studies for the National Children's Study... Collection Title: Study Logistics Formative Research Methodology Studies for the National Children's Study... national longitudinal study of environmental influences (including physical, chemical, biological, and...

  16. A Case Study Application Of Time Study Model In Paint ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents a case study in the development and application of a time study model in a paint manufacturing company. The organization specializes in the production of different grades of paint and paint containers. The paint production activities include; weighing of raw materials, drying of raw materials, dissolving ...

  17. Case study: An ethics case study of HIV prevention research on Facebook: the Just/Us study. (United States)

    Bull, Sheana S; Breslin, Lindsey T; Wright, Erin E; Black, Sandra R; Levine, Deborah; Santelli, John S


    To consider issues related to research with youth on social networking sites online. Description of the data collection process from 1,588 participants in a randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy of HIV prevention education delivered on Facebook. Using respondent-driven sampling, staff-recruited participants are encouraged to recruit up to three friends to enroll in the study. Researchers should (a) consider whether an online social networking site is an appropriate place to implement a research study; (b) offer opportunities to review informed consent documents at multiple times and in multiple locations throughout the study; and (c) collect data outside the social networking site and store it behind secure firewalls to ensure it will not be accessible to any person on the social networking site. Online social networks are growing in popularity. Conducting research on social media sites requires deliberate attention to consent, confidentiality, and security.

  18. Towards Marxian Internet Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Fuchs


    Full Text Available This article gives an overview of example approaches of Critical Internet Studies and points out key concepts of this field. Critical Cyberculture Studies and Critical Political Economy/Critical Theory of the Internet are identified as two approaches in Critical Internet Studies. The paper also discusses the role of 11 Marxian concepts for Critical Internet Studies. Marxian concepts that have been reflected in Critical Internet Studies include: dialectics, capitalism, commodification, surplus value/exploitation/alienation/class, globalization, ideology, class struggle, commons, public sphere, communism, and aesthetics. The paper points out the importance of explicitly acknowledging the importance of Karl Marx’s thinking in Critical Internet Studies. Marx’s concepts are today frequently used implicitly, without acknowledging and engaging with their roots. A critique of the approach of “Critical” Cyberculture Studies is advanced. This approach is compared to the approaches of Critical Theory and Critical Political Economy of the Internet. The difference between these two approaches reflects the debate about class exploitation and non-class domination between Cultural Studies and Critical Political Economy in Media and Communication Studies.


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    Muhammad Noor Ardiansah


    Full Text Available There has been no clear studies to identify, verify and analyze readiness program resources in order to study the implementation of PBE resulted in initial position (existing point is not clear that the priority programs and activities that are carried out per year tend to be responsive and not directed priorities. These conditions resulted in analysis of resource readiness courses in the management of production-based learning pattern PBE draw conducted This study aims to identify and verify and analyze readiness resources management courses in the pattern of production based learning, particularly in the Accounting Studies Program. This research is expected to be used to increase the effectiveness of learning and vocational education to improve the quality and relevance of polytechnic graduates. Total score was 33 the existence of resources from the scale of 12-60. The average score is 2.75. The average score was shown the position of Prodi's resources have been used, but its role is unclear (repeatable tend to have clearly defined functions, communicated and documented (defined. Resources have been managed, monitored and evaluated well (managed are: curriculum resources, networking courses, lab facilities, ISO-based management. Resources have been used but not optimal role: resources module practice, the formulation of an internship, practice material / TA, the performance of IC-based lecturer


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Noor Ardiansah


    Full Text Available There has been no clear studies to identify, verify and analyze readiness program resources in order to study the implementation of PBE resulted in initial position (existing point is not clear that the priority programs and activities that are carried out per year tend to be responsive and not directed priorities. These conditions resulted in analysis of resource readiness courses in the management of production-based learning pattern PBE draw conducted This study aims to identify and verify and analyze readiness resources management courses in the pattern of production based learning, particularly in the Accounting Studies Program. This research is expected to be used to increase the effectiveness of learning and vocational education to improve the quality and relevance of polytechnic graduates. Total score was 33 the existence of resources from the scale of 12-60. The average score is 2.75. The average score was shown the position of Prodi's resources have been used, but its role is unclear (repeatable tend to have clearly defined functions, communicated and documented (defined. Resources have been managed, monitored and evaluated well (managed are: curriculum resources, networking courses, lab facilities, ISO-based management. Resources have been used but not optimal role: resources module practice, the formulation of an internship, practice material / TA, the performance of IC-based lecturer

  1. Research on the phenomenon of graphitization. Crystallographic study - Study of bromine sorption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maire, Jacques


    This research thesis reports the study of the mechanism of graphitization of carbon by using X-ray diffraction analysis and the physical and chemical study of lamellar reactions between carbon and bromine. The author first presents generalities and results of preliminary studies (meaning of graphitization, presentation of the various carbon groups and classes), and then reports the study of the graphitization of compact carbons (soft carbons). More precisely, he reports the crystallographic study of partially graphitized carbons: methods and principles, experimental results and their analysis, discussion of the graphitization mechanism. In the next part, the author reports the study of bromine sorption on carbons: experimental method, isotherms of a natural graphite and of a graphitized carbon, structure of carbon-bromine complexes, isotherms of graphitizable carbons and of all other carbons, distribution of bromine layers in partially graphitized carbons, bromine sorption and Fermi level

  2. Advanced nuclear systems. Review study; Fortgeschrittene Nuklearsysteme. Review Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liebert, Wolfgang; Glaser, Alexander; Pistner, Christoph [Interdisziplinaere Arbeitsgruppe Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Sicherheit (IANUS), Darmstadt University of Technology, Hochschulstrasse 10, D-64289 Darmstadt (Germany); Baehr, Roland; Hahn, Lothar [Institute for applied ecology (Oeko-Institut), Elisabethenstrasse 55-57, D-64283 Darmstadt (Germany)


    The task of this review study is to from provide an overview of the developments in the field of the various advanced nuclear systems, and to create the basis for more comprehensive studies of technology assessment. In an overview the concepts for advanced nuclear systems pursued worldwide are subdivided into eight subgroups. A coarse examination raster (set pattern) is developed to enable a detailed examination of the selected systems. In addition to a focus on enhanced safety features, further aspects are also taken into consideration, like the lowering of the proliferation risk, the enhancement of the economic competitiveness of the facilities and new usage possibilities (for instance concerning the relaxation of the waste disposal problem or the usage of alternative fuels to uranium). The question about the expected time span for realization and the discussion about the obstacles on the way to a commercially usable reactor also play a substantial role as well as disposal requirements as far as they can be presently recognized. In the central chapter of this study, the documentation of the representatively selected concepts is evaluated as well as existing technology assessment studies and expert opinions. In a few cases where this appears to be necessary, according technical literature, further policy advisory reports, expert statements as well as other relevant sources are taken into account. Contradictions, different assessments and dissents in the literature as well as a few unsettled questions are thus indicated. The potential of advanced nuclear systems with respect to economical and societal as well as environmental objectives cannot exclusively be measured by the corresponding intrinsic or in comparison remarkable technical improvements. The acceptability of novel or improved systems in nuclear technology will have to be judged by their convincing solutions for the crucial questions of safety, nuclear waste and risk of proliferation of nuclear weapons

  3. Current Research Studies (United States)

    ... Success Home > Explore Research > Current Research Studies Current Research Studies Email Print + Share The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation ... conducted online. Learn more about IBD Partners. Clinical Research Alliance The Clinical Research Alliance is a network ...

  4. INTEC High-Level Waste Studies Universal Solvent Extraction Feasibility Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banaee, J.; Barnes, C.M.; Battisti, T.; Herrmann, S.; Losinski, S.J.; McBride, S.


    This report summarizes a feasibility study that has been conducted on the Universal Solvent Extraction (UNEX) Process for treatment and disposal of 4.3 million liters of INEEL sodium-bearing waste located at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center. This feasibility study covers two scenarios of treatment. The first, the UNEX Process, partitions the Cs/Sr from the SBW and creates remote-handled LLW and contact-handled TRU waste forms. Phase one of this study, covered in the 30% review documents, dealt with defining the processes and defining the major unit operations. The second phase of the project, contained in the 60% review, expanded on the application of the UNEX processes and included facility requirements and definitions. Two facility options were investigated for the UNEX process, resulting in a 2 x 2 matrix of process/facility scenarios as follows: Option A, UNEX at Greenfield Facility, Option B, Modified UNEX at Greenfield Facility, Option C, UNEX at NWCF, th is document, covers life-cycle costs for all options presented along with results and conclusions determined from the study

  5. Pacific Studies: Quo Vadis?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Holden Rønning


    Full Text Available Looking back to the past this paper discusses why Pacific studies and in particular Australasian studies became an area of interest in tertiary education in Europe. What subject areas initiated these studies, and how do past legacies shape the present? With cutbacks in higher education over the past two decades the future of interdisciplinary studies and the humanities looks bleak. At the same time due to global business and increased political communication across borders there is a vibrant interest in and need for such studies among businesses and students. For most Europeans the literature of settler countries, with their European legacy, makes access to ways of thought and culture easier than studies of countries with other mythological backgrounds. In today’s multicultural environment such studies can provide knowledge for an understanding of other cultures and increase tolerance of the ‘other’. Area studies have relevance to our situation in Europe with increased migrancy, not least as a result of Schengen and EU regulations.

  6. Neutron beam studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Willis, B.T.M.; Apps, M.E.


    The report is in sections, entitled: metallurgy; reactor fuels; defect solid state and interatomic forces; surface studies; colloid, polymer and biological studies; glasses; energy-related materials; solid state physics and crystallography; instrumentation and experimental technique. (U.K.)

  7. Case Study Research Methodology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark Widdowson


    Full Text Available Commenting on the lack of case studies published in modern psychotherapy publications, the author reviews the strengths of case study methodology and responds to common criticisms, before providing a summary of types of case studies including clinical, experimental and naturalistic. Suggestions are included for developing systematic case studies and brief descriptions are given of a range of research resources relating to outcome and process measures. Examples of a pragmatic case study design and a hermeneutic single-case efficacy design are given and the paper concludes with some ethical considerations and an exhortation to the TA community to engage more widely in case study research.

  8. Study protocol: The Intensive Care Outcome Network ('ICON' study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barber Vicki S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Extended follow-up of survivors of ICU treatment has shown many patients suffer long-term physical and psychological consequences that affect their health-related quality of life. The current lack of rigorous longitudinal studies means that the true prevalence of these physical and psychological problems remains undetermined. Methods/Design The ICON (Intensive Care Outcome Network study is a multi-centre, longitudinal study of survivors of critical illness. Patients will be recruited prior to hospital discharge from 20–30 ICUs in the UK and will be assessed at 3, 6, and 12 months following ICU discharge for health-related quality of life as measured by the Short Form-36 (SF-36 and the EuroQoL (EQ-5D; anxiety and depression as measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS; and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD symptoms as measured by the PTSD Civilian Checklist (PCL-C. Postal questionnaires will be used. Discussion The ICON study will create a valuable UK database detailing the prevalence of physical and psychological morbidity experienced by patients as they recover from critical illness. Knowledge of the prevalence of physical and psychological morbidity in ICU survivors is important because research to generate models of causality, prognosis and treatment effects is dependent on accurate determination of prevalence. The results will also inform economic modelling of the long-term burden of critical illness. Trial Registration ISRCTN69112866

  9. Accelerator research studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This progress report for the Accelerator Research Studies program at the University of Maryland covers the second year (June 1, 1989 to May 31, 1990) of the current three-year contract period from June 1, 1988 to May 31, 1991, funded by the Department of Energy under Contract No. AC05-85ER40216. The research program is divided into three separate tasks, as follows: the study of Transport and Longitudinal Compression of Intense, High-Brightness Beams; the study of Collective Ion Acceleration by Intense Electron Beams and Pulse-Powered Plasma Focus; the study of Microwave Sources and Parameter Scaling for High-Frequency Linacs. This report consists of three sections in which the progress for each task is documented separately. An introduction and synopsis is presented at the beginning of the progress report for each task

  10. Study protocol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith, Benjamin E; Hendrick, Paul; Bateman, Marcus


    avoidance behaviours, catastrophising, self-efficacy, sport and leisure activity participation, and general quality of life. Follow-up will be 3 and 6 months. The analysis will focus on descriptive statistics and confidence intervals. The qualitative components will follow a thematic analysis approach....... DISCUSSION: This study will evaluate the feasibility of running a definitive large-scale trial on patients with patellofemoral pain, within the NHS in the UK. We will identify strengths and weaknesses of the proposed protocol and the utility and characteristics of the outcome measures. The results from...... this study will inform the design of a multicentre trial. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN35272486....

  11. Plutonium storage study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Spanish study gives a more detailed analysis of a possible store for plutonium oxide. The capacity of the store is assumed to be 30 t Pu and the minimum storage time 2 years. The study includes a general description of the store and its design philosophy; comments on the quality and properties of the material stored; a detailed criticality study and comments on gas and heat generation and shielding requirements; and a brief cost evaluation. Costs are estimated to be about $110/kg PuO 2 /year

  12. Border region studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Makkonen, Teemu; Williams, Allan


    The contemporary conditions of academic capitalism exert pressures on researchers to avoid ‘peripheral’ journals and ‘unfashionable’ topics. Here an attempt is made to shed light onto the structure of one such ‘offbeat’ field, namely ‘border region studies’, by discussing its geographical...... distribution, key themes, significance and impact. The review suggests that border region studies can be considered a significant and important ‘branch’ of regional studies, which accounts for a small but increasing proportion of regional studies research particularly in Europe and North America. Four main...

  13. Tokamak reactor studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, C.C.


    This paper presents an overview of tokamak reactor studies with particular attention to commercial reactor concepts developed within the last three years. Emphasis is placed on DT fueled reactors for electricity production. A brief history of tokamak reactor studies is presented. The STARFIRE, NUWMAK, and HFCTR studies are highlighted. Recent developments that have increased the commercial attractiveness of tokamak reactor designs are discussed. These developments include smaller plant sizes, higher first wall loadings, improved maintenance concepts, steady-state operation, non-divertor particle control, and improved reactor safety features

  14. International Active Surveillance Study of Women Taking Oral Contraceptives (INAS-OC Study). (United States)

    Dinger, Juergen C; Bardenheuer, Kristina; Assmann, Anita


    A 24-day regimen of contraceptive doses of drospirenone and ethinylestradiol (DRSP/EE 24d) was recently launched. This regimen has properties which may be beneficial for certain user populations (e.g., women suffering from premenstrual dysphoric disorder or acne). However, it is unknown whether this extended regimen has an impact on the cardiovascular risk associated with the use of oral contraceptives (OCs). The INternational Active Surveillance study of women taking Oral Contraceptives (INAS-OC) is designed to investigate the short- and long-term safety of the new regimen in a population which is representative for the typical user of oral contraceptives. A large, prospective, controlled, non-interventional, long-term cohort study with active surveillance of the study participants has been chosen to ensure reliable and valid results. More than 2,000 gynecologists in the US and 5 European countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Sweden) will recruit more than 80,000 OC users. The two to five year follow-up of these women will result in at least 220,000 documented women-years. The main clinical outcomes of interest for the follow-up are deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, acute myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents. Secondary objectives are general safety, effectiveness and drug utilization pattern of DRSP/EE 24d, return to fertility after stop of OC use, as well as the baseline risk for users of individual OC formulations. Because of the non-interference character of this study, potential participants (first-time users or switchers) are informed about the study only after the decision regarding prescription of a new OC. There are no specific medical inclusion or exclusion criteria. Study participation is voluntary and a written informed consent is required. After the baseline questionnaire, follow-up questionnaires will be mailed to the participants every 6 months for up to 5 years after baseline. Self-reported serious adverse events

  15. Prolactinomas : clinical studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kars, Marleen


    Prolactinoma are treated with dopamine agonists, which are effective in reducing prolactin and tumor size. Studies reporting clinical and radiological outcome are scarce. The study described in chapter 2, assesses long-term outcome in patients treated with dopamine agonists for macroprolactinoma. An

  16. Accelerator research studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Accelerator Research Studies program at the University of Maryland, sponsored by the Department of Energy under grant number DE-FG05-91ER40642, is currently in the second year of a three-year funding cycle. The program consists of the following three tasks: TASK A, ''Study of Transport and Longitudinal Compression of Intense, High-Brightness Beams,'' (P.I., M. Reiser); TASK B, ''Study of Collective Ion Acceleration by Intense Electron Beams and Pseudospark Produced High Brightness Electron Beams,'' (Co-P.I.'s, W.W. Destler, M. Reiser, M.J. Rhee, and C.D. Striffler); TASK C, ''Study of a Gyroklystron High-Power Microwave Source for Linear Colliders,'' (Co-P.I.'s, V.L. Granatstein, W. Lawson, M. Reiser, and C.D. Striffler). In this report we document the progress that has been made during the past year for each of the three tasks

  17. Thyroid function study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rocha, A.F.G. da


    A short revision of thyroid physiology is done. The radioisotopes of common use in thyroid investigation and the choice of the most appropriated ones are discussed. A table showing radioisotopes frequently used in this study, with their main characteristics is presented. Among several isotopic assays in thyroid propaedeutics, those that refer to the function study, topographic studies and tests 'in vitro' are pointed out. Exploration methods 'in vivo' are treated, such as: thyroid uptake; urinary excretion; thyroid scintigraphy, with scintigraphic imagings; stimulation test by TSH; suppression test; pbi; clearance test with perchlorate; iodine deficiency test and thyroid study with technetium. 'In vitro' proofs like triiodothyronine (T 3 ) and thyroxine (T 4 ) assays, as well as free thyroxine index, are treated. At last, the therapeutics by Iodine 131 is commented and emphasis is given to its application on the treatment of hyperthyroidism and thyroid carcinoma [pt

  18. Making Media Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Gauntlett


    Full Text Available This podcast is a recording of a research seminar that took place on December 3, 2015, at the University of Westminster's Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI. In this contribution, David Gauntlett discusses his new book, Making Media Studies, and other new work. In Making Media Studies (Peter Lang, 2015, Gauntlett proposes a vision of media studies based around doing and making – not about the acquisition of skills, as such, but an experience of building knowledge and understanding through creative hands-on engagement with all kinds of media. Gauntlett suggests that media studies scholars have failed to recognise the significance of everyday creativity – the vital drive of people to make, exchange, and learn together, supported by online networks. He argues that we should think about media in terms of conversations, inspirations, and making things happen. Media studies can be about genuine social change, he suggests, if we recognise the significance of everyday creativity, work to transform our tools, and learn to use them wisely. David Gauntlett is a Professor in the School of Media, Arts and Design at the University of Westminster, where he is also the School's Co-Director of Research. He is the author of several books, including: Creative Explorations (2007, Media, Gender and Identity: An Introduction (2nd edition 2008, Making is Connecting (2011, and Making Media Studies (2015. He has made a number of popular online resources, videos and playthings, and has pioneered creative research and workshop methods. He is external examiner for Information Experience Design at the Royal College of Art, London.

  19. Portuguese Familial Hypercholesterolemia Study: presentation of the study and preliminary results. (United States)

    Bourbon, Mafalda; Rato, Quitéria


    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder caused, in the majority of cases, by a partial or total lack of functional low density lipoprotein receptors (LDLR). Mutations in the LDLR gene lead to increased plasma cholesterol levels, resulting in cholesterol deposition in the arteries, thereby increasing the risk of premature coronary heart disease. The homozygous form of FH is rare but heterozygous FH is common, although underdiagnosed in many populations, including the Portuguese. In 1999 the Portuguese Familial Hypercholesterolemia Study was begun at the National Institute of Health. The aim of the Portuguese Familial H ypercholesterolemia Study is to perform an epidemiological study to determine the prevalence and distribution of FH in Portugal and to better understand the pathophysiology of coronary heart disease in these patients. The aim of the present work is to present the study's criteria and organization as well as its preliminary results. The study population consists of individuals of both sexes and all ages with a clinical diagnosis of FH, with biochemical and molecular characterization being performed. The clinical criteria used for the diagnosis of FH were adapted from those of the Simon Broome Heart Research Trust. The study is organized in five stages: 1. selection of individuals with a clinical diagnosis of FH; 2. completion of a clinical questionnaire and declaration of informed consent; 3. collection of blood samples; 4. biochemical characterization; 5. molecular study of three genes associated with the FH phenotype: LDLR, apolipoprotein B (APOB) and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9). Between 1999 and June 2006 the LDLR gene and the APOB gene of 141 index cases (38 children and 103 adults) were studied. In 78 of these index cases (76 heterozygotes and two homozygotes) 50 different mutations in the LDLR gene were identified, and two unrelated individuals were found to have the ApoB3500 mutation

  20. Social Studies Teachers' Viewpoints of the Social Studies Lesson "Sample of Turkey and Afghanistan" (United States)

    Sonmez, Omer Faruk


    This study was conducted to reveal the perceptions of history, geography and social studies teachers giving the social studies lesson at primary schools in Turkey and Afghanistan towards the social studies lesson. The working group of the study involves history, geography and social studies teachers rendering service in Tokat and Kayseri provinces…

  1. Social Studies Oriented Achievement Goal Scale (SOAGS: Validity and Reliability Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melehat GEZER


    Full Text Available This study aims to develop a valid and reliable instrument for measuring students' social studies achievement goal. The research was conducted on a study group consisted of 374 middle school students studying in the central district of Diyarbakır in 2014-2015 school year fall semester. Expert opinion was consulted with regard to the scale's content and face validity. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA were performed in order to measure the scale's construct validity. As a result of EFA, a 29-item and a six-factor structure model which explains 50.82% of the total variance was obtained. The emerging factors were called as a self-approach, task-approach, other-approach, task-avoidance, other-avoidance and self-avoidance respectively. The findings acquired CFA indicated that the 29-item and six-factor structure related to social studies oriented achievement goal scale have acceptable goodness of fit indices. The scale's reliability coefficients were calculated by means of internal consistency method. As a result of reliability analysis, it was determined that the reliability coefficients were within admissible limits. The finding of the item correlation and 27% of upper and lower group comparisons demonstrated that all of the items in the scale should remain. In light of these results, it could be argued that the scale is reliable and valid instrument and can be used in order to test students' social studies achievement goals.

  2. [Case and studies]. (United States)

    Schubert, András


    Case studies and case reports form an important and ever growing part of scientific and scholarly literature. The paper deals with the share and citation rate of these publication types on different fields of research. In general, evidence seems to support the opinion that an excessive number of such publications may negatively influence the impact factor of the journal. In the literature of scientometrics, case studies (at least the presence of the term "case study" in the titles of the papers) have a moderate share, but their citation rate is practically equal to that of other publication types.

  3. Environmental health studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Easterly, C.E.; Shank, K.E.


    The two major thrusts of the environmental health studies have been in the areas of health physics aspects of fusion power and methodology for assessing health effects related to nuclear facilities. Researchers were unable to discern a dose-response relationship or to find adverse health effects in the local population around nuclear facilities which might be related to radiation exposure. A second study analyzed the trends in incidence of cancer, congenital malformation, and fetal and infant mortality for Oak Ridge, Anderson County, and Roane County relative to Tennessee. Finally, a more in-depth study on congenital malformations and fetal mortality trends for nine East Tennessee counties surrounding Oak Ridge was completed. The objective of the Health Physics Aspects of Fusion Power Program is to provide, on a timely basis, scientific information and technical evaluations on the potential impacts of fusion power to occupational workers and to members of the public. The primary areas of study in this program during the past year have been (1) factors affecting calculations of dose resulting from a release of tritium, (2) an assessment of the potential for reducing occupational risk from exposures to tritium, and (3) experimental studies of tritium conversion from molecular hydrogen to tritiated water

  4. Studying the Atomic Nucleus - A New Era in Nuclear Structure Studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casten, R. F.


    The study of atomic nuclei is part of the fascinating quest to understand the fundamental nature and origins of matter. This field, nuclear structure, is undergoing a revolutionary transformation that is breaking cherished paradigms, opening new vistas of nuclear matter for study, and which has the promise of leading to a new comprehensive understanding. The advent of new facilities for the production and study of exotic nuclei provides access to an entirely new territory of nuclei, and advances in extreme computing are enabling similar advances in the theory of atomic nuclei.

  5. Optimum study designs. (United States)

    Gu, C; Rao, D C


    Because simplistic designs will lead to prohibitively large sample sizes, the optimization of genetic study designs is critical for successfully mapping genes for complex diseases. Creative designs are necessary for detecting and amplifying the usually weak signals for complex traits. Two important outcomes of a study design--power and resolution--are implicitly tied together by the principle of uncertainty. Overemphasis on either one may lead to suboptimal designs. To achieve optimality for a particular study, therefore, practical measures such as cost-effectiveness must be used to strike a balance between power and resolution. In this light, the myriad of factors involved in study design can be checked for their effects on the ultimate outcomes, and the popular existing designs can be sorted into building blocks that may be useful for particular situations. It is hoped that imaginative construction of novel designs using such building blocks will lead to enhanced efficiency in finding genes for complex human traits.

  6. Rockwell support studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cadwell, L.L.


    Studies performed for the Rockwell Hanford Operations (RHO) were designed to either (1) identify the role of biota in the uptake and transport of radionuclides from low-level waste managemnt areas or (2) design and/or evaluate methods for reducing biological transport of radionuclides away from waste management areas. The completion and publication of documents reporting the results of previous studies was also emphasized this fiscal year. Field studies were designed to characterize insect and plant communities occupying low-level waste management areas and to evaluate pond ecosystem response to herbicide application. Laboratory studies involved the examination of (1) germination response in plant species proposed for surface stabilization on burial grounds, (2) a synthetic polymer matrix as a carrier and delivery system for phytotoxins to act as a barrier to plant root penetration of shallow-land low-level waste burial sites, and (3) factors responsible for differences in radionuclide availability to plants resulting from the chemical equilibration of radionuclides occurring under field conditions

  7. Geomembrane special study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objective of the Geomembrane Special Study was to asses the suitability of geomembranes in Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project pile designs. Geomembranes, also called flexible membrane liners, are made of polymer resins and are thermoplastic materials. Part of the special study was to evaluate regulatory compliance and acceptability issues. This study was proposed because of the extensive use of geomembranes in hazardous waste site remedial actions and their accepted use in Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) cells as both covers and liners to limit infiltration, or as part of leachate collection systems. This study has reviewed the recent geomembrane literature focusing on: (1) longevity; (2) performance; (3) constructibility; and (4) quality control/quality assurance considerations. In addition to these technical considerations, regulatory compliance and acceptability concerns were also evaluated. This report describes the results of the literature review, including correspondence with manufacturers, resin producers, experts in the field, and long-term major users. 12 refs., 2 tabs

  8. Children Rights in Social Studies Curricula in Elementary Education: A Comparative Study (United States)

    Merey, Zihni


    Social studies classes educate students as citizens who are expected to adopt democratic values and apply their information and richness to their life. Social studies classes are the ones that include human rights education in the first place. The purpose of this study is to make a comparison of inclusion levels of children's rights issues in…

  9. How Turkish Middle School Students Use the Internet to Study Social Studies (United States)

    Acikalin, Mehmet


    The Internet has become one of the most common educational tools used by teachers and students in social studies education worldwide. Although there are extensive studies on how the Internet is used by teachers as an instructional tool in social studies classes, less work has been done to explain how students themselves use and interact with…

  10. International Active Surveillance Study of Women Taking Oral Contraceptives (INAS-OC Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Assmann Anita


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A 24-day regimen of contraceptive doses of drospirenone and ethinylestradiol (DRSP/EE 24d was recently launched. This regimen has properties which may be beneficial for certain user populations (e.g., women suffering from premenstrual dysphoric disorder or acne. However, it is unknown whether this extended regimen has an impact on the cardiovascular risk associated with the use of oral contraceptives (OCs. The INternational Active Surveillance study of women taking Oral Contraceptives (INAS-OC is designed to investigate the short- and long-term safety of the new regimen in a population which is representative for the typical user of oral contraceptives. Methods/Design A large, prospective, controlled, non-interventional, long-term cohort study with active surveillance of the study participants has been chosen to ensure reliable and valid results. More than 2,000 gynecologists in the US and 5 European countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Sweden will recruit more than 80,000 OC users. The two to five year follow-up of these women will result in at least 220,000 documented women-years. The main clinical outcomes of interest for the follow-up are deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, acute myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents. Secondary objectives are general safety, effectiveness and drug utilization pattern of DRSP/EE 24d, return to fertility after stop of OC use, as well as the baseline risk for users of individual OC formulations. Because of the non-interference character of this study, potential participants (first-time users or switchers are informed about the study only after the decision regarding prescription of a new OC. There are no specific medical inclusion or exclusion criteria. Study participation is voluntary and a written informed consent is required. After the baseline questionnaire, follow-up questionnaires will be mailed to the participants every 6 months for up to 5 years after

  11. Jabiluka environmental studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morley, A.W.; Koontz, D.V.; Sanderson, N.T. (Pancontinental Mining Ltd., Sydney (Australia))


    Environmental baseline studies associated with development of the Jabiluka uranium deposits are described. Some basic characteristics of the area local to the deposits are reported and a brief explanation is provided of the nature of, and philosophy behind the environmental studies. The major findings from this program are discussed.

  12. The INTERPHONE study: design, epidemiological methods, and description of the study population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cardis, Elisabeth; Richardson, Lesley; Deltour, Isabelle


    . This paper describes the study design and methods and the main characteristics of the study population. INTERPHONE is the largest case-control study to date investigating risks related to mobile phone use and to other potential risk factors for the tumours of interest and includes 2,765 glioma, 2......The very rapid worldwide increase in mobile phone use in the last decade has generated considerable interest in the possible health effects of exposure to radio frequency (RF) fields. A multinational case-control study, INTERPHONE, was set-up to investigate whether mobile phone use increases...... the risk of cancer and, more specifically, whether the RF fields emitted by mobile phones are carcinogenic. The study focused on tumours arising in the tissues most exposed to RF fields from mobile phones: glioma, meningioma, acoustic neurinoma and parotid gland tumours. In addition to a detailed history...

  13. Improving the analysis of designed studies by combining statistical modelling with study design information

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thissen, U.; Wopereis, S.; Berg, S.A.A. van den; Bobeldijk, I.; Kleemann, R.; Kooistra, T.; Dijk, K.W. van; Ommen, B. van; Smilde, A.K.


    Background: In the fields of life sciences, so-called designed studies are used for studying complex biological systems. The data derived from these studies comply with a study design aimed at generating relevant information while diminishing unwanted variation (noise). Knowledge about the study

  14. Genome-Wide Association Study of Blood Pressure Traits by Hispanic/Latino Background: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos


    Sofer, Tamar; Wong, Quenna; Hartwig, Fernando P.; Taylor, Kent; Warren, Helen R.; Evangelou, Evangelos; Cabrera, Claudia P.; Levy, Daniel; Kramer, Holly; Lange, Leslie A.; Horta, Bernardo L.; Liang, Jingjing; Le, Thu H.; Edwards, Digna R. Velez; Tayo, Bamidele O.


    Hypertension prevalence varies between ethnic groups, possibly due to differences in genetic, environmental, and cultural determinants. Hispanic/Latino Americans are a diverse and understudied population. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of blood pressure (BP) traits in 12,278 participants from the Hispanics Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL). In the discovery phase we identified eight previously unreported BP loci. In the replication stage, we tested these ...

  15. Theorizing Iberian Studies (United States)

    Newcomb, Robert Patrick


    A growing number of scholars invested in Iberian Studies are asking how peninsular literary and cultural studies might be reimagined, and reinvigorated, by placing the Spanish and Portuguese canons into critical dialogue with each other, and with Galician, Catalan, Basque/Euskadi, and Latin American and North African immigrant writers, cultural…

  16. Aquatic biology studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Aquatic biology studies focused on studying the hydrothermal effects of Par Pond reservoir on periphyton, plankton, zooplankton, macrophytes, human pathogens, and microbial activity; the variability between the artificial streams of the Flowing Streams Laboratory and Upper Three Runs Creek; and the bacterial production of methane in Savannah River Plant aquatic systems

  17. Jabiluka environmental studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morley, A.W.; Koontz, D.V.; Sanderson, N.T.


    Environmental baseline studies associated with development of the Jabiluka uranium deposits are described. Some basic characteristics of the area local to the deposits are reported and a brief explanation is provided of the nature of, and philosophy behind the environmental studies. The major findings from this program are discussed. (author)

  18. Designing satisfaction studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Kai; Eskildsen, Jacob Kjær


    In the effect sampling method, presentation of researcher, the intro text, the order of questions in the questionnaire along with the number of categories in the rating scale is tested in relation to the design of satisfaction studies. Based on the analyses specific recommendations for designing...... satisfaction studies are given....

  19. The Sports-Related Injuries and Illnesses in Paralympic Sport Study (SRIIPSS): a study protocol for a prospective longitudinal study. (United States)

    Fagher, Kristina; Jacobsson, Jenny; Timpka, Toomas; Dahlström, Örjan; Lexell, Jan


    Paralympic sport provides sporting opportunities for athletes with a disability, with the Paralympic Games as the main event. Participation in sport is, however, associated with a significant risk for sustaining injuries and illnesses. Our knowledge of sports-related injuries and illnesses in Paralympic sport is very limited and there are no large-scale epidemiological cohort studies. The purpose here is to present a protocol for a prospective longitudinal study: The Sports-Related Injuries and Illnesses in Paralympic Sport Study (SRIIPSS). An argument-based method for investigation of design problems was used to structure the study protocol. The primary requirement of the protocol is to allow prospective studies over time and include exposure to both training and competition. To reflect the complexity of Paralympic sport with athletes' pre-existing impairments, use of assistive equipment, pain and other and medical issues, it is required that the data collection system is specifically adapted to Paralympic sport. To allow the collection of data, at the same time as there is limited access to coaches and medical personnel, it is advantageous that data can be collected online directly from the athletes. Based on this a self-report athlete monitoring system will be developed, where the athletes can enter data weekly via their mobile phones or lap-tops. Data will be collected from around 100 Swedish Paralympic athletes for approximately 1 year, which will allow us to i) prospectively estimate the annual incidence of sports-related injuries and illnesses and ii) explore risk factors and mechanisms for sustaining sports-related injuries and illnesses based on athlete exposure and training loads. For effective implementation of injury and illness prevention measures, comprehensive epidemiological knowledge is required. This study will be the first prospective longitudinal self-report study of sports-related injuries and illnesses in Paralympic sport over a longer period

  20. Human exploration mission studies (United States)

    Cataldo, Robert L.


    The Office of Exploration has established a process whereby all NASA field centers and other NASA Headquarters offices participate in the formulation and analysis of a wide range of mission strategies. These strategies were manifested into specific scenarios or candidate case studies. The case studies provided a systematic approach into analyzing each mission element. First, each case study must address several major themes and rationale including: national pride and international prestige, advancement of scientific knowledge, a catalyst for technology, economic benefits, space enterprise, international cooperation, and education and excellence. Second, the set of candidate case studies are formulated to encompass the technology requirement limits in the life sciences, launch capabilities, space transfer, automation, and robotics in space operations, power, and propulsion. The first set of reference case studies identify three major strategies: human expeditions, science outposts, and evolutionary expansion. During the past year, four case studies were examined to explore these strategies. The expeditionary missions include the Human Expedition to Phobos and Human Expedition to Mars case studies. The Lunar Observatory and Lunar Outpost to Early Mars Evolution case studies examined the later two strategies. This set of case studies established the framework to perform detailed mission analysis and system engineering to define a host of concepts and requirements for various space systems and advanced technologies. The details of each mission are described and, specifically, the results affecting the advanced technologies required to accomplish each mission scenario are presented.

  1. Low frequency noise study. (United States)


    This report documents a study to investigate human response to the low-frequency : content of aviation noise, or low-frequency noise (LFN). The study comprised field : measurements and laboratory studies. The major findings were: : 1. Start-of-takeof...

  2. The CAIRO4 study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    't Lam-Boer, Jorine; Mol, Linda; Verhoef, Cornelis


    stages of the disease. We here propose a randomized trial in order to demonstrate that resection of the primary tumour improves overall survival. METHODS/DESIGN: The CAIRO4 study is a multicentre, randomized, phase III study of the Dutch Colorectal Cancer Group (DCCG). Patients with synchronous...... objective of this study is to determine the clinical benefit in terms of overall survival of initial resection of the primary tumour. Secondary endpoints include progression free survival, surgical morbidity, quality of life and the number of patients requiring resection of the primary tumour in the control...... arm. DISCUSSION: The CAIRO4 study is a multicentre, randomized, phase III study that will assess the benefit of resection of the primary tumour in patients with synchronous metastatic CRC. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The CAIRO4 study is registered at (NCT01606098)....

  3. Fusion energy studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Current experimental efforts are aimed toward developing cryosorption vacuum pumps for removing unburned fuel and impurities from the plasma, studying deep-bed sorption pumps for roughing and transfer operations, investigating methods for recovery of tritium bred in blankets of lithium or lithium alloys, and studying containment of tritium that permeates metal walls

  4. Study protocol. The Childhood Health, Activity, and Motor Performance School Study Denmark (The CHAMPS-study DK

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wedderkopp Niels


    Full Text Available Abstract Background An increasingly passive life-style in the Western World has led to a rise in life-style related disorders. This is a major concern for all segments of society. The county council of the municipality of Svendborg in Denmark, created six Sport Schools with increased levels of suitable physical activities, which made it possible to study the health outcomes in these children whilst comparing them to children who attended the ‘normal’ schools of the region using the design of a “natural experiment”. Methods Children from the age of 6 till the age of 10, who accepted to be included in the monitoring process, were surveyed at baseline with questionnaires, physical examinations and physical and biological testing, including DXA scans. The physical examination and testing was repeated during the early stage of the study. Every week over the whole study period, the children will be followed with an automated mobile phone text message (SMS-Track asking questions on their leisure time sports activities and the presence of any musculoskeletal problems. Children who report any such problems are monitored individually by health care personnel. Data are collected on demography, health habits and attitudes, physical characteristics, physical activity using accelerometers, motor performance, fitness, bone health, life-style disorders, injuries and musculoskeletal problems. Data collection will continue at least once a year until the children reach grade 9. Discussion This project is embedded in a local community, which set up the intervention (The Sport Schools and thereafter invited researchers to provide documentation and evaluation. Sport schools are well matched with the ‘normal’ schools, making comparisons between these suitable. However, subgroups that would be specifically targeted in lifestyle intervention studies (such as the definitely obese could be relatively small. Therefore, results specific to minority groups may be

  5. Study protocol. The Childhood Health, Activity, and Motor Performance School Study Denmark (The CHAMPS-study DK). (United States)

    Wedderkopp, Niels; Jespersen, Eva; Franz, Claudia; Klakk, Heidi; Heidemann, Malene; Christiansen, Christina; Møller, Niels Christian; Leboeuf-Yde, Charlotte


    An increasingly passive life-style in the Western World has led to a rise in life-style related disorders. This is a major concern for all segments of society. The county council of the municipality of Svendborg in Denmark, created six Sport Schools with increased levels of suitable physical activities, which made it possible to study the health outcomes in these children whilst comparing them to children who attended the 'normal' schools of the region using the design of a "natural experiment". Children from the age of 6 till the age of 10, who accepted to be included in the monitoring process, were surveyed at baseline with questionnaires, physical examinations and physical and biological testing, including DXA scans. The physical examination and testing was repeated during the early stage of the study. Every week over the whole study period, the children will be followed with an automated mobile phone text message (SMS-Track) asking questions on their leisure time sports activities and the presence of any musculoskeletal problems. Children who report any such problems are monitored individually by health care personnel. Data are collected on demography, health habits and attitudes, physical characteristics, physical activity using accelerometers, motor performance, fitness, bone health, life-style disorders, injuries and musculoskeletal problems. Data collection will continue at least once a year until the children reach grade 9. This project is embedded in a local community, which set up the intervention (The Sport Schools) and thereafter invited researchers to provide documentation and evaluation. Sport schools are well matched with the 'normal' schools, making comparisons between these suitable. However, subgroups that would be specifically targeted in lifestyle intervention studies (such as the definitely obese) could be relatively small. Therefore, results specific to minority groups may be diluted. Nonetheless, the many rigorously collected data will make

  6. Cost-of-illness studies. (United States)

    Oderda, Gary M


    Cost-of-illness studies measure the overall economic impact of a disease on society. Such studies are important in setting public health priorities and for economic evaluation of new treatments. These studies should take the societal perspective and include both direct and indirect costs. Often indirect costs exceed direct costs. Comparison of cost-of-illness studies from different countries is difficult because of differences in population, currency, the way health care is provided, and other social and political factors.

  7. The Association of Parental/Caregiver Chronic Stress with Youth Obesity: Findings from the Study of Latino Youth and the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study. (United States)

    Isasi, Carmen R; Hua, Simin; Jung, Molly; Carnethon, Mercedes R; Perreira, Krista; Vidot, Denise C; Salazar, Christian R; McCurley, Jessica L; Sotres-Alvarez, Daniela; Van Horn, Linda; Delamater, Alan M; Llabre, Maria M; Gallo, Linda C


    Prior studies indicate that chronic stress is associated with obesity in adults. However, whether parental/caregiver stress is associated with obesity in their offspring has not been widely examined in Hispanic/Latino populations. In this study, we evaluated the role of caregiver chronic stress on child obesity and whether home food environment or child lifestyle behaviors explained the association. The study included a sample of Hispanic/Latino youth and their caregivers (n = 473) from the Study of Latinos (SOL) Youth study and the Hispanic Community Health Study/SOL Sociocultural Study, which enrolled children aged 8-16 years from four cities (Bronx, Chicago, Miami, and San Diego), and provided assessments of adult chronic stress. Poisson regression models were used to assess the association between parental/caregiver stress and child obesity, adjusting for potential confounders. Twenty-two percent of caregivers did not report any chronic stressors, 48% reported 1-2, and 29% reported ≥3 stressors. The prevalence of obesity in youth increased with number of caregiver stressors from 23% among those without caregiver stressors to 35% among those with ≥3 stressors (p for trend 0.03). After model adjustment, youths whose caregivers reported ≥3 stressors were more likely to be obese than youths whose caregivers reported no stressors (prevalence ratio = 1.53; 95% confidence interval 1.01-2.32). This association was independent of food home environment, child diet quality, and child physical activity, but it was not independent of caregiver obesity. These findings suggest that parental/caregiver chronic stress is related to obesity in their children. Future research is needed to confirm this association in longitudinal studies and in other population groups.

  8. Responses of Study Abroad Students in Australia to Experience-Based Pedagogy in Sport Studies (United States)

    Light, Richard; Georgakis, Steve


    This paper contributes to research on the scholarship of teaching in the physical education/sport studies fields by examining the responses of study abroad students from overseas studying in Australia to a unit of study in sport studies that placed the interpretation of experience as the centre of the learning process. It draws on research…

  9. Selling the Social Studies. (United States)

    Girod, Gerald R.; Harmon, Gerald R.


    Maintains school-aged children would prefer not to study social studies. Presents several strategies to help encourage positive attitudes. Strategies include persuasion, reinforcement, enthusiasm, personalized contact. Stresses that negative attitudes must be changed in order for social studies to achieve its fundamental citizenship goals. (BR)

  10. Ca-48 metabolism studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van der Merwe, D.G.


    Calcium metabolism has been studied in depth physiologically and is a relatively well-understood element in biochemistry and medicine. There is still only restricted knowledge of the metabolic fate of calcium in normal and abnormal paediatric subjects. The latter is partially owing to inadequate techniques for tracing and modelling calcium pathways in children. The advent of radioactive tracers has unquestionably enhanced medical research and improved the quality of many metabolic studies. The present study was aimed at the development, promotion and justification of a new tracer technique using the stable isotope, calcium-48. The obvious advantages of such a technique are its harmlessness tothe subject, its applicability to both short- and long-term studies as well as its usefulness to the study for which it was originally motivated, viz research defining the actual relationship between a calcium-deficient diet and the occurrence of rickets in rural Black children in South Africa. Exploratory instrumental analyses were performed specifically with serum samples. This proved successful enough to develop a less specific pre-concentration technique which improved the sensitivity and reduces the cost of doing calcium-48 metabolism studies. The results of a simple metabolic study are presented whereby the scope of the technique is demonstrated in a real situation. The possibilities and limitations of double-isotope metabolic studies are discussed, particularly with regard to strontium as the second tracer

  11. The Tromsø Eye Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bertelsen, Geir; Erke, Maja G; von Hanno, Therese


    Purpose:  To describe the study design and methodology of the Tromsø Eye Study (TES), and to describe visual acuity and refractive error in the study population. Methods:  The Tromsø Eye Study is a sub-study of the Tromsø Study, a population-based multipurpose longitudinal study in the municipality...... of Tromsø, Norway. The Tromsø Eye Study was a part of the sixth survey of the Tromsø Study, conducted from October 2007 through December 2008. The eye examination included information on self-reported eye diseases, assessment of visual acuity and refractive errors, retinal photography and optical coherence...

  12. A Place for Project Management in English Studies and Communication studies  curricula

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kampf, Constance; Isohella, Suvi


    In this paper, we argue for a place for project management in the English Studies and Communication Studies curricula, often the home of Technical Communication programs, in order to offer students an opportunity to apply their language, discourse analysis, analytical skills, and creativity in a ...... of the project management genres are briefly discussed and related to key skills emerging from English studies and Technical Communication curricula.......In this paper, we argue for a place for project management in the English Studies and Communication Studies curricula, often the home of Technical Communication programs, in order to offer students an opportunity to apply their language, discourse analysis, analytical skills, and creativity...

  13. The Importance of Pilot Studies


    Van Teijlingen, Edwin; Hundley, Vanora


    The term 'pilot studies' refers to mini versions of a full-scale study (also called 'feasibility' studies), as well as the specific pre-testing of a particular research instrument such as a questionnaire or interview schedule. \\ud Pilot studies are a crucial element of a good study design. Conducting a pilot study does not guarantee success in the main study, but it does increase the likelihood. \\ud Pilot studies fulfil a range of important functions and can provide valuable insights for othe...

  14. Study deep geothermal energy; Studie dypgeotermisk energi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Havellen, Vidar; Eri, Lars Sigurd; Andersen, Andreas; Tuttle, Kevin J.; Ruden, Dorottya Bartucz; Ruden, Fridtjof; Rigler, Balazs; Pascal, Christophe; Larsen, Bjoern Tore


    The study aims to analyze the potential energy with current technology, challenges, issues and opportunities for deep geothermal energy using quantitative analysis. It should especially be made to identify and investigate critical connections between geothermal potential, the size of the heating requirements and technical solutions. Examples of critical relationships may be acceptable cost of technology in relation to heating, local geothermal gradient / drilling depth / temperature levels and profitability. (eb)

  15. 76 FR 23605 - New Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Study Logistic Formative Research Methodology Studies... (United States)


    ...; Comment Request; Study Logistic Formative Research Methodology Studies for the National Children's Study... maximize the efficiency (measured by scientific robustness, participant and infrastructure burden, and cost... assess the feasibility, acceptability, and cost of the recruitment strategy, study procedures, and...

  16. Conference Essay: The Relationship between Gender Studies and Discourse Studies: Synergies, Frictions, and Pitfalls


    Kleiner, Bettina; Dinsleder, Cornelia


    The interdisciplinary conference "Gender Studies Meets Discourse Studies Meets Gender Studies: Entanglements, Affinities, Tensions, and Open Questions" focused on the relationship between gender studies and discourse studies. On the one hand this essay provides insights into the conference debates, and on the other it critically discusses the contributions. The following three key aspects provide guidelines for reconstructing and developing the arguments: 1. theoretical perspectives on the re...

  17. The study of negotiation activities in foreign studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vahnina V.V.


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the problem of studying the negotiation activities of foreign scientists. There are different trends in the study of negotiations law enforcement officers in crisis situations and the possibilities of overcoming and prevention of crisis negotiations. The author explores the different approaches of foreign scientists to the problem of negotiation in crisis situations involving the Commission of a crime. The author particularly notes the work of Slovak researchers who formed the Bank crises and analyzed the possibilities of overcoming the crisis conditions of the negotiation activities. In the article the results of research activities of scientists not only theorists but also practitioners. The leaders of the special units involved in the liberation of hostages, analyze the causes of crisis negotiations and the possibility of its overcoming. The analysis of the presented approaches allows foreign scientists to develop the concept of anti-crisis talks of employees of internal Affairs bodies and the perpetrators (the perpetrators of criminal acts.

  18. Mars power system concept definition study. Volume 1: Study results (United States)

    Littman, Franklin D.


    A preliminary top level study was completed to define power system concepts applicable to Mars surface applications. This effort included definition of power system requirements and selection of power systems with the potential for high commonality. These power systems included dynamic isotope, Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) regenerative fuel cell, sodium sulfur battery, photovoltaic, and reactor concepts. Design influencing factors were identified. Characterization studies were then done for each concept to determine system performance, size/volume, and mass. Operations studies were done to determine emplacement/deployment maintenance/servicing, and startup/shutdown requirements. Technology development roadmaps were written for each candidate power system (included in Volume 2). Example power system architectures were defined and compared on a mass basis. The dynamic isotope power system and nuclear reactor power system architectures had significantly lower total masses than the photovoltaic system architectures. Integrated development and deployment time phasing plans were completed for an example DIPS and reactor architecture option to determine the development strategies required to meet the mission scenario requirements.

  19. Learning Center and Study Carrels: A Comparative Study. Technical Report #18. (United States)

    Chun, Sherlyn; And Others

    This Kamehameha Early Education Program (KEEP) report presents a comparative study of the work rates of kindergarten and first grade children in two classroom environments: a learning-center and a study-carrel environment. The subjects, seven matched pairs of kindergarten and first grade students, were chosen on the basis of the results of a…

  20. Tromsø eye study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bertelsen, Geir; Peto, Tunde; Lindekleiv, Haakon


    Purpose:  To determine the prevalence of visual impairment, retinopathy and macular oedema, and assess risk factors for retinopathy in persons with diabetes. Methods:  The present study included 514 participants with diabetes aged 46-87 years from the Tromsø Eye Study, a sub-study of the population......-based Tromsø Study in Norway. Visual acuity was measured using an auto-refractor. Retinal images from both eyes were graded for retinopathy and macular oedema. We collected data on risk factor exposure from self-report questionnaires, clinical examinations, laboratory measurements and case note reviews...

  1. Study Groups in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjorth, Poul G.


    Since 1998 European Study Groups have been held in Denmark, and Danish companies from LEGO and NOVO to very small high-tech firms have participated. I briefly describe the history, the organisation and the format of the Danish Study Groups, and highlight a few problem solutions.......Since 1998 European Study Groups have been held in Denmark, and Danish companies from LEGO and NOVO to very small high-tech firms have participated. I briefly describe the history, the organisation and the format of the Danish Study Groups, and highlight a few problem solutions....

  2. Adapting Parcellation Schemes to Study Fetal Brain Connectivity in Serial Imaging Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cheng, Xi; Wilm, Jakob; Seshamani, Sharmishtaa


    A crucial step in studying brain connectivity is the definition of the Regions Of Interest (ROI's) which are considered as nodes of a network graph. These ROI's identified in structural imaging reflect consistent functional regions in the anatomies being compared. However in serial studies...... of the developing fetal brain such functional and associated structural markers are not consistently present over time. In this study we adapt two non-atlas based parcellation schemes to study the development of connectivity networks of a fetal monkey brain using Diffusion Weighted Imaging techniques. Results...... demonstrate that the fetal brain network exhibits small-world characteristics and a pattern of increased cluster coefficients and decreased global efficiency. These findings may provide a route to creating a new biomarker for healthy fetal brain development....

  3. Women, Co-occurring Disorders, and Violence Study: evaluation design and study population. (United States)

    McHugo, G J; Kammerer, N; Jackson, E W; Markoff, L S; Gatz, M; Larson, M J; Mazelis, R; Hennigan, K


    The Women, Co-occurring Disorders, and Violence Study (WCDVS) was a multi-site cooperative study to evaluate new service models for women with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders and a history of physical and/or sexual abuse. Despite common features in the service interventions and evaluation procedures, diversity across the nine sites plus differences introduced by non-random assignment led to numerous methodological challenges. This article describes the design, measurement, and analysis decisions behind the WCDVS and lays the foundation for understanding participant-level outcomes and service costs. This article also describes the study population, as recruited and following attrition at the 6-month follow-up, in order to address the threat of selection bias to inferences drawn from this multi-site study.

  4. BioFleet case studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    These six case studies examined the use of different biodiesel blends as fuel supply sources for businesses in British Columbia (BC). In the first case study, 6 municipalities participated in a pilot program designed to compare the performance of biodiesel and diesel fuels. Each municipality operated 2 base vehicles running on conventional diesel along with 2 similar vehicles which used biodiesel. Real time emissions tests and analyses of the vehicles using biodiesel were also conducted by 2 of the participating municipalities. All municipalities participating in the study agreed to purchase significant volumes of biodiesel. The second case study described a pilot study conducted by the City of Vancouver's equipment services branch in 2004. As a result of the study, the city now has over 530 types of equipment that use biodiesel. The third case study described a program designed by TSI Terminals in Vancouver to assess the emission reduction impact of using biodiesel at its port facility. Six different pieces of equipment were used to confirm that biodiesel could be used throughout the terminal. Test results confirmed that biodiesel blends could be used to reduce emissions. Overall emissions were reduced by 30 per cent. The fourth case study described a waste renderer that used a fleet of 36 trucks to deliver raw products to its plants. The company made the decision to use only biodiesel for its entire fleet of trucks. Since July 2005, the company has logged over 1.7 million km using biodiesel blends. The fifth case study described a salmon hatchery that switched from diesel to biodiesel in order to reduce emissions. The biodiesel blends are used to fuel the hatchery's 2 diesel generators. The hatchery has reduced emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) by an estimated 1800 tonnes annually. The sixth case study described how the Township of Langley has started using biodiesel for its entire fleet of of approximately 250 pieces of equipment. The township has not

  5. Environmental studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Tadza Abd Rahman


    Nuclear Technology offers unique method, yet effective for environmental research. Nuclear techniques are invented to carry out research activities on environmental pollutions, erosion and slope stability, landslide ground water studies and water pollution

  6. Floodplain Study (United States)

    Montgomery County of Maryland — The purpose of a floodplain study is to establish the 100-year floodplain limits within or near a development in order to preserve the natural resources within the...

  7. Belgrade metro studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Biljana Arandjelović


    Full Text Available The subway system is an indispensable part of every modern metropolis. Building a subway is no longer a matter of prestige but a necessity, a consequence of the traffic revolution worldwide. This paper shows four metro studies with specific reference to the Belgrade subway and problems that occurred. The first one was conducted in 1946 by the famous Serbian architect Nikola Dobrovic. This document is indeed the first written record discussing the subway issue in Belgrade. The next study dates back to 1968. This project was the first major study on the possibility of a subway. The third and biggest, this subway study was completed in 1982 and contained a major and comprehensive subway project. This project was officially accepted and enacted by the city government. The fourth project in circulation with regard to the subway is the light city railway project. It came out due to the consequences of the decision that a classical subway was not necessary in Belgrade, so that a replacement for the classical subway system was to be undertaken. The light city railway project was adopted as a part of the General Urban Plan for Belgrade by the year 2021.

  8. Critical Digital Tourism Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gyimóthy, Szilvia; Munar, Ana María


    This paper advocates the need for a critical and cross-disciplinary research agenda on the field of digital technologies and tourism. The changing virtual landscape of tourism has received increased attention by tourism scholars. However, contemporary studies on information technologies (IT......) are approached mostly from a business administration perspective and informed by conceptual frameworks developed in management and marketing. IT studies in tourism are still at a stage similar to the first advocacy phase of tourism research in general (Jafari, 1990) and are seldom inspired by relevant...... to studying digital socio-technical systems and virtual mediation in tourism. Critical Digital Tourism Studies opens a new cross-disciplinary field where the sociality of virtual tourism interactions is examined (entailing the study of structures, social rules, ideologies, power relations, sustainability...

  9. Summary of Utility Studies: Smart Grid Investment Grant Consumer Behavior Study Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cappers, Peter [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Todd, Annika [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Goldamn, Charles A. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) program is working with a subset of the 99 SGIG projects to assess the response of mass market consumers (i.e., residential and small commercial customers) to time-varying electricity prices (referred to herein as time-based rate programs) in conjunction with the deployment of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and associated technologies. The effort provides an opportunity to advance the electric industry’s understanding of consumer behavior. In addition, DOE is attempting to apply a consistent study design and analysis framework for the SGIG Consumer Behavior Studies (CBS). The aim is to collect information across the studies on variables and impacts that have been defined in a consistent manner. This will enable Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL), as DOE’s principal investigator for these Consumer Behavior Studies, to leverage the data from the individual studies and conduct comparative analysis of the impacts of AMI, time-based rate programs and enabling technologies that facilitate customer control, automation and information/feedback on customer energy usage.

  10. The Role of Eportfolios in Finance Studies: A Cross-Country Study (United States)

    Domínguez, Amparo S.; Morales, Lucía; Tarkovska, Valentina


    This study explores the use of ePortfolios as an efficient assessment tool to support students pursuing a Business degree, where Finance is a major component. We conducted an analysis on the role of ePortfolios in Higher Education at Dublin Institute of Technology (Republic of Ireland) and at Universitat Jaume I (Spain) for undergraduate studies.…

  11. Building Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Jesper


    Conceptual analytical-methodological conceptualization of crossdisciplinary sustainability studies......Conceptual analytical-methodological conceptualization of crossdisciplinary sustainability studies...

  12. Cerebral perfution studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mut, Fernando


    For detecting in precocious form a coronary disease is necessary to aply a diagnostic techniques. The main considerations to be indicated in the present work are: physiological considerations, myocardial perfusion studies with radiotracers such as Talio 201, 99mTc, MIBI, 99mTc-Teboroxima, 99mTc-Fosfinas, instrumentation for obtain good images, proceedings protocols, studies interpretation, standards, SPECT, anomalies standards, coronary diseases

  13. University related studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Over the years, opportunities for terrestrial ecology studies have attracted student researchers associated with Pacific Northwest colleges and universities. During the past year, four students have been involved with undergraduate or graduate thesis projects. Brief descriptions of these studies are included in this section. It is expected that university participation will be enhanced by designating parts of the Hanford Reservation as a National Environmental Research Park (NERP)

  14. Pilot study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hofmeester, G.H.; Swart, A.; Dijk, E. van


    In May 1980 it was decided to organize an intercomparison of personal dosimeters for photon radiations. The Commission of the European Communities initiated the intercomparison by starting a pilot study in which three laboratories NPL (United Kingdom), PTB (Germany) and RIV (The Netherlands) were asked to irradiate a series of personal dosemeters from institutes, GSF (Muenchen), CEA (Fontenay-aux-Roses), CNEN (Bologna) and CEGB (Berkeley). The latter institutes are secondary standard laboratories and have a radiation protection service as well. A new aspect of this pilot study is the fact that the irradiations also take place in front of a phantom. Irradiations took place in July and August 1980. The results of 4 institutes show that the personal dosemeters are quite capable of measuring the backscattered photon components

  15. Study Strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Camilla Kirketerp; Noer, Vibeke Røn

    and theory forms the basis of the research. Veterinary students have been followed through alternating learning contexts referring to both the scholastic academic classrooms and workplaces in commercial pig herds as well as to group work and game-based situations in a mandatory master course - ”the pig...... as a student´ and the process of professionalization. By maintaining the position of focusing upon the education as a situated and formative trajectory, the comparative analysis shows how students in profession-oriented educational settings manage the challenges of education and use study strategies......ID: 1277 / 22 SES 06 B: 2 22. Research in Higher Education Format of Presentation: Paper Alternative EERA Network: 19. Ethnography Topics: NW 22: Teaching, learning and assessment in higher education Keywords: Profession-oriented learning, study strategies, professionalisation processes...

  16. 18 CFR 5.11 - Potential Applicant's proposed study plan and study plan meetings. (United States)


    ... study: (1) A detailed description of the study and the methodology to be used; (2) A schedule for... each study proposal and the information to be obtained; (2) Address any known resource management goals...; (4) Explain any nexus between project operations and effects (direct, indirect, and/or cumulative) on...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The study was carried out in Abia State. Five out ... study area and the farmers were more of women. ... Cassava utilization, as livestock feed, is very popular in the whole world, ... In order to relieve farmers from this problem of poor yield during harvesting, the .... Also majority (54.7 percent) of the cassava farmers in the study.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    正Nowadays the Internet is more and more popular.I think it is a good way of learning. First,the Intemet enables people to study whenever and wherever it is convenient. They can also choose to study whatever they are interested in.However,a traditional school doesn't provide such great freedom.Students have to study given sub-

  19. Genre theory in information studies

    CERN Document Server

    Andersen, Jack


    This book highlights the important role genre theory plays within information studies. It illustrates how modern genre studies inform and enrich the study of information, and conversely how the study of information makes its own independent contributions to the study of genre.

  20. World Biofuels Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report forms part of a project entitled 'World Biofuels Study'. The objective is to study world biofuel markets and to examine the possible contribution that biofuel imports could make to help meet the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA). The study was sponsored by the Biomass Program of the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), U.S. Department of Energy. It is a collaborative effort among the Office of Policy and International Affairs (PI), Department of Energy and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The project consisted of three main components: (1) Assessment of the resource potential for biofuel feedstocks such as sugarcane, grains, soybean, palm oil and lignocellulosic crops and development of supply curves (ORNL). (2) Assessment of the cost and performance of biofuel production technologies (NREL). (3) Scenario-based analysis of world biofuel markets using the ETP global energy model with data developed in the first parts of the study (BNL). This report covers the modeling and analysis part of the project conducted by BNL in cooperation with PI. The Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) energy system model was used as the analytical tool for this study. ETP is a 15 region global model designed using the MARKAL framework. MARKAL-based models are partial equilibrium models that incorporate a description of the physical energy system and provide a bottom-up approach to study the entire energy system. ETP was updated for this study with biomass resource data and biofuel production technology cost and performance data developed by ORNL and NREL under Tasks 1 and 2 of this project. Many countries around the world are embarking on ambitious biofuel policies through renewable fuel standards and economic incentives. As a result, the global biofuel demand is expected to grow very

  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Landström, Hans; Åström, Fredrik; Harirchi, Gouya


    -of-the-art” books in entrepreneurship studies and eleven books in innovation studies. The chapters in these “state-of-the-art” books are written by experts within the field, and it can be assumed that the most frequently cited references in these chapters represent “core knowledge” in entrepreneurship...... innovation and entrepreneurship studies can be considered as two fields or parts of a single broader scientific field, sharing and contributing to the same knowledge base? The studies by Fagerberg et al. and Landström et al. are based on two unique databases consisting of all references in twelve “state...

  2. Project management case studies

    CERN Document Server

    Kerzner, Harold R


    A new edition of the most popular book of project management case studies, expanded to include more than 100 cases plus a ""super case"" on the Iridium Project Case studies are an important part of project management education and training. This Fourth Edition of Harold Kerzner''s Project Management Case Studies features a number of new cases covering value measurement in project management. Also included is the well-received ""super case,"" which covers all aspects of project management and may be used as a capstone for a course. This new edition:Contains 100-plus case studies drawn from re

  3. NASA Earth Science Mission Control Center Enterprise Emerging Technology Study Study (MCC Technology Study) (United States)

    Smith, Dan; Horan, Stephen; Royer, Don; Sullivan, Don; Moe, Karen


    This paper reports on the results of the study to identify technologies that could have a significant impact on Earth Science mission operations when looking out at the 5-15 year horizon (through 2025). The potential benefits of the new technologies will be discussed, as well as recommendations for early research and development, prototyping, or analysis for these technologies.

  4. Actuarial Studies (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Office of the Actuary in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) from time to time conducts studies on various aspects of the Medicare and Medicaid...

  5. Effective Physics Study Habits (United States)

    Zettili, Nouredine


    We discuss the methods of efficient study habits and how they can be used by students to help them improve learning physics. In particular, we deal with ideas pertaining to the most effective techniques needed to help students improve their physics study skills. These ideas were developed as part of Project IMPACTSEED (IMproving Physics And Chemistry Teaching in SEcondary Education), an outreach grant funded by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education. This project is motivated by a major pressing local need: A large number of high school physics teachers teach out of field. In the presentation, focus on topics such as the skills of how to develop long term memory, how to improve concentration power, how to take class notes, how to prepare for and take exams, how to study scientific subjects such as physics. We argue that the student who conscientiously uses the methods of efficient study habits will be able to achieve higher results than the student who does not; moreover, a student equipped with the proper study skills will spend much less time to learn a subject than a student who has no good study habits. The underlying issue here is not the quantity of time allocated to the study efforts by the student, but the efficiency and quality of actions. This work is supported by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education as part of IMPACTSEED grant.

  6. Tanzania country study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meena, H E [Centre for Energy, Environment, Science and Technology, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania, United Republic of)


    An objective of this study is to analyse the role of the land use sectors of Tanzania (especially forestry) on mitigation of greenhouse gases. Specific emphasis is placed on the relationship between forestry and energy supply from biomass. This is a follow up study on an earlier effort which worked on mitigation options in the country without an in-depth analysis of the forestry and land use sectors. (au)

  7. Zambia country study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Zambia Country Study, which was part of the Danida-funded project Climate Change Mitigation in Southern Africa: Phase 2, aimed at methodological development, national mitigation analysis and institutional capacity building in Zambia. The study comprised the following five elements: Comprehensive evaluation of national social and economic development framework for climate change; Baseline scenario(s) projection(s); Mitigation scenario(s) projection(s); Macro-economic assessment; Implementation Issues. (au) 17 refs.

  8. Tanzania country study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meena, H.E.


    An objective of this study is to analyse the role of the land use sectors of Tanzania (especially forestry) on mitigation of greenhouse gases. Specific emphasis is placed on the relationship between forestry and energy supply from biomass. This is a follow up study on an earlier effort which worked on mitigation options in the country without an in-depth analysis of the forestry and land use sectors. (au)

  9. Theoretical study of laser feedback interferometry for dynamical material's behaviour studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le-Barbier, Laura


    The purpose of this thesis is to study the feasibility of optical feedback interferometry (OFI) for measuring velocities for dynamical material's behaviour studies. Dynamical material's behaviour studies permit to analyse the shocked material when subjects to shocks (laser shocks, isentropic compression, projectiles, etc.). In these conditions, we seek to measure velocities up to 10 km/s. The OFI technique is regularly used as an embedded system to measure slow velocities in various fields. However, very few studies have been performed for determining velocities measurement limits for this system. As a matter of fact, the optical feedback induces nonlinear effects into the laser's cavity: it disrupts the laser's emitted optical power. Depending on the optical feedback strength, the laser can show chaotic behaviour, then it is no longer possible to get the information for the target's velocity or displacement regarding the signal. In this study, we have been developing mathematical models and performing a wide range of numerical simulations to study the performances and the limits of the OFI technique. We have been also studying the influence of the targets reflectivity, the length and the modulation frequency of the external cavity. (author) [fr

  10. An Observational Study of Score Study Practices among Undergraduate Instrumental Music Education Majors (United States)

    Silvey, Brian A.; Montemayor, Mark; Baumgartner, Christopher M.


    The purpose of this study was to investigate undergraduate instrumental music education majors' score study practices as they related to the effectiveness of their simulated conducting. Participants (N = 30) were video recorded in two sessions in which they completed a 20-min score study session and a simulated conducting performance. In the first…

  11. Intercultural Development: Study Abroad vs. On-Campus Study (United States)

    Anderson, Phillip H.; Lawton, Leigh


    As international travel has become more commonplace and as the economies of the world have become more interdependent, both students and faculties are recognizing the importance of increasing students' ability to function effectively in a global community. Study abroad programs are seen by many as an effective means to provide students with the…


    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Overview Graphics. INTERHEART STUDY. About 90% of CHD Risk (“PAR”) can be explained by 9 Risk Factors: Smoking. Dyslipidemia. High BP. Diabetes. Abdominal Obesity. Psychosocial Factors. Fruits & Vegetables. Exercise. Alcohol.

  13. What is game studies anyway?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nieborg, D.B.; Hermes, J.


    In this introduction, game studies is argued to be a force of innovation for cultural studies. While game studies, as it has developed over the last 10 years, fits well within cultural studies' methodology and theory, it does more than benefit from cultural studies as a 'mother discipline'. Game

  14. UNEP greenhouse gas abatement costing studies. Zimbabwe country study. Phase 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shakespeare Maya, R. [Southern Centre for Energy and Environment (Zimbabwe); Muguti, E. [Ministry of Transport and Energy. Department of Energy (Zimbabwe); Fenhann, J.; Morthorst, P.E. [Risoe National Laboratory. Systems Analysis Department (Denmark)


    The UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) programme of Greenhouse Gas Abatement Costing Studies is intended to clarify the economic issues involved in assessing the costs of limiting emissions of greenhouse gases and to propose approaches to comparable costing studies. Phase 1 of the Zimbabwe country study describes the current energy situation in Zimbabwe related to the national economy, energy supply and demand and amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. Factors regarding the geography, (including a map illustrating the degree and character of land degradation by erosion) population, politics, international relations, land-use and management of the energy sector are dealt with in detail and the text is illustrated with data compiled from the study. It is estimated that Zimbabwe consumed 270.4 Tj of energy during 1988 and emitted 21.7 tonnes of carbon dioxide. An emission intensity of 80.2 tonnes/Tj for the whole economy and 63.6 tonnes/Tj for electric power generation alone was calculated. Forecasting for the year 2020 estimated carbon dioxide emission intensities of 73.5 tonnes/Tj for the whole economy and 43.7 tonnes for power generation. Net carbon dioxide emissions are predicted to be 30-42 tonnes during 2020. (AB).

  15. R and D Requirements, RF Gun Mode Studies, FEL-2 Steady-State Studies, Preliminary FEL-1 Time-Dependent Studies, and Preliminary Layout Option Investigation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Byrd, John; Corlett, John; Doolittle, Larry; Fawley, William; Lidia, Steven; Penn, Gregory; Ratti, Alex; Staples, John; Wilcox Russell; Wurtele, Jonathan; Zholents, Alexander


    This report constitutes the third deliverable of LBNLs contracted role in the FERMI (at) Elettra Technical Optimization study. It describes proposed RandD activities for the baseline design of the Technical Optimization Study, initial studies of the RF gun mode-coupling and potential effects on beam dynamics, steady-state studies of FEL-2 performance to 10 nm, preliminary studies of time-dependent FEL-1 performance using electron bunch distribution from the start-to-end studies, and a preliminary investigation of a configuration with FEL sinclined at a small angle from the line of the linac

  16. Film studies the basics

    CERN Document Server

    Villarejo, Amy


    Film Studies: The Basics is a compelling guide to the study of cinema in all its forms. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to take account of recent scholarship, the latest developments in the industry and the explosive impact of new technologies. Core topics covered include:   The history, technology and art of cinema Theories of stardom, genre and film-making The movie industry from Hollywood to Bollywood Who does what on a film set   Complete with film stills, end-of-chapter summaries and a substantial glossary, Film Studies: The Basics is the ideal introduction to those new to the study of cinema.

  17. Qingdao Port Cardiovascular Health Study: a prospective cohort study. (United States)

    Spatz, Erica S; Jiang, Xianyan; Lu, Jiapeng; Masoudi, Frederick A; Spertus, John A; Wang, Yongfei; Li, Xi; Downing, Nicholas S; Nasir, Khurram; Du, Xue; Li, Jing; Krumholz, Harlan M; Liu, Xiancheng; Jiang, Lixin


    In China, efforts are underway to respond to rapidly increasing rates of heart disease and stroke. Yet the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease in China may be different from that of other populations. Thus, there is a critical need for population-based studies that provide insight into the risk factors, incidence and outcomes of cardiovascular disease in China. The Qingdao Port Cardiovascular Health Study is designed to investigate the burden of cardiovascular disease and the sociodemographic, biological, environmental and clinical risk factors associated with disease onset and outcomes. For this study, from 2000 through 2013, 32,404 employees aged 18 years or older were recruited from the Qingdao Port Group in China, contributing 221,923 annual health assessments. The mean age at recruitment was 43.4 (SD=12.9); 79% were male. In this ongoing study, annual health assessments, governed by extensive quality control mechanisms, include a questionnaire (capturing demographic and employment information, medical history, medication use, health behaviours and health outcomes), physical examination, ECG, and blood and urine analysis. Additional non-annual assessments include an X-ray, echocardiogram and carotid ultrasound; bio-samples will be collected for future genetic and proteomic analyses. Cardiovascular outcomes are accessed via self-report and are actively being verified with medical insurance claims; efforts are underway to adjudicate outcomes with hospital medical records. Early findings reveal a significant increase in cardiovascular risk factors from 2000 to 2010 (hypertension: 26.4-39.4%; diabetes: 3.3-8.9%; hyperlipidaemia: 5.0-33.6%; body mass index >28 m/kg(2): 14.1-18.6%). We aim to generate novel insights about the epidemiology and outcomes of cardiovascular disease in China, with specific emphasis on the potentially unique risk factor profiles of this Chinese population. Knowledge generated will be disseminated in the peer-reviewed literature, and will

  18. Qingdao Port Cardiovascular Health Study: a prospective cohort study (United States)

    Spatz, Erica S; Jiang, Xianyan; Lu, Jiapeng; Masoudi, Frederick A; Spertus, John A; Wang, Yongfei; Li, Xi; Downing, Nicholas S; Nasir, Khurram; Du, Xue; Li, Jing; Krumholz, Harlan M; Liu, Xiancheng; Jiang, Lixin


    Purpose In China, efforts are underway to respond to rapidly increasing rates of heart disease and stroke. Yet the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease in China may be different from that of other populations. Thus, there is a critical need for population-based studies that provide insight into the risk factors, incidence and outcomes of cardiovascular disease in China. The Qingdao Port Cardiovascular Health Study is designed to investigate the burden of cardiovascular disease and the sociodemographic, biological, environmental and clinical risk factors associated with disease onset and outcomes. Participants For this study, from 2000 through 2013, 32 404 employees aged 18 years or older were recruited from the Qingdao Port Group in China, contributing 221 923 annual health assessments. The mean age at recruitment was 43.4 (SD=12.9); 79% were male. In this ongoing study, annual health assessments, governed by extensive quality control mechanisms, include a questionnaire (capturing demographic and employment information, medical history, medication use, health behaviours and health outcomes), physical examination, ECG, and blood and urine analysis. Additional non-annual assessments include an X-ray, echocardiogram and carotid ultrasound; bio-samples will be collected for future genetic and proteomic analyses. Cardiovascular outcomes are accessed via self-report and are actively being verified with medical insurance claims; efforts are underway to adjudicate outcomes with hospital medical records. Findings to date Early findings reveal a significant increase in cardiovascular risk factors from 2000 to 2010 (hypertension: 26.4–39.4%; diabetes: 3.3–8.9%; hyperlipidaemia: 5.0–33.6%; body mass index >28 m/kg2: 14.1–18.6%). Future Plans We aim to generate novel insights about the epidemiology and outcomes of cardiovascular disease in China, with specific emphasis on the potentially unique risk factor profiles of this Chinese population. Knowledge

  19. Nuclear Industry Family Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is a copy of the U.K.A.E.A. Question and Answer brief concerning an epidemiological study entitled the Nuclear Industry Family Study, to investigate the health of children of AEA, AWE, and BNFL Workers. The study is being carried out by an independent team of medical research workers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. (UK)

  20. Hydrogeological study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massa, E.; Carrion, R.


    This work refers to the hydrogeological study about underground water to domestic uses. It was required by Artigas intendence of Uruguay, in the rural school 10, located belongs to the Chiflero zone around the capital of the Artigas Province.

  1. Study Drugs (United States)

    ... to quit, they may have withdrawal symptoms like depression, thoughts of suicide, intense drug cravings, sleep problems, and fatigue. The health risks aren't the only downside to study drugs. Students caught with illegal prescription drugs may get suspended ...

  2. Vitrification melter study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, J.A.


    This report presents the results of a study performed to identify the most promising vitrification melter technologies that the Department of Energy (EM-50) might pursue with available funding. The primary focus was on plasma arc systems and graphite arc melters. The study was also intended to assist EM-50 in evaluating competing technologies, formulating effective technology strategy, developing focused technology development projects, and directing the work of contractors involved in vitrification melter development

  3. Environmental impact study. 'Cyclical approach case study VEGA'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Setzman, E.; Braennstroem-Norberg, B.M.; Rosen-Lidholm, S.


    The aim of this study has been to identify, describe and assess the environmental factors in the fuel chain which may be of significance for the possibilities of establishing biofuel-fired plants for the production of electricity and heat. The description is based on the documentation for the planned combined heat and power plant in Eskilstuna which will utilize pressurized gasification of biofuel in a combined cycle (VEGA). The study shows that the emissions from the plant are limited and do not give rise to any identifiable environmental effects. The emissions of nitrogen oxides from transportation and from fuel production are equivalent to those from combustion. The environmental consequences of a biofuel-fired plant of this size will be primarily local. The regional effects will be limited and of little significance providing that fuel extraction is not carried out in sensitive areas, transportation by road over long distances is minimized, and the removal of important nutrients through the extraction of biofuels is compensated for, for example by returning ash to the soil. 26 refs, 29 figs, 38 tabs

  4. The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 1. Study design and methods and baseline characteristics of study patients. (United States)

    Ederer, F; Gaasterland, D E; Sullivan, E K


    Medical therapy has been the standard initial treatment for open-angle glaucoma. When some visual field has been lost and maximum tolerated and effective medical therapy does not succeed in controlling the disease, the patient is considered to have advanced glaucoma, and the first of a potential sequence of surgical treatments is usually indicated. Little is known about the long-term course and prognosis of advanced glaucoma or about the long-term effectiveness of sequential surgical treatments in controlling the disease and preventing vision loss and blindness. The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study was designed to study, in advanced glaucoma, the long-term clinical course and prognosis, and, in a randomized trial, the comparative outcomes of two sequences of surgical treatments. Toward these goals, 789 eyes in 591 patients were enrolled at 11 clinical centers between 1988 and 1992. Follow-up will continue until 1996. Eyes were randomly assigned to one of two sequences of surgical treatments. One sequence begins with argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT), is followed by trabeculectomy, an incisional surgical filtering procedure, should ALT fail to control the disease, and by a second trabeculectomy should the first trabeculectomy fail. The other sequence begins with trabeculectomy, is followed by ALT should the trabeculectomy fail, and by a second trabeculectomy should ALT fail. The main outcome of interest is visual function (visual field and visual acuity). Other important outcomes are intraocular pressure, complications of surgery, time to treatment failure, and extent of need for additional medical therapy. We present in this paper the rationale, objectives, design and methods of the study, and the baseline characteristics of study patients and eyes.

  5. How to Study a Matrix (United States)

    Jairam, Dharmananda; Kiewra, Kenneth A.; Kauffman, Douglas F.; Zhao, Ruomeng


    This study investigated how best to study a matrix. Fifty-three participants studied a matrix topically (1 column at a time), categorically (1 row at a time), or in a unified way (all at once). Results revealed that categorical and unified study produced higher: (a) performance on relationship and fact tests, (b) study material satisfaction, and…

  6. Sistem Pre Kompilasi Data Tracer Studi Online Ditjen Belmawa Ristekdikti (Studi Kasus: Politeknik Harapan Bersama

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Very Kurnia Bakti


    Full Text Available Tracer studi merupakan salah satu upaya yang diharapkan dapat menyediakan informasi untuk mengevaluasi hasil pendidikan di Politeknik Harapan Bersama dari kuisioner yang diberikan kepada alumni. Kegiatan tracer studi ini sudah dilaksanakan secara online, namun masih terdapat kendala pada bagian sistem yang digunakan saat ini, hal tersebut menyebabkan Politeknik Harapan Bersama tidak dapat melaporkan / mengunggah hasil tracer studi kepada Ditjen Belmawa Ristekdikti, dimana form kuisioner dan data export tracer studi yang dihasilkan berbeda dengan kebutuhan seperti yang tercantum pada surat edaran No. 313/B/SE/2016 tentang pelaksanaan tracer studi di tingkat perguruan tinggi. Mengingat pentingnya tracer studi sebagai umpan balik bagi Politeknik Harapan Bersama, maka perlu solusi untuk mengatasi kekurangan sistem ini. Dengan merubah sistem yang ada dengan sistem tracer studi yang baru merupakan solusi yang tepat dalam permasalahan ini. Sistem tracer studi yang baru mampu menghasilkan data tracer studi alumni dan pengisian form kuisioner sesuai dengan standar Ditjen Belmawa Ristekdikti yang dapat diunggah sistem tracer studi ristekdikti.

  7. Hanford groundwater scenario studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arnett, R.C.; Gephart, R.E.; Deju, R.A.; Cole, C.R.; Ahlstrom, S.W.


    This report documents the results of two Hanford groundwater scenario studies. The first study examines the hydrologic impact of increased groundwater recharge resulting from agricultural development in the Cold Creek Valley located west of the Hanford Reservation. The second study involves recovering liquid radioactive waste which has leaked into the groundwater flow system from a hypothetical buried tank containing high-level radioactive waste. The predictive and control capacity of the onsite Hanford modeling technology is used to evaluate both scenarios. The results of the first study indicate that Cold Creek Valley irrigationis unlikely to cause significant changes in the water table underlying the high-level waste areas or in the movement of radionuclides already in the groundwater. The hypothetical tank leak study showed that an active response (in this case waste recovery) can be modeled and is a possible alternative to passive monitoring of radionuclide movement in the unlikely event that high-level waste is introduced into the groundwater

  8. The bismuth miners study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grosche, B.; Kreuzer, M.; Kreisheimer, M.; Schnelzer, M.; Tschense, A.; Gottschalk, K.


    The Federal Radiation Protection Office carried out a retrospective cohort study on some 60,000 former employees of the SAG/SDAG Wismut. The purpose of the study was to validate the radon-related risk of acquiring lung cancer previously calculated from 11 jointly evaluated studies among miners on the basis of an independent, homogeneous data record of comparable size. A further goal was to study the risk of acquiring extrapulmonal tumours. This paper only briefly describes the sampling, design and methods used in the study, as these were already presented during the Radon Status Talks. The first follow-up on the cohort was completed in 2003. Around this time a job exposure matrix (JEM) suitable for scientific inquiries was made available by the professional miners' association and the roof organisation of professional trade associations (HVBG). This paper is the first to report on the outcome of the risk analysis in direct comparison with the results found by BEIR

  9. Standards for Certification/Preparation of Social Studies Teachers: A Fifty State Study. (United States)

    Dumas, Wayne; Weible, Tom

    A national survey determined minimum certification requirements for secondary social studies teachers in general education, professional education, and history/social science. Data were obtained through questionnaires completed by social studies education curriculum specialists and by officials in the certification divisions of state education…

  10. Citizenship as individual responsibility through personal investment - an ethnographic study in a study circle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Annika Pastuhov


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to shed light on how the democratic ideal of institutionalised Nordic popular education is realised through an ethnographic field study in an English as a foreign language study circle. The study focuses on how participants express their citizenship when taking part in the study circle. Citizenship is viewed as a dynamic concept comprising the aspects of 'being' and 'acting' and constructed in and through social interaction. The study circle is arranged as a classroom practice: The study circle leader organises the activities, while the participants engage in exercises and attempt to learn correct usage. Through their participation, the participants take individual responsibility for what they see as their lack of sufficient knowledge of English. The participants describe their participation as a personal and voluntary investment in themselves. In light of the study, the individual stance is discussed as limiting possibilities for responsibility and thus expressions of citizenship.

  11. Oxidizer Scoping Studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chancellor, Christopher John [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    The purpose of this report is to present the results of the acceptable knowledge (AK) review of oxidizers present in active waste streams, provide a technical analysis of the oxidizers, and report the results of the scoping study testing. This report will determine the fastest burning oxidizer to be used in the development of a Test Plan for Preparation and Testing of Sorbents Mixed with Oxidizer found in Transuranic Waste (DWT-TP-001). The companion report, DWT-RPT-002, Sorbent Scoping Studies, contains similar information for sorbents identified during the AK review of TRU waste streams. The results of the oxidizer and sorbent scoping studies will be used to inform the QL1 test plan. The QL1 test results will support the development of a basis of knowledge document that will evaluate oxidizing chemicals and sorbents in TRU waste and provide guidance for treatment.

  12. Immunology studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, D.M.; Baron, P.A.; Drake, G.A.; LaBauve, P.M.; London, J.E.; Wilson, J.S.


    The following studies were conducted in the field of immunology; a model system to determine toxic effects on the immune system using 3 H-uridine uptake by Feells of rats; and survival in lethally irradiatd mice receiving allogenic fetal liver and thymus

  13. Networked Microgrids Scoping Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Backhaus, Scott N. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Dobriansky, Larisa [General MicroGrids, San Diego, CA (United States); Glover, Steve [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Liu, Chen-Ching [Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA (United States); Looney, Patrick [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Mashayekh, Salman [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Pratt, Annabelle [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Schneider, Kevin [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Stadler, Michael [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Starke, Michael [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Wang, Jianhui [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Yue, Meng [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States)


    Much like individual microgrids, the range of opportunities and potential architectures of networked microgrids is very diverse. The goals of this scoping study are to provide an early assessment of research and development needs by examining the benefits of, risks created by, and risks to networked microgrids. At this time there are very few, if any, examples of deployed microgrid networks. In addition, there are very few tools to simulate or otherwise analyze the behavior of networked microgrids. In this setting, it is very difficult to evaluate networked microgrids systematically or quantitatively. At this early stage, this study is relying on inputs, estimations, and literature reviews by subject matter experts who are engaged in individual microgrid research and development projects, i.e., the authors of this study The initial step of the study gathered input about the potential opportunities provided by networked microgrids from these subject matter experts. These opportunities were divided between the subject matter experts for further review. Part 2 of this study is comprised of these reviews. Part 1 of this study is a summary of the benefits and risks identified in the reviews in Part 2 and synthesis of the research needs required to enable networked microgrids.

  14. Bank retreat study of a meandering river reach case study : River Irwell

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Duran, R.; Beevers, L.; Crosato, A.; Wright, N.


    Lack of data is often considered a limitation when undertaking morphological studies. This research deals with morphological studies of small rivers experiencing bank erosion processes when only limited data are available. A reach of the meandering gravel-bed river Irwell (United Kingdom) is taken

  15. Solid waste study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ortiz, Paul G.


    The purpose of this document is to study the solid waste issues brought about by a Type C Investigation; ''Disposal of Inappropriate Material in the Los Alamos County Landfill'' (May 28, 1993). The study was completed in August 1995 by Coleman Research Corporation, under subcontract number 405810005-Y for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The study confirmed the issues identified in the Type C investigation, and also ascertained further issues or problems. During the course of this study two incidents involving hazardous waste resulted in the inappropriate disposal of the waste. An accidental spill, on June 8, 1995, at one of Laboratory buildings was not handled correctly, and ended up in the LAC Landfill. Hazardous waste was disposed of in a solid waste container and sent to the Los Alamos County Landfill. An attempt to locate the hazardous waste at the LAC Landfill was not successful. The second incident involving hazardous waste was discovered by the FSS-8, during a random dumpster surveillance. An interim dumpster program managed by FSS-8 discovered hazardous waste and copper chips in the solid waste, on August 9, 1995. The hazardous waste and copper chips would have been transported to the LAC Landfill if the audit team had not brought the problem to the awareness of the facility waste management personnel


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of this document is to study the solid waste issues brought about by a Type C Investigation; ``Disposal of Inappropriate Material in the Los Alamos County Landfill'' (May 28, 1993). The study was completed in August 1995 by Coleman Research Corporation, under subcontract number 405810005-Y for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The study confirmed the issues identified in the Type C investigation, and also ascertained further issues or problems. During the course of this study two incidents involving hazardous waste resulted in the inappropriate disposal of the waste. An accidental spill, on June 8, 1995, at one of Laboratory buildings was not handled correctly, and ended up in the LAC Landfill. Hazardous waste was disposed of in a solid waste container and sent to the Los Alamos County Landfill. An attempt to locate the hazardous waste at the LAC Landfill was not successful. The second incident involving hazardous waste was discovered by the FSS-8, during a random dumpster surveillance. An interim dumpster program managed by FSS-8 discovered hazardous waste and copper chips in the solid waste, on August 9, 1995. The hazardous waste and copper chips would have been transported to the LAC Landfill if the audit team had not brought the problem to the awareness of the facility waste management personnel.

  17. Baccalaureate Student Nurses' Study Habits Prior to Admission to Nursing Program: A Descriptive Qualitative Study. (United States)

    Felicilda-Reynaldo, Rhea Faye D; Cruz, Jonas Preposi; Bigley, Louise; Adams, Kathryn


    Faculty continue to observe students struggling as they adapt their study strategies to learn nursing core content. This study described the study habits of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) students prior to admission to the program. This study used a descriptive qualitative research design. A purposive sample of 19 BSN students (juniors [n=10] and seniors [n=9]) from a 4-year public Midwestern university were included in this study. Two focus group sessions, using a semi-structured interview guide, were conducted in the spring semester of 2013. The four themes which emerged from the analysis of data were: "I just got it," "I had a lot of time then," "I studied alone" mostly, and "…a little struggle with the sciences." The findings suggest the BSN students did not study much or employed poor study strategies during their years completing general education courses. Academic support is needed by students prior to admission to the nursing program so they can learn effective study skills and modify their study habits for easier adaptation to the rigors of nursing education. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  18. [Studies of biologic activation associated with molecular receptor increase and tumor response in ChL6/L6 protocol patients; Studies in phantoms; Quantitative SPECT; Preclinical studies; and Clinical studies]. DOE annual report, 1994-95

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeNardo, S.J.


    The authors describe results which have not yet been published from their associated studies listed in the title. For the first, they discuss Lym-1 single chain genetically engineered molecules, analysis of molecular genetic coded messages to enhance tumor response, and human dosimetry and therapeutic human use radiopharmaceuticals. Studies in phantoms includes a discussion of planar image quantitation, counts coincidence correction, organ studies, tumor studies, and 90 Y quantitation with Bremsstrahlung imaging. The study on SPECT discusses attenuation correction and scatter correction. Preclinical studies investigated uptake of 90 Y-BrE-3 in mice using autoradiography. Clinical studies discuss image quantitation verses counts from biopsy samples, S factors for radiation dose calculation, 67 Cu imaging studies for lymphoma cancer, and 111 In MoAb imaging studies for breast cancer to predict 90 Y MoAb therapy

  19. 522 Postmarket Surveillance Studies (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The 522 Postmarket Surveillance Studies Program encompasses design, tracking, oversight, and review responsibilities for studies mandated under section 522 of the...


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    M Rusydi


    Full Text Available The following writing shows the historicity of Islamic studies in the West. It is important to reflect, at least as a comparison for our Islamic studies in Indonesia. Initially, Islamic studies in the West were looked unfairly. Islam was considered a fragment of Jews and Christian tradition. Thus, Islamic studies were positioned as a subunit of Christian studies. At this condition, Islamic studies tended to be colonized by West scholars’ ideology. However, in 1980, Islamic studies began to be looked fairly in the West. Funded by National Endowment for the Humanities, University of Arizona for the first time held an international symposium on Islam and Religious Studies. In this symposium, Islam was considered equally with Christian. Therefore, the research on it was not only about Islam as religion but also as civilization. It was indicated by various approaches to Islam such as philology, social and humanities approaches. Today, Islamic studies develop intensively with the contemporary approaches called post-orientalism which is based on post-colonialism, post-structuralism, multiculturalism, and critical theory.

  1. Case-control studies in neurosurgery. (United States)

    Nesvick, Cody L; Thompson, Clinton J; Boop, Frederick A; Klimo, Paul


    Observational studies, such as cohort and case-control studies, are valuable instruments in evidence-based medicine. Case-control studies, in particular, are becoming increasingly popular in the neurosurgical literature due to their low cost and relative ease of execution; however, no one has yet systematically assessed these types of studies for quality in methodology and reporting. The authors performed a literature search using PubMed/MEDLINE to identify all studies that explicitly identified themselves as "case-control" and were published in the JNS Publishing Group journals (Journal of Neurosurgery, Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, and Neurosurgical Focus) or Neurosurgery. Each paper was evaluated for 22 descriptive variables and then categorized as having either met or missed the basic definition of a case-control study. All studies that evaluated risk factors for a well-defined outcome were considered true case-control studies. The authors sought to identify key features or phrases that were or were not predictive of a true case-control study. Those papers that satisfied the definition were further evaluated using the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist. The search detected 67 papers that met the inclusion criteria, of which 32 (48%) represented true case-control studies. The frequency of true case-control studies has not changed with time. Use of odds ratios (ORs) and logistic regression (LR) analysis were strong positive predictors of true case-control studies (for odds ratios, OR 15.33 and 95% CI 4.52-51.97; for logistic regression analysis, OR 8.77 and 95% CI 2.69-28.56). Conversely, negative predictors included focus on a procedure/intervention (OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.13-0.998) and use of the word "outcome" in the Results section (OR 0.23, 95% CI 0.082-0.65). After exclusion of nested case-control studies, the negative correlation between focus on a procedure

  2. Prevalence studies in rheumatology: the methodology of the Chiavari study

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    T. Maio


    Full Text Available Objectives: Goals of epidemiological studies are the description of the measures of frequency of diseases, the attempt to clarify possible etiopathogenic mechanisms, and the provision of data to support health policy decisions. To increase the familiarity of rheumatologists toward epidemiology, we describe the methodology used in a prevalence study of musculoskeletal complaints performed in Chiavari, Italy. Methods: A questionnaire, originally developed by the Epidemiology Unit of the Arthitis Research Council in Manchester, UK, to investigate the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis, was used after translation and validation. 4456 subjects aged 16 years or more listed in four general practices were invited to participate in the study and to fill the ARC questionnaire. The 3294 responders reported a any past occurrence of joint swelling lasting more than four weeks and the distribution of the swollen joints on a mannequin; b any joint pain lasting more than four weeks; c current joint pain or swelling; d morning stiffness; e whether they had been previously told by a doctor they had arthritis. Results: Four steps were necessary to obtain a 74% response, i.e. direct contact, two mailings and a phone interview. The performance of the different questions was good. The prevalence of the most common conditions among patients answering positively to the questions regarding morning stiffness and symmetrical swelling of joints was as follows: osteoarthritis 2.60%, fibromyalgia 1.30%, carpal tunnel syndrome 1.14%, rheumatoid arthritis 0.31%, and psoriatic arthritis 0.10%. Conclusions: Methodological issues regarding the selection of the population and sample to study, the development of a questionnaire, and the problems in obtaining valid informations are discussed.

  3. A longitudinal study


    Kristen, Astrid


    Does playing violent video games increase aggressive behavior over time or is it aggressive children who increasingly seek out (and play) these violent video games? To study such long-term effects a longitudinal design is necessary. Within a field study in a large German city (Kinder, Computer, Hobby, Lernen – KUHL, Freie Universtität Berlin) about 115 elementary school boys attending in the beginning (t1) classrooms of the third and fourth grade and twelve months later (t2) classrooms of the...

  4. STARFIRE-II studies. Summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, C.C.; Brooks, J.N.; Ehst, D.A.; Smith, D.L.; Sze, D.K.


    The US Department of Energy's Office of Fusion Energy has initiated several studies during FY-1985 called Tokamak Power System Studies (TPSS). The TPSS is being carried out by several laboratories, universities and industry with the general objective of developing innovative physics and technology concepts to improve the commercial attractiveness of tokamak power reactors. The effort of Argonne National Laboratory, entitled STARFIRE-II, is an effort to update and improve STARFIRE, which was the last comprehensive conceptual design study in the US of a commercial tokamak power plant. The STARFIRE-II effort has developed a number of goals in order to improve fusion commercial power plants based in part on several recent studies. The primary goals for STARFIRE-II are listed

  5. Penerapan Metode Profile Matching Pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Ketua Program Studi (STUDI Kasus : Program Studi Teknik Informatika STMIK Musi Rawas

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    Andri Anto Tri Susilo


    Full Text Available Abstract-- In the organizational structure of a study program, always led by a chairman of the study program. In STMIK Musi Rawas, the process of selecting the head of the study program is usually appointed directly by the chairman of the foundation. The shortcomings of the direct appointment process is not able to see the capabilities possessed by the candidate chairman of the study program be it social skills, planning, management of learning, management of Human Resources, Finance and so forth. Decision support system is a system that can be used to help make decisions based on existing criteria. In this research the method used is Profile Matching method. The concept of Profile Matching method is to compare individual competence into job competence so that it can know the difference of competence (also called gap, the smaller the gap that is generated, the greater the value the greater the greater the chance for someone to occupy the position. The end result of this research is obtained information about the highest value of each candidate chairman of the Study Program based on the calculation of Profile Matching

  6. Studying and Working: A National Study of Student Finances and Student Engagement (United States)

    Devlin, Marcia; James, Richard; Grigg, Gabrielle


    A key determinant of the new relationship between students and universities in Australia is the changing nature of higher education funding arrangements and the shift towards "user-pays". In 2007, the Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) completed a commissioned national study, "Australian University Student Finances…

  7. Waarom Jesus-studies?

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    P. A. Geyser


    Full Text Available Why Jesus studies? Present-day historical Jesus studies are the epistemological product of what has become known as the New Historicism. The aim of the article is to emphasize two aspects of the New Historicism as epistemological approach. The one aspect focuses on the profitability of this endeavour and the other on the historical nature of the New Historicism. As far as profitability is concerned, the social standing and identity of the researcher are emphasized. Among otherthings, the social interests of the researcher are taken into account. Concerning the historical nature of this kind of research, a distinction is drawn between the Jesus of history and the Jesus of faith. The aim of the article is to gain clarity on the relationship between the Jesus of history (pre-Easter and the Jesus of faith (post-Easter. J D Crossan's exposition of the reasons for Jesus studies is followed. He distinguishes three reasons: historical, ethical and theological.

  8. Structural issues affecting mixed methods studies in health research: a qualitative study (United States)


    Background Health researchers undertake studies which combine qualitative and quantitative methods. Little attention has been paid to the structural issues affecting this mixed methods approach. We explored the facilitators and barriers to undertaking mixed methods studies in health research. Methods Face-to-face semi-structured interviews with 20 researchers experienced in mixed methods research in health in the United Kingdom. Results Structural facilitators for undertaking mixed methods studies included a perception that funding bodies promoted this approach, and the multidisciplinary constituency of some university departments. Structural barriers to exploiting the potential of these studies included a lack of education and training in mixed methods research, and a lack of templates for reporting mixed methods articles in peer-reviewed journals. The 'hierarchy of evidence' relating to effectiveness studies in health care research, with the randomised controlled trial as the gold standard, appeared to pervade the health research infrastructure. Thus integration of data and findings from qualitative and quantitative components of mixed methods studies, and dissemination of integrated outputs, tended to occur through serendipity and effort, further highlighting the presence of structural constraints. Researchers are agents who may also support current structures - journal reviewers and editors, and directors of postgraduate training courses - and thus have the ability to improve the structural support for exploiting the potential of mixed methods research. Conclusion The environment for health research in the UK appears to be conducive to mixed methods research but not to exploiting the potential of this approach. Structural change, as well as change in researcher behaviour, will be necessary if researchers are to fully exploit the potential of using mixed methods research. PMID:20003210

  9. Structural issues affecting mixed methods studies in health research: a qualitative study. (United States)

    O'Cathain, Alicia; Nicholl, Jon; Murphy, Elizabeth


    Health researchers undertake studies which combine qualitative and quantitative methods. Little attention has been paid to the structural issues affecting this mixed methods approach. We explored the facilitators and barriers to undertaking mixed methods studies in health research. Face-to-face semi-structured interviews with 20 researchers experienced in mixed methods research in health in the United Kingdom. Structural facilitators for undertaking mixed methods studies included a perception that funding bodies promoted this approach, and the multidisciplinary constituency of some university departments. Structural barriers to exploiting the potential of these studies included a lack of education and training in mixed methods research, and a lack of templates for reporting mixed methods articles in peer-reviewed journals. The 'hierarchy of evidence' relating to effectiveness studies in health care research, with the randomised controlled trial as the gold standard, appeared to pervade the health research infrastructure. Thus integration of data and findings from qualitative and quantitative components of mixed methods studies, and dissemination of integrated outputs, tended to occur through serendipity and effort, further highlighting the presence of structural constraints. Researchers are agents who may also support current structures - journal reviewers and editors, and directors of postgraduate training courses - and thus have the ability to improve the structural support for exploiting the potential of mixed methods research. The environment for health research in the UK appears to be conducive to mixed methods research but not to exploiting the potential of this approach. Structural change, as well as change in researcher behaviour, will be necessary if researchers are to fully exploit the potential of using mixed methods research.

  10. Cosmos-1989 immunology studies (United States)

    Sonnenfeld, Gerald


    Evidence from both human and rodent studies has indicated that alterations in immunological parameters occur after space flight. The number of flight experiments has been small, and the full breadth of immunological alterations occurring after space flight remains to be established. Among the major effects on immune responses after space flight that have been reported are: alterations in lymphocyte blastogenesis and natural killer cell activity, alterations in production of cytokines, changes in leukocyte sub-population distribution, and decreases in the ability in the ability of bone marrow cells to respond to colony stimulating factors. Changes have been reported in immunological parameters of both humans and rodents. The significance of these alterations in relation to resistance to infection remains to be established. The current study involved a determination of the effects of flight on Cosmos mission 2044 on leukocyte subset distribution and the sensitivity of bone marrow cells to colony stimulating factor-GM. A parallel study with antiorthostatic suspension was also carried out. The study involved repetition and expansion of studies carried out on Cosmos 1887.

  11. Photovoltaics information user study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belew, W.W.; Wood, B.L.; Marie, T.L.; Reinhardt, C.L.


    The results of a series of telephone interviews with groups of users of information on photovoltaics (PV) are described. These results, part of a larger study on many different solar technologies, identify types of information each group needed and the best ways to get information to each group. The report is 1 of 10 discussing study results. The overall study provides baseline data about information needs in the solar community. It covers these technological areas: photovoltaics, passive solar heating and cooling, active solar heating and cooling, biomass energy, solar thermal electric power, solar industrial and agricultural process heat, wind energy, ocean energy, and advanced energy storage. An earlier study identified the information user groups in the solar community and the priority (to accelerate solar energy commercialization) of getting information to each group. In the current study only high-priority groups were examined. Results from seven PV groups respondents are analyzed in this report: DOE-Funded Researchers, Non-DOE-Funded Researchers, Researchers Working for Manufacturers, Representatives of Other Manufacturers, Representatives of Utilities, Electric Power Engineers, and Educators.

  12. Are studies of psychotherapies for depression more or less generalizable than studies of antidepressants?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lorenzo-Luaces, Lorenzo; Zimmerman, Mark; Cuijpers, Pim

    Background: The generalizability of findings from studies exploring the efficacy of psychotherapy and antidepressants has been called into question in part because studies exclude many patients. Despite this, the frequency with which psychotherapy and antidepressant studies use specific inclusion

  13. Perbedaan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada anak sekolah dasar yang obes dan tidak obes di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irma Nuraeni


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTBackground: Curently, Indonesia has double burden problems nutrition, such as malnutrition and over nutrition. Overnutrition or obesity are not just happening in adults only, but also can occur in childhood. If the problem of obesity in children and adolescents cannot be resolved, it can be infl uenced obese in adulthood then potentially to have noncommunicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Prevalence of obesity inchildren at Yogyakarta Province increases year by year (1;2. Obesity was caused by an imbalance in energy intake andenergy expenditure. Children tend to consume high energy-dense, sweet  taste meal, high fat foods and less dietary fiber from fruits and vegetables. Several studies showed that there was increasing in risk of obesity from someone who have less consumption of fruits and vegetables.Objective:To determine differences in frequency and amount of fruit and vegetable consumption in elementary school children obese and non-obese at Yogyakarta Municipality and  District of Bantul and to find out the risk of obesity in children who have less consumption of fruits and vegetables. Methods:The study design was a case-control, 244 samples as cases (obese children and 244 controls (non-obesechildren. The subject of this study was children aged 6-12 years who were seated in class 1 to class 5 elementary schools at Yogyakarta Municipality and District of Bantul. Identity data obtained from a structured questionnaire respondent, frequency and amount of fruit and vegetable consumption were taken from Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questioner(SQFFQ.Then the results analyzed using statistical test.Results: Statistical test showed that there were significant differences (p<0,05 in the frequency and number of fruit and vegetable consumption in obese and non-obese elementary school children at Yogyakarta Municipality and District of Bantul. Multivariate analysis after controlled by

  14. Chemical Industry Bandwidth Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Chemical Bandwidth Study provides a snapshot of potentially recoverable energy losses during chemical manufacturing. The advantage of this study is the use of "exergy" analysis as a tool for pinpointing inefficiencies.

  15. International Research and Studies Program (United States)

    Office of Postsecondary Education, US Department of Education, 2012


    The International Research and Studies Program supports surveys, studies, and instructional materials development to improve and strengthen instruction in modern foreign languages, area studies, and other international fields. The purpose of the program is to improve and strengthen instruction in modern foreign languages, area studies and other…

  16. Polarization study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nurushev, S.B.


    Brief review is presented of the high energy polarization study including experimental data and the theoretical descriptions. The mostimportant proposals at the biggest accelerators and the crucial technical developments are also listed which may become a main-line of spin physics. 35 refs.; 10 figs.; 4 tabs

  17. The impact of risk studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hansson, B.

    The report is a summary of the reports of various subprojects on nuclear safety. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the role and usefulness of major risk studies in societal opinion forming and decision making processes. The primary research material consisted in seven major risk studies, three of which were concerned with radioactive waste handling, two with reactor safety and two with comparative studies of various sources of energy. Special attention was given to the following four aspects: a) the way in which the studies were interpreted b)the extent to which these studies have clarified the risks they analyse c) the extent to which these studies have narrowed the scientific debate d) the degree to which these studies have actually influenced safety measures and regulatory policy. The picture which emerges is one of success in relation to the effects on the nuclear establishment and largely a failure as attempts at settling disputes and informing the public. (G.B.)

  18. Study of wilms' tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, M.H.; Yaqub, N.


    This study is an effort to bring into light data related to children with Wilms' tumor managed at Islamabad as local literature on this topic is lacking. It was retrospective study. The study was conducted at Children Hospital, Pakistan Institute of Medical Science, Islamabad between January, 1987 and December 1995. All patients managed during the study period were included in the study. In all the patients complete blood count (CBC), urine analysis (D/R),X-ray abdomen and chest, ultrasound abdomen and in selected cases CT scan were performed. National Wilms' Tumor Study Group (NWTS 3) protocol was followed for further management. Fifty patients including 28 males and 22 females with the age range from 9 months to 8 years were managed in 9 years period. Left kidney was involved in 31 patients. Most of the tumors were solid on ultrasound, 76% patients were in stage III and IV. In one case bilateral involvement of kidney was found. Forty patients underwent primary surgery. Only 14 patients received complete course of chemotherapy while 31 radiotherapy. Nineteen patients died and 15 lost to follow-up. The survival and mortality rates are comparable to NWTS-3 results, although, most of the patients were presented in advance stage of Wilms tumor. The survival of these patients can be improved by increasing awareness of society through electronic and print media. (author)

  19. Postpartum physiology, psychology and paediatric follow up study (P4 Study) - Study protocol. (United States)

    Davis, Gregory K; Roberts, Lynne; Mangos, George; Henry, Amanda; Pettit, Franziska; O'Sullivan, Anthony; Homer, Caroline S E; Craig, Maria; Harvey, Samuel B; Brown, Mark A


    Women who have had hypertension in pregnancy are at greater risk of long term cardiovascular disease (CVD). Little is known about their cardiovascular risk postpartum or the effects on the woman's mental health and the outcomes of their infants. In this project we will study the physiological and psychological health of women and the physical health and development of their infants six months, two years and five years after birth. We will establish normal blood pressure (BP) and metabolic function for women who were normotensive in pregnancy and use these to assess women who had gestational hypertension (GH) or preeclampsia (PE). Women will be asked to participate if they have given birth in the preceding six months. They will be excluded if they had diabetes, hypertension, renal or other serious maternal disease prior to pregnancy or congenital anomaly in the pregnancy. We will recruit 292 women who were normotensive and their babies, 100 who had GH and 100 who had PE and their babies. They will be assessed at six months, two and five years after birth. At each assessment mothers will have their blood pressure (BP) assessed peripherally with a liquid crystal sphygmomanometer and 24h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), and centrally with non-invasive applanation tonometry. Additional physiological testing will include: body composition; energy balance; vascular compliance; cardiac function; liver and renal function, lipids and biochemistry; glucose and insulin; and urinalysis. Psychological status will be assessed with validated self-report questionnaires for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mother-infant bonding. The babies will have a medical examination by a paediatrician at each assessment. Their behavioural development will be assessed with an Ages and Stages Questionnaire completed by their mother at each assessment and a developmental assessment by a child psychologist at two and five years. This study will re

  20. Phase controlled rectifier study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bronner, G.; Murray, J.G.


    This report introduces the results of an engineering study incorporating a computer program to determine the transient and steady-state voltage and current wave shapes for a 12-pulse rectifier system. Generally, rectifier engineering studies are completed by making simplified assumptions and neglecting many circuit parameters. The studies incorporate the 3-phase AC parameters including nonlinear source or generator, 3-winding transformer impedances, and shunt and series capacitors. It includes firing angle control, and DC filter circuits with inductive loads

  1. FEMA DFIRM Study Info (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — This table contains details about the study such as the study name, datum, projection, etc. There is normally only one record in this table for each Flood Insurance...

  2. Kuwait oil spill studied (United States)

    Bush, Susan


    More than a year after the Persian Gulf War, scientists are still trying to assess the environmental impact of the estimated 6-8 million barrels of oil that were dumped into the gulf and to understand the environmental processes that take place in such a disturbance. Many atmospheric studies were done in the months immediately following the war, but oceanographic studies have been slower in getting started.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is currently spearheading a major oceanographic study being undertaken in the Persian Gulf by the research vessel Mt. Mitchell. The ship left its home port of Norfolk, Va., in mid-January and arrived in Muscat, Oman, on February 16 to begin a 100-day oceanographic and environmental survey. The six-leg cruise will feature physical oceanography, near-shore, and marine life studies.

  3. American Women and American Studies. (United States)

    Chmaj, Betty E.

    The American Studies Association (ASA) is an interprofessional group, representing a cross-section of persons from American literature, American history, the social sciences, philosophy, archeology, Black Studies, Urban Studies, American Studies, and others. This document by the ASA Commission on the Status of Women includes: (1) a report of the…

  4. Comprehensive study on nuclear weapons. Summary of a United Nations study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In December 1988, by resolution 43/75N, the United Nations General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to carry out a comprehensive update of a 1980 study on nuclear weapons. The study was to take into account recent relevant studies, and consider the political, legal and security aspects of: (a) nuclear arsenals and pertinent technological developments; (b) doctrines concerning nuclear weapons; (c) efforts to reduce nuclear weapons; (d) physical, environmental, medical and other effects of the use of nuclear weapons and of nuclear testing; (e) efforts to achieve a comprehensive nuclear-test ban; (f) efforts to prevent the use of nuclear weapons and their horizontal and vertical proliferation; and (g) the question of verification of compliance with nuclear-arms limitation agreements. The Group's report is presented in nine chapters, eight of which are summarized here; chapter 9, entitled ''Conclusions'', is included in its entirety. In his foreword to the report, the Secretary-General observes that the study represents the most comprehensive review of the relevant developments in the field over the last decade and was carried out during a period of ''far-reaching changes in international relations'' and an ''unprecedented evolution in the relationship between East and West''. This period experienced for the first time the initiation of an effective process of reduction of nuclear weapon stockpiles

  5. Dietary studies of children: the Bogalusa Heart Study experience. (United States)

    Nicklas, T A


    For more than 20 years the Bogalusa Heart Study has been collecting data on children's dietary intakes in a biracial community. The macronutrient contribution of children's diets is similar to that in diets of adolescents: 13% of energy from protein, 49% from carbohydrate, and 38% from fat. As children get older, mean intakes of vitamins and minerals per 1,000 kcal decrease. Ten-year-old children in 1987-1988 were 3 lb heavier than 10-year-olds in 1973-1974. Yet total energy intakes remained virtually the same from 1973 to 1988. The composition of macronutrients shifted over the 15-year period, with an increase in the percentage of energy from protein and carbohydrate and a decrease in the percentage of energy from total fat, particularly saturated fat. Dietary cholesterol intake also decreased as a result of a decrease in egg consumption. Although the diets of children changed positively from 1973 to 1988, more than 75% of children consumed more total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol than the recommended amounts. School meals had a major impact on the diets of children. School breakfast and lunch, together, contributed approximately 50% of the day's total intake of energy, protein, cholesterol, carbohydrate, and sodium. About 40% of daily total fat intake came from school breakfast and lunch. The diets of children in the Bogalusa study are similar to those reported in national studies of children. What might be different, however, are the types of foods consumed and their contribution to intakes of specific nutrients.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  6. Rethinking of the criteria for natural analogue study. A case of Tono natural analogue study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshida, Hidekazu


    Natural analogue regarding long-term performance of the geological disposal system for radioactive waste isolation is essentially the study of geochemical process which has been evolved in geological environment. All geochemical studies, however, will not be nominated as natural analogue studies. It is, therefore, important to be clear the criteria for natural analogue study with the view of analogy by following three categories, (1) Conceptual model development, (2) Data provision and (3) Model testing, for the concept of geological disposal and safety assessment model. Rethinking of the criteria for natural analogue study through the case of Tono Natural Analogue Study, and the usefulness of natural analogue study for the safety assessment of geological disposal system in Japan have been presented in this paper. (author)

  7. Final report on case studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ljungberg, Daniel; McKelvey, Maureen; Lassen, Astrid Heidemann


    Case study as a research design means investigating a single or multiple instance(s) or setting(s) (i.e. a case) and its entire context to explain a phenomenon and its processes. This is achieved through detailed understanding, usually comprised of multiple sources of information. In this way, case...... studies attempt to provide as a complete an understanding of a (complex) phenomenon as possible. Within the AEGIS project, survey and case study research are complementary. They are complementary in the sense that the former can provide more generalizable evidence on a phenomenon in terms of cross......-sectional data, while the latter can provide more in-depth (qualitative) understanding on specific issues. In systematically examining the case studies, however, this report goes beyond a typical single case study. Here we provide a synthesis of 86 case studies. Multiple case studies, following similar focus...

  8. Study of strange nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chrien, R.E.


    A brief history of the discovery of hypernuclei is given and some recent hypernuclei studies are described. Topics include the study of p-shell hypernuclei, 12 C (K - , π - ) experiment, and hypernuclear gamma rays. 13 references

  9. Study of the Release Process of Open Source Software: Case Study


    Eide, Tor Erik


    This report presents the results of a case study focusing on the release process of open source projects initiated with commercial motives. The purpose of the study is to gain an increased understanding of the release process, how a community can be attracted to the project, and how the interaction with the community evolves in commercial open source initiatives. Data has been gathered from four distinct sources to form the basis of this thesis. A thorough review of the open source literatu...

  10. Teaching Secondary Social Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Colin Everett


    Full Text Available Review of the book, instructional strategies for middle and high school social studies: Methods, assessment, and classroom management, by Bruce E. Larson. The book has two goals: It situates the learning of social studies within the broader developmental context of learning and also focuses on “Instructional Strategies.” “Instructional Strategies for Middle and High School Social Studies: Methods, Assessment, and Classroom Management.” 2nd Edition. By Bruce E. Larson. New York: Routledge, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-138-84678-4

  11. American Studies in Romania

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ioana Luca


    Full Text Available American Studies at the University of BucharestThe idea of teaching American Studies and founding a program in American Studies was first voiced in the long meetings of faculty and students held at the University of Bucharest soon after the collapse of the communist regime. The proposal was one of many that reflected the spirit of reform and hope for radical changes at the outset of Romania’s transition to democracy. The absence of institutional structures other than English departments and t...

  12. How To Set Up Your Own Small Business. Service Company Case Study. Manufacturing Firm Case Study. Retail Store Case Study. (United States)

    Fallek, Max

    This collection of case studies is intended for use in a course in setting up a small business. The first, a case study of the process of setting up a service company, covers analyzing the pros and cons of starting one's own business, assessing the competition and local market, and selecting a site for and financing the business. The principal…

  13. Regional Studies Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parzyck, D.C.


    Progress is reported on methodology studies with regard to hydrologic analysis; atmospheric transport; forest growth models; distribution of sensitive species; agricultural analysis; and environmental objectives in energy facility siting. National coal utilization assessment studies are reported with regard to technology characterization; air quality impacts; water resources; regional characterization; forest impacts; coal extraction impacts on sensitive animal species; and health impacts. The following special projects were carried out: water resource aspects of inexhaustible technology deployment; ecological constraints on the rapidly expanded use of coal; and U.S. coal and the global carbon problem

  14. Rockwell support studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rogers, L.E.


    The Rockwell Hanford Operations (RHO) supported ecological studies are designed to clarify ecosystem structure and functioning as pertaining to the management of radioactive waste control areas. To date, emphasis has been placed on characterizing the abiotic and biotic components of these areas, resulting in publication of over 20 PNL documents and several scientific articles pertinent to the 200 Area Waste Management Program. Results are reported from studies on the food habits of ground-dwelling beetles, mule deer, and American Coots inhabiting the areas, and the radiation dose received by rodents inhabiting waste management areas

  15. Throughput rate study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ford, L.; Bailey, W.; Gottlieb, P.; Emami, F.; Fleming, M.; Robertson, D.


    The Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System (CRWMS) Management and Operating (M ampersand O) Contractor, has completed a study to analyze system wide impacts of operating the CRWMS at varying throughput rates, including the 3000 MTU/year rate which has been assumed in the past. Impacts of throughput rate on all phases of the CRWMS operations (acceptance, transportation, storage and disposal) were evaluated. The results of the study indicate that a range from 3000 to 5000 MTU/year is preferred, based on system cost per MTU of SNF emplaced and logistics constraints

  16. Morphing Terminology Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rose, Stuart J.; Brockman, Fred J.; Hart, Michelle L.; Engel, David W.; Valentine, Nancy B.; Calapristi, Augustin J.


    This study investigates methods of automatically identifying and characterizing significant transitions in term usage over time. Within scientific literature, the occurrence of terms reflects the use of technologies and techniques as well as the study of specific species and materials. Transitions in terminology usage may be a result of vocabulary standardization or specialization in which terms are replaced with their shorter form. They may also be a result of new applications, combinations, alternatives, or interests that result in the appearance of new or existing terminology in unexpected contexts.

  17. Case study - Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diaz, E.


    Antecedents and experience of nuclear activities in Argentina; the Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA). First development and research activities. Research reactors and radioisotopes plants. Health physics and safety regulations. - Feasibility studies for the first nuclear power plant. Awarding the first plant CNA I (Atucha I). Relevant data related to the different project stages. Plant performance. - Feasibility study for the second nuclear power plant. Awarding the second plant CNE (Central Nuclear Embalse). Relevant data related to established targets. Differences compared with the first station targets. Local participation. Plant performance. (orig./GL)

  18. A Community of Congruence among Secondary Social Studies Teachers: A Case Study (United States)

    Province, Rachael


    The purpose of this case study was to explore the community of one purposely selected department of secondary social studies teachers. I aimed to provide insight into the nature of one community of congruence amid the many constraints and systemic pressures in school systems today. Many have suggested that education is a microcosm of larger…

  19. A Multilevel Study of Students' Motivations of Studying Accounting: Implications for Employers (United States)

    Law, Philip; Yuen, Desmond


    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of factors affecting students' choice of accounting as a study major in Hong Kong. Design/methodology/approach: Multinomial logistic regression and Hierarchical Generalized Linear Modeling (HGLM) are used to analyze the survey data for the level one and level two data, which is the…

  20. Our World of 7 Billion: Population Studies in Today's Social Studies Classroom (United States)

    Wasserman, Pamela


    The study of world population integrates so many themes and disciplines in the social studies because it encompasses all of human history--the rise of agriculture and civilizations, scientific progress, territorial conflicts, changing gender roles and more. It is also at the heart of human geography and how people came to dominate and alter the…

  1. A genetic association study of the IGF-1 gene and radiological osteoarthritis in a population-based cohort study (the Rotterdam study)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meulenbelt, I.; Bijkerk, C.; Miedema, H.S.; Breedveld, F.C.; Hofman, A.; Valkenburg, H.A.; Pols, H.A.P.; Slagboom, P.E.; Duijn, C.M. van


    Objective - A genetic association study was performed to investigate whether radiographical osteoarthritis (ROA) was associated with specific genotypes of the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) gene. Methods - Subjects aged 55-65 years were selected from a population-based study of which ROA at

  2. Great Basin paleoenvironmental studies project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Project goals, project tasks, progress on tasks, and problems encountered are described and discussed for each of the studies that make up the Great Basin Paleoenvironmental Studies Project for Yucca Mountain. These studies are: Paleobotany, Paleofauna, Geomorphology, and Transportation. Budget summaries are also given for each of the studies and for the overall project

  3. Economic Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. V. Kholopov


    Full Text Available The establishment of the School of Economic Science at MGIMO was due to the necessity of the world economy research, and the need to prepare highly skilled specialists in international economics. The school is developing a number of areas, which reflect the Faculty structure. - Economic theory is one of the most important research areas, a kind of foundation of the School of Economic Science at MGIMO. Economic theory studies are carried out at the chair of Economic theory. "The course of economic theory" textbook was published in 1991, and later it was reprinted seven times. Over the past few years other textbooks and manuals have been published, including "Economics for Managers" by Professor S.N. Ivashkovskaya, which survived through five editions; "International Economics" - four editions and "History of Economic Thought" - three editions. - International Economic Relations are carried out by the Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Activity. Its establishment is associated with the prominent economist N.N. Lyubimov. In 1957 he with his colleagues published the first textbook on the subject which went through multiple republications. The editorial team of the textbook subsequently formed the pride of Soviet economic science - S.M. Menshikov, E.P. Pletnev, V.D. Schetinin. Since 2007, the chair of Foreign Economic Activities led by Doctor of Economics, Professor I. Platonova has been investigating the problems of improving the architecture of foreign economic network and the international competitiveness of Russia; - The history of the study of problems of the world economy at MGIMO begins in 1958 at the chair baring the same name. Since 1998, the department has been headed by Professor A. Bulatov; - The study of international monetary relations is based on the chair of International Finance, and is focused on addressing the fundamental scientific and practical problems; - The chair "Banks, monetary circulation

  4. Toxicological Study of Ocimum sanctum Linn Leaves: Hematological, Biochemical, and Histopathological Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. K. Gautam


    Full Text Available The present study was aimed to study the acute and subacute toxicity studies with orally administered 50% ethanolic leaves extract of Ocimum sanctum Linn (OSE. In acute toxicity tests, four groups of mice (n=6/group/sex were orally treated with doses of 200, 600, and 2000 mg/kg, and general behavior, adverse effects, and mortality were recorded for up to 14 days. In subacute toxicity study, rats received OSE by gavage at the doses of 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg/day (n=6/group/sex for 28 days, and biochemical, hematological, and histopathological changes in tissues (liver, kidney, spleen, heart, and testis/ovary were determined. OSE did not produce any hazardous symptoms or death and CNS and ANS toxicities in the acute toxicity test. Subacute treatment with OSE did not show any change in body weight, food and water consumption, and hematological and biochemical profiles. In addition, no change was observed both in macroscopic and microscopic aspects of vital organs in rats. Our result showed that Ocimum sanctum extract could be safe for human use.

  5. A Study on the Spatial Abilities of Prospective Social Studies Teachers: A Mixed Method Research (United States)

    Yurt, Eyüp; Tünkler, Vural


    This study investigated prospective social studies teachers' spatial abilities. It was conducted with 234 prospective teachers attending Social Studies Teaching departments at Education Faculties of two universities in Central and Southern Anatolia. This study, designed according to the explanatory-sequential design, is a mixed research method,…

  6. Studying Organizations on Instagram

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uta Russmann


    Full Text Available With the rise of social media platforms based on the sharing of pictures and videos, the question of how such platforms should be studied arises. Previous research on social media (content has mainly focused on text (written words and the rather text-based social media platforms Twitter and Facebook. Drawing on research in the fields of visual, political, and business communication, we introduce a methodological framework to study the fast-growing image-sharing service Instagram. This methodological framework was developed to study political parties’ Instagram accounts and tested by means of a study of Swedish political parties during the 2014 election campaign. In this article, we adapt the framework to also study other types of organizations active on Instagram by focusing on the following main questions: Do organizations only use Instagram to share one-way information, focusing on disseminating information and self-presentation? Or is Instagram used for two-way communication to establish and cultivate organization-public relationships? We introduce and discuss the coding of variables with respect to four clusters: the perception of the posting, image management, integration, and interactivity.

  7. Epidemiological studies on syncope

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ruwald, Martin Huth


    of the patients play an essential role. In epidemiology these factors have major impact on the outcome of the patients. Until recently, even the definition of syncope differed from one study to another which has made literature reviews difficult. Traditionally the data on epidemiology of syncope has been taken...... from smaller studies from different clinical settings with wide differences in patient morbidity. Through the extensive Danish registries we examined the characteristics and prognosis of the patients hospitalized due to syncope in a nationwide study. The aims of the present thesis were to investigate......, prevalence and cardiovascular factors associated with the risk of syncope, 4) the prognosis in healthy individuals discharged after syncope, and 5) the prognosis of patients after syncope and evaluation of the CHADS2 score as a tool for short- and long-term risk prediction. The first studies of the present...

  8. Study of Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Social Studies Teacher Candidates on Educational Internet Usage (United States)

    Akman, Özkan


    This study aimed at examining the self-efficacy perceptions of social studies teacher candidates with respect to educational internet use. This research was conducted on a sample of 174 social studies teacher candidates enrolled in Gaziantep University Nizip Faculty of Education. The "Educational Internet Self-Efficacy Scale," developed…

  9. The High/Scope Perry Preschool Study: A Case Study in Random Assignment. (United States)

    Schweinhart, Lawrence J.


    Studied the long-term benefits of preschool programs for young children living in poverty in the High/Scope Perry Preschool Study, which examined the lives of 123 African Americans randomly divided into a preschool treatment group and a no-preschool comparison group. Cost-benefit analyses of data on these students to age 27 show beneficial effects…

  10. Routledge companion to intelligence studies

    CERN Document Server

    Dover, Robert; Hillebrand, Claudia


    The Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies provides a broad overview of the growing field of intelligence studies. The recent growth of interest in intelligence and security studies has led to an increased demand for popular depictions of intelligence and reference works to explain the architecture and underpinnings of intelligence activity. Divided into five comprehensive sections, this Companion provides a strong survey of the cutting-edge research in the field of intelligence studies: Part I: The evolution of intelligence studies; Part II: Abstract approaches to intelligence; Part III: Historical approaches to intelligence; Part IV: Systems of intelligence; Part V: Contemporary challenges. With a broad focus on the origins, practices and nature of intelligence, the book not only addresses classical issues, but also examines topics of recent interest in security studies. The overarching aim is to reveal the rich tapestry of intelligence studies in both a sophisticated and accessible way. This Companion...

  11. Machismo, Marianismo, and Negative Cognitive-Emotional Factors: Findings From the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study. (United States)

    Nuñez, Alicia; González, Patricia; Talavera, Gregory A; Sanchez-Johnsen, Lisa; Roesch, Scott C; Davis, Sonia M; Arguelles, William; Womack, Veronica Y; Ostrovsky, Natania W; Ojeda, Lizette; Penedo, Frank J; Gallo, Linda C


    There is limited research on the traditional Hispanic male and female gender roles of machismo and marianismo, respectively, in relation to negative cognitions and emotions. Given the vulnerability of Hispanics to negative cognitions and emotions, it is important to examine sociocultural correlates of emotional distress. Therefore, we examined associations of machismo and marianismo with negative cognitive-emotional factors (i.e., depression symptoms; cynical hostility; and trait anxiety and anger) in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study, a cross-sectional cohort study of sociocultural and psychosocial correlates of cardiometabolic health. Participants were aged 18-74 years and self-identified as Hispanic of Central American, Cuban, Dominican, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South American, and other Hispanic background ( N = 4,426). Results revealed that specific components of machismo (traditional machismo) and marianismo (family and spiritual pillar dimensions) were associated with higher levels of negative cognitions and emotions after adjusting for socio-demographic factors ( p < .05); these associations remained consistent across sex, Hispanic background group, and acculturation. Findings can inform mental health interventions and contribute to our understanding of the importance of gender role socialization in the context of self-reported negative cognitive-emotional factors in Hispanics.

  12. Building Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Jesper

    We will in this paper approach the challenge of building integrated environmental studies by presenting a crude frame of analysis which take into account both the physical aspects and the social-discursive articulations of environmental problems. This framework partly mirrors the approach of our...... department (Dept. of Environment, Technology and Social Studies, Roskilde University), and has originally in another version been presented in the book “Miljøregulering - tværvidenskabelige studier (Environmental Regulation. Interdisciplinary Studies)” (Holm, Kjærgård & Pedersen eds. 1997, in Danish) written...

  13. Study of copper fluorination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gillardeau, J.


    This report deals with the action of fluorine on copper. Comprehensive descriptions are given of the particular technological methods and of the preparation of the reactants. This fluorination reaction has been studied at medium and low fluorine pressures. A nucleation and growth phenomenon is described. The influence of a pollution of the gas phase on the fluorination process is described. The solid-state reaction between cupric fluoride and cooper has also been studied. A special study has been made of the growth of copper deposits by thermal decomposition of gaseous fluorides. (author) [fr

  14. Study designs may influence results

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Christoffer; Schüz, Joachim; Andreasen, Anne-Marie Serena


    appeared to show an inverse association, whereas nested case-control and cohort studies showed no association. For allergies, the inverse association was observed irrespective of study design. We recommend that the questionnaire-based case-control design be placed lower in the hierarchy of studies...... for establishing cause-and-effect for diseases such as glioma. We suggest that a state-of-the-art case-control study should, as a minimum, be accompanied by extensive validation of the exposure assessment methods and the representativeness of the study sample with regard to the exposures of interest. Otherwise...

  15. Studies of Discourse and Governmentality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    have attempted to critically rethink Foucault’s ideas. This is the first volume that attempts to revisit and expand studies of governmentality by connecting it to the theories and methods of discourse analysis. The volume draws on different theoretical stances and methodological approaches including...... critical discourse analysis, conversation analysis, dialogic analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, the discourse-historical approach, corpus analysis and French discourse analysis. The volume is relevant to students and scholars in the fields of critical discourse studies, conversation analysis......, international studies, environmental studies, political science, public policy and organisation studies....

  16. The Study of Butterflies

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The Study of Butterflies. 3. Intra-specific ... study of chitinous parts of the genitalia, especially of males proved a .... not known to affect mating habits in any way. We now .... such random interactions as well as modifications caused by external ...

  17. Missouri airport investment study (United States)

    The studys purpose is to provide MoDOT with insight to the potential ROI for airport : investments in terms of economic development. To do so, this study addresses two central : objectives: first, an approach to evaluate airport investments; and s...

  18. The Study of Algae (United States)

    Rushforth, Samuel R.


    Included in this introduction to the study of algae are drawings of commonly encountered freshwater algae, a summary of the importance of algae, descriptions of the seven major groups of algae, and techniques for collection and study of algae. (CS)


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 2, 2011 ... immunosuppression associated with HIV/AIDS puts them at a higher risk of developing oesophageal cancer. 47. CASE STUDY. A 49-year-old man was diagnosed as HIV infected, with a CD4 count of 60 cells/µl. He was started on an antiretroviral treatment regimen comprising zidovudine, lamivudine and ...

  20. Hydrogeological study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massa, E.; Heinzen, W.; Santana, J.


    This work shows the hydrogeological study and well drilling carried out in the Teaching Formation Institute San Jose de Mayo Province Uruguay. It was developed a geological review in the National Directorate of Geology and Mining data base as well as field working, geology and hydrogeology recognition and area well drilling inventory.

  1. Contemplative Media Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kevin Healey


    Full Text Available The psychological and socio-economic implications of digital technologies call for scholarship that engages questions about the nature of human consciousness, the construction of the self and the ethics of technical development. In this article, I outline a framework for an approach called contemplative media studies. This approach incorporates several different scholarly threads, namely: via critical political-economic media scholarship, a focus on achieving social and economic justice through policy initiatives and structural reform; via media and religious scholarship, an interest in the religious dimensions of digital culture and the role of media in shaping religious identity; and via contemplative studies, an appreciation of the applicability of contemplative principles to research methods and theory. This framework allows us to examine the spiritual ideology that drives the construction of commercial digital platforms and to ask whether alternative platforms might better catalyze human development. Anchored in a critical commitment to socio-economic justice, contemplative media studies is aimed at articulating an ethically-responsive and economically-sustainable architecture of human flourishing.

  2. Reproducing a Prospective Clinical Study as a Computational Retrospective Study in MIMIC-II. (United States)

    Kury, Fabrício S P; Huser, Vojtech; Cimino, James J


    In this paper we sought to reproduce, as a computational retrospective study in an EHR database (MIMIC-II), a recent large prospective clinical study: the 2013 publication, by the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine (JAAM), about disseminated intravascular coagulation, in the journal Critical Care (PMID: 23787004). We designed in SQL and Java a set of electronic phenotypes that reproduced the study's data sampling, and used R to perform the same statistical inference procedures. All produced source code is available online at Our program identified 2,257 eligible patients in MIMIC-II, and the results remarkably agreed with the prospective study. A minority of the needed data elements was not found in MIMIC-II, and statistically significant inferences were possible in the majority of the cases.

  3. Study Gaps Relevant to Use of Complementary Medicine in Patients With Leukemia: A Review Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Context A review of the literature of recent decades has shown that few studies have been conducted on the effects of various types of complementary medicine on patients with leukemia. Therefore, the present study aimed to find research gaps in the use of different types of complementary medicine in patients with leukemia to be applied in future studies. Evidence Acquisition The present study was a review-type design based on a review of the literature on different types of complementary medicine in patients with leukemia, up to 2015. The search was conducted through electronic databases and search engines. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 8 studies which had been conducted on the use of complementary medicine in patients with leukemia were selected for the identification of gaps. Results The overall results showed that few studies have been conducted on the use of exercise, massage therapy, music therapy, acupressure, and healing touch in patients with leukemia, and these subjects are potential research areas for many different studies. However, no studies have been carried out on the effects of acupuncture, relaxation, and yoga on these patients. Conclusions The results of this review showed that the number of studies on the use of complementary medicine in leukemia patients is very limited (especially in Iran, and it can be the subject of numerous studies in the future.

  4. The study design and methodology for the ARCHER study - adolescent rural cohort study of hormones, health, education, environments and relationships

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Steinbeck Katharine


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Adolescence is characterized by marked psychosocial, behavioural and biological changes and represents a critical life transition through which adult health and well-being are established. Substantial research confirms the role of psycho-social and environmental influences on this transition, but objective research examining the role of puberty hormones, testosterone in males and oestradiol in females (as biomarkers of puberty on adolescent events is lacking. Neither has the tempo of puberty, the time from onset to completion of puberty within an individual been studied, nor the interaction between age of onset and tempo. This study has been designed to provide evidence on the relationship between reproductive hormones and the tempo of their rise to adult levels, and adolescent behaviour, health and wellbeing. Methods/Design The ARCHER study is a multidisciplinary, prospective, longitudinal cohort study in 400 adolescents to be conducted in two centres in regional Australia in the State of New South Wales. The overall aim is to determine how changes over time in puberty hormones independently affect the study endpoints which describe universal and risk behaviours, mental health and physical status in adolescents. Recruitment will commence in school grades 5, 6 and 7 (10–12 years of age. Data collection includes participant and parent questionnaires, anthropometry, blood and urine collection and geocoding. Data analysis will include testing the reliability and validity of the chosen measures of puberty for subsequent statistical modeling to assess the impact over time of tempo and onset of puberty (and their interaction and mean-level repeated measures analyses to explore for significant upward and downward shifts on target outcomes as a function of main effects. Discussion The strengths of this study include enrollment starting in the earliest stages of puberty, the use of frequent urine samples in addition to annual

  5. Case studies in conservation science (United States)

    Bisulca, Christina

    The research presented in this dissertation covers three separate topics of conservation as defined by the National Science Foundation: 1) Materials Stabilization, Strengthening, Monitoring, and Repair; 2. Understanding Material Degradation and Aging; and 3) Materials and Structural Characterization of Cultural Heritage Objects (the 'technical study'). The first topic is addressed through a study to assess the consolidant tetraethoxysilane for the stabilization of alum treated wood. Falling under materials degradation studies is a study published in American Museum Novitates to understand how environmental conditions affect the aging of fossil resins from five different deposits. Two separate studies are included in technical study of cultural heritage objects which comprises the third research area of materials characterization. The first is a survey of red dyes used in Chinese paintings from the Ming Dynasty to the Early Republic (1364-1911). The second is a study of the pigments, dyes and binders used in Hawaiian barkcloth (kapa) from the 19th century.

  6. Studies in Rheoencephalography (REG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Bodo


    Full Text Available This article presents an overview of rheoencephalography (REG – electrical impedance measurements of the brain – and summarizes past and ongoing research to develop medical applications of REG for neuro-critical care and for primary prevention of stroke and cardiovascular disease. The availability of advanced electronics and computation has opened up the potential for use of REG technology as a noninvasive, continuous and inexpensive brain monitor for military and civilian applications. The clinical background information presented here introduces physiological and clinical environments where REG has potential for use in research and clinical settings. REG studies over the past three decades have involved in vitro and in vivo groups (animal and human, including more than 1500 measurements and related electronic and computational results and practical applications. In vitro studies helped researchers understand the flow/volume relationship between Doppler ultrasound and electrical impedance signals and supported development of REG data processing methods. In animal studies, REG was used to monitor the lower limit of cerebral blood flow (CBF autoregulation (AR using a newly developed algorithm. These animal studies also confirmed correlations between REG and measurements of carotid flow (CF and intracranial pressure (ICP. Human studies confirmed the applicability of REG for detecting cerebrovascular alteration, demonstrating the usefulness of REG in the field of stroke/cardio-vascular disease prevention. In these studies, REG was compared to known stroke risk factors and to results obtained using carotid ultrasound measurements. An intelligent REG system (Cerberus has been developed for primary stroke prevention. In these studies, the biologically relevant variables of the REG signal were pulse amplitude (minimum – maximum distance and duration of the anacrotic (rising portion of the REG pulse wave. The principal limitation of REG for

  7. Assurance of Learning and Study Abroad: A Case Study (United States)

    Rexeisen, Richard J.; Al-Khatib, Jamal


    Most academic programs are now held accountable for measuring student-learning outcomes. This article reports the results of an assurance of learning (AOL) project designed to measure the impact of study abroad on the development of ethical reasoning, intercultural sensitivity, and environmental attitudes. The Association to Advance Collegiate…

  8. Electron microscope studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crewe, A.V.; Kapp, O.H.


    This year our laboratory has continued to make progress in the design of electron-optical systems, in the study of structure-function relationships of large multi-subunit proteins, in the development of new image processing software and in achieving a workable sub-angstrom STEM. We present an algebraic approach to the symmetrical Einzel (unipotential) lens wherein we simplify the analysis by specifying a field shape that meets some preferred set of boundary or other conditions and then calculate the fields. In a second study we generalize this approach to study of three element electrostatic lenses of which the symmetrical Einzel lens is a particular form. The purpose is to develop a method for assisting in the design of a lens for a particular purpose. In our biological work we study a stable and functional dodecameric complex of globin chains from the hemoglobin of Lumbricus terrestris. This is a complex lacking the ''linker'' subunit first imaged in this lab and required for maintenance of the native structure. In addition, we do a complete work-up on the hemoglobin of the marine polychaete Eudistylia vancouverii demonstrating the presence of a hierarchy of globin complexes. We demonstrate stable field-emission in the sub-angstrom STEM and the preliminary alignment of the beam. We continue our exploration of a algorithms for alignment of sequences of protein and DNA. Our computer facilities now include four second generation RISC workstations and we continue to take increasing advantage of the floating-point and graphical performance of these devices

  9. Indonesia country study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This study demonstrated the use of MARKAL model in carbon mitigation analysis for both energy and forestry sector. Four scenarios were used namely: 1. EbFb (baseline scenario). In this scenario, mitigation technologies in the energy sector were not included in the model and no target was set up for increasing net carbon uptake by forest activities. 2. EmFb. Mitigation technologies in the energy sector were included with the target of reducing cumulative net carbon emission by about 13% and activities in the forestry sectors were the same as those in baseline. 3. EbFm. Mitigation technologies in the energy sector were not included and the forestry activities were targeted to increase the carbon uptake so that the cumulative net carbon emission decreased by 13%. 4. EmFm. Mitigation technologies in the energy sector were included as well as forestry sector with target of reducing cumulative net carbon emission by about 35%. This study indicates that the MARKAL model has the potential to be used for mitigation analysis for both energy and forestry sectors. However, there are some limitations encountered during the study. The program is not able to accommodate the delayed emission from the forestry sector in a manner consistent to the treatment of emissions in the energy sector. In addition, there are some technical problems that still need to be resolved such as the inclusion of soil carbon uptake calculation in the model and the verification of carbon uptake calculation. In this study, all carbon uptakes was assumed to occur at the time of planting. (EHS) 37 refs.

  10. Studies of Personality Disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ronningstam, Elsa; Simonsen, Erik; Oldham, John M


    The past 25 years have shown major advances in the studies of personality disorders. This collaborative article by the presidents, past and present, of ISSPD reflects on the progress within several significant areas of studies, i.e., assessment, neuroscience, treatment, prevention, advocacy...

  11. Luminescence study of spodumene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isotani, S.; Fujii, A.T.; Antonini, R.; Pontuschka, W.M.; Rabani, S.R.; Furtado, W.W.


    A comparative study is made of the luminescence of five kinds of spodumene from Minas Gerais, Brazil, studied previously by optical absorption spectroscopy. Natural gemstones are used which, in the course of the experiments, were irradiated with X-rays. (L.C.) [pt

  12. Multimodality in organization studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Van Leeuwen, Theo


    This afterword reviews the chapters in this volume and reflects on the synergies between organization and management studies and multimodality studies that emerge from the volume. These include the combination of strong sociological theorizing and detailed multimodal analysis, a focus on material...

  13. The Faroese IBD Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hammer, Turid; Nielsen, Kari R.; Munkholm, Pia


    Background and Aims: Inflammatory bowel diseases [IBDs] include Crohn’s disease [CD], ulcerative colitis [UC], and IBD unclassified [IBDU]. In 2010 and 2011, the ECCO-EpiCom study found the worldwide highest incidence of inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] in the Faroe Islands: 83 per 100 000...... [European Standard Population, ESP]. The present study assessed the long-term time trends in IBD incidence in the Faroese population. Methods: In this population-based study, data were retrieved from the National Hospital of the Faroe Islands and included all incident cases of CD, UC, and IBDU diagnosed...... from 4 to 44, and for IBDU from 2 to 21 per 100 000 [ESP]. Conclusions: The high IBD incidence was found to be a relatively new phenomenon. The observed increase is unlikely to be an artefact resulting from, for instance, better registration. Our study indicated a real and increasing disease burden...

  14. Disability Is a Feminist Issue: Bringing Together Women’s and Gender Studies and Disability Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alison Piepmeier


    Full Text Available This paper tracks a series of conversations between a women's and gender studies professor and two of her undergraduate students, all of whom are interested in disability studies. We explore the links between disability and feminism, and to think through the possibilities of having disability studies become part of the academy. Our primarily positive interactions with the academic institution and our interest in disability studies has led to our argument that disability is in fact a feminist issue. Disability studies has allowed each of us to re-conceptualize our own relationships to feminist theory, and shaped our ability to envision a better academic environment for all students.  Keywords: feminist disability studies, intersectionality, pedagogy, mental disability

  15. Critical cyberculture studies

    CERN Document Server

    Silver, David; Jones, Steve


    Starting in the early 1990s, journalists and scholars began responding to and trying to take account of new technologies and their impact on our lives. By the end of the decade, the full-fledged study of cyberculture had arrived. Today, there exists a large body of critical work on the subject, with cutting-edge studies probing beyond the mere existence of virtual communities and online identities to examine the social, cultural, and economic relationships that take place online. Taking stock of the exciting work that is being done and positing what cyberculture's future might look like, Criti

  16. Information management system study results. Volume 1: IMS study results (United States)


    The information management system (IMS) special emphasis task was performed as an adjunct to the modular space station study, with the objective of providing extended depth of analysis and design in selected key areas of the information management system. Specific objectives included: (1) in-depth studies of IMS requirements and design approaches; (2) design and fabricate breadboard hardware for demonstration and verification of design concepts; (3) provide a technological base to identify potential design problems and influence long range planning (4) develop hardware and techniques to permit long duration, low cost, manned space operations; (5) support SR&T areas where techniques or equipment are considered inadequate; and (6) permit an overall understanding of the IMS as an integrated component of the space station.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joko Widodo


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kepuasan mahasiswa pada layanan akademik program studi (Prodi dan program pascasarjana (PPs , Mendeskripsikan kinerja akademik program studi dan program pascasarjana, Mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor yang mendukung kinerja akademik prodi dan PPs. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa PPs aktif S2 semester 2 berjumlah 621 orang. Sedangkan sampel penelitian diambil secara simple random sampling berjumlah 102 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan akademik baik pada lingkup Prodi maupun lingkup PPs tergolong dalam kategori baik, Deskripsi hasil kinerja akademik Prodi, secara umum termasuk kategori baik, Berdasarkan hasil deskripsi enam indikator kinerja akademik PPs, secara umum rata-rata berada pada kategori baik.  Kinerja akademik PPs ditentukan oleh indikator sarana prasarana pendidikan (tangibles, kehandalan dosen dan staf (reliability, sikap tanggap dosen dan staf akademik (responsibility, perlakuan dosen dan staf pada mahasiswa (assurance, pemahaman terhadap kepentingan mahasiswa (emphaty, dan kepuasan mahasiswa (satisfaction. Saran yang diberikan hendaknya Program pascasarjana perlu mendorong peningkatan jumlah dosen dengan kualifikasi doktor (S3 sehingga layanan akademik perkuliahan dapat meningkat dan berdampak pula pada kinerja akademik secara keseluruhan.This study aimed to describe student satisfaction in the service of academic of study program  and graduate programs , describing the academic performance of study program and graduate program,  describes the factors that support academic performance of study program and graduate program. The population are active graduate students who are in second semester, the  total number is  621 people. While the study sample is taken by simple random sampling, total sample is 102 people. Results show that student satisfaction for academic services in both  study programs and graduate programs are  in  good

  18. Addressing the "Replication Crisis": Using Original Studies to Design Replication Studies with Appropriate Statistical Power. (United States)

    Anderson, Samantha F; Maxwell, Scott E


    Psychology is undergoing a replication crisis. The discussion surrounding this crisis has centered on mistrust of previous findings. Researchers planning replication studies often use the original study sample effect size as the basis for sample size planning. However, this strategy ignores uncertainty and publication bias in estimated effect sizes, resulting in overly optimistic calculations. A psychologist who intends to obtain power of .80 in the replication study, and performs calculations accordingly, may have an actual power lower than .80. We performed simulations to reveal the magnitude of the difference between actual and intended power based on common sample size planning strategies and assessed the performance of methods that aim to correct for effect size uncertainty and/or bias. Our results imply that even if original studies reflect actual phenomena and were conducted in the absence of questionable research practices, popular approaches to designing replication studies may result in a low success rate, especially if the original study is underpowered. Methods correcting for bias and/or uncertainty generally had higher actual power, but were not a panacea for an underpowered original study. Thus, it becomes imperative that 1) original studies are adequately powered and 2) replication studies are designed with methods that are more likely to yield the intended level of power.

  19. The global maternal sepsis study and awareness campaign (GLOSS): study protocol. (United States)

    Bonet, Mercedes; Souza, Joao Paulo; Abalos, Edgardo; Fawole, Bukola; Knight, Marian; Kouanda, Seni; Lumbiganon, Pisake; Nabhan, Ashraf; Nadisauskiene, Ruta; Brizuela, Vanessa; Metin Gülmezoglu, A


    Maternal sepsis is the underlying cause of 11% of all maternal deaths and a significant contributor to many deaths attributed to other underlying conditions. The effective prevention, early identification and adequate management of maternal and neonatal infections and sepsis can contribute to reducing the burden of infection as an underlying and contributing cause of morbidity and mortality. The objectives of the Global Maternal Sepsis Study (GLOSS) include: the development and validation of identification criteria for possible severe maternal infection and maternal sepsis; assessment of the frequency of use of a core set of practices recommended for prevention, early identification and management of maternal sepsis; further understanding of mother-to-child transmission of bacterial infection; assessment of the level of awareness about maternal and neonatal sepsis among health care providers; and establishment of a network of health care facilities to implement quality improvement strategies for better identification and management of maternal and early neonatal sepsis. This is a facility-based, prospective, one-week inception cohort study. This study will be implemented in health care facilities located in pre-specified geographical areas of participating countries across the WHO regions of Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South East Asia, and Western Pacific. During a seven-day period, all women admitted to or already hospitalised in participating facilities with suspected or confirmed infection during any stage of pregnancy through the 42nd day after abortion or childbirth will be included in the study. Included women will be followed during their stay in the facilities until hospital discharge, death or transfer to another health facility. The maximum intra-hospital follow-up period will be 42 days. GLOSS will provide a set of actionable criteria for identification of women with possible severe maternal infection and maternal sepsis. This study

  20. The Shozu Herpes Zoster (SHEZ) Study: Rationale, Design, and Description of a Prospective Cohort Study (United States)

    Takao, Yukiko; Miyazaki, Yoshiyuki; Onishi, Fumitake; Kumihashi, Hideaki; Gomi, Yasuyuki; Ishikawa, Toyokazu; Okuno, Yoshinobu; Mori, Yasuko; Asada, Hideo; Yamanishi, Koichi; Iso, Hiroyasu


    Background The incidence and risk factors for herpes zoster have been studied in cross-sectional and cohort studies, although most such studies have been conducted in Western countries. Evidence from Asian populations is limited, and no cohort study has been conducted in Asia. We are conducting a 3-year prospective cohort study in Shozu County in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan to determine the incidence and predictive and immunologic factors for herpes zoster among Japanese. Methods The participants are followed for 3 years, and a telephone survey is conducted every 4 weeks. The participants were assigned to 1 of 3 studies. Participants in study A gave information on past history of herpes zoster and completed health questionnaires. Study B participants additionally underwent varicella-zoster virus (VZV) skin testing, and study C participants additionally underwent blood testing. If the participants develop herpes zoster, we evaluate clinical symptoms, measure cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity using venous blood sampling, photograph skin areas with rash, conduct virus identification testing by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and virus isolation from crust sampling, and evaluate postherpetic pain. Results We recruited 12 522 participants aged 50 years or older in Shozu County from December 2009 through November 2010. The participation rate was 65.7% of the target population. Conclusions The present study is likely to provide valuable data on the incidence and predictive and immunologic factors for herpes zoster in a defined community-based population of Japanese. PMID:22343323